nr ri — 3 v^' ^%:^; m0^. ^^£MJki^ ^^Jf^' '^m^'Q) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS FOURTH SERIES (1884-1900) . VOL. XIII CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager aonHon: FETTER LANE, E.G. lEDmbutfilj : 100 PRINCES STREET iSEtlin: A. ASHER AND CO. Eeipjig: F. A. BROCKHAUS Bcmbag anll Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. tlToronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. Eoftgo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPEHS FOURTH SERIES (1884-1900) COMPILED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON VOL. XIII A B ^ CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1914 PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE TO FOURTH SERIES The Fourth Series of the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers, of which this is the first volume, comprises the titles of papers published or read during the period 1884 to 1900, and concludes the work undertaken by the Royal Society. The Catalogue thus completed will contain titles of papers for the whole of the nineteenth century. The continuation of the work is now in the hands of the authorities of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, which deals with the titles and subjects of papers published after the end of the year 1900. In order to obtain the material for the present Catalogue arranged according to Authors, and also for the Subject Indexes of the various sciences, the serial publications on the list for the period 1884-1900 were submitted to Referees conversant with the sciences treated in them, who selected the papers that ought to be catalogued. The Referees have, in addition, advised the inclusion of parts of some Serials which had been omitted in previous volumes of the Catalogue either by accident or in consequence of their being at the time inaccessible. These and all other entries relating to papers previous to 1884 are marked by asterisks in accordance with the method adopted in the earlier series of the Catalogue. In consequence of the selection of the papers having been made by different Referees, and especially on account of the different characters of the subject matter, there will probably be found some differences of method of selection as regards the less exactly defined sciences, especially in the cases of Anthropology and Geography. When the preparation of the slips was commenced, it was intended to number the entries consecutively under each author, as had been the practice in the previous twelve volumes ; but, in consideration of the time occupied in identifying the authors in order to connect the numbers with those in former parts of the Catalogue and the large quantity of matter to be dealt with, the Committee decided that the numbering should be discon- tinued. Thus the numbering is here confined to entries under the letter A. Where the full names of authors are not given at the headings of the papers, but only their surnames, a dash has been placed after the surname, if there is no probability of confusion with other authors. Where such confusion might occur, reference books have been consulted or, as a last resort, application has been made, when possible, to the authors themselves for information. In the cases in which names of authors have been made complete by addition of parts nott appended to the original papers the additions are printed in square brackets. The preparation of Catalogues and hand lists would be much VI facilitated if the editors of Scientific Journals would insist on authors giving their full names in all their papers ; this is the practice in some Societies, but it is by no means universal. In the compilation of the supplementary Volume XII it was decided that reference should be given only to the original publication of a paper, and that abstracts should not be inserted unless they were of papers published in the less well-known languages. In order to find the original paper it was often necessary to compare it with its reprints, and to select the one that appeared to be most suitable. This was found to entail a large amount of work, and the Committee has therefore thought it advisable to discontinue such procedure and to include under one entry the papers from different Serials which have identical titles and approximately the same date. This course has economised time ; and it has the advantage of making reference more easy where some of the Serials are not readily accessible. Such entries are, however, not quite complete because a considerable number of the duplicates had been destroyed before this decision was made. When possible, abstracts of papers in languages other than English, French, German, Italian or Latin are included in the entries along with the originals. When the reference to a paper contains more than one set of pages these usually represent different parts of the same paper; but in the case of papers in the less familiar languages contained in Serials which also issue a translation or rdsume of the paper in some better known language, the additional paging sometimes represents this translation, not a continuation of the paper. In certain Serials the second paging has been marked R^s. irrespective of the language of the translation or abstract. Anonymous papers have not been entered in the Catalogue of Authors, although their contents have been used for the Subject Index. In former volumes these anonymous papers have been printed separately under the respective Serials, after Z. The titles of important Patents have been collected and will be placed at the end of the Catalogue. Very brief notes which are especially numerous in the Zoological Serials have not been catalogued owing to inevitable limitations of space. For the transliteration of the names of Russian authors the system adopted by the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, based on the phonetic value of Roman letters in Bohemian, has been used, cross references being employed to facilitate identification. A list of the 1555 Serials which have been examined for the preparation of the Catalogue, together with the Abbreviations used for their titles, is prefixed. A large number of expert Referees have assisted in the selection of the papers and in making the titles for the Subject Index, and the Committee is indebted for this responsible and valuable work to Miss K. A. Burke, Miss G. L. EUes, Miss Alice Everett, Miss E. J. Forbes, Miss W. M. Hudson, Miss G. L. C. Matthaei, Miss F. M. G. Micklethwait, Miss M. H. Naylor, Miss E. Perrin, Miss Burna Pool, Mrs Kingston Quiggin, Miss Ida Smedley, Miss Frances A. Welby, Miss A. Werner, Mr F. Allen, Dr E. F. Armstrong, Dr A. P. Beddard, Mr T. Duncan Bell, Mr J. H. Binder, Mr W. W. Bryant, Dr John Cameron, Dr E. P. Cathcart, Mr C. V. Crook, Mr J. T. Cunningham, Mr R. J. Dallas, Mr W. A. Davis, Dr E. Drabble, Vll Dr W. d'Este Emery, Professor J. D. Everett, Mr W. F. Fallaize, Dr Herbert French, Dr F. E. Fritsch, Mr A. T. Goodfellow, Dr E. Goulding, Mr W. F. Gwinnell, Mr James S. Harding, Mr R. Hargreaves, Dr David Fraser Harris, Dr T. A. Henry, Mr T, G. Hill, Dr J. Horder, Mr H. Knapman, Dr R. A. Lehfeldt, Mr W. Lowson, Mr T. H. Pope, Mr H. E. Sehmits, Mr J. H. Shaxby, Dr E. W. Skeats, Mr L. J. Spencer, Mr R. Strachan, Mr W. L. Symes, Mr Northcote W. Thomas, Dr W. Marshall Watts, Mr G. Harold Wilson. The Committee is indebted to the authorities of the British Museum, of the Natural History Museum, of the Royal College of Surgeons, of the Patent Office, and of the Meteorological Office, for the facilities given to the type-writers and revisers of the Catalogue staff, in their task of copying titles of papers from the Serials in the libraries of these institutions ; the Committee is also indebted to the Cambridge University Library, to the Chemical Society, the Geological Society, the Linnean Society, the Royal Astronomical Society, the Royal Geographical Society and the Alpine Club for the loan of books for the preparation of the Catalogue. To the authorities of these Libraries and of others which have been consulted the Committee gratefully expresses thanks for the assistance that has been received. The present volume contains 11551 entries of titles of papers by 2001 Authors with the initial A, and 51720 entries of papers by 6928 Authors with the initial B, making a total of 63271 entries by 8929 Authors. In consequence of the large amount of material for the Period 1884-1900, it has been found necessary to print this and the succeeding volumes in smaller type than that used in volumes I to XII. The Catalogue Committee desires to record its thanks to the persons constituting the Staff entrusted with the work of arranging the material and preparing it for the press. In particular it acknowledges indebtedness to the Director, Dr Herbert M^'Leod, F.R.S., for the scrupulous care which has characterized his management, to Miss Bremner, Miss Vagner, Miss Barnard, Miss Earthy, Miss Harkness, Miss Hanbury, and Miss Chapman, and to the other members of the Catalogue Staff, for their untiring zeal. The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press have undertaken the complete risk of printing and publishing, as regards both the Catalogue of Scientific Papers and the Subject Index. It will be the care of the Committee, and it is hoped of the Scientific world generally, to use their best endeavours that this public-spirited action shall not result in financial loss. The thanks of the Committee are due to the officials of the Cambridge Press for their unfailing courtesy in the discharge of the complex task of printing the material. Ma/rch, 1914. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. A. Aarau, Mitth Mittheilungen des Aai-gauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 8vo. Aarau. 4, 1886—9, 1901 [in part]. Abeille [Publications de la Societe ilntomologique de France.] L'Abeille. Journal d'Entomologie. Paris. 12mo. 22, 1884 27, 1890- 92. 8vo. 28, 1892-96 & 29, 1896-1900. Acireale Ace. Atti Atti e llendiconti dell' Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti dei Zelanti e PP. dello Studio di Acireale. 8vo. Acireale. 1, 1890-9, 1899. Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. BoUettino della Societa Italiana dei Microscopisti. 8vo. Acireale Boll. 1, [1891]. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta Nova Acta Acadeinite Ctesareaj Leopoldino-Carolime Germanica; Natune Curiosoruui. Verhandlungen [Abhandlungen] der kaiserlichen Leopold inisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher. 4to. Halle. 45, 1884 — 73, 1907 [to p. 239] ; 74, 1899—77, 1901 [to p. 367]. Acta Math Acta Mathematica. 4to. Stockholm. 4, 1884 — 23, 1900. Aeronaute L' Aeronaute. 8vo. Paris. 9, 1876 ; 12, 1879 ; 13, 1880 ; 1884- 1900. [1-8, 10, II and 14-16 already indexed.] Aeronaut. Jl The Aeronautical Journal. 8vo. London. 1, 1897 — 4, 1900. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep [Annual] Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. I2mo. Greenwich. 19, 1884—23, [1893]. Agr. Soc. Jl The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 8vo. London. [Second Series.] 20, 1884—25, 1889. [Third Series.] 1,1890-11,1900. Agr. Stud. Gaz Agricidtural Students' Gazette. Edited by the Students at the Hoyal Agricultural College, Cirencester. 8vo. Cirencester. [New Series.] I, 1882-84 [from p. 161]— 10, 1900-02 [to p. 66]. Aix Ac. Mem Memoires de I'Acadeuiie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belles- Lettres d'Aix. 8vo. A ix-en-Provence. 13,1885—18,1900. Alabama Geol. Surv. Bull. Geological Survey of Alabama. Bulletin. 8vo. Montgomery, Ala. Jacksonville. 1, 1886—6, 1900. Albany Puhlishiny place of N.Y. Mus. Bull., q.v. N.Y. Mus. Mem., q.v. N.Y. Mus. Rep., q.v. Albany Inst. Trans Transactions of the Albany Institute, 8vo. Albany. 11, 1887 & 12, 1893. Allg. Bot. Ztschr Allgemeine Botanische Zeitschrift fiir Systematik, Floristik, Ptian- zengeographie, etc. 8vo. Karlsruhe. 1895-1900. [Allg.] Deutsche Ornith. Ges. See Jl. f. Ornith. Allg. Ent. Ges ^'««i 111. Ztschr. Ent. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesam. See Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. Naturwiss. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr. ... Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychischgerichtliche Medicin. 8vo. Berlin. 40, 1884—57, 1900. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4to. Cambridge [Mass.]. II, 1888 {Ft. 2) & 12, 1902 [to p. 466]. b Amer. Ac. Mem. R. S. A. C. Amer. Ac. Proc Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 8vo. Boston. 19, 1884—36, 1901 [to p. 238]. Amer. Ass. Proc Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8vo. Salem. 1884-1900. Amer. Chem. Jl American Chemical Journal. 8vo. Baltimore. 5 (1883-84) — 24 (1900). Amer. Chem. Sec. Jl The Journal of the American Chemical Society. 8vo. New York. Easton, Pa. 6, 1884—22, 1900. Amer. Engineer & Rail- American Engineer, [Car Builder] and Raih-oad Journal. Folio. road Jl. 8vo. New York. 67, 1893—74, 1900. Continuation of: Railroad & Engin. Jl., q.v. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans Transactions of the American Entomological Society [and Pro- ceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences]. 8vo. Philadelphia. 11, 1884—27, 1900- 01 [to p. 155]. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York. 8vo. New York. 14 (1882)— 32 (1900). Amer. Geologist The American Geologist. 8vo. Minneapolis, Minn. 1,1888 — 26, 1900. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull '.. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 8vo. New York. Rochester. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. 8vo. Trans. Philadelphia. Easton, Pa. New York City. 1 (1871-73)— 31, 1902 [to p. 109]. Amer. Jl. Math American Journal of Mathematics. . . .Published under the Auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. 4to. Baltimore. 6, 1884 — 22, 1900. Amer. Jl. Pharm The American Journal of Pharmacy. 8vo. Philadelphia 56, 1884—72, 1900. Amer. Jl. Physiol The American Journal of Physiology. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A. 1, 1898—4, 1901. Amer. Jl. Psychol The American Journal of Psychology. 8vo. Baltimore. Worcester, Mass. 1, 1888—12, 1900-01 [to p. 144]. Amer. Jl. Sci The American Journal of Science. 8vo. New Haven, Conn. [Third Series.] 27, 1884—50, 1895. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1896— 10, 1900. Amer. Math. Soc See N.Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Amer. Meteorol. Jl American Meteorological Journal. 8vo. Detroit. Ann Arbor, Mich. Boston. New York. Chicago. London. 1 (1884-85) —12 (1895-96). Amer. Micr. Jl The American Monthly Microscopical Journal. 8vo. Washington. 5, 1884—21, 1900. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. 8vo. Washing- ton. Ithaca, N. Y. 14 (1892)— 16 (1894). Continuation of: Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, q.v. Succeeded by .• Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans. ... Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 8vo. Lincoln, Neb. Buffalo. 17, 1895—21, 1900. Amer. Mus. Bull. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 8vo. New York. 1 (1881-86) [from p. 139]— 13, 1900. Amer. Mus. Mem Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History. 4to. New York. 1, 1903 [to p. 214] & 2, 1900. Amer. Natlist The American Naturalist. 8vo. Philadelphia. Boston. 18,1884 —34, 1900. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. 8vo. Trans. Boston. Hartford. 1884-1900. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia foi' Promoting Useful Knowledge. 8vo. Philadelphia. 21, 1884—31, 1893; 33, 1894—39, 1900. XI Memorial Volume, 1, 1900. Proceedings commemorative of the one hundred and fiftieth Anni- versary of the Foundation of the American Philosophical Society held May 22—26, 1893. 8vo. Philadelphia. [32], 1894. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge. 4to. Philadelphia 16, 1890—19, 1898. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc. Proceedings of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. 8vo. Newburgh, N. Y. Manhattan, Kansas. Colum- bus, Ohio. State College, Pa. 1883-84—1893; 1895. [1894 inaccessible.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Svo, Trans. New York. 13, 1884—44, 1900. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists. 8vo. No publishing place. 1884— 1887 ; 10, 1888— 13 (1891). Continued as : Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, q.v. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep Annual Report of the State Agricultural Experimental Station at Amherst, Mass. Svo. Boston. 1, 1884 &, 2, 1885. Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agri- cultural Experiment Station at Amherst, Mass. Svo. Boston. 3, 1886—12, 1895. Amiens Publishing place of N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., q.v. N. France Soc. Linn. Mem., q.v. Amiens Ac. Mem Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts d' Amiens. Svo. Amiens. 31, 1886—47, 1901. Amsterdam Ak. Jaarb Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen gevestigd te Amsterdam. Svo. Amsterdam. 1884-1900. Amsterdam Ak. Proc Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Pro- ceedings of the Section of Sciences. Svo. Amsterdam. 1, 1899—3, 1901 [in part]. Amsterdam, Ak. Verh , Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. 4to. Amsterdam. 13, 1873; 23, 1883—29, 1892. [Sections 1 it 2] 1, 1893—7, 1901. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl Verslagen der Zittingen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Svo. Amster- dam. [1], 1893—4, 1896. Continuation of: Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., q.v. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Vers- lag[en] van de gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. Svo. Amsterdam. 5, 1897—9, 1901 [to p. 480]. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- Meded. schappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Svo. Amsterdam. [Second Series.] 19, 1884 . 18, 1900 [incomplete]. California Min. Bur. Rep. [California State Mining Bureau.],..Pteport of the State Mineralogist. 8vo. Sacramento. [1], 1880—13, 1896. California Univ. Dept. Geol. Bulletin of the Department of Geology of the University of Bull. California. 8vo. Berkeley. 1, 1893-96 & 2, 1896-1902 [to p. 230]. Cambridge (Mass.) IhMishing place of Amer. Ac. Mem., q. v. Bussey Inst. Bull.^ q. v. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 5, 1886—10, 1900. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 4to. Cam- bridge. 14, 1889—18, 1900. [18, 1900 is the Stokes Jubilee Volume.] Canada Geol. Surv Geological [and Natural History] Survey of Canada. (Cat. Canad. Plants) Catalogue of Canadian Plants. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1, 1883 — 7, 1902. (Contrib. Micro-Palae- Contributions to the Micro-Palseontology of the Cambro-Silurian ont.) Rocks of Canada. 8vo. Ottawa. Montreal. 1, 1883 & 2, 1889. Contributions to Canadian Micro- Palaeontology. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 3, 1891 & 4, 1892. (Contrib. Palaeont.) ... Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1, 1885-98; 2 {Pt. 1), 1895, (Ft. 2), 1900; 4 {Pt. 1), 1899. 4to. Montreal. 3 {Pt. 1), 1891. (Fobs. Plants) Report on the Fossil Plants. 8vo. Montreal. 1871 ; 1873 ; 1882. (Mesozoic Foss.) Mesozoic Fossils. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1, 1876-1903 [to p. 307]. (Palaeozoic Foss.) Palaeozoic Fossils. 8vo. Montreal. 1, 1861-65— 3, 1884-1906 [to p. 242]. (Silurian Foss. of Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of the Island of Anticosti, with Anticosti) descriptions of some new genera and species. 8vo. Monti eal. 1866. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep.... Geological [and Natural History] Survey [and Museum] of Canada. [Annual] Report. 8vo. Montreal. Ottawa. 1882-84. [New Series.] 1, 1886—11, 1901 [in part]. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Trans. 4to. Montreal. Ottawa. 2, 1885 — 12, 1895. [Second Series.] 1, 1895—6, 1900. [Sections 1 & 2 not indexed.] Canad. Ent The Canadian Entomologist. 8vo. London [Ontario]. 16,1884 — 32, 1900. Canad. Inst. Proc Proceedings of the Canadian Institute [Toronto, being a continuation of "The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History"]. 8vo. Toronto. 2, 1884—7, 1890. [New Series.] 1, 1898 & 2, 1904 [to p. 95]. Canad. Inst. Trans Transactions of the Canadian Institute. 8vo. Toronto. 1,1891 — 7, 1904 [to p. 6]. Canad. Rec. Sci The Canadian Record of Science, including the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, and replacing the Canadian Naturalist. 8vo. Montreal. 1, 1885—8, 1902 [in part]. xxvu Cape Obs. Ann Annals of the Cape Observatory. 4to. London. Edinburgh 1, 1898; 2 {PL 1 [1886])— 8 {Ft. 2), 1900. [Parts 2 & 3 of Vol. 2 and Part 1 of Vol. 8 have not been indexed, their publication dates being after 1900.1 Cape Obs. Obsns Results of Meridian Observations [of stars], made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. London. 8vo. 1882-85 4to. 1885-87—1892-95. Cape Town Publishing place of S. AfHcan Phil. Soc. Trans., q. v. Cape Town, Geol. Comm. Cape of Good Hope. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report Rep. of the Geological Commission. 8vo. Cape Town. 1896 — 1900. Caradoc Field Club Trans. Transactions of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club. Svo. Shrewsbury. 1, 1893-96 & 2, 1897-1900. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans. ... Cardiff Naturalists' Society. Report and Transactions. 8vo. Cardiff. 15, 1884—32, 1901. Carus, Zool. Anz See Zool. Anz. Casopis Casopis pro Pestovdni Mathematiky a Fysiky. [Journal for the Advancement of Mathematics and Physics.] Svo. V Praze [Prag]. 1, 1872—30, 1901. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti... Atti dell' Accadeniia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania. 4to. Catania. [Third Series.] 18, 1885—20, 1888. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1889—13, 1900. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll. Bollettino delle Sedute della Accademia Gioenia 8vo. Catania. 51, 1898—64, 1900. Continuation of: Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull. Bullettino Mensile della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania, col Resoconto delle Sedute ordinarie e straordinarie e Sunto delle Memorie in esse presentate, 8vo. Catania. [New Series.] 1, 1888—30 k 31, 1893. Bullettino delle Sedute della Accademia Gioenia Svo. Catania. 32, 1893—50, 1899. Cellule La Cellule. Recueil de Cytologic et d'Histologie generale. 4to. Lierre. Gand. Louvain. 1, [1885]— 17, 1900. Centrbl. Bakt Centralblatt fiir Bacteriologie una Parasitenkunde. Svo. Jena. 1, 1887 — 16, 1894. Continued a» : Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie [und] Parasitenkunde [und In- fektionskrankheitenl. {Aht. 1) Erste Abteilung. [Medizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie und Tierische Parasitenkunde.] Svo. Jena. 17,1895—28,1900. {Aht. 2) Zweite Abteilung. [Allgemeine, landwirtschaftlich-techno- logische Bakteriologie, Garungsphysiologie und Pflanzen- pathologie.] Svo. .Jena. 1, 1895—6, 1900. Centrbl. Med. Wiss Centralblatt fur die Medicinischen Wissenschaften. Svo. Berlin. 22, 1884—38, 1900. CentrbL Min Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie in Ver- bindung mit dem Neuen Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. Svo. Stuttgart. 1900. Centrbl. Path Centralblatt fiir Allgemeine Pathologic und Pathologische Anatomie. Svo. Jena. 1,1890—11,1900. Centrztg. Optik Central-Zcitung fiir Optik und Mechanik, [Elektrotechnik und verwandte Berufszweige]. 4 to. I^eipzig. Berlin. 4, 1883 — 21, 1900. Cette Stat. Maritime See Montpellier Inst. Zool. Trav. Chalon-SUr*Sadne Publishing place of Sa6ne-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., q.v. Sadne-et-Loire Soc. Sci. M6m., q.v. Chamb^ry Publishing place of Savoie Ac. Mem., q.v. Savoie Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., q.v. d2 XXVlll Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann. Academie de la Rochelle. Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente-Tnferieure. Annales. 8vo. La Rochelle. 20, 1884 [in part]— 32, 1898. Charko'W. Univ. Sternw. Publication der Charkower Universitats-Sternwarte. 8vo. Charkow. Publ. 1, 1891—4, 1897. Chem. News The Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science. 4to. London. 49, 1884—82, 1900. Chemnitz Ber Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. Svo. Chemnitz. 1868-70 & 1871-72; 1878-80—1896-99. [1873-74 & 1875-77 already indexed.] Chem. Soc. Jl Journal of the Chemical Society. 8vo. London. 45,1884 — 80,1901. Chem. Soc. Proc [Abstracts of the] Proceedings of the Chemical Society. 8vo. London. 1, 1885—16, 1901. Chem. Ztg Chemiker-Zeitung. Central-Organ fiir Chemiker, Techniker, Fabrikanten, Apotheker, Ingenieure. 4to. Coethen. 8, 1884 — 24, 1900. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Memoires de la Societe Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathe- ]V[6m. matiques de Cherbourg. 8vo. Paris. Cherbourg. 25, 1885 — 31, 1897 1900. Chester Soc. Sci. Proc. ... Proceedings of the Chester Society of Natural Science [and Literature]. 8vo. Chester. 3, 1885 [in part] & 4, 1894. Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 8vo. Chicago. 1 , [1883-86] & 2, [1891-1901] [to pp. xxiii & 211]. Chicago Ac. Sci. GeoL & The Chicago Academy of Sciences. Bulletin of the Geological Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. and Natural History Survey. 8vo. No publishing place. 1, 1896 & 2, 1897. Continued as : Chicago Ac. Sci. Nat. Hist. The Chicago Academy of Sciences. Bulletin of the Natural Surv. Bull. History Survey. 8vo. No publishing place. 3 {Pt. 1), 1898 & 4 {Ft. 1), 1900. [3 {PL 2) & 4 {Pt. 2) have not been indexed, their publication dates being after 1900.] Chicago Ent. Soc. Occ. Occasional Memoirs of the Chicago Entomological Society. 8vo. Mem. Chicago. 1, No. 1, 1900. Chicago, Field Columb. Field Columbian Museum. Mus. [Publ.] {Anthrop.) Anthropological Series. Svo. Chicago, U.S.A. 1, [1895- 97]. Chicago, Field Columb. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Mus. Publ. {Anthrop.) Anthropological Series. Svo. Chicago, U. S. A. 2, 1897- 1903 [to p. 243]. {Bat.) Botanical Series. Svo. Chicago. 1, 1895-1902 [to p. 440] & 2 {Nos. 1 & 2), 1900. {Geo/.} Geological Series. Svo. Chicago, U.S.A. 1, 1895-1902 [to p. 241]. (Omith.) Ornithological Series. Svo. Chicago, U. S. A. 1, No. 1, 1896 & 1, No. 2, 1897. {Zool.) Zoological Series. Svo. Chicago, U.S.A. 1, 1895-99. Chicago Univ. Yerkes Obs. Publications of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Publ. Chicago. 4to. Chicago. 1, 1900. Chili Soc. Sci. Act Actes de la Societe Scientifique du Chili [Actas de la Sociedad Cientifica de Chile]. 4to. Santiago. 1, 1892—10, 1900. [Part 5 of Vol. 10 inaccessible.] China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl. Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Svo. Shanghai. 19 {Pt. 1), 1885—31, 1900. Continuation of: N, China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl. Christiania Forh Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Svo. Christiania, 1884—1900. Christiania Skr. {Math.-Nat. Skrifter udgivne af Videnskabsselskabet i Christiania. i. Mathe- Kl.) matisk-naturvidenskabelig Klasse. Svo, Kristiania. 1894 — 1900. XXIX Chronometrical Congresses Ser Congr. Int. Chronom. Chur (Coire) Publishing place of Graubtinden Natf. Ges. Ber., q.v. Ciel et Terre Ciel ct Ten-e. Revue populaire d'Astronomie [et] de M^t^orologie [et de Physique du Globe]. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1, 1881 — 21 (1900-01) [to p. 500]. Cincin. Obs. Publ [Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory.] 1 8vo. ? 4to. Cincinnati. [1], 1876—14, 1898. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl. The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. 8vo. Cincinnati. 7, 1884—19, [1901] [to p. 242]. Cirencester Publishing place of Agr. Stud. Gaz., riura fur [Kryptogamische] Literatur. 8vo. Dresden. 24, 1885—39, 1900. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Geologische Specialkarte des Grossherzogthums Baden herausgegeben Geol. Karte Erlaut. von der Grossherzoglich Badischen Geologischen Landesanstalt. Erlauterungen. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1894 — 1900. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitteilungen der Grossherzoglich Badischen Geologischen Landesan- Mitt. stalt. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1, 1890— 4, 1903 [to p. 81]. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfhundertjahrigen Bestehens der Ruperto-Carola dargebracht von dem Naturhistorisch-Medicini- schen Verein zu Heidelberg. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1886. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisch-Medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. 8vo. Heidelberg. 3, 1886 [in part]— 6, 1898-1901 [to p. 380]. Heidelb. Stemw. Veroff. ... VerofFentlichungeu der Grossherzoglichen Stern wartezu Heidelberg. (Astrometrisches Institut.) 4to. Karlsruhe. 1, 1900. See also Karlsruhe Sternw. Veroff. Helgoland Biol. Anst See Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Helsingfors, Acta Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicse. 4to. Helsingfors. 13,1884 — 27, 1900. Helsingfors, Bidrag Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands Natur och Folk. Utgifna af Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten. 8vo. Helsingfors. 39, 1884 — 60, 1900. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Acta 8ocietatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 8vo. Helsingfors. Fenn. Acta 2, 1881-85—20, 1900-01 [No. 1]. [Papers in Finnish not in- dexed with the exception of one which has a resum^ in German.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 8vo. Fenn. Medd. Helsingfors. 11, 1885—27, 1901 [to p. 60]. [Papers in Finnish have not been indexed.] Helsingfors, Offers Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlingar. Svo. Helsingfors. 26, 1884—42, 1900. Hereny Astrophys. Obs. Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Hereny Publ. in Ungarn. 4to. Hereny. 1, 1884. Hermannstadt Publishing place of Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., q. v. Hermannstadt Verh Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbiirgischen Vereins fiir Naturwissenschaften in Hermannstadt. 8vo. Hermann- stadt. 34, 1884—50, 1901. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Trans. Field Club. 8vo. London. 3, 1886— 11, 1903 [to p. 32]. Highland Soc. Trans Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland with an abstract of the Proceedings 8vo. Edinburgh. [Fourth Series.] 16,1884—20,1888. [Fifth Series.] 1,1889— 12, 1900. Hildesheim Roemer-Mus. Mittheilungen aus dem Roeraer-Museum Hildesheim. 4to. Hil- Mitth. desheim. [1, 1895]— 13, 1900. Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proceedings of tTie Holmesdale Natural History Club for the Proc. years 8vo. London. 1884-85-1899-1901 [in part]. Homme L'Homme: Journal illustre des Sciences Anthropologiques. Svo. Paris. 1, 1884—4, 1887. Hongkong Obs. Obsns Observations [and Researches] made at the Hongkong Observatory in the year Folio. Hongkong. 1884—1899. /2 :liv Hortic. Soc. Jl : The Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. 8vo. London. 7, 1886—25 (1900-01) [to p. 193]. Hull Greol. Soc. Trans. ... Ti-ansactions of the Hull Geological Society. 8vo. Hull. 1,1894 — 5 (PL 3), 1903 [in part]. Humboldt Humboldt. Monatsschrift fiir die Gesamten Naturwissenschaften. 4to. Stuttgart. 3, 1884—9, 1890. Humming Bird The Humming Bird. A scientific, artistic and indu.strial Review. London. Springvale. 4to. 1,1891. 8vo. 2,1892 — 5, 1895. Kir! B^-lau} •^" Ann. der Hydrogr. Hydrogr. Mitth Hydrographische Mittheilungen. Herausgegeben von deni Hydro- graphischen Bureau der Kaiserlichen Admiralitat. 4to. Berlin. I (1873) & 2 (1874). Continued as : Ann. der Hydrogr., q. v. Hygienic Congresses See Congr. Int. Hig. Act. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. I. Ibis The Ibis, a quarterly Journal of Ornithology. 8vo. Loudon. [Fifth Series.] 2, 1884—6, 1888. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1889—6, 1894. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1895—6, 1900. I^katerinenb., Soc. Oural. 'JaiiiicKn y'pajii.cKaro 06iii,ecTBa .lK)6iiTe.iieii KcTecTBo:jnaHiH. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe Ouralienne d'Amateurs des Sciences Naturelles. Ekaterinburg. 4to. o (]Vo. 4), 1886; 8 (JVo. 1), 1885—13 (No. 2), 1891-94; 15, 1895—16 (No. 2), 1897; 20 (JVo. 1), 1898—21, 1899. 8vo. 14 (JVo. 5), 1896; 17 (No. 1), 1896—19 (No. 1), 1897. [10 (No. 1); 14 (N^o.'<. 1-4); 16 (No. 1) inaccessible.] 111. Iiab. Nat. Hist. Bull. ... Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. 8vo. Peoria. Springfield. Urbana. 2, 1890— ;"), 1902 [to p. 478]. 111. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. Bulletin of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, Springfield, Illinois. 4to. Springfield, III. 2, 1884—12, 1897. 111. Wschr. Ent II 1 ustrierte Wochensch rift fiir Entomologie. Internationales Organ fiir alle Intere.ssen der Insektenkunde. Offizielles Organ der Berliner Entomologischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. Neudannn, 1, 1896 & 2, 1897. Continued as : 111. Ztschr. Ent Illustrierte Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie. [Organ der Allgemeinen Entomologischen Gesellschaft.] Internationales Organ fiir die Interessen der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologie wie der Insekten-Biologie. 8vo. Neudamm. 3, 1898 — 5, 1900. India Agr. Soc. Jl Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 7, 1886 [in part]— 9 (1890-93). Continued an : India Agr. Soc. Proc. 6c Jl. Proceedings and Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 10 (1894 96) ct 11 (1897- 1901). India Archaeol. Surv. Rep. Archaeological Sui'vey of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 17, 1884—23, 1887. India Bot. Surv. Records Records of the Botanical Survev of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 1, 1893-1902 [to p. 329]. India Geol. Surv. Mem. ... Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 1, 1859; 21, 1885—30, 1901 [to p. 168]. xb I India Geol. Surv. Quart. Geological Survey of India Department. Quarterly Notes. [Folio. Notes Calcutta.] 1, 1895—4, 1895; 1, 1896—4, 1896; 1, 1897. India Geol. Surv. Records Records of the Geological Survey of India. 8vo. Calcutta. 17, 1884—30, 1897. India Geol. Surv. Rep General Report on the Work carried on by the Geological Survey of India 8vo. Calcutta. 1897-98—1899-1900. Indiana Dept. Geol. Ann. Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural History [Resources], Rep. 8vo. Indianapolis. 14, 1884—24, 1900. Indian Med. Gaz The Indian Medical Gazette. A Record of Medicine, Surgery, Public Health, and of general medical Intelligence, Indian and European. 4to. Calcutta. 19, 1884 — 35, 1900. Indian Meteorol. Mem Indian Meteorological Memoirs: being occasional Discussions and Compilations of meteorological Data relating to India and the neighbouring Countries. 4to. Calcutta. Simla. 1, 1876—81— 11, 1899-1901 [to p. 251]; 12, 1900-02 [to p. 30]. Indian Mus. Notes Indian Museum Notes. 8vo. Calcutta. 1, 1889-91 — 5, 1903 [in part]. Innsbruck, Ferdinandeum Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. 8vo. Ztschr. Innsbruck. [Third Series] 28, 1884—44, 1900. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber. Beiichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereines in Inns- bruck. 8vo. Innsbruck. 14, 1884—26, 1901 [to p. ix]. Inst. Act. Jl lournal of the Institute of Actuaries [and Assurance Magazine]. 8vo. London. 14, 1869 — 36, 1902 [in pai*t]. Continuation of: Assur. Mag., (j.v. Inst. Actuaries See Assur. Mag. Inst. Brewing Trans Transactions of the Institute of Brewing. 8vo. London. 4, 1891 — 7, 1893. Continuation of: Lab. Club Trans., q.v. Succeeded by: London, Fed. Inst. Brewing JL, q.v. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. ... Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers; 8vo. London. 75, 1884—142, 1900. Inst. Egypt. Bull Bulletin de I'Institut Egyptien. 8vo. Le Caire. [Second Series.] 1,1882—10,1890. [Third Series.] 1,1891—10,1900. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1901 [in part]. Inst. Egypt. M^m Memoires [ou Travaux originaux] presentes [et lus] a I'Institut Egyptien. 4to. Paris. Le Caire. 1, 1862—3, 1900. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. 8vo. London. 1884—1900. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans. ... Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers. 8vo. New- castle-upon-Tyne. 15, 1898 — 20, 1902. Continuation of: Fed, Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., q.v. Inst. Min. Metall. Trans.... Tivansactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London. 8vo. London. 1 (1892-93) -8 (1899-1900). Inst. Solvay Trav Institut Solvay. Travaux de Laboratoire publies par Paul Heger. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1 {Fane. 1) 1896 3, [1900]. Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb VI. Internationaler Congress fiir Hygiene und Demographie zu Wien 1887. Arbeiten. 8vo. Wien. 1887. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. ... Transactions of the Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. August 10-17, 1891. 8vo. London. 1891. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc. ... Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Zoology. Cambridge, 22-27 August, 1898. 8vo. London. 1898. Int. Ent.-Ver See Zurich, Soc. Ent. Int. Erdm. Centralbur. Ber. Centralbureau der Internationalen Erdrnessung. Bericht liber den Stand der Erforschung der Brei ten variation 4to. Berlin. 1897—1899. Int. Erdm. Centralbur. Centralbureau der Internationalen Erdrnessung. [Veroffent- [Veroff.] lichungen.] 4to. Berlin. [1], 1899. Continued as: Int. Erdm. Centralbur. Centralbureau der Internationalen Erdmessung. Neue Folge der Veroff. Veroffentlichungen. 4to. Berlin. 2, 1900. xlvi Int. Jl. Anat Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology [Physio- logy]. Journal International d'Anatomie et d'Histologie [de Physiologie] paraissant tous les mois. Internationale Monats- schrift fiir Anatomie und Histologie [Physiologic]. 8vo. Paris. Berlin. Leipzig. London. 1, 1884—17, 1900. Int. Med. Congr. Trans.... Transactions of the International Medical Congress. Ninth Session. Svo. Washington. 1887. Int. Med. Congr. Verh. ... Verhandlungen des X. Internationalen Medicinischen Congresses. Svo. Berlin. 1890. Int. Meteorol. Comm See [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep. Int. Meteorol. Conf. See [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Conf. Rep. Int. Mschr. Anat See Int. Jl. Anat. Int. Ornith. Com See Ornis. lO'Wa Ac. Sci. Proc Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences. Svo. Des Moines, Iowa. 1875-80; [1 {Ft. 1)], 1890—7, 1900. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.] ... Iowa Geological Survey. Svo. Des Moines. 1, 1893 — 10, 1900. Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State Bull. University of Iowa. Svo. Iowa City, Iowa. 1, 1888-90 — 5, 1899-1904 [to p. S6]. Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland. Svo. London. Dublin. Edinburgh. 6, 1886 [from p. 267 |— 8, 1889. [Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. Report on the Geology of the County of l^ondonderry, and of parts (^District)] of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Svo. Dublin. 1843. Ireland Geol. Surv. [Mem.] [Memoirs of the Geological Survey.] Svo. Dublin. 1858 — 1861. {Sheet) Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet) Ireland Roy. Soc. Ant. Proc. & Pap. Ireland Zool. Soc Iris Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Svo. Dublin. 1861 — 1891. See Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. Ir. Jl. See Irish Natlist. Correspondenz-Blatt des Entomologischen Vereins Iris zu Dresden. Svo. Dresden. 1 (1884-88). ' Iris, Dresden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Iris zu Dresden in Verbindung mit der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin Fort- setzungdes " Correspondenz-Blattes des Entomologischen Vereins Iris." Svo. Dre.sden. 2 (1889)— 13 (1900) [to p. 159]. Irish Ac. Cunningham Royal Irish Academy. Cunningham Memoirs. 4to. Dublin. 1, Mem. 1880—10, 1894. Irish Ac. Proc Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. [Science.] Svo. Dublin. [Second Series.] 4, 1884-88. [Third Series.] 1, 1889-91—6, 1900-02 [in part]. Irish Ac. Trans The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Science. 4to. Dublin. 28, 1880-86 [in part]— 31, 1896-1901 [to p. 472]. Irish Natlist The Irish Naturalist: a monthly Journal of general Irish Natural History, the official Organ of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland ; the Dublin Microscopical Club ; the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society ; the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club; the Dublin Naturalists' Field Club; the Armagh Natural History and Philosophical Society ; the Cork Naturalists' Field Club. Svo. Dublin. Belfast. London. 1, 1892—9, 1900. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl. The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Svo. London. New York. 1884—1900 & "Special Volume." Is^re Soc. Bull Bulletin de la Societe de Statistique, des Sciences naturelles et des Arts industriels du Departement de I'lsere. Svo. Grenoble. 24, 1884 [in part]— 31, 1900. xlvii Isle of Man Nat. Hist. & Antiq. Soc. Italia Carta Geol. Descriz. Mem. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt. Italia Com. Geol. Boll. ... [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull. ... [Italia], Soc. Crittog. Atti [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull. ... [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll. ... [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll. ... Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Paleont. See Yn Lioar Manninagh. Memorie per servire alia Descrizione della Carta geologica d' Italia, pubblicate a cura del R. Couiitato Geologico del Regno. 4to. Firenze. Roma. 1, 1871—4 {Ft. 2), 1893. Memorie descrittive della Carta geologica d' Italia. 8vo. Roma. 1, 1886—10, 1900. Bollettino del R. Couiitato Geologico d' Italia. JSvo. Roma. 15, 1884—31, 1900. Bullettino della Societa Botanica Italiana. 8vo. Firenze. 1892 — 1900. Atti della Societa Crittogamologica Italiana resideute in Milano (R. Orto Botanico di Brera). 8vo. Varese. 3 (Disj). 3), 1884 & 3 (Bisp. 4), 1885. Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. 16, 1884—32, 1900. Bollettino della Societa Geogratica Italiana. 1, 1868—37, 1900. Memorie della Societa Geografica Italiana. 9, 1899. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. 19, 1900. Annuario della Societa Meteorologica Italiana. Torino. Firenze. 1, 1878—3, 1880. Annuario Meteorologico Italiano pubblicato per Cura del Comitate Direttivo della Societa Meteorologica Italiana. 8vo. Torino. Roma. Firenze. 1, 1886—7, 1892. Bollettino della Societa Zoologica Italiana. 8vo. Roma. [Second Series.] 1, 1900. Continuation of: Roma Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., q.v. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 8vo. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. 1 (1895-96)— 3 (1899-1902) [to p. [266]]. 8vo. Firenze. 8vo. Firenze. Roma. 8vo. 8vo. Roma. 1, 1878— Roma. 3, 1884— 8vo. Roma. J. Jaarb. Mijnw. Nederl. Ind. Jamaica Inst. Jl Japan Asiat. Soc. Trans. Japan Geol. Surv. Bull. ... Japan Seism. Soc. Trans. Jbuch. Berg- u. Huttenw. Jbuch. Kinderheilk Jena Denkschr Jaarboek van bet Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. 8vo. Amsterdam. 13 (1884)— 29 (1900). Journal of the Institute of Jamaica. 8vo. Kingston, Jamaica. 1, 1894 yHiiBepciiTeTt.. [Transactions of the Society of Naturalists of the Imperial University of Kazan,] 8vo. Kazan. 12 (Ao. 6), 1884—34, 1900. Bulletin de la Societe Physico-Mathematique de Kasan. HaB'bcfia H3i[KO-MaTeMaTHHecKaro 06inecTBa iipir HMnepaTopcKOM'F. KaaaHCKOM'b yHUBepcureT'l;. 8vo. Kazan. 1, 1891 — 10, 1901. Successor to: Kazan Soc. Nat. (Phys.-Math.) Proc, q.v. yiGHHa 3aniiCKir HMiiepaTopcKaro EaaancKaro ynHBepcHTeTa. [Scientific Memoirs of the Imperial University of Kazan.] 8vo. Kazan. 1890—1900. [1890 (Fts. 1-5); 1891 {Fts. 1 & 2); 1893 {Pt. 6); 1895 {Pts. 4-10); 1897 (Pi. 12); 1898 {Pts. 5 & 6); 1899 (Pts. 2 & 9-12); 1900 (Pts. 1-10 & 12) inaccessible.] Kentucky Geological Survey. 4to. Frankfort, Ky. [1884.] Royal [Botanic] Gardens, Kew. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. 8vo. London. 1887—1900. Coo6iu,eHiji XapKOBCKaro MaTeMaTiruecitaro 06iii,ecTBa. Communi- cations de la Societe Mathematique de Kharkov. 8vo. Kharkov. 1884—1887. [Second Series.] 1, 1889— 5, [1896?] [Pts. 1 — 4]. [No more accessible.] li Kiel Komm. Wiss. Unters. See Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Deutsch. Meere Kiel Stemw. Publ Publication der [Koniglichen] Stern warte in Kiel. 4to. Kiel. Leipzig. [1], 1873—10, 1899. Kiel Univ. Min. Inst. Mittheilungen aus dem Mineralogischen Institut der Universitat Mitth. Kiel. 8vo. Kiel. Leipzig. 1, 1892. For continuation see: Arch. Anthrop. Geol. Schlesw.-Holst. Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem ;]anHCKii KieBcitaro 06iii,ecTBa EcTecTBOiiciiMTaTejieii. [Memoires de la Society des Naturalistes de Kiev.] 8vo. Kiev. 7 [1884] [pp. viii — xvi, Ixxxix — cvi, and from p. 433] — 17 (1) 1901 [to pp. cxxvii & cxi {his)], 17 (2), 1902 [to p. xv]. Kjf^benh. Bot. For See Bot. Tidsskr. Kj0benh. Bot. For. Festskr. Festskrift, udgivet af den Botaniske Forening i Kj0benhavn i Anledning af dens Halvhundredaarsfest, den 12. April 1890. 8vo. Kj0benhavn. 1890. Kj^Sbenh. Bot. For. Medd. Meddelelser fra den Botaniske Forening i Kj0benhavn. Udgivne som tillsegshsefter til "Botanisk Tidsskrift " Bulletins de la Societe Botanique de Copenhague. Supplements au " Journal de Botanique " 8vo. Kj0benhavn. Copenhague. 1, 1882-86 [from p. 77], & 2, 1887-91. Kj^benh., Carlsb. Lab. Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. Udgivne ved Labora- Medd. toriets Bestyrelse. Avec un resume en fran9ais. 8vo. Kj0benhavn. 2, 1888 [from p. 103; {Res. from p. 60)]— 5, 1903 [to pp. XXV &i 60; {Res. to pp. xii & 63)]. Kjpbenh., Dansk. Geol. For. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening. 8vo. Kj0benhavn. Medd. 1, 1894—6, 1900. Kj^benh., Dansk. Vid.Selsk. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. 4to. Skr. Kj0benhavn. [Fifth Series.] 4, 1856-59, 1898 [pp. 409—454]. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1880-85 [from p. 397]— 9, 1898-1901 [to p. 300] ; 10, 1899-1902 [to p. 90]. Kj^benh., E Museo Lundii E Museo Lundii. En Samling af Afhandlinger. 4to. Kj0benhavn. 1, 1888 k 2, 1893-96. Kj^benh. Ent. For See Ent. Medd. (Kj^benh.). Kj^benh., Overs Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger [og dets Medlemmers Arbejder i Aaret samt med en Resume du Bulletin de I'Academie Royale Danoise des Sciences et des Lettres]. 8vo. Kj0benhavn. 1884—1900. Kj^enh. Vid. Medd Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kj0benhavn. 8vo. Kj0benhavn. 1883—1900. K. K. Ges. Aerzte See Med. Jbiich. KlagenfVirt Publishing place of Kamten Landesmus. Jbuch., q.v. Klausenburg See Kolozsvar. Konigsb. Phys.-Oekon. Ges. See Beitr. Naturk. Preussens. Konigsb. Schr Schriften der physikalLscb-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigs- berg in Pr. 4to. Konigsberg. 24, 1884—41, 1900. [Contains Sitzungsbericht des Preussischen Botanischen Vereins. Konigsb. Sternw. Astr. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Koniglichen Universitats- Beob. Sternwarte zu Konigsberg. Folio. Konigsberg. 37 (Pt. 1), 1882—39, 1899. Kolozsvar Publishing place of Erd^l. Muz.-Egyl. Ertek., q.v. Orvos-Termt. Ertes., q.v. Kosmos (Lwow) Kosmos. Czasopismo polskiego Tow. Przyrodnikow imienia Koper- nika. [Cosmos. The Journal of the Polish Society . of Naturalists founded in honour of Copernicus.] 8vo. Lwow [Lemberg]. 9, 1884—25, 1900. ^2 Hi Krain Mus.-Ver. Mitth. ... Krak6w Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Fam. Krak6w Ak. {Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr. Krakdw Kom. Fizyogr. Spraiv. Kristiania^ Geogr. Selsk. Aarb. Kristiania, Nonv. Mar. In- vestig. Rep. See Laibach, Mus.-Ver. Krain Mitth. Pami^tnik Akademii Umiej^^tnosci w Krakowie. Wydziai Mate- matyczno-Przyrodniczy. [Memoirs of the Academy of Science in Cracow. Section of Mathematics and Natural Science.] 4to. Krak6w. 9, 1884 [from p. 120]— 18, 1894. Eozprawy i Sprawozdania z Posiedzen Wydzialu Matematyczno- Przyrodniczego Akademii TJmiej^tnosci, [Proceedings of the Section of Mathematics and Natural Science of the Academy of Science.] 8vo. Krak6w. 11, 1884 [in part]— 20, 1890. Rozprawy Akademii Umiej^tnosci. Wydziat Matematyczno- Przyrodniczy. [Proceedings of the Academy of Science. Section of Mathematics and Natural Science.] 8vo. Krakow. [Second Series.] 1, 1891—19 [20], 1902. Akademija Umiej^^tnosci w Krakowie. Sprawozdauie Komisyi Fizyograficznej [Academy of Science in Cracow. Report of the Physiographical Commission.] 8vo. Krak6w. 18, 1884—34, 1899. Det Norske Geografiske Selskabs Arbog. 8vo. Kristiania. 1, 1891—11, 1900. Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. 8vo. Kristiania. 1, 1900. L. Lab. Club Trans. .' Transactions of the Laboratory Club. 8vo. London. 1,1888 — 3, 1890. Continued as: Inst. Brewing Trans., (/.v. Laibach, Mus.-Ver. Krain Mittheilungen des Museal-Vereins fiir Krain. 8vo. Laibach. Mitth. 1, 1866—13, 1900. Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber Bericht des Botanischen Vereines in Landshut (Baiern). 8vo. Landshut. 1 (1864-66)— 16, 1901. Landw. Jbiich Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaft- liche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Koniglich Preussischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. 8vo. Berlin. 13, 1884 — 29, 1900 & Supplements. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. ... Die landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen. Organ fur natur- wissenschaftliche Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Landwirth- schaft. 8vo. Berlin. 29, 1883—54, 1900. La Plata ... Ptibliahing place of Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., q.v. La Plata Mus. An Anales del Museo de La Plata. Materiales para la Historia flsica y moral del Continente Sud-Americano. (Antrop.) Secci6n Antropol6gica. Folio. La Plata. 1, 1896 k 2, 1897. (Geol. & Min.) Secci6n Geol6gica y Mineralogica. 4to. La Plata. 1, 1892 — 3, 1900. (Paleont. Argentina) Paleontologia Argentina. Folio. La Plata. 1, 1891 — 4, 1896. (Zool.) Secci6n Zool6gica. Folio. La Plata. 1,1893—3,1895. La Plata Mus. Rev Revista del Museo de La Plata. 4to. La Plata. 1, 1890-91 — 9, 1899. Las Cruces Publishing place of N. Mex. Agr. Coll. Bull., q.v. Lausanne See Congr. G^ol. Int. C. R., 1894. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences naturelles. 8vo. Lausanne. 20, 1885—36, 1900. Leander McCormiok Obs. Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory of the Uni- Publ. versity of Virginia. 8vo, University of Virginia. Charlottes- ville. 1 (Pt. 1), 1883—1 {Pt. 7), 1896. liii Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans. ... Transactions of tlie Leeds Geological Association. 8vo. Leeds. 1, 1883-85—13, 1900-05 [to p. 7]. Leicester Soc. Trans Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. 8vo. Leicester. 1883-84 & 1884-85; 1, 1889—5, 1901. Leiden Publishing place of NederL Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., q.v. Leiden Geol. Reichsmus. Sanmilungen des Geologischen Reichs-Museiims in Leiden. 8vo. Samml. Leiden. [First Series.] 1, 1881-83—6, 1899-1902 [to p. 249]. [Second Series.] 1, 1887-89. Leiden Sternw. Ann Annalen der Sternwarte in Leiden. 4to. Harlem. Haag. 1, 1868— 7, 1897. Leipzig Publishing place of Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., q.v. Deutsch. Palaestina-Ver. Ztschr., q.v. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., q.v. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., q.v. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Publ — Publication der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Leipzig. 18, 1886—21, 1896. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtl- Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. Leipzig. jschr. 19, 1884—35, 1900. Leipzig Jablon. Freisschr. Preisschriften gekront and herausgegeben von der fiirstlich Jablo- nowski'schen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. 12, 1867—36, 1900. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe der Koniglich Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Leipzig. 13, 1887—26, 1901 [to p. 328]. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber. ... Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der Koniglich Sachsischen Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch-physische Classe. 8vo. Leipzig. 36, 1884—52, 1900. Leipzig Natf. Ges. Sber. ... Sitzungs berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. 10, 1884—26 & 27, 1901. Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth. Mittheilungen des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. (23), 1884 [from p. 55] ; 1884—1900 [to p. xxxvi]. Leipzig Ver. Krdk. Wiss. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Veroff. Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1891—4, 1899. Leoben Bergakademie See Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch. Leopold. -Carol. Deutsch. See Ak. Natf. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta. Leopoldina. Leopoldina Leopoldina. Aratliches Organ der Kaiserlichen Leopoldino- Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher, 4to, Halle. 20, 1884—36, 1900. Les Mondes Cosmos. Les Mondes. Revue hebdomadaire des Sciences et de leurs applications 8vo. Paris. [Third Series.] 7,1884 — 9, 1884. Leyde (Leiden) See Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895. Leyden Mus. Notes Notes from the Leyden Museum. 8vo. Leyden. 6, 1884 — 22, 1900-01 [to p. 128]. Lick Obs. Contrib Contributions from the Lick Observatory. 8vo. Sacramento. 1, 1889—5, 1895. Lick Obs. Publ Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California. 4to. Sacramento. 1, 1887—4, 1900. Liebig's Ann Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. 8vo. Leipzig. Heidelberg. 222, 1884—313, 1900 & Supplementband, 8, 1872. Li^ge Ass. Ingen. Annu. ... See Rev. Univ. Mines. Li6ge Lab. Fredericq Trav. Universite de Liege. Institut de Physiologie. Travaux du Labora- toire de Leon Fredericq. 8vo. Paris. Li^ge. 1, 1886 — 5, 1896. liv Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann. Li^ge Soc. Sci. Mem Lille Lille Inst. Zool. Trav Lille Soc. Mem. Lille Trav. M6m Linn. Soc. Jl {Bot.) {Zool.) Linn. Soc. Trans {Bot.) {Zool.) Liouville, Jl. Math Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math.... Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol. ... Liverpool Biol. Soc. Froc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Froc. & Trans. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Jl. ... Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Froc. Liverpool Lit. Fhil. Soc. Froc. Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique. Liege, 8vo. 12, 1885—28, 1900-01 [pp. 31—98]. 4to. 25 {his), 1899. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege. 8vo. Londres. Paris. Berlin. Bruxelles. [Second Series.] 11, 1885—20, 1898. [Third Series.] 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Puhlishimi place of Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., q.v. Nord Soc. G^ol. M^m., q.v. Travaux de I'lnstitut Zoologique de Lille et du Laboratoire de Zoologie Maritime de Wimereux (Pas-de-Calais). 4to. Lille. 5, 1887. [4 inaccessible.] Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux. 4to. Lille. Paris. 6, 1892—8, 1900. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, de I'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille. 8vo. Lille. [Fourth Series.] 13, 1885—21, 1895. [Fifth Series.] Fasc. 1, [1895]— /^«sc. 6, [1896]. Travaux et Memoires de I'lTniversite de Lille. 8vo. Lille. 1, 1889-91—8, 1900. The Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany. 8vo. London. 20, 1884 [from p. 511]— 34, 1898 1900. Zoology. 8vo. London. 17, 1884 [from p. 371]— 28, 1900-03 [to p. 260]. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Botany. 4to. London. [Third Series.] 2, 1881-87 [from p. 120]— 5, 1895-1901. Zoology. 4to. London. [Second Series.] 2, 1879—88 [from p. 367]— 8, 1900-03 [to p. 97]. Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, fonde en 183G et public jusqu'en 1874 par Joseph Liouville, 4to. Paris. Third Series.] 10, 1884. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1885—10, 1894. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1895—6, 1900. Memorias da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Classe de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes. 4to. Lisboa. 3 {Pt. 2), 1865; 5 {Pt. 1), 1875—6 {Pt. 2), 1887. [4 already indexed.] Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes publicado sob OS Auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, 8vo. Lisboa. 10, 1885—12, 1888. [Second Series.] 1, 1890— 6, [1902] [in part]. Boletim da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. 8vo. Lisboa, [Fifth Series.] Nos, 1, 1885—12, 1885. [Seventeenth Series.] Nos. 1, 1899—6 & 7, 1901. Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society. 8vo. Liverpool. 1, 1887 — 3, 1889. [Contains the work of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee.] Continued as : Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society. 8vo. Liverpool. 4, 1890—14, 1900, Liverpool Geological Association. Journal. 8vo. Livei'pool. 9, [1889]; 11, 1891—16, 1896. Continuation of: Liverpool Geological Association. Transactions. 8vo. Liverpool. 4, 1884— [8, 1888]; 10, 1890. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. 8vo. Liverpool. 4, 1885—8, 1900. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. 8vo. London. Liverpool. 38, 1884—55, 1901 [to p. 114]. [40, 1886 contains the first report of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee.] Iv Liverpool Mar. Biol. Comm. See Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. Liverpool School Trop. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir. 4to. Liverpool. Med. Mem. 2, 1900. Liverpool, Thompson Yates The Thompson Yates Laboratories Report. 4to. Liverpool. 1, Lab. Rep. 1900—3 {Ft. 1), 1900. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med Annual Report of the Local Government Board. Supplement OCT.) containing the Report of the Medical Officer. 8vo. London. 13, 1884—28, 1899 & Supplements. London See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1888. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans., 1891. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898. London, Fed. Inst. Bre'wing Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing containing the Jl. Transactions of the various Institutes 8vo. London. 1, 1895 — 7, 1901 [in part]. Successor to: Inst. Brewing Trans., q.v. London Malacol. Soc. Proc. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London. 8vo. London. 1, 1895—4, 1901 [to p. 149]. London Math. Soc. Proc. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 8vo. London. 15 (1883-84)— 31, 1900. London Path. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. 8vo. London. 35, 1884—51, 1900. London Phys. Soc. Proc... Proceedings of the Physical Society of London. 8vo. London. 4, 1884 [in part]; 6, 1885—17, 1901 [to p. 663]. Lotos Lotos, Jahrbuch fiir Naturwissenschaft im Auftrage des Vereines "Lotos." 8vo. Prag. Wien. Leipzig. 33, 1884—43, 1895. See also Prag, Lotos Abh. [Louisiana], Geol. Agr. Rep. Geology and Agriculture. 8vo. Baton Rouge, La. Parts 1-4, [1892-96] & Part 5, [1899]. Lowell Obs. Ann. Annals of the Lowell Observatory. 4to. Boston. New York. Cambridge. 1, 1898 & 2, 1900. Liineb. Nat. Ver. Jheft. ... Jahreshefte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir das Fiirstentum Liineburg. 8vo. Ltineburg. 9, 1884 [in part] — 15, 1901 [to Lum. Elect La Lumiere Electrique. Journal universel d'Electricite. 4to. Paris. 1, 1879—53, 1894. Lund Bot. For See Bot. Centrbl. Bot. Notiser. „ Lund. Univ. Acta Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Lunds Universitets Ars-Skrift. 4to. Lund. 20, 1883-84—36, 1900. Luxemb. Inst. Publ Publications de I'lnstitut [Royal] Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg (Section des Sciences Naturelles et Matheniatiques.) 8vo Luxembourg. 20, 1886—25, 1897. Luxemb. Soc. Bot. Rec Recueil des Memoires et des Travaux publics par la Societe Botanique Mem. Trav. du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. 8vo. Luxembourg. 9 & 10, 1884—14, 1899. Lyon Ac. M^m Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences, Belles- Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Sciences et Lettres. 8vo. Paris. Lyon. [Third Series.] 1, 1893—6, 1901. Contimmtion of: Lyon Ac. M^m. (Sci.) Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Classes des Sciences. 8vo. Paris. Lyon. [Second Series.] 26, 1883-84—31, 1892. Lyon Mus. Hist. Nat. Arch. Archives du Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon. 4to. Lyon. 4, 1887—7, 1899. Ivi Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem. Lyon Univ. Ann Annales de la Societe d'Agriculture, Histoire naturelle et Arts utiles de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. Paris. [Fifth Series.] 6, 1884—10, 1888. [Sixth Series.] 1, 1889—5, 1893. Annales de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Industrie de Lyon, 8vo. Lyon. Paris. [Seventh Series.] 1, 1894—8, 1901. Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Lvon. 8vo. Lyon. Paris. 3, 1884-85—19, 1901. Annales de la Societe Botanique de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. 12, 1885 — 25, 1900. Annales de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. Paris. 31, 1885—47, 1901. Memoires et Comptes-Rendus de la Societe des Sciences Medicales de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. 24, 1885 & 25, 1886; 31, 1892— 4i), 1901. [26-30 inaccessible.] Annales de I'Universite de Lyon. 8vo. Paris. Vols. 1, 1891 — 9 ^Fasc. 2), 1895. Nos. 18, 1895—34, 1897. Fasc. 35, 1898—40, 1898. [New Series.] (1, Fasc. 1), 1899— (1, Fasc. 3), 1900. M. Maandbl. Nat Maandblad voor Natuurwetenschappen, uitgegeven door de Sectie voor Natuurwetenschappen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. 8vo. Amster- dam. 1882-84 [from p. 19]— 1898. Mdcon Ac. Ann Annales de I'Academie de Macon. Societe des Arts, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et [d'] Agriculture [de Saone-et-Loire]. 8vo. Macon. [Second Series.] 5, 1885 [in part] ; 6, 1888 [from p. 167]— 12, 1895. [Third Series.] 1, 1896—5, 1900. Madras Jl The Madras Journal of Literature and Science. 4to. [? 8vo.] [Madras.] 1886-87—1889-94. Madrid See Congr. Int. Hig. Act., 1898. Madrid Ac. Ci. Mem. Meraorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales de Madrid. 4to. Madrid. 10, [1884]— 19, [1893- 1900]. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An. Anales de la Sociedad Espailola de Historia Natural. 8vo. Madrid. 13, 1884—30, 1901 [in part]. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Fest- Festschrift zur Feier des 25ja.hrigen Stiftungstages des Naturwis- schr. senschaftlichen Vereins zu Magdeburg. 8vo. Magdeburg. 1894. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Abh. , Vereins in Magdeburg. 8vo. Magdeburg. 1885—1898-1900. Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk. ... A Magyar Kiralyi Foldtani Intezet ]^vkonyve. [Annual of the Hungarian Royal Geological Institute.] 8vo, Budapest. 7, 1884-87—31, 1899-1902 [to p. 165]. See also Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth. Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum See Termr. Fiiz. Magyar Termt. Tars See Termt. Kozlon. Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. {3fath.) Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.) Ertekezesek a Mathematikai Tudomanyok korebol. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Memoirs in the Mathematical Sciences. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 11, 1885—15, 1894. Superseded by: Math. Termt. Ertes., q.v. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok korebol. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Memoirs in the Natural Sciences. Pablished by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Buda- pest, 14, 1885 [in part]— 23, 1894, Superseded by: Math. Termt. Ertes.^ q.v. Ivii Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes. ... A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Ertesitdje. [Report of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 18, 1884 — 23, 1889. , Akademiai Ertesitd a Magyar Tud. Aka,demia Megbizasdbol. [Report by the Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Malakozool. Blatter Malakozoologische Blatter. Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie. 8vo. Kassel. [New Series.] 6, 1883 — 11, 1891. Malpighia Malpighia. Rassegna mensuale di Botanica. 8vo. Messina. Genova. 1, 1887—14, 1900. Manchester Geol. Soc. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. 8vo. Man- Trans. Chester. 17, 1884—26, 1901. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Mem. 8vo. Tendon. [Third Series.] 9, 1883. Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 8vo. London. 10, 1887. Cordinued in: Manchester Lit. PhiL Soc. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philo- Mem. & Proc. sophical Society. 8vo. Manchester. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888—10, 1896. [Whole Series.] 41, 1897—45, 1901 [in part]. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of. the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Proc. 8vo. Manchester. 23,1884 — 26,1887. Continued in : Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. 6c Mem. Manchester Micr. Soc. Manchester Microscopical Society. Annual Report. 8vo. Man- Rep. Chester. 1883-84. Continued as : Manchester Micr. Soc. Manchester Microscopical Society. Transactions and Annual Trans. Report. 8vo. Manchester. 1884-85—1900. Manchester, Owens Coll. Studies from the Biological Laboratories of the Owens College. 8vo. Biol. Lab. Stud. Manchester. 1, 1886 & 2, 1890. Continued as: Manchester, Owens Coll. Studies in Biology from the Biological Department of the Owens Stud. Biol. College. 8vo. Manchester. 3, 1895. Mannheim Jber Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Vereius flir Naturkunde [Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Mannheim]. 8vo. Mannheim. 1883-84 — 1889-93. Le Mans Fublishimj place of Sarthe Soc. Bull., q.v. Marb. Schr Schriften der Gasellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften zu Marburg. 8vo. Marburg. 12 {Abh. 1), 1886—13 {Ahth. 4), 1900. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann.... Aunales de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille. 4to. Marseille. Paris. 1, [1892]— 10, 1900. Marseille Lab. Zool. Mar. See Marseille Mus. Ann. Trav. Marseille Mus. Ann (Bull.) Maryland Geol. Surv. Massachusetts Brd. Health Rep. of Mater. Carte G^ol. Suisse R. S. A. C, Ailnales du Musee d'Histoire naturelle de Marseille publiees sous la direction de M. le prof. A. F. Marion. Zoologie. Travaux du Laboratoire de Zoologie Marine. 4to. Marseille. 2, 1884-85—5, 1897-99. Serie ii. Bulletin. Notes Zoologiques, Geologiques, Paleon- tologiques, Varietes. 4to. Marseille. 1 {Fasc. 1), 1898; 1 {Fasc. 2), 1899 & Supplement. Maryland Geological Survey. 8vo. Baltimore. 1, 1897 — 3, 1899. Annual Report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 5, 1884—7, 1886. Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 18, 1887-31, 1900. See Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz. Iviii Mater. Hist. Homme Materiuux pour I'Histoire primitive et naturelle de I'Hoiniue. 8vo. Paris. 18, 1884 — 22, 1888. Foi- continuation see: Anthrop. (Paris). Math. Ann Mathematische Aimalen. In Verbiudung mit C. Neumann be- griindet durch Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch. 8vo. Leipzig. 23, 1884—53, 1900. IVEathesis Mathesis. Recueil mathematique a I'Usage des Ecoles speciales et des Etablissements d'Instruction moyenne. Public par P. Mansion et J. Neuberg. 8vo. Gand. Paris. 4, 1884 — 20, 1900. Math. Gaz ."^ The Mathematical Gazette. London. 4to. Nos. 1 (1894) — 6 (1895). ?8vo. Vol. 1, 1900. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften und der koniglich Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft herausgegeben 8vo. Budapest. Berlin. Leipzig. 2 (1883-84) [in part]— 18, 1903. Math. Termt. Ertes Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Ertesito. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Mathematical and Natural Science Report. Published by the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 2, 1884 [in part]— 12, 1894. Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Ertesito. A M. Tud. Akademia in. Osztalyanak Folyoirata. [Mathematical and Natural Science Report. Journal of the third section of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 13, 1895 — 19, 1901 [in part]. Math. Termt. Kozlem Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Kozlemenyek vonatkozolag a hazai Viszonyokra. Kiadja a Magyar Tudomdnyos Akademia Mathematikai es Ternieszettudoman3'i allando Bizottsaga. [Mathematical and Natural Science Communications referring to home relations. Published by the Permanent Committee on Mathematics and Natural Science of the Hungarian Academy of Science.] 8vo. Budapest. 20, 1885—27, [1901]. Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans. Transactions de la Societe Royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice. 8vo. Maurice. [New Series.] 14, 1884—19, 1887. Mecklenb. Geol. Anst. Mittheilungen aus der Gross herzoglich Mecklenburg. Geologischen Mitth. Landesaristalt. 4to. Rostock. 1, 1892—11, 1900. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch. Archiv des Vereiiis der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklen- burg. 8vo. Neubrandenburg. 1884 — 1900. Med. Chir. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. 8vo. London. [New Series.] 1, 1885 [in part] & 2, 1888. [Third Series.] 1, 1889—11, 1900. Med. -Chir. Trans Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. Published by the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. 8vo. London. 67, 1884 — 83, 1900. Medd. Gr^nland Meddelelser om Gr^nland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske L^nders^gelser i Gr^nland. 8vo. Kjj^benhavn. 3, 1880-94 [in part] ; 7, 1893—21, 1899- 1902 [in part] ; 23, 1899. [4-6 already indexed.] Medical Congresses ..! See Congr. Int. Med. C. R. Congr. Int. Sci. M6d. C. R. Congr. Med. Int. Atti. Int. Med. Congr. Trans. Int. Med. Congr. Verh. Med. Jbiich Medizinische Jalu-biicher. Herausgegeben von der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte. 8vo. Wien. 1884 & 1885. [New Series.] 1, 1886—3, 1888. lix Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem. Scientific Memoirs by medical Officers of the Army of India. 4to. Calcutta. 1, 1885—11, 1898. Melbourne Obs.Astr.Obsns. Results of astronomical Observations made at the Melbourne Results Observatory. 8vo. Melbourne. 1876-80; 1881-84. Mem.L6pidopt.,St.Petersb. Memoires sur les Lepidopteres. Rediges par N. M. Romanoff. Large 8vo. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1884—7, 1893; 9, 1897. [8 not published till after 1900.] Messenger Math The Messenger of Mathematics. 8vo. London. Cambridge. 1 3, 1884—29, 1900. Meteorol. Congr See [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Congr. Rep. Meteorol. Council See Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Rep. [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.] Report of the Permanent Committee of the First International Comm. Rep. Congress at Vienna. 8vo. London. 1873 ; 1874 ; 1876 ; 1878. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Report [of the Meetings] of the International Meteorological Com- Comm. Rep. mittee. 8vo. London. 1880; 1882; 1886; 1888; 1894; 1899. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Report of the International Meteorological Conference 8vo. Conf. Rep. London. 1891; 1896. Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Report of the Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society Rep. for 8vo. London. 1867— [1876-77]. Continued as : Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Rep., q.v. [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Congr. Report of the Proceedings of the Meteorological Congress at Vienna. Rep. Protocols and Appendices. 8vo. London. 1873. Meteorol. Off., Met. Council Report of the Meteorological Council to the Royal Society for Rep. 8vo. London. [1877-78]— [1893-94]. Continuation of: Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep., q.v. Report of the Meteorological Council for to the President and Council of the Royal Society. 8vo. London. [1894-95] — [1899-1900]. Meteorol. Off. Monthly The Monthly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office for Weath. Rep. the Year 4to. London. 1884 — 1887. [Appendices only indexed.] Meteorol. Off. Quart. Quarterly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. 4to. Weath. Rep. London. 1869 — 1880. [Appendices only indexed.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 8vo. London. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Meteorol. Ztschr Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Berlin. 1 (1884) & 2 (1885). Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von [im Auftrage] der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie und der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Berlin. Wien. 3 (1886)— 17 (1900). Metz Ac. Mdm Metzer Akademie. Litteratur, Wissenschaft, Kunst und Land- wirthschaft. Memoires de I'Academie de Metz. Lettres, Sciences, Arts et Agriculture, 8vo. Metz. 65, 1887 [in part]— 81, 1902. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire naturelle de Metz. 8vo. Metz. 16, 1884—20, 1898. Meudon Obs. Ann .. Annales de I'Observatoire d'Astronomie physique de Paris sis Pare de Meudon (Seine-et-Oise). 4to. Paris. 1, 1896. Mex. Com. Geol. Bol Boletin de la Comisi6n Geologica de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 1, 1895. Continued as: M6x. Inst. Geol. Bol., q.v. Mex. Geogr. Bol Boletin de la Sociedad de Geograffa y Estadlstica de la Republica Mexicana. 8vo. Mexico. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888—3, 1894. M^x. Inst. Geol. Bol Boletin del Institute Geologico de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 2, 1895—14, 1900. Continuation of: M6x. Com. Geol. Bol., q.v. h2 Ix M^x. Mus. An Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 3, 1886 [from p. 115]— 6, 1900 [Appendix only]. IVE^X. Obs. Bol Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana, Boletiu Mensual del Observatorio Meteorologico [-Magnetico] Central de Mexico. 4to. Mexico. 1, 1888—3, 1890; 1895—1900. IMt^x. Soc. ''Alzate'^ Mem. Memorias de la Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate." 8vo. Mexico. 1, 1887—15, 1900. IMEhefte. Chem Monatshefte fUr Chemie und verwandte Theile anderer Wissen- schaften. Gesarumelte Abhandlungen aus den Sitzungsbe- richten der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Wien. 1885—1901 [in part]. Mhefte. Math. Phys Monatshefte fiir Mathematik und Physik. 8vo. Wien. 1, 1890—11, 1900. Michigan Fish Comm. Bull. See followiny entry. Michigan, Fish Comm. Rep Biennial Report of the State Board of Fish Commissioners. 8vo. Lansing, Mich. 1885 — 1899. [Contains the Michigan Fish Comm. Bull] Michigan Geol. Surv. Rep. Geological Survey of Michigan. [Report.] 8vo. Lansing. 5, 1895—8 {Pt. 1), 1900. Micr. Soc. Jl Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, containing its Trans- actions and Proceedings 8vo. London. Edinburgh. [Second Series.] 4, 1884—6, 1886; 1887—1900. Midland Natlist The Midland Naturalist. The Journal of the "Midland Union of Natural History Societies," with which is incorporated the entire Transactions of the Birmingham Natural History & Microscopical Society. 8vo. Birmingham. 7, 1884 [in part] — 16, 1893. Milano, Cagnola Atti Atti della Fondazione Scientifica Cagnola dalla sua istituzione in poi. 8vo. Milano. 7, 1882—17, 1900. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem. Memorie del Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali. 4to. Milano. 15, 1885—19, 1900-04. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti. 8vo. Milano. Napoli. Pisa. [Second Series.] 17, 1884—33, 1900. Milano Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. See Milano Soc. ItaL Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl. Pubblicazioni del Reale Osservatorio di Brera in Milano. 4to. Milano. 26, 1884—39, 1900. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali [e del Mviseo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano]. 8vo. Milano. 27, 1884—39, 1900. Milano Soc. Ital. Mem. ... Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano e Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Memorie. 4to. Milano. 5, 1895 & 6 {Fasc. 1), 1897. Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Memorie. 4to. Milano. 6 {Fasc. 2), 1898. MinasGeraesComm.Geogr. Commissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. Bol. Boletim. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1894—3, 1895. Boletim da Commissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro. 4, 1896 & 5, 1898. Min. Mag The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. 8vo. London. 6, 1886—12, 1900. Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull.' Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Svo. Minneapolis. 3, [1891] [in part] & 4, 1896. Minn. Ac. Sci. Occ. Pap. The Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences at Minneapolis, Minn. Occasional Papers. 4to. Minneapolis. 1, No. 1, 1894. Minn. Bot. Stud Geological and Natural Histoi'y Survey of Minnesota. Minnesota botanical Studies. 8vo. Minneapolis. 1, 1894-98 & 2, 1898- 1902 [to p. 536]. I Ixi Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Bulletin. Bull. 8vo. St. Paul. Minneapolis. 1,1889; 2,1887—8, 1893; 10, 1894. [9 forms the special sub-series entitled : Minn. Bot. Stud., q.v.] Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Svo, Rep. Minneapolis. St. Paul. 12, 1884—24, 1899. Min. Petr. Mitth [Tschermaks] Mineral ogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen. Svo. Wien. [New Series.] 1, 1878—19, 1900. Min. Soc. Jl See Min. Mag. Misc. Ent Miscellanea Entomologica. Svo, No publishing place. 1, [1893] — S, 1900. Missouri Geol. Surv. Bull. Geological Survey of Missouri. Bulletin. Svo. .Jefferson City. 1, 1890—5, 1891. Missouri Geol. Surv. [Subj. Geological Survey of Missouri. [Subject Reports.] Svo. Jefferson Rep.j City. [1], 1891—3, 1892. Missouri Geological Survey. [Subject Reports.] Svo. Jefferson City. 4, 1894—13, 1900. Mitteldeutsche Psychiater See Arch. Psychiatr. und Neurologen Mittelrhein. Geol. Ver See Darmst. Ver. Erdk. Notizbl. Mitth. Osterland Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Svo. Altenburg. 2, 1884 [in part] — 9, 1900. Modena Ace. Sci. Mem. ... Memorie della Regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Modena. 4to. Modena. [Second Series.] 2, 1884—1 2, 1896. [Third Series.] 1, 1898—3, 1901 [in part]. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti ... Atti della Societa dei Naturalisti [e Matematici] di Modena. [Memorie.] Svo. Modena. [Third Series.] 3, 1884—16, 1898. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1900 & 2, 1901. (Bend.) Rendiconti delle Adunanze. Svo. Modena, 1, 1882 — 3, 1886. Moncalieri Oss. Annu Osservatorio centrale del Real Col legio Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri. Annuario Storico Meteorologico Italiano. Svo. Torino, 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Moncalieri Oss. Boll. Associazione [Societa] Meteorologica Italiana sotto gli auspici di S. M. il Re d" Italia. BoUettino Mensuale pubblicato per cura deir Osservatorio Centrale del Real Collegio Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri. 4to. Torino. [Second Series.] 1, 1881 — 20, 1900. Continuation of: Moncalieri Oss. Bull Bullettino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del R. Collegio Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri 4to. Torino. 1, 1866 — 15, 1881. Moniteur Sci Le Moniteur Scientifique [du docteur Quesneville], Journal des Sciences pures et appliquees. Svo. Paris. 26, 1884 — 2S, 1886. [Fourth Series,] 1, 1887—14, 1900, Mons Publishing place of Hainaut Soc. M^m., q.v. Mont Blanc Obs. Ann Annales de I'Observatoire meteorologique [physique et glaciaire] du Mont-Blanc. 4to. Paris. 1, 1893—4, 1900. Montevideo Mus. Nac. An. Anales del Museo Nacional de Montevideo. 4to. Montevideo. [1, 1897] k 2, 1901. Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Boletin Mensual del Observatorio Meteorol6gico del Colegio Pio Bol. de Villa Colon. Svo. Montevideo. [1, 1888]— 4, 1894; 7, 1895—12, 1900. [5 & 6 apparently never published.] Montpellier, Ac. Mem Academie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Memoires de la Section des Sciences. 4to. Montpellier. 11,1892. [Second Series.] 1, 1894—3, 1907 [to p. iv]. Montpellier Inst. Zool. Travaux originaux du Laboratoire Zoologique de la Faculte des Trav. Sciences de Montpellier et de la Station Maritime de Cette. Svo. Montpellier. 1, 1885—7, 1900. Ixii Montpellier, Soc. Langued. Societe Languedocienne de Geographie. Bulletin, 8vo. Mcmt- Geogr. Bull. pellier. 7, 1884—23, 1900. Montreal Nat. Hist. Soc. See Canad. Rec. Sci. Proc. Morlaix Publishing place of Finist^re Soc. Sci. Bull., q.v. Morphol. Arb Morphologische Arbeiten. 8vo. Jena. 1 , 1892—8, 1898. Su2Kr- seded by: Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., q.v. Morphol. Jbuch Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitschiift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. 8vo. Leipzig. 9, 1884—29, 1902 [to p. 281]. Moscou See Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892. Congr. Int. M6d. C. R., 1897. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892. Moscou Nouv. Mem Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 4to. Moscou. 15, 1898 anst. Abh., q.v. Erlauterungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thuringischen Staaten. 8vo. Berlin. 1870; Lfg. 1, 1870— Lfg. 51, 1892; Lfg. 53, 1894— Z/^. 63, 1898; Lfg. 65, 1895— Lfg. 69, 1900; Lfg. 71, 1895— Lfg. 77, 1899; Lfg. 80, 1900 ; Lfg. 82, 1897 & Lfg. 83, 1897 ; Lfg. 85, 1898 & Lfg. 86, 1900; Lfg. 88, 1898—/./^. 91, 1900. [Lieferungen 52, 64, 70, 78, 79, 81, 84 & 87 not published till after 1900.] See Wien, Berg- u. Htittenm. Jbuch. .lahrbucher fiir Wissenschaftliche Botanik. Herausgegeben [Be- grundet] von [Prof.] Dr N. Pringsheim. 8vo. Berlin. Leipzig. 14, 1884—35, 1900. k2 Preuss. Thiiring. Karte Erlaut. Geol. Pribram Bergakademie ... Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot. Ixxvi Progr^s M^d Le Progres Medical. Journal de Medecine, de Chirurgie et de Pharmacie. 4to. Paris. [Second Series.] 1, 1885 — 20, 1894. [Third Series.] 1, 1895—12, 1900. Psyche Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass, ' 4, 1890 [from p. 123]— 9, 1902 [to p. 144]. Pulkowa Obsns Observations de Poulkova. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1869 — 14, 1888 & Supplements. Pulkowa, Obs. Publ Publications de I'Observatoire Central Nicolas. 4to. St. Peters- bourg. [Second Series.] 1, 1893; 2,1896; 5, 1898; 6, 1900; 11, 1898. [All other volumes after 1900.] Q. Quart. Jl. Math The quarterly Journal of pure and applied Mathematics. Svo. London. 20, 1885—31, 1900. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 8vo. London. 24, 1884—44, 1901 [to p. 160] & Supplement. Queensland, Ann. Rep. Brit. Annual Report on British New Guinea. 4to. Brisbane. 1888- N. Guinea 89—1898-99. Queensland IVEus. Ann Annals of the Queensland Museum. Svo. Brisbane. 1, 1891 — 5, 1900. Queensland Nat. Hist. Soc. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Queensland. 8vo. Trans. Brisbane. 1, 1895. Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc. The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. Svo. Bris- bane. 1, 1885—16, 1901. Quekett Micr. Club Jl. ... The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. Svo, London. [Second Series.] 1, [1884] [in part]— 7, [1900], R. Railroad 6c Engin. Jl. Rassegna Sci. Geol. Ital. Rec. Math. (Moscou) Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas Rec. Zool. Suisse Regensburg Bot. Ges Regensburg Bot. Ges. Denkschr. The Railroad and Engineering Journal. The American Railroad Journal and Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine have been consolidated in this publication. Folio. New York, Gl, 1887 — 66, 1892. Continued as: Amer. Engineer & Railroad JL, q.v. Rassegna delle Scienze Geologiche in Italia, Svo. Roma. 1, 1892 & 2, 1892. MaTeMaxiiiecKifi C6ophhk'l, H3ji;aBaeMH8 MocKOBCKHM'b Maie- MaTHiecKHMi> OBni,ecTBOMi>, Recueil Mathematique. Publie par la Societe Mathematique de Moscou. Svo. MocKBa. Moscou. 11, [1883-84] [in part]— 21, [19011. Recueil des Travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas [et de la Belgique]. Svo. Leide. 3, 1884—19, 1900. Recueil Zoologique Suisse, comprenant I'Embryologie, I'Anatomie et I'Histologie comparees, la Physiologic, I'Ethologie, la Classifi- cation des Animaux vivants et fossiles. Svo. Geneve. Bftle. 1, 1884 — 5, 1892. Continued as: Rev. Suisse Zool., q.v. See Flora. Denkschriften der Koniglich [-Bayerischen] Botanischen Gesell- schaft zu Regensburg. Regensburg. 4to. 5, 1864 & 6, 1890. Svo. 7, 1898. Ixxvii Repertm. Anal. Chem Repertorium der analytischen Chemle Organ des Vereins Analytischer Cheniiker. 8vo. Hamburg. Leipzig. 4, 1884 — 7, 1887. Foi' continuation see : Ztschr. Chem. Ind. Repertm. f. Meteorol [MeieopojioriiHecKifi C6opunKx H3;i,aBaeMMn HMiiepaTopcKOio AKa^^cMieio HayKi. TIojtT. pe;i,aKuieio /1,-pa T- H. Bnjibj^a.] Repertorium fur Meteorologie, herausgegeben von der Kai.ser- lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Redigiit von Dr Heinrich Wild. 4to. St. Petersburg. 9, 1885—17, 1894. Rev. Biol. N. France Revue biologique du Nord de la France. 8vo. Lille. [111889 — 7, 1895. Rev. Bot Revue de Rotanique. Bulletin mensuel de la Societe Fran^aise de Botanique. 8vo. Courrensan par Gondrin (Gers). Toulouse. 2, 1883-84 [in part]— 13, 1895. Rev. Bryol Revue Bryologique. Bulletin bimestriel consacre a I'Etude des Mousses et des H^patiques. 8vo. Cahan. Paris. 11,1884 — 27, 1900. Rev. d'Anthrop Revue d'Anthropologie. 8vo. Paris. [Second Series.] 7, 1884 k 8, 1885. [Third Series.] 1, 1886—4, 1889. For continuation see: Anthrop. (Paris). Rev. Ent Revue d'Entomologie publi6e par la Society Fran^aise d'Entomologie. 8vo. Caen. 3, 1884—19, 1900. Rev. Gen. Bot Revue generale de Botanique. 8vo. Paris. 1, 1889 — 12, 1900. Rev. Maritime et Colon. ... Revue Maritime [et Coloniale]. 8vo. Paris. 80,1884 — 147,1900. Rev. Math Revue de Mathematiques. (Rivista di Matematica.) 8vo. Turin. 6, 1896-99. For earlier volumes see Riv. Mat. Rev. My col Revue Mycologique. 8vo. Toulouse. 6,1884—22,1900. Rev. Quest. Sci Revue des Questions scientifiques publiee par la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles. 8vo. Louvain. Paris. Bruxelles. 1, 1877 — 48, 1900. Rev. Sci [La] Revue Scientifique [de la France et de I'J^tranger. Revue des Cours Scientifiques]. 4to. Paris. [Whole Series.] 33, 1884 — 52, 1893. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1894—14, 1900. Rev. Sci. Nat Revue des Sciences Naturelles fondee a Montpellier par M. E. DuBRUEiL. 8vo. Montpellier. Paris, [Third Series.] 3, 1883-84 & 4, 1884-85. Rev. Suisse Zool Revue Suisse de Zoologie [et] Annales [de la Societe Zoologique Suisse et] du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. 8vo. Geneve. 1, 1893 — 8, 1900. Continuation of: Rec. Zool. Suisse, q.v. Rev. Trim. Microgr Revista Trimestral Micrografica. Organo del Laboratorio Histo- 16gico de la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid. 8vo. Madrid. 1, 1896—5, 1900. Rev. Univ. Mines Revue universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Publics, des Sciences et des Arts appliques k I'lndustrie. Annuaire de I'Association des Ingenieurs sortis de I'Ecole de Liege. 8vo. Liege. Paris. [Second Series.] 15, 1884—22, 1887. [Third Series.] 1, 1888—52, 1900. Rheinpfalz Pollichia Pest- Festschrift zur fiinfzigjahrigen Stiftungsfeier der Pollichia, Natur- schr. wissenschaftlichen Vereines der Rheinpfalz. 8vo. Diirkheim a. d. Hart. 1892. Rheinpfalz Pollichia Jber. Jahresbericht der Pollichia, eines Natur wissenschaftlichen Vereins der Rheinpfalz. 8vo. Durkheim a. d. Haardt. (40-42), 1884 [in part] k (43-46), 1888 [in parti. Continued as : Rheinpfalz Pollichia Mitth. Mittheilungen der Pollichia, eines Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins der Rheinpfalz. 8vo. Durkheim a. d. Haardt. (47-53), 1888- 95— (56), 1900. Rheinpfalz Pollichia Sep.- Separat-Ausgabe der Pollichia, des Naturwissenschaftlichen Ausg. Vereines der Pfalz. 8vo. Neustadt a. d. H. 1894. Ixxviii Rhodora Rhodora. Journal of the New England Botanical Club. 8vo. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. 1, 1899 &■ 2, 1900. Riga Corresp.-Bl Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. 8vo. Riga. 27, 1884—44, 1901 [in part] & Festschrift. Riga Natf. Ver. Arb. Arbeiten des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. Riga. 8vo. [New Series.] 1, 1865—7, 1891 ; 9, 1899. 4to. 8, 1899. Rio de Janeiro Mus. Nac. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. 4to. Rio de Arch. Janeiro. 6, 1885—8, 1892; 10, 1899. For 9 see: Rio de Janeiro Mus. Nac. Revista do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (Seguimento aos Rev. Archivos do Museu Nacional. Volume ix.) 4to. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1895. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Ann. [Annaes do Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro.] Annales de rObservatoire Imperial de Rio de Janeiro. 4to. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1882—4, 1889. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Bol. ... Boletim mensal do Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro. 4to. Rio de Janeiro. 1900. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Rev. Revista do Observatorio. Publicagao mensal do Imperial Observa- torio do Rio de Janeiro. 4to. Rio de Janeiro. 1886 — 1891. Riv. Geogr. Ital Rivista Geografica Italiaua [e Bolletino della Societa di Studi Geografici e Coloniali in Firenze]. 8vo. Roma. 1, 1894 — 7, 1900. Riv. Ital. Paleont Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia. 8vo. Bologna. Parma. 1, 1895—6, 1900. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Napoli Rivista Italiana di Scienze Naturali e loro Applicazioni pubblicata per cura degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. 8vo. Napoli. 1, 1885 & 2, 1886. Succeeded by: Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., q.v. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena Rivista Italiana di Scienze Naturali e Bollettino del Naturalista Col- lettore, Allevatore, Coltivatore. 4to. Siena. 9, 1889—20, 1900. Continuation of: Boll. Natlista., Siena, q.v. Riv. Mat Rivista di Matematica. 8vo. Torino. 1, 1891 — 5, 1895. For 6 see: Rev. Math. Riv. Min. Crist Rivista di Mineralogia e Cristallografia Italiana. 8vo. Padova. 1, 1887—25, 1900. Riv. Patol. Veg Rivista di Patologia Vegetale. 8vo. Padova. Avellino. Firenze. 1, [1893]— 7, 1899. Riv. Sci.-Ind Rivista Scientifico-Industriale delle principali Scoperte ed Invenzioni fatte nelle Scienze e nelle Industrie. 8vo. Firenze. 16,1884 — 28, 1896; 31, 1899 & 32, 1900. For 29 & 30 see following entries. Riv. Sci. Ind Rivista Scientifica e Industrial. 8vo. Firenze. 29,1897. Riv. Sci. [Ind.] Rivista Scientifica. 8vo. Firenze. 30,1898. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria ... [Archivio Italiano per le Malattie Nervose e Mentali.] Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria e di Medicina legale [Organo della Societa Freniatrica Italiana.] 8vo. Reggio-Emilia. 10, 1884—26, 1900. Riv. Vit. Ital Rivista di Viticoltura ed Enologia Italiana 8vo. Conegliano. 8, 1884—10, 1886. Robin, Jl. Anat Journal de 1' Anatomic et de la Physiologic Normales et Patho- logiques de I'Homme et des Animaux. 8vo. Paris. 20, 1884 — 36, 1900. La Rochelle See under Charente-Inf. Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. 8vo. Rochester, Proc. N. Y. 1, 1891—3, 1906 [to p. 294]. Roma See Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894. Roma, Bull. Meteorol BuUettino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano compilato dal P. Angelo Secchi, d. C. d. G. 4to. Roma. 13, 1874—17, 1878. Continued as: Pontif. Univ. Gregor., q.v. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu Annuario del R. Istituto Botanico di Roma. 4to. Milano. Roma. 1, [1885]— 7, 1898; 9, 1902 [to p. 95]; 10, 1900-01 [Fasc. 1 & 2]. [8 not published till after 1900.] Ix XIX Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric. Roma, N. Lincei Atti Roma, N. Lincei Mem. ... Roma, Oss. Coll. Rom. Mem. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem. Rend. Trans. (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem. ... Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl. Roma, Ulf. Centr. Meteorol. Ann. Rotterdam Nieuwe Verb. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull. Roumanie Inst. Meteorol. Ann. Roy. Inst. Proc Roy. Soc. Meteorol. Comm. Roy. Soc. Proc. Russ. Geol. Min. Annu. ... Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. Riceiche fatte nel Laboratorio di Anatomia Normale della R. Universita di Roma. 8vo. Roma. [1], 1873—7, 1899-1900. Atti deir Accademia Pontiticia de' Nuovi Lincei. 4to. Roma. 37, 1884—54, 1901. Memorie della Pontiticia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei, 4to, Roma. I, 1887—17, 1900. Memorie del R. Osservatorio del Collegio Romano. 4to. Modena. [Third Series.] 2, 1899. [1 not published till after 1900.] Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 4to. Roma. [Third Series.] 19, 1884. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1885—7, 1891. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1894—3, 1899. Rendiconti. 4to. Roma. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1885—7, 1891. [Fifth Series.] (Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali.) 1, 1892—9, 1900. Successor to: Transunti. 4to. Roma. [Third Series.] 8, 1884. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica della Societa Italiana delle Scienze. 4to. Napoli. Roma. [Third Series.] 6, 1887 — II, 1898. Bollettino della Societa Romana per gli Studi Zoologici. 8to. Roma. 1, 1892—8, 1899. Continued as: [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., q.v. Pubblicazioni della Specola Vaticana. 8vo. Roma. Torino. 1, 1891—5, 1898. Annali dell' Ufficio Centrale di Meteorologia Italiana. 4to. Roma. [Second Series.] 1, 1880—5, 1885. Annali dell' Ufficio Centrale Meteorologico [e Geodinamico] Itali- ano. 4to. Roma. [Second Series.] 6 {Pt. 1), 1886—18 {Pt. 2), 1898. Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proe- fondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. 4to. Rotterdam. 3, 1890 [St. 2 & 3] & 4, 1897. Bulletin de la Societe des Amis des Sciences Naturelles de Rouen. 8vo. Rouen. 1884—1900. Annales de I'lnstitut Meteorologique de Roumanie. Analele Insti- tutuluT Meteorologio al Rom&niel. 4to. Bucarest. Bucuresci. Paris. 1, 1886—14, 1900. Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with Abstracts of the Discourses delivered at the Evening Meetings. 8vo. London. 10, 1884 [in part]— 16, 1902 [in par^ See Meteorol. Off., Met. Comm. Rep. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 8vo. London. 36, 1884 [from p. 186]— 67, 1901 ; 75, 1905 [in part], E}Keroji;HiiKi> no reojiorin n MHHepajroriH Pocciii. Annuaiie Geologique e Mineralogique de la Russie. 4to. BapmaBa. Varsovie. HoBafl-AjieKcaHApia. Novo Alexandria. 1, 1896- 97—4, 1900-01. iKypna-it PyecKaro H3HKO-XnMn C.-TIeTepfiyprt.. Horje Societatis Entomologicae Rossica; variis sermonibus in Rossia usitatis eclitae. 8vo. C.-TIeTepfivpn.. Petropoli. 18, 1883-84 [in part]— 34, 1900. Soc. Fran9. Bot See Rev. Bot. Soc. Franp. Ent See Rev. Ent. Soc. Freniatr. Ital See Riv. Sper. di Freniatria. Soc. G6ogr. Finland See Fennia. Soc. G6ol. Belg. Ann See Li^ge, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann. Soc. G6ol. Suisse See Eclogse Geol. Helvet. Soc. Helv6t. Sci. Nat. Act. See Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb. Soc. Ital. Antrop See Arch. Antropologia. Soc. Ital. Fis See Nuovo Cimento. Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll See Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll. Soc. Ital. Sci See (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat See Milano, Soc. Ital. Soc. Ligust. Sci.Nat.Geogr. See Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti. Soc. Malacol. de France ... See Ann. Malacol. Soc. Malacol. Ital. Bull. ... See Bull. Malacol. Ital. Soc. Meteorol. Ital See Moncalieri Oss. Boll. Soc. Mex. Hist. Nat See Naturaleza. Soc. Nat. Sicil See Nat. Sicil. Soc. Pharm. d'Anvers See Anvers, Jl. de Pharm. Soc. Public Analysts See Analyst. Soc. Spel^ol See Spelunca, Paris. Soc. Telegr.-Engin. 6c See Telegr. Engin. Jl. Elect. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat See Pisa Soc. Tosc. Soc. Ven. -Trent. Sci. Nat. See Padova Soc. Sci. Soc. Zool. Suisse Ann. See Rev. Suisse .'Zool. Soc. Zool. Tokyon See Annot. Zool. Jap. Somersetsb. Soc. Proc Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society's Pro- ceedings. 4to. Taunton. 30, 1885—46, 1900. Spelunca, Paris Spelunca. Bulletin de la Societe de Speleologie. 8vo. Paris. 1895—1900. Sperimentale Lo Sperimentale. Giornale Italian© di Scienze Mediche. 8vo. Firenze. 53, 1884—66, 1890. Lo Sperimentale. Giornale Medico, 8vo. Firenze. Siena. 1891—1895. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem Memorie della Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italiani. 4to. Roma. 11, 1883 [in part]; 13, 1885—29, 1901. Stavanger Mus. Aarsber. Stavanger Museums Aarsberetning. 8vo. Stavanger. 1890 — 1900. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital. ... Le Stazioni Sperimeutali Agrarie Italiane. Organo delle Stazioni Agrarie e dei Laboratori di Chimica Agraria del Regno 8vo. Roma. Asti. Modena. 14, 1888—33, 1900. [Parts of 30, 31 ik 33 inaccessible.] Steiermark Mittb Mittheilungen des Naturwissenschaf tlichen Vereines fur Steiermark. 8vo. Graz. 1884—1899. St. Etienne, Ball. Soc. Ind. Bulletin de la Societe de I'lndustrie Minerale. 8vo. Saint Etienne. Min. [Second Series.] 13, 1884—1.5, 1886. [Third Series.] 1, 1887—14, 1900. Stettin, Ent. Ztg Entomologische Zeitung. Herausgegebeu von dem Entomologi- schen Vereine zu Stettin. 8vo. Stettin. 45, 1884 — 61, 1900. St. Gallen, Ber Bericht liber die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaft- lichen Gesellschaft. 8vo. St. Gallen. 1883-84—1898-99. Stirling Field Club Trans. Stirling Field Club Transactions. 8vo. Stirling. 1878-79. Continued as : 12 Ixxxiv Stirling Soc. Trans Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Transactions. 8vo. Stirling. 1883-84 & 1884-85; 1887-88—1899-1900. Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archseological Society. 8vo. Stirling. 1885-86 & 1886-87. St. John, N.B Publishing place of N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., q.v. St. Louis Ac. Trans The Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 8vo. St. Louis. 4, 1886 [in part]— 10 (1900). St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Rep. Missouri Botanical Garden. 8vo. St. Louis, Mo. 1891 — 1900. Stockh., Ak. Handl Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingai-. 4to. Stockholm. 20, 1881-84 [from JVo. 2]— 33, 1900. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang Bihang till Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 8vo. Stockholm. 8, 1883-84—25, 1900. Stockh., Ak. Lefhadsteckn. See Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefhadsteckn. Stockh. Bot. Sallsk. See Bot. Centrbl. See Bot. Notiser. Stockh. Ent. For See Ent. Tidskr. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh. . . . Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar. 8vo. Stock- holm. 7, 1884 & 85—22, 1900. Stockh., Horti Bergiani Acta Horti Bergiani. Meddelanden frfin Kongl. Svenska Veten- Acta skaps-Akademiens Tradgard Bergielund utgifna af Bergianska Stiftelser. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1891—3 (A/d. 1), 1897-1903 [Nos. 1 A & 1 B]. Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt. ... Astronomiska lakttagelser och Undersokningar anstalda pa Stock- holms Observatorium. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1880—6, 1904 .. [Hd/t. 2-4]. Stockh., Ofvers Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar. 8vo. Stockholm. 1884—1900. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. {Ser. Aa) Ser. Aa. 8vo. Stockholm. 1, 1862—114, 1898. {Ser. Ab) Ser. Ab. 8vo. Stockholm. 1, 1877—15, 1893. (Ser. Ac) (Ser. Ba) (Ser. Bb) {Ser. C) Ser Ser. Ser, 4to Ser. C. Ac. Ba. Bb. 1898. 1, 18 n —5, 1898. 1 & 2, 1881; 5, 1887- 9, 1900. {Ser. Ca). Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnad- steckn. Stockh., Ymer St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M^m. 8vo. Stockholm. 8vo. Stockholm. Stockholm. 8vo. 3, 1883 & 4, 1889. 8vo. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1868— [183], 1900. 1, 1868; 2, 1868; 6, 1872; 17, 1877; 25, 1878; 30, 1876; 32, 1879; 34, 1879; 35, 1879; 51, 1882; 60, 1883; 81, 1886; 83, 1886; 90, 1887; 109, 1890—111, 1890; 113, 1890; 123, 1892; 125, 1892—127, 1892; 130, 1893; 146, 1895; 149, 1895; 151, 1895; 156, 1895; 158, 1896; 162, 1896; 180, 1899— [183], 1900 are 8vo, the others 4to. Ser. Ca. 4to. Stockholm. 1, 1900. Lefnadsteckningar ofver Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens efter 8,r 1854 aflidna Ledamoter. 8vo. Stockholm. 3, 1886— 94—4 {Hft. 3), 1903. Ymer. Tidskrift utgifven af Svenska Sallskapet for Antropologi och Geografi. 8vo. Stockholm. 4, 1885—20, 1901. Bulletin Scientitique publie par I'Academie luiperiale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. Leipzig, 7, 1840—10, 1842. Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersboui'g. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 29, 1884—36, [1894]. H.3B+.CTia HMnepaTopcKoii AKa3,eMiH HayKb. Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg. 4to. TleTepSypn.. St. P(^tersbourg. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1894—13, 1900. Memoires de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. 4to. Saint-Petersbourg. [Seventh Series.] 32, 1885—42, 1897. Ixxxv St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Euss.) St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol. St. Petersb., Com. G60I. Bull. St. P6tersb., Com. G60I. M^m. St. Petersb. Inst. M^d. Exper. St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu. St. P^tersbourg St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull. St. Petersb., Sect. G^ol. Cab. S. M. Trav. St. Petersb., Soc. Russe G6ogr. M^m. (Geogr.) Strassb. Sternw. Ann. I^aiiHCKir HMiiepaxopcKoft AKa^eMiH HayKi. no $H3iiK0-MaTe- MaxHiecKOMy OxjitjieHiK). Memoires de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg. Classe des Sciences physiques et mathematiques. 4to. C.-IIeTep6ypn>. St. Petersbourg. [Eighth Series.] 1, 1895—10, 1900. IJaniiCKu HMnepaxopcKofi AKa^eMiH HayKi.. [Memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Science.] 8vo. CaHKxnexep6ypr't. [St. Petersburg.] 1, 1862 — 76, 1894. For continuation see preceding entry. [ApxiiBi, BiojiornHecKHx^ HayKi usAaBaeMMH HMiiepaxopcKHMi. HHcxuxyxoM-bBKcnepHMeHxajbHoa Me;i,HUHHH B'BC.-lIexep6ypr'fe.] Archives des Sciences Biologiques publiees par Tlnstitut Imperial de Medecine Experimentale a St.-P6tersbourg. 4to. C.-nexep6ypn.. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1892—7, 1899. HsBicxia reojiorHqecKaro KoMiixexa. Bulletins du Comite Geo- logique. 8vo. C.-nexep6ypri. St.-Petersbourg. 1, 1883 — 19, 1900 & Supplements. Tpyji;H reo.iorHHecKaro KoMHTexa. Memoires du Comite Geo- logique. 4to. C.-nexep6ypr'i,. St.-Petersbourg. 1, 1883-84 [from N'o. 2]— 16, 1898-1902 [No. 1]. [12 (iVo. 1); 13 (No. 4) & 15 (Nos. 1 (k 4) not indexed because not published until after 1900.] See St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol. MaxepiajiH ajih recioriH Pocciii. H3;i,aHie HMnepaxopcKaro C- nexep6yprcKaro MuHspajiorHiecKaro 06mecxBa. Materialien zur Geologie Russlands. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. CaHKxnexep6ypr'i.. St. Petersburg. 12, 1885—20, 1900. St. Petersburger Medicinische Wochenschrift. 4to. St. Peters- burg. 9, 1884—25, 1900. 3anncKH HMnepaxopcKaro C.-nexep6yprcKaro MnnepajorHqecKaro 06ui,ecTBa. Verhandlungen der Russisch-Kaiserlicheu Minera- logischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. 8vo. CaHKxnexep- 6ypn>. St. Petersburg. [Second Series.] 1, 1866—38, 1900. EaterojtHHKi 3oojiorHqecKaro Myaea HMnepaxopcKOu AKaAeMiii HayK'B. Annuaire du Musee Zoologique de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg. 8vo. CaHKxnexep6ypni, St. Petersbourg. 1, 1896—5, 1900. See Congr. G^ol. Int. C. R., 1897. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884. HaB'fecxifl HMnepaxopcKaro PyccKaro reorpa(j)HqecKaro 06mecxBa. Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. 8vo. C.-nexep6ypri.. St. Petersburg. 19, 1884—36, 1900. Travaux de la Section Geologique du Cabinet de Sa Majeste. (Ministere de la Maison de I'Empereur.) Tpy^u TeojiorH- qecKoft ^lacxH Ka6nHexa Ero HMnepaxopcKaro BejnqecxBa. 8vo. C.-Uexep6ypn.. St. Petersbourg. 1, 1896—3, 1901 [to p. 121]. fJanncKH HMnepaxopcKaro PyccKaro reorpa4)HqecKaro 06mecxBa. Ho o6n;e8 reorpa({)iH. Memoires de la Societe Imperiale Russe de Geographic. Section de Geographic g^nerale. 8vo. C.-nexep6ypri. St. Petersbourg. [Third Series.] 1, 1867—34 (No. 1), 1900. [30 (Nos. 3 & 4); 31 (No. 2) & 32 (No. 4) not indexed because not published until after 1900.] Annalen der Kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. 4to. Karlsruhe. 1, 1896 & 2, 1899. Ixxxvi Stray Feathers Stray Feathers. A Journal of Ornithology for India and its Dependencies. 4to. Calcutta. 10, 1887 [from p. 435]— 11, 1888-99. Stuttgart Publishing place of Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., q.v. Siidwestdeutsche Neuro- See Arch. Psychiatr. logen 6c Irrenarzte Suisse Soc. Zool. Ann See Rev. Suisse Zool. Svenska Sallsk. Antrop. & See Stockh., Ymer. Geogr. Sydney Aust. Mus. Mem. The Australian Museum, Sydney. Memoirs. 8vo. Sydney. [1], 1887—4 {Pt. 2, 1900). Sydney, Aust. Mus. Records of the Australian Museum. 8vo. Sydney. 1,1890-91 — Records 3, 1897-1900. Symons, Meteorol. Mag. Symons's monthly Meteorological Magazine. 8vo. London. 19, 1884—35. 1901. T. Tablettes Zool Tablettes Zoologiques publiees sous la dix-ection de Aime Schneider, Professeur a la Faoulte des Sciences de Poitiers. 8vo. Poitiers. 1, 1886—3, 1892. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol.... Boletin del Observatorio Astronomico Nacional de Tacubaya. 4to. Mexico. 1, 1890 & 2, 1897 [to p. 262]. Taprobanian The Taprobanian, a Dravidian Journal of Oriental Studies in and around Ceylon, in Natural History, Archi^ology, Philology, History, etc. 4to. Bombay. 1, 1887—3, 1888. TaSkent Obs. Astr. Publ. ... Publications de I'Observatoire Astronomique et Physique de Tach- kent. 8vo. Tachkent. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 8vo. Tasmania. 1884—1900-01 [in part]. Telegr. EIngin. Jl Journal of the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians. 8vo. London. New York. 13, 1884—17, 1889. For con- tinuation see Addenda. Telegr. Jl The Telegraphic Journal [and Electrical Review]. 4to. London. 1, 1864 & 2, 1864; 14, 1884—29, 1891. Continued as : Elect. Rev., q.v. Termr. Fiiz Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek Kiadja a Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. [Natural History Magazine Published by the Hungarian National Museum.] 8vo. Budapest. 1, 1877—23 (1900). Termt. Kozlon Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony Kiadja a K. M. Termeszettudo- manyi Tarsulat. [Natural Science Papers Published by the Royal Hungarian Natural Science Society.] 8vo. Budapest. 16, 1884—32, 1900 k Supplements. Terrestrial Magn Terrestrial Magnetism [and Atmospheric Electricity]. An Inter- national Quarterly Journal. 8vo. Chicago. Cincinnati. Baltimore. 1, 1896—5, 1900. Texas Ac. Sci. Trans Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science. 8vo. Austin. 1 {No. 1), 1892—3, 1900. Texas Geol. Surv. Ann Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Texas. 8vo. Rep. . Austin. 1889—1892. Throndhjem, Skr Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. 8vo. Throndhjem. 1884—1900. Thiiring. -Sachs. Gesamtver. See Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth. Erdk. Ixxxvii Tidsskr. Math Tidsskrift for Mathematik. 8vo. Kjdbenhavn. [Fifth Series.] 2, 1884—6, 1889. Continued as : Nyt Tidsskr. Math., q.v. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem Tidsskrift for Physik og Chemi samt disse Videnskabers Anvendelse. 8vo. Kj^benhavn. 23, 1884 — 33, 1894. For continuation see: Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem. Tijdschr. Ent Tijdschrift voor Entomologie uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. 8vo. 's Gravenhage. 27, 1884— 42, 1900. Timehri Timehri : the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Oommercial Society of British Guiana. 4to. Diemerara. 3, 1884—13, 1900. T6ki6 Univ. Mem Memoirs of the Tokio Daigaku (University of Tokio). 4to. Tokio. 5 {Append.), 1884; 5 (Append.), 1885; 11, 1885. Continued as : Tokyo, Coll. Sci. Jl., q.v. Tokyo Fuhlishing place of Aiinot. Zool. Jap., q.v. Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth., q.v. Tokyo Bot. Soc See Bot. Mag., Tokyo. Tokyo, Coll. Sci. Jl The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. 4to. Tokyo. 1, 1887—13, 1900-01 [to p. 506]. Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl Journal of the Tokio Geographical Society. 8vo. Tokyo. 3,1881— 16, 1894-95; 18, 1896. [1, 2, 17 & part of 3, 9 & 18 in- accessible.] Continued as : Tokyo Geogr. Soc, Jl. The Journal of Geography. Published by the Tokyo Geographical Geogr. Society. 8vo. Tokyo. 9, 1897—12, 1900 [to p. 388]. Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. The Geological Magazine. Geological Society of Tokyo. 8vo, Mag. Tokyo. 1, [1894]— 5, [1898] (J}^o. 50) [to p. 82]. [Part of 1 inaccessible.] Continued as : Tokyo Geol. Soc. Jl The Journal of the Geological Society of Tokyo. 8vo. Tokyo. 5, [1898] {lio. 51) [from p. 83]— 7 (1900). [Part of 6 & 7 inaccessible.] Torino Fuhlishing jAace of. [Italia], Soc Meteorol. Annu., q.v. Torino Ace Sci. Atti Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 8vo. Torino. 19, 1883 [from p. 259]— 35, 1900. Torino Ace Sci. Mem. ... Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. [Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali.] 4to. Torino. 35, 1884—49, 1900. Torino Mus. Boll Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia coinparata della R. Universita di Torino. 8vo. Torino. 1, 1886—15, 1900. Torrey Bot. Club Bull Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 8vo. New York. 11, 1884—27, 1900. Torrey Bot. Club Mem. ... Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club. 8vo. New York. 1, 1889-90—7, 1899; 9, 1900. [8 after 1900.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull. ... Bulletin de I'Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. 8vo. Toulouse. 1, 1898 & 2, 1899. Toulouse Ac Sci. M^m. ... Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. 8vo. Toulouse. [Eighth Series.] 6, 1884—10, 1888. [Ninth Series.] 1, 1889—9, 1897. [Tenth Series.] 1, 1901 [to p. 59]. Toulouse Fac Sci. Ann.... Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, pour les Sciences Mathematiques et les Sciences Physiques. 4to. Paris. 1, 1887—12, 1898. [Second Series.] 1, 1899 &, 2, 1900. Toulouse Obs. Ann Annales de I'Observatoire Astronomique, Magnetique et Meteoro- logique de Toulouse. 4to. Paris. 1, 1880—3, 1899. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse. Bulletin. 8vo. Toulouse. Bull. 1884—1900. Toulouse Soc. Sci. Bull. ... Bulletin de la Society des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Toulouse. 8vo. Toulouse. Paris. 6 (1883-84) [in part]— 8, 1889. Ixxxviii Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ. ... Recueil des Travaux du Comite consultatif d'Hygiene Publique de France et des Actes Officiels de 1' Ad ministration Sanitaire. 8vo. Paris. Melun. 13, 1884—29, 1900. Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society. 8vo. Trenton, Soc. Jl. N. J. 1, 1886-88 & 2, 1889-91. Trieste Boll Bollettino della Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste. 8vo. Trieste. 9, [{Ft. 1)], 1885—20, 1900. Trieste Mus. Civ. Atti Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste. 8vo. Trieste. 7, 1884—9, 1895. Triest Zool. Stat. Arb See Wien Zool. Inst. Arb. Trinidad Field Nat. Club Journal of the Trinidad Field Naturalists' Club. 8vo. Port-of- Jl. Spain. 1, 1892-94 & 2, [1894-96]. Troms^ Mus. Aarsh Tromsyi Museums Aarshefter. 8vo. Troms0, 7,1884 — 20,1899. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis. The Journal of the National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis. Svo. London. 1, 1902 [to p. 230]. Tubingen Bot. Inst. Unters. Untersuchungen aus dem Botanischen Institut zu Tiibingen. Svo. I^eipzig. 1, 1881-86 [from p. 363] k 2, 1886-88. Tyneside Naturalists Field See Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans. Club u. U. K. Geol. Surv. Mem. ... (Cretaceous) (Jurassic) (Pliocene) (Pliocene Vertebrata) (Silurian) U. K. Geol. Surv. Mem., Decade U. K. Geol. Surv. Mem., Monogr. U. K. Geol. Surv. Rep. ... U. K. Geol. Surv. Summ. Prog. U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber.... Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth. Ung. Geol. Ges Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. The Cretaceous Rocks of Britain. 8vo. London. 1,1900. The Jurassic Rocks of Britain. Svo. London. 1, 1892 — 5, 1895. The Pliocene Deposits of Britain. Svo. London. 1890. The Vertebrata of the Pliocene Deposits of Britain. Svo. London. 1891. The Silurian Rocks of Britain. 8vo. Glasgow. 1, 1899. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Figures and Descriptions illustrative of British organic Remains. 4to. Tendon. Decades 1, 1849—13, 1872. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. London. 4to. Monographs 1, 1859 & 4, 1878, Svo. Monographs 2, 1864 & 3, 1877. Department of Science and Art. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom and of the Museum of Practical Geology for the year ending December 31, 1896. Svo. London. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for Svo. London. 1897—1899. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United King- dom. Svo. London. Plymouth. 1887-88. [New Series.] 1, 1889-90—6, 1900-03 [to p. 294]. Jahresbericht der K. U. Geologischen Anstalt. Svo. Budapest. 1885—1900. For 1882—1884 see Foldt. Kozlon. Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Kgl. Ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt. 8vo. Budapest. 7, 1884-87—13, 1899-1902 [to p. 198]. This is a German edition of Magyar Foldt. Int. ^Vk., q.v. See Foldt. Kozlon. Ixxxix Ung. Reichsanst. Meteorol. Meteorologiai es Foldmagnessegi Orszagos Int(''zet Hivatalos Kiad- Erdmagnet. Publ. vanyai. Publicationen der Kbn. Ung. Reichsanstalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. 4to. Budapest. 1, 1898 — 3, 1900. United Serv. Inst. Jl Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall. 8vo. London. 27, 1884—44, 1900. Untersuch. N"at Untersuchungen zur Natuilehre des Menschen und der Thiera^ 8vo. Giessen. 13, 1888 [in part]— 17, [1901]. Upsala Arsskr Upsala Universitets Arsskrift. 8vo. Upsala. 1884—1900. Upsala Bot. For See Bot. Notiser. Upsala Geol. Inst. Bull. ... Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. 8vo. Upsala. 1, 1894—4, 1900. Upsala Lakarefor. Porh. ... Upsala Lakareforenings Fiirhandlingar. 8vo. Upsala. . 19, 1884 [in part]— 30, 1895. [New Series.] 1, 1896—5, 1900. Upsala Naturvet. Student- See Bot. Centrbl. sallsk. Upsala. Soc. Sci. Nova Acta U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Bull. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep. [U. S.] Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep. U. S. Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep. U. S. Coast Geod. Surv. Bull. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep... U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb. ... U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull. [U. S.] Div. Chem. Bull. ... U. S. Div. Chem. Bull. ... U. S. Div. Ent. Bull U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life U U. S. Div. Ent. Techn. Ser. U Nova A-cta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 4to. Upsala, [Third Series.] 12, 1885—20, 1904 [in part]. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1893—26, 1900, U. S, Department of Agriculture Annual Report of the Bux'eau of Animal Industry. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1885 ; 3, 1887 ; 4 & 5, 1888; 14, 1898—16, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry, Reports 8vo. Washington. 6 & 7, 1891—12 & 13, 1897. Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 8vo, Washington. 2, 1886. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer [of the Array] to the Secretary of War. 8vo. Washhigton. 1871—1881; 1883— 1890. Report of the Secretary of War; In five Volumes. Volume iv. [Report of Chief Signal Officer.] 8vo, Washington. [1891,] Continued as: U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., q.v. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer, United States Army, to the Secretary of War. 8vo, Washington. 1882. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bulletin. Washington, 4to. 1, [1888]— 24, [1891]; 36, 1897—40, 1899, 8vo. 26, 1893—35, 1896. [25 inaccessible.] Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture. 8vo. Washington. 1884—1888. ConfAnued as: [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., q.v. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. 8vo. Washington. 1894—1900. Continuation of: [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., q.v. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey, Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. 9, 1898 — 14, 1900. Continuation of: U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., q.v. Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division. [Division of Chemistry.] Bulletin, 8vo. Washington. 1, 1883—12, 1886. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Chemistry, Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. 13 (Pt. 1), 1887—59, 1900. U, S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology, Bulletin, 8vo. Washington. 4, 1884—32, 1894. [New Series.] 1, 1895— 26, 1900, S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. [Periodical Bulletin.] Insect Life. 8vo, Washington. 1, 1888-89—7, 1895. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Technical Series. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1895—8, 1900, R. S, A, C, xc U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology Bull. and Mammalogy. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1889; 3, 1893—8, 1896. Continued as: U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. BuU.^ q.v. U.S. Div. Ornith. [Mamm.] U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology. Bull. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. 2, 1888. U. S. Div. Soils Bull U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of [Agricultural] Soils. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1895—16, 1899. U. S. £jnt. Comm. Rep. ... U. S. Department of Agriculture Report of the United States Entomological Commission. 8vo. Washington. 4, 1885 & 5, 1890. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull. ... Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. 8vo. Washington. 4, 1884—18, 1899. U. S. Fish Commi. Rep. ... United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Report of the Commissioner 8vo. Washington. 9, 1884 — 25, 1900. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. ... Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1883—176, 1900. U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1890; 7, 1884—31, 1898; 32 {Ft. 2), 1899— 40, 1900. [2-6 already indexed; 32 {Pt. 1) not published till after 1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior. 8vo. Washington. 1882-83—1899- 1900 [Pts. 1, 2 &5]. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev. [United States] Monthly Weather Review. Dec. 1873— Jan. 1879. Monthly Weather Review. (General Weather Service of the United States.) Washington. Feb. 1879— Dec. 1882. United States of America : War Department. Monthly Weather Review. (General Weather Service of the United States.) 4to. Washington. 11 (1883)— 19 (1891). United States of America : Department of Agriculture. Monthly Weather Review and Annual Summary. 4to. Washington, D. C. 20 (1892)— 28 (1900). U. S. Mus. Bull Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 8vo. Washington. 23, 1885; 25, 1884; 27, 1884—47, 1896. [24 & 26 already indexed.] U. S. Mus. Proc Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 8vo. Washington. 6, 1884 [from p. 353]— 22, 1900. U. S. Mus. Rep See Smithsonian Rep. U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. Special Bulletin. 4to. Washington. 1, 1892—4 (Ft. 1), 1900. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy. North American Fauna. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1889—5, 1891; 7, 1893 ; 8, 1895; 10, 1895—12, 1896. [6 & 9 never published.] • U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. North American Fauna. 8vo. Washington. 13,1897—19,1900. U. S. Naval Obs. Obsns. ... [Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological] Observations made during the year at the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington. 1884 — 1892. Continued as : U. S. Naval Obs. Publ. ... Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington. [Second Series.] 1, 1900. [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. 8vo. Washington. 1889 — 1893. Continuation of: [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., q.v. Continued as: U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., q.v. U. S. Signal Serv. Notes .. United States of America : War Department. Signal Service Notes. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1882—4, 1883; 6, 1883—20, 1885; 22, 1885 h 23, 1885. [5 inaccessible, 21 not published till after 1900.] XCl U. S. Signal Serv. Pap. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull. U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep. Utrecht Utrecht, Onderzoek. Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek. United States of America : War Department. Professional Papers of the Signal Service. 4to. Washington. 13, 1884—16, 1885; 18, 1885. [Publication of 17 indefinitely postponed.] U. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Bulletin. 8vo. Washington, D. C. 1, 1892—29, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. Bulletin. Washington, D. C. in-plano. A, 1893 & B, 1894. 4to. C, 1894— H, 1900. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau. 4to. Washington. 1891- 92—1899-1900. Publishing place of Donders, Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., q.v. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl., q.v. Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratoriura der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. 8vo. Utrecht. [Third Series.] 9, 1884—11, 1889. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1891—5, [1897]. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1899. Aanteekeningen van het Verhandelde in de Sectie-Vergaderingen van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Sectie van Natuur- en Geneeskundige Wetenschappen.) 8vo. Utrecht. 1884—1900. I Valais Soc. Murith Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag. Varese Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. {Biol.) {Phys. Chin I.) Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (C. E., Biol.) (C. P., Phys. Chim.) Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Mem.) Vaucluse Ac. M^m Venezia, Ateneo V. See Bull. Murith. Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine. 8vo. New York. 30, 1884 — 33, 1885. For continuation see: Railroad 6c Engin. Jl. Publishing place of [Italia], Soc. Crittog. Atti, q.v. IIpoTGKGJiH 3ac'fc;i;aHifi ii Tpyji;H OCmecTBaEcrecTBOHCiiHTaTeJiefi npii HMnepaTOpcKOMT> BapiuaBCKOML yHiiBepCHxeT'fe. Comptes Ren- dus et Memoires de la Societe des Naturalistes [a I'tJniversite Imperiale] de Varsovie. OT;i;'fe.ieHie BiojioriH. Section Biologique. 8vo. Bapmasa. Varsovie. 1897—1900. Oijt'fejieHifl «^H3HKH H XiiMiu. Sections de Physique et de Chimie. 8vo. BapuiaBa. Varsovie. 1897; 1898. Con- tinuations of: TpyjiEi BapiiiaBCKaro 06mecTBa EcTecTBOHCiiHTaTejeH. Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de Varsovie. npoTOKO.iEi OTA-fejieHifl BiojioriH. BapmaBa. Comptes Rendus de la Section Biologique. Varsovie. 8vo. Bapuiaea. Varsovie. 1889-90—1895-96. IIpoTOKOJiH Oxjt'fejieHifl »I>H3iiKH H XhmIh. BapmaBa. Comptes Rendus de la Section de Physique et de Chimie. Varsovie. 8vo. BapmaBa. Varsovie. 1889-90—1895-96; 1900. TpyJ^H 06m,ecTBa EcTecTBOiicnHTaTejieii npii HMiiepaTopcKOM'B BapmaBCKOMt yHHBepcHxeTi. Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de 1' University Imperiale de Varsovie. 8vo. BapmaBa. Varsovie. 1, 1891 — 3, 1896. Memoires de I'Academie de Vaucluse. 8vo. Avignon. 3, 1884 — 19, 1900. L' Ateneo Veneto. Ri vista di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 8vo. Venezia. 1, 1886— 2, 1899. [1 & 2, 1884; 1 & 2, 1885; part of 2, 1889 & of 1, 1890; 2, 1897 and 1 k 2, 1900 inaccessible.] m 2 XCll Venezia, 1st. Atti Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 8vo. Venezia. 1883-84—1899-1900. Venezia, 1st. Mem Memorie del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 4to. Venezia. 23, 1887—26, 1897-1902 [in part]. Ver. Anal. Chem See Repertm. Anal. Chem. Verband Deutsch. Elektro- See Elektrotechn. Ztschr. techniker Ver. Deutsch. Chemiker ... See Ztschr. Angew. Chem. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. See Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. See Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. Deutsch. Reichs Victoria Dept. Mines Spec. Victoria. Department of Mines. Special Reports. 4to. Melbourne. Rep. 1892—1898. (Coal Fields.) [1], 1892—7, 1900. Victoria Field Naturalists' See Victorian Natlist. Club VictoriaGeol.Surv. Monthly Victoria. Department of Mines. Geological Survey of Victoria. Rep. New Series. Monthly Progress Report. 8vo. Melbourne. 1, 1899—12, 1900. Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philo- sophical Society of Great Britain. 8vo. London. 17, 1884 — 33, 1901 [in part]. The Victorian Naturalist. The Journal and Magazine of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. 8vo. South Melbourne. 1, 1885—17, 1901 [to p. 152]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne. 1, 1889—13, [1901]. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne. 21, 1885—24, [1888]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. 4to. Melbourne. 1 {PL 1), 1888—4, 1895. Archiv fiir Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fiir Klinische Medicin. Herausgegeben von Rudolf VmcHOW. 8vo. Berlin. 95, 1884—162, 1900. Annales de la Societe d'Emulation du Departement des Vosges. 8vo. Epinal. Paris. 1884—1900. Victoria Inst. Jl Victorian Natlist Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc... Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans. Virchow, Arch ... Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann.... Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans. Warwick. Field Club Proc. Washburn Obs. Publ Washington Washington Ac. Sci. Proc. Washington, Astr. Pap. for Ephem. 6c Naut. Aim. w. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Phila- delphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1, 1887—3, [1890-1903] [to p. 1218]; 4, 1896—6, 1899. Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club. 8vo. Warwick. 1884—1900. Publications of the Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin. Madison. 8vo. 1, 1882—5, 1887. 4to. 6 {Pts. 1 & 2), 1890—10 {PL 1), 1896. See Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1891. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887. Publishing place of U. S. Departmental and Official Publications. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 8vo. Washington. 1, 1899-1900 & 2, 1900. Astronomical Papers prepared for the use of the American Ephe- meris and Nautical Almanac. 4to. Washington. 1, 1882— 8, 1898 [to p. 403]. XClll Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 8vo. Washington. 2, 1885 [in part]— 13, 1901. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. 4to. Washington. 2, 1884—8, [1902]. Washington Phil. Soc. Bull. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. 8vo. Washington. 6, 1884— U, 1906 [in part]. Wernigerode NTaturw. Ver. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Harzes in Schr. Wernigerode. 8vo. Wernigerode. 1, 1886—10, 1895. Westlal. Ver. Jber. Jahresbericht des Westf alischen Provinzial- Vereins f iir Wissen- schaft und Kunst fiir Svo. Miinster. 1883 [in part] — 1899-1900. West Indies Geol. Surv. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. [West Indian Survey.] Svo. Mem. London. Part 2, 1869. Wetter Das Wetter. Meteorologische Monatsschrif t fiir Gebildete aller Stande. Svo. Magdeburg. Braunschweig. Berlin. 1, 1885 — 17, 1900. Wetterau. Ges. Nat. Ber. Bericht der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammte Natur- kunde zu Hanau. Svo. Hanau. 1883-85 [in part] — 1895-99. Wiad. Mat Wiadomosci Matematyczue. Svo. Warsaw. 1 , 1897 — 4, 1900. Wien See Int. Congr. Hyg. Arb., 1887. Wien, Ak. Denkschr Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akadeniie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 4to. Wien. 48, 1884—70, 1901. Wien, Ak. Sber Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Matheraatisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Svo. Wien. 89, 1884—109,1900. Wien, Almanach Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Svo. Wien. 34, 1884—50, 1900. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth. Mittheilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 4to. Wien. 14, 1884—30, 1900. Wien, Anz Anzeiger der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathe- matisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Svo. Wien. 21, 1884 — 37, 1900. Wien, Berg- U. Hiittenm. Berg- und Hiittenmiinnisches Jahrbuch der k. k. Bex-gakademien Jbuch. zu Leoben und Pribram und der koniglich Ungarischen Bergakaderaie zu Schemnitz. Svo. Wien. 32, 1884 — 48, 1900. Wien Embryol. Inst. Mitth. Mittheilungen aus dem Embryologischen Institute der k. k. Universitiit in Wien. Svo. Wien. Leipzig. [New Series.] 1, 1885—5, 1892. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber Jahresbericht des Wiener Entomologischen Vereins. Svo. Wien. [1], 1891—10, 1900. Wien. Ent. Ztg Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Svo. Wien. 3,1884—19,1900. Wien Geogr. Ges. Abh. ... Abhandlungen der k. k. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 8vo. Wien. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Wien Geogr. Ges. Festschr. Festschrift der k. k. Geographischen Gesellschaft 1884-1898. Svo. Wien. 1898. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth.... Mittheilungen der kais. konigl. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Svo. Wien. 27, 1884—43, 1900. Wien, Geol. Abh Abhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Folio. Wien. 11 {Ahth. 1), 1885-18, 1895-1907 [Heft 1]. Wien, Geol. Jbuch Jahrbuch der kaiserlich-koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4to. Wien. 34, 1884—49, 1900. Wien, Geol. Verh Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen Geologischen Reichsan- stalt. 4to. Wien. 1884—1900. Wien, Gradmessungs-Bur. Publicationen fur die Internationale Erdmessung. Astronomische Astr. Arb. Arbeiten des k. k. Gradmessungs-Bureau 4to. Wien. Prag. .Leipzig. 1, 1889—12, 1900. XCIV Wien Kuffner. Sternw. Publ Wien. Med. Wschr Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr. .. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus Ann. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth Wien, Photogr. Correspond Wien, Sonnblick-Ver. Jber. Wien Univ. Sternw. Ann. Publicationen der v. Kuffner'schen Sternwarte in Wien. 4to. Wien. 1, 1889—5, 1900. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. 4to. Wien. 34, 1884 — 50, 1900. Zeitschrift der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie. Redigirt von Dr. J. Hann. 8vo. Wien. 19, 1884 & 20, 1885. Continued an: IVIeteorol. Ztschr., q.v. Annalen des k. k. Naturhistorischen li of museums. 8vo. Wien. 1, 1886—15, 1900. Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Vereins in Wien. [Die Schwalbe.] Wien. 4to. 8, 1884 [in part]— 12, 1888; 14, 1890-21, 1897 cfc Beiblatter, 1, 1884 & 2, 1885. 8vo. 13, 1889. Photographische Correspondenz. Organ der photographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, [und] des Vereines zur Pflege der Photo- graphie in Frankfurt a. M., [und des Schweizerischen Photographen-Vereins, der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Miinchen und des Photo-Club in Wien]. 8vo. Wien. Leipzig. 21, 1884—37, 1900. Jahres-Bericht des Sonnblick- Vereines. 4to. Wien. 1892 — 1900. Annalen der k. k. Universitats-Sternwarte in Wien (Wahring). 4to. Wien. 2, 1884—14, 1900. [1 apparently never published.] Wien Zool.-Bot. Ges. See Schwalbe. (Ornith. Sect.) Wien Zool. Bot. Verh Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-kiiniglichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 8vo. Wien. 33, 1884—50, 1900. Wien Zool. Inst. Arb Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest. 8vo. Wien. 5, 1884 — 13, 1902 [to p. 80]. Wiesbaden Publishing place of Nassauisch. Ver. Jbuch., q.v. Wilts. Archaeol. Mag The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, published under the Direction of the Society formed in that County, AD. 1853. 8vo. Devizes, 22,1885—30,1899. Wimereux Lab. [Stat.] Zool. See Lille Inst. Zool. Trav. Wisconsin Ac. Trans Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. 8vo. Madison. 6, 1885—12, 1900. Wisconsin Geol. Nat. Hist. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. 8vo. Madison, Surv. Bull. Wis. 1, 1898—6, 1900. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society. 8vo. Milwaukee, Bull. Wisconsin. 1, 1900. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Occasional Papers of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin. Occ. Pap. 8vo. Milwaukee. 1, 1889-90—3, 1896. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin. 8vo. Proc. [Milwaukee.] 1885-89 [pp. 45—231]. Wisconsin Univ. Bull. (Sei.) Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Science Series. 8vo. Madison, Wis. 1, 1896 & 2, 1901 [to p. 296]. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. ... Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen herausgegeben von der Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel und der biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland. 4to. Kiel. Leipzig. [New Series.] 1, 1896 & 2, 1897. Kiel Series. 3, 1898—5, 1901 [Heft 1]. Helgoland Series. 3, 1900 & 4, 1900. Continuation of: Deutsch. Meere Ber., q.v. Wombat The Wombat. The Journal of the Geelong Field Naturalists' Club, and the Gordon College Amateur Photographic Association. 8vo. Geelong. 1, [1896]— 4, [1899]. Woods HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Biological Bulletin. Edited by the Director and Members of the Bull. Staff of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. ?8vo. Boston, U. S. A. 1, 1900 & 2, 1901 [to p. 143]. xcv Wood's HoU Mar. Biol. Biological Lectures delivered at [from] the Marine Biological Lab. Lect. Laboratory [of] Wood's HoU, [Mass.]. 1 8vo. Boston, U. S. A. 1890—1899. Woolhope Field Club Trans. Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. 8vo. Hereford. 1874-76—1900-02 [to p. 99]. Worcester Publishing place of Brit. Mycol. Soc. Trans., q.v. Wiirttemb. Jhefte Jahreshefte des Vereins fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttem- berg. Svo. Stuttgart. 40, 1884—56, 1900. Wiirzb. Bot. Inst. Arb Arbeiten des Botanischen Instituts in Wiirzburg. Svo. Leipzig. 3, 1888. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Festschrift zur Feier ihres funfzigjahrigen Bestehens herausgegeben Festschr. von der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. 4to. Wiirzburg. 1899. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber. Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. Svo. Wurzburg. 1884 — 1900. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verh. Verhandlungen der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. Svo. Wurzburg. 18, 1884—33, 1900. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb. ... Arbeiten aus dem Zoologisch-Zootomischen Institut in Wurzburg. Svo. Wiesbaden. 7, 1885—10, 1895. W. Virginia Geol. Surv. ... West Virginia Geological Survey. Svo. Morgantown. 1,1899. Yale Univ. Obs. Trans. Yn Lioar Manninagh .. Yokohama Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc. ... Yorks. Nat. Union Trans. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep Y. Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. 4to. New Haven. 1, 1887-1904 [to p. 330]. Yn Lioar Manninagh. The Journal of the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Svo. Douglas. 1, [1894] — 3, [1902]. Puhlishhtg place of Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth., q.v. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society. Svo. Leeds. S (1882-84) [from p. 255]— 13, 1899. The Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union. Svo. London. Leeds. 7, 1884—27, 1901. Annual Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Svo. York. 1884—1900. Z. Zool. Anz Zoologischer Anzeiger herausgegeben von Prof. J. Victor Carus in Leipzig. [Zugleich Organ der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft.] Svo. Leipzig. 7, 1884—23, 1900. Zool. Beitr. Zoologische Beitrage. Svo. Breslau. 1, 1885 — 3, 1892. Zool. Bull Zoological Bulletin. Edited by C. O. Whitman and W. M. Wheeler. The University of Chicago. ? Svo. Boston, U. S. A. 1, 1898 & 2, 1899. For successor see: Woods HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull. XCVl Zool. Jbiich Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift fur Systematik, Geographic und Biologie der Thiere. 8vo. Jena. 1, 1886 & 2, 1887 & Supplements 1, 1886—5, 1902 [to p. 250]. (Anat) Abtheilung fiir Anatomie und Ontogenie der Thiere. 8vo. Jena. 3, 1889—14, 1901 [to p. 368]. (Syst.) Abtheilung fiir Systematik, Geographic und Biologie der Thiere. 8vo. Jena. 3, 1888—14, 1901 [to p. 290]. Zoologica Zoologica. Original- Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Zoologie. 4to. Stuttgart. 9, 1897-1900—12, 1900. Conthiua- tioii of: Bibl. Zool., q.v. Zoological Congresses See Congr. Int. Zool. C. R. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc. Zoologist The Zoologist: a monthly Journal of Natural History. 8vo. London. [Third Series.] 8, 1884—20, 1896. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1897—4, 1900. Zool. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings [General Meetings for Scientific Business] of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. London. 1884—1900. Zool. Soc. Trans Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 4to. London. 12, 1890—15, 1901. Zool. Vortr Zoologische Vortrage. 8vo. Leipzig. 1, 1889—11, 1892. Ztschr. Angew. Chem Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Organ der deutschen Gesell- schaft fiir angewandte Chemie. 4to. Berlin. 1888 — 1895. ' . Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Chemie. Organ des Vereins deutscher Chemiker. 4to. Berlin. 1896 — 1900. Continuation of: Ztschr. Chem. Ind., q.v. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Mikroskopie mit besonderer Rticksicht auf die mikroskopischen Untersuchungen von Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln, technischen Produkten, Krankheitsstoffen, etc., etc. 8vo. Berlin. Leipzig. Weimar. 1, 1896—5, 1900. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie. 8vo. Hamburg. Leipzig. 1, 1892—25, 1900. Ztschr. Bauwesen Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen. Herausgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. 4to. Berlin. 31, 1881—50, 1900. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinen-Wesen im Preussi- Salinenw. schen Staate. 4to. Berlin. 32, 1884—48, 1900. Ztschr. Biol Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. 8vo. Miinchen. Leipzig. 20,1884—40, 1900. Ztschr. Chem. Ind Zeitschrift fiir die Chemische Industrie mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der chemisch-technischen Untersuchungsverfahren. 4to. Berlin. 1, 1887 & 2, 1887. Continuation of: Repertm. Anal. Chem., q.v. Continued as: Ztschr. Angew. Chem., q.v. Ztschr. Elektroch Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie. Organ der Deutschen Elektro- chemischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Halle a. S. 1895-96—1900-01. Continuation of: Ztschr. Elektrotechn. Elek- Zeitschrift fiir Electrotechnik und Elektrochemie. 4to. Halle a. S. troch. 1894-95. Ztschr. Ent. (Breslau) Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie. Herausgegeben vom Verein fiir Schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau. 8vo. Breslau. 9, 1884 [in part]— 25, 1900. Ztschr. Ethnol Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 8vo. Berlin. 16, 1884—32, 1900. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak. Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie. Unter Mitwirkung der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie [in Berlin], Svo. Stuttgart. 10, 1884—44, 1901 [to p. 172]. XCVll Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith. ... Zeitschiift fiir die gesammte Ornithologie. 8vo. Budapest. 1, 1884—4, 1888. Ztschr. Heilk Zeitschiift fiir Heilkunde, als Fortsetzung der Prager Vierteljahrs- schrift fiir praktische Heilkunde. 8vo. Prag. Leipzig. \Vien. Berlin. 1, 1880—21, 1900. Ztschr. Hyg Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene [und Infectionskrankheiten]. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1886—35, 1900. Ztschr. Instrumentenk Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. Organ fur Mittheilungen aus deni gesammten Gebiete der wissenschaftlichen Technik. 4to. Berlin. 4, 1884—20, 1900. Ztschr. Kryst Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie. Svo. Leipzig. 8, 1884—33, 1900. Ztschr. Math. Phys. Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik herausgegeben unter der verantwortlichen Redaction von Dr. O. Schlomilch, Dr. E. Kahl und Dr. M. Cantor. 8vo. Leipzig. 29, 1884 — 45, 1900. Ztschr. Morphol. U. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologie und Anthropologic 8vo. Stuttgart. Anthrop. 1, 1899 & 2, 1900. Ztschr. Natunviss Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften im Auftrage [Organ] des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen. Svo. Halle. Leipzig. Stuttgart. 57, 1884—73, 1900. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk Zeitschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Svo. Wiesbaden. 13, 1884—38, 1901 [to p. 187]. [For English edition see Arch. Otol.] Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. ... Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Ver- wandtschaftslehre. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1887—35, 1900. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. ... [Hoppe Seylkr's] Zeitschi-ift fiir Physiologische Chemie. 8vo. Stuttgart. 8, 1883-84 [in part]— 31, 1900-01 [to p. 410]. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol Zeitschrift fur Praktische Geologie mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung tier Lagerstattenkunde. 4to. Berlin. 1893 — 1900. Ztschr. Psychol. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane. Svo. Hamburg. Leipzig. 1, 1890 — 24, 1900. Ztschr. Thiermed. Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin. Neue Folge der Deutschen Zeit- schrift fiir Thiermedicin und der Oesterreichischcn Zeitschrift fiir wisscnschaftlichc Veterinarkunde. Svo. Jena. 1, 1897 — 4, 1900. Ztschr. Tuberkulose Zeitschrift fiir Tuberkulose und Heilstattenwesen. Svo. Leipzig. 1, 1900. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zeitschrift des Vereins der deutschen Zuckcr-Industrie. 8vo. Zuckerind. Berlin. 48, 1898—50, 1900. Continuation of: Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir die Riibenzucker-Industrie des deut- zuckerind. schen Reichs. 4to. Berlin. 34, 1884—47, 1897. Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Geographic. Svo. Wien. Weimar. 5, 1885—8, 1891. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und fiir mikrosko- pische Technik. Svo. Braunschweig. Leipzig. 1, 1884 — 17, 1900. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Svo. Leipzig. 40^ 1884—68, 1900. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm. Zeitschrift fiir Zuckcrindustrie in Bohmen. Svo. Prag. 9> 1884-85—25, 1900-01 [to p. 194]. Zurich, Natf. Ges. Neu- Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden Gesell- jahrsbl. schaft. 4to. Zurich. 1884—1895; 1897—1900. Neujahrsblatt der Zurcherischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 4to. Zurich. 1896. R. S. A. C. XCVlll Zurich Phys. Ges. Jber. ... Zurich Polyt. Sternw. Publ. Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr. Zurich; See. Ent Zurich Vrtljschr Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber. Jahresbericht der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. 8vo. Uster-Ziirich. 1887—1899 & 1900. Publikationen der Sternwarte des Eidg. Polytechnikums zu Zurich. 4to. Zurich. 1, 1897 & 2, 1899. Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 4to. Zurich. 29, 1885—37, 1900. Societas Entomologica. Organ fiir den internationalen Entomo- logenverein. 4to. Zurich. 1, [1887]— 15, [1901] [to p. 146]. Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 8vo. Zurich. 29, 1884—45, 1900. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Naturkunde zu Zwickau in Sachsen. 8vo. Zwickau. 1884—1900. Addenda Arch, de Physiol Archives de Physiologie Normale et Pathologique. 8vo. Paris. [Third Series.] 3, 1884—10, 1887. [Fourth Series.] 1, 1888 & 2, 1888. [Fifth Series.] 1, 1889—10, 1898. Centrbl. Physiol Centralblatt ftir Physiologie. 8vo. Leipzig. Wien. 1, 1888 — 14, 1901 [to p. 512]. Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, late the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians. 8vo. London. New York. 18, 1890—29, 1900. Continuation of: Telegr. Engin. Jl., q.v. TRANSLITERATION OF RUSSIAN The system of transliteration, of the Russian alphabet adopted for the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature is based on the phonetic value of Roman letters in Bohemian : — M m f X ch e at the beginning of a syllable 6 after a consonant i at the beginning of a syllable ■fe after a consonant T, is not transcribed. h before a consonant or as a final e as an initial ... e after a consonant a, H) at the beginning of a syllable H, H) after a consonant, with which they constitute a syllable m §c V i e e J6 ja, ju ia, lu ^ CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS 1884-1900 A A., F. Oncidium papilio (butterfly orchid). Gard. Chron., 2, 1887, 617-618. A..,H. Inside a waterspout. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 151. A., J. Abnormal Cypripedium hirsutissimum. Gard. Chron., 19, 1896, 518. A., jR. Theorie dynamique de la chaleur. Un docunaent historique. Kev. Sci., 44, 1889, 244-245. Aa, P[ieter] J{an] B[atist] G[a7'el] Robide van der. De verhouding der Papoes en Melanesiers tot het Maleiscli- Polynesische ras. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 2, 1886 {Art., Sttik 1), 225-245; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 1, 1885, 390-391, 696. Aagaard, C. E. Eester af uddjffde elefanter i nordiske glaciale aflejringer. Kj^benh., Dansk Geol. For. Meddel., 3, 1896, 17-22. Aall, A niithon. Cm sandsynlighed og dens betydning logisk betragtet. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 19, 1897, No. 9, 24 pp. Aaltsz, J., & Quarles van Vfford, G. C. See Quarles van VfFord & Aaltsz. Aaron, {Mrs) C. B. The bee moth. Philad., Ent, News, 8, 1897, 187-190. Aaron, C\liarles'] Hloward]. To find the value of gold or silver of a specimen. California Mining Bur. Rep., 6 {Ft. 2), 1887, 176-177. 2. Notes on the hydrometallurgy of gold. California Mining Bur. Rep., 8, 1888, 836-42. 3. Notes on the hydrometallurgy of silver. California Mining Bur. Rep., 8, 1888, 847-864. Aaron, Charles D. Diarrhoea and bacteria. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 625-628. Aaron, Eugene Murray. A vulnerable "new species." Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 221-226. 2. North American Hesperidae. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 23-26. 3. Notes on North American Hesperidifi. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 119-120. 4. [Scorpions, centipedes and tarantulas.] [1894.] U.S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1896, 262-263. Aaron, Eugene Murray, & Aaron, S. Frank. List of a collection of diurnal Lepidoptera from southern Texas. Papilio, 4, 1884, 172-182. E. S. A. C. Aaron, Eugene Murray, & Skinner, Henri/. See Skinner & Aaron. Aaron, S. Frank. 'Description of new PsocidsB in the collection of the American Entomological Society. [1883.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 11, 1884, 37-40. 2. The North American Chrysididae. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, 209-248. 3. Oviposition in Agrion. [1885.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1886-86, 16. 4. On some new Psocidae. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886, 13-18. 5. The bold robber fly. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 110-112. Aaron, S. Frank, & Aaron, Eugene Murray. See above. Aars, Kr[istian'] Blreh-Reichenwald. Untersuchungen iiber Farbeninduktion. Christiania Skr. (Math.-Nat. KL), 1895, No. 3, 15pp. 2. Untersuchungen zur Farbenmischung im Auge. Christiania Skr. {Math.-Nat. KL), 1897, No. 8, 34 pp. 3. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen apriorischem Causalgesetz und der Thatsache der Reizhohe. Ztschr. Psychol., 19, 1899, 241-250, 4. Zur Biogenese der spontan erregten Empfindungen. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 22, 1900, No. 4, 17 pp. 6. Die Erwai-tung. Ztschr. Psychol., 22, 1900, 401- 414. Abadie, [Jean Marie] Charles. 14. Traitement de la k^ratite interstitielle grave par les injections sous-cutan^es de bichlorure de mercure. Ann. d'Oculist., 91, 1884, 145-149. 16. Microbes et diatheses. Progr^s M6d., 2, 1886, 497-499. 16. Traitement des formes graves de la conjonctivit^ granuleuse. Ann. dOculist., 98, 1887, 178-183. 17. [Des diverses formes cliniques de I'ophtalmie sympathique. ] [1889.] Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 243-244. 18. Valeur therapeutiqne des injections mMicamen- teuses intra-oculaires et soua-conjonctivales. Ann. d'Oculist., 105, 1891, 243. 10. De I'ophtalmie purulente ; ^tiologie; prophylaxie; traitement. [fVith discmsion.] Ann. d'Oculist., Ill, 1894, 440-443. Abadie] [Abbadie ao. Etiologie et traitement des ulceres infectieux de la cornee. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 88-95. 21. De I'ophtalmie purulente des nouveau-nes ; com- plications provoquees par des traitements intempestifs ; prophylaxie. [With discussion.} Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 353-358. 22. Nature du glaucome; explication de Taction curative de I'iridectomie. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 358-359. 23. Glaucome malin a forme hemorrhagique enraye par I'ablation du ganglion cervical sup^rieur. [WitJi discussioji.] Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 37-40. 24. De la section du sympathique cervical. Indica- tions th^rapeutiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 386. 25. Nature et traitement du zona. Ann. d'Oculist., 121, 1899, 397-400. Abadie, [Jean Marie] Charles (et alii). Des injections sous-cutan^es de bichlorure de mercure en therapeutique oculaire. Ann. d'Oculist., 95, 1886, 212-213. 2. Des injections sous-conjonctivales en therapeutique oculaire. (E^sultats d'une enquete faite aupr^s d'un certain nombre d'ophtalmologistes de tous les pays.) [Correspondance.] Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 145-159. Abadie-Dutemps, E. Notice sur Thypsonome, instrument donnant sans calculs, par simple lecture, les hauteurs des points sur les plans cot6s. Toulouse Ac. Sci. M6m., 5, 1893, 622-637. 2. Note sur un nouveau genre d'appareils d'optique donnant des images anim^es. Toulouse Ac. Sci. M^m., 8, 1896, 555-580. Abafi. See Aigner[-Abafi]. Abakanowicz. tSee Abdank-Abakanowiez. Abati, Gino. Sul potere rifrangente e dispersivo del silicio nei suoi composti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Ft. 2), 437-455. Abba, Francesco. Eiconoscimento dell' arsenico in una farina per mezzo del Penicillum brevicanle. Ann. di Chim., 19, 1894, 226-228. 2. Ueber ein Verfahren, den Bacillus coll communis schnell und sicher aus dem Wasser zu isolieren. [1895.] Centrbl. Bakt. (AM. 1), 19, 1896, 13-15. 3. Ueber einen Autoklaven-Ofen fiir bakteriologische Laboratorien. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 462- 465. 4. Ueber die Dauer des toxischen und antitoxischen Vermogens beim Diphtherietoxin und -Antitoxin. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 934-938. 5. Ueber die Feinheit der biologischen Methode beim Nachweis des Arseniks. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 806-808. 6. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit, die Technik der bakterio- logischen Wasseruntersuchung gleichformiger zu ge- stalten. Experimente und Vorschlage. Ztschr. Hyg., 33, 1900, 372-386. Abba, Francesco, & Bordoni-XTfEreduzzi, Guide. See Bordoni-TTfireduzzi & Abba. Abba, Francesco, & Bondelli, Alipio. Das Formaldehyd und die offentlichen Desinfectionen. Experimen telle Studie. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 49-72. 2. Weitere behufs Desinfektion von Wohnraumen mit dem Fliigge'schen und dem Scbering'schen (kombi- nierten Aeskulap-Apparat) formogenen Apparat ausge- fiihrte Versuche. [1899.] Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 377-384. Abba, Francesco, Orlandi, Edmondo, & Bondelli, Alipio. Ueber die Filtrationskraft des Bodens und die Fort- schwemmung von Bakterien durch das Grundwasser. Versuche. Ztschr. Hyg., 31, 1899, 66-84. Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d\ No. 33 (Vol. 1) is not by this author. No. 12 (Vol. 9) is a duplicate of No. 10 (Vol. 7). For biography and works see Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 213-216; Geogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 569-570; Nature, 55 (1896-97), 511; Rev. Quest. Sci., 41, 1897, 598-607; Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 40, 1897, 285; Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 58, 1898, 128-130; Geogr. Jbuch., 20, 1898, 463 ; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 96-97 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 60-61, 173-181 ; Riv. Geogr. Ital., 4, 1898, 418. To reference in No. 26 (Vol. 1) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1855, Ft. 1, 182-183, 229. 63. *Sur I'^tat de 1 'atmosphere en Abyssinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 21, 1845, 962-963. 64. *Sur les tremblements de terre et sur les mouve- ments du sol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 34, 1852, 712-714. 65. *Id6es pour I'observation des tremblements de terre. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 2, 1854, Ft. 1, 180-187. 66. *[Observations pluviom^triques faites a Bayonne et dans les Pyr^n^es.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1855, Ft. 1, 183-185; 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 63-64; 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 9-10. 67. *[Observations a Audaux sur le tonnerre et les eclairs.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 64; 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 10. 68. *[Un nouveau pluviometre compteur de M. PoBKo.] France Soc. M6t^orol. Annu., 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 57-58. 69. *[Resultat8 d'observations faites dans les environs de Bayonne.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 35-37. 70. *[Sur les experiences faites par M. Hebve- Mangon avec I'ombrom^tre a bascule, systeme Horner, construit par M. Bkegcet.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 9, 1861, Ft. 2, 111-112. 71. *[Observations a propos de la communication de M. Peebot: Sur deux appareils destines a rendre sensibles et mesurables de faibles variations dans la pesanteur.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Ft. 2, 60-62. 72. *Pluie tombee a Aragori (Basses-Pyrenees). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Ft. 2, 65; 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 57; 12, 1864, Ft. 2, 161; 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 75; 14, 1866, Bull, 64; 15, 1867, Bull, 195; 20, 1872, Bidl., 152; 27, 1879, Bull, 144. 73. *Notice sur I'aba, sorte de theodolite perfectionne. [Cy. No. 34 (Vol 1).] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 140-143. 74. *[Remarques sur les temperatures les plus ^levees en Afrique.J France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 12, 1864, Ft 2, 234-235. 76. *Hauteur d'eau tombee a Lichaus pr^s Tardets (Basses-Pyrenees) 1864. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 75. 76. *Observations ombrom6trique8 faites a Ustaritz pendant Tann^e 1864. France Soc, Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 76. 77. *Bulletin de la temperature de Massoua, depuis le ler f^vrier jusqu'au 30 septembre 1864. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 77-78. 78. *[Observations udometriques faites en 1867, 1869 et 1872 dans le jardin d' Aragori pres Hendaye (Basses- Pyrenees).] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 63; 3, 1870, 115; 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 53. 70. *0n changes in the plumb-line. [1878.] Obser- vatory, Loudon, 2, 1879, 52-54. 80. *Sur les seismes ou tremblements de terre. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 29, 1881, 165-170. 81. *[Sur la transparence de I'atmosphere.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 8-9. 82. *Sur les mouvements du sol. France Soc. Mete- ,orol. Annu., 30, 1882, 50-60. 83. *Sur la carte du Tana, et sur I'hygiSne en Afrique. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1882, 179-181. 84. *Quelques renseignements sur le pays de Kaffa. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1883, 409-412. Abbadie] [Abbe 85. *The division of the circle. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 28-29. 86. [Sur la m^thode de P. Hokrebow pour la deter- mination de la latitude.] Bull. Astr. (Paris), 1, 1884, 327-328. 87. [Animal intelligence.] Nature, 30, 1884, 126. 88. Sur les petits tremblements de terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 322-323, 89. Sur les mesures en astronomie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 359-361. 90. L'orthographe des noms geographiques. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1884, 342-345. 91. Sur les s^ismes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 629-631. 92. L'aba, instrument de g^od^sie expMitive. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1886, 210-212. 93. [Effets de I'attraction terrestre.] Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1886, 318-320. 94. Sismografo registratore di Bk^guet. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 14, 1887, 38-39. 96. Sur le magn^tisme terrestre et la g6od6sie exp6- ditive. Inst. Egypt. Bull., 7, 1887, 3-30. 96. Lightning-flashes. Nature, 35, 1887, 342. 97. Sur la maniere la plus commode de trouver I'heure. Paris, Ao. Sci. G. R., 104, 1887, 1214- 1215. 98. R6cit d'un voyage magn6tique en Orient. Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1888, 755-769. 99. Le mont Woso ou Wocho, en Ethiopie. Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1888, 211-213. 100. Alpine haze. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 79, 247-248. 101. Sur le qobar. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Ft. 2), 328-330. lOa. [Le cours probable de I'Omo.] Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1889, 64-65. 103. Composition de I'atmosph^re. France Soc. M^teorol. Annu., 38, 1890, 189-190. 104. Reconnaissances magn^tiques. Paris, Bar. Long. Ann., 4, 1890, B'. 62 pp. 106. La fluctuation des latitudes terrestres. Bull. Astr. (Paris), 9, 1892, 89-102. 106. Sur les variations dans I'intensit^ de la gravite terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 218. 107. Mount Wosho. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 249. 108. Sur le proced6 employe pour conferer I'im- munite centre le venin des serpents, d'apr^s des docu- ments fournis par ili. de Serpa Pinto. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 441. Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d' (et alii). *L'atmosph5re de V^nus. Astronomie, 1883, 368-373. Abbado, Michele. Divisione della nervatura e della lamina in alcune foglie di Buxus sempervirens, L. Ital. Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 179-181. 2. Mostruosita in fiori di Pseonia Moutan, Sims. Ital. Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 125-128. 3. L'ibridismo nei vegetali. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 76-105, 265-303. 4. Contributo alia flora Carbonifera della Cina. Palaeontographia Ital., 5, 1900, 125-144. Abbans. See JoxtSxoy d'Abbans. Abbate Pasha, 0. *A8ymetrie cardiaque dans la race indigene. [1882.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 3, 1883, 3-7. 2. *Nouvelles observations physiologiques de subjec- tivity chez certains aveugles. [1882.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 3, 1883, 22-30. 3. *L'equilibre statique chez la femme egyptienne. [1883.] Inst. Egypt. Bull,, 4, 1884, 181-186. 4. *Note sur le haschich. [1883.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 4, 1884, 203-210. 6. Febris nilotica autumnalis. [1887.] Inst. Egypt. Bull,, 8, 1888, 283-293. 6. Questions anthropologiques sur I'orbite et le cer- veau des n^gres. [1888.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 9, 1889, 156-173. 7. Encore quelques mots sur I'inapjitude k la rage dans les races des chiens indigenes en Egypte. [1889.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 10, 1890 {Pt. 1), 317-326. 8. ^nesth^sie et analgesic cocainiques. [1889.] Inst. Egypt. Bull, 10, 1^90 (Pt. 1), 338-348. 9. Sur I'influenza en Egypte. [1890.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 1, 1891, 54-60. 10. [L'usage des similia d^couvert dans le Thalmoud et ses commentateurs a propos de la rage.] [1890-91.] Inst. Egypt, Bull,, 1, 1891, 208-212; 2, 1891, 179-182. 11. Preeminence des facultes mecauiques dans la race egyptienne. Inst. Egypt. Bull., 2, 1891, 205-216. 12. Le Mylabris fulg^jrita comme specitique eontre la rage. [1894.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 5, 1896, 39-40. 13. Note physiologique sur la loi de contraste dans la vision abstraite et dans la vision r^elle, [1898,] Inst, Egypt. Bull., 9, 1899, 29-33. 14. La production volontaire des sexes. [1898.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 9, 1899, 47-54. Abbate, Vincenzo, & Fasee, Luigi. See Fasce & Abbate. Abbay, (Rev.) Richard. Assign to this author title ( Vol. 7) under Abbay, R. 11. The shadow of Adam's Peak. Nature, 36, 1887, 152. Abbe, Cleveland. 20. *[Report on the Nova Scotia cyclone of August 24-25, 1873.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1873, 1025-1034. 21. *[The aurora of April 7, 1874.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Ofl'. Ann. Rep., 1874, 383-385; 1876, 301-335. 22. *Reports and observations upon the total eclipse of the Sun, July 29, 1878, as filed in the office of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, [Cf. No, 19 (Vol. 12).] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep,, 1880, 809-982. 23. *Hygrometric tables. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1881, 1138-1177. 24. '[Barometric reductions to sea- level.] [U, S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1881, 1185-1189. 25. *Lectures on instruments and methods, [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann, Rep., 1882 (Pt. 1), 97-103, 26. *Determining the temperature of the air. [1883.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 6, 1884 (Smithsonian Miscell, Coll,, 33, 1888, Art. 1), 24-26. 27. [Scientific record for 1884.] Meteorology. Smithsonian Rep., 1884, 257-395, 414-432. 28. A neglected correction in the use of refraction tables, Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 83. 29. The effect of wind and exposure upon barometric readings. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 120; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 14 (1886), 332-333. 30. Popular errors in meteorology. [1886,] Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 115-128. 31. Influence of wind on barometric readings. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 29-30. 32. A correction for gravity in the use of refraction tables. Astr, Nachr., 116, 1887, 15-16. 33. The general bibliography of meteorology and terrestrial magnetism, compiled by the Signal Office at Washington. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 593-594 ; Ass. Franc;. C, R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 414-416. 34. Treatise on meteorological apparatus and methods. [Prepared under the direction of Brigadier- General A. W. Greely.] [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1887 (Pt. 2), 392 pp. 36. The Signal Service bibliography of meteorology. [1887.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 10, 1888, 20-23 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 4, 20 (bis)- 23 (bis)). 36. Recent progress in dynamic meteorology. Smith- sonian Rep. , 1888, 355-424. 37. The red sunset skies of 1884-1885. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 529-644. 1—2 Abbe] [Abbot 38. The determination of the amount of rainfull. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 6 (1889-90), 241-248. 39. The meteoritic theory. Nature, 40, 1889, 53. 40. Observations of twilight and zodiacal light during the total eclipse of the Sun, December 21, 1889. Nature, 40, 1889, 519-521. 41. Preparatory studies for deductive methods in storm and weather predictions. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Bep., 1889 (Pt. 2), 165 pp. 42. The "rollers" of Ascension and St. Helena. Nature, 41, 1890, 585. 43. Water spouts. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 173-177. 44. Cloud observations at sea. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 250-264, 382. 45. Ferrel's influence in the Signal Office. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 8 (1891-92), 342-348. 46. Additional results of the United States Scientific Expedition to West Africa. Nature, 43, 1891, 563-565 ; 44, 1891, 398. 47. [Some mechanical conditions of the Earth's mass. Remarks on Mr R. S. Woodward's paper.] [1889.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 533-536. 48. The modern weather bureau. [1890.] S.African Phil. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 17-30. 49. Atmospheric radiation of heat and its importance in meteorology. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 364-377 ; Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 537-552. 50. Recent contributions to meteorology. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. [11 (1891-92)], 106-108. 51. Instrumental corrections; methods of reduction ; resulting accuracy. [1893-94.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep. , 1891-92, 37-48 ; 1893, 20. 52. Atmospheric electricity, earth currents, and ter- restrial magnetism. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 333-340. 53. On the production of rain. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 129-137, 154-155. 54. The paper mills and the fisheries; practical koniology. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 449-451. 55. Ice-columns in gravelly soil. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 523-525. 56. Cloudiness during solar eclipses. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 562. 57. Charts of storm frequency. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 10-12. 58. A comparison of prevailing and resultant winds. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 21 (1893), 365-367, 389. 59. Meteorology and geodesy. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-96), 1-6. 60. Meteorological problems for mathematical stu- dents. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 15-17. 61. The reliability of the rain gauge. U.S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22, 1894, 25-26. 62. The total quantity of aqueous vapor in the atmosphere. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (1894), 539-640. 63. The marine nephoscope and its usefulness to the navigator. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 161- 167. 64. The meteorological work of the U. S. Signal Service, 1870 to 1891. [1895.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 232-285. 65. Meteorological problems for physical laboratories. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jh, 12 (1895-96), 7-11. 66. The annual snowfall [for each winter, 1884- 95]. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1896), 491-492, 500-501. 67. The altitude of the aurora above the earth's surface. [1893-98.] Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 5-12, 53-76, 149-178; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 37, 1898, 4-7 [Fart only]. 68. Eschenhagen's elementary magnetic waves. Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 1.35-136. 69. The relations of physics and astronomy to the development of the mechanic arts. Franklin Inst. Jl., 148, 1899, 81-111. See also Curtis, George E[dward] (et alii). See also V. S. Signal Service. See also IT. S. Weather Bureau. Abbe, Cleveland, & He Riemer (Miss) Alicia. See De ZUemer & Abbe. Abbe, Cleveland, & Richards, George W. See Bichards & Abbe. Abbe, Cleveland, Story, /. P., Craig, Robert, & Powell, Joseph S. See Story, Craig, Abbe, & Powell. Abbe, Cleveland {ct alii). [Climatology of the month.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 22 (1894), 1-21, 47-71, 99-122, 149-169, 193-215, 235-253, 273-291, 311-327, 351-371, 393-416, 441-462, 487-505, 535-538, iv; 23 (1896), 1-7, 47-52, 81-87, 117-127, 157-164, 199-204, 241-247, 283-289, 325-332, 365-371, 409-415, 449-454, 489-491, IV ; 24 (1896), 1-7, 39-44, 69-74, 105-110, 145- 151, 191-196, 229-235, 281-286, 315-320, 359-363, 397- 403, 443-448, 487-490, iv; 25 (1897), 1-6, 43-48, 85-91, 123-127, 189-194, 235-240, 285-290, 339-343, 381-387, 428-432, 474-477, 523-527, 569-572, iv. Abbe, Cleveland {Jan.). Remarks on the cuspate capes of the Carolina coast. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 26, 1895, 489-497. 2. An episode during the terrace cutting of the Potomac. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [18 (1898-99)], 16-17. Abbe, [Karl^ Ernst. 25. *0n the mode of vision with objectives of wide aperture. [1882.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 20-26. 26. Note on the proper definition of the amplifying power of a lens or lens-system. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, .^48-351. 27. Eye-piece amplification. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 804. 28. Ueber neue Mikroskope. Jena. Sber., 1886, 107- 128. 29. On the eifect of illumination by means of wide- augled cones of light. Micr. Soc. JL, 1889, 721- 7.24. 30. Messapparate fiir Physiker. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 (Th. 2), 88-90. 31. Ueber die Verwendung des Fluorits fiir optische Zwecke. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 10, 1890, 1-6. 32. Methode zur Ermittelung zeitlicher Variationen der Lothliuie. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 89-90. Abbe, Robert. 2. The surgery of the hand. [1893.] N. Y. Med. JL, 59, 1894, 33-40. Abbes, Heinrich. Ueber Jodterephtalsaure und Jodosote- rephtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 26, 1893, 2951- 2956. Abbey, George. On the destruction of an elm-tree by fungi at St Albans. [1896.] Herts. Nat. Hist, Soc Trans., 9, 1898, 129-132. Abblart, [Jules Martin Cyprien]. Contributions a I'^tude des ulc^res des pays chauds. Arch. Med. Navale, 42, 1884, 374-382. Abbona, V., & PUeti, Michele. See Pileti & Abbona. Abbot, Charles G^reeleyl. Recent holographic results from the AstrophysicaJ Observatory at Washington. Astro phys. JL, «, 1898, 250-252. 2. A preliminary statement of the results of the Smithsonian Observatory Eclipse Expedition. Astro- phys. JL, 12, 1900, 69-76. Abbot, Charles G[reeley'\, & Fowle, Frederick E. The longitudinal aberration of prisms. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 255-257. 2. A prism of uniform dispersion. Astrophys. JL, 11, 1900, 13.5-139. Abbot] [Abbott Abbot, Charles G[reeley], & IVoyeB, Arthur A[mos]. See Noyes & Abbot. Abbot, (Gen.) Henry L[arcomi. 5. Climatology of the Isthmus of Panama, including the temperature, winds, barometric pressure, and precipitation. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 27 (1899), 198-203, 302-303, 463, vi. 6. Eatio of the discharges of the Chagres River at Gamboa and Bohio to the rainfall in the watershed above these places. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 541-543, vi. 7. Contributions to the meteorology of Panama. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 7-8. 8. Rainfall and drainage in the Upper Chagres River. TJ. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 243-244, 268. Abbot,' John. For biographical notice see Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 150-154, 230-232. Abbott, A[lexander] C[rever~\. Infection and immunity : a review. Practitioner, 47, 1891, 415-429. 2. The results of inoculations of milch cows with cultures of the Bacillus diphtherise. [1893.] Jl. Path. Bact., 2, 1894, 35-51. 3. The significance of pathogenic spirilla in American surface waters, with a description of one isolated from the Schuylkill river at Philadelphia. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 419-446. 4. The influence of acute alcoholism on the normal vital resistance of rabbits to infection. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 447-481. Abbott, A[lexander] C[rever], & Bergey, David Hendricks. Further studies upon the pathogenic spirilla of the Schuylkill river at Philadelphia. Jl. Exper. Med., 2, 1897, 535-542. Abbott, Arthur V[aughan]. Improvements in methods for physical tests. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1884, 607-627. 2. Improvements in testing-machines. Science, 3, 1884, 312-320, 814. 3. Testing-machines, their history, construction and use. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 204-214, 325-344, 382-397, 477-490. Abbott, Charles C'lonrad]. Assign Nos. 7 & 12 (Vol. 1) to Abbott, (Capt.) C[harles] C[ompton]. 42. * The intelligence of fish. Science, 1, 1883, 327-328. 43. * Intelligence of the crow. Science, 1, 1883, 576. 44. * Occurrence of amber near Trenton, N.J. Science, 1, 1883, 594. 45. * Kalmias and rhododendrons. Science, 2, 1883, 201. 46. * Occurrence of the swallow-tailed hawk in New Jersey. Science, 2, 1883, 222. 47. * The intelligence of birds. Science, 2, 1883, 301-303. 48. The Carolina wren; a year of its life. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 21-25. 49. Recent studies of the spade-foot toad. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1075-1080. 50. Are the "chimneys" of burrowing crayfish designed? Amer. Nathst., 18, 1884, 1157-1158. 51. The ancestor of the dipper (Cinclus). Nature, 30, 1884, 30. 52. The intelligence of batrachians. Science, 3, 1884, 66-67, 814. 53. The intelligence of snakes. Science, 3, 1884, 253-256. 54. Notes on hibernating mammals. Science, 3, 1884, 538-541, 673. 55. Hibernation of the lower vertebrates. Science, 4, 1884, 36-39. 56. The color-sense in fishes. Science, 4, 1884, 336-339. 57. Estivation of mammals, what is it? Science, 6, 1886, 102-404. 58. On the antiquity of man in the valley of the Delaware. [1887.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 23, 1888, 424-426. 59. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect., Aug. 1888]. Evidences of the antiquity of man in eastern North America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 293-315. 60. Note on breeding-habits of the bill- fish (Tylo- surus longirostris). Science, 12, 1888, 72. 61. Evidences of the successor of palaeolithic man in the Delaware river valley. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 340. 62. Palaeolithic man in North America. Science, 20, 1892, 270-271. 63. Palaeolithic man: a last word. Science, 20, 1892, 344-345. Abbott, (Miss) E[lizabeth] C[aroli7ie Jane], & Oadow, Hans [Friedrich], See Oadow & Abbott. Abbott, F[rancis}. 4. Notes on a recent case of poison- ing caused by the exhalation of Rhus radicans (Toxi- codendron) at the Botanical Gardens, Hobart. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1886, 182-185. 5. Smut in wheat. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1889, 95-97. Abbott, F[rancis] C[harles]. [Specimens (a) of right aortic arch, (b) of left aortic arch, (c) of pulmonary valve with four segments.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, xiii-xv. 2. Hereditary congenital dislocations of the radius. London Path. Soc. Trans., 43, 1892, 129-139. Abbott, Frank. Pericementitis. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 891-893, 954-958. 2. Minute anatomy of the human tooth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 995-1000. 3. Microscopical studies upon the absorption of the roots of temporary teeth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 1034-1038. 4. A condensed history of histological observations. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28,'l886, 122-127, 154-158, 208- 212. 5. Studies of the pathology of human teeth, with special reference to the etiology of caries. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 585-590, 628-633. Abbott, George. Was the deposit of flint and chalk contemporaneous? Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 275-277. 2. The relative age of flints. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 477-478. 3. Potstones found near Seaford. Nature, 48 (1893), 315-316. 4. Excursion to Tunbridge Wells. [1897.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 15, 1899, 105-106. 5. Water-zones ; their influence on the situation and growth of concretions. Brit, Ass. Rep., 1899, 741. 6. Tubular and concentric concretions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 741-742. 7. The concretionary types in the cellular magnesian limestone of Durham. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1900, 737-738. Abbott, (Miss) Helen C. Be S. (Mrs Bliehael). Pre- liminary analysis of the bark of Fouquieria splendens. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 190-198. 2. Certain chemical constituents of plants considered in relation to their morphology and evolution. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 270-272. 3. On haematoxylin in the bark of Saraca indica. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886, 352-354. 4. Comparative chemistry of higher and lower plants. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 719-730, 800-810. 5. Plant analysis as an applied science. Franklin Inst. Jl., 124, 1887, 1-33. 6. The chemical basis of plant forms. Franklin Inst. Jl., 124, 1887, 161-185. 7. A chemical study of Yucca angustifolia. [1885.] Amer. Phil. Soc Trans., 16, 1890, 254-284. 8. [Untersuchungen iiber AUoisomerie. ii.] Zur Kenntniss der Addition von Brom und Chlor zu fester Crotonsiiure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 46, 1892, 273-285. L Abbott] [Abe 9. Zur Constitution des Phloretins. Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2686-2689. 10. A review of recent synthetic work in the class of carbohydrates. [1895.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 142, 1896, 217-240. Abbott, (Miss) Helen C. De S. {Mrs Michael) , & Jeanpretre, John. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise von aromatischen Nitrilen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1615-1619. 2. Zur Kenntniss der Mandelsaure und ihres Nitrils. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1678-1684. Abbott, (Miss) Helen C. De S. (Mrs Slicliael), & Trimble, Henry. On the occurrence of solid hydrocarbons in plants. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 60, 1888, 321-324; Amer. Chem. JL, 10 (1888), 439-440; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2598-2599. Abbott, James Francis. The marine fishes of Peru. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1899, 324-364. 2. Notes on Chilean fishes, with description of a new species of Sebastodes. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1899, 475-477. Abbott, Maude E. On the bacteriology of a case of pro- gressive portal cirrhosis. Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 315- 326. 2. Pigmentation cirrhosis of the liver in a case of hsemochromatosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 66-86; Jl. Path. Bact., 7, 1901, 55-70. Abbott, Maude E., Adami, J[o/t«] George, & Nicholson, F. J. See Adami, Abbott & Nicholson. Abbott, P. W. On the genus Hadena. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 205-206. 2. A few notes on Acidalia humiliata, Hufn. Ento- mologist, 31, 1898, 274-276. Abbott, Robert. The maintenance of energy. [1888.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1889, 12-20. Abbott, Rosa G. Electrical attraction of trees. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 297. 2. Electricity in vegetation. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 337. Abbott, Samuel Wlarren]. 2. The relation of illuminating gas to public health. Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 6, 1885 (Suppl.), 247-274. Abbott, (Rev.) T[homas] K[ingsmill]. 7. To what order of lever does the oar belong? Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 58-61. Abbott, W. E. 3. Water supply in the interior of New South Wales. [1884.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc JL, 18, 1885, 85-111. 4. Forest destruction in New South Wales and its effects on the flow of water in water-courses and on the rainfall. [1888.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. JL, 22, 1889, 59-66. 5. Outburst of springs in time of drought. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. JL, 31, 1897, 201-206. Abbott, W. J. Lewis. The formation of agates. [1887.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 10, 1889, 80-93. 2. Notes on some Pleistocene sections in and near London. [1890.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 11, 1891, 473-480, XII. 3. The section exposed in the foundations of the new Admiralty Offices. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 346-356. 4. On the occurrence of walrus in the Thames valley. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 357. 5. The ossiferous fissures in the valley of the Shode, near Ightham, Kent. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 50, 1894, 171-187. 6. A new reading of the Highgate Archway section. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1895, 84-89. 7. Excursion to Basted and Ightham. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1895, 157-162. 8. An ancient kitchen midden at Hastings, and a barrow at the Wildernesse. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 500-502. 9. The Hastings kitchen middens. [1895.] Anthrop. Inst. JL, 25, 1896, 122-130. 10. Excursion to the Kentish plateau. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 14, 1896, 196-198. 11. Excursion to Sevenoaks. [1895.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 14, 1896, 207-208. Abbott, W. L. Notes on the natural history of Aldabra, Assumption and Glorioso islands, Indian Ocean. U. S. Mus. Proc, 16, 1894, 759-764. Abdank-Abakanowicz, Bruno. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 (Vol. 12) under Abakanowicz. 7. *La lampe diff^rentielle de MM. Piette et Krizik. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 237-238. 8. Nowy spos6b budowy zwoj6w do machin dynamo- elektrycznych. [New method of construction for the coils in dynamo-electric machines.] Krakdw, Ak. (Mat.- Frzyrod.) Rozpr., 12, 1884, 332-336. 9. Le galvanometre a mercui'e de M. G. Lippmann. Lum. Elect., 12, 1884, 401-403. 10. Sur un nouveau mode d'enroulement des arma- tures dans les machines dynamo-electriques. Lum. f:iect., 13, 1884, 41-44. 11. Exposition d'Electricit^ de Philadelphie. Tel6- graphie. [Telephonic] Lum. Elect., 16, 1885, 58-64, 126-132, 162-171, 227-230, 275-278. 12. Les int^graphes. Lum. Elect., 18, 1885, 49-55, 110-117, 161-167, 249-255, 306-313, 393-399, 535-544, 589-595. 13. Nouvelles etudes sur les int6graplies. [Avec un rapport de M. Lokber sur^ le fonctionnement d'un de ces instruments.] Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 3-9, 54-56, 161-168; 27, 1888, 23-25. 14. The new Elihu Thomson electric meter. Elec- trician, 26, 1891, 332-333. 15. Compensation for hysteresis. [1893.] Elec- trician, 32, 1894, 93-94. Abdank-Abakanowicz, Bruno, & Napoli, David. See Napoli & Abdank-Abakanowicz. Abderhalden, Emil. Zur quantitativen Analyse des Blutes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 521-531. 2. Die Bestimmung des Hamoglobins im Katzenblute. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 24, 1898, 545-547. 3. Zur quantitativen vergleichenden Analyse des Blutes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 65-115. 4. Die Beziehungen der Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeit des Sauglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Kaninchen, bei der Katze und beim Hunde. [1899.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 487-497. 5. Die Beziehungen der Zusammensetzung der Asche des Sauglings zu derjenigen der Asche der Milch. [1899.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. , 26, 1898-99, 498-500. 6. Die Beziehungen der Zusammensetzung der Asche des Sauglings zu derjenigen der Asche der Milch beim Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 356-367. 7. Die Beziehungen der Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeit des Sauglings zur Zusammensetzung der Milch beim Hunde, beim Schwein, beim Schaf, bei der Ziege und beim Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 408-462, 594. 8. Die Resorption des Eisens, sein Verhalten im Organismus und seine Ausscheidung. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 113-152. 9. Assimilation des Eisens. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 193-270. 10. Die Beziehungen des Eisens zur Blutbildung. Ztschr. Biol., 39, 1900, 483-523. Abdullah Bey [Hanunerschmidt, Carl Eduard (q. v. Vol. 1), non Hammerschniied]. 29. * Bemerkungen liber die Petrefacten der Devonischen Formation des Bosporus von Constantinopel. Deutsch. Natf. TagebL, 1869, 67. Abe, K. Exploration of the Arctic region of Alaska. [Jap.] [1894.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. JL, 16, 1894-95, No. 3, 67-95. Abee] [Abeille de Perrin I Ab6e, Conrad. Drei Falle von todtlich verlaufener Actinomycose. 13eitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 132-171. 2. Ueber niultiloculiiren Echinococcus der Leber und eineii Fall von Echinococcus des Beckens und des Oberschenkels. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 519-549. Abegg, [Georg Friedrich] Htinrich. Assign to this author entries {Vol. 9) under Abegg, (Dr). For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 168- 169. Abegg, Richard [ Wilhelm HeinricK\. Ueber Amidochrysen . Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 792-793. 2. Ueber einige neue Chrysenderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 949-958. 3. Untersuchungen iiber Diffusion in wassrigen Salzlosungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 517-538. 4. Studien iiber Gefrierpunkte konzentrierter L6- sungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 209-261. 5. Gefrierpunktserniedrigungen sehr verdiinnter L6- sungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 207-233. 6. Dielectricitatsconstanten bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 54-60. 7. Ueber die Depolarisationsgeschwindigkeit von Electroden und iiber Dielectricitatsconstanten bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 249-258. 8. Ueber die Natur der durch Kathodenstrahlung veranderten Salze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 425- 434. 9. Ueber die Veranderung von Salzen durch Kathoden- strahlen. [1897.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 118-120. 10. Ueber die an verdiinnten Losungen ausgefiihrten Gefrierpunktsbestimmungen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Theorien der Losungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 486-506. 11. Ueber das dielectrische Verbal ten von Eis. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 229-236, 923-925. 12. Ein einfacher Versuch zur Demonstration des Ludwigschen Phiinomens. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 26, 1898, 161-164. 13. Ueber Saure- und Alkali-Stabilitat stereo- isomerer Oxime. Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 291-297. 14. Ueber das elektrolytische Leitvermogen reiner Substanzen. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 353- 355. 15. Ueber komplexe Salze. [}Vith discussion.] [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 92-98. 16. Bemerkung iiber dia. Dissociationswarme der Violursaure und die des Wassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 393-394, 626. 17. Ueber die Bedeutung hoher Dissociationswarmen. Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 212-213, 260. 18. Ueber das Ammoniak und seine Complexe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1052-1053. 10. Ueber die Ursachen der photochemischen Induk- tion bei Halogensilberemulsionen. [1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901, 24. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Bodlander, Guido. Die Elektroaffinitat, ein neues Prinzip der chemischen Systematik. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 20, 1899, 453- 499. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Bose, Emil [Her- mann]. Ueber den Einfluss gleichioniger Zusatze auf die elektromotorische Kraft von Concentrationsketten und auf die Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit ; Neutralsalz wirkungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Ahth 2a), 35-44. 2. Ueber die Beeinilussung der Diffnsionsgeschwin digkeit von Elektrolyten durch gleichionige Zusatze [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 17-18. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Kerz, Walter [Georg]. Die analytische Trennung und Erkennung der Sauren. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 236-239 25, 1900, 405-406. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Immerwalir, Cl[ara Helene]. Ueber den Einfluss des Bindemittels auf den photochemischen Effect in Bromsilberemul- sionen und die photochemische Induction. [1900.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 {Ahth. 2a), 974-980; Mhefte. Chem. , 1901, 88-94. 2. Notiz iiber das elektrochemische Verhalten des Fluorsilbers und des Fluors. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 142-144. Abegg, Richard [ Wilhelm Heinrich], & nremst, Walther. See Nemst & Abegg. Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich], & Seitz, Wilhelm. Dielektrizitatskonstanten und Aggregatzustandsander- ungen von Alkoholen bis zu tiefsten Temperaturen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 242-248. 2. Das dielektrische Verhalten einer krystallinischen Fliissigkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 491- 493. Abeille de Perrin, Elzear. 45. Catalogus Malachii- darum Europae et circa. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 29, 1886, 257-263. 46. [CoUops abrinoides, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cxvi. 47. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de Cole- opteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, cxl. 48. Nouveaux documents pour servir a I'histoire des Malachides. Rev. Ent., 4, 1885, 4-28. 49. Malachides nouveaux. Rev. Ent., 4, 1886, 139- 153. 50. Coleopt^res rares ou nouveaux de France. Rev. Ent., 4, 1885, 153-161. 61. Priority absolue ou prescription? Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, 273-282. 52. Etude sur les Trechus aveugles du Dauphine. Rev. Ent., 5, 1886, 138-140. 53. Descriptions de deux nouvelles espfices de Mala- chides. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 29, 1889-90, 89-90. 54. Malachides d'Europe et pays voisins. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 181-260, 331-420, 567-680; 60, 1891,, 115-230, 405-446. 65. Etudes sur les Malachides. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 35-55. 56. Contributions aux Buprestides pal^arctiques. Rev. Ent., 10, 1891, 257-288. 67. [Deux nouvelles esp^ces de Clerides mediterra- neens.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, ccxxxvi- ccxxxvii. 58. Notices entomologiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 62-67. 59. Descriptions de deux Choragus nouveaux d'Al- g^rie. Echange, 9, 1893, 73. 60. [Descriptions de quatre nouvelles esp^ces de Malachiidse. ] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, clxii- clxv. 6 1 . [Description d'un nouveau Malachide de Tunisie. ] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, clxxvi-clxxvii. 62. [Observations sur divers Buprestides, et descrip- tion de plusieurs esp^ces nouvelles.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, cccli-ccclv. 63. Nouveau supplement aux Buprestides d'Europe et circa. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 127-141. 64. Diagnoses de Coldopt^res reputes nouveaux. Echange, 10, 1894, 91-94. 65. Notes pour servir a I'histoire des Malachides. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894, 89-92. 66. [Genre nouveau et quatre espies nouvelles de Coleopt^res fran EKaiepHHCypra. [Barometric mea- surements of heights of mountains on the watershed between Europe and Asia in the neighbourhood of Ekaterinburg.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 289-299. 9. CyTOHHHH xoji,'!. TeMiieparypu cH-fera h on- peji;'!5JieHie saBiicHMOCTH Me/Kj;y TenjonpoBo;i;Ho- CTLIO CH-fera H ero njrOTHOCTtK). [Beobachtungen der taglichen Periode der Temperatur im Schnee und Bestimmung des Warmeleitungsvermogens des Schnees als Function seiner Dichtigkeit.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 12, 1893 (Append. No. 12), 65 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 16, 1893, No. 1, 53 pp. 10. 0 riJioTHocTH CH'fera Bt EKaiepHndyprt. [Sur la density de la neige a Ekaterinbourg.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M^m., 3, 1896, No. 9, 24 pp. 11. 0 bhcotI; AjieKcaHjpoBCKoft cohkh h TaranaH. [On the altitudes of the Aleksandrovsky volcano and of Taganai.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 366-368. 12. Erdmagnetische Beobachtungen in Obdorsk nnd Ssamarowo. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 11, 1900, 9-27. Abelsdorff, Georg. Zur klinischen Bedeutung bitempo- raler Gesichtsfelddefecte. Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1896, 150-157; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 510-516. 2. Ueber die Erkennbarkeit des Sehpurpurs von Abramis brama mit Hiilfe des Augenspiegels. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 325-329. 3. Ueber Sehpurpur und Augenhintergrund bei den Fischen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1896 345-347. 4. Die ophthalmoskopische Erkennbarkeit des Seh purpurs. Ztschr. Psychol., 14, 1897, 77-90. 5. Physiologische Beobachtungen am Auge der Kro kodile. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1898 155-167. 6. Ein unbeachtet gebliebenes Augensymptom bei der Kaltestarre der Frosche. [1899.] Centrbl. Physiol. 13, 1900, 81-82, 7. Ueber die Moglichkeit eines objectiven Nachweises der Farbenblindheit, Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 156- 162. 8. Die Aenderungen der Pupillenweite durch ver- schiedenfarbige Belichtung. Ztschr. Psychol., 22, 1900, 81-95, 451-453. 9. Zur Anatomic der Ganglienzellen der Retina. [1900.] Arch. Augenheilk., 42, 1901, 188-198, Abelsdorff, Georg, & Kottgen, (Frl.) Else. See XSttgen & Abelsdorff. Abelsdorff, Georg, & XVenmann, G. Ueber postoperative Conjunctivitis mit bakteriologischem Befunde. [1900.] Arch. Augenheilk., 42, 1901, 68-77. Abend, L., & Oeigel, Richard. See Otelgel & Abend. Abenius, P[er] Wilhelm. Ueber einige aromatische halo- gensubstituirte Acetamidoderivate und daraus erhaltene Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1665-1668. 2. Ueber eine neue Klasse aus den Glycinen derivi- render Lactone. [Vorlaufige Mittheiluug.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1668-1669. 3. Ueber einige Piaziuabkommlinge, [1889,] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 425-444; 41, 1890, 79-86. 4. Ueber einige aus den Glycinen derivirende Lactone. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 40, 1889, 498-504. 6. Zur Keuntniss der Piazinabkommlinge. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 183-190. 2—2 Abenius] 12 [Aberson 6. Zur Kenntniss der Formoine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 706-719. 7. Om formoiuernas reaktionsforhallanden. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 {A/d. 2), 1896, No. 2, 33 jjp. Abenius, P[er] Wilhelm, & I>unge, Georg. See Iiunge & Abenius. Abenius, Pier] Wilhelm, & Soderbaum, H[enrik] G[ustav]. Ueber das Diphenyltetraketon. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3033-3034. 2. Ueber einige aromatische Tetraketone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3468-3476. 3. Om nagra aromatiska tetraketoner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 27-44. Abenius, P[er~\ Wilhelm, & "Widman, Oskar. Ueber das Bromacetorthotoluid und einige daraus erhaltene Ver- bindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1662- 1664. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des Broms auf Orthoacet- toluid bei hoher Temperatur. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, 1888, 285-295. 3. Ueber einige aromatische, halogensubstituirte Acetamidoderivate und daraus erhaltene Abkommlinge des Piazins. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, 1888, 296-312. See also Widman & Abenius. Abercrombie, A[lexa7ider]. The common marine shells of the Bombay shore. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 212-222, 335-345. Abercrombie, A[lexander], & BlelviU, James Cosmo. See nielvill & Abercrombie. Abercrombie, John. On some affections of the nervous system met with in association with an attack of enteric fever. Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, 159-169. Abercromby, {Hon.) Ralph. For biography and list of works see Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 271, 463-464; Nature, 57 (1897-98) , 55 ; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 97-99; Symons, Meteorol. Ma^., 32, 1898, 117. 16. *0n the explanation of certain weather prognos- tics. [1883.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 26-44. 16. On the origin and course of the squall which capsized H.M.S. Ewydice, March 24th, 1878. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 172-180. 17. On the physical significance of concave and convex barographic or thermographic traces. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 241-249. 18. [White frost followed by gales.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 42-43. 19. Upper wind currents over the equator. Nature, 32, 1885, 624-625. 20. The peculiar sunrise shadows of Adam's Peak in Ceylon. [1886.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 528; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1887, 101-108; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 29-35. 21. Clouds and upper wind currents over the Atlantic doldrums. Nature, 33, 1886, 294. 22. The upper wind currents in the South Indian Ocean and over the N.W. monsoon. Nature, 33, 1886, 460-461. 23. The sunrise shadow of Adam's Peak, Ceylon. Nature, 33, 1886, 532-533. 24. Upper wind currents over the Bay of Bengal in March, and Malaysia in April and May. Nature, 34, 1886, 288-289. 25. An arched squall. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 535-536. 26. On the different kinds of thunderstorms, and on a scheme for their systematic observation, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 597-598. 27. On the identity of cloud forms all over the world ; and on the general principles by which their indications must be read. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 140-146, 28. On the cloud to which the name of " roll cumulus" has been applied. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 147. 29. Suggestions for an international nomenclature of clouds. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 13, 1887, 154-162. 30. An equatorial zone of almost perpetual electrical discharge. Nature, 35, 1887, 487-488. 31. Upper wind currents near the equator, and the diffusion of Krakatao dust. Nature, 36, 1887, 85-87. 32. The shadow of Adam's Peak. Nature, 36, 1887, 197. 33. Upper cloud movements in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic. Nature, 36, 1887, 222. 34. The " Meteorologiske Institut" at Upsala, and cloud measurements. Nature, 36, 1887, 319-321. 35. The electrical condition of the Peak of Tenerifife. [1887.] Nature, 37, 1888, 31. 36. The forms of clouds. [1887.] Nature, 37, 1888, 129-132. 37. On the relation between tropical and extra- tropical cyclones. [1887.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 1-30. 38. Modern views about hurricanes, as compared with the older theories. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 586-587. 39. Observations on the height, length, and velocity of ocean waves. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 150- 156; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 263-269. 40. Electrical and meteorological observations on the Peak of Teneriffe. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14, 1888, 101-106. 41. First report of the Thunderstorm Committee. On the photographs of lightning flashes received by the Royal Meteorological Society. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14, 1888, 226-231. 42. Observations on cloud movements near the equator ; and on the general character of the weather in the doldrums. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14, 1888, 281-292. 43. On Meldrum's rules for handling ships in the southern Indian Ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc, 44, 1888, 314- 317. 44. Modern developments of cloud knowledge. [1887.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, 3-18. 45. Death from cold in blizzards. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 114. 46. Upper wind currents over the North Atlantic doldrums. Nature, 39, 1889, 437. 47. Rain clouds on Lake Titicaca. Nature, 40, 1889, 12-13. 48. Upper wind currents over the equator in the Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 40, 1889, 101-102. 49. Nitrate of soda, and the nitrate country. Nature, 40, 1889, 186-188, 308-310. 50. The circulation of the atmosphere over the equator. Nature, 40, 1889, 297. 51. On Meldkum's rules for handling ships in the hurricanes of the southern Indian Ocean ; with researches on the nature of hurricanes generally. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, 299-332. 52. Observations on the motion of dust, as illus- trative of the circulation of the atmosphere, and of the development of certain cloud forms. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 16, 1890, 119-125. Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce (Lord). For biographical ^ notice see Geogr. Jl., 5, 1895, 386-390. Aberg, Ernst. Gula feberns spridningssatt. Skand, Natf, Forh., 1892, 543-556; Nature, 51 (1894-95), 300. 2. Om anvandandet af " traitement forc^ " vid skolios. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 566-580. Abernethy, James. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 124, 1896, 402-407; Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1896, 90-91. Aberson, Jlphannes] Hlendrikus], Die Aepfelsaure der Crassulaceen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 81, 1898, 1432- 1449. Aberson] 13 LAbetti 2. De isomerie van't appelzuur. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. {Sect. 1), 6, 1899, No. 4, 42 pp.; Rec. Tiav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 17. 1898, 300-310. 3. Ueber die Aktivitat der Oxybrenztraubensaure. Ztsclir. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899," 17-21. Aberson, J[ohannes] H[i'ndriktis], & Dam, If. vmi. See Dam & Aberson. Aberson, J[ohanni's] H[endrikus'], & Olltay, Eduard. See Oiltay & Aberson. Abert, (Col.) Jamex W. On color. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7, 1884, 167-173. 2. On palm trees. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7, 1884, 174-180. 3. Tbe Aztec calendar stone. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 7, 1884, 181-193. 4. Big guns. [1888.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 11, [1889], 127-135. Abetti, Antonio. 13. *[Aurore boreali dei mesi di set- tembre ed ottobre, 1870.] Padova. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 101. 14. Osservazioni della Cometa Pons-Brooks fatte col r equatoriale Dembowski a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 223-228; 108, 1884, 27-30, 107-110. 15. Osservazioni della Cometa 1883 1 fatte coll' equa- toriale Dembowski a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 2.59-260. 16. Osservazione della pianeta (236) Honoria fatta nel r Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 407- 408. 17. Osservazioni della pianeta (131) Vala, fatte nel r Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 439-440. 18. Osservazioni di pianetini fatte all' Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. [1884.] Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 114-120; Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1883-84, 1137-1147. 19. Osservazioni astronomiche fatte all' Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. [1884-87.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1883-84, 837-858; 1884-85, 1427- 1438, 1849-1850; 1886-87, 41-51, 209-220. 20. [Beobacbtungen des Cometen 1884 Wolf.] Am Aequatoi'eal Dembowski der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 107-108. 21. [Beobacbtungen des neuen Planeten (248) Lameia auf der Sternwarte in Padova.] Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 47-48. 22. Osservazioni fatte a Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 305-310; 116, 1887, 107-112, 215-218; 118, 1888, 233-238; 119, 1888, 167-168; 120, 1889, 285-288; 121, 1889, 269-272, 299- 300; 122, 1889, 233-236; 123, 1890, 361-364; 124, 1890, 111-112; 127, 1891, 299-302; 132, 1893, 325-330, 329- 834, 345-350, 393-400 ; 133, 1893, 31-36, 359-364, 399- 400; 136, 1894, 145-152. 23. Observations de la Comete Fabry, faites k Padoue. Bull. Astr. (Paris), 2, 1885, 565 ; 3, 1886, 27. 24. Osservazioni astronomiche delle Comete Fabry e Barnard fatte a Padova, coU' equatoriale Dembowski, nel dicembre 1885 subito dopo la loro scoperta. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 191-194. 25. [Osservazioni delle Comete 1886.. .(Fabry) e 1886 ...(Barnard) fatte a Padova,] Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 265-266, 349-350. 26. Osservazioni della Cometa 1885... (Brooks 2) fatte a Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 397-398. 27. Esperimento per le determinazioni di latitudine, fatto coUo strumento dei passaggi di Bambeko all' Osser- vatoi'io di Padova, nell' ottobre 1885. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 [Sem. 1), 10-15. 28. Osservazioni astronomiche della nuova Cometa Brooks 2 e delle Comete Fabry e Barnard fatte a Padova, coir equatoriale Dembowski, nel gennaio 1886. [1886.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 267-273. 29. Tavole per ridurre il uascere ed il tramontare della iuna dalle effemeridi di Berlino agli orizzonti di latitudini fra 36° e 48°. [1886.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 1281-1292. 30. Osservazioni delle nuove comete fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 171-172. 31. [Beobacbtungen, etc. des Cometen 1887. ..(Bar- nard Mai 12).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 43-44, 101-104. 32. Beobacbtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss 1887 August 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 279. 33. Osservazioni della Cometa Olbers 1887. ..fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 389-390; 118, 1888, 379-380; 119, 1888, 41-42. 34. Beobacbtungen des neuen Planeten (269). Al r Osservatorio di Padova. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 389- 390. 35. Nozioni sul calendario dei Cofti e degli Abissini cristiani. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sern. 1), 396-404. 36. Osservazioni astronomiche fatte a Padova [negli anni 1887-90]. Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1887-88, 157-169; 1888-89, 807-822 ; 1889-90, 505-522 ; 1890-91, 425-445. 37. SuUe maree e sulla loro predizione. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 4, 1888, 133-153. 38. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889.. (Brooks Jul! 6) angestellt am Aequatoreal Dembowski der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 171-172. 39. Beobacbtungen des Cometen Swift 1889 Nov. 16. Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 125-126. 40. Beobacbtungen des Cometen 1890...(Borrelly 1889 Dec. 12). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 239-240, 283-284; Bull. Astr. (Paris), 7, 1890, 17. 41. Beobacbtungen des Planeten (288) (R. Luther Febr. 20). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 87-88. 42. Beobachtungen des Planeten (288) Glauke. Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 171- 172. 43. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890... (Brooks Marz 19). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 171-172. 44. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890...(Coggia Juli 18). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 91-92. 45. Cometa d'Arrest 1890.... Astr. Nachr. , 126, 1891, 79-80. 46. Cometa 1890. ..(Zona Nov. 15). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 109-110; 127, 1891, 105-108. 47. Suir orbita della Cometa 1887 IV. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 177-214. 48. Osservazioni dei nuovi pianeti fatte a Padova. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 43-46. 49. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1891... (Barnard- Denning).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 77-78. 50. Osservazioni astronomiche su Marte fatte a Padova nell' opposizione 1892. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 343-363; Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 25-32. 51. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892... (Denning Marz 18). Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 311-312. 52. Suir orbita della Cometa 1887 IV (Barnard 12 maggio). Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 20, 1892, 12-14. 53. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892... (Holmes Nov. 6).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 145-146, 163-164, 195-196, 305-306. 54. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1893... (Brooks 1892 Nov. 19).] Auf der Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 245-246. Abetti] 14 [Abetti 66. [Beobachtungen des Planeten 1892 T (Charlois Dec. 9).] Auf der Steruwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 311-312, 407-408; 132, 1893, 79-80. 56. [Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss 1893 April 16.] Auf der kgl. Sternwarte in Padua. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 302. 67. Osservazioni della Cometa 1893...(Rordame- Qu^nisset) fatte a Padova coU' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 377-380. 68. Pianeta 1893 A. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 399- 400. 59. Observations de la planete Charlois (1893 A), faites k I'Observatoire de Padoue (Equatorial Dembowski de 0"',137 d'ouverture). Bull, Astr. (Paris), 10, 1893, 180-181. 60. Sul nuovo micrometro a lamina applicato al 1' equatoriale Dembowski. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 623-641. 61. Formole e tavole per calcolare la rifrazione differenziale nelle osservazioni micrometriche. [1893.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 643-659. 62. Osservazioni di comete e di pianetini fatte col 1' equatoriale Dembowski a Padova dal febbraio 1891 al [dicembre 1893]. [1893-94.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892 - 93, 847-874 ; 1893-94, 1365-1889. 63. Elementi dell' orbita ed effemeride del pianeta 1893 A e confronto coUe osservazioni. [1893-94.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1892-93, 1547-1555; 1893-94, 1390- 1397. 64. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove fatte al B. Osservatorio di Padova coll' equatoriale Dembowski. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 153-158. 66. Congiunzione di Marte con v Tauri e di Saturno con 7 Virginis. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 22, 1894, 9&-100. 66. Elemente und Ephemeriden des Cometen 1896... (Perrine-Lamp). Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 30. 67. Osservazioni di asteroidi fatte ad Arcetri [negli anni 1895-1900]. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 209-214, 213-222, 307-312; 141, 1896, 125-134; 143, 1897, 129- 140; 146, 1898, 49-68, 81-92; 147, 1898, 141-142, 331- 332; 148, 1899, 217-218; 149, 1899, 257-270, 273-278; 150, 1899, 239-240 ; 152, 1900, 81-84, 245-262, 293-802 ; 158, 1900, 89-92. 68. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896... (Swift April 13). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr. 140, 1896, 269-270. 69. Osservazioni di comete all' equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 311-316; 142, 1897, 269-270; 149, 1899, 17-24. 70. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove fatte al r equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 133-136. 71. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Giacobini).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 311-312. 72. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Sperra Aug. 31).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 313-314. 73. L' equatoriale di Arcetri. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 22 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc.'l), 1896, 23 pp. 74. II micrometro doppio dell' equatoriale. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 23 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 2), 1896, 20 pp. 75. Osservazioni di asteroidi fatte ad Arcetri nel 1895. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 24 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 3), 1896, 25 pp. 76. Cometa I 1896 (Perrine-Lamp). Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 25, 1896, 33-37. 77. Elementi ed effemeride del pianeta (345) Ter- cidina. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 45-46, 111-112, 841- 342. 78. Beobachtung des Cometen 1897...(Perrine 1896 Nov. 2). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 61-62. 79. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Perrine Dec. 8).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 339-340. 80. [L' asteroide (345) Tercidino.] Nota. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 26 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 5), 1897, 15-16. 81. Osservazioni astronomiche fatte all' equatoriale di Arcetri [negli anni 1896-99]. Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 27 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 6), 1897, 47 pp.; 32 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 9), 1898, 40 pp. ; 34 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 10), 1899, 66 pp. ; 36 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 12), 1900, 76 pp. 82. Cometa 1897 . . . (Perrine ottobre 16) osservata al- r equatoriale di Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 45-46. 83. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898... (Perrine Marz 19).] Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 93-94, 125-126; 148, 1899, 121-126. 84. Beobachtungen [des Cometen Coddington-Pauly]. Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 357-358. 85. Cometa Wolf 1898... e Marte. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 191-192. 86. [Osservazioni dell' asteroide (433) (1898 DQ) ad Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 223-224, 279-282; 148, 1899, 157-158. 87. [II piccolo meridiano di Arcetri.] Osservazioni delle stelle di Mnemosine. Posizione media delle stelle... Firenze R. 1st. Pubbl., 30 (Arcetri Oss., Fasc. 7), 1898, 58-59. 88. Cometa 1898... (Brooks ottobre 20) osservata ad Arcetri coll' equatoriale di Amici. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 93-94. 89. Beobachtungen des Planeten 1898 ED. [Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 95-96. 90. Osservazioni di comete ed asteroidi ad Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 215-218. 91. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898 VIII (Chase). Auf der Sternwarte in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 239-240. 92. Planet 1899 EJ. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 15-16. 93. [Cometa 1899 I osservata ad Arcetri.] Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 27-28, 61-62; 150, 1899, 235-238; 151, 1900, 283-284. 94. Stelle osservate al piccolo meridiano di Arcetri nel 1898. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 201-206. 96. Osservazioni ad Arcetri coll' equatoriale di Amici. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 205-206. 96. Osservazioni del pianeta (85) Io = [1899 EN] 9'" 6. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 237-238. 97. Cerere e Pallade osservati nell' opposizione 1899 all' equatoriale di Amici. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 333- 336. 98. Osservazioni degli asteroidi 1899 ER e 1899 ES. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 77-78. 99. Cometa 1899 V (Giacobini). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 285-286. 100. Cometa Tempel 1899 IV. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 285-290. 101. Osservazioni di (7) Iris e (4) Vesta nell' oppo- sizione 1899 air equatoriale di Amici in Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 83-88. 102. Pianeta 1900 FG. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 103- 104. 103. Cometa 1900 I (1900 a). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 103-106. 104. Eclisse di Sole del 28 maggio 1900 ad Arcetri. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 297-298. 105. Observations de la planete Gyptis, faites a I'Observatoire d'Arcetri (equatorial Amici de 0™,284 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr. (Paris), 17, 1900, 449. 106. Asteroide (456) [1900 FH]. [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 9-10. 107. Cometa 1900 II (1900 b). [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 61-64. 108. Pianeta (1) Cerere osservate nell' opposizione Abetti] 15 [Abney 1900 in Arcetri all' equatoriale cli Amici. [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 157-160. 109. II numero assoluto dell' era volgare nel periodo Giuliano. [1900.] Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 29, 1901, 14-15; Observatory, London, 23, 1900, 315-317. Abicb, [Otto Wilhelm] Hermann von. Assign to this anthor entries {Vol. 1) under Abicb, G. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 246; Foldt. Kozlon., 16, 1886, 338; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 168 ; Nature, 34, 1886, 245, 290 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 14-17; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 53, 1886, 5-8 ; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 5, 1886, 8 pp. ; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (Not.), 15-16; Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 43, 1887 (Proc), 49; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 500; Wien, Almanach, 37, 1887, 192-194; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 350. 85. *Mittheilung iiber die Brunnenbohrung von Kudako. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 134-135. 86. *Ueber den Ararat. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 135. 87. *Zur Orographic Kaukasiens. [2V.] [1879.] Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr., 1, 1880, 68-75. A.\iney,{Capt.Sir) Williavi dc W[iveleslic^. 40. * Photo- graphic spectra showing the Sun's rotation. [1877.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 134-135. 41. * Ascertaining the height of clouds. [1880.] Meteorol. Off. Met. Council Rep., 1878-79, 25-26. 42. * Preliminary report on the photo-nephograph. [1882.] Meteorol. Off. Met. Council Rep., [1880-81], 33-34. 43. The effect of shearing stress on a sensitive salt. Photogr. JL, 8, 1884, 80-81. 44. Illumination of the dark room, and some optical experiments. [With discussion.'] Photogr. JL, 8, 1884, 88-94, 110. 45. The Siemens unit lamp for photographers. [With discussion.] [1884.] Photogr. JL, 9, 1885, 26-28. 46. Testing gelatine. [With discussion.] [1884.] Photogr. JL, 9, 1885, 42-45. 47. The photographic image. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 9, 1885, 128-134. 48. The production of monochromatic light, or a mixture of colours, on the screen. [1885.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 7, 1886, 181-185; Phil. Mag., 20, 1886, 172-174. 49. Different kinds of water in the developer. [1885.] Photogr. JL, 10, 1886, 59-60. 50. On the measurement of the coloured light for dark rooms. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl. , 10, 1886, 114-122, 138-142. 51. Comparative effects of different parts of the spectrum on silver salts. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 251-254. 52. The solar spectrum, from X 7150 to X 10,000. [1885.] Phil. Trans., 177, 1887, 457-469. 53. On the atmospheric transmission of visual and photographically active light. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 260-265. 54. On measuring densities of photographic deposit, with some remarks on sensitometers. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 11, 1887, 38-46. 55. Transmission of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere. [1887-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 251-283; 184, 1894, 1-42. 56. Theoretical aspect of ortho-chromatic photo- graphy. Photogr. JL, 12, 1888, 105-106. 57. On platinotype deposits. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 12, 1888, 165-170. 58. Sunlight colours. [1887.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 12, 1889, 61-71. 59. On the measurement of the sensitiveness of silver salts to the spectrum. [With discussion.] [1888.] Photogr. JL, 13, 1889, 2-17, 26-29. 60. On the value of a scale of density on a photo- graph, Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 285-292. 61. Presidential address to the Math, and Phys. Sci. Sect., Sept. 12th. The theory of photography. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 481-488. 62. On the quantity of deposit of silver produced by the development on a photographic plate in terms of the intensity of light acting. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 493. 63. Total eclipse of the Sun observed at Caroline Island, on 6th May, 1883. [1887-88.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890, 119-135. 64. On the measurement of the luminosity and intensity of light reflected from coloured surfaces. [1888.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890, 30-37; Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 62-69. 65. On the density of intensified negatives. [With discussion.] [1889.] Photogr. JL, 14, 1890, 2-6. 66. Note on the scaling of Dr. Spitta's wedge by means of photography. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 515-517. 67. On the accuracy of the grease-spot photometer for measuring the density of photographic plates, and a note on the sector photometer. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 9, 1890, 722-725. 68. Colour-photometry, Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 150-154. 69. On an undiscussed point in the illumination of the dark room. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 15, 1891, 164-167. 70. The numerical registration of colour. Pre- liminary note. Roy. Soc. Proc, 49, 1891, 227-233. 71. On the examination for colour of cases of tobacco scotoma, and of abnormal colour blindness. Roy. Soc. Proc, 49, 1891, 491-508. 72. On the limit of visibility of the different rays of the spectrum. Preliminary note. Roy. Soc. Proc, 49, 1891, 509-518. 73. Grease-spot photometer measures. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 10, 1891, 18-20. 74. On the estimation of star magnitudes by extinction with the wedge. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 426-429. 75. The sensitiveness of the eye to light and colour. [1892.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 601-611. 76. On the use of rapidly moving sensitive surfaces. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 17, 1893, 235-242. 77. On errors that may arise in estimating star magnitudes by photography. [1893.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 65-67. 78. Chemical action and exposure. [With discussion.] [1893.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 56-71. 79. On the colours of sky light, sun light, cloud light and candle light. [1893.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 54, 1894, 2-4. 80. On failure of the law in photography that when the products of the intensity of the light acting and of the time of exposure are equal, equal amounts of chemical action will be produced. [1893.] Roy. Soc Proc, 54, 1894, 143-147. 81. Graduating wedges. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 368-370. 82. Measurement of colour produced by contrast. Roy. Soc Proc, 56, 1894, 221-228. 83. The artificial spectrum top. [1895.] Nature, 61 (1894-96), 292. 84. Orthochromatics. Colour sensitometry. [With disciission.] Photogr. JL, 19, 1896, 328-342, 389. 85. Becquebel's colour photographs. Nature, 54 (1896), 125. 86. Printing density in negatives, [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 20, 1896, 294-300, 87. The spectrum sensitiveness of a silver salt. Photogr. JL, 20, 1896, 325. Abney] 16 [Abraham 88. The photographic values of moonlight and starlight compared with the light of a standard candle. Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 314-325. 89. Note on photographing sources of light with monochromatic rays. [1896.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 13-15. 90. [Photography in colours.] [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 318-319. 81. The scientific requirements of colour photo- graphy. Nature, 56 (1897), 186. 92. The sensitiveness of the retina to light and colour. [1897.] Phil. Trans. (A), 190, 1898, 1.55-195. 93. About photographic films. [With discusdon.] Photogr. Jl., 22, 1898, 336-340. 94. The theory of colour vision applied to modern colour photography. [1898.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 15, 1899, 802-809. 95. Colours for tri-chromatic photographic printing. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 23, 1899, 192-198, 288. 96. The colour sensations in terms of luminosity. [1899.] Phil. Trans. (A), 193, 1900, 259-287. 97. Screens for three-colour work. [With discussion.] [1899.] Photogr. JL, 24, 1900, 121-131. 98. A case of monochromatic vision. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 179-180. 99. On the estimation of the luminosity of coloured surfaces used for colour discs. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 67, 1901, 118-122. Abney, (Capt. Sir) William de W[iveleslie], & Edwards, G[eorge] S[eliDyn']. On the effect of the spectrum on the haloid salts of silver. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, 249-275. Abney, {Capt. Sir) William de Wliveleslie], & Festing, (Maj.-Gen.) E[dward] R[ohert]. 7. The relation be- tween electric energy and radiation in the spectrum of incandescence lamps, Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 157-173. 8. Absorption-spectra thermograms. Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1886, 77-83. 9. Intensity of radiation through turbid media. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 378-380, 10. The Bakerian lecture. Colour photometry. [1886.] Phil. Trans,, 177, 1887, 423-456, 11. On photometry of the glow-lamp. [1887.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 247-263 ; Ann, T^l^graph,, 15, 1888, 168-181. la. Colour photometry. Part[s II and III], [1888-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 547-570; 183, 1893, 531-565. Abney, {Capt. Sir) William de W[iveleslie\, & Schuster, Artlmr. To reference in No. 1 (Vol. 9) add Phil. Trans., 175, 1886, 253-271. Abney, {Capt. Sir) William de W[iveleslie], & Thorpe, Thomas Edioard. On the determination of the photo- metric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of August 28-29, 1886. PreUrainary notice. Roy. Soc. Proc, 44, 1888, 392-394. 2. On the determination of the photometric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of August 28-29, 1886. [1889.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890, 363-384. 3. On the determination of the photometric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of April 16th, 1893. [1896.] Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 433-442. Abrahall. See XXoskyns-Abrahall. Abraham, . Die Durchschneidung des Nervus man- dibularis. (Ein Beitrag zum Kapitel liber trophische Nervenfasern.), Arch. Mikr, Anat., 54, 1899, 224-253. Abraham, A. Etude sur certains aciers sp^ciaux. Ann, Mines, 14, 1898, 225-347. Abraham, Anton. [Ueber Garrulus glandarius.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 107-108. 2. Der graue Fliegenfanger (Muscicapa grisola). Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 232-234. 3. Wespenbussard (Pernis apivorus, L.). Wien Ornith, Ver, Mitth., 21, 1897, 95, Abraham, Friedrich. Die Hohlen bei Ober-Comana. Ein Beitrag zur Hohlenkunde Siebenbiirgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbneb., 7, 1887, 50-53. 2. Bad Lobogo bei Karlshiitte. Szent-Keresztbanya. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 70-76. Abraham, Henri [Azariah]. Sur la th^orie des dimen- sions. Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 516-526. 2. Sur un condensateur etalon. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 654-657. 3. Sur une nouvelle determination du rapport r entre les unites C. G. S. electromagnetiques et electro- statiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892. 1355-1356; Ann. Chim., 27, 1893, 433-525; 28, 1893, 432. 4. Sur le debit d'une machine clectrostatique a influence. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 278-284. 5. Sur les dimensions de la temperature abaolue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1123-1124; Lum. Elect., 51, 1894, 66-68. 6. Sur la mesure des coefficients d'induction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 624-626; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 265-279. 7. Sur les courants alternatifs et le pont de Whkat- STONK. Paris, Ac Sci. C, R., 118, 1894, 1251-1253; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1894, 213-219. 8. Mesure et comparaison de coefficients d'induction propre par les courants alternatifs de grande frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1326-1329. 9. Sur la reciprocity des coefficients d'induction mutuelle. Paris, Soc Phys. Seances, 1894, 52-53. 10. Sur la compensation des forces directrices et la scnsibilite du galvanom^tre a cadre mobile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 882-883. 11. Sur, I'oscillographe a induction Abraham-Car- pentier. Eclairage Elect., 11 (1897), 145-150. 12. Oscillographe a induction. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 758-761. 13. Sur le rheographe a induction Abraham-Car- pentier. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1897, 45-55. 14. Sur la decomposition d'un courant a haut potentiel en une succession de decharges disruptives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 991-994; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 70-77. Abraham, Henri [Azariah], & Buisson, Henri. Nouvelle methode optique d'etude des courants alternatifs, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 92-94. Abraham, Henri [Azariah], & Chassagny, [Michel]. Sec Chassagny & Abraham. Abraham, Henri [Azariah], & I>emoine, Jules. Electro- m^tre absolu pour les hauts potentiels ; module 6talon ; module simplifie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 726-728; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1895, 97-102; Eclairage Elect., 3 (1895), 433-436. 2. Disparition instantanee du phenomtoe de Kerr. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 206-208. 3. Nouvelle methode de mesure des durees infini- t^simales. Application a la disparition de la birefringence electro-optique et de la polarisation rotatoire magnetique. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 155-161. 4. Sur le phenomene de Kerr. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 62*-64*. 5. Nouvelle methode de mesure des durt^es infini- tesimales. Analyse de la disparition des ph^nomenes electro-optiques. Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 264-287. 6. P6riode d'etablissement de I'^tincelle electrique. Sa duree totale. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 245- 248. 7. Disparition instantan^e de la polarisation rotatoire magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 499-501. Abraham, Henri [Azariah], & MCarmier, Louis A. Sterili- sation industrielle des eaux potables par I'ozone. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 42, 1899, 102. Abraham, Karl, & Keibel, Franz. See Keibel & Abraham, Abraham, Max. Bau und Entwicklungsgeschiehte der Abraham] Wandverdickungen in den Samenoberhautzellen einiger Cruciferen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 16, 1886 599-637. 2. [Botanische Beobachtungen. ] [1899.] Konigsb. Schr., 41, 1900, 48-50. Abrabam, 3Iax. Die elektrischen Schwingungen um einen stabformigen Leiter, behandelt nach der Max- well'schen Theorie. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898 435-472. a. Ueber die Phase Hertz'scher Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 834-841. 3. Ueber einige, bei Schwingungsproblemen auftre- tende, Differentialgleichungen. Math. Ann., 52, 1899 81-112. 4. Elektrische Schwingungen in einem frei endigenden Draht. Ann. Phys., 2, 1900, 32-61. Abraham, (Rev.) Nendick. On the habits of the tree trapdoor spider of Graham's Town. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 40-43. Abraham, Otto. Ueber das Abklingen von Tonempfin- dungen. Ztschr. Psychol., 20, 1899, 417-424. Abraham, Otto, & Briihl, Ludwig J[ul.\ Wahrnehmung kiirzester Tone und Gerausche. Ztschr. Psychol., 18, 1898, 177-217. Abraham, Otto, & Schaefer, Karl L. Ueber die maximale Geschwindigkeit von Tonfolgen. Ztschr. Psychol., 20, 1899, 408-416. See also Schaefer & Abraham. Abraham, Phineas S[imon]. 8. Self-mutilation in a lioness. Dublin Jl, Med. Sci., 79, 1885, 193-197. 9. Observations on four crania, from Kimberley, West Australia (Mr. Hardman's collection). Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 836-837. 10. Leprosy; a review of some facts and figures. Epid. Soc. Trans., 8, 1889, 118-151. 11. The etiology of leprosy: a criticism of some current views. Practitioner, 43, 1889, 153-160. 12. Analysis of 118 cases of leprosy in the Tarntaran Asylum (Punjab). [1890.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 9, 1891, 52-69. 13. On the alleged connexion of vaccination with leprosy. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans., (1891, 1), 384-393. 14. On a supposed case of indigenous leprosy [really carcinoma]. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 309-312. 15. A note on vaccination and leprosy. [1893.] Jl. State Med., 1, 1892-93, 184-187. 16. The latency of leprosy. [1895.] Med. Chir. Soc. Proc, 8, 1896, 64-70. Abraham, Phineas S[lmoii], & BidweU, Leonard A. See Bidwell & Abraham. Abraham, Wilhelm. Eine Hochgebirgsfahrt zum Bucsecs. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 7, 1887, 87-107. Abrahams, Joseph. Gaste aus der Feme. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1886, 240-241, 253, 265-266; 14, 1890, 2-3. 2. Ueber die Fruchtbarkeit der Bastarde. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 289, 300-301. Abram, John Hill. Acetonuria and general anaBsthesia. Jl. Path. Bact., 3, 1896, 430-433. 2. A new micrococcus, with a note on the bacteriology of lymphadenoma. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 262-264. 3. Mouse favus. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 265-266. 4. Two cases of lympho-sarcoma with remarks upon the differential diagnosis of some general glandular enlargements. [1899.] Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 2, 1900, 73-77. 5. Carcinoma of the kidney arising in the glomeruli. Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 384-386. Abram, John Hill, & Marsden, Prosper H. The detection of lead in organic fluids. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 990-991. Abramczyk, Max. Die Entstehung der elektrischen Trockenelemente. Centrztg. Optik, 15, 1894, 74-76. 2. Ueber die Warmeemission des Steinsalzes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 625-654. B. S. A. C, 17 [Abromeit Abramov, Nikolaj A. Assign to this author title {Vol. 6) under Abramof, N., and No. 1 (Vol, 7) under Abramof, {Maj.-Gen.) A. 3. *AjiMaTH HJiH yKp-feiueHie B-fepnoe, ct. ero OKpeCTHOCniMH. [Almaty or Fort Bernoe and neigh- bourhood.] St. Pctersb., Soc. Russe G^ogr. M6m. (Geor/r.), 1, 1867, 255-268. *• 'P'feica Kapaxajii, ct ca oKpecTHOCTHMH. [River Karatal and neighbourhood.] St. P6tersb., Soc, Russe G6ogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 1, 1867, 269-278. *• *ropo;iiT. KonajiT. ch ero OKpyroMt, bi. 1862 r. [The town of Kopal with its district in 1862.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 1, 1867, 279-320. «• *CTaHHii;a BepxjiencHHCKaa cb OKpecTHo- CTHMH, Bt 1864 roji;y. [Verchlepsinsk aud neigh- bourhood in 1864.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 1, 1867, 321-327. Abramow, S. Ueber die pathologisch-anatomischen Veranderungen der serosen Haute bei den experimen- tellen acuten fibrinosen Entziindungen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 1-19. 2. Ueber die Veranderungen der Blutgefasse bei der Syphilis. Beitr. Path. Anat., 26, 1899, 202-229. Abrams, Albert. A contribution to the study of heretofore undescribed neuroses of the lungs. N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 767-768. 2. Note of a ease of facial hemiatrophy. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 582-583. 3. The value of the Rontgen rays in cardiac diagnosis. N. Y. Med. JL, 65, 1897, 785-786. 4. The lung reflex. N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 57-58. Abrams, Le Roy. The structure and development of Cryptomitrium tenerum. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 110-121. Abranehes de IHoura, (capit.) Jose Eduardo. [L'^clipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril.] Astronomic, 1893, 230-231. Abreu Iiaeerda, Augusto de. Organisagao e trabalhos da Commissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes. Minas Geraes Oomm. Geogr. Geol. BoL, 1, 1894, 69 pp. 2. Subsidios para o estudo do clima do estado de Minas Geraes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. BoL, 2, 1895, 59 pp. 3. A bacia do Rio das Mortes. Minas Geraes Comm. Geogr. Geol. Bol. , 3, 1896, 1-84. Abrla, Jeremie Joseph Benoit. Assign to this author entries {Vols. 7 and 9) under Abria, 0. For biography and list of works see Bordeaux Ac. Actes, 55, 1893, 203-236; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 3, 1893, 301-330. 41. * Bordeaux (Gironde). Observations met^oro- logiques faites pendant [les aun^es 1852-56]. France Soc. Met^orol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pt. 2, 125-140 ; 9, 1861, Pt. 1, 5-36. Abromeit, J\ohannes\ 2. Ueber die Anatomic des Eichenholzes. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 15, 1884, 209-281. 3. *Bericht iiber Exkursionen im Kreise Neustadt. [1883.] Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Abh.), 60-69. 4. Beriohtigung des Sanio'schen Aufsatzes iiber die Zahlenverhaltnisse der Flora Preussens. Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (^6/j.), 135-159. 6. Bericht iiber die botanische Untersuchung des Kreises Ortelsburg. [1886.] Konigsb. Schr., 28, 1888 (Abh.), 49-57. 6. [Verzeichnis der bemerkenswerteren, von den Mitgliedern des preussischen botanischen Vereins ge- sammelten Pflanzen.] [1888-94.] Konigsb. Schr., 30, 1890 (Abh.), 58-72; 31, 1891 (Abh.), 17-32; 32, 1891 (Abh.), 75-96; 33, 1892, 94-116; 34, 1893, 35-46; 35, 1896, 54-62; 36, 1896, 34-50. Abromeit] 18 [Abt 7. [Neue Funde der Flora Preussens 1891.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xxxv-xxxvii. 8. [Botanische Untersuchungen in der Umgegend von Konigsberg.] [1891.] Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, 78-81. 9. Lentinus suffrutescens. [1891.] Konigsb. Schr., 38, 1892, 120-121. 10. Gentiana germanica, Willd. Konigsb. Schr., 83, 1892, 136-137. 11. [Die Verbreitungsgrenzen einiger Pflanzen in Preussen.] Konigsb. Schr., 83, 1892, 137-189. 12. Ueber Veranderungen in der preussischen Flora. [1892.] Konigsb. Schr., 84, 1893, 4-14. 13. Ueber die Vegetationsverhaltnisse des Pregel- gebiets. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, 51-52. 14. Ueber die in Preussen bis jetzt beobachteten wilden Eosen. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, 52-58. 16. Ueber die Anzahl der Pflanzenspecies unserer Erde. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, [15]-[16]. 16. Ueber neue Pflanzen in Ostpreussen. Konigsb. Schr., 84, 1893, [17]. 17. Ueber botanische Exkursionen. [1898.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1896, 36-87. 18. [Ueber das Leben des ersten preussischen Flo- risten Johann Wigand, und iiber den botanischen Theil seines Werkes.] [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1895, 48-50. 19. [Sparganium neglectum und S. ramosum.] [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 36, 1896, 28-24. 20. Botanisches aus Nordostdeutschland. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 31-32, 62-64. 21. [Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Trapa natans.] [1895.] Konigsb. Schr., 37, 1896, 148-151. 22. [Trapa natans.] Konigsb. Schr., 37, 1896, 167-168. 23. Ueber Vegetationsformationen. [1896.] Konigsb. Schr., 38, 1897, 40-41. 24. Ueber zwei neue Phanerogamenfunde des nord- lichen Westgronlands. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1897, 46-48. 25. [Ueber einige bemerkenswerte Pflanzen, die in Preussen die Grenze ihrer Verbreitung erreichen.] [1897.] Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, 39-41. 26. [Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. von Drygalski's ausgesandten Gronlandexpedition nach Dr. Vanhoffen's Sammlungen bearbeitet. A. Kryptogamen.] X. Gefass- biindel-Kryptogamen (Cryptogamse vasculares [Pterido- phyta]). [1897.] Bibl. Bot., 8, 1899, Heft 42, 69-75. 27. Ueber einige Bestandteile der Diinenflora. [1898.] Konigsb. Schr., 40, 1899, 70-71. 28. Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. von Drygalski's ausgesandten Gronlandexpedition nach Dr. Vanhoffen's Sammlungen bearbeitet. B. Samenpflanzen (Phanero- gamen) aus dem Umanaks- und Ritenbenks-Distrikt. Bibl. Bot., 8, 1899, Heft 422, jqS pp. 29. [Zwei fiir Nordostdeutschland neu entdeckte Pflanzen, Carex capillaris, L., Salix Lapponum, L.] Konigsb. Schr., 40, 1899, [21]-[22]. Absolon, Ph. C. Karl. Ueber die Fauna der Hohlen des mahrischen Devonkalkes. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 315-317, 321-825. 2. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Gattung Dicyrtoma und Heteromurus hirsutus, n. sp., aus den mahrischen Hohlen. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 493-496. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber [die] mahrische Hohlen- fauna. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 1-6, 57-60, 189-195. 4. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber einige neue Collem- bolen aus den Hohlen des mahrischen Karstes. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 265-269. 5. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Aphoruriden aus den Hohlen des mahrischen Karstes. Zool. Anz., 28, 1900, 406-414. 6. Ueber zwei neue GoUembolen aus den Hohlen des osterreichischen Occupationsgebietes. Zool. Anz., 28, 1900, 427-431. 7. Ueber massenhafte Erscheinungen von Tetro- dontophora gigas, Renter, in Mahren. [1900.] Briinn Verb., 89, 1901 (Abh.), 3-5. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der mahrischen Hohlen- fauna. [1900.] Briinn Verb., 39, 1901 {Abh.), 6-14. Abt, Alfred. Procede de fabrication de nouvelles matieres colorantes rouges et rouge-violet par la combinaison des derives nitros^s des amines tertiaires avec la fluorescdine et ses produits de substitution. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 69, 1899, 319-320. Abt, A Ifred, & Noelting, Emilio [Domingo']. See IVoelting & Abt. Abt, Antal [Anton], 27. A hang visszaverodese lapszerii feliileten. [Reflexion des Schalles an ebenen Flachen.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1885, 147-148 ; Exner, Repertm., 21, 1885, -508-505. 28. A Richard Freres-fele regisztralo aneroid ismerte- t^se. [Criticism of the registering aneroid of Richard Freres.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1886, 55-60. 29. Beitrage zur Thermoelektricitat der Metalle. Centrztg. Optik, 8, 1887, 182-186. 30. Egy Jamin-fele acz61magnes cs egy termeszetes magnesko bemutatasa es erejiiknek osszehasonlitasa mas magnesekkel. [Ueber einen Jamin'schen Blattermjignet und einen Magneteisenstein.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1889, 1-10, 87-93. 31. Merohld igen kis vezetesi ellenallas pontes meghatarozasara. [Wheatstone bridge for the exact determination of very slight resistance.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes, (Termt. Szak), 1889, 106-107. 32. {a) Egy regisztral6 h6mer6 bemutatasa (Richard Testv^rektol Parisban). {b) Ezzel kapcsolatban a ho- merseklet valtozasa Kolozsvart 1889-ben aprilis l-jetol szeptember 30-ig. [Vergleichung der Angaben eines Richard'schen Thermographen mit den Angaben eines Minimum- und Maximum-Thermometers.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1889, 255-259, 298-301. 33. A nikkel es az aczel permanens magnesseg^rol. [Ueber den permanenten Magnetismus des Nickels und des Stahls.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1890, 181-191, 243-252. 34. A Moraviczai magnetit es az acz61 magneses tulajdonsagai. [Ueber das magnetische Verhalten des Moraviczaer Magnetits im Vergleich zu Stahl.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1891, 209-222, 389-851. 35. A Moraviczai magnetitnek 6s iivegkeraenysegu acz61nak magneses viselkedese nagy magnesezo eroknel ^s magneses momentumaik absolut mertekben. [Magnet- isches Verhalten des Moraviczaer Magnetits und des Stahls bei starken magnetisirenden Kraften, und deren magnetische Momente im absoluten Maasse.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1893, 138-140, 178-180. 36. Az Auer-fele izzo lampa fenyenek szines osszet- ^tele, vil4git4sa es hohat^sa, osszehasonlitva az Argand- Idmpa ds az elektromos izzo Umpa fenyevel. [Beitrage zur Kenntniss der physikalischen Eigenschaften des Auer'schen Gasgliihlichtes im Vergleiche mit dem Lichte eines runden Gasbrenners und dem elektrischen Gliih- lichte.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1894, 294- 308, 847-352. 37. A szabad magnesseg eloszlasanak egy egyszeru megvizsgalasi modszere. [Eine einfache Methode zur Untersuchung der Vertheilung des freien Magnetismus.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1894, 304-306, 353- 364. 38. A pyrrhotit magneses tulajdonsagair61. [M^gnet- isches Verhalten des Pyrrhotits.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1895, 20-30, 89-100. 39. A szakitasi aczelpr6bak remanens magness^gerol. [Ueber den remanenten Magnetismus der Zerreissungs- Abt] 19 [Achalme proben aus Stahl.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1895, 105-108, 233-236. 40. A Resitzai vasgyarban el6allitott Bessemer-aczel, puddling-aczel is Martin-acz61 magness^S^rol. [Ver- gleichung des reinanenten Magnetismus einiger Stahl- gattungen aus der Reschitzaer Eisen- und Stahlfabrik.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Termt. Szak), 1895, 319-322, 353- 355. 41. A Moraviczai vasercztelepben el6fordul6 terme- szetes magnesekrol. [Ueber die Magneteisensteine oder naturliehen Mt^gnete im Eisenerz-Lager bei Moravitza.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 14, 1896, 33-41; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 75-84. 42. A lagy acz61 magneses viselked^se tartds aramzarasn^l a lagy vashoz k^pest. [Ueber das mag- netische Verhalten des weichen Stahls bei andauerndem Stromschluss im Vergleich zu weichem Eisen.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1896, 52-57, (Rev.) 17-22. 43. Nehanj' vasoxyd is vassulfid villamvezet^si ellenallasarol is fajhcij^rfil. [Leitungswiderstand und specifische Warme einiger Eisenoxyde und Eisensulfide.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1896, 210-216, (Rev.) 42-48. 44. Nehany acz^lfajta osszehasonlitasa egymassal, a nikkellel ^s a Moraviczai magnetittel remaneus mag- ness^giikre n^zve. [Vergleichung einiger Stahlsorten untereinander, mit dem Nickel und dem Moraviczaer Magnetit bezi^glich ihres remanenten Magnetismus.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1897, 229-233, (Rev.) 199-203. 45. A haematit magneses tulajdonsagai. [Ueber die magnetischen Eigenscliaften des Haematits,] [1899.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1898, 152-166, (Rev.) 80-95. 46. Egy Wehnelt-f61e arainszaggat6nak bemutatasa, tekintettel a megszakitasok szamara. [Aenderung der Unterbrechungszabl bei einem Webnelt'schen Strom- unterbrecher mit der Temperatur des Elektrolyten.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1899, 73-77, (Rev.) 12-13. 47. Nehany f^moxyd ^s f^msulfid thermoelektro- motorius ereje 100° hom^rs^k kiilonbs^gn^l. [Thermo- electromotorische Kraft einiger Metalloxyde und Sulphide in Verbindung mit einander und mit einfachen Metallen bei 100° Temperaturunterschied der Beriihrungsstellen.] [1899.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 18, 1900, 25-43; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 17, 1901, 293-312. 48. Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Bestimmung des neutralen Punktes von Thermoelementen. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 320-327. 49. Nehany ^rcz magneses allapotanak kimutatasa ^s meghatarozasa. [Nachweis und Bestimmung des magnetischen Zustandes einiger Erze.] [1901.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1900, 58-62, (Rev.) 7-11. AM, Wilhelm. Ueber Benzoylenharnstotf und einige Derivate desselben. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 140-155 ; 40, 1889, 584. Abundo, Giuseppe d'. Ricerche batteriologiche. Sulla colorazione dei terreni di cultura dei microorganismi e sui nuovi caratteri biologici che possono rilevarvisi. [1887-88.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 15-19, 50-51. 2. Su d' un nuovo metodo nello studio del sistema nervoso centrale. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 48-50. 3. Un nuovo miografo. [1888.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 10, 1889, 101-103. 4. Spasmo ritmico localizzato e accessi coreiformi determinatisi in seguito a lesione sperimentale della corteccia cerebrale. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 7-8. 5. Contribute alio studio delle vie linfatiche del cervello. Ricerche sperimentali ed anatomo-patologiche. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 9-10. 6. Su di alcune particolarit^ della scrittura dei mancini. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 123- 136. 7. Suir azione tossica e battericida del siero di sangue dei pazzi. Nota preventiva. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891, 529-531. 8. Suir azione battericida e tossica del sangue degli alienati. Ricerche cliuiche, batteriologiche, sperimentali. [1891.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 292-329. 9. Ulteriori ricerche sulle vie linfatiche del sistema nervoso centrale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 575-577. 10. Contributo alio studio della mielinizzazione nelle vie di proiezione del sistema nervoso centrale. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 49, 1897, 9-13. 11. Sulle distrofie muscolari progressive. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 11, 1898, Mjim. 1, 61 pp. Abundo, Giuseppe d', & Agostini, Cesare. Le intosaica- zioni e le infezioni nella patogenesi delle malattie mentali e delle nevropatie anche nei riguardi terapeutici. [With discunsion.] [1899.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 919-957. Abundo, Giuseppe d\ & Bianclil, Leonardo. See Blanclii & Abundo. Abundo, Giuseppe d\ & Valenti, Giulio. See Valentl & Abundo. Aburrow, Charles. Rainfall at Johannesburg. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 215. Aby, Frank S. Karyokinesis in embryos of the domestic cat. Amer. Micr. JL, 14, 1893, 312-315 ; Science, 22, 1893, 300-301. 2. Observations on the development of the hypo- physis cerebri and processus infundibuli in the domestic cat. [1893.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 2, 1891-93, 295-310. 3. Report on the microscopic examination of blood from a patient suffering from splenic myelogenous leukaemia. [1893.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 2, 1891-93, 311-321. Abzac de la Donze, Jean Joseph Ulric (marquis) d\ For biographical notice and works see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1896, 546. [Lettres sur des plantes du P^rigord.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1886, 332-336; 34, 1887, 205-206, 462- 463; 37, 1890, 227-229. Acampora, Adele. [Bolide del 16 ottobre 1885, Napoli.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 187. Accard, A. Plans inclines appliques a la navigation. Ann. Conduct. Ponts et Chauss., 40, 1896, 348-364. Acconei, Luigi. Beitrag zur Histologic und Histogenese der papillenfUhrenden Kystome des Ovariums. Centrbl. Path., 1, 1890, 738-740. 2. Sur la contraction et sur I'inertie de I'ut^rus. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 208-215. 3. Ueber tuberculose Ovaritis. (Vorlaufige Mitthei- lung.) Centrbl. Path., 5, 1894, 629-630. Acb, Friedrich. Ueber das Anhydrid der Phenylhydrazon- liivulinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 44-57. Acb, Friedrich, & Fischer, Emil. See Fiscber & Aeh. Ach, Lorenz, & Fiscber, Emil. See Fischer & Ach. Ach, Narziss. Apparat zur photographischen Registrirung senkrechter Schiffsbewegungen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 19, 1899, 309-312. 2. Ueber die diuretische Wirkang einiger Purinderivate. Arch. Exper. Path., 44, 1900, 319-348. Achalme, Pierre [Jean]. Examen bacteriologique d'un cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu mort de rhumatisme cerebral. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m.,43, 1891 (C.R.), 651-656. 2. Recherclies bact^riologiques sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Premier m^moire. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 845-859. 3—2 Achalme] 20 [Achiardi 3. Pathog^nie du rhumatisme articulaire aigu ; examen bact^riologique d'un cas termini par la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 {C.R.), 276-278. 4. Recherches sur I'anatomie pathologique de I'endo- cardite rhumatismale. Arch. MM. Exp^r., 10, 1898, 370-388. 5. Recherches sur la presence de ferments solubles dans le pus. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C.R.), 568-570. 6. L'origine mici'obienne du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Congr. Int. MM. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Bad.), 63-68. Achalme, Pierre [Jean], & Tli6oliari, A. Contribution a r^tude de la d^g^n^rescence descendaute des cordons post^rieurs dans un cas de my^lite transverse. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 50, 1898 (C.i?.),, 1161-1163. AcbaUne, Pierre [Jean], & Troisier, E[mile]. See Troisier & Achalme. Achard, [Jean Victor] .A[rthur]. 15. Des nouveaux galvanometres k mercure de M. Lippmann. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 14, 1885, 71-77. 16. Considerations th^oriques sur les shunt-dynamos. Lum. Elect., 22, 1886, 3-12. Achard, Ch[arles]. Sur I'emploi de la teinture d'orcanette dans la technique histologique. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 164-167. 2. De I'intoxication hydatique. Arch. G^n. M6d., 162, 1888, 410-432, 572-591. 3. Duplicity partielle du canal central de la moelle. [1888.] Arch. G^n. MM,, 163, 1889, 116-117. 4. Note sur les lesions des nerfs dans le t^tanos. Arch. M6d. Exp^r., 4, 1892, 886-840. 5. [Contribution a I'^tude des complications in- fectieuses du cancer gastrique.] [1895.] Arch. G6n. MM., 177, 1896, 108. 6. Sur le passage de la propriety agglutinante a travers le placenta. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (C.B.), 255-257. 7. L'exploration clinique des fonctions r^nales et la glyoosurie phloridzique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 322-324. Achard, Ch[arles], & Bensaude, E[aoul]. Sur la presence de la propriety agglutinante dans le plasma sanguin et divers liquides de I'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 503-505 ; Arch. M^d. Exp^r., 8, 1896, 739-760. 3. Sur I'agglutination des divers tehantillons du bacille d'EsEBTH et des bacilles paratyphiques. Paris, - Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 940-942. Achard, Ch[arles], & Castaigne, J. Sur la decoloration du bleu de methylene par les elements vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (G. R.), 1091-1093. 2. L'epreuve de la glycosurie alimentaire et ses • causes d'erreur. Arch. Gen. Med., 181, 1898, 27-59. 3. Sur les rapports de la reaction de Purine avec I'^limination du bleu de methylene. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. JR.), 450-451. Achard, Gh[arles], & Clerc, A. Sur la lipase a I'etat pathologique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 781-783. 2. Sur le pouvoir lipasique du serum k I'etat patho- logique. Arch. Med. Exper., 12, 1900, 1-27. 3. Sur le pouvoir antipresurant du serum k I'etat pathologique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1727-1729. Achard, Gh[arles], &Delamare, V. La glycosurie phlorid- zique et l'exploration des fonctions renales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (G. R.), 48-50. ■ Achard, Gh[arles], & Oaillard, L[ouis Rene Leon]. Con- tribution k retude biochimique des genres tetragene et staphylocoque. Arch. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 96-108. Achard, Gh[arles], & Ouinon, Louis. Sur un cas de my elite aigue diffuse avec double nevrite optique. Arch. Med. Exper., 1, 1889, 696-710. Achard, Ch[arles], & JofEroy, A[lix]. See Jofiiroy & Achard. Achard, Ch[arles], & X>annelongue, [Odilon Marc]. See Xiannelongue & Achard. Achard, Gh[arles], & Z.oeper, M[aurice]. L'epreuve du bleu de methylene dans la degenerescence amylo'ide des reins. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1027- 1029. 2. Les globules blancs dans le rhumatisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1029-1030. 3. Les globules blancs dans la tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (G. R.), 1066-1067. Achard, Gh[arles], & Morfaux, P[aul]. L'urobilinurie et la permeabilite renale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (G. R.), 50-51. Achard, Gh[ai-les], & Fhulpin, E[mile]. Note sur la penetration des microbes dans les organes pendant I'agonie et apr^s la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (G. R.), 674-678. 2. Contribution a I'etude de I'envahissement des organes par les microbes pendant I'agonie et apr^s la mort. Arch. Med. Exper., 7, 1895, 25-47. Achard, Ch[arles], & Renault, Jules. Sur les rapports du Bacterium coli commune avec le Bacterium pyogenes des infections urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 830-835. 2. Sur les bacilles de I'infection urinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (G. R.), 311-315. 3. Note sur I'uree et les bacilles urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. jR.), 928-930. 4. Sur les differents types de bacilles urinaires appartenant au groupe du Bacterium coli. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 983-987. Achard, Gh[arles], & Soupault, Maurice. Deux cas de paralysie alcoolique a forme aigue et generalisee. Arch. Med. 'Exper., 5, 1893, 359-375. Achard, Ch[arles], & Weil, Emile. Contribution k I'etude des sucres chez les diabetiques. Arch. Med. Exper., 10, 1898, 816-850; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 986-988. 2. L'insuflisance glycolytique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (G. r!), ^139-141. Achard, Gh[arles], Weil, Emile, & Gourdet, E. Albumine urinaire soluble dans I'acide acetique, chez un brightique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 [G. R.), 1093-1094. Achenbach, G[onrad Garl], Ein Fall von orbitalem Melanosarcom, ausgehend vom episcleralen Gewebe hinter dem Bulbus. Virchow, Arch., 143, 1896, 324- 332. Acheson, E[dward] G[oodrich]. Carborundum : its history, manufacture and uses. Franklin Inst. Jl., 136, 1893, 194-203, 279-287. 2. Graphite : its formation and manufacture. Franklin Inst. Jl., 147, 1899, 475-486. Achiardi, Antonio d'. 43. *Sulla blenda di Toscana ed isole vicine. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1863, 96-103. 44. *D' alcune caverne e brecce ossifere dei Monti Pisani. Nuovo Cimento, 25, 1867, 305-320. 45. *Della grotta all' onde sul Monte Matanna (Alpi Apuane) esplorata dal Dott. Carlo Regnoli. Nuovo Cimento, 26, 1867, 32-35. 46. Tormalinolite del Bottino nelle Alpi Apuane. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 204-208. 47. Diabase e diorite dei monti del Terriccio e di Riparbella (prov. di Pisa). [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 237-245. 48. Delia trachite e del porfido quarziferi di Dono- ratico presso Castagneto nella provincia di Pisa. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 7, 1886, 31-56. 49. Rocce ottrelitiche delle Alpi Apuane. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 8, 1887, 442-454. 50. Le rocce del Verrucano nelle valli d' Asciano e d' Agnano nei Monti Pisani. [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 139-161. Achiardi] 21 lAcklaud Achiardi, Giovanni d\ Le tormaline del granito elbano. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 13, 1894, 229-321; 15, 1897, 8-74. 2. Indice di rifrazione delle tormaline elbane. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894-96, 91-99. 3. Roccie eruttive del bacino boratifero di Sultan- Tchair. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894-96, 149-163. 4. Museo di Mineralogia della R. Uiiiversita di Cagliari. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 471-474. 5. Museo Mineralogico d' Iglesias. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 484-486. 6. Le andesiti augitico-oliviniche di Torralba (Sar- degna). [1897.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 514-537. 7. Note di mineralogia toscana. [1897.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 10, 1896-97, 210-214. 8. Di alcune forme cristalline della calcite di Monte- catini in Val di Cecina. [1897.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 10, 1895-97, 232-241. 9. Sulle anomalie ottiche dell' analcima di Montecatini in Val di Cecina (Pisa). [1897.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 10, 1896-97, 263-276. 10. Sul contegno ottico della fluorina di Gerfalco e del Giglio. [1897.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 7-10. 11. Auricalcite di Campiglia Marittima e Valdaspra. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 16, 1898, 3-17. 12. Due esempi di metamorfismo di contatto (Urali- Elba). Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 16, 1898, 165-186. 13. Note di mineralogia italiana. [1898.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 26-39, 46-55. 14. Studio di alcune varieta di opale della Toscana. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 114-136. 15. Osservazioni sulle anomalie ottiche del granato dell' Affaccata (Elba). [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 153-155. 16. Fosforescenza di alcune dolomie dell' Elba. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 156-157. 17. Mineral! del marmo di Carrara. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 160-163. 18. I quarzi delle gessaie toscane. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 17, 1900, 53-78. 19. Studio ottico di quarzi bipiramidati senza potere rotatorio. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 17, 1900, 114-131. 20. Minerali del Sarrabns (Sardegna). Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 17, 1900, 243-251. 21. Pleocroismo e policromismo delle tormaline elbane. [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 88-37. 22. La cordierite dei filoni tormaliniferi nel granito di S. Piero in Campo (Elba). [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 38-47. 23. Larderellite dei sofSoni della Toscana. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 {Sem. 1), 342-345. Acbintre, [Auguste Chai-les]. Relation d'une Epidemic de dysenteric observ^e sur le 11* r(5giment de cuirassiers, k Lun^ville, en juillet et aout 1889. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 16, 1890, 24-35, 128-137. Aebiindow, Abdul-Chalig. Die pharmakologischen Grundsatze (Liber Fundamentoruni PharmacologifB) des Abu Mansur Muwaffak bin AH Harawi, zum ersten Male nach dem Urtext iibersetzt und mit Erklarungen versehen. [Nebst Bemerkungen von Dr. Paul Horn und Prof. J. Jolly.] Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Hist. Stud., 3, 1893, 187-414, 450-481. Acker, van. Over waargenomen kringen en bijzonnen om de zon. [1886.] Batavia, Natuurk, Tijdschr., 46, 1887, 318. Ackeren, Fn'edrich van. Beitrage zur Eutwicklungsge- schichte der weiblichen Sexualorgaue des Menschen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 48, 1889, 1-46. Ackermann, Edwin. Ueber Salze und Aether des Anrins und der Rosolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1624-1627. 2. [Analyse du kit.] [1898.] Arch. Sci. Phys, Nat., 7, 1899, 87-88. Ackermann, Eugene. Etude des variations quotidiennes de la creatinine dans le cas d'une alimentation mixte et d'un travail manuel regulier. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C.B.), 659-660. 2. Donn^es sur la nutrition et la d^sassimilation de lapins. Paris, Soc. Biol. M4m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 817-819. 3. La molecule de la quinine renferme un groupe- ment developpateur. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 915-917. 4. Bestimmungen des Widerstandes der Cemente gegen Stoss und Zerspringeu. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 1034. 5. Das Wasser von Belem do Para (Brasilien). Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 496-497. 6. Zur quantitativen Bestimraung des Ozons der Ozoniseure grosser Dimensionen. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 235-236. 7. The climate and diseases of northern Brazil. Meteorol, Soc. Quart. Jl., 26, 1900, 288-291. 8. Les variations de la pression barom^trique sous I'^quateur. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 725-726. Ackermann, Karl. 6. Bestimmung der erdmagnetischen Inklination von Kassel. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 31, 1884, 1 {bis)-12 {bis). 7. Bibliotheca hassiaca. Repertorium der landeskund- lichen Litteratur f iir den K. Preussischen Regierungsbezirk Kassel. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 31, 1884, 31 (6Js)-175; 34 & 35, 1889, 1-30 ; 36 & 37, 1891, 81-96 ; 88, 1892, 58-64 ; 39, 1894, 1 {bis)-18 {bis) ; Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 40, 1896, 39 pp.; 41, 1896, 9 pp.; 42, 1897, 1-37. 8. [Ueber sperlingslose Orte.] [1884.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 82 & 83, 1886, 25-26. 9. Thierbastarde. Zusammenstellung der bisherigen Beobachtungen iiber Bastardirung im Thierreich nebst Litteraturnaehweisen. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber. 42, 1897, 103-121 ; 43, 1898, 80 pp. Ackermann, [Hans Konrad Karl] Theodor. For bio graphical notice and works see Leopoldina, 32, 1896 189-190. 8. *Ueber Warmeregulirung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. 1871, 58-59. 9. *Ueber Digitalinwirkungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. 1871, 143. 10. Der weisse Infarct der Placenta. Virchow, Arch. 96, 1884, 439-452. 11. Die Pseudoligamente der Pleura, ihre Entwicke lung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Circulation. Deutsch Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 343-345. 12. Die Blutgefasse in den Psendoligamenten der Pleura und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Lungenkreislauf. Fortschr. Med., 7 (1889), 261-264. 13. Die Histogenese und Histologie der Lebercirrhose. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der pathologischen Anpassung. Virchow, Arch,, 115, 1889, 216-242. 14. Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomic der menschlichen Placenta. [1890.] Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888-90, 26-30. 15. Edward Jenner und die Frage der Immunitat. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1891 {Th. 1), 75-95. Ackermann, Wilhelm Ueber eine neue Methode, Sal- petersaure zu bestimmen. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 690-691. Ackland, Thomas G. *0n the graduation of mortality tables. Inst. Act. JL, 23, 1882, 352-359. 2. On the true measure of the probabilities of sur- vivorship between two lives. [1888.] Inst. Act. Jl., 27, 1889, 157-159. Ackland] 22 [Acton 3. On some practical applications of simple inter- polation formulae. Inst. Act. Jl., 32, 1896, 286-290. 4. (I) An investigation of some of the methods for deducing the rates of mortality, and of withdrawal, in years of duration; with (II) the application of such methods to the computation of the rates experienced, and the special benefits granted, by clerks' associations. [1896.] Inst. Act. Jl., 33, 1898, 68-96, 131-197. Ackroyd, William. 8. Cohesion and cohesion figures. Chem. News, 54, 1886, 58-59. 9. On the origin of colour. (I) Relation of molecular and atomic volume to colour. [(II) The colour scale. Thermo-relations. The law of colour. (Ill) Iodine and iodine solutions. (IV) Vibrations. " Break-ethers." Oxygen.] Chem. News, 67, 1893, 27, 64-65, 111-112, 147-148. XO. The science of colour. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 11, 1895, 166-174. 11. A rapid determination of the equivalent of sul- phuric acid and its place in the teaching of chemistry. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 25. 12. Eesearches on moorland waters. I. Acidity. Chem. Soc. JL, 75, 1899 {Pt. 1), 196-200. 13. On the distribution of chlorine in West Yorkshire. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1900, 691-695. 14. On a limiting standard of acidity for moorland waters. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 695-696. Ackroyd, Williavi, & Emmott, Walter. See Emxnott & Ackroyd. Ackroyd, William, & Knowles, //. B. On opacity to the Rontgen rays. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 12, 1896, 65-66. Acland, Henry Dyke. Volcanic series in the Malvern Hills. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 48. 2. On a volcanic series in the Malvern Hills, near the Herefordshire Beacon. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 556-562. Acland, (Sir) Henry Wentworth Dyke. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 169 ; Nature, 62 (1900), 627; Roy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1906, 169-174. Acland, Theodore D[yke]. Changes in the thymus gland in a case of haemophilia and in one of purpura. [1884.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 36, 1885, 491-494. 2. Actinomycosis hominis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 546-549. Acloque, A. Influence du milieu aquatique sur les formes des v^g^taux. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 243-245. 2. La notion de I'espece chez les Muscin^es. Rev. Sci., 2, ,1894, 338-342. 3. Evolution morphologique des Basidiomyc^tes. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, 593-596. 4. Les degres de la tendance n^crophile chez les CoMopteres. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 69-71. 6. Points de contact des insects avec les autres Arthropodes. Naturaliste, 17, 1896, 263-265 ; 18, 1896, 58-60; 19, 1897, 132-134. 6. Essai d'une synthese id^ale de I'individu muscique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 682-685. 7. La notion de I'espece et la nomenclature. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 496-499. 8. Th^orie de la fleur. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 82-85. 0. La multiplication agame des Muscinees. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 721-723. 10. La double origine des Agaricin^s. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 379-380. Acolet, (sergt.) . *[Notes m^t^orologiques faites a] Laghouat (prov. d'Alger). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 93-94, 103-104, 112, 121; 8, 1876, Pt. 2, 21, 43-44. Acosta, E[nrique], & Ddvalos, Juan N. Consideraciones Bobre el muermo. Experiencias con la maleina. Habana Ac. An., ,30, 1893, 384-399. See also Ddvalos & Acosta. Acosta, Elnriqtie'], & Orande Rossi, F. Descripcibn de un nuevo Cladothrix, C. invulnerabilis. [Tr.] Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 14-16. Acosta, Leon P. Observatorio Astronomico Meteorol6gico de Mazatlan. Resiimen de las observaciones meteorolo- gicas practicadas en la direccion del Observatorio, durante el aiio civil de 1888 a la altura de 4 metros sobre el nivel del mar. M6x. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 280. Acqua, Aurelio dalV. Ricerche sulle congruenze di curve in una varieta qualunque a tre dimensioni. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 2), 245-252. Acqua, Cainillo. Sulla distribuzione dei fasci fibrovas- colari nel loro passaggio dal fusto alia foglia. [1887.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 277-282; Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 43-75. 2. Contribuzione alio studio dei cristalli di ossalato di calcio nelle piante. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 109-121. 3. Nuova contribuzione alio studio dei cristalli di ossalato di calcio nelle piante. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 17-43. 4. Alcune osservazioni sul luogo di origine del r ossalato calcico nelle piante. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 160- 166. 5. Contribuzione alia conoscenza della cellula vegetale. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 577-579; Malpighia, 5, 1891, 3-39. 6. La quistione dei " tonoplasti " e del loro valore. (Rassegna sintetica dei principali lavori suU' argomento.) Malpighia, 5, 1891, 106-115. 7. Ricerche sul poUine germogliante della Vinca major. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 373-378. 8. Sulla formazione dei granuli d' amido nel Pelar- gonium zonale. Nota preventiva. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 393-396. 9. La formazione della parete cellulare nei peli aerei della Lavatera cretica, L. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 154-158; Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 85-88. 10. Sulla formazione dei granuli di amido. [1895.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 6, 1897, 1-30. Acqua, Felice delV. II vajuolo e la varicella. Contributo alia diagnosi differenziale. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 346-352. 2. La morte vera e la morte apparente. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 386-391. 3. L' alimentazione carnea. Note d' igiene e di statistica. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 924-946. Acquisto, Vincenzo. Contributo alia tecnica ed alia istogenesi del sangue. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Anat.), 37-38; Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 241- 254. 2. A proposito dell' avvelenamento per acido piro- gallico. Contributo sperimentale e considerazioni sul valore delle piastrine nella coagulazione del sangue. Arch. Sci. Med., 19, 1895, 209-217. 3. Ricerche sulla tecnica e sulla istogenesi del sangue. Palermo, Giorn. Sci. Nat., 21, 1896, 64-72. Acquisto, Vincenzo, & Mondino, Casimiro. See DXondino & Acquisto. Acree, S[olomon] F[arley], & Bailey, J[aiiies] R. See Bailey & Acree. Acres, Birt. The polarisation of light practically applied to photography. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 18, 1894, 203-210. 2. Some hints on photographing clouds. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1895, 160-165. Acres, Birt (et alii). [Discussion on orthochromatic photography.] Photogr. JL, 15, 1891, 178-186. Acton, Ediuai-d Hamilton. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 127-128. 2. On the formation of sugars in the septal glands of Narcissus. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 53-63. 3. The assimilation of carbon by green plants from Acton] 23 [Adam certain organic compounds. [1889.] Boy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, 150-175. 4. Changes in the reserve materials of wheat on keeping. Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 383-387. Acton, T. Varieties of Noctuides at Warrington. [1895.] Ent. Record, 7, 1895-96, 78-Hl. Acwortb, H. A. Leprosy in India. \}Vith discussion.} [1899.] Jl. Trop. Med., 1, 1898-99, 229-238, 270-277, 298-303. Acworth, J\oseph^ J{o}in\. 2. Beziehung zwischen Ab- sorption und Empfindlichkeit sensibilisirter Flatten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 42, 1891, 371-406. 3. Orthoehromatic photography. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 16, 1892, 259-268. Acworth, J[oseph] 'J[ohn], & Acworth, (Mrs.) Marion W. Notes on the Hurter and Driffield system of speed testing. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 19, 1895, 208-221. 2. Exposure and development. A rejoinder to Mr. Stebry's communication. Photogr. Jl., 19, 1896, 361-366. 3. Exposure and development relatively considered. [1895.] Photogr. Jl., 20, 1896, 48-49. Acworth, (Mrs.) Marion IF., & Acworth, Jlosepli] J[ohn]. See above. Acy, Ernest d\ 3. Silex pr^historiques de la station de Chelles. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 189-202. 4. Le mammouth dans le Forest-bed de Cromer. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 452-461. 5. Defense de mammouth trouvee dans la valle5e de la Drance. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 7, 1884, 740-743. 6. De la pseudo-taille des silex de Tlienay. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1885, 173-184. 7. [Chiens sans queue.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1886, 123-124. 8. Sur les questions aryennes. Eev. d'Anthrop., 4, 1889, 469-471. 9. Les silex mesviniens et les silex prequaternaires des environs de Mons. Rev. Quest. Sci., 30, [1891], 117-140. 10. Des silex tallies du limon des plateaux de la PicEirdie et de la Normandie. [ With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1894, 184-215. 11. De I'age des sepultures des grottes des Baousse- Rousse. Rev. Quest. Sci., 36, 1894, 537-574. 12. Quelques observations relativement au gisement interglaciaire de Villefranche. [With discusniou.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 6, 1895, 80-87. Acz^l, Karl. Gallertkrebs der Leber nach primarer Geschwulst der Gallenblase. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 86-93. Adachi, Buntaro. Anatomische Untersuchungen an Ja- panern. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., 2, 1900, 198-222. 2. Ueber die Seitenfontanellen. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., 2, 1900, 223-246. Adachi, C. Journeys in China. [Jap.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., 15, 1893-94, 161-183, 371-397. Adair, Jo/sn Frederick, & Threlfall, Richard. See Threlfall & Adair. Adair, Peter. On the former abundance of the quail (Coturnix communis, Bonnaterre) in Wigtownshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 168-171. 2. The short-eared owl (Asio accipitrinus, Pallas) and the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, Linmcus) in the vole plague districts. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 219-231. 3. Goldfinch (Carduelis elegans) near Edinburgh. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 43. 4. Quail in Mid-Lothian (Coturnix communis). Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 183. 6. Notes on the disappearance of the short-tailed field vole (Arvicola agrestis), and on some of the effects of the visitation. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 193- 202. 6. The wigeon (Mareca Penelope) breeding in Selkirk- shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 231-233. 7. Short-eared owl (Asio accipitrinus) as a breeding species in the south of Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. , 1895, 252. 8. Notes on the birds of Ettrick. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 21-27. Adam, A. Note sur les surfaces de revolution applicables sur une surface de revolution donn6e, et plus generale- ment sur les surfaces dont les lignes de courbure d'une famille sont situees dans des plans paralleles et qui sont applicables sur une surface de meme nature. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 18-23. Adam, Achille. *[Notes m^teorologiques faites a] Cap Griz-Nez [Pas de Calais]. France Soc. Metdorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 260, 289 ; 4, 1871, 181 ; 5, 1872, 45. Adam, Clovis. *0n the anatomy and physiology of the small muscles of the hand. Arch. Med., 9, 1883, 59-83, 260-276. Adam, G[eorge], & Xiadenburg, Albert. See Ziadenbnrg & Adam. Ada,in, Henri. " Calcul de Mons. Des Cartes" ou "In- troduction k sa Geometrie," 1638. Bull. Sci. Math., 20, 1896, 221-248. Adam, (capit.) L. P. 2. Conference sur le perigraphe instantane du Colonel Mangin et sur les signaux optiques faite a la Societe Royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice (seance du 20 mai 1886). [1886.] Mauritius Roy. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, i-xviii. Adam, Paul [Gabriel]. Sur le xylenol brome. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 288-289. 2. Action de quelques chlorures organiques sur le diphenyle en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 207-208. 3. Recherches synthetiques sur quelques derives du diphenyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 691-693; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 686-689 ; 49, 1888, 97-102. 4. [Action de divers chlorures organiques sur le diphenyle, en presence de Al^Cl®.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 738 ; Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 224-262. 5. [Preparation de I'acide dichloropropionique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 103. 6. Sur les emetiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1273-1275 ; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 148-151 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 597-602. 7. Sur le borosalicylate de sodium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 204-206. 8. Sur I'huile de cade. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 580-583. , Adam, Paul [Emile]. Demonstration analytique d'un theoreme relatif aux surfaces orthogonales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 996-998. 2. Sur le lieu des centres de courbure d'une courbe gauche et sur les courbes gauches a courbure constante. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 142-152. 3. Sur les surfaces isothermiques a lignes de courbure planes dans un syst^me ou dans les deux systemes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116,1893, 1036-1039; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 10, 1893, 319-358. 4. Sur les surfaces admettant ponr lignes de courbure deux series de cercles geodcsiques orthogonaux. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 110-115. 5. Sur I'equation d'EuLER et sur les lignes de cour- bure de I'ellipsoide. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 205-208. 6. Sur la deformation des surfaces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 551-553; Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1896, 219-240. 7. Sur les systemes orthogonaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 812-815. Adam] 24 [Adamkiewicz 8. Sur la deformation des surfaces. Paris, Soe. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 106-111. 9. Theoreme sur la deformation des surfaces de translation, Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 204-209. 10. Sur un probleme de deformation. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 24, 1896, 28-35. Adam, Peter. Eudimentare Organe bei den Einhufern. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1894, 41-57. Adam, [Johann] Theodor. For biographical notice see Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 22, 1896, 481-482; Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 22, 1897, 430-432. Adame, . Nota sobre el " Hystrix cristata," L. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 118-121. Adametz, Leopold. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Zusammensetzung der Muskeln bei verschiedeneu Einderrassen. Landw. Jbiich., 17, 1888, 577-006. 2. Saccharomyces lactis, eine neue Milchzucker vergahrende Hefeart. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 116-120. 3. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen iiber den Eeif- ungsprozess der Kase. Landw. Jbiich., 18, 1889,227-270. 4. Untersuchungen iiber Bacillus lactis viscosus, einen weitverbreiteten milchwirthschaftlichen Schadling. Landw. Jbiich., 20, 1891, 185-207. 5. O pochodzeniu byd^'a krajowego i jego pokrewi- eAstwie z dzisiejsza rasa iliryjska. (Untersuchungen iiber Bos taurus brachyceros polonicus nebst Bemer- kungen iiber dessen Verwandtschaft mit Bos taurus brachyceros illyricus'.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 47-66. 6. Untersuchungen iiber das Bind der Wahima- (Watussi-) Stamme. (Bos zebu africanus Watussi.) Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 137-155. 7. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Streptokokken der gelben Gait. Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 231-241. 8. Ueber Micrococcus Sornthalii. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 465-473. 9. Studien zur Monographic des illyrischen Eindes. Jl. Landw., 43, 1896, 217-284 ; 44, 1896, 105-136. 10. Untersuchungen iiber den Korperbau der monte- negrinischen Schlage des illyrischen Eindes. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 137-157. 11. Belows Artenbildung durch Zonenwechsel im Lichte tierziichterischer Erfahrungen. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 159-170. 12. Studien iiber Bos (brachyceros) europseus, die wilde Stammform der Brachyceros-Eassen des europai- schen Hausrindes. Jl. Landw., 46, 1898, 269-320. 13. Nowy gatunek dyluwialnego rogatego byd^'a. [Bos (brachyceros) europseus, n.sp.] [1898.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Eozpr., 15, 1899, 174-187; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 88-103. Adametz, Leopold, & IWilckens, Martin. Milchwirth- schaftliche Untersuchungen des thierphysiologischen Instituts der k.k. Hochschule fiir Bodencultur in Wien. Landw. Jbiich., 21, 1892, 131-148. Adami, [Franz]. Das Sonnensystem und der Fixstern- himmel, dargestellt mittels des Projectionsglobus. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 216-217. 2. Ein Vorschlag zur Wolkenbeobachtung. Wetter, 17, 1900, 86-88. Adami, [Franz], & Halbotli, [Franz Wilhelm]. Galva- nometer-Versuche. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 [Th. 2, Halfte 1), 276-279. Adami, Giovanni Battista. For biography and list of works see Bull. Malacol. Ital., 13, 1888, 7-8; Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 166-167. 8. Novita malacologiche recenti. [1885-86.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 11, 1885, 204-261. 9. Elenco dei Molluschi terrestri e fiuviatili viventi nella valle dell' Oglio ossia nelle valli Camonica, di Soalve e Borlezza spettanti alle provincie di Bergamo e Brescia. [1886.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 3, [1884-86], 168-185. Adami, J[ohn'] George. On the nature of glomerular activity in the kidney. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885], 382-436. 2. Une epidemic de rage sur uu troupeau de daims. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 658-663. 3. On the functions of the glomeruli of the kidney; a contribution to the study of albuminuria. Practitioner, 42, 1889, 241-259. 4. On the action of the papillary muscles of the heart. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 78-83. 6. On the disturbances of the body temperature of the fowl which follow total extirpation of the fore-brain. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 156-159. 6. Syphilis and the liver. N. Y. Med. Jl., 69, 1899, 549-553. 7. On the etiology and symptomatology of goitre. [1899.] Practitioner, 64, 1900, 56-74. Adami, J[ohn'\ George, & Roy, Charles S[mart]. See Roy & Adami. Adami, J[oh)i] George, Abbott, Maude E., & ITietaolson, F. J. On the diplococcoid form of the colon bacillus. Jl. Exper. Med., 4, 1899, 349-372. Adamjuk, Emilian Valentievic. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. 7) add Ann. d'Oculist., 3, 1870, 108-113. 11. *De I'etiologie du glaucome. Ann. d'Oculist., 58, 1867, 5-13. 12. Zur Pathologic der Tabes dorsalis. Arch. Augen- heilk., 20, 1889, 307-313. 13. Drei Fiille von knochernen Orbitaltumoren. Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 337-344 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 234-238. 14. Zur Casuistik der Amaurosis transitoria. [1890.] Arch, Augenheilk., 22, 1891, 10-17. 15. Zur Frage iiber den Einfluss der Chorioidea auf die Ernahrung der Netzhaut. Arch. Augenheilk,, 27, 1893, 250-267. 16. Etwas zur Pathologic der Nervi optici. Arch. Augenheilk., 29, 1894, 111-126; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 257-258. 17. Zwei Falle von Glaucoma malignum. Arch. Augenheilk., 30, 1895, 242-255; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 582-583. 18. BoJi'fesiiii CB'feTOomymaioinaro annapara rjiasa. [Diseases of the apparatus for light perception in the eye.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1895 (Append.) ; 1896 (Append.) ; 1897 (Append.) x-f 404 + 580 pp. 19. Ueber traumatischeNetzhautdegeneration. [1897.] Arch. Augenheilk., 36, 1898, 114-128. Adamkiewicz, Albert. 32. *Ueber das Newton'sche Gesetz bei der Wiirmeabgabe der Thiere. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 218. 33. Die anatomisehen Veranderungen bei Tabes. Congr. Int. Sci. M^d. C. E., 1884 (T. 3, Psychiatr.), 9. 34. Ueber Gehirncompression. Med. Jbiich., 1884 (Anz.), 123-125. 35. Neue Eiickenmarkstinctionen. I. Ergebnisse am normalen Gewebe. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 3), 245-265. 36. Neue Eiickenmarkstinctionen. II. Ergebnisse der Safraninfarbung am kranken Eiickenmarksgewebe. Wien, Anzeiger, 21, 1884, 77-79. 37. Die anatomisehen Processe der Tabes dorsalis. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Abth. 3), 258-282. 38. Herr Professor Schultze und seine Kritik. Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 391-394. 39. La circulation dans les cellules ganglionnaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1885, 826-829; 102, 1886, 60-61. 40. Les corpuscules nerveux. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 621-623. 41. Die Nervenkorperchen. Ein neuer, bisher unbe- kannter morphologiscber Bestandtheil der peripherischen Nerven. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Abth. 3), 274-284. Adamkiewicz] 25 [Adams 42. Die Ernahrung der Ganglienzelle. Wien, An- zeiger, 22, 1886, 153-154. 43. Die Diffusionselektrode. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 219-222, 497-500. 44. Ueber Nervenkorperchen. Wien, Anzeiger, 24, 1887, 266-268. 45. Zur Monoplegia ansBsthetica. Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 457-439. 46. Ueber die Nervenkorperchen des Menschen. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 {Abth. 3), 24-43. .47. Ueber Knochentransplantation. [1888-89.] Wien, Anzeiger, 25, 1889, 250-251; 26, 1890, 123-125. 48. Ueber das Verhalten der Nervenkorperchen in kranken Nerven. Arch. Psychiatr., 21, 1890, 628-635. 49. Ueber die Steigernng des intracraniellen Druckes und deren Phanomene. Int. Med. Congr. Verh. , 1890 {Bd. 2, Abth. 5), 32-36. 50. Die Arterien des verlangerten Markes vom Uebergang bis zur Briieke. Wien, Ak. Denkscbr., 57, 1890, 481-496; Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 2), 1-2. 51. Ueber das Wesen des vermeintlichen "Hirn- drucks" und die Principien der Behandlung der soge- nannten "Hirndrucksymptome." [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 3), 450-485. 52. Ueber die Giftigkeit der bosartigen Geschwiilste (Krebse). [1890.] Wien, Anzeiger, 27, 1891, 121-124. 53. Ueber den apoplectischen Anfall. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 3), 229-248. 64. Ueber das Gift und die Zellen der bosartigen Geschwiilste (Krebse). Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 34-36. 55. Die Principien einer rationellen Behandlung der bosartigen Geschwiilste (Krebse) und die Eeactionsfahig- keit derselben. Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 51-55. 56. Ueber die Keactionen der Carcinome und deren Heilwerth. Wien, Anzeiger, 28, 1891, 163-167. 57. Untersuchungen iiber den Krebs. Wien, An- zeiger, 29, 1892, 14-15. 68. Ueber die Stauungspapille. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 802-803. 59. Ueber den Krebs. Wien. Med. Wschr., 43, 1893, 964-965. 60. Zur Reaktion der Carcinome. Wien. Med. Wschr., 43, 1893, 1291-1293. 61. Zu Herrn Prof. Flechsig's Mittheilung : Ueber ein neues Bintheilungsprincip der Grosshirnoberflache. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 807-809; 14, 1895, 76-77, 192. 62. Die heilbare und die stationare Form der syphi- litischen Riickenmarkschwindsucht und die Beziehungen beider zu den Gefassen. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Myelitis capillaris und zum chronischen Infarkt des Riickenmarkes. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 2073- 2079, 2128-2133, 2183-2186. 63. Ueber den sogen. " Hirndruck," die Bewegung der Cerebrospinalfliissigkeit im Schadel und den "Druck im Gehirn." Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 434-438. 64. Aapdavo/xla. Gedachtnissstiitzigkeit. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 753-756, 805-810. 65. "Hirndruck" und Druck im Gehirn. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Stromung der physiologischen und der Stase der pathologischen Fliissigkeiten im Schadel. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 1329-1333, 1391-1394, 1432-1435. 66. Vom Zittern. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2081-2084. 67. Die Phanomene der Gehirnkompression. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2225-2228, 2278-2282, 2353- 2356, 2391-2394. 68. Der Blutschutz des verlangerten Markes. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 295-300. 69. Ueber die Wiederkehr des verschwundenen Knie- phanomens. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 338-843. 70. Zur klinischen Differenzialdiagnose zwischen Carcinomen und Sarkomen. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jubil.), 1899, 199-201; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 37, 1899, 705-707. 71. Zum Blutgefassapparat der Ganglienzelle. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 44-48. 72. Stehen alle Ganglien zellen mit den Blutgefassen in directer Verbindung? Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 2-6. 73. Das Eegenbogensehen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 642-645. 74. Ueber Gefiihlsinterferenzen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 882. Adamoll, GiuUo. Assign to this author title (Vol. 7) under AdamoU, Jules. 2. *Ricordi d' un viaggio nelle steppe dei Kirghisi e nel Turkestan. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll. , 7, 1872, 95-107. 3. * Viaggio al Marocco. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 630-646. Adamovic, Alois. Nachtragliches zur " Flora von Siid- bosuien und der angrenzenden Herzegowina " des Dr Giinther Ritter von Beck. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 7, 1889, 113-118. Adamovi^, Lujo. Beitrage zur Flora von Siidostserbien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 404-409; 43, 1893, 171-173. 2. Neue Beitrage zur Flora von Serbien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 57-59, 79-81, 95-96, 116-120. 3. Die Vegetationsformationen Ostserbiens. [1898.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 26, 1899, 124-218. 4. Kritische floristische Bemerkungen zur Flora von Serbien. Allg. Bot. Ztschr. , 1899, 37-39, 54-55, 73-74, 113-114 ; 1900, 37-40. 5. Zu Delphinium midXurense, Formdn. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 89-90. 6. Neue Beitrage zur Flora von Serbien. Bot. Centrbl., 78, 1899, 289-297. 7. Die mediterranen Elemente der serbischen Flora. [1899.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 27, 1900, 351-389. Adams, A. C, & Kendall, William C. Report upon an investigation of the fishing grounds off the west coast of Florida. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 9, 1891, 289-312. Adams, Alexander J. S. 5. Lightning photography. Electrician, 23, 1889, 304-306. 6. The contour of some cosmical variations and their apparent teaching. Electrician, 27, 1891, 413-416. Adams, Andrew Leith. For biographical notice and works see Scott. Natlist., 7, 1883-84, 41-43. 35. *0n the dentition and osteology of the Maltese fossil elephants, being a description of remains dis- covered by the author in Malta between the years 1860 and 1866. [1873.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 9, 1877, 1-124. 36. *Monograph on the British fossil elephants. PalsBont. Soc. Monogr., 31, 1877; 33, 1879; 35, 1881, 265 pp. (in all). Adams, Arthur L. Stave pipe, its economic design and the economy of its use. [With discussion.'\ Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 41, 1899, 27-84. Adams, Benjamin F., & Van ITays, Thomas G[harlton]. See Van Niiys & Adams. Adams, C. F. An apparatus for the determination of the coefficient of expansion of air at constant pressure. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 178-179. Adams, G. W. 3. On the construction of hypsometrical tables. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 503. Adams, Charles Baker. To biographical reference ( Vol. 7) add Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. , 4, 1888, 123-126. Adams, Charles C[hristopher]. Variation in lo. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1930, 208-225. 2. Odonata from Arkansas. Philad., Ent. News., 11, 1900, 621-622. 3. Geographical distribution of variations in lo. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 113. 4. Base-leveling and its faunal significance, with Adams] 26 [Adams illustrations from south-eastern United States. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 373. Adams, F. L., Curl, A. R., & Smitb, E. F. Observations of sunspots, made at Boston University Observatory. [1900.] Astr. Jl., 21, 1901, 31-32. Adams, Frank Dawson. 4. On the occurrence of the Norwegian " apatitbringer " in Canada, with a few notes on the microscopic characters of some Laurentian am- phibolites. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 717. 6. On the presence of zones of certain silicates about the olivine occurring in anorthosite rocks from the river Saguenay. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 1087-1090. 6. On the coal-bearing rocks of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1886, 639-641. 7. The anorthosite rocks of Canada. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1886, 666-667. 8. Notes on the lithological character of some of the rocks collected in the Yukon district and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1889, B235-B240. 9. On the microscopical character of the ore of the Treadwell mine, Alaska. Amer. Geologist, 4, 1889, 88-93. 10. On some granites from British Columbia and the adjacent parts of Alaska and the Yukon district. Canad. Rec. Sci., 4, 1891, 344-858. 11. Notes to accompany a tabulation of the igneous rocks based on the system of Prof. H. Rosf.nbusch. Canad. Rec. Sci., 4, 1891, 463-469. la. On the geology of the St. Clair tunnel. [1891.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1892 (Sect. 4), 67-75. 13. On a melilite-bearing rock (alnoite) from Ste. Anne de Bellevue near Montreal, Canada. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 269-279. 14. On the typical Laurentian area of Canada. Jl, Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 325-340. 15. Ueber das Norian oder Ober-Laurentian von Canada. Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 8, 1893, 419-498. 16. On the occurrence of a large area of nepheline syenite in the township of Dungannon, Ontario. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 10-16. 17. Preliminary report on the geology of a portion of Central Ontario situated in the counties of Victoria, Peterborough and Hastings, together with the results of an examination of certain ore deposits occurring in the region, [1894.] Canada Geol. Surv. Eep., 6, 1896, J1-J15. 18. A further contribution to our knowledge of the Laurentian. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 50, 1895, 58-69. 19. The gold deposits of Mount Morgan, Queensland. [1895.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 6, 1896, 329-341. SO. Laurentian area [north of the St. Lawrence river]. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 7, 1896, J93-J112, 21. The embankments of the river Po. Science, 3, 1896, 759-761. 22. Report on the geology of a portion of the Laurentian area lying to the north of the island of Montreal. [1896.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 8, 1897, J1-J184. 23. On the structure and origin of certain rocks of the Laurentian system. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 665-666. 24. Notes on the geology of the Admiralty group of the Thousand Islands, Ontario. Canad. Rec. Sci., 7, 1897, 2&1 (bis)-272 (bis). 25. Nodular granite from Pine Lake, Ontario. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, 163-172. 26. Notes on the geology of Montreal and vicinity. [1897.] Science, 7, 1898, 51-52. 27. On the probable occurrence of a large area of nepheline-bearing rocks on the north-east coast of Lake Superior. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 322-325. 28. Studies in the geology of the vicinity of Montreal which might be undertaken by members of the Natural History Society. [1899.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 8, 1902, 65-70.' Adams, Frank Dawson, & Barlow, Alfred Ernest. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 173-179. Adams, Frank Dawson, & Harrington, B[ernard] J[ames]. On a new alkali hornblende and a titaniferous andradite from the nepheline-syenite of Dungannon, Hastings county, Ontario. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 210-218. Adams, Frank Dawson, & I^awson, Andrew Clpicper^ On some Canadian rocks containing scapolite, with a few notes on some rocks associated with the apatite deposits. [1888.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 185-201. Adams, Frank Dawson, & Nicolson, John Thomas. Preliminary notice of some experiments on the flow of rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 642-643. 2, Experiments on the flow of rocks now being made at McGill University. [1897.] Science, 7, 1898, 82-83. 3. An experimental investigation into the flow of marble. [1900.] Phil. Trans. (A), 195, 1901, 363-401. Adams, Frederick G[harlstroin]. Two new British Diptera. Ent. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 255. 2. Rare Diptera taken in the New Forest in 1896. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 233. 3. A new British Dipteron : Ceroplatus sesioides, Wahlb.? Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 276. 4. List of Diptera taken in the New Forest, with some remarks on the season 1898. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 95, Adams, George. The design of transformers. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 86-87, 95, 124-125, 698-700. 2. The geometrical form of transformer plates. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 787-788. 3. Hysteresis, frictional and eddy-current losses in continuous-current dynamos. Electrician, 35, 1895, 319-320. Adams, George I. Two new species of Dinictis from the White river beds. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 573-578. 2. The extinct FelidsB of North America. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 419-444. 3. On the species of Hoplophoneus. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 46-52. 4. A geologic .section from Galena to Wellington. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 1, 1896, 16-30. 5. A section from Manhattan to Abilene. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 1, 1896, 124-128. 6. On the extinct FelidsB. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 145-148. 7. The Upper Cretaceous of Kansas : a historical review, Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 4, 1898, 13-27. 8. A geological map of Logan and Gove counties. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 19-20. 9. A geological reconnoissance in Grant, Garfield and Woods counties, Oklahoma. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 121-124. 10. Geology and paleontology. Physiography of south-eastern Kansas. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 53-63 ; Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 87-102. 11. Physiography of the Arkansas valley region. Science, 11, 1900, 508. Adams, George I., & Taff, Joseph A. See TafF & Adams. Adams, James. For biogi'aphical notice and works sec Glasgow Med. Jl., 53, 1900, 46-47. Adams, James. 2. On the botany of Te Aroha mountain. [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 275-287. 3. The land Mollusca of the Thames goldfields. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 177-181. 4. On the botany of Te Moehau mountain, Cape Colville. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 32-41, [v]. 6. On the botany of Hikurangi mountain. [1897.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 30, 1898, 414-433. Adams] 27 [Adams AdamB, Javies. [Presidential addrefis, Nov. 23rd, 1900.] With a description of " raised beaches." Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 287-292. Adams, John. Hordeum sylvaticum in Ireland. With notes on other Co. Antrim plants. Irish Natlist. , 8, 1899, 58-59. Adams, John Couch. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 248; Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 112; Educ. Times, 45, 1892, 70-71 ; Engineers Soc. Trans., 1892, 251-256; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 27, 1892, 168- 171, 314 ; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 56 ; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892 (A7in. Meet., 1892), 11-13; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 5, 1892, 186-187 ; Nature, 45, 1892, 301-302 ; Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 173- 189 ; Amer. Ac. Proc. , 27, 1893, 444-446 ; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 184-209, [348]; Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 630 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 20, 1895, i-v. 44. *Remarks on Mr. Stone's explanation of the large and increasing errors of Hansen's lunar tables by means of a supposed change in the unit of mean solar time. [1883.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 44, 1884, 43-47. 45. On the general values of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and of the precession and inclination of the equator to the invariable plane, taking into account terms of the second order. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 67-71. 46. Remarks on Major-General Tbnnant's paper " On the change in the adopted unit of time." Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 44, 1884, 82-84. 47. On the definition of mean solar time. Observa- tory, London, 7, 1884, 42-44. 48. Note on Sir William Thomson's correction of the ordinary equilibrium theory of the tides. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 541, 49. Hill on the lunar inequalities due to the ellipticity of the Earth. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 118-120. 60. Observations of the planet Sappho made at the Cambridge Observatory with the Northumberland equatorial and square bar-micrometer. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47,1887, 553-554. 51. Supplementary note on the values of the Napierian logarithms of 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10, and of the modulus of common logarithms. Roy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 22-25. 52. Remarks on Sir George Aiby's "Numerical lunar theory." Astr. Soc Month. Not., 48, 1888, 319-322. 53. Observations of Sappho, made at the Cambridge Observatory by Mr. A. Graham with the Northumberland equatorial and square bar-micrometer. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 337-338. 54. Observations of the planets Victoria and Sappho, made with the Cambridge transit circle in the year 1889, Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 404-407. 55. Comparison of the places of the moon deduced from Burckhardt's and Hansen's tables for every Greenwich mean midnight during the years 1847-62, together with a corrected comparison of Hansen's tables with the Greenwich observations during the years 1847-61. Astr. Soc Month, Not., 50, 1890, [3]-[39]. 56. On certain approximate formula for calculating the trajectories of shot. Nature, 41, 1890, 258-262. 57. Mean right ascensions and north polar distances for January 1, 1889, of comparison stars for the planets Victoria and Sappho. Observed with the Cambridge transit circle. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 344-355. Adams, Lionel Elniegt}. Derbyshire from a conchological point of view. [1890.] Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 247-249. 2. List of Manks land and fresh-water shells. [1888.] Yn Lioar Manninagh, 1, [1894], Pt. 2, 9-10. 3. A theory as to the possible introduction of Hydrobia (Paludestrina) Jenkinsi [into England]. [1892.] Jl. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 148-150. 4. Conchology as a popular science. [1893.] North- ampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 204-212. 5. Craniology : the study of skulls. [1893.] North- ampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 283-288. 6. Hydrobia (Paludestrina) Jenkinsi at Lewes, [1894.] Jl. Conch. , 7, 1892-94, 390. 7. The MoUusca of Northamptonshire, [1895.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc, JL, 8, 1894-96, 255-267. 8. Interesting Kentish forms. [1895.] Jl. Conch., 8, 1895-97, 316-320. 9. The mammalian fauna of Northamptonshire, [1896.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1896-97, 117-130. 10. Land and freshwater MoUusca of the Ballycastle district. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 179-183. 11. Paludestrina [Hydrobia] Jenkinsi, Smith, a new Irish shell. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 234-236. 12. Observations on the pairing of Limax maximus, L. [1897.] Jl. Conch,, 9, 1898-1900, 92-95. 13. Hyalinia Draparnaudi, Beck, in North Ireland? Irish Natlist,, 7, 1898, 82-83, 14. Paludestrina Jenkinsi, Smith, var. minor, nov. in South Ireland. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 199, 15. A plea for owls and kestrels, [1898.] North- ampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10 (1898-1900), 45-55, 16. Observations on some British land and fresh- water shells. [1899.] Jl. Conch,, 9, 1898-1900, 297-302. 17. Halichterus gryphus in the Isle of Man, [1899,] Yn Lioar Manninagh, 3, [1902], 451, Adams, Lionel E[rnest], & Stubbs, Arthur G. See Stubbs & Adams. Adams, Lionel E[rne.^t], & VTrlglit, C. E. Conchological notes, [1896-99,] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc, JL, 9, 1896-97, 60-61, 92, 187 ; 10 (1898-1900), 13, 27, 229-230. Adams, Matthew A[lgemon]. On the composition and adulteration of fruit jams. Analyst, 9, 1884, 100-101, 2. On a new method for the analysis of milk. Analyst, 10, 1886, 46-54. 3. On the treatment of sour milk intended for analysis. Analyst, 10, 1886, 99-103. 4. Estimation of oxygen dissolved in water. Chem. Soc, JL, 61, 1892, 310-322, 6. Water-supply in relation to the Maidstone epidemic. Analyst, 23, 1898, 142-151, 154-155. Adams, Maxwell, & Richardson, George M[ann], See Richardson & Adams. Adams, Maxwell, & Voung, Stewart Woodford. See Young & Adams. Adams, W{;illiam'] Grylls. Assign to this author title {Vol. 1) under Adams, W. G. 20. Inaugural address [Jan. 10th, 1884. The growth of electrical science. With supplementary note. The testing of dynamo machines and incandescent lamps,] Telegr. Engin. JL, 13, 1884, 4-46. 21. The electric light and atmospheric absorption. Electrician, 15, 1885, 362-364, 381-383. 22. Lighthouse illuminants. Electric light apparatus. [1885.] Electrician, 16, 1886, 57-60, 76-78, 97-98, 115- 117, 135-139. 23. Comparison of simultaneous magnetic disturb- ances at several observatories. [1891,] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 131-139. 24. An account of the late Prof, John Couch Adams' determination of the Gaussian magnetic con- stants, Brit. Ass, Rep., 1898, 109-136. Adams, }V[illiam] II. Notes on the saving of sulphur and ammonia from gas. Amer, Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1887, 663-671. 2. Twenty years' progress in the concentration of sulphuric acid. [1887.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16, 1888, 496-524. Adams, W. H. On the habits of the flying- squirrels of the genus Anomalurus, Zool, Soc, Proc, 1894, 24.S-246. 4—2 Adams] 28 [Adamsou Adums, W. p. (et alii). Lightning photographs. [Coire- spondence.] Electrician, 21, 1888, 774-775, etc. Adams, W^alter] S[ydney~\. The polar compression of Jupiter. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 133. 2. The variable velocity of e Leonis in the line of sight. Astrophys. Jl., 11, 1900, 307-308. 3. The curvature of the spectral lines in the spectro- heliograph. Astrophys. JL, 11, 1900, 309-311. Adams, Walter 0[tven], & Olll, Augustus Herman. See GiU & Adams. Adams, William. For biography see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 87, 1886, 416-417 ; Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 20, [1889], vii-viii. Adams, William. For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 83, 1900, cxxxii-cxxxiii. 2. Kemarks on congenital displacement or so-called dislocation of hip-joint. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 300-303. 3. The late Dr Caknochan's specimen of the so-called congenital dislocation of both hip-joints ; sent from New York. London Path. Soc. Trans., 40, 1889, 237- 244, Adamson, Charles [Murray]. For biographical notice see Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 13, 1900, 145-146. Adamson, D. B. 3. On measuring the power of tele- scopic eyepieces. [1887.] S. Aust. Eoy. Soc. Trans., 11, 1889, 112-115. 4. Remarks on photographing the solar eclipse of 12th December, 1890. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 14, 1891, 61-62. Adamson, D. F. Notes on a curious lightning flash. Electrician, 25, 1890, 445-446. Adamson, Daniel. For biography and works see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc), 49 ; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 100, 1890, 374-378 ; Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1890, 167-171; Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1890 (No. 1), 168-175 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 3, 1890, 298-303 ; Nature, 41, 1890, 281. 3. Presidential address. [A summary of the leading properties of iron and steel.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 {No. 1), 8-26. 4. Presidential address. [On the manufacture of iron and steel.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 (No. 2), 13-21. 5. On a horizontal compound lever testing machine of 15,000 powers, with further recording lever of 150,000 powers. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1888 (No. 2), 12-40. Adamson, Margaret E. Teratological notes on Esch- scholtzia californica. Erythea, 7, 1899, 81-82. Adamson, Samuel Arthur. For biographical notice see Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 3-4. [The geology of the Australian goldfields.] [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 15-16. 2. Excursion to Guiseley and Menston. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 27. 3. Excursion to Idle and Thackley. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 28. 4. Excursion to Wrose Hill and district. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 29-30. 5. Excursion to Hawes. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 30-32. 6. Excursion to Norber. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 32-34. 7. Excursion to Pateley Bridge. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 34-36. 8. Excursion to Ingleton. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 37-38. O. Excursion to Brimham Rocks. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 38-39. lO. Excursion to the "Hitchingstone," Keighley moors. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 39-41. 11. Visit of the Council to Barnsley. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 42-43. 12. Notes on the discovery of the base of a large fossil tree at Clayton. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 406-408; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 628-629. 13. Recent discoveries of Carboniferous vegetation in Yorkshire. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 71-75. 14. Leeds Lower Coal Measures.... [Excursions to Hunslet (Longley's brick works), to Burmantoft (Boyle's brick works), and to Newtown (Leeds patent brick works).] [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 77-78, 78-79, 79-80. 15. Excursion to Draughton. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 80-81. 16. Excursion to Bingley (Aire valley, from Saltaire). [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 82-83. 17. Excursion to the Shibden valley. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 83-85. 18. Excursion to Wensleydale. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 85-87. 19. Excursion to Crummockdale. [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans,, 2, 1885-86, 87-88. 20. Excursion to the " Hitchingstone." [1886.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 2, 1885-86, 88-90. 21. On the discovery of a stone implement in alluvial gravels at Barnsley. [1886.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 281-282. 22. The Bunter pebble beds at Sutton Park. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 115-117. 23. On some sections exposed in making theSkipton and Ilkley railway. [1887.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 363-369. 24. Excursion to Malton. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 127-130. 25. Excursion[s] : Skipton and Ilkley railway.... [Cf. No. 23.] [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 130-133, 133-137. 26. Excursion on the Yorkshire coast (Kettleness to Staithes). [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 137-140. 27. Excursion to Leyburn. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 140-143. 28. Excursion to the Hambletons (Thirkleby and Gormire). [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 144-146. 29. Excursion to Sedburgh. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 146-148. 30. Excursion to Ingleton (Dale Beck). [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 148-151. 31. Excursion to Hatfield Chase. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 151-153. 32. Excursion to Worksop. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 153-154. 33. Excursion to Pocklington. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 156-157. 34. Excursion, Whitby to Kettleness. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 157-159. 35. Excursion to Blubberhouses. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 159-160. 36. Excursion to Askern. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 160-161. 37. Excursion, Bridlington to Bempton. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 161-164. 38. Excursion to Nidderdale. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 164-166. 39. Excursion to Newtondale. [1888.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 166-168. 40. Notes on a recent discovery of Stigmaria ficoides at Clayton, Yorkshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44,1888, 375-377. 41. Excursion. Hull and Barnsley railway (South Cave and district). [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 207-209. Adamson] 29 [Adelphe 42. Excursion to Knaresbro' and Plompton. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 209-211. 43. Excursion to Leyburn. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Asa. Trans., 4, 1888, 211-212. 44. Excursion to the Meanwood valley, [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 213-215. 45. Excursion to the Saddleworth valley. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 215-219. 4S. Excursion, Knaresborough to Nidd bridge. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 219-221. 47. Excursion, Beeston and Batley railway. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 221-224. 48. Excursion to Kobin Hood's Bay. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 224-226. 49. Visit of the Council to Calverley Wood quarries. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 227-228. 50. Excursion to Market Weighton. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 228-230. 51. Visit of the Council to Greengates. [1889.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 230-231. 52. Excursion to Garforth and Newthorpe. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 51-53. 53. Excursion to South Milford and Sherburn. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 54-56. 54. Excursion to Brough and Elloughton. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 56-59. 55. Excursion to Giggleswick and Langcliffe. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 59-61. 56. Excursion to the "Haddockstones" and district. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 62-65. 57. Excursion to the Holme valley. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 65-67. 58. Excursion to Hebden bridge and Crimsworth Dean. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 67-68. 59. Excursion to Kipley via Clint and Hampsthwaite to Harrogate. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 68-71. 60. Excursion to Upper Teesdale. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 71-76. 61. Excursion to Eccleshill. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1889, 76-77. Adan de Yarza, Ramdn. 6. Descripci6n fisica y geol6gica de la proviucia de Guipiizcoa. EspaiiaCom. Geol. Mem., 1884, 175 pp. 7. Descripci6n fisica y geol6gica de la proviucia de Alava. Espaua Com. Geol. Mem., 1885, 176 pp. 8. Descripciou fisica y geologica de Vizcaya. Espafia Com. Geol. Mem., 1892, xiv + 192 pp. 9. Rocas hipog6nicas de la isla de Cuba. Espafia Com. Geol. BoL, 20, 1896, 71-88, 395; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 81. 10. Roca eruptiva de Fortuna (proviucia de Murcia). Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 20, 1895, 349-353 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 81. 11. Eocas eruptivas de la proviucia de Barcelona. [1898.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, 359-369; Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 26, 1898, 831-839. Adanson, [Paul Napoleon] "Dotanet-. See Hotaaxet- Adanson. Adanson, G. de. Rocquig^y-. See Rocqiiigny- Adanson. Adcock, G. H. On the flora of Australia. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 22 (1898-99), 83-94. Adda, Kdlmdn. Geologische Verhaltnisse von Kornia, Mehadika und Pervova im Krass6-Sz6r^nyer Comitate. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1894, 105-128. 2. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der siidwestlichen Gegend von Teregova und der Umgebuug von Temes- Kovesd. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1895, 85-100. 3. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse von Lukarecz und Umgebung. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1896, 129-156; 1897, 165. 4. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Gebietes zwi- schen dem Thale der Beregszo und dera B^gaflusse im Comitate Temes. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1897, 157- 165. 6. Zempl^n varmegye eszaki rdszenek foldtani 69 petroleum elSfordulasi viszonyai. [Geologische Auf- namen im Interesse von Petroleum- Schiirfungen im nordlichen Telle des Comitates Zempl^n in Ungarn.] [1898.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 12, 1896-98, 231-278 ; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 12, 1900-01, 263-319. 6. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des nordlichen Teiles des Comitates Temes und des nordwestlichen Teiles des Comitates Krass6-Sz6r6ny, der Gegend des Kizdia- und Minis-Thales, siidlich bis zur B^ga. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1898, 156-177. 7. Az ujviddki vd.rosi art^zi kutr61. [Der artesische Brunneu von Ujvid^k.] [1898.] Foldt. Kozlon., 29, 1899, 13-15, 107-109. 8. Petroleum kutat^sok ^rdek^ben Zempl^n ^s Sdros v4rmegyekben megtett foldtani felv6telekr61. [Geolo- gische Aufnamen im Interesse vonPetroleum-Schiirfuugen in den Comit^ten ZempMn und S^ros.] [1900.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899-1902, 119-165; Ung. Geol, Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 145-198. Adda, Lorenzo d'. La production du p^trole et lea necessit^s de la navigation k venir. [2V.] [1896.] Rev. Maritime et Colon., 133, 1897, 140-150. Addario, C[armelo]. Versuche iiber das Eindringen geloster Substanzen durch Diffusion in die vordere Augenkammer, nach Injection unter die Bindehaut. Arch. f. Ophthalra., 48, 1899, 362-374. 2. Ueber den Nachweis von Quecksilberchlorid im Humor aqueus nach Injection unter die Bindehaut. Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Arch. f. Ophthalm,, 48, 1899, 375-383. 3. Anatomische und bacteriologische Untersuchungen iiber das Trachom. Arch. Augenheilk. , 41, 1900, 20-37. Addario, C[armelo~\, & Iieber, Th[eodor]. See I^eber & Addario. Addenbrooke, G. L. The standard stops. Photogr. Jl., 8, 1884, 52-54. 2. A lens tube with iris diaphragm and adjustable exposer and a combination set of lenses for use in such a tube. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 12, 1888, 122- 125. 3. The action of alternating currents on dielectrics. Elect. Rev., 35, 1894, 315, 376, 400-401. 4. High- voltage lamps, and their influence on central station practice. [With discussion.] [1896.] Inst. Eledi. Engin. Jl., 25, 1897, 195-223, 268-298. Addiego, G. d'. I fermenti selezionati nella fabbricazione del burro. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. Riv., 4, 1898, 457-460, 497-499, 513-518, 536-539, 556-559; 5, 1899, 9-11, 32-35. Addison, Christopher. On the topographical anatomy of the abdominal viscera, especially the gastro-intestinal canal in man. [1898.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 64, 1899, 156- 162; Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 565-586; 34, 1900, 427-450. Addison, William L. T. On atom forms, as deduced from the crystalline modifications of the elements. [1897.] Chem. News, 77, 1898, 251-254. Addor, Georges. [La justice des corneilles.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xxvii-xxviii. Addyman, Frank T[horntoji]. Action of sulphuric acid on the bromides of potassium, sodium, and hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 94-102. Adelmann, Gcorg Franz Blasiua von. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 114-115 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 224. 2. Der jetzige Stand und Ausdehnung der chirur- gischen Plastik. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 440-443, 468-472, 508-512, 540-544, 573-576. Adelphe, (le frere), & Oonnard, Ferdinand. See Ctonnard & Adelphe. Adelung^] 30 [Adie Adelung, Nicolai von. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des tibialen Gehorapparates der Locustiden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 54, 1892, 316-349. Adeney, W[alter] E[rnest]. On an apparatus applicable for gas analysis and other purposes. [1890.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 6, 1888-90, 542-555. 2. On the formation of peaty colouring matters in sewage by the action of micro-organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 612. 3. The chemical bacteriology of sewage : its hygienic aspect. [1892.] Jl. State Med., 1, 1892-93, 78-89. 4. Note on the present condition of the water in the reservoir at Roundwood. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci, Proc, 8, 1893-98, 208-214. 5. On the reduction of manganese peroxide in sewage. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 247-251. 6. On the chemical examination of organic matters in river waters. [1895.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 337-343. 7. The course and nature of fermentative changes in natural and polluted waters, and in ai'tificial solutions, as indicated by the composition of the dissolved gases. [1895-97.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 5, 1893-96, 539-620; 6, 1898, 269-281. 8. Studies in the chemical analysis of fresh and salt waters. Part I. Applications of the aeration method of analysis to the study of river waters. [1900.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 9, 1899-1902, 346-361. Adeney, Wlalter] Elmest], & Caxson, James. On the mounting of the large Rowland spectrometer in the Royal University of Ireland. [1898.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 711-716. Adeney, W[alter^ Eli-nesf], & Hartley, Walter Noel, See Hartley & Adeney. Adeney, Wlalter] Eli-ni'sf], & Sbegog, T[/jOHias] A [lexander]. On a combination of wet and di'y methods in chemical analysis. Part I. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 7, 1891-92, 99-111. Adenot, E. Recherches bact^riologiques sur un cas de m^ningite microbienne. Arch. M6d. Exp^r., 1, 1889, 656-672. 2. L'appendicite et le bacterium coli commune. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 740-742. 3. Monstre humain double. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M6m., 31, 1892 {C. R.), 164-165. 4. Retention des regies par imperf oration de I'hymen. ' [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M6m., 32, 1893 (C. R.), 34-35. 5. Nouvelle note a propos de rorigine osseuse de certaines ulcerations tuberculeuses en apparence ex- clusivement cutan^es. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1895, 617-630. Adenot, E., & OoulUond, [Paul]. See Goullioud & Adenot. Adenot, E., & Vialleton, L[oMi«]. See ViaUeton & Adenot. Adensamer, Theodor. For biographical notice and works .see Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 579-580. Zur Kenntnis der Anatomic und Histologic von Scutigera coleoptrata. [1893.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Verh,, 43, 1894 (Ahh.), 573-578. 2. Ueber das Auge von Scutigera coleoptrata. [1893.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 {Sber.), 8-9. 3. Die Coxaldriise von Telyphonus caudatus. Zool. Anz., 18, 1896, 424-425. 4. Ueber Ascodipteron phyllorhinaB («, g. et n. sp.), eine eigenthiimliche Pupiparenform. Wien, Ak. Sber,, 105, 1896 {Abth. 1), 400-416. 6. Revision der Pinnotheriden in der Sammlung des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien, Wien, Nat, Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 12, 1897, 105-110. 6. Berichte der Commission fiir Erforschung des ostlichen Mittelmeeres. Zoologische Ergebnisse, XI. Decapoden, Gesammelt auf S, M, Schiff Pola in den Jahren 1890-94. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 65, 1898, 597- 628. Ader, [Clement]. 7. Le phono-signal pour la t^legraphie sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 106, 1888, 837-839. 8. Sur un nouvel appareil enregistreur pour cables sous-marins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1440-1442. 9. Sur des appareils d'aviation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1.553-1555. Aderhold, Rudolf. Beitrag zur Kenntnis richtender Krafte bei der Bevvegung niederer Organismen. Jena, Ztschr., 22, 1888, 310-342. 2. Studien iiber eine gegenwartig in Mombach b, Mainz herrschende Krankheit der Aprikosenbaume und iiber die Erscheihungen der Blattranddiiri'e. Landw, Jbiich,, 22, 1893, 435-467, 3. Die Perithecienform von Fusicladium dendriticum, Wal. (Venturia chlorospora,/. mali.) Deutsch, Bot, Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 338-342; 13, 1895, 54-55. 4. Untersuchungen iiber reine Hefen. III. Theil, Zur Morphologic der deutschen S[aceharomyces] ellip- soideus-Rassen. Landw, Jbiich., 23, 1894, 587-621. 5. Ueber die Baeterien in ihren Beziehnngen zur Gartnerei. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 (Abth. 2c), 30-44. 6. Fusicladium betulae, n. sp., auf den Bliittern der Birke. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 57-59. 7. Die Fusicladien unserer Obstbaume. Landw. Jbiich., 25, 1896, 875-914; 29, 1900, 541-588, 8. Ueber die in den letzten Jahren in Schlesien besonders hervorgetretenen Schaden und Krankheiten unserer Obstbaume und ihre Beziehungen zum Wetter, Breslau, Schles. Ges, Jber., 1897 (Abth. 2c), 21-47. 9. Revision der Species Venturia chlorospora, in- aequalis und ditricha, autorum. Hedwigia, 36, 1897, 67-83. 10. Notiz iiber die Verderber von Gemiisekonserven. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 17-20. 11. Ueber die Wirkungsweise der sogenannten Bor- deauxbriihe (Kupferkalkbriihe). Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 217-220, 254-271. 12. Untersuchungen iiber das Einsauern von Friichten und Gemiisen. I. [Ueber das Einsauern der Gurken.] Landw. Jbiich., 28, 1899, 69-131. 13. Untersuchungen iiber das Einsauern von Friichten und Gemiisen. II. Das Einsauern der Bohnen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 511-515. 14. Analytische Untersuchung verschiedener Gur- kensorten in verschiedeuen Entwicklungsstadien. (Bear- beitet von Dr. Heinze.) Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 517-518. 15. Beobachtuugen iiber zwei Fruchtfaulnisarten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 522-523, 16. Ueber Krankheiten des Steinobstes, Centrbl, Bakt, (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 523-524. 17. Mycosphaerella cerasella, n. sp., die Perithecien- form von Cercospora cerasella, Sacc, und ihre Entwick- lung. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 246-249. Aderhold, Rudolf, & ZZeinze, Berthold. Ueber einen Fehling' sche Losung reducirenden Korper in Fruchtsaften . ^ Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 632. Aderman, . Zur Kenntniss der Fissura mastoideo- squamosa, Ztschr, Ohrenheilk,, 37, 1900, 358-360, Aders, R[obert Henry], & Graebe, Carl. See Oraebe <& Aders. Adger, J. B., & Sague, J. E. See Sague & Adger. Adie, Patrick. For biographical notice see Inst, Civ. Engin. Proc, 86, 1886, 367-368, Adie, Richard Haliburton. On compounds of arsenious oxide with sulphuric anhydride, Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 157-163. 2. On the sulphates of antimony. Chem. Soc. Jl., 57, 1890, 540-545, I Adie] 31 [Adler 3. Compounds of the oxides of phospliorus with sulphuric anhydride. Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 230-233. 4. On the osmotic pressure of salts in solution. Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 344-372. 6. A direct comparison of the physical constants involved in the determination of molecular weights by Eaoult's method. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 26. 6. Note on the reactions between sulphuric acid and the elements. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 132- 133. 7. The sulphates of bismuth. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 226-227. Adie, Richard Halihurton, & Browning, Kendall Colin. The interaction of sulphuric acid and potassium ferro- cyanide. Chem. Soc JL, 77, 1900 [Ft. 1), 150-160. Adie, Richard Halihurton, & Marr, John E[dward]. See nXarr & Adie. Adie, Richard Halihurton, & nXuir, M[atthe2o'] M[oncrieff] Pattisou. See BXuir & Adie. Adie, Richard Halihurton, & Wood, Thomas Barlotc. A new method of estimating potassium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 {Pt. 2), 1076-1080. Adil Beij, , & UTicoUe, M. See Nicolle & Adil i?c?/. Adkin, Robert. Notes on collecting at Eastbourne. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc Proc, 1887, 82-86. 2. [The distribution of Spilosoma mendica in Irelaiid.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1887, 90-91. 3. The influence of meteorological conditions upon insect life. Entomologist, 22, 1889, 7-9. 4. [Notes on Ketinea resinella, L.] [1889.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 160-163 ; Entomo- logist, 23, 1890, 76-77. 5. On the occasional abundance of certain species of Lepidoptera in the British Islands. [1890.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1890-91, 62-79, {Discussion 28-29). 6. On the occasional abundance of certain species of Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 60-62. 7. Notes on the genus Tripha;na, Och. [1891.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc Proc, 1890-91, 150-157. 8. The past wet summer and its probable effect upon the development of Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 25-26. 9. Ephestia kuhniella. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 53-54. 10. On some Macro-Lepidoptera collected at Rannoch in 1891. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 105-110. 11. Colour-variation in the ova of Biston hirtaria. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 129-130. la. On the recent abundance of Plusia gamma and Vanessa cardui. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 159-162. 13. Notes on the cocoons of Eriogaster lanestris, L. [1892.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1892-93, 67-69. 14. On a collection of Lepidoptera from the Scilly Isles. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 9-12. 16. A curious aberration of Erebia ^thiops. Ento- mologist, 27, 1894, 301. 16. Carpocapsa pomonella a nut-feeder. Entomo- logist, 29, 1896, 2-3. 17. Further notes on Triphaena comes, Hb. (orbona, Fab.). S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1896, 93-99, (Discussion 38-39). 18. What is the cause of melanism in the Scotch specimens of Triphaena comes, Hb. (orbona, Fb.)? S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1896, 102-105. 19. Notes on Acidalia marginepunctata. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1896, 10&-110. 20. Notes on the earlier stages of the second brood of Cyaniris (Lycasna) argiolus. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1896, 110-116. ai. Varieties of Abraxas grossulariata. Entomologist, 30, 1897, 25. aa. Spilosoma mendica and its var. rustica interbred. Entomologist, 30, 1897, 205-206. a3. [Note on Eugonia quercinaria.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1898, 94-96. a4. On the pupation of Cossus ligniperda. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1900, 1-5. as. [Note on the pupation of Sesia.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1900, 79. Adkins, Henry. Relations between the atomic weights. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 123-124. Adlam, R. W. A trip to the Polela. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 425-426. a. Natal to the Transvaal. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 610, 766-767. 3. A visit to the Durban Botanic Gardens. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 299-300. 4. Natal notes. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 649. Adler, Arthur. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der seltneren Formen von sensorischer Aphasie. [1890.] Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 294-298, 329-337. a. Ueber die Innervation des Gaumensegels. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1893 {Abth. la), 2-3. 3. Ueber die im Zusammenhange mit acuten Infec- tionskrankheiten auftretenden Geistesstorungen. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 740-785. 4. Zur Kenntniss der Bernhardt' schen Sensibilitats- storung. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 682-683. 5. Radialislahmung nach epileptischen Anfallen. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 691-692. Adler, August. 5. Zur graphischen Auswerthung der Functionen mehrerer Veranderlichen. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 {Ahth. 2), 404-423. 6. Ueber die zur Ausfiihrung geometrischer Con- structionsaufgaben zweiten Grades nothwendigen Hilfs- mittel. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 {Abth. 2a), 846-859. 7. Zur Theorie der Mascheroni'schen Constructionen. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 910-916. 8. Ueber die spharische Abbildung der Flachen zweiten Grades und ihre Anwendung in der darstellenden Geometric. Wien, Anzeiger, 37, 1900, 222-223. Adler, Emil. Ueber BlutreactionenbeiDiabetikern. Ztschr. Heilk., 21, 1900 {Int. Med.), 361-364. Adler, Gottlieb. Ueber die Energie und den Zwangs- zustand im elektrostatischen Felde. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 594-613; 90, 1886 (Abth. 2), 1076-1096. a. Ueber Spannungszustande im elektrischen Felde. Exner, Repertm., 21, 1886, 500-501. 3. Ueber die Energie magnetisch polarisirter Korper, nebst Anwendungen der beziiglichen Formeln insbeson- dere auf Quincke's Methode zur Bestimmung der Dia- magnetisirungszahl. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 2), 1439-1455. 4. Ueber das Verhaltniss von Energie und Arbeits- leistung beim Condensator. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 50-57. 5. Ueber die Energie und die Gleichgewichtsverhalt- nisse eines Systemes dielektrisch-polarisirter Korper. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 180-198. 6. Ueber eine neue Berechnungsmethode der Auzie- hung, die ein Conductor in einem elektrostatischen Felde erfiihrt. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 1036-1055, 1305-1320. 7. Ueber die Energie und die Gleichgewichtsverhalt- nisse magnetisch oder dielektrisch polarisirter Korper. [Cf. Nos. 3 & 5.] Exner, Repertm., 24, 1888, 733- 758. 8. Ueber die elektrischen Gleichgewichtsverhaltnisse von Conductoren und die Arbeitsverhaltnisse elektrischer Systeme iiberhaupt. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 2a.), 90-118. 9. Ueber die Veranderung elektrischer Kraftwirkungen Adler] 32 [Adrian durch eine leitende Ebene. [1888.] Wien, Anzeiger, 25, 1889, 158-159. 10. Allgemeine Siitze iiber die elektrostatische In- duction. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {Abth. 2a), 779-827. 11. Ueber die Veranderung elektrostatischer Kraft- wirknngen durch eine leitende Wand. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 {Abth. 2a), 61-88. 12. Ueber eine Consequenz der Poisson-Mossotti'schen Theorie. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 1044-1049. 13. Ueber die mechanische Kraftwirkung an der Conductoroberflache. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 2, 1891, 155-156. 14. Ueber die Capacitat von Condensatoren. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 2, 1891, 413-420; Ann. Phys. Chem., 46, 1892, 500-502 [Part only]. 15. Ueber den magnetischen Arbeitswerth von Sub- stanzen veranderhcher Magnetisirungszahl, insbesondere von Eisen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 469- 492. 16. Ueber eine Bestimmungsmethode der Magnetisi- rungszahl fester Korper mittelst der Waage. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 897-913. 17. Ueber die an Eisenkorpern im Magnetfelde wirksamen Oberflachenspannungen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 2a), 1537-1547. 18. Ueber die Formel fiir die Tragkraft der Elektro- magnete. Wien, Anzeiger, 30, 1893, 67-69, Adler, Hans. 2. Ueber Amblyopia alcoholica. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 1401-1407. Adler, Ilsaac]. A case of so-called laryngeal vertigo. N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 128-131. 2. Oxaluria and its relations to certain forms of nervous diseases. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 57, 1893, 118-114. 3. The diagnosis of malignant tumours of the lungs. [1895.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 178-176, 204-209. 4. Observations on cardiac syphilis. N. Y. Med. JL, 68, 1898, 577-584. Adler, I[saac], (t Meltzer, S[amuel] J. Experimental contribution to the study of the path by which fluids are carried from the peritoneal cavity into the circulation. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 482-528. 2. Ueber die Bedeutung der Lymphwege fiir die Resorption kleiner Fliissigkeitsmengen aus der Baucb- hohle. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 219-222. Adler, Marcus N. *Some considerations on the govern- ment Life Annuities and Life Assurance Bill. [1864.] Assur. Mag., 12, 1866, 3-32. 2. *The demonstration of certain formulae [for whole life, temporary, deferred, and endowment assurance]. [1864.] Assur. Mag., 12, 1866, 52-54. 3. *0n government annuity and assurance rates and regulations. [1865.] Assur. Mag., 12, 1866, 265-276. 4. *A method of solving approximately questions in compound interest, without the aid of tables. Inst. Act. Jl., 23, 1882, 359-360. Adler, Max. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des gefallten kohlen- sauren Kalkes. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 431-434. 2. Herstellung von krystallisirtem Salmiak in directer Verbindung mit dem Ammoniaksodaprocesse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 201-203, 226-228. Adler, Richard, & Fiscbel, Friedrich. See Fisehel & Adler. Adlerz, E. 3. Nagra jamtlandska mossor. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 89. Adlerz, Gottfrid. Myrmecologiska studier. I. Formi- coxenus nitidulus, Nyl. Stockh., Ofvers., 1884, No. 8, 48-64. 2. Myrmecologiska studier. II. Svenska myror och deras lefnadsforhallanden. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 18, 329 pp.; Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 77-78. 3. Myrmecologiska notiser. Ent. Tidskr., 8, 1887, 41-50, 155-165; 17, 1896, 129-141. 4. Bidrag till pantopodernas morfologi och utveck- lingshistoria. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 4), 1888, No. 11, 25 pp.; Micr. Soc. Jl.,1889, 509-510. 5. Om digestionssekretionen jemte nagra dermed sammanhangande fenomen hos insekter och myriopoder. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 4), 1891, No. 2, 51 -f iv pp. 6. I hvilken ordning tager djurvarlden en ur hafvet uppdykande 6 i besittning? Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 131-i44. 7. Om en myrliknande svensk spindel. Ent. Tidskr. , 16, 1895, 249-253. 8. Stridulationsorgan och Ijudfornimmelser hos myror. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 769-782. O. Myrmecologiska studier. III. Tomognathus sublaevis, Mayii. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 4), 1896, No. 4, 76 pp. 10. Fynd af ett stenredskap i Ostersjolera. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 20, 1898, 87-89; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 455-456. 11. Biologiska meddelauden om rofsteklar. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900, 161-200. Adley, Charles Coles. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 125, 1896, 414-416. Adlolf, Paul. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Nage- thiergebisses. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 324-329; Jena. Ztschr., 32, 1898, 347-410. 2. Ueber das Gebiss von Phocaena communis. [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 2-7. Adney, E. T. Naturalization of the European goldfinch in New York City and vicinity. Auk, 3, 1886, 409-410. Adolpb, [Gottfried Wilhelvi] Carl. For biographical notice see Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 319-320; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 25, 1890, 172-174. Adolph, [Georg] E[rnst]. 5. *Zur Morphologic der Hymenopterenfliigel. Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Fragen der Speciesbildung und des Atavismus. [1883.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 46, 1884, 43-132. 6. Die Dipterenfliigel, ihr Schema und ihre Ableitung. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 47, 1885, 269-314. 7. Ueber die Aderung der Kaferfliigel. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 487-488. Adolphi, Hermann. Ueber Variationen der Spinalnerven und der WirbeLsaule anurer Amphibien. I. Bufo varia- bilis, Pall. [II. Pelobates fuscus, Wagl., und Rana esculenta, L. III. Bufo cinereus, Schneid.] [1892-96.] Morphol. Jbuch., 19, 1893, 313-375; 22, 1895, 449-490; 25, 1898, 115-142; Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 45-46; 11, 1896, 215-216 [Part 07ily]. 2. Ueber das Wandern der Extremitatenplexus und des Sacrum bei Triton tfflniatus. Morphol. Jbuch., 25, 1898, 544-554. 3. Ueber das Verhalten des zweiten Brustnerven zum Plexus branchialis beim Menschen. [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 98-104. 4. Ueber die Wirbelsaule und den Brustkorb zweier Hunde. Morphol. Jbuch,, 27, 1899, 299-308. Adolphi, Wilhelm. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chebu- linsjiure. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 684-705. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Espen-Theeres. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 321-328; St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 3, 1896, 83-39. Adriaensen, J., & XXaeck, P. Lijst van meer of minder zeldzame planten uit de omstreken van Turnhout. Eene bijdrage tot de kruidkundige kaart van Belgie. Bot. Jaarb., 4, 1892, 240-250. Adrian, [Hugo]. Die verschiedenen gebrauchlichen An- asthetica, ihre Wirkungsweise und die Gefahren bei ihrer Anwendung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 377- 880, 420-423, 465-467, 502-504, 543-544, 584-586, 625- 628, 668-670, 704-707, 744-746, 800-803. Adrian] 33 Adrian, Carl. Ueber den Einfluss taglich einmaliger oder fractionirter Nahrungsaufnahme auf den Stoffwechsel des Hundes. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 616-633: 19, 1894, 123-136. Adrian, L{ouis'\ All-phonse:]. Assign to this author titles {Vols. 1 & 9) under Adrian, . 3. Sur la piligauine, alcaloi'de d'une Lycopodiacce originaire du Bresil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1322-1323. 4. Nouvelle falsification du safran. Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 98-103. 5. [Methode pour distinguer le tannin k I'eau du tannin a I'alcool.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 595. 6. Note sur la variabilite de la teneur en morphine et narcotine des dififerents opiums. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 526-528. 7. Gaiacol et creosotes ; methode rapide et facile d'analyse. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 174-176. 8. Du dosage du gaiacol par la dem^thylation. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 286-289. 9. Note sur le salicylate de m^thyle. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 422-424. Adrian, L[ouu] A[lp}ionsc], & Bougarel, [Charles'\. Sur un nouveau proced^ industriel permettant de s^parer directement la baryte d'un sel de strontium quelconque. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 345-348. Adrian, L[ouis] A\lphonse^, & Gallois, E. Note sur les essais d'opium. Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 193-197. Adrian, L[o7m] A\lphonse], & Trillat, [J.] A[ugn8te\. Sur le phosphoglycerate de chaux. Jl. Pharni., 6, 1897, 433-438, 481-485. 2. Dosage des glycerophosphates acides. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 192-193. 3. Sur les phosphoglyc^rates acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 126, 1898, 1215-1218; Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 527- 532; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 455-459. 4. Sur un nouveau principe cristallise, retire de la grande absinthe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 874- 876; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 531-533; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 1014-1016. 5. Sur le phosphoglycerate de chaux et sur le dosage des phosphoglyc^rates neutres. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 263-266 ; Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 163-165, 225-226 {Part only]. 6. Contribution a I'etude de la reaction de I'acide phosphorique sur la glycerine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 266-270; Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 226-230. 7. Sur les pbosphoglyc^rates organiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 684-688; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 158-163. 8. Sur I'anabsinthine, substance nouvelle retiree de I'absinthe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 115-117; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 97-99; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 234-239. ©. Sur la matiere colorante de la digitale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 889-890; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 91-93. Adriani, J[ohanneg] H[crmanus]. Sur la nature du sorbose inactif. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 183-185. 2. Erstarrungs- und Umwandlungserscheinungen optischer Antipoden. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 33, 1900, 453-476. 3. Eutectische lijneu bij stelsels van drie stoffen, waarvan twee optische antipoden zijn. Eutectic curves in systems of three substances of which two are optical antipodes. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 438-442; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 463-467. Adrianov, A. V. [1] {Vol. 12). JI,OHCTOpH>ieCKifl MOrH.!IH Bt OKpeCTHOCTaXl. MWHyCHHCKa. St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19, 1884 {Pt. 2), 246-251. 2. nyienieCTBie BT. 1883 r. [Journey in K. 8. A. C. [Aducco East Siberia in 1883.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 19, 1884 {Pt. 2), 349-355. 8. *06i 3Kcne;i;HiiiH na A.)iTaa. [On the expedi- tion to the Altai.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 {No. 4), 1887, 289-290. 4. HyTemecTBie na Ajitslh h sa CaHHU, COBepmeHHOe B'I. 1881 rojI,y [Journey in the Altai and beyond the Sayan made in 1881.] St. Petersb., Soc. Eusse G6ogr. M6m. {Geogr.), 11, 1888, 147-422. Aducco, Vittorio. Contribute alia tisiologia del tetano dei muscoli striati. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1886, 1081-1094. 2. La reaction de Purine et ses rapports avec le travail musculaire. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 238-251. 3. Esperienze sopra 1' azione fisiologica delle basi tossiche dell' orina normale. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 521-541. 4. Espirazione attiva ed inspirazione passiva. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 188ft-87, 516-538; Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 194-217. 5. Sur I'existence de bases toxiques dans les urines physiologiques. [1887.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 203-213. 6. La sostanza colorante rossa dell' Eustrongylus gigas. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 4, 1888 {Sera. 2), 187-194, 213-220. 7. Sur I'excitabilite de la substance grise dans la zone motrice de I'^corce cer^brale. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 192-194. 8. Azione della luce sopra la durata della vita, la perdita in peso, la temperature, e la quantita di glico- geuo epatico e muscolare nei colombi sottoposti al digiuno. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 684-689. 9. Centre espiratorio ed espirazione forzata. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 446-465. 10. Sur I'existence et sur la nature du centre respiratoire bulbaire. [1889.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 13, 1890, 89-123. 11. Action de I'anemie sur I'excitabilite des centres nerveux. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 {Bd. 2, Ahth. 2), 70-72. 12. Sur un cas d'inhibition respiratoire. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 333-343. 13. Action du carbonate de sodium injecte vers les centres nerveux. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 344-373. 14. Recherches sur la fonction vaso-motrice de la moelle 6piniSre. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 14, 1891, 373-383. 16. Modifications de I'excitabilite des centres nerveux dans les premiers jours de la vie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 18, 1893, 1-18. 16. Sur un pigment de la bile du crapaud. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 98-104. 17. Influence du jefine sur I'intensite d'action de quelques substances toxiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 441-447. 18. Action plus intense de la cocaine quand on en repute I'admiuistration a court intervalle. Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1894, 32-43. 19. Le phenom^ne de la rarefaction expiratoire du battement cardiaque chez les chiens a jeun. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894, 412-415. 20. Action inhibitrice du chlorure de sodium sur les mouvements respiratoires et sur les mouvements cardi- aques des chiens a jeun. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894, 418-422. 21. Differenze del modo di reagire di alcuni verte- brati sottoposti all' azione deUa cocaina. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 160. Aducco, Vittorio, & Moaao, Ugolino. Esperienze fisio- I Aducco] 34 [Agafonov logiche intomo all' azione della sulfinide benzoica o saccarina di Fahlberg. Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 407- 422; Arch. Ital. Biol., 7, 1886, 158-171. 2. Applications th^rapeutiques de la sulfinide benzoique ou saccharine de Fahlbekg. Arch. Ital. Biol., 8, 1887, 22-36. Ady, John Ernest. The evolution of modern petrography. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1884, 71-76. 2. Observations on the preparation of mineral and rock sections for the microscope. [1884.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 127-133. Aebi, Walther, & Kehrmann, Friedrich. See Xelirmann & Aebi. Aeby, Christoph Theodor. For biography and works see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 188^85, 111-127; Fortschr. Med., 3 (1886, Beil.), 113 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1886, 211-212; Wien. Med. Wschr., 35, 1885, 900; Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 12, 1886, 134. 39. *Ueber Knochenwachsthum. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 126. 40. *Ueber das histologische Verhalten fossilen Knochen- und Zahngewebes. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 225. 41. *Ueber Formenverschiedenheit der kindlichen und erwachsenen Wirbelsaule. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 56. 42. *Ueber das Verhaltniss der Mikrocephalie zum Atavismus. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 112-120. 43. *Die Architectur des Bronchialbaumes der Saugethierlunge. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 258. 44. Die Herkunft des Pigmentes im Epithel. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1886, 273-275. Aeby, Jlulius] H. Beitrag zur Frage der Stickstoffernah- rung der Pflanzen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 409-439. Aeby, Jlulius'] H., "Wagner, Paul, Dorsch, R., & SEatz, Fr. See "Wagner, Aeby, Dorsch & ItXatz. AlirUng, Johan Erik Ewald. For biography and list of works see Bot. Notiser, 1888, 150-151; Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 392 ; Kj^^benh. Bot. For. Medd., 2, 1887-91, 188. Det exemplar af Caspari Bauhini, Pinax Theatri Botanici, ed. 1, Basilise 1623, hvilket en gang tillhort O. EuDBECK, fader och son. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 64-66; Bot. Centrbl., 18, 1884, 222-223. AeppU, Aug. Erosionsterrassen und Glazialschotter in ihrer Beziehung zur Entstehung des Ziirichsees. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 34, 1894, 121 pp. Aereboe, F[riedrich]. Untersuchungen iiber den direkten und indirekten Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Athmung der Gewachse. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 16, 1893, 429-463. Arnback-Cbristle-Ziinde, Augusta. Zur Anatomie des Gehirnes niederer Saugetiere. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 8-16. Afanasjev, A. 0 JcMcTbIh Ha ^OTOrpa(J)HieCKyK) njiacTHHKy MHHepajroBt, coji;epKamHX'b MeiajiJiLi ypaHTi H TOpiS. [On the action on a photographic plate of minerals containing the metals uranium and thorium.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Phys.), 1900, 103-106; Chem. Soc. Jl., 78, 1900 (Abs., Pt. 2), 702, [1080]. £^6V,M[ichajl] I\vanovic\. 3. *06'b OKOHiaHiw HepBOBt Bt opranaxx ocflsaHia y pHdi.. [On the nerve endings in the tactile organs of fishes.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Rms.), 25, 1876 (Append. No. 8), 24 pp. 4. Ueber die pathologisch-anatomischen Verander- ungen in den Nieren und in der Leber bei einigen mit Hamoglobinurie oder Icterus verbundenen Vergiftungen. [1883-84.] Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 460-500. 6. Ueber den dritten Formbestandtheil des Blutes im normalen und pathologischen Zustande und iiber die Beziehung desselben zur Regeneration des Blutes. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 35, 1884, 217-253. 6. Sur une methode nouvelle de transfusion du sang (sang soumis pr^alablement a Taction de la peptone). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1349-1352 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884, 61-6?^. 7. Note sur les Micrococci de la pneumonie franche. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 356-363. 8. Aetiologie und klinische Bakteriologie des Keuch- hustens. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 12, 1887, 323-327, 331-333, 339-341, 347-350. 9. Ueber die klinische Mikroskopie und Bacteriologie der Actinomycosis. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 76-78, 83-86. Afanasjev, M[ichajl] l[vanovic], & SchiUz, (Frau) . Ueber die Aetiologie der Actinomycosis. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 683-684. Afanasjev, Nikolnj. Ueber die Bedeutung des Granula- tionsgewebes bei der Infection mit pathogenen Mikro- organismen. ExperimentelleUntersuchung. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 456-462. 2. Ueber die Bedeutung des Granulation sgewebes bei der Infection von Wunden mit pathogenen Mikroorgan- ismen. Experimentelle Untersuchung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 11-87. Afanasjev, Nliholaj^ P[avlovic]. OcaflKH H ChIsKHHH nOKpOB'I, Bt MoCKBi. [Atmospheric precipitation and fallen snow at Moscow.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 87 (No. 1), 1894, 131-143. Afanasjev, S\jpiridon'] M\atvejevic']. Action physiologique de la Lobelia inflata sur le cceur et la circulation. (Communication prealable.) Arch. Slaves Biol., 2, 1886, 41-47. 2. Ueber einen aus dem Korper eines Rekurrens- kranken erhaltenen Bacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 405-415. Afanasjev, V. A. Zur Pathologic des acuten und chron- ischen Alcoholismus. Experimentelle Untersuchung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 443-460. AfColter, Fr. G. 9. Ueber Gruppen gerader Linien auf Fliichen hiiherer Ordnung. Math. Ann., 27, 1886, 277- 295 ; 29, 1887, 1-26. Agababov, A\lehsandr Grigorjevic]. Die Innervation des Ciliarkorpers. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 555-561. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Natur der Zonula ciliaris. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 563-588. 3. Ueber die Nervenendigungen im Corpus ciliare bei den Saugetieren und Menschen. Int. Jl. Anat., 14, 1897, 53-70. Agafonov, A. [0 nOHHJKeHiH TO^KH 3aMep3aHi« BT. boji;hhx'l pacTBopaxt qeTHpexxjiopncTaro ojioBa. Ueber die Depression des Gefrierpunktes in wasserigen Losungen von Zinntetrachlorid.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 127-129; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 310. Agafonov, Vlalerian] Klonstantinovic]. [0 pesVJLTaTax'h roHioMexpHiecKHX'B HSHCKaHiii Haji;i. KpiicTaji- jaMH ^tioniaaa (aiuHpHia) hst. AjiTHH'B-TioSe bi> KHprUBCKOH CXenH. Ueber die Resultate der gonio- metrischen Messungen der Dioptaskrystalle von "Altyn- Tuebe," Kirgisen-Steppen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 28, 1891, 499-500; Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 274-275. 2. Sur I'absorption du spectre ultra-violet par les corps cristallis^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 490-492. 3. 0 nor.iioin,eHiii yjii>Tpa(|)iojieTOBHX'E> jyieR KpiiCTajJiaMH HO" HOjinxpoHSM-fe" BT) yjiBTpa(i)io- JieTOBoS ^aCTH cneKipa. [Absorption des rayons ultra-violets par les cristaux et polychroisme dans la partie ultra-violette du spectre.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Phys.), 1896, 200-215; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 349-364. I Ag-afonov] 35 [AgapoiF 4. Comparaison de I'absorption par les milieux cristallises des rayons luinjneux et des rayons Rontgen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 855-857. 6. Sur I'absorption de la lumiere par les cristaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 87-90. Agamennone, Giovanni. Sul grado di precisione nella determinazione della densita dei gas. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 105-110. 2. Determinazione della density dell' aria. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 111-117. 3. Sopra un vortice di sabbia osservato nel territorio di CoUelungo in Sabina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 1), 493-495. 4. II terremoto nel vallo Cosentino del 3 dicembre 1887. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 532-534; Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 {Pt. 4), 1888, 269-329. 5. Influenza della deformazione del pallone di vetro nella misura della densita dei gas. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 30-32. 6. Registratore di terremoti a doppia velocity. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 788-795; 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 247-252. 7. Sopra la correlazione dei terremoti con le per- turbazioni magnetiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 21-26. 8. Sulla ripartizione oraria diurno-notturna del- le scosse registrate in Italia nel 1889. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 351-358. 9. Sopra alcuni recenti terremoti avvenuti in Roma. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 2), 15-17. 10. II terremoto a Roma del 23 febbraio 1890 ed il sismometrografo Brassart. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 (Pt. 4), 1891, 45-59. 11. Sopra un nuovo pendolo sismografico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 303-308; Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (Pt. 3), 1892, 347-367. 12. II tromometro a registrazione fotografica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 28-30. 13. I terremoti e le perturbazioni magnetiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 479-483. 14. Velocity di propagazione delle prineipali scosse di terremoto di Zante nel recente periodo sismico del 1893. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 393-401; 3, 1894 (Sern. 1), 383-389; Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 227-250. 15. II terremoto a Roma del 22 gennaio 1892 e gli strumenti sismici del CoUegio Romano. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 12 (Pt. 1), 1893, 151-163. 16. I terremoti segnalati a Roma nel biennio 1891-92 ed il sismometrografo a registrazione continua. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 12 (Pt. 1), 1893, 175-206. 17. Velocity di propagazione superficiale dei due terremoti della Grecia del 19 e 20 settembre 1867. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 443-450. 18. I terremoti di lontana provenienza registrati al CoUegio Romano. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 543-550. 10. Alcune considerazioni sui differenti metodi fino ad oggi adoperati nel calcolare la velocity di propagazione del terremoto andaluso del 25 dicembre 1884. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 303-310. 20. Velocity superficiale di propagazione delle onde sismiche, in occasione della grande scossa di terremoto deir Andalusia del 25 dicembre 1884. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 317-325. 21. Sulla variazione della velocita di propagazione dei terremoti, attribuita alle onde trasversali e longi- tudinali. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 401-408. 22. Cronistoria sismica di Zante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 92-155, 259-262. 23. Alcune considerazioni generali sopra i terremoti di Zante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 156-182. 24. Correlazione tra i recenti parossismi sismici di Zante ed i contemporanei fenomeni geodinamici d' Italia. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 15 (Pt. 1), 1894, 188- 202. 26. II sismometrografo fotografico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 254-260. 26. Tremblement de terre d'Aidin (Asie M. ) du 19 aout 1895. Beitr. Geophys., 3, 1898, 337-349, 27. Sulla velocita di propagazione del terremoto d' Aidin (Asia M.) del 19 agosto 1895. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 67-73; Beitr. Geophys., 3, 1898, 541-549. 28. Velocity di propagazione del terremoto di Pergamo (Asia M.) della notte 13-14 novemhre 1895. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 162-166. 29. II terremoto dell' India del 12 giugno 1897 registrato in Europa. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 265-271. SO. I terremoti nel corso inferiore del fiume Velino (Umbria-Abruzzi). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 90-97. 31. I terremoti nell' isola di Labuan (Borneo) del 21 settembre 1897. Roma, R. Ace, Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 155-162. 32. II terremoto nell' isola di Haiti (Antille) del 29 dicembre 1897. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 316-318, 33. Sopra un nuovo tipo di sismoscopio. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 41-46. 34. Sopra un sistema di doppia registrazione negli strumenti sismici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend,, 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 202-209, 618, 36. II terremoto emiliano della notte dal 4 al 5 marzo 1898. Roma, R, Ace, Lincei Rend,, 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 321-326, 36. II terremoto di Balikesri (Asia M,) del 14 settembre 1896, Roma, R, Ace, Lincei Rend,, 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 365-367. 37. Liste des tremblements de terre observes en Orient et en particulier dans I'Empire Ottoman pendant I'ann^e 1896. Beitr. Geophys., 4, 1900, 118-199, 38. II pendolo orizzontale nella sismometria, Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sein. 1), 107-114. 39. Sismoscopio elettrico a doppio effetto per le scosse sussultorie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend,, 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 204-210. 40. Nuovo tipo di sismometrografo. Roma, R. Ace, Lincei Rend,, 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 31-39. 41. Gli strumenti sismici e le perturbazioni atmo- sferiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 308-313. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Bonetti, Filippo. Sulla deformazione prodotta in vasi di vetro da pressieni interne. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 665-670, 699-701. 2. Sopra un nuovo modello di barometro normale. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 69-75, 127-132, 257-264. 3. Sopra un nuovo tipo d' igrometro. Roma, R, Ace. Lincei Rend,, 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 216-222, 4. Ulterior! esperienze sopra un nuovo tipo d' igro- metro, Roma, R. Ace, Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 23-30. See also Bonetti & Agamennone. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Cancanl, Adolfo. Contributo alia storia ed alio studio dell' igrometria. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 7 (Pt. 1), 1887, 1-35. Agamennone, Giovanni, & Xssel, Arturo. See Xssel & Agamennone. Agapoff, A. Ueber einige bei der Untersuchung nach der Golgi'schen Methode zu Tage tretende Veranderungen 5—2 Agrapoff] 36 der Nervenzellen der Hirnrinde bei progressiver Paralyse. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 299-301. Agar, (Rev.) W. Spiders. [1889.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 114-122. Agardh, J[acob] Gleorg]. 40. Linnes lara om i naturen bestamda oeh bestaende arter hos vexterne, efter Linnes skrifter framstald, och med motsvarande asigter hos Darwin jemford. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 12, 135 pp. 41. Till algemes systematik. Lund. Univ. Acta, 21, 1885-86 (Math.), No. viii, 117 pp.; 23, 1887-88 (Math.), No. II, 174 pp.; 26, 1889-90 (Soc. Physiogr., No. in, 125 pp.). 42. Species Sargassovum Australiae descriptae et dispositffi. Accedunt de singulis partibus Sargassorum, earumque differentiis morphologicis in diversis speciebus observationes nonnullse ; nee non dispositionis specierura omnium generis his differentiis fundatse, periculum. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 23, 1888-91, No. 3, 133 pp. 48. Om structuren hos Champia och Lomentaria, med anledning af nyare tyrningar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 49-67; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1889, 556. 44. Analecta algologica. Observationes de speciebus Algarum minus cognitis earumque dispositione. [1892- 99.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 28, 1891-92 (Soc. Physiogr., No. VI, 182 pp.); 29, 1892-93 (Soc. Physiogr., No. ix, 144pp.); 30, 1893-94 (Soc. Physiogr., No. vii, 98 pp.); 32, 1896 (Soc. Physiogr., No. n, 140 pp.); 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., No. ix, 106 pp.); 35, 1899 (Soc. Physiogr., No. IV, 160 pp.). Agardh, Jlacob] G[eorg], Nordstedt, [Carl Fredrik] Otto, XZauck, Ferdinand, & Flataault, Charles. [Algae ins. St. Thomae.] Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 4, 1886, 217-221. Agassiz, (col.) [Georges]. Catalogue des vari^t^s et aberrations de [sa] collection. Macrolepidopt^res de la zone pal^arotique. [1900.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 10, [1903], 237-256. Agassiz, ^. R. From Hai-phong in Tong-King to Canton, overland. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 13, 1891, 249-262. Agassiz, Alexander. Nos. 34 & 35 (Vol. 9) are duplicates of Nos. 15 & 16 (Vol. 7). 62. 'Explorations of the surface fauna of the Gulf Stream, under the auspices of the United States Coast Survey. II. The Tortugas and Florida reefs. Amer. Ac. Mem., 11, 1882, 107-133. 63. Phosphorescence in the deep sea. Science, 4, 1884, 270. 64. Three cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer Bkike in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 14, 1888, xxii + 314pp.; 15, 1888, 220 pp. 65. The coral reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. [1889.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 17, 1888-89, 121-170. 66. On the rate of growth of corals. [1890.] Harvard, Mus. Zool. Bull., 20, 1890-91, 61-63. 67. Notice of Calamocrinus Diomedte, a new stalked crinoid from the Galdpagos, dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.... [1890.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 20, 1890-91, 165-167. 68. Ueber einen neuen Tiefsee-Crinoiden aus der Familie der Apiocriniden. Neues Jbuch. Min.. 1890 {Bd. 1), 94-95. 6©. Three letters... on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.... Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 21, 1891, 185- 70. Eeports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California carried [Agassiz on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. II. General sketch of the. expedition of the Albatross, from February to May, 1891. [1892.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 1-89. 71. Preliminary note on some modifications of the chromatophores of fishes and crustaceans. [1892.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 189-193. 72. Eeports on an exploration of the west coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, and off the Gala- pagos Islands... by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.... I. Calamocrinus Diomedas, a new stalked crinoid, with notes on the apical system and the homo- logies of echinoderms. [1892.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 17, 1890-94, No. 2, 95 pp. 78. Observations in the West Indies. Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 358-362. 74. Notes from the Bermudas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47, 1894, 411-416. 76. A reconnoissance of the Bahamas and of the elevated reefs of Cuba in the steam vacht Wild Duck, January to April, 1893. [1894.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 26, 1894-96, 1-203. 76. Note on the Florida reef. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1895, 154-155. 77. On underground temperatures at great depths. Amer. Jl. Sci., 50, 1895, 503-504. 78. A visit to the Bermudas in March, 1894. [1895.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 26, 1894-95, 209-281. 70. A visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 240-244. SO. The Florida elevated reef. [1896.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 28, 1895-98, 29-51. 81. Cactaceee in the Galapagos Islands. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 199. 82. The islands and coral reefs of the Fiji group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 113-123. 83. A visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia in the steamer Croydon, during April and May, 1896. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 28, 1895-98, 93-148. 84. Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Gal&pagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California... carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.... xxiii. Preliminary report on the Echini. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 71-86. 85. The islands and coral reefs of Fiji. [1898-99.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 33, 1899, 167 pp.; Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 165-167 [Part only]. 86. Explorations of the Albatross in the Pacific Ocean. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 33-43, 109-116, 193- 198, 369-374; Science, 10, 1899, 833-841; 11, 1900, 92-98, 288-292, 574-578; Nature, 62 (1900), 307-311. Agassiz, Alexander, & Mayer, A[lfred] G[oldsborough]. On Dactylometra. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 1-11. 2. On some Medusa from Australia. [1898.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 15-19. 3. Acalephs from the Fiji Islands. [1899.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 32, 1898-99, 157-189. Agassiz, Alexander, & VOiitman, C[harles] 0[tis]. On the development of some pelagic fish eggs. Preliminary notice. [1884.] Amer. Ac. Proc, 20, 1886, 23-75. 2. The development of osseous fishes. I. The pelagic stages of young fishes. [II. The pre-embryonic stages of development. Part first. The history of the egg from fertilization to cleavage.] [1885-89.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 14, 1885-93, No. 1 (Pt. 1), 56 pp., (Pt. 2), 40 pp. Agassiz, Alexander, & vroodworth, W[illiam] McMichael. Some variations in the genus Eucope. [1896.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 30, 1896-97, 121-150. Agassiz, Louis Jean Rodolphe. To biographical references (Vols. 7, 9, & 12) add [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 11, 1874, Agassiz] 37 [Aguerre 133-135; Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 8,1886, 129-144; Science, 5, 1897, 285-289; Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 147- 196. 164. Cartas ineditas...relativas d, viagem...realisada na Amazonia (de 11 de Agosto 1865 at6 26 de Marc^o 1866). (Thayer-Expedition.) [Posth.] Pari, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bol., 1, 1896, 144-156. Aser, Louis Clurtis], A peculiar chromatogenic bacillus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 265. Agefsbors, G. S. The birds of southeastern Dakota. Auk, 2, 1885, 276-289, Aglot, E. Sur un appareil de dosage des precipit^s par une m^thode optique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 200-202. 2. [Utilisation de I'opacit^ produite par certains pr^cipit^s au dosage des corps qui les fournissent.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 99. 3. Dosage optique de I'acide sulfurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 855-862. 4. Dosage de I'h^mateine. [1896.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 67, 1897, 251-258; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 186-187. 6. Studie iiber die Bestimmung des Tannins. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 181-183. Agnello, Giacinto. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1884 Wolf. Air equatoriale di Merz in Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 141-142; 112, 1886, 289-290. 2. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1885... (Barnard) air equatoriale di Merz dell' Osservatorio R. di Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 187-188, 291-292. 3. Osservazioni di pianetini e comete fatte all' equa- toriale di Merz in Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 321-322. 4. Osservazioni di comete fatte all' equatoriale di Merz in Palermo. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 31-32. 5. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890... (Denning Juli 23). Air Osservatorio di Palermo (equatoriale di Merz). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 175-176. Agnew, C[ornelius] E[ea]. For biography see Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 14-15; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 129-130; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 112; N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 438-439. Agnola, C[a7-lo] A[lberto'] delV. Estensione di un teorema di Hadamabd. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 {Pt. 2), 525-539, 669-677, AgoBti, Massimiliano. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1887, 1888, 1890.] Recoaro. Moucalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 145-146; 8, 1888, 131; 10, 1890, 175. 2. Bolide del 4 agosto [1888, Recoaro]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 183. Agostinelll, R., & Ouamieri, Giuseppe. See Ouarnieri & AgoBtinelU. Agostlnetti, Francesco. Bolide del 22 ottobre [1889, Varallo Pombia (Novara)J. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 190. Agostini, Bettino. Influenza delle onde elettromagnetiche suUa conducibilit^ elettrica del selenio cristallino. Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 81-89. Agostlni, Cesar e. Nuovo reattivo per la ricerca del glucosio. Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 228. 2. Sulla influenza del bromuro di potassio nella eliminazione dell' urea. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 467-480. 3. Sulle variazioni della sensibility generale, sensoriale e reflessa negli epilettici nel periodo interparossistico e dope la convulsione. [1889.] Riv. Sper. di Ereniatria, 16, 1890, 36-81. 4. Contribute all' azione del bromuro di potassio nella cura dell' epilessia. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891, 125-134. 5. Sulla isotonia del sangue degli alienati. Riv, Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 483-497. 6. Contribute alio studio del chimismo gastrico nei pellagrosi. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 19, 1893, 07-84. 7. I riflessi superficiali e proiondi quale mezzo d' aiuto diagnostico nelle malattie mentali. Riv. Sper. di Freni- atria, 20, 1894, 481-500. 8. Descrizione di un cranio e cervello scafocefalo. Arch. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 91-104. 9. Sul chimismo gastrico e sul ricambio materiale degli epilettici in rapporto al valore delle auto-intossica- zioni nella genesi dell' accesso convulsivo. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 267-296, 435-461. 10. Sui disturbi psichici e sulle alterazioni del sistema nervoso centrale per insonnia assoluta. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 24, 1898, 113-125. 11. II peso specifico della sostanza bianca e della grigia nelle varie regioni del cervello degli alienati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 257-282. 12. Sui disturbi psichici e sulle alterazioni degli element! della corteccia cerebrale nell' avvelenamento acuto per ossido di carbonio. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 913-914. Agostinl, Cesare, & Abundo, Giuseppe d'. See Abundo c^' Agostinl. Agostlni, Cesare, & Rossi, Umber to. See Rossi & Agostini. Agostini, Gia7i Jacopo. To reference in No. 1 [Vol. 12) add [Italia] Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 343-345. 6. *Grrandine salata. [1878.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 13, 1879, 131. 6. *Sulla gragnuola di sal marino a Mantova. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1, 1880 (Pt. 1), 3-8. Agostini, Gian Jacopo (et alii). Terremoto del 6 marzo in Calabria. Cosenza. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 64-65. Agostini, Giovanni de. Scandagli e ricerche fisiche sui laghi deir anfiteatro morenico d' Ivrea. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 620-634. 2. Sulla temperatura, colorazione e trasparenza di alcuni laghi piemontesi (Orta, Viverone, Mergozzo, Candia, Avigliana, Trana e Sirio). Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 285-300. 3. Ricerche batometriche e fisiche sul lago d' Orta. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 46, 1896, 837-352. 4. Esplorazioni idrogratiche nei laghi vulcanici della provincia di Roma. (L. di Bolsena, Mezzano, Vico, Monterosi, Bracciano, Martignano, Albano o di Castel Oondolfo e Nemi.) [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 69-84. 5. II lago di Canterno (Sub-Appennino romano). [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 466-470. 6. II lago del Matese (provincia di Caserta). [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 36, 1899, 103-108. Agostini, Giovanni de, & Marinelli, Olinto. Studii idrogratici nella valle superiore della Turrite Secca nelle Alpi Apuane. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 1, 1894, 310-322. 2. La comunicazione sotterranea fra il canale d' Arni e la PoUaccia nelle Alpi Apuane, dimostrata mediante 1' uranina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3,1894 (Sem. 1), 354-356. Agrestini, Angelo. 2. Dell' acqua soKurea e del fango della valle del Gallo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 287-298. 3. II latte delle vacche del territorio urbiuate. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 153-180. Agricola (Pseud.). Les botes de mon talus : moeurs des hymenoptdres nidifiants et fouisseurs. Rev. Quest. Sci., 34, 1893, 84-102 ; 36, 1894, 149-177. Agro, Eugene . Des rapports pathog^nes entre le baoille typliique et le Bacterium coli commune. Ann. Microgr., 6 (1894), 1-22. Aguayo, Patricio, & Befioret, Manuel. See Seftoret & Aguayo. Agudio, Tomaso. For biographical notice see Riv. Sci.- Ind., 25, 1893, 32. Aguerre, Jose A . Untersuchungen iiber die menschliche Neuroglia. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 56, 1900, 509-525. AgTierreJ 38 [Ahlborn Aguerre, Jose A., & Krause, Rudolf. See Kratise & Aguerre. Ag^iar, A[7itonio'] Alugiisto] de. For biographical notice see Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. Commun., 1, 1883-87, vii-viii. Aguiar, Alberto d', & Perreira da Silva, A[ntonio] J[oaquim]. See Terrelra da Silva & Aguiar. Aguiar, Alberto d\ & Silva, Wenceslau da. Sur la recherche des colorants de la houille dans les vins blanca et la difference de ces colorants avec les couleurs du caramel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 124, 1897, 408-410; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 443-449. 2. Sur la recherche du jaune de naphtol S et des colorants analogues dans les vins blancs et dans les liqueurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 965-966. 3. Sur la recherche des colorants jaunes de la houille dans les vins blancs contenant du caramel. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 629-635. 4. Sur la recherche des colorants de la houille dans les vins blancs color^s ou non au caramel. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 67-84. Agoilar, [Cipriano Luis]. Apuntes para el estudio del Mioceno bilbilitano. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 127-128. Agiiilar, Antonio. To references in Nos, 1, 2 & 3 (Vol. 7) add France Soc. M6t(5orol. Nouv. M^tdorol., 1, 1868. 319-320, 320-321. 9. *[Notes m^t^orologiques faites a] Madrid. France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 1, 1868, 240, 260, 289 ; 2, 1869, 177. Agullar Samuda, Joseph d\ For biographical notice see Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1885, 302. Aguilar y Santilldn, Rafael. Memoria acerca de la naturaleza, propriedades, producci6n y usos del ozono. [1885.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887, 13-26; Fortschr. Phys., 1887 (Ahth. 3), 220. 2. Apuntes para el estudio de las lluvias en Mexico. M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 2, 1888, 97-122. 3. Apuntes relatives a algunos observatorios 6 insti- tutes raeteorol6gicos de Europa. M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889, 5-40. 4. El Observatorio Meteorol6gico de Leon. M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889 (Rev.), 119-121. 5. Bibliografia meteorologica mexicana que com- prende las publicaciones de meteorologia, fisica del globo y climatologia, hechas hasta fines de 1889. [1890-96.] M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 4, 1890, 5-47, 265-276; 6, 1892, 97-107 ; 7, 1893, 5-16 ; 8, 1894, 5-9 ; 9, 1895, 5-10, 309-322. 6. Brief sketch of the development of meteorology in Mexico. [1895.] U.S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894,335-338. 7. Observaciones meteorol6gicas. Resiimen general de las practicadas en varias localidades de la Eepiiblica Mexicana, durante el ano de 1894. M4x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 10, 1896 (Rev.), 72, 80. 8. Bibliografia geol6gica y minera de la Repiiblica Mexicana. M6x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 10, 1898, 158 pp. Aguilar y Santillan, Rafael, & Fuga, Guillermo B. y. See Fuga & Aguilar y Santilldn. Aguilar y Santilldn, Rafael, Fuga, Guillermo B. y, & Orozco y Berra, Juan. See Fuga, Orozco y Berra, & Aguilar. Aguilera, Castor. Des courants bifurqu^s. Jl. Tel^gr., 9, 1885, 81-84, 102-106. Aguilera, Jose G. Itineraries geologicos. M^x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 78-185. 2. Sinopsis de geologia mexicana. Max. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 187-250 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bd. 2, Ref), 426-429. 3. [El mineral de Pachuca.] Prologo. M6x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 7, 8 & 9, 1897, 3-5. 4. Catalogo sistematico y geo^rafico de las especies mineraldgicas de la Repiiblica Mexicana. M^x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 11, 1898, 157 pp. 6. Essai d'une Evolution continentale du Mexique. [Tr.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 512-516. Aguilera, Jose G., & Castillo, Antonio del. See Castillo & Aguilera. Aguilera, Jose G., & Ord6ftez, Ezequiel. Las fumarolas del Popocatepetl. [1897.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 10, 1896, 185-188. 2. Breve explicaci6n del bosquejo geol6gico de la Re- piiblica Mexicana. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 385-389. 3. [El mineral de Pachuca.] II. Fisiografia de la Sierra de Pachuca. [III. Geologia general de la Sierra de Pachuca. IV. Las vetas.] Mex. Inst. Geol. Bol., 7, 8 & 9, 1897, 19-26,^27-50, 51-80. Aguilhon de Sarran, Elie. 3. Note sur la pathogenic des kystes des ihachoires. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 (G. R.), 184-187. Aguillar, Florestan. Un nuovo parassita nel cavo orale. ConKr. Med. Int. Atti, 18^4 (Vol. 5, Odontol.), 87-88. Aguillon, L[ouis~\. 2. L'Ecole des Mines de Paris. Notice historique. Ann. Mines, 15, 1889, 433-686. See also Aguitton. Aguirre, Cesdreo. *Observaciones meteorol6jicas hechas en Copiap6. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 25, 1864, 739-771. Aguirre, Eduardo. 4. Pozos artesianos y provisi6n de agua en el puerto de Bahia Blanca. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 177-188; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 532. 5. La Sierra de la Ventana. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 20-33 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (BtL 2, Ref. ), 294. 6. La gruta de Aguas Doradas. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 303-307. 7. Notas geol6gicas sobre la Sierra de la Tinta. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 333- 347 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 100. Aguirre, Francisco. Larvas de la Calliphora limensis en las fosas nasales. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 67, 1885, 187-198. Aguitton, — [? Aguillon, Louis]. Chaleur de combustion du gaz de houille et sa relation avec le pouvoir ^clairant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 56-58. Ahlborn, [Christian Gcorg] Fr[iedrich]. 3. Ueber den Ursprung und Austritt der Hirnnerven von Petromyzon. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 286-308. 4. Ueber die Segmentation des Wirbelthierkorpera. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 309-330. 5. Ueber die Bedeutung der Zirbeldriise. (Glandula pinealis ; Conarium ; Epiphysis cerebri.) Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 40, 1884, 331-337. 6. Ein verzweigter Bandwurm (Taenia saginata). Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verb., 1, 1894, 37-43. 7. Ueber die Wasserbliite, Byssus flos aqure und ihr Verhalten gegen Druck. [1893.] Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verb., 2, 1895, 25-36. 8. Demonstration eines neuen Apparats zur Bestim- mung des Luftwiderstandes gegen verschieden gestaltete schrage Flachen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Tk. 2, Hdlfte 1), 48-49. 9. Ueber die Bedeutung der Heterocerkie und ahnlicher unsymmetrischer Schwanzformen schwim- mender Wirbelthiere fiir die Ortsbewegung. [1895.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 1, 1896, 1-15. 10. Zur Mechanik des Vogelfluges. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abb., 14, 1896, 134 pp. 11. Der Flug der Fische. [1895.] Zool. Jbuch. (Syst.), 9, 1897, 329-338. 12. Der Schwebflug und die Fallbewegung ebener Tafeln in der Luft. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 15, 1897, No. 2a, 31 pp. 13. Ueber die Stabilitat der Flugapparate. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 15, 1897, No. 2b, 51 pp. AUbom, [F.] H[ermann H.]. 2. *[Ueber Connexe.] [1882.] Hamb. Math. Gea. Mitth., 1, 1889, 41-42. Ahlbom] 39 [Ahrens 8. *Ueber die Beziehuug der elliptischen Functionen zur Geometrie. [1883.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 63. 4. [Ueber die Bedeutung der Zahl p in den Abel'schen Functionen und ihre Beziehung zur Geometric.] [1884.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 80-81. 6. Zum Pentagramma mirificum. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Festschr., T. 2), 69-74. AbleniUB, Karl. [Bericht iiber die Landerkunde der skandinavischen Halbinsel.] Geogr. Jbuch., 19, 1897, 200-209 ; 21, 1899, 109-122. „ 2. Om klassifikationen af miinniskoraserna. Upsala Arsskr., 1897 (Sprakvet. Sallsk. Fdrh.), 44-69. Ahlfeld, [Joh.] F[riedrich]. In wie weit ist das Frucht- wasser ein Nahrungsmittel fiir die Frucht? Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 14, 1888, 405-412. 2. Die Verhiitung der infectiosen Augenerkrankungen in der erstenLebenswoche. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 14, 1888, 435-442. 3. Die Ursachen der Placentarretention nach Geburten reifer oder nahezu reifer Friichte. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 16, 1889, 302-317. 4. Ueber Geburten bei nahezu verschlossenen und resistenten Hymen. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 21, 1891, 160-166. 6. Die Entstehung der Placenta prsevia. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 21, 1891, 297-336. 6. Ueber Exantheme im Wochenbette, besonders iiber den sogenannten Wochenbettscharlach. [1892.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 25, 1893, 31-44. 7. Beitrage zur Lehre vom Kesorptionsfieber in der Geburt uud im Wochenbette und von der Selbstinfec- tion. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 27, 1893, 466-518. 8. Ueber die ersten Vorgange bei der physiologischen Losung der Placenta. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 33, 189B, 419-442. 9. Zur Diagnose der Zwillingsschwangerschaft. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 35, 1896, 180-183. 10. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die physiologischen Vorgange in der Nachgeburtsperiode. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 36, 1897, 443-466. 11. Klinische Beitriige zur Frage von der Entstehung der fieberhaften Wochenbettserkrankungen. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, 1899, 390-417 ; 41, 1899, 1-21 ; 43, 1900, 191-227. Ahlfvengren, Fr[ederik] E[lias]. Vaxtgeografiska bidrag till Gotlands flora. Bot. Notiser, 1888, 113-116. 2. Tvenne for Skandinavien nya vaxthybrider funna pa Gotland. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 162-165 ; Bot. Centrbl., 59, 1894, 227-229. 3. Om induktionselektricitets inverkan pa. frons groningsenergi och groningsformaga. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 533-554 ; Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 53-54. Ahlstrom, Gustav. Sur la perception lumineuse a la Peripherie du champ visuel. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 200-215. 2. Beobachtungen iiber das Sehenlernen eines mit gutem Eesultate operirten neunjahrigen Blindgeborenen. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 113-122. Ahr, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Warmeemission seitens der Bodenarten. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 17, 1894, 397- 446. Ahrendt, A. Experimen telle Untersuchungen iiber das Thomson'sche Gesetz der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit von Fliissigkeitswellen. Exner, Bepertm., 24, 1888, 318-323. 2. Ueber die Rectification der Kriimmungslinien auf Eohrenflachen. Arch. Math. Phys., 8, 1890, 442-446. 8. Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Charaktere der Kriimmungslinien auf Eohrenflachen. Arch. Math. Phys., 9, 1890, 31-42. 4. Analytische Untersuchungen iiber die Constitution der in krummen Flachen gebrochenen a priori astigma- tischen Strahlenbiindel mit Anwendungen der neueren Geometrie. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 36, 1891, 99-115. Abrens, C. D. 2. On a new form of polarizing prism. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 533-534. 3. Improved form of Stephenson's binocalar prisms. Micr. Soc. Jl., 5, 1885, 959. 4. New polarizing prism. Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 397-398, 859. 6. New erecting microscope. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1888, 1020. 6. Large nicol prisms. [1899.] Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 31-32. Alirens, Caesar. Ueber einige Derivate des Meta-Xylols. Liebig's Ann., 271, 1892, 15-20. Ahrens, Caesar, & Dennstedt, Max [Fugen HerttMnn]. See Dennstedt & Abrens. Abrens, F. Ueber Derivate der Terephtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1634-1639. 2. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der Sandmeyer'schen Eeaction zur Ersetzung der Amidgruppe durch Cyan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2952-2958, 3165. Alirens, Felix B[enjamin]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Octylbenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2717- 2725. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Sparteiins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2218-2222; 21, 1888, 825-832; 24, 1891, 1095-1097; 25, 1892, 3607-3612; 26, 1893, 3035-3042 ; 30, 1897, 195-200. 3. Ueber Dipiperidyl und Dipicolyl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2929-2932. 4. Ueber Synthesen in der Pyridinreihe. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 61-62. 5. Ueber die Alkaloide der Mandragora. [Vorlaufiger Bericht.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 162-164. 6. Ueber das Mandragorin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2159-2161. 7. Eesultate der chemischen Untersuchung der Wurzel der Mandragora officinalis, Mill. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1889, 113-114. 8. Die Alkaloide der Mandragora. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 312-316. 9. Ueber krystallisirtes Veratrin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2700-2707, 3120. 10. Ehombischer Schwefel aus Schwefelwasserstofif. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bei:., 23, 1890, 2708. 11. On veratrin, and on the existence of two isomeric /3-picolines. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 783-784. 12. Ueber 7-Dipyridyl und das zugehorige Dipi- peridyl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1478-1480. 13. Ueber die Einwirkung von Piperidin auf Acetes- sigester. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2088-2089. 14. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloroform und Aetzkali auf Piperidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2090-2091. 15. Ueber Steinkohlentheerbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 28, 1896, 795-798; 29, 1896, 2996-2999. 16. Die Sulfitlaugen der Cellulosefabriken. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 41-44. 17. Elektrosynthesen in der Pyridin- und Chino- linreihe. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 577-581. 18. Ueberfiihrung von Nitrilen in Amine durch Elektrolyse. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 99-100. 19. Synthesen in der Piperidinreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.', 30, 1897, 533-637 ; 81, 1898, 2272-2276, 2278- 2280. 20. Staphisagro'in, ein neues Alkaloid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1581-1584. 21. Ueber Staphisagroin und Staphisagroidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1669-1670. 22. Ueber alkohohsche Giihrung ohne Hefezellen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 {Abth. 2a), 6-7. 23. Eeinigung des Acetylens. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 660-661. AhrensJ 40 [Aigner 24. Die Ursaohe der Erhitzung und Chlorentwick- lung von Acetylen-Chlorkalk-Reinigungsmasse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 777-779. 25. Ueber Verunreinigungen des kaufiichen Calcium- carbids. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abth. 2a), l(bis). 26. Ueber zufallige Verunreinigungen von Calciuni- karbid. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 439-440. 27. Ein Beitrag zur zellenfreien Gahrung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 483-486. 28. Ueber MagnaUum. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 657-658. 29. Die Elektrochemie am Anfange und Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. [With discission.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1090-1094. Ahrens, Felix Blenjamin], & nXeissner, Georg. Ueber Dimethylpyrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 532-533. Ahrens, W[ilhehu Ernst Martin Georg]. Znr Theorie der adjungirten Gruppe. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 49, 1897, 358-368. 2. Ueber eine besondere Klasse von Substitutionen- gruppen. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 49, 1897, 616-626. 3. Ueber das Gleichungssystem einer Kirchhoft'schen galvanischen Stromverzweigung. Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 311-324. 4. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen den Determlnanten einer Matrix. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897, 65-80. 5. Ueber discrete Schaaren von continuirHchen Transformationen. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 518-524. Ahting, Karl. Ueber die Entwicklung des Bojanus'schen Organs und des Herzens von Mytilus eduUs, Linn. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 529-532. Aibara, Osamu. [On the temperature of the earth's crust.] [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. See, Geol. Mag., 1, [1894], [344]-[348]. 2. Antimony mine of Ichinokawa, lyo. [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 2, [1896], 418-421. 3. [Geology of Miyojima and its vicinity.] [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], [146H148]. Aiehel, Otto. Zur Kenntniss des embryonalen Riicken- markes der Teleostier. [1895.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 11, 1897, 25-40. 2. Kurze Mitteilung iiber den histologischen Bau der Kiechschleimhaut embryonaler Teleostier. [1895.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 11, 1897, 73-78. 3. Vorlaufige Mitteilung iiber die Nebenuierenent- wickelung der Sauger und die Entstehung der "acces- sorischen Nebennieren " des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 30-31. 4. Eine Antwort auf die Angriffe des Herrn Professor Swale Vincent in London : [" The carotid gland of Mammalia and its relation to the suprarenal capsule," Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 69-7()]. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 509-511. 5. Vergleichende Entwickelungsgeschichte und Stam- mesgeschichte der Nebennieren . Ueber ein neues normales Organ des Menschen und der Saugethiere. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 56, 1900, 1-80. Alchbom, Signmnd [Johann Nepomuk]. For biography and works see Steiermark Mitth., 1892, 246-261 ; Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 39, 1894, 6-7. Aichino, G., & XlXatUrolo, Ettore. See XHIattirolo & Aiehino. Aida, 1\ Chaetognaths of Misaki harbour. Annot. Zool. Jap., 1, 1897, 13-21. 2. On the growth of the ovarian ovum in chaeto- gnaths. Annot. Zool. Jap., 1, 1897, 77-81. AievoU, Eriberto. Ricerche sui Blastomiceti nei neoplasmi . Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 20, 1896, 745-749. Aignan, A. Sur une falsification de I'esseuce de t^reben- thine fraugaise ; essai qualitatif et quantitatif . Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 944-946. 2. Sur une falsification de I'huile de lin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1273-1275. 3. Sur la constitution des dissolutions aqueuses d'acide tartrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 951-953. 4. Discussion des experiences de Biot relatives aux dissolutions dans I'eau de I'acide tartrique en presence de la potasse ou de la soude. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1009-1011. 5. Sur le pouvoir rotatoire specifique des corps actifs dissous. [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 3, 1893, 331- 451. 6. Action de la temperature sur le pouvoir rotatoire des liquides. [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 4, 1894, xxvii-xxxii. 7. Sur le pouvoir rotatoire specifique des corps actifs dissous. Ann. Chim., 1, 1894, 433-463. 8. [Sur la deviation moldculaire ou le pouvoir rotatoire moleculaire des substances actives.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xxxii-xxxv. 0. Sur le coeflicient de depense d'un ajutage cylindrique. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 1-3. XO. Sur la "deviation moleculaire" ou le "pouvoir rotatoire moleculaire " des substances actives. Paris, Ac. Sci.,C. R., 120, 1895, 723-725. 11. Ecoulement de I'eau dans un tuyau cylindrique. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 27-28. 12. Sur la solubilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1013-1016. 13. Determination de I'huile de resine dans I'essence de terebenthine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1367- 1368. 14. Sur la theorie des tuyaux a anche. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 268-27p. Aignan, A., & Chabot, P. Etude experimentale sur les bees de gaz a flamme plate. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xxiv-xxvi. 2. [Sur la regularisation du rendement lumineux d'un bee de gaz a double courant d'air.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, iv-vi. 3. [Sur la distillation des dissolutions d'acide acetique et d'eau et sur la variation du titre de ces liqueurs au cours de la rectification.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xv-xviii. 4. [Sur la mesure de la vitesse du son dans Pair a I'aide des tuyaux a anche.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1898, vii-x. 5. [Experiences pour la determination de la position de I'anche d'un tuyau sonore par rapport aux ventres et aux nceuds de la colonne d'air vibrante.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895, xi-xiii. 6. Mesure de la vitesse du son. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 321-323. Aignan, A., & Dugas, E. Sur la solubilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 498-500. 2. Sur la determination du coefficient de solubilite des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 643-645. Aigner, Albert. Ueber Trugbilder von Poren in den Wiinden normaler Lungenalveolen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 3), 395-405. 2. Ueber das Epithel im Nebenhoden einiger Saugethiere und seine secretorische Thatigkeit. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 {Abth. 3), 555-581. Aigner, August. 5. Die Existenzdauer des alpinen Salz- berges. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch. , 36, 1888, 137-153. 6. Die bayerischen Salinen. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 36, 1888, 325-339. 7. Das Salinenwesen vom Standpunkte der Litteratur und Praxis. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 37, 1889, 269-368. 8. Der Salzbergbau in den osterreichischen Alpen. Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 40, 1892, 203-380. Aigner] 41 [Airy Aigner, F[ranz]. Zur Kenntnis der Monoalkyliither des Fhloroglucins. Wien, Anz., 37, 1900, 109. Aigner, F[ranz], & Herzig, J[osef]. See Herzig & Aigner. Algner[-Abafi], Lajos. Lepidopterologiai raegfigyel^sek, (Obsei'vationes lepidopterologicse.) Termr. Ftiz., 18 (1896), 58-61. 2. A Saturnia hybrida major 6s minor-rol. (De Saturnia hybrida major et minor.) Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1895), 210-213, 289-293. a. Lepkeszeti megfigyel^s. [Lepidopterologische Beo- bachtungen.] Termt. Kozlou., 27, 1895, 329; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, U, 1898, 334. 4. Acherontia atropos, L. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 3, 1898, 337-339 ; 4, 1899, 4-7, 177-180, 211-214, 289-290, 337- 338, 355-356; 5, 1900, 36-38. 5. Die Lepidopteren-Fauna Ungarns. 111. Ztsclir. Ent., 4, 1899, 187, 219-220, 234. e. Schmetterlings-Zwitter. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 4, 1899, 268, 298, 313-314, 329-330. 7. Zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Eumaniens. Bucarest See. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 543-561. 8. Missbildungen bei Schmetterlingen. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 5, 1900, 99-100. Aigre, D[ouglas]. Histoire d'une ^pidemie de fi^vre typhoide. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 23, 1890, 441-445. 2. Marche de la fievre typhoide a Boulogne-sur-Mer de 1873 a 1893. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894, 141-147. 3. Sangsue dans le pharynx. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 141-142. Aigret, Ch. 2. Compte-rendu de' la xxx« berborisation de la Soci^t^ Eoyale de Botanique de Belgique (1892). Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 200-214. 3. Liste des lichens observes pendant I'herborisation [aux environs de Rochefort]. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 216-218. Aigret, CL, & Francois, Ch. Herborisations dans la valine du Viroin. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 24, 1885 (C. R.), 56-70. Aiken, Charles E. 3. Seven new birds for Colorado. Auk, 17, 1900, 298. Aikins, Herbert Austin, & Hodge, C. F. See Hodge & Aiklns. Ailcman, C. M. Agricultural education in this country and abi'oad, with special reference to Germany. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 133-154. 2. Nitrogen : its uses and sources in agriculture. Soc. Chera. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 631-633. 3. Manurial experiments with turnips. Highland Soc. Trans., 3, 1891, 123-138. 4. Germ-life in relation to agriculture. Highland Soc. Trans., 9, 1897, 21-40. 5. Some minute workers in the economy of nature. [1897.] Stirhng Soc. Trans., 1896-97, 51-55. Alkman, R., & Zioney, Peter. See Iioney & Aikman. Ailio, Jidiios. Ueber Straudbilduugen des Litorinameeres auf der Insel Mantsinsaari. [1898.] Finlande Comm. Geol. Bull., 1, 1895-98, No. 7, 43 pp. ; Fennia, 14, 1897-99, No. 2, 43 pp. Ailly, Adolf d\ Contributions a la connaissance des moUusques terrestres et d'eau douce de Kameroun. [1896.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 22 {Afd. 4), 1897, No. 2, 137 pp. Aiin6, Emmanuel. Surface et volume du ballon allong^ sym^trique (forme Henry Giffard). Aeronaute, 1889, 54-58. 2. Instability verticale des ballons k gaz. Influence de la depression atmosph^rique et de la radiation solaire sur la rapidity de leur d^gonflement. [1894.] G^nie Civil, 26, 1894r-95, 107-109. Aim6, Georges. 22. *De I'influence de la pression sur les actions chimiques. [1837.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 5, 1901, 85-96. Aimo, F. A. Observations sur les erreurs cauaees par les variations de temperature dans les instruments g(5od6siques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1323-1326. Aimonetti, Cesar e. Determinazione relativa della gravita terrestre a Torino fatta nel 1896 mediante 1' apparato pendolare di Stekneck. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 473-499 or 715-741. 2. Determinazione della gravita relativa nel Piemonte. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 550-561 or 714-725. 3. Determinazioni di gravita relativa ad Aosta, Gran S. Bernardo, Courmayeur e Piccolo S. Bernardo. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 451-454 or 675-678. AinmiUer, Heinrich. Freie Heramung mit constanter Kraft fiir Pendeluhren. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 260, 1886, 212-213. Ainsworth, William Francis. For biography and works see Geogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 98-99; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 28; Geogr. Jbuch., 20, 1898, 463-464. 13. The identification of the Pinarus with the river Piyas. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 6, 1884, 468-471. 14. The sources of the Euphrates. Geogr. JL, 6, 1895, 173-177. 15. La fontaine-crat^re du Nemroud Dagh. Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1895, 203-204. Ainsworth-Davls, J[ aHrii;i,pn;i;ax'I. MaHHirra. [Sur les anhydrides de la mannite.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Chem.), 1884, 382-,384 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 328-329. 3. 0 MCJe3irr03t.. [Sur le melezitose.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Chem.), 18S9, 407-421; Ann. Chim., IH, 1889, 532-551. Alecbsieff, Nicohim. Reaction szeiten bei Durchgangs- beobachtungen. Phil. Stud., 16, 1900, 1-60. Alefeld, Friedrich, & Vanbel, Wilhelm. Ueber die Dar- stellung von Farbstoffen aus Hydroxylderivaten der aromatischen Reihe mit Hiilfe des elektrischen Stromes. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 297. Aieksandrov, M. TeojioriiiiecKiii o'lepKi) CeperoBi p. ,?l,OHa Meatjty cranimaMH KpeMeiiCKon h H.iob- JIirHCKoil. Geologische Untersuchungen am Flusse Don zwischen Kremenskaja und Ilowlinskaja. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 17, 1887 (No. 6), 17 pp.; St. Petersb. Com. G^ol. Bull., 7, 1889 (SuppL), 1. Aleksandrov, A^ A. MaxepiajIH KT) BOnpOCy 0 Mo.ieKyjiflpHOM'B Blict. iimmaro a.TL6yMiiHa. [Ma- terials towards a solution of the question of the molecular weight of egg albumin. J Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 4, 1891, 555-613. Aleksandrov, N. A., & Sa-heiniev, A[leksa7i(lr] P[avlovic]. See Sabaneev & Aleksandrov. Aleksandrov, Petr, & Zajcev, Nikolaj. 06T) II303py- KOBOU KlICJIOTi;. [Ueber Isoerucasaure.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Chem.), 1892, 486-491; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 58-63. Aieksat, P. K. 0 KpHCTa.iJiii'iecKorr (J)opMf. MypaB- fcllllOKHCJiaro crpOHItiK. [Ueber die Krystallform des Strontiumformiates.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 11, 1898, 446-468 [Res. 466-468). Alekseev, Nicolaj, & Weyer, Leon. See Weyer & Alekseev. Alekseev, Nikolaj Nikolaevic. 12. *0 I10Ji;X0JI,flmiIXl> Ti;po6ii x'l,, HOJiyMaeMHXT, iipii H3BJieiieHiii KBa;i;paT- Haro KopHfl iiST) u-ftjaro MHoroqjieHa KaKofi jiii6o CxeneHll. [On approximate fractions obtained in the extraction of the square root of an integral polynomial of any degree.] [1880.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rutis.), 37, 1881, 107-123. Alekseev, P[etr] F[etrovic]. Assign to this author entry (Vol. 7) under Alexejeff, S. For biography and works see Varsovie Soc. Nat, Trav. , 1890-91 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 9, 1-3; Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 11 (Append.), 1892, 48 pp. ; Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Chem.), 1892, 205-235. To reference in No. 20 (Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 172-173. To reference in No. 21 (Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 171-172. 22. Action de la lumiere sur I'acide nitrocuminique. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 (Ft. 1), 113; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1886, 112-114; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 178-179. 23. 0 TeMnepaxypi; 3aTBep;i;'feBaHifl HtKOTopHxi ain;i;KOCTeri h o BjiiflHiir oxjiaKji,eHifl Ha xo;i;i. pe- aKI],lIl. [On the temperature of solidification of some liquids and on the influence of cooling on the rate of reaction.] [1885.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (1), 1886, li-lii. R. S. A. C. 24. Sur la forme cristalline de quelques azocom- binaisons Ass. Franp. C. R., 1886 (Ft. 2), 274-275. 25. 0 CTpoeniH HUTpocoeAHHeHiR SHpHaro pK;i,a. [Sur la constitution des nitrocombinaisons de la s^rie grasse.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 18 (Chem.), 1886, 385-386; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 266- 268. 26. lib IICTOpill a30C0ejI,IIHeHiri. [Contribution to the history of the azo-compounds.] [1887.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 9, 1888, xxxiv-xxxv. 27. Sur le chlorure d'azocuminyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 206-207. Alekseev, P[etr] P[etrovic], & -Werner, E[vgenij Valerianovic]. De I'influence de certains groupes sur la valeur de I'oxydrile et du carboxyle dans la s6rie aromatique. Recherches thermiques. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1889 (Ft. 2), 341-352; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 717-728. 2. TeiiJioTa HeHTpajiH3au,iii H-feKoropuxi. apo- jraTHqeCKlIXT, COejtHHeHift. [Ueber die Neutralisa- tionswarme einiger aromatischer Verbindungen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Chem.), 1889, 477-489 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889 (Ref.), 834. Alekseev, Vlissarion] G[rigorjevic]. reOMeTpnieCKifl H3Cji'I;;i,0BaHia 061, o;i,HO-ieTHpex3HaHHOMi. coox- BfexcxBiii lexBcpxaro iiopajtKa jByxi) iiJiocKocxeu. [Recherches geometriques sur la correspondance uni- quaternaire du 4™* ordre de deux plans.] [18R8.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 223-278; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 647-649. 2. CooxBixcxBie ycxanaBJiHBaeMoe nyiKOMi. KpHBHXt xpextaro nopflJtKa. [Ueber die durch einen BUschel von Curven dritter Ordnung bestimmte Verwandtschaft.] [1891.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 256-258. 3. Teopia ihcjiobhxt. xapaKxepiicxHRx. chc- XeM'L KpHBHXT. JIHHiR. (HcXOpHqeCKift O'lepK'L. ClICXeMH KOHH^ieCKlIXX, ciyeniB.) [Theorie der Charakteristiken der Curvensysteme. (Historisches. Kegelschnittsysteme.)] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Phys.- Math.), 10, 1893, 206 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1036-1037. Alekseev, V[i8sarion] G[rigorjevic'\, & Oordan, Paul [Albert]. See Oordan & Alekseev. Aleksdev, Vladimir F[edorovic]. To reference in No. 8 (Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 38-40. ' To reference in No. 9 (Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 193-194. 10. [0 pacxBOpaxi. On solutions.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 92-93; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 548. 11. 0 lenjioxi pacxBopenia cajiirii,njiOBOu KlICJIOXH Bl, BOJi;t.. [Sur la chaleur de dissolution de I'acide salicylique dans I'eau.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 180; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 317. 12. [0 B3aUMH0ri paCXBOpiIMOCXlI JKll;TKOCXeiI. Sur la solubility reciproque des liquides.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 377-378; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 329-330. 13. 061. ycjiOBiaxx,, onpeitaaiomHx'L iipciHocxL COejtIIHeHiH. [On the conditions determining the stability of compounds.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 641-642; Chem. Soc. Jl., 48, 1886 (Abs.), 114. 14. Ueber eine Fehlerquelle bei den Dampfdichte- bestimmungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886 2898-2900. 8 Alekseev] 58 [Alessandri 15. 061, nSOMepill paCTBOpOBl.. [Ueber die Isomerie der Losungen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 46-51; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Ref.), 599. IS. 0 paCTBOpaxt KlUKOCTeft BT. »tHJi;KOCTflX'Ij. [Ueber Losungen von Fliissigkeiten in Fliissigkeiten.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 99-109; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Ref.), 398-400. 17. [0 BsaiiMHoff pacTBopiiMOCTir BTopiPinaro CyTIIJIOBaro CIlIipTa 11 BOJIH. Ueber die gegenseitige Loslichkeit des secundaren Butylalkohols und des Wassers.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 281 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885 (Ref.), 599-600. 18. Ueber Losungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 28, 1886, 305-338. 19. Ueber die katalytische Wirkung des Glases. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 812. 20. Eine neue Einrichtung zur Bestimmung des Warmewerthes der Steinkohlen im Calorimeter. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1557-1561. 21. 0 KaTaJIHTIiqeCKIlX'B CBOllCTBaXt CTGKJia. [On the catalytic properties of glass.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 18 (Chem.), 1886, 57-60. 22. [0 HOBOfi paSHOCTH TOpHarO BOCKa list KaJiyatCKOfr ry6epHiH. Ueber eine neue Bergwachs- varietat aus dem Kaluga'schen Gouvernement.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 29, 1892, 201-203; Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1895, 504. 23. [0 MeTeopiiTi hst. ji,epeBHii ABrycTimoBKH EKaTepHHOCJiaBCKOH ry6. Ueber den Meteorit aus dem Dorfe Awgustinowka, Gouvernement Jekaterinoslaw.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 30, 1893, 475. 24. [0 6ypi)ixi. yoflx^ IIoAMOcKOBHaro 6ac- cefma. Ueber die Braunkohlen des Moskauer Beckens.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 30, 1893, 476. 25. [0 COJIH II3'L 6acceHHa p. MaHH. Ueber ein Salz aus dem Flusssystem der Mana.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 31, 1894, 350-351 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 336. 26. [0 H0B0M1) Tlinfj OrHGyilOpHHX'i. rjIlIHb. Ueber einen neuen Typus feuerfester Thone.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 34, 1896 (Prot.), 17. 27. [0 Mimi ct Kocoro Bpo;i;a, no p. HycoBoH. Ueber den Thon von Kossoi Brod an der Tschussowaja.] [1897.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 35, 1898 (Prot.), 63; Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 509. 28. [061 yrji-fe HST. IIoBliHeuKaro yfes^ta Ojio- neUKOH ry6epHiH. Ueber die Steinkohle aus dem Kreise Powenetz im Gouvernement Olonetz.] [1897.] St. Petersb. Miu. Ges. Verb., 35, 1898 (Prot.), 75. AlekseevBkij, V[ladimir'\ P[etrovic]. To reference in title (Vol. 12) add Fortschr. Math., 1884, 288. 2. 061 HHTerpiipoBaniH ypaBHeHifl [Ueber die Integration der Gleichung] £. J - + I dz"' z dz^-'^ ' f = 0. Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1884, 41-64; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 289-290. 3. SaMliTKa 061. o6o6m,eHiH ypaBHenia Phkatth. [Notiz fiber die Verallgemeinerung der Riccati'schen Gleichung.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1884, 80- 82 ; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 290. 4. 06i> iiHTerpiipoBaHiH oji,Horo JiiiHeHHaro ji,H(i)(t)epeHii,iajibHaro ypaBneHia n-vo nopajEa. [Ueber die Integration einer linearen Differential - gleichung n''"' Ordnung.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1884, 222-232; Fortschr. Math., 1885, 328. 5. 0 (|)yHKii,iHX'L noji,o6HHX'i) (|)yHKU,iii raMiia. Sur les fonctions analogues a la fonction gamma. Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1, 1889, 169-238; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 439-441. 6. Ueber eine Classe von Functionen, die der Gamma- function analog sind. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 46, 1894, 268-275. 7. OS'S aBTOMop(|)HOH (|iyHKii,iii, aHajioriiMHOH 3KCllOHeHTHorr. [Ueber eine automorphe Function, die der Exponentiellen analog ist.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 4, 1895, 253-262; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 466. 8. Ueber die Definition der Lange in der nichteukli- dischen Geometric. (Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 6, 139-153.) Fortschr. Math., 1898, 411. Alelekov, {Alelisandr Nikolaevic]. Beitrag zur Sympto- matologie und Pathologic der syphilitischen Erkran- kungen der Arterien und des Gehirngewebes. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 253-267. Aleman, Jesils. Apuntes acerca de la mariposa del madroiio. Eucheira socialis, dc Westorroel. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 152-155. 2. Frey-Suila Dugesii. [1887.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 21-26, 39. 3. Un punto de duda respecto del aparato venenoso del Ictalurus Dugesii. Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 498-499. A16n, J[ohan'] E[dvard]. To refeience in No. 6 (Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 435- 436. To reference in No. 7 (Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ref.), 436-437. To reference in No. 8 (Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Ee/.), 437. 10. Ueber die Emmerling'sche Probe auf Gehalt an Schimmelsporen und Faulnisserregern in kauflichen Futtermitteln. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 1634. 11. Om 77- och S^-triklornaftalin. Stockh., Ofvers., 1884, No. 2, 95-98. 12. a-Oxazonaftalin-a-sulfonsyra och nagra dess Salter. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 5, 15-20; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 184-185. 13. Einige Analysen von einer abnormen Kuhmilch. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 509-510. 14. Undersokning af postglacial lera (" svartlera") fran Goteborg. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 10, 1888, 341-344. 15. Analyser af qvinnomjolk. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 29, 1894, 213-218. Alencar Silva, Otto d\ De Taction d'une force accelera- trice sur la propagation du son. [1900-01.] Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 14, 1900, 17-48, 97-108. Alenicin, Vladimir [Dmitrievic]. 7. *Die leuchtenden Dipteren. Deutscb. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 150. Alessandrello, P[ellegrino], & Andreocci, Americo. See Andreocci & Alessandrello. Alessandri, Giulio de. Contribuzione alio studio dei Cirripedi fossili d' Italia. [1895.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 234-314. 2. Ricerche sui pesci fossili di Parand. (Repubblica Argentina). [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 451-466 or 715-730. 3. Avanzi di Oxyrhina hastalis nel Miocene di Alba. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 263-269. 4. Contribuzione alio studio dei pesci Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 45, 1896, 262-294. 5. La pietra da Cantoni di Rosignano e di Vignale (Basso Monferrato). Studi stratigrafici e paleontologici. Milano, Soc. Ital. Mem., 6 (Fasc. 1), 1897, 98 pp. 6. Osservazioni geologiche suUa Greta e suU' Eocene della Lombardia. Milano, Soc, Ital, Atti, 38, 1899, 253-320, .472. Alessandri] 59 [Alexander 7. Fossili Cretacei della Loinbardia. Palaeontographia Ital. , 4, 1899, 169-202. 8. Sopra alcuni fossili Aquitaniani dei dintorni di Acqui. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, 549-.554. 9. Appunti di geologia e di paleontologia sui dintorni di Acqui. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 39, 1900, 173-348. Alessandri, P[aolo] E[milio]. 4. Recherche de la saccharine. [Tr.] Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 44, 1888, 246-248. 5. Sul processo Pagnoul per riconoseere la presenza di sostanze coloranti nocive nel vino. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 5, 1891, 244-24G. 6. Processo volumetrico per la valutazione del- r anidride carbonica libera, semicombinata e combinata, nelle acque potabili. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 168-175. Alessandri, Roberto. EfEetti del cloroformio suU' or- ganismo e sui reni. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 4, Chir.), 573-577. 2. Ueber die Wirkung des Colitoxins, hervorgebracht in einem Falle von Dysenterie und tiidlicher Septikamie, mit ortlicher Gangran der Operationswunde durch Bac- terium coli. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 23, 1898, 68,5-689. Alessandrini, GiiiUo. Quale sia le specie di Taenia pre- dominante in Roma e sua provincia. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 83-86. 2. Prime notizie anatomiche di un Tragulus morto in Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll. , 2, 1893, 141-149. 3. Notizie anatomiche... del Tragulus meminna, Erxl. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 269-271 ; 3, 1894, 175-190. 4. Dermoide centrale della cornea in una Cavia cobaya, Schreb. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 4, 1896, 41-55. 5. Raro caso di parassitismo nell' uomo dovuto alia larva di una mosca (Sarcophaga affinis, Meiq.). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 4, 1895, 278-288. 6. Uu caso di myiasis per larve della Sarcophaga carnaria, Meig. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 194-197. 7. Sui Coleotteri della provincia di Roma. Fam. Carabidfe. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 36-50, 128-139, 213-226 ; 7, 1898, 18-33 ; 8, 1899, 156-162. 8. Sovra due casi di anormale espulsione di Ascaris lumbricoidea, Lin. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 83-84. 9. Contributo alio studio dei Forficulidi I'omani. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 98-99. 10. Sulla cattura della " Pyrrosia aurea," Fallen., in Roma. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 269-270. Alessandro, Amerio. Sulla reazione dovuta all' inerzia. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 129, 153-155. Alessandro, Arturo d\ Sui gruppi Hamiltoniani. Giorn. Mat., 37, 1899, 138-147. Alessi, Alessio. SuU' acido bibromoparaossibenzoico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 242-244. 2. Vorlesungsversuche. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 485-486. Alessi, Giuseppe. Sulla trasmissibilit^ dei germi infettivi mediante le deiezioni delle mosche. Arch. Sci. Med., 12, 1888, 279-292. 2. Ueber Faulnisgase als pradisponierende Ursache zur Typhusinfektion. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 228-229. Alessi, Giuseppe, & Russo-Oiliberti, A[ntonio]. See Russo-Oiliberti & Alessi. Alessi, Giuseppe, & Sirena, Santi. See Sirena & Alessi. Alessi, Stanislas. Briefliches aus Tunesien. Jl. f. Ornitli., 40, 1892, 314-317. Alessi. See also Fennisi Alessi. Alexander, [Conrad]. Ueber das Antipyrin und seine Wirkung bei fieberhaften Krankheiten. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 89-104. Alexander, A . Ueber die Lymphcapillaren der Chorioidea. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1889, 117-122. Alexander, A. B., Tanner, (Lt.) Z[era] L[uther], & Townsend, Charles Hlaskins]. See Tanner, Towns- end & Alexander. Alexander, Arthur C. The rotary properties of some vegetable proteids. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 304-322. Alexander, (Capt.) Boyd. On a new British petrel. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 167-168. 2. Ornithological notes from Romney Marsh and its neighbourhood. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 246-253; Ornith- ologist, 1, 1897, 105-111. 3. Notes on birds in Kent. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 344-349. 4. Ornithological notes from Rye. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 408-416. 6. Breeding habits of the sparrow-hawk. [1896.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 115. 6. An ornithological expedition to the Cape Verde Islands. Ibis, 4, 1898, 74-118, 277-285. 7. [On birds from the Zambesi and Kafai rivers.] [1899.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 8, 1899, xlviii-xlix, liv-lv ; 10, 1900, xvii. 8. An ornithological expedition to the Zambesi river. Ibis, 5, 1899, 549-583; 6, 1900, 70-109, 424-458. Alexander, Carl. Untersuchungen liber die Nebennieren und ihre Beziehungen zum Nervensystem. Beitr. Path. Anat., 11, 1892, 145-197. 2. Die Photographic des Blasen-Innern.... Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1895 (Abth. la), 73-74. Alexander, {Miss) Catherine. Observations on the glands in the leaf and stem of Myoporum laetum, Forster. [1886.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 19, 1887, 314-316. Alexander, E. J. The relative ages of the older gold- bearing "leads" or ancient river beds of Ballarat, Creswick, Ararat, etc., and the marine Tprtiary forma- tions of Victoria and South Australia. [1887.] Aust. Geol. Soc. Trans., 1, 1886-92, 91-97. Alexander, (Gen.) Eldward] P[orter]. [Notes on the hurricane of October, 1893.] [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 475-476. 2. Notes on the hurricane of Sept. 25-27, 1894. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 341-342. 3. The destructive forces of hurricanes and the conditions of safety and danger. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 153-156. 4. The storm waves of South Carolina and Texas. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 381. Alexander, Franz. Zur Kenntniss des Caseins und seiner peptischen Spaltungsprodukte. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 411-429. Alexander, Gustav. Beitrag zur makroskopischen Prae- paration des hautigen Labyrinthes des Menschen. Eine anatomische Studie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1895, 115-188. 2. Zur Technik der Wachsplattenreconstruction. Ueber Richtungsebenen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 334-348. 3. Zu " Zur Herstellung von Richtebenen und Richt- linien" von G. Born und K. Peter. [1899.] Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 15, 1898, 446-448. 4. Zur Anatomie der janusartigen Doppelmissbil- dungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Synotie. Arch. EntwMech., 8, 1899, 642-688. 5. Zur Anatomie des Ganglion vestibulare der Saugethiere. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 {Abth. 3), 449-469 ; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 453-454. 6. Zur vergleichenden, pathologischen Anatomie des Gehororganes. I. Gehororgan und Gehim einer unvoU- kommen albinotischen, weissen Katze. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 50, 1900, 159-181. 7. Ueber Entwicklung und Bau der Pars inferior Labyrinthi der hoheren Saugethiere. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie des Ohrlabyrinthes. [1900.] Wien, Ak. Deukschr., 70, 1901, 429-482. 8—2 Alexander] 60 [Alezais Alexander, Gustav, & Kreidl, Alois. Zur Physiologie des Labyrinthes der Tanzmaus. Pflliger, Arch. Physiol., 82, 1900, 541-552. Alexander, Gmtau, & Moszkowicz, L. Ueber eine seltene Missbildung der Ohrmuschel. Arch. Ohren- . heilk., 50, 1900, 97-101. Alexander, H. Dosage volum^trique du plomb. [Tr.] [1893.] Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, 204. Alexander, Hans. Versuche einer Synthese des Conydrins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2714-2715. 2. Ueber Phenylapfelsauren. Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 67-86. 3. Einwirkung von Formaldehyd auf Orthodimethyl- toluidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2408. 4. Eeduction des Cumarons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2409-2411. 5. Ueber die angebliche Zerlegung des Schwefels. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 93-95. 6. Ueber die Einwirkung des Acetylens auf Kupfer. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2381-2384. Alexander, Heinrich. Ueber hydroxylaminbaltige Platin- basen. [1887.] Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 239-264. Alexander, (Rev.) J. M. The craters of Mokuaweoweo, on Mauna Loa. [1885.] Nature, 34, 1886, 232-234. 2. On the summit crater [of Mauna Loa] in October, 1885, and its survey. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 85-39. Alexander, J. Owen. See Gilzean, A. R. Alexander, (Gen. Sir) James Edioard. For biography and works see Geogr. Soc. Proc. , 7, 1885, 343-344 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 160, 210-211 ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 2, 1886, 34; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 350-351. Alexander, iohn, & Carnelley, Thomas. See Carnelley & Alexander. Alexander, Peter. Failing cases of Fodkier's double- integral theorem. [1884.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 3, 1885, 12-18. 2. Boole's and other proofs of Fourier's double- integral theorem. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 3, 1886, 45-58. 3. A theory of storm travel. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 16, 1885, 194-202. 4. Approximate formulae for the motion of projectiles. [1886.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 18, 1887, 237-241. 5. How to use the polari.scope in the practical determination of internal stress and strain. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 18, 1887, 242-248. 6. A proof of Fourier's series for periodic functions. Messenger of Math., 16, 1887, 23-26. 7. Extensions of Fourier's trigonometric series theorems. Messenger of Math., 16, 1887, 42-61. 8. Expansion of functions in terms of linear, cylindric, spherical, and allied functions. [1886.] Edinb. Koy. Soc Trans., 33, 1888, 313-320. Alexander, S. The thermal belts and cold island of southeastern Michigan. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 1 (1884-85), 467-471. 2. Freaks of the frost. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 2 (1886-86), 28-29. 3. Kemarkable optical phenomenon. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 486. 4. Heavy rainfall and its consequences. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 5 (1888-89), 510. Alexander, Stephen. For biography and works see Amer. Ac Proc, 19, 1884, 504-511. Alexander, Thomas. 3. Equilibrium of a cylindrical shell. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 366. 4. Attraction in a spherical hollow. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 270-271. Alexander, Thomas, & Blakiston, (Capt.) Thomas Wright. See Blakiston & Alexander. Alexander, Thomas, & Thomson, Arthur W. On two- nosed catenaries and their application to the design of segmental arches. [1888.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 43-99. 2. The Alexander-Thomson moment delineator, and its application to maximum bending moments due to moving loads. [With discussion.'] [1889.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 33, 1890, 55-74. 3. On elliptographs, and on a mechanical rocker for detecting oscillations. [1891.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 673-708. Alexander, W. S. An ideal germicide, deodorant, and antizymotic, possessing the same germicidal power as corrosive sublimate without its toxicity. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 53-55. Alexander, Walter. Ueber die Phtalylverbindungen des Aminoacetals. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3102- 3105. Alexander, William. Assign to this author No. 2 (Vol. 1). For biographical notice and works see Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 10, 1889, 251-253. Alexander, William H[enry]. The flood of January, 1880, at Basseterre, St. Kitts, W. I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 196. 2. [Observations of the St. Kitts, W. L, hurricane.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 396, 409-410. 3. Climatology of St. Kitts. U. S. Monthly Weath. Bev., 27 (1899), 583-587 ; 28 (1900), 66-67, 330-333, v. 4. Thunderstorms at Antigua, W.I. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 380-381. 5. Rainfall on the island of St. Kitts, W. L U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 487-488. Alexandre, Andre Pierre. For biographical notice see N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 262-263. Alexandre, Paul. Recherches exp6rimentales sur les mortiers hydrauliques. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 20 (1890), 277-428. Alexi, A. P. Die St.-Georger Sauerlinge im Nordosten Siebenbiirgens und die Flora auf dem Gebiete derselben. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 12, 1892, 12-31. Alexis, (le frere) [secular name Oochet, M.]. L'heure universelle et le meridien initial cosmopolite. Rev. Quest. Sci., 15, 1884, 159-170; 26, 1889, 353-370. 2. Note relative k I'unitication des heures. Paris, Soc. Gdogr. C. R., 1890, 89-93. 3. Les 24 fuseaux horaires pour la r^glementation Internationale des heures. Rev. Quest. Sci., 27, 1890, 512-517. Aley, Robert Judson. Contributions to the geometry of the triangle. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Math.), 1,1897, 3-32. Alezais, H[enri]. De la bourse sereuse de Fleischman ou bourse sublinguale. Robin, Jl. Anat., 20, 1884, 441-454. 2. La main des ouvriers bouchonniers et de quelques ouvriers d'une manufacture de pianos. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 1124-1127. 3. Aire chirurgicale des sinus frontaux. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 708-712. 4. Monstre p^rac6phale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 437-440. 5. Note sur le mode de communication du sinus frontal avec le m^at moyen. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (G. R.), 702-705. 6. Note sur I'urine normale du cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 213-214. 7. De I'urine du cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 576-589 ; Paris, Soc Biol.' M(5m., 49, 1897 (C. R. ), 413-414. 8. Les muscles scalenes du cobaye. Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 896-898. 9. Note sur les muscles masticateurs du cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1068-1070. 10. Contribution a I'^tude de la capsule surr^nale du cobaye. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 444-454. 11. Le poids des reins chez le cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 188-189. Alezais] 61 [Alfken 12. Note sur revolution de quelques glandes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R ), 425-427. 13. De la vertebre diaphragmatique de Giebkl. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 686-687. 14. Contribution a I'^tude de la plevre et du p^ritoine chez le cobaye. Eobin, JI. Anat., 34, 1898, 487-495. 15. Etude anatomique du cobaye (Cavia cobaya). Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 735-756 ; 35, 1899, 33.3-381 ; 36, 1900, 635-648. 16. Le Tasnia semi-circularis. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 266. 17. L'innervation du grand adducteur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 563-564. 18. La torsion du tendon d'Achille chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C. R.), 728-729. 19. L'articnlation du coude et la prono-supination de I'avant-bras. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C.R.), 508-510. 20. Le quadriceps femoral des sauteurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 510-511. 21. Quelques adaptations fonctionnelles du grand pectoral et du grand dorsal. Pai'is, Soc. Biol. M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 701-703. 22. Note sur quelques adaptations fonctionnelles des muscles des membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 {C. R.), 998-999. Alezais, B[enri], & Amaud, Francois {D.M.). Ee- cherches exp^rimentales sur la toxicity de la substance des capsules surrenales. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1889 (Ft. 2), 703-707. 2. Sur les caracteres du sang efferent des capsules surrenales. Ass. Fran(,i. C. E., 1890 {Ft. 2), 808-810. 3. Sur la repartition des elements nerveux dans les capsules surrenales. Ass. Franp. C. E., 1891 (Ft. 1), 325. Alezais, Hlenril, & Astros, Leon d\ Les arteres nourricieres des noyaux du moteur oculaire commun et du pathetique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1832 (C. R.), 492-493. 2. La circulation arterielle du pedoncule cerebral. Eobin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 519-528; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem , 44, 1892 (C. R.), 273-274. Alezais, H[enri\ & FaUot, A[rthur\ See FaUot & Alezais. Alezais, H[enri], & Francois, L. La tension arterielle dans la fievre typhoi'de a forme muqueuse. Ass, Fran<;. C. E., 1897 [Ft. 2), 807-811. Alezais, H[enri\ & Iiivon, Charles. Sec Uvon & Alezais. Alezais, H[enri], & Queirel, [Augtiste]. See Queirel & Alezais. Alfa, J[ohann], & Weinland, R[itdolf] I<\riedrich]. See vreinland & Alfa. Alfani, Guido. Primo studio sulle vibrazioui telluriche in relazione agli urti marini. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 1-2. AileraJsijSergeJlNikolaevii^]. 4. Berichtigung zu meinem Artikel iiber Colias im Jahrg. 1883 S. 488. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 45, 1884, 476. 5. Diagnoses de quelques Lepidopteres inedits du Thibet. [Cf. No. 8.] Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 3, 1887, 403-406. 6. Diagnosen einiger neuer centralasiatischer Lepi- dopteren. [Cf. No. 10.] Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 48, 1887, 167-171. 7. Neue Lepidopteren. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 49, 1888, - 66-69. 8. Lepidopteres rapportes du Thibet par le General • N. M. Pkzewalsky de son voyage de 1884-85. Mem. Lepidopt., St. petersb., 5, 1889, 59-89. 9. Lepidopteres rapportes de la Chine et de la Mongolia par G. N. Potanine. Mem. L6pidopt., St. petersb., r>, 1889, 90-123; 6, 1892, 1-81. 10. Le Pamir et sa faune lepidopterologique. Seconde partie (speciale). iv. Noctuelites. Mem. Lepidopt., St. petersb., 5, 1889, 124-191. 11. Zur Lepidopteren-Fauna von Teneriffa. [Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. G. Sievers.] Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 203-232. 12. Sur quelques Lepidopteres de la Eussie meridio- nale. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 5, 1889, 233-240. 13. De I'olfaction chez les Lepidopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, xcvii-c. 14. On some cases of dimorphism and polymorphism among palasarctic Lepidoptera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 497-502. 15. Ky.iiji.JKa II TflHi,-lIIaHb. ITyTeBWH .3aM- f.TKll. [Kuldja and Tian-Shan. Travel notes.] St. Petersb., Soc. Eusse Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 23 {No. 2), 1891, 192 pp. 16. Lepidoptera nova a Gr. Grum-Geshijiailo in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. Soc. Ent. Eoss. Horse, 26, 1892, 444-459. 17. Lepidoptera nova Asiae Centralis. Iris, 6 (1893), 346-347. 18. Notes lepidopterologiques. Iris, 7 (1894), 303- 313 ; 8 (1895), 171-180. 19. Lepidopteres nouveaux. Iris, 8 (1895), 180-202. 20. Lepidopteres rapportes par M. Gr. Groum- Grshimailo de I'Asie Centrale en 1889-90. Mem. Lepi- dopt., St. petersb., 9, 1897, 1-81. 21. Lepidopteres des provinces chinoises Se-Tchoiien et Kham recueillis, en 1893, par G. N. Potanine. Mem. Lepidopt., St. petersb., 9, 1897, 83-149. 22. Lepidopteres de I'Amour et de la Coree. Mem. Lepidopt., St. petersb., 9, 1897, 151-184. 23. Memoire sur differents Lepidopteres tant nou- veaux que peu connus, de la faune paiearctique. Mem. Lepidopt., St. petersb., 9, 1897, 185-227. 24. Sur quelques Lepidopteres rapportes de I'Asie, en 1893-95, par I'expedition de MM. Eoborowsky et KozLov. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 229- 237. 25. Lepidopteren aus Kamtschatka gesammelt von 0. Herz. Mem. Lepidopt., St. Petersb., 9, 1897, 301- 347. Alferov, Sergej. 2. Nouvel appareil servant a compter exactement les globules sanguins. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 269-286. Alffers, F[ranz], & Jannascb, Faul. See Jannaseh & Alffers. Alfken, J. Biedrich. Systematisches Verzeichnis der bisher in der Umgegend von Bremen aufgefundenen Faltenwespen. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 282-284. 2. Hymenopterologische Beobachtungen. Zwei neue Farbenvarietiiten von Bombus soroensis, Fdbr. Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 553-555. 3. Beitrage zur Insekten-Fauna der Nord-See-Insel Juist. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Th. 2), 136-142. 4. Mittheilungen iiber das Leben einiger Apiden : Bombiis, Andrena, Nomada und Osmia. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 {Th. 2), 160-162. 5. 13iologiscbe Beobachtungen an Hymenopteren. Ent, Nachr., 18, 1892, 209-211. 6. Erster Beitrag zur Insekten-Fauna der Nord- See-Insel Juist. [1891.] Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 97- 1.30. 7. Verzeichnis der Blattwespen von Juist. [1895.] Bremen Abh. , 13, 1896, 348-349. 8. Ueber einige wenig bekannte Halictus-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 23, 1897, 101-108. 9. Eine neue Megachile-Art : M. Kiinnemanni, n. sp. Ent. Nachr., 23, 1897, 161-162. 10. Zwei neue Farbungen von Bombus pratorum, L. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 158. Alfken] 62 [AUain-Le Canu 11. Nomada flavoguttata, K., var. Hoppneri. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 158-159. 12. Ueber Halictus punctatissimus, Schenck. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 305. 13. Ueber Halictus cephalicus, Mor. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 305-306. 14. Megachile Schauinslandi, n. sp. Eine neue Megachile-Art aus Honolulu. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 340-341. 15. Ein Beitrag zur Bienen-Fauna von Giessen. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 3, 1898, 292-294, 342-344. 16. Anthrenaafzeliella, ii'(r6?/,und Verwandte. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 102-106, viii. 17. Ueber das Leben von Cerceris arenaria, L., und rybiensis, L. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 106-111. 18. Halictus tumulorum, L., und seine Verwandten. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 114-126. 19. Synonymisehe Bemerkungen iiber einige Apiden. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 145-147. 20. Die Xylocopa-Art der Hawaiian Islands. Nicht X. aeneipennis, Deg., sondern X. chloroptera, Lep. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 317-318. 21. Pyrameis Ida, Ji. sp. Ein neuer Tagfalter nebst einer Varietat von den Chatham Islands. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 5-8. 22. Die Gruppe der Anthrena nigriceps, Kirby. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 3-7. 23. Zwei neue Colletes-Arten des palaBarktischen Gebietes. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 74-76. 24. Xylocopa cantabrita, Lej}. i . Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 77. 25. Ueber Leben und Entwicklung von Eucera diffi- cilis (Diif.) Per. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 157-159. 26. Drei neue Anthrena-Arten aus Japan. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 177-180. 27. Bombus soroensis, F., Form Proteus, Gerst., und seine Farben-Varietaten. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 184-190. 28. Stilbula Knuthii, eine neue javanische Eucharide (Chalcidoide). Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 191-192. 20. Die nordwestdeutschen Prosopis-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 233-244. Alford, Charles J. 3. Da Durban a Beira. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 2, 1893, 105-120. 4. [Remarks supplementary to Mr Canning's paper : "The Lucknow (N. S.W.) gold field," on the origin of the serpentine.] [IVith discussion.] Inst. Min. Metall. Trans., 7, 1899, 264-270. Algerl, Giovanni. Contribuzione alio studio della cosi detta asfissia locale negli alienati. Riv. Sper. di Frenia- tria, 10, 1884, 126-135. 2. Epilessia larvata: stato psico-epilettico protratto per pill mesi : omicidio e ferimenti. Riv. Sper. di Frenia- tria, 15, 1889 (Med. Legale), 139-181. Algeri, Giovanni, & XHXarchi, Vittorio. Contributo alio studio delle lesioni della protuberanza anulare. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 11, 1886, 254-278. See also SXarclii & Algeri. Algeri, Giovanni, & Taiubroni, Ruggero. See Tambroni & Algeri. Algu6, {padre) Jose. Observatory at Manila, Philippine Islands. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 85-87. 2. Les cyclones aux Philippines et dans les mers de Chine. Etude theorique et pratique. [Tr.] [1897.] Ann. Hydrogr., 21, 1900, 61-198; 22, 1900, 47-161; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 144, 1900, 96-149, 524-564. AU BUgrami. See Syed Ali Bilgrami. Ali-Cohen, Ch. H. Zur Bedeutung des sogenannten Cholerarothes. Fortschr. Med., 5 (1887), 537-540. 2. Zur Frage von der Cholerareaction. Fortschr. Med., 6 (1888), 209-211. 3. Eigenbewegung bei Mikrokokken. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 33-36. 4. Die Chemotaxis als Hiilfsmittel der bakterio- logischen Forschung. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 161-167. Aliamet, . Note sur un nouveau r^actif des sels de cuivre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 754-755. AUbegofF, Georg. Ueber Uranverbindungen. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 117-143. 2. Trennung des Urans von den alkalischen Erden und Alkalien und Bestimmung desselben. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 143-153. Alibert, (baron) [Jean Louis]. For biographical notice see Ann. de Dermatol , 6, 1886, 630-633. Alibrandi, Pietro. Sulla elasticita dei solidi complicata da variazioni di temperatura. Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 77-91. Alino, B. Giner. The disease affecting the elm trees on the estates of the conde del Retamoso, near Tarancon, Spain. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 23 (1899-1900), 343-345. Alison, [J. M.] A. 7. Aperpu sur les principales causes de la phthisic pulmonaire. Arch. G^n. Med. , 156, 1885, 282-318. 8. Contribution a I'etude de I'influence de Falcoolisrae sur le d6veloppement de la tuberculose pulmonaire et de la cirrhose atrophique. Arch. G6n. M^d., 162, 1888, 280-299. 9. Du tannin dans le traitement de la grippe. Arch. G^n. Med. , 164, 1889, 159-186. Alison, John. The so-called Simson line. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 3, 1886, 77-93. 2. Statical proofs of some geometrical theorems. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 58-60. 3. Maximum and minimum. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 83-85. Alison, M. S. On the origin and formation of pans. [1898.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 159-161. Alix, [Charles] lC[mile]. Assign to this author titles (Vol. 9) under Alix, , and Alix, (Dr.). 3. [L'intelligence des animaux.] Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 798-799. 4. [De suicide des scorpions.] Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 92. 5. De I'hypnotisme. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 142-178. 6. A propos des instincts et de l'intelligence. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1888, 130-160. 7. Etude du reve. Toulouse Ac. Sci. M6m., 1, 1889, 283-326; 5, 1893, 604-621. 8. Le pr^tendu sens de direction chez les animaux. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 532-534. 9. Exposition retrospective de documents anciens. Toulouse Ac. Sci. M^m., 4, 1892, 292-334. Alix, [Pierre Henri] Edmond. 40. *Sur la presence du muscle ^pim^ral chez I'Ursus labiatus. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1877, 48-49. 41. *Sur le role des muscles intercostaux. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1877, 49-50. 42. Sur la classification musculaire des vertebras, Paris Soc. Philom. M6m. Cent., 1888, 47*-62*. Alix, P[ierre Marius]. Contribution a la geographie m^dicale. Les ties Glorieuses. Arch. M^d. Navale, 59, 1893, 349-351. 2. Contribution a la geographie m^dicale. Djeddah. Pelerinages. Cholera. Arch. MM. Navale, 62, 1894, 321-344. Alkemade. See Rijn van Alkemade. Alker, F. Dreifacher Regenbogen. Wetter, 5, 1888, 142. Alia, L[ucien], & Aubin, Emile. See Aubin & Alia. AUain, L[eandre Emile]. Sur un moyen simple d'obvier a la decomposition du chloroforme a I'aide du soufre. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 252-255. AUain, Rene. [Le Transsaharien.] Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1890, 330-332. Allain-Zie Canu, [Jacques Frangois Louis] Jules. Sur ^^M une combinaison d'^ther ac^tique et de chlorure de '1^ calcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 110-112. Allain-Le Canu] 63 [AUardice a. Sur une combinaison d'ether acdtique et de chlorure de magnesium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 363-365. 3. Etude chimique et thermique des acides phenol- sulfuriques. Acide paraphenolsulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 103, 1886, 385-388 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. , 47, 1887,, 879-882. 4. Etude chimique et thermique des acides phenol- sulfuriques. Acide orthophenolsulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 225-228, 306-308. 5. Sur I'acide ph6noldisulfonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 442-444. 6. Action du brome sur le paraxylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 534-535. 7. Action de la phenylhydrazine sur les bromures, chlorures et iodures alcooliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 105-106. 8. Action de la phenylhydrazine sur les iodures alcooliques. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 1), 157-158. Allaire, H. Eecherches sur les boracites iodees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127. 1898, 555-557. Allaire, H., & Rousseau, [Henri] Gustave. See Rousseau & AUaire. Allaire, Pierre, & Richardson, George M[ann]. See Richardson & AUaire. Allan, F[rancis] B[arclaij]. Vapour-tension of concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 120-124. Allan, G[eorge] Wlilliavi]. 2. Some of our migratory birds. [1885.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 3, 1886, 87-100. Allan, George. Patent composite-steel-and-iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1887 (No. 1), 42-70, 77-90. Allan, George E. Note on the alteration of the index of refraction of water with temperature. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1890, 126-127. Allan, George S. Caries of the teeth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 677-685. Allan, John. For biography see Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 524 ; Edinb. Nat. Soc. Trans., 2, 1891, 275-279. Report on a visit to Applecross by the members of the summer camp 1886. [1887.] Edinb. , Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 117-121. Allan, John [Frederick]. The pyrites deposits of the pro- vince of Huelva. [With discussion.] [1887.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 37, 1888, 27-51. Allan, John. Note on oxyceUulose. [With discussion.] [1897.] Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 14, 1898, 6-8. Allan, Percy. Timber bridge construction in New South Wales. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 29 (1895), i-xv. a. Lift bridge over the Murray at Swan Hill. [1896.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 30, 1897, xc-ci. Allan, Samuel Ellsicorth. Some remarks on the anatomical points concerned in the Stacke operation. Arch. Otol., 23, 1894, 35-43. Allara, V[incenzo]. 3. Sulla estirpazione della tiroide. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 281-284. 4. Sulla vicari eta fun zionale dialcuni epitelii. Speri- mentale, 57, 1886, 521-522; 58, 1886, 387-392. AUard, A. *Resume des observations m^t^orologiques faites a Tournai en 1877. Brux. Obs. Ann. {Met.), 1, 1881, 146. Allard, E[mile]. 9. Note sur le manuel hydrologique du bassin de la Seine. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 8 (1884), 610-634. Allard, E[mile], Babinet, J[acques] A[ndre], & Iiemoine, Georges.^ See Babinet, Allard & Xiemoine. Allard, E[mile], Heude, H., & Iiemoine, Georges. See Heude, Allard & X.enioine. Allard, E[viile], Iiemoine, Georges, & Lallemand, Charles. See I.emoine, Allard & Iiallemand. Allard, Ernest. 36. Diagnoses de quatre nouveaux Coleoptferes. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 248. 37. Diagnose de Coleopt^res nouveaux. [1885.] Naturaliste, [3 (1886-87)], 39. 38. Classification des Adesmides et des Megagenides (Lacord.). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, 155-208. 39. Coleoptera nova. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1886, 180. 40. [Diagnoses de quelques especes nouvelles de Col^opteres phytophages.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cc-ccii. 41. Diagnoses de Col^opteres nouveaux du genre Monolepta. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 260, 270, 286. 42. Synopsis des Gal^rucines k corselet sillonne transversalement. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, 305- 332. 43. Note sur les Gal^rucides, Coleopteres phyto- phages. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, Ixvi-lxxxiii, cii-cxvii; 34, 1890, Ixxx-xciv. 44. Diagnoses de Col6opt6res nouveaux. Naturaliste, 11, 1889, 33, 43. 45. Contributions k la faune indo-chinoise. Galeru- cides et Alticides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 303- 312. 46. Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidentale) en juillet et aout 1886 ...Chrysomelides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 555- 558. 47. [Collection d'insectes form6e dans I'lndo-Chine par M. Pavie.] Coleopteres. Phytophages. Het^romeres. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 3, 1891, 229-234, 235-236. 48. Diagnoses de Coleopteres nouveaux de I'lnde. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 104. 49. Descriptions de Coleopteres nouveaux. Natura- liste, 16, 1894, 116, 153, 162, 189, 275, 285; 17, 1896, 11, 26. 50. Diagnoses de Coleopteres americains. Natura- liste, 16, 1894, 259. 51. Note sur les Bruchides recueillis dans I'lnde anglaise par M. Andre wes, de Londres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 39, 1895, 225-228. 52. [Un nouveau Bruchide de Madagascar.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, cliv. 53. Trois especes nouvelles de Coleopteres des Indes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cciii-ceiv. 54. Liste des Coleopteres appartenant aux families des Dermestida;, Erotylidie, Endomychidse et Coccinel- lidsB, recueillis en Indo-Chine et oiferts au Museum par M. Pavie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 246- 247. 55. Heterom^res recueillis an Sikkim par le Dr. Harmand. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 318-321. Allard, Ernest, & Sodero, Agostino. Due nuovi Coleotteri italiani raccolti in Sardegna da Umberto Lostia di S. Sofia. [Italia] Soc. Ent. Bull., 19, 1887, 333-334. Allard, Felix. Traitement du glaucome chronique simple par la galvanisation du sympathique cervical. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 372-373. Allard, Felix, & Meige, Henry. Effets produits par les differents modes d'excitation de la peau dans un cas de grand dermographisme. Arch. G^n. M^d., 182, 1898, 33-50. Allard, H. Fosfor sasom abortivum i Sverige och utlandet. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh. , 2, 1897, 25-46. Allard, Marie. Climatologie de Grignon. Observations meteorologiques recueillies en 1885. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 234-256. Allard, Marie, & Iiez6, R. See Iiez6 & Allard. Allard. See also Sarran d' Allard. AUardice, R[obert] E[dgar]. Spherical geometry, Edinb, Math. Soc. Proc, 2, 1884, 8-16, a. Radical axes in spherical geometry, Edinb. Math, Soc Proc, 3, 1886, 59-61, 3. Solution of a problem proposed by Dr. Muib, Edinb, Math. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 37. AUardice] 64 [Allen 4. Projective geometry of the sphere. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 56-58. 5. The equilateral and the equiangular polygon. [1886.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 5, 1887, 28-38. 6. Geometrical notes. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 5, 1887, 78-83. 7. A method of transformation in geometry. [1887.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, 14-21. 8. On Stirling's approximation to n ! when n is large. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, 22-24. 0. On the inscription of a triangle of given shape in a given triangle. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc. , 6, 1888, 42-47. 10. A construction for the Brocard points. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, 88. 11. Note on a formula in quaternions. Edinb. Math. Soc Proc, 7, 1889, 8-10. 12. On the expression of a symmetric function in terms of the elementary symmetric functions. Edinb. Math. Soc Proc, 7, 1889, 41-42. 13. On some theorems in the theory of numbers. [1889.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 8, 1890, 16-19. 14. On a property of odd and even polygons. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 8, 1890, 22-26. 15. On a problem in permutations. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 8, 1890, 64-69. 16. Notes on the solution of certain equations. [1890.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc Proc, 17, 1891, 139-142. 17. On some properties of a triangle of given shape inscribed in a given triangle. Edinb. Math. Soc Proc, 9, 1891, 39-48. 18. The barycentric calculus of Moebius. [1891.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 10, 1892, 2-21. 19. On the contact-property of the eleven-point conic. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 10, 1892, 37-41. 20. On a surface of the third order. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 10, 1892, 59-62. 21. Note on four circles touching a common circle. [1900.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 19, 1901, 7-9. AUardice, Rloberf] E[dgar], & Fraser, A. Y. La tour d'Ha- noi. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 2, 1884, 50-52. Allary, Eugene. 6. Kegeneration des acides residus de la fabrication du coton-poudre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 102-103. 7. Chlore et cyanogene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 865-867 ; 50, 1888, 43. Allaume, . M^moire sur le trac6 des courbes de raccordement par cordes successives. Ann. Conduct. Ponts et Chauss., 34, 1890, 76-79. £i.\aiM\X,T\hovias] Clifford. 5. Music, rhythm, and muscle. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 340. 6. Theory and practice. Nature, 56 (1897), 332-333. 7. Historical aspects of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Nature, 62 (1900), 630-632. Allchin, W[^iUiavi] H^enryl, & Hebb, ll\;ichard] Glrainger^ Lymphangiectasis intestini. London Path. Soc Trans., 46, 1895, 221-223. Alldridge, T\}iovias'\ J\oshua\. Wanderings in the Hinter- land of Sierra Leone. Geogr. Jl., 4, 1894, 123-140. Alleger, Walter W. Formalin. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 15 (1893), 192-197, 219-220. 2. Surgical cleanliness. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 15 (1893), 222-223. 3. Formalin in bacteriology, with more especial reference to its action on the bacillus of diphtheria. Amer. Micr. Jl., 15, 1894, 104-112. 4. Some remarks on the limitation of tuberculosis, illustrating the value of the microscope in preventive medicine. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 16 (1894), 101-111. 5. Agar-agar. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 20, 1899, 91-95. Alligret, \^Alexa7idre']. 29. Kecherches chronologiques sur les fastes de la Eepublique Romaine et I'ancien calendrier de Numa Pompilius. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 28, 1886, 1-188. AUein, , & aaud, Fernand. Sur certains produits de decomposition du glucose. Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 300- 305. 2. Sur un nonveau mode de dosage du glucose par liqueur cuproalcaline. Jl. Pharm. , 30, 1894, 305-307. Alleman, Jy. A. ir. The papillitis of sunstroke. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 489-491. Allen, A[mon] W[arreii], & Norton, Lewis Mills. See Norton & Allen. Allen, Alfred Hlenry], 40. Notes on the estimation of lead in aerated waters. Analyst, 9, 1884, 194-195. 41. Note on the stability of hypobromite solution, and its use for the titration of oils, etc. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 65-67. 42. Note on the optical estimation of milk-sugar. Analyst, 10, 1885, 72. 43. On Eeichkkx's method of examining butter-fat. Analyst, 10, 1885, 103-105. 44. The determination of ethyl nitrite and the change undergone by the spirit of nitrous ether on keeping. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1885, 463-469; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 440-442. 45. The as.say of amyl nitrite. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1885, 469-472; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 442-443. 46. The determination of ethyl nitrite in the spirit of nitrous ether and kindred preparations. Pharm. Jl., 15, 1885, 673-675. 47. New and little-known applications of the nitro- meter. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 4, 1885, 178-182. 48. On the determination of the glycerin produced by the saponification of fatty oils. Analyst, 11, 1886, 52-54. 49. Commercial shark oil. Analyst, 11, 1886, 122- 126. 50. On the saponification-equivalents of fixed oils. Analyst, 11, 1886, 145-147. 51. Note on the fat of porpoise milk. Analyst, 11, 1886, 190. 52. On the specific gravity and some other characters of waxes and allied bodies. Analyst, 11, 1886, 223-228. 53. Further notes on the methods of examining and chemistry of fixed oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 65-71, 282-283. 54. Note on Eeichert's distillation process. [1886,] Analyst, 12, 1887, 11-13. 55. An improved method of detecting quassia and certain other hop-substitutes in beer. Analyst, 12, 1887, 107-112. 56. Laboratory notes. [1. Alumina in wheat. 2. Precipitation of hop-bitter by lead acetate. 3. Note on the determination of sulphur in oils.] Analyst, 13, 1888, 41-45. 57. The detection of saccharine in beer. Analyst, 13, 1888, 105-106. 58. On the detection of cotton-seed oil in lard. Analyst, 13, 1888, 161-165. 59. The use of the term "normal" in volumetric analysis. Analyst, 13, 1888, 181-183. 60. Adulteration of lard with cocoa-nut oil. Analyst, 13, 1888, 189-190. 61. On the precipitation of hop-bitter by lead acetate. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 53-54. 62. The analytical examination of water for technical purposes. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 7, 1888, 795-802. 63. On the assay of commercial picric acid. [ With discussion.] Soc. Dyers Col. JL, 4, 1888, 84-88. 64. On some abnormal samples of butter. [1888.] Analyst, 14, 1889, 5-14. 65. Methyl-orange and other indicators. Pharm. JL, 19, 1889, 902-905. Allen] 65 [Allen 66. On some of the constituents of natural waters, with observations on lead-corrosion. Soc. Dyers Col. Jl, 5, 1889, 54-58. 67. Notes on commercial cresylic acid and allied products. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 141-143. 68. On the constitution of butter-fat. Analyst, 16, 1891, 161-167. 69. Suggestions for the assay of aconite and its preparations. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1891, 451-465; Pharm. JL, 22, 1892, 230-233. 70. On the reaction of glycerides with alcoholic alkalies. Chem. News, 64, 1891, 179-182. 71. Studies on saponification. Chem. News, 64, 1891, 263-265. 72. The chemistry of whisky and allied products. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 305-312, 519-521. 73. Notes on Tabakie's method of determining alcohol. [1891.] Analyst, 17, 1892, 5. 74. Experiments on the alkaloid of tea. [Witli discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1892, 415- 437; Pharm. JL, 23, 1893, 213-220. 75. The volumetric determination of the alkaloids. Chem. News, 66, 1892, 259. 76. Note on G. S. Cox's paper on cider-vinegar. Analyst, 19, 1894, 91-92. 77. The examination of urine for small quantities of sugar. Analyst, 19, 1894, 178-184. 78. On extraneous mineral matter contained in commercial ginger. Analyst, 19, 1894, 217-220. 79. Notes on commercial condensed milks. Analyst, 20, 1896, 274-275. 80. Note on the titration of quinine. Analyst, 21, 1896, 85-87. 81. Note on the preparation of pure hydrofluoric acid. Analyst, 21, 1896, 87. 82. On the composition and analysis of commercial cream of tartar. Analyst, 21, 1896, 174-180. 83. Note on the analysis of cream of tartar. Analyst, 21, 1896, 209. 84. Note on the concentration of condensed milk. Analyst, 21, 1896, 281-282. 85. On white-wine vinegar. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1896, 321-326; Pharm. JL, 3, 1896, 104-105. 86. Condensed milk. [With discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1896, 326-331. 87. An improved method of determining urea by the hypobromite process. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 31-33. 88. The chemistry of whisky. [1896.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing JL, 3, 1897, 24-46, 560, 89. Note on the assay of electro-plating and gilding solutions. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 199. 90. A proposed new method of examining pepsin. Pharm. JL, 5, 1897, 561-562. 91. On the synthesis of albumin. Pharm. JL, 7, 1898, 242-243. 92. The detection of arsenic. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 305. See also Thorpe, Thomas Edward {et alii). Allen, Alfred H[enry], & Chattaway, William. Note on the composition of some preparations sold as hop substitutes. Analyst, 12, 1887, 112-114. 2. Note on the detection of hop substitutes in beer. Analyst, 15, 1890, 181-183. 3. On the examination of spirituous liquids for secondary constituents. Analyst, 16, 1891, 102-115. Allen, Alfred H[enry], & Cox, F. Hudson. Note on the presence of heavy metals in cheese. Analyst. 22, 1897, 187-188. Allen, Alfred II[ennj], & ZZomftay, D[avid]. Note on the reaction of acetin with alcoholic potash. Analyst, 16, 1891, 167-169. R. S. A. C. 2. Further notes on acetin. Analyst, 16, 1891, 201- 202. Allen, Alfred H[enri/], & Moor, C[resacre] Gleorge]. Vinegar. Analyst, 18, 1893, 240-246. 2. On the detection of exhausted ginger. Analyst, 19, 1894, 124-127. 3. On the change in the composition of butter by long keeping. Analyst, 19, 1894, 128-131. Allen, Alfred H[enry], & Searle, Alfred B. An improved method of determining proteid and gelatinoid substances. Analyst, 22, 1897. 258-263. Allen, Carrie M. A contribution to the development of Parypha crocea. Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 1, 1900, 291-315. Allen, Charles. 2. *Two hundred tables of elevation above tide-level of the railroad stations, summits and tunnels; canal locks and dams, river riffles, etc., in and around Pennsylvania. ...Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., N, 1878, 279 pp. Allen, Charles R. , & Jones, Harry C[lary]. See Jones & Allen. Allen, Charles Slaver. For biographical notice see Auk, 11, 1894, 86-87. Breeding habits of the fish hawk on Plum Island, New York. Auk, 9, 1892, 313-321. 2. The nesting of the black duck on Plum Island. Auk, 10, 1893, 53-59. Allen, Charles W[arrene]. Leprosy in the United States, and its relation to the state, N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 318-323, 347-352. 2. Some ways of preventing the spread of syphilis. N. Y. Med. JL, 56, 1892, 310-313. Allenj E[diviu] lV[est]. The needs and requirements of a control of feeding stuffs, U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1897, 421-428. Allen, E[dwin] lV[est], & Tollens, B[ernhard Christian Gottfried]. Notiz iiber Xylose und Holzgummi aus Stroh und anderen Materialien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 137. 2. Ueber Holzzucker (Xylose) und Holzgummi (Xylan). Liebig's Ann. , 260, 1890, 289-306. 3. Ueber die Xylonsaure, Liebig's Ann,, 260, 1890, 306-313, See also Tollens, B[ernhard Christian Gottfried] (et alii). Allen, Edgar J[ohmon]. On the minute structure of the gills of Palaamonetes varians, [1892.] Quart. Jl. Micr, Sci., 34, 1893, 75-84. 2. Preliminary account of the nephridia and body- cavity of the larva of Palsemonetes varians. [1892.] Roy, Soc. Proc, 52, 1893, 338-342. 3. Nephridia and body-cavity of some decapod Crustacea. Quart. Jl. Mien Sci., 34, 1893, 403-429. 4. Studies on the nervous system of Crustacea. [1894-96.] Quart. JL Micr. Sci,, 86, 1894, 461-482, 483-498; 39, 1897, 33-50, 5. Some points in the histology of the nervous system of the embryonic lobster, Roy. Soc. Proc, 55, 1894, 407-414. 6. On the nervous system of the embryonic lobster. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 470-471. 7. Faunistic notes. January to June, 1895. [1895.] U. K. Mar. Biol, Ass. JL, 4, 1896-97, 48-52. 8. The reproduction of the lobster. [1895.] U, K, Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 4, 1895-97, 60-69, 9. Notes on dredging and trawling work during the latter half of 1895. [1896,] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 4, 1896-97, 164-166. 10. The protection of crabs and lobsters. [1896.] U. K. Mar, Biol. Ass. JL, 4, 1895-97, 182-187. 11. Report on the sponge-fishery of Florida, and the artificial culture of sponges. [1896.] U, K, Mar, Biol. Ass, JL, 4, 1896-97, 188-194. 9 Allen] 66 [Allen 12. Eeport on the present state of knowledge with regard to the habits and migrations of the mackerel (Scomber scomber). [1897.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 1-29. 13. On the fauna and bottom-deposits near the thirty- fathom line from the Eddystone grounds to Start Point. [1899.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 365-542. Allen, Edgar J\olmson], & Todd, R. A. The fauna of the Salcombe estuary. [1900.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 6, 1900-03, 151-214. Allen, Eugene T[ho7na8]. Native iron in the coal measures of Missouri. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 99-104. 2. Notes on the hydroxides of aluminium. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 75-76.' Allen, Eugene T[/toma.s], & Oottschalk, V. H. A new method for tbe determination of aluminium. Amer. Chem. Jl., 24 (1900), 292-304. Allen, Eugene T[]iomas], & ZZill, Henry B{arker']. See HiU & AUen. Allen, Eugene r[/(omfls], & Rogers, H^erbert] F. The action of caustic hydroxides on aluminium. Amer. Chem. JL, 24 (1900), 304-318. Allen, F. B. Mineral found at Waitekauri. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Min.), 1899, C 3, 8. Allen, F[rank] J[ames]. On the nature of the heart- sounds. [1885.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 5, 1886, 321-323. 2. On the cause of the twisting of the umbilical cord, illustrated by mechanical models. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, 300-304. 3. The function of the urethral bulb. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, 235-236. 4. [Dust photographs.] [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892- 93), 342. 6. [Shepton Mallet earthquake, Dec. 30, 1893.] [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 229. 6. The Mendip earthquake of December 30-31, 1893. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 245-246. 7. The teeth and civilisation. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 38, 1895, 673-675. a. Mock-moon phenomenon of May 31st. [1895.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 30, 1896, 122-123. 9. Mirror writing. Brain, 19, 1896, 385-387. 10. The physical basis of life. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 983-984. 11. Subjective transformations of colour. Nature, 56 (1897), 174. 12. The causation of muscle sounds. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xxxi ; 23, 1898-99, [37]. 13. Stereochemistry and vitalism. Nature, 58 (1898), 520. 14. What is life? [1899.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 11, 1902, 44-67. Allen, Francis H[enry]. Tameness of the pine siskin. Auk, 5, 1888, 426. 2. An unusual auroral bow. Science, 11, 1888, 302. 3. Summer birds at Bridgewater and Moultonboro', New Hampshire. Auk, 6, 1889, 76-79, 359. 4. Summer birds of the Bras D'Or region of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Auk, 8, 1891, 164-166. 6. Irregular abundance of birds in the breeding season in different years at the same locality. Auk, 11, 1894, 334-335. 6. Some notes on Cape Breton summer birds. Auk, 12, 1895, 89-90. 7. The Hudsonian chickadee breeding in southern Vermont. Auk, 13, 1896, 345. 8. Bicknell's thrush on Mt. Ktaadn, Maine. Auk, 15, 1898, 60-61. 9. Habits of the Maryland yellow-throat. Auk, 15, 1898, 75. Allen, Frank. Effect upon the persistence of vision of exposing the eye to light of various wave lengths. Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 257-290; Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 78. Allen, G. H. [The Kansas hot winds.] [1890.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl, 6 (1889-90), 587. Allen, George Young, & Ferkin, Arthur George. See Perkin & Allen. Allen, [CJuirles] Grant [Blairfindie]. For biographical notice and works see Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 13 ; Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 62-63. AUen, H. See Hazen, Henry Allen. Allen, H[erbert] S[ta7iley]. The motion of a sphere in a viscous fluid. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 323-338, 519-534. Allen, Harold N. On the determination of specific heat of vaporization with the vapor calorimeter. [1890.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888-92, 195-204. 2. Energy movements in the medium separating electrified or gravitating particles. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 392-403; Phil. Mag., 39, 1896, 357- 367. 3. The graphic representation of vector potential. Electrician, 36, 1896, 752-753. 4. Fundamental magnetic units. Electrician, 36, 1896, 849-850. 5. The graphical representation of magnetic theories. Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 470-477. 6. The measurement of inductance with the secohm- meter. Electrician, 39, 1897, 379-381. 7. Diagrams of instantaneous voltage in alternate current circuits. Electrician, 39, 1897, 549-550. 8. Sparkless reversal in dynamos. [1898.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 27, 1899, 209-238. 9. The inductance of a portion of an electric circuit. Electrician, 44, 1900, 108-109, 191-193. Allen, Harrison. For biography and works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 709-710; Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1897, 510-515, 518-529 ; Science, 7, 1898, 262-265. 20. *0n a case of human congenital malformation. [1883.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884, 413-418. 21. On a new method of recording the motions of the soft palate. N. Y. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 81-82. 22. Electricity in medicine. [1884.] Franklin Inst. JL, 119, 1885, 310-319. 23. On the pectoral filaments in the sea-robin (Pri- motus palmipes). Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1885, 377. 24. The shape of the hind limb in the Mammalia as modified by the weight of the trunk. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1885, 383-384. 25. On the tarsus of bats. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 175-177. 26. On the types of tooth-structure in Mammalia. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 295-297. 27. On a post-tympanic ossicle in Ursus. Philad. Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886, 36. 28. Muscles of the hind-limb of Cheiromeles tor- quatus. Science, 7, 1886, 506. 29. A prodrome of a memoir on animal locomotion. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1887, 60-67. 30. On the coloration of mammals. Science, 9, 1887, 36. 31. On the flight of birds. Science, 9, 1887, 232. 32. The distribution of the colour marks of the Mammalia. [1887-88.] Philad. Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1888, 84-105. 33. The palatal rugae in man. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1888, 254-272. 34. The occipito-temporal region in the crania of Carnivora. Science, 11, 1888, 71. 35. The anatomy of the nasal chambers. [1888.] N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 113-115. 36. Remarks on the pronghorn (Antilocapra ameri- cana). Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1889, 366-367. 37. On the genus Nyctiuomus and description of Allen] 67 [Allen two new species. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 2f), 1889, 558-563. 38. On the taxonoraic values of the wing-mem- branes, and of the terminal phalanges of the digits in the Chiroptera. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1889, 313- 340. SO. Description of a new species of Carollia and remarks on C. brevicauda. [1889.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 19-26. 40. Description of a new species of Pteropus. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 70-72. 41. Description of a new species of Macrotus. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 72-74. 42. On the distribution of the colour-marks in the PteropodidsB. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1890, 12-30. 43. Description of two new species of bats : Nycti- nomus europs and N. orthotis. U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890, 635-640. 44. Description of a new species of bat, Atalapha semota. [1890.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 13, 1891, 173-175. 45. On a new species of Atalapha. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 29, 1891, 5-7. 46. On the wings of bats. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 335-336. 47. Description of a new species of Vampyrops. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 400-405. 48. On the influence exerted by the tongue on the positions of the teeth. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 451. 40. A new genus of Vespertilionidse. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 467-470. 50. On the molars of the pteropine bats. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892, 172-173. 51. On the cephalo-humeral muscle, and the so- called rudimentary clavicle of Carnivora. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892, 217. 52. On the foramen magnum of the common porpoise, and on a human jaw of unusual size. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1892, 289. 53. The Toner lectures.... Lecture X. A clinical study of the skull. [1889.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 34, 1893, Art. 6, 79 pp. 54. On a new sub-family of phyllostome bats. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 437-439. 56. Description of a new genus of phyllostome bats, [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 441-442. 56. On Temminck's bat, Scotophilus Temminckii. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 443-444. 57. The forms of edentulous jaws in the human subject. Philad. Ac Nat. Sci. Proc, 1893, 11-13. 58. Note on the mechanism of the act of the expulsion of secretion from the anal sac in Mephitis. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1893, 280-281. 50. A monograph of the bats of North America. U. S. Mus. Bull. , 43, 1893, ix + 198 pp. ; U. S. Mus. Proc, 16, 1894, 1-28 [Fart only]. 60. Notes on the genera of Vespertilionidse. [1893.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 16, 1894, 29-31. 61. The changes which take place in the skull, coincident with shortening of the face-axis. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1894, 181-182. 62. Hyperostosis on the inner side of the human lower jaw. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1894, 182-183. 63. Observations on Blarina brevicauda. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1894, 269-270. 64. On a new species of Ametrida. [1894.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 26, 1896, 240-246. 65. Demonstration of skulls showing the effects of cretinism on the shape of the nasal chambers. [1894.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1896, 139-140. 66. Foreign bodies in the oesophagus : specially considered from the points of view of symptomatology and morbid anatomy. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1896, 203- 210. 67. Pithecanthropus erectus. Science, 1, 1896, 239- 240. 68. The classification of skulls. Science, 1, 1895, 381. 60. Crania from the mounds of the St. John's river, Florida : a study made in connection with crania from other parts of North America. [1896.] Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Jl., 10, 1894-96, 367-448. 70. Note on a uniform plan of describing the human skull. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 170-174. 71. The ulna of the common brown bat. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 291. 72. Notes on the vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata), with special reference to its relationships with Desmodus rufus. U. S. Mus. Proc, 18, 1896, 769-777. 73. Description of a new species of the genus Glossophaga. U. S. Mus. Proc, 18, 1896, 779-781, [xiv], 74. On the effects of disease and senility as illus- trated in the bones and teeth of mammals. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 289-294. 75. Observations on Tarsius fuscus. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1897, 34-55. 76. Comparative measurements of skulls. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1897, 482. 77. Glossophaga Truei. Science, 5, 1897, 153. 78. On the Glossophaginae. [Posth.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., 19, 1898, 237-266. 70. The skull and teeth of Ectophylla alba. [Posth.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., 19, 1898, 267-272, SO. A study of Hawaiian skulls. [Posth.] Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., 5, 1898, No. 1, 55 pp. Allen, Henry L. Temperatures obtained by kites at Bergen Point, N. J. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 26 (1898), 161. 2. Eecords by the kite corps at Bayonne, N. J. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 11, 251-252. Allen, (Maj.-Gen.) Henry T[ure7iian]. Ruminants of the Copper river region, Alaska. Science, 7, 1886, 57. 2. Copper river, Alaska, glacial action. Science, 8, 1886, 145-146; Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1886, 516- 518. 3. Atnatanas ; natives of Copper river, Alaska. Smithsonian Rep., 1886, 258-266. Allen, J. Bernard, & TbrelfaU, Richard. See Threlfall & Allen. Allen, J[ohn] F[emvick]. 2. [Deposits of atmospheric impurities on snow.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 9, 1895, 192-194. Allen, J. M. The festoon cloud. Science, 7, 1886, 144. Allen, J. Mayheio. On the generalization of Simpson's rule for joint-life annuities. Inst. Act. Jl., 33, 1898, 535-538. Allen, (Gapt.) James. *To foretell frost. U. S. Signal Serv. Notes, No. 3, 1882, 11 pp. 2. Relation of dew-point to rain forecasts. [U. S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1890, 687-689. Allen, James. Snowdrops. Hortic. Soc. JL, 13, 1891, 172-188. Allen, James F[ranklin]. Parasitic hsematuria, or bloody urine. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 310-320. Allen, Joel Asaph. 66. *Intelligence of the crow. Science, 1, 1883, 513. 67. *Capture of the crested seal on the coast of Massachusetts. Science, 1, 1883, 542-543, 633. 68. Are trinomials necessary? Auk, 1, 1884, 102- 104, 200-202. 60. Can we not have a simpler system of nomen- clature? Auk, 1, 1884, 298-300. 70. A lay view of "ornithophilologicalities." Auk, 1, 1884, 302-304, 419. 9—2 Allen] 68 [Allen 71. Zoological nomenclature. Auk, 1, 1884, 338-353. 72. Sexual selection and the nesting of birds. Aiik, 2, 1886, 129-139. 73. Capture of escaped cage-birds. Auk, 2, 1885, 314-315. 74. A crested auk on the Massachusetts coast. Auk, 2, 1885, 388. 75. On an extinct type of dog from Ely cave, Lee county, Virginia. [1885.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Mem., 10, 1883-85, No. 2, 13 pp. 76. A revised list of the birds of Massachusetts. [1886.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 1 (1881-86), 221-271. 77. The masked bob-white (Colinus Ridgwayi) of Arizona, and its allies. [1886.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 1 (1881-86), 273-290. 78. Capture of a pair of wild hybrid ducks (mallard X Muscovy) on Long Island. Auk, 3, 1886, 274-275. 79. " Aptoso-chromatism." Auk, 3, 1886, 413-414; 17, 1900, 327-336. 80. ililgialitis meloda circumcincta on the Atlantic coast. Auk, 3, 1886, 482-483. 81. Three interesting birds in the American Museum of Natural History: Ammodramus Leconteii, Helinaia Swainsonii, and Saxicola (Enanthe. Auk, 3, 1886, 489- 490. 82. A further note on Colinus Ridgwayi. Auk, 4, 1887, 74-75. 83. Unusual nesting-site of the song sparrow. Auk, 4, 1887, 260-261. 84. The pine finch (Spinus pinns) breeding at Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Auk, 4, 1887, 284-286. 85. The West Indian seal. Science, 9, 1887, 35, 59. 86. Descriptions of two new sub-species of the sea- side sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus). Auk, 5, 1888, 284-287. 87. Description of a new species of the genus Tityra from Ecuador. Auk, 5, 1888, 287-288. 88. Notes on Louisiana birds. Auk, 5, 1888, 324- 325. 89. Note on the correct name of Symphemia semi- palmata inornata, Brewst. Auk, 5, 1888, 423-424. 90. Further notes on seaside sparrows. Auk, 5, 1888, 426. 91. On the structure of birds in relation to flight, with special reference to recent alleged discoveries in the mechanism of the wing. [With discussion.] [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 89-100. 92. Note on the first plumage of Colinus Ridgwayi. Auk, 6, 1889, 189. 93. The Florida gallinule breeding in Vermont. Auk, 6, 1889, 273-274. 94. The West Indian seal (Monachus tropicalis. Gray). [1887.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 1-34. 95. Note on squalodont remains from Charleston, 5. C. [1887.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 35-39. 96. Notes on a collection of birds from Quito, Ecuador. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 69-76. 97. List of the birds collected in Bolivia by Dr. H. H. RusBY, with field notes by the collector. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 77-112. 98. On Cyclorhis viridis, (Vieill.), and its near allies, with remarks on other species of the genus Cyclorhis. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 123-135. 99. Descriptions of new species of South American birds, with remarks on various other little known species. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 137-151. 100. Notes on a collection of mammals from southern Mexico, with descriptions of new species of the genera Sciurus, Tamias, and Sigmodon. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 165-181. 101. Remarks on individual and seasonal variation in a large series of Elainea from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, with a revision of the species of the restricted genus Elainea. [1889.] Amer. Mus. Bull, 2, 1890, 183-208. 102. On the Maximilian types of South American birds in the American Museum of Natural History. [1889-91.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 2, 1890, 209-276; 3, 1891, 199-202. 103. To what extent is it profitable to recognize geographical forms among North American birds? [1889.] Auk, 7, 1890, 1-9. 104. Description of a new species of Icterus from Andros Island, Bahamas. Auk, 7, 1890, 343-346. 105. On seasonal variations in colour in Sciurus hudsonius. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 41-44. 106. A review of some of the North American ground squirrels of the genus Tamias. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 45-116. 107. Descriptions of a new species and a new sub- species of the genus Lepus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 159-160. 108. List of mammals collected by Mr. Clark P. Stbeator in British Columbia, with descriptions of two new sub-species of Sciurus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 161-168. 109. Notes on a small collection of West Indian bats, wth description of an apparently new species. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 169-173. 1 lO. Notes on collections of mammals made in central and southern Mexico by Dr. Audley C. Bullek, with descriptions of new species of the genera Vespertilio, Sciurus, and Lepus. [1890.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 175-194. 111. Description of a new species of big-eared bat, of the genus Histiotus, from southern California. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 195-198. 112. Notes on a collection of mammals from Costa Rica. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 203-218. 113. On a collection of mammals from southern Texas and north eastern Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 219-228. 114. Notes on new or little known North American mammals, based on recent additions to the collection of mammals in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 263-310. 115. Description of a new species of Capromys, from the Plana Keys, Bahamas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 3, 1891, 329-336. 116. On a collection of birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mr. Herbert H. Smith. Amer. Mus. Bull, 3, 1891, 337-380; 4, 1892, 331-350; 5, 1893, 107-158. 117. Description of a new species of Mimocichla from the island of Dominica, West Indies. Auk, 8, 1891, 217- 218, 317. 118. Capture of Geothlypis poliocephala palpebralis in Cameron county, Texas. Auk, 8, 1891, 316. 119. Recent work in North American mammology. [1891.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 10 (1890-91), 71-85. 120. Descriptions of two supposed new species of mice from Costa Rica and Mexico, with remarks on Hesperomys melanophrys of Coues. [1891.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 14, 1892, 193-196. 121. The North American species of the genus Col- aptes, considered with special reference to the relation- ships of C, auratus and C. cafer. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 21-44. 122. Description of a new species of Perognathus from south eastern Texas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 45-46. 123. On a small collection of mammals from the Galapagos Islands, collected by Dr. G. Baur. Amer. Mus. Bull, 4, 1892, 47-50. 124. Notice on some Venezuelan birds collected by Mrs. H. H. Smith. Amer. Mus. Bull, 4, 1892, 51-56. AUen] 69 [AUen 125. Description of a new gallinule, from Gough Island. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 57-58. 126. The geograpliical distribution of North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 199-243. 127. The geographical origin and distribution of North American birds, considered in relation to faunal areas of North America. [1892.] Auk, 10, 1893, 97-150, 306-307, 407. 128. List of mammals and birds collected in north eastern Sonora and north western Chihuahua, Mexico, on the Lumholtz Archaeological Expedition, 1890-92. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 27-42. 129. Descriptions of four new species of Thomomys, with remarks on other species of the genus. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 47-68. 130. List of mammals collected by Mr. Charles P. Rowley in the San Juan region of Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 69-84. 131. On a collection of mammals from the San Pedro Martir region of Lower California, with notes on other species, particularly of the genus Sitomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 181-202. 132. Description of a new species of opossum from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 235-236. 133. Further notes on Costa Rica mammals, with description of a new species of Oryzomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 237-240. 134. Description of a new mouse from Lake county, California. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 335-336. 135. Description of a new species of Geomys from Costa Rica. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 337-338. 136. Coereba versm Certhiola. Auk, 10, 1893, 369- 370. 137. Notes on mammals from New Brunswick, with description of a new species of Evotomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 99-106. 138. On the seasonal change of colour in the varying hare (Lepus americanus, Erxl.). Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 107-128. 139. On the mammals of Aransas county, Texas, with descriptions of new forms of Lepus and Oryzomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 165-198. 140. Cranial variations in Neotoma micropus due to growth and individual differentiation. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 233-246. 141. Remarks on specimens of Chilonycteris rubigi- nosus from western Mexico, and on the colour phases of Pteronotus Davyi, Gray. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 247-248. 142. Descriptions of ten new North American mammals, and remarks on others. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 317-332. 143. Descriptions of five new North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 347-350. 144. Remarks on a second collection of mammals from New Brunswick, and on the rediscovery of the genus Neotoma in New York State. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 359-364. 146. First plumages. Auk, 11, 1894, 91-93. 146. On the species of the genus Reithrodontomys. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1895, 107-143. 147. On the names of mammals given by Kerr in his "Animal Kingdom," published in 1792. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1896, 179-192. 148. On a collection of mammals from Arizona and Mexico, made by Mr. W. W. Prick, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1896, 193-258. 149. List of mammals collected in the Black Hills region of south Dakota, and in western Kansas, by Mr. W. W. Granger, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1896, 259-274. 150. Descriptions of new American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1896, 327-340. 161. [Antarctic regions.] Vertebrata of the land ; birds and mammals. [1895.] Science, 3, 1896, 317- 319. 152. Alleged changes of colour in the feathers of bil-ds without moulting. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 13-44. 163. Note on Macrogeomys Cherriei, (Allen). Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 45-46. 164. On mammals collected in Bexar county and vicinity, Texas, by Mr. H. P. Attwater, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 47-80. 166. Descriptions of new North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 233-240. 166. List of mammals collected by Mr. Walter W. Granger, in New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska, 1896-96, with field notes by the collector. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 241-258. 167. On mammals from the Santa Cruz mountains, California. Amer. Mus. Bull. , 8, 1896, 263-270. 168. [Note on Lucas's paper on the taxonomic value of the tongue.] Auk, 13, 1896, 114-115. 159. [Some questions of nomenclature.] Auk, 13, 1896, 187-190, 191-192. 160. Progress in American ornithology, 1886-95. Science, 3, 1896, 777-779, 842-843. 161. Additional notes on Costa Rican mammals, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 31-44. 162. Further notes on mammals collected in Mexico by Dr. Audley C. Buller, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 47-58. 163. Preliminary description of a new mountain sheep from the British North West TeiTitory. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 111-114. 164. On a small collection of mammals from Pern, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 115-119. 166. Description of a new species of Sigmodon from Bogota, Colombia. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 121-122. 166. Description of a new vespertilionine bat from Yucatan. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 231-232. 167. The proper generic name of the loons. Auk, 14, 1897, 312. 168. The discrimination of species and sub-species. Science, 5, 1897, 877-879. 169. Descriptions of new mammals from western Mexico and Lower California. Amer. Mus. Bull,, 10, 1898, 143-158. 170. Revision of the chickarees, or North American red squirrels (subgenus Tamiasciurus). Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 249-298. 171. Nomeuclatorial notes on certain North American mammals. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 449-461. 172. A pocket mouse in confinement. Amer. Nat- list., 32, 1898, 583-584. 173. A defense of canon xl of the A. O. U. code. Auk, 15, 1898, 298-303; 16, 1899, 46-51. 174. A precise criterion of species. Science, 7, 1898, 801-802. 175. The North American arboreal squirrels. Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 635-642. 176. On mammals from the North West Territory collected by Mr. A. J. Stone. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 1-9. 177. Descriptions of five new American rodents. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 11-17. 178. New rodents from Colombia and Venezuela. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 195-218. 179. The generic names Echimys and Lonoheres. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 257-264. AUen] 70 [AUescher 180. The mountain caribou of northern British Columbia. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 1-18. 181. Note on the wood bisou. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 68-67. 182. List of bats collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in the Santa Marta region of Colombia, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 87-94. 183. List of birds collected in the district of Santa Marta, Colombia. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 117- 184. 184. Note on the generic names Didelphis and Philander. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 18.5-190. 185. Descriptions of new American marsupials. Amer. Mus. Bull, 13, 1900, 191-199. 186. On mammals collected in south-eastern Peru by Mr. H. H. Keays, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 219-227. 187. The North American jumping mice. Amer. Natlist., 34, 1900, 199-202. 188. The little black rail. Auk, 17, 1900, 1-8. 18d. North American birds collected at Santa Marta, Colombia. Auk, 17, 1900, 363-367. lOO. The systematic name of the Cuban red bat. [1900.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 13, 1901, 165. 191. The proper name of the viscacha. [1900.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. , 13, 1901, 183. AUen, Joel Asaph, & Chapman, Frank M. On a col- lection of mammals from the island of Trinidad, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., o, 1893, 203-234. 2. On mammals from Yucatan, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 1-12. 3. On a second collection of mammals from the island of Trinidad, with descriptions of new species, and a note on some mammals from the island of Dominica, W. I. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 13-30. 4. On a collection of mammals from Jalapa and Las Vigas, state of Vera Cruz, Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 197-208. Allen, Joel Asaph, & Faxon, Walter. See Faxon & AUen. AUen, Llouis] S. Ueber Jodoso- und Jodoverbindungen der 7/t-Nitro-^-Jodbenzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1739-1744. AUen, Richard William. The maximum pressure of naphthalene vapour. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Ft. 1), 400-412; Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 122-123. 2. The maximum pressure of camphor vapour. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 {Pt. 1), 413-416; Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 135. 3. Naphthalene vapour in coal gas. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 19, 1900, 209-211. AUen, Robert. Die longitudinale Attraction wahrend der isotonischen Muskelzuckung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 294-301. AUen, S. E., & Chittenden, R[ussell] H[enry]. See Chittenden & AUen. AUen, T[imothy] F[ield]. 11. Some notes on Characeae. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 211-215. 12. Nitella (not Tolypella) Macounii. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 11. 13. Note on some Characeae. Toney Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 230; 20, 1893, 258. 14. Notes on new Characeae. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 119-120. 15. Kemarks on Chara gymnopus, A. Br., with descriptions of new species of Chara and Nitella. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 21, 1894, 162-167. 16. Japanese Characeae. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 21, 1894, 52.3-526; 22, 1895, 68-73; 25, 1898, 73-82. 17. Note on Chara sejuncta. A, Br. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 21, 1894, 526. 18. Nitella subspicata, ii. sp. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 23, 1896, 6-7. 19. A new species of Nitella, belonging to the N. flexilis series, with a review of the allied species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 23, 1896, 533. 20. New species of Nitella belonging to the monoe- cious Acuminatas group, with a review of the allied species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 23, 1896, 534-536. 21. Three new charas from California. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 27, 1900, 299-304. AUen, W. Notes on mercurous iodide. Pharm. Jl, 19, 1889, 680-681. Allen, (Rev.) W[illiain]. Rotuma. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1895, 569-579. AUen, W. C, & Brewis, E. T. Almond oil and its substitutes. \}Vith discussion.l Brit. Pharm. Confer. Tians., 1900, 359-365. AUen, W[illiam'] D[aniel]. For biographical notice see Iron & Steel lust. Jl, 1896 (No. 2), 255-257. 2. The forging press. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl, 1891 (No. 2), 62-66. AUen, William, & KoUiker, Alfred. Ueber einige Derivate des Triphenylcarbinbromiirs. Liebig's Ann., 227, 1886, 107-119. AUen, (Lt.) William H. Elements of Comet 1886 f (Barnard). [1887.] Astr. Jl, 7, 1888, 55. AUen, William N. Artificially produced gold crystals. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc., 4, 1885, 509. AUende Fadin, Ramon. *Observaciones sobre el tifo, conocido en Chile vulgarmente con el nombre de chava- longo. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 27, 1865, 503-525. 2. *Del tratamiento de la diabetes. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 45, 1874, 404-413. AUende Pradel, Nicanor. *De la hipertrofia compensatriz en las afecciones valvulares del corazon y de la ruptura de la compensacion. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 47, 1875, 170-183. AUendorff, H[ugo], & Auwers, Kai'l [Friedrich], See Auwers & AUendorff. AUendorff, O[tto]. Zur Kenntniss der Phtalaldehydsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2346-2354. 2. Ueber die Oxime der Opian- und der Phtalalde- hydsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3264- 3266. AUendorff, Paul, & Klages, [Wilhelm] August [Hermann]. See Klages & AUendorff. AU6on, (comte) A[medee]. 4. M^moire sur les oiseaux observes [dans la Dobrodja et la Bulgarie]. Ornis, 2, 1886, 397-428. AUer, C. van. Enkele opmerkingen omtrent bet onderzoek naar de convergentie of divergentie van oneindig voort- loopende reeksen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 12, 1886, 204-215. 2. De herleiding van een kegelsnee op de assen als hare vergelijking op een scheefhoekig coordiuatenstelsel gegeven is. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 4, [1899], 278-283 ; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 577. AUerhand, J. Eine neue Methode zur Farbung des Centralnervensystems. Neurol Centrbl, 16, 1897, 727- 733. AUeri. See DSonterosato. AUescher, Andreas. Verzeichnis in Siid-Bayern beo- bachteter Pilze. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bayer- ischen Pilzflora. Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 9, 1886, 1-140; 10, 1887, 141-240; 11, 1889, 1-66; 12, 1892, 1-136; 15, 1898, 1-138. 2. Ueber einige aus Siid-Bayern bisher nicht bekannte Pilze. Bot. Centrbl, 36, 1888, 287, 311-315, 346-349. 3. Verzeichnis der bisher in Siid-Bayern beobachteten Peronosporaceen. Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 11, 1889, 67-83. 4. Ueber einige aus dem siidlichen Deutschland weniger bekannte Sphaeropsideen und Melanconieen, Bot. Centrbl, 42, 1890, 42-45, 74-77, 105-107, AUescher] 71 [AUport 6. Einige fiir das siidliche Bayern neue Sphaerop- sideen, Melanconieen ixnd Hyphorayceten. Hedwigia, 33, 1894, 70-75. 6. Beitrag zur Flora von Halle a. S. Hedwigia, 33, 1894, 123-126. 7. Diagnosen der in der IV. Centurie der Fungi bavarici exsiccati ausgegebenen neuen Arten. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 25-26, 57-59, 73-75. 8. Einige weniger bekannte Pilze aus den Gewachs- hausern des Kgl. Botanischen Gartens in Munchen. Hedwigia, 34, 1895, 215-221. 9. Mykologische Mittheilungen aus Siid-Bayern. Hedwigia, 34, 1895, 256-290. XO. Eine Bemerkung zu Diaporthe tessella, (Pers.) Rehm, in Allescher et Schnabl, Fungi bavarici exs. V. Cent. Nr. 447. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1896, 20-21. Allescher, Andreas, & Hennings, F[aul\. [Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. von Dkygalski's ausgesandten Gronlandexpedition nach Dr. Vanhoeffen's Sammlungoi bearbeitet.] V. Pilze aus dem Umanakdistrikt. [1897.] Bibl. Bot., 8, 1899, Heft 42, 40-54. Allest, J[ules'] d\ De la combustion des huiles minerales et de leurs residus. [1885.] Genie Civil, 8, 1885-86, 7-10, 19-22, 36-42. Allgemeine Deutsche Ornithologische Oesellschaft. Kegeln fur die zoologiscbe Nomenclatur. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 315-329. Allhausse, M. [? Althausse, Max.^ Indigo-Analyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 288 290. Allhusen, f [rnjiA] E\i-nest\ [Peculiar hailstones, Harrow- on-the-Hill, June 24, 1897.] Nature, 56 (1897), 204. Allhusen, F[rank] Earnest], & Buhemann, Sliegfried]. See Ruhemann & Allhusen. Alllhn, F[eli.v]. 4. Gaswaschflasche mit doppelt wir- kender Vorrichtung. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl. , 254, 1884, 118. 5. Eiickfiusskiihler fiir analytische Extractions- Apparate. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 52. 6. Biiretteustativ mit Spiralfeder-Klemme. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 647. 7. Bemerkung zu Hebzfeld's " Untersuchungen iiber Invertzucker. " Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind. , 36, 1886, 203-204. 8. Ueber das Ansteigen des Eispunktes bei Quecksil- berthermometern aus Jenaischem Normalglas. Fresenius, Ztschr., 28, 1889, 435-438; 29, 1890, 381-388. 9. Gasbrenner mit verstellbarem Brennerrohr zur Erzeugung einer in alien Theilen gleich heissen Flamme. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 426-427. 10. Ein vereinfachter Bunsenbrenner. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 996-997. Allin, Arthur. The "recognition-theory" of perception. [1896.] Amer, Jl. Psychol., 7, 1895, 237-248. 2. Eecognition. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 7, 1895, 249-273. Allin, Arthur, & Hall, G[ranville] Stanley. See Hall & AlUn. Allin, Norra, & MacBride, Thomas H[mton'\. See Mac- Bride & AUin. Ailing, A[rthur] N[athaniel]. On the topaz from the Thomas Range, Utah. Amer. Jl. Sci.*, 33, 1887, 146-147. 2. Diplopia occurring at the periphery of the field of fixation. Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 365-374; Arch, Augenheilk., 32, 1896, 136-137. 3. Eeport of a case of retraction of the eyeball. Arch. Ophthalm., 29, 1900, 310. Allis, Edward Phelps. The anatomy and development of the lateral line system in Amia calva. Jl. Morphol., 2, 1889, 463-566. 2. The cranial muscles and cranial and first spinal nerves in Amia calva. Jl. Morphol., 11, 1896, 485-491; 12, 1897, 487-80H. 3. The morphology of the petrosal bone and of the sphenoidal region of the skull of Amia calva. [1897.] Zool. Bull., 1, 1898, 1-26. 4. On the morphology of certain of the bones of the cheek and snout of Amia calva. Jl. Morphol. , 14, 1898, 425-466. 5. A reply to certain of Cole's criticisms of [the author's] work on Amia calva. Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 364-379. 6. On certain homologies of the squamosal, inter- calar, exoccipital, and extrascapular bones of Amia calva. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 49-72. 7. An abnormal musculus obliquus superior in Carcbarias. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 605-607. 8. The homologies of the occipital and first spinal nerves of Amia and teleosts. Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 83-97. 9. The lateral sensory canals of Polypterus bicbir, Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 433-451. 10. The premaxillary and maxillary bones, and the maxillary and mandibular breathing valves of Polypterus bichir. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 257-289. 11. The pseudobranchial circulation in Amia calva. [1900.] Zool. Jbuch. (Anat.), 14, 1901, 107-134. Allison, Andrew. Speague's pipit near New Orleans, La. Auk, 16, 1899, 82. 2. The sparrows of Mississippi. Auk, 16, 1899, 266- 270. 3. The cinnamon teal in Louisiana. Auk, 17, 1900, 170. 4. Louisiana and Mississippi bird notes. Auk, 17, 1900, 297. Allison, F. B. On crystalline form and methods of recognizing the mineral components of rocks. [1887.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 41-48. 2. Some chapters in the life history of Mont Blanc. [1889.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 97-109. 3. Eambles on the surface of the moon. [1892.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 242-253. Allison, J[ohn'\ R[aymond], & Ferkin, Arthur George. See Ferkin & Allison. Allison, Rlobert] A[7tdrew]. Weather statistics in the neighbourhood of Carlisle. Cumberland Ass. Trans., 14, 1889, 95-105. Allman, George J[ohnston]. 4. On the name of the so-called " theorem of the gnomon." Bibl. Math. , 1887, 22. 6. Euclid I. 32 corr. [1900.] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 106-107. Allman, George James. Assign No. 1 (Vol. 1) to Allman, William. No. 71 (Vol. 1) is cancelled by No. 4 (Vol. 7). No. 124 (Vol. 9) is a duplicate of No. 28 (Vol. 7). For biography and works see Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 169; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 202-204, 233, 269-270; Science, 8, 1898, 867 ; Yorks. Phil. Soc. Eep. (1898), ix-x; Zoologist, 2, 1898, 519-520; Irish Nathst., 8, 1899, 104; Victorian Natlist., 15, 1899, 132; Eoy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1906, 25-27. 139. *[Presidential address, Nov. 8th, I860.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans., 8, 1863, 3-5. 140. Description of Australian, Cape, and other Hydroida, mostly new, from the collection of Miss H. Gatty. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 132- 161. 141. Note on the formation of the epiphragm of Helix aspersa. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool,), 25, 1896, 517-520. Allport, Samuel. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 430-431 ; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, Ix-lxii. Allix>rt, Samuel, & Bonney, (Rev.) Thomas George. Eepoit on the effects of contact metamorphism exhibited by the Silurian rocks near tlie town of New Galloway, in the southern uplands of Scotland. [1889.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, 193-204. AUuard] 72 [Almeida Lima AUuard, [Emile]. 12. *[Installation de I'Observatoire du Puy-de-Dome.] France Soc. M^t6orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 60. 13. *[Sur I'observatoire met6orologique du Puy-de- Dome.] France Soc. M6t(5orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 8, 1876, Ft. 1, 124. 14. *[Notes m^teorologiques faites a] Clermont- Ferrand (Puy-de-D6me). Station de la plaine. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Ft. 2, 140, 164, 192, 218, 280, 307 ; 9, 1876, Ft. 2, 11, 68, 135-136, 164- 165. 16. *L'hiver de 1879-80 a Clermont et au Puy-de- Dome. [Cf. No. 7 (Vol. 9).] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 28, 1880, 46-52. 16. Lueurs crepusculaires du 27 d^cembre, observees au sommet du Puy-de-Dome. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 161-163. 17. Du role des vents dans I'agriculture. Fertilite de la Limagne d'Auvergne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1080-1084. 18. Secousses de tremblement de terre ressenties a Clermont-Ferrand, le 23 f^vrier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 666. Alluaud, Charles. Relation d'un voyage entomologique dans le territoire d'Assinie, possession francj'aise de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, 363-368. a. Note sur la zoologie de la Cote d'Or (Afrique tropicale occidentale). [1887.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 17, 1886-87, 157-159. 3. Remarques sur les faunes insulaires ; en particulier sur celle des iles Canaries. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1890 {Ft. 1), 209. 4. Coleopteres recueillis aux Azores par 31. J. de GuERNE pendant les campagnes du yacht VHirondelle. France Soc. Zool. M6m., 4, 1891, 197-207. 5. Voyage... aux iles Canaries (novembre 1889 — juin 1890). Notes sur les faunes insulaires, specialement sur celles des Canaries. Renseignements divers. Liste des stations et carte du voyage. France Soc. Zool. M6m., 4, 1891, 580-595. 6. [Deux nouvelles esp^ces de Coleopteres de la famille des Tenebrionidae.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, ccxxxviii-ccxxxix. 7. Contributions a la faune entomologique de la region malgache. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 88-90; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 19-21. 8. Contributions a la faune entomologique de la region malgache. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, clxxix-clxxxi, ccclvi-ccclix. 9. Liste des Coleoptdres recueillis sur I'ilot d'Alboran par MM. H. Neuville et J. Richabd. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 219-220. 10. Coleopteres recueillis k Majunga (Madagascar) par M. Bastakd. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 371-376. 11. Contributions a la faune entomologique de la region malgache. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 33-36; 1897, 150-152 ; 1899, 341-344, 378-382 ; 1900, 18-21. 12. Descriptions de Carabiques nouveaux de Mada- gascar. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 165-181. 13. Enumeration des Dj'tiscidse et Gyrinidae des iles Mascareignes et Sechelles. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 210-214. 14. Les Lamellicornes coprophages des iles Mas- careignes et sechelles. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 23, 1898, 63-67. 15. Les Malacodermes des iles Mascareignes et Sechelles. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 99-104. 16. Deux Coleopteres nouveaux du sud-est de Mada- gascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 366-367. 17. Description d'un Coieoptere nouveau du genre Epactius (Omophron) pris par M. Guillaume Grandiuier dans le sud de Madagascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 409-410. 18. Sur quelques Coleopteres de Madagascar de la famille des Carabiques, recueillis par M. Mocquerys et acquis par le Museum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 410-413. 19. Trois Coleopteres nouveaux pour la faune malgache. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 17-18. Allyn, G\^eorge\ \V. A case of bilateral homonymous hemianopsia. Arch. Ophthalm., 25, 1896, 206-212 ; Arch. Augenheilk., 34,^1897, 2.50-251. Almand, (capfJ.) V[ictor Edonard]. [Nouvelles du Sahara.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1894, 38-41. 2. Extrdme-Sud algerien. La region du fort Mac- Mahon. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1894, 166-168. 3. Madagascar. Observations meteorologiques sur la cote orientale de Pile. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1899, 266-267. 4. Note sur Tamatave. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1899, 267-270. Almansi, Emilio. Sull' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A"-A2 = 0. [1896-98.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 527-534 or 881-888; 34, 1898, 68-86 or 92-110. 2. Sulla deformazione di una sfera elastica soggetta al calore. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 701-707 or 963-969. 3. Sulla deformazione della sfera elastica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 [Hem. 1), 61-64; Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 47, 1897, 103-125. 4. Suir integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A-" = 0. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 1-51. 5. Influenza delle deformazioni elastiche sul movi- mento di un pendolo a reversione. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 260-278 ; 10, 1899, 85-111, 305-323. 6. Sulla ricerca delle funzioni poli-armoniche in un' area plana semplicemeute connessa per date con- dizioni al contorno. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899, 225-262. 7. Suir integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A"^A2 = 0. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 {Sem. 1), 104-107, 618. 8. Sulla torsioue dei cilindri cavi a spessore piccolis- simo. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 39-53. 9. Integrazione della doppia equazione di Laplace. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 {Sem. 1), 298-304. AUncLsy, Gy'drgy. Nehdny adat Magyarorszag ornisahoz. Einige Addenda zur Ornis Ungarns. Aquila, 3, 1896, 209-216. 2. Mad4rtani betekintes a roman Dobrudsaba. Ornithologische Recognoscirung der rumanischen Do- brudscha. Aquila, 5, 1898, 1-206. 3. Addenda zur Ornis Ungarns. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 83-112. Alme, H. H. Om Spitsbergen og den Wellmanske Polar- ekspedition. [1894.] Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 6, 1895, 1-36. Almeida. See Camena d' Almeida. Almeida. See Cantidiano de Almeida. Almeida. See Santos Almeida. Almeida Arez, (te7iente) Joao Baptista d\ Sobre uma formula de Waring. [1901.] Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 14, 1900, 117-120; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 162. Almeida Iiimia, (capit.) Joao Maria d\ Sobre uma curva do terceiro gr4o. Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 6, 1885, 13-16; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 644-645. 2. Nota sobre a luz branca. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 209-218. 3. Sobre a electricidade considerada como energia motora. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 219-222. 4. Sobre a determina(,^ao de uma direc(;ao fixa e sobre a determiuav'ao das latitudes sem a interveuvao de ob- Almeida Lima] 73 [Almquist servapoes astironomicas. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci, Math., 4, 1897, 121-126. Almen, Aug[uKt Theodor Andersson], Delete No. 23 {Vol. 12). 46. Spisordning for besattning a svenskt handels- fartyg. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 28, 1893, 539-560. Alm^n, Emil. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Volumen- und Dichtigkeitsanderungen der Fliissigkeiten bei der Ab- sorption von Gasen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 735-759. Alxnera, (can.) Jaime. 2. Descripcion de las rocas del valle de Nuria. Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 13, 1886, 441- 443. 3. Nota sobre la presencia del "Hippopotamus major" y de otros mamiferos fosiles en Tarrasa. [1892.] Barce- lona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 105-108. 4. Nota sobre el mapa topografico-geologico de la region comprendida entre el paralelo de Vallirana, Ordal y Labern y el litoral. [1893.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-19,00, 147-150. 5. Etude stratigraphique dii massif Cretace du littoral de la province de Barcelona. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. , 23, 1896, 564-571. 6. Eeconocimiento de la pre.sencia del primer piso Mediterraneo en El Panades, seguido de cortes geol6gicos y de un cuadro estratigrafico de los depositos Mioc^nicos de la provincia. I. Descripcion y cortes locales de esta comarca. [1896.] Barcelona Ac. Mem.,.l, 1892-1900, 349-394. 7. Sobre la serie de mamiferos f6siles descubiertos en Cataluiia. [1896.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892- 1900, [251]-[257]. 8. Descripci6n de los depositos Pliocenicos de la cuenca del bajo Llobregat y llano de Barcelona. [1894- 97.] Barcelona Ac. Mem. , 3, [? 1892-1900], No. 2, 104 pp. 9. Decouverte du Burdigalien aux environs de Barce- lone. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 1126-1127. 10. Catalogo de la flora Pliocena de los alrededores de Barcelona. [1894.] Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 22, 1897, 145-171. 11. Nota sobre la presencia del Pliocenico superior en S. Juan de Vilasar. [1898.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 402-403. 12. Compte-rendu de l'excursion...a Sans et a Montjuich. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 680-689. 13. Compte-rendu de rexcursion...a Olesa, La Puda et a Montserrat. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 690- 712. 14. Compte-rendu de l'excursion...a Montcada et a Sardanyola. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 732-741. 15. Compte-rendu des excursions... 4 Gracia et Le Coll (Horta) et...k Vallcarca, au Tibidabo et a Esplugas. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 26, 1898, 742-763. 16. Compte-rendu de rexcur8ion...a Castellbisbal et a Papiol. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 766-788. 17. Compte-rendu de l'excursion...a Gava, Brugues, Begas et Vallirana. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 26, 1898, 789-800. 18. Compte-rendu de rexcursion...a Castelldefels et Costas de Garraf. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 801-811. 19. Compte-rendu de rexcursion...aux environs de Vilanova et de Vilafranca. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 812-822. 20. Compte-rendu de I'excursion...^ Castellvi de la Marca, au vallon de San-Pau d'Ordal et a San-Sadurni de Noya. Paris, Soc. G^ol, Bull., 26, 1898, 840-851. 21. Sobre las especies Acerotherium lemanense, Mastodon longirostris y un Elephas descubiertos en esta provincia de Barcelona. [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 535-537. 22. Sobre el descubrimiento de la fauna de Saint- Cassien en el Trias de nuestra provincia. [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 538-541. B. S. A. C. 23. [Analogic du Miocene de I'Herault et de celui du Panades dans son bord nord-ouest.] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 778. Almera, (can.) Jaime, & Bofill y Toclx, Arturo. Moluscos fosiles de los terrenos Terciarios Superiores de Cataluiia. [Mollusca fossilia stratuum Tertiariorum Superiorum Cataluniffi.] Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 11, 1884, 81-157; 13, 1886, 393-440; 19, 1893, 113-244; Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, [1886], 18-45. 2. Monografia de las especies del genero Pecten del Burdigalense Superior y de una Lucina del Helveciense de las provincias de Barcelona y Tarragona. [1896.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 1, 1892-1900, 395-408. 3. Fauna salobre Tortonense de Villanueva y Geltni (Barcelona). [1897.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, [?1892- 1900], No. 1, 16 pp. 4. Moluscos fosiles recogidos en los terrenos Pliocenos de Cataluiia. Descripciones y tiguras de las formas nuevas y enumeracion de todas las encontradas en dichos yacimientos. Espana Com. Geol. Bol., 24, 1898, 1-223. Almkvlst, Herman. Nordostafrika och dess folk i vara dagar. Stockh., Ymer, 5, 1886, 15-37, 57-70. Almonte, Enrique de. Bemerkungen zu Blumentritt's Karte der Insel Mindanao. [Tr.] Berlin 2tschr. Erdk., 20, 1886, 387-388. Almquist, Ernst [Bemhard]. 5. Wie entstehen unsere Masernepidemien ? Warum horen sie auf ? Goteborg Handl., 20, 1886, 80 pp. 6. Luzula albida, DC, funnen vid Goteborg. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 149. 7. Om epidemiologiens methoder. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 155-158. 8. Das Verhalten von Typhoidfieber, Diphtheric und Cholera im selben Hause wahrend einer langeren Zeitperiode. Ztschr. Hyg., 2, 1887, 1-14. 9. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Methoden der Choleraforschung. Ztschr. Hyg., 3, 1888, 281-286. 10. Ueber Einfluss von Jahreszeit und Witterung auf das Auftreten von Infectionskrankheiten mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der localen Epidemieen. Ztschr. Hyg., 5, 1889, 1-66. 11. Ueber das vermehrte Auftreten des Darmtyphus an einer Anzahl von mehr oder minder typhusfreien Orten nach jahrelangen Zwischenraumen. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 40, 1890, 1652-1655, 1699-1701. 12. Untersuchungen iiber einige Bacteriengattungen mit Mycelien. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 189-197. 13. Ein Detail, die Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus betretfend. Ztschr. Hyg., 10, 1891, 163-166. 14. Pemphigus neonatorum, bacteriologisch und epidemiologisch beleuchtet. Ztschr. Hyg., 10, 1891, 253-266. 16. Zur Vegetation Japans, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Lichenen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 14, 1892, 221-229. 16. Zur Biologie der Typhusbakterie und der Esche- rich'schen Bakterie. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 283-290. 17. Ueber eine Methode, das specifische Gewicht von Bakterien und anderen Korperchen zu bestimmen. Ztschr. Hyg., 28, 1898, 321-330; Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 348-350. 18. Biologiska studier ofver Geranium bohemicum, L. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 81-85 ; Bot. Centrbl., 80, 1899, 78. 19. Zur Phagocytose; Ztschr. Hyg., 31, 1899, 507- 512. Almquist, P[er] W[ilhelm]. 7. Ueber die graphische Bestimniung der Maxinialmomente bei indirecter Be- lastung. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884, 337-348. 8. Zur alteren Theorie des Erddruckes. Civilin- genieur, 31, 1886, 69-78. Almquist, S. 9. Om Carex-slagtets phylogenesis. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 118-120; Bot. Centrbl., 19, 1884, 221-223. 10 Almquist] 74 [Alsberg 10. Om blomdiagrammet hos Montia. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 156-161 ; Bot. Centrbl., 21, 1885, 91-95. 11. Botaniska iakttagelser frim sommaren 1885. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 44-45. 12. Nagra Carex riparia liknande foi'mer. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 91-92 ; Bot. Centrbl., 29, 1887, 157- 158. 13. Om gruppindelning inom /am. Rosacese. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 221-222; Bot. Centrbl., 32, 1887, 250-251. 14. Om gruppen Ligulat8B,Fr., af slagtet Potamogeton. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 62; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 439-440. 15. Om gruppindelning och hybrider inom slagtet Potamogeton. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 63-66 ; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 619-620, 661-662. 16. Om honingsgropens s. k. fjall hos Ranunculus och om honingsalstringen hos Convallaria polygonatum och multifiora. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 66-67 ; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 662-663. 17. Om Euphrasia salisburgensis vaxtplats. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 68; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 696. 18. Om en egendomlig form af Potamogeton fili- formis. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 70-71 ; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 662. 19. Om formerna af Carex salina, Wg. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 125-128; Bot. Centrbl., 47, 1891, 267-269, 295- 296. 20. Om Potamogeton sparganifolia, Lcest. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 129. 21. Om standarforhallandena hos Senebiera didyma. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 129-130. 22. Om Hippophae rhamnoides forekomst i Bohuslan. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 130. 23. Om Agrostis scabra och perennans. Bot. Notiser, 1898, 281-282. Alms, H[einrit:h]. Die Wirkung des Cocains auf die peripherischen Nerven. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1886 (Suppl.), 293-310. 2. Die sensible und motorische Peripherie in ihrem Verhalten gegen die Korper der Physostigmingruppe einerseits und der Atropin-Cocaingruppe andererseits. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1888, 416-423. Almy, J[ohii] E[dwin]. Concerning accidental double refraction in liquids. Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 499-503. 2. Ueber die Funkenpotentiale in festen und tropfbar- flussigen Dielektricis. [1899.] Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 508-529. Aloi, Antonio. For biographical notice sec [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 160. Deir influenza dell' elettricit^ atmosferica sulla vegeta- zione delle piante. Nota preliminare. [1884.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 18, 1885, 75-82. 2. SuUo spostamento degli strati acquei d'imbibizione nei diversi terreni. Nota preliminare. [1884.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 18, 1885, 83-87. 3. Sulla comparsa delle termiti nelle vigne di Catania. [1884.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 18, 1886, 89-94. 4. Sulla durata delle piante in genere e di alcune Solanacee in specie. Nat. Sicil., 4, 1886, 224-227. 5. Di un nuovo insetto, dannoso alle viti, del genere Cecidomya, scoperto nelle vigne della piana di Catania. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 19, 1886, 277-285. 6. Deir influenza dell' elettricita atmosferica sulla vegetazione delle piante. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 116-125. 7. Morfologia delle pteridofite. [1891.] Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 255-260 ; 11, 1892, 7-11. 8. Influenza dell' umidita del suolo sulla traspirazione delle piante terrestri. [1893.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 3, 18 pp. 9. Deir influenza dell' elettricita atmosferica sulla vegetazione delle piante. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 188-195. Alonzo, Giovanni. Sulle alterazioni delle fibre nervose in seguito al congelamento dei tessuti soprastanti. Studio sperimentale. Arch. Sci. Med., 13, 1889, 229-244. 2. Azione dell' idrossilammina sul erne. Ricerche eperimentali. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 53 & 54, 1898, 36. Aloy, Franqois Jules. Action des principaux acides sur les r^actifs colores. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 1), 242. 2. Recherehes thermiques sur les composes de I'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1541-1543. 3. Sur le cyanure double d'uranium et de potassium. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 329-330. 4. Sur les chlorures et bromures doubles de I'uranium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 264-266. 5. Sur divers composes uraneux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 613-616. 6. Recherehes sur la determination du poids atomique de I'uranium. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 1), 145. 7. Preparation de I'iodure uranique. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 1), 147. 8. Preparations nouvelles de quelques oxydes d'uranium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 368-370. Alpago-N'oTello, L[uigi]. Osservazioni antropologico- cliniche sui pellagrosi. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 4, Psichiatr.), 136-1.39. Alpe, Vittorio. I perfosfati di calce nella concimazione dei cereali e delle baccelliue da foraggio. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 10, 1887, 1-12. 2. Esperienze di coltivazione della kanaff (pianta da filo) in Lombardia. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 22, 1892, 225-233. Alpe, Vittorio, Briosi, Giovanni, & SXenozzi, Angela. See Briosi, Alpe & Menozzi. Alperin, D[avid}, & Kostanecki, St1anislam'\ von. Ueber das 2'-Aethoxy-a-Naphtoflavon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1037-1039, 4082. Alpers, F. 2. Zur Flora des Regierungsbezirkes Stade. [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 289-292. 3. Beitrage zur Flora von Sylt. [1894.] Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 137-140. 4. Fremdlandische Pflanzen bei Hannover. Liineb. Nat. Ver. Jheft., 14, 1898, 63-70. Alpers, William C. The oil and terpenes of Aralia nudieaulis. Amer. Jl. Pbarm., 71, 1899, 370-378. Alpers, William C, & DSurray, Benjamin L[indley]. Aralia nudieaulis. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 69, 1897, 534-543. Alphandeiry, G[eorge]. Contribution a I'etude de la mccanique psycho-physiologique. D'apres les experiences de 31. Ch. Fere. Arch. Gen. Med., 156, 1886, 334-346. Alphant, -. La grotte des Anges au Mont Ventoux (Vaucluse). Spelunca, Paris, 1895, 143-144. Alpb^raky. See Alferaki. Alpherts, G. B. H. F., & Verbrugh, J. E. Over het gebruik van vloei-ijzer in bouwconstructies. [1892-93.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1891-92 {Verh.), 276-340; 1892-93 {Verh.), 229-279. Alquier, [L.], & Balzer, F[elix]. See Balzer & Alquier. Alrutz, Sydney [Gustaf Louis Eeinhold]. Studien auf dem Gebiete der Temperatursinne. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 321-340; 10, 1900, 340-352. 2. Bidrag till kannedomen om hudens kail- och varm-punkter. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 2, 1897, 246- 263; Fortschr. Med., 15 (1897), 641-642. 3. Om fornimmelsen " hett." Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 2, 1897, 340-359; Fortschr. Med., 15 (1897), 582- 583. 4. Om sammansatta hudfornimmelser. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 310-311. 5. Om de s. k. perversa temperaturfornimmelserna. Upsala Liikarefor. Forh., 3, 1898, 106-117; Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 412. Alsberg, C[arl] L[ucas], &I,evene, Plioehm A[aron Deodar]. See Zievene & Alsberg. Alsberg] 75 [Althans Alsberg, Mcinhard. For biographical notice nee Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 19, 1897, 954-95G. Alsberg, Moritz. 4. Ueber den atmospharischen Staub. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 31, 1884, 13-17. 5. Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Anthro- pologie. Humboldt, 4, 1885, 154-157, 863-365 ; 5, 1886, 97-100, 377-382 ; 6, 1887, 226-230, 461-465 ; 7, 1888, 274-278; 8, 1889, 24-28, 263-268, 469-475; 9, 1890, 201-207. 421-427. 6. Ein milchgebender Ziegenbock. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 158. 7. Die Skelette von Spy. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 299-300. Alsop, William K., & Tocum, John H. Composition of the ashes of some raw tanning materials. Araer. Chem. Soc. JL, 20, 1898, 338-340. Alston, Ganvood. Comparison of evaporation results in New South Wales and South Africa. [1895.] S. African Phil. See. Trans., 9, 1898, 8-19. 2. [Notes on some Euphorbise.] S. African Phil, Soc. Trans., 10, 1898, vii-viii. Alt, Adolf [non Adolphus}. 4. Original contributions concerning the glandular structures appertaining to the human eye and its appendages. St, Louis Ac. Trans., 10 (1900), 185-207. Alt, Ferdinand. Ueber apoplectifornie Labyrintherkran- kungen bei Caissonarbeitern. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 1730-1731; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 406-407. Alt, Hermann. Ueber Bromirung der o-Acetylamidoben- zoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1643-1647. 2. Gewichtsanalytische Bestimmung von Sulfocya- naten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3258-32-59. 3. Zur Fallung von Mangan als Hyperoxyd. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 13.39. 4. Zur Kenntniss des Chinolins. Liebig's Ann., 252, 1889, 318-330. Alt, Hermann, & IieUinann, Eugen [Carl]. See Lellmann & Alt. Alt, Hermann, & Schulze, Julius. Trennung des Zinks vom Nickel, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3259- 3262. Alt, Konrad. Das Symptom der Personenverwechslung bei Geisteskranken. AUg. Ztschr. Psyehiatr., 44, 1888, 50- 77. a. Ueber das Entstehen von Neurosen und Psychosen auf dem Boden von chronischen Magenkrankheiten. Arch. Psyehiatr., 24, 1892, 403-451. 3. Ueber die Ausscheidung des Schlangengiftes durch den Magen. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 116-118. 4. Toxalbumine in dem Erbi'ochenen von Cholera- kranken. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 119-121. Alt, Konrad, & Scliiuldt, Karl E[duard'\ Franz. Unter- suchungen iiber den elektrischen Leitungswiderstand der thierischen Gewebe. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 575-584. Alt, M., & VTeiss, Julius. Anaemia infantilis pseudo- leucsemica. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 30, 1892, 433-435, 450-452. Altamirano, Fernando. 4. Ligeros apuntes de la flora del camino entre Mexico, Tulancingo y Huauchinango. [1891.] M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 4, 1890, 129-130. 6. Noticias sobre la flora de Cacahuamilpa. [1892.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 5, 1891, 213-218. 6. Necesidad de la repoblacidn de los bosques. [1895.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897 {Apend.), 11-22. 7. Algunas observaciones fisiol6gicas sobre los efectos de la ponzona del alacran de Jojutla. [1900.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 14, 1899, 327-330. Altar, Sigmund. Ueber die Oxydation symmetrischer Trialkylpyridine. Liebig's Ann., 237, 1887, 182-201. Altehoefer, [August HeinricK]. Ueber die Desinfektions- kraft von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd auf Wasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 129-137. Altemaire, I^\ouis Eugene], & Bovis, R[ene] de. Etudes anatomiques et cliniques sur les phlegmons profonds lymphangitiques de la main et de I'avant-bras. Arch. M(5d. Pharm. Militaires, 28, 1896, 227-249. Alten, H., & Jannicke, Wilhelm. Eine Schadigung von Rosenblattern durch Asphaltdampfe. Bot. Ztg., 49, 1891, 195-199, 649-650. Altenburger, Julius. On the grouping of endowment assurances for valuation. [1898-1900.] Inst. Act. Jl., 34, 1899, 150-153; 35, 1901, 332-336. Altenklrcb, Gustav. Studien iiber die Verdunstungs- schutzeinrichtungen in der trockenen Gerollflora Sach- sens. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 18, 1894, 354-393. Alth, Alojzi/. For biographical notice see Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 342-343. To reference in No. 26 (Vol. 12) add Arch, Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 217. 27. *Die .Turaformation von Nizniow, Deutsch, Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [66]-[67]. 28. Sprawozdanie z podr6zy w r. 1883 odbyt^j po wschodpi^j Galicyi. [Report on an excursion to eastern Galicia in 1883.] Krak6w Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 18, 1884 (Cz. 2), (239)-(264). 29. Opis geognostyczny Szczawnicy i Pienin. [Geo- gnostic description of Szczawnica and Pieniny.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 13, 1886, 1-98 ; Wien, Geol, Verb. , 1886, 170-171. 30. Przyczynek do geologii wschodnich Karpat, [Contribution to the geology of the eastern Carpathians.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr, , 14, 1886, 289-348 ; 16, 1887, 1-48. 31. Ueber die Zusammengehorigkeit der den Fisch- gattungen Pteraspis, Cyathaspis und Scaphaspis zu- geschriebenen Schilder, [1886.] Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.- Ung., 5, 1887, 61-73. 32. Uwagi tycz^ce si§ wszystkich map tego zeszytu, a w ogole catego Podola. [Notes on the general map of the first issue and on Podolia in general.] Galicyi Atlas Geol. Tekst, 1, 1887, 1-15. 33. Obja^nienia szczeg^fowe do map Zaleszczyk i Jagielnicy-Czernelicy. [Detailed explanation to the map of Zaleszczy and Jagielniec-Czerneliec] Galicyi Atlas Geol. Tekst, 1, 1887, 16-40. Alth, Guido von. Ueber die Reduction einer Gruppe Abel'scher Integrale auf elliptische Integrale. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 702-713. Althans, Ernst [FriedricK]. Assign to this author titles (Vol. 1) under Althans, , and Althans, E. For biographical notice see Ztschr, Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Beil.), 2 pp. 9. Anwendung der bekannten Gesetze der Wetter- bewegung auf Ventilator-Untersuchungen, insbesondere die friiheren, im Auftrage der preussischen Wetter- Commission ausgefiihrten Arbeiten, im Anschlusse an Daniel Mdkgue. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 32, 1884 (Ahh.), 174-236. 10. Ueber Glacial-Erscheinungen in der Gegend siidlich von Strehlen und siidwestlich vom Rummelsberg. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 230-231. 11. Ueber Gletschei'schrammen und andere Gletscher- gebilde, Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 116-117. Ueber die geographische Gestaltung der nord- Theile von Europa und Amerika durch die Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1888, 209-222. Ueber Sandstein in Form von Miniatur-Basalt Breslau, Schles, Ges, Jber., 1891 (Ahth. 2) 12. lichen Eiszeit, 13. saulen. 58. 14. Ueber die nordische Eiszeit. Breslau, Schles Ges. Jber., 1892 (Ahth. 2), 11, 15. Ueber die Beziehungen der Basalte in den Vor bergen des Isergebirges zur Eiszeit, Breslau, Schles Ges, Jber., 1892 (Ahth. 2), 19. 16. Ueber einen Quarzkantner aus dem Katzengebirge Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Abth. 2), 29-30. 10—2 Althansl 76 [Altschul 17. Ueber neue geologische Schriften und Karten- werke. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1893 (Abth. 2a), 1-3. 18. Ueber Bildung von Mondkratern. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Abth. 2a), 27-52. 19. Gletscherschrammen am Bummelsberg, Kreis Strehlen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbucli., 14, 1894, 54 {his)-59 (bis). 20. Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1895 (Abth. 2a), 2. 21. Ueber muthmaassliche Endmoranen eines Glet- schers vom Rehorn-Gebirge und Kolbenkamme bei Liebau i. Schl. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 401-406. 22. Bestatigung der Aichungsmangel von Anemo- metern der preussischen Schlagwetter-Commission seitens der Deutschen Seewarte unter Widerlegung von Aeusse- rungen gegen Beobachtungen der Windgeschwindigkeit auf meteorologischen Anstalten. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Abh.), 235-238. Altbans, R. Riegelbildungen im Waldenburger Stein - kohlengebirge. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 18 (bis)-S6 (bis). 2 . Die Erzformation des Musehelkalks in Oberschlesien . Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch. , 12, 1893, 37 (bis)- 98 (bis). AlthauB, [Paul] Julius. Assign to this author Nos. 2 & 3 (Vol 1) and Nos. 1 & 2 (Vol. 7) under Altbaus, Julius ; Nos. 7-9 (Vol. 9) under Althaus, (Dr.) Julius and No. 10 ( Vol. 12) under Althaus, Paul Julius. 9. *Case of syphilitic (?) tumours of the cerebral membranes. [1883.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 25-31. 10. Case of hemiansesthesia from congenital brain disease. Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1886, 151-154. 11. Some phases of cerebral syphilis. [With discus- sion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 438-442, 495-499. 12. Tetany and tetanilla. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 582-584. 13. Beitrage zur Pathologie und Therapie des Tinnitus aurium. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 42, 1888, 415-432. 14. Ueber Psychosen nach Influenza. Arch. Psychiatr., 25, 1893, 276-310. 15. Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Encephalasthenie. Arch. Psychiatr., 26, 1894, 828-853. 16. Die physiologische Bedeutung bulbarer Symptome in der Encephalasthenie. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 158-164. Althausse, Max, & Bamberger, Eugen. See Bamberger & Altliausse. Althausse, Max, & Kriiss, [Alexander] Gerhard. Bezie- hungen zwischen Zusammensetzung und Absorptions- spectrum organischer Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2065-2070. Altmann, P. Der Blutegel als Wetterprophet. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 26, 1885, 200-202. 2. Ein Beitrag zum Kapitel vom Instinkt. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 28, 1887, 339-341. Altmann, P[auZ]. Gestell fiir Extractionsapparate. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1657. 2. Thermofegulator neuer Konstrnktion. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 791-792. 3. Ein neuer Thermoregulator fiir Petroleumheizung bei Thermostaten. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 654-655. 4. Neue Mikrogaslampen als Sicherheitsbrenner. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 786-787. 6. Brenner mit Sicherheitsvorricbtung gegen Ex- plosionsgefahr beim zufalligen Erloschen der Flamme. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 989-990. Altmann, P. (Gymnasiallehrer). Vorschlag zur Vereini- gung der beiden Species Eumex conglomeratus, Murr., und sanguineus, L. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 33, 1892, 133-135. Altmann, Reinhold. Ueber die Inactivitatsatrophie der weiblichen Brustdriise. Virchow, Arch., Ill, 1888, 318- 340. 2. Ein Fall ausgedehnter liiimorrhagischer Infarcirung des Darmes durch thromboembolische Prozesse in der Art. mesaraica superior. Virchow, Arch., 117, 1889, 206-208. 3. Ueber Perforation der Aorta thoracica vom Oeso- phagus aus. Virchow, Arch., 126, 1891, 407-419. Altmann, Richard. For biographical notice see Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 589-590. 7. Bemerkungen zur Hensen'schen Hypothese von der Nervenentstehung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1885, 344-348. 8. Ueber die Verbesserungsfahigkeit der Mikroskope. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1886, 64-68; 1889 326-328. 9. Die Structur des Zellkernes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1889, 409-411. 10. Ueber die Fettumsetzungen im Organismus. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1889 (Suppl), 86- 104. 11. Ueber Nucleinsauren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1889, 524-536. 12. Notiz iiber die Ringkorner der Zellen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1890, 302-303. 13. Ein Beitrag zur Granulalehre. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 220-223. 14. Ueber Kernstructur und Netzstructuren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1892, 223-230. 15. Ueber Kernstructur und Kerntechnik. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 50-52. 16. Die Granulalehre und ihre Kritik. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1893, 55-66. 17. Einiges iiber die Mikrologie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1895, 225-234. 18. Ueber Granula- und Intergranularsubstanzen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1896, 360-362. 19. Ueber das Wesentliche in der Zelle. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1896, 423-427. 20. Die vitalen Leistungen des Organismus. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897, 86-96. Altoviti, L. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo d' agosto del 1891.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 74. Altschul, Emil. Loslichkeitsbestimmungen von Salzen der Capronsaure und Oenanthylsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 553-563; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 567- 577. Altschul, Julius. Ueber oNitro-p-Oxychinolin und o-Araido-p-Oxychinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2254-2255. 2. Ueber in Parastellung oxalkylirte Derivate des Phenylhydrazins, Hydracetins und Antipyrins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1842-1854, 2185. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefel auf ungesat- tigte Fettkorper. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 535-542. 4. Ueber die Ueberfiihrung von Phenylhydrazin in Diazobenzol mittelst salpetriger Saure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 496-508. 5. Ueber die Diazotirung des Anilins bei Gegenwart von Essigsaure oder ungeniigender Menge Salzsaure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 508-510. 6 . N ach Autoren benannte Reactionen und Reagentien . Auf Grund der Sammlung von A. Schneider neubear- beitet und erweitert. Pharm. Ztschr. Ri;ssland, 36, 1897, 4-6, 28-30, 44-45, 57-61, 73-76, 87-91, 109-113, 125-138, 155-158, 169-172, 183-192, 660-664, 673-679, 687-693, 701-706, 715-719. 7. Versuche iiber Kuppelung von Diazoverbindungen mit Nitrophenolen und Nitronaphtholen und iiber die Niiance einiger dabei entstehenden Azofarbstoffe. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 115-116. 8. Ueber p«ra-Oxyphenylliydrazin. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 201-204. 9. Tauocol. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1221- 1222. Altschul] 77 [Alvisi AltBcbul, JuliuH, & Schmitt, B[ii(lolf Wilhelm], See Schmitt & Altschul. Altschul, Michael. Ueber die kiitischen Grossen einiger organischen Verbindungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 577-597. 2. Ueber die kritische Temperatur als Kriterium der chemischen Reinheit. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1896, 1-16. 3. Die optische Methode zur BeRtimmung der kri- tischen Temperatur. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1896, 1917-1918. Altschul, Michael, & OXeyer, Victor. Zur Kenntniss der Chlorirung des Aethylalkohols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2756-2759, 3100. Altschul, Michael, & Plctet, Raotil. See Fietet & Altschul. Altschul, Michael, & Schneider, B[emhard] von. Ueber die Gefrierpunkte einiger organischer Fliissigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 16, 1895, 24-25. Altechul, Theodor. Contagiositat-Witterung ? Kritisch- epidemiologische Betrachtungen. Arch. Hyg., 12, 1891, 83-131. Aituchov, N. V. TasT. Hst Kyprana OpcKaro y OpeH6yprCKOH ry6epHiH. [Pelvis from the tumulus of Orsk, Orenburg government.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 68, 1890, 417. Altnm, Bernard. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 1) under Altum, (Dr.) . For biography and works see Frankf., Zool. Garten, 41, 1900, 191; Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 45-46; Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 49-54; Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1899-1900 56-65. 66. Zur genaueren Kenntniss des Uralkauzes aus Ostpreussen. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 267-271. 66. Zur "Vei%iftung" der Finken durch Mennige. Jl. f. Ornith., 34, 1886, 77-81. 67. Ueber den Baumschlafer (Eliomys dryas, Schreb.). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 28, 1887, 135-139. 68. Ueber Federkleider und Mauser mancher Vogel. [1887.] Jl. f. Ornith., 36, 1888, 109-111. 69. Ueber den wirthschaftlichen Werth der Krahen und Bussarde. [1888.] Jl. f. Ornith., 37, 1889, 160- 177. eo. Ursaehe der Kreuzschnabelztige. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 13, 1889, 493-496 ; 14, 1890, 25-26. 61. Zum Vogelschutz. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 75-76, 91-92, 123-126, 139-141, 155-159, 168, 171-174, 203-204, 259-260, 289, 291-294, 323-324, 344- 346 ; 15, 1891, 2-3, 29-30, 41-43. 62. Die Wetterprophezeihungen der Vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 107-109. 63. Jugendkleider einiger Hiihnerarten. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 92-104. 64. Vorkommen der Sperbereule im Mlinsterlande. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 104-106. 66. Die Mauser der jungen Edelfasanen. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 130-139. 66. Durch Gatke's " Vogelwarte Helgoland " anzure- gende Forschungsthemata. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 1-3. 67. Ueber Formen des Rephuhns, Starna cinerea, L. Jl. f. Ornith., 42, 1894, 254-269. 68. Verschieben der Verbreitungs-Grenze der Nebel- und Rabenkrahe von Ost nach West. Ornith. Mber., 3, 1896, 137-138. 60. Bemerkungen iiber den Steppenbussard. Ornith. Mber., 4, 1896, 49-51. 70. Der europiiische Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus, L., bei Eberswalde. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 19-20. 71. Zerstorung von Baum-, besonders Fichten- und Kiefernknospen durch Vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 21, 1897, 71-74. Alurralde, Mariano. Nouvelles recherches sur I'excita- bilite electrique et la fatigue musculaire exp^rimentale. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 1, Physiol.), 226-227. Alvarado, Yqnacio. On the pathogenesis of yellow fever. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 1), 161-168. Alvarez, (It.) [Ernest Eugene^ Obock et Abyssinie. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 121, 1894, 59-101, 295-330. Alvarez, E. Recherches sur I'anatomie pathologique du rhinosclerome. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 196-207. 2. Sur un nouveau microbe, determinant la fermenta- tion indigotique et la production de I'indigo bleu. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 286-289, Alvarez, E., & Comil, A[ndre'\ V[ictor^. See Comil & Alvarez. Alvarez, E., & Tavel, E[mst^. Recherches sur le bacille de LnsTGARTEN. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1886, 303-321. 2. Recherches sur le microbe de la syphilis. Progrfis M6d., 2, 1885, 135-136. Alvarez. See also Oonzalez Alvarez. Alvaxo, Giuseppe. Syndrome typho-malarien. [Tr.] [1897.] Arch. M^d. Navale, 71, 1899, 217-224. Alverny, A[ndre] d'. Note sur la flore estivale des Hohe Tauern (Autriche). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 673-681. Alves de Camargo Caixeiro, Antonio. Gommissao geo- graphica e geologica do estado de S. Paulo. Quadro climatologico do anno de 1888. Estagao de Tatuhy. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Rev., 1890, 31. Alves Fereira da Fonseea, A. A. M. V. Estudo com- parativo da estruotura do peciolo de algumas especies de Quercus. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 13, 1896, 48-59. Alvisi, Ugo. Ricerche sul gruppo della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 364-371 ; 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 444-451; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 265-274 ; 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 332-341. 2. Sulla formazione di derivati pirazolici dalle di- cloridrine e dalla tribromidrina della glicerina ordinaria. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 450-457 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 158-168, 3. Delle relazioni tra il periodo di Lothar Meyer ed il periodo del Mendeleeff. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 137-143 ; Gazz. Chim, Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 509-517. 4. Della disposizione de' pesi specifici de' corpi semplici nel sistema periodico degli elementi ohimici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 191-196; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 518-523. 6. Deir azione della fenilidrazina sull' etilencloridrina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 219-223; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 529-535. 6. Ricerche sugli acidi inorganici complessi. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 494-498; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, PM), 523-528. 7. Osservazioni suUe relazioni tra il peso molecolare e la densita ne' corpi solidi e liquidi. Sail alogenati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 376-382; Gazz. Chim, Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 1), 31-41. 8. Sul metalluminato di trietilsolfina, Roma, R, Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 407-413; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 302-308. 9. Ancora delle relazioni tra il peso molecolare e la densita ne' corpi solidi e liquidi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 77-85. 10. Nuove ricerche sulla formazione del solfuro rosso di mercurio per via umida. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 97-98. 11. Ricerche sperimentali su nuovi materiali esplosivi e detonanti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 121- 143, 399-405, (Pt. 2), 64-81, 478-490. Alvisi, Ugo, & Giorgis, Giovanni. See Oiorgris & Alvisi. Alvisi, Ugo, & XOiolati, A[rtJiro]. See BXiolaU & Alvisi. Alvisi, Ugo, & Fatemb, Emanuele. See Fatemb & Alvisi. Alvord] 78 [Amagat Alvord, (Gen.) Benjamin. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Alvord, Benjamin. For biographical notice and list of works see Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 7, 1885 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 2), 127-129. 8. *A special case in maxima and minima. [1883.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 6, 1884 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 1), 149. Alvord, (Maj.) Henry E[lijah]. Telemetric aid to mete- orological records. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1885, 81-83; [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1885, 11-13. 2. Relative values of human foods. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 504-507. 3. Observations on the formation of dew. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 113-116; [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1886, 12-16. 4. Relative values of different kinds of milk and milk products. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 336-338. 6. Influence of topography upon rainfall, from observations during the summer of 1884, at Houghton Farm, Mountain ville, Orange county, New York. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1887, 11-16. 6. The dairy herd : its formation and management. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 295-316. 7. Report upon experimental exports of butter, 1897. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 15, 1899, 83-136. 8. Breeds of dairy cattle. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 15, 1899, 137-200. Alwood, Williavi B. Notes on the life history of Protoparce Carolina. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1898, 369. 2. The life history of Schizoneura lanigera, Hausm. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 369-370; U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 17, 1898, 70-72. 3. The leaf-spot disease of apple, Phyllosticta pirina, Sacc, and several unrelated forms occurring therewith. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 413. 4. On the occurrence of a yeast form in the life cycle of the black rot of apple, Sphaeropsis malorum, Peck. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 422. Alzate y Bamirez, Jose Antonio. 8. *Abejas y arafias. [1788.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 15-17. 9. *Noticia de algunas plantas. [1791.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 4-6. 10. *Del chayote. [1792.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 7-11. 11. *Memoria acerca de la yerba del polio. [1792.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887 (Apend.), 11-15. 12. Proyecto para desaguar la Laguna de Texcoco y las de Chalco y San Cristobal. [Posth.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 3, 1889, 185-201. 13. *Datos para la historia de la meteorologia Mexicana. Notas y observaciones relativas a meteoro- logia fisica del globo y astronomia. [1789-91.] M^x. Obs. Bol., 3, 1890, 178-186, 237-257. Alzheiiaer, Alois. UeberdieOhrenschmalzdriisen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 22, 1889, (221)-(240). 2. Ueber einen Fall von spinaler progressiver Mus- kelatrophie mit hinzutretender Erkrankung bulbarer Kerne und der Rinde. Arch. Psychiatr., 33, 1892, 459- 485. 3. Die arteriosklerotische Atrophic des Gehirns. [With discussion.] [1894.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 51, 1895, 809-812. 4. Die Friihform der allgemeinen progressiven Paralyse. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 533-594. 5. Ein "geborener Verbrecher." Arch. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 327-353. 6. Ueber riickschreitende Amnesie bei der Epilepsie. [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 483-499. 7. Ueber perivasculare Gliose. [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 863-865. 8. Das Delirium acutum. Arch. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 1019-1020. 9. Die Colloidentartung des Gehirns. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 18-53. 10. Einiges zur pathologischen Anatomie der chro- nischen Geistesstorungen. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 57, 1900, 597-599. Alzona, Carlo. Anophthalmus Fiorii, n. sp. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 19, 1899 (Boll.), 94-95. 2. Fauna della provincia di Bologna. Primo con- tributo. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20, 1900 (Boll.), 125-131, 137-140. Amabile, Luigi. For biography and works see Napoli, Ace Pontan. Atti, 24, 1894 (Necrol. No. 4), 11 pp. Amadei, Giuseppe. 9. Sopra un cranio di ladro. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 11, 1885 (Med. Legale), 208-213. 10. Sulla morfologia del padiglione dell' orecchio. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889 (Med. Legale), 46-58. 11. Un omicida-suicida. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 19, 1893, 286-307. 12. Ueber spindelformige Eiweisskorper in der Familie der Balsamineen. Bot. Centrbl., 73, 1898, 1-9, 33-41. Amadeo, Antonio Jose. The dispersion of seeds and plants. Nature, 37, 1888, 535. 2. The botany and vegetable materia medica of the island of Porto Rico. Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 761-762, 881-882, 906-907. Amadio, Achille. Determinazione volumetrica dei solfati nel vino e nell' aceto. Riv. Vit. Ital,, 9, 1885, 61-63. Amaduzzl, Lavoro. Ancora dell' interruttore elettrolitico del Dott. Wehnelt. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 121-123. 2. Per la terminologia elettrica. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 233-235. 3. Sulla differenza fra forza elettromotrice e diffe- renza di potenziale. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 9-10. Amaduzzi, Lavoro, & Iieone, L. U fenomeno di Hall in un liquido non elettrolita. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 252-255. Axnagat, E[niile] H[ilaire]. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Amagat, . 28. Sur la valeur du coefficient de Poisson relative au caoutchouc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 130-133. 29. M^thode pour doser I'extrait sec des vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 195-197. 30. Resultats pour servir aux calculs des mano- metrea k gaz comprim^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1017-1019, 1153-1154. (J 31. Sur la determination du rapport — . Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 174-177. 32. Sur la densite limite et le volume atomique des gaz, et en particulier de I'oxyg^ne et de I'hydrog^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 633-635. 33. Sur un instrument analogue au sextant, per- mettant de prendre directement les angles projetes sur I'horizon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1120-1121. 34. Sur le volume atomique de I'oxyg^ne. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1100. 35. Sur la mesure des tres fortes pressions et la compressibility des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 429-432 ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. , 16, 1886, 181-186. 36. Dilatation et compressibility de I'eau et d^place- ment du maximum de density par la pression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1159-1161. 37. Solidification des liquides par la pression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 165-167. 38. Sur la dilatation des liquides comprim^s, et en particulier sur la dilatation de I'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1120-1122. 39. Sur la verification experimentale des formules de Lame et la valeur du coefficient de Poisson. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 479-482. 40. Compressibilite des gaz : oxyg^ne, hydrogene, azote et air jusqu'a 3000''*"-. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 522-524. Amagat] 79 [Amalickij 41. Eecherches sur I'elasticite du cristal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 618-620. 42. Recherches sur I'elasticite des solides et la com- pressibilite du mercure. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 197-204, 359-368. 48. Compressibility du mercure et elasticity du verre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 228-231. 44. Determination directe (c'est-^-dire sans faire usage d'aucune formule) de la compressibilite du verre, du oristal et des metaux, jusqu'a 2000*""-. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 108, 1889, 727-730. 45. Recherches sur I'elasticite des solides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1199-1202. 46. Variation de I'elasticite du verre et du cristal avec la temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1246-1249. 47. Nouvelle methode pour I'etude de la com- pressibility et de la dilatation des liquides et des gaz. Resultats pour les gaz : oxygene, hydrogene, azote et air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 871-875. 48. Recherches sur I'elasticite des solides et la com- pressibilite du mercure. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 95-140; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 102-114. 49. Nouveau r^seau d'isothermes de I'acide car- bonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 446-451. 50. Sur la determination de la densite des gaz liquefies et de leurs vapeurs satur^es. Elements du point critique de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1093-1098; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 230-23!), 242. 61. Sur la densite des gaz liquefies et de leurs vapeurs saturees et sur les constantes du point critique de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1322-1326. 52. Sur les lois de compressibility des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 638-642. 53. Sur les lois de dilatation des gaz sous pression constante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 771-775. 54. Sur les lois de dilatation des liquides, leur com- paraisori avec les lois relatives aux gaz et la forme des isothermes des liquides et des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 919-923. 55. Sur les lois de dilatation a volume constant des fluides. Coefficients de pression. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1041-1045, 1238-1242. 66. Memoires sur I'elasticite et la dilatabilite des fluides jusqu'aux tres hautes pressions. Ann. Chim., 29, 1893, 6&-136, 505-574. 67. Dilatation et compressibilite de I'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 41-44. 58. Dilatation de I'eau sous pression constante et sous volume constant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 779-782. 59. Sur le deplacement de la temperature du maximum de densite de I'eau par la pression, et le retour aux lois ordinaires sous I'influence de la pression et de la tem- perature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 946-952. 60. Sur la relation qui existe entre les coefiicients des formules de Coulomb (magnetisme), de L.\place et d'AMPfeRE, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 86-90, 150- 154. 61. Sur la cristallisation de I'eau par decompression au-dessous de zero. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 507-509. 62. Sur le maximum de densite et les lois relatives k la compressibilite et k la dilatation de I'eau. [Cf. Nos. 57, 58 & 59.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 145-155. 68. Sur la pression interieure dans les [fluides et la forme de la fonction 4>{pvt) — 0]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 326-330, 566-570; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1894, 103-113. 64. Sur la pression interieure et le viriel des forces int^rieures dans les fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 489-493, 580; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1896, 62-67. 65. Sur les variations du rapport des chaleurs spe- cifiques des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 121, 1898, 863-866, 968; 122, 1896, 66-70; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1896, 24-33. 66. Sur les chaleurs sp^cifiques des gaz et les pro- priet^s des isothermes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 120-121. 67. Verification d'ensemble de la loi des ^tats corres- pondants de Van dek Waals. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 30-35. 68. Sur la loi des etats correspondants de Van der Waals et la determination des constantes critiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 123, 1896, 83-86. 69. Sur les relations exprimant que les divers co- efficients consideres en thermodynamique satisfont k la loi des etats correspondants. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 124, 1897, 547-550. 70. [Sur les relations qui existent entre divers co- efficients.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Sdances, 1897, 18*-19*. 71. Sur la compressibilite de Pair, considere comma melange gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 88-90. 72. Essai sur une forme nouvelle de la fonction f{pvt) = 0, relative aux fluides. [Cas de I'etat de satura- tion.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 538-542, 649- 653 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1899, 51-60. 73. Sur les lois des chaleurs specifiques des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1443-1447. 74. Sur deux lieux relatifs aux deusites de liquide et de vapeur de I'acide carbonique a saturation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.,, 131, 1900, 91-92. . Amagat, E[mile] H[ilaire], & Jean, Ferdinand. Sur I'analyse optique des huiles et du beurre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889,616-617. 2. [Oleorefractometre.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 499 ; 4, 1890, 2. Axnaldi, Italo. Una interpretazione delle corrispondenze per raggi vettori reciproci nel piano. Napoli, Rend., 30, 1891, 238-240. 2. Costruzione dei poligoni regolari di 19 e 37 lati. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 141-155. Amaldi, Paolo. Contributo all' anatomia fina della regione peduncolare e particolarmente del locus niger del Soem- mering. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 49-59. 2. Due casi di atrofia parziale del cervelletto. Riv. Sper, di Freniatria, 21, 1895, 203-248. 3. La ghiandola tiroide negli alienati. [1896.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 23, 1897, 311-349. Amaldi, Paolo, & Perugia, A. L' analgesia dell' ulnare negli alienati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 257- 266. Amaldi, Ugo. Sulla trasformazione di Laplace. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 {Sem. 2), 117-124. 2. Sulle sostituzioni lineari commutabili. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 731-744. Amalickij, Vladimir P[rochorovic]. K'b BOIipocy 0 ;i,peBHOCTH ceiieftCTBa UnionidsB. [Sur I'anciennete probable des UnionidaB.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. li., Biol.), No. 7, 1-5. 2. 0 pycCKIIXl> AntbracosidsB. [Sur les Anthraco- sides de la Russie.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 3, 1-5; [St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 11, 1893 (Suppl.)], 41-42. 8. Coo6meHie 061. 3KCKypcin bt. cfeBepoBoc- TO'IHyK) laCTt HoBropojl,CKO» ry6epHilI. [Com- munication sur I'excursiou au nord-est du gouvemement de Novgorod.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891- 92 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 1, 2-6; [St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 11, 1893 (Suppl.)], 1. 4. Ueber die Anthracosien der Permformation Buss- lands. PalsBontographica, 39, 1892, 125-213. Amalickij] 80 [Amann 5. MaxepiajiLi Kt noanaHiio (|)ayHH IlepMCBOit ciicxeMH Pocciir. I. MepreJiHCTO-nec^iaHtia iiopojtBi OKCKO-BojiKCKaro 6acceHHa. [Matoiaux pour la connaissance du systeme Permien de la Russie. L] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Biol.), No. 8, 15-18. 6. 0 .iieji;Hl[KOBtIX'B OTJIOKeHiflXT. OKpeCTHO- CTett BapuiaBH. [Sur les couches diluviennes des environs de Varsovie.] [1893.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 5, 10-14; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 13, 1895 (Suppl.), 1. 7. 0 npicHOBOjtHHxi, njiacTHHiaT0ffia6epHHX'L 1131. KaMeHHoyro:ibHHxii oxjioKeHifi JI^oHeuKaro 6acce8Ha. [Des Lamellibranchiata d'eau douce des couches Carbonif^res du bassin du Donetz.] [1893.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893-94 (C. R., Biol.), No. 1, 4-8; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896 (Sujjpl.), 34. 8. A comparison of the Permian freshwater Lamelli- branchiata from Eussia with those from the Karoo system of South Africa. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 337- 849. 9. HicKOJibKO saMiqanifi: o BepxHe-IIepMCKiixi. KOHTHHeHTaJbHHXT. OTJIOJKeHiilX'L PoCCill H K). A4)pHKn. (Quelques remarques sur les couches Per- miennes de la Kussie et de I'Afrique m6ridionale.) [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. R.), 117- 126; St. P^ersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 15, 1897 (Suppl), 38-89. 10. HicKOjiLKO saM-feiamR o nocTniion,eHo- BHX'B OTJIOJKeHiax'b BapuiaBH. [Einige Bemer- kungen iiber Post-Pliocane Ablagerungen Warschau's.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol.), No. 2, 19 pp. ; Euss. Geol. Min. Annu., 2, 1897-98 (Sect. 4), 1-2. 11. TeojiorHqecKafl 9KCKypciii na cfeBept Poccill. [Excursion g^ologique au nord de la Russie.] [1896-98.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Biol), No. 3, 15 pp., No. 5, 14-24 ; 1897 (Biol.), No. 1, 7 pp. ; 1898 (Biol), 5 pp.; [St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1898 (Suppl)], 1-2. Amann, Josef A[lbert]. Zur Darstellung von Lymph- bahnen im tlterus. [1891.] Munchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 74-76. 2. Ueber Bildungvon Ureiern und primarfoUikelahn- lichen Gebilden im senilen Ovarium. Deutsch, Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 285-236. Amann, Jules. Essai d'un catalogue des mousses du S.-O. de la Suisse avec indication des localit^s. [1885- 86.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 20, 1885, 241-286; 22, 1887, 145-156. 2. Sur Temploi du baume de Tolu pour les prepara- tions de Diatom^es. [1885.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 11, [1886], 127. 3. Etude des proprietes optiques du peristome chez les mousses. [1886.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 22, 1887, 157-161. 4. Methodes de preparations microscopiques pour I'etude des Muscin^es. Eev. Bryol., 15, 1888, 81-83. 5. Causerie bryologique. Eev. Bryol., 15, 1888, 83- 86. 6. Bryologische Bummeleien im Davoser Gebiete. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 23, 1888, 531-540. 7. Leptotrichum glaucescens, Harnpe. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 71-72. 8. Hypnum Sauteri et Hypuum fastigiatum. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 11-13. 9. Notice sur une mycose du sporange des mousses. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 13. 10. Note sur le Bryum comense, Schimper. Rev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 52-53. 11. Note sur le Campylopus alpinus, Schimper. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 53-54.' 12. Musci novi rhsetici. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 54- 55. 13. Note sur le Brachytheciura trachypodium, Bridel. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 55-56. 14. Etudes bryologiques faites en commun avec M. Philibebt, en aoW 1888. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 56-57. 15. Neuf mousses nouvelles pour la iiore suisse. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 57. 16. Especes et varietes nouvelles. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 87-91. 17. Eurynchiumdiversifolium, LV. iSitJ-. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 91-92. 18. [Mousses interessantes des environs de Davos.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 501-502. 19. Sur I'emploi de la lumi^re polarisee pour I'etude des Muscinees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 502-508. 20. Mnium subglobosum, Br. Eur. Eev. Bryol., 17, 1890, 53-56. 21. Der Einfluss der Koch'schen Impfungen auf die Tuberkelbacillen im Sputum. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 1-3. 22. Charakterbilder aus der Moosflora des Davoser Gebietes., Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 26, 1891, 70-75. 23. Etudes sur le genre Bryum. Eev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 53-57; 20, 1893, 39-45. 24. 4000 Sputumuntersuchungen statistisch verwertet. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 365-368. 25. Pleochroismus gefarbter Bakterienzellen. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Bakterienfarbung. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 775-780. 26. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pilz-Flora Graubiin- dens. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber. , 36, 1893, 88-94. 27. M6thode exp^ditive de preparations microsco- piques pour les mousses. Eev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 74-75. 28. Notice sur le Bryum Philiberti, Amann. Eev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 84-85. 29. Contributions a la flore bryologique de la Suisse. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1893, 49-76. 30. Ueber einen neuen Moosbastard zwischen ver- schiedenen Gattungen (Physcomitrium und Physcomi- trella). Ziirich Vrtljschr., 38, 1893, 392-393. 31. Notiz iiber einen Plasmodienbefund in einem atypischen Falle von Malaria. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 37, 1894, 210-215. 32. Woher stammen die Laubmoose der erratischen Blocke der schweizerischen Hochebene und des Jui'a? Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1894, 19-30. 33. Das objectiv yV' Semiapochromat homogene Immersion der Firma P. Koristka in Mailand. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 145-148. 34. Le birefractom^tre ou oculaire-comparateur. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 11, 1894, 440-454. 35. Du role des phenom^nes de diffraction dans la formation de I'image microscopique. [1894-95.] Lau- sanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull. , 31, 1895, 34-56. 36. La flore des mousses suisses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 384-385. 37. Der Nachweis des Tuberkelbacillus im Sputum. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 513-522. 38. Sur la recherche du bacille de la tuberculose. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, xxi-xxiii. 39. Sur le bacille de la diphterie. [1895.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, v. 40. Nouvelles methodes de preparation des crypto- games cellulaires vertes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 187- 190. 41. Sur les lois de la variation chez les etres organises. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull,, 32, 1896, xxi- xxiii. Amann] 81 [Amato 42. La recherche des phdnols dans Purine comme moyen de diagnostic des auto-intoxications d'origine digestive. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, xlvi- xlvii ; 33, 1897, xv-xvi. 43. Une m6thode g^om^trique de representation de la forme des feuilles chez les Muscin^es. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 259-270. 44. Conservirungsfliissigkeiten und Einschlussmedien fiir Moose, Chloro- und Cyanophyceen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 13, 1896, 18-21. 45. Un nouveau microscope grand module pour la min^ralogie et la petrographie. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 228-230. 46. [Une nouvelle m^thode de dosage de I'acide urique.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, li-lii. 47. Un nouvel azotometre. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., Si, 1898, lii. 48. Application de la l,oi des grands nombres a retude d'un type vegetal. Etude de philosophic bota- nique. Jl. Bot., Paris, 13, 1899, 175-193, 220-228, 229- 233. 49. Sur le pouvoir optique de I'objectif photogra- phique. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 36, 1899, xix-xx. 50. NeueBeobachtungsmedien. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 16, 1899, 38-44. 51. Etude de la flore bryologique du Valais. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 73-116. 52. Deux cas de symbiose chez les mousses. Bull. Murith., 27 IIIaji,piiH- CKaro yfeajta. (Sur quelques affleurements dans le district de Chadrinsk.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 8, 1890, 215-217. Andeer, J. J. Sur un noiavel appareil anatomique observe dans le p6ritoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 577- 580. a. Recherches sur les ostioles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1320-1323; 125, 1897, 669-671. 3. Recherches sur les ostioles des muqueuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1545-1548. 4. Sur I'appareil g^n^rateur des leucocytes dans le p6ritoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1051-1053, 1194-1195. 6. Ramollissement des os par la phloroglucine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1295-1296. 6. Recherches sur les ostioles du syst^me cerebro- spinal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1598-1600. Andeer, Justiis. 6. Das Resorcin bei Kehlkopfleiden. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 116-117. 7. Das Resorcinderivat : Phloroglucin. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 193-195, 579-580. 8. Ueber Resorcingelb. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 737-738. 9. Der Hauptsitz der aromatischen Verbindungen, speciell des Resorcins, im Saugetierkiirper. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 913-914; 23, 1886, 1-2. 10. Das Resorcinderivat : Phloroglucin. Int. Jl. Anat., 1, 1884, 350-353. 11. Resorcin bei der Seekrankheit. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 25, 1887, 930-931. la. Resorcin bei Keloiden. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 785-786. 13. Zur Wirkung des Resorcin auf Hiihnereiweiss. Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 191-192. 14. Das Resorcin gegen Leichengift. Virchow, Arch., 122, 1890, 376-377. Anderegg, £rM8(. Generationswechselbeilnsekten. Bern, Mitth., 1892, 1-69. Anderllk. See Andrlfk. Anderlind. See Zieo Anderlind. Anderlini, Francesco. Apparat zur Harnstoffbestimmung. Chem. Ztg., 9, 1886, 906. 92 [Anderlini a. Ricerche chimiche suUa seta. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 311-323, 1283-1289. 3. II glicogeno negli animali inferiori e note pre- liminari suUe sue combinazioni coll' aeido solforico. [1887.] Venezia, 1st, Atti, 1886-87, 1291-1294. 4. Sopra alcuni derivati della pirrolenftalide. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 560-563 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 149-153; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2869-2870. 5. Ueber Nitro-a-carbopyrrolsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2503-2506. 6. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jodmethyl auf das Tetramethyldihydropyridin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2506-2511. 7. Ueber das Pyrrolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2512-2515. 8. Sopra alcuni derivati nitrici dell' etere metilico dell' acido a-carbopirrolico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 40-43 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 93-97. 9. Sull' acido piroglutamico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend , 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 44-46; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 99-102. 10. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' acido a-carbopirrolico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 663-667; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 350-355. 11. Suir azione del joduro di metile sulla tetra- metildiidropiridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sein. 2), 49-54, 377 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 55-59. la. Suir azione del joduro di metile sulla penta- metildiidropiridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 2), 54-58; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 61-64. 13. Sopra alcuni derivati della pirrolina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 2), 84-88; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 69-73. 14. Sopra alcuni derivati della cantaridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 {Sem. 1), 215-221 ; 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 127-132; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 1), 454-460, 460-470; 23, 1893 {Pt. 1), 121-128; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 485-486; 24, 1891, 1993-2000. 15. Sull' azione delle diammine sulla cantaridina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 223-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 128-139. 16. Sopra 1' azione delle ortodiammine aromatiche su alcune anidridi di acidi bibasici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 425-433; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 140-150. 17. Sopra alcuni apparati di laboratorio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 150-156. 18. Apparato per la distillazione nel vuoto. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 190-191. 19. Azione dell' etilendiammina sulle anidridi di acidi bibasici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 257-261 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 401-407. ao. Azione dell' etilendiammina sopra alcuni acidi bicarbossilici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 293-296; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt.l), 397-401. ai. Sulle anidridi suberica, azaleica e sebacica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 393-396; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 474-477. aa. Sul dipropionato di dietilacetilenglicole ed osser- vazioni sui suoi omologhi superiori. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 2), 46-57. 33. Sopra alcune questioui relative alia rifrazione atomica dell' ossigeno. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 2), 127-162, 165-172. Anderlini, Francesco, & Borisi, Edoardo. Sulla conden- sazione degli eteri formico e succiiiico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sevi. 2), 253-255; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 439-442. Anderlini] 93 [Anderson Anderlini, Francesco, & Ciaxnician, Giacorno Luigi. See Ciamician >^- Anderlini. Anderlini, Francesco, & Ohira, A . Sopra un nuovo metodo di pieparazione dell' acido cantarico e sopra un nuovo isomero della cautaridina. Gazz. Chini. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 52-62. Anderlini, Francesco, & Nasini, Raffaello. See Nasini & AnderUni. Anderlini, Francesco, & Sa.lva,dori, Roberto [Oreste Maria]. Ricerche comparate sopra i metodi di distillazione fra- zionata. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 1-31. AnderUni, Francesco, Nasini, Raffaello, & Salvador!, Roberto [Oreste Maria]. See Nasini, AnderUni & Salvadori. Anders, Ernst. For biographical notice and list of works see St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 25, 1900, 255-256. Anders, J[avies] M[eschter]. 4. The exhalation of ozone by flowering plants. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 337-344, 470-477. 5. The value of the tuberculin test in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 71, 1900, 994-998. Anders, J[aines] M[eschter], & ZHIiUer, G. B. M. The exhalation of ozone by odorous plants. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 858-865. Anders, Th. Ein Vortrag iiber Plateausche Gleichge- wichtsfiguren. [1889.] Eiga Corresp.-BL, 33, 1890, 7-10. 2. Experimentalvortrag iiber die Influenzmaschine. Riga Corresp.-BL, 37, 1894, 85-86. 3. [Ueber die Rontgenschen X-Strahlen.] [1896.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 39, 1896, 81 ; 40, 1898, 85. Anders, Th., & Fobrt, N. See Fohrt & Anders. Andersch, H. Ueber 0. Guttmann's Verbesserungen in der Salpetersaurefabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 619-620. Andersen, Astrid. En sommerrejse i Diskobugten og Uraanaksfjorden. Stockh., Ymer, 17, 1897, 21-39. Andersen, F. V., & Sankey, (Capt.) Henry Riall. Sec Sankey & Andersen. Andersen, Knnd. Ligurinus sinicus i Danmark. KjxVbenh. Vid. Medd., 1893, 166-172; Ornith. Mber., 2, 1894, 74- 75, 93. 2. Zur Verbreitung des Girlitz. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 100-101. 3. Diomedea melanophrys, boende paa Fffir£^±a. .Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 182-184. 52. Etude sur les maxima, minima et sEquences des permutations. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 1, 1884, 121- 134. 63. Sur le nombre des variations d'un polyndme entier en x, dont, les coefficients dEpendent d'un para- mEtre a. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 2, 1886, 75-92. 54. Solution directe du problEme [des deux candi- dats] rEsolu par M. Bebtbamd. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 436-437. 55. ThEorEme sur les formes quadratiques. Paris, Soc. Mat^. Bull., 15, 1887, 188-192. 56. Etude sur les permutations de deux espEces de lettres. Paris Soc. Philom. MEm. Cent., 1888, 35-42. 57. Sur les produits de facteurs variables. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 151-153. 58. DEmonstration nouvelle d'un thEoreme sur les permutations. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 153-155. 59. Sur le partage en quatre groupes des permuta- tions des « premiers nombres. [1892.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 872-874; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 33-56. 60. Sur I'extension aux permutations circulaires des notions de maxima, minima et sEquences. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 11), 2-3. 61. Sur le triangle des sEquences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 575-578, 726. 62. Sur les permutations quasi alternEes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 947-949. 63. MEmoire sur les permutations quasi alternEes. Liouville, Jl. Math., 1, 1895, 315-350. 64. Sur les sEquences des permutations circulaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 714-717. 66. MEmoire sur les sEquences des permutations cir- culaires. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1896, 122-184. 66. ThEorEme nouveau de reversibilitE algEbrique. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 24, 1896, 136-139. 67. DEmonstration directe de la relation qui existe entre le nombre des permutations alternEes et celui des permutations quasi alternEes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8, 1896, 5-9. 68. Sur les fonctions homogEnes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1899, 124. 69. De la comptabilitE [et de I'organisation] des assauts complets. [1899-1901.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1899, 139-153; 2, 1900, 45-73, 77-83. Andr6, E[megt] L[ouis]. Relation d'une EpidEmie de diphtErie. (DEcembre 1887 a septembre 1888.) Arch. MEd. Pharm. Militaires, 14, 1889, 25-42. 2. Le sErum de Marmobek dans les ErysipEles de la face. Arch. MEd. Pharm. Militaires, 32, 1898, 340-350. 3. La gastrite phlegmoneuse. Arch. MEd. Pharm. Mihtaires, 34, 1899, 329-363. AndT6, ^d[ouard]. 7. Italian Cannas. [Tr.] Gard. Chron., 18, 1896, 703-704. Andr6, [Jacques Ernest] Edmond. For biography see Nat. Canad., 20, 1890, 172-173; Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 80; Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 91-92; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 428. 7. [Description de deux guepes sociales nouvelles de la SibErie orientate.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, lix-lxii. 8. Le nid de la Megachile Dufourii, Lep. Echange, 1, 1885, No. 7, 1-2. 9. Le nid du Lasius fuliginosus (fourmi fuliginense). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 33-36. 10. Les mEtamorphoses de I'Otiorhynchus picipes (ColEoptere curculionide). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 65-66. Andre] 102 [Andre 11. Les metamorphoses del'Eumolpusvitis. Natura- liste, 9, 1887, 96-98. 12. La mouche a scie du groseiller. Nematus Ribesii. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 133-134. 13. Les nids des M^gachiles. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 165-167. 14. Le Triodon bursarius. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 264-265. Andr6, Emile. Sur un cas de t^ratologie, Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 674. 2. Contribution a I'anatomie et a la physiologic des Ancylus lacustris et fluviatilis. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 427-461. 3. Sur les teguments du Zonites cellarius. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 39-40. 4. Recherches sur la glande p^dieuse des Pulmonis. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 291-348. 5. Le pigment m^lanique des Limn^es. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 429-431. 6. MoUusques d'Amboine. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 4, 1896-97, 395-405. 7. Note sur les Rhizopodes testacds du bassin de la Plessur. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 41, 1898, 57-59. 8. La fossette triangulaire caudale des Orions. [1898.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 5, 1897-98, 179-182. 9. Organes de defense t^gumentaires chez le Zonites (Hyalinia) cellarius. Gray. Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 436- 438. 10. Anomalie de I'appareil genital mS.le chez la sangsue. Rev. Suisse Zool., 6, 1899, 427-428. 11. Organes de defense t6gumentaires des Hyalinia. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 425-433. Andr6, Ernest. 3. Description de quelques fourmis nou- velles ou imparfaitement connues. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 280-298. 4. Hym^nopt^res nouveaux appartenant au groupe des Formicides. Rev. Ent., 8, 1889, 217-231. 5. Mat^riaux pour servir a la faune myrm^cologique de Sierra Leone, Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 311-327. 6. Voyage de M. Chaper k Borneo. Catalogue des fourmis et description des esp^ces uouvelles. France Soc. Zool. M^m., 5, 1892, 46-55. 7. Mat^riaux myrm6eologiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 45-56. 8. Notes pour servir k la connaissance des Mutilles paMarctiques et description de quelques especes nouvelles. ■"France Soc. Zool. M^m., 6, 1893, 286-296; 9, 1896, 261- ""277. 9. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de fourmi de Tunisie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, cxci-cxcii. 10. Description de quatre especes nouvelles de fourmis d'Am^rique. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 148-152. 11. Notice sur une collection de Mutilles de I'Abyssinie m^ridionale. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 217-222. 12. Especes nouvelles de Mutilles africaines. [1893.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 669-682. 13. Contribution a la connaissance des Mutilles de I'Inde. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 462-484. 14. [Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Ampulex.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, cclvii-cclviii. 15. Notice sur les fourmis fossiles de I'ambre de la Baltique et description de deux especes nouvelles. France Soc. Zool. Bull. , 20, 1895, 80-84. 16. Mutillides d'Australie nouvelles ou imparfaitement connues. France Soc. Zool. M6m., 8, 1895, 475-517. 17. Diagnoses de quelques especes nouvelles de Mutilles du Br^sil. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cccxx-cccxxii. 18. Formicides de I'Ogoou^ (Congo frangais). Rev. Ent. , 14. 1895, 1-5. 19. Sur quelques Vespides africains nouveaux ou peu connus. Rev. Ent., 14, 1895, 352-356. 20. Recherches zoologiques dans les serres du Museum de Paris. Formicides. [1896.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 26, 1895-96, 90-92. 21. Hym^nopteres recueillis pendant les campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 21, 1896, 210-211. 22. Fourmis recueillies dans les serres du Museum. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 24. 23. Liste des Hymenopteres appartenant aux families des Formicides et des Mutillides recueillis au Siam et au Cambodge et offerts au Museum par M. Pavie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat, Bull., 2, 1896, 261-262. 24. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Sylaon. Paris, Soc, Ent. Bull,, 1896, 10-11. 25. Description d'une nouvelle fourmi de France. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 367-368. 26. Fourmis nouvelles d'Asie et d'Australie. Rev. Ent., 15, 1896, 251-265. 27. Mutillides nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus faisant partie des collections du Mus6e National de Hongrie. Termr. Fiiz., 19 (1896), 9-25, 28. Description de trois nouvelles especes de Mutilles de I'Afrique orientale appartenant au Mus6e Royal de Belgique., France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 17-22. 29. Etude sur les Mutillides existant dans les col- lections du Mus6e Civique de Genes. Genova Mus. Civ, Ann,, 37, 1896-97, 66-104. 30. Liste des Mutillides recueillis au pays des Somalis par 31. le Cap. V. Bottego et description de deux especes nouvelles. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896- 97, 281-284. 31. Synopsis des Mutillides de France. [1898.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 28, 1897-98, 38-40, 60-63, 81- 85, 106-109. 32. Contribution a la connaissance des Mutillides de I'Australie. France Soc. Zool, M^m., 11, 1898, 256- 308, 33. Etude sur les Mutillides du Museum de Paris, Paris, Soc, Ent, Ann,, 67, 1898, 1-79, 34. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espece nouvelle de Mutillide d'Algerie, Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull, , 1898, 143-145. 35. Description de deux nouvelles fourmis du Mexi- que. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 244-247. 36. Description du male de I'Apterogyna dorsostriata, Andre. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 347-348. 37. Tableaux analytiques illustr^s pour la determina- tion des L^pidopteres de France, de Suisse et de Belgique, Misc, Ent,, 7, 1899, 74-75, 117-119, 130-131, 182-184; 8, 1900, 9-11, 20-23, 41-48, 63-70, 77-84, 108-116, 145- 159. 38. Mutilles nouvelles de Madagascar. Paris, Mus, Hist, Nat, Bull., 5, 1899, 34-37. 39. Les types des Mutillides de la collection 0, Radoszkowski. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann,, 68, 1899, 1-43, 40. [Diagnoses d'insectes recueillis par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige.] Thynnidae. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann,, 44, 1900, 105. 41. Sur la femelle probable de I'Anomma nigricans, III. (Hymenopt^re), Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull,, 6, 1900, 364-368, Andr6, G[regoire]. Sur la pathog^nie de la chlorose. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1887 (PL 1), 335. 2. Un cas de chromydrose rose. Ass. Frang. C. R. , 1887 [Pt. 2), 759-761. 3. De I'albuminurie dans la fi^vre typhoide. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 733-734, 4. Des rapports de I'ozone avec les bacteries de I'air. Congr. Int, Hyg, C. R,, 1889, 419-420, 5. Parents clinique du cancer et du fibrome, H^r^- dite et contagion. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 [Vol. 2, Patol.), 91-99. Andr6, G[iistave]. lO. Etude chimique et thermique de Andre] 103 [Andreae quelques oxychlorures m^talliques. Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 66-129. 11. Sur la chaleur de formation des oxychlorures de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 298-300. 12. Sur la chaleur de formation des oxybromures de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 515-516. 13. Sur I'oxychlorure de baryum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 98,^1884, 572-574. 14. Etude thermique de quelques oxychlorures et oxybromures de mercure. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 274-280. 16. Sur les sulfates de zinc ammoniacaux, et sur la separation en deux couches d'une solution purement aqueuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 241-243. 16. Sur quelques azotates basiques et ammoniacaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 639-641; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1886, 678-679. 17. Sur le sulfate de cuivre ammoniacal et sur un sulfate basique de cuivre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1138-1140. 18. Sur un sulfate ammoniacal de zinc et sur la separation en deux couches d'un liquide purement aqueux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 272-277. 19. Sur quelques combinaisons de I'ac^tamide avec les chlorures m^talliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 115-118. 20. Action de I'ammoniaque et de I'eau sur le chloro- forme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 553-555. 21. Action de I'eau et de I'ammoniaque sur le chlorure de methylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1474-1477. 22. Action de I'oxyde de plomb sur quelques chlorures dissous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 359-360. 23. Action de I'oxyde de mercure sur quelques chlorures dissous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 431-433. 24. Sur quelques combinaisons ammoniacales du chlorure de cadmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 908-910. 25. Sur quelques combinaisons ammoniacales du sulfate et de I'azotate de cadmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 987-990. 26. Action de certains oxydes sur les chlorures de zinc et de manganese dissous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 854-856. 27. Sur quelques combinaisons ammoniacales des sels de nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 936-939. 28. Sur quelques reactions des chlorures ammonias de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 233-236, 290-293. 20. Sur quelques modes de production des chlorures ammonics de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1108-1110, 1164-1167. 30. Sur quelques reactions des chlorures ammonias de mercure. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 317-321. 31. Sur quelques chlorures ammonias de mercure. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 145-153, 864. 32. Sur la preparation et la reaction des chlorures ammoniacaux de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 859-861. 33. Sur quelques composes formes par le chlorure mercurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 995-998. 34. Sur I'acide bismuthique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 860-862. 35. Sur quelques propriet^s de I'acide bismuthique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 359-360. 36. Sur la fa^on dont se comporte a la distillation un melange de pyridine avec les acides propionique, ac^tique et formique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1187-1189. 37. Sur les combinaisons de la pyridine et de la trim(ithylamine avec les acides formique et ac^tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1105-1107; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 53; 21, 1899, 285-286. 38. Sur quelques bases dcrivees de la piperidine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1797-1799; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1898, 309-312. 39. Sur la constitution des mati^res humiques natu- relles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 414-417; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 497-511. 40. Action de la chaux et du carbonate de calcium sur certaines mati^res humiques naturelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 446-448. 41. Repartition du carbone dans les mati^res hu- miques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 513-516. 42. Sur I'alcool furfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1035-1038; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 583-586. 43. Sur revolution de la mati^re min^rale pendant la germination. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1262- 1265. 44. Sur la fapon dont se comporte a la distillation un melange de pyridine avec les acides propionique, acetique et formique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 278-284. 45. Remarques sur les transformations de la matiere organique pendant la germination. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900,, 728-730. 46. Etude de quelques transformations qui se pro- duisent chez les plantes etiol^es a I'obscurite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1198-1201. 47. Action des acides sulfureux et sulfhydrique sur la pyridine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1714- 1716; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 663-666. 48. Sur les transformations chimiques qui se passent pendant revolution du bourgeon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1222-1225. Andr6, G[mtave], & Berthelot, Mar^celin Pierre Eugene]. See Bertbelot & Andr6. Anclr6, Glustave], Berthelot, Mar\celin Pierre Eugene], & nSatlgnon, Camille. See Berthelot, Andr6 & nSatignon. AndT6, H. Tableau-commutateur multiple a batterie centrale de la Western Electric Co. Jl. T^legr., 24, 1900, 239-240. An6x6, J. B. *L'invention de la machine k vapear. Rev. Quest. Sci., 10, 1881, 186-223, 439-473. 2. Les boissons spiritueuses au point de vue de I'hygi^ne. Rev. Quest. Sci., 46, 1899, 414-447. Andr6, Jlean] J[ulc8]. For biographical notice see Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 334-335. Andxi, Jules. 3. *De I'epithcliomatisme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 234-238. Andrea. See Ollveira Soares de Andrea. Andreae, [Volkmar]. For biographical notice see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1900, i-iii. Andreae, A[chilles]. 3. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Elsasser Tertiars. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., 2, 1884, Heft 3, 331 pp. 4. Ueber das elsassische Tertiar and seine Petroleum- lager. (Nebst einigen neuen Bemerkungen und Beobach- tungen iiber das Tertiar in der Oberrheinebene.) Senck- enb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887 {Th. 2), 23-35, [192]. 5. Ein neues Raubtier aus dem mitteloligocanen Meeressand des Mainzer-Beckens. Dasyurodon flon- heimensis, n. g. et n. sp. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887 (Th. 2), 125-133. 6. Der Diluvialsand von Hangenbieten im Unter- Elsass, seine geologischen und palseontologischen Ver- haltnisse und Vergleich seiner Fauna mit der recenten Fauna des Elsass. [1884.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., 4, 1888, Heft 2, 90 pp. 7. Die Glossophoren des "terrain a chailles" der Pfirt. [1887.] Els.-Lothr. Geol, Karte Abh., 4, 1888, Heft 3, 45 pp. 8. Eine theoretische Reflexion iiber die Richtung der Rheinthalspalte und Yersuch einer Erklarung, warum Andreae] 104 [Andree die Eheinthalebene als schmaler Graben in der Mitte des Schwarzwald-Vogesenhorstes einbrach. [1887.] Hei- delb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 16-24. 9. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Eheinthalspalten- systemes. [1887.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 47-55. 10. Ueber Glimmertinguait, einen neuen Gesteins- typus. [1890.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 475-476. 11. Ueber Hornblendekersantit und den Quarzmela- pbyr von Albersweiler R.-Pf. Deutsch, Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 824-826, 870. 12. Ueber den Yellowstone National Park und seine heissen Springquellen, Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 568-573. 13. Normalprofil des Buntsandsteins bei Heidelberg, nacb den Aufnahmen auf Sektion Heidelberg und Neck- argemiind. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 347-357. 14. Das Eotliegende der Umgegend von Heidelberg. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 357- 365. 16. Ueber einen neuen Listriodon-Fundpunkt. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 389-392. 16. Ueber die kiinstliche Nachabmung des Geysir- phanomens. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 2), 1-18. 17. Intermittirende Springquellen ohne Dampf oder Gasgeysire. Neues Jbucb. Min., 1893 (Bd. 2), 19-25. 18. Acrosaurus Frischmanni, H. v. Mey. Ein dem Wasserleben angepasster Rhynchocephale von Solen- hofen. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1893, 21-34. 19. Ueber Foraminiferen. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, cii-civ. ao. Die Foraminiferen -Fauna im Septarienthon von Frankfurt-a.-M., und ihre vertikale Verteilung. Senck- enb. Natf. Ges, Ber., 1894, 43-51. 21. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fiscbe des Mainzer Beckens. [1894.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abb., 18, 1896, 351-364. 22. Ein neuer Actinocamax aus der Quadratenkreide von Braunschweig. Hildesheim Eoemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 2, 1895, 4 pp. ; No. 5, 1896, 1. 23. Kurze Mittheilung iiber Diallag-Aplite, sowie liber Wollastonitgesteine im Gabbro von Eadautbal bei Harzburg. Hildesheim Eoemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 5, 1896, 1-4. 24. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Ganoiden (Lepi- dosteus und Amia) des Mainzer Beckens. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 7-15. 25. Ueber die Nachabmung verschiedener Geysir- typen und iiber Gasgeysire. [1893.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 83-88. 26. Das fossile Vorkommen der Foraminiferengattung Bathysiphon, M. Sars. [1893.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 141-144. 27. Das Vorkommen von Ophiuren in der Trias der Umgebung von Heidelberg. [1894.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 1-10. 28. Die Bracbiopoden des Ehat von Malsch. [1894.] Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 11-17. 29. Eekonstruktionen fossiler, sog. " vorweltlicher," Tiere. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber. , 1899, cxii-cxiv. 30. Landscbnecken aus Central- und Ostasien. [I. Gliederung der Gattung Cathaica. II. Convergenz- erscheinungen asiatischer Eulotiden und europaiscber Heliciden verschiedener Genera. III. Werdende Arten im Formenkreise der Campylocathaica Przewalskii (v. Mart.). Anhang: Die Variationsreihe der Campylsea frigida, Jan. IV. Kurzer Vergleich der chinesischen und der europaischen Landscbneckenfauna des Loss.] Hildesheim Eoemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 12, 1900, 14 pp. 31. Biotitaplite im Granitit von Baveno. Hildesheim Eoemer-Mus. Mitth., No. 13, 1900, 3 pp. Andreae, A[chilles], & Konig, Walter. Der Magnetstein vom Frankenstein an der Bergstrasse. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss polarmagnetischer Gesteine. [1888.] Senck- enb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 15, 1890 (Heft 2), 59-79. Andreae, A [chilles], & Osann, A [Ifred]. Die Porphyrbreccie von Dossenheim. Ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschichte von Eeibungsbreccien. [1892.] Heidelb., Geol. Landes- anst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 365-372. 2. Loss und Losslehm bei Heidelberg, ihre Hohenlage und die darin vorkommenden Mineralien. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 2, 1893, 733-742. 3. Blatt Heidelberg. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Geol. Karte Erliiut., 23, 1896, 60 pp. 4. Tiefencontacte an dem intrusiven Diabasen von New-Jersey. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 16-27. Andreae, A[chilles], Benecke, E[rn8t] W[ilhelm], Scbu- macher, E{tigen], & "Werveke, Leopold van. Erlaute- rungen zu Blatt Weissenburg. [With analysis of mineral spring by E. Sekda.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Erlaut., 1892, 85 pp. Andreae, J. Beucker. Communication relating to the results of experiments with four- and two-bladed screw propellers. Naval Architects Trans., 29, 1888, 346-349. Andreae, Jlohannes] Lleonardus], 2. Die Loslichkeit fester Korper in Wasser bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 29, 1884, 456-477. 3. Die Dichte gesattigter Losungen fester Korper in Wasser bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 305-312. 4. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Dichte in Wasser loslicher fester Korper. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 312-315. 5. Dissociatie-spanning en ontledingstoestand der stof. Eotterdam Nieuwe Verb., 3, 1890 (St. 3), No. 2, 45 pp. ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 241-273. Andreas, Ernst. Elektricitatserregung auf chemischem Wege. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 188-189. 2. Ueber den specifischen Grenzmagnetismus perma- nenter Stahlmagnete. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 485-487, 497-502. Andreas, J. Ueber den Bau der Wand und die Oeffnungs- weise des Lebermoossporogons. Flora, 86, 1899, 161- 213. Andreasch, Rudolf. 14. Zur Kenntniss des Allylharn- stoffs. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 23-36; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 33-46. 15. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sulfhydantoi'ne [Thiohydantoine]. [1885-97.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 2), 967-989; 96, 1888 {Ahth. 2), 497-514; 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 664-672; 106, 1897 (Abth. 2b), 64-102; Mhefte. Chem., 1885, 821-843; 1887, 407-424; 1896, 789-797; 1897, 56-94. 16. Ueber die Chloressigsulfonsaure und einige andere halogensubstituirte Sulfonsauren. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 680-697; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 158- 175. 17. Zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Senfolessigsaure und der Ehodaninsaure. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2b), 56-64; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 73-81. 18. Ueber Dimethylviolursaure und Dimethyldilitur- saure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 26), 25-41, 648-663; Mhefte. Chem., 1895, 17-33, 773-788. 19. Ueber einige Tbioharnstoffderivate. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 137-139. 20. Ueber Methylviolursaure und Methyldilitursaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 166-185; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 281-300. Andreasi, Arnaldo. Studio analitico delle tre cubiche ciclicbe. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 241-286. Andree, Adolf. 8. Trifolium elegans, Savi, eine Stand- ortsvarietat von Trifolium hybridum, L. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber,, 2, 1884, 97. Andree] 105 [Andreev 9. Priifung des Perubalsams. Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 561-576. 10. Salzabscheidungen durch die Blatter. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 813-316. 11. Vaccinium macrocarpum, Ait. (cranberry), am Steinhuder Meere und die Flora des Winzlarer Moores. [1885.] Hannover Jber., 1883-87, 56-60. 12. Pflanzenansiedelungen auf Neubruch. [1885.] Hannover Jber., 1883-87, 61-66. Andree, Richard. 9. *Anfange der Kartographie. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 79-80. lO. Die Verbreitung des Albinismus. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-BL, 1887, 35. Andr6e, S[alomon] A[ugu,ara-dimetil-etil-naftalina. Roma R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 431-435. 23. Sul solfuro d' azoto. Nota preliminare. Roma R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 254-258. 24. Sopra un prodotto di addizione della santonina coir acido nitrico. Azione dell' acido nitrieo sulla desmotroposantonina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 309-313. 25. Azione dei cloruri [ed ossicloruri] di fosforo... sopra alcuni derivati ossigenati del pirrodiazolo (2.4). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 114-120, 217-225. 26. Jodio-etilato e bromo-etilato di fenil(l)metil(3)- pirrodiazolo (2.4). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 293-295. 27. Costituzione dei pirrodiazoloni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem.. 1), 378-386. 28. Ueber den Schwefelstickstoff. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 246-250. 29. II pirrodiazolo 2.4 ed i suoi derivati. (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem., 11, 1898, 3-116. 30. Sopra un racemo parziale. Sopra alcune rela- zioni riscontrate nel gruppo della santonina fra I'isomeria ottica e la triboluminescenza. Nota preliminare. [1898.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 56, 1899, 13-19; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 513-516, 516-519. 31. Stereoisomeria delle desmotroijosantonine e degli acidi santonosi. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 80-86. Andreocci, Americo, & A.leBBBindrello,P[ellegrino]. Sulla scissione dell' acido isosantonoso inattivo nei suoi com- ponenti destro e levo, mediante la cinconina. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, Mevi. 15, 5 pp. ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 479-483. 2. Sulla scissione dell' acido isosantonoso inattivo nei suoi antipodi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 503-505. Andreocci, Americo, & Bertolo, P[asquale]. Sopra due nuove desmotroposantonine. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 55, 1898, 8-11 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3131- 8133. 2. Sopra due altre desmotroposantonine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend. , 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 318-326 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 2), 529-540. Andreocci, Avierico, & Cannizzaro, S[tanislao]. See Cannizzaro & Andreocci. Andreocci, Americo, & Castoro, Nicola. Sull' idrogena- zione dei pirrodiazoli (2.4). Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 343-346. Andreocci] 107 [Andresen Andreocci, America, & Iiovy, S[iegmund]. See Iiovy & Andreocci. Andreocci, ^»ter/co, & Mannino, ^^[incenzo]. Sopra alouni coinposti ossigenati del pirrodiazolo. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 60, 1899, 45-51; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899 Pt. 2), 41-48. Andr6oli, Emile. For biographical notice see Elect. Rev., 46, 1900, 422. Histoire des batteries secondaires. Lum. Elect., 38 1890, 369-376, 423-431, 516-523, 558-563 ; 39, 1891, 221- 229, 277-282, 316-322, 360-367, 413-421, 604-611. a. Le platine. Lum. Elect., 42, 1891, 162-166. 3. Synopsis of the history of ozone, 1840-92. Elect. Rev., 30, 1892, 98-99, 188-189, 350-351 ; 31, 1892, 342- 844. 4. Le chlore et la soude ^lectrolytique8^(syst6mes Richardson- Holland et B. Cutten). Lum. Elect., 46, 1892, 218-223. 6. The electrolytic production of chlorine and soda. Elect. Rev., 32, 1893, 204-206. 6. Facts and figures on electrolytic chlorine and soda. Elect. Rev., 32, 1893, 488, 521-522, 556-558, 644-646. 7. Chloride of lead secondary batteries. Elect. Rev., 33, 1893, 494. 8. Luminosity, ozone, and vacuum tubes. Elect. Rev., 33, 1893, 551-552. 9. Extraction de I'or par le cyanure. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 353-358, 591-595, 637-641. 10. Chloride of lead battery. Elect. Rev., 34, 1894, 508, 592; 35, 1894, 117-118. 11. Electro-deposition of gold. Elect. Rev., 35, 1894, 550-552. 12. Cyanide and electrolytic cyanide solutions. Elect. Rev., 35, 1894, 586-588. 13. La pratique de I'electrolyse des chlorures. Lum. Elect., 53, 1894, 56-00, 120-123, 265-267. 14. GleichzeitiKC Erzeugung von Ozon und Licht. [1894.] Ztschr. Elektrotechn. Elektroch., 1894-95, 367. 15. , Le traitement ^lectrique des minerals de Broken- Hill. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 303-308, 508-513,^90-594. 16. L'ozone et les bact^ries. Eclairage Elect., 9 (1896), 348-358. 17. Electrometallurgy in 1895. Elect. Rev., 38, 1896, 129-131. 18. Siu' le rendement des ozoniseurs et le dosage de l'ozone. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 509-511. 19. Sterilisation of impure water by ozone. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 498-499. 20. The progress of electro-chemistry and electro- metallurgy during the last 25 years. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 637-640. 21. Ozone, its commercial production and applica- tions. See. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 89-93. Andres, Angela. 8. La salamandra gigantesca del Giappone (Megalobatrachus maximus, Baal.). Cenni descrittivi dell' esemplare esistente vivo nel Civico Museo di Milano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1895, 201-218. 9. Le miospine della Tinea. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1123-1139. 10. Caratteri sessuali secondari nella Tinea. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1430-1458. 11. L' interpretazione della morte in alcuni organismi inferior!. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 883-907. 12. La misurazione razionale degli organismi col metodo dei millesimi somatici o millisomi (somatometria). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 398-429. Andres, Angela, & Fesci, Leone. Ricerche sull' assorbi- mento cutaneo. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 889-904. Andres, Angela, Oiesbrecht, Wilhelni, & Mayer, Paid. Innovations dans la technique des coupes. Jl. Microgr., 8, 1884, 166-172. Andres, Huga. Ueber das Queckailberphenolat. Pharm. Ztschr. Bussland, 27, 1888, 625-627. 2. Zur Werthbestimmung des Leberthrans. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 28, 1889, 145-148. 3. Die chemische Untersuchung des russischen Pfefferminzols. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 29, 1890, 341-343. 4. Die spectroscopischen Eigenschaften des russischen Pfefferminzols. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 29, 1890, 357- 360. 6. Zur Frage iiber das neutrale salicylsaure Queck- silber. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 29, 1890, 517-519. 6. Zur Frage iiber die Bestimmung der QuaUtat im Handel befindlicher Sorten des Pfefferminzoles. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 30, 1891, 417-420. Andres, Hugo, & Andreev, A. B[3CJI'fe;i;0BaHie pycCKaro MflTHaro Macjra h jiliBaro MeHTHJiaMiina. [Unter- suchungen iiber das russische Pfefferminzol und das linke Menthylamin.] [1890.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 23 {Chem.), 1891, 26-39 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 609-622. Andres, L. J^iilCTBie CM-feCH ItHHKa H a-6pOMMaCJIfl- Haro 94)Hpa ua CeHsoHHUH ajiji.eriiji;!,. (CiiHTes'b a-8TIIJI-^-^eHHJI9THjreHM0JI01H0ri KlICJIOTH.) [Ac- tion of a mixture of zinc and ethyl a-bromobutyrate on benzaldehyde. (Synthesis of a-ethyl-/3-phenylethylene- lactic acid.)] [1895.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 283-293 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1143-1144. Andresen, [Kapt.) H. Aussergewohnliche Witterung auf der Khede von Akyab. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 458. 2. Die Witterung in Olehleh (Nord-Sumatra) im Januar und Februar 1891. Ann. der Hydrogr., 21 (1893), 442-443. Andresen, Jah. C. En nyfunden flek af primordial i Hennungbygden, Grans prestegjeld. Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb., [1], 1891, 19-21, {Rds. 94). Andresen, M[amme']. 3. Safranin und Methylenblau. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2212-2217. 4. On the constitution of organic photographic developers. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 10, 1891, 982-984; 11, 1892, 3. 5. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des kauflichen Na- triumsulfits. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, 211-214. 6. Die Isomeren des Amidols. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 31, 1894, 505-511. 7. Ein neuer Diazotypprocess. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 32, 1895, 284-288, 372. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Diamidooxydiphenyls als Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 34, 1897, 587-591; 36, 1899, 206-215. 9. Charakteristische Reactionen der bekaunteren Entwicklersubstanzen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 12-22. 10. Zur Theorie der Entwicklung des latenten Licht- bildes. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 445-452. 11. Zur Aktinometrie des Sonnenlichtes. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 35, 1898, 502-524. 12. Das Wasseratoffsuperoxyd im Dienste der Photo- graphie. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 260- 266. 13. Bromhydrochiuon als Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 396-398. 14. Zur Charakterisirung der Entwicklersubstanzen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 635-643. 15. Influence de la pression barom^trique sur Paction chimique de la lumi6re directe du soleil. Mont Blano Obs. Ann., 4, 1900, 1-17. 14—2 Andresen] 108 [Andrews 16. Zur Chemie der organischen Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 185-199. Andrew, H. M. 2. The red sunsets. [1884.] Victoria Boy. Soc. Trans., 21, 1885, 158-159. 3. An unusual rainbow. Nature, 37, 1888, 464-465. Andrew, J[ames\ Grant. Specimens of lobulated adult human kidneys. Glasgow Med. JL, 38, 1892, 427-429. 2. Cast and teeth from a case of dentigerous cyst. [1898.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 171- 175; Glasgow Med. Jl., 50, 1898, 127-131. Andrew, James. For biographical notice and works see Med.-Chir. Trans., 81, 1898, cii-cvi. 2. A case of hsemorrhagic varicella and a case of gangrenous varicella. Clin. Soc. Trans., 23, 1890, 79- 83. Andrew, {Rev.) John. The British bees. [1886.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 2, 1888, 449-451. 2. Melicerta ringens. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 43-44. 3. The primeval basis and progressive build of the inorganic world. [1896.] Belfast Field Club Kep., 4, 1901, 362-379. Andrew, Thomas. 2. Some notes on the well at the Exeter City Asylum. Devon. Ass. Trans., 20, 1888, 123- 128. 3. Some notes on a natural pipe from a sand-pit in the Breccia series, in the parish of Heavitree. Devon. Ass. Trans., 20, 1888, 378-382. Andrewes, Frederick William. Observations on pyogenic organisms. Loc. Gov. Brd. Eep. {Med. Off.), 20, 1891, 273-280. 2. Preliminary report on the growth of bacteria in pus. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. {Med. Off.), 21, 1893, 209-212. 3. Observations on blood-infection. Loc. Gov. Brd. Eep. {Med. Off.), 22, 1894, 419-426. 4. Report on spore-bearing anaerobic bacilli in the contents of the human intestine, with special reference to their concern with acute diarrhoea. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. {Med. Off.), 26, 1897, 255-262. Andrews, A. J. Discovery of fossil beds at the Witkopje Pan. S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 3, 1898, 146. Andrews, A. Le Roy. On some variations of Spiranthes cernua. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 110. 2. The Orchidaceae of a series of swamps in southern Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 114-115. 3. Orchids of Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 179-180. 4. Ferns of a deep ravine in Thetford, Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 229-230. Andrews, C. Irving. The volcanic rock of Alum Hill, Boulder county, Colorado. [1895.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 5 (1894-96), 148-155. Andrews, Cecil R. P. Draba muralis, L., in Kent. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 275. 2. Two grasses new to the Channel Islands. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 83-37. 3. Notes on Channel Island plants. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 483-484. Andrews, Charles W[illiam']. Note on a new species of ^pyornis {M. Titan). Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 18-20. 2. On some remains of ^pyornis in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 108-123. 3. On the development of the shoulder-girdle of a plesiosaur (Cryptoclidus oxoniensis, Phillips, sp.) from the Oxford Clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 333- 346. 4. On the structure of the skull in Peloneustes philarchus, a pliosaur from the Oxford Clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 242-256. 5. The pectoral and pelvic girdles of Mursenosaurus plicatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 16, 1895, 429-434. 6. Some remarks on the Stereornithes, a group of extinct birds from South America. [1895.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 714-715; Ibis, 2, 1896, 1-12. 7. Note on a specimen of Keraterpetum Galvani, Huxley, from Staffordshire. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 81-84. 8. Note on a skeleton of a young plesiosaur from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Geol. Mag., 2,1895,241-243. 9. On some remains of J^^pyornis in the Hon. Walter Rothschild's Museum at Tring. Novitates Zool., 2, 1895, 23-25. 10. Note on the pelvis of Cryptoclidus oxoniensis {Phillips). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 145-148. 11. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of Aptornis defossor {Owen). Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 241-242. 12. Note on the skeleton of Diaphorapteryx Hawkinsi, Forbes, a large extinct rail from the Chatham Islands. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 337-338. 13. On the structure of the plesiosaurian skull. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 246-252. 14. On the skull, sternum, and shoulder-girdle of iEpyornis. Ibis, 2, 1896, 376-389. 15. On the extinct birds of the Chatham Islands. Part I. The osteology of Diaphorapteryx Hawkinsi. [Part II. The osteology of Palseolimnas chathamensis and Nesolimnas {gen. nov.) Dieffenbachii.] Novitates Zool., 3, 1896, 73-84, 260-271. 16. On a skull of Orycteropus Gaudryi, Forsyth- Major, from Samos. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 296-299. 17. Note on a cast of the brain-cavity of Iguanodon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 585-591. 18. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of ^pyornis from Madagascar. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 241-250. 19. On the structure of the skull of a pliosaur. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 53, 1897, 177-185. 20. On some fossil remains of carinate birds from central Madagascar. Ibis, 3, 1897, 343-359. 21. On a complete skeleton of Megalapteryx tenuipes, Lydekker, in the Tring Museum. Novitates Zool., 4, 1897, 188-194. 22. A description of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). [1898.] Geogr. JL, 13, 1899, 17-35. 23. The relations of Christmas Island to the neigh- bouring lands. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 815. 24. Note on a nearly complete skeleton of Dinornis maximus. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 395-397. 25. Fossil Mammalia from Egypt. Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 481-484; 7, 1900, 401-403. 26. On some remains of birds from the lake-dwellings of Glastonbury, Somersetshire. Ibis, 5, 1899, 351-358. 27. On the remains of a new bird from the London Clay of Sheppey. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 776-785. 28. On a new species of chelonian (Podocnemis segyptiaca) from the Lower Miocene of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 1-2. 29. [On a cast of a portion of the jaw of an Ichthyo- saurus.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 660. 30. On the extinct birds of Patagonia. I. The skull and skeleton of Phororhacos inflatus, Ameghino. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 55-86. Andrews, Charles W[illiam] (et alii). On the marine fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). I. Intro- ductory note. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 115-117. Andrews, Clement W^alker"]. Influence de la temperature sur la rotation sp^cifique du sucre de canne. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 3, 1889, 1366-1369. Andrews, Clement M\alker], & Norton, L[ewis'] ilf[zHs]. See Norton & Andrews. Andrews, E. B. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 1) under Andrews, E. B., and No. 4 {Vol. 7) under Andrews, E. 14. *Report on Gallia county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 {Pt. 1), 225-246. 15. *Report on Meigs county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 {Pt. 1), 247-260. 16. *Report on Athens county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 {Pt. 1), 261-293. Andrews] l6fi [Andrews 17. *Eeport on Morgan county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 294-313. 18. *lieport on Muskingum county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1873 (Pt. 1), 314-364. 19. *Surface geology [of south-eastern Ohio]. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 {Pt. 1), 1874, 441-452. ao. *Report on the geology of Washington county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 453-508. 21. *Report on the geology of Noble county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 509-528. 22. *Report on the geology of Guernsey county (south half). Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt.' 1), 1874, 529-542. 23. *Report on the geology of Belmont county (south half). Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 543-569. 24. *Report on the geology of Monroe county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 570-587. 25. *Report on the geology of Pickaway county. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 588-592. 26. *Geology of Fairfield county. Ohio Geol. Surv, Rep., 2 (Pt. 1), 1874, 592-594. 27. 'Descriptions of fossil plants from the Coal Measures of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 2 (Pt. 2), 1875, 413-426. 28. 'Supplemental report on Perry county, and portions of Hocking and Athens counties. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1878, 815-882. Andrews, E. G. Notes on the limestones and general geology of the Fiji Islands, with special reference to the Lau group. Based upon surveys made for Alexander Agassiz. [1900.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 38, 1900-03, 1-50. Andrews, Edmund. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 (Vol. 7) under Andrews, E. To reference in No. 6 (Vol. 9) add Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, [1883-86], 1-9. Andrews, Ernest R\obert'], & DIeldola, Raphael. See nXeldola & Andrews. Andrews, Ethan Allen. *0n the anatomy of Libinia emarginata. Leach, the spider crab. [1883.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 6, 1882-85, 99-121. 2. Affinities of annelids to vertebrates. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 767-774. 3. Reproductive organ of Phascolosoma Gouldii. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 140-142. 4. Autotomy in the crab. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 188-142. 6. On a new American species of the remarkable animal Phoronis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 445- 449. 6. Notes on the anatomy of Sipunculus Gouldii, Pourtales. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 4, 1887-90, 389-430. 7. Notes on the body-cavity liquid of Sipunculus Gouldii, Pourtales. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (1889-90),] 65. 8. A commensal annelid. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 25-35. 9. Reproductive organs of Diopatra. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 113-124. 10. Compound eyes of annelids. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 271-299. 11. The distribution of Magelona. [1891.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [10 (1890-91),] 96. 12. On the eyes of Polychseta. A preliminary com- munication. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 285-286. 13. Report upon the Annelida PolychsBta of Beaufort, North Carolina. [1891.] U.S. Mus. Proc, 14, 1892, 277-302. 14. Experimental embryology. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 367-382, 580-592. 15. Bifurcated annelids. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 725-733. 16. On the eyes of polychsetous annelids. Jl. Morphol., 7, 1892, 169-222. 17. Notes on the fauna of Jamaica. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [11 (1891-92),] 72-77. 18. An undescribed acraniate : Asynimetron lucaya- num. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 213-247. 19. The Bahama Amphioxus. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 104. 20. Some abnormal annelids. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 435-460. 21. Conjugation in an American crayfish. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 867-873. 22. Conjugation of the brandling. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 1021-1027, 1121-1127. 23. The breeding habits of the crayfish. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [14 (1894-95),] 74. 24. The breeding-habits of the earthworms. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [14 (1894^95),] 74. 25. An Amphioxus from Japan. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 57-60. 26. On the conjugation of Cambarus. Zool. Anz., 18, 1896, 284-285, 27. Breeding habits of the spotted salamander. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 635-637. 28. Spinning in Serpula eggs, Amer, Natlist., 31, 1897, 818-820. 29. Hammar's ectoplasmic layer. Amer, Natlist., 31, 1897, 1027-1032. 30. Some activities of polar bodies. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [17 (1897-98),] 14-16. 31. Some activities of the polar bodies in Cerebra- tulus. [1897-98.] Science, 7, 1898, 221-222; Arch. EntwMech., 6, 1898, 228-248. 32. Some ectosarcal phenomena in the eggs of Hydra. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [18 (1898-99),] 1-3. 33. Filose activity in metazoan eggs. [1898.] Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 1-13. Andrews, Florence M. Notes on a species of Cyathus common in lawns at Middlebury, Vermont. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 99-101. Andrews, Frank M. Development of the embryo-sac of Jeffersonia diphylla, Bot. Gaz.', 20, 1895, 423-424. Andrews, George Frederick. Notes on aluminum. Amer. Chem. Soc JL, 16, 1894, 485-487. Andrews, Grace A. Studies of the dream consciousness. [1900.] Amer. Jl, Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 131-134. Andrews, Gioendolen F[oulke]. Some spinning activities of protoplasm in starfish and sea-urchin eggs. Jl. Mor- phol., 12, 1897, 367-389. 2. On a method found useful in preservation of protoplasmic spinnings. Ztschr, Wiss, Mikr., 14, 1897, 447-452. Andrews, Horace. Solution of trigonometrical problems by continued approximations. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 54-57. Andrews, J. D. F. 2. Electrical distribution by means of condensers. Electrician, 23, 1889, 330-331. 3. An experiment with the electric arc. Electrician, 26, 1891, 681, Andrews, John Joseph Frederick. On ship caissons for dock basins and dry docks. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1890, 189-200. AaAxeviB, Joseph A\lfred]. 3. Trachoma and the etiology of jequirity ophthalmia. Arch. Med., 11, 1884, 221-261, 4. Contagious conjunctivitis ; its causes, prevention, and treatment, N, Y, Med, JL, 42, 1885, 449-452, 480- 483. 6. The electric light as an illuminator. The effect of strong light on the eye. {With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc Trans,, 1886, 228-241. 6. Contagious eye-disease. N, Y, Med, JL, 44, 1886, 347-352, 7. Purulent ophthalmia : observations on the aetiology Andrews] no [Andrews and treatment of the disease. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 681-685. 8. Functional headache from eye-strain in children. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 41-46. 9. Tubercle of the iris. Being a report of a case of tubercle of the iris, with remarks addressed to the inquiry: Does tubercle ever occur primarily in the iris ? Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1896, 561-577. Andrews, L. Soil-preferences of some less usual vascular plants in central Connecticut. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 103- 104. 2. Aster concinnus in New England. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 166-167. Andrews, Launcelot WliJichenter]. 5. On a volumetric method of general applicability for the determination of combined sulphuric acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 567-571. 6. The detection of eoniine in a case of poisoning. Amer. Chem. Jl., 13 (1891), 123-128. 7. On a new astatic galvanometer with a single spiral needle. [1887.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 {Pt. 2), 1892, 75. 8. An unusual form of calcium glycerate. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 107. 9. On the assumption of a special "nascent state." [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 9-12 ; Chem. News, 70, 1894, 152-153. 10. Some peculiarities of solutions of ferric sulpho- cyanate. [1893.] Iowa Ac Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 12-15 ; Chem. News, 70, 1894, 165-166. 11. Recent advances in the theory of solutions. [Presidential address, Dec. 1894.] Iowa Ac Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 13-19. 12. On the analysis of alloys of lead, tin, antimony and arsenic. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 869-873. 13. The nascent state. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 80-81. 14. The reduction of sulphuric acid by copper as a function of the temperature. Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, 1896,37-40; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 251-254. 15. A new volumetric method for the determination of silver. Amer. Chem. Jl., 24 (1900), 256-266. Andrews, Launcelot WHncheitter'i, & Ende, Carl. A study of the physical properties of solutions of lithium chloride in amyl alcohol. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 95-103; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1896, 136-144. Andrews, Leonard. The prevention of interruptions to electricity supply. [With discussion.] [1898.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 27, 1899, 487-522. Andrews, {Miss) Mary K. Denudation at Cultra, County Down. [1892.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 3, 1893, 529- 532. 2. Dykes in Antrim and Down. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 93-96. 3. Notes on Moel Tryfaen. [1894.] Belfast Field Club Rep., 4, 1901, 205-210. Andrews, R. R. 2. The origin of the dental fibril. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 503-511. 3. The development of the teeth, with demonstrations of the formation of dentine from the odontoblasts and fibril-cells. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 808-814. 4. Pits and fissures of the enamel. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 996-1005. 5. On the formation and calcification of the enamel. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 5, Abth. 14), 44-51. 6. A contribution to the study of the development of the enamel. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 43, 1900, 1009-1022. Andrews, Thomas. For biography and works see Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 342-344; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 165- 166 ; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 7, 1886 (Aim. Meet., 1886), 8-9; Nature, 33, 1886, 157-159; Termt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 513; Roy. Soc Proc, 41, 1887, xi-xv. 61. On the properties of matter in the gaseous and liquid states under various conditions of temperature and pressure. [1886.] [Posth.] Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 45-56. Andrews, Thomas (C. T].). 2. On galvanic action between wrought-iron, cast metals, and various steels during long exposure in sea-water. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 77, 1884, 323-336. 3. Experimental research on the electromotive force from difference of potential during diffusion in tidal streams. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 28-35. 4. Corrosion of metals during long exposure in sea- water. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 82, 1885, 281-300. 5. Observations on variations of the electromotive force between metals at high temperatures in fused salts. Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1885, 216-218. 6. The action of tidal streams on metals during diffusion of salt and fresh water. Experimental research. Part II (Gravimetric). Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1885, 372- 378. 7. Apparent lines of force on passing a current through water. [1884.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 18-21. 8. The resistance during recrystallisation of fused salts of the halogens compared with some others and glass. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 275- 279. 9. Electrochemical reactions between metals in fused salts. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 947-950. 10. Effect of temperature on the strength of railway axles. Inst. Civ. Eugin. Proc, 87, 1886, 340-370; 94, 1888, 180-209; 105, 1891, 161-176. 11. Observations on pure ice and snow. [1886-90.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 544-549; 48, 1891, 106-116. 12. *0n the relative electro-chemical positions of wrought iron, steels, cast metal, etc., in sea- water and other solutions. [1883.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Trans., 32, 1887, 205-218. 13. Electrochemical effects on magnetising iron. [1887-92.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 459-469 ; 44, 1888, 152-168; 46, i890, 176-193; 52, 1893, 114-117. 14. Heat dilatation of metals from low temperatures. [1887.] Roy. Soc Proc, 43, 1888, 299-304. 15. The passive state of iron and steel. [1890-91.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 48, 1891, 116-126; 49, 1891, 120-126, 481-488. 16. The effect of chilling on the impact resistance of metals. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 103, 1891, 231-249. 17. The action of tidal streams on metals. [With discussion.] [1890.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 1, 1892, 191-208 ; 2, 1892, 110-111. 18. The effect of strain on railway axles, and the minimum flexion resistance-point in axles. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1895, 181-223. 19. Micro-metallography of iron. Part 1. Roy. Soc. Proc, 58, 1895, 59-64. 20. Thermo-elektrische Vorgiinge und Strome zwi- schen Metallen in geschmolzenen Salzen. [Tr.] [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 117-121. Andrews, W[iUiam] H[olmes], & Campbell, Edward D[e Mille]. See Campbell & Andrews. Andrews, W. W. A cheap form of self-regulating gas generator. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 304-306. 2. The position of argon in the periodic system. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 235. 3. Some extensions of the plaster of Paris method in blowpipe analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 18, 1896, 849- 869. 4. Reform in the teaching of chemistry. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 601-608. Andrews, William. 3. On recent observations on the Trias in central Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1884, 18-21. 4. The great chalky boulder clay in central Warwick- shire. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1884, 32-33. Andrews] 111 [Andrllk 5. The older Palreozoic rocks in north-east Warwick- shire. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 58-59. 6. On a new discovery of Cambrian rocks between Chilvers Coton and Burton Hastings. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1886, 31-32. 7. On the north Warwickshire Cambrian shales. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 244. 8. On the bore-holes at Coventry. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1889, 27-33. 9. On a discovery of blue slate in north Warwick- shire. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1890, 9-10. 10. On the new water supply at Kenilworth. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1895, 54-57. 11. On recent bore-holes in Warwickshire. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1897, 31-84. 12. The Leonids in 1868. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 55. 13. The migration of swifts. Nature, 62 (1900), 436. Andrews, William M. Apical growth in roots of Marsilia quadrifolia and Equisetum arvense. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890, 174-177. Andrews, {Rev.) William Ryton. 3. The origin and mode of formation of the vale of Wardour. [1891.] Wilts. Archffiol. Mag., 26, 1892, 258-269. 4. The making of the South Downs. [1894.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 420-432. Andrews, (Rev.) William Ryton, & Jukes-Browne, A[lfred] J[ohn]. The Purbeck beds of the vale of Wardour. [1893.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 44-69. See also Jukes-Browne & Andrews. Andri, Alf. L'emploi de I'acier dans le materiel des chemins de fer. Eevue Univ. Mines, 26, 1894, 117-172, 256-276. Andrian, Ferdinand (Frhr.) von. 27. Ueber einige Eesultate der modernen Ethnologie. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1894, 57-73. 28. Elementar- und Volkergedanke, ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ethnologie. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1898, 166-179. Andrien, G. Sur le point de Fagnano. Mathesis, 20, 1900, 105-109. Andzies, P. 6. Resultate aus fiinfjahrigen meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen in Wilhelmshaven. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 133-145; 16 (1888), 373-383. 7. Ueber Gewitter- und Hagelbildung. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 1-17, 65-72; 13 (1885), 125-134, 187-195. 8. Der Mascaret. Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr., 5, 1886, 265-269. 9. Ueber die Ursache der zunehmenden Zahl der BlitzBchlage. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886, 55-58. 10. Ueber Erdmagnetismus. Ann. der Hydrogr., 15 (1887), 467-480. 11. Das Quecksilberthermometer. Wetter, 4, 1887, 25-34. 12. Ueber die Rolle der Elektricitat bei meteoro- logischen Erscheinungen. Wetter, 4, 1887, 217-232. 13. Der Einfluss der Sonne und des Mondes auf den Erdmagnetismus, den Luftdruck und die Luftelektricitat. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 203-215. 14. Die Kalteriickfalle im Mai. Wetter, 6, 1889, 121-129. 16. Eine neue Methode des italienischen Physikers Govi, um den Ort, die Lage und Grosse der Bilder von Linsen oder Linsensystemen zu konstruiren und zu berechnen. Centrztg. Optik, 11, 1890, 97-98. 16. Das Verhalten der Thiere bei Erdbeben. Wetter, 7, 1890, 67-69. 17. Der Chinook und der Blizzard. Wetter, 7, 1890, 201-206. 18. Ueber Scintillation. Wetter, 8, 1891, 81-39. 19. Ueber die Entstehung der Tromben. Wetter, 8, 1891, 169-174. Andriessen, Hugo. Eine neue Methode zur Messung von Induktionskoefficienten. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 170-171, 182-185, 435. 2. Die Kapacitatsverhaltnisse in Kabeln. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 792-794. Andriessen, W. F. Groenland. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 9, 1892, 524-548. Andrieu, Edmond. De la dent de six ans. [With discis- sion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 605-622. Andrieu (de I'^tang), L. Sur un chromatometre, destin^ k mesurer la couleur des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 281-284. Andriezen, W[illiam] Lloyd. On a system of fibre-cells surrounding the blood-vessels of the brain of man and mammals, and its physiological significance. Int. Jl. Anat., 10, 1893, 532-540. 2. On some of the newer aspects of the pathology of insanity. Brain, 17, 1894, 548-692. Andrllk, Karel. Ueber die ^jauterung des Dififusionssaftes mittels Magnesia. [18937] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 18, 1893-94, 106-108. 2. Beitrage zu dem sog. Schleimigwerden der Diffu- sions- und Riibensafte. [1894.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 18, 1893-94, 190-195. 3. Einige Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen iiber Riibenpektin. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894^96, 101-113. 4. Ein Beitrag zur Riiben- Analyse. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894^96, 258-262. 5. Darstellung des Pektins auf kaltem Wege. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-96, 323- 329. 6. Von dem bei der Osmose sich ausscheidenden Sohleim und den ans demselben entstehenden Dex- transtoffen. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 20, 1896-98, 84-97. 7. Ueber saure Briidenwasser beim Einkochen von Osmosewasser. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 287-292. 8. Analysen einiger Ablagerungen [aus Zuckerfabri- ken]. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 477-481. 9. Quantitative Bestimmung des Invertzuckers nach Peska's Methode und die Verwendbarkeit derselben in der Zuckerfabrikspraxis. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 569-588. 10. Ueber SvrupFiltration. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuck- erind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 212-215. 11. Ueber die Bestimmung des Zuckergehaltes der Riibe mittelst des Apparates von Arm. Le Docte. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 295-304. 12. Bericht iiber das Verhalten der Raftinose bei der Vergahrung von Melasse. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 1-25. 13. Ueber die Riibenharzsaure in der Zuckerfabrika- tion. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 25-37. 14. Ueber die Riickfiihrung der Syrnpe in dem Betrieb nach der Methode Dr. Zscheye. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 65-75. 15. Ueber Saturationsschlamm und seine Zusam- mensetzung. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 163-170. 16. Ueber den Einfluss der Saccharose auf die Bestimmung der Pentosane mittelst der Phloroglucin- methode, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Zucker- fabrikprodukte. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 314-323. 17. Ueber das Reinigen der Dicksafte mittels Ozon nach dem Verley'schen Verfahren. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 341-350. 18. Kleinere Mittheilungen. [a. Ueber die Loslich- keit des Eisenoxyds, der Thonerde und der Kieselsaure I Andrlik] 112 [Andrusov bei der Einwirkung von Zuckerlosnngen auf den gewohn- lichen, unreinen Aetzkalk. b. Ueber die Loslichkeit der im gebrannten Kalke enthaltenen Kalksilikate in Zuckerlosungen. c. Furfurol aus der Biibe und Melasse. d. Analyse einiger alten Syrupe. e. Einige Ablage- rungen aus Znekerfabriken.] [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 551-559. 19. Ueber Citronensaure im Saturationsschlamm. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 645- 648. 20. Ueber die Oxalsaure im Saturationsschlamm. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 139- 142. 21. Studien iiber das Schwinden der Alkalitat der Safte wahrend der Abdampfung und Verkochung. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm. , 25, 1900-01, 143-148. 22. Der Einfluss der Alkalitat bei der zweiten Saturation auf die Loslichkeit der Magnesia im Safte. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 148-152. Andrlik, Karel, & ZZranicka, H. Eeduktion des Kupfer- oxyds mittelst Methylalkohol bei der Invertzuckerbestim- mung. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 216-221, Andrlik, Karel, & Fdnek, J. Ueber die Farbung des Zuckers durch an Kali gebundene Melasse- und Ulmin- Saure. [Tr.] [1895.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 502-505. Andrlik, Karel, & Stanek, Vladimir. Ueber die Bestim- mung der Oxalsaure im Diiiusions- Safte und die Bedeu- tung derselben fiir den Zuckerfabriksbetrieb. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 52 (6is)-60. Andrlik, Karel, & Urban, Karl. Analysen von Eiiben aus dem Jahre 1898 mit Eiicksicht auf die stickstoff- haltigen Substanzen. [1899.] Ztschr, Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 629-646. 2. Einige Diinnsafte aus der Campagne 1898-99 und ihr Verhalten bei der Abdampfung mit Eiicksicht auf den Alkalitatsverlust. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 212-222. Andrlik, Karel, & Voto6ek, Emil. 0 pryskyfiCne kyseline fepy cukrove. [Ueber eine Eiibenharzsaure.] [1897-98.] Prag, Sber., 1897 {Math.-Nat.), No. 54,14 pp.; Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 248-264. Andrlik, Karel, Beronnsky, St., & ZZranicka, H. Ver- suche zur Bestimmung der Polarisationsverluste beim Verdampfen und Verkochen von Fabrikssafteu und Zuckerlosungen. [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 525-541. Andrlik, Karel, Vrban, Karl, & Stanek, Vladimir. Die Zusammensetzung von Diffusionssaften aus der Cam- pagne 1898-99. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 205-211. 2. Die Fxillmassen aus der Campagne 1898-99. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 257- 273. 3. Ueber die aus Diffusionssaften und Fiillmassen mit Aether auslaugbaren organischen Sauren und deren Bedeutung im Zuckerfabriksbetriebe. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 83-89. Andronico, Carmelo. La febbre sifilitica. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 628-631. Andros, Charles H. The blue yellow-backed warbler. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 147-148. 2. The Maryland yellow throat (Geothlypis trichas). Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 60-61. 3. Fall migration in Bristol county, Mass., 1885. Ornith. Ool, 11, 1886, 1-2. 4. Notes on some birds of Grand Manan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 151-152, 172-173, 179-180. 6. The black and yellow warbler at Grand Manan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 182-183. 6. Golden crested kinglet at Grand Mauan. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 203-204. Andros, Frederic W. A day among the ospreys. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 133-135. 2. A of the birds of Bristol county, Mass. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 137-141. Andrusov, Nikolaj I[vanovic]. SaMfeKa 0 reOJIOrH- leCKHX'b H.3CJI'fe;i,0BaHiKX'l> Bt OKpeCTHOCTKX'B r. Kepyil. [Note on geological investigations in the neighbourhood of Kertch.] New Euss, See. Nat. Mem., 9 {No. 1), 1884, 15 pp. 2. Ueber das Auftreten der marin-mediterranen Schichten in der Krim. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 190- 194. 3. leojioriiiGCKia ii3CJi'feji;oBaHiji iia Kep^ien- CKOM'B nOjiyOCTpOBi.... [Geological investigations in the Kertch peninsula.] New Euss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 9 (No. 2), 1885, 1-199; 11 (No. 2), 1887, 69-147; 14 (No. 2), 1889, 59-129; Nature, 32, 1885, 580 [Part I]; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 132-133 [Part II]; Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1890 (Proc.-Verb.), 82-83 [Part III]. 4. Ueber das Alter der unteren dunklen Schieferthone auf der Halbinsel Kertsch. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 213-216. 5. Ueber zwei neue Isopodenformen aus neogenen Ablagerungen. Neues Jbuch, Min., 1886 (Bd. 2), 155- 174. 6. Die Schichten von Kamyschburun und der Kalk- stein von Kertsch in der Krim. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 36, 1886, 127-140. 7. Eine fossile Acetabularia als gesteinbildender Organismus. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887, 77-80. 8. Mediterranschichten in der Krim und am Kau- kasus. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Not.), 76-78. 9. OnepRt HCTopiH pasBHTifl KacniflcKaro MOpjI H ero 06HTaTeJieH. [Skizze der Geschichte des Kaspischen Meeres und seiner Fauna.] [1888.] St. Petersb., Euss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 24, 1889, 91-114; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 116-119. 10. Ein kurzer Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1887 im transkaspischen Gebiet ausgefiihrten geologischen Unter- suchungen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 38, 1889, 265-280. 11. KepqeHCKiR iisBecTHHK'i. h ero (Jiayna. [Der Kalkstein aus Kertsch und seine Fauna.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 26, 1890, 193-344; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 120-121. 12. 0 Heo6xoji;HMOCTii rjiy6oKOBo;(,HHX'L ii3c- JlijI.OBaHiH B% HepHOMt. MOpi. [Ueber die Nothwen- digkeit der Tiefseeuntersuchungen im Schwarzen Meere.] St. Petersb., Euss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 171-185; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 52. 13. npeji;BapHTejii.HHft oiqeT'B 061. yiacTiii Bt HepHOMOpCKOft oy6oM'fepHOH 3KcneAHii,iii 1890 r. [Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die naturwissen- schaftlichen Ergebnisse der Tiefseeuntersuchungen im Schwarzen Meere.] St. Petersb., Euss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 398-409; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 52-53. 14. Die Schichten von Cap Tschauda. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890, 66-76. 15. Bioreorpa4)i«ecKiH saM-feiKii. I. Ilejia- niieCKail (})ayHa 11 (})JIOpa. [Biogeographical notes. 1, Pelagic fauna and flora.] New Euss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (No. 2), 1892, 1-49. 16. H-feKOTopHe peayjBTaTH 3Kcneji;Hn,iH " ^ep- HOMOPUA." Kt Bonpocy 0 npoHCxojKjieHiii cfepo- Bo;topoji;a bt. BOji,axT, ^lepHaro Mopn. [Quelquea Andrusov] 113 [Anfrie r^sultats de I'exp^dition de la Tchernomortza. Contri- bution k la question de Torigine de Thydrogtee sulfure des eaux de la mer Noire.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 370-397; Montpellier, Soc. Lan- gued. G6ogr. Bull., 16, 1893, 433-434. 17. Physical exploration of the Black Sea. [1892.] Geogr. Jl., 1, 1893, 49-51. 18. SaMinaHia O ceMefiCTB'fe [Notes sur la famille de] DreissensidsB. New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 18 (No. 1), 1893, 69-94; St. P^ersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 13, 1895 (SuppL), 33-34. 19. npo6jieMLi ji;ajitH'feriraaro Hsyieniii ^lep- Haro Mopa h cTpaH-B ero OKpyHtaK)miixT>. I. MpaMOpHOe MOpe. [Problems of the further study of the Black Sea and the surrounding regions. I. Sea of Marmora.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 72, 1893 (Append. No. 3), 11 pp. 20. TeoTeKTOHHKa KepieHCKaro nojiyocTpoBa. [Die Geotektonik der Halbinsel Kertsch.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. RussL, 16, 1893, 63-336; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 435-437. 21. 06Ty oji;homi. MGTOji.'fe onpeji.'fejieHiji cko- pocTH oTJioKeHifl ocaji.KOB'b Ha jtHt MopePr. [A method of determining the rate of deposition of sediment at the bottom of seas.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 437-440. 22. Einige Resultate der Tiefseeuntersuchungen im Schwarzen Meere. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 36, 1893, 373-393. 23. Sur I'^tat du bassin de la mer Noire pendant I'^poque Pliocene. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 437-448. 24. npo6jieMH ji;aj[i.H'fe8maro HsyieHia ^lepHaro Mopa H crpaH-B ero OKpyaiaioui.HX'b. II. 0 C'fepoBoji;opo;i,HOM'i. CpoKenin bt. ^lepnoMt Mopi. [Les probl^mes des etudes ulterieures de la mer Noire et des pays d'alentour. II. Sur la fermentation hydro- sulfureuse dans les eaux de la mer Noire.] [1894.] St, Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1895, No. 1, 10 pp. ; St, Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896 (SuppL), 51-52. 25. EpejiBapnTejifcHHii oTieTt o reojrorii^ecKOH nofejIiK'fe Bt PyMHHiK) JliTOMT) 1893 r. [Rapport pr^alable sur una tourn^e geologique entreprise en Roumanie pendant I'^te de 1893.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci, Mem., 1, 1895, No. 4, 18 pp.; St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull, 14, 1896 (Suppl.), 1-2. 26. [0 pcayjibTaxaxT. CBoeft nofeji,KH st Kapa6yra3CKOMy aajiiiBy jifooMT, 1894 r. Ueber die Ergebnisse der Reise zum Karabugas im Sommer 1894.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1895 220-221 ; Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2) 31. 27. Kurze Bemerkungen iiber einige Neogenablage rungen Rumaniens. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 189-197. 28. Die siidrussischen Neogenablagerungen. St Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 34, 1896, 195-242; 36, 1899 101-170. 29. Der Adschi-darja- oder Karabugas-Busen. Peter mann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 25-34. 30. Eine Bemerkung iiber die stratigraphische Stel lung der Helixschichten von Kertsch. Wien, Geol. Verb. 1897, 229. 31. 9Kcneji;Huifl " CEJLflHHKA " Ha MpaMopHoe MOpe. [Expedition of SS. Seljanik to the Sea of Marmora.] [1896.] St. Petersb., Soc. Russe G^ogr. M6m. (Geogr.), 33, 1898 (No. 2), 153-171. 32. 3aM'feiaHifl o Mioiten'fe npHKacnificKHxt CTpaHl. (Bemerkungen iiber das Miocan der kaspi- R. S, A. C. schen Lander.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 18, 1900, 339-369 (Res. 362-369), 33. Ueber Ephipiellum syrametricum. Jar. Lam- nicki. [1899.] Dorpat Sber., 12, 1901, 248-249, 34. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber die Entstehungs- hypothesen des Bosporus und der Dardanellen. [1900.] Dorpat Sber., 12, 1901, 378-400. 35. 0 ji.peBHHX'b 6eperoBLix'B jiHHiflxT. Kacni- HCKaro MOpa. Ueber die ehemaligen Uferlinien des Kaspischen Meeres. [1900.] Russ. G6ol, Min, Annu., 4, 1900-01 (Sect. 1), 3-10. Andson, (Rev.) William. Meteorological [observations taken at Dumfries, 1886-98.] [1887-99.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 14-18; 6, 1890, 28-32, 107-110, 203-207 ; 7, 1891, 51-54 ; 8, 1893, 41-46 ; 9, 1894, 32-36; 10, 1895, 39-45; 11, 1896, 84-89; 12, 1897, 31-37; 13, 1898, 33-39; 14, 1898, 39-47; 15, 1900, 45-51. 2. Observations of the temperature of the Nith and its estuary for the year ending 15th April, 1890. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 6, 1890, 248-252. 3. Observations on the temperature of the River Dee and its estuary during the year [1889-90], [1890,] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 7, 1891, 6-8. 4. Mr. Aitken's theory of dew. [1891.] Dumfr, Gallow. Soc. Trans., 8, 1893, 5-7. 5. Meteorological observations taken by Mr. Elliot at Warmanbie. [1896.] Dumfr. Gallow, Soc. Trans., 12, 1897, 130-132. Anelli, G., & Furgotti, Attilio. See Furgotti & Anelll. Anelll, L. SuU' assorbimento del gas idrogeno da parte del platino a diverse temperature, Nuovo Cimento, 4, 1896, 257-269. Anert, E. E. IIpe.HBapnTeJIBHHH OTHeTt MaHLIJKyp- cKoft aKcnesHitin HMnepaiopcKaro PyccKaro reorpa(|)HiecKaro 06mecTBa, HacTT> reojiorH- iieCKaa. [Preliminary report on the Manchurian ex- pedition of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Geological part.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ, Geogr, Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 164-192; Geogr. Jl., 11, 1898, 63-65. 2. [0 nojesHHxt HCKonaeMHX'B MaHtijKypiH. Ueber nutzbare Mineralien in der Mantschurei.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 37, 1899 (Prat.), 79-81; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 404. Anfimov, J. A. Ueber die pathologisch-anatomische Bedeutung der sog, Vacuolenbildung in den Nerven- zellen, St. Petersb. Med, Wschr., 13, 1888, 93-96, 101-105, Anfosso, Carlo. Gli insetti e 1' igiene. Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1886, 159-175. 2. Suir esame microscopico d^lla cosiddetta polvere da pane. [1886.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 829-832, 3. I microbi benefici, Nuova Antol. Sci., 91, 1887, 492-504., Anfkie, Emile. Note sur un gypaete barbu (Gypaetus barbatus, Tcmm.). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 79-84. 2. [Sur le Puffinus Anglorum, KuhL] Rouen Soc, Sci, Bull, 1893, 110-111. 3. Note sur le bee anomal d'un corbeau freux. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 423-425. 4. Note sur un passage de cygnes dans la valine de la Toucques. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, 28-30. 5. Nouvelle rencontre du vison en Normandie, Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, 88-90. 6. Le rat fauve a ventre blanc, type ou varidt^ du rat noir. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 90-92. 7. Coloration anomale de quelques vert^br6s observes dans la region de Lisieux (Calvados). Rouen Soc. Sci, Bull. , 1898, 37-43. 8. Le labbe pomarin (Stercorarius pomarinus, VieilL). Rouen Soc, Sci, Bull., 1898, 199-204, 15 Angel] 114 [Angeli Ansel, Myron. Kern county. California Min. Bur. Eep., 10, 1890, 219-226. 2. Monterey county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 345-348. 3. San Benito county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 515-517. 4. San Luis Obispo county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 567-585. 5. Santa Barbara county. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 595-599. 6. Tulare county. California Min. Bur. Eep., 10, 1890, 728-733. Angelbis, Alexander, & Anschiitz, Richard. Synthese von Dimethylanthracenhydriir und Diphenylathan bei der Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Aetbyliden- chlorid oder Aethylidenbromid und Benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 165-167. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Vinylbromid in Benzol und Vinyltribromid in Benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 167-168. Angelbis, Gustav. 8. Ueber Untersuchungen auf dem Westerwalde und in der Lahngegend. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1886, Ivi-lx. 9. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Sectionen Hadamar und Dachsenhausen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, Ix-lxi. Angelbis, Gustav, & Scbneider, Adolf. Blatt Marienberg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 22, 1891, 35 pp. 2. Blatt Rennerod. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 23, 1891, 15 pp. a. Blatt Selters. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 27, 1891, 28 pp. 4. Blatt Westerburg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 28, 1891, 23 pp. 5. Blatt Mengerskirchen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 29, 1891, 22 pp. 6. Blatt Montabaur. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 33, 1891, 34 pp. 7. Blatt Girod. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 34, 1891, 31 pp. 8. Blatt Hadamar. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 41, Gradabth. 67, No. 35, 1891, 41 pp. Angeles, Felipe. Formulas relativas a las velocidades y presiones en las armas. [1897.] Mex., Soc. " Alzate " Mem., 10, 1896, 433-464. 2. Principios del arreglo del tiro de la artilleria. [1899.] M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 12, 1898, 193-210. Angelescu, [Constantin], See Anghelescu. Angelescu, [Nicolae J.], & Bninner, Heinrich. See Brunner & Angelescu. Angeli, Angelo. Sulla difenilacetilendiureina e sopra alcuni suoi derivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 912-916; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 563-568. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des Oxaldiathylesters auf das Pyrrylmethylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1793-1797, 2154-2160. 3. Sopra la dimetiletilendiammina, un nuovo isomero della putrescina. [1890.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (-Sem. 1), 416-418 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1357-1359 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 558- 561. 4. Sui prodotti di condensazione dell' a-acetilpirrolo col benzile. [1890.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 418-422 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1355-1357 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 553-558. 5. Suir etere pirroilpiruvico ed i suoi derivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 2), 110-118. 6. Sui prodotti di condensazione del pirrilmetilche- tone con 1' etere ossalico. [1890.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 753-772. 7. Ueber die Einwirkung des Oxaldiathylesters auf das Acetothienon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 232-233. 8. Ueber die Einwirkung von Harnstoff auf Benzil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 606. 9. Ueber die Einwirkung der salpetrigen Saure auf einige ungesattigte Verbindungen der aromatischen Reihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3994-3996; 25, 1892, 1956-1963. 10. Sopra r etere tenoilpiruvico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 1), 444-449. 11. Ricerche sull' eulite. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 32-36; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1303-1305. 12. Sopra 1' azione dell' acido nitrico sull' acetonilace- tone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 36-40; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1305-1306. 13. Sulla determinazione dello zolfo nelle sostanze organiche. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 163- 165. 14. Sull' impiego dell' ipofosfito sodico nella reazione di Sandmeyer per le trasformazioni dei diazocomposti. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Pt. 2), 258-261. 15. Sulle costanti di affinita di alcuni acidi della serie del pirrolo e dell' indole. [1892.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 455-484 or 163-192 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 1-31. 16. Suir azione degli acidi nitrico e nitroso sopra alcune sostanze organiche. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt.2), 325-340. 17. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' isosafrolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 445-492. 18. Sulla conducibilita elettrica di alcuni acidi pirrolcarbonici ed indolcarbonici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 160-169. 19. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra i composti non saturi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 25-31. 20. Sopra un nuovo passaggio dalla canfora all' acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 441-444 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 140-143 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 26, 1893, 58-59. 21. Ricerche sopra le sostanze che contengono il gruppo C2N2O2. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 38-44; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 417-425 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 527-530. 22. Nuovi studi sopra le sostanze che contengono il gruppo C2N2O2. Gazz. Chim, Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 21-37. 23. Notizie diverse. [1. Sopra la trasformazione dei composti allilici nei propenilici. 2. Una nuova reazione dell' idrossilammina. 3. Reazione degli indoli. 4. Azione del cianogeno sopra 1' idrazina. 5. Distilla- zione nel vuoto di piccole quantita di liquidi.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 101-104. 24. Sopra 1' addizione dell' acido nitroso ai composti non saturi e sulla costituzione dei nitrositi. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 124-135. 25. Azione dell' acido jodico sull' acido malonico. L' acido trijodoacetico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 228-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 430-433 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 695-597. 26. Sopra i prodotti di ossidazione di alcune sostanze che contengono il gruppo C2N2O2. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 266-270 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 436-441 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 593-595. 27. Sopra qualche reazione dei composti a lacune. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 319-324. 28. Sulla costituzione dei nitrositi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 539-545. 29. Sopra un modo di formazione del sale argentico Angeli] 115 [Angelini deir acido azotidrico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 569-571 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (PL 2), 292-294. 30. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra le chetoammine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sern. 2), 23-30; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 345-354 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1715-1719. 31. Ueber Diazoverbindungen. Deutsch.Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 1), 103. 32. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' amminocanfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 41-52, 317-325; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 [Sem. 1), 453-459 [First part only]. 33. Sopra un nuovo misouglio esplosivo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 510-514; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 52-58. 34. Sopra le sostanze che contengono gli anelli G„N2 02. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 590-596; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 59-67. 35. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' amminouracile e sopra 1' amminoacetone. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 72-76. 36. Ueber die Verwandlnng des Camphers in eine isomere ungesattigte Verbindung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1127. 37. Suir azione dell' acido nitroso sopra la can- forossima. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 2), 255-259; 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 26-30. 38. Ueber die Einwirkung des Hydroxylamins auf Nitrobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1884- 1885. 39. Ueber das Nitrohydroxylamin. [Cf. No. 40.] Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 176. 40. Sopra la nitroidrossilammina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 17-25. 41. Sopra la legge dell' eterificazione di V. Meyer. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 84-88. 42. Suir azione del nitrato di etile sopra 1' idrossi- lammina. Roma, R, Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 120-122. 43. Sopra 1' acido nitroidrossilamminieo. Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 195-207; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 357-367. 44. Sopra aleuni nitrocomposti non saturi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 398-400 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 275-277. 45. Sopra i nitrochetoni e gli ortonitroderivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 41-47; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 261-267. 46. Sopra i tetrazoni. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 180-183. Angeli, Angela, & Angelico, Francesco. Sopra aleuni nitroderivati aromatici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 28-32. 2. Sopra 1' acido nitroidrossilamminieo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 1), 593-595. 3. Sopra i /3-nitroindoli. Gazz. Chim, Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 268-283. 4. Sopra una reazione dei nitroaoderivati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 44-46. Angeli, Angelo, & Bartolotti, Pietro. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra 1' isapiolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 493-509. Angeli, A7igelo, & Boeris, Giovanni. Intorno all' influenza della dissociazione elettrolitiea sulla scomposizione del nitrito ammonico in soluzione acquosa. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 70-71; Gazz, Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 349-351. Angeli, A ngelo, & Chiussi, A . Azione dell' acido jodico suir acido levulinico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 . (Pt. 2), 277-287; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 25, 1892, . 2205-2208. Angeli, Angelo, & Ciamician, Giacomo Luigi. Ueber die Oxydationsproducte gebromter Thiophene. Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 74-78. See also Ciamician & Angeli. Angeli, Angelo, & levi, Ernesto. Azione dell' acido jodico sopra r acido acetondicarbonieo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 366-369; Gazz, Chim, Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 97-100. Angeli, Angelo, & Magnani, Francesco. Azione dei cloruri di zolfo sopra 1' aeetilacetone. Gazz. Chim. Ital,, 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 342-364. Angeli, Angelo, & SSagnanini, Gaetano, See BCagnaninl & AngeU. Angeli, Angelo, & Blalagnini, Giovanni. Sopra la eon- figurazione di alcune gliossime, Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 37-43; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 131-145. Angeli, Angelo, & Mole, P. Sopra il diisogafrolo e la cubebina. Gazz, Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 127-130. AngeU, Angelo, & Bimini, Enrico. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra alcune ossime della serie della canfora. Gazz. Chim, Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 1), 406-410 ; 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 228-230; Berlin, Chem, Gea, Ber., 28, 1896, 1077-1078 [First part only]; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend,, 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 394-395 [Second part only]. 2. Azione dell' acido nitroso sopra il safrolo, Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 2), 188-213. 3. Sopra 1' esodiazoacetofenone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 494-497. 4. Sopra aleuni bromoderivati della serie della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 390-391; Gazz, Chim. Ital., 25 (1895, Pt. 2), 162-164; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 819-820. 5. Sopra il nitrosito dell' isosafrolo, [1895,] Gazz. Chim, Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 7-12, 6. Suir azione dell' acido nitroso sopra la canforos- sima. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 2), 34-45, 45-54, 517-521. Angeli, Angelo, & Spica, Matteo. Sopra aleuni nitrosoin- doli. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 218-220; Gazz. Chim, Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 500-508. Angelieo, Francesco. Sopra le diossime della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 47-51. Angelieo, Francesco, &. AngeU, Angelo. See AngeU & AngeUco. AngeUco, Francesco, & BXontalbano, G[i7iseppe]. Sopra le diossime della canfora, Gazz, Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 283-300, AngeUco, Francesco, & Spica, Matteo. See Spica & AngeUco. AngeliUo, Michele. Tossine e fenomeni nervosi, Autoin- tossicazione da Bacterium coli con sintomi epilettiformi. [1895.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 1-19. 2. Patogenesi dei fenomeni nervosi da autointossi- eazione. [1899.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 959-961, AngeUni, Giovanni. 2. Nuova cattura in Toscana del- r Hirundo rufula, Temm. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 80-81. 3. Osservazioni sopra aleuni uceelli appartenenti alia sottofamiglia degli Emberizini, [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892], 37-69. 4. Avifauna sicula. Nota sulla quaglia tridattila (Turnix sylvatica). Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 95-99. 5. Sulla permanenza invemale di alcune specie di uceelli in Sicilia. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool, Boll., 2, 1893, 15-18. 6. Alcune note suU' avifauna marchigiana. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 4, 1896, 75-78. 7. Contributo alio studio delle migrazioni ornitiche con osservazioni fatte specialmente attorno alio Stretto di Messina. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll,, 5, 1896, 21-29, 130-146, 177-193. 15—2 Angelini] 116 [Angelitti 8. II Dendrocopus medius in provincia di Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 100-101. 9. Osservazioni intorno alia Saxicola melanoleuca (Guld.), ed alia S. occidentalis, Salvad. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 7, 1898, 50-51. 10. Notizie ed osservazioni intorno alia naturalizza- zione della Testudo nemoralis, Aldrov., in Sardegna. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 50-52. 11. Anomalia di colorito in un' Anas boschas, Linn. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 8, 1899, 67-69. 12. Rarita ornitiche catturate presso Roma (Porphyrio cseinleus (Vandelli), Fuligulamarila (Linn.), Anas boschas (Linn.)). [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 245-246. 13. Nidificazione del falco grillaio (Cerchneis Nau- manni, Fleisch., nel Romano. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 265-266, Angelini, Giovanni, & Carpegna, Guido Orazio Falconieri (conte) di. La Limicola platyrhyncha avvertita per la prima volta in provincia di Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 5, 1896, 97-99. 2. Seconda cattura di un piviere orientale (Charadrius fulvus) nei dintorni di Roma. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 125-127. Angelini, Sebastiano Luigi. SuUe variazioni di resistenza elettrica di fill di argentana soggetti a trazione. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 241-250. 2. Della temperatura dell' acqua della laguna con- frontata con quella dell' aria a Nord secondo le osserva- zioni fatte nel quadriennio 1880-81-82-83 in Venezia. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, 2117-2145. 3. Sulla trasparenza e sul colore dell' acqua marina. Osservazioni fatte nella laguna di Venezia e nel Golfo di Gaeta. [1895.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, 89-96. AngeUs d' Ossat, Gioacchino de. Sopra un giaeimento di roccie vulcaniche nel territorio di Rocca S. Stefano (provincia di Roma). Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 81-84. 2. Introduzione alio studio degli Antozoi fossili. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 129-132, 141-142; 13, 1893, 6-9, 25-28, 34-38, 60-64, 77-82. 3. I Zoantari fossili dei dintorni di Roma. [Italia] Soc. Geol, Boll., 12, 1893, 1-25. 4. II Ceratotrochus multispinosus, Michelotti, nei dintorni di Roma. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 504-507. 6. Giacimenti elevati di Pliocene nella valle del- r Aniene. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 350-353. 6. I Corallari dei terreni Terziari dell' Italia setten- trionale. CoUezione Michelotti. Museo Geologico della R. Universita di Roma. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1894, 164-280. 7. II pozzo artesiano di Marigliano (1882). Studio geo-paleontologico. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 7, 50 pp. 8. Sopra il primo fossile vegetale trovato negli schisti Carboniosi, Paleozoici dell' Elba orientale. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 176-178. 0. Contribuci6n a la fauna Paleozoica de Cataluiia. [Tr.] [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, [244]-[250]. 10. Antozoos y Briozoos de los depositos Pliocdnicos de Cataluiia y contribucidn 4 la fauna Paleozoica de dicha region. [Tr.] [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, [? 1892-1900], No. 3, xlvii pp. 11. L' Elephas antiquus, Falc, nei dintorni di Laino-Borgo (provincia di Cosenza). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 39, 1895, 24-25. 12. I Corallari fossili del Carbonifero e del Devoniano della Carnia. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 14, 1895, 88-90. 13. Addizioni alia ittiofauna fossile del Monte Titauo. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 1, 1895, 250-257. 14. Studio paleozoologico. I Corallarii fossili dei terreni Terziarii, coUezione del Gabinetto di Storia Nat. , R. Instituto Tecnico di Udine. Appendice. Intorno ad una Hydrocorallina fossile. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 15, 1895, 20-22, 33-35, 43-46, 57-62, 81-86. 15. Contribuzione alio studio della fauna fossile Paleozoica delle Alpi Carniche. [1896-99.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 2, 1895, 242-274 ; 3, 1899, 4-32. 16. II Rhinoceros (Coelodonta) etruscus, Falc, nella provincia romana. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 9, 1896, Mem. 2, 9 pp. 17. Appunti preliminari sulla geologia della vaUe dell' Aniene. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 423-426. 18. Sopra alcuni mammiferi fossili della valle del Po. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 377-391. 10. II Trigonodon Oweni, E. Sism., e 1' Umbrina Pecchiolii ?, Lawl., nel Miocene di Sardegna. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 100-101. 20. Breve relazione di una escursione a Monte S. Pietro (Iglesiente). [1897.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 566-570. 21. Geologia, paleontologia ed evoluzione. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 65-69, 95-99, 118-124. 22. I dintorni di Rapolano (Siena). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 113-121. 23. L' alta valle dell' Aniene. Studio geologico- geografico. [1898.] [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Mem., 7, 1897, 191-266. 24. Contribuzione alio studio paleontologico del- 1' alta valle deir Aniene. [1898.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 280-318. 25. Sulla probabile mancanza in Italia dell' Elephas primigenius, Blmn. [1898.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 324-330. 26. Nuovi fatti geologici nella provincia romana. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 17, 1898, 199-200. 27. L' origine delle montagne. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898, 61-68, 93-100. 28. Los primeros Antozoos y Briozoos Mioc6nicos recogidos en Cataluiia. [Tr.] [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 3, [? 1892-1900], No. 4, 31 pp. 20. II gen. Heliolites nel Devoniano delle Alpi Carniche italiane. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 33-40. 30. Riunione straordinaria della Societa Geologica Italiana tenuta alle Isole Eolie ed a Palermo 7-17 Aprile 1900. [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, xli-lxxii. 31. I ciottoli esotici nel Miocene del Monte Deruta (Umbria). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 384-391. 32. L' origine dei ciottoli esotici nel Miocene del Monte Deruta (Umbria). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 40-44. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & Bonetti, Filippo. Mammiferi fossili dell' antico lago del M^rcure (Calabria). Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 10, 1897, 3Iem. 15, 42 pp. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & CeniUi-IrelU, Serafino. See Cerulli-Irelli & Angelis d' Ossat. AngeUs d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & X>uzj, G. F. I fossili dello Schlier di San Severino (Marche). [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 16, 1897, 61-68; 18, 1899, 63-64. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & IVeviani, Antonio. Corallarii e Briozoi Neogenici di Sardegna. [1897.] [Italia] Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 571-598. Angelis d' Ossat, Gioacchino de, & Verri, Antonio. See Verri & Angelis d' Ossat. Angelitti, Filippo. 5. Distanze zenitali circummeridiane di alcune stelle principali osservate nell' anno 1821 dal- r astronomo Carlo Brioschi. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 19, 1889 (Pt. 2), 1-128. 6. Determinazioni assolute della declinazione mag- netica nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte eseguite [negli anni 1888-96]. Napoli, Rend., 28, 1889, 198-204; Angelitti] 117 [Anglas 29, 1890, 135-139 ; 30, 1891, 177-181 ; 32, 1893, 218-220; 33, 1894, 224-226 ; 35, 1896, 344-346. 7. Sopra una modificazione al metodo detto di Talcott per determinare la latitudine geografica. Napoli, Eend., 29, 1890, 50-56. 8. Variazioni della decliiiazione magnetica osservate nella K, Specola di Capodimonte [negli anni 1888-92]. Napoli, Eend., 29, 1890, 57-64, 217-226; 32, 1893, 49-56; 33, 1894, 24-31; 34, 1895, 304-311. 9. Nuova determinazione della latitudine del R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte ruediante i passaggi di alcune stelle al prime verticale, osservati nell' anno 1889. [1892.] Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 429-434 ; Napoli, Ace. Atti, 5, 1893, No. 7, 126 pp. 10. Determinazioni assolute della inclinazione mag- netica nel E. Osservatorio di Capodimonte, eseguite negli anni 1889, 1890 e 1891. Napoli, Eend., 31, 1892, 17-22. 11. Eiassunti decadici e mensuali delle osservazioni meteoriche fatte nel E. Osservatorio di Capodimonte, nell' anno 1891. Napoli, Eend., 31, 1892, 113-118. 12. Sulla connessione tra 1' escursione diurna della declinazione magnetica a Capodimonte e la frequenza delle macchie solari. Napoli, Eend., 32, 1893, 85-88. 13. Distanze zenitali circummeridiane del Sole osser- vate neir anno 1821 dall' astronomo Carlo Bkioschi, alloro Direttore dell' Osservatorio di Capodimonte. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 24, 1894, No. 13, 68 pp. 14. Sui triangoli sferici considerati nella loro massima generalita. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 25, 1895, No. 9, 24 pp. 15. Sulla data del viaggio dantesco desunta dai dati cronologici e confermata dalle osservazioni astronomiche riportate nella Commedia. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 27, 1897, No. 7, 100 pp. ; 28, 1898, No. 17, 39 pp. 16. Formole e teoremi relativi all' ellissoide terrestre 6 calcolo neir ellissoide di Bessel di alcuni elementi per la latitudine di Capodimonte. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 28, 1898, No. 2, 124 pp. 17. Eettificazione di un arco di meridiano nel- r ellissoide terrestre. Napoli, Eend. , 37, 1898, 320-330, 338-343 ; 38, 1899, 107-121, 121-130, 177-187, 207-224. 18. SuUe priucipali apparenze del pianeta Venere durante dodici sue rivoluzioni sinodicbe dal 1290 al 1309 e sugli accenni ad esse nelle opere di Dante. [1900.] Palermo Ace. Atti, 6, 1902 (Sci. Nat.), 24 pp. Angelitti, Filippo, & Rajna, Michele. Determinazione della differenza di longitudine tra Napoli e Milano mediante osservazioni fatte nel 1888 dal Professore Emanuele Fergola e dal Dr. Michele Eajna. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl., 39, 1900, 138 pp. Angell, Frank. Untersuchungen iiber die Schatzung von Schaliintensitaten nach der Methode der mittleren Abstufungen. Phil. Stud., 7, 1892, 414-468. 2. Discrimination of clangs for different intervals of time. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 58-79. Angell, Frank, & Harwood, Henry. Experiments on discrimination of clangs for different intervals of time. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 11, 1899-1900, 67-79. Angell, G[eorge'\ W. J. Notes on Chrysomela scalaris, Lee. [1885.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1886-86, 126-128. 2. Larva of Polycesta elata, Lee. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 106-107. 3. Two new species of Coleoptera. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 84. 4. Notes on Macrops and Anthonomus. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 1, 1893, 12-15. Angell, James R., & Pierce, Arthur H. Experimental research upon the phenomena of attention. Amer. Jl, Psychol., 4, 1892, 528-541. Angelotti, Ferdinando. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1885.] Montepulciano. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 141. Angelucei, Arnaldo. 6. Untersuchungen iiber die Seh- thatigkeit der Netzhaut und des Gehirns. Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 231-357. 7. Sur les alterations trophiques de I'ceil cons^cutives a I'extirpation du ganglion cervical superieur du sym- pathique chez les mammif^res. Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1894, 67-75. 8. Sur les centres corticaux de la vision (partie g^n^rale). [Tr.] Congr. Int. MM. C.R., 1900 (FoL 12), 222-228. Angelvy, G. Voyage dans le bassin de la Eouvouma. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C.E., 1886, 373-376. Angerer, Carl. Die Fortschritte der photographischen Eeproductionstechnik. Wien, Pbotogr. Correspond., 22, 1886, 448-455. Angerer, Leonh. Beitrag zur Laubmoosflora von Oberos- terreich. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 297-300. Angeimann, Klaudyusz. Kilka uwag o tworzeniu si§ gor. [Notes on the origin of mountains.] Kosmos (Lwow), 11, 1886, 194-208; 13, 1888, 1-16. 2. Studya geologiczne w okolicy Synowodzka. [Geo- logical studies in the neighbourhood of Synow6dzk.] Kosmos (Lwow), 11, 1886, 575-582. 3. Die Naphtafelder in Wietrzno. Wien, Geol. Jbuch.,^39, 1889, 281-288. 4. Zrodia naftowe w zak-tadzie k§,pielowym w Iwoniczu. [Petroleum wells at the baths of Iwonicz.] Kosmos (Lwow), 18, 1893, 284-289. 6. Naftowy pas B6brzecki ze stanowiska geologiczno- tektonicznego. [The petroleum zone of Bobrka from a geologico-tectonic point of view.] Kosmos (Lwow), 20, 1895, 201-211. 6. Pas naftowy w Potoku. [Petroleum zone at Potok.] Kosmos (Lwow), 23, 1899, 111-115. Angersbacb, A. L. Der Felssturz im Konigenthale bei Eambach. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abb. u. Ber., 41, 1896, 40-48. Angersbacb, Adam. Tertiarversteinerungen auf sekund- arer Lagerstiitte bei Eothenditmold. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 3ti & 37, 1891, 115-119. Angerstein, C. Der " sphygmographe k transmission" und die normale Pulscurve. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thier- heilk., 15, 1889, 441-464. Angerstein, J. Acherontia Atropos. Mecklenb, Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 101-103. Anghelescu, IConstantin']. Etude de la temperature pendant reth^risation. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 {C.E.), 786-788. Angbelescu, [Constanti7i], Chaput, [He7ii-y], & Iienoble, E. See Chaput, Angbelescu & I.enoble. AngioleUa, Gaetano. Sulle tendenze suicide negli alienati e sulla psicologia del suicidio. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 336-355, 633-663. 2. Sulle alterazioni delle cellule nervose negli stati di eccitamento e in quelli di depressione. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 910-913. AngioleUa, Gaetano, & Cianci, Carmine. See Cianci & AngioleUa. Anglas, J [ales']. Sur I'histologie et I'histogenlse du tube digestif des Hym^nopteres, pendant la metamorphose. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 {C.R.), 1167-1170. 2. Sur I'histolyse et I'histogenese des muscles des Hymenopt^res pendant la metamorphose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C.R.), 931-933; Paris, Soc, Ent. Bull., 1899, 348-350. 3. Sur I'histogenese des muscles imaginaux des Hymenopteres, Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C.JB,), 947-949. 4. Note preiiminaire sur les metamorphoses internes de la guepe et de I'abeille. La lyocytose, Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 [C.R.), 94-96. 5. Sur la signification des termes " phagocytose " et "lyocytose." Paris, Soc, Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 iC.R.), 219-221. Anglin] 118 [Angot Anglin, A[rthur] H{enry Hallam]. 5. On extensions of Euclid I. 47. Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 703-707. 6. Trigonometrical notes. [1884.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 259-266. 7. Trigonometrische Satze. Arch. Math. Phys., 2, 1886, 407-412. 8. Zur Theorie der symmetrischen Functionen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 98, 1885, 175-176. 9. On certain theorems mainly connected with alternants. [1886-88.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 823-839 ; 15, 1889, 381-396. 10. On some theorems in determinants. [1886.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884^88, 645-662. 11. Sur le coefficient du terme g^n^ral dans certains d^veloppements. Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1886, 139- 150. 12. Th^or^mes sur les determinants. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 15, 1887, 120-129. 13. Sur le coefficient du terme g^n^ral dans certains ddveloppements. [Seconde note.] Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 15, 1887, 192-198. 14. On the summation of certain series of alternants. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1888, 194-203. 15. Alternants which are constant multiples of the difference-product of the variables. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1889, 468-476. 16. On certain results involving areal and trilinear co-ordinates. [1892.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 11, 1893, 8-18. 17. On properties of the parabola. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 20, 1895, 35-46. 18. Theorems on normals of an ellipse. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 70-73. 19. On the geometrical investigation of the circular functions of 3^ and 56. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 21, 1897, 453-456. Angot, [Charles] Alfred. To reference in No. 21 {Vol. 9) add France Soc. Met^orol. Annu., 29, 1881, 159-160. To reference in No. 25 {Vol. 9) add France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 31, 1883, 114-116. 26. *Le service m6t6orologique des Etats-Unis. France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 24, 1876, Bull., 5-18. 27. * L'^lectricite atmosph^rique, d'apr^s les travaux de Sir W. Thomson et la conference de M. Mascabt. France Soc M^t^orol. Annu., 25, 1877, Bull., 153-181. 28. *ElectromMre enregistreur de M. Mascabt. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 26, 1878, Bull., 148-155. 29. * Tables pour la reduction du barometre au niveau de la mer. [1879.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1878 (1), C.13-C.30. 30. Revue climatologique mensuelle pour la France et les contrees voisines, pendant [les annees 1878-85]. [1880-89.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1878 (2) {Pt. 2), 52 pp. ; 1879 (2) {Pt. 2), 60 pp. ; 1880 (2) (PL 2), 50 pp. ; 1881 (2) {Pt. 2), 60 pp. ; 1882 (2) {Pt. 2), 56 pp. ; 1883 (2) {Pt. 2), 30 pp.; 1884 (2) {Pt. 2), 24 pp. ; 1885 (2) {Pt. 2), 23 pp. 31. * Tables' nouvelles pour reduire au niveau de la mer les hauteurs barom^triques. France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 27, 1879, Bull., 74-80. 32. * Tables pour calculer les hauteurs au moyen des observations barom^triques. [1880.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1879 (1), B.81-B.103. 33. * Tables nouvelles pour mesurer les hauteurs au moyen des observations barom^triques. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 28, 1880, 202-212. 34. *La m^t^orologie t^l^graphique. Lum. Elect., 2, 1880, 205-208, 252-256. 35. *Marche diurne de la temperature, de la pression barom^trique et de I'humidit^ sous le climat de Paris. [1881.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1880 (1), B.91-B.11.S. 36. *Etudes sur le psychrometre suivies de nouvelles tables psychrometriques. [1881.] France Bur. Centr. M^t(5orol. Ann., 1880 (1), B.115-B.136. 37. *De I'hygrom^trie et du perfectionnement des tables psychrometriques. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 29, 1881, 285-290. 38. *Les enregistreurs m^t^orologiques. [1881.] G^nie Civil, 2, 1881-82, 31-34. 39. *L'etude des orages. Lum. Elect., 4, 1881, 49-53. 40. *Les conditions atmosph^riques en Janvier 1882. [1882.] G^nie Civil, 2, 1881-82, 183-184. 41. *Etude sur le climat de I'Alg^rie, temperature, pression barom^trique et pluie. [1883.] France Bur. Centr. M(^teoroL Ann., 1881 (1), B.7-B.36. 42. *Marche diurne des divers elements m^t^oro- logiques a Sainte-Honorine-du-Fay (Calvados). [1883.] France Bur. Centr. Ma^orol. Ann.,' 1881 (1), B.77-B.91. 43. *Les aurores polaires. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 388-394, 414-421, 434-440, 464-466, 487-492, 513-516, 534-538, 560-567, 583-590, 606-613. 44. Etude sur la marche des ph^nom^nes de la vegetation [et de la migration des oiseaux] en France pendant les anodes 1880[-90]. [1884-94.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1882 (1), B.9-B.72 ; 1884 (1), B.227-B.287; 1886 (1), B.29-B.76 ; 1888 (1), B.83- B.132; 1891 {1),B.145-B. 188; 1892 (1), B.111-B.138. 45. * Contribution a I'^tude du climat de I'Afrique centrale. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 31, 1883, 136- 140, 287-288. 46. Etude sur les vendanges en France. [1885.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1883 (1), B.29- B.120. 47. Recherehes th^oriques sur la distribution de la chaleur ^ la surface du globe. [1885.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1883 (1), B.121-B.169 ; France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 33, 1885, 109-120; Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 837-839; Jl. Phys., 5, 1886, 5-16. 48. Sur la repartition de la chaleur solaire a la surface du globe. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1884 {Pt. 1), 172- 173. 49. Sur la marche des phenomenes de vegetation en France pendant les annees 1880 et 1881. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 32, 1884, 186-194. 50. Sur les nouveaux instruments enregistreurs de MM. RiOHAKD fr^res. France Soc Meteorol. Annu., 33, 1885, 143-155. 51. A. propos d'un memoire de M. Frolich sur la mesure de la chaleur solaire. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 33, 1885, 189-192 ; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 459-464. 52. Influence de I'altitude sur la vegetation et les migrations des oiseaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 76-78. 53. Sur les epoques de vendanges en France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 840-842. 54. Sur la distribution theorique de la chaleur a la surface du globe. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 876-878. 55. La meteorologie en 1885. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 776-783., 56. Etude sur le climat de Fecamp. D'apres les observations de MM. E. et C. Mabchand. [1887.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1885 (1), B.237- B.277. , 57. Etude sur le climat de Saint-Martin-de-Hinx d'apres les observations de M. Carlieb. [1888.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1886 (1), B.77-B.140 ; France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 36, 1888, 202-207. 58. Sur le calcul de la variation annuelle des elements meteorologiques. [1889.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol., Ann., 1887 (1), B.227-B.236. 59. Etude sur la marche diurne du barometre. [1889.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1887 (1), B.237-B.344. Angot] 119 [Angot 60. [Influence de I'altitude sur la temperature.] [1887.] France Soc. Met(5orol. Annu., 36, 1888, 39. 61. Marche des ph^nomfines de la v^g^tation et de la migration des oiseaux en France. France Soc. Agr. M^m., 132, 1888, 449-451. 62. Sur la variation diurne du barom^tre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 989-991. 63. Influence de la n^bulosite sur la variation diurne de la temperature a Paris. [1890.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1888 (1), B.135-B.154. 64. Sur la representation des phenom^nes met^oro- logiques par des series harmoniques. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1889 (PL 1), 281-282. 65. Sur la vitesse du vent au sommet de la tour Eiffel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 697-699. 66. Sur les observations de temperature au sommet de la tour Eiffel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 898-900. 67. L'anemom^tre cinemographe de MM. Richard fr^res. Paris, Soc. Pliys. Stances, 1889. 201-209. 68. Observations m^teorologiques faites au Bureau Central M^t^orologique et k la tour Eiffel pendant [les annees 1889-94]. [1891-96.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1889 (1), B.125-B.162 ; 1890 (1), B.179- B.208; 1891 (1), B.97-B.136 ; 1892 (1), B.211-B.248; 1893 (1), B.103-B.138; 1894 (1), B.103-B.138. 69. [Les observations m^teorologiques sur la tour Eiffel.] [1889-90.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 38, 1890, 11-12, 75-82; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1889, 209-217 [Part only]. 70. Valeurs normales de la temperature, de la pression et de la pluie a Paris. France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1890 (1), B.129-B,160; Ass. Franp, C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 197. 71. Sur I'amplitude de la variation diurne de la temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1189- 1190. 72. Sur la temp§te du 23-24 novembre 1890 et les mouvements verticaux de I'atmosphere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 848-850. 73. [Comparaisons des observations de pression barometrique et de temperature faites au Bureau Meteorologique, a la tour Eiffel et au Parc-de-Saint- Maur pendant I'annee 1889.] [1890.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 41-42. 74. Nouvelle methode pour representer les regimes pluviometriques. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 196- 197 ; Astronomic, 1894, 354. 75. Sur la graduation des thermometres k alcool. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 85-88; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 399-403. 76. [Temperatures normales du climat de Paris.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 258. 77. [Observations de temperatures faites en 1890 sur la tour Eiffel, a 123 metres, 197 metres et 302 metres au-dessus du sol.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 39, 1891, 317-318. 78. La nebulosite k Paris. [1893.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1891 (1), B.137-B.144. 78. Sur retude des nuages par la photographic. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 284-289; Aeronaute, 1893, 157-163. 80. [Resume des observations faites au sommet de la tour Eiffel sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 76-77. 81. [Resultats obtenus au sommet de la tour Eiffel, relativement aux mouvements verticaux de I'atmosphere.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 78-79. 82. [Sur la photographic des nuages.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 138-139. 83. Sur la decroissance de la temperature dans Fair avec la hauteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1270- 1273 ; Astronomie, 1893, 186-188. 84. Remarques sur les observations faites au sommet du mont Blanc par M. Vallot en 1887. [1893-94.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1892 (1), B.145- B.158 ; France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 42, 1894, 3. 85. Resume des etudes sur la marche des phenom^nes de vegetation et la migration des oiseaux en France pendant les dix annees 1881-1890. [1894.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1892 (1), B.lo9-B.210. 86. Regime des pluies de la peninsule iberique. France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1893 (1), B.157- B.194. 87. La mesure de la hauteur des nuages au moyen de photographies. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 41, 1893, 70-71. 88. Sur les observations faites par M. J. Vallot en 1887, au sommet du mont Blanc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 786-788. 89. Sur la variation diurne de la pression au sommet du mont Blanc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 847-850. 90. Sur la variation diurne de la tension de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 117, 1893, 1067-1069; Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 72-73. 91. La pluie a Aragori. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 42, 1894, 46-48. 92. Sur le regime des pluies dans le Canal de Suez. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 42, 1894, 130-134. 93. Contribution k I'etude du regime pluviometrique de la peninsule iberique. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 42, 1894, 205-209. 94. Cloud photography. [Tr.] [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893- 94), 267-268; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 769-772. 95. Sur la temperature des hautes regions de I'at- mosphere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 282-284. 96. Sur la tempSte du 12 novembre 1894. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 903-905. 97. Resume des observations meteorologiques faites au Bureau Central et a la tour Eiffel pendant les cinq annees 1890-1894. [1896.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1894 (1), B.145-B.188. 98. Sur I'aurore boreale du 13 novembre 1894. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 11-13. 99. Notes sur la photographie des nuages. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 13-17. 100. [Sur le regime des pluies de I'AUemagne du nord, sur une periode s'6tendant depuis 1861 jusqu'en 1890.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 54. 101. Sur la double oscillation diurne de I'humiditfi relative. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 595-596. 102. Premier catalogue des observations meteoro- logiques faites en France depuis I'origine jusqu'en 1850. [1897.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1896 (1), B.89-B.146. 103. Regime des pluies de I'Europe occidentale. [1897.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1895 (1), B.155-B.192. 104. Sur le regime pluviometrique de I'Europe occidentale. Ann. Geogr., 5, 1896, 15-24. 105. Observations meteorologiques recueillies par M. le Dr. Hebk, au cours de la Mission Clozel. Ann. Oeogr., 5, 1896, 319-321. 106. [Sur la variation horaire de la pluie en France.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 44, 1896, 70. 107. Sur la variation diurne de la pluie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1409-1411. 108. Sur la trombe observee a Paris le 10 septembre 1896. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 460-461. 109. La nouvelle carte du Bulletin International du Bureau Central Meteorologique. [1898.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1896 (1), B.151-B.158. 110. Sur la formule barometrique. [1898.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1896 (1), B.159-B.196 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 826-828. Angot] 120 [Anguiano 111. Sur la variation diurne de la direction du vent. [1897.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1020-1022; France Soc. Met^orol. Annu., 46, 1898, 7. 112. Etudes sur le climat de la France. Temperature. Premiere partie : Stations de comparaison. [1899.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1897 (1), B.93- B.170. 113. E^sumd des observations an^mom^triques faites au Bureau Central et a la tour Eiffel pendant les six ann^es 1890-1895. [1899.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1897 (1). B.171-B.200. , 114. Etudes sur les migrations des oiseaux en France. Epoques du premier chant du coucou. [1900.] France Bur. Centr. M^t^orol. Ann., 1898 (1), B.121-B.170. Angstrom, Anders Jonas. To biographical reference ( Vol. 9) add Nature, 10, 1874, 376-377. Angstrom, C[arl] A[rendt]. Om anvandning af hydrauliskt tryck sasom drifkraft for atskilliga i mekaniska verk- stader och for jernhandteringen begagnade arbetsmas- kiner. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 41, 1886, 442-474. 2. Berakning af godsdimensioner hos konstruktions- delar till valsverk. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 48, 1888, 200- 235. a. Om sparkonstruktioner for jarnvalsverk. Jern- Kontorets Ann., 45, 1890, 42-114. 4. Om nya konstruktioner af hydrauliska smides- pressar. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 46, 1891, 463-484. 6. Walzen- und Kaliberconstruction fiir Eisenwalz- werke. [Tr.] Wien, Berg- u. Hiittenm. Jbuch., 39, 1891, 353-422. 6. Anordning och drift af hydrauliska smidespressar. Jern-Kontorets Ann., 48, 1894, 212-244. Angstrom, Clarl] A[rendt], Didron, F., & 'Westman, E. See Didron, 'Vtrestman & Angstrom. Angstrom, Knut [Johan]. 2. Un nouveau g^othermo- m^tre. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 8, 1883- 84, No. 19, 10 pp. a. Oga stralande varmes diffusion fran plana ytor. Upsala Arsskr., 1886 {Mat. Nat.), 65 pp.; Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 253-287. 4. Sur une nouvelle methode de faire des mesures absolues de la chaleur rayonnante, ainsi qu'un instru- ment pour enregistrer la radiation solaire. [1886.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 8, 17 pp. 5. Vatskors volyms- och tathets-forandringar genom gas-absorption. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 415-428; Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 223-233. 6. Sur la diffusion de la chaleur rayonnante par les surfaces sph^riques. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 4, 12 pp. 7. Bestamning af.. kansligheten vid bolometriska matningar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 879-383; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (Abth. 2), 376. 8. lakttagelser ofver dunkla mediers genomtrang- lighet for varmestralning af olika vaglangd. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 385-397; Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 715-724. 9. Eine "Wage zur Bestimmung der Starke magneti- scher Felder. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 1), 1889, No. 11, 7 pp. 10. E6sumd pr^liminaire d'une recherche exp^ri- mentale sur I'absorptiou de la chaleur rayonnante par les gaz atmosphMques. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 203-207. 11. Etude des spectres infra-rouges de I'acide car- bonique et de I'oxyde de carbone. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 549-557. 12. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Absorption der Warmestrahlen durch die verschiedenen Bestandtheile der Atmosphare. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 {Afd. 1), 1890, No. 9, 29 pp. 13. Beobachtungen iiber die Strahlung der Sonne. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 1), 1890, No. 10, 19 pp. 14. Etudes de la distribution spectrale de I'absorption dans le spectre infra-rouge. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 331- 352. 15. L'intensit^ de la radiation des gaz sous I'in- fluence de la decharge electrique. Note preliminaire. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 373-379; Phil. Mag., 83, 1892, 387-391. 16. Eine elektrische Kompensationsmethode zur quantitativen Bestimmung strahlender Warme. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 16, 1893, No. 6, 8 pp. 17. Einige Bemerkungen anlasslich der bolometri- schen Arbeiten von Fr. Paschen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 52, 1894, 509-514. 18. Bolometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Starke der Strahlung verdiinnter Gase unter dem Einflusse der elektrischen Entladuug. [1892.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895, No. 8, 45 pp. 19. Tva metronomiska hjalpapparater. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 643-655; Fortschr. Phys., 1895 {Abth. 1), 24-25. 20. Ueber eine einfache Methode zur photographi- schen Darstellung des ultrarothen Spektrums. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, No. 2, 4 pp. 21. Om absorptionsformiigan hos en sotad yta. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 283-295; Fortschr. Phys., 1898 {Abth. 2), 364-365. 22. Ueber absolute Bestimmungen der Warmestrah- lung mit dem elektrischen Compensationspyrheliometer, nebst einigen Beispielen der Anwendung dieses Instru- mentes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 633-648. 23. Ueber eine objektive Darstellung der Hysteresis- Kurven bei Eisen und Stahl. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 251-261. 24. Ueber die Bedeutung des Wasserdampfes und der Kohlensaure bei der Absorption der Erdatmosphare. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 720-732. 25. Intensity de la radiation solaire k differentes altitudes, recherches faites k Ten^riffe, 1895 et 1896. [1900.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 20, 1904, No. 3, 46 pp. Angstrom, Knut [Johan], & Ekstrand, Alke] G[erhardt]. See Ekstrand & Angstrom. Angstrom, Knut [Johan], & Falmaer, Wilhelm. Le spectre infra-rouge du chlore et de I'acide chlorhydrique. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 389-395. Anguiano, Angel. 2. Eclipse de Sol del 1° de enero de 1889. [1889.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate"Mem.,2, 1888(i?ev.), 53-55. 3. Observatorio Astrondmico Nacional Mexicano de Tacubaya. Observaciones de asteroides y cometas. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 225-228; 124, 1890, 28-26; 136, 1894, 385-390. 4. Ecuatorial de 0™ 38. Observaci6n del pianeta (247) Eucrates. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 5- 11. 5. Manchas solares [observadas en 1892]. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 136-143, 179-185, 278-291, 330-341. 6. Cometa Swift (a, 1892) observado en Tacubaya. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 156-159. 7. Estudio sobre la posicidn heliografica de las manchas solares. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 235-249. 8. Transito de Mercurio por el disco solar observado en Tacubaya el 10 de noviembre de 1894. Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 817-320. 9. Memoria sobre el eclipse anular observado en Aguascalientes el 29 de julio de 1897. [1898.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 72-110. 10. La aurora boreal del 9 de septiembre de 1898 observada d, bordo de La Touraine. [1899.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 153. 11. Longitud del Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Anguiano] 121 [Anizan Mexicano por senales telegraficas cambiadas directa- mente entre St. Louis, Missouri (E. U. de A.) y Tacubaya. [1900.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol. , 2, 1897, 217-262. Angulo y Suero, Francisco. For biographical notice and works see Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 211-212. *Estudio hidrotim^trico de las aguas potables de la ciudad de Santiago de las Vegas. Habana Ac. An., 18, 1881, 244-274. Angus, H. Crawford. A trip to northern Angoniland. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 74-79. Angus, Herbert F., & ZZoUbom, K. See ZXoUborn & Angus. Angus, James. Notes on some species of Catocala. Papilio, 4, 1884, 35-37. Angus, William Craibe. 8. Notes on a hybrid between a blackcock and a pheasant. [1885.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1887, 260-262. 9. Ornithological notes. [1886.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1887, 7, 379-898. 10. Notes on the turnstone, Strepsilas interpres, Lin. [1886.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1890, 180-182. 11. The little auk (Mergulus alle, Linn.). [1895.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 241- 243. Anbelsser, Roland. Ueber die aruncoide Blattspreite. (Ein Beitrag zur Blattbiologie.) Flora, 87, 1900, 64- 94. Anikin, V. P. 0 K0-ie6anijix'L Bi cocTasi cojieft cojiJiHHxt oaepi KacniRcKaro 6acceiiHa. Ueber Schwankungen im Bestande der Salze der Salzseen des Kaspi-Bassins. [1898.] Euss. Geol. Min. Annu., 3, 1898-99 {Sect. 1), 31-45 {Res. 43-45). Anisimov, I. §■ 0 KaBKasCKHXT. EBpeflXl. [On Caucasian Jews.] [1885-86.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 48 {No. 2), 1888, 13, 16. Anisimov, V[asilij] A[fanasjevic]. *H'k;KO.I[LKO xeo- peilt 0 KpiIBHXT. JtBOHHoS KpHBHSHH H HXt paSBepiKaxi.. [Einige Siitze uber Curven doppelter Kriimmung und ihre Evoluten.] [1883.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1886, 42-48 ; Fortschr. Math., 1885, 745- 746. 2. OcHOBanifl Teopiii jinHefinHxi. ji;ir(J)(})epeH- n,iaJIbHHX1. ypaBHeniH. [Principles of the theory of linear differential equations.] Moscow Univ. Mem. {Phys.-Math.), 8, 1889, xiv + 200 pp. 3. Ueber den Fuchs'schen Grenzkreis. Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 145-148. 4. SaM-feqaHie o npejt'fejii.HOMi. Kpyri $yKca. [Bemerkung iiber den Fuchs'schen Grenzkreis.] [1892.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 234-235; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 387. 5. Die elementare Ableitung des Additionstheorems fiir die Weierstrass'sche Function ^(w). (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893, 2.) Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 767. 6. Kt reopiir KpiiBuxt j^boJihoh kphbhshh. [Zur Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung.] [1894.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 447-460. 7. KpaxKafl saMixKa 061. HHTerpiipyiomeMt MHOKHTejii Aii(})(J)epeHii,ia.ibHHx'b ypaBHeniH. [Sur le facteur integrant des equations diff^rentielles.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 2, 2-3. 8. Ki Teopiii CHCieM-B coBM'fccTHHX'B o6hkho- BGHHHX'b ;i,H(j|)4)epeHuia.iE)HHxi. ypaBHenift. [Sur la theorie des Equations differentielles ordinaires simul- tau^es.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. R., Phys. Chivi.), No. 3, 2-3. R. 8. A. C. ». ypaBHCHie Phkkath o6n;aro BHjta. [Eic- CATi's Gleichung allgemeiner Form.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. {Mem.), 3, 1896, 33 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 256. 10. $opMa HHTerpajTOBt ;i;H(j)(})epeHitiajibHHX'B ypaBHeniH cb nepio;;HiecKHMn K03(})(J)HitieHTaMH. [Ueber die Form der Integrale der DiiJerentialgleichungen mit periodischen Coefficienten.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. {Mdin.), 3, 1896, 23 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 258. 11. Zur Theorie der unendlichen Producte. (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 34 pp.) Fortschr. Math., 1897, 221. 12. 0 CHOCodaxT. HHTerpHpoBania o6HKHOBeH- HHxi ;i;H(|)^epeHU,ia.ibHEixi. ypaBneniS n H-feKoio- pua HpUviOKBHiH cnoco6a ^H({)(})epeHii,HpoBaHia. [Sur les methodes d'int^gration des Equations diff^ren- tielles ordinaires et quelques applications de la m^thode de differentiation.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 {Phys. Chim.). Fasc. 1, Mem. 1, 35 pp.; Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 181-195. 13. 0 (|)opMi HHTerpajiOBT. ji;H(})4)epeHuiaji)HHX'b ypaBHeniH ct nepio;i;HiecKHMH Koa(|)({)Hn;ieHTaMH. [Sur la forme des integrales des equations diff^rentielles anx coefficients p^riodiques.] [1896-97.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 {Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 2, Mem. 6. 14. 061. ojtHoii (})opMyj['fe, OTHOcameftca kt. onpejil'fejiHTejiaM'B, h 061 ea npHJoateHin Kt leo- piH jiHHeiiHHX'b ji;H(|)(j[)epeHn,iaj[i.HHX'i> ypaBHenift. [Sur une formule, relative aux determinants, et son application k la theorie des equations dif[6rentielles lineaires.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 {Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 3, Mdm. 2, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 263. 15. Zur Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung. (Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 25 pp.) Fortschr. Math., 1898, 517. 16. 0 BHCoxaxx HaH6oj[Bmaro ocBinieniH j^an- HHX'L nilom,ajI,eH. [Sur les hauteurs du maximum de I'eclairement des aires donn^es.] Varsovie Soc. Nat, Trav., 1898 {Phys. Chim.), 24 pp.; Bull. Sci. Math,, 23, 1899, 264-276. 17. Kt Teopin ji;n(})(J)epeHniiajbHHX'B ypaBHenift, [Sur la theorie des Equations diff^rentielles,] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Phys. Chim., C. R.), No. 6, 2-3. 18. Ki> Teopin .irnHennHXT. AH(J)4>epenii,iaj[t- HEIXl. ypaBHeHin. [Sur la theorie des Equations differentielles lineaires.] [1898.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 316-836. 19. Ki. Bonpocy 0 (|)opM'fe HHTerpajOBi. ;i;h(J)- (})epenH,ia:iLHHxi> ypaBnenift ct nepioji;HiecKHMH K03(J)(J)nn,ieHTaMH. [Zur Frage nach der Form der Integrale der Differentialgleichungen mit periodischen Coefficienten.] [1898.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 411-430; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 286-287. 20. Sur une formule nouvelle relative aux deter- minants et son application a la theorie des equations differentielles lineaires. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 388-400. 21. 0 (JjOpM-f; HHTerpaJIOBl 06HKH0BeHHHXT. ;i;H(J)4)epeHn,iajibHHX'& ypaBnenift ct> nepiojtHqec- KHMH K03(J)4)Hi;ienTaMH. [Sur la forme des in- tegrales des equations differentielles ordinaires a co- efficients periodiques.] [1900,] Eec, Math, (Moscou), 21, [1901], 62-66. Anisits, Juan Daniel. Ujabb adatok a szerbtovis deia- merikai el6fordulasAhoz. Weitere Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Vorkommens von ,Xanthium spinosum in Siid-Amerika. Orvos-Termt. Ertes, (Termt. Szak), 1898, 145-151, {Rev.) 105. Anizan, J. Ligne,s artificielles de MM. dk Branville et Anizan. Lum, Elect., 40, 1891, 451-456. 16 Anizan] 122 [Anschiitz 2. Sur la mesure de la capacitc des circuits t^le- phouiques. Lum. Elect., 43, 1892, 601-604. 3. Le microphone Mercadier et Aaizan. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 677-680. 4. La telephonie a grande distance. Lum. Elect., 52, 1894, 424-427. 5. Tableaux-commutateurs tel6phoniques. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 97-102. 6. Tableau-commutateur multiple de la Soci^t^ des Etablissements Postel-Vinay. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 169- 173. 7. Tableau-commutateur multiple a batterie centrals de la Western Electric Co. Jl. Telegr., 24, 1900, 198- 202. Anjel, . 3. Experimentelles zur Pathologic und Therapie der cerebralen Neurasthenie. Arch. Psychiatr., 15, 1884, 618-682. Ankersmit, H[endrik^ J[an], & Fictet, Ame. See Pictet & Ankersmit. Anna, Enrico d'. Sulla spermatolisi nei Vertebrati. Koma Lab. Anat. Norm. Bic, 3, 1893, 127-171. Annable, Henry, & Voung, George. See Young & Annable. Annacker, J. H. Butterrefractometer. Ztschr. Angew, Chem., 1893, 252. Annabeim, JlpsepK], 11. Ueber substituirte Naphty- lendiamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1371- 1374. Annan, J[ohn\ Glriegl. Apparatus for the saponification of fats, oils, etc. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 51. Annandale, [Thomas'] Nelson. Notes on Orthoptera in the Siamese Malay states. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 75-77, 95-97. 2. The Siamese Malay states. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 505-523. 3. Observations on the habits and natural sur- roundings of insects made during the " Skeat Expedi- tion" to the Malay Peninsula, 1899-1900. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 837-869. 4. Note on the habits of Malayan Phasmidae, and of a flower-like beetle larva. [1900.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1902, 439-444. Anneessens, C. 3. De I'aseptol. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 19, 1885, 173-177. Annenkov, (It.-gen.) M. N. Le chemin de fer transcaspien et les pays qu'il traverse. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1886, 127-135. 2. Cpeji;Hfla Asia h en npnroji;HOCTL ji,jih boji,- Bopenia b'l Heft pyccKoft Ko.iOHHsaAiH. [Central Asia and its physical conditions in relation to Russian colonisation.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 277-293; Paris, Soc. G6ogr. Bull., 11, 1890, 237- 254. Annequin, [Frangois Blaise]. Contribution k I'^tude des myopathies pseudo-hypertrophiques des membres in- ferieurs d'origine infectieuse, neurotique ou vasculaire, independantes des dystrophies congenitales. Arch. M^d. Pharm.,Militaires, 19, 1892, 99-112, 249-274. 2. Etude sur I'an^vrysme art^rio-veineux de I'artere tibiale post^rieure. Arch. MM. Pharm. Militaires, 21, 1893, 259-283. 3. Occlusion intestinale d^termin^e par le diverticule de Meckel. Mort subite pendant le lavage de I'estomac. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 28, 1896, 324-326. Annesley, [Fj-angois Henry] A[rthur]. Paraplegie suite de rougeole. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 8, 1886, 386- 388. Annett, H[enry] E[dward]. Boric acid and formalin as milk preservatives. [1899.] Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 2, 1900, 57-67. 2. Tubercle bacilli in milk, butter, and margarine. Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 2, 1900, 29-35. Annett, H[enry] E[dward], Ross, (Surg.-Maj.) Ronald, & Austen, Ernest E[dward]. See Boss, Annett & Austen. Anney, J. P. Sur ie choix des machines generatrices em- ployees dans les distributions d'energie electrique. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 108-116, 321-323. 2. Utilisation des forces hydrauliques. Lum. Elect., 46, 1892, 120-127. 3. Les distributions d'energie Electrique. Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 101-113, 323-328, 472-477, 570-574. Annibale, Ernesto. Conducibilita elettrica dell' acido sol- forico e dell' acido di Nordhausen. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 161-163, 177-181. Annis, B. S., & Boszel, B. M. See Boszel & Annls. Annoni, Antonio. Da Agram a Serajevo (agosto — settembre 1886). [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 24, 1887, 62-67, 133- 141, 199-224. 2. Da Agram a Costantinopoli per Belgrade e Bucarest (ottobre e novembre 1887). [Italia] Soc. Geogr, Boll., 25, 1888, 155-174, 242-267. Anotta, [G.]. De I'eau boriquee naphtolEe. Accroissement de solubilite du naphtol fi. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 618-620. Anoutchine. See Anucin. Anquetin, [3Iodeste]. 3. *De I'unification de I'heure. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1883, 645-648. Anrep, V[asilij] K[onstantinoviS]. 14. L'intoxication par les ptomaines. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 341-355. 15. Action de Turethane dans I'empoisonnement par la strychnine et par quelques autres poisons tetanisants. Arch. Slaves Biol., 3, 1887, 358-369. Anrep, V[asilij] Klonstantinovic], & Cybulski, Napoleon. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologic des Nervi phrenici. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 33, 1884, 243-248. 2. Zur Physiologic der gefasserweiternden und ge- fassverengernden Nerven. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 9, 1884, 215-221. Anrooij. See IZijmans van Anrooij. Ansart-Deusy, (capit.) [Anguste Leonard]. For bio- graphical notice and works see Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 12, 1887, 414-415. 5. MetEorologie et physique generale du globe. Note sur la formule de Lambekt. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 9, 1884, 323-328. 6. Le deluge universel est la cause de la periode glaciaire. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 46-49. Anschiitz, C[arl]. Drei noch unbekannte Briefe des Astronomen Joh. Keplek an Herwakt von Hohenburg, 1599. Prag Sber., 1885 (Math.-Nat.), 417-523. 2. Ueber die Entdeckung der Variation und der jahrlichen Gleichung des Mondes. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 31, 1886 {Hist.-lit. Abth.), 161-171, 201-219; 32, 1887 (Hist. -lit. Abth.), 1-15. Anschiitz, Richard. 17. Bemerkung zu den vorste- henden Mittheilungen iiber Synthesen mittelst Alumi- niumchlorid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 169-170. 18. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Chrysauilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 433-437. 19. Ueber Acridinpikrat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 438-439. 20. Ueber die Verwendung entwasserter Oxalsaure als Condensationsmittel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1078-1079. 21. Ueber die Synthese von Dimethylanthracenhy- driir und Diphenylaethan. [Ergebnisse einer in Ge- meinschaft mit Herrn Alex. Angelbis unternommene Untersuchung.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1884, 36-39. 22. Die Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Vinyl- bromid und Benzol, auf Vinyl tribrom id uud Benzol, auf Tribromaethylen und Benzol. [In Gemeinschaft mit Herrn Alex. Angelbis ausgefiihrte Untersuchungen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1884, 39-43. 23. Ueber die Pipitzahoinsaure. Bonn Niederrhein. Anschiitz] 123 [Anschiitz Ges. Sber., 1884, 145-150; Berlin, Chetn. Ges, Ber., 18, 1886, 709-715 [With additions]. 24. Ueber die Anbydridbildung bei einbasiacben und bei zweibasischen Sauren. Liebig's Ann., 226, 1884, 1-13; 228, 1885, 355. 25. Ueber die Ersetzung zweier Chloratome in Chlo- riden durch ein Sauerstoffatom mittelst entwasserter Oxalsaure. Liebigs Ann., 226, 1884, 13-22 ; 228, 1886, 355. 26. Ueber Traubensaure aus Fumarsaure und die Calciumsalze der vier isomeren Weinsauren. Liebig's Ann., 226, 1884, 191-201. 27. Ueber die Bildung von Traubensauremethylather aus llechts- uud Linksweinsauredimetbylather, sowie liber die Dampfdichte des Traubensaureathylatbers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1397-1400. 28. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1945-1946; Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 265- 267; Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1886, 898-899. 29. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Aepfelsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1949-1953; Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 269-273. 30. Ueber Ainido- und Oxy-phenanthrenchinone. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 261-265. 31. Ueber die Zersetzung aromatischer Fumarsaure- ather durch Hitze. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 267-269. 32. Ueber die Darstellung der Aconitsaure aus Citro- nensaure. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 273-275. 33. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Salicylsaure. Erste Abhandlung. Liebig's Ann., 228, 1886, 308-321. 34. Ueber die Bildung des Aethyloxalsaurechlorides. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2158-2160. 35. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Alumi- niumchlorids. Liebig's Ann., 235, 1886, 150-229, 299- 341. 36. Concerning the isomerism of fumaric and maleic acids. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 253-269; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 239; Kepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 661-662. 37. Ueber die Bildung von Anilsauren aus Anhy- driden zweibasischer Sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 20, 1887, 3214-3216. 38. Zur Geschichte der Isomeric der Fumarsaure und der Maleinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 161- 184 ; 240, 1887, 348 ; 254, 1889, 168-182. 39. Ueber die Bildung von Phenylhydrazilsauren aus den Anhydriden zweibasischer Sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 88-89. 40. Ueber die Isomeric der Fumarsaure und der Maleinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 21, 1888, 518- 520. 41. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf einige Anilsauren zweibasischer Sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 957. 42. Ueber Reissebt's Pyranilpyroinsaure, Pyranil- pyroinlacton und Anilbemsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 115-123. 43. Ueber Reissekt's Pyranilpyroinsaure u. s. w. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3252-3256. 44. Ueber die Bildung von Diacetyltraubensaure- dimethylather und die Bestimmung seiner Molecular- grosse nach der Methode von Raoult. Liebig's Ann., 247, 1888, 111-122. 45. Ueber Reissekt's Anilbemsteinsaure und Anil- propionsaure, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Oxanilsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 731-748. 46. Ueber die Raoult'sche Methode der Molecular- gewichtsbestimmung in ihrer Anwendung zur Ent- scheidung zwischen Isomeric und Polymeric. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 980-983. 47. Kann die Raoult'sche Methode zur Entscheidung dienen zwischen Atombindung und Molecularbindung ? Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 343-347. 48. Ueber die Alkyloxalsauren, die Dichlorglycol- saureiither, die AlkyloxaLsiiurechloride und die Tetraalkyl- oder Halborthoxalather. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 1-42. 49. Ueber die Acetyltrichlorphenomalsaure. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 152-154. 50. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise des Hydantoins. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 258-261. 51. Ueber die Darstellung von Flaveanwasserstoff. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 262-264. 52. Ueber die Lactambildung in der Fettreihe und den Nachweis der Gleichheit von Reissekt's Pyranil- pyroinlacton mit Citraconanil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 887-896. 53. Krystallographischer Nachweis der Gleichheit von Reissekt's Pyranilpyroinlacton und Citraconanil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2979-2981. 54. Ueber die Amin- und Anilsauren der Fumarsaure und der Maleinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 137-148. 55. Ueber das mit dem Glycolid isomere Auhydrid der Diglycolsaure. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 187-193. 56. Ueber das vermeintliche N-Phenyl-o-keto-7-oxy- /3-ai-dimethyl-/3i-tetrahydropyridincarbonsaurelacton,ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss von ^-Anilidobrenzweinanil. Lie- big's Ann., 261, 1891, 138-151. 57. Ueber Salicylidbildung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3506-3512 ; Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 73-93. 58. / Ueber die Darstellung von reinem Chloroform mittelst Salicylid-Chloroform. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3512-3513; Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893 (b), 10-12 ; Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 94-96. 59. Ueber das Glycolid von Heintz. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893. 560-562. 60. Ueber die Destination unter vermindertem Druck im Laboratorium. [1894.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 34. 61. Ueber die Constitution des Succinanils. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 59-60. 62. Ueber aromatische Glyoxalinverbindungen. Lie- big's Ann., 284, 1896, 8-35. 63. Ueber die Constitution der Tartraziue. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 93. 64. Ueber ein Gesetz der Bildung freier Phenolcar- bonsaurechloride. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 {Th. 2, Hnlfte 1), 94; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 221- 223. 65. Ueber eine Gesetzmassigkeit bei der Esterbildung unsymmetriscber aliphatischer Dicarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2652-2654. 66. Ueber die Constitution des Tartrazins. Liebig's Ann., 294, 1897, 219-243; 306, 1899, 1-5. 67. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Imide zweibasischer Sauren. [Zweite Abhandlung.] Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 27-28. Anschiitz, Richard, & Angelbis, Alexander. See An- gelblB & Anschiitz. Anschiitz, Richard, & Beavls, Charles. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Imide zwei- basischer Sauren. Erste Abhandlung. Ueber Dichlor- maleinanilchlorid. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 156-163. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Succinanil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 57-58. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Succinanil und Dichlormale'inanil. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 29-43. Anschiitz, Richard, & Beckerhoff, H[einrich]. Nachweis der Identitat von A. Liebmann's Isoamylphenol mit Tertiaramylphenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 407-410. Anschiitz, Richard, & Bendix, Paul. Ueber die beiden 16—2 Anschiitz] 124 [Anschiitz Diphenylbemsteinsauren. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 61- 100. Anschiitz, Richard, & Bennert, Carl. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der monosubstituirten Bernsteinsauren. Lie- big's Ann., 254, 1889, 155-168. Anschiitz, Richard, & Bems, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Phenylessigsaure und des Desoxybenzoins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1389-1393. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Diathylcarbobenzon- saure. Liebig's Ann., 261, 1891, 298-309. Anschiitz, Richard, & Biernaux, Fernand. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Diglycolsaure und der Thiodiglycolsaure. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 64-73. Anschiitz, Richard, & Clarke, Thomas. Ueber die Syn- these der Methylocitronensaure aus Oxalsaure und Ma- lonsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 306, 1899, 28-38. Anschiitz, Richard, & Drugman, Julien. Darstellung Ton Dicarbonestersauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2649-2652. Anschiitz, Richard, & Eltzbacher, Flritz]. 3. *[Ueber die Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf in Benzol gelostes Acetylidentetrabromid ; die Synthese des un- symmetrischen Tetraphenylathans.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1883, 111-113. Anschiitz, Richard, & Emery, William Orren. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphortrichlorid auf Salicylsaure und auf Phenol. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 301-313; 253, 1889, 105-121. 2. Ueber den Perchlorameisensaure-athylather und den Perchloressigsaure-methylather. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 56-63. Anschiitz, Richard, & Evans, P[hilip] Norman. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Chlorverbindungen des Antimons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1994-1995; Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 708-709. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Antimonpentachlorids. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 285-297 ; Koy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 379-387. 3. Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung der Dampfdichte des Antimonpentachlorids unter vermindertem Druck. Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 95-105. Anschiitz, Richard, & Oeisenheimer, Hlans]. See Oei- senheixner & Anschiitz. Anschiitz, Richard, & Oeldermann, Hugo. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Harnstoff und Thioharnstoff auf Dioxy- weinsaure, Benzil und Benzoin. Liebig's Ann., 261, 1891, 129-138. Anschiitz, Richard, & Oillet, Camille. Ueber die Con- stitution der Mesitonsaure. Liebig's Ann., 247, 1888, 99-111. Anschiitz, Richard, & Ouenther, Alfred. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Succin-p-toluii. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 43-55. Anschiitz, Richard, & ZZaslam, Arthur R. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Chloralid. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 297-300; 253, 1889, 121-131. 2. Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Tri- chlormilchsaure : Tetrachlorpropionylchlorid. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1889, 132-135. Anschiitz, Richard, & Hensel, Ferdinand. Ueber Eeis- seet's Desoxypyranilpyroinsauredibromid und Mono- bromdesoxypyranilpyroinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 248, 1888, 269-281. Anschiitz, Richard, & XXeusler, Fritz. Ueber die schritt- weise Amidirung von mehrfach nitrirten aromatischen Substan^en mittelst Zinnchloriir. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2161-2162. Anschiitz, Richard, & Hintze, Carl [Adolf Ferdinand]. Ueber das Diammoniumoxalat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1394-1397. Anschiitz, Richard, & Immendorff, Hleinrich]. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Aluminium - chlorids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2816-2817. 2. Uebertragung der Seitenketten bei mit dem Benzol homologen Kohlenwasserstoffen mittelst Aluminiumchlo- rid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 657-662. Anschiitz, Richard, & KektUi von Stradonitz, [Friedrich] August. 3. Ueber einige zweckmiissige Apparate. Lie- big's Ann., 228, 1885, 301-308. Anschiitz, Richard, & Klein, Joseph. Ueber Tetraphenyl- athan verschiedener Herkunft. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1039-1041. Anschiitz, Richard, & XUngemann, Felix. Ueber die Darstellung der Aconitsaure aus Citronensaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1953-1955. Anschiitz, Richard, & X.eather, John Walter. Ueber einige Derivate der Pipitzahoinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 715-717. 2. Pipitzahoic acid. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 709- 735, [877]; Liebig's Ann., 237, 1887, 90-128. Anschiitz, Richard, & Dfleyer, Peter. Ueber Amido- und Oxyphenanthrenchinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1942-1944. Anschiitz, Richard, & IMeyerfeld, Julius. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf Citraconanil. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 56-66. Anschiitz, Riclmrd, & IlXontfort, W. F. Ueber die Bildung der Phoronsaure aus Phoron. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 827-828, 1173. 2. Ueber die Synthese der a-Phenyl-/3-benzoylpro- pionsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 63-64. 3. Ueber die Umwandlung von Benzalacetophenon in a-Phenyl-)3-benzoylpropionsaure. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 1-7. Anschiitz, Richard, & Moore, George Dunning. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphoi-pentachlorid auf Salicyl- saure. Zweite Abhandlung. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 314-333. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf m-Oxybenzoesaure und ^J-Oxybenzoesaure. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 333-349. Anschiitz, Richard, & Farlato, Emilio. Ueber den Dioxo- bernsteinsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1975-1980. 2. Ueber den Oxomalonsaureathylester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3614-3617. Anschiitz, Richard, & Pauly, Hermann. Ueber den Abbau des Dioxobernsteinsaureesters zu Oxoraalonsaureester und Oxalester durch Abspaltung von Kohlenoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1304-1306. 2. Ueber isomere Osazone des Dioxobernsteinsaure- athylesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 64- 69. Anschiitz, Richard, & Fosth, W[ilhelm]. Ueber zwei cyclische Ester des Brenzcatechins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2751-2753. Anschiitz, Richard, & Zteitter, H[ans]. Ueber das Dre- hungsvermogen der Links-Aepfelsaureester. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 16, 1895, 493-496. Anschiitz, Richard, & Renter, Ferdinand. Ueber die Gottlieb-Micbael'sche Itaconanilsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 958-959. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Anilin auf Citracon- saure und auf Itaconsaure. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 129-149. Anschiitz, Richard, & Romig, Elugen]. Ueber die Pro- dukte der Einwirkung von Aluminiumchlorid auf Ae- thylidenchlorid und Benzol, oder Toluol, oder m-Xylol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 662-666. 2. Ueber die Nitrirungsprodukte des Diphenylathans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 935-936. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf das unsymmetrische Diphenylathan. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 327-351. Anschiitz, Richard, & Schonfeld, F[ritz]. Ueber Alkyl- oxalsauren und die Einwirkung von Phosphorpenta- Anschiitz] 125 [Antaev chlorid auf Alkyloxalather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1442-1445. Anschiitz, Richard, & Schroeter, [Emil Bruno Victor] Georg. Ueber die Molekulargrosse von Salicylid und Homosalicylid. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 97-101. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf [as-]-Dimetbylsuccinanil, Dichlormaleinimid und Succinimid. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 67-93. Anschiitz, Richard, & Schultz, Gustav [Theodor August Otto]. 7. Ueber das Verhalten einiger priraarer, aro- matischer Amine gegen Schwefel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 580-586. Anschiitz, Richard, & Schwickerath, Karl. [Ueber aro- matische Glyoxalinverbindungen.] Ueber die Constitu- tion der Einwirkungsproducte von Thioharnstoff oder Khodanammonium und von Harnstoff auf Benzoin. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1895, 9-25. Anschiitz, Richard, & Selden, Charles C. Contributions to our knowledge of Glasek's two monobromcinnamic acids. Amer. Chem. JL, 9 (1887), 379-385; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1382-1388. Anschiitz, Richard, & Stiepel, Julius. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Ammoniak und Ammoniakbasen auf Di- chloroxalsauremethylester und Halborthooxalsaureme- thylester : Die " Diamidoester." Liebig's Ann., 806, 1899, 5-27. Anschiitz, Richard, & Stiepel, Karl. Ueber Diamido- iither. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 60-62. Anschiitz, Richard, & Weyer, Heinrich. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Anilin auf Arsenchlorlir und Arsenbromiir. Liebig's Ann., 261, 1891, 279-297. Anschiitz, Richard, & IWirtz, Quirin. Ueber die Zer- setzuug aromatischer Fumarsaureatlier durch Hitze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1947-1949; Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1885, 899-901. 2. On the anilides of fumaric and maleic acids and on phenylaspartic acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 235-252; Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 137-160; 240, 1887, 348. Anschiitz, Richard, Bendix, Paul, & Xerp, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Mesitenlactons und der Iso- dehydracetsaure. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 148-186. Anschiitz, Willy. Ueber den Diabetes mit Bronzefarbung der Haut, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der allge- meinen Hamochromatose und der Pancreasschrumpfung. Deutsch. Arch. Khn. Med., 62, 1899, 411-485. Ansdell, Gerrard, & Dewar, James. On the gaseous constituents of meteorites. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 549-559. Ansel, Olto, & Fechmann, H[ans] von. See Pechmann & AnseL Ansell, Harold W., & Toung, Julian E. On the localisa- tion of a partial-earth fault in a submarine cable by fall of the fault's natural potential. Electrician, 22, 1889, 530-531, 2. Capacity measurements of cables. Electrician, 26, 1891, 652-653. Anselm, B. Ueber den Eisengehalt in der Milch. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verh., 28, 1895, (123)-(127). Anselm, Flritz]. Ueber Hydronaphtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 859-860. Anselm, F[ritz], & Zuckmayer, F[ritz]. Ueber einige Derivate der Naphtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3283-3296, 4085. Anselm, Rudolph. Ueber die Eisenausscheidung durch die Galle. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb., 8, 1892, 51-107. Anselmi, Kmanucle. Intorno alle sorgente termo-solfurea di Serniioue. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1890, 225-245. 2. Otto casi di pellagra, verificatisi in una famiglia per r uso del mais guasto. Brescia Ateneo Comment,, 1892, 168-174. Anselmino, 0[tto~\, & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], See Auwers & Anselmino. Ansiatix, Georges. La mort par le refroidissement. Con- tribution k I'^tude de la respiration et de la circulation. Brux., Ac. Bull., 17, 1889, 555-602 ; Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 151-186. 2. De I'influence de la temperature exterieure sur la production de chaleur chez les animaux k sang chaud. Eecherches de calorim^trie. Brux., Ac. Bull., 20, 1890, 594-614; Arch, de Biol., 11, 1891, 1-17. 3. Eecherches critiques et exp^rimentales sur le sphygmoscope de Chadvkau-Mabey et les manom^tres 61astiques. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 377-405 ; Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 611-637. 4. Pseudo-diphtMe a streptocoques ; broncho-pnea- monie ; mort. Brux., Ac. M^d. Belg. Bull., 9, 1896, 82-87. Ansiaux, Georges, & Corln, Gabriel. See Corin & Ansiaux. Ansiaux, Georges, & Corin, Joseph. See Corin & Ansiaux. Anspach, Lucien. Note sur les transmissions par cables t^lodynamiques. Kevue Univ. Mines, 15, 1884, 436-461, 634-647 ; 16, 1884, 72-166. 2. De la resistance des disques a rotation rapide. Eevue Univ. Mines, 10, 1890, 264-301. 3. Le role de I'eau dans les cylindres k vapeur, [1891.] Eevue Univ. Mines, 17, 1892, 1-83; 18, 1892, 229-265. 4. Detente Delville. Distribution par levier d'avance a bras variable. Eevue Univ. Mines, 25, 1894, 347-352. 5. Th^orie des pompes a vapeur. Eevue Univ. Mines, 27, 1894, 221-284, 6. Etude de I'effet des obliquites dans la detente Delville. Eevue Univ. Mines, 30, 1895, 109-127. 7. Eesolution graphique des probl6mes de flexion. Eevue Univ. Mines, 32, 1896, 29-52. 8. Note sur la detente Delville. Eevue Univ. Mines, 40, 189,7, 274-284. 9. Etude sur la stability des poutres en treillis. Eevue Univ. Mines, 50, 1900, 1-31. Antaev, s. N. 06t. ypaBHeniflXT. nflxoS cieneHH, paapimaeMHxi Bt pasHKajiaxt h o paaiarae- MOCTH ypaBHenifl ^ ~ -oR cieneHii (npn p npOCTOMl) 0T1, CHMMexpHieCKOfl (|)yHKIl,iH AByxT, KopneR saHHaro ypaBHenifl. [Ueber die durch Eadi- cale auflosbaren Gleichungen fiinften Grades und iiber die Zerlegbarkeit der Gleichung des Grades ^p {p - 1) (p gleich einer Primzahl), deren Wurzeln symmetrische Functionen zweier Wurzeln der gegebenen Gleichung sind.] [1894.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1896], 544- 574; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 156-157. 2. HsjiOHtenie ochobehxi cboBctbt> ypaBnenia n-oH CTenenu Bt aaBiicHMOCiH ott. ciicieMH n ypaBHCHifi OTi KopHeft ji;aHHaro ypaBHenia. [Ex- position des propri^t^s fondamentales de I'^quation du n-i6me degr^ dans leur rapport avec le syst^me de n equations entre les racines de I'^quation donnee.] [1897- 1900.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 33-91; 21, [1901], 1-53; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 92; 1900, 94. 3. SaMiiTKa o6i HHTerpnpoBaHiu ypaBHenifi ct lacTHHMH npoHSBojtHHMH iiepsaro nopflji;Ka. [Note sur Tint^gration des equations aux d^riv^es par- tielles du premier ordre.] [1898,] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 443-450; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 305. 4. SajiixKa OTHOCHxeJibHO TeopeiiH: "Ecjih rpynna (})yHKii,iii \f/ Kopneft ypaBHenifl cajtepatHTi Bi. ce6l5 rpynny ({)yHKuiH , la fonction \p pent §tre representee comme fonction rationnelle de 0."] [1898.] Eec. Math. (Moseou), 20, [1899], 472-484; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 70. Antal, Eugen. Ueber das Westphal-Piltz'sche sog. para- doxe Pupillenphanomen. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 149-155. Antal, Geza. For biography see Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890, 635 ; 31, 1899 [SuppL), 104-110. A holyag kiilonbozo bantalmainak cystoskopikus k^pei. [Cystoscopische Bilder der verschiedenen Affectionen der Harnblase.] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 1-2. 2. Electro-aero-urethroskop. ,[Electro-Aero-Urethro- skop.] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 68-70; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 10-13. Antelminelli. See Castracane degli Antelminelli. Antequeda, Carlos. Instrucci6n para el conocimiento y uso del trigonotel^metro. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 45, 1898, 390-403 ; 46, 1898, 5-22. Antessanty, (I'abbe) G[abriel] d'. 2. Diagnose d'un Lygeide nouveau de Bretagne. Rev. Ent., 4, 1885, 112-113. 8. Quelques H6mipteres du Calvados. Eev. Ent., 5, 1886, 102-105. 4. Description d'un Lygeide nouveau de la Loire- Inf^rieure. Rev. Ent., 7, 1888, 383. Antheaume, A[ndre], & Dlouneyrat, Alntoine}. Sur quelques localisations de la morphine dans I'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1475-1476. Anthoine, [Henri], 2. Des propriet^s chimiques et pliy- siologiques d'un bichlorhydrate cristallin6, d^riv^ de I'essence d'Eucalyptus. Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 391-394. Antbony (le frere). *Aurore bor^ale du 27 mai, observ^e k Quebec. France Soc. Met^orol. Nouv. Met6orol., 3, 1870, 209. Antbony, Alfred W. The Oregon jay. (Perisoreus ob- scurus.) Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 69. 2. Breeding habits of the rufous humming bird (Se- lasphorus rufus). Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 91-93. 3. The Oregon snowbird. (Junco oregonus.) Ornith. Ool., 10, 1886, 133. 4. Field notes on the birds of Washington county, Oregon. Auk, 3, 1886, 161-172. 5. Winter plumage of Leucosticte australis. Auk, 4, 1887, 257-258. 6. New birds from Lower California, Mexico. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 73-82. 7. Nesting habits of the California brown pelican. (Pelecanus californicus.) [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 83-85. 8. Occurrence of Phaethon sethereus and capture of Scolecophagus carolinus in Lower California. California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 86. 9. Birds of south-western New Mexico. Auk, 9, 1892, 357-369. 10. Salpinctes obsoletus in Washington and Oregon. Auk, 10, 1893, 87. 11. Notes on the fauna of the dry regions. Science, 21, 1893, 105-106. 12. Notes on the genus Heleodytes, with a description of a new subspecies. Auk, 11, 1894, 210-214 ; 12, 1895, 280. 13. Oceanodroma Townsendi off San Diego, Cali- fornia. Auk, 11, 1894, 321-322. 14. Icterus parisorum in western San Diego county, California. Auk, 11, 1894, 327-328. 15. Owl notes. Science, 23, 1894, 64. 16. A new species of Thryothorus from the Pacific coast. Auk, 12, 1895, 51-52. 17. A new subspecies of Harporhynchus from Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 52-53, 418. 18. The fulmars of southern California. Auk, 12, 1895, 100-109. 19. Description of a new pipilo from southern and Lower California. Auk, 12, 1896, 109-112. 20. Birds of San Fernando, Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 134-143. 21. The Pacific kittiwake at San Diego, California. Auk, 12, 1895, 177. 22. An albino ruby-crowned kinglet. Auk, 12, 1896, 181. 23. Junco hyemalis Shufeldti in Lower California. Auk, 12, 1895, 183. 24. Probable occurrence of Creagrus furcatus off San Diego, California. Auk, 12, 1895, 291, 418. 25. New races of Colaptes and Passerella from the Pacific coast. Auk, 12, 1895, 347-349. 26. Oceanodroma soeorroensis off San Diego, Cali- fornia. Auk, 12, 1895, 387. 27. The scaled partridge (Callipepla squamata) in Colorado. Auk, 12, 1895, 388. 28. The St. Lucas flycatcher in California. Auk, 12, 1895, 390. 29. A new subspecies of the genus Dryobates. Auk, 13, 1896, 31-34 ; 15, 1898, 54. 30. Puffinus tenuirostris, off San Diego, California. Auk, 13, 1896, 171-172. 31. Clangula hyemalis at San Diego, California. Auk, 13, 1896, 172. 32. The black-vented shearwater (Puffinus opistho- melas). Auk, 13, 1896, 223-228. 33. The roadrunner as a rat-killer. Auk, 13, 1896, 257-258. 34. New birds from the islands and peninsula of Lower California. Auk, 14, 1897, 164-168. 35. The nostrils of young cormorants. Auk, 14, 1897, 205. 36. The roadrunner as a destroyer of caterpillars. Auk, 14, 1897, 217. 37. Two new birds from the Pacific coast of America. Auk, 15, 1898, 36-38. 38. Four sea-birds new to the fauna of North America. Auk, 15, 1898, 38-39. 39. Petrels of southern California. Auk, 15, 1898, 140-144. 40. The Pacific kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla pollicaris) in Lower California. Auk, 15, 1898, 267. 41. Avifauna of the Revilla Gigedo Islands. Auk, 15, 1898, 311-318. 42. Hybrid grouse. Auk, 16, 1899, 180-181. 43. Notes on the genus Micruria. Auk, 17, 1900, 168-169. 44. Nesting habits of the Pacific coast species of the genus Puffinus. Auk, 17, 1900, 247-252. Anthony, H. M., & Munro, J. A. R. See DCunro & Anthony. Anthony, Jo /m. 8. On drawing prisms. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 697-703. 9. Observation of opaque or quasi-opaque objects in the microscope. Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 857-858. Anthony, John Gould. For biographical notice see Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 4, 1888, 111-112. Anthony, R[aoul Louis Ferdinand]. M^moire sur les organes visc^raux d'un jeune orang-outan femelle. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 246-270. 2. Considerations anatomiques sur la region sacro- caudale d'une chatte appartenant a la race dite " anoure" de I'ile de Man. Paris Soc Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 303-310,. 3. Etude sur la polydactylie chez les Gallinac6s (poulet domestique). Robin, Jl. Anat., 35, 1899, 711- 750. 4. A propos de la teiegonie. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 18-35. 5. Le muscle presternal: ses formes fibreuses rudi- mentaires, leur frequence chez I'homme et leur presence chez certains animaux. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 486-514. Anthony] 127 e. Sur une chatte anoure de I'ile de Man. [With discussion.] [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901 41-50, xlix-lii. Anthony, R[aoul Louis Ferdinand], & Henriot, S. J. See Henrlot &; Anthony. Anthony, R[aoul Louis Ferdinand], & Salmon, J. Sur un cas de schistomc^lie chez un jeune poulet (monstre double larabdoide). Robin, Jl. Anat., 36, 1900, 121-131. Anthony, William A. 4. Upon a generator in use at Cornell University for producing oxygen and hydrogen gas by means of the dynamo machine. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 115-116. 5. Upon the increase of torsional elasticity of metallic wires. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 117-118. 6. On a method of registering small variations of speed, and determining the absolute number of revolu- tions of an engine or other running machinery. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 118-120. 7. Electrical measurements, especially as applied to commercial work. [1887.] Franklin Inst. JL, 125, 1888 56-72. 8. On economy in conductors and the limitations in the applicability of Kelvin's law. Elect. Rev., 35 1894 611-613. 9. Polarization in the Zn-H9S04cell. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 138-140. Anthouard, A. F. S. d\ Madagascar. Paris, Soc. G^ogr C. R., 1891, 273-278. Anthula, Dim. J. Neue Forschungen in den kaukasischen Landern. 1. Abtheilung. Ueber die Kreidefossilien des Kaukasus mit einem allgemeinen Ueberblick iiber die Entwicklung der Sedimentarbildungeu des Kaukasus. [1899.] Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.-Ung., 12, 1900, 53-159. Antinorl, (marchese) Orazio. For biography see [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 488-507. 8. *Viaggi [deir autore e di] C. Piaggia nell' Africa Centrale. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 1, 1868, 91-165. 9. Viaggio nei Bogos. [Posth.] [Itaha] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 24, 1887, 468-481, 511-550, 614-640, 668-694, 765- 808. Antinori, (marchese) Orazio, Beccarl, Odoardo, & Issel, Arturo. *Relazione sommaria del viaggio nel Mar Rosso. [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Boll., 5, 1870 {Pt. 2), 43-60. Antinori, (marchese) Orazio (et alii). *Spedizione italiana neir Africa equatoriale. [Italia] Soc Geogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 452-463, 575-602 ; 14, 1877, 293-298, 358-362 ; 15, 1878, 7-8, 65-71, 129-133, 328-333; 16, 1879, 109- 116, 347-431, 445-462, 517-518, 543-550, 603-605, 655- 663, 720-733; 17, 1880, 54-59, 118-122, 296-300, 400-403, 448-463; 18, 1881, 39-48, 100-102, 156-170, 282-328, 585-597, 6yU-7'26 ; 19, 1882, 174-182, 386-433, 523-531 ; [Italia] Soc. Geogr. Mem., 1, 1878, 135-236. Antipa, Gr. Ueber die Beziehungen der Thymus zu den sog. Kiemenspaltorganen bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 690-692. 2. Eine neue Art von Drymonema. Jena. Ztschr., 27, 1892, 337-343. 3. Die Lucernariden der Bremer Expedition nach Ostspitzbergen im Jahre 1889. Nebst Anhang iiber rudi- mentare Tentakel bei Lucernariden. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 6, 1892, 377-396. 4. Eine neue Stauromeduse (Capria Sturdzii, n. g. et n. sp.). [1893.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mittb., 10, 1891-93, 618-632. Antipov, I[van] A[lek8androvic]. [0 MarHeSHTi H Byjl4>eHHT'fe Bl. Cepe6p0-CBI1HIJ,0BHX'B H KaMGH- HOyrOJIbHHXl M'feCTOpOJKJI.eHiflX'E. Jl,EPBH3a H PasAHiiEBa Bt CcMnnaJiaTiiHCKGH o6jiacTii. Ueber den Magnesit und Wulfeiiit der Blei-, Silber- und Kohlenlagerstatten von Debwis und Rjasanzev, Prov. Semipalatinsk.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 27, 1891, 447-448; Ztschr. Kryst., 22, 1894, 75, [Antoine a. [0 iipo6jieMaTnqecKOM'b ji,oiiJiepnT'fe iiat ropojI,a KapKapa.lH. Ueber den problematischen Dopplerit von Karkarala.] St, Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 28, 1891, 503-504; Ztschr, Kryst., 23, 1894, 275. 3. [0 Byji4)eHHTi, peajLrap'fc, jtateMcoHnx-fe, iiJiyMCoKynpiiT'l ii djiui-k iiat cepe6po-cBHHn;o- BHX1, M'feCTOpOJKJI.eHiH r, OH'& JI^EPBHSa II K", Bl CeMIinaJiaTHHCKOfi o6.iaCTII. Ueber Wulfenit, Realgar, Jamesonit, Plumbocuprit und Ehlit der Blei- und Silbergrube des Herrn von Derwis, Prov. Semi- palatinsk.] St, Petersb. Min, Ges. Verb., 28, 1891, 527-528 ; Ztschr. Kryst,, 23, 1894, 275-276. 4. 0 coji,ep3KaHiH Taji.;iia Bt KOiiie.naH'lj raji- MeilHHXT. pyji,HHKOBT> I],apcTBa nojibCKaro. [On the thallium content in the pyrites of the calamine mines of Poland.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 884-387; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1756-1757. 5. [0 JIOHXIIJi;HTi HSt OjLKyiua. Ueber Lon- chidit von Olkusch.] St. Petersb. Min, Ges. Verb., 34, 1896 {Prot.), 24; Ztschr, Kryst., 30, 1899, 388: 31, 1899, 650. 6. AnajiHTHiecKoe Hscjii^toBanie cocTaBa ;i;Byx'B MeTeopHTOBT), [Recherches chimiques sur deux me- teorites.] St, Petersb, Ac, Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 91-103; Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 426-427. 7. [0 6yKJiaHji;iiT'fe hs-b AxMaiOBCKoS Konii, Ueber den Bucklandit von Achmatowsk,] St, Petersb, Min. Ges. Verb,, 37, 1899 (Prot.), 45-48 ; Ztschr, Kryst., 34, 1901, 699. 8. [0 HOBOM'B M-fecTOpOKieHill ypaHOBOH CJMJliH Bt PoCCiH H 061. eCXeCTBeHHOft OKIICII Il,HHKa Bl OjtKymCKIlX'L py^tHHKaxT,. Ueber eine neue Lager- statte des Uranglimmers und iiber natiirliches Zinkoxyd aus den Gruben von Olkusch.] St. Petersb. Min, Ges. Verb., 38, 1900 (Prot.), 38-42 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1902 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 365-366. Antisell, Thomas. For biographical notice and works see Washington Phil, Soc, Bull,, 13, 1900, 367-370. 6. *The currents of the Pacific Ocean. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 15 (1883), 101-132. Antoine, [Louis] Charles. 13. De la densite et de la compressibility des gaz et des vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 863-864. 14. Volume, chaleur totale, chaleur sp^cifique des vapeurs saturees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1242- 1243. 16. Variation de temperature d'un gaz ou d'une vapeur qui se comprime ou se dilate, en conservant la meme quantite de chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1242-1244. 16. Sur les variations de temperature des gaz et des vapeurs qui conservent la meme quantite de chaleur, sous des tensions differentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 57-60. 17. Variation de temperature d'une vapeur com- primee ou dilatee, en conservant la meme chaleur totale. Paris, Ac Sci, C, R,, 106, 1888, 116-117. 18. Tensions des vapeurs : nouvelle relation entre les tensions et les temperatures, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 681-684. 10. Calcul des tensions de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 778-780, 20. Tensions de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 836-837. 21. Volumes des vapeurs saturees. Paris, Ac, Sci, C. R., 107, 1888, 1143-1145. 22. Dilatation et compression de I'air atmospherique. Paris, Ac, Sci, C, R,, 108, 1889, 141-143, Antoine] 128 iAnton 23. Dilatation et compression de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 108, 1889, 896-898. 24. Chaleur specifique de la vapeur d'ean sous volume constant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 366- 369. 25. Calcul de la compressibility de I'azote jusqu'a 3000»t'»-. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 131-133. 26. Calcul de la compressibility de Fair j usqu'a 3000'""'- . Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 335-336. 27. Relation entre le volume, la pression et la tem- perature de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 110, 1890, 632-635. 28. Sur r^quation caracteristique de I'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci, ,C. R., 110, 1890, 1122-1125. 29. Equation caracteristique de rhydrog^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1253-1255. 30. Tensions des vapeurs. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 281-288. 31. Note compl^mentaire sur I'equation caracteris- tique des gaz et des vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 284-286. 32. Sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau jusqu'A 200 atmospheres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 328-331. 33. Chaleur totale des vapeurs. Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 426-432. 34. Sur I'equation caracteristique de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 162-163. 35. Sur requation caracteristique de diverses vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1177-1180. 36. Sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau saturee. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 870-872. Antoine, Ernest. [Des considerations sur les differences de marche des chronometres en mer.] Congr. Int. Chronom., 1889, 10-11. 2. Rapport sur la question : construction des pieces chronometriques. Regulateurs astronomiques, chrono- m^tres de marine, chronom^tres de poche et instruments chronometriques divers. Horlogerie civile et monu- mentale. Procedes mecaniques de construction. Con- ditions economiques et industrielles de la fabrication. Congr, Int. Chronom., 1889, 43-58. 3. Vitesse angulaire du balancier, engrenages a bas- cule, rayon de giration d'un balancier circulaire, variations de marche de chronom^tres. Congr. Int. Chronom. , 1900, 208-211. Antoine, Franz. For biography and works see Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 406; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 112; Wien, Photogr. Correspond,, 23, 1886, 249. Antokonenko, G. L. 061 H.^MiHeniH M0p4)0JI0rH?ec- Karo cocTasa Kposn h KOCTHaro Moara Tpy6iaTHX'B KocTeB nojt BJiiflHieMi. 6ojiLinHXT. KpoBony- CKaniH. Sur les alterations anatomiques du sang et de la moelle des os longs sous I'influence des fortes saignees. St. Petersb, Arch. Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 516-577. Antolik, Kdroly. 8. Les figures eiectriques. Lum. Elect., 11, 1884, 310-315. 9. A gyurucsoves higany-legszivattyii. [Ueber eine ringformige Quecksilber-Luftpumpe.] Math. Termt, Ertes., 3, 1886, 135-139; Math. Nat, Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-85), 40-43. 10. A hangattetellel eloidezett hangidomokr61 kifesz- itett rezgo hartyakon es iiveglemezeken, [Ueber Klangfiguren, die auf gespannten Membranen und auf Glasplatten mittels Toniibertragung, hervorgerufen wer- den.] [1890.] Magyar Tud, Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 20, 1891, No. 4, 31 pp. ; Math. Nat, Ber, Ungarn, 8, 1891, 285-325. Antomari, Xlavier]. 4. Sur le produit de deux sommes de huit Carres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 566-567. 6. Sur une propriete caracteristique des lignes geo- desiques d'un cone. Paris, Soc, Math. Bull., 17, 1889, 118-124, 6. Remarques sur I'integration des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 19, 1891, 154-158, 7. Sur les surfaces regiees applicables avec paralieiisme des generatrices, Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 58- 63. 8. Sur les conditions qui expriment qu'une equation algebrique de degre m n'a que p racines distinctes (p Bt npe^iiJiaxTi Poccill. [On ancient artificially deformed skulls found within the boundaries of Russia.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 4), 1887, 367-414; Rev. d'Anthrop., 3, 1888, 375-376. 8. Ueber die Reste des Hohlen-Baren [und des Menschen] aus Transkaukasien. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 216-221, 374-377; Mater. Hist. Homme, 21, 1887, 215-220 [First part only]. 9. HcKoiiaeMHil OBuefiuKT.. IIo iiOBo;;y Hepeiia HCKonacMaro 0Bi],e6HKa (Ovibos fossilis. Rut.) ci. CeperoBT. JIghh, HaxoAflmaroca bi lioojoniHec- KOMi. Myse'fe MocKOBCKaro yHHBepcirreTa. [Ovi- bos fossilis. With reference to a skull of the same from the banks of the Lena in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 67 (No. 3), 1890, 40-49. 10. Sur les restes de I'Ursus spelseus et de I'Ovibos fossilis trouv^s en Russie. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (1), 241-248. 11. Sur les cranes anciens, artificiellement d^form^s, trouv^s en Russie. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (1), 263-268. 12. Quelques donn^es pour la craniologie de la popu- lation actuelle du gouvernement de Moscou. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1892 (2), 279-286. 13. [Uebersicht iiber die wissenschaftliche Litteratur zur Landerkunde des europaischen Russlands.] Geogr. Jbuch., 17, 1894, 238-260, 299-308. 14. [Geographische Erforschungen in] Russisch- Asien. Geogr. Jbuch., 18, 1895, 316-332; 20, 1898, 409-424. 15. 0 H'iJKOTOpiJX'b flBJieiUHXt HOBMffleff aHTponojioririiecKori .iiiTepaTypu. [On some pub- lications of recent anthropological literature.] [1894.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 475-477. 16. HejioB'feKonoAo6HHH qepem> cb ociposa Hbh (Pithecanthropus erectus). [Skull of an anthro- poid ape from Java.] [1896.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 497-498. Anwandter, C. *Klima und Witterungsverhaltnisse von Valdivia in Chili. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 341- 345. Anz, Walter. Tschifu und Umgebung. Petermann, Mitth., 46, 1900, 191-192. a. Durch die Halbinsel Schantung von Tschifu nach Tsingtau, 1. bis 6. Marz 1899. Petermann, Mitth., 46, 1900, 273-277. Anzi, Martina. For biographical notice see Notarisia, 7, 1892, 1450-1456. Anzinger, Franz. Die Gartengrasmiicke als Stubenvogel und ihre Behandlung. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 75, 88-89. a. Das Rothkehlchen in seiner Bedeutung als Sing- vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 121-122. 3. Geht der Gesang der schwarzkopfigen Grasmiicke (Sylvia atricapilla) im Allgemeinen zuruck oder darf die Verschlechterung ihres Gesanges nur eine station iire genannt werden? Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 167-168. 4. Singt oder schlagt unsere Singdrossel (Tardus musicus)? Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 186-187. 5. Geschmacksrichtungen in der Vogelgesangskunde. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1895, 11-14, 6. Unsere Raubvogel und ihre Erkennungszeichen. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1896, 145-151. 7. Die Blaudrossel (Monticola cyana, L.) als Stuben- vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 20, 1896, 29-31. 8. Variationen in der Irisfarbung bei Parus cristatus, L. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 14.5-147. 9. Gesangliche Leistungen verschiedener Vogelarten in Tirol. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 21, 1897, 87-93. Anzinger, Franz, A Dalla Torre, K[arl] W[ilhelm] von. See Dalla Torre & Anzinger. Aoyama, Chobei. On the amber in North Germany. [Jap.] Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], 231 (Ws)— 235. Aoyama, Glwhei, & Ishihara, Hatsutaro. See Ishlhara & Aoyama. Aoyama, T[ane7nichi]. Pathologische Mittheilungen. [I. Indirecte Kerntheilung in verschiedenen Neubildungen, II. Vorkommen von den Corpora amylacea ahnlichen Substanzen in einem Brustkrebs.] Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 568-578. a. Die Pest. [1899.] Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth., 8, 1899-1902, 211-220. Apdthy, Istvdn = Stefan. Tamilm^ny a najadeak szovet- tan4r61. [Studien zur Histologie der Najaden.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 14, 1886, iV^o. 8, 121pp.; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-86), 109-110. a. A sima izomzat gyarapodasa ^s p6tl6dd,sa. [Die Vermehrung und Wiederersetzung der glatten Muskula- tur.] [1885.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 15, 1886, No. 15, 1-24; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884- 85), 68. 3. Methods zur Verfertigung langerer Schnittserien mit Celloidin. [1887.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth,, 7, 1886-87, 742-748. 4. Studien iiber die Histologie der Najaden. [1887.] Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 621-630. 5. Systematische Streiflichter. [I. Marine Hirudi- neen.] Arch. Naturg., 54, 1888 (Bd. 1), 43-61. 6. Analyse der ausseren Korperform der Hirndineen. [1888-89.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 8, 1888, 153-232; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Tei-mt.), 19, 1890, No. 3, 87 pp. 7. Siisswasser-Hirudineen. Ein systematischer Essay. [1888-89.] Zool. Jbuch. (Syst.), 3, 1888, 725-794; Math. Termt. Kozlem., 23, 1890, 303-373. 8. Nachtrage zur Celloidintechnik. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 5, 1888, 45-49. 9. A pioczak fejl6d6stanara vonatkozd vizsg^lataim- r61. [Embryologische Untersuchungen in Bezug auf die Hirudincen.] [1888.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 65-76. 10. A magyarorszdpgi h^vvizek pi6czair61. [Ueber die Hirudineen der ungarliindischen Thermen.] [1888-91.] Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889. 34; 23, 1891 (Suppl.), 121-128; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 472 [First part only]. 11. Notiz iiber die Ringelung von Piscicola. Zool. Anz., 12. 1889, 649-652. la. Ueber das Kriechen von Hirudo und Aulastoma. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 4, 1889, 267-268. 17—2 Apathy] 132 [Apgar 13. Mikrotechnische Mittheilungen. Ztscbr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 164-172. 14. Bemerkungeii iiber die Celloidin-Einbettungs- methode von Arwid Flobman. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 301-303. 15. Nach welcher Eichtung bin soil die Nervenlehre reformiert warden ? (Histologisches und Histogenetisches.) [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 527-538, 600-608, 625- 648. 16. Pseudobranchellion paargoi (nova familia Hiru- dinearum). Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1890, 110-113, 122-127. 17. Az izom- &s idegrostok primitiv fibrilluraair61 a a protoplasma-szerkezetrol atalaban. [Ueber die "Langs- librillarwabige Structur" und iiber Protoplasma-Struc- turen im Allgemeinen.] Orvoa-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1890, 305-310, 353-356. 18. A szovettani m6dszerekr61. [On histological methods.] Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890 (Suppl.), 19-32. 19. Die Lang'schen leeren Hinge, besonders bei Hirudo medicinalis. Zool. Anz.. 13, 1890, 320-322, 351. 20. Ueber die " Schaumstruktur " hauptsaehlich bei Muskel- und Nervenfasern. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 78-87, 127-128. 31. Az egysejtii allatok a tobbsejtiiek szempontj4b61. Die einzelligen Lebewesen als Bildner der Metazoen. Zoologische Vorlesungen, Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1891, 13-40, 84, 93-114, 223-254; 1892, 1-46. 32. Keimstreifen und Mesoblaststreifen bei Hirudi- neeii. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 388-393, 436. 33. Pleurosigma angulatum und das Lendl'sche Mikroskop. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 433-450. 34. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber das Frenzel'sche Mesozoon Salinella. Eine biologische Skizze. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 108-123. 36. Contractile und leitendePrimitivfibrillen. [1892.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 10, 1891-93, 355-375. 36. Erfahrungen in der Behandlung des Nerven- systems fiir histologische Zwecke. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 9, 1892, 15-37, 466-467. 37. Ueber die Muskelfasern von Ascaris, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die von Lumbricus und Hirudo. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 36-73, 319-361. 38. Das leitende Element in den Muskelfasern von Ascaris. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 886-911. 39. Ueber das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine Lagebeziehungen zu den Zellen bei Wirbel- thieren und Wirbellosen. Congr. Int. Zool. C. K., 1895, 132-136. 30. Das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine topographischen Beziehungen zu den Zellen. Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 12, 1897, 495-748. 31. Az orvosi piocza nyakmirigy^nek alkotasa is miikod^se. (Tekintettel a mirigyvdlad^k klinikai hasz- n^latdra.) Beschaffenheit und Function der Halsdriisen von Hirudo medicinalis, L. (Mit Biicksicht auf die klinische Verwerthung ihres Extractes.) Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1897, 206-220, (Rev.) 37-77; Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 218-229. 33. A k^startd szerep^rol a mikrotomiaban, kapcsolat- ban egy uj fajtanak leirAsaval. Ueber die Bedeutuqgdes Messerhalters in der Mikrotomie. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1897, 32-53, 244, (Rev.) 11-48, 208-209; Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 157-174, 332-333. 33. [A centrosomak szereperol. Ueber die Bedeutung der Centrosomen.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1897, 81, (Rev.) 61-62. 34. [Branchellion ^s Branchiobdella petef^szki pet^i. Ovarialeier yon Branchellion und Branchiobdella.] Or- vos-Termt. Ertes. (Tervit. Szak), 1897, 81, (Rev.) 62. 36. Bemerkungen zu Gabbowski's Darstellung [der Lehre des Autoren] von den leitenden Nervenelementen. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 704-713. 36. Ueber Neufibrillen und iiber ihre nervos leitende Natur. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 125-141. 37. Him partheniogenesisrol. , Ueber die mannliche Partheniogenese. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1899, 87, (Rev.) 17-18. 38. [Mikroskopische Praparate iiber postembryonale Vermehrung und Wachstum der Neurofibrillen.] Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 211-213. Apel, [Berthold], & Tietjens, [Louis]. See Tietjens & Apel. Apel, M[ax], & ToUens, B[ernhard Christian Gottfried]. Ueber mittels Formaldehyd aus Aldehyden und Ketonen synthetisch gewonnene mehrwerthige Alkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1087-1090. 3. Ueber das Pentaglycol, einen aus Formaldehyd und Isobutyraldehyd synthetisch hergestellten zweiwerthigen Alkohol. [1895.] Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 36-46. 3. Ueber den Anhydro-ennea-heptit aus Formaldehyd und Aceton. [1895.] Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 46-51. 4. Ueber das Pentaerythrit-di-benzal. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 34-35. Apel, M[ax], & Witt, Otto N[ikolaus]. Ueber die Con- densation von Formaldehyd mit Anhydro-ennea-heptit. Liebig's Ann., 290, 1896, 153-155. Apel, [Otto Theodor] W[;Hlielm^. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologic des Priapulus caudatus [Lavi.), und des Halicryptus spinulosus (v. Sieh.). Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 42, 1885, 459-529. Apert, E{ugene]. Taches pigmentaires intestinales con- stitutes par de la rubigine (purpura intestinal en trans- formation pigmentaire), Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C,. R.), 864-865. 3. Etude anatomo-pathologique d'un cas de tubercu- lose p^riton^o-pleurale subaigue. Arch. M^d. Exp^r., 10, 1898, 476-482. 3. Le t^trag^ne dans les angines. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (G. R.), 137-139, Apert, E[ugene], & Ctaarxier, P[aul Robert]. See Charrier & Apert. Apert, E[ugetie], & Gandy, Ch[arles]. Epilepsie jackson- nienue ; tumeur c^rebrale de diagnostic difficile, probable- ment parasitaire. Arch. G^n. Med., 185, 1900, 581-595. Ap6ry, P[ierre]. 3. [Nouveau r^actif de I'aloes, le per- chlorure de fer.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 979- 980. Apetz, Heinrich, & ZZell, Carl [Magnus], Einwirkung der Salpetersaure auf Aldehyde und Ketone, insbesondere auf Dimethylketon. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 933-946. Apetz, Reinhold. Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung des Nonnengerausches fiir anamische Zustaude. Vii-chow, Arch., 107, 1887, 419-433. Apfelbeck, Victor. Ein neuer Geotrupes aus Bosnien. Ziirich Soc. Ent., 4, [1890], 167. 3. Changements de forme chez les Col^opteres des regions alpines. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 20, 1895, 79-80. 3. Sur la faune col^opt^rologique des cavernes de la Bosnie-Herz^govine. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, cxcvi-cxcix. 4. Sur la faune des cavernes de Bosnie et d'Herz^go- vine. Spelunca, Paris, 1895, 23-24. 6. Zur Kenntniss der Verwandtschaftsgruppe des Otiorrhynchus signatipennis, Schotih. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 371-373. 6. Ein neuer angenloser Tapinopterus (Coleopt. ) aus der Herzegowina. Eut. Nachr., 25, 1899, 147-148. 7. Neue Coleopteren von der Balkan-Halbinsel. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 289-292. Apgar, Austin C[raig]. Binocular vision of lateral-eyed tishes. [1886.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886-88, 6-8. 3. A new variety of Aralia nudicaulis, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 166-167. Apgar] 133 [Apostoli 3. The muskrat and the Unio. [1887.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886-88, 58-59. 4. Extraordinary vitality in a girdled limb. [1889.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1889-91, 7-9. 6. MoUusks of the Atlantic coast of the United States south to Cape Hatteras. [1891.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1889-91, 75-162. Apgar, Ellis A. Some observations on the anatomy of Cicada septendecem, Linn. [1887.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886-88, 43-46. ApitZBch, H[ermann]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Nitros- aeylarainen auf primare Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3521-3525. Apitzsch, H[enimnn], & Fischer, [Philipp] Otto. See Fischer & Apitzsch. Apitzsch, H[ermann], & Faal, C[arl Ludwig], See Faal & Apitzsch. Apjohn, James. For biography and works see Chem. News, 53, 1886, 296; Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 469-470; Eoy. Soc. Proc, 41, 1887, i-ii. Apjohn, James Henry. On the area of sluice-opening necessary for the supply-sluice of a tidal canal. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 78, 1884, 313-321. 2. Note on the movement of the walls of the Kidder- pur docks. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc., 121, 1895, 104- 113. Aplin, {Rev.) B[enjamin'\ D'0[yly], Aplin, Frederick Charles, & Aplin, Oliver V[ernon\ See below. Aplin, Frederick Charles. For biographical notice see Ibis, 4, 1898, 183. Aplin, Frederick Charles, Aplin, {Rev.)B[enjamin'\D^O[yly], & Aplin, Oliver V[ernon]. A list of the birds of the Banbury district. [1884.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1884-85, 15-21. Aplin, Oliver V[e7-non2. Uncommon varieties of British birds. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 10-13. a. Note of some rare British birds in the collection of Mr. J. Whitaker. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 50-52. 3. Ornithological notes from the Norfolk coast. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 131-135; 13, 1889, 9-12; 15, 1891, 144-150. 4. In Sherwood forest. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 54-58, 82-86. 5. A field-naturalist's notes in North Devon. Midland Natlist., 13, 1890, 145-151, 178-183. 6. The grey and the white wagtails in Oxfordshire. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 371-376. 7. On the distribution and period of sojourn in the British Islands of the spotted crake. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 401-417, 4.^7; 15, 1891, 88-96. 8. An immigration of hawfinches. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 367-371, 430. 9. The polecat in Merionethshire. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 392-393. 10. Notes from a winter journal, 1890 and 1891. Midland Natlist., 15, 1892, 40-43, 58-62. 11. Notes on birds seen in Switzerland. Zoologist, 16, 1892, 3-14, 65-73, 430. 12. On the distribution of the cirl bunting in Great Britain. Zoologist, 16, 1892, 121-128, 174-181. 13. ...notes on the birds of Oxfordshire. Zoologist, 16, 1892, 241-258; 17, 1893, 340-352; 18, 1894, 91-99, 153; 20, 1896, 219-227; 3, 1899, 433-442; 4, 1900, 11-28. 14. The status of the woodchat, Lanius rufus, in Great Britain. Zoologist, 16, 1892, 345-352. 15. [Notes on Santa Elena, Monzon, Uruguay.] Ibis, 5, 1893, 284-285. 16. On the distribution in Great Britain and Ireland of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio, Linn.). [1892.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 286-310. 17. On the birds of Uruguay. [With an introduction and notes by P. L. Sclater.] Ibis, 6, 1894, 149-215. 18. The autumn song of birds. Zoologist, 18, 1894, 410-413 ; 1, 1897, 410-411. 19. Field-notes on the mammals of Uruguay. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 297-315. 20. On birds observed in South Wales. Zoologist, 19, 1896, 13-18. 21. Some notes on the red-backed shrike (Lanios collurio). Zoologist, 20, 1896, 70-75, 103, 355-356. 22. Bird life in eastern Algeria. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 121-133. 23. A naturalist's journal in Holland and Belgium. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 324-335. 24. An ornithological tour in Norway. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 416-432, 441-464. 25. Bird notes by the way. [1896.] Ornithologist, I, 1897, 1-9. 26. [Nesting habits of the willow-warbler and chiff- chaff.] [1896-97.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 187-188. 27. [On the colour of the irides of young crows.] Ibis, 3, 1897, 625. 28. On the plumage of the female kestrel. Natura- lists' Jl., 6, 1897, 35-36. 29. Stoats turning white in winter. Zoologist, 2, 1898, 193-194. 30. [The barred warbler in Oxfordshire in November.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 160-161. 31. Notes on the birds of Belgium. Zoologist, 3, 1899, 149-163. 32. The birds of Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire. Zoologist, 4, 1900, 489-505. Aplin, Oliver V[emo7i], & Maepherson, Arthur Holte. Ornithological notes from Oxfordshire in 1886. Zoologist, II, 1887, 283-288. Aplin, Oliver V[ernon], & DSacpherson, (Rev.) Hlugh] A[lexander]. See Maepherson & Aplin. Aplin, Oliver V[ernon], Aplin, Frederick Charles, & Aplin, (Rev. ) B[enjamiii] D'0[yly]. See above. Apolant, Eduard. 2. Ueber Intrauterininjectionen im Puerperal fieber. Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 451-478; 107, 1887, 185. Apolant, Hugo. Ueber die Resorption und die Apposition von Knochengewebe bei der Entwickelung biisartiger Knochentumoren. Virchow, Arch., 131, 1893, 40-77. 2. Ueber das Ganglion ciliare. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 173-174. 3. Ueber die sympathischen Ganglienzellen der Nager. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 47, 1896, 461-471. 4. Ueber die Beziehung des Nervus oculomotorius zum Ganglion ciliare. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 47, 1896, 655-668. 5. Ueber Eeizung der Nebennieren. Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 721-722. Apollonio, Carl. Mikroskopische Untersuehungen iiber die Organisation des Unterbindungs-Thrombus in den Arterien. Beitr. Path. Anat., 3, 1888, 263-276. 2. Sulle correnti elettriche del muscolo e del nervo in riposo. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 456-464. Aporti, F[erra7Ue], & Radaeli, Francesco. Sul modo di comportarsi dei globuli bianehi nella febbre tifoide. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 3, Med.), 381-382, Apostoli, G[eorges]. Sur un nouveau traitement 41ectrique des fibromes ut^rins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 177. 2. Sur un cas tres grave de dermatite consecutive k deux applications de rayons X. Pathog6nie et traite- ment. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1395-1397. 3. Sur les applications nouvelles du courant ondula- toire en th^rapeutique ^lectrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 267-268. 4. De Taction des courants de haute frequence dans I'arthritisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1610-1612. Apostoli, G[eorges], & Berlioz, Alntoine]. Action th^ra- peutique des courants k haute frequence (antoconduction de M. d'Akbonval). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, Apostoli] 134 [Appell 644-645 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 199- 201. Apostoli, G[eorges], & Laquerrifere, [A]. De Paction polaire positive du courant galvanique constant sur les microbes et en particulier sur la bacteridie charbonneuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 918-919. ApoBtolidis, [Nicholas Christo]. 6. [Trois microc^phales vivants.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1894, 590-591. Appel, D. Der Refractor des McKim Observatory. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 6, 1886, 15-19. 2. Die freie Schwerkraft-Hemmung der Normal- Stern- Uhr zu Princeton, N. J. Ztscbr. Instrumentenk., 7, 1887, 29-31. 3. Eine freie Hemmung mit vollkommen unabhangiger und freier Unruhe oder Pendel. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 12, 1892, 19-21, 165. Appel, J. Abbe's refractometer. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 27, 1888, 164-171. Appel, [F. C. L.] Otto. Caricologische Notizen aus dem herzyniscben Gebiete. [1889-90.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890 (Bat. Ver. GesamtthUringen), 41-44; 9, 1891 (Bot. Ver. GesamtthUringen), 23-26. 2. Coburgs Cyperaceen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 8, 1890, 102-106. 3. [Quelques plantes rares ou nouvelles pour la fiore Suisse.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 495-496. 4. [Compte rendu de I'excursion de la Society Bota- nique Suisse aux Morteys les 21 et 22 aofit 1891.] Galles (Zooc^cidies). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 643-644. 5. Ueber Dorycnium Jordani, Lor. et Barr., var. ger- manicum, Greml. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 44. 6. Ueber Zoo- und Phyto-Morphosen. Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, 82-139. 7. Ein Beitrag zur Anwendung des Loeffler'schen Mausebacillus. [1898.] Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 373-375. 8. MolkengelatinemithohemSchmelzpunkte. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 762-764. Appel, [F. C. L.] Otto, Schroter, Carl J., & WUczek, Ernest. [Compte rendu de I'excursion de la Society Botanique Suisse aux Morteys les 21 et 22 aout 1891.] Plantes vasculaires. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 638-642. Appelberg, Oasian. Vattenmangdsuppgifter om Sveriges vattendrag. Stockh. Geol. For. FiJrh., 9, 1887, 399-402. 2. Einrichtung der hydrographischen Untersuchungen in Bohmen, Sachsen und Preussen. [Tr.] [1890.] Wetter, 8, 1891, 154-158. 3. Vattenstandsvariationer i mellersta Sveriges vat- tendrag. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 246-247. Appell, Paul [Emile], 64. Sur les fonctions de trois variables r^elles satisfaisant k I'^quation diff^rentielle AF=0. Acta Math., 4, 1884, 313-374. 65. Sur une formule de M. Tisserand et sur les fonctions hyperg^ometriques de deux variables. Liou- ville, .71. Math., 10, 1884, 407-428. 66. Sur la distribution du potentiel dans des masses liquides limit^es par des faces planes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 98, 1884, 214-216. 67. Sur I'inversion des int^grales ab^liennea. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1010-1011; Liouville, Jl. Math., 1, 1885, 245-279. 68. Sur les fonctions , doublement p^riodiques de troisi^me espece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 1, 1884, 135-164; 3, 1886, 9-42. 69. Sur une m^thode ^l^mentaire pour obtenir les developpements en s^rie trigonom^trique des fonctions elliptiques. [1884.] Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 13, 1885, 13-18. 70. Sur les fonctions doublement p^riodiques de troisifeme espece. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1478- 1480. 71. Developpements en s6rie des fonctions double- ment p^riodiques de troisieme espece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 2, 1885, 9-36. 72. Application du thc^oreme de M. Mittag-Leffler aux fonctions doublement periodiques de troisieme espece. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 2, 1885, 67-74. 73. Sur la chainette sph^rique. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 13, 1885, 65-71. 74. Sur quelques applications de la fonction Z (x,y, z) k la physique math^matique. Acta Math., 8, 1886, 265- 294. 75. Sur un probl^me d'interpolation relatif aux fonctions elliptiques. Bull. Sci. Math., 10, 1886, 109-114. 76. Developpements en series trigonometriques de certaines fonctions v6rifiant I'^quation du potentiel AF=0. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1439-1442; Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1887, 5-52. 77. Sur le mouvement d'un fil dans un plan fixe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 991-993. 78. Sur les fonctions abeiieunes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1246-1248. 79. Quelques remarques sur la throne des potentiels multiformes. Math. Ann., 30, 1887, 155-156. 80. Sur les polynomes qui expriment la somme des puissances pi^mes Jes n premiers nombres entiers. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 312-321. 81. Sur les valeurs approch^es des polynomes de Bernoulli. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 547-554. 82. Sur les Equations differeutielles alg^briques et homogenes par rapport a la fonction inconnue et k ses derivees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1776-1779. 83. Sur les invariants des equations differeutielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 55-58. 84. Memoire sur les deblais et les remblais des sys- temes continus ou discontinus. Paris, M^m. Savants Etrang., 29, 1887, No. 3, 208 pp. 85. Sur I'equilibre d'un fil flexible et inextensible. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1887, B, 5 pp. 86. Surfaces telles que I'origine se projette sur chaque normale au milieu des centres de courbure principaux. Amer. Jl. Math., 10, 1888, 175-186. 87. Sur une classe d'equations differeutielles reduc- tibles aux equations lineaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 776-778. 88. Sur des equations lineaires int6grables a I'aide de la fonction Xm (^' V)- Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 5, 1888, 211-218. 89. Sur le mouvement d'un fil dans un plan fixe. Acta Math., 12, 1889, 1-50. 90. Sur les invariants de quelques equations differeu- tielles. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1889, 361-423. 91. Sur les points d'intersection d'une conique fixe avec une conique mobile passant par deux points fixes. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 48-56. 92. De I'homographie en mecanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 224-226; Amer. Jl. Math., 12, 1890, 103-114. 93. Sur certaines expressions quadruplement perio- diques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 607-609. 94. Sur les equations differeutielles homogenes du second ordre k coefficients constants. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, K, 12 pp. 95. Sur les integrales de fonctions a multiplicateurs et leur application au developpement des fonctions abeiiennes en series trigonometriques. [1889.] Acta Math., 13, 1890, 174 pp. 96. Sur les fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 32-34. 97. Sur les fonctions de deux variables k plusieurs paires de periodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 181-183. 98. Sur la theorie de la cbaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1061-1063. 99. Sur les fonctions periodiques de deux variables. Appell] 135 [Appellof Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 636-638; Liouville, Jl. Math., 7, 1891, 157-219. 100. Sur les fonctions de deux variables quadruple- ment periodiques de troisi^me esp^ce. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 143-154. 101. Sur une classe de polynomes k deux variables et le calcul approcbe des integrales doubles. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 4, 1890, H, 20 pp. 102. Sur les lois de forces centrales faisant dccrire k leur point d'application une conique quelles que soient les conditions initiales. Amer. Jl. Math., 13, 1891, 153-158. 103. Sur des equations differentielles lineaires trans- formables en elles-mcmes par un changement de fonction et de variable. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 34-37; Acta Math., 15, 1891, 281-315. 104. Sur une fonction analogue a la fonction 9. [1891.] Marseille Fac. Soi. Ann., 1, [1892], 47-52. 105. Sur une expression nouvelle des fonctions elliptiques par le quotient de deux series. Amer. Jl. Math., 14, 1892, 9-14. 106. Sur des transformations de mouvements. Crelle, Jl. Math., 110,1892, 37-41. 107. Sur r^quation i,-^ ~ a~ — ^ ^* ^^ theorie de la chaleur. Liouville, Jl. Math., 8, 1892, 187-216. 108. Sur des potentiels conjugues. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 2, [1892], 53-58. 109. Sur les courbes dont les tangentes appartiennent k un complexe lin^aire. Nouv. Ann. Math., 11, 1892, 115-119. 1 lO. Extension des Equations de Lagrange au cas du frottement de glissement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 331-334. 111. Du tautochronisme dans un systeme materiel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 114, 1892, 996-998. 112. Sur certaines proprietes d'une position d'equilibre d'un systeme. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1892, C, 6 pp. 113. Sur I'emploi des Equations de Lagrange dans la theorie du choc et des percussions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1483-1487; Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1896,5-20. 114. Formes des integrales abeliennes des diverses especes. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 7, 1893, A, 4 pp. 115. Courbes autopolaires. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 206-210. 116. Sur le th6oreme des aires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 770-771 ; Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 190-195. 117. Sur une transformation de mouvements. Amer. Jl. Math. , 17, 1895, 1-5. 118. Sur la theorie du frottement de roulement. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 23, 1895, 98-100. 119. Quelques exemples de series doublement periodiques. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 126-129. 120. Exercice sur les courbes de direction. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 491-495. 121. Exemples d'in version d'integrales doubles. Amer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 377-380, 382. 122. Sur les (Equations de I'hydrodynamique et la theorie des tourbillons. Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1897, 5-16. 123. D^veloppement en series trigonometriques des polynomes de M. Leaute. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 265-268. 124. Sur un mode d'inversion des integrales multiples. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 213-214. 125. Remarques sur la communication pr^cedente de M. Levi-Civita. [" Sur les integrales quadratiques des Equations de la mecanique."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 395. 126. Observations sur la communication prec^dente. [" Sur certaines equations analogues aux Equations dif- ferentielles."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1433- 1434. 127. Interpretation de la p4riode imaginaire dans un mouvement k la Poinsot. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 98-102. 128. Sur les eqaaiions de Lagrange et le principe d'HAMiLTON. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 265-267. 129. Lignes correspondantes dans la deformation d'un milieu; extension des theor^mes sur les tourbillons. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1899, 137-153. 130. Sur les mouvements de roulement; Equations du mouvement analogues k celles de Lagrange. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 317-320, 131. Sur une forme g^nerale des equations de la d.ynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 423-427; Crelle, Jl. Math., 121, 1900, 310-319. 132. Sur une forme nouvelle des equations de la dynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 459-460. 133. Sur les positions d'equilibre d'un navire avec un chargement liquide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 567-569, 636-637, 880. 134. Sur I'integration des Equations du mouvement d'un corps pesant de revolution roulant par une arete circulaire sur un plan horizontal ; cas particulier du cerceau. [1899.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14, 1900, 1-6. 135. Sur une forme gen6rale des equations de la dynamique et sur le principe de Gauss. Crelle, Jl. Math., 122, 1900, 205-208. 136. Notion de Tinfini en g^ometrie 61ementaire k propos d'un article de M. Ripert. Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 205-206. 137. Developpements sur une forme nouvelle des equations de la dynamique. Liouville, Jl. Math., 6, 1900, 5-40. 138. Sur I'dqiiilibre d'un flotteur avec un chargement liquide. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 5, 1900, 101-117. 139. Propriety caracteristique du cylindroide. Paris, Soc. Math. BuU., 28, 1900, 261-265, Appell, Paul [Emile], & Chervet, Alfred. Sur la distri- bution du potentiel dans une masse liquide ayant la forme d'un prisme rectangulaire ind^fini. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 358-360. Appellof, [Jakob Johan] Ad[olf]. Japanska cephalopoder. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 21, 1884-87, No. 13, 40 pp, 2. Om skalets bildning hos Sepia officinalis, L. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 495-502. 3. Teuthologische Beitrage, I. Chtenopteryx n.g., Veranya sicula, Krohn, Calliteuthis, Verrill. [II. Chaunoteuthis, rt.(7. (Egopsidarum.] [1890-91.] Bergens Mns. Aarsber., 1889, No. 3, 34 pp. ; 1890, No. 1, 29 pp. 4. Om Bergen sfjordenes faunistiske prseg, [1892.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1891, No. 2, 14 pp. 5. Zur Kenntniss der Edwardsien. [1892.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1891, No. 4, 31 pp. 6. Teuthologische Beitrage. [III. Bemerkungen iiber die auf der norwegischen Nordmeer-Expedition (1876-78) gesammelten Cephalopoden. IV, Ueber eineu Fall von doppeltseitiger Hektokotylisation bei Eledone cirrhosa (Lam.), D'Orb.] [1893.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1892, No. 1, 15 pp. 7. Die Schalen von Sepia, Spirula, und Nautilus. Studien iiber den Ban und das Wachsthum. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 25, 1893-94, No. 7, 106 pp, 8. Ptychodactis patula, n.g. et n. sp., der Reprasen- tant einer neuen Hexactiiiien-Familie, [1894.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1893, No. 4, 22 pp. 9. Ueber einige Resultate der Kreuzbefruchtung bei Knochenfischen. [1896.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894-95, No. 1, 17 pp. 10. Faunistiske undersfTgelser i Herl£ffjorden. [1896,] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894-95, No. 11, 11 pp, 11. Die Actiniengattungen Fenja, Aegir, und Halcam- poides, Dan. [1897.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1896, No. 11, 16 pp. 12. Faunistiske undersOgelser i Osterfjorden. [1897.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1896, No. 13, 13 pp. Appellof] 136 [Appleyard 13. [Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckb. Nf. Gs. ausgefiihrt von Dr. Willy Kukenthal.] Cephalo- poden von Ternate. I. Verzeichniss der von Professor Kukenthal gesammelten Arten. II. Untersuchungen iiber Idiosepius, Sepiadarium und verwandte Formen, ein Beitrag zur Beleuchtung der Hektokotylisation und ihrer systematischen Bedeutung. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 24, 1898, 561-637. 14. Ueber das Vorkommen innerer Schalen bei den achtarmigen Cephalopoden (Octopoda). [1899.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1898, No. 12, 15 pp. 15. Studien liber Actiuien-Entwicklung. [1901.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1900, No. 1, 99 pp. Appelrot, German Germanovic. PilueHie OJI,HOH 3ajI,a»IlI O HarpiBailill T'fejn>. [Solution d'un probleme sur r^chauffement d'un corps eonducteur.] Euss. Pbys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Phys.), 1889, 31-35; Jl. Pbys., 9, 1890, 62. 2. HiKOTopHJi TeopeMH 0 noTeimiaji'fe. [Quel- ques th^or^mes sur le potentiel.] [1888.] Kec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 329-336; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 1018. 3. HIiKOTopHfl iipHJioHteHia TeopeMH, iioji;o6- HoS TeopeMi fpHHA, KT. ypaBHeHiflM'i. pasiioB'tcifl ynpyraro HaOTponnaro TiJia. [Einige Anwendungen einesdem Green'schen ahnlichen Satzes auf die Gleichung des Gleichgewichts eines isotropen elastischen Korpers.] [1889.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 {No. 2), 1890, 14-17; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Abth. 1), 391-392. 4. PiuieHie ojtHOH 3aji,a»iii o HarpljBaiiiii oji,Hopo;i,Haro iipaMoyrojitHaro napajiJiejienHiieji;a. [Eine Aufgabe iiber die Erwiirmnng eines homogenen rechtwinkligen Parallelepipedons.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 73 (No. 1), 1891, 5-8; Fortschr. Phys., 1891 {Abth. 2), 383. 6. HiKOTopLia jnoiiojiHeHifl kt. co^HiieHiio H. B. JI,EJioHE : " Ajire6paiiqecKio ifurerpajiH aBiiaie- Hia Tflffie.!iaro TBepji,aro xijia okojio Heiioji,Bii3KHoii T04KH." [Einige Erganzungen zu dem Werke von N. Delaunay : " Algebraische Integrale der Bewegung eines starren Korpers um einen festen Punkt."] [1892.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 83 {No. 1), 1893, 1-10 ; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1437. 6. Ho noBoji,y § 1 Memyapa C. B. Eobajiebckoh : " Sur le probl^rae de la rotation d'un corps solide autour d'un point fixe." (Acta Matbenmtica, 12. 2.) [Ueber den ersten Paragraphen der Abbandlung von S. Kowalevski : " Sur le probleme de la rotation d'un corps solide autour d'un point fixe."] [1892.] Kec, Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 483-507, 592-596 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 {Abth. 1), 258. 7. 3aji,aia o jtBiiKeHiii TJiJBejiaro TBepjtaro T'fejia OKOJIO Heno;i,BHJK,Ho8 TOHKII. [Problem of the motion of a heavy solid round an immovable point.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Phys.-Math.), 11, 1894, xi + 112 pp. 8. HiKOTopHfl ji.onojiHeHm k-l coiHHeHiio : "3aj;aHa o jtEHKeniii Taatejiaro Tsepaaro T-fejia 0K0.I0 Henoil,BIiaiHOH TOIKH". [Einige Erganzungen zu seinem Werke : " Problem der Bewegung eines starren festen Korpers um einen festen Punkt."] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 91 {No. 1), 1894, 1-4; Fortschr. Math., 1893- 94, 1438-1439. 9. SaM-feqaHia no noBo;;y coodmenia npo(J). A. M. JlanvHOBa bt. .sacijiiaHiH XaptKOBCKaro IMaTeMaTH^ecKaro 06mecTBa lO Maa 1893 roji;a. [Observations a propos de la communication faite par M. le Prof. A. M, Liapounov a la seance de la Soc. Math. determinazione [1896.] Staz. de Kharkov le 10 mai 1893.] [1895.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 723-727. Appelt, Vilem. Studie o nervove soustave Phalangiinu. [Studien iiber das Nervensystem der Phalangiinen.] Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math.-Nat.), No. 25, 38 pp. Apperly, Herbert. Some curious symptoms following inhalation of nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885, 543-544. Appert, Leon. 3. Moulage methodique du verre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1073-1075. 4. Sur le role de I'alumine dans la composition des verres. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 122, 1896, 672-673; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 510-511. Appert, Leon, & ?Ienrivaux, Jules. Sur les devitrifica- tions des verres ordiuaires du commerce. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 827-829. Appia, , & Jousse, . *Quelques mots sur le Lessouto. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. G. R., 1883, 199-203. Appiani, Giuseppe. Sopra un apparecchio di levigazione per r analisi dei terreni e delle argille. [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 246-256. 2. Intorno all' analisi dei perfosfati : deir acido fosforico solubile nel citrato. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 817-832. 3. Sulla determinazione dello zucchero di latte nel latte e nei suoi derivati. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 449-466. Appiani, Giuseppe, & Menozzi, Angela. See SSenozzi & Appiani. Applegarth, E. Carey. The latent time of the knee-jerk. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 99-113. Applegarth, E. Carey, & Martin, II[enry] Newell. See Martin & Applegarth. Appleton, W. C. The sea-breeze at Cohasset, Mass. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 9 (1892-93), 134-138. Appleyard, G., & Cohen, Julius Berend. See Cohen & Appleyard. Avvley^rd,Ja7nes R[obert], &, Percy F[araday]. Sec Frankland & Appleyard. Appleyard, James R[obert], & riirstenhagen, 0. See Fiirstenhagen & Appleyard. Appleyard, James R[obert], & Kay, Percy. See Kay & Appleyard. Appleyard, James R[obert], & Knecht, Edmund. See Knecht & Appleyard. Appleyard, James R[obert], & VTalker, James. See VTalker & Appleyard. Appleyard, Rollo. Photo-electric cells. Telegr. Jl., 28, 1891, 124-126. 2. The adaptation of Wheatstone's bridge for the measurement of resistances containing disturbing E.M.F.s. Telegr. Jl., 29, 1891, 8. 3. The measurement of the resistance of conductors containing disturbing E.M.F.s. Telegr. Jl., 29, 1891, 711-714. 4. The electrical conductivity of the earth. Telegr. Jl., 30, 1892, 316-317. 5. The capacity of looped cables. Elect. Rev., 34, 1894, 140-141. 6. On dielectrics. [1894-96.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 155-169; 14, 1896, 255-266; Pbil, Mag., 38, 1894, 396-409; 42, 1896, 148-159. 7. A "direct reading "platinum thermometer. [1895.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1896, 74-84 ; Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 62-72. 8. True resistance. Electrician, 37, 1896, 403, O. Adjustment of the Kelvin bridge. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1896, 243-244; Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 506-507. 10. Twenty-five years of experiment in physics. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 672-676. 11. Liquid coherers and mobile conductors. London Phys. Soc Proc, 15, 1897, 72-75 ; Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 374-376. Appleyard] 137 [Aral 12. The formation of mercury films by an electrical process. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 119-121 ; Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 74-76. 13. The failure of german silver and platinoid wires. [1897.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 16, 1899, 17-24; Phil. Mag., 45, 1898, 157-163. 14. Fault tests for cable core. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 104-107. Appiinn, [Georrj]. 2. *[Akustische Apparate.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.', 1872, 206. Appunn, Anton. Akustisclie Versuche iiber Wahrnehmung tiefer Time und deren praktische Verweudung fiir uusere Musik. Wetterau. Ges. Nat. Ber., 1887-89, 37-68. 2. Ueber Combinationstone und Summationstone. Ann. Phys. Chem., 42, 1891, 338-343. 3. Ein natiirliches Harmoniesystem, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Anwendung in der musikalischen Praxis, verbunden mit einer Anleitung zur Behandluug eines neu konstruirten Instrumentes mit reiner Stimmung, ohne Aenderung der gewohnlichen Claviatur. Wetterau. Ges. Nat. Ber., 1889-92, 47-78. 4. Schwingungszahlenbestimmungen bei sehr hohen Tonen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 409-416. 6. Ueber die Bestimmung der Schwingungszahlen [seiner] hohen Pfeifen auf optischem Wege. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 217-221. 6. Warum konnen Differenztone nicht mit Sicherheit zur Bestimmung hoher Schwingungszahlen angewandt werden? Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 222-226. Appunn, F. Ueber die Methodik der Photographic mit X-Strahlen zu medizinisch-diagnostischen Zwecken. [1898.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 1, 1897-98, 41-51. Apreda, Domenico. Sul moto di un grave rigido in- variabilmente unito ad una retta dotata di moto rotatorio prestabilito. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 417- 441. Apstein, Carl. Bau und Function der Spinndriisen der Araneida. Arch. Naturg., 55, 1889 (Bd. 1), 29-74. 2. Vanadis fasciata, eine neue Alciopide. [1890.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 5, 1891, 543-545. 3. Die Alciopiden des naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 8, 1891 (No. 3), 19 pp.; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 8, 1891, 123-141, 4. Quantitative Plankton-Studien im Siisswasser. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 484-512, 608. 5. Das Plankton des Siisswassers und seine quantita- tive Bestimmung. Schlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 9, 1892, 267-273, 313-315, 316. 6. Die wiihrend der Fahrt zur Ur)tersuchung der Nordsee vom 6.-10. August, 1889, zwischen Norderney und Helgoland gesammelten Thiere. [1891.] Deutsch. Meere Ber., 17-21, 1893, 191-198. 7. Die Alciopiden der Berliner Zoologischen Samm- lung. Arch. Naturg., 59, 1893 {Bd. 1), 141-150. 8. Die Salpen der Berliner Zoologischen Sammlung. Arch. Naturg., 60, 1894 {Bd. 1), 41-54. 9. Vergleich der Planktonproduction in versohie- denen holsteinischen Seen. Freiburg Ber., 8, 1894, 70-88. 10. Ueber die Alciopiden und Tomopteriden der Plankton-Expedition. [1892.] Schlesw.-Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 10, 1895, 105-106. 11. Ein Fall vou Conjugation bei Tintinnen. [1893.] Schlesw.-Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 10, 1896, 95-98. 12. [Ueber die Salpen.] [1893.] Schlesw.-Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 10, 1895, 310. 13. Ueber das Vorkommen junger Goldbutt in der Ostsee. [1897.] Schlesw.-Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 74. 14. Ueber den Hering in der Schlei. [1897.] Schlesw.-Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 222-223. Ajwtein, Carl, & Hensen, Victor [A7idreas Christian]. See Kensen & Ajwtein. Apt, L[eo], & Weyl, Tlieodor. See Weyl & Apt. B. S. A. C. Apt, [Liidwig] Richard. Ueber den Einfluss des primaren Erregers auf Form und Intensitat der elcktrischen Schwiugungen im Lecher'schen System. Ann. Phys, Chem., 61, 1897, 293-312. 2. Ueber die elektrischen und magnetisohen Eigen- schaften des Nickeltetracarbonyls. Schlesw.-Holst. Nat, Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 242-245. Apt, [Ludwiu] Richard, & Hoffmann, M. Willibald. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung des elektrischen Leitungswiderstandes stroradurchfiossener Gliihlampen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 122-123. Aptekmann, Josef. Versuche iiber den Einfluss der Galvanisirung des menschlichen Herzens auf den Blutdruck. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 45, 1889, 160- 180. Aquilina, (Co^Jt.) L. The recent earthquake in Greece. Nature, 34, 1886, 497. Arabeyr6, . Projet de sismographe enregistreur. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 35, 1887, 277-279. 2. Projet de prevision automatique du mistral k I'aide d'un appareil electrique. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 35, 1887, 288-290. Arachequesne, G. Dosage de I'ac^tone par I'iodoforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 642-644. Aradas, Salvatore. Esame batterioscopico deU' acqua della Reitana di proprieta del marchese m Casalotto. [1886.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 20, 1888, 1-11. 2. Ricerche chimico-batterioscopiche sopra talune acque potabili della citta di Catania. [1886.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 20, 1888, 13-28. 3. Dell' azione di taluni olii essenziali suUo sviluppo dei microrganismi delle acque potabili. [1887.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 20, 1888, 261-271. 4. Esame batterioscopico dell' acqua minerale di Paterno. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 1, 1889, 201-208. Aradas, Salvatore, & CondoreUi Maugeri, A. Sulla natura infettiva della dissenteria epidemica. Studio sperimentale. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 19, 1886, 247-275. Arago, (capit.) [Felix Pierre], & Bouquet de la Grye, [Jean Jacques] A[natole]. See Bouquet de la Grye & Arago. Axa.go, (capit.) [Felix Pierre], & Prat, (It.) [Ernest Charles Emile]. Observations de maree sur les cotes d'Annam et du Tonkin effectu^es par la Comete en 1889, 1890 et 1891. Ann. Hydrogr., 15, 1893, 100-146. Arago, Gh[arles]. Le dernier mot sur les eaux de Paris. Les resultats de I'enquete oflScielle. Ann. Hyg, Publ., 43, 1900, 254-267. Arago, Dominique Frangois Jean. For biography see Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885, 403-418; Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 257-269; Paris, Ac. Sci. M^m., 44, 1888, Ixxix-cxxii. 125. *Notices scientifiques. [Sur la Comete de Halley. Questions a r^soudre concernant la metdoro- logie, I'hydrographie et I'art nautique, etc.] [1835.] Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1836, 189-349. Arago, F. *Lesoleil deminuit. Astronomie, 1882, 873-379. Arag6n, Agitstin. Observaci6nes relativas 4 los metodos de ensenanza de la trigonometria y consideraciones acerca de los calculos num^ricos. [1892.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 5, 1891, 69-95. 2. La geometria analitica y su diferencia con la aplicacion del algebra a la geometria. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 173-178. 3. Apreciacion positiva de la lucha por la existencia. [1896.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem,, 9, 1895, 145-161. Aragon, Agustin, & Mateos, Juan. La prevision del tiempo. [18:)3.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 6, 1892 (Rev.), 51-54, Aral, D. Voyage to New Caledonia. [Jap.] [1892.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., [14], 1892-93, Nos. 6 & 7, 17-26. 2. Meteorological reports from New Caledonia. [Jap.] [1892.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. Jl., [14], 1892-93, Nos. 8 & 9, 43-48. 18 Aral] 138 [Arber 3. Travels in New Caledonia. [Jap.] [1893.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. JL, [14], 1892-93, No. 12, 53-62. Aral, I. The geographical longitude of Japan. [Jap.] [1885.] Tokyo Geogr. Soc. JL, 7, 1885-86, No. 1, [17]-[32]. 2. The total eclipse of the Sun, 1887 August 19. Astr. Soc. Mem., 49, 1890, 271-272. Araki, Trasaburo. Ueber den Blutfarbstoff und seine naheren Umwandlungsproducte. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890, 405-415. 2. Ueber die Bildung von Milchsaure und Glycose im Organismus bei Sauerstoffmangel. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 15, 1891, 335-370, 546-561 ; 16, 1892, 453-459. 3. Ueber Bildung von Glycose und Milchsaure bei Sauerstoffmangel. Eutgegnung [an Herrn Dastre]. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 201-204. 4. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung von Phosphor und von arseniger Saure auf den thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 311-339. 6. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der /SOxybuttersaure und ihres Verhaltens ira Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 18, 1894, 1-12. 6. Ueber die chemischen Aenderungen der Lebens- processe in Folge von Sauerstoffmangel. Ztschr, Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 422-475. 7. Ueber die aus Formaldehyd dargestellten Gemenge von Kohlehydraten, Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 60, 1896, 261-262. 8. Ueber das Chitosan. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 498-510. Araki, Trasaburo, & Hoppe-Seyler, [Ernst] Felix [Im- vmnuel]. See Hoppe-Seyler & Araki. Arana. See Barros Arana. Aranda, Rafael, Doynel, Carlos, & Girardet, Eviilio. Obras de Riego de los Altos de C6rdoba. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 36, 1893, 104-139, 145-190, 193-237, 241-256. Arandarenko, . Le Dervaz et le Karat^guine. [Tr.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1891, 53-82. Arango, Jose Francisco. La teoria parasitaria y las enfer- medades infecciosas. Habana Ac. An., 23, 1886, 395-417. 2. Contestacibn al informe del Dr. Luis Maria Cowley, sobre extracci6n de un enfermo del hospital de San Lazaro. Habana Ac. An., 24, 1887, 47-74, 89-96. 3. El contagio de la lepra. Habana Ac. An., 24, 1887, 142-152. Arango. See also Posada- Arango. Arango y Iiamar, Francisco. *Descripci6n de un feto ectromelico. Habana Ac. An., 12, 1875, 107-112. Arango y ZKXolina, Rafael. For biographical notice and list of works see Jl. de Conch., 46, 1898, 46-47. 4. *Descripciones de especies nuevas de moluscos terrestres de la isla de Cuba. Habana Ac. An., 12, 1875, 279-285. 5. *Eadiados de la isla de Cuba. Habana Ac. An., 14, 1877, 272-284, 312-318. 6. Description of new species of terrestrial Mollusca of Cuba. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 211-212. Axa.uta.-7e, Enrique de. *Informe sobre el establecimiento de un servicio municipal de pararayos en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba. [1881.] Habana Ac. An., 17, 1880, 405-416, Aranyi, Lajos. For biography and works see Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 464; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 3, 1892, 117-132 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 301-302. Aranzadi y TTnamuno, Telesforo de. Observaciones antropometricas en los Cacerenos, Madrid, Soc, Hist, Nat, An., 23, 1894 [Act.), 2-5; Anthrop. (Paris), 6, 1894, 612, 2. Le peuple basque. Etude d'anthropologie, Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1894, 510-519. Aranzadi y TTnamuno, Telesforo de, & Hoyos y Sainz, Luis de. Un avauce a la antropologia de Espana. Madrid, Soc, Hist. Nat, An., 21, 1892, 31-101. Arapides, L[eonidas A.]. [Untersuchungen iiber Azole.] 2) Umlagerung von Rhodanketonen in Oxythiazole und Reduction der letzteren zu Thiazolen. [3) Zur Kenntniss der sog. " Senfolessigsaure."] Liebig's Ann., 249, 1888, 7-26, 27-31. Arapides, L[eonidas A.], & Hantzsch, Arthur [Rudolf]. See Hantzsch & Arapides. Arata, Pedro N[arciso]. 13. Metodo para la investigacion de algunos derivados del alquitran en los vinos, etc. , etc. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 140-144; Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 1, 1887, 201-204. 14. Contribuciones al conocimiento higienico de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. (Trabajos de la oficina quimica municipal.) Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 22, 1886, 5-15. 15. Composici6n quimica de las aguas del consumo, Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 24, 1887, 5-54. 16. Las variaciones de nivel de las aguas subterraneas en sus relaciones con la presi6n atmosferica, lluvias y enfermedades infecciosas. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 24, 1887, 101-119, 17. Estudio de la corteza de Winter verdadera, Drymis Wiuteri, Forster. Argentina Soc, Ci. An,, 26, 1888, 104-117, 18. Sobre la goma de la Uareta (yareta), Azorella madreporica, CI. Argentina Soc, Ci. An,, 26, 1888, 281-286. 19. El gas de agua y el gas de agua purificado, Argentina Soc, Ci. An., 29, 1890, 148-156. 20. Observaciones heliometricas durante los afios 1888[-97]. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 30, 1890, 209-214; 43, 1897, 97-110, 21. El pillijan y la pillijanina. La Plata Mus, Rev. , 2, 1891, 225-240. 22. Analisis [del carbon fosil de San Rafael], La Plata Mus, Rev,, 4, 1892, 135. 23. La sacarina Fahlberg considerada bajo el pun to de vista higienico. La Plata Mus. Rev., 4, 1892, 137-149, 24. Desnaturalizacion de alcoholes para usos in- dustriales, [Alcohol para la desnaturalizacion.] Argen- tina Soc. Ci. An., 48, 1899, 356-367. Arata, Pedro N[arciso], & Canzoneri, Francesco. Sulla corteccia di china morada. (Pogonopus febrifugus, Benth.-Hook.) Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 409-421. 2. Studio sulla vera corteccia di Winter (Drymis Winteri, Forster). Gazz. Cliim. Ital., 18, 1888, 527-539. 3. Contributo alio studio del pillijan (Licopodium Saururus, Lam.). Gazz. CJiim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 1), 146-157. Arata, Pedro N[arciso], & Oelzer, Carl. Ueber das Morrenin und das Morrenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber,, 24, 1891, 1849-1853, Araujo, Oscar d\ Le climat du Bresil. Rev. Sci,, 52, 1893, 425-430, Araujo. See also Silva Araujo. AxbavLxaont, Jules d'. 12. Note sur le pericycle. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 141-151. 13. Nouvelles observations sur les cellules a mucilage des graines de Cruciferes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 11, 1890, 125-184. 14. Note sur les teguments seminaux de quelques Cruciferes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, 251-257. 15. [Bifora radians, une espece nouvelle pour la Cote d'Or.] [1895.] Dijon Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896, Iv-lvii. 16. Sur une vigne a inflorescence monstrueuse. France Soc, Bot, Bull., 43, 1896, 281-282, 17. Note sur une prune double. France Soc, Bot, Bull., 47, 1900, 324-326. 18. Quelques observations sur le Myrsine africana, Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 361-368. Arbenz, C[harles]. L'acide phenylsalicylique. Arch. Sci. Piiys. Nat., 21, 1889, 374-375 ; Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 76-87. Arber, E[dward] A[lexander] Newell. The British and Arber] Swiss alpine floras. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 23 {1899- 1900), 46-61. 2. Eelationships of the indefinite inflorescences Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 160-167. 3. On the effect of salts on the CO.^ assimilation of Ulva latissima, L. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1900, 934. Arbes, J., & nxacli, E[rnst]. Sec ZHtacli & Arbes. Arbesser von Rastbiirg, (Lt.) Casar. Expedition S. M. Schiff Pola in das Eothe Meer, nordliche Hiilfte (October 1895-Mai 1896). IV. Meteorologische Beobachtungen, angestellt an Bord S. M. Sehiffes Pola auf The Brothers' in Koseir und in Jidda. [V. Geodatische Arbeiten, aus- gefiihrt von den Schiffs-Ofiicieren.] Wien, Ak. Denkschr 65, 1898, 245-340, 341-350. Arbo, C[arl] 0. E. 2. La carte de I'indice cephalique en Norwege. Eev. d'Aiithrop., 2, 1887, 257-264. 3. Bidrag til kundskab ora FasrOernes befolknings anthropologi, specielt dens kraniologiske forhold. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 640-643. 4. Fortsatte bidrag til Nordmaendenes anthropologi. III. Stavanger amt. [IV. Lister og Mandals amt. V. Nedenses amt.] Christiania Skr. {Math. -Nat. KL), 1895, No. 6, 72 pp.; 1897, No. 1, 62 pp. {Res. 56-57); 1898, No. 6, 85 pp. {Res. 15-19). 5. Udsigt over det sydvestlige Norges anthropologiske forhold. Stockh., Ymer, 14, 1895, 165-186; Arch. f. Anthrop., 23, 1895, 646-647. 6. [Anthropologiske forhold i Lister og Mandals amt. ] Christiania Forh., 1896 (Overs.), 3. 7. Sur I'indice cephalique en Norwege, sa repartition topographique et ses rapports avec la taille. {With discussion.] Congr. Int. M^d. C. E., 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect. 1), 22-27, {Vol. 7), xliv. 8. Om de somatiske tegn paa to befolkningers op- trajden i Norge. Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 37, 1900, 347-352. O. Er der foreguet nye invandringer i Norden ? Forsog pa en anthropologisk besvarelse. [1897.] Stockh., Ymer., 20, 1901, 25-48, {Res. 48-49). AxboiB de 3vLba.invUle, [Marie] ^A[lexandre] d'. 8. La roaille des bl^s. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1884, 219-221. 10. Peronospora viticola, de By. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1884, 222-225. 11. Nectria ditissima, Tiii. Vosges Soc. lilmiil. Ann. , 1884, 226-228. 12. Le pourridie de la vigne. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1884, 229-232. 13. Cephus compressus, F. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1884, 233-234. 14. Fusicladium pyrinum, Fuckel. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1884, 235-236. 15. Le pourridie de la vigne. Eev. Mycol., 7, 1886, 243-245. 16. Le Peronospora viticola dans les Vosges. Eev. Mycol., 8, 1886, 160-162. Arbost, J[oseph]. Un coin de I'Auvergne : florule des rochers de la Margeride, pr^s Thiers (Puy-de-D6me). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 56-58. 2. Eapport sur I'herborisation du 21 juin 1890 a Chatel-Aillon. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, xl-xlii. 3. Eapport sur les herborisations faites, les 23 et 24 juin 1890, dans Pile de E^. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, xliii-xlv. 4. Une excursion k Montserrat, pr^s de Barcelona (Espagne). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, cviii-cix. 5. Excursion au Puy Mary. Eev. Bot., 9, 1891, 500-502. 6. Liste m^thodique des jjlantes phan^rogames et cryptogames vasculaires observees par les membres de la Society Fran(;aise de Botanique dans le massif du Cantal. Eev. Bot., 9, 1891, 503-530. 7. Eapport sur les herborisations faites par la Society, les 24 et 25 avril, a El Kantara. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, Ixxxvi-xc. 139 [Arcangeli 8. Eapport sur I'herborisation faite par la Society, le 25 avril, aux environs de Batna. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, xc-xci. ©. Eapport sur I'herborisation faite par la Socidt^, le 26 avril, a la foret des cedres et au Djebel Tougour. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, xci-xciii. lO. Eapport sur I'herborisation faite par la Soci^t^, le 27 avril, a Lambese. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, xciii-xcv. ArhvLciae,H[oward] B[ell], & Morse, f/[arr«on] N[orthrup]. See XHorse & Arbuckle. Arbuzov, Aleksandr Erminingeldovic. 06'h aiJIHJ[- MeTirJl«J)eHirJIKap6HH0jrfc. [Ueber das Allylmethyl- phenylcarbinol.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 {Ghem.}, 1900, 753-754; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 1117. Arcais, Francesco d\ 5. *Sul grado e sopra i discrimi- nant! di una equazione algebrica differenziale del primo ordine fra quattro variabili e della sua primitiva completa algebrica. [1883.] Ann. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 1-10. 6. Sulle espressioni analitiche rappresentanti porzioni di funzioni analitiche diverse. Eiv. Mat., 5, 1895, 186-189, 7. Sulle funzioni di una variabile complessa. [1898.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 1048-1050. 8. La seconda funzione di Green pel campo piano limitato da due circonferenze concentriche. [1898.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1897-98, 1664-1676. 9. Un problema sulle funzioni biarmoniche e sua risoluzione per un campo circolare. [1899.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1898-99 {Pt. 2), 479-486. 10. Un problema di calcolo di probabilita. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 16, 1900, 219-225. Arcangeli, Giovanni. 31. Quelques experiences sur I'assimilation. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 199-206. 32. Elenco delle protallogamee itahane. [Italia] Soc. Crittog. Atti, 3 {Disp. 3), 1884, 130-152. 33. Sopra la fioritura del Dracunculus crinitus, Schott. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 46-48. 34. Ulteriori osservazioni sopra la Canna iridiflora hybrida. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 63-64. 36. Sopra alcuni ibridi combinati ottenuti dalla Canna Ehmannii. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 114. 36. Sopra i serbatoi idrofori del Dipsacus e sopra i peli che in essi si osservano. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc, Atti (Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 178-181. 37. Osservazioni sopra alcune viti esotiche e sopra una nuova forma di Peronospora. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 181-183. 38. Sopra alcune dissoluzioni canniniche destinate alia coloritura degli elementi istologici. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 4, 1883-85, 233-237. 30. Sopra 1' azione dell' acido borico sul germoglia- mento dei semi. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 25-29. 40. Sopra alcune alterazioni osservate in una pianta Ecballium elaterium. Rich. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 136. 41. Alcune notizie riguardanti la flora italiana. [1886.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 137-139. 42. Sulla fioritura dell' Euryale ferox, Sal. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 8, 1887, 281-300. 43. Sopra una particolarita di conformazione nelle foglie di alcuni muschi. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 241-243. 44. Sopra alcune crittogame raccolte nel Piceno e nello Abruzzo. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 243-246. 45. Ulteriori osservazioni suU' Euryale ferox, Sal. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 9, 1888, 369-383. 18—2 Arcangeli] 140 [Arcangeli 46. Sul Saccharomyces minor, Engel. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 20, 1888, 303-306. 47. Suir influenza della luce nell' accrescimento delle foglie. [With discussion.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 331-341. 48. Sul kefir. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 381-387. 49. Sul germogliamento della Euryale ferox, Sal. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 467-473. 50. Sulla fermentazione panaria. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 9, 1888, 190-211. 51. La fosforescenza del Pleurotus olearius, DC. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 {Sem. 2), 365-369. 52. Sopra alcune piante raccolte nel Monte Amiata. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 119-121. 53. Sulla struttura dei semi della Nymphsea alba. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 122-125. 54. Sulla struttura del seme del Nupliar luteum, SM. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 138-140. 55. Sulla funzione trofilegica delle foglie. [1888.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 272-276. 56. Esperimenti sulla moltiplicazione di alcune viti americane. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 12, 1889, 191-198. 57. Sopra 1' esperimento di Kraus. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 3-14. 58. Sopra alcune mostruosita osservate nei fiori del Narcissus Tazzetta, Linn. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 5-8. 59. Sulla struttura dei semi della Victoria regia, Lindl. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 286-289. 60. Sullo sviluppo di calore dovuto alia respirazione nei ricettacoli dei funghi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 405-412. 61. Sopra due funghi raccolti nel Pisano. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 434-436. 62. Sopra un caso di sinanzia osservato nella Saxifraga (Bergeria) crassifolia, L. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 455-456. 63. Elenco delle Muscinee fino ad ora raccolte al Monte Amiata. Nuovo, Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 465-475. 64. Sopra alcune Epatiche raccolte in Calabria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 535-537. 65. Ancora alcune osservazioni suU' Euryale ferox. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 270-273. 66. Ricerclie sulla fosforescenza del Pleurotus olearius, DC. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 6, 1889, 197-214. 67. Suir impollinazione del Dracunculus vulgaris, (L.) Schott, in risposta al Prof. F, Delpino. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 492-507. 68. Sui pronubi del Dracunculus vulgaris, Schott. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 52-57. 69. Suir allungamento dei piccioli nelle foglie di Euryale ferox, Sal. [ed in altre piante acquatiche]. [1889-90.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 22, 1890, 121-129, 299-303. 70. Sulla emergenze e spine dell' Euryale e suUe cladosclereidi delle Ninfeacee. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 266-271. 71. Altre osservazioni sul Dracunculus vulgaris, {L.) Schott, e sul suo processo d' impollinazione. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 254-261. 72. Sulla struttura del frutto della Cyphomandra betacea, Sendtn. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 275-279. 73. Sulla struttura delle foglie dell' Atriplex num- mularia, Lind., in relazione alia assimilazione. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 426-430. 74. SuUe foglie delle piante acquatiche e specialmente sopra quelle della NymphsBa e del Nuphar. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 441-446. 75. SuU' Helicodiceros muscivorus, (L. fil.) Emiler. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 467-472. 76. Altre notizie sul Dracunculus vulgaris, Schott. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 558-561. 77. Sopra alcuni frutti e semi provenienti dalla Repubblica Argentina. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc, Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 120-122. 78. La Laminaria digitata, L., nel Mediterraneo. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 178-180. 79. Poche parole sui frutti e suU' esalazione fetida del Dracunculus vulgaris, Schott. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 181-182. 80. Alcune notizie sulle piante-bussola. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital, 23, 1891, 145-149. 81. Nettarii fiorali, mostruosita e processo d' im- pollinazione nel Sechium edule. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 338-342. 82. Comparsa di un Tetranychus sulle viti nel Pisano. Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 5, 1891, 328-331. 83. Suir ossalato calcico criptocristallino. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 367-372. 84. Osservazioni sulla classificazione degli Helleborus italiani. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 380-383. 85. Sulla polvere cristallina e sulle druse d' ossalato calcico. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 489-493. 86. Suir Arisarum proboscideum, Savi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 545-549. 87. I pronubi dell' Helicodiceros muscivorus, (L. fd.) Engler. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 588-595.' 88. Tentativi d' incrociamento e fruttificazione nel Dracunculus vulgaris. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 332-334. 89. Sopra i tubercoli radicali delle Leguminose. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 223-227. 90. I pronubi del Dracunculus vulgaris e le lumache. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 {Sem. 1), 608- 611. 91. Sulle foglie e sulla fruttificazione dell' Helicodi- ceros muscivorus. [1891.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 83-87. 92. Sul Dracunculus canariensis, Kunth. [1891.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 87-91. 93. Sopra una varieta dell' Hibiscus cannabinus, L. [1891.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 106-108. 94. Sopra alcune Agaricidee. [1891-92.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 158-162, 172-176. 95. Sopra varie mostruosita osservate nella Cyclan- thera pedata e sui viticci delle Cucurbitacee. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892. 17-20. 96. SuU' impollinazione in varie Cucurbitacee e sui loro nettarii. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 441-454. 97. Muscinee raccolte di recente nell' Italia meri- dionale. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull. , 1892, 213-220. 98. Sopra al castagno d' India gia esistente all' ingresso dell' Orto Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 283-286. 99. Sopra alcune piante raccolte presso Ripafratta nel Monte Pisano. [ItaHa] Soc. Bot. BuU., 1892, 419-421. 100. Sul Narcissus Puccinellii, Pari. [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 8, 1891-93, 116-119. 101. Sulla Larrea cuneifolia e sulle piante-bussola. [1892.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 46-48. 102. Alcune esperienze sulle foglie di Nuphar. [ItaUa] Soc. Bot. BuU., 1893, 191-194. 103. Sopra varie mostruosita dell' Ajax odorus. Car., e della sua probabile origine. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 290-294. 104. Sopra alcuni Narcissus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 480-483; 1894, 91-94; 1897, 144-146. 105. Sopra 1' infiorescenza di una pianta di Nepenthes. [Italia] Soc. Bot. BuU., 1893, 511-512. Arcang^eli] 141 [Arcelin 106. Sopra alcune piante della Kepubblica Argentina. [1893.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 39-40. 107. Sulla Tulipa saxatilis, Sieb. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 140-142. 108. Sul Narcissus Puccinellii, Pari., e sul N. biflorus, Curt. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 191-196, 250-253. lOO. Sopra alcune piante raccolte recentemente. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 273-274. 110. Sopra alcuni casi teratologici osservati di recente. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 305-308. 111. Sopra alcuni casi di clorosi. [1894.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 16-18. 112. Sopra due casi teratologici osservati nel R. Orto Botanico di Pisa. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894^96, 124-125. 113. Sul granito deir isola del Giglio. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 9, 1894-96, 186-188. 114. Sopra varii fiori mostruosi di Narcissus e sul N. radiflorus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 157-159. 115. Suir Hermodactylus tuberosus, [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 182-184. 116. Sul Narcissus italicus, Sims., e sopra alcuni altri Narcissus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 210- 215. 117. La collezione del Cav. S. be Bosniaski e le filliti di S. Lorenzo nel M. Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 237-246. 118. Sopra una mostruosita del Lentinus tigrinus. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 57-62. 119. Sulle afBnita delle Sfenofillacee. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 261-272. 120. Le stranezze meteorologiche dell' anno 1895. [1895.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 43-48. 121. Sopra due fossili d' .Jano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 65-69. 122. Sul Narcissus papyraceus, sul N. Barlse e sul N. albulus. [1896.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 78-80; 1897, 49. 123. Suir allungamento degli organi nelle piante acquatiche, [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 116-119. 124. Sopra varii fuughi ed un' alga raccolti dal P. GiBALDi nella Cina. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 183-189. 125. Sul rossore della vite. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 240-245. 126. Sulla struttura e suUa disseminazione dei semi del Pancratium maritimum, L. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 278-280. 127. Sull' Arum italicum. Mill. [1896.] [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 321-324; 1897, 46-48. 128. Sopra alcune mostruosita. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 176-178. 129. Sull' Arum italicum e sopra le piante a foglie macchiate. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 198-202. 130. Sul germogliamento dei grani poUinici. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 262-266. 131. Altre osservazioni suila fioritura dell' Arum pictum, L. fil. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 293-300. 132. Sopra alcune piante osservate a San Giuliano e sulla fioritura precoce in alcune forme di Narcissus. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 310-312. 133. Sui fossili di origine dubbia. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 313-315. 134. Sugli awelenamenti causati dai funghi e sui mezzi piu efficaci per prevenirli. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 21, 1898, 65-87. 135. Brevi notizie sopra alcune piante. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 178-181. 136. Sul Compsopogon Corinaldi e sopra alcune altre piante. [Italia] Soc. Bot.Bull., 1898, 223-225. 137. Sopra tre casi di avvelenamento per funghi, suir Amanita verna e sui provvedimenti da prendersi contro i funghi tossici. [1898.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 92-101. 138. Sulla tossicita del Boletus luridus. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti [Proc. Verb.), 11, 1897-98, 139-142. 139. Sopra varii funghi raccolti nell' anno 1898, [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 16-22. 140. Sull' Araucaria imbricata, Pav., del R. Orto Botanico di Pisa. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 76-79, 280-285. 141. Sopra alcune piante di Araucaria coltivate nel- r Orto Botanico Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 90-93. 142. Altre osservazioni sopra alcune Cucurbitacee e sui loro nettarii. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 198-204. 143. Alcune osservazioni sull' ffinothera stricta, Led. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 204-207. 144. Alcune osservazioni sull' Arauja albens, G. Don. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 251-256. 145. Sopra alcuni esemplari di Araucaria Bidwillii, Hook. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 262-268. 146. Una rapida escursione a Moncioni ed a Brolio. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 6, 1899, 38-50. 147. Sulla tossicita del Pleurotus olearius. [1899.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 22-28. 148. Sopra alcune piante di Araucaria brasiliensis, A. Rich. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 108-112. 149. Sul Ranunculus cassubicus, L., e sul R. polyan- themus, L. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 142-148. 150. Brevi notizie sull' Orto Botanico Pisano. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 170-175. 151. Altre osservazioni sull' Araucaria imbricata, Pav., e sull' A. brasiliensis, A. Rich. [Italia] Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 314-317. 152. L' Oidium leucoconium ed un Cicinnobolus sulle foglie dell' Evonymus japonicus. [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 108-110. 153. Sopra la Clitocybe iiludens, Schiceinitz, e sopra alcuni altri funghi. [1900.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 12, 1899-1901, 145-147. 154. Sul Pinus pinea, L., var. fragilis. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 {Sem. 2), 346-352. Arcangelis, Edoardo de. Sul passaggio dell' arsenico dalla madre al feto. Ricerche sperimentali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891 {Med. Legale), 121-155. 2. Le stimmate epilettoidi nei criminali alienati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 23, 1897, 384-406, 567-584. Areas. See F^rez Areas. Areelin, Adrien. 23. *La classification pr^historique des ages de la pierre, du bronze et du fer. Rev. Quest. Sci., 1, 1877, 399-425. 24. *La famille et I'h^r^dit^ naturelle. Rev. Quest. Sci., 2, 1877, 392-459. 25. *Les sepultures de I'tlge du renne de Solutr^. Rev. Quest. Sci., 3, 1878, 349-399. 26. *L'anthropologie. Rev. Quest. Sci., 6, 1879, 412-453. 27. L'anthropologie et la science sociale. Rev. Quest. Sci., 12, 1882, 5-65, 441-477; 13, 1883, 393-444; 15, 1884, 38-113. 28. Sur les silex soi-disant tailles de I'^poque tertiaire. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 2), 503-504, 29. L'homme tertiaire. [1887.] Macou Ac. Ann., 7, 1890, 197-236; Rev. Quest. Sci., 25, 1889, 5-41. 30. Les nouvelles fouilles de Solutre (pr^s M^con, Saone-et-Loire). Anthrop. (Paris), 1, 1890, 295-313. 31. Les glaciers k I'epoque quaternaire. Rev. Quest. Sci., 28, 1890, 353-400; 29, [1891], 5-51, 358-390. 32. Quelques probl^mes relatifs a I'antiquit^ pr6his- torique. Rev. Quest. Sci., 37, 1895, 5-30. 33. L'origine et I'anciennete de l'homme. Saone-et- Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 39-56, 62-78. 34. Excursion k Solutr^. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 198-203. Arcelin] 142 [Archer 35. L'homme prehistorique. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 170-180, 184-203. 36. La dissociatiou psychologique. Rev. Quest. Sci., 47, 1900,,511-547; 48, 1900, 141-191, 488-542. Arcelin, Edouard. Le Bajocien Superieiir en Maconuais. Sa6ne-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 5, 1899, 132-133. Arcetri Observatory. See Abetti, Antonio. Archambault, Paul. Note sur un cas de cheveux monili- formes. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 392-396. Archangelskij, . 06l. OKIICJieHiH JIlIMOUeHa. [Sur I'oxydation du limon^ne.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Cheni., Ft. 2), 1894, 7-8 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1387-1388. Archarov, I. Contribution a la fonction des vasomoteurs chez la grenouiile. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 570-574; 2, 1886, 321. 2. Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen des chlor- wasserstoffsauren und bromwasserstoffsauren Coniin auf den tierischen Orgauismus. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 369-371. 3. 0 BcacHBanin usii iiojtKOKHHxii JiirMt|)aTii- MeCKHX'B M'felllKOB't y JliiryilieK'L. [De I'absorption par les sacs lymphatiques sous-cutanes chez les gre- nouilles.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 18 (No. 2), 1887, 18 pp.; Arch. Slaves Biol., 4, 1887, 205-219; Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Ahth.), 1887, 377-388. 4. Ueber die Bestimmung der organischen Stofife der Luft vermittelst Kaliumpermanganat. Arch, Hyg., 13, 1891, 229-246. 6. Eecherches sur la guerison de I'infection pneu- monique chez les lapins au moyen du s^rum des lapins vaccinas. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 4, 1892, 498-544. Archbold, George. 2. The albuminoids of maize. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 14, 1892, 313-317. Arehbutt, Leonard. Determination of free acid in oils. Analyst, 9, 1884, 170-171. • 2. On the proportion of free fatty acid in certain oils of commerce. Analyst, 9, 1884, 171-172. 3. On some points in the analysis of oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 304-312, 4. Analysis of grease. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 7, 1888, 494-495. 5. On some results of analyses of olive oil from different sources. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 8, 1889, 685-686. 6. The determination of sulphur in iron and steel. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 9, 1890, 25-26. 7. The estimation of silica in clay. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 11, 1892, 215-217. 8. The analysis of sodium peroxide. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, 3-5. 8. Note on Gladding's process for the determination of resin in soap. [1894.] Analyst, 20, 1895, 6-7. 10. Note on the ignition of sawdust by nitric acid. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 15, 1896, 84-85. 11. Note on an experiment made to determine the pressure of ether and some other volatile liquids in closed vessels. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 15, 1896, 85-86. 12. An evaporation test for mineral lubricating oil. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 15, 1896, 326-328. 13. On Hehnek's bromine thermal test for oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 16, 1897, 309-311. 14. On arachidic acid in rape and mustard oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 17, 1898, 1009. 15. The constants of curcas oil. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 17, 1898, 1009-1010. 16. Notes on the arachidic and lignoceric acids of earthnut oil, and their estimation. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 17, 1898, 1124-1126. 17. Note on maize oil (corn oil). Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 18, 1899, 346-347. 18. The determination of oxygen in copper by ignition in hydrogen. Analyst, 25, 1900, 253-262. Arehbutt, Leonard, & Deeley, R[ichard] Mountford. The treatment of hard water. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 10, 1891, 511-517. Archdeacon, William H[enry], & Cohen, Julius Berend. A method for preparing cyanuric acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 11, 1896, 148-149. See aha Cohen & Archdeacon. Arche, Alto. 2. Einfluss der mechanischen Bearbeitung des Aluminiums auf seine Angreifbarkeit durch chemische Agentien. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 284, 1892, 255-256, 310. Arche, Alto, & Hassack, Carl. Analyse eines Gruheu- wassers. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 251, 1884, 132-135. 2. Analyse einiger indischer Bronzen und deren Patina. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 253, 1884, 514-519. Arche, Alto, & Kornauth, Karl. See Komauth & Arche. Archenegg. See No^ von Archenegg. Archenhold, F[i-iedrich] S. Ueber einen Sonnenflecken in grosser Breite am 4. Miirz 1890. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 169-170. 2. Ueber das Auftreten von schwarzen Flecken auf der Jupiterscheibe. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 77-78. 3. Ueber die Bewolkuugsgrosse des Nachthimmels und ihre Eegistrirung. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 50-51. 4. [Ueber den neuen Stern in Auriga.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 77. 5. Ein ausgedehnter Nebel bei J Persei. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 153-158. 6. Ephemeride des Cometen 1892 I. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 219-222. 7. Beobachtungen des veranderlichen Sterns R Trian- guli (BD. +33°.470). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 259-260. 8. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1893 . . . (Rordame- Quenisset).] Auf der Stern warte Grunewald bei Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 101-102, 117-118. , 9. Beobachtung des Cometen 1897... (Perrine Oct. 16). Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 381-382. Archer, Francis. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 112; Entomologist, 25, 1892, 100; Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. &, Trans., 7, 1893, ix-xi. 2. *Notes on the worked flints of the raised beaches of the N.E. coast of Ireland. [1880.] Liverpool GeoL Soc. Proc, 4, 1885, 209-216. 3. Supplementary report upon the testaceous MoUusca of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee district. [Posth.'\ Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1892, 105-121. Archer, Thomas Groxen. For biography and works see Pharm. JL, 15, 1885, 709; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 272-276; Edinb. Roy. Soc, Proc, 14, 1888, no (bis)-lU {bis). Archer, W[illiam] David. On the stability of yachts. [With discussioii.} Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 31, 1888, 147-164. 2. On the strength of ships' beams. [With discussion.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 38, 1895, 213-223. Archer, W[illiam] J[ohn]. Journey in the vice-consular district of Chiengmai. [1888.] Scott. Geogr. Mag., 5, 1889, 12-18. 2. Report on a journey in the Me-Kong valley. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 261-263. Archer, Walter E. [Reports on Scottish salmon fisheries.] Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 11, 1893, P(. 2, 5-20; 12, 1894, Pt. 2, 5-20; 13, 1895, Pt. 2, 5-15; 14, 1896, Pt. 2, 5-31; 15, 1897, Pt. 2, 1-11 ; 16, 1898, Pt. 2, 5-16, 2. Natural history notes on salmon in Norway. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 11, 1893, Pt. 2, 55-71. 3. Salmon disease on the Tweed. [With report by D. C. Donaldson.] Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 11, 1893, Pt. 2, 72-105. Archer, William. For biography and works see Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 253-257; Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 501-502; Archer] 143 [Arctowski Nature, 56 (1897), 570; Hoy. Soc. Proc, 62, 1898, xl-xlii. Archetti, A^idrea. Di uu sensibilissimo reattivo della caffeina. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 259-260. Archibald, Charles F. Wild birds useful and injurious. Agr. Soc. Jl., 5, 1894, 60-84. Archibald, E[dmund] Douglas. 18. *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 176. 19. An account of some preliminary experiments with Bikam's anemometers attached to kite-wires. [1884.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1884, 639-641; Nature, 31, 1886, 66-68. 20. The height of the neutral plane of pressure and depth of monsoon currents in India. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 10, 1884, 123-139. 21. The solar (dust?) halo. Nature, 30, 1884, 559- 560. 22. On some results of observations with kite-wire suspended anemometers up to 1300 feet above ground, or 1800 feet above sea-level, in 1883-85. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 919-920; Nature, 33, 1886, 593-595. 23. Kite-wire suspended anemometer readings. Nature, 31, 1885, 600. 24. The eleven-year meridional oscillation of the auroral zone. Nature, 32, 1885, 414. 25. Universal secular weather periods. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 52-53. 26. Halos and mock suns. Nature, 34, 1886, 313. 27. The direction of the upper currents over the equator in connection with the Krakatao smoke-stream. Brit. Ass. Hep., 1887, 619-620. 28. Upper wind currents near the equator and the diffusion of Krakatao dust. Nature, 36, 1887, 152-153. 29. The captive kite-balloon. Nature, 36, 1887, 278. 30. M. Fave's theory of storms. Nature, 38, 1888, 149-153. 31. Kite-balloons and kite tandems. [With dis- cussion.'] Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 22, [1890], 5-20. 32. Cyclical periodicity in meteorological phenomena. [1890.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 289-295. 33. The greatest rainfall in twenty-four hours. Nature, 48 (1893), 77. 34. The big and little monsoons of Ceylon. Nature, 48 (1893), 175-176. 35. Highest rainfall in twenty-four hours. Nature, 48 (1893), 317. 36. The long period weather forecasts of India. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 85-88. 37. Discussion of hourly observations of temperature, air pressure and aqueous vapour pressure as recorded by the autographic instruments in use at the Alipore Observa- tory, Calcutta, during the period 1881 to 1893. [1897.] Indian Meteorol. Mem., 9, 1895-97, 499-576. 38. The classification of polydiurnal weather types in relation to the prolongation of the daily forecast in western Europe. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 798-799. 39. Indian famine causing droughts and their pre- vision. [1900.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 35, 1901, 66-69, 81-85. Archibald, E[benezer] H[€7mj]. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing sodium chloride and potassium sulphate. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. * Trans., 3, 1897 (Sect. 3), 69-77. 2. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing potassium and sodium sulphates. [1897.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 291-301. 3. On the relation of the surface tension and specific gravity of certain aqueous solutions to their state of ionization. [1897.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 335-347. 4. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing the double sulphate of copper and potassium, and of mixtures of equimolecular solutions of zinc and copper sulphates. N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 307-320. 5. On a test, by the freezing-point method, of the ionization coefficients determined by the conductivity method, for solutions containing potassium and sodium sulphates. [1899.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 33-48. Archibald, E[beuezer] II[eni-y], & MacGregor, J[a'me8'\ G[ordon^. See SXacOregor & Archibald. Archinard, John, Archinard, P[aul] E., & VToodson, l{[ol)ert] S. See below. Archinard, P[(tul] £., Woodson, R[obert] S., & Archinard, Jolai. Bacteriological study in the aetiology of yellow fever. [1898.] N. Y. Med. JL, 69, 1899, 109-114. Arcidiacono, Salvatore. Lo Stromboli dopo 1' esplosione del 31 agosto 1891. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 11 (Ft. 3), 1892, 216-221. 2. Fenomeni geodinamici che precedettero, accom- pagnarono e seguirono 1' eruzione etnea del maggio-giugno 1886. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 6, 1893, Mem. 21, 49 pp.; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 107-108. 3. Sul terremoto del 13 aprile 1895 avvenuto in pro- vincia di Siracusa. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 16 (Ft. 1), 1896, 169-175. 4. Sui terremoti del 3 maggio 1899. Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 60, 1899, 28-33. 5. Sul periodo eruttivo dell' Etna dal 19 luglio al 5 agosto 1899. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 13, 1900, Mem. 17, 42 pp. Arcidiacono, Salvatore, & Riccb, Annibale. See Biccb 6 Arcidiacono. Arcimis, Augusto T. To references in No. 2 (Vol. 9) add Roma, Bull. Meteorol., 14, 1875, 37-39. 7. 'Conjunction of Mars and Saturn, 1879, June 30, observed at Cadiz. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 107-108. 8. *Eclipse of the Sun, 1879, July 18. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 126. 9. *The occupation of Autares, 1879, July 28. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 148. 10. Afterglows in Spain. Nature, 48 (1893), 29. 11. The great Madrid meteor. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 395, 423. 12. Probable weather conditions in Spain during the total solar eclipse of May 28, 1900. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 439. Arcinetti, Vittore. *[Descrizione degli osservatori che sono in corrispondenza meteorologica coll' Osservatorio di Moncalieri.] II. O.sservatorio Meteorologico di Pine- rolo. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 1, 1866, 48-49. Arcis, Arthur d'. Voyage au nord du pays de Galles. Geneve Soc. G^ogr. Mem., 26, 1887 (Bull), 34-50, 54-67. 2. Cannobio et ses environs (Lac Majeur). Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 27, 1888 (Bull), 165-183. 3. Le Mont Pilat (Cevennes). Geneve Soc. G^ogr. Mem., 30, 1891 (Bull.), 196-212. 4. Les Monts Pisans. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 32, 1893 (Bull.), 217-233. 5. De Perpignau a Figueras et Port-Bou, a travers les Alberes. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 33, 1894 (Bull.), 128-140. Arcoleo, Eugenia. La luce negli insetti. [1890.] Nat. Sicil., 10, 1891, 40-62. Arctowski, Henrtjk. Faits relatifs aux propriet6s du sulfurede carbone. Brux., Ac. Bull, 27, 1894, 864-871; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 6, 1894, 255-259. 2. Communications sur la dissolubilite. Brux., Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 872-382, 905-932; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 6, 1894, 260-267, 392-410. 3. Note sur un nouveau mode de reproduction arti- ficielle de I'oligiste. Brux., Ac. Bull., 27, 1894, 938-936; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 6, 1894, 377-379. Arctowski] U4 [Arduini 4. Untersuchungen iiber die Fliichtigkeit des Queck- silberchlorides. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 167-175. 5. Essai sur les reactions de double decomposition entre vapeurs. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 59-72. 6. De Taction de la chaleur sur le sulfure de carbone. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 286-291; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 314-317. 7. Recherches preliminaires sur I'hydrolyse des dis- solutions aqueuses du chlorure mercurique. Brux., Ac. Bull., 29, 1895, 622-638; Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 51, 1895, 241-246, 283-290; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 9, 1895, 178-189. 8. Quelques remarques sur I'interet qu'offre pour la geologic I'exploration des regions antarctiques. Brux. See. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1895 (P;oc.-Fer^.), 175-177; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 589-591; Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1895-96, Ixi-lxvii. 9. Determinations de la solubilite, a des temperatures tres basses, de quelques composes organiques dans le sulfure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1895, 123-125., 10. Etude de I'firosion dans le plateau ardennais. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 23, 1895, 3-9. 11. Ueber die doppelte Umsetzung bei gasformigen Korpern. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 213-223. 12. Ueber die Fliichtigkeit des Chromsaurean- hydrides. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 9, 1895, 29-30. 13. Notiz iiber die Krystallisation des Broms. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 25-26. 14. Zur Krystallographie des Quecksilberchlorids. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 27-30. 15. Untersuchungen iiber dieLoslichkeit beimErstar- rungspunkte der Losungsmittel. Ztschr. Anorg, Chem., 11, 1896, 272-277. 16. Versuche iiber die Fliichtigkeit des roten Phos- phors. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 225-228. 17. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Losbarkeit fester Korper in Gasen. Zt?chr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 413-416. 18. Untersuchungen iiber die Verdampfungsge- schwindigkeit der Quecksilberhaloidsalze : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Loslichkeit fester Korper in Gasen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 417-426. 10. Untersuchungen iiber die Sublimationsspan- nungen des Jods. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 12, 1896, 427-430. ao. Quelques mots relatifs a I'etude du relief de I'Ardenne et des directions que suivent les rivieres dans cette contree. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Proc-Verb.), 118-127. 21. The problem of antarctic exploration. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 803-804. 22. Expedition Antarctique Beige. Rapport pre- limiuaire sur les Bondages de la Belgica. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1899, 479-484. 23. Rapport preliminaire sur les recherches oceauo- graphiques de I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1899, 642-649. 24. R^sultats preliminaires des observations meteoro- logiques faites pendant I'hivernage de la Belgica. [1899.] Ciel et Terre, 20 (1899-1900), 245-248, 269- 275, 352, 353-364, 402, 626. 25. The bathymetrical conditions of the antarctic regions. Geogr. jl., 14, 1899, 77-82. 26. The antarctic climate. Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899 413-420. 27. Quelques resultats des observations meteoro- logiques faites a Punta-Arenas (Amerique du Sud) par le Rev. P. Makabini. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 179-182. , 28. Notes sur une aurore australe observee a I'ile des Etats. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 376-378. 28 Sur les conditions meteorologiques des regions antarctiques. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 379-384. 30. Resultats d'observations meteorologiques faites a rile des Etats. [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 453-461. 31. Sur les glaciers et la geologic des terres decouvertes par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige et sur les glaces du pole sud. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 380. 32. Notice sur les aurores australes observees pendant I'hivernage de I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1276-1279; Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 127-131; Geogr. Jl., 16, 1900, 92-94. 33. Sur I'ancienne extension des glaciers dans la region des terres decouvertes par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 479-481. 34. Les calottes glaciaires des regions antarctiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1260-1262. Arctowski, Henryk, & Renard, A\lphome] F. Notice preliminaire sur les sediments marins recueillis par I'Expedition de la Belqica. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8" Ed.), 61, 1901-02, No. 2, 30 pp. Arcybasev, E[vgenij], & Fetrenko-Kritcenko, Pavel Ivanovic. See Fetrenko-Kritcenko & Arcybasev. Ardagh, (Col.) J[o)m] C[harles]. The Red Sea petroleum deposits. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 8, 1886, 502-507. a. Kilometers. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 28-38. Ardaillon, E. Rapport sur le tremblement de terre de Zante, du 31 Janvier 1893. Ann. Geogr., 2, 1893, 273- 280. 2. Geologic de Java. Nord Soc. GeoL Ann., 27, 1898, 267-272. Ardenne, — d\ De Paction de I'extrait de coca dans le traitement des affections douloureuses de Testomac. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 876-877. Ardigb, Robert. La science experimeutale de la pensee. [T/-.] [1888.] Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 514-521. Ardin-Delteil, P. Cryoscopie de la sueur de I'homme sain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 844-845. Ardin-DelteU, P., & Mairet, Allbert]. See Bflalret & Ardin-Delteil. Ardissone, Francesco. 14. Rivista bibliografica anno 1883. Botanica sistematica. [Italia] Soc. Crittog. Atti, 3 (Disp. 3), 1884, 228-257. 15. Quali siano le condizioni attuali della geografia crittogamica in Italia, e quali i mezzi die potrebbero migliorarle. Parte iii a. Alghe marine (escluse le Diatomee). Congr. Bot. Crittog. Atti, 1887, 29-32. 16. Le Alghe della Terra del Fuoco raccolte dal Prof. Spegazzini. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 208-215. 17. Le divisioni primarie del regno vegetale. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 281-287. 18. Note alia phycologia raediterranea. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 674-690 ; 33, 1900, 140-145. 19. Le Alghe cosmopolite. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 770-781. 20. Sopra alcune fotomicrografie. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 102-104. Ardu Onnis, EJkio. Crani umani della Magenta del Museo d' Anatomia Comparata della R. University di Torino. Arch. Antropologia, 24, 1894, 47-69 ; Torino Mus. Boll., 9, 1894, No. 180, 2 pp. 2. Su alcune forme anomale del bacino umano. Note di antropologia e di anatomia comparata. Torino Mus. Boll., 10, 1895, No. 209, 14 pp. 3. Contributo all' antropologia della Sardegna. Arch. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 27-52. 4. U metodo zoologico in antropologia. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 6, 1897, 21-35, 101-117. 5. II nuovo metodo antropologico e i crani della Sar- degna. Arch. Antropologia, 28, 1898, 169-196. Arduini, Vittorio. Conchiglie Plioceniche del bacino di Albenga. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 6, 1895, 159-209, Arduini] 145 [Argelander a. L' isola Gallinaria. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 8, [1897,] 188-197. Arechavaleta, J[ose]. Cuatro gramlneas nuevas y una conocida de la Eepublica Uruguaya. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 177-187. 2. Las gramineas Uruguayas. [1894-97.] Monte- video Mus. Nac. An., [1, 1897,] 29-171, 213-581. 3. Contribucion al conocimiento de los liquenes Uru- guayos. [1894.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., [1, 1897,] 173-186. 4. Contribucion al conocimiento de la flora Uruguaya. [1899-1900.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., 2, 1901, 273- 290. Areitlo y Iiarrinaga, Alfonso de. For biographical notice and works see Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 {Act.), 109-111. Arenander, . Die hornlose Kindviehrasse. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 105. Arends, G. Ueber gereinigte Balata und Guttapercha. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1010. Arendt, C[arl]. Peking und die westlichen Berge. Stadt- und Landschaftsbilder aus dem nordlichen China. [1889.] Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 1889-90, 57-96. Arendt, Eugen. Die Behandlung der Frauenkrankheiten nach Thure Brandt. [1889.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 20, 1890 {Th. 2), 184-214. Arendt, Paul. Anhalonium Levvinii, Hennings. Mschr. Kakteenk., [1, 1892,] 93-94. 2. Echinocereus Hildmannii, ^r. Mschr. Kakteenk., [1, 1892,] 146. 3. Einteilung der Kakteen nach dem Salmschen System. Mschr. Kakteenk., [1, 1892,] 156-167. Arendt, Theodor. Die Bestimmung der Temperatur at- mospharischer Niederschlage. Wetter, 12, 1898, 62- 68. 2. Zur meteorologischen Optik. Wetter, 12, 1895, 107-111. 3. Die Schwankungen im Wasserdampfgehalte der Atmosphare auf Grund spectroskopischer Untersuch- ungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 171-204. 4. Die Bestimmung des Wasserdampfgehaltes der Atmosphare auf Grund spektroskopischer Messungen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 376-390. 5. Beziehungen der elektrischen Erscheinungen un- serer Atmosphare zum Erdmagnetismus. Wetter, 13, 1896, 241-253, 265-280. 6. Die Theorie des Polarlichtes von Adam Paulsen. Wetter, 14, 1897, 54-63. 7. Irisirende Wolken. Wetter, 14, 1897, 217-224, 244-252. 8. Das St. Elmsfeuer. Wetter, 15, 1898, 2-10, 37-41, 49-56. 9. Zum Polarlicht vom 9. September 1898. Wetter, 15, 1898, 241-246, 265-274; 16, 1899, 20-22. 10. Ueber die Zunahme der Blitzgefahr. Wetter, 16, 1899, 1-8, 32-42. Arens, Carl [Franz Johann]. Ein einfacher Nachweis von Tuberkelbacillen durch Farbung nebst einer Angabe zur Farbung von Bakterien in fettreichen Substraten. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 9-10. 2. Ueber den Nachweis sparlich vorhandener Cholera- bacillen. [1892.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 5-7. 3. Demonstration eines neuen Luftreinigungsap- parates. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 31-32. 4. Quantitative Staubbestimmungen in der Luft nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Staubfangers. Arch. Hyg., 21, 1894, 325-358. 6. Eine Methode zur Plattenkultur der Anaeroben. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 15-17. Ar^s, A. Pourquoi Mars est-il rouge? [1884.] Ciel et Terre, 5, 1885, 35-36, 88-89. Areschoug, F[redrik] W[ilhelm] C[hristian]. 29. Some observations on the genus Bubus. Lund. Univ. Acta, E. s. A. c. 21, 1885-86 (Math.), No. ix, 1-126 ; 22, 1886-87 (Math.), No. V, 127-182. 30. Ueber Reproduction von Pflanzentheilen. Bot. Centrbl., 31, 1887, 186-188, 220-223. 31. Om spiralfiberceller i bladen af Sansevieria-arter. Bot. Notiser, 1887, 146-148; Bot. Centrbl., 31, 1887, 258-261. 32. Ora Rubus afifinis, Whe., och R. relatus, F. Aresch. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 1-4; Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888, 348-350. 33. Om Trapa natans, L., var. conocarpa, F. Aresch., och dess harstamning fran denna arts typiska form. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 16-23; Bot. Centrbl., 35, 1888, 253-256, 285-287. 34. Betrachtungen iiber die Organisation und die biologischen Verhiiltnisse der nordischen Biiume. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 9, 1888, 70-85. 35. Ueber Rubus obovatus, G. Br., und R. ciliatus, C. J. Lindeh. [1888.] Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 268-270, 298-300. 36. Om forekomsten af Artemisia stelleriana, Bess., pii vestra Skanes hafsstrander. Bot. Notiser, 1893, Ill- ISO ; Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 70-75. 37. Det fanerogama embryots nutrition. [1894.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 30, 1893-94 (Soc. Physiogr., No. ix, 1-21). 38. Beitrage zur Biologic der geophilen Pflanzen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 31, 1895 (Sac. Physiogr., No. iv, 60 pp.). 39. Ueber die physiologischen Leistungen und die Entwickelung des Grundgewebes des Blattes. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 (Soc. Physiogr., No. x, 46 pp.). 40. Till synonymien inom slagtet Rumex. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 86-88. Arescboug, Johan Erhard. For biography and list of works see Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 381-382; Bot. Centrbl., 30, 1887, 335 ; Bot. Notiser, 1887, 150-151 ; Science, 9, 1887, 583 ; Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn., 4 (Heft 1), 1899, 35-62. 29. Observationes phycologicee. [Partic. 4 et 5. De Laminariaceis nonnullis.] [1883-84.] Upsala Soc. Sci. N. Acta, 12, 1885, No. 8, 23 pp., No. 11, 16 pp. Areskog, Carl. Nagra for Olands flora nya eller mindre kanda Viola-former. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 161-162. Aresu, R., & Brigidi, Vincenzo. See Brigidi & Aresu. Aretta, C. Aggiunte alia flora parmense. Malpighia, 8, 1894, 302. Ar6valo y Baca, Jose. For biographical notice see Ibis, 2, 1890, 271. 3. Nota sobre el estado actual de la botanica y la horticultura en Valencia y Andalucia. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 91-101. 4. Aves de Espaiia. Madrid Ac. Ci. Mem., 11, [1887], 471 pp. Arey, Albert L. Preliminary notice of the discovery of strata of the Guelph formation in Rochester, N.Y. [1892.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 104-107. Arez, Joao. Sobre uma formula de analyse. [1894.] Gomes Teixeira -Torn. Sci., 11, 1892, 187-188; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 463. 2. Sobre uma formula de analyse. Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 12, 1895, 110-113; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 307-308. Arez. See also Almeida Arez. Axga.U., Philip [H.]. 3. Nickel : the occurrence, geological distribution and genesis of its ore deposits. [1893.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 4, 1891-93, 395-420. Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August. 128. *Durch- musterung des nordlichen Himmels zwischen 45 und 80 Grad der Declination auf der Interims- Sternwarte der Koniglichen Eheiaischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn in den Jahren 1841 bis 1844 ausgefiihrt und mit Hiilfstafeln zur Reduction der scheinbaren Oerter der 19 Argelander] 146 [Arieti Sterne auf die mittlern zu Anfange des Jahres 1842 versehen. Bonn Stemw. Astr. Beob., 1, 1846, xxxii + 499 pp.; 5, 1862, i-xxxiii; 6, 1867, [7]. 129. *Durchmusterung der Himmelszone zwischen 15 und 31 Grad siidlicher Declination auf der Sternwarte der Koniglichen Eheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn in den Jahren 1849-52 ausgefuhrt und mit Hiilfstafeln zur Reduction der scheinbaren Oerter der Sterne auf die mittlern zu Anfange des Jahres 1850 versehen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 2, 1862, lvi + 427 pp.; 6, 1867, [8H16] ; 7, 1869, 519. 130. *Bonner Sternverzeichnisa. Erste Section ent- haltend die genaherten mittleren Oerter von 110984 Sternen zwischen 2 Grad siidlicher und 20 Grad nord- licher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. Schoenfeld und Dr. A. Krueger auf der Sternwarte der Koniglichen Eheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beobachtet und berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 3,1869, xxvi-f378 pp.; 4,1861, xlviii ; 5,1862, xxxiv- XXXV ; 6, 1867, 376-377; 7, 1869, 519. 131. *Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Zweite Section enthaltend die genaherten mittleren Oerter von 105075 Sternen zwischen 20 und 41 Grad nordlicher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. Schoenfeld und Dr. A. Krueger auf der Sternwarte der Koniglichen Eheinischen Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beobachtet und berechnet. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 4, 1861, [10] + xlviii -f 361 pp.; 6, 1862, XXXV ; 6, 1867, 377-379 ; 7, 1869, 519. 132. *Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Dritte Section ent- haltend die genaherten mittleren Oerter von 108129 Sternen zwischen 41 und 90 Grad nordlicher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jahres 1855. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr. E. Schoenfeld und Prof. Dr. A. Krueger auf der Sternwarte der Koniglichen Ehein- ischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn beo- bachtet und berechnet, Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 5, 1862, [22] + XXXV -f 380 pp.; 6, 1867, 379-380; 7, 1869, 519-520. 133. *Verbesserungen und Bemerkungen zu ver- schiedenen Stern verzeichnissen und Beobachtungs- sammlungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 6, 1867, [39] pp.; 7, 1869, 167-246. 134. *Mittlere Oerter von 33811 Sternen abgeleitet aus den am Meridiankreise der Bonner Sternwarte in den Jahren 1845-67 angestellten Beobachtungen und in drei Verzeichnissen zusammengestellt. Bonn Sternw. ■ Astr. Beob., 6, 1867, xx -f- [39] -f 381 pp.; 7, 1869, 520-523. 135. *tjntersuchungen iiber die Eigenbewegungen von 250 Sternen nach altern und den auf der Bonner Sternwarte angestellten Beobachtungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 1-143, 523. 136. *Mittlere Positionen von 160 Sternen fiir das Jahr 1875 abgeleitet aus altern und neuern Beobacht- ungen. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 247-314, 524. 137. 'Beobachtungen und Eechnungen iiber ver- anderliche Sterne. Bonn Sternw. Astr. Beob., 7, 1869, 315-518, 524. Argence, Louis. La geographic des palmiers. [1889.] B^ziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 18-26. 2. De la fecondation naturelle et artificielle des veg^taux. [1890.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 13, 1891, 18-24. Axgenson, G. Sur le dosage de I'acetone dans les urines. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1055-1058. Argod-VaUon, Andre Albert. [Description d'une nouvelle espece aveugle de Coleopteres de la division des Silphales.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, clxiii-clxiv. 2. [Description d'une nouvelle espece frangaise de Carabique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, clxix-clxx. 3. [Description d'un Curculionide nouveau.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1895, xxviii. 4. Description d'un C^rambycide nouveau de I'Afrique orientale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 208. iUrgus [Pseud.]. The ghost of the season. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 256-265. Argutinskij Dolgonikov, {Prince) P[etr Michailovic], Muskelarbeit und Stickstoffumsatz. Pfliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 46, 1890, 552-580. 2. Ueber die Kjeldahl-Wilfarth'sche Methode der Stickstoffbestimmung unter Beriicksichtigung ihrer An- wendung zu StofEwechselversuchen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 581-593. 3. Versuche iiber die Stickstoffausscheidung durch den Schweiss bei gesteigerter Schweissabsonderung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 594-600. 4. Ueber die elementare Zusammensetzung des Och- senfleisches. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 345-365. 5. Ueber eine regelmassige Gliederung in der grauen Substanz des Eiickenmarks beim Neugeborenen und iiber die Mittelzellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 48, 1897, 496-523. 6. Ueber die Gestalt und die Entstehungsweise des Ventriculus terminalis und iiber das Filum terminale des Eiickenmarkes bei Neugeborenen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 52, 1898, 501-534. 7. Eine einfache und zuverlassige Methode Celloidin- serien mit Wasser und Eiweiss aufzukleben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55,1900, 415-419; Physiologiste Eusse, 2 (1900-02), 15-18. Argyle, . Phenomenal weather in Victoria. [1897.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 27. Argyll, George Douglas Campbell (Duke of). For bio- graphy and works see Nature, 62 (1900), 13-14; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 709-711; Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1905, 176-181. 20. The diffusion of species. Nature, 30, 1884, 462. 21. lona. Nature, 32, 1885, 413. 22. *Continuitv and catastrophes in geology. [1883.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 1-27. 23. Presidential address to the Scottish Cryptogamic Society. [1888.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 16-22. 24. Supposed fossils from the southern Highlands. Nature, 39, 1889, 317-318. 25. An unusual geological sequence. Nature, 40, 1889, 642. 26. On certain bodies, apparently of organic origin, from a quartzite bed near Inveraray. [1889.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 16, 1890, 39-64. 27. Acquired characters and congenital variation. Nature, 41, 1890, 173-174, 210, 294-295, 366-367. 28. Border-lands between geology and geography. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 169-181. 29. Araucaria cones. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 8. 30. Snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca, L.) in Argyllshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 71. 31. Glacier action. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 389. 32. Origin of lake basins. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 485-486. 33. Two glens and the agency of glaciation. [1895.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans., 38, 1897, 193-202. 34. Sabine's gull in Kilbrennan sound. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 46. 35. The great submergence. Nature, 56 (1897), 173. Argyropoulos, Tlimoleon], Vibrations d'un fil de platine maintenu incandescent par un courant electrique, sous I'influence des interruptions successives de ce courant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 525. 2. Observations sur les rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1119. Arheidt, Richard. Ueber Diphenylendihydrazin. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 206-215. Arias. See Rodriguez Arias. Arieti, Giuseppe. I trattamenti preveutivi dei cereali Arieti] 147 [Arloing contro la earie ed il carbone. Rassegna storica e nuove esperienze. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 33, 1900, 405-429. Arts, Mehmed. Ueber o-^-Dibromisovaleriansaure. Lie- big's Ann., 280, 1894, 259-262. Arlfon, . Double image dans I'atmosphere. Astro- noniie, 1892, 78. Arin, [Emmanuel Artguste], F^rochaud, [Joseph Valentin], & zairaUi6, Charles. See F^rocbaud, BEiraUi^ & Arin. Axiola., Vincenzo. Due nuove specie diBotriocefali. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 6, 1895, 247-254. 2. Sulla "Bothriotaenia plicata (Rud.)," e sul suo sviluppo. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 117-126. 3. Sopra alcuni Dibotrii nuovi o poco noti e sulla classificazione del genere Bothriocephalus. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 261-282. 4. Note intorno agli Elminti del Museo Zoologico di Torino. Di alcuni Botriocefali. Torino Mas. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 259, 7 pp. 5. Osservazioni sopra alcuni Dibotrii dei pesci. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 60-70. 6. Di alcuni Trematodi di pesci marini. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 129-138. 7. II genere Scyphocephalus, Rigg., e proposta di nuova classificazione dei Cestodi. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 160-167. 8. Notizie sopra alcuni Botriocefali del Museo Uni- versitario di Copenhagen. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 246-252. 9. Revisione della famiglia Bothriocephalidse, s. str. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 369-484, 646. 10. Un evoluzionista del secolo xviii. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 39-49. 11. Nota sui Cestodi parassiti del Centrolophus pompilius, Linn. Genova, Soc. Ligust, Atti, 11, 1900, 215-220. 12. Eine Zweideutigkeit des Dr. Luhe [in seinen " Bemerkungen zu Ariola's neuestem Cestodensystem "]. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 417-419. Arlola, Vincenzo, & Brian, Alessandro. Un' escursione al Monte Ramazzo. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 92-97. Ariola, Vincenzo, & Parona, Corrado. See Farona & Ariola. Aristov, . Zur Kenntniss der syphilitischen Er- krankungen des Magens bei hereditarer Lues. Ztschr. Heilk., 19, 1898, 395-413. Aristov, I. I. 06'L HTepau,ilI (l)yHKU,irr. [Ueber Itera- tion der Functionen.] [1900.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 10, 1901, 14-49, 85-131; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 403-404. Aristov, VI., & Demjanov, N[ikolaj Jakovlevic]. IIpO- AyKTH OKHCJieiiia a-oKciiKiicjiOTT> ffinpHaro pflji,a. [Ueber die Oxydationsproducte der a-Oxyfettsauren.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 19 (Ghem.), 1887, 257-271; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887 {Ref.), 697-699. Ark, H[enri] Hartong van. Ueber die Einwirkung von Bromacetophenon auf Pyridin. [1897.] Arch. Pharm., 238, 1900, 321-330. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Bromacetophenon auf Piperidin. Arch. Pharm., 238, 1900, 330-334. Arkle, Charles Joseph. For biographical notice see Med.- Chir. Trans., 82, 1899, cxxv-cxxvi. On a micro-organism from a case of multiple neuritis. Clin. Soc. Trans., 27, 1894, 120. Arkle, Charles Joseph, & Hinds, F[rank]. A case of pneumonomycosis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 8-13. Arkle, J. Notes on Taeniocampa opima. Entomologist, 23, 1890, 307-309. 2. Life-history of Pachnobia leucographa. Entomo- logist, 24, 1891, 51-53. 3. Arctia caia. Entomologist, 25, 1892, 57-62. 4. A tomato caterpillar (Heliothis armigera). Ento- mologist, 25, 1892, 237-238. 6. The cyanide bottle. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 58-59. 6. Notes on "assembling," with some general remarks on the senses in Lepidoptera. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 336-338. 7. The senses of insects. Entomologist, 28, 1896, 243-246 ; 29, 1896, 343-345. 8. Plusia festucae and its second brood. Entomo- logist, 29, 1896, 113-116. 9. Tephrosia crepuscularia (bistortata) = T. biundu- laria. Entomologist, 31, 1898, 26-30. 10. On the larvae of certain British moths. Entomo- logist, 32, 1899, 122-127. Arkovy, Jozsef. 4. Experimen telle Untersuchangen iiber Gangran an der Zahnpulpa und Wundgangran. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 917-929, 962-975. 6. A fogpulpa 6s sebgangraena egy uj bacteriologiai t^nyezoj^rol. [Ueber einen neuen bacteriologischen Factor der Zahnpulpa und Wundgangiane.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 243-245; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 322-323. 6. Adatok a fogcaries aetiologiajahoz. [B^itrage zur Aetiologie der Zahncaries.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 246-247; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 323. Arldt, C. Drehfeld-Fernzeiger. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 487-490. ArUdge, John T[homas]. 5. Observations on the physical geography and climatology of Canada. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1886, 92-97. 6. Observations on the botany of Canada. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1886, 102-107. 7. The derivation and distribution of the British flora. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1888, 125-136. Arlincourt, {comte) Ludovic d'. For biographical notice see Ann. Telegr., 11, 1884, 182. Arloing, Fernand. L'agglutination du bacille de Koch par un s6rum sp6cifique s'accompagne-t-elle d'une action bact^riolytique et bactericide? Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 751-753. 2. Influence de I'oxyg^ne sous pression sur le bacille de Koch en cultures liquides. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 291-292. Arloing, Fernand, & IVieolas, Joseph. See XTicolas & Arloing. Arloing, Satumin. To reference in No. 19 (Vol. 9) add Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 35, 1884 (0. R.), 2-5. 22. "Modification des effets vaso-constricteurs du sympathique cervical produits par la section du pneumo- gastrique, cbez les animaux oi\ ces deux nerfs sont isolables. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 85-87. 23. *Proc6de pour appr^cier sur I'animal vivant I'influence de I'elasticit^ des gros troncs art^riels sur la r^gularisation du courant sanguin. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 87-88. 24. *Note sur I'identit^ des conditions k realiser pour obtenir I'anesth^sie g^n^rale dans les animaux et les v^g^taux. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 523-525. 25. *[L'action des anesth^siques sur les v^g^taux.] [With discussion.] [1883.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 6, 1884, xxxiv-xxxvii. 26. Contribution k I'^tude de I'agent virulent de la septic^mie puerp^rale. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1346-1349; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1885, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii ; Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M^m., 24, 1886 (C. R.), 81-86. 27. Noiivelles experiences comparatives sur I'inocu- labilite de la scrofule et de la tuberculose de I'homme 19—2 Arloing"] 148 [Arloing au lapin et au cobaye. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 661-663; Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. M^m., 24, 1885, 221-224, ((7. R.), 137-139. 28. L'enseignement et les progres de la physiologie. Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 737-743. 29. Sur quelques points de Taction physiologique de la cocaine. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1886, 53-67, cviii-cix; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885, 15-22; Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. M(5m.-, 25, 1886, 49-61. 30. Appareil simple destin^ a mesurer la quantity totale d'acide carbonique exhaM par les petits animaux. [1884-86.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1885, 185-206, xvi-xxi; Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 321-345. 31. Note sur les ^gouts, d'apres les recherches de M. MiQUEL sur les 6gouts de Paris. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1885, xxxvii-xli. 32. [R^ponse a une note de M. Vanderpol sur le regime des 6gouts.] [1884.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1885, lii-liv. 33. Communication sur les differences sp<5cifiques des animaux au point de vue de la receptivity a I'egard des maladies virulentes. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1885, xcviii-c. 34. Observations sur la circonference de la tSte chez les diff^rents peuples d'apres les coiffures. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4, 1885, 54-56. 35. Dissociation et association nouvelle de mouve- ments instinctifs sous I'influence de la volenti. Con- tribution a la determination de la nature des actes instinctifs. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4, 1885, 109-114; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 648-652. 36. Influence de la lumiere sur la v6g6tation et les propri^t^s pathog^nes du Bacillus anthracis. [1885.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 378-381; Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. Mem., 25, 1886 {C. R.), 126-130. 37. Influence du soleil sur la v^g^tabilit^ des spores du Bacillus anthracis, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 511-513. 38. Influence du soleil sur la v^g^tation, la veg^tabilit^ et la virulence des cultures du Bacillus anthracis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 535-537. 39. Marche des lesions cons^cutives 4 I'inoculation de la tuberculose de I'homme chez le lapin et le cobaye. Application a I'etude de rinoculation et de la r^inocula- tion de la tuberculose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 671-673. 40. Propri6t6s zymotiques de certains virus. [Fer- mentation des mati^res azot^es sous I'influence de virus ana^robies.] Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 101, 1885, 819-821, 1013; 103, 1886, 1268-1270. 41. De la chaleur comme adjuvant des antiseptiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 275. 42. Influence de la lumiere blanche et de ses rayons constituants sur le d^veloppement et les propri^t^s du Bacillus anthracis. [1885.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1886, 347-377, cxxvii-cxxviii ; Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 209-235. 43. Influence de I'organisme du cobaye sur la virulence de la tuberculose et de la scrofule. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 559-560. 44. De I'exhalation de I'acide carbonique dans les maladies infectieuses determinees par des microbes aerobics et des microbes ana^robies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 610-613. 46. Degeneration et centre trophique des nerfs. Examen critique des opinions emises sur leur nature; applications. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 38, 1886 (C R.), 553-556. 46. [Communications sur les analogies entre les virus et les ferments.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, xxix-xxxi. 47. [L 'inoculation du microbe a^robie du Bacillus anthracis et du vibrion septique ou microbe anaerobie de la septicemic gangr^neuse.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, Ixxiv-lxxvi. 48. [Recherches sur les germes contenus dans les eaux du Rhone.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, cxxxi-cxxxii. 49. [Surle m6canisme de la destruction des microbes par la lumiere.] Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 594-596. 50. Analyseur bacteriologique pour I'etude des germes de I'eau. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1887, 273-285; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 539-540. 51. Les spores du Bacillus anthracis sont reellement tu^es par la lumiere solaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 701-703. 52. Un nouveau microbe gaz^ifere parasite de rhomme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (G. R.), 720-722. 53. [Experiences relatives a Taction destructive des rayons solaires sur les spores du Bacillus anthracis.] [1887.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 10, 1888, Ixxi-lxxiii. 54. [Sur I'inoculation tuberculeuse du lapin et du cobaye et la grande sup6riorite de ce dernier.] Arch. Gen. Med., 162, 1888, 509. 55. Analyseur pour la determination du nombre des microbes contenus dans Teau. Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 29, 1888, 223-234. 56. Sur la presence d'une matiere phlogogene dans les bouillons de culture et dans les humeurs naturelles ou ont vecu certains microbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1365-1368. 57. Essais de determination de la mati^re phlogogene secretee par certains "microbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1750-1752. 58. Contribution a I'etude de la resistance de I'organ- isme aux microbes pathogenes, notamment des rapports de la necrobiose avec les effets de certains microbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 1167-1169; Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, 43-47. 59. Observations au sujet de deux notes de M. Laffont sur Taction physiologique de la cocaine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 1-3. 60. Note sur les rapports de la pression a la vitesse du sang dans les arteres, pour servir a I'etude des phenomenes vaso-moteurs. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 115-123. , 61. Etude sur les proprietes des substances solubles secretees par le Bacillus heminecrobiophilus. [1889.] Lyon Ac. Mem. (Sci.), 30, 1889-90, 103-110. 62. Le berceau de Tenseignement veterinaire. Creation et evolution de TEcole Nationale Veterinaire de Lyon 1761-1889. Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 1, 1889, 203-347. 63. Effets g^neraux des substances produites par le Bacillus heminecrobiophilus dans les milieux de culture naturels et artificiels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 458-460. 64. Effets locaux zymotiques des substances solubles contenues dans les cultures du Bacillus heminecrobio- philus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 532-534. 65. Sur I'etude bacteriologique des lesions de la peripneumonie contagieuse du bceuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 428-430. 66. Determination du microbe producteur de la peripneumonie contagieuse du boeuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 459-462. 67. Experiences demontrant Texistence de fibres frenosecretoires dans le cordon cervical du nerf grand sympathique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 785- 788; Centrbl. Physiol., 3, 1890, 310. 68. Remarques sur les diastases seci-etees par le Bacillus heminecrobiophilus dans les milieux de culture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 842-844. 69. Un mot sur Timmuuite naturelle. Arcli. Med. Exper., 2, 1890, 39-45. Arloing] 149 [Arloing 70. Contribution a I'^tude de la partie cervicale du grand sympathique envisagee comme nerf s^cr^toire. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 1-16. 71. Fragments sur I'^tude du cordon cervical du sympathique dans ses rapports avec les glandes et r^piderme. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 {Bd. 2, Abth. 2), 9-11. 72. Eemarques sur la perte de la virulence dans les cultures du Bacillus anthracis et sur I'insuffisance de I'inoculation comme moyen de I'appr^cier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 939-941. 73. Des rapports fonctionnels du cordon sym- pathique cervical avec I'^piderme et les glandes. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 160-171. 74. Nouvelle contribution a I'^tude de la partie cervicale du grand sympathique envisagee comme nerf s^cr^toire chez les animaux solipedes. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 241-252. 75. Eapports du Bacillus coli communis avec le bacille d'EBEETH, et r^tiologie de la fievre typhoide. (Eecherches faites au laboratoire de m^decine experimentale de la Faculty de Lyon par MM. Eodet, G. Eoux et Vallet.) [1891.] Int. Congr, Hyg. Trans. (1891, 2), 272-278; Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M^m., 31, 1892, 177-185. 76. De I'influence des produits de culture du staphy- locoque dor^, sur le systeme nerveux vaso-dilatateur et sur la formation du pus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 113, 1891, 362-365. 77. Les propriet^s attribuees a la tuberculine de M. Koch. Eev. Sci., 48, 1891, 161-168. 78. Le traitement de la tuberculose par la methode de M. Koch. E^flexions critiques sur sa nature, sa filiation, son m^canisme et ses indications. [1891.] Lyon Ac. M^m. (Sci.), 31, 1892, 101-117. 79. De I'influence des filtres min^raux sur les liquides contenant des substances d'origine microbienne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1455-1457. 80. Sur la presence et la nature de la substance phylacogene dans les cultures liquides ordinaires du Bacillus anthracis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1521-1523. 81. Etude sur le pouvoir pathog^ne des pulpes ensil^es de betteraves. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 776-780. 82. Des moyens de diminuer le pouvoir pathogene des pulpes de betteraves ensilees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 1045-1048. 83. [Note sur la filtration des cultures microbiennes.] [1892.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 5, 1893, xlvii-xlix. 84. Observations relatives a I'emploi de la tubercu- line Koch, pour le diagnostic de la tuberculose chez les animaux de I'espece bovine. [With ducussion.] [1892.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 5, 1893, Ixvi-lxviii. 85. Eecherches experimentales sur le pouvoir patho- gene des pulpes de betteraves ensilees et sur le moyen de I'amoindrir. Ann. Agron., 19, 1893, 113-149. 86. Tetanos du myocarde chez les mammiferes par excitation du nerf pneumogastrique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 103-113. 87. Sur les propri^tes pathog^nes des mati^res solubles fabriqu^es par le microbe de la p^ripneumonie contagieuse des bovid^s et leur valeur dans le diagnostic des formes chroniques de cette maladie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 166-169. 88. De la pneumobacilline comme reactif revelateur de la morve. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 45, 1893 iC. R.), 982-983. 89. Eemarques sur quelques troubles du rythme cardiaque. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 83-91. 90. Modifications rares ou pen connues de la contraction des cavit^s du coeur sous I'influence de la section et des excitations des nerfs pneumogastriques. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 163-171. 91. Examen des processus r^actionnels sur I'influence de certains poisons bact^riques a 1' occasion de la pneumo- bacilline. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E. (1894, 2), 50-53 ; Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1896, 437-442. 92. Pneumobacille et pneumobacilline. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E. (1894, 6), 187-207. 93. Production experimentale de la p6ripneumonie contagieuse du bceuf, k I'aide de cultures. Demonstration de la sp^cificite du Pneumobacillus liquefaciens bovis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 143-146. 94. Note sur quelques variations biologiques du Pneumobacillus liquefaciens bovis, microbe de la p^ri- pneumonie contagieuse du bceuf. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, E., 119, 1894, 208-210. 95. Serumth^rapie et dipht^rie. Lyon Ac. M6m., 3, 1895, 385-419. 96. Persistance de I'excitabilite dans le bout p^ri- pherique des nerfs apres la section. Application k I'analyse de la portion cervicale du nerf pneumo- gastrique. [1895.] Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 75-90; Centrbl. Physiol., 9, 1896, 472. 97. Influence de Texanth^me vaccinal sur les locali- sations microbiennes (infection concomitante et infection secondaire). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 583-585. 98. Observations et remarques sur le pouvoir bac- tericide et la substance bactericide du serum sanguin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1388-1391. 99. Sur une forme atypique de I'exanth^me vaccinal generalise experimental sur le poulain. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 25-27. 100. La toxicite de la sueur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 1107-1110. 101. De I'intoxication par la sueur de I'homme sain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 218-221, 283-286. 102. Distribution de la matiere agglutinante des microbes dans le sang et quelques autres humeurs de I'organisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 104-105. 103. La toxicite de la sueur de I'homme; ses variations ; ses rapports avec la toxicite urinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 533-535. 104. Toxicite de la sueur. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 33-34. 105. Influence de la voie et du mode d'introduction sur le developpement des effets immunisants du serum antidiphterique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1179- 1182. 106. Sur I'obtention de cultures et d'emulsions homogenes du bacille de la tuberculose humaine en milieu liquide et "sur une variete mobile de ce bacille." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1319-1321. 107. Agglutination du bacille de la tuberculose vraie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1398-1400. 108. Apparition dans le serum sanguin, sous I'in- fluence de produits chimiques, d'une matiere capable d'agglutiner le bacille de la tuberculose vraie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.,E., 126, 1898, 1550-1553. 109. Etude sur la toxicite de la sueur de I'homme en bonne sante. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 249-258. no. Etude experimentale de I'intoxication par la sueur. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 268-280. 111. Influence de la voie d'introduction sur le developpement des effets therapeutiques du serum anti- diphterique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 1498- 1501. 112. Sur le mecanisme de I'agglutination dea microbes par des serums normaux ou immunises. Paris, Soc. Biol. {Vol. JtibiL), 1899, 407-418. 113. Eemarques sur I'application des serums a la therapeutique et a la prophylaxie. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 2), 57-60. 114. Demonstration experimentale de la predisposi- tion creee par la tuberculose septicemique ou infectieuse Arloing"] 150 [Armaignac vis-a-vis d'elle-mSme. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 384-387. 115. Tuberculisation et tuberculination de I'ane. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 601-614. 116. Etude sur la s^roth^rapie du charbon sympto- ' matique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 548-550. 117. De I'immunit^ contre le charbon symptomatique apr^s I'injection du s^rum pr^ventif et du virus naturel isol^s ou melanges. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 991-994. 118. Nouveaux precedes de vaccination contre le charbon symptomatique du boeut, par I'association de s^rum immunisant et de vaccins. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 319-323. Arloing, Saturnin, & Cazeneuve, Paul. Sur les effets physiologiques de deux colorants rouges azoiques tr^s employes pour colorer les substances alimentaires. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 356-393; Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 609- 611 ; Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 17, 1887, 434-436. , Arloing, Saturnin, & Chantre, Edouard. Etude sur I'origine microbienne de I'infection purulente chirurgicale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 324-327 ; Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. M6m., 33, 1894 (C. II.), 124-125. 2. Agent de rinfection purulente chirurgicale ; ses variations morphologiques et pathog^niques. [With discussion.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 136-142. 3. Sur les variations morphologiques et pathogeniques de I'agent de I'infection purulente chirurgicale. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 610-618. 4. Recherches physiologiques sur le muscle sphincter ani ; particularitt^ off erte par son innervation et sa contraction reflexes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1206-1210. 5. Recherches physiologiques sur la contraction du sphincter ani. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 536- 589. 6. Particularites relatives a I'innervation et aux pro- pri^t^s physiologiques g^n^rales des nerfs du sphincter ani. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 651-654. 7. Effets de la section des nerfs du sphincter ani sur le role, les propri^tes physiologiques et anatomiques de ce muscle et sur I'organisme en g^n^ral. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 127, 1898, 700-703. Arloing, Saturnin, & Chauveau, [Jean Baptiste] A[uguste~\. See Cbauveau & Arloing. Arloing, Saturnin, & Comevin, Gh[arle8 Ernesf]. Sur un proced^ d'augmentation de la virulence normale du microbe du charbon symptomatique et de restitution de I'activit^ primitive apres attenuation. [1886.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1078-1081; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 9, 1887, cxx-cxxii. Arloing, Saturnin, & Courmont, Jules. Sur le traitement des tumeurs malignes de I'homme par les injections de s6rum d'ane normal ou pr^alablement inocuM avec du sue d'^pith^liome. Paris, Ac. M6d. Bull., 35, 1896, 517-538. Arloing, Saturnin, & Courmont, Paul. De I'obtention des cultures du bacille de Koch les plus propices a I'^tude du phenomene de I'agglutination par le s^rum sanguin des tuberculeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 312- 815. 2. Sur la recherche et la valeur clinique de I'aggluti- nation du bacille de Koch par le s^rum sanguin de I'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 425-428. 3. Transformation du bacille de Koch d'origine humaine en une variete possedant la plupart des at- tributs du bacille de la tuberculose aviaire. Congr. Int. M(5d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Bact.), 175-178. 4. Diagnostic pr^coce de la tuberculose par la s^ro- agglutination. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. M6d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 4), 748-758. 5. Des causes qui modifient le d^veloppement du pouvoir agglutinant dans le sang des sujets rendus exp^rimentalement tuberculeux. Jl. Physiol. Path. G(5n., 2, 1900, 82-94. 6. Etude de I'infiuence chez le chien d'une inocu- lation de bacilles de Koch tr^s virulents sur le pouvoir agglutinant determine par une premiere inoculation de bacilles attf^nu^s. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1025-1026. 7. De I'agglutination du bacille de Koch ; application au sero-diagnostic de la tuberculose. Ztschr. Tuberkulose, 1, 1900, 11-16, 116-123. Arloing, Satur7ii7i, & Dtunarest, F[rideric]. Essai ex- perimental sur un antagonisme signal^ par quelques pathologistes entre la hevre typhoide et la tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 837-839. Arloing, Saturnin, & Duprez, . Des qualites pre- ventives du s^rum sanguin d'une g^nisse immunisee contre la peripneumonia contagieuse des bovid^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 573-576. Arloing, Saturnin, & Guinard, Louis. Recherches sur I'obtention d'un serum antituberculineux. Congr. Int. MM. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Bact.), 178-181. Arloing, Saturnin, & Xianlani^, [Bertrand Prosper] F[erdinand]. Introduction a I'etude des troubles de la temperature, des combustions respiratoires et de la thermogenese sous I'influence des toxines bacteriennes. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1895, 675-686; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 433-435. Arloing, Saturnin, & I>esbre, F[rangois] X. Projet de reforme de la nomenclature myologique veterinaire. Lyon Soc, Agr. Ann., 5, 1898, 135-173. Arloing, Saturnin, Comevin, Ch[arles Ernest], & Thomas, 0. To reference in No. 12 (Vol. 9) add Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 121-128. Arloing, Saturnin, Rodet, A.,& Courmont, Jules. Etude experimentale sur les proprietes attribuees a latuberculine de Koch. Arch. Gen. Med., 168, 1891, 362-863; Lyon Univ. Ann., 6 (Ease. 1), 1892, 99 pp. Arloing, Saturnin, Rollet, Etienne, & Morat, J[ean] P[ierre]. See Rollet, Arloing & IUXorat. Arlt, [Karl Ferdinand] (Ritter) von. For biography and list of works see Ann. d'Oculist., 98, 1887, 5-24; Arch. Augenheilk., 17, 1887, 479-482; Arch. Ophthalm., 16, 1887, 370-373 ; Arch. f. Ophthalm., 33, 1887 (Ahth. 1), v-vi ; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 58 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 87, 1887, 321-322, 341-344 ; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 464- 465. 8. Winke zur Staaroperation. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 (Ahth. 8), 1-38. 9. [Die Entwicklung des Mikrophthalmus und Anophthalmus congenitus.] Med. Jbiich., 1885 (Anz.), 100-106. Arlt, F\erdinand] von. Ueber Pseudocinchonin und das Verhaiten von Hydrochlorcinchonin. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 2b), 159-183; Mhefte. Chem., 1899, 425-449. Armagnat, H. Notions eiementaires sur les syst^mes oscillants. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 895-407, 446-450. 2. Observation des appareils de mesures eiectriques. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 153-162. 3. Galvanometres. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 454- 462, 506-516, 546-565. 4. Electrom^tres. Eclairage Elect., 8 (1896), 591-602. 5. Sur la theorie des bobines d'induction. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 52-62 ; 22 (1900), 121-125. 8. Les progr^s de la bobine d'induction. Eclairage Elect., 19 (1899), 41-46, 134-139, 157-158. 7. Contribution a I'etude de I'interrupteur Wehnelt. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 988-990. Armaignac, H[enry]. 5. De la cocaine, et principale- ment de son emploi en chirurgie oculaire pour produire I'anesthesie locale de la cornee et de la conjonctive. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1884, 330-352. Armaignac] 151 [Armasevskij 6. Sur les nsevi de I'ceil et des parties voisines. Bordeaux Soc. M^d. Mem., 1886, 310-327. 7. Granulations conjonctivales. Bordeaux Soc. M6d. M^m., 1887, 349-378. 8. H^mianopsie en general. Hemianopsie bitemporale en particulier. Bordeaux Soc. M^d. M6m., 1889, 305-338. 9. Histoire d'un glaucome et considerations g^nerales sur cette maladie. [With discussioii.] Bordeaux Soc. M^d. M^m., 1893, 182-194, 206-214. 10. De I'emploi des antiseptiques, des caijstiques et des couleurs d'aniline en oculistique. Bordeaux Soc. MM. M^m., 1894, 594-604; Ann. d'Oculist., 112, 1894, 340-341. 11. De la luxation spontanee du cristallin. Obser- vations. Bordeaux Soc. M«5d. M^m., 1895, 297-313. 12. Hemianopsie bitemporale suivie rapidement de cecite complete des deux yeux. [With discussion.l [1895.] Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 121-122. 13. Un nouveau cas d'hemianopsie externe double complete. Ann. d'Oculist., 116, 1896, 448. 14. La pbotographie k travers les corps opaques. Bordeaux Soc. M^d. M^m., 1896, 65-67. 15. Tuberculose primitive de la conjonctive palpebrale et de la caroncule, suivie de tuberculose pulmonaire et laryngee. Mort. [With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1897, 235-245; Ann. d'Oculist., 118, 1897, 81-88. 16. De I'emploi methodique de I'atropine pour remplacer I'iridectomie dans certains cas de synechie posterieure et d'opacite partielle des cristallins. Ann. d'Oculist., 119, 1898, 376-378. 17. Un cas de regeneration complete de la cornee apres un sphacele total de cette membrane consecutif k une conjonctivite purulente chez une femme de 60 ans. Ann. d'Oculist., 121, 1899, 368-369. 18. A propos de la tumeur lacrymale. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1900, 286-298. jBxmaingaud, [Arthur]. 5. Instruction populaire sur la necessite de detruire les cracbats par le feu dans toutes les maladies qui amenent la toux et I'expectoration. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1890, 264-272. 6. La tuberculose. [1892.] Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 33-42. Arman, Dominicus d\ Ueber den elektrischen Leitungs- widerstand des menschlichen Korpers bei physischem und psychischem, normalem und pathologischem Zustande und dessen praktischen Werth fiir die Elektrodiagnostik und Elektrotherapie. Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 218- 227. Armand, [Frangois Victor Adolphe]. 4. *Journal me- teorologique de I'expedition de Chine et de Cochinchine (1859-62). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 87-90, 120-123, 176-178, 193-197. Armand, L., & Dangeard, P. A. See Sangeard & Armand. AxmaininifEgidio. Sulladensitaelettricasopraun'ellissoide conduttrice isolata. Nuovo Cimento, 7, 1898, 377-382. 2. Sulla superficie di minima resistenza. Ann. Mat., 4, 1900, 131-149. Armanni, L[uciano], & Oreste, P[ietro]. See Oreste & Armanni. Armas, Juan Ignacio de. The so-called deformed crania. [Tr.] [1885.] Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 481-487. Armas, Miltiades Th. The reduction works for silver ores at Aduana, Sonora, Mexico. Franklin Inst. Jl., 146, 1898, 293-302, 349-357. Armasevskij, P[etr] Ja[kovlevic]. 8. IIpejtBapiITeJIb- HHH oT'ieTt 0 reojiorn'iecKHxii v.scji'kAOBa.Eia.x'b bi IIOJITaBCKOH rydepnill BTj 1882 [il 1883 rr. Pre- liminary reports on geological investigations in the government of Poltava in 1882 and 1883]. [1883-85.] St. Petersb., Com. Ceol. Bull., 2, 1883, 137-147 ; 4, 1886, 73-81. 9. Ktj BOiipocy O lyMOCOBOMl. JLecC'h. [Con- tribution to the question of the Kiev Loess containing humus.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 7, [1884], ci-ciii. 10. IIpeji,BapnTejri>HHri oxqen. o rcojiorHqec- KHxi iiacji-feiOBaHiflxi Bt ry6epHiflX'L KypcKoFi h XaptKOBCKOft Bl. 1885 rojI,y. Compte rendu pre- liminaire sur les recherches geologiques faites en 1885 dans les gouvernements de Koursk et de CharkofE. St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 5, 1886, 353-362 {Res. 362). 11. 0 pacupocTpaHeHiH ji;peBHHXT. p-feqHHxi. o6pa30BaHiPi Bt H'feKOTopHX'fc MicTHOCTflXL 6ac- cePma JI.H'felTpa. [Sur la repartition des formations anciennes, fluviatiles dans quelques endroits du bassin du Dniepr.] [1886.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, xix-xx ; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 7, 1889 (SuppL), 3. 12. PeayjiLxaTH ir3Mf>peHir[ KpncTajuiOBt na- TpinHOft COjIH a-SOKyMHHOBOft KHCJIOTH. [Results of the measurement of crystals of the sodium salt of azocuminic acid (C6H3(C3H7)NCO.,Na)2.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, xiii-xiv." 13. HiKOTopne ji,aHHHii ji;jifl cpaBHeniH Jlecca 3anajl,H01l EspoilH II Poccin. [Quelques donnees pour la comparaison du Loess de I'Europe occidentale et celui de la Russie.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, xl-xli; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 9, 1890 (SuppL), 1-2. 14. 0 reojiorniecKOMi cTpoeHin c. HcaieKi IIoJITaBCKOli ry6. [Sur la structure geologique du village Issatschky, gouvernement de Poltawa.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, xlviii-xlix; St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 9, 1890 {SuppL), 89. 15. 0 HaxOJK;i;eHiir Paludina diluviana BJy IIoc- ji-feTpeTHqHHxt o6pa30BaHmxi. loacHoft Pocciit. [Die Auffindung der Paludina diluviana in den Postter- tiaren Bildungen Siid-Russlands.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Iv-lvii; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 {Bd. 1, Re/.), 315-316. 16. Ki reojioriii OBpyqcKaro yfejta. [Con- tribution to the geology of Ovrutch (Volhynia).] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxv-lxxvi. 17. KpHCTaji.iorpa(|)nyecKifl H3M'fepeHia paHrHji;pHji;a asoKyMiiHOBOH khcjioth. [Crystallo- graphio measurement of azocuminic chloride.] [1889.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 11 (1), 1890, Ixxxii-lxxxiii. 18. Pe3yjii.TaTH anajiiisa ryMycoBaro Jlecca. [Results of the analysis of Loess containing humus.] [1891.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 12 (2), 1892, xxii-xxiii. 19. IIpejtBapHTejibHHfi orierii o reojiorH- lecKiixt HSd'feji.oBaHiflx'b Bt MorHjescKott ry- 6epHiH B1) 1891 r. Compte rendu preiiminaire sur les recherches geologiques dans le gouvernement de Mohilew. [1892.] St, petersb., Com. G6ol. Bull., 11, 1893, 163-167 {Res. 167). 20. 0 IIocji'feTpeTiniHMX'B o6pa30Baniax'b c. TpOIIUKarO BT> OKp. MockBH. [On the Post-tertiary deposits of the village of Troitzk near Moscow.] [1892.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 13, 1894, xxv-xxvi. 21. TTpejtBapHTejibHHft OTHeTb o reojoni- lecKnxt HSCJi'fejiiOBaHiHX'b Bt ry6epHiHX'F. Morn- .leBCKoft H CMOjieHCKOH Bl 1892 ro;;y. (Compte rendu preiiminaire sur les recherches geologiques dans les gouvernements de Mohilew et de Smolensk.) [1893.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 12, 1894, 245-251 (Res. 250-251). 22. 0 H-feKOTOpHXT, dypOBHXT. CKBaatHHaXl Bt OKp. KiCBa. [Sur quelques Bondages des environs de Armasevskij] 152 [Armstrong laville de Kiev.] [1894.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (1), 1896, xlv-li; St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1897 (SuppL), 169. 23. 0 6ypOBLIXT> CKBaKIIHaXT) BT. OKp. CC. Jlo3HOB'b \i ^lepHOMUHTj noji,oJitCKoft ry6epHiir. [On borings in the neighbourhood of the villages of Lozny and Tchernominy, Podolia govt.] [1894.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 15 (1), 1896, Ixix. 24. IIpejtBapiiTejbHHR OTiei't o reojoni- lecKiixi) iracJi'feji.OBaHiax'i. bl MornjieBCK. r. btj 1893 r. (Compte rendu pr^liminaire sur les recherches geologiques dans le gouvernement de Mohilew.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 14, 1896, 229-234 (Res. 234). 25. 0 reojiorHyecKOM'B CTpoeniii oKpecTHOCTeft M. KopcyHfl. [On the geological structure of the neighbourhood of Korsun.] [1897.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (2), 1900, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii. 26. Kt re0.10rill Kiesa. [Contribution to the geology of Kiev.] [1897.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (2), 1900, clii-clvi. 27. Kt. Bonpocy o IIocji'feTpeTiiuHiix'h o6pa30- BaHiflXT) KieBa. [Contribution to the question of the Post-tertiary deposits of Kiev.] [1896.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, xlvii-1. Armasevskij, P[etr] Ja[kovIevic], & Antonovic, V. B. See Antonovic & Armasevskij. Armelin, Gaston. La reforme du calendrier. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1888, 355-363; Astronomic, 1888, 347-349. Armendaris, Eduardo. Estudio de los alcaloides vege- tans. M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 11-29. 2. Apuntes para la dosificaci6n del tanino en los vegetales. Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 117-132. 3. Alcaloides de origen animal. [1895.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 8, 1894, 217-254. 4. Notes sur les propri6tes physiologiques de quelques preparations pharmaceutiques du Helenium mexicanum (chapuz, hierba de las animas, rosilla de Puebla, cabe- zona de Guanajuato). [1896.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 9, 1895, 253-259. 5. Apuntes acerca de una contrahierba de Mexico. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 380-382. 6. Dosificaci6n aproximada de la clorofila. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 382-383. 7. Un nuevo reactivo para la investigacion de los alcalis. [1894.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 424-426. 8. Nota relativa al Amanita muscaria que se cria en los hordes de algunas acequias del distrito federal. [1898.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 11, 1897, 71-74. 9. Un caso de triquinosis intestinal. [1899.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 12, 1898, 397-402. 10. Algunas observaciones sobre la valorizacion del aziicar por el licor de Feeling. [1901.] M6x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 15, 1900, 361-366. Armendaris, Eduardo, & Villada, Manuel M. See Villada & Armendaris. Armieux, Louis Leon Cyrille. For biography and works see Toulouse Ac. Sci. M^m., 8, 1886, 479-494, 528-531. Armistead, J. J. Atmospheric and other influences on the migration of fishes. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 30-37. 2. The balance of nature in regard to our fisheries. Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 6, 1890, 216-218. 3. Atmospheric and other influences on the migration of fishes. U. S. Fish. Comm. Bull., 13, 1894, 93-99. 4. Fish culture. [1896.] Roy. Inst. Proc. 15, 1899, 39-52. Armistead, S[amuel] W., Converse, George A[lbert], Greene, A[lbert] S., & VTilks, Gilbert. See Converse, Oreene, Armistead & Wilks. Axwdt, [Capt.) William E. 4. The Papuans : comparative notes on various authors with original observations. [1885.] Queensland Roy. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 78-116. Armitage, (Lt.) [Albert]. Meteorological, magnetic and astronomical observations [in Franz Josef Dstad]. Geogr. Jl., 11, 1898, 130-132. Armitage, (Rev.) E[dwai-d]. Appunti sulla flora del- 1' isola di Malta. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 495- 500. Armitage, (Miss) Eleonora. Anemopsegma carrerense, n. sp. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 188-189. 2. Early spring flowers. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98), 365. 3. Iridescent clouds. [1898.] Nature, 58 (1898), 390; 59 (1898-99), 127. 4. Denbighshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 78-80. Armitage, F[rancis] P[aul]. The atomic weight of boron. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 22-23. Armitage, J. Lister. A delicate test for morphine. Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 761. Armour, T[heodore] R. W. Genito-urinary organs of a male Jerboa. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, Ivi-lvii. Arms, (WLiss) J[ennie'\ M\aria\. Clay concretions of the Connecticut river. Canad. Rec. Sci., 4, 1891, 237-241. Arms, (Miss) Jlennie} M^aria], & Hyatt, Alpheus. See XXyatt & Arms. Armsby, H\enry] Plrentissl. 6. Contributions from the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin. Digestion experiments. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 355-369 ; 30, 1885, 88. 7. On the creaming of milk by the Cooley system. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1885, 49-59. 8. Do animals excrete free nitrogen? Science, 5, 1885, 172-174. 9. Errors in digestion experiments. Science, 5, 1885, 292-294. 10. Influences of the nutritive ratio on milk pro- duction. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1890, 11-17. Armsby, Hlenry] P^rentiss], & Frear, William. See Frear & Armsby. Armsby, H{enry] Plrentissl, & Short, Fired] G[arland]. Apparatus for Kjeldahl's method of nitrogen determina- tion. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 323-326. Armstrong, Charles. Physianthus albens. [1889.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 7, 1890, 230-231. Armstrong, E[dward] Frankland. Ueber 9-Aethylharn- saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2308-2314. Armstrong, E^dioard] Frankland, & IZoff, Jlacobus] H[endricus'] van't. See ZIoff & Armstrong. Armstrong, E. J. A new shaft governor. Elect. Rev., 87, 1895, 72-73. Armstrong, George Frederick. For biographical notice see Inst. Mech. Engin. Proc, 1900, 621-622; Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1900 (No. 2), 387-388. 3. [Presidential address, Nov. 9th, 1896. Retrospect of the year 1896.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 14, 1898, 185-208. Armstrong, Henry E[dward]. 25. *Note on the forma- tion and on the constitution of the fulminates. [1883.] Chem. Soc. Jl., 45, 1884, 25-27, 721. 26. On the teaching of natural science as a part of the ordinary school course and on the method of teaching chemistry in the introductory course in science classes, schools, and colleges. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 239-242. 27. On the manufacture of gas from oil. No. 1. Pre- liminary note on certain bye-products of the manufacture of gas from oil by the Pintsch process in relation to the question of the conditions under which benzenoid hydro- carbons are formed. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 462- 468. 28. [Presidential address to the Chem. Sci. Sect., Aberdeen, Sept. 10.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 945-964. 29. Note with reference to the methods proposed for Armstrong] 153 [Armstrong coking coal and recovering volatile matters. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1885, 120-125. 30. The theory of the interaction of carbon monoxide, water and oxygen gases : a note on Mr. H. B. Dixon's paper on the action of carbonic oxide on steam. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 112-114. 31. The use of the electric light to influence chemical change. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 182-183. 32. The action of metals on acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 189-192. 33. Electrolytic conduction in relation to molecular composition, valency and the nature of chemical change : being an attempt to apply a theory of "residual affinity." Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 268-291. 34. Valency and residual affinity. [1886-87.] Nature, 35, 1887, 570-572, 596-598. 35 Eeport[s] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating isomeric naphthalene derivatives. [See also under Tilden & Armstrong.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 231-234; 1888, 96-99; 1889, 172- 175; 1891, 265-272; 1892, 191-192; 1893, 381-386; 1894, 268-270; 1895, 272; 1896, 265-268; 1900, 297-299. 36. " Comparison between the views of Dr. Arrhenius and Professor Armstrong on electrolysis." Reply to Professor Lodge's criticisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 354- 358. 37. Isomeric naphthalene derivatives. Chem. News, 56, 1887, 253. 38. An explanation of the laws which govern sub- stitution in the case of benzenoid compounds. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 258-268, 583-590. 30. Note on the influence of liquid water in pro- moting the interaction of hydrogen chloride and oxygen on exposure to light. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 806-807. 40. Addendum to paper entitled "An explanation of the laws which govern substitution in the case of benzenoid compounds." Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 44. 41. Isomeric change in the naphthalene series. No. 1. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 143-144. 42. The determination of the constitution of carbon compounds from thermochemical data. Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 73-109. 43. The alkaloids, the present state of knowledge concerning them, and the methods employed in their investigation. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 482-490. 44. Note on electrolytic conduction and on evidence of a change in the constitution of water ; an addendum to the ... paper [by Holland Crompton : "An extension of Mendeleef's theory of solution to the discussion of the electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions"]. [1887.] Chem. Soc Jl., 53, 1888, 125-133. 46. Note on reply [by Svante Arrhenius to author's criticisms regarding the dissociation theory of electro- lysis]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 355-360. 46. The origin of colour and the constitution of colouring matters, [ii. The constitution of coloured nitro-compounds. iii. Colour as an evidence of iso- dynamic change : the existence of isodynamic acids. V. Coloured hydrocarbons and fluorescence : a reply to Professor Hartley's observations on the origin of colour and of fluorescence, vi. Azobenzene. vii. The phtha- leins and fluoresceins, viii. The limitation of colour to truly quinonoid compounds. Change of colour as indicative of change of structure as in the case of alizarin. ix. Note on the appearance of colour in quinoline derivatives and of fluorescence in quinine. X. Coloured hydrocarbons. xi. The yellow colour of 2 : 3-hydroxynaphthoic acid.] [1888-96.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 4, 1888, 27-31; 8, 1894, 101-103, 103-104, 189- 194, 194-195; 9, 1896, 52-55, 55-57, 63-64, 206, 206- 207; 12, 1897, 42-43. 47. The criteria of plane and axial symmetry. Chem. Soc. Proc, 4, 1888, 93-95. R. 8. A. C. 48. A note on valency, especially as defined by Helmholtz. Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 21-30. 49. Remarks [on the subject of electrolysis in its physical and chemical bearings]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 223-225. 50. Suggestions for a course of elementary instruc- tion in physical science. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 229-250. 51. The constitution of betanaphthol-a-sulphonic acid (Bayer's acid). Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 8-10. 52. The sulphonation of naphthalene-/3-sulphonic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 10. 53. Note on the interaction of metals and acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 66. 54. Note on the determination of the molecular weight of substances in solution especially colloids. Chem. Soc Proc, 5, 1889, 109-113. 55. Note on the hydration of cyanides. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 122. 56. Exercises illustrative of an elementary course of instruction in experimental science. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 299-309. 57. The terminology of hydrolysis, especially as effected by "ferments." Chem. Soc Jl., 57, 1890, 528-531; Nature, 42, 1890, 406-407. 58. The oxidation of turpentine in sunlight. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 99-101. 59. The structure of cycloid hydrocarbons. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 101-103. 60. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. The nature of turpentine oils, including that obtained from Pinus khasyana. Chem. Soc. JL, 59, 1891, 311- 315. 61. The function of chlorine in acid chlorides as exemplified by sulphuryl chloride. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 60-61. 62. The formation of salts, a contribution to the theory of electrolysis, and of the nature of chemical change in the case of non -electrolytes. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 118-119. 63. The chemical changes attending photographic operations. I. The theory of development in relation to the essentially electrolytic character of the phenomena and the nature of the photographic image. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 181-184. 64. The origin of colour. [IV.] Note on the appearance of colour in quinoline derivatives and of fluorescence in quinine salts. Chem. Soc. JL, 61, 1892, 789-790. 65. The International Conference on Chemical Nomenclature. Nature, 46, 1892, 56-58, 66. Note on anhydrides of sulphonic acids. [1892.] Chem. Soc Proc, 8, 1894, 41-42. 67. Contributions to an international system of nomenclature. The nomenclature of cycloids. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 127-130. 68. Flame. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 100-101, 172. 69. Note on optical properties as indicative of structure. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 9, 1895, 57-63. 70. The conditions determinative of chemical change. [1893.] Chem. Soc Proc, 9, 1895, 145-148. 71. The nature of depolarisers. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 148-151, 188-191. 72. The nature of chemical change and the conditions which determine it. Chem. Soc. JL, 67, 1896, 1122-1172. 73. Notes on Hofmann's scientific work. [1893.] Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 637-732, [1756]. 74. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. Note on ketopinic acid, a product of the oxidation of the solid hydrochloride (chlorocamphydrene) prepared from pinene. Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 1397-1402. 75. Osmotic pressure and ionic dissociation. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 78-79. 20 Armstrong"] 154 [Armstrong 76. Preliminary report on two Burmese turpentines. Pharm. JL, 2, 1896, 370. 77. Note on etherification. [1896.] Chem. See. Proc, 12, 1897, 43-44. 78. The relation of pinene to citrene. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 44-45. 79. The conditions involved in the occurrence of inversion in the case of asymmetric (optically active) compounds. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 45-47, xviii. 80. Notes on nitration. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 230. 81. The direct synthesis of optically active proteid- like suhstances. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 341. 82. A discussion on the laws of substitution, especially in benzenoid compounds. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 683-687. 83. The relative orienting effect of chlorine and bromine. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 687. 84. Isomorphism in benzenesulphonic derivatives. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 687-688. 85. Symbiotic fermentation; its chemical aspects. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 699-701. 86. An explanation of the laws which govern sub- stitution in the case of benzenoid compounds. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 176-178. 87. Azo- and hydrazone compounds differentiated by bromine. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 243-244. 88. Isomorphous derivatives of benzene. Keport of the Committee consisting of Prof. H. A. Miees, Dr. W. P. Wynne and Dr. H. E. Akmstrong. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1900, 167-170. 89. Phenylacetylchloramine and its analogues. Chem. Soc Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 2), 1047-1053. 90. Note on Bach's hydrogen tetroxide. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 16, 1901,' 134. ilxmstrong, Henry E[dward], & Amptalett, E[dward] G[reenhill]. See Amphlett & Armstrong. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Berry, W[illiam]. Meta- sulphonation of aniline. [1900.] Chem. Soc Proc, 16, 1901, 159. Armstrong, Henry Eldward], & Briggs, J[o/wi] Flrederick]. The relative orienting effect of chlorine and bromine. (I.) The constitution of parabrom- and parachlor- anilinesulphonic acids. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 40-41. Armstrong, Henry E[dward}, & Davis, William A\lfred']. 3' Bromo-/3-naphthol. [1896.] Chem. Soc Proc, 12, 1897, 230-231. Armstrong, Henry E[dioard], & Xsherwood, Percy C[laude] C[ameron]. Bromination of oxyazo-compounds. [1900.] Chem. Soc Proc, 16, 1901, 158-159. Armstrong, Henry Eldivard], & Kipping, Frederic Stanley. Camphorone, a product of the action of de- hydrating agents on camphor. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 188-189. 2. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. The formation of ketones by the interaction of camphor and agents such as sulphuric acid and zinc chloride. Chem. Soc Jl. , 63, 1893, 75-99. 3. The production of the ketone 1:2: 4-acetylortho- xylene from camphor by the action of sulphuric acid and zinc chloride. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 54. 4. The products of the interaction of zinc chloride or sulphuric acid and camphor. [1892.] Chem. Soc Proc, 8, 1894, 198-199. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Lapworth, Arthur. The interaction of acid chlorides and nitrates. [1893.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 9, 1895, 255-256. Armstrong, Henry Eldivard], & Xiewis, Edward Wlatkin]. Inhibiting effect of etherification on substitution in phenols. [1900.] Chem. Soc Proc, 16, 1901, 157- 168. Armstrong, Henry E[divard], & SXiller, Alexander K[enneth]. 3. Studies on sulphonic acids. No. I. On the hydrolysis of sulphonic acids and on the recovery of the benzenes from their sulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 45, 1884, 148-153. 4. The decomposition and genesis of hydrocarbons at high temperatures. I. The products of the manufacture of gas from petroleum. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 74- 93. Armstrong, Henry Eldioard'], & Napper, S^idne^j^ S[^crivener'\. Benzenorthodisulphonic acid. [1900.] Chem. Soc Proc, 1(5, 1901, 160-161. Armstrong, Henry E[dward], & Pope, William Jackson. Studies of the terpenes and allied compounds. Sobrerol, a product of the oxidation of terebenthene (oil of turpentine) in sunlight. Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 315- 320, 1118. Armstrong, Henry E[dward}, & Robertson, G[^eorge'\ H^enry']. A study of the Plante lead- sulphuric acid-lead peroxide cell from a chemical stand-point. Part II. A discussion of the chemical changes occurring in the cell. [1891.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 50, 1892, 108. Armstrong, Henry E[dicard], & Bossiter, E^dmundl Glliarlesl. The action of halogens on betanaphthol. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 71-73. 2. Chloro- and bromo-derivatives of naphthol and naphthylamine. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 32-34. 3. Bromo-derivatives of betanaphthol. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 87-89. 4. The action of nitric acid on naphthol derivatives as indicative of the manner in which nitration is effected in the case of benzenoid compounds generally. The formation of nitro-keto-compounds. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 89-91. 5. A new method of preparing nitro-derivatives and the use of nitrogen dioxide as a nitrating agent. Chem. Soc Proc, 7, 1891, 91-92. 6. The sulphochlorides of the isomeric dibromonaph- thalenes. (I.) Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 182-183. 7. The action of alcohols on sulphonic chlorides as a means of producing ethereal salts of sulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 184. 8. The action of bromine on a- and /3-bromonaphtha- lene. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 184-186. 9. The action of bromine on a mixture of ortlio- and paranitro-a-acenaphthalide. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 186-188. Armstrong, Henry El^dioard}, & Stokes, {Sir) G\eorge~\ Gabriel. See Stokes & Armstrong. Armstrong, Henry Eldward}, & Streatfeild, Frederick William. The action of bromine on (Schaefer's) beta- naphtholsulphouic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 232. Armstrong, Henry Eldward'}, & Tilden, William A\ugustus\. See Tilden & Armstrong. Armstrong, Henry Eldivard}, & Williamson, Sidney. a-Nitro-, a-bromo-, and o-chloronaphthalenesulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 233-234. 2. a-Cyanonaphthalenesulphonic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 43. 3. Isomeric change in the naphthalene series. No. 4. a-Haloidnaphthalenesulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 145-146. Armstrong, Henry Eldward], & "Wilson, Lleonard} Flhilipl l:2:4-Metaxylidine-6-sulphonic acid. [1900.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 16, 1901, 229-230. Armstrong, Henry Eldward}, & VTynne, William Palmer. The action of chlorosulphouic acid on napbthalene-a- and ^-sulphonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 230- 232. 2. The action of bromine on the naphthalenesul- phonic acids. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 233. 3. Sulphonic acids derived from the /3-monohaloid Armstrong] 155 [Arnaud derivatives of naphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 22-23. 4. The formation of 7-naphthalenesulphonic acid by means of sulphuric anhydride, and on 7-dihydroxynaph- thalene. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 42-43. 5. Isomeric change in the naphthalene series. No. 3. )3-Chloronaphthalenesulphonic acids. [No. 0. ^-lodo- naphthalenesulphonic acids. No. 6. The influence of position in determining the nature of the isomeric change in tlie case of the chloronaphthalenesulphonic acids.] [1887-90.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 145; 5, 1889, 119-121 ; 6, 1891, 86-88. 6. The sulphonation of naphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 146. 7. The constitution of the dichloronaphthalenes, especially the a/3- compounds. Chem. Soc. Proc, 4, 1888, 104-107. 8. Note on the 1 : 3 homo- and the isomeric hetero- a/3-dichloronaphthalenes melting at nearly the same temperature. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 5-8. 9. The nitration of naphthalene-/3-sulphonic acid. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 17-19. 10. The determination of the constitution of the heteronucleal a^- and /3/3-di-derivatives of naphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 34-37, 48-54. 11. Nitro-/3-chloronaphthalene. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 71. 12. Studies on the constitution of the tri-derivatives of naphthalene. No. 1. The constitution of betanaph- thol- and betanaphthyl-aminedisulphonic acids E and G. Naphtlialenemetadisulphonic acid. [No. 2. a-Amido- 1 : 3'-naphthalenedisulphonic acid. No. 3. Alpha- naphthylaminedisulphonic acid Dahl No. III. The constitution of naphthol-yellow S. No. 4. The con- stitution of a-naphthylaminedisulphonic acid Dahl No, II. Naphthalene-1 : 2'-disulphonic acid. No. 5. The constitution of the Schollkopf a-naphthylaminedi- sulphonic acid. No. 6. The constitution of Cassella's ^-naphthylamine-5-di8ulphonie acid. No. 7. The di- sulphonic acids obtained by sulphonating the isomeric heteronucleal /3-naphthylaminesulphonic acids. No. 8. j3-Chloronaphthalenedisulphonic acids. No. 9. Andre- sen's /S-naphthylamiuedisulphonic acid. No. 10. The dichloro-a-naphthols and trichloronaphthalenes from 3 : 4-dichloro-phenyl-l-isocrotonic acid. No. 11. The trichloronaphthalene derivable from Cleve's 1:2: 2'-a- nitrochloronaphthalenesulphonic chloride. No. 12. The trichloronaphthalene derivable from Alen's a-nitro- naphthalene-2 : 2'-disulphonic chloride. No. 13. The a-naphthylamine-2 : 2'-disulphonic acid of Freund's German patent 27346. No. 14. The fourteen isomeric trichloronaphthalenes. No. 15. The disulphonic acids obtained by sulphonating 1 : 3-a-naphthylamine- and 1 : 3-a-chloronaphthalene siilphonic acids. No. 16. Conversion of chloronaphthalenedisulphonic acids into dichloronaphthalenesulphonic acids.] [1890-97.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 11-15, 15-16, 16-18, 125-126, 126-127, 127-128, 128-131, 131-133; 7, 1891, 27-28; 11, 1896, 78-79, 79-81, 81-82, 82-83, 84r-86, 240-241, xxvii; 13, 1898, 152-154. 13. The homonucleal trichloronaphthalenes. [1890.] Chem, Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 76-77, 14. The ten isomeric dichloronaphthalenes and the sulphonic acids and trichloronaphthalenes derived there- from. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 77-84. 15. The chlorides of naphthalene and its derivatives, and the manner in which they are decomposed by alkalis. [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 85-86. 16. The comparative influence exercised by the radicles CI, OH and NHj in naphthalene-derivatives on the formation of disulphonic acids. [1890.] Chem. Soc Proc, 6, 1891, 133-136. 17. Note on the action of potash on naphtha- lene-1 : 3-disulphonic acid, [1890.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 136. 18. The Griess-Sandmeyer interactions and Gatter- mann's modification thereof, [1892,] Chem. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 199-200, 19. Ortho-, para- and peri-disulphonic derivatives of naphthalene. [1893.] Chem. Soc, Proc, 9, 1896, 166- 169. 20. The non-existence of a trichloronaphthalene melting at 75*5°. The formation of chloro-derivatives from sulphonic chlorides. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 11, 1896, 83-84, xxvii. 21. 2 : l-j3-Naphthylaminesulphonic acid and the corresponding chloronaphthalenesulphonic acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 11, 1896, 238. 22. 1 : 3-a-Naphthylaminesulphonic acid and the corresponding chloronaphthalenesulphonic acid. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 11, 1896, 238-240. 23. Conversion of 1 : 1'- into 1 : 4'-dichloronaphthalene by hydrogen chloride. The products of hydrolysis of 1 : 1'- dichloronaphthalene-3-sulphonic acid, [1897.] Chem. Soc Proc, 13, 1898, 154-156. Armstrong, J. B. lO. Ranunculus Lyalli. Gard. Ghron., 23, 1885, 370. 11. The New Zealand Cordylines, Gard, Chron., 23, 1885, 788-789. Armstrong, James. For biographical notice and works see Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 94, Armstrong, Samuel Treat. Cholera at New York, and the New York quarantine. N. Y, Med. Jl,, 56, 1892, 266-269. 2. Quarantine, and the present status of quarantine laws, N. Y. Med. Jl., 56, 1892, 354-357. 3. The intrinsic toxicity of blood serum. N, Y, Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 567. Armstrong, Samuel Treat, & Kinyoun, J[osep}i] J. Observations on the cholera bacillus as a means of positive diagnosis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 546- 547. Armstrong, Samuel Treat, & Saclis, B[emhard]. See Sachs & Armstrong. Armstrong, T[homas] H[em-y]. The rocket oil-engine. [With discussion.] [1895.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 10, 1896, 473-478; 11, 1896, 170-171. Armstrong, W[Uliam] (jun.), & Bird, W. J. The econo- mical working of steam boilers at collieries. [With discussion.] [1890.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 39, 1892, 60-79. Armstrong, William. For biographical notice see Fed, Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1898, 171-172. Armstrong, William George Armstrong (Lord). For biography see Engineers Soc. Trans., 1900, 269-270; Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 44, 1901, 337-338; Boy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1906, 217-227. 19. On a multiple induction machine for producing high tension electricity, and on some remarkable results obtained with it. [1892.] Roy, Soc. Proc, 52, 1893, 176-191. Armstrong, William George Armstrong (Lord), tk Vavassetir, Josiah. The application of hydraulic power to naval gunnery. [1887.] Naval Architects Trans., 29, 1888, 8-22. Amaldi, Michele. Sui determinanti orlati e suUo sviluppo di un determinaute per determinanti orlati. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 209-214. Arnao, Federico. *Ensayo sobre el estudio de quistes hematicos, Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 49, 1877, 216-253, Arnaud Bey, [J. D.]. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Amaud, (1). For biography see Paris, Soc, G^ogr, C, R., 1884, 384-386; Leopoldina, 21, 1886, 56; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 351. 20—2 Arnaud] 156 [Arnaud 2. *Des crues annuelles du Nil observ^es au Barrage, depuis 1846 jusqu'en 1862, comp^r^es avec celles in- diqu^es par le Meqhyas. Inst. Egypt. M^m., 1, 1862, 115-120. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon]. Assign to this author entries {Vol. 9) under Arnaud, . 4. Sur la recherche de I'acide azotique au moyen d'un sel de cinchonamine. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 44, 1884, 453-454. 5. Dosage de I'acide nitrique, par precipitation a retat de nitrate de cinchonamine. Application de ce procM^ au dosage des nitrates contenus dans les eaux naturelles et dans les plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 190-193. 6. Eecherches sur les mati^res colorantes des feuilles ; identity de la matiere rouge orang6 avec la carotine, C18H24 0. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 751-753. 7. Eecherches sur la composition de la carotine, sa fonction chimique et sa formule. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1119-1122. 8. Sur la presence de la cholesterine dans la carotte ; recherches sur ce principe imm^diat. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1319-1322. O. Dosage de la carotine contenue dans les feuilles des v^g^taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 1293-1296. 10. Sur la carotine, Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 64-69. 11. Sur la matiere cristallis^e active des filches empoisonn^es des (J!omalis, extraite du bois d'ouabaio. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1011-1014; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 451-452. 12. Sur la composition ^l^mentaire de la strophantine cristallis^e, extraite du Strophantus komb^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 179-182. 13. Sur la matiere cristallis^e active, extraite des semences du Strophantus glabre du Gabon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 1162-1164. 14. Identity du principe actif du Strophantus glabre du Gabon avec Touabaine. [1888.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 10-11. 15. Sur la tangliinine cristallis^e extraite du Tanghinia venenifera de Madagascar. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1255-1257. 16. Recherches sur la digitaline cristallis^e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 679-681. 17. Recherches sur la digitaline et sur la tanghinine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 701-703. 18. Recherches sur la carotine; son role physio- logique probable dans la feuille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 911-914. 19. Recherches sur la cinchonamine, nouvel alcaloide des quinquinas. Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 93-131. 20. Sur un nouvel acide gras non sature de la s^rie C"H2»-402. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 79-81. 21. Transformation de I'acide taririque et de I'acide st^aroMique en acide st^arique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1000-1002; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 82-84. 22. Recherches sur I'ouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 346-349, 451. 23. Sur les produits de d^doublement de I'ouabaine par hydrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1208- 1211. 24. Action des alcalis sur Touabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1280-1282. 25. Sur une heptac^tine cristallisee, d^riv^e de I'ouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1654-1656. 26. Sur les derives nitres resultant de Taction de I'acide nitrique sur I'ouabaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1873-1876. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Brongniart, Charles [Jules Edme], Sur une cigale v^sicante de la Chine et du Tonkin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 607-609. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Cbarrin, Albert. Recherches chimiques sur les s^cr^tions microbiennes. Transforma- tion et Elimination de la matiere organique azot6e par le bacille pyocyanique dans un milieu de culture d^termin^e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 755-758. 2. Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur les secretions microbiennes. Transformation et elimination de la matiere organique par le bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1157-1160. 3. secretions microbiennes. Leur formation. Apropos de la note de M. Guinochet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 495-499. 4. Sulfate de cinchonamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 671-672. 5. A propos de la cinchonamine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 744. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Grimaux, Edouard. See Grimaux & Arnaud. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Fad6, L[eon]. Recherche chimique de I'acide nitrique, des nitrates dans les tissus vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1488-1490. Arnaud, A[lbert Leon], & Verneuil, Auguste [Victor Louis]. Sur un nouveau precede d'extraction du caout- chouc contenu dans les ecorces de diverses plantes et notamment des Landolfia. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 259-261. Arnaud, Charles. Assign to this author title [Vol. 12) under Arnaud, . For biographical notice see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 355-356. 2. Lettre [sur la decouverte du Ceterach ofiBcinarum, Willd., var. crenatum, Milde, dans le Lot-et-Garonne]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 431-432. 3. Lettre [sur le Ceterach officinarum, var. crenatum et sublobatum]. France Soc. Bot. BuU., 38, 1891, 208-210. Arnaud, Fr[angois] (notaire). Note sur I'altitude primitive des AljDes dauphinoises. Paris, Soc. Ged. Bull., 26, 1898, 389-396. 2. Observations k propos de la discussion sur I'altitude primitive des Alpes dauphinoises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 544. Arnaud, Frampis (M.D.). Diagnostic de la syringomyelic. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1890 {Ft. 2), 776-784. 2. Frequence des abc^s du foie a Marseille. Di- agnostic de I'hepatite suppuree aigue de nos climats a foyers multiples. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1891 (Ft. 1), 310. 3. Recherches sur I'urologie du phosphorisme chro- nique chez les ouvriers des manufactures d'allumettes chimiques. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 193-223. 4. Les hemorragies des capsules surrenales. Arch. Gen. Med., 186, 1900, 5-65. Amaud, Frangois (M.D.), & Alezais, H[em'i]. See Alezais & Arnaud. Amaud, Franco is {M.D.), & Astros, Leon d\ Recherches des microbes dans les abces du foie ; son importance pour le diagnostic et le traitement. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1891 (Ft. 1), 310. Amaud, H[ilaire]. Assign to this author title {Vol. 1) under Arnaud, (2), and Nos. 1, 4, 7 & 8 {Vol. 7) under Arnaud, Emile. 18. *Position des Hippurites dilatatus et Hippurites bioculatus dans la serie Cretacee. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 138-157. 19. Observations sur le memoire de M. Fallot (Terrains Cretaces du S.E. de la France). [1885.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 45-47. 20. Position stratigraphique des argiles barioiees de Tercis, Landes. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 15-22. 21. AperQu general sur la craie du sud-ouest. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 809-813. 22. Compte rendu de I'excursion k Saint-Cirq et de Arnaud] 157 [Arneberg Saint-Cirq k Beaumont de P^rigord. Paris, Soc. G4ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 841-845. 23. E^sum6 g^n^ral des observations sur la craie du S.-O. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 884-910. 24. Compte rendu de I'excursion a Montignac-sur- Vez6re. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 914-918. 25. Argiles gypsif^res des Charentes. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 290-297. 26. Sur la limite tracde par Coquand entre le Santonien et le Campanien. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 19, 1891, 665-G68. 27. Profil g^ologique du chemin de fer d'Angouleme a Marmande. E^gion Cr^tac^e. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, 11-43., 28. Sur quelques Echinides a tubercules cr^nel^s et imperfor6s du Cretace Sup^rieur. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 1895, 231-239. 29. Quelques observations sur les Salenia Cr^tac^es du sud-ouest. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, 1-35. 30. Divisions naturelles du Cr^tac^ Superieur au- dessus du Santonien dans le sud-ouest et dans la region pyr^n^enne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 676-681. 31. Observations sur le Cidaris pseudopistillum, Cott. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, 103-109, 120. 32. Brissopneustes aturensis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, 111-118, 120. Arnaud, Hlilaire], & Cossmann, Maurice. See Cosb- mann & Arnaud. Arnaud, H[ilaire], & Ziircher, Phlilippe]. See Ziircher & Arnaud. Arnaud, H[e7vi]. Du pli cutan6 persistant. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1889 {Ft. 2), 710-720. 2. Le glycogene du sang ou glycog^ne h^matique. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 668-672. 3. Experiences pour decider si le cceur et le centre respiratoire ayant cess^ d'agir, sont irr^vocablement morts. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 396-400. 4. M^moire sur la constitution des albuminoides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 148-151; Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 812-313 [Part only]. 5. Note k propos du diabete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 244-245. 6. Un cas d'anomalie de position du cceur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 4-8. 7. Un lapin avec ectopic artificielle des deux reins. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 43, 1891 (C. P.), 8-10. Arnaud, Leopoldo. Bxpedicion al Chaco. Informs sobre las observaciones efectuadas en el Chaco por el gefe de la Comision Cientifica. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. BoL, 6, 1885, 201-210. Arnaud, M[arius] H[enri]. Le laurier-cerise est-il une Amygdalee? Ass. Franp. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 2), 685-688. Arnaud, 0[dilon Paul Jean]. Etude sur deux ^pid^mies de fi^vre typhoide observ^es a la caserne Riquier, k Nice. Arch. M6d. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 180-198, 273-281. 2. Note sur les r^sultats fournis par I'examen microbiologique du sang dans le paludisme, k I'hopital militaire de Tunis. Arch. M6d. Pharm. Militaires, 20, 1892, 225-289. 3. Sur I'h^matozoaire du paludisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 289-292. 4. Note sur les lesions de gros intestin dans la fi^vre typhoide. Arch. M6d. Pharm. Militaires, 22, 1893, 529- 535. 6. Recherches sur I'^tiologie de la dysenteric aigue des pays chauds. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 8 (1894), 495-501 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 239-241. 6. Quelques observations sur la l^pre en Tunisie ; un cas de cette affection traits par les injections de tuberculine. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 293-298; Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 32, 1898, 46-53. Arnaud, 0[dilon Paul Jean], & Xiafeullle, P[aul Louis]. Statistique, 6tiologie et prophylaxie de la tuberculose dans I'arm^e. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 35, 1900, 166-191, 256-294. Arnaud de Fabre, [J. Amidee]. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Fabre, Arnaud de. 2. Note physiologique sur I'^serine. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 213. 3. Sur Taction convulsivante de I'atropine. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 852-853. Arnaud de Oramont. See Ghraxnont, Arnaud de. Amaudeau, A. Calcul sans instrument de la distance d'un point inaccessible. Rev. Sci., 89, 1887, 27, 475. Amaudet, . Sur un r^flexe douloureux du foie dans les etats infectieux du ventre. Paris, Soc. Biol. M4m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 679-681. Amaudon, G[iovanni] G. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Amaudon, J. For biography see Riv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 248-250; Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, 145. 12. Etudes sur les bois tannants. Moniteur Sci., 4, 1890, 915-921, 1233-1236. 13. Des matieres tinctoriales jaunes dues a des principes imm^diats connus et inconnus et des plantes qui les fournissent. Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 483-487. 14. De I'algarobille (Cfesalpinia melanocarpa) de I'Am^rique m^ridionale. Etude du tannin et des autres principes imm^diats qu'elle contient. Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 107-108. 15. Sur les soies v^g^tales et en partioulier le kapok de rinde. (Bombax pentandrum et Eriodendron anfractuo- sum.) Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 695-697. Amaudon, G[iovan7ii] G.,& TTbaldinl, G[iuseppe]. 2. Sur le Jatropha curcas et sur I'huile qu'il contient. Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 447-449. Arnault. See Cbabaud-Amault. Amd, C[arl]. Beitrag zur Statistik der Eectumcarcinome. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 32, 1891, 1-92. 2. Ueber die Durchgangigkeit der Darmwand einge- klemmter Briiche fiir Mikroorganismen. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 173-176. Amdt, C. 13. Biitzower Salz. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, 114-117. 14. SeltenePflanzeu der Biitzower Flora. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, 175-187. 15. Abnorme Kartoffelbildung. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, 247-251. Amdt, Georg. Apparat zum Aufblasen der Froschlunge intra vitam. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 16, 1899, 300-803. Amdt, K[urt], & Knorre, G[eorg Karl] von. See Knorre & Amdt. Amdt, Louis. [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss 1891 Nov. 15. Auf der Koniglichen Stern warte in Berlin.] Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 413-414. 2. [Ueber den neuen Stern in Auriga.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 115. 3. Recherches sur le calcul des forces perturbatrices dans la th^orie des perturbations s^culaires. [1895.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull. , 24, 1896, 8-44. 4. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1896 CW. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 405-406. Amdt, Max. Zur Pathologic des Kleinhirns. Arch. Psychiatr., 26, 1894, 404-429. Amdt, Rudolf. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 169-170; Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 744. 36. *Ueber den " psychischen Process." [1883.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 15, 1884, x-xiii. 37. Ueber das Valli-Ritter'sche Gesetz. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1890, 299-316. 38. Ueber trophische Nerven. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 54-80. Arneberg, A. Integration af en differentialligning. Tidsskr. Math., 3, 1886, 168-175; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 828. Arneberg] 158 [Arn6 2. Hovedpuucterne i spectralanalysens udvikling. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 321-335, 353-365. 3. Nyere iagttagelser paa spectralanalysens omraade. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 27, 1888, 65-70. Amell, Axel. Fenologiska iakttagelser vid Framnas, aren 1877-96. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 716-721. Amell, H[ampus] Wilhelm. ©. Anmarkningar angaeude Sorbus aucuparia, L., f. minor, Arnell. Bot. Notiser, 1884, 107-108. lO. Bryologiska notiser fran Vesternorrlands Ian. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 89-94; Bot. Centrbl., 27, 1886, 142. H. Philonotis mollis, Venturi. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 115-116. 12. Bryologiska notiser fran det smalandska hog- landet. Bot. Notiser, 1886, 123-129; Bot. Centrbl., 28, 1886, 292. 13. Bryum oblongum, Lindb. ( = Br. Isetum, Lindb.). Bot. Notiser, 1886, 190. 14. Musci GallisB, N° 742. Rev. BryoL, 13, 1886, 44. 15. Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.). Bot. Notiser, 1887, 192. 16. Fossila hasselnotter. Bot. Notiser, 1889, 29. 17. Om de skandinaviska Thyidia tamariscina. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 73-80; Bot. Centrbl., 45, 1891, 111. 18. Om niigra Jungermannia ventricosa, Dicks., nar- Btaende lefvermossarter. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 97-104; Lotos, 41, 1893, 113-117. 19. Bryum Funckii, Schwaegr. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 157-158. 20. Jungermannia medelpadica. Am. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 133-135; Eev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 12-13. 21. Tvenne i norra Sm aland funna reliktformer. Bot. Notiser, 1891, 135-136. 22. Om slaktnamnet Porella, Dill., Lindb. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 127-132; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 494-495. 23. S. F. Gray's lefvermoss-slakten. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 137-151; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1894, 199-200. 24. Moss-studier. Bot. Notiser, 1894, 49-63 ; 1896, 97-110; 1897, 67-68; 1898, 49-62; 1899, 73-79; Bot. Centrbl., 60, 1894, 55-56; 69, 1897, 71-72; 76, 1898, 183; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1900, 173. 25. Nagra ord om Botrychium simplex, Hitchc. Bot. Notiser, 1897, 65-66; Bot. Centrbl., 76, 1898, 234. 26. Musci novi. Rev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 1-9. 27. Bryum (Eucladodium) malangense (Kaurin et Arnell), n. sp. Eev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 39-40. 28. Bryum (Eucladodium) grandiflorum, n. sp. Rev. Bryol., 26, 1899, 86-37. 29. Beitrage zur Moosflora der Spitzbergischen Inselgruppe. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 99-130. Amell, Hlampus] Wilhelm, & Jensen, Chr[istian']. Oncophorus suecicus, n. sp. Rev. Bryol., 22, 1896, 75-76. 2. Ein bryologischer Ausflug nach Tasjo. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 3), 1896, No. 10, 64 pp. Amell, H[ampus] Wilhelm, & Undberg, Slextus] Oltto]. See Undberg & Amell. Arnell, Kn. Er. To reference in No. 2 {Vol. 9) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 {Ref.), 47-48. 3. Om tva isomera j3-monoklornaftalinsulfonsyror. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 5, 21-28. 4. Action de I'acide sulfurique sur la naphtaline monochlor^e j3. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 184. Arnesen, Emily. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Histologie von Ulocyathus arcticus, Cariophyllia Smithii, Dendro- phyllia ramea und Cladocora cespitosa. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 20, 1898, No. 9, 31 pp. 2. Spongier fra den norske kyst. I. Calcarea. Sys- tematisk katalog med bemerkninger og bestemmelsestabel. (BestimmungstafelindeutscherSprache.) [1901.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1900, No. 5, 46 pp. Arnet, X. *Regenfall zu Luzern 1861-80. [1881.] Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 383-384. 2. Uebersicht iiber das Gefrieren einiger Seen der Centralschweiz im Winter 1892-93. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1893, 121. Amhart, Ludwig. 2. *Ueber die Entdeckung des ^cidiums von Uromyces Genistse tinctoriae {Pers.). [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 {Sber.), 6. 3. Objektive Psychologic. Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 521-526. Arntaeim, Friedrich. For biographical notice see St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 18, 1893, 85-86. Appareil thermo-^lectrique. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 615. 2. Sur la perspiration cutan^e et la d^perdition de la chaleur chez les individus (enfants) dont la peau a 6t^ partiellement couverte de vernis. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 615-616. Arnheim, G[eorg]. Coagulationsnekrose und Kernschwund. Virchow, Arch., 120, 1890, 367-383. 2. Ueber einen Fall von congenitaler halbseitiger Hypertrophic mit angeborenen Bronchiektasien. Vir- chow, Arch., 154, 1898, 300-320. 3. Beitrag zur Bacteriologie des Keuchhustens. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 {Th. 2), 198-206. Arnheim, Richard. Beitrage zur Theorie der Athmung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1894, 1-50. Arnhold, M\ax']. Zur Kenntniss des dreibasischen Ameisensjiureathers und verschiedener Methylale. Liebig's Ann., 240, 1887, 192-208. Aming, Ed[iuird'\. Ueber das Vorkommen des Bacillus leprae bei Lepra anaesthetica sive nervorum. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 170-171. 2. [Bacillus lepraj.] Amer. Micr. JL, 7, 1886, 199-200. 3. Bericht iiber eine mit Mitteln der Humboldt- Stiftung unternommene Keise nach den Sandwichs- Inseln, zur Erforschung der dort herrschenden Lepra. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1141-1146. 4. Das Inselreich Hawaii und seine Vulkane. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 14, 1887, 193-206. 5. Leprosy. \}Vith discussion.'] N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 501-502. 6. Mittheilungen iiber Lepra. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 201-202. Aming, Ed\uard\ & Nonne, M[ax]. Weiterer Beitrag zur Klinik und Anatomic der Neuritis leprosa. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 319-330. Aming, Ed[uard'\ {et alii). La diffusion actuelle de la lepre en Europe. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1017-1022. Am6, Riccardo. Campo elettrico rotante e rotazioni dovute air isteresi elettrostatica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 {Sem. 2), 284-289. 2. Del campo elettrico rotante. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 1), 179-180. 3. Sulla dissipazione di energia in un campo elettrico rotante e sulla isteresi elettrostatica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 1), 341-346. 4. Ricerche quantitative sulla dissipazione di energia nei corpi dielettrici in uu campo elettrico rotante. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 2), 260-267. 5. Sulla trasparenza dell' ebanite. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 28, 1893, 746-748. 6. Methode pour annuler les effets de Tinductance dans les circuits parcourus par des courants alternatifs. Eclairage Elect., 1, 1894, 537-538. 7. Esperienze con un sistema di condensatori a coibente mobile. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 272-278. 8. Sulla legge della dissipazione di energia nei die- lettrici sotto r azione di campi elettrici di debole intensita. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 585-589. 9. Sull' impiego dell' elettrometro a quadranti come Arn6] 159 [Arnold strumento differenziale. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 152-156. 10. Sul ritardo della polarizzazione nei dielettrici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 2), 294-298; Eelairage Elect., 2 (1896), 160-163. 11. Kotazioni elettrostatiche nei gas rarefatti. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 635-637; Electrician, 33, 1894, 210-211. 12. La radiazione di Rontgen con tubi di Hittoef ad idrogeno rarefatto. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 81, 1896, 418-421 or 620-623. 13. Sulla isteresi dielettrica viscosa. Roma, R. Ace, Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 {Sem. 1), 262-264. 14. Fasometro delle tangenti. [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 353-356 or 533-536. 15. Sulla taratura del fasometro delle tangenti. [1898.] TorinoAec. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 499-502 or 729-732. 16. Wattometro elettrostatico per eorrenti alternative ad alta tensione. [1898.] Torino Aec. Sci. Atti, 83, 1897, 593-597 or 827-831. 17. A simple method of starting alternating single- phase induction motors. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 254-255. 18. Rotazioni elettrostatiche prodotte per mezzo di difterenze di potenziale alternative. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 {Sem. 2), 167-168. 19. Methodes et appareils de mesures pour systemes triphases. Eelairage Elect., 22 (1900), 379-384. Am6, Riccardo, & Ferraris, Galileo. See Ferraris & Am6. Arnold, A[ugust]. Zur Kenntniss der Ketonhydrazone aromatiseher Hydrazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1015-1017. Arnold, A[braham] B. Circumcision. N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 173-179. 2. Clinical observations on dilatation and degeneration of the heart, with sphygmographie illustrations. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 1), 231-237. Arnold, Bl^ernhard], & ZaelUnann, Eugen [Carl], See Iiellmann & Arnold. Arnold, C. H., & Patterson, Alndrewl Hlenryl. See Patterson & Arnold. Arnold, Carl. 19. Die Bestimmung des Stickstoffs im Ham nach Kjeldahl. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 97-99. 20. Die Kjeldahl'sche Methode der Stickstoffbestim- mung. Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 177-185. 21. Grundlagen zu einer neuen Stickstoffbestim- mungs-methode von allgemeiner Anwendbarkeit. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 18, 1885, 806-812. 22. Kurze Methode zur Bestimmung der Chloride im normalen und pathologischen Harne der Saugethiere und Menschen, in der Milch und in serosen Fliissig- keiten. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 541-557. 23. Zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs in Nitraten und Nitroverbindungen. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung.) Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 41-42. 24. Eine Modifikation des Will-Varrentrappschen Kugelapparates. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 57. 25. Die allgemeinere Anwendbarkeit der Kjeldahl'- schen Stickstoffbestimmungsmethode. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 785-794 ; Ztschr. Chem. Ind., 1, 1887, 4-6. Arnold, Carl, & VTedemeyer, Konrad. Eine leicht ausfiibrbare Methode der Stickstoffbestimmung in Nitraten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 389-392. 2. Beitrage zur Stickstoffbestimmung nach Kjeldahl. Fresenius, Ztschr., 81, 1892, 525-533. 3. Zur Bestimmung des Harnstickstoffs nach Schneider-Seeoen und nach Kjeldahl. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 52, 1892, 590-591. 4. Zur Phosphorsaurebestimmung nach Spica. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 603-604. Arnold, E[ngelbert]. Non-synchronous motor for ordinary alternate currents. Electrician, 30, 1893, 444. 2. Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung der Wechselstrom- motoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 42-43. 3. Asynchrone Motoren fiir gewohnlichen Wechsel- strom. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 256-258. 4. Phasenregelung bei Weehselstrommotoren. Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 579-580. 5. Ueber die unipolare Jnduktion und Wechselstrom- maschinen mit ruhenden Wickelungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1896, 136-140. 6. Zur Theorie der Weehselstrommotoren. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 662. 7. Mittheilungen liber die Ankerwickelungen der Gleichstrommaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17,1896, 62-63, 83-86, 104-105. 8. Ueber die Berechnung und Beurtheilung von Dynamomasehinen fiir Ein- und Mehrphasenstrom und Gleichstrom. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 730-733, 774-778. 9. Spannungsabfall bei Wechselstromgeneratoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 893-894. 10. Das magnetische Drehfeld. [1899.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 {Sber.), 172-173. Arnold, Eduard. Ueber Methyl- und Aethyloxalessigester. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 329-338. Arnold, Eduard, & 'Wisllcenus, Wilhelm. See VTislicenus & Arnold. Arnold, F[erdinavd Christian Gustav]. 14. DieLichenen des friinkisehen Jura. Flora, 67, 1884, 65-96. 145-173, 227-258, 307-338, 403-434, 549-596, 645-664 ; 68, 1886, 49-80, 143-176, 211-246, 261. 15. Lichenologische Ausfliige in Tirol. [1886-98.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 {Abh.), 61-88; 37, 1887 {Abh.), 81-150 ; 39, 1889 {Abh.), 249-266; 48, 1894 {Abh.), 360-407 ; 46, 1896, 101-143 ; 47, 1897, 210-224, 353-895, 671-677. 16. Lichenologische Fragmente. Flora, 70, 1887, 145-164; 71, 1888, 81-95, 107-112. 17. Lichens de I'ile Miquelon (Amerique septen- trionale) recueillis par M. le Dr. Delamake. Rev, Mycol., 9, 1887, 141-144. 18. Muellerella thallophila, Arn. {n. sp.). Flora, 71, 1888, 14. 19. Die Lichenen des frankischen Jura. Regensburg Bot. Ges. Denkschr., 6, 1890, 61 pp. 20. LichenologischeFragmente. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 41, 1891, 189-194, 228-281, 272-274 ; 42, 1892, 117-119, 170-171, 189-192 ; 43, 1893, 95-99, 187-188 ; 44, 1894, 81-87, 139-144, 181-184, 221-224, 249-252; 45, 1896, ' 60-63, 106-109, 146-147 ; 46, 1896, 128-131, 176-182, 213-220, 245-251, 286-292, 326-832, 359-868 ; 49, 1899, 56-60, 99-102, 146-149, 175-179, 226-229, 270-275. Arnold, Flrederick] H[em-y]. Hampshire plants. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 345. 2. Lepidium latifolium in Sussex. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 215. 3. Lathyrustuberosus, L., in Sussex. Essex Natlist., 2, 1888, 170. Arnold, Friedrich. For biography and works see Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 897-405 ; Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 615- 616 ; Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 165-167. Arnold, G. A. The anterior cranial nerves of Pipa americana. Essex Inst. Bull., 25, 1894, 126-134. Arnold, Horace D. Weight of the "normal" heart in adults. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 3, 1899, 174- 184. Arnold, Isabel S. Notes on the flora of the Upper Chemung valley. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 131-133. Arnold, J[ohn] W[illiam] S[chmidt]. For biographical notice see N. Y. Med. Jl., 48, 1888, 463. Arnold, Joh7i Oliver. Note on Mr. Allen's method for the detection of hop-substitutes in beer. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 33. Arnold] 160 [Arnold 2. On the influence of chemical composition on the strength of Bessemer-steel tires. [1888.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 95, 1889, 115-130. 3. The physical influence of elements on iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1894 (No. 1), 107- 155, 181-251. 4. The influence of carbon on iron. [1895.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 123, 1896, 127-162. 5. Estimation of carbon in ferro-chrorae. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 263. 6. The micro-chemistry of cementation. [With dis- cussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1898 {No. 2), 185-199 ; Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 46, 1898, 665-667. 7. The internal architecture of metals. [With dis- cussion.] [1898.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 42, 1899, 75-86. Arnold, John Oliver, & Heirdy, Henry J. The influence of phosphorus on the estimation of chromium in iron and steel. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 153-155. 2. New methods for the estimation of sulphur in steel and steel-making iron. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 41-44. Arnold, John Oliver, & Knowles, F[red] K. On the permeability of steel-melting crucibles. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1897 (No. 1), 77-88. Arnold, John Oliver, & SCWilliani, Andrew. The diffusion of elements in iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1899 (No. 1), 85-129. Arnold, John Oliver, & Read, A[rthur] A[very]. The chemical relations of carbon and iron. Chem, Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 788-801. 2. The conditions in which carbon exists in steel. [1894.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 10, 1895, 105-106. Arnold, John P. The dependence of the tonus of the muscles of the bladder in rabbits on the spinal cord. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 902. Arnold, John P., & Asher, Leon. See Asher & Arnold. Arnold, Julius [Friedrich]. 41. Ueber Kern- und Zell- theilung bei acuter Hyperplasie der Lymphdriisen und Milz. Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884, 46-69. 42. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Theilungsvor- gangean den Knochenmarkzellen und weissen Blutkorpern. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 107-131. 43. Ueber Kerntheilung und vielkernige Zellen. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 501-511. 44. Ueber das Vorkommen "heller" Muskeln beim Menschen. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr., A, 1886, 1-18. 46. Ueber Theilungsvorgange an den Wanderzellen, ihre progressiven und regressiven Metamorphosen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 30, 1887, 205-310. 46. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Kern- und Zell- theilungen in der Milz ; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der von der typische Mitose abweichenden Kerntheilungsvorgange. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 31, 1888, 541-564. 47. Ueber behaarte Polypen der Eachen-Mundhohle und deren Stellung zu den Teratomen. Virchow, Arch., Ill, 1888, 176-210. 48. Bemerkungen eines Beteiligten iiber Spiralfasern und pericellulare Fadennetze an den Ganglienzellen des Sympathicus. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 204-207. 49. Die Geschicke des eingeathmeten Metallstaubes im Korper. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 1-20. 50. Ueber angeborene einseitige Nierenschrumpfung mit Cystenbildung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 21-28. 61. Das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung der freien Kugelthromben im Herzen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 29-37. 62. Ein Fall von glykogenhaltigem Myoma strio- cellulare am Hoden. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 109-117. 53. Ein knorpelhaltiges angeborenes Fibrom des Scheitels mit Hypertrichosis. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 118-122. 64. Zwei Falle von primarem Angiosarcom der Leber. Beitr. Path. Anat., 8, 1890, 123-139. 66. Acromegalic, Pachyacrie oder Ostitis. Ein anatomischer Bericht iiber den Fall Hagner I. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 1-80. 66. Ueber riicklaufigen Transport. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 385-408. 67. Gehirn, Biickenmark und Schadel eines Hemi- cephalus von dreitagiger Lebensdauer. Beitr. Path. Anat., 11, 1892, 407-440. 68. Ueber "combinirte" Erkrankung der Strange des Riickenmarkes. Virchow, Arch., 127, 1892, 18-32, 69. Altes und Neues iiber Wanderzellen, insbesondere deren Herkunft und Umwandlungen. Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, 502-529. 60. Ueber die Geschicke der Leukocyten bei der Fremdkorperembolie. Virchow, Arch., 133, 1893, 1-17. 61. Myelocyste, Transposition von Gewebskeimen und Sympodie. Beitr. Path. Anat., 16, 1894, 1-28. 62. Weitere Beitriige zur Akromegaliefrage. Vir- chow, Arch., 135, 1894, 1-78. 63. Ueber angeborne Divertikel des Herzens. Vir- chow, Arch., 137, 1894, 318-329. 64. Zur Morphologic und Biologie der Zellen des Knochenmarks. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 411-448. 66. Zur Technik der Blutuntersuchung. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 705-708; 8, 1897, 294-295. 66. Ueber die feinere Struktur der hainoglobinlosen und hamoglobinhaltigen Knochenmarkzellen. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 67-85. 67. Zur Morphologie und Biologie der rothen Blut- korper. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 1-29. 68. Ueber die Herkunft der Blutplattcheu. Centrbl. Path., 8, 1897, 289-294. 69. Die corpuscularen Gebilde des Froschblutes und ihr Verhalten bei der Gerinnung. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 470-500. 70. Zur Morphologie der extravascularen Gerinnung. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 444-470. 71. Ueber Structur und Architectur der Zellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 52, 1898, 134-151, 535-552, 762-773. 72. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber Flemming's " Faden- geriistlehre." Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 400-404. 73. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber "vitale" Granula- farbung. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 568-572. 74. W. Flemming und die " Mitomlehre," Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 607-615. 76. Ueber die sogenannten Gerinnungscentren. Centrbl. Path., 10, 1899, 313-316. 76. DerFarbenwechsel der Zellgranula, insbesondere der acidophilen. Centrbl. Path., 10, 1899, 841-846. 77. Zur Morphologie der intravascularen Gerinnung und Pfropfbildung. Virchow, Arch., 155, 1899, 165-197. 78. Ueber Granulafarbung lebender und iiberlebender Leukocyten. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 424-437. 79. Siderofere Zellen und die " Granulalehre." Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 346-354. 80. Die Demonstration der Nervenendausbreitung in den Papillss fungiformes der lebenden Froschzunge, Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 517-519. 81. Granulabilder an der lebenden Hornhaut und Nickhaut. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 45-47. 82. " Fettkornchenzellen " und "Granulalehre." Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 385-391. 83. Ueber " vitale " Granulafarbung in den Knorpel- zellen, Muskelfasern und Ganglienzellen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 479-488. 84. Ueber Granulafarbung lebender und iiberlebender Gewebe. Virchow, Arch., 159, 1900, 101-116. 86. Ueber Siderosis und siderofere Zellen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur "Granulalehre." Virchow, Arch,, 161, 1900, 284-310. Arnold, N. 4. Apum mobile viensium species parum Arnold] 161 [Arnoux oognitffi vel imperfecte descriptae. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horae, 19, 1886, 282-287 ; 22, 1888, 202-206 ; 28, 1894, 161-178. Arnold, St. Ueber einen knorpel- und knochenhaltigen Tumor der Brustdriise. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 449- 469. Arnold, Th. Mittheilungen iiber 400 Staar-Operationen, ausgefuhrt von Prof. 0. Haab an Kranken der Zliricher Universitats- und seiner Privat-Augenklinik. Arch. Augenheilk., 25, 1892, 41-109; Arch. Ophthalm., 22, 1893, 462-474. Arnold, V. Ein Beitrag zur Spektroskopie des Blutes. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 37, 1899, 465-468. 2. Ueber das neutrale Hamatinspektrum. (Ein Beitrag zur Spektroskopie des Blutes.) [1899.] Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 37, 1899, 833-836, 849-851; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 29, 1900, 78-85. Arnold, W. Ueber Luminescenz fester Korper mit Beriicksichtigung der Wirkung von Rontgen-Strahlen. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroeh., 1895-96, 602-604. 2. Ueber Luminescenz. [1896.] Ztschr. Kryst., 27, 1897, 92-93. 3. Ueber Luminescenz. Ann. Phys. Chem., 61, 1897, 313-329. 4. Einfiuss der Luminescenz der Antikathode auf Aussendung der Eontgen-Strahlen. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 30, 1899, 25-26. Arnold-Bemrose, H[enrij] H[otve]. On the Derbyshire toadstone. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 780-781. 2. On the microscopical structure of the Carboni- ferous dolerites and tuffs of Derbyshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 50, 1894, 603-643. 3. Discovery of mammalian remains in the old river- gravels of the Derwent near Derby. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 497-500. 4. On a quartz-rock in the Carboniferous limestone of Derbyshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 54, 1898, 169-182. 6. Geology of the Ashbourne and Buxton branch of the London and North Western Railway : Ashbourne to Crake Low. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 55, 1899, 224-237. 6. On a sill and faulted inlier in Tideswell dale (Derbyshire). Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 55, 1899, 239-249. 7. On the petrography of the rocks of Congleton Edge. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, 556-559. 8. A sketch of the geol(3gy of the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Derbyshire. With special reference to the long excursion of 1899. [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 165-221, viii. Arnold-Bemrose, H[enry] H[otce], & Kind, Wheelton. Long excursion to Derbyshire. [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 221-225. Arnold!, V[ladimir Mitrofanovic], Die Entwickelung des weiblichen Vorkeimes bei den heterosporen Lycopodiaceen. Bot. Ztg., 54, 1896 {Abth. 1), 159-168. 2. Beitrage zur Morphologic einiger Gymnospermen. [I, II & v.] [1899-1900.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 13, 1900, 329-341, 405-422 ; 14, 1900, 449-476. 3. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Gymnospermen. [Ill & IV.] Flora, 87, 1900, 46-63, 194-204. 4. Ueber die Ursachen der Knospenlage der Blatter. Flora, 87, 1900, 440-478. Amoidov, iV^. s. ycoBepineHCTBOBanifl rHji;paBj[H'iec- Karo Tapana. Perfectionnements apport^s au holier hydrauhque. Kkaterinenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 15 (No. 1), 1896, 44-49. 2. PeOMOTOpu. Sur les rheomoteurs. I^katerinenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 15 (No. 1), 1896, 50-54. Amoldov, V[ladimir AndrejeviS]. 0 KOJIHieCTSeHHOM'L oiipeji.'fejieHiH cnopHHbii Bt neienoMt x.i'feS'i. (npe;i,BapHTeJIBHOe COoSmenie.) [Ueber die quanti- tative Bestimmung des Mutterkornes im Brot. (Vor- R. S. A. C. laufige Mittheilung.)] [1897.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1897-98, Append. No. 168, 8 pp. 2. 0 riirpOCKOIIHHHOCTH IliKOTOpHXl BemecTBi II oCt. HSMiHeHiH MyKH npir pasBiiTiH Bt neS n.lfecHeSHX'B (i)OpM'B rpn60BE.. [On the hygrosco- picity of some substances and on a change which takes place in flour during the development in it of some fungus forms.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 10), 115- 144, (Pt. 11), 65-96, (Pt. 12), 1-32; 1899 (Pt. 1), 127- 144, (Pt. 4), 21-36, (Pts. 5 & 6), 1-26. Arnone, Luigi, & Colucci, Vincenzo L. See Coined & Arnone. Amot, F. S. Journey from Natal to Bih^ and Benguella, and thence across the central plateau of Africa to the sources of the Zambesi and Congo. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 65-78. Amot, William. Meters and systems of charging for electric energy. [With discussion.] [1898.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 42, 1899, 146-175. Amott, James Moncrieff. For biographical notice see Med.- Chir. Trans., 69, 1886, 4-8. Amould, (le frere) G. F. *[Notes m^t^orologiques faites k] Reims (Marne). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. Mdt^orol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 113-114 ; 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 3, 27-28, 53-54, 76, 106-107, 134, 157-158, 185, 214, 242-243, 274, 303 ; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 5, 33-34, 63, 93, 129, 159, 193, 223, 251, 279, 303. , Amould, E[mile Octave Jean], Pathogenic du tremble- ment. Arch. G^n. M6d., 174, 1894, 451-466. Amould, E[mile Octave Jean], & Surmont, H. See Surmont & Amould. Amould, Jules [Hippolyte]. For biographical notice and works see Ann. Hyg. Publ., 31, 1894, 477^78. 6. La fabrication du bleu d'outremer. Hygiene in- dustrielle et hygiene administrative. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 12, 1884, 404-423. 7. Les microorganismes du sol. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 401-427. 8. De la fi^vre typhoide sporadique, son importance en etiologie et en hygiene. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 2), 1004-1009. 9. La grippe dans le 1" corps d'arm^e (1889-90). Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 409-431. 10. Epid^mie de fi^vre typhoide en 1891, sur les troupes de Landrecies, Maubeuge, et Avesnes. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 21-38. Amould, Pierre. Cadrans solaires. G^nie Civil, 23, 1893, 337-338. Amous de Bivitoe, (baron) H. Explorations in the Beni Province. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 24, 1892, 204- 214. 2. Explorations in the rubber districts of Bolivia. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 32 (1900), 432-440. Arnoux, EUe. Examen de la pature de quelques poissons comestibles du Golfe de Marseille. Marseille Mus. Ann., 3, 1889 (Trav. Zool. Appl.), 87-95. 2. Examen de I'^tat de maturity sexuelle de quelques poissons comestibles du Golfe de Marseille. Marseille Mus. Ann., 3, 1889 (Trav. Zool. Appl.), 95-100. Amonx, Gabriel. Solution des carr^s de magie diverse de tons les nombres entiers sans exception. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 94. 2. Essais de psychologie et de m^taphysique positives. La m^thode graphique en math^matiques. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 241-259. 3. Technologie graphique; appareil pour la decom- position d'un polyn6me en facteurs. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 21, 1893, 87-92. 4. Essais de psychologie et de m^taphysiqae positives. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 45-57. Arnoux, Gabriel, & Laisant, C[harles] A[nge]. Applica- tions des principes de I'arithm^tique graphique, con- 21 Arnoux] 162 [Aron gruences; proprietes diverses. Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1900 {Pt. 2), 36-59. Arnoux, Rene. Sur la p^riode variable du courant dans uu syst^me electromagn^tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 425-428. 2. Sur une methode de determination du flux d'induction qui traverse un syst^me ^lectromaguetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 104, 1887, 498-500, 614. 3. Sur la valeur industrielle et ,6conomique des machines dynamo-61ectriques. Lum. Elect., 31, 1889, 501-519. 4. [Sur r^quilibre dynamique des systemes statique- ment ^quilibr^s.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1889, 90-92, 118-12J. 5. A propos du ster^ocollimateur k lecture directe de M. DE Place. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 508. 6. Th^orie de I'^quilibre des r^gulateurs industriels. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 1), 111-112. 7. Nouveaux appareils portatifs pour mesures 61ec- triques. Ass. Franp. C. B., 1894 {Pt. 1), 123-124. 8. Nouveaux voltm^tres et amp^rem^tres aperiodiques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1895, 155-160. 9. Sur le coefficient de m^rite d'un automobile. Ass. Franp. C. B., 1900 (Pt. 1), 134. 10. Le principe du calcul diff^rentiel et integral de Leibnitz et son enseignement. Ass. Frang. C. B., 1900 (Pt. 2), 1089-1091. Amozan, X[avier1. 2. Amn^sie retrograde a la suite d'^motion morale. Bordeaux Soc. Med. M6m., 1887, 58^-592. 3. Un cas de xeroderma pigmentosum. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 365-374. 4. Le pouls et le coeur des blennorragiques. [En collaboration avec M. Cheminade.] [With discussion.'] Bordeaux Soc. M^d. Mem., 1889, 342-351. 5. Une ^pid^mie de rub^ole. [With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. M6d. M^m., 1889, 518-529, 529-535. 6. De la repartition des secretions grasses normales a la surface de la peau. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1-9. 7. Contribution k I'etude du nevrome plexiforme. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1892 (Pt. 2), 738-741. 8. Comment determiner et fixer le type de la nutri- tion normale? Comment differencier la nutrition normale de la nutrition ou des nutritions pathologiques ? Ass. Frang. C. B., 1895 (Pt. 1), 325-332. Amozan, X[avier], & Terr6, [Jean Hippolyte] Gabriel [Paul]. Sur la suspension de la glj'cogenie hepatique par les injections rectales d'hydrog^ne sulfure chez le lapin. Ass. Franp. C. B., 1887 (Pt. 1), 316-317. Amozan, X[avier], & Vaillard, L[ouis]. 4. Contribution k retude du pancreas du lapin. Lesions provoquees par la ligature du canal de Wirsung. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 287-316. Amschink, Ludwig. Ueber den Einfluss des Glyzerins auf die Zersetzungen im Thierkorper und Uber den Nahrwerth desselben. Ztschr. Biol., 23, 1887, 413-432. 2. Versuche iiber die Besorption verschiedener Fette aus dem Darmkanale. Ztschr. Biol., 26, 1890, 434-451. Amsperger, Hans. Ueber verastelte Knochenbildung in der Lunge. Beitr. Path. Anat., 21, 1897, 141-171. 2. Zur Lehre von den sogenannten Dermoidcysten des Ovarium. Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 1-36. Arnst, Th[eodoi-], & Hart, Ferdinand. Zusammensetzung einiger Gewiirze. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 136. Arnst, Th[eodor], & Zlncke, [Ernst Carl] Th[eodor]. See Zincke & Arnst. Amstein, Hugo. Notiz iiber das Verhalten des trimethyl- gallussauren Calciums bei der trockenen Destination. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 2b), 215-218; Mhefte. Chem., 1894, 295-298. Amstein, Hugo, & Feist, Franz. See Feist & Amstein. Amatein, Karl A[vgustovic]. 7. *Vortrag iiber Melanasmie und Melanose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 219-220. 8. Die Methylenblaufarbung als histologische Methode. [1886-87.] Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 125-135, 240, 551-554. 9. Nikita Lawdowsky. Ueber die Fortsatze der Nervenzellen in den Herzganglien. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 609-616. 10. Ueber die Nerven der Schweissdriisen. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 378-383. 11. Kt) Bonpocy o6'b OKOH^iaHiflxt HepBOB'B Bt porOBIIIl,f>. [Contribution to the question of the nerve- endings in the cornea.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 15-34. 12. Die Endapparate der Geschmacksnerven. [1892.] Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 444-445. 13. Die Nervenendigungen in den Schmeckbechern der Sauger. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 195-218. 14. Zur Morphologic der sekretorischen Nervenend- apparate. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 410-419. 15. Mop^OJIoria H MejI,riIi;HHa. [Morphology and medicine.] [1895.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1897 (Pt. 1), 23 pp. 16. Ueber secretorische und sensible Nervendapparate im Epithel. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 1), 18-22, (Vol. 7), xliv. Amstein, Robert. Ueber die Bestimmung der Xanthin- basen im Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 417- 430. 2. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Xanthin- basen im Harn. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung.) Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 36, 1898, 257-258. Arntz, E[mil], Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & ISeJle, A[lfred]. See Bredt, Arntz & Helle. Amy, H[enry] V[ineconie]. Parthenium hysterophorus. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 69, 1897, 169-180. Amy, H[e7iry] V[inecome], & Hatcher, R[obert] A. See Hatcher & Amy. Amy, H[enry] V[inecome], & VTallaeh, Otto. See VTallach & Amy. Aro, J. E. Ueber Hadena Maillardi, var. kuusamoensis. Stand. [1900.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd. 27, 1901, 46-50. Aron, [Theodor]. 2. [Versuche mit Cocain als locales Anastheticum.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 376-378. Aron, E[mil]. Ueber einen Versuch, den intrapleuralen Druck am lebenden Menschen zu messen. Virchow, Arch., 126, 1891, 517-5331 2. Ueber einen Versuch, die Spannung der Luft in der Trachea des lebenden Menschen zu messen. Virchow, Arch., 129, 1892, 426-435. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung verdichteter und verdiinnter Luft auf den intratrachealen Druck beim Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 180, 1892, 297-306. 4. Zur Casuistik der Halsrippen. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 (Th. 2), 166-173. 5. Ueber den intrapleuralen Druck beim Ventil- Pneumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 131, 1893, 370-374. 6. Plethysmographische Untersuchungen der Athem- bewegungen des Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, 408-427. 7. Graphische Darstellung einiger Athmungstypen des Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 178-190. 8. Ueber die Einwirkung barometrisch verschiedener Luftarten auf deia intrapleuralen und den Blut-Druck bei Kaninchen. Virchow, Arch., 143, 1896, 399-412. O. Experimentelle Studien iiber den Pneumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 562-581. 10. Eutgegnung auf einige Bemerkungen des Herrn Dr. Sackur : Weiteres zur Lehre vom Pneumothorax. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 583-586. 11. Die Lungen- Ventilation bei Aenderung des Ath- mospharen-Druckes. Virchow, Arch., 167, 1899, 550- 557. Aron] 163 [Aronstein 12. Der intrapleurale Druck beim lebenden, gesunden Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 160, 1900, 226-234. 13. Die Mechanik des geschlossenen Pneumothorax beim Menscheu. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 569-577. Aron, H[ermanTi]. 12. Ueber einen neuen Elektrizi- tatszahler. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 480-489. 13. Ueber eine neue elektrische Uhrenregulirung. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 7, 1886, 353-3G0. 14. Drehstromzahler. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 193. 15. Vervollkommneter Uhrenzahler. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 372-375. 16. Elektricitatszahler fiir Akkumulatorenbetrieb. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 559-561. Arone, Giovanni D. cV. Intorno ad un teorema di Tche- BYCHEW. Giorn. Mat., 26, 1888, 61-64. 2. Un th^orSme sur les fonctions harmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1055-1057. 3. Sur un th^oreme relatif aux fonctions harmoniques de plusieurs variables r^elles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 342-345. Aronheim, B. 14. *Ueber das Zinnphenylchlorid und seine Derivate. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 138-139. Arons, Leo [Martin]. Bestimmung der Verdet'schen Con- stante in absolutem Maass. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1886, 161-182. 2. Interferenzstreifen im Spectrum. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 669-670. 3. Verdiinnungswarme und Warmecapacitat von Salzlosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 25, 1885, 408-416. 4. Methode zur Messung der electromotorischen Gegenkraft im electrischen Lichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 95-99. 6. Ueber den electrischen Riickstand. Ann. Phys. Chem., 35, 1888, 291-311. 6. Beobachtungen an electrisch polarisirten Platin- spiegeln. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 969-973; Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 473-483. 7. Ein electrolytischer Versuch. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1891, 67-68 ; Ann. Phys. Cliem., 45, 1892, 383-384. 8. Ein Demonstrationsversuch mit electrischen Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 553-559. 9. Versuche iiber electrolytische Polarisation. Ann. Phys. Chem. [Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1892), 46, 1892, 169-171. 10. Ueber einen Quecksilberlichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1892), 47, 1892, 767-771. 11. Ueber Dielectricitatsconstanten fester, und op- tische Brechungsexponenten, geschmolzener SaJze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 53, 1894, 95-108. 12. Ueber den electrischen Lichtbogen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 185-200. 13. Ueber die Polarisationserscheinungen an diinnen Metallmembranen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 201- 208. 14. Ueber den Lichtbogen zwischen Quecksilber- electroden, Amalgamen und Legirungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 73-95. 15. Ueber die Deutung der Polarisationserscheinungen an diinnen Metallmembranen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 680-690. 16. Bemerkung iiber die Temperaturverhaltnisse an den Electroden von Quecksilberbogenlampen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 569-570. 17. Ueber den Extrastrom beim Unterbrechen eines electrischen Stromkreises. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 177-182. 18. Mikroskopische Beobachtung von Wechselcon- tacten (Coharer). Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 567-571. 19. Einfache analytische Behandlung eines sche- matischen Falles electromagnetischer Schirmwirkung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 590-594. 20. Ein neuer electromagnetischer Saitenunterbre- chor. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 1177-1179; 67, 1899, 682. 21. Ueber den Lichtbogen zwischen Metallelektroden. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 61-62. 22. Ueber den elektrischen Lichtbogen zwischen Metallelektroden in StickstofE und Wasserstoff. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 700-718. Arons, Leo [Martin], & Cohn, Emit. See CoUn & Arons. Arons, Leo [Martin], & Bubens, Heinrich. Ueber die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit electrischer Wellen in isolirenden Fliissigkeiten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 42, 1891, 581-592. 2. Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit electrischer WeUen in einigen festen Isolatoren. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 206-213. 3. Bemerkung zur Abhandlung des Hm. Waitz iiber die Messung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit elec- trischer Wellen in verschiedenen Dielectricis. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 381-383. Aronsolin, Ed[uard Hermann]. *Beitrage zur Physiologie des Geruchs. [1883.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1884, 163-167. 2. Ueber elektrische Geruchsempfindung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 460-465. 3. Experimen telle Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Geruchs. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 321-357. 4. Die elektrische Geruchsempfindung. Neue Beweise. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 370-373. Aronsobn, Ed[iMrd Hermann], & Sacbs, J[uliu8], Ein Warmecentrum im Grosshirn. [1884.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1885, 166. 2. Zur Geschichte des sogenannten Warmecentrums im Grosshirn. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 882. 3. Die Beziehungen des Gehirns zur Korperwarme und zum Fieber. Experimen telle Untersuchungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1885, 232-301, 625-626. Aronson, Hans. Ueber Apnoe bei Kaltbliitern und neuge- borenen Saugethieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1885, 267-274. 2. Ueber die Anwendung des Gallein zur Farbung des Centralnervensystems. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 28, 1890, 577-579, 593-595. 3. Ueber die antiseptischen Eigenschaften des Form- aldehyds. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 23, 1893 (Th. 2), 143-151. 4. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Diphtherie und die iramunisirende Subatanz des Blutserums. [1893.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 24, 1894 (Th. 2), 88-109. 5. Ueber die antiseptischen Eigenschaften des poly- merisirten Formaldehyds und die innerliche Anwendung desselben. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1397. 6. Immunisirungs- und Heilversuche bei der Diph- therie mittelst Antitoxin. Wien. Med. Wschr,, 44, 1894, 1953-1955, 2001-2003, 2046-2049. 7. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Desinfection von grosseren Eaumen mittels Formalin. Ztschr. Hyg., 25, 1897, 168-178. 8. ZurBiologiederTuberkelbacillen. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 217-222. Aronstein, L[ouis], & HoUeman, A[rnold] F[rederik]. Ueber das Stilben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2831-2834. 2. Ueber die directe Ueberfiihrung von Derivaten des Acetylens in die des Aethylens durch Addition von Wasserstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1181- 1184. Aronstein, L[ouis], & Melbtilzen, Sijtze Hero. Onder- zoekingen over het moleculairgewicht van de zwavel volgens de kookpuntsmethode. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 1), 6, 1899, No. 3, 50 pp.; Arch. N6er- land., 3, 1900, 89-130. 21—2 Arosemena] 164 [Arrhenius Arosemena, C. C, & DSason, William P[itt]. See Mason & Arosemena. Arozarena, Domingo G. de. *Investigaciones relativas al agua de la Zanja. Habana Ac. An., 11, 1874, 110-114. Arozarena, Rafael M. de. The Guadalajara electric-light installation, utilizing the famous Juanacatlan water- falls, 28 Am. distant from Guadalajara. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 29, 1893, 689-694. Arpin, H. Marcel. Die Analyse des Mehles. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 113-114. Arppe, Adolf Edvard. For biography and list of works see Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 594; Leopoldina, 30, 1894, 154; Helsingfors, Acta, 20, 1895, No. 12, 24 pp. Arquistade, {capit.) d'. Exploration de la bale Saint-FranQois dans I'archipel du Cap Horn, au mois d'avril 1715. [Note r^dig^e par M. R. de Carfoet, lieutenant de vaisseau.] [Posth.] Ann. Hydrogr., 6, 1885, 226-232. Arraez y Carrids, [Jose Joaquhi]. Piel y sistema piloso de los delincuentes andaluces. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 77-79. 2. Datos para el estudio antropol6gico del delincuente espanol. La oreja en los delincuentes andaluces. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 79-80. Arragon, H[enri]. 2. Contribution a I'^tude comme topique s^datif de la decoction de vaMriane. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 605-606. ArratUt, Paulin. Bondage au lieu dit le Petit-Chdteau prfes de I'Etablissement des Boues k Saint- Amand. Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 13, 1886, 329. Arreola, Jose Maria. Observatorio meteorol6gico del Seminario de Zapotlan (Ciudad Guzman), Jal. Datos de los temblores, erupciones, lluvias y otros fenomenos notables observados en Zapotlan M6x. Obs. Bol., 3, 1890, 307-308. 2. Observaciones del volcan de Colima, 1896 [y 1897]. M4x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 4, 19-20, 36-37, 47-48, 63, 80-81, 95, 110-111, 137, 143, 164-166; 1897, 9, 14, 24, 29, 34, 51, 67, 82, 123. 3. El volcan de Colima. M6x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 10. 4. Observatorio meteorol6gico y vulcanologico del Seminario Conciliar de Colima. M^x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 10-11. Arrer, Maximilian. Ueber die Bedeutung der Convergenz- und Accommodations-Bewegungen fiir die Tiefenwahr- nehmung. Phil. Stud., 13, 1898, 116-161, 222-304. Arrhenius, Axel. [Nagra fran Finland hittills icke kanda Viola-hybrider. Einige fiir die Flora Finnlands neue Yiola-Bastarde.] [1887.] Helsingfors, Faima Flora Fenn. Medd., 15, 1888-89, 211-212 ; Bot. Centrbl., 34, 1888, 91-92. 2. Om Polygonum Rayi, Bab., f. borealis, A. Arrh., n. f. [1891.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 190-191. 3. Om Stellaria hebecalyx, Fenzl, och St. ponojensis, A. A')rh.,n.sp. [1891.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 192-198. 4. Frosthardighet hos Senecio vulgaris, L. [1892.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 21-22, {Res.) 171. 5. Vaccinium Myrtillus, var. leucocarpum, Dumort., och dess forekomst i Finland. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 96-99. 6. Tvanne floristiska smanotiser. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 115-118. 7. Sparganium speirocephalum, Neum., och dess forekomst i Finland. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 143-144. 8. Nagra anmarkningsvarda Salix-hybrider fran sodra Finland. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 21, 1895, 88-89. O. Om Geum strictum och dess utbredning i Finland. [1897.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 24, 1900, 15, (Res.) 191. lO. Epilobium montanum x palustre och dess fore- komst i Finland. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 26, 1900, 38-41. Arrhenius, Johan [Pehr]. For biography and works see Bot. Notiser, 1889, 177-178 ; Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 11, 1889, 440-441. Arrhenius, Svante [August]. 4. Ueber die Giiltigkeit der Clausius-Williamson'schen Hypothese. Beleuchtung einiger von Hrn. Dr. Hans Jahn gemachten Einwiirfe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 49-52. 5. Recherches sur la conductibilit^ galvanique des Electrolytes. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 8, 1883-84, No. 13, 63 pp., No. 14, 89 pp.; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 83-84, 303. 6. Bidrag till fragan om fluiditetens inverkan pa elektrolyters galvaniska ledningsformaga. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 6, 121-131; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 344-348. 7. [On electrolysis in its physical and chemical bearings.] [Jr.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 310-312. 8. [Recherches sur la conductibilitE galvanique des Electrolytes. Reply to critical analysis by Oliver Lodge.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 384-387. 8. Viscosity and conductivity. [jfV.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 387-388. 10. Undersokningar angaende blandningars elektriska ledningsformaga. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. 1), 1887, No. 5, 32 pp. 11. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen von Mischungen aus wasserigen Saurelosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 51-76. 12. Forsok att berakna dissociationen (aktivitetsko- efficienten) hos i vatten losta kroppar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 405-414; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 631- 648. 13. Ueber additive Eigenschaften der verdiinnten Salzlosungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 561-575. 14. Ueber die innere Reibung verdiinnter wasseriger Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 285-298. 15. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der phosphoresci- renden Luft. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 1, 29 pp. 16. Einfiuss der Neutralsalze auf die Reactions- geschwindigkeit der Verseifung von Aethylacetat. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 2), 1888, No. 2, 30 pp. ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 110-133. 17. Ueber die Einwirkung des Lichtes auf das elektrische Leitungsvermogen der Haloidsalze des Silbers. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Ahth. 2), 831-837. 18. Reply to Prof. Aemstkong's criticisms regarding the dissociation theory of electrolysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 352-355. 1©. Elektrolytische dissociatie. Maandbl. Nat., 1888, 61-69. 20. Ueber den Einfiuss der Sonnenstrahlung auf die elektrischen Erscheiuungen in der Erdatmosphare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 297-304, 348-360. 21. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der beleuchteten Luft. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 31-37. 22. Theorie der isohydrischen Losungen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 233-247; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 284-295. 23. Ueber den Gefrierpunkt verdiinnter wasseriger Losungen. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 1), 1889, No. 9, 23 pp. 24. La thEorie moderne de la constitution des solu- tions Eleetrolytiques. Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 401-407, 458-465, 513-519, 563-567. 25. Electrolytic dissociation versus hydration. Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 30-38. 26. Ueber die Gleichgewichtsverhaltnisse zwischen Elektrolyten. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 619-645. 27. Einfache Ableituug der Beziehung zwischen Arrhenius] 165 [Arrigoni degli Oddi osmotischem Druck und Erniedrigung der Dampf- spannung. Ztsohr. Physikal. Chem., 3, 1889, 115-119. 28. Ueber die Dissociationswarme und den Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Dissociationsgrad der Elektrolyte. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 96-116; 9, 1892, 339- 342. 20. Ueber die Eeaktionsgeschwindigkeit bei der Inversion von Eohrzucker durch Sauren. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 226-248. 30. Sur le transport des ions. Lum. Elect., 35, 1890, 501-509. 31. Ueber das elektrische Leitungsvermogen von Salzdampfen in der Bunsenflamme. Vorlautige Mit- theilung. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 734-741. 32. Ueber die Leitung von Elektricitat durch heisse Salzdampfe. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 {Afd. 1), 1891, No. 9, 58 pp. 33. Erwiderung auf eine Bemerkung des Hrn. H. Ebert : [Einfluss der Helligkeitsvertheilung in den Spectrallinien auf die Interferenzerscheinungen.] Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 383-384. 34. Bemerkungen zu Hrn. J. Traube's Kritik der Hypothese der elektrolytischen Dissociation. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 224-231. 35. Bemerkungen iiber einige, gegen die Hypothese der elektrolytischen Dissociation erhobene Einwande. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2255-2264. 36. La conductibilit^ des sels vaporises dans la flamme d'un bee Bunseu. Lum. Elect., 39, 1891, 601- 509. 37. Note on the electric conductivity of hot gases. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 415-418. 38. Bemerkungen zu Herrn E. Wiedemanns Aufsatz "Ueber Neutralisationswavmen." Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 419-424. 39. Ueber die Bestimmung der elektrolytischen Dissociation von Salzen mittelst Loslichkeitsversuchen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 481-494. 40. Ueber die Gitltigkeit des Beweises von Herm Planck fiir das van 't Hoffsche Gesetz. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 330-334. 41. Ueber die Aenderung des elektrischen Leitungs- vermogens einer Losung durch Zusatz von kleinen Mengen eines Nichtleiters. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 (Afd. 1), 1893, No. 5, 31 pp. 42. Ueber die Diffusion von in Wasser gelosten Stofien. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 {Afd. 1), 1893, No. 8, 52 pp.; Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 358-359; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 51-95. 43. Die Elektrolyse von Alkalisalzen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 95-124. 44. Ueber die Proportionalitiit zwischen Gefrier- punktserniedrigung und osmotischem Druck. Ann. Phys. Chem., 51, 1894, 493-499. 46. Forsok angiiende Sorets princip. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 61-66. 46. Ueber die Hydrolyse von Salzen schwacher Sauren und schwacher Basen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894. 407-411. 47. Electrische Spitzenwirkung. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 25. 48. Ueber die Erklarung von Klimaschwankungen in geologischen Epochen (Eiszeit, Eocaenzeit) durch gleichzeitige Veranderung des Gehaltes der Luft an Kohlensaure. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 41. 49. Ueber den Einfluss des atmospharischeu Kohlen- sauregehalts auf die Temperatur der Erdoberflache. [1896.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 22 (Afd. 1), 1897, No. 1, 102 pp. 50. Versuche iiber electrische Spitzwirkung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 305-313. 51. Die Einwirkung kosmischer Einfliisse auf physio- logische Verhaltnisse. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 8, 1898, 367-416. 52. Zur Theorie der chemischen Reaktionsgeschwind- igkeit. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 (/1/d. 2), 1899, No. 2, 23 pp.; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 317-335. 53. Les oscillations s^calaires de la temperature k la surface du globe terrestre. [1899.] del et Terra, 20 (1899-1900), 389-396, 411-419, 626. 54. Ueber die Aenderung der Starke schwacher Sauren durch Salzzusatz. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 197-229; Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 10-11. 55. Zur Physik des Vulkaniamus. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 22, 1900, 395-420. 56. Ueber die Ursache der Nordlichter. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 545-580. Arrhenius, Svante [August], & Ekbolm, Nils. See Ekiiolin & Arrhenius. Arribalzaga. See Xijmeh Arribalzaga. Arrieta, Balbino B. *Observaciones sobre los temblores de tierra, practieadas en San Felipe en 1856 i 1857. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 26, 1866, 120. Axrigo, G. d\ Die Alterationen der Nieren bei Lungen- tuberkulose in Beziehung auf den Uebergang des Toxins undderTuberkelbacillen. Vorlautige Mitteilung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 225-228. 2. Ueber die Gegen wart und iiber die Phasen des Koch'schen Bacillus iu den sogenannten skrofulosen Lymphdriisen. Histo-bakteriologische Untersuchangen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 481-485. 3. Beitrag zum Studium der erblichen Uebertragung der Tuberkulose durch die Placenta. Experimentalunter- suchungen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 683-691. Arrigo, G. d', & Stampacchia, R. Beitrag zum Studium der Tuberkulose. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 64-67, 123-131. Arrigoni degli Oddi, (conte) Ettore. Di una femmina adulta di passera reale (Passer Italiae, Cab. ex Vieill.) che assunse in parte il piumaggio proprio al maschio. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 29, 1886, 410-415. 2. Notizie ed osservazioni fatte dall' agosto al di- cembre 1885, specialmente in riguardo alle emigrazioni degli uccelli nella provincia di Padova, e nell' estuario veneto. [1886.] Padova, Soc, Sci. Bull., 3, [1884-86], 160-168. 3. Sulla colorazione a fascie della coda in alcuni individui giovaui del merlo nero (Merula nigra. Leach ex SchiD.) della [sua] collezione ornitologica italiana. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 3, 1887, 255-270. 4. Due ibridi ottenuti in domesticita nel maggio 1885. [1887.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 3-5. 5. Notizie sopra un uccello nuovo per 1' avifauna italica. [1887.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 38-40. 6. Sopra un ibrido non ancoradescritto e auH' ibridismo in generale. Venezia Ateneo, 1, 1887, 81-86. 7. Notizie sopra un ibrido rarissimo (Dafila acuta, Lt/m. X Querquedula crecca, Linn.). Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 132-135. 8. Notizie sopra un melanismo della quaglia comane (Coturnix communis, Bonnat, Synoicus Lodoisiae, Verr. et 0. des Murs). Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 136-141. 9. Studi sugli uccelli uropterofasciati. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 240-259. 10. Notizie di Caccia e note zoologiche. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 104-107. 11. Notizie sopra un Ligurinus chloris (L.), ed una Alauda arvensis (L.). Anomali nel rostro. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 260-261. 12. Un ibrido nuovo nella famiglia delle anitre (Mareoa Penelope [Linn.], e Querquedula crecca [Linn.]). Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 33, 1890, 17-19. Arrigoni degli Oddi] 166 [Arruda Furtado 13. Su di un maschio adulto di Hirundo rustica, LinjKBUs, colle timoniere esterne straordinariamente allungate. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1890, 53. 14. Notizie sopra le peregrinazioni autunnali della ghiandaja (Garrulus glandarius, Linnceus) nella provincia di Padova in un quinquennio di osservazioni 1885-89. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1890 (Boll.), 61-66. 15. Sopra un individuo femmina di Querquedula crecca. [1890.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 12, [1892], 142-144. 16. La Branta leucopsis nel Veneto, Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 117-121. 17. La Fuligula Homeyeri, Baedeker, ibrido nuovo per 1' Italia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 179-192. 18. Anomalie nel colorito del piumaggio osservate in 216 individui della [sua] collezione ornitologica italiana. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 193-253. 19. Notizie sopra un ibrido di Lagopus mutus e Bonasa betulina appartenente alia collezione ornitologica del conte G. B. Camozzi-Vebtova. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 271-280. 20. Materiali per la fauna padovana degli animal! vertebrati. Uccelli. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 367-432. 21. Cenni suUa raccolta ornitologica del R. Istituto Tecnico di Bergamo. Aberrazioni nel colorito del piu- maggio (uccelli italiani). [1892.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 33-46. 22. Su di un Monachus atricapillus (L.), a becco anomalo. Nota ornitologica. [1892.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 47-48. 23. Un ibrido naturale di Anas boscas, Linnmus, e Mareca Penelope, Linnaus. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 404-411. 24. Sopra cinque ibridi selvatica del gen. Friugilla colti in Italia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1896, 33-40. 25. Materiali per la fauna padovana dei vertebrati. 1, (Mammiferi, rettili, antibi, e pesci.) Cenni lisico- naturali sulla provincia. [1895.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 2, [1896], 1-81. 26. Le ultime apparizioni dell' Actochelidon sand- vicensis (Latham), nel Veneziano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 17-32. 27. Nota eopra una variety di Nyroca africana (Grnelin). Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 215-219. 28. La recente cattura di un fenicottero nel Veneziano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 221-223. 29. Nota sopra un anomalia di colorito della Querque- dula crecca (Linnceus). Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 225-229. 30. Note ornitologiche per 1' anno 1895. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 36, 1896, 231-238. 31. Nota sopra una Querquedula crecca (Linn.), colorita anormalmente. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896 (Boll.), 119-120. 32. Nota sopra una varieta di colorito osservata in un' Anas boscas, Linn. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 87, 1897, 208-210. 33. Le recenti comparse del Puffinus Kuhli (Boie), nel Veneziano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 211- 213. 34. Sopra gli ibridi del tipo Anas boscas, Linn., e Chaulelasmus streperus (Linn.), colti in Italia. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1896-97, 1540-1554. 35. La nidificazione del Milvus migrans, Boddaert, nel territorio Veronese. [1H97.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897- 98, 93-114; Jl. f. Ornith., 46, 1898, 524-537; Zoologist, 3, 1899, 241-253. 36. Notes on some specimens of Anatidas in the late Count NiNNi's collection. Ibis, 4, 1898, 67-74. 37. [Noteon Anserneglectus.] Ibis, 4, 1898, 173-174. 38. On two hybrid ducks in Count Ninni's collection at Venice. Omis, 9, 1898, 23-31. 39. Ornithological notes on thirty abnormal coloured AnatidsB caught in the Venetian territory. Ornis, 9, 1898, 109-126. 40. Elenco degli uccelli rari o pi^ difficili ad aversi conservati nella sua collezione ornitologica italiana al 31 dicembre 1898. [1899.] Ornis, 9, 1898, 199-249. 41. [Distribution of skuas in Italy.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 156-158. 42. Note ornitologiche sulla provincia di Verona. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899, 75-190. 43. Materiali per una fauna ornitologica Veronese con note di Vittorio dal Nero. [1899.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 387-437. 44. Eelazione sul IV Congresso Internazionale di Zoologia tenutosi in Cambridge nell' agosto 1898. [1899.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 723-765. 45. On the occurrence of Nordmann's pratincole (Glareola melanoptera) in Italy. Ibis, 6, 1900, 60-62. 46. Note ornitologiche sul Museo Nazionale di Zagabria (Agram). [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 69-81. Arrigoni degli Oddi, (conte) Ettore, & Zieverkiihn, Paul. Die ornithologische Litteratur Italiens wahrend der Jahre 1891 bis 1893. Jl. f. Ornith., 42, 1894, 280-290. Arrigoni degli Oddi, (conte) Ettore, & Sicher, Enrico. See Sicher & Arrigoni degli Oddi. Arrou, J[oseph]. Circulation art^rielle du testicule (anatomic comparse). Bibliogr. Anat., 1 (1893), 59-60. Arrou, J[oseph], & S6bileau, Pierre. See 86bileau & Arrou. Arrous, J. Effets toxiques compares des injections intra- veineuses de glycose, de l^vulose et de sucre interverti. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 512-513. 2. Etude comparative de I'aotion diur^tique des sucres. Coefi&cient diur^tique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. JJ.), 879-880. Arrous, J., & K^don, [Charles Edouard Eutrope'\ Elmniamiel]. See H6don & Arrous. Arrow, Gilbert J[ohn]. On the rutelid beetles of the Transvaal ; an enumeration of a collection made by Mr. W. L. Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 118-122. 2. Notes on the classification of the coleopterous family Rutelida3. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 363-370. 3. On sexual dimorphism in beetles of the family Eutelidffi. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 255-269. 4. Notes on the rutelid genera Anomala, Mimela, Popillia, and Strigoderma. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 271-276. 5. On sexual dimorphism in the rutelid genus Parastasia, with descriptions of new species. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1899, 479-499. 6. On pleurostict lamellicorns from Grenada and St. Vincent (West Indies). Ent. Soc. Trans., 1900, 175-182. Arrow, Gilbert J[ohn], & Oaban, Charles Joseph. See Oahan & Arrow. Arruda Furtado, Francisco. 3. Instinct of orientation in Helix aspersa. [Tr.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 519-520. 4. Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles de I'exploration africaine de MM. Capello et Ivens (1884-85). Jl. de Conch., 34, 1886, 138-152. 5. Sur la denomination de 1'" Helix torrefacta," Lowe, des Canaries. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 86-87. 6. Sobre o logar que devem occupar nas respectivas familias os moUuscos mis. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 88-94. 7. Catalogo geral das collecQoes de moUuscos e conchas da secgao zoologica do Museu de Lisboa. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 105-150. 8. Sur une nouvelle esp^ce de C^phalopode apparte- Arruda Furtado] 167 [Arsonval nant au genre Ommatostrepbes. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 6 {PL 2), 1887, No. 4, 16 pp. 9. Sur le Bulimus exaratus, 3/tiiZcr. [Posth.] Conch., 36, 1888, 5-10. AxBhne Ejfendi, . Sur I'^pidemie de cholera qui a sevi en Perse (Tauris) en 1892. Progres M6d., 18, 1893, 249-252. Arslan, [Yencanf], & Xiussana, F[elice]. See Ziussana & Arslan. Arsonval, Arsene d\ 21. *Recherches experimentales sur les piles hydro-electriques. Lum. Elect., 3, 1881, 246-248, 300-301; 4, 1881, 115-117, 136-138, 188-189, 196-198, 235-236, 264-265, 412-413; 5, 1881, 121-122, 488-439, 454-457. 22. ,*Sur le rendement des moteurs ^lectriques. Lum. Elect., 4, 1881, 315-316, 349-350, 381-882; 5, 1881, 57-58, 90-91, 249-251, 296-297. 23. *La mesure des temperatures par I'^lectricite ; son importance dans les sciences biologiques. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 40-44. 24. *Les sciences physiques en biologic. L'^lectricit^. Lum. Elect., 6, 1882, 174-177, 329-331, 394-395, 415- 416, 512-518, 546-547 ; 7, 1882, 48-45, 64-65, 222-224, 802-308, 352-353, 421-422, 495-497, 519-522, 543-544, 567-570, 595-598, 614-619. 25. ,*La nouvelle pile Reynier a cloisonnement. Lum. Elect., 6, 1882, 355. 26. , *Telephone magnetique a poles concentriques. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 150-152. 27. *Appareil permettant de preparer I'oxyg^ne a froid et d'une mani^re continue. Paris, See. Biol. M^m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 243. 28. *M^thode nouvelle pour exciter ^lectriquement les nerfs et les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 34, 1882 (C. B.), 244-245. 29. *Sur un dispositif simple pour avoir une tem- perature constante sans gaz ni regulateur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 275-276. 30. *Action d'un champ magnetique puissant sur les fermentations. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 276-277. 31. *Quelques experiences sur les piles voltaiques. Lum. Elect., 9, 1883, 533-587. 32. Physique biologique. Nouvelles m^thodes calori- metriques. Lum. Elect., 18, 1884, 361-364, 405-409, 445-450, 493-497. 33. Volts-metre et amperes-metre calorimetriques. Lum. Elect., 14, 1884, 81-83. 34. Circulation abdominale, antagonisme da sym- pathique et du pneumogastrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 86, 1884, 101-116. 35. Nouvelle methode calorimetrique applicable k I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C R.), 651-654. 36. Recherches de calorimetrie animale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 86, 1884 (C. R.), 721-726, 768-767; 40, 1888 (C. R.), 404-407. 37. Dangers des generateurs eiectro-mecaniques et moyen de les eviter. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 {C.R.), 767-769. 38. Sur quelques dispositions galvanometriques. Lum. Elect., 15, 1885, 461-463. 39. Sur le parafoudre a polarisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 733-785. 40. Sur la suppression des vapeurs nitreuses de la pile Bunsen et sur une nouvelle pile se depolarisant par I'air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1165-1167. 41. Calorimetre euregistreur applicable a I'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1400-1404 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1886, 85-89. 42. Calorimetrie par rayonnement. Critique experi- mentale. [Applications diverses.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 87, 1886 (C. R.), 50-55, 56-59. 43. Sur le danger des condensateurs employes pour supprimer I'extra-courant des machines eiectriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 211-212. 44. Sur un appareil a projections simplifie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 212. 45. Sur un coulomb-metre totalisateur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 87, 1886 (C. R.), 218. 46. Sur des electrodes impolarisables solides. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 87, 1886 (C. R.), 267-268. 47. Sur les causes des courants eiectriques d'origine animale dits courants de repos. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 450-452. 48. Sur les causes des courants eiectriques d'origine animale, dits courants d'action, et sur la decharge des poissons eiectriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 453-456. 49. [La polarisation voltaique.] Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1886, 16. 50. Enregistreur automatique des calories degagees par un etre vivant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 799-803; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (G. R.), 104- 105 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1886, 89-92. 51. Sur un chronometre k embrayage magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1334-1336; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (C. R.\ 285 (6j8)-236 (bis). 52. A propos de I'experience de M. Charles Richet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 42-48. 53. Sur un appareil destine a mesurer la con- ductibilite des tissus vivants pour le son. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (C. R.), 108-104. 54. Metronome interrupteur de M. Ch. Verdin. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (C. R.), 117-118. 55. Production de chaleur dans les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 124-125. 56. Sur un procede pour enregistrer les phases du degagement d'acide carbonique dans la respiration des etres vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (C. R.), 161. 57. Appareil pour mesurer racuite auditive ou acoumetre a extra courant. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 [C. R.), 163-164. 58. Sur un phenomene physique analogue a la conductibilite nerveuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (C.R.), 171-172. 59. Electrodes impolarisables et excitateur eiectrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 88, 1886 (G. R.), 228-229. 60. Les anesthesiques et la thermogenese, methode pour mesurer instantanement les moindres variations dans la production de la chaleur animale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 {G. R.), 274-275. 61. Galvanometres aperiodiques de grande sensi- bilite. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1886, 80-36, 77-79. 62. Recherches de calorimetrie. Robin, Jl. Anat., 22, 1886, 113-161. 63. Instruments pour I'etude de I'eiectricite animale. Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 158-161, 206-209. 64. Chronometre eiectrique pour mesurer la vitesse des impressions nerveuses. Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 605-606. 65. La mort par I'eiectricite dans I'industrie. Ses mecanismes physiologiques. Moyens preservateurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 978-981 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (G. R.), 95-97. 66. Appareil pour inscrire la quantite d'oxygene absorbee par un etre vivant. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 89, 1887 (C. R.), 43-44; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1887, 19-20. 67. Procede pour absorber rapidement I'acide car- bonique de la respiration. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (G. R.), 750-751. 68. Appareil permettant de faire respirer un individu dans une atmosphere limitee de composition constante et enregistrant les phases de la consommation d'oxygene Arsonval] 168 [Arsonval et du degagement de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 {G. R.), 751-753. 69. Dispositif thermo-electrique pour I'etude des variations rapides de la thermogenese aiiimale. Lum. Elect., 27, 1888, 507-509. 70. Sur un galvanometre_ a indications proportion- nelles aux intensites. Lum. Elect., 27, 1888, 569-571. 71. Relations entrela forme de I'excitation electrique et la reaction n^vro-musculaire. Lum. Elect., 30, 1888, 563-565; Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 246-252. 72. Sur la methods calorim^trique a temperature constante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1225-1226. 73. Relation entre I'^lectricite animale et la tension superficielle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1740-1743. 74. Etuve auto-regulatrice enti^rement metallique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 194-197; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 530-533. 75. Action thermo-isolatrice du vide sec. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 136-137. 76. Eemarques a propos de la production d' electricity Chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 142-144. 77. Nouvelle lumiere par incandescence au gaz d'^clairage. Applications a I'examen microscopique, k I'analyse spectrale et a ,1a photographie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 170-171. 78. Sur un spectrophotom^tre nouveau. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 800-803. 79. [Galvanom^tre universel ap^riodique. ] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1888, 372-374; Ann. T^l^gr., 16, 1889, 5-11; Lum. Elect., 31, 1889, 13-16. 80. Nouveaux appareils destines aux recherches d'^lectro-physiologie. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 423- 437. Gl. Recherches d'^lectro-physiologie. Relations entre la tension superficielle et certains ph^nom^nes ^lectriqnes d'origine animale. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 460-472. 82. L'^lectro-physiologie. [1889.] Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 439-444 ; Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 156-167. 83. Sur un spectro-photometre diff^rentiel k lumiere ordinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 851-352. 84. Nouvelles methodes spectro-photom^triques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 352-353. 85. [Galvanom^tres k circuit mobile.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1889, 82-83. 86. [Un enregistreur tr^s simple.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1889, 83. 87. Appareils k temperature fixe pour embryologie et cultures microbiennes. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 83-88. 88. Sur un spectrophotom^tre differentiel sans polarisation. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 111-117. 89. Photographie des spectres d'absorption de rh^mo- globine et de son emploi en physiologie et en m^decine legale. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 340-346. 90. Recherches de calorim^trie animale. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 610-621, 781-789. 91. Dur^e comparative de la survie chez les gre- nouilles plong^es dans diff^rents gaz et dans le vide. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 638-640. 92. [Transformation du saccharimetre ordinaire en ampere-metre.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1890, 108- 109. 93. [Spectrocolorimetre.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1890, 109. 94. Un spectrophotometre. Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1890, 109-110. 95. Preparation des gaz hydrogene et oxygene purs par electrolyse. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 201-204. 96. Regulateurs eiectriques de vitesse. Procedes pour obtenir un moteur a vitesse rigoureusement constante, reglable pendant la marche mdme de I'appareil et quel que soit I'effort a vaincre. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 334-340. 97. Procede pratique pour doser les courants d'in- duction et changer la forme de I'excitation electrique de maniere a agir plus specialement soit sur le nerf soit sur le muscle. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 585-592. 98. Observations sur leseffets des injections de liquide testiculaire. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 816-817. 99. Methode pour enregistrer simultanement I'onde electrique d'excitation et la contraction musculaire resultante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 625-627. 100. Emploi de I'acide carbonique liquefie pour la filtration et la sterilisation rapides des liquides organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.R., 112,1891,667-669; Physiol., 3, 1891, 382-390; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 IC. R.), 90-92; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 161-162. ' 101. Sur un procede pour obtenir des seringues sterilisables de grande capaeite. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R), 92-93. 102. Action physiologique des courants alternatifs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 283-286. 103. Influence des variations de la force eiectro- motrice sur les effets physiologiques du courant continu. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 286-287. 104. La fibre musculaire est directement excitable par la lumiere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. JR.), 318-320. 105. Nouvelles fonctions chimiques de I'acide car- bonique k haute pression. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 320-321. 106. Relations entre les qualites physiques de I'ex- citant electrique et la reaction nevro-musculaire. Procede pratique pour doser les courants d'induction et changer la forme de la decharge de maniere a agir plus speciale- ment soit sur le nerf, soit sur le muscle. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 392-395. 107. Galvanographe et machine produisant des courants sinusoidaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 530-534. 108. Paralieie entre I'excitation electrique et I'ex- citation mecanique des nerfs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 558-560. 109. [Determination de I'equivalent mecanique de la chaleur.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 61-54; Electrician, 27, 1891, 588-590. 1 lO. La production d'eiectricite par les etres vivants. [1891.] Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 1-14; Lum. Elect., 44, 1892, 160-165, 207-210. 111. Recherches d'eiectrotherapie. La voltai'sation sinusoidale. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 69-80. 112. Sterilisation a froid des liquides organiques par I'acide carbonique liquefie. Nouveaux perfectionnements apportes aux appareils sterilisateurs et a la preparation des extraits liquides destines aux injections sous-cutanees therapeutiques. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 374-378. 113. De I'injection des extraits liquides provenant des differents tissus de I'organisme, comme methode thera- peutique ; technique de la preparation de ces extraits. [With discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 250-262. 114. Sur les effets physiologiques compares des divers precedes d'eiectrisation. Nouveaux modes d'application de renergie electrique ; la voltaisation sinusoidale ; les grandes frequences et les bauts potentiels. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 424-433. 115. Historique de la methode therapeutique bases sur I'injection des extraits organiques. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 858-861. 116. Sur les eSets physiologiques des courants alternatifs a variation sinusoidale. Procede pour les doser en eiectrotherapie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1534-1536. 117. Action physiologique des tr^s basses tempera- Arsonval] 169 [Arsonval tures. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 808- 809. 118. Sur les effets physiologiques de I'^tat variable en g^n^ral et des courants alternatifs en particulier. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 183-203. 119. Note sur la preparation de I'extrait testiculaire concentre. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 180-183 ; 6, 1894, 172-175. 120. Eiiets physiologiques de la voltaisation sinus- oidale. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 387-391. lai. Action physiologique des courants alternatifs k grande frequence. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 401-408; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1893, 72-80. 122. [Propriet^s physiologiques des courants ^lec- triques a haute frequence.] Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 789-790. 123. Influence de la frequence sur les effets physio- logiques des courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 630-633. 124. La duree de I'excitabilite des nerfs et des muscles apres la mort est bien plus grande qu'on ne le croit gen^ralement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1530-1531. 125. L'autoconduction ou nouvelle methode d'^lectri- sation des etres vivants ; mesure des champs magn^tiques de grande frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 34-36. 126. Seringue sterilisable de M. le professeur Dbbove. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 11-12. 127. Production des courants de haute frequence et de grande intensite ; leurs effets physiologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 122-124. 128. Dosage de I'excitation eiectrique des tissus vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 338-389. 129. Sur la mesure rapide des champs magn^tiques k haute frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 466-467. 130. L'anemo-calorimetre ou nouvelle methode de calorimetrie humaine, normale et pathologique. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 360-370; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 77-78. 131. Mort apparente produite par les courants alternatifs. Rappel a la vie par la respiration artificielle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1139-1140. 132. Recherchescalorimetriquessurl'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 138-140. 133. Perfectionnements nouveaux apport^s a la calorim6trie animale. Thermom^tre differentiel enregi- streur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 155-157. 134. [Seringue a injections hypodermiques.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 194-195. 135. Recherches sur la d^charge eiectrique de la torpille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 145-150; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1896, 225-230. 136. [Observations a propos d'une note de M. Imbebt : " Sur le m^canisme de la contraction musculaire."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 906-907. 137. La force centrifuge comme agent d'analyse et de dissociation. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 432-433. 138. Sur la production de I'ozone concentre et sur ses effets bactericides. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1896 {C. R.), 500-502. 139. Appareil universel pour la mesure des courants k basse et a haute frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 502-504. 140. Sur la mesure du travail en thermo-dynamique animale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 529-531. 141. Observations au sujet de la photographic k travers les corps opaques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 500-501. R. S. A. C. 142. [Observations relatives k une communication de MM. Imbert et Bektin-Sans: "Sur la technique de la photographic par les rayons X."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 607. 143. Action physiologique des courants k haute frequence ; moyens pratiques pour les produire d'une fapon continue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 18-22. 144. Effets th^rapeutiques des courants k haute frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 23-29 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 {C. R.), 766-768. 145. Dispositifs pour la mesure des courants alter- natifs de toutes frequences. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 450-451. 146. k propos de Tattennation des toxines par la haute frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 764-766. 147. Sur les effets physiologiques de I'eiectricite. Ann. Teiegr., 24, 1898, 191-260. 148. L'air liquide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1683-1689. 149. Chauffage et regulation eiectriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 246-248. 150. Calorimetrie clinique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 248-249. 151. Calorimetrie et courants d'air. Reponse a M. LEFfcvKE. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 444-446. 152. Influence de la dessiccation sur Taction de Pair liquide sur les bacteries. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 877-878. 153. La vie en milieu confine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 341-344. 154. Interrupteur eiectrolytique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 529-532. 155. Action de quelques gaz sur le caoutchouc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1545-1546. 156. Exploseur rotatif et dispositifs divers pour la production de puissants courants k haute frequence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1049-1054. Arsonval, Arsene d', & Brown- Sdqnard, C[harles] E[douard]. See Brown- S^quard & Arsonval. Arsonval, Arsene d\ & Charrin, Albert. Influence de I'eiectricite sur la cellule microbienne. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 664-669. 2. Action des microbes pathogenes sur la cellule vegetale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 37. 3. Concurrence vitale entre le bacille pyocyaniqne et la levure de bi^re. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C.R.), 70-71. 4. Bacille pyocyanique et levure de biere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 121-122. 5. Relations entre les fonctions chromogene, patho- g^ne, antifermentative du bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 237. 6. Conditions de Taction du bacille pyocyanique sur la levure de bi^re. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. U.),,337. 7. Electricite et microbes. Action des courants induits de haute frequence sur le bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 467-469. 8. Pression et microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 189.3 (C. R.), 532-534. 9. Electricite et microbes. Conditions experimen- tales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 764-765. 10. Action de divers agents (pression, ozone) sur les bacteries. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (G. JR.), 1028-1030. 11. Influence des agents cosmiques (electricite, pres- sion, lumiere, froid, ozone, etc.) sur Tevolution de la cellule bacterienne. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 335-342. 12. Variations de la thermogenese sous Tinfluence des secretions cellulaires. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 683-686. 22 Arsonval] 170 [Arth 13. Influence des agents atmosph^riques, en particulier de la lumi^re, du froid, sur le bacille pyocyanog^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 151-153; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 220-223. 14. Variations de la thermogen^se animale dans les maladies microbiennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 157-159. 15. Influences des s^cr^tions cellulaires sur la ther- mogenese. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 217-219. 16. Action des courants a haute frequence sur les toxines bact^riennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 280-283; Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 317-320. 17. Action des diverses modalit^s ^lectriques sur les toxines bact^riennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 96-99. 18. Action de I'^lectricit^ sur les toxines bact^ri- ennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 121-123. 19. Action de I'^lectricit^ sur les toxines et les virus. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 153-154. 20. Topographie calorifique chez les animaux f^bri- citants. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 {C.R.), 277-279. 21. Les courants a haute frequence. Leurs actions Bur I'organisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 719-720. 22. La thermogen^se dans le t^tanos. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 213-214; Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 740-741. Arsonval, Arsene d\ Cbarrin, Albert, & Bonniot, [E.]. Action des principes biliaires sur la thermogen^se. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 769. Artari, Aleksandr [Petrovic]. Liste des algues observ^es dans le gouvernement de Moscou. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 124-144. 2. OiepKi. aejenHxT. Bo;i:opocjieii (Chloro- phycese) MoCKOBCKoS ry6epHiH. [Sketch of the Chlorophycese of the Moscow government.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Nat. Hist.), 5, 1885, 62 pp. 3. Mat^riaux pour servir k I'^tude des algues du gouvernement de Moscou. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 62 {Pt. 2), 1887, 165-184. 4. Morphologische und biologische Stndien iiber Nuclearia delicatula, Gienk. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 408- 416. 6. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Wassernetzes (Hydrodictyon utriculatum. Roth). Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 4, 1891, 269-287. 6. Untersuchungen iiber Entwicklung und Systematik einiger Protococcoideen. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 6, 1893, 222-262. 7. Ueber einen im Safte der Zuckerfabriken in Gemeinschaft mit Leuconostoc schadlich auftretenden, den Zucker zu Alkohol und Saure vergahrenden Sac- charomyces (S. Zopfii). [1898.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 21, 1896-98, [111]-[132]. 8. K-B Bonpocy o HHTaniH voniiji.ieB'b JinraaSHH- KOBt opraHHiecKHMH coej[,HHeHiaMH. IIpeji;BapH- TeJIbHOe C006lII,eHie. [Contribution to the question of the nutrition of the gonidia of lichens by organic com- pounds. Preliminary communication.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 12, 1899 (Prot.), 74-79. 9. Ueber die Entwicklung der griinen Algen unter Ausschluss der Bedingungen der Kohlensaure-Assimila- tion. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 13, 1900, 39-47. Artaria, F[erdinando] Alugusto]. Contribuzione alia flora della provincia di Come. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 390-411. 2. Note critiche sulla Androsace Gharpentieri, Heer. [1894.] Malpighia, 7, 1893, 465-469. 3. Seconda contribuzione alia flora della provincia di Como. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1895, 137-164. Artaud, Jean, & Guinard, Louis. See Guinard & Artaud. ArtaiUt de Vevey, Stephen. Le bacille pyocyanique dans un ceuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 [C. R.), 78-79. 2. Deux coqs diphteriques trait^s par le s6rum de Rot7x. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mc^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 683-684. 3. Action de I'infeetion des genera teurs sur leurs descendants. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 773-774. 4. Troubles nerveux provoques par des Emanations de laurier-rose. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 84-86. 5. Neurasth^nie grave a la suite d'une intoxication par une infusion de fleurs de cytise. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 86-88. 6. Le sens de I'orientation chez les animaux. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 793. 7. Flore et faune des cavernes pulmonaires. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 217-307. 8. Etude d'hygiene urbaine. Le platane et ses m^faits. Un nouvel acarien parasite accidental de I'homme. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 115-123. 9. Sur quatre cas d'actinomycose. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 209-227. 10. Existe-t-il un ferment lipogene? Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 551-552. 11. Formation du noyau cellulaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 552-553. Artemare. See Gonod d'Artemare. Artemieff, A. Ueber die mikro- und bakterioskopische Untersuchung der Lochien. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 17, 1889, 171-186. Arth, G[eorges Marie Florent]. 8. Sur quelques reactions de I'ur^thane mentholique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xix-xxi. 9. Nouveau d^doviblement du carbamate d'Ethyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 521-522. 10. Sur I'oxydation du menthol au moyen du perman- ganate de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 576-578; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 332-334. 11. Sur une nouvelle reaction du carbamate d'Ethyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 334-335. 12. Action de I'azotate d'ammoniaque ammoniacal anhydre sur quelques m^taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1588-1589. 13. Etude de quelques d^rivEs du menthol. Ann. Chim. 7, 1886, 433-499; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 210-211. 14. Sur la preparation du tartrate et du rac^mate de sonde et d'ammoniaque anhydres. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), xxvii-xxix. 15. Sur deux proprietes des urethanes de la s^rie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 977-978; Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 428-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 702-704. 16. Recherehes sur I'amide de I'acide oxymenthy- lique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, xxv-xxvi. 17. Sur I'acide pim61ique derive du menthol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 107-110. 18. Observation sur le dosage de I'acide phosphorique dans les scories Thomas et sur un phosphate ferrique quadrihydrate. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 324-327. 19. Quelques experiences sur des houilles immerg^es dans I'eau. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 619-622. 20. Sur le calcul du pouvoir calorifique des houilles d'apres la regie de Dulong. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 820-823; 15,1896, 1112-1116. 21. Action de I'isocyanate de ph^nyle sur I'acide 7-pimeiique d^rivE du menthol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 227-229. 22. Analyse electrolytique. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 49-52; 14 (1898), 106-109; 15 (1898), 18-20, 452- 455. Arth] 171 [Arthur 23. Sur Taction de I'acetyl^ne sur I'azotate d'argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1534-1536. 24. Sur un appareil pour le dosage de I'azote libre dans le gaz de houille 6pure. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 427-432. 25. Chaux caustique trouv^e dans une raaponnerie ancienne. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 717- 718. 26. [Production k volenti, dans le meme bain, d'ac^tate ferreux ou ferrique, suivant la density du courant.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 741. 27. Sur la dissolution d'une anode de fer dans une solution d'ac^tate de sodium et d'acide ac^tique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 766-768. 28. Cas de transformation rapide de hois en une sub- stance semblable a un combustible fossile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 719-720. Artb, G[eorges Marie Florent], & Xlaller, Alblin]. See HaUer & Arth. Artbaber, Gustav (Edler) von. Die Cephalopodenfauna der Reiflinger Kalke. Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.-Uug., 10, 1896, 1-111, 192-242. 2. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fauna der Reiflinger Kalke. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 120-126. 3. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber neue Aufsammlungen in Judicarien und Berichtigung, den "Ceratites nodosus" aus dem Tretto betreffend. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 265-274. 4. Ueber Trionyx rostratus, «.sp., von Au am Leithage- birge. Beitr. PalSont. Oesterr.-Ung., 11, 1898, 179-198. Artbaber, Gustav (Edler) von, Prech, Fritz, & Freeh, Vera. See Freeh, Arthaber & Freeh. Arthaud, [Jean Henri] Gabriel. Note sur I'emploi du sulfate d'indigo comme r^actif de la my^line. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 252-253. 2. Note sur la fonction des fibres lisses p^ri- bronchiques et sur les caract^res des traces respiratoires. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 584-585. 3. Sur le dosage de I'acide urique par le procM6 Arthaud et Butte. Progres M^d., 18, 1893, 169. 4. Etude sur la courbe de croissance et sur les varia- tions du poids de I'homme. Progres M^d., 18, 1893, 397-400. 6. Etude sur la marche thermique dans la tuber- culose. Progres Med., 8, 1898, 1-5. Arthaud, [Jean Henri] Gabriel, & Butte, Lucien. Note sur I'albuminurie exp^rimentale k la suite de lesions du pneumogastrique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 701-703. 2. Note sur I'albuminurie qui succ^de aux ndvrites du nerf vague. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 730-732. 3. Des effets de la faradisation du pneumogastrique droit sur la s^cr^tion urinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 781-782. 4. Recherches sur la pathogenic du diab^te. Du syndrome cliuique et des lesions anatomo-pathologiques d^termin^es chez les animaux k la suite de la n^vrite des nerfs vagues. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1888, 344-374; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 1888 (C. R.), 206-211. 5. Glycosurie exp^rimentale k la suite des lesions du nerf vague. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 120-121. 6. Note compl^mentaire sur les alterations organiques cons^cutives aux n^vrites du nerf vague. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 484-485. 7. Des albuminuries n^vropathiques. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1889 {Ft. 2), 737-739. 8. Recherches sur la pathogdnie du diabete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 188-191. 9. Recherches sur la nutrition intime du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 569-572. 10. Recherches sur les effets produits par la section des vagues au-dessous du diaphragme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 581-582. 1 1. Sur un precede de dosage de I'acide urique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 625-627. 12. Note sur les effets de la ligature de I'art^re hepatique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 674- 676. 13. Action de la ligature de I'artere hepatique sur la fonction glycogenique du foie. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 168-176. 14. Action du pneumogastrique sur la secretion renale. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 379-394. 15. Action vasomotrice du nerf pneumogastrique sur le poumon. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 {G. R.), 12-13. 16. Influence du nerf vague sur la secretion biliaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 44-46. 17. Recherches sur le determinisme du diabete pancreatique experimental. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 59-62. Arthaud, [Jean Henri] Gabriel, & Duprat, A. Note sur rinnervation de la vessie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 253-255. Arthaud, [Jean Henri] Gabriel, & Magon, L[ucien]. De I'innocuite de I'ablation du corps thyrolde et de la cause des accidents graves de la thyroidectomie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 {C. R.), 548-550, 581-582. Arthaud, [Jean Henri] Gabriel, & Xffonod, Charles [Edmond]. See Monod & Arthaud. Arthaud, [Jean Henri] Gabriel, & Raymond, F[ulgence}. See Raymond & Arthaud. Arthur, David. Bacteriology of sewer air. Jl. State Med., 2, 1894, 275-281. Arthur, J[oseph] C[harles]. lO. Polarity of lettuce leaves. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 147. 11. American secidia on Ranunculi. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 177. 12. [On the nature of gummosis in fruit-trees.] Science, 4, 1884, 359. 13. Proof that bacteria are the direct cause of the disease of trees known as pear blight. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 295-298. 14. Pear blight and its cause. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 1177-1185. 15. The secidium of Adoxa. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 369. 16. Some botanical laboratories of the United States. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 395-406. 17. Hollyhock-disease and the cotton-plant. Science, 5, 1885, 2. 18. Contribution to the flora of Iowa. [1882-86.] Davenport Ac. Proc, 4, 1886, 27-30, 64-75. 19. A new larval Entomophthora. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 14-17. 20. History and biology of pear blight. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886, 322-341. 21. Pear blight. Micrococcus amylovorus. Bur. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Rep., 1886, 125-129. 22. A bacterial disease of carnations. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 280. 23. What is common wheat rust? [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 11-12. 24. Some Algse of Minnesota, supposed to be poisonous. [1885.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, [1891,] 97- 103. 25. A physiological basis for the comparison of potato production. [1891.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1891-92, 11-23. 26. Notes on Uredinese. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 225-227. 27. How the application of hot water to seed increases the yield. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 226-227. 28. Cultivating the ascosporous form of yeast. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 92-93. 22—2 Arthur] 172 [Artini 29. The gases in living plants. [1891.] Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 1-7, 98-104. 30. Deviation in development due to the use of unripe seed. [1893.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 259-260; Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 804-815, 904-913. 31. A new factor in the improvement of crops. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1893, 17-23. 32. Address [to the Bot. Sect., Aug. 1895]. Develop- ment of vegetable physiology. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1895, 163-184. 33. The distinction between animals and plants. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 961-965. 34. Delayed germination of cocklebur and other paired seeds. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1895, 70-79. 36. Laboratory apparatus in vegetable physiology. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 463-472. 36. The movement of protoplasm in ccenocytic hyphffi. Ann. Bot., 11, 1897, 491-507. 37. The common Ustilago of maize. Bot. Gaz., 23, 1897, 44-46. 38. Cultures of Uredineae in 1899. [1899.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 298-299; Bot. Gaz., 29, 1900, 268-276, 39. New station for the dwarf mistletoe. Ehodora, 2, 1900, 221-223. Arthur, Jloseph] C[harles], & Holway, E[dward] Wlillet] D[orlard]. Description of American Uredineae. [1895- 98.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 {No. 3), 44-57 ; 4, [1898,] 377-402. Arthur, J[oseph] C[liarles], BaUey, Lliberty] H[yde], & ■ Holway, E[dward] Wlillet] D[orlard]. Plants collected between Lake Superior and the international boundary, July 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 10-43. Arthur, J[osepK] C[harles] {et alii). Beport on botanical work in Minnesota for the year 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 56 pp. Arthur, W. lO. Notes on the New Zealand frost-fish. [1884.] N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 2, 1884-85, 157-158. 11. Notes on New Zealand fishes. [1884.] N.Zea- land Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 160-172. ArthuB, Maurice. Glycolyse dans le sang et ferment glycolytique. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 425-439; 4, 1892, 337-352. 2. Action du froid sur les Stres vivants. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 38, 1891 (Sem. 1), 246-257, 321-333. 3. Recherches sur la coagulation du sang. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 472-474. 4. Sur le ferment glycolytique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 43, 1891, 65-70. 6. Sue gastrique. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 359-365, 408-411, 466-472, 510-518. 6. Glycolyse dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 605-608. 7. Sur la fibrine. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 392- 400 ; 6, 1894, 552-566. 8. Substances albuminoides du lait. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 673-677. 9. Sur les cas^ines et les fibrines. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 45, 1893 (C. JR.), 327-329; Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 467-469. 10. Parall^le de la coagulation du sang et de la cas^ifi- cation du lait. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 435-437. 11. Sur la labog^nie. Remarques sur le labferment. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 257-268. 12. Le labferment est un 616ment constant de la s^cr^tion gastrique des mammif^res adultes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 178-180. 13. Fibrinog^ne et fibrine. Paris, Soc Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 {C. R.), 306-309. 14. Sur un proced^ permettant de reconnaitre la trypsine. Paris, Soc Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 394- 395. 16. Proc^d^ permettant d'obtenir facilement et rapide- ment des cristaux d'oxy hemoglobin e. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 686. 16. [Ueber die Rolle der Kalksalze bei der Blutgerin- nung.] [1895.] Centrbl. Physiol., 9, 1896, 472. 17. La coagulation du sang et les sels de chaux. (Refutation exp^rimentale des objections d'Alexander Schmidt.) Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 47-61. 18. Applications de la dialyse k la solution de quelques questions de chimie physiologique. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896, 432-446. ArthuB, Maurice, & Dastre, A[lbert Jules Frank]. See Dastre & Arthus. Arthus, Maurice, & Kuber, Adolphe. Ferments solubles et ferments figures. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 651-663. 2. Fermentations vitales et fermentations chimiques. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 889-841. 3. Sur les solutions de fibrine dans les produits de digestion gastrique et pancr^atique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 447-454. 4. Proc^de permettant d'obtenir des cristaux d'oxy- h^moglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 970-971. 6. Recherches sur la trypsine. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 622-630. 6. Action des injections intraveineuses de produits de digestions peptique et tryptique de la gelatine et du cas^um sur la coagulation du sang chez le chien. Arch, de Physiol. , 8, 1896, 857-865. Arthus, Maurice, & Fagds, Calixte. Recherches sur Paction du lab et la coagulation du lait dans I'estomac et ailleurs. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 331-339. 2. Sur le labferment de la digestion du lait. Arch, de Physiol., 2, 1890, 540-545. 3. Nouvelle theorie chimique de la coagulation du sang. Arch, de Physiol. , 2, 1890, 739-746. 4. Recherches sur la digestion gastrique du lait. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890, 131-176. 6. Theorie chimique de la coagulation du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 241-244. Arthus, Maurice, & Rouchy, Charles. Sur un proc^d^ simple d'obtention de cristaux d'h^moglobine. Paris, Soc Biol. M^m,, 51, 1899 (C. R.), 715-718. Artigailas, C[asimir]. Contribution a I'^tude s^meio- logique des hemorrhagies du fond de Fceil. Des hemor- rhagies r6tiniennes dans I'arterioscierose gen^ralisee. Ann. d'Oculist., 91, 1884, 237-248. Artigas, Gustavo R. Estudio sobre la flor de Noche Buena. [1884.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 22-29. Artimini, Filippo. Ricerche sperimentali sull' azione del- r acido borico nella economia animale e in rapporto alle epidemic ed ai contagi. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 17, 1885, 90- 101. 2. Metodo per misurare la dilatazione termica dei corpi solidi. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 18, 1886, 113-124. 3. Nuovi strumenti termici registrator^ Riv. Sci.- Ind., 18, 1886, 201-208. Artin, Yacoub. Notes sur le Nil Bleu (Bahr, Azrak), son nom originaire et veritable. [1895.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 6, 1896, 263-267. 2. Le premier puits artesien dans la valine du Nil. [1896.] Inst. Egypt. Bull. 7, 1897, 29-33. Artini, Ettore. Natrolite della regione veneta. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 76-88. 2. Contribuzioni alia mineralogia del Vicentino. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 90-99. 3. Epidoto deir Elba. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 380-404. 4. Sopra alcuni nuovi cristalli interessanti di natrolite del Monte Baldo. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 2), 245-246. 5. Quarzo di Val Malenco. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 4-13. Artini] 6. Studio cristallografico della cerussite di Sardegna. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 605-621. 7. Sulla cosi detta savite di Montecatini. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 {Sem. 1), 51-53. 8. Alcune nuove osservazioni suUe zeoliti di Montee- chio Maggiore. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 536-541. 9. Contribuzioni alia mineralogia dei vulcani Cimini. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem. , 6, 1889, 88-93. 10. Sulla natrolite di Bombiana nel Bolognese. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 37-39. 11. Sulla leadhillite di Sardegna. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 1-29. 12. Studii petrografici su alcune rocce del Veneto. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 139-158. 13. Della forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi composti organiei. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 212-223; 2, 1891, 35-47, 259-261 ; 3, 1892, 238-242. 14. Intorno alia composizione miueralogiea delle sabbie del Tieino. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 177-195. 15. Risposta ad alcune osservazioni fatte dal Prof. A. CATHREiNalla [sua] memoria "Quarzo di Val Malenco." Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 220-222. 16. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza delle forme cristal- lina della stefanite del Sarrabus. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 241-258. 17. Alcune ulteriori osservazioni sulle zeoliti di Montecchio Maggiore. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 262-269. 18. Delia forma cristallina e dei caratteri ottici della metilacetanilide CgHg.NCjHsOCHj. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 159-161. 19. Sopra alcune rocce dei dintorni del Lago d' Orta. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 972-978; Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 243-249. 20. Appunti petrografici sopra alcune rocce italiane. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 1140-1147; Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 4, 1893, 7-15. 21. Contribuzioni di mineralogia italiana. Celestina di Romagna. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 328- 329. 22. Appunti di mineralogia italiana. Antimonite di Cetine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 416-419; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 75-80. 23. Su alcuni minerali di Gorno. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1895, 219-231; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 19- 28. 24. Baritina di Vassera. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 35, 1896, 233-238; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 10-14. 25. Apatite dell' Elba. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 2), 259-262; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 15-18. 26. Appunti petrografici sopra alcune rocce del Yeneto. I basalti del Veronese. [1895.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1894-95, 252-276; Riv. Min. Crist., 15, 1895, 33-52. 27. Intorno alia composizione miueralogiea di due sabbie del litorale adriatieo. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 800-804; Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 90-93. 28. Su alcuni minerali di Bovegno. Milano, Ist, Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1525-1534. 29. Intorno alia composizione miueralogiea delle sabbie di alcuni fiumi del Veneto, eon applieazioni della ricerca microscopica alio studio dei terreni di trasporto. Riv. Min. Crist., 19, 1898, 33-94. 30. Ancora suUa leadhillite di Sardegna. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1048-1050; Riv. Min. Crist., 23, 1899, 33-35. 31. Intorno ad alcuni minerali di Laorca e Ballabio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 1177-1183. Artini, Ettore, & Slariani, Ernesto. Appunti geologici e petrografici suU' alta Val Trompia. [1898.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 37, 1897, 244-259. 173 [Arx Artini, Ettore, & Melzi, Gilherto. Sulla Iherzolite di Balmuccia in Val Sesia. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 2), 87-92. 2. Intorno a un meteorite caduto ad Ergheo presso Brava (penisola dei Somali). Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 983-994. 3. Ricerche petrografiche e geologiche suUa Val Sesia. [1900.] Milano, Ist. Lomb. Mem., 18, 1896-1900, 219- 392. Artini, Ettore, & Verri, Antonio. See Verri & Artini. Artmann, K[arl], & Troeger, [^Karl] Julius {Ludwigl. See Troeger & Artmann. Artom, Alessandro. Rotazioni elettrostatiche dei dielet- trici liquidi. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 496-499 or 722-725. Artzt, Ant07i. 5. Zusammenstellung der Phanerogamen- Flora des sachsischen Vogtlandes. Dresden Isis Sber., 1884 (Abh.), 113-140; 1896 (Abh.), 3-16. 6. Achillea nobilis, L., neu fiir das Konigreich Sachsen, und Anthemis tinctoria, L. x Chi-ysanthemum inodorum, L. Deutseh. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1886, 299- 300. 7. Zur Flora von Schluderbach in Siidtirol. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 5, 1887, 98-103; 6, 1888, 60-68, 96-99. 8. Botanische Reise - Erinnerungen aus Tirol. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 10, 1892, 140-144; 11, 1893, 161- 165. Aruch, E[ugenio'}, & Fermi, Claudio. See Fermi & Aruch. Arustamov, M[arkar] J[oannesovic]. Zur Frage iiber die Entstehung der typhosen Pneumonic. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 75-78, 105-108 ; 7, 1890, 119-123. 2. Ueber die Natur des Fischgiftes. Centrbl. Bakt. , 10, 1891, 113-119. Arutinov, A. A. Kt aHTponojioriH KasKaacKaro n.ieMeHH Y^HHTi. [Contribution to the anthropology of the Caucasian tribe of the Udines.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 521-527. Arvay, W. Wyznaezenie paru granic w teoryi powierz- chni. [Determination de quelques limites dans la th^orie des surfaces.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 9, 1898, 164- 169. Arvay, W, & Komperda, H. 0 pewnych eechach charak- terystyeznych grupy rueh6w euklidesowych. [Sur quel- ques caract^res du groupe des mouvements euclidiens.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 10, 1899-1900, 113-128 ; Fortschr. Math., 1899, 540. Arvet-Touyet, Clasimir]. 2. Commentaire sur le genre Hieracium. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 2), 426-436. 3. Les Hieracium des Alpes frangaises ou oceidentales de I'Europe. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 34, 1888, 1-131. 4. Revision des ^pervi^res de I'herbier de Haller fils. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897, 68-89. 5. Elenchus Hieraciorum novorum vel minus cogni- torum prmsertim in Herbario Delessertiano asserva- torum. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897, 90-104. 6. Sur un nouveau genre de Chicorac^es. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897, 105-106. 7. Description de deux esp^ces nouvelles du genre Hieracium. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 3, 1899, 27-28. Arvet-Touvet, C[asimir], & Oautier, G[aston]. Hieracium nouveaux pour la France ou pour I'Espagne. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 328-371. ArwidSBon, Ivar. Zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Glycera und Goniada. [1897.] Stoekh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 4), 1898, No. 6, 30 pp. 2. Studien iiber die Farailien GlyceridaB und Gonia- didffi. [1899.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1898, No. 11, 69 pp. Arx, Max von. Geometric und Statik der weiblichen Beckenorgane. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1896, 324-346. Arz] 174 [Asayama Axz, Gustav. Eine Bergfahrt in die Rodnaer Alpen. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 1-38. 2. Ein geologischer Streifzugvon Deutsch-Budak auf den Henyul. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 17, 1897 49-71. 3. Geologische und audere Beobachtungen langs der Strasse von Bistritz nach Romuli. Siebenb. Karpath Ver. Jbuch., 18, 1898, 1-39. Arzani, G. Eiassunto dell' anno 1899 della stazione di Moncalvo. Riepilogo decennale dal 1889 al 1899 Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 10. Arzberger, H[ans], & Zincke, [Ernst Karl] Th[eodor] See Zincke & Arzberger. Hxze, Jeronimo. Curacion antiseptica ecu el bicloruro de mercuric. Santiago de Chile, tjniv. An., 69, 1886, 649- 688. Arzelit, Annibale. Contributo alio studio sul solfato di berberina contro 11 tumore splenico e le febbri da in- fezione malarica. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 24-35. iirzel^, Cesare. 0. Intorno alia continuita della somma di infinite funzioni continue. [1884.] Bologna E«nd., 1883-84, 79-83. 10. Un teorema intorno alle serie di funzioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 262-267. 11. Sulla integrabilitadi una serie di funzioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 321-326. 12. Sulla integrazione per serie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 532-537, 566-569 ; 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 290-292. 13. Sopra una certa estensione di un teorema relative alle serie trigonometriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 637-640. 14. Sui prodotti infiniti. [1886.] Bologna Rend., 1885-86, 92-100. 16. Sulla teoria delle funzioni analitiche. [1887.] Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 25-37. 16. Sugli integral! di funzioni che, oltre alia variabile d' integrazione, contengono altre variabili. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1888-89, 16-22. 17. Funzioni di linee. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 342-348. 18. Sugli integral! doppi. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 138-147. 19. SuUe serie doppie trigonometriche. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 373-382. 20. SuUe funzioni di linee. [1894.] Bologna Aec. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 225-244. 21. Suir integrabilit^ delle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 257-270. .22. Sull' esistenza degli integral! nelle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. [1896.] Bologna -Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 131-140. 23. Sul principio di Dirichlet. Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 71-84. 24. Sulla rappresentazione approssimata delle funzi- oni analitiche. Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 139-148. 25. SuUe serie di funzioni. Bologna Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 131-186, 701-744. 26. Suir integrazione per sostituzione. Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 82-90. 27. Estensione di un eriterio di convergenza dato da RiEMANN. [1900.] Bologna Rend., 5, 1901, 25-31. Arzruni, Andreas. For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 140-141; Riv. Min. Crist., 21, 1898, 87-97; St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, xlii- xliv; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 2-3; Ztschr. Ethnol., 30, 1898, (405)-(408) ; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1898, 446-448; St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 36, 1899, 477-488, (Prot.), 30-32; Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 519-520; Geogr. Jbuch., 22, 1900, 434; Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 129. 36. E!ne Anzahl schlesische und amerikanische Mineralien. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 220- 223. 37. [Ueber eine Suite von Mineralien aus den Vereinigten Staaten.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 228-234. 38. Note sur un nouveau mineral trouv6 dans la province de Utah (Etats-TJnis). France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 126-127. 39. Einige Mineralien aus einer uralischen Chromit- lagerstatte. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 330-337. 40. Schwefel von Zielenzig. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 338-342, 668. 41. Groddeckit : ein neuer Zeolith von St. Andreas- berg am Harz. Ztschr. Kryst. , 8, 1884, 343-350. 42. Ueber einige Mineralien aus Bolivia. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 73-77. 43. Utahit : ein neues Mineral. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 558-561. 44. Ueber einen Paragonit-Schiefer vom Ural. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 680-693, 1055; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1885, 983-996. 45. Untersuchung einiger granitischer Gesteine des Urals. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 865-896, 1055. 46. Ueber einen Colemanitkrystall. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 272-276, 663. 47. Mineralogisches aus dem Sanarka-Gebiet, im Siid- Ural. Vorlautiger Bericht iiber eine im Sommer 1886 ausgefiihrte Reise. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1211-1215. 48. Ein neues Zwillingsgesetz im reguliiren System. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 23, 1887, 126-132. 49. Manganotantalit, eine neue uraliaehe Mineral- varietiit. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 23, 1887, 181-192. 50. Vergleichende Beobachtungen an kiinstlichen und natiirlichen Mineralen. Ztschr, Kryst., 18, 1891, 44-63. 51. Nephrit von SchahiduUa-Chodja im Kiien-Liin- Gebirge. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, 19-33. 52. Vergleichende Untersuchung der Smaragde von Alexandrian, vom Gebel Sahara und vom Ural. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, 91-100. 53. Ein Beryllkrystall mit rhomboedrischer Ausbil- dung. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 31, 1894, 155-160. 64. Reise nach Siid-Kaukasien. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 22, 1895, 602-611. 65. Kiinstlicher Kassiterit. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 467-470. 66. Forsterit vom Monte Somma. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 471-476. Arzruni, Andreas, & Frenzel, A[ugust]. Ueber den Ferronatrit. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 595-598. iSLrzruni, Andreas, & Schiitz, E. Krystallisirte Verbin- dungen, gebildet beim Deacon-Process. Ztschr. Kryst., 23, 1894, 529-535. Arzruni, Andreas, & Thaddeev, Konstantin. Colestin von Giershagen bei Stadtberge (Westfalen). Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 38-72, 655. Arzruni, Andreas, & Traube, Hermann. Etude cristallo- graphique de quelques derives de la quinol^ine et de la lepidine. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 61-64. Arzruni, Andreas, Thaddeev, Konstantin, & Dannenberg, A\rthur'\. Neue Minerale aus Chile, ein neues Vor- kommen von Utahit und ein neues Wismuthcarbonat von Schneeberg. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 229-247; 32, 1900, 674. Asada, G. List of ferns collected in Kyoto. [Jap.] Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 9, 1895, 178-182, 294. Asakawa, N. Die Basis der natiirlichen Immunitat des Huhns gegen Tetanus. Vorlaufiger Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 1), 24, 1898, 166-174, 234-250. Asayama, Jkujlro. Ueber die Resorption des Kammer- wassers von der vorderen Flache der Iris. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 98-114. Asbeck] 175 [Aschan Asbeck, (baron) van. Ouragan dn 17 aout 1886 dans la partie sud de la mer des Antilles. [Tr.] [1886.] Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 90-102. Asbeck, J. Extraction silberhaltiger Aufbereitungsab- giinge mittels des Russellprocesses zu Sala in Schweden. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 13-15. a. Gas-Apparat fiir Laboratorien. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 21-22. Asbotb, Sdndor = Alexander. A Kjeldahl-fele l«5genymeg- hatarozisi m6dszer tagabb-korii alkalmazasa. [Ueber eine allgemeinere Anwendung der Kjeldahl'schen Methode dfir Stickstoff-Bestimmung.] [1885.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 4, 1886, 13-18; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 4 (1886-86), 11-17. a. Uj modszer a kem^nyito quantitativ meghataroza- sara. [Neue Methode zur quantitativen BeRtimmung der Starke.] [1886-87.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 5, 1887, 83-87, 203-210; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 5 (1886-87), 50-61; Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 785-786; Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 297-308. 3. Van-e a gabonanemiiekben czukor? [Enthalten die Getreidearten Zucker?] [1887.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 6, 1888, 125-129 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 78-82; Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 25-26, 53. 4. Ueber die Starkebestimmungs-Methode. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 693-694; 13, 1889, 591, 611 ; Analyst, 13, 1888, 128-130; 14, 1889, 138-139, 156-157. 6. Az amylalkoholok pyridin tartalmarol. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Pyridin in manchen Amylalkoholen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 345-348 ; Math. Nat* Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 201-204 ; Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 871-872. 6. A disznozsir hamisitasanak felismerese. [Die Ver- falschung des Schweinefettes mit Baumwollsamenol und dessen Erkennen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 349- 353; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 205-211; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 93-94. 7. A mesters^ges kryolith es a fluoraluminium dis- sociatioja. [Der kiinstliche Kryolith und die Dissociation des Fluoraluminiums.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 8, 1890, 214-217; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 8, 1891, 79-82; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 868-869. 8. A kemenyito oxydati6-term6nyei. [Die Oxyda- tions-Produkte der Starke.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 9, 1891, 207-209; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 9, 1892, 188- 191. 9. Maassanalytische Bestimmung der Schwefelsaure in Bchwefelsauren Salzen. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 922. 10. Wirkung des Wasserstoffsuperoxydes auf die Starke. [1892.] Chem. Ztg.. 16, 1892, 1517-1518, 1560- 1561; Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 158; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 426. 11. Methode zur vollstandigen Analyse der Knollen- Gewachse und die Zusammensetzung der Cetewayo- KartofEel. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 725-726. la. Die Analyse der Samenarten. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 32-33. 13. Ueber die Schwefelbestimmungsmethoden in Schwefelkiesen. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 598-599; Termt. Kozlon., 27, 1896, 273; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 361. 14. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Schwefels in organischen Verbindungen. [1895.] Chem. Ztg., 19, 1896, 2040 ; Termt. Kozlon., 28, 1896, 46 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 364. 15. Die kritische Temperatur der Fliissigkeiten und eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Identitat der Fette, Oele, etc. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 685-686. 16. Die Unterscheidung der Kuhbutter von der Mar- garine-butter und eine neue Methode zur Unterscheidung der verschiedenen Fettarten von einander. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 312-314. Asbrand, Ernst, & Freund, Martin. See TrexmA & Asbrand. Ascarelli, Angela. Haematologische Untersuchungen liber den Hiihnerembryo. Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1896, 255-276. Ascb, Ernst, & IVelsser, Alfred. Untersuchungen iiber die electrische Erregbarkeit der verschiedenen Schichten der Grosshirnrinde. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 40, 1887, 191-206. Ascli, F[aur\, & Posner, Carl. See Fosner & Ascb. Ascb, Robert. [Falle von Osteomalacic.] \With dis- cussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1898 (Abth. la), 95-99. Ascbaffenburg, Gustav. Ueber die psychischen Erschei- nungen der Erschopfung. Arch. Psychiatr., 25, 1893, 594-597. a. Ueber Initialdelirien bei Typhus. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 75-133. 3. Psychophysische Demonstrationen. [With discus- sion.] [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 848- 855. 4. Die Katatoniefrage. [1897.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 54, 1898, 1004-1026. Aseban, K[ari:\ AlUan]. Ueber das Verhalten des Phos- phorwasserstoffgases gegen einige Quecksilberverbin- dungen. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 82, 102-103. Aseban, [Adolf] Ossian. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung von Senfolen auf Amidosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 420-431. 3. Ueber p- und o-Nitroxanilsaure und die Reduction derselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 2986- 2940. 4. Ueber die Einwirkung von Rhodanammonium und Rhodankalium auf o-Phtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1398-1401. 5. Ueber freie Phtalaminsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1401-1404. 6. Nagra iakttagelser om lika sammansatta organiska syre- och svafvelforeningars kokpunkter. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 28, 1886, 24-27. 7. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloracetylchlorid auf o-Amidophenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1523-1524. 8. Om (o)-nitroftalanil och (o)-nitroftalanilsyra. Hel- singfors, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 149-153. 9. Zur Darstellung des a-Dibromhydrins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2890-2892. 10. Bidrag till kannedom om ftalimid och ftalamin- syra. Helsingfors, Acta, 16, 1888, 345-354. 11. Studier inom anhydrobasernas klass. Helsing- fors, Acta, 16, 1888, 355-367. la. Om sura estrar af ftalsyra. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 30, 1888, 39-49. 13. Bidrag till kannedom af oxanilsyra. Helsing- fors, Ofvers., 30, 1888, 50-53 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Ref.), 288-289. 14. Om (7>)-tolylimid af brandvinsyra. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 30, 1888, 53-54; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Ref.), 289. 15. Ueber die in dem Erdol aus Baku vorkommenden Sauren von niedrigerem Kohlenstofifgehalt. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 867-875; 24, 1891, 2710-2724; 25, 1892, 3661-3670 ; 26, 1893, 274. 16. Zur Kenntniss der Oxanilsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1820-1825. 17. Ueber die Constitution des a-Dibromhydrins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1826-1831. 18. Zur Geschichte der Umlagerungen in der Allylreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1831-1839; Helsing- fors, Acta, 18, 1891, 505-520. 19. Ueber Laurolen, einen Kohlenwasserstoff der Kamphergruppe. Liebig's Ann., 290, 1890, 185-194; Helsingfors, Ofvers., 38, 1896, 45-56. ao. Ueber die Hydriruug der Benzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1864-1869, 2617-2622. Aschan] 176 [Ascherson 21. Bidrag till kannedom af a-dibromhydrin. Hel- singfors, Acta, 17, 1891, 359-373. 22. Om klorid af oxanilsyra. Helsingfors, Acta, 17, 1891, 377-387. 23. Zur Geschichte der Hydrobenzoesauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 886-888. 24. Zur Kenntniss der Hexahydrobenzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3658-3661. 25. Ueber Hydrobenzoesauren. Liebig's Ann., 271, 1892, 231-284. 26. Zur Kenntniss des Bromcamphersaureanhydrids und der Camphersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1639-1645, 2301. 27. Studier inom naftengruppen. Helsingfors, Acta, 19, 1893, No. 8, 24 pp. 28. Ueber die Campherformel von Bbedt. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1439-1446. 29. Ueber die Bildung des Campherchinons bei der Oxydation der Camphocarbonsaure mit Kaliumperman- ganat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1446- 1449. 30. Ueber die isomeren Camphersauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2001-2012. 31. Ueber eine neue Spaltungsreaction des Brom- camphersaureanhydrids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2112-2116. 32. Ueber die Darstellung des Bromcamphersaurean- hydrids und der Lauronolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3504-3508. 33. Zur Kenntniss der Camphoronsaure und ihrer optischen Isomeren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 16-21, 224. 34. Ueber Camphersauredianilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 530-531. 35. Structur- und stereochemische Studien in der Camphergruppe. Helsingfors, Acta, 21, 1896, No. 5, 227 pp. 36. Kolvatena i rysk petroleumeter. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 38, 1896, 140-155; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 242, 287-288. 37. Zinkstaub als oxydirendes Agens in Gegenwart von Eisessig. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 657- 658. 38. Ueber das Vorkommen von Methylpentamethylen in kaukasischem Petroleumather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1803-1806. 39. Diisopropyl, en best&ndsdel i petroleumeter fran Baku. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 40, 1898, 194-198 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1801-1803, 2544. 40. Nagra synpunkter, belysande naftenkolvatenas bildning i naturen. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 40, 1898, 199-211; Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 206-207. 41. Neue Beobachtungen iiber Camphoronsaure. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 51-76. 42. Forfaringssatt for framstallning af organiska syrors amider. Skaad. Natf. Forh., 1898, 209-210; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2344-2350. 43. Zur Stereochemie des fiinfwerthigen Stickstoffs, sowie einige Bemerkungen iiber das vierwerthige Scliwe- felatom. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 988-994. 44. Ueber die Bildung der Adipinsaure aus der um 80° siedenden Naphtenfraction des russischen Petroleum- athers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1769-1772. 45. Ueber Camphan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1006-1010. Ascban, [Adolf] Ossian, & Briilil, J[ulius] W[ilhelm]. Tautomerisation von Oxymethylenverbindungen. [Vor- laufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2398-2404. ABcban, [Adolf] Ossian, & Xljelt, Edv[ard Immanuel]. Ueber finlandisches Terpentinol. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1566-1567. 2. Undersokning af finskt terpentin. Helsingfors, Bidrag, 54, 1894, 459-488. See also Ujelt & Aschan. Aschan, [Adolf] Ossian, & Zilliacus, A. Om difenylsulf- hydantoin. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 165-169. Aschan, [Carl] Wolte.r. Ueber einige Derivate der Homo- piperidinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3692-3701; 24, 1891, 2443-2450. Aschan, [Carl] Wolter, & Gabriel, S[iegmund]. See Oabriel & Aschan. Aschenbrandt, Th[eodor]. 2. Das Ganglion nasopala- tinum s. incisivum der Nagetiere. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 20, 1887, (9)-(24). Aschenbrenner, Herman Melchor. For biographical notice see Habana Ac. An., 14, 1877, 358-359. *De la celula y del tejido orgdnico en su valor y relaciones con la patologia y la terapeutica. Habana Ac. An., 2, 1865, 218-222, 356-364, 405-424, 464-477; 3, 1866, 54-63, 133-140, 179-182, 337-346, 407-418. Ascher, Bernhard. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Verlaufs und der Aetiologie der allgemeinen Paralyse. [1889.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 46, 1890, 1-29. 2. Ueber Aphasie bei allgemeiner Paralyse. [1891.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 49, 1893, 256-277. 3. Geschwister mit Anomalien der Ohren, der Zahne und der Haut. Ztschr. Ethnol., 30, 1898, (114)-(116). Ascher, L[ouis]. Untersuchungen von Butter und Milch auf Tuberkelbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 32, 1899, 329-344. 2. Ueber Rhodomyces erubescens nebst einem Beitrag zur Lehre von der Disposition. Ztschr. Hyg., 34, 1900, 475-481. Ascher, L[ouis], & ZZirsemann, E. Beitrage zur Schweineseuche und ihrer Beziehung zur Tuberculose. Ztschr. Hyg., 26, 1897, 143-156. Ascher, L[ouis], & Symanski, [Walter]. Bakteriologische Erfahrungen iiber die Konigsberger Thierlymphe. Ztschr. Hyg., 28, 1898, 33.5-347. Ascher, S{pmmi], & Iiier, H. See Uer & Ascher. Aschermann, H. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Chrom. [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 214-215. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August]. 168. *[Ueber die deutschen Atriplex-Arten.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 133-134. 169. *Beitrage zur Kenntniss der geographischen Verbreitung der Seegraser. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 119-120. 170. *Subflorale Axen als Flugapparate. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbuch., 1, 1881, 318-336. 171. *Beitrag zur Flora des nordwestlichen Kleina- siens. Berlin Bot. Gartens Jbuch., 2, 1883, 339-365. 172. Amphikarpie bei der einheimischen Vicia angusti- folia. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 235-245. 173. FoESKAL iiber die Metamorphose der Pflanze. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 293-297. 174. [Vicia angustifolia. All., mit kleistogamischen Bliiten.] [1884.] Brandenb.Bot.Ver. Verb., 26, 1886, xiii. 175. [Neue Zugange zur Flora der Provinz Branden- burg.] [1884.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 26, 1885, xxiii-xxiv. 176. Bemerkungen zur Karte [8]einer B«ise nach der Kleinen Oase in der Libyschen Wiiste. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1885, 110-160. 177. Einige Beobachtungen in der Flora der Schweiz. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1886, 316-319. 178. Zur Flora Sardiniens und der adriatischen Kiistenlander. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1885, 308-312, 350-355. 179. [Ueber Linaria spuria (L.) Mill., mit unterir- discben Bliiten und Friichten.] [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, xxi. 180. [Interessante Pflanzen der Provinz Branden- burg.] [1885-86.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, xxi ; 28, 1887, iii-iv. Ascherson] 177 [Ascherson 181. [Amarantus spinosus, L., aus der Scbweiz.] [1885.] Biandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, xxi-xxii. 182. Eiiie verkannte Utricularia-Art der deutschen und miirkischen Flora. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 183-190. 183. Utricularia exoleta, R. Br., ini westlicben Mittel- meergebiet. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Bar., 4, 1886, 404-409. 184. [Ueber Utricularia ocbroleuca, Hartm., aus der Provinz Brandenburg, und iiber die beiden, in Aegypten vorkommenden Formen von Cartbamus tinctorius, L.] [1886.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 28, 1887, xxii-xxiii. 185. Die nordiicbe Istbmus- Wiiste Aegyptens. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 14, 1887, 313-322. 186. [Bemerkungen liber die Pflanzengeograpbie Madagaskars.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1887, 178- 179. 187. Ueber eine Bremse aus der Oase Qatieh. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1887, 181-183. 188. Keisebriefe aus Aegypten. [1887.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 29, 1888, vii-xv. 189. Le lac Sirbon et le mont Casius. [1887.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 8, 1888, 175-187. 190. [Eine Drogue, die aus den Antberen der Mesua ferrea, L., bestebt.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1888, 34-38. 191. Ueber Knuths Flora von Scbleswig-Holstein. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 29, 1888, 132-166. 192. Ein neues Vorkommen von Carex aristata, R. Br., in Deutschland. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 283-293. 193. Ueber angeborenen Mangel der Vorbaut bei beschnittenen Volkern, Ztschr. Etbnol., 20, 1888, (126)-(130). 194. Einige biologische Eigentiiralichkeiten der Pedaliaceen. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, ii-iv. 195. [Adventivpflanzen der Oelfabrik in Mannheim (Fr. LuTz), namentlich Spergula flaccida (Roxh.) Aschers. (Spergularia fallax, Loive).] [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, xxxi-xliv. 196. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Deutsch- Siidwest-Afrika und der angrenzenden Gebiete.] Pe- daliaceffi. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, 181-186, 239. 197. Lasiospermum brachyglossum, DC. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1889, 151-155; 1890, 57-58. 198. Springende Bohnen (brincadores, jumping seeds). Berlin Natf. Freuude Sber., 1889, 187-188; 1892, 19-20. 199. Nachschrift [zum Artikel von W. Behrknosen : Ein Vorkommen von Adventivpflanzen zu Riidersdorf bei Berlin]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, 285-287. 200. Zur Synouymie der Eurotia ceratoides (L.) C. A. Mey, und einiger aegyptischer Paronycbieen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 99-101, 125-128, 252-256, 297- 301, 324-327. 201. [Ueber das Vorkommen eines Rudiments des hinteren unpaaren Staubblattes bei Gratiola officmalis, L.] [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, xvi- xix. 202. Das Vorkommen der Scopolia carniolica, Jacq., in Ostpreussen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1890, 59-78, 81-82. 203. Carex refracta, Willd. (1805), C. tenax, Renter (1856). Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 259-261. 204. [Das Auftreten von Juncus tenuis, Willd., und anderen Adventivpflanzen in der Berliner Flora.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xxxviii-xliv. 205. [Helosciadium inundatum, Koch, bei llubland.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xliv-xlv. 206. [Achillea cartilaginea, Ledeb., im Oderthale oberhalb Frankfurt.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, xlv-li. R. S. A. C. 207. [Myrica Gale in der Altmark.] [1890.] Bran- denb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, li-lv. 208. [Verbreitung von Myrica und Ledum.] [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, Iv-lxiv. 209. Herbstbliite von Ledum und anderen Bycomes. [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, Ixiv-lxvii. 210. Bemerkungen iiber einige Potentillen und andere Pflauzen Ost- und Westpreussens im Anschluss an den Aufsatz [von C. Sanio : Zablenverhaltnisse der Flora Preussens. II.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, 129-172. 211. [Ueber ein Exemplar von Veronica ChamaBdrys, L., mit tiefgeteilten Laubblattern.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xvii. 212. [Nacbtragliches iiber Anemone nemorosa, L., var. caerula, DC, und andere Formen der Friihlings- Anemonen, besonders A. ranunculoides, L., var. sub- integra, Wiesb.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xviii-xxii. 213. [Primula cortusoides, L., bei Straussberg. ] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xxii. 214. [Leucoium sestivum, L., und Tblaspi alpestre, L. , bei Elsterwerda.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xxii-xxiii. 215. [Brunella laciniata, L., var. B. alba. Pall., von Steinbrecht bei Walbeck gefunden.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xlvii-xlviii. 216. [Silene cblorantba, Ehrh., mit klebrigem Stengel.] [1891.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, xlviii. 217. [Ueber den Fang des Butarcba-Fisches.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 145-148. 218. Ueber das Auftreten des sogenannten metall- glauzenden Weinsteins an den Zabnen der Wiederkauer, namentlich in Siideuropa und dem Orient, und die sich daran kniipfende Sage vom Goldkraut. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 190-195; 1893, 79-84; 1900, 235-236. 219. Lepidium apetalum, Willd. (L. micrantbum, Ledeb.), und L. virginicum, L., und ibr Vorkommen als Adventivpflanzen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, 108-129, 141-142. 220. Eapport sur la question de la nomenclature. [With discussion.] Gongr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 85-121. 221. Hygrocbasie und zwei neue Falle dieser Erschei- nung. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 94-114. 222. Die Bestaubung von Cyclamiuus persica. Mill. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 226-235, 314-318, (233). 223. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die von Berliner Botani- kern unternommenen Schritte zur Ergiinzung der " Lois de la nomenclature botanique." Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 327-359. 224. Zur Geschicbte der Einwanderung von Galin- soga parviflora, Cav. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 397-400. 225. Die springenden Tamarisken-Friicbte und Eichen-Gallen. [1891.] Bremen Abb., 12, 1893, 53-58. 226. Taxus baccata, L., in der Prignitz? [1892-94.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 34, 1893, xl ; 35, 1894, Ixi. 227. Eine bemerkenswerthe Abanderungder Sberardia arvensis, L. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 29-42. 228. Die Nomenclaturbewegung von 1892. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893 (BeibL, No. 38, 20-28). 229. Sparganium neglectum, Beeby, und sein Vorkom- men in Oesterreicb-Ungarn. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 43, 1893, 11-14, 44-47. 230. Veronica campestris, Schmalh., und ibre Ver- breitung in Mitteleuropa. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr,, 43, 1893, 123-126. 231. [Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All., von Gottfried im Hakel aufgefunden.] [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xv. 23 Ascherson] 178 [Aschieri 232. Eine fiir das Vereinsgebiet nen entdeckte Pflanzenart : Spergularia echinosperma. [1893.] Bran- denb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xliii. 233. Eine neu in Europa aufgetretene Wander- pflanze : Solanum rostratum, Dun. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xliii-xlv. 234. Botaniscbe Eeiseeindriicke aus Hinterpommern, West- und Ostpreussen im Spatsommer 1893. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xlv-lix. 235. Bemerkungen iiber die Verwandtschafts-Ver- haltnisse der mitteleuropaiscben Carices monostachyae {Gruppc Psyllophorse, Loisl.). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1894, 126-134. 236. Bemerkungen und Zusatze zu dem Aufsatze [von C. Warnstoef : Beobachtungen in der Ruppiner Flora im Jahre 1893]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, 134-147. 237. [Ueber die Verbreitung der Convallaria majalis, L., var. rosea, und des Antboxanthum Puelii in Nord- deutschland.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, xxv-xxvi. 238. [Ueber die Benennung des Cirsium silvaticum.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, Ixv. 239. Isoetes echinospora, Dur,, in Pommern. Allg. Bot. Ztscbr., 1895, 95-97. 240. Zur Geschichte und geographischen Verbreitung der Viola uliginosa. [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, x-xix. 241. [Cerastium anomalum, neu fiir die Provinz bei Frankfurt a. O. von Lux und Grdnemann gefunden.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xxix-xxx. 242. [Fragaria vesca, var. rosea, Rostriip, fiir Deutsch- land neu von Frl. E. Lietzmann bei Danzig gefunden.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xxx. 243. [Scolopendrium hybridum, Asplenum tricbo- manes x Ruta muraria (in Steiermark von E. Peeissmann, in Nieder-Oesterreich von Frl. M. Reichel, in Tirol von Dr. W. Hauchecorne aufgefundeu), Iberis pinnata (Pots- dam, A. Brand) und Gymnadenia odoratissima (neu fiir das Gebiet bei Kl.-Schwecbten in der Altmark von M. Wilcke entdeckt).] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, xlvi-xlix. 244. [Cbenopodium carinatum, mit Wolle aus Australien in Mitteleuropa eingescbleppt.] [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, liv-lv. 245. Zusatz [zum Aufsatze von Otto von Seemen : Zwei Rosen und andere Pflanzen von den Riidersdorfer Kalkbergen]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, 161-162. 246. [Neottia cordata bei Forst N.L. von Lebrer P. Decker gefunden.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, lii-liii. 247. [Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Verbreitung von Bidens connatus und den fiir Deutschland 1896 neu aufgefundenen B. frondosus in Nord-Deutschland.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, liii-lx. 248. Rechtfertigung des Namens Botrychium ra- mosum. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, 64-75. 249. Eine bemerkenswerte Spielart der Populus tremula. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 14, 1896, 73-75. 250. Equisetum heleocharis, E. maximum und Athyrium alpestre. Oesterr. Bot. Ztscbr., 46, 1896, 8-10, 44-49, 201-204, 251-254. 251. Mitteilungen iiber einige neue, interessante Pflanzenfunde in der Provinz Brandenburg. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, xxxiv-xliii. 252. [Ueber die Verbreitung der beiden nordameri- kanischen Bidens-Arten.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, Ixxxix-xci. 253. Uebersicht neuer bez. neu veroffentlicbter wicbtiger Funde von Gefasspflanzen (Farn- und Bliiten- pflanzen) des Vereinsgebiets aus [den Jabren 1897, 1898 und 1899]. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 53-61 ; 41, 1900, 219-236; 42, 1901, 284-294. 254. Bidens connatus in Mecklenburg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 87-95. 255. [Varietaten der Friichte von Sambucus nigra.] [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, Ixii. 256. Carex aristata, var. Kirschsteiniana, eine neue markische Art. [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 41, 1900, Ixii-lxvii. 257. Zur Chronik der markischen Flora. (Taxus baccata, Pirus torminalis, Ompbalodes scorpioides.) [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, 111-117. 258. Uebersicht der Pteridophyten und Siphonoga- men Helgolands. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch., 4 (Helgoland), 1900, 91-140. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich Augtist], & Bolle, Carl. See Bolle & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Engler, [Heinrich Gustav] Adolf. 2. Erklarung der Geschaftsleitung der vom internationalen Congress zu Genua (1892) ein- gesetzten Nomenclatur-Commission. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Wilfte 1), 153-159. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Graebner, P. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der norddeutschen Flora. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 516-530. See also Oraebner & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich Atigust], & Ziuerssen, Chr[is- tian]. See Ziuerssen c^ Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & nSagnus, Paul [Wilhelm]. 3. Die weisse Heidelbeere (Vaccinium myrtiilus, L., var. leucocarpum, Haus7n.) nicht identisch mit der durch Sclerotinia baccarum (Schroet.) Rehm, verui'sacbten Sclerotienkrankheit. [1890.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 387-400, (188). 4. Die Verbreitung der hellfriichtigen Spielarten der europaischen Vaccinien, sowie der Vaccinium bewoh- nenden Sclerotinia-Arten. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 41, 1891 (Ahh.), 677-700. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & IHEatz, A[lbert]. See Matz & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Fotoni6, Henry. Floristische Beobachtungen aus der Priegnitz (II). Von Bars, H. Buchholtz, A. Hasenow, R. Lauche, F. Meyerholz, Nather, R. Rietz. [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 27, 1886, 95-105. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Prahl, P[eter]. Anemone nemorosa, var. caerulea, DC. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh , 82, 1891, 232-235. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Schweinfurth, Georg [August]. Illustration de la flore d'Egypte. Inst. Egypt. M^m., 2, 1889, 25-260, 745-820. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & Spribllle, F[ranz]. Zwei Neuigkeiten fiir die Flora der Provinz Posen. [1889-90.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, 251- 252. AacheTBon, Paul [Friedrich August], & Uechtritz, R[udolf Karl Friedrich] von. See Uechtritz & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August], & "Wamstorf, C[arl Fr. F.]. See VTarnstorf & Ascherson. Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich August] (et alii). Nachtrag zu L. Schneider's Flora von Magdeburg. Dem Natur- wissenschaftlichen Verein in Magdeburg zur Feier seines fiinfundzwanzigjahrigen Stiftungsfestes mit herzlichsten Gliickwiinscben dargeboten vom Aller- Verein. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Festschr., 1894 (Th. 1), 47-216. Aschieri, Ferdinando. 28. Sulla geometria della retta. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 756-758. 29. *Fondamenti per una geometria dello spazio composto di rette. [1883.] Milano, Ist. Lomb. Mem., 15, 1885, 75-90. 30. Introduzione alia geometria dello spazio rigato. [1884.] Milano, Ist. Lomb. Mem., 15, 1885, 263-290. 31. Sopra un metodo di rappresentazione plana per la geometria descrittiva dello spazio ordiuario. Milano, Ist, Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 494-505. Aschieri] 179 [Ascion6 32. II sistema delle coordinate omogeneo projettive pegli dementi dello spazio ordiuario (X, ^). Milano, Ist, Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 569-584. 33. Sulla trasformazione omografica generale di uno spazio lineare di specie qualunque. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1886, 989-999. 34. Delle corrispondenze linear! reciproche in uno spazio lineare di specie qualunque. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 167-17.^. 35. Sullo spazio delle sfere euclidee. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 355-361, 416-124, 449-458. 36. Sopra gli spazj composti di spazj lineari di uno spazio lineare di quarta specie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 614-619, 698-703. 37. Sulla curva normale di uno spazio a quattro dimensioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 172-180. 38. Del legame fra la teoria dei complessi di rette e quella delle corrispondenze univoche e multiple dello spazio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 216-226, 285-293, 446-449. 39. Delle omografie sopra una conica e dei loro sistemi lineari. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 414-428, 484-496, 558-565, 624-646. 40. Sulle omografie di 2* specie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 312-319. 41. Sulle omografie binarie e ternarie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 278-292. 42. Sulle omografie binarie e i loro prodotti. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 964-975. 43. Sopra un metodo per stabilire le coordinate omogenee projettive del piano e dello spazio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 381-397. 44. Fondamenti di geometria analitica. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 11, 1895, 301-338. Aschieri, Tomaso. [Beobachtungen der Bedeckung von Jupiter durch den Mond 1889 Aug. 7.] AH' equatoriale di Merz del R. Osservatorio di Torino. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 423-424. 2. Effemeridi del Sole e della luna per 1' orizzonte di Torino e per [gli anni 1890-93]. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 25, 1890, 44-57; 26, 1891, 5-19; 27, 1892, 107-120; 28, 1893, 7-19. 3. Osservazioni lunari al circolo meridiano dell' Os- servatorio Astronomico di Torino. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 213-216. ABclikinass, E{m'd'\. Ueber den Einfluss electrisclier Wellen auf den galvanischen Widerstand metallischer Leiter. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 103-112. 2. Ueber das Absorptionsspectrum des fliissigen Wassers und iiber die Durchlassigkeit der Augenmedien fiir rothe und ultrarothe Strahlen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 401-431. 3. Zur Widerstaudsanderung durch electrische Be- strahlung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 408-411. 4. Spektrobolometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Durchlassigkeit der Augenmedien fur rote und ultrarote Strahlen. Ztschr. Psychol., 11, 1896, 44-52. 5. Theoretisches und Experimentelles iiber den Coharer. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 284-307. 6. Ueber die Emission des Quarzes in dem Spectral- bereiche seiner metallischen Absorption. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1898, 101-105. 7. Ueber die Wirkung elektrischer Schwingungen auf benetzte Contacte metalhscher Leiter. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 842-845. 8. Ueber anomale Dispersion im ultraroten Spektral- gebiete. [1899-1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 53-54 ; Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 42-68. Ascbklnass, E[mil], & Oarbasso, Antonio [Giorgio']. See Garbasso & Aschkinass. Aschkinass, E{mil], (fe Kaufitnann, W[alter]. See Kauf- mann & Aschkinass. Aschkinass, E[mil], & Bubeni, Hleinrich]. See Rubens & Aschkinass. Aschman, Clamille']. 6. Butter-Untersuchung. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 723-724. 7. Wasserstoff-Entwickelungsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 1049. 8. Zur Bestimmung der Jodzahl. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 59, 71-72. 9. Un germoir pratique. Brux. Soc. Linn, Ball., [24, 1899] {Nos.S &4), 9-10. XO. Bestimmung der Gesammtphosphorsaure in den Thomasschlacken. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 435-436. Aschman, C[amille], & Paber, Harald. Zur Bestimmung der Humussubstanz in der Ackererde. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 61. Aschman, F. T. * Stimulants and narcotics. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 1, 1880, 74-80. Aschmann, (Capt.-Lt.) — . *Aus den Reiseberichten S. M. S. Victoria, Corv.-Capt. Donner. Ueber das Antreffen des Nordost-Passates auf der Reise von Madeira nach St. Thomas. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 60-61. Aschner, ^rt/iur. Beitrage zum Icterus syphiliticus prse- cox. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 1411-1415. Aschoff, Albrecht. Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Arterien beim menschlichen Embryo. [1892.] Mor- phol. Arb., 2, 1893, 1-35. Aschoff, Carl. Ueber die Bedeutung des Chlors in der Pflanze. Landw. Jbiich., 19, 1890, 113-141. Aschoff, K[arl], & Jannascb, Paul [Ehrhardt]. See Jannasch & Aschoff. Aschoff, K[arl], & Mai, J[ulius]. See Blai & Aschoff. Aschoff, Ludwig. Ueber den Aufbau der menschlichen Thromben und das Vorkommen von Plattchen in den blutbildenden Organen. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1892, 93- 145. 2. Ein Fall von Distomum lanceolatum in der mensch- lichen Leber. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1892, 493-496. 3. Ueber capillare Embolic von riesenkernhaltigen Zellen. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 11-25. 4. Zur Frage der atypischen Epithelwucherung und der Entstehung pathologischer Driisenbildungen. Gottin- gen Nachr., 1894, 250-260. 5. Ein Beitrag zur normalen und pathologischen Ana- tomie der Schleimhaut der Harnwege und ihrer driisigen Anhange. Virchow, Arch., 138, 1894, 119-161, 195-220. 6. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Leber und des Zwerchf ells zu den Nabelschnur- und Bauchbriichen. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 511-547. 7. Ueber den Fettgehalt fotaler Gewebe. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Halfte 2), 17-18. 8. Die Otitis media neonatorum. Ein Beitrag zur Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Paukenhohle. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 31, 1897, 295-346; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 235-249. 9. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Schwangerschaft. Beitr. Path. Anat., 25, 1899, 273-308. Ascione, Enrico. Alcune considerazioni sul pentaedro completo. Napoh, Rend., 31, 1892, 147-152. 2. Studio di una trasformazione (3, 3). Giorn. Mat., 31, 1893, 55-94. 3. Sulla hessiana di una variety nello spazio a 4 di- mensioni. Giorn. Mat., 31, 1893, 210-217. 4. Sulle Buperficie del 3° ordine. Napoli, Rend., 32, 1893, 39-44. 5. Su di un teorema di geometria proiettiva. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 9, 1896, 208. 6. Sopra alcune involuzioni dello spazio. Napoli, Rend., 35, 1896, 13-29. 7. Sul complesso di 1° ordine delle trisecanti di una superficie immersa in un S4. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sent. 1), 162-169. 8. Sulle superficie immerse in un S4 , le cui trisecanti costituiscono complessi di 1° ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sevi. 1), 240-247. 23—2 Ascione] 180 [Ascoli 9. Proiezione ombelicale relativa alle quadriche a punti ellittici. [1900.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 10, 1901, No. 2, 33 pp. AbcoU, Alberto. SuU' acido plasminico. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899,] 485-489 ; Arch. Sci. Med., 23, 1899, 401-413; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 28, 1899, 426-438. 2. Ueber den Phosphor der Nucleinstoffe. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 156-160. 3. Ueber ein neues Spaltungsprodukt des Hefe- nucleins. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 161-164. Ascoli, Carlo. Ueber die histologische Entwickelung der menschlichen Magenschleimhaut. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 {Anat. Ges. Verh.), 149-150. Ascoli, G[iulio}. Sur le mode de se comporter des corps alloxuriques dans les nephrites. Arch. Ital. Biol., 30, 1898, 484-496. 2. Ueber die Stellung der Leber im Nucleinstoff- wechsel. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 340-351. Ascoli, Giulio. 19. II concetto di lunghezza di linea non ^ soltfttito indipendente dal concetto di derivata ma anche da quello di continuita. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 17, 1884, 564-572. 20. Integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A^u = 0 nell' area di un cerchio. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 627-635. 21. Integrazione dell' equazione diiJerenziale A^u = 0 in alcune area piane assai semplici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1886, 252-258. 22. Dei rami algebrici di curva. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 279-284. 23. Intorno ad alcune rappresentazioni conformi. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 349-356, 390-395, 440-450. 24. Intorno alle funzioni che soddisfano alia equazione differenziale A^« = 0. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1886, 474-480, 546-551, 599-610, 617-629. 25. Integrazione dell' equazione differenziale A^m = 0 in un area Riemanniana qualsivoglia. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1886, 718-732. 26. Si pone in chiaro il par. 3 della memoria di Riemann: La teorica delle funzioni Abeliane. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 783-798, 806-816. 27. Un teorema sulle funzioni di cui ciascun termine 6 una funzione di z ( = \j/ + iy). Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 173-175. 28. Alcune osservazioni alle sue note relative alia integrazione della equazione diiierenziale Ahi = 0. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 285-287. 29. Integration der Differentialgleichung A^u = 0 in einer beliebigen Riemann'schen Flache. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 2, 83 pp. 30. Riassunto della [sua] memoria : " Le curve limite di una varieta data di curve" ed osservazioni critiche alia medesima. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 226- 239, 257-265, 294-300, 365-371. 31. Sulle funzioni a due variabili reali, le quali crescono o decrescono nel verso positivo di ciascuno degli assi in un pezzo di piano a distanza finita. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 317-335, 438-448, 686-726, 804- 816. 32. Ricerca delle condizioni cui deve soddisfare-la funzione f(s) dei punti del contorno C^ di un' area connessa qualsivoglia posta a distanza finita, perch6 si possa costruire in quest' ultima una funzione / (x, y), la quale, essendo ovunque continua, cresca ognora nel verso positivo di ciascuno degli assi e raggiunga i va- lori f(s) lungo C„. [1890.] Milano, Ist. Lomb. Mem., 16, 1891, 197-235. 33. Delle funzioni regolari in un' area connessa qualsivoglia a distanza finita. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 243-255, 34. Sulle derivate apparenti. Riv. Mat., 4, 1894, 22-24. 35. Sulla definizione di integrale. Ann. Mat., 23 (1895), 67-71. 36. I fondamenti dell' algebra. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1060-1071. Ascoli, Graziadio [Isaia]. Carlo Cattaneo negli studi storici. Nuova Antol. Sci., 171, 1900, 636-640. Ascoli, i)/[ofse]. Sopra un metodo per la calibrazione elettrica di un filo metallico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 197-203. 2. Sopra le correzioni di calibrazione. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 465-469, 538-540. 3. Ricerche sperimentali sopra alcune relazioni tra r elasticity e la resistenza elettrica dei metalli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 406-431. 4. Sopra un termoscopio elettrieo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sevi. 1), 449-452. 5. Sopra la resistenza elettrica e 1' elasticity del- I'argento. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sevi. 1), 502-510. 6. Sulla relazioue tra la forza elettromotrice ed il calore chimico nella pila. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 397-403. 7. Sopra la tenacita e la plasticita del ferro a diverse temperature. Nuovo Cimento, 32, 1892, 8-19, 134-155. 8. Sulla elasticity e sulla resistenza elettrica del rame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 10-16. 9. Sopra la tenacita del ferro a diverse temperature. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 388-395. 10. Sopra la misura della plasticita dei solidi e sopra la plasticita del ferro a diverse temperature. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 414-419. 11. Di aleuui effetti dell' incrudimento sopra la pro- priety magnetiche del ferro. Roma, R. Aco. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 30-38. 12. Un esperienza da lezione sulla induzione mag- netiea. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 26, 1894, 11-12. 13. Misura della dilatazione dell' aeeiajo e dell' ar- gentano, mediante 1' apparecehio di Fizeau. Roma, R. Aec. Lineei Mem., 1, 1894, 150-162. 14. Sopra la distribuzione del magnetismo indotto nel ferro. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 176-183, 377-383; Nuovo Cimento, 35, 1894, 181-190. 15. Sopra la reazione del magnetismo indotto sul campo induttore. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 279-285. 16. Sul magnetismo dei cilindri di ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sein. 1), 314-321; 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 341-346. 17. Ueber die maguetische Schirmwirkung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1895, 381-384. 18. Sopra la distribuzione del magnetismo indotto. Nuovo Cimento, 1, 1895, 5-18, 108-127, 279-280. 19. Studi sperimentali sul magnetismo. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1896, 5-39. 20. Sui magneti Jamin. Roma, R. Ace. Lineei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 61-66. 21. Sul fattore smagnetizzante nei fasci e nei cilindri di ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 129-134. 22. Sulla determinazione della temperatura e dei coefficienti di conduttivita termica interna ed esterna di un conduttore. Nuovo Cimento, 7, 1898, 249-263. 23. Sulla penetrazione del magnetismo nel ferro. Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 32-34. Ascoli, M[oue], & Iiori, Ferdinando. Sulla distribuzione del magnetismo indotto nel ferro. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 157-164. 2. Sopra il fattore smagnetizzante nei cilindri di ferro. Roma, R.'Acc. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 190-196. Aacoli, Maurizio. SuU' ematopoesi nella Lampreda. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 676-683 or 916-923; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 53, 1899, 623-631. Ascoli] 181 [Ashe a. Ueber das Vorkommen kernbaltiger Erythrocyten im normalen Blute. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 426-430. ilBcott, Geor(je W. Benzylidine dipiperidine. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 65, 1893, 428-433. ABcroft, Robert Lamb. Notes on the shad. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 12, 1898, 211-213. 2. Mussel-beds and mud-banks. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 13, 1899, 147-149. 3. Note on the American shad. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 14, 1900, 173-174. 4. Notes on the white fluke or flounder. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 14, 1900, 174-177. Ash, [Rev.) G. D. Notes on the larva of Danima Bank- site, Lewin. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 232. ABhbumer, Charles Albert. For biography and list of works see Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 69-78 ; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 1, 1890, 521-523; 5, 1894, 564-567; Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 365-370; Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 166; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 28, 1890, 53- 59 ; Bailroad & Engin. Jl., 64, 1890, 92. 8. *Eeport of the Aughwick Valley and East Bi-oad Top district. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Eep., [F], 1878, 141-260. 9. *The Bradford oil district of Pennsylvania. Amer. Inst. Min. Eugin. Trans., 7, 1879, 316-328. 10. *Kenovo coal basin. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., G*, 1880, 73-78. 11. *The geology of McKean county, and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk and Forest. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., R, 1880, 371 pp. 12. *Brazos coal-field, Texas. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 9, 1881, 495-506. 1 3. *New method of mapping the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 9, 1881, 506-518. 14. *The anthracite coal beds of Pennsylvania. [1882.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 136-159. 15. 'Anthracite coal-fields of Pennsylvania. Science, 1, 1883, 313. 16. [Notes on the Natural Bridge of Virginia.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884, 690, 699-700. 17. Pennsylvania anthracite. Science, 3, 1884, 310- 312. 18. Report of the progress of the second geological survey of Pennsylvania in Elk county. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Eep., RE (Ft. 2), 1886, 61-300. 19. Eeport of the progress of the second geological survey of Pennsylvania in Forest county. Pennsylvania Geol." Surv. Eep., EE (PL 2), 1885, 301-326. 20. The geology of natural gas. [1885.] Science, 6, 1885, 42-43, 184-185 ; Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 428-438. 21. Borings for oil in Jackson and Abbot townships, Potter county. [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Eep., 1886, 82-94. 22. Report on the Tipton Run coal openings, Blair county. (Coal beds in the Pocono formation No. x.) [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep., 1885 250-268. 23. Second report of progress in the anthracite coal regions. Part II. [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv Ann. Rep., 1885, 269-490. 24. Report on the Brandywine Summit kaolin-bed Delaware county. [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv Ann. Rep., 1885, 593-614. 25. Notes on the quaternary geology of the Wyoming Lackawanna valley in Luzerne and Lackawanna counties I. Description of the Archbald pot-holes; also of the buried valley of Newport Creek near Nanticoke with special reference to the "Nanticoke mine disaster" of December, 1885. [1886.] Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Ann. Rep., 1886, 615-636. 26. The product and exhaustion of the oil-regions of Pennsylvania and New York. [1885.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 419-428. 27. The classification and composition of Penn- sylvania anthracites. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 706-725. 28. The geologic distribution of natural gas in the United States. [With discussion.'] [1886.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1887, 505-526, 539-542. 29. The geologic relations of the Nanticoke disaster. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1887, 629-644. 30. The geology of Buffalo as related to natural gas explorations along the Niagara river. [1888.] Amer. Inst. Min. Eugin. Trans., 17, 1889, 398-406. 31. Natural gas explorations in the eastern Ontario peninsula. [1889.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 290-303. Ashbury, Thomas. Metallurgical and mechanical progress as illustrated by the exhibits in the Royal Jubilee Ex- hibition, Manchester, 1887. Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1887 (No. 2), 22-72. Ashby, Alfred. 2. On logwood as a re-agent. Analyst, 9, 1884, 96-100. 3. On the detection of methylated spirits in tinctures, spirits, or other compounds. Analyst, 19, 1894, 265- 271. Ashby, Edwin. Notes on the fauna [and flora] of South Australia. [1887.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1886-87, 90-96, 97. 2. Definitions of two new species of South Australian Polyplacophora. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 24, 1900, 86-88. Asbby, Edivin, & Torr, IV. G. See Torr & Ashby. Ashby, Henry. 3. Scarlatinal nephritis. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 583-591. 4. The influence of dentition on the general health. [With discussion.] [1892.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 36, 1893, 157-163, 184-186. 5. On the aetiology of the so-called scurvy-rickets. Practitioner, 53, 1894, 412-417. Ashby, William G. Hydrophobia as a canine state ot uraemic poisoning. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 742-745. Ashcraft, Charles E. Lightning from a cloudless sky. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 489. Ashcroft, Andrew George. On testing some specimens of malleable cast-iron. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 117, 1894, 322-331. Ashcroft, Edgar A. The treatment of Broken Hill sul- phide ores by wet extraction processes, and the electro- lytic deposition of zinc. [With discussion.] Inst. Min. Metali. Trans., 6, 1898, 282-337. Ashdown, Herbert H[arding]. On absorption from the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 299-324. 2. On certain substances found in the urine, which reduce the oxide of copper upon boiling in the presence of an alkali. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 58-65; Edinb. R. Coll. Physns. Lab. Eep., 2, 1890, 220-231. Ashdown, William Charles. [A supposed hybrid grouse.] [1892.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1890-92, 378-379. 2. Ornithology in Herefordshire from 1889 to 189[5]. Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1890-92, 381-386; 1893-94, 258-259 ; 1895-97, 104-105. Ashe, A. Note on the determination of "optical tube length." [1892-93.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894,] 152-154, 289-290. 2. Analysis of a sample of diatomite from Guatemala. [1893.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 5, [1894,] 204. Ashe, Isaac. 5. The half of the hydrogen atom regarded as a primordial or formative element ; and the representation of the chemical elements by physical forms on that basis; with models of the 25 elements from hydrogen to nickel Ashe] 182 [Ashmead constructed in accordance therewith. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1889, 546-549. Ashe, W. A[usti7i]. The freezing-point of sea-water. Science, 9, 1887, 592. 2. The corresponding volumes, etc., of ice and sea- water. Science, 10, 1887, 24. 3. The freezing-point of sea-water, and the melting- point of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 36. 4. Mean heights and body temperatures of the Eskimo in Hudson Strait. Science, 10, 1887, 57-58. 5. The formation and dissipation of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 95-96. 6. Evidence of a glacier-like movement amongst snow particles. Science, 10, 1887, 180. 7. The aurora. Science, 21, 1893, 186-187, 276-277; 22, 1893, 9. Asbe, William Willard. The forests, forest lands, and forest products of eastern North Carolina. N. Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull., 5, 1894, 128 pp. 2. Notes on the sumacs. Rhus caroliniana, sp. nov. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1895, 548-549. 3. Forest fires : their destructive work, causes and prevention. N. Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull., 7, 1895, 66 pp. 4. Notes on the woody plants of the south Atlantic states. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 373-377. 5. A new hickory. Hicoria pallida. Garden c& Forest, 10, 1897, 304-306. ' 6. Contributions from [his] herbarium. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 270-272. Asbe, William Willard, & Finchot, Gifford. See Pinchot & Ashe. Asher, Leon. Ein Beitrag zur Resorption durch die Blutgefiisse. Ztschr. Biol., 29, 1892, 247-255. 2. Ueber die Latenz der Muskelzuckung. Ztschr Biol., 31, 1895, 203-211. 3. Beitrage zur Physiologic der motorischen End organe. Ztschr. Biol., 32, 1895, 473-510. 4. Ein Beitrag zur Mechanik der Muskelzuckung bei directer Reizung des Sartorius. Ztschr. Biol., 34, 1896 447-465. 5. Ueber das Grenzgebiet des Licht- und Raumsinnes Ztschr. Biol., 35, 1897, 394-418. 6. Ueber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (T/t. 2, Hcilfte 2), 359-360. 7. Die anatomischen und physiologischen Grundlagen der Sehscharfe. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 119-120. 8. Ueber die Theorie der Lymphe. \}Vith discussion.'] [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 486-487; Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [14]. 9. Monoculares und binoculares Blickfeld eines Emmetropen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 427-431. 10. Untersuchungen iiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. Zweite Mittheilung. Ztschr. Biol., 37, 1899, 261-306. Asher, Leon, & Aimold, John P. Fortgesetzte Unter- suchungen iiber die Innervation der Athmung und des Kreislaufes nach unblutiger Ausschaltung centraler Theile. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 271-287. Asher, Leon, & Barbara, A{gatino'] G. Ueber die Resorp- tion des Nahrungseiweisses durch die Lymphwege. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 403-407. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. [Erste Mittheilung.] Ztschr, Biol., 36, 1898, 154-238. Asher, Leon, & Busch, Frederic W. Untersuchungen iiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. Vierte Mittheilung. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 333-373. Asher, Leon, & Cutter, William D. Beitrage zur Physiologic der Driisen. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 535- 559. Asher, Leon, & Oies, William J[ohn]. Untersuchungen iiber die Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Lymphe. [Dritte Mittheilung.] Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 180-216. See also Gies & Asher. Asher, Leon, & Iiiischer, Fritz. Ueber die elektrischen Vorgange im Oesophagus wahrend des Schluckactes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1896, 353-356. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Innervation der Athmung und des Kreislaufes nach unblutiger Ausschaltung centraler Theile. Ztschr. Biol., 38, 1899, 499-535. Asher, Leon, & "Wood, Horatio C. (ju7i.). Ueber den Einfiuss des Cholins auf den Kreislauf. Ztschr. Biol., 37, 1899, 307-319. Asher, Th[eodo7-]. Ueber einige Derivate des 1-Phenyl- 3 . 5-pyrazDlidons und iiber das l-j)-Tolyl-3 . 5-pyrazolidon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 30, 1897, 1018-1024. Asher, Willie. Monoculares und binoculares Blickfeld eines Myopischen. [1898.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 318-338. Ashford, Charles. For biographical notice and list of works see Jl. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 405-407. 18. Note on the anatomy of Helix sericea, MUll. [1885.] Jl. Conch., 4, 1883-85, 259. 19. Land and fresh-water MoUusca round Christ- church, South Hants. [1887.] Jl. Conch., 5, 1886-88, 153-163 ; Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890, No. 1, 40-41. Ashley, Alexander. The official record of Prof. William Fereel in the Signal Office. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 8 (1891-92), 363-369. Ashley, George Hall. An illustration of the flexure of rock. California Ac. Proc, 3, 1893, 319-324. 2. Studies in the Neocene of California. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 434-454. 3. The Neocene stratigraphy of the Santa Cruz mountains of California. [1895.] California Ac. Proc, 5, 1896, 273-367. 4. Geology of the Paleozoic area of Arkansas south of the novaculite region. [With an introduction by John C. Bbanneb.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 36, 1897, 217- 318. 5. Note on an area of compressed structure in western Indiana. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, 429- 431. 6. The coal deposits of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 23, 1899, 1-1573. 7. Geological results of the Indiana coal survey. [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 11, 1900, 8-10. Ashley, George Hall, & Blatchley, Willis Sltanley]. See Blatchley & Ashley. Ashley, Mary. *The eclipse of the moon [1877, Aug. 23]. Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 177. Ashmead, Albert S. On the absence of cow's milk from Japan: its beneficial consequences. Science, 20, 1892, 211-212. 2. Contribution to the etiology of beri-beri. Science, 20, 1892, 281-282. 3. Immunity from leprosy of the fifth generation. Science, 20, 1892, 309-310. 4. Three ships with beri-beri outbreaks shown to have had extensive formation of carbonic oxides during the voyage. Analysis of beri-beri blood. Conclusion that beri-beri is nothing but carbonic poisoning of the blood. Science, 22, 1893, 48-49. 5. Notes on Japanese meteorology. Science, 22, 1893, 53. 6. Altitude in spite of humidity as a cure of beri-beri. Science, 22, 1893, 119-121. 7. Beri-beri in Dublin, N. Y. Med. JL, 60, 1894, 660. 8. A syphilitic lesion observed in a pre-Columbian skull. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 448. 9. Mai de San Antonio (spotless leprosy). N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 370. 10. Ueber das Vorkormnen von Aussatz in pracolum- Ashmead] 183 [Ashmead bischer Zeit in America. Ztschr. Ethnol., 27, 1895 (305)-(306). 11. On venomous ophidians of Colombia, South America. [1896.] Indian Med. Gaz., 31, 1897, 126-127. 12. The ittiology of beri-beri. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 788-789. ABbmead, William H[arris]. lO. A bibliograpliical aud synonymical catalogue of the North American Cynipidje, with description of new species. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1886, 291-304. 11. On the cynipidous galls of Florida with de- scriptions of new species. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, v-ix. 12. Studies on North American Chalcididae, with descriptions of new species from Florida. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 12, 1885, x-xix ; 13, 1886, 125-135; 14, 1887, 183-203. 13. On the discovery of Thoracantha, a tropical genus of chalcid flies, in Florida. [1885.] Eutomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 95-96. 14. Synopsis of the North American sub-families and genera of Cynipida;. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 13, 1886, 59-64. 15. On two new Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 18-20. 16. Description of a new chalcid parasitic on Mantis Carolina, Say. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 57-58. 17. A new chalcid parasite on the common basket worm (Thyridopteryxephemerseformis, Haworth). Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 97-98. 18. On the cynipidous galls of Florida, with descrip- tions of new species and synopses of the described species of North America. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 14, 1887, 125-158. 10. Studies on the North-American Proctotrupidas, with descriptions of new species from Florida. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 73-76, 97-100, 117-119. 20. Studies of the North American Proctotrupidse, with descriptions of new species from Florida. Canad. Ent., 19, 1887, 125-132, 192-198. 21. Description of a new proctotrupid. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 128. 22. Hemipterological contributions. [1887.] Ento- mologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 155-156. 23. Beport on insects injurious to garden crops in Florida. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 14, 1887, 9-29. 24. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrupidae. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 48-55. 25. An interesting new chalcid from Canada. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 55. 26. Descriptions of some new North American Chalcididae. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 101-107. 27. On the chalcideous tribe Chiropachides. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 172-176. 28. Description of a new species of Orthesia from California. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 202-204. 29. The chalcid genus Rileya. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 229-230; 21, 1889, 37-38. 30. Descriptions of three new eucharids from Florida, with a generic table of the Eucharinas. [1888.] Entomo- logica Amer. 3, 1887-88, 186-188. 31. Descriptions of new Florida chalcids, belonging to the sub-family Encyrtinae. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 15-17. 32. A revised generic table of the Eurytominse, with descriptions of new species. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 41-43. 33. A proposed classification of the Hemiptera. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 65-69. 34. A revised generic table of the Chalcidinse. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 87-88. 35. A generic synopsis of the Cicadidae. Entomo- logica Amer., 4, 1888, 140-141. 36. A generic synopsis of the Fulgoridaa. Entomo- logica Amer., 5, 1889, 1-6, 21-28. 37. Agenericsynopsisof iheBythoscopidae. Entomo- logica Amer,, 5, 1889, 125-126. 38. A generic synopsis of the Aphididae. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 185-189. 39. Note on parasites of Atherix ibis, Fabr. Entomo- logist, 22, 1889, 290. 40. Descriptions of new Braconidae in the collection of the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 611-671. 41. Descriptions of new Ichneumonidae in the col- lection of the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890, 387-451. 42. The corn delphacid, Delphax maidis. [1890.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 321-324, 43. Eeport on an outbreak of the army worm, and on some other insects affecting grain, in Maryland. [1890.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 53-57, 518. 44. A generic synopsis of the Coccidae. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891, 92-102. 45. Descriptions of some new Canadian Braconidse, Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 1-7. 46. An encyrtid with six-branched antennae. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 455-457. 47. Discovery of the genus Crataapus, Forster, in America, and the description of a new species. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 309-310, 48. Two new and remarkable ophionids. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 105-108. 49. Three new pambolids from the United States. [1892.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 289-290. 50'. Synopsis of the Hormiinae of North America. Araer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 20, 1893, 39-44. 51. Descriptions of new braconids bred by Prof. A. D. Hopkins. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 67-79. 52. A new species of Torymus. Philad., Ent. News, 4, 1893, 278-279. 53. On the species of the genus Mirax found in North America. Psyche, 6, 1893, 377-379. 64. [The strawberry weevil, Anthonomus signatus. Say.] Descriptions of the parasites mentioned. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 5, 1893, 185-186. 55. A monograph of the North American Proctotry- pidae. U. S. Mus. Bull., 45, 1893, 472 pp. 56. Descriptions of new parasitic Hymenoptera. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 21, 1894, 318-344; 23, 1896, 179-2.34. 57. Descriptions of two new hymenopterous parasites from water beetles. Canad. Ent., 26, 1894, 24-26. 58. Descriptions of thirteen new parasitic Hymeno- ptera, bred by Prof. F. M. Webstkk. [1894.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 17, 1894-96, 45-55. 59. A new genus and species of Proctotrypidae, and a new species of Brachysticha, bred by Prof. F. M. Webstek. [1894.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 17,1894- 96, 170-172. 60. A new spider parasite. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 6, 1894, 259-260. 61. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Lower Cali- fornia. [1894.] California Ac. Proc, 4, 1895, 122-129. 62. Notes on cotton insects found in Mississippi. [1894-95.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 7, 1895, 25-29, 240-247, 320-326. 63. [The discovery of Elasmosoma, Euthe, in America.] Science, 1, 1895, 726. 64. Description of a new species of Telenomus bred by Mr. F. W. Urich, from a coccid. [1895.] Trinidad Field Nat. Club Jl., 2, [1894-96,] 220-221. 65. Description of a new genus and new species of proctotrypid bred by Mr. F. W. Ukich from an embiid. [1895.] Trinidad Field Nat. Club Jl., 2, [1894^96,] 264- 266. Ashmead] 184 [Ashworth 66. Eeijort on the parasitic Hymenoptera of the island of Grenada, comprising the families Cynipidse, Ichneu- monidsB, Braconidfe, and Proctotrypidae. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 742-812. 67. The habits of the aculeate Hymenoptera. [1894.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 19-26, 39-46, 59-66, 75-79. 68. Some parasitic Hymenoptera from Baja Cali- fornia and Tepic, Mexico. [1895.] California Ac. Proc, 5, 1896, 539-555. 69. [Anthidium consimile, n. spJ] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 25-26. 70. [Torymus anthidii, n. sp.^ Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 26. 71. [Stelis 6-maculata, n. sp.] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 218. 72. [Hemiteles Davidsonii, n. sp.'] Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 320. 73. Descriptions of new cynipidous galls and gall- wasps in the United States National Museum. [1896.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 19, 1897, 113-136. 74. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrypidae. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 53- 56. 75. A new water-bug from Canada. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 56. 76. Two new parasites from Eupoeya Slossoniaa. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 113-114. 77. Descriptions of five new genera in the family Cynipidffi. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 260-263. 78. Nitelopterus, a new larrid genus. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 22-23. 79. Descriptions of three new parasitic Hymenoptera from the Illinois river. [1895.] 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 4, 1898, 274-284. 80. Notes on the Hymenoptera, collected by the Bahama expedition from the State University of Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 4, [1898,] 2&-32. 81. Classification of thehorntails and sawflies, or the sub-order Phytophaga. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 141-145, 177-183, 205-213, 225-232, 249-257, 281-287, 305-316. 82. An egg parasite of Smerinthus astylus, Drury. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 24. 83. Two new genera of sand wasps. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 187-189. 84. Description of some new genera in the family Cynipidffi. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 67-69. 85. Descriptions of two new fossorial wasps. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 129-130. 86. Notes on some European hymenopterous parasites of the Hessian fly, Cecidomyia destructor, Say, and other insects ; bred by Dr. Paul Mahcual, the French govern- ment entomologist. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 135-138. 87. Thynnidse in the United States. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 251. 88. Some new genera of bees. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 282-285. 89. Classification of the bees, or the super-family Apoidea. [1899.] Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 26, 1899- 1900, 49-100. 90. Classification of the entomophilous wasps, or the super-family Sphegoidea. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 145-155, 161-174, 212-225, 238-251, 291-300, 322-330, 345-357. 91. Super-families in the Hymenoptera and generic synopses of the families Thynnidse, Myrmosidas and Mutillidffi. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899, 45-60. 92. Four new entomophilous wasps. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 9-10. 93. Three new species in the genus Diploplectron, Fox. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 55-56. 94. The largest oak-gall in the world and its parasites. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 193-196. 95. Four new species belonging to the genus Pleno- culus. Fox. Psyche, 8, 1899, 337-339. 96. A generic table of the family PanurgidsG : a reply to Mr. Cockehell's critique on the segregation of Perdita, Cockerell. Psyche, 8, 1899, 372-376. 97. Description of the type of Polydontoscelis, Ashm. Psyche, 8, 1899, 387-388. 98. Classification of the fossorial, predaceous and parasitic wasps, or the super-family Vespoidea. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 145-155, 185-188, 295-296. 99. Description of a new genus in the Aphelininae. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 349. 100. Some changes in generic names in the Hymen- optera. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 368. 101. Report upon the aculeate Hymenoptera of the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada, with additions to the parasitic Hymenoptera and a list of the described Hymenoptera of the West Indies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1900, 207-367. 102. Some hymenopterous parasites from dragon-fly eggs. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 615-617. 103. Some new exotic parasitic Hymenoptera. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 623-630. 104. On the genera of the chalcid flies belonging to the sub-family Encyrtinae. U. S. Mus. Proc, 22, 1900, 323-412. 105. Notes on some New Zealand and Australian parasitic Hymenoptera, with descriptions of new genera and new species. [1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 25, 1901, 327-360. Ashmead, William H[arris'], & Howard, Llcland] 0[ssian]. See Howard & Ashmead. Ashmead, William Hlarris], Riley, Charles Valentine, & Howard, Lleland] 0[ssia7(,]. See Riley, Ashmead & Howard. Ashton, Alrtlnirl W[illiam'], Fleming, Jlolni} A[inbrose], & Tomlinson, H. J. See Fleming, Ashton & Tomlinson. Ashwell, John R. Some notes upon dyed hosiery and its relation to skin irritation. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 5, 1886, 226-232. Ashworth, F., & French, William. See French & Ashworth. Ashworth, H. P. C. The dispersal of mistletoe. [1895.] Victorian Natlist., 12, 1896, 51-52. 2. The flight of the albatross. [1896.] Victorian Natlist., 13, 1897, 11-16. Ashworth, //. P. C, & I.e Souef, W. H. Dudley. Alba- tross Island and the Hunter Group. Victorian Natlist., 11, 1895, 134-144. Ashworth, J[ohii] BlriglW], & Smetham, Alfred. See Smetham & Ashworth. Ashworth, J[ames] Hlartley]. On the structure and contents of the tubers of Anthoceros tuberosus, Taylor. [1896.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 41, 1897, No. 2, 6 pp. 2. The stomodaeum, mesenterial filaments and endo- derm of Xenia. Roy. Soc. Proc, 63, 1898, 443-446. 3. The structure of Xenia Hicksoni, nov. sp., with some observations on Heteroxenia Elizabethae, Kolliker. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 42, 1899, 245-304. Ashworth, J[ames] H[artley], & Gamble, F[rederick] W[illiam]. See Oamble & Ashworth. Ashworth, J. fJlackson]. [" Levanter clouds " at Gibraltar.] [1889.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 3, 1890, 115. Ashworth, Jl(imes'\ Reginald. Electroscopes in lecture. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894^96), 343. 2. On methods of making magnets independent of changes of temperature ; and some experiments upon abnormal or negative temperature coefficients in magnets. [1897.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 62, 1898, 210-223. 3. On the construction of magnets of constant in- Ashworth] 185 [Asmus tensity under changes of temperature. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 742-743. Asbworth, James. 2. Safety-lamps with standard flames for keen and accurate gas-testing. [With discussion.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 7, 1894, 348-353. Ashworth, James, & Clowes, Frank. The detection of fire-damp. [With discussion.] [1891.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 2, 1892, 352-358. Asiatic Society of Bengal. ^' Barisdl Guns" Sub-Com- mittee. Report... made at a meeting... held on the 17th July 1889, to consider the observations recorded during the year 1888. [Includes letters by Messrs. Manson and Waller.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1889, 199-209. Asimont, Johann Gottfried. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 33, 1897, 167-168. Asis de Vera. See Vera. Askanazy, 3Iax. Ein Fall von Cysticerkenbildung an der Gehirnbasis mit Arteriitis obliterans cerebralis. Beitr. Path. Anat., 7, 1890, 83-94. 2. Zur Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern . Virchow, Arch., 125, 1891, 520-542. 3. Vater-Pacini'sche Korperchen im Stamme des menschlichen Nervus tibialis. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 423- 425. 4. Die bosartigen Geschwiilste der in der Niere ein- geschlossenen Nebennierenkeime. Beitr. Path. Anat., 14, 1893, 33-70. 6. Zur Lehre von der Trichinosis. [Vorlaufige Mit- theilung.] Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 225-227. 6. Richtigstellung einiger Bemerkungen Dr. Sudeck's " Zur Lehre von den aberrirten Nebennierengeschwiilsten in der Niere." Virchow, Arch., 136, 1894, 568. 7. Ueber acute Leukamie und ihre Beziehung zu ge- schwiirigen Prozessen im Verdauungskanal. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 1-24. 8. Ueber Enteritis phlegmonosa. Centrbl. Path. , 6, 1895, 313-319. 9. Zur Lehre von der Trichinosis. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 42-71. 10. Der Peitschenwurm ein blutsaugender Parasit. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 57, 1896, 104-117. 11. Kann Darminhalt in der menschlichen Bauch- hohle einheilen? Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 35-52. 12. Berichtigung der Bemerkungen P. Ceefontaine's [sur la trichinose]. Centrbl, Bakt. {Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 405- 407. 13. Bemerkungen zur Marchi'schen Farbung und Markscheidenfarbung von Weigert, Centrbl. Path., 8, 1897, 615-620. 14. Rundwurm (Rhabdonema) aus der Lunge einer Krote. Konigsb. Schr., 38, 1897, [50]. 15. Pathologifich-anatomische Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Morbus Basedowii, insbesondere iiber die dabei auftre- tende Muskelerkrankung. Deutsch. Arch, Klin. Med,, 61, 1898, 118-186, 16. Zur Entstehung der multiplen Lipome. Virchow, Arch., 158, 1899, 407-425. 17. Ueber Art und Zweck der Invasion der Anguillula intestinalis in die Darmwand, Centrbl, Bakt. {Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 569-578. 18. Ueber Infektion des Menschen mit Distomum felinum (sibiricum) in Ostpreussen und ihren Zusammen- hang mit Leberkrebs. Centrbl, Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 491-502. 10. Ueber das Verhalten der Darraganglien bei Peri- tonitis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2215-2219. Askanazy, S[elly]. Klinisches iiber Diuretin. [1895.] Deutsch. Arch, KHn. Med., 56, 1896, 209-230. . 2. Ueber den Wassergehalt des Blutes und Blutserums bei Kreislaufstorungen, Nephritiden, Anamien undFieber nebst Vorbemerkungen iiber die Untersuchungsmethoden und iiber den Befund unter physiolopischen Verhiiltnis- sen. Deutsch, Arch, KUn, Med,, 59, 1897, 385-443. B. S. A. C. 3. Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung der Ausschei- dung des Bence-Jones'schen Korpers dnrch den Ham. Deutsch. Arch, Klin, Med,, 68. 1900, 34-54, Aa'k.ena.By, E[vgen]. 12. *[Ueber des Wachsthum der Fruclitstiele von Pellia epiphylla,] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl,, 1873, 68. 13. *Ueber eine neue Methode um die Vertheilung der Wachsthumsintensitat an wachsenden gegliederten Pflanzentheilen zu beobachten. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 194. 14. Ueber die Entwickelung von Pediastrum. Deutsch. Bot. Ges, Ber., 6, 1888, 127-138, 15. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Temperatur und Wachsthum, Deutsch, Natf, Tagebl., 1889, 259-261; Deutsch. Bot, Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 61-94, (265). 16. Ueber einige australische Meeresalgen. Flora, 78, 1894, 1-18. 17. Enumeration des algues des iles du Cap Vert. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 13, 1896, 150-175. 18. Ueber das Saftsteigen. [1894-96,] Heidelb, Nat. Med, Verb,, 5, 1897, 325-345, 429-448, Askenasy, Paul. Die Reinigung konzentrierter Schwefel- saure, [1896.] Ztschr. Eloktroch., 1896-97, 14-15. Askenasy, Paul, & Meyer, Victor. Ueber das Nitro- propylen (Nitroallyl). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1701-1708. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die langsarne Verbrennung von Gasgemischen. Liebig's Ann., 269, 1892, 49-72. 3. Photochemische Notizen. Liebig's Ann.j 269, 1892, 72-73. 4. Ueber die Jodosoverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1354-1370. Askwith, (Rev.) E[dicard] H[airison]. On possible groups of substitutions that can be formed with three, four, five, six, and seven letters respectively. Quart. Jl. Math., 24, 1890, 111-167. 2. On groups of substitutions that can be formed with eight letters. Quart. Jl, Math., 24, 1890, 263-331. 3. On groups of substitutions that can be formed with nine letters. Quart, Jl, Math,, 26, 1893, 79-128, Aslanian, , & Ferrin, Lion. See Ferrin & Aslanian. Aslanoglou, P. L. Electrolysis of different substances, Chem, News, 62, 1890, 42-43. 2. Ammonia formed by burning metallic magnesium in contact with atmospheric air. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 99. 3. The supposed copper nitride, Chem. News, 64, 1891, 313, 4. Sea water as a chemical and mechanical de- polarising agent for primary batteries, Chem, News, 69, 1894, 210-211, 5. Estimation of carbonates and caustic alkalis in mixtures, Chem. News, 70, 1894, 166-167, 6. The acid constituents of wines, Chem. News, 70, 1894, 176-178. 7. The significance of nitrites in potable waters. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 236-238, 8. Combination of atmospheric and chemical nitrogen with metals. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 115-116, Asmus, Eduard. Ueber Syringomyelie. Breslau, Schles, Ges, Jber,, 1892 (Abth. 1), 18-20, 2. Ein neuer Fall von Acromegalic mit temporaler Hemianopsie. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (Abth. 2), 229-253, 3. Das Sideroskop. Ein Apparat zum Nachweis der Eisen- und Stahlsplitter im Innern des Auges. Arch, f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 1), 280-325. 4. Ueber die genaue Localisation grosser eiserner und stahlemer Fremdkorper im Auge mit dem Sideroskop, Arch, Augenheilk,, 31, 1895, 49-54, 5. . Ueber weitere mit dem Sideroskop gemachte Erfah- rungen. Arch. Augenheilk,, 31, 1896 (Festschr.), 1-27. 24 Asmus] 186 [Assmann 6. Ueber Experimente mit einem grossen Ausenmag- neten neuer Form. [1898.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 204-206. Asmus, J. *Graphische Darstellungen der Deviation. Ann. der Hydrogr., 6 (1878), 285-288, 333-334. 2. *Darstellung eines grossten Kreises in Merkator- Projektion. Ann. der Hydrogr., 7 (1879), 151-154. 3. Der selbstregistrirende Fluthmesser von E. Fuess. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 7, 1887, 243-246. 4. Java, Nordkttste. Ann. der Hydrogr., 27 (1899), 581-587. Asmus, R. Die Schadelform der altwendischen Bevolke- rung Mecklenburgs. [1900.] Arch. f. Anthrop., 27, 1902, 1-36. Asm.ussen, J. Der Weg zum Nordpol. Petermann Mitth., 36, 1890, 107-109. Asmussen, P. Eudolf Falb und das Wetter. Wetter, 10, 1893, 49-55. AsS, K[eijir5]. A physiological function of oxydase in kaki-fruit. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 14, 1900, 179-180, (285)- (289). Asp, G[eorg Atigust]. 4. Zur Lehre iiber die Bildung der Nervenendigungen. Wien Embryol. Inst. Mitth., 1, 1885, 1-16. Asp, O. [Sur I'explication geom^trique des ph^nom^nes de brisure des plaques de verre.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 23, 1890, 359-362. Asper, G[ottlieh]. For biographical notice see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1888-89, 113-116. 5. Sur une m^thode perfectionn^e pour etudier la repartition de la faune p^lagique dans les diff^rentes profondeurs de I'eau. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12, 1884, 441-442. 6. Sur les organismes microscopiques des eaux deuces. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 366-367. Asper, Glottlieb^ & Heuscher, J. Eine neue Zusammen- setzungder " pelagischen " Organismenwelt. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 448-450. 2. Zur Naturgeschichte der Alpenseen. [1887-91.] St. Gallen, Ber., 188&-86, 145-187; 1887-88, 246-267: 1888-89, 371-391. Asper^n, K. Ueber Elektricitatsiiberfiihrung zwischen Flammen und Spitzen. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 11, 22 pp. Asplazu, Agustin. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. JL, 10, 1897, 645. La meseta de los Andes. Argentina, Inst. Geogr, Bol., 11, 1890, 101-111. Aspinall, John Audley Frederick. The friction of loco- motive slide-valves. [1888.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 95 1889, 167-178. AspinwaU, H. C. Smokeless powder. See. Chem Ind Jl., 19, 1900, 315-318, Assafrey, E[_mst] R[udolf]. MarHHTHUa Ha6jIK)JteHia Bi> 9pHBaHCK0H ryfiepniii, npoii3Beji;eHHHfl bt, 1888 r. [Magnetische Beobachtungen im Eriwan'schen Gouvernement im Jahre 1888.] [1889.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Riiss.), 63, 1890 (Append. No. 7), 24 pp • Bepertm. f. Meteorol., 13, 1890, No. 3, 19 pp. 2. MammauR Ha6jiK)ji,eHia bi EjiHcaBeinojib- CKOH H BaKHHCKoFi rySepHiflxt bt, 1890 rojty. [Magnetische Beobachtungen im Jelissawetpol'schen und Baku'schen Gouvernement im Jahre 1890.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Riiss.), 71, 1893 (Append No. 6), 23 pp.; Eepertm. f. Meteorol., 15, 1892, No. 8 15 pp. Assaky, Georges. For biographical notice see Leopoldina 35, 1899, 134. ' 3. Contribution a I'anatomie et a la physiologic de la cavity gl^noide de I'omoplate. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m 37, 1886 (C. R.), 371-373. 4. De la suture des nerfs k distance. Arch. Gen. Med., 158, 1886, 529-553; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (G. R.), 165. 5. Nouvelles experiences relatives k I'influence des conditions m^caniques sur I'accroissement des nerfs. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 434-435. 6. De I'os gl^noidien. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 8-9, Assaky, Georges, & Dnplay, [Emmanuel] Simon. See Duplay & Assaky. Assaky, Georges, & Pargfin, [Gabriel Joseph]. See Fargin & Assaky. Assenza, Vincenzo. Materiali per una fauna entomologica dei dintorni di Noto (Siracusa), [1891.] Nat. Sicil., 11, 1892, 23-45. Assheton, Richard. On a supposed law of metazoan development. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 176. 2. On the development of the ojjtic nerve of verte- brates and the choroidal fissure of embryonic life. [1892.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 85-104. 3. A re-iuvestigation into. the early stages of the development of the rabbit. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1896, 113-164. 4. On the phenomenon of the fusion of the epiblastic layers in the rabbit and in the frog. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 165-171. 5. On the causes which lead to the attachment of the mammalian embryo to the walls of the uterus. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 173-190. 6. The primitive streak of the rabbit; the causes which may determine its shape, and the part of the embryo formed by its activity. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 191-221. 7. On the growth in length of the frog embryo. [1894.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1895, 223-243. 8. Notes on the ciliation of the ectoderm of the amphibian embryo. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 465-484. 9. An experimental examination into the growth of the blastoderm of the chick. [1896.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 349-356. 10. An account of a blastodermic vesicle of the sheep of the seventh day, with twin germinal areas. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 362-372. 11. The segmentation of the ovum of the sheep, with observations on the hypothesis of a hypoblastic origin for the trophoblast. [1898.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 205-262. 12. The development of the pig during the first ten days. [1898.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 329-359. Assheton, Richard, & Robinson, Arthur. Sec Robinson & Assheton. Assier, Adolphe d\ 3. Les epoques glaciaires et leur periodicite. Eev. Sci., 40, 1887, 554-560. 4. L'age de la terre. Eev. Sci., 42, 1888, 110-112. Assmann, K[rnst Gottfried]. Zur Kenntniss des Pankreas, Virchow, Arch., Ill, 1888, 269-280. AMsmsLJua., Richard [Adolph]. 5. *Vortrag: "DerStaub in der Atmosphare und seine Wirkungen," Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 106-116. 6. *Die Organisation des meteorologischen Dienstes in der Provinz Sachsen und den angrenzenden Landem. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 153-154. 7. Das Schleuderpsychrometer. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 154-162. 8. DieGewitterbovoml3. Mai, 1884. [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 17-26. 9. [Ueber das Gewitter vom 5. Juli, 1884, zu Magde- burg.] [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 119. 10. Vom Brocken. [1884-85.] Wetter, 1, 1886, 214- 219 ; 2, 1886, 25-32. 11. Die meteorologische Station auf dem Inselsberge. [1884,] Wetter, 1, 1885, 226. Assmaun] la. Mikroskopische Beobachtung der Wolken-Ele- mente auf dem Brocken. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 41-47. 13. Anemometer- Versuche auf dem Brocken. Ztschr. Instrumentenk. , 5, 1886, 113-117. 14. Der combinirte Regenmesser. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 5, 1885, 227-232. 15. Die Temperaturvertheilung an und auf dem Thuringerwalde im Januar 1885. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 41-51. 16. Die Organisation des Gewitter-Beobachtungs- Dienstes in Mitteldeutschland durch den Verein fiir landwirthschaftliche Wetterkunde. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 121-123. 17. Wendelstein und Santis, die beiden meteorolo- gischen Hochstationen Bayerns und der Schweiz. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 172-177. 18. Der Einfluss der Gebirge auf das Klima von Mitteldeutschland. Forsch. Deutsch. Landesk., 1, 1886, 311-388. 19. Die Gewitter in Mitteldeutschland. Nach den Beobachtungen des Vereines fiir landwirtschaftliche Wetterkunde bearbeitet. Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1886, 1-70. 20. [Temperaturverhaltuisse Mitteldeutschlands in ihrer Abhangigkeit von den Bodenerhebungen.] Halle Ver. Erdk, Mitth., 1886, 145. 21. Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Me- teorologie. Humboldt, 5, 1886, 341-344. 22. Der Orkan vom 14. Mai in Krossen a. d. Oder. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 438-450. 23. Uebersicht iiber die Witterung ... November 1885 [bis October 1886] in Central-Europa. [1886.] Wetter, 8, 1887, 11-12, 34-35, 56-57, 77-78, 92-93, 107-108, 135- 136, 158-159, 181, 202-203, 218-219, 245. 24. Der intensive Frost vom 8. Januar 1886 im Thiii- iuger Becken und seine Abhangigkeit von der Hohe der Schneedecke. [1886.] Wetter, 3, 1887, 21-34. 25. Die Gewitterstiirme in Krossen a.d. Oder und in Wetziar. [1886.] Wetter, 3, 1887, 125-135, 151-153. 26. Der Gewittersturm von Wetziar am 23. Mai 1886. [1886.] Wetter, 3, 1887, 189-201. 27. Eine neue Methode zur Ermittelung der wahren Lufttemperatur, Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 935-945. 28. [Ueber Balneometeorologie.] Humboldt, 6, 1887, 198-199. 29. Das Aspirations-Psychrometer, ein neuer Apparat zur Ermittelung der wahren Temperatur und Feuchtig- . keit der Luft. Wetter, 4, 1887, 265-284 ; 5, 1888, 1-16. 30. Ueber die Blitzableiterfrage. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1888, 3-7. 31. Meteorologische Beobachtungen im Luftballon. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1888, 38-45. 32. Der Wetterumschlag in der ersten Woche des Jahres 1888, Wetter, 5, 1888, 17-18, 33. Die Pflege der Meteorologie an klimatischen Kurorten. Wetter, 5, 1888, 121-127, 145-159. 34. Ueber mikroskopische Beobachtungen der Struc- tur des Reifs, Rauhreifs und Schnees. Berlin Phys. Ges, Verh., 1889, 25-30; Wetter, 6, 1889, 129-133. 35. Ein Aspirations-Psychrometer. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1889, 105-110. 36. Ueber Eisfilamente. Wetter, 6, 1889, 7-13. 37. Das meteorologische Observatorium auf dem Santisgipfel. Wetter, 6, 1889, 203-206. 38. Erlauternde Besprechungen der neuen "In- struktion fiir die Beobachter an den meteorologischen Stationen II., III. und IV. Ordnung des Koniglich Preus- sischen Meteorologischen Instituts." Wetter, 6, 1889, 241-252; 7, 1890, 73-83. 39. Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf dem Santis. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1890, 2-9. 187 [Association Fran9aise 40. Influenza vom Standpuukte des Klimatologen. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1890, 9-11. 41. Klimatologische Betrachtungen iiber die jetzt herrschende Infiuenza-Epidemie. Wetter, 7, 1890, 1-10, 42. Ueber *' Wettersaulen." Wetter, 7, 1890, 130- 138. 43. Ueber die Demonstration eines Aspirations- Meteorographen fiir Ballonzwecke. Berlin Phys. Ges, Verh., 1891, 99-102. 44. Ein Apparat zur Ventilation des feuchten Ther- mometers. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 15-24. 46. Die kiinstliche Erzeugung von Regen. Wetter, 9, 1892, 1-12. 46. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit der Errichtnng einer Station erster Ordnung auf dem Brocken. Wetter, 9, 1892, 37-45. 47. Die Behandlung vom Blitze getroffener Men- schen. Wetter, 9, 1892, 183-185. 48. Ein seltsamer Regenfall. Wetter, 9, 1892, 274- 277. 49. Das Aspirationspsychrometer. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 12, 1892, 1-12. 50. Der Einzug des Winters, 1892-93, [1893-94]. Wetter, 10, 1893, 1-11, 265-274. 51. Bemerkungen iiber die Kalte der ersten Janaar- wochen. Wetter, 11, 1894, 1-4. 52. Uebersicht iiber die von dem " Deutschen Vereine zur Forderung der Luftschifffahrt in Berlin " ausgefiihr- ten wissenschaf tlichen Ballonfahrten. Meteorol. Ztschr. , 12 (1895), 334-344. 53. Drei unruhige Tage auf der Nordsee im December 1894. Wetter, 12, 1895, 14-20, 54. Die meteorologische Station auf dem Brocken. Wetter, 12, 1895, 145-150, 265-273, 55. Lambrecht's neues Aspirations-Psychrometer. Wetter, 12, 1895, 169-177. 56. The balloon ascensions of November 14, 1896. [Tr.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 457-458. 57. Die Erforschung der hoheren Schichten der Atmosphare. Wetter, 14, 1897, 1-9, 58. Zur Mechanik des Gewitters, und der Gewitter- sturm vom 7. August bei Koln a. Rhein. Wetter, 15, 1898, 193-204. 59. Einige Notizen iiber das Aspirations-Psychro- meter. Wetter, 15, 1898, 226-236. 60. Dammerungsstreifen. Wetter, 15, 1898, 283-284. 61. The aeronautical scientific experiments at BerUn. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep. , 1899, 37-42, 62. Die Sonnenstrahlung. Wetter, 17, 1900, 1-8, 54-61, 81-84, 63. Einige Betrachtungen iiber den Temperaturgang in der ersten Halfte des diesjahrigen Monats Mai. Wetter, 17, 1900, 111-116. 64. Aus dem Aeronautischen Observatorium des Koniglichen Meteorologischen Instituts. Wetter, 17, 1900, 145-163, 169-188, 192. Assmann, Ricfiard [Adolph], & Slgsfisld, [Rudolph Max Wilhelm Hans Bartscb] von. [Neue Form des Aspira- tions-Thermometers,] Meteorol.Zt8chr,,6 (1889), 278-279. Assmutli, J, 3. Ueber Harnresorption und Uramie. St. Petersb, Med. Wschr,, 11, 1886, 45-49. 4. Ueber chronische und latente Gonorrhoe. St, Petersb. Med. Wschr., 16, 1891, 379-382. 5. Ueber senile Dysurie. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr,, 18, 1893, 79-82, Association of American Anatomists, Committee on Anatomical Nomenclature. Report. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, x-xv. Association Fran^alse, Section d'Antkropologie. Dis- cussion sur le gisemeut de Thenay. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 370-391. Association Fran^aise, Section de Chimie. Discussion sur le rapport de la Sous-Couimission franijaise pour la 24—2 Association Frangaise] 188 [Astre r^forme de la nomenclature chimique. Ass. Francj. C. K., 1897 {Pt. 1), 204-240. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official methods [of analysis].... [U. S.]Div. Chem. Bull., No. 12, 1886, 49-56; No. 16, 1887, 59-77; No. 19, 1888, 57-94; No. 24, 1890, 193-228; No. 28, 1890, 189-231; No. 31, 1891, 179-246; No. 35, 1892, 195-243; No. 38, 1893, 169-218; No. 43, 1894, 341-392; No. 46, 1895, 11-78; No. 46 {Revised Ed.), 1899, 86 pp.; Chem. News, 65, 1892, 268-270, 280-281, 290-292, 305-306; 66, 1892, 5-6, 18-19, 43-45, 59-60, 72-73, 81-82, 94-96, 107-108, 112- 113 [Part only]. Assom, Tommaso. *Osservazioni pluviometriche a Villastel- lone (Torino). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 188-189. Astasevskij, P[avel Petrovic]. 3 {Vol. 12). 0 cpaB- HiixejitHOH jtiacTaTiiqecKoB cnoco6HOCTii cjiiohh y pasjiHiHHX'B KHBOTHHxt. npe;i;BapiiTe.iii>Hoe C006ui,eHie. [1877.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1876-77, Append. No. 29, 6 pp. Asted, . Nogle saetninger som en indledning til den projektive geometri. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 6 (a), 1895, 1-16. Asti^, H[erma7in]. Dihydrophtalsaure. [1888.] Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 187-219. Astis, Filippo de. Sulla deiivabilita di un sistema di forme binarie da un' unica forma con applicazione al sistema di due cubiche binarie. Giorn. Mat., 86, 1898, 161-171. 2. Sul sistema di tre forme quadratiche binarie. Giorn. Mat., 37, 1899, 148-159. Astis, G. de. Nuove esperienze sull' azione del solfito di calcio Bulla fermentazione alcoolica. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 232-245. a. Analisi di uve, mosti e vini di alcuni ibridi ameri- cani coltivati nel campo sperimentale di Siracusa. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 553-563. Astley, Wright. How to produce and preserve saccharine crystals. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1888, 15-17. Astolfi, , & Dumas, C. See Dumas & Astolfi. Astolfoni, G., & Duse, G. See Duse & Astolfoni. Aston, B. C. List of plants supplementary to the Dunedin Field Club's catalogue of Dunedin plants. [1898.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 31, 1899, 747. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia]. Note on some compounds of the oxides of silver and lead. Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 1093-1095. a. On an Alpine nickel-bearing serpentine, with fulgurites ; with petrographical notes by T. G. Bonney. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, 452-459. 3. Note on a portion of the Nubian desert south-east of Korosko. III. Water analyses. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 53, 1897, 374. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & Collie, J[ohn] Norman. Oxidation products of a7-dimethyl-a'-chloropyridine. Chem. Soc. JL, 71, 1897 (Pt. 2), 653-657. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & Dutoit, Paul. See Dutoit & Aston. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & Ouye, Philippe A[uguste]. See Quye & Aston. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & Newton, (Miss) L[ucy]. A note on the estimation of zinc oxide. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 133-134. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & Pickering, Spencer [Percival] Umfreville. On multiple sulphates. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 123-130. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & Ramsay, William. The molecular formulte of some liquids, as determined by their molecular surface energy. Chem. Soc. Jl., 65, 1894, 167-173. See also Ramsay & Aston. Aston, (Miss) Emily [Alicia], & 'VITalker, James. See vralker & Aston. Aston, (3Iiss) Emily [Alicia], Dutoit, Paul, & Fridericta, Louis. See Dutoit, Aston & Friderich. Aston, F. W. On some new apparatus. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 217. Aston, Henry, & Frankland, Percy F[araday]. See Frankland & Aston. Aston, W[illiam] G[eorge]. Earthquakes in Corea. Japan Seism. Soc. Trans., 12, 1888, 77-79. Aston, W[illiam] G[eorge], & Hewitt, John Theodore. See Hewitt & Aston. Astor, A[uguste Marie]. Sur les courbes unicursales du quatrieme ordre, dont on connait les trois points doubles et cinq points. Nouv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 181-194. 2. Lignes g^od^siques des surfaces r^glees dont les generatrices coupent la ligne de striction sous un angle constant, et dont le param^tre de distribution est constant. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1887 (Pt. 2), 1-12. 3. Theoreme de Minding : [Si un corps solide est sollicite, en ses divers points, par des forces ind^pen- dantes de I'orientation du corps, on peut I'amener dans une infinite de positions telles que le syst^me de ces forces ait une r^sultante unique. Cette resultante ren- contre toujours une ellipse et une hyperbole fixes dans le corps]. Nouv. Ann. Math., 7, 1888, 38-43. 4. Potentiel d'un ellipsoide homog^ne ou compost de couches homogenes concentriques, dont la density varie d'une couche a la suivante. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 232-243. 5. Note sur les mouvements relatifs. Bull. Sci Math., 15, 1891, 255-260. 6. Sur quelques propriet^s des courbes planes unicur sales du troisieme ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 11, 1892, 276-288. 7. Sur quelques proprietes des cubiques unicursales Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 184-198. 8. Note de mecanique. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13,1894 442-461. 9. Sur le nombre des periodes d'une fonction uni ^ forme. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 227-232. Astrand, J[ohan] J[uliits]. For biographical notice see Astr. Nachr,, 152, 1900, 125-126. To reference in No. 13 (Vol. 9) add Ann. der Hydrogr., 3 (1876), 474-478. 19. *Neue Darlegung der Modification der Gauss'- schen Interpolationsmethode fiir Berechnung der Com- passdeviationen, welche einfacher und genauer ist, als "Archibald Smith's Methode." Aim. der Hydrogr., 5 (1877), 83-88. 20. Nye interpolations formler. Christiania Forh., 1890 (Overs.), 5-10. , Astre, Charles. 2. Etude des oxyiodures de bismuth. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 195-200. 3. Sur un nouvel iodure de bismuth et de potas- sium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 525-527. 4. Sur quelques nouveaux iodures doubles de bis- muth et de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 1137-1139. 5. Sur certains derives potassiques de la quinone et de I'hydroquinone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 326-328. 6. Action de la potasse et de I'ethylate de potassium sur la benzoquinone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 530-532. 7. Derives potassiques peroxyd^s de la benzoquinone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 559-561. 8. Acide quinone-o. -aminobenzoique C^H^ 0^ . AzHC^ H^CO^H. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1025-1027. 9. Action de I'acide o. -amino- benzoique sur la tri- chloroquinone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1027- 1029. 10. Sur quelques derives amines et potassiques de la benzoquinone. [1896.] Montpellier, Ac. M^m., 2, 1900, 239-297. Astre] 189 [Athanasiu Astre, Charles, & 8t6vignon, H. Action de I'acide o.-aminocinnamique sur la trichloroquinone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1029-1034. Astre, Charles, & ViUe, J[ules]. See Ville & Astre. Astri6, Max. Voyage daus I'ile d'Orauj,'o (Guiu6 portu- gaise). Lisboa Soc. Geogr. BoL, 1, 1886, 38-55. Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. See Harvard College Observatory. Astros, Leo7i d\ La syphilis cer6brale h^r^ditaire precoce. Formes anatomiques et cliniques. Ass. Franc;. C. B., 1891 [Pt. 2), 764-770. 2. Influence dystrophique de I'h^r^do-syphilis sur le cerveau de rembryon. Ass. FrauQ. C. K., 1891 (Pt. 2), 770-773. 3. Formes pathog^niques et traitement chirurgical de I'hydroc^phalie. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1895 iPt. 2), 901-906. 4. De la localisation de I'antitoxine dipht^rique dans I'organisrae des chevaux immunises. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. iJ.), 57-59. Astros, Leon d', & Alezais, H[enri]. See Alezais & Astros. Astros, Leon d', & Arnaud, Frangois (M.D.). See Arnaud & Astros. Astros, Leon d', & Rietsch, Maximilien. Essais d'ex- traction de I'antitoxine dipht^ritique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 337-339. Astrue, A. Contribution a I'etude des glycdrophosphates. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 5-8. 2. Alcalim^trie des amines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 1021-1023. 3. Acidim^trie des acides polybasiques organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 253-254. 4. De I'acidimetrie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1563-1564. 5. De I'alcalim^trie et de I'acidimetrie en analyse volum^trique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1636- 1639. Astrue, A., & Xmbert, Henri. See Xmbert & Astrue. Astrue, A., & Mureo, H. Sur quelques composes caco- dyliques. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 553-556. 2. Aeidimetrie des aldehydes et des acetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 943-945. Astrue, H. Action des noirs decolorants sur le vin. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 183-191. Astrup, Eivind. For biography see Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 7, 1896, 117-120 ; Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 39, 1896, 214. A journey round Melville Bay. Geogr. Jl., 5, 1896, 345-354. 2. Det arktiske problem og de to Peary-expeditioner. Sleedereise til Melvillebugten. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 6, 1895, 80-94. AsvAnyi, Lajos. Szarvasmarha^sbivalykorcsai. [Hybrids of ox and buffalo.] Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894 (Suppl.), 90-92. Aswadouroff, K. Comparaison du d^veloppement des muscles chez I'embryon humain et chez les animaux k I'etat adulte. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 677-678. Atanaseseu. See Athanasescu. Atanasov, V. Ueber bulgarische Nickelscheidemiinzen. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 698-699. Aterido, Luis. Nuevos datos para la flora de Madrid. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 241-243. 2. Lista ordenada metodicamente de muchas plantas de la provincia de Cuenca. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1S99, (Act.), 195-202. Atgler, [Eviile Alexandre]. Anthropologic de la Vienne aux temps actuels. (Etude de la population de ce d^partement d'apr^s les observations et r^sultats statis- tiques recueillis sur les hommes de la classe 1891.) Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 9, 1898, 617-637. 2. Etude et statistique ethnique de I'ludre. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 171-199. Atlianaseseu, [Nirolae]. Analyse de la brochantite arti- ticielle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 44, 1886, 14-16. 2. Recherches sur quelques sulfates basiques cristal- lisds. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 271-272. 3. Recherches sur les nitrates basiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1112-1114; 13, 1896, 175-182; 15, 1896, 1078-1081. Atbanasesen, [Nicolae], & Grigoreseu, G. Recherches exp^rimentales sur Taction physiologique du buthyle- chloral. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 279-282. Athanaseseu, Blasile], & Pietet, Ame. See Pletet & Atlianaseseu. Athanasiades, G. Eine neue Entstehungsweise von Klangschliigen. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 753. Atbanasin, J. [Ion]. Die Erzeugung von Fett im thierischen Korper unter dem Einfluss von Phosphor. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 74, 1899, 511-560. 2. Ueber den Gehalt des Froschkorpers an Glykogen in den verschiedenen Jahreszeiten. Pfliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 74, 1899, 561-569. 3. Sur les ^changes respiratoires des grenouilles pendant les diff^rentes epoques de I'ann^e. Jl. Physiol. Path. G^n., 2, 1900, 243-258; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 79, 1900, 400-422. Athanasiu, J. [Ion], & CarvaUo, J[oachim Lion]. Re- cherches sur le m^canisme de Taction anticoagulants des injections intraveineuses de peptone. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 866-881. 2. Contribution k T^tude de la coagulation du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 380-382. 3. L'aetion de la peptone sur les globules blancs du sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 328-330. 4. La propeptone comme agent anticoagulant du sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 526-528. 5. Effets des injections de peptone sur la consti- tution morphologique de la Ivmphe. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 769-771. 6. De la suppl^ance des tissus dans le ph^nomfine de la coagulation sanguine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 1094-1095. 7. Remarques sur le fibrin-ferment et Talcalinit6 du plasma peptonique. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 375-384. 8. L'aetion des hautes temperatures sur le cceur in vivo. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 789-801. 9. La resistance des animaux homeothermes aux in- jections tr^s chaudes intraveineuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 590-592. 10. L'aetion des hautes temperatures snr le coeur de la tortue. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (G.R.), 706-708. 11. La polypnee thermique centrale et son mecanisme de production. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 95-103. 12. Le travail musculaire et le rythme du coeur. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 347-362, 552-567. 13. Des modifications circulatoires qui se produisent dans les membres en activite, etudiees a Taide du ple- thysmographe. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (G. R.), 268-270. Athanasiu, J. [Ion], & Iianglois, J[ean] P[aul]. Action comparee des sels de cadmium et de zinc. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 391-392, 496-497; Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 251-263. 2. Action des sels de cadmium et de zinc sur le sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 719-722. 3. Du rOle du foie dans la destruction de la sub- stance active des capsules surrenales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 575-576. Athanasiu, J. [Ion], CarvaUo, J[oachim Leon], & Charrin, Albert. Sur Taction lymphagogue des toxines pvocya- niques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (G. R.), 860-862. Athanasiu] 190 [Atkinson Atbanasiu, [(?.] Sava. Studii geologice in districtul Suceava. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bull., 7, 1898], 61-84, 290-348. 2. Ueber die Kreideablagerungen bei Glodu in den nordmoldauischen Karpathen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 81-85. 3. Morphologische Skizze der nordmoldauiscben Kar- pathen. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bull., 8, 1899, 232-277. 4. Geologische Beobachtungen in den nordmoldaui- schen Ostkarpathen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 127-147. 5. Ueber eine Eocanfauna aus der nordmoldaui- schen Flyschzone. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1899, 256-267. 6. Geologische Studien in den nordmoldauischen Karpathen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 49, 1900, 429-492. Atbanasow, P[ierre]. Atrophic de la prostate chez les animaux soumis k la castration, k la vasectomie et a I'injection scMrog^ne. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 270 ; Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 137-186. Athanasslu, [^iexandre]. Les obsessions mentales. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 4, Pt. i), 100-104. Athens Observatbry. Observations m^t^orologiques [taites k Athenes en 1895 et 1896]. Ath^nes Obs. Nat. Ann., 1, 1896, 251-377 ; 2, 1899, 43-188. a. Tremblements de terre observes en Gr^ce durant les ann^es 1893-98. Athenes Obs. Nat. Ann., 2, 1899, 189-346. Atbenstadt, H. Zur Priifung der Citronensaure auf Weiusaure. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 230-231. AthenstJldt, Wilhelm. Aschenanalyse von Ledum palustre. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1885, 57. AtbenstEldt, Wilhelm, XXlibner, H[ans Julius Anton Edioard], & ToUe, Alfred. See Zliibner, Tolle & Atbenstadt. Atherstone, William Guybon [non Guyton], For bio- graphy see Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 55, 1899, Iviii ; S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 61-65. a. Kimberley and its diamonds. [With discussion.] [1895.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 1, 1896, 76-89. Atberton, T. W. T. Occurrence of a natural sulphide of gold. Chem. News, 64, 1891, 278. Atheston, Leivis. The epidermis of Tubifex rivulorum, Lamarck, with especial reference to its nervous struc- tures. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 497-509. Atbias, M[arck]. Cellules nerveuses encore ^pitheliales dans la moelle du tStard de grenouille. Mode de d^veloppement du neurone. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 540-542. 2. Cellules nerveuses en d^veloppement dans la moelle ^pini^re du tStard de la grenouille. Robin, Jl. Anat., 81, 1895, 610-615. 3. Sur I'origine et revolution des petites cellules etoil^es de la couche mol^culaire du cervelet chez le chat et le lapin. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. B.), 585-586. 4. Structure histologique de la moelle ^pinifere du t§tard de la grenouille (Rana temporaria). Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 58-89. 5. Recherches sur I'histog^nese de lYcorce du cer- velet. Robin, Jl. Anat., 33, 1897, 372-404. Athias, U[arck], & Tmnqa., Carlos. See Franca & Athias. Atkins, Charles G. 2. Memoranda on landlocked sal- mon. U. S. Fish Comm, Bull., 4, 1884, 341-344. 3. Report on the propagation of Penobscot salmon in 1881[-87]. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 9, 1884, 1085-1089 ; 10, 1884, 857-862 ; 11, 1885, 1007-1009 ; 12, 1886, 177- 179 ; 13, 1887, 141-144 ; 14, 1889, 747-749. 4. Report on the propagation of Schoodic salmon in 1881[-86]. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 9, 1884, 1091-1105 ; 10, 1884, 863-871 ; 11, 1885, 1011-1015 ; 12, 1886, 181- 187 ; 13, 1887, 145-156. 5. Report on the propagation of Schoodic salmon at Grand Lake stream, Maine, in 1886-87. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 14, 1889, 731-759. 6. Report on the artificial propagation of codfish at Wood's Holl, Mass., for the season of 1886-87. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 14, 1889, 783-791. 7. Methods employed at Craig Brook station in rearing young salmonoid fishes. U, S. Fish Comm. Bull., 13, 1894, 221-228. Atkins, Charles G. {et alii). A manual of fish-culture, based on the methods of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 23, 1898, 340 pp. Atkins, H. A. For biographical notice see Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 120. Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 6-7. 2. Winter birds of Locke, Michigan. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 31-32. 3. Summer birds of Locke, Michigan. Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 43-45; 10, 1885, 3. 4. Five additions to the avifauna of Michigan. Or- nith. Ool., 9, 1884, 81, 103. Atkins, John W. Columba corensis at Key West, Florida. Auk, 16, 1899, 272. Atkins, M[artin'\ B., & Guthe, Karl E. See Gutbe & Atkins. Atkins, Richard. *0n the settlement of losses by fire under average policies. [1853-58.] Assur. Mag., 3, 1853, 147-158; 7, 1858, 24-37; 8, 1860, 1-12. Atkins, Ringrose. For biographical notice see Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 105, 1898. 272. Atkinson, A. A., Thirkell, E. IF., & Hall, Matt. See ThirkeU, Atkinson & ZZaU. Atkinson, Alrthur] S. Pons' Comet. Nature, 29, 1884, 501-502; 30, 1884, 55, 463. 2. [On the total eclipse of the Sun, 9th September, 1885.] [1885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 384- 385, 391-392. 3. On the total solar eclipse of September 9, 1885 (in a letter to J. N. Lockyer, F.R.S.). [1885.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 39, 1886, 211-213. Atkinson, Alexander Jlohii], Volumetric estimation of manganese. Chem. News, 49, 1884, 25. 2. The estimation of sulphur in coal and coke. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 5, 1886, 154-157. 3. On the development of the basic process of steeLmaking. [1889.] Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 21, 1890, 20-28. Atkinson, Alexander J[ohn], & Atkinson, R[obert] W[illiam']. See below. Atkinson, E. D. [Demiegretta jugularis = D. Gregi, Gould.] [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 120. 2. Notes of a short trip to the islands of western Bass Straits. Victorian Natlist., 6, 1890, 156-164. 3. The scrub-tit in north-west Tasmania. [1899.] Victorian Natlist., 16, 1900, 114. Atkinson, E[dwin Felix] T[homas]. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 329; Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 629; U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 303-304. Notes on Indian Rhynchota. Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 53 (Pt. 2), 1884, 210-233 ; 54 (Pt. 2), 1887, 5-23, 76-117, 127-158; 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 12-83, 143-223; 56 (Pt. 2), 1888, 22-61 ; 57 {Pt. 2), 1890, 1-72, 118-184 ; 58 (Pt. 2), 1890, 20-109, 441-448. 2. On pests belonging to the homopterous family of Coccidae, which attack tea, cinchona, and coffee trees. [1886.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1886, 121-123 ; Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 267-298. 3. Note on the rice-juice sapper of Madras. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1887, 4-7. 4. Description of some new hemipterous insects be- longing to the genus Chrysocoris, Hahn. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1887, 11-13. 5. [Presidential addresses, Dec. 30, 1887 and Dec. 29, Atkinson] 191 [Atkinson 1888.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1887, 41-82; 1888, 38-71. 6. New or little-known Indian Ehynchota. [1888.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 57 (Pt. 2), 1890, 333-345. 7. A new species and genus of Coccida. [1888.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 58 {Pt. 2), 1890, 1-3. 8. Catalogue of the Insecta of the oriental region. ...Order Coleoptera. [Families Cicindelidas, Carabidse, Dytiscidse, Gyrinidse, Faussidae, Hydrophilidse, Hilphida, CorylophidsB, ScydmajuidsB, Pselaphidae, StaphylinidsB.] [1889-90.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 58 (Pt. 2), 1890 (SuppL), 1-24, 199; 69 (Pt. 2), 1891 (SuppL), 265 + XXV pp, O. Catalogue of the Insecta. Order Rhynchota. Sub- order Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Family Capsidae. [1889.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 58 (Pt. 2), 1890 (SuppL), 25-199. 10. Notes on Indian insect pests. Rhynchota. [1889.] Indian Mus. Notes, 1, 1889-91, 1-8, 125-127. 11. Notes on Indian economic entomology. Rhyn- chota. [1890.] Indian Mus. Notes, 1, 1889-91, 175- 190. 12. American blight (Schizoneura lanigera). [1891.] [Posth.] Indian Mus. Notes, 2, 1891-93, 52-58. Atkinson, Edward. 3. Extraordinary vitality of En- tomostraca in mud from Jerusalem. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 372-376. Atkinson, (Miss) Elizabeth Allen. I. Metal separation by means of hydrobromic acid gas. II. Indium in tungsten minerals. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 20, 1898, 797-813. Atkinson, (Miss) Elizabeth Allen, & Siaith, Edgar F[ahs]. The separation of iron from beryllium. Amer, Chem. Soc. JL, 17, 1895, 688-689. Atkinson, G[eorge] A[lexander] S[ime], & Ferman, Edgar Philip. See Ferman & Atkinson. Atkinson, G[eorge] Armstrong. The volumetric estimation of inorganic nitrites. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 642-650. 2. A contribution to the chemistry of the nitrites and of nitroglycerine. [With discugsion.] [1887.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1887, 531-538; Pharm. Jl., 18, 1888, 271-273. a. The pharmacology of the nitrites and of nitrogly- cerine. [With discussion.] [1887.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 57-63; Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, 225-239, 351-371. Atkinson, George F[ra7icis]. A new trap-door spider. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 583-593. 2 . A family of young trap-door spiders ( Pachylomerus 4-8pinosus). [1886.] Entomologica Amer., 2, 1886-87, 87-92. 3. Descriptions of some new trap-door spiders ; their nests and food habits. [1886.] Entomologica Amer., 2, 1886-87, 109-117, 128-137. 4. Singular adaptation in nest-making by an ant, Cremastogaster lineolata. Say. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 770-771. 5. A remarkable case of phosphorescence in an earth- worm. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 773-774. 6. Observations on the female form of Phengodes laticoUis, Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 853-856. 7. New instances of protective resemblance in spiders. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 545-546. 8. Note on the tube-inhabiting spider, Lycosa fatifera (Hentz). Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 546-547. 9. Another phosphorescent mushroom. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 19. 10. Preliminary note on the synonymy of Entothrix grande, Wolle. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 292. 11. A new Ramularia on cotton. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890, 166-168. 12. The use of two doors in a trap-door spider's nest (Myrmekiaphila foliata). [1888.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 88-89. 13. Notes on protective resemblance in spiders. [1889.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 147-148. 14. Monograph of the LcmaneaceaB of the United States. [1890.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 177-229. 16. Anthracnose of cotton. [1890.] Jl. MyooL, 6, 1891, 173-178. 16. On the structure and dimorphism of Hypocrea tuberiformis. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 320; Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 282-285. 17. Black rust of cotton : a preliminary note. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 61-65. 18. The tubercles on the roots of Geanothus. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 262. 19. A new Ravenelia from Alabama. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 313-314. 20. Sphserella gossypina, n. sp., the perfect stage of Cercospora gossypina, Cooke, Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 18, 1891, 300-301. 21. Note on a nematode leaf-disease. [With dis- cussion.] U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1891, 31-32. 22. An automatic device for rolling culture tubes of nutrient agar agar. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 154-156. 23. The genus Frankia in the United States. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 171-177. 24. Comparative study of the structure and function of the sporangia of ferns in the dispersion of spores. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 253-254. 25. Symbiosis in the roots of the Ophioglossese. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 254-255. 26. Photography as an instrument for recording the macroscopic characters of microorganisms in arti- ficial cultures. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 255. 27. A study of a new fungus. Amer. Micr. JL, 14, 1893, 121-126. 28. A new disease of the apple. [With disctusion.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1893, 24-27. 29. Method for obtaining pure cultures of Pammel's fungus of Texas root rot of cotton. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 16-19. 30. A new " damping off " fungus. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 26-27. 31. Contribution to the biology of the organism causing leguminous tubercles. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 157-166, 226-237, 257-266. 32. Dropsy of violets. Garden & Forest, 6, 1893, 536. 33. Dropsical diseases of plants. Science, 22, 1893, 323-324. 34. Unequal segmentation and its significance in the primary division of the embryo of ferns. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 405-407. 36. Two perfectly developed embryos on a single prothallium of Adiantum cuneatum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 407-408. 36. The extent of the annulus, and the function of the different parts of the sporangium of ferns in the dispersion of spores. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 435-437. 37. Relation between the functions of the vegetative and reproductive leaves of Onoclea. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 290. 38. On the swarm spores of Pythium and Ceratio- myxa. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 290-291. 39. Frost freaks of herbaceous plants. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 40-42. 40. Artificial cultures of an entomogenous fungus. Bot. Gaz.. 19, 1894, 129-135. 41. Olpitrichum, a new genus of mucedinous fungi. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 244-245. 42. Completoria complens, Lohde. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 467-468. 43. Intelligence manifested by the swarm-spores of Rhizophidium globosum (A. Br.), Schroeter. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 503-504. Atkinson] 192 [Attems 44. The ExoascaceoB of stone fruits. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 463-464. 45. Heliotropism of Cassia marilandica. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 81. 46. Germination of the spores of Cerebella Paspali. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 127-128. 47. Steps toward a revision of the linosporous species of North American grarainicolous Hypocreacess. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 222-225. 48. Notes on some Exoascese of the United States. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 372-380. 40. Microsphaera densissima (Sc/iu^eirt.), Pecfc. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1694, 528-529. 50. Some observations on the development of Col- letotrichum lindemuthianum in artificial cultures. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1895, 305-311. 51. The transformation of sporophyllary to vege- tative organs. Wood's HoU Mar. Biol. Lab, Lect., 1895, 169-180. 52. The probable influence of disturbed nutrition on the evolution of the vegetative phase of the sporo- phyte. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 349-357. 53. Some problems in sporophyll transformation among dimorphic ferns. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 220-221; Science, 4, 1896, 434. 54. Address [to the Bot. Sect.]. Experimental morphology. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 249-269. 55. The preparation of material for general class use. Bot. Gaz., 23, 1897, 372-376. 56. Report upon some preliminary experiments with the Rontgen rays on plants. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 873- 874 ; Science, 7, 1898, 7-13. 67. Nectria on currant canes. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 34. 58. Leaf-spot of pear. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 73-74. 58. Studies on some mycelium and fungi from a coal mine. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 98. 60. Experiments on the morphology of Arisaema tri- phyllum. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 107. 61. Studies on reduction in plants. [1898.] Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 1-26. 62. Some wood-destroying fungi. [Louisiana] Geol. Agr. Rep., 5, [1899], 331-338. 63. On the homologies and probable origin of the embryo-sac. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 530-538. Atkinson, I[saac non J.] Edmondson. 3. *A case of tubercular leprosy originating in contagion. Arch. Med., 7, 1882, 251-261. 4. [On the aetiology of skin-diseases.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 48, 1888, 604-605. Atkinson, (Cano7i) J[ohn] C[hristopher]. For biographical notice and works see Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 544. Atkinson, J. Ottley. 2. Notes on nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 749-754, 797-800, 951-954. Atkinson, J. William. Sarcoma of the base of the brain involving the optic chiasm. Arch. Ophthalm., 29, 1900, 197. Atkinson, James P. The fractional precipitation of the globulin and albumin of normal horse's serum and diph- theric antitoxic serum, and the antitoxic strength of the precipitates. [1899-1900.] Jl. Exper. Med., 4, 1899, 649-650; 5, 1900-01, 67-75. Atkinson, James P., & Park, William Hallock. See Fark & Atkinson. Atkinson, John A. A locality list of all the minerals hitherto recorded from Victoria. [1896.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 9, 1897, 68-119. Atkinson, Llewelyn Birchall. The use of the integraph in determining some problems in electro-dynamics. Electrician, 22, 1889, 702-703; 23, 1889, 29-30. 2. The theory, design and working of alternate-current motors. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 133, 1898, 113-173. Atkinson, Llewelyn Birchall, & Wilberforce, L[iont'i] R[obert\. Blondlot and Gdrie's electrometer. {Gor- respondence.'] Electrician, 22, 1889, 261, etc. Atkinson, R. Staybolt progress. Amer. Engineer & Railroad JL, 74, 1900, 121. Atkinson, R\obert\ ]V{illlam\ 14. Notes on the volu- metric estimation of iron. Chem. News, 49, 1884, 117-119, 217-218. 15. A volumetric method for the determination of alumina. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 311. 16. On Japanese lacquer. [1885.] Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 17, 1886, 49-62. 17. On the Japanese method of making white lead. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 312-313. 18. Estimation of manganese. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 5, 1886, 365-367. 19. Note on the volumetric test for manganese. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 5, 1886, 467-468. 20. Is solution a chemical or a physical process? [1888.] Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 20, [1889], 114-115. 21. A Japanese island volcano. [1889.] Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., 21, 1890, 51-57. Atkinson, R[oberi\ W[illiam], & Atkinson, Alexander J[ohn]. The estimation of sulphur in iron ores. [With discussion.'\ Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1896 {No. 2), 207-214. Atkinson, IF. Our latest glacial period. Nature, 43, 1891, 270. Atkinson, W. L. Two days on the Gault and Greensand. Liverpool Geol. Ass. JL, 13, 1893, 32-34. Atkinson, W. N. The report of the Austrian Fire-damp Commission. [With discussion.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 3, 1892, 531-550; 4, 1893, 310-316. 2. The use of petroleum, paraffin, and other mineral oils underground. [With discussion.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5, 1893, 434-439 ; 6, 1894, 577-578. Atkinson, W. N., & Haldane, John Slcott]. See Zlaldane & Atkinson. Atlass, Joseph. Ueber Senegin. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb., 1, 1888, 57-97. Atmore, Edward A. 2. Notes on the Lepidoptera of west Cornwall, with a further addition of species to the recorded fauna. [1887.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 2 (1884-88), 266-271. 3. Contribution to the life-history of Nephopteryx abietella, S. V., with a description of its larva. [1888.] Ent. Month. Maj,'., 24, 1887-88, 221-224. 4. Notes on Tortrix decretana, Tr., with a descrip- tion of its larva. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 243-245. Attanoux, Bernard d'. Une mission frau^aise chez les Touareg de Test. Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. R., 1894, 225- 231. Attems, Carl (Graf). Zur Ornis von Graz. Ornith. Jbuch., 2, 1891, 151-103. 2. Die Copulationsfiisae der Polydesmiden. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 1), 39-54. 3. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Copulationsfiisse der luliden. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 356-359. 4. Die Myriopoden Steiermarks. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 {Abth. 1), 117-238. 5. Beschreibung der von Dr. Stuhlmann in Ost-Afrika gesammelten Myriopoden. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 13, 1896, 21-42; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 13, 1896, Bciheft, 21-42. 6. [Beitrage zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland.] VI. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der rhabdocoelen Turbellarien Helgolands. [1896.] Wiss. Meeresuntersuch., 2, 1897, Heft 1, 219-233. 7. [lirgebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Sencken- bergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft ausgefiihrt von Dr. Willy Kukenthal.] Myriopoden. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 23, 1897, 473-536. Attems] 193 [Atwater 8. [Semon's zoologiscbe Forschungsreisen in Aus- tralien unci dem Malayisehen Arcliipel.] Myriopoden. [1898.] Jena Denkschr., 8, 1894-1903, 505-516. 9. System der Polydesmiden. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 67, 1899, 221-482 ; 68, 1900, 251-436. 10. Neues iiber palaarktische Myriopoden. Zool, Jbiich. (Syst.), 12, 1899, 286-336. 11. Ueber die Farbung von Gloraeris und Beschrei- bung neuer oder wenig gekannter palaarktischer Myrio- poden. Arch. Naturg., 66, 1900 (Bd. 1), 297-320. 12. Dr. Brauek's Myriopoden - Ausbeute auf den Seychellen im Jahre 1895. Zool. Jbiich. (Syat.), 13, 1900, 133-171. Atterberg, Albert. 30. Die schwedische Methode zur Untersuchung arsenikhaltiger Gegenstande. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 200-202. 31. Die Beurtheilung der Bodenkraft nach der Ana- lyse der Haferpflanze. Landw. Jbiich., 15, 1886, 415- 419; 16, 1887, 757-761. 32. Die Guniiing'sche Modification der Kjeldahl'- schen Stickstoffbestimmungs-Methode. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 509. 33. Ueber die Bedeutung von Feucbtigkeits-Bestim- mungen in der Samenkontrole. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 39, 1891, 205-211. 34. Die Kalibestimmungs-Methode der Stassfarter Kalivverke. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 131. 35. Ueber die Modificationen der Kjeldahl'schen Stickstoffbestimmungsmethode. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 505-606. 36. Die Kalibestimmungsmethoden und die besten Fallungamittel des Platins. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 522- 523, 538-539. Attfield, D. Harvey. An investigation of the natural solidified sodium sulphate lakes of Wyoming, U. S. A. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 14, 1895, 3-6. 2. The lower micro-organisms and their relation to every-day life. [1894.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 8, 1896, 13-16. Attfield, John. 44. The occurrence of sugar in tobacco. Pharm. JL, 14, 1884, 541-542. 45. Tin in canned foods. Pharm. Jl., 14, 1884, 719-720. 46. Analyses of water at Bedford. [1886.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, xxviii-xxix. 47. Anniversary address [to the Hertfordshire Nat. Hist. Soc, 15th Feb. 1887]. The laws of nature in re- lation to health. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 129-152. 48. Report on two samples of "ipecacuanha." [1893.] Pharm. Jl., 24, 1894, 48. Attbey, Thomas. For biography see Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 8, 1884-89, 88-90. 8. Notes on the vertebral column and other remains of Loxomma AUmanni, Huxley. [1884.] [Posth.'\ Nor- thumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 8, 1884-89, 46-50. AttbiU, Lombe. 6. On the action of certain drugs on the utero-ovarian system. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci,, 86, 1888, 457-464. Attix, .Tames C, & Meade, Richard K[idder]. See Meade & Attix. Attwater, Harry P. Nesting habits of Texas birds. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 103-105, 123-125. 2. List of birds observed in the vicinity of San An- tonio, Bexar county, Texas. Auk, 9, 1892, 229-238, 337-345. Attwood, George. 6. Notes on some of the auriferous tracts of Mysore Province, southern India. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 636-651. Attwood, Melville. For biographical notice and works xee Geol. Mag., 5, 1898, 335-336. *0n the milling of gold quartz. California Min. Bur. Rep., 2, 1882 (.Ippend), 191-203. B. S. A. C. 2. A simple working test for determining the quan- tity of gold mechanically combined with auriferous vein- matter. California Min. Bnr. Rep., 5, 1888, 78-87, 228. 3. Lithology of wall rocks. California Min. Bur. Rep., 8, 1888. 771-784. 4. On distinguishing minerals. Amer. Micr. Jl., 17, 1896, 139-141. Attwood, Melville, & Hanks, Henry G. See Banks & Attwood. Atwater, Miinson Dl^arwiri]. [On the rearrangement of imido-esters.] Experiments with furimidomethyl ester, p-tolenylimidomethyl ester, and /3-naphthylimidoethyl ester. Amer. Chem. Jl., 23 (1900), 145-147. Atwater, WYilhur] 0{liii\. 6. On the chemistry of fish. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 170. 7. Percentages and costs of nutrients in foods. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 648-651. 8. On the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 685-686; Science, 4, 1884, 322. O. Les relations entre les plantes et I'azote de leur nourriture. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 689; Ann. Chim., 2, 1884, 322-331. 10. On the acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 6 (1884-85), 365- 388; Landw. Jbiich., 14, 1886, 621-632. 11. Contributions to the knowledge of the chemical composition and nutritive values of American food-fishes and invertebrates. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 433-499; 16, 1892, 679-868. 12. On the liberation of nitrogen from its compounds and the acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 398-420. 13. On the determination of nitrogen by soda-lime. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 135-136. 14. On chemical changes accompanying osmose in living organisms, illustrated by the oyster. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 136. 15. On the chemistry of fish. Part I. Analyses of specimens of American fishes. Amer. Chem. JL, 9 (1887), 421-452; 10 (1888), 1-20. 16. On sources of error in determinations of nitro- gen by soda-lime, and means for avoiding them. Amer. Chem. JL, 10 (1888), 197-209, 262-282. 17. Ueber die Ausniitzung des Fischfleisches im Darmkanale im Vergleich mit der des Rindfleisches. Ztschr. Biol., 21, 1888, 16-28. 18. On the acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 179. 19. [Remarks on the lines of investigation for chemists.] [1889.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 24, 1890, 69-71. 20. Report of Committee on ways and means for securing more thorough chemical study of foods and feeding stuffs. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 28, 1890, 117-125. 21. Abstract of paper on the nutritive value of alcohol. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 3, 1900, xiii-xiv. Atwater, W^llbur] 0{lin], & Ball, E[verett] M[eacham]. On certain sources of loss in the determination of ni- trogen by soda-lime. Amer. Chem. JL, 10 (1888), 113-119. Atwater, Wlilbur} 0[lin], & Rockwood, E[lbert] W[illiam']. On the loss of nitrogen by plants during germination and growth. Amer. Chem. JL, 8 (1886), 327-343. Atwater, W[ilbur] 0[lin'\, & Rosa, Edward B[ennett]. A new form of respiration calorimeter and its use for veri- fying the law of the conservation of energy in the human body. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 127-128; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 583; Phys. Rev., 9, 1899, 129-163, 214-251. See also Kosa & Atwater. Atwater, W[i.lbur] ()[lin], & "Woods, C[harles] D[aytori]. Notes on the sodaliine method for determining nitrogen. Amer. Chem. JL, 9 (1887), 3 11 -32 L 25 Atwater] 194 [Aubel 2. Notes on burettes and pipettes. Jl. Anal. Chem., 1, 1887, 373-380. 3. The acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. [1889.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 12 (1890), 526-547; 13 (1891), 42-63. Atwell, Clharles} B[each]. A phase of conjugation in Spirogyra. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 154. 2. Abnormal roses. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 227. 3. A deep-water nostoc. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 291-292. 4. Chlorophyll in the embryo. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890, 46. Atwood, E. H. The movement of ice on Minnesota lakes. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 252-254. Atwood, H. F. 2. A new apparatus for photo-micro- graphy. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1884, 3 76-177. Atwood, (Capt.) Nathaniel Ellis. For biography see Amer. Ac. Proc, 22, 1887, 522-523; Essex Inst. Bull., 19, 1888, 68-71. Atwood, Wallace Walter, & SaUsbury, Rollin D. See Salisbury & Atwood. Aub, Joseph. For biography see Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 21 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 264. Aubeau, A. Anesth^sie obtenue a I'aide d'un melange titr6 de chloroforme et d'air (m^thode de 31. P. Bert). Statistique des cent quinze premieres observations re- cueillies dans le service de M. Pean, a I'hopital Saint- Louis. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 36, 1884, 117-132, (C. B.) 396-400. 2. Anesthesie prolongee obtenue avec le protoxyde d'azote a la pression normale. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 (C. li.), 103-109. Aubel, Edmond [Jiarze Lavibert'\ van. Eecherches ex- perimentales sur I'influence du. magn^tisme sur la po- larisation dans les di^lectriques. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1886, 609-623, [984]; 12, 1886, 280-286. 2. Note sur la transparence du platine. Brux., Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 408-414. 3. Quelques mots sur la transparence du platine et des miroirs de fer, nickel, cobalt, obtenus par Electrolyse. Brux., Ac. Bull., 12, 1886, 665-671. 4. Etude expErimentale sur I'influence du mag- netism e et de la temperature sur la resistance Electrique du bismuth et de ses alliages avec le plomb et retain. Communication pr61iminaire. [1887.] Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 198-216. 6. Recherches sur la resistance eiectrique du bis- muth. [1889.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1102- 1104 ; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 433-458 ; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890, 211-229; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 332-349. 6. Influence de I'aimantation sur la longueur d'un barreau de bismuth. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 366-371. 7. Sur la resistance eiectrique du bismuth com- prime. Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 407-414. 8. Modification de I'areometre de W. Laska. Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1893, 235-238. 0. Calibrage d'un fil. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 251-253. 10. Aluminium mit anderen Metallen zu bedecken. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1894, 4. 11. Sur la resistance eiectrique de quelques alliages nouveaux. Paris, Soc Phys. Seances, 1894, 197-200. 12. Sur le phenomene de Hall et la mesure des champs magnetiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33, 1895, 222-241. 13. Sur les densites et les indices de refraction des melanges de I'aldehyde ou de I'acetone avec I'eau. Jl. Phys., 4, 1896, 478-482. 14. Remarques sur les relations entre la chaleur latente de vaporisation et d'autres grandeurs physiques. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 70-72. 15. Sur la formule de M. H. Becquerel relative a la polarisation rotatoire magnetique. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 509-511. 16. Sur la transparence des corps aux rayons X. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 511-514. 17. Sur la variation de la densite des liquides avec la temperature. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 201-202. 18. Sur quelques travaux recants relatifs k la re- sistance eiectrique du bismuth. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 329-343. 19. Sur la transparence des vapeurs aux rayons X. Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 528-529. 20. Relations entre la composition chimique et quelques proprietes physiques des liquides. Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 531-535. 21. Sur la resistance eiectrique du reostene. Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1897, 133-135. 22. Influence du maguetisme sur la polarisation des dieiectriques et I'indice de refraction. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 142-144. 23. Sur la mesure des temperatures au moyen du couple thermoeiectrique fer-constantan. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 169-171. 24. Sur le point de fusion de I'alliage d'aluminium et d'antimoine repondant a la formule AlSb. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 223-224. 25. Action du magnetisme sur les spectres des gaz. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 408-409. 26. Ueber die Warmeleitung von Fliissigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 336-341. 27. Sur la variation de la conductibilite calorifique lors de la fusion. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 {Pt. 1), 63-64; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 563-564. 28. Sur les indices de refraction des metaux. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 {Pt. 1), 64-66; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 565-566. 29. Sur les resistances eiectriques des metaux purs. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 49-55. 30. Sur les proprietes physiques du cobalt et du nickel d'apr^s de recents travaux. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 10, 1900, 144-148; Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 474-476. 31. Sur les conductibilites eiectriques et thermiques des metaux. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1900, 3-4. 32. Reponse aux observations de MM. W. Jaeger et H. DiESSELHORST [" Uebcr Warmeleitung," D. Ps. Gs. Vh., 1900, 39-40]. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., 1900, 77-78. 33. Sur les chaleurs specifiques des alliages. Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, 493-497. 34. Bemerkung zu der Mitteilung des Herrn W. Francis Magie: "Ueber die spezitische Warme von Losungen, die keine Elektrolyte sind." [2V.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 282-283. Aubel, Edinond [Marie Lamherf] van, & Fievez, Charles [Jean Baptiste]. See Fievez & Aubel. Aubel, Edmond [Marie Lambert] van, & Faillot, Rene. Sur la mesure des temperatures par les couples thermo- eiectriques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33, 1895, 148-160. 2. Relation entre les conductibilites eiectriques et thermiques des alliages. .Tl. Phys., 4, 1895, 522-528. Auhel, Edmond [Marie Lambert]van, & Bpxing, W[althere]. See Spring & Aubel. Aubel, H. van. 2. Quelques notes sur le probieme de Pell. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1885 {Pt. 2), 135-151. 3. Theoremes sur les triangles trihomologiques. Mathesis, 17, 1897, 53-59. Aubel, J. C. van. Sur un nouveau mode d'emploi de la digitoxine et de la strophanthine dans les cas graves de faiblesse cardiaque. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 8, 1894, 642-652. 2. Contribution k I'etude de la toxicite de la foug^re male. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 9, 1895, 840-864. 3. Sur le traitement des hydropisies chez les car- diaques par les diuretiques. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 10, 1896, 284-298. Auber] Auber, Pedro Alejandro. *Ensayo sobre los caracteres termom^tricos de la fiebre amarilla. [1870.1 Habana Ac. An., 8, 1871, 61-73. Aubert, . *[Notes m^t^orologiques faites k] Fort- I'Empereur (environs d' Alger). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. Met^orol., 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 331. Aubert, , & Dubois, Raphael. Sur les propri^t^s de la lumi^re des Pyrophores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 99 1884, 477-479. See also Dubois & Aubert. Aubert, [Henry']. Probl^me de m^canique. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 (Pt. 1), 150-152. 2. Courbe integrale et les int^graphes. Ann. Con- duct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 {Pt. 1), 165-174. 3. Des cables funiculaires. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 32, 1888, 88-97. Aubert, [Marie Louis Leo]. Notes sur le d^partement de I'Ain (Dombes, Bresse et Bugey). Rev. d'Anthrop., 3 1888, 456-468. ^ ' ^ 2. Relation d'une ^pid^mie de fidvre typhoide qui a sevi sur le 23« regiment d'infanterie et sur la population de la ville de Bourg, en decembre et en Janvier 1888-89. Arch. M(5d. Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 81-95. Aubert, [Francis]. Sur quelques points de la g^ologie de la Tunisie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 334-337. 2. Note sur la g^ologie de I'extreme sud de la Tunisie. Faris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 408-413. 3. Note sur I'Eocene tunisien. Faris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 19, 1891, 483-498. Aubert, [Louis], De I'lmperm^abilisation du sol des habitations collectives des malades et essai de paraffinage k I'hopital Villemanzy. Ann. Hyg. Fubl , 42, 1899, 362- 377. Aubert, A[ime]. 4. Sur la contagion de la tuberculose. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1891 {Pt. 2), 706-707. Aubert, Alfred B[ellamy]. The gum of Liquidauibar styraciflua or American storax as a mounting medium. Amer. Micr. Jl., 6, 1886, 86-87. 2. Results of experiments upon the adhesiveness of some microscopical cements. Amer. Micr. JL, 6, 1885, 227-229. 3. Index of refraction. Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 225-229. 4. Diatoms found in a fresh-water deposit Jonesport, Maine. Amer. Micr. Jl., 17, 1896, 165-166. Aubert, Alfred B[ellamy], & Colby, D. W. Notes upon the composition and some peculiarities of mule's milk. Jl. Anal. Chem., 7, 1893, 314-316. Aubert, Alfred B[ellarmj], & Patrick, Geo. E. See Patrick & Aubert. Aubert, Ephrem. Note sur les acides organiques chez les plantes grasses. France Soc. Bot. Bull. , 37, 1890, 135- 137. 2. Sur la repartition des acides organiques chez les plantes grasses. Rev. G^n. Bot., 2, 1890, 369-384. 3. Respiration compar^e des plantes grasses et des plantes ordinaires. Ass. Frano. C. R., 1891 {Pt. 2), 492-503. ' 4. Note sur le d^gagement simultan^ d'oxyg^ne et d'acide carbonique chez les Cact^es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 674-676. 6. Note sur un ph^nom^ne physiologique qu'on observe dans les echanges gazeux chez certaines plantes grasses. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891, 51-57. 6. Nouvel appareil de MM. G. Bonnier et L. Manoin pour I'analyse des gaz. Rev. G^n. Bot., 8, 1891, 97-104. 7. Recherches sur la turgescence et la transpiration des plantes grasses. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 16, 1892, 1-90. 8. Recherches sur la respiration et I'assimilation des plantes grasses. Rev. G6n. Bot., 4, 1892, 203-219, 273-282, 321-331, 337-353, 373-391, 421-441, 497-502, 558-568. 195 [Aubert from 9. Recherches physiologiques sur les plantes grasses. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 243-244. Aubert, Hermann. For biography see Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 58; Ztschr. Psychol., 3, 1892, 256. 29. *[Untersuchungen liber den EinflussderAthmung auf die Pulsfrequenz und den Blutdruck.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 207. 30. Nahert sich die Hornhautkriimmung am meisten der Ellipse? Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 597-621. 31. [Die Schnellphotographie als eine Methode mittels deren es moglich ist, physiologische Vorgange zu er- forschen.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, i-ii. 32. Ueber die Orientirung im Raume bei ruhendem und bewegtem Korper und iiber den Schwindel. Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1886, xv-xvii; 1888, i-iii. 33. Die Bewegungsempfindung. Ffliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 39, 1886, 347-370 ; 40, 1887, 459-480, 623-624. 34. [Darstellung der neuen Schoen'schen Theorie liber den Mechanismus bei der Accommodation des menschlichen Auges.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, xvi-xvii. 36. Physiologisches Practicum. Ffliiger, Arch. Phy- siol., 45, 1889, 195-198. 36. Ueber die Westienschen Linsen und ihre Be- nutzung zur Anfertlgung binocularer Lupen, Mikro- skope und Teleskope. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, xiv-xvi. 37. Das binoculare Perimikroskop. Ffliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 341-346. 38. Die innerliche Sprache und ihr Verhalten zu den Sinneswahrnehmungen und Bewegungen. Ztschr. Psy- chol., 1, 1890, 52-59. 30. Die Genauigkeit der Ophthalmometer- Messungen. Ffliiger, Arch. Physiol., 49, 1891, 626-638. Aubert, Louis, & Oiraud, Victor. Verfahren der Um- wandlung von Starke und Cellulose in Rohrzucker (Saccharose) unter Anwendung von Electricitat. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 35, 1885, 928-930. Aubert, P[ierre]. 13. *i)es conditions du calme dans I'anesth^sie chirurgicale. [1883.] Faris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 282-287. 14. *Anesthesies mixtes par la morphine, I'atropine et le chloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 626-632. 15. Action locale des alcaloides des aconits sur la secretion sudorale. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d. M^m., 33, 1894, 117-124. 16. Antagonisme et antidotisme. Recherches de physiologie gen^rale bashes sur les reactions des glandes sudoripares. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 953-956. Aubert, P[ierre], & Ii6pine, R[aphael]. See Ii6pine & Aubert. Aubert, P[ierre], Xi^pine, R[aphael], & Eymonnet, . See I>6pine, Symonnet, & Aubert. Aubert, Paul. Question propos6e au coucours general pour la classe de math^matiques sp^ciales, juin, 1886. Solution analytique. Edinb. Math. See. Proc, 4, 1886, 91-96. 2. Composition de math^matiques ^l^mentaires pro- pos^e au concours d'agr^gation de 1886. Solution. [1886.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc. , 5, 1887, 23-28. 3. Sur un syst^me de cercles tangents k une circon- f^rence et orthogonaux k une autre ciroonf^rence. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 6, 1888, 33-38. 4. Sur une propriety projective des sections coniques. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 7, 1889, 61-66. 6. Sur une generalisation du th^or^me de Pascal donnant neuf points en ligne droite. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 529-535. 6. Coordonn^es tangentielles. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 55-68. Aubert, Samuel. [Quelques anomalies des fleurs de saule.] [1893.] Lausaune, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xi. 25—2 Aubert] 196 [Auche 2. [La flore de la vallee de Joux.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xxx-xxxi; 36, 1900, 16-22. 3. Les pommiers de la valine de Joux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 290-291. 4. Notes sur quelques plantes rares ou non signalees de la vallee de Joux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, 196-202. 5. La flore de la valine de Joux. Etude monogra- phique. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 36, 1900, 327-741. Aubert, Samuel, & Forel, F{raimns] A\lphome],. See Forel & Aubert. Aubeux, {Alexandre JuIca Marie]. For biographical notice see Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 292. Aubin, Ch[arles], & Graebe, C[harle8]. See Oraebe & Aubin. Aubin, Emile. Sur les proced^s suivis pour la determina- tion de I'acide phosphorique dans les superphosphates. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. E., 98, 1884, 1591-1594. 2. Sur le dosage de I'acide phosphorique dans les phosphates livr^s k I'agriculture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1595-1596. 3. Sur la separation et le dosage du plomb, de I'argent et du zinc dans les minerals composes de galene et de blende. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 134-135. 4. Nouveaux fourneaux k moufles. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 596-597. 5. Les scories de d^phosphoration. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 55, 1896, 175-177. Aubin, jBmiZe, & Alia, L\ucien\. Sur le dosage de I'azoto organique par la m^thode de M. Kjeldahl. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 246-248, 960-961. Aubin, J^Jmile, & nsiintz, A[cldlle]. See Muntz & Aubixi. Aubin, Emile, & Quenot, Jlules]. Sur la determination de I'azote total dans les engrais. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 322-326. Aubin, Percy A. The limpet's power of adhesion. Nature, 45, 1892, 464-465. Aubineau, E. De la seroth^rapie antidiphterique en ocu- listique. Progr^s Med., 3, 1896, 353-355. 2. Trois cas de molluscum contagiosum. Ann. d'Oculist., 123, 1900, 463. Aublez, Ant. Sur un passage de Stbabon relatif k un traitement de la vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1301-1302. Aubouy, A. Florule de Palavas ou catalogue des plantes vasculaires observees aux environs de cette localite. [1884.] Eev. Bot., 3, 1884-85, 171-206. 2. Sur une Statice des environs de Palavas. Ass. Frang. C, E., 1889 (Ft. 1), 300. 3. Contributions a la flore de Montpellier. Plantes interessantes observees aux environs d'Auiano (Herault). Eev. Bot., 8, 1890, 291-301. Aubouy, F. L'Isoetes de la mare de Grammont, pr^s Montpellier [Isoetes setacea, Delile]. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 29-33, {C. E.) 17. 2. Contribution a I'histoire de la botanique a Mont- pellier. Note sur un catalogue de plantes du naturaliste Auguste Broussonnet. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1898, 5-19. Aubry, [It.) [Etienne Jean Isidor]. Note sur la latitude de Curasao et sur les longitudes de La Guayra, Puerto- Cabello, Curasao (Eif-Fort) et Sainte-Marthe. Ann. Hydrogr., 9, 1887, 45-52. 2. Note sur les observations magn^tiques faites k bord de la Minerve (1886-88). Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888 290-303. Aubry, A. Solution d'une question d'algebre : [Etant donn^e I'^quation x^ + ax^ + bx + c=^0, trouver les substi- tutions rationnelles qui reproduisent I'equation]. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 175-190. Aubry, Alphonse. 2. Eapport sur le Choa et les pays Gallas. Arch. Miss. Sci., 12, 1885, 407-411. 3. Observations ^eologiques sur le royaume du Choa et les pays Gallas. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., ioi, 1885, 1182- 1184. 4. Observations geologiques sur les pays Danakils, Somalis, le royaume du Choa et les pays Gallas. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 201-222. 5. Une mission au Choa et dans les pays Gallas. [1886.] Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. E., 1886, 320-324; Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 8, 1887, 439-485; Arch. Miss. Sci., 14, 1888, 457-511. Aubry, G[amille], Rutot, A[ime], & Broeck, E[rnest] van den. See Rutot, Broeck & Aubry. Aubry, L[ouis]. 3. Einiges iiber Malzuntersuchung. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2, Hdl/te 1), 159-163. Aubry, Paul. Projet de generalisation du service d'identi- tication par rauthropometrie. Ann. Hyg. Publ. , 32, 1894, 29-36. 2. A propos de la lutte contre la syphilis en Eussie. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 38, 1897, 400. Aubuisson, Auguste d\ 3. Supplement k joindre au "Catalogue des L(5pidopteres de la Haute-Garonne." Publie dans le Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Natu- relle de Toulouse (B. M. 4 mai 1868). Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1885, 205-216. 4. Melitasa Deione, Hb., dans le d^partement du Lot. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 71-72. 5. Chelonia fasciata, Bodd. (Lepid.), dans le d^parte- ment du Lot. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 115-116. Auburtin, Gaston. Das Vorkommen von Kolbenhaaren und die Veranderungen derselben beim Haarwiederer- satz. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 47, 1896, 472-500. 2. Beitrag zur Technik des Aufklebens von Celloidin- schnitten. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 90-93. Aubusson. See Blagaud d'Aubusson. Auch^, A[uquste]. Sur le cocco-bacille rouge de la sardine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mi^m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 18-21. 2. La lepre en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Arch. M^d. Na- vale, 71, 1899, 5-36, 81-133, 161-193, 241-255, 321-343, 401-425. Auch6, A\uguste'\, & Du Bois-Saint-S6vrin, [Louis Marie]. See Du Bois-Saint-S6vrln & Auch6. Aucb6, B[emard]. Des alterations des nerfs p^ripheriques chez les diabetiques. Arch. Med. Exper., 2, 1890, 635- 676. 2. De la choree hysterique arythmique. Progres Med., 14, 1891, 435-437. 3. Passage des microbes a travers le placenta des femmes enceintes atteintes de variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 922-924. 4. Complications peritou^ales de la variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 83-87. 5. Eecherches experimentales sur I'^tranglement in- testinal. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 2), 588-590. Auch6, B[ernard], & Carriire, G[eorges]. Toxicite uri- naire dans I'adenie tnberculeuse et dans la lymphadenie leucemique splenique et ganglionnaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 670-672. Auch6, B[ernard], & Chambrelent, [Jules J. B.]. De la transmission a travers le placenta du bacille de la tuberculose. Arch. M6d. Exper., 11, 1899, 521-545. Aucli6, B[ernard], & Cbavannaz, G[eorges A Ifred]. Action des injections intraperiton^ales du contenu des kystes ovariques (etude experimentale). Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (G. R.), 635-637 ; Arch. Med. Exp^r., 10, 1898, 160-166, 214-252. 2. Eesistance des sereuses k quelques agents infec- tieux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (G. R.), 1145- 1146. 3. Lesions determinees, chez le lapin, par les injections intraperiton^ales du contenu des kystes de I'ovaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 596- 598, 700-702; Arch. Med. Exper., 12, 1900, 323-340. Auche] 197 [Audisio Anch6, Biernard], & Dubreullli, William [Auguste]. See Dubreuilh & Aucli6. Aucb^, B[ernard], & ZZobbs, Jloseph Lincoln]. Un cas de my^lite aigue dans la variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 {C. R.), 703-705. 2. Action de la tuberculose morte injectee dans la cavite peritoneale des grenouilles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 929-931. 3. Etat de la virulence de la tuberculose humaine apr^s son passage sur la grenouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., ^0, 1898 (C. R.), 13-16. 4. Evolution de la tuberculose aviaire chez la gre- nouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 816. 5. De la non-transformation en tuberculose pisciaire de la tuberculose humaine inoculee a la grenouille. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 817. 6. De la non-multiplication du bacille tuberculeux humain ou aviaire chez la grenouille a la temperature ordinaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 825-826. 7. De la tuberculose chez la grenouille. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 12, 1900, 419-4G4. Auchi, B[ernard'], & Jonch^res, . Toxicite urinaire dans la variole. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 862. Aucb^, B[ernard], & lie Itantec, Alexaiulre. Etude d'une nouvelle Muc^din^e pyogene jjarasite de I'homme (variety de Botrytis). Arch. Med. Exper., 6, 1894, 853- 861. Aach6, B[ernard], & Vitrac, J[unior]. Endotheliome intravasculaire. Congr. Int. M^d. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 2), 333-334. Auchentbaler, F. TJeber den Bau der Binds von Stelletta Grubii, 0. S. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 4, 1889, 1-6. Anehinvole, W.A.,& Rothberg, M[athaus]. See Rotbberg & Auchinvole. Auchy, George. The volumetric estimation of manganese. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 943-947. a. The precipitation of phosphomolybdate in steel analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 18, 1896, 170-174. 3. Drown's method of determining sulphur in pig iron. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 18, 1896, 406-411. 4. Sources of error in Volhard's and similar methods of determining manganese in steel. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 18, 1896, 498-511. 6. Notes on the determination of phosphorus in steel and cast iron. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 18, 1896, 955-970. 6. A method for the complete analysis of iron ores, with notes on Sarnstrom's method of determining man- ganese. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 19, 1897, 139-153. 7. The moist combustion method of determining carbon in steel. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 20, 1898, 243-253. 8. The error in carbon determinations made with the use of weighed potash bulbs. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 20, 1898, 528-534. 9. Note on Dbown's method of determining silicon in steel. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 20, 1898, 547-549. 10. Notes on the rapid determination of tungsten in steel. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 21, 1899, 239-245. 11. Bemarks on some methods of determining car- bon in steel. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 22, 1900, 334-343. Auckenthaler, . Beitrag zur Diagnose des Diph- theriebacillus. Centrbl. Bakt, {Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 641- 646. Anclair, Jules. Essais de s^rotherapie experimentale antituberculeuse a I'aide du sang de poules trait^es. Arch. M^d. Exper., 8, 1896, 445-458. 2. La tuberculose humaine chez le pigeon. Be- cherches sur la localisation du bacille tuberculeux humain dans I'organisme de cet oiseau. Arch. M6d. Exp^r., 9, 1897, 277-281. 3. Recherches sur la virulence des bacilles tuber- culeux humains provenant de sources oliniqnes diverses. Arch. MM. Expdr., 9, 1897, 1124-1184. 4. Les poisons du bacille tuberculeux humain. Recherches sur la pneumonie tuherculeuse. [La scle- rose pulmonaire d'origiiie tuherculeuse.] Arch. MM. Exper., 11, 1899. 363-377; 12, 1900, 189-202. Aucour, . *Oran (Algerie). Observations meteoro- logiques faites pendant [les anuees 1853 et 1857-67]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1864, Rt. 2, 283-291; 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 107-115; 9, 1861, Pt. 1, 127-136; 13, 1865, Pt. 1, 77-88; 14, 1866, Tableaux, 71-80; 15, 1867, Tableaux, 81-90; 16, 1868, Tableaux, 93-98. Aucour, , & Robin, . *Mostaganem (Algerie). Observations meteorologiques faites pendant Pann^e 1853. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pt. 2, 292-294. 2. *Oran et Mostaganem (Algerie). Resumes des observations mdteorologiques faites pendant les annees 1854-56. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1857, Pt. 1, 157-169. Auden, Anthony W. Pterodactyles. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1884, 71-76. Auden, Harold Alllden]. Some new osazones and tetra- zones. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 229-232. Auden, Harold A[llden], & Powler, Gilbert John. The action of nitric oxide on some metallic salts. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 656-658. Auden, Harold A[llden], Ferkin, William Henry (jun.), & Rose, J. L[eonard]. Experiments on the synthesis of camphoric acid. Part II. Chem. Soc. JL, 75, 1899 {Pt. 2), 909-921.- Audenino, L. I Pteropodi Miocenici del Monte dei Cappuccini in Torino. [1899.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 20, 1896, 97-114. Avideoud, H[enri]. Note sur le nystagmus familial. Ann. d'Oculist., 113, 1896, 412-418. Audeville, Andre d\ Un cas singulier de teratologic sur un salmonide monstrueux. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888, 990-993. 2. La truite arc-en-ciel d'Amerique. France Soo. Acclim. Bull., 35. 1888, 1057-1068, 1094-1101. Audboui, V[ictor]. Sur le clapotage stomacal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1608-1609. Audin, Marius. Les Centauries du Beaujolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (G. R.), 22-24. 2. Corydalis solida de la roche d'Ajoux. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (C. R.), 49-51. 3. Additions k la liore du Haut-Beaujolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (Mem.), 57-66. 4. Polymorphisme du Thlaspi silvestre. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 25-27. 6. Anomalie par arrSt de developpement d'une grappe florale de Thlaspi silvestre. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (Mem.), 77-78. 6. Plantes calcicoles du Haut-Beaujolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 23, 1898 (Mem.), 89-96. 7. Compte rendu [d'excursions] dans le Haut-Beau- jolais. Lvon Soc. Bot. Ann., 24, 1899 (Mein.), 125-130; 25, 1900 (Mem.), 70-72. 8. La chlorose de la vigne dans le Beaujolais. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (M^tn.), 64-69. Audisio, (sac.) G. Terremoto del 18 giugno [1884. Valdieri]. Moncalieri Oss. BolL, 4, 1884, 103. 2. Terremoto del 12 febbraio [1885]. Valdieri. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 40. 3. Terremoto del 16 febbraio [1885]. Valdieri. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 40. 4. Terremoto del 2 marzo [1885]. Valdieri (Cuneo). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 55. 6. Terremoto del 1 luglio [1885]. Valdieri. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 107. 6. [Terremoti del 1° e del 23 luglio 1885. Valdieri.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 125. Audisio] 198 [Auerbach Audisio, {xac.) G. {et alii). Terreraoto nelle Alpi marit- time [26 aprile, 1886]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 80. 2. Terremoto del 9 giugno [1886. Valdieri, ecc.]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 112-113. Audley, James A. Botany. [Eeports for 1892-1900 on the botanical section of the North Staffordshire Field Club.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1893, 62-64 ; 1894, 103-108; 1896, 95-99; 1895-96, 6.5-70; 1896-97, 70-73; 1897-98, 102-109; 1898-99, 61-64; 1899-1900, 71-75. Audouard, [Etienne] P[rosper]. For biographical notice and works see Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 20, 1895, 475-479. Mesure de la distance du but dans les batteries de c6te. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 13, 1888, 173-208. 2. Recherche experimentale de la refringence de I'air au bord de la mer. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 13, 1888, 209-226. 3. T^lem^tres de depression, systeme Audouard. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 100, 1889, 5-50. 4. T^l^metre de depression a spirale. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 16, 1891, 159-167; 17, 1892, 419-423. 5. Methode de pointage des bouches a feu de cote pour utiliser au mieux les indications instantan^es du teiem^tre. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 311- 325. 6. Ombres color^es. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 20, 1896, 161-167. Audouin, Jean Victor. For biographical notice and list of works see Abeille, 25, 1888 {Les Entom. et ^ lews Merits, 232-236); 26, 1889 {Les Entom. et leurs Ecrits, 237-239). Audoynaud, A[lfred]. 11. Sur la resistance des vignes dans les terres sableuses. Ann. Agron., 10, 1884, 458- 468. 12. Falsifications de rhuile d'olive comestible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 752-753; Ass. Frang. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 1), 221-222. 13. Observations sur le platrage des vendanges. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1028-1031. 14. Observations nouvelles sur le platrage des ven- danges. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1887 {Pt. 1), 339-340. 15. Importance agricole de la craie chloritee et des sables verts dans le sud-est de la France. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1887 {Pt. 2), 891-892. 16. Sur la fermentation rapide des moiits de raisin. Ann. Agron., 14, 1888, 211-221; Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1888 {Pt. 2), 602-614. 17. Repartition de I'acide phosphorique dans les sols des Basses-Pyrenees. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1892 {Pt. 1), 326. Audoynaud, A[lfred], & Zacharewicz, Ed. Contributions a retude du fumier de ferme. Ann. Agron., 11, 1885, 129-137, 337-345. Audra, Eldgard"]. Demonstration de la preparation des glaces au geiatinobromure d' argent. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 498-505. Audra, R. *Phare d'Ar-men (Finist^re). [1881.] Genie Civil, 1, 1880-81, 125-128. 2. Le canon de 340 millimetres du colonel de Bange et la balistique moderne. Genie Civil, 7, 1886, 145-147. Audrain, J. Contribution a I'etude de la pelade. Valeur des cheveux casses. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1896, 874-879. Audry, Charles. Du gonococcus de Neisser et de ses rapports avec quelques manifestations parablennorha- giques. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1887, 450-456. 2. De rerytheme polymorphe infeotieux herpetiforme (herpes generalise febrile). Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1888, 627-633. 3. Note sur un epitheiiome oligo-kystique du maxil- laire inferieur. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 424-428. 4. Critique anatomique de quelques keratonoses. Ann. de Dermatol., 4, 1893, 384-402. 5. Sur la dermatose de Unna. (Eczema seborrhe- ique.) Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 761-789. 6. Note sur le tissu elastique de quelques muqueuses normales et pathologiques (joue, urethre, etc.). Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1321-1324. 7. Sur la resorption angio-plastique de I'epitheiium cutane. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1896, 513-516. 8. Sur les cellules isoplastiques (Mastzellen). Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 9-22. 9. Sur un cas de lepre. Etude histologique des lepromes. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 773-779. 10. Sur un erytheme recidivant des extremites. Classification provisoire des acrodermatites. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 1141-1144. 11. Le soi-disant eczema seborrheique. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 113-127, 209-225. 12. Sur la lesion du molluscum contagiosum. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 621-635. 13. Reflexions sur la syphilis. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 218-223. 14. Sur les cellules geantes epitheiiomateuses. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1201-1204. Audry, Charles, & nTov^-Josserand, G[abriel]. Tumeurs multiples de la peau. Epithelioma et idradenome. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 32, 1893, 25-34. Audry, diaries, & TIi6venin, . Note sur I'histologie des scarifications et leur reparation. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 467-470. Audry, J. Syphilide pigmentaire generalisee. (Examen histologique des taches.) Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 134-137. 2. Note sur les souffles veineux continus de la region sus-ombilicale. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 32, 1893, 52-64. Audubert, [J. Octavel. De la laryngite tertiaire et de son traitement par les eaux sulfureuses de Bagneres- de-Luchon. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1895, 140-162. Audubon, John James. For biography and works see N. Y. Ac. Trans., 13 (1893-94), 43-57; Zoologist, 17, 1893, 217-222; Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc, 2, 1898, xxiv-xxix. Audubon, {Miss) M[aria] R., & Shufeldt, U[o6er(] W[ilson]. See Shufeldt & Audubon. Auer, Henrik. Az £ethylplienolr61. [Ueber das Aethyl- phenol.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 187-190; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 350-354 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 669-673. Auer von VTelsbacb, Carl. 2. Beitrage zur Spectral- analyse. Wien, Anz., 21, 1884, 160-161. 3. Ueber die seltenen Erden. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 {Abth. 2), 337-351; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 508-522. 4. Die Zerlegung des Didyms in seine Elemente. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 {Abth. 2), 317-331; Mhefte. Chem., 1885, 477-491. Auerbach, A. Assign No. 2 {Vol. 7) to Auerbach, G. 2. *0 MHKpOCKOnHieCKOMl. H3CJltiJl,0BaHilI HHrepMaHJiaHji,CKaro JIa6pa;i,opa. [Mikroskopische Untersuchung des ingermanlandischen Labradors.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 5, 1870, 1-24. 3. *Ha6.iioji;eHia Haj;i. KpiicTaii.iaMir xonaaa IIOJi;'b MPIKpoCKOIIOM'L. [Beobachtungen der Topas- krystalle unter dem Mikroskope.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 5, 1870, 162-168. Auerbach, Alexander. 3. Ueber die Saurewirkung der Fleischnahrung. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 512-526. Auerbach, B. Les resultats de la derniere expedition d'EMiN-Pacha. Relief, geologic, hydrographie. Ann. Geogr., 4, 1895, 76-85. Auerbach, F[elix]. 14. *Ueber den Einfluss der inneren Reibung auf die Resonanz. Natf, Tagebl., 1878, 40-42. Auerbach] 199 [Auerbach 15. *Ueber den TemperaturcoeflBcienten des galvan- ischen Widerstandes der festen, einfachen Metalle. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 181. 16. Ueber die Electricitatsleitung von Metallpulvern. Ann. Phys. Chem., 28, 1886, 604-613. 17. Zur Klarstellung des Elasticitatsbegriffes. Bres- lau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 132-138. 18. Dynamoelektrische Versuche. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 183-190. 19. Ueber die Schaltung von Batterie-Elementen. Elektrotechu. Ztschr., 8, 1887, 66-69. 20. Ueber die Erregung des dynamoelectrischen Stromes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 172-179. 21. Dynamoelektrische Untersuchungen. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 201-208. 22. Wetterwarten im Hochgebirge. Deutsch. Al- penver. Ztschr., 20, 1889, 57-70. 23. Ueber die von Kolbenluftpumpen erzeugte Luft- verdiinuung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 364-368. 24. Absolute Hartemessung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1891, 61-100. 25. Harte, Sprodigkeit und Plasticitat. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1891 (Th. 2), 46-49. 26. Ueber Hartemessung, insbesondere an plastischen Korpern. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 262-276. 27. Plasticitat und Sprodigkeit. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 277-291. 28. Ueber die Harte- und Elasticitatsverhaltnisse des Glases. Ann. Phys, Chem., 53, 1894, 1000- 1038. 29. Die Mondphasen und das Wetter. Leopoldina 30, 1894, 140-144. 30. Erklarung der Brentanoschen optischen Tau schung. Ztschr. Psychol., 7, 1894, 152-160. 31. Die Hartescala in absolutem Maasse. Ann Phys. Chem., 58, 1896, 357-380. 32. Bestimmung einiger hoher Elasticitatsmoduln nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Ermittelung von Moduln mit einem Minimum von Material. Ann. Phys. Chem. 58, 1896, 381-390. 33. Ueber Widerstandsverminderung durch elec trische und durch akustische Schwingungen. Ann Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 611-617. 34. Bemerkungen iiber die absolute Temperatur Ann. Phys. Chem., 64, 1898, 754-758. 35. Mittheilung iiber Versuche des Hrn. Ad. Meyer (Stockholm) iiber den electrischen Widerstand zwischen Stahlkugeln. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 760-766. 36. Ueber die Harte der Metalle. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 108-115. 37. Ueber die Elasticitat und die Harte von krystal- lisirter, amorpher und wasserhaltiger Kieselsaure. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 116-119. Auerbach, Flelix], & Meyer, Oskar Emil. See TUvyer & Auerbach. Auerbach, Friedrich. Ueber ein neues Collidin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3485-3490. 2. Ueber eine Pipecolincarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3490-3493. Auerbach, Ilvan] B[ogdanovi6] {Johann Alexander). 8. *Ueber den sogenannten Achtaryndit. [Posth.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 3, 1868, 113-115, 9. *ropa Borji,o. [Ci npeji;HCJiOBieM'B T. TPAyTfflOJItJI,a. The Bogdo Mts. With an introduc- tion by H. Tbadtschold.] [Posth.] St. Petersb., Soc, Russe G6ogr, M6m. (Geogr.), 4, 1871, 1-81. Auerbach, Leopold. For biography and list of works see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1897 (Nek.), 3-9; Leopoldina, 33, 1897, 158; Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 257-267. 17. *Zur allgemeinen Muskel-Physiologie. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876, 106. 18. *Ueber die streifige Spindelfigur bei der Ver- mehrung, resp. Theilung der Zellkerne. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 231. 19. [Theorie des Saugens.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 201, 443. 20. Zur Mechanik des Saugens und der Inspiration. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1888, 59-128. 21. Zur Frage der wirklichen oder scheinbaren Muskelhypertrophie. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 27, 1889, 802-803. 22. Ueber die Blutkorperchen der Batrachier. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 570-578; Int. Med, Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 1), 72-76, 23. Zur Kenntniss der thierischen Zellen, Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 735-749, 24. Ueber einen sexuellen Gegensatz in der Chro- matophilie der Keimsubstanzen, nebst Bemerkungen zum Bau der Eier und Ovarien niederer Wirbelthiere. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 713-750, 25. Ueber einen sexuellen Gegensatz in der Chro- matophilie der mannlichen und weiblichen Geschlechts- producte. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 533-535. 26. Zur Charakteristik von Ei und Samen. [1891.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 22, 1892 {Th. 2), 179-J81. 27. Ueber den Gang und die Resultate seiner auf die Ermittelung tinctioneller Differenzen in den Zellkernen hoherer Thiere gerichteten Untersuchungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 (Abth. 2), 49-50. 28. Ueber merkwiirdige Vorgange am Sperma von Dytiscus marginalis. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1893, 185-203. 29. Zu den Bemerkungen des Herrn Dr. Ballowitz betreffend das Sperma von Dytiscus marginalis. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 627-630. 30. Spermatologische Mittheilungen. [1. Die Sa- menelemente von Paludina vivipara. 2. Ueber die Samenkorperchen von Astacus fluviatilis. 3. Die Samen- elemente von Ascaris megalocephala.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber,, 1894 (Abth. 2b), 11-39, 31. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der zweierlei Samen- faden von Paludina vivipara. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 (Abth. 2b), 26-34. 32. Untersuchungen iiber die Spermatogenese von Paludina vivipara. Jena. Ztschr., 30, 1896, 405-554, Auerbach, Leopold. Ueber das Verhaltniss des Diabetes mellitus zu Affectionen des Nervensystems, Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 484-508. 2. Ueber die Lobi optici der Knochenfische. Deutsch, Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 319. 3. Die Lobi optici der Teleostier und die Vierhiigel der hoher organisirten Gehime. Morphol, Jbuch., 14, 1888, 373-393, 4. Bemerkungen in Bezug auf " die Fortsetzung der hinteren Kiickenmarkswurzeln zum Gehirn " (L, Edinqer). Anat, Anz., 4, 1889, 407-411, 481-482. 5. Zur Anatomic der aufsteigend degenerierenden Systeme des Riickenmarks. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Anat, Anz,, 5, 1890, 214-216, 6. Zur Anatomie der Vorderseitenstrangreste. Vir- chow. Arch., 121, 1890, 199-209. 7. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ascendirenden Degene- ration des Riickenmarks und zur Anatomie der Klein- hirnseitenstrangbahn. Virchow, Arch,, 124, 1891, 149- 174, 8. Zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Nervenfasern, Deutsch, Natf, Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 310-314. 9. Farbung i'iir Axencylinder und ihre Endbaumchen. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 439-441. 10. Nervenendigung in den Centralorganen. Neurol. Centrbl,, 17, 1898, 445-454, 734-736, Auerbach, M., & VTolffenstein, Richard. Ueber die Einwirkung von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd auf tertiare Basen, Berlin, Chem, Ges, Ber,, 32, 1899, 2507-2520, Auerbach, M[ax]. Die Unterkieferdriisen von Myoxus Auerbach] 200 [August muscardinus, Schreher. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 45-53. Auerbacb, Siegmund. Die in Folge von Nierenkrank- heiten entstehenden psychischen Storungen. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. PsycLiatr., 52, 1896, 337-372. Auerbach, Wilhehii. Ueber die Ursache der Hemmung der Gelatine- Verfliissigung durch Bacterien durch Zucker- zusatz. Arch. Hyg., 31, 1897, 311-318. Auersperg, {Graf) Alexander. *Beobachtungen iiber den Zug der Vogel in der Umgebung Laibachs vom Juli 1863 bis April 1864. Laibach, MusVer. Krain Mitth., 1, 1866, 210-213. Auffray, Lionel. La darutyne. Resum^ des recherches faites sur I'herbe de Flacq, ou herbe grasse, ou herbe divine ou gu^rit vite (Siegesbechia orientalis). [1885.] Mauritius Roy. Soe. Trans., 19, 1887, 62-65. Anfreclit, E[Tnanuel]. 19. Die experimentelle Erzeugung der Endometritis diphtheritica puerperalis nebst einigen Schlussfolgerungen fiir das menschhche Puerperalfieber. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 204-208. 20. Robert Koch's Tuberculosenbehandlung. [1891.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 49, 1892, 1-25. 21. Ueber den Einfluss stark salzhaltigen Elbwas- sers auf die Entwickelung von Cholerabacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 353-356. 22. Zur Herstellung und Farbung mikroskopischer Objecte. Centrbl. Path. , 4, 1893, 636-638. 23. Ueber den Befund feiner Spirillen in den De- jektionen einer unter Cholerasymptomen gestorbenen Frau. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 405-407. 24. Die alkoholische Myocarditis mit nachfolgender Lebererkrankung und zeitweiliger Albuminuria. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 54, 1895, 615-636. 25. Experimentelle Lebercirrhose nach Phosphor. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 58, 1897, 302-310. 26. Pneumonic mit Empyem und Hirnabscess ; nach zweimonatlichem Wohlbefinden todtliche eitrige Menin- gitis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 59, 1897, 627-632. 27. Die Verschiedenheiten des Lungenschalles beim In- und Exspirium und ihre Verwerthung bei patho- logischen Zustanden. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 622-625. 28. Ueber plotzliche Alkohol-Entziehung bei Kranken und Gesunden. Deutsch. Arch, Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 625-628. 29. Atypische Pneumonie bei puerperaler Endome- tritis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 633-636. 30. Bronchialmuskulatur und Asthma. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 67, 1900, 586-591. Aufsctilager, Heinrich. Ueber die Bildung von Cyanid beim Erhitzen stickstoffhaltiger organischer Korper mit Zinkstaub. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 {Abth. 2b), 278- 285 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1892, 268-275. Aufscbnaiter, Otto von. Die Muskelhaut des mensch- lichen Magens. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 {Abth. 3), 75-96. Augagneur, Victor. 2. Les injections hypodermiques de substances mercurielles dans le traitement de la syphiHs. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 927-933. 3. Malformation cong^nitale des pieds et des mains. [1894.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d. M^m., 34, 1896 (C. R.), 157. 4. Un cas de dermographisme. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M^m., 35, 1896 (C. R.), 3-4. 5. Emploi des injections de s^rum artificiel de Hayem dans les syphihs malignes. Ann. de Dermatol. , 10, 1899, 433-437. Aug6, Eugene. Note sur la bauxite, son origine, son dge et son importance g^ologique. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 345-350 2. Sur I'alun de soude. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1139-1140; Ass. Frany. C. R., 1890 (P«. 2), 281- 283. Auger, Victor. [Action de roenanthol et du chlorure d'cenanthyle sur la dimethylauiline en presence de ZnCl-.] [1886.] Paris Soc. Chim." Bull., 45, 1886, 862 ; 47, 1887, 42-51. 2. [Action de la benzine sur le chlorure de succinyle en presence de chlorure d'aluminium.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 658. 3. Contribution k I'^tude des chlorures d'acides bibasiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 345-352. 4. Sur les chlorures d'acides bibasiques. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 289-368. 5. R^gulateur de vide pour distillations sous pression r^duite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 731-733. 6. [Preparation des nitroparaffines grasses primaires.] [1898-99.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 34, 706. 7. Nouvelle m^thode de preparation du glycocolle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 5-7. 8. [Sur les r^sines-benzyienes.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 562. 9. Sur un nouveau mode de preparation des nitro- methanes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 383-336. 10. Sur I'oxyde du diphenylmethanol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900,. 336-338. 11. [Action des ars^nites et sulfo-arsenites sur I'iodoforme et Tiodure de methyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 577-578. Auger, Victor, & B6hal, A[uguste]. Sur une nouvelle methode de preparation du chlorure d'ac^tyle et de I'acide njonochloracetique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 144-145. 2. [Action du chlorure de malonyle sur le zinc- methyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 641. See also Behal & Auger. Auger, Victor, & Boissieu, Pierre de. [Preparation de la vanilline a partir du methylene-eugenol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 519. Augbey, Samuel. 6. Curious companionship of the coyote and badger. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 644- 645. Augi6ras, . Examen microscopique des secretions conjonctivales au point de vue clinique. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 361. 2. Fusion stereoscopique des couleurs au point de vue clinique. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 372-374. Augouard, {Mgr.) [Philippe Profspere]. Eine Kongofahrt von Brazzaville bis zur Aequatorstation. [Tr.] [1886.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 5, 1887, 21-30, 71-89, Augsburg, Franz. Zum Geruchssinn der Vogel. [1899.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1898-99, 44-45. Augstein, [Ca^-l]. Ueber Storung des Farbensinnes bei Neuritis. Arch. Augenheilk., 14, 1885, 347-359; Arch. Ophthalm., 14, 1885, 435-446. Augstein, Otto. Strongylus filaria, R. Arch. Naturg., 60, 1894 {Bd. 1), 255-304. August, F[riedrich Wilhelm Oscar]. Assign to this author title {Vol. 1) under August, F. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 46-47. 9. Gleichgewicht eines iiber eine Flache gespannten Fadens mit Beriicksichtigung der Reibung. Arch, Math. Phys., 70, 1884, 225-238. 10. Ueber Korperketten. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 31, 1886, 348-361. 11. Die Sonnenkompassuhr. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 51-53. 12. Ueber die Rotationsflache kleinsten Widerstandes und iiber die giinstigste Form der Geschossspitzen nach der Newtonschen Theorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 103, 1888, 1-24. 13. Ueber Rotationsflachen mit loxodromischer Ver- wandtschaft. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 33, 1888, 154-166. 14. Ueber die P.eweguiig von Ketten in Curven. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 33, 1888, 321-356. August] 201 [Auquier 15. Ueber die Bewegung freier Ketten in rotirenden Linien. Ztscbr. Math. Phys., 35, 1890, 97-120. 16. Ueber Tetraeder, deren Seitenfliichen teilweise Oder samtlich gleich sind, und iiber das Hyperboloid der Hohen beim gleichseitigen Tetraeder. Arch. Math. Phys., 17, 1900, 65-72. Augustin, Fr[anz]. 7. Ueber die jiihrliche Periode der Richtung dea Windes. Prag, Sber., 1886 (Math.-Nat.), 208-227; 1887 {Math.-Nat.), 486-527. 8. Ueber die jahrliche Periode der Richtung des Windes in Mittel- und West-Europa. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 399-404. 9. Ueber den jiihrlichen Gang der meteorologischen Elemente zu Prag. Prag, Abh., 2, 1888, No. 7, 165 pp. 10. Untersuchungen iiber die Temperatur von Prag. Prag, Sber., 1889, 2 {Math.-Nat.), 357-384. 11. Ueber die Schwankungen des Wasserstandes der Moldau. Prag, Sber., 1891 {Math.-Nat.), 50-82. 12. Regen und Ueberschwemmungen im September 1890 nordlich der Alpen, Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 128-135. 13. Die Resultate der meteorologischen Beobach- tungen auf der "Petfinwarte" in Prag. Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.), No. 41, 31 pp. 14. Autografick^ zaznamy tlaku, teploty, smeru a rychlosti vetru na rozhledne na Petfine v Praze [rokach 1895 a 1896. Autographic records of pressure, temperature, direction and velocity of wind at the Petfina belvedere in Prague, 1895-96]. Prag, Cesk^ Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (THda 2), 5, 1896, No. 16, 85 pp. ; 6, 1897, No. 22, 86 pp. 15. Die Temperaturverhaltnisse der Sudetenlander. Prag, Sber., 1899 {Math.-Nat.), No. 1, 86 pp.; 1900 {Math.- Nat.), No. 32, 100 pp. Aninger, Mathias. For biography see Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 257-258; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890 (Not.), 103-106. Aujeszky, Aladdr. Az arz^nnel val6 m^rgez^srol. [Arsenical poisoning.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 358- 364. 2. Eine einfache Sporenfarbungsmethode. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 23, 1898, 329-331. 3. Zur Sporenfarbung des Bacillus gangrsenaB pulps. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 324-325. 4. Adatok a 16pfene ellen val6 immunizdlas k^rd^sehez. [Beitrage zur Frage der Anthraximmunitat.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16,1898, 30fr-310; Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt.l), 24, 1898, 325-327. 6. Ueber Immunisierung gegen Wut mit normaler Nervensubstanz. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 5-10. 6. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn Prof. Babes iiber die Beeinflussung der Wut durch normale Nervensubstanz. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 177- 178. Aulard, A. Bemerkungen zu vorstehender Beschreibung des Fluorscheideverfahrens. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- zuckerind., 40, 1890, 913-917. 2. Ueber die Ursache der nadelformigen Krystallisa- tion des Zuckers. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 41, 1891, 829-838. 3. Ueber die Raffinose und ihr Verhalten in den Producten der Zuckerfabrikation u. s. w. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 42, 1892, 752-762. Auld, A[lexander] G[unn]. On the pathology of acute and chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Glasgow Med. Jl., 33, 1890, 90-101, 250-265, 354-371 ; 34, 1890, 99-112. 2. Further observations on chronic inflammatory lesions of the bronchi and on bronchiectasis. Glasgow Med. Jl., 35, 1891, 255-271. 3. Some results of experiments with the toxins of the pneumococcus. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 86-90. Auld, A[lexander] G[Mnn], & Coats, Joseph. See Coats & Auld. R. 8. A. C. Auld, Helen P., & Harvey-Olbson, R[obert] J[ohn]. See Oibson & Auld. Auld, Henry A. 2. A hunt for Phorodesma smaragdaria. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1898, 57-59, 119. 3. The larva of Phorodesma pustulata (Bajularia). Entomologist, 30, 1897, 301-302. AtUd, Robert C. Hornless ruminants. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 730-746, 885-902, 1076-1098. 2. The wild cattle of Great Britain. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 498-509, 784-802. 3. Some cases of solid-hoofed hogs and two-toed horses. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 447-449. 4. The segregations of polled races in America. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 677-686. 5. A means of preserving the purity and establishing a career for the American bison of the future. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 787-796. 6. As to the "extinction" of the American horse. Science, 20, 1892, 135. Aulde, John. The clinical applications of drugs. N. Y. Med. JL, 51, 1890, 393-396, 421-425. 2. A clinical estimate of the position of cascara sagrada as a remedy for habitual constipation and kindred disorders. N. Y. Med. JL, 51, 1890, 703- 708. 3. Studies in therapeutics. Assayed galenical pre- parations. [The pharmacologv of ergot. Aconite.] N. Y. Med. JL, 52, 1890, 227-229, 347-350; 53, 1891, 37-41. 4. Crude drugs compared with chemical products. N. Y. Med. JL, 52, 1890, 463-465. 5. Hydrogen dioxide ; a r^sum^. N. Y. Med. JL, 52, 1890, 711-714. 6. A study of the pharmacology and therapeutics of arsenic. [1890.] N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 390-397. 7. The pharmacology and therapeutics of Euphorbia pilulifera. N. Y. Med.'jl., 54, 1891, 71-74. 8. A note on the employment of nuclein solutions. N. Y. Med. JL, 59, 1894, 366-367. 9. Nucleins. A clinical study. N. Y. Med. JL, 60, 1894, 392-396. 10. The physiological role of antitoxins and nuclei'n. N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1898, 84-86. 11. The abortive treatment of typhoid fever. N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1898, 347-349. 12. Hydr ozone in gastric and intestinal disorders. N. Y. Med. JL, 64, 1896, 224-225. 13. Copper arsenite and nuclein solution for typhoid fever. N. Y. Med. JL, 69, 1899, 187-192. Aulich, P[aul]. Ueber eine Beziehung zwischen den Atfinitiits- und den Teilungskoeffizienten in nicht misch- baren Losungsmitteln. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 105-109. AuUch, P[aul], & Oraebe, Charles. See Oraebe & Anlleh. Aulinger, Eduard [Franz Karl]. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Weber'schen Theorie der Elektrodynamik zu dem von Hertz aufgestellten Princip der Einheit der elektrischen Kriifte. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1888 {Abth. 2), 880-893. 2. Ueber Meinbranen, deren beide Hauptspannungen durchaus gleich sind. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 170-179. Aulinger, Eduard [Franz Karl], & Streintz, Franz. See Streintz & Aulinger. AtUt-Dumesnil, G[eoffroy] d\ 2. Nouvelles fouilles faites a Thenay en septembre 1884. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1888 {Pt. 2), 463-466; Mat^r, Hist. Homme, 19, 1888, 241-251. Ault-Dumesnll, G[eoffro}j] d', & Capltan, [Louis], See Capitan & Ault-Dumesnil. Aulton, ^.D. Excavations at Walsall. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 322-323. Auquier, [Eugene], De I'adh^sion mol^culaire intra- pleurale consid^r^e comme la seule cause du contact des 26 Auquier] 202 [Aurivillius deux feuillets pleuraux. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1885, Ixix-lxx. Aurelianu, P. S. Kespunsulu. [Reply to Porciur on the flora of Naszod.] [1885.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 7 (Sect. 2), 1886, 135-140. Aur^n, T. Ericson. Ueber Polarisationserscheinungen in Flammengasen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 583-608. Auria, Liiifii d'. 2. The ellipticity of planets. Franklin Inst. Jl., 117, 1884, 428-431 ; 118, 1884, 152 ; Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 229-232. 3. How to determine the grade of expansion and the size of a steam engine which is to perform a given duty with the least total expenditure of money per working hour. Franklin Inst. Jl., 118, 1884, 1-4. 4. The Earth's ellipticity. Franklin Inst. Jl., 118, 1884, 127-131, 472-473. 5. The law of cylinder condensation in steam engines. Franklin Inst. Jl., 121, 1886, 373-376. 6. A newly-discovered property of the ellipse. Frank- lin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 27-30. 7. A new method to determine the moon's mass cor- rectly, followed by a discussion upon the theory of tides fully identifying the phenomenon upon dynamical prin- ciples. Franklin Inst. Jl., 123, 1887, 331-334, 409-410. 8. The most economical cross-section of compound dikes. Franklin Inst. JL, 125, 1888, 482-484. 9. Two remarkable astronomical coincidences. FrankHn Inst. Jl., 126, 1888, 295-296. 10. On the force of impact of waves and the stability of the superstructure of breakwaters. Franklin Inst. Jl., 130, 1890, 373-376 ; 131, 1891, 49-54. 11. A new theory of the propagation of waves in liquids. Franklin Inst. Jl., 130, 1890, 456-465. 12. Analytical discussion of the tidal volume ad- mitted into bays and rivers under given conditions of width, depth and area of basin, relation between width and depth in the cross-sections of tidal streams whose beds are yielding to the action of currents, variation of cross-sectional area in such streams. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 267-276. 13. The law of variation of the theoretical amplitude of tidal oscillation, and the elevation of the high water line in the various cross-sections of tidal rivers. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 350-357. 14. Stellar dynamics. Franklin Inst. Jl., 144, 1897, 306-312. Auric, A[ndre]. Sur les Equations diff^rentielles lin^aires a coefficients constants. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 47-52. 2. Note sur le probl^me du billard circulaire. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 215-218. 3. Note sur la formation du calendrier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 804-805. 4. Sur la formation des calendriers. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 169-174. Auriol, Henry. [Coup de vent du 25 septembre, 1896.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 651-652. 2. Sols agricoles du canton de Geneve. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 7, 1899, 275-277. Auriol, Henry, & Blonay, H[enri] Wlilliarn] de. Analyses des differentes terres du canton de Geneve ex^cut^es en 1891. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 27, 1892, 308-312. Auriol, Henry, & Monnier, Denis. Dosage de la caseine par le sulfate de cuivre. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 65-58. See also ZKIonnier & Auriol. Auriol, L[ouis]. Traitement de la tuberculose par les inhalations d'acide sulfureux. R^sultats obtenus de 1883 a 1891. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 728-737. Aurivillius, Carl W[ilhelm] S[amuel]. 2. *Eine An- guillulide aus der Schneefauna Spitzbergens. [1883.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 8, 1883-84, No. 11, 15 pp. 3. Crustac^s parasites desTuniciers arctiques. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 10, 1885, 281-282. 4. En fasting sasom endoparasit (Ixodes). Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 105-111, {Res. 139-141). 5. Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatze : "Descrizione di un nuovo Lichomolgus parassita del Mytilus gallo- provincialis, Lk." Memoria dei Signori F. Raffaele e F. S. MoNTiCEiiLi. (Reale Accademia dei Lincei.) Roma 1885. Zool. Anz. , 9, 1886, 77-79. 6. Hafsevertebrater fran nordligaste Tromso amt och Vestfinmarken. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 4, 56 pp. 7. Beobachtungen iiber Acariden auf den Blatter n verschiedener Baume. [1886.] Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 11, 16 pp. 8. Osteologie und aussere Erscheinung des Wals Sowkbby's (Micropteron bidens, [Sow.]). Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 10, 40 pp. O. Der Wal Svedenborg's (Balsena Svedenborgii, Lilljeborg) nach einem Funde im Diluvium Schwedens. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 23, 1888-91, No. 1, 57 pp. 10. Die Maskirung der oxyrrhynchen Decapoden durch besondere Anpassungen ihres Korperbaues ver- mittelt. Eine biologischmorphologische Studie. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 23, 1888-91, No. 4, 71 pp. 11. Ueber Symbiose als Grund accessorischer Bil- dungen bei marinen Gastropodengehiiusen. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 24, 1890-92, No. 9, 37 pp. 12. Neue Cirripeden aus dem Atlantischen, Indischen und Stillen Ocean. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 123-134. 13. Berattelse om en ar 1891 utford resa till Indo- Malayiska Archipelagen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 221- 230. 14. Ueber einige Obersilurische Cirripeden aus Got- land. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 {Afd. 4), 1893, No. 3, 24 pp. 15. Zur postembryonalen Entwicklung der Lepadi- den. Stockh., Ofvers., 189?, 657-676. 16. Die Beziehungen der Sinnesorgane amphibischer Dekapoden zur Lebensweise und Athmung. Eine vergleichend biologisch-morphologische Studie. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 16, 1893, No. 9, 48 pp. 17. Studien iiber Cirripeden. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 26, 1894-96, No. 7, 107 pp. 18. Redogorelse for de svenska hydrografiska under- sokningarne aren 1893-94 under ledning af G. Ekman, 0. Petteesson och A. Wijkandeb. III. Plankton- undersokningar : animalisk plankton. [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 4), 1895, No. 3, 30 pp. 19. Littoralfaunans fprhallanden vid tiden for hafvets isbelaggning. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 133-150. 20. Das Plankton des Baltischen Meeres. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 [Afd. 4), 1896, No. 8, 82 pp. 21. Gallenerzeugende Korallenbewohner unter den Krustaceen. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., Suppl. 2, 1898, 78-84. 22. Cirrhip^des nouveaux provenant des campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 23, 1898, 189-198. 23. Vergleichende thiergeographische Untersuchung- en iiber die Planktonfauna des Skageraks in den Jahren 1893-97. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 30, 1897-98, No. 3, 426 pp. 24. Krustaceen aus dem Kamerun-Gebiete. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 (Afd. 4), 1899, No. 1, 31 pp. 25. Om hafsevertebraternas utvecklingstider och periodiciteten i larvformernas upptradande vid Sveriges vestkust. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 (Afd. 4), 1899, No. 4, 91 pp. ; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1899, 586 [Part only]. 26. Animalisches Plankton aus dem Meere zwischen Aurivillius] 203 [Auscher Jan Mayen, Spitzbergen, K, Earls Land und der Nord- kiiste Norwegens. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl,, 32, 1899-1900, No. 6, 71 pp. AtiriviUius, [Per Olof] Christopher, 11. Conspectus generum et specierum Brachyceridarum. Ofversigt af slagten och arter inom familjen Brachyceridte bland Curculioniderna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 7, 5-24. 12. Ett nytt slagte bland Lamiiderna fran Kamarun. [Un nouveau genre de Lamiides, provenant de Kameroun (Afrique occidentale).] Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 51-53, (Res. 134-135). 13. Nya Coleoptera longicornia. Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 89-94 ; 8, 1887, 191-197 ; 12, 1891, 97-106 ; 14, 1893, 177-186; 18, 1897, 241-248; 20, 1899, 259- 265. 14. Ett nytt egendomligt slagte bland Curculioni- derna. Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 95-97. 15. Anmarkningar rorande nagra svenska grafsteklar. Ent. Tidskr., 7, 1886, 161-169. 1 6. Anteckningar om blomman och befruktningen hos Aconitum Lycoctonam, L. [1886.] Bot. Notiser, 1887, 87-91 ; Bot. Centrbl., 29, 1887, 125-128. 17. Insekter insamlade pii Kamarunberget af G. Valdan och K. Kndtson. I. Coleoptera, Cetoniidae et Lucanidffi. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. 4), 1887, No. 1, 18 pp. 18. Bidrag till kannedomen om vara solitiira getin- gars lefnadssatt. [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 {Afd. 4), 1887, No. 5, 13 pp. 19. Sveusk-norsk entomologisklitteratur 1886. Ent. Tidskr., 8, 1887, 51-56. ao. Entomologiska anteckningar fran norra Kos- lagen. Ent. Tidskr., 8, 1887, 179-185, (Res. 204). 21. Kevisio monographica Microceridarum et Pro- tomantiuarum. Forsok till en monografisk bearbetning af Curculionid-grupperna Microceridee och Protomantinae. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 21, 1884-87, No. 15, 87 pp. 22. Forteckning ofver en samling Coleoptera och Lepidoptera fran Kongoflodens omrade, skankt till Eiks- museum af Lojtnant M. Juhlin-Dannfelt. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 305-314. 23. Om myggors forekomst i Sala grufva. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 97-101. 24. Svensk entomologisk literatur 1887[-95]. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 102, 115-117 ; 10, 1889, 89-91 ; 11, 1890, 105-107 ; 12, 1891, 77-78 ; 13, 1892, 282-284 ; 14, 1893, 215-217 ; 16, 1895, 86-88, 125-127 ; 17, 1896, 267- 269. 26. Arrhenophagus, ett nytt slagte bland Encyrti- derna. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 142-147, (Res. 148). 26. Die Brachyceriden-Gattung Theates, Fakr, und ihre Arten. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 149-154. 27. Bidrag till kannedomen om vara solitara getin- gars lefnadssatt. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 605-611. 28. En ny art af slagtet Charaxes, Ochs. Ent. Tidskr., 10, 1889, 191. 20. Gronlands insektfauna. I. Lepidoptera, Hy- menoptera. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 4), 1890, No. 1, 33 pp. *- 30. Neue Kafer aus Afrika. Ent. Tidskr., 11, 1890, 203-206. 31. Verzeichniss einer vom Herrn Fritz Theorin aus Gabun und dem Gebiete des Camerunflusses heimge- brachten Schmetterlings-Sammlung. Ent. Tidskr., 12, 1891, 193-228; 13, 1892, 181-200. 32. Collection d'insectes form^e dans I'Indo-Chine par M. Pavie. Col^opteres. Curculionides. Curculionines. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 3, 1891, 205-224. 33. Die mit Oxyopisthen, Thomson, verwandten, afrikanischen Gattungen der Calandriden. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 361-371. 34. Leddjurens synfurmaga. Ent. Tidskr., 13, 1892, 171-180. 35. Om slokornflugan (Oscinis frit, L.). Ent. Tidskr., 13, 1892, 209-224. 36. Eine neue palaearktische Eulengattung. Ent. Tidskr., 13, 1892, 285. 37. Verzeichniss der von Herren C. Lumholtz und C. Fkistedt im nordlichen Queensland gesammelten Cerambyciden. Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 153-169. 38. Diagnosen neuer Lepidopteren aus Africa. Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 199-214 ; 16, 1895, 113-120 ; 18, 1897, 213-221 ; 19, 1898, 177-186 ; 20, 1899, 233-258. 38. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Insektenfauna von Kamerun. 2. Tagfalter. Ent. Tidskr., 14, 1893, 257- 292; 15, 1894, 273-314; 16, 189B, 195-220, 255-268; 17, 1896, 279-292. 40. Neue Spinner aus Asien. Ent. Tidskr., 15, 1894, 169-177. 41. Eine neue Lasiocampide aus Afrika. Ent. -^ Tidskr., 15, 1894, 177-178. 42. Die palffiarktischen Gattungen der Lasiocam- piden, Striphnopterygiden und Megalopygiden. Iris, 7 (1894), 121-192. 43. Diagnosen neuer Tagfalter aus Africa. Ent. ' Nachr., 21, 1895, 379-382. 44. Neue Acraeiden aus dem Congo-Gebiete. Ent. Tidskr., 16, 1895, 111-112. 45. Ueber die Veranderlichkeit von zwei afrika- nischen PapiUo-Arten. Ent. Tidskr., 17, 1896, 71-74. 46. Diagnosen neuer Lepidopteren aus dem Congo- Gebiete. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 431-436. 47. Bemerkungen zu den von J. Chr. F.ujricius aus danischen Sammlungen beschriebenen Lepidopteren. Ent. Tidskr., 18, 1897, 139-174. 48. En ny svensk aggparasit. Ent. Tidskr., 18, 1897, 249-256. 40. Neue Nymphaliden aus dem Congogebiete. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 279-286. 50. Hvad menade Linne med Papilio hyale ? Ent. Tidskr., 19, 1898, 61-64; Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 49, 1899, 128. 51. Om parasitema hos Lyman tria monacha, L. Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899, 279-281. 52. Ehopalocera sethiopica. Die Tagfalter des sethio- pischen Faunengebietes, eine systematisch-geographische Studie. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 31, 1898-99, No. 5, 561 pp. 53. Svensk insektfauna 2. Andra ordningen. Bat- vingar. Orthoptera. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900, 233-254. 54. Anmarkningar rorande nagra svenska Antho- myider. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900, 255-256. 55. En for Sverige ny trollslanda. Ent. Tidskr., 21, 1900, 264. 56. Verzeichniss der von Dr. F. Meinert im Jahre 1891 in Venezuela gesammelten Cerambyciden. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 409-421, 57. Verzeichniss einer von den Herren Missionaren E. Laman und W. Sjoholm bei Mukinbungu am unteren Congo zusammengebrachten Schmetterlingssammlung. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 1039-1058. 58. Lepidoptera och Coleoptera insamlade under Professor A, G. Nathorst's arktiska expeditioner 1898 och 1899, under den svenska expeditionen till Beeren Eiland 1899 och under Konservator G. Kolthoff's ex- pedition till Gronland 1900. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 1135-1144. AurivlUius, {Per Olof] Christopher, & IMCairr, Gustav. See Mayr & AurivilliUB. AurivilliuB, [Per Olof] Christopher, 'Wermelin, Johan Henrik, & Raxnstedt, G. See 'Wermelin, Aurivillius & Ramstedt. , AuBcIier, [Jules]. Etude sur I'^coulement de la vapeur dans les tuyaux. Ann. Mines, 7, 1895, 325-362. Auscher, Ernest. Sur un cas de maladie de Friedreich (sclerose n^vroglique pure), suivi d'autopsie. (Etude 26—2 Auscher] 204 [Austen histologique de la moelle ^pini^re et des nerfs cutan^s.) Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 475-479 ; Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 340-350. Auscher, Ernest, & Dejerine, Jlules]. See Dejerlne & Auscher. Auscher, Ernest, & X.apicque, Louis. Quelques recherches chimiques sur un cas de diab^te piKmentaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 402-405, 510-512. 2. Hyperglobulie exp^rimentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 406-407. 3. Accumulation d'hydrate ferrique dans I'organisme animal. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 890-401. 4. Localisation de la rubigine produite par injection de sang dans le p6ritoine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C R.), 185-188. See also I.apicque & Auscher. Auscher, Ernest, Dejerine, J^ides], & Solller, Paul. See Dejerlne, Sollier & Auscher. Auspitz, [Carl] Heinrich [non Henri]. For biography and works see Ann. de Dermatol. , 7, 1886, 325-327 ; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 114; N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 213 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 36, 1886, 797-798. 2. Wo stehen wir heute gegeniiber der Syphilis? Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 1256-1260, 1284-1286, 1311-1314, 1337-1339. Ausserer, ^[ntoji]. 7. *[Ueber die Behaarung und Farbung der Spinnen und iiber den Werth dieser Charaktere fiir die Systematik.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl, 1869, 180. 8. Ueber das massenhafte Auftreten einer Poduride in Aussee, Anfangs Marz 1884. Steiermark Mitth., 1884, ciii-civ.^ Ausset, E{douard Louis]. De I'influence de la temperature dans I'analyse bact^riologique des eaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 58-59. Ausset, E[douard Louis], & Barret, Eugene [Albert], Contribution k la question de I'identitS de la variola et de la vaccine. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 24, 1894, 498-513. Aust, G[eorg Karl Rudolf]. Zur Frage iiber den Einfluss des Nervensystems auf die Todtenstarre. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 39, 1886, 241-244. Austaut, Jules Leon. 9. Description de la chenille du Satyrus sylvicola. [1885.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87),] 99-100. 10. L^pidopt^resnouveauxd'AlgMe. [1885.] Natural- iste, [3 (1885-87),] 141-142. 11. Des caract^res sp^cifiques chez les Deilephila. [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87),] 251-253, 259-261. 12. Notice sur deux Smerinthus nouveaux de la c6te septentrionale de I'Afrique. NaturaMste, 12, 1890, 190- 191. 13. Deux Sphingides nouveaux de I'Asie orientale. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 68-69. 14. Lepidopt^res in^dits d'Alg^rie et du Maroc. Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 55-56. 15. Note sur un Parnassien nouveau du Thibet. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 39. 16. Papillons nouveaux de la Sib^rie et du Thibet. Naturaliste, 17, 1895, 84-85. 17. Notice sur quelques Cossides nouveaux de la Perse. Naturaliste, 19, 1897, 44-45. 18. Notice sur les Parnassius Jacquemontii, Boisd., et sur une esp^ce in^dite du Thibet septentrional, Parnassius tsaidamensis, Austaut. Naturaliste, 20, 1898, 104-106. 10. L^pidopt^res nouveaux d'Asie. Naturaliste, 22, 1900, 48-49. Austell, A Ifred, & Iiocke, James. See Ziocke & Austell. Austen, Ernest E[dward]. Descriptions of new species of dipterous insects of the family Syrphidae in the collection of the British Museum, with notes on species described by the late Francis Walkee. Part I. Bacchini and Brachyopini. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 132-164. 2. On the specimens of the genus Cutiterebra and its allies (family (Estridse) in the collection of the British Museum, with descriptions of a new genus and three new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 877-396. 3. Further notes on Cutiterebra : on the identity of certain species described by the late Bracy Clakk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 147-155. 4. Culex dorsalis, Alg. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 228-229. 5. Necrophagous Diptera attracted by the odour of flowers. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 237-240. 6. Notes on a recent zoological expedition on the lower Amazon. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 768-779. 7. On the British species of the genus Chrysops (family Tabanidaj). Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 224- 228. 8. Notes on the oestrine parasites of British deer. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 8-13. 9. On certain recent additions to the British MuscidsB (TachinidsB of Verrall's list). Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 35-40. 10. Frauenfeldia rubricosa, Mg. : an addition to the British Muscidae (Tachinidte of Verrall's list). Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 81-83. 11. On the preliminary stages and mode of escape of the imago in the dipterous genus Xylomyia, Rond. (Subula, Mg. et auct.), with especial reference to Xylomyia maculata, F. ; and on the systematic position of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1899, 181-190. 12. On the British species of the dipterous genus Loxocera, Mg. [Fam. Psilidse), with the description of a new variety. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 65-68. 13. Mosquitos and malaria. The manner in which mosquitos intended for determination should be collected and preserved. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 582-583. 14. [On a collection of insects and arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somaliland, with descriptions of new species.] 2, Diptera. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 7-10. Austen, Ernest E[dward], Xtoss, [Maj.) Ronald, & Annett, H[enry] E[dward]. See Boss, Annett & Austen. Austen, (Lt.-Col.) H[enry] H[aversham] Godwin-. See Oodwin-Austen. Austen, Harry. Nest and eggs of the ruby-crowned kinglet. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 105-106. 2. Nesting of olive-sided flycatcher. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 141-143. 3. Oological notes. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 120-123. 4. Nesting of yellow palm warbler at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 126. 6. Notes from Nova Scotia. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 97-99. 6. Notes from Dartmouth, N. S. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 146-148. Austen, Peter T[ownsend]. 12. *The analysis of stannate of soda. [1883.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 5 (1883-84), 210-211. 13. The relation of aluminic and ferric salts to plant life. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 6, 1885, 235-240. 14. On hypochlorous acid in alkaline solution. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 80-82. 16. On di-amido-sulphocyanbenzene hydrate. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 82-88. 16. Lecture experiments with nitric acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 172-177. 17. Lecture experiments. Amer. Chem. JL, 11 (1889), 270-273. Austen, Peter T[oivnsend], & Broadhurst, W. Homer. Absorbent blocks. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 472-478. Austen, Peter T[ownsend], & Chamberlain, J. Chester. * Ammonium ferrous sulphate as a reagent for nitric acid. [1883.] Amer. Chem. JL, 5 (1^83-84), 209. Austen, Peter T[ownsend], & Ilorton, W. A, A convenient Austen] 205 [Autenrieth form of universal hand-olamp. [1893. 1 Amer. Chem. See. Jl., 17, 1896, 611-612. Austen, Peter T[owtisend], & Smith, Franklin S. On dinitrosnlphocyanbenzene. Amer. Chem. Jl., 8 (1886), 89-92; Chem. News, 54, 1886, 59-60. Austen, Peter T[ownsend], & StiUwell, Joseph S. See StiUwell & Austen. Austen, Peter T[ownsend], & IVilber, Francis A. To reference in No. 2 {Vol. 9) add Amer. Chem. Jl., 5 (1883-84), 389-390. Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne Godwin-. See Oodwin- Austen. Austen, {Sir) William Chandler Roberts-. See Roberts- Austen. Austerlltz, Lothar, & Iiandsteiner, Karl. Ueber die Bakteriendichtigkeit der Darmwand. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 3), 33-67. Austin, A[rthur] Elverett], Ueber die quantitative Bestim- mung des Glykogeus in der Leber. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 185-196. Austin, Amory . A historical sketch of fish-culture. [1898.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 9, 1900, 85-107. Austin, Charles Edward. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 113, 1893, 329-331. Austin, (Maj.) H[erbert] Hlenry], Lake Budolf. Geogr. JL, 14, 1899, 148-152. 2. From Njemps to Marich, Save and Mumia's (British East Africa). Geogr. Jl., 14, 1899, 307-310. Austin, L[eonard] S. A recent assay balance. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 34-40. Austin, Louis W[insloio]. Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber die elastische Langs- und Torsionsnachwirkung in Metallen. Ann. Phys, Chem., 50, 1893, 659-677 ; Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 401-425. 2. The effect of extreme cold on magnetism. Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 381-382. 3. Note on Mr. Wood's method of illustrating planet- ary orbits. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 536-537. 4. [Some recent observations on the change of length of iron due to magnetization.] Science, 10, 1899, 694-695. 6. On the change in length of soft iron in an alter- nating magnetic field. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 180-186. 6. A modification of Mange's method of determining battery resistance. Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 117. Austin, Louis Wl^inslow], & Thwing, Charles B. On a new form of water battery. Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 309- 310, 2. An experimental research on gravitational permea- bility. Phys. Rev., 5, 1897, 294-300. Austin, M. F,, & Howell, William H[enry']. See Howell & Austin. Austin, (Miss) Martha. On the estimation of manganese separated as the carbonate. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 382-384; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 17, 1898, 272-275. 2. The double ammonium phosphates of beryllium, zinc, and cadmium in analysis. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 206-216; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 207-220. 3. The constitution of the ammonium magnesium arseniate of analysis. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 55-61 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 146-154. Austin, {Miss) Martha, & Ooocb, Frank Attstin. See Ooocb & Austin. Austin, Rollan M., & Kahlenberg, Louis [Albert Berthold], See Kahlenberg & Austin. Austin, W. L. Matting dry auriferous silver-ores. [With discussion.] [1887.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16, 1888, 257-269. 2. Nickel. First paper. Historical sketch. [Second paper. The nickel deposits near Riddle's, Oregon.] [1893-96.] Colorado Sci. Soc Proc, 4 (1891-93), 373- 394; 5 (1894-96), 173-196. 3. Das Austin-Verfahren des Kiesschmelzens. [Tr.] Berg- u. Htittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 217-219. 4. The explosion of Bandai-San. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 61-62. 5. Some tellurium veins in La Plata mountains. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 87- 88. 6. Some New Mexico copper deposits. [1897.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 91-95. Australasian Association, Committee No. 7. Report. Mineral census of Australasia. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 205-282. Australasian Association, Committee No. 14. Report. The state and progress of chemical science in Austral- asia, with special reference to gold and silver appliances used in the Colonies and elsewhere. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 283-292. Australasian Association, Committee No. 11. Report. The bibliography of the Australasian, Papuan and Poly- nesian races. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 293-311; 1892, 240-249. Australasian Association, Committee No. 1. Report. Seismological phenomena in Australasia. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892, 200-229. Australasian Association, Comviittee No. 2. Report. The tides of the coast of South Australia. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892, 230-232. Australasian Association, Committee No. 6. Report. The fertilisation of the fig in the Australasian colonies. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892, 233-235. Australasian Association, Committee on the Composition and Properties of the Mineral Waters of Australasia. Report. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 87-108, lii. Australasian Association, Committee on Glacial Action in Australasia. Report[s]. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1893, 229- 240; 1895, 315-320; 1898, 109-113, 114-127, lii; 1900, 172-176. Australasian Association, Seisvwlogical Committee. Re- port[8]. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1893, 207-225; 1896, 309-314; 1898, 57-70. Autenrieth, Wilhelm [Ludwig'\. Ueber ein Derivat des Dimethylendisulfons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 373-376. 2. Zur Kenntniss der substituirten Crotonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1531-1533. 3. Ueber gemischte Saureanhydride. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3187-3191, 4. Ueber Thioderivate der Crotonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 222-252. 5. Ueber Sulfonderivate der Crotonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 332-357. 6. Bemerkungen iiber die Geuther'schen /3-Chlor- crotonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 358-362. 7. Notiz iiber Benzol- und Aethylsulfinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 362-364. 8. Ueber einige schwefelhaltige Derivate des Acetes- sigesters. Methyl- und Aethylacetessigesters. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 365-373. 9. Ueber einige Derivate des Acetals und Acetons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 159-166. 10. Zur Kenntniss einiger substituirten Sulfonale. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 166-172. 11. Ueber einige Sulfonderivate und deren Spaltung durch Alkalien. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1512-1519. 12. Zur Kenntnis des gelben Blutlaugensalzes und iiber den Nachweis von Blausaure neben Ferrocyaniden. Arch. Pharm., 231, 1893, 99-109. 13. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid auf aromatische Aether. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1896, 26-42. 14. Ueber einen neuen Indikator. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1896, 43-48. 16. Beitrage zur Beartheilung der Isomeric der Autenrieth] 206 [Autonne : Crotonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1639- 1652. 16. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylhydrazin avif die isomeren /3-Chlorcrotonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1653-1664, 2169-2171. 17. Ueber einige neue Saurederivate der beiden iso- meren /3-Chlorcrotonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1665-1670. 18. Ueber die " Phosphorylirung " der Phenole. , Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2369-2381, 3450. 19. Ueber das Vorkommen von Jod im Malachit. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 508-513. 20. Ueber die Einwirkung schwacher Sauren auf Ferrocyankalium. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 866-867. 21. Ueber das Vorkommen von Jod im Cuprit und Malachit. Chem, Ztg., 23, 1899, 626-627. 22. Die chemischen Synthesen im Thierkorper. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 187-191. 23. Zur Kenntniss des Indicators Luteol. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 453-455. Autenrietb, Wilhelm [Ludwig], & Hildebrand, Oltto]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorsulfochlorid auf die wassrig-alkalische Losung der Phenole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1094-1111. 2. Ueber die Synthese eines Phosphazins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1111-1113. Autenrietli, Wilhelm [Ludicig], & Hinsberg, Oscar [Hein- . rich Daniel]. Zur Kenntnis des Phenacetins und iiber . m-Aethoxyl-o-Phenylendiamin. Arch. Pharm., 229, 1891, 456-467. 2. Ueber Oxy- und Aethoxychinoxaliue. Berlin, . Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 492-503. 3. Ueber einige Derivate des o-Toluylendiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 604-607. Autenrietb, Wilhelm [Ltidwig], & Rudolph, P[aul]. Die "Phosphorylirung" der aromatischen Aminbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 83, 1900, 2099-2111. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phosphorsulfochlorid : auf aromatische Amine bei Gegenwart von Alkali. Ber- lin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2112-2115, 4193. Autenrietli, Wilhelm [Ludwig], & Vdmossy, Zoltdn von. Ueber das Verhalten der Phosphorsaurephenolester im Thierkorper. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 440- 448. Autenrieth, Wilhelm [Ludwig], & Windaus, Adolf. Ueber den Nachweis und die quantitative Bestimraung der schwefligeii und unterschwefligen Saure. Fresenius, Ztschr., 37, 1898, 290-300. Autenrieth, Wilhelm [Ludioig], & Wolff, K[arl]. Zur Kenntniss des Trimethylenmercaptans und der Trime- thylendisulfone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1368-1375, 4083. 2. Ueber cyclische Disulfide und Disulfone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1375-1390. Authelin, Charles. Montague Noire. Feuille de Saint- - Affrique (terrains secondaires). Prance Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 10, 1899, 506-509; 11, 1900, 142-145. 2. Sur le Toarcien des environs de Nancy. Paris, See. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 230-234. 3. Sur le Toarcien du d^partement des Vosges. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1900 {Pt. 1), 169. Autissier, Alexandre. Notice sur les ardoisieres de Roche- fort-en-Terre (Morbihan). St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 5, 1891, 295-309. Autonne, Leon. 4. Sur les groupes d'ordre fini, contenus dans le groupe des substitutions quadratiques Cremona. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 98, 1884, 565-567 ; Liouville, Jl. Math., 1, 1885, 431-454. 6. Recherches sur les int6grales alg^briques des Equa- tions differentielles lin6aires^ a coefficients rationnels. (Second m^moire.) Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 54, 1884, 1-29. 6. Recherches sur les groupes d'ordre fini contenus dans le groupe cubique Cremona. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 53-55; Liouville, Jl. Math., 2, 1886, 49-103. 7. Recherches sur les groupes d'ordre fini, contenus dans le groupe des substitutions lineaires de contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 313-315 ; Liouville, Jl. Math., 3, 1887, 63-85. 8. Sur les groupes irr^dnctibles d'ordre fini contenus dans le groupe quadratique cremonien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1176-1178. 0. Sur les substitutions cr^moniennes quadratiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 767-770. 10. Sur les groupes quadratiques cremoniens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1422-1425. 11. Sur les groupes cubiques Cremona d'ordre fini. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 267-270. 12. Sur une representation g^om^trique dans I'espace des int^grales de I'^quation/f ^, 17, ;^ ) =0. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 850-854. 13. Sur I'application des substitutions quadratiques cr^moniennes h, FintEgration de I'^quation differentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 929- 932 ; 106, 1888, 262-265. 14. Recherches sur les groupes d'ordre fini contenus dans le groupe quadratique cremonien. Premier m^raoire. Etude d'une substitution cr^monienne isol^e. Second m^moire. Multiplication des cremoniennes, groupes qua- dratiques ; groupe directeur. Liouville, Jl. Math., 4, 1888, 177-247, 407-464. 15. Sur une application des groupes de M. Lie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 570-573. 16. Sur les int^grales alg^briques de I'^quation diffe- rentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 632-635; 114, 1892, 407-409; 115, 1892, 587-589. 17. Sur la theorie des Equations differentielles du premier ordre et du premier degrE. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 61, 1891, 35-122; 62, 1892, 47-180; Lyon Univ. Ann., 3 [Fasc. 1), 1892, 120 pp. 18. Sur la limitation du degrE pour I'intEgrale gEnE- rale algEbrique de I'equation differentielle du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 18,93, 132-134, 1045- 1047; 118, 1894, 1184-1187; Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 63, 1893, 79-183 ; 64, 1894, 1-53. 19. Sur la representation des courbes gauches algE- briques et sur une formule d'HALPHEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 845-848. 20. Sur les variet6s unicursales h, deux dimensions. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 673-676. 21. Sur les varietes unicursales a trois dimensions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 881-883, 1129-1130. 22. Sur la representation des courbes gauches algE- briques et sur le nombre des conditions qui expriment qu'une courbe algEbrique est situEe sur une surface algebrique. Lyon Univ. Ann., [20], 1896, 37 pp. 23. Sur une differentielle exacte. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 232-236. 24. Sur les poles des fonctions uniformes a deux variables independantes. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 196-228. 25. Sur les substitutions regulifires non lineaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1043-1045. 26. Sur les symboles I k plusieurs variables inde- pendantes. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 420-426. 27. Sur les poles des fonctions uniformes a plusieurs variables independantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 139-142; Acta Math., 21, 1897, 249-263. 28. Sur requation differentielle du premier ordre et sur les singularites de ses integrales algebriques. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 2, 1897, 51-169 ; 3, 1897, 1-74. 29. Sur le rapport anharmonique. Nouv. Ann. Math., 18, 1899, 341-346. 30. Sur les integrates algEbriques de I'equation de RiccATi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 410-412. Autonne] 207 [Auwers 31. Sur les varietes unicursales k plngieurs dimen- sions. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 27, 1899, 263-282. 32. Sur les equations algebriques dont toutes les racines sont des int^grales d'une mome Equation de BiccATi. Liouville, Jl. Math., 6, 1900, 157-214. 33. Sur les equations algebriques anharmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 313-316, 390-393. 34. Sur certaines equations des quatri^me et cin- qui^me degr^s. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 90- 107. 35. Sur les formes quaternaires k deux series de variables. Applications a la geom(5trie et &xi calcul integral. [1899.] Brux., Mom. Couronn, (4° Ed.), 59, [1901] (PL 2), 254 pp. Autran, E[iigene'], & Renter, Odo Morannal. Hemiptera Amurensia. Rev. Ent., 7, 1888, 199-202. Autxic, [Jean Baptiste Pierre Marhis]. Note [sur les observations de la scintillation des ^toiles faites en 1894- 95 k bord de la Durance]. Ann. Hydrogr., 17, 1895, 107-108. Auwers, [Georg Friedrich Julius] Arthur. 63. *Ver- gleichuug des Fundamental-Catalogs des Berliner Jahr- buchs mit denjenigen des Nautical Almanac, der Con- naissance des Temps und der American Ephemeris. [1882.] Berlin. Astr. Jbuch., 1884, 93 pp.; 1887, (36). 64. Neue Berechnung der von Fleubiais im Auftrage des Bureau des Longitudes in den Jahren 1867-70 aus- gefuhrten Langen-Bestimmungen. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 313-360. 66. Some remarks on the chain of meridian distances, measured around the earth by H.M.S. Beagle between the years 1831 and 1836. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 44, 1884, 303-346. 66. Bestimmung eines fundamentalen Meridians fiir Australien durch absolute Methoden. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 289-346. 67. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 16. Mai 1882 in Berlin, Potsdam und Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 65-94. 68. Geographische Lange und Breite von 175 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 675-681. 69. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die gegenwartige Ver- lasslichkeit des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonen- Beobachtungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft und die Genauigkeit seiner Grundlagen. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 1-20. 70. Ueber die Declination von 74 Cygni (A. G. C. Nr. 514). Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 65-70. 71. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Durchmesser der Sonne. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1055-1126 ; 1887, 449- 486 ; 1889, 883-942. 72. A catalogue of 480 stars to be used as funda- mental stars for observations of zones between 20° and 80° south decUnation. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 455-473. 73. Geographische Lange und Breite von 192 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 475-480. 74. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889... (Barnard 1888 Sept. 2). Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 97-102. 76. Vorlaufiger Fundamental-Catalog fiir die siid- lichen Zonen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 145-172. 76. Versuche iiber den Einfluss der Farbe der Blend- glaser bei Messungen des Sonnendurclimessers. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 97-104. 77. Beobachtung des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9 und der Sonnenfinsterniss 1891 Juni 6. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 123-124. 78. Die Sonnenparallaxe nach den Heliometer-Beo- bachtungen der deutschen Venus-Expeditionen von 1874 und 1882. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 329-338 ; 134, 1894, 359-362. 79. Der Sonnendurchmesser und der Venusdurch- messer nach den Beobachtungen an den Heliometern der deutschen Venus-Expedition. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 361-376; 134, 1894, 359-362. 80. Geographische Lange und Breite von 216 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 485-490. 81. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Sirius-Systems. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 185-232. 82. Die Lange von Aden. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 189-194. 83. Tafeln zur Reduction von Sternortem auf das System des Fundamental-Catalogs ftir die Zonenbeo- bachtungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (A. G. Publ. XIV und XVII). Astr. Nachr.. 134, 1894, 38-58; 145, 1898, 101-106. 84. Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung der Bradley'schen Sectorbeobachtungen hinsichtlich der Wahrnehmbarkeit von Polhohenschwankungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 445-448. 86. A determination of the solar parallax and mass of the moon, from heliometer observations of the minor planets Iris, Victoria and Sappho made in the years 1888 and 1889 at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in co-operation with the observatories of Yale College (Newhaven), Leipzig, Gottingen, Bamberg and Oxford (Radcliffe), and from meridian observations made at all the principal observatories. Discussion of the places of the comparison stars for Iris, Victoria, and Sappho, from meridian observations made at twenty-two ob- servatories. [Derivation of the solar parallax from the meridian observations.] Cape Obs. Ann., 7, 1896, 405- 716; 6, 1897 (Pt. 5). [95] pp. 86. Tafeln zur Reduction von stidlichen Sterncata- logen auf ein vorlaufiges Mittelsystem und weitere Tafeln zur Reduction von Sterncatalogen auf das System des Fundamental-Catalogs fiir die Zonenbeobachtungen der A. G. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 65-90 ; 145, 1898, 101- 106. 87. Fundamental-Catalog fiir Zonenbeobachtungen am Siidhimmel und siidlicher Polar-Catalog fiir die Epoche 1900. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 361-412. 88. Aufforderung zur Beobachtung von Polsternen. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 113-122. 89. [Geographische Coordinaten] von 237 Stern- warten. Geogr. Jbuch., 19, 1897, 431-437. 90. Vorlaufige Verbesserung des Fundamental-Cata- logs fiir die Zonenbeobachtungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft und seiner i-iidlichen Fortsetzung. (Publ. XIV und XVII der Astr. Ges.) Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 49-84, 91. Verbesserungen der Oerter des vorlaufigen Fun- damental-Catalogs fiir die siidlichen Zonen der Astro- nomischen Gesellschaft. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 105- 122. 92. Gewichtstafeln fiir Stemcataloge. Astr, Nachr,, 151, 1900, 225-276. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. Zur Kenntniss des Pseudo- cumenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2976- 2983. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Pseudocumenols und des Pseudo- cumidins, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 2655-2663. 3. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der Raoult'schen Methode der Moleculargewichts-Bestimmung im chemischen La- boratorium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 701-719. 4. Zur Darstellung der Oxime, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 604-607. 5. Ueber das Oxim des p-Tolylphenj'lketons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 399-403. 6. Ueber Synthesen alkylirter Tricarballylsauren und anderer mehrbasischer Fettsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 307-314. 7. Zur Kenntniss der Hydrobenzoine und ihrer An- hydride. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1776-1783. 8. Ueber Butantetracarbonsjiure und seine neue Bil- Auwers] 208 [Auwers dungsweise von Pentamethylenderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 364-378. 9. Ueber kryoskopische Molekulargewichtsbestim- mungen in Benzol, Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 689-722. 10. Zur Frage der Konstitutionsbestimmung auf kryoskopischem Wege. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 33-55. 1 1 . Ueber Trimethylbernsteinsaure und symmetrische aa-Dimethylglutarsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 263-270, 969. 12. Bemerkungen zu der Mittheilung von A. Meyen- BEKG : Ueber die Condensation von Malonester mit Ace- ton. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1130-1133. 13. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen dera kryoskopischen Verhalten der Phenole und ihrer Constitution. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 2878-2882, 3059. 14. Ueber ein abnormes Tribromderivat des Pseudo- cumenols. I. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 2888- 2902. 15. Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsaure- Gruppe. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 212-229, 241-282; 292, 1896, 132-243. 16. Ueber das kryoskopische Verhalten substituierter Phenole in Naphtalin. Nach Versuchen von W. R. Innes. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 595-624. 17. Ueber Dibrompseudocumenolbromid und analoge Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1095- 1110. 18. Ueber Indazolderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1255-1271. 19. Ueber die Constitution der Oxyazokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2361-2362; 33, 1900, 1302- 1315 ; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 {Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 130 [First part 07ily]. 20. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 337-377. 21. Weiteres iiber die Constitution des Dibrompseu- documenolbromids und ahnlicher Verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 744-752. 22. Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom auf Phenol- alkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 753-755. 23. Ueber eine Klasse eigenthiimlicher Nitrirungs- producte von Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 755-759. 24. Notiz iiber einige Derivate der jp-Oxybenzoesaure und Anissaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1473- 1478. 26. Untersuchungen iiber substituirte Bernstein- sauren. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 147-181. 26. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen iiber Saureamide. Nach Versuchen von J. Pilzer. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 449-468. 27. Notiz iiber die Anhydridbildung aliphatischer Dicarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2112-2113. 28. Ueber Derivate aromatischer ^- und 5-Oxyde. Liebig's Ann., 301, 1898, 203-266. 29. Ueber isomere Tribromderivate des Pseudo- cumenols. Berichtigung und vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 17-26. 30. Notiz iiber a -Methyl- a-oxy-i-hexylessigsaure. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2573-2575. 31. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die alkaliunlos- licheu Phenolbromide, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2978-2987. 32. Ueber Phenolbromide aus as-o-Xylenol und as- m-Xylenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2987- 3005. 33. Ueber Oxydationsproducte von Phenolen und Phenolbromiden und die Constitution des isomeren Pseudocumenolbromids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3440-3453. 34. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen der Constitution von Meta-Phenolhaloiden und ihrem Verhalten gegen Alkalien. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3583-3587, 35. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chloroform und Alkali auf as-o-Xylenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3598-3599. 36. Ueber Aminsauren und Imide aliphatischer Di- carbonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 316-.S47. 37. Ueber den Einfluss der Natur des Losungsmittels auf das kryoskopische Verhalten von Phenolen. Nach Versuchen von H. M. Smith and W. Bartsch. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 300-340. 38. Kryoskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Konsti- tutiou der Saureamide. Nach Versuchen von M. Dohrn. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899. 529-544. 39. Vermischte kryoskopische Beobachtungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 39-62. 40. Ueber eine Atomwanderung. Vorlaufige Mit- theilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1923-1924. Auwers, Karl IFriedrich], & Allendorlf, H[ugo]. Ueber Anhydro-^-oxymesitylalkohol und seine Umwandlungs- producte. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 76-98. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Anselxnino, ()[tto]. Ueber den Abbau von Phenolen durch Bromirung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3587-3597. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Avery, S[a7nuel]. Ueber ein abnormes Tribromderivat des Pseudocunienolsl III. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2910-2923. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Baum, Flriedrich]. Ueber die Constitution des Dibrompseudocumenolbromids und seiner Umwandlungsproducte. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2329-2348. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Beger, C[arl]. Anwendung der Eriedel-Crafts'schen Reaction auf Thiophenolather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1733-1741. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Bernhardl, R[einhard]. Ueber Structurbestimmung aliphatischer Sauren durch Bromirung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2209- 2233. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Betteridge, F[rederic H.]. [Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsauren.] IV. Ueber sym- metrische Bidecylbernsteinsiiuren. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 179-181. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Bredt, Titus V[iktor]. Ueber Dithienyle. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1741-1747. 2. Zur KenntnissderButantetracarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 882-890. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Broicher, J[osef]. Zur Kenntniss der Oxydationsproducte von Phenolen und Phenolbromiden. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3475-3486. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Biittner, G[eorg]. Ueber Bromirungsproducte des Saligenins. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 131-152. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Burrows, H[arry]. Ueber das Heptabromderivat des as-o-Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3034-3045, 4085. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Campenliausen, G[erhard] (Frhr.) von. Ueber Bromderivate des as-m-Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1129-1132. 2. Ueber Oxytrimethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1543-1549. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Clos, A[dolph], Ueber die Carbonsauren der Benzilhydrazone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1133-1140. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Czerny, Ha7is. Zur Kennt- niss der Beckmann'schen Umlagerung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2692-2698. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Daecke, S[elmar]. Ueber die Einwiikung von Brom auf Oxybenzylalkohol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3373-3381. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Dittricli, Max. Ueber die Auwers] 209 [Auwers Structur der Oximidogruppe in den isomeren Benzilmon- oximen. Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1996-2011. Auwers, Karl [Friedrinh], & Ebner, A[lbert]. Ueber das Oxydationsproduct desPseudocuinenoltribromids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3454-3465, 4085. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Ercklentz, Hleinrich}. Ueber p-Oxypscudocumylalkohol und seine Bromirungsproducte. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 107-130. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Erggelet, Rludolf] (Frhr.) von. Ueber das Pentabromderivat des a.s-0-Xylenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3016-3033, 3502, 4085. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Fritzweiler, R[ichard]. [Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsauren.] I. Ueber sym- metrische Methylatbylbernsteinsanren. [II. Ueber a- symmetrische Methylathylbernsteinsiiure.] Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 154-166, 166-177. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Gardner, John Addyman. Zur Kenntniss der Tetramethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3622-3625. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Hainpe, W[ilhelm]. Ueber das Pentabromid des a,s-Ht-XyIenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3005-3016. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Harger, J[ohn]. Ueber substituirte Anile und Anilsiiuren der Bernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 187-194. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & ZXaymann, K[arl]. Ueber das Verhalten der Natriumsalze von Phenolen gegen Mono- und Dichloressigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 27, 1894, 2795-2806. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Hof, L[udwig Edouard]. Ueber Dibrompseudocumenolbromid, -chlorid und -jodid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1110-1120. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Zmhauser, A[u()nst]. Ueber die Bromirung von Bernsteinsaure und deren Alkylderi- vaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2233-2240. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Jackson, Louis L. Ueber Structurbestimmung aliphatischer Sauren und die soge- nannte "dynamisehe Isomeric. " (I. Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1599-1617. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Jacob, A[dolf]. Ueber stereoisomere Butautetracarbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1114-1132. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Xauffmann, Hugo. Ueber stereoisomere Derivate der symmetrischeu Dimethyl- glutarsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3221- 3247. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Kobner, E[duard']. Ueber symmetrische Dimethylglutarsauren und Trimethylbern- steinsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1923-1937. Auwers, Karl [Friedricli], & ]»aas, Th[codor]. Ueber das Dibrom-rH-oxypseudocumylbromid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3466-3475. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Marwedel, J[oh. Ed.]. Ueber ein abnormes Tribromderivat des Pseudocumen- ols. II. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2902-2910. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & IWayer, F[ritz]. [Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsauren.] III. Isopropylbernstein- saure aus Amylen. Liebig's Ann., 298, 1897, 177-179. 2. Derivate der Bernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 326-327. 3. Derivate der Methylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 327-328. 4. Derivate der Isopropylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 328-330. 5. Derivate der/um. und mal. si/m. Methylathylbern- steinsiiure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 335-338. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Meyenburg, F[riedrich] von. Ueber eine neue Synthese von Derivaten des Isindazols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2370-2388. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Meyer, Victor. Ueber die Raoult'sche Methode der Moleculargewichtsbestimmung und das Acetoxim. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 21, 1888, 1068-1070. R. S, A, C. 2. Ueber Einwirkung der Warme auf Benzil-Dihy- drazon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2806-2807. 3. Untersuchungen iiber die zweite Van't Hoff'sche Hypothese. Gottingen Nachr., 1888, 87-123. 4. Ueber zwei isomere Benzilmonoxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 537-551; Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 109-124. 5. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung E. Beckmann's: "Zur Isomerie der Oximidoverbindungen. Isomere monosubstituirte Hydroxylamine." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 564-567. 6. Ueber das dritte Benzildioxim. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 705-720; Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 269-285. 7. Ueber Tetraphenylbernsteinsaurenitril. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1227-1229. 8. Ueber Tetramethylbernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 20li-2015. 9. Notiz iiber Dicarbonsauren von der Formel CgHj^O^. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 22, 1889, 3005. 10. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Isomerie der Benzildioxime. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 1-22. 11. Ueber die Oxime des Phenanthrenchinons. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 459-470. 12. Ueber die Anhydridbildung bei den Sauren der Bernsteinsaurereihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 101-103. 13. Ueber Tetramethylbernsteinsaure und Trimethyl- glutarsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 293- 311. 14. Ueber Oxime halogenirter Benzophenone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 23, 1890, 2062-2064. 16. Zur Stereochemie der Aethanderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2079-2083. 16. Ueber die isomeren Oxime unsymmatrischer Ketone und die Configuration des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2403-2409. 17. Ueber die Claus'sche Theorie der Benziloxime. BerUn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3267-3271. 18. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung von A. Hantzsch und Friedrich Kbaft : ' ' Ueber das Auftreten von Stereo- isomerie bei nicht oximartigen Stickstoffverbindungen." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 4225-4230. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Oswald, A[lbert]. [Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsaure-Gruppe.] Ueber Trimethylbernsteinsauren verschiedener Herkunft. Lie- big's Ann., 285, 1895, 283-309. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Rapp, F[erdinand]. Ueber alkaliunlosliche Nitrirungs- und Oxydationsproducte von Phenolen. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 153-171. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Beis, J[ulian]. Ueber ainige neue Derivate des p-Oxybenzaldehyds, des ^-Cyanphenols und der p-Oxybenzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896. 2355-2360. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & XUchter, W[oldemar]. Ueber die Einwirkung von IJrom auf 7»-Oxybenzylalkohol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3381-3384. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Kohrig, H[ans]. Ueber einige neue Oxyazokorper und Triphendioxazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 988-998, 1544. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Bovaart, H[end7-ik] van de. Ueber Derivate des Anhydro-jp-oxyo-xylylalkohols und des Anhydro-o-oxypseudocumylalkohols. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 99-107. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & SchifFer, Th[eodor]. Versuch zur Synthese ainer der CoUie'schen Kamphersaureformel entsprechendan Saura. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 236- 243. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Bchleiclier, F[ranz]. Derivate der as-Dlmethylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 330-331. 2. Derivate der fum. und mal. sym. Dimethylbern- Bteiusiiure, Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 331-335. 27 Auwers] 210 [Avebury 3. Derivate derfuvi. und mal. st/m. Diathylbernstein- siiure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899. 338-341. 4. Derivate der d-Camphersaure und Msocampher- saure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 341-347. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Schlosser, F[riedrich]. Ueber die Fliichtigkeit von Bernsteinsaiiren und Glutar- sauren im Wasserdampfstrome. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 159-162. 2. Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsauren. 1. Ueber symmetrische Diisopropylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 162-175. 3. Ueber asymmetrische Methylathylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 182-184. 4. Ueber asymmetrische Dimethylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 184-187. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Schnell, H[ans]. Zur Kennt- niss der Camphersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1517-1532. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich'], & Senter, H[erbe.rt] A[lmon]. Ueber die Umsetzungsproducte des Dibrompseudocu- menolbromids mit aromatischen Basen. Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1120-1128. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Sbeldon, N[orjnan] L[indsaij]. Ueber neue Umwandlungsproducte des Dibromanhydro- jj-oxypseudocumylalkohols. Liebig's Ann., 301, 1898, 266-282. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Siegfeld, M[oritz]. Zur Kenntniss der Benziloxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2597-2599; 26, 1893, 788-797. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Singhof, W[ilhelm]. Ueber symmetrische aai-Dimethylglutarsauren. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 199-204. 2. Ueber symmetrische aaj-Diathylglutarsauren. Lie- big's Ann., 292, 1896, 204-209. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Thorpe, Jocelyn Field. [Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsaure-Gruppe.] Ueber symmetrische aa-Dimethylglutarsauren. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 310-339. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Titherley, ArtMir W[al'ih]. Ueber a-Methylglutarsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 209-213. 2. Ueber a-Aethylglutarsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 213-216. 3. Ueber a-Isopropylglutarsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 217-220. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Traun, F[riedrich] A[dolf]. Ueber Dibrom-jJ-oxymesitylalkohoI. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3309-3317. Auwers, iTari [Friedrichl;, & Walker, A[ndreio] J[amieson]. Ueber Constitution und kryoskopisches Verhalten von t>-Cyanphenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3037-3045. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], & Ziegler, E[rnst]. Ueber Ketobromide aus as-m-Xylenol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2348-2355. 2. Ueber oaai-Trimethylglutarsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 220-224. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], Kobner, E[duard], & Meyen- burg, F[riedrich] von. Synthesen mehrbasischer Fett- sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2887-2901. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], Oswald, A[lhert], & Thorpe, Jocelyn Field. [Studien in der Bernsteinsaure- und Glutarsaure-Gruppe.] Ueber Anilsauren und Anile alky- lirter Bernsteinsauren und Glutarsauren. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1896, 229-239. Avmera, Karl F[riedrich], Schllfer, Th[eodor], & Schlosser, F[riedrich]. Ueber Tetramethylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 175-182. Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], Sehiffer, Th[eodor], & Singhof, W[ilhelm]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Basen auf die Anhydride der Bromsubstitutionsproducte von Bern- steinsauren, Glutarsauren und Kamphersaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 225-236, Auwers, Karl [Friedrich], Traun, F[riedrich] A[dolf], & "Welde, R[obert]. Zur Kenntniss der Tribromderivate des Pseudocumenols und Mesitols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3297-3309, 4085. 2. Ueber substituirte Phenylbenzylather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3317-3331, 4085. Auzenat, [L.] R. Sur la nitrification de la glycerine avec des acides nitreux. Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 635. 2. Dosage de I'acide iodique dans le nitrate de sonde. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 84-85; Moniteur Sci., 14, 1900, 72. 3. Vitesse de mise en equilibre des th^rmometres. Moniteur Sci., 14, 1900, 753-754. Avanzi, Riccardo. Contribute alio studio della fisio- patologia della polpa dentale. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 5, Odontol.), 15-25. Av^-Iiallemant, German [M. F.]. Assign to this author title {Vol. 8) under Ziallemant, Ave. 12. Datos orograficos c hidroscopicos sobre la pro- vincia de San Luis. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 5, 1884, 191-196, 222-224. 13. Apuntes mineros de la Eepiiblica Oriental. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, 49-68; 18, 1884, 193-200. 14. Beitrag zur Lehre der Erzlagerstatten. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 43, 1884, 309-312. 15. Excursion minera a la Cordillera de los Andes. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 145-159; 20, 1885, 123-169, 213-261; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 433 [First part only]. 16. Bergmannische Notizen aus dem Gebiete der siidlichen Andes. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 45, 1886, 261-263, 269-271, 282-284. 17. Estudio orogrdfico en la Cordillera de Mendoza y Neuquen. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 8, 1887, 173-188. 18. Datos geograficos de la provincia de Mendoza. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol, 10, 1889, 293-301. 19. Estudios en la Cordillera de Los Andes. Argen- tina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 10, 1889, 302-311. 20. Apuntes orograficos sobre la Cordillera de Men- doza. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol, 10, 1889, 351-367. 21. Estudios mineros en la provincia de Mendoza. La parte septentrional de la Sierra de Uspallata. C6rdoba Ac. Bol., 12, 1890, 131-176. 22. Provincia de Mendoza. Observaciones sobre el mapa del departamento de Las Heras. La Plata Mus. An. (Geol. & Min.), 1, 1892, 20 pp. Av^-Ziallemant, Robert [Christian Berthold]. Assign to this author entries {Vol. 3) under Iiallemant, Robert. For biography see Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 222 ; Nature, 31, 1886, 229; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 351-352. 4. * Ueber das Thierleben am Amazonenstrom. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 78-83. Avebury, John Iiubbock {Lord). 84. Teaching animals to converse. Nature, 29, 1884, 216, 547-548. 85. Note on the intelligence of the dog. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1885, 1089-1091. 86. The forms of leaves. [1885.] Nature, 31, 1885, 398-399; Roy. Inst. Proc, 11, 1887, 197-201. 87. The forms of leaves. Nature, 31, 1885, 479. 88. Longevity of ants. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 170-171. 89. Phytobiological observations ; on the forms of seedlings and the causes to which they are due. [1886-87.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Bot.), 22, 1887, 341-401; 24, 1888, 62-87; Roy. Inst. Proc, 11, 1887, 517-519. 90. The nationalities of the United Kingdom. An- throp. Inst. JL, 16, 1887, 418-422. 91. On the shape of the oak-leaf. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 626-627; Nature, 40, 1889, 611. 92. [The leaves of the guelder roses.] Nature, 40, 1889, 611. Avebury] 03. Observations on ants, bees, and wasps. Pt. XI [1887.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 118-136. 94. On stipules, their form and function. [Parts 1 & 2.] [1890-94.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 28, 1891, 217- 243 ; 30, 1895, 463-532. 96. On the form of the leaf of Viburnum Opulus and V. Lantana. [1890.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 28 1891 244-247. V / > 96. On the fruit and seed of the Juglandea? [1890 1 Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 28, 1891, 247-254. 07. The shapes of leaves and cotyledons. [1890 1 Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 102-111. 98. On the general configuration of the Earth's surface. Geogr. Jl, 6, 1895, 545-547. 99. Eocene fossils at Miirren. [1895.1 Nature 51 (1894^95), 223. 100. On buds and stipules. Parts 3 & 4. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 202-269. 101. On the attraction of flowers for insects. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 270-278. lOa. On some Spitzbergen CoUembola. Linn. Soc. Jl. (ZooL), 26, 1898, 616-619. 103. [Presidential address. International Congress of Zoologists, Cambridge, Aug. 23, 1898.] Nature, 58 (1898), 391-392. 104. Buds and stipules. [1898.] Eoy. Inst. Proc, 15, 1899, 565-566. 105. On some Australasian Collembola. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (ZooL), 27, 1899-1900, 334-338. 106. On the configuration of the Earth's surface, with special reference to the British Islands. Geogr. Jl., 15, 1900, 46-50. 107. Huxley's life and works. [1900.] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 92-96, 116-119. Aveleyra, liamon N. Sustituciones de algunas drogas indigenas. [1885.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 169-177. Aveline, William Talbot. 8. *Explanation of quarter- sheet 91 N.W., illustrating the geology of the southern part of the Furness district in North Lancashire. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 91 N. W.), 1873, 13 pp. 9. *The geology of parts of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Explanation of quarter-sheet No. 82 S.E. of the Geological Survey of England and Wales. [Second edition.] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 82 S. E.), 1879, 22 pp. 10. *The geology of the country around Nottingham. Quarter-sheet 71 N.E., with small portions of 71 S.E. and S.W. [Second edition.] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 71 N.E., S.E., & S.W.), 1880, 51 pp. 11. *The geology of parts of Nottinghamshire, York- shire, and Derbyshire. [Second edition.] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 82 N.E.), 1880, 30 pp. 12. The St. Bees sandstone. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 87. 13. The geology of the country around Carlisle, Geol. Mag., 6, 1899, 335-336. Aveline, William Talhot, & XXughes, T{liomas\ McKenny. * Explanation of quarter-sheet 98 N.E. The geology of the country around Kendal, Sedbergh, Bowness and Tebay. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 98 N.E.), 1872, 20 pp. 2. The geology of the country around Kendal, Sedbergh, Bowness, and Tebay. [Second edition. Eevised and enlarged by A. Strahan. (Parts by J. R. Dakyns and R. H. Tiddeman.)] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 98 N.E., n. s. 39), 1888, 94 pp. Aveline, William Talbot, & Trench, Richard. *The geology of part of Northamptonshire. [List of fossils by R. Ethkridge.] Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 53 S.E.), 1860, 19 pp. Aveline, William Talbot, Hughes, Tlhomas] McKenmj, & Tiddeman, R[ichard] H[:ill]. *Explanation of quarter- 211 [Avery sheet 98 S.E., illustrating the geology of the neighbour- hood of Kirkby Lonsdale and Kendal. Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem, (Sheet 98 S.E.), 1872, 44 pp, Aveline, William Talbot (et alii). "Explanation of quarter-sheet 93 S,W, of the one-inch Geological Survey map of England ; illustrating the geology of the Carboni- ferous rocks north and east of Leeds, and the Permian and Triassic rocks about Tadcaster, Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv, Mem. (Sheet 93 S.W.), 1870, 14 pp. Avenarius, C[Mri]. Uralagerung von Alkylthiosinaminen und Alkylallylsulfosemicarbaziden in isoraere Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 260-271. Avenarius, M[ichajl'] P[etrovic]. For biography and list of works see Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc, Jl., 27 (Phys.), 1895, 221-238; St P^tersb. Ac. Sci, Bull., 3, 1896, xlv-xlvi. 16. 06^ odmeMt saKOH'fe paciiiirpeHia mwji;- KOCxeR. [Sur la loi gen^rale de la dilatation des liquides.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl,, 16 (Phys.), 1884, 242-247; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 587-588. 16. IIo BOiipocy 0 pacmirpeHiii ;Knji;KOCTH. [On the question of the expansion of a liquid.] Russ, Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 400-406; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 587-588. 17. Pasfiop-B pa6oTH[ KpAEBiria o citopocTii pacnpocxpaHeHia asyKa. [Review of the work of Kraevic on the velocity of propagation of sound.] [1886.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, v-vi, Aveneau de la Grancifere, (comte) Paul. Quelques obser- vations sur riige du bronze en Bretagne-Armorique. Les monuments et les depots de bronze. Ass, Fran?. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 602-631. Averill, Charles K. Feeding habits of Sitta canadensis. Auk, 5, 1888, 118. 2. Loggerhead shrike at Bridgeport, Connecticut, Auk, 6, 1889, 74, 192, 3. The evening grosbeak in Connecticut, Auk, 7, 1890, 211. 4. Bhunnich's murre in Connecticut. Auk, 8, 1891, 307-308. 5. Stations for some of the rarer plants of Connecticut, Rhodora, 1, 1899, 39-40, 6. The distribution of certain trees and shrubs in western Connecticut. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 34-38. Avery, D. The preparation of hyponitrites from ethyl nitrite in alcoholic solutions, Aust, Ass. Rep., 1893, 320-322, Avery, Slamuel], & Auwers, Karl [FriedricW]. See Auwen & Avery. Avery, S{am\i,el], & Bouton, (Miss) Rosa. On phenylglu- taric acid and its derivatives, Amer, Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 509-515. Avery, S[amnel], & Dales, Benton. The electrolytic deter- mination of cadmium, Amer, Chem, Soc, Jl,, 19, 1897, 879-382, 513, 2. Die Fehler-Quellen bei der elektrolytischen Be- stimmung des Eisens. Berlin, Chem, Ges, Ber,, 32, 1899, 64-68. 3. Der Kohlenstoffgehalt des elektrolytisch ausge- schiedenen Eisens. Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatz der HHm. Hans Verwer und Friedrich Groll. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 32, 1899, 2233-2238. Avery, S[amuel], & Fossler, Mary L[ouise]. On a-methyl- /3-phenylglutaric acid. Amer, Chem, Jl,, 20 (1898), 516- 518, Avery, S[amuel], & ITieholson, H[enry] H[udson'\. See Nicholson & Avery. Avery, William C[ushman]. For biographical notice see Auk, 11, 1894, 263-264. Wiles of the peregrine falcon. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 74-75. 27—2 Avery] 212 [Axenfeld 2. King rail in Louisiana. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 80. 3. Observations on the grasshopper sparrow in Hale county, Alabama. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 122. 4. Number of eggs in a set of the cardinal. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 185. Avetta, Carlo. Eicerche anatomiche ed istogeniche sugli organi vegetativi della "Pueraria Thumbergiana," Benth. Koma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1885], 201-222. 2. Contribuzione alio studio delle anomalie di strut- tura nelle radici delle Dicotiledoni. [1887] Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 91-107. 3. Ricerche anatomo-istologiche sul fusto e suUa radice dell' Atraphaxis spinosa, L. Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 141-147. 4. Contribuzione all' anatomia ed istologia della radice e del fusto dell' Antigonon leptopus, Hook. Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu. , 3, 1888, 148-156. 5. [Contribuzioni] alia flora dello Scioa. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 303-311, 332-339, 344-352; 22, 1890, 234-239, 242-247. 6. Sui cistoliti delle foglie di alcune Coccinia. [1893-94.] Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 181-185. 7. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza della flora del- r Africa orientale. iv. Materiali per la flora dello Scioa. [1895.] Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu., (5, 1897, 44-66. 8. Flora crittogamica della provincia di Parma. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 181-197; 12, 1898, 3-19. 9. Osservazioni sulla Puccinia Lojkajana, Thiim. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 236-240. 10. Annotazioni alia flora parmense. Malpighia, 12, 1898, 164. 11. Nuova specie di Chara. (Chara Pelosiana, mi/)/.) Malpighia, 12, 1898, 229-235. Avetta, Carlo, & Baccarinl, Pasquale. See Baccarini & Avetta. Avetta, Carlo, & Casoni, V. Aggiunte alia flora parmense. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 209-224, Avgustinovic, R. *H3CJI'feji;0BaHie npOBOJtllMOCTH ffiir;i;KHX'L 11 paCMaBJieHHHX'b II30JraTOpOB'&. [In- vestigation of the conductivity of liquid and fused insulators.] New Euss. Soc. Nat. Mem. {Math. Sect.), 2, 1879. Avice, [Louis Claude Theod.']. 2. Note sur un bois d'ar- bousiers dans les C6tes-du-Nord. France Soc. Bot. Bull. , 43, 1896, 123. 3. Note sur une vari^t^ maritime du Solanum dulcamara, L. France Soc. Bot, Bull., 43, 1896, 415-416. 4. Lettre [sur le Solanum dulcamara, var. maritima], France Soc, Bot, Bull., 46, 1899, 41-42. Avila, (conde) d'. Escolha do horisonte fundamental para as altitudes da Europa. Lisboa Soc. Geogr, Bol., 5, 1892, 351-369. 2. Dos nivelamentos de precisao e da sua superficie de referencia. Lisboa Soc, Geogr. Bol., 3, 1895, 195- 281. Avillez, Jorge Frederieo de {visconde de Heguengo). Sobre a representapao da terra pelas projec96e8 orthographicas orthogonaes e sua theoria geometrica. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 76-94; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1888. 2. Sobre um theorema de geometria superior. [1896.] Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 12, 1895, 137-140 ; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 677. 3. Sobre um systema tri-tangente. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 166-175; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 434. 4. Sur un certain triangle. Ass. Franc. C, R., 1897 (Ft. 2), 131-133. 5. Sur un groupe de trois paraboles. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1897 (Ft. 2), 133-135. 6. Sobre algumas applicagoes dos determinantes a geometria do triangulo. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 14-42. 7. Sur Tangle de Beocard et des angles de Steiner d'un triangle. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 85-89. 8. Sur quelques decompositions de carr6s en sommes de Carres entiers. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1898, 90-92. Avino, A[7itomo] d\ SuUe cellule a mucillagine di alcuni semi e sul loro sviluppo nel pericarpo della Salvia e di altre labiate. [1893.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 7, [1894], 147-158, 197. Avisse, Edmond. *Fabrication du sucre par les i^roc^des de la diffusion. [1881.] Genie Civil, 1, 1880-81, 225- 228. Avogadro, (conte) Amedeo. For biography and works see Amer. Chem. Jl., 11 (1889), 289; Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 263. A.vxoTOV,{Par>elPetrovii],&J^iclia.cev,Aleksej[Aleksejevic\. See Iiichacev & Avrorov. Avtolcratov, Pyetr Michajlovic]. Recherches experi- mentales sur le mode de production des contractures dans le t^tanos. Arch. MM. Exp^r., 4, 1892, 700-709. 2. Ueber Veranderungen in den Kernen der Hirnner- ven bei paralytischem Blodsinn. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 399-404, 435-442. Awano, Dennojo. Plants from Mt. Azuma. [Jap.^ Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 7, 1893, 345-346; 8, 1894, 29-34. 2. [Origin of the formation of the Matsushima islands in the province of Eikuzen.] [Jap.'\ [1893.] Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 1, [1894], [72]-[75]. Aweng, Eliigenl. Untersuchungen iiber die Secrete. 11. Ueber den Succinit. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 600-688, 2. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der wirksameu Bestandteile von cort. frangulas, rhiz. rhei und fol. sennse. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 143-144. Axe, J. Wortley. Water in relation to health and disease. Agr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1893, 726-750. 2. The mare and foal. Agr. Soc. Jl., 9, 1898, 213-270. Axell, [Johaii] Severin. For biographical notice see Bot. Notiser, 1892, 46-47. Axelrod, Slalomon], & IMCarckwald, W[illy]. See Marck- wald & Axelrod. Axelson, Walter M. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber einige neue Colleml)olen-Formen aus Finnlaud. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 26, 1900, 105-123. Axenfeld, DatJ/fZe. 2. Sur les cristaux d'h^mine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 6, 1884, 34-51. 3. Un saggio sull' albumina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 178-182. 4. Contribuzione alia fisiologia della corteccia del cervello. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 616-622. 5. Ueber das Fussphanoraen. Arch. Psychiatr., 16, 1885, 824-825. 6. Ueber eine neue Eiweissreaction. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 209-211. 7. Die Wirkung der Halogene auf das Htemin. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 833-835. 8. Suir emina. [Seconda e terza comunicazione.] Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 72-79; 6, 1887, 98-100. 9. L'acido pirogallico come reagente sul propeptone. Ann. di Chim., 5, 1887, 193-195. 10. Sugli enzimi o fermenti solubili. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 225-242, 337-356. 11. Physiologische Experimente undBeobachtungen, [1885.] Untersuch. Nat., 13, 1888, 335-353. 12. Intorno alia trasformazione dei sali di ammonio in urea neU' organismo. Ann. di Chim., 8, 1888, 172-184. 13. Sur la vision des couleurs de contraste. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 81-90. 14. Etude physiologique sur le cerveau des Gallinaces et des Colombid6s. [1885.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 13-19. Axenfeld] 213 LAym6 15. Sur Thymine. [Prima comunicazione.] [1885- 86.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 19-21, 21-23. 16. Note sur le curare. [1886-87.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 23-26. 17. Contribution a la physiologic des organes de sens. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 12, 1889, 29-33. 18. Vibrationen der Stimmgabel als Nervenreiz. [1892.] Centrbl. Physiol., 6, 1893, 299-300. 19. Influence de certaines substances chimiques sur I'excitabilit^ du cerveau. [1894.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, FisioL), 171 ; Arch. Ital. Biol., 22, 1895, 60-78. 20. Eine einfache Methode Hemianopsie zu con- statiren. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 437-438. a 1. Die Kontgen'schen Strahlen dem Arthropodenauge sichtbar. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 147. 22. Die Eontgen'schen Strahlen dem Insectenauge sichtbar. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 436-437. 23. Contribution a I'optique physiologique. Arch. Ital. Biol., 27, 1897, 103-110. 24 . Ueber eine E igenthiimlichkeit der Knochenleitung des Sclialles im menschlichen Unterkiefer. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 1-2. 25. Schachbrettfigur dnrch Gitter hervorgebracht, abhangigvom AstigmatismusdesAuges. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 389-390. 26. Quelques observations sur la vue des Arthropodes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 370-376. 27. Ueber die Triibung der Augenlinse. [1899.] Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 322-325. Axenfeld, Theodor. Zur Lymphombildung in der Orbita. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 37, 1891 {Abth. 4), 102-124. 2. Ueber die eitrige metastatische Ophthalmic, besonders ihre Aetiologie und prognostische Bedeutung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 3), 1-129, (Abth. 4), 103-197. 3. Eino weitere Beobachtuug von dem Keratoconus entgegengesetzter Hornhautkriimmung (corrigirbare peri- phere Myopie und corrigirbare centrale Hyperopie in ein und demselben Auge). Arch. Augenheilk., 31, 1896, 86- 99; Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 559-569. 4. Ueber die Aetiologie der infectiosen Bindehautent- ziindungen, besonders der epidemischen. [With dis- cussio7i.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1897 {Abth. la), 111-120. 5. Ueber die chronische Diplobacillenconjunctivitis. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 1-9. 6. Ueber den Brechungswert der Hornhaut und der Linse beim Neugeborenen nebst Bemerkungen tiber Ophthalmometrie an Leichenaugen. Ztschr. Psychol., 15, 1897, 71-81. 7. De la blennorrh^e non-gonococcique de la con- jonctive. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 382-384. 8. Demonstrations anatomo-pathologiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 222-223. 9. R^tablissement du sac conjonctival par trans- plantation cutan^e. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901, 365. Axenfeld, Theodor, & Scburenberg, . Troubles cong(5nitaux des muscles oculaires et spasme unilateral de I'accommodation. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901, 365. Axenfeld, Theodor, & Vhthoff, W[ilhelm'\. See TThthoff & Axenfeld. Axmann, [Friedridi] C'[ari]. Ueben den Missbrauch der innereu Desinfection in der Geburtshiilfe. Erfurt Ak. Jbuch., 16, 1890, 73-89. 2. Ueber vorbeugende Hygiene. Erfurt Ak, Jbiich., 19, 1893, 135-160. 3. Giebt es specifisch trophische Nerven ? Erfurt Ak. Jbiich., 20, 1894, 199-228. Axtell, Edtvin R. For biographical notice see N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 972. The removal of the spinal cord. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 493. 2. Sulphate of atropine : two-fifths of a grain hypo- dermically. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 146-147. 3. Toxic paraplegia. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1896, 101- 104. Ayers, Howard. 2. On the structure and development of the nasal rays in Condylura cristata. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1886, 856-360. 3. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologie der Dipnoer. Jena. Ztschr., 18, 1886, 479-527. 4. Untersuchungen iiber Pori abdominales. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1886, 344-350. 5. On the carapax and sternum of decapod Crustacea. [1885.] Essex Inst. Bull., 17, 1886, 49-59. 6. On the structure and function of the sphroridia of the Echinoidea. [1885.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 39-52. 7. The morphology of the carotids, based on a study of the blood-vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garman. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 17, 1888-89, 191-223. 8. The ear of mau : its past, present and future. Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1890, 188-230. 9. Contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate head. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 504-506. 10. Concerning vertebrate cephalogenesis. [1890.] Jl. Morphol., 4, 1891, 221-245. 11. Die Membrana tectoria : was sie ist, und die Membraua basilaris : was sie verrichtet. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 219-220. 12. Vertebrate cephalogenesis. II. A contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate ear, with a recon- sideration of its functions. Jl. Morphol., 6, 1892, 1-360. 13. On the genera of the Dipnoi Dipneumones. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 919-932. 14. The macula neglecta again. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 238-240. 1 5 . Ueber das peripherische Verhalten der Gehoi'nerven und den Wert der Haarzellen des Gehororganes. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 435-440. 16. Some nerve-muscle experiments on the frog (Rana catesbiana). Jl. Morphol., 8, 1893, 379-392. 17. The auditory or hair-cells of the ear and their relations to the auditory nerve. Jl. Morphol., 8, 1893, 445-466. 18. Anatomical nomenclature. Science, 21, 1893, 190-191. 19. Myology of the cat : or the m. flexor accessorius of the human and feline foot. Science, 22, 1893, 135- 136. 20. Bdellostoma Dorabeyi, Lac. Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1893, 125-161. 21. On the membrana basilaris, the membrana tectoria, and the nerve endings in the human ear. [1897.] Zool. Bull., 1, 1898, 275-278. 22. On the pithecoid type of ear in man. Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 247-250. A.yJsxoyd,H[eiiry]E., &Ricliard»on, F[rederic] W[iUiam]. See Richardson & Aykroyd. AyUner, G[erald] Percy V[iviau]. [A recent journey in northern Somaliland.] Geogr. Jl., 11, 1898, 34-48. Aylxuer, John. 2. Appareils industriels de mesure ^lec- trique de Lord Kelvin. Ann. Tel^gr., 22, 1896, 5-18. Aylward, {Col.) Alfred. *Dutch South Africa. Its hydro- graphy, mineral wealth and mercantile possibilities. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 15 (1883), 1-44. Airmard, , Moeurs d'hirondelles. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 59. Ayxai, V. Les flammes chantantes. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 599. 2. Le sulfate de soude dans le Sud-Oranais. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 346. Aymericl 214 [Ayrton Aymeric. See Marcailliou d'Ayin6ric. Aymonier, (capit.) Ktienne. 2. *Exploration au Cam- bodge. Paris, Soc. G6ogr. C. K., 1883, 486-490. 3. Une mission en Indo-Chine (relation sommaire). Paris, Soc. G6ogr. Bull., 13, 1892, 216-249, 339-374. Ainuonnet, J. F. lO. Analyse d'eau d'egout de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 679-681. 11. Relation entre Tindice de refraction d'un corps, sa density, son poids moleculaire et son pouvoir dia- thermane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 113, 1891, 418-421. 12. Des maxima calorifiques periodiques observes dans les spectres du flint, du crown et du sel gemme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 582-585. 13. Sur les maxima periodiques des spectres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 304-306, 402-405; 123, 1896, 645-647. 14. Sur les radiations calorifiques comprises dans la partie lumineuse du spectre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 50-52, 151-154. 15. Sur le deplacement spectral du maximum calorifique solaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 1139-1141. Aynsley. See Murray-Aynsley. Ayraud, F. N. Considerations sur le syst^rae de culture du domaine du Lys (Vendee). France Soc. Agr. Mem., 129, 1884, 405-513 ; 132, 1888, 307-319. 2. Effets des phosphates de chaux sur les prairies humides des terrains sehisteux. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 45, 1885, 643-650. Ayres, C. H., & ZZaU, Edwin H. See HaU & Ayres. Ayres, Edward F. Mineralogical notes. [Thenardite. Pyrite.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 235-236. 2. Notes on the crystallization of trona (urao). Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 65-66. Ayres, Edivard F. , & Yeates, William S. See Veates & A3n:es. Ayres, H. B. Dimensions of Minnesota pine. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 148. 2. The muskeag spruce. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 604-505. 3. Washington forest reserve. [1899.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1897-98 (Pt. 5), 283-313. 4. The Flathead forest reserve. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1898-99 (Pt. 5), 245-316. 5. Lewis and Clarke forest reserve, Montana. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1899-1900 {Pt. 5), 27-80. , 6. Timber conditions of the pine regions of Minnesota. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1899-1900 (Pt. 5), 673- 689. Ayiea, H. Messenger. Cirrhosis of the lung. [1884.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 227. Ayres, Ph. B. C, & I.owBon, James A. Report on the outbreak of bubonic plague in Hongkong, 1894. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. (1894, 2), 652-676. Ayres, Thomas. 6. Additional notes on the ornithology of Transvaal. [With notes by John Henry Gurney.] Ibis, 2, 1884, 217-233; 3, 1885, 341-351; 4, 1886, , 282-298. Airres, W. S. * Deflection of girders. [1876.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 53-55. AyroB, Walter. A list of birds collected in Transvaal and in Umzeilla's country lying to the north-east of Transvaal, between the 23rd and 24th degrees of south latitude and the 32nd and 33rd of east longitude. [Communicated by John Henry Gukney.] Ibis, 5, 1887, 47-64. Ayres, William C. To reference in No. 9 (Vol. 9) add Arch. Augenheilk., 13, 1884, 29-33. 11. Granulations of the conjunctiva produced by long-continued instillations of cocaine. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 265-267. Ayres, William O. 86. Carnivorous prairie dogs. Car- nivorous orioles. Science, 8, 1886, 165. Ayrton, (Mrs.) Hertha. See Dllarks, (Miss) Sarah. Ayrton, W[iliiam] Eldward]. To reference in No. 17 (Vol. 9) add Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 91-94, 109-110, 122-125. 21. The law of the dynamo machine. [1885.] Electrician, 16, 1886, 31-32. 22. Efficiency of incandescent lamps and electric traction. Electrician, 20, 1888, 481. 23. The electric transmission of power. Electrician, 21, 1888, 598-605 ; Nature, 38, 1888, 508-511, 533-536. 24. Electrostatic attraction in liquids. Telegr. JL, 22, 1888, 278-279. 25. L'unite pratique d'induction. Lum. Elect., 34, 1889, 107-109. 26. The rise of potential difference in the Deptford mains. Electrician, 26, 1891, 260. 27. [Inaugural address, Jan. 28, 1892.] Electro- technics. [1892.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 21, 1893, 5-36. 28. Electrostatic error in electro-magnetic instru- ments. Electrician, 32, 1894, 697-698. 29. The true resistance and back e.m.f. of the arc. Elect. Rev., 37, 1895, 767-769. 30. Sixty vears of submarine telegraphy. Electrician, 38, 1897, 545-548. 31. The permanency of resistance coils. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 39-40. 32. Our knowledge of the value of a resistance. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 149-150. 33. [Presidential address to the Math, and Phys. Sci. Sect., Bristol, Sept. 8th. The physics of smell.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 767-777. 34. The best education for an engineer. Nature, 60 (1899), 568-569. 35. Electrical power distribution. Nature, 62 (1900), 296-300. Ayrton, Wlilliam] E[dioard], & Cooper, W[illiam] R[ansoH']. Variations in the electromotive force of Clark cells with temperature. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 368-381. Ayrton, W[illiam] E[dicard], & XZaycraft, H. C. Student's simple apparatus for determining the mechanical equiva- lent of heat. [1894.] London Phvs. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 295-309 ; Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 160-172. Ayrton, W[illiam'] E[dward], & Jones, J[o)in] Viriamu. On a determination of the ohm made in testing the Lorenz apparatus of the McGill University, Montreal. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 212-218. 2. An Ampere balance. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 157- 158. Ayrton, W\_llliam'] Eldioard], & Kilgour, [Martin'] H[amilton"\. The thermal emissivity of thin wires in air. [1891.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893', 371-405. Ayrton, WlilUaml E[dicard'\, & Mather, T[}iomas']. The construction of non-inductive resistances. [1891.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 269-275; Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 186-191. 2. A universal shunt box for galvanometers. [With discussion.] [1894.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 23, 1895, 314-326, 362-370. 3. Transparent conducting screens for electric and other apparatus. [With discussion.] [1894.] Inst. Elect. Engin. JL, 23, 1895, 376-380, 387-393. 4. An astatic station voltmeter. [ With discussion.] [1894.] Inst. Elect. Engin. JL, 23, 1895, 380-393. 5. A portable magnetic-tield tester. Electrician, 35, 1895, 674-675. 6. [The E.M.F. , etc., of electric arc] Nature, 52 (1895), 536. 7. Galvanometers. Phil. Mag., 42, 1896, 442-446. 8. Galvanometers. Third paper. [1898.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 16, 1899, 169-204; Phil. Mag., 46, 1898, 349-379. Ayrton] 215 [Azam 9. Some developmfints in the use of Price's guard- wire in insulation tests. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 99-103 ; Phil. Ma^? , 49, 1900, 343-347. Ayrton, W[illiam] E[dwar(l], & SXedley, E. A. Tests of glow-lamps, and description of the measuring instru- ments employed. [1894-95.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1895, 439-476; Phil. Mag., 39, 1896, 389-422. Ayrton, W[illiam] E[dward], cfe Perry, JoJm. To reference in No. 32 (Vol. 9) add Lum. Elect., 3, 1881, 405-407. 41. 'Exposition Internationale d'Electricite. Un multi-reflecteur. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 38-40. 42. *La conservation de I'dlectricite. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 266. 43. A new form of spring for electric and other measuring instruments. Roy. Soc. Proc, 36, 1884, 297-319. 44. Direct-reading electro-measuring j. instruments, and a non-sparking key. [1S84.] Londenioine, Georges. Resume des observations centralisees par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant I'annee 1892. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 41, 1893, 315-349. Babinet, J[acques Andre] (et alii). Resume des observa- tions centralisees par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant I'annee 1897. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 47, 1899, 105-130. Babington, Charles Car dale. For biography and works see Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 261 ; Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 220-221; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1895, 545; Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 257-266; Leopoldina, 31, 1896, 168; Nature, 52 (1895), 371-372 ; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1895, 17; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, Ixx; Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, viii-x; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 313-321. On Senecio spathulfefolius. 358. On the naturalization of plants. Natlist., 8, 1885-86, 11-12. Pembrokeshire plants and the Rev. Mr. Holcombe. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 22-23. Notes on British Rubi : with special reference to the list in " London Catalogue " ed. 8. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 216-223, 225-237 ; 25, 1887, 20-23, 327-333. Jl. Bot. , 22, 1884, 357- [1885.] Scott. Babington] 221 [Babor Saxifraga csespitosa, L. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 281. On botanical nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 369- 371. Rubus thyrsiger {Bab.). Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 379. Hypericum linaiiifolium, Vahl., in Caernarvonshire. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 185. Rubus dumuoniensis, n. sp. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 338- 339. Primula elatior, Jacq. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 119-120. List of plants seen in the valley of Braemar and on Morrone. Scott. Natlist., [11, 1891], 81-85, 132-136, 174-184. [On Rubus.] [Posth.] Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 286-291. Babington, (Rev.) Churchill. For biography and list of works see Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans., 17, 1889, 519-521; Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 110-111 ; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 561; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 121; Zoologist, 13, 1889, 66; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 449; Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 59. Babington, F. W. Analysis of sugar, molasses, and syrup. Analyst, 16, 1891, 181-185. Babinski, J[oseph Frampis Felix']. Des modifications que pr^seutent les muscles a la suite de la section des nerfs qui s'y rendent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 51-52. Sur les lesions des tubes nerveux de la moelle 6pini6re dans la sclerose en plaques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1456-1459, Recherches sur I'anatomie pathologique de la sclerose en plaques et 6tude comparative des diverses varietes de scleroses de la moelle. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1886, 186- 207. Atrophic musculaire d'origine c^r^brale, avec int^grite des cornes ant^rieures de la moelle et des nerfs moteurs. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 76-78. Recherches servant a ^tablir que certains pheuom^nes nerveux peuvent etre transmis d'un sujet a un autre sujet sous I'iniiuence de I'aimant. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 475-in. Sur la presence dans les muscles stries de I'homme d'un syst^me special constitu^ par des groupes de petites fibres musculaires entourees d'une gaine lamelleuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 629-631. Faisceaux neuro-musculaires. (Critique du travail de M. EicHHORST sur la "Neuritis fascians.") Arch. Med. Exper., 1, 1889, 416-420. Paraplegic flasque par compression de la moelle. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, 228-251. Sur le r^flexe cutan6 plantaire dans certaines affections organiques du syst^me nerveux central. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 {C. R.), 207-208. Relachement des muscles dans I'hemipl^gie organique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 471-472. — — De Taction du chlorhydrate de morphine sur le t^tanos. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 600-602. Du ph^nom^ne des orteils. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 699-700. De la contractility electrique des muscles strips apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 343- 346. Babinski, J[oseph Franqois Felix], & Charpentier, [Pieire Marie] Augustin. De I'abolition des reflexes pupillaires dans ses relations avec la syphilis. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 676-681. Babinslu, J\o$eph Francois Felix], ^ & Cbarxin, Albert. De la paralysie pyocyanique. (Etude clinique et ana- tomique.) Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 257-259. Arthropathies experimentales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m,, 41, 1889 (C.R.), 545-547. Babinski, J[oseph Fraiigois Felix], & OaaLHoS,J[acques] G. Myopathic progressive primitive. Sur la correlation qui existe entre la predisposition de certains muscles a la myopathic et la rapidity de leur d^veloppement. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 145-151. Babkov, (Col.) . *0 xoji,'l5 'roiiorpa4)H II MarnieBHX'B aHaihraMX). [Poids specifiques des amalgames de bis- muth et de magnesium.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl , 25 (Phys.), 1893, 219-224; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 569. TepM03JieKxpHqecKia CBoficxsa najiJiaAia. [Pro- pri^t^s thermo-electriques du palladium.] Kuss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 25 {Phys.), 1893, 256-263; JL Phys., 3, 1894, 570-571. HiKoxopHa ^'HSHiecKia cBoBcxsa MifejiiHaro Bachmetjev] 226 [Baciocchi Kynopoca. [Einige physikalische Eigenschaften von Kupfervitriol.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Phys.), 1893, 265-294; Fortschr. Phys., 1893 {Abth. 1), 130-131. Hanptresultate der Untersuchungen iiber die elek- trischen Erdstrome in Bulgarien. Gottingen Nachr., 1894, 324-327. 3eMHLie BJieKTpHqecKie tokii. (BKcnepii- MGHTaJIBHOe H3CJI'fejl,0BaHie.) [Sur les courants telluriques. Kecherche exp^rimentale.] Buss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Phys.), 1894, 31-76, 159-199; Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 579-580. $ir3n. [Sur les chaleurs sp^cifiques des amalgames.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Phys.), 1893, 115-137; Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 238-239. — ;- TepMOMeTpiiMGCKm iiscjiijiiOBaHia aMajiBraMi. [Etudes thermom^triques sur les amalgames.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Phys.), 1893, 237-255; JL Phys., 3, 1894, 570. Bachmetjev, Porfirij [IvanoviS], Christodulos, Ch., & Georgiev, Ch. BjiiflHie TeMiiepaxypH OKpyjKaiomeH cpeji,H Ha 3JieKTpHiecKie tokh oxjia3:ji;eHifl. [Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur des umgebenden Mediums auf die elektrischen Abkiihlungsstrome.] Buss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 29 (Phys.), 1897, 14-21 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 700. Bachmetjev, V[asilij] E[gorovic]. Meteorologische Beo- bachtungen ausgefiihrt am Meteorologischen Observa- torinm der Landwirthschaftlichen Akademie bei Moskau (Petrowsko-Bazoumowskoje). Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 58, 1883, Beilage; 59, 1884, Beilage; 60, 1884, Beilage; 61, 1886, Beilage. L' inverno 1882-83 a Mosca. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 76. Bachmeyer, W[ilhelm]. Zur Untersuchung von Trink- wasser. Fresenius, Ztschr., 23, 1884, 353-357. Bachofen, F[riedrich]. Aschenanalyse einer Cocosnuss. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 16. Bachofen, F[riedrich], & ZXeumann, Karl. See ZZeumann & Bachofen. Bachofen, F[riedrich], & Iiunge, Georg. See Iiunge & Bachofen. Bachrach, Gregor, & Freund, Martin. See Freund & Bachrach. Bachy, , & Fraenell, . See Frsenell & Bachy. Ba^inskij, Aleksej Josifovic. 0 saBlICIIMOCTH BHyTpeH- Hiiro TpeHiH atHji;K0CTe8 ott. irxTb xiiMiiiecKOH TipHpo;i,LI. [Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der Viscosi- tat und der chemischen Constitution der Fliissigkeiten.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 14, 1900 (Prot.), 56-59; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 (Abth. 1), 218. Ki) ji;HHaMHgecKOH Teopin 9JieKTpii^ecTBa. [Zur dynamischen Theorie der Electricitat.] [1900.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 96 (No. 2), 1901, 12-16; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 (Abth. 2), 369. Baciocchi, 0. Di un caso di setticemia acuta dovuta al piieumococco del Fran(c)kel. Sperimentale, 1893 (Comun. e Riv.), 378-884. I Backe] 227 [Backhouse Backe, A[rnold], & Weigmann, H[ermann]. See "Weig- mann & Backe. Backelandt [i.e. Baekeland, q.v.], Leo [Hendrik]. Sur une nouvelle metbode de separation et de dosage du cad- mium et du cuivre. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1886, 756-759. Sur I'oxj'dation de I'acide chlorhydrique sous I'influ- ence de la lumi^re. Brux,, Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 194 (bis)- 199 (bis). Backer, Felix de. Th^rapeutique par las ferments figures. Ass. Franp. C. E., 1894 [Ft. 1), 257. Des ferments figures (reine Fermente) antagonistes dans les affections microbiennes. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. (1894, 2), 264-265. Du traitement de certaines maladies microbiennes par I'injection des ferments figures, k I'^tat vivant. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 3, Med.), 77-78. Backer, FSlix de, & Brubat, J. Nouvelle m^thode de traitement des maladies infectieuses de nature micro- bienne, au moyeu de ferments figures. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 241. Backbatis, [Alexandei-]. Ueber Methoden, die Kabmilch der Frauenmilch abnlicher zu gestalten. Jl. Landw., 44, 1896, 279-298, 299-309. Zusammensetzung der Frauenmilch und deren Surro- gate. Konigsb. Schr., 38, 1897, [33H36]. Backhaus, [Alexander], & Cronheiin, W. Ueber Eeini- gung der Milch. Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 207-236. Backhaiis, Franz. Ueber Mesarteriitis syphilitica und deren Beziehung zur Aneurysmenbildung der Aorta. Beitr. Path. Anat., 22, 1897, 417-442. Backbouse, James. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 353-356. Bos primigenius. Nature, 31, 1885, 482. The names "Abies" and "Picea." Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 682-683. On a mandible of Maehserodus from the forest-bed. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 42, 1886, 309. Backhouse, eJarjies (ju7i.). Physical geography, flora, and fauna of Iceland. [1884.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1884-85, 25-26. Ornithological notes from the French Pyrenees. Zoolo- gist, 8, 1884, 20-27. Observations in the eastern Pyrenees. Ibis, 5, 1887, 66-74. Winter notes from Corsica. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 371-376. Occurrence of Natterer's bat in North Wales. Zoolo- gist, 2, 1898, 493-494. Backhouse, James {ju7i.), & Clarke, William Eagle. See Clarke & Backhouse. Backhouse, Thomas William. *November meteors, 1877. Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 369-370. *The red spot on Jupiter. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 250-251. *The red patch on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 320-321. * Variable stars of short period. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 56-58. *The dark spot on Jupiter in 1872. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 86. [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 251-252. The supposed volcanic dust phenomena, [1884.] Nature, 30, 1884, 54-55, 359-360, 633-634; 31, 1886, 28. The sky-glows. Nature, 30, 1884, 511. The thunderstorms of 1884. [1885.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 186. Iridescent clouds. [1885.] Nature, 31, 1886, 192-193, 360-361 ; 33, 1886, 199. The luminous cirrus cloud of June and July. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 133. Proposed maps for tracing meteor-paths. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 19-22; Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 98-100. The great shower of Andromedes, 1885. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 309-313, 508. Fabry's Comet. Nature, 33, 1886, 366. The iridescent clouds and their height. Nature, 33, 1886, 486. Fabry's Comet and Barnard's Comet. Nature, 34, 1886, 29. Luminous clouds. Nature, 34, 1886, 239 ; 41, 1890, 297-298. The bright clouds. Nature, 34, 1886, 312. The bright clouds and the aurora. Nature, 34, 1886, 386-387. Land and sea breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 121-122, 156. Barnard's Comet. [1886-87.] Nature, 35, 1887, 54, 224. Bishop's ring. Nature, 36, 1887, 102-103 ; 39, 1889, 412, 462 ; 48 (1893), 509. The sky-coloured clouds. Nature, 36, 1887, 269, 556 ; 38, 1888, 196-197, 270. Bishop's ring. The sky-coloured clouds. Nature, 36, 1887, 365. The law of error. Nature, 36, 1887, 531. 28 Andromedae. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 274-275. Day and night breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 6-7, 39. Nebula in Andromeda and Nova, 1885. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 108-110. The total eclipse of the moon, 1888 January 28. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 48, 1888, 300-301. Comet a 1888 (Sawerthal). Nature, 37, 1888, 536. The zodiacal light and meteors. Nature, 38, 1888, 434. White fog bows. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 26. The formation of ice. Nature, 39, 1889, 437. Bishop's ring and allied phenomena. Nature, 40, 1889, 519. The shining night-clouds. An appeal for observations. Nature, 40, 1889, 594. The structure of the sidereal universe. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 374-375; Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 337-342. The "night-shining clouds." Nature, 42, 1890, 246. Comet of 1889 (Borelly). Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 90. The distribution of the naked-eye stars. Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 115-116. Barnard's ring nebula in Monoceros. Observatory, London, 13, 1890, 179-180. The problem of probable error as applied to meteoro- logy. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 87-91. Eainbows on scum. Nature, 43, 1891, 416. The heights of auroras. Nature, 44, 1891, 541-542. Apparent size of objects near the horizon. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 7-8. The theory of halos and parhelia. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 86. Nacreous clouds. Nature, 45, 1892, 365. The present comets. Nature, 46, 1892, 561. The height and spectrum of auroras. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 151. Is the Sun a variable star? Observatory, London, 15, 1892, 320-321. Town fogs. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 56. The heights of auroras. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 121. The afterglows and Bishop's ring. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 582. 29—2 Backhouse] The relative brightness of comets. Observatory, London, 16, 1893, 71-74, 204-205. The aurora of February 28th. [1894.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1895, 40. Variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 18, 1895, 94. Barometric oscillations in calm weather. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1895, 179. New variable orange stars. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 160-161. The aurora of 1896 March 4. [1896,] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1897, 73-74. Confirmed or new variable stars. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 278-279 ; 22, 1899, 97-98, 275-276, Watch for meteors of the quadrantid shower. [1898.1 Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 7, 1899, 2-3. Observations of the brightness of a Orionis, 1895-98. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 194-199. [Remarkable lightning flashes.] Nature, 60 (1899), 520. The Gegenschein. Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 364-365. Backlund, [Jolian] Olscar}. To reference in No. 8 ( Vol. 9) add Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 217-218, 246, 278- 279,, 310. Elements et ^ph^m^ride de la Com^te d'ENCKE. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 536-538, 600-602; St. P^tersb. Ac, Sci, Bull., 29, 1884, 498-504. Ueber die Anwendung einer von P. Tschebyschew vorgeschlagenen Interpolationsmethode. St. P^tersb. Ac, Sci, Bull,, 29, 1884, 477-498, *Untersuchungen iiber die Bewegung des Encke'schen Cometen 1871-81, [1883.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 32, 1885, No. 3, 50 pp. Zur Entwickelung der Storungsfunction. [1884.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Miva., 32, 1885, No. 4, 32 pp. Schreiben [betreffend den Encke'schen Cometen.] Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 225-230. Sur la masse de la planete Mercure. Bull. Astr. , 3, 1886, 473-475. Comet Encke. Bearbeitung der Erscheinung 1885 und die Verbindung derselben mit den vier vorherge- henden Erscheinungen. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 449-470. Comet Encke 1865-85. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 34, 1886, No. 8, 43 pp. Dr. Harzer's Untersuchungen iiber einen speciellen Fall des Problems der drei Korper. [1886.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1887, 125-138. Sur la th^orie des satellites de Jupiter. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 321-339. Studien iiber den Sterncatalog "Positions moyennes de 3542 ^toiles, d^termin^es k I'aide du cercle m^ridien de Poulkova dans les ann^es 1840-69 et r^duites k I'^poque 1855,0." [1887.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 53-77, 182-185. Schreiben betr. die Pulkowaer Declinationsbestim- mungen. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 155-158. Bemerkung iiber das Auftreten von hyperelementaren Gliedern in der " Storungstheorie." St. P6tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 629-648. Ueber die Herleitung der im achten Bande der " Ob- servations de Poulkova" enthaltenen Stern-Cataloge nebst einigen Untersuchungen iiber den Pulkowaer Meridiankreis. [1888.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 36, 1889, No. 7, 100 pp. • Ueber die kleinen Divisoren bei den elementaren Gliedern in der Theorie der Planetenbewegungen. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 273-302. Ueber einige von Winnecke am Pulkowaer Meridian- kreise in den Jahren 1861-63 angestellte Beobachtungen. [1889.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 473-486. npe;i,BapHTejitHHH oT^eTT, ofii, acxpoHOMir- 228 [Backlund lecKiix'LpaSoTax'i) THMaHCKofr 9Kcne;i;Hi],iHj['£T0M'B 1889 ro;i;a. Communication prealable des points astrono- miques determines pendant I'exp^dition aux monts Timane en 1889. St. P^tersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 8, 189Q, 233-250. Elements et ^ph^m^ride de la Com^te d'ENCKE. [1891.] Bull. Astr., 8, 1891, 354-357; St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 401-405. Anteckningar fran tvenne resor i norra Ryssland, verkstalda aren 1889 och 1890 for astronomiska ortsbe- stamningar. [1891.] Fennia, 5, 1892, No. 6, 34 pp. {Res. 34). . . i'F Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen im nordlichen Eussland. [1891.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 367-380. Calculs et recherches sur la Com^te d'ENCKE. [I, Tables pour le calcul de I'anomalie excentrique et du logarithme du rayon vecteur, II, Perturbations par les plan^tes Venus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne de 1871 jusqu'A 1891. III. Perturbations par les plan^tes V(5nus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne pendant la p^riode 1848-71, IV, Perturbations par les planfetes Venus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne de 1819 jusqu'a 1848, V, Perturbations par Mercure de 1819 jusqu'a 1891, VI, Perturbations produites par la Terre, Venus et Mercure dans la partie sup^rieure de I'orbite de la Com^te.] [1891-98,] St. Pcitersb, Ac, Sci. Mem., 38, 1892, No. 8, iii + 60pp, ; 41, 1893, No. 3, xvi + 174pp.. No. 7, vii + 153 pp, ; 42, 1897, No. 7, 261 pp.. No. 8, 66 pp.; 6, 1898, No. 13, xx + 37 pp. Ueber die Bewegung einer gewissen Gruppe der kleinen Planeten. [1891.] St. P^tersb. Ac, Sci, M^m., 38, 1892, No. 11, 54 pp. Ueber die Anwendung einer Formel von Tchebychew zur Entwickelung der Storungsfunction, Astr, Nachr,, 135, 1894, 121-128, Ephemeride des Encke'schen Cometen [1894 Oct. 28,0-1895 Mars 29.0]. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 335-336, 379-384; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 261-265. Sur la masse de la planete Mercure et sur I'accei^ration du mouvement moyen de la Com^te d'ENCKE. Bull, Astr., 11, 1894, 473-485. Ueber die Storungen des Euckeschen Kometen, Deutsch. Natf, Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 27. 0 CB0HX1, pa6oTaxT>. [Notes. Encke's comet. Mass of Mercury, Venus and the Earth.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894 {Prot.), 31-33. Sur rint^gration de I'^quation diff^rentielle du rayon vecteur d'un certain groupe des petites planetes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1103-1107 ; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 311-319. Sur les observations de I'^clipse de Soleil du 9 aofit dernier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 440-441. Beobachtungen der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss auf Nowaja Zemlja am 8. August 1896. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 17-20; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci, Bull., 6, 1897, 1-7. Sur la determination des termes k longues periodes dans I'expression de la longitude des petites planetes du type de H^cube. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 321-325; 15, 1898, 5-9. Formeln zur Berechnung angenaherter Bahnen der kleinen Planeten vom Hecuba-Typus nebst ihrer Anwen- dung auf den Planeten (184) Dejopeja, Astr, Nachr,, 145, 1898, 241-248, Zur Frage von der Libration in den Bewegungen der Saturnssatelliten, St, Petersb. Ac, Sci. Bull,, 8, 1898, 313-324. [0 nJiaHGTi IlpOTOreHeSfl. La planete Proto- geneia.] St. petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 1. — - [06i. OTKpHTOH r. BuTTOMi. HOBoft njiaHeii. Backluud] 229 [Bacot La plan^te nouvelle, d^converte par M. Witt.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, li. Ueber die Bewegung kleiner Planeten des Hecuba- Typus. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 6, 1898, No. 10, 54 pp. Verzeichuiss von 103 Sternen welche vsiihrend der totaleu Mondfinsterniss 1898 Dec. 27 bedeckt werden konnen. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 73-76. Sur la question des lacunes des petites plan^tes. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 81-84. Mesure d'un arc de mMdien du Spitzberg. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 85-87. Zur Theorie der Pracession und Nutation. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 387-409. Sec also Dorpat University Observatory. Backlund, [Johan] 0[scar], & Donner, Anders [Severiii]. See Donner & Backlund. Backlund, [Jolian] 0[scar], & Serafimov, V[asilij Vas.]. AngenJiherte Elemente und Ephemeride des Encke'schen . Cometen fiir das Jahr 1888. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 32, 1888, 467-472. Backlund, [Johan] 0[scar], & Wild, Heinrich. See WUd & Backlund. Backmau, H. Anteckningar om foglarne uti Salmis barad. [1886.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd. , 15, 1888-89, 44-50. Bacl6, L[ouis Lucien]. Expos^ de la theorie cellulaire des propri6t6s de I'acier. G6nie Civil, 21, 1892, 71-73, 198-202. La m^tallographie microscopique des alliages de cuivre d'apres M. Goillemin. [1894.] Genie Civil, 24, 1893-94, 343-346. Nouveaux essais comparatifs pratiques sur les plaques en acier c^meute. Genie Civil, 25, 1894, 226-231. L'attaque des plaques c^ment^es par les projectiles munis de coiffe. [1895.] Genie Civil, 28, 1896-96, 25-28. Expos6 de la theorie cellulaire des propri^t^s de I'acier. Eev. Univ. Mines, 31, 1895, 18-39; 35, 1896, 121-143; 39, 1897, 25-36. Chronographe a lumi^re polaris^e de MM. Albert Gushing Crehore et George Owen Squier. G^nie Civil, 29, 1896, 247-250. Experiences effectu^es avec le photochronographe Crehore et Squier pour determiner la vitesse du pro- jectile dans I'interieur de I'ame du canon. Genie Civil, 29, 1896, 267-270. Essais comparatifs effectues en Autriche sur des plaques de blindage en acier c^mente ou non. G6nie Civil, 31, 1897, 100-102. Disposition nouvelle du photochronographe de MM. Crehore et Sqcier. G^nie Civil, 31, 1897, 136-138. Nouveau tel^metre pour batteries de cote de MM. Gushing Crehore et G. Owen Squier. [1897.] G^nie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 117-119. Causes d'explosion de certaines chaudieres tenant aux avaries dans la region des rivures. G^nie Civil, 33, 1898, 155-158, 169-171, 269-270; 34, 1898-99, 153-154. Bacl6, L[ouis Lucien], & Fremont, Ch. Sur I'emploi du poingonnage et du cisaillement comme methodes d'essai des metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 121, 1896, 713-716. Bacon, Alice E. Some orchids of eastern Vermont. Ithodora, 2, 1900, 171-172. "BslcoHj Charles A. Barometer exposure. Science, 8, 1886, 370. Smith Observatory observations. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 137, 182, 230-231, 417, 467 ; 10, 1891, 86, 103. Bacon, Gorliam. Diseases of the mastoid process, with a report of cases. Arch. Otol., 18, 1889, 280-307; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 47-06. Malformation of the auricle. Plastic operation for the cure of the deformity. Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 17-19. Middle-ear operations. N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 460-462. A case of sarcoma of the neck involving the tonsil and causing deafness in a boy seven years of age. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1896, 269-270. Bacon, {Rev.) John M[ackenzie]. On the actinic qualities of light as affected by different conditions of atmosphere. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 426-428. Scientific ballooning. Smithsonian Rep., 1898, 307- 319. On the value of possible observations from free bal- loons. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 176-177. [On the audibility of sound in air.] Nature, 60 (1899), 484. Cloud photography from balloons. Aeronaut. Jl., 4, 1900, 146-148. Bacon, Samuel E. Old squaw (Clangula hiemalis). Omith, Ool., 17, 1892, 45. Bacot, A. Variation of the larvae of Satumia Carpini. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 199-200. Notes on the ova of Selenia tetralunaria. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 207, 231-232. The genus Smerinthus. Ent. Record, 6, 1896, 173- 181; 8, 1896,151-152. The relationship of Endromis versicolor to the Sphingides. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1896-96, 227- 230, 246-248. Notes on the breeding of Psilura monacha. [1896.] Ent. Record, 7, 1896-96, 261-262. [Notes on a series of Lophopteryx carmelita.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 150. Notes ou the life-history of Papilio machaon. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 240-241. [On the early stages of Psilura monacha and. its allies.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 248-249. Notes on the early stages of Enodia hyperanthus. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 307-308. Notes on the early stages of Epinephele lanira. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 37-38. Notes on the cocoon and pupa of Saturnia pyri. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 144-146. Ou the trapezoidal tubercules of Saturnia. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 148. Note on the newly emerged larva of Polygonia egea. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 178. On the development and probable origin of certain ocellated spots in the larvae of Lasiocampa quercus and Odonestis potatoria. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 287-288. On the caudal horn of Agdistis. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 292-293. Notes on hybrid Smerinthus populi-ocellatus. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 299-302 ; 10, 1898, 7-8, 188-190. The larvae of certain Geometrides. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 16-17. The British liparid moths. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 29-31, 73-75, 91-93, 123-125, 140-143, 163-164. The origin of the stemapoda of Cerura. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 129-130. Notes on the larvae of Tephrosia bistortata and T. crepuscularia. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 177-179. Notes on hybrids obtained by crossing Tephrosia bistortata with T. crepuscularia. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 192-194, 217-219, 297-299. Contribution to the life-history of Tinea vinculella, var. leopoldella. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 148-149. On the relationship of the lepidopterous pupa to its larva. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 172-173. Contribution to the life-history of Psyche zermattensis. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 180-181.' Vitality of Smerinthus ocellatus bred in confinement. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 108. Newly-hatched larva of Erebia ceto. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 108-109, 140. Eggs of Lepidoptera. Eut. Record, 12, 1900, 131- 132. Bacot] 230 [Badoux Notes on the early stages of Laria v-nigra, Fahr. Ent. Eecord, 12, 1900, 132-133. Bacoucea, , & Babes, Victor. See Babes & Bacoucea. Baculo, Blartolomeo], Dell' influenza del sistema nervoso sui fenomeni d' assorbimento ; esperienze eseguite nel Laboratorio di Patologia Generale. Napoli, Bend., 26, 1887, 181-186. Saggi sperimentali su' centri termici in alcuni pecilo- termi. Napoli, Eend., 33, 1894, 114-120; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 179-181. Baculo, B[artolomeo], & IMCartini, Alntonio] de. See martini & Baculo. Baczewski, Max. Chemische Untersuchung der Samen von Nephelium lappaceum und des darin enthaltenen Fettes. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1895 (Abth. 2b), 715-729; Mhefte. Chem., 1895, 866-880. Zur Kenntniss der Arachinsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 514-532; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 528-546. Badanelll, Dante. I diamanti di Pistoia. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 45-48. La lignite del Termine nel comune di Chianni (Pisa). Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 257-259. Badano, Fausto, & Fano, Giulio. See Fano & Badano. Badcock, J[ohn] Harry. Cleft palate and its treatment. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 823-829, 855-858, 914-917. Badcock, John. On certain filaments observed in Suri- rella bifrons, Micr. Soc. JL, 4, 1884, 852-353. On Melicerta ringens : achapter from the great book of nature as revealed by the microscope. [1885.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 33-38. Bade, Peter. Die Ossifikation des menschlichen Fuss- Skeletts nach Bontgogrammen. [1899.] Fortschr. Eontgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 134-140. Die Entwicklung des menschlichen Skelets bis zur Geburt. Eine rontgographische Studie. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 245-290. Badel, E[lie], & Zmbert, Henri. See Ixabert & Badel. Baden, Andrew. *0n the equitable apportionment of a fund between the life tenant and the reversioner. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 269-276. *0n the formula for the market value of a complete annuity. Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 447-449. Baden-FoweU, (Maj.) B[ade7i] FlletcJier] S[myth]. *Mili- tary ballooning. [With discussion.] [1883.] United Serv. Inst. JL, 27, 1884, 735-756. A new principle of aerial navigation. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1896, 814-815. Kites : their uses in war. [ With discussion.] United Serv. Inst. JL, 39, 1895, 887-902. Kites. [1897.] Aeronaut. JL, 2, 1898, 5. Gliding machine. [1897.] Aeronaut. JL, 2, 1898, 7. Kites: their theory and practice. Aeronaut. JL, 2, 1898, 33-41. Kites. MeteoroL Soc. Quart. JL, 24, 1898, 262-265. The secretary bird and his flight. Aeronaut. JL, 4, 1900, 134. Baden-FoweU, (Sir) George [Smyth]. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. JL, 13, 1899, 77-78 ; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 79. Total eclipse of the Sun, 1896. The Novaya-Zemlya observations. [1896.] Phil. Trans. (A), 190, 1898, 197-204. Bader, ^[douard], & Zievyi S[iegmund]. See Iievy & Bader. Bader, Richard. Ueber die Affinitatsgrossen organischer Sauren und ihre Beziehung zur Zusammensetzung und Konstitution derselben. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 289-318. • Ueber symmetrische Benzoltriderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1653-1655. Ueber eine Methode zur alkalimetrischen Bestimmung von Phenol. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 58-60. Ueber esterartige Verbindungen des Holzgummis und der Xylose. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 55-56, 78-79. Ueber den Cellulosegehalt des Fichtenholzes zu ver- schiedenen Jahreszeiten. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 856. Ueber die Einwirkung raucheuder Salpetersaure auf Xylose und Arabinose. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1851. Ueber Desoxyfuroin. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1939. Badertscher, G[ustav] A[dolf]. Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf Phosphorescenzerscheinungen. [1888.] Bern Mitth., 1889, 75-108. Badger, A[lfred] Bernard. A three-eyed reptile. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 257-261. Dragons of the prime. [1891.] Midland Natlist., 14, 1891, 217-223; 15, 1892, 1-9. Badger, A[lfred] Bernard, & Oreenly, Edward. See Greenly & Badger. Badger, E[dward] W[illiam], & Harrison, W. Jerome. Geological map of Nottingham. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 135-137. Badger, George S. C. Some observations on the urine and blood in diabetes. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. JL, 2, 1898, 118-124. Badgley, (Col.) W[illiam] F[rancis]. Some remarks on dew. Being notes on observations which were made to discover whether dew is all deposited from the air, or if some also comes from the earth and plants, and also what quantity is formed during the year. MeteoroL Soc. Quart. JL, 17, 1891, 80-86. Badia, Gerardo. Sur le traitement electrom^tallurgique des mattes de cuivre pour I'extraction du cuivre. [1884.] Lum. Elect., 14, 1884, 3-11, 46-51, 92-98; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1885, 109-112, 166-170. Badik, Johann. Eintheilung der Verbrecher in vier Typen. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 254-259. Badl, Victor, & Ooldschmidt, Heinrich. See Ooldschmidt & Badl. Badoureau, A. Sur les nuages lagers des regions superieures de I'atmosph^re terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 663-664. La constitution des regions superieures de I'atmo- sph^re. Bev. Sci., 34, 1884, 590-592. Th^orie des appareils employes au lavage des matieres min^rales. Ann. Mines, 7, 1885, 521-534. Le charbon de terre : sa formation, son extraction, ses usages. Bev. Sci., 35, 1885, 589-596. L'6nergie : ses sources et ses transformations. Bev. Sci., 36, 1885, 169-174. Th^orie du whist. Bev. Sci., 36, 1885, 587-595. Th^orie du piquet. Bev. ScL, 37, 1886, 299-302. Coup d'ceil sur les sciences. Leurs moyens d'investi- gation, leur histoire, leur objet, leur utilite. Bev. Sci., 42, 1888, 34-41. VvwOi aeavrdpl Amiens Ac. M^m., 37, 1890, 197- 221. Th^orie de la sedimentation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., Ill, 1890, 621-622. L'espace g^ometrique et les espaces alg^briques. Bev. Sci., 46, 1890, 586-590. Belations entre I'^lectricite et la mati&re. Bev. Sci., 48, 1891, 434-437. Preuves et cause du mouvement lent actuel de la Scandinavie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 767-769, 874; Ann. Mines, 6, 1894, 239-275. Notes de voyage en Scandinavie. Amiens Ac. M4m., 41, 1894, 1-39. L'eiectricite et ses applications depuis 1881. Bev. Sci., 10, 1898, 769-776. Le passe, le present, I'avenir de I'industrie min^rale dans I'arrondissement mineralogique de Chamb^ry. Savoie Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1901, 63-164. Badoux, H. Langenwachstum eines Glycinezweiges. Badoux] 231 [Backstrbm (Glycine sinensis.) Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1899, 32 {bis)-33 (bis). Ueber Rhytisma acerinum, Fr. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1899, 33 (6is)-34 (6ts). Baduel, Cesare. Nota clinica e batteriologica sopra un caso di pielite bilaterale suppurativa. Sperimentale, 1893 [Gomun. e Riv.), 520-528. Sulla topografia dei reni a stato normale e patologico e sul valore della percussione renale. Sperimentale, 1894 (Comun. e Riv.), 149-153. Baduel, Cesare, & Baquis, FAia. See Baquis & Baduel. Baduel, Cesare, & Silvestxini, [Raffaello]. See Silvestrini & Baduel. B^dzyiiski, St. 0 zmianach w sk^'adzie substancyi mineralnej mleka, rownolegle do niennormalno^ci w czynnoseiach gruczotow mlecznych. [On variations in the composition of the mineral substance of milk cor- responding to abnormality in the activity of the lacteal glands.] [1894.] Kosmos (Lwow), 20, 1895, 433-437. Bilamhlelin, Gustaf. Fall af pharynxerysipelas. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 27, 1892, 488-500. Bachler, Emil. [Ueber den Urvogel.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, 140-143. Ueber die Lebewesen der Jurazeit. St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, 143-149. Ueber die schiitzenden Farben und Formen im Tier- reich. St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, 149-153. Beobachtungen am Siebenschlafer (Myoxus glis, L.). St. Gallen, Ber., 1898-99, 267-288. Back, Edmund. Zuckerbestimmung in Riiben. [1898.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem. , 1899, 1105. Ueber Presssaft- und Digestionsmethode und Bedeu- tung der letzteren fiir die chemische Betriebskontrole. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 75-81. Back, Slalo]. Beitrag zur Histologic und Entstehung des Lenticonus posterior. Arch. Augenheilk., 36, 1898, 160- 166; Arch. Ophthalm., 29, 1900, 573-577. Experimentell-histologischeUntersuchungeniiberCon tusio bulbi. [1898-99.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 82-107; 48, 1899, 470-472. Backlin, G. Undersokning af det galvaniska lednings motstandets beroende af tiden hos legeringar af vismut och tenn. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 7, 107-142 Fortschr. Phys., 1885 (Abth. 2), 638. Backlund, A[lbert] V[ictor]. Ueber die Bewegung von Korpern mit variablem Volumen, die von einer unzu sammendriickbaren Fliissigkeit umgeben sind. Lund Univ. Acta, 21, 1885-86 (Math.), No. 1, 55 pp. Bidrag till theorien for vagrorelsen i ett gasartadt medium. Stockh., Ofvers., 1886, 3-23, 67-78, 327-353 1887, 115-125, 351-360, 549-560; 1888, 103-117, 305- 316; Math. Ann., 34, 1889, 371-446, 600. OmRiBAUcouR'scykliska system. [1890-91.] Stockh. Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 1), 1891, No. 1, 32 pp. No. 8, 41 pp. ; 17 {Afd. 1)', 1892, No. 2, 41 pp. ; Fortschr Math., 1891, 395. Anwendung von Satzen iiber partielle Differential gleichungen auf die Theorie der Orthogonalsysteme insbesondere die der Ribaucour'schen cyklischen Systeme Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 194-260. William Rowan Hamiltons losning af dynamiska problem. [1893.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 (Soc. Physiogr., No. xiii, 1-17) ; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 1092- 1094. En undersokning inom theorien for de elektriska strommarne. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 5-25, 421-437; 1896, 3-23; 1897, 115-139; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1716-1718; 1896, 754; 1897, 803. En undersokning inom theorien for de elektriska strommarne. [1894-95.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 1), 1896, No. 2, 20 pp.; 21 (Afd. 1), 1896, No. 2, 34 pp.; Fortschr, Math., 1893-94, 1716-1718; Fortschr. Phys., 1896 (Abth. 2), 475-478. Elektrische und magnetische Theorien. Lund. Univ. Acta, 34, 1898 (Soc. Physiogr., No. ii, 58 pp.). Om elektriciteten sasom en art af rorelse. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 191-194. Backstrom, Helge [Mattias]. Elektriska ledningsmot- standet hos kristaller. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 343-346; Neiies Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 242. Kristallografisk undersokning af tva nya kolvaten. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 2), 1888, No. 5, 10 pp.; Ztschr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 545-551. Elektrisches und thermisches Leitungsvermogen des Eisenglanzes. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 533-551. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Thermoelektricitat der Krystalle. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 553-559. Ueber den Rhombenporphyr aus dem Brumunthale in Norwegen. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 2), 1889, No. 3, 16 pp. Krystallform und optische Konstanten des Hydrokar- bostyrils. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 (Afd. 2), 1889, No. 4, 6 pp. Kemisk undersokning af nagra mineral fran trakten afLangesund. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 2), 1890, No. 3, 25 pp. ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892 (Ref), 775. Om "kvartskakelagren" vid Guda, Norge. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 12, 1890, 209-246; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 95-97. Krystallform des Baryumhyposulfits. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 98. Ueber fremde Gesteinseinschliisse in einigen skandi- navischen Diabasen. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. HandL Bihang, 16 (Afd. 2), 1891, No. 1, 39 pp. Ueber augeschwemmte Bimssteine und Schlacken der nordeuropaischen Kiisten. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 (Afd. 2), 1891, No. 5, 43 pp. Bidrag till fragan om langbanitens plats i mineral- systemet. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 13, 1891, 271-279; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 473. [Tertiar gabbro fran Rongstock i Bohmen.] Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 13, 1891, 578. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der islandischen Liparite. Stockh. Geol.- For. Forh., 13, 1891, 637-682, vli. Ueber die Stellung des Langbanit im Mineralsysteme. Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 276-283. Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Arsens. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 663-665. Sur la reproduction artificielle de I'aegyrine. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 16, 1893, 130-133. Causes of magmatic differentiation. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 773-779. Tvenne nyupptackta svenska klotgraniter. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 16, 1894, 107-130 (Res. 126-130). Bestimmungen der Ausdehnung durch die Warme und des elektrischen Leitungsvermogens des Eisenglanzes. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 545-559. Ett pinakiolit narstaende mineral fran Langban. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 17, 1896, 257-259; Neaes Jbuch. Min., 1897 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 243. Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger Naphtalin- derivate. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1896, 253-273. Ueber leucitfiihrende Gesteine von den Liparischen Inseln. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 18, 1896, 155-164. Manganandalusit fran Vestana. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 18, 1896, 386-389; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 444-445. Vestanafiiltet, en petrogenetisk studie. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 29, 1896-97, No. 4, 127 pp. (Res. 114-127). Thaumasit fran Skottvang i Gasinge socken af Nykop- ings Ian. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 19, 1897, 307-310; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 196. Krystallform des Iridiumtetramintrichlorid. Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 312-313. Backstrom] 232 [Baer Meddelande om nagra forsok till efterbildning af vissa bergartsstrukturer. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 222. Fenakit fran Kragero. Stoekh. Geol. For. Forh., 20, 1898, 295-303 ; Ztsehr. Kr.yst., 30, 1899, 352-356, 690. BacKstrom, Helge [Mattias], & Brogger, W[olde7nar] Clhristofer], See Brogger & Backstrom. Backstrdm, Helge [Mattias], & FaijkuU, Gunnar. Under- sokningar af de vid upplosning af jern i syror utvecklade gasernas volym och sammansattning. Stoekh., Ofvers., 1887, 165-183; Fresenius, Ztsehr., 26, 1887, 683-689. Baeff, B., & Duparc, Louis. See Duparc & Baeff. Babr, Ferdinand. Ueber den Mechanismus der Rippen- brxiche. Deutsche Ztsehr. Chirurg., 38, 1894, 251-280. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung Wolff's: "Die Lehre von der functionellen Knochengestalt." Virchow, Arch., 156, 1899, 405-406. Baehr, G[eorge] F[rederik] W[illem]. For biographical notice see Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 131-132. Sur les points d'inflexion de I'herpolhodie de Poinsot. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 328-360. Babr, H. Notiz, die Elektricitatserregung durch Treibrie- men betreftend. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884, 67-68. Baekeland, Leo [Hendrik]. Sur la dissociation du nitrate de plomb. Brux., M^m. Couronn. (8" Ed.), 44, 1891, No. 1, 35 pp. — — The use of fluorides in the manufacture of alcohol. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14, 1892, 21^-220. Some photochemical facts and theories. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 1120-1124. See also Backelandt. Baelde, A[lberie], & Z.avrand, H[ubert]. Recherches des acides biliaires dans les s^cr^tions chez les ict^riques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888, 9-15 (<7. E.), 629-630. BiLlz, E[rwin]. Zur Ethnographie Japans. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1885, 140-146. . Ueber die Rassenelemente in Ostasien, speciell in Japan. [1900.] Deutsch. Ges. Ostasien. Mitth., 8, 1899-1902, 227-235. Baenitz, C[arl Gabriel]. Cerastium Blyttii, Baenitz, ein Cerastium-Bastard des Dovre Fjeld in Norwegen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr. , 40, 1890, 365-367. Ueber Vaccinium uliginosum, L., var. globosum et tubulosum, Baenitz. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr., 41, 1891, 236. Cerastium articum, Lange, var. drivense, Baenitz, Herbarium Europseum Nr. 6819. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr., 42, 1892, 225-227. Eibes rubrum, L., var. pseudo-petrffium, Baenitz. ■ Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr., 42, 1892, 265. Ueber seltene und neue schlesische Rubi und Eubi- Hybriden in C. Baenitz' Herbarium Europffium, Lieferung Ixxxxviii. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr., 46, 1896, 433-438. ■ Ueber Oryza clandestina, Al. Br., forma inclusa und forma patens, Wiesb. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 15, 1897, 19-21. Ueber Oryza clandestina, Al. Br., und ihre Formen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 15, 1897, 261-262. Ueber seltene und neue Rubi und Rubus-Hybriden aus Baden, Bayern, Braunschweig, der Hercegovina, Schlesien und Ungarn in C. Baenitz' Herbarium Europseum. Lieferung cv. (88 Nummern.) Nebst kurzem Excursionsbericht aus der Hercegovina und Schlesien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztsehr., 48, 1898, 22-29, 63-68. Baenitz, C[arl Gabriel], & Behman, [Antoni]. Hieracium caesium, Fr., subsp. veleCense, Rehmann et Baenitz. Allg. Bot. Ztsehr., 1899, 22. Banzlger, E\mir], & Onehm, R[obert]. See Onehm & Banziger. Banziger, E[mil], & Ziunge, G[eorg]. Ein neues Vor- kommen von kupferhaltigem Schwefelkies. Ztsehr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 421-422. Banziger, E[mil], & VUes, L. E. Note on the com- position of some lakes formed from basic and acid dyes. [With discussioit.] Soc. Dyers Col. JL, 15, 1899, 148-151. Baer, [Abraham Adolf]. Ueber Criminal-Anthropologie. Ztsehr. EthnoL, 26, 1894, (12o)-(134). Baer, B[enjami7i] F[ranklin]. The significance of metror- rhagia about and after the menopause. N. Y. Med. Jl., 39, 1884, 306. Baer, G[ustave] A[dolphe]. Catalogue des Coleopteres des lies Philippines. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, 97-200. Sur le suicide du scorpion. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, Ixxv-lxxvi. Baer, Georg. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der acuten Vergiftung mit verschiedeuen Alkoholen. Arch. Aaat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1898, 283-296. Baer, Julius. Ueber tuberkulose Granulationsgeschwiilste des Mittelohrs. Ztsehr. Ohrenheilk., 37, 1900, 60-63. Baer, Karl Ernst von. For biography and works see Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 6-13; [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 14, 1877, 173; Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 27-40. *Die neuesten Entdeckungen in Novaja-Semlja aus den Jahren 1838 und 1839. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1840, 133-134. *Temperatur-Beobachtungen, die an der Westkiiste von Nowaja-Semlja unter dem 74sten Grade nordl. Breite angestellt worden sind. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1840, 229-248. *Revision des taglichen Ganges der Temperatur in Boothia. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 3-9. *Nachricht von der Erlegung eines Eisfuchses, Canis lagopus, an der Siidkiiste des finnischen Meerbusens, nicht wait von St. Petersburg, und daran gekniipfte Untersuchung iiber die Verbreitung dieser Thierart. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 89-107. Bar, Max. Ueber die Atmung der Vogel. [1895.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 52, 1896, cxxiii-cxxiv. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anatomie und Physiologie der Athemwei'kzeuge bei den Vogeln. Ztsehr. Wiss. ZooL, 61, 1896, 420-498. Zur physiologischen Bedeutung der Luftsacke bei Vogeln. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 282-285. Ueber Bau und Farben der Fliigelsehuppen bei Tagfaltern. [1898.] Ztsehr. Wiss. Zool., 65, 1899, 50-64. Baer, Oswald. Ueber Sehnervenlahmungen nach Schadel- contusionen in forensischer Beziehung. Arch. Augen- heilk., 31, 1895 (Festschr.), 29-49. Baer, S[amuel] H[ermnn], & Vrescott, A[lbert] B[enjamin]. Dipyridine methylene iodide and the non-formation of the corresponding monopyridine products. Amer. Chem, Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 988-989. See also Frescott & Baer. Baer, W[illiam] S[tevenson], Dawson, Percy M[illard], & Marshall, H[arr7j] T[aylor]. The regeneration of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [16 (1896-97)], 50. Regeneration of the dorsal root fibres of the second cervical nerve within the spinal cord. Jl. Exper. Med., 4, 1899, 29-45. Baer, William. Ein neuer Fundort fiir Trigonostoma holosericea. Stud. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 28, 1896, 156-157. Das Briiten von Larus minutus in Deutschland. Ornith. Mber., 4, 1896, 128-129; 5, 1897, 97. Aus Nord-Labrador. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 95- 97. Zur Ernahrung einheimischer Vogelarten. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 125-127. Ueber braune und rote Farbungen der Unterseite von Enten. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 144-145. Baer] 233 [Baeyer Zur Omis der prenssischen Obeiiausitz. Nebst einem Anhange iiber die sachsische. Gorlitz, Abh., 22, 1898, 225-336. Burner, M. Ueber die Backendriisen der Hauasaugethiere. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 19, 1893, 149-179. Ueber die Vertheilnng intratracheal injicirter Fliissig- keiten. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 25, 1899, 66-86. Die Verantwortlichkeit des Thierarztes am sogen. Chloroformtode eines Pferdes. Ztschr. Thiermed., 4, 1900, 28-44, 81-91. Baert, Charles, & Verhoogen, Rene. Sur le bacille de NicoLAiER et son role dans la pathog^nie du tetanos. Brux., See. Beige Micr. Bull., 15, 1889, 34-48. BaertUng, Fr. Ueber die neue Methode der Milchanalyse von Matthew A. Adams nach vergleichenden Untersuch- ungen. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 411-415. Baerwald, Carl. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 12) add Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 48-53. Ueber die Einwirkung von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd auf die Molybdate. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1206. Untersuchung einiger Colestine. Ztschr. Kryst., 12 1887, 228-233. Baessler, Arthur. Ueber einige Derivate des Dimethyl hydrochinons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2118- 2129. Reisen im malayischen Archipel. Ztschr. Ethnol., 22 1890, (493)-(500). Zwei Tage in Atjih. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 18, 1891 471-487. Ueber den Batak-Stamm der Rajas. Ztschr. Ethnol. 24, 1892, (242)-(245). Reise im ostlichen Polynesien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28 1896, (463)-(467). Ueber die Eingeborenen von Mangaia und ihre Todt enhohlen. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (535)-(537). Baessler, P[aiil]. Assign to this author titles (Vol. 9) under Baessler, (Dr.) P., and Bassler, Paul. *Analy8e der Platterbse (Lathyrus pratensis). Landw, Versuchs-Stat., 29, 1883, 433-438. Die Assimilation des Asparagins durch die Pflanze Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 33, 1887, 231-240. Ueber die Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes der Lein kuchen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 35, 1888, 341-349. Ueber die Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes der Mohn kuchen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat , 36, 1889, 367-372. Baessler, P[aul], Nobbe, F{riedrich], & VTill, H[ermatin] See ITobbe, Baessler & -Will. Batke, Hans. Ueber das Flimmern des Kaltbliiterherzens Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898, 412-419. Banmler, Anna. Ueber Hohlenbildungen im Riickenmark Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 40, 1887, 443-543. Batunler, Chr[istian']. *Aetiologische Studien iiber Ab dominaltyphus nach Beobachtungen in der hiesigen Poliklinik in den Jahren 1874-76 und in der Klinik vom 1. Oct. 1876 bis 1. Juli 1883. [1883.] Freiburg Ber., 8 [1886] (Suppl.), 111-150. Ueber Recurrenslahmung bei chronischen Lungen- affectionen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 37, 1886, 231- 240. Percussion der Milz. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 44-45. Praktische Erfahrungen iiber Kaltwasserbehandlung bei Ileotyphus. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 66, 1899, 21-69. Batunler, Christian (Ing.). Untersuchnngen am Ebert- Hoffmann'schen Hochspannungselektrometer. Elektro- techu. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 1015-1016. Batunler, E[imst]. Assign to this author titles {Vol. 1) under Baetunler, , and {Vol. 7) under Batunler {Oberbergrath). For biographical notice see Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1888 {No. 1), 207. R. S. A. C. Ueber das Nutschitzer Erzlager bei Kladno in Bohmen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 35, 1887, 363-367, 371-378. Batunler, J. A. Die Moosflora von Pressburg in Ungarn. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 46-49, 96-99. Mykologisches aus Pressburg. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 221, 327-328. Mycologisches aus Pressburg. Hedwigia, 24, 1885, 75-76. Fungi Schemnitzenses. Ein Beitrag zur ungarischen Pilzflora. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 707- 718 ; 40, 1890 (Abh.), 139-148; 41, 1891 (Abh.), 660-676. Mycologiscbe Notizen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 171-173, 289-291 ; 40, 1890, 17-19. Zur Pilzflora Niederosterreichs. VI. Ascomycetes und Fungi imperfecti aus dem Herbar Beck. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 43, 1894 (Abh.), 277-294. Ueber einige kaukasische Pilze. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 46, 1896, 418-421. Mykologische Fragmente. Fungi novi herbarii Musei Palatini Vindobonensis. Wien, Nat. Hist, Hofmus. Ann., 13, 1898, 438-442. ' Notiz iiber Brefeldia. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 104-105. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm] Adolf (Bitter) von. Zur chemischen Nomenclatur. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 17, 1884, 960-963. Ueber einige Derivate des Orthoamidoacetophenons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 970-973. Ueber Polyacetylenverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 674-681, 2269-2281. Ueber die Synthese des Acetessigathers und des Phlorff- glucins. BerUn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 3454-3460. Ueber das Trioxim des Phloroglucins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 159-163. Ueber den Snccinylobemsteinsaureather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 428-433. Ueber die Constitution des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1797-1810. Ueber ein Condensationsproduct von Pyrrol mit Aceton. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2184-2185. Polymerisation der Propargylsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2185-2186. Ueber den Schmelzpunkt des Phloroglucins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2186-2187. Ueber die Hydrophtalsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2271-2272. Ueber die Constitution des Benzols. [1888-93.] Liebig's Ann., 245, 1888, 103-190; 251, 1889, 257-311; 256, 1890, 1-28, 345; 258, 1890, 1-49, 145-219; 266, 1891, 169-202; 269, 1892, 145-206, 403; 276, 1893, 255- 265 ; 278, 1894, 88-116. La constitution de la benzine. [Tr.] Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 130-136. Ueber die Beziehungen des Succinylobemsteinsaure- athers zu dem Phloroglucin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2687-2690. Chinit, der einfachste Zucker aus der Inositgruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 25, 1892, 1037-1040. Synthese des Dihydrobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1840-1841. Synthese des Dihydro-^J-Xylols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2122-2123. Ueber die hydrirten Derivate des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 229-231. Synthese eines Dihydrocymols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 232-234. Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 820-826, 2267-2271, 2558-2565, 2861- 2869 ; 27, 1894, 436-454, 745, 810-816, 1915-1923, 3485- 3498; 28, 1896, 639-652, 1586-1603; 29, 1896, 3-26, 326-329, 1907-1922, 2775-2796; 31, 1898, 1401-1405, 2067-2079, 3208-3217, 3679, 3680 ; 32, 1899, 2429-2447, 4084, 3619-3024; 33, 1900, 449. 30 Baeyer] 234 [Bag^ard • Ueber den Doppelaldehyd der Korksaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1962-1965. Systematik und Nomenclatur bicyclischer Kohlen- wasserstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3771- 3775. Ueber Derivate des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1005. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Ritier) von, & Baumgartel, Conrad. [Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe.] Ueber Oxycaron uud Ketoterpin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3208-3217. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhebn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Blau, Fritz. [Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe.] Ueber Derivate des A^-^-Terpenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 28, 1895, 2289-2297. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Bloem, Friedrich. Ueber die Bildung von Indigo aus Orthoamidoacetophenon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 963-970. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Briining, Gustav von. Ueber die Constitution der Phenylhydrazinverbindungen des Succinylobernstein- saure'athers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2692- 2699. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn'] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Fritscb, PawZ. Ueber die o-Oxyphenylessigsaure und ihre Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 973- 975. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Henricb, Ferdinand. [Ortsbestimmungen in der « Terpenreihe.] Beitrage zur Geschichte des Pulegons.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 652-654. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Komolka, Benno. Ueber das Chinisatin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 985-987. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Zpatjev, Vladimir [Nikolaevic]. [Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe.] Ueber die Caronsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2796-2802. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Kochendoerfer, Frnst. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylhydrazin auf Phloroglucin und Resorcin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2189-2195. Ueber das Phtalein des Brenzkatechins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2196-2200. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Xiazarus, M[aurice] J[ulius]. Ueber Condensations- producte des Isatins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2637-2643. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf (Bitter) von, & Ziiebig, Hans von. Ueber den Doppelaldehyd der Adipinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2106- 2110. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & XiObr, Bichard. Ueber das Paraamidotriphenyl- carbinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1621-1628. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf (Bitter) von, & nsanasse, 0[tto]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Nitroso- chlorid auf Menthon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1912-1915. Baeyer, [Johaim Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Noyes, William A[lbert]. Ueber die Succinylobern- steinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2168- 2178; Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 178-179. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Fape, Carl. Ueber Derivate des Orthoxylols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 447-448. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Ferkin, William Henry {jun.). Ueber Benzoylessig- saure. (Zweite Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 59-66. Ueber Derivate des Hydrindonaphtens. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 17, 1884, 122-125. Neue Synthesen von Naphtalinderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 448-453. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf {Bitter) von, & Frentice, Bertram. [Ortsbestimmungen in der Ter- penreihe.] Beitrage zur Geschichte des Pulegons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1078-1084. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf (Bitter) von, & Tutein, Friedrich. Ueber die Reductionsproducte der Oxyterephtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2178-2189. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelrn] Adolf (Bitter) von, & Villlger, Victor. Ueber das /3-Lacton der asym- metrischen Dimethylapfelsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., SO, 1897, 1954-1958. Ueber cis- und trans -Isomer ie bei Lactonen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1958-1962. [Ortsbestimmungen in der Terpenreihe.] Ueberf uhrung der monocyclischen Terpene in die zugehorigen Benzol- derivate. [Ueber die erschopfende Bromirung von Iso- geraniolen und Jonen.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1401-1405, 2067-2079, 3679; 32, 1899, 2429- 2447. Einwirkung des Caro'schen Reagens auf Ketone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3625-3633 ; 83, 1900, 124-126, 858-864. Benzoylwasserstoffsuperoxyd und die Oxydation des Benzaldehyds an der Luft. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1569-1585. Ueber die Nomenclatur der Superoxyde und die Super- oxyde der Aldehyde. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2479-2487. Ueber die Einwirkung des Permanganats auf Wasser- stoffsuperoxyd und auf die Caro'sche Saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges.' Ber., 33, 1900, 2488-2497. Ueber Diathylperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3387-3393. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm] Adolf (Bitter) von, & vrirth, Ernst. Ueber m-Dichlor- und Dibrom-Indigo. Liebig's Ann., 294, 1895, 154-157. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm] Adolf (Bitter) von, Jay, B[udolf], & Jackson, L. Die Phenylhydrazin- verbindungen des Succinylobernsteinsaureathers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2690-2692. Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm] Adolf (Bitter) von, Fettenkofer, Max Josef von, & Ziimnermann, Clemens. See Fettenkofer, Baeyer & Zimmermann. Baeyer, Hans von, & IZofiaiann, Karl A[ndreas]. Acetodi- phosphorige Saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1973-1978. Baeyer, (Gen. Lt.) Johann [non Josef] Jakob. For bio- graphy and works see Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 377-382 ; Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1885, 443-444; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 163 ; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 21, 1886, 2-13; Wien, Almanach, 36, 1886, 182-183; Mvinchen Ak. Sber., 16, 1887, 6-9; Ciel et Terre, 8 (1887-88), 523- 527; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 352-353. *Sur les travaux m6trologiques executes par I'Associa- tion G^od^sique. Ann, Conserv. Arts et M^t., 10, 1873, 159-161. Bafbrey, Louis. Ueber einen neuen Schachtmuffelofen zur ununterbrochenen Zinkdestillation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 539-541. Bagard, Henri [Louis]. Sur un etalon thermo-^lectrique de force dlectromotrice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 849-851. Sur les phenomenes thermo-^lectriques au contact de deux electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 980- 982. Sur les ph^nom^nes thermo-^lectriques entre deux Electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 27-29. Sur I'inversion du ph^nomene de Peltier entre deux Electrolytes au Aeik du point neutre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1126-1128. I Bagard] Sur le transport ^lectrique de la chaleur dans les Electrolytes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 97-100. Sur les forces 6Iectromotrices thermo-Electriques entre deux Electrolytes et le transport Electrique de la chaleur dans les Electrolytes. Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 83-138. 8ulla reale esistenza del fenomeno di Hall nei liquidi. Nuovo Cimento, 4, 1896, 383-388. Sur le phEnom^ne de Hall dans les liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 77-79; 123, 1896, 1270-1273; 124, 1897, 56; Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 499-508. — ;- Sur la rEalitE du pbEnom^ne de Hall dans les liquides. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 98-102. Sur les variations de rEsistance d'un conducteur Elec- trolytique dans un champ magnEtique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 91-93. Bags, Egbert. The turkey buzzard in central New York. Auk, 2, 1885, 109. Nesting of the saw whet owl. Ornlth. Ool., 12, 1887, 56-57. Nesting of the black-throated blue warbler. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 90-91. Additions to the list of birds of Oneida county. New York. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 58-59. Runt eggs. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 59. A series of Florida eggs of the bald eagle. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 73-74. Birds of Oneida county. New York. Auk, 11, 1894, 162-164. Some new records from central New York. Auk, 14, 1897, 226-227. Bird news from central New York. Auk, 17, 1900, 177-178. Bagg, Egbert, & Balpb, Wiilliarn] L. See Ralph & Bagg. Bagg, Rufus Mather. The Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (1896-96),] 10-12. The occurrence of Cretaceous fossils in the Eocene of Maryland. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 370-375. The Tertiary and Pleistocene Foraminifera of the middle Atlantic slope. [1898.] Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Paleont., 2 (1896-98), 295-348. The Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 88, 1898, 89 pp. Bagg, Rufus Mather, Clark, William Bullock, & Shattuck, George Burbank. See Clark, Bagg & Sbattuck. Baggi, Vittorio. Sulla flessione dei cannocchiali nella • misura delle distanze zenitali. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 307-319; Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 353-358. Sulla forma piii conveniente da dare ai sostegni del cannocchiale nei teodoliti e nei livelli. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 39-48. Esame del compenso fra lo scavo ed 11 riporto nei progetti stradah. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 471-498 or 701-728. Baginsky, Adolf. *[Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber toxische Substanzen im diphtherischen Harn.] [1883.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 176-177. Ueber das Verhalten von Xanthin, Hypoxanthin und Guanin, Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 466. Ueber das Vorkommen von Xanthin, Guanin und Hypoxanthin. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 395-403. Ueber Acetonurie bei Kindern. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1887, 349-350; Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3), 596-597. Demonstration zur reducirenden Wirkung der Bak- terien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1887, 583-584. ZurBiologiedernormalenMilchkothbacterien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 434-462; 13, 1889, 352-364. ZweiFallevonPyamiebei jungenSauglingen. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 460-482. 235 [Baglietto Ueber Cholera infantum. [1889.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 20, 1890 {Th. 2), 133-153. Ueber die Coccidienkrankheit der Kaninchen. [1892.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 192-193. Zur Aetiologie der Diphtherie. [1892.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 23, 1893 {Th. 2), 1-8. Albuminuric und Nephritis bei Diphtherie. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 3, Pediatr.), 13. Die Anwenduug des Antistreptokokken-Serura (Mar- morek's) gegen Scharlach. [1896.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 27, 1897 {Th. 2), 116-127. Ueber Veranderungen des Blutes in Krankheitszu- standen des kindlichen Alters. Congr. Int. MEd. C. R. , 1897 {Vol. 3, Sect. 6), 21-34. Zur Pathologic der Durchfallkrankheiten der Kinder. [1896.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 28, 1898 {Th. 2), 1-16. Ueber allgemeine und ortlicbe Blutentziehungen in der Kinderheilkunde. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 29, 1899 {Th. 2), 204-216. Ueber Pericarditis im Kindesalter. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 29, 1899 {Th. 2), 391-412. Baginsky, 4dolf, & Iieliinann, Curt. Zur Function des Corpus striatum. (Nucleus caudatus.) Experimentelle Studie. Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 258-281. Baginsky, Adolf, & Sommerfeld, Paul. Zur Chemie der kindlichen Galle. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 562. Ueber Ausscheidung von Xanthinkorpern bei Nephritis. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 562-563. Zur Kenntniss der Ausscheidung von Alloxurkorpern bei Erkrankungen des kindlichen Alters. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 21, 1896-96, 412-421, Ueber einenconstantenBacterienbefund bei Scharlach. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 174- 197. Baginsky, Benno. Die Beziehungen des Baus des Laby- rinths zur Funktiondesselben. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Sci. MEd. C. R., 1884 {T. 1, Physiol.), 33-40. Zur Physiologie der Bogengange. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 253-266. Bemerkungen zu dem "Bericht iiber die vom 1. April 1881 bis 1. April 1884 in der otiatriscben Universitats- klinik zu Berlin behandelten Ohrenkranken von Dr. L. Jacobson, Assistenzarzt." Arch. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1886, 143-145. Zur Entwicklung der Gehorschnecke. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 28, 1886, 14-37. Ueber den Ursprung und den centralen Verlauf des Nervus acusticus des Kaninchens. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 255-258; Virchow, Arch., 105, 1886, 28-46. Ueber den Ursprung und den centralen Verlauf des Nervus acusticus des Kaninchens und der Katze. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 635-639; Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 81-93. Horsphare und Ohrbewegungen. [Vorlaufige Mitthei- lung.] Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 458. Horsphare und Ohrbewegungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 227-235. Ueber das Verhalten von Nervenendorganen nach Durchschneidung der zugehorigen Nerven. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 559-560; Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 389-404. Bagley, Ernest, & Brearley, Harry. Schoffel's process for estimating tungsten in steel. Chem. News, 82, 1900, 270-271. Bagley, William Chandler. The apperception of the spoken sentence : a study in the psychology of language. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 80-130. Baglietto, Flrancescol. Primo censimento dei Funghi della Liguria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 18, 1886, 230- 285. Lichenes Abyssinici a cl. Prof. 0. Penzig collecti. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 206-213. 30—2 IBag^lioni] 236 [Baiardi BagUoni, Silvestro. Der Athmungsmechanismus des Frosches. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1900 (SuppL), 33-59. Physiologische Differenzirung verschiedener Mechaiiis- men des Buckenmarkes. (Physiologische Wirkung des Strychnins und der Carbolsaure.) Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900 (Svppl), 193-242. Cbemische Eeizung des Grosshirns beim Frosche. [1900.] Centrbl. Physiol., 14, 1901, 97-99. Bagnall, Ernest Harold. Methanetrisulphonic acid. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 182; Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Pt. 1), 278-286. BagnaU, Gerald. Long-distance levelling. Inst. Civ. Engiti. Proc, 121, 1895, 152-169. BagnaU, James E[ustace]. The flora of Warwickshire, An account of the flowering plants and ferns of the county of Warwick. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 12-15, '45-48, 75-80, 112-116, 154-157, 198-201, 221-225, 261- 267, 288-293, 324-327; 8, 1885, 18-23, 48-54, 78-83, 234-235, 266-268, 291-295, 348-352; 15, 1892, 154-157, 211-214; 16, 1893, 22-23, 43-47, 69-70, 116-119, 141- 143, 161-164, 206-212, 229-234, 251-260, 260-262. A fungus foray in the Middleton district. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 339-341. ■ Anker flora. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 28. Additions to the flora of Sutton Park. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 56. Abnormal inflorescence of the hazel. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 84. Lycopodium clavatum. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 85-86. Notes on the Anker valley and its flora. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 54-58, 69-73, 89-92. A half -day's ramble in the Arrow district. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 117-119. Nitella glomerata, Chev., in Warwickshire. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 182. New British moss. Midland Natlist., 10, 1887, 182-183. Notes on the Warwickshire Stour valley and its flora. Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 25-28, 67-71, 98-103. A new bramble. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 372-373. New localities for rare Warwickshire plants. Midland Natlist., 16, 1893, 204-206. Eubus mercicus b. bracteatus, n. var. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 187. New Staffordshire plants. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 283. The mosses and hepatics of Staffordshire. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 72-77, 108-114. Mosses of the Wnion valley, Merionethshire. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 217-220. Merionethshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 175-179. Buxbaumia aphylla in Worcestershire. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 226. Staffordshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 440. Bagnall, James Elustace], & Otovc, W[illiam] Blywater]. See Orove & Bagnall. Bagnall, L. J. Notes on the occurrence of kauri-gum in the kahikatea forest at Turua. [1896.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 29, 1897, 412-413. Bagnera, G[iuseppe]. Sopra i determinanti che si possono formare cogli stessi ji'-* elementi. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 228-231. Sul luogo del contatti tripunti delle curve di un fascio con le curve di una rete. [1895.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Eend., 10, 1896, 81-106. Sopra la costruzione del gruppo dell' icosaedro. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 11, 1897, 87-89. La composizione dei gruppi liniti il cui grado 5 la quinta potenza di un numero primo. Ann. Mat., 1, 1898, 137-228. Sopra i divisori normali d' indice primo di un gruppo finito. Eoma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 {Sem. 1), 63-67. Un teorema relativo agli invarianti delle substituzioni di un gruppo Kleiniano. Boma, B. Ace. Lincei Bend., 7, 1898 [Sem. 1), 340-346. Sopra i gruppi astratti di grado 32. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 263-275. Sul teorema dell' esistenza delle funzioni Fuchsiane. Bev. Matli., 6, 1896-99, 31-34. BagneriB, El;ugene]. Coloboma de la choroide et du nerf optique. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 98-100. Mesure rapide du pouvoir dioptrique des lentilles. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 273-275. Bagnol, Eugene. Acclimatation en Tunisie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2), 285-287. Le jujubier lotus et le jujubier epine du Christ en Algerie et en Tunisie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 44, 1897, 153-157. Bagnold, {Maj.) [Arthur Henry'], & Cardew, (Maj.) P. See Cardew & Bagnold. Bagot, . Nouveau perimetre de poche. Ann. d'Ocu- Hst., 110, 1893, 100-105. Bagot, William S^idney]. Dystocia due to a cyst in the liver of a foetus. [1891.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 93, 1892, 265-269. Baguet, Charles. Note sur une fleur monstrueuse de Fuchsia coccinea. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 29, 1890 (Mem.), 315-317. Note sur quelques localites nouvelles de plantes rares ou assez rares de la flore beige. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1891 (Mem.), 177-191. Bahadhuxji, K. N. The importance of periodic analysis of the air breathed in towns and cities. [With disczission.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 5), 88-93. Bahatrian, Gabriel, & Kehnnann, Friedrich. See Kebrmann & Bahatrian. Bahia, Manuel Benjamin. Las unidades. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 29, 1890, 97-122, 259-272; 30, 1890, 21-48, 81-114, 161-192, 241-273. Curso de electricidad industrial. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 35, 1893, 129-212, 217-234. Bahier, [Henri Jean Marie}. Notes medicales sur Bio-de- Janeiro. Arch. MM. Navale, 54, 1890, 446-456. Bahier, Eugene. La photographic k travers les corps opaques. [1896.] Genie Civil, 28, 1895-96, 222-223. Bahnson, . Spiegelung in Glasprismeii. Centrztg. Optik, 8, 1887, 218-220, 231-234, 253-257, 269-273, 277-280. Balinson, Kristian. For biography see Stockh., Ymer, 17, 1897, 77-80; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 27, 1897, [22]. Sepultures d'hommes et de femmes de I'age de bronze. [Tr.] [1886.] Mater. Hist. Homme, 22, 1888, 537-554. Ueber ethnographische Museen. [IV.] Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 18, 1888, 109-164. Bahr, [Karl^, & Gamier, — — . Ein Fall von Strepto- coccen-Infection mit todtlichem Ausgang. Arch. Augen- heilk., 20, 1889, 321-340. Bahr, Henrik E[ilert] S[t0ren']. Aves regionis Stavangri- ensis. Stavangeromegns fugle. Stavanger Mus. Aarsber., 1895, 29-152. Bahri, Gabriel. Le chlore dans I'eau du Nil. [1895.] Inst, figypt. Bull., 6, 1896, 7-8. Baiardi, Daniele. Un caso di serramento stabile, con- genito, delle mascelie. Sperimentale, 1891 (Comun, e Riv.), 32-36. Contributo alio studio dei tumori rari della mamraella. Sperimentale, 1892 (Mem.), 250-259. Contribuzione alia statistica ed alia terapia della tubercolosi articolare nei bambini. Sperimentale, 1893 (Mem.), 112-115. Ernie dell' appendice vermiforme del cieeo. Speri- mentale, 1895 (Comun. e Riv.), 323-335, 346-360. Baiardi, P[ietro]. De la vision chez les astigmatiques. [1888.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 414. Baiardi] 237 [Bailey Une modification k rophtalmometre pour mesurer en meiue temps les deux meridians principaux de la cornee. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 415. Contribution a I'liistologie compar^e de I'iris. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 210-213. Baichdre, (I'abbe) Ed. Note sur la v^g^tation des environs de Carcassonne. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, xxviii- XXXV. Herborisationsdans leCabardes et leMinervois (versant meridional de la Montague Noire) (Aude). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 1-lx. Sur le passage du calcaire de Ventenac a la formation a lignite du Languedoc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 796-797. Nayades de I'Aude. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7, 1890, 117-132. Faunule malacologique de Carcassonne. [1892.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 22, 1891-92, 63-68. Baichfere, (I'abbe) Ed., & Oautier, G[aston]. See Oautier & Baicb^re. Baler, Anton. Teratologisches. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1886, 117-119. Zur Flora der Umgebung von Bielitz und Biala. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 88-92, 130-131. Baler, Eduard. Ueber Buttersauregarung. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 17-22, 84-87, 118-120. — — Die Pilzflora der Milch und ihre Beziehungen zum Kasereifungsprozess. Centrbl. Bakt. [Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 530-534. Baler, Julius. Low pressure in St. Louis tornado. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 24 (1896), 332. Wind pressures in the St. Louis tornado, with special reference to the necessity of wind bracing for high buildings. [With discussion.'] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 37, 1897, 221-307. Balgn^res, G[ustave], & Bumont, Georges. See Dumont & Baign^res. Baign^res, G[ustave], Dumont, Georges, & laencauchez, [Jacques] A[lexandre]. See Dumont, Baign^res & I«encaucbez. Bail, Oskar. Ueber leukocide Substanzen in den Stoff- wechselproducten des Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1897, 348-371; 32, 1898, 133-171. Ueber das Freiwerden der baktericiden Leukocyten- stoffe. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1897 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 260-264. Untersuchungen iiber die Beeinflussing der Serum- alexine durch Bacterien. Arch. Hyg., 35, 1899, 284- 354. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber milzbrandfeind- liche Eigenschaften im Organismus des Hundes und Kaninchens. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 10-21. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber milzbrandfeindlicho Eigenschaften des Hundeorganismus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 517-525. Bail, [Carl Adolph Emmo] Th[eodor]. *Ueber Pilzkrank- heiten der Insecten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 132, 184. *Ueber unterirdische Pilze. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 80-81. Erganzung und Berichtigung zu Brefeld's Behand- lung der Giihrungsfrage. Bot. Ztg., 42, 1884, 326-327. Botauische Notizen. [1886.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884- 87 (Heft 3), 14. [Botanische Mittheilungen.] [1889-91.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 2), 170-171, (Heft 4), 22-25; 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 3-4. [Botanische und naturwissenschaftliche Beobach- tungeu.] [1889.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 2-6. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. [1893.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Hefte 3 & 4), 242-243. [Durcliwachsungen von Ptlanzen und Pflanzentheilen.] [1895.] Danzig Schr., 9, 1896-98 (Heft 2), xxviii-xxix. Biologische Mittheilungen iiber Pilze. [1898.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Heft 1), xi-xii. Die Thierklasse der Kopffiisser oder Tintenschnecken. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), vii-xi. Skizzen aus der Klasse der Algen. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), 9-11. Bailey, Arthur Hutcheson. *An approximate expression for the value of an assurance, life against life. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 299. *Mr. Finlaison's report and the English life table. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 357-360. *E8timates of the liabilities of life assurance com- panies. [1863.] Assur, Mag., 11, 1864, 111-112. *0n the rate of mortality at the period of early man- hood. [1868.] Inst. Act. Jl., 14, 1869, 247. *0n insolvency in life assurance companies. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 389-498. *The pure premium method of valuation. [1878.] Inst. Act. Jl., 21, 1879, 115-126. Bailey, Arthur Hutcheson, & Day, Archibald. *0n the rate of mortality prevailing amongst the families of the peerage during the 19th century. Assur. Mag., 9, 1861, 305-326. Bailey, Charles. Notes on the structure, the occurrence in Lancashire, and the source of origin, of Naias graminea, Delile,var.'De\.i\ei, Magnus. [1884.] Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 305-333; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 29-75. On the Caernarvonshire station of Rosa Wilsoni, Borrer. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 24, 1886, 20-22. New Anglesey station for Chamagrostis minima. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 220. Ranunculus flammula, Linn., and R. reptans, Linn.; and their connecting links. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1887, 47-51. Forms and allies of Ranunculus flammula, Linn. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 135-138. Arenaria gothica (E. Fries), as a plant new to Britain. [1889.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 3, 1890, 8-12. [Boussingaultia baselloides, Hunib. et Kunth.] [1890.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 4, 1891, 13-15. [European and extra-European species of the genus Pedicularis.] [1890.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. &Proc, 4, 1891, 28-29. [Remarks on the anatomy of the Iris sibirica, Linn.] [1894.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 9, 1896, 11-12. Maize. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1898, 48-57. [Note on the structure of the peculiar permanent sheath which encloses the extremity of each root and rootlet of Pontederia (Eichhomia) crassipes.] [1899.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 43, 1900, x. Bailey, E[dgar] H[enry] S[ummerfield]. A preliminary report on the composition of the coals of Kansas. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 171. Report of the commission on chemistry upon the year's progress, i. Organic and physiological chemistry. [1884.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 9, 1886, 87-88. On the occurrence of bromides and iodides in the water of an artesian well at Independence, Kas. [1885.] Kan. Ac Sci. Trans., 10, 1887, 22-23. Miscellaneous chemical notes. [I. On the presence of barium, strontium and lithium in the mineral waters of Kansas. II. Mineral oil from Fort Scott. III. Ells- worth county mineral waters.] [1886.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1887, 62-63. On the newly discovered salt beds in Ellsworth county, Kansas. [1887.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 8-10. Some experiments on the relation between the taste and the acidity of certain acids. [1887.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 10. Bailey] 238 [Bailey The composition of Kansas coals. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 46-49. On the economic value of corn-cobs. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 49-50. Some Kansas mineral waters. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 25-29. On the minerals constituting a meteorite found in Kiowa county, Kan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 172; Science, 16, 1890, 206. " Feather alum" from Colorado. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 101. The Tonganoxie meteorite. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 385-387. The Great Spirit spring mound. [1892.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 1, 1893, 85-87. Observations on a cyclone near Williamstown, Kansas. Science, 22, 1893, 3. On the delicacy of the sense of taste among Indians. [1893.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 2, 1894, 95-98. Natural gas and coal oil in Kansas. [1895.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 4, 1896, 1-14. On the composition of the Louisville mineral water. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 117-119. The chemical composition of cement plaster. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 38-40. On the occurrence of nitrates in well-waters. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 40-42. On the chemistry of gypsum, plaster of Paris, and cement plaster. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 5, 1899, 134-170. The new chemical laboratory of the University of Kansas. Science, 12, 1900, 997-1001. Bailey, E[dgar] H[e7iry] Slummerfield], & Cady, Hamilton P[erkins]. See Cady & Bailey. Bailey, E[dgar] H[enry] Sl^uminerjield], & Case, Elrminel C[owles]. On the composition of some Kansas building stones. [1892.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 13, 1893, 78. Bailey, E[dgar] H[enry] S[um7nerjield], & Failyer, G[eorge] H[enryl;. See Failyer & Bailey. Bailey, Eldgar} H[enry] S[ummerjield], & Franklin, Edward C[urtis]. The relative bitterness of different bitter substances. [1885.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 10, 1887, 23-24. A chemical examination of the waters of the Kaw river and its tributaries. [1894.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 3, 1895, 91-102. Bailey, E[dgar] H[enry] S[ummerjield'], & I.ange, William. On the action of sulphuric acid upon strychnine, in the separation of this alkaloid from organic matter. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 205-207. Bailey, E^dgar] Hlenry] S[ummerjield], & Nichols, Edivard L[eamington]. Preliminary notes on the delicacy of the special senses. N. Y. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 325. On the delicacy of the sense of taste. [1887.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 138; Science, 11, 1888, 145-146. The delicacy of the sense of taste. Nature, 37, 1888, 567-558. See also Nichols & Bailey. Bailey, E[dgar'] H[enry] S[ummerjield], & Palmer, Charles M. Salicylic acid and calcium sulfite as preservatives of cider. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 111- 116. Bailey, Eldgarl H[em~y'] S\umm£rfield'\, & Powell, L. M. Some special tests in regard to the delicacy of the sense of smell. [1884.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 9, 1885, 100- 101. Bailey, Eldgar"] H\enry'\ S[ummerjield\ & Rice, Mary A. On the composition of the water from a mineral spring in the vicinity of the Great Spirit spring, Mitchell county, Kansas. [1893.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 14, 1896, 40-41. Bailey, E[dgar'\ H[^enry'\ S\uinmerfield'\, & Slosson, Edwin Elrneryl. On barite and associated minerals in the concretionary rocks of eastern Kansas. [1889.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 45-46. Bailey, E^dgar"] 2?[enrj/] S[uinmerfield'], & 'Walter, E. W. The water of the Fort Scott artesian well. [1884.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 9, 1885, 96-98. Bailey, E\dgar'] H[enry'\ S[ummerjield'], & "Whitten, W. M. On the chemical composition of some Kansas gypsum rocks. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 29-34. Bailey, (Lt.-Gol.) Fired.]. A forest tour in Provence and the Cevennes. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 317- 346. Note of experiments in the Dean Forest, Gloucester- shire, to show the effect upon the growth of oak trees (1) of transplanting them, and (2) of lifting them and replacing them in the same holes. [1892.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 19, 1893, 442-444. Forestry in India. [Posth.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1897, 714-715; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 572-590. Bailey, Flrederick] Manson. Contributions to the Queens- land flora. [1884.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1886, 8-19, 84-92, 148-153. A contribution towards a flora of Mount Perry. [1884.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1885, 61-76. Fasciation in Sicyos angulata, Linn. [1884.] Queens- land Boy. Soc. Proc, 1, 1885, 102. Fasciation in Bouvardia triphylla, Salisb. [1886.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 153-154. Description of a new species of Acacia, A. melaleucoides (n. sp.). [1888.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 121. Description of the Queensland form of Nipa fruticans. [1888.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 146-148. A review of the fungus-blights which have been observed to injure living vegetation in the colony of Queensland. Aust. Ass. Bep., 1892, 388-401. Presidential address. July, 1891. Concise history of Australian botany. Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 8, [1892], xvi-xli, xlv-xlvii. Notes upon some plant specimens collected by Dr. Thos. L. Bancroft on the Diamantina. Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 8, [1892], 128-131. Description of a new eucalypt. [1893.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 10, 1894, 17-18. An account of the Easter excursion of members of the Field Naturalists' section to Eumundi. Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 10, 1894, 51-53. Botanic notes. [1894.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 11, 1895-96, 14-19. Peculiarities of the phanerogamic flora of Queensland. Aust. Ass. Bep., 1895, 389-405. A few words about the flora of the islands of Torres Straits and the mainland about Somerset. Aust. Ass. Bep., 1898, 423-447. Notes on the vegetation of New Guinea. [1898.] Queensland Boy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 14-20. The Nepenthes of Australia. Hortic Soc. JL, 22 (1898-99), 192-201. Bailey, G. Percy, & Rejmolds, Jlames] Emerson. See Reynolds & Bailey. Bailey, (Rev.) George. Foraminifera and other micro- organisms in flint. [1888.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 147-149. The tenants of a fossil Echinus. [1890.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 253-256. A mess-mate of Limnaea stagnalis. JL MalacoL, 4, 1895, 8-10. Variations in radulae. Jl. MalacoL , 4, 1895, 52. Bailey, (Rev.) George, Burrows, Henry W., & Sherbom, Charles Davies. See Burrows, Sherborn & Bailey. Bailey, George H[erbert]. On some vanadates of the amines. Chem. Soc. JL, 45, 1884, 690-695. An apparatus for maintaining constant temperatures up to 600". Chem. News, 54, 1886, 302-303. On a method of separation and estimation of zirconium. Chem. Soc. JL, 49, 1886, 149-152, 481-485; Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 352-357. Bailey] 239 [Bailey Notes on an analysis of koppite. Chem. Soc. Jl., 49, 1886, 153-154 ; Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 357-359. An apparatus for the determination of the temperature of decomposition of salts. Chem. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 205-206. Die Componenten der Absorptionsspectra erzeugenden seltenen Erden. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2769-2770, 3325-3327; 21, 1888, 453, 1520-1522. The atomic weight of zirconium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 636. The absorption spectra of rare earths. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 654. The absorption spectra of the haloid salts of didymium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 654-655. Silver suboxide. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 263. The determination of atomic weights by means of the normal sulphate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 676-683. On the influence of mass on the course of chemical decomposition, with especial reference to technical processes. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 91-93. A double sulphate of lead and alumina. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 6, 1887, 415. On the vitrified cement from an ancient fort. Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 2, 1889, 185-188. Estimation and occurrence of sulphur in coal. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 360-364. Zirconium and its atomic weight. [1889.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, 74-87. The spectra of the haloid salts of didymium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 773. Fermentation, putrefaction, and decay : a chemico- microscopical study. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1891, xxv-xxxviii. Conditions affecting plant life in a town atmosphere. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 781. Some aspects of town air as contrasted with that of the country. [1893.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 8, 1894, 11-17. Stability of the oxides considered in relation to the periodic law. Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 315-320. Volatilisation of salts during evaporation. (Preliminary paper.) Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 445-450. The volatilisation of salts during evaporation. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 14, 1896, 1020-1021. Bailey, George H\erhert\ & Cain, John Cannell. A method of quantitative analysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 111-11^. A simple and rapid method of gravimetric analysis. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 10, 1891, 329-330. Bailey, George H\erbert\, & Ewan, Thomas. The micro- organisms and other impurities in the air of towns. Jl. State Med., 2, 1894, 13-19. Bailey, George H[erbert], & Fowler, Gilbert John. Sub- oxide of silver, Ag^O. Chem. Soc. JL, 51, 1887, 416- 419. Some reactions of the halogen acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 755-761. Bailey, George Hlerbert], & Kopkins, W[illiani] B[eechey]. Behaviour of the more stable oxides at high temperatures. (Part I.) Cupric oxide. Chem. Soc. JL, 57, 1890, 269- 272. Bailey, George H[erbert], & Johnston, J[ohn] H[aslam]. On some points in the analysis of water. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 18, 1899, 455-457. Bailey, George H[^erbert], & Iiamb, Thornton [Charles]. The atomic weight of palladium. Chem. Soc. JL, 61, 1892, 745-753. Bailey, George H[erbert], & Bead, A[rthur] A[very]. The behaviour of the more stable oxides at high temperatures. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 773. Bailey, H. B. Breeding habits of the Everglade kite. Auk, 1, 1884, 95. The cardinal grosbeak and tufted titmouse breeding in Essex county, New Jersey. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. — — Singular nesting site of Wilson's thrush. Auk, 3, 1886, 489. The brown thrush laying in the nest of the wood thrush. Auk, 4, 1887, 78. Bailey, Henry. An alloy of tin and sodium with a definite composition. Chem. News, 65, 1892, 18. The analysis of tin slag. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 88. The determination of unsaponifiable oil in greases with a lime base. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 174. Bailey, J. F. Plants of the rabbit-infested country, BuUoo river, S. Q. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 448-454. Bailey, J. Harold. Coleoptera in the Manchester district during 1897. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 30-33. Bailey, J[ames] R., & Acree, S[oloinon] F[arley]. Ueber 3-Oxy-5-alkyl-triazol-l-propionsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1520-1537, 4192. Bailey, Jacob Whitman. For biographical notice and list of works see Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 118-124. Bailey, James, & Thiele, Johannes. See Thiele & Bailey. bailey , James Spencer. To biographical references [Vol. 12) add Brooklyn Ent. Soc. Bull., 6, 1883-84, 48 ; Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 57. Bailey, Jo/m£. An apparatus for determining the amount of sugar in diabetic urine. N. Y. Med. JL, 41, 1886, 313-314. Bailey, Lliberty] H[yde]. Notes on Carex. Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 117-122, 137-141, 203-208, 293-296, 317-319, 379-382; 11, 1886, 328-330; 13. 1888, 82-89; 17, 1892, 148-153; 21, 1896, 1-8; 25, 1898, 270-272. Flowers of the wild strawberry. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 309. A preliminary synopsis of North American Carices, including those of Mexico, Central America and Green- land, with the American bibliography of the genus. Amer. Ac. Proc, 22, 1887, 59-157. The origin of the tomato from a morphological stand- point. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 573-576. Bud on a pear stem. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 270. Sketch of the flora of Vermilion Lake and vicinity. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 7-10. Plants collected or observed on the bluff at Duluth, July 17, 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 44-45. Plants collected or observed on Hunters' Island, British America, July 26 and 27, 1886. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3, 1887, 55-56. The black maple. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 213-214. Tubular cabbage leaves. Garden & Forest, 1, 1888, 392. Carex notes from the British Museum. Jl. Bot. , 26, 1888, 321-323. ...Notes on Carex. Torrey Bot. Club BulL, 16, 1889, 218-220; 17, 1890, 61-64; 20, 1893, 417-426. Studies of the types of various species of the genus Carex. Notes on Carex. [1889.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 1, 1889-90, 1-85, An analysis of grafting. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 100-102. Carex rigida, Gooden., and its varieties. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 171-173. Do varieties run out ? Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 58- 59. On the supposed correlations of quality in fruits : a study in evolution. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 211 ; Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 495-497. Pyrus ioensis. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 60. Crosses and crossing of plants. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 2-4. Is grafting a devitalizing process ? Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 39-40, 50-51. Prunus hortulana. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 90. The apple scab again. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 490. Are American varieties of fruits best adapted to Bailey] 240 [Bailey American conditions? Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 518- 520. New Californian Carices. [1891.] California Ac. Proc, 3, 1893, 104-106. Relation of age of type to variability. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 255; Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 380-381. Whence came the cultivated strawberry ? Amer. Nat- list. , 28, 1894, 293-306. Sketch of the relationship between American and eastern Asian fruits. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 437-442. Some interrelations of climatology and horticulture. [1895.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 431-435. Experimental evolution amongst plants. Amer. Nat- list. , 29, 1895, 318-325. Plant breeding. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 318-319. Variation after birth. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 17- 24. The factors of organic evolution from a botanical standpoint. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 35, 1896, 88-111, 113-114. Morphology of the Canna flower. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 222-223 ; Science, 4, 1896, 440-441. The philosophy of species-making. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 454-462. . On the untechnical terminology of the sex-relation in plants. Science, 3, 1896, 825-827. Instructions for taking phenological observations. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 24 (1896), 328-331. Notes on the cultivated Brassicas. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 321-322. Hybridisation in the United States. [1899.] Hortio. Soc. Jl., 24 (1900), 209-213. Bailey, L[iberty] Hlyde], Arthur, J[oseph] Clharles], & Holway, Eldioard] W[illet] D[orlard]. See Arthur, Bailey & Kolway. Bailey, Loring Wlparf]. On the Acadian basin in American geology. JBrit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 717. Report of explorations and surveys in portions of York and Carleton counties, New Brunswick, 1884. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1882-84, G1-G31, xix. • On geological contacts and ancient erosion in southern and central New Brunswick. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc Proc. & Trans., 2, 1886 [Sect. 4), 91-97. Report of explorations and surveys in portions of the counties of Carleton, Victoria, York and Northumber- land, New Brunswick, 1885. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1886, G1-G30. The deepest fresh-water lake in America. Science, 8, 1886, 412-413. On the Silurian system of northern Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec. [1886.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 {Sect. 4), 35-41, Geology and geologists in New Brunswick. [1886.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 93-96. On the relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 6, 1887, 3-16. Notes on the physiography and geology of Aroostook county, Maine. [1887.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc & Trans., 5, 1888 {Sect. 4), 39-44. On the Acadian and St. Lawrence water-shed. Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 398-413. On some relations between the geology of eastern Maine and New Brunswick. [1888.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890 {Sect. 4), 57-68. Presidential address : On the progress of geological investigations in New Brunswick. [1889.] Canada Roy. Soc Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890 {Sect. 4), 3-17. The gold-bearing rooks of New Brunswick, and the possible discovery of remunerative gold deposits in that province. [1891.] Canada Roy. Soc Proc. & Trans., 9, 1892 {Sect. 4), 21-27. • The mountain systems of America. A comparative study. [1895.] N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 12, 1894, Append. C. Notes on the surface geology of south-western Nova Scotia. [1890.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., B, 1895, 1-8. Preliminary report on geological investigations in south-western Nova Scotia. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 6, 1895, Q1-Q21. Some typical sections in south-western Nova Scotia. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 640. The Bay of Fundy trough in American geological history. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 3, 1897 {Sect. 4), 107-116. Notes on the geology and botany of Digby Neck. [1894.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 68-82. Some Nova Scotian illustrations of dynamical geology. [1896.] N. Scotia lust. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 180-194. Report on the geology of south-west Nova Scotia, embracing the counties of Queen's, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby and part of Annapolis. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 9, 1898, M1-M154. Triassic (?) rocks of Digby basin. N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 9, 1898, 356-360. The mineral resources of the province of New Bruns- wick. [1898.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 10, 1899, Ml- M129. Bailey, Loring Wlparf], & Mclnnes, William. Report on explorations in portions of the counties of Victoria, Northumberland and Restigouche, New Brunswick. To accompany quarter sheet map 2. N.W. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 2, 1887, N1-N19. Report on explorations and surveys in portions of northern New Brunswick, and adjacent areas in Quebec, and in Maine, U. S. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 3, 1889, M1-M52, xiv. Report on portions of the province of Quebec and adjoining areas in New Brunswick and Maine relating more especially to the counties of Temiscouata and Rimouski, P.Q. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1893, M1-M28. Bailey, Loring Wlparf], & Matthew, George F[rederick]. See Matthew & Bailey. Bailey, Pearce. Three cases of Brown-Sequard paralysis, with remarks on the sensory tract in the human spinal cord. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 294-298. Bailey, Pearce, & Ewing, James. A contribution to the study of acute ascending (Landry's) paralysis. N. Y. Med. JL, 64, 1896, 1-10, 41-43. Bailey, 6'. C. H. A new meteoric iron from West Virginia. Science, 6, 1885, 563. On an aerolite from Rensselaer county. New York. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 60-62. Bailey, Solon I[rving]. Triple rainbow. Science, 15, 1890, 363. The new meteorological station on the Misti. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 433-434. w Centauri. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 689-692. On the forms of the disks of Jupiter's satellites. Astrophys. JL, 2, 1895, 97-99. The diurnal oscillation of atmospheric pressure at the Peruvian stations of Harvard College Observatory. [1896.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 12 (1895-96), 331-335. Variable stars in clusters. Astrophys. JL, 8, 1898, 233-234; Science, 8, 1898, 452-453. The periods of the variable stars in the cluster Messier 5. Astrophys. JL, 10, 1899, 255-260; Science, 10, 1899, 846-847. Note on the relation between the visual and photo- graphic light curves of variable stars of short period. Astrophys. JL, 10, 1899, 261-265. Peruvian meteorology 1888-90. Compiled and pre- Bailey] 241 [Baillaud pared for publication [under the direction of Edward C. Pickering]. Harvard Astr. Obs. Ann., 39 (Pt. 1) 1899 1-153. ' ' The rate of increase in brightness of three variable stars in the cluster Messier 3. Science. 12, 1900 122- 123. Bailey, T[homax] L[ewis]. & Jonea, P[hilip] Hlenry]. The pink coloration of calcium chlorate liquor. Soc. Chem Ind. Jl., 12, 1893, 232-233. Bailey, Vernon [Orlando]. Report on some of the results of a trip through parts of Minnesota and Dakota. [U. S 1 Comm. Agr. Rep., 1887, 426-454. Notes on some of the spermophiles and pocket gophers of the Mississippi valley. [U. S.l Soc. Agr. Rep.. 1892 185-193. b F. . The prairie ground squirrels or spermophiles of the Mississippi valley. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriaji, Chief of Division. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 4, 1893, 69 pp. The pocket gophers of the United States, Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Chief of Division. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 5, 1896 47 pp. Occurrence of the native wood rat at Washington, D. C. Science, 3, 1896, 628. List of mammals of the district of Columbia. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 10, 1896, 93-101. Revision of the American voles of the genus Evotomys. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 11, 1897, 113-138. A new name for Microtus insularis, Bailey. Science, 8, 1898, 782-783. A new species of Evotomys from British Columbia. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1898, 21-22. Descriptions of eleven new species and subspecies of voles. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1898, 85-90. Revision of American voles of the genus Microtus. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna, No. 17, 1900, 88 pp. Bailey, W. S. The classification and naming of igneous rocks. Science, 21, 1893, 87-89. Bailey, William O. *Report on the Michigan forest fires of 1881. U. S. Signal Serv. Notes, No. 1, 1882, 16 pp. Bailey, William Whitman. Notes on Mahernia. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 10-11. Teratology. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 176- 177. Stipules in Onagraceae. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 9. Concerning Abutilon. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 19-20. Synspermy in the horsechestnut. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 119. Some notes on the flora of Rhode Island. [1885.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 3-12. Notes on the flora of the Hudson highlands. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 60-61. Proterandry in Veltheimia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 62. Note on Abutilon striatum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 96. Changed environment. Nature, 40, 1889, 297. Notes from New Hampshire. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 329-330. Hemlock and parsley. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 784- 786. An extraordinary case of fasciation in Rudbeckia hirta. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 18, 1891, 374-375. Notes on the flora of Block Island. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 227-239. Vernation of Carya. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 292-293. The old-time flora of Providence. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 213-220. Bailey, William Whitman, & Rives, William C. See Bives & Bailey. R. S. A. C. Bailbache, G. Dosage de I'azote nitrique par le proto- Kulfate de fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1122- 1123; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 9-13. Bailhache, (?. , & Commelin, Ed. Appareil pour prendre la densite des fruits, porames de terre, topinarabours et autres tubercules et racines, Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 196-198. Bailhache, G., & Riviere, Gustave. See Riviire & Bailhache. Bailie, Jno. D. The steam-turbine engine and its appli- cations to mining industry. [With discussion.] [1897.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1898, 621-636; 14, 1898, 214-217; 15, 1898, 178-179, 275-276. Baillairg^, Charles. Assign to this author title {Vol. 7) under BaiUarg6. A particular case of hydraulic ram or water-hammer. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1886 (Sect. 3), 81-86. La question des "baby crystals." Nat. Canad., 24, 1897, 81-84. BaiUarger, Jules Gabriel Frarupis, For biography see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 25, 1891, 13-16; Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 17, 1891 {Med. Legale), 102. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[enjamin]. Sur les observations de Mimas. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 161-169. Sur le mouvement du premier satellite de Saturne (Mimas). Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 205-207. Sur les oscillations barometriques produites par I'eruption du volcan de Krakatoa, et enregistrees au barometre Redier de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 349. Occultations d'etoiles par la lune, observees a Toulouse pendant I'eclipse totale du 4 octobre 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 638-639. [Observations du premier satellite de Saturne, faites depuis 1876.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884 (Sem. 1), 287-288. Determination des ^l^ments des orbites des cinq satellites int^rieurs de Saturne. [1884-86.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1885 (Sem. 1), 147-175; Bull. Astr., 2, 1886, 118-122; Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886. B. 81- B. 120. Resultats principaux de la discussion des observations des satellites de Saturne, faites a Toulouse de 1876 a 1883. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 225-227. Sur le nombre des termes d'un certain developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. [1885-87.] Toulouse Ac. Sci. M^m., 8, 1886, 73-85; 9, 1887, 377-382. Sur le calcul uum^rique des integrates detinies. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 1-B. 36. M^moire sur le developpement de la fonction perturba- trice. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, B. 37-B. 79. Sur le calcul des fonctions R^ j de M. Tisserand. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 98-99. Observations de la Comete Brooks, faites a I'Observa- toire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 487. Recherches complementaires sur le developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. Toulouse Fac Sci. Ann., 2, 1888, E, 21 pp. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Swift, faites k I'equatorial Brunner de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 850. Sur une preuve photographique obtenue apr^s neuf heures de pose, a I'Observatoire de Toalonse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 519-521. Observations de la planete Charlois (11 fevrier 1891) faites a I'equatorial Brunner de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 416. Observations de la Comete Swift faites a TObservatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 726. Notice sur I'etat de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892, 276-288. 31 Baillaud] 242 [Baillet Observations de la planote Chailois T (du 11 decembre 1892), faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse (grand teles- cope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 125-126. Observations de petites planetes, faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse (grand telescope). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, G79-680. Observations de la planote (BC) (Bigourdan), faites au grand telescope de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 354. Sur I'organisation du service magnetique a I'Observa- toire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1895, 597-621. Sur rinfluence de la refraction sur les observations micrometriques. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 41-42, 536. Sur les quadratures mecaniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 737-739. Discussion d'observations d'ctoiles doubles faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1898, 160-167. Observations faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse pendant I'eclipse du 27 decembre par 3IM. Baillaud, BouKGET, MoNTANGEBAND, EossAKD et Besson. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 38-40. Observation des Leonides, a I'Observatoire de Toulouse, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 806-807. Etude sur les formules de quadratures mecaniques. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 3, 1899, D. 1-D. 36. Memoirs sur les quadratures mecaniques de rangs quelconques. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 3, 1899, E. 1-E. 38. De I'influence de la refraction sur les mesures micro- metriques. [1900.] Paris, Com. Int. Carte Ciel Bull., 3, 1902, 19-53. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[enjami7i], & Bourget, Henri. Sur une pliotographie de la nebuleuse de la Baleine, obtenue a I'Obsei-vatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1191-1192. Baillaud, [Edouard] Blenjamin], & Cosserat, Eugene. Observations de la planote Millosevich (1891, mars 1), faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse (equatorial Brunner). Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 510-511. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[eTijaniin], & Rossard, F. Observa- tions de la planote BU (Charlois), faites au grand teles- cope de I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 670, 796. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[enjamin], & Saint-Blancat, [D.]. Observations de planetes, faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. ,Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 520. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[enja7uin], Bourget, Henri, & Montangerand, [L.]. See Bourget, XMContangerand & Baillaud. Baillaud, [Edouard] B[enjaviin], Jean, Ed., Fabre, Charles, & Saint-Blancat, [D.]. See Jean, Fabre, Saint-Blancat & Baillaud. Baillaud, [Edouai'd] B[enjami7i], Saint-Blancat, [D.], Fabre, Charles, & Montangerand, [L.]. Observations des satellites de Jupiter pendant I'opposition de 1883- 1884, faites a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 538-544. Baillaud, Eviile. Les territoires franpais du Niger. Leur valeur economique. G^ogr. (Paris), 2, 1900, 9-24. Note sur la repartition des animaux domestiques dans le Soudan franQais. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 331-333. Bailie, J[ean] B[aptiste Alexandre]. Determination de I'ohm. Etude de la methode de I'amortissement des aimants. Ann. Telegr., 11, 1884, 89-129, 224-264. Influence de la temperature sur la valeur du couple de torsion des fils. Ass. Franp. C. R. , 1884 (Pt. 1), 158. Mesure de la composante horizontale du magn^tisme terrestre, par la methode de I'amortissement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 704-706; Telegr. Jl., 15, 1884, 514. Determination des moments magnetiques par I'amor- tissement des aimants oscillants. Ann. Cliim., 5, 1886, 289-316. Propagation d'un ebranlement dans uu cylindrc. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 104-105. [La methode de I'amortissement des aimants mobiles.] [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1885, 12-14. Sur les desincrustants des chaudieres. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 1), 195. Etude de la vitesse du son dans les tuyaux de petit diam^tre. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 493-506. Sur un moyen d'etudier les petites deformations des surfaces liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 731^733. Ecoulement des gaz, par un long tuyau. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 29-41. Bailie, J [can] B[aptiste Alexandre], & F6ry, Ch[arles]. Etude de I'amalgame d'aluminium; son emploi en thermochimie. Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 246-256. Balance optique a anneaux colorcs pour la mesure des petites forces. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 253. Action des sources lumineuses intenses sur les plaques photographiques. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 1), 167- 168 ; Lum. Elect., 36, 1890, 501-505. Etude d'un etalon pratique de force electromotrice. Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 234-238. Mesure de I'eclat de Tare electrique et de quelques autres sources lumineuses. Lum. Elect., 41, 1891, 153-155. Methode nouvelle pour determiner I'equivalent me- canique de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1494-1496. Baillehache, (comte) E[ugene] de. Application des avertisseurs electriques pour la protection des bifurca- tions de la Compagnie d'Orleans. Application de ces memes avertisseurs pour la protection des passages a niveau de la Compagnie Paris-Lyou-Mediterranee, montage Chaperon et de Baillehache. Postes de secours. Controle de la vitesse des trains. Enclenchements electriques. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 269-276. Baillet, C. For biographical notice see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 44, 1900, 297-298. Experiences sur les inoculations preventives du charbon. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884 (Sem. 1), 173-189; 7, 1885 (Sem. 1), 238-254. De I'emploi des etalons de pur sang et de leurs derives a la procreation des chevaux de service du type leger. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 187-207. Sur la puissance que I'homme possede de modifier I'organisation des animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1887, 605-619. De I'atavisme et de I'origine des reproducteurs chez les principales esp^ees d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1888, 314-341. De I'importance des etudes zootechniques et des rapports qu'elles ont avec les sciences naturelles. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 10, 1888, 459-474. De la selection et de la consanguinite en zootechnie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1890, 268-292. Note sur les caract^res qui distinguent les races dans les animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 4, 1892, 102-121. Quelques mots sur les croisements dits au premier sang chez les animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1893, 128-143. Du croisement continu dans les races d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7, 1895, 141- 160. Sur le metissage dans les races d'animaux domestiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 8, 1896, 62-79. Sur les hybridations considerees dans leurs rapports avec la zootechnie. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 9, 1897, 45-85. Baillet] 243 [Baillon Maladies contagieuses des animaux k I'homme. Bordeaux Ac. Act., 62, 1900, 243-275. Balllle, Edmund J[ohn']. For biographical notice see. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 4()4. Willows and their cultivation. Classification of the willows. Agr. Soc. JL, 5, 1894, 234-250. Baillie, {Lady) Mary. [Remarkable sunrises on December 8th and 11th, 1884.] Ediub. Boy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 25. Baillie, Matthew. For biography see Practitioner, 57, 1896, 51-65. Baillie, T. C. The absolute thermal conductivity of nickel. [1898.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 39, 1900, 361-382. Baillie, 'Thomas B[njson]. & Tafel, Julius. Beduction von Acylaminen zu Alkylaminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 68-77. Ueber Desoxycaffein. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3206-3220. Baillie-Orohman, William. The Kootenay country. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 1, 1885, 455-459. Baillon, Alexandre Paul. Des ptomaines, leur histoire chimique, leur preparation, leurs reactions, leur role physiologique et pathologique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 174-185. Methode pour recueillir les dchantillons d'eau pour I'analyse microbiologique. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1888 {Pt. 2), 223-225. Baillon, H[enri Ernest]. For biographical notice and works see Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 340; Nature, 52 (1896), 301, 371; Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, Ixvii-lxix; Paris Soc. Limi. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1209-1211; Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 613-622. Recherclies sur les ovaires acropyles. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 59-67. Etude botanique de I'hazigne (Symphonia fasciculata). Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 456-461. *Sur les cotes receptaculaires du fruit des Bertolonia. [1877.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 130-132, *Sur la symetrie florale du Lagoecia. [1877.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 135-136. *Sur les Platycarpum. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 217. *Sur les genres australiens de la famille des Eubiac^es. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 217-218. *Sur le Cephaelis ixorsefolia des jardins. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 218-219. *Sur les limites du genre Amaioua. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 219-221. *Sur r organisation florale du Menyanthes. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 221. *Sur une poire monstrueuse. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 221-222. *Sar le retour a I'etat complet des ^tamines dans des fleurs anormales de Berberis. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 222-223. *Sur I'Anemonopsis. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 223-224. *Sur I'Akania. [1879.] Paris Soc. Linn, Bull., 1, 1889 224. *Sur le Didierea. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. BuU., 1, 1889, 258-259. *Sur I'Hochstettera, DC. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 259-260. *Sur les stipules des Onagrari^es, [1880,] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 260-261, *Sur les gyn^cees monstrueux d'un Kalmia latifolia. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 261. *Sur les pr^tendues coroUes r^guli^res des Cardu^eset sur la coroUe h^miligulee. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 261-263. *Sur quelquesLoganiac^esn^o-cal^doniennes. [1880.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 263-264. Emendanda. [1881-92.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 279-280, 287-288, 316-317, 407-408, 427-428, 528, 703-704; [2, 1897,] 989. Les ovules des Kniphofia. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 405. Les fleurs solitaires scorpioidales. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 405-406. LiNNK transformiste. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 409. Sur quelques anemones monstrueuses. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 409-410. Les Xylolffiua et la valeur de la famille des Chlenac^es. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 410-414. Les ovules des Diefifenbachia. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 417-418. Sur quelques cas d'effets inverses de la force verticale. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 418-419. Sur un saule a placentas uniovules. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 419-420. Un nouveau type aberrant, de Madagascar. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 420. La fleur femelle de I'Acanthosicyos. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 422-423. Les veroniques k ovules d^finis. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 423. Sur un nouveau genre Cogniauxia. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 423-424. Un nouveau type de Ciesalpiniees monopetales. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 428-429. Sur un nouveau genre Bernieria. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 434-435. Modifications de la caracteristique des muscadiers. [1884.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 435-436. Une nouvelle Cucurbitacee anormale. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 441-442. L'inflorescence des Brunonia. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 442. Les probl^mes de I'organisation des Cucurbitac^es. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 451-453. Les ovules des Echinocystis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 457. La fleur femelle de I'Alsomitra brasiliensis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 457-458, Sur le genre Tribeles. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull,, 1, 1889, 465. La symetrie florale et I'androcee des Telfairia. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 473. Sur les nouveaux arbres k caoutchouc colombiens. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 473-474. Constitution du genre Dombeya. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 481-483. Organogenic florale d'un Dichorisandra. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 489. Sur des fleurs femelles d'Orchidee. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 489-490. L'"appendice de I'achaine" du Carex fraseriana. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 490-491. L'apparente anomalie ovulaire du Mentzelia ornata. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 513. Les nouveaux caf^iers des Comores. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 513-514. L'orientation de la fleur des Passiflores et la significa- tion morphologique de leur vrille. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 521-522. Le support des fleurs femelles des Cycadacees. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 522-523. Sur le genre de Passiflorac^es Tetrastylis. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 523. Les ovules des Melampyres. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn, Bull., 1, 1889, 531, Les organes sexuels du Limodorum abortivum, [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 534-535, La placentation des Rehmannia. [1885,] Paris Soc, Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 535. 31—2 Baillon] 244 [Baillon Les ovules des Anigozanthos. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 535-536. Sur le reine-ala et ses usages. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 539-540. Une Anonac^e nouvelle de Madagascar. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 540. Sur I'organisation des Hydnora. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 545-547. Sur les Apama. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 547. Sur quelques points de I'organisation des Nepenthes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 553-654. Types nouveaux de la flore malgache. [1886.] Paris Soc.Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 554-555. Sur I'organisation florale des Thylacospermum et Colo- banthus. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889,555-556. Les primefeuilles des noyers. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 561. De Asteropeiffi structura et positione. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 561-562. Un nouveau type r<5duit de Portulac^es. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 569. Nouvelles observations sur les Chl(5nac6es. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 570-572. La place du Minquartia d'AuBLET. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 585-586. Le genre Humblotia. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 593-594. Sur la symetrie des androc6es m^iostemon^es et du disque des Caryopliyllac^es. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 601-603. Organisation florale du Githago. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 603-604. Quelques nouveaux types de la flore du Congo. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 609-612. Experiences sur la nutation des pavots. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 617-618. Sur le genre Makokoa. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 619-620. L'anth^re des Polycnemum. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 620. Sur I'organogenie florale des Salicornes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 620-622. Sur les Psilostachys de Zanzibar. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 622-623. Le genre nouveau Marcellia. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 625-626. Les aflinit^s multiples des Guilleminea. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 636-637. Le meilleur remede du mildew. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 641-643. Les fleurs femelles et les fruits des arroches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 643-644. Eemarques sur I'organisation et les affinit^s des Podost^monac^es. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 644-648. D^veloppement de la fleur femelle du Sarcobatus. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 649. Sur une Bixac^e k ovaire uniloculaire et uniovul^. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 650. Un nouveau genre gamop^tale de Loasac^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 650-651. Sur les Asimina. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 651-652. Les ovules des peupliers. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 659-660. Sur quelques types du groupe interm(5diaire aux Solanac^es et aux Scrofulariac^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 660-663. Les ovules des plantains. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 663-664. Un nouveau mode de moncecie du papayer. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 665. Notes sur les Pedalin^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 666-671, 677-678. Notes sur les Crescenti^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 678-680, 683-688, 690-695. Sur un Celosia monstrueux. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 681. — — Un nouveau type aperianthe. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 681-683. Le' gynec(3e du Collinsia parviflora. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 696. Organogeuie florale du Pentstemon campanulatus. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 696. Le genre Ramisia. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 697-698. Sur les noms de quelques genres de Scrofulariae^es. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 698-699. Les Gramin^es a ovules exceptionnels. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 699-701. Notes organogeniques sur les Salpiglossis. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 701-702. Sur I'organisation florale de quelques Gentianac(5es. [1887-88.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 702-703, 755-766. Experiences physiologiques sur I'enroulement des vrilles d'une Amp^lidee. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 705-707. Les' appendices stipulaires des Leycesteria. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 707. Le nouveau genre Siphocolea. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 707-709. L'organisation florale des Seemannia. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 709-710. RemarquessurlesTernstroemiacees. [1887-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 710-712, 728; [2, 1897,] 873- 874, 951-952, 965-966. L'ovule des P6diculaires et des Scutellaires. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 713-714. Le Tripinna de Loureiro. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 714. Le Digitalis dracocephaloides du Flora Fluminensis. [1887.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 714-715. Observations sur les Gesn^riacees. [1887-88.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 717-720, 722-725, 731-736. Le genre Newtouia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 721-722. Une question de nomenclature, k propos des Bignonia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 725-726. Le genre Amblyocalyx. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 727. L'ovule des Acokanthera. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 727. Observations sur le Veratrilla. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 729-730. Les feuilles anormales des Codiaium. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1,1889, 730-731. Les Anacamptia et Gymnadenia ; I'origine de leur retinacle. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 737- 738. Sur le traitement de I'anthracnose et du black-rot. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 738-742. Sur le Plectaneia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 742-743. Les fleurs hermaphrodites des Lilsea. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 743. Le nouveau genre Lourya. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn Bull., 1, 1889, 743-744. Les inflorescences localis^es. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 745-747. Types nouveaux d'Apocynac^es. [1888-89.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 747-752, 757-760, 772- 775. Sur des Schizophytes des urines acides, puis alcalines. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 753-754. Baillon] 245 [Baillon Organog^nie ovulaire des Acokanthera. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 755. Sur un mode particulier de propagation du mildew. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 7(31-7G2. Remarques sur le genre Thenardia. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 763-768. Sur le Dissolaina verticillata. Lour. [1888.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 768. Les stipules et les bract^es des Circles. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 772. Sur quelques Gynopogon n^o-caMdoniens. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 775-776, 781-782. Sur les anth^rea de quelques Apocynac^es. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 777-779. Sur I'inilorescence des Tryphostemma. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 779-780. Sur un nouveau Plocosperma. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 780-781. Sur I'obou^t^ du Gabon. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 782-783. Etude des Prestonia. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 783-784, 789-792. Sur quelques Melodinua n^o-cal^doniens. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 785-787. Les fleurs males du Podoon. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 793 ; [2, 1897,] 815-816. Les Didierea de Madagascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 22-24. Sur une Ascl^pindac^e comestible du Laos. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8[0]l-8[0]5. Sur le Craspidospermum. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8[0]5. Sur le groupe des Tacazz^^es. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 8[0]5-8[0]8. Sur trois Stepbanotis n^o-cal^doniens. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 811-812. Le Penlanura du Yunnan. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 812. L'organisation de la fleur et du fruit de I'Harpagonella. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 812-814. Sur l'organisation des Humbertia. [1889.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 814-815. Le Bonamia de Ddpetit-Thouaks. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull.. [2, 1897,] 817. Sur I'EUisiopbyllum. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 817-818. Les fleurs du Sacellium lanceolatum, H.B.K. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 818-819. Sur un nouveau Thenardia du Mexique. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 819-820. La prefloraison de la corolle des Dichondr^es. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 820. Sur plusieurs Acauthacees k fleurs involucrees. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 820-823, 826-827. Sur le pambotano. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 824. Les quatre divisions stylaires du Cleonia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 824. Sur le tanghin de M^nabe. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 825-826. Le Garcinia Balansee, nouvel arbre k graines ol^a- gineuses. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 827-828. Reconstitution de la famille des Boraginac^es. Orga- nisation de ses ovules. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 828-831, 857-859. Sur les caract^res des Otacanthus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 831-832. Le nouveau genre Periestes. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 833-834. Les rapports du Podoon et du Dobinea. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 834-835. Sur quelques types anomaux d'Acanthac^ee. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 835-838. Sur un genre de Boraginaccies a feuilles oppos^es. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 839. Sur le Dianthera clavata, Forst. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 839-840. Sur la vigne d'Altissach. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 841-842. Le santal de Madagascar. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 842-844. Sur les baobabs de Madagascar. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 844-846. Sur le Neolindenia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 851, 867-868. Sur plusieurs Ruelli^esexceptionnelles. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 852-853. Le fruit du Santalina. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 853. La fleur et la graine de I'Hottonia palustris. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 854. Sur les caracteres des Hansteinia et Stenostephanus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 855. Sur le Strophanthus hispidus. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 855-856. Observations sur quelques nouveaux types du Congo. [1890-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 868-872, 876-879, 953-954. Les attinit^s des Verb^nac^es. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 874-875. Les fleurs de I'Anisacauthus virgularis, Nees. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 875-876. - Sur un Lysinema monstrueux. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., '[2, 1897,] 879. Sur un nouveau Baillonia. [1890.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 880. Observations sur les Sapotac^es de la Nouvelle- Cal^donie. [1890-91.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 881-888, 889-896, 897-904, 905-912, 915-920, 922-926, 935-936, 941-944, 945-949, 963-965. Sur le Monotheca et son organisation florale. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 913-915. Sur le nouveau genre Oncotheca. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 931-932. Remarques sur les Galacees. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 933-935. Les Phelline de la Nouvelle-Cal^donie. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 937-939. Note sur l'organisation florale du Greyia Sutherlandi. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 950-951. > Sur I'organogenie florale des Utriculaires. [1891.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 969-970. Notes sur les Plombagin^es. [1891-92.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 981-984, 999-1000. Deux nouveaux types de Loranthacees. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 985-986. La pr^tendue adh(5rence du nucelle des Conif^res. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 986-988. Sur une nouvelle Mappiee du Congo. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 988-989. Sur quelques aflinit<5s des Erythropalum et des Pam- philia. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 996-999. Sur le genre Hackelochloa. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1006-1008. L'inflorescence du Sesleria casrulea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1011-1012. Sur le fruit du Rhizocephalus crucianelloides, Boiss. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1012. Les glumellules du Guaduella. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1013. L'axe d'inflorescence du Tbuarea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1015-1016. L'organisation et les affinit^s du Kerinozoma. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1018-1019. Baillon] 246 [Baillon Paris Soc. Observations sur la fleur du Boissiera. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1019-1021. Sur les fleurs du Gaimardia pallida. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1021-1023. Sur les caracteres des Arundiuella. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1023-1024. Sur I'organisation du genre Cathestechum. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1028-1030. Les fleurs du Prosartes Hookeri. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1031-1032. Sur les fleurs de I'Anomochloa marantoidea. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1033-1034. Les glumellules du Poa annua. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1034. Une Gramin^e uniflore. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1034-1036. Sur les pericarpes libres des Graminees. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1036-1037. L'inflorescence et le gynecee des Stellaster. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1037. La fleur femelle de I'Opizia. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1037-1039. Sur I'organisation tiorale d'un Notylia. [1892.] Paiis Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1039-1040. Les paMoles du diss. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1042-1043. Notes organog^niques sur la fleur des Triuris. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1049-1050. Sur la direction des ovules des Alisma. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1050-1051. Sur la nomenclature g^n^rique. [1892.] Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1053-1054. Les Spartina fran(;ai8. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1054-1055. Les aconits antidotes. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1057. Sur le Monachyron, Pari. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1057-1059. Observations sur les riz. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1061-1063. Sur les fleurs du seigle. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1063-1064, Sur le Phaenosperma globosum. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1066-1067. Les rapports des Lepidopironia et des Chloris. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1069-1072. Les fleurs du Catabrosa aquatica. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1072. Nouvelle note sur I'Achiachne. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1073. Sur I'epillet des flouves. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1073-1075. Sur le Leptochloa bipinnata. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1075-1076. • Observations sur les Osterdamia. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1076-1077. Sur le d^veloppement des fleurs du Nardus stricta, L. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1077-1078. Le nouveau genre Anisocycla. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1078-i079. Suppression des Tristegin^es comme tribu. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1081-1087, 1093- 1094. Les fleurs des Bouteloua, [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1087-1088. Sur le Rytidosperma, Steud. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1088. Eemarques sur un Digitaria cultive. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1089-1090. • Sur les fleurs duBlepharidacbne(EremochleBigelowii). [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1090-1091. Le genre Beckera, Fres. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1091-1092. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. [1892.] Paris Soc. Linn. [1892.] Paris Soc, Linn. Paris Soc. Paris Soc, Paris Soc, Le fruit du Thuarea. [2, 1897,] 1092-1093. Not(3 sur les Pennisetum, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1094-1096. Sur des fleurs doubles de perce-neige. [1893-94.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1096, 1119. L'inflorescence des Dianella, [1893.] Paris Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1096(7. Sur quelques caracteres des Conanthera. [1893,] Paris Soc, Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1096 /«. Notes organogeniques et organographiques sur les Carex. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linu. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1097- 1101. Sur la signification des soies de certaines Cyp6rac6es, [1893,] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1103-1104, Sur les caracteres des RhipoKonum. [1893.] Paris Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1105. L'oiganisation et les affinites des Canapyn6m4es, [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1105-1109. Sur le Reineckia carnea, K. [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1109. La fleur d'un Daubenya, [1893.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] lUO-llli. Sur les fleurs da Leucocrinum. [1893.] Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1111, Les plantes alliees aux Tapistra. [1893.] Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1111-1112, 1113-1117, Sur les fleurs de Bulbine annua, [1894,] Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1118-1119. Sur le genre Agrostocrinum, [1894,] Paris See, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1119-1120. Les ovules des Corylopsis. [1894.] Paris Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1122-1123, L'^volution de l'inflorescence dans les Grarain^es. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1123-1128. Etude d'un nouvel Aspidistra. [1894.] Paris Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1129-1132. Un Imhofia ornemental du Kalahari. [1894,] Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1132. Sur les limites du genre Callipbruria, [1894.] Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1133-1136, Sur le genre Pauridia. [1894.] Paris Soc. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1137. Sur les limites du genre Barbacenia. [1894,] Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1137-1139. Sur la fleur d'un Hippeastrum. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1140-1141, Observations sur les Liriope, [1894,] Paris Soc, Linn, Bull., [2, 1897,] 1141-1144, 1154-1155. L'organisation florale des Portea. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1145-1146. La place des Connarac^es dans la classification. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1146-1147. Sur deux Cyrtandries ornementales. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1147-1148. La coUerette d'un Calliphruria. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1149. Une Iridacee sans matiere verte. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1149-1150. Les Iridacees a ovules definis. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1153. Sur la valeur du genre Lomenia. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1153-1154. Le nouveau genre Grevellina. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1160. ■ Les palmiers malgaches A. petites fleurs. Paris Soc. Linn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1161-1168, 1171-1176, 1185-1186. Les caracteres et les limites du genre Ruscus. [1894.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1169-1171. Liste des plantes de Madagascar. (Suite.) [1895.] Paris Soc. T-inn. Bull, [2, 1897,] 1180-1181, 1196- 1199. Paris Paris Linn. Paris [1894.] Paris Soc. [1894.] Paris Soc. [1894.] Paris Soc. [1894.] Paris Soc. [1894.] Paris Soc. [1894-95.] Baillon] 247 [Baily Organogenie florale des Anthurinm. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1181-1182. Sui- iin nouveaii Didierea. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1182-1184. Organogenie florale d'un Cedrela. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1186-1187. Sur les Triuridacees de I'herbier L.-C. Richard. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1187-1189. Les organes sexuels des Prescottia. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1189-1190. Observations sur le Tapiscia. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 119U-1192. Une Musaeee-Zingiberce a fruit siliquiforme. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1193-1194. Sur le Myrosma cannajfolium, L.Jil. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1194-1195. Sur quelques Hemiorchis. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1195-1196. Une question de nomenclature au point dc vue pratique. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1199-1200. Sur la nature axile des ovaires inleres. [1895.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., [2, 1897,] 1205-1208. Baills, [Jean Etienne]. Assign to this author No. 4 {Vol. 9) under Baills, . For biography and works sec Ann. Mines, 16, 1889, 517-521. Baills, [capit.) J[ean Joseph Bonaventun]. Assign to this author Nos. 1-3 {Vol. 9) under Baills, . [Communications relatives aux etoilcs filantes du 27 novembre.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1885, 1206-1207. Theorie mecanique de la marche et de la course. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 81-97. Mecanique celeste. Note sur le plan invariable du systeme solaire. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 293-310. Geometric des diagrammes. Questions economiques sur les courbes d'indicateur. Rev. Maritime ct Colon., 119, 1893, 5-65; 121, 1894, 449-496; 122, 1894, 508-551; 124, 1896, 357-384; 125, 1895, 79-112, 216-243; 128, 1896, 15-54; 132, 1897, 5-44; 135, 1897, 5-23, 257-276; 138, 1898, 433-471 ; 143, 1899, 273-306, 513-540. Baills, F[ie)re] Jlean] J[acqnes]. Deux cas d'empoisonne- ment, dont i'un mortel, par la solution de sulfate de quinine au 1/20. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 320-324. BaiUy, Jean Baptiste. For biographical notice and works see Savoie Ac. Mem., 1891, 178-179. Baily, Francis Gibson. On hysteresis in iron and steel in a rotating magnetic field. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 576- 577. The hysteresis of iron in an alternating magnetic field. [1895.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 636-637; Electrician, 36, 1896, 116-119. The hysteresis of iron and steel in a rotating magnetic field. [1896.] Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 715-746. The magnetic field in tunnel armatures. Electrician, 39, 1897, 810-811. A lecture-room volt- and amperemeter. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 643. Baily, W[illiam] E[divard]. Our common dragon flies. [1885.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 2 (1884-88), 67-72; Zoologist, 12, 1888, 177-179 [Fart only]. The supposed remains of Dolly Pentreath. [1888.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 2 (1884-88), 365-367. The Lepidoptera of Cornwall and the islands of Scilly. [1894.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 1892-94, 107-146. Baily, W. S. Ornithological notes, April and May, 1889. [1889.] Yn Lioar Manninagh, 1, [1894], Ft. 2, 83-84. Baily, Walter. On an integrating anemometer. [1883-85.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 6, 1886, 115-120; 7, 1886, 7; Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 482-487. A map of the world on Flamsteeu's projection. [1886.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1887, 32-34; Phil. Mag., 21, 1886, 415-416. On a theorem relating to curved diffraction gratings. [1886.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1887, 53-55; Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 47-49. On the construction of a colour map. [1892.] London Phys. Soc. Proc. 11, 1892, 323-332; 12, 1894, 1-3; Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 496-503; 35, 1893, 46-47. Baily, WilUain Hellier. For biography and list of works see Dresden Isis Sber., 1888, 42-43; Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 431-432, 575-576; Nature, 38, 1888, 396; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889 {Froc), 39-41. *[Paheontological notes on i)art of the county of Kildare and part of King's and Queen's counties.] Ireland Geo). Surv. [Mem.] {Sheet [119]), 1858, 8-11. *Palfeontological notes [on parts of the county of Kildare and Queen's county]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 128), 1859, 15-17. *PalaBoutological notes [on part of the counties of Kilkenny, Carlow, Kildare ancj Queen's Co.]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 137), 1869, 12-15. *Paheontological note-! [on parts of the county of Tipperary and of King's and Queen's counties]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 135), 1860, 11-14. *Palffiontological notes [on part of the counties of Clare and Kerry]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 140 & 141), 1860, 8-10. *Pala3ontological notes [on parts of the counties of Clare, Kerry and Limerick]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 142), 1860, 11-19. *Palieontological notes [on part of the counties of Clare and Limerick]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 143), 1860, 10-12. *Pal8eontological notes [on part of the county of Tipperary]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 145), 1860, 10-14. *[Palaeontological notes on part of the counties of Dublin and Meath.] Ireland Geol. Surv. [Mem.] {Sheets 102 & 112), 1861, 11-19. *Palaeontological notes [on parts of the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 146), 1861, 9-11. *Pal8eontological notes [on parts of the counties of Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 147 & 157), 1861, 12-18. *PalaBontological notes [on parts of the counties of Limerick and Cork]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 153), 1861, 8-15. "Palseontological notes [on a portion of the Queen's county]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 127), 1862, 8-13. *Pal8eontological notes on the Silurian and Old Red Sandstone fossils collected within the area included in sheets 133, 134, 135, 143, 144 and 145. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 133), 1862, 9-20. *Pal8Bontological remarks [on part of the county of Cork]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 187, 195 & 196), 1864, 10-30. *Pala3ontological notes [on parts of the counties of Cork and Kerry]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 192 & 199), 1864, 11-25. *Pala;ontological notes [on parts of the counties o Waterford, Wexford, Kilkenny and Tipperary]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 167, 168, 178 & 179), 1865, 18-30. *Remark8 on the fossils [from parts of Wicklow and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 121 & 130), 1869, 16-22. *Palaeontological notes [on the country around Belfast, Lisburn and Moira]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheet 36), 1871, 13-17. *Pal£eontological remarks [on parts of Co. Down]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. {Sheets 37, 38 & 29), 1871, 16-19. Baily] 248 [Bain ■*Pa]a?ontological notes [on parts of the counties of Louth, Meath and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 81 & 8'2), 1871, 11-14. *Pal8eontological remarks [on parts of Mayo, Galway, Koscommon and Longford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 86, 87, 88 & 85), 1871, 12-14. *Palffiontological notes [on parts of Meath, Louth and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 91 & 92), 1871, 13-23. *Pala3ontological notes [on part of the county of Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 75), 1872, 14-17. *Palieontological notes [on parts of Longford, West- meath and Meath]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 89 & 90), 1872, 12-16. *Pal8eontological remarks [on the country around Armagh]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 47), 1873, 16-22. *Palteontological notes [on parts of the counties Eos- common, Leitrim, Longford, Cavan and Meath]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 78, 71) & 80), 1873, 12-17. *PalaBontological notes [on Eoscommon and parts of Mayo and Sligo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem, (Sheets 76 & 77), 1874, 9-15. *Pal8eontological notes [on the country around Antrim, Larne and Carrickfergus]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 21, 28 & 29), 1876, 37-44. *Palaiontological notes [on parts of Galway and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 73, 74, 83 & 84), 1876, 27-33. *Palfeontological notes [on the Tyrone coalfield and surrounding districts]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 35), 1877, 14-22. *Pal8eontological notes [on the country around Dundalk and Carrickmacross]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 70), 1877, 15-18. *Pal8Bontological notes [on parts of Go. Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 34), 1878, 24-29. *Pala3ontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo, Leitrim, Eoscommon and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 66 & 67), 1878, 17-26. *Palaeontological notes [on parts of Cavan, Leitrim and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 68 & 69), 1878, 16-21. *PalaBontological notes [on parts of the county of Galway]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 93 & 94), 1878, 48-53. *Palffiontological notes [on parts of Co. Mayo and Co. Sligo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 41, 53 & 64), 1879, 30-36. *Pala3ontological notes [on the county of Wexford]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 169, 170, 180 & 181), 1879, 55-60. *Palaeontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 54 & 42), 1880, 18-22. *Palffiontological notes [on parts of the counties of Kildare, Wicklow and Dublin]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 120), 1880, 17. *Pal8Bontological notes [on parts of Londonderry, Antrim and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 27), 1881, 44-46. *Palasontological notes [on parts of Fermanagh, Monaghan and Cavan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 57), 1881, 19-21. *PalaBontological notes [on parts of Sligo and Mayo]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 65), 1881, 17-20. *Eevised palaeontological notes of the Leinster or Castlecomer coal field. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 127 etc.), 1881, 19-29. *Palffiontological notes [on the country around Ennis- killen, Fivemiletown, Trillick, Lisbellaw and Maguires- bridge]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 45), 1882, 21-23. *Pal£eontological notes, sheet 158. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 158 & 159), 1882, 38-40. Palaeontological notes [on parts of Londonderry and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 18), 1884, 27-29. Palaeontological notes [on portions of the counties of Tyrone and Londonderry]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 26), 1884, 26-28. On trilobites and other fossils, from Lower or Cambro- Silurian strata, in the county of Clare. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1885, 373; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887], 29. Palffiontological notes [on parts of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 42 & 43), 1885, 32-34. Palffiontological notes [on portions of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 55), 1885, 33-35. Palffiontological notes [on parts of the counties of Armagh, Fermanagh and Monaghan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 58), 1885, 12-13. On a new species of Orophocrinus (Pentremites), in Carboniferous limestone. County Dublin. Also remarks upon Codaster trilobatus (JSVCoy), from Carboniferous limestone, County Kilkenny. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 31-32 ; Ireland Geol. Soc. JL, 7, [1887], 71-73. , Palffiontological notes [on Co. Antrim]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 14), 1886, 32-34. Palffiontological notes [on the country around Bally- mena, Glenarm, Connor, and the mountainous district west of Larne]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 20), 1886, 23-28. Palffiontological notes [on the district round Omagh, Fintona and Irvinestown]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 33), 1886, 24-28. Palffiontological notes [on portions of the counties of Fermanagh, Leitrim and Cavan]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 44), 1886, 17-20. Palffiontological notes [on parts of Fermanagh, Cavan and Leitrim]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 56), 1886, 16-19. Palffiontological notes [on Tyrone and part of Donegal]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 25), 1887, 21-23. Palffiontological notes [on parts of Tyrone, Monaghan, Fermanagh and Armagh]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 46), 1887, 15-18. Palffiontological notes [on parts of Wexford, Carlow and Wicklow]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 148 & 149), 1887, 20-24. [Coast of Antrim and Derry, including the Giant's Causeway.] Palffiontological notes. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 1 & 8), 1888, 41-49. Palffiontological notes [on portions of the counties of Donegal and Tyrone]. Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheet 24), 1888, 46-48. — — Palffiontological notes [on Donegal and Fermanagh]. [Posth.] Ireland Geol. Surv. Mem. (Sheets 31 & 32), 1891, 26-39. Baily, William L. Western sandpiper (Ereunetes occi- dentalis) more abundant than the semipahnated (E. pusillus). Auk, 13, 1896, 174. Summer birds of northern Elk county, Pa. Auk, 13, 1896, 289-297. Disgorgement of cherry stones again noted. Auk, 14, 1897, 412-413. The dovekie (AUe alle) on the coast of Virginia. Auk, 17, 1900, 293. Bain, Alexander. The scope of anthropology, and its relation to the science of mind. [1885.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1885, 1204; Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 15, 1886, 380- 388. Bain] 249 [Baird Bain, Alexander, Fouill6e, Alfred, & ZZodgson, Shad- worth H. Eemarks on Mr. Sully's paper on tlie psycho- physical process in attention. Brain, 13, 1890, 348-355. Bain, Andrew Geddes. *Keminisceuces and anecdotes connected with the history of geology in South Africa, or the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. [1856.] [Posth.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 2, 1897, 59-75. Bain, Francis. The migration of the swallows. Auk, 2, 1885, 216. Winter birds of Prince Edward Island. Auk, 2, 1885, 263-267. The wild swan in Prince Edward Island. Auk, 3, 1886, 131. On a Permian moraine in Prince Edward Island. Canad. Bee. Sci., 2, 1887, 341-343. The Permian in Prince Edward Island. Science, 21, 1893, 132-133. [Glacial moraine in Prince Edward Island.] A cor- rection. Science, 21, 1893, 360. Bain, Francis, & Dawson, (Sir) J[ohn] William. Notes on the geology and fossil flora of Prince Edward Island. Canad. Eec. Sci., 1, 1885, 154-161. Bain, Harry Foster. Distribution and relations of the Saint Louis limestone in Mahaska county, Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 1, 1893, 171-179. Structure of the Mystic coal basin. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 {Pt. 4), 1894, 33-36. Sigourney deep well. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 {Pt. 4), 1894, 36-38. Peculiarities of the Mystic coal seam. Amer. Geolo- gist, 13, 1894, 407-411. Preglacial elevation of Iowa. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 23-26. Central Iowa section of the Mississippian series. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1895, 317-325. Cretaceous deposits of the Sioux valley. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 3, 1895, 99-114. Geology of Keokuk county. 4, 1895, 255-311. Geology of Mahaska county. 4, 1895, 313-380. Origin of certain features of coal basins. Jl. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 646-654. Notes on Iowa building stones. [1895.] U. S. Surv. Rep., 1894-95 {Pt. 4), 500-510. Geology of Washington county. [Rep.], 5, 1896, 113-173. Geology of Woodbury county. [Rep.], 5, 1896, 241-299. Geology of Appanoose county. [Rep.], 5, 1896, 361-438. Relations of the Wisconsin and Kansan drift sheets in central Iowa, and related phenomena. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 6, 1897, 429-476. Geology of Polk county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 7, 1897, 263-412. Geology of Guthrie county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 7, 1897, 413-487. A sketch of the geology of Mexico. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 384-390. The Aftonian and pre-Kansan deposits in south- western Iowa. [1897.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 5, 1898, 8(>-101. The Bethany limestone at Bethany, Missouri. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 433-439. Geology of Decatur county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 255-309. Geology of Plymouth county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 315-366. Properties and tests of Iowa building stones. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 8, 1898, 367-416. Notes on the drift of northwestern Iowa. Amer. Geologist, 23, 1899, 168-176. E. S. A. C. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], Geol. Geol. Iowa Geol. Surv. Iowa Geol. Surv. Iowa Geol. Surv. Geology of Carroll county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 9, 1899, 49-107. The western interior coal-field of America. [1898.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 48, 1900, 55-80. Geology of the Wichita mountains. [With report on the fossils by Stuart Weller.] [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 11, 1900, 127-144. Bain, Harry Foster, & Calvin, Samuel. See Calvin & Bain. Bain, Harry Foster, & Iieonard, A[rthur] G[ray]. The Middle Coal Measures of the western interior coal field. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 6, 1898, 577-588. Bain, Harry Foster, & Tilton, J. L. See Tilton & Bain. Bain, Harry Foster, & Todd, James Edward. See Todd & Bain. Bain, J. Watson. The occurrence of gold in some rocks in western Ontario. [1899.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1904, 39-40. A convenient resistance for electrolytic analysis. [1900.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1904, 91-92. Bain, William. The action of certain drugs and mineral waters on the secretion and composition of human bile : an experimental investigation. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 91-130. An experimental contribution to the study of the mechanism of bile secretion. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 69-74. Observations on the excretion of nitrogen in rheuma- toid arthritis. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 124-127. Bain, William, & Edgecombe, Wilfred. The physiological action of certain mineral waters and baths on the blood, and on the excretion of urea and uric acid ; with a note on the quantitative relationship between uric acid and leucocytes. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, 499-511. See also Edgecombe & Bain. Bainbridge, Emerson. An electric pump for underground use. [With discussion.] [1900.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1901, 346-351. Bainbridge, F. Climate in its relation to life. [1888.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1886-89, 254-256. Bainbridge, F[rancis] A[rthur]. The lymph flow from the submaxillary gland. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, xvi ; 26, 1900-01, 79-91. Bainbridge, {Surg.-Maj.) G[eorge]. On an instance of fructification in a staminiferous plant, Carica papaya. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886, 72-73. Bainbridge, J. Examination of specimens of South African aloes. Pharm. Jl., 21, 1891, 899. Baines, A. C. On the sufficiency of terrestrial rotation for the deflection of streams. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 434-436. The sailing flight of the albatross. Nature, 40, 1889, 9-10. The soaring of birds. Nature, 44, 1891, 520-521. Baines, A. E. Submarine cables : earth currents. [1885.] Electrician, 16, 1886, 111-113. Submarine cables : the copper resistance test. Elec- trician, 16, 1886, 188-189. Baines, F. E. Rooks at nesting time. Nature, 54 (1896), 9. Bainier, Georges. Nouvelles observations sur les zygo- spores des Mucorinees. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 19, 1884, 200-216. Sur I'Absidia cserulea. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 184-186. Baird, {Maj.) A[ndrew] W[ilson]. Report on the tidal disturbances caused by the volcanic eruptions at Java, August 27 and 28, 1883, and the propagations of the "supertidal" waves. Roy. Soc. Proc, 36, 1884, 248- 253. Spirit-levelling operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 1, 1886, 619- 631. 32 Baird] 250 [Baker Baird, p/aj.) A[vdrexD] W[ilson], ;5aTBep;i;1;BaHifl cnjiaBOBi), OTBi^iaiomirxT) 3BTeKTii'iecK0u to'ikI;. Ueber die Structur und den Mechanismus der Erstarrung von eutektischen Legirungen.] Russ. Phvs.-Chem. Soc. JL, 32 (Chem.), 1900, 269-270; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 411. 0 iiBJiemax'h saKajiKii, Ha6jiH)uaeMHx'h bi. cnJiaBaxt M'I;ji;ii H cypMIU. [Ueber Hartungser- scheinungen bci Legirungen von Kupfer und Antimon.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc, JL, 32 (Chem.), 1900, 630-633; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 920. Bajkov, A[leksandr] A[leksa7idrovic'\, & Xiiamin, N[ikolaj] N[ikolaevic']. See Ziiamin & Bajkov. Bajla, Eugenia. Sull' azione dello strofanto e della con- vallaria confrontata con quella della digitale. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 108-136. Baker, ^.7>. Mammals of western Kansas. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 56-58. The nine-banded armadillo. Science, 4, 1896, 52. Baker, A[lbert^ R[ufus]. A case of objective noises in both ears. Arch. OtoL, 13, 1884, 293-295. Retinoscopy. Int. Med. Congr, Trans., 1887 (Vol. 3), 774-779. Baker, Alfred. Some experiments in connection with the doctrine of probabilities. [1887.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 5, 1888, 194-197. Baker, (Miss) Annie (et alii). Phenological records for 1890[-93]. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 278-286; 7, 1894, 4-12, 64-70, 145-152. Baker, Arthur Latham. Note on the classification of surds and irrationals. [1893.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 202-203. Circular inversion and its bearing on the Peaucellier cell and the straight line. [1894.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 256-260. — — Algebraic symbols. Amer. Jl. Math., 18, 1896, 62-73. Grai^hic imaginaries. [1894.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, [1900], 151-155. Directed magnitudes. Fundamental operations in mathematics. [1895.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, [1900], 162-170. Baker, Arthur W[yndowe'] W[;illert'\. Notes on the patho- logy of a dentigerous cyst. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 5, Ahth. U), 103-105; Dublin JL Med. ScL, 92, 1891, 272-275. A report on the present aspect of dental caries. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 94, 1892, 200-206. Baker, (Sir) Benjamin. [Pi-esidential address to the Median. Sci. Sect. Aberdeen, Sept. 10th. The existing practical rules respecting the strength of metallic bridges.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1182-1192. Baker, C[harles] F[rpderic'\. [Umlagerungen bei den ungesattigten Siiuren.] VII. Umlagerung der /37-Hexen- sjiure (Hydrosorbinsaure). Liebig's Ann., 283, 1894, 117-128. ■ Baker, C. Weatherall. A magnificent meteor. Nature, 38, 1888, 203. Baker] 251 [Baker Baker, Carl I<\uller]. Michigan Araneae. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 163-164. Preliminary studies in Siphonaptera. Canad. Ent., 27, 1896, 19-22, 63-67, 108-112, 130-132, 162-164, 186- 191. 221-222. Notes on Aphilanthops. Canad. Ent., 27, 1895, 335- 336. Blooming period of Argemone platyceras. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 316. Biological notes on some Colorado Coleoptera. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 27-29. Biological notes on some Colorado Diptera. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 173-174. Two new Apanteles. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 201-203. The North American species of Gnathodus. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 35-42. A new Typhlop.sylla from Mexico. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 85-86. New American parasitic Cynipidas (Allotriinse). Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 131-135. A new Pnlex from Queen Charlotte islands. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 234. Notes on Oxvbelus, with descriptions of new species. Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 59-62, 156-160. New Homoptera received from the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. Psyche, 7, 1896, Suppl. 1, 12-14, 24-26. On Ledra perdita, A. & S. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 38-39. Notes on Philsenus. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 111-112. Some new and little-known Dorydini (Jassinae). Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 157-159. A remarkable new acocephalid from S. America. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 153-154. Four new species of Phlepsius. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 30-32. Notes on Chlorotettix, with some new species. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 219-220. Notes on Jassini, with some new species. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 289-292. Notes on Siphonaptera, with descriptions of four new species. N. Y. Ent. Soc. JL, 6, 1898, 53-56. Five new species of Phlepsius. Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 65-67. A new sub-family in the Jassidas. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 76-77. Notes on the genus Deltocephalus. [1897.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 114-119. Athysanella, a new genus of jassids. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 185-189. Some new Bythoscopinse with notes on others. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 197-201. On some new and anomalous Tettigoninte. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 260-262. New Tettigoninse, with notes on others. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 285-286. On two new and one previously known flea. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 37-38. Kemarks on Empoasca (Hemiptera). Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 90-94. On Alebra and related genera. Psyche, 8, 1899, 401- 405. Four new species of Platymetopius. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 49-50. Notes on Idiocerus (Jassidse). Canad. Ent., 82, 1900, 207-208. Notes on Clastoptera (Cercopidse). Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 463-464. On some American species of Macropsis (Jassidaa). [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 55-59. Baker, Carl F[uUer], & Cockerell, Theodore D[ru} A[lison]. See Cockerell c^ Baker. Baker, Charles Henry. A gigantic annual. Kew Bull., 1899, 135-137. Baker, Charles J[o7im]. Absorption of gases by carbon. Chem. Soc. JL, 51, 1887, 249-258. Baker, E. C. Stuart. The genus Chloropsis. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 6, 1891, 59-03. The bulbuls of North Cachar. [1892-93.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 7, 1892-93, 1-12, 125-131, 263-268, 413-424 ; 8, 1893-94, 1-16. Notes on a new species of wren found in North Cachar, Assam. [1892.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 7, 1892-93, 319-322. Description of a new species of wren from north-east India, together with an account of its nest and eggs. Ibis, 4, 1892, 62-64. The birds of North Cachar. [1893-99.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 162-211; 9, 1894-96, 1-24, 111-146; 10, 1895-97, 1-12, 161-168, 339-371, 539-567; 11, 1897-98, 222-233,390-405; 12, 1898-1900, 486-510. The identification of birds. [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1895-97, 151-152. Notes on the nidification of some Indian birds not mentioned in Hume's "Nests and eggs." Ibis, 1, 1895, 41-64, 217-236 ; 2, 1896, 318-357. Description of a new Cyanops from North Cachar. Novitates ZooL, 3, 1896, 257-258. Indian ducks and their allies. [1896-1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 1-21, 171-198, 347-367, 555-584; 12, 1898-1900, 1-31, 235-261, 437-464, 593- 620; 13, 1900-01, 1-24, 199-222. Note on Pericrocotus speciosus vel p[fr]aterculua. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1895-97, 631- 632, xxix. The blue rock thrush (Petrophila solitaria). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 336. Probable hybrid between the scarlet-backed flower- pecker (Dic8Bum cruentatum) and the fire-breasted flower- pecker (D. ignipectus). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 467. Baker, E. L. Tierra del Fuego. [1887.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 4 (1887-88), 325-336, 378-384, 417-431. Bciker, (Rev.) E. P. Notes on Mount Loa. Amer. Jl. ScL, 37, 1889, 52-53. Note on the recent eruption of Kilauea, Hawaii. Amer. Jl. ScL, 41, 1891, 443. Volcano of Kilauea. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 77. Baker, Edvmnd G[ilhert]. On a new species of Cytinus from Madagascar, constituting a new section of that genus. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bat.), 24, 1888, 465-469. Synopsis of genera and species of Malvese. JL Bot., 28, 1890, 15-18, 140-145, 207-213, 239-243, 339-343, 367-371; 29, 1891, 49-53, 164-172, 362-366; 30, 1892, 71-78, 136-142, 235-240, 290-296, 324-332; 31, 1893, 68-76, 212-217, 267-273, 834-338, 361-368; 32, 1894, 85-38. New plants from the Andes. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 161-162. The Madrid Herbarium. Jl. Bot., 80, 1892, 54-55. On a new form of Rosa tomentosa. Woods, Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 341-342. African species of Lobelia § rhynchopetalum. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 65-70. A new tree Senecio from tropical Africa. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 140-142. Malvastrum v. Malveopsis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 186. Notes on Guttiferse. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 360-364. Revision of the African species of Eriosema. Jl. Bot., 38, 1896, 97-100, 141-148, 227-237. MoHnia caerulea, var. obtusa. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 345-346. On a new Dorsetshire variety of Plantago coronopus, Linv. Dorset Field Club Proc, 17, 1896, 87-95. 32—2 Baker] 252 [Baker [New African plants.] Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 50-54. Note on Pavonia. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 134. Polygala ciliata, Lebel, forma. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 399-400. Notes on Thespesia. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 50-54. New Somaliland Polypetalse. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 2-6. Two old American types. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 129-132. Tilia cordata. Miller, Diet. no. 1 (1768). Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 318-319. Arenaria serpyllifolia. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 351-352. [New Somaliland plants.] Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 60, 62-63, 64-65. Notes on Malvaviscus. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 344-348. Rhodesian Polypetalffi. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 422-438. Note on Hibiscus clypeatus, L. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 52-53. See also Britten {et alii). Baker, Edmund G[ilbert], & Baker, John Gilbert. See below. Baker, Edmund G[ilbert], & Britten, James. See Britten & Baker. Baker, Edmund Glilberf], & Bose, Joseph N[elson'\. See Rose & Baker. Baker, Ernest. [Meteorological observations for the year 1890.] [1891.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 7, 1893, 172-174. Baker, F. Suffolk aliens. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 24. Baker, Frank. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect., Aug. 1890]. The ascent of man. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 351-373. Recent discoveries in the nervous system. N. Y. Med. Jl., 57, 1893, 657-663, 685-692. The nomenclature of nerve cells. [1895.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 373-374. Baker, Frank Collins. Notes on Floridan shells. [1889.] Nautilus, 3, 1889-90, 53-54. Description of a new species of Ocinebra. [1889.] Nautilus, 3, 1889-90, 80-81. Contents of the stomachs of certain birds collected in Brevard Co., Florida, between Jan. 4, and April 15, 1889. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 139-140. Notes on the food of birds. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1889, 266-270. Remarks upon the round-tailed muskrat, Neofiber AUeni, True. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1889, 271- 273. ■ Remarks on Urosalpinx perrugatus, Conrad. [1890.] Nautilus, 4, 1890-91, 29-30; Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1890, 46-47. A catalogue of conchological abbreviations. Nautilus, 4, 1890-91, 89-91, 115-117. On the modifications of the apex in Murex. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1890, 66-72. Notes on a collection of shells from southern Mexico. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 45-55. Remarks on the MuricidsB, with descriptions of new species of shells. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1891, 56-61. ■ Descriptions of new species of Muricidaa, with remarks on the apices of certain forms. Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 1, 1891, 129-137. Catalogue and synonymy of the recent species of the family Muricidae. Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 1, 1891, 153-172. Further notes on the embryonic whorls of the Muricidae. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1894, 223-224. The caves of Yucatan. [1891.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 2. Notes on a collection of shells from the Mauritius ; with a consideration of the genus Magilus of Montfokt. [1891.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 19-40. Preliminary outline of a new classification of the family Muricidffi. [1895.] Chicago Ac Sci. Bull., 2, [1891-1901,] 169-189. The geographical distribution of the MoUusca. Science, 2, 1895, 179-183. On the effect of music on caged animals. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 460-463. On a collection of moUusks from Grand Tower, Illinois. [1897.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 28-30. On the modification of the apex in gastropod moUusks. [1897.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 9, 1896-97, 685-704. Critical notes on the Muricidff". [1897.] St. Louis Ac. Trans., 7 (1894r-97), 371-391. The Mollusca of the Chicago area. The Pelecypoda. Chicago Ac. Sci. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3 {Pt. 1), 1898, 130 pp. Note on moUusks from Arcadia, Missouri. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 36. A day on the Chicago drainage canal. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 63-65. AnewSphajrium. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 65-66. The moUuscan fauna of western New York. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 8 (1898), 71-94. Notes on the mollusks of Lilycash Creek. [1899.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 30-31. Notes on the Mollusca of Owasco Lake, N. Y. [1899.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 57-59. The gross anatomy of Limnaea emarginata, var. Mighelsi, Binney. [1900.] Chicago Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, [1891-1901,] 191-211. On a collection of freshwater shells from Rhode Island. [1900.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 112-113. A revision of the Physa; of north-eastern Illinois. [1900.] Nautilus, 14, 1900-01, 16-24. Shell collecting near Rochester, N. Y. [1900.] Nautilus, 14, 1900-01, 69-71. On the correct position of the aperture in Planorbis. [1896.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 45-48. On the pulsations of the moUuscan heart. [1897.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 73-78. Notes on radulro [of N. American land and freshwater Mollusca]. [1897.] Cincin. Soc Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 81-92. Notes on a collection of Pleistocene shells from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. [1900.] Cincin. Soc Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901,] 175-177. Baker, Frank Collins, & Woodruff, Frank M. Note on Natrix Grahamii, B. & G. Science, 5, 1897, 447. Baker, G[eorge] Plercival]. Travel and ascents in the Basardjusi district, Daghestan. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 13, 1891, 313-328. Baker, George T. See Bethune-Baker. Baker, H[erbert] Brereton. Combustion in dried gases. Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1885, 349-352. Combustion in dried oxygen. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 571-591. Action of light on silver chloride. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 728-736. On the electrification of molecules and chemical change. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 493-496. Influence of moisture on chemical change. Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 611-624. The influence of moisture in promoting chemical action. Preliminary note. [1893.] Chem. Soc Proc, 9, 1895, 129-130. The drying of ammonia and hydrogen chloride. Chem. Soc Jl., 73, 1898 (Pt. 1), 422-426. Vapour density of dried mercurous chloride. Chem. Soc Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 646-648. Baker, H[erbert] Brereton, & Dixon, Harold Baily. See Dixon & Baker. Baker, H^enryl F[rederick']. Weierstrassian formulae applied to the binary quartic and ternary cubic. Quart. Jl. Math., 24, 1890, 1-30. On the centre of an algebraic curve. Quart. Jl. Math., 24, 1890, 338-339. Baker] 253 [Baker [1889.] London Math. Soc. Math. Ann., Math. On Euler's 0-function. Proc. , 21, 1891, 30-32. On Nokther's fundamental theorem. 42, 1893, 601-G04. Ou a geometrical proof of Jacobi's ^-formula. Ann., 43, 1893, 593-597. On the full system of concomitants of three ternary quadrics. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 15, 1894, 62-106. Examples of the application of Newton's polygon to the theory of singular points of algebraic functions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 15, 1894, 403-450. On the theory of Riemann's integrals. Math. Ann., 45, 1894, 118-132. The practical determination of the deficiency (Ge- schlecht) and adjoint 0-curves for a Eiemann surface. Math. Ann., 45, 1894, 133-139. On a certain automorphic function. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 322-327. On fundamental systems for algebraic functions. London Math. Soc. Proc, 26, 1895, 107-119, 559. Note on the gamma function. Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 125-128. On the hyperelliptic sigma functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 20, 1898, 301-384. Abelian functions in connexion with two-dimensional fluid motions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 381-392. On a certain system of differential equations defining periodic functions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 513-521. Note on a property of Pfaffians. London Math. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898, 141-142. Fourier's series. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 319- 320. On the theory of functions of several complex variables. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 408-443. Baker, Harry. The ortho-vanadates of sodium and their analogues. Chem. Soc JL, 47, 1885, 353-361 ; Liebig's Ann., 229, 1885, 286-294. Baker, Henry B\i-ooks]. Climate and health in Michigan. [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884^85), 419-427. The cholera germ. Nature, 30, 1884, 407. Causation of pneumonia. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 3 (1886-87), 430-436; Science, 8, 1886, 189-190; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 14 (1886), 334; N. Y. Med. JL, 46, 1887, 423-427. Relations of certain meteorological conditions to diseases of the lungs and air passages, as shown by statistical and other evidence. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 5), 52-78. Meteorology and disease. [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 5 (1888-89), 422-423. Malaria and the causation of intermittent fever. [1890.] Science, 17, 1891, 197-198. Baker, /[?•«] 0[shorn]. Note on optical theory of the stadia. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 15-16. Natural gas in Illinois. Science, 6, 1885, 520. Baker, J[eremm7t] JS. Malarial fever on Long Island ; its prevalence. Being the report of the Committee on hygiene of the Medical Society of the county of Kings. [1884.] N. Y, Med. JL, 41, 1885, 267-273. Report on cholera. N. Y. Med. JL, 41, 1885, 629-634. Baker, J. H. On Mount Cook glacier-motion. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 153-161. Baker, John G. An improved micro-stereoscopic camera. Franklin Inst. JL, 148, 1899, 145-147. Baker, John Gilbert. *Symbola3 ad floram Brasiliie centralis cognoscendam, edit. Eug. Wakmino. Particula tertia. Filices. [1869.] Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1, 1870, 79-98. [New garden plants.] Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 11, 577, 700; 22, 1884, 102, 198, 328, 488, 616-617, 649; 24, 1885, 230-231; 25, 1886, 9, 104, 136, 648, 681, 814; 26, 1886, 8, 38; 1, 1887, 8, 140, 313, 414, 543, 576, 702, 732- 733, 799-800; 2, 1887, 126, 712; 3, 1888, 10, 392; 4, 1888, 178, 660, 756; 5, 1889, 233, 330, 458, 648; 6, 1889, 38, 94-95, 154. 436, 523, 558, 715, 750; 7, 1890, 192, 288, 640; 8, 1890, 94, 122, 183-184, 524; 9, 1891, 104, 298, 330, 521, 668; 10, 1891, 94-95, 452, 576; 11, 1892, 780; 12, 1892, 150, 300, 488, 582; 13, 1893, 68, 226, 258, 354- 355, 384-385, 506-507, 538-539, 568, 596, 624-625, 682, 710; 14, 1893, 8, 150, 424, 456, 552, 584, 616; 15, 1894, 588, 652, 716; 16, 1894, 34, 212, 336, 467, 562; 18, 1895, 516; 21, 1897, 214, 321 ; 22, 1897, 425 ; 23, 1898, 321-322. Hybrid Cape Gladioli. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 476. New Lachenahas. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 668. Pffionies. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 732, 779-780, 828- 830; 22, 1884, 9-10. Notes on the cultivated asters. Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 523-524, 554, 618, 680-681, 744; 23, 1885, 13, 47-48, 142, 208-209, 306-307, 501-502, 534-535. On the upland botany of Derbyshire. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 6-15. A synopsis of the genus Selaginella. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 23-26, 86-90, 110-113, 243-247, 275-278, 295-300, 373-377; 23, 1886, 19-25, 45-48, 11&-122, 154-157, 176- 180, 248-252, 292-302. New plants from the Zambesi country. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 52-53. Ferns collected in Madagascar by M. Humblot. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 139-144. On the British daffodils. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 193-195. Ferns collected in Costa Rica by Mr. R. G. Harrison. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 362-364. The fathers of Yorkshire botany. [Presidential address, Barnsley, March 4, 1884.] Yorks. Nat. Union Trans., 8, 1885, E, 185-200; 9, 1886, E, 201. Plantas colhidas por F. Newton na Africa occidental. Filices. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. BoL, 3, 1885, 226-229. On the origin of the garden Auricula. Gard. Chron., 23, 1885, 757-758. A classification of garden roses. Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 199. A synopsis of the species and hvbrids of Nerine. Gard. Chron., 24, 1886, 779, 810. On Senecio spathulaefolius, DC. JL Bot., 23, 1885, 8-9. Ferns collected in north Formosa by Mr. William Hancock. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 102-107. A new Selaginella from New Guinea. JL Bot., 23, 1885, 122. New ferns from Brazil collected by Dr. Glaziou. JL Bot., 23, 1885, 217-218. A monograph of the genus Gethyllis. JL Bot., 23, 1885, 225-228. A synopsis of the Cape species of Kniphofia. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 275-281. Further contributions to the flora of... Madagascar. [1884-88.] Linn. Soc. JL (Bot.), 21, 1886, 317-353, 407-455; 22, 1887, 441-537; 25, 1890, 294-350. Notice sur les Rubus des environs de Spa. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 25, 1886 (C. R.), 51-53. [Filices ins. St. Thomse.] Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol. , 4, 1886, 149-158. Kew and its work. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 167-168, 206, 267, 363, 458-459. On the Narcissi ot the Linnean herbarium. Gard. Chron., 25, 1886, 489. On the wild forms of tuberous Solanum. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 746. A synopsis of the European species of Primula, with their distribution. Hortic. Soc. JL, 7, 1886, 234-236. On the relation of the British forms of Rubi to the continental types. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 4-7, 43-47, 71-77. Baker] 254 [Baker European primulas. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 25-26. A synopsis of the Rhizocarpefe. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 97-101, 274-283, 381-382. New ferns collected by J. B. Thurston, Esq., in Fiji. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 182-183. A new tree fern from Central America. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886 243. A new /Echmea. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 243. New Cape Liliacea). Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 335-336. On collection[s] of ferns made in North [and West] Borneo by the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak. [1886-87.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 222-232; 24, 1888, 256-261. Plantse Lehmannianre in Guatemala, Costa Rica et Columbia collectae. LiliacetE, Hfemodoraceas, Araarylli- daceas, DioscoreacejB, Iridaceae. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 8, 1887, 208-216. Reliquiaj Mooreanje. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 639. Mr. J. J. Cooper's Costa Rica ferns. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 24-26. A new Polypodium from Jamaica. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 44. Synopsis of TillandBiea;. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 52-55, 115-118, 171-177, 211-215, 234-246, 277-281, 303-306, 344-347; 26, 1888, 12-17, 39-50, 79-82, 104-111, 137- 144, 167-172. On a collection of ferns made in west central China by Dr. A. Henry. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 170-171. A new Lycopodium from Ecuador. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 374. On Kew Gardens and some of the botanical statistics of the British possessions. [1886.] Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 165-170, 211-214, 230-235, 252-255, 275-277. On a collection of ferns made by Baron Eggers in St. Domingo. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 33-35. • On two recent collections of ferns from western China. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 225-231. Note on Buckinghamshire Rubi. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 248-249. On a third collection of ferns made in West Borneo by the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 323-326. On a new Acrostichum from Trinidad. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 371. North Yorkshire : studies of its botany, geology, climate, and physical geography. Yorks. Nat. Union Trans., 11, 1888, E, 1-48; 12, 1889, E, 49-144; 13, 1889, E, 145-272; 15, 1890, E, 273-336; 17, 1892, E, 337-400. Liste des fougeres des Comores, rapportees par M. HuMBLOT. [1885.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 632-534. Enumeration of the species of Kniphofia. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 588. Notes on saxifrages. Hortic. Soc. JL, 11, 1889, 27-36. [Historical notes on hyacinths.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 11, 1889, 54. The botany of the rose. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 205-209. New petaloid monocotyledons from Cape Colony. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 1-4, 42-45. New ferns from western China. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 176-178. On a new species of Polypodium from Jamaica. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 270. Papaver pilosum and Heldreichii. Gard. Chron., 8, 1890, 211. ■ Vascular Cryptogamia of New Guinea, collected by Sir W. Macgregor. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 103-110. Tonquin ferns. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 262-268. New Guatemalan Bromeliacete. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 305-306. On the vascular Cryptogamia of the island of St. Vincent. [1891.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 163- 172. ■ A summary of the new ferns which have been discovered or described since 1874. [1891.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 181-222, 301-332, 455-500. The forms of Lilium longiflorum and Browni. Gard. Chron., 10, 1891, 225. Ferns of north-west Madagascar. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 3-6. On the Rubi of Capel Curig. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 47-48. A new Strongylodon from Madagascar. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 74-75. New ferns from West Borneo. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 107-108. On the vascular Cryptogamia of the island of Grenada. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 95-102. The new lilies of west China and Tibet. Gard. Chron., 12, 1892, 613. Agaves and arborescent Liliaceaj on the Riviera. Kew Bull., 1892, 1-10. False sisal of Florida. (Agave decipiens. Baker.) Kew Bull., 1892, 183-184. LiliaceaB noyse African Australis Herbarii Regii Bero- :J linensis. [1892.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893 (Beibl., No. 35, 5-8). Liliaceaj nova; Americanas Herbarii Regii Berolinensis. [1892.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893 {Beihl., No. 35, 9). A synopsis of the genera and species of Musefe. Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 189-222. [PlantajGIaziovianaenovaBvel minus cognita;.] Filices. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 17, 1893, 522. A synopsis of the species of Cannas. Gard. Chron., 13, 1893, 42-43, 70, 164, 196. The ferns of New Zealand. Gard. Chron., 14, 1893, 177-178. On the species and garden forms of Canna. [1893.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 16, 1894, 178-188. New ferns of 1892-93. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 121-132. [Saxifraga nivalis, L.] Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 345. [Diagnoses Africans!.] Gentianea3. [BoragineiE. Big- noniacese. Convolvulaceaj. Oleaceaj. Loganiace£e.] Kow Bull., 1894, 25-32, 67-74; 1895, 93-99. Flora of Aldabra Islands. Kew Bull., 1894, 146-151. Note on Myrosma canntefolia, Linn. Jil. Jl. Bot., 33, 1895, 40-42. [On the collections of Mr. Miguel Bang in Bolivia.] Bromeliaceffi. Amaryllidese. [1895-96.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 4, 1893-96, 267, 268; 6, 1896-99, 123-125. The genus Brodiaea and its allies. Gard. Chron., 20, 1896, 213-214, 238-239, 459, 687. On the species and varieties of Tulipa. [1896.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 20, 1896-97, 24-26. Notes on American Erythroniums. Gard. Chron., 21, 1897, 299. Iris Danfordias and I. stenophylla. Gard. Chron., 27, 1900, 170. See also Kew, Royal Gardens. See also Oliver {et iilii). Baker, John Gilbert, & Baker, Edmund Glilberf]. The botany of High-Cup Nick, Westmoreland. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 299-307, 345. Baker, Jolui Gilbert, & Clarke, C[harles'] B[aron]. See Clarke & Baker. Baker, Jo]tn Gilbert, & Bngler, Adolf. [Beitrjige zur Flora von Afrika. in.] Liliaceae Africans. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 15, 1893, 467-479. Baker, John Gilbert, & Slueller, (Baron) Ferdinand [Jacob Ileinrich] von. See Mueller & Baker. Baker, John Gilbert, & Newbould, {Rev.) W[iUiaui\ Wlilliamson]. Notes on the flora of Matlock. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 334-344. \. Baker] 255 [Baker Baker, Jithu Gilbert, Schumann, Karl, Rolfe, liobrrt Allen, & Cogniaux, Alfred. See Scbumann, Baker, Rolfe & Cogniaux. Baker, Julian Levctt, & Ung, Artlmr R[phert\. See Iiing & Baker. Baker, Julian Levett, & Pope, 'Thomas Henry. Mannoga- lactan and laavulomannan. Two new polysaccharides. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Ft. 2), G96-705. Baker, Julian Levett, & "Wood-Smitb, R[obert] F[rancis]. See Smith & Baker. Baker, Marcus. *The November aurora in California. Science, 1, 1883, 40. A collection of formula) for the area of a plane triangle. [1885.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-85), 134-138; 2 (1885-86), 11-18. A group of circles related to Fkukkuach's circle. Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 8, 1885 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 3), 45-52. Geographical centre of the United States. Science, 9, 1887, 390-31)1. What is a topographic map? [1887.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 10, 1888, 11-12 (Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 4), 11 (;;/.s)-12 (bis). A collection of solutions of the trisection problem. [1887.J Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 10, 1888 (Smith- sonian Miscell. Coll., 33, 1888, Art. 4), 96-98. Belief maps. [1894.] Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 12, 1895, 349-367. Geograjihical research in the United States. Geogr. JL, 11, 1898, 52-58. Survey of the northwestern boundary of the United States 1857-61. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 174, 1900, 78 pp. Alaskan geographic names. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Kep., 1899-1900 [Pt. 2), 487-509. A century of geography irr»the United States. The annual presidential address, April 2, 1898. Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 13, 1900, 223-239. Baker, 0[swald]. On the passage fioin the human intestine of swarms of maggots, and an explanation of the source from which they are derived. [1892.] Indian Med. Gaz., 27, 1893, 97-100. Baker, I{[ichard] T[homas]. Some New South Wales plants illustrated. [1891-97.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 572-573; 7, 1893, 333-334, 379-380, 666, [viii]; 8, 1894, 167-168, 237; 9, 1895, 158-159; 10, 1896, 382-384; 22, 1898, 693-697. Description of a new Isopogon (I. Dawsoni) from New South Wales. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1895, 658-659. [Note on a new variety of Acacia decurrens, Willd.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 348. Two new species of Prostanthera from New South Wales. N. S, Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 378- 381, [vii]. On the botany of Eylstone and the Goulburn river districts. Part i. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 427-466, [vii]. Description of two new species of Acacia from New South Wales. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 153-157. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of Australia. [1897-1900.] N. S. Walts Linn. Soc Proc, 22, 1898, 230-239; 24, 1900, 437-447, [viii]; 25, 1901, 659-673. On the Cinnamomums of New South Wales : with a special research on the oil of C. Oliveri, Bail. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 22, 1898, 275-284. Descriptions of two new species of Pultentea. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 438-440. On two well-known but hitherto undescribed species of Eucalyptus. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 23, 1898, 162-171. On new species of Eucalyptus. [1898-1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 23, 1898, 414-419; 24, 1900, 292-300, 596-604; 25, 1901, .303-320, 674-695. On a supj)OHed new genus of the N. O. Myrtacese. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 23, 1898, 767-771. On an apocynaceous plant yielding large edible tubers. [1899.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 24, 1900, 385-390. On two new species of Casuarina. [1899.] N. 8. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 24, 1900, 605-611. On the constancy of specific characters of the genus Eucalyptus. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1900, 229-231. Note on a new meteorite from New South Wales. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 34, 1900, 81-83. Note on an obsidian "bomb" from New South Wales. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 34, 1900, 118-120. On a new species of Angophora. [1900.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 25, 1901, 84-86. Baker, Ii[ic]iard] T[homas], & DXaiden, J[oseph] H[enry]. See Maiden & Baker. Baker, R[ichard] T[hoT)ias], & Smith, Henry G\_eorge']. On the presence of a true manna on a "blue grass," Andropogon annulatus, Forsk. [1896.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 30, 1897, 291-308. On the essential oil and the presence of a solid camphor or stearopteue in the " S^'dney peppermint," Eucalvptus piperita, Sm. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 31, 1897, 195-200. On "gi'ey gum" (Eucalyptus punctata, DC), par- ticularly in regard to its essential oil. N. S. Wales Soy. Soc. Jl., 31, 1897, 259-280. On the "stringybark" trees of N. S. Wales, especially in regard to their essential oils. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. JL, 32, 1898, 104-119. On the Darwinias of Port Jackson and their essential oils. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. JL, 33, 1899, 163-176. Baker, R, W. Analysis of a beryl from Amelia C. H., Amelia Co., Virginia. [1885.] Amer. Chem. JL, 7 (1885-86), 175-176. Baker, [Rev.) S. W. Notes on a bird called malau. [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 452. A description of the new volcano in the Friendly Islands, near Tongatuba. [1885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 41-46. Baker, {Sir) Samuel White. For biography and list of works see Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 11, 1894, 753-754; Geogr. JL, 3, 1894, 152-156; Leo- poldina, 30, 1894, 53; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 227-228; Ornith. Mber., 2, 1894, 31; Roy. Soc. Proc, 55, 1894, xxxiv; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894, 90-92; Geogr. Jbuch., 19, 1897, 360. Baker, Smith. Steps toward insanity. N. Y. Med. JL, 66, 1897, 215-221. Baker, T. The solvent action of pyridine on certain coals. [}Vith discussion.] [1900.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 50, 1903, 23-27. Baker, T., & MCiller, Alexander K[eimeth]. See Miller & Baker. Baker, T. J. Description of a new calorimeter for lecture purposes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 525-526. Notes on the estimation of silver in silver-plating solutions, Chem. News, 76, 1897, 167. Baker, 2\ J., & Baker, T. J. {jun.). Note on the electro- deposition of brass. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 37. Baker, T. J. (jun.). The heat of combination of copper with zinc. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 195- 196. A surface tension experiment. Nature, 62 (1900), 196-197. The frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched india-rubber cord. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 107-112; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 347-351. Baker, 'T. J. (jun.), & Baker, T. J. See above. Baker, T[ho7nas] William. A meteor. Nature, 41, 1890, 418, 449. Baker] 256 [Baklmis Roozeboom Baker, Thomas Elaki'straic]. A valuable Florida deposit. Science, 21, 1893, 327. A rain of fishes. Science, 21, 1893, 335. Baker, W. H., & Oraham, K. M. Mineral found 450 ft. below sea-level, Thames. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Mm.), 1899, C 3, 8. Baker, Wlilliam] Morrant. Three cases of joint disease in connection with locomotor ataxy. [With discussion.] [1894.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 18, 1885, 44-135. Baker, William C[ooinbs]. A lecture demonstration in wave motion. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 175-177. Description of a new Atwood's machine and stop clock. Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 105-109. Baker, William H[etiry~\. Cancer of the uterus; its treat- ment by high amputation compared with total extirpation. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 313-317. ^aiLeMTeU,E[obert]H[all]. Is life a distinct force? [1884.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 17, 1885, 410-417. Bakhnis Roozeboom, H[eiid7'ik] W[iUem]. Sur I'hydrate de I'acide sulfureux. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 29-58. Sur I'hydrate de chlore. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 59-72. Sur I'hydrate de brome. Rec. Ti'av. Chim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 73-83. Sur I'hydrate du gaz chlorhydrique. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 3, 1884, 84-104. Sur la dissociation des hydrates de I'acide sulfureux, du chlore et du brome. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 65-73. Solubilite de I'acide bromhydrique a des temperatures et sous des pressions differentes. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 102-107. Dissociation de I'hydrate HBr2H20. Rec. Trav, Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 108-124, 331-346. La dissociation des composes liquides et la loi de MM. Dkbkay et Wiedemann. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 4, 1885, 355-360. Dissociation du compost AzH4Br.3AzH3 a I'etat solide et a I'^tat liquide. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 361-378. Solubilite du chlore dans Toxychlorure de chrome. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 379-381. Solubility du dioxyde d'azote dans le brome. Eec. Tray. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 382-383. Etude thermique des dissolutions de I'acide brom- hydrique et de I'hydrate HBr.2H20. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 323-334. Sur les conditions d'equilibre de deux corps dans les trois etats, solide, liquide et gazeux, d'apres M. Van der Waals. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 335-350. Sur I'hydrate HBr.2H20. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 5, 1886, 351-362. Sur un nouvel hydrate de I'acide bromhydrique HBr.H20. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 363-379. Application de la formule de M. Van der Waals aux hydrates de SO2, CI2, Br2, et a la glace. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 380-386. Sur les combinaisons du bromure d'ammonium avec I'ammoniaque. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 387-392. Sur les points quadruples dans I'^quilibre d'un systeme form6 de deux corps. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 393-413. Sur les differentes formes de I'equilibre chimique heterogene. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 262-303. Sur les points triples et multiples, envisages comme points de transition. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 304-332. Sur I'astrakanite et les sels doubles hydrates en general. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 333-355. Sur la formation des hydrates de gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1292-1293. Studien iiber chemisches Gleichgewicht. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 449-481. Die Umwandlungstemperatur bei wasserhaltigen Dop- pelsalzen und ihre Loslichkeit. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 513-522. [Het gedrag van zouten tegenover water.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded. , 6, 1889, 362-366. Etude experimentale et theorique sur les conditions de I'equilibre entre les combinaisons solides et liquides de I'eau avec des sels, particulierement avec le chlorure de calcium. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 199-354; Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 8, 1889, 1-146; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 31-65. Sur les brusques changeraents dans la solubilite des sels, occasionnes par la formation de deux couches liquides. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 8, 1889, 257-272. Sur la solubilite des sels. [Repouses a M. Le Chatelier.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 108, 1889, 744-747, 1013-1015. Sur les combinaisons des motaux alcalins avec I'ammoniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 134- 137. Die Beziehungen zwischen dem wasserfreien Thorium- sulfat und seinen Hydraten, und die Verzogerungser- scheinungen bei der Hydratierung und Dehydratierung dieses Salzes. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 198- 216; Arch. Neerland., 24, 1891, 233-257. Ueber die Loslichkeit von Mischkrystallen, speziell zweier isomorpher Korper. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 504-530; Arch. Neerland., 26, 1893, 137-170. Die Loslichkeit der Mischkrystalle von KCIO3 und TICIO3. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 531-535; Arch. Neerland., 26, 1893, 171-178. Over de oplosbaarhald van isomorfe mengsels. [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 50-52. [Over de samenstelling van het zeowater nabij de Hollandsche kust.] [181(1.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 81-83; Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 10, 1891, 91-99. [Over den invloed der isomorphic op het gedrag van dubbelzouten tegenover de waterige oplossing hunner componenten.] [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 259-261; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 145-164; Arch. Neerland., 27, 1894, 1-27. Over de hydraten van ijzerchloried en hunne oplos- baarhcid. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 417-418; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 477-503; Arch. N(^erland., 27, 1894, 28-64. Over de oplosbaarheidslijnen voor stelsels van twee stoffen. [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 93-96 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 359-389; Arch. Neer- land., 28, 1895, 78-120. Over evenwichten tusschen vloeibare en vaste phasen in het stelsel : water, zoutzuur en ijzerchloried. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 11-15. Over de graphische voorstelling van heterogene even- wichten in stelsels van ^en tot vier stoffen. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 45-48 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 145-158; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 69-86. Over den invloed van uitwendigen druk op de omzet- ting van zwart in rood zwavelkwik. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 162-164; Fortschr. Phys., 1895 (Abth. 1), 164-165. Palladiumwaterstof. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1895, 267-270. Smeltlijnen bij stelsels van twee en drie organische stoffen. [1897.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 62-64. Stol- en overgangspunten bij mengkristallen van twee stoffen. Congealing points and points of transition in Bakhuis Roozeboom] 257 [Bakunin mixed crystals of two substances. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. VerpL, 7, 1899, 134-136; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 101-103; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 385- 429; Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 414-463. Over stol- en smeltverschijnselen bij stoffen, welke tautomeric vertoonen. On congealing- and melting- phenomena in substances showing tautomerism. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 235-238; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 176-179. Oplosbaarheid en smeltpunt als kriteria voor de onderscheiding van racemische verbindingen, pseudo- racemische mengkristallen en inaktieve konglomeraten. On solubility and melting point as criteria for distin- guishing racemic combinations, pseudoracemic mixed crystals and inactive conglomerates. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 376-379; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 310-313; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 537-541; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 494-517; Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 201-227. Smeltpunten bij stelsels van optische isomeren. On melting points in systems of optic isomers. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 533-535; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 466-468. Erkennung von Bacemkorpern in festem und fliis- sigem Zustande. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2172-2177. Een voorbeeld van omzetting van mengkristallen in verbinding. An example of the conversion of mixed crystals into a compound. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 33-36; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 74-77. De natuur van liet inactieve carvoxim. The nature of inactive carvoxime. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 215-217; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 160-162. Sur la solidification de melanges liquides de substances tautomeres. Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 187-200. Sur r^quilibre de cristaux mixtes avec la phase vapeur. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 360-365. Ueber die Bedeutung der Phasenlehre. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1900 {Th. 1), 169-171. Iron and steel from the point of view of the "phase- doctrine." Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1900 (No. 2), 311-316; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 437-487. Het gedrag der mengsels van kwikiodide en zilver- iodide. The behaviour of mixtures of mercuric iodide and silver iodide. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 6-8; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 84-86. Bakhuis Roozeboom, H[endrik] W[iUem], & Schreine- makers, F[rans] Alntoon] H[ubert]. Gleichgewichte zwischen fliissigen und festen Phasen im System : Wasser, Chlorwasserstoff, Eisenchlorid. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 588-637; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 95-161. Bakbuyzen. See Sande Bakbuyzen. Bakker, Gerrit. Ueber eine Eigenschaft der Verdam- pfungswarme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 10, 1892, 558- 562. Bemerkung iiber den Molekulardruck. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 280-286. Zur Theorie der Fliissigkeiten und Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 670-678; 14, 1894, 446-455. Thermodynamische Betrachtungen iiber Molekular- druck. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 145-154. Thermodynamische Ableitung der Zustandsgleichung von Van der Waals fiir Fliissigkeiten und Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 14, 1894, 456-466. Bemerkung iiber die Fnnktion a in der Zustands- gleichung von Van dek Waals. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 14, 1894, 664-670. Znsammenhang zwischen den Gesetzen von Mariotte, Gay-Lussac und Joule. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. , 14, 1894, 671-672; 17,1896,171-172. R. S. A. C. The pressure of a saturated vapour as an explicit function of the temperature. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 79. Zur Theorie der Gase und Fliissigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1896, 678-688; 20, 1896, 461-462; 22, 1897, 543-.544. Ueber die innere Verdampfungswarme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1896, 519-520. Die Dampfdruckformel und das Gesetz des geraden Durchmessers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1896, 64.5-657. Zur Theorie der iibereinstimmenden Zustande. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 127-133, 507-508. Ueber die potentielle Energie und das Virial der Molekularkrafte u. s. w. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 497-506. Une propriete de la chaleur de vaporisation des gaz liquefies. Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 131-133. Theorie des liquides a molecules simples. Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 577-588; 7, 1898, 511-515. Ueber den Molekulardruck. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 277-278. Relation entre les lois caracteristiques des gaz parfaits. Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, 152-154; 8, 1899, 214-215. Theorie dynamique de la capillarite. Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 545-552; 9, 1900, 394-404. Bemerkung zur "Thermodynamischen Theorie der Kapillaritat " von Van der Waals. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 708-718; 34, 1900, 168-178. Opmerking over de molekulaire potentiaalfunctie van Van der Waals. A remark on the molecular potential function of Prof. Van der Waals. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 223-238; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 163-178. De potentiaalfuncties ,, Ae-'i^ + Be'P' .. ^ sin (or -t- a) (r) = en (»■) = ^ aiid -^ (»•) = y and the potential function of Van deb Waals. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 308-324; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 247-262. Theorie de I'induction ^lectrique. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 312-321. Zur Theorie der Kapillaritat. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 33,1900,477-499. Theorie der Kapillarschicht zwischen den homogenen Phasen der Fliissigkeit und des Dampfes. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 35, 1900, 598-603. Bakker, H. P. A. Het rijk Sanggau. Batavia, Tijdschr., 29, 1884, 353-463, 597-600. B^owski, Jozef. For biographical notice and list of works see Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 25-29. Mi^czaki galicyjskie. [MoUusca of Galicia.] Kosmos (Lwow). 9, 1884, 190-197, 275-283, 376-391, 477-490, 604-611, 680-697, 761-789. Mi§czaki z gor drohobyczich, z okolicy ^orawna i Mikoiajowa. [Mollusca from the Drohobycz mountains, near Zorawno and Mikolaj6w.] Krak6w Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 18, 1884 {Cz. 2), (93)-(98). Utwor dyluwialny mi^dzy Koropcem a dolnym biegiem Strypy na Podolu. [Diluvial formation between Koropice and the lower course of the Strypa in Podolia.] Kosmos (Lwow), 10, 1886, 398-405. Ita3s.viiiiu, Marussia = Maria. Sugli acidi fenilnitrocinna- mici e sui loro isomeri stereometrici. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 25 (1896, Pt. 1), 137-189; 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 48. Stereoisomeri degli acidi fenilnitrocinnamici (fen- 2-nitrofen-l-propenilacidi). Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 34-48. 33 Bakunin] 258 [Balbiani Stereoisomero dell' acido fenilcinnamico (fen-2-fen- 1-propenilacido). Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 48-55. Sulla formazione degli indoni iu rapporto coUe stereoisomerie e su di un nuovo metodo per la pre- parazioue di indoni, anidridi ed eteri. [1900.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pi. 2), 340-364; Napoli, Ace. Atti, 10, 1901, No. 11, 21 pp. Sull' acido ossifenilcinnamico. Napoli, Eend., 39, 1900, 209-215; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 370-377. Bakunin, Marussia, & Oglialoro-Todaro, Agostino. See Oglialoro-Todaro & Bakunin. Bakunin, Sofia. Recherches sur la respiration et la secretion renale de I'embryon. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 3, Pediatr.), 56-60. Sur I'activit^ secretrice des Epitheliums de Wolff et des Epitheliums renaux dans les premiers jours de developpement embryonnaire. Arch. Ital. Biol., 23, 1896, 350-354. Sur revolution des fonctions embryonnaires. Ee- cherches experimentales. Arch. Ital. Biol., 23, 1895, 420-423. Balachowsky, Dmitry. Sur le dosage electrolytique du bismuth. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 179-182. Sur le dosage Electrolytique du cadmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 384-387. Balagny, G. [Ersatz fiir Glasplatten in der Photographie.] Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 21, 1884, 161-163. DEveloppement h I'hydroquinone. Moniteur Sci., 6, 1892, 33-34. Les procEdEs pelliculaires et leurs applications aux impressions aux encres grasses. [1892.] Ann. Conserv. Arts et MEt., 5, 1893, 159-194. Balansa, Benjamin. For biography and works see Nature, 45, 1892, 349; Rev. Bot., 10, 1892, 661-664. GraminEes nouvelles de I'AmErique du Sud. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 243-245. Catalogue des GraminEes de I'Indo-Chine frangaise. Jl. Bot., Paris, 4, 1890, 27-32, 76-84, 109-116, 135-145, 161-172. Balansa, Benjamin, & Sav&s, Th. Musci exotici. Eev. Bryol., 14, 1887, 56-58. Balardini, Lodovico. For biographical notice see Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1891, 295-299. :aa.lAieva., M[arija] Dlmitrievna]. 0 BJliflHin BHiuiHeR cpejtH II npejiMymecTBeHHo o6LeMa BOAHaro 6acceHHa na HtKOTopHxt iiai. cjih3hjikobt.. (De I'influence du milieu extErieur et principalement celle des dimensions du bassin d'eau sur quelques Mollusques.) New Euss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 12 {No. 1), 1887, 21-28. 0 BJiiflHiii BHiiiiHeft cpejtH h iipeiiMymecT- BeHHO TeMnepaiypH bo;i,h ii B03ji;yxa na Planorbis Vertia. (De I'influence du milieu exterieur et principale- ment celle de la tempErature de I'eau et de I'air sur les Planorbis Vertia.) New Euss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 13 (No. 1), 1888, 161-184. 0 BJiiiiHiH BHiiimefi cpeji,H BOo6ine ii iiBiioBi. Bt oco6eHHOCTn na cjiHSHflKOBi, iipiiHa;i;.ie- aiamilXl K1. po^taMT) Limnajus ii Planorbis. [On the influence of the external environment in general aud plants in particular on Mollusca belonging to the genera Limneeus and Planorbis.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 67 [No. 6), 1891, 15-18. 0 BJiiaiiiii BHiiuHeH cpeji;H Boo6iii,e ii nBfiXOBi, Bl OCoCeHHOCTlI na HliKOTOpHXl> MOilJIOCKOBX HaniHXt BOJI.'b. [On the influence of the external environment in general and plants in particular on some molluscs of Eussian waters.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 19-21. Balat, G. Facule remarquable. Brux. , Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 1, 1896, 107. La mEteorite de Lesves. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 1, 1896, 128-129. Balazs, Mnr. Uj szerkezetii higany-kompenzaczi6-inga. [New mercury compensation pendulum.] Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893 {Siippl), 47-48. Balbi, Adriano. For biography and works see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 18, 1881, 528-532. Balbi, (conte) Emilio. Descrizione di una nuova specie ligure del genere Bathy scia, Schi^dte. Bathyscia Murialdii, n. sp. Boll. Natlista., Siena, 8, 1888, 154. Diagnosi e descrizioni di due nuove specie dei generi Leptura (Linneo) e Timarcha (Latreille). Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 49-50. Descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Hispa (Linneo). Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 195-196. Descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Microtyphlus [Lind.). Eoma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 1, 1892, 197-198. Note suir habitat dell' Anophthalmus Carantii, Sella. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 72-75. Diagnosi e descrizione d' una nuova specie italiana del genere Meloe, Linneo. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 93-97. Note sul genere Scotodipnus, Schaum, ed osservazioni comparative sugli Scotodipnus Doderoi, Balbi, e Scoto- dipnus strictus, Baudi. Itiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 50-52, 100-103. Difformitates et monstrositates Coleopterorum in collectione BalbiI. [1898.] Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 150-156. Balbi, Vittorio. Effemeridi del Sole e della luna per 1' orizzonte di Torino e per [gU anni 1895-99]. [1894-98.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30. 1895, 4-19, 869-883; 31, 1895, 646-660 or 1046-1060; 32, 1896, 772-788 or 1034-10.10; 33, 1897, 598-614 or 832-848. Balbiani, E[douai-d] G[erard]. For biography and list of works see Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 151-152; Nature, 60 (1899), 399; Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 265-266; Arch. Anat. Micr., 3, 1900, i-xxxvi. M. Maupas et les Infusoires ciliEs. Arch. Zool. Exper., 2, 1884, ii-iii. Les organismes unicellulaires. Les Protozoaires. Jl. Mierogr., 8, 1884, 9-13, 66-75, 134-142, 249-257, 367- 375. Sur les effets des badigeonnages goudronneux sur les vignes phylloxErEes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 634-637. Sur I'utilitE de la destruction de I'oeuf d'hiver du Phylloxera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 159-161. Sur un Infusoire ciliE parasite du sang de I'aselle aquatique (Anoplophrya eirculans). Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1886, 277-303. Contribution a I'Etude de la formation des organes sexuels chez les inseetes. Eeo. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1886, 527-7588. Evolution des micro-organismes animaux et vEgEtaux. Jl. Mierogr., 10, 1886, 535-544; 11, 1887, 54-62, 134-142, 170-177, 196-205, 233-240, 365-373, 393-406, 434-446, 463-476, 499-511, 534-544; 12, 1888, 11-19, 41-49, 134-142, 173-182, 205-212, 235-243, 266-273, 303-308, 394-400, 421-429, 453-458, 517-523; 13, [1889,] 5-9, 262., Etudes bacteriologiques sur les Arthropodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 952-954. Les poissons vivipares. Rev. Sei., 37, 1886, 732. Observations relatives k une note rEcente de M. Maupas, sur la multiplication de la Leucophrys patula. Paris, Ac. Sei. C.R., 104, 1887, 80-83. Observations au sujet d'une note rEcente de M. Donna- ciEu sur les pontes hivernales du Phylloxera, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 667-669. Balbiani] 259 [Baldacci Sur trois Entophytes nouveaux du tube digestif des Myriapodes. Kobin, Ji. Anat., 25. 1889, 5-45. Etude sur le Loxode. [1890. J Ann. Microgr., '2, 1889-90, 401-431. Etudes anatomiques at histologiques sur le tube digestif des Cryptops. Arch. Zool. Exper., 8, 1890, 1-82. Sur la structure intime du noyau du Loxophyllum meleagris. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 110-115, 132-136. Sur la formation des monstres doubles chez les Infusoires. Robin, JI. Anat., 27, 1891, 169-196. Sur les regenerations successives du peristome comme caractere d'age chez les Stentors et sur le role du noyau dans ce phenomene. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 312-316, 323-327. Recherches exp^rimentales sur la merotomie des Infusoires cilies. Contribution k I'etude du role physio- logique du noyau cellulaire. [1888.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 1-72. Nouvelles recherches experimentales sur la merotomie des Infusoires cilies. Ann. Microgr., 4 (1891-92), 369- 407, 449-489; 5 (1893), 1-25, 49-84, 113-1.37. Centrosome et "Dotterkern." Robin, Jl. Anat., 29, 1893, 145-179. Sur la structure et la division du noyau chez le Spirochona gemmipara. Ann. Microgr., 7 (1895), 241- 260, 289-312. Contribution a I'etude des secretions epith^liales dans I'appareil femelle des Arachnides. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1, 1897, 1-68. Etudes sur Taction des sels sur les Infusoires. Arch. Anat. Micr., 2, 1898, 518-600. Balbiani, E[douard] G[erard], & Henneguy, L[ouis] Felix. Sur la signification physiologique de la division cellulnire directe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. li., 123, 1896, 269-270. Balbiano, Luigi. Costituzione dell' acido bibromoanisico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 9-12. Sopra alcuni composti fluorati del rame ed un ossi- fluoruro cuprammonico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 74-84. Costituzione dell' acido monobromanisico e sopra un nuovo acido nitrobromanisico ed amidoanisico. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 234-251. Sulla canfofenilidrazina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1886, 246-248. Ricerche sul gruppo della canfora. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 {Sem. 1), 101-107, 632-635; 3, 1887 (Sevi. 1), 140-148, 509-513; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 16, 1886, 132-139 ; 17, 1887, 95-99, 155-164, 240-245. Sopra alcuni derivati del pirazolo. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 1), 339-343; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 17, 1887, 176-182. [Ricerche sul gruppo del pirazolo.] I. Sopra alcuni derivati monosostituiti del pirazolo e sui composti idrogenati che ne derivano. [II. Sopra due acidi pirazolbeuzoici. III. Derivati bromurati del 1-fenil- pirazolo. IV. Azione del cloruri acidi sul 1-feniIpirazolo. V. Sopra alcuni derivati della trimetilenfenildiamina. VI. Sintesi del pirazolo. VII. Sopra alcuni derivati dell' 1-fenilpirazolo.] [1888-90.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 354-379, 577 ; 19, 1889, 119-128, 128-134, 134-141, 688-692; 20, 1891, 459-465, 466-475; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 16-34 [Part i]; Ann. di Chim., 9, 1889, 3-12, 89-95, 161-169 [Parts ii-ivj; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1103-1108, 1448-1453 [Parts vi & vii]. Contribuzione alio studio del cromato basico di rame. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sein. 1), 697-600; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 195-198. Sulla trimetilenfenilimina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 [Sem. 2), 44-46. ' Sopra una nuova serie di composti del platino derivanti dai pirazoli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (8evi. 2), 26-34. Sulle relazioni fra pirrazolo, pirrolo e piridina. [1894.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 411-548. Suir ossidazione delT acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sen. 1), 278-284; 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 240-244; 3, 1894 (.Sew. 2), 282-286; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2133-2137 [Part only]. Sopi'a i composti plato-pirrazoiici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei liend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 366-376; 2, 1893 (Sevi. 1), 197-201; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 524-529 [Part only]. Sul fenil-etil-dimetil-pirrazolo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 410-417; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 323-332. Sopra un composto platinico deUa gliossalina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 433-436; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 101-104. Ueber die Oxydationsproducte der Camphersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1506-1508. Brevi osservazioni sulla nota dei signori Fr. Mahla e Ferd. Tiemann : Zum Abbau der Campher.saure. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Pt. 1), 52-61. Sui prodotti di ossidazione delT acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 101-107, 236-239; 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 422-427; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 289-294 [Part only]. Sulla costituzione dell' acido canforico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 3-12 ; 8, 1899 {Sem. 1), 232-239; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1901-1909; 32, 1899, 1017-1023. Sugli acidi pirrazolcarbonici. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 1), 382-390. Ricerche analitiche sull' acido canforico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 2), 490-592. Sul bromofencone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Pt. 2), 382-388. Balblano, Luigi, & XHCarcIiettl, G[ueiriero]. Sintesi di omologhi deir l-fenilpirrazolo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 114-119 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 485-492. Alcune esperienze su composti pirrazolici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei i^end., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 398-403 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 8-14. Balbiano, Luigi, & Severinl, Ostilio. Sopra alcuni acidi della serie pinazoiica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 195-203; 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 3-8; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 309-319, 354-360. Balbiano, Luigi, & Tartuferi, Ferruccio. Sul cloromer- curato di cocaina ed alcune esperienze sul suo potere antisettico. Ann. di Chim., 6, 1887, 157-171. Balbiano, Luigi, & Trasciatti, D[ecio]. Ueber ein neues Derivat des Glykocolls. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2323-2326. Balbin, Valentin. Geometrografia. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 44, 1897, 110-123; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 439. Balch, Alfred W. A possible cause of azoturia. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., [4, 1900,] 234-238. Balcb, Alfred II'., & Ffaff, Franz. See Pfeff & Baleb. Balcb, Edwin Swift. Ice caves and the causes of sub- terranean ice. Franklin Inst. JL, 143, 1897, 161-178. Subterranean ice deposits in America. Franklin Inst. Jl., 147, 1899, 286-297. Balch, S[amuel] W. The mechanics of the friction clutch. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 6, 1886, 118-130. Chronology and ancient eclipses. [1895.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 2, 1896, 8, 10-11. Balcke, Jf. Spannungsmesser fiir Briicken. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 293, 1894, 175-180. Balcom, (Miss) L[illia7i] L[yn7i], & Orndorff, W[illiam] E[id(iely]. See Orndorff & Balcom. Baldacci, Antonio. Sguardo sulla flora di Corfi, Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 135-136. Nel Montenegro. Cenni ed appunti intorno alia flora di questo paese. [II. II [suo] viaggio botanico del 1890.] 33—2 Baldacci] 260 [Baldi [1890-91.] Malpighia, 4, 1890, 331-339, 378-403, 449- 471. Nel Montenegro. Una parte delle [sue] raccolte. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 62-82. Altre notizie intern o alia flora del Montenegro. Malpighia, 6, 1892, 58-89, 149-178; 7, 1893, 59-78, 163-191, 279-288. Escursione botanica alio scoglio di Saseno. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 80-84. ■ Eicordi di un viaggio botanico fra Prevesa e Janina. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 84-88. Osservazioni Bulla ramificazione del Symphytum orientale, L., applicate al genere Symphytum, L. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 337-341. Osservazioni sulla natura simpodiale di alcune in- fiorescenze di Borraginee. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 393-397. Sulla ramificazione delle Apocinee (latiori sensu di Ant. Lor. de Jcssieu). [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 397-401. Osservazioni sulle Eotatae e particolarmente sul genere Vaillantia, DC. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 203-208. La stazione delle "doline." Studi di geografia botanica sul Montenegro e su gli altri paesi ad esso finitimi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 25, 1893, 137-151. Affinita delle Aristolochiacee e dei generi aristolo- chiacei. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 49-54. Eivista critica della coUezione botanica fatta nel 1892 in Albania. Malpighia, 8, 1894, 69-87, 159-192, 278-301. Contribute alia conoscenza della flora dalmata, montenegrina, albanese, epirota e greca. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 90-103. Monografia della sezione " Aizopsis, DC." del genere Draba, L. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1, 1894, 103-121. Eisultati botanici del viaggio compiuto in Greta nel 1893. Malpighia, 9, 1896, 31-70, 251-279, 329-355, ■ Prodotti vegetali (indigeni o no) che si usauo nel- r Albania e nell' Epirus (vilayet di Janina). Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 19, 1896, 58-82. Itinerari albanesi. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 45-79, 378-409; 7, 1897, 15-44. Die westliche akrokeraunische Gebirgskette. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 39, 1896, 787-814. Eivista della collezione botanica fatta nel 1895 [e nel 1896] in Albania. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 386- 419; 5, 1898, 5-44; 6, 1899, 5-37, 149-187, 333-356. Die ptianzengeographische Karte von Mittel-Albanieu und Epirus. [Tr.] Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 163- 170, 179-183. Vromonero e le sue acque solfuree. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 23-27. Gli Albanesi nel Montenegro. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 346-352. Considerazioni preliminari sulla fitogeografia del- r Albania settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 35, 1898, 569-575. Eicerche sulla struttura della foglia e del caule della Forsythia europsea, Degen et Baldacci. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 481-490 or 155-164. Osservazioni sulla struttura anatomica dell' asse simpodioforo e principalmente del cono vegetativo arrestato del Symphytum orientale, L. Bologna Eend., 4, 1900, 74-78. Dal Montenegro al golfo di Ambracia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 208-223. Baldacci, Antonio, & Baccardo, Pier' Andrea. Onorio Belli e Prospero Alpino e la flora dell' isola di Greta. Malpighia, 14, 1900, 140-163. Baldacci, L[uigi]. Descrizione geologica dell' isola di Sicilia. Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt., 1, 1886, xxxii + 403 pp. Osservazioni fatte nella colonia Eritrea, Italia Carta Geol. Mem. Descritt., 6, 1891, 110 pp. La VII sessione del Congresso Geologicolnternazionale a Pietroburgo e la escursione agli Urali. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 28, 1897, 248-276. Baldacci, L[uigi], & Canavari, M[ario]. La regione centrale del Gran Sasso d' Italia. Osservazioni geo- logiche. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 15, 1884, 345-359. Baldacci, L^uigi], & Tranchi, Secondo. Studio geologico della galleria del Colledi Tenda (linea Cuneo-Ventimiglia). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 31, 1900, 33-87. Baldacci, L[uigi], & Viola, Carlo. SuU' estensione del Trias in Basilicata e sulla tettonica generale dell' Ap- pennino meridionale. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 25, 1894, 372-390. BaldamuB, [August Karl] Eduard. For biography and works see Dresden Isis Sber., 1893, 36; Frankf., Zool, Garten, 34, 1893, 348; Leopoldina, 29, 1893, 207; Ornith, Mber., 1, 1893, 210-212; Ibis, 6, 1894, 148; Ornith. Jbuch., 5, 1894, 161-175; Auk, 12, 1895, 94-95. Ueber Pyrrhocorax alpinus (Alpendohle) und Tieho- droma muraria (Alpenmauerlaufer). Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 138-139. Baldassari, L[uigi]. Ueber die Wirkung der Diphtherie- toxine auf den Zellkerii. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 625- 630. Baldassarre, Salvatore. Contributo alio studio di alcuni fatti relativi alia riproduzione delle cavalle, vacche, pecore, e troje, Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 9, 1896, No. 3, 96 pp. Osservazioni alia memoria del prof. Boubee sulla utilizzazione delle spazzature nelle grandi citt4. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 10, 1897, No. 9 (Oss.), 7 pp. Baldenberger, T. Note sur un perfectionnement dans la teinture du rouge turc. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 66, 1896, 382-384. Balderston, (Capt.) B. J. On the passage of a whirlwind over the ship Bactria of Liverpool. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 14,1888, 78. Baldewein, Budolf. Die Ehinologie des Hippokrates. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 28, 1896, 101-118. Baldi, Dario. Sulla formazione dei componenti biliari e sulla funzione emuntoria del fegato. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 154-177. L' alcalinita del sangue e della saliva durante la digestione gastrica. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 400-404. Effetti della recisione delle radici posteriori sui movi- menti. Sperimentale, 56, 1885, 265-289. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Verbreitung des Jeeorins im thierischen Organismus. Arch, Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1887 (Suppl), 100-108. Sulle proprieta narcotiche degli idrocarburi grassi introdotti nella molecola. Sperimentale, 60, 1887, 302- 315. Sul meccanismo di azione della cocaina e sulla ecci- tabilit^ della midoUa spinale. Ann. di Chim., 8, 1888, 241-253. Intorno alia formazione degli acidi biliari nell' orga- nismo. [1888.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 107-110. L' escrezione della creatinina durante il digiuno e sua formazione nell' organismo. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 268-274, 569-570. Deir azione trofica che il sistema nervoso esercita sugli altri tessuti. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 359-375. [Sul decorso della secrezione biliare.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 519-526. Action de la nicotine sur le nerf vague. [1890.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 15, 1891, 314-320. Sur Taction physiologique de la kavaine. Arch. Ital, Biol., 17, 1892, 14-24. La valeur nutritive de I'asparagine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 256-260. Action physiologique de I'hydrazine. Arch. Ital. Biol., 19, 1893, 420-424. Intorno all' influenza di alcuni agenti chimici sul Baldi] 261 [Baldwin diabete sperimentale per asportazione del pancreas. Cougr Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 3, FarmacoL), 121-123. Sulla formazione dello zucchero nell' organismo animale. Sperimentale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 5-25. Sill principio attivo del siero antidifterico. Ann. di Chim., 23 & 24, [1896,] 374-375. Valeur du chlorure de sodium sur I'absorption intesti- nale des peptones. [1896.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 27, 1897, 394-400. Sur I'inriuence du sue pancr^atique comparativement k celle de la bile dans I'absorption des graisses. Arch. Ital. Biol., 27, 1897, 255-259. Presenza del bromo nella glandula tiroide normals. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Bend., 31, 1898, 179-182. Si la thyr^oide detruit un poison qui se formerait normalement dans I'organisme. [1898.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 281-286. II posto che la farmacologia occupa nel campo delle scienze biologiche e nella pratica medica. Ann. di Farm. e Chim., [1899,] 2-18. Le zanzare e la infezione malarica secondo le moderne vedute. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899,] 464-475. La crioscopia nelle indagini biologiche e specialmente neir analisi dell' urina. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900,] 358-367. I problemi sull' immunity,. Ann. di Farm, e Chim. , [1900,] 407-418. — — Suir op^ameiito del eristallino in cani tiroidettomiz- zati e sulla cura tiroidea nella cachessia stumipriva. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900,] 517-524. Baldi, Dario, & Novi, Ivo. See Wovl & Baldi. Balding, Alfred. Voracity of the Drosera. Nature, 30, 1884, 241. Carex ligerica, Gay, in West Norfolk. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 51. Baldinl, T. Arturo. Sul tallone di alcune Cucurbitacee. [1884.] Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu., 1, [1886,] 49-65. Di alcune particolari escrescenze del fusto del Laurus nobilis, L. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 2, 1886, 69-85. Sopra alcune produzioni radical! del genere Podo- carpus, L'Herit. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 474-477. Le gemme della Pircunia dioica, Moq. Boma 1st, Bot. Annu., 3, 1888, 122-131. Baldini, U[go]. Contribuzione alio studio degli Imenotteri del Modenese. Sfecidi-Vespidi. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 45-86. Baldoni, Alessandro. Lo scambio gasoso polmonare nei cani tiroidectomizzati. [1899.] Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899,] 193-213 ; Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901,] 63-90. Contribute alia chimica dei calcoli pancreatici. [1899. ] Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899,] 289-292; Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901,] 91-95, Baldracco, G[iacinto]. Sull' azione dell' acido nitroso sopra r etere acetilglutarico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 202-207; Jl. Prakt. Chem,, 49, 1894, 196- 199. Baldracco, G[iacinto], & Errera, Giorgio. See Errera & Baldracco. Baldracco, G[iacinto], & Filetl, Michele. See Fileti & Baldracco. Baldrati, Isaia. Contributo alia ricerca della eziologia della antracnosi punteggiata della vite. [Comunicazione preventiva.] [1896.] [Italia], Soc. Bot, Bull., 1897, 10-12. Di due micromiceti scoperti nel Ferrarese, nuovi per la flora italica. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 244-246. La struttura anatomica e la interpretazione morfo- logica della perula del bulbo di alcune specie del genere Allium. Nuovo Giorn. Bot, Ital,, 4, 1897, 214-223. Appunti di cecidiologia. Nuovo Giorn, Bot, Ital,, 7, 1900, 5-95. Baldrich, J. Amadeo. El Chaco boreal. Argentina, Inst. Geogr, Bol,, 5, 1884, 5-14, El Chaco central norte. Toma del Bermejo y Teuco, Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 6, 1886, 124-128, 145-160. Balducci, E[nrico]. Delia morfologia comparata dello sterno, Cougr. Med, Int, Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Anat.), 97-99, Baldwin, Caroline Willard. A photographic study of arc spectra. Phys. Rev., 3, 1896, 370-380, 448-457. Baldwin, D[avid] D[wight]. Descriptions of new species of Achatinellidas from the Hawaiian Islands. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 214-236, Description of two new species of Achatinellidae from the Hawaiian Islands, [1896,] Nautilus, 10, 1896-97, 31-32. Hawaiian Cypraeidae. [1898.] Nautilus, 11, 1897-98, 123. Baldwin, De Forest, & Oooch, Flrauk] Alustin}. See Ooocb & Baldwin. Baldwin, E. T. Wild cat (Felis cattus, L.) in Sutherland. Ann. Scott, Nat. Hist., 1892, 132. Baldwin, Edivard R. The effect of peppermint inhalation on experimental tuberculosis, N, Y, Med, Jl. , 61, 1896, 623-624. Baldwin, Evelyn B. Meteorological observations of the second Wellman expedition. [Outline of the scope and character of the meteorological work in Franz-Josef Land, 1898-99.] [1901.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., 1899-1900, 349-436. Baldwin, {Capt.) H. *Cyclone du Pacifique des 17 et 18 novembre 1867. France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 1, 1868, 96-97. Baldwin, Harry L. *Visibility of Venus in the daytime. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 573-574. Baldwin, Helen. An experimental study of oxalnria, with special reference to its fermentative origin, [1900,] Jl. Exper. Med., 5, 1900-01, 27-46. Baldwin, Henry. Abnormal form of Trillium grandiflorum. Science, 4, 1884, 352. Baldwin, Herbert B. The toxic action of sodium fluoride. Amer. Chem, Soc, JL, 21, 1899, 517-521, 942. Baldwin, J[ames] Mark. Dream excitation. Science, 12, 1888, 216. Origin of right or left handedness. Science, 16, 1890, 247-248. Right-handedness and effort. Science, 16, 1890, 302- 303. Suggestion in infancy. Science, 17, 1891, 113-117. Infants' movements. Science, 19, 1892, 15-16. Tracery imitation, [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 149-150. A new method of child study. Science, 21, 1893, 213-214, Distance and color perception by infants. Science, 21, 1893, 231-232; 22, 1893, 10. Consciousness and evolution. Science, 2, 1896, 219- 223. Physical and social heredity. Amer, Natlist,, 30, 1896, 422-428. A new factor in evolution. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 441-451, 536-553, 856. Heredity and instinct. Science, 3, 1896, 438-441, 558-561. An optical illusion. Science, 4, 1896, 794-796, Color perception of children, [1897.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 61-62. Organic selection. Science, 5, 1897, 634-636. Determinate variation and organic selection. Science, 6, 1897, 770-773. [Isolation and selection,] Science, 7, 1898, 638-640. Hemianopsia in migraine. Science, 11,1900, 713-714. Baldwin, S. Prentiss. Recent changes in the Muir glacier. Amer. Geologist, 11, 1893, 366-375. Pleistocene history of the Champlain valley. Amer. Geologist, 13, 1894, 170-184. Baldwin] 262 [Balitrand Baldwin, Ward. Stresses in railway bridges on curves. [JVith discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 25, 1891, 459-500. Baldwin, William J. Tests of condensation in cast-iron radiators. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., S2, 1894, 34-37. Baldy, F. Essai de raluminium et du zinc a I'aide de I'acide chlorique. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 201- 205. Baldy, J[ohn] M[ontgomery]. The relation of pyosalpinx to puerperal fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 19-20. Bale, F. Recovery of the ammonia and chlorine in the ammonia-soda process. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 638-639. ^ale,W[illiain] 3I[ountier]. Closing glycerine cells. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 478. The genera of the PlumulariidaB, with observations on various Australian hydroids. [1886.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans. , 23, 1887, 73-110. On some new and rare Hydroida in the Australian Museum collection. [1888.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 3, 1889, 745-799. List of Victorian Hydroida. Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 130-133. Further notes on Australian hydroids, with descrip- tions of some new species. [1893.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 6, 1894, 93-117. Balestra, Andrea. Almandino della valle dei Zuccanti e natrolite di nuove locality nel Vicentino. Riv. Min. Crist., 1, 1887, 6-7. Balestra, Andrea, & MoBcliineUi, Luigi. See nXescIiinelU & Balestra. Balestra, E. Sopra alcuni composti di mercuriammonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 {PL 2), 294-305. Azione del joduro di potassio e dell' iposolfito di sodio sopra i sali di mercurioammonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 557-563. Nuovi sali di mercurioammonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Pt. 2), 563-569. Balestre, [Albert]. Note sur I'emploi th^rapeutique de la globularine et de la globular^tine (principes actifs des globulaires). Ass. Franp. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 1), 389. Balfour, C[harles] B[arrington]. Meteorological notes from observations at Newton Don in 1892-[97]. (300 feet above sea-level.) Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [14], 1894, 311-312; 16, 1899, 87-88. Balfour, Francis Maitland. To biographical references (Vols. 9 & 12) add Science, 2, 1883, 299-301. Balfour, George W[iUiam]. The relation of the left auricle to the chest-wall, and to the murmurs audible in the cardiac area. [1896.] Jl. Path. Bact., 4, 1897, 75-77. Balfour, H[em-y]. The fin whale fishery in North Lapland. Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 197-202, 228- 236. Balfour, Isaac Bayley. Diagnoses plantarum novarum Phanerogamarum Socotrensium, etc, [Pars quarta. (Supplementum).] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 402-411. Initiation of a discussion upon the value of the " Type system" in the teaching of botany. Nature, 34, 1886, 536. ' Sporophore' and ' sporophyte.' [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 77-80. 'Coco-nut,' not 'cocoa-nut.' [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 184-186. The replum in CrucifersB. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 367-368. Botany of Socotra. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 31, 1888, 446 pp. Presidential address to the Biol. Sect., Oxford, Aug. 9tb. Forestry in Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 667- 681. Eighteenth century records of Scottish plants. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 169-174, 237-243. Balfour, John Hiitton. For biography and list of works see Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 128; Nature, 29, 1884, 385-387; Pharni. Jl., 14, 1884, 658-659; Scott., 7,1883- 84, 160-162; Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1885, 495-496 ; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 187-189; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 218-226. Balfour, John M., & Faton, D[iarmid] Noel. See Paton & Balfour. Balfour, Leiois J., & Officer, C. Graham W. See Officer & Balfour. Balfour, Lewis J., Officer, C. Graham W., & ZZogg, Evelyn G. See Officer, Balfour & Hogg. Balfour, Thomas Alexander Goldie. For biographical notice and list of works see Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 20, 1896, 449-451. Balguerie, [Alfred]. For biographical notice see Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xii-xiii. [Liste des fossiles recueillis dans les faluns de la metairie du Paren pres d'Orthez.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, xxxiii-xxxviii. Balicka-Zwanowska, (3Inii'.) Gabrielle. Contribution a r^tude anatomique et sjstematique du genre Iris et des genres voisius. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 413- 43") ; 29, 1893, 185-200, 225-241. La structure des Cyanophyc^es. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 33, 1895, 206-208. Die Morphologic des Thelygonum Cynocrambe. Flora, 83, 1897, 357-366. 4 Contribution a I'^tude du sac embryonnaire chez certains gamopetales. Flora, 86, 1899, 47-71. Balicka-Iwanowska, (Mme.) Gabrielle, & Chodat, Robert. See Chodat & Balicka-Zwanowska. Balint, Rezso = Rudolph. A cebocephalia egy eseterol szovettani vizsgalat alapjan. [Ueber einen Fall der Cebocephalia auf Grund histologischer Untersuchung.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898, 218; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 340. Balint, Rezso, & Banschburg, Pal. See Ranschburg & Balint. Balint, Sander = Alexander. Az Epeira diademata, CI., idegrendszer^nek boncz- ^s szovettana. Anatomic und Histologie des Nervensystems der Epeira diademata, CI. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1887, 147-180, 357- 862. Jelent^s az 1888-ik 6v nyaran sz^kelyfoldon tett rovartani gytijto kirandul^s eredm^nyerol. Bericht iiber die Resultate seiner entomolpgischen Excursionen im Sz^klerlande. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1889, 266-280, 304. [Adatok a meh boncz- ^s szovettanahoz. Contribu- tions to ,the anatomy and histology of the bee.] Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1895, 302-308. A bogarak tobblencseju (facettezett) szem^ben elofor- dul6 sejteubeloli idegelagaz6dasok. Beobachtungen hinsichtlich der intracellularen Anorduuug der Neurofi- brillen im Facetten-Auge der Insecten. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1899, 87-88, (Rev.) 18-19. Az idegrendszer szovettani szerkezete. [The histo- logical structure of the nervous system.] Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900, 601-622, 657-678. f dz Balitrand, (Z«.) F. Sur I'integrale / t- — ^. Nouv. Ann. / (1-f 2^)" Math., 6, 1887, 45-47. Sur les cubiques gauches. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 520-525. Application des coordounees intrins^ques. Caustiques par r(5rtexion. Nouv. Ann. Math., 9, 1890, 476-479. Sur les courbes du quatrieme ordre qui ont trois points doubles d'inflexion et en particulier sur la Kreuz- curve. Mathesis, 11, 1891, 241-215 ; 13, 1893, 5-9. Sur un systeme de coordonn^es tangentielles. Nouv. Ann. Math.', 12, 1893, 250-286. Balitrand] 263 [Ball Nouv. Ann. Math. Mathesis, 14, Sur la strophoide et la cissoide. 12, 1893, 430-451. Applications d'un theor^me de Chasles. 1894, 02-07, 81-84. Demonstration des formules fondamentales de la p^rimoiphie et des formules de Codazzi. Paris, See. Math. Bull., 22, 1894, 97-102. Sur le developpement des coordonn^es d'un point dans le mouvement relatif et sur la courbure des lignes orthogonales. Paris, See. Math. Bull., 23, 1896, 26-32. Determination des points d'intlexion dans le developpe- ment de la section plane d'un cone. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 65-68. Balke, Fuul. Zur Kenntniss der Xanthinkorper. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 537-567. Zur Kenntniss der Spaltungsproducte des Carniferrins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. , 22, 1896-97, 248-264. BaUce, Paul, & Ide, Mauille. Quantitative Bestimmung der Phosphorfleischsaure. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 21, 1895-96, 380-386. Balkwill, F[rancis^ H[ancock]. Risso's grampus (Grampus griseus). [1886.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887,314-317. On the osteiilogy of llisso's grampus (Grampus griseus). Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 413-417. On the geographical distribution of seals. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 401-411. Bahenoptera rostrata. [1888.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 10, 1890, 120-122. Notes on some morphological dental irregularities in some of the skulls in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. [With di$cussio7i.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 34, 1891, 625-629, 664-665. Balkwill, F{rederick] F[ryor], & VTright, Joseph. Report on some reeeni. i^'oraminifera found off the coast of Dublin and in the Irish Sea. [1884.] Irish Ac. Trans. , 28, 1880-86, 317-372. Ball, A[lonzo] B[rai/to}i]. *A contribution to the study of aphasia, with special reference to "word-deafness" and "word-blindness." Arch. Med., 5, 1881, 136-161. Ball, Benjamin. For biography see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 30, 1893, 703-704 ; Riv. Sper. di Ireniatria, 19, 1893, 196. Le dualisme cerebral. Rev. La morphinomanie. Rev. 705-708; 34, 1884, 1-5. L'intelligence des animaux. Du traitement de la phtisie pulmonaire par les injec- tions hypodermiques d'eucalyptol. Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 17, 1887, 341-343. Des lesions de la morphinomanie et de la presence de la morphine dans les visceres. Paris, Ac. M6d. Bull., 18, 1887, 525-530. Ball, Benjamin, & Jennings, [William] 0[scar]. Con- siderations sur le traitement de la morphinomanie. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 373-377. Sur certains caract^res du pouls chez les morphino- manes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 864-865. Ball, Carleton It[oy]. An anatomical study of the leaves of Eragrostis. [1896.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 4, 1897, 138-146. Notes on some western willows. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 9 (1899), 69-90. The genus Salix in Iowa. [1899.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 7, 1900, 141-160. Ball, Carleton F[oy], & Pollard, Charles Louis. See FoUard & Ball. Ball, Charles B[ent]. Tetanus an infectious disease. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 84, 1887, 457-466. Ball, Clinton M. The Ball-Norton electro-magnetic separator. [1890.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1891, 187-194. The magnetic separation of iron-ore. [1895.J Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 533-551. Sci., 33, 1884, 33-37. Sci., 33, 1884, 449-454, Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 605. Ball, E[verett M[eachani\, & Atwater, M\iU)ur] 0[lin]. See Atwater & Ball. Ball, Edwin J[e7ini7u/s']. The alloys of copper and anti- mony and of copper and tin. Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 167-171. On the changes in iron produced by thermal treat- ment. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl. , 1890 (No. 1), 85-105 ; 1891 (No. 1), 103-118. Ball, Edwin J[ennings], & 'Wingtaam, Arthur. On the influence of copper on tbe tensile strength of steel. [With discussion,] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1889 (No. 1), 123-131. Experiments on the elimination of sulphur from iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1892 (No. 1), 102-125. Ball, Elmer D. A study of the genns Clastoptera. Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, 1896, 182-194. Notes on the orthopterous fauna of Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 4, 1897, 234-241. A review of the Cercopidse of North America north of Mexico. [1898.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 6, 1899, 204-226. Some new species of Deltocephalus. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 188-192. Some new Deltocephalinae (Jassidas). Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 306-310. Some new species of Athysanus. Philad., Ent. News, 10, 1899, 172-174. Notes on the Acocephalina (Homoptera-Jassidae). [1899.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 7, 1900, 64-72. Some new Jassidae from the southwest. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 200-205. Additions to the western Jassid fauna. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 337-347. Notes on the species of Macropsis and Agallia of North America. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 126-130. Ball, Elmer F>. , & Osbom, Herbert. See Osbom & Ball. Ball, Forrest. Colaptes auratus in California. Auk, 2, 1885, 383. Ball, H. L. Tornado at Eagles Mere, Pa., June 27, 1892. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 20 (1892), 309. Climate and crop report, season of 1898, Alaska section. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 26 (1898), 548- 550. Ball, Helen A. Peculiar nest of a chipping sparrow. Auk, 12, 1895, 305. Ball, J[ames] Moores. Sympathectomie pour glaucome et pour atrophie du nerf optique. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 223. Ball, John. No. 1 (Vol. 1) is not by this author. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Ball, T. For biography and list of works see Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 365-370; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 450-451; Geogr. Soc. Proc, 12, 1890, 99-108; Geol. Mag., 7, 1890, 47-48; [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 27, 1890, 337-339; Roy. Soc Proc, 47, 1890, v-ix ; Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 8, 1891, 770-771 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 200. *[The variation in the size of glaciers.] [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.] Comm. Rep., 1878, 11-12. Contributions to the flora of north Patagonia and the adjoining territory. [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 21, 1886, 203-240. Prof. F. Philippi's researches in Chili. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 65-67. Contributions to the flora of the Peruvian Andes, with remarks on the history and origin of the Andean flora. [1885.] Linn. Soc Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 1-64. Notes on the botany of western South America. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 137-168. Delia conservazione degli erbarii. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 513-517. On the measurement of heights by the barometer. Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 2, 1889, 431-472. Ball] 264 [Ball Further contributions to the flora of Patagonia. [1890.] [Posth.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 27, 1891, 471- 500. The distribution of plants on the south side of the Alps. With an introductory note by W. T. Thiselton Dyer. [1895.] [Posth.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 5, 1895-1901, 119-227. Ball, John. On the circumstances which affect the ratio of solution of zinc in dilute acids, with especial reference to the influence of dissolved metallic salts. Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 235-236; Chem. Soc. JL, 71, 1897 {PL 2), 641-649. Ball, Leo de. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1881 III am Aequatoreal der Herzogl. Sternwarte in Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 157-158. Zweiter Versuch einer Bestimraung der Constante der taglichen Nutation. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 39-46. Notiz iiber einige im Marz [1884] auf der Jupiters- Bcheibe gesehene Flecken. Astr. Nachr. , 110, 1885, 391- 392. Bestimmung der Nutationsconstante. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1886, 33-42. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1884 III (Wolf), von Planeten und Vergleichsternen angestellt auf der Uni- versitiitssternwarte in Ougr^e bei Li^ge. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 361-366. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886. ..(Fabry).] Auf der Sternwarte in Ougree. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 147-148. Ueber einen Apparat zum Ablesen von Registrir- streifen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 263-264. Doppelsternbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 273-282. • [Beobachtung des Cometen 1886 (Barnard-Hartwig).] Auf der Sternwarte in Li^ge (Ougree). Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 317-318. Observations des surfaces de Jupiter et de Venus faites en 1884 et en 1885 k I'lnstitut Astronomique annex^ k I'Universit^ de Liege. Brux., M^m. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 47, 1886, No. 7, 11 pp. Recherches sur I'orbite de la plan^te (181) Eucharis. Brux., M^m. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 49, 1888, No. 2, 44 pp. ; 51, 1889, No. 2, 29 pp. Determination de la parallaxe relative de I'^toile principale du couple optique S1516 AB, a I'aide d'observations faites a I'lnstitut Astronomique annex^ k rUniversite deLi4ge. Brux., M6m. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 49, 1888, No. 3, 38 pp. Masse de la plan^te Saturne d^duite des observations des satellites Japet et Titan, faites en 1885 et en 1886 a I'lnstitut Astronomique de Li^ge. Brux., Mdm. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 49, 1888, No. 6, 18 pp. Beobachtung der Mondfinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 313-314. Beobachtungen am 10 inch Refractor der Liitticher Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 321-322; 123, 1890, 29-30. [Beobachtungen der Bedeckung von Jupiter durch den Mond 1889 Aug. 7.] Am 10 inch Refractor der Liitticher Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 423-424. Die Eigenbewegung des Sterns Lalande 19229. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 365-366. Beobachtungen von Cometen und kleinen Planeten angestellt am 10 inch Refractor der Sternwarte bei Liittich. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 37-42. Beobachtungen der in der Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, 11. Jahrg. p. 230, ange- fiihrten Doppelsterne. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 271- 276. Bemerkung zu einer Aufgabe der Integralrechnung. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 333-334. Ableitung einiger Formeln aus der Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 1-4. Bemerkung tiber die Differentialquotienten der Storungsfunction. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 107-108. Bemerkung iiber die Coefficienten einer Reihe der Storungstheorie. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 339-340. Bemerkung zu der Theorie der Elementenstorungen erster Ordnung. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 339-342. Decouverte d'une etoile variable. Brux., Ac. Bull., 21, 1891, 367-370. Notiz betreffend Fabbitius "Ueber das Verbal tniss des Dreiecks zum Sector der Kegelschnitte " in A. N. 3076. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 283-286. Ueber den veranderlichen Stern BD. + 1°.4359 im Sternbilde Aquarius. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 367- 370. Ueber einen neuen veranderlichen Stern in Aquila. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 215-216. Ueber die Aenderung des Winkels zwischen der Drehungsaxe der Erde und der Axe ihres grossten Triigheitsmoments. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 373-376. Zonenbeobachtungen der Sterne zwischen 5°50' und 10° 10' siidlicher Declination. Wien Kuffner. Stern w. Publ., 3, 1894 (1" Abth.), [i]-[xvi], 1-223, {2*-o Abth.), [xcvi]; 4, 1896 (1« Abth.), i-xii, 1-382; 5, 1900, Ai-Axi, A1-A235. Observation of a maximum of 1805 V Orionis. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1895, 7. Positions of comparison-star for the Comet a 1894. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1895, 135. Anzeige eines neuen veranderlichen Sterns BD. -6°.5419 in Aquila. [Nebst Zusatz von Prof. F. KusTNER.] Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 73-74. Zur Berechnung des Einflusses der Aenderung der Ekliptik auf die Mondbahn. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 49-50. Bemerkung zu der Euler'schen Mondtheorie. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 83-86. Catalogue de 382 ^toiles faibles de la zone DM + 2° observ^es a I'lnstitut Astronomique de Liege de 1886 k 1889. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 7, 1896, 68 pp. Untersuchungen iiber die Bahn des Cometen 1882 III. Wien Kuffner. Sternw. Publ., 4, 1896 (2'« Abth.), 35-65. Bemerkungen zur Oppolzer'schen Theorie der Prae- cession und Nutation. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 17-24. Zur Untersuchung der Theilungsfehler der Helio- meterscalen. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 233-238. Reduction der Eigenbewegung der Fixsterne auf verschiedene Aequinoctien und auf verschie dene Epochen. Formeln von Fabkitius. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 363- 368. Neue Ableitung einiger bei der Berechnung einer photographischen Aufnahme nach Prof. Turner's Methode vorkommenden Formeln. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 61-66. Untersuchungen iiber die Theilungsfehler der Helio- meterscalen. Wien Kuffner. Sternw. Publ., 5, 1900, D1-D31. Ball, Leo de, & Schwarzschild, Karl. See Schwarzschild (&BaU. Ball, M[ichael] V[alentine]. Recent advances in bacterio- logy with special reference to food. Franklin Inst. JL, 140, 1895, 340-351. BaU, (Sir) Robert Stawell. To reference in No. 46 (Vol. 9) add Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 137-139. *0n a plane representation of certain dynamical problems in the theory of a rigid body. [1883.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 29-37. Description of a model of a ruled cubic surface known as the cylindroid. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1884, 52-53. Results of observations made with the South refractor. Dunsink Obsns., 5, 1884, 244 pp. Notes on the kinematics and dynamics of a rigid system in elliptic space. [1884.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 252-258. Ball] 265 [Ball Comets. [Lecture at the Montreal meeting of the British Association.] Nature, 30, 1884, 454-457. Note on a geometrical method of investigating the dynamical properties of the cylindroid. [1885.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 518-522. Note on the character of the linear transformation which corresponds to the displacement of a rigid system in elliptic space. [1885] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 532-537. Elliptic space. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 86-87. L'origine des ^toiles filantes. Astronomic, 1886, 331- 387. Occultation of Aldebaran, 1886 January 16. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 124. Micrometric oV)servations of Nova AndromedaB, made at the Observatory, Dunsink. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 391. Dynamics and modern geometry. A new chapter in the theory of screws. [1886.] Irish Ac. Cunningham Mem., 4, 1887, 44 pp. Notes on Laplace's analytical theory of the perturba- tions of Jupiter's satellites. [1886.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 557-567. Observations on Nova Andromeds, made at Dunsink. [1886.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 641. Notes on the astronomical theory of the great ice age. [1886.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884^88, 642-644. [Presidential address to the Math, and Phys. Sci. Sect., Manchester, Sept. 1st. A dynamical parable.] Brit. Ass. Eep., 1887, 569-579. On the plane sections of the cylindroid. Being the seventh memoir on the theory of screws. [1887.] Irish Ac Trans., 29, 1887-92, 1-32. On the theory of the content. [1887.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 123-182. Occultation of Kegulus by the moon, observed at Dunsink Observatory. [1887.] Astr. Soc Month. Not., 48, 1888, 66. On the harmonic tidal constituents of the port of Dublin. [1888.] Irish Ac. Proc, 1, 1889-91, 190-201. The eighth memoir on the theory of screws, showing how plane georoetry illustrates general problems in the dvnamics of a rigid body with three degrees of freedom. [1888.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 247-284. • A note on a determinant in the theory of screws. [1890.] Irish Ac. Proc, 1, 1889-91, 375-378. The theory of permanent screws ; being the ninth memoir on the theory of screws. [1890.] Irish Ac. Trans., 29, 1887-92, 613-652. The cause of an ice age. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 645- 647. Invisible stars. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 434-437. The astronomical explanation of a glacial period. Aust. Ass. Eep., 1892, 250-256. Mars. Astr. Soc Pacific Publ., 5, 1893, 23-36. The discussion on quaternions. Nature, 48 (1893), 391. Astronomical photography. Nature, 48 (1893), 541. The absence of air from the moon. Science, 21, 1893, 99. The wanderings of the North Pole. Smithsonian Rep., 1893, 75-87. Atoms and sunbeams. Smithsonian Rep., 1893, 121- 133. ■ Note on a general theorem in dynamics. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 561. The theory of pitch invariants and the theory of chiastic homography, being the tenth memoir on the "theory of screws." [1894.] Irish Ac. Trans., 30, 1892-96, 559-586. Note on geometrical mechanics. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1896, 240-241. B. 8. A. C. Observations of Gale's Comet, made at the Cambridge Observatory, with Northumberland equatorial and square bar micrometer. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1896, 555, 584. On a form of the differential equations of dynamics. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1896, 215-217. Further development of the relations between im- pulsive screws and instantaneous screws, being the eleventh memoir on the "theory of screws." [1896.] Irish Ac. Trans., 31, 1896-1901, 99-144. Note on Mr. A. Y. G. Campbell's paper " On the variation of uncanouical arbitrary constants, with an application to the planetary theory." Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 57, 1897, 131-133. ■ The twelfth and concluding memoir on the " theory of screws," with a summary of the twelve memoirs. [1897.] Irish Ac. Trans., 31, 1896-1901, 145-196. Note on a point in theoretical dynamics. [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 193-195. Occultations of Ceres and Venus, observed at the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 462. Amendment to " The twelfth and concluding memoir on the theory of screws." [1898.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1896-98, 667-668. Preliminary description of the new photographic equatorial of the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 152-155. Theory and practice. Educ. Times, 52, 1899, 317- 318. Ball, (Sir) Robert Stawell, & Rambaut, Arthur A[lcock]. On the relative positions of 223 stars in the Cluster x Persei as determined photographically. [1892.] Irish Ac. Trans., 30, 1892-96, 231-276. On the relative positions of 223 stars in the cluster X Persei as determined photographically. [1893.] Irish Ac. Proc, 2, 1891-93, 648. Ball, Valentine. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 382-383; Irish Natlist., 4, 1895, 169-171; Roy. Soc. Proc, 58, 1896, xlvii-xlix ; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 52, 1896, Ixii-lxiii ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 12, 1896, 31-32. To reference in No. 53 {Vol. 9) add Dublin Soc Sci. Proc, 4, 1886, 1-8. To reference in No. 54 (Vol. 9) add Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1886, 33-38. To reference in No. 55 {Vol. 9) add Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1885, 69-116. On the mode of occurrence of precious stones and metals in India. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 731-732. On the newly discovered sapphire mines in the Himalayas. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 4, 1885, 393-395; Ireland Geol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887,] 49-51. On the collection of the fossil Mammalia of Ireland in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 333-348. *0u the existing records as to the discovery of a diamond in Ireland in the year 1816. [1883.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 332-334; Ireland Geol. Soc. JL, 7, [1887,] 163-165. Zinc and zinc ores, their mode of occurrence, metal- lurgy, and history, in India ; with a glossary of oriental and other titles used for zinc, its ores, and alloys. [1886.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 321-331; IrelandGeol. Soc. Jl., 7, [1887,] 152-162. Observations on lion-breeding in the gardens of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. [1886.] Irish Ac. Trans., 28, 1880-86, 723-758. The volcanoes of Barren Island and Narcondam in the Bay of Bengal. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 404-408 ; 10, 1893, 289-291, 384. On some eroded agate pebbles from the Soudan. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 368-369. On the probable mode of transport of the fragments 34 Ball] 266 [Balland of granite and other rocks which are found imbedded in the Carboniferous limestone of tlie neighbourhood of Dublin. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 371-374. Further notes on the identification of the animals and plants of India which were known to early Greek authors. [1887.] Irish Ac. Proc, 1, 1889-91, 1-9. JC Cetaceans in African lakes. Nature, 44, 1891, 198. The Koh-i-nur : a reply [to Prof. Story-Maskelyne]. [1891.] Nature, 44, 1891,' 592-51)3 ; 45, 1892, 126. On bones and antlers of Cervus giganteus incised and marked by mutual attrition while buried in bogs or marl. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1893, 756. Lion-tiger and tiger-lion hybrids. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 390-392, 607-60H. Records of the export of Irish wolf-dogs to the East in the 17th century. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 101-102. On the gold nuggets hitherto found in the County Wicklow. [1895.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 811-324. Reputed traces of negrito pygmies in India. Nature, 52 (1896), 80-81. Ball, W[alter'] W[illiam'] Rouse. On Newton's classification of cubic curves. [1890.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 104-143; Bibl. Math., 1891, 35-40. A Newtonian fragment relating to centripetal forces. London Math. Soc. Proc, 23, 1892, 226-231. A hypothesis relating to the nature of the ether and gravity. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 20-24. Mersenne's numbers. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 34-40, 121. On the use of a single symbol to denote the incom- mensurable number 3-14159.... Bibl. Math., 1894, 106. Even magic squares. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 65-69. Baitaban, Theodor. Thrombose der Vena centralis retinse in Folge von Chlorose. Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 280-285. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Erkrankungen des Glas- korpers. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 1977-1982, 2018-2022, 2070-2074. Ballagl, Jdnos. Remarks regarding the treatment of malarial disease. N. Y, Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 601-602. Ballance, Charles A[lfred~\. The genesis of scar tissue. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 196- 200. Ballance, Charles A[lfred'i, & Colman, Walter S[tacy]. See Colman & BaUance. Ballance, Charles A[lfred], & Bdmunds, Walter. The ligation of the larger arteries in their continuity. An experimental inquiry. Med.-Chir. Trans., 69, 1886, 443- 472. Contributions to the physiology of the intestines. Jl. Physiol., 20, 1896, ii-iii. See also Bdmunds & Ballance. BaUance, Charles AYlfredl, & Hadden, W\alter] B[augh]. See ZZadden & Ballance. BaUance, C/iar^es A[lfred], & Shattock, Samuel G[eorge]. Cultivation-experiments with new growths and normal tissues, together with remarks on the parasitic theory of cancer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 412-438. A note on an experimental investigation into the pathology of cancer. [1890.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 48, 1891, 392-403. See also Shattock & BaUance. BaUance, Charles A[lfred], & Sherrington, Charles Scott. See Sherrington & BaUance. BaUand, [Joseph] A[ntoine Felix]. vent les farines en vieillissant. 533-557. Note sur les bles des Indes. 24-25. Falsification de farines. Jl. 470. Alterations qu'eprou- Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, Pharm., 9, 1884, 469- Repartition des matieres salines dans les divers produits des moutures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1548-1550. Deuxieme memoire sur les farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 71-72; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 266-271, 342-3.50; 11, 1885, 74-80, 218-222. Recherches sur les farines. Repartition de I'acidit^ et du Sucre dans les divers produits des moutures. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 178. Sur la panification. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 103-105, 158-163, 202-209, 255-260, 299-301. Note sur I'Ephestia kuenhiella. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 601-602. Parmentier. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 197-200. Rapport sur les eaux consoramees par les troupes du II® corps d'armee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 11, 1888, 233-239. — — Sur le dosage du ligneux dans les farines. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 600-603. Sur la presence des graines de Cephalaria syriaca dans les bles. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 156-157. Sur le d^veloppement du grain de ble. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1610-1612 ; Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 212-235. Sur la reparation des vieilles farines. Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 347-349. Observations sur les extraits de viande. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 895. Pierre Bayen, Lavoisier et la decouverte de I'oxyg^ne. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 811-812. Les travaux de Bayen sur I'^tain. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 48&-496. Sur I'hydratation des bles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 969-971. Sur I'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1536-1538 ; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 49-54. Experiences sur le pain et le biscuit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 665-667 ; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 16-19. Analyse chimique des farines. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 487-492. Proc^des employes au laboratoire central de I'Adminis- tration de la Guerre pour I'analyse chimique des farines. Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 159-165. Sur la pr^existence du gluten dans le bl6. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 202-204; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 258-260. Sur la temperature interieure du pain sortant du four. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 519-521. Note sur I'emploi de recipients en aluminium pour la conservation de I'acide phlnique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 164; 24, 1894, 43. Observations sur les farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 565-567. Sur la composition de quelques avoines francjaises et etrang^res, [des recoltes de 1893 et de 1894]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 502-504, 656, 845-846 ; Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 478-481. Sur la decortication des bies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 120, 1895, 638-640. Sur la conservation des bies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1429-1431. Sur les ustensiles en aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1895, 381-383. Sur la composition des riz importes en France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 561-564; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 292-295. Sur la repartition des matieres azotees et des matieres minerales dans le pain. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 786-788. Sur le rendement des bies en farines et sur le pain de farine entiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 46-49. Sur un riz conserve depuis plus d'un siecle. Paris, Ac Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 817-818. Balland] 267 [Ballatore Sur le mais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1004- 1006; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 56-58. Sui- la valeur nutritive des farines et sur les con- sequences ^conomiques d'un blutage exag^r^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1496-1498. ■ Sur le dosage du gluten dans les farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 136-137 ; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 250- 261. Sur les fleurages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 325-327; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 301-303. Sur les f^ves. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 551- 554 ; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 81-83. Sur le nouveau pain de guerre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1007-1009; Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 98-100. Observations gen^rales sur les bles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1303-1305. Marrons et chataignes. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 525-527. — — Le pain des hopitaux de Paris. Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 385-387. Sur les principaux bles consommes en France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 40-42. Sur la diminution de la matiere azot^e dans les bl^s du d^partement du Nord. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 158-159. Sur le seigle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 709. Sur I'orge. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1049- 1050. Essai des ustensiles en aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1313-1315. Composition des haricots, des lentilles et des pois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 119-121 ; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 196-197. Composition des pommes de terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 429-431; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 298- 300. Observations generales sur les avoines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 579-581. Composition du sarrasin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 797-799. Composition des pailles d'avoine, de bl^ et de seigle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1120-1122. Sur les essais de I'aluminium. Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 109-110. Composition et valeur alimentaire des poissons, des crustac^s et des moUusques. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 40, 1898, 97-114. Analyses de pains de froment, de seigle et de mais. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 538-540. Semoules et pates alimentaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 605-606; Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 328-330. Sur les avoines chocolat^es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1289-1291. Sur la composition des poissons, des crustac^s et des mollusques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1728- 1731. Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire du millet. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 239-240. Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire des haricots indigenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 532-534 ; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 495-497. Composition et valeur alimentaire des fromages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 879-881; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 41, 1899, 289-300; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 14-16. Le centenaire de la mort de Bayen. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 257-264. Sur la falsification des farines avec le seigle, le sarrasin, le riz, I'orge, le mais, les ffeves et la f6cule de pomme de terre. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 239-243, 286- 290. Sur le gluten coagul^ et les mati^res azot^es des farines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 312-314; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 293-296. Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire des principaux fruits. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 622; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 44, 1900, 104-122. Composition et valeur alimentaire des principaux legumes. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 43, 1900, 518-553. Sur la composition et la valeur alimentaire des mammif^res, des oiseaux et des reptiles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 531-533. Sur les farines ara^liorantes de Russie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 545-546. Balland, [Joseph] A[7itoine Felix], & SSaljean, [Joseph Leon]. Sur les cuirs acid^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 913-915. Balland, [Joseph] A[ntoine Felix], & BEasson, [Nicolas] V[ictor]. Sur la st^rihsation du pain de munition et du biscuit. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 22, 1893, 535- 542 ; Ann. Hyg. Publ., 31, 1894, 115-124. Sur la sterilisation du pain et du biscuit sortant du four. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 797-799. BaUantyne, Bertha L., & Hoiigh, Theodore. See Hough & Ballantjrne. BaUantyne, H[oratio]. The effect of exposure under certain conditions upon some constants of oils. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 10, 1891, 29-33. BaUantyne, H[oratio], & Thomson, Robert T. See Thomson & BaUantime. BaUantyne, J[ames]. Our squirrels. Ottawa Natlist., 2, 1888, 33-44. The English sparrow. Ottawa Natlist., 4, 1890, 149- 154. BaUantyne, J[ames], & Iiett, William Pittman. Report of the zoological branch of the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club for the year ending 18th March, 1890. [1890-91.] Ottawa Natlist. , 4, 1890, 92-93, 198-199. BaUantyne, J[ames]. Occurrence of Cladium germani- cura, Schrad., in Bute. [1894.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 167-168. Occurrence of Sirex gigas, Linn., in Bute and Arran. [1897.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1900, 187-189. BaUantyne, J[ohn] W[iUiam]. The sectional anatomy of an anencephalic foetus. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892, 516-529. The pathology of ante-natal life. Glasgow Med. Jl., 49, 1898, 241-258. BaUantyne, N. F., BedeU, Frederick, & 'WilUamson, Robert B. See BedeU, BaUantyne & WUUamson. Ballard, Edward. For biography and works see Med.- Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxxxviii-cxxxix ; Roy. Soc. Proc, 62, 1898, iii-v. On the prevalence and fatality of scarlatina as influenced by sex, age, and season. [1888.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 7, 1889, 183-192. On meat infectious ; food poisoning. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 102-117. Ballard, Edioard George. A new actinometer. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 469-471. The volumetric estimation of zinc. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 399-400. BaUard, {Rev.) F. Cave deposits considered in relation to estimates of time. Liverpool Geol. Ass. [Trans.], [8, 1888,] 33-36. BaUard, H[enry] H[arold], & XToyes, William A[lbert]. See Noyes & BaUard. BaUarlo, F., & Mnsso, Giovanni. See BSntfso & BaUarlo. BaUario, F., & ReveUi, C. A. Sui metodi proposti per determinare rapidamente i principal! componenti del latte di vacca. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 18, 1890, 113- 155. Ballatore, G. *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto e di novembre 1879.] Fossano. [1879-80.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 14, 1880, 130; 15, 1881, 33. 34—2 Ballatorel 268 [Ball6 *Fenomeno ottico. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 151-152. [Bolide del 19 novembre 1884.] Fossano. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 195. Terremoto del 28 novembre 1885. Fossano. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Osservatorio Meteorologico di Fossano (Cuneo). Eiassunto annuale dell' anno 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 97. Ballay, [Noel Eugene]. De I'Ogoou^ au Congo. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. K., 1885, 279-289. Balle, Emile. Aperpu de la faune malacologique des environs de Vire (Calvados). [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87),] 382-38.3. Note sur une coquille de I'Helix lapicida (Linne), pr^sentant la monstruosit^ subscalaire. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 108. De diverses formes du polypode vulgaire observ^es aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Eev. Bot., 7, 1888-89, 155-156. Note sur une coquille (Helix nemoralis, L.) k peri- stome anomal. Eouen Soc. Sei. Bull., 1889, 17-18. Sur une coquille scalaroide de I'Helix nemoralis. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 33-34. Note sur la limace cendr^e noiratre (Limax cinereo- niger. Wolf). Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 390-391. Note sur une forme anomale de I'Aspidium fiiix-mas. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 402-403. Catalogue descriptif des galles observ^es aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 415- 438. Note sur une production vermiforme se rencontrant sur les folioles de divers Eubus. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 120-121. Note sur la dipt^roc^cidie du Diplosis tiliarum, Kieffer. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 143-144. Note sur un cadre indicateur servant k retrouver les objets ^pars dans les preparations micrographiques. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 216-217. Note sur deux Primula acaulis anomales. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 227. Liste des Unionid^s r^coltesdans la mare de Bouillon, pr^s Granville (Manche). Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 11. Premiere liste des Ustilagin^es et des Uredin^es observ^es aux environs de Vire (Calvados). Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 26-27. Note sur cinq photomicrographies coucernant la structure du bois de quelques Conif^res. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 68-70. Du bois secondaire des Angiospermes dicotyl^donees indigenes. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, 49-53. Note sur le bois secondaire du tulipier de Virginie. Naturaliste, 22, 1900, 80. Ballet, Gilbert. [Sur les mouvements et spasmes reflexes d'origine gastro-intestinale.] Arch. G^n. MM., 164, 1889, 250. Sur un cas d'hypermn^sie avec accroissement patho- logique de la faculty de representation mentale. Progres Med., 10, 1889, 17-19, 44-45. Le sommeil provoque par I'occlusion des oreilles et des yeux chez les individus affectes d'anesthesie hys- terique generalisee. Progres Med., 15, 1892, 497-501. La pathologie mentale. Son domaine, sa methode et ses visees. Eev. Sci., 50, 1892, 833-838. L'ecriture en miroir. Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 {Vol. 7), 60. Ballet, Gilbert, & Dutll, A. Sur quelques lesions experi- mentales de la cellule nerveuse. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1897 (Vol. 4, P^ Pt.), 260-264. Ballet, Gilbert, & Faure, Maurice. Attaques epilepti- formes produites par I'intoxication tabagique experi- mentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 116-118. Ballet, Gilbert, & Proust, [Achille'] Adrien. See Proust & BaUet. Balli, B. Zur Aufbewahrung der Lackmuslosung mittelst Salicylsiiure. Ghem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 1766. Balli, G., & Gaucber, [Philippe Chai-les] E[rnest']. See Gaucher & Balli. Ballif, [Philipj)]. Die Hydrographie Bosniens und der Hercegovina. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 246-249. Balling, Carl A[lbert] HJ[ax']. For biography and works see Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 337; Oesterr. Z'tsehr. Berg- wesen., 44, 1896 (Beil.), 59-60; Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 652. Zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffs im Eisen durch Verbrennen im Sauerstoffgase. Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884, 821. Die neuen Methoden der Schwefelgewinnung. Hum- boldt, 5, 1886, 217-220. Ballion, E[rnest E.]. Vorlaufiges Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge aus der Umgegend von Noworossiisk am Schwarzen Meere im Caucasus. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 62 {Pt. 1), 1886, 241-290. Otiorhynchus turca, Stev., ein Beschadiger des Wein- stockes. "Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 813-814. Kurze Notizeu iiber einige russische Blaps-Arten. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 900-923; 2, 1889, 269- 276, 694-704. Ueber Blaps armeniaca, Faldrm., und Bl. armeniaca, All. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 6, 1887, 307-309. Einiges aus [seinen] Notizblattern. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 5, [1891,] 25, 33, 129-130, 146-147, 153, 161. Ballion, Jean. [Sur I'usage du formol.] [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 {Pt. 1), 29 ; 21, 1897 {Pt. 1), 31-33. [Phrynosoma planiceps.] [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 {Pt. 1), 29-30; 21, 1897 {Pt. 1), 31. [Sur les " mistpoeffers" de la mer du Nord.] [1896.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 {Pt. 1), 33-35. Ballo, Mdtyds. To references in No. 23 {Vol. 12) add Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 6-12. — — A glycerythritr61. [On glycerythrite.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 177-179; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 339-342. A levego szensavtartalmdnak meghat4rozasar61. [Ueber die Bestimmung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Luft.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 180-183; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 345-349 ; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1097-1100. A borhegyi asvanyviz elemzese. [Zusammensetzung des Borhegyer Sauerwassers.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 2, 1884, 184-186; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 2 (1883-84), 343-344; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 673-674. A hygrothermdnsrol, alkalmazva a bor hevitesere sajat edenyeben. [Ueber die Anwendung des Hygrother- manten zum Erhitzen der Weine im eigenen Gebinde.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 3, 1885, 221-226 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 3 (1884-85), 255-259. Ueber die Bestimmung der Warmeleitungsfahigkeit der Korper. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 260, 1886, 275- 281. Budapest fovaros iv6viz kSrdese. [Zur Wasserfrage der Hauptstadt Budapest.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 4, 1886, 123- 137; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 4 (1885-86), 197-213. Ueber Eeduction der Weinsaure. BerUn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 750-754. A phytochemia egy uj feladatardl. [Ueber eine neue Aufgabe der Phytochemie.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 7, 1889, 159-169 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 276- 287. A faggyii kimutatdsa sertes-zsirokban. [Ueber den Nachweis des Unschlittes in Schweinefetten.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 432; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 386. Balloch] 269 [Ballowitz BaUocIi, E[dward] Alrthur]. Ova of Trichoceplialus dis- par in liver of rat. Amer. Micr. Jl., 10, 1889, 193- 196. Ballot. See Buys-BaUot. BaUota y Taylor, Ricardo. Geografia y clinmtologia de la tuberculosis. Congr. lut. Hig. Act. (1898, 3), 19- 34. La porte d'entr^e pour le bacille de la tuberculosa. [With discussio?!.] Congr. Int. M^d. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 4), 638-688. BaUou, Howard M[iller]. The Chinook wind. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 541-547. BaUou, Sidney M[iller]. Professor Eussell's theory of cold waves. [1891.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 529-542. The eye of the storm. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 8 (1892-93), 67-84, 121-127. The storms of India. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., y (1892-93), 260-267, 299-307. BaUou, William Hosea. An Adirondack national park. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 578-582. Floods, their history and relations. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 1159-1162. The Flood rock explosion. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 137-140. Migration of frogs. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 388. Ballowitz, Emil. Zur Lehre von der Struktur der Sper- matozoen. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 363-376. Untersuchungen iiber die Struktur der Spermatozoen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom feineren Bau der contraktilen Elemeute. [Theil i. Die Spermatozoen der Vogel.] Arch. Mikr. Anat., 32, 1888, 401-473. Ueber Verbreitung und Bedeutung feinfaseriger Struk- turen in den Geweben und Gewebselementen des tierischen Korpers. [1888.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 650-670. Fibrillare Struktur und Contraktilitat. [1889.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 433-464. Untersuchungen iiber die Struktur der Spermatozoen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom feineren Bau der kontraktilen Elemente. [Theil ii.] Die Spermatozoen der Insekten. (I. Coleopteren.) Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 50, 1890, 317-407. Untersuchungen iiber die Struktur der Spermatozoen. [Theil III. Fische, Amphibien und Eeptilien.] Arch. Mikr. Anat., 36, 1890, 225-290. Das Eetzius'sche Endstiick der Saugethier-Sperraato- zoen. Int. Jl. Anat., 7, 1890, 211-223. Ueber das Vorkommen des Miniopterus Schreibersii, Natterer, in Deutschland, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Fortpflanzung deutscher Chiropteren. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 531-536. Ueber das Vorkommen der Ehrlich'schen granulierten Zellen (" Mastzellen ") bei winterschlafenden Sauge- thieren. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 135-142. Die Bedeutung der Valentin 'schen Querbander am Spermatozoenkopfe der Saugetliiere. Arch. Anat. Physiol, {Anat. Abth.), 1891, 193-211. W^eitere Beobachtungen iiber den feineren Bau der Saftgethierspermatozoen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 62, 1891, 217-293. Die innere Zusammensetzung des Spermatozoenkopfes der Saugethiere. [1891.] Centrbl. Physio)., 5, 1892, 65- 68. Ueber den feineren Bau der Muskelsubstanzen. 1. Die Muskelfaser der Cephalopoden . Arch. Mikr. Anat., 39, 1892, 291-324. Das Schmelzorgan der Edentaten, seine Ausbildung im Embryo, und die Persistenz seines Keimrandes bei dem ervsachsenen Thier. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 40, 1892, 133-156. Zu der Micteilung des Herrn Professor L. Aderbach in Breslau iiber ' ' Merkwiirdige Vorgange am Sperma von Dytiscus marginalis." Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 505- 506. Die Innervation der Chromatophoren, mit Demon- stration von Zeichnungen und Praparaten. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 71-76. Ueber den Bau des elektrischen Organes von Torpedo mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Nervenendigungen in demselben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 42, 1893, 459-568. Ueber die Bewegungserscheinungen der Pigmeut- zellen. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 625-630. Die Nervenendigungen der Pigmentzellen, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Zusammeuhanges der Endverzwei- gungen der Nerven mit dem Protoplasma der Zellen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 56, 1893, 673-706. Ueber das Vorkommen echter peripherer Nervenend- netze. [1893.] Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 165-169. Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von Dr. phil. Karl Ballowitz iiber die Samenkorper der Arthropoden nebst weiteren spermatologischen Beitra<,'en, betreffend die Tunicaten, MoUusken, Wiirmer, Echinodermen, nnd Coelenteraten. Int. Jl. Anat., 11, 1894, 245-280. Bemerkungen iiber die Form und Lage des mensch- lichen Duodenums. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 583-590. Eine seltene Zahnanomalie im Zwischenkiefer eines menschlichen Schadels. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1895, 286-288. Ueber angebornen, einseitigen, vollkommenen Nieren- mangel. Literarisch-statistische Bearlieitung von 210 Fallen nebst 3 neuen Beobachtungen. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 309-390. Die Doppelspermatozoen der Dyticiden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 60, 1895, 458-499. Ein Beitrag zur Verwendbarkeit der Golgi'schen Methode. [1897.] Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr.. 13, 1896, 462-467. Ueber die Uebereinstimmung des feineren Baues der elektrischen Organe bei den starkelektrischen und Bchwachelektrischen Fischen. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 124-126. Ueber Sichelkerne und Riesenspharen in ruhenden Epithelzellen. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 602-604. Ueber die sogenannten " Dornpapiilen " im elektri- schen Organ des Zitteraales (Gymnotus electricus, L.). Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 643-648. Ueber den feineren Bau des elektrischen Organs des gewohnlichen Rochen (Eaja clavata, L.). Anat. Hefte (AM. 1), 7, 1897, 283-375. Bemerkung zu der Arbeit von Dr. Carl Niessing iiber " Die Betheiligung von Centralkorper und Sphare am Aufbau des Samenfadens bei Saugethieren." Arch. Mikr. Anat., 48, 1897, 686-689. Zur Anatomic des Zitteraales (Gymnotus electricus, jL.) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner elektrischen Organe. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 686-750. Notiz zur Kenntniss der Ossa sesamoidea des Men- schen. Virchow, Arch., 148, 1897, 560-565. Ueber Sichtbarkeit und Aussehen der ungefarbten Centrosomen in ruhenden Gewebszellen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 355-359. Notiz iiber die oberflachliche Lage der Centralkorper in Epithelien. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 369-372. Zur Entstehung des Zwischenkorpers. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 390-405. Ueber Kernformen und Spharen in den Epidermis- zellen der Araphioxuslarven. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 405-407. Zur Kenntniss der Zellsphare. Eine Zellenstudie am Salpenepithel. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1898, 135-198. Ueber Eingkerne, ibre Entstehung und Vermehrung. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 286-299. Die Nervenendigungen in dem elektrischen Organ des afrikanischen Zitterwelses (Malopterurus electricus, Lacep.). [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 85-92. Ballowitz] 270 [Baltzer Ueber polytome Nervenfaserteilung. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 541-546. Ueber Hypomerie und Hypermerie bei Aurelia aurita, Lam. Arch. EntwMech., 8, 1899, 239-252. Zur Kenntniss der Hornhautzellen des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. [1899.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 49, 1900, 8-26. Notiz iiber Eiesenkerne. Anat. Anz., 17,1900, 340-346. Eine Bemerkung zu dem von Golgi und seinen Schiilern beschriebenen "Apparato reticolare interne " der Ganglien- und Driisenzellen. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 177-181. Stab- und fadenformige Krystalloide ira Linsenepithel. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1900, 253-270. Kemmetamorphosen in der Hornhaut wahrend ihres Wachsthums und im Alter. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 50, 1900, 360-367. Ueber das Epithel der Membrana elastica posterior des Auges, seine Kerne und eine merkwiirdige Struktur seiner grossen Zellspharen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Organisation der Zelle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 56, 1900, 230-291. Die grosseEaubseeschwalbe (Sterna caspia, Pall.) an der pommerschen Ostseekiiste. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 165-175. Ueber Kern-Arrosion und Kern-Fensterung unter dem Einflusse der Zellsphare. Virchow, Arch., 160, 1900, 574-583. Ballowitz, Karl. Zur Kenntnis der Samenkorper der Arthropoden. Int. Jl. Anat., 11, 1894, 217-244. Bally, Oscar. Ueber phenylirte Piperidin- und Pyridin- basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2590-2594. Zur Kenntniss des Phloroglucintricarbonsaureesters. Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber , 21, 1888, 1766-1771. Einwirkung von Chlor auf Pyridin, Piperidin und Derivate derselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1772-1777. Balxner, J. J. Notiz iiber die Spektrallinien des Wasser- stoffs. Basel Verb., 7, 1886, 548-560, 750-752. Eine neue Formel fiir Spektralwellen. Basel Verb., 11, 1897, 448-463. Balmer, W. T. [Lunar corona, Tenby, Jan. 7th, 1898.] [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 253. Balogb, Kdlmdn. For biography and works see Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 498-501 ; Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 597-598. Balsamo, Francesco. Eeliquie Cesatiane. Crittogame del R. Orto Botanico, raccolte dal prof, barone V. Cesati. [Alghe.] Napoli, Bend., 24, 1885, 69-73. Sulla storia naturale delle alghe d' acqua dolce del comune di Napoli. [1885.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 1, 1888, No. 14, 84 pp. Alghe della baja di Assab. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 1, 1888, JVo. 12, 9-12. Diatomee contenute nel canale digerente di alcune Aplysise raccolte dal capitano G. Chierchia nel viaggio di circumnavigazione della R. corvetta Vettor Pisani nel 1884-85. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 4, 1890, 131-138. Suir assorbimento delle radiazioni nelle piante. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 5, 1891, 61-69. Sulla visibility delle strie delle Diatomee in rapporto ai sistemi ottici ed ai mezzi d' inclusions. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 5, 1891, 175-181. Ricerche sulla penetrazione delle radiazioni nelle piante. Parte prima. Metodo di ricerca. [1891.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 65-70. Contribuzione alia tlora africana. Piante delle Canarie e del Congo raccolte da G. Zenker. Centuria prima. Napoli, Rend., 31, 1392, 119-132. Manipolo di alghe napolitane. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 77-97. Sull' uso di un sistema divergente per ingrandire r imagine nel microscopic. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 20-23. Intorno ad una sostanza colorante della Salpiehroma rhomboidea, Miers. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 51-53. Baltet, Charles. Le sulfate de cuivre contre les limaces et les escargots. Brux. Soc. Linn. Bull., 15, 1889, 99-100. La persicaire de Sakhalin. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 54, 1894, 167-169. ■ Sur la fecondit^ de la persicaire geante (Polygonum sachalinense). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 607. Fruit culture in France. [1894.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 19, 1896, 141-200. Balthazard, V. Note sur la pathogenic de I'^rytheme radiographique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 726-728. Etude de la diurese produite par les injections in- traveineuses de solutions hypertoniques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., .52, 1900 (C. R.), 565-.568. Balthazard, V., & Claude, Henri [^Charles Jules']. See Claude & Balthazard. Balthazard, V., & Desgrez, Alexandre. See Besgrez & Balthazard. Balthazard, V., & Roux, Jean Charles. See Boux & Balthazard. Balthazard, V., Claude, Henri {Charles Jules'], & Savelli, . See Claude, Balthazard & Savelli. Baltz, Carl (Krf/er i'o»?Balzberg). Die Siedesalz-Erzeugung von ihren Anfangen bis auf ihren gegenwartigen Stand, nebst eitifni Anhauge iiber Seesalinen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salineiiw., 44, 1896 (Ahh.), 207-371. Baltzer, [R.] A[i-min]. *Gebogene Gesteinsschichten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [65]. [Sur le contact da granit et des schistes cristallins dans le massif du Finsteraarhorn.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12, 1884, 527-532. Ueber einen Fall von rascher Strudellochbildung. Bern Mitth., 1884 {Heft 3, Ahh.), 40-44. Zum Winterschlaf der Murmelthiere. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 19, 1884, 571-573. Ueber ein Lossvorkommen im Kanton Bern. Bern Mitth. , 1885 (Hc/t 1), 26-29; Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 709-711. Die weissen Bander und der Marmor im Gadmenthal. Bern Mitth., 1885 {Heft 1), 30-33. Ueber den Loss im Kanton Bern. Bern Mitth., 1885 {Heft 2 & 3), 111-127; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 14, 1885, 240-244. Randerscheinungen der centralgranitischen Zone im Aarmasfiiv. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 {Ed. 2), 25-43. Profil transversal du col de la Grimsel, et tronc d'arbre trouv^ dans le gneiss de Giittaunen. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 243-246. Geologische Mittheilungen. [1. Ein Mammuthrest in den Voralpeu. 2. Schichtenstorungen in Grund- morane. 3. Gliederung des Diluviums bei Bern. 4. Bittersalz und Magnesit als Zersetzungsprodukt griiner Schiefer in der Gornersclilucht bei Zermatt.] [1887.] Bern Mitth., 1886, 189-199. Mineralogisch-geologische Notizen. [1. Ueber ein neues schweizerisches Vorkommen von ScheeUt. 2. Ueber ein Balanidenlager am Bantiger.] Bern mitth., 1887, 166-169. Ueber ein Schattenbild an den Lauteraarhornern. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 22, 1887, 359-361. Bericht iiber die Feldexkursion der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1887. [1887.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1886-87, 95-105. Der mittlere Theil des Aarmassivs nebst einem Abschnitt des Gotthardmassivs enthalten auf Blatt XIII. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz., 24 {Th. 4), 1888, x + 184 pp. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Scheelit in der Schweiz. Neiaes Jbuch. Min., 1888 {Bd. 2), 85-86. Einige Naturmerkwiirdigkeiten des Haslithals. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbnch., 23, 1888, 497-506. Baltzer] 271 [Baly Ueber den Hautschild eines Kochen aus der marinen Molasse. Bern Mitth., 1889, 155-158. Carte geologique des enviions de Berne au 25,000*"*. Arch. Sci. Ph.ys. Nat., 24, 1890, 407-409. Limites des anciens glaciers du Khone et de I'Aar. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 409-410. Vorkommen von sogenannten Schlagrinnen. Bern Mitth., 1890, vi. Ein von der Alp Ahorni (Trift) stanimenden Graphit- schiefer oder Graphitphyllit. Bern Mitth., 1890, xii. Lossahnliche Bildungen im Canton Bern. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 42, 1890, 164-166. Ueber mechanische Gesteinsveranderungen. Bern Mitth., 1891, xviii. Geologisches. [i. Beitrage zur Interglacialzeit auf der Siidseite der Alpen. ii. Der Loss des St. Gallischen Kheinthals. iii. Zur Herkunft der bernischen bunteu Nagelfluh.] Bern Mitth., 1891, 83-92. L'action erosive du glacier [de Grindelwald]. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 464-468. Glacialgeologisches von der Siidseite der Alpen. Bern Mitth., 1892, 77-86. Die Etna-Eruption von 1892. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 1), 75-88; 1894 {Bd. 1, Re/.), 423. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des tunisischen Atlas. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 2), 26-41. Eine neue Eishohle im Berner Oberland. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 28, 1893, 358-362. Bericht iiber einleitende Arbeiten am unteren Grindel- waldgletscher zur empiri schen Bestimmung der Eiserosion. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 14-16. 1st das Linththal eine Grabenversenkung? Bern Mitth., 1894, 267-274. Bericht iiber die Excursion IX im Berneroberland und Gotthardmassiv. Vom 2. bis 8. September 1894. Cougr. G^ol. Int. C. R., 1894, 454-465. Bemerkungen zu den Berneroberlandprofilen des Herrn Prof. H. Golliez im " Livret guide geologique de la Suisse, 1894." Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1894, 466-468. Vom Rande der Wiiste. [1894.] Bern Mitth., 1896, 13-37. Versteinerungen aus dem tunisischen Atlas. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 {Bd. 1), 105-107, (Re/.), 440. Der diluviale Aargletscher und seine Ablagerungen in der Gegend von Bern mit Beriicksichtigung des Rhonegletschers. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 30, 1896, 169 + xi pp. Der diluviale Aar- und Rhonegletscher. Deutsch Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 652-664. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der interglacialen Ablagerungen Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 1), 159-186; 1897 [Bd. 2), 101-104. Der Murgang von Kienholz bei Brienz vom 31. Mai 1896. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1896, 101-102. Notiz iiber ein Mineralvorkommen im Berneroberland Bern Mitth., 1897, 1-2. Zur Entstehung der Alpenseen. Ziircherische In auguraldissertation von Leonidas Swerinzew. [1897.] Eclogse Geol. Helv^et., 5, 1897-98, 215-218. Drumlins und Asar bei Constauz. Bern Mitth., 1898, 78-80. Studien am Unter-Griudelwaldgletscher iiber Glacial- erosion, Langeu- und Dickenveriinderung, in den Jahren 1892 bis 1897. [1898.] Ziirich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkscbr., 33, 1893-98 (Abth. 2), 20 pp. I'ype special de formations erratiques etudi6 dans le bassin de I'ancien glacier du Rhdne. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 479-480. Dislocation curieuse.... observ^e dans une moraine des environs de Berne. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 480-481. Beitrage zur Kenntniss schweizerischer dilavialer Gletschergebiete. Bern Mitth., 1899, 54-65. Zum geologischen Bau des Glarnisch. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 327-334, xv. Die Hiigelriicken und ihre Beziehung zu den Disloca- tionen auf Jasmund (Riigen). Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 556-570. Ueber eine besondere Form erratischer Ablagerungen im alten Rbeingletschergebiet. [1900.] Eclogse Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899-1900, 161-162. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des diluvialen Rhonegletschers. [1900.] Ecloga3 Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899-1900, 378-391. Baltzer, [R.] A[rmin], & Fischer, Eduard. Fossile Pflanzen vom Comer-See. Bern Mitth., 1890, 139-145. Baltzer, Otto, & Fecbmann, H[ans'\ von. [Untersuchungen iiber Osotriazole.] Dritte Abhandlung. Ueber einige Hornologe des n-Phenylosotriazols. Liebig's Ann., 262, 1891, 302-313. [Untersuchungen iiber Osotriazole.] Vierte Abhand- lung. Ueber das Osotriazol. Liebig's Ann., 262, 1891, 314-324. See also Fechmann & Baltzer. Baltzer, R[ichard\ Eine Erinnerung an Mobius und seinen Freund Weiske. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 37, 1885, 1-6. Ueber einen Satz aus der Determinantentheorie. Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 389-391. Baltzley, Edwin B., & Mabery, Charles Flrederic]. See niabery & Baltzley. Baly, Edward C[harles] Cyril. Separation and striation of rarefied gases under the influence of the electric discharge. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 147-153; Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 200-204. A possible explanation of the two-fold spectra of oxygen and nitrogen. Roy. Soc. Proc, 57, 1896, 468- 469. Helium in the atmosphere. Nature, 58 (1898), 545. On the distillation of liquid air, and the composition of the gaseous and liquid phases. Part I. At constant pressure. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 157-170 ; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 517-529. Baly, Edward Clharles'] Cyril, & Chorley, John C. Ein neues Thermometer fiir hohere Temperaturen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 470-471. Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf die Lignocellulosen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 922-927; Chem. News, 71, 1896, 226-228. Baly, Edward C[harles] Cyril, & Bamsay, William. Experiments on the relations of pressure, volume, and temperature of rarefied gases. [1894.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 187-216; Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 301-327. Baly, Edward C[harle8} Cyril, Bamsay, William, & Travers, Morris W[illiam]. See Ramsay, Travers & Baly. Baly, Joseph Slugarl. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 142; Entomologist, 23, 1890, 197-200. 'Descriptions of hitherto uncharacterized Australian Phytophaga. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 45-50. ^Descriptions of new species of phytophagous Coleop- tera. [1876-77.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 123-130, 179-185. 'Descriptions of some uncharacterized species of Crioceridie. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 305-316. 'Descriptions of the phytophagous Coleoptera collected by the late Dr. F. Stoliczka during Forsttth's expedition to Kashgar in 1873-74. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876- 82, 369-383. 'List of the phytophagous Coleoptera collected in Assam by A. W. Chennell, Esq., with notes and descriptions of the uncharacterized genera and species. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 1876-82, 435-465. The Colombian species of the genus Diabrotica, with descriptions of those hitherto uncharacterized. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 213-229, 230-259. Baly] 272 [Bambeke Descriptions of new genera and species of Galerucidse. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 27-39. Descriptions of uncharacterized species of Diabrotica. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 443-455. Description of a new species of phytophagous Coleop- tera, alleged to be destructive to the dhan crops in the Chittagong district. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 412. Notes on GalerucinsB, and descriptions of two new species of Hispidae. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 268-270. Descriptions of three new Phytophaga from the East. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 85-86. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XIII. List of the Hispidas collected in Burma and Tenasserim by Mr. L. Fea, together with descriptions of some of the new species. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann,, 26, 1888,653-666. Diagnoses of uncharacterized species of Diabrotica. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 251-254. Notes on Aulacophora and allied genera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 297-309. Contributions a la faune indo-chinoise. Sagridse, Crioceridfe, Ghrysomelidae, Hispidaa. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 485-492. Descriptions of new South-American Coleoptera of the genus Diabrotica. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 88-95. Descriptions of a new genus and of some new species of GalerucinsE, also diagnostic notes on some of the older described species of Aulacophora. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool), 20, 1890, 1-27. Descriptions of some genera and species of Galerucinae. [1888.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zool.), 20, 1890, 156-188. On the South American species of Diabrotica. Part I. [1889.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1890, 1-8C. Descriptions of two new genera and of some un- characterized species of Galerucinse. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 12-14. Balzan, Luigi. For biographical notice see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 919-920. Sulle condizioni fisiche e social! della Repubblica del Paraguay. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 26, 1889, 197-207. Eevisione dei Pseudoscorpioni del bacino dei fiumi Parang e Paraguay nell' America Meridionale. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 29, 1889-90, 401-454. Da Asuncion a La Paz. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 452-472, 661-580. Da La Paz a Irupana. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 725-737. Da Irupana a Covendo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 28, 1891, 911-929. Voyage de M. E. Simon au 76nezu61a. Arachnides: Chernetes (Pseudoscorpiones). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, 497-552. Da Covendo a Eeyes. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 232-261. • Da Reyes a Villabella. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 495-508, 570-594, 991-1003. Un po' piu di luce suUa distribuzione di alcune tribii indigene della parte centrale dell' America Meridionale. Arch. Antropologia, 24, 1894, 17-29. Da Villa Bella a Trinidad. [Posth.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 61-74. Da Trinidad a S. Cruz de la Sierra e Corumb^ e ritorno al Paraguay. [Posth.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 695-710. Balzer, . Beitrage zur Frage der Durchschlagssicher- heit innerer Ziindvorrichtungen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 47, 1899 (Abh.), 323-333. Balzer, /I. Untersuchungen iiber die Sekrete. 18. Ueber das Sandaracharz. Arch. Pharm., 234, 1896, 289-316. Balzer, F[elix]. liecherches sur les caracteres anatomiques du xanthelasma. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1884, 65-80. Experiences sur la toxicity du bismuth. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 41, 1889 (C. JR.), 537-544. Causes des infections g^neralisees dans la blennor- rhagie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R, 1900 {Vol. 9), 245-283. Balzer, F[elix], & Alquier, [L.]. Malformation familiale des oreilles. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 849-850. Balzer, Flelix], & Barth61einy, T[oussaint]. Contribution a I'etude des sueurs color^es. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1884, 317-322. Balzer, F[elix], & Dubreuilh, William [Augitste]. Ob- servations et recherclies sur I'erythrasma et sur les parasites de la peau a I'etat normal. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1884, 597-606, 661-666. Balzer, F[elix], & Orandhomxne, . Nouveau cas d'adenomes s^baces de la face. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1886, 93-96. Balzer, F[elix], & OrifFon, Vincent. Le streptocoque agent pathogene constant de I'impetigo et de I'ecthyma. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 916-917. Balzer, F[elix], & Klumpke, {Mile.) A. Recherches ex- perimentales sur les lesions necrosiques causees par les injections sous-cutanees de preparations mercurielles in- solubles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 604- 607. Balzer, F[elix], & lM[6n6trier, P[ierre Eugene]. Etude sur un cas d'adenomes s^baces de la face et du cuir chevelu. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1885, 564-576. Adenomes s^baces (variete tubuleuse) de la face et du cuir chevelu. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 313-316. Balzer, Flelix], & Monsseaux, A. Ery theme polymorphe recidivant. Arch. Gen. M<5d., 183, 1899, 461-46"6. Balzer, F[elix], & Reblaud, 27i[eop/u'Z'-]. Recherches ex- perimentales sur les injections intra-musculaires d'huile grise et d'oxyde jaune de mercure. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 {C. R.), 735-738. Balzer, F[e//.T], & Souplet, A[bel]. Nouvelle contribution a I'etude de I'albuminurie compliquant les phases aigues de la blennorrhagie. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 113-124. Bambeke, Charles [Eughie Marie'] van. Pourquoi nous ressemblons a nos parents. Brux., Ac. Bull., 10, 1886, 901-944. Contribution pour servir k I'histoire de la v6sicule germinative. Brux., Ac. Bull., 11, 1886, 14-28. Des deformations artificielles du noyau. Arch, de Biol., 7, 1887, 349-387. Eemarques sur la reproduction de la blennie vivipare (Zoarces viviparus, Cuv.). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 92-117. Sur des foUicules rencontres dans I'^piderme de la machoire sup^rieure chez le Tursiops tursio. Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 503-514. ■ De I'origine des tissus de substance conjonctive. Brnx., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 12, 1888, 119-148. Recherches sur la morphologic du Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.). Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 28, 1889 {Mem.), 7-50. Omtrent de waarschlijnlijkheid van het voorkomen van een rudimentair iuvolucrum of indusium bij Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.). De I'existence probable chez Phallus (Ithyphallus) impudicus (L.), d'un iuvolu- crum ou indusium rudimentaire. {With French transla- tion.) Bot. Jaarb., 3, 1891, 2-19, 110-123. Onderzoekingen over de vaathyphen der Eumyceten. Recherches sur les hyphes vasculaires des Eumyc^tes. {With French translation.) Bot. Jaarb., 4, 1892, 174-239. Contribution k I'etude des hyphes vasculaires des Agaricines. Hyphes vasculaires de Lentinus cochleatus, Pers. Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 472-490. Contributions a I'histoire de la constitution de I'oeuf. II. Elimination d'eiements nucieaires dans I'oeuf ovarien de Scorpfena scrofa, L. Brux., Ac. Bull., 25, 1893, 323- 864; Arch, de Biol., 13, 1895, 89-124. Bambeke] •273 [Bamberger Le sillon mfklian ou raphe gastrulaire du Triton alpestre (Triton alpestris, Laur.). Brux., Ac. Bull., 25, 1893, 710-726. Les materiaux de Torganisme humain. Brux., Ac Bull., 26, 1893, 733-757. Hyphes vasculaires du mycelium des Autobasidiomy- cStes. [1894.] Brux., Mem. Couronu. (8° i^rf.), 52, 1894-96, No. 1, 30 pp. Note sur una forme moiistrueuse de Ganoderma lucidum {Leys). Over een monstrueusen vorm van Ganoderma lucidum (Leys). (With French translation.) Bot. Jaarb., 7, 1896, 92-117. Description d'un mycelium membraneux. Beschrijving van een vliezig mycelium. (With French translation.) Bot. Jaarb. , 8, 1896, 120-145. Sur un groupeuient de granules pigmentaires dans I'oeuf en segmentation d'Amphibiens anoures et du crapaud coramun en particulier. Brux., Ac. Bull., 31, 1896, 29-46. De I'emploi du terme protoplasma. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 22, 1896, 52-67. L'oocyte de Pholcus phalangioides, Fuessl. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897 (Aiiat. Ges. Verh.), 69-78; Brux., Ac. Bull., 33, 1897, 307-321. A propos de la delimitation cellulaire. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 23, 1897, 72-87. Cristalloides dans l'oocyte de Pholcus phalangioides, Fuessl. Arch. Anat. Micr., 2, 1898, 65-88. Contributions a I'histoire de la constitution de I'ceuf. Arch, de Biol., 15, 1898, 511-598. Sur une monstruosite du Boletus luteus, L., suite de parasitisme. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (Mem.), 7-21. Le Coccobotrys xylophilus (Fr.), Baud, et Pat. ( = Cenococcum xylophilum, Fr.), est le mycelium du Lepiota meleagris (Soio.), Sacc. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (Mem.), 81-84. Quekjues remarques toucliant le Lepiota meleagris (Sow.), Sacc. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1900 (Mem.), 85-88. Bambeke, Charles [Eugene Marie] van, & H^ron-Royer, [Louis Fran<;ois]. See XI6ron-Royer & Bambeke. Bambeke, Charles [Eugene Marie] van, & Strlcht, Omer van der. See Striclit & Bambeke. Bamber, C[harles] J[ames]. The preservation of vaccine lymph. [1897.] Indian Med. Gaz., 32, 1898, 79. Bamber, E[dwurd] F[is]ier]. Electric traction. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 567-568. Electricity direct from coal. Nature, 62 (1900), 437. Bamber, Henry Kelway G. Portland cement : its manu- facture, use, and testing. [1891.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 107, 1892, 31-39. On the analysis of steel. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1894 (No. 1), 319-327. Bamber, il7 [07Uaf/Me] K[elway]. First report on progress made in the inquiry relating to tea soils, plants and manures. [1891.] India Agr. Soc. Jl., 9 (1890-93), 100-131. Bamberg, Carl. For biographical notice see Ztschr. Instrumenteuk., 12, 1892, 253. Bamberger, G. , & VTachsmuth, Richard. See VTachsmutli & Bamberger. Bamberger, Eiigen. Ueber Reten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 453-456; 18, 1885, 81-85. Ueber gemischte Azoverbindungen (i). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 241.5-2422. Ueber eine Farbreaktion von Orthodiketonen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 18, 1885, 865-866. [UntersuchuDgen iiber hochmoleculare Kohlenwasser- stoffe.] Liebig's Ann., 229, 1886, 102-162; 240, 1887, 147-192 ; 284, 1896, 52-80. Ueber das Verhalten der Anisole bei hoherer Tempe- ratur. BerUn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1818-1820. Ueber die Einwirkung von Cyankalium auf o-nitro- benzylchlorid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2635- 2642. Ueber die Jodalkylate des Sparteins. Liebig's Ann., 235, 1886, 368-376. Neue Svnthesen des Guanylharnstoffs. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 68-71. Zur Kenntniss aromatischer Nitrile. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1702. Ueber Hydroderivate aromatischer Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2915-2917. Zur Kenntniss des Chinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3338-3344. Zur Fornmlirung der Campherbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1125-1131. Ueber Reduction von Chinolinderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 353-355. Ueber den Fichtelit. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 635-637; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 238. Beziehun^en zwischen chemischen Eigenschaften und Constitution hydrirter Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 767-776. Ueber Hydrirungsstudien in der aromatischen Reihe. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 226-227. Notiz iiber Camphersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 218-219. Spaltung des alicyclischen 1,5-Tetrahydronaphtylen- diamins in seine optisch activen Componenten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 291-292. Synthesen des Ammelins und der Cyanursaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1856-1869. Ueber die Constitution des Naphtalins. Jl. Prakt. Chem. 42, 1890, 188-206. Beitrage zur Theorie sechsgliedriger Ringsysteme. Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 1-55. Ueber Piperylbiguanid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 605. Ueber 1, 2, 4 Trimethyl-p-phenylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1645-1649. Ueber die Constitution fiinfgliedriger Ringsysteme. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1758-1764. Ueber " alicyclische Homologie." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 24, 1891, 1897-1899. Die Wirkung der Wasserstoffaddition auf tricyclische Systeme. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2463-2469. Ueber das symmetrische Bisphenylhydrazon des Mesoxalaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3260-3264. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzol auf ^-Keton- sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3547-3555. Zur Frage der Valenz des Pyrrolstickstoffatoms. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1946-1947. Studien iiber Imidazole. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 267-379. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzol auf Nitro- methan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 165-160. Zur Kenntniss des Benzenylamidoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 160-163. Ueber die Diazobenzolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 359-379. Nitrirung des Anilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 584-587. Diazobenzolsaure aus Nitrylchlorid und Anilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 668-671. Ueber Isomerieerscheinungen bei Diazokorpern. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 679-684. Weiteres iiber Diazo- und Isodiazoverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 914-917. Beziehungen zwischen Nitrosaminen, Diazosauren und Isodiazokorpern. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1179-1182. Notiz iiber eine neue Bildungsweise des Nitrosobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1182. 35 Bamberger] 274 [Bamberger Ueber das Diazobenzolperbromid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1273-1278. Ueber die Eeduction der Nitroverbindnngen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1347-1350. Ueber das Phenylhydroxylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1548-1557. Zur Kenntniss des Diazotirungsprocesses. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1948-1953. Ueber Stereomerie bei Diazoverbindiingen und die Natur der Isodiazokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2582-2595. Ueber die "stereoisomeren " Diazoamidovei-bindungen von A. Hantzsch. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2596-2601. Zur Constitution der Diazobenzolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2601-2611. Ueber die stereomeren benzoldiazosulfonsauren Salze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2930-2939. Ueber den jj-Nitrodiazobenzolmethylester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3412-3420. Ueber Diazoester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 28, 1896, 225-244. ■ Ueber die Eeduction aromatischer Nitroverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 245-251. Zur Kenntniss der Nitrirung organischer Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 399-403. • Ueberfiihrung von Isodiazohydraten in Abkommlinge des Diphenyls. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 403- 407. Zur Theorie der Diazoverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 444-449. Ueber sine Explosion. Zur Warnung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 538-539. Weitere experimentelle Beitrage zur Chemie der Diazokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 826- 837. Isomerieerscheinungen auf dem Gebiet der Azokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 837-854. Die Constitution der Isodiazohydrate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 1218-1222. HerrnHANTZSCH'sneuesteAnsichteniiberDiazohaloide. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 51, 1896, 585-591. Zur Kenntniss der Isocumarincarbonsaure. Liebig's Ann., 288, 1896, 134-138. Ueber die Einwirkung des Nitrosobenzols auf Amido- verbindungen. [iv. Mittheilung iiber Hydroxylamine nnd Nitrosokorper.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 102-104. Experimentalbeitrage zur Chemie der Diazoverbin- dungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 446-473. Zur Kenntniss normaler Diazometallsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 564-577. Notiz, betreffend die lonenzahl der diazosulfonsauren Salze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 608-610, 1052. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Isodiazohydroxyde. Berlin, Chem. Ge?. Ber., 29, 1896, 1383-1388. Schlusserklarung. [Zur Kenntniss normaler Diazo- metallsalze.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1388- 1390. Ueber /3-Alphylhydroxylamine und Alphyluitroso- korper. Zurich Vrtljschr., 41, 1896 (Festschr., Th. 2), 174-185. Einige vergleichende Versuche iiber normale und Iso- Diazotate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 211-219. ■ Zur Kenntniss acylirter Nitrosamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 366-374. Ueber die Einwirkung von Stickstoffoxyden auf Quecksilberphenyl und Nitrosobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 506-513. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alphylhydrazinen auf j8-Naphtochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 513-516. Zur Kenntniss der Diazosauren (Alphylnitramine). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1248-1263, 3448. Notiz iiber Formylphenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 30, 1897, 1263-1264. Zur Kenntniss der Nitrosoalphylhydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 574-589, 1507-1508. Ueber Naphtolquecksilberverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2624-2626. Zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Nitroazoparaffine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2626-2635. Ueber Hydrolyse gemischter Azoverbindungen. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 52-53. Notiz Tiber Quecksilbermethyl. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 53. Notiz iiber Alphylhydroxylamine. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 53-54. Erwiderung [an Wolffenstein. Berl. B., 32, 688]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1159-1161. Notiz iiber die Einwirkung von Diazoverbindungen auf Oxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1546-1548. Ueber eine neue Klasse von Diazoverbindungen (Triazolene). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1773- 1797, 4083. Ueber Anhydrisirung von /3-Naphtol-azofarbstoffeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1797-1802. Notizen. [Acetylirung von a-Naphtylamin. Benzol- sulfonirung von as- Alkylphenylhydrazinen. Nachweis von Hydroxylamin. Nachweis und Abscheidung von Aldehyden und Ketonen. Demonstration des Massen- wirkungsgesetzes, angeweudet auf schwacbe Elektrolyte. Demonstration der Umwandlung von Phenylhydrazin in Diazobenzol. Ueber die sogenannte Benzilreaction.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1803-1810. Zur Geschichte der Diazoniumsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2043-2046, 3633-3635. Oxydation von Arylhydroxylaminen durch Luft und Wasser. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 99-100. MechanismusderUmlagerung von Arylhydroxylaminen in Amidophenole. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 {Th. 2, Halfte 1), 100-101. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkalien auf orthomethy- lirte Diazoniumsalze ; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Indazole. Liebig's Ann., 305, 1899, 289-370. Oxydation substituirter Hydroxylamine. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1899, 63-64. Umwandlungen des Nitrosobenzols. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1899, 64-65. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazokorpern auf Phenol. [1900.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 44, 1899, 295-301. Ueber die Oxydation wassriger Arylhydroxylamin- losungen durch den Luftsauerstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 113-122, 1419. Ueber die Einwirkung von Formaldehyd auf ^- Arylhydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900 941-955, 4191. Ueber die Oxydation des Benzaldoxims. (Erste Mittheilung iiber Oxydation von Oximen.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1781-1788. Ueber die Einwirkung wassriger Natronlauge auf Nitrosobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1939- 1957. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Azoxy- und Diazo- benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1957- 1959. Notiz iiber das Caro'sche Beagens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1959-1961. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzol auf Phenol und die Synthese des Orthooxyazobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3188-3192. Notiz iiber die Umlagerung von Azoxybenzol. Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3192-3193. Ueber die Einwirkung von Nitrosobenzol auf aro- Bamberg'er] 275 [Bamberger matische Hydrazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3508-3510. Ueber den Mechanismus der Unilagerung von Arylhy- droxylamiuen in Amidophenole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3600-3622. See ctlso under Blomstrand, C[hristian] W[ilhelm]. Bamberger, Eugen, & Althausse, Max. Ueber a-Tetra- hydronaphtylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1786-1795, 1892-1904. Bamberger, Eugen, & Bammann, Joh[annes\ Weiteres liber rtc-l,5-Tetrahydronaphtylendiamin und liber ac- Tetra-hydro-a-naphtylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 951-968. Bamberger, Eugen, & Baum, Marie. Ueber die Naphtalendiazooxyde Cjq Hg < 0 [1899.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 43, 1898, 327-339. Bamberger, Eugen, & Berl6, B[ernhard]. Ueber das Ver- halten des Carvacrols gegeu Eeductionsmittel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3208-3212. Weiteres iiber Benzimidazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 274-278. Spaltung des Imidazolringes. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 278-281. Ueber Dibenzoyldiamidoathylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3653-3654. [Studien iiber Imidazole. Zweite — vierte Abhandlung.] Die a-stiindige Methylgruppe der Benzimidazole und das Verhalten der letzteren bei der Oxydation. [Aufspaltung des Imidazolrings. Producte der Addition von Chloral an Chinolinbasen und Benzimidazole.] Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 303-342, 342-368, 364-373. Bamberger, fiw^reH.&Boekmann, Otto. Ueber /3-Naphtalin- aldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1115-1119. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natrium auf alkoholisches ^-Naphtonitril. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1711- 1712. Bamberger, Eugen, & Bordt, FrYiedricK]. Weitere Beitriige zur Kenntniss des a-Tetrahydronaphtylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 625-634. Ueber aromatisches a-Tetrahydronaphtol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 23, 1890, 215-218. Bamberger, Eugen, & Brady, Friedrich. Ueber die Ein- wirkung der Alkalien auf Aryihydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 271-274, 4190. Ueber 2,4-Dimethylphenylhydroxylamin und iiber 2,4-Dimethylchinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3642-3658. Bamberger, Eugen, & Burgdorf, C[hri8tia7i]. Ueber Amidochrysen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1006-1007. Zur Kenntniss des Chrysens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2433-2446. Bamberger, Eugen, & Caiman, Allberf], Ueber gemischte Azoverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 2563-2567. Bamberger, Eugen, & Chattaway, Frederick D[anier\. .\bbau des Chrysens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1745-1751. Ueber das Picen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1751-1754. Untersuchungen iiber hochmolekulare Kohlenwasser- stoffe. Ueber das Picen. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1896, 52-80. Bamberger, Eugen, & Dieckmann, W[alter]. Ueber eiue neue Synthese der Guanamine und den Mechanismus ihrer Bildungsweise. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 534-542. Zur Kenntniss des Biguanids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 543-546. Ueber das Tetrahydriir des Lsochinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1205-1221. Bamberger, Eugen, & Djierdjian, Gleorg], Ueber den Pyrrolaldeliyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 536- 542. Bamberger, Eui/en, & Binhom, Alfred. Zur Kenntniss der im Fuselol enthaltenen Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 224-229. Bamberger, luigen, & Ekecrantz, Thor. Zur Kenntniss des Nitrosophenylhydroxylamins. Bei'lin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2412-2414. Bamberger, Eugen, & FUeline, Wilhelm. Beziehungen zwischeu physiologischen Eigenschaften und Constitution hydrirter Basen. Berlin. Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, Bamberger, Eugen, & Trew, William. Synthese des Isocumarins und einiger Abkommlinge des lsochinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 198-212. Bamberger, Eugen, & Ooldberger, Anton von. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Oxydation cyclischer Aminbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2636-2640. Bamberger, Eugen, & GoldBCbmidt, Carl. Ueber Aethyl- a-naphtylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2469- 2472. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Synthese des lsochinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1954-1957. Ueher ein Stereoraeres des Zimmtaldoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3428-3430. Bamberger, Eugen, & Oruyter, Paul de. Ueber die Constitution der Cyanphenylhydrazine und der aus denselben darstellbaren Triazolkorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2385-2397. Weitejes iiber Formazylmethylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2783-2786. Bamberger, Eugen, & Helwig, Hermawn. Ueber Hydrirung secundarerundtertiiirerAlkylderivatedesa-Naphtylamins. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1311-1317. Zur Kenntniss hydrirter Naphtobenzylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1912-1917. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kill, Adolf. Directe Oxydation von Jodarylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 533- 536. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kindermann, E[mil]. Umlagerung der Phenylsulfaminsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 654-655. Bamberger, Eugen, & ZZofiFmann, Felix. Ueber Dihydro- anthrol und Dihydroanthramin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 3068-3072. Bamberger, Eugen, & Hooker, Samuel C[ox]. Ueber Reten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1024-1030, 1030-1036, 1750-1755. [Untersuchungen iiber hochmoleculare Kohlenwasser- stotfe.] Ueber das Reten. Liebig's Ann., 229, 1886, 102-162. Bamberger, Eugen, & Koskyns-Abrahall, Jlohn] L[eigh]. Ueber l,o-ac-Tetrahydrouaphtylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 943-951. Bamberger, Eugen, & Xirpal, Alfred. Nitrirung alipha- tischer Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 535- 538. Bamberger, Eugen, &, Xitschelt, J/ [ax]. Ueber alicy- clisches und aromatisches Tetrahydro-^-naphtylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 876-884. Ueber aromatisches /S-Tetrahydronaphtol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 885-887. Ueber das Verhalten von Naphtalin un 1 Anthracen bei der Reduction. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1561-1565. Ueber die Einwirkung der unterchlorigen Saure auf /3-Naphtochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 133-136, 888-898. Ueberfiihrung von Naphtalin in Isochinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1138-1147. Ueber eine Synthese des Chinolins (und Skatols). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3421-3427. 35—2 Bamberger] 276 [Bamberger Bamberger, Eugen, & Knecht, Maja. Ueber die Keduction der Nitro- zur Hydroxylamingruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 863-864. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kranzfeld, J[acob]. Ueber Chrysen. Berlin, Chem.' Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1931-1934. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kraus, Emil. Ueber Thiodiazover- binduDgen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 272-286. Das Verhalten einiger Diazoverbindungen gegen Kaliumsullit. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1829- 1835. Ueber Naphtalen-2,l-diazooxyd. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 42, 1897, 136-146. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkalien auf Tribrom- diazobenzol. [1900.] Ziirich Vrtljschr., 44, 1899, 257- 264. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kublemann, F[riedricK]. Ueber das Diformazyl und seine Beziehung zum Diamidrazon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2978-2982. Bamberger, Eugen, & Kunz, Jakob. Umlagernng von Sulfonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 80, 1897, 2274- 2277. Bamberger, Eugen, & Iiagutt, Jar;. Ueber das Verhalten des Phenylhydroxylamins gegen alkoholische Schwefel- saure und gegen Anihn. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1500-1507. Bamt>erger, Eugen, & Iiandsteiner, Karl. Das Verhalten des Diazobenzols gegen Kaliumpermanganat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 482-495. Bamberger, Eugen, & Iiengfeld, Felix. Zur Charakter- istik des Hydrirungsprocesses. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1124-1137. Neue Keductionsprodncte des Chinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1138-1158. Bamberger, Eugen, & IiOdter, W[ilhelm]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natrium und Alkohol auf a-Naphtonitril, Benzonitril und Tolunitril. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1703-1710. Ueber Hydrirung aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 20, 1887, 3073-3078. Ueber die Keduction aromati&cher Saurethiamide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 51-56. Ueber a-Naphtalinaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 256-260. Zur Charakteristik partiell hydrirter aromatischer Substanzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 836- 846. Ueber alicyclisches |8-Tetrahydronaphtol und secundiire Eingalkohole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 197-213. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelkohlenstoff auf Menthol und Borneol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 213-215. Ueber ein ringformiges Analogon des Aethylens. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1887-1888. Ueber das Dihydronaphtalin und einige seiner Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1833-1844. Studien iiber alicyclische Naphtalinderivate. Liebig's Ann., 288, 1896, 74-133. Bamberger, Eugen, & Iiorenzen, Jul[ius1. Zur Kenntniss der Benzimidazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 269-273. Ueber Formazylmethylketon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3539-3547. [Studien iiber Imidazole. Erste Abhandlung.] Die Constitution, der Bildungsmodus und die Imidgruppe der Benzimidazole. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 269-302. Bamberger, Eugen, & ZtXeimberg, Franz. Directe Um- wandlung von Anilin in Kitrobenzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber!, 26, 1893, 496-497. Einige weitere Beobachtungen iiber Azofarbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1887-1897. Bamberger, Eugen, & SXeyenberg, Alexander. Ueber phenylhydrazindisulfonsaures Kalium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 374-378. Bamberger, Eugen, & SCiiller, Jens. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Diazobenzol auf Acetaldehyd, Brenztrauben- Hiiure und das Phenylhydrazon der letzteren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 147-155. Ueber die Einwirkung von Stickstoffperoxyd auf Quecksilbermethyl. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3546-3554; 33, 1900, 228. Zur Kenntniss der Nitrosamine methylirter Nitraniline. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 100-113. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise der Isodiazotate. Liebig's Ann., 313, 1900, 97-128. Bamberger, Eugen, & Miiller, Rudolf. Ueber das soge- nannte Carbonylcarbazol (Carbazolblau). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1903-1907. Ueber /3-Tetrahydro[na]phtylamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 847-860, 1112-1125. Zur Kenntniss des Phtalimids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1888-1892. Ueber Hydrirung alkylirter /3-Naphtylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1295-1311. Ueber Tetrahydriire des ^-Naphtochinolins und j3-Naphtochinaldins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2641-2647. Ueber Oktohydriire des ;3-Naphtochinolins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2648-2661. Bamberger, Eugen, & Philip, Max. Ueber das Pyren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1427-1431,1995-1999, 3036-3040; 20, 1887, 365-371; Liebig's Ann., 240, 1887, 147-192. Ueber die Constitution des Acenaphtens und der Naphtalsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 237- 244. Bamberger, Eugen, & Renauld, Edmond. Eine neue Bildungsweise des Diazomethans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1682-1685. Ueber alphylirte und alkylirte Hydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2278-2289. Bamberger, Eugen, & Rising, Adolf. Ueber Mesitylhy- droxylamin und Nitrosomesitylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3623-3636. Ueber Mesitylchinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3636-3642. Bamberger, Eugen, & Riist, Ernst. Isodiazotirung von Arylaminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3511- 3512. Bamberger, Eugen, & Schieffelin, William Jay. Ueber Hydrirung von Ortho- und Paranaphtylendiamin und iiber 2, 7-Naphtylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1374-1384. Bamberger, Eugen, & Seeberger, L. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Dicyandiamids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 899-907. Bingsynthesen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 25, 1892, 525-533. Ueber die Constitution des Dicyandiamids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1583-1587. Bamberger, Eugen, & Sternitzki, H[ermann]. Weiteres iiber Dihydromethylketol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 26, 1893, 1291-1307. Bamberger, Eugen, & Stettenbeimer, Ludwig. Ueber Tetrahydro-a-naphtochinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2472-2480. Ueber aromatisches Octohydro-a-naphtochinolin, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2481-2495. Bamberger, Eugen, & Stiegelmann, Arnuind. Ueber die Einwirkung von Nitrosoarylen auf asymmetrisch alkylirte Arylhydrazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3554- 3560. Bamberger, Eugen, & Storcb, Ludwig. Das Verhalten des Dia[zo]benzols gegen Ferridcyankalium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 471-481. Bamberger, Eugen, & Strasser, Ludwig. "Ueber den Fichtelit. " Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 22, 1889, 3361-3368. Bamberg-er] 277 [Banal Ueber Oktohydrihe des /3-Naphtochinaldins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2(162-2(569. Bamberger, Eiigen, & Szolayski, Boijdan. Ueber die Einwirkuug von Luft und Wasser auf /3-Bei)zylhydroxyl- amin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3193-3201. Bamberger, Eiigeii, & Tschimer, Fred[erick]. Zur Oxj- dation des Anilius. Vorlautige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1522-1528. Zur Oxvdation aromatischer Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 342-355. Directe Umwandlunp; des Anilins in Phenylhydroxyl- amin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1675-1678. Zur Kenntiiiss des Dimethylauilinoxyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1882-1903, 4083. Ueber Orthoamidodimethylanilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1903-1907. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazomethan auf /3-Aryl- hydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 955- 959. Zur Oxydation des Anilins. Liebig's Ann., 311, 1900, 78-90. Bamberger, Eugen, & Vobs, A[lfred]. Ueber Ketotetra- hydronaphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1547-1548. Bamberger, Eugen, & VTeiler, Max. Ueber die Eeduction des o-Nitro-H(im-dimethylphenylnitromethans (arom.- aliphat. Dinitromesitylens). Jl. Prakt. Chem., 58, 1898, 333-361. Bamberger, Eugen, & VHieelwriglit, E[dwin Whitfield]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzol auf Acetessi«)i*'»e chiffre ecrit? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 795-798, 1238-1239. Barbier, F. Resistance k la traction du materiel roulant a grande vitesse. [1898.] Genie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 377- 379. Barbier, Fr., & Barbier, Ch. See above. Barbier, Hlenri]. De quelques associations microbiennes dans la diphtheric. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, 361- 378. Sur un Streptocoque particulier trouve dans les angines k fausses membranes, seul ou associe au bacille de la dipbterie (Diplostreptocoque). Arch. Med. Exper., 4, 1892, 827-835. Sur un mode d'infection septique par le Streptocoque dans la diphterie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 672-674. Barbier, H[enri], & Pictet, Ame. See Pictet & Barbier. Barbier, (It.) Henry. De la stabilite des petits navires par grosse mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 126, 1896, 452-457. Barbier, J[oseph} V[ictor]. L'Indo-Chine vue par un missionnaire lorrain il y a cinquante ans. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 834-843. Le projet de carte de la terre k I'echelle de 1/1,000,000. Ass. Fran cfeBepHEifl ryCepiiin EBponeiicKOH PoccIh. [Geognostische Reise im europaischen Russland.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 3, 1868, 204-283. *reojiorinrecKiH H3CJi'feji,0BaHifl, npoHSBejteHHHa B'f. 1868 roj;y bT) rydepHiaxt KieBCKofi, 11oji;ojil- CKOll II BoJIEIHCKOfl. [Im Jabre 1868 ausgefiihrte geologische Untersuchungen in den Gouvernements Kiew, Podolien und Volynien.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 7, 1872, 40-72. *reo.ioriniecKia II3CJI'feJ^0BaHia, npoH3Beji;eHHHH B7. 1870 r. BIi PflSanCKGH H H'iKOTOpHXIi jtpyrHxi. ryCepHiflX'L. [Im Jahre 1870 ausgefiihrte geologische Untersuchungen im Gouvernement Riasan und in einigen anderen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 7, 1872, 177- 224. *0 HaxoaKji;eHiu rpaHiiia no p. Ji^ouy. [Ueber das Vorkommen des Granits an den Ufern des Flusses Don.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 7, 1872, 225-232. Barbour, Alexander] H[ugh] F[reeland], & Webster, J[ohn] C[larence]. Anatomy of advanced pregnancy and of labour, as studied by means of frozen sections and 291 [Barboza du Bocage casts. Edinb. R. Coll. Physns. Lab. Rep., 2, 1890, 1-64. Barbour, Erwin Hinckley. On a young tortoise, Chry- semys picta, with two heads. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 227-230. Remains of the primitive elephant found in Grinnell, lo. Science, 16, 1890, 263. Living fossils. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 223. Notes on a new order of gigantic fossils. [1892-96.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888-92, 301-324; 2, 1894- 1902, 1-16, 81-124; Science, 19, 1892, 99-100. Attempted extermination of the pocket-gopher, Geomys bursarius. Science, 19, 1892, 204-205. A new habitat of the black-throated rock swift, Micropus melanoleucus. Science, 20, 1892, 235-236. Notice of the occurrence of Nyctale Richardsoni, Richabdson's owl, in Nebraska. Science, 20, 1892, 361. Is Dsemonelix a burrow ? A reply to Dr. Theodor FucHS. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 517-527. Lincoln Salt Lake and the occurrence of Strepsilas interpres. Auk, 12, 1895, 297. The occurrence in Nebraska of Vireo flavoviridis. Auk, 13, 1896, 263. A two-beaded tortoise. Science, 4, 1896, 159-160. Nature, structure and phylogeny of DaBmonelix. [1896.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 305-314. The rapid decline of geyser phenomena in the Yellow- stone National Park. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 230. Glacial grooves and striae in southeastern Nebraska. [1899.] Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 309-312. Barbour, Envin Hinckley, & Xnigbt, Wilbur C. The discovery of new invertebrates in the dinosaur beds of Wyoming. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 229-230. Barbour, Erwin Hinckley, & Torrey, Joseph. Notes on the microscopic structure of oolite with analyses. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 246-249. See also Torrey & Barbour. Barbour, John Ford. The microbic origin of scarlet fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 541-543. Barbour, Philip F. Empyema in children. N. Y. Med. JL, 66, 1897, 664-666. Barboza du Bocage, Jose Vicente. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 7) add Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1866, No. 5, 8 pp. *Noticia acerea dos Arvicolas de Portugal. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1865, No. 4, 11 pp. Reptis e Amphibios de S. Thom^. Reptiles et Ba- traciens nouveaux de I'ile de St. Thome. [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 65-75, 103-104. Typhlopiens nouveaux de la faune africaine, [1886.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 171-174. Melanges erp^tologiques. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 177-211; 12, 1888, 138-147; 1, 1890, 125-128. Sur un Mammif^re nouveau de I'ile St. Thome. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 212-213. Note sur la decouverte en Portugal d'une vari6te de la Certhilauda Duponti. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 214-216. Oiseaux nouveaux de I'ile St. Thom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 250-253; 12, 1888, 229-232. Additamento a fauna ornithologica de S. Thom^. [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 81-83. Sur quelques oiseaux recueillis dans I'Afrique ^quatoriale (pays du Muata-Yanvo) par M. A. Sesinando Marques. [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 84-86. Sur un python nouveau d'Afrique. [1887.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 87-88. Sur un oiseau nouveau de St. Thom^ de la fam. " Fringillidffi." Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 148- 150. Note sur la "Phaeospiza thomensis." Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 192. 37—2 Barboza du Bocage] 292 [Bdrcena Sur quelques oiseaux de I'ile St. Thom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 12, 1888, 211-215. ChiroptSres africains nouveaux, rares ou peu connus. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 1-7. Mammiferes d' Angola et du Congo. [1889-90.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 8-32, 174-185; 2, 1892, 1-32. Breves consideragoes sobre a fauna de S. Thom6. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 33-36. Sur deux esp^ces k ajouter a la faune ornithologique de St. Thom^. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 142-144. Les damans d' Angola. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 186-196. Chiropteres de I'ile St. Thom^. [1889.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 197-199. Observations sur I'Euryotis Anchietae. [1889.] Lis- boa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 206-208. Aves da ilha de S. Thom^. [1889-91.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 209-210; 2, 1892, 77-87. Les rats-taupes d'Angola. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 269-276. Sur une espece nouvelle k ajouter k la faune erp^to- logique de St. Thom6 et Rolas. [1890.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 61-62. Sur une vari^t^ de "Phyllorhina Commersoni" de rile St. Thom^. [1891.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 88. Aves do sertao de Benguella. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 157-172. Observations sur les esp^ces du genre " Cynonycteris " rencontr^es en Angola par M. d'Anchieta. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 173-178. Subsidies para a fauna da Guin^ portugueza. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 179-184. Aves de Dahom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 185-187. Sur le " Hemidaetylus mabouia," var. " MoUeri," Bedriaga, de St. Thom6. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 221. Additions et corrections k I'ornithologie d'Angola. [1892-93.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2,1892,248-264; 3, 1895, 6-16. Note sur le " Dendraspis " de I'ile St. Thom^. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 265-267. [Bradyornis Sharpii, n. sp., Angola.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 3, 1894, xliii. Note sur deux oiseaux nouveaux de I'ile Anno-Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 17-18. Mammiferos, Aves e Reptis da ilha de Anno-Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 43-46. Diagnoses de deux nouveaux Reptiles de I'ile de Anno- Bom. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 47- 48. Diagnoses de quelques nouvelles esp^ces de Reptiles et Batraciens d'Angola. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 115-121. Oiseaux nouveaux d'Angola. [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1896, 153-154. Aves de Galanga. [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 155-166. Sur un Batracien nouveau de Fernao do P6. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 270-272. Subsidies para a fauna da ilha de Fernao do P6. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 1-15. Reptiles et Batraciens nouveaux ou peu connus de Fernao do P6. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 16-20. Aves de Benguella da exploracjao Anchieta. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 21-23. A doninha da ilha de S. Thome. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 24-27, 48-50. Sur une espSce de crapaud a ajouter a la faune herp^tologique d'Angola. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 51-53. Reptis de algumas possessoes portuguezas d' Africa que existem no Museu de Lisboa. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 65-104. Mammiferos, Aves e Reptis da Hanha, no sertao de Benguella. [1896-97.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 105-114, 207-211. Sur quelques Reptiles et Batraciens africains pro- venant du voyage de M. le Dr. Emil Holtjb. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 115-120. Sur deux agames d'Angola a ^caillure h^t^rog^ne. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 127-130. Reptis de Bolama, Guin^ portugueza, coUigidos pelo Sr. Costa Martins, chefe interino de saude no Archi- pelago de Cabo- Verde. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 176-178. Aves d'Africa de que existem no Museu de Lisboa os exemplares typicos. [1896.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 179-186. Mammiferos, Reptis e Batrachios d'Africa de que existem exemplares typicos no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, •Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 187-206. Sur une nouvelle espece de Cynonycteris d'Angola. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 13.3-139. Aves do Archipelago de Cabo Verde. [1898-1900.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 140-150; 6, [1902,] 39^7. Nota sobre a presenpa do Lycaon pictus, Temm. , no sertao de Benguella. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 184. Barboza du Socage, Jose Vicente, & Brito Capello, Felix de. To reference in title {Vol. 7) add Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 (Pt. 2), 1865, No. 6, 3 pp. Barbut, G. Culture du bl^ au champ d'exp&iences de I'Ecole Pratique de la Brosse (Yonne). Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 76-88. Barcena, Mariano. For biography and works see Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 2, 1897, 181-182 ; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 158; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 34, 1900, 49. Fossil man in Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 920. Notice of some human remains found near the city of Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 739-744. The fossil man of Peiion, Mexico. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 633-635. Nuevos datos acerca de la antigiiedad del hombre en el valle de Mexico. [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 265-270. Contestacion a las observaciones de la carta anterior [del Profesor Newberry sobre el hombre del Pefion.] [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 286-288. Informe sobre el estado actual del volcan de Colima. [1889.] Naturaleza, 1, 1891, 249-269. El Jardin Botanico y de Aclimataci6n de Guadalajara. [1890.] Naturaleza, 1," 1891, 433-436. The climate of the city of Mexico. [1896.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 001-611. Las ciencias naturales pueden facilitar varias indica- ciones en la investigaci6n de senales dudosas 6 perdidas sobre los Umites de la propiedad. M^x. Obs. Bol., 1895, 86-92. La meteorologia y el campe.slno. M^x. Obs. Bol., 1896, 4, 8-10. Pluviometria. Datos para el estudio de las Uuvias en el valle de Mexico. M6x. Obs. Bol. , 1896, 81-85. El Bosque de Chapultepec. Informe relative a las causas que originan la destrucci6n de su arbolado. [1892.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 193-198. Apuntes relatives a la geologia del estado de Jalisco. [1892.] Naturaleza, 2, 1897, 198-207. Algunos datos fisicos de la ciudad de Guadalajara presentados al tercer Cengreso Medico Mexicano. M6x. Obs. Bel., 1897, 123-129. Bdrcenal 293 [Bard Ensayo practico de repoblaci6n de bosques. M^x. Obs. Boi., 1897, 143-144. BtLreena, Mariano, & Castillo, Antonio del. Noticia acerca del hallazgo de restos humanos prehist6ricos en el valle de M(5xico. [1886.] Naturaleza, 7, 1887, 257- 264; Normandie Soc. G^ol, Bull., 12, 1887, 13-16. Barche, Gregoire, & Ketarmann, Friedrich. See Xehr- mann & Barche. Barclay, (Surg.-Maj.) A[rthur]. For biography and list of works see Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1891, 130; Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 384 ; Indian Med. Gaz., 26, 1892, 278-279. On uredine[s] affecting the Himalayan spruce-fir (Abies smithiana, Forbes). [1886.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 1-11, 140-143. On a new species of uredine parasitic on Cedrus deodara, Loudon. [1886.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 55 (Pt. 2), 1887, 223-226. On the life history of a new ^cidium on Strobilanthes dalhousianus, Clarke. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 2, 1887, 15-27. jEcidium Urticte, Schum., i;ar. . himalayense. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 2, 1887, 29-38. A descriptive list of the Uredinero occurring in the neighbourhood of Simla (western Himalayas). [1887-91.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. JL, 56 (Pt. 2), 1888, 350-375; 58 (Pt. 2), 1890, 232-253; 59 (Pt. 2), 1891, 75-112; 60 (Pt. 2), 1892, 211-230. On the life-history of a new Cseoma on Smilax aspera, Lin7i. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 4, 1889, 37-45. On the life-history of Puccinia Geranii silvatici, Karst., var. himalensis. [1890.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 27-36. Description of a new fungus, ^Ecidium esculentum, n. sp., on Acacia eburnea, Willd. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1890, 161-165. On some rusts and mildews in India. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 257-261; 30, 1892, 1-8, 40-49. On the life-history of a remarkable uredine on Jasminum grandifiorum, L. (Uromyces cunningham- ianus, n. sp.). [1890.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, lil(bis)-lol. On the hfe-history of a Himalayan Gymnosporangium (G. cunninghamianum, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 71-78. On a Chiysomyxa on Ehododendron arboreum, Sm. (Chrysomyxa hiraalense, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 79-85. On the life-history of a uredine on Eubia cordifolia, Linn. (Puccinia coUettiana, n. sp.). Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, 87-91. On the life-history of Puccinia coronata, var. hima- lensis. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 227-236. On the life-history of Puccinia Jasmini-Chrysopogonis, 71. sp. [1891.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 237-242. On two autoecious Caeomata in Simla. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 6, 1891, 65-69. Rhododendron Uredinese. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 6, 1891, 71-74. Barclay, (Surg.-Maj.) A[rthur], & Kantback, A[lfredo] A[7itunes]. See Kantback & Barclay. Barclay, A. J. G[union]. On the teaching of elementary geometry. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 2, 1884, 24-25. On physical science in schools. [1885.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 4, 1886, 21-22. Barclay, G. W. W. On some algoid lake-balls found in South Uist. Edinb. Boy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 845-848. Barclay, (Capt.) H[enry'\ Vere. Mission a Pile de Paques. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. G. R., 1899, 169-176. Barclay, J. Gurney. For biography see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 218-219; MeteoroL Soc. Quart. JL, 25, 1899, 220. Barclay, Robert. The geology of the Highlands, from Mount Battock, Kincardineshire, to the village of Edzelt, and thence to the sea at St. Cyrus. [1890.] Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 347-349. Barclay, T. C. The Dutch colonies in N.E. Sumatra. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 157-160. Barclay, William. The flora of the Woody island. [1887- 88.] Perthsh. Soc Sci. Trans. & Proc, 1, 1893, 30-44, 102-104. Flora of the right bank of the Tay, between Perth and the mouth of the Earn. [1889.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc, 1, 1893, 123-134. Flora of the left bank of the Tay between Perth and Glencarse. [1891.] Perthsh. Soc ScL Trans. & Proc, 1, 1893, 245-255. Notes on Scottish roses. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 116-121, 169-176; 1899, 172-179. Eosa involuta, Sm., in Forfarshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 118. R[osa] hibernica in Midlothian. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 118-119. Barclay- Smitb, Eldtvard']. Muscular anomalies, with notes on the origin and function of the ligamentum posticum WiNSLOwii. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxiv- XXX. Examples of separation of the os styloideum of the third metacarpal. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxxvii- xxxviii. The astragalo-calcaneo-navicular joint. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 390-412. Some points in the anatomy of the dorsum of the hand, with special reference to the morphology of the extensor brevis digitorum manus. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 45-58. A foetus of about 13 weeks, presenting a peculiar con- dition of the digits. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, xxxiv- XXXV. A case of idiopathic dilatation of the sigmoid colon and rectum, accompanied by a diaphragmatic hernia of the stomach. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 341-352. [Remarkable anomaly of the malar bone.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, xl. Divided parietal bone in a skull. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xxiv. Works of early British anatomists. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol. , 34, 1900, xlii-xlv. Archasologia anatomica. John Halle: a sixteenth century anatomist. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 275-282. Barcroft, David. Note on partitions. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1886-86), 64. Generalization of two theorems. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [6] (1886-87), 30. Forms of non-singular quiutic curves. Amer. Jl. Math., 10, 1888, 131-140. Barcroft, Henry. Description of twin screw-propellers with adjustable immersion, fitted on canal boats. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1894, 360-366. Partially immersed screw-propellers for canal boats ; and the influence of section of water svay. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1897, 101-114. Barcroft, Joseph. The properties of the surface of liquids. [1895.] Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc. Eep. & Proc, 189&-96, 24-26. (See also under Bancroft [Barcroft], Joseph, p. 278.) Barcsi, Lajos, & B6kai, Arpdd. Az idiilt paraldehyd ^s idiilt chloralhydrat mdrgez^s allatoknal. [On chronic poisoning with paraldehyde and chloral hydrate in animals.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 109- 132. Bsurd, L[ouis]. Anatomic pathologique g^nerale des tumeurs, leur nature et leur classification physiologique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1885, 247-265. Des tumeurs du type nerveux, neurosarcomes et n^vromes adultes. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1885, 385-397. Bard] 294 [Bardeleben — ^ — Des tumeurs du type ^pith^lial, ^pith^liomes et ad^nomes. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1885, 498-525. De la nature parasitaire de la m^lanose et de certaines tumeurs m^laniques. [With discussion.] [1885.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. M^m., 25, 1886, 33-41, (C. Ji.), 45-48. La specificity cellulaire et I'histog^nese chez I'embryon. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 406-420. — — Des caract^res anatomo-pathologiques g^n^raux des lesions de cause microbienne. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1887, 99-148. De I'induction vitale ou influence specifique k distance des elements cellulaires les uns sur les autres. Arch. M6d. Exp^r., 2, 1890, 387-410. La specificity cellulaire et les faits anatomo-patho- logiques sur lesquels elle s'appuie. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 92-99. Les selles des febricitants au point de vue bact^rio- logique. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M(5d. M(5m., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 14-15, De la coexistence de deux cancers primitifs chez le meme sujet. Arch. G6n. M6d., 169, 1892, 541-555. Kefoulement du coeur £l droite et dextrocardie con- g^nitale. [1892.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M^m., 32, 1893, 135-150. Du role des pouss^es inflammatoires dans la gen^se de I'asystolie li6e aux affections organiques du coeur et des indications th^rapeutiques qui en r^sultent. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. Mem., 33, 1894, 62-68. De Taction antipyr^tique des badigeonnages de gaiacol. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d. M^m., 33, 1894, 143-151, Du traitement de I'^rysip^le de la face par les badi- geonnages de gaiacol. [With discussion.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d, M6m., 33, 1894, 282-299, (C. It), 152- 154. Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Carcinoms. Wien, Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 2065. De la glycosurie dans le cancer du pancreas. Ass. Fran?. C. B., 1896 (Pt. 1), 222-223. Des moyens a employer pour empecher la propagation , des maladies contagieuses par les transports en voitures et en chemins de fer. Ass. Franp, C, B., 1896 {Pt. 1), 259-261, De I'importance de la palpation du coeur. Donn^es cliniques et signes nouveaux qu'elle fournit, [1896,] Lyon Soc. Sci. M(5d. M^m., 36, 1897, 82-94. De la palpation large du coeur et des vibrations de . fermeture des valvules auriculo-ventriculaires. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d. M^m., 37, 1898, 3-14. Des renseignements fournis par le flot lombo-abdo- minal. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d. M6m., 37, 1898, 137-144. • Sur la permeability r^nale, [1897.] Lyon Soc, Sci. Med, Mem., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 169-170. De I'existence d'un type peripherique de la forme tardive de la maladie bleue. [1899.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 39, 1900, 145-159, (C. R.), 119-120. L'intersystole physiologique et les chevauchements pathologiques des systoles, [With discussion.] [1900,] Lyon Soc. Sci, Med, Mem., 40, 1901, 43-64, {G. R.), 58-59, Du signe de I'orbiculaire dans le diagnostic de la paralysie faciale. [1900.] Lyon Soc, Sci, Med, Mem., 40, 1901, 163-166. Bard, L[ouis], & Bonnet, L[ouis] M. Eecherches et con- siderations cliniques sur les differences de permeabilite renale dans les diverses esp^ces de nephrites. Arch. Gen. Med,, 181, 1898, 129-163, 283-308, 464-484. Bard, L[ouis], & Charmeil, [Paul]. De la gangrene pul- monaire, sa specificite, sa contagion. [1885.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 25, 1886, 286-311. Bard, L[ouis], & Duplant, F. Compression tardive de la moelle cervicale par un cal hypertrophique de Taxis. Arch. Gen. Med., 178, 1896, 129-148. Bard, L[ottis], & Xiemoine, Georges. De la maladie kystique essentielle des organes glandulaires ou angiome des appareils secretoires. Arch, Gen, Med., 166, 1890, 151-168, 313-341. Bardach, Bruno. Ueber den Einfluss einiger Medicamente auf die Analyse des Harnes, Fresenius, Ztschr,, 36, 1897, 776-784. Ueber die Gerinnungsursache erhitzter Milch, Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Abth. 2b), 218-235; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 199-216. Bardach, Bruno, & Ooldschmidt, Heinrich. See Oold- BCliniidt & Bardach. Bardach, Ja. Sur la vaccination intensive des chiens inocuies de la rage par trepanation. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 84-87. Le virus rabique dans le lait. Ann. Inst, Pasteur, 1 (1887), 180-184. Nouvelles recherches sur la rage. Ann, Inst, Pasteur, 2, 1888, 9-17. Becherches sur le r61e de la rate dans les maladies infectieuses. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 577-603; 5, 1891, 40-49. L'emploi de la tuberouline comme moyen preventif et comme traitement de la tuberculose. Int, Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 2), 209-211. Besultats statistiques de TInstitut Antirabique d'Odessa. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 35-42. SnaqeHie IlAcxEPa bi. Mej^imirnli ir daKiepio- .lOrill. (Ce que P.^steub a fait pour la medecine et la bacteriologie.) New Buss. Soc. Nat. Mem., 18 {No. 1), 1893, xxix-xliv. Traitement et vaccination contre la diphterie par le serum immunise. Ann. Microgr., 6 (1894), 434. Etudes sur la diphterie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1896), 40-55. Becherches sur la fi^vre recurrente. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 365-384. Bardeen, Charles Russell. A study of the visceral changes in extensive superficial burns. Jl. Exper. Med., 2, 1897, 501-514. Costo- vertebral variation in man. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 377-382. Bardeleben, [Heinrich] Adolf von. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 31, 1895, 218-219; Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 303-305; Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 42, 1896, 309-322. Bardeleben, Heinrich von. Abdominalanastomose der Nabelarterien. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 725-728. Bardeleben, Karl [Heinrich] von. To reference in No. 3 {Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf, Ber., 1877, 228-230, To reference in No, 17 {Vol. 9) add Jena, Sber., 1883, 75-77, To reference in No. 18 {Vol. 9) add Deutsch, Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 237-240. *Beobachtungen an Hingerichteten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 244-245. *Das Intermedium tarsi beim Menschen. Jena. Sber., 1883, 37-39. *Die Ausgangsoffnungen des Leisten- und des Schen- kel-kanals, Jena. Sber., 1883, 39. *Ueber das Intermedium tarsi. Jena. Sber,, 1883, 91-93, Das Intermedium tarsi der Saugethiere und des Menschen. [1884,] Biol, Centrbl., 4, 1885, 374-378. Untersuchungeu zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte von Hand und Fuss der , Saugethiere und des Menschen, Berlin Natf, Freunde Sber., 1885, 156-158. Ueber phylo- und ontogenetische Entwicklung von Hand und Fuss der Saugethiere. Deutsch, Natf. Tagebl., 1885, 203-204. Zur Entwickelung der Fusswurzel. (Ein neuer Bardeleben] 295 [Bardenheuer Tarsusknorpel beim menschlichen Embryo und eine neue, sechste, Zehe bei Beutelthieren.) Jena. Sber. , 1886, 27-32. Zur Morphologie des Hand- und Fussskelets. Jena. Sber., 1886, 84-88. Ueber die anatomischen Verhaltnisse der vorderen Brustwand und die Lage des Herzens. Jena. Sber., 1886, 104-107. Ueber neue Bestandtheile der Hand- und Fusswurzel der Siiugethiere, sowie die normale Anlage von Rudimen- ten "iiberzahliger" Finger und Zehen beim Mensclien. Jena. Sber., 1885, 149-164. Hand und Fuss. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 96- 102. Die morphologische Bedeutung des Musculus "ster- nalis." Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 324-333. Ueber die Lage der weiblichen Beckenorgane. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 535-571. Ein Brief von Professor W. His, betreffend Profes- sor VON Pekoschen's " blasenformige AUantois" beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 17-21. Praepollex und Praehallux. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 106-112. On the praepollex and praehallux, with observations on the carpus of Theriodesmus phylarchus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 259-262. Hat der Praepollex von Pedetes einen Nagel oder nicht? Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 321-322. Ueber die Hand- und Fuss-Muskeln der Saugetiere, besonders die des Praepollex (Praehallux) und Postmini- nius. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 435-444, 556; Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 1), 140-141. Ueber bisher unbekannte anatomische Arbeiten Goethe's. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 151-157. Ueber den feineren Bau der menschlichen Spermato- zoen. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 157-164. Ueber Innervierung, Entstehung und Homologie der distalen Gliedmassenmuskeln bei den Saugetieren. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 243-246. • Die Haufigkeit iiberzahliger Brustwarzen (Hyperthelie), besonders beim Manne. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 247-249. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Hyperthelie bei Miinnern. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 87-92. Ueber 600 neue Falle von Hyperthelie bei Mannern. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 199-202. Ueber Spermatogenese bei Saugetieren, besonders beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 202-208. Knochen, Bander, Muskeln. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 141-160; 2, 1893, 157-178; 4, 1895, 19-60; 5, 1896, 95-126 ; 6, 1897, 44-87. Massenuntersuchungen iiber Hyperthelie beim Manne. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 171-185. Hand und Fuss. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 257-337; 10, 1896, 304. On the bones and muscles of the mammalian hand and foot. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 354-376. Die Entstehung der Samenkorper. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 697-702. Ueber Spermatogenese bei Monotremen und Beutel- thieren. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anut. Ges. Verh.), 38-48. Ueber das Praefrontale und Postfrontale des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 153-154. Eine neue Theorie der Spermatogenese. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (27*. 2, Hfilfte 2), 489-490. Ueber Holzin (Oppermann). Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 490. Die Zwischenzellen des Saugethierhodens. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 529-536. Dimorphism us der mannlichen Geschlechtszellen bei Saugethieren. Anat. Anz., 18, 1897, 564-569. Beitrage zur Histologie des Hodens and zur Sperma- togenese beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897 (SuppL), 193-234. Ueber die Entstehung der Axenfiiden bei mensch- lichen und Siiugetier-Spermatozoen. [1897.] Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 145-147. Weitere Beitrage zur Spermatogenese beim Menschen. Jena. Ztschr., 31, 1898, 475-520. Ueber Verbindungen zwischen dem 5. und 6., sowie zwischen dem 6. und 7. Eippenknorpel. [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 33-36. Muskel und Nerv. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 8, 1899, 112-123. Muskeln und Muskelmechanik. [1897-99.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 3-83. Skelettsvstem (ausser Schadel und Visceralskelett). [1897-19000 Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 10, 1901, .3-114. Bardeleben, Karl [Heinrich] von, & Frohse, Fritz. Ueber die Innervirung von Muskeln, insbesondere an den menschlichen Gliedmassen. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897 (Aiiat. Ges. Verh.), 38-41. Baxdelli, [Lorenzo]. Sur la sterilisation du sac con- jonctival. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1896, 293-294. L'action des toxines de Streptocoque sur I'oeil. Ann. d'Ocuhst., 114, 1895, 294. La skiascopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 401-430. Bardelli, (can.) Francesco. [Temporali.] Pisa. Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 129. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1889, 1890 e 1891.] Pisa. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 170-171; 11, 1891, 34; 12, 1892, 74-75. Bolide [Pisa, 14 marzo 1890]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 62. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di novembre 1889.] Pisa. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 107. Nubifragio a Pisa. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 177. Uragano [Pisa, 24 novembre 1895]. [1895.] Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 52. Riassunto annuale delle osservazioni meteorologiche fatte all' Osservatorio Gian Battista Donati nel Seminario Arcivescovile S. Catteriua di Pisa. Anno 1898-99. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 8. Bardelli, Giuseppe. Alcune applicazioni del principio del minimo lavoro all' equilibrio di sistemi vincolati. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Eend., 17, 1884, 89-99. Alcune formule sui momenti d' inerzia dei poligoni piani. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Eend., 18, 1885, 465-473. Propriety stereometriche di un sistema di forze. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 21, 1888, 167-171. Baricentri e momenti di inerzia di superficie e di solidi di rotazione. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 22, 1889, 497-509. Deir uso delle coordinate obliquangole nella teoria dei momenti d' inerzia. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 25, 1892, 444-458. Su un problema di dinamica di G. Saladini generaliz- zato da A. Serret. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 26, 1893, 344-348, 379-381. [Formule di quadratura.] Eiv. Mat., 3, 1893, 16-17. Un teorema sui baricentri generalizzato. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 27, 1894, 326-330. Suir uso delle coordinate obliquangole nella meccanica razionale. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 29, 1896, 174-183. Alcune relazioni tra baricentri e momenti d' inerzia. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 30, 1897, 842-846. Sui momenti d' inerzia dei solidi di rotazione. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 32, 1899, 837-842. Bardelli, Luigi. Contributo alia mineralogia dell' alta Italia. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Eend., 28, 1896, 240-245. Bardenheuer, Franz. Ueber die histologischen Vorgange bei der durch Terpentin hervorgerufenen Entziindung im Unterhaut-Zellgewebe. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 394- 432. Bardet] 296 [Bardy Bardet, Glodefroij]. Note sur I'action physiologique de la piliganine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 357-359. Activity compar^e des diverses digitalines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 755-756; Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 514. H^r^dit^ de la ressemblance. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 732. Action des rayons X sur la retine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1388-1389. Action th^rapeutique des phosphoglycerates acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 956-957. Bardet, G[odefroy], & Dujardin-Beaumetz, G[eorges Octave'\. See Dujardin-Beaumetz & Bardet. Bardet, G[odefroij], & Bobin, Albert. See Bobin & Bardet. Bardey, Alfred. Notes sur le Harar. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1897, 130-180. Rapport sur El- Yemen et partie du pays d'Hadramaut (Arabic). [1900.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1899, 19-63. Bardi6, Armand. [Note sur trois plantes trouvees a Soulac et au Verdon.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xiv. [Nouvelle station (entrepdts des docks) de I'Alyssum incanum, L.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, xxxviii-xxxix. Compte-rendu botanique de la premiere excursion trimestrielle de la Soci^te Linneenne en 1893. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, xlix-lv. Compte-rendu botanique. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, vi. Excursion de la Societe Linneenne a La Teste-de- Buch, le 6 f^vrier, 1898. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 63, 1898, xxii-xxxiii. Compte-rendu de la troisi^me excursion de la Soci^t^ Linneenne k Baulac et aux bords du Ciron. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, ccx-ccxiii. Bardier, ^[mile]. Cardiographie du lapin et du cobaye (a propos d'un nouveau cardiographe). Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 704-709. Echanges respiratoires chez les animaux gras en inanition. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 162-163. Note sur un nouveau cardiographe du lapin. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 197. Cardiographie du cobaye. Toxines et coeur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 311. Action cardiaque de la bile sur le lapin. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C R.), 605-606. Nouveau mod^e de canule a pression artdrielle. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1025-1027. Action de I'extrait capsulaire sur le coeur du lapin. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 370-376. Action cardiaque du s^rum d'anguille. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 548. Bardier, E[mile], & Al>elou8, J. E[mile]. See Abelous & Bardier. Bardier, Elmile'], & Bauby, [Denis]. Note sur un cas rare de catalepsie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. JR.), 47-49. Bardier, E[mile], & Charrin, Albert. See Charrin & Bardier. ^ Bardier, E[mile], & Frenkel, Henri. Action physio- logique de I'antipyrine et du salicylate de sonde sur la diur^se. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 463-475; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 147-149. Action de I'extrait capsulaire sur la diurese et la circulation r^nale. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 950-963; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 544- 545. Effets sur la diurese de I'association de I'antipyrine et du salicylate de sonde. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899, [C. R.), 151-152. Etude sur le d6bit compart des deux reins. Condi- tions de leur inegalite fonctionnelle. Jl. Physiol. Path G(5n., 2, 1900, 413-421. Etude sur le d^bit urinaire. 1°. A propos de I'al- ternance physiologique des deux reins. 2". Rythme de Tecoulement urinaire. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 437-442. Sur le debit compare des deux reins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 600-602; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 193-194. A propos de I'alternance physiologique des reins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 671-673; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 195-196. Bardier, Elviile], ^& Rogues de Fursac, [Marie Henri Joseph Pierre Etienne]. Action de la morphine sur les ^changes respiratoires du chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 ,(C. R.), 546-548. Bardier, E[mile], & Truchot, Ch[arles]. Troubles car- diaques du lapin pendant la tetanisation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 768-769. Bardin, (Mme.) . Les mirages a Paris. Astronomic, 1890, 153-154. Bardonnaut, [Paul Etienne']. Note sur un syst^me de sourdines vibrantes destinees a faire disparaitre le bruit cause par les vibrations des fils t^legraphiques. Ann. Telegr., 12, 1885, 26-29; Jl. Telt^gr., 9, 1885, 50-51. Bardou, [Paul]. Compte-rendu d'une excursion faite par la Societe Geologique du Nord, aux environs du Gateau et de Solesmes, le 22 mai 1892. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 340-345. Bardskij, M. OTSiTI. Ha CTaibH) r. CoKOJOBa : "HicKOJifcKo cjOB-B no iioBo;i,y cxaTBH r. Bapji,- cKaro: '0 xapaKxepi chjh lacTHinaro npn- TajKenia '." [Reply to Sokolov's paper concerning the author's memoir "On the nature of molecular attrac- tion."] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Phys.), 1884, 497-509. Onpeji,i;jieHie xenjiOTH, SHjii-fejiHiomerica npn o6pa30BaHiii xHMiiiecKiix'L coeji;HHeHiH h3'l Ha6- JIIOJteHifl Hajtl, Ji;ilCCOI];iail,ieri. [Definition de la chaleur de formation des composes chimiques par les donnees de I'observation de leur dissociation.] [1884.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 18 (Phys.), 1886, 142-149; Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 220. Bardsley, James G. Fallacy of popular weather-proverbs relating to the moon, with some predictions. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 2 (1885-86), 53-54, 286-287. Bardsley, (Rev.) John W[areing]. *The origin of man. [With discussion.] [1883.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 17, 1884, 254-281. Barduzzi, D[omenico]. [Gonococco e processo blenorra- gico.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 5, Derm.), 21-24. ^axAweU, (Miss) Elizabeth M. "A star shower." Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 29. Mount Holyoke Observatory, sunspot observations. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 37. Meteor in daytime. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 192. Leonid meteors observed at Mt. Holyoke College Observatory. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 49-50. BardweU, (Miss) Elizabeth M., & Mack, (Miss) I. G. Observations of the solar eclipse of March 16, 1885, at the John B. Williston Observatory, South Hadley, Mass. Sidereal Messenger, 4, 1886, 126. BardweU, F. M. *Speculations in regard to comets' tails. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 2, 1873 (Reprint, 1896), 79-86. *Suggestions of the true theory of number. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 3, 1874 (Reprint, 1896), 94-98. 'Discrepancies between theory and observation of the moon's motion. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 3, 1874 (Reprint, 1896), 10.3-105. Bardy, Ch[arles]. *Description d'une nouvelle base, la Bardy] 297 [Barfarth mcthyldiphenylamine, et production d'une nouvelle matiere colorante bleue qui en derive. [1883.] Mul- hoiise Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 67-69. Recherche et dosage des impuret^s dans les alcools indnstriels. Jl. Pharra., 18, 1888, 274-282, 312-320, 869-379, 420-432, 467-473, 510-517. Recherche des alcools superieurs dans I'alcool vinique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1201-1204. D^naturation des alcools. Jl. Pharra., 28, 1893, 455- 458, 517-521. Bardy, Chlarles], & Berard, . Dosage des huiles essentielles dans les alcools. Jl, Pharm., 28, 1893, 458- 460. Bardy, Ch[arles], & Dusart, [Lucicn]. *Methode generale de preparation des amines secondaires et tertiaires ap- plicables k la production des mati^res colorantes. [1883.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 69-70. Bardy, Henri. *[Notes met^orologiques faites a Saint-Die, Vosges.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 210-211, 256-258; 3, 1870, 123-124, 177-178, 203-205, 231-232; 4, 1871, 10, 14-15, 21, 28, 35-36, 42-43, 49-50, 62-63, 83, 86, 104-105, 108, 126-128, 133, 162; 5, 1872, .38, 47, 81, 114-115, 122-123, 166, 175, 200, 211; 6, 1873 (Pt. 2), 37, 61-62, 73, 101, 111, 119. *Orage du 13 juillet. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 2, 1869, 210-211. *Aurore boreale du 3 Janvier 1870 [a Saint-Die]. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 99. L'empoisonnement paries champignons; observations recueillies k Saint-Die et dans les Vosges. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 310-311. De I'amanite rougeatre et du danger de son emploi alimentaire. Rev. Mycol., 6, 1884, 49-52. Bardy, Henri {et alii). *Le froid de la fin de decembre 1869 en France. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 98-99. Bareel, {le rev. pere) V[ictoi-]. Quelques remarques sur une pile voltaique. [1895.] Brux, Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 24-25. Sur les resultats d'une experience relative k une pile. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 72-74. L'eclipse de lune du 27 decembre 1898, a Louvain. Brux., Soc. Astr. Bull., 4, 1899, 108-110. Barella, H[ippolyte]. Considerations sur la diphterie. Brux., Ac. 'Med. Belg. Bull., 10, 1896, 197-213. Un mot sur les echanges nutritifs et sur la ration alimentaire de I'adulte. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12, 1898, 799-816. Barendrecht, H. P. Dimorphic des Eises. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 11, 1896, 454-455. Zur Alkoholhydratfrage. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 20, 1896, 234-241. Barenthin, C. Jodaddition der atherischen Oele. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 848-851. Barentin, Wilhdm. For biographical notice see Leopol- dina, 22, 1886, 113. Baret, A[ugiiste Jules Ange']. Contribution k I'etude des nevrites infectieuses et toxiques. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 22, 1893, 49-53. Baret, Charles. Sur une argile de la carriere du Rocher- d'Enfer, sur les bords de I'Erdre, pres Nantes. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 118-120. Sur la presence de I'uranite dans les pegmatites d'Orvault (Loire-Inferieure). France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 460. Saphir etoile de la Mercrediere, commune de la Haye- Fouassiere (Loire-Inferieure). France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1886, 438-439. Alunog^ne de la cote de Saint-Nazaire, pres la Tour du Commerce. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 440- 441. Mineraux des environs de Saint-Nazaire (Loire- Inferieure). France, Soc. Min. Bull., 9, 1886, 129-131. Sur la presence du beryl et de I'erubescite dans les carrieres de Miseri (pros Nantes). France, Soc. Min. Bull., 10, 1887, 131-133. Gypse des marais salants de Batz (Loire-Inferieure). France, Soc. Min. Bull., 11, 1888, 295-297. Terrain metamorphique et chimique de la Ville-au- Vay, pres le Pellerin, avec la liste des roches et des mineraux que Ton y rencontre. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 (Pt. i), 221-228. Notes pour servir k la mineralogie de la Loire- Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (Pt. 1), 131-132, 151-154. Sur la presence de I'azurite dans I'argile de la Ville- au-Vay, pres le Pellerin (Loire-Inf.). Nouveau gisement de grenat avec staurotide. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 221-222. Synthese des mineraux de derniere formation dans la Loire-Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 153-158. Pseudomorphose de disthene et d'edogite en da- mourite. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 18, 1896, 123-125, 429. Mineralogie de la Loire-Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull, 8, 1898 (Pt. 1), 178 pp. Micaschiste calcarif^re et graphiteux des coteaux de Mauves (Loire-Inf.). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 9, 1899 (Pt. 1), 125-126. Mineraux rares des produits industriels. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 9, 1899 (Pt. 1), 126. Graphite de la cote du Croisic. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 9, 1899 (Pt. 1), 199. Rapport sur des excursions mineralogiques aux environs d'Angers. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 1-4. Catalogue de la collection de mineralogie de Maine- et-Loire. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 33-54. Notes pour servir k la mineralogie de la Loire- Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), 103-104. Eclogite a disth^ne de Saint-Philbert-de-Grandlieu (Loire-Infre.). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), 225-227. Baret, Charles, & Desmazidres, 0[livier Joseph JiiUen]. Note sur le quartz sedimentaire de La Changerie (com- mune de Beaucouze, Maine-et-Loire). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 243-254. Baret, Charles, & Iiacroix, Alfred. See Iiaerolx & Baret. Baret, L. La baie d'fla-Long (Tonkin). Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 391-395. Baretge, (capit.) . Sur les effets du filage de I'huile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 253-254; Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 1), 183-184. Baretti, Martino. I ghiacciai alpini. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1886, 127-140. Bardty, A. L'intelligence des animaux. 1884, 511. Le raisonnement des hirondelles. 1888, 346-347. BarfT, Frederick Settle. For biographical notice and works see Chem. Soc. Jl., 51, 1887, 471-472. Barfield, C. E[u()ene], & VThltlock, T[}iomas] C. See vrbiUock & Barfield. Barfod, H{einrich^. Ueber die neuesten Forschungs- resultate beziiglich der Entwickelung der Dasselfliege. [1896.] Schlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 31-32. Barfoed, C[hristen Thomsen]. To reference in No. 21 (Vol. 9) add Jl. Prakt. Chem., 38, 1888, 441-472. Om kvaegsjrflvforiitesaltenes forhold mod ammoniak. Kj»benh., Overs., 1886, 19-18; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 201-229; 40, 1889, 584. Barfurtli, Dietrich. Die Excretionsorgane von Cyclostoma elegans. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 474^475. Vergleichend-histochemische Untersuchungen iiber das Glycogen, Arch. Mikr. Anat., 25, 1886, 259 (bis)- 404; Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 371-376. 38 [Italia], Soc. Rev. Sci., 34, Rev. Sci., 42, Barfurth] 298 [Barie Versuche iiber die Verwandlung der Froschlarven, Anat. Adz., 1, 1886, 314-317; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 1-28; Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 609-613. Biologische Untersuchungen iiber die Bachforelle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 27, 1886, 128-179. Der Hunger als forderndes Princip in der Natur. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 28^34. Die Kiickbildung des Froschlarvenschwanzes und die sogenannten Sarcoplasten. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 35-60. Die Eegeneration des Amphibienschwanzes. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 403-405. _ Ueber Zellbriicken glatter Muskelfasern. [1890.] Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 {Bd. 2, Abth. 1), 7-8; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 38, 1891, 38-51. Zur Entwickelung und Eegeneration der Chorda dorsahs bei den urodelen Amphibien. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 104-106. Versuche zur functionellen Anpassung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 37, 1891, 392-405. Zur Regeneration der Gewebe. Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 37, 1891, 406-491. Ueber Zellbriicken bei Pfianzen und Thieren. [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 41.3-418. Eegeneration. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 103- 140; 2, 1893, 124-156. Halbbildung oder Ganzbildung von halber Grosse ? Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 493-497. Versuche iiber die Regeneration der Keimblatter bei den Amphibien. [1893.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 {Anat. Ges. Verh.), 43-50; Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 3, 1894, 309- 354. Ueber organbildende Keimbezirke und kiinstliche Missbildungen des Amphibieneies. [1893.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 3, 1894, 355-389. Regeneration und Involution. [1894-1900.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 3, 1894, 132-209; 4, 1895, 458-498; 5, 1896, 329-383; 6, 1897, 391-438; 7, 1898, 486-529; 8, 1899, 626-694; 9, 1900, 327-414; 10, 1901, 547-598. Extraovat und Intraovat. [1892.] Dorpat Sber,, 10, 1896, 173-178. Ein Zeugnis fiir eine Geburt von Siebenlingen beim Menschen. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 330-332. Die experimentelle Regeneration iiberschiissiger Glied- massentheile (Polydaktylie) bei den Amphibien. [1894.] Arch. EntwMech., 1, 1895, 91-116. Sind die Extremitaten der Frosche regenerationsfahig? [1894.] Arch. EntwMech., 1, 1895, 117-123. Versuche iiber die parthenogenetische Furchung des Hiihnereies. [1895.] Arch. EntwMech., 2, 1896, 303- 351. Zellliicken und Zellbriicken im Uterusepithel nach der Geburt. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 23-26; Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 9, 1897, 79-102. Ueber die experimentelle Herstellung der Cauda bifida bei den Amphibien. [1897-99.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1897, xi-xii; Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 24-26; Arch. EntwMech., 9, 1900, 1-26. Ueber einen lebenden Triton taeniatus mit einer iiber- schiissigen fiinfzehigen Vordergliedmasse. (Atavistische Regeneration.) Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1899, vii-viii. Menschliche Schadel ohne Thranenbein. (Bericht iiber eine Untersuchung von E. Zabel.) Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1899, xxxviii-xxxxi. Eine Larve von Petromyzon Planeri mit drei Schwanz- spitzen. [1899.] Arch. EntwMech., 9, 1900, 27-31. Bargagli, (march.) Piero. Eassegna biologica di Eincofori europei. (Continuazione.) [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 16, 1884, 3-52, 149-258; 17, 1885, 3-50, 293-350; 18, 1886, 3-23, 259-307, 369-401 ; 19, 1887, 3-34. Note intorno alia biologia di alcuni Coleotteri. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 16, 1884, 92-96. Invasioue di bruci. Eiv. Sci.-Ind., 17, 1885, 12S-129. Ricerche suUe relazioni pin caratteristiche tra gli insetti e le piante. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 11, 1888, 67-84. Nuova stazione del Pinus sylvestris, Linn. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 327-330. Dati cronologici sulla diffusione della Galinsoga parvi- flora, Ruiz e Pav., in Italia. [1891.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 129-131. Escursioni nel Tirolo. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 98-105, 152-164. [Intorno alia Galinsoga parviflora.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 151-152. Notizie intorno alle abitazioni della Formica rufa, L^ [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 25, 1893, 42-45. [SuUe ragioni che possono spiegare la mancanza di Orchidee nella maggior parte delle isole toscane.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 206. Notizie sopra alcuni Entomocecidi e sui loro abitatori. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 39-43. Noterelle di viaggio. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 27, 1895, 21-28. [Nuovo metodo di osservazione per i movimenti delle piante.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 314-315. Notizie intorno ad alcuni erbari che si conservano nel R. Istituto Tecnico Gahleo Galilei in Firenze. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 165-171. Notizie intorno alcune malattie del castagno. Firenze Ace. Georgofili Atti, 22, 1899, 177-193. Barge, R. Ein neuer Gasentvvickelungs-Apparat. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 955. Barge, R., & Pahlberg, C[onstantin']. See Fahlberg & Barge. Bargebubr, Arnold. Ueber Ascites chylosus und chyli- formis. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 51, 1893, 161-192. Chylose und chyliforme Ergiisse im Pleura- und Pericardialraum. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 54, 1895, 410-441. Bargellesi, Giuseppe. Ricerche sperimentali sulle modi- ficazioni che subiscono le superfici articolari e le loro cartilagini nelle disartieolazioni. Arch. Sci. Med., 13, 1889, 337-343. Bargelllni, Demetrio. Sulla cura del sordomutismo. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 351-375. BargeUlni, E. Sui rapporti della urobilinuria coUe con- dizioni del tubo intestinale. Sperimentale, 1S92 (Mem.), 119-140. Bargioni, Guido. Sulla saccarina. Preparazione, pro- prieta, reazioni, metodi di ricerca nelle sostanze ali- mentari, propriety fisiologiche. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 33-36, 84-87. Bargmann, Albert Fr. J. Der jiingste Schutt der nord- lichen Kalkalpen in seinen Beziehungen zum Gebirge, zu Schnee und Wasser, zu Pfianzen und Menschen. Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Wiss. Veroff., 2, 1895, 1*-103*. Bargmann, Alex. Die Artberechtigung des Ips (Tomicus) Vorontzowi, Jacobson. 111. Ztschr. Ent., 4, 1899, 36-38. Bargoni, E. Di un Foraminifero parassita nelle saipe (Salpicola amylacea, n. g., n. sp.) e considerazioni sui corpuscoli amilacei dei Protozoi superiori. [1894.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 4, 1894-95, 43-64. Barham, C[harles Foster]. For biographical notice see Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 11, 1885, 89. *Eesults of the meteorological observations made at the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, in lat. 50° 17' N. , long. 5° 4' W., in the years 1840 to 1881, inclusive, with some notes of results at other stations in Cornwall, since the year 1728. [1883.] Cornwall Roy. Inst. Jl., 8, 1886 (Suppl.), 24 pp. Bari6, Ernest. Sur un cas de chromidrose jaune, cata- ra^niale, alternant sur les deux mains. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 937-946. De la stomatite ur^mique. Arch. Gen. Med., 164, 1889, 415-432, 690-702. Barie] 299 [Barker Eecherches sur I'insuffisance des valvules de I'artei'e pulmouaire. Arch. Gen. MM., 167, 1891, 650-673; 168, 1891, 30-70, 183-214. La vraie et les pseudo-insuffisances aortiques. Arch. G^n. Med., 177, 1896, 257-275, 401-417, 569-585. Barigloni Fereira, C. Osservazioni delle acque sotter- ranee. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 121-123. Sulla misura della pressione interna della terra. [1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 44-45. Barilari, Pacijico. For biographical notice see Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 58. Bairilld, A\uguste Eloi], Des eaux min^ro-thermales d'Hammam el Lif (Tunisie). Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 14-17. Etude chimique d'un proc^de de panification qui utiliserait la matiere azot^e du son (precede Souvant). Arch. M(5d. Pharm. Militaires, 17, 1891, 229-240. De la nature et des causes de Talt^ration des crayons de nitrate d'argent fondu au contact de diverses semences. Arch. MM. Pharm. Militaires, 18, 1891, 139-143. Thermometre 61ectrique avertisseur, pour ^tuves de laboratoire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 246-248; Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 27-30; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 367-369. Dosage de I'azote nitrique dans les eaux, a I'^tat de bioxyde d'azote. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 434- 436; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 441-444. Examen de tablettes de bouillon. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895,' 193-199. Phosphate bicalcique ; nouveau mode de preparation et de formation; particularit^s ; structure cristalline. Arch. Med. Pharm. MiUtaires, 30, 1897, 81-103, 175- 194. De la nature et des causes de I'alteration de I'enveloppe ext^rieure d'un certain nombre de paquets de pansement individuel; titrage du principe antiseptique. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 31, 1898, 298-304. Barillon, , & B6zary, [Jean]. See S^zary & Barlllon. BariUot, , & Vidal, . See Vidal & Barillot. Barillot, Ernest. Dosage des impuret^s dans les methy- lenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 1315-1317. Sur une nouvelle reaction de la colchicine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 514-516. Sur un nouvel appareil rectificateur a analyseurs et k plateaux r^trogradateurs. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 929-931. Eecherche toxicologique et dosage de I'arsenic. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 958-959. Analyse des methylenes et des alcools denatures. Historique et critique des proc^des. Moniteur Sci., 10, 1896, 92-97. Sur le rendement des diverses essences de hois en charbon, alcool methylique et acide ac^tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 469-471. Sur les produits de la distillation du bois (experiences industrielles). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 735-736. . Sur la d^naturation de I'alcool. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1163-1164; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 75-77. BariUot, Ernest, & Chastaing, P[aul Louis']. See Chastalng & Barillot. Barilovic, A[leksandr Eomanovic]. 0 Ji;ini30npOIIHjI- masejieBon ii a-ji,iiMeTiu-i3-oKCH-iicoKaiiponoBOH KHCIOXaxi. [Ueber a- Dimethyl -/3-oxyisocapronsaure und Diisopropyloxalsaure.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 40-47; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2463-2466. CuHTeai, II cBoncTsa a-;i;iiMeTiiJi-/3-0KCiinejiap- rOHOBOn KIICJIOTIJ:. [Synthese et propri^t^s de I'acide a-dimethyl-|3-oxypelargonique.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Chem.), 1896, 360-364; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1532-1535. Baring, (Hon.) Cecil, & Ogilvie-Grant, William R[obert]. An expedition to the Salvage Islands. Zoologist, 19, 1895, 401-417. Baring-Gould, (Rev.) S[abine]. Presidential address. The prehistoric ethnology and archaeology of Devon, especially of Dartmoor. Devon. Ass. Trans., 28, 1896, 25-49. Baringer, W[iUy]. Ueber einige i/- - Selenharnstofife. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 23, 1890, 1003-1006. Barisien, (capit.) E[rnest] N[apoleon]. Propri^tes des cercles de Chasles. Mathesis, 15, 1895, 129-134, 158- 163, 241-250; 16, 1896, 265-271. Sur les podaires successives d'une courbe. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1895, 89-94, 157-164, 207-213, 233- 244, 463-471. Sur les triangles formes par les tangentes communes k trois cercles donnas. Mathesis, 16, 1896, 33-37, 60-64. Etude d'un triangle remarquable. Ass. Fran?. C. E,, 1897 (Pt. 2), 107-128, Sur les triangles qui sont inscrits dans une ellipse et circonscrits k un cercle concentrique. Mathesis, 19, 1899, 224-226, 247-249, 269-271; 20, 1900, 84-86, 113-116, 136-139. Note sur certaines courbes d^riv^es des ^pi- et hypo- cycloides. [1901.] Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 14, 1900, 121-160. Barjon, F[rangois], & Unossier, Georges. See Iiinossler & Barjon. Barjon, F[ra7i^ois], & Begand, CI[audius]. Numeration des globules blancs par les scrums color^s. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. M^m., 35, 1896 (C. R.), 57-58. See also Regaud & Barjon. Barjon, F[ra7i(;ois], & "Weill, Edmond. See Weill & Barjon. Bark, Carl. Nagra ord om de 150 forsta Eethernarkoserna, som utforts vid kirurgiska kliniken i Upsala. Upsala Liikarefor. Forh., 25, 1890, 506-529. Barkan, A[dolph]. A further contribution to the extrac- tion of particles of steel or iron with Haab's large electro-magnet. Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 282-288; Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 315. Barkan, L\ouis]. The most important antisepsis. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 516-517. Barkas, Tlhomas] P[allister]. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 576; Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 48, 1892 (Proc), 55. Notes on the numerous newly discovered fossil footprints on the Lower Carboniferous sandstones of Northumberland near Otterburn. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1889, 565. Barke, Frederick. [Eeports on the geological section of the North Staffordshire Field Club.] N. Staff. Field Club Eep., 1887, 16-17; 1888, 14-15; 1890, 19-20; 1891, 19- 20; 1892, 107-111; 1894, 120-122; 1896-97, 124-126; 1897-98, 110-113; 1898-99, 65-66; 1899-1900, 76-79. Alluvial deposits in the Trent valley near Stoke. N. Staff. Field Club Eep., 1888, 88-91. Notes on sections in the drift in N. Staffordshire and S.W. Derbyshire. [1893.] N. Staff. Field Club Eep., 1894, 123-128. The physical geography of the British Islands during the Carboniferous epoch. [1897.] N. Staff. Field Club Eep., 1896-97, 19-38. Barker, Arthur E[dward] J{ames]. *Tubercular ulceration of tongue. [1883.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 169-183. Deficient development of right half of body without paralysis except of the facial nerve. Clin. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 225. Ununited fracture of the clavicle causing pressure on the brachial plexus and writers' cramp. Excision of the false joint, and wiring of the fragments. Perfect union and complete relief of nerve symptoms. Clin. Soc. Trans., 19, 1886, 104-109. 38—2 Barker] 300 [Barlow Cases of optic neuritis associated with purulent in- flammation in the neighbourhood of the lateral sinus. Clin. Soc. Trans., 28, 1890, 214-218. Two cases of dermoid cyst in connection with the tongue. [1890.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 24, 1891, 68-72. Malignant polyp of the nose. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 293-295. Sequel of a case of cystic accessory thyroid body in which four operations for recurrence were performed in the course of six years. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 225-229. Notes on the technique of skin grafting by Thiersch's method. Practitioner, 61, 1898, 347-351. Barker, Arthur E[dtvard] J[ames], and Nabarro, D[avid] N[uiies]. A case of pancreatic cyst treated by incision and drainage: with analysis of the contents. Clin. Soc. Trans., 32, 1899, 121-126. Barker, B[ertie] T[homaii] P[ercival]. Fragrant yeast. Amer. Micr. JL, 21, 1900, 350-351. A fragrant ' Mycoderma ' yeast, Saccharomyces ano- malus (Hansen). Ann. Bot., 14, 1900, 215-244. Barker, Cecil W. Notes on seasonal dimorphism of Ehopalocera in Natal. Ent. Soc. Trans. , 1895, 413-428. Barker, (Capt.) David Wilson-. See Wilson-Barker. Barker, E[lliott] R., & Mulliken, S[aiiiiiel] F[arsons]. See Mulllken & Barker. Barker, Edward Raymond-. See Raymond-Barker. Barker, (Maj.) F[rancis] W. J. Modern gunpowder as a propellant. [With discussion.] [1890.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 34, 1890-91, 257-278. Barker, [Benjamin] Fordyce. For biography and list of works see Glasgow Med. JL, 36, 1891, 141-144; N. Y. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, 656-657; 54, 1891, 470-471. The prevention and treatment of puerperal fever. N. Y. Med. Jl., 89, 1884, 151-153, 183-186. Permanganate of potassium in the treatment of amenorrhcea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 238-240. Barker, George F[rederick]. [Scientific record for 1884-86.] Physics, Smithsonian Eep., 1884, 433-489; 1885, 577- 636; 1887, 327-386. On the use of carbon bisulphide in prisms; being an account of experiments made by the late Dr. Henry Drapee of New York. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 269-277. On the Henry Draper memorial photographs of stellar spectra. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 24, 1887, 166-172. The borderland between physics and chemistry. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 11-29. Electrical progress since 1743. [1893.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, [32], 1894, 104-158. Barker, Harold C[harles]. Analysis of Pycnanthemum lanceolatum, and notes on its ethereal oil. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 66, 1894, 65-71. Barker, Lewellys F[ranklin']. Demonstration of the presence of iron in granules of eosinophile-leucocytes. [1894.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1895, 128. On the grouping of neurones within the central nervous system with especial reference to the localiza- tion of nervous functions. [1897.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [16 (1896-97),] 48-49. The anatomy and physiology of the nervous system and its constituent neurones, as revealed by recent investigations. N. Y. Med. JL, 65, 1897, 649-656, 681- 686, 817-821, 861-868; 66, 1897, 377-382, 721-726; 67, 1898, 105-107, 241-246, 521-526, 737-743; 68, 1898, 75- 80, 399-403, 907-912. Note on Dr. D. W. Montgomery's case of teratoma. Jl. Exper. Med., 3, 1898, 284-292. Barker, Lewellys F[rankli7i'], & Flexner, Simon. See Flexner & Barker. Barker, Lewellys F[ranklin'], & Flint, Joseph Marshall. A visit to the plague districts in India. N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 145-154. Barker, M[ichael]. Notes from the Harvard Botanic Gardens. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 68, 202-204, 562- 563; 4, 1891, 80, 90-92, 141, 319-320, 333, 368, 525, 608-609; 5, 1892, 31-33, 236, 284-285, 585-586, 597, 609; 6, 1893, 68-69, 93, 166, 468. A hybrid Calanthe. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 16. Vanda Batenianni. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 512. Barker, T. On a combination integrating wattmeter and maximum demand indicatoi-. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1900, 878; Electrician, 45, 1900, 862-863. Barker, Thomas Alfred. For biographical notice and works see Med.-Chir. Trans., 75, 1892, 19-21. Barker, Wlillia7n] H[enry]. A simple apparatus for the estimation of carbon dioxide. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 293. Barkbausen, G[eor(i]. Auftragung von Einfluss- (Influenz-) Linien fiir Bogen. Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr., 31, 1885, 159-176. Spannungsermittelung und Stellung der Tragerquer- schnitte fiir Biegungsmomente, welche nach Grosse und Eichtung veranderlich sind. Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr., 40, 1894, 447-456. Barkley, MacDonald. Notes upon the antelopes of the Pungue valley. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 130-132. Barkly, [Sir) Henry. For biographical notics see Geogr. JL, 12, 1898, 621-622; Kew Bull., 1898, 335-336; Eoy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1905, 23-25. Barla, Jean Baptiste. For biographical notice and works see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 541-542. B^rladu, S. Taubes-. See Taubes-Barladu. Barling, [Harnj] G[ilbert]. Tuberculosis: an infective disease. [1888.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 6 (1887-89), 233-242. Barlow, Alfred Ernest. On the contact of the Huronian and Laurentian rocks north of Lake Huron. Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 19-32. On the nickel and copper deposits of Sudbury, Ont. Ottawa Natlist., 5, 1891, 51-71. On the relations of the Laurentian and Huronian on the north side of Lake Huron. [1892.] Amer. Jl. Sei., 44, 1892, 236-239; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, 313- 332. On some dykes containing " huronite." [1894.] Ottawa Natlist., 9, 1895, 25-47; Science, 1, 1895, 62. On the occurrence of cancrinite in Canada. [1896.] Canad. Eec Sci., 7, 1897, 228. On the origin of some Archaean conglomerates. [1899.] Ottawa Nathst., 12, 1898, 205-217. Eeport on the geology and natural resources of the area included by the Nipissing and Temiscaming map- sheets, comprising portions of the district of Nipissing, Ontario, and of the county of Pontiac, Quebec. Canada Geol. Surv. Eep., 10, 1899', 1 1-1 287. Barlow, Alfred Ernest, & Adams, Frank Daicson. See Adams & Barlow. Barlow, Alfred Ernest, & Ells, E[ohert'\ W[heelock]. See BUS & Barlow. Barlow, Alfred Ernest, & Ferrier, Walter F. On the relations and structure of certain granites and associated arkoses on Lake Temiscaming, Canada. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1897, 659-660. Barlow, Chester. Some notes on the nesting habits of the white-tailed kite. Auk, 14, 1897, 14-21. Occurrence of Zonotrichia albicollis in California. Auk, 14, 1897, 221. Nesting of the hermit warbler in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. Auk, 16, 1899, 156-161. Barlow, Craicford. The new Tay viaduct. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1885, 883-885. The London sewage question. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1892, 881-882. Barlow, Edioard. A short note on the food-insects of the mantis, Hierodula bipapilla, Serv. Bengal Asiat. Soc Proc, 1894, 138-139. Barlow] 301 [Barnard Miscellaneous notes from the entomological section. [1896.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 13-40. An exhibit collection of economic insects in the Indian Museum. [1896.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 41-46. Notes on insect pests from the entomological section, Indian Museum. [1896-1900.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 56-78, 118-142, 180-221; 5, 1903, 14-34. List of the Melolonthini contained in the collection of the Indian Museum. [1899.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 234-273. Barlow, John James. A new method of precipitating and estimating manganese, also iron indirectly, by means of hydrogen peroxide. Cliem. News, 53, 1886, 41-42. On a new method and reagent for detecting chlorides, bromides, and iodides, in the presence of each other, and also in presence of nitrates and chlorates. Edinb., Eoy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 799-802. An improved modification of Soxhlkt's apparatus for the extraction of oil and fat in plants, foods, etc. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 56-57. Barlow, Peter William. For biography and works see Inst. Cir. Engin. Proc, 81, 1886, 821-323; Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1886, xxxix-xl. Barlow, E[ichard]. Ueber die Reduction der Ueberos- miumsaure durch das Pigment der normalen mensch- lichen Haut. [1894.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., [10], 1895, 47. Ueber Bacteriurie. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 59, 1897, 347-384. Urethritis non gouorrhoica. Eine kritische Studie. Deutsch. Arch. KHn. Med., 66, 1899, 444-469. Baurlow, R[ichard], & Sittmann, Georg. See Sittmann & Barlow. Barlow, Scott. For biographical notice see Ottawa Natlist., 8, 1894-95, 75-77. Barlow, Thomas. Case of congenital xanthelasma pal- pebrarum. London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 405^07. Limb-bones, skull, and brain of a case of so-called foetal rickets (? foetal cretinism). London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 459-464. On a case of early disseminated myelitis occurring in the exanthem stage of measles and fatal on the eleventh day of that disease. [With a report on the microscopical examination of the spinal cord, by F. G. Penrose, M.D.] [1886.] Med.-Chir. Trans., 70, 1887, 77-91. Barlow, Thomas, & Batten, Frederick ii,'[ws37'.4). Astr. JL, 19, 1899, 193. The variable star S Lyncis. Two new double stars. Andeuson's variable near BD.-f-55°.3011. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 167-172. Observations of the Leonid meteors of 1898. Astrophys. JL, 9, 1899, 151-156. Photograph of the Milky Way near the star Theta Ophiuchi. Astrophys. JL, 9, 1899, 157-158. Note on the exterior nebulosities of the Pleiades. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 155. Photographs of comets and of the Milky Way. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 354-370. Observations of Hind's variable nebula in Taurus (N. G. C. 1555) made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 59, 1899, 372-376. The Gegenschein or zodiacal counterglow. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 169-179, 290-291. Triangulation of star clusters. Science, 10, 1899, 789. The fifth satellite of Jupiter. Science, 10, 1899, 789-790. Micrometrical measures of the satellite of Neptune during the opposition of 1898-99 with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, with some remarks on temperature changes in the object-glass. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 41-44. Micrometrical measures of the companions of Procyon, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1899-1900.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 44; 21, 1901, 16. The double head of Comet a 1899 (Swift). [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 60. Position-angles of the north polar cap of Mars, 1898-9. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 124. Micrometrical measures of the fifth satellite of Jupiter and on the motion of the line of apsides of the orbit of the satellite. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 125-130. Periodical changes in the form of the Gegenschein. [1899.] Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 131-132. Small stars near Sirius. Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 166, 188. Note on the companion of Sirius. Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 167. The double star /3 883. Astr. JL, 20, 1900, 170. A small planetary nebula near the star BD. -i- 34°. 732. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 355-356. Some abnormal stars in the cluster M 13 Herculis. Astrophys. JL, 12, 1900, 176-181. Discovery and period of a small variable star in the cluster M 13 Herculis. Astrophys. JL, 12, 1900, 182- 184; Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 486-488. On the probable motion of the annular nebula in Lyra (M 57) and the peculiarities in the focus for the planetary nebulsB and their nuclei. Astr. Soc. Mouth. Not., 60, 1900, 245-257. The exterior nebulosities of the Pleiades, with a drawing from the photographs ; and on the appearance of the involved nebulosities of the cluster with the 40-inch refractor. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 258-261. On the diameter of Ceres and Vesta. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 261-262. Filar-micrometer measures of the position of the star DM. -1- 37"4131 for parallax, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1900.] Astr. JL, 21, 1901, 12-14. Observations of Eros, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1900.] Astr. JL, 21, 1901, 29. Observations of the stars Krueger 60 and j3 1291, made with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. [1900.] Astr. JL, 21, 1901, 64. Barnard, Edicard E[merson], & Schaeberle, J[o}ni] M[artin]. See Scbaeberle & Barnard. Barnard, F. G. A. Notes of a visit to the Jenolan caves. New South Wales. [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 121-130. Notes on the butterfly, lalmenus evagorus, Don. Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 168. Notes on the butterflies of Victoria. [1889.] Victorian Natlist., 6, 1890, iv, 83-87. 39—2 Barnard] 308 [Barnes A mutton-bird strays inland. [1899.] Victorian Natlist., 16, 1900, 76. Excursion to Plenty Eanges. Victorian Natlist., 16, 1900, iv, 163-170. The "camp-out" at Maroondah Weir. [1900.] Victorian Natlist., 17, 1901, 131-138. Barnard, Frederick Augu-'tm Porter. For biography see Amer. Ac. Proc, 24, 1889, 441-445 ; M^x. Obs, Bol., 2, 1889, 404. The metrological system of the Great Pyramid. School of Miues Quarterly, N. Y., 5, 1884, 97-127, 193- 217, 289-329. Systems of weight and measure. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 9, 1888, 193-212, 291-299. Balance for detex'mining specific gravities by inspec- tion. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 {Pt. 1), 1888, 203-206. Theory of magic squares and of magic cubes. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 4 {Pt. 1), 1888, 209-270. Barnard, George. For biographical notice see Entomo- logist, 27, 1894, 228. Chalcophora in the scrubs of central Queensland. Entomologist, 23, 1890, 179-181. Barnard, Harold L[eslie~\. The action of morphia, ammonia and hydrocyanic acid upon the volume of the heart as recorded by a cardiometer. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xv-xix. The functions of the pericardium. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xliii-xlviii. Barnard, Harold L{eslie\ & HiU, Leonard. See Hill & Barnard. Barnard, Harold L[eslie], Hill, Leonard, & Sequeira, James H[ari~y'\. See Hill, Barnard & Sequeira. Barnard, Harold L[eslie'\, Hill, Leonard, & Soltau, A{lfred] J3[erfram]. See Hill, Barnard & Soltau. Barnard, Jloseph] Edwin. On the application of the electric arc to photomicrography. Micr. Soc. JL, 1897, 600. .Barnard, JlosepK] Edwin, & Carver, Thomas A. B. The application of the electric arc to photomicrography. [1897.] Micr. Soc. JL, 1898, 170-173. Photo-micrography with high powers. [1898.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 448-449. Barnard, <7[oscp/t] Edwin, & DlacFadyen, Allan. See nCacFadyen & Barnard. Barnard, James. Aborigines of Tasmania. Aust. Ass. Eep., 1890, 597-611. Barnard, R. J. A. The annual march of temperature. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 408-409. Barnard, William Stebbins. For biographical notice and works see Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 1136-1137. *Movement of the arms in walking. Science, 1, 1883, 140. Bamardo, G. Fleming. A case of ectopia cordis c. fissura sterni. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 325-333. Bamaud, (It.) [Leon'\. *Eapport sur les operations a Chorrillos (P^rou) et £i Panama, pour servir k la deter- mination des longitudes Valparaiso-Chorrillos, Valparaiso- Panama. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 3, 1883, 355-364. Bamaud, [It.) [Leon'], Bemardi^res, {capit.) [Octave Marie Gabriel Joachim], & Favereau, (It.) [Charles Eugene]. See Bemarditoes, Barnaud & Favereau. Bamay, [Marius], N^cessite de substituer, dans la therapeutique, les principes actifs aux substances d'ou ils sont retires. Opportunity d'etablir un formulaire uniforme des substances actives, bas^ sur la dose moyenne quotidienne de chacune d'elles. Ass. Frant;. C. B., 1900 {Pt. 2), 874-878. Barneby, Thomas. *Saturn and his satellites. [1877.] Observatory, London, 1, 1878, 248-250. *7i' 72) 8.nd 73 Andromedse. [1878.] Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 229. Barner, F[riedrich]. Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Verbindungen. Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 297-302. Barnes, A[rt}iin-] Stanley, & Vincent, Sicule. See Vincent & Barnes. Barnes, Albert. An experimental study of the temperature cycle of the steam engine and of the cylinder head. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 142-150. Barnes, Algernon S. Method of demonstrating living Trichinae.' Amer. Micr. JL, 14, 1893, 104. Barnes, Bayard. [On the rearrangement of imido-esters.] Experiments with silver succinimide and benzoylbenzi- midoethyl ester. Amer. Chem. JL, 23 (1900), 148-150. Barnes, Bayard, & vrheeler, Henry L[ord]. See WTieeler & Barnes. Barnes, Bayard, VHieeler, Henry L[ord], & Pratt, Joseph Hyde. See Wheeler, Barnes & Fratt. Barnes, C[harh's] K[epler], & Kohn, Charles Alexander. See Kohn & Barnes. Barnes, Charles Rcid. The root-hairs of Adiantum pedatum, L. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 12. The chlorophyll bands of Spirogyra. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 13. The occurrence of cork, between the annual layers in the stem of Catalpa speciosa. Warder. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 74-76. Oospores of Cystopus in Capsella. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 194. [The course of the fibro-vascular bundles in the leaf- branches of Pinus sylvestris.] Science, 4, 1884, 358. The process of fertilization in Campanula americana, L. [1885.] Amer, Ass. Proc, 1885,293; Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 349-354. A cheajj dissecting microscope. [1885.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 427-428. A revision of the North American species of Fissidens, [1886.] Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 1-8, 25-32. A registering auxanometer. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 150-152. Notes on North American mosses. Bot. Gaz,, 16, 1891, 205-207. An abnormal water-pore. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 235. Artificial keys to the genera and species of mosses recognised in Lesquekeux and James's manual of the mosses of North America. Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 8, 1892, 11-81, 163-166. On the food of green plants. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 403-411. The so-called "sap" of trees and its movements. Science, 21, 1893, 239-241. Vitality of Marsilia quadrifolia. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1895, 229. A horizontal microscope. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 55-56. Terminology of reproduction and reproductive organs. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 226 ; Science, 4, 1896, 437. The application of sex terms to plants. Science, 3, 1896, 928-929. Analytic keys to the genera and species of North American mosses. Wisconsin Univ. Bull. (Sci.), 1, 1896, 157-368. So-called "assimilation." Bot. Centrbl., 76, 1898, 257-259. Address [to the Bot. Sect.]. The progress and problems of plant physiology. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 263-288. Barnes, Daniel Henry. For biographical notice see Washington Biol. Soc Proc, 4, 1888, 104. Barnes, (Rev.) E[rnest] W[illiam]. The genesis of the double gamma functions. Loudon Math. Soc. Proc, 31, 1900, 358-381. The theory of the gamma function. Messenger Math., 29, 1900, 64-128 ; Quart. Jl. Math., 31, 1900, 264-314. The theory of the double gamma function. [1900.] Phil. Trans. (A), 196, 1901, 265-387. Barnes] 309 [Barnes Barnes, Geo. E. Meteorological. California Min. Bar. Eep., 1), 1890, 812-322. Barnes, {Lt.) HYenry'\ Edwin. For biographical notice and works see Ibis, 2, 1896, 162. Birds' nesting in Eajpootana. Bombay Nat, Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886, 38-62. Note on the breeding of Parra indica. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 1, 1886, 221-222. The two shamas. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, 56. Notes on Ploceus philippinus. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, 105-107. Note on the irregular breeding of Grus Antigone, the sarus. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl. , 2, 1887, 149-150. Notes on the breeding of the Kentish ringed plover (jEgialitis cantianus) within Indian limits. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1887, 167-169. Nesting of the Indian hirundines. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 43-48. Nesting in western India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 3, 1888, 205-224; 4, 1889, 1-21, 83-98, 237-255; 5, 1890, 1-19, 97-116, 315-337; 6, 1891, 1-25, 129-158, 285-817. Note on the black -tailed rock-chat. [1892.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 7, 1892-93, 252-253. On the occurrence of the spotted grey tree-creeper at Ahmednagar, Deccan. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 548-549. List of birds noted at Aden and its vicinity. [1893.] Bombay, Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 231-238. On the birds of Aden. Ibis, 5, 1893, 57-84, 165-181. Barnes, (Lt.) H[e7irij] Ediciii, & Swinhoe, (Col.) Charles. See Swinhoe & Barnes. Barnes, H. H., & Veesenmeyer, E. Zum Borchers'schen Gaselement. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 101-102, 192. Barnes, Howard Turner. On some measurements of the temperature of the river water, opposite Montreal, made during the winter with a differential platinum ther- mometer. Canada Eoy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1896 {Sect. 3), 37-44. On some measurements of the temperature of the Lachine Rapids made during the winter of 1896-97 with a differential platinum thermometer. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans. , 3, 1897 (Sect. 3), 17-30. Notes on frazil and anchor ice, with considerations as to the freezing point of water. Canada Roy. Soc, Proc. & Trans., 5, 1899 (Sect. 3), 17-22. On the molecular weight of sulphur in carbon disulphide solutions. Jl. Phys. Chem., 8, 1899, 156-159. Note on the relation of the electrical and mechanical units. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 3), 71-73. Note on the effect of a change in dissociation on the density-curve of a hydrated electrolyte in aqueous solutions of different concentration. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 3), 75-76. On the inversion of the hepta- and hexahydrates of zinc sulphate in the Clark cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 1-20. On the Weston cell as a transition cell and as a standard of electromotive force, with a determination of the ratio to the Clark cell. Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 339-348. An hermetically sealed type of Clark standard cell. Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 268-276. On the capacity for heat of water between the freezing and boiling points, together with a determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat in terms of the inter- national electrical units. Experiments by the con- tinuous-flow method of calorimetry performed in the Macdonald Piiysical Laboratory of McGill University, Montreal. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 67, 1901, 238-244, Barnes, Howard Turner, & Callendar, Hugh Longbourne. See Callendar & Barnes. Barnes, Howard Tamer, & Scott, A[rthHr'\ P[Mtrta7K]. Solution densities. Jl. Phys. Chem., 2, 1898, 536-550. Barnes, J^onathnn]. Is there an unconformity at Castleton, between the limestone and shales? [1900.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1900-01, 114-125. Barnes, J[o«Ht/ja?!], & ZIolroyd, W. F. The mountain limestone caverns of Tray Cliff' hill, Castleton, Derby- shire, with some of their contained minerals. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 24, 1896, 215-245. Notes upon some of the rocks and minerals of North Staffordshire. IWith discussion.'] [1896.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1896-97, 134-142. Some experiments with regard to effects of pressure upon decaying vegetable matter. [1896.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 114-116. On the occurrence of a sea-beach at Castleton, Derby- shire, of Carboniferous limestone age. [With discussion.] [1896-1900.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 119-132, 181-184, 308-310; 26, 1901, 466-473. On the occurrence of Lamellibranchiata, Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda in the millstone grit of south Yorkshire. [1897.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 184- 191. On the influence of subterranean excavations in lime- stone areas and a consideration of the atmospherical, physiological, and hygienic conditions produced thereby. [1899.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901, 206- 218. On the mottled Carboniferous limestone of Derby- shire. [1900.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901, 561-567. See also XZolroyd & Barnes. Barnes, James. On the depression of the freezing-point in solutions containing hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 8), 37-54. On the conductivity, specific gravity and surface tension of aqueous solutions containing potassium chloride and sulphate. [1899.] N, Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 49-66. On the relation of the viscosity of mixtures of solutions of certain salts to their state of ionization. [1899.] N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 113-128, On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, [1900,] N. Scotia Inst, Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 129-138. On the depression of the freezing-point by mixtures of electrolytes. [1900.] N, Scotia Inst, Sci. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1903, 139-161. Barnes, Joseph. Note on titanic acid as a mordant. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 810. Comparative gasometric assaying, with especial refer- ence to the valuation of zinc powder, and the testing of carbonates. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 145-147. On the estimation of organic matter by means of chromic acid. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 15, 1896, 82-84. On the preparation of water free from ammonia. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 15, 1896, 254-255. Note on the behaviour of alizarin orange in wool- dyeing. [1898.] Soc. Dyers Col. JL, 15, 1899, 11. The use of titanium compounds as mordants and pigments. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 18, 1899, 15-16. Barnes, Justin L. The influence of the eye on character and career. N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 208-208. Barnes, R. H, Heat and dryness of July 26th. Symons, Meteorol, Mag., 20, 1885, 104, Heat and dryness of July 4th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 89. Excessive terrestrial radiation. [1899.] Symons, Meteorol, Mag., 34, 1900, 54-55. Barnes] 310 [Baron Barnes, R. M. Nesting of the prothonotary warbler. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 37-38. List of birds breeding in Marshall county, 111. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 113-116. Barnes, Robert. Notes on snow measurement. Meteorol. Soe. Quart. Jl., 23, 1897, 62-63. Barnes, W. D. , Reppert, Fred. [? Ferdinand], & IMCiller, A[lor>zo] A. The flora of Scott and Muscatine counties. [1900.] Davenport Ac. Proc, 8, 1901, 199-287. Barnes, William. On the development of the posterior fissure of the spinal cord, and the reduction of the central canal, in the pig. Amer. Ac. Proc, 19, 1884, 97-110. Some new species and varieties of Lepidoptera from the western U. S. Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 39-42. New species and varieties of North American Lepidop- tera. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 42-48. Notes on North American diurnals with some additions and corrections to Dr. Skinneb's catalogue. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 328-332. Barnes, Willis L. Dark transit of Jupiter's third satellite. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 426 ; 10, 1891, 515 ; Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 94-95. Bamett, A. K. Note on the occurrence of " vivianite " in bones found at Deadman's Grave, Sancreed. [1888.] Penzance Soc. Trans., 2, 1884-88, 363-364. Bamett, J. Davies. The mechanical value and treatment of hard and soft coal. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 4, 1887, 82-91. Bamett, Maurice. The evolution of the storage battery. Franklin Inst. JL, 141, 1896, 296-307. Bamett, Robert E[dicard]. On the viscosity of water as determined by Mr. J. B. Hannay by means of his microrheometer. Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 259-261. Note on the formation of platinic pyrophosphate. Chem. Soc Jl., 67, 1895, 513-514. On the preparation of ethers. Phil. Trans. (A), 189, 1897, 103-107. Bamett, Robert E[dtvard], & Tilden, William Augustus. See Tllden & Bamett. Bamett, Samuel J. On the coefficient of absolute rigidity of quartz fibers and its time and temperature variations. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 114-120. On the surface tension of liquids under the influence of electrostatic induction. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 257-284. Some methods of measuring high potentials with low potential instruments. Elect. Rev., 44, 1899, 9-10. Bamett, Samuel J., & Merritt, Ernest. See Merritt & Bamett. Bameville. See Brisout de Bameville. Bamewitz, A. Botanische Mittheilungen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, Ixvii-lxviii. Kopfweideniiberpflanzen aus der Gegend von Branden- burg a. d. Havel und Gorlsdorf bei Angermiinde. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 40, 1898, 1-12. Die auf der Stadtmauer von Brandenburg a. H. wachsenden Pflanzen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, 97-108. Barney, Charles Norton. The tuberculin test in man. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., 2, 1898, 210-215. Barney, George I). Antemia : its cause and treatment with pepto-mangan (Dr. Gude's). N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1896, 721-724. Phthisis; its aetiology and treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 86-90. Barney, W. C. A. G. Bell not the inventor of the magneto telephone. Telegr. JL, 23, 1888, 358-359. Barnhart, John Hendley. Ulmaria Ulmaria (L.). Torrey Bot. Club BulL, 21, 1894, 491. Family nomenclature. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 189B, 1-24. On the two editions of Emory's Report, 1848. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1896, 394-395. Noraenclatural notes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 409-411 ; 26, 1899. 376-380. A new species of Utricularia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 515-516. Heteromorphism in Helianthemum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 589-592. Bamick, Otto. Klinische und pathologisch-anatomische Beitrage zur Tuberculose des mittleren und inneren Ohres. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 40, 1896, 81-122. Ueber Briiche des Schadelgrundes und die durch sie bedingten Blutungen in das Ohrlabyrinth. Arch. Ohren- heilk., 43, 1897, 23-52. Untersuchungen von Taubstummen. [1899.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 48, 1900, 62-78. Bamouvin, H[enri]. The vegetation of solutions. [Tr.] [1895.] Amer. Micr. JL, 17, 1896, 149-150. Causes d'erreur dans la recherche qualitative des alcaloides par I'iodure double de mercure et de potassium. Anvers, JL de Pharm., 52, 1896, 108-109. Bams, John W. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. Soc. Proc, 12, 1890, 765-766. Bamsby, D[avid]. *[Notes meteorologiques faites a] Tours. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 2, 1869, 66-67. — — Culture du bacille de la tuberculose sur la pomme de terre. [1889.] Ann. Microgr., [1] (1888-89), 362-363. Note sur les sajous au Jardin de Tours. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 114-116. Bamsby, D[avid], & Iiallemant, . De Taction emmf^nagogue exerc^e par les injections de liquide testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 1016-1017. Bamsby, D[avid], & Meunier, [Edouard]. See Meunier & Barnsby. Bamstein, Ferdinand. Ueber Isobutenyltricarbonsaure und die unsymmetrische Dimethylbernsteinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 242, 1887, 126-140. Ueber eine Modifikation des von Ritthausen vorge- schlagenen Verfahrens zur Eiweissbestimmung. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 54, 1900, 327-336. See also Kellner, 0\^scar Johann] {et alii). See also Kiilin, Gustav [Albert Theodor] (et alii). Bamstein, Ferdinand, Kotiler, Albin, & ZielstorfF, W[illy Adalbert Karl]. See Kohler, Bamstein & ZielstorfT. Bamstein, Ferdinand, Kellner, 0[scar Johann], Kohler, Albin, & Hartung, L[udivig]. See Kellner, Kohler, Bamstein & Hartung. Bamstein, Ferdinand, Kellner, 0[scar Johann'], Kohler, Albin, & ZielstorfT, Wlillij Adalbert Karl]. See Kellner, Kohler, Zielstorff & Bamstein. Bamum, E. G., & Fairchild, Herman Le Roy. See Fairchild & Bamum. Bamum, M[erritt] W[right], & PJTewbury, Spencer B[aird]. See Newbury & Bamum. Barois, J\idien]. Note sur le p^trole de la mer Rouge. [1886.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 7, 1887, 90-101. Notice sur le climat du Caire. [1889.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 10, 1890 [Ft. 1), 78-212. Comparaison eptre les temperatures de plusieurs villes de la Basse-Egypte. [1890.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 1, 1891, 157-168. Note sur une mission dans le Sahara alg^rien. Inst. Egypt. Bull., 2, 1891, 191-197. Note sur I'humidit^ relative de I'atmosphere dans les villes du Caire, d'Alexandrie, de Port-Said, d'Ismailia et de Suez. [1892.] Inst. Egypt. BulL, 3, 1893, 247-258. Baron, G[ustave]. Observations sur le Terrain Jurassique des environs de Fontenay-le-Comte (Vendue). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, 476-484. ■ Notice g^ologique sur les environs de Mentou. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 110-117. Baron, 0[scar] T. Notes on the localities visited by [the author] in northern Peru and on the Trochilidse found there. Novitates ZooL, 4, 1897, 1-10. Baron] 311 [Baroni Baron, P., & Castaigne, J. Contribution iij'etude de la pathog^nie de reclampsie puerperale. Etude experi- luentale du passage des substances toxiques du foetus a la m^re. Arch. Med. Exp6r., 10, 1898, 693-711. Baron, Raoul. Influence de la nourriture des vaclies sur la composition du lait. Ann. Hyg. Publ. , 12, 1884, 338- 342. La loi de Delbceuf. Bull. Sci, France Belg., 22, 1890, 123-137 ; 25, 1893, 155-173. Notion, nature et enseignement des regies de la multiplication. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 317-333. Baron, Raoul, & Dechambre, P. De I'espece et des races chez les auimaux superieurs et specialement de leurs rapports avec le polymorphisme sexuel. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 27, 1895, 338-356. Baron, (Rev.) Richard. Assign to this author title (Vol. 9) under Baron, (Rev.) L. "Curious habit of a Brazilian moth" [observed also in Madagascan moths]. Nature, 29, 1884, 503. Notes on the volcanic phenomena of centi'al Madagascar. Nature, 33, 1886, 415-417. On the flora of Madagascar. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1888, 724-726. Eine Eeise durch das nordwestliche Madagaskar. [1888.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1889, 1-17. Notes on the geology of Madagascar. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889, 305-331. The flora of Madagascar. [1888.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 25, 1890, 246-294. Notes on the economic plants of Madagascar. Kew Bull., 1890, 203-215. Geological notes of a journey in Madagascar. [1894.] Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 51, 1895, 57-71. Baroncini, R[affaelle]. Un caso di amnesia retroattiva. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 599-612. Barone, Giovanni. Studio sulla corrente meteorica delle Perseidi. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 38-61. Le tremblement de terre du 16 octobre 1896 en Ligurie (Italie). [1897.] Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 2, 1896- 97, 58-65. Les Bielides de 1895. [1897.] Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 2, 1896-97, 207-209. Osservazioni delle Perseidi del 1896, fatte in Alassio, e confutazione dei risultati ottenuti da P. Stkoobant al Belgio, nel calcolo degli elementi parabolici delle Andromeidi del 1895. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 8 [1897,] 142-152. Determinazione dell' epoca di cattura delle comete periodiche, per mezzo dei loro sistemi meteorici. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 8, [1897,] 174-187. Les Bielides de 1895. Reponse a M. Stroobant. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 3, 1898, 129-130. Les etudes et les decouvertes de geoendodynamique en Italie dans les trente dernieres annees. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 4, 1899, 136-147; 5, 1900, 42-47, 76-82, 101-108, 139-143, 156, 172-181, 189-203, 244. Baroni, Ettore. Superficie 2 in cui la somma dei raggi principali di curvatura e proporzionale alia distanza di un punto fisso dal piano tangente. Giorn. Mat., 28, 1890, 349-374. Baroni, Eugenia. Sopra alcuni Licheni raccolti nel Piceno e nello Abruzzo, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 427- 434, Sopra alcune Crittogame raccolte dal Prof. Eafifaello Spigai presso Costautinopoli. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 306-313. Contribuzione alia lichenografia della Toscana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 405-450. Sulla struttura del seme dell' Evonymus japonicus, Thunh. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 513-521. Sulla struttura del seme dell' Hemerocallis flava, L. [1891.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 61-65. Del posto che occupa la Eohdea japonica, Roth, tra le famiglie vegetali e sul suo processo di impollinazione. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 535-539. Frammenti lichenografici. [Italia], Soc. Bot. BulL, 1892, 192-194. Sopra alcune Crittogame africane raccolte presso Tripoli di Barberia dal Prof. Raffaello Spigai. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 239-243. Noterelle crittogaraiche. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 243-245. Eicerche anatomiche sul frutto e sul seme di Eugenia myrtillifolia, DC. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 275-283. Lichenes pedemontani a cl. Prof. Arcangeli in Monte Cinisio et Monte Eosa annis 1876 ac 1880 iecti. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 370-372. Licheni raccolti dal Prof. E. Eodegheb nell' Italia superiore. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 70-77. Notizie e osservazioni sui rapporti dei Licheni calcicoli col loro sostrato. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 136-140. A proposito di una comunicazione di L. Micheletti che ha per titolo : " Ochrolechia parella, var. isidioidea, Mass:' [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 141-144. Sulla struttura delle glandole fiorali di Pachira alba, Pari. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 233-236. Nuova specie di Arisaema. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 515-516. Osservazioni sul poUine di alcune Papaveracee. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 25, 1893, 130-135. Eicerche sulla struttura istologica della Eohdea japonica. Roth, e sul suo processo d' impollinazione. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 25, 1893, 152-175. [Di una nuova localita toscana della Cladonia en- divffifolia, (Dicks.) Fr., sporifera.] [1893-94.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 38, 49. Sopra alcuni Licheni della China raccolti nella pro- vincia dello Schen-Si settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 46-49. [Due forme di Biophytum sensitivum, DC] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 54. Sopra alcune felci della China raccolte dal missionario padre Giuseppe Giraldi nella provincia dello Shen-Si settentrionale. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 134-139. SuUe gemme di Corylus tubulosa, Willd., deformate da un Acaro. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 177-178. Gigli nuovi della Cina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1895, 333-339. Illustrazione di un orto secco del principe della Cattolica, da questi donato a Pier Antonio Micheli nell' anno 1733. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 3, 1896, 439-472. [Mostruosita in un fiore di Cypripedium spitzerianum, Rchb.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 65. Osservazioni sopra alcune Aracee cinesi fiorite nel E. Orto Botanico Fiorentino. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 188-191. Sopra due forme nuova di "Hemerocallis" e sopra alcuni "Lilium" della Cina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 303-307. L' Orto e il Museo Botanico di Firenze nell' anno scolastico 1896-97. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 420-423. Novum genus Compositarum plantarum. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 431-432. Sulla scoperta in Italia della Spergularia segetalis, Fenzl. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull, 1898, 96-98. [Notizie sulla fioritura di alcune piante della Cina.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 185-186. Sulle piante indicate coi nomi di Alsine e Alsinanthe- mum neir opera manoscritta "Flora Fiorentina" di P. A. MicHKLi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 341- 352. [Sopra una fioritura anormale nella Deutzia gracilis, Sieb. et Zucc] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 86-88. Baroni] 312 [Barral [A proposito di una pretesa Podostemonacea dei dintorui di Vallombrosa.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 77. — — [Sopra una nuova locality toscana del Cytinus hypo- cistis, L.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 203. Baroni, Eugenio, & Christ, Harmann. Filices plantaeque filicibus affines in Shen-Si septentrionali, prov. Imperii Sinensis, a rev. patre Josepho Giraldi coUectae. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 8(5-102. Filices plantsque filicibus affines in Shen-Si septen- trionali, provincia Imperii Sinensis, a rev. patre Josepho Giraldi coUectae. Manipulus alter. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 27-32, 182-184; 1900, 260-263. Baroni, Eugenio, & Ouercio, G{iacomo'\ del. Sulla in- fezione prodotta nelle fragole dalla Sphflerella Fragarire, Sacc. Nuovo Giorn. Bot! Ital., 1, 1894, 208-216, 287. See aho auercio & Baroni. Baroni, Eugenio, & Ro«setti, Corrado. See Rossetti & Baroni. Baroni, Giulio. Sul metodo ebulliometrico di Beckmann per la determinazione dei pesi molecolari. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Ft. 1), 263-277, {Pt. 2), 249-291. Baroni, Giulio, & Cavazzi, Alfredo. See Cavazzi & Baroni. Baronio, Giuseppe. For biography and works see Milano, 1st. Lomb. Mem., 17, 1896, 111-131. Barot, A[lexandre]. Herborisations faites en juin et juillet 1883 sur les territoires de Chenay, Ghalons-sur-Vesle, Merfy, etc. (Marne). [1884.] Kev. Bot., 3, 1884-85, 97-104. Baroulier, . [Bulletin des travaux de chimie executes en 1882-83 par les ingenieurs des mines dans les labora- toires departementaux.] Laboratoire de I'Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne. Ann. Mines, 5, 1884, 136-140 ; 7, 1885, 160-163. Barozzi, J. Tuberculose de I'uterus. Arch. Gen. Med., 181, 1898, 230-242. Barp, (sac.) Antonio. *L' inverno a Feltre. [1880.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 15, 1881, 19. Barr, Andreic. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Harnstoffe der aromatischen Eeihe bei hoherer Temperatur. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1765-1770. Nitropheuole und Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1497-1500. • Ueber die Darstellung von Nitraminen aus Nitro- phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1541-1549. Barr, Archibald. Comparisons of similar structures and machines. [With discussion.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 42, 1899, 322-360. Barr, Archibald, & Stroud, William. On some new telemeters, or range-finders. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 499-512. Telemeters and range-finders for naval and other purposes. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1896, 33-59. Barr, Charles E., Oage, Simon Henry, & DSercer, A[ljred] Clifford. See Qage, Mercer & Barr. Barr, J. Miller. The variable star Algol. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 320-322, 388, 423-424. The satellite of Procyon. Nature, 39, 1889, 510. The system of Capella. Astrophys. Jl. , 11, 1900, 248-250, 415. Barr, James. "On a case of pulsus bigeminus or cardiac couple-beat, complicated by a quadruple aortic murmur." Glasgow Med. JL, 35, 1891, 220-225. Barr, James Mark. The ball race. Elect. Kev., 43, 1898, 769-770. Barr, James Mark, & FbiUips, Charles E. S. A new vacuum gauge. Electrician, 37, 1896, 822. On the deflection of cathode rays. Electrician, 38, 1897, 498, 530. Barr, James Mark, Beeton, Stanley, & Taylor, C[harle8] Percy. "Wave form synthesis. Electrician, 35, 1896, 257-260, 286-290. See also Beeton, Taylor & Barr. Barr, James Mark, Burnie, William Beckit, & Rodgers, Charles. On some new methods for the delineation of alternate-current wave forms. Electrician, 35, 1896, 719-721. Barr, John. A record of experiments on flow of water over bell-mouthed pipes. [With discussion.] [1899.] Gla.sgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 43, 1900, 50-64. Barr, John M., & Henderson, George Gerald. See Henderson & Barr. Barr, L., Holman, Silas W[hitcomb'\, & Iiawrence, Ralph R. See Holman, Xiawrence & Barr. Barr, P[eter], & Moore, Thomas. See Moore & Barr. Barr, Thomas. On bone-conduction of sound, and the value of Einne's test in tlie diagnosis of disease of the nervous structures of the ear. Arch. Otol., 15, 1886, 330-338; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887, 278-285. Enquiry into the effects of loud sounds upon the hearing of boilermakers and others who work amid noisy surroundings. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 17, 1886, 223-239. The developments of intracranial surgery in relation to purulent diseases of the ear, accompanied by a demon- stration of cases. [1900.] Glasgow Path. Clin. Soc. Trans., 8, 1901, 55-70. Barraclough, S[amitel] H[enry]. The tensile and com- pressive strengths of magnesium. N. S. Wales Boy. Soc. Jl., 29 (1895), 453-456. The present position of the theory of the steam engine. [1896.] N. S. Wales Eoy. Soc. JL, 30, 1897, cxxxi-cxlv. Barraclough, S[amuel] H[enry], & Strickland, 2'oni P[ercival]. Experimental investigation of the flow of water in uniform channels. N. S. Wales Eoy. Soc. JL, 31, 1897, 356-376. Barraclough, S[amuel] H[enry], & Warren, W[illiam] H[enry]. See Warren & Barraclough. Barradas, Francisco. Breves apuntes sobre la familia de las Leguminosas. [1886.] M(5x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887,, 130-138. Bazral, Etienne [Victor]. Sur I'hexachlorophenoL Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 1), 200. Sur I'hexachloroph^nol a. Ass. Franc;. C. E., 1894 {Pt. 1), 129. Sur le parabichlorure de benzene hexachlore et la constitution de la quinone et de I'hexachlorophenoL Ass. FranQ. C. E., 1894 {Pt. 1), 129; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 418-423, 423-427. Sur un nouvel octochloroph^nol. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 1), 129. Sur un nouveau chlorure de carbone, le bichlorure de benzene hexachlore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1049. Action du pentachlorure de phosphore sur la quinone tetrachloree. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 280-281. Preparation de I'hexachlorophenoL Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 557-560. [Preparation de I'hexachlorophenol a.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 675. Formation de quinone tetrachloree au moyen de I'hexachlorophenoL Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 11, 1894, 705-710. Sur la preparation de I'hexachlorophenol et la forma- tion du chloranile aiix depens de ce corps. [1894.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 2, 1896, Ixiii-lxv. Eecherches sur quelques derives surchlores du phenol et du benzene. Lyon Univ. Ann,, 9 (Fasc. 2), 1896,. 128 pp. Action des chlorures d'acides sur I'hexachlorophenol a en presence du chlorure d'aluminium; formation d'ethers du pentachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 340-345. Action du chlorure d'aluminium sur Fhexachloro- Barral] 313 [Barr6 phenol a. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 345-348; Ass. Fran<;. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 1), 154-155. Sur trois octochloroph^nols (trichlorures de penta- chloro-cyclo-hexadiene-one). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 490-492. L'aseptol, r^actif de I'albumine et de la bile dans I'urine. Ass. Fran(?. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 1), 153. Une reaction color^e de I'anhydride sulfurique. [1896.] Ass. Fran?,. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 1), 153; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 4, 1897, Ixx. Formation et preparation des ethers ph^noliques par las chlorures d'acides, en presence du chlorure d'alu- niinium. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1896 {Pt. 1), 155. Recherche de la bile et de I'albumine dans I'urine au moyen de l'aseptol. Congr. Int. Med. C. R. , 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 3. Une reaction coloree de I'acide disulfurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 744-745. Sur les derives chlores du carbonate de ph^nyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 908-909. Sur la chloruration du carbonate de phenyls. [1899.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 387-388; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, xxxvii-xxxviii. [Nouveau precede de preparation des others carboniques mixtes, gras et aromatiques. ] [1899.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 388-389; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, xxxviii-xl. Sur un proc^de general de preparation des ethers carboniques mixtes des phenols et des alcools et sur quelques-uns de ces others. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 679-681; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 814-818. Quelques carbonates mixtes du pentachlorophdnol et d'alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 818-822. Barral, Etienne [Victor^ & Jambon, L[ouis'\. Prepara- tion du pentachlorophenol. Paris Soc. Chim, Bull., 23, 1900, 822-825. Barral, Etienne [Victor'l, & X>6pine, RlaphaeVl, See Ii6pine & Bcirral. Barral, Etienne [Victor], & Morel, Albert. Preparation des chlorocarbonates phenoliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1578-1581; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 722-727. Sur quelques chlorocarbonates phenoliques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 727-728. Barral, Jean Augnstin. For biography and works see Aeronaute, 1884, 196; Nature, 30, 1884, 517; Ass. Franp. C. R., 1885 {Pt. 1), 27; Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1885, 496; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133, 1889, 387-430. Barrande, Joachim. Assign to this author title {Vol. 9) under Barrande, J. To biographical references {Vol, 12) add Science, 2, 1883, 699-701, 727-729; Amer. Ac. Proc, 19, 1884, 539- 545; Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Jber., 1884, xii-xxxviii; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 40, 1884 (Proc), 37; Homme, 1, 1884, 147; Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 78-82; Lotos, 33, 1884, v- xiii; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 5 pp.; Rev. Quest. Sci., 16, 1884, 5-71; Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 507; Wien, Almanach, 34, 1884, 201-204; Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 29-33. *Du maintien de la nomenclature etablie par M. Mdrchison. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1878, 101-106. Barrandon, [A.]. For biographical notice see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 44, 1897, 524-525. Observations nouvelles sur les plantes de la region mediterraneenne comprise entre le Rhone, les Cevennes et les Pyrenees, et rectifications a apporter k la Flore de France de Grenier et Godron. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 106-115. Barrandon, \_A.], & Flabault, Charles. See Flahault &. Barrandon. Barras de Aragon. See Xias Barras de Aragon. Barrat, Maurice. Trois coupes g^ologiques du Congo franpais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 703-705. B. S. A. C. Sur la geologic du Congo franpais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 758-761. Sur la geologic du Congo franpais. Ann. Mines, 7, 1895, 379-510. Note sur les echantillons .geologiques recueillis par M. le Dr. Here, au cours de la mission Clozel. Ann. Geogr., 5, 1896, 318. Ogooue et Como (Congo franijais). [Posth.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 17, 1896, 154-187. Barratt, Jlphn] 0[glethorpe] Wakelin. On the normal and pathological elimination of carbonic acid and of water by the skin. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 192-208, x-xii; 24, 1899, 11-18. On the elimination of water and of carbon dioxide from inflamed skin. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 206-214. On the anatomical structure of the vagus nerve, [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 422-427; Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xlii. On the effect of injecting dilute sulphuric acid into the common bile duct. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 340-347. Report on a subdural blood cyst. Brain, 23, 1900, 530-541. Observations on the structure of the 3rd., 4th., and 6th. cranial nerves, [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, xxiii-xxiv. Barratt, J^ohn] 0[glethorpe] Wakelin, & Surveyor, Nusser- vanji F[akirji]. The nature of psorospermosis. [1896.] Jl. Path. Bact., 4, 1897, 64-68. Barratte, [Gustave]. Les Doronicum scorpioides, Willd., et Linum austriacum, L. , existent-ils en Algerie? France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 115-118. Barr6, , & Orimbert, Leon. See Orimbert & Barr6. Barr6, L. La pluie d'etoiles filantes du 27 novembre 1885. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 755-759, La nouvelle etoile. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 17-18. La meteorologie [des annees 1887-96, 1898 et 1899], Rev. Sci., 41, 1888, 90-91; 43, 1889, 92; 45, 1890, 60; 47, 1891, 61-62; 49, 1892, 91-92; 51, 1893, 61-62; 1, 1894, 60-61; 3, 1895, 58-59; 5, 1896, 90-91; 7, 1897, 59-60; 11, 1899, 123-124; 13, 1900, 119-121. L'abaissement de la temperature en Europe de 1885 a 1888. Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 506-507. Les nouvelles petites planetes. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 188-189. Mesures micrometriques des petites distances celestes. Les dimensions des satellites de Jupiter, Rev. Sci,, 3, 1896, 188-189. Les variables cei^bres dans I'histoire. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 253. Le cyclone du 10 septembre a Paris. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 378-380. La tempSte du 23 au 28 septembre 1896. Rev. Sci., 6, 1896, 508-509. Les observatoires astronomiques fran^ais. Rev. Sci. , 9, 1898, 104-109, 137-143. La vie et les travaux scientifiques k I'Observatoire du Ben-Nevis. Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 557-559. Barr6, L., Vlennet, E[loi], & Brandicourt, Ch. Instru- ments de Gambey. Observations meridiennes en 1897. Positions conclues de la lune, des planetes, d'etoiles de Lalande, d'etoiles de comparaison et divers autres astres. [1899-1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. {Ohsns.), 1897, C. 154 pp.; 1898, C. 152 pp. ; 1899, C. 94 pp. ; 1900, C. 104 pp., [G. 18]. Barr^, Llouis] A[uguste]. Le calcul applique aux con- structions. Ann. Conduct. Ponts et Chauss., 33, 1889, 599-604. Barr6, O. Quelques observations sur la region parisienne orientale. Ann. Geogr., 8, 1899, 110-116. Barr6, Ph[ilippe]. *Sur I'alignement des Diatomees dans les preparations. [1883.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull,, 9, [1886], 75-77. *Sur un procede de preparation synoptique d'objets 40 Barre] 314 [Barrett pulverulents (Diatomees des guanos, terres fossiles, etc., etc.). [1883.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 10, [1885], 16-18. Barre de Saint-Venant. See Saint- Venant. Barrell, F[rancis] R{icliard]. The relation of stimulus to sensation. A reply to Mr. Max Meyer's criticism on Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan's paper. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 12, 1900-01, 135-139. Barren, F[rmicis'\ R[ichard], Thomas, George L., & Young, Sydney. On the separation of three liquids by fractional distillation. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. P'roc, 12, 1894, 422-446; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 8-31. Barrell, H. F. Arrival of birds in N. J. in 1883. Ornith. OoL, 9, 1884, 45. Birds of the Upper Passaic valley, New Jersey. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 21-23, 42-43. Barret, E. Gisements fossilif^res des environs d'Amblain- ville. [1888.] Beauvais, Soc. Ac. M<5m., 13, 1886, 811- 823. Barret, Euyeve [Albert]. Geologie du d^partement de la Haute- Vienne. Ass. Franp. C. E., 1890 IPt. 1), 192- 193. Barret, Engene [Albert], & Ausset, E[douard Louis], See Ausset & Barret. Barret, Eugene [Albert], & Blanchard, Raphael. Sur quelques Dipt^res suceurs de sang, observes k Terre- Neuve. Arch, de Parasit., 3, 1900, 202-206. Barrett, Arthur A[lbert]. Some fallacies in the testing of essence of lemon. [1894.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1894, 490-493; Pharm. Jl., 25, 1895, 255-256. Barrett, Charles G[olding]. Notes on British Tortrices. Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 41-45, 61-62, 126 ; 23, 1886-87, 1-4 ; 24, 1887-88, 34-36, 219-221 ; 26, 1890, 70- 72. Additions to the list of the Lepidoptera of Norfolk. Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 3, 1884, 683-699 ; 4, 1889, 691-701; 6, 1899, 533-550. On the value of the costal fold in the classification of Tortrices. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 1-6. On the Hyponomeuta of the apple. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 100-101. Notes on the Lepidoptera of Belfast. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 124-126. Occurrence of Botys repandalis, Schif., in Britain. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 145. Lepidoptera on Cannock Chase. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 195-198. • Sphinx Convolvuli in Norfolk, in 1887. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 101-103. Lepidoptera in Staffordshire. N. Staff. Field Club Eep., 1887, 13-15. Acentropus niveus in Norfolk. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 198-199. Tortrices in Norfolk in 1887. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 243-246. Climatic and local variation in our butterflies. [1888.1 Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 79-83. On the habits of Cateremna terebrella, Zk. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 109-111, Capture of Hadena albifusa, Grote, in Great Britain. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 180-181. On the supposed new British Tortrix, Retinia posti- cana, Zett. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 181-184. Linen injured by Agrotis larvae. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 220-222. Notes on some very old specimens of Lepidoptera. [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 223-225. Gelechia (Anacampsis) sparsiciliella, n. sp. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 7-8. On the erroneous inclusion of Catoptria (Grapholitha) decolorana. Err., in the British fauna. Ent.- Month Mag., 27, 1891, 101-103. [1888.] Ent. Month. [1888.] Ent. Month. [Callimorpha Hera in South Devon.] Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 282. Presidential address, 1892. [Mimicry.] S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1892-93, 8-19. Occurrence of Gelechia (Bryotropha) figulella, Stand., in England. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 158. Variation in Zygtena Trifolii. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 181-182, 212. The British species of the genus Psyche and its allies. Ent. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 217-219, "249-251, 265-269. Further notes on the habits of Psyche villosella, Ochs. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 60-61, xiv. Food-plants of Elachista cerusella, Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 134-135. Occurrence of Solenobia Wockii, Hein., in Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 16.^-164. An imago of 'Tortrix piceana, L., with a larval head. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 177. Increasing melanism in the British GeometridiB. Ent, Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 198-205. Further notes on Fumea betulina, Zeller. Ent. Month, Mag., 31, 1895, 275-276, On the larva of Mamestra anceps, Hiib., infesta, Tr. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 276-277. Teras contaminana : an unexpected apricot-pest. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 278. [Tephrosia crepuscularia.] Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 37-38. On a variety of Leucania pallens and a probably new species of the same genus. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 99-100. Some queries concerning British Micro-Lepidoptera left unanswered by the late M. Ragonot. Ent. Month, Mag., 32, 1896, 135-137. The recent abundance of Tortrix viridana. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 196-198. [Tephrosia biundularia and crepuscularia.] Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 267-268. Gelechia (Sitotroga) cerealella, Oliv. Ent. Month, Mag., 33, 1897, 8-9. Occurrence in Ireland of Platyptilia tesseradactyla, L.,=:Fischeri, Zell. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 25-26. Occurrence of "Hadena" Maillardi, Hilb., in the Shetland Isles, Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 51-52. Further notes on the British species of the genus Solenobia. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 125-129. Dianthoecia luteago, var. Barrettii, in Cornwall and North Wales. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 172-173. Local lists of British Lepidoptera. Ent, Month, Mag., 33, 1897, 187-198, 268-274. A plume-moth new to the British Isles. Irish Nat- list,, 6, 1897, 43. Local variation in Lepidoptera from the Orkneys, Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 4-5. Results of protracted pupal condition in Asphalia ridens. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 106-107, Economy of Laverna vinolentella, H.-S. Ent. Month, Mag., 34, 1898, 204, Stray notes on some South African Lepidoptera. Ent. Month, Mag., 34, 1898, 238-242; 35, 1899, 196-199. On the claims of Dasydia torvaria, Hb., and Mnio- phila cineraria, Hb., to be considered British species. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 255-258. Occurrence of Zelleria phillyrella, Millierc, in Ireland, Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 4-6. Barrett, Charles G[olding] (et alii). [A discussion on the genus Dianthoecia.] Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 7-10. Barrett, Frances. Further notes on South African Lepi- doptera, [Edited by C. G. Barrett.] Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 140-146. Barrett, James W[illiam]. The cause of the first sound of the heart and the mode of action of the cardiac muscle. Jl. Auat. Physiol,, 18, 1884, 270-274, Barrett] 315 [Barrett-Hamilton The velocity of accommodation. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885,] 46-70. [Blood-vessels of the retina.] Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885,] x-xii. The distribution of blood vessels in the retinae of mammals. Jl. Physiol., 7, [1886,] 230-239. The preparation of the eye for histological examina- tion. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 607-621. The present position of the snake-bite controversy. [1892.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 5, 1893, 181-186. Sneezing : fallacious observations. [1892.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 5, 1893, 187-192. A case of Filaria oculi humani. Arch. Ophthalm., 25, 1896, 291-292; Arch. Augenheilk., 34, 1897, 255. An excellent view of the retinal circulation. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 510. A white sea. Nature, 58 (1898), 496-497, 619. Barrett, James Wl^Llliain], & Xiang, {Williavi], See Lang & Barrett. Barrett, James W\illiam], & Yeo, Gerald F\rancis']. See Yeo & Barrett. Barrett, Lucas. See under Sawkins, James Gay. Barrett, 0. W. Description of Papilio electryon. Philad. , Ent. News, 11, 1900, 428. Barrett, R. L. The Sundal drainage system in central Norway. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 32 (1900), 199-219. Barrett, S. T. Note on the paper in the November No. of this Journal on "A new Oriskauy fauna in Columbia Co., N. Y." Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 72. Barrett, W[illiam'] Bowles. Dorset plants. Jl. Bot.,22, 1884, 349. A contribution towards a flora of Breconshire. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 39-44, 83-89, 107-112, 145-149. Draba muralis, L., in Dorset. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 312. Barrett, W[illiavi] Clary]. The earthy phosphates. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 458-465. Character in animals. Science, 21, 1893, 312. The classification of so-called green stain of the teeth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 39, 1896, 164-167. Barrett, W[illiavi] F[letcher]. On a "magnetic sense." Nature. 29, 1884, 476-477. On a new and simple form of calorimeter. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 938. On a new form of calorimeter. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 13-16. The double quadriform lighthouse lamp. [1886.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 74-78. On the physical properties of manganese steel. [1886.] Dublin Soc Sci. Proc, 5, 1886-87, 360-371. Earth-currents and aurora. Nature, 34, 1886, 408. Note on Barus and Strouhal's paper on the viscosity of steel. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 308-310. On the physical properties of a nearly non-magnetis- able (manganese) steel. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 610; Electrician, 19, 1887, 544-545. Note on a remarkable increase of magnetic suscepti- bility produced by heating manganese steel filings. [1888.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 6, 1888-90, 107-109. On recalescence in iron. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 518. Notes from the Physical Laboratory of the Royal College of Science : on the determination of the absolute expansion and the densities of liquids. [1889.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 6, 1888-90, 327-331. Note on the magnetic properties of columnar basalt. [1889.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 6, 1888-90, 382-383. On the magnetic moment and other physical constants of steel containing from one to twenty-one per cent, of manganese. [1889.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 6, 1888-90, 460-474. Historical note on recalescence. Nature, 60 (1899), 173. On some novel thermo-electric phenomena. [1899.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 7, 1902, 127-132. Barrett, Wlilliam] F[letcher], Brown, William, & SCadaeld, Robert Abbott. On the electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability of various alloys of iron. [1899.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 7, 1902, 67-126. Barrett, lV[illiam] H[enry]. Note on the liver of a haddock in which a sand-eel was partly embedded. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Rep., 3, 1885, 70-72. Barrett-XXamilton, Gerald E[dwin'] H[amilton']. Carex boenninghauseniana in Wexford. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 348. Ornithological notes from Co. Wexford. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 170-172. The introduction of the magpie into Ireland. Zoolo- gist, 15, 1891, 247-249. Long-tailed ducks in Wexford. Irish Natlist., 3, 1894, 158. The marten in Ireland. Zoologist, 18, 1894, 134-142, 187. [On the flight of hawks.] Ibis, 1, 1895, 166. Sabine's snipe. Gallinago ccelestis, var. Sabinii. Irish Natlist., 4, 1895, 12-17. Irish mammals. Irish Natlist., 4, 1895, 65-72, 85-92, 167. The great auk (Alca impennis) as an Irish bird. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896, 121-122. On wild forms or subspecies of Mus musculus. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 178-181. [Remains of Myodes lemmus from Portugal.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 304-306. On a variation in the pattern of the teeth of a speci- men of the common field vole. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 598-599. On the existence in Europe of two geographical races, or subspecies, of the common field vole. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 599-603. [Account of a journey to the fur-seal islands of the North Pacific] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 190-193. [The Pacific walrus, Trichechus obesus, with obser- vations on the cetaceans and seals of the North Pacific] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 266-267. Notes on the beech-martens of the palsearctic region. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 441-443. Description of a new species of hare from Algeria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 422-423. Note on the European dormice of the genera Mus- cardinus and Glis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 423-426. Notes on a visit to north-eastern Kamchatka. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 944-945. [Nucifraga kamchatkensis, n. sp., Kamchatka.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull. , 7, 1898, xlvi. Notes on the introduction of the brown hare into Ireland. With additional remarks on other intro- ductions of hares, both brown and blue, in the British Isles. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 69-76. The spotted crake in Co. Wexford. Irish Natlist., 7, 1898, 125. Note on the water voles of Bosnia, Asia Minor, and western Persia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 223-225. Note on the Sicilian dormice of the genera Eliomys and GHs. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 226-228. Note on the harvest-mice of the palajarctic region. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 341-345. Note on the beech-marten and badger of Crete. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 383-384. On two recently described mice from St. Kilda. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 129-140. Notes on bird bones from Irish caves. Irish Natlist. , 8, 1899, 17-18. The introduction of the black grouse and of some other birds into Ireland. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 37-43, 230. Extraordinary abundance of herrings in the rivers Suir and Barrow. Irish Natlist., 8, 1899, 165. 40—2 Barrett-Hamilton] 316 [Barroeta Wood pigeon cooing by moonlight. Irish Natlist. , 8, 1899 231. Kamchatka. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 225-256. — — - [Local colour-variations in Sciurus vulgaris.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 3-6. On the species of the genus Mus inhabiting St. Kilda. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 77-88. [Change of pelage in Lepus variabilis.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 598-599. Note on a possible mode of origin of some nuptial and sexual characters in vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 47-48. Note on the weasel, Putorius (Ictis) nivalis, Linn. , and some of its subspecies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 41-50. Note on the common hedgehog (Erinaceus europseus, Linnceus) and its subspecies or local variations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 360-368. Further note on the harvest mouse (Mus minutus, Pallas) and its geographical variations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 527-530. Note on variation in the weasel and hedgehog. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 243-246. Note on exhibition of skulls of antarctic seals. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1900, 792. A suggestion as to a possible mode of origin of some of the secondary characters in animals as afforded by observations on certain salmonids. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 279-285. Notes on the birds observed during three visits to Kamchatka in 1896 and 1897. Ibis, 6, 1900, 271-298. Notes on the influence of man and civilisation on certain birds. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 161. [Dormice of the genus Muscardinus.] Zool, Soc. Proc, 1900, 85-87. [Lepus timi4us, Linn.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 87-92. On a small collection of mammals obtained by Captain Deasy in south Chinese Turkestan and western Tibet. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 196-197. On geographical and individual variation in Mus sylvaticus and its allies. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 387- 428. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald £[dicm] Jf [awii'Zton], & Bon- bote, John Lletcis], On two subspecies of the arctic fox (Canis lagopus). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 287-289. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[dwi7i] H[amilton], & Clarke, William Eagle. See Clarke & Barrett-Hamilton. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E{dwin] H[amilton], & Olas- cott, (Miss) L. S. Plants found near New Eoss, Ireland. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 4-8. Plants found near Kilmanock, Co. Wexford. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 87-89. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald Eldwin] H[amilton'], & Jones, H. C. A visit to Karaginski Island, Kamchatka. Geogr. Jl., 12, 1898, 280-299. Barrett-Hamilton, Gerald E[dwin] H[arnilton], & nXofFat, C. B. The characteristic plants of Co. Wexford. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 156-158, 181-183. Notes on Wexford plants. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 198- 200. Barrett-Hamilton,GeraZd£[cZ?t)Mi] iJ[amr7<07i], & Thomas, OUlJield. See Thomas & Barrett-Hamilton. Barrey, A. Sur une relation possible entre la frequence des orages et les positions de la lune. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 306-309. La m^t^orologie havraise. Eev. Sci., 2, 1894, 314- 315. Barrie, Thomas Sltewart}. A new process for the deter- mination of potassium iodide. Pharm. JL, 11, 1900, 58. The use of sodium peroxide in analysis. Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 579. Barrier, G[ustave Joseph Victor]. Sur les veaux cyno- cephales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M<5m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 213-215. Parturition anormale consecutive a une rupture com- plete et ancienne du col uterin (brebis). Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 296-299. Morphologie de la trochlee femorale chez les Mam- miferes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 {€. R.), 119-121. ;- Role de la corde fibreuse f^muro-metatarsienne des Equid^s. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mt^rn., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 847-850. Barrier, G[ustave Joseph Victor], & Hayem, Georges. See Hayem & Barrier. Barrieu, P. Theorie g^n^rale du plus grand commun diviseur et du plus petit multiple commun des nombres commensurables. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1895, 95-101, 165-173, 214-232. Barrillot, [Etienne], & Vignon, Leo. See Vignon & Barrillot. Barrington, Richard Manliffe. *Report on the flora of the shores of Lough Erne. [1883.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 1-24. *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 153. Epilobium alsinifolium in Ireland. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 247. Irish breeding-stations of the gannet, Sula bassana. . Zoologist, 8, 1884, 473-479. Notes on the flora of St. Kilda. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 213-216. The Manx shearwater on Skomer Island. Zoologist, 12, 1888, 367-371. Trientalis europsea in Foula. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 315-316. The great skua (Lestris catarrhactes) in Foula. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 297-301. A list of birds observed in Shetland, June, 1890. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 345-348, 394. Wasps catching flies on cattle. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896, 272. Battle between wasp and spider. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 325. [On rare visitors to Ireland.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 158- 159. Late wasps' nest. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 108. See also under nX'Carron, Edioard. Barrington, Richard Manlijfe, & Harvie-Brown, John Alexander]. See Harvie-Brown & Barrington. Barrington, Richard Manliffe, & Vowell, R^ichard] P[rendergast]. Report on the flora of Ben Bulben and the adjoining mountain range in Sligo and Leitrim. [1885.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 493-517. Report on the flora of the shores of Lough Ree. [1887.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1884-88, 693-708. Barris, (Rev.) W[illis] Hlervey], Descriptions of some new blastoids from the Hamilton Group. Davenport Ac. Proc, 4, 1886, 88-94. Descriptions of some new crinoids from the Hamilton Group. Davenport Ac. Proc, 4, 1886, 98-101. Stereocrinus, Barris (revised). Davenport Ac. Proc, 4, 1886, 102-104. Our local [Davenport, Iowa] geology. Davenport Ac. Proc, 7, 1899, 14-32. Barritt, Glilbert] Lacy. Case of calcareous gumma in the brain. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 413-414. Barroeta, Gregorio. Observaciones meteorol6gicas. Re- sumen general de las practicadas en San Luis Potosi. [1888.] M^x., Soc "Alzate" Mem., 1, 1887. Observatorio Meteorol6gico de S. Luis Potosi. Re- siimen general de las observaciones meteorol6gicas practicadas en el Instituto Cientifico y Literario. M^x. Obs. Bol., 1, 1888, 58. [Observaciones meteorologicas durante el eclipse de Barroeta] 317 [Barrois Sol del 1° de enero de 1889.] [1889.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 2, 1888 {Rev.), So-SG. Barroeta, Gregorio, & BXartinez, Emilia A. Observaciones nieteorol6gicas. Eesumen general de las piacticadas en el Instituto de San Luis Potosi durante el afio de 1890. [1893.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 6, 1892 (Rev.), 94. Barroll, Giulio. Sulla lunghezza relativa del primo e secondo dito del piede umano. [With discussion.^ Arch. Antropologia, 15, 1885, 7-22, 248-250. Una gita fra i Calabro-Albanesi. Arch. Antropologia, 17, 1887, 257-270. Barrois, Charles. *Recherches sur le terrain Cr^tac6 Sup^rieur de I'Angleterre et de I'lrlande. Nord Soc. G^ol. Mem., 1 {No. 1), 1876, 232 pp. — — *Observations sur la repetition des memes mouve- ments du sol k de longs intervalles. Congr. G6ol. Int. C. R., 1878, 57-59. *lleclierches sur les terrains anciens des Asturies et de la Galice. Nord Soc. Geol. M^m., 2, 1882, 630 pp. Eponges hexactinellides du terrain Devonien du nord de la France. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1884 {Ft. 2), 261. Couches a Nercites du Bourg-d'Oueil (Haute-Garonne). Ass. Franc;-. G. R. , 1884 {Pt. 2), 262; Nord Soc. G6ol. Ann., 11,1884,219-226. Roches metamorphiques du Morbihan. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1884 {Pt. 2), 263-265. Note sur le chloritoide du Morbihan. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 37-43. Observations sur la constitution g^ologique de la Bretagne. [1884-88.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 87-91, 278-285; 16, 1889, 1-11. Sur les gr^s metamorphiques du massif granitique du Gu^mene. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 103-140. Sur retage Aptien de la Haute-Garonne. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 227-228. Note preliminaire sur les schistes k Staurotides du Finistfere. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 312-313. Le granite deEostrenen, ses apophyses et ses contacts. [1884.] Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 12, 1885, 1-119. Legende de la feuille de Granville. [1884.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 154-157. Sur les tremblements de terre de I'Andalousie ; leur epicentre, la vitesse de propagation de I'ebranlement et la profondeur du centre d'ebranlement. Lille Soc. Mem., 14, 1885, 369-378 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 324-332. Sur la structure stratigraphique des monts du Menez. [1885.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1296; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 65-71. Legende de la feuille de Chateaulin. [1885.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 49-65. Sur le calcaire a polypiers de Cabrieres (Herault). [1885.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 74-97. Sur la faune de Hont-de-Ver (Haute-Garonne). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 124-144. Sur le calcaire Devonien de Chaudefonds (Maine-et- Loire). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 13, 1886, 170-205. Aper(;u de la structure geologique du FinistSre. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 655-665. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 19 aout, aux environs de Quimper. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 667-672. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 20 aout, de Chateaulin k Brest, par File de Terenez, la poudriere de Prioly, le Moulin de mer, la Pointe du Chateau et Porsguen. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 672-677. Apercju de la constitution geologique de la rade de Brest. [With discussion.'] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 678-713. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 23 aoftt, de Quim- perie a Pont-Aven et k I'anse du Pouldu. [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 820-828. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 24 aofit, de Quim- perie a Carhaix par le Faouet et Gourin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 832-838, Compte rendu de I'excursion da 25 aoAt de Carhaix k Glomel et k Rostrenen. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 838-842. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 26 aotit, de Carhaix a Goarec et a I'etang des Salles de Rohan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 850-858. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 27 aofit de Carhaix k Morlaix, par le Huelgoat. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 862-865. Sur le massif granitique du Huelgoat. [With dis- cussion.] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 14, 1886, 865-888. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 28 aoOt aux environs de Morlaix. [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 888-900. Sur le kerzanton de la rade de Brest. [1886.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 14, 1887, 31-50. Sur les faunes Siluriennes et Devoniennes de la Haute- Garonne, d'apr^s les decouvertes de M. M. Godbdon. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1887 {Pt. 2), 507-514. Notice preliminaire sur la faune d'Erbray (Loire- Inferieure). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 14, 1887, 158-164. Les modifications et les transformations des granu- lites du Morbihan. [1887.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 1-40. Les pyroxenites des iles du Morbihan. [1887.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 69-96. Sur le terrain Devonien de la Navarre. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 112-114. Note sur I'existence du genre Oldhamia dans les Pyrenees. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 154-157. Observations preiiminaires sur les roches des environs de Lanmeur (FinistSre). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 15, 1888, 238-247, 341. Sur les modifications endomorphes des massifs granu- litiques du Morbihan. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 428-430. Faune du calcaire d'Erbray (Loire Inferieure). Lille Soc. Mem., 16, 1889, 1-364; Nord Soc. Geol. Mem., [3], 1889, 348 pp. Note sur I'existence du terrain Devonien Superieur k Rostellec (Finistere). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, 132-142. Memoire sur les eruptions diabasiques Siluriennes du Menez-Hom (Finistere). France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 1, 1890, No. 7, 74 pp. Feuille de Pontivy. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 17, 1890, 90-103. Legende de la feuille de Vannes de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 17, 1890, 210-226. [Comparaison des schistes comes d'Aydat et de la Bretagne.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 917-920. Note sur les nappes aquif^res de Lille. [1890.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 18, 1891, 177-181. Legende de la feuille de Quimper (No. 72) de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000. [1890.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 18, 1891, 187-200. ■ Observations sur le terrain Silurien des environs de Barcelona Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 19, 1891, 63-69. Memoire sur la faune du Gr^s Armoricain. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 19, 1891, 134-237. Observations sur le terrain Devonien de la Catalogue. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 61-73. Memoire sur la distribution des Graptolites en France. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 75-191. Sur la presence de fossiles dans le terrain Azoique de Bretagne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 326-328. Legende de la feuille de Dinan (No. 60 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 21, 1893, 25-40. Sur le Rouvilligraptus Richardsoni de Cabrieres. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 21, 1893, 107-112. Legende de la feuille de Plouguerneau et Ouessant Barrois] 318 [Barrois (Nos. 40 et 56 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 21, 1893, 382-391. Legende de la feuille de Eennes (No. 75 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. G(5ol. Ann., 22, 1894, 21-38. Le massif granitique de Moncontour (C6tes-du-Nord). Nord Soc. G6ol. Ann., 22, 1894, 53-54. ■ Le bassin du Menez-Belair (C6tes-du-Nord et lUe-et- Vilaine). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 22, 1894, 181-345. Sur les poudingues de Cesson (C6tes-du-Nord). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 26-29. Le calcaire de Saint-Thurial (lUe-et- Vilaine) . Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 23, 1896, 38-46. Legende de la feuille de Saint-Brieuc (No. 59 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 23, 1895, 66-87. Sur I'origine de la Grande-Briere (Loire-Inferieure). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 194-197. Massif Armoricain. Feuilles de St-Brieuc, St-Nazaire et Rennes. Feuille de Eennes avec la collaboration de M. Lebesconte. [1895-96.] France, Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 7, 1896, 35-42; 8, 1897, A7{bis)-5'6{bis). Legende de la feuille de Saint-Nazaire (No. 104 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 137-160. Sur les phenomenes littoraux actuels du Morbihan. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 182-226; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 801-802. Des divisions geographiques de la Bretagne. Ann. Geogr., 6, 1897, 23-44, 103-122. [Massif Armoricain et Cotentin.] Feuilles de Belle-Ile et de Quiberon. France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 315-318. Sur la repartition des iles meridionales de Bretagne et leurs relations avec les failles d'etirement. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 2-16. Legende de la feuille de Quiberon (No. 103 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 17-33. Note sur I'extension du limon Quaternaire en Bretagne. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 33-44. [Comptes-rendus des seances et excursions du Congres Geologique International en Eussie.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 187-197. Legende de la feuille de Belle-Isle (No. 102 de la carte geologique de France au 1/80,000). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 226-239. Sur la structure des plis Carbonif^res de le Bretagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 108-109. Sur le limon Quaternaire de Bretagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 144. Les terrains cristallins visites en Finlande par le Congres Geologique International. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 724-725. Les roches eruptives de la Crimee visitees par le Congres. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 726. Mode de gisement de quelques tr^s anciennes roches eruptives de Bretagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 898. Sur le gisement des roches cristallines anciennes du massif de Paimpol. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 22-29, 265-267. Sur les Hexactinellides de la craie de Lezennes. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 31-33. Decouverte de la faune Silurienne de Wenlock a Lievin (Pas-de-Calais). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 178-180. Nouvelles observations sur les faunes Siluriennes des environs de Barcelone (Espagne). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 180-182; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 829-830. L'extension du Silurien Superieur dans le Pas-de- Calais. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 212-225. Des relations des mers Devoniennes de Bretagne avec celles des Ardennes. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 231-2.59. Les Goniatites du ravin de Coularie (Haute-Garonne). Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 27, 1898, 260-264. Sur les Spongiaires de la craie du nord-est du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 327-329. Massif Armoricain et Cotentin. Feuille de Treguier. [1898-99.] France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 101-105, 479-484. Note sur I'etage a Anarcestes lateseptatus dans I'llle- et-Vilaine. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 28, 1899, 116-117. Sketch of the geology of central Brittany. With special reference to the Whitsuntide excursion for 1899. [Tr.] [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 101-132. Excursion to Brittany. Whitsuntide, May 18th to 24th, 1899. [Tr.] [1899.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 16, 1900, 231-240. Compte-rendu de I'excursion en Bretagne. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 972-974. Massif Armoricain, Cotentin et Vendee. Feuille de Brest. France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 11, 1900, 102-108. Barrois, Charles, & Bochet, Leon. Notice explicative de la feuille de Eedon. [1889.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 17, 1890, 16-28. Barrois, Charles, & Xaebesconte, Plaul]. Massif Armori- cain. Feuille de Eennes. [1894.] France, Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 30-35. Barrois, Charles, & OfEret, Albert. Sur la constitution geologique de la Sierra Nevada, des Alpujarras et de la Sierra de Almijara. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1060-1064. Sur la structure stratigraphique de la chaine betique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1341-1344. Sur les schistes micaces Primitifs et Cambriens du sud de I'Andalousie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 174-176. Sur les schistes et gneiss amphiboliques et sur les calcaires du sud de I'Andalousie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 221-223. Sur la disposition des br^ches calcaires des Alpujarras, et leur ressemblance avec les breches houilieres du nord de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 400-402. Memoire sur la constitution geologique du sud de I'Andalousie, de la Sierra Tejeda a la Sierra Nevada. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang., 30, 1889, No. 2, 79-169. Barrois, Juies. Sur le developpement des Chelifer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 1082-1083. [Embryogeuie de Chelifer.] [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 43-44. Eecherches sur le cycle genetique et le bourgeonne- ment de I'Anchinie. Eobin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1885, 193-267. Memoire sur la metamorphose de quelquesBryozpaires. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1, 1886, 1-94; Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 32, 1886, Art. 5, 94 pp. Sur I'embryogenie de la Comatule (C. mediterranea). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1176-1177. Des homologies des larves de Comatules. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 892-893. Note sur une nouvelle forme parasite des Firoles, Trichcelina paradoxa (Barrois). Eobin, Jl. Anat., 23, 1887, 1-17. Eecherches sur le developpement de la Comatule (C. mediterranea). Eec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 545-651. Une nouvelle conception de I'organisme cestode. [1889-90.] Eev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 18-23, 199. Memoire sur le developpement de Chelifer. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 461-498. Barrois, Theod[ore]. Contribution a I'etude des glandes byssogenes et des pores aquiferes chez les Lamelli- hranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 188-190. Les glandes du pied et les pores aquiferes chez les Barrois] 319 [Barrows Lamellibranches. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 35-40; Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 117-119. Note sur le Pakcmonetes varians, Leach, suivie de quelques considerations sur la distribution g^ographique de ce Crustace. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 691-707. Note sur I'histoire naturelle des Apores. De I'adapta- tion de I'Orchestia littorea k la vie terrestre. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 19-22. Remarques sur le dimorphisms sexuel chez quelques Amphipodes dii genre Moera (M. scissimana, Costa, — M. integrimana. Heller, M. grossimana, Montague, = M. Donatoi, Heller). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 57-59. Sur un Acarien nouveau (Uropoda Orchestiidarum) commensal des Talitres et des Orchesties. Lille Soc. Mem., 15, 1888, 327-330. Liste des Echinodermes recueillis aux Agores durant les mois d'aout et septembre 1887. [1888.] Eev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 31-33, 69-75, 109-115. Le stylet cristallin des Lamellibranches. Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 124-141, 161-169, 263-271; [2], 1890, 209-226, 299-311, 351-357. Note sur la dispersion des Hydrachnides. Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 220-225. Notes hydrachnologiques. i. Remarques sur le Diplodontus scapularis (Duges). [ii. De I'identite des Nesoea uncata, Kmnike, et Nesoea viridis, Koch. iii. Sur I'adaptation des Hydrachnides aux eaux saumatres. IV. Sur I'identite de I'Arrenurus Chavesi, Th. Barrois, et de I'Arrenurus emarginator, 0. F. Muller.'] Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 393-400, 430-433; 5, 1893, 206- 207. La psorospermose coccidienne h^patique du lapin dans les garennes du Pas-de-Calais en 1889. Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 166-168. Sur la presence de I'Harpacticus fulvus, Fischer, dans le Boulonnais. Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 288. Notes de voyage d'un naturaliste k la mer Morte. [1890-91.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 44-55, 151-158. Sur la presence k Chinon (Indre-et-Loire) d'une Orchestie terrestre (Orchestia cavimana, Heller) nouvelle pour la faune fran^aise. [1890.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 80. Sur la presence du Lumbricus (Photodrilus) phos- phoreus, Duges, a Groffliers (Pas-de-Calais). [1890.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 117-119, Notes preliminaires sur la faune des eaux donees de rOrient. i. Sur trois Diaptomus nouveaux des environs du Caire. Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 230-234, 277- 281, 316-318. Sur une curieuse difformite de certaines coquilles d'Unionidees. Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 235-239. Description d'un appareil destin^ a la recherche des organism es p^lagiques par des profondeurs determin^es. Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 469-476. Liste des Phyllopodes recueillis en Syrie. [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1893, 24-39. Sur la profondeur et la temperature du lac de Tibe- riade. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1893, 449-460. Liste des Decapodes iluviatiles recueillis en Syrie suivie de quelques considerations sur le genre Caridine. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 125-1.34. Sur un nouveau cas de Tenia triedre de I'espece TsBnia saginata, Goeze. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 421- 432, Contribution a I'etude de quelques lacs de Syrie. Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 224-312. Quelques observations au sujet du Bodo urinarius, Hassall. Rev. Biol. N. France, 7, 1895, 165-177. Recherches sur la faune des eaux douces des Acjores. Lille Soc. M^m., Fasc. 6, [1896], 172 pp. Barrois, Thiodlore], & Daday, J end ( = Eugen). Adatok az ffigyptonii, palaestinai ^s, syriai rotatori4k ismeret^hez. [Beitrage zur Kenntni^ der iigyptischen.^Palastinaer und syrischen Rotatorien.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 12, 1894, 222-242 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Uugarn, 12, 1895, 373. Contribution k I'etude des Rotiferes de Syrie et des- cription de quelques espfeces nouvelles. Rev. Biol. N. France, 6, 1894, 391-410. Barroll, (Lt.) Henry H. Hydrography and hydrographic surveys. Railroad & Engin. Jl., 63, 1889, 370-372, 412-413, 449-450. Interoceanic communication by way of the American isthmus. Railroad & Engin. Jl., 64, 1890, 169-173, 202- 206, 249-253, 298-300, 351-355. Barron, Tlhomas]. On a new British rock containing nepheline and riebeckite. Geol, Mag,, 3, 1896, 371- 378. Barron, I'[homas'], & XXume, W[illiam] [Fraser]. Notes sur la geologic du desert oriental de I'Egypte. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 867-899. Barron, (Lt.-Col.) W[iliiam]. The cadastral survey of India. [1885.] Geogr. Soc. Suppl. Pap., 1, 1886, 595- 618. Barros, Enrique da Fonseca. See Fonseca Barros. Barros, Jose Maximiano CorrSa de. See Correa de Barros. Barros, [padi-e) Marcellino Marques de. See IMiarques de Barros. Barros, (cor.) Nicolas. Expedicion [al Chaco. Itinerario de los movimientos diarios de la Comision expedicionaria.] Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 6, 1885, 210-224, 245-253. Barros Arana, Diego. *Apuntes sobre la etnografia de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 47, 1875, 5-12. Algunas palabras sobre la historia de la jeografia a proposito del descubrimiento de America. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 82, 1892, 453-471. Barros Borgono, Victor. La septicemia quiriirjica i la doctrina de los jermenes. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 65, 1884, 606-636. Barroso. See Sousa Barroso. Barrow, George. The geology of north Cleveland, Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv, Mem, (Sheet 104 S.W, & S,E., n.s. 34 & 35), 1888, 101 pp. On certain gneisses with round-grained oligoclase and their relation to pegmatites. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 64-65. On an intrusion of muscovite-biotite gneiss in the south-eastern Highlands of Scotland, and its accom- panying metamorphism. Geol. Soc, Quart, Jl., 49, 1893, 330-356, On the origin of the crystalline schists. With special reference to the southern Highlands, [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1895, 48-49. On the occurrence of chloritoid in Kincardineshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, 149-155. On the unconformity between the Carboniferous and the Bunter, with special reference to the Cheadle area. [1900.] N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1899-1900, 98-100. Barrow, George, & Fox-Strangways, Charles Edward. See Fox-Strangways & Barrow. Barrow, George, Fox-Strangways, diaries Edward, & Cameron, A\lan^i C. G\rant]. See Fox-Strangways, Cameron & Barrow. Barrow, George, Fox-Strangways, Charles Edward, & Reid, Clement. See Fox-Strangways, Beid & Barrow. Barrow, John. For biographical notice see Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 4, 1891, 485-486. On the microscopical structure of some seeds. [1886.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1887, 58-60. Barrows, A[rthur] E[dward], & Turner, Thonias. Esti- mation of slag in wrought iron. Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 551-557. SaxrowB, Anne Ide. Respiration of Desmognathus. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 461-464. Barrows] 320 [Bartels The effect of inanition on the [1897.] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 1, '^Flight of the iiying-fish. Auk, 1, 1884, 20-30, Barrows, F[ranMin] W. structure of nerve cells 1898, xiv-xv. Barrows, Walter B^radford]. Science, 1, 1883, 603. Birds of the Lower Uruguay 109-113, 270-278, 31,3-319. Abnormal coloration in a caged robin. Auk, 1, 1884, 90 ; 2, 1885, 303. Another black robin. Auk, 2, 1885, 303. The sense of smell in Cathartes aura. Auk, 4, 1887, 172-174. The food of crows. [U. S.] Comm. Agr. Eep., 1888, 498-535. The English sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America, especially in its relations to agriculture. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Ornithologist. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 1, 1889, 405 pp. Seed planting by birds. [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Eep., 1890, 280-285. Food of the horned larks or shore larks (Otocoris). [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Rep., 1892, 193-197. Food habits of the kingbird or bee martin. (Tyrannus tyrannus.) [U. S.] Sec. Agr. Eep., 1893, 233-234. Beunnich's murre in Michigan. Auk, 12, 1895, 387. The present status of the San Jose scale in Michigan. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 9, 1897, 27-29. Notes on the malodorous carabid, Nomius pygmfEus, Dej. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 9, 1897, 49-53. Barrows, Walter B\radford], & Scbwarz, Eugene Aviandus. The common crow of the United States. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 6, 1895, 98 pp. Barruel, P. Sur le point de solidification des paraffines. Moniteur Sci., 13, 1899, 173. Barry, [Simeon], & Baudot, Phliliberf]. Note, sur la pompe ^lectrique de la fosse Lambrecht. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 599-619. Barry, {Capt.) C[ecil CharUs Stuart]. Notes on beri-beri in Rangoon. Indian Med. Gaz., 35, 1900, 343-345. Barry, Edward A. The possibility of man-flight. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 19, 1884, 85-93. The problem of aerial navigation. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 21, 1886, 74-76. The flight of the seagull. [With discussion.] [1891.] Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 23, [1893], 22-40. Barry, {Sir) John Wolfe. [Presidential address to the Mechan. Sci. Sect. Bristol, Sept. 8th. Bristol from an engineering point of view.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 976- 987. Barry, Phillips. Goodyera pubescens in central New Hampshire. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 193. Barsky, S. Sur un cas de dystrophia pigmentaire et papillaire ou acanthosis nigricans. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 {Vol. 4, Pt. 2), 515-521. Barsov, K. P. EaTaCTpO(t»a 1883 r. Bl. 30HJI,CK0M'L npojiHsi (rH6eJi'b KpaKaxoa). [The catastrophe of 1883 in the Sunda Straits (eruption of Krakatoa).] [1884.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 {No. 1), 1890, 2-3. Barstow, C[harles] A[lbert]. The sensibility of dentine. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 10-18, 142. Bartalini, Giuseppe. Trasformazione di una formula di fisica cristallografica. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 179-180. Metodo per determinare 1' indice di rifrazione con grande augolo rifrangente. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 181-183. Sulla determinazione delle proprieta ottiche dei cristalli mediante tre prismi di orientazione qualunque. Giorn. Min. Grist. Petr., 1, 1890, 94-102; 4, 1893, 145-150; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 22, 1890, 45-56; 25, 1893, 75-77. Dimostrazioni semplice che non vi posson esser che assi di simmetria 2, 3, 4, 6-nari compatibili colla legge di razionalita. Riv. Min. Crist., 24, 1900, 59-()l. Bartalini, Giusejype, & Grattarola, Giuseppe. Modifica- zioni apportate ad alcuni strumenti e apparecchi da laboratorio. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 113-128. Bartayrfes, [Antoine]. *Agen et Espalais (Lot-et-Garonne). Resumes des observations meteorologiques faites pendant les annees 1841 a 1853. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 1, 39-42. Bartel, A. Zur Bestimmung des Gerbstoffes in Sauer- briihen. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 280, 1891, 233-234. Beitrag zur Beurtheilung von Gerbereigebrauchs- wiissern. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 299, 1896, 136-144. Untersuchungen liber lohgare Leder und deren Zusammensetzung. Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 305, 1897, 65-72, 89-95, 114-118, 138-144, 161-168, 185-192. Bartel, A., & Schroeder, [Theodor] J[tilius Reinhold] von. See Schroeder & Bartel. Bartel, A., Schroeder, [Theodor] J[uU us Reinhold] von, & Schmitz-Dumont, lF[inny]. See Schroeder, Bartel & Schmitz -Duxnont . Bartel, Julius. Casuistische Mittheilungen. [i. Ein Fall von Cystadenoma papilliferum der Schweissdriisen- ausfiihrungsgange mit Hypertrophie und Cystenbildung der Schweissdriisen selbst. ii. Zwei Falle von Gyua- komastie und ein Fall von echter, doppelseitiger Hyper- trophie der weiblichen Brustdriise.] Ztschr. Heilk., 21, 1900 {Path. Anat.), 200-214. Bartel, Max. Ueber eine wenig beachtete Form unserer europaischen Macroglossa-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 337-340. Eine neue Lasiocampide aus Japan. Ent. Nachr., 25, 1899, 353-355. Ueber zwei neue palaarktische Lepidopteren-Formen. [1. Notodonta torva, Hb., ab. Fiigei, m. 2. Ein neuer Bastard der Geometrida^.] Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 337- .350. Bartels, [Julius Georg Ludwig Karl]. Le poids du cerveau chez les alienes. Homme, 4, 1887, 574; Rev. Sci., 40, 1887, 477. Ueber das Gehirngewicht bei Geisteskranken. AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 44, 1888, 180-193. Einfluss von Influenza auf Geisteskrankheit. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 167-169. Bartels, {Regierungsarzt). Klima und Gesundheits- verhaltnisse des Schutzgebietes der Marschall-Inseln 1898-[1900]. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 17, 1900, 553-557, 558-560. Bartels, A[mandus], & Jannasch, Paul. See Jannasch & Bartels. Bartels, Karl. [Schneefall in den Tiroler Alpen, insbe- sondere auf dem Brenner von Innsbruck bis Gossensass.] [1890.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 36 & 37, 1891, 31. Ueber Melanismus bei Kafern. Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 38, 1892, 22-24. Entomologische Wanderungen in Siidtirol in den Monaten Juli und August 1893. [1893.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 39, 1894, 18-19. Bartels, Max [Karl August]. Die geschwanzten Men- schen. Arch. f. Anthrop., 15, 1884, 45-132. Ueber die Abnormitaten der Zahnbildung bei der Hypertrichosis universalis des Menschen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1884, 38-46. Ueber eine giltige Spinne des Haussalandes (Nord- Afrika), Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1884, 183-186. Ein Pseudoschwanz beim Menschen. (Lipoma pen- dulum caudiforme.) Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 20, 1884, 100-112. Ueber den Affenmenschen und den Biirenmenschen. Ztschr. EthnoL, 16, 1884, (106)-(110). Ueber das Variiren von Salamandra maculosa vom Harz. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1885, 3-5. Bartels] 321 [Barth Ueber Skelet-Resten von Cervus eurycerus. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1885, 103-10-i. Notiz liber einige giftige Thiere des Haussa-Landes. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1885, 134. Mittheilungeu liber Zwilliugsgeburten bei Basutos. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (36)-(37). Ueber die Scliwanzmenschen von Borneo. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (138)-(140). Ciilturelle uud RassenunterscViiede in Bezug auf die Wundkrankheiten. [1887.] Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1888, 169-183. Ueber Desquamation. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1888, 67-69. Ein lebendes gabelschwanziges Exemplar einer Eidechse (Lacerta agilia). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1888, 69-72. Ueber die Spat-Laktation der Kaflferfrauen. Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1888, (79)-(81); 21, 1889, (61)-(62). Eine Bookpost-Sendung aus Siid-Afrika. [Ueber die Eierzahl bei Heteropoda, sp., aus Natal.] Berlin Natf. P'reunde Sber., 1890, 23-24. Das Nest einer Vogelspinnen-Art aus Stendal (Natal, Siidost- Africa). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1890, 24- 25. Ueber Schutzfarbung bei Kreuzspinnen. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1891, 1-4. Eine bartige Dame. Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (243)- (24.5). Schadliche Eaupen aus Slidost-Afrika. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 60-61. [Ueber einen jungen Mann] mit abnormer Behaarung. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, (215). [Ueber eine] 17 jahrige Zigeunerfrau mit einem grossen Pigmentmal. Ztschr. Ethnol., 24, 1892, (215)- (216). Ueber luftgeschorene und liber wieder erstehende Walder. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1893, 121-124. Beitrag zur Volksmedicin der Kaffern und Hotten- totten. Ztschr. Ethnol., 25, 1893, (133)-(i35). Photographie eines jungen Mannes mit iiberzahliger medianer Brustwarze. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (201)- (203). Ueber Spat-Lactation auf Java. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (379)-(380). Drei Guanche-Schadel von Tenerife. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (450)-(451). Ueber Siebenlinge. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (452)- (453). Ueber einen Menschenschwanz. Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (453)-(455). [Hiihner-Ei mit zwei Dottern.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1895, 143-145. Zwei bemerkenswerthe Arten des Thierfanges in Bosnien uud der Hercegovina. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1895, 147-152. Zwei schadliche Thiere aus dem Inneren von Malaka. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1896, 79-81. Ueber Lactatio serotina in Java. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (110)-(112). Ueber die Spat-Lactation. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (267)-(270). Photographie eines Falles von Dracontiasis. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1898, 155-156. Die Haut einer Python-Schlange. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1898, 199-200. Ein neu aufgefundenes Oelgemalde einer bartigen Dame. Ztschr. Ethnol., 31, 1899, (455)-(459). Zwei liberzahlige kleine Finger. Ztschr. Ethnol., 32, 1900, (541)-(542). Bartels, O[tto], & Rose, Carl. See Rose & Bartels. Bartels, Paul. Mittheilung liber eine neue Methode der Capacitiitsbestimmung des Schadels. Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (256)-(262). R, S. A. C. Ueber eine Oesenbildung der Arteria recurrens radialis fiir den Nervus radialis profundus, kombiniert mit anderen Abnormitaten. Auat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 15, 1900, 203-211. Fall von Geschwulstbildung beim Haushahn. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1900, 70-73. Bartelt, Joh. Ueber Thyrojodin. Dorpat Sber., 11, 1896, 123-136. Bartens, [Ludwig]. For biographical notice and works see AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 48, 1892, 546. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwangerschaft auf den Verlauf der Geistesstorung. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 40, 1884, 573-583. Bartenstein, Julius. Zur Kenntniss der Reactionszeiten. Freiburg Ber., 4, 1889, 209-231. Barter, {Maj.) G[harlcs St. Leger]. Notes on Ashanti. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 12, 1896, 441-458. Bartet, [Alheric Joseph Alfred Louis\. Contributions k la geographie medicale. Parages de la mer Rouge. Arch. M6d. Navale, 65, 1896, 421-450. Bartet, E. De I'influence exercee par l'6poque de I'abatage sur la production et le developpement des rejets de souches dans les taillis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1279-1282. Bartet, E., & Vulllemln, Paul. Recherclies sur le rouge des feuilles du pin sylvestre et sur le traitement a lui appliquer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 628- 630. Bartficiy, Jozsef. [Beobachtungen des Andromeda-Nebels.] Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 253-254. A csillagkodok ^s valtoz6 csillagok. [Nebula and variable stars.] Termt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 466-475. Radiationspunkte. Abgeleitet aus den Sternschnup- penbeobachtungen vom Jahre 1887-89. 0-Gyalla Astrophys. Obs. Beob., 11 & 12, 1890, 75-77. Barth, Adolf. Ueber den im Mittelohr erzeugten Druck bei Lufteintreibungen durch die Tube. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 15, 1886, 172-178; Arch. Otol., 15, 1886, 160- 166. Zur Berichtigung [des Artikels von Jacobson : ' ' Ueber zahlenmassige Bestimmung der Horscharfe mit aus- klingenden Stimmgabeln "]. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 25, 1887, 306-307. Zur Lehre von den Tonen und Gerauschen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887, 81-104. Zur Frage der Hcirpriifung mit Stimmgabeln. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887, 105-108; Arch. Otol., 16, 1887, 248-251. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Ohres. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 17, 1887, 261-271 ; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 40-51. Das Decrement abschwingender Stimmgabeln. [1887.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 18, 1888, 30-35; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 153-159. Die Bestimmung der Horscharfe. [1887.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 18, 1888, 36-41; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 109- 115. Eine eigenthlimliche Warze nahe der Ohrmuschel. Virchow, Arch., 112, 1888, 569-571. Ueber die Darstellung des hautigen Labyrinthes. [1888.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. [Physiol. Abth.), 1889, 345-348. Zur Anasthesie bei kleineren chirurgischen Ein- grififen. [1888.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 19, 1889, 231- 244; Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 99-109. Beitrag zur Anatomie der Schnecke. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 542-544. Ueber sensorische Taubheit. Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 1398. Gehorapparat. Anat. Hefte {Aht. 2), 4, 1896, 197- 204; 5, 1896, 129-130. Mittelohrentzlindung im frlihen Kindesalter. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 32, 1898, 111-129; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 334-343. 41 Barth] 322 [Barthe Zur Percussion des Warzenfortsatzes. Arch. Ohren- heilk., 47, 1899, 107-112. Barth, Arthur. La neoformation du tissu renal. [1892.] Arch. Gen. Med., 171, 1893, 248-249. — — Histologische Untersuchungen iiber Knochenimplan- tationen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 17, 1895, 65-142. Barth, Carl. Einiges iiber Schichtenbildungen und Schichtenstorungen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 46, 1887, 1-2. Der Kohlenbergbau Sillweg im Fohnsdorfer Kohlen- becken. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 47, 1888, 289-292, 297-300. EeitragezurGeologievonHelmstedt. [1891.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 65, 1892, 107-131. Barth, Ernst. Beitrag zur Taubstummenforschung. Ergebnisse der Unterwuchung der Zoglinge der Provin- zialtaubstummen-Anstalt zu Koslin in Pommern ver- mittelst Bezold's continuirlicher Tonreihe. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 69, 1898, 569-592. Barth, Georg. Die Zersetzung von Cement unter dem Eiufluss von Bakterien. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 489. Barth, Georg, & Untner, C[arl] J[os€ph]. Zur Kenntniss der Lupulinsaure (^-Hopfenbittersiiure). Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 31, 1898, 2022- 2025, 2544. Barth, Heinrich. To biographical references (Vols. 7 & 12) add Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 16, 1896, cxxvi-cxxix. Barth, Hermann. Studien iiber den mikrochemischen Nachweis von Alkaloiden in Arzneidrogen. Arch. Pharm., 236, 1898, 354-367; Bot. Centrbl., 75, 1898, 225-231, 261-267, 292-300, 326-344, 309-378, 401-408. Barth, J. P. J. De landschappen aan de Boven-Pinoh. (Wester-afdeeling van Borneo.) Batavia, Tijdschr., 39, 1897, 681-646. Barth, Josef. Eine botanische Exkursion auf die Vle- gy^isza. Hermannstadt Verh., 42, 1892, 30-36. Barth, Kurt [Emil]. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der kom- plexen Salze der schwefligen Saure. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 176-219. Barth, Kurt [Emil], & Hefelmann, Rudolf. See Kefel- mann & Barth. Barth, Ludwig [Bitter) von Barthenau. For biography and list of works see Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 176; Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1051; Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 167- 168; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891 {Ref.), 1089- 1115; Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 19, 1891, xviii-xxxi ; Wien, Almanach, 41, 1891, 182-185; Moniteur Sci., 6, 1892, 464. Barth, Ludwig {Bitter) von Barthenau, & Kerzig, J[osef]. Ueber Bestandtheile der Herniaria. Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2b), 150-162 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 161-173. Barth, Ludicig (Bitter) von Barthenau, & Kretschy, M[ichael]. Bemerkungen iiber das Picrotoxin. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 339-345; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 65-71. Barth, Ludwig (Bitter) von Barthenau, & Schreder, Joseph. Ueber die aus Hydrochinou in der Natron- schmelze entstehenden Korper. Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1886 (Abth. 2), 684-699; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 589-604. Barth, Max. Ueber abnormen Verlauf der Mostgarung unter verschiedenen ungiinstigen Bedingungen und den Einfluss der letztern auf die Zusammensetzung des sich ergebenden Weines. Kepertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 171-174. Untersuchungen von im Elsass gezogenen Tabaken und einige Beziehungen zwischen der Qualitat des Tabaks und seiner Zusammensetzung. Landw. Ver- suchs-Stat., 39, 1891, 81-104. Barth, Max, & Haas, B. See Haas & Barth. Barth, Max, & Nessler, J[uUus]. See Nessler & Barth. Barth, Max (et alii). Weinstatistik fiir Deutschland. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 729-808; 28, 1889, 396, 525-580; 29. 1890, 509-550; 30, 1891, 533-578; 31, 1892, 129-157, 607-662; 32, 1893, 647-753; 33, 1894, 629-713; 34, 1895, 649-724; 36, 1897, 413-496; 37, 1898, 597-667; 38, 1899, 54.5-614; 39, 1900, 737-783. Barth, Theodor. Ein Fall von Lymphangiosarkom des Muudbodens und Bemerkungen iiber die sogenannten Endothelgeschwiilste. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 462-496. Barth, W[alter], & Nauwerck, C[olestin]. See Nauwerck & Barth. Barthe, E[u(iene]. Catalogus Coleopterorum Galliae et Corsicte. Misc. Ent., 4, 1896, 120-125, 150-153; 5, 1897, 3-4, 25-26, 52-56, 59-60, 98-102, 145-150; 6, 1898, 33-37, 85-87, 93-94, 107-109, 125-126, 129-131, 163-165; 7, 1899, 10-11, 65-67, 129-130, 142-144; 8, 1900, 26-29, 117-119, 137-138. [Kemarques a propos du polymorphisme saisonnier chez les papillons.] Misc. Ent., 7, 1899, 63-64, 73-74. Barthe, [Joseph Paul] Leonce. Analyse d'un liquide pleur^tique. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 9, 1887, 488-491; Jl. Pharm., 1,5, 1887, 545-549. Preparation du benzoylcyanacetate de m^thyle et de la cyanac^tophenone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 1416-1419. Synthases op6rees a I'aide de I'ether cyanosuccinique. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 297-300, 816-817 ; 111, 1890, 342-343; 125, 1897, 182-183; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 302-305 [Part only]; Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1897 (Pt. 2), 291-293 [Part o)ily]; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-97, 158-161 [Part only]. Syntheses au moyen de I'ether cyanacetique ; others cyanosuccinique et cyanotricarballylique. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, Ixx-lxxiv. Cyanosuccinate et cyanotricarballylate de m^thyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 343-345. Syntheses au moyen des Others cyanacetiques et cyanosucciniques. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 253-298; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 239-288. M^thylcyanosuccinate de m^thyle ; ether m^thyl- eth^nyltricarbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 1013-1015. De la presence du baryum et du calcium dans les sels de strontium du commerce et dans le bromure de strontium en particulier. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 239- 243. Sur les phosphates de strontiane. [1892.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 1267-1269; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 171-172; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, xlviii-1. Dosage volum^trique des alcaloides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 512-514; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 506- 508. Essai du sulfate de quinine et dosage de la quinine en presence des autres alcaloides du quinquina. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 1085-1088; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 122-125. I. Nouveau dosage de I'acide salicylique et des sali- cylates employes en therapeutique. ii. Application de la methode au titrage des objets de pansement a I'acide salicylique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 81-97. Dosage volum^trique de I'acide borique dans les borates. Application aux pansements boriques. Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 163-168. Dosage du salol et du cr^salol. Pansements saloles. Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 489-491. Nouveaux d^riv^s des Others cyanacetique et cyano- succinique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1268- 1271. Nouvelle methode de dosage de I'acide salicylique et des salicylates. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 516- 522. Barthe] 323 [Barthelemy [Une methode nouvelle de dosage volum^trique de I'acide borique et des borates.] [1894.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^ra., 5, 1895, xvi-xix. Action de I'isocyanate de pb^nyle sur I'acide tricar- ballylique. Ass. Fran?. C. 11., 1895 (Ft. 1), 244-245. De la presence du cuivre dans le benzoate de sonde oflicinal. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 1), 24G. Sur les borates alcalins et le " boro-borate." Jl. Pharm., 1, 1895, 303-307. Sur le dosage de I'acide borique. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 345-347. Sur le dosage volum^trique des sels min^raux de zinc. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 82-85. Sur le dosage volumetrique du zinc. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. , 13, 1895, 472-473. Sur un nouvel antiseptique. [1896.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1895-96, 27-28. Analyse de concretions intestinales. Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 111-113. L'oxycyanure de mercure. Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 182- 184. Sur la sterilisation des objets de pansements en general, et celle du catgut en particulier, k I'hopital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Mili- taires, 29, 1897, 261-267. Dosage du soufre et des alcalis dans le foie de soufre. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1898-99, 10-12 ; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 533-537. Sur deux nouveaux acides organiques derives du cyanosuccinate d'ethyle. [1899.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1898-99, 53-59; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 176-181. Action du bibromure d'^thyl^ne sur le cyanacetate d'ethyle sod^. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 151- 152. Sur I'acide cacodylique en toxicologie. [1900.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 28-29. Sur les phosphates ammonio-terreux. [1900.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1899-1900, 59-61; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 422-425. Intoxications alimentaires par ingestion d'artichauts cuits. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 414-417. Barthe, [Joseph Paul] Leonce, & Failures, Elie. Prepara- tion des sels de strontium purs. [1892.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 104-108 ; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1893, xxvi-xxix. Sur reiimination complete de la baryte dans les sels de strontium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 473- 475. Reponse k la note de M. Cannepin [intitul^e : " L'eiimination complete de la baryte dans les solutions concentrees des sels de strontiane est impossible par les moyens sulfuriques "]. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 48, 1892, 248-251. Barthe, [Joseph Paul] Leonce, & Ferr6, [Jean Hippolyte] Gabriel [Paul]. De Taction physiologique de quelques molecules organiques cyanogenees (cyanosuccinate de methyle et derives). Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 488- 494. Barthe, [Joseph Paul] Leonce, & Haller, Alh[in]. See Haller & Barthe. Barthe, [Joseph Paul] Leonce, & Boulard, L. Sur la sterilisation des objets de pansement k I'hopital Saint- Andre de Bordeaux. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 167-170. Barthe, 0. Synodischer Mondumlauf und Temperatur. Wetter, 16, 1899, 61-63. Barthe de Sandfort, [E.]. De I'illutation partielle (applications locales de boues) aux thermes de Dax. Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1886, 330-366. Expose general de la therapeutique de Dax. Con- ference. Dax Soc. Borda Bull., 1886, 303-315. Insuffisance aortique. [With discussioji.] Bordeaux Soc. Med, Mem., 1887, 267-289. De I'association du bain d'eaux-meres au bain de boues aux thermes de Dax. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 2), 727-729. Sur certaines perturbations dans le niveau de la mer, observees dans la bale du Brusc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 66-67. Barthel, Chr. Einige Ver.?uche iiber die Bildung von Essigsaure in Milch durch Milchsiiurebakterien. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 417-420. Barthel, Ernst. For biographical notice see St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 318. Barthel, Gustav. Selbstthatige Spiritus-Geblaselampe. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1443. Ueber Spiritusbunsenbrenner. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2646-2648. Dochtloser Benzinbrenner. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1179-1180. Barthel, Karl. Volkerbewegungen auf der Siidhiilfte des afnkanischen Kontinents. [1894.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1893, 1-90. Barthel, Theodor. Ueber den Bakteriengelialt der Luft- wege. Centrbl. Bakt. {AM. 1), 24, 1898, 401-414, 433- 441. Entgegnung auf die [der Arbeit des Autoren ; " Ueber den Bakteriengehalt der Luftwege "] gewordene Erwide- rung Herrn Dr. Durck's. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 576-577. Barthelat, G[_ilbert] J[oseph]. Les laticiferes de I'Eucom- mia ulmoides. Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 55-59. Barthelemy, [Frangois Jules]. Rapport sur Tepidemie choierique qui a regne dans la division de Constantine en 1893. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 441- 485. Barthelemy, (comte) [Francois Pierre] de. Relation succincte d'un voyage dans I'lndo-Chine. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 3-9. Mission en Indo-Chine. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1898, 185-189. Au pays des Mois. Paris, Soc. Geogr, Bull., 20, 1899, 330-343. [Sur un voyage en Indo-Chine.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1899, 257-258. Barthelemy, [Prosper Francois] A[ime]. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Barth61emy, A. For biography and list of works see Rev. Bot., 4, 1885-86, 335-336; Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 157; Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7 (Sem. 2), 1885, 90-99. De Taction de la chaleur sur les phenom^nes de vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1006-1007. Sur la physiologic d'une planaire verte (Convoluta Schultzii). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 197-200. Etudes sur la tete et la bouche des larves d'insectes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 121-124. Bartheiemy, A[ntoine] J[oseph] C[harles]. For biography and works see Arch. Med. Navale, 64, 1895, 241-264. Barthelemy, [Pierre] E[ugene Gabriel]. Amblyopic double simuiee ; procede pour la dejouer et mesurer I'acuite visuelle. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 285- 288. Bartheiemy, F[ran(}ois]. Repertoire des decouvertes pre- historiques dans le departement de la Meurthe. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 599-614. Outil acheuieen decouvert dans les alluvions de la Moselle. Ass. Fran?, C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 596-598. Sur des molaires de mammouth trouvees k Nancy, Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 2.5-27. Compte rendu de 1' excursion du lundi 22 aofit, de Remiremont a Chateau-Lambert par la route des cretes. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Mem.), 156-162. Bartheiemy, F[ran(;ois], & Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustave]. See Bleicher & Bartheiemy. Bartheiemy, T[ou8saint]. Sur les aato-inoculations du 41—2 Barthelemy] 324 [Bartlett chancre sjphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 6, 1885, 200- 202, ■ Etiologie et traitement de I'acn^. Arch. Gen. Med., 164, 1889, 641-662. Notes snr la grippe epid^mique de 1889-90 et princi- palement sur les eruptions symptomatiques ou rash de la grippe. Arch. G6n. MM., 166, 1890, 283-297. De I'acnitis ou d'une vari^te sp^ciale de folliculites et perifolliculites g^neralisees et diss^min^es. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 1-38. Contribution a I'asepsie dans la th^rapeutique hypo- dermique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 115, 1892, 423. Du dermographisme. ProgrSs Med., 17, 1893, 2-8, 25-29, 49-53. Statistique v^n^r^ologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 528-542. Note sur les ^phelides (ephelides et nsevi). Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 774-776. Acnitis et foUiclis. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 856- 868. Barthelemy, T[oussaint], & Balzer, F[elix]. See Balzer & Barthelemy. Bartheiemy, T[oiissaint], & Jacques, G[abriel]. Nouvelles recherches sur les " langues blanches" (leucoplasiea, syphilis, cancer). Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 9), 502-548. Bartheiemy, T[oussaint], & Oudin, [P.]. See Oudin & Bartheiemy. Bartheiemy, T[oussaint], X.annelongue, [Odilon Marc], & Oudin, [P.]. See Liannelongue, Barthelemy & Oudin. Barthelemy, T[oussaint] [et alii). Note sur les relations de la s^borrhee, de la pelade et des alop^cies. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 626-641. Barthelet, , Trombe du 14 septembre k Marseille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 103, 1886, 530-531. Barthelet, (Mile.) . Experiences sur la t^l^gonie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 911-912. BarthelB, Philipp. Notiz liber die Excretion der Holo- thurien. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 493-494. • Beitrag zur Histologic des Oesophagus der Vogel. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 59, 1896, 655-689. Ueber die Cuvier'schen Organe von Holothuria Poli. Bonn Niederrbein. Ges. Sber., 1896, 76-79. BarthelB, Philipp, & Iiudwig, Hubert, See Iiudwig & BarthelB. Bartholdy, Kurt. Die Arterien der Nerven. Morphol. Arb., 7, 1897, 393-458. Bartholin, C. T. Nogle i den bornholmske Juraformation forekommende planteforsteninger. [Quelques plantes Jurassiques de I'ile de Bornholm.] Bot. Tidsskr., 18, 1892-93, 12-28; 19, 1894r-95, 87-111, (Rds.) 112-115. Bartholin, C. T., & Rfirdam, K. See B^rdam & Bartholin. Bartholomew, Elam. The Kansas Uredinete. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 168-196. Bartholomew, Elam, & Ellis, <7[o6] Blicknall]. See Bllis & Bartholomew. Bartholomew, John George. North-west Australia. A sketch of the results of recent exploration ; and the scope of the country for commercial development. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 1, 1885, 529-538. The mapping of the world. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 293-305, 575-597; 7, 1891, 124-152, 586-611. Antarctic bibliography. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 14, 1898, 563-570. Bartholow, Roberts. *What is meant by nervous prostra- tion? {With discussion.] [1883.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 39, 1884, 108-112. *Nitro-glycerin and the chloride of gold and sodium in the treatment of albuminuria. [1883.] N. Y. Med. JL, 39, 1884, 134-135. Chloride of gold and sodium in some nervous affec- tions: a preliminary note. N. Y. Med. JL, 39, 1884, 726. Bartl, Carl. Mechanisch-graphische Losung der kubischen und biquadratischen Gleichuugen. Arch. Math. Phys., 1, 1884, 1-45. Bartl, Josef. Zur Theorie der Bremsen der Eisenbahn- wagen. Civilingenieur, 31, 1885, 311-356, 559-560. Zur Ausmittelung der Dampfmaschinen mit zwei- und dreistufiger Expansion. Civilingenieur, 38, 1892, 457- 476. Die Berechnung der Zentrifugalregulatoren. Civil- ingenieur, 39, 1893, 81-112; 42, 1896, 489-538. Zur Berechnung der Federregulatoren. Civilingenieur, 42, 1896, 769-776. Bartlett, A[bra]taiii] D[ee]. For biography and list of works sec Ibis, 3, 1897, 479-481 ; Nature, 56 (1897), 35; Zoologist, 1, 1897, 267-268. On some hybrid bovine animals bred in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 399-402. On a female chimpanzee now living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 673-675. Bemarks upon the moulting of the great bird of paradise. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 392. Observations on wolves, jackals, dogs, and foxes. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 46-48. On a singular case of one snake swallowing another in the Society's reptile-house. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 669-670. Notes on the breeding of the Surinam water-toad (Pipa americana) in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 595-597. Bartlett, Albert T. Transference of heat in cooled metal. Nature, 58 (1898), 411-412. Bartlett, Albert T., & Yeaman, Charles H{enrij]. The effect of currents upon conductors. [Correspondence.] Electrician, 22, 1889, 440, etc. Bartlett, Arthur K. [Air-pressure and thunder-storms.] [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884^85), 191-192. A singular twilight phenomenon. [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884^85), 235-237. . The twilight discussion. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884-85), 384-386. Bartlett, Edward. On a new species of Guiraca. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 168-169. Notes on the Bornean rhinoceros. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 654-655. The crocodiles and lizards of Borneo in the Sarawak Museum, with descriptions of supposed new species, and the variation of colours in the several species during life. Singapore, Roy. Asiat. Soc. JL, 28, 1895, 73-96. On a new species of Philentoma. Singapore, Roy. Asiat. Soc. JL, 28, 1895, 96-97. Egg of Pityriasis gymnocephala. Ibis, 2, 1896, 158-159. Bartlett, Edwin J[ulius], & Merrill, Walter H. Cupric hydride. Amer. Chem. JL, 17 (1895), 185-189. Bartlett, Edwin J[ulius], & Rice, William F. Silver hydride. Amer. Chem. JL, 19 (1897), 49-52. Bartlett, F. R., & Miller, R. P. Western union time system. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 10, 1889, 218-234. Bartlett, Frank H. The relation of eye-strain to certain functional nervous disturbances. N. Y. Med. JL, 59, 1894, 746-750. Bartlett, J. C. *The action of small spheres of solids in ascending currents of fluids, and in fluids at rest. [1877.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 6, 1879, 415- 427. Bartlett, J[anie8] M[onroe]. Report[8] on nitrogen. [1894- 95.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 43, 1894, 136-141; No. 47, 1896, 106-111. A modification of the Babcock method and apparatus for testing milk and cream. [1896.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 49, 1897, 104-106. Bartlett] 325 [Bartoli Bartlett, J[ames] M[onroe], & ZZuston, Hlenry] A[ugustus]. See Huston & Bartlett. Bartlett, Jinucs Herbert. The manufacture of iron in Canada. [1885.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 508-542. Bartlett, John. A theory of the cholera. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 246-249. Bartlett, (Commander) John R. *The Gulf Stream. Additional data from the investigations of the coast and geodetic steamer Blake. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl. , 14 (1882), 69-84. [Notes on the remarkable looped- shaped track of the hurricane on the Georgian coast.] [1884.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 1 (1884-85), 298-300. The basin of the Caribbean. Science, 5, 1885, 89-91. Deep-sea soundings in the South Pacific. Science, 7, 1886, 252-254. Deep-sea soundings in the Atlantic. Science, 7, 1886, 387-389. Bartlett, WilliaTii Holmes Chambers. For biographical notice and works see Amer. Ac. Proc, 30, 1895, 570- 572. Bartlett-Calvert, William. Catalogo de los Lepidopteros, Bhopal6ceros, i Heteroceros de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 69, 1886, 311-352. A new species of Cyclopides from Chili. [1888.] Ent. Mouth. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 34. Description of larva of Macromphalia rivularis, Butler. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 149. Some new, etc., Lepidoptera from Chili. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 312-317. Descriptions of new species of Chilian Lepidoptera. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1893, 215-222. Nuevos Lepidopteros de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 84, 1893, 813-834. Monografia de los Elat^ridos de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 98, 1897, 779-860. Hartley, E[lias] H[uclson]. Indigestion and intestinal catarrh in infants. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 58-62, 77-79. Modern adulterations in foods, and their relations to disease. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 44, 1886, 51-52, 57-63. A rapid and easy method of estimating urea in urine. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 12, 1890, 283-284. Glucose and cane-sugar as foods. N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 492-494. Albumin testing. N. Y. Med. JL, 64, 1896, 425-426. The rapid estimation of uric acid in urine. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 19, 1897, 649-656. Bartley, Edward. The building timbers of Auckland. [1885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 37-41. Bartley, N. The first discovery of gold in Queensland. [1887.] Queensland Eoy. Soc. Proc, 4, [1888], 114-118, 124-128. BartUng, . Beobachtungen meteorologischer Er- scheinungen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 26 (1898), 230. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe]. For biography and list of works see Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 44 & 45, 1896, 23- 28; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 16, 1896, 88-89; Nuovo Cimento, 4, 1896, 211-224; Eiv. Sci.-Ind., 28, 1896, 102- 104, 128-140; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 25, 1896, 214-216. *Esperienza da lezione per dimostrare un teorema di EiEMANN sulla elettrostatica. Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 209-213. Sopra un apparecchio da lezione per dichiarare il primo principio di termodinamica. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 18-22. II calorico raggiante e il secondo principio di termo- dinamica. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 193-202. Eelazione fra la conducibiliti elettrica e la composi- zione dei carboni di varie specie. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 203-210. Sopra un singolare fenomeno osservato nel misurare la conducibilita elettrica dell' etalio. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 70-74. Intorno ad una relazione fra la temperatura critica e la temperatura di ebullizione ordinaria, data dal sig. Pawlewski e dal sig. Nadejdine. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 74-78; 20, 1886, 139-140; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 14, 1885, 540-543 [Part i only]. Di varie ipotesi per mettere d' accordo i resultati della teoria del raggiamento col secondo principio di termo- dinamica. Eiv. Sci.-Ind., 10, 1884, 224-226. I volumi molecolari e le dilatazioni dei liquidi alle temperature corrispondenti. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 577-630. La conducibilita elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonic. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 334- 337. Sulla permeabilita del vetro ai gas. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 337-340; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 14, 1885, 544-548. Sulla coesistenza di formule empiriche diverse, ed in ispecie su quelle che contengano la costante capillare dei liquidi o la coesione dei solidi. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 340-343, 359-362. Su la conducibilita elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonio ed in ispecie sulla conducibilita delle ammidi, dei nitroderivati, ecc, ecc. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1885, 546-550; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 15, 1885, 392-397. La conducibilita elettrica delle mescolanze di com- binazioni organiche. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1885, 550-555. La conducibilita elettrica di alcuni composti organici, alio stato solido. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend. , 1, 1886, 569-572; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 15, 1885, 400-403. Sulla dipendenza della conducibilita elettrica della dietilammina dalla temperatura. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 572-573, 884. La conducibilita elettrica delle resine. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1885, 586-590. Density di un solido in cui entrano tutti i corpi semplici e suo confronto con la densita media della terra. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1885, 596-599. Sulla dipendenza della conducibilita elettrica dalla temperatura nelle soluzioni degli alcoli C„H2„+20 nei liquidi poco conduttori od isolanti. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 2, 1886 (Sein. 2), 122-129. La conducibilita elettrica al punto critico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 129-131. Su la conducibilita elettrica delle combinazioni del carbonio alio stato liquido, ed in ispecie su la conduci- bilita delle combinazioni dei radicali acidi cogli alogeni, degli solfocianati, degli isosolfocianati, dei nitrili, degli solfuri e delle combinazioni organometalliche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 132-135. Se per 1' evaporazione di alcuni liquidi conduttori e molto volatili si abbia sviluppo di elettricita. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 8, 1889, 10-11. Sul'a conducibilita elettrica di alcuni mescugli naturali di composti organici ed in particolare sulla conducibilita elettrica degli olii, dei grassi, delle cere, delle essenze, dei balsanii e delle resine. [1889.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 2, 1890, 45-80. Sul calore specifico fino ad alta temperatura delle lave dell' Etna e di altri vulcani. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 3, 1891, 61-66. Misura della potenza chimica delle radiazioni solari. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 16, 1891, 12-16. Sul calore specifico fino ad alta temperatura di alcune roccie e minerali della Sicilia. Nuovo Cimento, 30, 1891, 231-235. Spiegazione delle anomalie che presenta la conduci- bilita elettrica dell' etalio. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 23 & 24, 1892, 12-13. Bartoli] 326 [Bartoli La conducibilit^, elettrica di alcuni liquidi molto viscosi dopo raffreddamenti rapidi, e dopo lenti raffredda- menti. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 4-5. Suir equivalente meccanico del calore (revisione delle determinazioni eseguite nel 1879). Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 10. Sulla costituzione degli elettroliti e suUe variabilita del loro calore specifico col variare della temperatura. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 15-16. Sulla temperatura delle lave dell' attuale eruzione deir Etna. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 29, 1892, 2-4; Kiv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 61-63; Eiv. Sci.-Ind., 24, 1892, 218-220. Suir eruzione dell' Etna, scoppiata il 9 luglio 1892. Monealieri Oss. Boll, 12, 1892, 169-179. Sul calore specifico fino ad alta temperatura di aleune roccie della Sicilia. Nota ii. [1893.] Riv. Min. Crist., 12, 1892, 56-60. Etna. Monealieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 11. Sulla trasmissibilita delle radiazioni solari attraverso r atmosfera earica di eenere vuleanica, nell' eruzione deir Etna del 1892. Catania Ace. Gioen, Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 15, 6 pp. Sulla dipendenza della condueibilit^ elettrica degli eteri composti dalla temperatura. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 490-503; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Ft. 2), 156-172. Sullo stato deir Etna dopo la fine della grande eruzione del 1892. Monealieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 83-35. Di aleune recenti misure ealorimetriehe ed in partieolare della misura del calore solare. Nuovo Cimento, 35, 1894, 239-242. Sulla conduttivita elettrica di alcuni composti in prossimit^ della temperatura eritica. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 246-248; Gazz. Chim, Ital., 25 (1895, PL 1), 205-207. Intorno all' uso del metodo del raffreddamento nella misura delle quantita di calore, Milano, Ist, Lomb, Rend., 28, 1895, 787-795. Sulla dipendenza del calore specifico dell' anilina dalla temperatura e sugli errori che porta 1' impiego di questo liquido nelle determinazioni ealorimetriehe. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1032-1041 ; Nuovo Cimento, 2, 1895, 347-356. Su la compressibility degli idrocarburi C„H2„^2' Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 1141-1152; Gazz, Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Ft. 1), 466-471. Sulla scelta dell' unita di calore. Milano, Ist. Lomb, Rend., 29, 1896, 99-106. Sullo spostamento dello zero dei termometri calori- metrici in seguito a un precedente riscaldamento. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 247-254. Sopra alcuni dati termici riguardanti la fisica terrestre (misura della temperatura, della capacita calorifica delle lave e del calore da loro emesso nelle eruzioni). Studi sperimentali. Milano, Ist. Lomb, Rend., 29, 1896, 363-376. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Iiungo, Carlo del. Etna. La fine dell' eruzione dell' Etna, [gennaio 1893]. Mon- ealieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 2S-29. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Fapasogli, Giorgio. *Su la elettrolisi delle soluzioni di fenolo con elettrodi di carbone e di platino. Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 185- 208; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 90-104. Sopra un nuovo elettromotore fondato suUa ossida- zione a freddo, del carbone. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 85-90. Suir ossidazione dei earboni di diversa specie per via degli ipocloriti alcalini e su i prodotti di tali ossidazioni. Nuova contribuzione alia istoria del carbonio. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 446-459. Elettro-sintesi di alcuni nuovi interessanti composti derivati dal mellogeno per ineompleta ossidazione. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 461-474. Sintesi di alcuni nuovi composti che derivano dal mellogeno. Roma, E. Aec. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 590- 696. Sulle diverse forme che prendono i corpi nel di- sciogliersi entro un liquido indefinito e in particolar modo sulle forme che assumono il ghiaccio e i sali nel- r acqua, i corpi attaccati dal liquido che li circonda e gli elettrodi positivi di metallo oppur di carbone e sulla notevole influenza dell' ossigeno dell' aria in queste ultime azioni. [1885.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 7, 1886, 134-142. Synthese de I'acide mellique et des autres acides benzo-earboniques en Electro lysant I'eau avec des Electrodes de charbon. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 349-364, Sur la composition et les propri^tes du mellog^ne, corps obtenu par Electrosynthese. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 364-374. Nuova contribuzione alia istoria del carbonio. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti [Mem.), 6, [1892,] .30-36. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Somigliana, Carlo. Intorno all' uso del metodo elettrico per misurare le temperature e le quantita di calore. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 275-278. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], & Stracciati, Enrico. Sul calorico specifico della mellite. Nuovo Cimento, 15, 1884, 5-18. Intorno ad aleune formule date dal sig. D, Mende- LEEFF per esprimere la dilatazione dei liquidi e dai sigg. T. E. Thorpe ed A. W. Rucker per calcolare la tempera- tura eritica dalla dilatazione termica. Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 91-104 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 384-389. Le temperature eritiche e i volumi molecolari ai gradi eritici per gli idrocarburi C„H2„_|_2 dei petrolii di Pensil- vania, Nuovo Cimento, 16, 1884, 104-109 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 548-553; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 390-393. Le proprieta fisiche degli idrocarburi C„H2„ + 2 dei petroli, Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 643-671; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 417-445; Ann, Chim., 7, 1886, 375-383. Sopra aleune relazioni stabilite dal sig. De Heen fra la dilatabilita e il punto di ebullizione dei composti di xana stessa serie omologa. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 107-111. Sulla dilatazione termica di un mescuglio di due liquidi, dedotta dalle dilatazioni dei componenti, com- binando una nostra formula con un' altra del sig. Pawlewski. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 111-114. In quali easi sia applicabile una regola data dal sig. Groshans per calcolare le temperature eorrispondenti. Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1885, 193-194. Revisione di aleune misure ealorimetriehe. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 541-546, 573-575, Reply to the observations made by Messrs. T. E. Thorpe and A. W, Rijcker upon [the authors'] essay entitled "Intorno ad aleune formule date dal sig. Mendelejeff e dai siggn. T, E, Thorpe e A. W, Rucker per calcolare la temperatura eritica della dilatazione termica," Phil, Mag., 22, 1886, 533-534. Sul calore specifico dell' acqua liquida a diverse temperature. Revisione delle esperienze ealorimetriehe. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 7, 1889, 3-7. Misure del calore solare, fatte in Italia dal 1885 in poi. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 7, 1889, 7-14. Sulle formule esprimenti la tensione dei vapori saturi in funzione della temperatura, [1889.] Catania Ace, Gioen. Atti, 2, 1890, 1-43. Misure actinometriche del raffreddamento notturno eseguite sull' Etna. Nota preliminare, [1890,] Catania Ace, Gioen. Bull. , 16, 1891, 2-5. Sul calore specifico dell' acqua. (Risultati finali, Catania Aec. Gioen. Bull., 18 & 19, 1891, 25-28, Bartoli] 327 [Barton Formula empirica pel calore solare. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 4, 1892, 3Iem. 6, 16 pp.; Nuovo Cimento, 31, 1892, 193-208. II calore specifico dell' acqua. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 4, 1892, Mem. 7, 96 pp. Sul calore specifico dell' acqua soprafusa. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 23 & 24, 1892, 9-10; Nuovo Cimento, 31, 1892, 133-135. Nuovo metodo di misura del calore specifico dei liquidi, e del potere assorbeute dei solidi per le radiazioni solari. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 23 & 24, 1892, 10-12. Sulla correzioue dovuta al raffreddamento nelle misure calorimetriche. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26- 28, 1892, 4. Sulla variabilita del calore specifico del mercurio con la temperatura. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 26-28, 1892, 11. Kiduzione dei calori specifici dell' acqua fra 0° e 31° al termometro a idrogeno. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 517-522. Misure actinometriche del raffreddamento notturno eseguite suU' Etna. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 81-84. Sulle correzioni nelle misure di termochimiea. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Ft. 2), 432-437. II calore specifico dell' acqua sotto volume costante. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 524-527. Suir assorbimento delle radiazioni solari dalla nebbia e dai cirri. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 592- 602; Nuovo Cimento, 36, 1894, 287-297; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1895, 24-35. Nuove misure del calore specifico del mercurio fra 0° e +30°. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 469-479. Sul calore specifico di alcuni metalli (platino, argento, stagno, piombo, rame). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 524-528. Sul calore specifico a volume eostante degli idrocar- buri C„H2„+2 dei petroli di Pensilvania. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend!", 29, 1896, 157-159. Bartoli, Adolfo [Giuseppe], Stracciati, Enrico, & Raffo, Guido. Misure pireliometriche eseguite durante 1' eclisse solare del 16 aprile 1893. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 8, 1896, Mem. 2, 13 pp.; Nuovo Cimento, 1, 1895, 76-86. Barton, Adolfo [Giuseppe], Stracciati, Enrico, Raffo, Guido, & Pettinelli, Farisino. Studi pireliometrici fatti nel 1894 sullo Stelvio e loro confronto eon quelli compiuti suir Etna. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 583-599; Nuovo Cimento, 2, 1895, 5-17; Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 57-63. Bartolotti, Pietro. Di alcune esperienze dirette a prepa- rare il jodalio. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti \Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 157-158. Suir essenza di Myrtus communis. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti [Froc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 182-183; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 (Ft. 1), 276-283. Azione del pentacloruro di fosforo suUa metilidroco- toina e sulla metilprotocotoina. [1892.] Bologna Aec. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 429-433 or 157-161; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Ft. 1), 498-503. Derivati dell' isapiolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 22, 1892 (Ft. 1), 558-566. Kamala e rottlerina. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 571-576; Gazz. Chim/ Ital., 24 (1894, Ft. 1), 1-7. Azione del permanganato potassieo e dell' aeido jod- idrico e fosforo rosso sulla rottlerina. [1895.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Ft. 2), 480-484. Derivati del benzofenone. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 26 (1896, Ft. 2), 433-441; 27 (1897, Ft. 1), 280-288, (Ft. 2), 18-25; 28 (1898, Ft. 2), 283-290; 30 (1900, Ft. 2), 224- 229, 229-234. Triclorotrimetilfloroglucina e triclorotrimetilpirogal- lolo. [1896.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Ft. 1), 289- 291. Apparecchio di laboratorio per la preparazione del gas coi petroli leggieri, Gazz. Chim. Ital., 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 335-347. Bartolotti, Pietro, & Angeli, Angela. See Angeli & Bartolotti. Barton, [Francis Alexander]. A new navigable balloon. Aeronaut. Jl., 3, 1899, 73-74. Barton, Boiling W[alker]. Notes on Campanula medium. Bot. Gaz., li, 1886, 208-211. The multiplication of Bryophyllum. [1889-90.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, 8 (1888-89), 88-39; [9 (1889-90)], 62. A monstrous form of a common field daisy. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 150-151. On the origin and development of the stichidia and tetrasporangia in Dasya elegans. Johns Hopkins Biol, Lab. Stud., 5, 1893, 279-282. Note on the origin of the tetrasporangia in Dasya elegans. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., [12 (1892-93)], 105. Barton, E. L. A panther eating a panther. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 6, 1891, 274-276. Notes on the eccentricities of a dog. [1893.1 Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 310-313. Bahmeen fishing in Bombay harbour. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 742-743. Occurrence of the clucking teal (Nettium formosum) in Guzerat. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 429. Barton, Edwin H[enry]. Preliminary note on the tem- perature variation of the magnetic permeability of magnetite. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 657-658. Electricalinterference phenomena somewhat analogous to Newton's rings, but exhibited by waves in wires. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 692-694. E lectrical interference phenomena somewhat analogous to Newton's rings, but exhibited by waves passing along wires.... [1893-94.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 54, 1894, 85-96; 57, 1895, 68-87; Ann, Phys. Chem., 53, 1894, 513-533. Graphical method for finding the focal lengths of mirrors and lenses. Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 59-62. The temperature variation of the magnetic permea- bility of magnetite. [1896.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 38, 1897, 567-578. Attenuation of electric waves along wires and their reflexion at the oscillator. London Phys. Soe. Proe., 15, 1897, 224-235; Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 145-154. Attenuation of electric waves along a line of negligible leakage. [1898.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 16, 1899, 219-229 ; Phil. Mag., 46, 1898, 296-305. The equivalent resistance and inductance of a wire to an oscillatory discharge. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 16, 1899, 409-418; Phil. Mag., 47, 1899, 433-441. On the refraction of sound by wind. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 534-542. Barton, Edwin H[enry], & Bryan, George B. Absorption of electric waves along wires by a terminal bridge. [1896.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 23-30; Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 39-45. Barton, Edicin H[enry], & Iiownds, Louis. Reflexion and transmission by condensers of electric waves along wires. [1900.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 273-312; Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 357-392. Barton, Edwin H[enry], & Morton, W[iUiam] B[lair]. On the criterion for the oscillatory discharge of a condenser. London Phys. Soe. Proc, 16, 1899, 465- 469, 470-473 ; Phil. Mag., 48, 1899, 143-147, 148-150. Barton, El lie I Sarel. On the occurrence of galls in Rhody- menia palmata, Grev. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 65-08. A systematic and structural account of the genus Turbinaria, Lanix. [1891.] Linn. Soc! Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 215-226. A provisional list of the marine Algae of the Cape of Barton] 328 [Baruch Good Hope. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 53-56, 81-84, 110-114, 138-144, 171-177, 202-210. Notes on Bryopsis. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 161-162. Cape Algse. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 193-198, 458-461. Welwitsch's African marine Algae. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 369-374. On the structure and development of Soranthera, Post, et Rtipr. [1898.] Linn. Soc. JL (Bot.), 33, 1897- 98, 479-486. On the fruit of Chnoospora fastigiata, J. Ag. [1898.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Bot.), 33, 1897-98, 507-508. On Notheia anomala, Harv. et Bail. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. [Bot.), 34, 1898-1900, 417-425. On the forms, with a new species, of Halimeda from Funafuti. [1900.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 34, 1898-1900, 479-482. Barton, Ethel Sarel, & Murray, George. See Murray & Barton. Barton, G[eorge] E[stes]. Methods for the examination of glycerol for use in the nitroglycerol manufacture. [1894.] Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1896, 277-280. Arsenic in glycerol. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 883-890. On the manufacture of dynamite. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 19, 1897, 500-509. Volumetric apparatus. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 20, 1898, 731-739. Barton, George Hlunt]. Notes on the lava-flow of 1880- 81 from Mauna Loa. Science, 3, 1884, 410-413. • Glacial origin of channels on drumlins. [1894.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1896, 8-13. Evidence of the former extension of glacial action on the west coast of Greenland and in Labrador and Baffin Land. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 379-384. Glacial observations in the Umanak district, Green- land. JL Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 89-92. Barton, George H[unt], & Crosby, William 0. See Crosby & Barton. Barton, J[ames] Kingston. A contribution to the anatomy of the digestive tract in Salmo salar. JL Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 295-300. Bsurtonec, Fr. Ulozenie galmanu na drugorz^dnem iozy- sku. [Galmeivorkommen auf secundarer Lagerstatte.] Krak6w Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 23, 1889 (Cz. 2), 182-184; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 143-145. Bartoniek, Geza. Az 6g szokatlan pirossaga. [Remark- able redness of the sky.] Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 49-61. A radiof6nia. [Radiophony.] Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 331-342. Uj mddszer a hangterjed(58 sebess^g^nek meghataro- zasara a szabad levegoben. [Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit des Schalles.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 4, 1886, 153-165. A hangterjed^s sebess^genek mereserol. [Ueber die Messung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit des Schalles.] Termli. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 203; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6, 1889, 436-437. A Konig- es a Kundt-f^le manom^ter-m6dositasa. [Modifikationen an akuatischen Manometern.] [1888.] Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888 (SiippL), 140-142; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 6,'l889, 401-405. Az elektromossSig es a f^ny jelens^geinek rokonsaga. [Electricity and its relationship to the phenomena of light.] [1889.] Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 353-370; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 7, 1890, 217-219. Bartorelli, [Anto7iio]. Sopra il comportamento dell' allu- ininio come elettrodo. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 213. Bartos, Wlenzel]. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Zuc- kerriibe in verschiedenen Perioden ihrer Vegetation. [1897.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 21, 1896-97, 503-513 ; 22, 1897-98, 99-114. Ueber die Ursachen des Vorkommens von sogenann- ten " Trotzern." [1898.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 22, 1897-98, 456-461. Ueber die Wurzelkropfbilduug bei der Zuckerriibe. [1898.] Ztschr. Ziickeriud. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 82-97. Einige Beobacbtungen iiber die Herz- und Trocken- faule. [1899.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 23, 1898-99, 323-330. Bartosevic, S[ta7ii.ilav'] T[elesforovic]. Die feuerfesten Wattepfropfen fiir die bakteriologischen Probirglaser. Gentrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 212. Zur Frage iiber das quantitative Verhalten der Schwe- felsaure und der Aetherschwefelsauren im Harn bei Diarrhoen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Darmfaulniss. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 35-62. Bartow, Ediuard. Microscopic compaiison of samples of white arsenic. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 255-257. Bartow, Eclward, & Macomb, John Navarre. Table for the calculation of analyses. [1897.] Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 6, 1896, 59-60. Bartram, George H. On a source of error in the deter- mination of nitrates in water by the phenol sulphonic acid method. Franklin Inst. JL, 131, 1891, 385-386. Bartrum, C/eme?i( O. [On the soaring of birds.] Nature, 42, 1890, 457, 637. An open-scale barometer. Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 7, 1894, 553-556. [Chance or vitalism?] Nature, 58 (1898), 545. Bartsch, E. Zur differentiellen Diagnostik der Erkran- kung des schallleitenden und schallempfindenden Ap- parates. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 15, 1886, 110-123; Arch. OtoL, 15, 1886, 144-159. Bartsch, F[ritz], & Stoermer, R[ichard]. See Btoeriner & Bartsch. Bartsch, Paul. Notes on the Cretaceous flora of western Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 3, 1894-96 {No. 4), 178-182. Uria lomvia, an addition to the Avifauna columbiaua. Auk, 14, 1897, 312-313. A few notes on the Avifauna columbiana. Auk, 14, 1897, 326. Xema Sabinii and Chordeiles virginianus Seunetti. Two additions to the Iowa avifauna. Auk, 16, 1899, 86. Ammodramus Nelsoni in Iowa. Auk, 16, 1899, 276- 277. Sa.TtBcli, Samu { = Samuel). *Korcscs6ru seregely. Stur- nus vulgaris, L. Sturnus vulgaris mit difformem Schnabel. Termr. Fiiz., 1, 1877, 76-77, 118-119. *Az Astacus leptodactylus, Esch., taplalkuzasi es emesztesi szervei. Anatomiai tanulmauy. Die Ernah- rungs- und Verdauungsorgane des Astacus leptodactylus, Esch. Anatomische Studie. Termr. Fiiz., 2, 1878, 21- 28, 61. *Az Astacus leptodactylus, Esch., ivarszervei. Die Fortpflanzungsorgane des Astacus leptodactylus, Esch. Termr. Fiiz., 2, 1878, 137-141, 190-192. Bartscht, Ambros. Biologisches iiber Hypopta cmstrum, ' Hb. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 5, 1895, 23-24. BcirtuBka, Karl. Haliaetus albicilla. Wien Ornitli. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1886, 299. Bernicla torquata in Siidbohmen. Wien Ornith, Ver. Mitth., 11, 1887, 73. . Baruch, J[oseph]. Zur Constitution der Behenolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1867-1872. Ueber die Constitution der Stearolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 172-176. Nachtrag zur Spaltung der Behenolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 176-177. Baruch, J[oseph], & Holt, A[rthur~\. See ZZolt & Baruch. Baruch, Max. Aus der Kryptogamen-Flora von Pader- born. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1898-99, 92-109; 1899-1900, 75-95. Zwei Pflanzen-Monstrositaten. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 17, 1899, 64-66. Baruch] 329 [Barus Baruch, Max, & Nolle, . Flora von Paderborn. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1893-94, 236-245; 1894-96, 207-218; 1895-96, 177-1S9; 1897-98, 104-126; 1898-99, 91. Baruch, Simon. The prevention of puerperal infection. A study of antiseptic practice in the maternity hospitals of Paris, Prague, Berlin, Parma, Glasgow, Copenhagen, and New York. N. Y. Med. Jl., 39, 1884, 322-327. The therapeutic significance of the cervical follicles. N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 715-720; 42, 1886, 11-15. The value of water in modern therapeutics. [With discmsion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 301-,302, 385-387. The treatment of scarlatina. N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 464-465. A plea for the practical utilization of hydrotherapy. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 50, 1889, 609-611. Kneipp's water cure in the light of medical history. N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1895, 522-525. The treatment of pneumonia. N. Y. Med. JL, 69, 1899, 16-19. Hydrotherapy in chronic diseases. N. Y. Med. JL, 69, 1899, 446-450. BaruB, Carl. To reference in No. 2 {Vol. 12) add School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 6, 1885, 1-24. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 12) add Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 13, 1885, 417-477. [Administrative] report. [1884.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Kep., 1882-83, 52-59. Subsidence of fine solid particles in liquids, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 36, 1886, 51 pp.; No. 60, 1890, 139-145. The viscosity of steel and its relations to temperature. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 1-19. The effect of magnetization on the viscosity and the rigidity of iron and of steel. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 175-186. Note on the viscosity of gases at high temperatures and on the pyrometric use of the principle of viscosity. Amer. Jl. Sci., 35, 1888, 407-410. Maxwell's theory of the viscosity of solids and certain features of its physical verification. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 178-208. Certain generic electrical relations of the alloys of platinum. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 427-442. The energy stored in permanent strains. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 468. The secular annealing of cold hard steel. Phil. Mag., 26, 1888, 397-403. The electrical resistance of stressed glass. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 339-351; 38, 1889, 193. The energy potentialized in permanent changes of molecular configurations. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 193- 198. Note on the relation of volume, pressure and tempera- ture in case of liquids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 407-408. Die Ziihigkeit dor Gase bei hohen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 358-398. The viscous effect of strains mechanically applied, as interpreted by Maxwell's theory. Phil. Mag., 27, 1889, 155-177. On the thermo-electric measurement of high tempera- tures. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 54, 1889, 313 pp. A method of obtaining and of measuring very high pressures. Amer. Ac. Proc, 25, 1890, 93-108. Note on the pressure coefficient of the voltaic cell. Amer. Ac. Proc, 25, 1890, 259-260. The hydro-electric effect of stretching metals. Amer, Chem. JL, 12 (1890), 152-164. ;- Fluid volume and its relation to pressure and tem- perature. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 478-511. The effect of pressure on the electrical conductivity of liquids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 219-222. The molecular stability of metals, particularly of iron and steel. Nature, 41, 1890, 369-371. R. 8. A. C. The pressure-variations of certain high-temperature boiling-points. Phil. Mag., 29, 1890, 141-157. The change of the order of absolute viscosity encoun- tered on passing from fluid to solid. Phil. Mag., 29, 1890, 337-355. The isometrics of liquid matter. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 338-361. Note on the variation of molecular pressure. Amer. Ac. Proc, 26, 1891, 313-325. The compressibility of hot water and its solvent action on glass. Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 110-116. The continuity of solid and liquid. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 125-147. The solution of vulcanised India rubber. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 359-369. The contraction of molten rock. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 498-499. The chemical equilibrium of solids, in its relation to pressure and to temperature. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 9-35. A comparison of the Bourdon, the Tait, and the Amagat high-pressure gauges. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 400-406. The viscosity of solids. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 73, 1891, 139 pp. The volume lag and its bearing on molecular consti- tution. Amer. Chem. JL, 14 (1892), 191-202. The relation of melting point to pressure in case of igneous rock fusion. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 56-57. The change of heat conductivity on passing iso- thermally from solid to liquid. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 1-15; Phil. Mag., 33, 1892, 431-432. The thermal variation of viscosity and of electrolytic resistance. Amer. JL Sci., 44, 1892, 255. The fusion constants of igneous rock. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 1-18; 35, 1893, 173-190, 296-307, Therraoelectrics of platinum-iridium and of platinum- rhodium. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 376-381. The compressibility of liquids, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 92, 1892, 96 pp. The mechanism of solid viscosity. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 94, 1892, 135 pp. The volume thermodynamics of liquids. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 96, 1892, 100 pp. Report on condensation of atmospheric moisture. [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., 1891-92, 526-528. Note on the relative position of high temperature melting and boiling points. Amer. Ac. Proc, 27, 1893, 100-101. Isothermals, isopiestics and isometrics relative to viscosity. Amer. JL Sci., 45, 1893, 87-96. The colors of cloudy condensation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 150-151 ; Amer. Meteorol. JL, 9 (1892-93), 488-521. Criticism of Mr. Fisher's remarks on rock fusion. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 140-141. Colored cloudy condensation as depending on air temperature and dust-contents, with a view to dust- counting. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 10 (1893-94), 12-34, High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebulli- tion chiefly in relation to pressure. U, S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 103, 1893, 57 pp. [The use of the ballon captif in connection with the weather service.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull. , 7, 1893, 44-45. An elementary expression in thermo-electrics. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47, 1894, 366-371. Spiral goniometry in its relation to the measurement of activity, Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 1-10. The present status of high temperature research. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 332-337. Note on the telephonic measurement of electromotive force. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 346. A simple chronograph pendulum. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 396-397. 42 Barns] 330 [Barvif Remarks on colloidal silver. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 451-454. The cloudy condeusation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 363-364. Coloured cloudy condensation, as depending on the temperature and the dust-contents of the air. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 19-35. Telephonic measurement of electromotive force. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 558-567. Report on the condensation of atmospheric moisture. [1893-95.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 12, 1895, 104 pp. The filar anemometer. Science, 2, 1895,639; Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 81-90. The countertwisted curl aneroid. Science, 2, 1895, 639; Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 115-129. The lecture experiment with liquid carbon dioxide. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 1-4. A curve-tracing top. Science, 4, 1896, 444-446, 572. Address [to the Phys. Sect.]. Long range tempera- ture and pressure variables in physics. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 65-92. Preliminary trial of an interferential induction balance. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 107-116. Note on the excursions of the diaphragm of a telephone. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 219-222. The secular softening of cold hard steel, with remarks on electrical standards. Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 486-493. On a possible development of the idiostatic electro- meter. Phys. Eev., 4, 1897, 400-404. The combination tones of the siren and an organ pipe. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 88-92. A curious inversion in the wave mechanism of the electromagnetic theory of light. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 348-348. Remarks on colloidal glass. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 270. The compressibility of colloids, with applications to the jelly theory of the ether. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 285-298. On a method of obtaining pores of capillary canals of specified diameter. Phys. Rev., 6, 1898, 52-54. Ballistic galvanometry with a countertwisted torsion system. Phys. Rev., 7, 1898, 10-18. Inertia as a possible manifestation of the ether. Science, 8, 1898, 681-685. The thermodynamic relations of hydrated glass. [1898.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 7, 1899, 1-3. The aqueous fusion of glass, its relation to pressure and temperature. Phil. Mag., 47, 1899, 104-109, 461- 479. The objective presentation of harmonic motion. Science, 9, 1899, 385-405. Die Einwirkung des Wassers auf heisses GJas. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 3-5. The motion of a submerged index thread of mercury in the lapse of time. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 139-142. Hot water and soft glass in their thermodynamic relations. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 161-175. On a method of studying the diffusion (transpiration) of air through water, and on a method of barometry. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 397-400. Torsional magnetostriction in strong transverse fields and allied phenomena. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1900, 407- 418. The rates of a rocking watch, with remarks on a gravitational pendulum. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 595-604. The transmission of the ionized exhalations of phos- phorus through air and other media. Phys. Rev., 10 1900, 257-267. On the absorption of condensation-producing atmo- spheric dust by solid nuclei and surfaces, and on the diffusion velocity of supposedly non -ionized dust par- *'"i-° Science, 11, 1900, 201-206. tides. The interferences observed on viewing one coarse grating through another, and on the projection of one piece of wire gauze by a parallel piece. Science, 12, 1900, 617-627. Barus, Carl, & Hallock, Wlilliam]. The degree of constant high temperature attained in metallic vapor baths of large dimensions. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 54, 1889, 56-83. Barus, Carl, & Zddings, Joseph Paxson. Note on the change of electric conductivity observed in rock magmas of different composition on passing from liquid to solid. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 242-249. Bcirus, Carl, & Sctaneider, Edward A[dolph]. Ueber die Natur der koUo'idalen Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 278-298. Ueber das Verhalten des festen coUoidalen Silbers gegen den electrischen Strom. Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1893, 327-337. BaruB, Carl, & Strouhal, Vincent. The electrical and magnetic properties of the iron-carburets. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 14, 1885, 238 pp. The viscosity of steel and its relation to temper. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 444-466; 33, 1887, 20-36; U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 73, 1891, 1-52. The relation between electrical resistance and density, when varying with the temper of steel. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 27, 1886, 30-50. The relation between time of exposure, temper- value, and color in oxide films on steel. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 27, 1886, 51-61. Physical properties of the iron-carburets. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. , No. 35, 1886, 62 pp. The effect of sudden cooling exhibited by glass and by steel, considered both physically and chemically. [1886.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 42, 1887, 98-131 ; Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 276-283 [Part only}. See also Strouhal & Barus. Baruth. Sec Solms-Baruth. Barvif, Jindfich ( = Heinrich) Ladislav. Beitriige zur Morphologie des Korund. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 7, 1892, 135-142. Quarzin von Herman Mestec. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Nat.), No. 13, 4 pp. 0 nekterf ch serpentinech zapadni Moravy a horninach amfibolitickych je provazejicich. [Ueber einige Serjien- tine des westlichen Mahrens und die dieselben begleiten- den Hornblendegesteine.] Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.- Nat.), No. 18, 55 pp.. No. 31, 20 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 {Bd. 2, Ref.), 420. Ueber eine Umwandlung von Granat in diopsidartigen Pyroxen, gemeine Hornblende und basischen Plagioklas in einem Granat-Amphibolit. Prag, Sber., 1893 (3Iath.- Nat.), No. 27, 8 pp. Diabas od Clioltic a od Hefmanova Mestce. [Diabas von Choltic und Herman Mestec] Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Nat.), No. 38, 14 pp.; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 151. Korund von Pokojowic bei Okfi.sko im westlichen Mahren. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Nat.), No. 41, 10 pp. Bemerkungen iiber die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit des Granulits von dem Iglawa-Flusse in Mahren. Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Nat.), No. 48, 27 pp. Ueber die Structur des Eklogits von Neuhof (Nov^- Dvur) bei Rochowan im westl. Mahren. Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.), No. 16, 18 pp. Zwei mineralogische Is'otizen. [i. Ueber das Vor- kommen von Aluminit bei Miihlhausen unweit Kralnp in Bohmen. ii. Blauer Turmalin von Ratkowic im westl. Mahren.] Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.), No. 27, 4 pp. O granulitovych "elipsoidech" u Prachatic a Kfist'a- nova. [Ueber die Granulit-Ellipsoide von Prachatitz Barvlf] 331 [Barzachi und Christianberg.] Prag, Sber., 1894 (Math.-Nat.), No. 30, 21 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 {Bd. 2, Ref.), 431. EnstatiticH diabas od Mal(jho Born. [Enstatit- Diabas von Klein-Bor.] Prag, Sber., 1895 (Math.-Nat.), No. 10, 6 pp. ; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 492. Poznamky o geognostick^ilovin hlavne ve stfednich Cecbach die analys vlastnich vzorku. [Ueber den Gold- und Silbergebalt einiger Gesteine und Gangmassen, hauptsiichlich in Mittelbohmen, auf Grund von Analysen eigener Proben.] Prag, Sber., 1899 (Math.- Nat.), No. 20, 10 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (Bd. 2, Ref), 401. 0 nekteriecKiixT. aMiiHOBi.. fOn the oxidation of aromatic amines.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1886, 38-40; Chem. Soc. JL, 48, 1886 {Abs.), 525. 0 peaKuiii MejKjty deHBoaHRrMT. ajiAerH;i;0MT, ii a306eH30JI0M'L. [On the reaction between benzalde- hyde and azobenzene.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 366-368; Chem. Soc. Jl., 50, 1886 (Abs.), 148. BjiiflHie HBJieHiH HSOMepnaro npeBpaiueHifl iia Teienie peaKuin OKHCjenifl apoMaTimecKiixT. aMHHOBTi. [Influence de risom(5risation sur la reaction de I'oxydation des amines aromatiques. ] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 8 (2), 1887, 289-343. MaTepiaJIH ajih Teopiii o6pa30BaHifl ainr.iii- HOBHXT, KpacoKi, iipH oKHCjieHiii apoMaxiiMecKiixt aMHHOBT). [Materials for a theory of the formation of aniline colours by the oxidation of aromatic amines.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 132-149. KoHji,eHcaiU}i ajii.jterii;i;oB'i. Cb a30coe;i,iiHeHiflMir. [Condensation des aldehydes avec les composes azoiques.] [1890.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (Chem.), 1891, 47-79; St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 259-289. 0 KOHji,eHcaii,ii[ ajiji;erii,T;oB'i. ci. apoMaTiniecKiiMii ailUHaMir. [Condensation of aldehydes with aromatic amines.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1894, 51-52; Chem. Soc. Jl., 70, 1896 (Abs., Pt. 1), 358. Kt BOiipocy 0 CTpoeniH iipoji.yKTOB'bOKiiCJieHifl Iiapa-TOjyHjl,llHa. [Structure of the products of oxi- dation of paratoluidine.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 26 (Chem.), 1894, 52-55; Chem. Soc. JL, 70, 1896 (Abs., Pt. 1), 357-358. Bas, F. de. De triangulatie van Sumatra en de opnemin- gen in Nederlandsch-Indie gedurende de jaren 1883 en 1884. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 3 (Art.), 1887, 167-174. Basch, E[rnst] E[ugen]. Kiinstliche Darstellung des Poly- halit. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 1084-1085. Basch, Emerich. Ueber Mycosis fungoides. Wien. Med. Wschr., 41, 1891, 1371-1372. Behandlung des Lupus mittelst der chemischen Strahlen des Lichtes nach Finsen. [1898.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 463-464. Basch, Karl. Ueber sogenannte Flughautbildung beim Menschen. Ztschr. Heilk., 12, 1891, 499-515. Zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Brustwarze. Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 1811. Die zentrale Innervation der Saugbewegungen. [1893.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 763-764; Jbuch. Kinder- heilk., 38, 1894, 68-81. Die Entstehung des Caseins in der Milchdriise. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 47, 1898, 90-104. Basch, Karl, & 'Weleminsky, Friedrich. Ueber die Aus- scheidung von Mikroorganismen durch die thatige Milch- driise. Arch. Hyg., 35, 1899, 205-226. Basch, Samuel [Siegfried Karl] (Rittei) von. Assign to this author title (Vol. 1) under Basch, Samuel. Die Innervation des Darmes. Wien. Med. Wschr. , 34, 1884, 311. Zur Terminologie des Pulses und Technik des Puls- fiihlens. Wien. Med. Wschr., 34, 1884, 809-812. Ueber eine Funktion des Kapillardruckes in den Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), Berlin Ges. Meteorol. Lungenalveolen. [1887.] Biol. CentrbL, 7, 1888, 243- 246. Einige Bemerkungen zu der Untersuchung Prof. Einthoven's iiber die Wirkung der Bronchialmuskeln, etc. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 52, 1892, 417-426. Fiinfzehn Jahre Blutdruckmessung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 617-620. Die Lehre von der cardialeu Dyspnoe und ihre his- torische Entwicklung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 1233-1237, 1293-1297. Eine Methode zur Messnng des Lungenvolums. [1898.] CentrbL Physiol., 12, 1899, 74-77. Ueber die Messung des Lungenvolums und der Lun- genelasticitat. [1898.] CentrbL Physiol., 12, 1899, 151-152; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 76, 1899, 356-378. Eine neue Verwendung [seines] Pneumometers. Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1137-1139. Ueber die Anwendung des Sphygmomanometers in der arztlichen Praxis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1657-1660. Baschieri, A. Sul comportamento dell' acetilene con alcuni ossidanti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 391-393. Baschin, [Adolf Carl] Otto. der Niederschlagsperioden. 355-356, 440. Ein Winter in Bossekop (Lappland). Erdk. Verb., 19, 1892, 262-270. Magnetische Storungen in Bossekop. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 356. Angmagsalik, eine neue meteorologische Station an der Ostkuste Grunlands. Wetter, 11, 1894, 272-275. Andrkks Vorschlag einer Nordpolexpedition im Luft- ballon. Wetter, 12, 1895, 201-206. Die Abfahrt der Andree'schen Ballon-Expedition zum Nordpol und ihre Aussichten. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 24, 1897, 413-423. Die Entstehung wellenalmlicher Oberflachenformen. Ein Beitrag zur Kymatologie. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 34, 1899, 408-424. Unsichtbare Luftwogen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 231-232. Die ersten Nordlichtphotographien, aufgenommen in Bossekop (Lappland). Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 278- 280. Bascom, Florence. The structures, origin, and nomen- clature of the acid volcanic rocks of South Mountain. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 813-832. A Pre-Tertiary nepheline-bearing rock. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 4, 1896, 160-165. Perido-steatite and diabase. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1896, 219-220. The ancient volcanic rocks of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 136, 1896, 124 pp. Aporhyolite of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. [1896.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 393-396." The relation of the streams in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia to the Bryn Mawr gravel. Amer. Geologist, 19, 1897, 50-57. On some dikes in the vicinity of Johns Bay, Maine. Amer. Geologist, 23, 1899, 275-280. Volcanics of Neponset valley, Massachusetts. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 11, 1900, 115-126. Bascom, John. *Freedom of will empirically considered. [1881.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 6, 1885, 2-20. Bascombe, Reginald E[dward]. Dental modification for function in Mammalia. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 34, 1891, 577-587. Base, Daniel. On double halides of zinc with aniline and the toluidines. Amer. Chem. JL, 20 (1898), 646-663. Basedow, Hans von. Spechtmeisen-Ziichtung. Frankf. Zool. Garten, 29, 1888, 119-122. Basedow] 333 [Basler Psychologische Bilder aus der Vogelwelt. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 4-5. Aus[seiuem]ornithologischeuTagebuch. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 36. Beitrage ziir Ornithologie Thiiringens. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittb., 12, 1888, 6-5-60. Ein Albino. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 150. Die Entwickelung des Vogels im Eie erlautert an der des Hiihnereies. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 13, 1889, 105-108, 113-115. Basenau, Fritz. Ueber eine im Fleisch gefundene infec- tiose Bacterie. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den sogen. Fleischvergiftungen. Arch. Hyg., 20, 1894, 242-294. Ueber die Ausscbeidung von Bacterien durch die thatige Milchdriise und iiber die sogen. baetericiden Eigenschaften der Milch. Arch. Hyg., 23, 1896, 44-86. Ueber das Verhalten der Cholerabacillen in roher Milch. Arch. Hyg., 23, 1895, 170-183, Weitere Beitrage zur Geschichte der Fleischvergif- tungen. Arch. Hyg., 32, 1898, 219-284. Baserin, 0[scar]. Ueber den Eisengehalt der Galle bei Polycholie. Arch. Exper. Path., 23, 1887, 145-147. Basevi, (Col.) C[h(trles] Eldtcard]. Argon and the kinetic theory. Nature, 52 (1895), 221-222. Clausius' virial theorem. Nature, 52 (1895), 413-414. Basevi, Vittorio. De la vision st6r6oscopique dans ses rapports avec raccommodation et les couleurs. Ann. d'Oculist., 103, 1890, 222-229. Ueber die directe Entfernung der negativen physio- logischen Scotome von dem Fixirpuukt und dem Mariotte'schen Fleck. [1890.] Arch. Augenheilk., 22, 1891, 1-10. Thermometrie et stethoscopie oculaire. Ann, d'Ocu- list., 114, 1895, 300. Un cas de Leptothrix buccalis. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 300-301. Basevi, Vittorio, & Oallerani, Giovanni. Sec Qallerani & Basevi. Basford, G. M, Lubrication of locomotive cylinders. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 71, 1897, 205. Weights on driving wheels as related to counter- balancing. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl,, 71, 1897, 346-347. The Holland submarine boat. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 72, 1898, 165, Stupakoff's comparometer. Amer. Engineer & Rail- road Jl., 73, 1899, 59, 169. Bashforth, Francis. On a method of estimating the steadiness of elongated shot when fired from large guns. Nature, 29, 1884, 527-528, On the motion of projectiles. Nature, 30, 1884, 5-6, On the law of the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. Nature, 33, 1886, 604-607, Calculation of ranges, etc., of elongated projectiles. Nature, 38, 1888, 468, Calculation of trajectories of elongated projectiles. Nature, 45, 1892, 473-476 ; 46, 1892, 366-367. The measurement of pressure in guns. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-95), 461. The measurement of pressures in the bore of guns. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 460. Basbore, Harvey B. A new method for ascertaining heights and distances in right-angled triangles. Science, 14, 1889, 224. The telephone for the prediction of thunderstorms. Science, 14, 1889, 273, The Champlain period in the Susquehanna valley. Science, 14, 1889, 340. The Harrisburg terraces. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47, 1894, 98-99, Notes on glacial gravels, in the lower Susquehanna valley, Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 281-282. Basile, A. L' inverno a Gozo (Malta). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 58-59. Basile, Gioachino. Le bombe vnlcaniche dell' Etna. [1886.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 20, 1888, 29-110. Ricostituzione, con viti americane a produzione diretta, dei vigneti attaccati dalla fillossera. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 1, 1889, 1-36, 175-199. Sulla presenza della mannite in un vino da taglio. [1889.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 2, 1890, 153-160. Scoperte paletnologiche nella provincia di Catania. Bull. Paletn. Ital., 17, 1891, 110-114. Sopra una tomba neolitica scoperta vicino Aci S. Fi- lippo. Circondario di Acireale. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 18 & 19, 1891, 19-22. Sopra un villaggio trogloditico preistorico dell' epoca neolitica esistente a nord della citta di Catania. Catania Ace. Gioen. Bull., 18 & 19, 1891, 22-25. Di un nuovo minerale trovato in una lava dell' Etna. [1892.] Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 6, 1893, Mem. 6, 14 pp. Sulle acque potabili di Acireale. Acireale Ace. Atti, 4, 1893, 97-170. Fermentazione mannitica nei vini rossi di Sicilia. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 7, 1894, Mem. 11, 38 pp. Fermentazione mannitica dei vini in Sicilia. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 451-497. Analisi delle acque meteoriche cadute a Catania da tutto giugno 1888 a tutto settembre 1889. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1896, 545-574. Basile, Gioachino, & Cillls, E. de. Sulla determinazione del calcare nelle terre, Staz, Sper, Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 11.5-156. Basili, Andrea. Fecondazione ed immunity per il Proteo- soma nel Culex pipieus, Roma, R, Aco, Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 362-364. Basin, Alfred. Sur la possibility de la navigation a^rienne. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 498-502, BaskerviUft, Charles. Rapid method for the estimation of phosphorus in titaniferous iron ores, Jl, Anal. Chem. , 7, 1893, 194-196. Separation of titanium from iron. Amer, Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 427-428. Separation of zirconium by means of sulphurous acid. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 475-476. Reactions between copper and concentrated sulphuric acid. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 904-912. Reduction of concentrated sulphuric acid by copper. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 942-947. On the universal distribution of titanium. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 1099-1101, Baskerville, Charles, & Corse, M[ontgomery] B. See Corse & Baskerville. Baskerville, Charles, & Ifang^muir, Alrthur] C. See Itangmuir & Baskerville. Baskerville, Charles, & BXiUer, F[rank] W[illiam]. On the reactions between mercury and concentrated sul- phuric acid, Amer. Chem, Soc, Jl., 19, 1897, 873-877. On the decomposition of concentrated sulphuric acid by mercury at ordinary temperatures. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 515-516; Chem. News, 77, 1898, 191- 192. Baskerville, Charles, & Venable, F{rank] P[re8ton]. See Venable & Baskerville. Baskett, James Neivton. Coon cats. Science, 22, 1893, 220. Feigned death in snakes. Science, 22, 1893, 330. Intergradation in song of Sturnella magna and S. m. neglecta in Missouri. Auk, 13, 1896, 258-259. The A. 0. U. check-list. Auk, 14, 1897, 340-341. Sanitary habits of birds. Auk, 17, 1900, 299-300. Basler, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss substituirter /3-Lactone der aromatischen Reihe und Derivate der Ziramtsaure. [ii. Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1494-1503. Basquin] 334 [Bassani Basquin, Olin H[an.3te und der denselben zu Grunde liegenden Principien. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885 {Hist.-Ut. Abth.), 169-236, 241-277. Bauxngarten, [Hans]. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsge- schichte der Gehorknochelchen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 40, 1892, 512-530. Bauxngarten, Egmont. Verwerthung des Hiniiberhorens beini Rinne'schen Versucbe. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 23, 1886, 133-140. Das Cocain als differentialdiagnostisches Mittel im Kehlkopfe. Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 1436-1437. Ueber eine wahrscheinliche Ursache der Taubstumm- heit in Ungarn. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. (1894, 7), 726-728. Baumgarten, P[aul Clemens']. *Ueber das Verhaltnis von Perlsucht und Tuberkulose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 139. Einige Bemerkungen zur Histologic des Trachoms. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 {Abth. 1), 277-289. Ueber ein neues Reinculturverfahren der Tuberkel- bacillen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 369-370. Pathologisch-anatomische Mittheilungen. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 1-50. Beitrage zur Darstellungsmethode der Tuberkel- bacillen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 51-60. Ueber Untersuchungsmethoden zur Uuterscheidung von Lepra- und Tuberkelbacillen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 367-371. Ueber eine gute Fiirbungsmethode zur Untersuchung Von Kerntheilungsfiguren. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 416-417. Ueber die Farbungsunterschiede zwischen Lepra- und Tuberkelbacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 573-576. Tuberkel- und Leprabacillen. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 291. Ueber eine Dermoidcyste des Ovarium mit augenahn- lichen Bildungen. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 515-527; 108, 1887, 216-217. Ueber Vaginalcysten. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 528-534. Bakteriologische Mittheilungen. [1. Zur Frage der SporenbildungbeidenRotzbacillen. 2. Ueber Schedrlen's Carcinombacillus.] Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 397-398. Mittheilung iiber einige das Creolin betreffende Ver- sucbe. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 113-116. Ueber das " Experimentum crucis " der Phagocyten- lehre. Beitr. Path. Anat., 7, 1890, 1-10. Ueber die Herkunft der 'in Entziindungsherden auftretenden lymphkorperchenartigen Elemente (Lym- phocyten). Centrbl. Path., 1, 1890, 764-767. Beitrage zur Lehre von der natiirlichen Immunitiit. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 [Th. 2, Hiilfte 2), 19-20. Die Rolle der fixen Zellen in der Entziindung. Congr. Int. MM. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 3, Anat. Path.), 46-56. Experimentelle Studien iiber Pathogenese und Histo- logic der Hodentuberculose. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2057-2059. Ueber die histologische Differentialdiagnose zwischen den tuberculosen und syphilitischen Processen, speciell zwischen tuberculoser und gummoser Orchitis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2209-2215. Baumgarten, P[aul Clemens], & Treltel, Th[eodor]. See Treitel & Baumgarten. Baumgarten, P[aul Clemeiis], & VTalz, Karl. Ueber den Heilwert des neuen Koch'schen Tuberkulins nach Ex- perimenten an tuberkulos infizierten Kaninchen und Meerschweinchen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 587-593. Baumgarten, W. Infarction in the heart. [1898-99.] Boston Soc. Med. Sei. Jl., 3, 1899, 39-40; Amer. Jl. Physiol., 2, 1899, 243-265. Baumgartner, Julius. Pflanzengeographische Notizen zur Flora des oberen Donauthales und des Waldviertels in Niederosterreich. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 {Abh.), 548-551. Baumhauer, Eldouard] H[enri] von. For biography and list of works see Arch. N^erland., 19, 1884, 4 pp. ; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 57-58; Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 190; Amsterdam, Ak. Jaarb., 1887, 1-57. Over de op 17 Maart 1883 te Haarlem en in de omstreken waargenomen aardschudding. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 60-71. Sur la mdt^orite de Ngawi, tomb^e le 3 octobre 1883, dans la partie centrale de I'ile de Java. Arch. N^erland., 19, 1884, 175-185; Jaarb. Mijnw. Nederl. Ind., 13 (1884), [Pt. 1], 331-342; Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 1, 1885, 8-18. Thermoregulateur de construction simple, pouvant aussi servir de thermometre enregistreur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 370-374; Arch. N6erland., 19, 1884, 297- 302 ; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1885, 42-46. Baumbauer, Heinrich [Adolf]. *Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Herrn J. Hirschwald : " Ueber unsere derzeitige Kenntuiss des Leucit-Systems." Min. Petr, Mitth., 1, 1878, 287-288. *Ueber einige optische Erscheinungen am Quartz, Gyps und Kalkspath. Min. Petr, Mitth., 5, 1883, 285- 289. Ueber die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit eines Bunt- kupfererzes von Chloride (New Mexico). Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 447-450. Bemerkungen iiber den Boracit. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 451-457. Ueber den Kryolith. Ztschr. Kryst., 11, 1886, 138- 139. Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Aetzfiguren des Apatit von der Natur und Concentration des Aetzmittels. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 863-878 ; 1890, 447-465. Ueber die Structur und die mikroskopische Beschaffen- Baumhauer] 358 [Baur beit von Speiskobalt und Chloanthit. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 18-33. Ueber die Aetzerscheiuungen des Strychninsulfates. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 608-609. Ueber sehr flachenreiche, wabrscheinlich dem Jordanit angehorige Krystalle aus dem Binnenthal. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 697-711. Ueber das Krystallsystem des Jordanits. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1891, 915-925. Ueber die Winkelverbaltnisse des Apatit von ver- schiedenen Fundorten. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 31- 48. Ueber Zwillinge des Kryolith. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 355-360. Ueber die Krystallisation des Nephelin. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 611-618. Krystallographiscbe Notizen. Ztschr. Kryst., 21, 1893, 200-209; 24, 1895, 78-90. Ueber den Skleroklas von Binn. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 243-252. Die Krystallstructur des Anatas. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1896, 555-580, Sur quelques min^raux du Binnenthal (Valais). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 281-284. Ueber den Rathit, ein neues Mineral aus dem Binnenthaler Dolomit. Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 593- 602. Neue Beobachtungen am Binnit und Dufrenoysit. Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 545-552. Ueber Zwillingsbildungen an Krystallen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hlilfte 1), 190-191. Ueber sogenannte anomale Aetzfiguren an monoklinen Krystallen, insbesondere am Colemanit. Ztschr. Kryst., 30, 1899, 97-117. Beitrage zur Kenntniss und Theorie der Zwillingsbil- dung an Krystallen. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 252-275. Ueber die krystallographischen Verhaltnisse des Jordanit. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 577-590. Ueber die Krystallformen des Muscovit. Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 164-176. Baumhauer, 31. M. von. *0n the method of constructing tables of mortality. [Tr.] [1869.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 34-42. Baumboltz, J. L. Die Eesistenz der rothen Blutkor- perchen bei Phtisis pulmonum und die Ursache der Eesistenz im Allgemeinen. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 4), 745-746. Baumstark, F[erdinand]. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 54. Ueber eine neue Methode, das Gehirn chemisch zu erforschen, und deren bisherige Ergebnisse. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 145-210. Baumiiller, Bernhard. Polydactylie beim Reh. Niirnb. Nat. Ges. Abh., 9, 1892, 51-71. Baup, [Francis], & Stanculeanu, Gleorges]. Le colibacille dans les suppurations auriculaires et leurs complications. Paris, Soc.Biol, M^m., 52,1900 (G.R.), 152-153; Progres M6d., 11, 1900, 129-132. See also Stanculeanu & Baup. Baup, Samuel. For biographical notice and list of works see Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, 185-210. Baur [?Bauer], A[lfred]. Untersuchungen iiber die Se- krete. Ueber das Burseraceen-Opoponax. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1895, 209-252. Baur, Albert. See Baur-Thurgau. Baur, C. Beitrage zur experimeutellen Akustik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 150-156. Tonende Flatten, die durch einen Wasserstrahl erregt sind. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb. , 1886, 43-44. Ueber einen neuen Thermostaten. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 44-46. Ueber Arbeitsmessungen an elektrischen Kleinmotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 290-292. iiber den Magnetismus. 1889, 128-134, 151-154, Elektrotechn. Ztschr., Neuere Untersuchungen Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 10, 185-188. Krankheiten von Dynamos. 11, 1890, 57-59. Baur, C[arl] W[ilhelm]. Einige Eigenschaften der Bi- nomialcoefficienten mit Anwendungen auf Combinations- lehre. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 32, 1887, 218-233. Baur, E[vdl]. Bestimmung von Umwandlungspunkten auf elektrischem Wege. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 180-182. Bestimmung einiger Leitfahigkeiten. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 183-184. Ueber die Leitfahigkeit des Nitramids. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 95-100. Bestimmung der Affinitatsgrossen und Dissociations- warmen einiger Stickstoffsauren. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 409-416. Ueber die chemische Theorie der lebendigen Substanz. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 239-240. ^ Ueber die Theorie der Gasgliihstriimpfe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1055-1057. Baur, E[_mil], & Mutliniann, Wilhelm. See muthmann & Baur. Baur, Erwin. Zur Frage nach der Sexualitat der Colle- maceen. [1899.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, 363-367. Baur, F. *[Notes met^orologiques faites a] Metz. France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. Mf^tcSorol., 1, 1868, 239, 259, 287 ; 2, 1869, 37, 42, 65, 153-154, 235, 256, 290 ; 3, 1870, 37, 68, 95, 179, 203. Baur, Georg [Hermami Carl Ludtvig]. For biography and list of works see Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 717-718; 33, 1899, 15-30; Auk, 15, 1898, 286-287; Geol. Mag., 5, 1898, 379-381; Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 126; Nature, 58 (1898), 350; Ornith. Mber., 6, 1898, 167-168; Science, 8, 1898, 68-71 ; Zoologist, 3, 1899, 95-96. Note on the pelvis in birds and dinosaurs. Apaer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1273-1275; Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 613-616. Der Carpus der Paarhufer. Eine morphogenetische Studie. Morphol. Jbuch., 9, 1884, 597-603. On the morphology of the tarsus in tlie mammals. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 86-88; Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 458-461. On the ceutrale carpi of mammals. Amer. Natlist. , 19, 1885, 195-196 ; Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 455-457. The trapezium of the Camelidse. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 196-197; Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 117-118. On the morphology of carpus and tarsus of verte- brates. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 718-720; Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 326-329, 486-488. Preliminary note on the origin of limbs. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 1112. Dinosaurier und Vogel. Eine Erwiederung an Herrn Prof. W. Dames in Berlin. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 446-454. A second phalanx in the third digit of a cariuate bird's wing. Science, 5, 1885, 355. A complete fibula in an adult living carinate bird. Science, 5, 1885, 375. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ossification der " langen " Knochen. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 580-581. Zur Morphologic des Carpus und Tarsus der Eep- tilien. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 631-638. Ueber das Archipterygium und die Entwicklung des Cheiropterygium ausdemlchthyopterygiuni. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 663-666. The oldest tarsus (Archegosaurus). Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 173-174; Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 104-106. The intercentrum of living Reptilia. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 174-175. Baurl 369 [Baur The proatlas, atlas and axis of the Crocodilia. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 288-293. The intercentrnm in Sphenodon (Hatteria). Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 465-466. The ribs of Sphenodon (Hatteria). Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 979-981. Ueber die Homologien einiger Schadelknochen der Stegocephaleu imd lleptilien. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 348-350; 2, 1887, 657-658. Bemerkungen iiber den "Astragalus" und das "Intermedium tarsi" der Saugethiere. Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 468-483. W. K. Parkeu's Bemerkungen iiber Archasopteryx, 1864, und eine Zusammenstellung der hauptsachlichsten Litteratur iiber diesen Vogel. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 106-109. Die zwei Centralia im Carpus von Sphenodon (Hatteria) und die Wirbel von Sphenodon und Gecko verticellatus, Law. (G. verus, Gray). Zool. Anz.. 9, 1886, 188-190. Herrn Professor K. Bardeleben's Bemerkungen iiber "Centetes madagascariensis." Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 219-220. Bemerkungen iiber Sauropterygia und Ichthyopterygia. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 245-252, 323. Osteologische Notizen iiber Keptilien. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 685-690, 733-743; 10, 1887, 96-102; 11, 1888, 417-424, 592-597, 736-740; 12, 1889, 40-47. Ueber die Morphogenie der Wirbelsaule der Amnioten. [1886.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 332-342, 353-363. Ueber das Quadratum der Saugethiere. [1886.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 45-57. On the morphogeny of the carapace of the Testudinata. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 89. On the morphology and origin of the Ichthyopterygia. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 837-840. On the morphology of ribs. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 942-945. On the phylogenetic arrangement of the Sauropsida. Jl. Morphol., 1, 1887, 93-104. Ueber die Kanale im Humerus der Amnioten. Morphol. Jbuch.,12, 1887, 299-305. Ueber den Ursprung der Extremitaten der Ichthyo- pterygia. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1887, 17-20. Ueber Lepidosiren paradoxa, Fitzinger. Zool. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 575-583. Ueber die Abstammung der amnioten Wirbelthiere. [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 46-61, Notes on the American Trionychidae. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 1121-1122. Unusual dermal ossifications. Science, 11, 1888, 144. Dermoclielys, Dermatochelys oder Sphargis. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 44-45. Palseohatteria, Credner, and the Proganosauria. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 310-313. Note on Carettochelys, Ramsay. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 1017. The gigantic land tortoises of the Galapagos islands. Amer. Nathst., 23, 1889, 1039-1057; 24, 1890, 1226. The relationship of the genus Dirochelys. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 1099-1100; 24, 1890, 1226. Neue Beitriige zur Morphologic des Carpus der Sau- getiere. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 49-51. The systematic position of Meiolania, Owen. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 54-62. On "Aulacochelys," Lydekker, and the systematic position of Anosteira, Leidy, and Psendotrionyx, Dollo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 273-276. On Meiolania and sG.) apr^s I'abattage de la tige. [1892.] Doubs Soc. M^m., 7, 1893, 171-176. Bawden, E. Williavi. A short description of the Klerks- dorp goldfields. [1897.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 3, 1898, 12-16. Notes on Professor Prister's paper "Notes on the origin and formation of the Witwatersrand auriferous deposits." [S. Afr. Gl. S. T. 4 (1899) 19-36.] [1898.] S. Africa Geol. Soc. Trans., 4, 1899, 43-45. Baxendell, Joseph. For biography and works see Nature, 36, 1887, 585; Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 399-400; Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 175-176; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 157-160 ; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 54 ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 1, 1888, 28-58, vii ; Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, iv-vi; Termt. Kozlon., 20, 1888, 465. *New stars, or hitherto unobserved variables. Obser- vatory, London, 3, 1880, 453-454. *The colours of stars. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 610-611. The variable star R Leonis. Observatory, London, 7, 1884, 169-170. Results of observations of the variable star S Coronse. Observatory, London, 7, 1884, 373-374. Note on the visibility of the moon during total lunar eclipses. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 24, 1885, 4-5. On the reversion of the minima of the double-period variable star R Sagittse. [1884.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc Proc, 24, 1885, 14-17. The variable star U Cygni. Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 20-22. Observations of Nova Andromedae. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 94-95. On the variable star T Aquilae. [? S Aquilae.] Ob- servatory, London, 9, 1886, 122-124. Maxima and minima of variable stars observed during the year 1886. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 261-262. Baxendell, Joseph (jun.). Maxima and minima of variable stars observed during the year 1884. Observatory, London, 8, 1885, 170-172. The variable star S Vulpeculae. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 124-126. Maxima and minima of variable stars observed during the year 1886. Observatory, London, 10, 1887, 262-263. Grass thermometers in time of snow. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 9-10. Sunshine recorders. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 87. Short-period cyclical changes in the magnetic con- dition of the earth. Electrician, 39, 1897, 76-77. A new self-recording anemoscopa Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 25, 1899, 326-328. Description of Halliwell's self-recording rain gauge. Meteorol. Soc Quart. JL, 26, 1900, 281-283. Baxter, E[van] Buchanan. For biographical notice and works see Med.-Chir. Trans., 68, 1885, 24-28. Baxter, Gregory Paul. The occlusion of hydrogen by metallic cobalt and other metals. Amer. Chem. JL, 22 (1899), 351-364. Baxter, Gregory Paul, & Richards, Theodore Williavi. See Richards & Baxter. Baxter, James. Sirex gigas in Peeblesshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 55. Baxter] 363 [Bayer Baxter, Sylvester. Two discoveries in human osteology by the Hemenway Expedition. Science, 13, 1889, 29-30. Baxter, William. Note on an abnormal form of Paris quadrifolia. Pharm. Jl., 19, 1889, 598. Fertilization of Cypripediumcalceolus. [1889.] Pharm. JL, 20, 1890, 412. Baxter, William K. A case of congenital displacement of both pupils. Arch. Ophthalm., 20, 1891, 108. A case of living larvie in the ear. Arch. Otol., 20, 1891, 11-12; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 120-121. The use of electricity in chronic affections of the middle ear, with a report of the first ten cases so treated. Arch. Otol., 20, 1891, 207-211. Baxter-Tyrie, C\harles] C[ampbell]. Axial rotation of abdominal aorta, with associated abnormalities of the branches. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 28, 1894, 281-287. Musculus saphenus. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 28, 1894, 288-290. Three cases of congenital absence of the whole or part of a bone. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 28, 1894, 411-413. Bay, Edv. [0stgr£fnlandske] hvirveldyr. [Vertebres du Gronland oriental.] [1894.] Medd. Grwnland, 19, 1896, 1-58, (Res. 251-257). [0stgr£Jnliindske] geologi. [Geologic du Gronland oriental.] [1895. J Medd. Grfinland, 19, 1896, 145-187, {Res. 261-267). Bay, G. Sur un nouveau foyer d'incandescence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 113, 1891, 298-300. Nouvel appareil a injections hypodermiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 115, 1892, 692-693. Valeur comparative des sons et des couleurs. [1897.] Inst. Egypt. Bull., 8, 1898, 161-173. Bay, Jens Christian. Dansk botanisk literatur i 1888[-90]. [1889-91.] Kjx^benh. Bot. For. Medd., 2, 1887-91, 116- 122, 149-154, 231-238. Tillasg til ' ' Den danske botaniske literatur fra de SBldste tider til 1880, sammenstillet af Eug. WABiiiNa." (Bot. Tidsskr., Bd. 12.) Bot. Tidsskr., 17, 1890, 315- 329; 18, 1892-93, 95-103. Zwei Briefe von C. F. Ph. von Martius. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 10, 1892, 144-148. The spore-forming species of the genus Saccharomyces. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 685-696. On the vegetation of hot springs. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1893, 187-189. Physiologische Fragmente aus Missouri Botanical Garden. [1. KompasspjBanzen. 2. Anatomic des Blattes.] Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 11, 1893, 1-4. Physiological contributions from Missouri Botanical Garden. I. The plant cell. Science, 21, 1893, 162. "What is biology? Science, 21, 1893, 275-276. On the study of yeasts, with descriptions of the Hansen culture box and of a new infection needle for the study of lower organisms. Amer. Micr. Jl., 15, 1894, 1-11, 33-45. What is Mycoderma? Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 426-427. Crystals of ice on plants. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 321-326. Eine neue Infectionsnadel fiir mykologische Studien. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 1-3. Sachsia, ein neues Genus der hefenahnlichen, nicht sporentragenden Pilze. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 90-93. Beliquioe Schimperianse. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 12, 1894, 101-106. Expressions of emotion in birds' song. Science, 23, 1894, 53. Material for a monograph of the tannoids, with special reference to vegetable physiology. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Rep., 1894, 61-87. Materials for a monograph of inuline. [1898.] St. Louis Ac. Trans., 6, 1896, 151-159. Investigations concerning the etiology of small-pox. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 699-709. Is the red Torula a genuine Saccharomyces ? Centrbl. Bakt. (AM. 2), 2, 1896, 259-261. Bayard, . Note sur les gisements de minerais de fer des presqu'iles de Kertch et de Taman (Russie). Ann. Mines, 15, 1899, 505-522. Bayard, C, & Causae, Henri Eugene. See Causae & Bayard. Bayard, Francis Campbell. *Table8 and diagrams illu- strating the diurnal range of barometric pressure in the British Isles during the years 1876-80. Calculated from the records of nine meteorological observatories in Great Britain and Ireland. Meteorol. Off. Quart. Weath. liep., 1880, [19]-[65]. The diurnal range of the barometer in Great Britain and Ireland. Derived from the hourly records of the 9 principal observatories in the kingdom during the years 1876-80. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 15, 1889, 146-163. A comparison between the Jordan and the Campbell- Stokes sunshine recorders. [1889.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 16, 1890, 20-22. Report of the meteorological sub-committee for 1888[-99]. [1889-1900.] Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans. , 3, 1892, 168-197, 223-250, 285-315, 343-374 ; 4, 1900, 28-60, 90-122, 164-172, 203-207, 235-240, 273- 277, 294-299 ; 5, 1903, 8-14. Sunshine and sunlight. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 26, 1892, 104-105. English climatology 1881-90. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 18, 1892, 213-231. The direction of the wind over the British Isles, 1876-80. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19, 1893, 172-190. Tlie Government meteorological organisations in various parts of the world. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 25, 1899, 69-132, 338-339. A new reduction of the meteorological observations at Greenwich. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 26, 1900, 101-112. Bayard, Francis Campbell, & Marriott, William. The frost of January and February 1895 over the British Isles. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 21, 1895, 141-158. Bayard, M[ax]. Ueber die localen Beziehungen zwischen der Perlsucht und der Tuberkulose des Menschen. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 15, 1889, 1-47. Bayarri, P. Ponrquoi, malgre que I'image soit renversee sur la r6tine, voit-on I'objet droit et non pas renverse? Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 6, Oftalm.), 98-100. Bayberger, £7ttnteran. DerChiemsee. [1889-90.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1888, 1-75; 1889, 1-103. Bayberger, Franz. Geographisch-geologische Studien aus dem Bohmerwalde. Die Spuren alter Gletscher, die Seen und Thaler des Bohmerwaldes. Petermann, Mitth. , 32, 1886 (Ergnnzungsh. 81, 63 pp.). Geographische Studien iiber das nordwestpfalzische Lauterthal. Ein Beitrag zur Heimatkunde der Pfalz. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1899, 3-74. Baye, (baron) J[oseph] de. Sepulture gauloise de Saint- Jean-sur-Tourbe (Marne). Congr. Int. Anthrop. C, R., 1889, 311-319. La sculpture en France a I'age de la piene. [1893.] Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. B., 1892 (2), 263-270. Note sur I'age de la pierre en Ukraine. Anthrop. (Paris), 6, 1895, 1-17. Note sur I'epoque des m^taux en Ukraine. Anthrop. (Paris), 6, 1895, 374-392. Baye, (baron) J[oseph] de, & Volkov, TModore. Le gisement pal^olithique d'Aphontova-Gora pr^s de Kras- noiarsk (Russie d'Asie). Anthrop. (Paris), 10, 1899, 172-178. Bayer, . •Ueber den isolirten Herz-Klappenton. Deutsch. Natf. TagebL, 1869, 147-148. 46—2 Bayer] 364 [Bayet Bayer, [Josef]. Ueber das Farben weisser Haare bei unseren Hausthieren. Ztschr. Thiermed,, 4, 1900, 302-303. Bayer, Adolf. Zum Zuge des Tanneuhehers (Corvus caryocatactes) im Herbst 1885. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 263, 273-274. Seltsames Benehmen einer Auerheune. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 312-313. Bayer, Alexander. Ueber directs Bestimmungen von Kali und Natron mittelst der Bitartrat-Methode. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 686-687. Bayer, Edvin. 0 rostlinstvu vrstev brezenskfch. Ueber fossile Pfianzen der Priesener Schichten. 'Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Nat.), No. 39, 50 pp. (Res. 34-50). 0 rostlinstvu vrstev chlomeck^^ch. [Ueber die Flora der Chlomeker Schichten.] Prag, Sber., 1896 (Math.- Nat), No. 27, 36 pp. (Res. 29-36). Einige neue Pflanzen der Perucer Kreideschichten in Bohmen. Prag, Sber., 1899 (Math.-Nat.), No. 26, 51 pp. Bayer, Edvin, Bayer, Frantiiek, Krejci, August, & Bu&at, Karel. See Bayer, Bayer, Krejci & Bunat. Bayer, Emil. Hjpodermis a nov6 smyslov^ org4ny ko2ni rhynchobdellid. [Hypodermis und neue Hautsinnes- organe der Khynchobdelliden.] Prag, Sber., 1898 (Math.- Nat.), No. 20, 41 pp. ; Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 64, 1898, 648- 696. Ueber einige Elemente der Korperbedeckung bei Riisselegelu. Fine Antwort dem Harm Prof. Leydig. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 177-180. Bayer, Fr[iedrich], & Duisberg, C[arl]. Ueber eine neue Beta-Naphtylaminmonosulfosaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1426-1432. Bayer, Frantiiek. 0 kostfe 2ab z Celedi pelobatid. [Ueber das Skelet der Frosche aus der Familie der Pelobatiden.] [1884.] Prag, Abh., 12, 1885 (Math.), No. 13, 24 pp.; Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 460-461. Ueber die Extremitaten einer jungen Hatteria. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 [Abth. 1), 237-245. 0 korakoidech ptaku. [Ueber die Coracoiden der Vogel.] Prag, Sber., 1885 (Math.-Nat.), 254-265, (Res. 265-269). 0 nekterych zajlmav5^-ch (5d,stech kostry mareny velik^ (Coregonus marasna, Bl.). Pfispevek k osteologii eal- monid. [Ueber einige interessante Theile vom Skelette der grossen Marane (Coregonus marsena, BL). Beitrag zur Osteologie der Salmoniden.] Prag, Sber., 1888 (Math.- Nat.), 393-401, (Res. 401-405). Studie z osteologie lacertid. (0 nekter^'ch zajimavf ch Castech kostry jesterky ^ivorod^, Lacerta vivipara, J acq.) [Studien in der Osteologie der Lacertiden. Ueber einige interessante Partien am Skelett von Lacerta vivipara, Jacq.] Prag, Sber., 1893 (Math.-Nat.), No. 7, 23 pp. Tentorium osseum v lebce ssavcu. [Tentorium osseum im Schadel einiger Saugethiere.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Eozpr. (Tfida 2), 6, 1897, No. 9, 14 pp.; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. {Math. Nat.), 4, 1897 (Ft. 1), 1-5. Jester Polyptychodon, Ow. Nov^'' nalez. [Der Saurier, Polyptychodon, Owen. Ein neuer Fund.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 27, 12 pp. Poznamky o vj^voji jazyka u jesterek. [Zur Entwicke- lung der Eidechsenzunge.] Prag, Cesk^ Ak. Fr. Jos. Eozpr. (THda 2), 8, 1899, No. 8, 9 pp. ; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac, Sci. Bull. (Math. Nat.), 5, 1898, 87-92; Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 712-716. Bayer, Frantiiek, Bayer, Edvin, Birejci, August, & Bunat, Karel. Pamatnik na oslavu padesatilet^ho panovnick^ho jubilea jeho velicenstva cisafe a krdle Frantiska Josefa I. Yedeck;f^ a umeleck^ rozvoj v narode Cesk^m 1848-98. Vydala Ceska Akademie Cisafe Frantiska Josefa pro Vedy Slovesnost a Umeni. Vedy Pfirodopisn^. [i. Zoologie. II. Botanika. in. Mineralogie^^ iv. Geologic a palse- ontologie s piedhistorii.] Prag Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Pam., 1898 (II h), 40 pp. Bayer, Franz. *Ueber den sichtbaren Cloquet'schen Kanal im Auge. Ztschr. Heilk., 4, 1883, 49-57. Bayer, Heinrich. Ueber die Bedeutung der Elektricitat in der Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie, insbesondere iiber die Einleitung der kiinstlichen Friihgeburt durch den constanten Strom. [1884.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 11, 1885, 89-135. Bayer, Josef. Zur Therapie der Coxa vara. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 45, 1897, 562-583. Bayer, K. J. Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Thonerde. Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1885, 542-546. Zur Darstellung von saurem Natriumpyrophosphat. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 371. Zur Thonerdebestimmung. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 584. Apparat zur Absorption von Gasen durch Fliissig- keiten. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 821-822. Ueber basisch schwefelsaure Thonerde. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 38, 97-98. Zur Priifung des Aluminiumsulfats auf Gehalt an freier Schwefelsaure und auf Aluminiumhydroxydgehalt. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 53. Zur Kenntniss der Alkalialuminate. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1209-1210. Bemerkungen zur Analyse des Natriumaluminats. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 736-737. Ein neues Element? Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 671-672. Bayer, Karl. *Untersuchungen liber die Wirkung con- tinuirlicher Kalteapplication auf die tieferen Gewebe. Ztschr. Heilk., 3, 1882, 399-424. Ueber Eegeneration und Neubildung der Lymphdriisen. Ztschr. Heilk., 6, 1885, 105-130; 7, 1886, 423-432. Ein Beitrag zur Histologic und Patliogenese der Blutcysten des Halses. Ztschr. Heilk., 11, 1890, 1-16. Ueber die Bedeutung des Fettgewebes fiir den Aufbau lymphatischer Neubildungen. Ztschr. Heilk., 12, 1891, 517-552. Bayer, L. Uebergangsformen bei Caraben. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 14, [1900,] 187-188. Bayer, Ludwig. Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Oberarmarterien. [1892.] Morphol. Jbuch., 19, 1893, 1-41. Bayer, Rludolf], & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludwig], See Claus & Bayer. Bayer, R. S. Sur un nouvel element extrait de la bauxite rouge fran cpo^IICTBi. [Ueber die cbemische AtBnitat,] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Chevi.}, 1884, 168-173; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884 (Re/.), 194-195. 061* aiOMUHXI) Bt-caxij aJieMGHTOBt. [Ueber die Atomgewichte der Elemente.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 19 (Chem.), 1887, 61-73, 180; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887 (lief.), 190-192. H.lJ10KCepa B7> KpHMV. [Phylloxera in the Crimea.] [1886.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 50 {No. 2), 1888, 387-396. Bazerolle, F. *Brouillard sec. Astronomic, 1883, 264- 265. Bazett, {Mrs.) E. C. Notes on rearing Stauropus Fagi, Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 275-277. BazUevskij, V. I. o6ieK- THBa. [La photographic sans objectif.] Euss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Phys.), 1889, 260-263 ; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 539. Procede permettant d'abreger le temps de pose pour la photographic aux rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 720. BaziUe, ^. Etude comparative des lignes teiegraphiques et des lignes artificielles (sans self-induction). Ann. Telegr., 17, 1890, 43-48. Bazin, {I'abhe) . *Sur les echinides du Miocene moyen de la Bretagne. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 34-45. Bazin, Albert. Observations sur les experiences aero- dynamiques de M. Langley. Aeronaute, 1891, 219-220. Bazin, Ed., & Sabraz^s, Jean [Emile]. See Babraz^s & Bazin. Bazin, Henri. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Bazin, . *Notice sur la formation et la niarche des orages dans le departemeiit de la Cote-d'Or. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 255-260. *Note sur les anciennes observations des hauteurs de pluie dans le departernent de la Cote-d'Or. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 22, 1874 (Bull), 69-70. Notice sur I'emploi des doubles flotteurs pour la mesure des vitesses dans les grands cours d'eau. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 7 (1884), 554-591. Experiences sur la propagation des ondes le long d'un cours d'eau torrentueux, et confirmation par ces ex- periences des formules donnees par 31. Boussinesq, dans sa theorie du mouvement graduellement varie des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1492-1494. Note sur la mesure des vitesses k I'aide du tube jaugeur. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 14 (1887), 195-229. Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en deversoir. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 212-215, 567-570. Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en deversoir. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 16 (1888), 393-448; 19 (1890), 9-82; 2 (1891), 445-520; 7 (1894), 249-357; 12 (1896), 645-731; 1898 {Trim. 2), 151-264. Experiences sur les deversoirs k seuil epais (barrages k poutrelles). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1395-1397. Experiences sur les deversoirs inclines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 1233-1236. Sur la distribution des pressions et des vitesses dans I'interieur des nappes liquides issues de deversoirs sans contraction laterals. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 321-324. Experiences sur les deversoirs (nappes noyees en dessous). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 113, 1891, 122-125. Experiences sur les deversoirs noyes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 309-312. Experiences sur la contraction des veines liquides et sur la distribution des vitesses a leur interieur. Paris,* Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1031-1034. Experiences nouvelles sur la distribution des vitesses dans les tuyaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1250- 1253. Bazin] 368 [Beadle Etude d'une nouvelle forraule pour calculer le debit des canaux decouverts. Ann. Fonts et Chauss. , 1897 (Trim. 4), 20-70. Bazlen, 3I[ax], & Bemthsen, August. Sec Bernthsen & Bazlen. Bazlen, M[ax], & Kiliani, Heinrich. See Kiliani & Bazlen. B&zno^anu, Popovici A. Note sur les Ch^loniens ter- restres de Eoumanie, Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 278-283. Bazot, L[ouis ilarie]. Souvenirs d'herborisations dans les Ardennes frangaises. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xix-xli. Note sur le Linaria minor, Desf. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 46-47. Considerations gte^rales sur la geographic botanique du departement de la Cote-d'Or. Eev. Gen. Bot., 6, 1894, 446-459; 7, 1896, 447-464; 8, 1896, 353-367, 418- 425, 451-468, 507-513. Bazy, Plicrre]. De la dilatation de Testomac dans ses rapports avec les affections chirurgicales. Paris, Ac. Sci.,C. R., 106, 1888, 1443-1446. Etude sur les faux urinaires et en particulier sur les faux urinaires glycosuriques. Arch. G^n. Med., 166, 1890, 418-439. De I'origine infectieuse de certaines formes de cystite dites afrigore ou rhumatismales ou goutteuses, etc. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M^m., 17, 1891, 489-492. Des cystites experimentales par injection intra- veineuse de culture du coli-bacille. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 225. De I'absorption par les voies urinaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 739-741; Arch. Med. Exper., 6, 1894, 526-537. Du pouvoir absorbant de la vessie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 624-626. Des infections urinaires. Arch. G^n. Med., 175, 1895, 650-664; Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 21, 1895, 137-148. De la serotherapie dans le t^tanos. [With discussion.'] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M^m., 22, 1896, 186-191. Bazy, P[ierre] (et alii). Sur I'asepsie dans les operations. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M^m., 26, 1900, 553-561, 589-596, 613-624, 644-651, 753-761, 785-800, 806-817, 866-871, 949-974, 980-983. Bazza. See Tonnl-Bazza. Bazzi, Eugenio. Freno a liquido per gli apparecchi a deviazione impulsiva. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1886, 270- 277. Sulla fotografia della vena liquida. Nuovo Cimento, 19, 1886, 277-278. Apparecchio per la composizione grafica dei movi- menti pendolari. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 150-155. Metodo per mostrare la legge di oscillazione di una corda vibrante. Nuovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 155-156. Esperienze e disposizioni per telegraiia senza fili. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 169-174. Bazzigher, L[ucius]. Beitrage zu einem Verzeichnisse der Insectenfauna Graubiindens von Dr. E. Killias. Dritter Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der Biindner Lepi- dopteren. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 43, 1900, 49-50. Beacall, TJws. A tooth of Hybodus grossicornis from the Inferior Oolite, Nature, 58 (1898), 390. Beach, Alice 31. Additions to the known species of Iowa Ichneumonidae. [1893.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1 (Pt. 4), 1894, 128-129. Some bred parasitic Hymenoptera in the Iowa Agri- cultural College collection. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, . 2, 1895, 92-94. Contributions to a knowledge of the Thripidte of Iowa. Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc. , 3, 1896, 214-227. Beach, Alice M., & Fammel, L[ouis] H[errHann]. See Pammel & Beach. Garden & Forest, 6, 1893, Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, Beach, Charles C. Ptomaines. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 205-210. Beach, Fletcher. On atrophy of the brain in imbeciles. [1884.] Brain, 7, 1885, 212-223. Defects and mental diseases of children. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E., (1894, 7), 629-633. Beach, Fletcher, & Shuttleworth, G[eorge] E[dward]. See Shuttleworth & Beach. Beach, Fletcher, & Warner, Francis. See VTamer & Beach. Beach, Frederick Ellijahl. The use of cupric nitrate in the voltameter, and the electro-chemical equivalent of copper. Amer. Jl. , Sci. , 46, 1893, 81-88, 490. Beach, George William, & BKorax, Victor. See XKCorax & Beach. Beach, Ilrving] E., & Evans, Thomas. See Bvans & Beach. Beach, S[pencei-] A[7nbrose]. Notes on self-pollination of the grape. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 216; Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 451-452. Chrysanthemum blight. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 153. Bean anthracnose and its treatment. Bot. Gaz. , 18, 1893, 28. Prevention of apple-scab. 58. Prevention of pear-scab. 49. A scale insect on plums. 284. Beachler, Charles S. For biographical notice see Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 287-288. Crinoid beds at Crawfordsville, Indiana. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 1106-1109. Keokuk group at Crawfordsville, Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 2, 1888, 407-412. Notice of some new and remarkable forms of Crinoidea from the Niagara Limestone at S. Paul, Decatur county, Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 4, 1889, 102-103. The rocks at St. Paul, Indiana, and vicinity. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 178-179. Rocks of the Niagara age in Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 408-409. Keokuk group of Mississippi Valley. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 88-96. Erosion of small basins in northwestern Indiana during the time preceding the Pleistocene period. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 51-53. An abandoned Pleistocene river channel in eastern Indiana. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 2, 1894, 62-65. Beadle, Alec A. The use of iron as the active element in primary batteries. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 18, 1899, 332- 333. Apparatus for use in experimental fused electrolysis. Elect. Rev., 46, 1900, 83-84, 127-128. The action of carbon upon refractory oxides at high temperatures. Elect. Rev., 46, 1900, 611-613. Beadle, C[hauncey] D[elos]. Notes on the botany of the southeastern States. Bot. Gaz., 25, 1898, 276-280, 357- 361, 446-450. Studies in Crataegus. Bot. Gaz., 28, 1899, 405-417; 30, 1900, 335-346. Beadle, Clayton. The acid action of drawing papers. [1892.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 34-35. The effects of pressure upon the breaking strain and cleavage of paper and paper-pulp. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 139-140. The appearance of chromates in paper and paper- pulps. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 140. Hygroscopic moisture in nitro-celluloses. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 247-248. New cellulose derivatives. Franklin Inst. JL, 138, 1894, 100-110. Beadle] 369 [Seal The decomposition of liquids by contact with cellulose. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 457. Increase in temperature of cellulose on absorption of atmospheric moisture. Chem. News. 71, 1895, 1-2. A wax found in the treatment of cotton and linen fibre for the manufacture of paper. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 164-165. The efficiency of the hermite bleaching solution. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 73-74. Viscose and viscoid. Franklin Inst. Jl., 143, 1897, 1-12. Beadle, Clai/ton, & Dahl, O. W[or7)i]. Increase in tempera- ture of cellulose on absorption of atmospheric moisture. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 180-183. Beadle, Clayton, Cross, C[lmrles'\ Flrederick], & Bevan, Edward J[olm]. See Cross, Bevan & Beadle. Beadle, l)[elos] W. Canadian wild flowers. [1892.] Canad. Inst. Trans., 3, 1893, 125-1,30. Beadle, (Eev.) FAias li. For biography see Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1885, 227-240. Beadle, 7f. A. Macro-Lepidoptera taken in Keswick and district. Ent. Record, 6, 1895, 276-283. Larva and pupa of Melampias epiphron. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 343-344. Beadle, W. H. H. The character and paths of storms; influence of topography. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., [1889.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl. 3 (1886-87), 290-292. Thunder in Oregon. 6 (1889-90), 32. Beadles, Cecil F[owler]. Cholesterin cyst of kidney. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 125. False bursffi from arm. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 139-140. Rodent ulcer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 176-181. Small hyperplastic growth from sweat-gland. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 183-184. A case of multiple malignant growths. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 188-198. A further note on the histological changes to be found in the breast when the seat of glandular carcinoma. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 198-210. Some gross lesions in the brains of lunatics, with remarks upon the frequency with which the two sides of the brain are affected. London Path. Soc, Trans., 46, 1895, 10-32. Malignant disease at the base of the skull, involving the pituitary fossa. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1896, 172-184. The relation of biliarj' calculi to malignant disease of the liver and gall-bladder. London Path. Soc. Trans., 47, 1896, 69-94. Lesion of the superior parietal lobule. Brain, 21, 1898, 138-140. Myxoedema : a report on three fatal cases, one of them associated with trichinosis. Loudon Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 262-289. Two cases of myxoedema. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 247-268. Beadles, Cecil Flpwler^ & Boyce, Rrtbert W[illiaTn}. See Boyce & Beadles. Beadnell, Hufilt. Jlohn] L[leiDellyn]. D^couvertes geo- logiques recentes dans la vallee du Nil et le desert Libven. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 839-866. The geological survey of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 46-48. The Cenomanian of Baharia oasis, Egypt. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 287. Beal, F[ontcr] K\llenhorough] L[a8celleii'\. *Notes of some observations upon Tardigrada. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 24. Twigs killed by telephone wires. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 806-807. R. S. A. C. ■ Some notes on bird migrations. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 817-819. Food habits of the cedar bird (Ampelis cedrorum). [U. S] Sec. Agr. Rep., 1892, 197-200. The crow blackbirds and their food. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1894, 233-248. The meadow lark and Baltimore oriole. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1895, 419-430. Preliminary report on the food of woodpeckers. U. S. Div. Ornith. Mamm. Bull., 7, 1895, 7-33. The blue jay and its food. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1896, 197-206. Recent investigations of the food of European birds. Auk, 14, 1897, 8-14. Some common birds in their relation to agriculture. Canad. Rec. Sci., 7, 1897, 291 (6t«)-309 (bis), 502-526. Birds that injure grain. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1897, 345-354. — — Cuckoos and shrikes in their relation to agriculture. The food of cuckoos. U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull., 9, 1898, 7-14. How birds affect the orchard. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1900, 291-304. Food of the bobolink, blackbirds, and grackles. U. S. Div. Biol. Surv. Bull., 13, 1900, 76 pp. Beal, L. 0. (aen.). The alluvial deposits of Otago. [1888.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 21, 1889, 332-334. Beal, Wl^alterl Hlenryl. Compilation of analyses made at Amherst, Mass., of agricultural chemicals and refuse materials used for fertilizing purposes. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep., 6, 1889, 196-219 ; 7, 1890, 283-289; 8, 1891, 281-287. Compilation of analyses of fodder articles, fruits and sugar-producing plants, etc., made at Amherst, Mass., 1868-89. Amherst Agr. Stat. Rep., 6, 1889, 221-239; 7, 1890, 291-313; 8, 1891, 289-312. The determination of volatile and insoluble fatty acids in butter fat. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 673-676. Beal, WlilUani] Jlames], The torsion of leaves. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 498-499. Polarity of leaves of Erigeron canadense. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 499. Concerning the manner in which some seeds of grasses bury themselves in the soil. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1262-1264. The vitality of seeds. [1884.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1883-84, 44-46; 1886, 14-15. Can varieties of apples be distinguished by their flowers? Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 162-165. Parasitic fungi as affecting plant distribution. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1886, 16-18. Dispersion of some tree seeds. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 17-18. Expulsion of the seeds of Sporobolus cryptandrus. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 247. The bulliform or hygroscopic cells of grasses and sedges compared. Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 321-326 ; Science, 8, 1886, 221, Experiments with Lima beans in germination. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 576-577. A study of Poa pratensis, L. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1887, 23-28. The rootstocks of Leersia and Muhlenbergia. [1887.] Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 351-352. The flora of the Jack-pine plains of Michigan. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1888, 17-20. Comparison of the flora of eastern and western Michigan in the latitude of 44° 40'. Bot. Gaz., 18, 1888, 238-239. Observations on the succession of forests in northern Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 13, 1888, 239-240. Notes on bird's-eye maple. [Amer.] Soc Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 12-14. 47 Beal] 370 [Bean Vitality and growth of seeds buried in soil. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 15-16. Elymus virgiuicus, !>., var. glaucus, [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 17. Geographical distribution of the grasses of North America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 312-319. Grasses in the wrong genus. Bot. Gaz., 15, 1890, 110-112; Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 153-154. Movements of fluids in plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 309-313. The description of varieties of strawberries and rasp- berries. [1891.] [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1891-92, 24-28. ■ A study of the relative lengths of the sheaths and . internodes of grasses for the purpose of determining to what extent this is a reliable specific character. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 220. The sugar maples of central Michigan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 285-286. Grasses and other forage plants best adapted to endure severe drought. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1895, 26-29. Some reasons for plant migration and the way plants flee from their enemies. Amer, Ass. Proc, 1897, 283- 284. A remarkable increase in size of leaves of Kalmia angustifolia apparently due to reduction of light. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 414. The leaves of the red Astrachan apple immune from the attack of Gymnosporangium macropus. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 421. Some unique examples of dispersion of seeds and fruits. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 859-866. Some monstrosities in spikelets of Eragrostis and Setaria, with their meaning. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 290; Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 85-86. Some observations on root hairs. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 283-284; Science, 12, 1900, 586. Beal, W[illiam] J[ames], & St. John, Clharles] E[divard]. A study of Silphium perfoliatum and Dipsacus laciniatus in regard to insects. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 268-270. Beal, Wlilliam] J[ames], & Tourney, J[ames] W[illiam]. The continuity of protoplasm through the cell walls of plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 332; Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 129-132. Bealby, J. T. *The Java eruption and earthquake waves. [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 30-32. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 3, 1887, 174-184. Beale, C. The basalt of Eowley Regis. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 109-112, 126-131. Beale, jE [drnw] Clifford. A case of "Henoch's purpura." Practitioner, 62, 1899, 265-268. Beale, Lionel S[mith]. The constituents of sewage in the mud of the Thames. Micr. Soc JL, 4, 1884, 1-19. Note on structure and structureless. [1886.] Victoria Inst. Ji., 20, 1887, 276-278. The nature of life. [With discussion.] [1899.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 32, 1900, 337-356. Vitality. [With discussion.] [1899.] Victoria Inst. Jl., 33, 1901, 52-73. Beale, Petjton T[odd] B[oioman]. Distribution of nerves in synovial membranes. Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, xiii-xiv. Beall, [Lt.) F[ielder] M. M. Direction of movement of areas of low pressure. U. S. Monthly Weath. Kev., 15 (1887), 291-292. Beals, Edward A[lden]. The ether and its relation to the aurora. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 268- 272. • Psychic effects of the weather. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 61-68. Importance of static electricity in weather bureau work. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 18, 1896, 39-42. Oregon weather and Bering Sea ice. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 201. Beam, William, & IiefTmann, Henry. See Lelfxnann & Beam. Beamisb, G[eorge] H[oratio] T[oicnshend]. Survey of fishing grounds, west coast of Ireland, 1890-91. Table of temperature and specific gravity of sea-water. From observations taken on board the Harlequin, in 1891. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 7, 1891-92, 481- 483. Bean, Barton A[ppler]. Fishes collected by William P. Seal in Chesapeake Bay, at Cape Charles City, Virginia, September 16 to October 3, 1890. [1891.] "U. S. Mus. Proc, 14, 1892, 83-94. [A report upon investigations in the Columbia river basin, with descriptions of four new species of fishes.] Notes on Williamson's whitefish in breeding colours, from Little Spokane river, Washington, and remarks on the distribution of the species. [1894.] U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 14, 1895, 205-206. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. No. xxxiii. Descriptions of two new flounders, Gastropsetta frontalis and Cyclops- etta Chittendeni. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1895, 633- 636. Notes on a collection of fishes from Mexico, with description of a new species of Platypcecilus. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 21, 1899, 539-542. Notes on the capture of rare fishes. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 21, 1899, 639-640. Bean, Barton A[2}pler], & Bean, Tarleton H[offmari,]. See below. Bean, Barton A[ppler], & Bvermann, Barton Warren. See Evermann & Bean. Bean, Barton A[ppler], & Smitb, Hugh M. See Smith & Bean. Bean, C. E[dward]. Mycosis tonsillaris. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894, 208-209. Bean, Tarleton H[off7nan]. *[Descriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the U. S. to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883, constituting a report upon the American section.] F. Catalogue of the collections of fishes exhibited by the United States National Museum. [1883.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 27, 1884, 387-510. The deep-sea fish, Malacosteus. Science, 3, 1884, 747. _ List of fishes collected by the U. S. Fish Commission at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, during the summer of 1881. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 10, 1884, 339-344. Notes on a collection of fishes made in 1882 and 1883 by Capt. Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., in Alaska and British Columbia, with a description of a new genus and species, Prionistius macellus. U. S. Mus. Proc, 6, 1884, 353-361. Notes on some fishes collected by James G. Swan in Washington Territory, including a new species of Macrurus. U. S. Mus. Proc, 6, 1884, 362-364, [vii]. Notes on fishes observed at the head of Chesapeake Bay in the spring of 1882, and upon other species of the same region. U. S. Mus. Proc, 6, 1884, 365-367. Description of a new species of whitefish (Coregonus Nelsonii), from Alaska. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1885, 48. Descriptions of Physiculus fulvus and Lotella maxil- laris, new species of fishes collected in 1881 by the United States Fish Commission. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1885, 240-241. On the occurrence of the striped bass in the lower Mississippi valley. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1885, 242-244. [The distribution of the Salmonidte in Alaska.] [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc. , 2, 1885, Ixi-lxiii. Bean] 371 [Bean [Salmon and trout of North America.] Science, 5, 1886, 424. Notes upon an exploration of Long Island Sound. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 5, 1885, 33. Description of a new species of Plectromus (P. crassi- ceps) taken by the United States Fish Commission. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 73-74. Description of a new species of Aspidophoroides (A. Guentberii) from Alaska. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 74-75. On the occurrence of Hadropterus aurantiaeus (Cope) in the French Broad river, North Carolina. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 165-166. On the identity of Cottus maculatus, Fischer, with Cottus bubalis, Euphrascn. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 166-167. On Stathmonotus, a new genus of fishes related to Mursenoides, from Florida. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 191-192. Note on Stoasodon Narinari, Euphrasen. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 192-193. Description of a new species of Pempheris (P. Poeyi) from Cuba. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 229- 230. Notes on Epinephelus nigritus, Caulolatilus microps, and Coryphaena hippurus. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 230-233. Descriptions of five new species of fishes sent by Prof. A. Duofes from the province of Guanajuato, Mexico. [1887.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 370-375. Distribution and some characters of the Salmonidse. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 306-314. Notes on a young red snapper (Lutjanus Blackfordi), from Great South Bay, Long Island. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 512. Description of a new species of Thyrsitops (T. vio- laceus) from the fishing-banks off the New England coast. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 513-514. Description of a supposed new species of char (Salve- linus aureolus), from Sunapee Lake, New Hampshire. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 628-630. Description of a new genus and species of fish, Acrotus Willoughbyi, from Washington Territory. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 631-632. Eeport on the fishes observed in Great Egg Harbour Bay, New Jersey, during the summer of 1887. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 7, 1889, 129-154. A hybrid between the lake trout and brook trout. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 7, 1889, 216. Description of Coregonus pusillus, a new species of whitefish from Alaska. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 526. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. No. viii. Description of a new cottoid fish from British Columbia. [No. xi. New fishes collected off the coast of Alaska and the adjacent region southward.] [1889-90.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890, 641-642; 13, 1891, 37-45. Notes on fishes collected at Cozumel, Yucatan, by the U. S. Fish Commission, with descriptions of new species. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 193-206. Report on the proposed introduction of the Jamaica mountain mullet into the United States. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 443-451. Report on the salmon and salmon rivers of Alaska, with notes on the conditions, methods and needs of the salmon fisheries. U. S. Fish. Comm. Bull., 9, 1891, 165-208. Observations upon fishes and fish-culture. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 10, 1892, 49-61. Description of a new species of star-gazer (Catheto- stoma albigutta) from the Gulf of Mexico. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 121-122. Notes on fishes collected in Mexico by Prof. Alfredo DuGKs, with descriptions of new species. [1892.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 15, 1893, 283-287. Life history of the salmon. [1893.] U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 12, 1894, 21-38. Bibliography of the Salmonidse of Alaska and adjacent regions. [1893.] U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 12, 1894, 39-49. Description of a new blennioid fish from California. U. S. Mus. Proc, 16, 1894, 699-701. Description of a new species of rockfish, Sebastichthys brevispinis, from Alaska. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1896, 627-628. Description of a new species of fish, Bleekeria Gilli. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1895, 629-630. The Pacific salmon with notes on the habits of the young. N. Y. Ac Trans., 15, 1896, 182-188. Notes upon New York fishes received at the New York Aquarium, 1895-97. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 327-375. Notes upon fishes received at the New York Aquarium, with description of a new species of snapper from Bermuda. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 4.5-50. Notes on Mexican fishes obtained by Dr. Carl Lum- HOLTz. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 165-168. Fislies of the south shore of Long Island. Science, 9, 1899, 52-55. Identity of common and Labrador whitefish. Science, 9, 1899, 416-417. Report on the fishes of Long Island collected in the summer of 1898. N. Y. Mus. Rep., 52, 1900 (Vol. 1), r92-rlll. Bean, Tarleton Hloffman], & Bean, Barton A[ppler]. Description of Gobioides Broussoneti, a fish new to North America, from the Gulf of Mexico. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1896, 631-632. [Contributions to the natural history of the Com- mander Islands, xir.] Fishes collected at Bering and Copper Islands by Nikolai A. Grbbnitzki and Leonhard Stejnegek. [1896.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 19, 1897, 237- 251. Notes on fishes collected in Kamchatka and Japan by Leonhard Stejneger and Nikolai A. Grebnitzki, with a description of a new blenny. U. S. Mus. Proc, 19, 1897, 381-392. Description of a new blenny-like fish of the genus Opisthocentrus collected in Vulcano Bay, Port Mororan, Japan, by Nikolai A. Grebnitzki. [1897.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 20, 1898, 463-464. Note on Oxycottus acuticeps (Gilbert) from Sitka and Kadiak, Alaska. [1898.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 21, 1899, 655-656. Bean, Tarleton H[offma7i], & Dresel, H[er»ian] O[eorge]. A catalogue of fishes received from the Public Museum of the Institute of Jamaica, with descriptions of Pristi- poma approximans and Tvlosurus euryops, 2 new species. [1884.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 7, 1886, 151-170, [viii]. Diagnoses of three new species of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico, [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 2, 1885, 99-100. Bean, Tarleton H[offman], & Ooode, George Brown. See Ooode & Bean. Bean, Tarleton H[off'nian], CoUins, (Capt.) D. E., & Batbbun, Richard. See Collins, Bean & Bathbun. Bean, Thomas E. Some fragments of insect statistics. Canad. Ent., 16, 1884, 65-68. The butterflies of Laggan, N. W. T. ; account of certain species inhabiting the Rocky Mountains in latitude 51"" 25'. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 94-99, 126-132 ; 25, 1893, 145-149 ; 26, 1894, 155-156. Sex ratios in butterflies, and an inference. Entomo- logist, 26, 1893, 205-207. 47—2 Bean] 372 [Beare Food-plants of Grapta zephyrus. Philad., Ent. News, 4, 1893, 220-221. Variation in Nemeophila petrosa at Laggan in western Alberta. Canad. Ent., 27, 1895, 87-93. A comparison of Colias Hecla with C. Meadii and C. elis. [1895.] Psyche, 7, 1896, 219-229. Bean, Wlilliam] J. Hardy bamboos. Gard. Chron., 15, 1894, 167-168, 238-239, 301-302, 368-370, 431. The limes (Tihas). Gard. Chron., 18, 1895, 764- 766. Cratffigus. Gard. Chron., 21, 1897, 87-88, 102-103, 119-120, 135-136. The horse-chestnut and its allies. Gard. Chron., 22, 1897, 130, 155-156. The weeping willows. Gard. Chron., 23, 1898, 305. • Staphyleas. Gard. Chron., 23, 1898, 374-375. The hardy heaths. Gard. Chron., 24, 1898, 432, 454; 25, 1899, 4. Some new rhododendrons. Gard. Chron., 25, 1899, 331-332. Beane, Frank Dudley. The comparative clinical value of several tests for glucose in the urine. N. Y. Med. Jl. , 57, 1893, 12-18. Beanes, Edicard. Note on ozone generators. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 395. Bear, William E. Glimpses of farming in the Channel Islands. Agr. Soc. Jl., 24, 1888, 365-397. Desirable agricultural experiments. Agr. Soc. JL, 8, 1892, 258-276. Fumigation for insect pests. Agr. Soc. Jl., 11, 1900, 263-291. Beard, John. On the life-history and development of the genus Myzostoma [F. S. Leuckart). Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 5, 1884, 544-580. On the segmental sense organs of the lateral line, and on the morphology of the vertebrate auditory organ. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 123-126, 140-143. • On the cranial ganglia and segmental sense organs of fishes. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 220-223. The system of branchial sense organs and their associated ganglia in Ichthyopsida. A contribution to the ancestral history of vertebrates. [1885.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 26, 1886, 95-156. The ciliary or motor-oculi ganglion and the ganglion of the ophthalmicus profundus in sharks. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 565-575. The origin of the segmental duct in elasmobranchs. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 646-652. The parietal eye in fishes. Nature, 36, 1887, 246-248, 340-341, The old mouth and the new. A study in vertebrate morphology. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 15-24; Nature, 37, 1888, 224-227. The teeth of myxinoid fishes. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 169-172; Nature, 37, 1888, 499. A contribution to the morphology and development of the nervous system of vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 874-884, 899-905. Morphological studies. No. i. The parietal eye of the cyclostome fishes. [No. ii. The development of the peripheral nervous system of vertebrates. Part i. Elasmobranchii and Aves.] [1888.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 55-73, 153-227. Some annelidan affinities in the ontogeny of the vertebrate nervous system. Nature, 39, 1889, 259-261. Morphological studies. Nr. 3. The nature of the teeth of the marsipobranch fishes. [Nr. 4. The nose and Jacobson's organ.] Zool. Jbiich. (Ariat.), 3, 1889, 727-752, 753-783. On the early development of Lepidosteus osseus. Preliminary notice. [1889.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, 108-118. Prof. Kabl and the mode of development of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 125-128. The inter-relationships of the Ichthyopsida : a contri- bution to the morphology of vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 5, 1890, 146-159, 179-188, 216. On the development of the common skate (Raja batis). Edinb., Fish. Brd. Eep., 8, 1890, Ft. 3, 300-311. The transient ganglion cells and their nerves in Raja batis. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 191-206. The histogenesis of nerve. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 290- 302. Larvae and their relations to adult forms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 757. Notes on lampreys and hags. [1892.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 789-790; Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 59-60. On a supposed law of metazoan development. [1892.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 22-29 ; Nature, 47 (1892-93), 79-80. The development and probable function of the thymus. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 476-486; 10, 1895, 272. The nature of the hermaphroditism of Myzostoma. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 399-404. The pronephros of Lepidosteus osseus. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 198-201. ■ — — On the phenomena of reproduction in animals and plants. Antithetic altei-nation of generations. [The conjugation of the Infusoria and the meaning of the processes involved.] Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 441-447, 456- 468; Anat. Anz., 11. 1896, 234-239, 245-255, 634-641. The yolk-sac, yolk and mesocytes in Scyllium and Lepidosteus. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 334-347. On the disappearance of the transient nervous apparatus in the series Scyllium, Acanthias, Mustelus, and Torpedo. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 371-374. The history of a transient nervous apparatus in certain Iclithyopsida. An account of the development and degeneration of ganglion-cells and nerve-fibres. Zool. Jbiich. (A7iat.), 9, 1896, 319-426. The rhythm of reproduction in Mammalia. [1897.] Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 97-102. The birth-period of Trichosurus vulpecula. [1897.] Zool. Jbiich. [Anat.), 11, 1898, 77-96. The sexual conditions of Myzostoma glabrum {F. S. Leuckart). [1898.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 13, 1899, 293-324. A thymus element of the spiracle in Raja. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 359-363. The morphological continuity of the germ cells in Raja batis. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 465-485. The source of leucocytes and the true function of the thymus. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 550-560, 561-573. Beard, John, & Murray, J. A. On the phenomena of reproduction in animals and plants. Reducing division in metazoan reproduction. [1895.] Ann. Bot., 9, 1895, 448-455; Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 239-245. Beard, W. F., & Durell, C[lement] Vlavasonr]. See Durell & Beard. BeardBley, Arthur. The Martin fire-proofing process. [1887.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 125, 1888, 42-44. Beare, Thomas Hudson. Building-stones of Great Britain, their crushing strength and other properties. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 107, 1892, 341-369. Notes on method of testing steam boilers, and results of such a test. [1890.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 1-15. The limit of elasticity. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 70, 1896, 137-138. Coleoptera of Richmond Park. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 146-150, 304-305. Hydaticus transversal! s in the south-west of England. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 305. Coleoptera at Boat of Garten, Strathspey, Inverness- shire. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 267-268. Coleoptera at Weymouth. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 242. Beare] 373 [Beaucaire Hypera elongata, Paijk., confirmed as British. [1899.] Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 334-335; Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 880-381. Notes from the Hastings district. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 289-240. Coleoptera at Rannoch in June. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 288-291. Coleoptera at Roughton, Norfolk. Ent. Record, 12, 1900, 334-885. Beare, Thomas Hudson, & Donistborpe, Horace St. John K[elhj]. Notes of a few days' collecting at Wallasey (Liverpool), and in the valley of the Dee above Llan- gollen. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 49-51. Beare, Thomas Hudson, Smith, 2'. Roger, Fleming, J[ohn] A[mbrose], & Foster, G[eorge] Carey. See Smith, Beare, Fleming & Foster. Beasley, Henrij C. The microscopic examination of some limestones from Caerwys, North Wales. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1886, 38-41. A quarry at Poulton, and the relation of the glacial markings there to others in the neighbourhood. [1885.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 84-93. A section of the Upper Keuper beds recently exposed at Oxton. [1885.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 134-186. Some instances of horizontally slickensided joints. [1887.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 246. Report of field meeting at Bidston Hill, May 15th, 1886. [1887.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 290. Some irregularly striated joints in the Keuper Sand- stone of Lincidale quarry. [1888.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 886-387. Report of field meeting at Wallasey, March 26th, 1887. [1888.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 389. A visit to Warwick. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 10, 1890, 27-30. President's address. [On the Triassic and Quaternary geology of Liverpool.] [1888.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 11-30. The life of the English Trias. [1889.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 145-165. What becomes of the water ejected from volcanoes? [1890.] Liverpool Geol. Soc Proc, 6, 1892, 198-200. The base of the Keuper in the northern part of Wirral. [1890.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 248-259. The Trias of Cheadle and Alton, Staffordshire. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Jl., 12, 1892, 37-41. The Bunter conglomerate, near Cheadle, Stafford- shire. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 439-440. Observations on some of the footprints from the Trias in the neighbourhood of Liverpool. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 779-780. Report of the excursion to Shropshire, Easter, 1894. [1894.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 7, 1897, 228-230. An attempt to classify the footprints in the New Red Sandstone of this district. [1895.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 7, 1897, 391-409. Observations regarding a footprint from the Keuper Sandstone at Stoi-etou ; with a note on the probable structure of the foot by Prof. H. G. Skeley. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 11, 1897, 179-181. Notes on examples of footprints, etc., from the Trias in some provincial museums. [1898.] Liverpool Geol. Soc Proc, 8, 1900, 233-237. A section of the Trias recently exposed on Prenton Hill. [1898.] Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc, 8, 1900, 238- 241. Beasley, Henry C, & Zi AymeBHUXl. r)0.l1;3HeM. [Clas- sification of mental diseases.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1891 {Pt. 4), 83-118, {Pt. 5), 57-78. Zur Frage iiber die ausseren Associationsfasern der Hirnrinde. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 682-684. Zur Frage iiber die Blutcirculation im Hirn wahrend epileptiscber Anfiille, nach den Untersuchungen von Dr. TonoKSKY. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 684-689. lIpOBOJtHIlUe nyril MOSra. [Different tracts of the medulla.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1892 (Pt. 6), 123-166; 1893 {Pt. 1), 157-230, {Pt. 2), 50-128. Ueber eine neue Untersuchungsmethode der Sehnen- reflexe und iiber die Veranderungen letzterer bei Geistes- krankheiten und bei Epileptikern. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 34-40. Zur Frage iiber die Striae meduUares des verlangerten Markes. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 297-305. Ueber zeitliche Verhaltnisse der psychischen Processe bei in Hypnose befindlichen Personen. Nach den Unter- suchungen von E. Henika und B, Worotynski. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 305-307. Ueber neuro-psychische Storungen bei chronischem Ergotismus. Nach den Beobachtungen von Dr. N. Reformatzki. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 769-775. Ueber die Eindencentra Sphincteris ani et vesica. Nach den Versuchen von Dr. J. Meyer. Neui'ol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 81-82. Ueber den Einfluss der Suspension auf die Sehstorung bei Affectionen des Eiickenmarkes. Nach den Unter- suchungen von Dr. B. Worotynski. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 210-217. Ueber die Geschwindigkeitsveriinderungen der psychi- schen Processe zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten. Nach den Untersuchungen von P. Ostankow und M. Gran. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 290-292, 504. Steifigkeit der Wirbelsaule und ihre Verkriimmung als besondere Erkrankungsform. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 426-434. Ueber die Wechselbeziehung zwischen der gewohn- lichen und sensoriellen Anasthesie (Functionsabnahme der Sinnesorgane) auf Grund klinischer und experimen- teller Daten. [1892.] Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 252- . 256, 297-303. Unaufhaltsames Lachen und Weinen bei Hirnaffec- tionen. [1893.] Arch, Psychiatr., 26, 1894, 791-817. Ueber das Olivenbiiudel des cervicalen Theiles vom Riickenmark. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 433-437. Ueber die Schallleitung und Percussion der Schiidel- knocheu und der Wirbelsaule als Untersuchungsmethode bei Nervenkrankheiten. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 513- 518. Zur Frage iiber den Einfluss der Hirnrinde und der Sehhugel auf die Schluckbewegungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 584-585. Die sensiblen Balmen im Riickenmark. Nach den Untersuchungen von Dr. F. Holzinqer. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 642. Ueber pupillenverengernde Fasern. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 802-807. Ueber die Blutcirculation im Grosshirn wiihrend der Anfalle experimenteller Epilepsie. Nach den Beobach- tungen von Dr. A. Todorski. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 834-838. Ueber die Bedeutung des gleichzeitigen Gebrauchs der Bechterev] 382 [Bechterev Bromide und der Adonis vernalis bei Epilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 838-843. Ueber die Sclileifenschicht auf Grund der liesultate von nach der entwickelungsgescbichtlichen Metbode ausgefiibrten Untersucbungen. Arcb. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1895, 379-395. Ueber den Einfluss der traumatiscben Entziindung der Hirnrinde auf die Erregbarkeit derselben. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 2-3. Ueber den Einfluss der durch die Stimmgabel- schwingungen berbeigefiibrten Erschiitterungen auf den menschlichen Organismus. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 194-199. Untersucbungen iiber die Genese der epileptiscben Anfalle. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 394-397. Der hintere Zweibiigel als Centrum fiir das Gehor, die Stimme und die Eeflexbewegungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 706-712. Ueber den Einfluss des Hungerns auf die neugebo- renen Thiere, insbesondere auf das Gewicht und die Entwickelung des Gehirns. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 810-817. Ueber ein besonderes, intermediares, in den Pyrami- denseitenstrangbabnen befindliches Fasersystem. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 929-932. Ueber wenig bekannte Eeflexerscheinungen bei Ner- venkrankheiten und iiber die diagnostische Bedeutung des sog. Fussphanomens und der Sebnen- und Hautre- flexveranderungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 1157-1166. Ueber die Erapfindungen, welcbe mittels der soge- nannten Gleichgewichtsorgane wahrgenommen werden, und iiber die Bedeutung dieser Empfindungen in Bezug auf die Entwickelung uuserer Raumvorstellungen. Arcb. Anat. Pbysiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 105-141. Ueber syphilitiscbe disseminirte, cerebrospinal Skle- rose nebst Bemerkungen iiber die secundare Degenera- tion der Fasern des vorderen Kleinhirnscbenkels, des centralen Haubenbiindels und der Schleifenschicht. Arch. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 742-772. Die Lebre von den Neuronen und die Entladungs- theorie. (Untersuchungsresultate des Nervensystems nach der Golgi'schen Methode.) Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 50-57, 103-111. Ueber das Kniescheibenphanomen als diagnostisches Kennzeichen von Nervenleiden und iiber andere verwandte Erscbeinungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 818-823. Ueber pathologiscbe Empfindungen und Mitempfind- ungen bei Geisteskranken. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 1058-1067. Ueber die Kerne der mit den Augenbewegungen in Beziehung stehenden Nerven (des Oculomotorius, Abdu- cens und Trochlearis) und iiber die Verbindung derselben unter einander. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897, 307-315. Ueber das sog. Krampfcentrum und iiber das Centrum fiir die Locomotion im Niveau der Varolsbriicke. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 146-151. Die Errotbungsangst als eine besondere Form von krankhafter Storung. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 386- 391. Ueber das besondere, mediale Biindel der Seiten- strange. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 680-682. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die "Errotbungsangst." Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 985-989. Zur Behandlung der Myotonic. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 990-993. Ueber centrifugale, aus der Seh- und Vierhiigelgegend ausgebende Riickenmarksbahnen. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 1074-1077. Ueber das Horen der eigenen Gedanken. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 284-294. Ueber die Erregbarkeit der Grosshirnrinde neugebo- rener Thiere. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 148-150, Die partielle Kreuzung der Sehnerven in dem Chiasma hoherer Siiugetbiere. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 199-202. Ueber die Bedeutung der Cardiaca bei der Behandlung der Epilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 290-294. Ueber eine eigenartige psychopatbische Form der Retentio urinaj. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 834-840. Ueber Storungen des Stoffwechsels bei Neurasthenic. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1029-1032. — — Das elektrische Tricboaesthesiometer und die sog. Haarempfindlicbkeit des Korpers. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1032-1035. Epileptische und epileptoide Anfalle in Form von Angstzustiinden. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 1121-1124. Ueber die Entwickelung der Zellelemente in der Grosshirnrinde des Menschen. [1896.] Neurol. Centrbl. , 18, 1899, 770-772, 1072. Untersuchungsergebnisse betrelfend die Erregbarkeit des hinteren Abschnittes des Stirnlappens. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1899, 500-503. Ueber die Gebiircentra der Hirnrinde. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1899 (Siqipl.), 391-402. Ueber die Lage der motorischen Rindenceutren des Menschen nach Ergebnissen faradischer Reizung dersel- ben bei Gehirnoperationen. Arch. Anat. Pbysiol. (Phy- siol. Abth.), 1899 (SitppL), 543-546. Ein ueues Algesimeter. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 386-390. Ueber unwillkiirlicben Harnabgang beim Lachen. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 447-448. Ueber die sensiblen Functionen der sog. motorischen Rindenzone des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phy- siol. Abth.], 1900, 22-24. Ueber pupillenverengernde und pupillenerweiternde Centra in den hinteren Theilen der Hemispharenrinde bei den Alien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 25-28. Ueber die Localisation der Geschmackcentra in der Gehirnriude. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abtli.), 1900 (Su})pl.), 145-151. Myotonic, eine Krankheit des Stoffwechsels. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 98-102. Ueber objective Symptome localer Hyperasthesie und Ansesthesie bei den sog. traumatiscben Neurosen und bei Hysteric. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 205-208, 388- 389. Ueber den Scapulo-Humeralreflex. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 208-209. Ueber pupillenverengernde und Accommodationscentra der Gehirnrinde. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 386-388. Ueber acut auftretende Storungen der Motilitat mit den Merkmalen cerebellarer Ataxic bei Alkoholikern. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 834-837. Ueber die Bedeutung des Scapulo-Humeralreflexes. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 1042-1045. Ueber Zwangserbrecben. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 1045-1048. Bechterev, V[ladimir Michajlovic], & Taisla.vBkii, N[ikolaj'] A[leksandrovi(r\. Ueber den Einfluss der Grosshirnrinde auf den Blutdruck und die Herzthatigkeit. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 193-195. Ueber den Einfluss der centralen Gehirntheile auf den Blutdruck und die Herzthatigkeit. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 416-418. Die Hirncentra fiir die Bewegung der Harnblase. Neurol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 505-509. Ueber den Einfluss der Hirnrinde auf die Speichel- secretion. Neurol. Centrbl. , 7, 1888, 553-556. 0 ueHTpajibHorr ii nepii(|)epH'iecKo8 iiHHep- BaU,iH KIIIlieK7>. [Ueber centrale und periphere Darm- innervation.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 20, 1889, 245- 278; Arcb. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1889 (Suppl.), 243-262. Bechterev] 383 [Beck Zur Frage iiber die die Speichelsecretion anregenden Rindenfelder. Neurol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 190-193. Zur Frage iiber die Innervation des Magens. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 195-199. Ueber die Hirncentren der Scheidenbewegungen bei Thieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Pln/siol. Abth.), 1891, 380-393. Ueber die Innervation und die Hirncentren der Thra- nenabsonderung. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 481-486. Bechterev, V[ladimir Michajlovic], & Ostankov, I^ctr Aleksondrovic]. Ueber den Einfluss der Grosshirnrinde auf den Schluckact und die Athmuug. [1893.] Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 580-584. Bechterev, V[ladimir Michnjlovic], & Rosenbach, P[avd Jakovli'vi£]. Ueber die Bedeutung der Intervertcbral- ganglien. Experimeutell-histologische Untersuchung. Neurol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 217-223, 320-322. Beck, A[lexander]. Ueber den gegenwiirtig bei as- tronomischen Beobachtungen benutzten Chronographen. [1884.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 28, 1885, 9-10. Ueber einige neue Anwendungen ebener Spiegel. Ztschr. In-strumentenk., 7, 1887, 380-389. Ueber einige neue Anwendnngen ebener Spiegel in der praktischen Astronomie. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 31, 1888, 34-35. Ueber den von Geheimrat Dollen in Pulkowa im Jahre 1882 gemachten Vorschlag, die Zeit der totalen Mondfinsternisse zur Beobachtuug der Fixsternbedeck- ungen zu benutzen. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 31, 1888, 38. Elementare Herleitung der Pliicker'schen Formeln. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 33, 1888, 173-178. Ueber die Fundamentalaufgabe der Axonometrie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 106, 1890, 121-124. Ueber ein neues Instrument zur Zeit- und Polhohen- bestimmung. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 385-396. Beobachtung des Mercurdurchgangs 1891 Mai 9 auf der Sternwarte dea Polytechnikunis in Riga. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 427-428. Ueber die Anwendung eines Objectivprismas zur Zeit- und Polhobenbestimmung. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 81-96. Ueber einen Ersatz fiir den Quecksill)erhorizont. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 65-78. Ueber den Schnitt zweier Kegel und iiber eine Steiner'sche Aufgabe betreffend ebene Curven. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 38, 1893, 199-227, 266-293. Zweite Form des Instruments mit verticalem Fernrohr und Objectivprisma zur Zeit- und Polhobenbestimmung. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 225-242. Ueber De)ppelspiegel und deren Verweudung bei astronomischen Instrumenten. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 37, 1894, 86-87. Ueber die geographische Breite von Riga aua Beo- bachtungen an einem neuen astronomischen Instrument. Riga Corresp.-Bl. (Festschr.), 1896, 35-58. Dritte Form des Nadir-Instruments. Astr. Nachr., 140. 1896, 119-124. Vortrag iiber Planimeter. [1896.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 40, 1898, 99-100. Ueber perspektive Affinilat zweier Raume. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899, 85-101. Beck, Addison Lloyd. Analysis of Ricinus communis. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 60, 1888, 93-98, 664. Beck, Adolf. 0 pobudliwosci roznych miejsc tego samego nerwu. [Ueber die Reizbarkeit verschiedener Stellen eines und desselben Nerven.] Krakow Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Pam. , 15, 1888, 165-195; Centrbl. Physiol., 2, 1889, 359- 360. Die Strome der Nervencentren. [1890.] Centrbl. Physiol., 4, 1891, 572-573. Oznaczenie lokalizacvi w mozgu i rdzeniu za pomoca zjawisk elektrycznych. [Die electrischen Erscheinungen im Gehirn und Riickenmarke, und ibre Anwendung zur Bestimmung der Locahsation.] [1890.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 1, 1891, 187-232 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1890, 136-139. Przyczynek do fiz)'jologii cz§^ci l^dzwiowej rdzenia pacierzowego u zab. [Beitrag zur Physiologie des Lendenmarkes beim Frosche.] [1892.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr , 4, 1893, 56-72 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1892, 58-59. Obecny stan nauki o lokalizacyi ezynno^ci kory mozgowej. [Present state of the theory of the localisa- tion of function in the cerebral cortex.] Kosmos (Lwow), 18, 1893, 1-19. 0 zmianach ci^nienia krwi w zytach. [On variations in venous pressure.] [1893.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 7, 1896, 23-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 192-198. O powstawaniu urobiliny. [Ueber die Entstehung des Urobilins.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 7, 1895, 328-373; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 14-17, [The velocity of blood in the portal vein.] Nature, 52 (1895), 556. O suie i jego przyczynach. [On sleep and its causes.] Kosmos (Lwow), 21, 1896, 225-239. Pomiary pobudliwosci roznych miejsc nerwu za pomoca rozbrojeA kondensatora. [Messungen der Erregbarkeit verschiedener Stellen eines und desselben Nerven ver- mittels Condensator-Entladungen.] [1896.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 11, 1897, 234-246; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 253-254; Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1897, 415-425. 6 trujg-cych wiasnosciach moczu. [Ueber die toxischen Eigenscliaften des Harns.] [1896.] Krakdw, Ak. (Mat.- Przyrod.) Rozpr., 13, 1898, 64-106; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull. 1896, 352-355; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898, 560-595. Zur Untersuchung der Erregbarkeit der Nerven. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 352-359. Badania nad unerwieniem gruczoiow slinowych. [Untersuchungen iiber die Innervation der Speichel- driisen.] [1897.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 15, 1899, 13-62; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1897, 398-403; Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 33-37. Ueber kiinstlich hervorgerufene Farbenblindheit. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 76, 1899, 634-640. Ueber die bei Belichtung der Netzhaut von Eledone moschata entstehenden Actionsstrome. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 78, 1899, 129-162 ; Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 1-35. Beck, Adolf, & Cybulski, Napoleon. Dalsze badania nad zjawiskarai elektrycznemi w korze mozgowej u maipy i psa. (Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde der Affen und Hunde.) Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1891, 369-375; Centrbl. Physiol., 6, 1893, 1-6, 64. Die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde der Affen und Hunde. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 66. Dalsze badania zjawisk elektrycznych w korze moz- gowej. [Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die elektrischen Erscheinungen in der Hirnrinde.] [1895.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przxjrod.) Rozpr., 12, 1896, 174-257; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1895, 259-263. See also Cybulski & Beck. Beck, Adolf, & OluzUiski, W. Antoni. Wplyw podwig,zania moczowodu na czynnosc nerki. (Przyczynek do teoryi wydzielania moczu.) [Ueber den Einfluss der Unter- bindung des Harnleiters auf die Function der Niere. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Harnabsonderung.] [1894.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 9, 1895, 308-329; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1894, 272-274. Beck, Amo. Ein neues Mikrotom (System Beck-Becker). Ztscbr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 324-331. Beck, B[ernhard] von. For biography and works see Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 39, 1894, 427-436; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1896, iv. Beck] 384 [Beck Ein neuer Beitrag zur Lehre von den Schadel- iind Ruckenmarksverletzungen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 24, 1886, 1-150. Beck, Carl. *Ueber das Dioxydiplienylmethan. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 10, 1877, 1837-1841; Liebigs Ann., 194, 1878, 318-333. Ueber einige Orthonitrobenzylverbinduiigen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 397-400. Beck, Carl, & XIaeussermann, C[a)l]. See Haeussermann & Beck. Beck, Carl. Exploratory pleurotoniy and resection of costal pleura. N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 742-744. Is appendicitis a surgical disease? N. Y. Med. JL, 68, 1898, 685-691, 727-732, 757-763, 840-844. Darstellung von Gallensteinen in der Gallenblase und Leber. [1899.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 3, 1899-1900, 217. Fracture of the lower end of the radius. N. Y. Med. JL, 70, 1899, 361-365, 433-437. On the detection of calculi in the liver and gall bladder. [1899.] N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 73-77. Radiographie des calculs biliaires. Congr. Int. Med, C. R., 1900 (ToL 6), 31. Beck, Charles R[idgeway], & Sbenstone, William Ashwell. Sec Shenstone & Beck. Beck, Charles Ii[idf]eway], & Tilden, William Augustus. See Tilden & Beck. Beck, Conrad. [Method of obtaining a standard tube- length for the microscope.] Micr. Soc. JL, 1893, 814. [A dissecting microscope.] Micr.. Soc. JL, 1895, 713- 714. • The Royal Microscopical Society's standard screw- thread for nose-piece and object-glasses of microscopes. Being the report of a sub-committee of the Council. Micr. Soc. JL, 1896, 389-392. [Microtome of Delepine.] [1899.] Micr. Soc. JL, 1900, 139-140. Beck, Giinther. See Beck von SSannagetta. Beck, Hvqo. *Ueber ein Teratom der Hypophysis cerebri. Ztschr. Heilk., 4, 1883, 393-410. Beitrage zur Geschwulstlehre. Ztschr. Heilk., 5, 1884, 433-448. Zur Kenntniss des primaren Bronchialkrebses. Ztschr. Heilk., 5, 1884, 459-472. Beck, J[ohaiines^ H[endrikus] Meiring. Pathology from an "evolution" point of view. [1885.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans.. 4, 1888, 34-44. Beck, Josef. Ein Endotheliom des Humerus. Beitr. Path. Anat., 25, 1899, 547-553. Beck, Josejjh. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 52, 1892, 229-230. Beck, K[arr\, Oattermann, Ludxvig, & Tritz, S{igmund^. See Oattermann, Fritz & Beck. Beck, Ludwig, & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludicig], See ClauB & Beck. Beck, Max. Bacteriologische Untersnchungen iiber die Aetiologie der menschlichen Diphtherie. Ztschr. riyg., 8, 1890, 434-464. Ueber eine durch Streptokokken hervorgerufene Meningitis. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 3.59-362. Der Bacillus der Brustseuche beim Kaninchen. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 363-368. Experinientelle Untersnchungen iiber den Tetanus. Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1895, 427-449. Zur Ziichtung anaerober Kulturen. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 343-345. La nouvelle tuberculine TR. Progres Med., 8, 1898, 81-85. Beck, Max, & Froskauer, Bernhard. See FroBkauer & Beck. Beck, Max, & Schultz, Paul. Ueber die Einwirkung sogen. monochromatischen Lichtes auf die Bacterienent- wickelung. Ztschr. Hyg., 23, 1896, 490-496. Beck, P. Theorie des remanenten Magnetismus von FoPi'L. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 464-467. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. Kohn iiber magnetisch weiche und harte Korper. Ann. Phys. Chem., 59, 1896, 84-90. Beck, P[aul], & "WiU, [Carl] W[ilhelm]. See WUl & Beck. Beck, Paul, & Freund, Martin. See Freund & Beck. Beck, [Carl] Richard. Section Adorf. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt 151, 1884, 29 pp. Section Elster nebst Schonberg. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt 154, 155 & 156, 1885, 36 pp. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora des siichsischen Oligocans. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Zt.'Jchr., 38, 1886, 342- 352. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt Sach.s. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt Section Sayda. 117, 1886, 22 pp. Section Nassau. 118, 1887, 52 pp. Die Entstehung der Kautengerolle. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 186-187. Die neuesten Anschauungen iiber die Pfianzen der Steinkohlenzeit. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 376-378. Ueber artesische Brunnen in Sachsen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 48, 1889, 39-42. — — Section Berggiesshiibel. Sachs, Geol. Karte Erlaut., Blatt 102, 1889, 92 pp. Ueber Amphibolitisirung von Diabasgesteinen im Contactbereich von Graniten. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 2.57-263. Das Rothliegende des Plauenschen Grundes. Deutsch. Geol. Ges Ztschr., 43, 1891, 767-777. [Kalksteinfiotz des Rothliegenden im Marienschacht bei Boderitz. Grauit- und Syenitgebiet des Elbthals. Sumpfmergel bei Cotta.] Dresden Isis Sber., 1891, 27-28. Die Grundmorane des nordischcn Binneneises bei Dresden. Dresden Isis Sber., 1891 (Abh.), 15-19. Ueber das Schiefergebirge der Gegend von Berggiess- hiibel, Weesenstein und Maxen. [1890.] Leipzig Natf. Ges. Sber., 17 & 18, 1892, 30-38. Ueber gequetschte Granite. [1891.] Leipzig Natf. Ges. Sber., 17 & 18, 1892, 113-116. Ueber Brookit als Contactmineral, Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 1), 1.59-160. ■ Section Kreischa-Hiinichen. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt 82, 1892, 91 pp. Section Pirna. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt 83, 1892, 120 pp. Die Contacthofe der Granite und Syenite im Schiefcr- gebiete des Elbthalgebirges. [1893.] 'Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 290-342. Section Konigstein-Hohnstein. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Blatt 84, 1893, 1-44. Das Steinkohlenbecken des Plauenschen Grundes bei Dresden nach den neuesten Publikationen der konigl, siichsischen geologischen Landesuntersuchung. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 24-32. Ueber die corrodirende Wirkung des Windes im Quadersandstein-Gebiet der sachsischen Schweiz. [1894.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 537-546 ; Leipzig Natf. Ges. Sber., 19-21, 1895, 154-1.55. Section Sebnitz-Kirnitzschthal. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Blatt 85, 1895, 42 pp. Einige Beobachtungen im Gebiete der Altenberg- Zinnwalder Zinnerzlagerstatten. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 148-150. Ueber Litoralbildungen in der sachsischen Kreide- formation. [1895.] Leipzig Natf. Ges. Sber., 22 & 23, 1897, 1-8. Die Excursion des vii. internationalen Geologencon- gresses nach dem Ural, Ztschr. Prakt, Geol., 1898, 16-26. Die Diamantenlagerstiitte von Newland in Griqna Land West. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1898, 163-164. Beck] 385 [Beck von Mannagetta Ueber cinigo mittelscliwedische Eisenerzlagerstiitten. Ztschr. Prakt. Cleol , 1899, 1-10. Beitrage zur Kenntniss vou Brokenhill. Ztschr. I'lakt. Geol., 1899, 65-71. Neues von den afrikanischen Diamantlagerstatten. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1899, 417-419. Ueber die Erzlagerstiitten von Schwarzenberg im sachsischen Erzgebirge. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900 {Verh.), 58-60. Die Antimonlagerstatten von Kostai'nik in Serbian, nach W. von Fircks. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, 33-36. Beck, [Carl] Richard, & Daliner, Karl. See Dalmer & Beck. Beck, [Oarl] Ricliard, & Hazard, J. Section Dresden. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut., lilatt 66, 1893, 102 pp. Beck, [Carl] Richard, & XXemnann, Otto. See XXerrmann & Beck. Beck, [Carl] Richard, & ZXibBch, Jo^ef Emanuel. Section Grosser Winterberg-Tetschen. Sachs. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Blatt 104, 1895, 1-80. Beck, [Carl] Richard, & Iiuzi, Willi. Ueber die Bildung von Graphit bei der Contactmetamorphose. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1884-1886; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (Bd. 2), 28-.^ Beck, [Carl] Richard, & Sauer, Adolf. See Sauer & Beck. Beck, [Carl] Richard, & UTeber, C[arl] A[lbert]. Ueber ein Torflag" r im alteren Diluvium des sachsischen Erz- gebirges. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 662- 671. Beck, Robert If. Salix lueida, Muhlenhern. Shining willow. Amer. .Jl. Pharm., 63, 1891, 581-583. Beck, Soma. Ein Wasserbacterium. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 372. A boralatti zsirszovet zsirsejtjeiben neha elofordulo margarin kristalyoknak egy erdekes es meg eddig nem ismert szinreakczioja. [Eine interessante und bisher unbekannte Farbenreaction der in den Fettzellen des Fettgewebes unter der Haut manchmal vorkoramenden Margarinkrystalle.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898, 327-328; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 341-342. Beck, Soma, & Benedikt, Ileivrich. Az izommunka befolyasa a ken kivalasztasara. [Einfluss der Muskelar- beit auf , die Ausscheidung der Phosphorsaure.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 11, 1893, 163-198; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 27-61. Beck, Soma, & Fenyvessy, Bela. Az ichthyolnak a boron at valo felszivddasarol ; adatok a borresorptio tanahoz. [Ueber das Aufsaugen des Ichthyols durch die Haut. Beitrage zur Lehre der Hautresorption.] Termt. Kozlon., 31, 1899, 422; Math, Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 18, 1903, 445. Beck, 'J'h[eodor]. Ueber einige Grundbegriffe der Mechanik. Civilingenieur, 32, 1886, 191-210. Historische Notizen. (1) Heron der Aeltere von Alexandria (uni 120 vor Chr.) und seine Vorganger. [(2) Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (um 16 vor Chr.). (3) Sext. Jul. Fbontinus (um 97 nach Chr.). (4) Cato der Aeltere (234 bis 149 vor Chr.). (5) Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 1519 n. Chr.). (6) Vanuccio Biringdccio (um 1540 n. Chr.). (7) Georgius Agricola (1490-1555). (8) Hieronimus Cardanus (1501-1576). (9) Jacques Besson (+1569). (10) Agostino Kamelli (etwa 1530-1590). (11) Buonaiuto Louini (geb. um 1545). (12) Giam- battista della Porta (15.38-1615). (13) Skizzen aus der Zeit der Hussitenkiiege (um 1430). (14) Vittorio Zonca (1568-1602). (15) Leonardo ua Vinci. (16) Juanelo Turiuano (1500-1585). (17) Heinrich Zkising (t 1613). (18) Leonardo da Vinci.] Civilingenieur, 32, 1886, 401- 426, 619-634; 33, 1887, 343-350, 417-438; ,34, 1888, 2.5- 46, 561-57(>, 737-766; 35, 1889, 511-.")38; 36, 1890, 191- 212, 505-524; 37, 1891, 409-428; 38, 1892, 189-206, 617-634; 39, 1893, 289-314, 587-630; 40,1894,505-538; 41, 1895, 529-548; 42, 1896, 401-456. R. S. A. C. Beck, U'[illielm], & Musketov, I[vaji] ]'[asiljevic]. To reference in title (Vol. 9) add St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 18, 1883, 1-76. Beck, W[ilhelm], & Telch, N. * Ueber Wolfram und Scheelit aus 1 undortern llusslands. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 4, 1869, 312-321. Beck, Wilhelm. Ueber den Austritt des N. hypoglossus und N. cervicalis primus aus dem Centralorgan beim Menschen und in der Reihe der Saugetiere unter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der dorsalen Wurzeln. [1895.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 6, 1896, 249-345. Beck, Wilhelm, & Froriep, August. See Froriep & Beck. Beck von SfXannagetta, Gilnther {Ritter). *Neue Pflanz'^n Oesterreichs. [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 33, 1884, 225-228. Zur Pilzfiora Niederosterreichs. [1883-89.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 33, 1884 (Abh.), 229-242; 35, 1886 {Abh.), 361-376; 36, 1886 (Abh.), 46.5-474; 39, 1889 (Abh.), 593-616. Untersuchungen iiber den Oeffnungsmechanismus der Porenkapseln. [1885.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 35, 1886 (Sber.), 23-24. [Ueber Ustilago Maydis, Corda (U. Zese, linger).] [1885.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 35, 1886 (Shcr.), 28-29. Flora von Siidbosnien und der angrenzenden Herce- govina. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886, 271- 325; 2,1887,35-76, 81-184; 4, 1889, 339-372; 5, 1890, 549-578; 6, 1891, 307-344; 10, 1895, 166-212; 11, 1896, 39-80; 13, 1898, 1-32. Versuch einer Gliederung des Formenkreises der Caltha palustris, L. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 36, 1886 (Abh.), 347-352. [Ueber die Hormogonienbildung von Gloiotrichia natans, Thuret.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 36, 1886 (Sber.), 47-48. Uebersicht der bisher bekannten Kryptogamen Nieder- osterreichs. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 37, 1887 (Abh.), 253-378. Die in den Torfmooren Niederosterreichs vorkoramen- den Fohren und deren Formationen in physiognomischer und botanischer Richtung. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 37, 1887 (Sber.), 64-65. Zur Kenntniss der Torf bewohnenden Fohren Nieder- osterreichs. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888, 73-78. Flora des Stewart-Atolls im Stillen Ocean. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888, 251-256. Poroptyche, nov. gen. Polyporeorum. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 657-658. Mittheilungen aus der Flora von Niederostf-rreich. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 765-768; 41, 1891 (Abh.), 640-646, 793-798. Die alpine Vegetation der siidbosnisch-hercegovinischeu Hochgebirge. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 787-792. Ueber die Sporenbildung der Gattung Phlyctoepora, Corda. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 212-216; Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 39, 1889 (Sber.), 60. Trichome in Trichomen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 205-206. Ueber die Entwicklung und den Bau der Schwimm- Organe von Neptunia oleracea, Lourr. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 39, 1889 (Sber.), 57-59. Monographic der Gattung Orobanche. Bibl. Bot., 4, 1890, Heft 19, 275 pp. Einige Bemerkungen zur systematischen Gliederung unserer Cruciferen. [With discussion.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 (Sber.), 13-21. Versuch einer neuen Classification der Frtichte. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 41, 1891 (Abh.), 307-312. Die Vegetationsverhaltnisse der nordwestlichen Balkan- lander. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Th. 2, Unlfte 1), 163. 49 Beck von Mannagetta] 386 [Becke Wien Knautise (Tricherae) aliquot uovre. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 9, 1894, 351-354. Bericht iiber die im .Jahre 1895 unternommene fiinfte Reise zur botanischen Erforschuns Illyriens. Wien, Nat Hist. Hofmns. Ann., 10, 1895 (Not.), 99-102. Ueber die Verbreitung der Schwarzfobre (Pinus nigra, Am.) in den nordwestlichen Balkanlandern. Wien Zool. • Bot. Verb., 44, 1895 (Sher.), 40-41. Notizen zur Flora von Niederosterreich. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 44, 1895 {Sber.), 43-45. Die Geum-Arten der Balkanlander. [1895.] Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 101-104. [Eine neue Laminaria aus der Adria.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 46, 1896, 50. Ueber die Formen der Antbyllis Dillenii, Ant. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 46, 1896, 53-54. Ancylistes Pfeifferi, n. sp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 46, 1896, 233. Einige interessante illyrische Veilclien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 233-234. Ein neuer Biirger der osterreichischen Flora, Ranun- culus sartorianus, Boi.ts. et Heldr. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 234. Einige auffallige Geranium-Formen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 266-267. Einige fiir die Flora von Niederosterreich neue und seltenere Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 46, 1896, 380-381. Bewegungserscheinungen der Bacillarien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 47, 1897, 272-274. [Bericht iiber die von der Section fiir Botanik ins Marchfeld unternommene Excursion.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 47, 1897, 274-277. Die Armeria-Arten der Balkanhalbinsel. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 47, 1897, 577-580. Die Spermatozoiden der Gymnospermen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 47, 1897, 646-648. Die Sporen von Microchaste tenera, Tlmret, und deren Keimung. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 81- 86. Sexuelle Erscheinungen bei den hoheren Pilzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 4-6. Ueber die genetischen Beziehungen zwischen Sporen- und Samenpflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 517-521. Bemerkungen zur Nomenclatur der in Niederosterreich vorkommenden Campanula pseudolanceolata. Pant. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900, 465-470. Becic von Mannagetta, Gilnther [Rittcr), & Breidler, Johanv. See Breidler & Beck von ZHIannagetta. Beck von Mannagetta, Gilnther [Bitter), & Szyszytowicz, Ignacy. Plantse a Dr. Ign. SzYSZYtowicz in itinere per Cernagoram et in Albania adjacenti anno 1886 lectae. Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19, 1889, 1-166; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1889, No. 5, xxviii-xxix. Beck von Mannagetta, Gilnther (Ritter), & Zahlbruckner, Alexander. Schedse ad "Kryptogamas exsiccatas" editffi a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 9, 1894, 119-142; 11, 1896, 81-101; 12, 1897, 75-98; 13, 1898, 443-472. Becka, B[ohvmil = Gottlieb]. *Urceni hodnoty pomysln^ho sou(;inu [Bestimmung des Wertbes des imaginaren Products] ri^|)±!l±'l 1 7l((t + l) + (l -/) Fortschr. Math., 1876, 251. *Obodechobratu. [Ueber Inflexionspunkte.] Casopis, 6, 1877, 10-20; Fortschr. Math., 1877, 487. Becke, Friedrich. *Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 242-274. *Gesteine von Griechenland. Serpentine und Griin- steine. [ii. Krystallinische Schiefer.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 459-464, 469-493 ; 2, 1880, 17-77. Casopis, 5, 1876, 37-38; *Evansit von Kwittein bei Miiglitz, Mahren. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 465. *Akmit aus dem Elaeolithsyenit von Ditro, Sieben- biirgen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 554-555. *Rittingerit und Feuerblende von Schemnitz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 94. *Krvstallform der salzsauren Glutaminsaure. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 181-183. *Ueber die Krvstallform des Traubenzuckers. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 184-185. *Ueber die Zwillingsbiidung und die optischen Eigen- schaften des Chabasit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 391- 418. *Ein neuer Polarisations- Apparat von E. Schneider in Wien. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 430-437. *Hvpersthen von Bodenmais. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 60-70. * Ueber den Hessit (Tellursilberglanz) von Botes in Siebenbiirgen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 301-314. *Euk]as aus den Alpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 147-153. *Die Gneissformation des niederosterreichischen Waldviertels. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 189-264, 285-408. *Hornblende und Anthophyllit nach Olivin. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 450-452. *Barytkrystalle in den Quellbildungen der Teplitzer Thermen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 82-84. *Eruptivgesteine aus der Gneissformation des uieder- (isterreichi-schen Waldviertels. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 147-173. *Glaseinschliisse in Contactmineralen von Canzacoli bei Prednzzo. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 174-175. *Parallele Verwachsung von Fahlerz und Zinkblende. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 331-338. *Aetzversucbe an der Zinkblende. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 457-526, 536. *Ueber die Unterscheidung von Augit und Bronzit in Diinnschliffen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 527-529. Aetzversuche am Bleiglanz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 6, 1886, 237-276. Ueber die bei Czernowitz im Sommer 1884 und Winter 1884-85 stattgefundenen Rutschungen. Wien, Geol. .Jbnch., H5, 1886, 397-406. Ueber Zwillingsverwachsungen gesteinbildender Py- roxene und Amphibole. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7, 1886, 93-107. Aetzversuche an Mineralen der Magnetitgruppe. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7, 1886, 200-249. Notizen aus dem niederosterreichischen Waldviertel. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7, 1886, 2.50-255. Aetzversuche am Pyrit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 8, 1887, 239-330; Wien, Anz., 24, 1887, 45-46. Einige Falle von natiirlicher Aetzung an Krystallen von Pyrit, Zinkblende, Bleiglanz und Magnetit. [1887.] Min. Petr. Mittb., 9, 1888, 1-22. Unterscheidung von Quarz und Feldspath in Diinn- schliffen mittelst Fiirbung. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 90. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Krystallformen des Dolomit. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth", 10, 1889, 93- 1.52. Die Krystallform des Traubenzuckers und optisch activer Substanzen im Allgemeinen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 464-499; Wien, Anz., 26, 1890, 129-131; Mhefte. Cheni., 1889, 231-232. Ueber Dolomit und Magnesit und iiber die Ursache der Tetartoedrie des ersteren. Min. Petr. Mitth., 11, 1890. 224-260, 439. Ueber Quarzfremdlinge in Lamprophyren. Min. Petr. Mitth., 11, 1890, 271-272. Aetzversuche am Fluorit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 11, 1890, 349-437. Becke] 387 [Beckenkamp Orientirun}^ des Dolomit von Gebroulaz. Min. Petr. Mitth., 11, 1890, o36. Ueber die Ursache der Tetartoedrie des Dolomit. [1890.J Wien, Anz., 27, 1891, 25-26; Mhefte. Chem., 1890, 33-34. Krystaliform und optische Orientirung des Keiamo- halit von Tenerifa. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 4.')-t8. Titanit von Zuptau. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 169-170. Krystaliform oi)tisch activer Substanzen. Min. Petr. Mitth", 12, 1891, 256-257. Unterscheidung von Qiiarz und Feldspathen mittelst Farbung. Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 257. Krystaliform und optische Eigenschaften des salzsauren Cystiiis (CfiH,.2N2S204 + 2HCl). Ztschr. Kryst., 19, 1891, 336-339. Optischer Charakter des Melilith als Gesteinsge- mengtheil. [1892.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 444. Vorliiufiger Berieht iiber den geologischen Bau und die krystallinischen Schiefer des Hohen Gesenkes (Altvatergebirge). Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 {Abth. 1), 286-300. Bemerkungen zu Herrn Fock's Aufsatz: "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Beziehuugen zwisehen Krystaliform und chemischer Zusammensetzung" [Z. Kr. 20, 1892, 76-84]. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 253-258. Ueber Chiastolith. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 256-257. Petrographische Studien am Toualit der Rieserferner. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 379-130, 433-464, 538. Ueber die Bestimmbarkeit der Gesteinsgemengtheile, besonders der Plagioklase auf Grund Hires Lichtbrech- ungsvermogens. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Abth. 1), 358-376. Ueber moleculare Axenverbaltnisse. Wien, Anz., 30, 1893, 204-206. Der Aufbau der Krystalle aus Anwachskegeln. [1892.] Lotos, 42, 1894, 1-18. Ueber alpine Intrusivgesteine. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hcilfte 1), 188. Olivinfels und Antigorit-Serpentin aus dem Stubach- thal (Hohe Tauern). [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 271-276. Scheelit im Granit von Predazzo. [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895, 277-278. Schalenblende von Mies in Bohmen. [1894.1 Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 278-279. Klein'sche Lupe mit Mikrometer. [1894.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1895, 375-378. Bestinmiung kalkreicher Plagioklase durch die Inter- ferenzbilder von Zwillingen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 415-442. Uralit aus den Ostalpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 476. Messung von Axenbildern mit dem Mikroskop. Min. Petr. Mitth., 14, 1896, 563-565. [Berieht iiber die diesjahrigen Aufnahmen behufs petrographischer Erforschung der Centralkette der Ostalpen.] Wien, Anz., 32, 1896, 45-49. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Carboruudumkrystalle CSi. Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1896, 537-542. Ueber Beziehungen zwisehen Dynamometamorphose und Molecularvolumen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1896 (Bd. 2), 182-183; Wien, Anz., 33, 1896, 13-15. [Berieht der Commission fiir die petrographische Erforschung der Centralkette der Os-talpen ; iiber den Fortgang der Arbeiten.] Wien, Anz., 33, 1896, 15-21; 34, 1897, 8-14 ; 36, 1899, 5-10. Ein Wort iiber das Symmetriecentrum. Ztschr. Kryst., 25, 1896, 73-78. Gesteiue der Columbretes. [1896.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 16, 1897, 15.5-179, 308-336. Ausmessung des Winkels zwisehen zwei optischen Axen im Mikroskop. [1896.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 16, 1897, 180-181. Mittheilungen der Erdbeben-Coramissiou der Kaiser- lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. II. Berieht iiber das Erdbeben von Briix am 3. November 1896. [hi. Berieht iiber das Erdbeben vom 5. Janner 1897 im siidlichen Bohmerwald. viii. Berieht iiber das Graslitzer Erdbeben, 24. October bis 25. November 1897.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 {Abth. 1), 46-59, 103-116; 107, 1898 (Abth. 1), 789-959. Ueber Zonenstructur der Krystalle in Erstarrungs- gesteinen. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 97-105. Aragonit von Ustica. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 106. Mineralvorkommen im Zillerthal. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth. , 17, 1898, 106. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung von Herrn C. Ortlixo iiber Verfestigung von Silicatschmelzen unter Druck. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 387. Chemische Analysen aus dem Laboratorium der deutschen Universitiit in Prag. [Leucit-Basanit vom Vesuv. Toualitgneis von Wistra (Karnten).] [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 18, 1899, 94. Der Hypersthen-Andesit der Insel Alboran. Min. Petr. Mitth., 18, 1899, 525-555. Zur Bestimmung der Plagioklase in Diinnschliffen in Schnitten senkrecht zu M und P. Min. Petr. Mitth., 18, 1899, 556-558. Optische Orientirung des Anorthits vom Vesuv. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 1), 434-441; Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 183-184. Whewellite von Briix. [18J9.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, 166. Ueber Alboranit und Santorinit und die Grenzen der Andesitfamilie. Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, 182-200. Die Orientirung der optischen Axe A in Anorthit. Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, 201-206, 244. Optische Orientirung des Albit von Amelia, Virginia. Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, .321-335. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Auffindung von Theralith am Flurbiihel bei Duppau. Wien, Geol. Verb,, 1900, 351-353. Becke, Friedrich, & Schuster, Max[ivulian Joseph]. Geologische Beobachtungen im Altvatergebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 109-119. Becke, Fritz van der, & XXilger, A[lbert]. See XXilger & Becke. Becke, Paul von der. Ueber das ?h- und p-Aethylisopropyl- benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3191-3196. Beckenkamp, J [«A;oi]. Aenderungen an der Erwarmungs- vorrichtung des Goniometers. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1885, 199-201. Zur Bestimmung der Elasticitatsconstanten von Krystalleu. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1886, 41-57. Krystallographische Untersuchung des Chiiiolin-;;- Sulfobenzylbetains und einiger Papaverinverbindungen. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 1.59-164. Ueber den Eintluss des Wasser- und Alkoholgehaltea auf die geometrischen Formen des Chinidins und der Cholsaure. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 165-174. Die Elasticitiitscoefficienten des Chronialauns und des Eisenalauns. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 419-423. Baryt von Oberschaffhausen im Kaiseratuhl. Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 2-5-29, 386. Strontianit und Colestin vom Kaiserstuhl. Ztschr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 67-73. Die Mineralien der Aragonitgruppe. Ztschr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 375-385. Zur Symmetric der Krystalle. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 321-335; 19, 1891, 241-264; 20, 1892, 161-167; 27, 1897, 583-585; 28, 1897, 69-102; 30, 1899, 55-65, 321-345 ; 31, 1899, 650 ; 32, 1900, 9-48; 33, 1900, 606-619. 49—2 Beckenkamp] 388 [Becker Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Substaiizen. Ztschr. Kryst., 22, 1894, 129-137; 23, 1894, 572-576; 33, 1900," 590-605. Ausgleichungsniethoden der geonietiischen Krystallo- graphie. Ztschr. Kryst., 22, 1894, 376-403. EineBeziehungzwischendem electrischen,chemischen und geometrischen Verhalteii der Krystalle. Ann. Phys. Cliem., 61, 1897, 597-603. Ueber "Kinetische Krystalltheorie." Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1898, 28-29. Kinetische Theorie der Drehung der Polarisations- ebene. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 474-480. Beckenkamp, J[akob], & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludwif/]. See Claus & Beckenkamp. Beckenkamp, J[akoh\ & vrerveke, Leopold van. See VTerveke & Beckenkamp. Becker, [Ariio]. Die bakterioskopische Wasserunter- siichung. Arch. Pharm.. 223, 1885, 457-466. Becker, . Ueber Marschbildung an Schleswigs Westkiiste und das Wesen der Deichreife des daselbst wiedergewonnenen Landes. .11. Landw., 48, 1900, 123- 145. Becker, A[dolf]. Ueber einen ungewohnlichen Ausgang der acuten Osteomyelitis. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 55, 1900, 577-585. Becker, Adolf. Die Reduction der Salpetersaure zu Ammoniak durch den galvanischen Strom. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 1557. Becker, Albert. Fernmessinductor. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 32-35. Becker, Alehsandr [KasparoviS]. Eeise nach Chanskaja Stafka und zum grossen Bogdoberg. Beschreibung der Mylabris melanura-Larve. Verhinderung der Wasser- scheu durch Cetonia aurata. Das Voikomrnen ver- schiedener Insekten und Schmetterlingsvarietaten. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 167-177. Keise nach Achal-Teke. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 61, 1886 (Pt. 1), 189-199. Ueber Taraxacum- und Glycyrrhiza-Arten und Alhagi camelorum. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 222-226. Die Spinnen und fortgesetzte Mittheilungen iiber bei Sarepta vorkommende Insekten. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 378-379. Die Einwirkung der Witterung auf Pflanzen und Thiere. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 623-628. Neue Pflanzen- und Insektenentdeckungen in der Umgegend von Sarepta, und Zusammenstellung der Eaupen und Kafer die nur von einer Pflanzenart, und zwei, drei, Pflanzenarten leben, die aber zu einer Familie gehoren. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 6, 1893, 62-70. Einige Widerlegungen naturgeschichtlicher Angaben ; Beschreibungen und Berichtigungen einiger Insekten ; neue Kaferentdeckungen bei Sarepta und botanische Mittheilungen. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull. , 8, 1895, 277-283. Becker, Alfred. Zur Anatomic der Netzhautablosung. [1889.] Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 105-106. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Netzhautglioms. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (Abth. 3), 280-306. Becker, Arthur. Schmelzversuche mit Pyroxenen und Amphibolen und Bemerkungen iiber Olivinknollen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 10-20, 1055. Ueber das specifische Gewicht der Quarze in ver- schiedenen Gesteinen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 6, 1885, 158- 159. Ueber die Schmelzbarkeit des kohlensauren Kalkes. Min. Petr. Mitth., 7, 1886, 122-145. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Baryto- calcits und des Alstonits. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 222- 227. Zwei Glimmeranalysen. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 128-132. Becker, Arthur, A Sachsse, Robert. See Sachsse & Becker. Becker, Cluoies P. Sulphuric acid in medicine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 48, 1888, 286-288. Becker, E[nist Einil Huc/o]. *Eesultate aus Beobachtungen von 521 Bradley'schen Sternen am grossen Berliner Meridiankreise. Berlin Sternw. Beob.-Ergebn., 1, 1881, 43 pp. Beobachtungen des Cometen Pons-Brooks am Aequatoreal der Herzoglichen Sternwarte zu Gotha. Astr. Nacbr., 108, 1884, 105-108. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1884 Wolf. Auf der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 349-350. [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss am 4. October 1884 und von Sternbedeckungen wiihrend der- selben.] Auf der Sternwarte in Gotha. Astr. Nachr., Ill, 1885, 11-12. Beobachtungen des Mondes am Meridiankreise der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 43-46; 116, 1887, 73-78. [Sternschnuppenfall 1885 Nov. 27.] Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 125. Beobachtungen am Aequatoreal der Herzogl. Stern- warte zu Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 139-144. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886 (Barnard-Hartwig). Auf der Herzogl. Sternwarte in Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 317-318. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1886... (Barnard-Hart- wig) angestellt am Fadeimiikrometer des Aequatoreals der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotha. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 171-172. Ueber die im Jahre 1876 ausgefiihrte Langenbestim- mung zwischen Berlin und Odessa. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 189-192. [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28.] Auf der Kaiserl. Universitiits-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 281-284. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1888...(Sawerthal).] Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Naehr., 119, 1888, 29-30. Elemente des Cometen 1888...(Sawerthal). Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 45-46. Schreiben betreffend Positionen von Vergleichsternen. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 127-128. Beobachtung des neuen Sterns in Cygnus. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 153-154. [Beobachtung des Cometen Barnard 1888 Sept. 2.] Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 31-32. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1888 I angestellt am 18- zolligen Eefractor der K. Universitiits-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 67-70. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1888... (Barnard Oct. 30).] Am grossen Refractor der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 167-168. Beobachtungen von Cometen am 18-z611igen Refractor der K. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 201-206. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889... (Barnard Miirz 31). Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 207-208. Beobachtungen von Sternbedeckungen auf der Kais. Universitats-Sternwarte zu Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 317-320. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889... (Barnard Juni 23). Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 43-44, 117-118. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1890... (Brooks Marz 19).] Auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 151-152. Cometen-Beobachtungen angestellt am 18-zolligen Refractor der Kais. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strass- burg. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 203-208. Becker] 389 [Becker Beobaclitungen tier Sonnenfinsteruiss 1890 Juni 16-17. Auf der Univetaitiits-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Naclir., 125, 1890, 33-34. Beobachtungen des Cometen IHyO... (Denning Juli 23). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 93-94. Ueber einige Versuche von Durchgangsbeobaclitungen nach dem neuen Repsold'achen Vfrfahren. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 18-5-190. [Beobaclitungen der Sounenfinsterniss 1891 .Tuni G.] Auf dor Kais. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 21-24. Beobachtung des peiiodischen Cometen Tempel-Swift (1891..,). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 4.53-454. [Entdeckung eines Cometen von Denning in Bristol 1892 Miirz 18.] Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 149-1-50. Beobachtungen fiir die Liingenbestimmungen zwischen Wien-Berlin und Berlin-Greenwich. Ausgefiihrt in Berlin... Juli-Septeniber 1876. Wien, Gradmessungs- Bur. Astr. Arb., 4, 1892, 137-189. Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss 1892 Nov. 4. Auf der Kais. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 393-396. Ueber die pltitzliche Aenderung im Aussehen des Cometen 1892 III (Holmes). Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 31. [Beobachtung des neuen Comet 1893...Rordanie- Quenisset.] Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 87-88. Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsteruiss 1893 April 16 auf der Kaiserl. Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 199-200. Vergleichung der in Strassburg beobachteten Breiten- schwankungen mit der Eechnung. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 271-274. Bemerkungen zu dem Stern BD. -f- 22°. 3272. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 291-292. [Totale Mondfinsterniss 1895 Miirz 10.] Beobach- tungen auf der Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 105-106. Neuer Veranderlicher in Aquarius. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 41-42. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1895...(Perrine Nov. 16).] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 123-124. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1896...(Perrine-Lamp).] Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 383-384, Beobachtungen am Kepsold'schen Meridiankrtis 1882 Marz-1888 April. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 1, 1896, 1-319 ; 2, 1899. 1-154. BeitrJige zu dem Klima von Strassburg nach den meteorologischen Beobachtungen von 1873-79. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 1, 1896, 338-340. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1896...{Perrine Dec. 8).] Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 109-110. [Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen Perrine Oct. 16.] Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 335-336. [Beobachtung des Cometen Coddington-Pauly.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 357-358. [Neuer Comet Perrine Juni 14.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 359-360. [Neuer Comet Giacobini Juni 18.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 373-374. Beobachtungen auf der Kaiserl. Universitatsstern- warte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 159-160. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898. ..(Brooks Oct. 20).] Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 365-366. Beobachtung der Mondfinsterniss 1898 Juli 3 auf der K. Universitiitssternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 10.5-108. Beobachtungen von Cometen und Planeten am 18-z. Refractor der Kais. Universitiitssternwarte zu Strassburg i. E. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 109-110. [Totale Mondfinsterniss 1898 Dec. 27.] Beobachtungen auf der Kaiserl. Universitiits-Sternwarte zu Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 311-314. [Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen 1899 a (Swift).] Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 387-388. [Beobachtungen der particllen Sonneutinsterniss 1899 Juni 7.] Auf der Kaiserl. Sternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 1.50, 1899, 187-188. ■ Neuer Comet 1899 e (Giacobini). Astr. Nachr., 1.50, 1899, 359-360, 431-432. Einzel-Resultate der Sternheobachtungen [1882-88]. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899. (1)-(145). Katalog von 254 Sternen fiir das Aequinoctium 1885 nach Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1882-83. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (147)-(153). Katalog von 858 Sternen fiir das Aequinoctium 1885 nach Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1884-88. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (15-5)-(174). Katalog von Correctionen von 368 Fundamentalsternen nach Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1884-88. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, (175)-(184). Tafeln zur Berechnung der Praecession. Strassb. Sternw. Ann., 2, 1899, C, iv-f91 pp. Beobachtung der Leouiden 1899 durch die Astronomen der Kai.serlichen Universitatssternwarte zu Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 117-120. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsteruiss 1900 Mai 28. Auf der K. Universitatssternwarte in Strassburg. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 373-374. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1900 b. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 107-108. Becker, E[rnst Emil Hugo], ZTahlik, Alois, & Kiibnert, Franz. Bestimnmng der Liingendifferenz zwischen Berlin und Greenwich. Ausgefiihrt... Juli-September 1876. Wien, Gradmessungs-Bur. Astr. Arb., 5, 1893, 6.5-127. See also Kiihnert, Nahlik & Becker. Becker, Ivmil. Ueber Zwitterbildung beim Schwein. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 30, 1897, (209)-(223). Becker, Ernst. Ein Fall von hochgradiger Zerstoruug des Kleinhirnwurmes nebst casuistischen Beitragen zur Lehre von der sogcnannten cerebellaren Ataxie. Virchow, Arch., 114, 1888, 173-186. Zur Lehre von der achten cerebralen Glosso-labio- pharyngealparalyse. Virchow, Arch., 124, 1891, 334-358. Ueber Acetonurie nach der Narcose. Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1894 (B), 35-39; Virchow, Arch., 140, 1896, 1-19. Einige Bemerkungen zur Anatomic von Machilis maritima, Latr. Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 641-643. Becker, F. , & Englert, R. See Englert & Becker. Becker, F[riedrich]. Untersuchung der Haut und ihrer Produkte auf Entophyten und thierische Schmarotzer. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 1, 1898, 110-118. Becker, F[rans] J[osef] von. For biography and works see Helsingfors, Acta, 18, 1891, 551-574 ; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, .53. Becker, Fr[idolin]. Neuere Bestrebungen auf dem Gebiete der Kartographie. Erlauterungen zur Karte des Kantons Glarus. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 24, 1889, 320-344. Becker, George F[erdinand]. [Administrative] report. [Mining geology, division of the Pacific] [1884.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1882-83, 39-41. The influence of convection on glaciation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 27, 1884, 473-476. The relations of the mineral belts of the Pacific slope to the great upheavals. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 209- 212. [Administrative] report. [Division of the Pacific] [1885.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1883-84, 47-49 ; 1884-85, 67-70. Impact friction and faulting. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1885, 116-128, 194-209. The geometrical form of volcanic cones and the elastic limit of lava. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1886, 283- 293. Becker] 390 [Becker Notes on the stratigraphy of California. U. S. Gaol. Surv. Bull., No. 1<), 1885, 28 pp. ■ • A theorem of niaxiniuni dissipativity. Anier. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 115-120. A new law of thermo-ehemistry. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 120-12O. Cretaceous raetainorpliic rocks of California. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 348-357. [Administrative] report. [California division of geology.] [1888-89.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1885-86, 93-97; 1886-87, 153-155. The Washoe rocks. [1886.] California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 93-120. A sketch of the geological development of the Pacific slope. [1886.] Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 5, 1887, 3-12. The textm'e of massive rocks. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 50-58. Natural solutions of cinnabar, gold and associated sulphides. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 199-210. Summary of the geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. [1889.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Kep., 1886-87, 961-985. [On the crystalline schists of the United States and their relations.] (c.) The crystalline schists of the coast ranges of California. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1888, 170-176. Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope ; with an atlas. U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 13, 1888, xix + 486 pp. [Administrative] report. [California division.] [1889- 93.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1887-88, 100-102; 1888-89 (Pt. 1), 141-144; 1889-90 {Pt. 1), 95-96; 1890-91 {Pt. 1), 104-106; 1891-92 (Pt. 1), 133-135; 1892-93 (Pt. 1), 192. Silicic acids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 151-157. An elementary proof of the earth's rigidity. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 336-352. The structure of a portion of the Sierra Nevada of California. [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, xiv, 49-74. Antiquities from under Tuolumne Table mountain in California. [With digcussion.] [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 189-200. Notes on the early Cretaceous of California and Oregon. [yVith discussion.] [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 201-208. Finite homogeneous strain, flow and rupture of rocks. [1892.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 4, 1893, x, 13-90. Fisher's new hypothesis. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 137-139. Green's use of "potential." Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 151. The finite elastic stress strain function. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 337-356. On certain astronomical conditions favourable to glaciation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 95-113. Sobre la teoria de la substitucion en Almaden. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 226-233; Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 203. The torsional theory of joints. [With discussion.] [1894.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 24, 1896, 130- 138, 863-867. Distribution of gold deposits in Alaska. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 3, 1895, 960-962. Gold fields of the southern Appalachians. [1895.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1894-96 (Pt. 3), 251-331. Schistosity and slaty cleavage. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 4, 1896, 429-448. Some queries on rock differentiation. Science, 4, 1896, 927. Some queries on rock differentiation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 21-40. Note on computing diffusion. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 280-286. Fractional crystallization of rocks. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 4, 1897, 257-261. Lewis on the diamond. Science, 6, 1897, 664-667. New diamond find in the Transvaal. Science, 6, 1897, 726-727. The Witwatersrand Banket, with notes on other gold- bearing pudding stones. [1897.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 (Pt. 5), 153-184; Amer. Jl. Sci,, 5, 1898, 193-208. Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska, with some notes on general geology. [1898.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1896-97 (Pt. 3), 1-86. On the determination of plagioclase feldspars in rock sections. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 349-354. Memorandum on the mineral resources of the Philippine Islands. [1898.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep,, 1897-98 (Pt. 6, Vol. 2), 687-693. Brief memorandum on the geology of the Philippine Islands. [1900.] U. S. Geol. Surv. Rep., 1898-99 (Pt. 2), 1-7. Becker, Gustuv. Die Aiguille du Geant 4013 m. (Dent du Geant). Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 24, 1893, 291- 320. Der Gurgler Kamm. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 27, 1896, 234-276. Becker, H. Die Wasserversorgung des hochgelegenen Hof- gutes "Berghaus" bei Thiengen in Baden mittelst einer Wasserkraftmaschine. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg., 50, 1886, 82-84, 89-91. Die Wasserversorgung von Biichenbronn in Baden mittelst einer Widderanlage. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg., 58, 1893, 19-22. Becker, //., & Fi^rard, Entile. Essais de piles. Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 460-463. Becker, H., Iiarmayer, G., & Ficard, G. D. L'inscription photographique des courants electriques. Lum. Elect., 31, 1889, 16-23. Becker, //. Das Griine Farb-Erde-Vorkommen bei Atschau-Gosen im Bezirke Kaaden in Bohmen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 41, 1892, 171-178. Becker, H. Ueber die allgemeinen Beziehungen der Chemie zur Bakteriologie. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 420-425. Ueber amerikanisches und russisches Petroleum. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 216-221. Die Reinhefe in der Weinbereitung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 2), 3, 1897, 667-671, 674. Ueber die Bestrebungen zur Verwerthung des Caseins. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 1190-1192. Becker, Heinrich. Der Sturmgang fiber die Erde in den Jahren 1886-87. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 117, 171. Eine geologische Karte von Europa. Ztschr. Wiss, Geogr., 7, 1890, 488-492. Zur Kenntniss der ostsibirischen Jurafische. [1894.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 26, 1895, 173-180. Lecco und die Grigna. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 690-692. Becker, Hermann. Ein Fall von Mikrophthalmus con- geuitus unilateralis nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber die vermuthliche Aetiologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte desselben. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 34, 1888 (Ahth. 3), 103-146. Mikrophthalmus mit Orbitopalpebralcyste. [1893.] Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 81-127; Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 73-75. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schleimcysten und Gefassgeschwiilste der Orbita. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1896 (Abth. 1), 119-155. Seeker, Joseph. Nouveau calendrier perp6tuel. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 811. Becker] 391 [Beckers A minor-Rauge. Franklin Inst. JL, 137, 1894, 42-44. Becker, Jul[ius], & Busch, Max [GuMav Reinhold], Sec Buscb d- Becker. Becker, Kuiio. Agave Salmiana, Dietr., var. glauca. Mschr. Kakteenk., 8, 1898, 150. Cereus peruvianus. Mill. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 6. La Mortola. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 37-40. Becker, Leon. Catalogue des Arachnides de Belgique. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cclxxxiii-cclxxxv ; 29, 1885, xciii-c. Arachnide nouveau pour la faune de Belgique. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 30, 1886, xxii. — — Diagnoses de quelques Arachnides nouveaux. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 30, 1886, xxiii-xxvii. Sur le Pholcus phalangioides, Fuessly, 1775. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 539-540. Les Arachnides de Belgique. Brux., Mus. Hist. Nat. Ann., 12, 1896, 127 + 378 p\>. Becker, Ludw'ui. Note on Comet a 1888 (Sawerthal). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 380-381. On the orbit of the periodic Comet 1867 I. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891. 475-494. The solar spectrum at medium and low altitudes. Observations^ of the region between wave-lengths 6024 and 4861 A.U. , made at Lord Crawford's observa- tory, Dun Echt, during the years 1887 to 1889. [1890.] Edinb. Boy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 99-210. Becker, Lydia Ernestine. For biograjihical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 320. Becker, M[oriz] A[lois]. For biographical notice see Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 353. Die blaue Orotle von Busi. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 28, 1885, 529-537. Becker, Max. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Augenlidtu- moren. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1896 (Ahtli. 3), 169- 185. Becker, A^. M. MaiepiajiH Kb (J)ii3ioJiorin m (i)ap- MaKOJioriii uoii,Kejiy;i,04HOH 3Ke.je3H. ii. 0 B.iiHHiii Ha 0T,T,1;jeHie naHKpeaTiiiecKaro coKa luiCTBopoBt ji;ByyrjieKiicjiaro narpa, iiOBapeHHoft COJIH H yrOJItHOH KlfC.lOTH, a XaKHte H'feKOTOpHXI. mCJIOiIUHXt BOA'b. Contributions a la physiologie et a la pharmacologie de la glande pancreatique. ii. De rinfluence des solutions de bicarbonate de sonde, de sel marin, d'acide carbonique et de quelques eaux alcalines sur la secretion du sue pancreatique. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 432-461. Becker, Otto. For biography and works see Ann. d'Oculist., 103, 1890, 271-278; Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, [2 pp.]; Wien. Med. Wschr., 40, 1890, 284-285. Becker, Paul. Chlorirung mittelst Acetylchlorid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2006-2008. Becker, P/t. f. Ueber das Knochensystem eines Castraten. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Ahth.), 1899, 83-112. Becker, Richard. For biogiaphical notice see Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1899-1900, 54-55. Phreoryctes Menkeanus. [1889.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1888, 57-58. Pterostichus cupreus, L. [1890.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1889, 42-44. Becker, Th[eodor], & imicliaeliB, [Carl Arnold] A[vijust\. Sec nxichaelis & Becker. Becker, 'J heodor. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Dipteren- Fauna von St. Moritz. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 31, 1887, 93-141 ; 33, 1889. 169-191. Hilaia sartor, n. sp. (Osten Sacken in litt.), und ihr Schleier. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 32, 1888, 7-12. Eine zwitterabnliche Missbildung von Syrphus luuu- latus, Meig. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 7, 1888, 71-74. Altes und Neues aus der Schweiz. Ein diptero- logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 73-84, 136, 285; 9, 1890, 128; 10, 1891, 289-296. Neue Dipteren aus Dalraatien, gesammelt aut einer lleise im Mai 1889. [1890.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 33, 1889, 335-346. Einige Bemerkungen zu Herrn J. M. F. Bigot's Classificirung der Empiden im i. Heft des Jahrganges 1889 der Annales de la Societe Entbmologique de France. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 32-35. Altes und Neues aus Tirol und Salzburg. Ein diptero- logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 65-70. Neues aus Siid-Tirol und Steiermark. Ein diptero- logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 10, 1891, 281-288; 11, 1892, 125-126. - — - Eine neue Leptis aus der Schweiz. Ein diptero- logischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 23-25. Bevision der Gattung Chilosia, Meigen. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 62, 1894, 195-522. Dipterologische Studien. [i. Scatomyzidse. ii. Sapro- myzidas. in. Lonchfeidffi. iv. Ephydrid®. v. Pi- punculidas.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 39, 1894, 77-196; 40, 1895, 171-264, 313-344 ; 41, 1896, 91-276 ; 42, 1898, 25- 100; 45, 1900, 215-252. Bemerkung zu Hilara longicornis. Sir obi. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 13, 1894, 156-159. Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna von Nowaja-Semlja. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 396-404. Die Leptiden-Formen im Gebiete der europaisch- asiatischen und Mittelmeer-Fauna. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 97-116, 176. Beitiage zur Dipteren-Fauna Sibiriens. Nordwest- sibirische Dipteren gesammelt vom Prof. John Saulberg aus Helsingfors im Jahre 1876 und vom Dr. E. Behgroth aus Tammerfors im Jahie 1877. Helsingfors, Acta, 26, 1900, No. 9, 66 pp. Becker, Wilhelm. Floristisches aus der Umgebung von Sangerhausen am Harz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 14, 1896, 21-24; 15, 1897, 84-86. Untersuchungen iiber die Arten des Genus Viola aus der Gruppe Pteromischion, Borb. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 16, 1898, 10-12, 41-43, 164-166, 185-187. Floristisches aus der Umgegend von Sangerhausen am Harz, nebst einigen Angaben zur Flora Nord- thiiringens und des Siid-Harzes. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 16, 1898, .66-68. Viola riviniana, Ilchb., x stricta, i/ora.= Viola Wein- harti, W. Bckr., hi/br. nor. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 75-76. Einige Notizen zur Systematik des Genus Viola. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 115-116. — — Floiistische und systematische Beitrage zur Flora Nord-Thiiringens und des Siid-Harzes. Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 122-124. Bemerkungen zu den "Violse exsiccatjE." Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 18, 1900, 7H-80, 109-110, 126-128. BeckerhofF, H[einricli], &, Anschiitz, Richard. See Anschiitz & Beckerhoff. Beckers, G. Ein unvollkommener, "gemischter" Zwitter von Dolerus madidus, Klg. Ent. Nachr., 12, 1886, 174- 175. Gnorimus variabilis, var. Heydeni. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1888, 24. Notiz liber Carabus auratus, var. Brullei, Gehin. Ent. Nachr., 14, 1888, 17. Beitrage zur Lebensgeschichte des Gnorimus variabilis. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1890, 142-144. Ueber Gnorimus variabilis, var. Heydeni, m. Bemer- kung zu dem Artikel des Herrn VI. Zoitfal in der Wien. Entom. Zeitg. 1892, p. 242. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 315. — — Bemerkung zu Nr. xxiv der hymenopterologisehen Notizen von Prof. Dr. von Dalla-Torre. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 318-319. Beckers] 392 [Beckmann Beckers, Heiiirich. Ueber tricbinenahuliche Gebilde im Schweinefleisoh. Deutsche Ztscbr. Thiermed., 15, 1889, 57-67. Beckett, {Sir) Edmund. How did the world evolve itself? [With discussion.] Victoria Inst. J!., 17, 1884, 282-817. Beckett, G. H., & Dflacnab, William. See Macnab & Beckett. Beckett, T. W. Naylor. Description of new species of Musci. [1892-93.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 289-297; 26, 1894, 274-277. On some little-known New Zealand mosses. [1892-93.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 297-302; 26, 1894, 277-288. On New Zealand mosses. [1894-98.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 403-405; 29, 1897, 441-445; 31, 1899, 426-437. Beckford, Frank J. B. On the fish of Dorset: their habits, mode of capture, &c. [1896.] Dorset Field Club Proc, 18, 1897, 1-43. Beckb, Walter. Znr Constitution des Einwirkungspro- ductes von rauchender Salpetersaure auf Acetessigather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 152-156. Ueber einige Synthesen mit Cblorfumarsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 47-51. Ueber den a-Phenylacetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 3160-3164. Beckh, Walter, & Tafel, Julim. Zur Kenntniss des Diazoamidobenzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2315-2316. Beckb, Walter, & VTislicenus, Wilhelm. Sec 'WisUcenus & Beckh. Beckbam, Charles Wickliffe. For biographical notice and list of works see Auk, 5, 1888, 445-446. The western semipalmated sandpiper on the coast of Virginia. Auk, 2, 1885, 110. Notes on some of the birds of Pueblo, Colorado. Auk, 2, 1886, 139-144 ; 4, 1887, 120-125. A white-winged Junco in Maryland. Auk, 2, 1885, 306. Remarks upon the plumage of Regulus calendula. [1883.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 625-628. Changes in the plumage of Geothlypis trichas. Auk, 3, 1886, 279-281. First plumage of the summer tanager (Piranga rubra) . Auk, 3, 1886, 487. Scarcity of adult birds in autumn. Auk, 4, 1887, 79-80. Additions to the avi-fauna of Bayou Sara, La. Auk, 4, 1887, 299-306. Occurrence of the Florida blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata fiorincola) in southwestern Texas. Auk, 5, 1888, 112. A Philadelphia Vireo and a cobweb. Auk, 5, 1888, 115. Observations on the birds of south-western Texas. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 633-696. Beckliaus, C\onrad Friedrich Ludwig]. For biography see Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1891 {Th. 2), 2-8. Beitrage zur weitern Erforschung der Phanerogamen- Flora Westfalens. Mit Angaben der Herren Demandt, HrssK, Reiss, Saktorius, Schemmann, Steinbruch, Utsch. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1886, 119-123. Westfalische Rosen. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1886, 114- 126. Geographisclie Uebersicht der Flora Westfalens. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1888, 120-1.30. Beckhaus, Jos. [Ueber die meteorologischen Verhaltni-sse des Pike's Peak.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1884, 134. [Insulation resistance of electric [1889.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., Beckingsale, E. TF. light installations.] 18, 1890, 122-123. Beckles, S[amuel] H. Soc Quart. Jl., 47, 1891 {Proc), 54. For biographical notice see Geol. Beckley, Robert. For biographical notice see Synions, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1886, 132. Beckxnan. See VTiardi Beckxnan. Beckmann, {Kapt.) . St. Elmsfeuer am mensch- lichen Koriier. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 117. Beckmann, C[arl Lndtvig]. For biography and list of works see Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1898, 189-190; Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, cxix-cxxii ; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, (58)-(60) ; Hannover Jber., 1897-99, 6-8; Bremen Abb., 16, 1900, 234-237. Ein neuer Carex-Bastard (Carex panniculata x tere- tiuscula). [1886.] Bremen Abh., 9, 1887, 285-286. Ein von Herrn G. Oertel angeblich bei Dessau beobacliteter Carex-Basta»'d. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 30, 1889, 76-78. Florula Bassumensis. Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 481- 515. Carex remota x canescens, A. Schultz. Carex arthu- riana, Beckmann et Figert. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 30-33. Beckmann, C[arl Ludwig], & Tigert, E. Ueber Formen von Carex panniculat i x remota. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, 272-273. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto]. Ueber die Vitali'sche Reaction zum Nachweis des Atropins. Arch. Pharni., 224, 1886, 481-484. Zur Kenntniss der Isonitrosoverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 988-993; 20, 1887, 1507- 1510, 2580-2585, 2766-2768; 21, 1888, 766-769. Darstellung von Knallquecksilber sowie salzsaurem Hydroxylamin und sichere Aufbewahrung des letzteren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 993-995. Ueber die Darstellung von Menthol und Borneol. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1265. Ueber das Moleculargewicht der Oxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1163-1164. Ueber die Methode der Molekulargewichtsbestimmung durch Gefrierpunktserniedrigung. Ztschr. Physikal. Cbem., 2, 1888, 638-645, 71-5-743. Zur Isomeric der Oximiloverbindungen. Isomere monosubstituirte Hydroxylamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 429-440, 514-517. — — Verhalten von Ketonen und Aldehyden gegeniiber metallischem Natrium bei Gegenwart indifferenter Losungsmittel, insbesondere von Aether. Beilin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 912-916. Zur Isomeric der Benzaldoxime. iii [und iv]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 15i51-1536, 158S-1597. Ueber die Beatimmung von Moleculargewichten aus Siedepunktserhohungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 247; Ztschr. Physikal. Cbem., 3, 1889, 603-604. Untersuchungen in der Campherreihe. Erste [-vierte] Abhandlung. Liebig's Ann., 250, 1889, 322-375; 262, 1891, 1-37; 289, 1896, 362-367; 292, 1896, 1-30. Studien zur Praxis der Bestiminung des Molekular- gewichts aus Dampfdruckemiedrigungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 4, 1889, 532-552. Zur Isomeric der Aldoxime. v[-vii]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1680-1692, 3319-3331, 3331-3341. Ueber die Molekulargrosse des Jods, Phosphors und Schwefels in Losungen. Ztscbr. Pbysikal. Chem , 5, 1890, 76-82. Bestimmung von Molekulargewichten nach der Siede- methode. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 437-473. Zur Praxis der Gefriermethode. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 323-330. Zur Praxis der Bestimmung von Molekulargewichten nach der Siedemethode. Ztschr. Phy.sikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 223-228. Zur Umlagerung des Stickstoffbenzylbenzaldoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2272-2285. Zur Kenntniss des Salicylaldoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2621-2631. Beckmann] 393 [Beckurts Darstellnnj,' einiger Saurederivate des ^-Benzyl- bydroxylamins. Berlin, Cbern. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2631-2634. - — - Ileber die Reaction zur Umlageruni,' von Oximidover- bindungen in Amide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 300-315. Ueber die Reaction zwisclien N-Aldoximiithern nnd Phenylisocyanat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894 1957-1959. Ueber Canipherpinacon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2318-23.50. Beitrago zur Bestimmung von Molekulargrossen. [i. Zur Praxis der Siedepunktsmethode. iv. Neuer- ungen an den Apparaten. v. Zur Kenntniss fester Losnngen.] Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 656- 680; 21, 1896, 239-256; 22, 1897, 609-618. Beitrage zur Priifung des Honigs. Fresenius, Ztschr., 35, 1896, 263-284. Untersuchungen in der Kampherreihe. [Sechste und siebeute Abhandlung.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 55, 1897, 14- 31, 31-10. Zur Kenntniss der N-Alkylhydroxylamine. [Unter Mitwirkung von B. Goetze, F. Schoneumark, und H. KoNiG.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 56, 1897, 71-93. Ueber Spektrallampen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 593-611; 35, 1900, 443-458, 652-660. Neue Vorrichtungen zum Farben nichtleuchtender Flammen(Spectrallampen). [1900.J Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh , 26, 1901, 1-23; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 557. Beckmann, Knigt [Otto], & Eickelberg, H^einrich]. Zur Kenntniss der Menthone, Ueberfiibrung in Thymol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 418-421. Beckmann, Krrist [Otto], & Fellrath, Krmt. Einwirkung von Phenylisocyanat auf Stickstofif-Benzylbenzaldoxim. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 1-30. Beckmann, ?:ntst [Otto], &: Koster, Aimo. Zur Um- lagerung der Oximidoverbindungen. Dritte Abhandlung. Umlagerung der Benziloxime. [Vierte Abhandlung. Ueber ein basisches Nebenproduct, welches bei der Benzylirung des Acetoxims entsteht.] Liebig's Ann., 274, 1893, 1-36, 37-41. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & l!)IehrlM.nder, H[ei7irich]. Weitere Beitrage ziir Kenntniss der Menthone. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 367-391. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Paul, Theodor. Beiti'age zum Verlialten von Ketonen und Aldehyden gegeniiber metal- lischcm Natrium bei Gegenwart indifferenter Losungs- mittel. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 43, 1891, 399-423 ; Liebig's Ann., 266, 1891, 1-28. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Sandel, K[arl]. Zur Um- lagerung der Oximidoverbindungen. Vierte Abhandlung. Uebtr die Umlagerung von a-Benzilmonoxim. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 279-294. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Scbliebs, G[eorg]. Zur Kenntniss der orgauischen Metallverbindungen. [1895.] Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 71-90. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], & Stock, A[ugust]. Beitrage zur Bestimmung vou Molekulargrossen. ii. Ueber die Molekulargrosse des Jods in Liisungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1896, 107-135. Beckmann, Ernst [Otto], Fuchs, G[otthold], & Oemtaardt, V[ictor]. Beitrage zur Bestimmung von Molekular- grossen. m. Bestimmung von Konstanten zur Siede- punktsmethode. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 47.3-513. Beckmann, Huj/o. Ueber Scbliessung und Oeffnung der Rachenmiiudung der Tuba Eustachii. [1891.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 83-90. Ziir Theorie des Hcirens. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 45, 1898, 112-113. Beckmann, ]l'[nhehn]. Ueber die typhusiihnlichen Bac- terien des Strassburger Wasserleitungswassers. Arch. Exper. Path., 33, 1894, 466-467. R. S. A. C. Beckmann, W. Klinische Untersuchungen iiber den diagnostischen Werth der vermehrten Indicanausschei- dung bei Eiterungen. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894. 255-258, 265-268, Zur Aetiologie der Inversio uteri post partum. Eine klini.sch-statistische Studie. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 31, 1895, 371-401. Zur Complication der Graviditat und Geburt mit CoUumkrebs. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 34, 1896, 51-68. Beitrag zur Graviditat im rudimeutaren Uterushorn. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak,, S5, 1896, 60-79. Beitrag zur Graviditas interstitialis. Ztschr, Ge- burtshlf. Gynak., 38, 1898, 471-496. Zur Histologie und Histogenese der Uterussarkome. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, 1899, 287-309. Zwei Falle von Uterussarkom. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 41, 1899, 427-439. Die puerperale Uterusgangran, Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 42, 1900, 423-489. Becks, (Kapt.) . *Ueber eiuige Stiirme bei Tschifu im November und Dezember 1879. Ann, der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 280. *Teifun im Ost-Chinesischen Meer am 6. Juni 1880. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 545. Beckurts, Heinrich [August]. *Verhalten der Dichlor- propionsaure gegen molekulares Silber. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 166-168. Zur Ausmittelung des Arsens bei gerichtlichchemisohen Untersuchungen. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 653-666. Zur Anwendung von Salzsaure im Marsh'schen Apparate. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 681-684. Darstellung von arsenfreier Salzsaure durch fraction- irte Destination unter Zusatz von Eisenchloriir. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 684-685. Zur Kenntniss des Strychnins. Deutsch. Natf, Tagebl., 1884, 311-313. Versuche iiber die Abscheidung der Alkaloide aus Leichentheilen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 31.3-314, Zur Kenntniss des Strychnins und Brucins. Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1235-1238. Ueber den fliichtigen und scharfen Bestandtheil ver- schiedener Ranunculaceen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1885, 190-193. Zur Kenntniss der Constitution der Sulfinsauren. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 362-363. Ueber den Gehalt des Sal^^eters an chlorsaurem Salz. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 333-337. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Carbolsaure als Tribromphenol. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 561- 572. Ueber die Bestimmung des Phenols in der rohen Carbolsaure. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 572-580. Ueber die Gehaltspriifung von Acidum carbolicum liquefactum. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 580-588. Die Ausmittelung giftiger Alkaloide bei gerichtlich- chemischen Untersuchungen mit Bezug auf den heutigen Stand der Ptoraainforschung. Arch. Pharm., 224, 1886, 1041-1065 ; Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 1097-1098. [Ueber Dichlorbrucin und den Nachweis von Strychnia neben Brucin.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 204-205. Ueber die Ursache des moireeartigen Beschlages in Gemiiseconserven enthaltenden Weissblechbiichsen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 363-364. Ueber den Zinngehalt von Gemiiseconserven. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889. 364. Ueber die Untersuchung von verzinnten Weissblechen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 365. Zur Priifung des Ferrum reductum. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 365. Ueber Ptomainvergiftung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 365. Ueber das Verhaltniss von Strychnin und Brucin in 50 Beckurtsl 394 [Beco den Strychnospraparaten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 366-368. Ueber den Gehalt der Brechniisse an Alkaloiden. Deutscli. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 368-369. Zur Alkaloidbestiramung in den trockenen P^xtracten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 369. Zin- Alkaloidbestimmung in chloroph.yllhaltigen Ex- tracten. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 369. Zur Kenntnis des Strychnins. Arch. Pharm., 228, 1890, 313-325. Zur Kenntnis des Brucins. Arch. Pharm., 228, 1890, 326-330. — Ueber einige Verbindungen der Alkaloide mit Ferro- cyanwasserstoffsiiure. Arch. Pharm., 228, 1890, 347- 352. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Anemonins. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 182-206. Ueber den Alkaloidgehalt der Einde von Strychnos Nux vomica und der Samen von Strychnos potatorum, L. fil. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 549-552. Beitrage zur chemischen Kenntnis der Kakaobohnen. Arch. Pharm., 231, 1893, 687-694. Werthbestimmung narcotischer Extracte. Pharm. Ztschr. Kussland, 33, 1894, 555-557, 567-568. Zur Kenntnis der Angosturaalkaloide. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1896, 410-423. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ure'ide und der acidylierten Carbaminsiiureester. Arch. Pharm., 237, 1899, 285-288. Ueber den Alkaloidgehalt javanischer Granatrinde. Arch. Pharm., 238, 1900, 8-9. Beckurts, Hemrich [Auirunt], & Briiche, JC. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wertbestimmung der Harze und Balsame. Arch. Pharm., 230, 1892, 64-93. Beckurts, Heinrich [Augitst], & Frerichs, G[vstav]. See Frerichs & Beckurts. Beckurts, Heinrich [August], & XXartwicli, Carl. Beitrage zur chemischen und pharmakognostischen Kenntnis der Kakaobohnen. Arch. Pharm , 230, 1892, 589-608. Beckurts, Heinrich [Augnsf], & Heller, H[ernMnn]. Ueber Fettuntersuchuugen mit dem Refraktometer. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1895, 423-428. Beckurts, Heinrich [Augtmt], & ZZolst, Georg. See ZXolst & Beckurts. Beckurts, Heinrich [August], & Nehring, Paul. Ueber die Bestandteile der Angosturarinde, der Rinde von Cusparia trifoliata, F.nqler. Arch. Pharm., 229, 1891, 591-618. Beckurts, Heinrich [August], & Oelze, Friedrich. Zur Kenntnis des Hirschtalgs. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1896, 429-430. Beckurts, Heinrich [August], & Otto, [Friedrich Wilhelm] Robert. Studien iiber das Verhalten der Silbersalze von halogensubstituirten Sauren der Reihe C„H.,„09 beim Erhitzen mit Wasser und fiir sich. [ii. Mifthe'ilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 222-238. See also Otto & Beckurts. Beckurts, Heinrich [A^lgust], & Troeger, [Karl] Julius [Ludicig]. Ueber das atherische Oel der Angosturarinde. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 518-.535, 634-640, 641-643; 236, 1898, 392-408. Beckwith, (J)Iiss) Florence. Variation of ray-flowers in Rudbeckia hirta. [1892.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1896, 170-171. Beckwith, (Miss) Florence, & DSacauley, (Miss) Mary E. Plants of Monroe county, New York, and adjacent territory. [With the assistance of Joseph B. Fuller 1 [1894.] Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 3, 1906, 1-150. Beckwith, M[ilton] H. Practical notes on the use of insecticides. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 3, 1891, 269- 275. Salt-water as a preventive of the yellows. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 448-449. Beckwith, William K. Notes on Shropshire birds. Shropsh. Soc. Trans , 10, 1887, 383-398; 11,- 1888, 223-238, 387- 402; 1, 1889, 201-216; 2, 1890, 1-16, 303-318; 3, 1891, 313-328; 4, 1892, 183-198; 5, 1893, 31-48. B6clard, Ferd[inand]. Les fossiles Coblenziens de St-Michel, pres de Saint-Hubert. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1887 [Mem.], 60-97. Snr deux fossiles Infra-Couviniens. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1887 (Proc. -Verb.), 189-191. Sur la Rhynchonella Pengelliana, Davids. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol; Bull., 1890 (Mnn.), 29-32. Fossiles nouveaux du D^'vonien Inferieur de la Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1891 (Mem.), 96-102. Les Spiriferes du Coblenzien beige. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Me'm.), 129-240. Catalogue synonymique et critique des Spiriferes du Devonien Inferieur. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1896 (Mem.), 260-288. B^clard, Jules [Auguste]. For biography and works see Arch. Gen. Med.,' 159, 1887, 365-366; Homme, 4, 1887, 123; Jl. Microgr., 11, 1887, 98-99; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 57; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 17, 1887, 199-203; 18, 1887, 776-778 ; Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 219. B6cI6re, A[ntoine]. Les teignes tondantes a I'^cole des teigneux de I'hopital Saint-Louis (Ecole Lailler) en 1894. [With discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 68.5-694. Etude physiologique de la vision dans I'exaraen radioscopique. Ass. Franc,'. C. R. , 1899 (Pt. 2), 1017- 1036. Les instruments de I'examen radioscopique. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 285-286. B6cl6re, .j[ntoine], Chambon, [Ernest], & Menard, Saint- Yves. Etudes sur I'immunite vaccinale et le pouvoir immunisant du s(!'rum de genisse vaccinee. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 1-46. Etude experimentale des accidents post-s^roth(5ra- piqiies. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 567-579. Etudes sur rimraunit^ vaccinale. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 837-847; 13 (1899), 81-125. B6cldre, A[ntoine], Chambon, [Ernest], Menard, Saint- Yres, & Coulomb, [Georges]. Transmission intra-uterine de I'immunite vaccinale et du pouvoir antivirulent du serum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 2.S5-237. B^cltoe, A[ntoine], Chambon, [Ernest], Menard, Saint- Yves, & Jousset, [Andre]. Le pouvoir antivirulent du s^rum de I'homme et des animaux immunises centre rinfection vaccinale ou variolique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1227-1229. Beco, Lucien. Ueber die Aetiologie der uramischen Peri- carditis. Centrbl. Path., 5, 1894, 839-842. Etude sur la penetration des microbes intestinaux dans la circulation generale pendant la vie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 199-209. Beitrag zum experimentellen Studium der Association des Bacillus anthracis mit dem Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1896, 641-649. Contribution a I'etude de la stomatite diphteroide infantile. Arch. Med. Exper., 8, 1896, 433-444. Recherches sur le sero-diagnostic de la fi^vre typhoide. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 10, 1896, 870-877. La perm^abilite de la jiaroi intestinale vis-a-vis des microbes de I'intestin. Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 108- 119. Recherches sur la valeur de I'agglutination par la formaline et le serum des typhiFes en tant que moyen de diagnostic entre le Bacillus typhosus et le coli-bacille. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12, 1898, 391-406. Recherches sur la flore bacterienne du poumon de I'homme et des animaux. Arch. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 317-362. Note sur la valeur de ragglutmation par le serum antityphique experimental comme moyen de diagnostic Becol 395 [Becquerel entve ]c bacille d'EBEitxH et les races coliformes. Centrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 1), 26, 1899, 13(;-139. Becquerel, Antoine Ct'stir. To hioKrapliical references {Vol. 12) add [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 133-134. Beeti'aerel,[Ale:randre] Edmoiul. For biograpliy and works xee Ann. Conserv. Arts et Mtit., 3, 1891, lOl-lOG; 4, 1892, 113-130; Electrician, 27, 1891, 73-74; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 109; Lum. Elect., 40, 1891, 395-396; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 882-883 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1891, 158-160; Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 635; Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 28, 1891, 352-353; Roy. Soc. Proc, 51, 1892, xxi-xxiv; Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 640; Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 31, 1892, 64. *Observations de temperature faites au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle pendant les ann^es m^t^orologiques 1877 et 1878, avec des thermom^tres places k des pro- fondeurs de 1'" a 36™ sous le sol, ainsi que dans Pair et sous des sols gazonnes et denudes. [1879.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1878 (1), C.1-C.12. PCtude spectrale des corps rendus phosphorescents par Taction de la lumiere ou par les d^charges ^lectriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 205-210. — — Action du manganese sur le pouvoir de phosphor- escence du carbonate de chaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1098-1101. Sur la phosphorescence de I'alumine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1224-1227. Sur la phosphorescence du sulfure de calcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 551-553. Sur la preparation des sulfures de calcium et de strontium phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 892-895. Note relative a Paction de la chaleur sur le pouvoir magnetique du fer, du nickel et de quelques alliages de platine, et sur les consequences que I'on pent en tirer pour le dosage du fer. Paris, Soc. Philora. Mem. Cent., 1888, 85-90. Observations sur la communication de M. Lippmann au sujet de la reproduction photographique des couleurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 275-277. Becquerel, \^Alexandre'\ F.dmond, & Becquerel, [Antoine] Henri. Temperatures du sol et de Pair observ^es au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle pendant I'ann^e 1878 [et les annees 1880-82]. [1880-84.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1879(1). B.l-B.ll; 1880 (1), B.l-B.lO; 1881 (1), B.1-B.6; 1882 (1), B.3-B.8. Memoire sur la temperature de Pair et du sol, au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, pendant les annees 1883 et 1884. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1426-1429; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 8, 1885, 361-365. Memoire sur la temperature de I'air a la surface du sol et de la terre jusqu'a trente-six metres de profondeur, ainsi que sur la temperature de deux sols. Tun denude, I'autre convert de gazon, pendant [les annees 1881-84]. Paris, Ac. Sci. Mem., 44, 1888, No. 1, 50 pp., No. 2, 50 pp.. No. 3, 12 pp. Becquerel, [Antoi7ie] Henri. Nouvelle methode pour mesurer I'intensite d'un courant electrique en unites absolues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1253-1255; Lum. Elect., 12, 1884, 821-323. Spectres d'emission infra-rouges des vapeurs metal- liques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 374-376. Determination des longueurs d'onde des raies et bandes principales du spectre solaire infra-rouge. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 417-420, 450. Mesure du pouvoir rotatoire magnetique des corps en unites absolues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1374- 1377; Ann. Chim. , 6, 1885, 145-173; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1885, 117-129. Relations entre I'absorption de la lumiere et I'emission de la phosphorescence dans les composes d'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1252-1256. Sur les variations des spectres d'absorption et des spectres d'emission par phosphorescence d'un meme corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 106-110. Sur les valuations des spectres d'absorption dans les milieux non isotropes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 198-202. Sur I'absorption de la lumiere au travers des cristaux. France, Soc. Min. Bull., 10, 1887, 120-124; Paris, Soc, Phys. Seances, 1887, 28-29; Rev. Sci., 42, 1888, 706-708. Sur les lois de I'absorption de la lumiere dans les cristaux et sur une methode nouvelle permettant de distinguer dans un cristal certaines bandes d'absorption appartenant a des corps differents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 165-169. Sur les variations des spectres d'absorption du didyme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 777-780. Sur les variations des spectres d'absorption des com- poses du didvme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1691- 1693; Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 257-279. Rechercbes sur les variations des spectres d'absorption dans les cristaux. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 170-257. Sur les spectres d'absorption de I'epidote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 282-284. Sur les lois de I'absorption de la lumiere dans les cristaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 891-894. De I'influence du magn^tisme terrestre sur la polarisa- tion atmosph^rique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 108, 1889, 997-1000. Note historique sur les piles a Electrolytes fondus, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 444-446. La temperature dans I'int^rieur du sol. Astronomie, 1891, 451-454. Sur les diti^rentes manifestations de la phosphor. escence des mineraux sous I'influence de la lumiere ou de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 557- 563. Memoire sur les temperatures observEes sous le sol, au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, pendant I'hiver 1890- 91. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113. 1891, 483-490. Sur les lois de I'intensite de la lixmiere Emise par les corps phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 618-623, 672; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 277-284. Les experiences de M. Edmond Becquerel sur les actions chimiques de la lumiere et I'heliochromie. Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 4, 1892, 481-494. Observations sur une note de M. H. Le Chatelier, intitulee: "Sur la mesure optique des temperatures elev^es." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 255-257. Sur la mesure des hautes temperatures. Reponse k des observations de M. H. Le Chatelier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 390-392. [Absorption cristalline et choix entre les diverses theories de la lumiere.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 664-665. La chaire do physique du Museum. Rev. Sci., 49^ 1892, 673-678. Notice sur Charles Francois de Cisternai du Fay, physicien, intendant du Jardin Royal des Plantes (1698- 1739). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Cent., 1893, 163-185. Sur les radiations emises par phosphorescence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 420-421. Sur les radiations invisibles emises par les corps phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 501- 503. Sur quelques proprietes nouvelles des radiations in- visibles emises par divers corps phosphorescents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 559-564. — — Sur les radiations invisibles emises par les sels d'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 689-694. Observations relatives k une note de M. Charles Henry, intitulee: "Sur le principe d'un accumulateur de lumiere." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 695. Sur les proprietes differentes des radiations invisibles 50—2 Becquerel] 396 [Beddard ^mises par les sels d'uranium, et du rayonnement de la paroi anticathodique d'un tube de Cbookes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 762-767. Observations relatives a la repoiise de M. Charles Henky : [sur le priiicipe d'un acctimulateur de lumiSre]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 791-792. Emission de radiations nouvelles par ruranium me- tallique. Paiis, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 108G-1088. Sur diverses proprietes des rayons uraniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 855-858. Rechei'ches sur les rayons uraniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 438-444. Sur la loi de la decharge dans I'air de I'uranium electriF^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 800-803. Explication de quelques experiences de M. G. Le Bon. [Sur les propri^t^s electriques des radiations emises par les corps sous I'influence de la lumiere.] Pai'is, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 984-988. Sur une interpretation applicable au pbenomene de Faraday et au pbenomene de Zfemann. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125,1897, 679-685. Observations relatives a la communication prec^dente. [Sur quelques resultats nouveaux relatifs au pbenomene decouvert par M. le Dr. Zeemann.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 187. Remarques sur la polarisation rotatoire magn6tique et la dispersion anomale, a I'occasion d'une experience nouvelle de MM. D. Macaluso et 0. M. Corbino. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 647-651. Sur la dispersion anomale et le pouvoir rotatoire magnetique de certaines vapeurs incandescentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 899-904. Sur la dispersion anomale de la vapenr de sodium incandescente, et sur quelques consequences de ce pbe- nomene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 145-151. Note sur quelques proprietes du rayonnement de I'uranium et des corps radio-actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 771-777. Rechercbes sur les pbenomenes de phosphorescence produits par le rayonnement du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 912-917. Influence d'un champ magnetique sur le rayonne- ment des corps radio-actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 996-1001. Sur le rayonnement des corps radio-actifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1205-1207. Contribution a I'etude du rayonnement du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 206-211; Paris, Soc. Pbys. seances, 1900, 28-38. Sur la dispersion du rayonnement du radium dans un champ magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 130, 1900, 372-376. Deviation du rayonnement du radium dans un champ eiectrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 809-815. Note sur la transmission du rayonnement du radium au travera des corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 979-984. Sur la transparence de I'aluminium pour le rayonne- ment du radium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1154- 1157. Note sur le rayonnement de I'uranium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1583-1585; 131, 1900, 137-138. Becquerel, [Antoinel Henri, & Becquerel, [Alexavdre'\ Kdmond. See above. Becquerel, [Antoiiie] Henri, & Brongniart, Charlen [Jtiles Ednie]. La matiere verte chez les Phyllies, Orthopteres de la famille des Phasmides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1299-1303, Becquerel, [Antoine] Henri, & Deslandres, H[enri Alex- andre], Contribution a I'etude du pbenomene de Zeemann. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 997-1001. Olservations nouvelles sur le pbenomene de Zeemann. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 18-24. Becquerel, {Antoine^ Henri, & IMoissan, Henri. Etude de la fluorine de Quincie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 669-672. B^dart, [Gdbriel A.]. Ectiodactylie quadruple des pieds et des mains se transmettaut pendant trois generations. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1892, 336-342. Quelques cas rares d'anomalies museulaires observes a Toulouse au Laboratoire d'Anatomie. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1892, 376-379. Pesanteur apparente, verticale apparente, et mal de mer. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 219-233. Etude experimentale sur le n)ecanisme de Televation du poids total du corps sur la pointe des pieds. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 414-421. Retablisseiuent et conservation de la secretion lactee par excitation peripherique. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [65]. B^dart, [Gabriel A.], & MabiUe, [Leon]. Action de I'arsenic sur I'intoxication par ingestion de corps thyroide. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [65]; Nature, 58 (1898), 484. Bedaux, . Position d'un ti'ain sur une poutre a deux appuis simples portant une charge permanente uniforme, donnant le moment flecliissant maximum sous un essieu determine. Genie Civil, 17, 1890, 381. Resistance des materiaux. Determination graphique des moments flechissants et des efforts tranchants pro- duits dans une section donnee d'une poutre a deux appuis simples pendant la duree du passage d'un convoi sur cette poutre (le convoi pouvant etre contenu entiere- ment ou non dans la travee). [1892.] Genie Civil, 20, 1891-92, 316-318. Note sur la recherche du moment flechissant maximum et niaximorum produit par le passage d'un convoi sur une poutre a deux appuis simples. Genie Civil, 21, 1892, 130-132. Beddard, Frank E[vers]. On the genus Megascolex of Tempi.eton. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 398-402, A gigantic earthworm. Nature, 30, 1884, 570-571. Note on the presence of an allantoic (anterior ab- dominal) vein in Echidna. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 653- 654; Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 553-554. Preliminary notice of the Isopoda collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. Part i. Serolis. [Part II. Munnopsidse. Part iii. Munnidae, Asellidffi, Arcturidffi, Cymothoidse, Spharomidaj, Tanaidae, Anceidffi and Anthurida?.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 330-341; 1885, 916-925; 1886, 97-122. On some points in the structure of Hapalemur griseus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 391-399. A contribution to the anatomy of Scopus umbretta. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 543-553. Note on the structure of the body-wall in certain earthworms. [1884.] Edinb. Pbys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1885, 89-91. Sur les organes segmentaires de quelques vers de terre. [Tr.] Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 19, 1885, Art. 6, 19 pp. ; Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 31, 1886, Art. 5, 19 pp. Contributions to the structure of the Oligochata. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1102-1103. Remarks on the ovary of Echidna. Edinb. Pbys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1885, 354-362. Notes on the structure of a new species of earthworm belonging to the genus Acanthodrilus. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1885, 369-377. Note on the jjaired dorsal vessel of certain earth- worms. Edinb. Pbys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1885, 424-430. On the aftershaft in the feathers of certain birds. Ibis, 3, 1886, 19-23. Note on the distribution of the genus Serolis, and its occurrence on the shores of New Zealand. [1885.] N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 2, 1884-85, 388-391. Beddard] 39/ [Beddard Preliminary note on the nephridia of a new species of earthworm.' Hoy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1888, 459-4(54. Note on the nephridia of a Rj)e('ies of Acanthoilrihis. Zool. Anz., 8, 1886, 289-290. On the structural characters and classification of the cuckoos. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 168-187. On the heart of Apteryx. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 188- 189. On the specific characters and structm-e of certain New Zealand earthworms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 810-832. Notes on the visceral anatomy of birds. No. 1. On the so called omentum. [No. 2. On the respiratory organs in certain diving birds.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 836-844 ; 1888, 252-258. [Preliminary reports on some observations made in connection with Scottish fisheries during the summer of 1883.] (3.) At Eyemouth. [1884.] Scott. Meteorol. Soc Jl., 7, 1886, 35-36. Observations on the structure of Lumbricus compla- natus, Dug?s. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 451-460. Notes on some earthworms from Ceylon and the Philippine Islands, including a description of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 89-98. Striated muscles in Echinida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 428-430. On the reproductive organs in the genus Eudrilus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 672-682. Note on the ovaries and oviducts of Eudrilus. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 342-344. The ovarian ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 373-375. Note on the ovarian ovum in the Dipnoi. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 635-637. Note on the air-sacs of the cassowary. Zool. Soc. Pruc, 1886, 14,5-146. On the syrinx and other points in the anatomy of the Caprimulgidffi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 147-153. Note on the structure of a large species of earthworm from New Caledonia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 168-175. On some points in the anatomy of Chauna chavaria. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 178-181. Observations on the ovarian ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. Soc Proc, 1886, 272-292. Descriptions of some new or little known earthworms, together with an account of the variations in structure exhibited by Perionyx excavatus, E. P. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 298-314. Notes on the convoluted trachea of a curassow (Notho- crax nrumutum), and on the syrinx in certain storks. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 321-325. Observations on the development and structure of the ovum in the Dipnoi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 505-527. Note on a new type of compound eye. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 233-236. Note on a point in the structure of Fratercula arctica. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 771. On the so called prostate glands of the Oligochaeta. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 675-678. Note on the reproductive organs of Moniligaster. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 678-681. Notes on Brachyurus calvus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 119-121. On the structure of a new genus of Lumbricida> (Thamnodrilus Gulielmi). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 154- 163. Contributions to the anatomy of earthworms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 372-392, 544-548. Note on a point in the structure of Myrmecobius. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 527-531. Observations on the structural characters of certain new or little known earthworms. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 14, 1888, 156-176. On the minute structure of the eye in certain Cymo- thoidffi. [1887.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 33, 1888, 443-452. Note on the structure and development of the ovum in an annelid (Eudrilus). [1887.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888. 9-14. Note on the systematic position of Monitor. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 204-206. On the reproductive organs of Phreoryctes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 387-395. Remarks upon a species of Coccidium infesting Peri- chffita. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 2, 1888, 433-439. On the structure of the Graafian follicle in Didelphys. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 407-412. On the classification of the Striges. Ibis, 6, 1888, 335-344, 493. The nephridia of earthworms. Nature, 38, 1888, 221- 222. On the anatomy of Allurus tetrsedrus (Einen). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888, 365-371. On the occurrence of numerous nephridia in the same segment in certain earthworms, and on the relationship between the excretory system in the Annelida and in the platyhelminths. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888, 397-411. Preliminary note on the nephridia of Perichseta. Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 309-310. Preliminary note on the mucous gland of Urochaeta. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 90-91. Preliminary notes on the anatomy of Perichaeta. Zool. Anz., n, 1888, 91-94. Further notes upon the reproductive organs of Eudrilus. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 643-646. On certain points in the visceral anatomy of the Lacertilia, particularly of Monitor. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 98-107. Observations upon an annelid of the genus ^olosoma. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 213-217. On certain points in the visceral anatomy of Balae- niceps rex, bearing upon its affinities. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 284-290. Note on the sternal gland of Didelphys dimldiata. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 353-355. Note on a new gregarine. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 355-358. On certain points in the structure of Clitellio (Cla- pnrede). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 485-495. Report on annelids from the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Museum. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {ZooL), 21, 1889, 256- 266. The tail bristles of a West Indian earthworm. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 15-16. On the structure of three new species of earthworms, with remarks on certain points in the morphology of the Oligochseta. [1888.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 101-131. On certain points in the structure of Urochaeta, E. P., and Dichogaster, nov. gen., with further remarks on the nephridia of earthworms. [1888.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 29, 1889, 235-282. Notes upon certain species of ^olosoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 262-265. On the possible origin of the Malpighian tubules in the Arthropoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 290- 292. Contributions to our knowledge of the freshwater annelids. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 616-617. Contributions to the anatomy of the hoatzin (Opis- thocomus cristatus), with particular reference to the structure of the wing in the young. Ibis, 1, 1889, 283- 293. BeddardJ 398 [Beddard Notes on the marine OligochsBta of Plymouth. [1889.] U. K. .Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 69-71. Prelituinary notes on some 01igocha3ta. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 533-536. On a new sporozoon from the vesiculas seminales of Perichffita. Zool. Jbiich. {Sijst.), 4, 1889, 781-792. Note npon the f^neen cells in the integument of ^Eolo- soma tenebrarum. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 51-56. On certain poiuts in the anatomy of the Accipitres, with reference to the affinities of Polyboroides. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 77-82. Some notes upon the anatomy of the American tapir (Tapirus terrestris). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 252-258. On the oligocheetous fauna of New Zealand, witli preliminary descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc Proc, 1889, 377-382. Contributions to the natural history of an annelid of the genus Dero. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 440-444. Contributions to the anatomy of picarian birds. Part I. On some points in the structure of the horn- bills. [Part II. A note upon the pterylosis of the barbets and toucans. Part iii. On some points in the anatomy of the kingfishers.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 587-594; 1896, 555-557, 603-606. On the anatomy of Burmkister's cariama (Chunga Burmeisteri). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 594-602. On the anatomy and systematic position of a gigantic earthworm (Microcliasta Kappi) from the Cape Colony. [1884.] Zool. Soc Trans., 12, 1890, 63-76. On the structure of Hooker's sea-lion (Arcto- cephalus Hookeri). [1887.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 369-380. On the anatomy, histology [and aftinities] of Phreo- ryctes. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 16, 1890, 117- 119; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 35, 1890, 629-640. On the alimentary canal of the Martineta tinamou (Calodromas elegans). [1889.] Ibis, 2, 1890, 61-66. The pigment of the touraco and the tree porcupine. [1889.] Nature, 41, 1890, 152. On Photodilus badius, with remarks on its systematic position. Ibis, 2, 1890, 293-304. The colours of animals. [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 95-96. Contributions to the anatomy of earthworms, with descriptions of some new species. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci. , 30, 1890, 421-479. On the structure of a species of earthworm belonging to the genus Diachasta. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 159-174. On the structure of a new genus of Oligochseta (Deodrilus), and on the presence of anal nephridia in Acanthodrilus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 467-488. Preliminary note on a new earthworm belonging to the family Eudrilidae. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 561-563. Preliminary note upon Heliodrilus, a new genus of Eudrilidffi. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 627-629. Observations upon an American species of Perichaeta, and upon some other members of the genus. Zool. Soc Proc, 1890, 52-69. Notes on the anatomy of the condor. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 142-147. On the structure of Psophia and on its relations to other birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 329-341. On the minute structure of the eye in some shallow- water and deep-sea species of the isopod genus Arcturus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 365-375. On the anatomy of Podica senegalensis. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 425-443. Zoological notes, [i. On some British species of Pachydrilus. ii. Aquatic earthworms.] [1889.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1891, 101-106, 208-210. Observations upon the structure of a genus of Oligo- chseta belonging to the limicoline section. [188'9.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 5-7; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 1-17. The classitication and distribution of earthworms. [1890.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1891, 235-290. On the homology between genital ducts and nephridia in the Oligochmta. [1890.] Roy. Soc Proc, 48, 1891, 452-455. Abstract of some investigations into the structure of the Oligochieta. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7. 1891, 88-96. Ornithological notes. Ibis, 3, 1891, 510-514. On the structure of two new genera of earthworms belonging to the Eudrilida?, and some remarks on Nemertodrilus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 235-278. On the structure of an earthworm allied to Nemerto- drilus, j\Iich., with observations on the post-embrj'onic development of certain organs. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 539-586. Preliminary notice of a new form of excretory organs in an oligochastous annelid. Roy. Soc. Proc, 49, 1891, 308-310. Contributions to the anatomy of the kagu (Rhino- chetus jubatus). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 9-21. On an earthworm of the genus Siphonogaster from West Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 48-52. On the pouch and brain of the male thylacine. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 138-145. Preliminary account of an earthworm from West Africa referable to a new genus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 172-176. Notes on the anatomy of Dolichotis patagonica. Zoul. Soc. Proc, 1891, 236-244. Additional notes \\\wn Hapalemur griseus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 449-461. Anatomical description of two new genera of aquatic Oligochaeta. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Trans., 36, 1892, 273-305. On the anatomy of Ocnerodrilus (Eisen). [1891.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 563-583. Formation of a temporary cyst in the fresh-water annelid jEolosoma. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 28. Warning colours. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 78. Preliminary notice of a new branchiate oligochaste. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 109-110. Note upon the encystment of ^Eolosoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 12-19. The earthworms of the Vienna Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 113-134. On a new genus of Oligochreta, comprising five new species, belonging to the family Ocnerodrilidoe. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 74-97. A new branchiate oligochaete (Branchiura Sowerbyi). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892, 325-341. Researches into the embryology of the Oligocheeta. No. I. On certain points in the development of Acantho- drilus multiporus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892, 497- 540. On some Perichsetidae from Japan. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 6, 1892, 755-766. On the earthworms collected in Algeria and Tunisia by Dr. Anderson. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 28-37. ■ On some species of the genus Perichaeta [sensu stricto). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 153-172. Notes on the anatomy and osteology of the Indian darter (Plotus melanogaster). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 291-296. On some aquatic oligocheetous worms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 349-361. On the brain and muscular anatomy of Aulacodus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 520-527. On the convolutions of the cerebral hemispheres in certain rodents. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 596-613. On some new species of earthworms from various parts of the world. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 666-706. Beddard] 399 [Beddoe Ou the osteology, pterylosis, and muscular anatomy of the American fin-foot (Heliornis surinamensis). Ibis, 5, 1893, aO-40. Two new genera and some new species of earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 243-278. On the brain of the African elephant. Zool. Soc. rroc, 1893, 311-315. On the atrium and prostate in the Oligochteta. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 475-487. On the geographical distribution of earthworms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 733-738. Some new or little known Oligochaeta. [1893.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 31-4.5. Preliminary notice of South American Tubificidte collected by Dr. Michaelsen, including the description of a branchiate form. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1894, 205-210. Another new branchiate oligochtete. Nature, 50 (1894), 20. A contribution to our knowledge of the Oligochaeta of tropical eastern Africa. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 201-270. Notes upon the tadpole of Xenopus laevis (Dactylethra capensis). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 101-107. On two new genera, comprising three new species, of earthworms from western tropical Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 379-390. On some points in the visceral anatomy of Ornitho- rhynclnis. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 715-722. ■ A contribution to the anatomy of Sutroa. [1892.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 37, 1895, 195-202. Contributions to the anatomy of the anthropoid apes. [1892.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1895, 177-218. The former northward extension of the Antarctic continent. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 129. On the visceral anatomy and brain of Dendrolagus Bennetti. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 131-137. On the brain of Gulo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 139- 142. On the brain in the lemurs. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 142-148. Preliminary account of new species of earthworms belonging to the Hamburg Museum. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 210-239. On the visceral and muscular anatomy of Grypto- procta ferox. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 430-437. On some points in the anatomy of Pipa americana. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 827-841. On the diaphragm and on the muscular anatomy of Xenopus, with remarks on its affinities. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 841-850. On some earthworms from the Sandwich Islands collected by Mr. R. L. Peukins; with an appendix on some new species of Perichasta, etc. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 194-211. On the oblique septa ("diaphragm" of Owen) in the passerines and in some other birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 225-231. A note upon Dissura episcopus, with remarks on the classification of the Herodiones. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 231-235. A contribution to the knowledge of the anatomy of Rhynchops. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 299-303. On the anatomy of a grebe (/Echmophorus major), with remarks upon the classification of some of the schizognathous birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 538-547. [Ou the structure and distribution of birds.] Nature, 56 (1897), 36. Notes upon the anatomy of a manatee (Manatus inunguis) lately living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 47-53. Notes upon the anatomy of Phaethon. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 288-295, On a collection of earthworms from South Africa, belonging to the genus Acanthodrilus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 336-349. Note upon intercentra in the vertebral column of birds. Zool. Soc Proc, 1897, 465-472. On the anatomy of an Australian cuckoo, Scythrops Novae-Hollandiffi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 44-49. On certain points in the anatomy of the cunning bassarisc, Bassariscus astutus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 129-131. On a hybrid between a male guinea-fowl and a female domestic fowl with some observations on the osteology of the Numididae. Ibis, 5, 1899, 333-344. A note upon phosphorescent earthworms. Nature, 60 (1899), 52. Notes on tlie anatomy of the genus Apteryx. Novi- tates Zool., 6, 1899, 386-402. A contribution to our knowledge of the cerebral con- volutions of the gorilla. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 65-76. On the brain of Hydrochoerus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 798-S03. Vibrissae on the forepaws of mammals. Nature, 62 (1900), 523. On a species of earthworm from western tropical Africa, belonging to the genus Benhamia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 167-173. On the brain of a siamang (Hylobates syndactylus). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 187-190. A revision of the earthworms of the genus Amyntas (Perichasta). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 609-652. On the structure of a new species of earthworm of the genus Benhamia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 653-659. On the anatomy of Bassaricyon Alleni. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 661-675. On the earthworms collected during the "Skeat Expedition" to the Malay Peninsula, 1899-1900. Zool. Soc Proc, 1900, 891-911. On a new species of earthworm from India belonging to the genus Amyntas. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 998- 1002. Beddard, Frank E[vers], & Fedarb, Sophie M. On some Perichffitae from the Eastern Archipelago collected by Mr. Everett. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 69-73. Notes upon two earthworms, Perichaeta biserialis and Trichochaeta hesperidum. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 803- 809. Beddard, Frank K[verg], & Mitchell, P[eter] Chalmers. On the anatomy of Palamedea cornuta. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 536-557. On the structure of the heart of the alligator. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 343-349. Beddard, Frank E\verg\ & Murie, JameK. [Causes of death of a specimen of Rhinoceros bicornis in the Zoological Society's Gardens.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 246-247. Beddard, Frank E[vers], & Parsons, F[rederick] Glynier]. Ou certain points in the anatomy of parrots bearing on their classification. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 507-514. Beddard, Frank E[vers], & Treves, (Sir) Frederick. On the anatomy of Rhinoceros sumatrensis. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 7-25. On the anatomy of the Sondaic rhinoceros. [1885.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 183-198. Beddies, A[lfred]. Nitro-Nitroso-Diinger-Bakterien in Dauerform." Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 645-647. Beddies, A[lfred], & Krafft, [U'ilhelm Ludwig] Friedrich [Emil]. See Krafft & Beddies. Beddoe, John. Couleur des yeux et des cheveux sur les bords du Rhin, en Suisse et en Savoie. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull, 7, 1884, 703. On the stature of the older races of England, as estimated from the long bones. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 17, 1888, 202-209. Beddoe] 400 [Bedel On human bones discovered by (ieneral Pitt-Rivers at Woodcuts, Rotherley, &c. [1888-89.] Brit. Ass. Rep.. 1888, 839; Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 19, 1890, 2-11. Observations on the natural colour of the skin in certain oriental races. [1889.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 787; Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 19, 1890, 2.57-263. Some rough observations made in the interior of North Queensland. Scott. Meteorol. Soc. Jl., 8, 1889, 217-220. Anniversary address, Jan. 28, 1890. [Anthropology at the Paris Exhibition of 1889, and the recent advances of physical anthropology.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 19, 1890, 481-493. Anniversary address, Jan. 27, 1891. [Anthropological work of the year.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 20, 1891, 348- 359. BoGBANov on the primitive Russians. Science, 20, 1892, 244. Sur I'histoire de I'indice cephalique dans les lies Britanniques. Anthrop. (Paris), 5, 1894, 513-529, 658- 673. On complexional differences between natives of Ireland with indigenous and exotic surnames respectively. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 775. On the northern settlements of the West Saxons. [1895.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 25, 1896, 16-20. ■ On complexional differences between the Irish with indigenous and exotic surnames respectivelv, Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 27, 1898, 164-170. Ethnology of Cornwall. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 28, 1899, 328. On the mediffival population of Bristol. Anthrop. Inst. JL, 29, 1899, 142-144. On the anthropology of west Yorkshire. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 30, 1900, (83)-(86). On some vagaries of the kephalic index. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 30, 1900, (94)-(96). Beddoe, John, & Moore, A. W. See Moore & Beddoe. Beddome, {Capt.) Clharlesi K. Note on Cyprasa angustata, Grai/, var. subcarnea, Ancey. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc., 21, 1896, 467-468. Description of a new species of Pupina from Queens- land. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 814-815. Voluta fusiformis, Swaivson, var. micropapillosa. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1896, 86. Description of a new species of land shell. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 123. Notes on species of Cypreea inhabiting the shores of Tasmania. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 564-576. Beddome, (Col.) R[tcJia7-d] //[c/tn/]. An account of the earth-snakes of the peninsula of India and Ceylon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 3-33. Ferns collected in Perak by Father Scoktechini. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 321-325. Ferns collected in Perak and Penang by Mr. J. Day. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 1-6. New Manipur ferns collected by Dr. Watt. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 234-235. Two new Athyriums from the N. W. Himalayas. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 72-73. Descriptions of land shells from the island of Koror, Pelew group. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 112-117. Descriptions of some new land-shells from the Indian region. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 313-315. ScoHTECHiNi's Malayan ferns. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 225- 226. Notes on Indian ferns. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 227-228. Beddome, (Col.) R[icli(ir(l] H[enry], & Oodwin-Austen, (Lt.-Col.) Hlenry] Hlavernham]. See Oodwin-Austen & Beddome. Beddow, Fred, & Ruhemann, Siegfried. See Ruhemann & Beddow. ^bde,[Kmile]. Sur la corabinaison du chauffage a, la vapeur ou a I'eau avec I'eclairage electrique. Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 479. B^del, Leon. La floraison en hiver. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 472. La sexualite et la lumi^re. Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 502. Moyeus de propagation de " I'Epilobium roseum." Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 824-825. L'hiver 1898-99 anx environs de Dozule (Calvados). Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 31.3-314. L'albinisme chez les vegetaux. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 374-375. Adoption d'un jeune chien par une chatte. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 407.' La duree de la vie chez les boutures de buis. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 439. Observations sur la chute des feuilles. Rev. Sci., 13, 1900, 572-573. Douze nids sur le meme arbre. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 660. La vipcre avale-t-elle ses jeunes? Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 698. Quelques observations sur le crabe commun. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 727. Sur la fecondation du jasmin. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 727-728. Nombre de semences fournies par les vegetaux. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 759-760. Sur les mcEUis du coucou. Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 794. L'hiver 1899-1900 aux environs de Dozule (Calvados). Rev. Sci., 14, 1900, 814-815. Bedel, LouiK. [Diagnose d'un Coleoptere nonveau d'Algcrie : Anthrenus miniopictus, n. sp.] Paris, Soc Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, xxi. [Diagnose d'une esp^ce nouvelle de Coleoptere caver- nicole.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, liii-liv. [Une espece nouvelle du genre Claviger, Prcysxler] Paris, Soc Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, cxxiv. [Diagnose d'une nouvelle espece de Rhynchites.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, cxl. Releve d'observations ethologiques faites sur les Miarus et les Mecinus ou Gymnetron. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 217-221. Recherches sur les Coleopteres du nord de rAfricjue. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 222-224; 5. 1885, 8.5-90; 7, 1887, 19.5-202; 8, 1888, 285-290; 9, 1889, 85-100. Description d'un Glaphyrus nouveau d'Algcrie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 249-250. Synopsis du genre Liosoma, Steph. Rev. Ent., 3, 1884, 132-141. [Magdalis Grilati, n. .sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cii. [Pseudomyrmecion ramalium, /(. //. et n. xp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, cxxxi-cxxxii. ZusJitze iind Berichtigungen zum "Catalogus Cole- opterorum EuropsE et Caucasi," edit. iii. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1885, 50-57; 5, 1886, 89. [.^grilus limoniastri, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, cxxx-cxxxi. [Apion Helianthemi, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cliv-clv. [Nanophyes gallicus, n. ,sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, clxx. [Description d'un Cui-culionide nouveau d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Eut. Ann., 8, 1888, xxxvi. [Trois Coleopteres nouveaux du nord de I'Afrique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, cxxxv-cxxxvi. Description de deux Coleopteres heteromeres du nord de I'Afrique. [1891.] Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 30, 1890-91, 794-796. [Description de deux Coleopteres nouveaux du nord de I'Afrique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, xxxvii- xxxviii. Bedel] 401 [Bedford Synopsis des grands Hydrophiles (genre Stethoxus, Solier). Rev. Ent., 10, 1891, 306-323. Renseignements snr les mceurs et le developpement des Meloidae. Abeille, 27, 1890-92, 235-250, 304. Revision des Scarabasus palearctiques. Abeille, 27, 1890-92, 281-288, 304. Supplement aux CoccinellidsB de Weise. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 85-95. Diagnoses de Coleopteres nouveaux d'Algerie. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 102-104. Diagnose d'un nouveau Bembidion m^diterraneen. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 108. Tableau des Hippodamia palearctiques. [1893.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 108. Notes sur les C^tonides vrais et remarques sur leur synonymie. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 139-146. Remarques sur les Hybalus, Br., et nouveau synopsis des males de ce genre. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 147-149. Note sur le genre Stephanopachys, Waterh. (Dino- derus, auct.), et synopsis des especes de I'Aneien Monde. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 149-150. Recherches sur la synonymie des Coleopteres de I'Aneien Monde. [1894.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 150-156. Revision des Omophlus et Heliotaurus de Barbarie. [1894-95.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 157-174. Synopsis du genre Diaphorocera, Heyd. (1863). [1895.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 180. Synopsis des Macrosiagon mediterraneens. [1895.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96, 184-192. Catalogue raisonne des Coleopteres du nord de I'Afrique. [1895-1900.] Abeille, 28, 1892-96; 29, 1896- 1900, 208 pp. {in all). Diagnoses de deux Carabiques nouveaux du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, cccxlv-cccxlvi. Nouveau genre algerien de la tribu des Harpalini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 345-346. Nouveau type algerien de la tribu des Cetoniini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 384-385. Recherches synonymiques et rectificatives. [1897.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 35-36. Les Rhamnusium, Latr., et leurs variet^s de colora- tion. [1897.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 43-44. Diagnoses de nouveaux Trechus et Lebia d'Algerie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 118. Note sur I'Anisodactvlus Winthemi, Dej. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 308-309. Diagnoses de deux genres nouveaux de Carabiques du Sahara septentrional. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 241-242. Diagnose d'un nouvel Hydraena des Alpes fran(;aises. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 292-293. Sur divers Cryptocephalus de France et leur synonymie. [1899.] Abeille, 29, 1896-1900, 268. Diagnoses et synonymie de plusieurs Cl^rides mediter- raneens du groupe des Corynetini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 115. Un nouvel Hist^ride myrmecophile des Basses- Alpes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 183-184. Diagnose d'un nouveau Mylabre saharien. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 382-383. Diagnoses de deux nouveaux Dromius de Barbarie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 12-13. Description d'un Platyderus nouveau de la Tunisie meridionale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 170. Diagnose d'un Harpalide nouveau de Tunisie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 247. Notes sur les Paussus du nord de I'Afrique et sur les especes du groupe de P. cornutus, Chevr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 278-279. Description d'une esp^ce nouvelle de Nanophj'es para- site du Sedum telephium, L. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 304-305. K. S. A. C. Descriptions de deux Coleopteres nouveaux du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 335-337. Bedel, Louis, & Francois, Philippe [Henry]. Sur I'appareil stridulatoire des Siagona, Latr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 38-39. Bedell, C. H. Dynamo and motor calculation. Franklin Inst. Jl., 133, 1892, 497-501. Bedell, Frederick. On magnetic potential. Phys. Rev., 2, 1896, 298-302. Admittance and impedance loci. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1896, 527-335; Phil. Mag., 42, 1896, 300-308. The division of an alternating current in parallel circuits with mutual induction. [1896.] Phys. Rev., 4, 1897, 247-252. Bedell, Frederick, & Creiiore, Albert Gushing. The effects of self-induction and distributed static capacity in a conductor. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 389-391. Equivalent resistance, self-induction, and capacity of parallel circuits with harmonic impressed electromotive force. Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 271-276. The law of variation of currents flowing in inductive circuits. [1892.] Electrician, 30, 1893, 5-7. Some mechanical and electrical analogies. Elect. Rev., 32, 1893, 126-127. Note. Geometrical proof of the three-ammeter method of measuring power. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 59- 61. General discussion of the current flow in two mutually related circuits containing capacity. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 117-126, 177-198. Resonance in transformer circuits. Phys. Rev., 2, 1896, 442-454; Eclairage Elect., 3 (1896), 577-583. Bedell, Frederick, & Kinsley, Carl. A study of the residual charges of condensers and their dependence upon temperature. [1894.] Phys. Rev., 2, 1895, 170- 196. Bedell, Frederick, & Bloler, George S[ylvamts]. See Moler & BedeU. Bedell, Frederick, & Byan, Harris J[oseph]. Action of a single-phase synchronous motor. Franklin Inst. Jl., 139, 1896, 197-214. BedeU, Frederick, Ballantyne, N. F., & VrilUamBOii, Robert B. Alternate-current condensers and dielectric hysteresis. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 81-94. BedeU, Frederick, Chandler, R[ichard] E., & Sherwood, R. H. The predetermination of the regulation of a transformer with non-inductive load. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 126. BedeU, Frederick, Klein, R. M., & Tbompson, T[homas] P[errin]. The most efficient thickness of transformer plate. Phys. Rev., 7, 1898, 242-245. BedeU, Frederick, BliUer, K[empster] B., & Wagner, G. F. [A new form of contact-maker.] [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 37. Irregularities in alternate-current curves. [1893.] Phys. Rev., 1, 1894, 218-221. Beder. See Bodmer-Beder. Bedford, Charles Hlenrxj]. The pathology and treatment of furunculosis. [1891.] Indian Med. Gaz., 26, 1892, 132-140. Bedford, Charles Samuel, & Perkin, Arthur George. Some derivatives of maclurin. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1896, 933- 936. Bedford, (Vice-Adm.) E[dioard] Jlames]. For biographical notice see Devon. Ass. Trans., 19, 1887, 40. Bedford, F. P. On eggs as helping to determine natural affinities. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 195-196, 218, 250-251. Aberrations of Epinephele hyperanthus. Entomo- logist, 30, 1897, 49-50. Report on the holothurians collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti and Rotuma. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 834-848. Gecko cannibalism. Nature, 60 (1899), 8. 51 Bedford] 402 [Bedriaga Notes on the occurrence of Amphioxus at Singapore. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 444-445. On echinoderms from Singapore and Malacca. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 271-299. Bedford, James E. The effects of denudation. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886-87, 110-113. Notes on flint-flake implements found in the Isle of Man. [1887.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 369-371. Notes on the Isle of Man. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 177-179. Inaugural address. The oil fields of America and Eussia. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 4, 1888, 187-194. September 11th, 1890. Excursion to Ingleborough. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 103-106. Evidences of glacial action in the Leeds district. [1892.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 29-34. The Mourne mountains. [1893.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 9, 1893-94, 17-20. Evidence of glacial action near Leeds. [1891.] Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1895, 69-71. Geology of the rocks of the Ilfracombe district of Devonshire. [1895.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 10, 1894-96, 35-36. Flint implements in the Isle of Man. [1897.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 11, 1896-98, 13. Bedford, T. G. On the expansion of porcelain with rise of temperature. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1899, 245 ; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901, 148-156; Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 90-97. Bedford, William. For biographical notice and works see Photogr. Jl., 17, 1893, 125-126. Orthochromatic photography, or the photographic rendering of colours in monotone. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 12, 1888, 126-131. Bednall, W[illiam] T[ompso7i]. Descriptions of and notes upon the species of the genera Murex and Typhis, known and recorded to exist on the coast of the colony of South Australia. [1885.] S. Aust. Boy. Soc. Trans., 8, 1886, 63-66. — — [Elder Expedition.] Land and freshwater Mollusca. [1892.] S. Aust. Eoy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1892-96, 62-67. On a new land shell from central Australia. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 18, 1894, 190. Notes on some Tasmanian chitons. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1894-95 (1894), 34-39. The Polyplacophora of South Australia. [1896.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 2, 1897, 139-159. Bedb, Albert. Magyarorszag erdos^gei. [Die Walder Ungarns.] [1885.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertek. (Termt.), 15, 1886, No. 17, 23 pp. Az erdoket pusztito apacza-rovar. [Insect pests of forests.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 3, 1892, 209-220; Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 180-189. Bedoin, [Laurent Louis Theodore], Note sur un nouveau pansement antiseptique simplifi^. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 467-468. Sur un nouveau pansement antiseptique de campagne. Arch. M6d. Pharm. Militaires, 5, 1885, 358-360. Prophylaxie des maladies transmissibles a la cam- pagne. Isolement. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 33, 1895, 304-309. Bedot, Maurice. Recherches sur le developpement des nerfs spinaux chez les Tritons. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 11, 1884, 117-146. Recherches sur le foie des Velelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1004-1006; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 11, 1884, 328-330. Recherches sur I'organe central et le systeme vasculaire des Velelles. Rec Zool. Suisse, 1, 1884, 491-517. [Developpement des Velelles.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat 13, 1885, 444. Sur I'histologie de la Porpita mediterranea. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 189-194. Contribution a I'etude des Velelles. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 237-251. Les cellules urticantes des Siphonophores. [1886.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 29, 1884-87, lix; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 415-416. Recherches sur les cellules urticantes. [1886.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 51-70. Proced^s de conservation des animaux marins inferi- eurs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 556-558. [Observation sur les nematocystes.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 606-608. Sur I'Agalma Clausi, n. sp. [1888.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 73-91. Revision de la famille des Forskalidie. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 231-254. Note sur une larve de Velelle. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 463-466. Notes anthropologiques sur le Valais. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 6, 1895, 486-494; 9, 1898, 222-236., Les Siphonophores de la bale d'Amboine. Etude suivie d'une revision de la famille des AgalmidaB. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 367-414. Note sur les cellules urticantes. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 533-539. Bedout, Louis. Sur un nouveau compteur deusivolume- trique a liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 641- 644. [Note sur un nouveau compteur a liquides.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 469-470, 977-985. Bedriaga, Jakob Vladimirovic. Amphisbsena cinerea, Vand., und A. Strauchi, v. Bedr. Erster Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Doppelschleichen. Arch. Naturg., 50, 1884 [Bd. 1), 2.3-77. Die neue Lacertiden-Gattung Latastia und ihre Arten (L. Doriai, n. sp., var. Martensi, m., Samharica, Blanf., und Boscai, n. sp.). Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 20, 1884, 307-324. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lacertiden-Familie (Lacerta, Algiroides, Tropidosaura, Zerzumia, undBettaia). [1886.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 14, 1888 {Heft 2), 17-44. Additions aux diagnoses du Bufo calamita et du Bufo viridis. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 220-222. Die Lurchfanna Europa's. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 210-422, 466-622, 843-846; 10, 1897, 187-322, 363-476, 575-760. Tableaux synoptiques pour servir a la determination des larves des Batraciens Urod^les d'Europe. Ass. Fran^. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 2), 540-546. Mittheilungen liber die Larven der Molche. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 295-300, 301-308, 317-323, 333-341, 349-355, 373-378, 397-404; 18, 1895, 153-157. Les Vip^res europeennes et circum-mediterran^ennes. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 {Pt. 1), 236-241. Chalcides Simonyi, Steind., et Molge Luschani, Steind. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 {Pt. 1), 242- 243. Lettre a M. le professeur Anatole Bogdanow. A propos de I'importation et du croisement des Reptiles et des Amphibiens. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 {Pt. 1), 244-245. Ueber die Begattung bei einigen geschwanzten Am- phibien. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 102-104. Synopsis der europaischen Molgen. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 214-216. Bemerkungen zu F. Wekner : "Ueber Algiroides moreoticus, Bibr.-Bonj, aus Kephallenia." Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 455-457. Notice sur le "Peliade Portugais." Annaes Sci. Nat., 2, 1895, 114-116. Les Batraciens TJrodeles d'Europe. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895, 238-250. Ueber Lacerta praticola, Eversm., und L. pelopon- nesiaca, Bibr. Zool. Auz., 18, 1895, 261-263. Bedriaga] 403 [Beecher On the Pyrenean newt, Molge aspera, Ihui'cH. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 150-161. Bedson, P{eter^ Phillips. Note on the composition of gas from Messrs. Ai-lhu.sen's borings at Middlesbrough. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1886, 650. — — On the composition of certain colliery waters. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 712-715. A contribution to our knowledge of coal-dust. [Parts I & II.] [With discussiim.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 37, 1888, 245-259; 43, 1894, 287-291. The manufacture of aluminium from cryolite. Chem. News, 60, 1889, 199-201. Analysis of salt stalactites. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 98. [An investigation as to whether the fumes produced from the use of roburite and tonite in coal mines are injurious to health.] Report on the chemical examina- tion of the fumes. [With discussion.] [1891.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 2, 1892, 369-385, 388-397, 412-414, 467-468. The gases "enclosed" in coal dust. Chem. News, 68, 1893, 187-188. Note on the poisonous action of lead salts. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl, 13, 1894, 610-611. Shaw gas-tester. [With discussion.] [1897.] N.Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 46, 1898, 204-208. Results of the analysis of samples of New Zealand coal and ambrite, and of Barbados manjak. [With di.^cussion.] [1899.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 48, 1900, 82-87. Bedson, P[eter] Phillijin, & Brown, M. Walt07i. See Brown & Bedson. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips, & Cooper, J. Experiments with the Shaw gas-tester. [Withdiacussiou.] [1897.] N.Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 47, 1898, 79-85. Bedson, P[ete.r] Phillips, & SlcConnell, W. Note on the gases enclosed in coal and coal-dust. [1892.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41, 1893, 87-90. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips, & McConneU, W. (jun.). A contribution to our knowledge of coal-dust. Part iii. [With discussion.] [1894.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 43, 1894, 292-313; 44, 1896, 169-170. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips, & Shaw, Saville. On the occur- rence of argon in the gases enclosed in rock-salt. [1895.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 11, 1896, 143-145. Bedson, P[eter] Phillips (el alii). Discussion upon "an investigation as to whether the fumes produced from the use of roburite and tonite in coal mines are injurious to health." [1891.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 40, 1892, 123-124. Bedwell, E. C. Coleoptera at Oulton Broad and district. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 298-300, 335-338. Beebe, Alfred C. A volumetric method for lead analysis. Chem. News, 73, 1896, 18. Beebe, M. C. The electrolytic decomposition of the chlorides of sodium and magnesium. Electrician, 40, 1898, 421-423. Beebe, W. M. *Arctic research. Report of progress in connection with Lady Franklin Bay station. Report of the relief expedition of 1882. [U.S.] Chief Signal Off. Ann. Rep., 1883, 607-611. Beebe, William, & Fhillips, Alndreic] W[heeler]. The orbit of Swift's Comet 1880 V, determined by Gibbs's vector method. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 2, 1890, 113-117, 121-124. Beeby, William Hadden. On the flora of south Lincoln- shire. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 17-22. A new flora of Surrey. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 77-80. New Surrey plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 300 ; 24, 1886, 346; 25,1887, 315. Notes on Sparganium neglectum, sp. )iov., and other new Surrey plants. [1885.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1884-86, 44-47; Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 33-36. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 315. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 370- Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, On some recent additions to the Surrey flora. [1885- 87.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1884-86, 72-74; 1886-87, 64-65; Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 40-42, [121]-[124], 133. A new Sparganium. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 26. On Sparganium neglectum. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 193- 194 ; 24, 1886, 142-143, 377-378. Rediscovery of Eriophorum gracile in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 311-312. Equisetum litorale, Kilhlewein, in Britain. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 54-55. Note on Utricularia. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 113. Polypodium phegopteris in west Sussex. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 113. Callitricbe truncata, Gussone, in west Kent. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 346. Equisetum litorale as a British plant. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 65-66. Note on Ranunculus bulbosus. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887. 157. The Sussex Pyrola media. On Ranunculus flammula 372. On the flora of Shetland. 20-32, 209-218; 10, 1889-90, 32-39, 212-217; [11, 1891], 25-30. Juucus alpinus probably a Scotch plant. [1887.] Scott. Natlist., 9, 1887-88, 92. On nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 35-37. On Potentilla reptans and its allies. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 78-79. On Callitriche polymorpha, Lonnroth, as a British plant. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 233-234. On the two valerians. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 340-344, 378-379. On some British Viola forms. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 226- 229; 30, 1892, 67-68. Ranunculus acris, L. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 251. On Potamogeton fluitans, Roth. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 203-204. Rumex propinquus, J. E. Aresch., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 217; Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 300. On Sparganium. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 234-237. Hieracium protractum, Lindeb., in Britain. Jl. Bot., 29\ 1891, 53. Zannichellia. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 216. A new Hieracium. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 243-244. Grafted plants. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 151. On the flora of Shetland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 51-55. On natural hybrids. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 209-212. Our endemic list. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 65-67. Svante Murbeck on gentians. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 1-4. Eleocharis acicularis. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 87. Potamogeton trichoides in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 88. Featuca heterophylla in Surrey. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 253. Varieties. Medicago lupulina, var. Willdenowiana, Koch. [Glyceria distans, var. prostrata, lieeby.] Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 315-316. Beecheno, (Rev.) J. Quartz (rock crystal) and its associa- tions. [1894.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 2 (1886-94), 433-440. Shells : their inhabitants and uses. [1896.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 130-139. Beecher, Charles Emerson. Ceratiocaridae from the Chemung and Waverly groups of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rep., PPP, 1884, 1-22. Carnivorous habits of the muskrat. Science, 5, 1886, 144-145. A spiral bivalve shell from the Waverly group of Pennsylvania. N. Y. Mus. Rep., 39, 1886, 161-164. 51—2 Beecher] 404 [Beekman Note on the fossil spider Arthrolycosa antiqua, Harger. Amer. Jl. Sci., 38, 1889, 219-223. On the development of the shell in tl\e genus Tornoceras, Hyatt. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 71-75. Koninekina and related genera. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 211-219. On Leptsenisca, a new genus of brachiopod from the Lower Helderberg group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 238- 240. North American species of Strophalosia. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 240-246. Development of the Brachiopoda. Part i. Intro- duction. [Part II. Classification of tlie stages of growth and decline.] Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 343-357; 44, 1892, 133-155. Development of bilobites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 51-56. The development of a Palaeozoic poriferous coral. [1891.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-92, 207-214. Symmetrical cell development in the Favositidse. [1891.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-92, 215-219. Larval forms of trilobites from the Lower Helderberg group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 142-147. A larval form of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 878-379. On the thoracic legs of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 467-470. Some correlations of ontogeny and phylogeny in the Brachiopoda. Amer. Natlist., 27", 1893, 599-604. Eevision of the families of loop-bearing Brachiopoda. [1893.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 9, 1892-95. 376-391. The appendages of the pygidium of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 47, 1894, 298-300. The development of Terebratalia obsoleta, Ball. [1894.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 9, 1892-95, 392-399. Further observations on the ventral structure of Triarthrus. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1896, 91-100. The larval stages of trilobites. Amer. Geologist, 16, 1896, 166-197. Structure and appendages of Trinucleus. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1895, 307-311. On a supposed discovery of the antennae of trilobites by LiNN^cs in 1759. Amer. Geologist, 17, 1896, 303- 306. On the validity of the family BohemillidBe, Barrande. Amer. Geologist, 17, 1896, 360-362. On the occurrence of Silurian strata in the Big Horn mountains, Wyoming, and in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 31-33. The morphology of Triarthrus. Amer. Jl, Sci., 1, 1896, 251-256. [The systematic position of the trilobites.] Bemarks. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 38-40. Outline of a natural classification of the trilobites. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897, 89-106, 181-207. Morphology of the brachia. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 87, 1897, 105-112. The origin and significance of spines : a study in evolution. Amer. Jl. Sci., 6, 1898, 1-20, 125-136, 249- 268, 329-359. Conbad's types of Syrian fossils. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 176-178. On a large slab of Uintacrinus from Kansas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 267-268. Bestoration of Stylonurus Lacoanus, a giant arthropod from the Upper Devonian of the United States. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1900, 145-150. Beeclier, Charles Evierson, & CaU, R[ichard] Ellsworth. See CaU & Beecher. Beecher, Charles Emerson, & Clarke, John M[ason]. The development of some Silurian Brachiopoda. N. Y. Mus. Mem., 1, 1889, 95 pp. Notice of a new Lower Oriskany fauna in Columbia county, New York; with an annotated list of fossils. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 410-414. Beecher, Charles Emerson, & Dodge, William W. See Bodge & Beecher. Beecher, Charles Emerson, & Schuchert, Charles. De- velopment of the brachial supports in Dielasma and Zygospira. Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 8, 1893, 71-78. Beechey, St. Vincent. *The use of the electric light in the observatory. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 239- 241, 270. * Splendid aurora. The dark spot on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 5, 1882, 373. Beechler, Charles. Corrected list of fossils found at Crawfordsville, Ind. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Bep., 16, 1889, 65-70. Beede, Joshua W[illiam]. The stratigraphy of Shawnee county. [1896.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 27-34. The McPherson Equus beds. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 104-110. Notes on Kansas physiography. [1897.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 114-120. New corals from the Kansas Carboniferous. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 17-18. Variations of external appearance and internal characters of Spirifer cameratus, Morton. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 103-105. Notes on Campophyllum torquium, Oicen, and a new variety of Monopteria gibbosa. Meek and Worthen. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 187-190. Preliminary notice on the correlation of the Meek and Marcou section at Nebraska City, Nebraska, with the Kansas Coal Measures. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 7, 1898, 231-233. On the correlation of the Coal Measures of Kansas and Nebraska. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 70-84. Description of some new forms of Pseudomonotis from the Upper Coal Measures of Kansas. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 79-84. New fossils from the Kansas Coal Measures. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 123-130. Carboniferous invertebrates. Kan. Univ. Geol. Surv., 6, 1900, 1-187. Two new crinoids from the Kansas Carboniferous. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 21-24. A reconnaissance in the Blue Valley Permian. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 9, 1900, 191-202. Beede, Joshua W[^illiam'], & Haworth, Erasmus. See Haworth & Beede. Beede, Joshua W[illiam], & Rogers, Austin E[lintl;. New and little known pelecypods from the Coal Measures. Kan. Univ. Quarterly, 8, 1899, 131-134. Beeg, [Han^]. [Ueber die Absorption der Wasserdampfe durch Natronlauge und die Honigmanu'sche feuerlose Lokomotive.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 57, 1884, 68-72. [Reinigung der Abwasser durch Rauchgase.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 61, 1888, 627. Beehler, (Lt.) W. H. The origin and work of the division of marine meteorology. [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 221-232. Relations between the barometric pressure and the strength and direction of ocean currents. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 177-185. Beek, J[aw] C[ornclis\ van. Sur la filtration des liquides a travers les membranes fibreuses. Arch. N^erland., 19, 1884, 241-271. Beekman, A[nton'\ Allherf]. lets over den eigenaardigen toestand van onzeu bodem. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 1, 1884 (Art.), 190-225. De zeekleilanden van Nederland. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 2, 1885 {Art., Stuk 2), 134- 194. Beekman] 405 [Beevor Aanwinst en verlies van gronden in Zeeland in de laatste 10 jaren. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 14, 1897, 673-694. Beely, F[loriav]. On the scope of orthopaedics. N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 533-534. Seenette, Bernard. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci.. 43, 1900, 49-60. Beenke, {luipt.) H. *Bericht iiber ungewohnlich stiir- misches Wetter im siidwestlichen Theile des Passatgebiets des siidatlantischen Oceans. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 171-172. Wind- und Stromungsverhaltnisse auf dem Wage von Manta nach Puntarenas im Februar 1890. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 195. Beensch, Leo, & Fischer, Eniil. See Fischer & Beensch. Beer, Berthold. On the development of the Sylvian fissure in the human embryo. [1889.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 24, 1890, ix-xi. Beer, Fritz. Ueber die Transformation der elliptischen Functionen. Arch. Math. Phys., 14, 1896, 113-138. Beer, Theodor. Ueber den Einfluss der peripheren Vagus- reizung auf die Lunge. Arch. Anat. Physiol. [Physiol. Abth.), 1892 {SuppL), 101-216; Centrbl. Physiol., 5, 1892, 782-784. Studien iiber den traumatischen Enophthalmus. Arch. Augenheilk., 25, 1892, 315-356, 447-448 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 22, 1893, 98-106. Studien iiber die Accommodation des Vogelauges. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 175-237. Ueber die Accommodation des Fischauges. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Halfte 2), 369; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 58, 1894, 523-650. Ein neuer geaichter Apparat zur Messung und graphischen Registrirung des Blutdruckes. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 329-333. Die Accommodation des Kephalopodenauges. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 541-586. Die Accommodation des Auges in der Thierreihe. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [29]-[30]. [Accommodation of the eye in various animals.] Nature, 58 (1898), 483. Die Accommodation des Auges bei den Reptilien. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 69, 1898, 507-568. Vergleichend-physiologische Studien zur Statocysten- function. i. Ueber den angeblichen Gehorsinn und das angebliche Gehororgan der Crustaceen. [ii. Versuche an Crustaceen (Penasus membranaceus).] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 1-41 ; 74, 1899, 364-382. Die Accommodation des Auges bei den Amphibien. [1899.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol, 73, 1898, 501-534. Beer, Theodor, & Kreidl, Alois. Ueber den Ursprung der Vagusfasern, deren centrale Eeizung Verlangsamung resp. Stillstand der Athmung bewirkt. [1895.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 156-165. Beer, Theodor, Bethe, Alhrecht, & trexkiill, J[acoh'] von. Vorschlage zu eiuer objektivierenden Nomenklatur in der Physiologic des Nervensystems. [1899.] Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 517-521 ; Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 275-280 ; Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 137-141. Beer, Walter. The Monier system of construction. [1897.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 133, 1898, 376-393. Beers, F[r(ink] T., & Fond, F[raiicis] Jlones]. See Fond & Beers. Beers, Nathan T. A test case for taste. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 365-366. Beers, Wlilliairi] George. The teeth of children. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1886, 345-352. Beesley, Thomas. For biography and list of works see Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 336; Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 440; Pharm. Jl., 3, 1896, 201-202; Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1897, 15-26. Beeson, Charles H., & Eieenmann, Carl H. See Eigenmann & Beeson. Beeson, J[asper] L[uther]. On the decomposition of diazo compounds, vm. A study of the action of the salts of diazo-benzene on methyl and ethyl alcohols under different conditions. Anier. Chem. Jl., 16 (1894), 235- 254. A study of the constituents of the nodes and inter- nodes of the sugar cane. Amer. Chem. Jl., 16 (1894), 457-464. Notes on the estimation of crude fiber in sugar cane. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 308-313. ■ A simple and convenient apparatus for estimating the water-holding power of soils. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 769-771. Occurrence of the amines in the juice of sugar cane. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 743-744. A simple and convenient extraction apparatus for food-stuff analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 744-745. A study of the clarification of sugar cane juice. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 56-61. The physical effects of various salts and fertilizer ingredients upon a soil as modifying the factors which control its supply of moisture. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 19, 1897, 620-649. Nitric nitrogen produced by the pea. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 20, 1898, 793-795. Beeton, (Miss) Mary, & Fearson, Karl. Data for the problem of evolution in man. ii. A first study of the inheritance of longevity and the selective death-rate in man. [1899.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 65, 1900, 290-305. Beeton, (Miss) Mary, Tale, G. U., & Fearson, Karl. Data for the problem of evolution in man. v. On the correlation between duration of life and the number of offspring. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 67, 1901, 159-179. Beeton, Stanley, Barr, James Mark, & Taylor, Clharles] Percy. See Barr, Beeton & Taylor. Beeton, Stanley, Taylor, C[harles] Percy, & Barr, Jam^s Mark. Experimental tests on the influence of the shape of the applied potential difference wave on the iron losses of transformers. [ With discussion.] [1896.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 25, 1897, 474-518. Beetz, [Friedrich] W[ilhelm Hubert] von. For biography and works see Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 29-31; Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 137; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 57; 24, 1888, 154-156, 182-185; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 16, 1887, 10-31; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 501. Ueber Normalelemente fiir elektrometrische Messun- gen. [1884.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1885, 207-216. Ueber galvanische Trockenelemente und deren An- wendung zu elektrometrischen und galvanometrischen Messungen. [1885.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 242-257. Beevor, Charles E[dward]. On the relation of the "aura " giddiness to epileptic seizures. Brain, 6, 1884, 487-496. On staining in toto the central nervous system with Weigebt's hffimatoxylin. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 239- 242. On Professor Hamilton's theory concerning the corpus callosum. {Preliminary note.) [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 377-379. A case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with clonus of the lower jaw. Brain, 8, 1886, 516-518. On Professor Hamilton's theory concerning the corpus callosum. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 63-73. A case of almost complete anssthesia with ataxia of the limbs. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 112-114. [The cingulum.] Jl. Physiol., 11, 1890, xi-xii. On some points in the action of muscles. Brain, 14, 1891, 51-62. On the course of the fibres of the cingulum and the posterior parts of the corpus callosum and fornix in the marmoset monkey. [1890,] Phil. Trans. (B), 182, 1892, 135-199. Beevor] 406 [Beguinot Methods of staining meduUated nerve-fibres. Micr. See. Jl., 1892, 897-898. Case of syphilitic tumours of the spinal cord with symptoms simulating syringomyelia. [1893.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 27, 1894, 28-36. Beevor, Charles E[dward], & Horsley, Victor [Alexander Haden]. Recherches exp^rimentales sur I'^corce c6re- brale des singes (Macacus sinicus), Paris, Soc. Biol, Mem., 3y, 1887 (C. li.), 647-652. A minute analysis (experimental) of the various move- ments produced by stimulating in the monkey different regions of the cortical centre for the upper limb, as defined by Professor Ferrier. [1886.] Phil. Trans. (B), 178, 1888, 153-167. Note on some of the motor functions of certain cranial nerves (v, vii, ix, x, xi, xii), and of the three first cervical nerves, in the monkey (Macacus sinicus). Eoy. Soc. Proc, 44, 1888, 269-277. A further minute analysis by electric stimulation of the so-called motor region of the cortex cerebri in the monkey (Macacus sinicus). [1887-93.] Phil. Trans. (B), 179, 1889, 205-256; 185, 1895, 39-81. Experimental investigation of the representation of movement in the cortex of an orang-outan (Simia satyrus). Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 9), 42-43. An experimental investigation into the arrangement of the excitable fibres of the internal capsule of the bonnet monkey (Macacus sinicus), [1889.] Phil. Trans. (B), 181, 1891, 49-88. A record of the results obtained by electrical excitation of the so-called motor cortex and internal capsule in an orang-outang (Simia satyrus). [1890.] Phil. Trans. (B), 181, 1891, 129-158. On the excitable fibres of the crus cerebri. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 485-486; Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [10]-[11]. Beevor, Charles E[dward], & Jackson, J[oh7i] Hughlings. See Jackson & Beevor. Beevor, Charles E[divard], & Iiunn, J[oh7i] B. A case of syringomyelia. Clin. Soc. Trans., 27, 1894, 209-220. Beevor, Charles E[dward] {et alii). Tables drawn up by a special committee from the specimens of intracranial tumours exhibited at the meetings of the Society on February 2nd and 16th, 1886. London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 68-88. The accurate localisation of intracranial tumours, excluding tumours of the motor cortex, motor tract, pons and medulla. Brain, 21, 1898, 291-342. Beevor, Hugh R[eeve]. Note on media for the cultivation of the bacillus of tubercle. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 344-345. Beez, [Emil Ludwig'] R[ichard]. Assign to this author entries {Vol. 1) under Beez, . Zur Theorie der Vectoren und Quaternionen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 41, 1896, 35-57, 65-84. Ueber die automorphe Transformation einer Summe von Quadraten mitHilfe infinitesimaler Transformationen und hoherer komplexer Zahlen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 43, 1898, 65-79, 121-132, 277-304. B6gatat, A. On the necessity for a universal notation. Report presented to the International Congress of Actuaries held at Brussels, September 1895. [Tr.] [1896.] Inst. Act. JL, 33, 1898, 1-25. Begemann, Carl. For biographical notice see Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 12, 1886, 130. Beger, A[lbert]. Die Tuberculose der Sehnenscheiden. [1884.] Deutsche Ztschr. Cbirurg., 21, 1885, 335-350. Beger, C[arl], & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. See Auwers & Beger. Begg, Alexander. Notes on Vancouver island. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 11, 1895, 625-635; 15, 1899, 449-462. Kotes on the Yukon country. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 12, 1896, 553-559. Early exploration in north-west Canada. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 351-356. Begbin, A. Methode d 'approximation pour calculer le moment d'inertie et la position du centre de gravity d'une aire plane. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 19 (1890), 241-243. Regie ^ calculs (modele special), permettant de resoudre, par un seul mouvement de la r^glette, toutes les operations effectu^es par les autres regies, avec une approximation deux fois plus graude et en plus prin- cipalement : le produit de trois facteurs, le quotient d'un nombre par le produit de deux autres. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1899 {Pt. 2), 142-148. Sur un module de regie a calcul. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 [Pt. 1), 127-128. B6gin, (Vabbe) P. A. De la coloration chez les Lepidop- t^res. Nat. Canad., 22, 1895, 27-29. L^pidopt^res de Sherbrooke et du voisinage de cette ville. Nat. Canad., 22, 1895, 74-77, 92-95; 23, 1896, 39-42, 58-60, 75-76. Beglinger, J[ohannes]. Relations qui existent entre I'astronomie et la geologic. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 471-472. B6gouin, . De I'influence des sections du m^sent^re sur la vitality de I'intestin grMe. Arch, de Physiol., 10, 1898, 39-50. Fonction du coeur contre les accidents dus a 1' entree de I'air dans les veines. Pai'is, Soc. Biol. M6m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 132-134. Begoune, Anna. Ueber die Gefassversorgung der Kropfe mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Struma cystica. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 20, 1884, 258-292. B6guin, Felix. Un pli-faille a Chatollion. Neuch^tel Soc. Sci. Bull., 28, 1900, 206-214. B6guin, L. * [Notes m^t^orologiques faites ^] Perpignan (fyrenees-Orientales). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. Met^orol., 4, 1871, 25, 31, 37, 45, 147-148, 176; 5, 1872, 23, 65-66, 94, 133-134, 149, 161, 172, 184, 196, 207, 219; 6, 1873, Pt. 2, 8, 19-20, 32, 44, 57, 69, 78, 88- 89, 95. De la mesure des hautes temperatures. [1896.] G^nie Civil, 28, 1895-96, 388-390. B6guin, W., & Fictet, Ame. See Pictet & B6guin. B^guin-Billecocci, Lipids']. Note sur la nymphe de Coelostoma hispanicum, KUst. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 138. B6guinot, Augusto. La Fritillaria persica nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 101-103. Sulla presenza in Italia della Oxalis violacea, L. [Italia], Soc, Bot. Bull., 1895, 110-111, Di alcune piante nuove o rare per la flora romana. [1896.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 30-37. Herbarium Camillse Dori^. ii. Prodromo ad una flora dei bacini Ppntino ed Ausonio e dei monti limitrofi. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 189-341. Prima contribuzione alia briologia romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 75-82. Nuove specie e nuove localita per la flora romana. [Itaha], Soc. Bot, Bull., 1897, 116-122, 209-214. Intorno ad alcune Potentille nuove, rare, o critiche per la flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 141- 150. Di una famiglia e di alcuni generi nuovi per la flora della provincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 23-31. II genere Gagea, Salisb., nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 31-35. Notizie preliminari sulla biologia fiorale nel genere Romulea, Maratti. [Itaha], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 214- 222. La flora dei depositi alluvionali del flume Tevere dentro Roma. Nota preventiva. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 222-229, Beguinot] 407 LB6hal Intorno ad alcune forme di Reseda lutea, Lin. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 229-235. Ulteriori notizie intorno alia Fritillaria persica, Lin., ed alia Oxalis violacea, Lin., nella flora italiana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 301-309. Coutribuzione alio studio di alcune generi della flora delle paludi Pontine. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 6,1899, 284-295. La famiglia delle " Elatiiiacee " nella flora romana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 6, 1899, 483-492. II genere Scolopendriurn nella flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 29-38. Generi e specie nuove o rare per la flora della provincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 47-56. Florula di alcuni piccoli laghi iuesplorati della pro- vincia di Roma. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull, 1900, 56- 63. Nuove localita per specie della flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull.. 1900, 112-121. Piante nuove o rare della flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 121-130. Notizie preliniinari sulla flora dell' Arcipelago Ponziano. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 290-301. Itinerari botanici pontini nell' estate del 1898. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 306-339. SuUe affinita sisteraaticbe e sulla distribuzione geo- grafica di Carex Grioletii, Roem., in Italia. Malpighia, 14, 1900, 511-529. ■ Di alcune specie rare per la flora romana. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20, 1900, 33-37. B6suinot, Aiiijusto, & Senni, L. Una escursione botanica a Monte Tarino, nel gruppo dei Simbruini. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull, 1900, 78-87. B6baghel, [Henri]. Arbres et arbustes a planter dans les dunes. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 (Ft. 2), 414-416. B6hagle, F[('rdi7iand] dc. Haut Oubangui. Mission de Behaglk. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1898, 359-361, 460- 462; 1899, 221-222. B6haguel, , & Foisson, Jules. See Foisson & B^haguel. B6Iial, A[ugaste]. Separation du cuivre et du cadmium. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 553-554. Recherche qualitative des azotates et des chlorates. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1886, 490-492. Synthese d'une acetone au moyen d'un carbure ac^tylenique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 44, 1885, 195- 197; Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 155-158. Caprylidene, carbure acetyl^nique ; son hydratation. Constitution de I'nldehyde caprylique. [1886.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 33-39. Aldoxime caprylique et ac^toxime m^thylhexylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 163-165. Preparation de I'iodure d'allyle. Formation d'alcool allylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 875-877. Sur I'hydratation du diallyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 43-51. Nouveau carbure acetyl^nique substitu^, I'ethylpro- pylacetylene ; son hydratation. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 216-219. Caprylidene du caprylene, son isom^rie avec le caprylidene de I'ald^hyde caprylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 704-706. Sur I'allene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 788-799. Preparation de Pisopropylacetylene avec la methyliso- propylcarbonyle. [1887.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 23-27. Recherches sur les carbures acetyldniques et sur leur hydratation. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 267-288. Recherches sur les carbures acetyleniques substitues R-C = C-R'. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 408-432. Nitrate d'argent en solution alcoolique, r^actif des carbures ac^tylt^niques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 335-337. Hydratation du tolane. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 337-339. Transformation de I'cenauthylid^ne et du caprylidSne, carbures ac(5tyl<^niques vrais, en carbures acetyleniques substitues sous I'influence de la potasse alcoolique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 581-584. [Action du sodium sur le caprylidene non acetyienique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 850. Hydratation du methylamylacetyiene ; nouvelle ace- tone, rethylamylcarbonyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 359. Transformation du methylvaierylacetyiene en hexyl- acetylene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 629-631. Action du perchlorure de phosphore sur I'aceto- phenone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 632-638. Recherches sur les carbures biethyieniques. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 200-211. Recherches sur les carbures alieniques. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 347-378. [Combinaison de I'antipyrine et de I'hydrate de chloral.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 498. Constitution de I'aldehyde caprylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 131-137. La nomenclature chiraique au Congres International de Geneve. Moniteur Sci., 6, 1892, 401-417. - [Observation relative aux recherches de M. Fredndleb sur le pouvoir rotatoire des ethers tartriques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 643. Sur les acides campholeniqnes et les campholenamides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 799-802. Sur les campbolenes et sur la constitution du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 858-862. [Sur la constitution de I'homocreosol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 467. • [Distinction eutre la molecule cristalline et la mole- cule chimique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 820-821. [Etude de I'acide et du nitrile camphoieniques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1107-1108. Amides et acides camphoieniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 927-930. Sur les derives camphoieniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1167-1170. Oxydation de I'acide camplioienique inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 213-216; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 755, 785-786. Constitution des acides produits dans I'oxydation de I'acide camplioienique inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 465-468. [Sur la preparation et les proprietes des deux amides et acides camphoieniques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 517-518. [Recherches sur la serie camphoienique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 625-627. - — — Derives camphoieniques. Camphoienonitriles et campholenamides. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 834-841. Acides camphoieniques et camphoienes, Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 841-846. [Sur les produits d'oxydation de I'isocamphoiene.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 469. Sur une serie de nouvelles cetones cycliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1036-1038, 1138. [Isomerie existant entre la tropine et la pseudo- tropine.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 435. Les cetones cycliques des huiles de bois. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1898 {Pt. 1), 128. Sur une nouvelle cetone cyclique, la methylcyclohexe- none II. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 46-49. [Cetones extraites des huiles lourdes de bois privees d'acides et de creosote.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 51. [Nouveau regulateur pour les distillations dans le vide.] [1898.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 2. B^hal] 408 IBehm Sur les anhydrides mixtes de I'acide formique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1460-1463; Ann. Cbim., 20, 1900, 411-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 745- 760. Sur les anhydrides mixtes des acides acycliques et cycliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 681-684; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 274-288; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 71-82. B6bal, Alutjuste], & Auger, Victor. [Sur le chlorure de malonyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 594. Action du perchlorure de phospLore sur I'acide malonique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 631-632. Sur une nouvelle classe de diacetones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 970-973; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 122-128. • Action du chlorure d'ethylmalonyle sur I'ethylbenzine en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 194-197; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 161-162, 244. [Action du chlorure d'ethylmalonyle sur les carbures aromatiques en presence de Al-CP.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 129-130, 210-211. [Obtention d'acides ^-cetcniques de la serie aroma- tique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 211-212. [Sur les produits de Taction du chlorure de malonyle et de ses homologues sur les hydrocarbures benz^niques en presence de Al-CP.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7. 1892, 355, 402. Sur quelques /3-dicetones symetriques de la serie aromatique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 696-704. See also Auger & B6hal. B6hal, A[uguste], & Blaise, Edmond E[mile]. Action de I'hypoazotide sur I'acide camphol^nique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 256*259; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 753-754, 786 ; 15, 1896, 25-31. B61ial, Alugmte], & Choay, E[vgene]. [Action de AzH^ sur le chloral en solution chloroformique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 658. Action de la chaleur sur le chloralammoniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 817-820; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 742-745. Combinaisons du chloral avec la ph^nyldimethyl- pyrazolone (antipyrine) . Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 539-542. Chloralimide et son isomere ; transformation i.~ome- rique reversible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 1270- 1273. [Sur un des pr^tendus isom^res du chloralimide.] [1890.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 50. [Action du brome sur le chloralimide.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 209-210, 642. [Produits de decomposition spontanee du chloral- ammoniaque.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 370. Sur quelques derives du chloral. Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 5-64; 27, 1892, 319-339. Analyse des creosotes officinales ; gayacol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 197-200; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 147-151 ; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 254-256. Sur le gayacol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 142- 143.. [Etude des diphenols et des Others de ces derniers contenus dans la creosote officinale.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 611-612. Sur les ethylphenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 422-425; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 206- 212; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 345-352. Sur les points de fusion de quelques phenols et de leurs ethers benzoiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1211-1213. Composition qualitative des creosotes officinales de bois de lietre et de bois de chene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1339-1342. Composition quantitative des creosotes de bois de hStre et de bois de chene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 166-169; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 939- 944; Jl, Pharm., 30, 1894, 1.54-160. [Points de fusion et d'^bullition de quelques phenols et de leurs ethers benzoiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 466-467, 602-6U4 ; Jl. Pharm., ,S0, 1894, -5-7. [Preparation et proprietes du gayacol cristallise.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 530-531. Eecherche qualitative des phenols contenus dans la creosote officinale, creosote de hetre et creosote de chene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 698-705; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 97-106. B6hal, A[uguste], & Desgrez, Alexandre. Combinaison des acides gras avec les carbures ethyleuiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 676-677; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 241. Action des acides organiques sur les carbures acety- leniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1074-1077. [Action de I'acide acetique en tubes scelles k 280° sur les carbures acetyleniques vrais et substitues.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 354. [Sur la formation de derives organiques dans lesquels le soufre se comporte comme element tetravalent.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 401. B61ial, A[u()i(ste], & Desvignes, [Paul]. Sur I'asboline (pyrocatechine et homopyrocatechine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1541-1.544 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 465; 9, 1893, 144-147. B6hal, A[uguste^, & Fran90is, Maurice. Essai du chloro- forme. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 417-424. B^hal, A[uguste], & Ouerbet, M[arcel]. See Ouerbet & B61ial. B^hal, A[uguste}, & Pbisalix, Clesaii-e]. La quinone, priucipe actif du veniu du lulus terrestris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 1004-1007; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 388-390; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1036-1038. Bebla, G[ustav]. Ueber 7-7-Chlor- und Bromanthracen- carbonsaure und zur Einwirkung des Phosgens auf Phenanthren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 18, 1885, 3169- 3171. Ueber substituirte Anthraceu-7-carbonsauren und iiber das Verhalten des Phosgens gegen Antliracenbihydriir. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 701-708. Bebla, Robert. Die friihere Ausbreitung des Elch in Europa. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 97-101. Der Erreger der Klauen- und Maulseuche nehst Bemer- kungen iiber die akuten Exantheme beim Meuschen. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 50-59, 87-92. Ueber ein massenhaftes Auftreten eines schadlichen Insektes auf Getreidefeldern des Luckauer Kreises. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 9-12. Ueber das Vorkommen von Masern bei Tieren. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 20, 1896, 561-566. Ueber das Vorkommen von Scharlach bei Tieren. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 777-782. Ueber die systematische Stellung des Erregers der Aktinomykose. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 817- 820. Ueber vermehrtes und endemisches Vorkommen des Krebses. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 780-784, 829-838, 875-879, 919-922. Die geographische Verbreitung des Krebses auf der Erde. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 593-599 ; 27, 1900, 348. Die geographisch-statistische Methode als Hiilfsfactor der Krebsforschung. Ztschr. Hyg., 32, 1899, 123-148. Ueber neue Forschungswege der Krebsatiologie. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 313-325. Bebm, [H.]. Assign to this author entries {Vol. 7) under Bebm, . *[ Ueber Saugethierknochen aus dem Diluvium.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 120. Behm] 409 [Behrend Bebm, E[rrist]. For biography and works sre Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 11, 1884, 211-212; Geneve See. Geogr. Mem., 23, 1884 (Bull.), 149-151; Petermann, Mitth., 30, 1884, i{bis)-vi(bis) ; Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1886, 496; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 354. Behm, FI[orenti7i]. Fran botaniska excursioner i Jemt- land och Herjedalen. Bot. Notiser, 1887, 176-184. Behm, Moritz. Beitrage zur anatomischen Charakteristik der Sautalaceen. Bot. Centrbl., 62, 1895, 65-74, 97-107, 129-139, 161-170, 193-210. Behm, 0. Selbstregistrirender Pegelapparat. [1890.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verh., 11, 1896 (Sher.), 74. Behme, Th[i'odor]. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwicke- lungsgeschichte des Harnapparates der Lungenschnecken. Arch. Naturg., 55, 1889 [Bd. 1), 1-28. Behn, [Wilhelm Friedrich Georg]. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 1) under Behn, F. W. G., and (Vol. 7) under Behn, . *[Ueber den Ban der Giirtelthiere.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1871, 146. Behn, [Otto Joh. Wilh.]. Studien fiber die Verhornung der menschlichen Oberhaut. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 39, 1892, 581-595. Einrichtung zur Aufzeichnung des mit senkreehtem Rontgenstrahl hergestellten Herzschattens auf die Korperoberflache zum Vergleich mit Perkussionsbefun- den. [1900.] Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 4, 1900-01, 44-46. Behn, H[einrich], & nXichaelis, [Carl Arnold] .^.[ugust]. See nXlchaelis & Behn. Behn, U[lrich Andreas Richard]. Ueber streifenformige Anordnung galvanischer Niederschliige. Ann. Phys. Chem., 51, 1894, 105-125. Ueber die Vorgiinge im Capillarelectrometer. Ann. Phys. Chem., 61, 1897, 748-759. Ueber wechselseitige Diffusion von Electrolyten in verdiinnten wasserigen Losungen, insbesondere iiber Diffusion gegen das Concentrationsgefalle. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 54-67. Ueber die specifische Warme einiger Metalle bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 237-244. Ueber die specifische Warme der Metalle, des Graphits und einiger Legirungen bei tiefen Temperaturen. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 257-269. Ueber die Sublimation swiirme der Kohlensaure und die Verdampfungswarme der Luft. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 270-274. Ueber die Dichte der Kohlensaure im festen und fliissigen Zustande. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 733-743. Behn-Eschenburg, Hans. Untersuchungen iiber die electrischen Eigenschaften eines Guttaperchakabels. Zurich Phys. Ges. Jber., 1891, 9-36. Arbeitsmessung bei Dreiphasen-Drehstrom. Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 73-74. Ueber die Spannungen in Ferranti-Kabeln. Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 604-605. Ueber den Spannungsabfall in Wechselstrommaschinen und Transformatoren. Elektrotechn, Ztschr., 13, 1892, 651-654. Ueber die Wirkungsweise synchroner Wechselstrom- motoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 203-204. Regnlirbarer Wechselstrommotor. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 300. Einfacher Apparat zur Vergleichung der magnetischen Eigenschaften verschiedener Eisensorten. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 330-331. Theoretisches iiber asynchrone Wechselstrommotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 519-524, 620. Vermehrung der Zahl der Erregerphasen zur Erzeu- gung rbtirender magnetischer Felder. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 35-36. Theoretisches iiber Wechselstrommotoren. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 178-182, 308. Ueber einen Versuch der Kraftiibertragung auf 46 km Distanz mit Spannungen bis 33000 V in der Maschinen- fabrik Oerlikon. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 261- 264. Formeln zur Priifung und Berechnung von Drei- phasenstromraotoren. Ziirich Phys. Ges. Jber., 1893 & 1894, 13-46; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 10-12, 27- 29, 86-89. On the investigation and design of alternate-current dynamos. [Tr.] Electrician, 35, 1895, 424-426. Zur Berechnung elektrischer Kraftiibertragung mit Wechselstroin. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 535- 537, 558-563. Zur Berechnung der Eisenverluste in Alternatoren des sogenannten Induktortyps. Elektrotechn. Ztschr,, 18, 1897, 21-22. Experiment iiber elektrolytische Leitung ohne Elek- troden. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 402-404. Behr, Albert. [Ueber Nephelis octoculata.] [1894.] Riga Corresp.-Bl,, 38, 1895, 59. Ueber die Fauna der wirbellosen Tiere des Babitsees. [1896.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 40, 1898, 77-78. [Ueber die Tiefe des Schlafes.] [1898.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42, 1899, 165-166. Bemerkungen iiber Erinnerungsfalschungen und pathologische Traumzustande. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 918-952. Ueber das Wandem der Augen bei den Pleuronek- tiden. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42, 1899, 174-175. [Ueber eine Wahrnehmung wahrend des Unterganges der Sonne am Strande.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42, 1899, 178-179. Behr, Arnold. Gabelung der Blatter bei einheimischen Farnen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 13, 1895, 34-35. Behr, H[ans] H[erman]. New Lepidoptera. [1885.] California Ac. Bull., 1, 1886, 61-62. • Biological synopsis of California Lepidoptera. [1885.] California Ac. Bull., 1, 1886, 63-65. Changes in the fauna and ilora of California. [1888- 95.] California Ac. Proc, 1, 1889, 94-99; 5, 1896, 368-376. Entomological contributions. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 91-96. The live oak caterpillar. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 685-686. A new Notodonta. [1892.] California Ac. Proc, 3, 1893, 206. Botanical reminiscences of San Francisco. Erythea, 4, 1896, 168-173. A Californian tick. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 229-231. Behr, H[ans] H[erman], & Kellogg, Albert. Anemone Grayi, n. sp. California Ac. Bull., 1, 1886 (No. 1, 1884), 5-6. Behr, P[eter]. Ueber eine nicht mehr farbstoffbildende Race des Bacillus der blauen Milch. Centrbl. Bakt. , 8, 1890, 485-487. Behr, V[ladimir VladiniiroviS]. 3aM'feTKH o6'h eKCKyp- cill BT> f&epraHCKyiO o6jiaCTT.. Remarques sur I'excur- sion dans la province de Fergana. [1899.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1897-98, Append. No. 170, 7 pp. {French tr., 4^7). Behr-Bregowskl, L. {? Samuel). Ueber einige Amidoke- tone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1515-1525. Behrend, Bemhard A. Ankerreaktion bei mehrphasigen Dynamomaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1895, 556. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Drehstrommotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 17, 1896, 63-64. Ueber asynchrone Wechselstrommotoren. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 165-168. Ueber den Spannungsabfall bei Wechselstromgene- ratoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 837-840. 52 Behrend] 410 [Behreudseu Behrend, Gustav. Ueber Herpes tonsurans und Favus. [With discission.] Congr. Int. Sci. M^d. C. E., 1884 (T. 3, Derm.), 91-98. Bin Fall idiopathischer angeborener Hautatrophie. [1884.] Berlin. Med. Gas. Verh., 15, 1885 (Th. 2), 251- 257. Ueber Knotenbildung am Haarschaft. Virchow, Arch., 103, 1886, 437-460. Ueber Alopecia areata und iiber Veriinderung der Haare bei derselben. Virchow, Arch., 109, 1887, 493- 506. Ueber Nervenlasion und Haarausfall mit Bezug auf die Alopecia areata. Virchow, Arch., 116, 1889, 173-190. Ueber Nervenlasion und Haarausfall. Entgegnung auf die " Erwiderung " des Herrn Dr. Max Joseph. Virchow, Arch., 116, 1889, 543-544. Ueber Trichomycosis nodosa (Juhel-E^uoy); Piedra (Osorio). [1889.1 Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 21, 1891 {Th. 2), 99-109. Ueber die unter dem Einfluss der Rontgenstrahlen entstehende Hantveranderung. [1897.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 29, 1899 (Th. 2), 223-229. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Wirkung des Pro- targol bei Gonorrhoe. [1898.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 29, 1899, {Th. 2), 123-135. Behrend, H. Zur Berechnung der Dynamomaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 63-64; 18, 1892, 603- 604. Zur Riickwirkung der Armatur auf die Feldstarke in Dynamomaschinen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 591-592. Behrend, M[ax A.], & Bung, F[riedrich]. See Bung & Behrend. Behrend, O. Apparate zum Laden von Akkumulatoren mittels Wechselstrom. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 211-212. Behrend, Otto. Constitutionsbeziehungen zwischen Ricinolsaure- und Oelsaurederivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 2248-2250; 29, 1896, 806-809. Behrend, F[ai(l]. Contributions to the chemistry of malting. Part i. Extraction of inorganic and organic matter by the steeping water. [Part n. The change produced by germination in the nitrogenous matter of barley.] Chem. News, 51, 1886, 163, 181-183. The changes produced in the albumenoid matter of various seeds and of potatoes by steaming under high pressure. Chem. News, 51, 188*6, 205-206. Behrend, P[aul], & Kast, Hermann. Titration geringer Gasmengen in Gasgemischen. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 270, 1888, 423-431, 576. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert. Ueber einige Derivate des Harnstoffs. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2846-2847. Ueber die Einwirkung von Sulfurylchlorid auf secun- dare Aminbasen. Liebig's Ann., 222, 1884, 116-136. Versuche zur Synthese von Korpern der Harnsaure- reihe. Liebig's Ann., 229, 1885, 1-44; 231, 1886, 248- 256 ; 232, 1886, 366 ; 240, 1887, 1-23. Ueber die Condensation von Korpern der Harnstoff- gruppe mit Acetessigather. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 219-221. Ueber das Verhalten von substituirten Harnstoffen gegen Acetessigather. Liebig's Ann., 233, 1886, 1-15. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise der Dibrom- und Dichlorbarbitursaure. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886. 57-68. Ueber ein Diazoderivat des Methyluracils. Liebig's Ann., 245, 1888, 213-230. Ueber Alkylderivate des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1433-1434. Ueber Alkylderivate des Methyluracils und des Nitrouracils. Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 65-68. Zur Stereochemie stickstoffhaltiger Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 454-458. Zur Umlagerung der Aldoxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 3088-3090. Ueber intramolekulare Umlagerung der Aether einiger Isoaldoxime. Liebig's Ann., 265, 1891, 238-246. Ueber die Loslichkeit von Doppelverbindungen. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 44, 1892, 1-14, 188-210; 46, 1894, 252-267. Elektrometrische Analyse. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 45, 1893, 69-98; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11,1893, 466-491 ; 15, 1894, 498. Ueber zwei Formen des /3-Aminocrotonsaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 544-546. Behrend, [Aiiton Friedrich'] Robert, & Dietrich, Emil. Ueber die Constitution der 5-Methylharnsaure. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 260-281. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Bmert, Paul. Ueber Diazouracilcarbonsaure und deren Derivate. Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 347-359. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Griinwald, Richard. Ueber Aminouracil. Liebig's Ann., 309, 1899, 254-260. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Konig, Ernst. Ueber ein dimoleculares Isomeres des Benzaldoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1773-1779. Ueber zwei verschiedene Modificationen des Paranitro- benzylisobenzaldoxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890,' 2750-2752. Ueber Alkylderivate des Hydroxylamins. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 175-223, 339-358; 271, 1892, 92-94. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & X.euchs, Kai-l. Ueber Benzylderivate des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 384-386, 61.3-618. Ueber Alkylderivate des Hydroxylamins. Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 203-247. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Bleyer, Ferdinand C. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylisocyanat auf Amino- crotonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 621-624. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Nissen, Detlev. Ueber die Orthochlorbenzaldoxime. Liebig's Ann., 269, 1892, 390-403. Behrend, [Ant07i Friedrich] Robert, & Roosen, Oscar. Ueber synthetische Versuche in der Harnsiiurereihe. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 999-1001. Synthese der Harnsaure. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 235-256. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Schmitz, Jacob. Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf Aceton. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 626-628. Ueber die Oxydation aliphatischer Aldehyde und Ketone durch Salpetersaure. Liebig's Ann., 277, 1893, 310-339. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Schreiber, Hermann. Ueber Bromaminocrotonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 265-266. Behrend, [Anton Friedrich] Robert, & Tryller, Heinrich. Ueber die Oxydation aliphatischer Aldehyde und Ketone durch Salpetersaure. Liebig's Ann., 283, 1894, 209-245. BehrendB, G[erhard] J. Ein gehorntes Huhn. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 30, 1889, 171-173. Die Zwergmoschustiere des Zool. Gartens zu Frank- furt a. M. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 30, 1889, 321-326. Untersuchungen iiber die Hornzahne von Myxine glutinosa. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 83-87. Ueber Hornzahne. [1892.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 58, 1893, 437-475. Behrendsen, [Angnst Wilhelm] 0[tto]. Die Jurassischen Ablagerungen von Lechstedt bei Hildesheim. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 1-25. Zur Geologic des Ostabhanges der Argentinischen Cordillere, Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 369- 420; 44, 1892, 1-42. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung des Herrn Morickk : Behrendsen] 411 [Behrens " Versteinerungen des Lias und Unterooliths von Chile." Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (Bd. 2), 91. Ueber Benutzung des Coharers zu Versuchen mit electrischen Welleu. Ann. Phys. Chem., 66, 1898, 1024- 1029. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Becquerelstrahlen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 69, 1899, 220-225. Das Verhalten des "Radiums" bei tiefer Temperatur. Ann. Phys., 2, 1900, 335-337. Behrendsen, W[erner]. Ein Vorkommen von Adventiv- pflanzen zu Riidersdorf bei Berlin. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 30, 1889, 282-285. Zur Kenntnis der Berliner Adventivflora. [1895.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 38, 1896, 76-100. Behrens, (Mrs.) . Brazilian rainfall. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 59. Behrens, G. Die Reifung und Befruchtung des Forel- leneies. Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1), 10, 1898, 227-285. Behrens, H. Die Fortpfianzung der Schnabelthiere. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 5, [1886], 75-78. Behrens, Heinrich. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der schleimbildenden Bakterien. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 2, 1897, 4-9. Eine neue Methode zur Conservirung saftiger Friichte, fleischiger Pflanzentheile, Pilze, etc. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 2, 1897, 36-37. Behrens, J[avies]. For biographical notice see Philad., Ent. News, 9, 1898, 128. A new variety of Papilio and a new Catocala from the Pacific coast. Canad. Ent., 19, 1887, 198-199. Behrens, Johannes. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Befruch- tungsvorgange bei Fucus vesiculosus. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 92-103. Ueber einige atherisches Oel secernirende Hautdriisen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1886, 400-404. Zur Kenntniss einiger Wachsthums- und Gestaltungs- vorgange in der vegetabilischen Zelle. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 81-88, 97-101, 113-117, 129-134, 145-150. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Entwickelung des Oogons und der Oosphare von Vaucheria. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 314-318. Ueber ein bemerkenswerthes Vorkommen und die Peritliecien des Aspergillus fumigatus. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 335-337. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tabakpfianze. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 191-206; 43, 1894, 271-301; 45, 1895, 441-467; 46, 1896, 163-192; 52, 1899, 213-246, 431-454. Physiologische Studien iiber den Hopfen. Flora, 78, 1894, 361-398. Die Infektionskrankheiten des Weines. [Sammel- referat.] Centrbl. Bakt. [Aht. 2), 2, 1896, 213-231. Die Beziehungen der Mikroorganismen zum Tabakbau und zur Tabakfabrikation. Sammelreferat. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 514-527, 540-545. Der Ursprung des Trimethylamins im Hopfen und die Selbsterhitzung desselben. [1894.] Karlsruhe Bact. Inst. Arb., 1, 1897, 185-200. Die Eeinhefe in der Weinbereitung. Ein historischer Ueberblick. Centrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 2), 3, 1897, 354-369, 415-423, 486-491. Untersuchungen iiber den Wurzelschimmel der Reben. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 584-589, 639-645, 743- 750. Die Reinhefe in der Weinbereitung. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 671-674. Ueber Regeneration bei den Selaginellen. Flora, 84, 1897, 159-166. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Obstfaulnis. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 514-522, 547-553, 577-585, 635- 644, 700-706, 739-746, 110-111. Kupferpraparate und Monilia fructigena. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 507-509. Behrens, Johannes, & Beinlin^, K. See Belnllng & Behrens. Behrens, I'hleodor] H[einrich]. * Ueber die mikroskopische Struktur der Steinkohle. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 131-132. *Beitrage zur Petrographie des indischen Archipels, Amsterdam, Ak. Verh., 23, 1883, 71 pp. Ueber eigenthiimliche Krystallgebilde in einem vulkanischen Gestein von der Insel Timor. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 72-75. Sur I'analyse microchimique des mineraux. [1885.] Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 1, 1886, 176-212 ; Chem. News, 54, 1886, 196-197, 208, 220-221, 232-233, 243-244, 253- 254, 266-267, 279-280, 289-290, 301-302, 316-317; Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 1-33. Sur la determination de la duret^ des mati^rea rocheuses. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 3, 1887, 108-129. Quelques considerations sur I'origine des crat^res-lacs (Maare) de I'Eifel. [1888.] Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann,, 4, 1888, 139-148 ; Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 346-348. [Nieuwe reacties bestemd voor het gebruik bij kwaUtatief chemisch onderzoek ouder het mikroskoop.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 234. Essai d'une m^ethode d'analyse qualitative micro- chimique. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 6, 1890, 82-176. [Over het verband tusschen de kristallisatie en de samenstelling der oplossingen, waarin de kristallen gevormd worden.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 397. Beitrage zur mikrochemischen Analyse. Fresenius, Ztschr., 30, 1891, 125-174. Reactionen fiir mikrochemische Mineralanalysen. Neues Jbuch. Min. {Beil.-Bd.), 7, 1891, 435-470. Observations sur la formation de cristaux mixtes. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 10, 1891, 57-64; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 7, 1892, 126-131. Sur la structure microscopique et sur la trempe de I'acier et de la fonte. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 10, 1891, 261-270; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 7, 1892, 132- 138. [Over de mikro-structuur van gehard staal.] [1891.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 123. Over de mikroskopische structuur van eenige alliages. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded. , 9, 1892, 415-416. [Over alliages van koper en zink.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 430-431. Over de structuur van gedegen goud. [1893.] Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., [2], 1894, 79. Over de chemische constitutie van alliages. [1893.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [2], 1894, 79-80. Over de samenstelling der alliages van ijzer met chromium en wolfram. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [2], 1894, 151-152. Experiences sur la formation de fissures, de cavites et noyaux pierreux dans les cones de debris. Arch. N^er- land., 27, 1894, 149-172 ; Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 9, 1894-96, 154-173. Sur I'examen microchimique de la quinine. [1^94.] Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 1-12; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 72-78. Over de microchemische opsporing van alkaloiiden. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1896, 43-44. Over kunstmatig dichroisme. [1895.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 30-31. Zur mikrochemischen Unterscheidung von Cinchoni- din und Homocinchonidin. Fresenius, Ztschr., 85, 1896, 133-143. Sublimation und Schmelzpunktbestimmung bei mikro- chemischen Untersuchungen. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 2, 1897, 161-164. Mittheilungen iiber einige mikrochemische Reaktionen. [1897.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 219-223. 52—2 Behrens] 412 [Beijerinck Over eenige aiiomalieen in het stelsel van Mendele- JEFF. Ou some anomalies in the system of Mendelejeff. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Vers!., 7, 1899, 170-173; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 148-151. Over isomorpbie van goud- en kwikverbindingen. On isomorphous compounds of gold and mercury. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. VersL, 8, 1900, 217-218; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 163. Die Unterscheidung fester Teerkohlenwasserstoffe auf mikrochemischem Wege. [1900,] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 328-331; Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 386-397. Over morphotropie onder antimonyl-tartraten van aniline en zijne homologen. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 372-373. Behrens, Th[eodor] H[einrich], & Baucke, H. Chemisch en mikroskopisch onderzoek van antimoonhoudende kussenblokmetalen. On chemical and microscopical examination of antimonial alloys for axle boxes. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 58-61 ; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 35-38. Behrens, Th[eodor] H[einrich], & Ziinge, A. R. van. Ueber krystallisirte harte Verbindungen in Cementstahl und in Legirungen des Eisens mit Chrom, Wolfram und Mangan. Fresenius, Ztschr., 33, 1894, 513-533. Sur I'acier c^ment^, le ferrochrome, le ferrotungstene, I'acier chrom^ et I'acier tungstate. [1894.] Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 155-182 ; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 97-114, Behrens, Wilhelm J\ulius]. Die Amphibien und Reptilien der Umgegend von Elberfeld. Elberfeld Nat, Ver. Jber., 6, 1884, 78-79. Noch ein automatisches Mikrotom, Ztschr, Wiss, Mikr,, 1, 1884, 244-248, Kleinere Mittheilungen, Eine neue Construction des Abbe'schenBeleuchtungsapparates, Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 409-412. Winkel's Mikrometerocular mit vertical beweglichem Mikrometer. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 2, 1885, 41-43. Bernsteinlack zum Verschliessen mikroskopiseher Praparate. Ztschr. Wiss, Mikr,, 2, 1885, 54-57. Klonne und Mullee's beweglicher Objecttisch, Ztschr, Wiss. Mikr., 2, 1886, 502-507. Zwei neue Pythiden. Stettin, Ent, Ztg., 48, 1887, 18-22, Materialien zu einer Monographic der Curculionen- gruppe Pachyrrhynchidse, Stettin, Ent, Ztg. , 48, 1887, 211-257. Technische Notizen, Stettin, Ent, Ztg, , 48, 1887, 312-315. Winkel's beweglicher Objecttisch. Ztschr. Wiss, Mikr., 9, 1892, 433-438. Neue Apparate aus der Werkstatte von R. Winkel in Gottingen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 10, 1893, 289-300. Ein neuer mikroskopiseher Heiztisch mit Selbstregu- lirung fiir constante Temperaturen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 12, 1895, 1-15, Mikroskoptisch mit Irisblende von Meyek u, Co, in Ziirich. Ztschr, Wiss. Mikr., 12, 1896, 292-295. Neuer Projectionsapparat fiir wissenschaftliche Zwecke. Ztschr. Wiss, Mikr,, 15, 1898, 7-23, Notizen iiber optische Projection, i, (Elektrischer Handregulator fiir mikroskopische Projectionen, Zur Projection mikroskopiseher Uebersichtspraparate,) Ztschr, Wiss. Mikr., 16, 1899, 183-195, Behring, Eviil l^Adolpli]. Ueber Eitererzeugung ohne Mikroorganismen, Bonn Niederrhein, Ges, Sber,, 1888, 75-76, Ueber Quecksilbersublimat in eiweisshaltigen Fliissig- keiten, Centrbl, Bakt., 3, 1888, 27-30, 64-66, Beitrage zur Aetiologie des Milzbrandes, Ztschr. Hyg,, 6, 1889, 117-144, 467-486 ; 7, 1889, 171-185, Ueber Desinfection, Desinfectionsmittel und Desinfec- tionsmethoden, Ztschr, Hyg,, 9, 1890, 395-478. Ueber Desinfection am lebenden Organismus. [}\nth discussion.'] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 2), 239-255. Ueber die Prioritiitsanspriiche des Herrn Prof. Emmkuich (Miinchen) in Fragen der Blutserumtherapie. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 74-80. Untersuchungsergebnisse betreffend den Streptococcus longus. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 192-196. Ueber Immunisirung und Heilung von Versuchsthieren beim Tetanus. Ztschr, Hyg., 11, 1892, 45-57. Die Blutserumtherapie bei Diphtheric und Tetanus, Ztschr, Hyg,, 12, 1892, 1-9. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Blutserumtherapie, Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 198-202. Ueber die Natur der immunitatverleiheuden Korper. (Nach Versuchen von Behring und Knore.) Arch. Anat, Physiol, {Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 381-383, Leistungen und Ziele der Serumtherapie, Deutsch, Natf. Verb,, 1895 {Th. 1), 51-82, Antitoxintherapeutische Probleme, Fortschr, Med,, 15 (1897), 1-12, Ueber die experimentell begriindete athiologische Therapie, Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 36, 1897, 351. Ueber Tetanusgiftmodificationen. Fortschr. Med., 17 (1899), 501-505. Ueber die quantitativen Bindungs verhaltnisse zwisohen Tetanusgift und Tetanusantitoxin im lebenden Meer- schweinkorper. Fortschr. Med., 17 (1899), 521-534. Behring, Emil [Adolph], & Knorr, [Angela]. Ueber den Immunisirungswerth und Heilwerth des Tetanusheil- serums bei weissen Mausen. Ztschr. Hyg., 13, 1893, 407-426. Behring, Emil [Adolph], & mssen, Franz. Ueber bacterienfeindliche Eigenschaften verschiedener Blut- serumarten. Ein Beitrag zur Immunitatsfrage. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 412-483. Behring, Emil [Adolph], & "Wernicke, [Aug. Rob.]. Ueber Immunisirung und Heilung von Versuchsthieren bei der Diphtheric. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 10-44. See also Wernicke & Behring. Behring, V. M. von. H'fecKOJIbKO npaKTlIieCKHX'B yKasaHift o BjriflHiii OopHofr, CeHsoiliioR h .iHMOHHou KircjioT't HE OTJioHienie HHKKejiii na MeTaJWHieCKHXT. nosepXHOCTilX'B. Quelques indica- tions pratiques sur Tiufluence des acides borique, ben- zoique et citrique sur la formation de depots de nickel sur les surfaces metalliques. I^kateriuenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 15 {No. 1), 1895, 33-38. Behrmann, Alfred, & Hofmann, A[ngust] W[ilhelm] von. Umwaudlung der Citronensaure in Pyridin- Verbindungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1884, 1081-1099. Ueber die Amide der Citronensaure ; Umwandlung derselben in Pyridinverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 17, 1884, 2681-2699. Behrmann, Th. Ueber den Eisgang des Jahres 1882. Riga Corresp.-BL, 27, 1884, 24-25, Ueber den Salzgehalt der Ostsee. Riga Corresp,-Bl,, 28, 1885, 20-21, Die Regenverhaltnisse des Jahres 1885, Riga Corresp,- Bl,, 29, 1886, 15-16, Ueber die Regenmengen der letzten 20 Sommer. [1892.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 36, 1893, 17-18. Beijerinck, J*'. Ueber das specifische Gewicht des Jodo- forms. Chem, Ztg,, 21, 1897, 853, Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der Miueralien fiir Elektricitat. [1898.] Neues Jbuch, Min, {Beil.-Bd.), 11, 1897-98, 403-474; Jaarb, Mijnw, Nederl, Ind., 28 (1899) (Pt. 1), 40-113. Beijerinck, M. W. Assign to this author entries (Vol. 9) under Beyerinck. *Onderzoekingen over de besmettelijkheid der gom- ziekte bij planten. Amsterdam, Ak, Verb,, 23, 1883, 46 pp,; Arch, N^erland,, 19, 1884, 43-102, Beijerinck] 413 [Beijerinck I De gal van Cecidomyia Pooe aan Poa nemoralis. [1884.] Maandbl. Nat., 1882-84, 65-74 ; Bot. Ztg., 43, 1885, 305-315, 321-332. [Sediment deposited by rain at Wageningen on January 12, 1884, in connection with the remarkable sunsets.] Nature, 29, 1884, 308-309. *Over regeneratie-verschijnselen aan gespleten vegeta- tiepunten van stengels en over bekervorming. [1883.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 63-105. Over normale wortelknoppen. [1884.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 162-186. Ueber den Weizenbastard Triticum monococcum ? x Triticum dicoccum d' . [1884.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 189-201. Gynodioecie bei Daucus carota, L. [1885.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 345-353. Ueber die I3astarde zwischen Triticum monococcum und Triticum dicoccum. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 455-473. Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen iiber Wurzel- knospen und Nebenwurzeln. Amsterdam, Ak. Verh., 25, 1887, 150 pp. Over het Cecidium van Nematus Capreae aan Salix amygdalina. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 3, 1887, 11-21; Arch. Neerland., 21, 1887, 475-492; Bot. Ztg., 46, 1888, 1-11, 17-27. The gardenia-root disease. Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 488. [Over de uitwassen aan de wortels der Papilionaceeeu, Elffiagnaceeen, van Alnus en andere planten.] [1887.] , Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 300-301. Die Bacterien der Papilionaceen-Knollchen. Bot. Ztg., 46, 1888, 725-735, 741-750, 757-771, 781-790, 797-802. [Over kruisingsproeven met kultuurgerst.] [1888.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 202. Over een middel om de werking van verschilleude stoffen op den groei en enkele andere levensverrichtingen van microorganismen vast te stellen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 6, 1889, 123-128; Ztsclir. Wiss. Mikr., 6, 1889, 374-375. L'auxanographie, ou la methods de I'hydrodiffusion dans la gelatine appliquee aux recherches microbio- logiques. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 366-372. Le Photobacterium luminosum, bact^rie lumineuse de la mer du Nord. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 401-415; Maandbl. Nat.. 1889, 1-10. Les bact^ries lumineuses dans leurs rapports avec I'oxyg^ne. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 416-427 ; Maandbl. Nat., 1889, 11-18. Sur le kefir. Arch. Neerland., 23, 1889, 428-444. Die Lactase, ein neues Enzym. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 44-48. Over het filter Pasteur-Chamberland. Maandbl. Nat., 1889, 19-20. Over gelatineculturen van ^^ncellige groenwieren. Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1889, 35-52 ; Bot. Centrbl., 43, 1890, 142-145. Ein einfacher Diffusionsversuch. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 3, 1889, 110-112. [Over lichtvoedsel en plastisch voedsel van licht- bacterien.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 237-238; Arch. Neerland., 24, 1891, 369-442. L. Beissnee's Untersuchungen beziiglich der Ketini- sporafrage. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 517-524, 533-541. Culturversuche mit Zoochlorellen, Lichenengonidien und anderen niederen Aigen. Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 725- 739, 741-754, 757-768, 781-785, xxxiv. Over bacteroiden in de onderaardsche knoUetjes bij de llhinanthacese. [1889.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 437-439. Cultuurproeven met zoochlorellen, lichenengonidien en andere lagere wieren. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak, Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 80-33. Kunstmatige infectie van Vicia faba met Bacillus radicicola. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 33-35 ; Bot. Ztg., 48, 1890, 837-843. De levensgeschiedenis eener pigmentbacterie. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 307-315 ; Bot. Ztg., 49, 1891, 705-712, 725-734, 741-752, 757-770, 773-781 ; Arch. Neerland., 25, 1892, 227-280. Over ophooping van atmospherische stikstof in culturen van Bacillus radicicola. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 460-475; Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 687-689. Die Kapillarhebermikroskopirtropfenflasche. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 589-590. Verfahren zum Nachweise der Saureabsonderung bei Mikrobien. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 781-786. Qualitative und quantitative mikrobiochemische Analyse. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 723-727. Les experiences sur les bacteries lumineuses et leur nutrition. Jl. Microgr., 15, 1891, 95-96. Zur Ernahrungsphysiologie des Kahmpilzes. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 68-75. Notiz fiber die Cholerarothreaktion. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 715-718. Ueber die Fernwirkung wasseriger Losungen auf Wasserdunst. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 9, 1892, 264- 266. [De nitriflcatie der ammoniakzouten in den bodem.] [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 14-15. Ueber die Butylalkoholgahrung und das Butylferment. Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. {Sect. 2), 1, 1893, No. 10, 51 pp. ; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 1-68. Bericht fiber [s]eine Kulturen niederer Algen auf Nahrgelatine. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 368-373. UeberAtmungsfigurenbeweglicherBakterien. Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 827-845. Notiz fiber den Nachweis von Protozoen und Spirillen in Trinkwasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 10-15. Ueber die Natur der Faden der Papilionaceenknollchen. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 728-732. Ueber Thermotaxis bei Bacterium Zopfii. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 799. Schizosaccharomyces octosporus, eine achtsporige Alkoholhefe. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 49-58; (Abt. 2), 8, 1897, 449-455, 518-525. Over sulfaatreductie door Spirillum desulfuricans. [1894.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 3, 1896, 72-82 ; Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 1-9, 49-59, 104-114; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 233-277, Over het dichroisme in het geslacht Polygonum. [1894.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 6, 1896, 325-830, (Res. 509-510). Ueber Nachweis und Verbreitung der Glukase, das Enzym der Maltose. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 1, 1895, 221-229, 265-271, 329-342, 521. Over de levensgeschiedenis van Cynips calicis, hare wisselgeneratie en de gallen daarvan. [1895.] Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 61-62; Bot. Centrbl., 66, 1896, 327-328. Kulturversuche mit Amoben auf festem Substrate. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 19, 1896, 257-267; 21, 1897, 101- 102. Ueber eine Eigentumlichkeit der loslicben Starke. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 697-699. Ueber die Einrichtung einer normalen Buttersaure- garung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 699-701. Ueber Gallbildung und Generationswechsel bei Cynips calicis und fiber die Circulansgalle. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 2), 5, 1897, No. 2, 43 pp. ; Arch. Neer- land., 30, 1897, 387-444. — '■ — Emulsions- und Sedimentfiguren bei beweglichen Bakterien. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 1-6, 40- 47. Ueber die Arten der Essigbakterien. [1897.] Centrbl. Beijerinck] 414 [Beilstein Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 209-216; Arch. Neerland., 2, 1899, 180-189. Ueber Eegeneration der Sporenbildung bei Alkohol- hefen, wo diese Funktion im Verschwinden begriffen ist. Ceutrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 657-663, 721-730; Arch. Neerland., 2, 1899, 269-289. Notiz liber Pleurococeus vulgaris. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898. 785-787. Ueber ein Contagium vivum fluidum als Ursache der Fleckenkrankheit der Tabaksblatter. [1898.] Amster- dam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 2), 6, 1899, No. 5, 22 pp.; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 170-176 ; Arch. Near- land., 3, 1900, 164-186. Over zuurstof behoefte bij obhgatanaeroben. On the relation of the obligatous anaerobics to free oxygen. [1898.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 19-32; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 14-26; Arch. Neerland., 2, 1899, 397-411. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von Harm Iwanowsky liber die Mosaikkrankheit der Tabakspflanze. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 310-311. Ueber Glukoside und Enzyme in den Wurzeln einiger Spirseaarten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 425-429. Over de indigovorming uit de weede (Isatis tinctoria). On the formation of indigo from the woad (Isatis tinc- toria). [1899-1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 91-99; 9, 1901, 74-90; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 120-129; 3, 1901, 101-116. Over de indigo-fermentatie. On indigo-fermentation. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 572-590; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 495-512. Sur la production de quinone par le Streptothrix chromogena, et la biologic de ce microbe. Arch. Neer- land., 3, 1900, 327-340; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 2-12. Ueber die Wirkung des Benzylsenfols auf das Wachs- tum des Kahmpilzes. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 72. Schwefelwasserstoffbildung in den Stadtgraben und Aufstellung der Gattung Aerobacter. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 193-206. Noch ein Wort iiber die Sulfatreduktion in den Gewassern. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 844. Over verschillende vormen van erfelijke variatie bij mikroben. On different forms of hereditary variation of microbes. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 310-324; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 352-365. Over het ontstaan van knoppen en knopvariaties bij Cytisus Adami. On the development of buds and bud- variations in Cytisus Adami. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 336-342; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 865-371. Beijerinck, M. W., & Dam, J. van. *[The remarkable sunsets. Sediment deposited after rain on December 13, 1883, at Wageningen.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 175. Beijerinck, M. W., & "Wijs, J. J. A. De aardnoot en de aardnoten-olie. (Delftsche sla-olie.) Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull., [12], 1896, 42-47. Beilby, George T[homas]. On the production of ammonia from the nitrogen of minerals. Soc Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 216-223. On a new form of gas thermometer. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 4, 1885, 40-43. Ten years' progress of the cyanide process for the extraction of gold. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 130- 134. The relations of the Society to chemical engineering and to industrial research. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 18, 1899, 333-340, 437-439. Beilby, George T[homas], & M' Arthur, James B. On waste gas from oil stills. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 31-32. Belli, Alfred, Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Ozonbildung. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 (Abth. 2b), 10-19; Mhefte. Chem., 1893, 71-80. Bellle, Lucien. De la limite altitudinale du chataigner sur les pentes ouest et sud-ouest du massif central de la France. Ass. Franc;. C. K., 1887 (Pt. 2), 577-586. Essai sur les zones de vegetation du massif central de la France. Toulouse Soc. Sci. Bull., 8, 1889, 447-594. Etude anatomique de I'appareil urticaut des chenilles processionaires du pin maritime, Cnethocampa pityo- campa, Borowaki. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 545-547. Sur les alterations produites par I'Heterodera radici- cola sur les racines du Papaya gracilis. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 2), 413-416. Compte-rendu de I'excursion botanique du 19 juillet, 1898, a La Teste et au lac de Cazaux. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, Ixvi-lxix. Compte-rendu de I'herborisation faite a Saint-Medard- en-Jalles le 26 juin 1898. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, Ixxv-lxxix. Application des precedes de la technique microscopique moderne a I'organogenie vegetale. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, xxxiii-xxxiv. Note sur le developpement du Cyathium des Euphorbes. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, xxxiv-xxxviii. [Compte-rendu de I'excursion faite le 19 mars k Cubzac, Saint-Romain et Cadillac-sur-Dordogne.] Bor- deaux Soc Linn. Act., 54, 1899, xxxix-xli. [Compte-rendu de I'excursion faite le l"^' mai dans la vallee de la Font de la Leve.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, xli-xliii. Note sur I'organogenie florale des Mercuriales. Bor- deaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, xliv-xlv. Note sur le developpement de la lieur male du Ricinus communis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, Ixxv. Compte-rendu botanique [des excursions] de la Society Linneenne a Saint-Yzans, [au lac de Caseaux et k la Pointe-de-Grave et Soulac]. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, xcvi-xcviii, xcviii-c, c-ci. Recherches sur le Trisetum Burnoufii, Req. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, civ-cix. [Compte-rendu botanique de I'excursion a Saint- Mariens, Saint-Andre-de-Cubzac] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 54, 1899, cxxiv-cxxvii. Note sur I'organogenie fliorale des " Pedilanthus." Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, Ixxvi-lxxvii. Compte-rendu de la deuxieme excursion de la Societe Linneenne. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, ci-civ. Note sur le developpement des fleurs males du Cluytia Richardiana, Mull. Arg. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, cv-cvi. Note sur I'organogenie florale des Rues. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, ccxiii-ccxv. Note sur le developpement floral des Vitis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, ccxxiii-ccxxiv. Note sur le developpement des Disciflores. Congr. Int. Bot. Act., 1900, 182-184. Bellle, Lucien, & rrfeche, D. See Frfeche & Bellle. Beilstein, Fr[iedrich Konrad] (Fedor Fedorovic). Sur la separation de I'oxyde de fer et de I'alumine. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1890 (Pi. 1), 175. Beilstein, Fr[iedrich Konrad], & Blaese, 0. von. Unter- suchungen iiber die Basicitiit der Antimonsaure. [1888.] St. Petersb. Ac Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 97-116. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Antimons. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 201-207. Ueber die Bestimmung des Natrons neben Kali. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 209-211. Beilstein, Fr[iedrich Konrad], & Grosset, Theodor. Ueber die Analyse der schwefelsauren Thonerde. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 147-153. Beilstein, Fr[iedrich Konrad], & ZiUther, R\obert Thomas Diedricli]. Ueber ein neues Verfahren zur Trennung des Eisenoxyds von der Thonerde. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 155-164. Beilstein] 415 [Beketov Beilstein, Fr[iedrich Konrad], & Rinne, R. Ueber die Bestiraniung des Glycerins und die Analyse des Wachses. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci! Bull., 5, 1896, 283-293. Beilstein, Fr[iedricli Konrad'], & Wiegand, Eluge)i]. Ueber eine nene Bildungsweise der Brenztraubensaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 840-842. Ueber Angelikasanre und Tiglinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2261-2263. Ueber einige ungef^iittiKte Verbindungen der Fettreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 481-483. Bein, [Geor<]]. Ueber Mumpsbakterien. Wien. Med. Wscbr., 47, 1897, 2053. Bein, S[igis7nujid]. Zur Asphalt-Analyse. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 33-36. Eine neue indirekte Fluorbestimmung. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 169-175. Ueber die quantitative Abscheidung und Bestiramung des Ziuks. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 275-283. Arsen in Tapeten. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 527. Analysen einiger Biere aus dem Ziurekschen Labora- torium. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 397-398. Methode und Apparat zur genauen Bestimmung des Entziindungs- bez. Detonationspunktes von Spreng- stoflfen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 667-669. Ueber den Nachweis der Dotterfarbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 421-422. Eine exacte Methode zur Bestimmung der Eisubstauz. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 423-424. Ergebnisse einiger Versuche der Einwirkung fettartiger Stoffe auf Schiesspulver. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 217-222. Ein ptomainhaltiger Kaffee. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 658-661. Bein, Willy [Arnold]. Beitrage zur experimentellen Be- stimmung von Ueberfiihrungszahlen in Salzlosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 46, 1892, 29-70. Verfahren zur Elektrolyse chemischer Verbindungen und zur Gewinnung ihrer Zersetzungsprodukte ohne Benutzung von Diaphragmen. [1895.] Ztschr. Elek- troch., 1895-96, 346-347. Zur Bestimmung der Ueberfiihrung bei der Elektro- lyse verdiinnter wasseriger Salzlosungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 1-54. Einige Versuche iiber die Abhangigkeit der Ueber- fiihrungen von Salzen von der Beschaffenheit der Mem- branen, welche die Elektroden-Losungen voneinander trennen. Ein Beitrag zu dem Verhalten von Membranen gegen Salzlosungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 28, 1899, 439-452. Beinert, Carl Christian. For biographical notice see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1893 {Ahth. 2b), 17-18. Beinling, E., & Behrens, Johannes. Ueber Tabaksamen und Anzuclit der Setzlinge. Laiidw. Versuchs-Stat., 40, 1892, 339-349. Beissel, Ignaz. For biographical notice and works see Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1888 [Proc.-Verh.], 193- 195. Die Foraminiferen der Aachener Kreide. [Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben, und mit einer Ein- leitung versehen von E. Holzapfkl.] Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 3, 1891, 78 pp. Beissner, Hans. Die Zwischensubstanz des Hodens und ihre Bedeutung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 51, 1898, 794-820. Der Bau der samenableitenden Wege bei Eana fusca und Eana esculenta. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 53, 1899, 168-179. Beissner, L[udu-ig]. Ueber Jugendformen von Pflanzen, speciell von Coniferen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, Ixxxiii-lxxxvi. Conif^res de Chine. [Tr.] [1896.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 4, 1897, 183-187. Ueber verschiedene Entwickelungsstadien, zumal Jugendformen von Pflanzen. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1897, 12a-135. Durch Knospenvariation entstandene Pflanzenformen. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1898, 30-42. Conif^res de Chine. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 166-170. Coniferes de Chine, recoltes par le rev. p6re Joseph GiKALDi dans le Shen-si septentrional et meridional. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1899, 309-311. Pflanzenphysiologische Betrachtungen. Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1900, 6-18. Beisswaenser, H. Zur Verbreitung des Milzbrandes in Wiirttemberg. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 179-188. Beitler, C. Ueber das Chloroproteinochrora. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1604-1610. Beitter, A{lbert]. Ueber digitalinartige Reaktion von Bestandteilen der Chinarinde. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 137-143. Beivinkler, Wilhelm. Das Brahma-Huhn. [Tr.] Wien Oniith. Ver. Mitth., 18, 1894, 11-13, 26-28, 43-44. Bejnarovic, S. K. Sur la question de I'immnnite contre la peste bubonique. Premiere communication. Dur6e de I'immunite passive. Essais d'immuuisation au moyen des injections combinees de serum anti-pesteux et de microbes pesteux. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 6, 1898, 234-254. Bek. HOe XlfMlI'ieCKOe cpojr,CTBO. [Se- lective chemical affinity.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 525-533; Chem. ' Soc. JL, 56, 1889 (AbH.), 332-335. • Etude sur I'energie de combinaison du rubidium. [1888-89.] St. P6tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 117- 118, 173-175. [$II.3ItK0-XI[MHieCKifl JtaHHHH 0 uesill. Physico- chemical data for caesium.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Chem.), 1890, 364-365. Sur la reduction du cesium. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 169-170. Des proprietes physico-chimiques du cesium et de son hydrate. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 171-173. Experiences sur I'influence de la vapeur d'eau et de differents gaz sur la combustion d'un melange d'oxyde de carbone et d'hydrogene. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull"., 34, 1892, 175-177. • Note sur la chaleur de combinaison du brorae et de I'iode avec le magnesium. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 291-292. 0 ji,1iHCTBiH Boji,opo;i;a na 6e3BOji,HyH) okhci. Uesin. [De Taction de I'hydrogene sur I'oxyde de cesium anhydre.] [1893.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 25 (Chem.), 1893, 433-434; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 247-249. Determination thermochimique de Paction du cesium metallique et de son oxyde anhydre sur I'eau. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. ScL Biill, 35, 1894, 541-544. De quelques proprietes physico-chimiques des sels haloides du cesium. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 197-199. OjI,Ha H31) B-fepOflTKHXT. IipiIiIHHT. B03paCTaHifl MOjreKyjiiipHOH 9J[eKTponpoBoji;HocTH no M-fep-fe pa3KRateHia COJiaUHXT. paCTBOpOBT>. [Molecular conductivity of dilute solutions.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 26 (Chem.), 1894, 65-67; Chem. Soc. JL, 70, 1896 {Ahs., Pt. 2), 348. HscjijtoBaHie HSMtaenifl o6i.eMa iipn o6pa- soBaniH ioji;HCTaro cepe6pa list a.ieMeHTOBi, h yjt'ijI'BHHft B-fect JKIIJi;Karo ioji;a. [Du changement de volume pendant la formation de I'iodure d'argent par les Elements et la densite de I'iode liquide.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 361-363; Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 28 (Chem.), 1896, 212-213; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1498-1499. IIpaMoe oiipeji;ijieHie ten.ioTh o6pa30BaHia rajioiiji;HHxi, coejtHHeniH. BpoMiiCTHH ajrioMiiHirr. [Determination directe de la chaleur de formation des sels haloides des m^taux. Le bromure d'aluminium.] [1898.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 (Chem.), 1898, 874-876; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1899, 79-81. [Onpeji;1ijreHie Teii.noT'B odpasoBaHia raioHji;- HHXt COeAHHeHiff. npo;i;OJIJKeHie. [Determination directe de la chaleur de formation des sels haloides des metaux. Suite.] St. Petersb. Ac. ScL Bull., 10, 1899, xxxix-xl. Beketov, Nikolaj N[ikolaevic], & Scerbacev, Aleksandr [Aleksandrovic]. Nouvelle methode de preparation des metaux alcalins. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull.. 1 1894 61-63. ^ ' . " . Beklemisev, N., Celcov, l[van] M[ichajlovic], & Kanin, V. See Celcov, Beklemisev & Kanin. Bel, J[ean] Marc. Mission scientifique au Chili et dans le nord de la Bolivie, 1888-89. Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 7, 1897, 111-242. Mission... au Laos et en Annam. Geologic des regions parcourues. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1897, 291-294. Mission au Laos et en Annam. Annam — pays Khas — Bas-Laos. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 19, 1898, 261-290. Mission. Laos et en Annam. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1898, 217-219. Apergu sur les gites mineraux de I'lndoChine centrale connus en 1897. St. Etienne, BulL Soc. Ind. Min., 12, 1898, 381-407. Bel, Jules. Eemarque sur le Linaria striata, DC. [1886.] Rev. Bot., 4, 1885-86, 315. Une Graminee nouvelle pour la flore franijaise. Eev. Bot., 6, 1887-88, 216-217. Les champignons superieurs du Tarn. Eev. Bot., 7, 1888-89, 227-322. Monographie des rosiers du Tarn. Eev. Bot., 8, 1890, 311-334. — — - Geographic botanique du departement du Tarn. Eev. Bot., 11, 1893, 4.32-470. Anomalie ou variete du Xanthium spinosum (X. spinosum, var. inerme). Eev. Bot., 11, 1893, 481-482. Belar, Alhin. Ueber Aurichalcit und kiinstliches Zink- carbonat (ZnCOy-f HgO). Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 113- 127. Belart, Hans, & Feist, Franz. Sec Feist & Belart. Belasio, Santino. Trombe terrestri. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 156. Belcher, C. F. Notes on the birds of the Geelong district. Wombat, 2, [1897], 60-67; 3, [1898], 42-47. Belck, W[aldemaT]. Messungen von Buschmiinnern und Hottentotten. Ztschr. EthnoL, 17, 1885, (59)-(61). Eeise nach Angra Pequeiia und Damaraland. Ztschr. EthnoL, 17, 1885, (314)-(316). Belck, W [aide mar], & Zieliinann, G. F. Eeisebriefe von der Armenischen Expedition. Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 15, 1899, 1-23, 189-221; 16, 1900, 16-70. Belcov, , & Jakovlev, . See Jakovlev & Belcov. Belcov, A. Zur Frage der Mikroorganismen bei PysBmie. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 22, 1884, 370-373. Zur Regeneration des Epithels der Harnblase. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 279-288. Belden, A. W., & Venable, Flrank] Plrestori]. See Venable & Belden. Belding, Lyman. Description of a new thrush from Calaveras county, California. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 18-19. The small thrushes of California. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 57-72. Land birds of the Pacific district. California Ac. Dec. Pap., 2, 1890, 274 pp. Song of the western meadowlark. Auk, 13, 1896, 29- 30; 15, 1898, 56-57. B616guic, (capit.) E. C. *Les causes qui determinent I'alternance des courants ^quatoriaux et polaires sur les cotes de I'Europe oceidentale. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Met^oroL, 9, 1876, Pt. 1, 6.S-64. Belize, {3Ille.) Marguerite. Liste des plantes rares ou int^ressantes (Phanerogames, Cryptogames vasculaires et Charac^es) des environs de Montfort-l'Amaury et de la foret de Rambouillet (Seine-et-Oise). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1895, 494-509; 43, 1896, 346-352, 814; 45, 1898, 30-32, 425-428, 688. Liste des mousses et des Hepatiques de la foret de Rambouillet et des environs de Montfort-l'Amaury (Seine-et-Oise). Ass. Franc;. C. E., 1900 (Pt. 2), 621-626. Belfanti, Serafino. Sulla morfologia del bacillo del tetano. Arch. Sci. Med., 16, 1892, 373-387; Arch. G^n. Med., 170, 1892, 753-754. Caso di aortite subacuta d'origine sifilitica. Speri- mentale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 286-294. Belfanti] 417 [Beling Sulle broncopolmoniti diftericbe. Studio batterio- logico ed anatomopatologico. Sperimentale, 1896 {Sez. Biol.), 278-299. Belfanti, Serafino, & Carbone, Tito. Contribute alia conoscenza dell' antitossina difterica. Arch. Sci. Med., 22, 1898, 9-35. Belfanti, Serafino, & Mya, Giuseppe. See SXya & Belfanti. Belfanti, Serafino, & Fescarolo, B. Ueber eine neue pathogene Bacterium-Art, entdeckt im Tetanusmaterial. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 51.S-519. Neuer Beitrag zum bakteriologischen Studium des Tetanus. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 680-682, 710-712; 6, 1889, 283-285, 306-309. Belfanti, Serafino, & Vedova, [Temistocle] della. Sur I'etiologie de I'oz^ne et sur sa curabilite avec la sero- therapie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 25, 1896, 321-325. Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, Committee. [Beport on the Larne gravels and the position in them of the flint flakes and cores for which tbey are noted.] [1886- 89.] Belfast Field Club Eep., 2, 1888, 519-530; 3, 1893, 198-210. Belforti, Ubaklo. Carburo di calcio. Eiv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1895, 94-96. L'acetilene come gas illuminante. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1895, 281-295. L'iricromatina. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 54. L'aria liquida e le sue applicazioni. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 65-68. Belgrand, E[ugene]. To reference in No. 7 {Vol. 1) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 17-47. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 7) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 12-18. *De I'influence des forets sur I'^coulement des eaux pluviales (complement de la notice lue dans la stance du 12 juillet 1853). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1864, Pt. 1, 81-87. *De la simultaneite des pluies qui produisent les crues des grands cours d'eau compris entre le plateau central de la France, les chaines du Jura et des Vosges et la fronti^re de Belgique. Application a I'organisation des services hydrometriques. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1864, Pt. 1, 140-151. *Sur les crues de la Seine. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 101-102. *[L'averse tombee a Paris le 21 mai 1857.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1857, Pt. 2, 179-185. *Note sur I'hydromimetre. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 6, 1858, Pt. 2, 21-24. *Note sur les secheresses de 1857 et 1858. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1868, Pt. 2, 246-254. *Note sur la temperature des eaux k Paris, du ler juillet 1856 au 30 juin 1858. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1859, Pt. 2, 34-41. *D^tails sur la grande averse de pluie tombee a Paris, le 16 juillet 1860. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Ft. 2, 15.3-155. *Notice sur les observations pluviometriques en 1858, 1859 et 1860. France Soc. Mettorol. Annu., 9, 1861, Pt. 2, 54-61. *Note sur le puits de Passy. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 9, 1861, Pt. 2, 124-129, 185-198. *Observations pluviometriques faites en 1861 dans le bassin de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 76-81. *Des grands debordements de la Seine k Paris. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 12, 1864, Ft. 2, 264-280. *Notice sur le regime de la pluie dans le bassin de la Seine pendant les annees 1862 et 1863. [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1866, Ft. 2, 9-31. *Note sur le bouillon de mai. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 205. *[Averse h. Clermont-l'Herault, les 17 et 18 octobre R, S. A. C. 1868.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 314. *Note sur le regime des pluies et des cours d'eau dans le bassin de la Seine a I'^poque Quaternaire, c'est-4-dire k I'age de la pierre taill^e ou du mammouth. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 17,1869 (Bull.), 145-178. Belgrand, Klugene], & Iiemoine, Georges. To reference in No. 2 (Vol. 7) add France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 14, 1866 (null.), 162-208. To references in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 22, 1874 (Bull.), 161-166. *Note sur les orages et les pluies du 30 mai 1867 dans le bassin de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 239-244. *Note sur la quantite de pluie tombee k Paris pendant I'orage du 20 septembre 1867. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 15, 1867 (Bull.), 255-256. *Resum6 des observations centralisees par le service hydrom^trique du bassin de la Seine pendant I'ann^e 1867. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 16, 1868 (Bull.), 110-147. *Note sur les observations ozonometriques organisees k Paris d'apr^s les ordres de M. le prefet de la Seine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 16, 1868 (Bull), 153-162. *Etat probable des eaux courantes du bassin de la Seine dans I'et^ et I'automne de 1870. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 18, 1870 (Bull.), 66-76. See aho Iiemoine & Belgrand. Belikov, S. Traits topographiques de la region de Moscou relativement aux causes geologiques. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 6, 1893, 95-98. 0 coBpeMeHHEixt B3rjifl;i;ax'b na npoitecct ropoo6pa30BaHifl. [On the prevailing views regarding the process of mountain formation.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 87 (No. 2), 1894, 36-45. Belinfante, L[eo Baptiste] L[owi.s]. An account of a journey through Russia in the late summer and autumn of 1897. [1898.] Durham Univ. Phil. Soc. Proc, 1, 1900, 105-119. Beling, [K. H.] Theodor. For biographical notice see Frankf., Zool. Garten, 40, 1899, 94. Beitrag zur Metamorphose der Kaferfamilie der Elateriden. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 27, 1883, 129-144, 256-304; 28, 1884, 177-216. Beitrag zur Pflanzenkunde des Harzes [und seiner nachsten nordwestlichen Vorberge]. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 2, 1884, 3-5, 19-21; 3, 1886, 109; 4, 1886, 6-8; 5, 1887, 10-12; 7, 1889, 12-15; 9, 1891, 189. Beleuchtung einiger Arten aus der Familie der Tipu- liden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 229-238. Beitrag zur Biologic einiger Kafer aus der Familie der Telephoriden. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 29, 1886, 350- 362. Eine neue Art Trauermiicke. Wien. Ent. Ztg. , 4, 1886, 307-308. Zur Metamorphose der Dipteren-Art Zygoneura sciarina, Meig. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1886, 308. Beitrag zur Metamorphose der Zweifliigler-Gattung Sciara, Meig. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 11-14, 71-74, 93-96, 129-134. Dritter Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte (Metamorphose) verschiedener Arten aus der Familie der Tipuliden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 (Abh.), 171-214. Metamorphose des Agriotes pilosus, Fabr. [1887.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 297-300. Kleiner Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der der Land- und Gartenwirthschaft schadlichen Insecten. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 6, 1887, 61-63. Beitrag zur Metamorphose einiger zweifliigeliger Insecten aus den Familien Tabauidas, Empidse, und SyrphidsB. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 1—4. 53 Beling-] 418 [Beljaev Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, Al. See Naumov & Fumaria 'Wirtgeni, Koch. 118-119. Beljaev, Serg., & Naumov, Beljaev. Beljaev, Vl[adimir] I[vanovic]. AHTepHJi;ilI II aHxe- po3oii;i;£i pasHocnopoBHxt njiayHOBUxt. [Anthe- ridien und Spermatozoiden der heterosporen Lyco- podiaceen.] Moscow Univ. Mem. {Nat. Hist.), 5, 1885, 71 pp.; Bot. Ztg., 43, 1885, 793-802, 809-819. ■ Ueber Bau und Entwicklung der Spermatozoiden bei den Gefasskryptogamen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 122-125. 0 JiyatcKiix'L sapocTKaxt y BOji;HHX'b naiio- pOTHHKOBT) (Hydropterides). [Ueber die mannliclien Prothallien bei den Hydropteriden.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat, Trav., 1889-90 (C. B., Biol.), No. 2, 1-3; Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 539. 0 pacTHTejii.HHX'r> cnepMaToaoiiAax'L. [Ueber die pflanzlichen Spermatozoiden.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. B., Biol), No. 3, 12-15; Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 576. 0 cnepMaT030]i;i,axi> y Characeaj. [Ueber die Spermatozoiden bei Characeen.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. B., Biol), No. 4, 9-11; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 220-221. 0 My^CK0M1> aapoCTKi y Azolla. [Das mannliche Prothallium bei Azolla.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 {G. B., Biol.), No. 5, 10-11; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 287-288. 0 KJiiTKax'B Bt nHJibUGBOH Tpy6Ki5 y rojocfe- MflHHHXt. [Ueber die Zellen des PoUenschlauches bei Gymnospermen.] [1889.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. B., Biol.), No. 7, 6-9; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 505-506. 0 npopacTaniii MiiKpocnop'B y pa3HOcnopoBHXT> nanopOTHHKOB'f). [Sur la germination des microspores chez les Hydropterides.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. B., Biol), No. 5, 7-8. Zur Lehre von dem Pollenschlauche der Gymno- spermen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 280-286; 11, 1893, 196-201. 0 MGTOJI.'i npHrOTOBJieHifl paCTHTeJItHHX'L npenapaTOBt npa noMomn MUKpoxoMa h npeji;- BapiiTejiBHaro sajiHBaHifl hxi bi> napa(|)HH'i,. [Proc^de pour faire des coupes de plantes au microtome.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. B., Biol ), No. 1, 6. 0 MeTOji;'fe npuroTOBJieHia npenapaTOBii hsi, MHKpOCKOIIHiieCKH MBJIKHXl. o6'BeKTOB'b. [Sur le montage des preparations faites dobjets microscopiques.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 IC. B., Biol ) No. 1, 6-7. 0 BHJILUeBOH Tpy6Ki rOJIOC'liMflHHHX'B. [Sur le tube pollinique chez les Gymnospermes.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. B., Biol), No. 2, 5-7. 0 KapioKHHeai bt. MaTepHHCKHxi) oirKaxi, njEiIJll)II,H y Larix. [Sur la caryocin^se dans les cellules m^res de pollen chez le Larix.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. B., Biol), No. 2, 6-9, No. 3 23-26; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 446-447. 0 BH.imeBHX'b TpyfiKaxt. [Ueber die Pollen- schlauche.] [1892,] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 {C. B., Biol), Nos. 4 & 5, 3-6; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte 1893, 445-446. 0 CTpoeniH h pasBHTin aHTepoaoHjtoBi. [Sur le developpement des cils des antherozoides.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Mem.), 2, 1892, No. 6, 49 pp. ; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. B., Biol), No. 7, 12-13 — Ueber Bau und Entwiekelung der Spermatozoiden der Pflanzen. Flora, 79, 1894, 1-48. — Zur Kenntniss der Karyokinese bei den Pflanzen. [1894.] Flora, 79, 1894, 430-441; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894r-95 (C. B.), No. 1, 2-4. — Ktj Bonpocy o6'b oiiJioji,OTBopeHin y xBOHHMX'b. [Contribution to the question of fertilization in Coniferae.] [1894.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. B.), No. 1, 1-2. — 0 3ajiHBaHiH B-h napa(|)nH'L H'feKOxopHX'b paCTHXeJIbHHX'I. npeiiapaxOB'L. [On the immersion in paraffin of some plant preparations.] [1894.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. B.), No. 3, 59-60. — MexaMop4)03'L K.i'fexKH npii cnepMaxorenesf. IiailopoXHIIKOBX). [Metamorphosis of the cell during spermatogenesis of Hydropteridese.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. B., Biol), No. 1, 14-16. AHXep030HJl,H XBOmefl. [Antherozoids of Equi- setum.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (G. B., Biol), No. 1, 17-20. 0 H-feKOXOpUXXi Iip0XIIB0p'fe4iaXX> B'b H3CJI'fe- /i;oBaHiiix'L KapioiuiHexHfecKaro j;i5jieHia a^ep't y pacxeHifl. [Einige Streitfragen in den Untersuch- ungen iiber die Karyokinese.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. B., Biol), No. 3, 2-4; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 345-349. — Ktj Bonpocy o cxpoeiiiii xpoMocoMB. [On the structure of chromosomes.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. B., Biol), No. 4, 14-16. — Cxo;i,cxBO H'{iKOxopHX'& aBjieHift bx. ciiepMaxo- reHe3'fe y jkhboxhlixt, ii pacxenifr. [Ueber die Aehnlichkeit einiger Erscheinungen in der Spermato- genese bei Thieren imd Pflanzen.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. B., Biol), No. 5, 9-11; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 342-345. — 0 iipiiCop-fe )i,Jin npoMHBaHia npenapaxoB^. [On an apparatus for washing preparations.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1895-96 (C. B., Biol), No. 5, 12-13. Ueber den Nebenkern in spermatogenen Zellen und die Spermatogenese bei den Farnkrautern. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 337-339. Ueber die Spermatogenese bei den Schachtelhalmen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, 339-342. — IIo noBOjty c6opHHKa CxPActyprEPa "Cytolo- gische Studien." [On Strasburger's " Cytologische Studien."] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Biol), No. 4, 4-8. Die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den Phanerogamen und den Cryptogamen im Lichte der neuesten Forschungen. [1897.] Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 209-218. Ueber die mannlichen Prothallien der Wasserfarne (Hydropterides). Bot. Ztg., 56, 1898 {Ahth. 1), 141-194. Ueber die Eeductionstheilung des Pflanzenkernes. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, 27-34. Ueber die Cilienbildner in den spermatogenen Zellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, 140-144. — 0 iteHxpocoMaxx> bx> cnepMaxoreHHHxx> KJi-fcx- Kaxx>. [Ueber die Centrosome in den spermatogenen Zellen.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Biol), 5 pp.; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, 199-205, (293). — 0 peji;yKuioHHOMx> ji;i>.)ieHiii flji;epT. y pacxeHin. [On reductional division of the nuclei in plants.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Biol), 10 pp. — 0 caMOonH-ieiiiH ii nepeKpecxHOMT> onH.3eniii!iiH£ix'b copxoBX, rpyiiix> h a6jiOHb. [On self- pollination and cross pollination of different sorts of pears Beljaev] 419 [Bell and apples.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1900 (Biol.), 12 pp. Beljankin, Ivaii I[va7iovic]. BuBO;i;t TOatJteCTBa BEHEPiuTPAcca BL TGopin ririiepejiJiHiiTiiqecKHX'fc HHTerpajIOBt. [Demonstration de I'identit^ de Wkier- STRAss dans la th^orie des integrales hyperelliptiques.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 9, 1900, 35-37. BiopoR ,!i,ii(j|)(|)epeHnia.iLHHrr iiapaMexpT, Ksa^- paxH^HoR Bi, ;;if4KliepeiiuiajiaxT. (|)opMH n HeaaBiicnMMxi, nepeM'hHHHxi,. [Sur le second parametre de la forme differentielle quadratique.] [1900.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 10, 1901, 181- 186. reOMerpiiqeCKaa xeopeMa. [Theor^me de geo- mt^trie.] [1900.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [19011. 461-463. Belkin, V. V. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Quillaja-Rinde in pharmakognostischer Hinsicht. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 27, 1888, 753-761, 769-778, 789-794, 80e-814 822-828. Belknap, (Rear-Adm.) George E[ugene]. *Die Tiefseeloth- ungeu und hydrographischen Forschungen des V. S. D. TiLscarora im nordlichen Stillen Ocean. Hydrogr. Mitth. , 2 (1874), 285-290. *Eeihentemperatur-Beobachtungen im Kuro-siwo und am nordlichen Rande desselben, angestellt an Bord des V. St. D. Tuscarora zwischen Japan und der Insel Tanaga (Aleuten) im Juni und Juli 1874. Ann. der Hydrogr., 3 (1876), 340-343. *A singular meteoric phenomenon. Science, 1, 1883, 4-5. Observations of comets at the U.S. Naval Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 113, 1886, 257-260. The depth of the Pacific off the east coast of Japan, with a comparison of other oceanic depths. [1890.] Japan Asiat. Soc. Trans., 19, 1891, 1-15. See alio V.8. Naval Observatory. BelkowsKy, J. M. Experimentelles zur Pathologie des Riickenmarkes. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 91-106. Belky, Jdnos. For biographical notice and works see Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 631. A Tisza-Eszlari biinvad, torv^nysz^ki orvostani szem- pontb61. [The Tisza-Eszlar criminal case from the forensic point of view.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1884, 53-72. Adatok a Mgnemu m^rgek hatasanak ismeret^hez. [Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung der gasformigen Gifte.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1886, 117-130; Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 148-165. Bell, A[nd7-eio] L[ees]. The influence of a previous sire. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 259-274. BeU, A[Iexander] Montgomerie. Remarks on the flint implements from the chalk plateau of Kent. [1893.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 23, 1894, 266-284. On the Pleistocene gravel at Wolvercote, near Oxford. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 663-664. BeU, A[grippa] N[elson]. The history, practical applica- tion and efticiency of steam as a disinfectant. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 4), 565-581. Bell, Alexander Graham. *Upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race. [1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 179-262. Deafness in white cats [and statistics of deafness and epilepsy in America]. Science, 3, 1884, 171, 243-244. Is there a correlation between defects of the senses ? Science, 5, 1886, 127-129. The hypothesis of potential energy. Science, 11, 1888, 196. A rare phenomenon. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 79. in mechanical flight.] Nature, 54 Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, [Experiments (1896), HO. Sur le vol m^canique 1896, 1179-1180. [A successful trial of the aerodrome.] Science, 3, 1896, 754. On the development by selection of supernumerary mammaB in sheep. Science, 9, 1899, 637-639. Bell, Alfred. Fossil Tertiary Polyzoa of the higher zones, and note on the scarcity of Eocene Polyzoa. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 666-672. The succession of the later Tertiaries in Great Britain. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 67-78. First [to fourth reports] of the Committee... for the purpose of reporting upon the "manure" gravels of Wexford. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 209-211 ; 1888, 133-141; 1889, 92-93 ; 1890, 410-424. Post-glacial insects. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 1-2. British Upper Tertiary corals. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, 28-29. Notes upon the marine accumulations in Largo Bay, Fife, and at Portrush, County Antrim, North Ireland. [1890.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1891, 290-297. Notes on some Post-Tertiary marine deposits on the south coast of England. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891 (Proc), 172-173. Notes on the correlation of the Later and Post-Pliocene Tertiaries on either side of the Irish Sea, with a reference to the fauna of the St. Erth valley, Cornwall. [1892.] Irish Ac. Proc, 2, 1891-93, 620-642. Notes on a Post-Tertiary deposit in Sussex. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep., 1892, 58-78. The glacial fauna of King Edward, in Banffshire. [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 20-22. On a deposit in Largo Bay. [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 22-24. [The fauna of the raised sea bottom of Fillyside, and of the Largo Bay deposits.] [1892.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 24-26. Tertiary deposits in north Manxland. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1896, 783. A synopsis of the Crustacea and Echinodermata of the Upper Tertiaries. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Rep., 1896, 1-12. Pleistocene fossils from Co. Antrim. Irish NatUst., 8, 1899, 210-211. On the PHocene shell-beds at St. Erth. [1897.] Cornwall Geol. Soc. Trans., 12, [1904], 111-166. BeU, C[harles] Napier. Drift-material of New Zealand beaches, and their effect on harbour-works and rivers. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 479-490. Macquarie harbour: its physical aspect and future prospects. [With discussion.] [1899.] Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1898-99, xxviii-xxxiii. BeU, {Sir) Charles. For biography and works see Prac- titioner, 58, 1897, 390-394. BeU, Charles N. Dance of the prairie chicken. Canad. Rec. Sci., 1, 1886, 209-211. Die mound-builders von Canada. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (192)-(194). Aboriginal trade of the Canadian Northwest. [1886.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 102-105. BeU, Chichester A[le.xander]. On the sympathetic vibra- tions of jets. [1886.] Phil. Trans., 177, 1887, 383-422. BeU, Clark. Blood and blood stains in medical juris- prudence. Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 14 (1892), 91-120. BeU, Dugald. For biographical notice and works see Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 55, 1899, lix-lx. On the geology of Ardrossan and West Kilbride. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1885, 342-352. Geology of the land of Lome. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1886, 425. 53—2 Bell] 420 [Bell Notes on the geology of Oban. [1884.] Glasgow Geol. See. Trans., 8, 1888, 116-133. On the glacial phenomena of Scotland, with reference to the reports of the Boulder Committee of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [1887-88.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 8, 1888, 237-254, 254-261, 341. On a glacial mound in Glen Fruin, Dumbartonshire. [1891.] Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 415-418; Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 345-354. The great winter: a chapter in geology. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 261-283. On the alleged proofs of submergence in Scotland during the glacial epoch. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 713- 714. Phenomena of the glacial epoch: ii. The "great submergence." [1889.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 100-138. On the alleged proofs of submergence in Scotland during the glacial epoch, i. Chapelhall, near Airdrie. [ir. Clava and other northern localities.] [1892-96.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 321-344; 10, 1896, 105-120, 377-378. A short preliminary note on some glacial mounds in the neighbourhood of Lochgoil and Lochlomond. [1892.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 9, 1893, 428-429. On some shelly clay and gravel in north-east Aber- deenshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 778. On the distribution of granite boulders in the Clyde valley. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 780. On the glaciation of the west of Scotland. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1894, 118-136. Notes on "The great ice age" in relation to the question of submergence. Geol. Mag., 2, 1896, 321-326, 348-355, 402-405. Reply to Prof. Hull on the glacial deposits of Aber- deenshire. Geol. Mag., 2, 1895, 524-526. The shelly clays and gravels of Aberdeenshire, con- sidered in relation to the question of submergence. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1895, 472-478. On the origin of certain granite boulders in the Clyde valley. [1892.] Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 10, 1896, 16-24. Notes on Prof. Bonney's "Ice-Work." Glen Roy. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 319-324. Additional notes on Glen Fruin. Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans., 10, 1896, 380-381. The " great submergence " again : Clava. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 27-30, 63-68. The glaciation of the west of Scotland, with special reference to the theory of floating ice. [1894.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 49-50. On the orientation of boulders. [1895.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 7, 1899, 108-110. Bell, Dugald, Fraser, James, & Home, John. The character of the high-level shell-bearing deposits in Kintyre. Report of the Committee... with special reports on the organic remains by Dr. Robertson. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 378-399. Bell, Dugald, Home, Johii, & Fraser, James. See Home, Fraser & Bell. Bell, E[dward] IVightman. Note on the composition of the fen and marsh soils of south Lincolnshire. Chem. News, 68, 1893, 191-192. Sulphate of iron as a manure for potatoes. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 15. The estimation of potash. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 135-136. British Guiana copaiba. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1900, 518-519; Pharm. JL, 11, 1900, 98. Copaiba: its assay and tests. Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1900, 519-522; Pharm. Jl., 11, 1900, 98-99. BeU, Ernest I). Mammalian longevity. [1899.] Nature 59 (1898-99), 486; 60 (1899), 30-31. BeU, F\rancis'] Jeffrey. On the species of Pseudoboletia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 108-111. Note on some parasites of fishes from Madras deter- mined by Dr. Oerley. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 173-175. A second note on Pentastomum polyzonum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 92-93. Notes on the structural characters of the spines of Echinoidea. (Cidarida;.) Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 846- 850. A rare British holothurian. Nature, 30, 1884, 146- 147, 193-194, 335. On the generic position and relations of Echinanthus tumidus. Woods. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 40-44. Contributions to the systematic arrangement of the Asteroidea. ii. The species of Oreaster. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 57-87. Studies in the Holothuroidea. iii. On Amphicyclus, a new genus of dendrochirotous holothurians, and its bearing on the classification of the family, [iv. On the structural characters of the cotton-spinner (Holo- thuria nigra), and especially of its Cuvierian organs. V. Further notes on the cotton-spinner, vi. Descrip- tions of new species.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 253-258, 372-376, 563-565; 1887, 531-534. • Notes on a collection of Echinodermata from Australia. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1885, 496-507. Notice of two Lumbrici with bifid hinder ends. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 475-477. On the echinoderm fauna of the island of Ceylon. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1065. Recent advances in zoology; with especial reference to the origin of the Vertebrata. Zoologist, 9, 1885, 281-293. Note on a nematoid worm (Gordius verrucosus) obtained by Mr. H. H. Johnston on Kilima-njaro. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 236. Description of a new species of minyad (Minyas torpedo) from north-west Australia. [1885.] Linn. Soc Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 114-116. On a species of Echinocardium from the Channel Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 516-517. [Grouse disease.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 1107; 1887, 699-700. Bipalium kewense. Micr. Soc. Jl., 6, 1886, 1107-1108. Some of the ways in which animals breathe. Zoologist, 10, 1886, 305-318. Note on Bipalium kewense and the generic characters of land planarians. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 166-168. -^ — Description of a new species of Distomum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 116-117. Description of a new species of Nucleolites, with re- marks on the subdivisions of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 125-127. Description of a new species of Evechinus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 403-405. Note on the variations of Amphiura Chiajii, Forbes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 411-413. A forgotten species of Peripatus. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 769-770. A note on the relations of helminth parasites to grouse disease. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 770. The echinoderm fauna of the island of Ceylon. [1887.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 643-658. Holothurians or sea-slugs. Zoologist, 11, 1887, 41-47. Report on a collection of Echinodermata from the Andaman Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 139-145. Echinodermata. [Report on a zoological collection made by the officers of H.M.S. Flying-Fish, on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 523. A new Victorian starfish. [1887.] Victorian Natlist., 4, 1888, 118-119. Notice of a remarkable ophiurid from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 368-370. Bell] 421 [Bell Description of Xiphigorgia Ridleyi, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 176-177. Notes on echinoderms collected at Port Phillip by Mr. J. Bracebridge Wilson. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 401-407. On the Echinodermata of the Sea of Bengal, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 718. Note on the lai'ge size of the spicules of Acis orientalis. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1888, 921-922. Descriptions of four new species of ophiurids. Zool. Soc. Pioc, 1888, 281-284. Report on a collection of echinoderms made at Tuti- corin, Madras, by Mr. Edgar Thurston, C.M.Z.S., Superintendent, Government Central Museum, Madras. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 383-389. On the holothurians of the Mergui Archipelago col- lected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta by Dr. John Anderson, Superintendent of the Museum. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zool.), 21, 1889, 25-28. Note on a remarkably large specimen of Luidia from the island of Mauritius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 422-423. [Report of a deep-sea trawling cruise off the S.W. coast of Ireland, under the direction of Rev. W. Spotswood Green, M.A., F.R.G.S.] Echinodermata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 432-44.5. Additions to the echinoderm fauna of the Bay of Bengal. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 6-7. Descriptions of some new or rare species of plexaurids. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 47-49. On the generic name of Asterias sanguinolenta, 0. F. Mailer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 472-473. Notes on the echinoderms collected by Mr. Bourne in deep water off the south-west of Ireland, in H.M.S. Research. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1, 1889-90, 324-326. Stray notes on the nomenclature, etc., of some British starfishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 233-235. Asterias rubens and the British species allied thereto. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 469-479. Description of a new species of Tristomum from Histiophorus brevirostris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 534-585. On the arrangement and inter-relations of the classes of the Echinodermata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 206-215. Some notes on British ophiurids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 337-344. Ad historiam CucumariaB. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 406. Observations on a rare starfish, Bathybiaster vexil- lifer. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 228-231. Description of a new species of Antedon from Mauritius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 427-428. On the echinoderms collected by the ss. Fingal in 1890, and by the ss. Harlequin in 1891, off the west coast of Ireland. [1892.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 7, 1891-92, 520-529. A contribution to the classification of ophiuroids, with descriptions of some new and little known forms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 175-183. [Remarks on the habitat of Bipalium kewense.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 2.58. On the characters and variations of Pontaster tenui- spinis. Zool. Soc Proc, 1892, 430-433. On the names or existence of three exotic starfishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 25-29. Singular swarms of flies. Nature, 48 (1893), 127. On Odontaster and the allied or synonymous genera of asteroid echinoderms. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 259-262. On a small collection of crinoids from the Sahul bank. North Australia. [1892.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zool.), 24, 1894, 339-341. Note on three species of river-crabs of the genus Thelphusa, from specimens collected in eastern Africa by Dr. J. W. Gregory, Mr. H. H. Johnston, C. B., and Mr. F. J. Jackson. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 166. On the echinoderms collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Penguin and by H.M.S. Egeria, when surveying Macclesfield bank. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 892-413. Contributions to our knowledge of the antipatharian corals. [1890.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1896, 87-92. Description of a remarkable new sea-urchin of the genus Cidaris from Mauritius. [1892.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1896, 303-804. On the variations observed in large masses of Turbi- naria. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1896, 148-149. On the actinogonidiate echinoderms collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti and Botuma. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 849-850. BeU, H. H. J. Notes on a spider. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 557-558. BeU, H. J. The meteoric shower of Nov. 27. Observatory, London, 9, 1886, 100-101. BeU, {Sir) I[saac] Loiothian. *0n the hot blast, with an explanation of its mode of action in iron furnaces of different capacities. [With discussioji.] [1876.] Amer. Inst. Miu. Eugin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 56-81. On the use of raw coal in the blast furnace. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1884, 13-59. On the blast-furnace value of coke, from which the products of distillation from the coal, used in its manu- facture, have been collected. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1886, 57-100. On the manufacture of salt near Middlesbrough. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 90, 1887, 131-145. On the reduction of ores of iron in the blast furnace. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1887 {No. 2), 74-96, 97-118. Presidential address to the Chem. Sci. Sect., Sept. 12. The manufacture of iron. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 521- 583. On gaseous fuel. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1889 {No. 2), 189-205. On the American iron trade and its progress during sixteen years. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1890 {Spec. Vol.), 1-208*. The smelting of iron ores chemically considered. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 9, 1890, 691-712. On the probable future of the manufacture of iron. [With discussion.] [1890.] Amer. Inst. Min, Engin. Trans., 19, 1891, 884-855. The manufacture of iron in its relations with agri- culture. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1892 {No. 2), 11-30. On the waste of heat, past, present, and future, in smelting ores of iron. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1893 {No. 2), 19-20, 219-284. On the use of caustic lime in the blast-furnace. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1894 {No. 2), 38-108. BeU, J. Carter. On the manufacture of white lead, and Gardner's electric white lead. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 3, 1884, 848-353. Estimation of iron in water. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl. , 8, 1889, 175. The analysis of snow from the neighbourhood of chemical works and various other places. Soc Chem. Ind. Jl., 11, 1892, 320. On the purification of commercial alcohol. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 12, 1893, 286. Note on the estimation of moisture in wood pulps. Soc Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1894, 117-118. Silk adulteration. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 16, 1897, 303-304. On the oxygen test for sewage and effluents, as carried BeU] 422 [Bell out in the laboratory of the Mersey and Irwell Joint Committee. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 11-13. Bell, J[ohn] F[erguson]. Water-gas. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 8, 1889, 605-607. Bell, J. Jones. The flour moth. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 200-204. Notes on ginseng (Aralia quinquefolia). Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 343-344. Bell, J[ames] T. List of Staphylinidae taken at Belleville, Ont. Canad. Ent., 17, 1885, 49-50. BeU, (Rev.) J[ohn] W[illia7n] B[usseij]. [On the accommo- dation of the colour of lepidopterous pupae to their surroundings.] Midland Natlist., 12, 1889, 289-290. Bell, James. Food adulteration and analysis. Analyst, 9, 1884, 133-141. Mode of distinguishing horseflesh from beef. Chem. News, 55, 1887, 15-16. BeU, James Edgar Stevenson. Analysis for adulteration of commercial pepper. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 60, 1888, 481- 484. BeU, James H., & IZanseU, Howard F[orde]. See HanseU & BeU. BeU, John Montgomerie. Notes on a visit to the Dovre- fjeld, Norway, in July and August 1899. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 281-290. BeU, Louis. Temperature of the spheroidal state. Science, 4, 1884, 5. Notes on the absorption spectrum of nitrogen peroxide. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1885-86), 32-34. Spectroscopic determmation of lithium. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1886-86), 35-36. The optical properties of malic and tartaric acids. [1885.] Amer. Chem. Jl., 7 (1885-86), 120-128. Rainband spectroscopy. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 30, 1885, 347-354. The ultra-violet spectrum of cadmium. Amer. Jl. Sci., 31, 1886, 426-431. On the absolute wave-length of light. Amer. Jl. Sci., 33, 1887, 167-182; 35, 1888, 265-282, 347-367; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 265-282; 25, 1888, 245-263, 350-372. Recent determinations of absolute wave-lengths. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 584-585. Problems in electric traction. Electrician, 23, 1889, 223-227, 250-252. Electricity as the rival of steam. Franklin Inst. Jl., 131, 1891, 212-227. BeU, Louis, & Rowland, Henry A[ugustus]. See Bowland &BeU. BeU, (Col.) Mark Slever]. On the great Central Asian trade route from Peking to Kulja and Semirechensk, and to Yarkand and India. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 660-662. The great Central Asian trade route from Peking to Kashgaria. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 12, 1890, 57-93. Around and about Armenia. Scott. Geogr. Mag 6, 1890, 113-135. BeU, Richard. Emu and ostrich farming in the highlands of Dumfriesshire. [1897.] Dumfr. Gallow. Soc. Trans. 13, 1898, 46-66. BeU, Robert. Report on part of the basin of the Athabasca river. North West Territory. [1884.] Canada Geol Surv. Rep., 1882-84, CC1-CC35, xi. Observations on the geology, mineralogy, zoology and botany of the Labrador coast, Hudson's Strait and Bay. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv, Rep., 1882-84, DD1-DD62. List and notes of mammals of the vicinity of Hudson's Bay and Labrador. [1884.] Canada Geol Surv. Rep,, 1882-84, DD48-DD53. List and notes of birds of the vicinity of Hudson's Bay and Labrador. [1884.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep 1882-84, DD54-DD56. The geology and economic minerals of Hudson Bay and northern Canada. [1884.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc & Trans., 2, 1886 {Sect. 4), 241-245. Observations on the geology, zoology and botany of Hudson's Strait and Bay, made in 1885. [1885.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 1, 1886, DD1-DD20, x. The mode of occurrence of apatite in Canada. [1885.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 3, 1886, 294-302. The forests of Canada. [1884.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 2, 1887, 65-77. On some points in reference to ice phenomena. [1886.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1887 (Sect. 3), 85-91. Marble Island and the north west coast of Hudson's Bay. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 4, 1887, 192-204. Report on an exploration of portions of the At-ta-wa- pish-kat and Albany rivers, Lonely Lake to James' Bay. Canada Geol. Surv. iiep., 2, 1887, G1-G39. Rock specimens from Cumberland Sound, Bafiin Land. Science, 10, 1887, 287. The petroleum field of Ontario. [1887.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 4), 101- 113. Presidential address : The Huronian system in Canada. [1888.] Canada Roy. Soc Proc. & Trans., 6, 1889 (Sect. 4), 3-13. The origin of some geographical features in Canada. [1888.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 3, 1889, 163-165. The origin of gneiss and some other primitive rocks. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 227-231. On glacial phenomena in Canada. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 1, 1890, xi, 287-310. The nickel and copper deposits of Sudbury district, Canada. [1890.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 2, 1891, 125- 137. Report on the Sudbury mining district. [1891.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 5, 1893, F1-F95. The succession of the glacial deposits of Canada. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 226-227. Pre-paleozoic decay of crystalline rocks north of Lake Huron, [1893.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 5, 1894, 357- 366. Honeycombed limestones in Lake Huron. [1894.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 297-304. The Labrador peninsula, Scott. Geogr, Mag., 11, 1895, 335-361, [xii]. Proofs of the rising of the land around Hudson Bay. [1895.] Amer, Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 219-228. Evidences of northeasterly differential rising of the land along Bell river. Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 241-250, Recent explorations to the south of Hudson Bay. Geogr. JL, 10, 1897, 1-17. The geographical distribution of forest trees in Canada. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 281-296. On the occurrence of mammoth and mastodon remains around Hudson Bay. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, 369-390. Report on the geology of the French river sheet, Ontario. Canada Geol. Surv. Rep., 9, 1898, 11-129. Outline of the geology of Hudson's Bay and Strait. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 101-102. The geological history of Lake Superior. Canad. Inst. Trans,, 6, 1899, 45-60. The Laurentian limestones of Baffin Land. [1900.] Science, 13, 1901, 100. BeU, Robert. A new theory of gravitation. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 659-660. A new theory of the tides, Jl. Sci., 22, 1886, 139- 140. BeU, Robert B. The roller (Coracias garrula) in east Ross-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 54-55. BeU, Robert Bruce. For biography see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 75, 1884, 293-296. BeU, Robert George. For biographical notice see Geol. Soc, Quart, JL, 44, 1888 (Proc), 47-48. BeU] 423 [Bellati Land shells in the Red Crag. Geol. Mag., 1, 1884, 262-264. The Pliocene beds of St. Erth, Cornwall. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 718-719. Notes on Pliocene beds. Geol. Mag., 4, 1887, 554- 658. Bell, Robert George, & Kendall, Percy F[ry]. See Kendall c&Bell. BeU, Robert William. The Pliocene beds of St. Erth. [1886.] Cornwall Geol. Soc. Trans., 11, 1895, 45-50. Bell, T. R., Davidson, J[avies], & Altken, E[dioard] H[a7iiiltoii]. See Davidson, Bell & Aitken. Bell, T. W. Chmatal changes. [1885.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 1, 1883-85, 16-18. Bell, 'Thomas. *A monograph of the fossil malacostracous Crustacea of Great Britain. [1857-62.] Palaeont. Soc. Monogr., 10, 1858, viii + 44 pp. ; 14, 1863, vii + 40 pp. Bell, Thomas, & Owen, {Sir) Richard. See Owen & Bell. Bell, Thomas. On the Middlesborough salt works, and the recent boring on the Lackenby foreshore estate. {With discussion.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 20. 1890, 555-561. Section of strata sunk through in No. 2 shaft, Deaf Hill colliery, Co. Durham, for the Trimdon Coal Co. during the year 1891-92, by Mr. Frank Coulson, with notes on the fossil fish of the marl slate therefrom by Dr. R. H. Tbaquair, E.R.S. [1893.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 22, 1895, 191-193. Further remarks on the Durham and Cleveland salt districts. [With discussion.] [1896.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 69-83. Notes on the working of coal mines under sea; also under the Permian feeder of water, in the county Durham. [1899-1900.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 26, 1901, 366-899, 554-559. Bell, W[illiam] Reward. The buried Palseozoic rocks of Wiltshire. [1890.] Wilts. Archsol. Mag., 25, 1891, 80-85. Bell, W[iUiam] Heioard, & Bennett, F[rancis] J[ames]. Excursion to Devizes, Swindon and Faringdon. Easter, 1892. I. Devizes, Seend, Etchilhampton and Potterne. Geol. Ass. Proc, 12, 1892, 323-325. Bell, William. For biographical notice and works see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 109, 1892, 390-392. Bell, William A. Mineral resources of Colorado. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 52.5-531. Bell, William Hamilton. Note on new locality for zoisite. [1884.] Min. Mag., 6, 1886, 109-110. New localities for the mineral agalmatolite, with notes on its composition. [1886.] Min. Mag., 7, 1887, 24-28. Exposures of the Old Red Sandstone between Callander and Crieff. [1886.] Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 361-365. Geognosy of the Cruachan district. Edinb. Geol. Soc. Trans., 5, 1888, 513-515. Bell, Wilson. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 101, 1890, 285-287. A heavy Indian rainfall and its result. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19, 1884, 76. Bellaar Sprujjt. See Spruijt. Bellagamba, G. Sull' influenza della pressione baro- metrica nelle determinazioni della componente orizzontale del magnetismo terrestre. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 {Sem. 1), 529-534. Bellairs, (Lt.) N[orman] E[dward Breton], & XZodgkinson, W\Uliam] R[ichard] Eaton. See ZXodgkinson & Bellairs. Bellamy, [Francis Auguste], Observations sur le haut Niger. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 34, 1886, 98-99. Sur les tornades. France Soc Meteorol. Annu., 34, 1886, 101-103. Bellamy, C[liarles] V[incent]. The rainfall of Dominica. Meteorol. Soc Quart. Jl., 23, 1897, 261-273. A description of the salt-lake of Larnaca in the island of Cyprus. Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 56, 1900, 745-758. Bellamy, Edioard. For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 74, 1891, 21. A case of symmetrical gangrene following varicella in a child four years old, causing death on the fifth day. CHn. Soc. Trans., 20, 1887, 195-198. Bellamy, F[rank] .-{[rthur]. Solar halo and sun pillar seen on June 5, 1886. Nature, 34, 1886, 193-194. Phenology, or the annual appearance of certain birds, flowers, plants and insects. Midland Natlist. , 15, 1892, 227-230. On the distribution of stars photographed at the University Observatory, Oxford, for the astrographic catalogue for zones +25° to +29°. [1899.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 12-17. On the proper motions of Berlin B, Nos, 5072 and 5073. [1899.] Astr, Soc Month. Not., 60, 1900, 125- 127. Bellamy, Felix. Sur I'iiicandescence de la spirale de platine. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 55-63. Incandescence du cuivre et du fer dans le melange d'acetyl^ne et d'air. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 296-299. Action de quelques metaux sur le melange d'acetylene et d'air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1460-1461. Ur^om^tre. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 178-179. Sur la production de chlore dans la preparation de I'oxygSne par le chlorate de potasse. Moniteur Sci., 1, 1887, 1145-1159. Decoloration de la dissolution de tournesol et recolora- tion par Taction de la lumiere. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 433-435. Bellamy, J. Expedition to the Cockscomb mountains, British Honduras. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 642- 552. Bellamy, William. Occultation of Jupiter, 1889 March 23. Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 171. Occultation of Jupiter, 1889 September 3. [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 70. Elements and ephemeris of Comet e 1889 (Davidson). [1889.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 71, 96. Ephemeris of Comet d 1889. [1889-90.] Astr. Jl., 9, 1890, 103-104, 118, 140, 158, 184. Elements and ephemeris of Comet b 1890 (Coggia). [1890.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 56. Ephemeris of Comet 1889 V. [1890-91.] Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 111-112, 152. Elements of Comet a 1891 (Barnard). Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 191. Ephemeris of Wolf's periodic Comet. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 17-18, 44-45, 55. A table of the Sun's latitude. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 23. Bellardi, Luigi. For biography and list of works see Brux. Soc Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Mem.), 456-460; Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 24 (1889), v-vii; Bull. Malacol. Ital., 14, 1889, 153-155 ; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc), 52-53; Jl. de Conch., 38, 1890, 91; Torino Ace Sci. Atti, 25, 1890, 691-694. I MoUuschi dei terreni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte iv [-vi. Parte vi completata e condotta a termine dal dott. Federico Sacco]. [1884-89.] Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 37, 1886, 3-62; 38, 1888, 79-166, 257- 326; 39, 1889, 145-194; 40, 1890, 295-368, Bellas, James. A stray snake near Coleraine, Irish NatHst., 5, 1896, 168. Bellasis, E[dward] S[Tielton]. The Roorkee hydraulic experiments. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1886, 41-69, Bellati, G. Assign to this author entry (Vol. 12) under BeUatti, G. [Riviste sismiche mensili.] Osservatorio di Spinea di Mestre. Bull. Vulc Ital., 12, 1885, 39, 63, 69, 77, 102, 110, 115, 118, 132. Bellati] 424 [Bellet Terremoto del 1° marzo [1885, Spinea di Mestre (Venezia)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 54. Terremoto del 2 agosto [1885, Spinea di Mestre]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 144. Analisi chimica qualitativa dell' acqua di nebbia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 146-147. Terremoto del 21 novembre 1885. Spinea di Mestre. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Perturbazioni atmosferiche. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 25. Bolidi. Spinea di Mestre, 19 luglio 1886. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 128. — — Terremoto del 27 agosto 1886, Italia alta. Lombardo- Veneto. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 158. Terremoto del 24 settembre [1886. Spinea di Mestre]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 174. BeUati, G. [et alii). II terremoto del 26 febbraio [1885]. Veneto e Trentino. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 41. Terremoto del 5 marzo [1885. Spinea di Mestre. Moncalieri. Alpi Marittime. Demonte.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 64. Bellati, Luigi. Ueber die Giftigkeit des Harns bei Leber- krankheiten. Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 299-341. Bellati, Luigi, & Colasanti, Giuseppe. See Colasanti & Bellati. Bellati, Manfredo (conte). To reference in No. 3 {Vol. 9) add Lum. Elect., 9, 1883, 52-53; Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 39-42. Apparecchio termostatico a fiamma d' alcool. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 157-161. Sopra una nuova forma di elettrodinamometro. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-85, [155o]-[1557]. SuUe idee di Bartolomeo Bizio intorno alle soluzioni. [1895.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1894-95, 678-690. Intorno ad un indicatore della carica degli accumu- latori elettrici. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 15, 1899, 249- 254. • Snl calore svolto nel bagnare le polveri. Considera- zioni e ricerche. [1900.] Venezia Ist. Atti, 1899-1900 (PL 2), 931-947. Bellati, Manfredo (conte), & Iiussana, Silvio. Azione della luce sulla conducibilita calorifica del selenio cris- tallino. [1887.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1886-87, 1117- 1135. Alcune ricerche elettriche sui seleniuri di rame e d' argento, Cu2Se, Ag2Se. [1887.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1887-88, 189-204. Sul passaggio di correnti elettriche attraverso cattivi contatti. [1888.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1887-88, 1137- 1155. Alcune esperienze suU' occlusione dell' idrogeno nel nichel. [1888.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1887-88, 1567- 1572. Sui calori specific! e di trasformazione dei solfuri e seleniuri di argento e di rame Ag2S ; CU2S ; AggSe ; CugSe. [1889.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1888-89, 1051-1059. Sulla densita e sulla tensione superficiale delle solu- zioni di anidride carbonica e di protossido di azoto nel- I'acqua e nell' alcool. [1889.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1888- 89, 1169-1178. Alcune ricerche suU' occlusione dell' idrogeno nel ferro, e sulla tenacita di qualche metallo che abbia assorbito un gas. [1889.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1888-89, 1321-1341; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 21, 1889, 2.32-244. Sul passaggio dell' idrogeno nascente attraverso il ferro, a temperatura ordinaria. Studio sperimentale. [1890-91.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1889-90, 1173-1218- 1890-91, 987-994. Sul modo con cui varia la temperatura di trasforma- zione del nitro, per 1' aggiunta di nitrati e sul nesso di tale variazione coll' abbassameuto del punto di gelo delle soluzioni diluite. Ricerche sperimentali. [1891.] Venezia Ist. Atti, 1890-91, 995-1023. Bellati, Manfredo (conte), & Quajat, E[iirico'\. Esperienze sullo schiudimento estemporaneo delle nova del baco da seta. [1892.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1891-92, 1715-1736. Influenza dell' ossigeno e dell' aria compressa sullo schiudimento intempestivo delle ova di filugello. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897-98, 155-156; Arch. Ital. Biol., 29, 1898, 153-154. Bellati, Manfredo (conte), & Romanese, R[iccardo'\. To reference in No. 4 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 187-206. Sul calore di trasformazione da uno ad altro sistema cristallino dell' azotato potassico. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1884-85, 653-669. Sulla dilatazione e sui calori specifici e di trasforma- zione deir azotato ammonico. Ricerche sperimentali. [1886.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 1395-1420. Bellati, Manfredo (conte) (et alii). Sull' elettroguardia del Sig. Bernardo Giorda di Venezia. Rapporto della giunta esaminatrice. [1892.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1891- 92, 369-370. Bellavitis, Giusto. To biographical references (Vols. 9 & 12) add (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem., 6, 1887, Ixxiii-lxxxv. *Sulla scelta del primo meridiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 8, 1872, 107-110. Belle, Gaston. *Note sur la determination analytique des meilleurs Elements de construction de transmetteurs a charbon. Lum. Elect., 7, 1882, 158-160, 516-518. Belle, Ivan. [La viticoltura e la vinificazione nella Bul- garia.] [Tr.] Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Ras- segna, 3, 1889, 371-374. Belle, Louis. Maladies des violettes. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 42, 1895, 808-810. Maladie des citronniers. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 281- 282. Bellecourt. See V^ron-Bellecourt. Bellefonds. See Iiinant de Bellefonds. Belleli, V. Du role des parasites dans le developpement de certaines tumeurs. Fibro-adenome du rectum produit par les oeufs du Distomum hasmatobium. Progres M6d., 2, 1885, 54-56. Bellen, Elrnst] van der. Ueber die Bildung von Asbest auf mechanischem Wege. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 284- 285. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Asbestos. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 392-393. Bellenot, Gustav, & Ferkin, William Henry (jun.). See Ferkin & Bellenot. Bellerade. See Bial de Bellerade. Bellerive, de. Le foin de fagots. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 39, 1892 (Sem. 2), 565-568. Oiseaux qui peuvent se passer d'eau. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 1), 45. Croisement de tisserins en captivite (Hyphantornis textor. Gray, male avec H. vitellinus, Fsch. et Hartl.). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 1), 236-237. Notice sur les castors d'Europe et d'Am^rique. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 2), 481-499. Sur I'importation de quelques fruits exotiques en Europe. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2), 419-422. Bellesxne. See Jousset de Bellesme. Bellet, Daniel. Les eaux min^rales de la France. Rev. Soi., 48, 1891, 206-213. L'expansion du syst^me metrique. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 657-659. Vibrations et chute des ponts metalliques. Rev. Sci., 52, 1893, 272-276. Le climat du Mexique. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1895, 10. Les bateaux a vapeur a propulsion hydraulique. Rev. Sci., 3, 1895, 299-304. Un nouveau bateau de sauvetage hydraulique. Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 668-669. Bellet] 425 [Bellini La chevre d'Angora et la laine mohair. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 48, 1896, 417-4-23. Le chemin de fer monorail de I'Exposition de Brux- elles. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 289-241. Belletty, N. Notes on a wild species of silk worm found in the jungles of Pergunnah Tundi, Zillah Manbhum, Chota Nagpore division. India Agr. Soc. Jl., 9 (1890- 93) (Proc. 1893), cclxxxviii-ccxc. Belleville, . *Brest (Finistere). Observations meteoro- logiques faites pendant [les annees 1855-59]. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 4, 1866, Pt. 1, 19-30; 5, 1867, Pt. 1, 5-19; 6, 1868, Pt. 1, 15-18; 7, 1859, Pt. 1, 9-10; 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 59-64. Belleville, de. Sur les oiseaux qui se reproduisent dans les nids artificiels et sur des esp^ces qui se sont nouvellement adaptees k ce genre d'habitation. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 {Sem. 2), 89-90. Bellevoye, Ad[olphe]. Notes sur le Gibbium Scotias. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 5-7. Nouvelles observations sur les Anthrenus. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 7-9. Observations sur le Chalicodoma muraria, le Mega- cbilus centuncularis, et I'Osniia bicornis aux environs de Metz. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 16, 1884, 113-131. Contribution a la teratologie entomologique. Metz Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 17, 1887, 181-188. [Observations sur le Monomorium Pharaonis, Latr. (domestica, Schenk).'] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, clxxvii-clxxxi. Sur quelques curieux nids d'Hym^nopt^res. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 286-287. BeUi, Luigi. Temporale a Bologna. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 176. Belli, [Carlo] Saverio. Osservazioni su alcune specie del gen. Hieracium, nuove per la flora pedemontana e su alcuni loro caratteri differenziali. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 134-138. Che cosa siano Hieracium sabaudum, Linne, e Hie- racium sabaudnm, Allioni. Studii critici. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 433-450. Avena planiculmis, Schrad. (Fl. Germ. I, p. 381), var. /3 taurinensis, nob. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 363-364. SuU' Helianthemum Vivianii, Poll. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 414-416. Sui rapporti sistematico-biologici del Trifolium sub- terraneum, L., cogli affini del gruppo Calycomorphum, Prcsl. Sez. Carpoipogea-Carpoepigea (Anemopeta-Geo- tropa), nob. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 397-415, 433-453. Rivista critica delle specie di "Trifolium" italiane comparate con quelle straniere della sezione Lupinaster (Buxbaum). Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 44, 1894, 233-292. Rosa Jundzilli, Besser (nuova per la flora italiana). [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 73-75. Endoderma e periciclo nel g. Trifolium in rapporto colla teoria della stelia di Van Tieghem e Douliot. Osservazioni anatomico-critiche. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 46, 1896, 353-443. I Hieracium di Sardegna, rivista critica delle specie note dalla Flora Sardoa di Moris e dal catalogo di W. Barbey. Specie nuove per la Sardegna e notizie sul H. crinitum, Sibth. Sm. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 47, 1897, 421-499. Belli, [Carlo] Saverio, & aibeUi, G[iuseppe]. See OibeUi & Bern. Belli, ( padre) Stanidao. *[Aurora polare del 5 aprile 1870. Fenomeiii aurorali.] Lodi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 37. *[Aurora del 18 et del 23 aprile, 1871.] Lodi. Mon- calieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 66, 81. *[Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1871.] Lodi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 131-132. *[Fenomeni aurorali osservati in Italia nel novembre B. S, A. C. 1871. Aurora polare del 10 novembre 1871.] Lodi. [1872.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 7, 1873, 18-19. Bellia, (sac.) G. Bolide del 3 febbraio 1885 [Pettinengo (Biella)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 39. Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1888. Petti- nengo (Biella). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 145. Belliard, . La myopie scolaire. Ann. d'Oculist., 108, 1892, 53-55. Belliard, J. Al. Note sur I'erreur relative que Ton commet en substituant dx a ds dans la formule de Navier (pieces courbes). Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 5 (1893), 728-748. Memoire sur le calcul de la resistance des arcs para- boliques k grande fl^che. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 6 (1893), 759-847. Note sur la determination a priori de la section des arcs paraboliques k grande fl^che. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 8 (1894), 54-86. Memoire sur I'encastrement des arcs paraboliques et des arcs circulaires et de son influence sur la resistance de cea arcs. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 9 (1896), 375-421. Etude comparative au point de vue de la resistance d'un arc de parabole et d'un arc de chainette de meme fleche et de m^me ouverture et soumis aux m6mes charges permanentes et mobiles. Ann. Ponts et Chauss. , 10 (1895), 415-449. BeUier, J[ean]. Recherche de la cochenille, du Phyto- lacca decandra, de la betterave et de I'orseille dans les vins. Jl. Pharm. , 13, 1886, 461-463. Dosage du sulfo de fuchsine, du rouge de Bordeaux et du rouge soluble dans les vins. Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 7-14. Recherche de I'abrastol dans les denr^es alimentaires. Jl. Pharm., 1, 1896, 298-301; Moniteur Sci., 9, 1896, 191-192. Recherche et dosage de I'huile d'arachide dans les huiles comestibles. [1899-1900.] Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 4-9; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 358-859; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1901, 155-166, liv-lvi. Sur les reactions colorees de I'huile de sesame et sur trois reactions caracteristiques nouvelles. [1899-1900.] Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 217-220; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 131; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, 51- 56 ; 8, 1901, xxiv-xxvi. Sur une anomalie des vins contenant en meme temps du tannin et un sel de protoxyde de fer. Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 257-259. Methode simple et rapide pour la determination de I'indice d'iode des corps gras. [1900.] Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 128-131; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 28, 1900, 184- 135; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1901, 145-149, xxxvi-xxxvii. Recherche et dosage de la dulcine dans les mati^res alimentaires. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 338-387. Sur un nouveau colorant pour vins, et sur la recherche de I'orseille, de la cochenille ammoniacale, du Phytolacca et de la betterave rouge dans les vins. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 407-413. Sur une anomalie des vins blancs contenant en mfime temps un sel de fer au minimum et du tannin. [1900.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 8, 1901, 151-153, xlvi. Ballier de la Cbavignerie, [Jean Baptiste] Eugene. For biography and list of works see Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 82 1888, xci-xcii; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, 449-452 Abeille, 26, 1889 (Les Entom. et leurs Merits, 239-247) Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 56. Note sur la Nychiodes ragusaria, Mill, [accompagnee de remarques par Enrico Ragcsa]. Nat. Sicil. , 3, 1884, 297. Note sur la Geometre lythoxylaria [lythoxylata ?]. Nat. Sicil., 5, 1886, 258-259. [Lepidopt^res hermaphrodites (Liparis dispar, etc.).] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, clxxxii-clxxxiii. Bellingham- Smith, G. See Smith, G. Bellingham. Bellini, Raffaello. Brevi cenni sulle locality ammonitifere deir Umbria. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897, 77-78. 54 Bellini] 426 Una nuova forma cristallina della calcite vesuviana. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 17, 1897 (Boll), 105-106. Gli autografi dell' "Ecphrasis" di Fabio Colonna. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 5, 1898, 45-56. Malacologise terrestris et fluviatilis Neapolitanse sy- nopsis. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 18, 1898, 71-77; 19, 1899, 53-55. Contribuzione alia flora dell' Umbria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 6, 1899, 357-367. Ulterior! osservazioni sui MoUuschi terrestri dei din- torni di Napoli. Eiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 19, 1899, 110-118. Molluschi extramarini dell' isola di Capri. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll, 1, 1900, 29-55. Due nuovi Molluschi fossili dell' isola d' Ischia e revisione delle specie esistenti nella marna dell' isola stessa. [Italia], Soc. Zool. Boll., 1, 1900, 149-162. Les Ammonites du calcaire rouge ammonitique (To- arcien) de I'Ombrie. Jl. de Conch., 48, 1900, 122-164. Bellini, Rajf'aello, & Oasparis, Aurelio de. See Oasparis & Bellini. Bellini, Ranieri. *Della non attivita della diastole car- diaca e della dilatazione vasale. [1874-75.] Firenze E. 1st. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 1, 1876, 1-91. Bellio, V. Proposte sull' insegnamento della geografia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 25, 1888, 744-752. Belljarminov, L[eoiiid Georgijevic]. Anwendung der graphischen Methode bei Untersuchung der Pupillenbe- wegungen. Photocoreograph. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1885, 107-122. Ueber die Tauglichkeit und Genauigkeit der vorhan- denen Probebuchstaben fiir Bestimmung der Sehscharfe. Arch. Augenheilk., 16, 1886, 284-295. Anwendung der graphischen Methode bei Untersuchung des intraocularen Druckes. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 39, 1886, 449-472. Schellakinjektion angewandt auf Augengefasse. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 648-650. Zur Technik der Korrosion von Celloidinpraparaten. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 650-651. Demonstration einer neuen Art der ophthalmoskopi- schen Untersuchung. [1888.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh. , 19, 1889 (Th. 2), 189-190. Ueber intermittirende Netzhautreizung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 35, 1889 (Abth. 1), 25-49. Die colorimetrische Methode, angewandt bei der Untersuchung der Eesorption in die vordere Augen- kammer. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 30, 1892, 802-803, 833-835. Ein seltener Fall von Eetinitis pigmentosa complicirt durch Glaucom. Arch. Augenheilk., 27, 1893, 53-61 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 23, 1894, 257-263. Untersuchungen mit der quantitativen colorimetri- schen Methode viber die Eesorption in die vordere Augenkammer. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (Abth. 3), 38-88. Diffusion dans I'int^rieur de I'oeil dans divers cas pathologiques. Ann. d'Oculist., Ill, 1894, 373-374. Belljarminov, L[eonid Georgijevic'], (&Dolganov, V[ladimir Nikolaevic]. Ueber die Diffusion ins Innere des Auges bei verschiedenen pathologischen Zustanden desselben. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 4), 65-102. BeUmann, Theodor. Produkte der Einwirkung von Fiinf- fach-Chlorphosphor auf Komenaminsaure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 29, 1884, 1-22. BeUmann, Theodor, & Meyer, Ernst von. See Meyer & BeUmann. BeUoc, . Observations m^t^orologiques faites k I'Bcole Normale de Macon pendant I'ann^e 1880. M&con Ac. Ann., 5,^1885, 457-481. BeUoc, Emile. Bondages faits au lac d'Oo (Pyrenees centrales). Bull. G^ogr. Hist. Descrip., 1889, 133-143. Sur un nouvel appareil de Bondage portatif a til [BeUoc d'acier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 1204-1206; Ass. FrauQ. C. E., 1891 (Pt. 2), 276-279. Nouvel appareil de sondage portatif a fil d'acier. Drague leg^re et lilet fin pour servir aux recherches des naturalistes et des explorateurs. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 12, 1891, 377-392. Etude geographique et topographique des lacs dans les Pyr^nc^es. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1892 (Pt. 1), 336-337. Etude sur I'origine, la formation et le comblement des lacs dans les Pyrenees. Ass. Franc?. C. E., 1892 (Pt. 2), 358-377. AperQU general de la vegetation lacustre dans les Pyrenees. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1892 (Pt. 2), 412-432. Utilisation des cuvettes lacustres pyreneennes pour la pisciculture. Ass. Fran?.. C. E., 1892 (Pt. 2), 516-522. Etudes sur les lacs dans les Pyrenees. Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1892, 215-216; 1893, 196; 1894, 162- 163 ; 1895, 261. Sur certaines formes de comblement, observ^es dans quelques lacs des Pyrenees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 196-198. Peches au filet fin et dragages. Eev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 192-197. Sur la vegetation aquatique des gours, cours d'eau et fontaines du pays toulousain (Haute-Garonne). Ass. Fram;. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 1), 242-243. Nouvelles recherches lacustres faites au port de V^- nasque, dans le Haut Aragon et dans la Haute Catalogue (Pyrenees centrales). Ass. Fran?. C. E. , 1893 (Pt. 2), 415-442. Le lac de Caillaouas et ceux de la region des Gourgs- Blancs et de Clarabide (Hautes-Pyrenees). Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 2), 918-936. Eecherches sur quelques Algues microscopiques [des eaux douces, des eaux tliermales et des eaux salees d'Alg^rie, de Tunisie et du Maroc], suivies d'une liste des Diatomees fossiles et d'un apergu de la florule dia- tomique marine littorale. Eev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 209-236, 249-268, 289-304, 385-399; 7, 1895, 190-258. Des variations de la temperature dans les lacs de montagnes. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 1), 145. Etude sur les lacs intra-glaciaires. Ass. Fran?. C. E. , 1894 (Pt. 2), 474-488. La flora algologique d'eau douce de I'lslande. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 2), 559-570. Nouvelles explorations lacustres dans les Pyrenees- Orientales, dans la Haute-Garonne, dans les Hautes- Pyr^n^es et sur le versant espagnol. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 2), 975-994. Etude des zones thermiques dans les lacs de mon- tagnes. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 1), 264. Seuils et barrages lacustres. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 552-564. Lacs littoraux du Golfe de Gascogne. Flore algo- logique. Bondages et dragages (1889 k 1895). Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 605-615. Les lacs du massif de Neouvieille (Hautes-Pyrenees). Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 923-936. Eecherches et explorations orographiques et lacustres dans les Pyrenees centrales. Paris, Club Alpin Fran?. Annu., 21,"l895, 424-468. Sondeur "E. Belloc," appareil de sondage a fil d'acier. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 2), 149-154. Aper?u de la flore algologique d'Algerie, de Tunisie, du Maroc et de quelques lacs de Syrie. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 2), 406-412. Les lacs de Lourdes et de la region sous-pyr^n^enne. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 2), 642-652. [Les lacs littoraux du Medoc, de la Gironde, des Landes et des Basses-Pyrenees.] Bull. Geogr. Hist. Descrip., 1896, 117. Sur un nouveau sondeur ; appareil portatif a fil d'acier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 73-75. Belloc] 427 [Belmondo Les sources de la Garonne, recits de courses at d'ex- p^riences. Paris, Club Alpin Fran^. Annu., 23, 1897, 227-270. Les Isoetes des lacs pyr^neens. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 {Pt. 1), 154. Recherches sur la faune aquatique dans les Pyrdn^es. Ass. Fran(^. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 184-185. Recherches hydrographiques dans la rej^ion de Neou- vieille (Hautes-Pyr^nees). Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 244. Belloc, G. Echauffement par un courant d'un fil m^tal- lique plonge dans differents gaz. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 118. Sur un nouveau moyen de provoquer I'arc 61ectrique. Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 322-323. Sur la thermo-electricity des aciers. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 336-337. Belloc, Luis A. [Sobre el Margarodes vitium.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 6, 1896, Ixxvii. Bellocq, A[uguste]. Contribution a I'etude des liquides pleuraux (albumines). Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 529-530. Albumine urinaire normale. Jl. Pharra., 11, 1900, 478-482. Dosage de I'acide urique. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 103- 104. Bellomayre, A. de. [Stadiometre de campagne.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1890, 319-320. Bellon, . Le microphone aux champs de tir. Rev. Sci., 36, 1886, 125. Bellon, , & Delfieu, . Effets produits sur un telephone influence par une ligne t^legraphique. Ann. Telegr., 12, 1885, 212-217. See also Delfleu & Bellon. BeUonci, Giuiteppe. For biographical notice and list of works see Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 341-344. La terminaison centrale du nerf optique chez les Mammiferes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 6, 1884, 405-412 ; Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 199-204. Sul fuso direzionale dell' ovulo di Cavia. [1884.] Bologna Rend., 1884-85, 43-44. Intorno alia cariocinesi nella segmentazione dell' ovo di axolotl. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 3-7. Blastopore e linea primitiva dei Vertebrati. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 83-125. Intorno al modo di genesi di un globulo polare nel- r ovulo ovarico di alcuni Mammiferi (topolino, Cavia, coniglio). [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 363-367. Intorno ad un principle di segmentazione e ad alcuni fenomeni degenerativi degli ovuli ovarici del topo e della Cavia. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 368-370. Intorno all' apparato olfattivo e olfattivo-ottico (nuclei rotondi, Fritsch) del cervello dei Teleostei. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1886, 318-323. Del fuso direzionale e della formazione di un globulo polare nell' ovulo ovarico di alcuni Mammiferi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 285-286. Sui nuclei polimorfi delle cellule sessuali degli Anfibii. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 169-182. Sulla spermatogenesi nei Vertebrati. [1886.] Bologna Rend., 1886-86, 70-71. Dello strato linfoide periepatico di alcuni Anfibii Urodeli. [1886.] Bologna Rend., 1886-87, 31-33. Sulla produzione dei globuli rossi nell' axolotl. [1886.] Bologna Rend., 1886-87, 33. Intorno al ganglio ottico degli Artropodi superiori. Int. Jl. Anat., 3, 1886, 195-204. SuUe commissure cerebrali auteriori degli Anfibi e dei Rettili. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 49-56. Di una connessione fra il foglietto corneo e il tubo midollare dei giovani embrioni di anitra e di polle. [1887.] Bologna Rend., 1886-87, 98-99. Intorno alia divisione "diretta" del nucleo. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 317-320 or 107-110. Ueber die centrale Endigung des Nervus opticus bei den Vertebraten. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 47, 1888, 1-46. Bellonci, Giuseppe, & Btefani, A. Contribution a I'histo- g^nese de I'^corce cer^bellaire. [1886.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 11, 1889, 21-25. Belloni, Gesare. L' indicecraaiografo. Boll. Sci., 4, 1894 (Ann. 16), 104-108. Belloni, Gesare, & ItEenozzi, Angelo. See Menozzi & Belloni. BeUoBo, Giuseppe. Fulmine globulare. Monteraarcello (Liguria), 12 giugno 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 107. Bellot, A. Au sHJet de I'adoption projetee d'un premier meridien. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 83, 1884, 5-27. Les missions circumpolaires Internationales. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 83, 1884, 279-291. Bellotti, Cristoforo. [I terremoti ed i pesci del Mediter- raneo.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 30, 1887, 351-352. Note ittiologiche. Osservazioni fatte suUa coUezione ittiologica del Civico Museo di Storia Naturale in Milano. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 31, 1888, 213-229. Appunti air opera del dottor Emilio Moeeau: "His- toire naturelle des poissons de la France," e al relative supplemento. [1891.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 33, 1890, 107-144. Note al manuale d' ittiologia francese del Dott. Emilio MoBEAU. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 19-35. Un nuevo siluroide giapponese. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 34, 1892, 99-101. Belloy, G. Origine des corps jaunes dans I'ovaire. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 176. BeUucci, Giuseppe. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869.] Perugia. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 101. *[Le stelle cadenti del periode di novembre 1869.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 148-150. *Aurora boreale del 28 maggio 1870. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 5, 1870, 50. *[Spedizione geografica italiana nel Sahara Tunisine. Relaziene topografica, geelogica e idrographica.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 12, 1876, 453-468. *[Spedizione geographica italiana in Tunisia. L' eta della pietra.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 13, 1876, 347- 385. Terremoto del 22 marzo [1885]. Urbine e Perugia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 56. Terremoto del 10 aprile [1885, Anagni e Perugia]. Moncalieri Oss. Bell., 5, 1886, 70. Sulla formazione dell' amido nei grani di clorofiUa. Ann. di Chim., 5, 1887, 217-230; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 77-85 ; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 77-85. Contribuzione alio studio delle acque meteoriche. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 255-258. Documenti per la paletnologia dell' Abissinia. Arch. Antrepologia, 20, 1890, 367-372. Bellucci, IltalA)], & Mlolati, A{rturo]. See Bliolati & Bellucci. Belluzzi, Gesare. For biographical notice see Bologna Rend., 1887-88, 9-10. Belly, F. *L' istmo americano e il canale del Nicaragua. [Italia], Sec. Geogr. Boll., 14, 1877, 199-208. Belmondo, Ernesto. Di alcuni pervertiraenti dell' istinto di nutrizione, specialmente negli alienati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888, 1-39. Sulla teoria della colorazione nera del Golgi. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888, 349-359. Le alterazieni anatomiche del midollo spinale nella pellagra e lero rapperte coi fatti clinici. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889, 266-294, 394-443 ; 16, 1890, 107-146. SuUe medificazioni dell' eccitabilita corticale indette dalla cocaina e suUa natura dei centri psico-motori. Sperimentale, 66, 1890, 165-180. 54—2 Belmondo] 428 [Belon Suir azione sedativa ed ipnotica della duboisina nelle malattie mentali. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 154-165. Nuove osservazioni sull' uso terapeutico della duboi- sina. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 435-438. Un rarissimo caso di denti soprannumerari ed altre anomalic dentarie in crani di alienati. Arch. Antropo- logia, 25, 1895, 255-269. Alcune idee sui processi chimici nel cervello durante r attivita funzionale e durante il sonno. [With dis- cussion.'] [1895.] Arch. Antropologia, 25, 1895, 295-316 ; 26, 1896, 372-374. Recherches exp^rimentales touchant I'influence du cerveau sur I'^change azot^. Arch. Ital. Biol., 25, 1896, 481-488. Contribute critico e sperimentale alio studio dei rapporti tra le funzioni cerebrali e il ricambio. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 657-748. Belmondo, Ernesto, & Oddi, Ruggero. Intorno all' in- fluenza delle radici spinali posteriori sull' eccitabilita delle anterior]. Eicerche sperimentali. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 265-327. Beloe, Charles H. The flow of water in open channels. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 38, 1884, Ixxviii-lxxxiv. Beloblavek, Ferdinand. Poznamka o delitelnosti eisel. [Zur Teilbarkeit der Zahlen.] Casopis, 23, 1894, 59-60 ; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 273. Bdlohoubek, Antonin. 0 chemick^m slo2eni vody Labsk^. [Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Elbwassers.] Prag Sber., 1884 (Math.-Nat.), 254-259. O slo2eni lupku z litvaru permsk^ho od Vrchlabi. [Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der permischen Gaskohle bei Hohenelbe.] Prag Sber., 1884 (Math.-Nat.), 404-409. Zprava o vysledku zkoumani vody z pramene sv. Vintife v laznich Letinsk^ch. [Bericht iiber das Eesultat der Untersuchung des Wassers der St. Giinthersquelle im Badeorte Letin.] Prag, Sber., 1886 {Math.-Nat.), 555-570. B^lohoubek, August. Ueber die wahrscheinliche chemische Wirkungsweise des Chloralhydrates im Organismus. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1897 [Vol. 2, Sect. 46), 2-8, (Vol. 7), xlv-xlvi. Ueber Paris quadrifolia, L., in forensischer Hinsicht. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. MM. C. E., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect, 4c), 25-29. ^ UCinek aminu ve chloralhydrat. (Chemick^ v^klad o pusobeni chloralhydratu v 2iv^m organismu.) [Ein- wirkung der Amine auf Chloralhydrat. Chemische Erklarung der Einwirkung des Chloralhydrats im lebenden Organismus.] Prag, Sber., 1897 (Math.-Nat.), No. 47, 8 pp.; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898 (Repertm.), 10. Belon, (le rev. jjere) [Paul] Marie Joseph. Description d'un Col^opt^re nouveau du Chili. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, clxiii-clxv. Note sur quelques esp^ces du genre Cartodere, Thorns. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cxci-cxciii. Sur un petit groupe de Corticaria propres k la Nouvelle- Z^lande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxvii-ccxxi. Notes synonymiques sur quelques Lathridiidse de la Nouvelle-Z^lande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxxii-ccxxiv. Sur un Metophthalmus de la Nouvelle-Zelande. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, ccxxiv-ccxxv. — — Eevision des Lathridiidte de Nouvelle-Zelande. Eev. Ent,., 3, 1884, 246-266. Enumeration des Lathridiidw du Japon. [1884.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (Pt. 2), 1-8. Histoire naturelle des Coleopteres de France. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 31, 1885, 61-212. [Holoparamecus (Tamyrium) similis ; Metophthalmus Eaffrayi, nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, Materiaux pour servir a I'etude des Lathridiens. Eev. Ent., 4, 1885, 239-254. Liste des Lathridiides d^crits posterieurement au catalogue de Munich. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 30, 1886, 88-97. Lathridiens nouveaux ou pen conuus. Eev. Ent., 6, 1887, 215-229. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Dasycerus, Brongn. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xcvii-xcix ; 33, 1889, xvii-xviii. Note sur le Pedius siculus, Levnit. Eev. Ent., 7, 1888, 71-74. Supplement a la monographie des Lathridiens de France. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 35, 1889, 75-91. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. Coleopteres. Famille des Lathridiidse. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 221-224. Les Lathridiens dans la Fauna Transsylvanica du Dr. Seidlitz. Eev. Ent., 8, 1889, 50-60. Les Clytus d'Europe et circa. Echange, 6, 1890, 99, 107-108, 115-116, 139, 146-148. Contribution a I'etude du genre Anoplomerus, Th. (famille des Cerambycidae). Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 36, 1890, 291-304. [Description d'un Longicorne exotique.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, ix. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Lathridius, Herhst. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 35, 1891, cxxxiv-cxxxv. Les especes du genre Hymenoplia, Esch. Echange, 7, 1891, 10-12. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxxviii. Lathridiidffi. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 30, 1890-91, 877-880. [Genre nouveau de Longicorne lamiide.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, liv-lv. Les Cerambyx d'Europe et circa. Echange, 8, 1892, 70-71. Nouvelle contribution a I'etude des Lathridiens. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 39, 1895, 75-105. Descriptions de deux Lathridiens nouveaux de Bolivie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 39, 1895, 478-484. Supplement d'enquete sur le genre Neoplotera. Eev. Ent., 14, 1895, 357-362. Contribution k I'etude des Longicornes de Bolivie. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 43, 1896, 241 255. Description d'un Cerambycide inedit du groupe des Disteniini. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull. , 1896, 128. Description d'un Longicorne nouveau, du groupe des Niphonides. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 387-388. Eemarques sur le genre Euryptera, Serv., du groupe des Lepturides et description d'une espece nouvelle de Bolivie. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 41, 1897, 339-343. Description d'un Longicorne nouveau du genre Hebe- stola. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 186-188. Essai de classification generale des Lathridiidte, avec le catalogue systematique et alpliabetique de toutes les especes du globe. Eev. Ent., 16, 1897, 105-221. Contribution a I'etude des Lathridiidas de I'Afrique meridionale. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 42, 1898, 439- 449. Additions au catalogue des Lathridiidse. Eev. Ent., 17, 1898, 157-165. Description d'un Metophthalmus nouveau de Mexique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 37-38. Diagnose d'un Longicorne nouveau de Bolivie, appar- tenant au genre Mecometopus, Th. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 156-157. Eecapitulation des Lathridiidse de I'Amerique meridio- nale. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 46, 1900, 137-191. A propos des travaux r^cents sur les Lathridiidas. Notes suppl^mentaires a I'essai de classification. Eev. Ent., 19, 1900, 75-122. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Belon] 429 [B^lopolskij Africa. Family Lathridiidse. [1899.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 11, 1902, 35-52. Belopolskij, Ar[ititarclt] AlpoUoiiovic]. 'Observations des etoiles filantes du mois d'aout 1877, faites par MM. BuEDiCHiN, Belopolsky et SocoLOFF. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 84-88. Observations photoheliograpbiques. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 {Livr. 2), 1878, 102-114; 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 16- 21; 6 {Livr. 2), 1880, 144-155; 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 28-53; 8 (Livr. 2), 1882, 92-112; 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 1-34; 10 (Livr. 2), 1884, 60-96; 1 (Livr. 1), 1886, 103-118, (Livr. 2), 1888, 58-82. Observations au cercle meridian. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 2), 1884, 1-25. Essai d'uue determination du rayon apparent du Soleil au moyen de la photographie. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 2), 1884, 26-46. Ueber die Photographie der Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 35-38; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 1), 1886, 99-102. Einige Gedanken iiber die Bewegungen auf der Sonnen- oberflaehe. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 153-156, 383-384; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 54-57. [Positions des queues anomales des cometes 1862 III, et 1844 III.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 1), 1886, 65-69. Photographie der Mondfinsterniss am 4. October 1884. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 1), 1886, 97-98. IlflTHa Ha (;OjiHidi II iix'h ;i,BHjKeHie. [Sunspots and their motion.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Phys.-Math.), 7, 1887, 183 pp. Schreiben betr. die totale Sonnenfinsterniss 1887 Aug. 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 45-46. L'eclipse totale de Soleil du 19 aout 1887 observee a Jurjewetz. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 37-53. Beitrag zur Ermittelung von Sternparallaxen aus Durchgangsbeobachtungen. Astr, Nachr., 121, 1889, 113-128. 0 CO.lHe^IHHX'h nflTHaxt. [On sunspots.] [1886.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 (No. 1), 1890, 8-9. Ueber die Bewegungen auf der Sonnenoberflache. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 17-22; 125, 1890, 251-254. Ueber die Corona-Photographien 1887 Aug. 18-19. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 183-186. Ueber die Rotation des Jupiter. [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 121-137. [Ueber die Nova Auriga.] Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 438; 131, 1893, 28. Observation d'une eruption solaire. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 20, 1892, 152-153. • Einige Untersuchungen iiber das Spectrum von ^ Lyrffi. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 139-142. Ueber die Sonnenrotation aus Fackelpositionen. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 213-216; Spettrosc, Ital. Mem., 21, 1893, 162-164. Ueber die Bewegung von f Herculis im Visionsradius nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Spectrum von T (Nova) Aurigae. Astr, Nachr., 133, 1893, 257-264. Spectrum der "Nova Aurigae" 1892, beobachtet in Pulkowo. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac, Sci, Bull., 35, 1894, 399-420. Le spectre de I'etoile variable /3 Lyrse. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 36, [1894], 163-195. Das Spectrum von 5 Cephei. Astr. Nachr,, 136, 1894, 281-284. Les changements dans le spectre de /3 Lyrae. Spet- trosc. Ital. Mem., 22, 1894, 101-111. Etude sur le spectre de I'etoile variable 5 Cephei. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 267-306. Ein Project zur Reproduction der Verschiebung von Spectrallinien bewegter Liclitquellen. Astr, Nachr., 137, 1895, 33-36, On the spectrographic performance of the thirty-inch Pulkowa refractor. Astrophys. Jl., 1, 1895, 366-371. Notice sur le spectre de ^ LyraB. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1895, 80-83. Sur le renversement de la raie 7)., du spectre solaire. Spettrosc; Ital. Mem., 23, 1896, 89-91. Experiment base sur le principe Doppler-Fizeau. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1895, 122-124. 0 Bpaineniii Ko.ii.ii,a CarypHa no HSM'fjpeHifljn, ciieKTporpaMM'i., nojiyqeiinHxi. Bt IlyjiKOBi. [Sur la rotation de I'anneau de Saturne, d'apr^s les mesures des spectrogram mes, faits a Poulkovo.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1896, xi-xiv. [0 nepeM-feHHoR ^ Aquila; HHJKecji'fe;i,yioinaro CO;i,epKaHi}I. Sur la variable 77 Aquilae.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, liii. - — - H.3c.i'feji,0BaHie CMfjineniH JuiHiil bi cneKxpi Caxypna 11 ero KOJIl>na. [Recherches sur les d^place- ments des raies dans le spectre de Saturne et de son anneau.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1895, 379-403. Spectrographische Untersuchungen des Saturnringes. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 1-4. Spectrographische Untersuchungen iiber Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 209-214. Spectrographische Untersuchungen iiber 5 Cephei am 30 ZoUer der Pulkowaer Sternwarte im Jahre 1895. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 17-22. Ueber die Eigenbewegung der helleren Componente von 61 Cygni. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 21-22. Ueber die Veranderungen in dem Sternhaufen NGC. 5272. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 23-24. On the performance of an auxiliary lens for spectro- graphic investigations with the thirty-inch refractor of the Pulkowa Observatory. Astrophys. Jl., 3, 1896, 147- 149. Observations des raies renvers^es dans le spectre des protuberances faites -k Poulkovo, Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 25, 1896, 21-26. Sur les vitesses radiales periodiques de I'etoile a' G^meaux. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 341-343. 0 SB'h3At a' BjIII3HeiI,0B'B, KaKl CUeKXpaJIBHO ABoFlHOri. [On the spectroscopic binary a Geminorum.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 49-76 ; Astrophys. Jl., 5, 1897, 1-7. Die totale Sonnenfinsterniss am 9. August 1896. Bericht iiber die Sonnenfinsternissexpedition der Pul- kowaer Sternwarte nach Orlowskoje am Amur. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 271-296, HOBHfl liaCjl'feAOBaHifl ClieKXpa "jS Lyra;." [Re- cherches nouvelles sur le spectre de "j8 Lyrae."] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 355-365; Astrophys. Jl. , 6, 1897, 328-337; Spettrosc, Ital, Mem., 26, 1898, 135- 143. H3CJii;;i,0BaHie ciieKxpa iiepeM'tHHoR "v Aquilae" (3. 5-4. 7 b). Recherches sur le spectre de I'etoile variable "77 Aquilae." St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 367-374 ; Astrophys. JL, 6, 1897, 393-399 ; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 26, 1898, 101-106. Ueber das Spectrum von \ Tauri (3». 4-4™. 2). Astr, Nachr,, 145, 1898, 281-284. Ueber einen Versuch die Ge.schwindigkeiten im Visionsradius der Componenten von 7 Virginis und y Leonis zu bestimmen. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 89-94. Sur le mouvement rapide de la ligne des absides dans le syst^me a' G^meaux. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 133-139; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 26, 1898, 171-179; 28, 1900, 103-108. Onpejtijienie jiyieEHxi CKopocxeft "7 Virginis." [Determination des vitesses radiales de " 7 Virginis."] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, 141-158. Bglopolskij] 430 [Beltrami OnpeA'fejeHie jry^esHxt cKopocreft KOMnoneH- TOBI) JtBOUHOll SBfejtH y JlhBH. (2-0 II 35 B.) [Sur les vitesses radiales de I'i^toile double 7 du Lion.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 369-376. Ueber die Bewegung des Stems ij Pegasi in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 127-128. Ueber die Bewegung des Sterns 3- Ursas majoris in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 331-332. ■ Ueber die Bewegung von j" Geminorum (3"'. 7-4'". 5) in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 239-240. Note on the spectrum of P Cygni. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 319-320; Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 37-40. Bewegung von Polaris in der Gesichtslinie. Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 199-202. * Ein Versuch die Eotationsgeschwindigkeit des Venus- aequators auf spectrographischem Wege zu bestimmen. Astr. Nachr,, 152, 1900, 263-276. 06'B o;i;homi. cnocoSi iio;i;'iepKHBaHia cjaduxt JIHHiH 3B'fe3;i,HLIX'b CneKTpOrpaMMTi. [Sur une m^thode de souligner les raies faibles des spectro- grammes stellaires.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 205-210. OnHTi. H3CJr'feji,0Bania iipiiHii,nna ^oiiJiep'i>- (1»H30, He npHd-feraa k'i> KOCMHiecKHMi. cKopo- CTflMl). [Essai d'^tudier le principe de Doppler-Fizeau, sans avoir recours aux vitesses cosmiques.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 13, 1900, 461-471. Belojwlsmj, Ar[istarch] A[2)ollonovic], & Bredictain, F[edor] A[leksandrovi6]. See Bredichln & Belopolskij. Belopolskij, Ar[istarch] A[pollonovic], & Morlne, M. Positions apparentes des taches solaires photographiees k Poulkovo par B. Hasselberg dans les ann^es 1881-88. [1893.] St. Petersb, Ac. Sci. M^m., 42, 1897, No. 10, 173 pp. Belopolskij, Ar[istarch] A[pollonoviti], & Sokolov, A[lexej Petrovic]. *Ob8ervations de Mars en opposition, faites par A. Gromadski. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, 82-91. *Ob8ervations des etoiles qui ont servi a la determina- tion de la valeur de I'^chelle des h^liometres, employes lors du passage de Venus, faites par A. Gromadzki. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, 95-103. *In^galit^s des vis micrometriques des microscopes du cercle m^ridien. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 89-95. "Observations de Mars en opposition, faites au cercle m^ridien. Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 1-7. "Observations au cercle meridian. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 1), 1882, 1-30; 9 (Livr. 1), 1882, 1-17. See also Bokolov & Bilopolskij. BelouBOT, A. K. Eine neue Methode von Injection anato- mischer Praeparate vermittelst kalter Masse. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Ahth.), 1888, 379-384. BeiouBov, ill. D, M'fecTopo;K;i;eHia KejiisHLixii pyji,!. Bt BHmepcKOH KaseHHoS jtai-fe ^ep;i;HHCKaro y'fc3;il,a. Les gisements de minerals de fer du domaine de la Vich^ra, district de Tcherdyne. I^katerinenb. Soc. Oural. Bull., 15 (No. 1), 1896, 27-31; Buss. G60I. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 109-110. Below, E[rnst Erich Albert]. Die Ganglienzellen des Gehirnes bei verschiedenen neugeborenen Thieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1888, 187-188. Die praktischen Ziele der Tropenhygiene. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 1), 91-120. Belowsky, M[ax\. Ueber die Aenderungen, welche die optischen Verhaltnisse der gemeinen Hornblende beim Gliihen erfahren. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 (Bd. 1), 291-292. Belsanti, Michele. Studi su alcuni caratteri regressivi del cranio umano. Arch. Antropologia, 16, 1886, 173-221. Belt, E[dtvard] Oliver. Report of one hundred cataract extractions at the Presbyterian Eye, Ear, and Throat Charity Hospital. Arch. Ophthalra., 17, 1888, 1-8. Beltoxii, Pio. II Lago di Garda. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 65-70. Beltrame, (abate) Giovanni. *Gli Akka del Miani. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 65-66. *[Viaggio ai Sciang^Uah.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 16, 1879, 151-167. Disposizioni che deve avere chi viaggia, specialmente fra popoli barbari 0 selvaggi, perch^ i suoi viaggi riescano piacevoli ; e mezzi che sta bene ch' egli possegga e se ne valga, perche tornino vantaggiosi. I Bar^bra della Nubia settentrionale e i Barabra dell' Algeria e del Marocco. I Bisciarin e gli Arabi Abu-Z^t. Origine dei Bisciarin e dei Barabra. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-86, 815-828. La palma-dattero nell' emisfero settentrionale del- r Africa. Vantaggi che ne ritraggono gli abitanti. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 817-829. Beltrami, Eugenio. For biogriiphy and list of works see Ann. Mat., 4, 1900, 151-160; Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 91-99; Enseigu. Math., 2 (1900), 173-179; Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 355-375; Milano, 1st. Lomb. Ren-1., 33, 1900, 241-245; Napoli. Rend., 39, 1900, 74-80; Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 568-569; Nuovo Cimento, 11, 1900, 150-151; Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14, 1900, 275-289; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 677-681; 131, 1900, 1037-1039; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 139-142; Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 355-360 or 541-546 ; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 (Pt. 1), 72-74; Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 266-267; Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 10, 1901 (Prot.), 32-35; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 30, 1901, 345-348. To reference in No. 77 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 13, 1883, 213-228. To reference in No. 78 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 89-96, 107-117. To reference in No. 79 (Vol. 9) add Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 126-138. Intorno ad un problema relativo alia teoria delle correnti stazionarie. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 538-546. Sulla rappresentazione delle forze Newtoniane per mezzo di forze elastiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 581-589. SuU' uso delle coordinate curvilinee nelle teorie del potenziale e dell' elasticita. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 401-448. Sulle condizioni di resistenza dei corpi elastici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1886, 704-714; Nuovo Cimento, 18, 1886, 14.5-155. Suir interpretazione meccanica delle formole di Maxwell. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 3-38; Nuovo Cimento, 20, 1886, 5-25, 97-111. Sulla teoria delle onde. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 424-435. Intorno ad alcuni problemi di propagazione del calore. [1887.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 291-326; Nuovo Cimento, 23, 1888, 97-109 ; 24, 1888, 24-32, 145- 162 ; 25, 1888, 34-40. Sulle funzioni sferiche d' una variabile. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 469-478. Sulle funzioni complesse. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 624-635 ; 24, 1891, 1188-1195 ; 27, 1894, 337-344. Considerazioni idrodinamiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 121-130. Sul principio di Huygens. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 428-438. Note fisico-matematiche. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 67-79. Sulla funzione potenziale della circonferenza. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 193-209. Beltrami] 431 [Belzung i Sur la theorie de la deformation infiniment petite d'un milieu. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 502-505. Un precursore italiano di Leoendbe e di Lobatsch- EWSKY. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 441-448. Suir estensione del principio di d'Alembert all' elet- tiodinamica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 1), 852-856. Quelques remarques au sujet des fonctions spheriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 934-938. Considerazioni sullateoria matematicadelmagnetismo. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 409-453. Intorno al mezzo elastico di Gkeen. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 717-726, 779-789. Sulla teoria generale delle onde plane. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 227-235. Considerazioni sulla teoria matematica dell' elettro- magnetismo. [1892.J Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 313-378. Suir espressione analitica del principio di Hdygens. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sevi. 1), 99-108. Osservazioni sulla nota precedente [di G. Moreba: "Soluzione generale delle equazioni indefinite dell' equi- librio di un corpo continno "]. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 141-142. Note sulla teoria della propagazione del calore. [1893.] Bologna Rend., 1892-93, 61-63. Sur la theorie des fonctions sph^riques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 181-183. Sulle equazioni dinamiche di Lagrange. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 744-75'2. Sui potenziali termodinamici, Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 1), 47.3-480. Suir espressione data da Kirchhoff al principio di HuTGENS. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 2), 29-31. Sul teorema di Kirchuoff. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Se7n. 2), 51-52. A proposito di una nuova ricerca del prof. Carlo Neumann. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 2), 177-180. Sulla teoria delle funzioni sferiche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend.,^ 29, 1896, 793-799. Beltr^mieux, Edouard. For biography see Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 32, 1898, 5-20. Excursion geologique du 6 avril 1884 aFouras. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 17-20. Excursion scientifique du 22 mai 1884 a Piedemont et au Port-des-Barques. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 43-45. Excursion geologique du 8 juin 1884 a la Roche- courbon. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc, Sci. Ann., 21, 1885, 55-58. Excursion geologique du 17 aoi\t 1884 k I'ile Madame. [1884.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1886, 59-63. Excursion geologique du 19 avril 1885 k Fouras. [1885.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci, Ann., 22, 1886 (Tome 1), 13-15. Excursion geologique du 20 juin 1886 k Velluire et a Fontenay. [1886.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1887, 53-56. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 7 septembre [a Chatelaillon, Yves et Charras]. Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 814-817. [Etude sur les Aran^ides.] [1888.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 11-12. Rapport sur le Museum Fleuriau. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 23-30 ; 27, 189;i, 25-29. [Sur les quatres especes d'Echen^ides.] [1893.] Charente-Inf . Soc. Sci. Ann., 30 (Tome 1), 1894, 9-11. Beltz, L. Observation de phlebite rhumatismale. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1886, 266-271. Belugou, [Alphonse\ Eecherches sur les causes de I'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Progres Med., 2, 1886, 149-154, 171-173. Belugou, Gluillaumel. Action du chromate de strontium sur le chlorure mercurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 473-474. Chaleurs de neutralisation de I'acide ethylphospho- rique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1151-1152. Chaleurs de neutralisation de I'acide phenylphos- phorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1575-1576. Vitesse et limite d'^therification de I'acide phospho- rique par I'alcool methylique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 166-169. Belugou, G{uillauvie], & Xmbert, Henri. See Xmbert & Belugou. Belugou, Vlictor]. Etude sur I'exploitation des r^seaux tel6phoniques dans les villes. Ann. Tel^gr., 15, 1888, 38-58. Emploi des accumulateurs pour reraplacer les piles du Poste Central de Paris, Ann, Tei^gr., 20, 1893, 303- 314. Beluze, [Eugene]. De I'etheromanie. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1886, 539-557. Belz, [Jules] E[dmond]. For biography see Ann. Telegr., [19], 1892, 90-94. Application de la transmission automatique a I'appareil siphon-recorder sur les cables d'Alg^rie. Ann. Tel6gr., 15, 1888, 193-205. Belzung, Ernest. Note sur le developpement de I'amidon dans les plantules germant a I'obscurite. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 374-378. Sur la formation d'amidon pendant la germination des sclerotes des champignons. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 199-202. Sur I'amidon et les leucites, France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 483-484. Recherches morphologiques et physiologiques sur I'amidon et les grains de chlorophylle. Ann. Sci. Nat, (Bot.), 5, 1887, 179-310; Rev. Sci,, 40, 1887, 788-789, Sur la naissance libre des grains d'amidon et leur transformation en grains de chlorophylle ou chloroamy- lites. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 86-91, 97-102. Nouvelles recherches sur I'origine des grains d'amidon et des grains chlorophylliens. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 13, 1891, 5-22. Sur le developpement de I'amidon. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 5-13, Sur la diagnose microscopique de I'acide citrique, Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 25-29. Ddveloppement des grains d'aleurone et structure protoplasmique en general chez quelques Papilionacees. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 85-93, 109-116. Remarques sur le verdissement, (A propos de I'article de M. W. Palladin : Ergriinen und Wachsthum der etiolirten Blatter.) Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 350-355. Recherches chimiques sur la germination, et cristal- lisations intracellulaires artificielles. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 15, 1892, 203-262, Remarques retrospectives sur les corps bleuissants et leur classification. Jl. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 456-458. Note additionnelle sur les sulfates et nitrates des plantules en voie de germination. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 87-91. Nature des spherocristaux des Euphorbes cactiformes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 221-229, 261-267. Rectification a propos de I'article de M. Famintzin " Sur les grains de chlorophylle des graines et des plantules." Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 156-159. Sur I'existence de I'oxalate de calcium k I'^tat dissous. Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 213-219. Marche totale des phenom^nes amylochlorophylliens. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1896, 33-40, 41-49, 61-72, 101-108, 134-136, 137-163, 181-189. Belzung] 432 [Bemmelen Belzung, Ernest, & Poirault, Georges. Sur les sels de I'Angiopteris evecta, et en particulier le malate neutre de calcium. Jl. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 286-298. Beman, W[ooster] Wloodnijf]. Address [to the Math. & Astron. Sect.]. A chapter in the history of mathematics. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 33-50. Euler's use of i to represent an imaginary. N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898, 274, 551. Bexnent, C. S. Ueber neuere amerikanische Mineral- vorkouimen. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 179-180; 13, 1888, 4(3-47; 14, 1888, 256-257. Bemmelen, A[driaa7i] A[ntliony] van. For biographical notice see Ibis, 3, 1897, 474-475. [Mededeelingen over bastaarden bij zoogdieren en vogels.] [1884.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 6, 1882- 86, ccvii-ccviii. [Over het trekken van insecten.] Tijdschr. Ent., 27, 1884, xci. [Mededeelingen over voorttfeling en genitalia, en over den duur der zwangerschap bij hoogere dieren.] [1885.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, xlix-li. Bemmelen, J[o/ia«] F[rans] van. [Ontwikkeling en metamorpliose der kieuw- of visceraalspleten en der aortabogen bij embryonen van Tropidonotus natrix en Lacerta muralis.] [1885.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 2, 1886, 174-177. Ueber vermuthliche rudimentiire Kiemenspalten bei Elasmobranchiern. [1885.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 6, 1886, 165-184. [Over de ontwikkeling en vervorming der kieuwspleten bij de embryonen van vogels.] [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, cxxxiv-cxxxvi. [Onderzoekder zoogdier-embryonen.] [18S6.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, cxl-cxlii. [Over den anatomischen bouw der Amphisbseniden.] [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, cxlii. [Anatomisch onderzoek der halsstreek eener Hatteria punctata.] [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, cxlviii-cli. Over de beteekenis en de verwantschap der groote arterieu die bij reptilien van't hart naar den kop opstijgen. [1886.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 1, 1885-87, ccvi-ccviii. Die Visceraltaschen und Aortenbogen bei Reptilien und Vogeln. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 528-532, 543-546. Die Halsgegend der Reptilien. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 88-96. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Halsgegend bei Reptilien. Amsterdam Bijdr. Dierk., 16, 1888, 1-146. [Over d6n oorsprong van de voorste ledematen en de tongspieren bij reptilien.] [1888.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 202-205. Epitheelderivaten van den ventralen darmwand achter de kieuwspleten. [1888.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 2, 1889, xxxvii-xxxix. Ueber die Herkunft der Extremitaten- und Zungen- muskulatur bei Eidechsen. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 240- 255. Ueber die Suprapericardialkorper. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 400-407. [Onderzoekingen over den oorsprong der tong- en ledemaatspieren bij reptilian.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 2, 1889, Ixx-lxxi. Ueber die Entwicklung der Farben und Adern auf den Schmetterlingsfliigeln. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr , 2, 1889, 235-247. Over de ontwikkeling der kieuwzakken en aortabogen bij zeeschildpadden, onderzocht aan embryonen van Chelonia viridis. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 204- 206 ; Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 801-803. Bemerkungen zur Phylogenie der Schildkroten. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1895, 322- b35. [Over eenige bijzonderheden aan den sc' edel van Dermochelys (Sphargis) coriacea.] [1896.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, lii-liii. On reptilian affinities in the temporal region of the monotreme skull. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 163- 165. Resultaten van een vergelijkend onderzoek der ver- hemelte-, orbitaal- en slaapstreek aan den schedel der Monotremen. [The results of a comparative investiga- tion concerning the palatine, orbital, and temporal regions of the monotreme skull.] [1899-1900.] Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 157-160; 9, 1901, 110-111, 478-479; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 81-84; 3, 1901, 130-133, 405-407. [Onderzoek over den monotremen-schedel.] [1899.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 6, 1900, xxx-xxxii, liv-lvii ; Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 449-461. Bemmelen, J[akob] M[(iarten] van. Over de samenstelling en het voorkomen der zure gronden in het nederlandsch diluvium. [1885.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 2, 1886, 125. Sur les couches alluviales recentes dans I'lJ et le Zuiderzee et sur la formation des terres pyritiques et acides dans les alluvions des Pays-Bas. Rec Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 5, 1886, 199-211." i«te verhandeling. De bodem van het voormalige IJ. |-iide verhandeling. Over de samenstelling van de nieuwe zeeklei in het IJ en in de Zuiderzee, in''" verhandeling. De samenstelling van de zure gronden in het nederlandsch alluvium.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verh., 25, 1887, 105 pp. Explosion d'un tube contenant des cristaux de sulfate de protoxyde de chrome. Rec. Trav. Cliim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 202-204. Notice sur I'oxyde de germanium. Rec Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 205-208. [Over de hydraten van de reeks der viervoudige zuren.] [1887.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 10-14. Die Absorptionsverbindungen und das Absorptions- vermogen der Ackererde. (Dritte Abhandlung.) Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 35, 1888, 69-136. Sur la nature des colloides et leur teneur en eau. L'hydrogel de I'acide silicique. Le colloide d'alumine et I'hydrate d'alumine. Les colloides de I'oxyde stan- uique. Sur le coUoiMe de I'oxyde ferrique. Sur le colloide de I'oxyde chromique. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 7, 1888, 37-68, 69-74, 75-87, 87-106, 106-114, 114- 118. [Over de samenstelling van vulkanische en andere klei in Deli en Java.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 7, 1890, 168-172. Die Zusammensetzung des Meeresschlicks in den neuen Alluvien des Zuiderzee (Niederlande). Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 239-256. Die Zusammensetzung des vulkanischen Bodens in Deli (Sumatra) und in Malang (Java), und des Fluss- Thonbodens in Rembang (Java), welche fiir die Ta- bakskultur benutzt werden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 257-278. Ueber die Bestimmung des Wassers, des Humus, des Schwefels, der in den coUoidalen Silikaten gebundenen Kieseisaure, des Mangans u. s. w. im Ackerboden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 279-290. Die Zusammensetzung der Ackererde, nach Anleitung der in den vorigen Abhandlungen mitgeteilten Analysen von gewohnlichen und vulkanischen Thonboden. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 347-373. Ueber die Ursachen der Fruchtbarkeit des Urwald- bodens in Deli (Sumatra) und auf Java fiir die Tabaks- kultur und der Abnahme dieser Fruchtbarkeit. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 374-408. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Asche der Tabaks- blatter in Beziehung zu ihrer guten oder schlechten Bemmelen] 433 [Benardeau Qualitat insbesondcre zu ilirer Brennbarkeit. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 37, 1890, 409-436. Over de witte klien in de hooge venen. [1890.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 11-12. [Over, door sublimeering verkregen, gekristalliseerd antimoniumchloruur.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 384-385. [Over het hydratische ijzeroxyde.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 342-346. Kristallijn natriumferriet en kristallijn ijzeroxyd- hydraat. [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Vers!., [1], 1893, 41-43. Over de dampspanning van het coUoidale kiezelzuur. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 68-74. Over het colloidale en het kristallijne hydraat van het koperoxyd. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 117-125 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 5, 1894, 466-483; Arch. Neerland., 30, 1897, 1-24. Over de kleurveranderingen in de oplossing van chloorkobalt. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 160- 163. Der Teilungskoeffizient bei Absorptionen aus Losungen durch feste Stoffe. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 331-334. Over de samenstelling, het voorkomen, en de vorming van sideroze (witte klien) en van vivianiet in de onderste darglaag der hoogveenen van znidoost Drenthe. [1895.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. {Sect. 1), 3, 1896, No. 1, 16 pp. ; Arch. Neerland., 30, 1897, 25-43. Over de ontwatering, herwatering en herontwatering van het colloidale kiezelzuur bij 15° C. [1895.] Amster- dam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 62-71. De uitkomst van een onderzoek naar het fluorgehalte van fossiele beenderen uit de Pliocene formatie op Midden-Java. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 62-66. Over den deelingscoefficient bij de absorbtie van opgeloste stoffen door kolloiden. [1896.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 66-73; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Ahth. 1), 543. Over de chemische metamorphose van het phosphaat in fossiele beenderen, Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 335-341. Die Absorption. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. E. A. Klobkie.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 23.3-356 ; 18, 1898, 14-36, 98-146; 20, 1899, 185-211; 23, 1900, 111-125, 321-372. Der Gehalt an Fluorcalcium eines fossilen Elephanteu- knochen aus der Tertiiirzeit. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. A. Simon Thojias und Dr. E. A. Klobbie.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 84-89; Arch. Neerland., 3, 1900, 229-235. Die Absorption. Anhaufung von Fluorcalcium, Kalk, Phosphaten in fossilen Knochen. [Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. E. A. Klobbie.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 90-122; Arch. Norland., 3, 1900, 236-272. Over het absorptie-vermogen van het koUoidale kiezelzuur. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 498-506. Hydrogel van ijzeroxyde. [On hydrogel of oxide of iron (ferric-oxide).] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 305-310; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 249-253. Ueber das Vorkommen, die Zusammensetzung und die Bildung von Eisenanhaufungen in und unter Mooren. [Unter Mitwirkung von C. Hoitsema und E. A. Klobbie.] [1899.] Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 313-379. De chemische samenstelling van 2 monsters Loess. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 2), 7, 1901, No. 3, 18-26. Over het stelsel Bi, Og - Nj O5 - H., O. [On the system : BioOg-NoOg-H.^O.] [1900.] Am'sterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 66-74; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 196-203. Bemmelen, J[akob] M[aarten] van, & Klobbie, Elduard] Aliujusfl. Ueber das amorphe, wasserhaltige Eisenoxyd, R. S. A. C, das krystallinsche Eisenoxydhydrat, das Kaliumferrit und das Natriumferrit. .11. Prakt. Chem., 46, 1892, 497-529; Arch. Neerland., 29, 1896, 413-453. Bemmelen, Wlillein\ van. De isogonen in de 16« en 17° eeuw. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [1], 1893, 202-204. Ueber altere erdmagnetische Beobachtungen in deu Niederlanden. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 49-53. Die erdmagnetische Nachstorung. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 321-329. Over de algemeene graphische voorstelling van de seculaire variatie der aardmagnetische declinatie. [1895.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 119-122. Die Linien gleicher Sakular- Variation der Declination. [1895.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 4, 1896, 192-197. Werte der erdmagnetischen Deklination fiir die Periode 1500-1700, und ihrer Sacular- Variation fiir die Periode 1500-1850. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 5, 1897, 390-400. Nieuwe aanwinsten voor de verzameling van oude miswijzings-waarnemingen. [1897.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 6, 1898, 317-321 ; Terrestrial Magn., 3, 1898, 45-48. [Aardbevingsverschijnselen.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- scUr., 58, 1898, 521-523. Die Abweichung der Magnetnadel ; Beobachtungen, Sacular- Variation, Wert- und Isogonensysteme bis zur Mitte des XVIII'»" Jahrhunderts. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 21, 1899 (Suppl.), 109 pp. Spasmen in de aardmagneetkracht te Batavia. [' ' Spasms " in the terrestrial magnetic force at Batavia.] [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 115-125; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 202-211. Die Sakular- Verlegung der magnetischen Axe der Erde. Batavia Obs. Obsns., 22 {Pt. 1), 1900, 157-166. Bemmelen, W[ille7n] van, & Rijckevorsel, E. van. See Rijckevorsel & Bemmelen. B^mont, G[ut;tave], & Etard, A[lexandre Leon]. See Btard & B6mont. B^mont, G [uxtavc], Curie, Pierre, & Curie, {Mme.) Marie Sklodowska. See Curie, Curie & B6mont. Bemporad, Azeglio. Complessi di 2° grado costituiti dalle norraali ad una serie di curve plane. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 391-402 or 535-546. Bemrose, H^enry] H[owe'] Arnold-. See Amold- Bemrose. Bemrose, Joseph, & Oirdwood, G\ilbert] P[rout\ See airdwood & Bemrose. Bena, Math. [S]eine zweijahrige (1896-98) Moosernte in der Umgebung von Napagedl. Briinn Verb., 38, 1900 (Abh.), 156-164. Bryologische Notiz. Briinn Verb., 38, 1900 (Abh.), 164. B^nard, [Paul]. Le psoriasis buccal (de Bazin) observe et traito aux eaux minerales de Saint-Christau. [With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. M^d. Mem., 1885, 258-312. Binard, Henri. Etude exp^rimentale du mouvement des liquides propageant de la chaleur par convection. Regime permanent : tourbillons cellulaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1004-1007; Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 446-467; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1900, 202-213. — P Mouvements tourbillonnaires k strnctare cellulaire. Etude optique de la surface libre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1065-1068. Les tourbillons cellulaires dans une nappe liquids. Methodes optiques d'observation et d'enregistrement. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 190ip. 213-226., B6nard, Henri, & Mascart, E[leuthere Elie Nicolas]. See IHCascart & B6nard. B6nard, Jules. La verse des cereales. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 50, 1890, 454-455. Benardeau, Fabien. De Taction des eaux dans les montagnes. Paris, Club Alpin Franc;. Annu., 11, 1886, 375-396. 66 Benardeaul 434 [Bendall La restauration des montagnes. [1887.] Paris, Club Alpin Franr;. Annu., 14, 1888, 427-452. Benassi, Fio. Piante ed insetti fossili di Ee in Val Vigezzo. Kiv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 315-320. Benavente, David. Contribuci6n al estudio del aparato hioideo i de sus funciones. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, 183-198. Contribucion al estudio de la topografia craneo- encefalica. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 87, 1894, 287-293. Benavides, Jenaro. *E1 iodoformo i sus usos terapeiiticos. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 61, 1882, 203-222. B^nazet, P. Sur le dosage du phosphore dans les produits de la nietallurgie du fer. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 1083-1091. Benbow, John. Middlesex plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 56, 279-280; 23, 1885, 36-38, 338-340; 25, 1887, 14-20,363- 366; 28, 1890, 120; 31, 1893, 218. Crepis biennis in Middlesex. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 213. Salvia pratensis in Bucks. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 279. Crepis taraxacifolia in Middlesex. Jl. Bot. , 23, 1885, 220—221 ■ 27 1889 22. Middlesex mosses. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 106-107, 369- 370; 34, 1896, 400; 37, 1899, 441. Bucks plants. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 400; 36, 1898, 492. Middlesex Rubi. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 255-258. Bencker, G. Sicherheitsausguss mit Gummiverschluss fiir Flaschen mit Jitzenden Fliissigkeiten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 1033. Benckiser, A[lfons~\. Ueber eine seltene Art von secun- darem Carcinom des Uteruskorpers. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 22, 1891, 337-343. Ueber abnorm ausmiindende Ureteren und deren chirurgische Behandlung. [1898.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 41, 1899, 413-422. Benckiser, Th[eodor], & Nietzki, R[udolf]. Sec Nietzki (& Benckiser. Bencziir, Dionys. Studien iiber den Hamoglobingehalt des menschlichen Blutes bei Chlorose und Anamie unter Hamoglobin- und Blutzufuhr. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 365-397. Bencziir, Dionijs, & Csatary, August. Ueber das Ver- haltniss der Oedeme zum Hamoglobingehalt des Blutes. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 46, 1890, 478-496. Benczur, Dionys, & J6nas, Arnold. Ueber Thermo- palpation. [1889.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 46, 1890, 19-34. Wesen und Zustandekommen der thermopalpatori- schen Erscheinungen. [Tr.] [1890.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 48, 1891, 578-596. Benda, Carl. [Ueber das Vorkommen des Koch'schen Bacillus in den Nieren und die von demselben hier erzeugten Erkrankungen.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth^, 1884, 300-301. Untersuchungen iiber Miliartuberculose. [1884.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 15, 1885 (Th. 2), 93-100. Ueber die Spermatogenese der Saugethiere. [1885-86.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 186-187, 386-388. [Das Auftreten und Anordnung chromophiler Granu- lationen im Eiickenmark.] Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 290- 291. Ueber eine neue Farbemethode des Centralnerven- systems, und Theoretisches iiber Haematoxylinfarbungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 562-564. Ueber die Spermatogenese der Saugethiere und des Menschen. [1886.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 17, 1887 (Th. 2), 205-213. Zur Spermatogenese und Hodenstruktur der Wir- beltiere. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 368-370. Ein interessantes Strukturverhaltnis der Mauseniere. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 425. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des functionirenden Samenkanalchens einiger Saugethiere und Folgerungen fiir die Spermatogenese dieser Wirbelthierklasse. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 30, 1887, 49-110. Makroskopische und mikroskopische PrJiparate. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 706-707. Eine neue Hartungsmethode besonders fiir das Centralnervensystem. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 497-498. Die Entwickelung des Saugetierhodens. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 125-130. Neue Mittheilungen iiber die Entwickelung der Genitaldriisen und iiber die Metamorphose der Samen- zellen (Histiogenese der Spermatozoen). Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 549-552. Ueber die Histiogenese des Sauropsidenspermatozoons. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 195-199. Zellstructuren und Zellteilungen des Salamander- hodens. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 161- 165. Ueber die Schleimhautleisten des wahren Stimm- bandes beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1895, 563-564. Formalin beim Gefrierverfahren. Centrbl. Path., 6, 1895, 803-804. Ueber die Bedeutung der durch basische Anilinfarben darstellbaren Nervenzellstructuren. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 759-768. Ueber den Bau der blutbildenden Organe und die Regeneration der Blutelemente beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 347-352. Neuere Mittheilungen iiber die Histiogenese der Saugethierspermatozoen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1897, 406-414. Anatomische Mittheilungen iiber akute Leukajmie. Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2001. Ueber die Entstehung der Spiralfaser des Verbindungs- stiickes der Saugetierspermien. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 264-266. Ueber die Spermatogenese der Vertebraten und hoherer Evertebraten. i. Theil. Ueber die vegetativen Geschlechtszellen. [ii. Thiel. Die Histiogenese der Spermien.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1898, 385-392, 393-398. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Mitochondria. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1899, 376-383. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Mitochondria und ihr Verhjiltniss zu Secretgranulationen nebst kritischen Bemerkungen. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 166-178. Paula Gunther's neues Lupenstativ. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 179-180. Ueber acute Miliartuberculose. [1899.] Berhn. Med. Ges. Verh., 30, 1900 (Th. 2), 259-281. Ueber den normalen Bau und einige pathologische Veranderungen der menschlichen Hypophysis cerebri. [1900.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 373-380; Berlin. Med. Ges. Verh., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 436-451. Erfahrungen iiber Neurogliafarbungen und eine neue Farbungsmethode. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 786-798. Eine makro- und mikrochemische Reaction der Fettgewebs-Nekrose. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 194- 198. Benda, Carl, & Brentano, Adolf. See Brentano & Benda. Benda, Carl, & Perutz, Fr. Ueber ein noch nicht beach- tetes Structurverhaltniss des menschlichen Hodens. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1899, 577-579. Benda, L[ouis], & Onehm, R[obert]. See Onelini & Benda. Benda, Th[eodor]. Zur Parasthesie der Hautnerven am Oberschenkel. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 256-259. Bendall, Wilfred. A list of the land MoUusca of the island Bendall] 435 [Bendix of New Providence, Bahamas, with an enumeration of the species recorded from the other islands. London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 1, 1895, 292-295. Bender, C'[(irl]. Studien iiber Salzlosungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 179-203; 31, 1887, 872-888. Brechungsexponenten normaler Salzlosungen [und reinen Wassers]. Ann. Phys. Chem., 39, 1890, 89-96; (58, 1899, 343-349 ; 69, 1899, 676-679 ; 2, 1900, 186-196. Bender, C[arl] J[uliiis]. Ueber die natiirlich vorkom- menden, mydriatischen Pflanzenbasen : Hyoscyamin, Atropiu, Duboisin, Daturin, Hyoscin und Scopolin. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 805. Bender, F[ritz]. Ueber die aus a-Naphtol entstehenden Sulfosiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 993- 1000. Ueber Derivate des jj-Dimethylamidobenzaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 109-111. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkalien auf p-Nitrotoluol- sulfosiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 422- 425. Bender, F[rUz],& Schultz, Gustav [Theodor August Otto]. Ueber Diamidostilben und Diamidostilbendisulfosaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, .3234-3239. Bender, Georg. Ueber Kohlensiiureather. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2265-2271, 2950-2952. Ueber substituirte Chlorstiekstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2272-2274. Ueber Ehodanwismuth. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 723-726. Ueber die Nichtexistenz des Chromheptasulfids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 726-728. Ueber die Einwirkung des Monochloracetessigathers auf Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2747-2752. Ueber die Einwirkung des Phenylhydrazins auf halogensubstituirte Ketonsaureather und halogensub- stituirte Ketone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2492-2498. Bender, Max. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber die Bacillen bei Syphilis. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 327-332, 357-364. Das Rhinosclerom. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber den derzeitigen Standpunkt unserer Kenntnisse der Aetiologie, etc. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 563-568. Das Ulcus molle. Zusammenfassender Bericht iiber unsere Kenntnisse der Aetiologie desselben. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 10-13, 52-55, 81-90. Ueber den Erysipelcoccus (Fehleisen). Zusammen- fassender Bericht iiber unsere Kenntnisse der atiologi- schen Beziehungen desselben zur Rose. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 10-14, 35-40, 70-78. Bender, Otto. Beitrage zur Histologie der Dermatitis exfoliativa nebst einer Bemerkung iiber Plasma- und Mastzellen. Virchow, Arch., 159, 1900, 86-100. Bender, R. Meteorologische Beobachtungen in Koblenz. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1889, 45-53. Bender, A'., & Ca8taigne,,J. See Castaigne & Bender. Benderltter, Eugene. Etudes sur les Lamellicornes : genre Osmoderma. Misc. Ent., 4, 1896, 97-98. Note sur une Cetoine anomale. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 33. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Cetoine de Syiie. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 193-194; Misc. Ent., 4, 1896, 40. Note sur la presence du Rhizotrogus cicatricosus, Muls., en Normandie. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1897, 47-48. Bendersklj, l[srail Avraamovic']. Ueber die Ausscheidung der Verdauungsfermente (Pepsin, Trypsin, Ptyalin) aus dem Organismus bei gesunden und kranken Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 121, 1890, 554-597. Benderskij, S. Zur Frage iiber Quecksilbervergiftung. [1897.] Dorpat Sber., 11, 1896, 217-244. Bendire, (Maj.) Charles E[inil]. For biography and works see Auk, 14, 1897, 253, 327-329; 15, 1898, 1-6; Ibis, 3, 1897, 294-296; Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 87; Science, 5, 1897, 261-262 ; Zoologist, 1, 1897, 230. Eggs of the ivory gull (Gavia alba). Auk, 5, 1888, 202-203. Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of the genus Sphyrapicus, Baird. Auk, 5, 1888, 225-240; 6, 1889, 71. Notes on the nest and eggs of Peucaea aestivalis Bachmani, Aud., Bachman's sparrow. Auk, 5, 1888, 351-356. Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of the genus Glaucidium, Boie. Auk, 5, 1888, 366-372. Description of the nest and eggs of the California black-capped gnat-catcher (Polioptila californica, Brewster). U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 549-550. Notes on a collection of birds' nests and eggs from southern Arizona Territory. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 551-558. Notes on the habits, nests and eggs of Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus, the sooty grouse. Auk, 6, 1889, 32-39. A peculiar nest of Cinclus mexicanus. Auk, 6, 1889, 75. Notes on the general habits, nests and eggs of the genus Passerella. Auk, 6, 1889, 107-116. Description of the supposed nest and eggs of Zono- trichia querula, Harris's sparrow. Auk, 6, 1889, 150- 152. Picicorvus columbianus (Wils.), Clarke's nutcracker. Its nest and eggs, etc. Auk, 6, 1889, 226-236. Description of the nest and eggs of Megascops Asio Maxwellias, the Rocky Mountain screech owl. Auk, 6, 1889, 298-302. Notes on Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus and Pipilo Aberti, their habits, nests and eggs. Auk, 7, 1890, 22-29. Megascops Asio Maxwelliae. Auk, 7, 1890, 91. A second nest and eggs of Picicorvus columbianus taken in Colorado. Auk, 7, 1890, 92. Directions for collecting, preparing and preserving birds' eggs and nests. U. S. Mus. Bull., 39 [Pt. D), 1891, 10 pp. Life histories of North American birds with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Smithsonian Contrib., 28, 1892, 446 pp.; U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull., 1, 1892, 446 pp. An attractive addition to the avifauna of the United States. Icterus gularis yucatanensis, von Berlepsch. Auk, 10, 1893, 366-367. The cowbirds. Smithsonian Rep. (U. S. Nat. Mus. Rep.), 1893, 587-624. Tympanuchus americanus Attwateri, Bendire. Att- water's or southern prairie hen. Auk, 11, 1894, 130- 132. Descriptions of nests and eggs of some new birds, collected on the island of Aldabra, north-west of Mada- gascar, by Dr. W. L. Abbott. [1894.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1895, 39-41. The American barn owl breeding at Washington, D. C, in winter. Auk, 12, 1895, 180-181. Life histories of North American birds, from the parrots to the grackles, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Smithsonian Contrib., 32, 1895, 518 pp.; U. S. Mus. Spec. Bull., 3, 1896, 518 pp. See also under Xiittlejohn, Chase. Bendix, Bernhard. Zur Frage der Kinderernahrung : "Ueber die Verdaulichkeit der sterilisirten und nicht sterilisirten Milch." Jbuch. Kinderheilk. , 38, 1894, 393- 429. Beitrage zum Stoffwechsel des Siiuglings. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 43, 1896, 23-53 ; 46, 1898, 308-331. Zur Frage der Ammoniakausscheidung durch den k Bendix] 436 [Benecke Ham bei magendarmkranken Sliuglingeu. Jbuch. Kin- derheilk., 48, 1898, 165-173. • Ueber den Einfluss der Menstruation auf die Lacta- tion. [1898.] Wien. Med. Wscbr., 49, 1899, 316-317. Ein Stoffwechselversuch beim atropbiscben Saugling. Arcb. Anat. Pbysiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1899 {Siq}pl.), 206- 217. Bendix, Ernst. Bericht iiber Versnche, wie viel Zucker nach Darreichung verschiedener Eiweiss-Arten im tbieri- schen Organismus gebildet wird. Arcb. Anat. Pbysiol. (Phijsiol. Abth.), 1900 (SiippL), 309-311. Bendix, Ernst, & WoMgemutli, Julms. Ueber Reindar- stellung des Glykogens. Pfliiger, Arch. Pbysiol., 80, 1900, 238-240. Bendix, Paul, & Anschiitz, Richard. See Anschiitz & Bendix. Bendix, Paul, Anschiitz, Richard, & Kerp, Wilhelm. See Anscbiitz, Bendix & Kerp. Bendixson, Ivar. *Sur la puissance des ensembles parfaits de points. [1883.] Stockb., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 9 1884-85, No. 6, 15 pp. Un th^oreme auxiliaire de la tb^orie des ensembles [1884.] Stockh., Ah. Handl. Bihang, 9, 1884-85, No. 7 7 pp. Sur la formule d'interpolation de Lagbange. Pans Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1050-1053, 1129-1131. Sur une extension a I'infini de la formule d'interpola tion de Gauss. Acta Math., 9, 1887, 1-34. Bestamning af de algebraiskt upplosbara likbeter, hvilka hvarje rot kan uttryckas som en rationel funktion af en af rotterna. Stockb., Ofvers., 1891, 131-147 Toulouse Pac. Sci. Ann., 7, 1893, C, 7 pp. Sur les Equations diiJerentielles lineaires homogenes. Stockb., Ofvers., 1892, 91-105. Sur I'irr^ductibilite des fonctions de plusieurs varia- bles. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 189-193. Sur I'integration d'un systeme d'^quations aux ditfe- rentielles totales. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 271-277. Sur les Equations diff^rentielles r^gulieres. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 279-285. Sur un tb^oreme de 31. Lie. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 301-306. Quelques applications du th^or^me de Stuem ^tendu a un systeme d'^quations. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 {Afd. 1), 1893, No. 2, 18 pp. Sur les Equations diff^rentielles liu^aires homogenes. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 (Afd. 1), 1893, No. 7, 29 pp. Sur le calcul des int^grales d'un systeme d'6quations diff^rentielles par des approximations successives. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 599-612. Sur un th^oreme de M. Poincare. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 971-973. Sur le d^veloppement des int^grales d'un systeme d'4quations differentielles au voisinage d'un point singulier. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894, 141-151. Sur les points singuliers d'une Equation diff^rentielle hn^aire. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 81-99. Demonstration de I'existence de I'int^grale d'une Equa- tion aux derivees partielles lin^aire. Paris, Soc. Math Bull., 24, 1896, 220-225. Sur les Equations differentielles linEaires \ solutions pEriodiques. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 193-205. Sur une application nouvelle des parametres differen- tiels dans la tliEorie des surfaces. Stockh., Ofvers 1897, 331-339. — — Sur la convergence uniforms des series. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 605-622. , Sur les. points singuliers des Equations differentielles. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 69-85, 139-151, 171-188 635- 658. — :;- Sur les racines d'une Equation fondamentale. Stockb Ofvers., 1900, 1099-1103. Bendrat, Tlhomas] A[lbert/\, & IZerrick, C[la)-ence] L. See IZerrick & Bendrat. Bendt, Franz. Die Kraftiibertragung und ihre Metboden. Gentrztg. Optik, 15, 1894, 87-90. Bendz, C. W. Hvad er centrifugalkraft? Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 32, 1893, 225-236. Bendz, Hans. Bidrag till kiinnedomen ora hangnings- dodens fenomen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 21, 1885-86 (Med.), 50 + xxxvi pp. Bene, Geza. A resicza-domiini Liasz koszenbanyak es kornyEkenek geologiai viszonyairol. [Ueber die geolo- gischen Verhaltnisse der Lias-Kohlengruben von Resicza- Doman und ihrer Umgebung.] Foldt. Kozlon., 21, 1891, 289-300, 325-338. B^nech, [Louis Victor Alfred'] Elophe. Toxalbumine retirEe de la chair d'anguille de riviere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 833-830; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 35-37. Action de I'isocyanate de phEnyle et de I'isothiocyanate de pbEnyle sur les acides bibasiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 920-923. De la toxicite des urines. Paris, Soc. Biol. MEm,, 52, 1900 (C. R.), 805-806. B6nech, [Louis Victor Alfred] Elophe, & Cassaet, [Jean] E[ric Theodote]. See Cassaet, & B^nech. B^necb, [Louis Victor Alfred] Eloplie, Ziayet, A[lexandre Elzear] , & Le Dantec, A lexandre. See Iiayet, Le Dantec & B6nech. Benech, L[ucien]. Contribution a la nosographie de I'ictEre fEbrile essentiel. Ai'ch. MEd. Pharm. Militaires, 13, 1889, 431-448. Benecke, Berthold. For biography see Humboldt, 5, 1886, 240; Konigsb. Schr., 27, 1887 {Sber.), 17-18. Ein neuer Cyprinoidenbastard. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 228-230. Benecke, E[rnst] W[ilhel)n]. *Ueber die Trias in Elsass- Lothringen und Luxemburg. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abb., 1, 1877, 490-829. Geologische Karte des Grigna-Gebirges. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1881 {Bd. 1), 81-82. Ueber Cidaris Buchi, Mnstr. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 (Bd. 2), 132-134. Erlauterungen zu einer geologischen Karte des Grigna- Gebirges. [1884.] Neues Jbuch. Min. {Beil.-Bd.), 3, 1885, 171-251. Ueber eine Ophiure aus dem englischen Rbiit. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 2), 195-200. Erlauterungen zu Blatt Lembacb. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Erlaut., 1892, 46 pp. Bemerkungen iiber die Gliederung der oberen alpinen Trias und iiber alpinen und ausseralpinen Muschelkalk. Freiburg Ber., 9, 1895, 221-244. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Jura in Deutsch-Lothringen. Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abb., Heft 1, 1898, 97 pp. Lettenkoblengruppe und Lunzer Schicbten. Freiburg Ber., 10, 1898, 109-151. ■ Myophoria inflata, Emmr., im schwabiscben Rhat. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 {Bd. 1), 218-224. Myophoria infiata, Emmr. Centrbl. Min., 1900, 5. Benecke, E[mst] W[ilhelm], & Rosenbusch, H. *Einlei- tende Bemerkungen iiber die neue geologische Landes- Aufnahme von Elsass-Lothringen. Verzeichniss der mineralogiscben Litteratur. Chronologischer Ueberblick der mineralogiscben und geologischen Litteratur iiber die Reicbslande Elsass-Lothringen. [1875.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abb., 1, 1877, i-xxvi, 1-77. Benecke, E[rnst] W[ilhelm], Andreae, A[chilles], Schu- macber, E[ufjen], & VTerveke, L[eopold] van. See Andreae, Benecke, Schumacber & 'Werveke. Benecke, Franz. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ursachen des Wachsthums. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 5-12. Kleine biologische Studie iiber das Bliithenkopfcben von Taraxacum officinale. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 192-195. Benecke] 437 [Beneden Ueber den Nachweis des Samens der Kornrade (Agro- stemma githa I'-) i" Mablproducten. Landw. Ver- suchs-Stat., 31, 1885, 407-414. Ueber die Knollchen an den Leguminosen-Wurzeln. Bot. Centrbl., 29, 1887, 53-54. Ueber die Ursacheu der Veriinderungen , welche sich wahrend des Keifungsprocesses im Emmenthaler Kase vollzieben. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 521-526. Ueber die Mykorbiza. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 753-755, 781-785. Zuni Nachweise der Mahlprodukte des Koggens in den Mahlprodukten des Weizens. Landw. Versucbs-Stat., 36, 1889, 337-366. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wachsthumsgeschwindig- keit. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 473-476. Ueber das Chinosol. Centrbl. Bakt. [Alt. 2), 3, 1897, 65-73, 114-120. Benecke, Frcmz, & Schulze, E. Untersuchungen iiber den Emmenthaler Kiise und iiber einige andere schweizerische Kiisesorten. Landw. Jbiicb., 16, 1887, 317-400. Benecke, Wilhehn. Die Nebenzellen der Spaltoffnungen. Bot. Ztg., 50, 1892, 521-529, 537-546, 553-562, 569-578, 585-593, 601-607. Ein Beitrag zur mineralischen Nahrung der Pflanzen. [1895.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, (105H117). Die zur Erniihrung der Schimmelpilze nothwendigen Metalle. Priugsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 28, 1895, 487- 530. Die Bedeutung des Kaliums und des Magnesiums fiir Entwickelung und Wachstbum des Aspergillus niger, v. Th., sowie einiger anderer Pilzformen. Bot. Ztg., 54, 1896 {Abth. 1), 97-132. Ueber Culturbedingungen einiger Algen. Bot. Ztg., 56, 1898 {Abth. 1), 83-96, (Abth. 2), 236. Mechanismus und Biologie des Zerfalles der Conjuga- tenfaden in die einzelnen Zellen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 32, 1898, 453-476. Ueber farblose Diatomeen der Kieler Fobrde. Prings- heim, .Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 35, 1900, 535-572. Beneden, A. van, & Corin, Gabriel. See Corin & Beneden. Beneden, Edouard van. *[Die ersten Entwicklungser- scheinungen bei Limulus.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 58. Sur quelques animaux nouveaux pour la faune littorale beige, formant uue faune locale toute particuliere au voisinage du banc de Thornton. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 646-650. Sur la presence a Li6ge du Niphargus puteanus, Sell. Brux., Ac. Bull., 8, 1884, 650-652. Sur la presence en Belgique du Bothriocephalus latus, Bremser. Brux., Ac. Bull., 12, 1886, 265-280. [Ueber seine Untersuchungen an den ersten Entwick- lungsstadien von Saugetbieren (Kaninchen, Maus, Vesper- tilio murinus).] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 374-375. Les genres Ecteinascidia, Herd., Rhopalsea, Phil., et Sluiteria, n.g. Note pour servir a la classification des Tuniciers. Brux., Ac. Bull., 14, 1887, 19-45. Les Tuniciers sont-ils des poissons degen^res? Quel- ques mots de r^ponse a Dohrn. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 407- 413, 433-436. Sur la fecondation chez I'Ascaride m^galoc^phale. (Rectification.) Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 104. De la fixation du blastocyste k la muqueuse uterine chez le murin (Vespertilio murinus). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 17-27. De la formation et de la constitution du placenta chez le murin (Vespertilio murinus). Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 351-364. Mons. GuiGNAED et la d^couverte de la division longi- tudinale des anses chromatiques. Arch, de Biol., 9, 1889, 485-495; 10, 1890, 105-126. Les Authozoaires pn], & Miquel, P[ierre]. See Miquel & Benoist. Benoist, L[ouis]. Electroscope a trois feuilles d'or. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 171-172; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1896, 281-282. Action des rayons X sur les di^lectriques gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 126.5-1268. Loi de transparence des gaz pour les rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 146-148; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1897, 21-26. Benoist, L[ouis], & Hurmuzescu, D[]. Nouvelles proprietes des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 23.5-236. Nouvelles recherches sur les rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 379-381. Action des rayons X sur les corps ^lectris^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 779-782, 926-929. Reponse aux observations de M. Auguste Riohi : ["Effets eiectriques des rayons de RcIntgen "]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 993-995. Benoist, Oscar. [Contribution a I'etude de la verse des cercales.] Ann. Agron., 25, 1899, 187-188. Benoist, Robert. Note sur le Sparassis crispa, Wulf. Eouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 70-71. Benoist-M^chin, (baron) . Voyage a travers le Turkestan. [1884.] Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 6, 1885, 25-55. Benoit, . Sur la decomposition des formes quad- ratiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 869-872, Note sur la decomposition d'une forme quadratique a m variables en une somme de m -n carr^s. Nouv. Ann. Math., 5, 1886, 30-36. Benoit, J'^lugene]. De I'emploi du calcimetre de Mohr pour le dosage des carbonates employes en pharmacie. Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 247-249. Alteration d'une eau, due au d^veloppement de dififerentes algues. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 20-22. Hydro-gazometre et urometre. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 454-458. Benoit, F. Du role de I'humeur aqueuse dans les infections endogenes de I'iris. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 442-443. Voies d'elimination au pole post^rieur de I'oeil. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 196-197, Regeneration du cristallin chez les Amphibies Urod&les, Ann. d'Oculist., 124, 1900, 70. Benoit, F., & Bracket, Albert. See Bracket & Benoit. Benoit, F., & Nuel, J. P. See Wuel & Benoit. Benoit, F., & Simonin, [Pierre Edouard] Jlules]. See Simonin & Benoit. Benoit [dit Becker], F[elix] L[ouis] G[eorges]. Un cas de maladie de Thomsen. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 20, 1892, 334-341. Benoit, Felix. Etude sur, les mines de nickel de la Nouvellc-Calcdonie. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 6, 1^92, 753-804. Etude iuedite sur la geologic de I'Anjou. Saone-et- Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 5, 1899, 108-109, 126-128, 138-144, 155-160, 181-185. Aper(;us sur la geologie du departement de Maine-et- Loire. Saone-et-Loire Soc, Sci. Bull., 5, 1899, 186-188. Etude sur la geologie de I'Indo-Chine. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 5, 1899,, 202-208, 218-224. Benoit, J [can] Rene,. *Etudes sur I'appareil de M. Fizeau pour la mesure des dilatations appartenant au Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. M^m., 1, 1881, C.1-C.74, R. S. A. C, * Mesures de dilatation et comparaisons des regies metriques. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. M^m., 2, 1883, C.l-C,174, C.i-C.clxvii; 3, 1884, C.1-C.44, C.i-C.xlvi. Construction d'^talons prototypes de I'ohm legal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 99, 1884, 864-867; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1884, 255-268; Ann. Telegr., 11, 1884, 379-406. Nouvelles etudes et mesures de dilatations par la methode de M. Fizeau. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. M^m., 6, 1888, 193 pp. Comparaisons de regies metriques et mesures de dilatations. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 253-276, 451-472. Rapport sur la construction, les comparaisons et les autres operations ayant servi k determiner les Equa- tions des nouveaux prototypes metriques. [1889.] Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 7, 1890, 132 pp. [Rapports reglementaires du Directeur du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures.] Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1890, 2-31; 1891, 19-44; 1892, 27-51; 1894, 45-87, 90-113; 1895, 8-30, 31-52; 1897, 14-86; 1899, 12-78; 1900, 3-43. Eltudes preliminaires sur les thermometres destines k mesurer les basses temperatures (thermometres k toluene). Paris, Poids et Mes. Proc.-Verb., 1890, 10-13. [La comparaison des thermometres normaux a I'alcool avec le thermometre a hydrogene.] [Meteorol. Off.], Int. Met. Conf. Rep. , 1891, 67-68. Application des phenomenes d' interference k des deter- minations metrologiques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1897, 95-106, Benoit, Jleari] Rene, & Cornu, [Marie] Alfred. See Comn & Benoit. , Benoit, J[ean] Rene, & Onillaume, Chlarles] Ed[ouard]. Metres prototypes [et etalons]. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 10, 1894, 44 + ccclxvi pp.; 11, 1896, 16 + lxxxiii pp. Nouvelles determinations des metres etalons du Bureau International, Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 11, 1895, 31+lvi pp. Determinations metrologiques. Paris, Poids et Mes. Trav. Mem., 11, 1895, 87-111., Benoit, J[ean] Rene, Slascart, Eleutfiere Elie Nicolas, & NerviUe, F[erdinand] G[uillebot'\ de. See Blascart, Nerville & Benoit. Benoit, (cav.) Luigi. For biographical notice and works see Nat. SicU., 13, 1894, 10-5-108. Benqu6, E. Studii asupra mineralelor de manganes de la Brosceni. [Studies on the manganese ores of Brosceni.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 16 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1896, 39-54. Benrath, A[lfred;], & StoU6, R[obert\ See StoU6 & Benrath. Ben-Saude, Alfredo. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. Commun., 1, 1883-S7, 15-68; Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 10, 1885, 43-52. Note sur I'azorite de S. Miguel (iles Azores). France, Soc, Min. Bull., 11, 1888, 201-204, Note sur une meteorite ferrique trouvee k S. Juliao de Moreira pres de Ponte de Lima (Portugal). [1888.] Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol, Commun., 2, 1888-92, 14-26. Notice sur quelques objets prehistoriques du Portugal fabriques en cuivre. [1889.] Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. Commun., 2, 1888-92, 119-124. Note sur un tuf diabasique contenant des fossiles. [1892.] Portugal Comm. Trab. Geol. Commun., 2, 1888-92, 228-231. Note sur la corrosion d'un alun birefringent. [1895.] Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun., 3, 1895-98, 13-16. Bensaude, R\aouV], & Actaard, Gh[arles\ See Achard & Bensaude. Bensaude, R[aoul], Thiercelin, Em[ile], & Herscher, , . See TUercelin, Bensaude & Herscher. 57 Bensemann] 450 [Benteli Bensemann, II. Ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Fette. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 165-167; 6, 1886, 202. Kakao- und Schokolade-Analysen. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 4, 1884, 213-217; 5, 1885, 178-182. Zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung der Kakaobohnen. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 5, 1885, 211-212. Die Bestimmung des Extractes und Glycerms nn Wein. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 554-555; Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 249-252, 313-314. Zur Untersuchung des Kuhbutterfettes. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 197-201. Extraktionsapparat fiir Aether, Alkohol, Chloroform, etc. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 390-391. Absorptionsvorlage fiir Destillationen von Ammoniak, Schwefligsiiure, u.s.w, Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 435. Malzextrakt und Malzextrakt mit Zucker. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 449-452. Speiseapparat fiir Spirituslampen, Wasserbiider, etc. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 3-4. Die Bestimmung des Volumens und spezifischen Ge- wichts fester und fliissiger Korper mit dem kalibrierten Flaschchen (Piknometer). Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 19-25. Die Bestimmung des Glycerins im Wein, etc. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 77. Eechtspolarisirender Naturhonig. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 117-118. Tabellen zur Analysenberechnung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 87-93. Bensley, B. Arthur. On the inflection of the angle of the jaw in the Marsupialia and other mammals. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1900, 236-238. A cranial variation in Macropus Bennetti. Amer. Mus. Bull., 13, 1900, 109-110. Bensley, Rlobert] E[ussell]. Two forms of Distomum cygnoides. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 326- 331. The histology and physiology of the gastric glands. [1896.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 1, 1898, 11-16. The structure of the mammalian gastric glands. [1898.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 361-389. The oesophageal glands of Urodela. [1900.] Woods Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 2, 1901, 87-104. Benson, Arthur H[enry]. Investigations into the nature of jequirity inflammations. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 78, 1884, 296-303. A convenient ophthalmoscope for students and prac- titioners. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 79, 1885, 85-86. Benson, (Rev.) Charles W. Birds at Kissingen. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 415-421. The icterine warbler. Hypolais icterina. Garten Laubvogel. Spottvogel. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 117-119. Birds on the Eigi. Zoologist, 4, 1900, 268-269. Benson, John. Ornithological notes from Norway. Zoologist, 19, 1896, 287-292. Benson, (Miss) Margaret. Contributions to the embryo- logy of the Amentiferffi. [1893.] Linn. See. Trans. (Bot.), 3, 1888-94, 409-424. On the phylogenetic position of the chalazogamic Amentiferffi. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1894, 687. Benson, R. de G. Shropshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 81, 1893, 257-265. Bent, [Mabel Virginia Anna] (Mrs. J. Theodore). Sokotra. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1898, 943 ; Scott. Geogr. Mae., 14, 1898 629-636. Exploration in the Yafei and Fadhli countries. Geogr. JL, 12, 1898, 41-63. Bent, A[rthur] C[leveland]. Omissions from the list of the birds of Bristol county, Mass. Ornith. Ool., 12. 1887 199-200. Coccothraustes vespertina in Taunton, Massachusetts Auk, 7, 1890, 289. Black gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus obsoletus) in Ehode Island. A'uk, 15, 1898, 54. Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) at Taunton, Mass. Auk, 15, 1898, 59-60. Bent, J[ames] Theodore. For biography and works .see Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 36, 1897 (Bull.), 179-180; Geogr. JL, 9, 1897, 670-671; Nature, 56 (1897), 35; Eiv. Geogr. ItaL, 4, 1898, 418 ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 14, 1898, 91-92. Eeport of the Committee... appointed to investigate the habits and customs and physical characteristics of the nomad tribes of Asia Minor, and to excavate on sites of ancient occupation. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1889, 176-186. The Bahrein Islands, in the Persian Gulf. [1889.] Geogr. Soc. Proc, 12, 1890, 1-17. Eeport of the Committee, appointed for the purpose of investigating the geography and the habits, customs, and physical characters of the nomad tribes of Asia Minor and northern Persia, and to excavate on sites of ancient occupation. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 535-547. Explorations in Cilicia Tracheia. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 12, 1890, 445-460. Azerbeijan. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 6, 1890, 84-93. The Yourouks of Asia Minor. [1890.] Anthrop. Inst. JL, 20, 1891, 269-276. The ruins of Mashonaland and explorations in the countiy. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 14, 1892, 273-298. The tribes of Mashonaland and their origin. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 534-539. The ancient trade route across Ethiopia. Geogr. JL, 2, 1893, 140-146. The exploration of Hadramout in southern Arabia. Eeport of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1894, 354-358. Expedition to the Hadramut. Geogr. JL, 4, 1894, 315-331. The exploration of southern Arabia. Report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1895, 491-496. Exploration of the frankincense country, southern Arabia. Geogr. JL, 6, 1895, 109-133. A visit to the northern Sudan. Geogr. JL, 8, 1896, 335-353. Bent, Silas. Meteorology of the mountains and jolains of North America, as affecting the cattle-growing industries of the United States. [18S4.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884-85), 481-486. [On the influence of areas of water on climate.] [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 2 (1885-86), 145-147. Deep-sea temperatures. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 2 (1885-86), 519. Bentabol y TTreta, Horacio. Las aguas de Espana y Portugal. Espaiia Com. Geol. BoL, 25, 1900, xi-xvi, 1-347. Bente, F. Zur Phosphorsaurebestimmung. Eepertm. AnaL Chem., 6, 1886, 617-618; 7, 1887, 533-534. Kraftfuttermittel-Untersuchungen. Landw. Versuchs- Stat., 36, 1889, 129-130. Mergel-Untersuchungen. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 36, 1889, 131-133. Benteli, [Emanuel] Albert. Die Wind- und Niederschlags- verhaltnisse von Bern. Bern Mitth., 1884 (Heft 3, Abh.), 3-39. [Eine bedeutende Windhose, 12 Juni 1885.] Bern Mitth. , 1885 (Heft 1), xvi-xvii. Die Niveau- Schwankungen der 13 grosseren Schweizer- Seen im Zeitraume der 20 Jahre, 1867 bis und mit 1886. Bern Mitth., 1888, 81-92. Die Niveauschwankungen der 13 grosseren Schweizer- Seen im Zeitraume der 31 Jahre, 1867 bis und mit 1897, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Jura-Seen vor und nach der Juragewasser-Correction. Bern Mitth., 1899, 33-53. Benteli, Franz. For biographical notice see Schweiz. Eat. Ges. Mitth., 10, [1903], 205-210. Benteli] 451 [Bentz Benteli, Rudolf. Verzeichiiiss der Sclimetterlinge, welche vom Mai bis Oktober 1892 in Bern am elektrischen Lichte gefangen wurden. [1893.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 9, 1897, 4C-48. Bentfeld, Gottlieb. For biographical notice see Bremen Abh., 12, 1893, 152-154. Bentham, George. For biography and works nee Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1265; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 12,1884, 334-350; Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 211-213; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, xvi-xxi; Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 336, 368, 370; Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 353-356; Nature, 30, 1884, 539-543 ; Science, 4, 1884, 352-353 ; Amer. Ac. Proc, 20, 1885, 527-538; Amer. Ji. Sci., 29, 1885, 103- 113; Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 157-158; Eoy. Sec. Proc, 38, 1885, i-v; Ternit. Kozlon., 17, 1885, 496-497; Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16,1886, 190-192; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 186-193; N. S. Wales Eoy. Soc. JL, 19, 1886, 2-3; Ann. Bot., 12, 1898, ix-xxx. Bentbem, A. *Herleiding van de formule van Cabdanus in bet onherleidbare geval. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1875, 67-69. *Theorie der functien van veranderlijke complexe getallen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1875, 124-156; 2, 1876, 1-39, 113-134; 3, 1877, 113-144. *Convergentie van reeksen met complexe termen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 2, 1876, 186-192. *De periodiciteit der functien. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 3, 1877, 186-192. *Die slakkenlijn of cochleoide. [1883.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk. , 10, 1884, 76-80. Bentivegna, A. Le vague et le sympathique dans la pathog(''nese de la pneumonic experimentale. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 1895, 243-257. Bentivoglio, Alberto, & BentivogUo, Tito. Libellulidi dei dintorni di Tortona. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 101-103. BentivogUo, Tito. Analisi di un saggio di fondo del Mar Rosso (coral-mud). Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 81-83. Eicerche sulla dolomite. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 84-107, 228. Contribuzione alio studio del Pseudoneurotteri del Modenese. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 122-124. Analisi dei sedimenti marini di due grandi profondita del Mediterraneo. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 178- 181. Analisi dei sedimenti marini di alcune profondita del Mar Rosso. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 185-202. Sopra un' antico cemento artificiale di Canossa. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 16-17. Note sui Pseudoneurotteri. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 20-21. Di un Petromyzon marinus catturato a S. Angelo Lomellino. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 198. Libellulidi dei dintorni di Mortara. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 199-207. Di un caso di albinismo nella Periplaneta orientali.q, L. [1896.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 14, 1895, 12. Libellulidi dei dintorni di Rimini. [1897.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 14, 1895, 146-148. Osservazioni intorno alle varieta della specie "Platy- cnemis pennipes." Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 15, 1898, 1-4; 2, 1901, 92. Libellulidi del Modenese. [1899.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 1, 1900, 41-65. Contribuzione alio studio dei Pseudoneurotteri della Toscana. Libellulidi di Massa-Carrara. [1900.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 2, 1901, 86-91. BentivogUo, Tito, & BentivogUo, Alberto. See above. BentivogUo, Tito, & Magnanini, Gaetano. See Blagna- nini cV- BentivogUo. Bentley, /[.sr/ac] Madinon. The memory image and its qualitative fidelity. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 11, 1899-1900, 1-48. The synthetic experiment. [1900.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 11, 1899-1900, 405-425. Bentley, Robert. For biographical notice and works see Amer. Jl. Pharm., 66, 1894, 319-320; Amer. Nathst., 28, 1894, 367-368; Nature, 49 (1893-94), 228; Pharm. Jl., 24, 1894, 559-560. Bentley, (Capt.) W. A. Heavy rainfall in Clare and Galway, Ireland, on September 1st, 1887. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 16, 1890, 67-68. • Report on the great rainfall in east Clare on the 2nd of July, 1892. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 122-123. Bentley, (Cap<.) W.A.,& Perkins, G.H. Les cristaux de la neige. [Tr.] [1898.] Ciel et Terre, 19 (1898-99), 543-548. Bentley, William B[urdelle]. The action of nitric acid on tribromacetanilide. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 472- 481. The action of nitric acid on vanillin. Amer. Chem, Jl., 24 (1900), 171-181. Bentley, William Bl^urdelle^ & Jackson, C[liarles'] Loring. See Jackson & Bentley. Bentley, William B[iirdelle], & Menke, Albert E[divard]. See nsenke & Bentley. Bentley, William Blurdelle], & Warren, W[illiavi] H[enry]. On some nitro derivatives of metabromtoluol. Amer. Ac. Proc, 24, 1889, 250-255. Bentley, William Henry. jS/3-Methylethylpropiouic acid. Chem. Soc Jl., 67, 1895, 264-268. Bentley, William Henry, & Burrows, M[errick] W[illiavi]. See Barrows & Bentley. Bentley, William Henry, & Herz, Ricliard. See Herz & Bentley. Bentley, William Henry, & Ferkin, William Henry (jmi.). Note on 7-acetobutyric acid, CH3 . CO . CH2 . CH2 . CH9 . COOH. Chem. Soc. Jl,, 69, 1896, 1510-1513. On the xylic and xylidinic acids. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 79. ■ The reduction of xylic acid, of paraxylic acid and of methylterephthalic acid, and the preparation of methyl- terephthalic acid and of methylisophthalic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 71, 1897 (Pt. 1), 157-180. Experiments on the synthesis of camphoric acid. Fart I. Chem. Soc JL, 73, 1898 (Pt. 1), 45-67. Bentley, William Henry, Haworth, Edward, & Ferkin, ]Villiam Henry (jun.). On 7-phenoxy-derivatives of malonic acid and acetic acid, and various compounds used in the S3'nthesis of these acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 161-175. Bentley, William Henry, Ferkin, William Henry {jun.), & Thorpe, Jocelyn Field. Cis- and tra7is-methyliso- propylsuccinic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 270-287. Benton, Charles S. Ephemeris of Comet 1892 III (Holmes). [1893.] Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 83, 149. Benton, Frank. Bees of great value to fruit and seed growers. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 254-256. How far do bees fly? U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 319-321. The Langdon non-swarming device. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 5, 1893, 230-235. The honeybee : a manual of instruction in apiculture. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 1, 1895, 118 pp. Benton, John Robert. Abhiingigkeit des specifischcn Tor- sionswidcrstandes einiger Metalldrahte von der Spannung. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 471-491. Benton, Myron B. Longevity of the elm. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 170-171. Benton, S. H. Antiseptics ; are they essential to success in surgical and obstetrical practice? [With discussion.] [1886.] N. Y. Med. JL, 45, 1887, 5-7, 22-24. ^entz, Ernest, & Farrell, Frank J. A note on the theory of dyeing. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 16, 1897, 405-406. 57—2 Bentzen] 452 [Berard Bentzen, Chr. F. Ueber experimentelles Glaukom beira Kaniiichen und iiber die Bedeutung des Kammerwinkels fiir den intraocularen Druck. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1896 (Abth. 4), 42-114. Bentzen, Chr. F., & Leber, Theodor. Ueber die Filtration aus der vorderen Kammer bei normalen uud glaukoma- tosen Augen. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 (Abth. 3), 208-257. Benz, C. Anwendung des Taylor'schen Satzes zur Eecti- fication der Ellipse und zur Complanation des Ellipsoids. Arch. Math. Phys., 8, 1890, 378-387. Ueber die Verspatung des Flutmaximums inbezug auf die Culmination des Mondes. Arch. Math. Phys., 13, 1895, 35-38. Benz, E[mil], & Z.ellniann, Eugen. See I.eUmann & Benz. Benzengr, V[asillj] N[ikolaevic]. ^HoBHft CJiy^au MHKp0U,e4)aailI. [New case of microcephaly.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 3), 1886, 228-234. ■*H3CJi'feji,0BaHifl Haji;7, Mimpoue^ajiieio. [Ke- searches on microcephaly.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 4), 1887, 315-326. *0 Canrajiesaxi), AypoKaHaxT. ii rajiH6ii. [On Singhalese, Araucanians and Galibis.j [1888.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 4), 1887, 353-367. Le comte Alexis Eazoumovsky, premier president de la Soci^t^ Imp^riale des Naturalistes de Moscou. [1887.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 78-95. Benzi, Armando. Contribuzione alio studio degli Imenot- teri del Modenese e particolarmente delle specie del genere Nomada, con la descrizione d' una nuova specie. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 11, 1892, 213-225. Benzi, Armando, & Ficaglia, Luigi. Contribuzione alio studio degli Imenotteri del Modenese. Tentredinei e Siricidei. [1896.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 14, 1896, 73-102. Benzon, Alfred. For biographical notice see Kjj^benh. Bot. For. Medd., 1, 1882-86, 129-130. Om sterilisation af forbindstoffer, sserlig jodoform og jodoform-gaze. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 416-422. Benzon, R. von Fischer-. See Fischer-Benzon. Benzoni, Roberto. Esame delle ipotesi ultimamente ideate per determinare e chiarire il fatto dell' credits. Palermo Ace. Atti, 1, 1891 (Sci. Moral), 84 pp. Beorchia-NigriB, Antonio. SuU' avvelenamento per es- algina. Ann. di Chim., 14, 1891, 65-89. Su di un caso di avvelenamento acutissimo e letale per acido nitrico. Ann. di Chim., 16, 1892, 201-209. Sulla tossicit^ dell' antipirina e degli altri antipi- retici. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 97-99. Due casi d'intossicazione per semi di stramonio. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1896], 529-582. Suir ematuria ed emoglobinuria da chinino nei mala- rici. Eivista critica. Ann. di Chim., 25 & 26, [1897], 415-419. Bequet, , *[Les mesures de longueur prises sur des femurs et des humerus du cimetiSre de Wancenne.] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 1, 1883, 122-123. Ber. See Bebr. Berall, W. Zur Wirkung der Bontgen-Strahlen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1048-1049. Beran, A . Ueber Paraamidooctylbenzol, Paraamidocapryl- benzol und ein Amidooctyltoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 131-149. B4raneck, Edmx)nd. Recherches sur le d^veloppement des nerfs craniens chez les lizards. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 1, 1884, 519-603. Ueber das Parietalauge der Reptilien. Jena. Ztschr 21, 1887, 374-410. Sur I'histog^n^se des nerfs c^phaliques. [1886.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 236-238. Des organes des sens branchiaux. [1886.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 240-241. Etude sur les corpuscules marginaux des Actinies. [1887.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 3-40. Etude sur les replis medullaires du poulet. [1887.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 4, 1888, 305-364. L'ceil primitif des Vertebres. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 361-380. Sur le nerf de I'oeil parietal des Vertebres. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 589-594. Sur le nerf parietal et la morphologic du troisi^me ceil des Vertebras. Anat. Anz. , 7, 1892, 074-689. L'embryog^nie de l'ceil des Alciopides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 554-555. L'individualite de l'ceil pineal. Reponse k M. de KLiNCKOwsTRiiM. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 669-677. Etude sur I'embryogenie et sur I'histologie de l'ceil des Alciopides. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 65-111. Contribution a I'embryogenie de la glande pineale des Amphibiens. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 255-288. L'organe auditif des Alciopides. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1, 1893, 468-500. Quelques stades larvaires d'un Ch^toptere. Rev. Suisse Zool., 2, 1894, 377-402. [Sur la bacteriologie de la diphtherie.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 23, 1895, 2.56-257. Les Ch^tognathes de la baie d'Amboine. [1895.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 137-159. B6raneck, Edmond, & Verrey, L. Sur une nouvelle fonction de la choroide. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 49-92. B^ranger, . Doigts suppMmentaires sur le bord cubital de chaque main. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 600-603. B6rard, . *[Notes met^orologiques ei] Mahelma (prov. d'Alger). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^teorol., 8, 1875, Ft. 2, 87, 121-122. B^rard, , & Bardy, Ch{arles']. See Bardy & B6rard. B^rard, , & Jnigner, . See Juigner & B^rard. B6rard, , Juigner, , & Ouimas, . See Juigner, B6rard & Guimas. B6rard, [Fran(;oi>i]. Note sur la marehe des flotteurs dans les courants. Ann. Ponts et Chauss. , 12 (1886), 830-835. Berard, (I'abbe) [A.]. La foudre a I'usiue a gaz de Montigny-16s-Metz. [1888.] Metz Ac. Mem., 70, 1893, 103-109. Berard, A[ristide], R^sultats d'experiences entreprises a la Poudrerie Nationale du Pont-de-Buis sur les ap- pareils de regulation de deux turbines, dans le but de controler les conclusions du travail de M. Leaute, relatif aux oscillations a longues periodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1211-1213. Sur la deformation des pieces comprimees et la stability des grandes charpentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1008-1010. Btoard, A[ristide], & Xi^aut^, Henry. Sur les moyens de r^duire les accroissements momentanes de vitesse, dans les machines munies de regulateurs a action indireete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1167-1170. Berard, Alexandre. Les etraiigers et la criminalite a Lyon. [Wit]i discussio7i.'] Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4, 1885, 116-125. B6rard, Edgard, & Corin, Gabriel. See Corin & Berard. Berard, G. de. Secousses de tremblement de terre a Manille, le 16 mars 1892. Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 316-320. Note sur les eruptions du volcan Mayon (ile de Lugon). Ann. Hydrogr., 22, 1900, 43. B6rard, Leon. Actinomycose de la face. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. Mem., 35, 1896 (0. R.), 14-16. Cas d'actinomycose peri-laryngo-cesophagienne. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M^d. M^rn., 35, 1896 (C. R.), 48-51. De la valeur de I'iodure de potassium dans le traite- ment de I'actinomycose. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1897 (Ft. 1), 368-371. Berard] 453 [Berberich B6rard, Leon, & Destot, Etienne. See Destot & B6rard. B^rard, Leon, & Dor, Louis. Actinoniycose experimentale. [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M(5m., 33, 1894 (C. R.), 41- 43. B^rard, Leon, & Nicolas, Joseph. Sur I'etiologie de I'actinomycose. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. M6d. M^m., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 170-172. Action antiseptique du persulfate d'ammoniaque sur les microbes aerobics. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 772-774. Note sur la resistance des spores de I'Actinomyces. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 835-836". B^rard, Leon,, & Faviot, Jlean}. See Paviot & B6rard. B6rard, Leon, & Foncet, Antonin. See Foncet & B6rard. B^rard, Leon, Foncet, Antonin, & Destot, FAienne. See Foncet, Destot & B^rard. Btoard, Leon, Foncet, Antonin, IiUinidre, Auguste, & Iiumi^re, Louis. See Foncet, B6rard, Zaumi^re & laumi^re. Berardi, Anacleto. [Luce crepuscolare settembre-dicembre 1884 e luglio 1886.] S. Giovanni in Galilea (Kimini). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 12-13 ; 6, 1886, 163-164. Bolide. S. Giovanni in Galilea [19 luglio 1886]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 163. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo d' agosto, 1886, 1888 6 1891.] S. Giovanni in Galilea. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 170; 8, 1888, 177-178; 12, 1892, 85. Stelle cadenti del novembre 1886. S. Giovanni in Galilea. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 185. Berardinis, Giovanni de. Sullo scostamento della linea geodetica dalle sezioni normali di una superficie. Torino Ace. Sci. Mem., 36, 1885, 159-179. Geodesia. Sulla determinazione di alcune incognite. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 313-320. Le coordinate geodetiche ortogonali e le geografiche sulla sfera e sull' ellissoide di rotazione. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 127-152, 318-326; 28, 1890, 53-91, 138-153. B^raud, . *[Nuages orageux en Alg^rie.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M^teorol., 2, 1869, 59. Beraz, Heinrich. Ueber die Bedeutung des Kalkes fiir die Zahne. Ztschr. Biol., 27, 1890, 386-397. Berberich, A[dolf]. Der Doppelstern fi Draconis (S 2130). Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 249-254. Elliptische Elemente des Cometen 1884 Barnard. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 365-366. Elemente und Epheraeride des Gometen 1884 Wolf. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 13-14. Bahnbestimmung des Doppelsterns 2 2107. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 97-104. Notiz iiber den Doppelstern 2)1516. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 123-124. Der Comet 1873 VII. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1886, 379- 380; 111, 1885, 95-96. Neue Elemente des Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., Ill, 1885, 15-16. Elemente des Cometen 1885 III. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 43-44. Elemente des Cometen 1885 II. Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 157-158. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Cometen 1886 (Brooks 1 und Brooks 2). Astr. Nachr., 114, 1886, 303-304, 333- 334. Elemente und Ephemeriden des Cometen 1887... (Brooks Jan. 22). Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 159. Ueber die Bahn des Cometen 1846 VI (Peters). Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 249-252.* Elemente des Cometen 1884 III (Wolf) abgeleitet aus den Strassburger Beobachtungen des Herrn Prof. Dr. ScHUR. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 251-254. Der Comet des Jahres 1672. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 49-72. Ueber eine Methode, sonnennahe Cometen bei Tage aufzufinden. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 71-74. Sternbedeckungen durch Planeten [in den Jahren 1888-94]. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 81-90; 120, 1889, 177-182; 123, 1890, 129-138; 126, 1891, 65-70; 129, 1892, 1-8; 131, 1893, 171-174; 1,34, 1894, 97-102. Ein Versuch, die Gesammtmasse und Anzahl der Planetoiden zwischen Mars und Jupiter zu ermitteln. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 289-296. Elliptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1888...(Sawerthal). Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 45-46, 93- 96, 219-220. Die Helligkeit des Encke'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 49-66. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Barnard 1888 Sept. 2. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 31-32, 79-80, 95-96, 169-170, 191-192; 121, 1889, 43-48; 122, 1889, 413-414; 123, 1890, 275-282; 125, 1890, 159-160; 126, 1891, 279- 280. Ephemeride des Cometen 1889.. .(Barnard Miirz 31). Astr. Nacbr., 121, 1889, 301-302. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (287) Nephthys. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 395-396, 431-432; 129, 1892, 245-246. Elliptische Elemente des Cometen 1889 III (Barnard Juni 23). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 77-78. Sternschnuppen aus der Bahn des Cometen 1881 V (Denning). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 123-124. Bahnbestimmung des periodischen Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 145-176. Ueber die Lage der Bahn des Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 189-190. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Borrelly 1889 Dec. 12). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 285- 286; 124, 1890, 173-174. Definitive Bahnbestimmung des Cometen 1885 II. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 385-406. Elliptische Elemente des Cometen 1889 IV und Bemerkungen iiber einige andere Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 147-150. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (291) und (292). Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 287-288. Die kiinftige Bahn des Cometen 1889 I. Astr. Nachr. , 124, 1890, 407-410. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Coggia Juli 18). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 77-80, 125-126. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Denning Juli 23). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 95-96, 123-126. Fernere Nachrichten iiber den Cometen 1889 I sowie iiber die Wiederauffindung des Cometen 1889 II. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 295-296. Elements and ephemeris of Comet 1884 III (Wolf). Astr. Jl., 10, 1891, 175. Erste Beobachtungen des d'Arrest'schen Cometen 1890. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 29-30. ■ Comet 1889 V (Brooks). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 59-60. Elemente der Planeten (295), (297), (298), (299) und (300). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 63-64. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890 IV (Zona Nov. 15). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 125-126, 159- 160. Zur Wiederauffindung des Cometen 1889 V (Brooks). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 139-140. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889 V (Brooks) auf der Lick Stemwarte. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 231-232. Planet (265) Anna. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 259- 264. Planet (302). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 341-342. Elemente der Planeten (299) und (300). Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 369-360. Elemente der Planeten (303) und (304). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 43-44. Berberich] 454 [Berberich Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1891... (Barnard-Denning). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 47-48. Elemente der Planeten (305) und (306). Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 199-200. Elemente der Planeten (308) und (309). Astr. Nachr,, 127, 1891, 215-216. Elemente des Planeten (310) (Charlois Mai 16). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 159-160. Planet (811) (Charlois 1891 Juni 11). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 189-190. Elemente der Planeten (313), (318), (319) und (320). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 359-360. Planet (295) Theresia. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 391- 392. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1891. ..(Bar- nard Oct. 2). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 405-408. Conjunction des Planeten Uranus mit \ Virginis. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 407-408. [Corrected ephemeris of Comet 1891 II (periodic of Wolf).] [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 12. Elements and ephemeris of the periodic Comet of Wolf. Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 103-104. Elemente von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 117-118. Neuer Planet (Wolf 1892 Marz 19). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 245-246. Die Bahnneigungen der kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 265-268. Ephemeriden der Planeten (325) und (329). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 275-276. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (324) und (326). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 275-276. Ephemeride des Planeten (304) Olga. Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 277-278; 141, 1896, 87-88, 207-208. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892... (Swift Marz 6). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 277-280; 130, 1892, 13-14; 131, 1893, 127-128, 307-310. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (328) und (330). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 293-296. Elemente der Planeten (329) und (331). Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 15-16. Elemente und Ephemeride von (306) Unitas. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 111-112, 221-222. EUiptische Elemente des Cometen 1892 I. Astr Nachr., 130, 1892, 215-216. Ephemeride des Cometen 1892 I. Astr. Nachr., 130 1892, 215-220, 423-424, 433-436; 131, 1893, 123-126. ' Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892 (Brooks Aug. 27). [1892.] Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892", 343-344; Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 80. Die Planeten Wolf vom 22 Aug. (1892 A) und 1 Sept. (1892 B und C). Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 373-376. Ephemeride des Planeten 1892 C (Wolf). Astr Nachr., 130, 1892, 391-392. Beobachtungen der neuen Planeten 1892 G und H Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 31-32. Ephemeriden der Planeten 1892 E, G und H Astr Nachr., 131, 1893, 47-48. ■ Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1892 C (Staus) Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 63-64, 119-120. Bemerkung zu Deichmuller "Ueber die Vorausbe- rechnung der Cometen-Helligkeiten" in A. N 3123 Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 75-76. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten 1892 E G und J. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 119-120. ' Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892 (Holmes Nov. 6). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 149-150."" Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Brooks 1892 Nov. 20. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 181-182, 295-296. EUiptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892... (Holmes Nov. 6). Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 181-182 Der Lauf des Cometen 1892... (Holmes) im Sommer 1892. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 205-206. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, • Elemente von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 213-214 ; 135, 1894, 347-348. Ephemeride des Planeten (313) Chaldfea. Astr. Nachr., 131, 1893, 373-374. • Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1892 T (Charlois). Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 31-32. [Beobachtung des neuen Planeten 1893 B.] Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 63-64. Neuer Planet 1893 F. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 79-80. Planet (321). Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 95-96. Mittheilung[en] liber kleine Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 141-142, 239-240; 134, 1894, 147-150. Ueber die mittlere Parallaxe der Sterne erster Grosse. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 189-190. Durchgang des Cometen Finlay 1893...durch die Prajsepe. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 319-320. Planet (298) Baptistina=(330) Ilmatar. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 335-336. Planet 1893 S = Wolf 1891 Nov. 28. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 335-336. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1893 AH. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 367-368. Elements des nouvelles planetes, d^couvertes par la photographie. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 181-182, 563. Numeration of asteroids. [1893. J Astr. Jl., 13, 1894, 181. Planet (175) Andromache. 143-146; 135, 1894, 151-152. Planet 1893 L = (89) Julia. 147-148. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (334) Chicago. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 167-168; 136, 1894, 303-304; 139, 1896, 221-222 ; 149, 1899, 123-126 ; 153, 1900, 59- 60, 75-76. Elemente der Planeten (374), (375), (376) und (378). Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 335-336. Planet 1894 AY. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 47-48. Planet (332) Siri. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 187-190. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (324). Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 347-350; 139, 1896, 221-222; 146, 1898, 45-46; 150, 1899, 389-392. ^ Ephemeride des Planeten (175) Andromache. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 349-350. Ephemeride fiir die Wiederkehr des Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 333-336; 138, 1896, 215-216, 287-288. Elements and ei^hemeris of planet (175) Andromache. [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 36-37. [Orbit of planet (175) with Jupiter perturbations.] [1894.] Astr. Jl., 14, 1895, 134. On the orbit of (313) Chaldsea and asteroid AW. Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 30. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1894 BE. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 13-14, 45-46. [Ueber den neuen Cometen 1894. ..(E. Swift).] Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 31-32. Planet (158) Koronis. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 45-46. Ephemeride des Planeten (372) (1893 AH). Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 93-94, 205-206. Elemente des Planeten (369). Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 127-128. Ephemeride des Planeten 1895 BY (Cliarlois 1895 Juni 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 231-232. Ephemeride des Planeten (313) Chaldsea. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 285-286. Vorljiufige Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895... (Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 333-336. EUiptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895... (Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 351- 352. Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895... (Swift Aug. 20). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 307-368; 139, 1896, 31-32. Berberich] 455 [Berckholtz Ueber die Bahn des Planeten 1895 BX = (403). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 423-424. Elemente des Planeten 1895 BY = (404). Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 423-424. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten (392) Wilhtlmina und (393) (1894 BG). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 89-92. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1895... (Brooks Nov. 21). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 143-144, 205-208. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (407) (1895 CC). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 159-160. Planet (396) (1894 BL). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 219- 220. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (352) (1893 B). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 223-224. [Planeten 1896 CK und CL.] Astr, Nachr., 139, 1896, 271—272. Planet (408) (1895 CD). Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 271-272. Bahnbestimmung des Planeten (401) Ottilia. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 107-110. Planet (316) Goberta. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 201-202. Planet (325) Heidelberga. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 251-252. Planet (318) Magdalena. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 253-254. Ephemeride des Planeten (386) (1894 AY) fiir die Opposition 1896. Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 15-16. Ephemeride des Planeten (386) (1894 AY). Astr. Nachr., 141, 1896, 87-88. Ephemeride des Planeten (325) Heidelberga. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 93-94. Ephemeride des Planeten (24) Themis. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 155-158. Provisorische Elemente von kleiuen Planeten. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 231-232. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1897 DK. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 109-112. Bemerkung iiber den Planeten (286) Idea. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1898, 141-144. Ephemeride des Planeten (393) (1894 BG). Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 207-208. [Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Coddington- Pauly.] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 359-360, 437-438. [Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1898... (Perrine Juni 14).] Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 373-374, 435-436; 147, 1898, 29-32. Elliptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1898 I. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 103-104. Erste Bahnbestimmung des Planeten 1898 DQ. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 221-224. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen Perrine- Chofardet. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 271-272, 333-336. Ephemeride des Planeten 1898 DQ, Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 285-286. Kurze Aufsuchungsephemeride des periodischen Cometen 1881 V (Denning). Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 333-334. Vorlaufige Bahnbestimmung des Planeten Hungaria (1898 DR). Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 351-352. Ueber die Storungen der Bahn des Leonidenschwarmes seit 1890. Astr. Nachr. , 147, 1898, 359-360. [Comet c 1898.] [1898.] Astr. .71., 19, 1899, 52. Elemente und Ephemeriden der Planeten 1899 EE und EF. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 45-46. Elemente des Planeten (436) [1898 DT] nebst Kreis- bahnelementen der Planeten 1898 DW, DY, DZ und EA. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 125-128. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (265) Anna. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 15-16. Ephemeride des Planeten (401) Ottilia, Astr. Nachr,, 151, 1900, 15-16. [Elemente des Planeten 1899 ET.J Astr. Nachr,, 151, 1900, 159-160. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (434) Hungaria. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 401-404. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1900 a (Giacobini), Astr, Nachr., 152, 1900, 47-48. Ephemeride des Planeten (117) Lomia. Astr, Nachr,, 152, 1900, 79-80, Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (388) [1894 BA], Astr, Nachr,, 152, 1900, 93-96, Ephemeride des Cometen 1900 a. Astr. Nachr,, 152, 1900, 185-188, Elemente [und Ephemeride] des Planeten 1900 FC, Astr, Nachr,, 152, 1900, 289-290, 389-390; 153, 1900, 19-20. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten 1900 FH. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 35-36. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (175) Andro- mache. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 57-60. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (432) [1897 DO]. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 139-140. Aufsuchungs-Ephemeride fiir den Cometen 1884 II (Barnard). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 219-222. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (322) Phaeo. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 303-304. Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (295) Theresia. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 383-384. Ephemeride des Brorsen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 411-412, Berberich, A[dolf], & Oinzel, F[riedricK\ K\arV\. See Oinzel & Berberich. Berberich, Herman. Proximate analysis of the bark of Piscidia erythrina. Amer, Jl, Pharm,, 70, 1898, 425- 427, Berberich, Ludwig. Anatomische Untersuchung zweier Falle von experimentellem Secundarglaucom am Kanin- chenauge. Arch, f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 {Abth. 2), 113- 134. Berberis, A. Temporale. [Bolzonella (Padova) 4 set- tembre 1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 153- 154. Berchelxnann, Wlilhelni], & Gattermann, Ludwig. See Oattermann & Berchelmann. Berchem, Max van. Le nord de la Syrie : souvenirs de voyages, geographie, monuments, etc. [1896,] Geneve Soc. Geogr. M^m., 36, 1897 (Bull.), 27-31. Berchem, Paul van. Note sur la preparation de la ditolylphtalide. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull,, 42, 1884, 168- 169, Sur I'etat d'equilibre que prend au point de vue de sa concentration une dissolution gazeuse primitivement homogene dont deux parties sont portees k des tempera- tures differentes. [1889.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 556; 23, 1890, 70-75; Paris, Ac. Sci. C, E,, 110, 1890, 82-84, [Temperature des eaux du lac de Geneve k differentes profondeurs,] Arch, Sci, Phys, Nat,, 30, 1893, 678- 680, Berchem, Paul van, & lie Royer, Alexandre. [Formation de gla(;ons flottants a la surface d'un lac agite par le vent.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 25, 1891, 471-473, [L'unisson pour lea courants de haute tension,] Arch. Sci, Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 178. See also !■« Royer & Berchem. Berchet, Guglielmo. *Reports on the eruption of Mount Sirone. [Jap.] [1882.] Tokyo Geogr, Soc. Jl,, 4, 1881-83, No. 2, 5 pp, Berchon, Ernest. For biographical notice and works see Bordeaux Ac. Act., 58, 1896, 680-691. Berckholtz, [Fedor Oscar Ed. Ernst Herm.]. Unter- suchungen iiber den Einfluss des Eintrocknens auf die Lebensfahigkeit der Cholerabacillen, Berlin Geaund- heitsamt Arb., 5, 1889, 1-36, Berckholtz] 456 [Berendt BerckHoltz, W[ilbj]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morpho- logic und Anatomie von Gunnera manicata, Linden. [1891.] Bibl. Bot., 5, 1893, Heft 24, 19 pp. Berdach, Julius. Bericht iiber die Meningitis-Epidemie in Trifail im Jahre 1898. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 65, 1900, 449-479. Berdal, Henri. Sur Temploi combine du bichromate de potasse et du sulfate de cuivre pour l'impr6gnation des cellules du systeme nerveux central. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 134. Sur I'impregnation des cellules du systeme nerveux central par des melanges de bichromate de potasse et de sulfate de cuivre. Methode derivee de la precedente, permettant de colorer a volonte dans les coupes de moelle soit les cellules et les cylindres d'axes, soit les gaines de myeline. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 185-186. Sur un porte-objet a congelation s'adaptant au "rocking microtome" et fonctionnant soit avec le chlorure de m^thyle soit avec I'acide sulfureux liquide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 187. Berdal, Henri, & Bataille, . See Bataille & Berdal. ' Berde, Aran. For biographical notice and works see Termt. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 6.30-632. BerdelI6, Charles. Sur une nouvelle maniere de faire la multiplication. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1884 (Pt. 2), 584- 587. L'arithmetique des directions et des I'otations. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1886 {Pt. 2), 103-110; 1887 (Pt. 2), 197- 206. La numeration binaire et la numeration octavale. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1887 (Pt. 2), 206-209. Boite a multiplication. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1887 (Pt. 2), 210-211. Espouse a quelques objections contre l'arithmetique directive. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1888 (Pt. 2), 109-112. Thdorie des logarithmes fondee sur la multiplication des series. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1889 (Pt. 2), 38-42. Demonstration el^mentaire d'un theor^me enonc^ par M. E. Catalan. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 17, 1889, 102-104. De I'incommensurabilit^ des angles des triangles rectangles en nombres entiers. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1890 (Pt. 2), 186-191. Calcul directif. Eectification importante. Surfaces de revolution de la droite et leurs sections planes. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1891 (Pt. 2), 181-185. L'arithmetique des gammes. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1897 (Pt. 2), 198-201. Curiosites du calcul. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1898 (Pt. 2), 139-144. De la numeration parMe au point de vue international. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 269-272. Au sujet de questions chronologiques. Enseign. Math., 2 (1900), 188-194. Berdez, Jlules}. Contribution k I'etude des tumeurs des capsules surrenales. Arch. Med. Exper. , 4, 1892, 412-415. De la sclerose tubereuse du cerveau. Beitr. Path. Anat., 17, 1896, 648-654. Berdez, J[tiles], & Nencki, M[arcel]. Ueber die Farbstoffe der melanotischen Sarkome. Arch. Exper. Path , 20 1886, 346-361. Berdez, J[ulesl & Zuntz, N[athan]. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung des Weingeistes auf den Eespirations- process des Menschen. Fortschr. Med., 5 (1887), 1-9. BeregBzaszy, Julius. Ueber Photographic des m'ensch- lichen Kehlkopfes. Wien, Photogr. Correspond. 23 1886, 364-372. ' Beitrag zur Anatomie und Physiologic des Kehlkopfes, Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 465-477. Bereman, 2'. A. What caused the obliquity of the ecliptic ' Science, 17, 1891, 93-95. The general circulation of the atmosphere. Science, 19, 1892, 301-304. Auroral display. Science, 20, 1892, 65. The boom of the prairie chicken. Science, 22, 1893, 32-33. Berend, Ludwig. Ueber einige neue Alkine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 510-512. Ueber Dimethylchinaldin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 653. . • Ueber Dimethylchinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1489-1490, 2716-2717; 18, 1885, 3165. Ueber ein Trimethylchinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 376-377. Ueber die Alkaloide der Lupinensamen. (Zweite Mitteilung.) Ueber das Lupinin und das Lupinidin der gelben Lupine. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 262-289. Berend, Ludwig, & ZZenns, Joachim. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Hydrazinhydrat auf das Acenaphtenchinon. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 1-25. Berend, Ludwirj, & Stoebr, C[arl]. Ueber Brucin. Jl. Prakt. Chem.' 42, 1890, 415-420. Berend, Ludwig, & Thomas, 75[rnst]. Ueber Ketone der Chinolinrcihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2548- 2549. Berend, Nicolaus. Ueber eine neue klinische Methode zur Bestimmung der Blutalkalescenz und iiber Untersuch- ungen der Blutalkalescenz bei Kiudern. Ztschr. Heilk. , 17, 1896, 351-394. Berend, Nicolaus, & Iiange, Jerome. See Iiange & Berend. Berendes, J[ohannes'\. Pharmacie bei den alten Cultur- volkern. Arch. Pharm., 225, 1887, 937-958, 1001-1012 ; 226, 1888, 719-742, 775-791; 227, 1889, 678-707, 733- 752, 773-798, 833-845, 876-897, 931-944. Die Namen der Elemente. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 103-104. Aeltere xinA neuere Bezeichnungen in der Chemie. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 663-665. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael]. *Blatt Linum. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradahth. 44, No. 16, 1878, 25 pp. *Blatt Nauen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradahth. 44, No. 22, 1878, 23 pp. *Blatt Markau. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradahth. 44, No. 28, 1878, 20 pp. *Blatt Eohrbeck. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradahth. 44, No. 29, 1878, 34 pp. *Blatt Spandow. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 14, Gradahth. 44, No. 30, 1879, 32 pp. *Blatt Teltow. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 20, Gradahth. 44, No. 36, 1882, 39 pp. *Blatt Tempelhof. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 20, Gradahth. 45, No. 31, 1882, 50 pp. *Blatt Beelitz. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Gradahth. 44, No. 46, 1883, 29 pp. *Blatt Wildenbruch. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 22, Gradahth. 44, No. 47, 1883, 47 pp. Kreide und Tertiiir von Finkenwalde bei Stettin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 866-874. Das Tertiiir im Bcreiche der Mark Brandenburg. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 863-884. [Unterkiefer von Elephas primigenius.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 554-555. Das unterdiluviale Alter des Joachimsthal-Oderberger Geschiebewalles. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 804-807. Geschicbe-Dreikanter oder Pyramidal -Geschiebc. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, 201-210. Blatt Bicscnthal, ncbst Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 29, Gradahth. 45, No. 14, 1886, 117 pp. Blatt Berlin, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 29, Gradahth. 45, No. 25, 1885, 62 pp. Berendt] 457 [Berendt [Bison prisons von Rixdorf.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 245. Der Oberoligocane Meeressand zwischen Elbe und Oder. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 255-268. Geognostische Skizze der Gegend von Glogau und das Tiefbohrloch in dortiger Kriegsschule. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, 347-355. Die bisherigen Aufsehliisse des markisch-pommerschen Tertiars und ihre Uebereinstimmung mit den Tiefbohrer- gebnissen dieser Gegend. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 7 {Heft 2), 1886, 48 pp. Zur Geognosie der Altmark. Unterschiede in den geognostischen Verhiiltnissen derselben gegeniiber denen der Mark Brandenburg. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 105-115. Der Soolquellen-Fund im Admiralsgartenbade in Berlin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 102-108. [Ueber den Joachimsthal-Chorin-Lieper Geschiebe- walj.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 367-371. Asarbildungen in Norddeutschland. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 483-489, [624]. Ein neues Stiick der siidlichen baltischen Endmorane. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 559-564. Die siidliche baltische Endmorane in der Gegend von Joachimsthal. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 301-310. Die Lagerungsverhaltnisse und Hebungserscheinungen in den Kreidefelsen auf Eiigen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, 148-154; 42, 1890, 58.S-587. Ueber Tiefl)ohrungen in Berlin und nachster Umge- bung. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 41, 1889, 381-382. Ueber einige Ergebnisse bei den Aufnahmen im Flachlande. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, cxviii-cxxi. Die beiderseitige Fortsetzung der siidlichen baltischen Endmorane. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 110-122. Geschrammte Grauwacke von Magdeburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 42, 1890, 371. Das Tertiiir bei Falkenberg und Freienwalde a.O. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 335-340. Ueber wissenschaftlich neue Ergebnisse bei der Auf- nahme des Blattes Stettin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, Ixxxv-lxxxviii. Die Soolbohrungen im Weichbilde der Stadt Berlin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 347-376. Erbohrung Jurassischer Schichten unter dem Tertiar in Hermsdorf bei Berlin. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, 83-94. Ueber die Paludinen-Bank von Nieder-Schonweide bei Berlin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 326- 327. [Ueber den Verlauf der siidlichen grossen baltischen Endmorane.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 536-541. Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmearbeiten auf den Blattern Hohenfinow, Wolsickendorf und Freienwalde bezw. Oderberg und Zehden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, Ixvii-lxx. Spuren einer Vergletscherung des Riesengebirges. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 37-90. Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmearbeiten innerhalb der Blatter Hohenfinow und Freienwalde. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, Iv-lix. Endmorane in Schleswig-Holstein betreffend. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 841-843. Briefliche Mittheilung. [Spuren einer Vergletscherung des Riesengebirges.] Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 22-23. Blatt Gross- Schonebeck, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 63, Gradabth. 45, No. 2, 1894, x-f 38-t-18 pp. Blatt Joachimsthal, nebst Bobrkarte un^ Bohrregister. B. s. A. c. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfff. 53, Gradahth. 45, No. 3, 1894, x-f 43-f 26 pp. Blatt Ruhlsdorf, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 53, Gradabth. 45, No. 8, 1894, x + 38-}-22 pp. Blatt Eberswalde, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister, Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 53, Gradabth. 45, No. 9, 1894, x -f 45 -i- 35 pp. Mittheilung iiber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen in der Colberger Gegend. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, Ixx-lxxii. Vier weitere Theilstiicke der grossen siid-baltischen Endmorane. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, 222-234. Blatt Templin, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 58, Gradabth. 28, No. 50, 1895, xi -t- 12 -f 24 + 35 pp. Blatt Gollin, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 58, Gradabth. 28, No. 56, 1895, xi + 12 + 24 + 22 pp. Der tiefere Untergrund Berlins. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 28, 1897, 59 pp. Blatt Stettin, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 67, Gradabth. 29, No. 32, 1899, vi -f 26 -F 48 + 32 pp. Blatt Gr. Christinenberg, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 67, Gradabth. 29, No. 33, 1899, vi-f 8 + 56 + 8 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Brauns, D[avid August]. *Blatt Zossen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 20, Gradabth. 45, No. 43, 1882, 34 pp. Berendt, G\ottlieb Michael], & Dames, Wilhelm [Barnim]. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Berlin. [Unter Mitwirkung von F. Klockmann.] Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 8 {Heft 1), 1885, 113 pp. Berendt, G[ottUeb Michael], & Dulk, L. *Blatt Cremmen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 17, 1878, 26 pp. *Blatt Marwitz. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 11, Gradabth. 44, No. 23, 1878, 25 pp. 'Blatt Lichtenrade. [Mit Bohrkarte.] Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 20, Gradabth. 45, No. 37, 1882, 40 + 10 + 27 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Oruner, H[an8]. Blatt Schinne, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 32, Gradabth. 43, No. 21, 1887, 69 + 25 pp. Blatt Weissewarthe, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 42, Gradabth. 43, No. 34, 1889, 64 + 50 pp. See also Oruner & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb 3Iichael], & JTentzscb, [Karl] Alfred. Blatt Marienwerder. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 43, Gradabth. 33, No. 16, 1889, 68+55 pp. See also Jentzscli & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Keilhack, Konrad. End- moranen in der Provinz Posen. Bericht iiber eine im Herbst 1893 im Auftrage der Direction der konigl. geolog. Landesanstalt ausgefiihrte gemeinsame Untersuchungs- reise. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, 235- 251. See also KelUiack & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Klebs, Richard. Blatt Wernegitten (Siissenberg), nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 47, Gradabth. 18, No. 56, 1891, 45 + 49 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Xloekmann, I\riedrich]. Blatt Sandau. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 38, Gradabth. 43, No. 17, 1888, 37 + 14 pp. Blatt Strodehne. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 38, Gradabth. 43, No. 18, 1888, 26 + 13 pp. See also Klockmann & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Xiattermann, Georg. 58 Berendt] 458 [Berezovsky Blatt Ringenwalde, nebst Bobrkarte und Bobrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 58, Gradahth. 28, No. 57, 1895, xi + 12 + 24 + 32 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb ilichaei:], & taufer, Ernst. '^Blatt Oranienburg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlant., Lfg. 14, Gradabth. 44, No. 18, 1879, 27 pp. *Blatt Hennigsdorf. Preuss, Tbiiring. Geol. Karte Erlfiut., Lfy. 14, Gradabth. 44, No. 24, 1880, 32 pp. *Blatt Gross-Beeren. [Mit Bobrkarte.] Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lf;/- 20, Gradabth. 44, No. 42, 1882, 25 + 10+19 pp. *Blatt Fahrland. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 35, 1882, 34 pp. *Blatt Potsdam. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 41, 1882, 25 pp. See also Xiaufer & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb 3Tichael], & Scholz, Max. Blatt Bis- mark, nebst Bobrkarte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 32, Gradabth. 43, No. 20, 1887, 50 + 37 pp. See also Scbolz & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & Schroder, Henry. Blatt Gallingen, nebst Bobrkarte und Bobrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 47, Gradabth. 18, No. 51, 1891, 29 + 58 pp. Blatt Hobenfinow, nebst Bobrkarte und Bobrre- gister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 80, Gradabth. 45, No. 10, 1900, vi + 40 + 36 + 39 pp. Blatt Oderberg, nebst Bobrkarte und Bobrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 80, Gradahth. 45, No. 11, 1900, vi + 28 + 36 + 23 pp. See also Schroder & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], & "WahnschafiFe, Felix. Zuriickweisung des von Herrn Stapff iiber die Eiszeit in Norddeutschland gefallten Urtbeils. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 (Bd. 2), 180. Ergebnisse eines geologiscben Ausfluges durch die Uckermark und Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 363-371, 15 (bis). Zur Beurtheilung der vermeintlichen " Richtigstel- lung" seitens des Herrn Stapff vom 10 September 1888. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 1), 110-112. See also IVahnBchafFe & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], Bulk, L., & X.aufer, Ernst. *Blatt Werder. Preuss. Tbiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 40, 1882, 39 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], Bulk, L., & VTahnschaffe, Felix. *Blatt Ketzin. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 22, Gradabth. 44, No. 34, 1882, 38 pp. Berendt, G\pttlieh Michael], Oruner, H{ai\s], & I.aufer, Ernst. *Blatt Trebbin. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 20, Gradahth. 44, No. 48, 1882, 31 pp. Berendt, G[ottUeb Michael],Iia.tteTma.iin, Georp, (felWuller, Gottfried. See Iiattermann, MiiUer & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], X.aufer, Ernst, & Keilhack, Konrad. See Lanfer, XeUhack & Berendt. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], -WahnBchaffe, Felix, & Xeilhack, Konrad. Blatt Friedrichsfelde, nebst Bobr- karte und Bohrtabelle. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 29, Gradabth. 45, No. 26, 1885, 55 pp. Berendt, G[ottlieb Michael], Keilhack, Konrad, Schroder, Henry, & WahnschafFe, Felix. Neuere Forscbungeti auf dem Gebiete der Glacialgeologie in Norddeutschland erlautert an einigen Beispielen zugleich erschienen als Fuhrer fiir die Excursionen der Deutschen Geologiscben Gesellschaft in das norddeutsche Flachland vom 28 Sep- tember bis 5 October 1898. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst Jbuch., 18, 1898, 42-129, 178 (bis); 19, 1899, 137 (bis) B^enger, [Giuseppe] Adolfo de. For biographical notice and list of works see [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 132- lo7. B&renger, 0. Camille. Education de nandous. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 31, 1884, 916-919. Elevage des demoiselles de Numidie (Grus virgo). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 969-973. B6renger-r6raud, [Laurent Jean Baptiste]. For bio- graphical notice and works see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 44, 1900, ,790-791. Etude d'un empoisonnement multiple survenu k Lorient par I'usage de morue alteree. Arch. M6d. Navale, 42, 1884, 440-456; 43, 1885, 5-25. Becberches sur les accidents que provoque la morue alteree. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 331-340, 427-456, 516-549. Note sur le cornet a chloroforme en usage dans la marine. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 26, 1891, 595-601. De la ladrerie chez I'bomme. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 27, 1892, 481-517. Note sur les accidents de kerato-conjonctivite produits par le venin d'un serpent du S^n^gal. Arch. Med. Navale, 57, 1892, 241-243. Sur I'augmentation de frequence du Taenia en France depuis un demi-siecle. [IVith discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 27, 1892, 112-127. Le Tenia dans les colonies francjaises, I'Alg^rie et la Tunisie. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 248-257. Distribution geograpbique des Tenias de rhomme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 282-304. Du nombre et de la longueur des Tsenias que Ton rencontre chez Thomme. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 29, 1893, 12-15. B^renguier, Paul. Description d'une h^lice nouvelle de France. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 285-286. B^r^ni, , lie Dantec, [Alexandre], & Boy^, . See I>e Dantec, Boy6 & B6r6ni. Berenstein, 31. Neue Versuche zur Bestimmung der Residualluft am lebenden Menscben. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 50, 1891, 363-375. Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Physiologie des Diinndarms. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 52-70. Uebereinen Fall von glaukomatoser Entziindung nach Cataractextraction mit Druckwirkung auf die Stabchen- schicht der Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 186-198. Berent, St. Ueber dascapillare Verbalten der Flachen von Steinsalz und Sylvin gegeniiber Mutterlaugen. Ztschr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 529-557, 678. Berent, Waclaw. Zur Kenntnis des Parablastes und der Keimblatterdifferenzierung im Ei der Knochenflsche. Jena. Ztschr., 30, 1896, 291-349. Beresford, (Lt.) G. W. de la Poer. Note on the ascent of Ambrym volcano in the New Hebrides. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 6, 1884, 129-132. Beresford, Denis R. Pack-. See Fack-Beresford. Beresford, F. A new formula for the calculation of draw- bridge strains. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1886, 137-144. Berestnev, N. M. Des propri^t^s fermentatives du sang et du pus. St. P^tersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 3, 1896, 40-52. Ueber Pseudoaktinomykose, Ztschr. Hyg. , 29, 1898, 94-116. Zur Frage der Klassifikation und systematischen Stellung der Strahlenpilze. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 390, 587. Berezovskij, M. M. [BiCTH o6t, 9KCIie,T,HII,iH. News of an expedition.] St. Petersb. , Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 298-302. BapOMeTpHieCKlH JI.HeBHHK'B, Be^eHHElft BX ropo;;* XoS-CaHi., b1) iojkhoR lacTH npoBnHuiii laHL-Cy, Bt Kniai, bt, 1892-93 roj^axi, T-omt. Lauwaert, KaTOjlHieCKIIM'L MHCciOHepOMT.. Ob- servations barometriques faites a Hoi-Hien, au sud de Kan-Sou, en Chine, en 1892-93 par M. Lauwakrt, mis- Berezovsky] 459 [Berg sionaire catholique. St P^tersb., Soc. Russe Geogr. Mem. (Geogr.), 33, 1898 (No. 3), 33 pp. Berezoyskij, M. 71/., A Bianchi, V[alentin Lvovic]. Description of two new birds from western China. St. Petersb, Mus. Zool. Ac, Sci. Annu., 5, 1900, 210-212. BerezovBkij, S[ergej Elcazarovic]. Ueber die compensa- torische Hypertrophic der Schilddriise. Experimentell- histologische Untersuchung. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 122-130. Ueber die histologischen Vorgiinge bei der Transplan- tation von Hautstiicken auf Thiere einer anderen Species. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 131-138. Untersuchungen iiber die Bedingungen und Methodik operativer Druckentlastung des Gehirnes. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 53, 1899, 53-125, 264-347. Berg, . *Ueber europaische Gradmessungen. [1870.] Chemnitz Ber., 1868-70, 67-68. Berg, [Friedrich Wilheltn Julius von]. *0 (jJOTOMeTpi IIlREPjta II 0 iiorjioincHiii CBf,Ta aTMOC(|)epoio, MK BllJieHCKaro ropiiaOIlTa. [On Schwerd's photo- meter and on the absorption of atmospheric light, for the horizon of Vilna.] [1871.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 21, 1872, 107-112. Berg, [Frhr.) [Carl Heinrich Edmund] von. Ornitholo- gisehe Beobachtungen aus Elsass-Lothringen 1885-[98]. [1895-1900.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 253-332; 9, 1898, 329-411; 10, 1899, 159-174. Berg, A[rmand Francfiis Julien]. Sur les chromo-iodates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1514-1517. Sur les derives chlor^s des amylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 862-865; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 685-690. Sur quelques chromoiodates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 111, 1890, 42-43. Sur les amylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 606-608. Sur les acides isobutylamidoac^tiques. Ass. Franc^. C. R., 1891 (Ft. 2), 337-338. Sur les butylamines normales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 437-439. Action de la sonde et du cyanure de potassium sur la chlorodiamylamiue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 483- 484. Sur les derives chlor^s des isobutylamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1379-1382; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 543-545. Action de la sonde alcoolique sur la chlorodiamylamiue et la chlorodiisohutylamine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 545-547. Sur un nouveau precede de preparation des cyanamides. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 547-549. Sur les derives chlores des propylamines, des benzyl- amines, de I'aniline et de la paratoluidine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 327-329. Sur les chloramines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 8877889. Etude sur les d^riv^s des ammoniaques compos6es. Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 289-361. Sur une reaction des acides-alcools. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 882-S83. Etude sur les chromoiodates. Marseille Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1897 (Fasc. 4), 35 pp. Sur le mode de formation de I'elat^rine dans I'Ecbal- lium Elaterium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 85-88. Diagnose des amines secondaires grasses k radicaux d'alcools mono-atomiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. , 17, 1897, 297-300. lodates doubles de bioxyde de manganese. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 673-676. L'^lat^rase, diastase des Cuourbitac^es. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1900 {Ft. 2), 471-473. Sur Taction des iodures et de I'acide iodhydrique sur I'acide sulfureux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 499- 501. Berg, A[rviand Francois Julien], & Cari-TCantrand, L. Sur de nouveaux explosifs. Moniteur Sci. , 7, 1893, 271 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 94-95. Berg, A[rmand Frampis Julien], & Oerber, Charles. M^thode de recherche de quelques acides organiques dans les plantes. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 222- 226; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull , 15, 1896, 1050-1055; Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 544-546. Sur les acides contenus dans le sue cellulaire des Mesembryanthem^es. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 316-319. Sur la recherche des acides organiques dans quelques Mesembryanth6m6es. Rev. G6n. Bot., 8, 1896, 295-302. Berg, A[rmaiid Francis Julien], & Klein, Daniel. See Klein & Berg. Berg, Albert. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 112; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 354. Berg, Alfred. Kritik ofver nagra vaxtformer, beskrifna af Fl. Behm. [1889.] Bot. Notiser, 1890, 22-24. Lichenologiska anteckningar. Bot. Notiser, 1890, 161- 173. En ny form af Torilis Anthriscus (L.), C. Gmel. [1893.] Bot. Notiser, 1894, 108-109; Bot. Centrbl., 67, 1896, 102. — — Studien iiber Rheotropismus bei den Keimwurzeln der Pflanzen. Lund. Univ. Acta, 35, 1899 (Soc. Physiogr., No. VI, 35 pp.). Berg, C. L. van der. To what extent are tropical altitudes adapted for settlement by Europeans? Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 10), 170-178. Berg, Carlos. Addenda et emendanda ad Hemiptera Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, 20-41, 97- 118, 166-176. La simbiosis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 17, 1884, 247-260. Metamorfosis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 18, 1884, 65-74. Quindecim Coleoptera nova faunsB Reipublicse Argen- tinse. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1886, 219-235. Rhinocerophis nasus, Garni. ; Bothrops ammodytoides, Leyb. Cuestiones sinonimicas sobre una vibora de la fauna Argentina. ArgentinaSoc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 236-240. Quindecim Lepidoptera nova faunae Reipublicaa Argentinas et Uruguayensis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 266-285. [Palustra uruguayensis, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, ccxii-ccxiii. Ueber die Lepidopteren-Gattung Laora, Walk. [1885.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 35, 1886 (Abh.), 359-360. Notas sinonimicas acerca de algunos Ceramblcidos de la fauna Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 21, 1886, 234-240. Observaciones sobre los estados preparatories de algunos Lepid6pteros argentinos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 21, 1886, 277-281. [Resultados cientificos, especialmente zoologicos y botanicos, de los tres viajes llevados a cabo [per el Dr. HoLMBERo], en 1881, 1882 y 1883 a la Sierra del Tandil.] Reptiles. Anfibios. C6rdoba Ac. Ci. Act., 5, [1886], 93-98. [Phengodes uruguayensis, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, lix-lx. Un capitulo de lepidopterologia. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 26, 1888, 91-103. Enumeracion sistematica y sinonimica de los Formicidos argentinos, chilenos y uruguayos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 29, 1890, 5-43. Sobre la Carpocapsa saltitans, Westw., y la Grapho- litha motrix, Berg, n. sp. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 97-110. La formacion Carbonifera de la Repiiblica Argentina. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 31, 1891, 209-212; 32, 1891, 68-71. 58—2 Berg] 460 [Berg Dyscophus onthophagus, un nuevo grillo uruguayo cavernicola. Argentina Soc. Ci, An., 32, 1891, 5-8 ; Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 86. Nova Hemiptera faunaruni argentinse et uruguayensis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 32, 1891, 164-175, 231-243, 277- 287; 33, 1892, 5-11, 43-50, 6.5-72, 97-104, 151-165; 34, 1892, 82-96, 193-205. Mollis pyroblaptus. Berg, un nuevo destructor del trigo. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 33, 1892, 60-62. Cuestiones de limites. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 34, 1892, 53-64. Canabalisnio entre insectos. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 34, 1892, 236-238. • [Bur iEglea lajvis.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, ccvi-ccvii. Geotria macrostoma {Burm.), Berg, y Thalassophryne raontevidensis, Berg, dos peces particulares. La Plata Mus. An. {Zool), 1, 1893, 7 pp. Pseudoscorpionidenkniffe. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 446-448. Enumeracion sistematica y sinonimica de los peces de las costas argentina y uruguaya. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 1-120. Sobre peces de agua dulce nuevos 6 poco conocidos de la Eepiiblica Argentina. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An. , 4, 1895, 121-165. Dos reptiles nuevos. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 189-194. Hemipteros de la Tierra del Fuego, coleccionados per el Sefior Carlos Backhausen. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 197-206. Revision et description des especes argentines et chiliennes du genre Tatochila (Bull.). Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 4, 1895, 217-256. Descripci6n de tres nuevos Lepidopteros de la coleccion del Museo Naeional de Buenos Aires. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 1-4. Sur la distribution g^ographique de I'Ophioderes materna (L.), Bsd. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 23-24. Comunicaciones ool6gicas. [i. El huevo de la supuesta Rhea nana, Lyd., es huevo basilisco de Rhea Darwini, Gould, ii. El huevo del mitii, Crax fascio- lata, Spix. in. Huevos de coloracion anormal del terutero, Vanellus cayennensis (Gm.), Vieill.l [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 33-38. Contribiicidn al estudio de los Hemipteros de la Tierra del Fuego. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 131-137. Una Filaria horrida, Dies., dentro de un huevo. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An. , 5, 1896-97, 139-140. Batracios argentinos. Enumeracion sistematica, sinonimica y bibliografica de los Batracios de la Republica Argentina. [1896.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An. 5 1896-97, 147-226. ' Descripciones de algunos Hemipteros Heteropteros nuevos 6 poco conocidos. [1894.] Montevideo Mus Nac. An., [1, 1897], 13-27. Comunicaciones lepidopterol6gicas acerca de veinti- cinco Ropaloceros sudamericanos. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 5, 1896-97, 23.3-261. Contribuciones al conocimento de los peces sud- americanos, especialmente de los de la Republica Argentina. [1897.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An 5 1896-97, 263-302. ' ' Ueber die Eiablage, die Brutpflege und die Nahrung von Amphisbsena Darwinii, Deutsch. Natf. Verb 1897 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 164-165. Langlebigkeit eines Cardinals (Paroaria cucullata). Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 179. Descriptiones Hydrometridarum novarum Reipublicse Argentina. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun 1, 1898-1901, 3-6. sur I'iEglea Isevis (Latr.), Leach. Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898- Observations [1898.] Buenos 1901, 7-8. Comunicaciones ictiologicas. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 9-13, 91-97, 165-174, 293- 311. Variation de regime. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 14-15. Lobodon carcinophagus {H. •/.), Gr., en el rio de la Plata. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 15. Substitucion de nombres genericos. [1898-99.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 16-19, 40-43, 77-80. Dolichotis salinicola, Burm., est bona species. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 23-24, 44-45. Sobre los enemigos pequeiios de la langosta peregrina, Schistocerca paranensis (Burm.) . [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 25-30. Descriptio novi generis Cerambycidarum Reipublicffi Argentinffi. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 31-33. Sobre el langostin y el camar6n, dos Crustaceos Macruros de aguas argentinas y uruguayas. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun , 1, 1898-1901, 37-39. Sobre el Thelyphonus maximus, Tarnani. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 55-56. Contribuciones al conocimiento de la fauna erpeto- 16gica argentina y de los paises limitrofes. [1898.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 6, 1899, 1-32. Duse species novas argentinas Gyponoe generis. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 47, 1899, 5-7. Observaciones sobre Lepid6pteros argentinos y otros sud-americanos. Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 6, 1899, 369-390. Coleopteros de la Tierra del Fuego, coleccionados por el Sr. Carlos Backhausen. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 57-65. Brenthis Cytheris y Brenthis Dexamene. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 110- 115. Apuntes dipterol6gicos. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 124-130. Los Mantispidos de la Republica Argentina. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 139-145. El g^nero Rhyephenes, Schonh., en la Republica Argentina. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 151-154. Notas hemipterologicas. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 158-160. Sobre algunos Anisomortidos chileno-argentinos. [1899.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 181-186. Tres Reduviidae novas argentine?. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 187-190. Sobre algunas larvas de Lepid6pteros argentinos. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 206-209. Termitariophilie. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 212-214; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1901, 32. Notas sobre los nombres de algunos Mamiferos sud- americanos, [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun. , 1, 1898-1901, 219-222, 260-263. Datos sobre algunos Crustaceos nuevos para la fauna argentina. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 223-235. Apuntes sobre dos especies del g^nero Odynerus de la Tierra del Fuego. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 237-240. Notice sur les especes du genre Alurnus, F., apparte- nant a la faune argentine. [1900.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. Comun., 1, 1898-1901, 252-257. Berg] 461 [Berg Pleminia argentina, un nuevo seudofilido. [1900.] Bnenos Aires Mus. Nac. Coniun., 1, 1898-1901, 264. Berg, E. Astragalus danicus, Betz., in Pommern. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1896, 8-9. Berg, Emanuel. Ueber Kompass-Deviationen und Kurs- Bestimmungen auf Sec. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 221-228. Elektrischbetbatigte Absperrventile fiir Dampf-, Gas- und Wasserleitungen, Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 647-648. Berg, Emil. Die Bedeutung der absoluten Feuchtigkeit fiir dieEntstehungund FortpflanzungderGewitter. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 11, 1888, No. 13, 19 pp. ; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 61, 1890 (Append. No. 9), 28 pp. Untersuchung eines Wintergewitters. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 12, 1889, No. 13, 28 pp. ; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 63, 1890 {Append. No. 4), 39 pp. rpOSH B-B PocciH 3a 1886 rojl,!.. [Die Gewitter Russlands im Jahre 1886.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 62, 1890 {Append. No. 6), 63 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 13, 1890, No. 5, 51 pp. 0 Ha6jiK);i;eiiiHX'i. Ha;i;'B CH'fciivHHMi noKpoBOM't Bt EBponeficKofr Poccin 3a nepByio nojiOBimy 1890 rojia. [Ueber die Beobachtungen der Schneedecke im europaischen Russland in der ersten Halfte von 1890.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 66, 1891 {Append. No. 9), 31 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, No. 5, 23 pp. XIoBTopfleMOCTt H reorpa(})HHecKoe pacnpeji;^- jieHie JTHBHefi bi, EBponefrcKoft Pocciii. [Ueber die Haufigkeit und geographische Vertheilung starker Regen- falle im europaischen Russland.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 68, 1892 {Append. No. 2), 90 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, No. 10, 67 pp. Ha6jIK);i,eHifl Hajlt CHijKHHM'B IIOKpOBOM'L II MerejiflMii bi. Pocciiicicou HjinepiH shmoio 1890- 91 rr. [Beobachtungen der Schneedecke und der Schneegestober im Winter 1890-91 im russischen Reich.] [1893.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 73, 1894 {Append. No. 6), 218 pp. ; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 16, 1893, No. 6, 41 + lxxix pp. Ueber die Schneegestober im europaischen Rnssland im Winter 1891-92. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 9, 25 pp. Kritische Untersuchung der Angaben freier und geschiitzter Regenmesser. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1896, 193-220. 0 TaK't Ha3HBaeMoft noMoxf. iiJiir iirjii, 6HBmeft 26-28 iiojifl c. r. no CTiinio, bt. hm. Cochobk'I;, CaMapCKoil ry6. [D'une esp^ce particuliere de brouil- lard, qu'on appelle "pomokha", observ^e k Sosnovka, gouv. Samara.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, 295-296. Berg, F[ranc/.sc«s] J[ohannes] van den. For biography and list of works see 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1891-92 {Verg.), 133; Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1896, 1-10; Amsterdam, Ak. Jaarb. (1897), 97-145. Over de benaderde rectificatie van een cirkelboog. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 4, 1878, 200-204 ; 10, 1884, 186-193. Bijdrage tot de oplossing van een vraagstuk uit de getallenleer. [1878-84.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 5, 1879, 47-57; 10, 1884, 202. *[Over een massiven driehoek rustende in een drie- vlakkigen hoek.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6, 1880, 67-97. *Over de vergelijking der door drie gegeven richtlijnen bepaalde hyperboloide, in verband met het evenwicht van vier krachten in de ruimte. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6, 1880, 183-195. *Over twee met betrekking tot een driehoek sym- metrische groepen van drie cirkels, en over twee dergelijke groepen van drie rechte lijnen . [1880.] Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 7, 1881, 78-90. Over het verband tusschen de wortels eener ver- gelijking en die van hare afgeleide. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 1-14, 60; 11, 1884, 153-186; 15, 1888, 100-164; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 76 ; 1888, 75-76 [Part only]. *Over de onderlinge afwijking van den grootecirkel- boog en de loxodromische kromme tusschen twee nabij- gelegen plaatsen op de bolvormige aarde. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 15-31. *Over een meetkundig vraagstuk van kansrekening. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 9, 1882, 32-59 ; 10, 1884, 202. Over eene onjuiste beschouwing in G. J. Verdam's handboek der spherische trigonometric. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 10, 1884, 193-198. Over zeker spel. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 12, 1886, 38- 59; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 121. Over de graphische oplossing van een stelsel lineaire vergelijkingen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 196-252; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 89-90. Over een vraagstuk van bolvormige driehoeksmeting. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 14, 1888, 78-94; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 565. Over zoodanige stelsels van twee cirkels in het platte vlak of op den bol, of ook van twee coaxiale ellipsen in het platte vlak, dat daarin en daarom en zelfde veelhoek past. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 14, 1888, 95-116, 125-192; 16, 1889, 160-178; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 725-726; 1889, 719. De constructie-figuur voor de oplossing van een stel- sel lineaire vergelijkingen beschouwd als configuratie. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 267-288; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 76. Eenige formulen voor de berekening van de Ber- noulliaansche en van de tangenten-coefficienten. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 358-397; 6, 1889, 265-276; Arch. N^erland., 24, 1891, 99-141. Over even tovervierkanten. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 16, 1889, 1-31; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 203. Over de bepaling van een driehoek, waarvan de lengten der drie hoekdeellijnen gegeven zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 16, 1889, 179-199; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 576. Over het theorema der drie reactien bij een doorga- anden ligger met steunpunten op ongelijke afstanden. [1889.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1889-90 {Verh.), 69-75. Over de bepaling van een driehoek, waarvan de deel- lijnen der drie supplementaire hoeken gegeven zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 17, 1890, 191-205; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 590. Over de kans dat, bij willekeurige verdeeling van eene gegeven rechte lijn, de segmenten tusschen gegeven grenzen liggen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 18, 1891, 42-62 ; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 233-234. Over de kans dat, bij willekeurige verdeeling van eene gegeven rechte lijn, uit de segmenten gesloten veelhoeken kunnen worden gevormd. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 18, 1891, 63-117; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 284. Over Newton's benaderingsleerwijze voor de oplossing van vergelijkingen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 53-67 ; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 103-104. Over krommingskegelsneden van vlakke kromme lijnen. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 85- 103; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 654-655. Over de berekening van gecentreerde lenzenstelsels. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 9, 1892, 125-130; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 1039. Over zelf-wederkeerige poolkrommen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 19, 1892, 80-97; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 652-654. Over een vraagstuk, dat in de geodesic van dienst kan zijn. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 19, 1892, 151-187; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 1124-1126. Berg] De oudste rekentafels der wereld. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 19, 1892, 211-215. Over coordinaten-stelsels voor cirkels in het platte vlak en voor bollen in de ruimte. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1896, 11-44; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 1106. Berg, Fredrik Theodor. For biography see Stockh., Vet. Ak. Lefnadsteckn., 4 (Hft. 2), 1901, 1-34. Berg, (Graf) Friedrich. Einige Spielarten der Fichte. Schlangenfichte, astlose Fichte, pyramidale Fichte, Trauerfichte, Hiingefichte, Kugelfichte, Krummfichte Oder Sumpffichte, nordische Fichte (obovata). Dorpat Schr., 2, 1887, 44 pp. Beobachtungen iiber die Entstehung und die Bewe- gungsrichtung in Luftwirbeln. Wetter, 5, 1888, 202-206. Eine der Wildkatze iihnliche Katze. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 154-155. Einige Spielarten der Fichte. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 157-163. Von den Ursachen der Erdrotation. [1888.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 377-382. Eoggenziichtung 1890. Bot. Centrbl., 46, 1891, 183- 186, 215-218. Eoggenziichtung 1889. [1889.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 26-48. Das nitrificirende Ferment des Bodens. [1892.] Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 68-82. Berg, Fritz. Die Syphilis in ihren Beziehungen zu Knochen- und Gelenkerkrankungen, St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 399-402. Berg, Georg. Beitrag zur Wachsthumsinsufficienz des Herzens im Kindesalter. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 29, 1889, 182-199. Zur Aetiologie der Incontinentia urinae. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 55-59. Berg, Georg. Ueber eine Verbindung der Titansaure mit Apfelsaure. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 328-330. Berg, H. W. *The etiology of congenital talipes equino- varus. Arch. Med., 8, 1882, 226-248. A plea for the substitution of the sodium iodide for the potassium iodide in therapeutics. Arch. Med., 11, 1884, 145-156. Berg, Johannes. Der Erdtriton im Terrarium. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 367-375. • Zur Kenntniss der Briickenechse. Frankf., Zool, Garten, 35, 1894, 102-105, 146-150. Zur Kenntniss des Hohlenmolches (Spelerpes fuscus, Bonap.). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 88-92. Ein neues Tropen-Terrarium. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 140-143. • Zur Kenntniss der Stummelschwanzechse (Trachy- saurus rugosus). Frankf., Zool. Garten. 38, 1897, 277- 279. Sere, L[ev] S[emenovic]. Ph6h BaHKajia. (Die Fische des Baikalsees.) St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac, Sci. Annu., 5, 1900, 326-372. Berg, Llev] S[emenovic], & Ignatov, P. 0 KO.iefiaHiflX'L ypoBHfl oaepi. cpeji,Hefi Aaiif ir 3Ana,ii,Hou Cii6iipii. [Ueber die Schwankungen der Seespiegel Mittelasiens und des westlichen Sibiriens.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 111-125; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1902 [Bd 1, ii€/.), 204-206. Berg, L[ev] S[eme7wvic], Elpatjevsklj, V., & Ignatov, P. 0 cojieHHXT, oaepax-L OMCKaro y'lJ3ji,a. [Ueber die Salzseen des Omsk'schen Kreises.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 179-200; Neues Jbuch. Min 1900 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 229-230. Berg, N. P. van den. Vroegere berichten omtrent Kra- katau. De uitbarsting van 1680. Batavia, Tiidschr 29, 1884, 208-228. Berg, Otto. Ueber die Bedeutung der Kathodenstrahlen fiir den Entladungsmechanismus. [Vorlaufige Mitthei- lung.] Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901, 73-77. 462 [Berge Ueber die Bedeutung der Kathodenstrahlen und Canal- strahlen fiir den Entladungsmechanismus. Ann. Phys. Chem., 68, 1899, 688-697. Ueber einen Apparat zur Gasanalyse, speciell zur Bestimmung der im Wasser gelosten Gase. Freiburg Ber,, 11, 1899-1901, 85-94. Berg, P[aitr\ von. Ueber die Trennung des Zinks von Eisen, Kobalt und Nickel. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 512-519. Bergaxui, Francis. Comparison of Pemberton's method of phosphoric acid determination with the official method. [1893.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 137, 1894, 129-133; U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 43, 1894, 97-100. The citrate method of phosphoric acid determination, with special reference to insoluble phosphates. Franklin Inst. Jl., 140, 1895, 139-152, A source of error in the determination of phosphoric acid by the citrate method. Franklin Inst. Jl., 141, 1896, 383-385. Standardising of normal acid by borax. Franklin Inst. JL, 141, 1896, 386. Bergami, 0[tto]. Untersuchung einer kaukasischen Krapp- wurzel. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2247-2251. Bergami, 0[tto], & Iiiebermann, C[arl Theodor^. See Ziiebermann & Bergami. Bergamo, Gennaro. Teoria delle spostazioni fillotassiche. Napoli, Rend., 39, 1900, 28-43. Bergasse, G. Nouveaux faits de syphilis par tatouage. Arch. M(5d. Pharm, Militaires, 25, 1895, 203-208, Berg^, Albert. Enumeration des C^tonides d^crits depuis la publication du catalogue de 3IM. Gkmminger et Harold. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, 113-163. Note sur la coloration des teguments chez les insectes et specialement chez les Col^opteres. ■ [With discussion.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, c-eii, cxiii-cxv. Des vari^t^s du Carabus auronitens, Fab., au point de vue de la coloration, Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, cxxvi-cxxx. Note pour servir a la nionograpliie du genre Age- strata. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (Pt. 2), 11-14, Des couleurs m^talliques chez les insectes et speciale- ment chez les Coieopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann,, 31, 1887, 315-325, Notes pour servir a I'^tude de la coloration des tegu- ments chez les insectes, Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, clxxvii-clxxviii. Coieopteres du Bengale occidental. Cetonides. Brux., Soc, Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 239-241. L'action de la cuisson sur les aliments v^getaux et animaux, Brux, Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1893, 191- 217. Emploi de divers produits chimiques inorganiques pour la destruction des insectes nuisibles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 362-.365. L'epuration de I'eau par le peroxyde de chlore. [With discussion.] [1900.] Li^ge, Soc. Geol, Belg, Ann., 27, 1899-1900, cxciii-cci. Berg6, Albert, & Fouchet, Georges. See Fouchet & Berg^. Berg6, Albert, & Reychler, Albert. L'epuration de I'acetylene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 218-221. Berg6, Andre. Sur la pathogenie de la scarlatine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 1012-1014. Maladies du cceur et du pericarde. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 199-216; 185, 1900, 202-225. Berge, Ernst. For biographical notice see Mschr. Kak- teenk., 8, 1898, 1-2. Echinocereus texensis, Rge. Mschr. Kakteenk., 4, 1894, 61-62. Berg6, Henri. Purification et sterilisation des eaux ali- mentaires. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 3 (1898), 369-385. Berge, J. Stewart, Brownlee, J. Harrison, & Ringrose, Robert Colin. List of minerals, Walsh and Tinaroo Berge] 463 [Bergendal mining district, North Queensland. [1899.] Queensland Eoy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 47-69. Berge, RlerK^]. Pjxperiences sur la culture du ble dans le pays de Caux (1886-87). Ann. Agron., 14, 1888, 145-159. Berge, Robert. Die Einwanderung des Hamsters (Cricetus frumentarius. Pall.) in die Gegend von Zwickau. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1895, 65-68. Die Vogel der Umgegend von Zwickau. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1896, 1-90. Winterbaumnester des Haussperliugs. Ornith. Mber., 6, 1897, 109-110. Totung von Staren durch Un wetter. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 127-128. Ueber das ehemalige Vorkommen der grosseren Raubsaugetiere in Sachsen. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 41, 1900, 130-135. Ornithologische Vorkommnisse aus dem westlichen Sachsen. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 175-181. Friihere Brutvogel im Konigreich Sachsen. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 235-241. Insektenfang eines Turmfalken. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 37-38. Ornithologische Beobachtungen aus dem westlichen Sachsen. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1900, 19-22. Bergeat, Alfred [Edmund]. Zur Geologic der massigen Gesteine der Insel Cypern. [1892.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 12, 1891, 263-312. Zur Kenntniss der jungen Eruptivgesteine der Republik Guatemala. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 131- 157. Ueber einige bemerkenswerthe Rutilvorkommnisse aus der TJmgebung Freibergs. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 {Bd. 1), 232-251. Cordierit- und granatfiihrender Andesit von der Insel Lipari. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 {Bd. 2), 148-149. Der Stromboli als Wetterprophet. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 153-168. Mineralogische Mittheilungen iiber den Stromboli. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 2), 109-123. Von den aolischen luseln. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1899, 43-47. Die aolischen Inseln (Stromboli, Panaria, Salina, Lipari, Vulcano, Filicudi und Alicudi) geologisch be- schrieben. [1899.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 20, 1900, 1- 274. Bergeat, Emit. Fettbildung bei Phosphorvergiftung. [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol, u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 129-130. Ueber die Ausuiitzung der Thymus, der Lunge und der Leber im Darmkanale des Hundes. Ztschr. Biol., 24, 1888, 120-140. Ueber die Pfeiffer'sche Methode der Bestimmung der Stoffwechselprodukte im Koth. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 61-63. Demonstration eines Hundes mit Defecten der Iris. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 63. Ueber eine krystallisirte Saure aus der Schweinegalle. [1889.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 19, 1890, 17-18. Ueber Asymmetric der Choanen, mit Vorweisung macerirter Schadel. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 397. Bergel, [Salo]. Beitrage zur Physiologie der Flimmer- bewegung. [1900.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 78, 1899, 441-465. Bergell, Peter. Ueber den Phosphorsaurestoffwechsel unter normalen und pathologischen Verhaltnissen. Zusammenfassendes Referat. Fortschr. Med., 16 (1898), 1-18. Darstellung des Lecithins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2584-2586. Bergell, Peter, & Blumenthal, Ferdinand. Ueber die Isolirung der Pentose und der Methylpentose. [1899.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 155-158. Bergen, A. von. Description of hot-blast pyrometer. Fried. Krupp's patent. Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1886, 207-208. Bergen, J. Y. Algas in the Solfatara at Pozzuoli, Italy. Bot. Gaz., 23, 1897, 198-199. Bergen, ThoinaH B. Early arrival of the kingbird at Cambridge, Mass. Auk, 15, 1898, 268-269. Bergendal, David. Das Knochengewebe der Amphibien. Anat. Anz., 1, 1886, 189-190. Jemforande studier och undersokningar ofver benvaf- nadens struktur, utveckling och tillvaxt med sarskild hansyn till forekomsten af Haverska kanaler. Lund. Univ. Acta, 22, 1886-87 {Math.), No. vi, 152 pp. Zur Kenntnis der Landplanarien. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 218-224. [Ueber abnorme Formen der ersten abdominalen Anhange bei einigeu Krebsweibchen.] [1888.] Stockh., Of vers., 1888, 343-346; Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 {Afd. 4), 1889, No. 3, 35 pp. Ueber eine dritte vordere Extremitat eines braunen Frosches. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 {Afd. 4), 1889, No. 8, 35 pp. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Formvariation der ersten abdominalen Anhange bei Krebsweibchen. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 {Afd. 4), 1890, No. 5, ^^ PP- Studien iiber nordische Turbellarien und Nemertinen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 323-328. Kurzer Bericht iiber eine im Sommer d. J. 1890 unternommene zoologische Reise nach Nord-Gronland. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 (Afd. 4), 1892, No. 1, 20 pp. Beitrage zur Fauna Gronlands. Ergebnisse einer im Jahre 1890 in Gronland vorgenommenen Forschungsreise. [i. Zur Rotatorien Fauna Gronlands.] [1892.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 28, 1891-92 (Soc. Physiogr., No. iv, 180 pp.). Ehbenbergs Euchlanis lynceus wiedergefunden ? [1892.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 28, 1891-92 {Soc. Physiogr., No. V, 2 pp.). Om Uteriporus vulgaris och betydelsen af uterus hos Trikladerna. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 494. Nagra anmarkninger om Sveriges Triklader. Stockh., Ofvers., 1892, 539-557; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1893, 636. Studien iiber TurWellarien. i. Ueber die Vermehrung durch Quertheilung des Bipalium kewense, Moseley. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 25, 1893-94, No. 4, 42 pp. Gastroschiza triacantha, n. g.,n. xp., eine neue Gattung und Familie der Raderthiere. [1892.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 18 (Afd. 4), 1893, No. 4, 22 pp. Polypostia similis, n. g., n. sp. En acotyl Polyklad med manga hanliga parningsapparater. (Eine acotyle Polycladide mit zahlreichen mannlichen Begattungs- apparaten.) [1893.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 {Soc. Physiogr., No. vi, 29 pp.); Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 366-368. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Cryptocelides Lov^ni, mihi. Lund. Univ. Acta, 29, 1892-93 {Soc. Physiogr., No. vir, 7 pp.); Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 237-241. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Rotiferengattungen Gastroschiza, Bergendal, und Anapus, Bergendal. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 589-598. Studier ofver Turbellarier. ii. Om byggnaden af Uteriporus, Bgdl., jamte andra bidrag till Trikladernas anatomi. (Ueber den Ban von Uteriporus, Bgdl., nebst anderen Beitragen zur Anatomie der Tricladen.) [1893- 96.] Lund. Univ. Acta, 32, 1896 (Soc. Physiogr., No. iv, 123 pp.). Ueber drei Tricladen aus Punta Arenas und um- liegender Gegend. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 521-524. Studier ofver Nemertiner. i. Callinera Biirgeri, Bergendal, en representant for ett afvikande slagte bland Bergendal] 464 [Berger Palaouemertinerna. (Studien iiber Nemertinen. i. Calli- nera Biirgeri, Bergendal, eine abweichende PaleBo- nemertinengattung.) Lund. Univ. Acta, 36, 1900 (»%c. Physiogr., No. 5, 47 + vii pp.); Micr. Soc. Jl., 1901, 650-651. Till kannedomen om de nordiska Nemertinerna. Stockh., Of vers., 1900, 581-602. Bor ordningen Palffionemertini, Hubrecht, uppdelas i tvanne ordningar Protonemertini och Mesonemertiui? Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 721-742. Ueber ein Paar sehr eigenthiimliche nordische Ne- mertinen. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 313-328. Bergendal, A'. Ueber die bei der acuten Verblutung an den Kreislaufs- und Athmungsapparaten auftretenden Erscheinungen. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 186-197. Bergendal, K., & Bergman, Per G. Zur Physiologie der Intercostalmuskeln. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 178- 185. Bergengriin, Paul. Ueber einen Fall von Verruca dura laryngis. Virchow, Arch., 118, 1889, 536-551. Topographisches iiber den Bacillus leprse, mit Demon- stration microscopischer Praparate. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 20, 1895, 403-405. Observations upon the distribution in the tissues of the leprosy bacillus, and upon the histogenesis of giant- cells in leprous lesions of the larynx. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 336-344. Bergenstamm, Julius (Edler) von. For biographical notice sec Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 11, 1896, 55. Bergenstamm, Julius [Edler) von, & Brauer, Friedrich. See Brauer & Bergenstamm. Bergeon, L[eon]. Sur les injections de medicaments gazeux dans le rectum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 176-177. Sur Taction physiologique des lavements gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 104, 1887, 1812-1813. Lavements gazeux d'acide carbonique ; leur influence sur la nutrition. [With discussion.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. Mem., 33, 1894 (C. R.), 83-86. Berger, [Louis J.]. Des rivieres k maree. [1888.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 46, 1889, 167-238. Le calcaire Devonien, le petit granit et les pierres de Meuse. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 47, 1890, 341-383. Notice sur les travaux a ex6cuter aux rivieres a lit mobile pour pr6venir ou diminuer les inondations, [1890.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 48, 1891, 1-74. Notice sur les essences d'arbres a choisir en Belgique pour les plantations des routes. [1892.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 1-76. Le cerisier sauvage d'Am^rique k fruits noirs (Prunus serotina). [1892.] Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 293-298. Notice sur les Merits d'Alphonae Belpairb ooncernant les rivieres a mar^e et sur les projets qu'il a dresses pour I'am^lioration du Bupel. [1895.] Brux. Ann. Trav Publ., 52, 1896 (Mem.), 1-65. Berger, Alexander [Fredrik]. *Sur une somraation de quelques series. [1883.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 12, 1886, No. 7, 81 pp. Om antalet losningar till en viss indeterminerad eqvation med fiera obekanta. Stockh., Ofvers., 1886, 355-366; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 149-150. T ^^^ "?^ application de la th^orie des Equations bindmes a la sommation de quelques series. [1886.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 7, 36 pp. Deduction de quelques formules analytiques d'un th^oreme ^l^mentaire de la th^orie des nombres. Acta Math., 9, 1887, 301-320. Om rotternas antal till kongruenser af andra graden Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 127-151; Fortschr. Math., 1887* 181-182. . oo', Om en talteoretisk formels anvandning till transfor- mation af en definit dubbelintegral. Stockh.. Ofvers 1887, 153-158. Sur une generalisation des nombres et des fonctions de Beknoulli. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 9, 43 pp. De Bernoulli'ska talens och funktionernas teori, base- rad pa ett system af funktionaleqvationer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 433-461. Harledning af nagra independeuta uttryck for de Bernoulli'ska talen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1889, 129-138; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 247. • Om anvandningen af invarianter och halfinvarianter vid losningen af allmanna algebraiska eqvationer af de fyra lagsta graderna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1890, 165-188; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 140. Recherches sur les valeurs moyennes dans la th^orie des nombres. [1887.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, No. 2, 130 pp. Recherches sur les nombres et les fonctions de Bernoulli. [1888.] Acta Math., 14, 1890-91, 249-304. Om en anvandning af de Bernoulliska funktionerna vid nagra serientvecklingar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 523- 540; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 274. En algebraisk generalisation af nagra aritmetiska satser. Stockh., Ofvers., 1891, 683-720; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 190-191. Deduction des proprietes principales de la fonction elliptique generale du second ordre. Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, No. 12, 50 pp. Sur revaluation approchee des integrales definies simples. Upsala Soc, Sci. Nova Acta, 16, 1893, No. 4, 52 pp. Sur les fonctions enti^res rationelles, qui satisfont a une Equation diff^rentielle lin^aire du second ordre. [1892.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1896, No. 4, 28 pp. Sur une generalisation algebrique des nombres de Lame. [1893.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1896, No. 10, 33 pp. Sur le developpement de quelques fonctions discon- tinues en series de Fourier. [1894.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 15, 1895, No. 13, 33 pp. Recherches sur les nombres polygonaux. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, iVo.. 4, 38 pp. Om de konvexa polyedrarne. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 497-522. Undersokningar ofver nagra aritmetiska funktioner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 579-619. Om en viss oandlig grupp af rationela hela funktioner. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 175-195. Sur quelques relations entre les racines de certaines equations du troisieme degre. [1899.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 18, 1900, No. 3, 14 pp. Berger, Alwin. Stapelia hanburyana, Brgr. et Eiiat. Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 6-9. Mesembrianthemum Bolusii, Hook. Jil., im Garten des Comm. Th. Hanbury, F.L.S., etc. zu La Mortola. Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 39-43. Zwei verw^echselte Euphorbien. (E. caput Medusse, L., und E. parvimamma, Bo/ss.) Mschr. Kakteenk., 9, 1899, 88-92. Cereus spachianus, Lem., im Garten des Herrn Commendatore Th. Hanbury zu La Mortola. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 92-95. Cotyledon macrantha, Hort. La Mort. Mschr. Kakteenk., 10, 1900, 106-110. Aloe pluridens. Haw. Mschr. Kakteenk. , 10, 1900, 137-138. Berger, E[dioard] W[illiam]. [Pseudoscorpions of Tas- mania.] Nature, 56 (1897), 470. Dr. F. S. Conant's notes on the physiology of the Medusae. [1898.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [18 (1898-99)], 9-11. Physiology and histology of the Cubomedusse in- cluding Dr. F. S. Conant's notes on the physiology. Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Mem., 4, No. 4, 1900, 84 pp. Berg-er] 465 [Berger Berger, Eniil (or Kmile). Bemerkung " zur Zonulafrage." Arch. f. Ophthalm., 81, 1886 (Ahth. ,S), 93-98. Kefractions-Ophtbalmoskop mit variablem Intervalle zwischen je zwei Correctionsglasern. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 5, 1886, 77-79. Rechprches sur les troubles oculaires dans le tabes dorsal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1618-1620. Un appareil pour determiner la veritable forme des objets micrographiques. L'etendue de la chambre posterieure de I'ceil. Paris, See. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 215-216. Des cellules ganglionnaires medianement situees dans la moelle epiniere des serpents. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 217. Die Sehstorungen bei Tabes dorsalis und Versuch einer einheitlichen Erklarung des Syniptomencomplexes der Tabes. [1888-81>.]" Arch. Augenheilk., 19, 1889, 305-353, 391-454; Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 429-496; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 225-230. Bemerkung liber Nystagmus bei Tabes dorsalis. Arch. Augenheilk., 21, 1890, 290. Remarques sur raction physiologique de la cocaine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 [C. R.), 63. Sur Temploi en ophtalmologie de melanges de plusieurs produits pharmaceutiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 63-65. Action des toxines sur la secretion lacrymale. Patho- genic de la keratomalacie survenant dans les maladies infectieuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 279-280. Historische Bemerkungen zur Anatomic der Ora serrata retinae. Arch. Augenheilk., 32, 1896, 288-290; Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 73. Emploi de I'holocaine en ophtalmologie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 585-586. Sur une nouvelle loupe binoculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 821-823; Arch. Augenheilk., 41, 1900, 235-241. Ueber stereoskopische Lupen und Brillen. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1900, 160-162. Transformation de loupe simple en loupe binoculaire et stereoscopique. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 25, 1900, 70-71. Appareil transformant la loupe simple en instrument binoculaire et stereoscopique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), ^109-200. Berger, Emil (or Emile), & tocwy, Robert. L'ctat des yeux pendant le sommeil et la theorie du sommeil. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 448-450; Robin, Jl. Anat.,, 34, 1898, 364-418. Berger, Einil (or Emile), & IHKeyer, Ed. See Meyer & Berger. Berger, Eerdinand. Streckenbetrieb in Kreisbogen mittelst Schablonen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 33, 1886, 7-9. Berger, Eranz. Ueber die Darstellung des Phenylcyana- mids. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 [Ahth. 2), 702-705; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 217-220. Ueber die Einwirkung von Acetamid auf Phenyl- cyanamid. Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Abth. 2), 280-300; Mhefte. Chem., 1884, 451-471. Berger, G. 0. Ueber den Einfluss der Reizstarke auf die Dauer einfacher psychischer VoJ-gange mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Lichtreize. Phil. Stud., 3, 1886, 38-93. Ueber den Einfluss der Uebung auf geistige Vorgange. Phil. Stud., 5, 1889, 170-178. Berger, Ham. [Die Besteigung des Vulkans Ollagua im nordlichen Chile.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1891, xxx-xxxii; Petermann, Mitth., 37, 1891, 241-247. Hammarhkkg's Objectnetzmikrometer. Ztschr. Wiss, Mikr., 15, 1898, 303-310. Experimentell-anntomische Studien iiber die durch den Mangel optischer Reize veranlassten Entwicklungs- hemmungen im Occipitallappen des Hundes und der Katze. Arch. Psychiatr., 33, 1900, 521-567. R. S. A. C. Berger, H(in», & Binswanger, Otto [Ludicig^ See Binswanger & Berger. Berger, />. Etude sur les cables aeriens. Ann. Mines, 5, 1884, 430-464. Berger, Max. Ein neuer Mikroskop-Oberbau. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 18, 1898, 129-133. Berger, Oscar. For biography and works see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1885, 428-429; Fortschr. Med., 3 (1885, Beil.), 113-114; Leopoldina, 21, 1886, 161. *Zur physiologischen und therapeutischen Wiirdigung des Amylnitrits. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 103. Berger, Paul. Clinical lecture on salivary calculus and hypertrophy of Bichat's " boule graisseuse." Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 6-8. De I'osteomyelite infectieuse aigue developp^e chez I'adulte. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull. et Mem., 14, 1888, 77-95, 102-114. Sur le traitement cbirurgical des plaies penetrantes de I'abdomen. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M^m., 14, 1888, 281-295, 300-311, 324-332, 334-351. Autoplastic par la methode italienne modifiee. Arch. Gen. Med., 164, 1889, 568-569. Note sur un cas de tetanos traumatique chronique a marche progressive, gu^ri par I'amputation. [With discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 744-753. Suture du nerf cubital pour une blessure de ce nerf remontant a plus de quatre mois ; retour presque im- mediat de la sensibihte. Paris, Ac. MM. Bull, 29, 1893, 293-296. Sur des memoires concernant le traitement du tetanos. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull. , 29, 1893, 595-613. Abces du foie developp^ sous I'influence d'une grippe six ans apres une poussee legere d'hepatite survenue au cours d'une dysenteric des pays chauds. Evacuations du pus par voniique, septicite ; guerison rapide par I'incision transdiaphragmatique de Pabces. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull. , 38, 1897, 56-65. L'amputation interscapulo-thoracique (amputation du membre superieur dans la contiguite du trono) dans le traitement des tumeurs malignes de I'extremite superieure de I'humerus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 474^77. Osteomalacic masculine avec deformations extremes du squelette ayant debute par I'apparitiou d'un double genu valgum traitc par une ost^otomie supra-condylienne du cote gauche. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 41, 1899, 351-361. Torticolis congenital du sterno-clcido-mastoidien du cote droit ; scoliose, asym^tries faciale et cranienne cousecutives. Guerison et correction complete par la tenotomie sous-cutanee des chefs sternal et claviculaire du muscle et par le massage. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 41, 1899, 411-415. Sur un cas d'endotheliome des os. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 901-903. Berger, Paul, & Bezan^on, Eernand. Tuberculose ganglionnaire pseudo-lymphadenique (lyraphome tuber- culeux). [With discussion.] Paris, Ac. M6d. Bull., 42, 1899, 175-194, Berger, Paul, & Comll, A[ndre] V[ictor]. See Comil & Berger. Berger, Richard. Beitrag zur Salpetersaurebestimmung. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 305-306. Berger, Richard, & Mohlau, Richard. See Blohlau & Berger. Berger, Robert. Beitrage zum Melanismus der Schmetter- linge. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 6, [1892], 180; 7, [1893], 20-21, 27-28, 35-36, 44-45, 52-53, 59-60. Berger, yy[alter]. Ueber Antisepsis und Asepsis bei Bulbusoperationen nebst einer Statistik iiber 229 an der Universitats-Augenklinik zu Wiirzburg in den Jahren 1893, 1894 und 1895 bei aseptischem Verfahren aus- gefiihrten Staaroperationen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 30, 1897, (83)-(104). 59 Berg-eronJ 466 [Bergeron Bergeron,.^. Arc-en-ciel hinaire. Astronomie, 1893, 32. Bergeron, Charles. For biographical notice see Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1884, 61. Bergeron, Jules. *Note sur les terrains Silurien et Devonien ile Murasson (Aveyron). [1883.] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 121-124. Note sur les strobiles du Walchia piniformis, Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 533-538. Sur le terrain Permien des dcpartements de I'Aveyron et de l'H6rault. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 101, 1885, 179- 182., Etude g6ologique de la partie S.-O. de la Montagne- Noire. Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 477-480. Etude g^ologique du bassin houiller de Carmaux. Ass. Fran?. C, E , 1887 (Pt. 2), 492. ■ Sur la constitution geologique de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 530-532. Sur I'hyperite d'Arvieu (Aveyron). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 247-250. • Note sur le bassin houiller d'Auzits (Aveyron). Paris, Soc, G^ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 262-264. Etude paleontologique et stratigraphique des terrains anciens de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 373-382. Note sur I'existence probable d'une nouvelle assise du Devonien Inferieur, sur le versant meridional de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 756. Note sur les terrains Primitif, Archeen, Cambrien, et Silurien du versant meridional de la Montagne-Noire. [With discussion.] [1887-88.] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 210-213, 214-216, 246. Sur le Cambrien et sur Failure des depots Paleozoiques de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 760-762. Note sur la presence de la faune primordiale (Para- doxidien) dans les environs de Ferrals-les-Montagnes (Herault). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 282-285. [" Die PalBBozoischen Bildungen von Cabrieres (Lan- guedoc)."] Reponse au Dr. Frech de Halle. Paris, Soc. GM. Bull., 16, 1888, 935-947. Note sur les bassins houillers de Graissessac et de Decazeville. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 1032- 1045. Note sur les roches eruptives de la Montagne-Noire. [1888.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 54-63. Etude geologique du massif ancien situe au sud du plateau central. Ann. Sci. Geol., 22, 1889, 362 pp. Sur la presence du genre Oldhamia dans la Montagne- Noire. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 1), 295. [Sur la presence du genre Encrinurus a Cabrieres.] . Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 466. Reponse a la note de M. le professeur P. G. de RouviLLE [sur le Pal6ozoique de I'Herault]. [1889.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 13-18. Sur la presence, dans le Languedoc, de certaines especes de I'^tage ei du Silurien Sup^rieur de Boheme. [1889.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 171-174. • Sur une forme nouvelle de Trilobite de la famille des Calymenidae (genre Calymenella). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull , ■ 18,1890,365-371. [Sur I'origine des serpentines.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, cxlv-cxlvi. Contributions a I'^tude geologique du Rouergue et de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 20, 1892. 248-261. Description de quelques Trilobites de I'Ordovicien d'Ecalgrain. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 15 1893 42-47. ' ' Notes pal6ontologiques. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull 21 1893. 333-346; 23, 1895, 465-481. ' ' Note sur Failure des couches Paleozoiques dans le voisinage des plis Tertiaires de Saint-Chinian. Paris Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 576-502. Montagne-Noire. Roches cristallines. [1894-96.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1896, 61-64; 7, 1896, 67-69; 8, 1897, 95 {bis)-100 (bis). Sur le metamorphisme du Cambrien de la Montagne- Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 911-914. Notes et observations a propos de la communication de M. DE LoNOKAiRE sur les seismes et volcans. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1895 (Pt. 1), 442-454. Observations relatives a la note de 3IM. de Rouville, Delage et MiQUEL sur les plis Tertiaires de St.-Chinian. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, Ixxiii. Sur les calcaires Cambriens de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, xcvii-xcix. [Si;r le metamorphisme des schistes Cambriens de la Montagne-Noire.] [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, cxcix-ccii. Remarques relatives a deux notes de M. Miqoel : [Notes sur la geologie des terrains Primaires du departe- ment de I'Herault. Le Cambrien et I'Arenig. Essai de stratigraphie gendrale]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 337-343. De I'extension possible des differents bassins houillers de la France. [1896.] Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1896 (Pt. 1), 727-751; Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1897, 335-360. Sur quelques roches metamorphiques de la Montagne- Noire. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 533. Montagne-Noire. Feuille de Bedarieux (roches erup- tives Tertiaires). France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 338-341; 10, 1899, 123-131, 509-510; 11, 1900, 145. Allure des couches Paleozoiques sur le versant meri- dional de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1675-1676. Etude du versant meridional de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 472-487. [Observations sur les calcaires Paleozoiques de Mont- cada.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 763-764. Note sur les terrains Paleozoiques des environs de Barcelone et comparaison avec ceux de la Montagne- Noire (Languedoc). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 867-875. Note sur la base du Carbonifere dans la Montagne- Noire. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 36-43. Etude de quelques Trilobites de Chine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 499-516. Forage d'un puits artesien aux Gheminieres, pres Castelnaudary. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 615- 616., Etude des terrains Paleozoiques et de la tectonique de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 617-678. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 6 septembre [au col de Sainte Colombe]. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 680-682. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 7 septembre [a Saint- Chinian]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 682-685. Compte-reudu de I'excursion du 9 septembre [dans les environs de Roquebrun]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 724-730. Les basaltes de I'Escandorgue et du Salagou. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 739-741. Compte-rendu de I'excursion de la matinee du 11 septembre a Laurens. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 741. Excursion de I'apres-midi du 11 septembre. [Etude de I'ecaille de Laurens-Gabian.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 747-748. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 13 septembre [k Cadenas, Cabrieres et la Combe Izarne]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 760-764. Compte-rendu de Texcursiou du 14 septembre [au nord du Pic de Bissous]. [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 765-770. Bergeron] 467 [Bergevin Languedoc et Aquitaine. Feuille de Carcassonne. France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 11, 1900, 148-150. Observations faites sur le bord meridional du lac de Mouriscot, pres Biarritz. [With discussioti.] Paris, Sec. G6ol. Bull. , 28, 1900, 22-28. Bergeron, Jitlex, & Janet, Charles. See Janet & Bergeron. Bergeron, Jules, & Michel-Ii^vy, [A ugitste]. See Xffichel- Zi6vy & Bergeron. Bergeron, Jules, & Munier-ChaUnas, [Ernest Philippe]. See Munier-Ch almas & Bergeron. Bergeron, Jules, Jardel, — , & Ficandet, . Etude g^ologique du bassin houiller de Decazeville (Aveyron). Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 28, 1900, 715-748. Bergeron, [Etienne] Jules. For biographical notice see Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 44, 1900, 706-708. Bergeron, [Etienne] Jules, & Xiaborde, J. V. Les mesures prophylactiques centre I'alcoolisme ; proposition de vceu k I'Academie. Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 33, 1896, 598-600. Bergeron, [Etienne] Jules, & Martin, A. J. Gas de rage humaine signales en France par les prefectures pendant les annties 1883, 1884, 1885 et 1886. [1887.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 17, 1888, 254-270. Berg^s, Aristide. Sur I'utilisation des chutes d'eau du bassin de Lancey. [1898.] Is^re Soc. Bull., 30, 1899, 413-415. La houille blanche. Isere Soc. Bull., 31, 1900, 11-32. Bergesio, 7i., & SCusso, Giuseppe. See SSusso & Bergesio. Bergesio, 11. , & Sabbatani, Luigi. Formazione di penta- bromoacetone dall' acido- acetondicarbonico. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898], 529-532. Berget, Alphonse. Mesure de la conductibilit^ calorifique du mercure, en valeur absolue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 224-227. Sur la variation de la conductibilite calorifique du mercure avec la temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1152-1155. Sur la conductibilite thermique du mercure au-dessus de 100°. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 171-172. Mesure des coefficients de conductibilite thermique des metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 227-229. Conductibilite thermique du mercure et de quelques metaux. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1888, 335-351. — ;- Modele portatif d'eiectrometre capillaire. Lum. Elect., 37, 1890, 63-64; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 56-58. Sur le rapport entre les conductibilites 61ectrique et thermique des metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 76-77; Jl. Phys., 9, 1890, 135-138; Lum. Elect., 36, 1890, 605-610. Methode graphique pour determiner les valeurs rela- tives de la gravite en differents lieux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 573-575. Sur I'appareil de M. L-C. Rohn, servant au trace des courbes de Lissajous. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seancea, 1891, 156-158. Methode d'inscription optique pour determiner I'ac- cei6ration de la pesanteur, Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 284-288. La photographic des couleurs. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 33-40. Sur les phenomenes eiectrocapillaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 531-532, 742-743. Methode optique pour determiner la conductibilite thermique des barres metalliques. Paris, Ao. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1350-1352. Sur la dilatation du fer dans un champ magnetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 722-724; Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1892, 371-376. Sur une petite experience d'optique. 0 mica experien^ia de optica. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 5-7. Determination experimentale de la constante de I'attraction universelle ainsi que de la masse et de la densite de la Terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1501-1503. Recherches relatives k la densite et k la masse de la Terre. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 235. [La persistance des impressions lumineuses.] Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1893, 283. Metoda nouii pentru a determina dilata^iunea absoluta a lichidelor ^i a apei in particular. Nouvelle methode pour determiner la dilatation absolue des liquides et de i'eau en particulier. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 3, 1894], 265-267. Methode d'enregistrement photographique pour etudier la dilatation des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 745-746. Enregistrement microphonique de la marche des chronometres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 712- 713. Demonstration de la rotation de la Terre, par I'ex- perience de Foucadlt realisee avec un pendule de 1™. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 106-107. Nouveau dispositif d'appareils servant k la mesure des bases geodesiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 407-408. Bergevin, Ernest de. [Le Physcomitrella patens, Hedw.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, 101-102. [Sur le Juncus bulbosus, L., et le Juncus bufonius, L.] Rouen Soc, Sci. Bull., 1887, 115-116. Note sur les affinites des Thallophytes et des Muscinees. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, 265-274. Melange d'observations botaniques sur la variabilite de I'individu et la valeur de I'espece. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 83-121, Compte rendu de I'excursion de Caudebec-en-Caux (27 mai 1888). Zoologie et botanique. Rouen Soc, Sci. Bull., 1888, 123-131. [Sur trois specimens du Cirsium eriophorum, Scop.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 190. Aperpu physiologique sur une forme de Thrincia hirta. Roth. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull, 1888, 211-224. Liste des plantes recueillies pendant I'excursion de Pacy-sur-Eure (octobre 1888). Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 353-356. Note sur un acte intelligent et spontane observe chez des fourmis. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 395-398. Note sur une forme anomale du Leucanthemum vulgare. Lam. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 53-63. Note sur un cas de synanthie du Digitalis purpurea. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 409-410. Partitions anomales du rachis chez les fong^res. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 439-478; 1890, 8-10. Liste des plantes recueillies pendant I'excursion de la Societe aux environs d'Elbeuf (Le Framboisier et la valiee de I'Oison) le 15 septembre 1889. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 479-481. Remarques sur les variations de Lolium perenne, L., dans ses sous-varietes ciistatum, Coss. et Germ. FL, et ramosum, P. FL Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 161- 185. Note sur la coloration et I'albinisme des Graminees. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 187-192. Liste de quelques plantes recoltees en Algerie (province d'Oran) comparees avec les especes similaires qui croissent en France. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 171-218. [L'Hypnum mollnscum, Hedw.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 25-26. Note sur le Bryum gemmiparum, de Not. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 43-47. Sur un type bryologique probablement ancestral, I'Epbemeropsis tjibodensis, Goeb. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 163-169. 59—2 Bergevin] 468 [Observations sur la fascie.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 16-18. ,,.!.. Bergey, David Hendricks. The biological relation between bacteria and the more higbly organized flora of running streams. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Lab. Hyg.), 1 & 2, 1898, 1-15. . Comparative studies upon the pseudo-diphtheria, or Hofmann bacillus, the xerosis bacillus, and the Loffler bacillus. Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Lab. Hyg.), 1 & 2, 1898, 17-54. Methods for tbe determination of organic matter in air. [1896.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, Art. 1, 28 pp. , • , An investigation on the influence upon the vital resistance of animals to the microorganisms of disease brought about by prolonged sojourn in an impure atmosphere. [1898.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 39, 1899, Art. 6, 10 pp. Bergey, David Hendricks, & Abbott, Ailexander] Clrever]. See Abbott & Bergey. Bergey, David Hendricks, Billings, John S., & Mitchell, S[ilas] Weir. See BllUngs, SlitcheU & Bergey. Bergfeldt, Alfred. Chordascheiden und Hypochorda bei Alytes obstetricans. [1896.] Anat. Helte (Aht. 1), 7, 1897, 53-102. Berggren, S[ven]. Scirpus parvulus, Roemer et Schultes, i Skane. Bot. Notiser, 1887, 110-111. Om rotbildningen bos australa Coniferer. Bot. Notiser, 1887, 144-146; Bot. Centrbl,, 31, 1887, 257- 258. Om apogami hos prothalliet af Notoohlsena. [1887.] Bot. Notiser, 1888, 14-16; Bot. Centrbl., 35, 1888, 183- 184. Nagra iakttagelser rorande sporernas spridning hos Archidium phascoides. [1888.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 48- 49. Om Cyperaceerna. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 {Soc. Physiogr., No. xiv, 1-9). Om Rhynchospora alba och nagra andra svenska Cyperaceers morfologi. Bot. Notiser, 1898, 129-146 ; Bot. Centrbl., 76, 1898, 340-343. Det uppsvallda internodiet hos Molinia caerulea. Bot. Notiser, 1898, 147-150; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1898-99, 203-204. Berggren, S[ven] {et alii). Diskussion om det fian Botanisk Forening i Kopenhamn erhallna forslaget till regler for den systematiska noiuenklaturen. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 77-84. Berggriin, Josef Ernil. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Kernvermehrung. Med. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 597-608. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Theorie der Muscarin- wirkung. Centrbl. Physiol., 5, 1892, 776-781. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vom Broncho- spasmus der Neugeborenen. [1893.] Centrbl. Physiol., 7, 1894, 129-137. Berggriin, Josef Emit, & Pal, J[akob]. See Pal & Berggriin. Bergh, van den. Theorie de la skiascopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 40-42. Bergb, .1. ZZijmanB van den. See Hijmans van den Bergh. Bergli, Ch. van den, & Denys, J. See Denys & Bergh. Bergh, Elbe. Unlersuchungen iiber die basischen Spal- tungsprodukte des Elastins beim Kochen uiit Salzsaure. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 337-343. Bergh, Faul. Seiten- und Diametralzahlen bei den Griechen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 31, 1886 {Hist. lit. Abth.), 135. Bergh, Rudolph. *Beitrage zu einer Monographie der Polyceiaden, iii. [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 {Abh.), 135-180. — — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattung Melibe, Rung. [1884.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 41, 1886, 142-154. [Bergh Ueber die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Onchidien. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1885, 172-181; Arch. Zool. Exp6r., 3, 1885, viii-xi. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Aeolidiaden. [1885-88.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 35, 1886 {Abh.), 1-60; 38, 1888 {Abh.), 673-706. Die Nudibranchien gesammelt wahrend der Fahrten des Willem Barents in das nordliche Eismeer. Amster- dam Bijdr. Dierk., 13, 1886, 37 pp. Sur la nature du Phcenicure. Arch. Zool. Exp6r., 4, 1886, 73-76. ■ Die Marseniaden. Zool. Jbiich., 1, 1886, 165-176. Die van Hasselt'schen Nudibranchien. Leyden Mus. Notes, 9, 1887, 303-323. Die Pleuroleuriden, eine Familie der nudibranchiaten Gastraopoden. Zool. Jbiich., 3, 1888, 348-364. Report on the results of dredging,... by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, xxxii. Report on the nudi- branciis. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 19, 1890, 155- 181. Die Titiscanien, eine Familie der rhipidoglossen Gasteropoden. Morphol. Jbuch., 16, 1890, 1-26. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pleurophyllidien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 {Abh.), 1-14. Die cladohepatischen Nudibranchien. [1890.] Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 5, 1891, 1-75. Die cryptobranchiaten Dorididen. [1891.] Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 6, 1892, 108-144. DieNudibranchiataholohepaticaporostomata. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 42, 1893 {Abh.), 1-16. Ueber einige verkannte und neue Doridiiden. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894 {Abh.), 408-420, Die Gattung Gastropteron. [1893.] Zool. Jbiich. {Anat.), 7, 1894, 281-308. Eine neue Gattung von Polyceraden (Greilada). Arch. Naturg., 60, 1894 {^Bd. 1), 1-6. Reports on the dredging operations... by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, xiii. Die Opistho- bianchien. [1894.] Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 25, 1893-95, 125-233. Die Gruppe der Doridiiden. [1893.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 11, 1895, 107-135. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Strombiden, besonders der Gattung Terebellum, Klein. Zool. Jbiich. {Anat.), 8, 1895, 342-378. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Coniden. [1895.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 65, 1896, 67-214. Die Hedyliden, eine Familie der kladohepatischen Nudibranchien. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 45, 1896, 4-12. Eolidiens d'Amboine. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 4, 1896-97, 385-394. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Narica und Onu.stus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 46, 1896, 200-212. Ueber die Gattung Doriopsilla. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 9, 1897, 454-458. [Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergischen Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft ausgefiihrt von Dr. Willy KiJKENTHAL.] Opisthobranchieu. [1897.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 24, 1898, 97-130. [Fauna Chilensis.] Die Opisthobranchier der Samm- lung Plate. Zool. Jbiich. {Suppl.), 4, 1898, 481-582. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific (Schauins- LANn 1896-97). Die Opisthobranchier. Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 13, 1900, 207-246. Bergh, Rudolph S. Thatsachen aus der Entwickelungs- geschichte der Blutegel. Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 90-94. Ueber die Metamorphose von Nephelis. [1884.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 41, 1885, 284-301. — Die Metamorphose von Aulastomagulo. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb., 7, 1885, 231-291. Ueber die Deutung der allgemeinen Anlagen am Ei Bergh] 469 [Bergkammer der Clepsinen und der Kieferegel. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 112-119. Vorliiufige Mittheilung liber die Geschlechtsorgane der RcKenwiiriuer. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 231-235. Untersuchiiii|^en iiber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane der Regeuwiirmer. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 44, 1886, 303-332. Ueber den Tlieilungsvorgang bei den Dinoflagellaten. [1886.] Zool. Jbuch., 2, 1887, 73-86. Beinrerkninger om udviklingen af Lucernaria. KjfJbenli. Vid. Medd., 1888, 214-220. Zur Bildungsgeschichte der Exkretionsorgane bei Criodrilns. Wlirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb., 8, 1888, 223-248. Recherches sur les noj'aux de I'Urostyla grandis et de rUrostyla intermedia, n. sp. Arch, de Biol., 9, 1889, 497-514. Ein moderner Theoretiker und seine Methodik. Zur Abwehr gegen Herrn Rabl. Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 17-24. Neue Beitrage zur Embryologie der Regenwurmer. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 186- 190, Die Sehichtenbildung im Keirastreifen der Blutegel. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 658- 660. Neue Beitrage zur Erabryologie der Anneliden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 50, 1890, 469-526; 52, 1891, 1-17. Kritik einer moderuen Hypothese von der Ueber- tragung erblicher Eigeuschaften. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 43-52. Die Drehung des Keimstreifens und die Anlage des Dorsalorgans bei Gammarus pulex. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 268-271. Zur Entwicklung des Keimstreifens von Mysis. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 43(5-440. Beitrage zur Embryologie der Crustaceen. [1893.] Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 6, 1893, 491-528 ; 7, 1894, 235- 248. Ueber die relativen Theilungspotenzen einiger Embryo- nalzellen. [1895.] Arch. EntwMech., 2, 1896, 281-297. Ueber den Begriff der Heteromorphose. Arcli. Entw- Mech., 3, 1896, 660-661. Ueber Stiitzfasern in der Zellsubstanz einiger In- fusorien. [1896.] Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 7, 1897, 103- 113. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Histologie. [1. Ueber die Gefasswandung bei Mollusken. 2. Ueber den Bau der Gefasse bei den Anneliden.] Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1), 10, 1898, 105-125; 14, 1900, 379-407; 15, 1900, 597- 623. Methodologisk-kritiske bemaerkninger om moderne forskningsretninger i embryologien. Kjobenh. Overs., 1899, 169-191. ■ Nochmals iiber die Entwicklung der Segmentalorgane. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 66, 1899, 435-449. Bergh, Rudolph S., & DlUevsen, A. Om et hidtil ukendt bygningsforhold i epidermis hos " Oligochfeta limicola." Kjobenh. Overs., 1899, 323-331. Berghaus, ^. Kobalt, Saflor, Smalte. Centrztg. Optik, 12, 1891, 183-186. Metall-Spiegel. Centrztg. Optik, 12, 1891, 195-197. Der Braunstein. Centrztg. Optik, 13, 1892, 5-7. Chemische Bezeichnung der Metalle. Centrztg. Optik, 13, 1892, 118-120. Die Messung hoher Temperaturen. Centrztg. Optik, 14, 1893, 121-123. Ein historischer Riickblick. Centrztg. Optik, 14, 1893, 253-256, 266-268. : Historische Notizen iiber die magnetische Kraft. Centrztg. Optik, 15, 1894, 1-3. Ueber " Kalender- Wetter." Wetter, 13, 1896, 90-94. Berghaus, Htiiirieh Karl. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 59-60; Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1886, 497; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 354-355. Berghaus, Hermann Carl Friedrich. For biography and works see Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 8, 1891, 76'.» ; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 201 ; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 28-30, 43-45 ; Peterniann, Mitth., 37, 1891, i-v ; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 7, 1891, 86; Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 629. Bergbe. See Vsmden-Berglie. Berghell, Hugo. Geologiska iakttagelser, hufvudsakligast af qvartiirbildningarna, liings Karelska jernvagens tva forsta distrikt och Imatrabanan. Fennia, 4, 1891, No. 6, 33 pp. {Res. 30-33); 5, 1892, No. 2, 18jjp. {Re's. 17-18). Huru bor Tammerfors-Kangasala asen uppfattas ? Fennia, 5, 1892, No. 3, 10 pp. {Re:s. 9-10). Beobaciitungen iiber den Bau und die Configuration der Randmoranen im ostlichen Finnland. Fennia, 8, 1893, No. 5, 4 pp. Bidrag till kannedomen om sodra Finlands Kvartiira nivaforandringar. [1896.] Fennia, 13, 1896, No. 2, 64 pp. {Rgs. 61-64); Finlande Comm. Geo). Bull., 1, 1898-98, No. 5, 64 pp. {Res. 61-64). Om Finlands storsta insjobacken, Saimavattnets aflopp forr och nu. Skand. Natf. Mot. Forh., 1898, 228-229, Berghell, Hugo, & Andersson, [Carl Filip] Gunnar. See Andersson & Berghell. Berghell, Hugo, & Ramsay, Wilhelm. See Bamsay & Berghell. Berghoff, Vlictor]. Bestimmung der Brechungsexponenten von Schwefel- und Phosphorlosungen in Schwefelkohlen- stoff nach der Prismenmethode mit Fernrohr und Skala. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 15, 1894, 422-436, Bergholz, ^. Ueber Mikrophotographie. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 36, 1897, 374-375. Bergholz, P. E. B. Das Klima von Bremen. [1888.] Bremen Abh., 10, 1889, 1-39. Bergholz, Paul. Erfahrungen an elektrisch registrirenden meteorologischen Apparaten. Deutsch. Natf. Verh. , 1897, (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 115-116. Der Iltis-Taifun vom 22.-25. Juh 1896. Wetter, 14, 1897, 70-72. Ueber die Form der meteorologischen Jahrbiicher. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 203-205. Die Taifune vom 9. und 29. September 1897. Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 145-157. Der tagliche Gang des Luftdruckes zu Manila, Mauritius, Hongkong und Zi-ka-wei. Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 319-321. Ueber Bildungsstatten, Bahnen und Zonen der Orkane des "Fernen Ostens." [1899.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 71-74. Die Ergebnisse der Beobachtungen der Wolken in Manila in dem internationalen Wolkenjahre. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 106-115. Beobachtungen wiihrend der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28. Mai 1900. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 326. Bergier, R. A. An improved French pocket-compass. [1889.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 18, 1890, 97-101. Bergin, T. J., & Moore, Benjamin. See Moore & Bergln. Bergls, Leonce. Lutte pour le vin. Perip^ties et vicissi- tudes d'un petit vignoble d'^tudes, meridien de Paris, 44=^ latitude nord. Ass. Fran(?. C. R., 1888 {PL 2), 556- 570. Bergk, , Ueber die Mittel zur Beseitigung der Kesselsteinbildung im Allgemeinen und iiber die Reini- gung des Locomotiv-Speisewassers auf dem bayerischen Bahnhofe zu Leipzig nach dem Verfahren von Bebenoer- Stinol im Besonderen. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884, 449- 406; 31, 1886, 63-64. Bergkammer, F. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Verbreitung der Miliartuberculose und Einwanderung der Tuberkel- bacillen in die Blutbahn. Yirchow, Arch., 102, 1886, 397-406. Berglund] 470 [Bergmann Berglund, Emil. Neue Methode zur qualitativen Schei- dung von Zinn, Antimon und Arsen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 95-98. • Method att qvantitativt atskilka klor och brora. Stockh., Ofvers., 1884, No. 10, 56-67; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1885, 184-195, 486. ■ VoRTMANNS method att direkt bestamma klor vid niirvaro af brom. Stockh., Ofvers., 1884, No. 10, G9-7'2; Fresenius, Ztschr., 24, 1886, 196-199. Ueber den Bromgehalt des Meerwassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2888-2890. Bergman, Arvid. Om (Estriderna och deres ekonomiska betydelse. Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899, 133-155. Undersokningar af sjuka larver till lofskogsnunnan (Ocneria dispar, L.). Ent. Tidskr., 20, 1899, 284-286. Bergman, F[rans] A[nton] Gustaf. Nyare undersokningar i kolerans etiologi. [1884.] Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 20, 1885, 73-83, 146-156, 160. — I begrafnings- och likbranningsfragan ur medicinsk synpunkt. [1888.] Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 24, 1889, 39-77, 212-217. Bergman, Per G. Ueber die Reflexerregbarkeit der Frosche bei Hemmung der Circulation. Zur Beleuchtung der cenfral-nervosen Wirkungen der Herzgifte. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 1897, 198-221. Bergman, Per G., & Andersson, J. A. See Andersson & Bergman. Bergman, Per G., & Bergendal, K. See Bergendal & Bergman. Bergman, Per G., & Tigerstedt, Robert. See Tigerstedt & Bergman. Bergmann, A[dolf] von. Ueber Lepra in Riga. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 10, 1885, 317-320, 325-326. Das multiloculare Kystom des Netzes. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 22, 1897, 19-20. Bergmann, A. Ueber die insektenfressenden Pflanzen Thiiringens. Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1886, 135-136. Bergmann, Ernst von. Zur Diagnose der angeborenen Sacral-Geschwiilste. [1884.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 15, 1885 {Th. 2), 218-245. Die Errungenschaften der Radioskopie und der Radiographic fiir die Chirurgie. Deutach. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 1), 39-58. Bergmann, Eugen. Ueber die Ursache der Luftblasen im Tafelleim. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 141. Sur la fabrication des cyanures au moyen de I'am- moniaque et des eaux ammoniacales provenant de r^puration du gaz d'^clairage. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, 44-56. Ueber die Fabrikation der Salpetersaure durch Destination im Vacuum. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1003-1005. Bergmann, F[ritz], & Prancke, Br[uno]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlor auf o-Amido-p-kresol und o-Toluy- lendiamin : l-Methylpentachlor-3, 4-diketo-R-hexen und Umwandlungsproducte. Liebig's Ann., 296, 1897, 159- 179. Bergmann, Friedrich. Ueber Nonylsauren (Pelargon- sauren) versehiedenen Ursprungs. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 331-344. Bergmann, H. Bohrung naeh artesischem Wasser in der Niederung von Neubydzov nordlich von Chlumec in BiJhmen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 313-314. Bergmann, J. Ueber die Beobachtung des Fliissigkeits- standes in durchsichtigen, kreiscylindrischen Rohren an Marken auf der Aussenseite der Wandung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 853-857. Zum Abmessen von Mengen einer wasserigen Fliissig- keit vermittelst Messkolben und Messcylindern. Ztschr Angew. Chem., 1900, 719-721. Bergmann, Joh. Beschreibung eines neuen Apparates zur Darstellung einfacher Schwingungen. [1886.] Neu- Vorpommern Mitth., 18, 1887, 1-6. Beobachtungen iiber Aenderungen des electrischen Leitungsvermogens nach starkem Erwarmen der Metalle mit Hiilfe der Inductionswage. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 783-791. Eine experimentelle Darstellung der einfachen Schwin- gungen (Sinus-Bewegung) und der Schwingungscurven. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1889, 134-139. Influenzmaschine. [1889.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 21, 1890, 35-39. Ueber die Inductionswage und die Beobachtungen mit derselben. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1890 (Abth. 2), 24-46. Weitere Versuche mit der Inductionswage. Speci- fisches electrisches Leitungsvermogen gemiinzter Metalle. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 {Abth. 2), 20-46. Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf elektrischer Inductions- strome. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Abth. 2a), 9-20. Einige Versuche iiber elektrische Schwingungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Abth. 2a), 115-124. Zur Bestimraung der Dauer electrischer Schwingungen von grossen Perioden. Ann. Phys. Cliem., 64, 1898, 685-707. Bergmann, Joh., & Oberbeck, A. See Oberbeck & Bergmann. Bergmann, R[einhold]. Ueber die Zuverlassigkeit der Haarhygrometer auf meteorologischen Stationen in Russland. [1884.] Repertm. f. Meteorol., 9, 1885, No. 3, 30 pp. Barometrische Bestimmung der Meereshohe des Ladoga-Sees. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 9, 1885 (KL Mitth.), 20-25. Meteorologische Beobachtungen im Jana-Gebiet, an- gestellt von Dr. Alexander Bunge. Nach den Original- notizen bearbeitet. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 3, 1887, 183- 228. Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf den Neusibirischen Inseln, angestellt von Dr. Alexander Bunge. Nach den Originalnotizen bearbeitet. Beitr. Russ. R«ich., 3, 1887, 323-361. Meteorologische Beobachtungen im Jana-Lande und auf den Neusibirischen Inseln, angestellt von Baron Eduard Toll. Nach den Originalnotizen bearbeitet. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 3, 1887, 363-412. Witterungsbeobachtungen an der Ishma, angestellt von dem Diakonus Istomin. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 10, 1887 {Kl. Mitth.), 26-36. Ueber die Erdbeben in Wernyj in Juni 1887. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1887, 537-540. 0611 OTRjiOHeniflXf. leMiiepaTyprir ir KOjiiqecTsa OCa,T;KOBT. OTt HOpMajILHHXlj, BGCHOK) II Jlt.TOMT. 1890 r. BT, EBponeilCKOfi Poccin. [Ueber die Ab- weichungen der Temperaturen und Niederschlagsmengen im Europaischen Russland von ihren Normalwerthen wahrend des Friihlings und Sommers 1890.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Buss.), 67, 1892 {Append. No. 1), 26 pp.; Repertm. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891, No. 6, 21 pp. 0 pacnpe;i,'fejieHiii ii jtiflxejiLHOCTii Mereopojio- niiecKiixT) CTaHii,itt bi. PocciiicKon HMiiepiii ct nanajia iixi. BOsmiKHOBeHiii ;i,o 1889 r. bkjiio- IHTejILHO. [Ueber die Vertheilung und Thatigkeit der meteorologischen Stationen in Russland, von den ersten Anfiingen bis zum Jahre 1889 inclusive.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 71, 1893 {Append. No. 4), 350 pp.; Repertm. f, Meteorol., 15, 1892, No. 11, 314 pp. Das Temperatur-Minimum in Kola in den Jahren 1878-92. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 226. MeTGopojiorHHecKiH Ha6jiK)AeHifl iipon3BeAeH- HHfl BapoHOMi '3. B. TojicMt ii JleuTeHaHTOMi- Bergmann] 471 [Bergroth » (t)JioTa E. H. lIIiijiKnKO m. 1893 ro;i,y bo BpCMH BKciie;i,»uiii na HoBO-CiiCupcKie ocrpoBa ii Bji,ojib fiepcroBt .?Ic;i,OBHTaro OKeaiia. [Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf einer Expedition nach den Neu- Sibirisclien Inseln iind Ijings der Eismeer-Kiiste im Jahre 1893, angestellt von Baron E. von Toll und Marine-Lieutenant E. Schileiko.] St. Pctersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1896, No. 3, 71 pp.; Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 368-376. Bergmeister, 0[tto]. Ueber das Vorkommen von Storun- gen des Sehorgans bei gewissen Stoffwecliselanomalien, speziell bei harnsaurer Diathese. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1785-1787, 1831-1833. Bergenia, J[can]. [La formule donnant la distance focale du dioptre.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, vi-x. Contractions clectriquement provoquees, ressemblant a la contraction volontaire. Ass. Frano. C. R., 1895 {Pt. 1), 223. Mesure des resistances electriques en clinique. Ass. Franc. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 2), 187-189. Note sur les radiations Eontgen et leur emploi en medecine. Bordeaux Ac. Act., 58, 1896 (G. R.), 16-19. Photographies obtenues a I'aide des rayons X. [1896.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-96, 29. — — Nouveaux faits de radioscopie de lesions intru- thoraciques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1268- 1269. — — Sur un traitement electrique palliatif du tic douloureux de la face. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 340. Du mecanisme du soulevement du corps sur la pointe des pieds. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 365- 367. L'electricit^ medicale et le medecin electricien. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1899 (Pt. 1), 386 392. Traitement clectrolytique des angiomes graves. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1899 (Pt. 2), 990-997. De I'utilite des mesures electriques en radiographic. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 2), 1036-1044. Sur la mesure du volume et de la density du corps humain. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Juhil.), 1899, 152-157, Du rheostat en electrotherapie. Determination de ses constantes. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 1), 304. Bergoni6, J[ea?i], & Carrldre, G[eo)-j/e.s]. Sur quelques resultats comparatifs des mcthodes cliniques ordinaires et de I'examen fluoroscopique dans les epanchements pleuretiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 975-977. Bergenia, J[ean], & Texri, [Jean Hippolytel Gabriel [Paul]. Action des rayons de Roentgen sur la vitalitc et la virulence des cultures du bacille de Koch. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 4a), 91-93. Bergoni6, J[eaii], & Mongour, Ch. Les rayons Eontgen ont-ils une action sur la tuberculose pulmonaire de I'homme? Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 38, 1897, 66-71. Bergenia, J[ean], & BigcUas, G. Mesures calorim^triques sur I'homme. [1895.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc.-Verb., 1896-96, 15-22. Nouvelles mesures calorimetriques sur rhomme. Ass. Franc;. C. E., 1896 (Pt. 1), 146-147. Sur Taction des courants de haute tension et de grande frequence. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 99-103. Appareil pour I'etude des combustions respiratoires chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (G. R.), 906-907. Mesure des surfaces du corps de I'homme, m^thode et resultat. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (G. R.), 616-617. Bergenia, J[ean], Jolyet, F., & Sigalas, G. Eecherches sur les echanges gazeux dans la respiration de I'homme. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 3, 1887, xv-xix. See also Jolyet, Bergonid & Sigalas. Bergonzini, Gurzio. For biography and list of works see Morlena Soc. Nat. Atti, 15, 1898, v-xiii. *[Catalogo dei Protozoi del Modenese con un' ap- pendice sui Flagellati.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti (Rend.), 1, 1882, 19-23. Sopra alcune particolarita della struttura microscopica delle pelle del glande. [1885.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti (RemL), 2, 1884, 158-164. ■ Sulla struttura dello stomaco delT Alcedo hispida e sullo strato cuticolare (corneo) del ventriglio degli uccelli. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 4, 1886, 1-13. Sopra una Taenia seghettatta. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti (Rend.), 3, 1886, 45-49. Contribuzione alio studio della spermatogenesi. .Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 7, 1888, 62-68. Sulla spermatogenesi in alcuni Mammiferi. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 7, 1888, 122-144. Contributo alio studio della struttura e delle altera- zioni extravasali dei globuli rossi del sangue. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 8, 1889, 140-173. Sopra alcuni metodi nuovi di colorazione multipla in istologia. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 9, 1890, 59-63. Bacterii riscontrati nelle acque delle Salse di Nirano. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 9, 1890, 65-67. Ueber das Vorkommen von granulierten basophilen und acidophilen Zellen im Bindegewebe und iiber die Art, sie sichtbar zu machen. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 595- 600. I Micrococchi. Saggio di ordinamento e diagnostica bacteriologica. Modena Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1892, 169- 230. Suir infarto bianco della placenta. [1893.] Modena Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1894, 229-255. Sul modo di valutare la quantita di calore emessa da una regione del corpo. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, FisioL), 47. Sullo sviluppo del fungo della Trichomycosis nodosa. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 219-220. Alcune osservazioni sul fungo della Tricomicosi nodosa. Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 1-15. Contributo alio studio delle origini e dello sviluppo dei cisti papillonii ovarici semplici. Modena Ace. Sci. Mem., 11, 1895, 271-299. Studi sperimentali suU' emissione del calore nel corpo umano. Modena Ace. Sci. Mem., 11, 1895, 359- 408. HexgonzoU., Gaspare. Di un caso d'ermafrodismo. [1893.] Boll. Sci., 4, 1894 (Ann. 15), 9-13. La formalina quale mezzo di conservazione e di in- durimento dei preparati anatomici. [1894-95.] Boll. Sci., 4, 1894 {Ann. 16), 18-21; 5, 1898 (Ann. 17), 26-29. Una rara varieta nmscolare. Boll. Sci., 4, 1894 (Ann. 16), 101-103. Bergqvist, Jakob, & Tigerstedt, Robert. See Tigerstedt & Bergqvist. Bergreen, Henry. Zur Kenntniss der Isonitrosokorper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 531-534. Ueber Thiophosgen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1965-1966; 21, 1888, 337-352. Bergroth, Ermt Evald. Descriptions of two new species of AradidsB. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 7-9. Ueber die Gattung Mezira, Am, et Serv. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1886, 181-182. Zur nordlichen Verbreitung einiger Insecten-Arten. Ent. Nachr., 12, 1886, 378-380. Ueber einige amerikanische Aradiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 97-98. Zur Kenntniss der Aradiden. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 (Abh.), 53-60. Entomologische Parenthesen. [Nomenclatar.] Ent. Nachr., 13, 1887, 147-152. Finsk entomologisk literatur 1886[-95]. Ent. Tidskr., Bergroth] 8, 1887, 38; 9, 1888, 28; 10, 1889, 95-9fi; 11, 1890, 109- 110; 13, 1892, 280-282; 16, 1896, 65-68; 18, 1897, 117- 118. ■ Synopsis of the genus Neuroctenus, Fieb. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 173-189. Notes sur quelques Aradides nouveaux ou pen connus. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 244-247. Ueber Brachyrrhynchus centralis. Berg. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 6, 1887, 284. Diagnose d'une nouvelle espece de Thysanopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xxx-xxxi. Fahrea, iiov. gen. Hydrophilidarum. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1888, 221. On some S. African Tipulidse. Ent. Tidskr., 9, 1888, 127-141. Ueber einige nordamerikanische Tipnhden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 7, 1888, 193-201, 228, 23',)-240. Oesterreichische Tipuliden, gesammelt von Prof. J. A. Palmbn im Jahre 1870. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 645-656. Notes sur quelques Aradides appartenant au Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Bruxelles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, clxxx-clxxxii. Notes on two Capsidse attacking the cinchona planta- tions in Sikkim. [With a note by Chas. O. Waterhouse.] [1889.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 271-273. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regione vicine. XXII. Commentarius de Aradidis in Burma et Tenasserim a L. Fea collectis. [xlvii. Commentarius secundus de Aradidis....] Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889, 730-739; 32, 1892, 710-717. Om Finlands Ptychopteridffi och Dixidte. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 15, 1888-89, 158-165. [Nouvelle espece du genre Malthodes, Kiesw.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, cciii-cciv. [Novae Aradidarum species.] Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 49-52. Ueber einige palfearktische Tipuliden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 113-120. Zwei neue Diptera. Wien. Ent, Ztg., 8, 1889, 295- 298; 11, 1892, 162. Beitrag zur Tipuliden-Fauna der Schweiz. Bern Mitth., 1890, 131-138. Note on the genus Caridophthalmus, Assm. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 132-133. Note on the genus Protenor, Stal. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 217. Note on Lepisma domestica, Pack. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 233. Deux Reduviides nouveaux palearctiques. Kev. Ent., . 9, 1890, 56-57. Nouvelle espece palearctique du genre Coptosoma, Lap. Rev. Ent., 9, 1890, 355. Additions au "Catalogue methodique des Elaterides connus en 1890 par E. Canu^ze" (Liege, 1891). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 35, 1891, ccxxxiii-ccxxxvii. On the new Australian vine pest. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 68-70. [Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Leptopus, Latr.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, cli-clii. Contributions a I'etude des Pentatomides. Rev. Ent. 10, 1891, 200-235. Eine neue Saldiden-Gattung. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 10, 1891, 263-267. Rhynchota sethiopica. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36 1892, 160-162; 38, 1894, 535-547. Aradides du Bengale boreal. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 503-504. Nouvelle espece du genre Megymenum, Lap. Brux Soc. Ent. Ann., 36, 1892, 504-505. On an Indian ant-mimicking hemipteron [Dulichius Wroughtoni]. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 107, 126. 472 [Bergroth A new genus of Eustheuinffi. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 158-159. Aradidi dell' isoia di Engano raccolti dal Dott. Elio MoDiGLiANi. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 32, 1892, 806-808. [Description dun genre nouveau de la sous-famille des Plataspidinte.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 61, 1892, cclv-cclvi. ^ Aradidte novas. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 259-261. Notes synonymiques. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 262-264. Note on the water-bug, found by Rev. J. L. Zabkiskie. U. S. Div. Ent. Insect Life, 4, 1892, 321. Ueber Lasiopsis, Er., und verwandte Gattungen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 98-100. Ueber Heraidiptera Haeckeli, Leon. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 169-170. Plataspidinffi quattuor novEe. Wien, Ent, Ztg., 11, 1892, 171-173. On some Ethiopian Pentatomidas of the gi-oup Halyinffi, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 112-120. Description d'un genre nouveau de la sous-famille des Holoptilines (Reduviidas). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 78-79. Descriptions of some Rhynchota of geographical interest. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 61-63. On two halophilous Hemipteia. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 277-279. Notes hemiptcrologiques. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 153- 1.55. Mission scientifique de M. Ch. Alluaud aux iles S6chelles. Hctcropteres. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 197-209. Note sur deux Gerrides palearctiques. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 209-210. Rhynchota aquatica madagasoariensia. Rev. Ent., 12, 1893, 210-213. : Zur geographischen Verbreitung der Gattung Pygo- lampis. Germ. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 12, 1893, 157-158. Diagnoses Homopterorum quattuor madagascarien- sium. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 38, 1894, 160-161. Einige Worte iiber Nomenclatur und Prioritats- berechtigung. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 193-199. Erstes Verzeichniss von Dr. A. Voeltzkow in Mada- gaskar gesammelter Hemiptera Heteroptera. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 356-359. Fortsatta bidrag till Aradidernas kannedom. Ent. Tidskr., 15, 1894, 97-118. Viaggio di Lamberto Lokia nella Papuasia orientale. XI. Aradidffi. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 34, 1894, 111- 112. Rhynchota orientalia. Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 152-164. Liste de quelques Hemipteres de la Plata, Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 164-167. Tingidai tres madagascarienses. Rev. Ent., 13, 1894, 167-168. Ueber einige australische Dipteren. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 71-75. Ueber Biachyrrhynchus rugosus. Sign. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 13, 1894, 179. Ein neuer Aradus aus Oesterreich. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 13, 1894, 189-190, 236, 248. Notes sur quelques Hemipteres ethiopiens du Musee de Lisbonne. [1893.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 122-127. Le genre Cligenes, Dlst. (Lygffiidas). Rev. Ent., 14, 1895, 142-145. Reduviidae quasdam madagascarienses. Rev. Ent. , 14, 1895, 146-151. Contributions to a knowledge of the Rhynchota of Australia. Victoria Roy. Soc. Proc, 7, 1895, 287-302. Eine neue Red uviiden- Gattung aus West-Afrika. Wien. Eut. Ztg., 14, 1895, 165-166. AradidsB novre. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 14, 1895, 167-171. Nouvelle espece de Thysanopteres. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann,, 40, 1896, 66-67. Bergroth] 473 [Berigny r Ueber drei westafrikanische Coiei'den. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 37-38. Nouvelle espece ilu genre Pasiropsis, Reut. (Reduviidae). Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 9-10. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Margasus, Stal. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 385-386. - — - Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Chondro- lophus, Bergr. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 201-202. On two remarkable Californian Hemiptera. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 95-l)(). Diagnoses of some new Aradida3. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 100-101. Aradides nouveaux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 149-151. Description de deux Heduviides nouveaux. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 307-308. Genre nouveau pal6arctique d'HoloptilinsB (Redu- viidae). Rev. Ent., 17, 1898, 186-187. Sur la place svstematique du genre Joppeicus, Put. Rev. Ent., 17, 1898, 188. Eine neue Tingide. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 9, 72. Aradida3 americanse nov» vel minus cognitee. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 26-27, 72. Ueber einige amerikanische Capsiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 33-35, 72. Tricyphona, Zett., versus Amalopis, Hal. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 267. A new genus of Corixida3. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 282. Note on tlie genus Aepophilus, Sign. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 282-283. Diagnose d'une nouvelle espece du genre Arachnocoris, Scott (NabidsB). Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 295-296. Bergrotb, I. Ossian. Anteckningar om vegetationen i granstrakterna mellan Aland och Abo-omradet. [1894.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 11, 1896, No. 3, 78 pp. llesa i Karelia pomorica sommaren 1894. [1894.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd. , 21, 1896, 15-25. Botaniska exkursioner i Karelia pomorica. [1896. J Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 23, 1898, 21-26. Solovetska ogruppens forhallande till det finska flora- omradet. [1896.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 23, 1898, 34-37. Bergsma, A.J. C. J. S. (et alii). Quels sont les derniers resultats obtenus par I'application et I'etnde continuee du systerae differenciateur (Lieinur)'! Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R. (1884, 2), 28-47, 47-62. Bergsma, Fieter Adriaaii. For biography and works see Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 305; Petermann, Mitth., 30, 1884, 107; Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 45, 1886, 17-71. Bergsman, M. The difference between the sea and continental climate with regard to vegetation. Nature, 30, 1884, 392-394. Bergs^e, Paul. FoiHtig med Rontgenske straaler. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Keni., 1, 1896, 178-182. Fluorescensskflermes anvendelighed ved iagttagelse af RoNTGENS straaler. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem., 1, 1896, 347-351; Chem. Ztg., "21, 1897 (Ilepenm.), 72. Baryumplatincyaniire og iridiumfrit platin. Nyt Tidsskr. Fys. Kem., 3, 1898, 321-329 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 19, 1899, 318-326. Bergs^e, Vilhelm. lagttagelser over den almindelige og den sortrandede oldenborres udbredelse og biologi samlede paa en under sjtJgelsesrejse i forsommeren 1887. [1890.] Ent. Medd. (Kjobenb.), 2, 1889-90, 121-127. BergBfie, Vilhelm, & Meinert, Fr. St. Haus-oldenborren, Rhizotrogus solstitialis, og dens snyltende hvepselarve (Tiphia femorata?). [1888.] Ent. Medd. (Kj.ibenh.), 1, 1887-88, 125-139. Bergstrasser, .4 . CpaBHGHie KJIHMaTOBt ITaBJlOBCKa, C.-TIeTep6ypra ii KpoHTiiTajtra. [Vergleich der Climate von Pawlowsk, St. Petersburg und Kronstadt.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 66, 1891, 1-23; Repertra. f. Meteorol., 14, 1891 (Kl. Mitth.), 1-15. Bergstrand, . Forsok rorande tuberkulinets diagnos- tiska betydelse hos husdjuren. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 645-650. Bergstrand, [Carl] Osten [EmanucV]. Sur la reduction des mesures micrometriques des cliches photographiques stellaires. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 519-542. Sur I'influence de la refraction et de I'aberration sur les mesures photogramm^triques des etoiles. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 51-65. Till teorien for kometernas upplosning i meteor- svarmar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 563-567. Sur les parallaxes des etoiles S 1516 A et AOe. 11677. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 297-300. Sur la deformation des couches sensibles des plaques photographiques, et son influence sur les mesures photo- grammetriques. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 187-224. Bergstroxn, John A. Experiments upon physiological memory by means of the interference of associations. Amer.'jl. Psychol., 5, 1893, 356-369. An experimental study of some of the conditions of mental activity. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 6, 1893, 247-274. The relation of the interference to the practice effect of an association. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 6, 1893, 43.3-442. Bergt, Walthrr [Adolf]. Beitrag zur Petrographie der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta und der Sierra de Perija in der Republik Colombia in Siidamerika. Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 271-386. Ueber einen Kieseloolith aus Pennsylvanien. Dresden Isis Sber., 1892 (Abh.), 115-124. Die Gesteine der Ruinenstatte von Tiahuanaco im alten Peru (Bolivia). Dresden Isis Sber., 1894 (Abh.), 35-52. Die Melaphyrgange am ehemaligen Eisenbahntunnel im Plauenschen Grunde bei Dresden. Dresden Isis Sber., 1896 (Abh.), 20-29. Zur Geologie von San Domingo. Dresden Isis Sber., 1897 (Abh.), 61-64. Das erste Anhydritvorkomraniss in Sachsen (und Bohmen). Dresden Isis Sber., 1899 (Abh.), 88-92. Der Pljinerkalkbruch bei Weinbohla. Dresden Isis Sber., 1900 {Abh.), 37-46. Lausitzer Diabas mit Kantengerollen. Dresden Isis Sber., 1900 (Abh.), 111-121. Bergter, R. Die Insel Curasao in Westindien. Auf Grund eines sech.sjiihrigen Aufeuthaltes geschildert. Mitth. Osterland., 5, 1892, 79-85. Bergtold, IF. [{[arn/]. Coccothraustes vespertina in Erie county, N. Y. Auk, 7, 1890, 209-210. Strix pratincola in western New York. Auk, 7, 1890, 400. Addison's disease. N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 665-672. Bergwitz, K[arl], & Wachsmutli, Richard. See Wachs- mutb & Bergwitz. Berber, . *Climatologie d'Epinal. [Resume des observations m^t^orologiques faites de 1849 a 1869.] [Posth.] Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 14 (Cah. 1), 1871, 356-357. Berber, Eugene. Supplement au catalogue des plantes du departement des Vosges. Vosges Soc. Emul. Ann., 1891, 157-197. Berier, De Lagnel. Unseasonable birds on Long Island. Auk, 3, 1886, 281. Tiie pine grosbeak (P. enucleator) in New Jersey. Ank, 13, 1896, 175. B^rigny, Adolphe. For biogi'aphical notice and list of works see France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 34, 1886, 45-49. *Sur les dictons met^orologiques relatifs a la Saint- M^dard et k la Saint-Gervais (8 juin et 19 juin). France 60 Berigny] 474 [Beringer Soc, M^teorol. Annu., 2, 1864, Ft. 1, 152-154; 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 89-92. *Sur I'orage du 2 mai 1855. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1865, Ft. 1, 252. *Versailles (Seine-et-Oise). Observations meteoro- logiques faites pendant [les annees 1854-56 et 1869-81]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1855, Ft. 2, 91-145; 4, 1856, Ft. 1, 73-130; 5, 1857, Ft. 1, 65-122; 18, 1870, Tableaux, 5-28; 19, 1871, Tableaux, 5-27; 20, 1872, Tableaux, 5-20; 21, 1873, Tableaux, 5-28; 22, 1874, Tableaux, 87-102; 23, 1875, Tableaux, 55-70; 24, 1876, Tableaux, 27-42; 25, 1877, Tableaux, 31-46; 26, 1878, Tableaux, 31-46; 27, 1879, Tableaux, 29-44; 28, 1880, 225-240; 29, 1881, 339-356; 30, 1882, 357-372. *Observations faites a Versailles avec le papier dit ozoDometrique, de M. Schcenbein (de Bale) pendant le mois d'aout 1855, a six heures du matin, midi, six heures du soir et minuit. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 78-82. *Sur les observations ozonom^triques faites avec le papier Schcenbein, autour de la caserne de Saint-Cloud et au milieu de la cour, a deux altitudes differentes, a sept heures et demie du matin et a sept heures et demie du soir, pendant trente et un jours (du 6 octobre au 5 novembre 1855 inclusivement), et les relations qui existent entre Tozone et les phenomenes physiologiques. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1856, Ft. 2, 84-98. *Eecherches et observations pratiques sur le papier ozonometrique. France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 5, 1857, Ft. 2, 149-156. *Gamme chromatique pour I'ozonometrie. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 25-27. *Note sur la quantite d'eau de pluie et de neige fondue recueillie k Versailles, pendant dix annees (1847 a 1856). France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 93-95. *Memoire sur les observations ozonom^triques et m^teorologiques faites en Crim^e, au milieu des campe- ments et des ambulances, d'apres les ordres de M. le marechal Vaillant, ministre de la guerre, membre de rinstitut, du 7 mai au 4 juin 1856 inclusivement. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1858, Ft. 2, 239-245. *Ozone obtenu pendant la periode de I'aurore bor^ale du 28 aout au 2 septembre 1859. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1859, Ft. 2, 201. *[Sur I'ouragan du 27 f^vrier, 1860, observ6 a Ver- sailles.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Ft. 2 32-34. *[Sur les observations ozonometriques faites au phare de Calais.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 8, 1860, Ft. 2, 78-74. *Epreuve photographique du soleil, obtenue par M. Bertsch, le 5 juillet 1860. France Soc. Met(5orol. Annu 8, 1860, Ft. 2, 96-97. *[Sur les orages des 20 au 23 juin 1861, a Versailles.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Pt. 2, 11-14. *[Bur I'ozone.] [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 43-50, 194-198. *[Sur les rapports de I'ozone avec les tempetes.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 112-114. 'Observations m^teorologiques faites a Versailles pendant I'eclipse du 6 mars 1867. France Soc. Meteorol Annu., 15, 1867 {Bull.), 190-191. *[Sur I'orage qui a eu lieu a Versailles le 12 juillet, 1868.] [With discussion.'] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv' Meteorol., 1, 1868, 205-208. '[Coloration du papier ozonometrique a rapproche des tempStes.] [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol Nouv. M(^t^orol., 2, 1869, 61-62. *[Sur I'orage du 19 Janvier 1873, extraite des observa- tions faites a Versailles.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu 21, 1873 {Bull.), 12-13. *[Sur les hauteurs d'eau tombee a Versailles en novembre 1872, comparees a celles qui sont tombees dans ce m^me mois pendant les vingt-cinq annees prece- dentes.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 16-17. '[Observations barometriques a Versailles (altitude 136 metres), le 10 decembre, 1872.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 17. *[Sur un orage observe a Versailles dans la nuit du ler au 2 septembre 1874.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Ft. 1, 49-51. *Nouvelles recherches statistiques sur le jour de la Saint-Medard et sur celui de la Saint-Gervais. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Ft. 1, 150-153. *Sur I'eau tombee' et recueillie pendant les plus fortes averses de 1860 a 1876 inclus. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M^t(5orol., 9, 1876, Ft. 1, 160-163. • 'Hauteur moyenne de la pluie a Versailles pendant les trente annees 1847-76. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull.), 259-260. 'Historique de la meteorologie dans le departement de Seine-et-Oise. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 26, 1878 {Bull.), 112-117. B6rig^y, Adolphe, & Fron, Emile. 'Comparaisons des tables ozonometriques avec les cartes met^orologiques des orages dressees a I'Observatoire Imperial de Paris. [With discussion.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 2, 115-119. B6rigny, Adolphe, & Haeghens, J. See Haeghens & B6rigny. B6xigny, Adolphe, & Jobert, . See Jobert & B6rigny. B^rigny, Adolphe, & Richard, Felix. 'Versailles (Seine- et-Oise). Observations met^orologiques faites pendant [les amines 1857-68]. France Soc. Met<5orol. Annu., 8, 1860, Ft. 1, 85-104; 9, 1861, Ft. 1, 37-56; 10, 1862, Ft. 1, 5-43; 11, 1863, Ft. 1, 5-42; 13, 1865, Ft. 1, 5-42; 14, 1866, Tableaux, 5-24; 15, 1867, Tableaux, 5-23 ; 16, 1868, Tableaux, 13-32 ; 17, 1869, Tableaux, 43-56. B6rigny, Adolphe, & Salleron, ./. 'Keponse a la note adressee, par M. A. Poey, a I'Academie, dans la seance du 28 octobre dernier, note intitulee: Eemarques sur les colorations ozonoscopiques obtenues a I'aide du reactif de Jame (de Sedan), et sur I'echelle ozonometrique de M. Berigny. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 15, 1867 {Bull), 289-292. B6rillon, Edgar. Valeur de la suggestion hypnotique dans le traitement de I'hysterie. Ass. Franc;. C. E., 1889 {Ft. 2), 803-813. Prophylaxie de la degen^rescence. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1894 {Ft. 1), 352. Les phobies neurastheniques. Etiologie et traitement psychoth^rapique. Ass. Franc;'. C.E.,1894 {Ft. 2), 800-806. L'hypnotisme et la suggestion. Ass. Franc;. C. E., 1898 {Ft. 1), 4-19. B^riUon, Edgar, & DumontpalUer, V. Amedee. See Dumontpallier & Bdrillon. Beringer, A[ugust]. Gisbert Kapps Strommesser und Spannungsmesser. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1885, 145- 149. Beringer, C[ornelius], & Beringer, J[ohn] J[acob]. On the volumetric determination of sulphur by means of baric chl9ride. Chera. News, 59, 1889, 41-42. B6ringer, JB?)i(7e. 'Eecherches sur le cliraat et la mortalite de la ville du Eecife ou Pernambuco (Bresil). France Soc. Mc3teorol. Annu., 26, 1878 {Bull.), 28-111, 166. Beringer, George M. Expressed oil of almonds. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 61, 1889, 230-234. A note on the titration of ammonium carbonate. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 61, 1889, 500-502. Bromoform. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 63, 1891, 80-86. Bimuriate of quinine. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 63, 1891, 115-117. Notes on the genus Myrica. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 66, 1894, 220-223. Beringer] 475 [Berlemont Beringer, J[ohii] J[(icoh]. John Mayow : chemist and physician, a.d. 1645-79. [1888.] Cornwall Roy. Inst. Jl., 9, 1889, 319-324. Beringer, J[ohn] J[acoh], & Beringer, C[orneliux], See above. BeriBtain, Serafin, & Iiaurencio, Juan B. Catalogo de las aves de Mexico descritas hasta la feeha. [1894.] Mex., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 7, 1893, 199-284. Berjot, Frederic. For biographical notice and works nee Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, Ix-lxiv. Berju, Georj/. Ueber einige Abkdmmlinge des Amidoazo- benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1400-1406. Berju, Georg, & Kriiger, Friedrich. See Kriiger & Berju. Berkefeld, ]V. See under Claus, Adol2)h [Carl Ludwig]. Berkeley, Emeric S. Indian orchids. Gard. Chron. , 1, 1887, 736 ; 2, 1887, 74. Variation in orchids. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 203. Berkeley, (Rev.) 31[ilex] Jloseph]. For biography and list of works see Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 141-142; Garden & Forest, 2, 1889, 410-411; Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 305-308; Nature, 40, 1889, 371-372; Northampton Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1888-89, 345-349; Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 451-456; 11, 1897, ix-xi; Grevillea, 18, [1890], 17-19; Roy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, ix-xii; Scott. Natlist., 10, 1889-90, 145- 148; Termt. Kozlon., 22, 1890, 635-636. [Botanical notes from the Fens.] Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 235-236. Notices of fungi collected in Zanzibar, in 1884, by Miss R. E. Berkeley. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1886, 384-387. Berkeley, (Rev.) M[iles~\ J[oseph], & Broome, C[hristopher] E[dmund]. Notices of British fungi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 342-345. List of fungi from Queensland and other parts of Australia; with descriptions of new species. Part iii. [1886.] Linn, Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 2, 1881-87, 217-224. Berkeley, Randal Mowhray Thomas Berkeley (Earl of). On an accurate method of determining the densities of solids. [1895.] Min. Mag., 11, 1897, 64-68. On the more exact determination of the densities of crystals. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 837-838. Berkeley, }V[ilUam] N[oland]. Analysis of paranthite from Clay county, North Carolina. Amer. Chem. JL, 14 (1892)," 628. Berkeley, William Nlathaniel]. Some practical remarks ou clinical examination of the blood. N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 599-601. Berkeley-Cotter, J. C. See Cotter, J. C. Berkeley. Berkenbusch, Ferdinand. Zur Messung von Flammen- temperaturen durch Therm oelemente, insbesondere iiber die Temperatur der Bunsenflamme. Ann. Phys. Chem., 67, 1899, 649-667. Berkenbusch, //. Die Blutversorgung der Beugesehnen der Finger. Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 403-406. Berkenheim, ^[&ra)H]M[o!seet;?^. Ueber Menthol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 686-698. [Zur Kenntniss der Terpene und der atherischeu Oele.] Ueber Tetrahydropinen. Liebig's Ann., 268, 1892, 225- 228. HscaijI.GBaHie MeHTOJia. [Recherches sur le men- thol.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892, 179-201; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 8, 1892, 1344-1346. HscJiiji.OBaHifl iiai) KJiacca Ha(j)TeHOBi.. ITpoHa- BOJI,HIJa MeHTOJia. [Sur les derives du menthol.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892,687-688; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 12, 1894, 627-628. HscJliiilGBaHie BemecxBa H31. Santalum Preissii. [Crystalline substance from Santalum Preissii.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (C/je;ft.), 1892, 688-690; Chem. Soc. JL, 64, 1893 (Abs., Pt. 1), 666. Berkey, Charles P. Preliminary report of levelling party. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 22, 1894, 134-140. " Notes on Minnesota minerals. Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 23, 1895, 194-202, [viii]. An apophyllite geode. [1893.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 28. The occurrence of datolite on the north shore of Lake Superior. [1894.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull., 4, 1896, 42-43. Chemical analysis of the Fisher meteorite. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 317-318. Geology of the St. Croix Dalles. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 346-383; 21, 1898, 139-155, 270-294. Berkban, Oswald. Ueber die Storung der Schriftsprache bt-i Halbidioten und ihre Aehulichkeit mit [dem Sprach- gebrechen, Stammeln und Stottern], Arch. Psychiatr., 16, 1885, 78-86; 17, 1886, 897-900. Ueber die freien Zwischenraume des periodischen Irreseins. [1896.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 958-965. Ueber einen weiteren Fall von Akromegalie. Ztschr. EthnoL, 32, 1900, (307)-(308). Berkbout, A. H. (et alii). De Oost-Indische houtsoorten, vooruamelijk djati-hout, hare exploitatie en de handel daarin op de Europeesche markt. Haarlem Kolon. Mus. Bull., [8], 1894, 18-27. Berkley, Henry J. Syringomyelia. Brain, 12, 1890, 460- 481. Two cases of general cutaneous and sensory anaesthesia, without marked psychical implication. Brain, 14, 1891, 441-464. Die Osmium -Kupfer-Hamatoxylin-Farbung. Eine schnelle Weigert-Methode. Neurol. CentrbL, 11, 1892, 270-272. The nerves and nerve endings of the mucous layer of the ileum, as shown by the rapid Golgi method. [1892.] Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 12-19. Studies in the histology of the liver. 1. The intrinsic nerves. Abstract paper. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 769-792. The intrinsic nerves of the kidney. A histological study. JL Path. Bact., 1, 1893, 406-416. On complex nerve terminations and ganglion cells in the muscular tissue of the heart ventricle. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 33-42. The neuroglia cells of the walls of the middle ventricle in the adult dog. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 746-753. The finer anatomy of the infundibular region of the cerebrum including the pituitary gland. Brain, 17, 1894, 515-547. Studies on the lesions produced by the action of certain poisons on the cortical nerve cell. i. Alcohol. Brain, 18, 1896, 473-496. The intra-cortical end-apparatus of the nerve fibres. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 258-262. The pathological findings in a case of general cutane- ous and sensory anaesthesia without psychical implica- tion. Brain, 23, 1900, 111-138. Berland, E., & Chenevier, A. Nouvel appareil pour mesurer la fluidite des huiles et autres liquides. Bor- deaux Soc. ScL M6m., 3, 1887, 405-416. Berl6, B[ernhard], & Bamberger, Eugen. See Bamberger & Berl6. Berlemont, G. Soupape de siirete pour trompe a eau. [1894.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 33-34. Regulateur de temperature. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 228-229. Nouveau tube k distillations fractionn6es modifi^ par M. Lebel. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 674-675. Trompe a eau modifi^e. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 917. Berlemont, G., & Bourcet, Paul. See Botircet & Berle- mont. Berlemont, G., & Jouard, , Sur un nouveau type de trompe a mercure permettant d'obtenir rapidement le vide maximum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 110- 111; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1900, 194-197. 60—2 476 Berlepsch] Berlepscta, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludicig] (Graf) von. On a collection of bird-skins from the Orinoco, Venezuela. Ibis, 2, 1884, 431-141. Description of a new species of the genus Picumnus from southern Brazil. Ibis, 2, 1884, 441-442. [Diagnosen einiger neueu Vogelarten aus der Umge- gend von Bucaramanga, Neu Granada.] Jl. f. Ornith., ■ 32, 1884, 249-250. Untersuchungen iiber die Vogel der Umgegend von Bucaramanga in Neu-Granada. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 273-320. Ueber die in Europa vorkommenden Formen der Schwanzmeise (Acredula). [1884.] Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 17-18. Descriptions of three new species of birds from South America. Ibis, 3, 1885, 288-290. Ueber die Kolibri. [1885.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Ber., 32 & 33, 1886, 30-34. On some interesting additions to the avifauna of Bucaramanga, U. S. of Colombia. Ibis, 4, 1886, 53-57. Kritische Bemerkungen zur Colibri-Literatur. Kassel Ver. Nat. Festschr. , 1886, 257-279. Descriptions of new species and subspecies of Trochi- lidffi. Ibis, 5, 1887, 289-298. Systematisches Verzeichniss der von Herrn Kicardo RoHDE in Paraguay gesammelten Vogel. Jl. f. Ornith., 35, 1887, 1-37, 113-134. Kritische Uebersicht der in den sogenannten Bogota- Collectionen (S. 0. Colombia) vorkommenden Colibri- Arten, und Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri (Cyano- lesbia Nehrkorni). Jl. f. Ornith., 3-5, 1887, 313-336. Descriptions of new species and subspecies of birds from the neotropical region. Auk, 5, 1888, 449-460. On the genus Cyclorhis, Swains. Ibis, 6, 1888, 83-92. Descriptions of two new species of birds from Bogota, Colombia. Ibis, 6, 1888, 128-130. Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri und Bemerkungen iiber eine Collection von Vogel-Balgen aus der Umgegend von Sta. Fe de Bogota in Colombia. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 4, 1888, 178-187. Descriptions of two new birds from northern Peru. Ibis, 1, 1889, 181-182. [Occurrence of Spheniscus magellanicus in Rio Grande do SuL] Ibis, 1, 1889, 257-258. Systematisches Verzeichniss der von Herrn Gustav Garlepp in Brasilien und Nord-Peru, im Gebiete des oberen Amazonas, gesammelten Vogelbalge. Jl. f. Ornith., 37, 1889, 97-101, 289-321. Notes on some neotropical birds belonging to the United States National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 559-566. Ueber Chrysotis brasiliensis. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 363-366. Die Vogel der Insel Curasao nach einer von Herrn cand. theol. Ernst Peters daselbst angelegten Samm- lung. Jl. f. Ornitli., 40, 1892, 61-104. [Neue siidamerikanische Vogelarten.] Jl. f. Ornith. 40, 1892, 451-456. On a remarkable new finch from the highlands of Bolivia. Ibis, 5, 1893, 207-210. Diagnosen neuer siidamerikanischer Vogelarten. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 11-12. Beschreibung einer neuen Merganetta-Art aus Bolivia. Ornith. Mber., 2, 1894, 110-111. Description of two new species of the genera PhEeui- cophaes and Spilornis, with a note on Oriolus consobrinus. Rams. Novitates ZooL, 2, 1895, 70-74. Beschreibung einer neuen Chrysotis. Ornith. Mber 4, 1896, 173-174. '' [Cyanalcyon Elisabeth, und Halcyon quadricolor aus Deutsch Neu-Gumea.] [1896.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, [Berlese [Ueber das Studium des Kolibris.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 88-90. [Ueber Nomenklaturfragen und den Begriff der Sub- species.] [1897.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 505-506; Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1898-99, No. 2, 18-20. Beschreibung eines neuen Colibri aus West Ecuador. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 58-59. Beschreibung vier neuer Vogelarten aus West Colum- hien. Ornith. Mber., 5, 1897, 173-176. [Buthraupis liothschildi, n. sp., N. W. Ecuador.] [1897.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 7, 1898, iii-iv. On the rediscovery of three remarkable species of birds of South America. Ibis, 4, 1898, 60-67. Systematisches Verzeichnis der von Dr. Alfred Voeltz- Kow in Ost-Afrika und auf Aldabra (Indischer Ocean) gesammelten Vogelbalge. [1898.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges, Abb., 21, 1899, 479-496. Berlepsch, Han,^ {Hennaiin Carl Liuhvig] [Graf) von, & Boucard, Adolphe. See Boucard & Berlepscb. BerlepBch, Hans [Hermann Carl Lndwifi] (Graf) von, & Jbering, Hermann von. Die Viigel der Umgegend von Taquara do Mundo Novo, Prov. Rio Grande do Sul. Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 2, 1885, 97-184. Berlepsch, Han.s [Hermann Carl Ludiuig] (Graf) von, & Zieverkuhn, Paul. Studien iiber einige siidameri- kanische Vogel nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten. Ornis, 6, 1890, 1-32. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludwtg] (Graf) von, & Stolzmann, -Jean. Resultats des recherches ornitho- logiques faites an Perou par M. Jean Kalinowski. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 371-411. Description of a new species of grebe from central Peru. Ibis, 6, 1894, 109-112. Descriptions de quelques especes nouvelles d'oiseaux du Perou central. Ibis, 6, 1894, 385-405. On the ornithological researches of M. Jean Kalin- owski in central Peru. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 322- 388. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludwig] (Graf) von, & Taczanowski,^ Ladislas. Deuxieme liste des oiseaux recueillis dans I'Ecuadeur occidental par MM. Stolzmann et SiEMiRAnsKi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 281-313. See also Taczanowski & Berlepsch. Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludwig] (Graf) von, Beichenow, Anton, & Voeltzkow, Fhil. Alfred. See Reichenow, Berlepsch & Voeltzkow. Berlepsch, (Maj.) [Sittig Karl livd.] Hans (Frhr.) von. Die Steinsperling ein Brutvogel Thiiringens. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 23. Die Vogelschutzfrage, soweit dieselbe durch Schaffung geeigneter Nistgelegenheiten zu losen ist. Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 41, 1896, 74-93. Berlepsch, Hermann Ale.vander (Frhr.) von. I'or bio- graphical notice see Petermann, Mitth., 30, 1884, 100. Berlese, Amedeo. Rapporti fra la vite ed i Saccaromiceti. [1896-97.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 211-237, 263-282, 295-342, 354-360; 6, 1898, 1 (Ms)-2Q (his), 24 (6is)-[204] AA(his); ConegHano Scuola Vit. Enol. Riv., 3, 1897, 161-162 [Pan only]. Prove di fermentazione del mosto con fermenti non provenienti direttamente dall' uva. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 513-536. Berlese, Antonio. *Studi critici sulla sistematica dei Chilognati couservati nella raccolta del Museo Zoologico della R. Uuiversita di Padova. [1883.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1883-84, 247-280. La sistematica dei Sarcoptidi. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 16, 1884, 287-292. Acarorum systematis specimen. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 17, 1885, 121-135. Di alcuni Acari del Museo di Fircuzc, colla descrizione di tre nuove specie apparteuenti alia famiglia dei Trom- bididi. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 17, 1885, 136-144. Berlese] 477 [Berlese Sopra alcuni Acari. dott. G. Hauler in Zurigo. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 17, 1885, 145-148. Julidi del Museo di Firenze. Contributo alia fauna miriapodologica italiana. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 18, 1886, 42-itC, 18:5-238. La sottofamiglia dei Tarsonemidi. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 18, 1886, 334-354. Acari austro-ameiicani quos collegit Aloysius Balzan. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 20, 1888, 171-222. Materiali per un eatalo;:;© dei Tentredinei italiani. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 21, 1889, 206-237; 22, 1890, 144-202. Acari africani tres illustrati. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 298-302. Intorno alle cocciniglie degli agrumi ed al modo di combatterle. [1892.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 58- 70 La tignuola del melo ed il modo di combatterla. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 145-167. Sulla azione delle soluzioni di Rubina sopra insetti e piante diverse. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 247-257. Estratto di una memoria sulla Mytilaspis fulva, Targ. Tozz., e mezzi per combatterla. Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 36-60. Le cocciiiiglie italiane viventi sugli agrumi. Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 70-109, 129-193; 3, 1894-96, 49- 100, 129-171; 4, 1896, 74-179, 195-292; 5, 1897, 3-73. Cenni suUe cavallette che in Italia danneggiano le campagne, e notizie sulla invasione verificatasi in pro- vincia di Firenze (Brozzi) nella estate del 1893. [1894.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 273-320. Materiali per un catalogo dei Mallofagi e Pediculi italiani. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 26, 1894, 51-65; 27, 1895, 232-244. Intorno al Dactylopius Citri, Rinso, ed al modo di eombatterlo. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 48-56. Larve di Dittero negli Acrididi. Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 352. Cocciniglie agrumicole nuove per 1' Italia. Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 352-353. Rieerche sugli organi e sulla funzione della digestione negli Acari. [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 129-195. Sopra una nuova specie di Podapolipus. Riv. Patol. Veg. , 5, 1897, 375-376. Gli Acari agrarii. [1897-99.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 1-65; 7, 1899, 312-344. Osservazioni sopra particolari fenomeni che avvengono nella ninfosi dei Muscidi. Nota preventiva. Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, [269] 111 (6w)-[272] 114 (his). Fenomeni che accompagnano la fecondazione in taluni insetti. Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 353-368; 7, 1899, 1-18. Circa il mesointestino di alcuni Aracnidi. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 226-251. Intorno alle modificazioni di alcuni tessuti durante la ninfosi della Calliphora erythrocephala. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 32, 1900, 253-288. Con.siderazioni sulla fagocitosi negli insetti metabolici. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 441-449. Berlese, A ntovio, & Canestrini, Giovanni. See Canestrini & Berlese. Berlese, Antonio, & Leonardi, Gustavo. Diagnosi di coc- ciniglie nuove. [1895-96.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 346; 4, 1896, 345-352. Di una cocciniglia che attacca la vite. (Mytilaspis pomorum.) [1895.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 347. Lettera al ch™" Prof. Giovanni Canestrini intorno ad alcune nuove specie di Acari italiani... con la diagnosi di due specie nuove. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 2, [1896], 314- 320. Notizie intorno all' effetto degli insettifughi nella lotta contro la Cochylis ambiguella. Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 304-344. Notizie intorno alle cocciniglie americane che minac- ciano la frutticultura europea. Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 126 [284]-162 [320], 321-352 ; 7, 1899, 252-273. Berlese, Antonio, & Targionl-Tozzetti, Adolfo. See Targloni-Tozzetti & Berlese. Berlese, Augasto Napoleone. La diffusione delle spore dei funghi a mezzo dei piccoli Artropodi. [1884.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 3, [1884-86], 83-89. Rieerche intorno alia Leptosphroria agnita [Desm.), Ces. et D. N., ed alia Leptosphffiria ogilviensis (B. et Br.), Ces. et D. N. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 9, [1886], 244-251. Sopra una specie di Lophiostoma mal conosciuta. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 18, 1886, 43-52. Alcune idee sulla flora micologica del gelso. [1886.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 9-38. Fungi veneti novi vel critici. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 531-536; 2, [1888], 99-106, 241-2,50. Monografia dei generi Pleospora, Clathrospora e Pvrenophora. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 5-176, 193-260. Sopra due parassiti della vite per la prima volta trovati in Italia. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 441-445. Lo sviluppo dei parassiti vegetali. [1888.] Padova, Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1887-90], 114-115. Le nouveau genre Peltosphaeria (Pyrenomycetes spheriaces). Rev. Mycol., 10, 1888, 17-18. Intorno ad un nuovo genere di Pirenomiceti. [1887.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 171-175. Intorno ad alcune specie poco note del genere Lepto- sphajria. [1888.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 17-37. Rivista delle Laboulbeniacee e descrizione d' una nuova specie di questa famiglia. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 44-60. Sulla Pleospora herbarum e sulla Pleospora infectoria. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 84-87. SuUo sviluppo di alcuni Ifomiceti. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 243-259. Note intorno al Polyporus hispidus del Fries, ed al- r Agaricum gelsis geu moris etc., Mich. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 21, 1889, 526-531. Ancora sul Polyporus hispidus del Fries e sul- r Agaricum gelsis sen moris etc.,- Mich. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 367-371. Pugillo di funghi fiorentini. Contribuzione alia flora micologica d' Italia. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 231-255. Studi anatomici sul gelso. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 256-273. lUustrazione della Discina venosa (Pers.), Sacc. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 11, [1889], 113-131. La famiglia delle Lophiostomaceas, Sacc. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 40-55. L'alt6ration des racines du murier. Rev. Mycol., 13, 1891, 69-70. Intorno alio sviluppo di due nuovi Ipocreacei. [1892.] Malpighia, 5, 1891, 386-418. Descrizione di alcuni nuovi generi di Pirenomiceti. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 567-576. Studi sulla forma, struttura e sviluppo del seme nelle Ampelidee. [1892-93.] Malpighia, 6, 1892, 293-324, 482-536. Rapporti tra Dematophora e Rosellinia. [1892.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 5-17, 33-46. La fitoptosi del pero. Struttura e sviluppo degli Acarocecidi del pero. [1892.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 71-95. Os.servazioni critiche sulla Cercospora vitis (Lev.), Sacc. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1. [1893], 258-264. Sopra una nuova malattia fungina del leccio. Riv. Patol. Veg., 1, [1893], 285-295. Berlese] 478 [Berlinerblau Alcune idee sulla predisposizione delle piante al- 1' infezione parassitaria ed alia " yaccinazione " delle medesime. Nota preliminare. Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 1-11. Una alterazione parassitaria della corteccia del cas- tagno eomuiie. Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 61-69. Note sulla Peronospora della vite. Eiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 109-110. II seccume del castagno. (Castanea vesca, L.) Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 194-226. Una nuova malattia del fico (Ficus carica). Eiv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 251-253. Kelazione sull' infezione della Peronospora in Italia nel 1893 e sui risultati della lotta intrapresa alio scopo di combattere il parassito. [1894.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 2, 1893, 337-384. Parassiti del gelso veccbi e nuovi. [1894. ] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 101-104. Lo stato ascoforo del Coniothyrium diplodiella ("rot blanc" della vite). [1894.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 104. Gommosi non bacillare nella vite. [1894.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 105-106. Un nuovo marciume dell' insalata (Lactuca sativa). [1895.] Eiv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 339-342. Prima contribuzione alio studio della morfologia e biologia di Cladosporium e Dematium. [1895.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 3-45. — : — Saccharomyces e Dematium. [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 74-81. Nuovi studi sulla malattia del frumento sviluppatasi nel 1895 in Sardegna. [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 88-97. Le malattie del gelso prodotte dai parassiti vegetali. [1896.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 98-107, 196-210. Sulla struttura e sviluppo della Pileolaria Terebinth! e sulla sua apparsa in Italia. Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 287-294. La classificazione dei Pirenomiceti ed il "Saggio sui prevedibili funghi futuri " del Prof. P. A. Saccakdo. Osservazioni critiche. Riv. Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 361- 374. Studi citologici sui funghi. [1897-98.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 66-75; 7, 1899, 143-152. Saggio di una monografia delle Peronosporacee. [1897-98.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 78-101, 79 [237]- 110 [268] ; 7, 1899, 19-37. Ueber die Befruchtung und Entwickelung der Oosphare bei den Peronosporeen. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 31, 1898, 159-196. Fecondazione e sviluppo dell' oospora in Oedogonium vesicatum. Link. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 153-166. II Cladochytrium violas, Berl., n. sp., e la malattia che produce. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 167- 172. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone, & Feglion, Vittorio. Micro- miceti toscani. Contribuzione alia flora micologica della Toscana. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 24, 1892, 97-172. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone, & Roumegu^re, C[asimir]. Contributiones ad floram mycologicam Lusitanise. Fungi lusitanici a cl. Moller lecti. Rev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 161(6ts)-165(6(s). Champignons nouveaux du Tonkin recemment r^coltes par M. B, Balansa. Rev. Mycol., 10, 1888, 75-78. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone, & Saccardo, Piej-' Andrea. See Saccardo & Berlese. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone, & Sostegni, Livio. Osserva- zioni sull' idea di preservare la vite dall' invasione della Peronospora mediante la cura interna preventiva con solfato di rame. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 21, 1891, 229- 233. Ricerche sui comportamento di alcuni sali di rame in rapporto al terreno ed alia vite. Riv. Patol. Veg., 3, 1896, 172-220. Berlese, Augusta Napoleone, & Toni, Giovanni Battista de. Intoruo ai genere Sphasrella di Cesati e de Notaris ed all' onionimo di Sommerfelt. [1887.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1886-87, 221-228. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone, & Voglino, Pietro. Sopra un nuovo genere di funghi sferopsidei. [1887.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 176-205. Funghi anconitani. Contribuzione alia flora mico- logica italiana. Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 10, [1889], 209-230. Berlese, Augusto Napoleone, Saccardo, Francesco, & Boumegu^re, C[asi)ni7-]. Contributiones ad floram mycologicam Lusitania^. Fungi lusitanici a cl. Moller lecti. (Series n.) Rev. Mycol., 11, 1889, 117-124. Berlin, Aug. Kiirlviixter, insamlade under _,den svenska expeditionen till Gronland 1883. Stockh., Ofvers., 1884, No. 7, 17-89; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885 (Rev.), 154-156. Berlin, E. Anatomischer Refund bei sclerosirendem Hornhautiufiltrat. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 33, 1887 (Abth. 3), 211-228. Ueber eine Bestimmung des Totalbrechungsindex der Linse am lebenden Auge. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 43, 1897, 287-305. Berlin, N. J. [Om on Capri.] [1884.] Stockh., Ymer, 4, 1885, xli-xlvi. Berlin, Rudolf [August Joliann Ludwig JVilliehu]. For biography see Leopoldina, 33, 1897, 127-128; Ztschr. Thiermed., 2, 1898, 158-160. *Ueber liukshandige Handschriften. [1883.] Arch. Augenheilk., 13, 1884, 214-215. Ueber die Vermehrung der Perception am Thierauge durch Linsenastigmatismus. [1886.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 387-388; Arch. Augenheilk., 17, 1887, 213-215. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Dyslexie mit Sections- befund. [1886.] Arch. Psychiatr., 18, 1887, 289-292. [Ueber Schatzung der Eutfernungen bei Menschen und Thieren.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, iii-v. Zur Physiologic und Hygiene des Schreibens. Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, i-iii. [Ueber Astigmatismus.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1893, xix-xxiv. Ueber Astigmatismus bei Thieren. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1897, i-vi. Berlin, Botanischer Garten. Nomenklaturregeln. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 15, 1897, 177-181 ; Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 4, 1899, 178-184. Berlin, Bechen-Institut der X. Sternwarte. See Bauschinger, Julius. See Tietjen, F. Berliner, Alfred. Ueber das Zerstauben gliihender Metalle. Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 289-295. Ueber die katalytische Wirkung der Metalle auf Knallgas und die Occlusion des Wasserstoffs. Ann. Phys. Chem., 35, 1888, 791-810. Berliner, Emile. The gramophone etching the human voice. Franklin Inst. Jl., 125, 1888, 425-447. Technical notes on the gramophone. Franklin Inst. JL, 140, 1895, 419-437. Berliner, Paul. Farbig-plastische Nachbildungen von pathologisch-anatomischen Praparaten. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 [Vol. 2, Patol.), 59-60. Farbig-plastische Nachbildungen von platyknemischen Tibien, sowie von verscbiedenen Horizontal-Durch- schnitten derselben. Ztschr. Ethnol., 27, 1895, (274)- (278). Berlinerblau, Joseph. Ueber Muscarin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1139-1145. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorcyan auf Ortho- und auf Para-Amidophenetol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 30, 1884, 97-115. Berlinerblau] 479 [Bernard Ueber ein Homologes der Khodaninsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 124-126. [Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Ozokerites aus Galizien.] Bern Mitth., 1887, xxv-xxvi. [Ueber die Haltbarkeit von Sublimatlosungen.] Bern Mittb., 1887, xxvi. Indol aus Dichlorather und Anilin. Wien. Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 507-513 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 180- 186. [Vergiftung durch die Speiselorchel in Folge von Ptomainbildung.] iv. Chemischer Theil. Ueber Ptomaine aus Helvella esculenta. (Lorchel, Stein- morchel.) Bern Mitth., 1888, 123-134. Ueber die Einwirkung des Bicblorathers, resp. des Monocbloraldehydes auf aromatische Amine. [1888.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1887-88, 77-78. [Ueber die Einwirkung von Monochloraldehyd auf Phenylhydrazin.] [1888.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1887-88, 78-80. Sur une matiere sucree de la s^rie aromatique. Ass. FranQ. C. K., 1889 {Pt. 1). 278. Berlinerblau, Joseph, & Folikier, Heinrich. Ueber die bei der Indolbildung aus Bichlorather und aromatischen Aminen entstehenden Zwischenproducte. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 514-518; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 187-191. Berlinerblau, M[(ixi7nilian]. Ueber das Vorkommen der Milchsiiure im Blute und ihre Entstehung im Organismus. Arch. Exper. Path., 23, 1887, .333-346. Berling^eri, Eduardo. Nuevo principio cientifico para compensar la aguja magn^tica a bordo de los buques de hierro. Argentina See. Ci. An., 30, 1890, 319-335. Berlingozzi, i2. Temporale. Montevarchi, 14 luglio 1888. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 137. Berlioz, , & Duflocq, P[aul]. See Duflocq & Berlioz. Berlioz, A[iitoine]. Examen d'une concretion ombilicale. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 161-168. Examen de quatre rhinolithes. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 447-449. Sur la sterilisation de la solution de chlorhydrate de morphine. Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 410-411. Berlioz, A[ntoine], & Apostoli, G[eorges]. See Apostoli & Berlioz. Berlioz, A[ntoi>ie], & Cornil, A\ndre] V[ictor']. See Comil & Berlioz. Berlioz, A[iitoinc], & I.6pinois, Elrnest]. Etude sur les differentes combinaisons du chlore dans Purine. Arch. Med. Exper., 6, 1894, 303-314; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 288-296; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mdm., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 45-46. Examen d'un calcul amygdalien. Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 433-435. Berlioz, Alntoine], & Yvon, P[aul]. See Yvon & Berlioz. Berlioz, A[ntoine], Ii^pinois, E., & Michel, [Eugene Gaston]. De I'acidite urinaire et des proc^d^s employes pour sa determination. Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 31-37, {Vol. 7), xliv. Berlioz, F[erna7id]. Action des rayons de Eontoen sur le bacille diphterique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 109, 276. Versuche iiber den Einfluss des Saccharins auf die Verdauung. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 416-417. Berlioz, F[ema7td], & Trillat, [Jean] A[u(iUKte]. Sur les propri^tes des vapeurs du formol ou aldehyde formique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 290-292. Berloty, . Sur les equations algebriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 745-747, 832. Bermann, (Lt.) C. von. Ueber die Bahnrichtung der tropisehen Cyklonen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1886, 226-228. Bermann, /. *The fungus of syphilis. Arch. Med., 4, 1880, 263-269. *Some points on staining in toto and dry section cutting. Arch. Med., 5, 1881, 130-135. *The Bacillus lepra?. Arch. Med., 7, 1882, 262-266. Bermann, 0. Ueber Triederschnitte und Minimaltetraeder. Arch. Math. Phys., 6, 1888, 76-87, vii. Bemabei, [Corrado]. De la toxicit«; des dejections patho- logiques. Arch. Gen. Med.", 170, 1892, 751-752. Bernabeo, Gaetano. De I'auto-defense de I'organisme centre les germes infectieux dans ses rapports avec les suppurations. Ann. Microgr. , 5 (1893), 305-322, 472. Sulla conservazione della vitalita e virulenza dello pneumobacillo di Fkankel e dello streptococco del Fehleisen. [1896.] Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 24-28. Le cause predisponenti alle localizzazioni batteriche nel cervello. [1896.] Napoh Soc. Nat. Boll., 10, 1897, 54-113. BernackiJ. See Biemacki. Bernadach, — . *[Notes meteorologiques.] Geryville (prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 21, 44, 70-71, 93, 129-130, 152, 179, 207-208, 234-235, 263, 298. Bernadach, , & Sueur, . *[Notes meteoro- logiques.] Geryville(prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 94, 104, 112-113, 121- 122. Bernaerts, G. *Resume des observations meteorologiques faites a Malines en 1877. Brux. Obs. Ann. {Met.), 1, 1881, 147. Bernal, Frederic. Notes sur les , Nouvelles-Hebrides. Arch. Med. Navale, 72, 1899, 134-140. Bernal, M., & I>eal, Mariano. See Zieal & Bernal. Bernard, Adrien. For biographical notice and list of works see Macon Ac. Ann., 4, 1899, Ixxii-lxxiii ; 5, 1900, 196-207. Calcimetre simplifie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1525-1528. Sur la classification et la representation graphique des terres. Ass. Fran(?. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 1), 374. Le calcimetre. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 374- 375. [Risposta all' articolo del sig. Coutagne ' ' Sulla clorosi 0 r infeconditJk delle viti calcifughe nei terreni calcari."] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 22, 1892, 438. Relations entre les cartes geologiques et les cartes avec courbes d'egal calcaire. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1894 {Pt. 1), 274. Sur la variation du 0/0 de calcaire avec la tenuite. Ass. Franc?. C. R.. 1894 {Pt. 1), 282-283. Geologic agricole et cartes agronomiques. Macon Ac. Ann., 1, 1896, 1-56. Acidimetrie des mouts, vins et vinaigres. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1897 {Pt. 1), .394 ; Macon Ac. Ann., 2, 1897, 93-191. Bernard, {capit.) Augustin. Les dunes du Sahara. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R.,'l890, 320-323. Oceanographie. Ann. G^ogr., 1, 1892, 199-217 ; 2, 1893, 151-172. L'ile de Groix. Ann. Gc5ogr., 1, 1892, 259-278. Les recifs de coraux. Ann. G^ogr., 2, 1893, 281-295. Bernard, Ch. Recherches sur les spheres attractives chez Lilium candidum, Helosis guyanensis, etc. Jl. Bot., Paris, 14, 1900, 118-124, 177-188, 206-212. Bernard, Ch., & Chodat, Robert. See Chodat & Bernard. Bernard, {Sir) Charles. Burma : the new British province. [1887.] Scott. Geogr. Mag., 4, 1888, 65-81. Bernard, Claude. For biography and works see Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884^86), 18.5-196, 221-232; Paris, Ac. M6d, Bull., 14, 1885, 714-739; 32, 1894, 358-366; Progres Med., 1, 1885, 447-449, 471-474; Paris, Ac. Mc^d. Mem., 35, 1887, 1-24 ; Practitioner, 63, 1899, 185-190. *Acci6n fisiologica del opio y sus alcaloides. Inves- tigaciones experimentales. [1865.] Habaua Ac. An., 1, 1864, 231-236. Bernard] *Estudio acerca de la fisiolo^^ia del corazon. Habana Ac. Au., 2, 1865, 68-74, 108-Ul, 153-157, 211-217. La circulation abdominale. Le sympathique et le pneumogastrique. [Posth.] Bev. Sci., 34, 1884, 673-(381. Bernard, F. La dysenteric dans la garnispn de Dijon en 1892 et 1893. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 24, 1894, 89-110, 288. Bernard, Fdli.v. For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 5, 1898, 528; Paris, Mus. Hi'st. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 306- 308; Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899, 68-71; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 158-159. Structure de la branchie des Gasteropodes Proso- branches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 316-318. Structure de la fausse branchie des Prosobranches pectinibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 383-385. - Le Polyimrium ambulans (Coelenter6 nouveau). Natu- raliste, 10, 1888, 56-58, 74-76. . Sur le manteau des Gasteropodes Prosobranches et les organes qui en dependent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 681-683. Recherches anatomiques sur la Valvata piscinalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 191-194. Recherches sur les organes pall^aux des Gasteropodes Prosobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. (ZooL), 9, 1890, 89-404. Recherches sur Valvata piscinalis. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 22, 1890, 253-361. Scioberetia australis, type nouveau de LameUibranche. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 27, 1895, 364-395. Sur un LameUibranche nouveau (Scioberetia australis) commensal d'un Echinoderme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 569-571. Liste des Echinides recueillis pendant les croisieres du Travailleur et du Talisman. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1^95, 207-209. Echinides recueillis par I'expedition du Cap Horn (1882-83). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 272-274. Sur quelques stades du developpement du Scioberetia australis, nob., LameUibranche k coquille interne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 275-277^ Note preliminaire sur le developpement et la mor- phologic comparee de la charni^re des Lamellibranches. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 23, 1895, xxxvii-xxxviii. [Notes] sur le developpement et la morphologie de la coquille chez les Lamellibranches. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 23, 1895, 104-154; 24, 1896, 54-82, 412-449; 25, 1897, 559-566. Etudes comparatives sur la coquille des Lamelli- branches. Condylocardia, type nouveau de Lamelli- branches. [Les genres Philobrya et Hochstetteria.] Jl. de Conch., 44, 1896, 169-207; 45, 1897, 5-47. Diagnoses de coquilles nouvelles de Lamellibranches (genres Hochstetteria et Condylocardia). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 193-197. Note preliminaire sur Chlamydoconcha Orcutti, Ball, LameUibranche a coquille interne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 65-67. Anatomie de Chlamydoconcha Orcutti, Ball, LameUi- branche a coquille interne. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) 4 1897,221-252. Sur la coquille embryonnaire ou prodissoconque des Lamellibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1165- 1168. Sur la signification morphologique des dents de la charni^re chez les LameUibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R., 125, 1897, 48-51. Sur quelques coquilles de Lamellibranches de Pile Stewart. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 309-314. Recherches ontogeniques et morphologiques sur la coquille des Lamellibranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. iZool.^ 8 1898, 1-208. ' Sur quelques coquilles de Lamellibranches de Tile Samt-Paul. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 78-87. Bernard, Frederic {Charles Entile]. *Lettre...sur sa carte 480 [Bernard des regions sahariennes. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1882, 407-409. Excursion dans la province d' Alger. Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1884, 17-22. Bernard, G. Note sur une Lepiote nouvelle. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, li. Bernard, Henry M[ey7iers]. The shadow of a mist. Nature, 37, 1888, 392. Nose-blackening as a preventive of snow-blindness. Nature, 40, 1889, 438. Hermaphroditismus hei Phyllopoden. Jena. Ztschr. , 25, 1891, 337-338. Hermaphroditism of the Apodidag. Nature, 43, 1891, 343-344. A new form of mechanical stage. [1891.] Micr. Soc. Jl, 1892, 166, 267-269. The apodemes of Apus and the endophragmal system of Astaeus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 67-74. Are the Solpugidie poisonous? Nature, 46, 1892, 223. An endeavour to show that the tracheas of the Arthm- poda arose from setiparous sacs. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 5, 1892, 511-524. Additional notes on the origin of trachete from seti- parous glands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 24-28. On the terminal organ of the pedipalp of Galeodes and the discovery of an homologous organ on the pedipalp of Phrynus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 28-30. The coxal glands of Scorpio. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 54-59. The endosternite of Scorpio compared with the homo- logous structures in other Arachnida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1893, 18-26. Notes on some of the digestive processes in arachnids. Micr. Soc. JL, 1893, 427-443. The stigmata of the Arachnida, as a clue to their identity. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 68-69. Some observations on the relation of the Acaridse to the Arachnida. [1892.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 24, 1894, 279-291. On two new species of Rhax. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zool.), 24, 1894, 361-363. Notes on the Chernetidaj, with special reference to the vestigial stigmata, and to a new form of trachea. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool), 24, 1894, 410-430. The "head" of Galeodes, and the procephalic lobes of arachnidan embryos. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 314-316. Lateral eyes in the Galeodidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1894, 517-520. Vestigial stigmata in the Arachnida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 149-153. On the application of the sand-blast for the develop- ment of trilobites. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 553-557. The systematic position of the trilobites. Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 50, 1894, 411-432; 51, 1895, 352-359. Has the case for direct organic adaptation been fully stated? Nature, 50 (1894), 546-547. On the relations of the isotropous to the anisotropous layers in striped muscles. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 7, 1894, 533-544. Notes, morphological and systematic, on the madre- porarian genus Turbinaria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 499-521. Notes on the madreporarian genus Astrseopora, as represented by the specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 273- 281. On the spinning-glands in Phrynus; with an account of the so-called "penis" and of the morphology of the operculum. [1894.] Linn. Soc. JL (Zool.), 25, 1896, 272-278. The comparative morphology of the Galeodidse. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.), 6, 1894-97, 305-417. Bernard] 481 [Bernaroli — ^- The sense of sight : sketch of a new theory. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 17, 1896, 162-176. Hermaphroditism among the Apodidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 296-309. An attempt to deduce the vertebrate eyes from the skin. [1896.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 39, 1897, 343- 370. Notes, morphological and systematic, on the madre- porarian subfamily Moiitiporinas (Montipora and Anacro- pora), with an account of the phylogeny of the Madre- poridffi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 117-135. On the affinities of the madreporarian genus Alveopora with the Palseozoic Favositidte, together with a brief sketch of some of the evolutionary stages of the madre- porarian skeleton. [1897.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 26, 1898, 495-516. Recent Poritidffi, and the position of the family in the madreporarian system. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899-1900, 127-149. On the structure of Porites, with preliminary notes on the soft parts. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899- 1900, 487-503. A suggested origin of the segmented worms, and the problem of metamerism. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 509-520. Studies in the retina: rods and cones in the frog and in some other Amphibia. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 23-47. [On the marine fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean).] in. On the Madreporaria collected by Mr. C. W. Andrews at Christmas Island. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 119-127. Bernard, Henry M[eyners], & Bratuscheck, Karl. Der Nutzen der Schleimhiillen fiir die Froscheier. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 691-694. Bernard, J. , & Bngel, R[odolphe Charles]. See Engel & Bernard. Bernard, Leon. De la permeability renale. Valeur com- par^e de ses modes d'exploration. Son role dans les affections du rein. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 4), 489-499. Bernard, Leon, & Albarran, J[oaquin]. See Albarran & Bernard. Bernard, Leon, & Broeq, [Anne Jean] L[ouis]. See Brocq & Bernard. Bernard, Leon, & Marfan, A. B. See Marfan & Bernard. Bernard, Leoti, tSi Sergent, Emile. See Sergent & Bernard. , Bernard, M. Etude sur le gisement de la Caunette et sur le traitement de ses minerals. Ann. Mines, 11, 1897, 597-636. Bernard, Noel. Sur la germination du Neottia nidus-avis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1253-1255. Sur les tuberculisations precoces chez les v^g^taux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 626-629. Sur quelques germinations difficiles. Rev. G6n. Bot., 12, 1900, 108-120. Bernard, Paul. Uu trait de mceurs de I'hirondelle de chemin^es (Hirundo rustica, L.). Ornis, 10, 1899, 50. Bernard, Pierre. Note sur une forme peu commune d'anomalie de I'ceuf de poule. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 504-507. Note sur un cas de parasitisme du cheval. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 459-460. Bernard, Raymond. N^vrite ascendante et hysteric. [1898.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. M^m., 38, 1899, 161-170. Bernard, Rodolphe. Les nouveaux colorants ph(5nolique8. Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 782-784. Bernard, Rodolphe, & Oassmann, Cli. See Oassmann & Bernard. Bernard, Rodolphe, & Oloess, Paul. See Oloeas & Bernard. R. S. A. C. Bernard, Rodolphe, & ITietzki, R[udolf]. See irietzki & Bernard, Bernardl, Enrico. Sulla pretesa stratificazione del mis- cugli aeriformi nei motori a gaz. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-86, 279-292. Modo di rendere automatico il freno dinamometrico di Thiabaud. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1884-85, 1355-1361. Considerazioni sulle valvole di sicurezza. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1885-86, 91-124. Sopra un curioso problema di idrodinamica pratica. [1888.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1887-88, 1309-1348. Bernard!, Giuaeppe. ...teoremi di poligonometria retti- linea e...di poligonometria sferica. Giorn. Mat., 29, 1891, 63-67, 173-194, ,378. Sull' estrazione abbreviata della radice cubica dai numeri. Giorn. Mat., 35, 1897, 112-119, 353. Bemardien (le frere). *[Notes meteorologiques.] Reims (Marne). France Soc. Met^orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 5, 1872, 53, 84, 105-106, 126, 144, 157, 177-178, 191, 202, 214 ; 6, 1873, Pt. 2, 3 ; 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 47, 60, 72. Bemardi^res, (c«2)((.) [Octave Marie Gabriel Joachim] de, *Memoire adresse au Bureau des Longitudes sur les determinations niagnetiques efifectuees pendant le voyage de la mission [chargee de I'observation du Passage de Venus au Chili, et de la mesure des differences de longi- tude sur la cote occidentale de rAm6rique du Sud par MM. DE BERNABDifcRES, Baknaud, et Favereau]. Paris Bur. Long. Ann., 3, 1883, 365-506. Determinations telegraphiques de differences de longi- tude dans I'Amerique du Sud. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 882-890 ; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884, 427- 436. Sur la construction de nouvelles cartes magnetiques du globe, entreprises sous la direction du Bureau des Longitudes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 679-682; Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1896, C. 6 pp. Bemardidres, (capit.) [Octave Marie Gabriel Joachim] de, Barnaud, (It.) [Leon], & Favereau, (It.) [Charles Eughie]. Resume des determinations magnetiques effec- tuees en 1882-83 par la mission chargee de Tob-servation du Passage de Venus au Chili et de la mesure de differ- ences de longitude sur la cote occidentale de I'Amerique du Sud. [1884.] Ann. Hydrogr., 6, 1885, 91-110. Bemardlferes, (capit.) [Octave Marie Gabriel Joachim] de, Iioewy, Maurice, & X>e Clerc, (capit.) . See Xioewy, lie Clerc & Bemardi^res. Bernardin, Leon. La bergerie de Rambouillet et les merinos. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 133, 1889, 191-323. Bemardinl, Citio. Ipertrofia cerebrale e idiotismo. Osser- vazione clinico-anatomica. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887, 25-51. Sulla reazione nera del Golgi in cervelli di paralitid ed epilettici. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 13, 1887 (Med. Legale), 207-208. La vertigiue paralizzante. Rassegna. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 14, 1888, 139-142. Epilessia traumatica con sintomi pseudo-paralitici da alcoolismo. Nota clinica ed anatomo-patologica. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 178-187. Bernardini, Cino, & Ferrari, G[iulio] Ccsare. Ricerche sperimentali suUa memoria musicale nei freuastenici. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 22, 1896, 315-323. Bernardini, Cino, & Perugia, A. Le funzioni di relazione nella demenza. [1894.] Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 21, 1895, 120-135. Bernardini, Cino, & Fetrazzani, Pietro. Pazzia morale e sinmlazione. Studio peritale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 19, 1893, 6i)6-715. Bernardini, Cino, & Sarlo, Francesco de. See Sarlo & Bernardini. Bernaroli, U[go], & Delpino, Federico. Pseudanzia di Camellia e di Geum. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 145-155. 61 482 Bernart] Bernart, William F. "Floaters" in the urine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 58-59. Bemasconi, G., & Rem-Picci, G[iacomo]. See Rem- Ficci & Bernasconi. BcrnAth,J[o?.sv'/"]. *DieMineralwas8er Ungarns. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl.; 1881, [60HG2]. ^ Bematsky, Jem { = Eugni). Haromcsn-aju tolgynmk. [Eine dreikeimige Eicliel.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 434; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam, 15, 1899, 381-382. A Crocus reticulatns, Stev., mint novenvegyesulet tagja. [Ueber die Crocus reticulatus, Stev.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898 {Sitppl.), 165-175; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam, 16, 1899, 333. A Limnanthemum nymphseoides (5s a Nymphsea alba. [Das Limnanthemum nymphffioides, (L.) GmeL, m der Flora Budapest's.] [1898.] Termt. Kozlon., 31, 1899 (SuppL), 15-25; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungam, 16, 1899, 334. Adatok az endotroph Mykorhizak ismeret^hez. Bei- trage zur Kenntniss der endotrophen Mykorhizen. Termr. Fiiz., 22 (1899), 88-110. , . . A hazai siilyfii (Polygonatum) fajok anatomiai meghatarozasa. [Die anatomische Bestimmung der ein- heimischen Polygonatumarten.] [1899-1900.] Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900, 199; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 18, 1903, 440; Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 66-74. A gombalakta gyokerekrol. Ueber Mykorhizengebilde. Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 291-309. Absidia septata. Van Tiegh. Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 404-413. A Nyirs^g nov^nyeirol. [On the flora of Nyirseg.] Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900 (SuppL), 190-192. Bemays, Albert James. For biography see Chem. Soc. Jl., 61, 1892, 488; Leopoldina. 28, 1892, 54. Bemays, Augustus C. The pathology and therapy of cancer, with special reference to cancer of the stomach. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 653-657, 698-701. Bemays, Edouard M. Proposition dans le but de preserver les eRp4ces en voie de disparition. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 158-162. Une coquille nouvelle pour les sables a " Isocardia Cor" d'Anvers. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1896 (Proc-Verb.), 174. Recherches dans les sables Diestiens dits a " Isocardia Cor " mis k jour lors du creusement de I'^cluse du bassin Lefevre en 1894 et 1895. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Ball., 1896 (Mem.), 117-132. Bemays, Edouard M., & Stainier, Xavier. See Stainier & Bemays. Bemays, Edwin Arthur. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 91, 1888, 408-411. Bemays, Llewis] A. The economic aspects of entomology. [1885.] Queensland Eoy. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, 13-17. Bembeck, C. Samen der Mercurialis annua als Vergif- tungsursache der Hiihner. Arch. Pharm. , 224, 1886, 799-800. Bemdt, E. Ueber die Veranderungen der Milzbrand- bacillen in faulendem Rinderblute ausserhalb des tierischen Korpers. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 648-651. Bemdt, Fritz. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Verletzungen an den obersten Halswirbeln. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 35, 1893, 554-566. Protozoen in einem Leberabscess. [1893.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 40, 1896, 163-172. Bemdt, G[eorg]. Ueber die Spektra von Radium und Polonium. [1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 2, 1901, 180-181. Bemdt, Gustav. For biographical notice and works see Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 355. Der Alpentohn in seinem Einfluss auf Natur- und Menschenleben. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886 (Ergdnz- ungsh. 83, 66 pp.). Die Plaine de la Crau oder die provengalische Sahara. [Bernhardt [1886.] Ztschr. Wiss. Geogr., 8, 1891, 146-163, 184-206, 257-301. Bemdt, L^udwig], & Marckwald, IF[(7/?/]. See Marck- wald & Bemdt. Bemegau, L. Ueber Kolaniisse. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 455-457. Bemelot nXoens. See Moens. Bemer, [///.]. Om scaphenocephalie. [1885.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid'., 31, 1890, 302-303. Bernerston, S. B. A trip from Soul to Peng Yang. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 16 (1884), 234-241. Bemert, Richard. Ueber Oxydation von Eiweiss mit Kaliurapermanganat. [1898.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 26, 1898-99, 272-307. Bemet, [H.]. Sarcoscyphus alpinus, Gottsche, var. hetero- phyllus. Rev. BryoL, 12, 1885, 47-48, 62. Une excursion a la gorge de Salvin. Rev. BryoL, 13, 1886, 42-44. Bemfeld, Isidor. Studien iiber Schwefelmetallelektroden. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 25, 1898, 46-73. Bemhard, Adolph. Ueber die Einfiihrung von Acylen in den Benzoylessigiither. Liebig's Ann., 282, 1894, 153- 191. Bemhard, C. G. Cacao und dessen Praparate. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 445-446; 13, 1889, 32. Bemhard, O. Perlsiichtige Gemse. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 35, 1892, 149-150. Bemhard, Wilhelm. Eine neue Modification des Abbe'schen Zeichenapparates [nebst Zeichentisch fiir mikroskopische Zwecke]. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 291-295; 9, 1892, 439-415; 11,1894,298-301; Wiirtterab. Jhefte., 49, 1893, cxxiii-cxxx. Kleiner Tropfapparat fiir Mikrotome. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 305-310. Einiges aus der mikroskopischen Technik. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber. (9), 1903, 47-51. Bemhardi, [Fr.]. Fon(;age et epuisement des puits de la mine Cleophas, pres Zalenzo (Haute- Silesie). [Tr.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 12, 1890, 60-76. Bemhardi, R[einhard], & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. See Auwers & Bernhardt. Bernhardt, Martin. Neuer Beitrag zur Frage von den Erfolgen der Dehnung des N. facialis bei Facialiskrampf. Arch. Psychiatr., 15, 1884, 777-783. Ueber die Beziehungen des Kniephanomens zur Diph- therie und deren Nachkrankheiten. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 393-410. Ueber die spastische Cerebralparalyse im Kindesalter (Hemiplegia spastica infantilis), nebst einem Excurse iiber "Aphasie bei Kindern." Virchow, Arch., 102, 1886, 26-80. Beitrage zur Lehre von den basalen und nuclearen Augenmuskellahmungen. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888, 505-512. Ueber eine hereditare Form der progressiven spinalen mit Bulbarparalyse complicirten Muskelatrophie. Vir- chow, Arch., 115, 1889, 197-216. Ueber eine weniger bekannte Neurose der Zunge und der Mundhohle. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 389-392. Ueber angeborene einseitige Trigeminus-Abducens- Facialislahmung. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 419-424. Zur Aetiologie der Tabes. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 710-714. Beitrag zur Lehre von den familiiiren Erkrankungen des Centralnervensystems. Virchow, Arch., 126, 1891, 59-71. [Untersuchungen mit der Influenzmascliine und den durch sie erzeugten elektrischen Stromen iiber die Erregbarkeit von Nerven und Muskeln an gesunden und kranken Menschen.] [1891.] Arch. Psychiatr., 24, 1892, 278-280. Erganzung zur Mittheilung des Herrn Privatdocenten Dr. WiNDSCHEiD iiber "Isolirte Lahmung des N. musculo- Bernhardt] 483 [Bernheimer cutaneus [nebst Benierkungen iiber die Eumf sche trau- matische Reaction der Musculatur"]. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 237-239. Weiterer Beitrag zur Lehre von den hereditareu und familiaren Erkrankungen des Nervensystems. Ueber die spinal-neuritische Form der progressiven Muskel- atrophie. Virchow, Arch.; 133, 1893, 259-294. Ein Fall von einseitigem (wahrscheinlichangeborenem) infantilen Gesichtsmuskelschwund. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 2-7. Beitrag zur Lehre von den eigenthiimlichen Mitbe- wegungen des paretischen oberen Lides bei einseitiger angeborener Lidsenkung. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 325-338. Ueber isolirt im Gebiete des N. cutaneus femoris externus vorkommende Parasthesien. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 242-244. Ueber eine wenig bekannte Form der Beschaftigungs- neuralgie. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 13-17. Beitrag zur Lehre von dem einseitigen, isolirten (ange- borenen?) Gesichtsmuskelschwund. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 296-301. Beitrag zur Pathologie der Medianuslahmungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 626-631. Historische Notiz zur Lehre vom Kopf tetanus (Tetanus hydrophobicus, Tetanus facialis, Edm. Rose). Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 146-148. Ueber die sogen. recidivirenden Facialislahmungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 98-107, 146-154. Beitrag zur Lehre von der HsBmatomyelia traumatica. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 198-205. Ueber die vieariireude Function der bei vollkommener Lahmung der eigentlichen Vorderarmbeuger in Thatigkeit treteuden, von den Condylen des Oberarms entspringen- den Muskeln. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 546-550. Bernhardt, Martin, & Ormerod, J[osep}i] A[rder}te]. See Ormerod & Bernhardt. Bernhardt, R. Notizen iiber die Dicke des Eises der Diina und den Verlauf des Eisganges in friiheren Jahren. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 32, 1889, 21. Das Eindringen des Frostes in den Erdboden und die Dicke des Eises auf der Diina im Winter 1891-92 [und 1892-93]. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 35, 1892, 28; 36, 1893, 38. Bernhardt, William. Ueber einige Produkte des Pflanzen- stoffwechsels. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 26, 1887, 632- 636. On condensations. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 122-125. Bemhart, C[arl], & Ferkin, William Henry (jun.). See Ferkin & Bemhart. Bemhauer, Max. Neue Staphyliniden aus Europa. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 338-341; 49, 1899, 15-27, 249-251, 422-437; 50, 1900, 38-50, 197-204, 532-541. Zweite Folge neuer Staphyliniden aus Oesterreich- Uugarn. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 530-533; 49, 1899, 107-111. Neue Staphyliniden aus dem Kaukasus und den angrenzenden Landern. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 19, 1900, 46-55. Die Staphyliniden-Gattung Leptusa, Kraatz, nebst einer analytischen Bestimmungstabelle der palaarktischen Arten. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 50, 1900, 399-432. Bemheim, . [Bulletin des travaux de chimie executes en 1891 par les iugenieurs des mines dans les laboratoires d^partementaux.] Laboratoire du Mans. Ann. Mines, 6, 1894, 278-279. Bemheim, A[Tthur\ Beitrage zur Chemie der Exsudate und Transsudate. Virchow, Arch., 131, 1893, 274-303. Bemheim, H[ippolyte]. Les hallucinations negatives. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 91. Souvenirs latents et suggestions k longue (^ch^ance. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886, 135-147. De I'amaurose hysterique. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1886 {PL 2), 748-750. On the psychical nature of hysterical unilateral am- blyopia and sensitivo-sensorial hemiansesthesia. Brain, 16, 1893, 181-190. Zur Lehre vom Hypnotismus. Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1896, 219-222, 267-270, 305-398, 357-361. Bemheim, Hiujo. Die parasitaren Bakterien der Cerealien. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 277-278. Bemheim, J[ules], & Rousseau, [Henri^ Gustave. See Rousseau & Bemheim. Bemheim, Jakob. Die Innervation der Harnblase beim Frosche und Salamander. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1892 [SiippL), 11-28. Ueber Invasion von Hautkokken bei Ekzem. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 141-150. Ueber die Mischinfection bei Diphtherie. Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen. Ztschr. Hyg., 18, 1894, 529-582. Ueber die Rolle der Streptococcen bei der experimen- tellen Mischinfection mit Diphtheriebacillen. Arch. Hyg., 28, 1897, 138-145. Ueber einen bakteriologischen Befund bei Stomatitis ulcerosa. [1897.] Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 177-182. Ueber Immunisirung von Versuchsthieren gegen die Mischinfection mit Diphtheriebacillen und Streptococcen. Arch. Hyg., 33, 1898, 35-69. Bemheim, Jakob, & Folger, C. Ueber verzweigte Diph- theriebacillen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 20, 1896, 1-3. Ueber verzweigte Diphtheriebacillen. Eine Antwort an Herru Dr. A. A. Kanthack. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 20, 1896, 905-906. Bemheim, Samuel. Cow-pox et tuberculose. Arch. G^n. Med., 168, 1891, 374. Immunisation tuberculeuse et s^rumth^rapie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 291-294. Traitement de la tuberculose d'apres la methode de M. le professeur Landeeeb. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1899 (PL 2), 642-654. La Hevre des tuberculeux. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1899 {PL 2), 654-663. Les ectopies cardiaques. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1899 (PL 2), 663-672. Le bacille de Koch isole oa associe. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 (PL 1), 217. Les troubles gastriques pr^coces de la phtisie. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1900 (Pt. 2), 775-788. Influence des maladies infectieuses sur le cceur. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 295-300. Tuberculose et syphilis. Congr. Int. M^d. C. R. , 1900 (Vol. 4), 431-449. Tuberculose bucco-pharyng^e. Congr. Int. M6d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 13, Laryngol.), 59-76. Bernheimer, Stefan. Zur Kenntniss der Nervenfaser- schichte der menschlichen Retina. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1886 (Abth. 3), 136-141. Angeborenes totales Hornhautstaphylom mit Dermoid- bildung. [1887.] Arch. Augenheilk., 18, 1888, 171-179; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 417-426. Structure du chiasma optique et du nerf optique. Ann. d'Oculist., 100, 1888, 69-70. Ueber die Entwickelung und den Verlauf der Mark- fasern im Chiasma nervorum opticorum des Menschen. Arch. Augenheilk., 20, 1889, 133-179; Arch. Ophthalm., 20, 1891, 163-192. Zur Kenntniss der Anatomic der Sehnervenwurzeln des Menschen. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 4, Ahth. 10), 149-151. Ueber Sehnervenveranderung bei hochgradiger Skle- rose der Gehirnarterien. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 37, 1891 (Abth. 2), 37-57, (Abth. 3), 263-264. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Missbildungen des Augea. Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 241-263; Arch. Oplithalm., 23, 1894, 270-275. 61—2 Bernheimer] 484 [Bernstein Zur Auatomie des Oculomotorius. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 2), 214-215. Experiinentelle Studien zur Kenntniss der Innervation der inneren und aussereu vom Oculomotorius versorgten Muskeln des Auges. Arch. f. Opbthalni., 44, 1897, 481- 525. . , Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Beziehungen zwischen dem Ganglion ciliare und der Pupillarreaction. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 44, 1897, 526-538; 45, 1898, 230. Experinientelle Untersuchuugen iiber die Bahnen der Pupillarreaction. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 3), 98-112. Die Reflexbahn der Pupillarreaction. Nach anatomi- schen Untersuchungen an embryonalen Gehirnen des Menscben und Experimeuten am Affen. [1898.] Arch, f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 1-49. Thatsachliche Berichtiguiig zu L. Bach's Arbeit : "Zur Lehre von den Augenniuskellahmungen und den Storungen dtr Pupillenbewegung." Arch. f. Ophthalm., 47, 1899, 682. Bemerkungen zu L. B.^ch's Arbeit: "Zur Lehre von den Augenmuskellahmungen etc." Arch. f. Ophthalm., 48, 1899, 463-469. Experinientelle Studien zur Kenntniss der Bahnen der synergischen Augenbewegungen beim Affen und der Beziehungen der Vierhiigel zu denselben. Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 3), 299-317. Der rein auatomische Nachweis der ungekreuzten Sehnervenfaseru beim Menschen, [1899.] Arch. Augen- heilk., 40, 1900, 155-160. Auatomische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die corticalen Sehcentren. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 12), 228-232. Berniccbi, Gaetano. *Terremoto del 19 agosto 1882. [Pellegrino Parmense.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 199. *Uragano. Pellegrino Parmense, [2 settembre 1883]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 154. [Le stelle cadenti di novembre 1890.] Pellegrino Parmense (Parma). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 104. — — Temporale. [Pellegrino Parmense, 14 maggio 1891.] Moncalieri Boll., 11, 1891, 107. Bernimoulln, E[mile]. Note sur la division des noyaux daus le Tradescantia virginica. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 23, 1884 (Mem.), 7-14. Beminzone, M. R. Sulla secrezioue interna del rene. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 16-26. Suir esistenza di reazioni reversibili nella chimica biologica. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 149- 151, 152-164. Fenomeni termici nella coagulazione del latte. Genuva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 277-289. Sulla diffusione della lipasi nell' organismo e re- versibility della sua azione. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 11, 1900, 327-349. Bemis, [Pierre]. Raccordement parabolique entre deux arcs de cercle contigus de mSme sens. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1892 (Ft. 2), 212-213. Bemotti, Romeo. Le combat entre navires. [Tr.] [1897.] Rev. Maritime et. Colon., 137, 1898, 341-345. Bernou, [Joseph Edouard Pierre]. Sur la culture de la betterave en Alg^rie. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 25-26. Bemoud, C, & Bonne, Ch. See Bonne & Bemoud. Bernoulli, William. Plantes rares ou nouvelles du Simplon, de Zermatt et d'Anniviers r6colt6es en 1885-88. Bull Murith., 16-18, 1890, 17-21. Quelques stations de plantes valaisannes, soit nou- velles, soit indiquees d'une mauiere plus precise. Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 3-8. BemoulU-'Werthemann, J. J. For biography and works gee Basel Verh., 10, 1896, 844-861. Einige merkwiirdige meteorologische Erlebnisse [Posth.] Basel Verh., 10, 1896, 856-861. Berns, Wilhelm, & Anschiitz, Richard. See Anschiitz & Berns. Bernstein, A[lekMiidr] N[ikolaevic]. Die psychischen Aeusserungen der Chorea minor. [1896.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 538-553. Bernstein, Alexander. Ueber die elektromotorische Kraft galvanischer Elemente. [1884.] Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1886, 52-55. On low resistance incandescent lamps. Electrician, 15, 1885, 471-472. On the amount of light obtained by incandescent carbon. [1885.] Electrician, 16, 1886, 36-37. Electric lighting by means of low-resistance glow- lamps. [With discussion.] [1886.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 15, 1887, 161-197, 198-229. Ueber Vertheilung der elektrischen Energie durch konstanten Strom. Elektrotechn. Ztsckr., 10, 1889, 506-518. The chemical action of a new bacterium in milk. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 608-609. Bernstein, B., & Potylicyn, A[leksej] L[avrentjevic]. See Fotylicyn & Bernstein. Bernstein, Bernhard. Eine neue Strom wende-Elektrode, zugleich Schliessungs- und Unterbrechungs-Elektrode. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 307-310. Bernstein, D. Stein-. See Stein-Bernstein. Bernstein, Edivard J. The non-operative treatment of crossed eyes. N. Y. Med. Jl, 57, 1893, 439-442. Bernstein, F[elix]. Ueber einen Schonfiies'schen Satz der Theorie der stetigen Funktionen zweier reeller Verander- lichen. Gottingen Nachr., 1900, 98-102. Beimstein, Julius. *Ueber den Einfluss des constanten Stromes auf das Herz. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 137. Ueber den Einfluss der Salze auf die Losung der rothen Blutkorperchen durch verschiedene Agentien. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 96-98. Weiteres iiber die Entstehung der Aspiration des Thorax nach der Geburt. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 34, 1884, 21-37. Ueber das Entstehen und Verschwinden der elektro- tonischen Strome im Nerven und die damit verbundenen Erregungsschwankungen des Nervenstromes. Arch, Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 197-250. Ueber die secundaren Welleu der Pulscurve. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887, 40-49. Eine neue Methode der kiinstlichen Athmung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 319. Phototelephonische Untersuchung des zeitlichen Verlaufs elektrischer Strome. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 153-157. Sphygmophotographische Versuche. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 130-132. Zur Theorie der elektrischen Erregung. Antwort auf die Bemerkung des Herrn N[agy] von Regeczy iiber [seine] Theorie. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 259-266. Weitere Versuche iiber die Sauerstoilzehrung in den Geweben. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1891 (Th. 2), 148- 151. Neue Theorie der Erregungsvorgange und elektrischen Erscheinungen an der Nerven- und Muskelfaser. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 17, 1892, 135-211. Ueber die Sauerstoffzehrung der Gevvebe. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 17, 1892, 213-244. Ueber die specifische Energie des Hornerven, die Wahrnehinung binauraler (diotischer) Schwebungen und die Beziehungen der Horfunktion zur statischen Funktion des Ohrlabyrinths. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. , 57, 1894, 475- 494. Ueber das angebliche Horen labyrinthloser Tauben. [Nach Versuchen, welche gemeinsam mit Herrn Dr. Fr. Matte angestellt sind.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 61, 1895, 113-122. Bernstein] 485 [Beroud Das Beugungsspektrum des quergestreiften Muskels bei der Contraktion. Pfliiger, Arch. Pliysiol., 61, 1896, 285-290. Injections sous-con jonctivales. [With discussion.] Ann. d'Oculist., IK), 1896, 2U8-209. Ueber das Verhalten der Kathodenstrahlen zu einan- der. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 415-424. Ueber die Latenzdauer der Muskelzackung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 207-218. Zur Theorie der negativen Schvvankung. Ueber die Methode der Rheotomversuche nud iiber den Einfluss der Belastnng anf die negative Schwaiikung des Muskels. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 349-372. Zur Gescliwindigkeit der Coutractionsprocesse. Be- merkung zu dem Aufsatze von Th. W. Engelmann "Ueber den Einfluss der Reizstarke u. s. w." Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 95-99. Ueber reflectorische negative Schwankung des Nerven- stroms und die Reizleitung im Reflexbogen. [1897.] Arch. Psyehiatr , 30, 1898, 651-652; Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 374-380. Zur Theorie des Wachsthums und der Befruchtung. Arch. EntwMech., 7, 1898, 511-521. Gegenberaerkung zu der Engelmann'schen Abhand- lung "Ueber den Einfluss der Pveizstarke u, s. w." Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 367-370. Zur Kon.stitution und Reizleitung der lebenden Substanz. (Beinerkungen zu zwei Arbeiten von G. HoRMANN.) Biol. Ceutrbl., 19, 1899, 289-295. Chemotropische Bewegung eines Quecksilbertropfeus. Zur Theorie der amoboiden Bewegung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 628-637. Bemstein-Kohan, Jacob. Ueber die Wirkungen des Wolframs. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb., 5, 1890, 42-126. Berntlisen, ..4u^Msf. *Die Formel des unterschwefligsanren (hydroschwefligsaureu) Natrons. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [51]. *Die Constitution der Thiocarbaminsaurederivate und die Nomenelatur der uaheren Kohlensaurederivate. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [53]-[59]. Zur Kenntniss des Methylenblaus und verwandter Farbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 611-620, 2854-2857, 2857-2860, 2860-2862. Ueber das Juglon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1945-1947. Zur Frage nach den von Acridinen und Chinolinen ableitbaren Animoniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1947-1957. Die Acridine. Liebig's Ann., 224, 1884, 1-56. Zur Kenntniss der vom Chinolin ableitbaren Am- moniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1014- 1018. Studien in der Methylenblaugruppe. Liebig's Ann., 230, 1886, 73-211; 251, '1889, 1-97; Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 3, 1886, 300-433 [Fart only]. Ueber eine bei dem Durchleiten von Anilindampf durch gliihende Rohren entstehende, dem Benzidin isomere Base. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 420-425. ■ Zur Constitution der Safranine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 19, 1886, 2690-2693; 20, 1887, 179-180. Eine neue Synthese des Thiodiphenylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3255-3256. • Ueber pyrogene Bilduug des Phenazins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3256-3258. Zur Frage nach der Constitution der Saft'ranine und verwandter Farbstoffe. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verh. , 3, 1886, 618-629. Ueber ein neues Chromogen, das Phenazoxin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 942-944. Notiz iiber die Einwirkung von Zimmtsaure auf Diphenylamin bei Gegenwart von Chlorzink. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1552-1554. Zur Beziehung zwischen Hydraziden und Azoverbin- dungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 743-745. Ueber den Eintritt vou Schwefel in aromatische Paradiamine, die Konstitution des Methylenroth und neue Synthesen vou Farbstoffen der ludamin- und Thiodiphenylamingruppe. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 35-37. Zur Kenntniss der a-Naphtylamin- und a-Naphtol- 3 : 8-disulfo8aure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 8327-3385. Zur Kenntniss der Naphtosultonsulfosauren und a-Naphtosulfamidsulfosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3088-3096. Zur Kenntniss der Ammoniumbasen des Phenyl- acridins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1746-1747. Ueber m-Aniidodialkyl-o-toluidine CgHs (CH3) (NR2) (NH2) und deren Ueberfiihrbarkeit in Methylenblaufarbstoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3128-3139, 8366- 3368. Ueber 7?t-Amidodialkyl-o-toluidine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 992-993. BerntliBen, August, & Bazlen, M[a.T]. Zur Kenntniss der iiydroschwefligen Saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 126-132. Bemthsen, August, & Elkan, Th[eodor]. Schwefelderivate des jj-Phenylendiamins. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 62-69. Bemtlisen, August, & Frankel, Nahemi. Ueber Monami- dothiodiphenylamin und den zugehorigen Farbstoff, das Imidothiodipheuylimid. Liebig's Ann., 230, 1886, 100- 107. Bemthsen, August, & OoBke, Adolf. Ueber Monomethyl- und Monoathylorange und ihre Ueberfiihrung in Diraethyl- und Diathylthionin. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 924-934. Bemthsen, August, & Hess, Wilhelm. Zur Kenntniss der vom Chinolin ableitbaren Ammoniumbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 29-38. See also Hess & Bemthsen. Bemthsen, August, & BXettegang, Hans. Ueber einige Reactionen der Chinolinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1208-1210. Bemthsen, August, & Muhlert, F[ranz]. Ueber Acridyl- aldehyd und Acridincarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1541-1551. Bemthsen, August, & Osann, A[lfred]. Notiz iiber die Krystallform einiger Acridinabkommlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 425-427. Bemthsen, August, & Battler, Heinrich. Isothionin (dem Lauth'schen Violett isomerer Farbstoff). Liebig's Ann., 230, 1885, 133-136. Bernthsen, A%igust, & Schweitzer, Hugo. Das Phenazin (Azophenylen) als Muttersubstanz von Farbstoffen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2604-2607. Das Phenazin als Muttersubstanz der Farbstoffe der Toluylenrothgruppe. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 332-350. Bemthsen, ^ uf/ust, & Semper, August. Ueber das Juglon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 203-213; 19, 1886, 164-170, Ueber die Constitution des Juglons und seine Synthese aus Naphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 934- 941. Bemthsen, August, & Traube, I[sidor]. Butylacridin und Acridylbenzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1508-1512. Berntrop, J. C. Eine einfache Methode zur qualitativeu und quantitativen Bestimmung rninimaler Bleimengen in Wasser. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1020. Beroud, {Vabhi) J. M. Sur la grotte des Balmes, pr^s Villereversure (Ain). Ass. Franv. C. R., 1886 (Ft 1) 132, {Ft. 2), 471-475; Mat^r. Hist. Homme, 20, ISSe! 241-250. Berounsk;y^] Berounsky, St., Andrlik, Karel, & Hranlcka, H. See Andrlik, Berounsky & Hranicka. Berrens, H[ippohjte\ Almaden. Ses mines de mercure et ses divers systemes de reduction du minerai. Ass. Fran?. C. li., 1892 (Ft. 2), 261-266. Berri, Adolfo. Delia poliuria permanente nella frattura della base del cranio. Sperimentale, .59, 1887, 488-502. Berridge, Dougla.^ J. P. The action of light upon the soluble metallic iodides in presence of cellulose. Chem. News, 72, 1895, 175-177. Berridge, G. W. *0n a method of graduation applied to the peerage mortality deduced by Mr. Bailey and Mr. Day, with tables founded thereon. [1865.] Assur. Mag., 12, 1866, 220-229. 'Demonstration of a formula for interpolation. [1868.] Inst. Act. Jl., 14, 1869, 244-246. *C)n the values of annuities on assured lives. Inst. Act. Jl., 19, 1876, 351-362. Berridge, W'iZiiaw. Meteorological notes. Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 66, 98, 141-142, 166-167, 206-207, 236, 268, 297, 828, 346-347; 8, 1886, 27, 55-56, 84, 110-111, 139-140, 173, 205, 237, 268-269, 296, 327, 347-348; 9, 1886, 24, 58, 85, 112, 140-141, 169, 197, 224, 255, 305, 333 ; 10, 1887, 25, 49, 76-77, 104, 133-134, 158. Berrington, R. E. W. The Wolverhampton sewerage works. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 89-91. Berro, Mariano B. La vegetaci6n uruguaya. Plantas que se hacen distinguir por alguna propiedad litil 6 perjudicial. [1899.] Montevideo Mus. Nac. An., 2, 1901, 89-196. Berruti, Giacinto. Influenza dei cicloni suUa meteorologia locale. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 739-740. Sulla teoria dei vettori componibili. [1893-94.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 115-118, 531-534. Berry, ^. E. Full beers of low alcoholic strength. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 4, 1898, 367-381. Berry, Arthur. Simultaneous reciprocants. Quart. Jl. Math., 23, 1889, 260-316. The pure theory of distribution. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 923-924. Eclipses of the Sun. [1893.] Leicester See. Trans., 3, 1895, 291-292. Note on a case of divisibility of a function of two variables by another function. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30, 1899, 271-276. Sur les surfaces de quatrieme degre qui admettent une int^grale de differentielle totale de premiere espece. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 449-451; Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 333-347. On the evaluation of a certain determinant which occurs in the mathematical theory of statistics and in that of elliptic geometry of any number of dimensions. [1898.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 2-10. Berry, Edward E., & BiUinan, Harry Livingstone. See Sulman & Berry. Berry, George A[ndreas]. [Civilisation and eyesight.] Nature, 31, 1885, 387-388. Sur deux cas de conjonctivite infectieuse causee par une piqfire de mouche. [Tr.] Ann. d'Oculist., 108, 1892, 429. Note on the focus of concavo-convex lenses the surfaces of which are of equal curvature. [1893.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 20, 1895, 192-195. Berry, James. Suspensory ligaments of the thyroid gland. [1887.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 22, 1888, iv-v. On the pathology of goitre and some other diseases of the thyroid gland. London Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890 258-269. Berry, Javies. Proceedings of the second annual con- vention of the American Association of State Weather Services, with brief reference to former conventions. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 21 (1893), 228-232. Climate and Crop Service. U. S. Monthly Weath. 48G [Berson Rev., 24 (1896), 7-9, 45-46, 74-76, 110-112, 151-158, 196-198, 235-237, 286-288, 320-322, 363-365, 403-406, 449-451. Climate and Crop Service publications. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 150. Berry, Jolin M. A comparison of the phagocytic action of leukocytes in Amphibia and Mammalia. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 19, 1897, 98-116. On the development of the villi of the human intestine. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 242-249. Berry, Mahel C. First occurrence of the blue grosbeak in New Hampshire. Auk, 13, 1896, 342-343. Berry, Nl^eill] A{lford]. Analysis of a copper slag of bright red color. Amer. Chem. Jl'., 8 (1886), 429-430. Berry, P. A curious instance of melanism. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc JL, 9, 1894-95, 224. Berry, Richard J[ames^ A{rthur\ The anatomy of the caecum. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 401-409. The anatomy of the vermiform appendix. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895, 761-769. The pathology of the vermiform appendix. [1895.] Jl. Path. Bact., 3, 1896, 160-175. The true csBcal apex, or the vermiform appendix : its minute and comparative anatomy. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, 83-100. Berry, Richard J[ame.s~\ A[rthur], & Crawford, John. The stomach and pylorus. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 153-158. Berry, W[ilUa)n], & Armstrong, Henry E[dward]. See Armstrong & Berry. Berry, Williani. Lesser shrew (Sorex minutus, L.) in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 69. On the introduction of grouse to the Tentsmuir in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 197-203. White-fronted geese in Fife. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1899, 182. Berry, Wilton G., & Martin, Edward W. See martin & Berry. Bersch, Carl. Die Riickbildung des Dottersackes bei Lacerta agiUs. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 1), 2, 1893, 475-503. Bersch, Wilhelm. Ueber die Umsetzuug von Oxyden und Hydroxyden schwerer Metalle mit Halogenverbinduugen der Alkalien. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 383- 395. Studien iiber die Einwirkung elektrischer Striime auf Riibensafte. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 43, 1893, 416-445. Mais und Maisabfiille. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 40, 1896, 85-102. Hirse und Hirseabfalle. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 40, 1896, 103-116. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Mispel, Mespilus germanica, L. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 471- 473. Die Zusammensetzung verschiedener Melonensorten. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 46, 1896, 473-476. Bersier, (It.) Hlenri]. Sur le transmetteur automatique des ordres de route. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 550-552. Berson, A[rthur Joseph Stanislaus]. Uebersicht iiber die Witterung [in Centraleuropa, Marz 1891 bis Januar 1899, und Juni 1900]. Wetter, 8, 1891, 108-109, 135-136 158-159, 182-188, 210-211, 236-238, 253-254, 280-281 9, 1892, 19-20, 45-46, 63-64, 88-89, 110-112, 140-141 162-163, 186-187, 204-205, 231-232, 251-252, 277-278 10, 1893, 17, 40-41, 60-61, 83-84, 116-117, 140-141 163-164, 180-182, 210-211, 233-234, 261, 280-281; 11 1894, 15-16, 86-37, 67-68, 87-88, 116-117, 186-137 162-163, 186-187, 203-204, 236-237, 255-256, 275-276 12, 1895, 20-21, 37-38, 68-69, 88-89, 114-115, 136-137 158-159, 182-183, 198-199, 234-235, 258-259, 284-285 13, 1896, 12-13, 42-43, 63-64, 83, 112-118, 138-139 153-155, 184-185, 206-207, 232-233, 257-258, 283-284 Berson] 487 [Bert 14, 1897, 18-19, 43-44, 64-65, 91-02, 112-113, 138-139, 157-159, 186-187, 206-208, 231-232, 256, 278-279 ; 15, 1898, 13-14, 41-42, 56-57, 89-90, 109-110, 138-139, 158-159, 186, 213-214, 236-237, 260-262, 281-283; 16, 1899, 19-20, 44-45, 63-64 ; 17, 1900, 189-190. Die Heikunft der Dammerungsstreifen und ihre Be- rechnung. Wetter, 9, 1892, 145-150, 192. Ueber seine Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse auf Ballon- fahrten. Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1895, xv-xix. Eiue Eeise in das Eeich der Cirren. Wetter, 12, 1896, 1-10. Geographisches aus dem Luftballon. [1895.] Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 23, 1896, 49-58. Kurzer Riickblick auf die Witterung [der Jahre 1895- 97]. Wetter, 13, 1896, 64-66; 14, 1897, 89-91; 15, 1898, 90-93. In den Fussstapfen Glaishek's. (Eine Ballonhoch- fahrt in England.) Wetter, 15, 1898, 217-226. Rozwoj i cele aeronautjki nowoczesnej. [Develop- ment and aims of modern aeronautics.] Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 610-624. Bez«on, [Felix] G[ustave Adolphe]. De I'influence de la temperature sur I'aimantation. Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 433-502; Jl. Pliys., 5, 1886, 437-456. Influence du choc sur Faimantation d'un barreau d'acier. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 404-421. Recherches experimentales sur les variations de I'ai- mantation d'un barreau d'acier par le choc. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 592-595. De I'influence du choc sur I'aimantation permanente du nickel. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 94-95. De I'influence du choc sur la force coercitive dans les metaux magnetiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 1, 1889, 407-419. De I'influence du choc sur I'aimantation residuelle d'un barreau de nickel. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 188^, G, 11 pp. Etude sur les miroirs magiques de la Chine et du Japon. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 2, 1890, 428-439. Des treniblements de terre au Japon. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1891, 239-252. ■ Sur I'emploi des figures geometriques par les Japonais pour la resolution des probl^mes d'arithmetique. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1891, 268 271. Sur I'aimantation du nickel ; influence de la longueur des barreaux. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 6, 1892, K, 10 pp. Introduction a une etude des attractions et repulsions apparentes des corps vibrants dans les milieux fluides. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 5, 1893, 406-415. Effets des trepidations sur les aimantations totale, temporaire et residuelle des metaux magnetiques. Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1894, 226-237. Berson, [Felix] G[iistave Adolphe], & Bouasse, H[enri Pierre Maxime]. Sur I'elasticite de torsion d'un fil oscillant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 48-50. Berson, [Felix] G[iistave Adolphe], & Destrem, A. De I'electrolyse des solutions de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1794-1797. Etude sur I'electrolyse. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 3, 1889, L, 14 pp. Berson, [Felix] G[ji,stave Adolphe], & Juppont, P. Actions mutuelles des corps vibrants dans les milieux fiuides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 724-726. Berson, Sigisinond. Decomposition des ondes electriques quelconques en oscillations elementaires . Eclairage Elect. , 15 (1898), 287-289. Bert, Paul. For biography and works see Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 1112-1114; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 216; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 905-907; Venezia, Ateneo, 2, 1886, 403-404 ; Aeronaute, 1887, 13-14 ; Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, xxviii-xxix ; Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 3, 1887, i-ii; Naturaliste, [3 (1886-87)], 372; Nature, 35, 1887, 54; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887, 17-24; 41, 1889 (C. R.), 489-495; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1886-87, 111-112; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 501. *[Histoire des recherches auxquelles s'est consacree la Societe de Navigation Aerienne.] [1875.] Aeronaute, 9, 1876, 6-16. *Sur la capacite respiratoire du sang des animaux habitant les hauts plateaux de I'Amerique du Sud. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 95-97. 'Presence du sucre dans Purine apr^s I'accouchement chez une ch^vre privee de mamelles. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 193-194. *Sur la mort par Paction des melanges d'air et de vapeurs de chloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 241-242. *Anesthesie prolongee obtenue par le protoxyde d'azote a la pression normale. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 347-350. *Methode d'anesthesie prolongee par des melanges doses d'air et de vapeurs de chloroforme. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 409. *Sur I'immunite pour le cholera des ouvriers qui travaillent le mercure. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. i?.), 519. *Sur I'anesthesie par I'ether. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 522-523. Application k I'homme de la methode d'anesthesie chloroformique par les melanges titres. [1883-84.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 665-669; 36, 1884 (C. R.), 7-9. L'anesth^sie par la methode des melanges titres de vapeurs et d'air; son application a I'homme pour les vapeurs de chloroforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 98, 1884, 63-69, 124-126, 265-272. Sur I'origine du sucre de lait. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 775-777; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 223-224. Sur une autre methode d'anesthesie chloroformique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 {C. R.), 9-11. Sur les melanges titres d'ether et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 120-121. Observation sur la note de 31. Laborde sur I'elasticite pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 333. Observations k propos de la communication de M. AuBEAU, relative aux melanges titres de chloroforme et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. JR.), 422-423. Sur la non-accumulation du chloroforme dans I'organ- isme apr^s I'anesthesie complete. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 ((7. R.), 454-456. Chloroforme impur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 524-525. Observations a propos des experiences sur les de- capites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 272-273. Note sur Taction de la cocaine sur la peau. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 31-32. Sur la regeneration des nerfs pneumogastriques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 100. Etude analytique de I'anesthesie, par les melanges titres de chloroforme et d'air. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 442-445. Faits sur le protoxyde d'azote. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 520-521. La rigidite cadaverique. Note communiquee k la Societe de Biologie en juin 1881, mais non publiee. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 522. Iimocuite du grisou. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 523. Coloration du lezard vert. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 523. Veniu cutane de la grenouille (Rana viridis). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 524. Bert] 488 Paris, Soc. Animaux d'eau douce dans I'eau de mer. Biol. Mem., 87, 1885 (C. R.), 525-526. ^ . Observations sur la respiiation du Bombyx du murier a BBS differents etats. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 528-530. ,.^ . ^ Observations diverges sur la vie des chrysalides et au Bombyx du murier. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. r'.), 531-532. Sur le role de la membrane nictitante des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem.. 37, 1885 (C. R.), 532. Note sur quelques phenomenes du refroidissement rapide. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 567- 570. ^ . Intoxication chronique par le chloroforme. Pans, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 571-574. Venin du scorpion. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. JR.), 574-575. Note sur la germination des amandes ameres. Pans, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 576. Bert, Paul, & Capitan, L[ouis]. *Influence de divers sels sur le developpement du microbe de la morve. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 519-521. *Sur la uon-r^ceptivite de certains organismes pour certaines maladies contagieuses. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 521-522. Bert, Paul, & Z.affont, Marc. *Action du systeme nerveux sur les vaisseaux lymphatiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m. , 34, 1882 (C. R.), 188-189. Bert, Paul, & Begnard, Paul. *Influence de I'eau oxygenee sur les virus et les venins. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 736-738. *Sur la decomposition de I'eau oxygenee par la fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 738- 740. * Transformation des substances albuminoides en albuminoses sous I'influence de I'eau oxygenee. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 {C. R.), 138-135. *Sur I'emploi de Feau oxygenee en therapeatique. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 157- 161. Production d'alcool dans les fruits sous I'influence de I'eau oxygenic. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 {C. R.), 462-463. Action de I'eau oxygenee sur le sang. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), .537-538. Bertacchi, Gosivio. C. E. Bidddlph e P. Dblla Valle a proposito di un' escursione nel deserto salato persiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 427-434. Delle vicende e degli ordinamenti dell' insegnamento geografico nelle scuole secondarie, dalla costituzione del Kegno; e proposte dei mezzi per migliorarlo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 1031-1057. La Birmania e il viaggio di Leonardo Fea. [1897.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 241-285. Sulla plastica e la geologia della regione pugliese. Kiv. Geogr. Ital., 6, 1899, 81-93, 193-200, 271-283. — — L' Italia e il suo mare. Come e quanto 1' Italia possa aver contributo alia eonoscenza scientifica del Mediter- raneo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 699-717, 757-776. Bertacchini, Pietro. La spermatogenesi nella Kana tem- poraria. Int. Jl. Anat., 8, 1891, 140-168. Anatomia della testa di un feto umano rinocefalo. [1895.] Modena Soc. Nat. Atti, 13, 1894, 121-156. Ricerche biologiehe sulk spermatogenesi nel gruppo degli Antibi anuri. Int. Jl. Anat., 13, 1896, 409-446. Intorno alia struttura anatomica dei centri nervosi di un embrione umano lungo 4, 5 mm. Int. Jl. Anat 14 1897,217-246. ' ' Di una forma regressiva piuttosto rara di embrione umano atrofico. (Contributo alio studio delle anomalie di sviluppo.) [1897.] Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 153-163. Descrizione di un giovanissimo embrione umano con [Bertelli speciale riguardo alio sviluppo dei centri nervosi. Int. Jl. Anat., 15, 1898, 1-24. Istogenesi dei nemaspermi di Triton cristatus. Int. Jl. Anat., 15, 1898, 161-175, 177-198. Alcune considerazioni su un embrione umano emice- falo con "spina biflda" e sulle principali teorie dello sviluppo normale e teratologic;). Int. Jl. Anat., 16, 1899, 65-128. Morfogenesi e teratogenesi negli Anfibi anuri. (i* serie : Blastoporo e doccia midollare.) [(ii* serie : Blastoporo e organi assili dorsali dell' embrione.) (iii" serie: Anomalie spontanee.)] Ricerche sperimentali. Int. Jl. Anat., 16, 1899, 140-154, 269-300; 17, 1900, 26-87. Zeomimetismo da impressions materna ? Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 401-428, 528. Intorno all' istogenesi dei nemaspermi di Triton cristatus. Risposta alle osservazioni di Meves e Mac Gregok. Int. Jl. Anat., 17, 1900, 408-423. Bertagna, . La fotografia dei colori. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 212-213. Bertainchand, E. Note sur la cire d'abeilles en Tunisie. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 603. Bertaincband, E., & Marcille, . Sur les cires d'abeilles de Tunisie. Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 533-541. Bertainchand, E., Milliau, Ernext, & Malet, F. Sec Milliau, Bertainchand & Malet. Bertault, il/., & Villiers, [Charlex] A[ntoine Theodore], See ViUiers & Bertault. Bertaut, Rene, & Dethan, Georges. See Dethan & Bertaut. Bertaiix, A., & Carpentier, Charles. See Carpentier & Bertaux. Bert^, A. Flora invernale nei dintorni della citta di Tunisi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892 (Boll.), 21-22, 39-40, 65-56. Bertfe, E\ivrico'], & Brrera, Gionjio. See Errera & Bertd. Bertfe, E[nrico], & Soldaini, Arturo. See Soldaini & Bert6. Bertfe, F\rancesco']. *Contribuzione all' anatomia ed alia fisiologia delle antenne degli Afanitteri. Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 2, [1878], 71-76. *Sopra le nuove anastomosi anomale fra il nervo trocleare, il soprorbitale ed il simpatico cavernoso. Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 2, [1878], 77-80. — • — Caratteri sessuali secondari d'alcuni Saurii viventi in Sicilia. Nat. Sicil, 3, 1884, 312-315, 325-327. II tatuaggio di Sicilia in rapporto alia resistenza psichica. Arch. Antropologia, 22, 1892, 205-229. Berte, Georges. Nouvel appareil a filtration rapide. Ann. Chim. Anal., 1, 1896, 248-249. Berteaux, L. Le poumon des Arachnides. Cellule, 5, 1889, 253-317. Bertel6, [Alphonse Balthaza7-d]. Quelques observations sur la vaccination animale et la conservation du vaccin de g^nisse. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 14, 1889, 425-426. De I'origine et des causes des phenomenes que Ton observe dans le proc^de d'optometrie de Cdignet, dit k^ratoscopie on skiascopie. Arch. Med. Pharm. Mili- taires, 23, 1894, 165-172. Bertelli, Dante. Glandule salivari nella Hirudo medi- cinalis, L. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 284-285 ; 6, 1887-89, 29-32. II solco intermediario anteriore del midollo spinale umano nel primo anno di vita. [1888-89.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Mem.), 10, 1889, 246-250. II muscolo temporale superficiale. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 10, 1889, 104-109. II muscolo auricolare anteriore. [1889.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 6, 1887-89, 285-294. Ricerche intorno alle vene superficiali dell' avam- braccio. [1891-94.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 67-77; 14, 1895, 104-124. Bertelli] 489 [Bertelli II solco intermediario anteriore del raidollo spinale umano. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 213- 225. Rapporti della pia-madre con i solchi del midoUo spinale umano. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc- Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 218-219. Sur la membrane tympanique de la "Rana esculenta." [1892.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 18, 1893, 458-462. Varieta del forame mentoniero nell' uomo. (Nota preventiva.) [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 8, 1891-93, 43. Ueber die Structur des Trommel fells. Auat. Anz., 8, 1893 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 204-205. Rapporti della pia-madre con i solchi del midollo spinale umano. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 57-74. Ricerche sulla morfologia del muscolo diaframma nei Mammiferi. Arch. Sci. Med., 19, 1895, 381-437. Pieghe dei reni primitivi nei Rettili. Contributo alio Bviluppo del diaframma. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 15, 1897, 120-138. Pieghe dei reni primitivi. Contributo alia morfologia e alio sviluppo del diaframma. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 16, 1898, 72-108. Le pleure degli uccelli. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 97-99. Sviluppo dei sacchi aeriferi del polio. Divisione della cavita celomatica degli uccelli. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 17, 1900, 145-166. Bertelli, Giovanni. Alcune notizie sul violentissimo terre- moto che danneggio la cittk di Firenze e parte della provincia la sera del 18 maggio 1895, a ore 20.55 (T. M. deir Europa centrale). [1895.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 15, 1896, 15-16, 17. Bertelli, (padre) Timoteo. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869.] Bologna. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 101. *[Aurora polare del 12 febbraio 1871.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 18. *Terremoti, Firenze. i. Terremoto del 22 gennaio. II. Terremoto del 12 febbraio. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 34. *[ Aurora del 18 aprile, 1871.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 67. *Sismometrografo.... Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 99-100. *[Terremoti.] Firenze, 29 luglio 1871. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 101. *Osservazioni sismometriche fatte a Firenze al Col- legio La Querce. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 146- 149. *Osservazioni microsismiche eseguite a Firenze nei CoUegio La Querce. [1873.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 8, 1874, 4-5, 17, 20, 36-38, 52-53, 69, 85, 101, 117, 132, 148, 164, 180. *Osservazioni sismometriche fatte al CoUegio La Querce di Firenze nei grande terremoto del Veneto, il 29 giugno 1873. [1873.] Moncalieri Oss, Bull., 8, 1874, 163. *Osservazioni sismiche fatte a Firenze nei CoUegio La Querce. [1874.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9, 1875, 20- 21, 35, 52-53, 68, 84, 115, 131, 148-149, 162, 178. *Tromometro a prisma proposto per le osservazioni microsismiche dal P. Bertelli e dal Prof, de Rossi. [1874.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 9, 1876, 145-148. *Sulle nuove tavole espositive dei moti microsismici per I'anno meteorico 1874-75. [1875.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 10, 1876, 3. *Osservazioni tromometriche fatte al CoUegio alia Querce di Firenze nei dicembre 1874 [e dal dicembre 1875 al novembre 1876.] [1875-76.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 10, 1876, 6, 22, 36, 52, 69, 85, 101, 117, 134, 149, 167, 181; 11, 1877, 6, 18, 21, 37, 53, 69, 86, 101, 117, 133, 149, 165, 181. R. 8. A. C. *Terremoto del 9 novembre. [1878.] Moncalieri Oss. BuU., 13, 1879, 163-164. *Indicazioni sismiche del CoUegio alia Querce di Firenze nei febbraio 1881. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 57. *Terremoto del 28 settembre. Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 1, 1881, 220. *[Terremoti. Firenze, 16 novembre 1881.] Mon- calieri Oss. BoU., 1, 1881, 270. - *Terremoto del 14-15 luglio. Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 3, 1883, 120. *Terremoto. [Firenze, 5 settembre 1883,] Mon- calieri Oss. BoU., 3, 1883, 153. 'Terremoto del 25 novembre. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 186. Risposta ad alcune obbiezioni ripetute contro le osservazioni microsismiche in occasione del terremoto d' Ischia del 1883 ed opinioni che 1' autore ritiene piu probabili riguardo al vulcanismo antico e moderno della terra. Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 4, 1884, 97-102, 123-125, 157-159, 173-179; 5, 1886, 17-19, 33-38; Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 1, 1887, 265-321; 2, 1887, 233-297. Terremoto del 12 marzo [1885]. Firenze. Moncalieri- Oss. BoU., 5, 1886, 55. Delle cause probabili del vulcanismo presente ed antico della terra. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 122- 125, 181-185, 197-201; 6, 1886, 17-20, 61-64, 73-75, 89-94, 137-138, 152. R^ponse k quelques objections faites aux observations microseismiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1385- 1386. Relazione di alcune conferenze geodinamiche tenute in Firenze nei maggio 1887, risguardanti anche le norme edifizie per attenuare i pericoli dei danni nei terremoti. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 14, 1887, 23-33. [SuUo studio dei terremoti.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 6, 1887, 488-492. [Sui fenomeni fisici dei terremoti.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. BoU., 6, 1887, 496-500. Alcune osservazioni intorno al terremoto del 23 febbraio presso Firenze..., Moncalieri Oss. Boll,, 7, 1887, 57-58, Brevi considerazioni sulla causa dei terremoti. Mon- calieri Oss. BoU., 7, 1887, 70-71. Alcune considerazioni intorno ai parafulmini. Mon- calieri Oss. BoU., 7, 1887, 129-132; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 19, 1887, 205-213. Sopra una memoria dei Prof. T. Tabamelli e G. Mercalli : I terremoti andalusi cominciati il 25 dicembre 1884. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 40, 1887, 93- 107; Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 7, 1887, 1-7. Delle variazioni dei valori d' intensita relativa nelle medie tromometriche raensili ed annuali osservate nei CoUegio alia Querce di Firenze dall' anno meteorico 1872-73, a tutto U novembre 1887. [1887.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 41, 1888, 9-12; Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 8, 1888, 149-152. Riassunto di alcuni concetti teorici e pratici ris- guardanti la sismologia. [1887.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 41, 1888, 51-58. Alcuni dati importanti forniti da un riassunto delle osservazione microsismiche fatte dall' [autore]. [1888.] BuU. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 59-61. [Sul valore delle indicazioni del tromometro.] [1888.] BuU. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89, 65-67. Osservazioni fatte in un escursione sopra la Riviera del Genovesato in occasione del Convegno geologico- sismico di Savona nei settembre del 1887. Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 8, 1888, 5-7, 83-86, 98-102, 113-116. Osservazioni tromometriche. Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 8, 1888, 54-55. Burrasca atmosferica e tromometrica. Moncalieri Oss. BoU., 8, 1888, 55. 62 Bertelli] 490 [Berthelin Moncalieri Oss. Oscillazione del livello del mare. Boll., 8, 1888, 135. Osservazioni fatte in occasione di nna escursione suUa Kiviera ligure di Ponente dopo i terremoti ivi seguiti in quest' anno. Koma, N. Lincei Mem., 3, 1888, 129-153. . De peculiar! organo terras pulsibus scrutandis metiendis accommodato. Iltromometro. [1888.] Eoma, N. Lincei Atti. 42, 1889, 37-40. Sismometro Pagani. Bull. Vulc. Ital., 15 & 16, 1888-89 80. [II te'rremoto dell' 8 marzo 1889.] Firenze. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 78. [Terremoto del 25-26 agosto, 1889, Firenze.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 161. Awertenza sui termometri a massima. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 178. Delle vibrazioni sismiche e delle indicazioni sismo- metriche. [Nota i.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 95-119. Delle vibrazioni sismiche e delle indicazioni sismo- metriche. [Nota ii.] Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 6, 1890, 67-221. Sull' origine della parola calamita, usata dagli Italiani ad esprimere la pietra magnete, I'ago e la bussola. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 161-163, 177-178. SuUe indicazioni degli istrumenti sismici. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 79-80, Di alcuni moti tromometrici osservati in Sicilia nelle eruzioni etnee del 1883 e 1892, e di quella sottomarina della Pantelleria nell'ottobre 1891. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 133-136. Aurora polare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 147. In occasione dell' eruzione dell' Etna, [novembre 1892]. Lettera. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 194-195. Riassunto di una memoria storica intorno alia scoperta della declinazione fatta da Cristoforo Colombo nel 1492. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 97-100; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 89-91 ; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 486-492. Intorno ad un articolo dei periodici ' ' Nature " e "Cosmos" sui moti microsismici di Rocca di Papa in ordine al terremoto di Aquila dell' 8 febbraio 1892. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 121-135; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 103-108, 117-119. Studi comparativi fra alcune vibrazioni meccaniche artificiali e le vibrazioni sismiche. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 (Pt. 4), 1892, 5-44. Cenno descrittivo ed usi del tromometro. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 2-4. Di alcuni moti tromometrici osservati in Sicilia nelle eruzioni etnee del 1883, 1886 e 1892 e di quella sotto- marina della Pantelleria nell' ottobre 1891. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893, 17-24. Studi storici intorno alia bussola nautica. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 9, 1893 {Pt. 1), 77-178, (Pt. 2), 131-218. [II terremoto del 22 gennaio 1892.] Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 154-157. Sopra una scarica elettrica. [1895.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 28. Pendolo sismico protografico. Moncalieri Oss. Boll 16, 1896, 69-71. Di un documento del principio del secolo xvii risguar- dante la sismologia. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49 1896 39-45. Degli istrumenti sismici dell' Osservatorio Vaticano. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 135-142. Di un supposto lavoro intorno alia bussola pubblicato da Filippo Pigafktta nel 1586. [1898.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 51, 1897, 73-77. Studi storici intorno alio scandaglio marittimo e proposta di qualche miglioramento al medesimo. Roma N. Lincei Mem., 14, 1898, 163-232. ' Dei nuovi istrumenti sismici dell' Osservatorio Vaticano. Eoma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, 1898, 151-157. Deir origine della bussola e di alcune sue principali modificazioni. Moncalieri Oss. Annu., 1, 1899, 7-16. Appunti storici intorno all' uso topografico ed astro- nomico della bussola fatto anticamente in Italia. Koma, N. Lincei Mem., 16, 1899, 51-72; 17, 1900, 1-17. Bertelli, {■padre) Timoteo, & Lais, Giuseppe. See Lais & Bertelli. Bertels, A. Ueber den Einfluss des Chloroforms auf die Pepsinverdauung. Virchow, Arch., 130, 1892, 497-511. Bertels, Ale.v. Ueber Entstehung des Erd51s. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 43, 1900, 44-45. Bertels, E. [Ueber Crucibulum vulgare.] [1885.] Riga Corresp.-Bl. , 29, 1886, 2. Bertelsen, Be7-tel P. Et sseregent koordinatsystem. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 8 (a), 1897, 21-27. Additionssubstitutioner i algebraiske ligninger. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 9 (b), 1898, 84-94; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 73. Berten, [P.] J[ac.]. Anomalien der Zahnstellung. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 33-36. Ueber die Beziehungen von Zahnerkrankungen zu den Erkrankungen der Kieferhohle. Wurzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 139-144, 145-147. Ueber die Hiiufigkeit und Ursachen der Caries bei Schulkindern nach statistischen Untersuchungen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 134-142. Die elektro-medicamentSse Bebandlung in der Zahn- heilkunde. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 57-64. Bertenson, Lev [Bernardovic], Zur Statistik und Aetiologie des Scorbuts. Die Scorbutepidemie von 1889 nach Beobachtungen im St. Petersburger Nicolai- Militarhospital. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 49, 1892, 127-155, 323-347. Contribution au diagnostic des tumours cardiaques primitives. Myxome de I'oreillette gauche. Arch. Med. Exper., 5, 1893, 386-403; Virchow, Arch., 132, 1893, 390-407. Bertezdne, Alfred. Nouvelle theorie du baccarat. Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 780-782. Bertba, Alexandre de. Sur un systeme de garames nou- velles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1137-1139. Sur les gammes enharmoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 56. Bertha, M. Ueber einige bemerkenswerthe Falle von Aktinomykose. Wien. Med. Wschr., 38, 1888, 1181-1184. Bertliault, F. Observations relatives a la creation des prairies. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 124-135. [Experiences sur I'emploi de sulfate de fer en agricul- ture.] France Soc. Agr. Bull., 49, 1889, 42-45. Essai sur I'emploi des levures selectionnees dans la fabrication du vin. Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 65-78. L'Armagnac, ses terrains, son vignoble, ses eaux-de- vie et ses landes. Ann. Agron., 25, 1899, 305-325, 421-447. La repartition des engrais et ses consequences. Ann. Agron., 26, 1900, 417-430. Berthault, F., & Boiret, H. Essais sur la culture des pommes de terre a I'Ecole de Grignon. Ann. Agron., 17, 1891, 481-517. Berthault, F., & Crochetelle, J. Contribution a I'etude des mattes du bas Medoc. Ann. Agron., 21, 1895, 122-135. Sur un ble provenant d'un terrain sale, en Algerie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 691-693. Berthault, F., & Faturel, Gyorges]. Etudes sur quelques terres de I'Habra (Algerie). Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 35-45. Berthelin, [Jean] G[eorges]. For biography and works see Jl. de Conch., 46, 1898, 45 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 333-335. Berthelin] 491 [Berthelot Note sur le nouveau genre Lapparentia et snr quelques esp^ces nouvelles de moUusques fossiles da bassiu de Paris. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 13, 1885, 4.')5-4.56. Note sur le genre Lapparentia {gen. non.) et sur le Cylindrellina Helena {sp. nov.) du Galcaire grossier parisien. [1885.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 191-197. L'Helix Arnouldi (Michaud). [1886.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 61. Sur rOrbieula elliptica, d'Archiac, du Bathonien Superieur de I'Aisne et des Ardennes. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 21, 1893, Ixxiii. Bertbelot, [Paul Alfred^ Daniel. Sur I'emploi des con- ductibilites electriques pour etvxdier les deplacements et partages des acides a fonction complexe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 801-804. Conductibilites electriques et affinit^s multiples de I'acide aspartique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 864-867. Sur les conductibilites des phenols et des acides oxybenzoiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 110, 1890, 703- 705. Sur les conductibilites des combiuaisons de I'am- moniaque et de I'aniline avec les acides oxybenzoiques. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 110, 1890, 1066-1069. Recherches sur les conductibilites Electriques des acides organiques et de leurs sels. Ann. Chira., 23, 1891, 5-115. Sur I'application des conductibilites electriques k I't^tude de la neutralisatiou des acides. Jl. Pliys., 10, 1891, 458-466. Sur les conductibilites des acides organiques isomeres et de leurs sels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 46-48. REponse a la note de M. Ostwald. [Sur les conducti- bilites des acides organiques isomeres et de leurs sels.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 230-231. Sur la basicite des acides organiques, d'apres leur conductibilite. Acides monobasiques et bibasiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 287-289. Sur la conductibilite des acides organiques tribasiques ; caract^ristique nouvelle de la basicity. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 335-337. Reponse a la note pr^cMente de M. Ostwald. [Sur la conductibilite des acides organiques et de leurs sels.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 390. Etude sur la neutralisation chimique des acides et des bases, au moyen des conductibilites electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 261-263; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 5-45. Sur I'existence des sels acides ou basiques des acides monobasiques en liqueur tres etendue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 641-643. Sur les trois basicit^s de I'acide phosphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 851-854. Sur les conductibilites electriques de I'acide phosphorique et des phosphates alcalins. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 5-28. Conference de meteorologie. Rev. Sci., 52, 1893, 258-265. Sur une nouvelle methode pour la mesure des temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 831- 834 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1895, 135-142 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 301-304. Sur la mesure des hautes temperatures par la methode interferentielle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 410-412. Sur les points de fusion de I'argent et de I'or. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 473-476. Sur la determination rigoureuse des poids moie- culaires des gaz en partant de leurs densites et de reeart que celles-ci presentent par I'apport a la loi de Mariottk. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 954- 956. Comparaison des valeurs des poids atomiques de I'hydrogene, de I'azote et du carboue deduites de donnees physiques avec les valeurs deduites de I'analyse chimique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1030-1033. Reponse k une reclamation de priorite de M. Marqfoy [relative k la determination des poids moieculaires des gaz]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1262-1263. Sur les poids moieculaires des gaz facilement liqae- fiables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1415-1418. Recapitulation des poids atomiques calcuies par la methode des densites limites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1501-1504. Sur le melange des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1703-1706, 1857-1858. Sur une methode purement physique pour la determi- nation des poids moieculaires du gaz et des poids atomiques de leurs elements. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seauces, 1898, 143-154. Sur le coefficient de dilatation caracteristique de I'etat gazeux parfait. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 498- 500. Sur la relation qui existe enti'e le poids moieculaire et la densite des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 553-556. Sur une relation simple donnaut le poids moieculaire des liquides en fonction de leurs densites et de leurs constantes critiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 606-609. Sur I'augmentation de pression produite par le melange de deux gaz et sur la compressibilite du melange. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1159-1160. • Sur le calcul de la compressibilite d'un melange gazeux d'apres celles de ses elements. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1229-1231. Sur le melange des gaz. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 102-112. Quelques remarques sur I'equation caracteristique des fluides. Arch. Neerland. , 5, 1900, 417-446, 679. Sur la valeur de la pression interne dans les equations de Van deb Waals et de Clausius. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 69-73. Sur le covolume dans requation caracteristique des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 115-118. De I'association des molecules chez les corps liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 565-568. Sur le volume minimum des fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 713-716. Sur un point remarquable en relation avec le phenomene de Joule et Kelvin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1379-1381. Sur la loi des etats correspondants. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 175-178. Sur les points d'ebuUition du zinc et du cadmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 380-382. [Application de Telectricite au chauffage de precision dans les laboratoires et k la determination des hautes temperatures.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 322-323. Bertbelot, [Paul Alfred] Daniel, & Sacerdote, Paul. Sur le melange des gaz et la compressibilite des melanges gazeux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 820-822. Bertbelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene]. Recherches sur les sulfites alcalins. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 73-77 ; Jl. Pharm. 9, 1884, 193. Decomposition pyrogenee du sulfite de potasse. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 78 ; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 193-194. Sur les hyposulfites alcalins. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884 79-81 ; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 198. Sur les metasulfites. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 81-90 ; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 194-198. Recherches sur les chromates. Ann. Chim., 1 1884 92-101. Sur la chaleur de formation de I'acide chromique. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 101-111. 62—2 Berthelot] 492 [Berthelot Kemarques sur le principe du travail maximum. Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 368-373; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., . 43, 1885, 265-272. Sur la chaleur de formation des fluorures. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 61-63. Sur la loi de Faraday. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 264-265. Sur la loi des modules ou constantes thermiques de substitution. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 400. Sur r^chelle des temperatures et sur les poids mol^- culaires. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 952- 956; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 570-575; Rev. Sci., 33, 1884, 513-515; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 84-90. Sur la presence universelle des azotates dans le r^gne v6g6tal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1506-1511 ; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 89-94. Remarques sur les donn^es thermochimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 4-12. Sur le calcul des temperatures de combustion, des chaleurs sp6cifiques et de la dissociation des melanges tonnants. Ann. Chim., 4, 1886, 17-28. Sur les notations alchimiques. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 370-400. Remarques sur le m^moire [de M. W. A. Tilden sur la decomposition des terpenes par la chaleur]. Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 136-137. Recherches sur la vegetation. Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 385-392. Recherches sur le fluorure phosphoreux. Ann. Chim., 6, 1886, 358-367 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 260- 262. Sur les signes des metaux rapproches des signes des planetes. Jl. Savants, 1885, 233-240. Recherches thermochimiques sur le fluorure phos- phoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 81-85. Sur la neutralite chimique des sels et sur I'emploi des mati^res colorantes dans le dosage des acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100,1885, 207-213; Ann. Chim., 6, 1885, 506-528; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 530-536. Sur la Vitesse de propagation de la detonation dans les matiferes explosives solides et liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 314-320; Ann. Chim., 6, 1885, 556-574; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 673-674; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 536-538. Reaction du brome sur les chlorures et sur I'acide chlorhydrique. Nouvelle classe de perbromures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 761-767; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 410-426. Contribution a I'histoire du soufre et du mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1326-1328; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 571-573; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 114-115. Recherches sur I'isomerie dans la serie aromatique. Action des alcalis sur les phenols k fonction mixte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 541-546 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 170-179; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 67-75. Etudes thermiques sur la serle aromatique: des phenols k fonction complexe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R., 101, 1885, 651-656 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 179-193. Sur la neutralisation des acides aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 685-686 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 193-200 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 75-76. Sur divers phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 687-690; Ann. Chim., 7,1886, 200-209; Paris Soc. Chim! Bull., 45, 1886, 76-79. Fixation directe de I'azote atmospherique libre par certains terrains argileux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101 1886, 775-784; France Soc. Agr. Bull, 46, 1886, 86-101; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 121-128. Sur les idees des alchimistes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull . 43, 1886, 538-539. Les papyrus alchimiques d'Egypte. Rev. Sci., 35 1886, 68-71. Les manuscrits alchimiques grecs des bibliotheques. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 170-174. La fixation de I'azote atmospherique. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 641-645. La chimie des Egyptians, d'apres les papyrus de Leide. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 5-65. Les planetes et les metaux dans I'alchimie ancienne. Astronomic, 1886, 161-170. Recherches sur le sulfure d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 22-27; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 123-144; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 14-24. Etats multiples du sulfure d'antimoine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 84-86. Sur les actions reciproques et les equilibres entre les acides chlorhydrique, sulfhydrique et les sels d'anti- moine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 86-90. Sur le dosage du carbone organique contenu dans les sols qui fixent I'azote libre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 951-954 ; Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 545-548. Remarques sur la decomposition des sels ammonia- caux par les bases et oxydes metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1354-1357; Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 283-288. Recherches sur les sucres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 533-537; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 401-405. Recherches thermiques sur les reactions entre I'am- moniaque et les sels magnesiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 844-848; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 310-317; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 838-840. Recherches sur les phosphates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 911-917; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 350-362; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 853-859. Sur le phosphate ammoniaco-magnesien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 966-970; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 362-368; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 859-863. Les precedes authentiques des alchimistes egyptiens. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 417-429. Les origines de la chimie : metaux et mineraux provenant de I'antique Chaldee. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 742-745. Sur le cuivre des anciens. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 141-143. Sur la connaissance ancienne des composes du cobalt et du cobalt metallique. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 143- 144. Figures des appareils des alchimistes grecs. Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 145-199. Sur la fixation directe de I'azote gazeux de I'atmo- sphere par les terres vegetales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 205-209; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 684-688. Metaux et mineraux provenant de I'antique Chaldee. Sur les origines de retain dans le monde ancien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 265-271; Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 129-140. Sur la fixation directe de I'azote gazeux de I'atmo- sphere par les terres vegetales, avec le concours de la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 625-630; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 688-692. Sur les phosphates terreux, remarque sur une com- munication de M. JoLY. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1666-1667. Sur la graduation des tubes destines aux mesures gazometriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 591- 594; Aim. Chim., 14, 1888, 279-286; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 959-960. Recherches sur le drainage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 640-646; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 678-684 ; 50, 1888, 2-8 ; Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 491-503. Sur les divers modes de decomposition explosive de I'acide picrique et des composes nitres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1159-1162; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 956-959; Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 21-25. Berthelot] 493 [Berthelot Les origines de retain dans le monde ancien, d'apr^s de nouvelles analyses. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 166-169. Fixation de I'azote atmospherique sur la terre v^g^tale. [Memoires i-iv.] Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 5-14, 15-73, 74-78, 78-92, 93-119. Sur le nom du bronze. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 570- 574. Sur le nom du bronze chez les alchimistes grecs. Jl. Savants, 1888, 675-678. Sur un proc^d^ antique pour rendre les pierres pr^cieuses et les vitrifications phosphorescentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 443-446. Sur quelques conditions g^n^rales de la fixation de I'azote par la terre v^g^tale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 569-574; Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 473-491 ; Paris See. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 8-12. Sur la transformation, dans le sol, des azotates en composes organiques azotes. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 638-641. Traitement des sables aurif^res par amalgamation, chez les anciens. Collection des alchimistes grecs, seconde livraison. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 916-917. Observations sur la fixation de I'azote par certains sols et terres v^g^tales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1049-1055. Sur la fixation de I'azote par la terre v^g^tale. Reponse aux observations de M. Schloesing. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1214-1215. Experiences nouvelles sur la fixation de I'azote par certaines terres v^g^tales et par certaines plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 372-378. L'arsenic m^tallique connu par les anciens. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 961-963. Sur la presence de la vapeur de benzine dans le gaz de r^clairage et sur son dosage. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 660-662 ; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 97-98. Notice sur les origines et sur I'histoire de la Soci^t^ Philomathique. Paris, Soc. Philom. M6m. Cent., 1888, i-xvii. Experiences nouvelles sur la fixation de I'azote par certaines terres v^getales et par certaines plantes. [Premier m^moire. Donn^es des experiences et m^thodes d'analyse, relatives a I'etude de la fixation de I'azote. Deuxieme memoire. Experiences faites sur la terre vegetale nue, pour etudier la fixation de I'azote. Troisieme memoire. Experiences faites sur la terre, avec le concours de la vegetation des Legumineuses, pour etudier la fixation de I'azote.] Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 433-435, 435-453, 453-491, 491-638. De I'emploi du vinaigre dans le passage des Alpes par Annibal, ainsi que dans la guerre et les travaux de mines chez les anciens. Jl. Savants, 1889, 244-248. Sur les noms qalai, callai's, et sur ceux de I'etain. Jl. Savants, 1889, 379-382. Lettre k J\J. E. Havet sur I'emploi du vinaigre dans le passage des Alpes par Annibal. Jl. Savants, 1889, 508-511. Sur les ages de cuivre et de bronze et sur le sceptre de Pepi l-^--, roi d'Egypte. Jl. Savants, 1889, 567-573. Sur les reactions entre I'acide chromique et I'eau oxygenee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 24-31, 157- 161, 477-479; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 77-81, 81-85, 85-87; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 41-65. Sur la fixation de I'azote dans les oxydations lentes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 543-546; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 500-506; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 417-420; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 74-75. Fixation de I'azote par la terre vegetale nue, ou avec le concours des Legumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 700-708; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 66-74; Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 450-454. Recherches sur la theorie thionique. [Chaleur de formation des acides thioniques. Action des alcalis. Action des acides sur les hyposulfites.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 773-779, 925-930, 971-978; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 435-471, 471-480, 480-494; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 92-96, 96-99, 99-103. Sur I'origine du bronze et sur le sceptre de Pepi 1«% roi d'Egypte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 923-925 ; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 507-510; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 76-77. Sur la chaleur de formation des hypoazotites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1286-1288; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 571-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 166- 168. Remarques sur les conditions ou s'opere la fixation de I'azote par les terres argileuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 277-280. Recherches nouvelles sur la fixation de I'azote par la terre vegetale. Influence de I'eiectricite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 281-287; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 434-492; Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 123-124; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 648-652. Sur la fixation de I'azote atmospherique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 417-419; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 652-653; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 433-434. Observations sur la formation de I'ammoniaque et de composes azotes volatils, aux depens de la terre vegetale et des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 419- 423; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 653-655; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 492-500. Nouvelles observations sur les deplacements reci- proques entre Toxyg^ne et les elements halogenes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 546-548; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 657-666; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 515-532. Faits pour servir a I'histoire du rafBnose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 548-550. Deplacements reciproques entre les elements halogenes et I'oxygene ; acides bromhydrique et iodhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 590-597. Sur la chaleur animale. Chaleur degagee par Taction de I'oxygene sur le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 776-781; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 177-202; Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 49-55; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 332- 335. Observations sur la communication precedente. [ ' ' Sur la fermentation formenique du fumier."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 841-842; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 513- 515 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. , 3, 1890, 331-332. [Difference entre la stabilite et les reactions des cyanures de K, Ag, Hg.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 273-274. • Note sur la preparation de I'azote k froid, au moyen de Pair atmospherique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 643-644; Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 122-123. Faits pour servir k I'histoire du meiitose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 655-657. Faits pour servir a I'histoire chimique des sucres. Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 500-513. Sur les experiences de Lavoisier relatives k la dilatation du mercure. Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 286-288. Remarques sur la mesure des chaleurs de combustion. Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 573-574. Sur les traces des ecrits alchimiques grecs conservees dans les traites latins du moyen age et sur I'ouvrage intitule Turba philosophorum. Jl. Savants, 1890, 514- 523, 573-586. Remarques sur la formation des azotates dans les vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 109. [Action du fluor sur les differentes varietes de carbone.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 279. Observations sur les reactions eutre la terre vegetale et I'ammoniaque atmospherique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 558^560. Berthelot] 494 Sur les condensations de Toxyde de carbone et sur la penetrability du verre par I'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 609-612. Observations sur la communication pree^dente ["Sur la condensation de I'oxyde de carbone"] et sur la dessic- cation des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 684-685. Sur la reduction des sulfates alcalins par I'hydrog^ne et par le charbon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1106-1112; Ann. Cbim., 21, 1890, 397-409; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 234-238. Sur les diverses inosites isomeres et sur leur chaleur de transformation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1244-1246; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 416-418; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 246-248. Recherches nouvelles sur la stability relative des sels, tant k r^tat isol^ qu'en presence de I'eau. Sels d'aniline. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 135-144; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 355-372 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. , 4, 1890, 241- 246. Equilibres et d^placements r^ciproques des alcalis volatils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 289-296; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 372-383; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 474-479. Sur I'absorption de I'oxyde de carbone par la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 469-471; Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 458-459; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 133-135. Sur Tac^tyl^ne condense par I'effluve. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 471-472; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 480-481 ; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 135-137. Sur le nom du bronze : nouvelles indications. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 713-715. Remarque sur quelques sensations acoustiques pro- voqu^es par les sels de quinine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 111, 1890, 715. Observations sur la note pr^c^dente [de MM. ScHLOESiNG et Laurent: "Sur la fixation de I'azote gazeux par les L^gumineuses "]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 753. Sur I'histoire de la balance hydrostatique et de quelques autres appareils et proc6d4s scientifiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 935-941; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 475-485. Sur le dosage de I'azote sous forme d'ammoniaque au moyen de la chaux sod^e. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 480. Les grandes decouvertes de Lavoisiek. Rev. Sci., 45, 1890, 33-42. Lavoisier et Priestley. Rev. Sci., 46, 1890, 513-514. Sur les alliages d'or et d'argent et sur les recettes des orfevres au temps de I'Empire Romain et du moyen age. Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 145-172. Quelques figures d'appareils chimiques, syriaques et latins au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 433-468. Sur la d^couverte de I'alcool. Ann. Chim. , 23, 1891, 469-475. Remarques sur les rapports qui existent entre les changements de volume, la stability et les quantit^s de chaleur d^gag^es dans les reactions chimiques. Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 503-507; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 564-565. Sur I'unite calorimetrique. J). Phys., 10, 1891, 169- 171. Sur les traces des Merits alchimiques grecs conserves dans les ecrits latins et sur la transmission des doctrines alchimiques au moyen &ge. Jl. Savants, 1891, 124-132. Sur divers traites techniques du moyen age, tels que les Compositiones ad tingenda, la Mappae clavicula, etc., et sur la relation de ces traites avec les ouvrages analogues des artisans et des alchimistes de I'antiquite. Jl. Savants 1891, 182-193. Traditions techniques de la chimie antique chez les alchimistes latins du moyen age. Jl. Savants. 1891 370-384. [Berthelot Sur quelques ecrits alchimiques, en langue provengale se rattachant a I'ecole de Raymond Lulle. Jl. Savants, 1891, 628-632. Sur I'onde explosive, sur les donnees caract^ristiques de la detonation et sa vitesse de propagation dans les corps solides et liquides, et sp^cialement dans le nitrate de methyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 16-27; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 485-503; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 558-564. — Nouvelles observations sur les composes azotes volatils emis par la terre v^getale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 195-197; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 574-575; Aun. Chim., 25, 1892, 330-334. — - Note a propos de la communication de M. Poincare. [Sur I'experience de M. Wiener.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 329-331. — Action de la chaleur sur Toxyde de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 594-597; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 126-132; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 567-568. - — Sur une reaction de I'oxyde de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 597; Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 132- 133; Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 464-465; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 569. — Sur quelques donnees calorim^triques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 829-834; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 563-570. — Remarque sur la note precedente. [Etude thermique des acides organiques bibasiques a foiictions simples.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1064-1065. Sur une combinaison volatile de fer et d'oxyde de carbone, le fer-carbonyle, et sur le nickel-carbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1343-1349; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 5G0-570, 572-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 431-434, 434-435. — Sur les persulfates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1481-1483. — Sur I'oxydation du nickel carbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 679-680; Ann. Chini., 26, 1892, 570-571; Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 32-33; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 434. - — Sur des manuscrits a figures intoressant I'histoire de I'artillerie et des arts m^caniques vers la fin du moyen age. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 715-726; Ann.' Chim., 24, 1891, 433-521. — Sur les actions photochimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 565-567. — Sur la preparation de I'hydrog^ne pur. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 576. — Sur I'histoire des sciences chimiques au moyen age. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 576-579. — Sur I'histoire de la science antique et sur la tradition des procedes metallurgiques, d'apr^s un traite du moyen age, intitule: "La clef de la peinture." Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 162-170. — Sur le "Livre des feux" de Marcus Graecus. Rev. Sci., 47, 1891, 513-515. — Quelques nouveaux details sur I'invention du scaphandre. Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 287-288. — Sur les traductions la tines des ouvrages alchimiques attribues aux Arabes. Jl. Savants, 1892, 115-128, 179- 195, 318-329. — Sur une nouvelle methode d'analvse organique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 317-318; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 555-559; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 430-431. Sur I'emploi de I'oxygene comprime dans la bombe calorimetrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 318- 319; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 559-500. — Recherches sur I'acide persulfurique et ses sels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 875-883 ; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 526-555; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 417-422. Quelques observations nouvelles sur I'emploi de la bombe calorimetrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 201-203. Berthelot] 495 [Berthelot Sur la chaleur de combustion de I'acide glycoliqiie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 393. Nouvelles recherches sur la fixation de I'azote atino- spherique par les microbes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 569-574, 696; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 411-419; Paris Sec. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 781-784. Reponse a la communication [de M. Schloesing, sur ses observations relatives a " la fixation de I'azote atmo- spheriql^e par les microbes"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 637-638. Observations sur les communications [sur la fixation de I'azote libre par les plantes]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 737-738. Sur la chaleur de combustion du camphre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 762-763. Remarques sur les hautes temperatures et sur la vaporisation du carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1275-1277. Sur la chaleur de combustion du camphre et sur son emploi comme quantity auxiliaire dans les determinations calorimetriques. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 126-139. Sur quelques alliages metalliques connus au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 285-288. [Discours prononc^ a la seance du 6 juillet 1892.] France Soc. Agr. Mem., 135, 1893, 7-14. Sur quelques objets en cuivre, de date trcs ancienne, provenant des fouilles de J/, de Sabzec en Chaldee. [1893.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 161-163; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 572-574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 11, 1894, 859-861. Recherches nouvelles sur les microrganismes fixateurs de I'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 842-849 ; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 419-432; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 784-793. Sur la sublimation des iodures rouge et jaune de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 827-828; Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 431-432 ; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 70- 71 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 748-749. Remarques sur I'echauffement et rinfiammation spontanee des foins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 1039-1040; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 430-432; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 97-98; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 810- 812. The discovery of alcohol. [Tr.] [1892.] Timehri, 7, 1893, 89-108. Les classifications et les symboles chimiques dans I'antiquite et au moyen age. Ann. Chim., 1, 1894, 259- 272; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 828-837. Sur une methode destinee a etudier les echanges gazeux entre les ctres vivants et I'atmosphere qui les entoure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 112-114; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 289-292; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 741-744. Observations sur la note [de M. Le Blanc] : des limites de I'electrolyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 412^15; Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 138-144. Remarques sur la note [de M. Le Blanc: "Sur la force electromotrice minima necessaire a I'electrolyse des electrolytes."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 707- 709. Sur quelques nouveaux objets de cuivre provenant de I'ancienne Egypte. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 764-768; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 861- 863. Sur I'alteration lente des objets de cuivre, au sein de la terre et dans les musses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 768-770. [Observations relatives aux remarques de M. Arm. Gautikk: "Sur le mecanisme de la desassimilation des albuminoides at la formation de I'uree dans r^conomie."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 906-907. Recherches sur les gaz isomeriques avec le propylene et sur leurs sulfates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 118, 1894, 1009-1013; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 870-872; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 100-107. Recherches sur le trimethyl^ne et sur le propylene et sur une nouvelle classe de carbures d'hydrog^ne ; I'isomcrie dynamique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1115-1123; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 873-878; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 107-117. Le principe du travail maximum et I'entropie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1378-1392; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 79-100. Recherches sur la phenylhydrazine. Action de I'oxygene et action de I'eau ; formation des sels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 5-12; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 898-902; Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 117-133. Remarques sur [une note de M. Matignon : " Sur les substitutions de radicaux alcooliques li^s au carbone et a I'azote"]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 79-80; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 878-879. Sur deux menhirs trouves dans les bois de Meudon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 265-267, 782-783. Sur les relations qui existent entre les chaleurs latentes de vaporisation et de fusion des corps appartenant a une mSme famille et sur I'intervention de ces relations dans le calcul des variations d'entropie des systemes. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 133-136. Sur les relations qui existent entre les proportions multiples des composes chimiques et la chaleur degagee dans leur formation. Ann. Chim., 4, 1896, 145-213. Remarques sur I'inertie des agents oxydants ou reducteurs dans les analyses par vole humide. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 429-432. Recherches thermochimiques sur les substitutions en chimie minerale. Ann. Chim., 4, 1895, 433-494. Etude sur les metaux qui composent les objets de cuivre, de bronze, d'etain, d'or et d'argent, decouverts par M. DE Morgan dans les fouilles de Dahchour, ou provenant du Mus^e de Gizeh. Ann. Chim., 4, 1896, 546-574. Formation thermique des sels rapportes a I'etat solide ; donnees numeriques. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 145-185. ■ ■ Formation des sels solides par I'union des composants gazeux ou liquides. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 185-194. Formation des sels par la combinaison des anhydrides. Ann. Chim., 5, 1895, 194-209. Memoire sur la thermochimie des carbures d'hydro- gcne. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 493-567. Sur la fusion de la silice pendant la combustion explosive de la dynamite. Ann. Chim., 5, 1896, 573- 574. Sur la thermochimie des alcools. Ann. Chim., 6, 1896, 5-59. Sur la thermochimie des aldehydes et cong^neres. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 59-89. Sur la thermochimie des acides organiques. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 145-232. Recherches sur la thermochimie des composes organiques azotes. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 232-296. Sur I'argon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 521- 522. Essais pour faire entrer I'argon en combinaison chimique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 581-585; .Jl. Pharm., 1, 1896, 345-349. Remarques sur les spectres de I'argon et de I'aurore boreale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 662-663. Observations sur I'argon : spectre de fluorescence. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 797-800. Relations thermochimiques entre les etats isomeriques du glucose ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1019-1023, 1137; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 51-57. Sur la combinaison de I'azote libre avec les elements du sulfure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1315-1316; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 27-29. Berthelot] 496 [Berthelot Nouvelle combinaison de 1' argon : synthese et analyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1316-1319. Nouvelles etudes sur la fluorescence de I'argon et sur sa combinaison avec les elements de la benzine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1896, 1386-1390. Sur les chaleurs de dissolution et de neutralisation des acides campholeniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 1392; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 50-51. Eecherches sur I'argon et sur ses combinaisons. Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 5-26. Sur la determination thermochimique de I'equivalent des acides et des bases. Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 283-288. Eecherches sur I'acide cyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 337-341. Sur les mines de cuivre du Sinai, exploit^es par les anciens Egyptiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 365-374; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 47-60. Sur un arc-en-ciel exceptionnel. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 455-457. Thteries et applications de la chimie. Eev. Sci., 6, 1896, 129-133. Chaleur de formation de I'acide cyanique et de Puree. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 145-150. Observations sur la decomposition de I'eau oxygenee par I'oxyde d'argent. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 217-222. Decomposition de I'eau oxyg^n^e par I'oxyde d'argent ammoniacal. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 223-232. Glucogenese et thermogenese dans T^conomie. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 555-574; Eev. Sci., 8, 1897, 129-135. Quelques renseignements sur I'alchimie persane et indienne. Jl. Savants, 1897, 627-633. Eecherches sur Thulium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 113-119; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 15-27. Eemarques sur les chaleurs specifiques des gaz elementaires et sur leur constitution atomique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 119-125; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 27-35. L'age du cuivre en Chaldee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 328-331; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 60-66. Nouvel appareil pour I'application de I'analyse spectrale a la reconnaissance des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 525-528 ; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 43-47. Sur I'absorption ^lectrique de I'azote par les composes carbon^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 528-532; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 35-42. Outils et armes de l'age du cuivre pur en Egypte [et en Armenie] : proc^d^s de fabrication. Nouvelles recherches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1119-1125 ; Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 433-445. Sur divers liquides contenus dans des vases antiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1125-1128; Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 445-451. Observations presentees sur la limitation des reactions chimiques, k I'occasion de la communication de M. A. Gautier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1273-1276. Sur les debuts de la combinaison entre I'hydrogene et I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 271-275; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 30-61. Sur les miroirs de verre double de metal dans I'anti- quite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 473-479 ; 127, 1898 259-265; Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 451-459; 15, 1898, 433- 444. De I'influence des composes avides d'eau sur la com- binaison de I'hydrogene avec I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 675-679. Eeaction de I'hydrogene sur I'acide sulfurique. Paris Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 743-746 ; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898. 64-70. Influence de I'oxygene sur la decomposition des hydra- cides par les metaux et specialement par le mercure Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 746-749; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 73-77. Reaction directe de I'acide sulfurique sur le mercure k la temperature ordinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 749-750; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 70-72. Sur le pouvoir rotatoire des corps polymerises, com- pares avec leurs monomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 822. Sur la chaleur degagee par la reaction de petites quantites d'eau sur I'aeide sulfurique employe en exces considerable. Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 77. Sur la combustion de I'hydrogene melange avec un gaz oxygene. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 167-170. Sur les equilibres chimiques developpes entre les oxydes de carbone et rhydrogdne. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 170-175. Observations relatives a Paction de I'acide sulfurique sur les metaux. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 176-204. Sur une reaction de I'oxysulfure de carbone. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 205. Reaction des chlorures alcalins sur I'argent. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 205-206. Sur la reaction entre I'acide sulfurique et le carbone a basse temperature. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 206-207. Sur la chaleur degagee par la reaction de petites quantites d'eau sur I'acide azotique pur employe en quantites considerables. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 207-208. Eemarques sur la reaction entre I'hydrogene et I'acide sulfureux et sur I'etat naissant. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 289-293. Sur le dosage de I'oxygene dans les melanges gazeux et sur I'emploi des sels de protoxyde de chrome pour cet objet. Decomposition de I'eau par les sels chromeux. Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 289-294. Sur quelques alliages metalliques antiques. Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 444-446. Sur les recettes techniques et alchimiques transcrites a la fin de divers manuscrits latins du moyen age. Jl. Savants, 1898, 729-736. Actions chimiques exercees par I'effluve eiectrique. Methodes. [Syst^mes gazeux. Carbures d'hydrogene et azote. Oxydes de carbone et azote. Systemes gazeux. Alcools et derives etheres, en presence de I'azote. Les aldehydes et I'azote. Acides organiques et azote. Composes azotes en presence de I'azote libre.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 561-567, 567-575, 609- 616, 616-627, 671-680, 681-691, 775-793; Ann. Chim., 16, 1899, 5-21, 21-31, 31-41, 41-54, 55-67, 67-80, 81-103. Observations relatives a Paction chimique de I'effluve sur les dieiectriques liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 691-694. Observations relatives a Paction de I'oxygene sur le sulfure de carbone et a I'influence chimique de la lumiere. Travail preiiminaire qui detei-mine les reactions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1060-1066; Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 155-167. Sur I'absorption de I'oxygene par le pyrogallate de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1066-1072; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 294-321. Nouvelles recherches sur les reactions developpees entre le pyrogallol et I'oxygene en presence des alcalis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1459-1467. Sur la decomposition de I'eau par les sels de pro- toxyde de chrome, et sur I'emploi de ces sels pour I'absorption de I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 24-27. Sur la reaction entre I'hydrogene libre et I'acide azo- tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 27-29; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 321-324. Sur la decomposition de I'acide azotique par la chaleur, a des temperatures pen eievees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 83-88; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 325-331. Eecherches sur les relations qui existent entre les energies lumineuses et les energies chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 14.3-160; Ann. Chim., 15, 1898, 332-358; Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 129-137. Berthelot] 497 [Berthelot Observations sur la transformation supposee de la graisse en glycog^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 491-496. Sur un alliage antique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 535-536. Sur quelques relations entre les Energies lumineuses et les energies chimiques, et sur les deplacements entre I'oxyg^ne et les elements halog^nes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 127, 1898, 795-798. Sur la synthese du phenol par I'ac^tylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 908-911; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 289-297. Observations sur les hydrates d'ac^tyl^ne. Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 297-302. Sur les cyanures doubles et leur statique. Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 451-453. Equilibres entre I'acide cyanhydrique et les acides unis aux bases alcalines. Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 458-457. Sur le dosage du phosphore et du soufre dans les vcgetaux et dans leurs cendres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 17-23. Sur la presence et le dosage du chlore dans les plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 23-26. Sur la marche g^nerale de la vegetation : plante developpee a I'ombre et au soleil; regain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 139-144. Nouvelles recherches relatives k Paction de I'acide sulfurique sur I'acdtylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 333-339. Sur les cyanures doubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 630-642; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 458-470. Actions de I'hydrog^ne sulfur^ et des sulfures alcalins sur les cyanures doubles: cyanosulfures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 706-715 ; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 470-483. Sur la synthese de Falcool. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 862-864; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 324-326; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 362-363; Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 425-426. Remarques sur la formation de I'alcool et de I'acide carbonique et sur I'absorption de I'oxygene par les tissus des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1366-1370; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 57-63. Nouvelles recherches sur I'argon et ses combinaisons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 71-84; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 66-89. Sur les combinaisons du sulfure de carbone avec I'hydro- gcne et I'azote. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 133-136 ; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 145-150. Remarques sur la combinaison de I'azote avec I'oxy- gene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 137-139; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 154-158. Determinations thermochimiques. L'^thylenediamine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 320-326; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 163-188. Reactions de I'argon et de I'azote sur les radicaux mercuriels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 378-379; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 340-342; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 89-91. Etudes sur le trimethyl^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 129, 1899, 483-491 ; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 27-42. Sur la simultaneite des phenomenes d'oxydation et des phenomenes d'hydratation accomplis aux depens des principes organiques, sous les influences reunies de I'oxygene libre et de la lumiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 627-636; Paris, Soc. Biol. {Vol. Juhil.), 1899, 1-10; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 42-57. Recherches sur les diamines. Diethylene diamine (piperazine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 687-694. Sur quelques caract^res des diamines, tir^s de leur neutralisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 694-700. Observation relative aux recherches sur les diamines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 743-744. Sur les radicaux m^talliques composes : ddriv^s du R. S. A. C. mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 918-920, 1047; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 158-162. Sur I'explosion du chlorate de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 926-929; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 11-15. Sur une m^thode g^n^rale pour le dosage des divers corps simples contenus dans les composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1002-1005; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 5-10. Sur le dosage du soufre dans les composes organiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 513. Ueber die Explosibilitat des Acetylene. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 827. Nouvelles observations relatives aux actions chimiques de la lumiere, comparees avec celles de I'effluve electrique. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 150-154. Determinations thermochimiques. Amygdaline, acide cholalique, conicine. Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 145-149. Recherches sur la formation de I'acide azotique pendant les combustions. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 145-201. Action des sulfures alcalins sur le ferrocyanure de potassium. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 204. Action de I'effluve electrique sur le perfluorure de soufre. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 205. Observations sur la reaction entre I'oxygene et I'oxyde de carbone en presence des alcalis. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 205-206. Action lente du gaz bromhydrique sur le verre. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 206. Recherches sur la serie urique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 366-372; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 189-196. Recherches sur I'isomerie des deriv6s sulfocyaniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 441-447; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 197-205. Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des composes iodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1094- 1101 ; Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 296-307. Recherches sur la formation de I'acide azotique pendant les combustions: carbone; [soufre; metaux ; hydrogene.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1346- 1353, 1430-1436, 1662-1677, 1798. [Discours prononce k I'inauguration du monument erige k Lavoisier, le 27 juillet 1900.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 305-315. Sur I'or egvptien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 461-463. Remarques relatives a la decomposition des ethers nitriqnes et de la nitroglycerine par les alcalis, et a la stabilite relative des matieres explosives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 519-521; Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 307- 311. Sur I'absorption de I'oxygene libre par I'urine normale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 547-552, 594. Remarques sur I'acidite de I'urine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 552-553. Diagnose des sursaturations gazeuses d'ordre physique et d'ordre chimique. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 637-646. Sur les conditions de mise en activite chimique de I'eiectricite silencieuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 772-781. Sur les origines de la combinaison chimique. Union de I'argent avec I'oxygene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 131, 1900, 1159-1167. Oxyde de carbone et argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1167-1169. Hydrogene et argent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1169-1170. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene}, & Andr6, Gustave. Recherches sur la vegetation ; etudes sur la formation des azotates; methodes d'analyse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 355-359; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 444-448. Recherches sur la marche generale de la vegetation dans une plante annuelle. Principes hydrocarbones. 63 Berthelot] 498 [Prineipes azotes et matieres minerales. Amarantacees. Vegetation des Amarantacc^es. liepartition des prineipes fondamentaux.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 99, 1884, 403- 409, 428-431, 493-499, 518-525. Les azotates dans les plantes, aux diverges periodes de la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 550- 555. Les azotates dans les diff^rentes parties des plantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K, 99, 1884, 591-597. Sur la formation du salpetre dans les v^getaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 683-688; Ann. Chini., 8, 1886, 116-128. Observations sur la reclamation de priorite faite par M. Leplay, relativement a la formation du nitrate de potasse dans la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 949-950. fetude sur la marche g^n^rale de la vegetation dans une plante annuelle ; m^thodes d'analyse. [IjCS diverses parties de la plante. Prineipes immediats et fon- damentaux dans la plante totale. E^partition des prineipes immediats et mat^riaux fondamentaux.] Ann. Chim., 5, 1885, 392-418, 419-452, 453-475, 476-568. —— Eecherches sur la vegetation. Sur les carbonates dans les plantes vivantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E , 101, 1885, 24-30; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 116-121; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 85-107. Sur I'acide oxalique dans la vegetation. M^thodes d'analyse. [Etude du Eumex acetosa (oseille). Plantes diverses.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1885, 354-360; 102, 1886, 995-1001, 1043-1049 ; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 289-308, 308-350; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 115-116; 47, 1887, 24-28. Sur I'existence et sur la formation des azotates dans le regne vegetal. Ann. Chim., 8, 1886, 5-115. Observations relatives a la proportion et au dosage de I'ammoniaque dans le sol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 954-956. Sur les matieres azotees contenues dans I'eau de pluie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 957. Observations relatives au dosage de I'ammoniaque dans le sol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1089-1091. Nouvelles observations sur I'ammoniaque dans les sols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1286-1290. L'ammoniaque dans les sols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1428-1430. Sur le deplacement de I'ammoniaque par les autres bases et sur son dosage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 184-188, 299-301. Eecherches sur la tension du bicarbonate d'ammoniaque sec. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 665-671; Ann. Chim., 11. 1887, 332-341; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 848-850. Eecherches sur la decomposition du bicarbonate d'ammoniaque par I'eau et sur la diffusion de ses com- posants k travers Tatmosph^re. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 716-721; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 341-849; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 850-853. Contribution k I'histoire de la decomposition des amides par I'eau et les acides etendus. Paris, Ac. Sci C. E., 103, 1886, 1051-1057; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 317- 331; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 840-846. Sur les prineipes azotes de la terre vegetale. Paris Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 1101-1104; Ann. Chim., ll' 1887, 368-374; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 846- 848. Sur une relation entre la formation de I'acide oxalique et celle des prineipes albuminoides dans certains vegetaux. Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 350-353; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 28-30. Sur la formation de I'ammoniaque dans la terre vegetale soumise k Paction de divers r^actifs et sur son dosage. Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 289-294. Sur le deplacement de I'ammoniaque par la magnesia. [Berthelot Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 294-310; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 835-838. Eecherches sur remission de I'ammoniaque par la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 1219- 1224; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 375-382; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 675-678. Sur retat de la potasse dans les plantes, le terreau et la terre vegetale, et sur son dosage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 833-840, 911-914; Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 86- 113; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 12-19. Sur retat du soufre et du phosphore dans les plantes, la terre et le terreau, et sur leur dosage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 105, 1887, 1217-1222; Ann. Chim., 15. 1888, 119- 128, 128-133; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 19-24. Sur le dosage de la chaux dans la terre, le terreau et les plantes. Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 114-119. Sur le phosphore et I'acide phosphorique dans la vegetation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 711-716; Ann. Chim., 15, 1888, 133-144; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 24-26. Sur I'absorption des matieres salines par les vegetaux : sulfate de potasse. [Acetate et azotate de potasse.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 801-805, 902-906; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 26-30; Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 5-21. Eemarques sur le dosage de I'azote dans la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 207-209. Nouvelles experiences sur le dosage de I'azote dans les terres vegetales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 852-854. — — Sur la chaleur de formation et sur les reactions de I'hydroxylamine ou oxyammoniaque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 830-836; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 384- 397; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 238-241. Sur les chaleurs de formation et de combustion de divers prineipes azotes, derives des matieres albumi- noides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 884-889; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 225-228; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 5-17. Chaleur de combustion des prineipaux composes azotes contenus dans les etres vivants et son role dans la production de la chaleur animale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 925-934; Paris See. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 230-234; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 25-52. Sur le dosage des matieres minerales contenues dans la terre vegetale et sur leur role en agriculture. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 117-121; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 569-572; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 289-313. Sur la presence et sur le role du soufre dans les vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 122-125; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 572-574; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 341-363. Faits pour servir a I'histoire des prineipes azotes renfermes dans la teire vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 189-194; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 643-646; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 314-330. Sur I'odeur propre de la terre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 598-599; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 575; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 334-336. Eecherches sur les substances humiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 916-922; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 364-403; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 441-446. Eecherches calorimetriques sur I'acide humique, derive du Sucre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 112, 1891, 1237-1245 ; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 403-420; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 446-451. Sur le pouvoir absorbant de la terre et sur la fixation des sels ammoniacaux et des phosphates par I'acide humique. Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 196-202. Sur I'oxydation spontanee de I'acide humique et de la terre vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 41- 43 ; Ann. Chim., 25, 1892, 420-422 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 451-453. Berthelot] 499 [Berthelot Quelques observations nouvelles sur le dosage du soufre dans la terra v^g^tale, at sur la nature das composes qu'il constitue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E,., 114, 1892, 43-16; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 336-341; Paris Soc. Chini. Bull., 7, 1892, 435-437. Sur la silice dans les vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 2.57-263; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 145-164; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 437-441. Sur la fermentation du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 514-520; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 165-195, 574; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 453-457. Sur les matieres organiques constitutives du sol vegetal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 666-672; Ann. Chim., 1, 1894, 273-288; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 771-781. Etudes sur la formation de I'acide carbonique et I'absorption de I'oxygene par les feuilles detach^es das plantas: reactions purament chimiques. [Experiences faites k la temperature ordinaire, avac le concours das actions biologiques.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 118, 1894, 45-54, 104-112; Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 293-339; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 793-810. Sur I'existance, dans les vegetaux, de principes d^- doublables avec production d'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 711-714. Sur la presence de I'alumine dans les plantas at sur sa repartition. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 288- 290; Ann. Chim., 5, 1895, 429-432. Nouvelles racherches sur la marche generale de la vegetation. Ann. Chim., 9, 1896, 5-119, 145-229. Recherches sur la volatilite de I'acide levuliqua. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 341-343; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 66-71. Sur les reactions exercees a froid entre I'acide phos- phorique at I'ethar, en presence de I'eau. Coef3ficients de partage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 123, 1896, 344-349; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 210-217. Nouvelles recherches relatives a la decomposition des sucres sous I'influence des acides at specialeraent k la production da I'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 567-580; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 150-175. Recherches sur I'arabinose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 123, 1896, 625-631; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 17.5-184. Racherches sur I'acide phosphorique : dosage de I'acide pyrophosphoriqua. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 773-776; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 184-189. Transformations de I'acide pyrophosphoriqua. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 776-782; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 197-204. Sur les pyrophosphates magnesiens simples et com- plexes. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 190-197. Nouvelles recherches sur le dosage de I'acide pyro- phosphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 261-265. Faits pour servir a I'histoire de I'acide metaphos- phorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 265-269 ; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 204-210; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 434. Sur les transformations des sucres et sur I'acide levulique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 64.5-648; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 71-78. Nouvelles recherches sur les chaleurs de formation et da combustion da divers composes azotes at autras. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 959-971 ; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 433-451. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & DeUpine, Marcel. Sur I'azotate d'argent ammoniacal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 326-330. Recherches sur les derives metalliques de I'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 361-378, 422; Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 5-54. L'acide lactique. [Thermochimie.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 920-926, 1047; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 149-158. Sur I'iodura de cuprosacetyle. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 54-56. Sur I'azotate d'argent ammoniacal at sur I'argentam- monium. Ann. Chim., 19, 1900, 57-65. Sur la chaleur de combustion da quelques liquides tres volatils. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1045- 1049; Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 289-296. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Engel, R[odolphe Charles]. Recherches thermiques sur las etats allotro- piques de I'arsenic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 498-499; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 284-288; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 238. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Fabre, Charles. Sur les divers etats du tellure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1405-1408 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull. , 48, 1887, 692-694. Chaleur de formation de I'acide tellurhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 92-95; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 694-695. Recherches thermiques sur le tellure et ses derives. I. Les divers etats du tellure. [iii. Acide tellurhydrique. IV. Chaleur de formation de I'acide tellurhydrique.] Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 92-101, 103-106, 106-109. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Fogh, J[ohann]. Chaleur da formation de quelques amides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 144-146; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 229-230 ; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 18-24. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Friedel, Charles. Sur le far meteorique de Magura, Arva (Hongrie). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 296-300. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Ountz, A[ntoine]. Sur les deplacemants reciproques entre I'acide fluor- hydrique et les autrea acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 395-399; Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 355-362; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 578-582. Sur les equilibres entre les acides chlorhydrique et fluorhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 463- 467; Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 362-368; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 582-586. Sur I'absorption du chlore par le charbon et sur sa combiuaison avac rhydrogdne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. "R., 99, 1884, 7-8; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1885, 545-546; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 138-142. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Xie Chatelier, H^nry [Louis]. Sur la vitesse de detonation de I'acety- lene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 427-434; Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 15-26. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & XiUginin, Vl{adimir F.]. Chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1574-1577; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 700-702; Ann. Chim., 13, 1888, 321-339. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & BSatlgnon, Camille. Chaleur de combustion de quelques composes sulfures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 9-11; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 251-253; Ann. Chim., 22, 1891, 177-186. Recherches sur quelques principas sucres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 11-14; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 409-416; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 248-250. Sur la chaleur de combustion et de formation des corps chlores, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1102- 1107; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 507-538. Recherches sur la serie camphenique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1161-1170; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 538-563. Chaleurs de combustion et de formation des benzines nitrees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 246-249; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 304-310; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 427-430. Sur la chaleur de formation de I'hydrazine et de I'acide azothydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 672-679, 758; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 289-302; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 423-425. 63—2 Berthelot] 500 [Berthelot Clialeur de neutralisation de I'acide hippurique. Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 303. Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation de I'alcool et des acides formique et acetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R., 114, 1892, 1145-1149; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 310-319 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 425-427. Chaleur de combustion de divers composes chlor^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 347-350; Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 665-574. Sur I'acide glycoxylique ou dioxyao^tique. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 350-353; Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 139-144. Donn^es thermochimiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 430. Sur le nitrom^thane et ses homologues. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 565-572 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 867-870 [Part 07ily]. Sur la chaleur de combustion des principaux gaz hydrocarbon^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1333- 1339; Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 547-565; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 738-741. Sur I'azoture de baryum. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 144. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Sloissan, Henri. Chaleur de combinaison du fluor avec I'hydrogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 209-210; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 647-648; Ann. Chim., 23, 1891, 570-574. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene'], & Ogier, Jules. Recherches sur les hypoazotites. Ann. Chim.,, 4, 1885, 230-247. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Petit, P[aul']. Sur la chaleur de formation de I'hydrogene antimoni^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 546-550; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 65-80; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 87-90. Chaleur de combustion du carbone sous ses divers 6tats: diamant, graphite, carbone amorphe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1144-1148; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 80-106. Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des nitriles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1217-1222; Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 107-140; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 164-166. Recherches thermiques sur les camphres nitres iso- m^riques et sur le camphre cyan6. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 92-95; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 644- 647; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 5-12. Sur la chaleur animale et sur les chaleurs de forma- tion et de combustion de I'ur^e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 759-764; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 13-20; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 329-331 [Part only]. Sur les difi6rents ^tats des carbones-graphites et sur les d6riv6s chimiques qui leur correspondent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 101-106; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 20-46; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 336-340. Chaleur de combustion et de formation des oxydes graphitiques et pyrographitiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 106-109; Ann. Chim., 20, 1890, 46-56. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Becoura, A[lbert]. Sur la bombe calorim^trique et la mesure des chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 875- 880; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 697-700. Chaleurs de combustion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R. 104 1887, 1571-1574. Sur le passage entre la s^rie aromatique et la serie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 141-145 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 702-704; Ann. Chim., 13 1888, 340-344. Sur la mesure des chaleurs de combustion. Ann Chim., 13, 1888, 289-304. Chaleurs de combustion de divers composes organiques Ann. Chim. , 13, 1888, 304-320. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Rivals, Paul. Nouvelles recherches sur les relations thermochimiques entre les aldehydes, les alcools et les acides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1086-1095; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 29-47. Sur les lactones ou olides camphol^niques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1390-1.391 ; Ann. Chim., 7, 1896, 47-50. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Vieille, Paul. Sur le s^Mniure d'azote. Ann. Chim., 1, 1884, 91. Recherches sur les melanges gazeux detouants. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 545-5-50; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 554-558; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 13-17. Melanges gazeux d^tonants. Calcul des temperatures et des chaleurs specifiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 601-606; Ann. Chim., 4, 1886, 59-66. Vitesse relative de combustion des melanges gazeux d^tonants. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 646-651; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 575-578; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 39-48. Influence de la density des melanges gazeux d^tonants sur la pression. Melanges isomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 705-711; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 558-561 ; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 48-59. — ^ Sur la chaleur sp^cifique des elements gazeux, a de tr^s hautes temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 770-775; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 561- 566; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 66-74. Sur les chaleurs specifiques de I'eau et de I'acide carbonique a de tres hautes temperatures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 852-858; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 566-570; Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 74-84. Nouvelle methode pour la mesure de la chaleur de combustion du charbon et des composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1097-1103; Ann. Chim., 6, 1885, 546-556; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 262- 265. Recherches sur les melanges gazeux detonants : de la pression developpee. Ann. Chim., 4, 1885, 29-39. Sur les chaleurs de combustion et de formation des carbures d'hydrogene solides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1211-1217; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 433-455; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 863-867. Chaleur de combustion et de formation des sucres, hydrates de carbone et alcools polyatomiques congeneres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1284-1286; Ann. Chim., 10, 1887, 455-463 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 867-870. Recherches sur quelques sels de I'acide azothydrique. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 339-351; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 744-748 [Part onhj]. Recherclies sur les proprietes explosives de I'acetyl^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 523-530; Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 5-15; 13, 1898, 5. Sur les dissolutions d'acetylene et sur leurs proprietes explosives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 988-996; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 6-18. Remarques sur la decomposition explosive des dis- solutions d'acetylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 996-1000; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 18-23. Sur quelques conditions de propagation de la decom- position de I'acetyiene pur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1000-1004; Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 24-29. Sur I'aptitude explosive de I'acetylene melange k des gaz inertes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 777-787; Ann. Chim., 17, 1899, 303-320. Berthelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], & Werner, E[vgenij Valerianovic]. Sur les substitutions bromees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1213-1218; Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 551-566; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 148- 153. Recherches sur I'isomerie dans la serie aromatique. Chaleur de neutralisation des phenols polyatomiques. [Chaleur de neutralisation des acides oxybenzoiques. Sur les acides oxybenzoiques et sur leur chaleur de Berthelot] 501 [Bertholon formation et de transformation.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 586-591, 1568-1570; 101, 1886, 290-296; Paris See. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 539-543; 45, 1886, 61-63, 63-67; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 103-116, 145-153, 153-168. Substitutions brom^es des phenols polyatomiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 688-692; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 543-545; Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 117-127. Note sur les acides ph^nolsulfuriques. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 168-170. Bertbelot, Marcellin [Pierre Eugene], Andr6, G[ustave], ife Matignon, Camille. Sur I'oxydation du soufre des composes organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 6-9 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 250-251 ; Aim. Chim., 22, 1891, 173-176. Bertbenson. ^See Bertenson. Bertherand, E[mile} L[ouis]. [Sur le champignon toxique de la morue s^che.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 85-87. ■ Contributions alg^riennes a la matiore m^dicale. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1888 [Pt. 2), 418., Bertbier, A[_uguste CUment]. Etude histologique et ex- p^rinientale des osteomes musculaires. Arch. M^d. Exper., 6, 1894, 601-632. Sur un nouveau flacon pour la culture sur plaques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 819-820. Pathogenic et traitement de Th^raoglobinurie pa- lud^enne. Arch. M^d. ,Exp(5r., 8, 1896, 628-686. Lessiveuse-^tuve. Etuve a desinfection k vapenr fluente sans pression. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 27, 1896, 370-381. Traitement de la dysenteric par le bleu de methylene. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 17, Epidemiol.), 232- 236. Berthier, A\uguste Clement], & Sieur, C. Contribution a r^tude des corps etrangers fibreux des articulations. Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 77-86. Berthier, A . Dynamos a helices concentriques. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 156-160, 250-256. Bertbier, Ernest. Traitement des minerals d'argent par voie humide. [1886.] G^nie Civil, 8, 1885-86, 244-246. Berthier, Henri. Helices in^dites de la s6rie de la striata de MuLLEK. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 353- 356. Description du Meladomus Letourneuxi d'Egypte. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1886, 101-102. A quel auteur attribuer la paternity du genre Csecilianella. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 4, 1887, 59-66. Bertbod, Paul. Les enfants n^s avant terme. La couveuse. Arch. Gen. Med., 160, 1887, 710-722. Bertbold, A. A. *Descripci6n y estudio de un craneo extraido de las tumbas de uno de los palacios de Mitla. [1883.] Mex. Mus. An., 3, 1886, 115-121. Bertbold, [Karl Robert] E\jmil]. *Ueber den Einfluss der Nerven der Paukenhohle auf die Sekretion ihrer Schleim- haut. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1880, 257-260. *[Ueber subjektive Farbenempfindungen.] [1883.] Konigsb. Schr., 24, 1884 (Sber.), 33-34. Zur physiologischen Wirkung des Cocains. Centrbl. Med. Wiss. , 23, 1885, 146-147. Ueber den Einfluss des Cocains auf den Blutdruck. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 435-436, 625-626. [Ueber die objectiv wahrnehmbaren Veranderungen der belichteten Netzhaut.] [1885.] Konigsb. Schr., 26, 1886 (Sber.), 18-21. Was vermag das menschliche Ohr ohne Steigbiigel zu horen? [1888.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 19, 1889, 1-6; Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 244-250. Zur optisehen Darstellung der Bewegungen des Trom- melfells. [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 94-98; Arch. Otol., 20, 1891, 376-378. Einige seltenere Beziehungen der Nase zum iibrigen Korper. Konigsb. Schr., 32, 1891 (Sber.), 46. Bertbold, G[ottfried Dietrich Wllhelm]. *Uutersuchungen liber die Verzweigung einiger Siisswasseralgen. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 40, 1878, 167-230. *Die Bangiaceen des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Eine Monographie. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 8, 1882, 28 pp. tJeber das Vorkommen von Protoplasma in Inter- cellularrsiumen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 20. Die Cryptonemiaceen des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Eine Monographie. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 12, 1884, 27 pp. Bemerkungen zu der vorstehenden Abhandlung von Fr. Oltmanns ' ' Ueber Scheincopulationen bei Ecto- carpeen und anderen Algen." Flora, 83, 1897, 415-425. Bertbold, Gerhard. Notizen zur Geschichte der Physik. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 38, 1893 (Hist. lit. Abth.), 121- 125. Dr. Christian Heraeus und die Original-Luftpumpe Otto voN GuERiCKES. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 45-53. Ueber den angeblicheu Ausspruch Galilei's: "Eppur si muove." Bibl. Math., 1897, 57-58; Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897 (Hist. lit. Abth.), 5-8. Bertbold, Jul. Die Nachttemperatur und das feuchte Thermometer. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 219-220; 4 (1887), 304. Bei welcher Temperatur fallt im Erzgebirge in 500 m. Seehohe Schnee? Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 30-32. Nachtliches Temperatur- Minimum, verglichen mit feuchtem Thermometer und Minimum am Boden. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 367-368 ; 7 (1890), 473-474. Ueber die interdiurne Veranderlichkeit der Temperatur in drei verschiedenen Hohenlagen des sachsischen Erz- gebirges wahrend der Periode 1876-85. [1889.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1888, 77-104. Klima von Reitzenhain im Erzgebirge. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 36-37. Der hundertjahrige Kalender. Wetter, 12, 1896, 220- 222, 253-258, 276-284 ; 13, 1896, 4-8. Bertbold, Rich. Die kleinen Planeten. Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1886, 1-10. Bertbold, Walter. Verzeichniss der forstlich-phanolo- gischen Stationen, auf welchen im Jahre 1890 Beobach- tungen angestellt worden sind. Deutschld. Forstl.- Phanol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 5-12. Pflanzen-Beobachtungen. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phanol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 13-75. Beobachtungen an Vogeln und Insekten. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phanol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 77-108. Bericht iiber den Ausfall der Holzsamenernte. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phanol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 109-113. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen der wichtigsten forstschadlichen Insekten. Deutschld. Forstl.-Phanol. Stat. Jber., 6, 1892, 115-119. Bertbolet, P. De la germination du sapin blanc an Jorat, sur Lausanne, en 1897. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 67-69. Bertbolon, L[ucien]. La colonisation arabe en France (721-1026). [With discussion.] [1886.] Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1887, 73-116, 117-121. Craniologie de la Tunisie. Rev. d' Anthrop., 3, 1888, 250. Note sur deux cranes ph^niciens troav^s en Tunisie. Anthrop. (Paris), 1, 1890, 314-319. Exploration anthropologique de la Kroumirie. Bull. G^ogr. Hist. Descrip., 1891, 415-499. Documents anthropologiques sur les Ph^niciens. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 11, 1892, 179-224. Exploration anthropologique de I'ile de Gerba. Bull. G^ogr. Hist. Descrip., 1896, 249-252; Anthrop. (Paris), 8, 1897, 318-326, 399-425, 559-583. Note sur I'identite des caract^res anthropologiques des Basques et des Ph^niciens. Paris Soc. Antlirop. Bull, 7, 1896, 663-671. Bertholon] 502 [Bertin Euquete sur la tuberculose en Tunisie. Ass. Franc;. C. E.,1899(P«. 2), 715-718. Bertbolon, L[ucu'n], & I.acassagne, [Jean] A[lexandre Eugene]. Quelques renseiguemeuts sur les habitants de la Kroumirie. Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 6, 1887, 71- 80. Bertbolon, L[ucien] J[oseph]. Observations d'orchite paludeenne primitive. Arch. MM. Pharm. Militaires, 8, 1886, 305-309. Berthon, (Rev.) Edward Lyon. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 314-316. Berthot, Pierre. For biographical notice see Paris, Ing^n. Civ. M6m., 1898 (Pt. 2), 556-559. Sur les effets des forces mutuelles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1570-1573. Applications de la formule empirique des forces mutuelles a la m^canique des solides et aux propri^tes gen^rales des corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1070-1073. Des forces mutuelles et de leurs applications aux ph^nomenes m^caniques, physiques et chimiques. Paris, Ing^n. Civ. M^m., 1885 (Pt. 2), 588-626. Note sur une loi empirique reliant le rayon moyen orbitaire, la masse et la pesanteur k I'equateur des planetes. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 143-145. Projet de programme de ^physique math^matique. Brux., M^m. Couronn. (8« Ed.), 58, 1898-99, No. 3, 75 pp. Berthoud, A[lbert]. Deux cas de fievre typhoide, lesions de colo-typbus simulant celles de la dysenteric aigue. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 38-46. De I'orchite typhoidique. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Mili- taires, 30, 1897, 1-11. Berthoud, A[lfred] L. Recherches sur Taction de I'iso- cyanate de ph^nyle avec les thiamides. Contribution k r^tude de la constitution des thiamides. [1897.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 26, 1898, 3-58. Berthoud, A[uguste] L[ouis]. Etude sur les lames bi- metalliques des balanciers compensateurs et sur lea divers systemes de compensation suppl^mentaire qui ont et6 employes dans les chronom^tres. Congr. Int. Chronom., 1900, 187-192. Berthoud, Edicard L. Abert's squirrel. Science, 6, 1885, 82. A peculiar case of plant dissemination. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 321-326. Berthoud, Paid. Lettre...sur les moeurs des Termites. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1887, 297-300. Berthoule, Amed^e. Les migrations sous-marines (sar- dines). [1886.] France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 34, 1887, 97-110. Une plaie en Australie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888, 145-156. — ;- Observations relatives k la communication [de M. Egasse sur la grandepeche a la cote occidentale d'Afrique]. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 35, 1888, 565-568. L'Elaaagnus longipes. France Soc. Acchm. Bull., 36, 1889, 230-233. Les saumons de Californie (Salmo quinnat, Salmo Gairdnerii) dans le bassin de la Mediterranee. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 274-289. La chevre d'Angora en dehors de son habitat naturel. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 1022-1034. Les lacs d'Auvergne. Orographie. Faune naturelle. Faune introduite. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37 1890 13-27, 103-112, 201-215, 286-295, 416-424, 524-534' 893-905, 1129-1145. La truite de I'Oued Zour. France Soc. Acclim Bull., 37, 1890, 1182-1189. L'Olafsfjord d'Islande. France Soc. Acclim, Bull 40, 1893 (Sem. 1), 202-207. Les travaux de nos laboratoires de I'Aude France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 1), 355-360. Berthoule, Amedee, & Bouchon-Brandely, G[ermain Jean Baptiste], See Bouchon-Brandely & Berthoule. Berthoumieu, (Vabhe) G. V\;ictor]. Cl^ analytique des mousses pleurocarpes de la 11 ore fran(,',aise a I'etat sterile. Rev. BryoL, 12, 1885, 1-11. Deux mousses nouveiles pour la France. Rev. Bryol., 12, 1885, 60-61. Nouveiles esp^ces d'Ichneumonides. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 37-44. Ichneumonides d'Europe et des pays limitroplies. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 241-274, 50.5-664; 64, 1895, 213-296, 553-654; 65, 1896, 285-418. Supplemeut[s] aux Ichneumonides d'Europe. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 254-256; 1898, 332-334; 1899, 135-138; 1900, 249-252. "Ichneumon specularius," nov. sp. Echange, 16, 1900, 56. Berthoumieu, (Vabhe) G. V[ictor], & DuBuysson, Robert. Catalogue des Muscinees du Mont-Dore. Rev. Bryol., 14, 1887, 25-29. Berti, P[io], & Bruni, Giuseppe. See Bruni & Berti. Bertiaux, A. Blende sur sid^rose, an charbonnage de Bonne Esperance, a Herstal. [1898.] Liege, Soc. G6ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, cxxx. Esquisse d'uue etude pal^ontologique sur le char- bonnage de Bonne-Esperance, a Herstal. [1899.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 26, 1898-99 (Mem.), 161-177. Bertiaux, L., & ZZoUard, Aluguste]. See Kollard & Bertiaux. Bertiaux, P., & SXiquel, P[ierre]. See Bliquel & Bertiaux. Bertillon, Alphonse. La couleur de I'irie. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 65-73. De la morphologic du nez. Rev. d'Anthrop., 2, 1887, 158-169. Les proportions du corps humain. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 524-529. Bertillon, Alphonse, & Bertillon, Jacques. See below. Bertillon, Jacques. La taille en France. Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 481-488. Mouvements de la population parisienne. Homme, 3, 1886, 408-412. Population de Paris. Homme, 4, 1887, 380-381. De I'influence de I'alimentation des jeunes enfants sur leur mortality a Berlin. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 21, 1889, 546-550. L'^pidemie de grippe. [With discussion.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 23, 1890, 221-224. De I'influence de I'aisance sur la natalite a Paris (1889-93). Ass. Franc;. C. E., 1895 (Pt. 2), 706- 711. Bertillon, Jacques, & Bertillon, Alphonse. R^sultats statistiques de I'anthropometrie appliquee k I'identifica- tion des personnes. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 10), 303-307. Bertillon, (Mile.) Jeanne. L'indice eneephalo-cardiaque, d'apres les documents laisses par le docteur Pakkot. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 149-157. Bertin, [Theodule Charles Eugene]. Renseignements sur le royaume de Porto- Novo et le Dahomey. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 106, 1890, 385-399. Bertin, [Pierre] A[ugustin]. M^moire sur les franges des lames cristallis^es uniaxes simples ou combin^es. Ann. Chim., 2, 1884, 485-511. Bertin, j^niile. *Etude pathog^uique de la glucosurie, embrassant Thistoire, les causes, la nature et le traite- ment de ce symptome morbide. Brux., Ac. M^d. Belg. (Mem. Savants Etrang.), 6, 1866, 201-280. Bertin, G. The races of the Babylonian empire, [With discus.Hion.] [1888.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 18, 1889, 104- 120. Babylonian astronomy. Nature, 40, 1889, 237, 261, 285, 360. Bertin] 503 [Bertinien Bertin, Georges. Sur I'influenza. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 {Pt. 1), 205. / Des accidents observes chez les ouvriers employes dans les filatures de crin. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1898 (Pt. 2), 888-891. Bertin, L[o2tis] Kmile. Sur le principe des navires a flottaison cellulaire et les premiers projets de batiments de guerre Studies d'apres ce principe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R, 98, 1884, 555-558, 764. De roscillographe double et de son emploi pour I'etude du roiilis et du tangage. [1889.] Japan Seism. Soc. Trans., 15, 1890, 1-15. On tbe amplitude of rolling on a non-synchronous wave. [1894-95.] Naval Architects Trans., 35, 1894, 187-198 ; 37, 1896, 1-22; Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat, Mem., 30, 1896-97, 1-54. Position d'equilibre des navires sur la houle. [1897.] Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 31, 1897-1900, 1-64. Hardened plates and broken projectiles. [1897.] Naval Architects Trans., 39, 1898, 1-21. Bertin-Sans, ElimW]. Nouvel optoscope pour dejouer la simulation de I'amblyopie et de la c^cit^ monoculaires. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 14, 1885, 340-352. Photom^tre scolaire. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 15, 1886, 147-153. Etude sur les eaux de Montpellier. Modifications proposees au regime des eaux municipales. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 23, 1890, 193-205. Proc(5des pour puiser des echantillons d'eau dans une masse de ce liquide a une certaine distance au-dessous de la surface. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 29, 1893, 339-346. Bertin-Sans, Henri. Sur le spectre de la methemoglobine acide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1243-1245. Des modifications que subissent sous I'influence de Page I'indice et les rayons de courbure du cristallin. [1893.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 555- 557; Montpellier Ac. Mem., 1, 1894, 492-493. Bertin-Sans, Hejiri, & Zmbert, Ali-mandi]. See Xmbert & Bertin-Sans. Bertin-Sans, Henri, & ndoitessier, J[osep}i]. Sur la transformation de I'h^moglobine oxycarbon^e en met- hemoglobine et sur un nouveau procede de recherche de I'oxyde de carbone dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 210-211, 335; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 256-259, 663-665. Sur la formation de I'oxyh^moglobine au moyen de - I'hematine et d'une matiere albuminoide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 923-926. Action des acides sur le sang et formation d'oxyhemo- globine k I'aide d'hematine et de matiere albuminoide. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 300-304. Oxyhematine, hematine reduite et h^mochromogene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 401-403 ; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 9, 1893, 380-382. Action de I'oxyde de carbone sur I'hematine reduite et sur I'h^mochromog^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 591-592; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 382- 384. Nouveau procede pour obtenir de I'oxyhemoglobine a I'aide d'oxyhe^matine et d'une matiere albuminoide. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 243-244. Sur la combinaison de matieres albuminoides et d'hcmatines extraites du sang de divers animaux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 721. M^thode pour demontrer rapidement le ddplacement par I'oxygene de I'oxyde de carbone de la carboxyhemo- globine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 722. Bertin-Sans, J/enrt, Imbert, AlrmamV], & Oagnitoe, . Hee Imbert, Bertin-Sans & Oagnidre. Bertinet, . Sur le vol des oiseaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1089-1092. Bertini, Gorrado. Studio intorno agli esteri benzal-anil- acetacetici. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 2), 22-35. Bertini, Gorrado, & ScbifF, Roberto. See Schiff & Bertini. Bertini, Domenico. *[Bolide del 13 ottobre, 1879.] Toscana. Firenze. [1879.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 14, 1880, 163. Bertini, Eugenio. Contribuzione alia teoria delle 27 rette e dei 45 piani tritangenti di una superficie di 3" ordine. Ann. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 301-346. Sulla superficie di 3" ordine. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 478-480, 712-714. — — Le omografie involutorie in uno spazio lineare a qualsivoglia numero di dimension!. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 176-183. Sulla geometria degli spazj lineari in uno spazio ad n dimensioni. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 855-862. Sui fasci di quadriche in uno spazio ad n dimensioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 208-211. Costruzione delle omografie di uno spazio lineare qualuuque. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 650- 666. Sulla scomposizione di certe omografie in omologie. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 865-866. Sopra alcuni teoremi fondamentali delle curve plane algebriche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 326- 333, 413-424. Sulle curve fondamentali dei sistemi lineari di curve piane algebriche. [1888.] Palermo Giro. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 5-21. Zum Fundamentalsatz aus der Theorie der algebra- ischen Functionen. [2';-.] Math. Ann., 34, 1889, 447- 449. Deduzione delle trasformazioni piane doppie dai tipi fondamentali delle involutorie. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 771-778. Sopra un teorema del sig. Netto. Math. Ann., 35, 1890, 456. Sul numero dei punti di diramazione di una singo- larit^ qualunque di una curva plana algebrica. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 307-311. Intorno ad alcuni teoremi della geometria sopra una curva algebrica. [1890.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 118-130. Rappresentazione di una forma ternaria per combina- zione lineare di due altre. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 24, 1891, 1095-1115. Dimostrazione di un teorema sulla trasformazione delle curve algebriche. Riv. Mat., 1, 1891, 22-24. Osservazioni sulle " Vorlesungen fiber Riemann's Theorie der Abel'schen Integralen" von Dr. C. Neoma'nn (zweite Auflage). Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 6, 1892, 165-172. La geometria delle serie lineari sopra una curva plana secondo il metodo algebrico. Ann. Mat., 22 (1894), 1-40. Sialle superficie di Riemann. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 [Sem. 1), 106-110. Sugli spazi lineari delle quadriche a numero pari di dimensioni. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1896, 350-354. Sulle configurazioni di Kummer piu volte tetraedroidali. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 566-570. Le tangenti multiple della Cayleyana di una quartica plana generale. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 32-33. Quand' e che due curve piane dello stesso ordine hanno le stesse prime polari? Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 23-29. Sui sistemi di ipersuperficie di S^ aventi le stesse prime polari. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 217-227, 275-281, 357. Bertinien (le frere). *[Notes metcorologiques.] Rouen (Seine-Inferieure). France Soc. Met^orol. Nouv. Met6o- rol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 87, 96, 105, 114. Bertinien (le frere), & Iiucard (le frere). See Iioeard & Bertinien. Bertkau] 504 [Bertolio Bertkau, Philipp. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 31, 1895, 220-221 ; Bonn, Nat'. Hist. Ver. Verb., 53, 1896, 9-19; Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 66; Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 24-29 ; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1896, v. Ueber den Ban und die Funktion der sogenannten Leber bei den Spinnen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 23, 1884, 214-245. Die Begattung von Mutilla ephippium. Biol. Centrbl., 3, 1884, 722-724. Ueber den Verdauungsapparat der Spinnen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 66-77; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1885, 398-451. [Fossile Holzer aus dem Steinkoblengebirge bei Wit- ten.] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 96. Die Keblausfrage. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 96-97. Entomologische Miszellen. [1. Ueber Duftvorricht- ungen einiger Schmetterlinge. 2. Xylocopa violacea ein Honigrauber. 3. Weitere Beitrage zur Spinuenfauna der Rheinprovinz. 4. Zur Kenntniss der Funktion der einzelnen Theile an den Tastern der Spinnenmannchen. ] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 41, 1884, 343-363. Ueber Tetrodontophora gigas. Renter. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 235. Ueber die Coxaldriisen der Arachniden. Bonn Niedenhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 13-16. [Ueber die Augen und ein als Gehororgan gedeutetes Organ der Spinnen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 218-225, 282-284. Ueber Planocephalus aselloides, Scxidd., und Lim- nochares antiquus, v. Heyd. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 298-300. Ueber den Duftapparat einiger einheimischer Schmet- terlinge. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 300-301. Ueber den Saisondimorphismus und einige andere Lebenserscheinungen bei Spinnen. Zool. Anz., 8, 1886, 459-464. Bemerkungen zu Schimkewitsch's Notiz " Bur un organe des sens des Araign^es" in Zool. Anz. No. 201, p. 464. Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 537-538. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sinnesorgane der Spinnen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 27, 1886, 589-631. Ueber Ameisenahnlichkeit unter Spinnen und einen besonderen Fall dieser Erscheinung. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 66-69. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung einiger Psociden. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 68. Zwei Bemerkungen zu E. Ray Lankester's Artikel: Prof. Clads and the classification of the Arthropoda. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 430-432. Ueber Duftapparate einheimischer Schmetterlinge. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 118-119. [Ueber den Bau der Chernetiden.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1887, 112-117. Ueber Mermis in Tarantula inquilina und die durch den Parasiten bedingte Sterihtat des Wirthes. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1888, 91-92. Ein Japyx bei Bonn. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.- Bl., 1888, 92-93. Branchipus Griibei, Dyb., bei Bonn. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1888, 93. Ueber einen Zwitter von Gastropacha Quercus. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1888, 67-68. Beschreibung eines Z witters von Gastropacha Quercus, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen und einem Verzeichniss der beschriebenen Arthropodenz witter. Arch. Nature 55, 1889 (Bd. 1), 75-116. [Einige interessante Thiere von Bonn.] Bonn, Nat Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl. , 1889, 69-79. [Ein neuer Fall eines Begattungszeichens.] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1889, 80-82. Ueber proterandrisches Zwitterthum im Thierreich. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 5-6. [Untersuchung der Geschlechtsorgane eines Arthropo- denzwitters.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 49-50, Ueber die Larven von Microdon. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 58-60. Ueber ein " Begattungszeichen " bei Spinnen. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 450-454. Ueber die einfachen Augen der Gliederfiissler. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1890, 70-71. [Eine Psocide als Hausplage.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 63-66. [Das Weibchen einer vierten deutschen Atypus-Art, A. muralis.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 76-78. [Ueber das muthmassliche Weibchen von Homalisus suturalis.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 78-79. Beschreibung eines Arthropodenzwitters. Arch. Naturg., 57, 1891 (Bd. 1), 229-238. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pseudoscorpione. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1891, 45-46. Lebende Branchipus Grubei. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1891, 54-55. [Ueber die Giftspinne (Chiracanthium nutrix, Walck.).] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1891, 89-93; 1892, 102- 103. Beschreibung der Larve und des Weibchens von Homalisus suturalis. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1891, 37-42. Bau der Giftdriise einheimischer Spinnen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1892, 59-60. Ueber Sinnesorgane in den Tastern und dera ersten Beinpaar der Solpugiden. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 10-13, 110-111. [Ueber eine Sendung von Thieren aus Dar es Salaam in Deutsch-Ostafrika.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 16-20. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Begattungsvorgiinge bei den Spinnen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1894, 7-9. Bertolani, Giorgio. Espressioni delle derivate logaritmiche d' ordine superiore al secondo delle funzioni ^ e a ellit- tiche. Giorn. Mat., 33, 1895, 139-144. Contributo alia teoria della funzione E (x). Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 1-10. SuUe derivate logaritmiche d' ordine superiore delle funzioni theta iperellittiche a due argomenti. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 135-145. Bertoldi, . Bolide [17 di nov. 1899, Recoaro]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 20, 1900, 8. Bertoldo, Jean Marius. Sur le developpemeut des axolotls. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 15. Bertolini, Gian Lodovico. II sistema fluviale padano. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 1, 1894, 502-506. La linea di corso di un fiume in relazione a' suoi affluenti. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 2, 1896, 614-619. Lagune dolci e lagune salate. Riv. Geogr. Ital., 3, 1896, 435-439. I fiumi di resorgiva in relazione alle lagune ed al territorio Veneto. [1897-1900.] Riv. Geogr. Ital., 4, 1898, 449-453, 574-576 ; 5, 1898, 201-205 ; 6, 1899, 98- 104; 7, 1900, 371-387. Bertolini, S[tefano de]. Contribuzione alia fauna trentina dei Coleotteri. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 19, 1887, 84-135 ; 20, 1888, 3-58; 21, 1889, 157-205; 23, 1891, 169-217; 24, 1892, 193-208, 346-368 ; 25, 1893, 221-247 ; 26, 1894, 356-388; 27, 1895, 117-168; 30, 1898, 85-120; 31, 1899, 291-299. Bertolio, Antonio, Ooiran, Agostino, Zannetti, Arturo, & nxusso, Luigi. See Ooiran, Zannetti, Bertolio & MUBSO. Bertolio, Sollmann. Note sur quelques roches des Collines Eugan^ennes. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 406- 437; Riv. Min. Crist., 15, 1895, 3-32. Studio micrografico di alcune roccie dell' isola di S. Pietro (Sardegna). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 25, 1894, 407-421. Bertolio] 505 [Bertram Sur le massif volcanique de Siliqua (Sarilai^ne ineri- dionale). Pans, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 437-464. Sulle comenditi, nuovo gruppo di rioliti con aet;irina. Nota preliminare. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 2), 48-50. Contribuzione alio studio dei tei'reni vulcanici di Sardegna. Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 27, 1896, 181-203. Appunti geologico-minerari suU' isola di S. Pietro (Sardegna). Italia Com. Geol. Boll., 27, 1896, 405- 421. Sui' les formations volcaniques de Sardaigne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 496-500. Sulla composizione chimica delle comenditi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 {Scm. 2), 1.50-152. Sulla microstruttura delle comenditi. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1000-1003. Bertolo, P[asquale]. Sopra la reazione della santonina e delle desmotroposantonine col cloruro ferrico. (Nota jneliminare.) Catania Ace. Gioen. Boll., 60, 1899, 51-53; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 2) (1899, Pt. 2), 102-103. Bertolo, P[axquale\ & Andreocci, Americo. See Andreoeci & Bertolo. Bertoloni, Antonio. Notizie storiche suU' origine dello studio dei semplici in Italia. [1889-90.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 84-93; 23, 1891, 215-221. Riferimento sulle collezioni botaniche e i manoscritti lasciati dal Dott. Cav. Pietro Bubani di Bagnacavallo. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 206-215. Bertolotti, G. [Bolide. Altare, febbraio 27, 1898.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 13. Berton, J. De Lastourville sur I'Ogooue k Samba sur le N'Gounie (septembre et octobre 1890). Paris, Soc. G6ogr. Bull., 16, 1895, 211-218. Bertonl, Giacomo. Analisi dell' acqua minerale di Acqua- rossa nel canton Ticino. [1884.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 339-344; Ann. di Chim., 78, 1884, 257-269; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 232-233. Coiitributo alio studio dell' eterificazione per doppia decoinposizione. Formazione dell' etere nitroso dell' alcool allilico, Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 536-545; Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 337-349; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 361-370. Fatti suir eterificazione per doppia decomposizione. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 18, 1885, 823-833, 999-1006; Ann. di Chim., 2, 1885, 155-166; 3, 1886, 166-173; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 351-360; 16, 1886, 175-182; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 27-49 {Part only]. Sviluppo del metodo di eterificazione per doppia decomposizione. Formazione di altri tre nuovi eteri nitrosi. Ann. di Chim., 4, 1886, 273-291. Di tre nuovi eteri nitrosi. [1887.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 16, 1886, 512-522. Dell' etere nitroso etildimetilcarbinolico e sue proprieta terapeutiche. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 18, 1888, 421-431. A proposito di tre nuovi eteri nitrosi. Gazz. Chim. Ital.,, 18, 1888, 431-436. Ethers nitreux nouveaux. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 309-317. -. Sur la constitution de la santonins. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 364-365. Di una serie di nuovi ossinitroderivati del trifeiiil- metano ed omologhi. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 695-701; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 22, 1890, 143-150. Di due nuovi eteri nitrici tetrilici. [1890.] Riv. Sci.-Ind., 22, 1890, 110-118; Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 23, 1890, 423-429 ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 372-376. Saggio di pirastica della santonina. Ann. di Chim., 14, 1891, 190. Metanitrofenilsantoninmetano. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 21, 1891 {Pt. 2), 336-340. Deir etere nitroso furfurilico e di altri nitriti alcoolici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 27, 1894, 352-356; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 20-25. R. S. A. C. Sulla natura chimica dell' acciua minerale di S. Pelle- grino (Fonte Salaroli). Ann. di Chim., 23 & 24, [1896], 368-369. Bertoni, Giacomo, & rrltsch, Ltiigi. Sulla tecnica delli preparazione dell' idrossilamina dal fulminato di mercuric. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 20, 1888, 225-231. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Fellacani, Paolo. See Fellacani & Bertoni. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Baimondi, C[arlo]. See Baimondi & Bertoni. Bertoni, Giacomo, & TrufiBi, F[erntccio]. COntributo alio studio deir eterificazione per doppia decomposizione. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1885, 23-29. Bertoni, Giacomo, & Zenoni, Menntti. Meta- e paj'anitro- di-parabiossitrifenilmetano. Gazz. Chim. Ital, 21, 1891 {Pt. 2), 331-336. Bertoni Deblancliis, Mo'ise. Influence des basses tempe- ratures sur les vegetaux en general et sur les especes du genre Eucalyptus en particulier. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 9, 1886, 301-348. Sur quelques vegetaux de la Republique Argentine. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 34, 1887, 440-445. Bertot, . Note sur la production des plantes par impression directe. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 2, 1888, 442-445. [Snr des anomalies de Scolopendrium.] Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1890, 6-7. Bertozzi, V[alentino\ Sulla costituzione del dicloro-para- cresolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 2), 35-41. Bertozzi, V{alentino], & Mazzara, G\irolamo'\. See IHazzara & Bertozzi. Bertram, . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sarcosporidien nebst einem Anhange iiber parasitische Schlauche in der Leibeshohle von Rotatorien. Zool. Jbiich. {Anat.), 5, 1892, 581-604. Bertram, . Ueber Meteorite. [1896.] Hannover Jber., 1893-97, 78-79. Bertram, /l[«(/u.«f]. Zur Kenntniss des Monophenylthio- harnstolfs und der Imidocarbaminthiosiiureester. [1890.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 48-65. Bertram, H. A. Ueber moderne Hochspannungsapparate. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 667-674, 697-699. Bertram, J[uliuii], & Oildemeister, Eduard. Ueber das Betelol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 349-355. Ueber das Kessool. Arch. Pharm., 228, 1890, 483- 492. Zur Kenntniss des Rosenols. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 185-196. Ueber Geraniol und Rhodinol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 225-237. Die Bestandtheile dea Rosenols und verwandter titherischer Oele. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 56, 1897, 506-514. Zur Rhodinolfrage. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 749. Bertram, J[(«/(jm], & ZXelle, J[ohannes\ Ueber Isofenchyl- alkohol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 293-306. Bertram, J[idius'\, & Kiirsten, Rudolf. Ueber das Vorkommen des Orthocumaraldehydmethylathers im Cas.siaol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 51, 1895, 316-325. Bertram, J[uliu!i], & Walbaum, Heinrich. Ueber Laven- delol und Bergamottol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 45, 1892, 590-603. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fichtennadelole. Arch. Pharm., 231, 1893, 290-305. Ueber Isoborneol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 1-15. Ueber das Vorkommen von Camphen in atherischen Oelen. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 15-19. Ueber das Resedawurzelol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 50, 1894, 555-561. Ueber Basilicuraol. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 176-184. Bertram, Ii[udolph]. *Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Verbindungen. [1882.] Ztschr. Kryst., 9, 1884, 302-308. 64 Bertram] Bertram, W. [Veizeicliniss der auf die Landeskuude des Herzogthums Braunschweig beziiglichen Litteratur.] Pflanzenwelt. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber. (6), 1891, 284-292. Bertrand, [Joseph Jean]. Experiences sur la myopie et la pupille artificielles. Ann. d'Oculist., 91, 1884, 32-44. Bertrand, . Concours de 1882. Probleme de m<5- canique. Ann. Conduct. Fonts et Chauss., 31, 1887 {Ft. 1), 38-44. Bertrand, , & Ogler, Jules. Sur une epidemic d'intoxication saturnine, causee par des farinas. [1887.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 19, 1888, 68-70. Bertrand, (capit.) Alfred. * Voyage k la vallee de Cachemire. [1883.] Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 23, 1884 {Bull.), 20-49. Passage de Test a I'ouest du dctroit de Magellan et des canaux lateraux de la Patagonie. [1887.] Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 27, 1888 {Bull.), 18-28. Tientsin, Peking, la Grande Muraille de Chine, residence impcriale de Djehol (Mougolie intcrieure), les tombeaux des Mings, la passe de Nan-Koou. Souvenirs de voyage. Geneve Soc. Gc^ogr. Mem., 32, 1893 {Bull.), 79-108. Notes sur un voyage d'exploration au pays des Ba- Rotse (nord dn Zambeze). Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 36, 1897, 41-61 ; Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1897, 58-62. From the Machili to Lialui. Geogr. Jl., 9, 1897, 145-147. Methods of survey employed by the Chilean Boundary Commissions in the Cordillera of the Andes. Geogr. Jl., 16, 1900, 329-344. Bertrand, C[liarles] Eufi'ene. Eecherches sur les tubercules de jalap, par Albert Bouriez. Compte-rendu et analyse critique. [1882-85.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 43-69. ■ Une etude sur le genre Vesquia, Taxinee fossile des terrains Aacheniens. [1884.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 40. Loi des surfaces libres. [1884.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 48-51; Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 40-41; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 2-12. Phylloglossum. [1885-86.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 70-223. Les Poroxylons. Vegetaux fossiles de Pepoque Houil- lere. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 13, 1890, 3-49. Eemarques sur le Lepidodendron Harcourtii de WiTHAM. [1891.] Lille Trav. Mem., 1, 1889-91, Mem. 6, 159 pp. ■ Le Boghead d'Autun. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 6, 1892, 453-506. Conferences sur les charbons de terre. [Premiere partie: Les Bogheads a algues.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 {Mem.), 45-81. Sur une nouvelle Centradesmide de I'epoque Houillere. Ass. FranQ. C. E., 1894 {Pt. 2), 588-593. Nouveiles remarques sur le kerosene shale de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 615-617; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 24, 1896, 161-164. ■ Charbons humiques et charbons de purins. Ass. Frany. C. E., 1897 {Ft. 2), 328-340; Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 {Mem.), 284-310; Lille Trav. Mom., 6, 1898, Mem. 21, 218 pp. — — Caracteristiques du kerosene shale dans les gisements du northern coal field et de Newcastle, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Ass. Fran^. C. E., 1897 {Ft. 2), 341-346. Premiers aper(;ns sur la formation des charbons de terre. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 22, 1897, 3-36. Caracteristiques du charbon humique de Broxburn, pres Bathgate (Ecosse). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897', 1377-1379; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 26, 1897, 129-134. Caracteristiques d'un charbon a gaz, trouve dans le northern coal field de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Paris Ac, Sci. C. B., 125, 1897, 984-985. 506 [Bertrand Premieres notions sur les charbons de terre. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 551-596. Eemarques sur la structure des grains de pollen de Cordaites. Ass. Fran(;. C. E., 1898 (Ft. 2), 436-441. Caracteristiques du schiste bitumineux du bois d'Asson (Basses- Alpes). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1677- 1679. Premieres conclusions gen^rales sur les charbons humiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 767-769. Conclusions generales sur les charbons humiques et les charbons de purins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 822-825. On the structure of a stem of a ribbed Sigillaria. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 926-927; Ann. Bot., 13, 1899, 607-610; 14, 1900, 162. Nouveiles recherches sur les charbons ; les charbons humiques et les charbons de purins. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 28, 1899, 26-47. Description d'un echantillon de charbon papyracc ou Papierkohle, trouve a Prisches en 1859. (Etude speciale sur les etats de conservation des restes vegetaux qui forment ce Papierkohle.) Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 28, 1899, 171-247. Les plaques suhereuses calcifiees du terrain houiller d'Hardinghen (Pas-de-Calais). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 619-621 ; Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1899 {Ft. 2), 388- 396. Charbons gelosiques et charbons humiques. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1900, 458-497. Caracteristiques d'un echantillon de kerosene shale de Megalong valley [pres Katomba, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud]. [1900.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 853-855; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 29, 1900, 25-30; N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 25, 1901, 637-649. Bertrand, C^harlcs] Eugene, & Cornaille, F. Sur quelques caracteristiques de la structure des fougeres actuelles. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1899 {Ft. 2), 434-437. Bertrand, C[harles] Eugene, & Renault, Bernard. Re- cherches sur les Poroxylons, Gymnospermes fossiles des terrains Houillers Superieurs. [1886-87.] Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 243-389. Caracteristiques de la tige des Poroxylons (Gymno- spermes fossiles de I'epoque Houillere). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1125-1127; 103, 1886, 820-822. Remarques sur les faisceaux foliaires des Cycadees actuelles et sur la signification morphologique des tissus des faisceaux unipolaires diploxyles. [1886.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1184-1186 ; Arch. Bot. N. France, 2, [1882-87], 232-242. Eemarques sur le Poroxylon stephanense. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 765-767. Le Boghead d'Autun. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 138-141 ; Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 20, 1892, 213-2-59; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, xcvii-xcviii". Sur une algue Permienne a structure conservee, trouvcje dans le Boghead d'Autun, le Pila bibractensis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 21)8-301. Sur le Reinschia australis, algue Permo-Carbonifere qui a forme le kerosene shale d'Australie. Ass. Franc,-. C. R., 1893 {Ft. 2), 490-502. Sur I'album photographique des preparations de I'algue du Boghead d'Autun "Pila bibractensis." Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 19, 1893, 129-131. Caracteres generaux des Bogheads a algues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 593-596. See also Renault & Bertrand. Bertrand, C[harles] Eugene, Cornaille, ¥., & XZovelacque, Maurice. Remarques sur la structure des Isoetes. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1897 {Ft. 2), 483-493. Bertrand, Emile. Sur la friedelite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 3-4. Proprietes optiques de la berzeliite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 31-32. Bertrand] 507 [Bertrand Forme cristalline de raimafibrite et de raimatolite. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, 124-125. Sur diff^rents prismes polarisateura. France Soc. Min. Bull., 7, 1884, .S39-344. Sur un nouveau prisnie polarisateur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99,1884, 538-540. Sur I'examen des min^raux en lumi^re polarisee convergeute. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1886, 29-31. ■ Proprietes optiques de la polyarsenite et de la chrondroars^nite. France Soc. Min. Bull. , 8, 1885, 374. Sur un nouveau r^fractometre. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1886, 375-377. Nouvelle disposition du microscope permettant de mesurer I'ecartement des axes optiques et les indices de refraction. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1885, 377-383. Sur la mesure des indices de refraction des Elements microscopiques des roches. France Soc. Min. Bull., 8, 1886, 42C-428. Microscope min^ralogique. Jl. Microgr., 9, 1885, 163-166. R^fractom^tre construit sp^cialement pour I'titude des roches. France Soc. Min. Bull., 9, 1886, 15-21; 10, 1887, 140-141. Thauniasitens optiska egenskaper. [In French.] Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 9, 1887, 131. Liqnides d'indices sup^nieurs a 1.8. France Soc. Min. Bull., 11, 1888, 31. Bertrand, Kmile. Note sur quelques Carabiques de la region de Calmpthout. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 33, 1889, xcvi-xcviii. Bertrand, Kmile. Note sur quelques propri^t^s du triangle. Mathesis, 12, 1892, 130-133; 13, 1893, 155-162. Bertrand, Gabriel [Kmilel. [Preparation du xylose.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 546-547. Reclierches sur quelques derives du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 554-557. [Reeherches sur la xylite.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 642. Sur la constitution de la xylite et du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 740-742. Sur quelques reactions color^es des hydrates de carbone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6, 1891, 259-261. Reeherches sur la composition immediate des tissus vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1492-1494; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 468-469. — — Sur les zincates alcalino-terreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 11.5, 1892, 939-941, 1028. Determination sp6cifique du xylose. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 499-502. Sur la composition chimique de I'essence de Niaouli. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1070-1073; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 432-437. Sur le latex de I'arbre a laque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1215-1218; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 717-721. Sur le latex de I'arbre a laque et sur une nouvelle diastase contenue dans ce latex. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m. , 46, 1894 [C. R.), 478-480. Sur la laccase et sur le pouvoir oxydant de cette diastase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 266-269; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 361-365, 1107. Sur la recherche et la presence de la laccase dans les vegetaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 166-168; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 1095-1098. Examen du miel produit par une Poliste de Basse- Californie, Paris, Mus. Hist, Nat. Bull, 1, 1896, 38-39. La laque du Tonkin et sa diastase oxydaute. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 134-136; 2, 1896, 161-164. [R^actif tres sensible de la laccase.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 757. Sur I'existence de diastases oxydantes chez les vegetaux et sur quelques cas ou elles interviennent. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 116-131. La laque et la laccase. Contribution -k la connaissance des oxydations diastasiques. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 23-31. Preparation biochimique du sorbose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 900-903; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 113-116; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 627- 631. Sar les rapports qui existent entre la constitution chimique des composes organiques et leur oxydabilit^ sous I'influence de la laccase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1132-1134; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull , 15,1896, 791-793. Sur une nouvelle oxydase, ou ferment soluble oxydant, d'origine vegetale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1215-1217; Paris. Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 206- 208; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 793-797. Sur la presence simultan^e de la laccase et de la tyrosinase dans le sue de quelques champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 463-465. Sur la separation de la laccase et de la tyrosinase conteimes dans le sue de certains champignons. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 358-360 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1218-1220. Observations sur quelques nouveaux derives de la s^rie des pentoses: I'acide lixonique et la lixite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 592-594. Nouvelles reeherches sur les ferments oxydants ou oxydases. Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 385-399. Reeherches sur la laccase, nouveau ferment soluble, k propri6tes oxydantes. Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 115-140. Sur I'interveution du manganese dans les oxydations provoquees par la laccase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1032-1035; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 173-176; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 619-624. Siir Taction oxydante des sels manganeux et sur la constitution chimique des oxydases. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1355-1358, 1486; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 753-756. Sur la constitution chimique des oxydases. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 263-266. Les oxydases ou ferments solubles oxydants. Rev. Sci., 8, 1897, 65-73. Reeherches sur la production biochimique du sorbose. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 385-399. Action de la fleur du vin sur la sorbite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 653-656; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 123-124; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 302-305. Action de la baeterie du sorbose sur les alcools plurivalents. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 762-765 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 347-349. Sur le produit d'oxydatiou de la glycerine par la bacterie du sorbose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 842-844. Preparation biochimique de la dioxyacetone cristallisee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 984-986; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 502-.507. Action de la bacterie du sorbose sur le sucre de hois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 124-127; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 293-295. Action de la bacterie du sorbose sur les sucres ald^- hydiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 728-731, 842; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 330-332; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 999-1005. Transformation de la glycerine par la bacterie du sorbose. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 167-169. L'acide silicotungstique comme reactif des alcaloides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 742-745; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 447-449; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 192-194; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 434-439. Sur quelques propriet^s de la dioxyacetone, en relation avec le degre d'agregation moleculaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 341-344, 422. 64—2 BertrandJ Sur la presence de la mannocellulose dans le tissu ligneux des plantes gymnospeimes. [1899.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1025-1028 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 431-434; Paris Soc. Chim, Bull., 23, 1900, 87-90. . ^^ ^ L'arbre a chilte et le chilte. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 134-136. Sur la production synthetique d'albumine soluble par le bacille virgule de Massaouah. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 194-196. Sur Toxydation de I'erythrite par la bacterie da sorbose ; production d'un nouveau sucre : I'erythrulose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1330-1333; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 262-264. Sur I'hydrogenation de I'erythrulose et la preparation d'une nouvelle erythrite: I'erythrite droite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1472-1475. Sur la composition chimique du ko-sam. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 82-83. Sur I'oxydation de I'erythrite par la bacterie du sorbose. Production de deux nouveaux sucres ; le d-erythrulose et la d-erythrite. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 681-686. Bertrand, Gabriel [Emile], & Bourquelot, Emile. La laccase dans les champignons. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 [G. E.), 579-582. See also Bourquelot & Bertrand. Bertrand, Gabriel [Emile], & Dllalldvre, Alfred. Sur la pectase et sur la fermentation peetique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 1012-1014; 120, 1895, 110-112, 172; Jl. Bot., Paris, 8, 1894, 390-396; 9, 1895, 53-58; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 77-82, 252-256. Sur la diffusion de la pectase dans le r^gne vegetal et sur la preparation de cette diastase. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 726-728; Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 37-41; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 32-33; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 31-83. Observations sur la fermentation peetique. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 291-293. Bertrand, Gabriel [E7nile], & Fhisalix, C[esrti>e]. See Fhisalix & Bertrand. Bertrand, Gabriel [Emile], & Foirault, Georges. Sur la matiere colorante du pollen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., . 115, 1892, 828-830. Bertrand, J., & Mayet, 0[ctave] F[elix]. See Mayet & Bertrand. Bertrand, Joseph [Louis Frangois], For biography and list of works see Giorn. Mat., 38, 1900, 171-176; Jl. Savants, 1900, 257-259, 312-315; Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 129-130; Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 614-616; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 961-978; 131, 1900, 1033-1034; Science, 11, 1900, 637; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, xxxiv; Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 267-268. *Le satellite de Venus. Astronomic, 1882, 201-206. *Des progres de la mecanique. M. Marcel Deprez. Lum, Elect., 10, 1883, 194-207. Les zodiaques et le calendrier egyptien. Bull. Sci. Math. Astr., 8, 1884, 8-19. Conference de barometric. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 54- 60, 136-148. Conference de chronometrie. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 223-233, 627-630, 650-655; 8, 1884, 179-185, 221-229. Conference de metrologie. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 50- 53, 104-108, 131-137. Sur les unites electriques. Extrait d'une lettre adressee k I'editeur, [M. G. Mittag-Leffler]. Acta Math., 8, 1886, 387-392. Lemons sur la theorie mathematique de I'eiectricite. [Redigees par MM. G. Szarvady et G. Duche.] Lum. Elect., 22, 1886, 289-299, 387-398, 438-448, 484-490 536-543, 592-601. [Observations relatives a une communication de MM. L. Cailletet et E. Mathias sur la densite de 508 [Bertrand I'acide sulfureux a I'etat de liquide et de vapeur saturee.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1568-1571. Solution d'un probieme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 105, 1887, 369. Formule nouvelle pour representor la tension maxima de la vapeur d'eau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 389- 394. [Observations relatives aux notes de MM. Emile Barrier et Desire Andre, sur un probieme de calcul de probabilites.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 437- 439. [Remarques relatives a la fonction designee longtemps par les physiciens sous le nom de fonction de Carnot.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 477-483. Note sur une loi singuliere de probabilite des erreurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 779-780. Sur un paradoxe analogue au probleme de Saint-Peters- bourg. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 105, 1887, 831-833. - — - Sur ce qu'on nonime le poids et la precision d'une observation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1099- 1102. Sur les epreuves repetees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1201-1203. Sur I'association des eiecteurs par le sort. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 17-19. Demonstration du theoreme [relatif a la duree du jeu]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 49-51. Sur la loi de probabilite des erreurs d'observation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 153-156. Probabilite du tir a la cible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 232-234, 387-391, 521-522. Sur la determination de la precision d'un systeme de mesures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1888, 440-448. Sur la rigueur d'une demonstration de Gauss. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 563-565. Sur I'indetermination d'un probleme resolu par PoissoN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 636-638. ■ Sur la combinaison des mesures d'une meme grandeur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 701-704. Sur la valeur probable des erreurs les plus petites dans une serie d'observations. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 106, 1888, 786-788. Sur revaluation a posteriori de la confiance meritee par la moyenne d'une serie de mesures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 887-891. Sur I'erreur a craindre dans revaluation des trois angles d'un triangle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 967-970. Sur les lois de mortalite de Gompertz et de Makeham. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1042-1043. Sur la methode des moindres carres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 1115-1117. Sur la precision d'un systeme de mesures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 119-5-1198. Sur les consequences de I'egalite acceptee entre la valeur vraie d'un polynome et sa valeur moyenne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 12.59-1263. Note sur I'introduction des probabilites moyennes dans I'interpretation des resultats de la statistique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1311-1813. Note sur le tir k la cible. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 205-207. Generalisation d'un theorfeme de Gauss. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 537-538. Sur I'application du calcul des probabilites a la theorie des jugements. Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 69-75. Note sur un theoreme du calcul des probabilites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 701-703. Note sur un probleme de mecanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 13-15. Note sur un theoreme de geometric. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 921-922. Bertrand] 509 [Bertrand Sur la tht'orie des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 122, 1896, 963-967, 1083-1084. [Sur la theorie des gaz. Response k M. Boltzmann.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1174, 1314-1315. Bertrand, Joseph. Sur quelques c^tones de la seric grasse a poids luoleculaires Aleves. Brux. , Ac. Bull., 31, 1896, 267-277; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 764-768. Bertrand, L[o»?.s] E[dv\ond liiidore]. A. LEFfcvRE, son role dans la question de la colique s6che des pays chauds. Arch. Med. Navale, 45, 1886, 161-177. Relation d'uiie epidemic de dysenteric qui a r^gnd a Toulon du niois de mai an mois de novembre 1887. Etude de cette dysenteric a I'hopital de Saint-Mandrier; observations et recherches cliniques anatomiques, bact6- riologiques, etc. Arch. Med. Navale, 49, 1888, 321-371; 50, 1888, 5-30, 81-101, 260-285, 339-371. Sur un cas de fievre dite bilieuse liemoglobinurique. [Accompagne de reniarques de M. Laveran.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 41, 1899, 76-82. Bertrand, L[onis] K[dmond Isidore], & Fontan, Jlules] Alntoine Emilc]. De I'entero-colite chronique end^mique des pays chauds. Arch. Med. Navale, 45, 1886, 211-229, 266-308, 400-426; 46, 1886, 37-52, 101-126, 241-293, 342-391, 401-468; 47, 1887, 50-71, 99-154. Bertrand, Leon. Note sur trois especes du genre Scalpellum, du Calcaire Grossier des environs de Paris. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 19, 1891, 693-698. Sur la constitution geologique de la partie septentrio- nale des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, xv-xviii. [Presence de I'hypersthene dans certains echantillons de labradorite du conglomerat de Villeneuve-Loabet (Alpes-Maritimes).] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, xviii. Alpes Maritimes et Provence. Nord du departement des Alpes Maritimes. [1894-95.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 103-105; 7, 1896, 107-113. Sur la tectonique de la partie nord-ouest du departe- ment des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 137-141. Etude geologique du nord des Alpes-Maritimes. [1896. ] France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 9, 1897, 1-214. Alpes. Feuille de Saint-Martin- V^subie. [1897-98.] France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 9, 1897, 388-389; 10, 1899, 180-181. Sur un moyen de determination pratique des feldspaths plagioclases dans un cas particulier. Application d'une epure de M. Michel Levy. France Soc. Min. Bull., 20, 1897, 219-223. Alpes. Feuille de Nice. [1898-99.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 176-179, 554-557. [Observations sur le Cretac6 et le gypse des Alpes- Maritimes.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 42-43. Bertrand, Leon, & L^vy, A[uguste] Michel. See Ii6vy & Bertrand. Bertrand, Leon, Haug, Kmile, & Kilia.n,[Charles Constant] }l'[ilj'rid]. [Alpes.] Region limite des valines de I'Ubaye, du Var et de la Tinee. [1898.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 182-185. Bertrand, Marcel. *Le sondage de Salies. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Gfiol. Bull., 12, 1884, 33-34. Rapports de structure des Alpes de Glaris et du bassin houiller du nord. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 318- 330. Failles courbes dans le Jura et bassins d'affaissement. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 452-463. Coupes de la chaine de la Sainte-Beaume (Provence). [1884.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 13, 1886, 115-130. Note sur rAndalousie. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 13, 1885, 474-476. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 26 aoflt, entre Morez et Saint-Claude. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1886, 785- 794. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 29 aout a Charrix. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, 852-856. Role des actions mecaniques en Provence ; explication de I'anomalie stratigrapliique du Beausset. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1735-1738. La chaine des Alpes, et la formation du continent europ^en. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 423- 447. tlot Triasique du Beausset (Var), analogic avec le bassin houiller frauco-belge et avec les Alpes de Glaris. [1K87.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 667-702; 16, 1888, 79-84. Compte rendu de I'excursion du lundi 12 septembre, aux carrieres de Chancelade. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 834-840. [Tertiaire des environs de Beaumont.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 848. [Note sur les gisements Tertiaires de la ceinture du Plateau Central.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 854- 855. Les plis couches et les renversements de la Provence. Environs de Saint- Zacharie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1433-1436. Sur les relations des phenomenes eruptifa avec la formation des montagnes et sur les lois de leur distribu- tion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1548-1550. Allure gen^rale des plissements des couches de la Provence : analogic avec ceux des Alpes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1613-1615. Les plis couches de la region de Draguignan. [1888.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 701-703; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 234-246. Un nouveau probl6me de la geologic proven(;ale. Penetration de marnes irisees dans le Cretace. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 878-881. Sur les bassins houillers du plateau central de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 517-528. Sur la distribution geographique des roches eruptives en Europe. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 573-617. Nouvelles etudes sur la chaine de la Sainte-Beaume. Allure sinueuse des plis de la Provence. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 748-778. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 18 aout k Bicetre et a Villejuif. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 845-850. Sur les schistes lustres du Mont-Cenis. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 17, 1889, 880-883. [Sur la coupe du sommet de I'Ouarsenis.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, Ixvii-lxviii. Sur le massif d'Allauch. [1891.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, cii-cv; France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 3, 1892, 283-333. Compte-rendu de la course de la Ciotat et de Bandol. Paris, Soc. Oeol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1051-1057. Compte-rendu de I'excursion au Val d'Aren, au Canadeau et au Vieux Beausset. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1062-1077. Compte-rendu de I'excursion au teiegraphe de la Cadiere et k Fontanieu. [With discussion.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1077-1087. Reponse aux observations de 31. Toocas [sur la classification de la Craie Superieure du Beausset]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1090-1095. Sur le plissement de la nappe de recouvrement du Beausset. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1096-1100. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 2 octobre, k la Baraliere, k Turben et a Broussan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1116-1124. Note sur la bande d'affaissements de Chibron. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1132-1134. Compte-rendu de la course du lundi 5 octobre. [Premiere partie : de Brignoles a Salernes. Deuxieme partie : coupe du defile de la Bouissiere.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 1166-1171. BertrandJ 510 [Bertrand de Fontviolant Sur la deformation de Fecorce terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 402-406. [Sur I'origine des poudingues de la Ciotat.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, li-liii. [La continuation des plis Tertiaires du bassin de Paris dans le Cr^tac^ de la Sarthe.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, xci-xcii. [Sur la formation des anticlinaux.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 20, 1892, xcv-xcvi. Sur la continuity du ph^nomSne de plissement dans le ba.ssin de Paris. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull , 20, 1892, 118-165. Sur le raccordement des bassins houillers du nord de la France et du sud de I'Angleterre. Ann. Mines, 3, 1893, 5-83; Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5, 1893, 106-141. The mountains of Scotland. [Tr.~\ Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 118-129. Sur la structure du Mole [pres de Bonneville (Haute- Savoie)]. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, xx. [Sur les bandes Triasiques de la Provence.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, liii. Le Mole et les collines de Faucigny (Haute-Savoie). [18^3.] France Serv. Carte G(5ol. Bull., 4, 1894, 345-393. Etudes sur le bassin houiller du nord et sur le Boulonnais. Ann. Mines, 5, 1894, 569-635. Structure des Alpes franpaises et recurrence de certains facies s^dimentaires. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1894, 161- 177. Sur la structure des Alpes fran(,!aises. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 118, 1894, 212-215. Lignes directrices de la g^ologie de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 258-262. Sur I'origine de certains gypses du Trias alpin. Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, xxx-xxxi. Etudes dans les Alpes fran<;aises. (Structure en ^ventail, massifs amygdaloides et m^tamorphisme. ) Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 22, 1894, 69-118. Etudes dans les Alpes fran(;aises. (Schistes lustres de la zone centrale.) Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 22, 1894, 119- 162, [Alpes Maritimes et Provence.] Bandes Triasiques de Barjols et de Rians. [1894.] France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 6, 1895, 105-106. Alpes centrales. Maurienne et Tarentaise. [1894.] France Serv. Carte G(5ol. Bull., 6, 1895, 110-115. [Alpes.] Feuilles de St. Jean de Maurienne et de Bonneval. [1895.] France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 7, 1896, 113-115. •: Essai de reconstitution de la gi^ographie des temps - Carbonif^res. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 24, 1896, 24-25. Sur les schistes du Mont Jovet (4 propos d'une note dn Dr. J. W. Gregory). Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull , 24 1896, 140-147. R^ponse au sujet des domes k d^versement p^ri- pherique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 763-765. [Sur le Trias du Djebel Chettabah.] Paris, Soc. G4ol Bull., 24, 1896, 1184. ■ Alpes. La Tarentaise au nord de I'ls^re. [1896.] France Serv. Carte G6ol. Bull., 8, 1897, 145 {bis)-150 {bis). La basse Provence. Ann. G^ogr., 6, 1897 212-229- 7, 1898, 14-33. Les excursions du septieme Congr^s Gf^ologique Inter- national en Russie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. 25 1897 705-723. ' ' °'"> Note on extensions of the coal-field of the north of France. [Tr.] [1897.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans 13, 1898, 583-584. Le bassin Cretac(5 de Fuveau et le bassin houiller du nord. Ann. Mines, 14, 1898, 5-85. L'exp(5dition au Greenland de la Society de Geo- graphic de Berlin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126 ISQS 805-808. ' '*' Observations a propos des notes de M. E. Fournier [sur I'excursion au Caucase, et sur plusieurs massifs des environs de Marseille]. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 26, 1898, 48-54. Sur deux faits interessants dans la coupe d'une galerie [de mines de Valdonne], dans les couches k charbon du Cr^tace Superieur. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 158. La nappe de recouvrement des environs de Marseille. Lame de charriage et rapprochement avec le bassin houiller de Silesie. Paris, Soc. GM. Bull, 26, 1898, 632-652. La grande nappe de recouvrement de la Basse Provence. France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull, 10, 1899, 397-467. Sur les ph^nomenes volcaniques et les tremblements de terre de I'Am^rique Centrale. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 27, 1899, 494-495. Etudes sur les bassins houillers. Bassin houiller du Gard. Ann. Mines, 17, 1900, 505-618. Le bassin houiller du Gard et les pli^nomenes de charriage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., l.SO, 1900, 213-220. Essai d'une th^orie m^canique de la formation des montagnes. D^placement progressif de I'axe terrestre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 291-298. Deformation t(5traedrique de la Terre et deplacement du pole. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 449-464, 612. Observations a propos de la note de M. de Lapparent. [Sur la svmetrie tetraedrique du globe terrestre.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 619-622. Observations sur la formation des chaines de montagnes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 28, 1900, 18-21. Observations sur la note de M. Rkpelin : [Nouvelles observations sur la tectonique de la chaine de la Nerthe.] Paris, Soc. Geol Bull, 28, 1900, 264-267. Bertrand, Marcel, & Oolliez, H. Les chaines septentrio- nales des Alpes Bernoises. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 25, 1897, 568-595. Bertrand, Marcel, & Killan, [Charles Constant] W[ilfrid]. Sur les terrains Seeondaires et Tertiaires de I'Andalousie (provinces de Grenade et de Malaga). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1057-1060. Le bassin Tertiaire de Grenade. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 101, 1885, 264-267. Sur les terrains Jurassique et Cretace des provinces de Grenade et de Malaga. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 186-188. Etudes sur les terrains Seeondaires et Tertiaires dans les provinces de Grenade et de Malaga. Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang., 30, 1889, No. 2, 377-579. Bertrand, Marcel, & Kitter, Ktienne. Sur la structure du Mont Joly, pres Saint-Gervais (Haute-Savoie). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 289-293. Bertrand, Marcel, & Ziirclier, Ph{iUppe]. Sur un t^moin d'un nouveau pli couche pres de Toulon ; Phyllades superposes au Trias. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1083-1086. Bertrand de Done, J. M. *Le Puy (Haute-Loire). Obser- vations meteorologiques faites pendant I'annee 1853 (ler decembre 1852 au 30 novembre 1853). Directions des vents sup^rieurs, intermediaires et inf^rieurs observ^es trois fois par jour. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pt. 2, 247-252. *Troisieme m^moire sur la frequence comparee des vents superieurs et iuferieurs, d'apres les observations faites au Puy, a Bruxelles et k Goersdorff (Bas-Rhin). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1855, Pt. 1, 253-269. *Quatrieme memoire sur la frequence et la capacite pluvieuse des vents superieurs et inferieurs sur la station du Puy. France Soc. Met^orol Annu., 5, 1857, Pt. 2, 13-37. Bertrand de Fontviolant, [Eugene']. Calcul des poutres continues. Methode gen^rale analytique et m^thode Bertrand de Fontviolant] 511 [Berwerth graphique. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mom., 1885 (Pt. 2), 255- 348. Sur les deformations elastiques dans les pieces k fibres moyennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 383-385. Memoire sur les deformations Elastiques des pieces et des syst^mes de pieces k fibres moyennes planes ou gauches. Paris, Ingen. Civ. M^m., 1888 {Pt. 2), 291- 339; 1889 {PL 1), 41(5-580. Sur la reaction de I'appui commun a deux poutres independantes. Genie Civil, 15, 1889, 21-22. Sur la determination des forces elastiques et de leurs lignes d'influencc dans les poutres assujetties a des liaisons surabondantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 45-48. Sur les deformations elastiques d'un corps solide, isotrope ou cristallise, sous Taction d'une force d'intensite coustante, pivotant autour de son point d'api^lication. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 109, 1889, 216-219. Determination et emploi des lignes d'influence des tensions elastiques dans les arcs pleins et les arcs reticulaires articules aux naissances. [1890.] Genie Civil, 16, 1889-90, 391-394, 406-408. Sur la statique graphique des arcs elastiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 697-700; Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1890 {Pt. 1), 402-450. Methode generale de determination des lignes d'influence dans les poutres pleines ou reticulaires assujetties a des conditions surabondantes. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1890 {Pt. 2), 742-759. Sur les deformations elastiques maximums des arcs mctalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 410; Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 {Pt. 1), 198-203. Calcul des poutres continues : methode satisfaisant aux nouvelles prescriptions du rcglement ministeriel du 29 aoiit 1891. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 115, 1892, 996- 999. Sur la determination des efforts tranchants maximums produits dans un pont a une travee par le passage du train-type defiui par le reglement ministeriel du 29 aout 1891. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 {Pt. 1), 171-176. Ponts mctalliques a travees continues. Methode de calcul satisfaisant aux prescriptions du reglement ministeriel du 29 aout 1891. Paris, Ingen. Civ. Mem., 1892 {Pt. 2), 1105-1286. Expression de la charge supportee par I'arbre d'une turbine hydraulique en marche. Theoreme relatif a I'effet dynamique de I'eau sur les aubages. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1895, 637-639. Bertsch, Hermann. Einiges zur Geologic des Muschelkalks und der Lettenkohle. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 45, 1889, 58-63. Bertschinger, A Ifred. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Sandfilter des stadtischen Wasserwerks in Ziirich. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 34, 1889, 121-190. Zur Beurtheilung von Bier. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 665-671. Bertschinger, Hans. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung der von Eecklinghausen'schen Gitterfiguren in Knochen, besonders bei der das weiche Schadelosteo- phyt begleitenden " physiologischen Osteomalacia" der Schwangeren (Hanau). Virchow, Arch., 147, 1897, 341- 388. Bervi, Nikolaj V[asiljevic]. 0 Jl,BHJKeiliir atHJlBOCTII or. o6pa30BaiiieMi. iioBepxHOCTeft pa3j;'fejia iiojib ;i,t)i1cTBieM'h CIIJIH xa^KeCTlI. [Ueber die Bewegung einer Fliissigkeit mit Bildung von Trennungsflachen unter der Einwirkung der Schwere.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 83 {No. 2), 1894, 44-45; 91 {No. 1), 1894, 49-56; Fortschr. Phys., 1896 {Abth. 1), 365-366. 0 H'hKOTopHX'i. pfl;i,ax7> ii ji,ii(|)4)epeHuiajibHHX'f. ypaBHeniKXI). [Ueber einige Eeihen und Differential- gleichungen.] [1894.] Eec. Math. (Mosoou), 17, [1896,] 838-843; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 275. MiiTcrpnpoBanic ypaBueiiiil ;i,Bii;iveiiiH OAHoil MexammoCKOfl ClIcreMU. [Integration der Bewegungs- gleichuugen eines mechanischen Systems.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 91 {No. 2), 1896, 32-37; Fortschr. Math. , 1896, 827-828. PliiiieHie HiiKOTopHx't o6iii,ux'r> BOiipocoBT> TCOpiH HIICJIOBUXT. HHTGrpaJIOBT). [Die Auflosung einiger allgemeinen Fragen der Theorie der zahlen- theoretischen Functionen.] [1894.] Eec. Math. (Mosoou), 18, 1896, 519-585; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 156-157. H'iiKOTopHfl HiicJioBHii iipirjiojKciiifl aHajiii:{a 6e;jKOHe4Ho Ma.iwx'i. ii aiiaJiHTii'iccKifl iipiuo- jKeiiifl reopiH ^ii[ccjn>. 'I^yHKuiii, iiMiwiuia 0C06Hfl .Illllill. [Einige zahlentheoretische Anwen- dungen der Analysis des Unendlichkleinen und analy- tische Anwendungen der Zahlentheorie. Functionen mit singularen Linien.] [1895.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 92 {No. 1), 1896, 1-28; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 157-158. Sur un analyseur harmonique. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Pt. 2), 1896, 109-120. 0 ji,Bii}Keinif crpyii 3Kifji,K0CTii iiojii't jtlJiicTBieMi. [Ueber die Bewegung eines freien Fliissigkeits- strahles unter der Einwirkung von Kraften.] [1896.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 93 {No. 1), 1897, 1-8; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 687-688. EpaxKiii o'lepirb coBpeaieHHaro cocroKHiH TCOpiir 1ircJI0BHXl> (j)yHKU,iir. [Kurzer Abriss des gegenwartigen Standes der Theorie der zahlentheoreti- schen Functionen.] [1896.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897,] 182-196; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 156. OiipejiijJieHie BfepoflTHfefiiiraro SHa'ieiiia H3- M-fepaeMaro oC-beKra Ha ocHOBaHiii HicKOJibKiixi. ua6jiH);i,eHiH: iiomhmo iiocTyjiara TAycca. [Die Bestimmung des wahrscheinlichsten Werthes eines zu messenden Objectes auf Gruad mehrerer Beobachtungen ohne Zuhiilfenahme des Gauss'schen Postulats.] Moscow^, Soc. Sci. Bull., 96 {No. 1), 1899, 41-45; Fortschr. Phys., 1900 {Ahth. 1), 24. Berwertli, Fritz. Der Boden Siebenbiirgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 5, 1885, 1-23. Ueber eiu neues Vorkommen "krystallisirten Sand- steins " bei Gersthof nachst Wien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 {Not.), 31-34. Dritter Nephrit-Fund in Steiermark. Steiermark Mitth., 1887, 158-163; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888, 79-82. Das Meteor vom 21, April 1887. (Bericht einer Eeise nach Schrems in Niederosterreich.) [Mit einem Anhange von Professor G. von Niesol in Briinn.] Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887, 353-374. Vorlaufige Anzeige eines neuen Vorkommens von Herderit und Jadeit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 {Not.), 92-94. Eeisebericht: Ausfluge im siebenbiirgischenErzgebirge. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 3, 1888 {Not.), 116-128. Vesuvian-Pyroxen-Fels vom Piz Longhin. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 4, 1889, 87-92. Altkrystallinische Gesteine im Wiener Sandsteine. Wien, Isfat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890 {Not.), 97-102. Die beiden Detunaten. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 13, 1893. 19-26. Ueber Alnoit von Alno. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus, Ann., 8, 1893, 440-454. Ueber vulcanische Bomben von den Canarischen Inseln nebst Betrachtungen iiber deren Entstehung. AVien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 9, 1894, 399-414. Dacittuff-Concretionen in Dacittuff. Hermannstadt Verb., 44, 1895, 102-104; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 10, 1896, 78-80. Berwerth] Neue Nephritfunde in Steiermark. Steiermark Mitth., 1897, 187-191; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 13, 1898, 115-117. Bemerkungen zur Structur des Meteoreisens von Mount Joy. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 12, 1897 (Not.), 56-57. • Neue Scheelitvorkommnisse in den ostlichen Central- alpen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 18, 1899, 559. Grosser Diamantkrystall aus dem Capland. Min. Petr. Mitth., 19, 1900, 340-341; Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 15, 1900 (Not.), 4-5. Berwertb, Fritz, & Raimann, E. Sec Baimann & Berwertb. Berwerth, Fiitz, & Wacliter, Ferd. Mineralogisches und Geologisches aus der Umgebung des Sonnblick. i. Die Minerale der Kauris. Wien, Sonnblick- Ver. Jber., 1898, 12-39. Berwick, Thomas. Observations on glands in the coty- ledons, and on mineral secretions of Galium Aparine, L. [1890.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans., 18, 1891, 436- 444. The cotyledonary glands in some species of RubiaceeB. [1891.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 19, 1893, 159- 165. Berzelius, Jims Jakob. For biographical notice and works see Centrztg. Optik, 19, 1898, 192-194. Lettre a 31. Dulong. [Posth.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 802-804. Berzolari, Luigi. Sulla superficie del quarto ordine avente una conica doppia. Ann. Mat., 13 (1886), 81-174. Ricerche sulle trasformazioni plane, univoche, in- volutorie, e loro applicazione alia deter minazione delle involuzioni di quinta classe. Ann. Mat., 16 (1888-89), 191-275, 335. Un nuovo teorema sulle involuzioni plane. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 3, 1889, 145-159. Sulla curva gobba razionale del quarto ordine. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 23, 1890, 96-106. Intorno alia rappresentazione delle forme binarie cubiche e biquadratiche sulla cubica gobba. [1890.] Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 9-32, 33-50. ■ Sulla teoria dell' involuzione, specialmente dell' invo- luzione cubica. Napoli, Rend., 30, 1891, 35-40. Suir involuzione cubica. Napoli, Rend., 30, 1891, 71-79. Sulla curva gobba razionale del quint' ordine. [1893.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 7, 1891, 305-341. Sulle condizioni invariantive perche due quintiche binarie abbiano quattro radici comuni. Ann. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 269-288. Sopra alcuni iperboloidi annessi alia curva gobba razionale del quart' ordine. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 950-971. Sulla curva del terz' ordine dotata di un punto doppio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 25, 1892, 1025-1036. Sui combinanti dei sistemi di forme binarie annessi alle curve gobbe razionali del quart' ordine. Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 101-161. Sulle curve razionali di uno spazio lineare ad un numero qualunque di dimensioni. Ann. Mat., 21 (1893), 1-24. ' Sui combinanti dei sistemi linear! di quintiche binarie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend. , 7, 1893, 5-18. — — Sulle secanti multiple di una curva algebrica dello spazio a tre od a quattro dimensioni. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 9, 1895, 186-197. Sulle corrispondenze algebriche [m^, vi^, ..., n^,.] fra r punti di uno spazio lineare di quante si vogliano dimensioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Son. 2), 148-155. — — Sopra un problema che comprende quelle di trovare il numero degli ombelichi di una superficie generale d' ordine n. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 756-760, 512 [Besan^on Sulle curve plane che in due dati fasci hanno un semplice o un doppio contatto, oppure si osculano. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 332-340 or 476-484. Sulle intersezioni di tre superficie algebriche. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 165-191. Sulle equazioni differenziali delle quadriche di uno spazio ad n dimensioni. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 247-254. Sugli invarianti differenziali proiettivi delle curve di un iperspazio. Ann. Mat., 26 (1897), 1-58. Un' osservazione sull' estensione dei teoremi di Euleko e Mecsnier agli iperspazii. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 283-290; 7, 1898 {Sem. 1), 4-6. Sulla curvatura delle varieta tracciate sopra una varieta qualunque. [1898.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 33, 1897, 462-470, 527-546 or 692-700, 759-778. Sulle spinte formate con potenze di una forma binaria quadratica. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 12, 1898, 258-259. Sur les faisceaux de formes binaires cubiques, pour lesquels on donne une forme du faisceau syzyg^tique determine par la Jacobienne. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 473-477. Sulle coniche appoggiate in piu punti a date curve algebriche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 664- 674, 809-821. Bes, K. Oplossing van de diliferentiaal-vergelijking van Jacobi. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1895, 101-105; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 556. Theorie generale de I'elimination d'apres la methode Bezout, Buivant un nouveau precede. Amsterdam, Ak. Verh. (Sect. 1), 6, 1899, No. 7, 121 pp. Over de vorming der eindvergelijking. The formation of the resultant. [1899 ] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 173-177; Amsterdam, Ak. Proe., 2, 1900, 85-88. Besana, Carlo. Applicazione del metodo Reichert-Meissl- Wollny ai burri italiani. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 258-275. Applicazione del metodo Reichert-Meissl-Wollny ai burri misti. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 526-530. Sui metodi servibili per distinguere il burro artificiale dal burro naturale e le loro miscele. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 14, 1888, 537-568; 15, 1888, 46-86; 16, 1889, 699- 702. Azione dell' irrancidimento sugli acidi volatili dei burri ed azione della lavatura acquosa sui burri rancidi. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 18, 1890, 675-685. Bestimmung der freien Sauren in der Butter. Chem. Ztg., 15, 1891, 410. Ricerche sulla rancidita e sulla conservazione del burro. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 21, 1891, 456-465. Ilntersuchungen iiber die Schaf milch. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 1519, 1561, 1598. Sui latte di pecora e sui caseificio pecorino. [1893.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 23, 1892, 572-630. Sulla colorazione verde del formaggio di grana lombardo. [1894.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 25, 1893, 275-279. II microscopic polarizzatore ed il rifrattometro Zeiss applicati all' assaggio dei burri. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 601-814. Preparazione del latte spumante o gasoso col latte centrifugato. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 317- 321. Causa della colorazione nera di un formaggio. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 208-210. Esperimento di fabbricazione del burro coll' uso dei fermenti selezionati. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 308-321. Besan^on, , & X^ancereaux, F. See Lancereaux & Besan^on. Besan^oti, Georges, & Herroite, Gustave. See Kermite & Besan9on, Besanezj 513 [Besnard i Besanez. See Oorup-Besanez. Besant, Arthur Diyhij. Tables of the values of endow- ment assurance policies (H^' 2J per cent.). [1894.] Inst. Act. Jl., 31, 1896, 366-374. Besant, W[illi(wi\ H[eury]. Phoronomy. Nature, 45, 1892, 462-463. Method of obtaining the integral solutions of the indeterminate equation j/2 — ax + 6. [1897.] Math. Gaz., 1, 1900, 130. Besauc^le, . Garnet ornithologique (mars 1900). Toulouse See. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 128-131, 158-154, 188-190, 241-245, 257-259. Bescherelle, Endle. Florule bryologique de Mayotte. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 2, 1885, 82-98. Mousses nouvelles de I'Amerique Australe. Frarce Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, liv-lxix. Eapport sur I'herborisation faite par la Soci^te le 15 juin : Laifour et Kevin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, Ixxvi-lxxix. Liste des mousses du Paraguay distribuees en 1884 par .¥. Balansa. Rev. BryoL, 12, 1885, 17-19. Contribution a la flore bryologique du Tonkin. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 95-100; 41, 1894, 77-86. Nouvelle contribution a la flore bryologique du Tonkin. Jl. Bot., Paris, 4, 1890, 201-206. Selectio novorum Muscorum. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 142-148, 252-255, 342-350 ; 8, 1894, 43-44, 59-64, 177- 179. Revision des Fissidentacees de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique. Rev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 49-55. Musci novi guadalupenses. Rev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 75-77. Enumeration des mousses nouvelles recoltees par jl/. I'abbe Delavay au Yun-Nan (Chine) dans les environs d'Hokin et de Tali. Rev. Bryol., 18, 1891, 87-89; Ann. Sci., Nat. (Bot.), 15, 1892, 47-94. Etude sur le genre Eustichia (Brid.), C. Mueller. Jl. Bot., Paris, 6, 1892, 177-186. Enumeration des Hepatiques recoltees au Tonkin par M. Balansa et determinees par M. Stephani. Rev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 13-15. ■ Nouveaux documents pour la fiore bryologique du Japon. Ann. Sci. Nat. {Bot.), 17, 1893, 327-393. Enumeration des Hepatiques connues jusqu'ici aux Antilles fran^aises (Guadeloupe et Martinique). Jl. Bot., Paris, 7, 1893, 174-180, 183-194. Liste des Hepatiques recoltees aux environs de Rio- Janeiro (Bresil) par M. Glaziod, et determinees par M. Stephani. Rev. BryoL, 20, 1893, 59-60. Liste des Hepatiques recoltees aux environs de Brazza- ville (Congo Francjais), par M. Thollon en 1892, et determinees par M. Stephani. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 60. Hepatiques recoltees par M. I'abbe Delavay au Yunnam (Chine) et determinees par M. Stephani. Rev. Bryol., 20, ,1893, 106-108. Enumeration des Hepatiques recoltees par M. I'abbe Faurie au Japon et determinees par 31. Stephani. Eev. Bryol., 21, 1894, 25-27. Florule bryologique de Tahiti et des iles de Nukahiva et Mangareva. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 20, 1895, 1-62. Essai sur le genre Calymperes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 1, 1895, 247-308. Mousses du Congo Frantjais recoltees par M. H. Le- comte. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1895, 221-222. Note sur le Leucobryum minus. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 96, 97-103. Revision du genre Ochrobryum. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 138-142, 143-153. Florule bryologique de Tahiti (supplement). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 45, 1898, 52-67, 116-128. Note sur le Rhacopilum pacificum, Besch. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 42-46. Enumeration des Hepatiques connues dans les iles R. s. A. C. de la Societe (principalement k Tahiti) et dans les iles Marquises. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 136-148, 149-150. Bryologise japonicse supplementum i. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 280-284, 285-300; 13, 1899, 37-45. Nadeaudia, Besch. ,n.g. Rev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 11,42-43. Contribution a la flore bryologique du Tonkin. Rev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 73-75. Note sur le Philonotula papulans, C. MUll. Rev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 89-90. Liste des Muscinees recoltees au Japon par M. le Professeur A. E. Nordenskiold, au cours du voyage de la Vega, autour de I'Asie en 1878-79. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 289-295.. Bescherelle, Emile, & Massalongo, Cava. HepaticsB novae americanae australes. [1886.] Paris Soc. Linn. Bull., 1, 1889, 626-632, 637-640. Bescherelle, Emile, & Spruce, Richard. Hepatiques nouvelles des colonies frangaises. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, clxxvii-clxxxix, (Rev.), 189. Beschoren, Max. For biographical notice see Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1888, 205-207. Eeitrage zur nahern Kenntnis der brasilianischen Provinz Sao Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul. Reisen und Beobachtungen wahrend der Jahre 1875-87. [Posth.] Petermann, Mitth., 85, 1889 (Ergdnzungsh. 96, 91 pp.). Beseke, G. J. Der Nord-Ostsee Kanal. Petermann, Mitth., 32, 1886, 289-294. Beselin, [Berthold]. Ueber das Desinfektol und dessen desinticirende Wirkung auf Fakalien. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 364-372. Beselin, Otto. Untersuchungen iiber Refraction und Grundlinie der Augen und iiber die dynamischen Ver- haltnisse der lateral wirkenden Augenmuskeln an Mad- chen von 5-18 Jahren. Arch. Augenheilk., 14, 1886, 132-161 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 14, 1885, 200-222. Cholesteatomartige Desquamation im Nierenbecken bei primarer Tuberculose derselben Niere. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1886; 289-805. Amyloid in der Cornea eines staphylomatosen Auges. Arch. Augenheilk., 16, 1886, 130-145 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 16, 1887, 313-816. Ein Fall von extrahirtem imd mikroscopisch unter- suchtem Schichtstaar eines Erwachsenen. [1887.] Arch. Augenheilk., 18, 1888, 71-86 ; Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 318-382. Amyloid oder Glycogen in der Hornhaut? Erwiderang auf den Aufsatz von Herrn Dr. Schiele ; Glycogen in der Conjunctiva und Cornea pathologischer Augen. Arch. Augenheilk., 20, 1889, 90-96. Besemfelder, Eduard. [Ueber die Constitution des Benzols.] Ueber die Reductionsproducte der ^-Naphtoe- saure. Liebig's Ann., 266, 1891, 187-202. Reagensrohr zur Hervorrufung von Zonen-Reactionen. Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 694-695. Verfahren zum Aufschliessen schwer- bezw. unloslicher Verbindungen durch Erhitzen derselben mit Ammonium- salzen in geschlossenem Gefasse. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900 421-422. Beshore, E. S. Examination of Chimaphila umbellata. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 59, 1887, 125-126. Besley, W. E. The Geminid meteors. [1898.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 176-177. Early appearances of the Lyrid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 22, 1899, 154-157. The Quadrantid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 23, 1900, 52-55. The Geminid meteor-shower. Observatory, London, 23, 1900, 366-370. Besnard, Anton Franz. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 207-208. Besnard, Aug. Note sur quelques plantes reputees hybrides des environs de Saint-James (Mauche). Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1886, 187-217. 65 Besnard] 514 [Bessemer Mousses des environs de St. -James, llev. Bryol., 13, 1886, 2-9. Besnard, Hippoli/tc Joseph. For biography sec Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 293-295. Besnier, Ernest. Eapport sur les mesures a prendre a regard des sujets atteints de pelade, au nom d'uue Commission composite de MN. Hakdy, Bergeron, FOUBNIER, GORNIL, BuCQUOY, OlLIVIER, Lk RoY DE Mericourt, Vallin, Vidal et Ernest Besniek, rap- porteur. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 20, 1888, 182-223, 267. Observations pour servir a I'histoire clinique du pityriasis rubra pilaire (pityriasis pilaris de Devergie et "de RicHAUD). Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 253-287, 398-427, 485-544. — - Pathogenie des erythemes. , Erytheme polymorphe. Erythemes scarlatiniformes. Etude nosologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1890, 1-24. Farcinose mutilante du centre de la face survenue au cours d'une equina chronique ; debut par morve pulmonaire ; gomme farcineuse unilaterale solitaire ; morve renale ; mort par le rein. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 296-304. ■ Deux observations nouvelles pour servir k I'histoire clinique du mycosis fongoide et particuli^rement de la periode pr^mycosique de cette maladie. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 241-252. Premiere note et observations pr^liminaires pour servir d'introduction a I'etude des prurigos diathesiques (dermatites multit'ormes prurigineuses chroniques exacer- bantes et paroxystiques, du type du prurigo de Hebra). [With discussion.] Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 634-648. Sur la question du prurigo. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 981-1002. Role ^tiologique i, de I'her^dit^ ; ii, de la transmis- sibilite dans la production de la l^pre. Nosologic g^nerale. Prophylaxie. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 953- 991. Besnier, Ernest, & ZXaUopeau, [Frangois] H[enri]. Le traitement de Koch a I'Hopital Saint-Louis. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 129-158. Sur les erythrodermies du mycosis fongoide. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 987-1003. Sur un cas de mycosis fongoide d'emblee avec lesions aigues multiformes. Verification histologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 743-750. Besnier, iVnest {et alii). Sur la lepre. Nature; origines et transmissibilit^; modes de propagation et de trans- mission. [Communication and discussion.] Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 18, 1887, 457-518 ; 19, 1888, 647-667, 684- 706, 746-751, 888-910, 929-936; 20, 1888, 751-752. Besnoit, , & CuU16, . Sur le role du parasitisme interne dans les infections g6nerales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1089-1091. La septicemic hemorragique du mouton. France Soc Agr. M6m., 139, 1900, 114-116. Besnoit, , & Blorel, Ch. Note sur les lesions nerveuses de la tremblante du mouton. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem 50, 1898 (G. R.), 586-538. ' Besnou, L[eo7i]. ^Cherbourg (Manche). Resumes des observations met^orologiques faites pendant les annees 1853-57. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1868 Pt 1 65-68. > • . *[Exposition G^ologique et Paleontologique du Havre, 1877.] Considerations sommaires sur quelques produits sous-marins et analyses de ces produits. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 6, 1880, 704-741. Besques, Paul, & Vir6, Armand. See Vir6 & Besques. Besredka, A . L'etat actuel de la question de la leucocy- tose. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 726-736. De la leucocytose dans la diphterie ; etude exp^ri- mentale et cHnique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 305- Du pouvoir bactericide des leucocytes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 607-624, 868. Etude sur I'immunitc vis-a-vis des composes arseni- caux. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 49-66, 209-224, 465-479. La leucotoxine et son action sur le syste)iie leucocy- taire. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 14 (1900), 390-401. Besredka, A., & Mecnikov, Klias. See IMCecnikov & Besredka. Besredka, A., & Zelinskij, Nikolaj D[mitrievic]. See Zelinskij & Besredka. Bess6. See IZ^rard de Bess6. Besse, (le chanoine) Maurice. Excursion botanicjue aux Toules dans la Vallee d'Aoste. Bull. Murith., 19 & 20, 1892, 83-87. Stations nouvelles de Hieracium. [1896.] Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 9-20. Stations nouvelles ou mieux precisees. Bull. Murith., 23-25, 1897, 21-23. Riddes et ses environs. [1897.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898, 267-274. Contributions a la flore du Valais. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 244-250. Besse, [le chanoine) Majirice, & VTilczek, Ernest. [Compte rendu de I'excursion de la Societe Botanique Suisse au Grand Saint-Bernard du 29 aout au 2 septembre 1893.] A. Plantes phan^rogames. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 601-605. Besse, (le chanoine) Pierre. Note sur I'^cureuil blanc, variete de I'ecureuil commun (Sciurus vulgaris, Linn.). [1885.] Bull. Murith., 13-15, 1887, 21-23. Liste des oiseaux palmes du Valais. (Du lac Leman et des bords du Rhone.) Bull. Murith., 16-18, 1890, 36-42. Bessei, . *Pt,meHie Bonpoca iiat jtioiiTpiiKH : Hafr;i,Tii noBepxHOCTL cpeji,Li iipejiOMJiaiomeri ii coSHpaiomefr Bt oji,Hy TO'iKy Jiyqw cB-feTa, iicxo- Jl,JIUI,iC HOpMaJII>HO 1131. TO^ieK'B JtaHHOfi iioBepx- HOCTir. [Solution of a question in dioptrics. To find the surface of a medium refracting and collecting in one point the rays of light normally proceeding from a point in a given surface.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 3, 1863, 236-248. Bessei, A. *06'h HiiBapiaHjaxr. iipocTf.HniiixT, CIICTeMT. COBOKynHUX'b 6lIHapiIUX'B ^OpMli. [On invariants of the simpler systems of combined binary forms.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 14, 1868 (SuppL), No. 3, 88 pp. Bessei, Friedrich Wilhelm. For biography and list of works see Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Abh.), 113-134. Zwiilf Briefe an Olbers. [Posth.] Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 745-762. Bessel-XZagen, Carl Ernst. See Hagen, [Carl] E[rnst Bessei]. Bessel-Hagen, Fritz. Ein ulceroses Sarcom des Jejunum bei eiuem Kinde. [1883-85.] Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 99-129. Ueber Defectbildungen an den unteren und oberen Extremitaten. [1889.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 435-437. Besseler, H[einrich], & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludwig]. See Claus & Besseler. Bessels, Emil. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 110; Science, 11, 1888, 219-220; Terrat. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 599 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 201- 202; Washington Phil. Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 465-466. The northernmost inhabitants of the earth. [Tr.] Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 861-882. Bessemer, (Sir) Henry. For biography and works see Genie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 433-434 ; Nature, 57 (1897-98), 487-488; Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 72, 1898, 131; Bessemer] 515 [Bessey Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 308, 1898, 48; Engineers Soc. Trane., 1898, 234-236 ; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 134, 1898, 394-399; Inst. Median. Engin. Proc. 1898, 133- 136; Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1898 (No. 1), 298-311; Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 382-384; Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 17, 1898, 228-229. On some early forms of Bessemer converters. Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1886, 638-649. On the manufacture of continuous sheets of malleable iron and steel, direct from fluid metal. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1891 (No. 2), 23-41. L'origine du proeede Bessemer. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 11, 1897, 437-440. Besser, L. von. Ueber die Bakterien der normalen Luftwege. Beitr. Path. Anat., 6, 1889, 331-372. Ein noch nicht beschriebener Bacillus bei der Variola vera. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 590-595. Besser, (Mile.) Lydie Egon de. De Taction mecanique des muscles des doigts et du poignet. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull. , 34, 1898, 299-347. De la retraction des muscles apres la section de leur tendon. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1898, 848-366. See also under Bugnion, Edouard. Besser, Rudolf. Ueber die Vertheilung der inducirten Elektricitiit auf einem unbegrenzten elliptischen Cylinder. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885, 257-273, 305-324. Besserer, Ludwig (Frhr.) von. Ornis der Umgebung von Dieuze in Lothringen. [1895.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 1-32. Seltene Erscheinungen aus dem siidlichen Bayern im Jahre 1896. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 136-143. - — — Ornithologisches aus Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 56-60. Zu- und Abnahme einiger Vogelarten in Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 113-117. Circus pallidus, Sykes, in Bayern. Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 156-157. Entenzug in Lothringen. [1897.] Miinchen Ornith. Ver. Jber., 1, 1899, 25-35. Budytes borealis, Sund., in Bayern. Miinchen Ornith. Ver. Jber., 1, 1899, 153-155. Bessey, Carl A., & Bessey, Edward A, Further notes on thermometer crickets. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 263-264. Bessey, Charles Edwin. *Fnrther observations upon Silphium laciniatura. [1877.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 13. *0n the aflinities of the Uredine8B. [1878.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 14-15. 'Sketch of a natural arrangement of plants. [1879.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 18. *A classification of the tissues of plants. [1879.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 20. *The morphology of the iris leaf. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1876-80, 22. *Notice of a simple dendrometer. [1880.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 1875-80, 24-25. The adventitious inflorescence of Cuscuta glomerata. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 508; 1885, 292; Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 1145-1147; Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-85, 334. Hybridism in Spirogyra. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 67-68. Glands on a grass. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 420- 421. An'enormous pufi-ball. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 530. Structure of the fruit of porcupine grass. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 930-931. Mode of opening of the flowers of Desmodium sessili- foUum. [1884.] Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 157 ; Science, 4, 1884, 358 ; Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 711-713. The question of bisexuality in the pond-§cums (Zygnemacese). Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 291 ; Bot. Gaz., 9 & 10, 1884-86, 334. Plant migrations. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 398-399. Attempted hybridization between pond-scums of different genera. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 800-802. The abundance of ash rust. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 886-887 ; 21, 1887, 660. The movement of protoplasm in the styles of Indian corn. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 888. The demands made by agriculture upon the science of botany. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1885, 16-18. The adventitious inflorescence of Cuscuta glomerata known to the Germans. Amer. Nathst., 20, 1886, 278- 279. A. hybrid apple. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1052. Ruppia maritima, L., in Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1052-1053. The roughness of certain uredospores. Amer. Natlist. , 20, 1886, 1053. [Tumble-weeds.] Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 1053-1054 ; 21, 1887, 929-930; Bot. Gaz., 11, 1886, 41. The growth of Tulostoma mammosum. Amer. Natlist. , 21, 1887, 665-666. The eastward extension of Pinus ponderosa, Douglas, var. scopulorum. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 928-929. The iron-wood tree in the Black Hills. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 929. The westward extension of the black walnut. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 929. A meeting-place for two floras. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 189-191. The grass flora of the Nebraska plains. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 171-172. Effect of ice upon trees. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 352-353. An overlooked function of many fruits. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 531. A miniature tumble-weed. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 645-646. A few notable weeds of the Nebraska plains. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 1114-1117. Two big-rooted plants of the plains. Amer. Natlist. , 23, 1889, 174-176. The flora of the Upper Niobrara. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 537-538. The grass problem in Nebraska. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1889, 17-19. The yellow water crowfoot. Amer. Natlist., 24, 1890, 475. The forage problem on the plains. [Amer.] Soc. Agr. Sci. Proc, 1890, 17-20. Sections of staminate cone of Scotch pine. Amer. Micr. Jl., 12, 1891, 56. The bearberry in Central Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 25, 1891, 1130. The hybridization of plants. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 466-467. Ferns of the Black Hills. Amer. Natlist. , 26, 1892, 252-253. Monstrous poppy. Science, 20, 1892, 249. [Is there a sense of direction ?] Science, 20, 1892, 263. Address [to the Bot. Sect., Aug. 1893]. Evolution and classification. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 237-251. The use of personal names in designating species. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 822-823. The weeds of Nebraska. [Amer.] Soc Agr. Sci. Proc, 1893, 33-44. A synopsis of the larger groups of the vegetable kingdom. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 63-65. Holophytes and hysterophytes. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 343. The so-called "Russian thistle." Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 427-430. — — The homologies of the Uredineae (the rusts). Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 989-996. 65—2 Bessey] ■ Further studies in the relationship and arrangement of the families of flowering plants. Bot. Gaz., 19, 1894, 372-373. Some features of the native vegetation of Nebraska. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 486-487. Sacahne. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1896, 1007-1008. Notes on the distribution of the yellow pine in Nebraska. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 102-103. The conifers of the Pike's Peak region. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 748-749, 1046. The significance of the compound ovary. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 224-225 ; Science, 4, 1896, 434-435. • The point of divergence of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 229-232 ; Science, 4, 1896, 438-440. The box-elder on the plains. Garden & Forest, 9, 1896, 33. [On the canon flora of the plains.] Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 357. • Report upon the progress of the Botanical Survey of Nebraska. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 273. The systematic arrangement of the Protophyta. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 63-65. Long stolons of Phragmites. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 227-228. Recent changes in the nomenclature of North American trees. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 431-433. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the angiosperms. Bot. Gaz., 24, 1897, 145-178. On the chimney-shaped stomata of Holacantha Emoryi. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 861. Some considerations upon the functions of stomata. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 861-862. ■ On the distribution of the native trees of Nebraska. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 862-863. Are the trees receding from the Nebraska plains ? Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 456-457. Some characteristics of the foothill vegetation of western Nebraska. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 111-113. The southern maidenhair fern in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 311. Ellis's North American fungi. Science, 7, 1898, 346-347. Relative infrequence of fungi upon the Trans-Missouri plains and the adjacent foothills of the Rocky Mountain region. [1898.] Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 215-216. Studies of the vegetation of the high Nebraska plains. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 290. A thousand miles for a fern, Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 294-295. ■ Are the trees advancing or retreating upon the Nebraska plains? Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 300; Science, 10, 1899, 768-770. Another station for Thorea ramosissima. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 71. The modern conception of the structure and classifi- cation of diatoms. With a revision of the tribes and a rearrangement of the North American genera. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 21, 1900, 61-85. Beuey, Charles Edwin, & VToods, Albert F. Transpira- tion, or the loss of water from plants. Amer. Ass. Proc. 1891, 305-308. Bessey, Edward A., & Bessey, Carl A. See above. Bessey, Ernst A. The comparative morphology of the pistils of the Ranunculacese, Alismaceae and Rosacese. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 403-404; Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898 297-313. Notes on the spermatozoids of Ginkgo. [1900 1 Science, 13, 1901, 255. Bessey, Ernst ^., & "Webber, Herbert J. See Webber & Bessey. Bessiferes, (rai^be) , *[Note8 m^t^orologiques.] Sainte- 516 [Besson Helene (Seminaire), Alg^rie. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 83, 91. Besso, Davide. Sul prodotto di due soluzioni di due equazioni differenziali lineari omogenee del second' ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 219- 231. Suir equazione del quinto grado. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 232-244. Di una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del quart' ordine, integrabile per serie ipergeometriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 245-250. Di una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del terz' ordine, integrabile per serie ipergeometriche. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 251-252. Sopra una classe di equazioni trinomie. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Mem., 19, 1884, 631-642. Sopra una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del quart' ordine, e sull' equazione del quinto grado. [Note I e II.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 183-186, 233-237, 884. Sulle equazioni trinomie e, in particolare, su quelle del settirao grado. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 237-243. Di alcune proprieta delle equazioni lineari omogenee alle differenze finite del 2° oi-dine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 381-383. Sopra una classe d' equazioni differenziali lineari del second' ordine e sull' equazione del quinto grado. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 {Sem. 1), 593- 597. ■ Sull' integrale del prodotto di una funzione razionale pel logaritmo di una funzione razionale. Giorn. Mat., 25, 1887, 356-362. Di alcune equazioni alle derivate parziali del prim' ordine. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 2), 158-160. Sull' integrazione dell' equazione differenziale lineare omogenea del second' ordine, quando sia conosciuta una funzione intera del secondo grado a coefficienti costanti di due suoi integrali fondamentali. Modena, Ace Sci. Mem., 7, 1890, 239-244. Suir integrazione dell' equazione differenziale lineare omogenea del terz' ordine, quando . sia conosciuta una funzione intera del secondo grado a coefficienti costanti di due suoi integrali fondamentali. Modena, Ace Sci. Mem., 7, 1890, 245-252. Sopra alcune equazioni differenziali ipergeometriche. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 393-400. Di alcune formole relative alia funzione sferica Pn(3:). Gomes Teixeira Jorn. Sci., 12, 1895, 65-80. Di una formola relativa all' integrale ellittico completo di prima specie, contenuta in una precedente nota, e di altre a quella attini. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 1), 229-232. Besson, [Pierre Leo7i]. Description d'un appareil destin^ k ^clairer le vernier et le limbe du sextant pour faciliter les lectures pendant les observations de nuit. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 87, 1885, 602-606. Besson, [Joseph Pierre Augiiste]. Le rayon vert. Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 444. Besson, [Jules'] A[dolphe']. Sur quelques combinaisons du bioxyde d'azote et de I'hypoazotide avec des ehlorures anhydres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1012. Sur I'existence du sulfate de phosphonium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 644-645. Sur la temperature de solidification du chlorure d'arsenic et du chlorure d'^tain, et sur leur faculty d'absorber le chlore a basse temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 940-941. Sur quelques combinaisons et reactions du bioxyde d'azote et de I'hypoazotide avec quelques ehlorures anhydres. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 771-773. Sur les combinaisons de I'hydrogene phosphor^ Besson] 517 [Besson {ijazeux avec les fluorures de bore et de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 80-82. Sui; les combinaisons du gaz ammoniac et du gaz hydrogene phosphore avec le bichlorure et le bibromure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 240-242. Sur les combinaisons du gaz hydrogene phosphore et du gaz ammoniac avec le chlorure de bore et le sesqui- chlorure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 516-518. Sur les combinaisons et reactions du gaz ammoniac et du gaz hydrogene phosphor*^ sur les composes halo- genes de I'arsenic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1258-12G1. Sur la combinaison du gaz ammoniac avec les chlorures et bromures de phosphore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 972-974. Sur le silicibromoforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 530-532. Sur Taction de I'acide iodhydrique sur le chlorure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 611-614. Sur Taction de Tacide bromhydrique sur le chlorure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 788-791. Sur Paction de Tacide iodhydrique sur le bromure de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1001-1003. Sur un nouveau proced^ de preparation des chloroio- dures de sihcium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1314-1316. Sur les bromoiodures de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1447-1449. Combinaison du bromure de bore avec Thydrogene phosphore. Phosphure de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 78-80. Sur les phosphures de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 772-773. Sur les derives brom^s du chlorure de m^thyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 773-774. Sur un chlorosulfure de silicium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 1040-1041. Sur les chlorobromures de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 222-224. Sur les combinaisons du gaz ammoniac avec les bromure et iodure de bore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 542-544. Sur la decomposition sous Taction de la chaleur du pentachlorure de phosphore ammoniacal : chlorazoture de phosphore et phospham. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K, 114, 1892, 1264-1267. Sur un bromazoture de phosphore. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1479-1481. Sur un chloroiodure de carbone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1078-1079. Sur la decomposition du ehloroforme en presence de Tiode. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 102-103. Sur la preparation de T^thyl^ne perchlor^ et Taction de Toxygene ozonise sur ce corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1347-1350. Sur les derives brom^s de Tethylene perchlor^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 87-90. Sur le chlorobromure et le bromure de carbonyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 190-192. Sur quelques propriet^s oxydantes de Toxygene ozon^ et de Toxygene irradi(5. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 121, 1895, 125-128. Action du chlorure de carbonyle sur quelques com- poses hydrog^n^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122,1896, 140-142. Sur le chlorobromure et le bromure de thionyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 320-322. Action de quelques composes hydrogen^s sur le chlorure de sulfuryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 467-469. Action des acides bromhydrique et iodhydrique sur le chlorure de phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 814-817. Action du gaz bromhydrique sur le chlorure de thio- phosphoryle. Paris, Ac' Sci. C. R., 122. 1896, 1057- 1060. Action du gaz iodhydrique et de Tiodure de phos- phonium sur le chlorure de thiophosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1200-1202. Action de quelques composes hydrogenes sur le chlorure de thionyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 884-886. - Action des hydrogenes sulfur^ et s^l^nie sur le chlorure de phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 151-153. Sur le chlorure de pyrosulfuryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 401-403. Sur les chlorobromures stanniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 683-685. Sur nn nouvel oxyde de phosphore, Toxyde phos- phoreux P20. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 763-765. Action de Teau sur le chlorure de phosphoryle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1099-1102. Contribution a Thistoire des iodures de phosphore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1346-1349. Action de Teau sur le trichlorure de phosphore. Oxychlorure phosphoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 771-772. Sur Toxvde phosphoreux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1032-1033. Sur les oxydes inf^rieurs du phosphore. Paris Soc. Chim, Bull., 123, 1900, 582-585. Neues continuirliclies Fabrikationsverfahren von Chloral. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 915. Verfahren zur Darstellung von Chloroform. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 915. Besson, A. La dynamo-disque de M. Polechko. Lum. Elect., 35, 1890, 610-611. Besson, Albert. Du mode d'action des r^vulsifs, Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892, 43-47. Contribution a Tetude du vibrion septique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 179-198. Recherche des bacteries pathog^nes dans les eaux. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1896 [Pt. 2), 730-732. Fi^vre typhoide d'origine hydrique. D^couverte du bacille dans Teau par le proc^de d'ELSNER. Ass. Franp. C. K, 1896 {Pt. 2), 733-735. Epidemic de fievre tyi)hoide d'origine hydrique. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 34, 1899, 364-369. Besson, Albert, & VaiUard, L. See Vaillard & Besson. Besson, [Pierrel L[oiiis]. Voyage an pays des Tanala independants de la region d'Ikongo (Madagascar). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 14, 1893, 301-328. Besson, Louis. [L'eclipse de Soleil du 17 juin.] Moulins. Astronomic, 1890, 253. Nouvelle methode pour evaluer la hauteur des nuages eieves. Rev. Sci., 48, 1891, 58-60; A^ronaute, 1892, 210-214. Sur I'etat physique de Teau dans les nuages. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 43, 1896, 68-72; Rev. Sci., 4, 1895, 46-51. La chambre noire nephoscopique. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 44, 1896, 84-86. Determination mecanique de la direction moyenne du vent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 987-988; France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 46, 1898, 12. Le halo du 5 avril 1899. France Soc. Meteorol. Anna., 47, 1899, 137-142. Un halo solaire observe k Montsouris, le 17 avril, 1900. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 48, 1900, Mai, 3. Le halo du 22 juin 1900. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 48, 1900, Nov., 7-9. Besson, Louis, & Colas, C. Curieux halo solaire. Astronomie, 1889, 314-316. Besson, Louis, & Saint-Blancat, [D.]. See Saint- Blancat & Besson. Besson] 518 [Bethe Anth^lie. Besson, Louis, Oolllard, F., & Pouchet, — Astronomie, 1891, 394-395. Besson, LoiiiH, Montangerand, [L.], & Rossard, F. See Montangerand, Rossard & Besson. Besson, P. L'intelligence des auimaux. Kev. Sci., 35, 1885, 317-318. Besson, P., & OoUiard, F. Pluie sans nuages. Astro- nomie, 1890, 274. Best, D. A holiday excursion to North Mirboo. [1889.] Victorian NatUst., 6, 1890, 77-82, 91-94. Notes on Scolecobrotus Westwoodii, Hope. Victorian Natlist., 14, 1898, 146-147. Best, D., & Txencb., C[harles]. See French & Best. Best, Elsdon. Notes on some customs and superstitions of the Maori. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 768-777. Maori origins. [1899.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 32, 1900, 294-298. Best, Friedrich. Korektopie. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 4), 198-218. Ueber die Bildung von Glykogen und Pigment im Sarkom der Aderhaut. Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der vom Endothel ausgehenden Geschwiilste. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 253-279. Ueber die Grenze der Erkennbarkeit von Lagenunter- schieden. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 453-460. Best, Friedrich. Ueber o-Anisyl-, a- und ^-Naphtyldithio- carbazinsaure und Derivate derselben. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 225-232. Best, G. N. Pinus pungens in New Jersey. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 121-122. Examination of pine-seed wings. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 245. Eemarks on the group Carolinse of the genus Eosa. Torrey Bot. Club Bull, 14, 1887, 253-256; 16, 1889, 161-163. North American roses ; remarks on characters with classification. [1889.] Trenton (N. J.) Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 2, 1889-91, 1-7. Eemarks on the group Cinnamomeae of the North American roses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 141- 149. Two new American mosses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 116-117. Orthotrichum gymnostomum, Biirch. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 527-528. Revision of the North American Thuidiums. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 78-90. Revision of the Claopodiums. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 427-432. Fabroleskea, a new genus of mosses. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 108-109. Revision of the North American species of Pseudo- leskea. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 221-236. Best, Hans, & Meyer, Richard Josef. See BSeyer & Best. Best, Otto. Oxyterpenyleaure, ein Oxydationsproduct des Carvols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1218-1225, 3548. Oxyterpenylsaure, ein Oxydationsproduct des Carvols (Carvons) mit Permanganat. (Erwiderung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3333-3335. Best, T. W. On the deUeacy of spectroscopic reaction in gases. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1887 102- 108. Best, Th[ovias'\ T[hompson]. [Untersuchungen iiber Nitro- sobasen.] 5. Ueber Monomethyl-o-anisidin. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 176-188. Best, W. C. [Leonids, 1900, West Australia.] [1900 ] Nature, 63 (1900-01), 209. Beste, W. Ornitliologisches aus der Cap-Colonie. Ornis 4, 1888, 667-670. Bemerkungen iiber die in Kafferland (Sud-Africa) vorkommenden Glieder der Familie Nectarinidte oder Honigsauger. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1889, 59-61. Besthom, E\inil]. Ueber die Reduction der Chinolinsiiure. Berlin, Cbem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 3151-3160. Ueber Hexahydrochinolinsiiuren. ii. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2662-2666. Bestbom, E{mil\, & Bijvanck, Hendrik. Ueber Amido- a-Oxy-Lepidin und Lepidinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 796-804. Besthorn, E\inil\, & Ciirtman, W\ilhelm]. Ueber Anilido- und Oxvacridine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2039-2048. Bestbom, £[??i(7], & Qarben, £[dMard]. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Acetondicarbonsaureester auf Anilin. BerUn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3439-3447. Ueber die Einwirkung von Acetondicarbonsaureester auf meirt-Phenylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3448-3453, 4194. Besthom, E\inil\, & Jaegl6, Georg. Ueber das y-para- Oxyphenylchinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 907-914. Besthom, E[7uil], Banzhaf, Eugen, & Jaegl6, Georg. Ueber das 7-o?-t/io-Oxyphenylchinolin und das y-metd- Oxyphenylchinolin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3035-3043. Besthorn, R. 0. Ueber den Commentar des Simplicius zu den Elementa. Bibl. Math., 1892, 65-66. Beswick Ferrin. See Ferrin, John Beswick. Betche, E., & Maiden, J. H. See Maiden & Betche. Bitencourt, Alfred. Les Hydroida du Pas-de- Calais. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 66-67; Bull. Sci. France Belg., 19, 1888, 201-214. Deuxieme liste des Hydraires du Pas-de-Calais. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 1-13. Betham, J. A. Mimicry in birds. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 4, 1889, 315. Papilio polymuestor, P. dissimilis and P. panope. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 4, 1889, 315-316. The butterflies of the Central Provinces. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 5, 1890, 19-28, 152-161, 279-286; 6, 1891, 175-183, 318-331; 7, 1892-93, 425-429. Notes on some of the butterflies of Matheran. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 421-423. Food of the bull-frog and musk-rat. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1895-97, 697-698. Betham, (Capt.) R. M. Niditication of the thick-billed flower-pecker (Piprisoma agile). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 159-160. The Kol-Bhalu. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 310-311. Nesting of the white-browed bush bulbul (Pyctonotus biteolus) in Guzerat. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 316-317. Occasional notes on uests and eggs found in the vicinity of Baroda. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 221-223. Occasional notes on birds' nesting in the neighbour- hood of Poona. [1899-1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 778-782; 13, 1900-01, 380-384. Occurrence of the sheldrake (Tadorna cornuta) on the Bheema river. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 13, 1900-01, 187. Betham, W. G. The "Kol-Bhalu." [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, JL, 11, 1897-98, 747. Bethe, Albrecht. Ueber die Erhaltung des Gleichgewichts. Biol. CentrbL, 14, 1894, 95-114, 563-582. Die Nervenendigungen im Gaumen und in der Zunge des Frosches. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 44, 1895, 185-206. Studien iiber das Centralnervensystem von Carcinus Msenas nebst Angaben iiber ein neues Verfahren der Methylenblaufixation. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 44, 1895, 579- 622. Der subepitheliale Nervenplexus der Ctenophoren. Biol. CentrbL, 15, 1895, 140-145. Die Otocyste von Mysis. Bau, Innervation, Ent- Bethe] 519 [Betocchi wioklung und physiologische Bedeutung. Zool, Jbiich. (Anat.), 8, 1896, 544-564. Ueber die Silbersubstanz in del" Haut von Alburnus lucidus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 472-477. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des jjeripheren Nerven- systems von Astacus fluviatilis. Anat. Anz. , 12, 1896, 31-34. Eine neue Methode der Methylenblaufixation. Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 438-446. Ein Carcinus Maenas (Taschenkrebs) mit einem rechten Schreitbein an der linken Seite des Abdomens. Ein Beitrag zur Vererbungstheorie. Arch. EntwMech., 3, 1896, 301-316. A Carcinus with a right-handed walking leg on the left side. Preliminary note. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JI., 4, 1895-97, 144-145. Das Nervensystem von Carcinus Maenas. Ein anatomisch-physiologischer Versuch. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 460-546, 589-639 ; 51, 1898, 382-452. Neue Thatsachen iiber die Structur und Function der Neurone. Arch. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 1027-1028. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Functionen des Centralnervensystems der Arthropoden. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 449-545. Ueber die Primitivtibrillen in den Ganglienzellen und Nervenfaseru von Wirbeltieren und Wirbellosen. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 {Anat. Ges. Verh.), 37-38. Die anatomischen Elemente des Nervensystems und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 843-874. Ueber die Primitivfibrillen in den Ganglienzellen vom Menschen und anderen Wirbelthieren. Morphol. Arb. , 8, 1898, 95-116. Diirfen wir den Ameisen und Bienen psychische QuaUtaten zuschreiben? Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 15-100. Das Verhalten der Primitivfibrillen in den Ganglien- zellen des Menschen und bei Degenerationen in peri- pheren Nerven. [1898.] Arch. Psychiatr., 31, 1899, 856-857. Die von M. von Lenhossek gewiinschten Aufkliirungen : [Ueber die anatomischen Elemente des Nervensystems und ihre physiologische Bedeutung]. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 538-540. Die Locomotion des Haifisches (Scyllium) und ihre Beziehungen zu den einzelnen Gehirntheilen und zum Labyrinth. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 76, 1899, 470-493. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die " intracellularen Kanalchen " der Spinalganglienzellen und die Frage der Ganglienzellenfunction. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 304-309. Ueber die Neurofibrillen in den Ganglienzellen von Wirbelthieren und ihre Beziehungen zu den Golginetzen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 55, 1900, 513-558. Noch einmal iiber die psychischen Qualitaten der Ameisen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 79, 1900, 39-52. Das Molybdanverfahren zur Darstellung der Neuro- fibrillen und Golginetze im Centralnervensystem. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 17, 1900, 13-35. Bethe, Albrecht, & Monckeberg, Georg. See BCSncke- berg & Bethe. Bethe, Albrecht, Beer, Theodor, & 'Urexkull,t7[aA;o6 Joliann] von. See Beer, Bethe & UexkiiU. Bethe, Martin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zahl- und Maassverhaltnisse der rothen Blutkorperchen. [1891.] Morphol. Arb., 1, 1892, 207-240. Bethge, Einil. Das Blutgefasssystem von Salamandra maculata, Triton tseniatus und Spelerpes fuscus; mit Betrachtungen iiber den Ort der Athmung beim lungen- losen Spelerpes fuscus. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool, 63, 1898, 680-707. Bethke, A. *Bericht iiber die botanische Untersuchung der Umgegend von Danzig. [1882,] Konigsb. Schr., 24, 1884 (Abh.), 44-47. Ueber die Bastarde der Veilchen-Arten. Konigsb. Schr., 24, 1884 (Abh.), 1-20. *[Rumex crispus x palnster.] [1883.] Konigsb. Schr. , 25, 1885 (Abh.), 105-106. Bethmann, Fritz. Ueber o-Xylalphtalid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1104-1113, 4082. Bethmann, Heinrich Georg. Ueber die Affinitatsgrossen einiger organischen Sauren und ihre Beziehungen zur Konstitution derselben. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 385-422. Bethune, (Rev.) C[harles'\ J[ames\ S\tuart~\. The rise and progress of entomology in Canada. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1898 (Sect. 4), 155-165. Some recent work in economic entomology. Canada Boy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 6, 1900 (Sect. 4), 3-17. Bethune-Baker, George T\liomas'\. Notes on Lepidoptera observed during an Alpine tour in 1883. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 7-13. Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 241- 245, 268-270. Notes on some Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1886-86, 250-254. Description of a new species of the lepidopterous genus Carama, together with a few notes on the genus. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1887, 133-136. Description of a new genus of Rhopalocera allied to Anteros, Hew. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1887, 175-176. Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1887.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1888, 117-121. Descriptions of some new species of Micro-Lepidoptera from Algeria. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 254-257. Notes on some Norwegian Crambi. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 267-268. On the distribution of the Charlonia group of the genus Anthocharis. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 523-533. Holiday captures in 1886 on the Rhine and in the Palatinate. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 237-238. Notes on the genitalia of a gynandromorphous Eronia hippia. [1890.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 1-6. Notes on the Lepidoptera collected in Madeira by the late T. Vernon Wollaston. [1890.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1891, 197-221. Holiday captures of Lepidoptera in Switzerland in 1886. Ent. Month. Mag., 27, 1891, 62-65. Notes on Lycsena (recte Thecla) rhymnus, Tengstroemii, and pretiosa. [1891.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 27-31. On a new genus allied to Hercyna. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 204-205. Notes on some Lepidoptera received from the neigh- bourhood of Alexandria. [1893.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1894, 33-51. Descriptions of the Pyralidse, Crambidae, and Phycidae collected by the late T. Vernon Wollaston in Madeira. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1894, 581-586. Four new species of Arhopala. Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 202-205. Bethune-Baker, George T[/iomas], & Bruce, Hamilton H[erbert Charles James]. See Druce & Bethune- Baker. B6thuy8, Georges. Les progres de ra^ronautique. [1887.] Genie Civil, 10, 1886-87, 375-377. La navigation aerienne. Rev. Sci., 39, 1887, 156- 157. Fabrication de I'hydrogene et son emploi en aero- station. [1888.] Genie Civil, 14, 1888-89, 75-77. La fabrication 61ectrolytique de I'hydrogdne. Genie Civil, 17, 1890, 101. Les ponts funiculaires et leurs applications militaires. G^nie Civil, 19, 1891, 185-189. Betocchi, Alessandro. Effemeridi e statistica del fiume Tevere prima e dopo la confluenza dell' Aniene e dello Betocchi] stesso fiume Aniene durante 1' anno 1883[-91]. [1884-92.] Eoma, K. Ace. Lincei Mem., 1, 1885, 309-315, 417-423; 3, 1886, 417-423 ; 5, 1888, 531-537 ; 6, 1889, 3-8, 307-313 ; 7, 1891, 45-50, 295-301 ; 1, 1894, 872-378. Bets. See Bee. Betscb, G[eor Bettencourt Ferreira, J. Sur quelques esp^ces du genre "Elaps" deposes au Museum de Lisbonne. [1891.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 89-96. Sobre o " Acantbodactylus" de Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 188-194. Sur I'existence du "Triton palmatus" (Schnd.) en Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 195-198; 3, 1895, 238-242. Revisao dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. [1892- 93.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 2, 1892, 268-290; 3, 1895, 19-27. Remarques sur la " vipere commune." [1894.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 167-170. Additamento ao catalogo dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 3, 1895, 231-237. Reptis e Batrachios do norte de Portugal e Hespagna. [1895.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sei. Math., 4, 1897, 33-47. Reptis da India no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 212-234. Sobra a pe^onha das serpentes e seus antidotos. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 235-248. Sobre um "Hemidactylus" novo da ilha de Anno Bom. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 4, 1897, 249-251. Sobre alguns Reptis ultimamente enviados a seccjao zoologica do Museu de Lisboa. [1897.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 111-116. — — Lista dos Reptis e Amphibios que fazem parte da ultima remessa de J. d'Anchieta (1897). Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 240-246. Reptis de Timor no Museu de Lisboa. Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 5, 1898, 151-156. Sobre alguns exemplares pertencentes a fauna do norte de Angola (Reptis, Batrachios, Aves e Mammiferos). [1900.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 6, [1902,] 48-54. Bettendorf, Heinrich. Ueber Musculatur und Sinnes- zellen der Trematoden. Zool. Jbiich. iAnat.), 10, 1897, 307-358. Bettendorf, Heinrich, & Blocbmann, F[riedrich]. See Blochmann & Bettendorf. Bettendorff, Alnton]. Studien fiber die Erden der Cerium- und Yttrium-Gruppe. Liebig's Ann., 256, 1890, 159- 170; 263, 1891, 164-174; 270, 1892, 376-383. Betteridge, F[rederic H.], & Auwers, Karl [Friedrich]. See Auwers & Betteridge. Betti, Enrico. For biography and works see Napoli, Rend., 31, 1892, 143-144; Nuovo Cimento, 32, 1892, 5-7; Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 6, 1892, 245-246; Riv. Mat., 2, 1892, 151-153; Riv. Sci.-Ind., [24, 1892,] 211-212; Betti] 521 [Betts Ann. Mat., 20 (1892-93), 2.56; Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1892- 93, 609-621. To reference in No. 6 {Vol. 7) add Nuovo Cimento, 28 (1868), 115-124. *Teorica delle forze che agiacono secondo la legge di Newton, e sua applicazione alia elettricita statica. Nuovo Cimeuto, 19, 1863, 59-75, 77-95, 149-175, 357- 377; 20, 1864, 19-39, 121-141. *Teoria della capillarita. Nuovo Cimento, 25, 1867, 81-105, 225-237. *Sopra la elettrodinamica. Nuovo Cimento, 27 (1868), 402-407. *Sopra il moto del fluidi elastic!. Nuovo Cimento, 14, 1883, 43-51. Sopra una estensione della terza legge di Keplero. Palermo Circ. Mat. Eend., 2, 1888, 145-147. Sopra la entropia di un sistema Newtoniano in moto stabile. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 {Srm. 2), 113-115, 19.5-198. On the motion of an elastic solid strained by extraneous forces. London Math. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 246-248. Sopra un teorema di meccanica. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 {Sem. 1), 159-160. Betti, Giuseppe. Supplemento alia flora bolognese. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 20, 1900, 15-19, 30-32, 56-58, 109-117. Betti, Mario. Di alcuni derivati dell' amminoazobenzina. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Ft. 1), 241-245. Suir ossima dell' estere dietilacetacetico. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Ft. 1), 274-276. Das Methylenphenylhydrazon des Camphera und dessen desmotrope Formen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1995-1999. Gli idrazoni metilenici delle forme tautomere della canfora. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Ft. 2), 85-92. La fotografia coi raggi Rontgen applicata alle leghe. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 101-102. Isomerie instabili fra i derivati azoici del j3 naftolo. [Con la collaborazione di Giovanni Leoncini.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Ft. 2), 164-177. Suir addizione di basi aldeido-aminiche ai naftoli. [Con la collaborazione di Cesare Speboni.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Ft. 2), 301-309. Reazione generale di condensazione fra /3 naftolo, aldeidi e amine. Nota i. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Ft. 2), 310-316. Substituirte Polyasparagine. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 306-315. Betti, Mario, & Schilf, Roberto. See Schiff & Betti. Bettlnelli, D. , & Flanctaer, Giuseppe. See Plancher & BettinelU. Betting, C. F. Ein neuer Objecthalter fiir Mikrotome. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 2, 1897, 236-237. BettingbauB, Alfred. Geognostische Beschreibung des Rathfiberger Hohenzuges. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 28, 1897, 12-60. Bettini, G. L. Itinerarii da Asmara verso sud. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 109-121. Da Acrur all' Asmara per il piano di Ala. II Bizen. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 30, 1893, 204-214. Bettink. See Wefers Bettink. Bettmann, Boerne. Peroxide of hydrogen. N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1886, 226. Bettmann, S. Ueber den Einfluss des Arseniks auf das Blut und das Knoehenmark des Kaninchens. Beitr. Path. Anat., 23, 1898, 377-497. Bettoni, Andrea. Affioranienti "Toarciani" delle Prealpi bresciane. [1900.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 461-466. Fossili Domeriani della provincia di Brescia. Schweiz. Palaont. Ges. Abh., 27, 1900, No. 3, 88 pp. Bettoni, Angelo. Alcune osservazioni sull' anatomia del midoUo allungato, del ponte e del peduncoli cerebrali. R. S. A. C. [1895.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 4, 1894-95, 189- 204. [Intorno alle funzioni del tubercoli mamillari del cervello.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1897, 26-43. Bettoni, Kuf/enio. For biography and list of works see Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 1285-1299; Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1899, 20-23. Progetto di stazione di piscicoltura da fondarsi a Brescia. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1886, 1.33-138. [Della importazione dei Coregoni nei laghi Maggiore e di Como.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1894, 49-58. Sopra la temperatura delle acque del lago di Como, rilevate dal cav. E. Burguieres. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1896, 942-946. Casi di emiteria presentati dal luccio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1896, 1012-1017. [Di una larva di Ascaride consolidata nel guscio di un uovo di gallina.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1897, 66-67. [Elenco dell' ornitofauna bresciana compilato dal prof. Luigi Erea.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1898, 31-34 ; 1899 (Append.), 38 pp. Bettoni, Fio. Luce erepuscolare. Salo (Lago di Garda) [dicembre 1884]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 12. [Turbine nel territorio di Lonato.] Sal6. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 110-111. [Meteorologia, osservatorio di Said.] Brescia Ateneo Comment. , 1888, 312-318 ; 1890, 320-327 ; 1891, 330- 340; 1892, 242-249; 1893, 240-249; 1894, 274-285; 1895, 296-304; 1896, 234-242; 1897, 172-182; 1898, 164-177; 1899, 296-310; 1900, 294-300. Note storiche su terremoti. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Ft. 4), 1888, 209-219, [Alcuni fenomeni geodinamici della regione del lago di Garda.] [1888.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 132- 133. II vulcanismo e la scienza. Brescia Ateneo Com- ment., 1889, 14-16. L' acqua e le forze interne della terra. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1891, 49-53. Alone solare. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 128. II terremoto del 7 giugno nella riviera di Salo (lago di Garda). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 138-139. II terremoto del 5 gennaio 1892 sul lago di Garda. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 12, 1892, 60-62. Distribuzione delle pioggie. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 59-60. Terremoto a Salo. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 60-61. II terremoto del 16 novembre 1898 a Said. Moncalieri Oss. Boll. , 19, 1899, 2-3. Perche la peste da circa un secolo non e piu ricom- parsa in Europa? Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 19- 20. La grandine. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 29-32. [Studii limnografici sulle sesse del lago di Garda. ] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1900, 32-58. Osservatorio meteorologico geodinamico di Sal6. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1900, 301-310. Bettoni, Fio (et alii). II terremoto del 26 febbraio [1885]. Lombardia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1886, 41-42. Bettoni-Cazzago, Lodovico. [La pesca sul Benaco.] Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1886, 187-200. Bettremieox, [Faul]. Un ceil myope peut-il devenir emmetrope? Ann. d'Oculist., 121, 1899, 396. Betts, Arthur. Irrigation by wire. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 301-302, 473-474. BettB, E[dward] G[eorge]. Observations on the teeth of certain rodents. [With discussion.] Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 691-694, 751-754, 765-767 ; Odontol. Soc. Trans., 16, 1884, 261-274. Betts, John li. Pteratomus Phaseolus. Amer. Micr. JL, 6, 1886, 40. 66 Betz] 522 [Beushausen Betz, G. E. Radb's new thermo-electric battery. Telegr. Jl., 22, 1888, 332. Betz, G. W. Neue Anwendung von Mikrometer-Einstel- lungen unter Verwendung eines Differenzial-Gewindes. Centrztg. Optik, 19, 1898, 181-182. ■Befz, V\ladimir Alehseevic]. See under "Bee. Beu, Hans. Ueber den Einfluss des Eiiacherns auf die Faulnisserreger bei der Konservirung von Fleischwaaren. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 513-520, 545-553. Beu, Julius. Untersuchungen iiber die Giftigkeit der Exspirationsluft. Ztschr. Hyg., 14, 1893, 64-75. Beucke, Carl. Ueber die Regenzeiten in Ostafrika. Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890, 87-105. Beudon, Jules. Sur I'int^gration des equations aux deriv^es partielles du second ordre a deux variables ind^pendantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1188- 1190. Sur certains syst^mes d'^quations aux d^rivees par- tielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 304-307. Sur une application de la m^thode de M. Darboux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 902-903. Sur I'extension de la metbode de Cauchy aux syst^raes d'eqnations aux d^rivees partielles d'ordre quelconque. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 808-811. Sur les systemes d'^quations aux derivees ijartielles dont les caract^ristiques dependent d'un nombre fini de parametres. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann. , 13, 1896 (Suppl.), 51 pp. Sur les singularit^s des Equations aux derivees par- tielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. E., 124, 1897, 671-673. Sur I'int^gration des systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles du premier ordre a plusieurs fonctions incon- nues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 156-159. Sur la th^orie des groupes infinis de transformation et I'int^gration des Equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 811-813. Sur les caract^ristiques des Equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 108-120. Sur des systemes d'equations aux d^riv^es partielles analogues aux Equations du premier ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 324-325, 388-389; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 15, 1898, 229-242. Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles r^ductibles aux Equations difif^rentielles ordinaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1003-1004. Sur les singularit^s des Equations aux derivees par- tielles du premier ordre. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 77-80. Sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles analogues aux systemes d'equations du premier ordre en involution. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1899, 351-364. Sur le calcul des formules contenant des fonctions arbitraires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1215-1218. Sur les changements de variables. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 107-116. Beuermann, John A[ugustus]. The differential diagnosis between benign lymphomyxoma and malignant lympho- myeloma. N. Y. Med. JL, 64, 1896, 183-186. Beuf, Francisco C. Tablas para la prediccion de las ocul- taciones de las estrellas por la luna, utilizando al efecto los datos del "Nautical Almanac" americano construidas y calculadas para el paralelo 34° 35' sur (Julio 1883). Argentina Soc. Ci. An. , 17, 1884, 5-19. Singulier mouvement de la mer a Montevideo. Astronomie, 1884, 233-234. Sur la lueur rose cr6pusculaire k Buenos- Ayres. Paris. Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 498-499. Sur un mouvement subit de la mer a Montevideo. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 499-500. Descripcibn de un nuevo cron6grafo el^ctrico para la determinacion de las longitudes. Argentina Soc. Ci An. 19, 1886, 5-13. Observations de la Comete Sawerthal, faites k I'Obser- vatoire de la Plata (equatorial de 0™, 217 de Gaotiek). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1588-1590. [Terremoto en la Republica Argentina.] Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Bol., 4, 1894, No. 11, 8-9. Beuf, Henri. Dosage du plomb par I'acide pliospho- molybdique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 852-855. Beuf, Victor. [Terremoto en la Republica Argentina.] Montevideo, Obs. Meteorol. Bol., 4, 1894, No. 11, 8. Beuk, Stanislaus. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Niere und der Morphologie von Teredo, L. Wien Zool. Inst. Arb., 11, 1899, (269)-(288). Beumer, [Friedrich Wilhelm] O[tto]. Zur Aetiologie des Ti-ismus sive Tetanus neonatorum. Ztschr. Hyg., 3, 1888, 242-280. Beumer, [Friedrich Willielm] 0[tto], & Feiper, Erich. Bacteriologische Studien iiber die atiologische Bedeutung der Typhusbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 489-552; 2, 1887, 110-137. Entgegnung auf die Abhandlung der Herren Dr. E. Fraenkel und Dr. M. Si.mmonds: "Weitere Untersuch- . ungen iiber die Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus. " Ztschr. Hyg., 2, 1887, 382-385. Beuriger, J. Versuche iiber das Zwei- und Dreileiter- system. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1899, 43-45. Beurinann, [Lucien] de. Etude sur les causes et les symptomes du scorbut des prisonniers. Arch. Gen. Med., 153, 1884, 23-36, 161-198, 445-462. Beurmann, [Lucien] de, & Claude, Henri [Charles Jules]. De r^rvth^me noueux d'origine syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 7, 1896, 485-506. Beurinann, [Lucien] de, & Delherm, . Quelles sont les limites de I'infection syphilitique ? Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 547-561. , Beumier, Louis. Etude historique et critique sur la nature anatomique des tubercules souscutanes dou- loureux. Arch. Gen. MM., 154, 1884, 402-419. Beusliausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Oberharzer Spiriferensandsteins und seiner Fauna. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 6 (Heft 1), 1884, 133 pp. Ueber die Ergebnisse seiner Aufnahmen auf den Sectionen Gross- Wusterwitz und Brandenburg a. H. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, xcvi-xcvii. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Bietikow und Gramzow. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, cxxviii-cxxx. Ueber einige Lamellibranchiaten des rheinischen Unterdevon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 212-236, 40 {his). Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Gramzow, Pencun und Greifenhagen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, Ixxxvii-xciii. Amnigenia rhenana, n. sp., ein Anodonta ahnlicher Zweischaler aus dem rheinischen Mitteldevon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, 1-10. Ueber Hypostome von Homalonoten. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12, 1893, 154-166. Ueber den Bau des Schlosses bei Mecynodus, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Synonymik einiger Zweischaler des rheinischen Devon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, 91-97. Ergebnisse eines Ausflugs in den Oberharz zu Piing- sten 1894. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 480-481. Ueber Alter und Gliederung des sogenannten Kramen- zelkalkes im Oberharze. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 14, 1894, 83-92. Die Lamellibranchiaten des rheinischen Devon mit Ausschluss der Aviculiden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 17, 1895, 514 pp. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber Aufnahmen auf dem Blatte Zellerfeld. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, xxv-xxx. Beushausen] 523 [Beutenmiiller Ueber die Aiifnahme der Blatter Polssen, Passow und Cunow. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, Ixii-lxviii. Ueber einige Ergebnisse seiner vorjahrigen Aufnahmen im Oberharze. [With discussion.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr. , 48, 1896, 223-227. Blatt Bietikow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte ErlJiut., Lfg. 66, Gradabth. 28, No. 46, 1896, vi + 12 + 46 + 13 pp. Blatt Giamzow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 66, Gradabth. 28, No. 47, 1896, vi + 12 + 46 + 13 pp. Blatt Pencun, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 66, Gradabth. 28, No. 48, 1896, vi + 14 + 46 + 18 pp. Die Fauna des Hauptquarzits am Acker-Bruchberge. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 17, 1897, 282-306. Blatt Polssen, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 76, Gradabth. 28, No. 52, 1899, vi + 10 + 34 + 1.5 pp. Blatt Cunow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 76, Gradabth. 28, No. 54, 1899, vi + 18 + 34 + 12 pp. Ueber den Nachweis des Kellwasser-Kalkes mit Buchiola angulifera, A. Rom., bei Biidesheim in der Eifel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900 (Verh.), 14-16. Das Devon des nordlichen Oberharzes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gegend zwischen Zellerfeld und Goslar. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 30, 1900, 383 pp. Bericht iiber Aufnahmen auf den Bliittern St. Andreas- berg und Elbingerode 1899. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 20, 1900, i-iv. Zur Frage nach dem geologischen Alter des Pentamerus rhenanus, F. Roemer. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 20, 1900, 173-179. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Denckmann, [Ueinrich Wilhelm Martin] August. Schalsteinconglo- merat bei Langenaubach. Briefliche Mittheilung [an Herrn W. Hauchecorne]. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 15, 1895, 182-184; 16, 1896, 72-73. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Koch, il/n.r. Mittheilungen iiber Aufnahmen auf Blatt Eiefensbeek, im Ablagerungsgebiet des Bruchbergquarzits und der Sieber-Grauwacke. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 19, 1899, xxvii-xlvi. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Z.atterniann, Georg. See Xiattermann & Beushausen. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Iiaufer, Ernst. See Iiaufer & Beushausen. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & SXichael, Richard. Blatt Passow, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohr- register. Preuss. Thuring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 76, Gradabth. 28, No. 53, 1899, vi -t- 32 -f 34 + 22 pp. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[o%iis], & SXiiUer, Gottfried. Blatt Greifenhagen, nebst Bohrkarte und Bohrregister. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 89, Gradabth. 29, No. 43, 1898, yi + 22 + U + 16 pp. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[ouis], & Scholz, Max. See Soholz & Beushausen. Beushausen, [Hermann Ernst] L[oiiis], Denclemann, [Heinrich Wilhelm Martin] August, & Koch, Max. Neue Beobachtungen aus dem Unterharze. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 16, 1896, 127-130. Beust, Friedrich Constantin (Frhr.) von. For biography and list of works see Dresden Isis Sber., 1891, 16-17; Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 130-133, 146-149; Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 39, 1891 (Beil.), 58. Beust, Fritz. Untersuchung iiber fossile Holzer aus Griin- land. Zurich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr., 29, 1885 (Abth. 1), 43 pp. Beutel, Ernst. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber eine Methode ziir MeHsung sehr hoher Temperaturen. Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 261. Ueber die Tolylbiguanide und das Benzylbiguanid. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 335-351. Beutell, Albert. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der schlesischen Kalinatronfeldspathe. Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 351-377. Wassergeblase fiir Laboratorien. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1381-1382. Ueber Prehnit von Striegau und Jordansmiihl in Schlesien. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 {Bd. 1), 89-94. Niveauregulator fiir constante Wasserbader. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 24. Abgeiinderte Form der Spritzflasche. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 53. Absorptionsapparat fiir Biiretten mit Ueberlaufspitze. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 86-87. Einige neue Laboratoriums-Apparate. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 6-8. Composici<5n quimica de la ceniza arrojada por el volcan de Calbuco. [1894.] Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 85, 1893, 863-866. Beutell, Albert, & Dafert, F[ranz] W. Ueber die Zusam- mensetzung der Klebhirse (Panicum miliaceum, var. Bretschneideri, Kcke.). Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 136. Pipetten ohne Marken. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 186-190. Beutenmiiller, William. Food-plants of Lepidoptera. [1886-90.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 196; 2, 1886-87, 53, 78; 3, 1887-88, 157-159, 180; 4, 1888, 75- 77; 5, 1889, 226-227; 6, 1890, 16. Descriptionsof new species of North American Tineidae. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 139-140. Description of two lepidopterous larvae. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 15-16. Description of preparatory stages of Datana ministra, Brunj. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 16-17. Description of the preparatory stages of Datana Drexelii, Hy. Edw. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 57. Descriptions of some lepidopterous larvae. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 134-186; 22, 1890, 16-17. On North American Tineidae. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 29-30. Two new species of Tineidae from the Aleutian Islands. Canad. Ent., 21, 1889, 27. On early stages of some Lepidoptera. Canad. Ent., 21, 1889, 160. On North American Tineidae. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 9-10. Chambers' corrections to his paper on the illustrations of the neuration of the wings of American Tineidae. En- tomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 37-38. Descriptions of some lepidopterous larvae. Entomo- logica Amer., 5, 1889, 38-39. Preparatory stages of Callosamia angulifera. Walk. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 200. Catalogue of Lepidoptera found within fifty miles of New York City, with their food-plants. [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 5, 1889-91, 199-230. ■ Descriptions of the larva of Trirhabda tomentosa, L. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 36. On the food-habits of North American Rhynchophora. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 200-203, 258-261. Description of the larva of Thymalis fulgidus, Er. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 67. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Edema albi- frons, A. & S. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 75-76. Mode of oviposition of certain species of Odonata. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 165-166. Food-habits of some Chrysomelidae. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 175-178. Preparatory stages of Samia Cynthia, Dr. Entomo- logica Amer. , 6, 1890, 216-217. 66—2 Beutenmiiller] 524 Description of the preparatory stages of Datana Angusii, G. and R. Entomologica Amer., 6, 1890, 219- 220. Description of the preparatory stages of Datana eon- tracta, Walker. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 144-145. Descriptions of some new North American moths. [1890.] Psyche, 5, 1891, 299-300. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Smerinthus excfficatus, A. & S. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 14-15. On the early stages of some moths. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 152-153. On the earlier stages of some species of North American moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 65-70. • Some notes on transfonnations of Australian Lepi- doptera, made by the late Henry Edwards, with notes and additions. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 71-74. Catalogue of gall-producing insects found within fifty miles of New York City, with descriptions of their galls, and of some new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 4, 1892, 245-278. Descriptions of the larva and pupa of Scotobates calcaratus, Fabr. [1891.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 13-14. Description of the preparatory stages of Callosamia promethea, Drury. [1891.] Psyche, 6, 1893, 94. Notes on some North American moths, with descrip- tions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 19-26. Notes on transformations of some American moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 87-94. Descriptive catalogue of the butterflies found within fifty miles of New York City, together with a brief account of their life-histories and habits. Amer. Mus. Bull., 5, 1893, 241-310. On the food-habits of North American Bhynchophora. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 1, 1893, 36-43, 80-88. Studies of some species of North American ^geriidas. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 87-98. • Notes on some species of North American Orthoptera, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 249-252. Descriptive catalogue of the Orthoptera found within fifty miles of New York City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 263-316. On North American moths, with a description of a new species of Triprocris. Amer. Mus. Bull., 6, 1894, 865-368. Description of a new tree-cricket. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 2, 1894, 56. Descriptive catalogue of the SphingidaB found within fifty miles of New York City. Amer. Mus. Bull., 7, 1896, 275-320. Descriptions of the preparatory stages of Ennomos alniaria (Linn.). N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 3, 1896, 137-138. Critical review of the Sesiidse found in America, north of Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 111-148. Transformations of some North American hawk- moths. Amer. Mus. Bull., 8, 1896, 291-298. Food-habits of North American Cerambycidse. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 4, 1896, 73-81. Description of a new moth. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 4, 1896, 146. Notes on North American Sesiidse, with descriptions of new species. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 213-216. Food-habits of North American Sesiidse. Amer. Mus. Bull., 9, 1897, 217-220. Larval stages of Amphion Nessus (Cr.). Canad. Ent., 29, 1897, 28. Preliminary handbook of the Coleoptera of north- eastern America. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 5, 1897, 86-40. Revision of the species of Euchloe inhabiting America, north of Mexico. Amer. Mus. Bull., 10, 1898, 235-248. • Descriptive catalogue of the bombycine moths found within fifty miles of New York City. Amer. Mus. Bull 10, 1898, 353-448. [Beuthin Three new species of Sesiidas. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 6, 1898, 240-241. Notes on the American forms of Euchloe, Hilbner. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 56. New African Sesiidse. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899, 170-172. Descriptions of and notes on some N. American Lepi- doptera. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 7, 1899, 254-256. Synopsis of the species of Melittia of America, north of Mexico, with description of a new species. [1899.] Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 149-151. On some species of North American Lepidoptera. Amer. Mus. Bull., 12, 1900, 157-160. A new Sesia from Alaska. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 208, 377. Synopsis of food-habits of the larva; of the Sesiidse. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 301-303. Two new Sesiida?. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jl., 8, 1900, 254. Beutenmiiller, William, & Zieng, Charles W. See Xicng & Beutenmiiller. Beuther, Fritz. Ueber Gangbildungen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 50, 1891, 165-167, 173-175, 195-198, 215-219. Beuthin, Heinrich. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] II. Verzeichniss der Pseudoneuropteren und Neuropteren der Umgegend von Hamburg, [xxxiv. Nachtrag zum Verzeichniss der Neuropteren der Umgegend von Ham- burg.] Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., [1], 1876, 122- 126; 6, 1887, 91. *[Beitiage zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] iii. Beschrei- bung einer ueuen Art Chrysopa. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., [1], 1876, 126-127, 189. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] iv. Zweiter Nachtrag zum Verzeichniss der um Hamburg gefangenen Kiifer. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., [1], 1876, 127- 129; 6, 1889, 9. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. v, x, xxiii und XXXI. Beitrage] zur Kenntniss der Hymenopteren der Umgegend von Hamburg. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh, Verb., [1], 1876, 129-136; 2, 1876, 226-233; 4, 1879, 239- 241; 6, 1887, 44-45. *Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. viii. Zweiter Bei- trag zur Kenntniss der Orthoptera der Umgegend von Ham- burg. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 219-221. *[Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe.] ix. Ueber zweifelhafte Hamburger Kafer. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 222-224. Neue und seltene Varietiiten von Cicindela. Ent. Nachr., 11, 1886, 106-107; 12, 1886, 157; 14, 1888, 81-82. Neue Varietaten von Carabus. Ent. Nachr., 11, 1885, 219-220 ; 12, 1886, 158. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxii.] Erster Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Dipteren der Umgegend von Hamburg. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 6, 1887, 46-86. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxxiii.] Ver- zeichnisder bisher um Hamburg beobachteten Bhynchota. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 6, 1887, 87-91. Ueber die Varietaten von Cicindela campestris, LinnS. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 230-238. Die Varietaten von Cicindela (Cilindrodera) germanica, Linne. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 318-319. Die Varietaten von Carabus nemoralis, MUller. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 374-375. Ueber Varietaten europaischerCicindelen. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 36, 71, 89-94, 137-139, 207-208, 210-212. Carabus hispanus, var. Boudeti, var. nov. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 211. Ueber die Benennung der Varietaten bei den palaeark- tischen Ciciudelen. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 290-291. Ueber Varietaten palaearktischer Cicindelen. Ent. Nachr. , 18, 1892, 333-335, 359-362, 376-378 ; 19, 1893, 24- 25, 61-62, 188-139, 155-157; 20,1894, 205-206, 262-266. Die Varietaten von Carabus auratus, Linne. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 109-112. Beuthin] 525 [Bevan Ueber die Varietaten von Carabus arvensis, Herbst. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 55-5(). Die Varietaten des Carabus cancellatus, Illiger. Ent. Nacbr., 22, 1896, 115-119. ■ Die Varietaten des Carabus monilis, Fabricius. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 217-220. ■ [Beitriige zur Fauna der Niederelbe. lvi und i.ix.] Die Cicindelen der Umgegend Hamburgs. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 9, 1896, 12-16; 10, 1899, 76. Ueber einige Varietaten. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 316. Neue Varietaten von Carabus. Ent. Nachr., 25. 1899, 204. Beutl, Josef. Bedienung des Kalkofens mit Zuhilfenahme des Apparates zur Priifung der Rauchgase nach der Anleitung des Herrn Ing. KASALovsKf . Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 10, 1886-86, 112-114. Beutnagel, [Herrmann]. Metabrom-a-orthobrombenzoe- saure, CgHa. wiBr.oBr.COaH (Schmelzpunkt 147° C). Liebig's Ann., 222, 1884, 105-107. Beutnagel, [Herrmann], & Burghard, [Rudolph]. See Burghard & Beutnagel. Beuttner, 0[sca r], & Jentzer, A . See SeaX'zer & Beuttner. Belize, de. Droiterie et gaucherie. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 155. Bevaequa, Salvatore. *Fatti meteorici. [Pioggia di sabbia meteorica, Reggio Calabria, 28 maggio 1879.] [1879.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 14, 1880, 83. *Temporale del 20 ottobre 1880 nel territorio di Reggio Calabria. [1880.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 15, 1881, 165. *Terremoti ed eruzione dell' Etna. [Sulle piogge di cenere avvenute in Reggio Calabria, il 20 marzo 1883.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll. 3, 1883, 56. [Terremoto del 27 agosto 1886. Italia Bassa. ] Calabria. Reggio. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 161. Bevad, I[van] I[vanovic]. SaMtTKa IIO IIOBO;i,y pacTBopHMOCTii jFJieKHCJiaro Jiiixia b'i, boj;^. [Note sur la solubilite du carbonate de lithium.] Russ, Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 (Chem.), 1884, 591-592; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 123. 0 xoji,i o6pa30BaHifl yrjieKHCJiHX'b mejioiHHxi, ;3eMejiL (bt. .3aBiicnM0CTii ott, BpeMeHir, Macci n Ka'ieCTBt OCajtHTeJia). [On the rate of formation of the carbonates of the alkaline earths (in relation to time, mass and nature of the precipitant).] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 17 (Chem.), 1885, 89-96; Chem. Soc. Jl., 48, 1886 (Abs.), 480-481. K'f, Boripocy O CTpoeiliH HUTpoSTaHa. [Contri- bution to the question of the structure of nitroethane.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Chem.), 1886, 426-427. 0 jtiFicTBiii i],iiHKaTiijia iia HiixpojKiipHUfl COejtlllieHiil H Iixt 6pOMOIipoiI3BO;i,HHiI. [Ueber die Einwirkung von Zinkathyl auf die Nitroverbindungen der Fettreihe und auf deren Bromderivate.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 125-135; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888 (Re/.), 479-481. 0 ji.'fefrcTBiii ii,iiHK3Tiijia na iiepBH^HHa h BTOpHyHHH HHTpoCOeAHHeHiil. [On the action of zinc ethyl on primary and secondary nitro-compounds.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 [Chem.), 1889, 43-47, 232; Chem. Soc. JL, 56, 1889 (Abs.), 1127-1128. IIoiiyHeHie btophihhx'l n TperuHUHxi Hiiipo- coe^tHHeHiR h3i. rajionji.onpoiiaBOAHUxi, HUTpo- Merana H HUTpoaraHa. [Preparation of secondary and tertiary nitro-compounds from halogen-derivatives of nitromethane and nitroethane.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Chem.), 1889, 47-50; Chem. Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 (Abs.), 1128. 0 TpeTiiMiiLixT> HHTpocoe;I,^rHeHiflx^ atiipHaro pfl^a- [Sur les derives nitres tertiaires des hydrocarbures de la s^rie grasse.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1890-91 (C. E., Phys. Chim.), No. 7, 6-7; Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (Chem.), 1891, 84-89 ; 24 (Chem.), 1892, 123-125; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 973-977; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 6,1891,864-866; 8,1892,1298-1299. 0 TpenPIHHX'b IIHTpOCOe,T,HHeHiflX'I). [Sur les hydrocarbui-es nitres tertiaires.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 6, 3-5. 061. 9(j)Hpax'f. a.30TlICT0il KIICJIOTH. [Sur les ethers de I'acide nitreux.] [1891.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. P., Phys. Chim.), No. 6, 5-8; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 24 (Chem.), 1892, 125-127; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 8, 1892, 1299. 06t> o6pa30BaniH aaonicTHxi. 94)HpoBi npn no- .lyneHiii HiiTpocoe;i,iiHeHifr iiociioco6y B. MEfiEPa. [Sur la formation des others nitreux, accompagnants les d^riv^s nitr6s dans le procede de V. Me^er.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1891-92 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 8, 1-5. 011111631. MOHOHHTpOnpOH3BOJI,HHX'L npejl.'fejll,- HHXT. yrjieB0JI,0p0Ji;0B7.. [La synthese de d^riv^s mononitr^s des hydrocarbures de la serie grasse.] Var- sovie Soc. Nat. Trav. (Me'm.), 2, 1892, No. 9, 102 pp.; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 129-139; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 48, 1893, 345-383. 0 JI.'tftCTBiH UUHKOTHJia Ha a30THCTO-H30npO- IIHJIOBHH acfjHpi.. [Sur Taction du zinc-^thyle sur I'azotite d'isopropyle.] [1896.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1896-96 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 10, 1-4. 0 B03CTaH0BjieHiii ji,By- h Tpexsan-fcmeHHHMii nijtpoKCir.iaMHHaMH okiichhxi. cojeft m^^au h JKeJI'fe3a. [Sur la reduction des sels d'oxydes de cuivre et de fer par les hydroxylamines bi- et tri-substitutees.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 1, No. 3, i-ii. 0 /3-reirrHJI-rH,T,pOKCHJiaMHH'fe. [Sur la /3-heptyl- hydroxylamine.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1897 (Phys. Chim.), Fasc. 1, No. 3, ii-iii. 0 npo^yKTaxt oKifCjeHia ^-jiBysaMimeHHHXT. rnjtpOKCHJaMIIHOB'L. [On the oxidation-products of /3-disubstituted hydroxylamines.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 5, 3 pp. Kt. peaKUill UIIHKaJIKHJIOB'L CT. aSOIIICTOKHCJIH- MII 9(j)lipaMH. [Sur la reaction des derives organometal- liques du zinc sur les Others nitreux.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1898 (Phys. Chim.), 4 pp. 0 peaKuiii a30TiiCTHxi) 3({)HpoB^ ir Huxpo- napa(|)(J)IIHOB'b CT. UIIHKa.lICIIJiaMU. [Action des zinc- alkyles sur les others azoteux et les nitroparaffines.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 32 (Chevi.), 1900, 420-542; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 26, 1901, 252-259. 0 HenrpajiBHHX'b npojtyKxaxT. peaKuiii uhhk- aJIKHJlOBl. Ct HHTponapa(j)(]^HHaMII. [Sur les produits neutres de la reaction des zinc-alkyles sur les nitro- paraffines.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1900 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 1, 5 pp. Bevad, I[van] I[va7wvic], & ZKIiklasevskij, SI. See MUclasevsklj & Bevad. Bevan, Edward J[ohn]. On the diazotype process of photographic dyeing and printing. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 181-186. Note on the detection of cotton-seed oil in lard. Analyst, 19, 1894, 88-89. The loss of total solids in milk on keeping. Analyst, 19, 1894, 241-244. The use of formalin as a preservative of milk samples. Analyst, 20, 1896, 152-154. See also Thorpe (et alii). Bevan] 526 [Beyer Sevan, Edicard J{ohn\, & Cross, Charles F[vederick]. See Cross & Bevan. Bevan, Edward J[o7m], Cross, Charles F[rederick], & Beadle, Clayton. See Cross, Bevan & Beadle. Bevan, Edward J[ohn], Cross, Charles F[redcrick], & Briggs, J[ohn] F[rederick]. See Cross, Bevan & Briggs. Bevan, Edicard J[oh7i], Cross, Charles F[rederick], & Heiberg, Th[orivald]. See Cross, Bevan & Heiberg. Bevan, Edward J[ohi}], Cross, Charles F[rederick], & Isaac, J. F. V. See Cross, Bevan & Isaac. Bevan, Edward J[oh7i], Cross, Charles F[rederick], & Remington, J[ohn] S[tewart]. See Cross, Bevan & Remington. Bevan, Edward J[ohn], Cross, Charles F[rederick], & Smith, Claude. See Cross, Bevan & Smith. Bevan, Edicard J[ohn], Green, Arthur G., & Cross, Charles F[rederick]. See Green, Cross & Bevan. Bevan, (Rev.) J. 0. An incident in the history of the Eiffel Tower. [1891.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1890-92, 265-266. Bevan, Penry Vaughan. Argon and dissociation. Nature, 52 (1896), 127. Bevan, Theodore F. Discovery of two new rivers in British New Guinea. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 9, 1887, 595- 608. The exploration of New Guinea. Nature, 36, 1887, 620-622. Further exploration in the regions bordering upon the Papuan Gulf. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 11, 1889, 82-90. Bevardi, A. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1887.] S. Giovanni in Galilea (Eimini). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 164-165. Beveridge, Arthur. Occurrences of Labrus mixtus, L., on the west coast of Sutherlandshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 141. Polecats (Mustela putorius) at Lochinver. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 41. Beveridge, James. On the composition and methods of manufacturing commercial sulphate of alumina. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 5, 1886, 16-22, The manufacture of straw cellulose. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 13, 1894, 101-107, 213. Beveridge, Wilfrid W. 0. Lochinver as a locality for Lepidoptera. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1892, 172-176. Bevers, E. A. The cultivation of orchids. Midland Natlist., 15, 1892, 177-183, 206-210, 230-234. Bevier, Louis. The acoustic analysis of the vowels from the phonographic record. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 467-468; Phys. Eev., 10, 1900, 193-201. Bevilacqua, Giuseppe, *[Bolide del 23 giugno 1881.] Parma. Moncalieri Oss, Boll., 1, 1881, 150-151. *Osservazioni termometriche eseguite all" Osservatorio del R. Istituto Tecnico di Parma dal 25 gennaio al 28 febbraio 1882. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 125. *[Bolide del 24 luglio.] Parma. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 176. *Temporale nel Parmense. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 136. *[Bolide del 28 ottobre 1883.] Parma. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 167. Temporale nel Parmigiano. [Parma 5 agosto 1886.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 147. [Bolide del 16 aprile, 1888, Parma.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 87. Bewick, Thomas John. For biography and works see Inst. Civ. Engin, Proc, 131, 1898, 361-363; Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1898, 172-175; N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 47, 1898, 272-275. Bewley, Henry T. The changes occurring in the skin in some forms of disease. Dublin Jl. Med, Sci., 80, 1885, 185-195, 305-316. On the changes produced in the lungs of sheep by a parasitic worm (Strongylus filaria). Jl. Anat. Physiol., 21, 1887, 374-377. On the pathology of empyema. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 90, 1890, 365-370. The diagnostic significance of a venous hum in the neck. N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 635-636. Bewsher, Eva M. A. Ventilating bees. Nature, 39, 1889, 224. Beyel, Christian. Die Curven vierter Ordnung mit drei doppelten Inflexiousknoteu. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1885, 1-26, 65-78. • Ueber eine ebene Eeciprocitat und ihre Anwendung auf die Curventheorie. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 31, 1886, 147-157. Centrische Collineation nter Ordnung und plane Collineation ?iter Classe. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 31, 1886, 1- 20. Zur Geometric der Imaginaren. Ziirich Vrtljschr., 31, 1886, 20-58. Ueber Curven iv. Ordnung mit einem doppelten Beriihrungsknoten und einem Doppelpunkte, Ziirich Vrtljschr., 31, 1886, 178-203. Ueber Schnitt und Schein eines windschiefen Vierecks. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 32, 1887, 301-309. Ueber Eegelflachen, deren Erzeugende zu den Mantel- linien eines orthogonalen Kegels parallel sind. Ztschr, Math. Phys., 32, 1887, 321-338. LVII Satze iiber das orthogonale Viereck. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 34, 1889, 218-237, 290-302. Darstellung der Curven dritter Ordnung und Classe aus zwei Eeciprocitaten. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 38, 1893, 65-83. Constructionen der Curven dritter Ordnung aus neun gegebenen Punkten und Construction des neunten Punktes zu acht Grundpunkten eines Biischels von Curven dritter Ordnung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 40, 1895, 99-112. Der kubische Kreis mit Doppelpunkt. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897, 281-303. Ueber doppelt zentrische Vierecke. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899, 237-262. Beyer, A. Ueber das Verhalten der aufgeschlossenen Phosphorsaure in aus belgischen Eohphosphaten her- gestellten Superphosphaten gegen die iiblichen Losungs- mittel bei langerem Lagern. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 327-330. Beyer, Arthur. Die Gewitter Eusslands im Jahre 1887. Eepertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 7, 33 pp. Beyer, Carl. For biographical notice and list of works see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891 (Re/.), 1117-1121. Ueber ein Homologes des Chinolins. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 31, 1885, 47-48. Ueber Mefa-Nitromandelsiiure und einige Derivate der Mandelsiiure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 31, 1885, 382-397. Ueber a-7-Dimethylchinoliu und die Synthese des Cincholepidins. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 32, 1885, 125-128. Ueber die Einwirkung von Aceton auf Anilin. Entgegnung an C. Engler und P. Eiehm, Jl. Prakt. Chem., 32, 1885, 489-491. Ueber a-7-Dimethylchinolin und die Synthese des Cincholepidins und des 7-Phenylchinaldins. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 33, 1886, 393-425. Ueber Chinolinderivate aus /3-Diketonen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 20, 1887, 1767-1773, Ueber den Mechanismus der Hantzsch'schen Pyridin- synthesen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1662-1670. Beyer, Carl, & Claisen, L[udivig]. Ueber die Einfiihrung von Saureradicalen in Ketone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2178-2188. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der gemischten Azover- bindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1697- 1705. Beyer] 527 [Beyer I Beyer, Fyinil. Zur Verbreitung der Tierformen der arktischen Region in Europa wahrend der Diluvialzeit. Wetterau. Ges. Nat. Ber., 1892-95, 1-76. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna des Kalkes von Haina bei Waldgirmes (Wetzlar). Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 53, 1896, 56-102. Beyer, Ernest F. B. Tbe dental anatomy of the inverte- brates. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 39, 1896, 202-213. Beyer, Ernst. Zur Pathologie der acuten hallucinator- ischen Verworrenbeit. [1893.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 51, 1895, 238-239 ; Arch. Psychiatr., 27, 1895, 233-267. Ueber Verlagerungen im Gesichtsfeld bei Flimmer- scotom. [1894.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 51, 1895, 992-993 ; Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 10-15. Das Verhalten der secundaren Degeneration bei friih erworbenen Gehirnherden. Arch. Psychiatr., 28, 1896, 995-1000. Zur Lehre von der Porencephalic. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 823-831. Ueber eine Form der acuten Verworrenbeit im klimakterischen Alter. [1896.] Arch. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 182-210. Ueber doppelseitige ungleichartige Porencephalie. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 631-637. Ueber Delirieu nach Atropinvergiftung. [1897.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 55, 1898, 77. Ueber die Anwendung der Dauerbader bei Geistes- kranken. [With discussion.] [1898.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 252-253. Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von Dr. Schroedeu : "Beitrage zur Casuistik der Porenkephalie." Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 866-869. Beyer, George E. Contributions on the life histories of certain snakes. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 17-24. The ivory-billed woodpecker in Louisiana. Auk, 17, 1900, 97-99." An interesting hybrid [between a mallard (Anas boscas) and pin-tail (Dafila acuta)]. Auk, 17, 1900, 170-171. Beyer, Henry G. *A contribution to the knowledge of the physiological properties of salicylic acid. Arch. Med., 3, 1880, 216-223. Observations on the influence of oxygenated and non- oxygenated blood, as well as of blood in various degrees of dilution, on the isolated heart of the frog and slider terrapin. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 531-532. History of Lingula. [Preliminary notice.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 560-561. On the action of carbolic acid, atropia and convallaria on the heart ; with some observations on the influence of oxygenated and non-oxygenated blood, and of blood in various degrees of dilution. [1884.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 3, 1884-87, 73-98. Biological deductions from a comparative study of the influence of cocaine and atropine on the organs of circulation. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 318-321. The structure of Glottidea pyramidata (Stim.), Dull. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 321-324. On the influence of atropia on the heart. [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 101-103. The influence of variations of temperature upon tbe rate and the work of the heart of the slider terrapin (Pseudemys rugosa). [1885.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 8, 1886, 225-229. A study of the structure of Lingula (Glottidia) pyramidata, Stitn. (Dall). [1886.] Johns Hopkins Biol. Lab. Stud., 3, 1884-87, 227-265. The influence of exercise on growth. [1895.] Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 546-558; Science, 3, 1896, 118. The relation between physique and mental work. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., [4, 1900,] 121-132. Beyer, Henry G., & Porter, William Townsend. See Porter & Beyer. Beyer, J. L. Durch welchen Bestandtheil der lebendigen Zellen wird die Tellursaure reducirt? Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 225-241. Beyer, Otto. Der Basalt des Grossdehsaer Berges und seine Einscbliisse, sowie ahnliche Vorkommnisse aus der Oberlausitz. [1888.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 10, 1889, 1-51. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber granitische Einscbliisse in Basalten der Oberlausitz. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 231-238. Neues Vorkommen von glacialen Frictionserschein- ungen auf Granit in der Lausitz. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 47, 1895, 211-214. Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Der Giftapparat von Formica rufa, ein reduziertes Organ. Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 26-112. Beyer, P[aul]. Krystallographiscbe Untersuchungen von Terpenderivaten. Ztschr. Kryst., 18, 1891, 296-309. Beyer, R. Ueber Saxifraga florulenta, Moretti. [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, ii-vi. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Cerastium macilentum, Asp., hei Berlin und von Cerastium triviale, var. nemorale, Uechtr., in der Ukermark.] [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 113-114. Neuer Fundort von Vaccinium intermedium. [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 114. Varietat von Potentilla caulescens. [1885.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 27, 1886, 115. Ueber Primeln aus der Sektion Euprimula, Schott (Primula veris, L.), und deren Bastarde. [1887.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 29, 1888, 22-29. Ueber Primula macrocalyx, Bunge, und Primula inflata, Lehmann. [1888.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 30, 1889, 322-326. Ein neuer Achillea-Bastard. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, x-xv. Ueber Zwischenformen von Saxifraga oppositifolia, L., und S. Rudolphiana, Hornsch. [1890.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, iv-vi. Missbildungen an Bliiten von Primula officinalis, Jacq. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, xv-xvi. Weitere Beobachtungen von " Ueberpflanzen " auf Weiden. [1893.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 35, 1894, 37-41. Asplenium lepidum, PresL, in Nord-Istrien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 44, 1894, 167-169. Ueber die Gattungszugehorigkeit der Moehringia Thomasiana, Gay. [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1895, Ixvi-lxxi. Ueber eine Monstrositat von Taraxacum officinale. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 38, 1896, xiii-xvii. Ergebnisse der bisherigen Arbeiten bezuglicb der Ueberpflanzen ausserbalb der Tropen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 37, 1896, 105-129. Ueber das Auftreten secundarer Kopfchen bei Bellis perennis. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, xliv- xlvi, 107 ; Danzig Schr., 9, 1896-98 (Hefte 3 & 4), 35- 36. Ueber ein neues spontanes Vorkommen des Bosen- wegerichs. Brandenb. Bot, Ver. Verb., 39, 1897, 104- 106. Ueber Linum Leonii, Schultz, und einige andere Formen der Gruppe Adenolinum (Rchb. a. G.). Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, Ixxxii-xciv. Ueber einige Verbanderungen und andere Missbild- ungen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, xcv-xcix. Ueber einige bisher noch unbekannte oder wenig beachtete Formen in der Gattung Luzula. [1899.] Brandenb, Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, xii-xxvii. Beyer, Snnmel Walker, Ancient lava flows in the strata of northwestern Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 1, 1893, 163-169. The spotted slates associated with the Sioux quartzite. [1895,] Johns Hopkins Univ, Circ, [15 (1896-96),] 10. Beyer] Geology of Boone county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 5, 1896, 175-239. Evidence of a sub-Aftonian till sheet in northeastern Iowa. [1896.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 4, 1897, 58-62. The Sioux quartzite and certain associated rocks. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 6, 1897, 67-112. Geology of Marshall county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 7, 1897, 197-262. Buried Loess in Story county. [1898.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 6, 1899, 117-121. Mineral production of Iowa in 1898. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 9, 1899, 31-48. Geology of Story county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 9, 1899, 155-237. Mineral production of Iowa in 1899. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 10, 1900, 41-58. Geology of Hardin county. Iowa Geol. Surv. [Rep.], 10, 1900, 241-306. Beyer, Theodor. Ueber Waschedesinfection mit dreipro- centigen Schmierseifenlosungen und mit Kalkwasser. Ztschr. Hyg., 22, 1896, 228-262. Beyerinck. See Beijerinck. Beyerlein, Fr. Einige Versuche iiber den Wasserverlust bei Regenmessungen durch Verdunstung und durch Befeuchtung des Regenmessers. Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 217-219. BeyersdorfF, [Ferdinand] Adolf. For biographical notice see Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 27, 1890, 188. Ueber Lichtdruck. [Posth.] Wien, Photogr. Corre- spond., 28, 1891, 410-423. BeyfUss, Gxistav. Maasstabelle von Eingeborenen des indischen Archipels. Ztschr. EthnoL, 17, 1886, (381)- (383); 18, 1886, (124), Ueber die Acclimatisation der Europaer in Nieder- landisch-Indien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (88)-(92). Maasstabellen von Makassaren und Alfuren. Ztschr. Ethnol., 18, 1886, (369). Tropen-Malaria und Acclimatisation. Beobachtungen in Niederlandisch-Indien. Virchow, Arch., 155, 1899, 322-334. Ueber sogenannte idiopathische Leberabscesse in Bezug auf ihre Aetiologie und Nomenclatur. Virchow, Arch., 161, 1900, 435-453. Bejmon, Richard. Effect of oil on disturbed water. Nature, 41, 1890, 205-206. Beirrlch, [Heim-ich] E[rnst]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 110-113 ; St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, xxvi; Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 301-302; Ztschr. Ethnol., 28, 1896, (385); Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 63, 1897, Iv ; Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbucb., 17, 1897, cii-cxxxviii ; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1897, vii-viii ; Wien, Almanach, 47, 1897, 310-312; Berlin Ak. Abh., 1898, 11 pp. ; Geogr. Jbuch., 20, 1898, 465; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 27, 1898, 442-446 ; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, 97-110. *Blatt Zorge. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 1, No. 237, 1870, 23 pp.; (2« Atisgabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 20, 1893, 24 pp. *Blatt Ellrich. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 1, No. 255, 1870, 18 pp.; (2« Ausgabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 26, 1893, 20 pp. Erlauterungen zu den Goniatiten L. von Buch's. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 203-219. [Ueber einen zuRixdorf gefundenen Elephantenzahn.] . Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 462-463. [Gliederung des Rothliegenden.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 699-701. Beyrieh, [Heinrich'] E[rnst], & Bck, H[einrich Adolph]. *Blatt Nordhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 1, No. 256, 1870, 27 pp. ; (2« Ausgabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 27, 1893, 29 pp. Beyrieh, [Heinrich] E[rnst], & Hauchecome, W[ilhelm]. *Einleitende Bemerkungen zu der geologischen Special- 528 [Beyschlag karte von Preussen und den Thiiringischen Staaten. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., 1870, viii pp. Beyricb, [Heinrich] E[rnst], & Iiossen, K[arl] A[iuiust]. *Blatt Benneckenstein. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 1, No. 238, 1870, 21 pp.; (2e- Ausgabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 21, 1893. 23 pp. *Blatt Stolberg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 1, No. 257, 1870, 24 pp.; (2" Ausgabe) Gradabth. 56, No. 28, 1893, 24 pp. Beyrieh, [Heinrich] E[rnst], & Dfloesta, Friedrich. *Blatt Sontra. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 8, Gradabth. 55, No. 58, 1876, 35 pp. Blatt Heringen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. 34, 1884, 12 pp. Blatt Sangerhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut. , Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. 36, 1884, 11 pp. Beyrieh, [Heinrich] E[r7ist], Xiossen, K[arl] A[ugust], & Moesta, Friedrich. *Blatt Schwenda. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 16, Gradabth. 56, No. 29, 1883, 59 pp. SeyTic'h.,[Heinrich]E[rnst],Tn.oosta., Friedrich, ScSchlviteT, [Clemens] A[ugiist Joseph]. Blatt Frankenhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 9, Gradabth. 56, No. 41, 1884, 40 pp. Beyrieh, [Heinrich] E[r7ist], Z.o8sen, K[arl] A[ugust], VTeiss, [Christian] E[rnst], & nXoesta, Friedrich. *Blatt Wippra. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 16, Gradabth. 56, No. 30, 1883, 84 pp. Beysehlag, Franz. Ueber Aufnahmen an der unteren Werra und Fulda (Provinz Hessen-Nassau). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1886, xlix-lii. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Salzungen und Altmorschen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, xli-xlv. Ueber Aufnahmen auf Blatt Salzungen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, lix-lx. Ueber Aufnahmen in Hessen. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, Ixi-lxiv. Die Erzlagerstatten der Umgebung von Kamsdorf in Thiiringen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 329-377. Blatt Melsungen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 45, Gradabth. 55, No. 50, 1891, 20 pp. Blatt Altmorschen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 45, Gradabth. 55, No. 56, 1891, 24 pp. Ueber Aufnahmen im Gebiete des Blattes Waldeck- Cassel (1 : 80000). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, Ixx-lxxvii. Geologische Specialaufnahmen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 2-4, 89-92. Geologische Kartenaufnahmen von Oesterreich-Un- garn und einigen Nachbarlandern. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 336-339. [Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Thiiringer Waldes, in Sonderheit iiber das Rothliegendedesselben.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 47, 1895, 596-607. Blatt Rieth. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 60, Gradabth. 70, No. 44, 1896, 34 pp. Blatt Heldburg. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 60, Gradabth. 70, No. 45, 1896, 55 pp. Die Internationale geologische Karte von Europa. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 1-4. Das Montanwesen auf der Millenniums-Ausstellung zu Budapest. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 461-466. Der Goldbergbau Schellgaden in den Lungauer Tauern. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1897, 210-212. Die Eisenerze des Vogelsbergs. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1897, 337-338. Die Kobaltgiinge von Schweina in Thiiringen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1898, 1-4. Das Manganeisenerzvorkommen der " Lindener Mark " bei Giessen in Oberhessen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1898, 94-96. Beyschlag] 529 [Bezold Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen des Jahres 1898. Preuss. Geol. Jbuch., 19, 1899, Ixxxviii-xciv. Die geologischen Verhjiltnisse [des Piesberges und der Umgegend von Osnabriick]. Berlin Gesundheitsamt Arb., 17, 1900, 217-220. Beyscblag, Franz, & Fritscli, Karl von. Das jiingere Steinkoblengebirge und das Rothliegende in der Provinz Sachsen und den angrenzenden Gebieten. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 10, 1899, 263 pp. Beyschlag, Franz, & Kniscli, F. Die Goldgange von Donnybrook in Westaustralien. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, "169-174. Beyscblag, Franz, & Kfloesta, Friedrich. See Moesta & Beyscblag. Beyscblag, Franz, & Froscboldt, Hermann. Blatt Rodach. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 60, Gradahth. 70, No. 39, 1896, 40 pp. Beysen, Curt, & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludiuig]. See Claus & Beysen. Beytbien, K[arl] A[dolf], & ToUens, B[ernhard Christian Gottfried]. Ueber Verbindungen der Raffinose mit Basen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1047 ; Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 195-213 ; Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 894-910. Ueber das Verhalten der invertirten Raffinose gegen Phenylhydrazin. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 214-216. Beobachtungen iiber die Schmelpunkte der Osazone und iiber Phenylhydrazin- Arbeiten. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 217-221. Beirtbien, K[arl] A[dolf], Parens, F[ugen], & ToUens, B[e)iihard Christian Gottfried}. Ueber die Bildung von Milchsaure aus Raffinose und aus Rohrzuoker mit Basen. Raffinose entsteht nicht aus Rohrzuoker mit Kalk oder Strontian. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 222-228 ; Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 917-922, 1080. Ueber Milchsaure aus Melasse. Liebig's Ann., 255, 1889, 228-229 ; Ztschr. Ver, Riibenzuckerind. , 39, 1889, 922-924. Bez, . Les maladies des employes de chemins de fer. Ann. Hyg, Publ., 11, 1884, 331-343. Bezan9on, Fernand. De la tachycardie symptomatique dans le cours de la tuberculose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 303-304. Maladies du sang et des organes hematopo'ietiques. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 467-490, 616-618; 185, 1900, 488-510. Bezan9on, Fernand, & Berger, Panl. See Berger & Bezan9on. Bezan9on, Fernand, & Gouget, A[lbert]. Action comparce des poisons tuberculeux. (Toxicite, action sur la tem- perature.) Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. R.}, 521- 523. Bezan9on, Fernand, & Griffon, Vincent. Pouvoir agglu- tinatif du serum dans les infections exp^rimentales et humaines a pneumocoques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 551-553, 579-581. Recherches sur le mode de developpement et la vitalite du pneumocoque dans les divers serums. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 218-221. Milieu de diagnostic et milieu de conservation du pneumocoque. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 303^306. Etude exp^rimentale des arthrites k pneumocoques. Arch. Med. Exper., 11, 1899, 705-723. Culture du bacille tuberculeux sur la pomme de terre eraprisonnee dans la gelose glycerinee et sur le sang gdlos^. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C. R.), 77- 79. Culture sur sang g^los^ du liquide recueilli par ponction lombaire dans la m^ningite tuberculeuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 555-556. ■ Arthrites exp6rimentales a pneumocoques, par in- fection generale et sans traumatisme articulaire. Paris, Soc, Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 {C. R.), 709-710. Etude de la reaction agglutinante du serum dans les infections experimentales et humaines k pneumocoques. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 14 (1900), 449-463. Le sang gelose corame milieu de culture pour les microbes qui ne se developpent pas sur les milieux usuels. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 3, Bact.), 59-62. Culture du gonocoque sur le "sang gelose." Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 647-648. Bezan9on, Fernajid, & Ziabb^, Marcel. Etude sur le mode de reaction et le role des ganglions lymphatiques dans les infections experimentales. Arch. Med. Exper., 10, 1898, 318-335, 389-430. Infection ganglionnaire exp^rimentale (charbon, sta- phylocoque). Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 50, 1898 {C. R.), 379-381. Effets compares de Taction sur les ganglions du bacille et de la toxine diphterique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 507-510. Reactions et lesions histologiques de la rate dans les infections aigues. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Anat. Path.), 306-316. Du role de I'accoutumance dans le d^terminisme des localisations microbiennes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 31-33. Bezan9on, Fernand, & Tbibierge, Georges. See Tbibierge & Bezan9on. Bezan9on, Fernand, & "Widal, Fernand. See Widal & Bezan9on. Bezan9on, Fernand, Griffon, Vincent , & lie Sourd, L. Culture du bacille du chancre mou. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 {C. R.), 1048-1051, 1129. Bezan9on, Paul, & Variot, G. See Variot & Bezan9on. B^zier, [I'onssaint]. Sur la presence de Trilobites dans lee schistes rouges-lie-de-vin des environs de Rennes [1888.] Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, 60-63. Sur un gisement carbonifere, de I'etage de Vise, reconnu k Quenon, en Saint- Aubin-d'Aubigne (lUe-et- Vilaine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 403-404. Bezold, Friedrich. Ueber die Erkrankungen des Gehor- organs bei Ueotyphus. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1884, 1-53. Gesammtbericht iiber die 1881-1883 incl. behandelten Ohrenkranken. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1884, 221-266. Ueber Erklarungsversuche zum Verhalten der Luft- und Knochenleitung beim Rinne'schen Versuch, mit einem Obductionsfall. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1885, 307-312. Bemerkungen iiber die Uhr als Hormesser und die einheitliche Bezeichnung der Horpriifungen nach Knapp. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1885, 312-314; Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 15, 1886, 151-155 ; Arch. Otol., 15, 1886, 79-84. Schuluntersuchungen iiber das kindliche Gehororgan. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 14, 1885, 253-279 ; 15, 1886, 1-67 ; Arch. Otol., 14, 1885, 158-209, 242-287. Labyrinthnecrose und Paralyse des Nervus facialis. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 16, 1886, li9-210 ; Arch. Otol., 16, 1887, 297-348. Statische Ergebnisse iiber die diagnostische Verwend- barkeit des Rinne'schen Ver.suches und eine daraus sich ergebende Erkliirung fiir die physiologische Function des Schallleitungsapparates. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 17, 1887, 153-237; 18, 1888, 193-215; 19, 1889, 212-230; Arch. Otol., 16, 1887, 188-235; 17, 1888, 130-152. ■ Cholesteatom, Perforation der Membrana flaccida SuKAPNEijLi und Tubenverschluss, eine Jitiologische Studie. [1889.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 20, 1890, 5-28; Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 232-254. [Demonstration verbesserter Horpriifungsinstrumente.] [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 121-123. Ueber das Cholesteatom des Mittelohres, klinischer und therapeutischer Theil. [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 252-271 ; Arch. Otol., 20, 1891, 305-309. R. S. A. C. Bezold] Ueber das Veihalten der im Verlaufe von Phthisis pulmonum auftretenden Mittelohreiterungen unter dem Einfluss der Koch'schen Behandhing. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 47, 1891, 622-636. . Einige weitere Mittheilungen iiber die continuirliche Tonreihe, insbesondere iiber die physiologische obere und untere Tongrenze. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 23,1892, 254- 267; Arch. OtoL, 22, 1893, 216-22.5. Eine continuirUche Tonreihe als Horpriifungsmittel. [1892.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 8, 1893, 70-81. Untersuchungen iiber das durchschnittliche Horver- mogen im Alter. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 1-24 ; Arch. Otol., 23, 1894, 214-227. Eine Eutfernung des Steigbiigels. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 24, 1893, 259-264; Arch. Otol., 22, 1893, 400-403. Ein paar Bemerkungen zur continuirlichen Tonreihe. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1893, 265-267. Ein Fall von Stapesankylose und ein Fall von nervoser Schwerhorigkeit mit den zugehurigen Sec- tionsbefunden und der manometrischen Untersuchung. Ztschr. Ohrenbeilk., 24, 1893, 267-279; Arch. Otol., 23^, 1894, 48-57. Demonstration der continuirlichen Tonreihe in ihrer neuen von Dr. Edelmann verbesserten Form. [1893.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 25, 1894, 66-67. Horvermogen bei doppelseitiger angeborener Atresie des Gehorgangs mit rudimentarer Muschel. [1894.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1895, 11-19; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 127-131. Ein weiterer im Leben diagnosticirter Fall von doppelseitiger Steigbiigelankylose mit Section sbef und, manometrischer und histologischer Untersuchung. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1896, 1-10; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 67-73. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Horpriifungen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 29, 1896, 1-28; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 274-284. Demonstration einer kontinuirlichen Tonreihe zum Nachweis von Gehordefekten, insbesondere bei Taub stummen, und die Bedeutung ihres Nachweises fiir die Helmholtzsche Theorie. [1896.] Ztschr. Psychol., 13 1897, 161-174. Die Stellung der Consonanten in der Tonreihe Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 30, 1897, 114-121; Arch. Otol. 26, 1897, 383-388. Nachpriifung der im Jahre 1893 untersuchten Taub stummen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 30, 1897, 203-223 Arch. Otol., 29, 1900, 107-117. Die Feststellung einseitiger Taubheit. Ztschr Ohrenheilk., 31, 1897, 61-102; Arch. Otol., 27, 1898 158-178. Schema fiir die Gehorspriifung des kranken Ohres Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 33, 1898, 165-174; Arch. Otol, 29 1900, 34-41. Statistischer Bericht iiber die Untersuchungsergeb nisse einer zweiten Serie von Taubstummen. [1899.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 36, 1900, 1-78. Ergebnisse der functionellen Gehorspriifung mit der continuirlichen Tonreihe, insbesondere am Taubstum menohr. Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber. 16, 1900, 1-21. Eine Analyse des Kinne'schen Versuches. Ztschr Ohrenheilk., 37, 1900, 197-207; Arch. Otol., 29, 1900 453-461. Bezold, Friedrich, & Edelmann, M[ax] Th[omas] Bestimmung der Horscharfe nach richtigen Pro portionen. [With discussiov.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 45 1898, 109-111. • Ein Apparat zum Aufschreiben der Stimmgabel- schwingungen und Bestimmung der Horscharfe nach richtigen Proportionen mit Hiilfe desselben. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 33, 1898, 174-185. 530 LBezold Eine neue Methode, die Quantitiit des Horver- mogens vermittelst Stimmgabeln zu bestimmen, von E. ScHMiEGELOW. EntgcgnuHg. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 49, 1900, 8-16. Bezold, Friedrich, & Sclieibe, Ariw. Ein Fall von hochgradigem Nervenschwund in sammtlichen Win- dungen der Schnecke. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 230-236; Arch. Otol., 21, 1892, 267-272. Bezold, [Johann Friedrich] Wilhelm von. Ein einfacher Versuch zur Versinnlichung des Zusammenhanges zwischen der Temperatur eines gliihenden Drahtes und der Zusammensetzung des von ihm ausgehenden Lichtes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 21, 1884, 175-178. Eine perspectivische Tauschung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 351-352. Untersuchungen iiber dielectrische Ladung und Leitung. [1884.] Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 426- 447; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1885, 14-38. [Ueber den normalen Verlauf der Dammerung.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 33-34. Ueber eine neue Art von Cohasionsfiguren. [1884.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1885, 355-365. Ueber Stromungsfiguren in Fliissigkeiten. [1884.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 14, 1886, 611-638. Ueber Dammerungserscheinungen. [1884.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 9, 1885, xvii-xviii. [Ueber Gewitter-Erscheinungen.] [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 63-64. Nachtragliche Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung "Ueber Stromungsfiguren in Fliissigkeiten." Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 407-408. Ueber die Fortschritte der wissenschaftlichen Witterungskunde wahrend der letzten Jahrzehnte. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 313-324. Ueber ziindende Blitze im Konigreich Bayern wahrend des Zeitraumes 1838 bis 1882. [1884.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 15, 1886, 169-228. Ueber Herstellung des Farbendreiecks durch wahre Farbenmischung. [1885.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 305-324. [Ueber Blitze.] Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 3. Noch ein Wort zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ansichten iiber den Ursprung des Fohn, Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 85-87. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Zerlegung des weissen Lichtes in Complementarfarben. Ann. Phys. Chem., 32, 1887, 165-167. Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber rotirende Fliissig- keiten. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 261-273. [Ueber Newton's Gesetz der Farbenmischung.] Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1887, 55-58. Von Hrn. A. Sprung beobachtete eigenthiimliche Barometerschwankungen am 3. und 4. Mai. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1887, 58-60. Zur Thermodynamik der Atmosphare. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 485-522, 1189-1206; 1890, 355-390; 1892, 279-309; 1900, 356-372. Ueber eine nahezu 26-tagige Periodicitat der Gewittererscheinungen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 905- 914. Zur Theorie der Cyklonen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 1295-1317. Urteilstauschungen nach Beseitigung einseitiger Harthorigkeit. Ztschr. Psychol., 1, 1890, 486-487. Der Warmeaustausch an der Erdoberfiache und in der Atmosphare. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1892, 1139-1178. Die Meteorologie als Physik der Atmosphare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 290-291. [Elektrische Beobachtungen bei Ballonfahrten.] Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 46-50. Ueber Isanomalen des erdmagnetischen Potentials. [1893.] Berlin Ak. Sber., 1895, 363-378. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. Mack Bezold] 531 [Bialobrzeski iiber die Doppelbrechung electrischer Strahlen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1896, 752-754. Der normale Erdmagnetismus. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 1119-1134. Ueber Gewitterbildung und labiles Gleichgewicht der Atmospbare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1896), 121-125. Ueber wissenschaftliche Luftballonfahrten. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1896, 45-60. Ueber die Untersuchung electrischer Drahtwellen mit Hiilfe von Staubfiguren. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 124-131. Zur Theorie des Erdmagnetismus. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1897, 414-449. Bemerkungen liber den besonderen Wert der Deutschen Biidpolar Expedition fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 25, 1898, 78-85. Ueber die Teniperaturiinderungen auf- und abstei- gender Luftstrome. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 441- 448. Ueber die Zunahme der Blitzgefahr wahrend der letzen sechzig Jahre. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1899, 291-300. Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung des Herrn Muttbich "Ueber Spiit- und Friihfroste." Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 114-117. Bezold, [Johann Friedricli] Wilhelni von, & Rykacev, (Gen.) M[ichajl] A[leks(mdrovic]. On the establishment of temporary magnetic observatories in certain localities, especially in tropical countries. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 743-745. B6zy, [Paul]. Epidemic de fievre typhoide d^veloppee autour d'une usine. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1887 (Pt. 2), 782-784. Bezzi, Mario. Note sopra alcuni insetti epizoi. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 22, 1890, 30-37. Contribuzione alia fauna ditterologica della provincia di Pavia. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 23, 1891, 21-91 ; 24, 1892, 64-82, 97-151. Aggiunte alia fauna entomologica della provincia di Pavia. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 23, 1891, 120-130. Di alcuni Ditteri raccolti nel paese dei Somali dal- r ingegnere L. Bricchetti-Robecchi. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 32, 1892, 181-196. Revisione dei Rincoti trentini. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 25, 1893, 81-116, Gli insetti epizoi, o insetti che vivono su altri animali. Loro costurai, caratteri, classificazione ; modo di racco- glierli e conservarli. Hi v. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 13, 1893, 17-20, 49-53, 73-77, 97-99, 105-107, 122-125, 136-142, 145-146; 14, 1894, 10-13, 22-28. Eine neue Art der Gattung Callomyia, Fll. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 12, 1893, 304-305. I Ditteri del Trentino. Saggio di un elenco delle specie di Ditteri osservate nel Trentino, [1892-94.] Padova Soc. Sci. Atti, 1, [1894], 209-353. Sulle specie italiane del gen. Peleteria, R.D. ; B.B. [Itaha], Soc. Ent. Bull., 26, 1«94, 242-261. Sphyrocera, eine neue Gattung der Tachiniuen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 13, 1894, 173-174. Contribuzioni alia fauna ditterologica italiana. [Italia], Soc. Ent. Bull., 27, 1896, 39-78; 30, 1898, 19-50, 121-164; 32, 1900, 77-102. Eine neue Art der Dipterengattung Psilopa, Fll. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 14, 1896, 137-139. Eine neue europiiische Stratiomyia-Art mit zum Theil rothgefarbten Fiihlern. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 15, 1896, 215-217. Rhamphomyia heterochroma, nova Dipterorum species ex Hungaria. Termr. Fiiz., 21 (1898), 439-440. Di alcuni Cecidomiidi e Ditterocecidii nuovi per r Italia od interessanti. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 1412-1426. Sulla presenza del genere Chiouea, Dalman, in Italia, e la riduzione delle ali nei Ditteri. Milano, 1st. Lomb, Rend,, 33, 1900, 511-526. De nova Dipterorum specie faunsD hungaricae perti- nente. Termr. Fiiz., 23 (1900), 251-253. Zur Synonymic und Verbreitung des Psamraorycter vermileo, Deg. Ein dipterologischer Beitrag. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 19, 1900, 56-57. Bezzi, Mario, & Stefanl-Perez, Tf odosio de. Enumerazione dei Ditteri fino ad ora raccolti in Sicilia. Nat. Sicil., 2, 1897, 25-72. Bezzola, Dom. Beitriige zur Histologie der fibriuosen Pneumonic. Virchow, Arch., 136, 1894, 345-359. Bliadurl, Chaudrabhushan, & Bhaduri, Jyotibhushan. Contribution from the chemical laboratory, Presidency College, Calcutta. On double thiosulphates of copper and sodium. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 67 (Pt. 2), 1898, 234-250; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 17, 1898, 1-17. Bbaduri, Jyotibhushan. On the transformation of hypochlorites into chlorates. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1896, 43-44; Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 66-84; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 385-406. Note on the decomposition of mercurous chloride and estimation of free chlorine. [1896.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 65 (Pt. 2), 1897, 84-87; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 407-411, Bhaduri, Jyotibhushan, & Bhaduri, Chandrabhushan. See above. Bhaduri, Jyotibhushan, & Fedler, Alexander. See Fedler & Bhaduri. Biaille de Ziangibaudi^re, . Montage des Diatom^es. Jl. Microgr., 13, [1889], 59. Bial, F[ranz'\, & "Werner, Alfred. See "Werner & Bial. Bial, Manfred. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Niere, Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 116-124. Ueber die diastatiache Wirkung des Blut- und Lymphserums. Pfliiger, Arch, Physiol., 52, 1892, 137- 156. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber das diastatische Ferment des Blutes. [1892.] Pfliiger, Arch, Physiol., 53, 1893, 156-170. Ein weiterer Beitrag zum Chemismus des zucker- bildenden Blutfermentes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 72-80. Ueber die Beziehungen des diastatischen Fermentes des Blutes und der Lymphe zur Zuckerbilduug in der Leber. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch, Physiol, 55, 1894, 434- 468, Ueber den Mechanismus der Magengahrungen, [1895.] Wien, Med, Wschr., 46, 1896, 273-274, 334. Ueber den Mechanismus der Gasgiihrungen im Magen- safte. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Biologic des Hefepilzes. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897, 1-34. Ueber Magenphotographie, Centrbl, Med, Wiss., 37, 1899, 97-98. Bial, Manfred, & Bohmann, F\i-am]. See Bohmann & Bial. Bial de Bellerade, . [Sur le Cryptocephalus janthinns (Germ.).] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1886, xxiii-xxiv. Sur le genre Aphthona. Bordeaux Soc. Linn, Act., 39, 1885, xxix. [Sur I'habitat de plusieurs Col(5opt6res.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 39, 1885, xxxix-xl, [Vari^t^ de Cassida vittata. Lists des Cassides de la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn, Act., 39, 1886, xlix, Coleopteres recueillis dans I'excursion qui k eu lieu aux environs de la R6ole, le 26 juin 1892. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, clxxi-clxxiv. Bial de Bellerade, , Blondel de Joigny, , & Coutureg, G. Contribution a la faune des Coleopteres dc la Gironde. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, 51-100; 55, 1900, 251-299, Bialobrzeski, M. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des nach verschiedenen Methoden dargestellten Hamins 67—2 Bialobrzeski] 532 [Bianchi und Hamatins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2842-2851; Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 30, 1897, 376- 378 ; St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 5, 1897, 233-253. Chemische Untersuchung der Folia Bucco. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 35, 1896, 353-358, 385-389, 401-405, 417-421, 433-436, 449-451. Die Anwendung saurer Losungen von arseniger Siiure in der Maassanalyse. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 35, 1896, 785-789. Ueber das tertiare p-Butyltoluol und seine Nitro- producte. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1773- 1776, 3449. Bialobrzeski, M., & Nencki, M[arcel]. Ueber die Acetsalicylsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1776-1779. Bialoveski, A. Ice-period on the Altai range. Nature, 35, 1887, 513. Dreams. Nature, 38, 1888, 56. Altaic granites. [1888.] Nature, 39, 1889, 30-31. Biancbedi, Giuseppe. Suonerie elettro-cronometriche. Kiv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 291-294. Bianchetti, Enrico. *Terremoto del 29 dicembre 1881. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 8. *Terremoto del 31 dicembre 1881. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 8. *[Terremoto del 27 febbraio, 1882.] Ornavasso. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 55. *Terremoto dell' 8 marzo, [1882. Ornavasso]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 81. -. Terremoto del 5 marzo [1885]. Ornavasso (Ossola). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 55. Terremoto del 16 agosto, 1885. Ornavasso. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 144. Bianchi, A. Di un nuovo metodo per la ricerca della sostanza indicogena delle orine. Ann. di Chim., 79, 1884, 129-138. Bianchi, Al\herto], & Hanzlik, }V[e7izel]. See Hanzlik & Bianchi. Bianchi, Al[herto], & Nolting, Emilio [Dotningo]. See IVolting & Bianchi. Bianchi, Andrea. Bolide del 7 aprile [Chiavari, 1884]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 70. [Bolide del 19 agosto 1884.] Fontanabuona (Liguria). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 146. [Terremoti del 10 febbraio, 1885.] Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 40. Terremoto del 1° marzo [1885, Chiavari]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 54. Bohde [Chiavari, 7 giugno 1885]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 107. -r — Fenomeni meteorologici. Chiavari, dicembre 1885. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 22. Terremoti del febbraio 1887 nella Liguria orientale. [1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 60-61. Burrasche del 14-16 e del 25-27 ottobre 1887. Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll. , 8, 1888, 25-26. [II terremoto del 8 marzo 1889.] Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 79. - — Burrasca del 12 maggio 1890. Chiavari. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 114. Bianchi, Andrea (et alii). Terremoto del 6 dicembre 1885. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 6, 1886, 8. Bianchi, Aurelio. La cefalea oftalmica. Sperimentale 53, 1884, 165-184. Antipirina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 384-396. -: — Cairina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 397-408. Rivista sintetica. [I climi e le malattie delle regioni africane.] Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 407-429 611-625. ' Rivista sintetica. Le asciti lattiginose (asciti chili- formi ed asciti chilose) nei secoli passati e del secolo nostro. Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 71-86, 174-192. Rivista sintetica. Cenni storici sulla ascoltazione stetoscopica della percussione. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 84-99. Rivista sintetica. La coca e la cocaina, loro azione flsiologica e terapeutica. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 180- 204, 502-539. Nuove applicazioni dell' idroclorato di cocaina nella terapia infantile. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 598-609. L' isterismo nell' uomo. Sperimentale, 59, 1887, 619-629. La suggestione nella salute e nella malattia. Appunti di filosofia della medicina. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 269- 281. Delle modificazioni esterne e viscerali osservate durante la inanizione. Seconda comunicazione sul digiuno di Giovanni Socci. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 542-558. Preliminari alio studio clinico delle impronte plantari. Esperimenti intorno alia varieta di produzione delle orme nella stazione assisa ed eretta e nella deambula- zione. Sperimentale, 62, 1888, 40-57. Ascoltazione stetoscopica della percussione. Ricerche sperimentali intorno alle modificazioni dei suoi resultati per influenza dei liquid! e dei gaz nei viventi e nei cadaveri. Sperimentale, 62, 1888, 269-288. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche intorno alia possi- bilita di delimitare esattamente 1' area del contenuto gastrico, suo valore semejologico e sue modalita. Speri- mentale, 62, 1888, 361-387. Studio clinico delle impronte del piede. I circoli plantari ; loro descrizione e valore semejologico. Speri- mentale, 63, 1889, 146-181, 225-244. Della cura asettica del vajuolo. [Ricerche cliniche e sperimentali.] Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 571-576, 642- 661. Ueber Phonendoskopie und phonendoskopische Pro- jection des Korperinneren. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 [Th. 2, imfte 2), 68-71. Les trois principaux types d'estomac. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 7-8. Les modalit^s motrices de I'estomac pendant une journ^e (24 heures). Commnnication preventive. Congr. Int. MM. C. R., 1897 [Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 58-59. Sur la phonendoscopie des organes et particulierement sur la projection phonendoscopique de I'estomac et de son contenu avec demonstration pratique. Congr. Int. MM. C. R., 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 64-72, (Vol. 7), xliv. Sur la phonendoscopie. \}Vith discussion.} Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 4), 48-53. L'ectoscopie, methode pour etudier la dilatabilit^ des organes. Congr. Int. M6d. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 1, Physiol.), 215-216. Variations diurnes des organes etudi^es par la pho- nendoscopie. Evolution de la methode pendant trois ans. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 1, Physiol.), 216-219. Sur un moyen pour localiser les bruits et mesurer leur intensity. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 4), 617. Bianchi, Aurelio, & Comte, Ch^arles'}. Des changements de forme et de position de I'estomac chez I'homme, pendant la digestion, etudies par la projection phonendo- scopique. Arch, de Physiol.," 9, 1897, 891-904. Sur le temps de sejour des liquides dans I'estomac. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 56-58, (Vol. 7), xliv. Bianchi, Aurelio, & Regnault, Felix. Modifications des organes dans la course de soixante-douze heures en bicyclette, etudi^es par la phonendoscopie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 387-388. Action du bain turc sur les organes internes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 324-327. Bianchi, E. Sulla diatermaneita dell' ebanite. Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 285-295. Bianchi] 533 [Bianchi Bianchi, Leonardo. Un caso di aorditS, verbale. II metodo pedagogico nella cura della stessa. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 12, 1886, 57-71. Sulle degenerazioni sperimentali disceiidenti nel cervello e nel midollo spinale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 12, 1886 (Med. Legale), 225. La responsabilita nell' isterismo. [1889.] Hi v. Sper. di Freniatria, 16, 1890 {Med. Legale), 141-154. La psicologia in rapporto alle ultima nozioni di fisiologia del cervello. [1889.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 3, 1891, 550-551. Des lesions cer^brales en foyer et de leur traitement. Arch. G^n. Med., 170, 1892, 747-748. 1st die Vernunft eine ausschliesslich den Empfind- ungsbereichen der Hirnrinde zukommende Thatigkeit? Untersnch. Nat., 14, 1892, 402-417. Sulla fisiologia del linguaggio. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, FisioL), 80-83. Sulla funzione dei lobi frontali. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, FisioL), 190-192; Brain, 18, 1895, 497-522. La funzione dei lobi prefi'ontali. [With discussion.] Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 4, Fsichiatr.), 10-20. Biancbi, Leonardo, & Abundo, G[iiiseppe} d\ Die in's Gehirn und Riickenmark herabsteigendenexperimentalen Degenerationen als Beitrag zur Lehre von den cerebralen Localisirungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 385-391. Bianchi, Luigi. Sui sistemi tripli ciclici di superficie ortogonali. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 333-373. Sopra una proprieta caratteristica delle superficie ad area minima. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 374-377. Sopra una classe di sistemi tripli di superficie ortogonali, che contengono un sistema di elicoidi aventi a comune 1' asse ed il passo. Ann. Mat., 13 (1885), 39-52. Sopra i sistemi tripli ortogonali di Weingarten. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 163-166, 243-246 ; Ann. Mat., 13 (1885), 177-234 ; 14 (1886-87), 115-130. Sopra i sistemi tripli di superficie ortogonali che contengono un sistema di superficie pseudosferiche. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 1), 19-22. Sulle soluzioni comuni a due equazioni a derivate parziali del 2° ordine con due variabili. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 2), 218-223, 237-241, 307- 310. Sui sistemi di Weingarten negli spazi di curvatura costante. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 221-256. Sopra i sistemi doppiamente infiniti di raggi (con- gruenze). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 1), 369-370; Ann. Mat., 15 (1887-88), 161-172. Sulle superficie d'area minima negli spazi a curvatura costante. [1888.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 4, 1887, 503-519. Sulle forme differenziali quadratiche indefinite. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 539-603. Sulla equazione a derivate parziali del Cayley nella teoria delle superficie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 442-445. Sopra una classe di trasformazioni in s6 medesima della equazione a derivate parziali : rt (1 + p'^ + q^) T + 2 (1 + q^)r-2pqg + (l+p^) t (1+p'^ + q^)'^ + :; 5 „ = cost'\ Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 445-452. Sulle superficie fuchsiane. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 161-165. Sui sistemi di equazioni lineari ai differenziali totali. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 312-323. Sulle forme quadratiche a coefiicienti e a indetermi- nate complesse. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 589-599. Sulle equazioni lineari a derivate parziali del 2° ordine. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 2), 35-44. Sopra alcune nuove classi di superficie e di sistemi tripli ortogonali. Ann. Mat., 18 (1890), 301-358. Sopra una classe di rappresentazioni equivalenti della sfera sui piano. Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 226-229. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari a coefficienti interni complessi, Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 331-339. Sopra una classe di gruppi fuchsiani riduclbili a gruppi modulari. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 375-384. Geometrische Darstellung der Gruppen linearer Sub- stitutionen mit ganzen complexeu Coefficienten nebst Anwendungen auf die Zahlentheorie. Math. Ann., 38, 1891, 313-333. Sulle superficie, le cui sezioni, fatte con un sistema di piani paralleli, tagliano le linee di curvatura sotto angolo costante. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 1), 4-13. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari e sulle forme quadratiche di Dirichlet et di Hermite, Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 3-11. Sui sistemi tripli ortogonali che contengono una serie di superficie con un sistema di linee di curvatura piane. Ann. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 177-199. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari con coefficienti appartenenti a corpi quadratici iramaglnari. Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 332-412. Sulla trasformazione di Backlund per le superficie pseudosferiche. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 3-12. Sulle deformazioni infinitesime delle superficie fles- sibili ed inestendibili. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 41-48. Sulla trasformazione di BXcKLnNO pei sistemi tripli ortogonali pseudosferici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 2), 156-161. Ricerche sulle forme quaternarie quadratiche e sui gruppi poliedrici. Ann. Mat., 21 (1893), 237-288; 23 (1895), 1-44. Sui gruppi di sostituzioni lineari. Math. Ann., 42, 1893, 30-57. Sopra alcune classi di gruppi di sostituzioni lineari a coefficienti complessi. Math. Ann., 43, 1893, 101-135. Sulle divisioni regolari dello spazio non-euclideo in poliedri regolari. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 65-72. Sui sistemi tripli ortogonali di Weingarten. Palermo Circ. Mat. Eend., 8, 1894, 25-82. Sulle forme quaternarie quadratiche e sui gruppi poliedrici. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 3-12. Applicazioni geometriche del metodo delle appros- simazioni successive di Picard. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 143-150. Sulla interpretazione geometrica del teorema di MouTARD. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 565-573. Sulle superficie i cui piani principali hanno costante il rapporto delle distanze da un punto fisso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 77-84. II metodo di Riemann esteso alia integrazione della equazione : .;; ^ ; = Mu. oxi c^Xg . . . dx„ Roma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 1), 8-18. Sulla estensione del metodo di Riemann alle equazioni lineari alle derivate parziali d' ordine superiore. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 (Sem. 1), 89-99, 133-142. Bianchi] 534 [Biancone SuUe superficie a curvatura nulla negli spazi di curvatura costante. Torino, Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 74H-755. . . . Sulle superficie a curvatura nulla in geometria ellittica. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 93-129. ■ Nuove ricerche sulle superficie pseudosferiche. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 347-386. Sopra una classe di superficie collegate alle superficie pseudosferiche. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 133-137. Sur deux classes de surfaces qui engendrent par un mouvement h^licoidal une famille de Lame. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 11, 1897, H, 8 pp. ■ Suir applicabilita di due spazi colla medesima curvatura di Riemann costante. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 2), 147-155. Sugli spazi a tre dimensioni che ammettono un gruppo continuo di movimenti. (Roma), Soc. Ital. Mem., 11, 1898, 267-352. Alcune ricerche di geometria non euclidea. Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 95-126. Sulla teoria delle trasformazioni delle superficie a curvatura costante. Ann. Mat., 3, 1899, 185-298. ■ Sulla teoria della deformazione delle superficie di rivoluzione. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8; 1899 (Sem. 1), 141-151. Sopra le superficie a curvatura costante positiva. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 223-228. Sulle trasformazioni delle superficie a curvatura costante positiva. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 371-377. Sulle nuove trasformazioni delle superficie a curvatura costante. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 484-489. Sulla teoria delle trasformazioni delle superficie d'area minima. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 151-165. Sulla deformazione dei paraboloidi di rotazione negli spazi di curvatura costante. Ann. Mat., 4, 1900, 1-66. Sulla deformazione delle congruenze e sopra alcune classi di superficie applicabili. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 185-193. Sulla integrazione della equazioneA2M = 0 nello spazio indefinito non-euclideo. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 333-343. Blanchi, Silvio. Contributo clinico alia fisio-patologia cerebellare e osservazioni sulle critiche del Thomas alia dottrina del Ldciani. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 24, 1898, 386-399 ; Ztschr. Psychol., 19, 1899, 299-302. Bianchi, Stanislao. Craniologia dei Senesi odierni. Arch. Antropologia, 14, 1884, 319-331. ■ Varieta muscolari. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 161-166 ; 58, 1886, 113-125. Le arterie coronarie del cuore. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 277-281. Nuove ricerche sui linfatici del cuore. Sperimentale, 58, 1886, 376-386. Sul modo di formazione del terzo condilo e sui process! basilari dell' osso occipitale nell' uomo. Osser- vazioni anatomiche. Arch. Antropologia, 17, 1887, 345- 358. Un caso di sacralizzazione incompleta (unilaterale) fra la sesta e la settima vertebra cervicale. [With dis- cussion.] Arch. Antropologia, 19, 1889, 93-111, 549-550. Sul modo di svilupparsi dell' osso Wormiano epipterico neir uomo (osso sfenotico del Baraldi). Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 34-35. ■ Sopra un rarissimo caso di arteria cruralis bifida. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 383-387. Su di un processo articolare auomalo della 6" vertebra cervicale. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 451-452. Su di una rara anomalia arteriosa. Sperimentale, 63, 1889, 568-569. Ancora suU' osso sfenotico nell' uomo. Risposta alia nota del prof. Baraldi. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 143-146. Ossificazioni accessorie (squamo-condiloidee) dello occipitale umano. Sperimentale, 66, 1890, 256-262. Sur le d^veloppement de la squame occipitale et sur le mode d'origine des diverses formes des os interparietaux et pr^interparietaux dans le crane humain. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 103-107. I seni frontali e le arcate sopraccigliari studiate nei crani dei delinquenti, degli alienati e dei normali. Arch. Antropologia, 22, 1892, 231-249. Bianchi, Stanislao, & niarimb, Francesco. Sur quelques anomalies craniennes des ali^nes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, vii ; Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 18, 1892, 103-121. Bianchi, V[alentiii Lvovid]. Ueber einen neuen Wiirger aus der Untergattung Otomela (Otomela Bogdanowi). St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 514-519. Zur Ornis der westliehen Auslaufer des Pamir und des Alai. [1886.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 31, 1887, 337-396. Biologische Notizen liber die im Sommer 1884 bei Uschaki (Gouvernement Nowgorod) beobachteten Vogel. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 4, 1888, 189-275. K7> (})ayHi5 Rhopalocera TBepcKoil ry6epHiH. [Contribution to the Rhopalocera fauna of the govern- ment of Tver.] [1892.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 70, 1893 (Append. No. 1), 17 pp. On two new forms of the heteropterous family Gerridse. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 69-76. De speciebus duabus novis generis Nabis, Latr. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 113-116. 0 AByx't HOBHX'B ^.in pyccKon (J)ayHH BHj;ax'r. IXTIIUT). [Sur deux esp^ces d'oiseaux, nouvelles pour la faune de la Russie.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 126-136. Kt ji,iarHOCTiiKf. najieapKTHiecKiix't Birj;oBT, po;ta [Uebersieht der pala3arkti8chen Arten der Gattung] Carpodacus, Kaup. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 218-240; Jl. f. Ornith., 46, 1898, 102- 123. Acanthia (Calacanthia) Trybomi (J. Sahib.), CT. HoBOH 3eMJlIl [from Novaja Zemlya]. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 362-364. 0630p'I. BUJtOBl. po;i;a Tetraogallus, Gray. [Ueber- sieht der Arten der Gattung Tetraogallus, Gray.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, 111-123 ; Jl. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 421-434. Enumeratio operum opusculorumque ad faunam Hemipterorum-Heteropterorum Imperii Rossici perti- nentium. 1798-1897. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, 289-323. Ad cognitionem Phymatidarum Mundi Antiqui. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 4, 1899, 221-236. Bianchi, V[ale7itin Lvovic], & Berezovskij, 31. M. See Berezovskij & Bianchi. Bianchi, V^ulentin Lvovic], & Zarudnjrj, N[ikolaj] A[lekseevic]. On a new species of stone-chat (Saxicola Semenowi) from eastern Persia. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 5, 1900, 187-189. Bianchi-Mariotti, G. B., & Benini, . Sui trombi ialini nelle infezioni sperimentali. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, PatoL), 280-281. Bianchi-niariotti, G. P., & Fisenti, Gustavo. See Pisenti & Bianchi-Mariotti. Bianco. See Zanotti-Bianco. Biancone, Giovanni. Contributo clinico alio studio della miokimia (Kny e Fr. Schultzk). Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 24, 1898, 313-340. Biancone] 535 [Bickel Contributo clinico ed anatomico alio studio del tumori delle eminence bigemine. liiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 730-787. Suir azione ipnotica e scdativa dell' hedonal. Kiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 26, 1900, 397-419. Bianconi, G[iova7ini] G[iiiscppe]. *Du frottement comme cause de la trainee lumineuse des bolides. France Soc. M(5teorol. Annu., 11, 1863, Pt. 2, 17»-180. Biard, L. Report on the true ash in products of cane sugar manufactories, incinerated with sulphuric acid. U. S. Div. Chcm. Bull., No. 31, 1891, 77-80. Biarnis, G. Sur la fixitc de la richesse en oxygene du sang arteriel chez Ics animaux sup^rieurs. Congr. Int. Med. C. B., 1897 (Vol. 2, Sect. 2), 6. Biam^s, G., & Abelous, J. E[inile]. See Abelous & Biamds. Blames, G., & Meyer, E. See Meyer & Biamis. Biart, Lucien. For biographical notice and works see Anthrop. (Paris), 8, 1897, 369-370. Le rayon vert. Astronomie, 1891, 116. Biazzl, Ferruccio. Circa lo studio delle correnti negli oceani. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 4, 1893, 344-355. Bibbins, A rthur. Notes on the paleontology of the Potomac formation. [1895.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [15 (1895-96),] 17-20. Bibbins, Arthur, & Clark, William Bullock. See Clark & Bibbins. Biberfeld, [Hermann], Zur Wirkungsweise des Strychnins auf Riickenmark und periphere Nerven. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 397-402. Biberstein, M. Beitrage zur Serodiagnostik des Abdominal- typhus. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 347-374. Bibra, Alfred von. Ueber die Verunreinigung der Zimmer- luft durch salpetrige Saure (Untersalpetersaure) als Pro- dukt der kiinstlichen Beleuchtung. Arch. Hyg., 15, 1892, 216-239. Bibran. See Senden-Bibran. Bichat, E[rnest Adolphe]. Sur la cristallisation des para- tartrates. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, xvi. Sur le tourniquet ^lectrique et la d^perdition de relectricite par convection. Ass. Frany. C. R., 1886 [Pt. 2), 243-253; Ann. Chim., 12, 1887, 64-79. Sur le dcdoublement des composes optiquement inactifs par compensation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 428-431, 766-767. Sur un tourniquet ^lectrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1786-1789. Sur les ph^nomenes actino-electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 557-559 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1889, 27-36; Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 245-253. Sur le dcdoublement des paratartrates. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 1-10. Sur le calcul des franges de Talbot. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 5-8. Pouvoir inducteur sp^cifique. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, xix. Bichat, E[rncst Adolphe], & Blondlot, [Prosper] R[ene]. Sur les differences (^lectriques entre les liquides et sur le role de I'air dans la mesure electrom^trique de ces differences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 791-793. Oscillation du plan de polarisation par la decharge d'une batterie. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 1), 100. Sur un electrometre absolu, a indications continues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 753-756; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Ease. 20), 25-32. Construction d'un Electrometre absolu, permettant de mesurer des potentiels tr6s Aleves. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 245-248. Sur les phenomenes dits actino-Electriques. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 13-21. Action des radiations ultra-violettes sur le passage de I'Electricite a faible tension au travers de I'air. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 106, 1888, 1349-1351. Action combinec de I'insufflation et de rillumination sur les couches clectriques qui revetent les corps con- ducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 29-31. Notice sur I'electromctre absolu a. indications con- tinues. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 40-43. See also Blondlot & Bicbat. Bichat, E[rne3t Adolphe], & Guntz, A[ntoine Nicolas']. Sur la production de I'ozone par des decharges electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 334-336, 412; Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 1-12; Ass. Franp. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 279-282; Ann. Chim., 19, 1890, 131-144. Bichat, Xavier. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. Jitbil.), 1899, 11-13. Biche, li. Note sur I'Ononis mitissima. [1886.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., [9], 1888, 52-53. Lettre sur I'excursion de Malpas et Nissan. [1889.] BEziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 30-31. Lettre sur I'excursion de Cabri^res. [1889.] Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 12, 1890, 3.3-35. Note sur un nouvel hybride de Mercuriale. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 14, 1891, 9-10. Les plantes nuisibles a I'agriculture des environs de Pezenas indiquees par leurs noras patois, vulgaire et scientifique. Beziers Soc. Sci. Bull., 19, 1897, 106-112. Bicheroux, Erangois. Contribution a I'^tude du trac6 des cannelures d'un laminoir. [1893-95.] BruX. Ann. Trav. Publ., 50, 1893, 515-594; 52, 1896 (Mem.), 67- 127. La mise a feu des hauts-fourneaux. [1895.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 33, 1896, 175-231. Bichler, Josef. Zum Volksglauben. Wien. Med. Wschr., 36, 1886, 1549-1553, 1581-1586, 1615-1619; 37, 1887, 373-377, 407-411, 453-456, 557-560, 837-841, 975-977, 1075-1077, 1186-1189. Bickel, . Elektrische Bleicherei und Akkumulatoren- System Tribbelhorn. [1898.] Aarau, Mitth., 9, 1901, xl-xliv. Bickel, Adolf. Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Bewegungen der Wirbelthiere. [1896.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 65, 1897, 231-248. Action de la bile et des sels biliaires sur le syst^me nerveux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 702-704. Ueber den Einfluss der sensibelen Nerven und der Labyrinthe auf die Bewegungen der Thiere. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 299-344. Beitrage zur Riickenmarksphysiologie des Aales. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 110-119. Beitrage zur Riickenmarksphysiologie der Araphibien und Reptilien. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 71, 1898, 44-59. Zur vergleichenden Physiologic des Grosshirns. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 190-215. Zur Methode der quantitativen Bestimmung des Traubenzuckers in reinen Losungen und im Blute. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 248-264. Beitrage zur Riickenmarksphysiologie der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 481-484. Beitrage zur Riickenmarksphysiologie des Frosches. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 485-493. Ueber einige Erfahrungen aus der vergleichenden Physiologic des Centralnervensysteras der Wirbelthiere. Eine Erwiderung an J. Steiner. [1900.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 155-171. Bickel, Adolf, & Jacob, Paul. Ueber neue Beziehungen zwischen Hirnrinde und hinteren Kiickenmarkswiirzeln hinsichtlich der Bewegungsregulation beim Hunde. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1900, 763-767. See also Jacob & Bickel. Bickel, Gustav. Ueber die Ausdehnung und den Zusam- menhang des lymphatischen Gewebes in der Rachen- gegend. Virchow, Arch., 97, 1884, 340-359. Bickel, H. Ueber Derivate der Diphenylessigsiiure und der Benzilsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 22, 1889, 1537-1539. Bickel] Bickel, Hans. See Z.elimann, Karl Bernhard (et alii). Bickerlegge, (Rev.) O. Granite and its relations. Liver- pool Geol. Ass. Jl., 14, 1894, 21-30. Bickerton, A[le.cander] W[illiam]. On constructive cos- mical impact. Aust. Ass. Kep., 1891, 79-83. The specific heat of gases at constant volume. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117. Molecular attraction. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117. Some possible causes of the low temperatures of partial dissociation. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 117-118. Some recent evidence in favour of impact. [1893.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894, 461-476, [iv]. The immortality of the cosmos ; being an attempt to show that the theory of dissipation of energy is limited to finite portions of space. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 538-545. Synoptic statement of the principles and phenomena of cosmic impact : prepared for the criticism of scientific men and societies. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 545-558. On an oversight in Ckoll's mode of lengthening the age of the Sun's heat. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 558-559. Cosmic evolution. Phil. Mag., 50, 1900, 216-223. Bickerton, Thomas H[erbert]. Colour- bUndness generally considered. Nature, 44, 1891, 595-597. Colour-blindness and defective vision in the mercantile marine. Arch. Ophthalm., 28, 1899, 657-658. Bickerton, Thomas H[erbert], & Wlglesworth, Joseph. See vriglesworth & Bickerton. Bickes, Th., & Jannascb, Paul [Ehrhardt]. See Jannascta & Bickes. Bicket, John Hugh. For biographical notice see Chem. Soc. Jl., 65, 1894, 382. Bickford, Elizabeth E. Notes on regeneration and hetero- morphosis of tubularian hydroids. Jl. Morphol., 9, 1894, 417-430. The hypophysis of Calamoichthys calabaricus (Smith). Anat. Auz., 10, 1896, 465-470. Ueber die Morphologie und Physiologie der Ovarien der Ameisen-Arbeiteiinnen. [1895.] Zool. Jbiich. (Sj/st.), 9, 1897, 1-26. Bickbam, Spencer H. Rainfall at Ledbury in 1899. [1899. ] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1898-99, 183. Bickmore, C. E. Ou the numerical factors of a"-l. Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 1-44; 26, 1897, 1-38. Bicknell, vl . . *L'antimoine ; ses gisements, son exploitation, son traitement en Toscane. [1882.] Genie Civil, 2, 1881-82, 534-536. *Le mercure ; son gisement, son traitement en Toscane. [1882.] Genie Civil, 3, 1882-83, 9-11. Le soufre; ses gisements et son exploitation en Italic. [1894.] G6nie Civil, 24, 1893-94, 375-378, 390-391. Bidschof, Friedrich. Bestimmung der Bahn des Planeten (236) Honoria. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Ahth. 2), 1203-1232. Uutersuchungen iiber die Bahn des Planeten (220) Stephanie. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 567-582. Bestimmung der Bahn des Kometen 1848 I. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 {Abth. 2), 36-52. Ephemeride fiir die Opposition des Planeten (36) Atalante berechnet aus den Schubert'schen Elementen in A. N. 1868. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 313-314. Ephemeride fiir die Opposition des Planeten (236) Honoria. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 31-32. Eleraente und Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (279) Thule. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 345-348; 128, 1891, 405-406. Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (286). Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 347-348, 409-410. Bestimmung der Bahn des Planeten (175) Andromache. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {Abth. 2a), 483-498. • Elemente des Planeten (276) Adelheid. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 39-40. Verbesserte Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (279) Thule. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 137-138. Elemente der Bahn des Planeten (279) Thule abgeleitet aus Beobachtungen zweier Erscheinungen. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 253-254. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890... (Brooks Marz 19). Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 175-176, 239-240, 285-286 ; 125, 1890, 47-48, 123-124, 319-320 ; 126, 1891, 123-124, 215-216, 381-382; 127, 1891, 109- 110; 128, 1891, 201-204; Wien, Anz., 27,1891, 84-85. Bestimmung der Bahn des Cometen 1890... (Brooks Mjirz 19). Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 301-302. 68 BidschofJ 538 [Bidwell Elemente und Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (236) Honoria. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 411-414. Elemente nnd Ephemeride desCometen 1890...(Coggia Juli 18). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 95-96. BestimmuDR der Bahn des Planeten (279) Thule. Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 217-220; Wien, Ak.Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 937-991. Elemente und Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (295) (Palisa Aug. 17). Astr. Nachr., 125, 1890, 301-302. Ephemeride fiir die Opposition des Planeten (279) Thule. Astr, Nachr., 125, 1890, 365-366. Elemente und Ephemeride des von Mr. Coggia in Marseille am 18. Juli 1890 entdeckten Kometen. [1890.] Wien. Anz., 27, 1891, 187-188. Elemente und Ephemeride des von Prof. Zona in Palermo am 15. November 1890 entdeckten Kometen. [1890.] Wien, Anz., 27, 1891, 247-248; Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 111-112. Bestiramung der Bahn des Kometen 1890 II. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 2a), 515-532. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (324) (Palisa 1892 Febr. 25). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 145-146. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892... (Denning Miirz 18). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 151-152 ; Wien, Anz., 29, 1892, 62-63. Elemente und Ephemeride fiir den Planeten (326) (Palisa 1892 Marz 19). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 243-244. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1892... (Swift Marz 6). Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 261-262. Elemente des Planeten (317) Eoxane. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 299-300. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1893...(Rordame-Que- nisset).] Am Fadenmikrometer des 14 z. Equatori^al coude der Sternwarte in Wien. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 115-116. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (326) Tamara. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 267-270. Elemente und Ephemeride fiir den von W. R. Brooks am 16. October 1893 entdeckten Kometen. Wien, Anz., 30, 1893, 254-255. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1894... (Denning Marz 26).] Auf der Sternwarte in Wien. Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 133-134. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1896... (Swift April 13). Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 317-318. Kometen- und Planeten-Beobachtungen am Equatorial roude von 38 cm. Oeffnung in den Jahren 1890 bis 1893. Wien Univ. Sternw. Ann., 10, 1896, 91-140, 140-150, 183. Ueber die bevorstehende Wiederkehr des Cometen 1866 I (Tempel). Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 299-304; 145, 1898, 229-236. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1898...(Perrine Miirz 19). Am Equatorial coude von 38 cm. Oeffnung der K. K. Sternwarte in Wien. Astr. Nachr., 146, 1898, 77-78. Beobachtungen des Planeten 1898 DQ. Auf der K. K. Sternwarte in Wien. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 175-176, 207-208. Catalog der auf der K. K. Sternwarte zu Wien beo- bachteten Nebelflecke. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898 257- 268. [Mittheilung iiber den Lauf des am 13. August 1898 von dem Astronomen der Berliner " Urania," G. Witt, auf photographischem Wege entdeckten Asteroiden (433),' welcher sich innerhalb der Bahn des Planeten Mars um die Sonne bewegt.] Wien, Anz., 35, 1898, 278-280. Beobachtungen am Equatoreal coude von 38 cm Oeffnung in den Jahren 1894[-98]. Wien Univ. Sternw Ann., 13, 1898, 47-110, 112, 113-119; 14, 1900, 79-134 135-149. ' — - Beobaehtung des Planeten (433) Eros am 14 zoll. Equatoreal coude der K. K. Sternwarte zu Wien. Astr" Nachr., 148, 1899, 217-218. Beobachtungen an dem Eijuatoreal coude der K. K, Sternwarte zu Wien angestellt in den Jahren 1892-97, Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 401-412; 150,1899, 17-38, 81-94, [Beobachtungen von Meteoreu des Sternschnuppen- schwarmes der Bieliden auf dem Sonnenwendstein.] Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 346-349. Beobachtungen der Leoniden und der Bieliden des Jahres 1899 auf dem Schneeberg und auf dem Sonn- wendstein bei Wien. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 185-188. Ueber den Stern BD. + 26°.483, Astr. Nachr., 152, 1900, 15-16. Ueber einen in Heidelberg am 20. September 1900 aufgefnndenen Planeten. [1900.] Astr. Nachr., 154, 1901, 11-14. Bidscbof, Friedrich, & Palisa, Johann. [Beobachtungen von Stern schnuppen des Leonidenschwarmes in der Nacht vom 14-15 November 1899 auf dem Schneeberg und dem Sonnwendstein.] Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 333- 334. See also Palisa & Bidscbof. Bidwell, Edward. On the occurrence of Saisine's gull (Xema Sabinii, Sabine) in adult plumage in the Isle of Mull. [1884.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1885, 131- 135. Note on eggs of the great bustard. [1885.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 140-142. A visit to the Isles of Scilly during the nesting season. [1886.] Norf. Norw, Nat, Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 201-214, [Eggs of Alca impennis.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 3, 1894, xxi, XXXV ; 4, 1895, xxxii, xxxix ; 5, 1896, xxxviii, Note on some newly discovered eggs of the great auk. Ibis, 6, 1894, 422-423. [On the eggs of Cuculus canorus.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 5, 1896, xxix-xxx. List of western palsearctic species in the nest of which the cuckoo's egg has been found. Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 5, 1896, xxxii-xxxv. Bidwell, Edivard, & Fearson, Henry J. See Pearson & BidweU. Bidwell, Leonard A[;rtliia-]. Eodent ulcer occurring in a "birth-mark." London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 182-183. A possible way by which tuberculosis may be dis- seminated in schools. Jl. State Med., 3, 1895, 226-229. Bidwell, Leonard A[rthur], & Abraham, Fbiiieas S[imon]. Sections of skin after grafting by Thiersch's method removed for recurrent lupus. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 143-144. Bidwell, Slielford. The reversal of Hall's phenomenon. Nature, 29, 1884, 514. On an explanation of Hall's phenomenon. Roy. Soc. Proc, 36, 1884, 341-348. On a relation between the coefficient of the Thomson effect and certain other physical properties of metals. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 25-28. On some experiments illustrating an explanation of Hall's phenomenon. [1884.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 6, 1885, 29-47; Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 249-265. On the sensitiveness to light of selenium and sulphur cells. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 191-193. On the generation of a voltaic current by a sulphur cell with a solid electrolyte. Chem. News, 52, 1885, 219-220. On certain spectral images pi-oduced by a rotating vacuum-tube. Nature, 32, 1885, 30-31. Ocular after-images and lightning. Nature, 32, 1885, 101-102. A voltaic cell with a solid electrolyte. Nature, 32, 1885, 345. On the sensitiveness of selenium to light, and the development of a similar property in sulphur. [1885.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 7, 1886, 129-145; Phil. Mag., 20, 1885, 178-191. Bidwell] 539 [Biedermann On the generation of electric cnrrenta by sulphur cells. [18S5.] London Phys. Sec. Proc, 7, 1886, 256- 264; Phil. Mag., 20, 1885, 328-336. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the length of rods of iron, steel, and nickel. [1885.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 109-133. On diathermancy and electrolytic conductivity. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1886, 309-310. On the magnetic torsion of iron and nickel wires. Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 251-255. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the length of iron wires under tension. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 257-266. On the lifting power of electromagnets and the magnetisation of iron. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 486- 496. On a modification of Wheatstone's rheostat. [1886.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 8, 1887, 50-53; Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 29-32. On the electrical resistance of vertically suspended wires. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 3-8; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 499-503. Magnetic strains. Nature, 38, 1888, 224-225. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the dimensions of rings and rods of iron and of some other metals. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 205-230. The electromotive forces produced by the contact of similar metals at diiiferent temperatures. Electrician, 23, 1889, 546 547. On an effect of light upon magnetism. Roy. Soc. Proc, 45, 1889, 453-4.55. The electrification of a steam-jet. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890, 325-330; Phil. Mag., 29, 1890, 158-162. Lightning and the electric spark. Nature, 42, 1890, 151-154. The magnetization of iron in strong fields. Phil. Mag., 29, 1890, 440. On the effect of tension upon magnetic changes of length in wires of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Roy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, 469-480. The Hellesen dry cell. Electrician, 27, 1891, 37. An experiment showing the effect of electrification upon the condensation of steam. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 258. An automatic lamp-lighter. Nature, 43, 1891, 395-396. Alum solution. Nature, 44, 1891, 565. A lecture experiment illustrating the effect of heat upon the magnetic susceptibility of nickel. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 47-49; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 13'6-138. Some experiments with selenium cells. [1890.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 61-67 ; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 250-256. On the changes produced by magnetisation in the length of iron and other wires carrying currents. Roy. Soc. Proc, 51, 1892, 495-503. Magnetic phenomena. [1890.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 50-55. Some meteorological problems. A lecture delivered before the Royal Meteorol. Soc, March loth, 1893. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19, 1893, 161-171. The cloudy condensation of steam. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 388. On the effect of magnetisation upon the dimensions of wires and rings of annealed iron. Roy. Soc. Proc, 55, 1894, 228-234. On the effect of magnetisation upon the dimensions of iron rings in directions perpendicular to the mag- netisation, and upon the volume of the rings. Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 94-99. On the recurrent images following visual impressions. Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 132-145. The electrical properties of selenium. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 552-578; Phil. Mag., 40, 1896, 233-256. Fogs, clouds and lightning. [1893.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 14, 1896, 97-107. Diselectrification by phosphorus. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 6, 155. On subjective colour phenomena attending sudden changes of illumination. [1896.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 368-377. Subjective colour phenomena. [1897.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 367-368. Subjective transformations of colour. Nature, 56 (1897), 128. On the negative after-images following brief retinal excitation. Roy. Soc. Proc, 61, 1897, 268-271. Some curiosities of vision. [1897.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 15, 1899, 354-365. Multiple vision. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 559- $61. Magnetic strain in bismuth. Nature, 60 (1899), 222, Dark lightning flashes. Nature, 60 (1899), 591. On the formation of multiple images in the normal eye. Roy. Soc. Proc, 64, 1899, 241-245. Bidwell, W. D. The human eye : the changes which occur in middle Hfe. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 101-103. Bie, L. H. Kombinationslffire. En fremstilliug til brug ved selvstudium. Nyt Tidsskr. Math., 6 (a), 1896, 81- 126. Bie, V. Om lysets virkning paa mikroorganismer. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 344-345. Bieber, V. Ein Dinotherium-Skelet aus dem Eger-Fran- zensbader Tertiarbecken. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 299- 305. Biedermann, Alfred. Ueber Thiophenaldehyd und die dem Benzylalkohol entsprechende Verbindung der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 636-640, 1853-1857. Ueber das Thiophenol und das a-Naphtol der Thio- phenreihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1615- 1620. Biedermann, Alfred, & Jacobson, P[aul]. Ueber eine dem Naphtaliu entsprechende Verbindung der Thio- phenreilie. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2444- 2447. Biedermann, Alfred, & Iicpetit, Robert [Albert Einile}. Ueber die Indigosynthese aus Anilidoessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bei., 23, 1890, 3289-3291. Biedermann, Ernst. Production, Verwenduug und Ver- theilung der Edelmetalle in tabellarischen Nachweisungen und Erlauterungen. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitteu- u. Salinenw., 46, 1898 (Ahh.), 1-68. Biedermann, Georg. Kephalonia und Ithaka. [1886.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 11, 1887, 21-53. Biedermann, Joh[annes'\. Ueber Paroxybenzylalkohol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2373-2376. Ueber Chinolin-p-methenylamidoxim und Abkomm- linge desselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2761-2767. Ueber Glutarendiamidoxim und Abkcimmlinge des- selben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2967-2973. Ueber Umwandlungsproducte der Phenyl-o-oxycro- tonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 4074- 4082. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise des Amids, Anilids und Phenylhydrazids der Mandelsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.; 24, 1891, 4083-4084. Biedermann, K[(irl], & Jannascb, Paul lEhrliardt]. See Jannascb & Biedermann. Biedermann, Paul. Ueber Multiplicatorgleichungen holierer Stufe. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 37, 1885, 201-221. 68—2 Biedermann] 540 [Biedl Ueber Multiplicator-Gleichungen hciherer Stufe im Gebiete der elliptischen Functionen. Arch. Matli. Pbys., 5, 1887, 1-90. Biedermann, E[udol])h]. To reference iu No. 5 {Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 182-183. Biedermann, Richard. Ueber Fusshaltung im Flnge. Ornith. Jbuch., 7, 1896, 85-101. Jugendfarbungen von Iris und Gefieder. (Ein Hin- weis auf die systematische Verwertung derselben.) Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 1-6. Die Federn im Magen der Podicipes-Arten. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 6-8. Eaubvogelzug in der holsteinischen Kiistengegend. Ornith. Jbuch., 8, 1897, 9-10. Die Eaubvogel des Fiirstentums Liibeek und nachster Umgebung. Ornith. Mber., 6, 1898, 73-81, 121-130, 159-163. Biedermann, Wilhelm. *Ueber electrische Reiznng der Muskeln und Nerveu. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 155-156. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 14. Mittheilung. Ueber das Herz \on Helix pomatia. (Ein Beitrag zur vergleiclienden Physiologie der Muskeln.) Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 {Abth. 3), 19-55. Einiges neuere iiber sekundar-elektromotorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 378-383. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 17. Mittheilung. Ueber die elektrische Erregung des Schliessmuskels von Anodonta. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Abth. 3), 29-96. Ueber antagouistische Polwirkuugen bei elektrischer Muskelreizung. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 5, [1886], 627- 639. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 18. Mittheilung. Ueber Hemmungserscheinungen bei elektrischer Keizuug quergestreifter Muskeln und iiber positive kathodische Polarisation. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 3), 142-182. Ueber die Einwirkung des Aethers auf einige elektro- motorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 201-202. Zur Histologie und Physiologie der Schleimsecretion. [1886.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 202 ; Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Abth. 3), 250-272. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 19. Mittheilung. Ueber das elektromotorische Verhalten des Muschelnerven bei galvanischer Reizung. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 3), 56-98. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 20. Mittheilung. Ueber die Inneivation der Krebsscheere. (Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Nerven- und Muskelphysiologie.) Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 3), 7-46. Zur Kenntniss der Nerven und Nervenendigungen in den quergestreiften Muskeln der Wirbellosen. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 3), 8-39. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 21. Mittheilung. Ueber die Innervation der Krebsschere. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 49-82. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. 22. Mittheilung. Ueber die Einwirkung des Aethers auf einige elektromotorische Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 84-123. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphysio- logie. Dreiundzwanzigste Mittheilung. Ueber secunuare Erregung von Muskel zura Muskel. [1888.] Wien Ak Sber., 97, 1889 (Abth. 3), 145-160. Zur Physiologie der glatten Muskeln. Nach gemein- schaftlich mit D' M. Simchowitz angestellten Versuchen. Ptliiger, Arch. Physiol., 45, 1889, 369-388. Ueber den Ursprung und die Endigung der Nerven in den Ganglien wirbelloser Thiere. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 2), 63-64. Zur Physiologie der glatten Muskeln. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 398-421. Zur Lehre von der elektrischen Erregung querge- streifter Muskeln. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 243-273. Ueber den Ursprung und die Endigungsweise der Nerven in den Ganglien wirbelloser Tiere. Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 429-466. Ueber den Farbenwechsel der Frosche. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 51, 1892, 455-508. Ueber Zellstrome. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 209-277. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Physiologie der Ver- dauung. i. Die Verdauuug der Larve von Tenebrio molitor. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 105-162. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Reflexfunction des Eiickenmarkes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 408- 469. Biedermann, Wilhelm, & MCoritz, F. Beitrilge zur ver- gleichenden Physiologie der Verdauung. ii. Ueber ein celluloseliisendes Enzym im Lebersecret der Schnecke (Helix pomatia). Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 219- 287. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Physiologie der Ver- dauung. III. Ueber die Function der sogenannten "Leber" der Mollusken. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 1-86. Biedert, Ph[ilipp]. Die "sogenannte" Abhandlung Tschernoff's iiber Fettdiarrhoe. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 22, 1886, 208-212. Beitrag zur Frage nach der Constanz der Spaltpilze (Kokkobacillus zygmogenus und Bacterium termo). Virchow, Arch., 100, 1885, 439-459. Erwiderung [an F. Hoppe-Seylek: "Ueber Trennung des Casein vom Albumin in der menschlichen Milch "]. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 354-355. Casein und Fett im Sauglingsdarm. Bemerkungen zu vorstehendem Aufsatz des Herrn Tschernoff : [Untersuchungen der Trockensubstanz des Kothes auf seinen Gehalt an Stickstoflf etc.]. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 28, 1888, 21-24. Ueber normale Milchverdauung. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 28, 1888, 344-384. Zur Chemie der Eiweis-skorper der Milch. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 32, 1891, 333-334. Kuhmilchproductiou und Kinderernahrung. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E., (1894, 3), 199-206. Eeferat iiber den jetzigen Stand der kiinstlichen Sauglingsernahrung mit Milch und Milch praparaten. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1897 (Th. 2, Hnlfte 2), 133-137. Biedert, P]i[ilipp], & Sigel, G[nstav]. Chronische Lungenentziindung, Phthise und miliare Tuberculose. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 91-159. Biedl, Arthur. Absteigende Kleinhirnbahnen. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1895, 434-448, 493-501. Beiti-age zur Physiologie der Nebenniere. Erste Mittheilung. Die Innervation der Nebenniere. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 67, 1897, 443-483. Ueber eine neue Form des experimentellen Diabetes. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [43]-[44]; Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 624-629. [Glycosuria produced by blocking thoracic duct.] Nature, 58 (1898), 486. Biedl, Arthur, & Kolisch, Rudolf. Ueber Phloridzin- diabetes. Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 2194. Biedl, Arthur, & Kraus, Rudolf. Ueber die Ausschei- dung der Mikroorganismen durch die Niere. [1895.] Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 1-25. Ueber die Ausscheidung der Mikroorganismen durch driisige Organe. Ztschr. Hyg., 26, 1897, 353-376. Biedl] 541 [Bieler Biedl, Arthur, & Reiner, Max. Studien iiber Hirn- circulation uud Hiniodem. Erste Mittheilung. Ueber das Vagus-Phanomen bei hohem Blutdiucke. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 385-402. Studien iiber Hirncirculation und Hirnodem. Zweite Mittheilung. Zur Frage der Innervation der Hirugefasse. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 79, 1900, 158-194. Offener Brief an den Herau.sgeber. [Studien iiber Hirncirculation und Hirnodem.] [1900.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 83, 1901, 152-154. BiegaAski, W-badystaw. Ueber die diuretische Wirkung der Quecksilberpraparate. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 43, 1888, 177-205. Leukocytose bei der crouposen Pneumonie. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 53, 1894, 433-452. Biegelaar, Enrico Giovanni. Ciclone a Bagkalan. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 75-76. Parelio e paraseleno. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 186. Biehl, Carl. Die " idiopathische " Perichondritis der Ohrmuschel und das "spontane" Othiimatom. Arch. Ohreuheilk., 43, 1897, 245-250. Die Beurtheilung eih- und beiderseitiger Taubheit. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 43, 1897, 257-266. Die Hiiufigkeit der Erkraukungen der einzelnen Abschnitte des Gehororganes. Eine statistisehe Be- trachtung. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 44, 1898, 263-268. Ueber die intracranielle Durchtrennung des Nervus vestibuli und deren Folgen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Ahth. 3), 324-339. Biebler, Ch{arles'\. Sur la transformation des Equations. Nouv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 209-218. Sur le calcul des fonctions symetriques des racines d'une equation. Nouv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 218-224. Sur la construction des courbes dont I'equation est donnee en coordonn^es polaires. Nouv. Ann. Math., 3, 1884, 367-376 ; 4, 1885, 153-159, 223-235, 249-256. Sur I'equation de degr^ m qui donne tang — lorsqu'on connait tang a. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 5-9. Sur une classe d'^quations algebriques dont toutes les racines sont reelles. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 9-18. Sur r^limination par la m^thode d'EuLER. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 67-75. Sur le th^oreme de Kolle. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 75-79. Sur une application du th^or^me de Rolle. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 190-204. Sur les series. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 243-251. Sur I'abaissement des Equations r6ciproques. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 251-256. Sur une application de la m^thode de Stcbm. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 421-426. Sur les developpements en series des fonctions rationnelles. Nouv. Ann. Math., 6, 1887, 485-492. Sur les plans diametraux dans les surfaces du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 247-275. Sur le plan asymptote et les cylindres asymptotes d'une surface. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 536-541. Sur les Equations auxquelles conduit le probl^me de la division des arcs en trigonom^trie. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 552-563. Sur les surfaces du deuxi^me degr^. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 573-585. Biehringer, [Friedrich August] Joachim. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Trematoden. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb., 7, 1886, 1-28. Ueber die Umkehrung der Keimblatter bei der Scheermaus (Arvicola amphibius, IJesm.). Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1888, 279-286. Neuere Arbeiten iiber Anatomic und Entwicklungs- geschichte der Trematoden. [1888-89.] Biol. Centrbl., 8, 1889, 230-235, 648-655. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der leichtest fliichtigen An- theile des Steinkohlentheers. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 276, 1890, 78-90, 184-191; Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 22-25. Ueber die Umkehrung der Keimblatter bei den Nagetieren. [1890.] Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 403-414. Ueber den ;Mra-Nitro-a/p/ja-Methyl-Zimmtaldehyd. Niirnb. Nat. Ges. Abh., 8, 1891, 113-126. Ueber Pyronine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3299-3305. Ueber die Farbstoffe der Pyroningruppe. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 217-258. Ueber neuere Forschungen in Bezug auf das Vor- kommen und die Verbreitung der seltenen Eleraente. [1897.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 14-16. Biel— . For Russian names beginning thus see under Bel— . Biel, J. Zur Untersuchung von russischem Erdole und Erdollampen. Diuglets Polytechn. Jl., 252, 1884, 119- 123. Untersuchungen iiber Kerosine und Kerosinlampen. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 23, 1884, 97-103. Ueber die Eiweissstoffe des Kefir. Vorlaufige Mit- theilung. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 10, 1885, 139-140. Ueber die Eiweissstoffe des Kephir. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 24, 1886, 257-262, 288. Studien iiber die Eiweissstoffe des Kumys und des Kefir. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 25, 1886, 161-167, 177- 183, 193-200, 209-216, 225-233, 241-247, 257-264, 273- 278. Untersuchung eines Harnsteins. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 25, 1886, 812-813. Was ist Creolin ? Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1583-1584. Ueber Verfalschung von fetten Oelen mit Mineralol. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 26, 1887, 65-68. Ueber die Bestimmung des Morfiumgehaltes im Opium. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 26, 1887, 241-245, 272. Ueber die Bestimmung des Nicotingehalts in Tabaks- extracten. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 27, 1888, 3-8. Ueber Seifenuntersuchung. Pharm. Ztschr. Russ- land, 29, 1890, 83-86. Ueber die Verwendung des Refractometers fiir praktische Zwecke. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 30, 1891, 1-5, 17-21. Chemische Untersuchung der in St. Petersburg im Sommer 1891 verkauften Sorten Selterswasser. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 31, 1892, 772-775, 786-790, 802-806, 818-820 ; 32, 1893, 5-6. Biel, Wilhelm. Ueber einen schwarzes Pigment bildenden Kartoffelbacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 2, 1896, 137- 140. Biela, Wilhelm van. For biographical notice see Observa- tory, London, 21, 1898, 406-407. Bielefeld, Rudolf. Beitrag zur Flora Ostfrieslands. Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 353-374. Ueber den Wechsel im Artenbestand der Flora zwischen Jade und DoUart. Emden Natf. Ges. Jber., 1899-1900, 41-48. Bielefeldt, Max. Die neueren Sicherheits-Sprengstoffe. Ztschr. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 38, 1890 (Abh.), 145-150. Bieler, Kurt. Die Rothamsteder Versuche nach dem Stande des Jahres 1894. Landw. Jbiich., 25, 1896, 195- 360. Bieler, Kurt, & Tollens. B[ernhard Christian Gottfried]. Ueber das Fucusol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3062-3064. Ueber das ' ' Fucusol " genannte Gemenge von Fur- furol und Methylfurfurol. Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 110-128. Bieler, S. [Un Ta;nia elliptica de petite dimension.] [1888.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 24, 1889, xix-xx. Sur les variations de teinte da manteau des animaux Bieler] 542 [Bienko domestiques et sp^cialement dans I'espece bovine. [1890.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., '26, 1891, xxvi. [Causes modiliant la couleur des animaux.] [1890] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 27, 1892, ii. [Sur la presence de " fausses-cotes " chez les bovins am^liores.] [1895.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, vi. La repartition g^ograpbique des animaux domestiques en Suisse. Geneve Soc. Geogr. M6m., 35, 1896 {Num. Spec), 70-72. [Sur un 6tat raaladif des pigeons boulants ou a grosse gorge.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xix. Sur la soudure congenitale des os tarsiens du cheval. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xli. Influence du climat sur le d^veloppement des races bovines du Valais. Geneve Soc. Geogr. Mem., 39, 1900, 159-168. Bieler, Theodore. Sur an cas probable d'impregnation chez un pommier. [1896.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, iii-iv. [Deux blocs erratiquea signales k Dizy et Gilly.] [1898.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, i899, xii. Blelfeld, P. Ueber die SchwefelsJiure in der Knochenasche. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 350-354. BieUi^Bkl, Jozef. Stan nauk matematyczno-fizycznych za czasow Wszechnicy Wilenskiej. Szkic bibliograficzny. [Mathematische und physikalische Wissenschaften auf der Universitat zu Wilna. Bibliographischer Abriss.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 2, 1890, 265-432; Fortschr. Math., 1890, 4. Bielka von Karltreu, Arthur (Ritter). Ein Fall von linksseitiger Doppelniere. Virchow, Arch., 152, 1898, 545-550. Ein Narkosekorb fiir Thiere. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 233-235. Ueber die Vereinigung der unteren Hohlvene mit der Pfortader. [1900.] Arch, Exper. Path., 45, 1901, 56- 65. Bielsctaowsky, [Emil]. [Demonstration eines Kranken mit corticaler Ataxic.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 (Abth. 1), 92-93. Blelschowsky, Alfred. Ueber monoculare Diplopie ohne physikalische Grundlage nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Sehen Schielender. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 46, 1898, 143- 183. Untersuchungen iiber das Sehen der Schielenden. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 50, 1900, 406-509. Blelschowsky, Alfred, & Hofmann, F. Ii. See XXofmann & Blelschowsky. Blelschowsky, 3Iax. Zwei Falle von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva [Typus facio-scapulo-humeralis]. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 13-16, 43-45. Beitrag zur Lehre von den trophischen Veranderungen der Niigel bei multipler Neuritis. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 741-744. Obere Schleife und Hirnrinde. Neurol. Oentrbl., 14, 1895, 205-207. Ein Fall von Morvan'scher Krankheit. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 450-454. Blelschowsky, Max, & Bloch, M[artin]. See Bloch & Blelschowsky. Blelschowsky, Max, & PUen, Max. Zur Technik der Nervenzellenfiirbung. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 1141- 1142. Bielz, Elduard] Albert. For biography and list of works see Ornith. Jbuch., 9, 1898, 229-233; Wien, Geol. Verb. 1898, 228-231; Hermannstadt Verb., 48, 1899, 1-24; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1899, v-vi; Siebenb. Karpath.- Ver. Jbuch., 19, 1899, 1-4. Beitrag zur Hohlenkunde Siebenbiirgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 4, 1884, 1-66. Das reiche Petroleum -Vorkomm en am Sudabhan^e des Burzenliinder Gebirges. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 4, 1884, 132-136. Naclitrag zur Hohlenkunde Siebenbiirgens. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 5, 1885, 34-40; 6, 1886, 171- 178. Das Vorkommen und die Verbreitung des Sade- Wachholders (Juniperus Sabina, L.) in Siebenbiirgen. Hermannstadt Verb., 36, 1886, 48-50. Die in Siebenbiirgen wildwachsenden Arten der Syringa. Hermannstadt Verh., 36, 1886, 51-54. Ueber die in Siebenbiirgen vorkomraenden Fleder- miiuse. Hermannstadt Verh., 36, 1886, 76-84. Die Erforschung der Kiiferfauna Siebenbiirgens bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1886. Hermannstadt Verh., 37, 1887, 27-114. Die Fauna der Wirbelthiere Siebenbiirgens nach ihrem jetzigen Bestande. Hermannstadt Verh., 38, 1888, 15- 120. Der Gebirgssee Gyilkost6 oder Veresto in der Gyergy6 und seine Entstehung in neuerer Zeit. Siebenb. Karpath.-Ver. Jbuch., 8, 1888, 150-161. Die in Siebenbiirgen vorkommenden Mineralien und Gesteine nach den neuesten Untersuchungen revidiert und zusammengestellt. Hermannstadt Verb., 39, 1889, 1-82. Miocanes Petrefactenlager von Michelsberg. Her- mannstadt Verh., 43, 1894, 92-93. Blenalni6, (rapit.) A[inedee Pierre Leonard], E6sume succinct des resultats du voyage du transport-aviso La Manche en Islande, a Jan Mayen et au Spitzberg pendant I'ete de 1892. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 683-687 ; Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 651-656; Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5, 1893, 1-44; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 116, 1893, 115- 119. Mesures de gravitation. [Faites par M. Auguste Gratzl.] Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5, 1893, 143-144. Note sur le cyclone du 28 avril 1894 a Madagascar. Ann. Hydrogr., 16, 1894, 133-134. Bienayin6, Andre. Sur une gfiueration des courbes planes unicursales du troisieme et du quatrieme ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 144-155. Bienenthal, Alexander. Ueber die Einwirkung des Glycerin-a-chlorhydrins auf einige tertiiire Aniinbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3500-3506. Bienfalt, Alfred. Contribution a I'etude de la pathogenic du goitre exophtalmique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 4, 1890, 470-487. Recherches sur la physiologic des centres respiratoires. Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 639-645; Brux., Ac. Bull., 23, 1892, 260-268. Bienfalt, Alfred, & XZogge, Albert. Recherches aur le rythme respiratoire. Circulation cephalique crois^e. Circulation cephalique artificielle. Brux., Ac. M^d. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 561-572; Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 139-150. Bienfalt, L., & Koning, Nicolaas Marie. See Konlng & Bienfalt. Blenlasz, Franciszek. Oznaczenie wzgl^dnego wieku geologicznego skaiy wybuchowej (tak zvvanego trachitu) w Zalasie. [Determination of the relative geological age of the eruptive rock (so-called trachyte) in Zalas.] Krak6vv, Ak. (Mat.-Vrzijrod.) Rozpr., 12, 1884, 233- 238. Ohjasnienia szczegoiowe do map Tysmienicy- Ttumacza i Monasterzysk. [Detailed explanation to the map of Tysmieniec-T'iumacz and Monasterzysk.] Galicyi Atlas Geol. Tekst, 1, 188T, 41-79. Blenlasz, Franciszek, & Zuber, Rudolf. Notiz iiber die Natur und das relative Alter des Eruptivgesteines von Zalas im Krakauer Gebiete. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 252-256. Bienko, {et alii). [Discussion iiber die Cholera.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 {Abth. 1), 103-112. Bienstock] 543 [Biermann Bienstock, />. Zur Frage der sogenannten Syphilis- bacillen- und der Tuberkelbacillenfarbung. Fortschr. Med., 4 (1886), l'J3-l'J5. Kecherches sur la putrefaction. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13 (1899), 854-864. Untersucbungen iiber die AetioJogie der Eiweissfaulnis. Arcb. Hyg., 30, 1899, 335-390. Du role des bacteries de I'intestin. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 14 (1900), 750-756. Bienveniie, F[ulgence]. Le chemin de fer Metropolitain municipal de Paris. Ass. Franc;-. C. E., 1900 (Pt. 2), 309-336. Bienz, Aime. Derniatemys Mavii, Gray, eine osteologische Studie mit Beitragen zur Kenntniss vom Baue der Scbildkroten. [1895.] liev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1895-96, 61-135. Bier, August. Nouvelle communication sur le traitement des tuberculoses chirurgicales par la ligature elastique (Stauungshyperiimie). [1894.] Arch. Gen. Med., 175, 1895, 248-249. Die Entstehung des CoUateralkreislaufs, Theil i. Der arterielle Collateralkreislauf. Virchow, Arch., 147, 1897, 256-293, 444-474. Die Entstehung des CoUateralkreislaufs. Tbeil ii. Der Riickfluss des Blutes aus ischamischen Korper- theilen. Virchow, Arch., 153, 1898, 306-334, 434-465. Versuche iiber Cocainisiruug des Biickenmarkes. Deutsche Ztschr. Cliirurg., 51, 1899, 361-369. Bierbauer, Bruno. The check-list of the Palteozoic fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota and Nebraska. [1888.] Minn. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, [1891], 205-247. Bierens de Haan, I)[aiHd]. *Iets over de quadratuur van Simou VAN DER Eyckk en hare gevolgen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 1, 1875, 70-86, 206-211. *Iets over de "Theorie des fonctions de variables imaginaires," par M. Maximilien Marie. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 2, 1876, 150-160; 3, 1877, 21-32; 4, 1878, 95-99. *Iet8 over den tweede-machtswortel uit eene vier- ledige wortelgrootheid. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 3, 1877, 208-210. *Herleiding van gelijknamige machten. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 5, 1879, 208-210. *Geluksspelen met dobbelsteenen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 6, 1880, 49-66, 113-123. Bouwstoffen voor de geschiedenis der wis- en natuur- kundige wetenschappeu in de Nederlanden. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 1-38, 78-84, 249-295; 20, 1884, 102-195, 197-233; 1, 1885, 224-244; 3, 1887, 69-119; 4, 1888, 65-96; 6, 1889, 103-118; 9, 1892, 4-47; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 21-22 ; 1885, 12-13; 1886, 10-11; 1887, 14 ; 1889, 12-13. Twee zeldzame werken van Benedictus Spinoza. Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 11, 1884, 49-82. Een uiterst zeldzaam werk van Albert Giraru, "Invention nouvelle en I'algebre." Nieuw Arch. Wisk., 11, 1884, 83-152. Quelques lettres inedites de Eene Descartes et de Constantyn Huygens. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 32, 1887 [Hist. -lit. Abth.), 161-173. Quelques renseignements sur I'edition de la corres- pondance et des oeuvres de Christian Huygens. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1889 {Pt. 2), 233-237. Materialien fiir die Geschichte der Mathematischen Gesellschafts-Mitglieder in den Niederlanden. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 [Festschr., Tl. 1), 79-83. Bibliographic de I'liistoire des sciences mathematiqueS aux Pays-Bas. Bibl. Math., 1891, 13-22. Eenseignements sur I'edition de la correspondance et des oeuvres de Chr. Huygens. Ass. Fran<;. C. E., 1892 [Pt. 2), 159-166. Bouwstoffen voor de geschiedenis der wis- en natuiir- kundige wetenschappen in de Nederlanden. [1893.] Amsterdam, Ak, Verb. {Sect. 1), 2, 1894, No. 1, 60 pp. Bierfireiind, Max. Beitrag zur hereditiiren Syphilis des Centralnervensystems. Beitr. Path. Anat., 3, 1888, 387- 401. Untersucbungen iiber die Todtenstarre. (Gekronte Preisarbeit.) Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 43, 1888, 195- 216. Ueber die Einmiindungsweise der Miiller'schen Gauge in den Sinus urogenitalis bei dem menschlichen Embryo. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 17, 1889, 1-12. Bieringer, E. Die unterirdische Kabelanlage des Tele- phonnetzes Niirnberg-Fiirth. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 6, 1885, 487-489. Biermann, Max. Indische Fragmente. 3. Beitrage zur Kenutnis der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Friichte von Citrus vulgaris, llisso, und anderen Citrusarten. Arcb. Pharm., 235, 1897, 19-27. Biermann, [August Leo] Otto. Zur Theorie der Abbildung mittels gebrochener rationaler Fuuctionen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 84-99. Beitrag zur Theorie der eindeutigen analytischen Functionen mehrerer Veranderlichen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 {Abth. 2), 266-282. ■ Ueber die regelmassigen Korper hoherer Dimension. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Abth. 2), 144-159. Ueber die singuliiren Losuugen eines Systems gewohn- licher Differeutialgleichungen. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 (Abth. 2), 897-907. Das Potential im 7t-dimensionalen Eaume. Lotos, 34, 1885, 93-114. Ueber n simultane Differentialgleichungen der Form V'A'„ Math. Phys., 5, 1894, 17-32. Zur Lie'schen Theorie von den partiellen Differential- gleichungen. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 48, 1896, 665- 693. Zur Eeduction Abel'scher Integrale auf elliptische. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 2a), 924-931. Ueber Functionen zweier reeller Variablen. Math. Ann., 48, 1897, 393-400. Ableitung einer analytischen Darstellung der Epiel- lipside. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 8, 1897, 87-94. Ueber unendliche Doppelreihen ixnd unendliche Doppelproducte. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 8, 1897, 115- 137. Bemerkungen iiber die einer algebraischen Curve adjungierten Curven. Mhefte. Math, Phys., 10, 1899, 373-375. Biermann] 544 [Biervliet Ueber die Evoluten von Raumcurven. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 11, 1900, 59-63. Ueber die naherungsweise BestimmunK der Losungen mehrerer Gleichungen. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 11, 1900, 148-154. Ueber die Discriminante einer in der Theorie der doppelt-periodischen Functionen auftretenden Trans- formationsgleichung. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Ahth. 2a), 849-863. Biermann, End. Untersuchungen iiber die Sekrete. 26. Ueber Bau und Entwickhing der Oelzellen und die Oel- bildung in ihnen. Arch. Pharm., 236, 1898.. 74-80. Biermann, W[ilhfiJm Gvstav Adolf]. Beitrag zum Klima von Tenerife. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 46-48. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Klimas der Kanarischen Inseln. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 1-11, [20]. Einige Beobachtungen iiber Spiegelkimmung. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 186-189. Biermer, Anton. For biographical notice see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 {Nek.), 1-3. Ueber die Entstehung, Verbreitung und Abwehr der asiatischen Cholera. [With discussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 184-202. Biermer, Anton (et alii). Choleradiscusgion. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1886, 52-67. Biemacki, E[dmund\ Ueber die Ausscheidung der Aetherschwefelsauren bei Nierenentziindung und Icterus. Beitrag zur Lehre .vom antiseptiscben Werte der Magen- salzsaure und der Galle. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 28, 1890, 881-883, 898-901. L'hypnotisme chez lesgrenouilles; actions r^ciproques de certains medicaments et de l'hypnotisme. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 295-308. Ueber die Eigenschaft der Antiseptica die Alcohol- gahrung zu beschleunigen und iiber gewisse Abhangig- keit ihrer Kraft von der chemischen Baustructur, der Fermentmenge und der Vereinigung mit einander. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 49, 1891, 112-140. Das Verhalten der Verdauungsenzyme bei Tempera- turerhohungen. Ztschr. Biol., 28, 1891, 49-71. Ueber die Darmfaulniss bei Nierenentziindung und Icterus nebst Bemerkungen iiber die normale Darm- faulniss. [1891.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 49, 1892, 87-122. Ueber die chemische Konstitution des pathologischen Blutes. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1893, 1721-1724, 1765- 1767. Analgesic des Ulnarisstammes als Tabessymptom. Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 242-246. Blutkorperchen und Plasma in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 1558- 1560, 1599-1602. • Ueber die Beziehung des Plasmas zu den rothen Blutkorperchen und iiber den Werth verschiedener Methoden der Blutkorpercheuvolumbestimmuug. Ztschr. Physiol. Cbem., 19, 1894, 179-224. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die spontane Blutsedi- mentirung. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 23, 1897, 368-398, 592. Zur Aetiologie der functionellen Neurosen (Hysterie und Neurasthenic). Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 250-261. Biemacki, Wiktor. 0 IipeJIOMJiammefl cnoco6noCTH 6eii:J0Jia. [Ueber die Lichtbrechung im Benzol.] [1891-92.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. [Mem.), 2, 1892, No. 5, 58 pp. ; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav. , 1892-93 (C. R. , Phxjs. Chim.), No. 1, 15-16; Fortschr. Phys., 1891 {Abth. 2), 53. 0 wahaniach elektrycznych w wibratorze wt6rnym. [Sur les oscillations ^lectriques dans un vibratoire secondaire.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 4, 1893, 169-181. Kl, Teopiii Bll6paT0pa TEpna. [Zur Theorie des Hertz'schen Vibrators.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JI., 25 (Plnjs), 1893, 159-171; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892- 93 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 4, 9-12; Fortschr. Phys., 1893 {Abth. 2), 461-462. Badania wst§pne nad oporera iskry. [Einleitende Untersuchungen iiber den Widerstand einer Funken- strecke.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 5, 1894, 85-102 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1894 {Abth. 2), 476-477. 0 irpOBOJl,IIMOCTH B.ieKTpiI'ieCKOU HCKpH. [Sur la conductibilite de I'etincelle electrique.] [1894.] Var- sovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1893-94 {G. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 6, 7-8. OlIMTH rEPU,a CI. 3epKaJiaMII. [Hertz's experi- ments with mirrors.] [1895.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. R.), 80-86. Eine einfache objective Darstellung der Hertz'schen Spiegelversuche. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 599- 603; 56, 1895, 788; Prace Mat.-Fiz., 7, 1896, 144-149. O oporze iskry elektrycznej. [Sur la resistance de I'etincelle electrique.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 6, 1895, 146-150; Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1894-95 (C. R.), 146-150; Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 474-478. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Aluminiumamalgam. Ann. Phys. Chem., 59, 1896, 664-667. Kilka uwag o rurkach Cagniaed de la TouRa. [Sur les tubes de Cagniard de la Tour.] Wiad. Math., 2, 1898, 126-130. Et Bonpocy o MarHHTHOM'f> HaK-ioHeHin Bt .UpeBHOCTH. [Sur les amas magnetiques dans I'an- tiquite.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1899 (C. R., Phys. Chim.), No. 2, 21 pp. TIpiiMiHeHie JiaMiio^Kii naKajiiiBaHia ji,jia ji,eMOHCTpnpoBaHiK oiihtobl lEPua h Mapkohii. [Application of the incandescent lamp for demonstrating Hertz's and Marconi's experiments.] Euss. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 {Phys.), 1900, 50-52. Biernaux, Fernand, & Anschfitz, Richard. See Anschiitz & Biemaux. Bierry, . Eecherches sur les ferments de I'embryon. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1080-1081." Biervliet, Albert [Marie Joseph] van. For biographical notice sec Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 15, 1891 {Pt. 1), 86. La graduation des galvanometres et amperes-metres. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 11, 1887 {Pt. 1), 66-67. Un proc(5de qui facilite la determination du temps de pose necessaire en photographic. [1887. J Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 {Pi. 1), 72. Diverses applications de la methode de Poggendorf a certains cas particuliers de goniom^trie et a I'^tude des indices de refraction. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 (Pt. 1), 74-75. Observations au sujet des regulateurs de temperature. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 {Pt. 1), 75-77. Contribution k I'etude des dilatations par la mesure du deplacement des franges d'interference. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 12, 1888 {Pt. 2), 215-250. Description d'un areometre a poids et a volume variables. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 14, 1890 {Pt. 1), 60-61. Biervliet, J. J. van. Ueber den Einfluss der Geschwin- digkeit des Pulses auf die Zeitdauer der Reactionszeit bei Schalleindriicken. Phil. Stud., 10, 1894, 160-167. Ueber den Einfluss der Geschwindigkeit des Pulses auf die Zeitdauer der Reactionszeit bei Licht- und Tasteindriicken. Phil. Stud., 11, 1895, 125-134. L'asymetrie sensorielle. Brux., Ac. Bull., 34, 1897, 326-366. Les formes de passage en psychologic. Rev. Quest. Sci., 43, 1898, 497-523. Noyau d'origine du nerf oculo-moteur commun du lapin ; hmites, structure et localisations. Cellule, 16, 1899, 5-33. Biervliet] 545 [Bigaignon Le probl^me de la memoire en psychologie exp6ri- mentale. Rtv. Quest. Sci., 48, 1900, 454-487. Bierwirtb, J. C. The relations of the so-called "Christian science cure" and "faith cure" to public health and boards of health, and to the medical profession. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 713-716. Quantitative tests for urea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 568-572. Biese, Ernst. [Om den Finska Polarexpeditionen till Sodankylii och Kultala aren 1882-83 och 1883-84.] II. Pjxpeditionens fortgang och vigtigaste resultat. Helsingfors, Bidrag, 42, 1885, 4(5-73. Absoluta magnetiska bestjimniugar vid Meteorologiska Centralanstalten i Helsingfors. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 29, 1887, 143-148 ; 80, 1888, 79-81 ; 31, 1889, 164-166. Berattel^e ofver Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Mete- orologiska Centralanstalts varksamhet fran 1890, Maj, intill [slutet af ar 1899]. Helsingfors, Ofvers., 33, 1891, 209-225 ; 34, 1892, 295-307 ; 35, 1893, 144-153 ; 36, 1894, 187-197 ; 37, 1896, 201-209 ; 38, 1896, 221-231 ; 39, 1897, 266-277 ; 40, 1898, 241-251 ; 41, 1900, 130- 139; 42, 1900, 348-361. [Atlas de Finlande.] Meteorologie. Les materiaux mot6orologiques. Fennia, 17, 1899, Nos. 5-7, db, 15 pp. Biese, Ernst, & XZeinriclis, Axel. See ZXeinricbs & Biese. Biesentbal, [Paul], Ueber den Einfluss des Piperazins auf die harnsaure Diathese. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 51-77. Die Wohnungsdesinfektion mit Hilfe von Form- aldehyd. Congr. Int. Hig. Act. (1898, 2), 160-168. Ueber die Miillschmelze, ein neues Verfahren zur lucrativen Beseitigigung des Hausmiills erfunden von Carl Wegener. Congr. Int. Hig. Act. (1898, 4), 144- 150. Biesiadecki, Alfred. For biographical notice and works see Kosmos (Lwow), 14, 1889, 96-98. *Ueber die Verheilung durchschnittner Blutgefasse und Infarctbildung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 217- 218. Bieske, . Die Methoden der Tiefbohrung. [1884.] Konigsb. Schr., 25, 1885 (Sber.), 6-7. Bi6trix, Alexandre. Sur I'acide dibromogallique et les dibromogallates. Paris Soc. China. Bull., 7, 1892, 411- 417. Sur quelques ethers de I'acide gallique et de I'acide dibromogallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 623- 625. Sur les aeides triacetyl- et tribenzoyl-dibromogalliques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 115-117. Sur I'acide monohromogallique et ses derives. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 241-243. Sur quelques derives du gallate de methyle et du dibromogallate de methyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 692-696. Recherches sur la chloruration de I'acide gallique. Formation d'acide dichlorogallique et de trichloropyro- gallol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1545-1548; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 904-907. Sur une matiere colorante derivee de I'acide dibromo- gallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 235-236. Action de la nitrosodimethylaniline sur quelques derives bromes de I'acide gallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 404-408. Action de la phenylhydrazine sur I'acide gallique et sur I'acide dibromogallique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 783-786. Bi6trix, Alexandre, & Cazeneuve, Paid. See Cazeneuve c*^ Bi6trix. Bi^trix, E[iigene]. Observation sur un cas de monstruosit^ de I'appareil genital chez I'Helix pomatia. Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 32, 1886, Art. 6, 14 pp.; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1, 1886, 95-108; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 74-78. R. S. A. C. Note sur un essai de mesure des variations quanti- tatives de la faune pelagique microscopiquc. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 127-129. La faune pelagique de la baie de Concarneau pendant I'ete de 1888. Robin, Jl. Anat., 25, 1889, 399-409. L'oeuf de la sardine. Robin, Jl. Anat., 26, 1890, 630- 636. Sur un nouvel essai de mesure de la quantity de matiere vivante existant k la surface de la mer. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 543-546. Nouveau thermom^tre k renversenient [de M. Hemot]. [1893.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 6, 1894, 59-60, {C. R., No. 5), 1-2. Sur la pression du sang dans le coeur des poissons. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1895 (C. R.), 16-17. Quelques considerations sur les notions de lacune et d'endothelium en anatomie generate, a propos du reseau vasculaire branchial des poissons. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull,., 7, 1896 (C. R.), 26-27, 30. Etude de quelques faits relatifs a la morphologie gen^rale du systeme circulatoire, a propos du reseau branchial des poissons. Biblio^^T. Anat., 3, 1896, 109. Bi^trix, K[ugene], & Fabre-Doxnergue, Paul. See Fabre- Oomergue & Bi6trix. Bi6trix, E[ugeHe], & Foucbet, Georges. See Pouehet & Bi6trix. Biette, L. Le pont J. F. Lepine. Ann. Pouts et Chauss., 1899(rr;-m. 1), 130-158. Bietti, Amilcare. Zur Frage der elastischen Gewebe im menschlichen Auge. Eine Bemerkung zu den gleich- namigen Arbeiten von Stutzer (Arch. f. Ophth. Bd. xi.v, 1898, 2, p. 322) und voii Kyoji Kiribttchi (Arch. f. Augen- heilk., Bd. xxxviii, 1898, 2, pag. 177). Arch. Augen- heilk., 39, 1899, 260-263. Anatomische Untersuchungen liber die Regeneration der Ciliarnerven nach der Neurectomia optico-ciliaris beim Menschen. [1899.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 49, 1900, 190-232. Biewend, R. H. T. Precede de fabrication du zinc au moyen des gaz zincif^res et son application aux pro- cedes connus. Moniteur Sci., 12, 1898, 130-137. Biffen, R. H. The functions of latex. Ann. Bot., 11, 1897, 334-339. The coagulation of latex. Ann. Bot., 12, 1898, 165- 171. Coagulation of rubber-milk. Kew Bull., 1898, 177- 181. On the biology of Agaricus velutipes, Curt. (Collybia velutipes, P. Karst.). [1898.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 34, 1898-1900, 147-162. A fat-destroying fungus. Ann. Bot., 13, 1899, 363- 376. Bulgaria polymorpha(IFe««tei/t), as a wood-destroying fungus. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 923. Notes on indiarubber. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 929. On the life history of Acrospeira mirabilis (Berk, and Br.). Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 943. On the biology of Bulgaria polymorpha. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 260. Biffi, Serafino. For biography and works see Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, i-xvi; Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 33, 1900, 1038-1058. Biffi, Ugo. Zur Keuntniss der Spaltungsprodukte des Caseins bei der Paukreasverdauung. "Virchow, Arch., 152, 1898, 130-157. Biffignandi, Augusta. Dimostrazione di un teorema di DupiN e sua applicazione. Giorn. Mat., 28, 1890, 202- 208. Le principal! propriety delle grandezze proporzionali novamente esposte. Acireale Ace. Atti, 2, 1891, 62-84. Bigaignon, L[conce]. Du peristaltisrae stomacal dans le-! stenoses rapides du pylore. Arch. G6n. Med., 176, 1896, 34-44. 69 Big^rt] Bigart, , & Nob6court, P. See Nob6court & Bigart. Bigeard, Rene. Notes sur la flore des valines de la Brenne et du Doubs, dans le canton de Pierre. [1888.] Saone- et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 4, [1890], 65-98. Note sur les champignons parus en juin 1896. Saoue-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 139-142, 151-154, 165-167. ^ . Notice sur les champignons recoltes en Saone-et-Loire pendant [les annees 1898-99]. Saone-et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 1898, 172-177; 5, 1899, 104-107, 120-125, 134- 137, 228-237 ; 6, 1900, 225-244. Bigelow, Cassie M. Study of glands in the hop-tree. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 138-140. Bigelow, Frank Hagar. The phenomena of solar-vortices. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 62-63. The sun spots as vortex rings. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 139-151. The phenomena of cooling envelopes. Sidereal Mes- senger, 6, 1887, 170-175. Elements of Comet Barnard (May 12, 1887) from three normal places. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 320- 321. The computation of clock corrections. Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 97-100. An automatic transit instrument. Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 205-209. Automatic photographic transits. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 80. The solar corona, discussed by spherical harmonics. Smithsonian [Contrib.], No. 691, 1889, 22 pp. On the corona, a solar aurora. Amer. Ass. Proc. , 1890, 105; Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 343-358. The U. S. N. eclipse expedition to West Africa. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 145-148. Exhibition and description of a new scientific instru- ment, the aurora-inclinometer. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 120-121. A solution of the aurora problem. Amer. Jl. Sci. , 41, 1891, 83-89. A reply to Prof. Nipher on "The theory of the solar corona." Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 505-507. The solar • corona, an instance of the Newtoninn potential function in the case of repulsion. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 1-11. Note on the causes of the variations of the magnetic needle. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 253-256. Standardizing photographic films without the use of a standard light. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 119-120; Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 385-391. The law of the solar corona. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 34-39. The period of the rotation of the sun near the poles, as derived from the coronas of 1878 and 1889. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 201-216. The extension of the corona, and the details of its structure. Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 50-52. The new aurora-inclinometer. Sidereal Messenger, 10, 1891, 496-502. The causes of the variations of the terrestrial magnetic needle, and the unexplained motion of the perihelion of Mercury. [1891.] Astr. Jl., 11, 1892, 39. Terrestrial magnetism. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 385-391. Wilde's magnetarium. [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 8 (1891-92), 552-560. On the photographic method of determining stellar places by transits freed from the error of personal equation. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 42-49. On a simple mounting for a large telescope in the field during eclipse observations. Astr. & Astrophys 11, 1892, 257-268. ' Notes on a new method for the discussion of mag- 546 [Bigelow netic observations. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 2, 1892, 40 pp. Eeport on the relations of solar magnetism to ter- restrial magnetism and meteorology. [1893.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., 1891-92, 519-525. The periodic terms in meteorology due to the rotation of the sun on its axis. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 206-221 ; U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 500-510. Prediction regarding the solar corona of the total eclipse of April 15-16, 1893. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 97-99. The two magnetic fields surrounding the sun. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 706-717, 848. Heliographic longitudes referred to the solar magnetic prime meridian. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 821- 826. Inversion of temperatures in the 26*68 day solar magnetic period. Amer. Jl. Sci., 48, 1894, 435-451. The recurrence of hurricanes in the solar magnetic 26-68 day period. [1894.] Amer. Meteorol. JL, 10 (1893-94), 380-384. Dr. Veeder's auroral results. [1894.] Amer. Mete- orol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 28-29. The polar radiation from the sun, and its influence in forming the high and low atmospheric pressures of the United States. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 25- 40. West Indian hurricanes and solar magnetic influence. Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 441-443. The comparison of temperature with magnetic hori- zontal force. U. S. Monthly Weath, Rev., 22 (1894), 415-416, 460, 504. The Earth a magnetic shell. Amer. Jl. Sci., 50, 1895, 81-99. Solar magnetism in meteorology. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 11 (1894-95), 319-332. The status of the solar magnetic problem. Science, 2, 1895, 509-513. The connection between sunspots and the weather. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 91-92. Meteorology and magnetism. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 23 (1895), 335-336, 371. International cloud observations. Science, 3, 1896, 653-656. Remarks on Prof. W. S. Franklin's review [of author's papers on solar and terrestrial magnetism]. Science, 4, 1896, 76-81. On the best form for the components of systems of deflecting forces. Terrestrial Magn. , 1, 1896, 32-34. Storms, storm tracks, and weather forecasting. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 20, 1896, 87 pp. The series of international cloud observations made by the U. S. Weather Bureau, and their relations to meteorological problems. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1897, 116. The standard system of coordinate axes for magnetic and meteorological observations and computations. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 25 (1897), 201-204. Meteorological observations made to determine the probable state of the sky at several stations along the path of the total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 25 (1897), 394-896; 26 (1898), 404-405. Temperature and vapor gradients in the atmosphere. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 127-129. The structure of cyclones and anticyclones. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 129-132. Cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1898, 525-534. Abstract of a report on solar and terrestrial mag- netism in their relations to meteorology. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 21, 1898, 176 pp. Comments on Bulletin No. 21. "Solar and terres- Big-elow] 547 [Bigrgs meteorology." trial magnetism in their relation to Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 455-462. Some of the results of the international cloud work for the United States. Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 433-444. Preliminary report from the observations of 1899 taken to survey the cloud conditions of the eclipse track of 1900. Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 220-221. The function of criticism in the advancement of science. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 252-261, 292-306. Kesult of the observations of the Weather Bureau for the probable cloudiness of the sky along the path of the total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 451-458. Work of the meteorologist for the benefit of agri- culture, commerce, and navigation. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1899, 71-92. Balloon ascensions on March 24, 1899, in France. U. S. Monthly Weath. Eev., 27 (1899), 197-198. The probable state of the sky along the path of total eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900, observations of 1899. U. S. Weath. Bur. Bull., 27, 1899, 23 pp. Report on the international cloud observations, May 1, 1896, to July 1, 1897. [1900.] U. S. Weath. Bur. Rep., 1898-99 (2), 787 pp. Line integrals in the atmosphere. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 535-537, v. Bigelow, Fredk. A., & Kinnicutt, Leonard P. See Kinnicutt c^' Bigelow. Bigelow, Henry Jacob. For biography and list of works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 549; 72, 1900, 393-394; Amer. Ac. Proc. , 26, 1891, 339-351; Med.-Chir, Trans., 74, 1891, 13-15. Bigelovr, Horatio R[ipley]. *The mechanism of direction. Science, 2, 1883, 622-623. The cholera bacillus. Science, 5, 1885, 454-455. Bigelow, Maurice A[lpheiis]. On the early development of Lepas fascicularis. (A preliminary note.) Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 263-269. Notes on the first cleavage of Lepas. Zool. Bull., 2, 1899, 173-177. Embryology of Lepas. [1900.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 13, 1900-01, 477-479. Bigelow, Robert Payne. On the structure of the frond in Champia parvula. Amer. Ac. Proc, 23, 1888, 111-121. Notes on the physiology of Caravella maxima, [Haeckel (Physalia Caravella, Eschscholtz)]. [1890-91.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Giro., [9 (1889-90),] 61-62; [10 (1890-91),] 90-93. The marginal sense organs in the Pelagidaj. [1890.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (1889-90),] 6-5-67. Preliminary notes on some new species of Squilla. [1891.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [10 (1890-91),] 93-94. On reproduction by budding in the Discomedusjc. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [11 (1891-92),] 71-72. On the development of the marginal sense organs of a rhizostomatous Medusa. [1892.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [11 (1891-92),] 84-85. On a new species of Cassiopea from Jamaica. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 212-214. Preliminary notes on the Stomatopoda of the Albatross collections, and on other specimens in the National Museum. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 100-102. The Stomatopoda of Bimini. [1893.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 102-103. Some observations on Polyclonia frondosa. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [12 (1892-93),] 106. A jelly-fish from the Great Salt Pond. Jamaica Inst. Jl., 1, 1894, 304-308. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. No. xxxii. Report on [1893.] [1893.] the Crustacea of the order Stomatopoda collected by the steamer Albatross, between 1885 and 1891, and on other specimens in the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc, 17, 1896, 489-550. [Development of Cassiopea froni buds.] [1895.] Science, 3, 1896, 61. Budding in Cassiopea. [1899.] Science, 11, 1900, 170-171. The anatomy and development of Cassiopea xama- chana. [1900.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., 5, 1895- 1904, 191-236. Bigelow, Samuel Lawrence. Katalytische Wirkungen auf die Geschwindigkeit der Oxydation des Natriumsulfits durch den Sauerstoff der Luft. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 26, 1898, 493-532. A simplification of Beckmann's boiling-point apparatus. Amer. Chem. Jl, 22 (1899), 280-287. Bigelow, W[illai-d] D[ell]. Coloring matter in the California red wines. [1894.] Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 213-218. Index to the literature on the detection and estimation of fusel oil in spirits. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 18, 1896, 397-402. Provisional methods for the examination of distilled liquors. [1896.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 49, 1897, 113-116. The use and abuse of food preservatives. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1900, 551-560, 743-750. The composition of American wines. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 59, 1900, 76 pp. Bigelow, W[illard] D[elll & Hamilton, C. C. The influence of alum, aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate, on the digestibility of bread. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 587-597. Bigelow, W[illard] D[ell], & McElroy, K. P. The esti- mation of sugars in condensed milk. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 15, 1893, 668-695. See also McElroy & Bigelow. Bigelow, W[illard] D[ell], & Sweetaer, W. S. Food adulteration. [With discussion.] [1897.] U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 51, 1898, 117-136, 139-140. Bigelow, Wlillard] D[ell], & inriley, H[arvey] W[ashington'i. See "Wiley & Bigelow. Bigg-Wither (Maj.) A[rchibald] C. The meteor shower of 1885, November 27. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 46, 1886, 121. Bigg- Wither, i/. Notes on blasting in coal-mines. [With discussion.] [1893.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin, Trans., 6, 1894, 538-544 ; 7, 1894, 120. Bigg-Wither, Thomas Plantagenet. For biography and works see Geogr. Soc. Proc, 13, 1891, 40-41; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 103. 1891, 381-383. Biggart, Andreio Stevenson. The Forth bridge works. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 873-879. Wire-ropes. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 101, 1890, 231- 248. Some recent examples of steel structural work adopted in various types of buildings. [With discussion.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 40, 1897, 143-158. Biggart, J. W. On the composition of "Hunyadi Janos" mineral waters. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 11, 1892, 336. Bigge, D. Selby, The practical transmission of power by means of electricity, and its application to mining operations. [With disciission.] [1892.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41, 1893, 58-86; 42, 1893, 5-21. Biggin, T. On biangular coordinates, and an extension of the system to space of three dimensions. Quart. Jl. Math., 25, 1891, 237-258. Bigglo, . Bolide del 27 gennaio [1893. Monteponi (Sardegna)]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 30. Biggs, A . B. Notes of spectroscopic observations of Comet " Pons," 27th January to 2nd February, 1884. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1884, 200-201. 69—2 Tasmania Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Biggs] Eeport of spectroscopic observation of the twilight glows during February and March, 1884. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1884, 202-203. . . Observations on Mr. E. M. Johnston's vital statistics. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1884, 276 (6(s)-280. Observations of Comets Pons- Brooks and Eoss. [1884.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 45, 1885, 116-117. Eclipse of March 30-31, 1885. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1885, 309. The Tasmanian earth tremors, 1883-4-5. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1886, 325-834. The occultation of Jupiter Proc, 1886, 31-33. Is Jupiter self-luminous? Tasmania Eoy. Soc, Proc, 1886, 33-38. The comets of February. 1880, and January, 1887. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1887, 38-39. a Centauri, with a graphic projection of its orbit from its apparent curve. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1887, 79-82. Observations of Comet a 1888 (Sawerthal), in February and March, made at Launceston, Tasmania. Lat. S. 41° 26' 1". Long. E. 9'' 48™ 31». Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 348-349, 376. A new dark- field micrometer for double-star measure- ment. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1889, 98-101. Observations of comet of July and August, 1889, taken at Launceston, Tasmania, lat. 41° 26' 01"; long. 9° 48' 31" East. Tasmania Eoy. Soc Proc, 1889, 105. Eecent measures of '"a Centauri." Tasmania Eoy. Soc Proc, 1889, 106. The possibilities of the telescope. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1891, 18-24. Total eclipse of the moon, 24th May, 1891. Observed at Launceston; Lat. S. 41 deg. 26 min. 01 sec ; Long. E. 9 hrs. 48 min. 31 sec. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1891, 44-45. The transit of Mercury, May 10, 1891. Observations taken at private observatory, Launceston. Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1891, 46-48. The Tasmanian earth tremors. Aust. Ass. Eep., 1892, 258-259. — — Eemarks on Sir Eobert Ball's paper (read at the Hobart meeting of the Australasian Science Association), entitled: "The astronomical explanation of a glacial period." Tasmania Eoy. Soc. Proc, 1892, 21-25. Biggs, C. H. JV., & Sneli, William Hennj. Distribution by transformers and alternate current machines. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1887, 878. Biggs, Hermann M. The aetiology of rabies and the method of M. Pasteur for its prevention. [}Vith discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 43, 1886, 342-349, 360-362. Pasteur's prophylactic treatment of rabies. N. Y. Med. JL, 46, 1887, 57-63. The diagnostic value of the cholera spirillum, as illustrated by the investigation of a case at the New York Quarantine Station. N. Y. Med. Jl., 46, 1887, 548-549. What are neoplasmata, and what are the character- istics which differentiate them from blastemata, and these from inflammatory processes? [1888.] N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 76-77. Biggs, Hermann M., & Breneman, A[bram] A[dam]. The epidemic of typhoid fever in Plymouth, Pa. N. Y. Med. JL, 41, 1885, 576-579, 637-639. Biggs, Hermann AI., & Jenkins, William T. Accidental suffocation as a cause of sudden death. N. Y. Med. JL, 52, 1890, 29-32. Biggs, Hermann M., & Park, William Hallock. Barton - ology technique of obtaining serum and dried blood. Amer. Micr. JL, 18, 1897, 136-137. Bigiavi, Carlo. SuUe equazioni differenziali lineari. Eoma, 548 [Bigler E. Ace Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 651-657; 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 86-90. . . SuUe equazioni differenziali lineari a, coefficieiiti doppiamente periodici. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 339-346. Sopra una classe di equazioni differenziali lineari riducibili. Ann. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 97-143. Sul rapporto ~ considerato come funzione del rapporto V — dei periodi delle funzioni ellittiche di Weierstrass. w Ann. Mat., 19 (1891-92), 261-268. BiginelU, Fietro. Azioue dell' etere acetacetico in presenza di alcune ammouiache composte suU' aldeide cinnamica. Nota preliminare. Eoma, E. Ace Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 529-531; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 19, 1889, 212- 214. Azione dell' etere acetacetico in presenza di ammoniaca alcoolica sul glucosio. Nota preliminare. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 5, 1889 (Sem. 1), 531-534; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 19, 1889, 215-217. Azione del metilcloroformio sul fenol in presenza di KOH e NaOH. [1890.] Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 65- 68; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 21, 1891 (Pt. 1), 260-263. Acido saligeninossiacetico. [1890.] Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 69-72; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 21, 1891 (Pt. 1), 257-260. Intorno ad uramidi aldeidiche dell' etere acetilacetico. Ann. di Chim., 13, 1891, 337-340; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 21, 1891 (Pt. 1), 497-500, (Pt. 2), 455-461; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1317-1319, 2962-2967. Derivati aldeidureidici degli eteri acetil- ed ossal- acetico. Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 360-416. Intorno ad un isomero della frassetina e derivati di esso. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 307-311, 361-366; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 23, 1893 (Pt. 2), 608-620. Metaossiacetofenone e derivati. Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 437-444. Etere benzalbiuretamidocrotonico e benzalbiureto. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 195-198; Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 24 (1894, Pt. 1), 291-295. Cumarine carbossilate. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 451-453. Nuova sintesi di cumarine. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 344-352. Cumarine carbossilate e nuova sintesi di cumarine. [1895.] Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 491-503. Contributo alia sintesi della frassetina. Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 25 (1896, Pt. 2), 365-373. Influenze degli ossimetili nella diazotazione di alcuni composti aromatici. Gazz. Chim. ItaL, 27 (1897, Pt. 2), 347-357. Intorno al metodo di purificazione dell' acetilene di A. Behge e A. Eeychler. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898,] 16-20. Analisi della preservalina. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 27 & 28, [1898,] 197-200. Acque e fanghi delle grotte di Santa Cesaria (Lecce). Eelazione dell' analisi chimica. Ann. di Farm, e Chim. , [1899,] 490-502. Acque e fanghi delle E. Terme di Acqui. Eelazione dell' analisi chimica. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900,] 277-292. Composizione e costituzione chimica del gas arsenicale delle tappezzerie. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 2), 210-214, 242-249. Biginelli, Pietro, & Xoemer, Guglielmo. See Koerner & BiginelU. Bigler, Ulrich. Potential einer elliptischen Walze. Arch. Math. Phys., 3, 1886, 337-440 ; 6, 1888, 225-275 ; 7, 1889, 225-310. Bigler] 549 ./// dxdydz Betrachtung des ranmliclien Integrals ausgedehnt iiber das Innere des EUipsoides' X^ y2 z^ , Bern Mitth., 1887, 32-61. Potential einor elliptischen Scheibe von der Dichtig- Xa y2 keit 1, deren Punkte den Gleichungen -r + ^j-^l, z = 0 A Jtf geniigeu.abgeleitet mittelst des disconlinuirlichen Faktors von DiRicHLKT. Bern Mitth., 1887, G2-71. Potential eine.s homogenen rechtwinklicben Parallele- pipedes. Bern Mitth., 1887, 127-142. Ueber Gammafunctionen mit beliebigem Parameter. Crelle, Jl. Math., 102, 1888, 287-254. Ueber Cassinische Curven. Arch. Math. Phys., 7, 1889, 311-324. Sechs Beweise fiir den die elliptischen Integrale erster Gattung betreffenden Additionssatz. Arch. Math. Phys., 7, 1889, 401-425. Auswertung einiger bestimmten Integrale durch An- wendung des freien Integrationsweges. Arch. Math. Phys., 9, 1890, 60-94. Ueber die Retiexiim an einer Kugelflache. Arch. Math. Phys., 10, 1891, 113-153. Ueber die Darstellung des Potentiates einer dureh eine Kugelflache von Radius ri nach innen oder nach aussen begrenzten Masse fiir einen Pnnkt des leeren Raumes, wenn dasselbe auf der begrenzenden Flache bekannt ist. Aarau, Mitth., 6, 1892, 1-41. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Lame'schen Functionen zweiter Art. Arch. Math. Phys., 12, 1894, 113-154, 225- 273. Bewegung der Planeten mittelst Variation der ellipti- schen Bahnelemente behandelt. Aarau, Mitth., 7, 1896, 34-61. Ueber die Isotimen und Isophasen der Function f(x) = (x+l)(x-l)(x-2). Arch. Math. Phys., 14, 1896, 337-359. ■ Con forme Abbildung der innern Flache eines Kreises in die innere Flache eines regularen Vielecks. Arch. Math. Pliys., 14, 1896, 360-397. Ueber barometrischeHohenmessungen. Aarau, Mitth., 8, 1898, 1-24. Die Bewegung eines materiellen Punktes unter dem Einflusse einer Ceutralkraft. Arch. Math. Phys., 16, 1898, 358-446. Bignaml, Amico. Die Tropenfieber und die Sommer- und Herbst-Fieber der gemassigten Kliniata. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. I), 24, 1898, 650-660. Wie man Malariaheber bekonimt. [1898.] Untersuch. Nat., 16, 1899, 548-570. Bignami, Amico, & Baatianelli, Gimeppe. Ueber den Bau der Halbmondformen und der Geisselkorperchen. Unter- such. Nat., 16, 1899, 595-600. See also Baatianelli & Bignami. Bignami, Amico, & Dionisi, Antonio. Le anemie post- malariche e le anemie tos.-iche crouiche sperimentali. Cougr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, PatoL), 235-239. Bignami, Amico, Bastianelli, Giuseppe, & Orassi, Giovan Battista. See Baatianelli, Bignami & Graaai. Bignami, Amico, Oraaai, Giocan Battista, & Baatianelli, Giuseppe. See Oraaai, Bignami & BaatianeUi. Bignami, Carlo, & Teatoni, Giuseppe. SuU' olio di prezzeiuolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Ft. 1), 240-253. Bignamini, Angelo. Sopra un metodo per dosare la saccarosa, lo zucchero invertito e la lattina, quando trovansi riuuiti in un medesimo liquido, ed applicazione air analisi del latte coiidensato con zuccaro di canna. Ann. di Chin\., 78, 1884, 5-10. Bignell, (Lt.) F. H. Lake Mistassini. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 2, 1886, 243-245. [Bigot Bignell, Gleorge] C[arter]. Eriopeltis Festucfe, Fame, a scale insect new to the British fauna. Entomologist, 18, 1885, 286-287. Contribution towards the fauna of the neighbourhood of Plymouth. [Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidfe.] [1886.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887. 318-326. British oak-galls. Plymouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 391-392. Description of a new species of British Icbneuraonidte. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, xv-xvi. A new species of Cynipidee. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 176-177. Pimpla Epeirre, n. sp. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 37. Address at the opening of the session 1893-4. [Re- marks on entomology.] [1893.] Plymouth Inst. Trans., 11, 1894, 271-294. Two new species of Ichneumonidse from Devonshire. Ent. Month. Mag., 30, 1894, 255-256. Prenolepis vividula, an intioduced ant new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 132-133. — — Some observations on British oak-galls. Ent, Month. Mag., 31, 1896, 205-207 ; 33, 1897, 54-55. Habits of Metopia leucocephala, Rossi. Ent. Month, Mag., 33, 1897, 221-222. The Ichneumonidse (parasitic flies) of the south of Devon. Devon. Ass. Trans., 80, 1898, 458-504. Notes on Aphides. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 6, Oak galls. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 99-100. Photographic enlargements, Ent. Month. Mag., 84, 1898, 205-207. Neuroterus Schlechtendali bred. Ent, Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 224-225. Observations on Dryophanta disticha. Ent, Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 275-276. Bignell, J. H. Notes on the Carboniferous rocks of the Cape Otway district. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 466-4G7. Bigney, A. J. Hsemoglobin and its derivatives. Amer, Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 220-222. Bignon, Alfred. Nouveau proc^d^ d'extraction de la cocaine, alcaloide de la feuille de coca. Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885, 834-885. Cocaine. Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885, 835-837. Bignon, (Mile.) Fanny. Sur les cellules a^riennes du crane des oiseaux. Paris, Soc, Biol, M^m,, 39, 1887 (C. R.), 36-37. Recherches sur les cellules a^riennes cervico-cepha- liques chez les Psittacides, France Soc. Zool, Bull,, 13, 1888, 180-181, Recherches sur les rapports du syst^me pneumatique de la tete des . oiseaux avec le systeme dependant de I'appareil pulmonaire, Paris, Soc, Biol, M6m,, 40, 1888 (G. R.), 357-360. Contribution a I'etude de la pneumaticit^ chez les oiseaux. Les cellules a^riennes cervico-cephaliques des oiseaux et leurs rapports avec le-< os de la tete. France Soc. Zool. M^m., 2, 1889, 260-320; Rev, Sci,, 46, 1890, 180-181. Note sur les reservoirs a^riens de I'urubu (Cathartes atratus), Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 39-40. Note sur les reservoirs a^riens de Sula bassana (fou de Bassan). Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 41, 1889 (G. R.), 90-91. Remarques sur le proc^de pour la preparation des poches aeriennes indiqu6 par M. Plate.\u, France Soc, Zool. Bull., 15, 1890, 99. L'intelligence des oiseaux. Rev, Sci., 2, 1894, 365- 367. Bignon, (Mile.) Fanny, & Pilliet, Alexandre. See Filliet & Bignon. Bignon, Jean. L'agriculture de la Boheme. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 134, 1890, 867-369. Bigot, [F. A.]. Rapport sur les educations de vers a sole Bigot] faites pendant I'ann^e 1885. Fiance Soc. Acclim. Bull., 33, 1886, 331-336. Bigot, [Pierce] Alexandre]. [Action du chlorure d'lode sur I'alcool allylique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 337. . [D^riv6s de I'lsomere de I'^pichlorhydrine.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 690-691. [Sur le glycide.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 244. Sur quelques d^riv^s de la glycerine. Ann. Chim., 22 1891 433—495. '[Syst^me de four a gaz a r^cupt^ration d'air chaud.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 610. Eecherches sur les couleurs de grand feu. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 1019-1027. Bigot, Alexandre. Conipte-rendu des excursions g^o- logiques. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 8, 1884, 436-443. Nouvelles observations sur le Silurian de la Hague. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 8, 1884, 511-524. Etude geologique des tranch^es de la ligne de Caen a Saint-Lo, par Vire. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 9, 1885, 252-260. Sur quelques points de la g^ologie des environs de Cherbourg. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 25, 1885, 257-268. Sur I'existence d'une station pr^historique a la Hougue (Manche). [1886.] Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. M^m., 25, 1886, 277-280. Quelques mots sur les Tigillites. [1885.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1886, 161-165. Sur I'arkose de la Pernelle [et du Val-de-Saire]. [1886.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1883, 314; 1, 1887, 12-16. B^union extraordinaire de la Soci4t6 Liun^enne de Normandie a Falaise. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1886, 316-322. Le r^cif ancieu de Montabard (Orne). Caen, Soc. Linn. Norniandie Bull., 10, 1886, 363-369. Etudes sur les terrains anciens du nord du Cotentin. [1886.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 1, 1887, 9- 11. Note sur le terrain D^vonien des environs de Carteret et de Portbail. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 1, 1887, 335-342. Observations g^ologiques sur les lies Anglo-Normandes. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 412-419. Note sur les Honialonotus des gres Siluriens de Normandie. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 16, 1888, 419-435. Le Pr^cambrien et le Cambrien dans le Pays de Galles et leurs Equivalents dans le massif breton. [1888.] Paris, Soc. GEol. Bull., 17, 1889, 161-183. Notes sur quelques PelEcypodes des gres Siluriens de Touest de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 791-801. Les schistes de Saint-Lo et le syst^me des conglom^rats pourpres et des schistes rouges. Caen, Soc. Linn. Nor- mandie Bull, 4, 1890, 33-45. [Sur des phenomenes de decalcification que presente la carriere de Pont-de-Landes.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1890, 59-61. La constitution et I'allure des terrains anciens dans le sud du d^partement de I'Orne. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1890, 203-206. Sur la couche k Leptsena. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 5, 1891, 66-67. Sur la constitution geologique de la for^t de Perseigne (Sarthe). Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 5, 1891, 220-221. [Observations k propos des considerations g^ologiques et paieontologiques sur les terrains des environs de Belleme et de Mamers de Bizet.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 5, 1891, 221-223. 550 [Bigot [Sur la position des calcaires a Wilsonia Henrici de Baubigny (Manche).] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 5, 1891, 231-233. L'Aicheen et le Cambrien dans le nord du massif breton et leurs Equivalents dans le Pays de Galles. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 27, 1891, 1-180; Eev. Sci., 48, 1891, 244-246; Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 1, 1892, 1-12. [Sur la gEologie des environs de SillE.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, Iv. Esquisse gEologique de la Basse-Normandie. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 1, 1892, 13-37, 47-65, 95-108, 134-156, 163-172, 199-222, 231-267; 2, 1895, 1-26, 65-92, 107-112, 217-222. Revue des Peiecypodes decrits par Defrance dans le Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, d'apres les types conserves dans la collection de cet auteur. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 1, 1892, 76-86, 131-133. Les premiers reptiles et les premiers oiseaux. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 1, 1892, 108-122. Sur la position de la couche a Leptsena en Normandie et particulierement a May -sur- Orne. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 1, 1892, 185-193. Les Trigonies du Jurassique de Normandie. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull, 6, 1892, 11-12, 43-45; Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1892 {Pt. 2), 392-.396; Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 93-97. Sur la plage Silurienne de Bagnoles. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 6, 1892, 81-82. Compte-rendu des excursions geologiques dans les environs de Sees et de Bagnoles (Orne) les 15, 16 et 17 juillet 1892. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 6, 1892, 146-156. Contributions a I'etude de la faune Jurassique de Normandie. lermemoire. Sur les Trigones. [2ememoire. Sur les Opis.] [1892-95.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Norniandie Mem., 17, 1892, 259-344; 18, 1894r-95, 153-191. Sur la butte de Montraye. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 7, 1893, 26-28. Notice pi-eiiminaire sur les Opis Jurassiques de Normandie. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 8, 1894, 87-90. [Massif Armoricain.] Feuille de Barneville. [1894.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895, 35-36. Les modifications du littoral du nord de la France. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 27-50. Sur quelques Brachiopodes fossiles de Normandie. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 113-120. Observations sur I'Ammonites coronatus, Bruguiere, et les Ostrea eruca et rustica, de Defrance. Caen Lab, Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 133-138. Sur la constitution geologique de la foret de Perseigne. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 139-151. Notice explicative de la Feuille d'Alenpon. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 186-199. Les pierres au microscope. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1896, 200-212. Notice explicative de la Feuille de Barneville. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895, 244-251. Les organismes Precambriens du massif breton. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 9, 1896, 8-14. Compte-rendu des excursions geologiques. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 9, 1895, lii-lix. [Massif Armoricain.] Feuille de Mayenne. [1895-97.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 7, 1896, 42-43; 9, 1897, 319-321. [Embryon des Pseudonerinaea,] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, xxxi. [Quelques observations sur la geologic de la Sarthe.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, xcv-xcvi. Catalogue des Seiaciens Jurassiques du Calvados et de rOrne. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, 7- 13. Bigot] 551 [Bigot Progr^s des sciences geologiques en Basse-Normandie de 1875 a 1895. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, 90-122. Notes sur les reptiles Jurassiques de Normandie. Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1896, 2:^-34. Notes sur les reptiles Jurassiques de Normandie. [2" article.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, 123-147. Le9on d'ouverture du cours de g^ologie de la Facultc des Sciences de Caen de I'annee 1896-97. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, 153-181. Nerinaeid^es du Sequanien de Cordebugle (Calvados). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 29. Note sur des reptiles Jurassiques du Calvados, Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 234-235. [Massif Armoricain.] Feuille des Pieux: region De- vonieiuie. [1896-1900.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 8, 1897, 53 (bis)-o4 [bis); 10, 1899, 106-109, 484-487; 11, 1900, 108-110. Sur les eaux de la ville de Caen. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 1, 1897, xliv-xlvi. Sur divers ossements de Dinosauriens Jurassiques de Normandie. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 1, 1897, xciii-xciv. L'origine de I'ceil cyclope. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 1, 1897, 85-87. Sur les dep6ts Pleistocenes et actuels du littoral de la Basse-Normandie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 125, 1897, 380- 382; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 360-361. Sur I'age Eocene des gres a Sabalites andegavensis du departement de la Sarthe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 876. Echinodermes Bathoniens du Calvados. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 2, 1898, 39-49. [Sur le Bathonien Superieur des environs de Caen.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 3, 1899, xxxvii- xxxix. Excursions g^ologiques faites par la Society Linneenne les 23 et 24 juillet 1899 a Orbiquet, Villerville et Trouville. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 3, 1899, Ixxi-lxxvii. [Callovienlnferieur de Villers-sur-Mer.] [1900.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, xxxiii. Ruisseau de Perrieres. [1900.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, 1. Notice explicative de la Feuille les Pieux. [1900.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, 147-162. Bigot, Alexandre, & Brasil, Louis. Additions a la faune de Glos. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 1), 150. Bigot, Alexandre, & Ifecomu, Leon. See Iiecomu & Bigot. Bigot, Alexandre, & CBhlert, D[aniel} P. See CEblert & Bigot. Bigot, Jacques Marie Frangile. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 145; Wien. Ent. Ztg., 12, 1893, 232; Humming Bird, 5, 1895, 12. Dipteres nouveaux on peu connus. 24^[-37®] partie. [1882-90.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 73-116, 263- 304; 5, 1885, 121-124, 225-246, 247-252; 6, 1886, 287- 302, 369-392; 7, 1887, 17-19, 20-46, 203-208; 8, 1888, 77-101, cvi, 253-270; 9, 1889, 111-134, 313-328; 10, 1890, 261-296; 61, 1892, 321-376. [Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle esp^ce de Dipteres de la famille des Ortalidse.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, xxix-xxx. [Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espece de Dipteres de la famille des Dexidaj.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, xxxvii. [Descriptions de Dipteres nouveaux r^coltes dans le Soudan oriental.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ivii-lix. [Un nouveau genre de Dipteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixix-lxx. [Diagnoses d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espece de Dipteres de la division des Anthomydarum.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixxxix. [Dipt6res du Simplon.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, cxv-cxvi. Note sur le genre Euceratomyia, Willist. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 217. [Sur le genre Merapioides.] Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 320. [Rhamphininadubia; Rhynchiodexiatenuipes; Sipho- niomyia melas, nn. gg. et nn. spp.l Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, xi-xii. [Anastellorhina bioolor ; Homodexia obscuripennis, H. rutina, nn. gg. et nn. spp.^ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, xxv-xxvi. [Atractodexia argentifera, n. g. et n. sp. ; Uromyia acuminata, n. sp.'\ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, xxxii- xxxiii, xci. [Bolbocheta haustellata; Trichodischia casrulea, T. soror, nn. gg. et nn. spp.^ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, xliv-xlvi. [Dasyuromyia penicillata ; Glossidionophora nigra, G. bicolor, nn. gg. et nn. spp.'\ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, liv-lvi. [Lampromyia argentata, n. sp.^ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, Ixvii-lxviii. [Teretrura flaveola; Stictomyia longicornis, nn. gg. et nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, clxv-clxvi. [Dimorphomyia calliphorides, n. g. et n. sp.l Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, clxxiii-clxxiv. [Crossotecnema javana, n. g. et n. 8p.'\ Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cci-ccii. Dexidffi-Sarcophagidae. Essai d'une classification generale et synoptique des genres assign^s presentement k ces deux groupes d'insectes Dipteres. Rev. Ent., 4, 1885, 255-269, 358. Note[s] rectificative[s]. Wien. Ent. Ztg. , 4, 1886, 90, 182. [Diplogaster nigricauda ; Strongyloneura prasina ; Synamphoneura cuprina, nn. gg. et nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, xiii-xiv. [Macellopalpus flaveolus, n. g. et n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, xlviii. [Loxocera atriceps, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, Ixxxv-lxxxvi. [Rhabdopselaphus mus, n. g. et n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, ciii-civ. [Peringueyimyia capensis, n. g. et n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, cx-cxi. Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. France Soc. Zool Bull., 12, 1887, 97-118, 581-617; 16, 1891, 74-79. [Stomylomyia leonina, n. g. et n. sp. ] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, xxxi. [Diagnoses de quelques especes nouvelles de Dipteres.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cxxxix-cxlii, clxxx- clxxxii. Note dipterologique. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 6, 1887, 215, 248. [Especes nouvelles du groupe des Dolichopodi.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, xxix-xxx. [Description d'un nouveau genre de Dipt^re.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 8, 1888, cxl. [Novum genus Dipterorum.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, xxix-xxx. [Nouvelle espece du genre Culex.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, cxxii. Description of a dipterous insect found in Simla on the flower of Commelyna obliqua, Barclay. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1890, 138. New species of Indian Diptera. [1890.] Indian Mus Notes, 1, 1889-91, 191-192. [Collection d'insectes formee dans I'Indo-Chine par M. Pavie.] Dipteres. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv Arch., 2, 1890, 203-208. A new species of Diptera in the collections of the Bigot] 552 LBigourdan Indian Museum. [1890.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 59 {Pt. 2), 1891, 265. Voyage de M. Ch. Alluadd aux lies Canaries (novem- bre 1889-juin 1890). Dipt^res. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 275-279. Dipt^res nouveaux ou pen connus. Tabanidi (J. B.). Tableau diehotomique des genres publit^s jusqu'a ce jour. France Soc. Zool. M^m., 4, 1891, 408-419. The Baluchistan melon fly. (Carpomyia pardalina, c? et ? , n. sp.) [1891.] Indian Mus. Notes, 2, 1891-93, 51. . . Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidental) en juillet et aout 1886. Dipt^res. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, 365-386. Catalogue of the Diptera of the Oriental Kegion. [1891.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 60 (Pt. 2), 1892, 250-282; 61 (Pt. 2), 1893, 133-178, 178-236. Description de trois nouveaux Dipt^res de I'Inde. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 210-212. Descriptions de Dipteres nouveaux. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 5, 1892, 602-691. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Diptere parasite de Costa Kica. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 49. Nova genera Dipterorum. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 161-162. Bigourdan, G[uillaume]. 'Observation de I'^clipse partielle de lune du 12 aout 1878, faite a I'Observatoire de Toulouse. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 1, 1880, 7-8. Observations [de cometes et de planetes etc.] faites a I'equatorial Secretan-Eichens (Tour de I'Ouest). [1885- 1907.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsm.), 1881, F. 1-F. 12; 1882, F. 1-F. 9 ; 1883, F. 1-F. 20 ; 1884, F. 1-F. 20 ; 1885, F. 1- F.28; 1886, F. 1-F. 28; 1887, F. 1-F. 26; 1888, F. 1-F. 36; 1889, F. 1-F. 30; 1890, F. 1-F. 20; 1891, C. 1-C. 20; 1897, E.l-E.ll; 1898, D. 1-D. 19 ; 1899, D. 3-D. 4 ; 1900, E. 3- E.8 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a I'equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest de 1880 k 1884. [1889.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obs7U.), 1883, H. 81pp., J. 16. Observations pour determiner la parallaxe de (12) Victoria, faites a I'equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest. [1889.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsns.), 1883, I. 18 pp. Observations de la Com^te Pons-Brooks, faites a rObservatoire de Paris (Equatorial de 0"", 31 ; Tour de I'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 15-17. Observations des positions relatives des deux noyaux principaux de la grande Com^te de septembre 1882 (II, 1882). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 19-20. Observations de la Com^te Pons-Brooks et des petites planetes (115), (213), (230), et (235), faites a I'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 84-86. Sur un moyen de rendre plus commode I'usage des equatoriaux. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 169-171. Observations des petites planetes (107), (115), (131), (141), (167), (189), (195), (196), et (199), faites k I'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0'»,305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 180-184. Observations de la plan^te (236) Honoria, faites a rOb- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de 0'",305, Tourde I'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 236-237. Observations d'Eclipses des satellites de Jupiter, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 388-389. Sur une cause d'erreurs systematiques dans les mesures d'etoiles doubles. Bull. Astr., 1, 1884, 439-445. Observations de la nouvelle plan^te (236), decouverte k Vienne par M. J. Palisa le 26 avril 1884, faites k I'Ob- servatoure de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1242. Observation de la nouvelle planete (237) Palisa, faite k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1569-1570. Observations de la nouvelle planete (239) Palisa, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 366-367. Observations de la Comete Wolf, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 535-536; Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 162- 166,, 273-276. Eclipse de lune du 4 octobre 1884 ; equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest de I'Observatoire de Paris (ouverture 0™, 31, grossissement 95). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 560-562. Observations de nEbuleuses et d'amas stellaires. [1892-1907.] Paris Obs. Ann. [Obsux.), 1884, G. 103 pp ; 1888, D. 107 pp.; 1890, D. 241 pp.; 1891, E. Ill pp.; 1897, G. 136 pp. ; 1898, G. 131 pp. ; 1899, F. 187 pp. ; . 1900, F. 207 pp. [Ueber den neuen Stern im grossen Andromeda-Nebel.] Astr. Nachr., 112, 1885, 286, 404. La grande coupole de I'ObseiJvatoire de Nice. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 261-263. Observations des Cometes Wolf (suite), Barnard et de la planete (241), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equa- torial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Bull. Astr., 2, 1886, 273-276. Observations des planEtes (249), (2.50), (251) et de la Comete Brooks, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 566-568. Observation de la ComEte d'ENCKR, faite k I'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 95, 335-336. Observations de la nouvelle planete (246) Borrelly, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 896-897. Observations de la nouvelle planete (248) Palisa, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de rOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1490-1491. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 149-150, 1236; Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 378-380. Observations de la nouvelle planete (249), faites a I'Ob- servatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 501-502. Sur les changements rEcents surveuus dans la nEbu- leuse d'Andromede. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 559- 560. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks et de la nouvelle planEte (250), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 560-561. Sur I'Etoile nouvelle de la nEbuleuse d'AndromEde. Observations de la Comete Brooks, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 596-597. Observations de la nouvelle planete (251) Palisa, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 696-697. Instructions sur I'usage de I'Equatorial et sur la rEduc- tion des observations, suivies de tables et de diagrammes propres a faciliter la prEparation et la rEduction des observations Equatoriales. [1893.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Ohsm.), 1885, G. 208 pp. Observations de la Comete Fabry et des petites planEtes a81), (2.54), (258) et (259), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0'",31 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 493-495. Observations de la ComEte Barnard (1886 II), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, ouverture 0™,305). Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 584-586. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 100-101. Observations de la nouvelle planEte (254), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 804-805. Big-ourdan] 553 [Big-ourdan Observations de la nouvelle Com^te a 1886 (Brooks I), faites A. rObservatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de rOnest). Paris, Ac, Sci. C. K., 102, 1886, 1008-1009. Observations de la Com^te b 1886 (Brooks II) et de la nouvelle plan^te (258) (Luther), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 10.51-1052. Observations de la nouvelle planete (2-59), faites a I'Ob- servatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 32. Observations de la nouvelle plan6te (261), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 861. Histoire de I'astronoraie a Toulouse, de I'origine a la fondation de I'Observatoire actuel. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, A. 1-A. 47. Histoire des observatoires de I'Ecole Militaire. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 497-504; 5, 1888, 30-40. Observations des nouvelles Comotes Brooks et Barnard, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de rOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 276-277. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard {d 1887) et de la nouvelle planete (265) Palisa, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 559-560. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard {e 1887), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1360. Sur la reduction de la distance apparente de deux astres voisins, a leur distance moyenne d'une epoque donnee. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 606-608. Observations de la nouvelle planete (270) Peters, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 658-659. NEbuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 926-929, 1116-1119. Observation de la Comete a [Savverthal] 1888, faite a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 919, 1060-1061. Sur vine disposition qui permettrait I'emploi de puissants objectifs dans les observations meridiennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 998-1000. Sur les variations de I'Equation personnelle dans les mesures d'etoiles doubles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 1645-1646. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de rOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 419-420. Observations de la nouvelle ConiEte Barnard, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R , 107, 1888, 495. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard (1888 oct. 30) et de la nouvelle planEte (281) Palisa, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 107, 1888, 721-722. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Barnard a 1889 (1889 mars 31), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equa- torial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 847-848. Sur I'aspect et sur un compagnon de la Comete Brooks (6 juillet 1889). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 401-402. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Swift (/1889; nov. 17), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 791- 792; Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 141-142. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Borrelly {g 1889), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la "Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 933-934. Sur I'Equation personnelle dans les mesures d'etoiles doubles. Paris Obs. Ann. [Mem.), 19, 1889, C. 74 pp., vii. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (a 1890), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 694. R. S. A. C. Observations de la Comete Denning (1890 juillet 23), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 355-356. Observations de la nouvelle planJite Charlois, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 412-413. Observation de la Comete d'Arrest (retrouvEe par .1/. Barnard le 6 octobre 1890), faite a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 521. Observations de la Comete Zona (1890 novembre 15), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de rOuest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 781; Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 107-110. Sur une nebuleuse variable. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 471-474. Nebuleuses nouvelles, dEcouvertes a I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 647-650, 703-705, 848-850. Observations de la Comete pEriodi(iue Wolf, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1352-1353. Observations de la ConiEte pEriodique Tempel-Swift, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 455-456. [Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892... (Denning Marz 18).l Astr. Nachr., 129, 1892, 163-164. Observations de la ComEte a 1892 (Swift [, mars 6]), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 649-651, 824- 825. Observations de la ComEte c 1892, faites k I'Observa- toire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 651-652. Sur les apparences actuelles de I'anneau de Saturne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1167. Observations de la nouvelle planete Wolf, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 364. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (C 1892) et de la nouvelle planEte Wolf, faites h, I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 384-385. Observations de la nouvelle planEte Wolf (1892 sept. 13), et de la planete Borrelly- Wolf (Erigone?), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 435-436. Observations de la nouvelle ComEte Barnard {d 1892), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 585-586. Observations de la nouvelle ComEte Holmes (/1892), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 782-783. Observation de I'Eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893, faite k Joal (SEnEgal), a I'Observatoire de la Mis- sion du Bureau des Longitudes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1181-1184. Observations de la nouvelle Comete, b 1893, faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 159-160. Observations de la nouvelle ComEte Brooks (1893 oct. 16), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117,1893, 536-537. Sur I'Etoile nouvelle de 1892, T Aurigas = 1953 Chandler. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 655-657. Observations des ComEtes 1893 (Rordame) et c 1898 (Brooks, 1893 oct. 16), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 657-659. [Neuer Planet 1894 BC] Astr. Nachr., 135, 1894, 103-104. [Beobachtung des neuen Planeten 1891 BE.] Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 367-368. 70 Bigourdan] Observations de la Comete 1889 V (Brooks, 1889 juillet 6) et de I'un de ses compagnons, faites a I'Obser- vatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0'", 305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 263-265. Observations de la Comete 1888 V (Barnard, 1888 octobre 30), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"\305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 313-314. Observations des Com^tes 1889 II, 1889 III, 1889 VI et 1890 I, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de O-^.SOS d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 396-397. Observations de la Comcite 1889 IV (Davidson, 1889 juillet 22), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 429-430. Observations de la Comete 1889 I (Barnard, 1888 sept, 2), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',30o d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 489. Observations de la nouvelle plan^te AV (Courty, 1894 fevrier 11), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 118, 1894, 392-393. Occultation de I'Epi de la Vierge, le 22 mars 1894, observee a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 694-695. Observations de la planete BC, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 695-696. Observations de la nouvelle Comete a 1894 (Denning, mars 26), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 730-731. Determination de I'intensite relative de la pesanteur, faite a Joal (Senegal) par la mission chargee par le Bureau des Longitudes d'observer I'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1095-1096. Resum6 des observations meteorologiques faites a Joal (Senegal) par la mission chargee par le Bureau des Longitudes d'observer I'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1201- 1204. Disparition de la tache polaire australe de Mars. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 633-634, 840-842. Observations de la planete BE, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 785-786. Observations de la nouvelle Comete c Swift (1894 novembre 20), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 894. Observations de la planete BC (1894 mars 24), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0'",305 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 20-21. Mesures micromEtriques d'Etoiles doubles, faites a I'Observatoire de Paris, du 11 juillet 1890 au 31 decembre 1894. Bull. Astr., 12, 1896, 298-312. Sur I'orbite de la Comete de 1771. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 978-980. Observations de la ComEte Brooks (1895 nov. 21), faites k I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 929-930. ■ Observation d'un bolide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121 1896, 930. ■ Sur la mesure micromEtrique des petites distances angulaires cElestes et sur un moyen de perfectionner ce genre de mesures. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mim.), 21. 1895, E.Slpp. V y, , , Inventaire gEneral et sommaire des manuscrits de la bibhothEque de I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris Obs Ann {Mem.), 21, 1895, F. 6U pp. 554 [Bigourdan Sur une disposition permettant de reproduire a distance et d'enregistrer indEfiniment les differences de dEclinaison donnEes par un micrometre a vis. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 209-214. Observations des Cometes Perrine (a 1896 et c 1895), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 364-365. Sur un moyen de reconnaltre les plus petites variations de marcbe des horloges astronomiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 513-515. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Swift (h 1896 = 1896 avril 13), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 979-980. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Perrine (1896 nov. 2), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 730- 731. Nouveau micrometre a double image, particuliErement appro])riE a la mesure des petits diametres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1048-1050. NEbuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1243-1245; 124, 1897, 65-67, 133-135. Sur la parallaxe annuelle de I'Etoile 1822 Fedoreuko. Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 10o-115. Sur la comparaison des durEes d'oscillation de deux pendules reglEs sensiblement a la meme pEriode. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 279-280. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Perrine (1897 oct. 16), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 592- 594. Rapport sur les observations d'astronomie, de physique du globe et de mEteorologie faites a Joal (SEnEgal) (Longitude : 1'' 16"' 41" ouest de Paris. Latitude nord : 14° 9' 22") a I'occasion de I'eclipse totale de Soleil du 16 avril 1893. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 5, 1897, B. 117 pp. Occultation des PlEiades par la lune, le 3 Janvier 1898, observee a I'equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest de I'Obser- vatoire de Paris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 126, 1898, 196-197. Sur 1' "Histoire celeste du xvii*-' siccle" de Pingke. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 712-714. Observations des nouvelles Cometes Coddington (1898 juiu 11) et Giacobini (1898 juiii 18), faites a I'Observa- toire de Paris (Equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1768-1770. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Brooks (1898 oct. 20), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (ecjuatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 603. Observations de la planete DQ=(433), faites a I'Obser- vatoire de Palis (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 805-806. Sur une niEthode diffErentielle propre a determiner les variations de la latitude et la constante de I'aberra- tion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 848-851. Sur la prediction des occultations d'Etoiles par la lune, et sur le calcul des longitudes terrestres au moyen des occultations. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 935- 938. Sur une comete dEcouverte par Pons le 11 septembre 1808. Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 62-63. Sur diverses circonstances qui modifient les images rEflEchies par le bain de mercure, et sur la transmission a travers le sol des trEpidations produits a la surface. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1147-1149; Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 210-226 ; 17, 1900, 5-10. Observation de I'essaim des Leonides, faite k I'Obser- vatoire de Paris, du 13 au 16 novembre 1899. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 805-806. [Beobachtung des Cometen 1900 b.] Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 107-108. Bigourdan] LBikessy La prolongation de la m^ridienne de Pai-is, de Barce- lone aux Baleares, d'apres les correspondanees inedites de Mechain, de Biot et d'ARAOO. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 348-368, 390-400, 467-480. Bapport sommaire sur I'observatiGn, faite en Espagne, de r^clipse totale de Soleil du 28 mai I'JOO. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 369-390. Sur uii inoyen de maintenir a pression constante une horloge placee dans une enveloppe a peu pr^s etanche. Congr. Int. Chronom., 1900, 162-163. Observations du diametre et de I'aplatissement de Jupiter. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 62-64. Observations de la Comete Giacobini (1900 Janvier 31), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de rOuest de 0"',305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 553. Sur la position et sur I'aspeet actual d'une ^toile nouvelle, transforni^e en n(5buleuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 239-240. Observations de I'^clipso totale de Soleil du 28 mai 1900 faites en Espagne, a Hellin, a Albacete et k Las Minas. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 246-248. Observations de la Comete Borelly (1900 juillet 23), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de rOiiest, de 0"",305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 326-327. Bigourdan, G[riill(Uime], & Callandreau, [Pierre Jean] 0[ctuve]. See Callandreau & Bigourdan. Bigourdan, G[uilhmme], & Tayet, Gaston. Observations de la Comete Perrine (1898 mars 19), faites a I'Observa- toire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest, de 0'",305 d'ouverture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 943-944. Observations de la nouvelle Comete Perrine (1898 juin 14), faites a I'Observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1770- 1771. Observations de la plan^te Eros faites en 1900 et 1901 a I'equatorial de la Tour de I'Ouest de 0"',305 d'ouverture libra. [1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsns.), 1900, E.27- E.51. Bigourdan, G[uiUainHe], Fayet, Gaston, & Schaumasse, [Alexandre], Observations meteorologiques faites pendant I'annee 1900. [1904.] Paris Obs. Ann. {Ohsnu.), 1900, G.l-G. 17. Bigourdan, G[uilhnane], Tisserand, I'\ram;ou Felix], Perrotin, J[osepli], & Jean, Ed. See Tisserand, Ferrotin, Bigourdan & Jean. Bihan, Richard, & Thiele, Johannes. See Thiele & Bihan. Bihler, Emil. Ueber das Verhalten des Blutdruckes bei Chlorotischen und iiber die bei denselben vorkommenden Storungen am Herzen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 52, 1894, 281-299. Ein Fall von todtlicher Opiumvergiftung. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 66, 1899, 483-491. Bihler, Winfried. Ein Fall von Bleiamblyopie. [1899.] Arch. Augenheilk., 40, 1900, 274-279. Biilmann, Einar. Om fremstillingen af natriumkoboltid- nitrit og paavisningen af kaliura dermed. Kj/^benh., Overs., 1899, 545-552, (Res., 553-554). Ueber die Einwirkung von AUylalkohol und Aethylen auf Mercurisalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1641-1655. Ueber die Einwirkung von AUylalkohol auf Kalium- platochlorid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2196- 2201. Ueber die Darstellung der Acrylsaure aus AUylalkohol. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 215-224. Ueber die wasserfreie Akrylsaure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 61, 1900, 491-494. Om xanthogenforbindelserue. Kj/jbenh., Overs., 1900, 173-187; Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900 {Repertm.), 198. Biilmann, Einar, & "W^liUc, Alfred. Ueber die Darstel lungsniethoden der Acrylsaure. Jl. Prakt. Chem., Gl, 1900, 199. Bijl, E. Pouiquoi I'ann^e 1900 ne sera-t-elle pas bissextile? [1899.] Ciel et Terre, 20 (1899-1900), 173-176. Bijl, H. C, & Lobry de Bruyn, C[ornelis] A[driaan]. See IiObry de Bruyn & Bijl. Bijlert, A. van. Eine quantitative Bestimmung des Antimons nach dem Marsh'schen Verfahren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2968-2971. Einige Beobachtungen auf kryoskopischem Gebiet. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 8, 1891, 343-366. Over de werking van zaer verdund salpeterzuur. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 103-113. [Over de theorie van het salpeterzuur.] [1899.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 59, 1900, 520-522. Bljvanck, //cmZrifc. Derivatedes/3-Aethyllepidins(j3-Aethyl- 7-Methylchinolins). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2143-2154. Bijvanck, Hendrih, & Bestliom, E{niil]. See Besthorn & Bijvanck. Bika, Leon. Nouveau type de chassis et de caisse de wagon k deux essieux. Application k un wagon de quinze tonnes. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 3 (1898), 207-220. Bikeles, Gustav. Die Thiitigkeit der Grosshirnrinde bei der Reproduction und Hallucination. Centrbl. Physiol., 6, 1893, 832-837. Ueber zweizeitige Durchschneidung und Quetschung der Nervi vagi. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 557- 561. DiePhylogenesedesPyramidenvorderstranges. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898, 999-1000. Ueber die LocaUsation der centripetalen (sensiblen) Bahuen im Riickenmarke des Hundes und des Kauiu- chens in der Hohe des obersten Lumbal- und untersten Brusttheiles, sowie Untersuchungen iiber Anatomic und Function der grauen Substanz. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 346-350. 0 lokalizacyi drog dosrodkowych (czusciowych) w rdzeniu pacierzowym psa i krdlika, w wysokoSci goruej cz§sci l§dzwiowej i dolnej piersiowej oraz badania nad anatomia i czynnoScia szarej substancyi. [Ueber die Localisation der centripetalen (sensiblen) Bahnen im Riickenmarke das Hundes und des Kaninchens in der Hohe des oberen Lumbal- und unteren Brusttheiles sowie Untersuchungen iiber Anatomic und Function der grauen Substanz.] [1898.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat. - Przyrod.) Rozpr., 16, 1899, 127-182 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull. , 1898, 192-198. Thrombose der Arteria cerebri anterior. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 443-447. Eine ungewohnliche Form von Schussverletzung des Gehirns und die dabei constatirte Hinterstrangdegenera- tion. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 871-875, 960. Degenerationsbefunde bei einem Falle von Myelitis acuta. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 146-149. Darf man eine nach abwarts abnehmende Hintar- strangdegeneration ohne weiteres als eine von oben nach unten fortschreitende ansehen ? (Myelitis acuta ; Riicken- mark nacli Amputation.) Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 937-944. Bikeles, Gustav, & Jasinski, A. Zur Frage der trophischen Nerven. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 345-346. Bikeles, Gustav, & Kornfeld, Sigmund. Anatomische Befunde bei experimenteller Porencephalie am neuge- borenen Hunde. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. [1893.] Centrbl. Physiol., 7, 1894, 269-272. See also Kornfeld & Bikeles. Bikessy, Guido von. Der Kanarienvogel als Insectenfresser. Wien Oruith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 165. Ueber die Ziihnibarkeit des Dompfaffen. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mittb., 10, 1886, 165. Ueber die Acclimatisirungsfahigkeit des Canarienvogels im Freieu. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 294-295. 70—2 Bikessy] 556 [Billet Unsere Kornerfresser in der GefanKenschaft. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 295-296. Ueber die fiir Stubenvogel niithige Temperatur. Wien Omith. Ver. Mitth., 11, 1887, 56. Der Griinling (Fringilla chloris) in der Gefangenschaft. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 16-17. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Pirol (Oriolus galbula). . Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 123-124. Die Familie der Pinguine oder Fettgiinse, ihre Natur- . geschichte, geographisclie Verbreitung, Acclimatisirung in der Gefangenschaft und die Geschichte ihrer Be- kanntwerdung in Europa durch die Seefahrer friiherer Jahrhunderte. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 22- 23, 45-46, 87-88, 118-119. Tlieorie iiber die Entartung (Degeneration) der Pin- guine in den gemiissigten Breiten der siidlichen Erdhalfte. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 20-22. Die Vogelfamilie der Kamphastiden, Tukane oder Pfefferfresser. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 70- 71. Ornithologiai jegyzetek Magyar-Ov4rr61 es videk(5r61. Ornithologische Notizen aus Ung. Altenburg und Umge- bung. Aquila, 2, 1895, 178-181. Biltfalvi, Kdroly. A velos hiivelyii idegrostok szaruhii- velyeirol. [Ueber die Hornscheide der markhaltigen Nervenfasern.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1884, 133-144; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 34-36. Milyen t4panyagokat emeszt meg a gyomor legkon- nyebben? [Welche Nahrungsstoffe^ verdaut der Magen . am leichtesten?] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szok), 1884, 261-276; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 116-117. A gyomornedy 6s a hasny41 emeszto kepessegerol. • [On the digestive power of the gastric juice and the pancreatic juice.] Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 426-427. Az alkdhol, sor, bor, borszekiviz, feketekave, dohany, konyhas6 es tims6 hatasa az em^sztesre. [Die Wirkung des Alkohol, Bier, Wein, desBorszeker Wasser, schwarzen Kaffee's, Tabak, Kochsalzes und des Alaun auf die Ver- dauuug.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1885, 131- 174; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 100-102. A pajzsmirigy szerepe. [The function of the thyroid gland.] Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1885, 173-174. A hffiminjegeczek elciallitasa brom- es jods6kkal. [Darstellung der Haminkrystalle mittelst Brora- und Jodsalzen.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 2-5- 28; Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 289-291. -T — A . nyelvszemolcsok 6s izlokelyhek fejlod6s6r61. [On the development of lingual papillas and taste buds.] , Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 215-234. Hogyan aludjunk? [How do we sleep?] Termt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 259-263. Az elvezeti szerek hatasa az emeszt^sre. [Action of food on the digestion.] Termt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 386-393. r A v6r.fest6anyag4nak es nevezetesebb bomljts-term^k- einek kristalyair61. [On the crystals of the colouring matter of blood and especially of its decomposition products.] Termt. Kozlon., 18, 1886, 481-482. Adatok a tiidS fejl5des6hez. Beitrage zur Entwicke- lung der Lunge. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1887, 125-149, 226-234. - — Adatok a gyomormirigyek finomabb szerkezetehez. Beitrage, zum feineren Bau der Magendriisen. Orvos- Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1887, 267-292, 302-315. Bikkessy. S<;e Bikessy. Bilenki, //. Note sur les permutants. Nouv. Ann. Math 19, 1900, 213-216. ' Biles, J[ohn] Harvard. *0n the stability of ships at launching. [With discussion.] [1883.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans. ,27, 1884, 31-62. On the strength of large ships. [With discussion.] [1893.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 37, 1894, 39-73. On M. Tchkbycheff's formula. [With discussion.] [1898.] Glasgow, Inst. Engin. Trans., 42, 1899, 176-212. On large cargo steamers. Naval Architects Trans., 42, 1900, 59-68. Bilfinger, Liulwig. Ein Beitrag zur Eotatorien fauna Wiirttembergs. Wiirttemb. Jhcfte., 48. 1892, 107-118; 50, 1894, 35-65. Bilgrami. See Syed Ali Bilgrami. Bilharz, Theodor. For biographical notice see Inst. Egypt. Bull., 7, 1897, 41-44. Bilhaut, M[arccau]. Les ossements de Louis XVII examines au cimetiere Sainte-Marguerite (de Paris). Ass. Fran?. C. K., 1894 (Pt. 1), 196. ■ Traitement chirurgical de la coxalgie. Ass. Franp. C. K., 1894 (Ft. 2), 859-80(5. Traitement de la gibbosite du mal de Pott. Ass. Frani^. C. R., 1897 (Ft. 2), 794-801. Mal de Pott. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1899 (Ft. 1), 306. Bilkevic, S. OTMeT'b, Iipe;i,CTaB.!ieiIHHr[ (i)H3HK0- jiaTeMaTiiHecKOMy (jtaKyji/rexy o noiaji.Kl) bi. JI,areCTaH1>. [Report presented to the physico-mathe- matical faculty on a journey to Daghestan.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 [Ft. 2), 173-176. Bill, A. F. Movement of bacilli etc., in liquid suspension on passage of a constant current. Centrbl. Bakt. (AM. 1), 26, 1899, 257-259. Bill, George E. Peculiar .symptomata of sympathetic disturbances. N. Y. Med. "jl., 64, 1896, 676-680. Billard, G[eor(]es], & Abelous, J. E[mHe]. See Abelous & Billard. Billard, G[eorges], & Cavali6, Marcel. Sur les fonetions des branches diaphragmatiques des nerfs intercostaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 {C. R.), 306-308. Sur quelques etfets cons^cutifs a la resection des deux nerfs phreniques chez le chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. li.), 329-330. Les branches h^patiques de I'art^re cystique chez le chien. Paris, Soc. Biol, M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 511- 518. Sur I'influence de la density de la bile vesiculaire sur I'excretion par le canal chol6doque. Paris, Soc. Biol, M6m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 595-597, 625-627. ■ Sur quelques troubles cons6cutifs a la resection des deux phreniques, chez le jeune chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 745-747. L'absorption par la vesicule biliaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 780-783. Sur le d^doublement de la cage thoracique chez un jeune chat. Robin, .11. Anat., 36, 1900, 566-567. Billard, G[eorges], & Ouli^, [Adol2)he]. Sur I'alcalinite du sang de quelques vertebres et invertebres. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1900, 47-49. Billaud, F., Petit, Louis, & Vian, J. Rapport sur la destruction des hirondelles, France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 61-62. Billecocq. See B^guin-Billecocq. Biller, J. G. Poisoning from gasoline, N, Y, Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 002-603. Billet, Albert. Sur la formation et la germination des spores chez le Cladothrix dichotoma. [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 159-161; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1251-1252. Sur le Bacterium ure£B. [1885.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884^85), 161-162 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1252- 1253. Sur le cycle 6volutif et les variations morphologiques d'une nouvelle Bact^riacee marine. Bacterium LaminarisB. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 293-295. Sur le cycle evolutif d'une nouvelle Bact6riac6e chromogene et marine. Bacterium Balbianii. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 423-425. Contribution a I'etude de la morphologie et du de- veloppement des Bacteriac6es. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 21, 1890, 1-288; 22, 1890, [ix-xi]. BiUet] 557 [Billings Sur le Distoma sinense, Cohhold. Paris, Soe. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 506-510. Sur les Hematozoaires des Ophidiens du Haut- Tonkin. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1895 (C. R.), 29- 31. Le Haut-Tonkin. Kegion de Cao-Bang. Ann. G^ogr., 6, 1897, 431-44'.). Deux ans dans le Haut-Tonkin (region de Cao-Bang). Bull. Sci. Prance Belg., 28, 1896-98, 1-254. Notes sur la faune du Haut-Tonkin. i. Sur les Hematozoaires des Ophidiens et des tortues. Bull. Sci. France Bclg., 28, 1896-98, 279-282. Notes sur la faune du Haut-Tonkin. Sur quelques Distomes. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 28, 1896-98, 283-309. Sur une nouvelle vari6t6 d'Achorion isolee d'un cas de teigne faveuse localisdie au scrotum. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 14-26. De la formule hemoleucocytaire dans le paludisme. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 '{Vol. 17, Epidemiol.), 180- 185. Sur un Hematozoaire endoglobulaire des Platydac- tylus. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C\ R.), 547- 549. BiUet, Albert, & Christ, Hermann. See Christ & BiUet. Billet, Albert, & Oiard, Alfred. See Giard & BiUet. Billet, Charles. Contribution a I'etude de Taction clinique de I'antipyrine. Arch. MM. Pharm. Militaires, II, 1888, 188-196. Contribution i\. I'citude clinique de I'infection tuber- culeuse. (La tuberculose abortive.) Arch. Gen. M6d. , 170, 1892, 129-156. Billeter, Otto. Sur un nouveau melange refrigerant. [1885.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 15, 1886, 167-168. Sur les pseudothiocyanates (s^n^vols) de radicaux aromatiques diatomiques. [1885.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 15, 1886, 174-176. [Quelques mots sur I'hydrogaz.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull, 15,1886, 217-218. Sur I'actiori du thiophosg^ne sur les amines second- aires. [1887-] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 18, 1887, 348- 352; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1629-1632; Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 246-247. Ueber eine Vorrichtung zura automatischen Filtriren. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 509. Sur un recipient pour la distillation fractionn^e dans le vide. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 45-46; 18, 1890, 53-55. Sur quelques d(^rives sulfures de I'acide carbamique. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 108-111. Analyse d'un echantillon de chocolat lacte. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 205-215. Sur le dosage du fusel dans les spiritueux. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 17, 1889, 23-24. Sur le dosage de I'amidon dans le chocolat. Neu- chatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 17, 1889, 36-37. [Eecherche de la pyridine dans les spiritueux fabriqu^s avec de I'alcool denature.] [1891.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 156-157. [L'analyse bacteriologique de I'eau au laboratoire cantonal.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 20, 1892, 181-182. Analyse des vius de 1892 et sur quelques maladies des vins. [1892.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 21, 1893, 182. Desmotropie chez les thiurees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 364-365. Ueber peutasubstituirte Dithiobiurete. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1681-1688. Sur la constitution des thiurees. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 21, 1893, 153-171. Contribution a la constitution des thiamides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 465-466. Sur I'hydrog^ne silicie. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 26, 1898, 236-238, Quelques analyses types de vins de Neuchatel. Neu- ch&tel Soc. Sci. Bull., 26, 1898, 408-412. Sur les dithiobiurets pentasubstitu^s. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 393-394. Sur la transposition intramol^culaire des pseudo- dithiobiurets pentasubstitu^s. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 27, 1899, 173-175. Sur la transposition intraraol^culaire de I'ac^to- phenylthiuree. Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 28, 1900, 263-265. Billeter, Otto, & Steiner, A[rnold]. Ueber Toluylensenfol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 3292-3295. Transformation des diamines aromatiques en pseudo- thiocyanates. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 16, 1886, 226-228. Ueber Senfole zweiwerthiger aromatischer Radicale. [Zweite Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bor., 20, 1887, 228-232. Billeter, Otto, & Strohl, Al[e.xandre]. Sur quelques derives de la thiocarbamide. [1887.] Neuchatel Soc. Sci. Bull., 16, 1888, 86-92. Ueber die Einwirkung von Thiophosgen anf secundare Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 102-110. Billi, Luigi. Temporale a Bologna [7 agosto 1893]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 140-141. Relazione dei forti danni cagionati dalle piogge del novembre 1896. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 17, 1897, 90. [Terremoto del 21 settembre 1897, Bologna.] Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 17, 1897, 91. Temporale del 3 ottobre 1898. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 19, 1899, 9. Billia, Lorenzo Miclielaiitjelo. SuUe dottrine psicofisicbe di Platone. Modena, Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1898, 201-215. Billiet, [P.] [Lettre sur la decouverte de diven-^es plantes en Auvergne.] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 15. Billiet, (le cardinal) Alexis. For biographical notice and works ! no MeTO;i,y Jl,. 11. KOHOB.OOBa. [De- termination de la chaleur specifique des solutions, d'apr^s la methode de M. Konovalow.] Buss. Pbys.-Chem. Soc. Jl„ 30 (Chem.), 1898, 355-366 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 3. TenJIOeMKOCTT. BOJtHHXT. pacTBopoBt cipHofi KHCJIOTH. [Chaleur specifique des solutions d'acide sulfurique.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JI., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 171-203; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 917- 918. Kt. Bonpocy o rHApaxaxt cipHoft khcjioth. [Contribution to the question of the hydrates of sul- phuric acid.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 517-522 ; Jl. Phys. Chem., 4, 1900, 630. OMHJieHie BOJI,OK) asOIHOKHCaaro 3THJia. [Hy- drolysis of ethyl nitrate by water.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Ciiem.), 1900, 636-637, 656-667; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 26, 1901, 285-286 [Pt. i.]; Chem. Soc. JL, 80, 1901 (Abs., Pt. 1), 111 [Pt. II.]. J^liucTBie iojtHCTaro 9THjra na aaoTHOKiicjioe cepe6po. [Action of ethyl iodide on silver nitrate.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Ghevi.), 1900, 667-673; Chem. Soc. Jl., 80, 1901 (Abs., Pt. 1), 111-112. Biron, Evgenij V[ladislavovic], & VTallach, Otto. See VTallach & Biron. Birot, Em. Sur I'alimentation du betail. [1899.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 7, 1901, 5-31, Ivii-lxi. Birt, Ernest. On certain questions relating to the urinology of the insane. [1886.] Brain, 9, 1887, 362-384. Birt, W[illiam] B[adcliff]. *Klein's crater near Hyginus. Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 349-351. *Thelandslip in Plato. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 17-20. *Lunar physics. Observatory, London, 4, 1881, 47-51, 108-111. Birthler, Friedrich. Ueber die Varietaten der sieben- biirgischen Kaferart Carabus Eothi, Dej. Hermannstadt Verh., 35, 1886, 69-76. Ueber siebenbiirgische Caraben und deren nachste Verwandte. Hermannstadt Verb., 36, 1886, 55-71. Birtwell, Francis J. Another example of curious nesting of the American redstart. Auk, 16, 1899, 184-185. An example of aptosochromatism , as influenced by diet, in Megascops asio. Auk, 16, 1899, 313-318. The occurrence of aptosochromatism in Passerina cyanea. [1899.] Science, 11, 1900, 292-299. Bimkov. See Biriukov. BiniUa, Aleks. Zur Kenntnis der russischen Galeodiden Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 204-209. Einiges liber den Mitteldarm der Galeodiden. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 295-300. 568 [Birulia — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des anatomischen Baues der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Vorlaufige Mit- teilung. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 687-689. — Zur Kenntniss der russischen Galeodiden. Soc. Ent. Boss. Horffi, 27, 1893, 82-90. — Beitrage zur Acariden-Fauna Eusslands. i. Rhyn- cbolophus (Macropus) plumifer, n. sp. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horse, 27, 1893, 387-390. — Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Soc. Ent. Ross. Hora3, 28, 1894, 289-326. — IxodidaB novi vel parum cogniti Musei Zoologici Academise Csesareffi Scientiarum Petropolitanae. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, 353-364. — Ko.iiJieKii,ifl 6e3iio3BOHOiHHX'L, co6paHHaa A. C. BOTKHHHMl). [Sur la collection des evertebres de M. A. BoTKiNE.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, vii-ix. — Miscellanea scorpiologica. [i, ii, in & iv. Zur Synonymie der russischen Scorpione.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 229-245; 2, 1897, 377-392; 3, 1898, 276-283; 5, 1900, 248-256. — MaiepiajiH ajih 6iojioriii ii 30oreorpa$in iipeiiMymecTBeHHO pyccKiixij Mopefi. [i- Kt (IjayHi Mejiiyai. CojioBeuKaro 3a.iiiiBa. n. Hydrozoa, Polychseta ii Crustacea C06paHHHfl JI.-pOM'B A. C. BoTKiiHHM'L BT> EiiiiceHCKofi 11 06cK0H pydaxi., I'feTOMt 1895 r0JI,a. III. OiepK-b (|)ayHH Crustacea- Decapoda Mopefr MypMaHCKaro h Bijiaro. iv. j[o- nOJlHeHie Kt Crustacea-Decapoda Biiiaro MOpii. V. 0 SaBHCHMOCTH CXpOeHifl HiKOTOpHXl. TII- ji.poiiAOB'b no6epeat,fl CojioBeuKuxr. o-bobi. OTt (J)H3iiHecKiix'b ycJiOBiii hx'b M-fecTOOOHxaHiK. vi. Crustacea-Decapoda, co6paHHHfl HayqHO-npOMH- cjioBoR BKciieAHnieft HoMopcKaro KoMiiTexa bx. 1898 r. y MypnaHa. vn. 3aM'fexKa o paKoo- 6pa3HLixx>, co6paHHHxx. ;i;-poMX. A. C. Botkiihhmx> Bi> 1896 H 1897 rr. bx. KapcKOMx> Mopi ii bx. Ka- HiiHCKO-ne^iopcKOMX. pafioni MypMaHCKaro Mopa. Eecherches sur la biologie et zoogeographie, principale- ment des mers russes. i. Faune des Meduses du golfe de Solowetzki. ii. Hydrozoaires, Polychetes et Crustaces, recueillis par le Dr. A. Botkine dans les golfes du Euisei et de rObi. iii. Essai d'une faune des Crustaces D^capodes de la mer Blanche et de la mer Mourmane. IV. Supplement a la faune des D^capodes de la mer Blanche, v. Sur les rapports entre la structure mor- phologique de quelques Hydroides des cotes des lies de Solovetzk et les conditions physicales des lieux qu'ils habitent. vi. D^capodes recueillis dans la mer Mour- mane en 1898 par Texpedition du Comite des Pomores. VII. Note sur les Crustaces recueillis par le Dr. A. S. Botkine en 1896 et 1897 dans la mer Kara et dans la region sud-est de la mer Mourmane.] St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 327-354; 2, 1897, 78-116, 405-452; 3, 1898, 184-190, 203-214; 4, 1899, 20-38, 418- 448; Annee Biol., 1898, 519 [Pt. vii only]. 3aMixKa O BIIJI,axx. pOJI,a Amphicteis, Grube, BOjamiixcH BX, ^lepHOMX. H KacniftcKOMX. Mopaxx.. [Note sur les esp^ces du genre Amphicteis, Grube, de la mer Noire et Caspienne.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 9-26. Kx> 6ioJrorill [Sur la biologie du] Chrysochraon dispar, Gerviar. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, iv-v. HoBLiii Biiji,x, cKopiiioiia ji,Jia pyccKott (|jayiiH. [Sur un scorpion, nouveau pour la faune de la Bussie.] Birulia] 569 [Bischoff St. Pdtersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 4, 1899, xiv-xv. CKopiiioHH Cpeji;H3eMHOMopcKOH iioji;6jiacTn, xpaHamiecfl Bt SooiorHnecKOM-b Myae-fe Hnne- paiopcKaro MocKOBCKaro yHiiBcpciiTeTa. Scor- piones mediterranei Musei Zoologici Mosquensis. Mos- cow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 98 (No. 1), 1900, 8-20. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Scorpionenfauna Ost- Persiens. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 355-375. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Scorpionenfauna Kleinasiens. [1900.] Soc. Ent. Boss. Hors), 33, 1901, 132-140. Blsanz, Gustav. Studie iiber ein Zellengewolbe. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg., 53, 1888, 30-31, 48. Bisbee, D. B. Nitrogen compounds of the soil. [1894.] Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1895, 66. Bisbee, D. B., & Patrick, G. E. See Fatrick & Bisbee. Biscaro, Giuseppe. Osservazioni sulla determinazione volumetrica del cloro col processo del Mohr. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884-86, 293-301 ; Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 241-248. Studio del miscuglio d'ipoclorito di calcio commerciale ed acido fenico usato in Padova nell' estate 1884 come antisettico. [1886.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1885-86, 663-671. Biscaro, Giuseppe, & Spica, Giovanni. See Spica & Biscaro. Biscaro, Giuseppe, & Spica, Pietro. See Spica & Biscaro. Bischler, Auglust]. Condensationsproducte aus Para- toluidin mit Paranitrobittermandelol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 3302-3306. Condensationsproducte aus Basen der Parareihe mit Paranitro- und Metanitrobittermandelol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3207-3219. Ueber o-Nitrophenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 240-241, 2801-2809. Ueber Phenmiaziu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 506-508. Ueber das Piperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 716-718. Ueber die Entstehung einiger substituirter Indole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2860-2879. Ueber eine neue Synthese von Pyrazolderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3143-3146; 26, 1893, 1881-1890. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1891-1903. Bischler, Auglusti, & Barad, D[avid]. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3080-3097. Bischler, Aug[ust], & Baur-Thurgau, Albert. See Baur- Tburgau <& Biscbler. Bischler, Aug[ust], & Brodsky, S[alomon]. Ueber Meta- nitro- und Parabromorthonitrophenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2809-2818. Bischler, Aug[ust], & Burkart, Edluard]. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1349-1353. Bischler, Auglust], & Fireman, Peter. Zur Kenntniss einiger a-/3"Diphenylindole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1336-1349. Bischler, Avg[ust], & HoweU, F[rederick] J[ohri]. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 26, 1893, 1384-1399. Bischler, Aug[ust], & I.ang, M[artiii]. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 279-293. Bischler, Aug[ust], & BHuntendam, H[endrik] P[etrus]. Zur Kenntniss der Phenmiazinderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 723-738. Bischler, Aug[ust}, & Napieralski, B[emard']. Zur Kenntniss einer neuen Isochinolinsynthese. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1903-1908. R. S. A. C. Bischof, Carl. Kaolin. Allgemeines, namentlich seine Charakteristik nebst Formel und dem Vorgange der Kaolinisirung in chemischer, wie genetischer Beziehung. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 39, 1891, 579-583. Ueber Magnesiaziegel. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 41, 1893, 27-30. Bischof, [Georg] Gustav. Bakterien als Zerstorer von Mauerwerk. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg., 49, 1884, 40. Dr. Koch's gelatin-peptone water-test. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 205-207. Notes on Dr. Koch's water test. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 5, 1886, 114-119. Extension of time of culture in Dr. E. Koch's bacterio- logical water- test by partial sterilisation, with special reference to the metropolitan water-supply. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 15. Bischof, Josef. Einige neue Gattungen von Muscarien. Wien, Ak. "Sber., 109, 1900 {Abth. 1), 490-497. Bischoff, Clarl] A[davi]. Ueber die Basicitatsgrenze organischer Sauren. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1885, 38-40. ^-Benzoylisobernsteinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 95. Isomere Dialkylbernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2988-2992. Ueber die Zersetzung von Aniliden bei hoherer Temperatur. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1257- 1265. Ueber Orthodinitrostilbene. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2071-2078. Azofarbstofife aus Orthodiamidostilben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2078-2084. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Acetylentetra- carbonsaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2085-2089. Ueber svmmetrische Diathylbernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges^. Ber., 21, 1888, 2102-2111. Beitrage zur Synthese mehrbasischer Sauren der Fettreihe. BerHn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2111- 2117. Die Ausbildung von " Ingenieur-Chemikern." Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 513-515. Ueber Chinolinderivate aus Orthonitrobenzoylmalon- saureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 386-388; Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 360-384. Zur Geschichte der Piperazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1774-1777. Ueber hydrirte Piazine der aromatischen Beihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1777-1783. Zur Charakteristik der Piperazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1809-1812. Ueber substituirte Bernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 3179-3180. Ueber die physikalischen Eigenschaften von 16 sub- stituirten Aethenyltricarbonsaureestern und den ent- sprechenden substituirten Bernsteinsauren. [1889.] Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 113. Beitrage zur Theorie der Anhydridbildung der sub- stituirten Bernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 620-623. Ueber die Aufhebung der freien Drehbarkeit von einfach verbundenen Kohlenstoffatomen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 623-630, 1012. Ueberskht der Methoden zur Gewinnung von mono-, di- und trisubstituirten Bernsteinsauren aus Malonsaure- ester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 631-633. Ueber Trimethylbernsteinsaure und Dimethylglutar- saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1464-1468. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlormethyl auf Naphtalin und die Constitution des aus Carminsaure gewonnenen Kohlenwasserstoffs CjgH,o. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1905-1908. Ueber einige Azofarbstoffe aus o-Naphtylamin, Di- 72 Bischoff] 570 [Bischoflf methylanilin und o-Oxynaphtoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1908-1911. Ueber die Sulfurirung von Anilin und Naphtylamm mit primarem Kaliumsulfat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1912-1914. - Ueber gebromte Brenzweinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1924-1929. Synthese der Citracon- und Mesaconsaure aus Pro- penyltricarbonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1930-1937. Beitrage zur Stereochemie des Stickstoffs. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1967-1972. Stereochemische Studien in der Piperazin-Gruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1972-1976. Ueber den sogenannten Isobutenyltricarbonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 3395-3399. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Homologen der Maleinsauregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Bar., 23, 1890, 3414-3423. Ueber Trimethylbernstelnsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1041-1049. Ueber Aethyl-, Propyl- und Benzyldimethylbernstein- saure. Berlin" Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1050-1064. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der substituirten Bernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1064-1074. Theoretische Ergebnisse der Studien in der Bern- steinsauregruppe. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1074-1085. Die dynamische Hypothese in ihrer Anwendung auf die Bernsteinsauregruppe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1085-1095. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fumarsaurereihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2001-2025. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Piperazingruppe. , Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2940-2956. Ergebnisse der Studien iiber die Derivate der ein- und zweibasischen a-Oxysauren. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 153-188. Studien iiber Verkettungen. i. Alkylirung des Malon- und Acetessigsaureesters. [ii. Conjugirte Ma- lonsaureester. in. Umsetzung -von Chloressigester mit Natrium-Malon- und -Acetessigestern. iv. Umsetzungen der Natrium-(Alkyl)-Malonsaureester mit a-Bromfett- saureestem. v. Umsetzungen der Natrium- (Alkyl) Acetessigester mit a-Bromfettsaureestern. vi. Theo- retische Ergebnisse der Versuche iiber die Bildung substituirter Aethenyltricarbonsaure- und Acetsuccin- saureester. vii. Kuppelung von Malonsaureestern mittels einfacher Bindungen. viii. Kuppelung von Malonsauredimethylestern mittels doppelter Bindung. IX. Kuppelung von Malonsiiurediiithylester mittels dop- pelter Bindung. x. Combinationen, welche zu Estern der Methylacetylentetracarbonsaure (Butansaure-2-Me- thylsaure-3-Dimethylsaure) fiihren sollten. xi. Com- binationen, welche zu Aethylacetylentetracarbonsaure- ester (Pentaneaure-2-Methyl8aure-3-Dimethyl8aureester) fiihren sollten. xii. Quantitativer Verlauf der Synthesen von Estern fiinf-, sechs- und siebenbasischer Fettsauren. xiii. Das Diathyldisulfonmethan und der Diathoxyma- lonsaureester. xiv. Das Anilin und die Bromfettsiiure- ester. xv. Das Anilin und die Bromfettsaureamide. XVI. Die Bildung von Saureaniliden. xvii. Orthotoluidin und Metatoluidin. xviii. Paratoluidin. xix. Metaxyli- din im Vergleich mit Anilin und den Toluidinen . xx . Die Chloraniline. xxi. Die Nitroaniline. xxii. Nitrotolui- dine im Vergleich mit den Nitro- und Chlor-Anilinen. xxm. Ortho- und Para-Amidophenol. xxiv. Das Benzylamin. xxv. Das Monomethylanihn. xxvi. Das Aethylanilin. xxvn. Das Benzylaniiin. xxviii Das Diphenylamin. xxix. Das Piperidin. xxx. Carbazol Amidoazobenzol und Acetanilid. xxxi, Dimethylanilin und a-Bromfettsaureester. xxxii. Vergleich der mit den a-Bromfettsaureestern in Reaction gebrachten aro- matischen Basen. xxxiii. Aromatische einsaurige Basen und a-Bromfettsaurebromide. xxxiv. Aromatische zwei- saurigeBasenunda-Bromfettsaurebromide. xxxv. Formal- dehyd und zvveisaurige Basen. xxxvi. Natriumniethylat und a-Bromfettsaureathylester. xxxvii. Natriumathylat und Bromfettsaureester. xxxviii. Natrium-Propylat sowie -Isopropylat und a-Bromfettsaureester. xxxix. Die Natriumverbindungen der isomeren Butylalkohole und a-Bromfettsaureester. xl. o-Bromfettsaureester und die Natriumverbindungen des Isoamyl-, Octyl- und Iso- capryl-Alkohols. xli. Cliarakteristik der gesattigten einwerthigeu Alkohole gegeniiber den a-Bromfettsaure- athylestern. xlii. Phenoxypropionsiiuren und Derivate. xLiii. a-Phenoxy-Buttersaure, - Isobuttersaure und -Isovaleriansaure und deren Ester, xliv. Die drei Natriumkresolate und a-Bromfettsaureester. xlv. Na- triumxylenolate und a-Bromfettsaureester. xlvi. Car- vacrol-, Thymol-, Pseudocumenol-Natrium und a-Brom- fettsaureester. xLvii. Natriumnaphtolate und a-Brom- fettsaureathylester. xLviii. Guajacolderivate. xlix. Derivate der drei Oxybenzoesaureathylester. l. Die drei Natriumnitrophenolate. li. Derivate von gechlorten undgebromten Phenolen undUebersichtder quantitativen Umsetzungen von Natriumverbindungen einwerthiger Phenole mit a-Bromfettsaureathylestern. lii. Derivate des Brenzcatechius. liii. Derivate des Resorcins und Orcins. liv. Derivate des Hydrochinons.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2616-2631, 2824-2835; 29, 1896, 966-971, 972-978, 979-982, 982-989, 1276-1280, 1280-1286, 1286-1293, 1504-1514, 1514-1521, 1741-1750 ; 30, 1897, 487-491, 2303-2310, 2310-2315, 2315-2322, 2464-2468, 2469-2475, 2476-2480, 2760-2764, 2764-2768, 2769-2775, 2926-2930, 3169-3173, 3174-3178, 3178-3180, 3450; 31, 1898, 2672-2677, 2678-2683, 2839-2847, 2847- 2854, 3015-3024, 3025-3033, 3236-3240, 3241-3248, 3248-3258, 3677, 3680 ; 32, 1899, 1748-1755, 1755-1761, 1761-1766, 1940-1947, 1948-1953, 1953-1960; 33, 1900, 924-931, 931-939, 1249-1261, 1261-1269, 1269-1277, 1386-1392, 1392-1397, 1398-1407, 1591-1602, 1603-1611, 1668-1676, 1676-1686, 1686-1692, 4191, 4192. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & Hausdorfer, A[rthurJ. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod auf Natriummalonsaureester- derivate. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 110-131. Ueber die Producte der Destination von citronensauren Salzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2.S, 1890, 1915-1918. Ueber o- und ^-Ditolyl und /3-Dinaphtylpiperazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1981-1986. Ueber Diphenyl-a-7- un-ditolyl- und -a-dinaphtyldiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2035-2040. Ueber die Einwirkung von Essigsaureanhydrid auf die Anilide, Toluide und Naphtalide der Aepfelsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2040-2047. Ueber die Anilide und Toluide der Weinsaure. Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2047-2051. Versuche zur Darstellung von Tetraci- und Triaci- piperazinen der aromatischen Reihe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2051-2055. Versuche zur Darstellung von Eingen, welche zwei Stickstoffatome und zwei, drei und sechs Kohlenstoflf- atome enthalten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2055-2060. Bischoff, Clarl] Aldam], & Bach, Carl. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Acetylentetracarbonsaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2781-2788. Ueber neue Derivate der Orthonitrobenzoesaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2788-2800. Ueber die symmetrische Dimethylberusteinsaure (Hy- dropyrocinchonsaure). [Vorliiufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1202-1203. Ueber Hydropyrocinchonsaure {». Dimethylbernstein- saure). Liebig's Ann., 234, 1886, 54-89. Bischoff, C[arl] A[dam], & Siebert, Hlermann]. Ueber neue Benzyl- und Benzoylverbindungen. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 92-110. Bischoff, Clarl] A[dam], & Tigerstedt, Alrthur]. Ueber die Einwirkung von o-Bromisobuttersaureester auf Propyl- und Isopropylmalonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1937-1941. Bischoff, Clarl] Aldam], & Trapesonzjanz, Chlatzcheres]. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Diphenylpiperazins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1977-1981. Ueber Monoaeipiperazine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2931-2940. Bischoff, Clarl] Aldam], & Volt, Elduard]. Ueber die beiden symmetrischen Dimethylbernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 389-391; 23, 1890, 639-644. Ueber die Beziehungen der beiden symmetrischen Dimethylbernsteinsauren zur Pyrocinchonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 644-646. Bischoff, Clarl] Aldam], & 'Walden, Paul. Ueber bi- substituirte Bernsteinsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1812-1818, 1819-1822. Ueber die physikalischen Constanten der substituirten Aethenyltricarbousaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 660-664. Ueber das Leitvermogen der substituirten Bernstein- sauren und Glutarsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1950-1958. PeayjiLTaTH ii3CJi'fe;i,0BaHia npoHaBO^iiHHxt oji;ho H ;;By3aM'felU,eHHI)IX'b a-OKCIIKIICJIOT'B. [Results of an investigation of the mono- and di-substituted deriva- tives of the tt-hydroxy acids.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 (Chem.), 1892, 179-193. Ueber das Glycolid und seine Homologen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 262-265. Die Anwendung der dynamischen Hypothese auf Ketonsaurederivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1452-1460, 2300. Ueber einige Anilide und Toluide welche in zwei Modificationen auftreten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1461-1462. Ueber Anomalien bei Verkettungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1491-1495. Ueber die Aethylenester der Glycol- und Oxalsaure und die Anhydride a-halogenisirter Fettsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2939-2952. Ueber Derivate der Glycolsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 45-70. Ueber Derivate der Milchsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 71-99. Ueber Derivate der beiden a-Oxybuttersauren. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 100-118. Ueber Derivate der Mandelsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 118-129. Ueber Derivate der Aepfelsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 130-137. Ueber Derivate der Weinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 138-152. Bischoff, C. W. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss des Schneidens der Haare auf ihr Wachsthum. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 51, 1898, 691-703. Bischoff, Ernst. Verlegung beider Ureteren durch Harn- steine. Anurie von 23tagiger Dauer. [1884.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 183-188. Bischoff, Ernst. Einwirkung von salpetriger Saure auf Tetramethyldiamidobenzophenon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2452-2455. Ueber die Einwirkung von salpetriger Saure auf Tetramethyldiamidobenzophenon und diesem analoge Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 337-346. Einige Derivate des Desoxybenzoins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 346-348. Bischoff, Ernst. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomic 72—2 Bischoff] 572 [Bishop Allg. Ztschr. Psy- der schweren acuten Verwirrtheit. chiatr., 56, 1899, 762-797. ■ Beitrag zur Lehre von der seusorischen Aphasie pebst Bemerkungeu iiber die Symptomatik doppelseitiger Schlafelappenerkrankung. Arch. Psychiatr., 32, 1899, 730-767. ^ . ,. Ueber den intramedullaren Verlauf des Facialis. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 1014-1016. Beitrag zur Anatomic des Igelgehirnes. Anat. Adz., 18, 1900, 348-358. BiscbofF, if., & roerster, F[ritz]. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Elektrolyse von Chlorcalcium-Losungen. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 464-470. BiscbofF, H[ans], & Menzer, A[rthur August Ludwig]. Die Schnelldiagnose des Unterleibstyphus mittels der von PiORKOWSKi angegebenen Harngelatine. Ztschr. Hyg., 35, 1900, 307-348. Bischoff, H[am\ & Wintgen, M[ax]. Beitrage zur Con- servenfabrikation. Ztschr. Hyg., 34, 1900, 496-517. BiscbofF, Ig[naz]. Neue Beziehungen auf dem Geoid. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 177-184. BiscbofF, Theod. Ueber die Sambaquys in der Provinz Eio Grande do Sul (Brasilien). Ztschr. Ethnol., 19, 1887, 176-198. BischofE-Ehinger, Andreas. *Entomologische Eeise von Vogogna nach Macugnaga und dem Monte Moro nach Saas. [1867.] Schweiz.Ent. Ges.Mitth., 2, 1868, 193-215. Biscoe, T\}iomas'] D. Longitudinal sections of head of blossoms of marigold. Amer. Micr. Jl., 12, 1891, 56. The Wenham binocular. Can it be made adjustable to a variable tube length? Amer. Micr. Soc. Proc, 14 (1892), 57-59. Biscoe, W. F. A tiger killing a panther. [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 490. Liquid discharge from cicada insects. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1895-97, 535-536. Biscons, [Isidore Hippolyte Anne'], & Zllouret, J. Note sur les effets de I'excitation du bout central du vague apr^s arrachement du spinal. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 771-772. Biseau d'Hauteville, de. *Aurore polaire du 4 f^vrier [1872, observ^e k Entremonts, pr^s Binche (Belgique)]. France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^oroL, 5, 1872, 113-114. *[Sur I'abaissement barom^trique du 10 d^cembre 1872 k I'altitude de 180 metres.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 6, 1873, Ft. 1, 20, 25. *[Ob8ervation faite, le 24 octobre, a Entremonts (Belgique).] France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 9, 1876, Ft. 1, 148. Biset, £., Caty, L., & Dastot, A. Kapport sur leur mission k Berlin [pour ^tudier la nouvelle m^thode de traitement du docteur Koch]. Hainaut Soc. M^m., 4, 1891, 311-320. Bishop, Arthur W[right], & Claisen, L[udwig]. Ueber den Campheraldehyd (Formylcampher) C10H15O . COH. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 533-537. Bishop, Arthur W[right], & Ferkin, William Henry (jun.). The action of ethyl dichloracetate on the sodium deriva- tive of ethyl malonate. Chem. Soc. Proc, 7, 1891, 41-42. Bishop, Arthur W [right], Claisen, L[udiDig], & Sinclair, W[ilhelvi]. Ueber den Oxymethylencampher. Liebig's Ann., 281, 1894, 314-398. Bishop, Fannie Lewis. Katifmann's method for the staining of tubercle baciUi. N. Y. Med. Jl., 57, 1893, 458. Bishop, H. A. A new process for the sure detection of sugar in urine. Jl. Anal. Chem., 4, 1890, 139-141. Hydrogen sulphide generator. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 48. Bishop, h-ving F. Inheritance of physical injuries. Science, 3, 1884, 144. Salt wells of western New York, N. Y. Geologist Rep., 1885, 13-47. On certain fossiliferous limestones of Columbia Co., N.Y., and their relation to the Hudson river shales and the Taconic system. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 438-441. On a locality of flint implements in Wyoming county, N. Y. N. Y. Geologist Rep., 1888, 92-94. A new locality of Lower Silurian fossils in the lime- stones of Columbia Co., N. Y. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 69-70. Report on the development of the salt industry of central New York for the year 1891. N. Y. Mus. Rep., 45, 1892, 53-61. The structural and economic geology of Erie county. N. Y. Mus. Rep., 49 {Vol. 2), 1898, 305-392. Report on petroleum and natural gas in western New York. N. Y. Mus. Rep., 51, 1899 {Vol. 2), 9-63. Bishop, (Mrs.) Isabella L. Anniversary address. The Upper Karun region and the Bakhtiari Lurs. [1891.] Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 1-14. A journey through Lesser Tibet. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 8, 1892, 513-528. A journey in western Sze-Chuan. Geogr. JL, 10, 1897, 19-50. The valley of the Yangtze. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 940. Bishop, John Le Marchant. Hygienic ventilation. [1895.] Brit. Architects Jl., 3, 1896, 36-39. Bishop, Louis B. Notes on the birds of the Magdalen Islands. Auk, 6, 1889, 144-150, 359. Helminthophila pinus, H. chrysoptera, H. leuco- bronchialis, and H. Lawrencei in Connecticut in the spring of 1888. Auk, 6, 1889, 192-193. Olor columbianus in Connecticut. Auk, 11, 1894, 74. Helminthophila leucobronehialis. Auk, 11, 1894, 79-80. Remarks on the nest of Cistothorus palustris. Auk, 11, 1894, 80-81. Aythya marila or A. m. nearctica? Auk, 12, 1896, 293-295. An apparently undescribed plumage of Oidemia per- spicillata. Auk, 12, 1895, 295-297. Descriptions of a new horned lark and a new song sparrow, with remarks on Sennett's night hawk. Auk, 13, 1896, 129-135. Descriptions of three new birds from Alaska. Auk, 17, 1900, 113-120. Birds of the Yukon region, with notes on other species. U. S. N. Amer. Fauna, No. 19, 1900, 47-96. Bishop, (Rev.) Sereno E. *The remarkable sunsets. [1883-84.] Nature, 29, 1884, 174, 259-260, 549-550, 573. The red glow. Nature, 30, 1884, 194. September stream of Krakatoa smoke at Strong's Island. Nature, 30, 1884, 537. The red skies in the Pacific. Science, 3, 1884, 216- 217. Krakatoa. Nature, 31, 1885, 288-289. The origin of the red glows. [1886.] Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 129-142; Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 3 (1886-87), 127-136, 193-196. The recent eruption of Mauna Loa. Science, 9, 1887, 205-207. Sunset glows at Honolulu. Nature, 40, 1889, 415. Sunset glows. Science, 14, 1889, 137-138. The great Comet of 1882. Nature, 44, 1891, 293- 294. Recent progress in solar physics as bearing upon the cause of the ice age. Science, 17, 1891, 239-241. Atmospheric and seismic influences. Science, 18, 1891, 39. Kilauea in April, 1892. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 207-210. The afterglow. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 102-103. Bishop] 573 [Bistrzycki Probable causes of rainy period in southern Peru. Science, 21, 1893, 192-193. The temperature of the earth's crust. Science, 3, 1896, 409. BiBliop, Seth S[cott]. Pathology of hay fever. [With dincussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 5), 321-331. Bishop, IF. Analyses de miels. Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 459-461. Action des huiles sur la lumi^re polaris^e. Jl. Pharm., 16, 1887, 300-301. Sur le dosage des matieres sucrees. Moniteur Sci. , 2, 1888, 641-650. Sur une propri^t^ de I'huile de sesame et son applica- tion a la recherche de cette huile dans un melange. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 244-247. Sur la recherche de I'huile d'arachide dans I'huile de foie de morue. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 302-303. Kecherches sur la d^tennination du degr6 d'oxydation des huiles. Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 55-61 ; Moniteur Sci., 10, 1896, 259-264. Bishop, W., & Ferrer, Leon. Analyses de vins authen- tiques des Pyr6n6es-Orientales. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 503-507. Bishop, W., & Ingi, L. Sur la recherche de I'huile de colon dans le saindoux. Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 348-353. Bishop, Watson L. A visit to Haute Island in the Bay of Fundy, July 26th, 1887. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 145-146. Breeding dates of birds in King's county, Nova Scotia. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 44-45. Eemarkable nesting sites of the black snowbird. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 136-137. Nesting of the Canada grouse in captivity. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 9-11. Biskup, . Vogelappetit. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 31. Bisky, Julius A. Notes from Queen's county. Long Island. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 13-14. Biso, Dante. Metodo pratico per la ricerca dell' isotonia del sangue. Sperimentale, 1893 {Mem.), 230-233. Bisogni, Carlo. Nota preliminare sulla esistenza e strut- tura d' una nuova glandula nell' astuccio linguale della Vipera Eedii. Int. Jl. Anat., 11, 1894, 123-126. Sur la correspondance anatomique du groupe glandu- laire sous-lingual avec les plaques jugulaires dans les serpents non venimeux. Int. Jl. Anat., 12, 1896, 187- 190 ; Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 495-498. Intorno all' evoluzione del nucleo vitellino del Salticus scenicus e della Scutigera coleoptrata. Int. Jl. Anat., 12, 1895, 558-562. Osservazioni intorno a speciali conformazioni e ad alcune anomalie nelle unghie degli uccelli. Anat. Anz. , 12, 1896, 201-210. Le terminazioni nervose nelle fibre lisce delle tuniche muscolari del tubo digerente del Limax subfuscus {Lin.), 6 del Limax agrestis {Lin.). Anat. Anz., 12, 1896, 249- 257. Intorno alia struttura del guscio delle uova dei Viperidffi. Int. Jl. Anat., 13, 1896, 173-180. Intorno alle terminazioni nervose nelle cellule glandulari salivari degli Ofidii. Int. Jl. Anat., 13, 1896, 181-187. Persistenza d'una nuova glandula nel genere "Vipera." Kiv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896, 33-35 ; Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 490-494. Contributo alia flora d' Hipponium. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896, 73-76, 81-86, 97-100. Analogic e relazioni fra gli acidi fosf orici. Osservazioni. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896, 105-107. Bissell, C. H. Hydrastis canadensis, L., a New England plant. Rhodora, 1, 1899, 157. Eragrostis Frankii in Connecticut. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 87. Plantago elongata in New England. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 156. Abnormal flowers in Leonurus cardiaca. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 223-224. A new variety of Zizia aurea. Rhodora, 2, 1900, 225. Bissell, William G. The preparation of catgut. N. Y. Med. Jl., 60, 1894, 181-182. Bisseri^, [Charles Henri]. Sur I'emploi de I'essence de moutarde en th^rapeutique, ses avantages dans la m^decine d'arm^e, et principalement dans les appro- visionnements de reserve. Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 595- 598. Bisset, G. F. De la defense des vignes franpaises contra les attaques du Phylloxera par les traitements au sul- fure de carbone. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1888 {Pt. 2), 508- 516. Nouvelles experiences relatives k la disinfection anti- phyllox^rique des plants de vigne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 106, 1888, 247-248. Bisset, J. P. List of DesmidieaB found in gatherings made in the neighbourhood of Lake Windermere during 1883. Micr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1884, 192-197. Bisset, J. P., & Boy, John. See Roy & Bisset. Bissing, F. de. Les origines de I'Egypte. Anthrop. (Paris), 9, 1898, 241-258, 408-417. Bissing, G. Unicursal curves of degree n + l in n-flat space. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [3], 1884, 77. — ^ — Note on the foregoing paper : [Some remarks on unicursal curves]. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [3], 1884, 123. Note on lines of curvature. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [3], 1884, 124. Bissinger, , & Xlenlcing, . Zur Beurteilung von gemahlenem schwarzen Pfefter. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 6, 1886, 101-104. Bisso, A. Die Toxicitat des Harns vor und nach der Unterbindung der Vena portae. [1896.] Untersuch. Nat., 16, 1899, 90-130. Bisso, Juan. Sketch of the geology of Spain. [Tr.] Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, [356]-[357]. Bisson, [E.]. Boussole de terre et de mer, permettant de trouver le m^ridien malgr6 le voisinage du fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 16-18, 156. Bisson, E. , & Verson, Enrico. See Verson & Bisson. Bissy. See X^annoy de Bissy. Bistis, J. Le glaucome primitif en Orient. Origine nerveuse. Explication de Paction curative de I'iridec- tomie. Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 190-199. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugustin]. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Opiansaure. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2518-2524. Ueber die Einwirkung von o-Diaminen auf Phtalalde- hydsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1042- 1046. Ueber die Einwirkung von o-Diaminen auf o-Alde- hydobenzoesauren. [Zweite Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 627-630. Nouvelles condensations des acides o-ald^hydiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 389-392. Die Oxydation des Hydrazobenzols in alkoholisch- alkalischer Losung durch den Luftsauerstoff. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 476. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[u(i%istin], & Cybulski, G[ustav]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Saurechloriden auf o-Diamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 631-634, 998. Ueber Phtalamidone. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1984-1990. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugusti7i], & Fink, E[dward]. Ueber Condensationsproducte aus den Amiden zweier o-Aldehydosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 930-936. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugu8tin], & Flatan, J[ulian]. Ueber die Condensation von Mandelsaure mit Fhenolen. Bistrzycki] 574 [Bittner 1897, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 989-991; 30, 124-131. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugnstinl & Pynn, Elnrique]. Ueber die Amide zweier substituirter o-Aldehydosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 922-929. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugustm], & Kostanecki, Stan[isiaiv]. Ueber ein neues Isomeres des Euxanthons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1983-1988. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[], & Liebermann, C[arl Theodor]. See Uebermann & Bistrzycki. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugusti7i], & Nencki, K[azi- mierz]. Notiz zur Constitution der Phenolphtalein- Alkalisalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 131-132. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugu8tin], & Oehlert, G[ustav] J[akob]. Ueber Condensation sproducte von o-Alde- hydsauren mit Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2632-2640. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugustin], & Simonis, H[%igo]. Notiz iiber die Condensation von Mandelsaurenitril mit Phenolen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2812- 2813. Synthase von Pyridazonderivaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 534-536. Bistrzycki, [Carl Antoii] A[ugusti7i], & TJlffers, F[ritz]. Ueber Diacyl-o-Diamine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1876-1880; 25, 1892, 1991-1995. Ueber Diacetanilid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 91-93. • Die Peracetylirung des Phenaeetins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2788-2790. Bistrzycki, [Carl Anton] A[ugustin], & Tssel de Schepper, D[avid] W[illem]. Ueber p-Oxyphenylphtalide und ihre Ueberfiihrung in Anthracenderivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2790-2802. Bitot, [Pierre], For biographical notice see Bordeaux Soc. M6d. M6m., 1889, 10-12. De la protuberance annulaire comme premier moteur du m^canisme cerebral, foyer ou centre de la parole, de I'intelligence et de la volont^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1280-1283. Cervelet et intelligence. [With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. M6d. M^m., 1886, 552-576; 1887, 65-75, 79-81, 89-92, 94-100, 109-112. Observation d'amnesie topographique, visuelle, du langage articul^, auditive, dont le d^but remonte a dix ans environ, sans melange aucun de ph6nom^nes para- lytiques. Amendement des troubles du langage articul^ et auditif. Persistance des troubles visuels et topo- graphiques. Bordeaux Soc. M^d. M^m., 1887, 545-552. Bitot, [Pierre Joseph] Emile. Des tremblements hyst^riques. Progres M6d., 10, 1889, 245-247, 261-265. Bitter, Georg. Beitrage zur Adventivflora Bremens. [1895.] Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 269-292. Ueber die peltaten Blatter der Gattung Hydrocotyle. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 14, 1896, 72-76. Vergleichend-morphologische Untersuchungen iiber die Blattformen der Ranunculaceen und Umbelliferen. Flora, 83, 1897, 223-303. Zur Anatomic und Physiologic von Padina pavonia. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, 255-274, (293). Ueber das Verhalten der Krustenflechten beim Zusam- mentreffen ihrer Bander. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Ernahrungsphysiologie der Lichenen auf anatomischer Grundlage. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 33, 1899, 47-127. ■ Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific. (Prof. Dr. ScHAuiNSLAND 1896/97.) Die phanerogamische Pfianzenwelt der Insel Laysan. Bremen Abh., 16. 1900. 430-439. Zur Morphologic und Physiologic von Microdictyon umbilicatum. Pringsheim, Jbuch. Wiss. Bot., 34. 1900 199-235. Bitter, Heinrich. Ueber die Fermentausscheidung des Koch'schen Vibrio der Cholera asiatica. Arch. Hyg., 5, 1886, 241-264. Ueber Syphilis- und Smegmabacillen nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die farberischen Eigenthiimlichkeiten der Smegma- und Tuberkelbacillen. Virchovv, Arch., 106, 1886, 209-257. Kommt durch die Entwickelung von Bacterien im lebenden Korper eine Erschopfung desselben an Bacterien- nahrstoffen zu Stande? Ztschr. Hyg., 4, 1888, 291- 298. Ueber die Verbreitung des Vaccins und iiber die Ausdehnung des Impfschutzes im Korper des Impflings. Ztschr. Hyg. , 4, 1888, 299-317. Kritische Bemerkungen zu F. Metschnikoff's Phago- cytenlehre. Ztschr. Hyg. , 4, 1888, 318-352. Ueber einige neuere Desinfectionsapparate. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1889, 77-79. Versuche iiber das Pasteurisiren der Milch. Ztschr. Hyg., 8, 1890, 240-286. Die Metlioden zur Bestimmung des Kohlensaure- gehaltes der Luft. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 1-40. Die Filtration bacterientriiber und eivveisshaltiger Fliissigkeiten durch Kieselguhrfilter. Ztschr. Hyg. , 10, 1891, 155-162. [Ueber die Cholera.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1892 {Abth. 1), 98-101. Entgegnung avif Bemerkungen des Herrn Prof. WoLPERT ["Ueber Methoden zur Bestimmung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Luft"]. Ztschr. Hyg., 11, 1892, 419-420. Ueber Festigung von Versuchsthieren gegen die Toxine der Typhusbacillen. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 298-304. Ueber die bacterienfeindlichen Stoffe thierischer Organe. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 328-347. Ueber die Haffkine'schen Schutzirapfungen gegen Pest und die Pestbekampfung in Indien. Ztschr. Hyg., 30, 1899, 448-497. Bitting, A. W. A new photo-micrographic apparatus. Amer. Micr. Jl., 19, 1898, 212-215. Effect of different media on micro-organisms. Amer. Micr. Jl., 19, 1898, 226-227. Blttle8ton,(L«.) G.if. *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 152. Bittner, Alexander. Beitrage zur Kenntniss tertiarer Brachyuren-Faunen. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 48, 1884 (Abth. 2), 15-30. Zur Literatur der osterreichischen Tertiarablage- rungen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 34, 1884, 137-146. Die Tertiar-Ablagerungen von Trifail und Sagor. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 34, 1884, 433-600. Aus den Salzburger Kalkalpen. Das Gebiet der unteren Lammer. [Zur Stellung der Hallstatter Kalke. ] Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 78-87, 99-113. Neue Einsendungen tertiarer Gesteinssuiten aus Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 202-204. Geologische Verhaltnisse der Umgebung von Gross- Reifling a. d. Enns. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 260-262. Valenciennesienschichten aus Eumanien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 311-312. Aus den Salzburger Kalkgebirgen. Die Ostauslaufer des Tannengebirges. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1884, 358- 367. [Ueber die Bemerkungen Herrn Prof. Neumayr's, die Lagerungsverhaltnisse Attikas betreffend.] Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 (Bd. 1), 153-154. Bemerkungen zu einigeu Abschnitten des " Antlitz der Erde" von E. Suess. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1885, 24-33. Zur Stellung der Raibler Schichten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 59-70. Neue Einsendungen von Petrefacten aus Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1886, 140-141. BittnerJ 575 [Bittner Aus den Ennsthaler Kalkalpen. Neue Fundstelle von Hallstatter Kalk. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 143-146. Diluvialer Siisswasserkalk von Baden, eingesandt vom Herrn Lehrer E. Ebenfuhreb in Gumpoldskirchen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 183-185. Ueber das Alter des Tiifferer Mergels uud iiber die Verwendbarkeit von Orbitoiden zur Trennung der ersten von der zweiten Mediterranstufe. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 225-232. Ueber einen Aufschluss von sarmatischen Scbicbteu bei Pfaffstiitten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 232-235. Zur Geologie des Untersberges. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1885, 280-282. Ueber die Plateaukalke des Untersberges. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1885, 366-373. Ueber einige nordostsibirische Bracbiopoden. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M^m., 33, 1886, No. 6, 138-140. Nocb ein Beitrag zur neueren Tertiarliteratur. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 36, 1886, 1-70. Ueber das Vorkommen von Koninckinen und ver- wandten Bracbiopodengattungen im Lias der Ostalpen und in der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 52-56. Aus dem Ennsthaler Kalkhocbgebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 92-101. Ueber die Koninckiniden von Set. Cassian, speciell iiber das Auftreten einer der Koninckella (Leptasna) liasina, Bonch., nahestehenden Form daselbst. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 117-118. Bemerkungen zu Herrn G. Geyek's Arbeit : " Ueber die Lagerungsverbjiltnisse der Hierlatzscbicbten." Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 130-134. Aus den Umgebungen von Windiscbgarsten in Ober- osterreich und Palfau in Obersteiermark. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 242-247. Die neuesten Wandlungen in den modernen Ansichten iiber Gebirgsbildung. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 374-380. Neue Petrefactenfunde im Werfener Scbiefer der Nordostalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 387-390. Ueber die weitere Verbreitung der Keicbenballer Kalke in den nordostlichen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 445-448. Ueber das Auftreten gesteiusbildender Posidonomyen in Jura und Trias der Nordostalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 448-450. Neue Brachyuren des Eocsens von Verona. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber,, 94, 1887 (Abth. 1), 44-55. Zur Verbreitung der Opponitzer Kalke in den nord- steiriscben und in den angrenzenden oberosterreichischen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 81-85. Aus dera Gebiete der Ennsthaler Kalkalpen und des Hochschwab. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 89-98. Zur Kenntniss der Melanopsidenmergel von Dzepe bei Konjica in der Hercegowina. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 298-300. Ein neues Vorkommen Nerineenfiihrender Kalke in Nordsteiermark. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 300-301. Auffindung Encrinitenreicher Banke im Muschelkalk bei Abtenau (Salzburg) durch Herrn G. Prinzinoeh. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 301. Ueber Koninckiniden des alpinen Lias. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 37, 1888, 281-292. Ueber einige geotektonische Begriffe und deren An- wendung. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 37, 1888, 397-422. Aus der Umgebung von Wildalpe in Obersteiermark und Lunz in Niederosterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 71-80. -. Ueber die Miindung der Melania Escheri, Brongt., und verwandter Formen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 97t99. Ueber das Auftreten von Terebrateln aus der Sub- familie der Centronellinen in der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb,, 1888, 125-127. Ueber das Auftreten von Arten der Gattung Tbeco- spira, Zugmayer, in der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 127-128. Lossscbnecken, bohle Diluvialgescbiebe und Megalo- donten aus Bosnien-Hercegowina. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 162-163. Ueber ein Vorkommen von Bracbiopoden des salz- burgischen Hochgebirgskorallenkalkes an der Tonionalpe siidostlich von Gusswerk-Mariazell und iiber einen Fundort von Hallstatter Petrefacten an den Neun Kogerln gegeniiber der Tonion. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 174-176. Ein neuer Fundort von Monotis salinaria in Nieder- osterreich und seine Beziehungen zu den Miirzthaler Monotiskalken. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 176-177. Orygoceras aus sarmatischen Schichten von Wiesen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 177. Aufnahmsbericht von Turnau bei Aflenz, 13. August 1888. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1888, 248-251. Geologische Mittheilungen aus dem Werfener Schiefer- und Tertiar-Gebiete von Konjica und Jablanica a. d. Narenta. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 38, 1889. 321-342. Die Trias von Eberstein und Polling in Karnten. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 39, 1889, 483-488. Ein neuer Fundort von Bracbiopoden des Hall- statter Kalkes auf dem Nasskor bei Neuberg an der Miirz und die Hallstatter Bracbiopoden von Miihlthal bei Piesting. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 145-147. Revision der Bracbiopoden von Set. Cassian. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 159-170. Zur Altersbestimmung des Miocans von Tiiffer in Siidsteiermark. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 269-274. Bracbiopoden der alpinen Trias. [1890-92.] Wien, Geol. Abb., 14, 1890, 325 pp.; 17, 1892-1903, Heft 2, 40 pp. Ueber die Lagerungsverbaltnisse am Nordrande der Tertiarbucht von Tiiffer. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 136- 143. Eine triadische Gonularia. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 177-178. Die sarmatischen und vorsarmatischen Ablagerungen der Tertiarbucht von Tiiffer-Sagor. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 283-290. Aus dem Gebiete des Hochschwab und der nordlich angrenzenden Gebirgsketten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 299-309. Einsendung von Gesteinen aus dem siidostlicben Bosnien und aus dem Gebiete von Novibazar durch Herrn Oberstlieutenant Jihn. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 311-316. Zur Geologie des Kaisergebirges. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 40, 1891, 437-446. Triasbrachiopoden von der Baxalpe und vom Wildangergebirge bei Hail in Tirol. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 55-60. Ueber Parabrissus und einige andere alttertiare Echiniden-Gattungen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 133- 144. Neue Daten iiber den Charakter und die Herkunft der sarmatischen Fauna. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 195- 198. Zwei neue Fundorte von Monotis in Niederosterreich. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 272-273. Zur Geologie des Erlafgebietes. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 317-324. Ueber Ecbiniden des Tertiars von Australien. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 1), 331-371. Triaspetrefakten von Balia in Kleinasien. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 41, 1892, 97-116; 42, 1893, 77-89. Zur Kenntniss der Bellerophonkalke Siidtirols. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 50-51. Aus dem Miesenbacbthale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 72-76. Bittner] Petrefacten des marinen Neogens von Dolnja Tuzla in Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 180-183. Daten uber zwei neue Brunnenbohrungen in den Gaswerken Dobling und Fiinfhaus. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 214-217. ,^ ^ , Ueber die systematische Stellung von Mactra una verwandten Gattungen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 232- 241. Ueber zwei fiir die Nummulitenkalke von Stockerau neue Arten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 241-242. Aus der Umgebung von Pernitz und Guten stein im Piestingtbale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 270-271, 398- 410. Aus der Umgebung von Lackenbof und Gostlmg im Ybbstbale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 271-272. Ein Vorkommen petrefactenfuhrender Partnach- scbichten im Ennstbale in Oberosterreicb. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 301-303. Aus den Umgebungen von Opponitz, Ybbsitz und Gresten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 303-306. Ein neuer Fundort von Bracbiopoden bei Serajevo. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 349-350. Decapoden des panuoniscben Tertiars. Wien, Ak. Sber., 102, 1893 {Abth. 1), 10-37. Was ist noriscb? Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 42, 1893, 387- 396. Geologiscbe Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Blattes Z. 14 Col. xii. Gaming-Mariazell. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 65-85. Ueber die Gattung Oncopbora. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 141-144. Partnacbschicbten mit Koninckina Leonbardi im Thale von Kaltenleutgeben nacbst Wien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 161-164. Ueber die Notbwendigkeit, den Terminus "noriscb" fiir die Hallstatter Kalke aufrecbt zu erbalten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 220-228; 1894, 391-398. Aus der Umgebung von Schwarzau im Gebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 245-247. Bericbtigung zu R. Hoeknes' neuester Mittbeilung iiber die "Sotzkaschicbten." Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 251-258. Bemerkung zu der letzten Mittbeilung von E. Bose und H. FiNKELSTEiN iiber die Brachiopodenscbicbten von Castel Tesino. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 286-287. Aus den Umgebungen von Nasswald und von Eobr im Gebirge. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 295-300. Aus dem Scbwarza- und dem Hallbachtbale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 320-338. Neue Koninckiniden des alpinen Lias. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 43, 1894, 133-144. Zur Kenntniss der Nuculiden und Arciden der Fauna von Set. Cassian. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 186-191. Aus dem Gebiete des Traisen-Flusses, den Umge- bungen von Freiland, Hobenberg und Set. Aegid am Neuwalde. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 250-253. Aus dem Gebiete des Traisenflusses, den Umgebungen von Lebenrott, Tiirnitz und Annaberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 278-282. Aus den Umgebungen von Gresten und Gaming. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 368-372. Ueberscbiebungs-Erscbeinungen in den Ostalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 372-377. Aus dem Gebiete des Traisenflusses : Petrefactenf unde insbesondere im Muscbelkalke des Traisengebietes. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1894, 379-385. Ueber zwei ungeniigend bekannte bracbyure Crusta- ceen des Vicentiniscben Eocans. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1896 (Abth. 1), 247-253. Lamellibrancbiaten der alpinen Trias. [Tbeil i. Revision der Lamellibrancbiaten von Set. Cassian.] [1895.] Wien, Geol. Abb., 18, 1896-1907, Heft 1, 236 pp. ' J > 576 [Bittner — Zur neueren Literatur der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 44, 1895, 233-379. — Ueber die Gattung Rbynchonellina, Gemm. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 44, 1895, 547-572. — Bracbiopoden aus der Trias von Lagonegro in Unter- italien. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 44, 1896, 583-588. — Revision der Lamellibrancbiaten von Set. Cassian. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 115-128. — Neue Fossilfunde bei Dolnja Tuzla in Bosnien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 197-198. — Ein von Dr. E. Bose neuentdeckter Fundpunkt von Bracbiopoden in den norischen Hallstatter Kalken des Salzkammergutes, zwischen Rossmoos- und Hiitteneck- alpe. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 367-369. — Neue Bracbiopoden und eine neue Halobia der Trias von Balia in Kleinasien. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 45, 1896, 249-254. — Eine neue Form der triadischen Terebratulidengruppe der Neocentronellinen oder Juvavellinen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 131-132. — Ueber das Auftreten von Oncophora-Scbichten bei Set. Polten und Traismauer in Niederosterreicb. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 323-325. — Ueber die geologiscben Aufnahmsarbeiten im (Tebiete der Traisen, der steyrischen Salza und der Pielach wahrend des Sommers 1896. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 331-335. — Geologiscbes aus dem Pielachtbale nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Gliederung der alpinen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 385-418. — Vorschlage fiir eine Normirung der Regeln der strati- grapbischen Nomenclatur. Congr. Geol. Int. C. R., 1897, 1-8. — Ueber die Auffindung der Fauna des Reicbenballer Kalkes im Gutensteiner Kalke bei Gutenstein. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1897, 201-202. — Ueber ein Vorkommen cretaciscber Ablagerungen mit Orbitolina concava, Lavi., bei Lilienfeld in Niederost- erreicb. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1897, 216-219. — Rhyncbonellina Geyeri, ein neuer Bracbiopode aus den Gailtbaler Alpen. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 47, 1898, 387-392. — Ueber die stratigrapbische Stellung des Lunzer Sand- steins in der Triasformation. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 47, 1898, 429-454. — Neue Fundorte von Haplopbragmium grande, Reuss, in der Gosaukreide der nordostlichen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 215-216. — Ueber zwei neue Fundstellen der Posidonomya alpina, Gras., in den niederosterreichischen Kalkalpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 216-217. — Geologiscbes aus der Gegend von Weyer in Ober- osterreicb. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 277-282; 1900, 324-326. — Fiscbzahne im norischen Hallstatter Kalke von Miiblthal bei Piesting. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1898, 321-326. — 0 Kane H-feji OCT H 1131 TpiacoBHx-B OMoaieHiii lOKHO-yccypiitCKarO Kpaa. Versteinerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Siid-Ussuri-Gebietes in der ostsibiriscben Kiistenprovinz. [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. G60I. M^m., 7, 1888-99, No. 4, 35 pp. [With Germ, transl.] — Ueber zwei neue Bracbiopoden aus dem Lias und der Gosaukreide von Salzburg. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 48, 1899, 1-8. — Beitrage zur Palaeontologie, insbesondere der triadi- scben Ablagerungen centralasiatischer Hochgebirge. Wien, Geol. Jbucb., 48, 1899, 689-718. — Neue Daten iiber die Verbreitung cretaciscber Ablage- rungen mit Orbitolina concava, Lam., in den nieder- osterreichischen Kalkalpen, bei Alland und Sittendorf nachst Wien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 253-255. Bittner] 577 [Bizio Ueber ein von Herrn Berghauptmann J. Grimmer in Serajewo untersuchtes Kohlenvorkommen niichst Trebinje. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 145-148. Znr Verbreitung der Brachiopoden aus der Familie der Koninckiniden in den Triasablagerungen Ungarns. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 183-185, Ueber nachtriadische Verwandte der Gattung Mysi- dioptera. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 207-208. — — Geologisches aus der Gegend von Altenmarkt an der Euns. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 322-324. Trias Brachiopoda and Lamellibrancbiata. [Tr.] [1899.] Pala?ont. Indica (Himdl. Foss.), 3, 1901 (Pt. 2), 76 pp. Bittner, Karl, & VTegscheider, Rudolf, See Wegscheider & Bittner. Bittner, Wilhelm. Zur Aetiologie und Tberapie der Hydrocele im Kindesalter. Ztscbr. Heilk., 15, 1894, 275-285. Bitt6, Bela. A nitroprussidnatriutn mint reagens szerves vegyiiletekre. [Ueber das Nitroprussidnatrium als Keagens auf organische Verbindungen.] [1891.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 26-33 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 80-88. Aromas nitrovegyiiletek hatdsar61 aldebydek- ^s keto- nokra. [Ueber die Keaction der Aldehyde und Ketone ipit aromatischen Nitroverbindungen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 103-108; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 89-94. A paprika chemiai osszet^tel^rSl. [Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der reifen Paprika- (roten Pfeffer-) Schote.] [1892-95.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 11, 1893, 15-27; 13, 1895, 210-225; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 1-13 ; 12, 1895, 299-320. Az egy^rt^kii alkoholok kimutatasar61. [Ueber die Erkennung und den qualitativen Nachweis einwertiger Alkohole.] [1892.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 11, 1893, 28- 29; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 11, 1894, 14-15. A nov^nyreszek lecithin-tartalmanak meghataroza- sarol. [Bestimmung des Lecithingehaltes der Pflanzen- bestandteile.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 12, 1894, 205-214; Math. Nafc. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 36-46. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung einiger ungarischer Kohlen. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 12, 1895, 287-298. Adatok az aldebydek ^s ketonok szines k^mhatasaiboz. [Ueber Farbenreactionen der Aldehyde und Ketone.] Termt. Kozlon., 28, 1896, 393-394; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 1-10. Adatok az a-sulfonormalcapronsavnak ^s s6inak megismeresehez. [Beitrage zur Erkenntniss der a-Sulfo- normalcapronsaure und ihrer Salze.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 294-304; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 11-21. A hazai termotalajok calcium- ^s magn^zium-tartal- mar61. [Ueber den Calcium- und Magnesiumgehalt des Bodens in Ungarn.] [1897.] Termt. Kozlou., 30, 1898, 49; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 388. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Kalk- und Magnesia- gehaltes ungarischer Ackerboden. Landw. Versuchs- Stat., 50, 1898, 233-244. Ueber Bodenuntersuchungen im Tokayer Weingebiet. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 54, 1900, 337-348. Bitt6, Bela, & Uebermann, Leo. See Iilebermann & Bitto. BitzoB, G. Un nouveau phacometre pratique a faire. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 187-193. Encore quelques mots sur la skiascopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 347-368. Pathog^nie de la myopie. Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1895, 247-270. Biver, Eugene. Installation d'une machine d'^puisement k colonne d'eau et k vapeur (aysteme Hat horn et Davey). [1885.] G^nie Civil, 8, 1885-86, 81-86, 101-105. R. S. A. C. Biver, Marcel. Passage des courbes ,dans un trainage mecanique nar chaine flottante. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 3, 1889, 237-252. Bivort, Arthur. Mat^riaux pour la faune entomologique de la province de Hainaut. Col^opt^res int^ressants on nouveaux pour la Belgique, captures a Fleurus et aux environs. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 42, 1898, 202-205. Bizard, Ij., & Sicard, A. Reproduction exp^rimentale du chancre simple chez le singe. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. i?.), 886-887. Bize, . Rechercbes sur les bourses muqueuses prerotuliennes. Robin, Jl. Anat., 32, 1896, 85-101. Bizet, Kdouard. Catalogue des MoUusques observes a I'^tat vivant dans le d^partement de la Somme. N. PVance Soc. Linn. Mem., 7, 1888, 179-239 ; 8, 1892, 262-405. Bizet, Paul. For biographical notice see Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, xliii-xlv. *Notice k I'appui du profil g^ologique du chemin de fer de Mamers k Mortagne. [1881.] Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 8, 1883, 40-70. Notice a I'appui des profils geologiques des chemins de fer de Mortagne k M^nil-Mauger et de Mortagne k Laigle. Normandie Soc. G6ol. Bull., 9, 1884, 37-55. AperQU g^n6ral sur les terrains s^dimentaires repr^- sent^s dans Test du d^partement de I'Orne. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 9, 1886, 210-241. Note explicative sur le profil g^ologique de la route de Verneuil k Alen(?on (partie comprise entre la limite du departement de I'Eure et le bourg du M61e-sur-Sarthe). Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 10, 1885, 44-52. • Excursion de la Soci^te Linn^enne de Normandie k Vimoutiers. [1885.] Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 11, 1886, 45-78. Note explicative sur le profil geologique k travers le Perche-Ornais suivant I'ancienne grande route du Mans k Paris. Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 11, 1886, 79-87. Considerations geologiques et pal^ontologiques sur les terrains des environs de Bellfime et de Mamers. i. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 2, 1888, 179-217; Normandie Soc. G6ol. Bull., 13, 1890, 95-132. Notice a I'appui du profil geologique d'Alenpon k Nogent-le-Rotrou et k Beaumont-les-Autels. Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 13, 1890, 133-155. Note sur les limites du Terrain Callovien dans le nord-ouest de la France. Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1894, 79-119. [Massif Armoricain.] Region de la Fl^che. [1895-99.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 7, 1896, 43-44 ; 8, 1897, 54 (6is)-56 [his); 9, 1897, 321-323; 10, 1899, 109-111, 487-490. [Massif Armoricain, Cotentin et Vendue.] Feuille d'Angers. France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 11, 1900, 110-111. Bizio, Giovanni. For biography and list of works see Riv. Sci.-Ind., 23, 1891, 163-164; Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1891, 215-232; Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1890-91, 685-687; 1891-92, 917-950; Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 640. *I1 glicogeno negli animali invertebrati. Nuovo Cimento, 21 & 22, 1866-66. 268-275. *Ulteriori ricerche sopra il glicogeno. Niiovo Cimento, 25, 1867, 117-123. *Cenno storico sopra la depurazione delle acque dolci median te il congelamento. Nuovo Cimento, 26, 1867,28-31. L'applicazione del nitrato d' argento all' esame chimico degli olii confutata. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1884- 86, 1449-1459. Ancora suU' esame chimico dell' olio di oliva. [1885.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1884-85, 1815-1818. Analisi chimica delle acque delle sorgenti di Due Ville. [1887.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1886-87, 899-939. II piu recente metodo del Bechi per iscoprire 1' olio di cotone nelle miscele confutato. [1888.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1887-88, 433-452. 73 Bizio] Bizio, Giovanni, & Oabba, Luigi. Sui process! d' indagine del grass! e !n part!colare suU' assaggio dell' ol!o d' ollva. Mllaiio, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 656-676. Bizot, Jean Framjois. For biograph!cal notice and works see Geneve Soc. Pliys. M^m., 29, 1884-87, xxxviii. Bizzarrl, Decio. Sulla produzione di ossicumarine, Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 33-37. Ricerche sopra una nuova classe di acridine, [le carbazocridine. i. Sulla 7«s-fenilcarbazo- cridina. ii. Sul jns-metilderivato. iii. Disidratazione di ammidi insieme a derivati del difenile. iv. Sulla ossidazione della ms-fenilcarbazocridina.] [1890-92.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 407-417; 21, 1891 {Pt. 2), 158-163, 351-359; 23, 1893 (Pt. 1), 1-9. Alcune notizie sul comportamento del cumarone. [1890.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 20, 1891, 607-611. Bizzarrl, Decio, & Campani, G[ioi-a7in>]. Arsenico nativo della Valtellina. Piopriet4 e composizione. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 15, 1886, 349-350. Bizzell, J [antes] A[drian], & Praps, George S[tronacK]. Sec Fraps & Bizzell. Bizzozero, E[nzo]. Sur la membrane propre des canali- cules uriniferes du rein humain. Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900, 459-460. Bizzozero, Giacomo. For biography see Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 315-318. Fungi veneti novi vel critici. [1885.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1884^85, 303-309. Bizzozero, Giulio. To reference in No. 29 [Vol. 9) add Arch. Sci. Med., 7, 1884, 375-384; Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884, 26-45. Ueber die Mikrophyten der normalen Oberhaut des Menschen. Virchow, Arch., 98, 1884, 441-459. Ueber das constants Vorkommen von Bakterien in den Lymphfollikeln des Kaninchendarmes. Centrbl. Med. Wis8., 23, 1885, 801-804. Ueber den Bau der geschichteten Pflasterepithelien. Int. Jl. Anat., 2, 1885, 278-283; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 373-378. Ueber die Natur der secundaren leukamischen Bildungen. Virchow, Arch., 99, 1885, 378-383; Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 53-58. Ueber die Regeneration der Elemente der Gewebe unter pathologischen Bedingungen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 24, 1886, 81-84. Nuovo metodo per la dimostrazione degli elementi in cariocinesi nei tessuti. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 3, 1886, 24-27. Ueber die Regeneration der Elemente der schlauch- formigen Driisen und des Epithels des Magendarmkanals. Anat. Anz. , 3, 1888, 781-784. Ueber die Atrophie der Fettzellen des Knochenmarks. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 247-254. Sulle ghiandole tubulari del tubo gastro-enterico e sui rapporti del loro epitelio coll' epitelio di rivestimento della mucosa. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 24, 1889, 110-137- 27, 1892, 14-34, 320-346, 891-903, 988-1004 ; 28, 1893 103-117, 233-251; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 216- 246 [Part only]. Sulla derivazione dell' epitelio dell' intestino dal- r epitelio delle sue ghiandole tubulari. Torino Ace Sci Atti, 24, 1889, 702. Nuove ricerche sulla struttura del midoUo delle ossa negli uecelli. [1889-90.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 25 1890, 156-192; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 35, 1890, 424-469. Sulle piastrine del sangue dei Mammiferi. Arch. Sci Med., 15, 1891, 425-445. Berichtigung in Sachen der Kerntheilung in den Nervenfasern nach Durchschneidung. Arch. Mikr. Anat 41, 1893, 338. Accrescimento e rigenerazione nell' organismo Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 1), 276-306. Le macchine da scrivere dal punto di vista dell' igiene Nuova Antol. Sci., 156, 1897, 45-68. 578 [Bjerknes Bizzozero, Giulio, & Ottolenghi, Donato. Histologie der Milchdriise. Anat. Hefte {Abt. 2), 9, 1900, 253-296, 871-872. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Sacerdotti, Cesare. Influence de la temperature et de I'afflux sanguin sur I'activite pro- ductive des Elements. Arch. Ital. Biol., 26, 1896, 88- 92. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Sanquirico, Carlo. Sul destino dei globuli rossi nella trasfusione di §angue defibrinato. Arch. Sci. Med., 9, 1886, 341-353. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Torre, A[lessa)idro] A[ugusto]. To reference in title (Vol. 9) add Arch. Sci. Med., 7, 1884, 363-374; Virchow, Arch., 95, 1884, 1-25. Bizzozero, Giulio, & Vassale, Giulio. Sul consume delle cellule ghiandolari dei Mammiferi uelle ghiandole adulte. [1884-85.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1886, 333-334, 527-528. Sulla produzione e sulla rigenerazione fisiologica degli elementi ghiandolari. Arch. Sci. Med., 11, 1887, 195-254, 449-450; Virchow, Arch., 110, 1887, 155-214. Sur le tissu des glandes excretantes. [1887.] Arch, Ital. Biol., 9, 1888, 1-2. Bjerke, K. Eine veranderte Form des Sideroskops von Dr. AsMUS. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 51, 1900, 461-463. Bjerkin, Pehr [Constantin] af. Untersuchung der durch Druck und Zug hervorgerufenen Doppelbrechung bei Kautschuk und Leimgallerten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 808-816. Ueber die Analogie zwisclien Kautschuk und Leim- gallerten in Bezug auf Elasticitat und Warme. Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 817-830. En forandring af kompensationsmetoden for kapa- citetsmatuingar. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 57-62. Bjerknes, C[arl] A[nton]. *Quelques remarques relatives aux experiences hydrodynamiques de M. C. A. Bjerknes. Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 208-209. Recherches hydrodynamiques. Premier m^moire. Les Equations hydrodynamiques et les relations suppl^- mentaires. Acta Math., 4, 1884, 121-170. Niels-Henrik Abel, sa vie et son action scientifique. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 1, 1884, 368 pp. Hydrodynamiske undersrigelser ; videre udvikling af de elektriske og magnetiske analogier siden Naturfor- skermedet i 1880. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 45-48. La tentative de Degen de gen^raliser le th^or^me d'addition d'EuLER. Bibl. Math., 1888, 1-2. [Sur I'analogie des pheuomcnes hydrodynamiques et electrodynamiques.] Lum. Elect., 33, 1889, 475-476. Analogien zwischen physikalischen, besonders elek- trischen und magnetischen Erscheinungen und rein mechanischen. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber. , 2, 1893, 57- 59 ; 3, 1894, 62. Zur Weiterbildung der invers electrischahnlichen hydrodynamischen Erscheinungen ; Uebergang von statischen zu dynamischen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 91-96. De hydrodynamiske analogier til celledelingspro- cesserne. [1898.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 37, 1900, 341-342. Bjerknes, V[ilhelm Friman Kore7i]. Ueber die Dampfung schneller electrischer Schwingungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 74-91. Ueber die Erseheinung der multiplen Resonanz electrischer Wellen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 92-101. Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf der Schwingungen im primaren Hertz'schen Leiter. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 513-526. Sur le mouvement de I'electricit^ dans I'excitateur de Hertz. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 26, 1891, 229-249. De I'amortissement des oscillations hertziennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1429-1431. Die Resonanzerscheinung und das Absorptionsver- mogen der Metalle fur die Energie electrischer Wellen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 47, 1892, 69-76. Bjerknes] 579 [filaas Om elektricitetsbevffigelsen i Hkrtz's priraaere leder. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 15, 1892, 165-236. Otn anvendelsen af mekanikens principer i fysiken. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 15, 1892, 331-347. De la dissipation de I'energie ^lectrique du r^sonateur de M. Hertz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 725-727 1027. Det elektriske resonansfsenomen og metallernes absorptiousevne for elektromagnetisk energi. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1892, 373-374. Das Eindringen electrischer Wellen in die Metalle und die electromagnetische Lichttheorie. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 19 {Afd. 1), 1894, iVo. 3, 16 pp. Die Bestimmung der Dampfungsconstanten des Hertz'schen Oscillators und Resonators aus der Reso- nanzerscheinung. [1893.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 19 {Afd. 1), 1894, No. 7, 22 pp. Verschiedene Formen der multiplen Resonanz. Stockh., Ofvers., 1894. 381-386; Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1896, 58-63. Ueber electrische Resonanz. i. Theorie der Reso- nanzerscheinung. [ii. Resonanzversuche.] [1894.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 20 (Afd. 1), 1895, No. 4, 58 pp.. No. 5, 44 pp. Ueber electrische Resonanz. Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1895, 121-169. Zur Theorie gewisser Vektorgrossen. Christiania Skr. {Math.-Nat. KL), 1898, No. 4, 27 pp. Ueber die Bildung von Cirkulationsbewegungen und Wirbeln in reibungslosen Fliissigkeiten. Christiania Skr. (Math.-Nat. Kl.), 1898, No. 5, 29 pp. Ueber einen hydrodynamischen Fundamentalsatz und seine Anwendung besonders auf die Mechanik der Atmo- sphare und des Weltmeeres. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 31, 1898-99, No. 4, 35 pp. Das dynamische Princip der Cirkulationsbewegungen in der Atmosphare. [1899.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 97-106, 145-156; U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 434-443. Raumlicher Gradient und Cirkulation. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 481-491. Bjerre, Poul. Ueber den Njihrwerth des Alkohols. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 9, 1899, 323-335. Bjerrum, Jannik. Untersuchungen iiber den Lichtsinn und den Raumsinn bei verschielenen Augenkrankheiten. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 30, 1884 (Abth. 2), 201-260. Ueber den Helligkeitssiun. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884, (T. 3, Oph.), 11-17. Ueber die Refraktion bei Neugeborenen. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Sci. MM. C. R., 1884 (T. 3, Oph.), 207-215. Ueber eine Zufiigung zur gewohnlichen Gesichtsfeld- messung und iiber das Gesichtsfeld beim Glaukom. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 66-79. Eine Bemerkung iiber den Helligkeitssinn, veranlasst durch die Abhandlung Tbeitel's in den letzten Heften dieses Archives. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 37, 1891 (Abth. 3), 261-262. Bjerrum, Kirstine. See Meyer, (Fru) Kirstine. Bjorck, Th. Fall af langvarig naringsvjigran. Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 20, 1885, 449-455; Neurol. Centrbl., 5, 1886, 187-188. Bjorklund, Gustav Adolf. For biography see Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 24, 1885, 692-699. Bjorkst6in, 3Iax. Die Wirkung der Streptokokken und ihrer Toxine auf die Leber. Beitr. Path. Anat., 25, 1899, 97-119. Bjorling, C[arl] F[abian] E[ma7iuel]. Ueber singulare Punkte der gewohnlichen algebraischen Differential- gleichnngen erster Ordnung und ersten Grades. Arch. Math. Phys., 4, 1886, 358-384. Ueber die Coincidenzkurve der gewohnlichen alge- braischen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung, [1886.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 12 (Afd. 1), 1887, No. 7, 16 pp. Konstruktion mittelst Lineals und Cirkels der Curven vierter Ordnung vom Geschlechte 2. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 19-24. Zur Theorie der mehrdeutigen Ebenen-Transforma- tiou. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 1), 1888, No. 8, 19 pp. Singulare Generatricen in algebraischen Regelflachen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 587-604. Die singularen Generatricen der Binormalen- und Hauptnormalen-Flachen. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 1), 1890, No. 8, 18 pp. Ueber Raumcurven-Singularitaten. Arch. Math. Phys., 8, 1890, 83-91; 10, 1891, vii. Eine approximative Trisectio Anguli. Arch. Math. Phys., 15, 1897, 223-224. Bjorling, J. A. En resa till Gronland sommaren 1891. [Eine Reise nach Gronland mit dem danischen Schifife Ceres.] Stockh., Ymer, 11, 1892, 151-173; Arch. f. Anthrop., 22, 1894, 484-485. Bj^rlykke, K. 0. Graptolitfjefrende skifere i vestra Gausdal. Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb., [1], 1891, 1-10, (Res. 91-92). Den norske nordpolsekspedition. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 4, 1893, 86-103. Skredet i "Vaerdalen. Kristiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 4, 1893, 10.5-112. Gausdal. Fjeldbygningen inden rektangelkartet Gausdals omraade. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 13, 1893, 36 pp. (Res. 34-36). Hf^ifjeldskvartsens norde^stligste udbredelse. Norges Geol. Unders. Aarb., 14, 1894, 60-75, (Res. 147). Svar til dr. Tornebohm om kalkstenen ved Baalsaster. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 16, 1894, 64-66. Geologiske billeder fra Kristiania by. [1896.] Kris- tiania, Geogr. Selsk. Aarb., 8, 1897, 77-113. Geologisk kart med beskrivelse over Kristiania by. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 25, 1898, 86 pp. (Res. 84-86). Norges geologiske undersf^gelses udstilling i Bergen 1898. Norges Geol. Unders. [Aarb.], 26, 1898, 83 pp. Om £(iegneisen i Formokampen, Gudbrandsdalen. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 218-221. Blaas, Josef. To reference in No. 1 (Vol. 9) add Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 177-180. *Petrographische Studien an jiingeren Eruptiv- gesteinen Persiens. Min. Petr. Mitth., 3, 1881, 457-503, 548. *" Pseudomorphose " von Feldspath nach Granat. Min. Petr. Mitth., 4, 1882, 279-280. Ueber Spuren des Culturmenschen im Loss bei Innsbruck. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 14, 1884, 1-20. Notizen iiber die Glacialformation im Innthal. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 19-20. Ueber eine neue Belegstelle fiir eine wiederholte Ver- gletscherung der Alpen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 278- 281. Ueber die Glacialformation im Innthale. Innsbruck, Ferdinandeum ZtsQhr., 29, 1886, 1-120. Ein Beitrag zu den " pseudoglacialen " Erscheiuungen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 155. Die Hottiuger Breccia und ihre Beziehung zur Frage nach einer wiederholten Vergletscherung der Alpen. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 18, 1889, 97-115. Ueber sogenannte interglaciale Profile. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 39, 1889, 477-482. Ein Profil durch die Achensee-Dammschotter. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 232-234. Ueber gekritzte Serpen tingeschiebe, die nicht glacial sind. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 119-121. 73—2 Blaas] 580 . Ueber die Trinkwasserquellen der Stadt Innsbruck. [1889.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 19, 1891, v-vii. Notizen iiber diluvio-Rlaciale Ablagerungen im Inn- thalgebiete. Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 19, 1891, 92-136. Erlauterunpen zur geologiscben Karte der diluvialen Ablagerungen in der Umgebung von Innsbruck. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 40, 1891, 21-50. Zur Vergletscherung des Innthals. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1891, 215-218. Beitrage zur Geolopie von Tirol. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 217-222, 350-353. Bericht iiber den am 9. Juli 1892 bei Langen am Arlberg niedergegangenen Bergsturz. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 261-266. Diluvialtorf bei Hopfgarten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 91. Ueber Serpentin und Schiefer aus dem Brennergebiete. [1894.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 64. 1896, 1-60. Der Boden der Stadt Innsbruck. Eine geologiscbe Skizze. [1895.] Innsbruck Nat. Med. Ber., 22, 1896, 167-192. Ueber Terrainbewegungen bei Bruck und Imming im vorderen Zillerthale. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 225-227. Vom Eggenthal. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 227-230. Ueber die geologiscbe Position einiger Trinkwasser- quellen in den Alpen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 59-62, 194-195, 217-219 ; 1898, 135-139. Ueber eine neue Methode der Bezeichnnng und Dar- stellung geologischer Ebenen. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 364-367. Ueber die Lage der Schnittlinie von Terrainflachen und geologischen Ebenen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 46, 1897, 269-278. Ueber ein Eisenerz-Vorkommen im Stubaithale. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1900, 369-370. Blaas, Josef, & Flchler, Adolf. See Flchler & Blaas. Blaauw, E[dviond'\ E[duard\ A restricted diet as a cause of beri-beri. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 634-635. The aetiology of beriberi. N. Y. Med. JL, 70, 1899, 861. Blaauw, F. E. von. Exotische Tauben und Turteltauben. \Tr.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth. (Beibl), 2, 1886, 27-28, 31-32, 39-40. : Reproduction en Hollande des antilopes gnous du Cap de Bonne-Esp^rance. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 33, 1886, 494. Sur les antilopes gnous, et divers animaux. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 34, 1887, 536-539. Note sur la collection d' animaux r^unie a 's Graveland (pr^s Amsterdam). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 49-51. [The development of the horns of Catoblepas gnu.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 2-5. [Hermaphrodite specimen of Fringilla CBBlebs.l Ibis, 2, 1890, 464-465. Syrrbaptes paradoxus in captivity. Ibis, 2, 1890 465-466. [Occurrence of Emberiza aureola in Holland.] Ibis 3, 1891, 151. [Breeding in confinement of Poephila mirabilis.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 465-466. Die Aufzucht des mantschuriscben Kranichs, Grus viridirostris, Vieill. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 33 1892 225-228. [On the breeding places of the spoonbill in Holland.] Ibis, 4, 1892, 468. [Occurrence of Xema Sabinii in Holland.] Ibis 5 1893, 150. [On the immature plumage of Ajaja rosea.] Ibis 5 1893,465-466. J . , Comparative list of the birds of Holland and England Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 183-239. [Habits of Aramides ypecaha in confinement.] Zool Soc. Proc, 1893, 531-532. [Black Educations d'animaux faites au pare de 's Graveland pres d'Amsterdam (Pays-Bas). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 {Sem. 1), 10-20. Ueber einige fremdlandische Tiere in 's Graveland, Holland. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 161-165, 204-207, 246-250. [Double moult of Casarca tadornoides.] Ibis, 6, 1894, 317-318. [Breeding habits of Ehynchotns rufescens.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 4, 1895, xlii-xliii. Notes sur la reproduction du tinamou roux en captivity en Hollande. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 43, 1896, 513-516. [On Pavo nigripennis.] [1896.] Brit. Ornith. Club Bull., 6, 1897, xii-xiii. The rosy bullfinch in Holland. Ibis, 3, 1897, 289. [On the moulting of the flight feathers in Anseranas melanoleuca.] Ibis, 4, 1898, 310-311. [The little bunting (Emberiza pusilla) in Holland in January.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 330-331. On the breeding of the veka rail and snow-goose in captivity. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 412-415. [The colour of the soft parts in Ross's snow goose (Chen Rossi).] Ibis, 6, 1900, 399-400. Notes on the Zoological Garden of Berlin. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 299-306. Blaber, Wlilliani] H[enry']. British Lepidoptera ; their metamorphoses, structure, and habits, with hints for collectors. [1891.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1890-92, 39-41. Blacher, C[arl Johann]. Synthesen mittels Natraraid- verbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 432- 437, 2352-2360. Die praktischen Uebungen in der chemischen Techno- logie. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1123-1125. Blachford, J[avies] V[inceiit], & Fawcett, Edward. See Fawcett & Blachford. Blachian, [Fi-anz]. Ueber Lipoma arborescens im Knie- gelenk. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 36, 1893, 575-586. Blachier, Charles. [Ueber die Biologie der Zygsena jucun- da, Meissner (genevensis, Moll.).} [1886.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1887, 271-272. Notice sur les Lepidopteres diurnes de I'ile de T^n^rifife. [1887.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 17, 1886- 87, 100-103. Une Boarmia nouvelle; vari^t^s in^dites de Lepi- dopteres, et chenille d'une H^m^rophile. Paris, Soc Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, 255-260. Faune de la Roumanie par M. le Dr. M. Jaquet. Lepidopteres r^coltes par M. Jaquet, en 1897. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bull., 8, 1899, 365. Blacbstein, Arthur. Die Verarmung des Peptonblutes an Kohlensaure. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 394-401. MaTepiajiH ;i;jifl 6iojoriH 6aniijij[a TH(})a. Contribution k la biologie du bacille typhique. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 1, 1892, 198-211, 298-313. Contribution k I'etude microbique de I'eau. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 689-692. Ueber die Wirkung des Chrysoidins auf Cholera- vibrionen ; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Desinfection. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Hnlfte 2), 264-266. Ueber einige chemisch bestimmte Agglutinine. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 [Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 384-386. Blacbstein, Arthur, & Zumft, Joh. Kt, BTlOJIOrill XOJiepH. Contribution a I'etiologie du cholera. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 2, 1893, 94-113. Black, [J. G.]. The permanganate gold-recovery process. N. Zealand Pap. & Rep. (Min.), 1898, C 3, 162-167. Black, Arthur. Reduction of a certain multiple integral. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1898, 219- 225. Black] 581 [Blackburne-Maze Black, Charles Edward D. Some geographical notes on the work of the Afghan Boundary Commission. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 2, 1886, 596-610. Blade, G. Melville. Does Javal's ophthalmometer render the use of atropine unnecessary? Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 333-338. The effects of altitude upon the mucous membranes of the upper air passages. With report of cases. N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 407-408. Black, Homer Van Valkenburg, & ZZerty, Charles H[olmes]. See Herty & Black. Black, J{-233, Blackburn, [Rev.) Tliomas, & Cameron, Peter. On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1886.] Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1886, 134-183; Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 194-244. Blackburn, (Rev.) Thomas, & Sbarp, David. Memoirs on the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 119-300. Blackbtim, William. "Spontaneous fission in an aquatic worm. [1883.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Rep., 1883-84, 34-39. The aphides, or plant lice : a short account of their structure, habits, classification, and reproduction. [1885.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1884-86, 36-51. [On the development of bone.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1886, 220-222. Bone : its structure, development, and growth. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1886, 33-38. Diffraction spectra. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1887, 58-60. The organisms of fermentation, putrefaction, and disease. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1889, 84-101. The organic forms of silica. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1893, 19-31. The lace-work sponge (Semperella Schultzei). Man- chester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1896, 57-61. Myriothela phrygia, a tubularian hydroid. Man- chester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1898, 58-63. Lucernarians. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1900, 59-66. Blackbume-SIaze, W. P. Notes on Aphomia sociella. Ent. Record, 6, 1896, 76-77. The humble-bee honey-moth (Aphomia sociella). Naturalists' Jl., 4, 1896, 70. Blackburne-Maze] 582 [Bladin Aberrations of British Lepidoptera. [1896.] Ent. Eecord, 7, 1895-96, 217-218. Blacker, A[rthur] Barry, & Clarke, B\phert] H[enry]. Light as a therapeutic agent. Practitioner, 48, 1892, 273-279, 334-347. Blacker, Gleorge] F[rancis]. Some observations on the topographical anatomy of the fourchette. [1895.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 283-288. The care and feeding of premature infants. Practi- tioner, 61, 1898, 28-37. Blackett, C. R. Notes on some determinations of chlorine in the water of the Yarra. [1887.] Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 24, [1888], 97-99. Blackett, W. G. The combustion of oxygen and coal-dust in mines. [With discussion.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 43, 1894, 314-326; 44, 1895, 51-52. Blackford, Charles Minor. Tetanus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 56, 1892, 389-390. A curious salamander. Nature, 60 (1899), 389-390. Blackford, Eugene G. Report of the work in an oyster investigation with the steamer Lookout. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 5, 1885, 52-57; U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 13, 1887, 157-163. Note on the spawning season of the eel. Science, 9, 1899, 740-741. Blackliall, W. Simple microscope with multiple illu- minator. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1890, 380. Blackbam, Geo. E. On the amplifying power of objectives and oculars in the compound microscope. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), 22-31. Measurement of angle of aperture and working distance of objectives. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), 146-149. Blackie, Walter G. On geography and ethnology: what these embrace. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 15, 1884, 55-62. Sketch of the present state of our knowledge of the island of New Guinea. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 15, 1884, 202-225. Blackley, Charles Harrison. On an improved method of preparing ozone paper, and other forms of the test, with starch and potassium iodide. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 15, 1889, 193-198. Blacklock, A. Woolsey. Some photo-micrography experi- ments. Amer. Micr. Jl., 19, 1898, 20-21. Blackman, Augustus S. Cicuta maculata, Linne. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 65, 1893, 4-5. Blackman, F[rederick] Frost. Experimental researches on vegetable assimilation and respiration. No. i. On a new method for investigating the carbonic acid exchanges of plants. [No. ii. On the paths of gaseous exchange between aerial leaves and the atmosphere.] [1894.] Phil. Trans. (B), 186, 1896, 485-502, 503-562. The phenomena of carbon dioxide production associated with reduced vitaUty in plants. [1897.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 273. The primitive Alga3 and the Flagellata. An account of modern work bearing on the evolution of the Algae. Ann. Bot., 14, 1900, 647-688. Blackman, F[rederick] Frost, & Buliemann, Siegfried. See Rubemann & Blackman. Blackman, Vernon H. On the cytological features of fertilization and related phenomena in Pinus silvestris L Phil. Trans. (B), 190, 1898, 395-426. Blackman, Vernon H., & Murray, George. See Murray & Blackman. Blackman, W. L., & Orton, K[ennedy] J. P. See Orton & Blackman. Blackmore, H. P. Some notes on the Aptychi from the Upper Chalk. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 529-533. Blackmore, R[ichard] D[oddridge]. The enemies of the vine. Hortic Soc. JL, 13, 1891, 44-56. ***^*^^®*'' ^'"''■^^^ ^- Investigations on the sulphon- phthaleins. ii. Dioxybenzoyl-benzene-sulphonic acid and sulphon-fluorescein. Amer. Chem. Jl., 14 (1892), 455-473. Blackstone, D. P. *The variation in attraction due to the figure of the attracting bodies. [1883.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 6, 1885, 197-254. Blaekwelder, Eliot. A note on Kuitland's warbler (Dendroica Kirtlandi). Auk, 16, 1899, 359-360. Blackwell, (BIi-s.) A[ntoinette Louisa] B[roion]. The com- parative longevity of the sexes. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 515-517. Blackwell, Ethel. Tests on women of the red coloring matter of the blood. N. Y. Med. Jl., 56, 1892, 570-573. Tests of the haBmoglobin of pregnant women. N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 776-778. Blad6, J. F. Les Iberes. Ass. Franii]. Ricerche sul potereriduttore dei microrganismi. [1889-90.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 19, 1889, 440-448; 20, 1891, 18-24. Statistique de I'lnstitut Antirabique Municipal de Palermo. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 5, 1891, 646-648. La rage experimentale chez le chat. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 8 (1894), 338-345; Untersuch. Nat., 15, 1895, 462-474. Contribution a I'^tude des associations baeteriennes dans la diphtgrie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 387- 392. Blasi, Luigi de, & Spica, Matteo. See Spica & Blasi. Blasio, Abele de. Intorno ad un altro cranio archeolitico rinvenuto nel comune d' Arpino. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 33-37, 45. Persistenza della forma cranica nella provincia d' Aquila dall' epoca neolitica ai tempi nostri. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 69-73, 98-100, 105- 108, 121-124. Sopra un cranio metopico di epoca preistorica. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 20-25. Crania Campana hodierna. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 49-76. Contribuzione alio studio dell' et^ della pietra in provincia di Benevento. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 152-157. Le variety umane dell' Egitto antico. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 165-210. Intorno a tre crani di Nubiani anticlii. Appunti storici-antropologici. Napoli Soc. Nat. Boll., 6, 1892, 237-253. 1 crano dei Sanniti. Saggio antropologico. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 1-4, 42-44, 71-76, 89-93, 98-100, 109-112. Crania SBgyptiaca Vetera et hodierna eon appunti di storia e di etuologia egiziana. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 13, 1893, 113-114, 131-136; 14, 1894, 5-9, 17-21, 35-38, 41-42, 63-65, 81-87, 98-101, 10-5-108, 115-121, 129-134, 145-147; 15, 1895, 6-9, 17-20. I crani dei Lucani. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 15, 1896, 41-43, 62-64, 73-77, 86-88. II cranio scafoide di A. G. P. di Napoli. Notarella anatomica. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 16, 1896, 42-46. Blasius, Eugen [Heinrich Augu>il]. Die Ausdehnung der Kry'stalle durch die Warme. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 528-549; Ztschr. Kryst., 11, 1886, 140-146. Zersetzungsfiguren an Krystallen. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 221-239. Notiz liber japanische magische Spiegel. Ann. Phys. Chem., 27, 1886, 142-143. Das Gesetz von Christiansen und die optischen Beobachtungen am Tabaschir. Ztschr. Kryst., 14, 1888, 258-259. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den Theorien der Krystallstructur und iiber die systematische Eintheilung der Krystalle. [1889.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 19, 1890. 47-77. Ueber den Einfluss der Oberflachenbegrenzung der Fliissigkeit und der Schwere des Dampfes auf die Ver- dampfung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 40, 1890, 691-696. Beitrag zur geometrischen Krystallographie. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 538-564. Die Geometric der Lage in ihrer Anwendung auf die Krystallographie. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 108-158. Ueber die Interferenzerscheinungen in zwei plan- parallelen Platten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 316- 352. Ueber Interferenzerscheinungen in Newton'schen Farbenglasern und anderen Linsencombinationen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 385-425. Blasius, Eugen [Heinrich August], & Kxmdt, August [Adolf Kduard Eherhard]. See Kundt & Blasius. Blasius, Eugen [Heinrich August], & Scbweizer, Fritz. PUectrotropismus und verwandte Erscheinungen. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 53, 1893, 493-543. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [Heinrich]. Naturhistorische Studien und Reiseskizzen aus Schweden und Norwegen im Friihjahre 1884. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 97-100, 116-120, 129-138, 145-151. Der Wanderzug der Tannenheher durch Europa im Herbste 1885 und Winter 1885-86. Eine monographische Studie. Ornis, 2, 1886, 437-550. Die Vogelwelt der Stadt Braunschweig und ihrer nachsten Umgebung. Braunsehw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (5), 1887, 59-116. [Einwanderung des Steppenhuhnes (Syrrhaptes para- doxus. Pall.).] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 86. Vogelleben an den deutschen Leuchtthiirmen. Ornis, 6, 1890, 547-590; 7, 1891, 1-112, 189-280, 512; 8, 1896, 33-138, 577-592, 732; 10, 1899, 293-476. IV. Bericht iiber das permanente Internationale Ornithologische Comite und ahnliche Einrichtungen in einzelnen Landern. Ornis, 7, 1891, 124-136. [Verzeichniss der auf die Landeskunde des Herzog- thums Braunschweig beziiglichen Litteratur.] Hygiene. Braunsehw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (7), 1893, 51-116. Ornis von Malta und Gozo und den umliegenden Inseln, mit Beitragen aus den ornithologisehen Berichten der Leuchtthurmwachter von Delimara und Giordan aus den Jahren 1886-94. [1895.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 139-211, 732. Der Tannenheher in Deutschland im Herbst und Winter 1893-94, mit Beriicksichtigung des gleichzeitigen Vorkommens in Russland, Norwegen, Danemark, Holland, Belgien, Luxemburg und der Schweiz. [1895.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 223-252. Ornithologische Ijeuchtthurm-Beobaehtungen aus der Strasse von Gibraltar. [1895.] Ornis, 8, 1896, 339-342. Schlussfolgerungen aus den ornithologisehen Beo- bachtungen an deutschen Leuchtthiirmen in dem zehn- jsihrigen Zeitraume von 1885-94. Ornis, 8, 1896, 593- 620. Die Vogel des Herzogthums Braunschweig und der angrenzenden Gebiete. Ornis, 8, 1896, 621-688, 732. v. Bericht iiber das permanente Internationale Orni- thologische Comite fiir die Jahre 1891 bis 1895. Ornis, 8, 1896, 689-715. Blasius] 600 [Blasius Neuer Sterilisator zur schnellen Eizeugung stromen- den Wasserdampfes [von Louis Mullkk. Priifung seiner Leistungsfahigkeit]. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 1, 1896, 171- 172. Die Vogel des Herzogthums Braunschweig. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 30-35. Spielarten des Fasans (Phasianus colchicus, L.). Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 98. Ein neuer Wanderzug des schlankschnabeligen sibi- rischen Tannenhiihers (Nucifraga caryocatactes lepto- rhynchus, R. Bias.) nach Europa. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 115. Ueber die deutschen Grasmiicken (Sylviinae). [1897.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 22-25. Naturhistorische Skizzen aus Spanien und Siidfrank- reich. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 212-220. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [Heiiirich], & Finsch, Otto. See Flnsch & Blasius. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [Heinrich], & Hayek, Gustav von. i.[-iii.] Bericht iiber das permanente Internationale Ornithologische Comite und ahnliche Einrichtungen in einzelnen Liindern. Ornis, 1, 1885, 1-67; 2, 1886, 1-48; 3, 1887, 619-632. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [HeinricK], & Leverkiibn, Paul. See Zieverkiilin & Blasius. Blasius, [Paul] Rudolf [Heinrich] (et alii). vii.[-xi.] Jahresbericht [1882-86] des Ausschusses f'iir Beobacli- tungsstationen der Vogel Deut?chlands. Jl. f. Ornith., .32, 1884, 1-52; 33, 1885, 225-337; 34, 1886, 129-388; 35, 1887, 337-616; 36, 1888, 313-571. Blasius, [August] Wilhelm [Heinrich], *V6geI von Borneo, im Siidosten der Insel gesammelt von Herrn F. J. Grabowsky. Verzeichnet und mit Bezugnahme auf die gesammte Vogelfauna der Insel besprochen. [1882.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 33, 1884 (Abh.), 1-90. Der japanische Norz, FcBtorius itatsi (Temm.), in seinen Beziehungen zu den iibrigen Arten der Gattung Fcetorius im AUgemeinen und der Untergattung Lutreola im Besonderen. Bamb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 18, 1884 {No. 1), 34 pp. Neue Thatsachen in Betreff der Ueberreste von Alca impennis, Linn. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 321-323. Ueber eine bisher zu den Zieseln (Spermophilus) gerechnete vermuthlich neue Nagethier-Gattung aus Turkestan. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 324-325. Zur Geschichte der Ueberreste von Alca impennis, Li7in. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 58-176. Ueber einen vermuthlich neuen Trompeter- Vogel von Bolivia (Psophia cantatrix, Boeck in litt.). Jl. f. Ornith. 32, 1884, 203-210. Ueber die neuesten Ergebnisse von Herrn F. J. Gbabowsky's ornithologischen Forschungen in Siid-Ost- Borneo. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 210-224. Ueber Vogel-Brustbeine. Jl. f. Ornith., 32 1884 228-229. Die Eaubvogel von Cochabamba. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 141-142. Ellobius Tancr^i, nov. sp., ein neuer Moll-Lemming Oder "Wurfmoll aus dem Altai-Gebiete. Zool. Anz 7 1884, 197-201. Neue Thatsachen in Betreff des Aussterbens von Alca impennis, L. (nach brieflichen Mittheilungen von A. Newton und W. Pheyeb). Jl. f. Ornith., 33 1885 398. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Vogelfauna von Celebes Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1886, 402-403. Osteologische Studien (Messungs-Methoden an Vogel- Skeletten). Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 409-415. Ueber einige Vogel von Cochabamba in Bolivia. Jl f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 416-419. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vogelfauna von Celebes Ztschr. Gesam. Ornith., 2, 1885, 201-328 ; 3, 1886 81- 179, 193-210. ' ' [Ueber eine Fahrt nach Skandinavien.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 16-18. 1st Castor canadensis, Kuhl, der amerikanische Biber, eine gute Art? Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (4), 1887, 73-83. [Note on a collection of birds from the island of Palawan.] Ibis, 6, 1888, 372-375. Die Vogel von Palawan. Nach den Ergebnissen der von Herrn und Fiau Dr. Platen bei Puerto-Princesa auf Palawan (Philippinen) im Sommer 1887 ausgefiihrten ornithologischen Forschungen iibersichtlich zusammen- gestellt. Ornis, 4, 1888, 301-320, 684. Die Vogel von Gross-Sanghir (mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der in den Jahren 1886 und 1887 von Herrn Dr. Platen und dessen Gemahlin bei Manganitu auf Gross-Sanghir ausgefiihrten ornitholog. Forschungen) nebst einem Anhange iiber die Vogel von Siao. Ornis, 4, 1888, 527-046, 685. Mammalogische Mittheilungen. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 {Th. 2), 118-120. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse von Dr. Platen's ornitho- logischen Forschungen auf den Sulu-Inselu. Jl. f. Ornith., 38, 1890, 137-144. Die von Herrn Dr. Platen und dessen Gemahlin im Sommer 1889 bei Davao auf Mindanao gesammelten Vogel. Jl. f. Ornith., 38, 1890, 144-149. [Ueber Polyplectron Nelirkornse, n. sp.] [1890.] Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 9-10; Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 1-2. Die faunistische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der Nachbargebiete. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (6), 1891, 293-527. Die neuen Funde in der Baumannshohle bei Riibeland am Harz. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 22, 1892, [107]- [109]. Sogen. gehornte Ricke. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 229-231. [Herbstbliithen von Aesculus hippocastanum.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 14. [Die Hohlen im Selter und Ith.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 16-17. Ausgrabungen in deu neuen Theilen der Baumanns- hohle bei Eiibeland. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17. [Eine neue Hohlenspalte bei Riibeland.] [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 17-19. Die Frucht der Wasser-Aloe (Stratiotes aloides). [1896.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 153-154. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber einige Vogel von Mindoro. [1896.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 157-162. [Eine abnorme Hornbildung.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 178-180. [Ferula Asa-foetida.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 180. Uebersicht iiber die Vogelfauna von Mindoro. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 181-183. [Neue Ausgrabungen in der neuen Baumannshohle.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber,, (10), 1897, 183-184. Megalithische Grabdenkmaler des nordwestlichen Deutschlands. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 275-289. Demonstration von Fossilresten aus den Riibelander Hohlen. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1897 (Th. 2, HdJfte 1), 182-183. [Circus pallidus als Brutvogel in Braunschweig.] Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 510. [Ueber eine missgebildete Biirzelfeder vom Seeadler.] [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 105- 106. Anthropologic und Vorgeschichte. Die anthropo- logische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der Nachbar- gebiete (mit Einschluss des ganzen Harzes). Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (8), 1900, 53-279. Blasius] 601 [Blathwayt "Gehornte Ricke." [1894.] Braunsohw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (9), 1903, 11-13. [Feuersteingeratho aus dem neuen Theile der Bau- maunshohle.] [1894.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber, , (9), 1903, 13-14. Neuere Funds fossiler Knochen im Gebiete de.s Her- zogthums Braunschweig. [1895.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (9), 1903, 44-45, 68-69. Blasius, [Aug^ist] Wilhelm [Heinrich], Badde, Gustav [Ferdinand Richard], & Walter, Adolf. See Radde, "Walter & Blasius. Blasius, William. For biographical notice and hst of works see Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 215, 555-557. The remarkable sun-glows in the falls of 1883 and 1884. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1885, 213-215. Ueber Tornados Nordamerikas, ihre Entstehung, Entwickelung und Auflosung. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1890 {Th. 2), 20-33. Zur Geschichte der Meteorologie. Meteorol. Ztschr., 7 (1890), 467-469. Merkwurdige Hagelwolke. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 347-350. [Hagelstiirme und Cyclone.] [1896.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 1S3-143. Blasoletto, B. Indurimento del gesso mediante i saccarati terrosi. Trieste Boll., 12, 1890, 57-58. Blass, E. Do plants assimilate argon? [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-96), 461. A problem in thermodynamics'. Nature, 52 (1896), 415. Blass, J. Untersuchungen iiber die physiologische Be- deutung des Siebtheils der Gefassbiindel. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 56-60 ; Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 22, 1891, 253-292. Blatch, W[illiam'] GlahrieV]. For biography see Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 89-90; Entomologist, 33, 1900, 136. Notes on the British species of the genus Euplectus, including a description of E. nubigena, Reitter, a species new to Britain. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885- 86, 203-209. The Lepidoptera of the Birmingham district. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 198-200. On the Coleoptera found in a small mossy bank at Knowle, Warwickshire. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 35-37. A new species of Neuraphes. Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 93. Quedius riparius, Kellner : a species new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 80-81. Blatch, Wlilliam] G[ahriel], & Homer, Alrthui-] C[laypon]. Description of a new species of Rhizophagus. Ent. Month. Mag., 28, 1892, 303-304. Blatchley, Willis S[tanley~\. On the American species of the genus Umbra. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1885, 12-13. A review of the species of the genus Pimephales. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1886, 63-65. On the genus Aphredoderus. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1885, 136-137. Some Indiana Acrididte. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 74- 81, 98-100; 24, 1892, 28-34; 26, 1894, 217-223, 241-245; 30, 1898, 54-64. Notes on the batrachians and reptiles of Vigo county, Indiana. [1891.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 14, 1891- 92, 22-35. Two new Orthoptera from Indiana. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 26-27. Cnicus discolor as an insect trap. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 310-311. A catalogue of the butterflies known to occur in Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 17, 1892, 365-408. R. S. A. C. Entomologizing in Mexico. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 111-114, 131-136. Some new Locustidse from Indiana. Canad. Ent., 25, 1893, 89-93. On a collection of batrachians and reptiles from Mount Orizaba, Mexico, with descriptions of two new species. [1893.] U. S. Mas. Proc, 16, 1894, 37-42. Miscellaneous notes. Canad. Ent., 28, 1896, 265-266. A preliminary report on the clays and clay industries of the coal-bearing counties of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 20, 1896, 24-185. Notes on the winter insect fauna of Vigo county, Indiana. Psyche, 7, 1896, 247-250, 267-270, 279-281, 336-340, 379-381, 399-401, 434-437, 455-458. The natural resources of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897, 7-25. The petroleum industry in Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897, 27-96. Indiana caves and their fauna. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep,, 21, 1897, 121-212. A catalogue of the uncultivated ferns and fern allies (Pteridophyta) and the flowering plants (Spermatophyta) of Vigo county, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 21, 1897, 577-708. The geology of Lake and Porter counties, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 25-104. The clays and clay industries of northwestern Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 105-153. The petroleum industry of Indiana in 1897. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 155-184. Two new Melanopli from Les Cheneaux islands, Michigan. [1898.] Psyche, 8, 1899, 195-197. Notes on the batrachians and reptiles of Vigo county, Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 24, 1900, 535- 552. On the species of Nemobius known to occur in Indiana. [1900.] Psyche, 9, 1902, 51-54. Blatchley, Willis Sltanley], & Ashley, George Hall. Geo- logical scale of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 17-23. Blath, Ludxoig. Aus dem Lande der Mitternachtssonne. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1887, v-ix. Ueber die neueren Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Sinneswahrnehmungen. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 1-5. Die Grenzen der Sinneswahrnehmungen. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 22-26. Ueber das Sehen mit beiden Augen, die Tiefenan- schauung und ein neues Stereoskop mit rotierenden Prismen (D. R. P. 80337, Oktober 1894), nebst seiner Verwendung im Unterricht und in der Augenheilkunde. [1896.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1894-96, 69- 100. Die Naturforschuug an der Schwelle der Neuzeit und die Bedeutung der Neuentdeckungen und Erfindungen Otto VON Guericke's in derselben. [1898.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1896-98, 49-120. Notizen des Freiherrn Ludwig von Minnigerode zu Bockelnhagen (Siidharz) iiber die von ihm gefangen gehaltenen und iiber die in der Umgegend von Bockeln- hagen vorkommenden Vogel umfassend die Jahre 1840- 93. Aus nachgelassenen Schriften des Freiherrn Ludwig VON Minnigerode bearbeitet und zusammen- gestellt. [1900.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1898-1900, 35-72. Blathwayt, F[rancis] L\inley]. A visit to Lundy. Zoologist, 4, 1900, 375-380. Blathwayt, {Col.) iXinle])']. Remarks on some Hemiptera- Heteroptera taken in the neighbourhood of Bath. [1888.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 6, 1889, 315-327. List of terrestrial Hemiptera-Heteroptera taken in the neighbourhood of Bath. Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 6, 1889, 432-435, 76 Blathwayt] Mimicry amongst insects. [1890.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc'., 7, 1893. 139-141. , Notes on certain rare beetles found in a wasps nest. [1894.1 Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 8, 1897, 136-141. _— -[Petrobia lapidum.] [1894.] Bath Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 8, 1897, 175-176. ^, . ■ • on Blithy, Otto T. The Ganz wattmeter. Electrician, 20, 1888, 612-613. , . , ■ i The co-efficient of self-induction of a single circular loop. Electrician, 24, 1890, 630-631. On the dissipation of energy caused by the armature currents in electrical machinery. Electrician, 37, 1896, 375-376, 474. . Bl&tby, Otto T., Zlpernovszky, Knrohj, & Den, Ma.r. See Zipemovszky, D6ri & Blithy. Blatter, P. Sur I'histologie des organes annexes de 1 ap- pareil male chez la Periplaneta orientalis. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1332-1334. Etude sur la structure histologique des glandes annexes de I'appareil male dc I'Hydrophile. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1, 1897, 384-416. ^ ^ , Blattner, G. Versuche iiber die Zersetzung von schwetel- saurem Ammoniak mittels Natriumsulfat. Dinglers Polvtechn. Jl., 255, 1885, 252-256; 257, 1885, 474-479. Blattuer, N. G. Dosage de I'alcali libre ou carbonate dans les hypochlorites alcalins ou alcalino-terreux. [1891.] Paris Soc Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 696-700. Neue Methoden zur raschen Bestimmung der Alka- linitat der Hypochlorite, wie Eau de Javel, etc Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 885-886. Action des oxydes metalliques sur les hypochlorites alcalins et alcalino-terreux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 700-708. Ueber Eisenoxyd- und Thonerdebestimmung in den zur Superphosphatfabrikation dienenden Phosphaten. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 414-415. Blattner, N. G., & Brasseur, J. Sur le dosage de I'oxyde de fer et de I'alumine dans les phosphates. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 760-761. Ueber die Bestimmung des Arsens in Pyriten. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 262-263. M^thode de dosage du perchlorate dans les nitrates de soude et de potasse. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 539; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 589-590; 24, 1900, 767. Methode zur Bestimmung von Chlorid, Chlorat und Perchlorat neben einander. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 793. Blau, Fritz. Versuche iiber die Einwirkung von Natrium- methylat auf einige Brombenzole. Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 (Abth. 2), 770-785; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 621- 636. Die Destination pyridinmonocarbonsaurer Salze. [Vorldufige Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1077-1078. Neuerungen beim gebrauchlichen Verbrennungsver- fahren. Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {Abth. 2b), 276-290; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 357-371. Notiz zur Darstellung von Mono- und Di-Brompyridin. Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2b), 291-293; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 372-374. Ueber die trockene Destination von pyridincarbon- sauren Salzen. i. Destination von picolinsaurem Kupfer. Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {Abth. 26), 294- 307; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 375-388. Zur Constitution des Nicotins. Berlin, Chem. Ges Ber., 24, 1891, 32(5-329; 26, 1893, 628-633, 1029-1034, 1227; 27, 1894, 2585-2539. Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffes in or- ganischen Substanzen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 {Abth. 2b), 287-295; Mhefte. Chem,, 1892, 277-285. Ueber das ajS-Dipiperidyl. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 2b), 347-360; Mhefte. Chem., 1892, 330-343. Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom auf chlorwasserstoff- 602 [Blavier saure Salze und ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der beiden Halogene neben einander. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 {Abth. 2b), 533-552; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 547-566. Zur Kenntniss des Salicylaldehyds. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 {Abth. 2b), 132-146; Mhefte. Chem., 1897, 123- 137. Ueber neue organische Metallverbindungen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Metalliake. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 2b), 767-809; Mhefte. Chem., 1898, 647- 68!K Blau, Fritz, & Baeyer, [.Johaiin Friedrich Wilhebn] Adolf (Ritter) von. See Baeyer & Blau. Blau, Fritz, & vreidel, Hugo. See "Weidel & Blau. Blau, L[ouis]. Des alterations de I'appareil auditif dans le leucemie. Arch. Gen. Med., 156, 1885, 354-355. Otitis durch Infection. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 26, 1888, 229-230. Die Erkrankungen des Gehororgans bei Masern. [1888.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 27, 1889, 139-155. Blauberg, Magnus. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der chemischen Zusammensetzung einiger Kindernahrungsmittel, nebst kurzen Angaben iiber die chemischen Untersuchungs- methoden derselben und den gegenwartigen Stand der Frage "der kiinstlichen Kinder-Ernahrung. Arch. Hyg., 27, 1896, 119-175. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung einiger "Nahr- salze," nebst kurzen Bemerkungen iiber die Bedeutung der Mineralstoffe fiir den Organismus. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1897, 95-124. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber Kindernahrungsmittel, nebst kurzen Bemerkungen iiber die mikroskopische und bacteriologische Priifuug derselben. Arch. Hyg., 30, 1897, 125-155. Ueber die Mineralbestandtheile der Sauglingsfaces bei natiirlicher und kiinstlicher Ernahrung wahrend der ersten Lebenswoche. Arch. Hyg., 31, 1897, 115-141, 216. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage iiber den Mineral- stoffwechsel beim kiinstlich ernahrteu Siiugling. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 1-35. Ueber den Miueralstoffwechsel beim natiirlich er- niihrten Siiugling. Ztschr. Biol., 40, 1900, 36-53. Blaue, Julius. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nasen- schleimhaut bei Fischen und Amphibien, namentlich iiber Endknospen als Endapparate des Nervus olfactorius. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1884, 231-309. Blauel, . Ueber Sarcome der Ileocoecal-Gegend. Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 487-500. Blauvelt, William Hutton. Description of a plant of Semet-Solvay bye-product coke-ovens at Wheeling, West Virginia, U. S. A. [1900.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 19, 1901, 337-345. Blauw, F. E. Resultate und Beobachtungent aus der Tierpflege. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 29, 1888, 3-5, 68-71, 130-132. Blavier, A[ime Etienne]. For biographical notice see Ann. Mines, 11, 1897, 120-122. Sur la cause possible des tremblements de terre de 1755, 1884 et 1887. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 835-836. Blavier, EldoiLard] E[rnest]. For biograpliy and works see Ann. Telegr., 13, 1886, 566-574; 14, 1887, 5-44, 369-401 ; 16, 1889, 97-114, 193-218; Ann. Mines, 11, 1887, 240- 242; Jl. Telegr., 11, 1887, 17; Lum. Elect., 23, 1887, 644-645. *Note sur des experiences executees au moyen du t^legraphe sous-marin de Calais a Douvres. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1854, Ft. 1, 68-72. 'Perturbations observ^es sur les lignes t^l^graphiques pendant les aurores bor^ales de la fin d'aout et du com- mencement de septembre 1859. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1859, Ft. 2, 192-193. Blavier] 603 [Bleibtreu *Perturbalions sur les lignes electriques. France Soc. M^ti^orol. Annu., 8, 1860, Ft. 2, 66-69. Etude des courants telluriques. Ann. Telegr., 11, 1884, 155-163; -Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 157-165; Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 98, 1884, 1043-1015. Essais p^riodiques des lignes electriques a^riennes. Ann. T^l<5gr., 11, 1884, 412-454, 492-529. Influence des orages sur les lignes telegraphiques souterraines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1534-1535; Ann. T^l^gr., 12, 1885, 177-182. Sur les courants telluriques. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1886 [Pt. 1), 102. Blaxall, Frank Rlichardmn]. A record of experiments on the action of glycerine, vaseline, and lanoline on vaccine material derived directly from calves. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 25, 1896, 292-305. Further report on glycerinated calf lymph. Loc. Gov. Brd. Rep. (Med. Off.), 27, 1898, 33.3-341. The relations of bacteriology to epidemiology. Epid. Soc. Trans., 18, 1899, 153-172. Blaxall, Frank Hlichardsun], & Copeman, S[ydneij] Monckton. See Copeman & Blaxall. Blaxall, Frank Ii[ichardson], & Fox, T[homas] Colcott. See Fox & Blaxall. Blaxall, Frank E[ichardson], & Macfadyen, Allan. See nXacfadyen & Blaxall. Blayac, Joseph. Description geologique de la region des phosphates du Dyr et du Kouif pres T^bessa. Ann. Mines, 6, 1894, 319-330. Note sur les lambeaux Suessoniens a phosphate de chaux de Bordj Redir et du Djebel Mzeita pres Bordj bou Arr^ridj (province de Constantine). Ann. Mines, 6, 1894, 331-337. Lambeau Suessonien de Birin. Ann. Mines, 8, 1895, 290-293. Le Suessonien k phosphate de chaux du Djebel- Mahdid pr^s M'sila (prov. de Constantine). Ann. Mines, 8, 1895, 294-299. Gen^ralit^s sur le Suessonien a phosphate de chaux d'Alg^rie. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1895 (Pt. 1), 268-269. ; Sur I'extension de la zone a phosphate de chaux de I'Eocene Inf^rieur en Algerie. [With discussion.'] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 23, 1895, clxxiii-clxxvi. L'Eocene Inf^rieur dans la region de I'OueJ-Zenati et d'Ain-Regada (Algerie). Ass.Fran?. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 1), 163. Sur le Cr6tac6 Inferieur de la vallee de I'Oued Cherf (province de Constantine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 957-960, Sur les terrains Tertiaires de la vallee de I'Oued-Cherf (Constantine). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 1125- 1126, Bassin du sud-ouest. Feuille de Montauban. [1897- 98.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 348-349; 10, 1899, 134-136. Sur le dome du Sidi-Rgheiss (province de Constantine), Paris, Soc. G<5ol. Bull., 25, 1897, 664-665. Les chotts des hauts-plateaux de Test constantinois (Algerie). Origine de leur salure. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 906-912. Sur I'existence probable du Trias gypso-salin dans le sud de la province de Constantine, Paris, Soc. G6ol, Bull., 26, 1898, 578-579. Le pays des Nemenchas k Test des Monts Aur^s (Algerie). Ann. G6ogr., 8, 1899, 141-159. [Languedoc et Aquitaine.] Feuille de Toulouse. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 11, 1900, 150-152. Blayac, Joseph, & Ficheur, Elmile]. See Ficheur & Blayac. Blayac, Joseph, & Oentil, L[ouis]. Le Trias dans la region de Souk-Ahras (Alg<5rie). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 523-547. Blayac, Joseph, & B6pelin, J[oseph]. See B6peliii & Blayac. Blayac, Joseph, & Vasseur, G[aston]. See Vasseur & Blayac. Blayac, Joseph, Vasseur, Glaston], & R6pelin, Jloseph]. See Vasseur, Blayac & B6peUn. Blazejevskij, Romuald [Osipovic]. Sur un probl^me de geometric plane. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 28-40. Sur un probl^me de geometric plane, Nouv, Ann, Math., 14, 1895, 49-55. Blazek, Bol. Nowe spostrzezenia nad nuzeniem si§ mi§snia. [New observations on muscular fatigue.] Kosraos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 532-534. Blazka, Frantisek. Verzeichnis der Arten des Genus Clausilia in der Umgebung von Prag. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 176-181. Die MoUuskenfauna in den Garten von Prag. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 184-190. Die MoUuskenfauna der Elbe-Tiimpel. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 301-307. Bleasdale, (Rev.) John Ignatius. For biographical notice see Victoria Roy. Soc. Trans., 21, 1885, 148. Blecb, Gustavm M. Eudoxine in psediatric practice. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 51-52. Blecher, . Zur Casuistik der Pneumokokken-Osteo- myelitis. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 48, 1898, 413- 417. Blecher, A[lfred], & Goldscbeider, Alfred. See Oold- scheider & Blecher. Blechynden, A[lfred]. For biography and works see List. Median. ' Engin. Proc, 1897, 131-132; Naval Architects Trans., 38, 1897, 314-315. An account of some experiments on the transmission of heat through steel plates, from heated gas at the one side to water at the other. [1893.] Naval Architects Trans., 35, 1894, 70-84. Blechynden, R. Divi-divi, or American sumach. (Cass- alpinia coriaria.) [1887.] India Agr. Soc. Jl., 8, 1890, 90-98. Bleeker, P[ieter]. *Revision des esp^ces de Dentex, Synagris, Gymnocranius, Gnathodentex et Pentapus de rinde Archip^lagique et du Japon. Amsterdam Ak. Verb., 13, 1873, No. 3, 64 pp. *R^vision des especes indo-arehipelagiques des genres Lutjanus et Aprion. Amsterdam Ak. Verb., 13, 1873, No. 4, 102 pp. Bleekrode, Ij[ouis]. On the experimental determination of the index of refraction of liquefied gases. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 339-362. A mechanical effect of very rapid electric oscillations. Elect. Rev., 33, 1893, 258. On the use of quartz fibres in telescopes. Nature, 50 (1894), 174. On some experiments with carbon dioxide in the solid state. Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 81-89. Notiz iiber den Magnetismus des Asbests. Ann, Phys, Chem., 55, 1895, 398-400. Rontgen rays at low temperatures. Elect. Rev., 38, 1896, 756-757. Radiographs by fluorescent screens. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 557. Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franz]. Ueber die Grosse des Eiweissumsatzes bei abnorm gesteigerter Nahrungszufuhr (Weir-Mitchell'sche Kur). Pfliiger, Arch, Physiol., 41, 1887, 398-410. Die quantitative Analyse des Harnstoffs im Hundeharn durch Phosphorsaure unter gleiehzeitiger Beriicksichti- gung des Verhaltnisses des Harnstoffs zu den iibrigeu stickstoffhaltigen Korpern. Pfliiger, Arch, Physiol., 44, 1889, 512-535. Ueber den Einfluss der Muskelarbeit auf die Harn- stoffausscheidung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 601-607. Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franz], & Bleibtreu, Max. See below. 76—2 Bleibtreu] G04 [Bleicher Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franzl & BoUland, Karl [Jo>ieph]. Ueber die Grosse des Eiweissumsatzes bei deni Menschen. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 38, 1886, 1-35. Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franz], & Pfluger, hdiiard [Friedrich Wilhelm]. See Pfluger & Bleibtreu. Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franz], & Wendelstadt, H[erma7iTi]. See Wendelstadt & Bleibtreu. Bleibtreu, iV/a.T. Ueber die Wasseraufnabmefahigkeit der rothen Blutkorperchen. Entgegnung auf die gleich- namige Abhandlung des Herrn Th. Lakschewitz. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 1-21. Widerlegung der Einwande des Herrn H. J. Hamburger gegen das Prinzip der von L. Bleibtreu und [ihm] be- griindeten Methode derBlutkorpercbenvolumbestimmiiug. [1893.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 402-416. Fettmast und respiratorischer Quotient. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 56, 1894, 464- 466. Bemerkungen zu der vorstehenden Abhandlung von Th. Lackschewitz : [Ueber die Wasseraufiiahmefabigkeit der rothen Blutkorperchen]. [1894.] Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 59, 1896, 91-103. Die Bleibtreu 'sche Methode der Blutkorperchenvolum- bestimmung. Antwort auf die beiden vorhergehenden Abhandlungen [von Eykman und von Hedin]. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 60, 1896, 405-428. Bleibtreu, Max, & Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franz]. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung des Voluins der korper- lichen Elemente im Blut. [1891.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 51, 1892, 151-228. Bleicher, [Marie] G[mtave]. *Le minerai de fer de Lorraine (Lias Sup^rieur et Oolithe Inferieure) au point de vue stratigraphique et paleontologique. [1883.] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 46-107. Le Lias de Lorraine. Ass. Fran(;. C. E., 1884 (P^ 1), 181. Le Lias de Lorraine au point de vue paleontologique. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1884 (Pt. 2), 265-266. L'histoire du terrain Quaternaire dans les environs de Nancy. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xvii-xviii. Sur le Eh^tien ou Infra-Lias de Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xxvii. Echinides des etages Jurassiques de Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xxxiii. L'homme Tertiaire de Thenay (Loir-et-Cher). Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, xxxvii-xxxviii. Note sur la liniite inferieure du Lias en Lorraine. Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull, 12, 1884, 442-446. Etudes de stratigraphie et de pal^ontologie animale. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 24-26, 1886, 3-44, 584. D^couverte d'une formation d'eau douce Tertiaire sur la colhne de Sigolsheim. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 24-26, 1886, 555-556. L'age de la grouine dans la valine de la Meurthe. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, xv. Le Quaternaire de Lorraine au point de vue de sa faune malacologique. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 1), 129. Sur le Bathonien Inf^rieur de la Lorraine au point de vue stratigraphique et paleontologique. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1886 (Pt. 1), 135. Sur les denudations anciennes aux environs de Nancy. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1886 {Pt. 1), 137. Presentation de pollen fossile provenant des lignites de Jarville. Ass. Fran?. C. E., 1886 (Pt. 1), 152. Sur les progr^s recents de I'anthropologie prehistorique en Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fuse. 20), xxiii-xxiv. Sur I'anthropologie alsacienne. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), xxxviii-xl. Decouverte d'oursin regulier dans le Lias Moyen. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, xxii-xxiii. Sur la decouverte du Carbonifere a fossiles marins et a plantes aux environs de Raon-sur-Plaine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1081-1083. [Note sur la geologie de la Lorraine.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 665-666. Recherches lithologiques sur la formation k bois silicifies de Tunisie et d'Algerie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 572-574. Un pecheur naturaliste au xvii» si^cle : Leonard Baldner. Rev. Sci., 41, 1888, 626-628. Formations glaciaires des Vosges. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 290. Sur la nature des phosphates du massif du Dekma (departement de Oonstantine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1226-1228. Sur la structure microscopique des roches phosphatees du Dekma (departement de Oonstantine). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1022-1024. Sur la decouverte de coquilles terrestres Tertiaires dans le tuf volcanique du Limbourg (Kayserstuhl, grand- duche de Bade). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 874- 876. Sur la faune entomologique de la Casamance. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892 (Fasc. 27), 87-92. Sur la structure microscopique du minerai de fer Oolithique de Lorraine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 590-592. Sur la structure microscopique des oolithes du Ba- thonien et du Bajocien de Lorraine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1138-1140. Sur le gisement et la structure des nodules phosphates du Lias de Lorraine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, 237-247. Recherches microscopiques sur les roches sedimentaires calcaires du Trias et du Jnrassique de Lorraine. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 216-217. Sur quelques faits nouveaux relatifs a la fossilisation osseuse. Bibliogr. Anat., 1 (1893), 123-128. Contribution k I'etude des Bryozoaires et des Spongi- aires de I'Oolithe Inferieur (Bajocien et Bathonien) de Meurthe-et-Moselle. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1893, 89-102. Recherches sur la structure et le gisement du minerai de fer pisolithique de diverses provenances fran?aises et de la Lorraine en particulier. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1894, 32-42. Sur la structure de certaines rouilles; leur analogic avec celle des minerals de fer sedimentaires de Lorraine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 887-889; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, lix-lx. Coloration des plaques minces de roches sedimentaires calcaires. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 2), 505-508. Sur quelques perfectionnements apportes a la prepara- tion et k I'etude de plaques minces de roches sedimentaires calcaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1129-1131. Sur la decouverte d'une nouvelle espece de Limule dans les marnes irisees de Lorraine. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 116-126. Sur la decouverte d'un gisement de terrain Tertiaire terrestre fossilifere dans les environs de Liverdun (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 149-150. Sur les debris vegetaux et les roches des soudages de la campagne du Caudan dans le golfe de Gascogne (aoiit 1895). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 753-755. L'homme et les animaux domestiques de la station prehistorique de Belleau (Meurthe-et-Moselle). [1896.] Bibliogr. Anat., 4, 1897, 118-119. Les probiemes de I'anthropologie lorraine. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 132-133. Compte-rendu des excursions des 30 et 31 aout [dans les Vosges]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 922-939. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du l"' septembre [au Ballon d'Alsace]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 942-954. Bleicher] 605 [Bleisch Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 2 septembre [a Cravanche]. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 25, 1897, 964-972. Compte-rendu de I'excursion du 4 septembre [dans les environs de Belfort]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 973-986. Observations k la note complementaire de M. Rollier [relative a I'excursion du 4 septembre 1897, a Roppe, pres Belfort]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. , 25, 1897, 990-998. Sur la d^couverte de Graptolithes dans^les poudingues du Gr^s vosgien des environs de Raon-l'Etape (Vosges). Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 127, 1898, 1235-1237. Contribution k I'etude lithologique, microscopique et chimique des roches s^dimentaires Secondaires et Terti- aires du Portugal. [1898.] Portugal Dir. Trab. Geol. Commun., 3, 1895-98, 251-289. Compte rendu d^taille de i'excursion du mardi 16 aovit de Nancy a Pagny-sur-Moselle, avec retour par Messein. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1899 (Mem.), 88-98. Compte rendu de la course du...l7 aout, aux " Quatre- Vents" et au Champ-le-Bceuf (plateau de Haye). [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1899 (Mem.), 98-107. Compte rendu d^taill^ de I'excursion du 20 aout a G^rardmer et au col de la Schlucht. [1898-99.] Brux, Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1899 (Mem.), 137-145. Compte rendu d^taille de Texcursion du 21 aout k Saint-Maurice et a Bussang. [1898-99.] Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1899 (Me'm.), 146-155. Recherches sur I'origine et la nature des ^l^ments du Gr^s des Vosges. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 1-10. Un ^chantillon de Graptolites provenant des pou- dingues du Gres vosgien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 377. Essai sur I'origine, la nature, la repartition des elements de destruction des Vosges, du versant lorrain et des regions adjacentes du bassin de la Saone. Congr. G^ol. Int. C. R., 1900, 539-543. Sur la denudation du plateau central de Haye ou Foret de Haye (Meurthe et-Moselle). Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 130, 1900, 146-148. Sur les phenom^nes de mdtamorphisme, de production de mineral de fer, cons^cutifs k la denudation du plateau de Haye (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 346-348. Sur la denudation de I'ensemble du plateau lorrain et sur quelques-unes de ses consequences. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 598-600. Sur quelques faits nouveaux relatifs a I'origine des elements du Gres vosgien et sur la decouverte de gros blocs de Gr^s vosgien a la surface du plateau de Haye (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 999. Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustave], & Barth^lemy, F[rangois]. Les tumuli de la Lorraine. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 (Ft. 2), 643-646. Lee anciens glaciers des Vosges meridionales. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1893 (Ft. 2), 342-345. Bleieber, IMarie] G[ustave], & Choffat, Faul. Contribution k I'etude des dragees calcaires des galeries de mines et de captation d'eaux. [1900.] Portugal Dir. Serv. Geol. Commun., 4, 1900-01, 148-155. Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustave], & Fliche, Faul. Note sur la flore Pliocene du Monte-Mario. Nancy Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886 (Fasc. 20), 5-22. Recherches relatives a quelques tufs Quatemaires du nord-est de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 566-602. Sur la decouverte des Bactryllium dans le Trias de Meurthe-et-Moselle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1038-1040. Bleicher, [Marie] G[u8tave], & Blieg, Mathieu. *Note sur la paieontologie du terrain Carbonifere de la Haute Alsace. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 107-114. Note complementaire sur la paieontologie et la strati- gr'aphie du terrain Carboniffere de la Haute-Alsace. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, 413-418. Sur un gisement Callovien decouvert aux environs de Wiiickel (massif Jurassique de Ferrette). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 805-807. Note sur le remplissage des poches et fissures des calcaires Jurassiques du massif de Ferrette par des sables quartzeux. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 25, 1897, 1028-1030. Bleicher, [Marie] G[^istave], Fliche, Faul, & BXieg, Mathieu. See Fliche, Bleicher & Slieg. Bleicher, [Marie] G[ustave], DXieg, Mathieu, & Fliche, Faul. See IfXieg, Bleicher & Fliche. BleichBteiner, Anton. Replanting teeth. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 243-245. Bleichsteiixer, Ferd. Ueber Magnesit. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 40, 1892, 355-358. Die Schmiermittel unserer Mechanismen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 42, 1894, 387-389. Bleier, Leopold. Bildung secundarer Basen aus Aethylen- diamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 1825-1830. Bleier, Otto. Ueber Gasbiiretten mit automatischer Ab- messung fiir leicht- und schwerlosliche Gase. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2423-2427. Ueber gasanalytische Apparate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 260-265, 1761-1762; 30, 1897, 697-701, 1210-1211, 1269. Ueber vier neue Methoden der Gasabmessung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 2753-2759. Eine neue Methode der absoluten Gasmessung (Messen des reducirten Gasvolums). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 3123-3131; 31, 1898, 2513. Ueber eine zweckmassige Form von Chlorcalcium- rohren. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 854. Eine neue Messpipette. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 1028, Ueber gasometrische Apparate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 236-239. Ueber neue Messpipetten und Messbiiretten. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 59-60, Eine neu^ Methode zum Messen der Fliissigkeiten, Chem, Ztg., 22, 1898, 298-299, 376. Ein Apparat fiir exacte Gasanalysen. Chem, Ztg., 22, 1898, 776-777, Ein tragbarer Apparat fiir hygienische Luftanalysen (Kohlensaurebestimmung), Ztschr, Hyg., 27, 1898, 111- 115. Ueber die Dampfdichte des Schwefels unterhalb seines Siedepunktes. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 140-142, Bleier, Otto, & Kohn, Leopold. Ueber ein allgemein ver- wendbares Verfahren der Dampfdichtebestimmung unter beliebigem Drucke, Wien, Ak, Sber,, 108, 1899 (Abth. 2b), 239-272, 619-635; Mhefte. Chem,, 1899, 505-533, 909- 925. Ueber die Dampfdichte des Schwefels, Vorlaufige Mittheilung, Berlin, Chem, Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 50-51. Ueber die Moleculargrosse und Dampfdichte des Schwefels, Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 2b), 455- 500; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 575-620, Bleile, A[lbert] M[artin]. The urine in epilepsy, N, Y, Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 621-625. Bleisch, Ma.x. Die Aufgaben und die Organisation einer obligatorischen Fleischbeschau unter Beriicksichtigung der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und der Rechtsprechung, Arch, Wiss, Prakt, Thierheilk., 17, 1891, 305-339, 427- 447. Beitrag zur bakteriologischen Differenzialdiagnose der Cholera. Ztschr. Hyg., 13, 1893, 31-37, Ueber bittere Milch und die Sterilisirung der Milch durch Erhitzen unter Luftabschluss, Ztschr, Hyg,, 13, 1893, 81-100, Bleisch] 606 Ueber einige Fehlerquellen bei Anstellung der Cbolera- rotbreaction und ihre Verraeidung. Ztschr. Hyg., 14, 1893, 103-115. Ein Apparat zur Gewinnung klaren Agars obne l>. Blumer, A[rthur], & Curtius, Theodor. See Curtius & Blumer. Blumer, Elsaias], & Onehm, Rloberf]. See Onehm & Blumer. Blumer, George, & I.artigan, August Jerome. A report of three cases of ascending urinary infection due to the Bacillus pyocyaneus and the Proteus vulgaris. N. Y Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 495-500. Blumer, George, & Thayer, William Sydney. See Thayer & Blumer. Blumer, S. Eine geologische Beobachtung am Siidostfuss des Glarnisch. [1900.] EclogsB Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899- 1900, 348-350. Blumer-Zweifel, P. Was ist Fohn ? Eine alpin-meteoro- logiscbe Studie. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 30, 1896, 320-337. Blumgrund, E. Historisches iiber den Kehlkopfspiegel. Centrztg. Optik, 20, 1899, 32-34. Blumreich, Ludwig. Syncytiale Wanderzellen und Syn- cytioma malignum. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, lis99, 133-150. Blimu:eich, Ludivig, & Jacoby, Martin. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Schilddriise und ihrer Nebendriisen fiir den Organismus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 1-52. Ueber die Bedeutung der Milz bei kiinstlichen und natiirlichen Infectionen. Ztschr. Hyg., 29, 1898, 419-453. Blumrich, Jos[ef'\. Calcitkrystalle aus Vorarlberg. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1*2, 1891, 170-172. Das Integument der Chitonen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 404-476. Ueber die sogenannte Sanduhrform der Augite. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 239-255. Einige Minerale vom Kalkberge bei Raspenau (Nord- bohmen). [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 257-258. Die Phonolithe des Friedlander Bezirkes in Nord- bohmen. [1893.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 13, 1892, 465-495. Blumstein, J[eruchim^, & Kostanecki, Stan[isiaici]. Ueber das 2, 3'-Dioxyflavon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1478-1483, 4192. BlundeU. See VTeld-Blundell. Blundstone, Edwin Richardson. On the occurrence of glycogen as a constituent of the vesicular cells of the connective tissue of molluscs. Roy. See. Proc, 38, 1886, 442-445. Blunno, M. On the colouring matters of wines. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1898, 272-273. Blunt, Thomas P[orter]. Specific gravity of crystalline strychnine. Pharm. Jl., 17, 1887, 62. Determining the fixed acids in butters and margarines. Analyst, 13, 1888, 110-111. The life-history of a myxomycete. Midland Natlist., 11, 1888, 269-272. Note on a volumetric process for the assay of ipecacuanha wine. [1889.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1889, 397-398 ; Pharm. Jl., 20, 1890, 254. An attempt to determine " emetine " by alkalimetric titration. Pharm. Jl., 20, 1890, 809. Note on Tabarie's process for the indirect determina- tion of alcohol. Analyst, 16, 1891, 221-222. The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by leguminous plants. Midland Natlist., 15, 1892, 255-257- Note on ginger. Analyst, 21, 1896, 309-310. Blutel, E[mile Maxime]. Sur les surfaces enveloppes de cones du second degr6, dans le cas ou chaque cone touche son enveloppe suivant un cercle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 687-689. Sur les trajectoires orthogonales d'une famille de coniques. Bull, Sci. Math., 13, 1889, 255-257. Recherches sur les surfaces qui sont en meme temps lieux de coniques et enveloppes de cones du second degre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 496-498; Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 155-216. Sur les fonctions rationnelles des racines d'une equation entiere. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 20, 1892, 92-96, Sur les surfaces qui admettent un systeme de lignes de courbure sph^riques et qui ont mSme representation spherique pour leurs lignes de courbure, Paris, Ac, Sci, C, R., 116, 1893, 249-250. Sur les surfaces admettant des cubiques gauches pour lignes asymptotiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 722, Blutel] 619 LBlytt I Sur les surfaces a lignes de courbure sph^riques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 301-303. Sur les lignes de courbure de certaines surfaces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. 11., 128, 1899, 289-291, 721-723. Bluzet, {It.) li. La region de Tombouctou. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., IG, 1896, 374-388. Blyth, A[lexaHder] Wynter. A new test for lead. Analyst, 9, 1884, 41. A method of determining organic nitrogen in liquids. Analyst, 9, 1884, 115-116, Experiments on the chief disinfectants of commerce, with a view of ascertaining their power of destroying the spores of the anthrax bacillus. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 633-642. Ob.servations on the ingesta and egesta of Mr. Edward Payson Weston during his walk of 5,000 miles in 100 days. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 46-55. The distribution and significance of micro-organisms in water. [1885.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 485-493. Studies of disinfectants by new methods. [1885.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 39, 1886, 259-276. Experiments with the lactocrite. [1886.] Analyst, 12, 1887, 34. The distribution of lead in the brains of two factory operatives dying suddenly. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 71. Experiments on the nutritive value of wheat meal. Roy. Soc. Proc, 45, 1889, 549-553. The identification and estimation of carbohydrates in milk. Analyst, 20, 1895, 121-126. Estimation of boric acid mainly by physical processes. Chem. Soc. Jl., 75, 1899 (Pt. 2), 722-725. The ultra-violet absorption spectrum of proteids in relation to tyrosine. Chem. Soc. JL, 75, 1899 (Pt. 2), 1162-1166. The estimation of nitrites and nitrates by means of ferrous chloride. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 50. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of albuminoids in relation to that of tyrosin. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 175-176. Slyth., Allexander] Wynter, & Bobertson, G{eorge] Hlenry']. Notes of experiments on butter fat. Chem. Soc. Proc, 5, 1889, 5. Blyth, David. Notes on the traditions and customs of the natives of Fiji in relation to conception, pregnancy, and parturition. Glasgow Med. JL, 28, 1887, 176-186. Bljrtli, Edward. Three unpublished papers on ornithology. [1. On the Certhiidae. 2. On the Capitonidse. 3. On the Cypselidse.] Zoologist, 8, 1884, 201-211, 247-264, 300-327. Blyth, James. Note on a new form of galvanometer. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 12, 1884, 594-596. Endless solenoid galvanometer and voltmeter. Glas- gow Phil. Soc Proc, 15, 1884, 187-190. On a new form of galvanometer. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 939-940. On a new form of current-weigher for the absolute determination of the strength of an electric current. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 521-523. Exliibition and description of Miller's portable torsion magnetic meter. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 556. The absolute determination of the strength of an electric current by means of the balance. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 650-654. On a new form of galvanometer. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 17, 1886, 204-205. *0n the practical measurement of electric currents and electromotive forces. [1883.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 11, 1887, 60-70. On a new form of current-weigher. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 511-512 ; Electrician, 23, 1889, 549. [A combined windmill and dynamo.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 315. [An experiment in self-induction,] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 315. On the application of wind power to the production of electric currents. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 173-181. Blyth, r. ii. Bismuth oxy-iodide. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 200. Bl3rth, Vincent J. On the thermal conductivity of sub- stances of very low conductivity. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc. , 31, 1900, 139-144. Blyth, Vincent J., Gray, Andrew, & Dunlop, James S. See Oray, Blyth & Dunlop. Blythe, G. W. On a cyanide of arsenic Chem. News, 57, 1888, 245. Blythe, W[illiam\ Hl^enr^j]. On the construction of a model of 27 straight lines upon a cubic surface. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1895, 241-248. On the forms of cubic surfaces containing 27 real straight lines. [1895.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 9, 1898, 6-11. On the construction of models of cubic surfaces. Quart. Jl. Math., 29, 1898, 206-223. Blythe, W. T. [Sea water temperatures at Atlantic City, N. J.] [1892.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 9 (1892-93), 291, 371-372. Blythswood, Archibald Campbell Campbell {Lord). On the Rontgen X rays, or the new photography. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 160-161. The new actinic rays. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 340. On the reflection of Rontgen light from polished speculum -metal mirrors. Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 330-332. Blythswood, Archibald Campbell Campbell (Lord), & Marchant, E. W. The echelon spectroscope ; with application to investigate the behaviour of the chief lines in the mercury spectrum under the influence of a magnetic field. Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 384-403, 503. The absorption of Rontgen rays by aqueous solutions of metallic salts. Roy. Soc. Proc, 65, 1900, 413-428. Blytt, Axel {Gudbrand}. For biography and list of works see Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 40, 1898, civ-cv ; Leo- poldina, 34, 1898, 126-127; Rev. Bryol., 25, 1898, 103; Deutsch, Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, (225)-(230). To reference in No. 14 (Vol. 9) add Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 225-227. Om den sandsynlige arsag til den period iske aendring af havstr0mmenes styrke. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 9, 1884, 23-39; Biol. CentrbL, 4, 1886, 33-48. Nye bidrag til kundskaben om karplanternes udbredelse i Norge. Christiania Forh., 1886, No. 7, 33 pp. ; 1892, No. 3, 73 pp. ; 1897, No. 2, 40 pp. ; Bot. CentrbL, 54, 1893, 54 [Part only]. On variations of climate in the course of time. Christiania Forh., 1886, No. 8, 24 pp.; Nature, 34, 1886, 220-223, 239-242. Om planternes udbredelse. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 89-100; Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 195-202. The probable cause of the displacement of beach-lines. An attempt to compute geological epochs. Christiania Forh., 1889, No. 1, 92 pp. [Om den geologiske tidsregning.] Christiania Forh., 1889 (Overs.), 4-6. Til forsvar for [bans] fors^t^g pa en geologisk tidsreg- ning. Arch. Math. Naturvid., 14, 1890, 196-219 ; Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 12, 1890, 35-57, viii. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. ii. Asco- myceter fra Dovre, samlede af A. Blytt, E. Rostrup m. fl., bestemte af E. Rostrup. Christiania Forh., 1891, No. d, 14 pp.; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1892, 12-14. On some calcareous tufas in Norway. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 714-716. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. iii. Myxomyceter. Christiania Forh., 1892, No. 2, 13 pp. 78—2 Blytt] Ora to kalktufdannelser i Gudbrandsdalen med be- mffirkninger om vore fjelddales postglaciale geologi. Christiania Forh., 1892, No. 4, 50 pp.; Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 16, 1893 (Beibl. No. 36, 1-41). Om de fytogeografiske og fytopalasontologiske grunde forat antage klimatvexliuger under kvarttertiden. Chris- tiania Forh., 1893, No. 5, 52 pp.; Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 52-55. Zur Geschichte der nordeuropaischen, besonders der norwegischen Flora. Engler, Bot. Jbuch., 17, 1893 (Beibl. No. 41, 1-30). Skrivelse i anledning af G. Andersson opsats om kvartaere klimatvexlinger i Geol. Fiiren. Forh. Bd. 14, p. 609 ff. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 15, 1893, 71-72. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. _iv. Peronosporaceae, Chytridiaceffi, Protomycetacese, Ustila- gineffi, Uredinese. Christiania Forh., 1896, No. 6, 75 pp. ; Bot. Centrbl., 67, 1896, 231-232. B6, (It.) [3Iarie Jules Albert]. Note sur le passage d'une trombe, le 17 novembre 1898, dans la baie Sans-Nom, a Bizerte. [1898.] Ann. Hydrogr., 20, 1899, 60-64. Boa, Feter. Note on the assay of scammony. [1890.] Pharm. Jl., 21, 1891, 476-477. Boam, F. W. The rapid estimation of arsenic. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 219. A simple gas generator. Chem. News, 61, 1890, 244- 245. Cornish mines and minerals. [1892.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 513-515. Boas, Franz. A journey in Cumberland Sound and on the west shore of Davis Strait in 1883 and 1884. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 16 (1884), 242-272. E«ise im Baffinlaude 1883 und 1884. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 12, 1885, 288-297. Die Eskimos des Baffinlandes. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1886, 101-112. Bemerkungen zur Topographie der Hudsonbai und Hudsonstrasse. Petermann, Mitth., 31, 1885, 424-426. Baffin-Land. Geographische Ergebnisse einer in den Jahren 1883 und 1884 ausgefiihrten Forschungsreise. Petermann, Mitth., 31, 1885 (Ergdnzungsh. 80, 100 pp.). The configuration of Grinnell Land and EUesmere Land. Science, 5, 1885, 170-171. The central Eskimo. Smithsonian Inst, Bur. Ethnol. Bep., 1884-85, 399-669. A year among the Eskimo. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 19 (1887), 383-402. The formation and dissipation of sea-water ice. Science, 10, 1887, 118-119. Ueber die Vancouver- Stamme. Ztschr. Ethnol., 19, 1887. (64)-(66). The development of the civilization of north-west America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 326. Meteorologische Beobachtungen im Cumberland- Sunde. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 241-262. The geography and geology of Baffin Land. Canada Eoy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 4), 75-78. [Geographische Erforschungen in] Nordamerika. (1876-[89].) Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 73-104, 235- 237; 14, 1891, 108-122, 143-144. [Indian skulls from British Columbia.] [With dis- cussion.] [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-89, 4-6. Die Eisverhaltnisse des siidostlichen Teiles von Baffin- Land. Petermann, Mitth., 34, 1888, 296-298. A critique of psycho-physic methods. Science, 11, 1888, 119-120. Die Tsimschian. Ztschr. Ethnol., 20, 1888, 231- 247. Ueber seine Eeisen in Britisch-Columbien, Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 16, 1889, 257-268. • First [ — sixth] repoit on the Indians of British Columbia. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 801-900; 1890, 562- 715 ; 1891, 408-449 ; 1895, 523-592 ; 1896, 569-591. 620 [Boas Ueber die Schadelformen von Vancouver Island. Ztschr. Ethnol., 22, 1890, (29)-(31). Mixed races. Science, 17, 1891, 179. Reise an die pacifische Kiiste. Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (158)-(160). The growth of children. Science, 19, 1892, 256-257, 281-282 ; 20, 1892, 351-352 ; 5, 1897, 570-573. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect., Aug. 1894]. Human faculty as determined by race. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 301-327. The Indian tribes of the lower Eraser river. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 454-463. Anthropometrical observations on the Mission Indians of southern California. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1895, 261-269. Zur Ethnologic von Britisch-Columbien. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 22, 1895, 26-5-270. Remarks on a skull from British Columbia. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1896 (Sect. 2), 122. Dr. William Townsend Poktf;r's Untersuchungen iiber das Wachsthum der Kinder von St. Louis. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1895, 40-46; Science, 1, 1896, 225-230. The growth of first-born children. Science, 1, 1895, 402-404. Die Beziehungen des Langenbreitenindex zum Langen- hohenindex an Schadeln. Ztschr. Ethnol., 27, 1895, (304). Zur Anthropologie der nordamerikanischen Indianer. Ztschr. Ethnol., 27, 1895, (366)-(411), (416). The Indians of British Columbia. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 28 (1896), 229-243. The form of the head as influenced by growth. Science, 4, 1896, 50-51. The limitations of the comparative method of anthro- pology. Science, 4, 1896, 901-908. [An ethnological survey of Canada. First report of the Committee.] Appendix i. The growth of Toronto children. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 443-449. A precise criterion of species. Science, 7, 1898, 860- 861. Some recent criticisms of physical anthropology. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 145. Boas, Franz, & Farrand, Livingston. The north-western tribes of Canada. Twelfth report of the Committee . . . ap- pointed to investigate the physical characters, languages, and industrial and social conditions of the north-western tribes of the Dominion of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 628-688. Boas, H[ans]. Die Anwendung der Irisblendung zu photo- graphischen Verschliissen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 15, 1895, 443-447. Neue Rohrenform zur Photographie mit Rontgen'sclien Strahlen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 16, 1896, 117-119. Selbstthatige Quecksilberfallpumpe. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 16, 1896, 146-151. Ein Polarisationsphotometer zur Messung der Con- trastintensitat der Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1899, 242-244. - Verfahren und Apparate zur Erzeugung stereoskopischer Rontgenbilder auf dem Leuchtsehirm. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1900, 45-52. Eine Bemerkung zur Wirkung der Sprengel'schen Quecksilberluftpumpe. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verh., 1900, 246-24«. Boas, I[smar]. Ueber das Labferment im gesunden und kranken Magen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 25, 1887, 417- 420. Eeagentien zum Nachweis freier Sauren im Magenin- halt. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 27, 1888, 425-427. Ueber das Vorkommen und die diagnostiscbe Bedeutung der Milchsaure im Mageninhalt. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 (Th. 2, Halfte 2), 26-28. Ueber Gastritis acida. [1894.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 45, 1895, 5-8, 68-71, 224. BoasJ 621 [Boberski Ueber Amobenenteritis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 637-638. Suir importanza dei nervini nella nutrizione dei malati. [IV.] [1898.] Ann. di Farm, e Chilh., [1899], 36-39. Boas, I[gmar], & Ewald, Carl A[nton]. See Ewald & Boas. Boas, Jlohan] Elrik] V[esti]. *Bidrag til opfattelsen af polydaktyli hos pattedyrene. Kjj^ibenh. Vid. Medd., 1883, 1-16; Morphol. Jbucb., 10, 1885, 182-184. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Nagel, Krallen, Hufe und Klauen der Saugethiere. Morpbol. Jbuch., 9, 1884, 389-400. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber einige gymnosomen Pteropoden (Spongiobranchsea, D'Orb., Dexiobrancbsea, n.g., Cliopsis, Tr.). Zool. Anz., 8, 1885, 687-691. Spolia atlantica. Bidrag til Pteropodernes niorfologi og systeraatik samt til kundskaben om deres geografiske udbredelse. [1886.] Kj«benb., Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 4, 1886-88, 1-177, (lies. 178-231). Bemerkungen iiber Apseudes. Zur Abwehr gegen Prof. Claws. Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 112-116. Zur Systematik und Biologie der Pteropoden. Zool. Jbiich., 1, 1886, 311-340. Kleinere carcinologische Mittheilungen. [1886-89.] Zool. Jbiich., 2, 1887, 109-116; Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 4, 1889, 793-805. Ueber die Arterienbogen der Wirbelthiere. [1887.] Morphol. Jbuch., 13, 1888, 115-118. Om den forskjellige udvikling hos salt- og ferskvands- formen af Palaemonetes variaus. Kjjrfbenh. Vid. Medd., 1889, 48-56. Bidrag til kundskaben om hermaphroditisme hos raavildtet ("raaer med opsats"). Kj^benh. Vid. Medd., 1890, 1-23. Zur Morphologie des Magens der Cameliden und der Traguliden, und iiber die systematische Stellung letzei'er Abtheilung. Morphol. Jbuch., 16, 1890, 494-524. Ueber den Metatarsus der Wiederkauer. Morphol. Jbuch., 16, 1890, 525-529. Ein Fall von vollstandiger Ausbildung des 2. und 5. Metacarpale beim Kind. Morphol. Jbuch., 16, 1890, 530-533. Zur Morphologie der Begattungsorgane der amnioten Wirbelthiere. Morphol. Jbuch., 17, 1891, 271-287. Organe copulateur et accouplement du hanneton. Rjobenh., Overs., 1892, 239-261. Om en fluelarve, der snylter i oldenborrelarver. [1893.] Ent. Medd. (KjiAenh.), 4, 1893-94, 130-136. Ueber die Stigmen der Melolontha-Larve. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 389-391. Zur Morphologie der Wirbelthierkralle. Morphol. Jbuch., 21, 1894, 281-311. Om Peripatus' stilling i dyreriget. Kjobenh., Overs., 1898, 345-365 ; Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 619-620. Ueber die Mittelkralle der Vogel. Morphol. Jbuch., 26, 1898, 74-80. Nogle bemaerkninger om insekternes metamorphose. Kjiibenh., Overs., 1899, 273-291; Zool. Jbuch. (SysL), 12, 1899, 385-402. Ueber einen Fall von Brutpflege bei einem Bockkafer. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 13, 1900, 247-258. Bobeck, O. Klivometern. Stockh. Geol. For. Forh., 20, 1898, 291-294 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 35. Bobek, K[asimir]. Przyczynek do fauny much6wek tatrzariskich. [Contributions to the Diptera-fauna of the Tatra.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 25, 1890 (Cz. 2), (218)-(242). Przyczynek do fauny much6wek Krakowskiego okr^gu. [Beitrag zur Keiintnis der Dipteren-Fauna des Krakauer Kreises.] Krnkow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 28, 1893 (Cz. 2), 8-28; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1894, 45-46. Przyczynek do fauny muchowek okolicy PrzemySla. von algebraischen [1885.] Wien, Ak. [1886.] Wien, Ak. [Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fatma der Umgebung von Przemysl.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 29, 1894 (Cz. 2), 142-167; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1896, 50. Przyczynek do fauny muchowek Podola galicyjskiego i okolicy Lwowa. [Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna des ga- lizischen Podoliens und der Umgebung von Lemberg.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 32, 1897 (Cz. 2), 79-96; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 34. Bobek, Karel [Josef]. For biography and list of works see Mhefte. Math. Phys., 11, 1900, 97-101. *0 geometrickem mistu bodu obratu kfivek svazku. [Ueber den geometrischen Ort der Inflexionspunkte eines Curvenbiischels.] Casopis, 11, 1882, 283-284; Fortschr. Math., 1882, 580. *Uvod do theorie kfivek ti-etiho stupne na zaklade funkci elliptick^ch. [Einleitung in die Theorie der Curven dritter prdnung auf Grundlage der elliptischen Functionen.] Casopis, 12, 1883, 1-24; Fortschr. Math., 1883, 407. Ueber Flachen vierter Ordnung mit einem Doppel- kegelschnitte. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1886 (Abth. 2), 923-953, 1168-1185. Ueber projectivische Erzeugung von Curven. Math. Ann., 25, 1885, 448-458. Ueber gewisse eindeutige involutorische Transforma- tionen der Ebene. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Abth. 2), 476-518. Ueber involutorische Cremona-Transformationen der 14ten mj(j iiten Ordnuug und hyperelliptische Curven 3?( + l'«f und 3h + 2'" Ordnung. [1885.] Prag, Abh., 1, 1886, No. 1, 27-47. Ueber das Maximalgeschlecht Raumcurven gegebener Ordnung. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 13-27. Ueber hyperelliptische Curven. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 601-617; 94, 1887 (Abth. 2), 861-873; 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 31-41. Ueber das verallgemeinerte Correspondenzprincip. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93, 1886 (Abth. 2), 899-911. Ueber hyperelliptische Curven. Math. Ann., 29, 1887, 386-412. Ueber Curven vierter Ordnung vom Geschlechte zwei, ihre Systeme beriihrender Kegelschnitte und Doppel- tangenten. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 53, 1887 (Abth. 2), 119-154. Ueber Raumcurven m-ter Ordnung mit (m-2)-fachen Secanten. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 (Abth. 2), 349-354. Zur Classification der Flachen dritter Ordnung. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 355-386. Ueber das Maximalgeschlecht von windschiefen Flachen gegebener Ordnung. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 1024-1027. Ueber die Steiner'schen Mittelpunktscurven. [1888- 89.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2a), 5-27, 394- 418, 526-535. Ueber Dreischaarcurven. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 2a), 141-172. Die Brennpuuktscurve des Kegelschnittsbiischels. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 3, 1892, 309-317. Die Invarianten der allgemeinen Flache dritter Ord- nung. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 2a), 887-890. Ueber die Invarianten der Flachen dritter Ordnung. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 8, 1897, 145-169. Ueber Flachen dritter Ordnung, welche CoUineationen in sich zulassen. Mhefte. Math. Phys., 10, 1899, 122- 181, 307-337. Boberski, Wiadysiaw. Przyczynek do lichenologicznej flory Oalicyi.... [Contributions 1, 3 and 4 to the lichen- flora of Galicia.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 19 1886 (Cz. 2), (183)-(204); 23, 1889 (Cz. 2), 36-49; 27, 1892 (Cz. 2), {157)-(169) ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1893, 45 [Part 4 only]. Drugi przyczynek do tiory lichenologicznej w Galicyi. Boberski] 622 [Bocage [Second contribution to the lichenological flora in Gallcia.] Kosmos (Lwow), 10, 1886, 68-75. Przyczynek do lichenologii Pienin. [Contributions to tlie lichenoiogy of the Pieniny Mts.] Krakow Kora. Fizyogr. Spraw., 20, 1886 [Cz. 2), (162)-(170); 22, 1888 [Cz. 2), 60-70. Systematische Uebersicht der Flechten Galiziens. Zusammengestellt auf Grundlage eigener und fremder Forschungen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 (Ahh.), 243-286. Bobillier, Eujenio. *Monografia de la fiebre amarilla desarroUada en Tacna (Peru) en 1869. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 33, 1869, 209-219. B6bita, Endre. Nagy j^gzapor Kassjin. [Large hailstones at Kaschau.] Termt. Kozlon., 26, 1894, 388-390. Bobo, . *[Notes m^teorologiques.] Cap Caxine (en- virons d'Alger). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Me- t^orol., 7, 1874, Ft. 2, 90, 100, 108, 117-118; 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 16, 39-40, 65, 86-87, 121, 198, 224-225, 287, 316- 317 ; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 18, 76, 108, 142-143, 174-175, 206, 237, 262-263, 290, 313-314, 331. Bobo, , BXarchal, , Prat, , & Vilmain, . *[Note8 m^t^orologiques.] Cap Caxine (environs d'Alger). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1876, Pt. 2, 145-146, 171, 253-254 ; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 45. Bobone, . La cocaine en ophtalmologie. Ann. d'Oculist., 92, 1884, 228-258. B6brik, A. von. Die Vogelzugsverhaltnisse in Istrien und Dahnatien. Schwalbe, 2, 1900-01, 164-167. Bobrinskoj, (comtesse) Nadejda. Determination de I'or- bite de la Comete 1890 VI. [1893.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci., Bull., 36, [1894], 227-246. Etude sur I'amas stellaire C. G. 4294 = M. 92. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 3, 1896, 163-172. Eph^m^ride de la planete (147) Protogeneia, St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 1-2. Bobritzky, Constantin. Zur Kenntniss des Baues, der Entwickelung und der regressiven Metamorphose der Fettzellen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1886, 753-755. Ueber die Entwickelung der Capillargefasse. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 23, 1886, 769-771. Boby, William. The Meldrum self-contained dust-fuel furnace. Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 3, 1892, 250- 256. Bobylev, D[mitrij] K[onstanti7iovii!]. Sur les figures gyroscopiques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1884, 134- 138. BocnpoH3Be;i;eHie nHTHTHnoB'b kphehx-bjuihIh, BHiepiHBaeMHxi. ToiKaMii ocH CHMMerpiii Bpa- maioiuarocfl MaaiHHKa. [Graphische Erzeugung von fiinf gyroskopischen Curven-Typen.] Eusa. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Phys.), 1884, 136-139; Fortschr. Phys., 1884 (Abth. 1), 264-265. Ueber die relative Bewegung eines Punktes in einem in continuirlicher Deformation begriffenen Medium. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 30, 1886, 336-344. 0 jiiBHHeHiH noBepxHOCTH, npHKacaK)iu,e&cfl KT. ji;pyroH noBepxHocxH Heno;i,BH3KHoft. [Ueber die Bewegung einer Oberflache, welche eine andere ruhende Oberflache beriihrt.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rtm.), 55, 1887, 97-121; Fortschr. Phys , 1887 [Abth. 1), 286-287. 0 nepeMiH-fe Koopji,HHaTT, bt. j;H(J)(|)epeHuiaji- bHHXT, ypaBHeniflXT. ;i;ilHaMHKH. [Ueber die Trans- formation der Coordinaten in den Differentialgleichungen der Dynamik.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci, Mem. (Russ.), 58, lS8S{Suppl.),No. 3, 21 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (Abth.l) 207. J > \ I, O^Ha 3a;ta4a MexaHHim ciicTeMij MaTepMjL- HHX-B TGieKl.. [Eine Aufgabe der Dynamik eines Systems materieller Punkte.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 1, 1889, 129-138; Fortschr. Phys., 1888 (Ahth. Vj, 211. 0 Ha^ajit) FAMirjiiiTOHa hjiii OcTPorPA,i,oKaro H 0 Ha^ajif. HaMMeHbinaro ;;t.iicTBifl JiArPAHata. [Ueber das Princip von Hamilton oder Ostrogradsky und liber das Princip der kleinsten Wirkung von Lagrange.] [1889.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 61, 1890 (Append. No. 5), 95 pp. ; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 (Abth. 1), 254. 0 KaxaHiH no ropiraonTaJibHofi njiocKOCTii iiojiaro iiiapa, Buyrpii KOioparo BcraBjieHi. rnpo- CKOn'I.. [Mouvement d'une sphere creuse, contenant un gyroscope en rotation et roulant sur un plan hori- zontal.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Phys.), 1892, 14-15; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 439. 0 map's cb riipocKonoM'B BHyTpii, KaxameMca no ropH30HTaji£Hon iiJiocKOCTii deal. CKOJiBiKeHia. [Kugel, die ein Gyroskop einschliesst und auf einer Horizontalebene roUt, ohne dabei zu gleiten.] [1892.] Eec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 544-581; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 (Abth. 1), 247. 06i oji,HOM'b yacTHOM'fc piiiieHiH ;i,H(J)(|)epeH- uiajbHHX'b ypaBHenift spameHiH Tiiatejiaro TBep- ;;aro lijia BOKpyn Heiioj^BiiJEHoR tohkii. [Ueber eine particulare Losung der Differentialgleichungen der Rotation eines schweren, starren Korpers um einen festen Punkt.] [1893.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 92 (No. 2), 1896, 21-25; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 839. 0 ciiMMeTpiiiHHX'b iiapajiJie.iorpaMMax'B Hebh- lIIEBa. [On Cebysev's symmetrical parallelograms.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 85-91. Bobynin, Vliktor] V[iktorovic], De I'etude sur I'histoire des mathematiques en Russia. Bibl. Math., 1888, 103- 110. Quelques mots sur I'histoire des connaissances mathe- matiques anterieures k la science. Bibl. Math., 1889, 104-108. Sur le proc^de employe dans le papyrus de Rhind pour r^duire les fractions en quantiemes. Bibl. Math., 1890, 109-112. Programme du cours de I'histoire des mathematiques a rUniversite de Moskwa. Bibl. Math., 1891, 79-88. Sur I'ffiuvre des Grecs dans le developpement des mathematiques. Bibl. Math., 1892, 1-2. Progr^s successifs des sciences mathematiques chez les peuples de I'Europe. Bibl. Math., 1892, 110-114. Sur la propagation des signes numeriques cuneiformes. Bibl. Math., 1893, 18-20. Sur les methodes primitives qui ont servi a resoudre des questions arithmetiques. Bibl. Math., 1894, 55-60. Esquisse de I'histoire du calcul fractionnaire. Bibl. Math., 1896, 97-101. Extraction des racines carrees dans la Gr^ce antique. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 41, 1896 (Hist.-lit. Abth.), 193- 211. La marche successive dans la fusion des notions de la fraction et du quotient. Bibl. Math., 1899, 81-85. L'enseignement mathematique en Russie. Aperpu historique. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 77-100. L'enseignement mathematique en Russie. ' Etat actuel. Enseignement primaire. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 420-446. Developpement des procedes servants k decomposer le quotient en quantiemes. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899 (Stippl), 1-13. Boca, Kdmond. La traction des tramways par machines k air comprime, syst^me L. Mekarski. Genie Civil, 5, 1884, 273-277. Bocage. See Barboza du Boeage. Bocande] 623 [Bochefontaine Boeand6, Bertrand, & Broutin, {capit.) . *Obser- vations uieteorologiqueB faites dans les traversees de Marseille k Goree, de Marseille a Pernambouc et de Pernambouc k Marseille. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 13, 1865, Ft. 1, 117-126. Boccaccini, Corrado. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869.] Kavenna. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 101. Meteore luminose. Bolide. [Colline del Bolognese, 4 settembre 1887.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 168. Prima nota sulla resistenza alia stagione e sulla precocity di alcune piante dei pressi di Cuneo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 414-417. Boccali, C. Direkte Widerstandsmessungen, ausgeftihrt am Lichtbogen sowie an Akkumulatoren wahrend ihrer Ladung und Entladung. Elektrotecbn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 51-52. Boccara, Vittorio [Emmanuele]. Metodo semplice per la rappresentazione materiale delle linee di forza di un campo elettrostatico. Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 406-408. Boccara, Vittorio [Evimanuele], & Oandolfi, A[rchimede]. Sulla velocity delle onde Hertziane nei mezzi dielettro- magnetici. (Verifica sperimentale della relazione Vi-KV.V\V'^=^l.) Nuovo Cimento, 8, 1898, 191-215. Boccara, Vittorio [Evimanuele], & Fandolfi, ]\I[ario]. Sul potere induttore specifico dei mezzi dielettro-magnetici costituiti da ferro e paraffina. Nuovo Cimento, 9, 1899, 254-259. Boccard, G. di. Su di un ossido di manganese idrato degli Enganei. Riv. Min. Crist., 4, 1889, 5-5-58. Boccardi, Giovanni [Battista]. Observation d'un bolide. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 415^16. Elements et ephem^ride de la plan^te (416) (CS 1896), calcules k I'Observatoire du Vatican, k Rome. Bull. Astr. , 14, 1897, 308-811. Elements et ephem^ride de la plan^te (416) Vaticana pour la IIP opposition. Bull. Astr., 1-5, 1898, 311-316. Suir orbita del pianeta (416) Vaticana. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, 1898, 29-59. Elements et ephemerides des planetes (366) Vincentina et (347) Pariana. Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 143-155. Elementi del pianeta (416) Vaticana e sua effemeride pel 1900 (IV opposizione). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 189- 192. Elementi ed effemeride del pianeta (347) Pariana per la prossima opposizione. Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 363- 368, Etude sur la variation de la latitude. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 129-134. Etude sur la variation de la latitude k Tobservatoire de Teramo (Italic). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 307-309. Di alcuni diagrammi astrouomici. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 29, 1901, 175-182. Boccardi, Giuseppe. Sulla fisio-patologiade' vasi sanguigni. Napoli, Rend., 23, 1884, 125. Ricerche suUo sviluppo dei corpuscoli del sangue negli uccelli. Napoli Rend., 25, 1886, 58-64. Sopra un processo per lo studio della cariocinesi nel sangue. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 129-130. Nuove ricerche sui process! rigenerativi nell' intestine. Napoli, Rend., 27, 1888, 134-145. Sur les alterations anatomiques consecutives a I'ex- portation du pancreas chez les chiens. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 50-68. Boccardi, Giuseppe, Malerba, Fasquale, & Jappelli, Gaetano. See OXalerba, Boccardi & Jappelli. Boccardi, Giuseppe, Manfiredi, Luigi, & Jappelli, Gaetano. See Blanfiredi, Boccardi & Jappelli. Bocclii, 0. Sul monoclorotimol e sul diclorocimene. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1896, Ft. 2), 403-406. Azione del bromolormio e chloroformio sopra alcuni pirroli. [1899.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 30 (1900, Ft. 1), 89-96. Boccbiola, Ernesto. Ricerche chimiche sulla radice di Colombo. Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 188-199. Bocci, Balduino. Sensible und motorische Nerven und ihre chemische Reaction. [1889.] Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 1-11. Das Kochsalz und die secundare Zuckung. [1889.] Untersuch. Nat.. 14, 1892, 12-15. • Die Nervenzellen als Centrum der Energie. [1889.] Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 16-18. Die Localisation des Hautgefiihls in ilirem Verhaltniss zu den sensitiven Wurzeln des Riickenmarks. [1889.] Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 19-22. Eine neue Vorrichtung zur Gewinnung des MatJen- saftes beim Menschen : der Saurefischer. Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 437-448. Contribute alia legge di Bell e Magendie circa le radici sensitive spinali. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, Fisiol.), 66-68. Bocci, Balduino, & Moscucci, A. La fonction diastasique dans la salive centrifug^e. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 72-76. Boccolari, Antonio, & Borsarl, Carlo. Della resistenza ed eccitabilit^ elettrica nella paralisi progressiva degli alienati e nella epilessifrenia. Ricerche sperimentali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 15, 1889, 106-110. Bochefontaine, [Louis Theodore]. For biographical notice see Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 378-379. *Note sur le deplacement des points du gyrus sigmoide, dont la faradisation agit sur la salivation, la circulation sanguine et les mouvements des membres. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 698-699. *Recherches experimentales pour servir k I'etude des lesions traumatiques de I'encephale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 {G. R.), 741-744. *Exp6riences pour servir k I'^tude des propridtes physiologiques de la pyridine. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 5-8. *Exp6riences relatives a Taction du sulfate de quinine sur la circulation sanguine. [1883] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (G. R.), 8-11. *Note sur quelques experiences relatives a I'^tude des effets physiologiques de la soude, de la potasse et leurs sels. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 80-83. Experience pour servir k I'^tude des ph^nom^nes determines chez I'homme par ringe.<5tion stomacale du liquide diarrheique du cholera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 845-846. Note sur un curare curarisant et produisant en mdme temps I'arret systolique du coeur. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 76-79. Contribution k I'etude de Taction du cuivre sur les personnes qui sont en contact permanent avec ce m^tal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 79-83. Action physiologique du poison des Mois. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 132-135. Note relative k quelques experiences sur la paralde- hyde. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 {C. R.), 157, Addition aux notes anterieures relatives a quelques proprietes du cuivre (temoignage de M. Lecrosniek). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 331-332. Action de Tacide salicylique sur la respiration chez Tanimal sain et particulierement chez Thomme atteint de fievre typhoide. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 412-415. Action de la cinchonidine et de la ciuchonine sur la circulation des mammiferes superieurs, au moment oil ces alcaloides produisent leurs effets convulsivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 425-428. Action physiologique des sues de Tarbre "xe" et de la liane "voi-voi" qui servent k la preparation des poisons des MoXs. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 645-548. Bochefontaine] 624 [Bochicchio Effets produits chez rhomme et les animaux par I'ingestion stomacale et I'injection hypodermique de cultures des microbes du liquide diarrh^ique du cholera. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 1148-1151. Experiences pour servir a I'etude des propri^tes physiologiques des dejections alvines de la dysenteric et du chol«4ra. Arch, de Physiol., 7, 1886, 1-32. Bochefontaine, \Louxs Theodore], & Blarcns, . *Action du platre et du charbon animal sur le serum du sang et le lait. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 120-121. Bochefontaine, [Louis Theodore], & (Echsner de Coninck, [Fran(;ois Williavi]. Action physiologique de I'hexahy- drure de /3-collidine, ou isocicutine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 100, 1885, 806-808; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 176-180. Bochefontaine, [Louis Theodore], & S6e, Germain. See See & Bochefontaine. Bochefontaine, [Lotiis Theodore], F6ris, Bazile, & DfXarcuB, . *Note sur un poison de Heches des Foulahs. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 35, 1884 {G. R.), 498-501. Bochenek, A[davi]. Kritisches iiber die neuen Capacitats- bestimmungsmethoden. Ztschr. Morphol. u. Anthrop., 2, 1900, 15&-166. 0 unerwieniu splotow naczyniowych mdzgu zaby. [Ueber die Nervenendigungen in den Plexus chorioidei des Frosches.] [1899.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 191-195 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 846-348. Drogi nerwowe przedm6zdza salamandry plamistej. [Die Nervenbahnen des Vorderhirns von Salamandra maculosa.] [1899.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 196-215; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 338- 346. 0 dojrzewaniu i zapJodnieniu jaja u slimaka Aplysia depilans. [Die Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von Aplysia depilans.] [1899.] Kr&kdw, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 19 [20], 1902, 69-91; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 266-274. Bdcher, Maxime. The meteorological labors of Dove, Redfield and Espy. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 1-13. On Bessel's functions of the second kind. [1892.] Ann. Math., 6 (1891-92), 85-90. On a nine-point conic. [1892.] Ann. Math., 6 (1891-92), 132, 178. On some applications of Bessel's functions with pure imaginary index. [1892.] Ann. Math!, 6 (1891-92), 137-160. Collineation as a mode of motion. N. Y. Math. Soc. Bull., 1, 1892, 225-231. On the differential equation Am + k^u = 0. Amer. Jl. Math., 15, 1893, 78-83. Some propositions concerning the geometric repre- sentation of imaginaries. [1893.] Ann. Math., 7 (1892- 93), 70-72. " Einige Satze iiber projective Spiegelung. Math. Ann., 43, 1893, 598-600. Gauss's third proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 1, 1895, 205-209. On Cauchy's theorem concerning complex integrals. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 2, 1896, 146-149. On certain methods of Sturm and their application to the roots of Bessel's functions. N. Y., Amer. Math Soc. Bull., 3, 1897, 205-213. The roots of polynomials which satisfy certain linear differential equations of the second order. [1897.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull, 4, 1898, 256-258. The theorems of oscillation of Sturm and Klein [1897-98.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898 295-313, 365-376; 5, 1899, 22-43. Notes on some points in the theory of linear [1898,] Ann. Math., 12 (1898- N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. differential equations. 99), 45-53. Note on Poisson's integral. Bull., 4, 1898, 424-426. On singular points of linear differential equations with real coefficients. [1898.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 5, 1899, 275-281. An elementary proof that Bessel's functions of the zero"' order have an infinite number of real roots. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 5, 1899, 385-388. Examples in the theory of functions. [1899.] Ann. Math., 1, 1900, 37-40. On Stuem's theorem of comparison. (Preliminary communication.) [1899.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 6, 1900, 96, 100. Some theorems concerning linear differential equations of the second order. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 6, 1900, 279-280. On regular singular points of linear differential equations of the second order whose coefficients are not necessarily analytic. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Trans., 1, 1900, 40-52, 507. Application of a method of ij'Alembert to the proof of Sturm's theorems of comparison. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Trans., 1, 1900, 414-420. On linear dependence of functions of one variable. [1900.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 7, 1901, 120-121, 234. Bochert, Alfred. Ueber die Transitivitatsgrenze der Sub- stitutionengruppen, welche die alteruirende ihres Grades nicht enthalten. Math. Ann., 29, 1887, 27-49 ; 33, 1889, 572-583. Ueber die Zahl der verschiedenen Wertlie, die eine Function gegebener Buchstaben durch Vertauschung derselben erlangen kann. Math. Ann., 33, 1889, 584- 590; 40, 1892, 157-175; 49, 1897, 113-132. Ueber die Classe der Iransitiven Substitutionen- gruppen. Math. Ann., 40, 1892, 176-193; 49, 1897, 133-144. Bochet, Adrien. Les installations ^lectriques. Eclairage Elect., 10 (1897), 385-393, 437-444, 484-495. Bochet, Leon. Memoire sur I'aerage des mines dans le houiller de la Ruhr ( Westphalie) . Ann. Mines, 10, 1886, 143-199. Etude sur le bassin houiller de Waldenburg (Basse- Sil^sie). Ann. Mines, 10, 1886, 221-253. Les automobiles a petrole. Essai de description metbodique g^nerale. Ann. Mines, 17, 1900, 5-109. Bochet, Leon, & Barrois, Charles. See Barrois & Bochet. Bochet, Leon, & X.ebreton, F. Note sur les cables a^riens ^tablis entre Vajda-Hunyad et Vadudobri (comitat d'Hunyad, Transylvanie). Ann. Mines, 9, 1886, 185- 206. Bochicchio, Nicola. Ueber eine neue, Bliihung der Kase erzeugende Hefeart. Bern Mitth., 1894, x-xii. Ueber einen Milchzucker vergarenden und Kasebla- hungen hervorrufenden neuen Hefepilz. Kurze Mittei- lung. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 546-552. Contribuzione alio studio delle fermentazioni casearie. [Sopra un nuovo lievito del lattosio che produce anche il gonfiamento dei formaggi a pasta cotta.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 339-356. Nuovo coutributo alio studio del gonfiamento dei latticini italiani (fermentazioni casearie anormali) : ri- cerche chimico-microbiologiche sul Lactomyces inflaus caseigrana, Boch. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894, 568-592. Contributo alio studio dell' alimentazione razionale del bestiame agrario : relazione all' on. Ministero deir Agricoltura. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 47-75. Contribuzione alio studio delle fermentazioni casearie: Bochicchio] 625 [Bockwoldt I ricerche chimico-microbiologiche sopra alcuni batterii del latte filante. [1895.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 339-368. Nuovo contributo all' alimentazione razionale del bestiame agrario : relazione all' on. Ministero dell' Agri- coltura [sui rimedi per attenuare e combattere la sicita e la conseguente penuria di foraggio]. [1895.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 386-399. Contribuzione alio studio sperimentale del caseificio italiano. Monografia tecuologica suU' industria casearia abruzzese e sannitica. [1895.] Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 470-556. Bochow, Karl. Substitution neuer Variabelen in hoheren Differentialquotienten. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 32, 1887, 346-359. Zusammenhang zwischen particularen und allge- nieinen Integralen gewisser Differentialgleichungen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 33, 1888, 101-110. Die Formeln fiir die Sumnie der natiirlichen Zahlen und ihrer ersteu Potenzen, abgeleitet an Figuren. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1896-98, 165-209. Ableitung der Formeln fiir sin(j3±7) und cos(/3±7) aus trigonometrischen Dreiecksformeln. Arch. Math. Phys., 17, 1900, 97-101. Bocianski, . Ein Unicum von Doppelmissgeburt- Gastrodidyraus bimasculinus. Wien. Med. Wschr., 43, 1893, 1451-1454. Bock, A[dalhert Michael]. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Quercontraction zur Langendilatation bei Staben von verschiedenen Metallen als Function der Temperatur. Ann. Phys. Chem., 52, 1894, 609-620. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Quercontraction zur Lan- gendilatation von Eisenstaben bei Magnetisirung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 54, 1895, 442^51. Ueber die objective Demonstration der Wirbelbewegung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 56, 1895, 181-132. Der blaue Dampfstrahl. Ann. Phys. Chem., 68, 1899, 674-687. Bock, A. Modificirtes Goldprobirverfahren unter partieller Anwendung des elektrischen Stromes. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 358-359. Bock, Carl. Genom ofre Siam och Lao. Stockh. , Ymer, 4, 1885, 49-67. *Notes sur les populations du Laos occidental. [1883.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Mem., 3, 1888, 104-136. Bock, Eviil. Studien iiber die Losungsfabigkeit des Goldes in Cyankalium-Laugen. Ein Beitrag zum Mac Arthur-Forrest-Process. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 55, 1896, 245-248. Probiren von Kupfer und Kupfersteiu. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 40&-407. Bock, Emil. Zu "Coloboma lentis congenitum." Von Dr. Richard Kaempffer. Arch. f. Oplithalm., 49, 1900, 717. Bock, Hans (Frhr.) von. Schutzfarben unserer ein- heimischen Lepidopteren, ihrer Eier, Raupen und Puppen. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 217-224. Parthenogenesis bei Ocneria dispar. Ent. Nachr., 14, 1888, 56-57. Bock, I. I. 0 CHa6KeHiH C.-ITeTepCypra bo;i;oh). [On the St. Petersburg water supply.] St. Petersb. , Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 30, 1894, 452-485. Bock, Jnh. Fliissige schweflige Saure (SO2). Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 37, 1887, 1153-1156. Ueber Krystallisations-Erscheinungen. Ztschr. Ver. Rubenzucker'ind., 38, 1888, 965-972. Ueber eine Umwandlung von Rohrzucker in Trauben- zucker. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 524- 526. Bock, Johannes. Die Dissociationscurve des Kohlen- oxydhamoglobins. [1894.] Centrbl. Physiol., 8, 1895, 385-387. R. S. A. C. Sur une modification que la lumiere produit dans la methemoglobine. Kj^^benh., Overs., 1895, 309-319; Skand. Arch. Physiol., 6, 1895, 299-307. Undersogelser over nogle giftes virkning paa det isolerede pattedyrhjsBrte. [Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung einiger Giftarten auf das isolirte Saugethier- herz.] Kjflbenh., Overs., 1898, 73-95; 1899, 615-653; Arch. Exper. Path., 41, 1898, 158-178; 43, 1900, 367- 399. Om en vintersje^vnlignende tilstand hos ikke vinters- ovende pattedyr. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 316-318. Bock, Johannes, & Bobr, Christian. See Bohr & Bock. Bock, Max von. Zur Abwehr gegen Prof. J. von Wagneb : [Die Beziehungen von Teilung und Knospung im Tier- reich betreffend]. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 614-624, 656. Ueber die Knospung von Chsetogaster diaphanus, Gruith. Jena. Ztschr., 31, 1898, 105-152. Le corps cardiaque et les amibocytes des Oligoch^tes hmicoles. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 107-166. Bock, Oito. Das electrische Leitungsvermogen von Ver- bindungen aus Schwefel und Kalium in Losung von Natriummonosulfid und Borsaure. Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 631-638. Bock, IF. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Floren- kenntnis der Provinz Posen. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 39, 1897, xxx-xxxi; Danzig Schr., 9, 1895-98 (Hefte 3 & 4), 25-26. Botanische Mittheilungen iiber bemerkenswerthe Pflanzen aus der Umgegend von Bromberg. [1900.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), 62-63. Bock, [Joh.~\ W[ilhel»i]. *[Ueber die Entwicklung von Functionen in unendliche Producte.] [1883.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 76-80. Ueber einen elementaren Beweis des Satzes, dass jede Primzahl von der Form 4re -|- 1 gleich der Summe zweier ganzen Quadratzahlen ist. [1884.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 101-104. Hydrodynamik nach dem Hamilton'schen Prinzip. [1884.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 108-110. Ueber Potentialwerte verschiedener Krafte und Fol- gerungen daraus. [1885.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 119-125. Ueber eine neue zahlentheoretische Funktion. [1886- 87.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 187-194, 201- 212. Kombinatorische Ableitung einiger Eigenschaften der G-Fuuktionen. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Frstschr., Tl. 2), 74-80. Bockairy, P. Recherches sur les falsifications du beurre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 247-251, 331-335. Dosage de la margarine de cotou dans les saindoux. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 2, 1889, 310-313. Bockendabl, Adolf. Ueber die Regeneration des Tracheal- epithels. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1885, 361-371. Bockhart, {Max]. Ueber eine neue Art der Zubereitung von Fleisch als fester Nahrboden fiir Mikroorganismen. Deutsch.Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 347; Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 665. Bockholtz, . Les ardoisieres souterraines de la pro- vince de Luxembourg. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 46, 1889, 423-430. Bockliscb, 0[scar\ Ueber Faulnissbasen (Ptomaine) aus Fischeu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 86-89, 1922-1927. Ueber Ptomaine aus Beinculturen von Vibrio proteus [Finkler und Prior). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1441-1446. Bockwoldt, . Bemerkungen und Erweiterungen zu Hkeweg's Flora von Neustadt. [1891.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 4-7. [Lebensweise der MisteL] [1894.] Danzig Schr., 9, 1895-98 (Heft 1), 171-172. Ueber das Voz-kommen von Blitzschlagen an Roth- 79 Bockwoldt] 626 [Bodenbender buchen. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 {Hefte 2 & 3), 20-21. • Nene Fundorte seltener Pflanzen in Westpreussen. [1900.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 {Hefte 2 & 3), 72-73. Bocourt, tXirmin]. Note sur quelques Ophidiens nouveaux, provenant de TAmerique inter-tropioale. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8, 1884, 133-142. Note sur un Boidien nouveau, provenant du Guate- mala. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 9, 1885, 112-115, Khinocheilus Thominotii, Boot. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 45-46. Note sur un Ophidien nouveau appartenant au groupe des Colubriens provenant du Guatemala. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 168. Note sur un Ophidien nouveau provenant du Mexique. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 234-235. Sur quelques Ophidiens de I'Am^rique intertropicale appartenant au genre Tetranorhinus. Naturaliste, 13, 1891, 121-122, 208. Note sur la variability dans le nombre des plaques c^phaliques chez certains Ophidiens. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 40-41. Note sur un petit Ophidien appartenant au genre Tropidocloniuni. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 132. Note sur un Ophidien appartenant au genre Eutsenia. Naturaliste, 14, 1892, 278-279. Bocourt, F[irmin], & Dugis, Alfredo. Note sur deux Ophidiens de la famille des Coronellidse, provenant de I'Am^rique intertropicale. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 45-46. Bocquier, Edmond. Note sur un veau monstrueux. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 {Pt. 1), xxi-xxii. P^n^plaines vend^ennes. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 10, 1900 (Pt. 1), 211-218. BocqulUon-Xiimousin, Henri. Action du chlore sur I'alcool isobutyhque. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1886, 654-657. Des trichlorobutylates metalliques Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 455-458. Note sur le Gonolobus Condurango. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 269-271. Des condurangines. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 485-488. Bod, A. A practical and easy method for determining or comparing the free-board. Franklin Inst. Jl. , 138, 1894, 367-395. Bodard, [Paul] E[viile]. Analyse des eaux d'alimentation de Laghouat. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 18, 1891, 52-58. Boddaert, Richard. Eecherches experimentales sur la production de I'exophtalmie et la pathogenic de Toedeme. Brux., Ac. MM. Belg. Bull., 5, 1891, 690-715. Note sur la part qui revient k I'occlusion des voies lymphatiques dans la production de I'oedeme. {Com- viunication preliminaire.) Brux., Ac. ]\Kd. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 1019-1022. De I'etat des ganglions dans I'ced^me lymphatique. Brux., Ac. MM. Belg. Bull., 7, 1893, 752-755. De I'oedeme d'origine lymphatique. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 492-493; Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 123-125. . Eecherches sur la localisation et le mode de d^veloppe- ment de I'oedeme lymphatique. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 9, 1895, 803-834. Etude experimentale de la pathogenic de I'oedeme par constriction. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 12, 1898, 422-426. Etude sur une forme d'onomatomanie. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 14, 1900, 454-462. Bode, Adolf, & vrillstatter, Richard. See 'WiUstatter & Bode. Bode, Friedr. Die specifische Warme von Schwefelsauren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 244-245. Bedarf an Blei zum Bau von Bleikammersystemen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 357. Vorschlage zur Verbesserung der Schwefelsaure- fabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 11-13. Bode, Gleorg]. Vorkommnisse aus dem mittleren Lias bei Schandelah. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 187-190. [Ammoniten aus dem braunen Jura vom Berge Greben.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 190- 191. Die Aegoceratiden. Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 198-199. [Gliederung des bi'aunen Jura in Norddeutschland. ] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (10), 1897, 208-209. Ueber eine Aufschliessung im braunen Jura in Hildesheim. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 65. Das Vorkommen von Hilsthonen am Hilse oberhalb Holzen und die Stellung dieser Thone in der Schichten- folge des Neocom. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 82-84. Ueber Veranderungen an Ammonitenschalen, welche durch das Wachsthum bedingt sind. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 107-108. Verbreitung der Molluskenfauna im Untersenon von Braunschweig. [1898.] Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (11), 1899, 154, 155-159. Bode, G[ustav]. Erwiderung auf die Abhandlung des Herrn L. Marchlewski " Zur Chemie des Chlorophylls." Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 488-493. Zur Reindarstellung des Chlorophylls. Bot. Centrbl., 77, 1899, 81-87. Ueber Phylloxanthin. Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 227- 239. Erwiderung auf die Abhandlung des Hrn. March- lewski "Zur Kenntniss des Chlorophylls." Jl. Prakt. Chem., 60, 1899, 385-396. Bode, H[ugo]. *Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Diingung und Zusammensetzung der Zuckerriiben. [1882.] Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuekerind., 84, 1884, 59-68. Penicillium brevicaule, ein Pilz mit der Fahigkeit, kleinste Spuren von Arsenik anzuzeigen. [1899.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 460-461. Bode, H[w.r/o], & Baumert, Georg [Paid Gustav Hermann], See Baumert & Bode. Bode, Johann. Ueber Cholin und verwandte Verbindungen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 62, 1889, 125-186. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des Neurins und Cholins. Liebig's Ann., 267, 1892, 268-299. Bode, Johann, & Schmidt, Ernst [Albert]. [Ueber die Einwirkung von Jodwasserstoff und Bromwasserstoff auf Neurin und Cholin.] Verhalten des Trimethyl- Oxathylammoniumchlorids (Cholinchlorids) gegen Jod- wasserstoff. Liebig's Ann., 267, 1892, 306-318. Bode, [Carl August] Paul. Objektive Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der Spektralanalyse. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 29-31. Ueber die Absorptionsspektra. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 31-32. Ueber optische Tauschungen. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 32-33. Die Alhazensche Spiegel-Aufgabe in ihrer historiachen Entwicklung nebst einer analytischen Losung des verall- gemeinerten Problems. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1891-92, 63-107. Boden, J[ohn] S[medleij], & Bprawson, F[redcrick] C[harles]. [Structure of the pigmented layer of the retina.] Jl. Physiol., 12, 1891 {Proc. 1891), xv. The pigment cells of the retina. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 33, 1892, 865-367. Bodenbender, H. Ueber das Verhalten der sog. geschwe- felten Zucker gegeniiber den durch Filtration iiber Knochenkohle dargestellten beim Lagern. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuekerind., 34, 1884, 559-564. Bodenbender, H., & Scheller, R. Beitrage zur Frage der Bodenbender] 627 [Bodin quantitativen gewichtsanalytischen Bestimmung des In- vertzuckers. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuokerind., 37, 1887, 138-152. Bodenbender, Wilhehii { = GuiUermo). Ueber den Zusam- menhang und die Gliederung der Tertiarbilduugen zwischen Frankfurt a. M. und Marburg-Ziegenhain. [1884.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 3, 1885, 107- 141. Expedicion al Neuquen de loa Doctores Kuktz y BoDENBKNDER. Argentina, Inst. Greogr. Bol., 10, 1889, 311-329. La cuenca del valle del Rio 1° en Cordoba. Descripcion geol6gica del valle del Rio 1" desde la Sierra de Cdrdoba hasta la mar Chiquita. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 12, 1890, 5-54; Neues .Jbuch. Min., 1892 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 393. Vorlaufige Mitteilungen iiber eine Reise nach dem Ostabfall der Anden zwischen Rio Diamante und Rio Negro. Petermann, Mitth., 36, 1890, 242-247. Sobre el teireno Jurasico y Cretaeeo en los Andes argentinos entre el Rio Diamante y el Rio Limay. Cdrdoba Ac. Bol., 13, 1892, 5-44. Sobre el carbon y asfalto carbonizado de la provincia de Mendoza. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 13, 1892, 151-170; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 31-32. Die Pampa-Ebene im Osten der Sierra von C6rdoba in Argentinien. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pampa. Petermann, Mitth., 39, 1893, 231-237, 259- 264. Los criaderos de wolfram y molibdenita de la Sierra de Cordoba ; comunicaciones mineras y mineral6gicas. C6rdoba Ac. Bol., 14, 1894, 93-115 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 72, 1897 {Ahs., Ft. 2), 269-270. El terremoto argentine del 27 de octubre de 1894. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 14, 1894, 293-329 ; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 138-139. Devono y Gondwana en la Republica Argentina. Las formaciones sedimentarias de la parte noroeste. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 15, 1894, 201-252 ; Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 743-772. El suelo y las vertientes de la ciudad de Mendoza y sus alrededores. Cordoba Ac. Bol., 15, 1894, 425-486. Die Wolfram-Minen der Sierra von Cordoba in der Argentinischen Bepublik. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1894, 409-414. Ueber Silur, Devon, Carbon und die Glossopteris- Stufe in der Gegend von Jachal im nordwestlichen Argentinien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 183-186. Sobre la edad de algunas formaciones Carboniferas de la Republica Argentina. La Plata Mus. Rev., 7, 1896, 129-148; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1896, 120-121. Wismuthspath (cerhaltig) in Gangform. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1899, 322-323. Comunicaciones mineras y mineraWgicas. [1900.] Cordoba Ac. Bol., 16, 1899, 206-223, 273-292; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1902 (Bd. 1, Re/.), 40-41. Bodenhamer, lFtWia?n. Desultory remarks on the rectum, considered as a field for specialists, etc. N. Y. Med. Jl., 47, 1888, 513-516. Are quadrupeds subject to the haemorrhoidal disease ? N. Y. Med. Jl., 49, 1889, 39-42. Some anatomical recollections pertaining chiefly to that portion of the intestinal canal denominated rectum. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 481-484. Observations upon the liability of the foetus in utero to the various diseases of post-natal life, and also upon the great importance of their more diligent study, with a view to their prevention or cure. N. Y. Med. Jl., 57, 1893, 377-382. Some interesting and curious incidents in the history of anal fistula, including in it the account of a few celebrated persons who were the subjects of it. N. Y. Med. Jl., 59, 1894, 173-178. Creosote in the treatment of rectal tuberculosis and some other affections fifty years ago. N. Y. Med. JL, 60, 1894, 493-498. The polymorphic excrescences or vegetations of the margin of the anus : their nature, cause, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1898, 813-819. The hffimorrhoidal flux : its peculiar characteristics, true source, diagnosis, and treatment. N. Y. Med. JL, 63, 1896, 544-550. Observations upon the formation, structure, function, and pathology of fistulous passages or sinuses, especially those which constitute anal and rectal fistulae, and the tendency sometimes of such to spontaneous obliteration and cure. N. Y. Med. JL, 64, 1896, 738-744. Atony of the rectum and anal sphincters: its aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. N. Y. Med. JL, 65, 1897, 831-837. The rectum considered as a receptacle for the gradual accumulation and temporary retention of the excremental matter. N. Y. Med. JL, 66, 1897, 593-598, 633-635. The nonmalignant neoplasm or so-called polypus of the rectum and anus : its origin, formation, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. N. Y. Med. JL, 68, 1898, 230-234, 267-270. Neuralgia of the ano-rectal region : its peculiar characteristics, symptomatology, aetiology, and diagnosis. N. Y. Med. JL, 68, 1898, 877-881. Are there veritable valves in the rectum? N. Y. Med. JL, 71,1900,1026-1031. Bodenstein, [Ernst August] Max. Ueber die Zersetzung des Jodwasserstoffgases in der Hitze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2603-2611 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 56-127. Kalischmelze der Stearol- und Behenolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3397-3405. Zersetzung und Bildung von Jodwasserstoff. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 1-22. Die Zersetzung des Jodwasserstoffgases im Licht. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 23-33. Gasreaktionen in der chemischen Kinetik. i[-vn]. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 29, 1899, 147-158, 295-333, 429-448, 665-699 ; 30, 1899, 113-139. Die Anwendungen des elektrischen Stromes in der Chemie. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 272-275, 283- 284, 291-295. Bodenstein, [Ernst August] Max, & BXeyer, Victor. Ueber die Zersetzung des Jodwasserstoffgases in der Hitze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1146-1159. Bodewig, A[nton], & Faal, C[arl Ludivig]. See Paal & Bodewig. Bodewig, Carl. Bestimmung der Borsaure in Borosilicaten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 23, 1884, 143-149; Ztschr. Kryst., 8, 1884, 211-218, 667. Nephrit aus Tasmanien. Ztschr. Kryst., 10, 1885, 86-87, 662. Ueber den Wassergehalt der Zeolithe. Ztschr. Kryst. , 10, 1885, 276-278, 663. Notes on epidote and hanksite. Amer. JL Sci., 38, 1889, 164-165. Bodewig, J[acob], & I^a Coste, W[ilhelni]. See Iia Coste & Bodewig. Bodfisb, Sumner H. On the new topographical map of Baltimore and vicinity. [1888.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, 7 (1887-88), 72-73. Bodin, Eugene. Note sur le favus de I'homme. Ann. de Dermatol., 4, 1893, 415-418. Sur la plurality du favus; etude etiologique, clinique et mycologique. Ann. de Dermatol., 5, 1894, 1220-1246. Sur les favus a lesions trichophytoides. Paris, Soc Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 711-713. Note mycologique sur le microsporum trouve k Parme par M. MiBELLi. Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 1145-1148. 79—2 Bodin] 628 [Bodmer-Beder Sur la conservation du bacille typhique dans le cidre. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 458-464. Le microsporum du clieval. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 379-409. Sur les champignons interm^diaires aux trichophytons et aux achorions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1528- 1629. Sur la forme Oospora (Streptothrix) du microsporum du cheval. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 14(;6-1467 ; Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 921-924 ; Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 362-376, 606-609. Pseudo-xanthome ^lastique. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1073-1080 ; Congr. Int. M^d. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 9), 754-756. Sur les trichophyties de la barbe. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1205-1212. Sur le polymorphisme des champignons parasites des teignes et en particulier du microsporum du cheval. Congr. Int. M6d. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 9), 428-435. Bodin, Eugene {et alii). Sur le polymorphisme des champignons parasites des teignes et en particulier du microsporum du cheval. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1900, 1029-1030. Bodine, Donaldson. The taxonomic value of the antennffi of Lepidoptera. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 1-56. Bodington, Alice. Mental evolution in man and the lower animals. Amer. Natlist. , 26, 1892, 482-494, 593-606. The parasitic Protozoa found in cancerous diseases. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 307-315. Insanity in royal families. A study in heredity. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 118-129, 408. A study in morbid psychology, with some reflections. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 510-518, 599-605. Mental action during sleep, or sub-conscious reasoning. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 849-854. Bodinus, Karl August Heinrich. For biography see Prankf., Zool. Garten, 25, 1884, 351-352; Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 104-105. Bodlo, L. Note suUa superficie e sulla popolazione del- r Etiopia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 25, 1888, 239-242. Bodisko, Aleksandr A. TeMOTa paCTBOpeHifl 6e3BO;i;- Haro io;i,nCTaro JIHTia. [Heat of dissolution of an- hydrous lithium iodide.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 500-503; Chem. Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 (Ahs.), 329. Tenjioia pacTBopenia 6e3Boji,Haro 6poMHCTaro JIHlia. [Heat of dissolution of anhydrous lithium bromide.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 (Chem.), 1889, 7-9; Chem. Soc. Jl., 56, 1889 (Abs.), 1098. 0 TenjioTi pacTBopenia KpiicTajuioBi, LiBr -f2H20. [Chaleur de dissolution des cristaux LiBr + 2H20.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Chem.), 1893 150-151 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 12, 1894, 852, 0 TenjioTi pacTBopeHi« KpHcxajuioBT, LiJ. 3H2O. [Ueber die Losungswiirme der Krystalle LiJ.3H20.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Chem.), 1900, 271-272 • Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 411. ' Bodkin, (Rev.) Richard C. The automatic image-finder. [1894.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, 8, 1893-98, 281-287. Bodlander, Gwido. EinDoppelsalz der Unterschwefelsaure Chem. Ztg„ 14, 1890, 1140-1141. Ueber die Loslichkeit einiger Stoffe in Gemischen von Wasser und Alkohol. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. 7 1891 308-322. ' ' Ueber die Loslichkeit von Salzgemischen in Wasser Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 358-366. Das Verhalten von Molekularverbindungen bei der Auflosung. Gottingen Nachr., 1892, 327-341. Entstehung von Melilith beim Brennen von Portland- Cement. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 1), 53-56. Ueber kobalthaltigen Eisenspath von der Grube Ende im Hartebornthal bei Neunkirchen, Kreis Siegen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 2), 236. Ueber Klarung von Suspensionen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 (27*. 2, Halfte 1), 179-180. Die Zusammenset2;ung des Meliliths. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 1), 15-21. Versuche iiber Suspensionen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 2), 147-168. Das Gasbaroskop und dessen Anwendung fiir die Stick- stoffbestimmnng nach Dumas und fiir die Bestimmung der Dampfdichte nach V. Meyer. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 2263-2269. Das Gasbaroskop, ein neuer Apparat zur Gewichts- bestimmung von Gasen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 425-431. Die Zusammensetzung des Polybasits. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (Bd. 1), 98-100 ; 1897 (Bd. 1, Re/.), 428. Das Gasgravimeter, ein bequemer Apparat fiir che- mische Analyseauf gasometrischem Wege. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 49-55. Ueber die Loslichkeit einiger Stoffe in Gemischen von Wasser und Alkohol. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem,, 16, 1895, 729-730. Die Chemie des Cyanidverfahrens. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 583-587. Ueber abnorme Gefrierpunktserniedrigungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 378-382. Ueber die Constitution einiger Legirungen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 56, 1897, 279-282, 331-334. Loslichkeit und Dielektricitatsconstante (nach gemein- sam mit Herrn A. Coehn angestellten Untersuchungen). Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 120-122. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Loslichkeit und Bild- ungswarme von Elektrolyteu. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 55-74. Ueber feste Losungen. [1898-99.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 12, 1899, 52-114 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bd. 2), 181-187. Ueber Gleichgewichte zwischen Cupro- und Cupriionen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1054. Ueber die Loslichkeit der Erdalkalikarbonate in kohlensiiurehaltigem Wasser. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 35, 1900, 23-32. Bodlander, Guido, & Abegg, Richard. See Abegg & Bodlander. Bodlander, Guido, & Traube, I[sidore]. Ueber die Unter- scheidung von Eiweisskorpern, Leim und Peptonen auf capillarimetrischem Wege. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1871-1876. Ueber die Grenzzahl des in spirituosen Getranken zulassigen Fuselgehalts. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 167-169. Bodlander, Guido, & TTngar, Emit. See Vngar & Bodlander. Bodman, Gosta. Ueber die Isomorphie zwischen den Salzen des Wismuths und der seltenen Erden. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1237- 1240. Isomorfi mellan salterna af vismut och de sallsynta jordarterna. Stockh., Ofvers., 1898, 315-320. Bodmer, R{ichard]. Note on a recent milk case involving a sample of abnormal milk. Analyst, 20, 1895, 265-266. Bodmer, R^ichard:], & Moor, C[resacre] G[eorge]. On copper in peas. Analyst, 22, 1897, 141-144. Bodmer, R[ichardl & Stokes, Alfred W. See Stokes & Bodmer. Bodmer, R\_ichard], Leonard, Norman, & Smith, Hlarry] Metcalfe. The analysis of golden syrup. Analyst, 24, 1899, 253-257. Bodmer-Beder, ^[rHo?rf]. Petrograpiiische Untersuchungen an ostafrikanischen Gesteinen. Zurich Vrtlischr., 39, 1894, 187-207. Bodmer-Beder] 629 [Bbckeler Die Erzlagerstatten der Alp Puntaiglas im Biindner Oberland und ihre Felsarten. [1897.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 11, 1897-98, 217-2.58. Ueber Olivindiabase aus dem Ple.ssurgebirge, Grau- biinden. [1898.] Neues .Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 12, 1899, 288-268. DurchGebirgsdruckgebogeneQuarzkrystalle. Centrbl. Min., 1900, 81-84. Beitrage zur Petrographie des ostlichen Rhatikons. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 {Bd. I), 120-128. Bodmer-Beder, A[r7iold], & Tamuzzer, Chr. See Tamuzzer & Bodmer-Beder. Bodoni, Fietro. Del passaggio del bleu di metilene nei reni in varie forme di psicosi. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 788-818. Bodroux, F[ernand]. Action du brorae en presence du bromure d'aluminium sur les carbures aromatiques. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 (Ft. 1), 127-128. Sur quelques Others oxydes du )3-naphtol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 840-842 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 573-575. Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminium sur quelques phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 126, 1898, 1282-1285; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 756- 761. Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminium sur risobutylphenol para. Remarques sur la bromura- tion des phenols. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 186- 188. Action du brome en presence du bromure d'aluminium sur les hydrocarbures d^riv^s des xylenes. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 888-889. Action des sels de plomb d'acides monobasiques gras en solution acide sur quelques hydrocarbures aromatiques monochlor^s ou monobromes dans la chaine lat^rale. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 288-291. Action de I'ac^tate de plomb en solution ac^tique sur le chlorure de benzylidene et le chlorure de benzenyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 331-333. Sur deux polysulfures de plomb et de cuivre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1397-1398; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 501-502. Sur un chlorosulfure de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1398-1399. Sur la production directe par voie humide de I'iodure niercurique et de I'iodure mercureux k I'etat cristallise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1622-1624 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 585-587. Transformation en ethers benzoiques des ethers ac^tiques du phenol ordinaire, du paracr^sol et du thymol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 54-55. Bodyiiski, J. Wheatstone's Rheostat mit Quecksilber- contact. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 46.3-464. Boe, [Gnstiive] Ad[olphe] de. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 131. *L'6toile polaire. Astronomic, 1882, 250-256. *Le compagnon de Sirius. [1882.] Ciel et Terra, 3, 1883,, 200-206. 'Equatorial populaire. [1882.] Ciel et Terra, 3, 1883, 396-399. *Appareil de demonstration du mouvement de pre- cession. Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 495-498. Mesure du grossissement des lunettes. Ciel et Terra, 4, 1884, 508-509. Sur I'eclipse de luue du 28 Janvier 1888. Astronomia, 1888, 30-31. Les horizons artificials. [1889.] Ciel at Terre, 10 (1889-90), 42-43. Methode pour corriger la collimation dans les instru- ments excentriques. [1890.] Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91), 453-455. Methode pour determiner les latitudes das taches solaires. Astrononiie, 1891, 190-191. Comment une ligne pent 6tre vue double. [1891.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 223-224. Bo6, i^. Un cas d'h^mianopsie homonyme sup^rieure. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Ft. 2), 664-666; Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 533-539. Contribution k I'etude du traitement de la r^tinite syphilitique. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1892 (Ft. 2), 757-761. Bocher, Fliil[ipp], & Claua, Adolph [Carl Ludivig]. See Claus & Boeber. Boeck, C. Sur les psorospermoses. [With discussion.} Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 1035-1036. Les tuberculides. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 9), 95-114. Boeck, C. (et alii). Tuberculides. [Discussion.] Practi- tioner, 65, 1900, 574-576. Boeck, Eugen von. For biography and works see Auk, 3, 1886, 496 ; Ibis, 4, 1886, 388 ; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 111 ; Ornis, 2, 1886, 432-436 ; Wian Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 10, 1886, 143. Ornis des Thales von Cochabamba in Bolivia und der uachsten Umgebung. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 100-102, 161-168. Zum Klima von Cochabamba. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1886, 370-372. Meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Cochabamba. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1886, 417-418. Klimatologie von Cochabamba in Bolivien. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 455-465. Bock, Fritz, & Bamberger, Max. See Bamberger & Bock. Boeck, Gleorye-i] de, & Spring, Walthere. See Spring & Boeck. Boeck, J. de. Die Reizung des Kaninchenriickenmarkes mit der Nadel. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Fhysiol. Ahth.), 1889, 238-252. Proc^de de technique microscopique applique k la mesure des faibies differences de temperature. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 19, 1893, 85-86. Une excursion a Hoogstraeten, Wortel et Merxplas. Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 13, 1894, 54-72. Enquete sur I'etat anthropologique, physique et psychique des pensionnaires da la Maison du Travail de Bruxelles. [With discussion.} Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 14, 1895, 82-157. Boeck, John. Ueber orientalische Emaille auf Ziegaln und deren Nachbildung. Jl. Prakt. Cham., 40, 1889, 158-171. Boeck, K. Himalaya- Wanderungen. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 22, 1891, 416-456. Bceckel, Jules. Appendicite herniaire. Gangrene appan- diculaire et caecale. Resection de I'appendice et anus cffical. Ceeco-erhaphie ult^rieure. Guerison. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 38, 1897, 331-334. Bockeler, [Johann} Otto. For biography and list of works see AUg. Bot. Ztschr., 1899, 53; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, (211)-(218) ; Bremen Abh., 16, 1900, 463-466. *[8ymbolaB ad tioram Brasiliae centralis cognoscendam. Edit. Eug. Warming. Particula xxv.] Cyperaceae novae in vicinia urbis Rio de Janeiro a cl. Dr. A. Glaziou collect83. Kjobenh. Vid. Medd., 1 & 2, 1879-80, 24-31, Die auf der Expedition S.M. S. Gazelle von Dr. Naumann gesammelten Cyperacean. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 5, 1884, 89-94. Neue Cyparaceen. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 6, 1884, 497-521. [Beitrage zur Flora das siidlichen Japan und der Liu-kiu-Inseln auf Grund der von Dr. Duderlein und Tachiro gesammelten Pflanzen herausgegeben.] Cyperaceae. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 6, 1886, 50-52. Neue Cyperaceen von Argentiuien, Mexiko, Alaska und dem Kilimandscharo. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 7, 1886, 273-280. Ueber ein vermeintlich neues Cyparaceen-Genus. Bot. Centrbl., 29, 1887, 277. BSckeler] 630 [Boeddinghaus Plantffi Lehmannianas in Guatemala, Costarica et Columbia coUectse. Cyperacea. Engler, Bot. Jbiicli., 8, 1887, 205-207. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora vou Deutsch-Siid- west-Afrika and der angrenzenden Gebiete.] Cyperacefe. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verh., 29, 1888, 45-48 ; 30, 1889, 139; 31, 1890, 179-180. Ein neues Cyperaceen-Genus. Bot. Centrbl., 89, 1889, 73. Ueber eine neue Carex-Art vom Eigi und eine zweite wieder aufgefundene Schkuhr'sche Art von den Siid- Alpen. Bot. Centrbl., 42, 1890, 134-186. Cyperaceffi Brasilienses novse. Kjabenh. Vid. Medd., 1894, 237-240. — — Diagnosen neuer Cyperaceen. AUg. Bot. Ztschr., 1895, 185-187, 201-202, 225-226; 1896, 1-3, 17-20, 33-35, 53-56, 77-79, 93-95, 109-113, 141-143, 157- 160, 173-175, 189-192. [Die Flora der Samoa-Inseln. Teil ii. Siphonogamen.] Cyperaceffi. Engler, Bot. Jblich., 25, 1898, 585-588. Bockeler, [Johann] Otto, Kubn, [Friedrich Adalbert] Maxlimilian], Kackel, Ede, & Buchenau, Franz. See Kuhn, Kackel, Bockeler & Buchenau. Bocker, Friedrich. Kiinstliche Erzeugung von Kegeu- wolken. Wetter, 5, 1888, 174-177. Boecker, J. Krystallographische Beobachtungen am Idokras. Ztschr. Kryst., 20, 1892, 225-231. Boecker, W. Emil. Ueber ein ueues Mikrotom mit Gefriereinrichtung, automatischer Messerfiihrung und selbstthatiger Hebung des Objectes. Ztschr. lustru- mentenk., 4, 1884, 125-127. Bockh, Hugo, Asvany-ujdonsag Budapesten a Kis- Svabhegyrfil. [Eine mineralogische Novitat vom Buda- pester Kleinen Schwabenberg.] Foldt. Kozlon., 28, 1898, 129-131, 167-169. Adatok a Pecten denudatus es a Pleuronectis comitatus k^rd^s^hez ujabb magyarorszagi leletek alapjan. [Bei- trage zur Frage iiber Pecten denudatus und Pleuronectis comitatus auf Grund neuerer ungarlandischer Funde.] Foldt. Kozlon., 28, 1898, 353-357, 371-375. Adatok a Pecten denudatus, Reuss, ^s a Pleuronectis comitatus, Font., k^rd^s^hez. [Beitrage zur Frage des Pecten denudatus, Reuss, und Pleuronectis comitatus, Font.] Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898, 433; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 347. Nagy-Maros koruy^kenek foldtani viszonyai. [Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung von Nagy- Maros.] [1899.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899- 1902, 1-57; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 1-62. Orca Semseyi, lij Orca-faj a salg6tarjani Als6-Miocz6n r^tegekbol. [Orca Semseyi, eine neue Orca-Art aus dem unteren Miocffin von Salgdtarjan.] [1889.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 13, 1899-1902, 93-97; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 13, 1899-1902, 103-107. Bockli, Jdnos. A Magyar Kir. Foldtani Int^zet 6vi jelen- t^se 1883-r61. [Jahresbericht der K. Ung. Geologischen Anstalt fiir 1883.] Foldt. Kozlon., 14; 1884, 161-174, 307-322. A Magyar Kir. Foldtani Int^zet ^vi jelentese 1884-r61. [Jahresbericht der K. Ung. Geologischen Anstalt fiir 1884.] Foldt. Kozlon., 15, 1886, 217-245, 393-422. Daten zur geologischen Kenntniss des nordwestlich von Bozowics sich erhebenden Gebirges. Ung. Geol. Anst. Jber., 1886, 135-168. Triaskorbeli lerakodasok fell^pte Sz^szkabanyan. [Das Auftreten von Trias-Ablagerungen bei Szdszka- banya.] Foldt. Kozlon., 18, 1888, 182-194, 280-294. Adatok az Iza volgye felso szakasza geologiai viszo- nyainak ismeretehez kiilonos tekintettel az ottani petro- leumtartalmii lerakodasokra. [Daten zur Kenntniss der geologischen Verhaltnisse im oberen Abschnitte des Iza- Thales mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der dortigen Petroleum fiihrenden Ablagerungen.] [1894.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 11, 1894-96, 1-79; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 11, 1897-98, 1-93. A haromszekmegyei S6smez6 6s korny^k^nek geologiai viszonyai, kiilonos tekintettel az ottani petroleumtar- talmu lerakodasokra. [Die geologischen Verhaltnisse von S6smezo und Umgebung im Comitate Haromsz6k. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der dortigen Petroleum fiihrenden Ablagerungen.] [1895.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 12, 1895-98, 1-193 ; Ung. Geol. Anst. Mitth., 12, 1900-01, 1-222. A geologia fejl6d6s6nek rovid tort^neteMagyarorszagon 1774-tol 1896-ig. [Kurze Geschichte der Entwlckelung der Geologic in Ungarn vom Jahre 1774-1896.] [1896.] F5ldt. Kozliin., 27, 1897, 4-15, 109-122. Rovid kozlem^ny a baranyamegyei Vasas 6s Hosszu- Heteny kozt fekvo, Eosenfeld Bernat b^csi lakos tulaj- donat kepezo Liaszbeli kutatasi turiiletrol. [Kurze Mittheilung iiber das zwischen Vasas und Hosszii- Het6ny, im Comitate Baranya befindliche Liassische Schurfterrain des Herrn Bernhard Rosenfeld in Wien.] Foldt. Kozlon., 30, 1900, 255-261, 289-295. Bockli, Jdnos, Schafarzik, Ferencz, & Both, Lajos. See Schafarzik, Both & Bockh. Bocking, Adolf. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 106. Boeckler, A ugust, & vrislicenus, Wilhelm. See VTislicenus & Boeckler. Boeckmann, Edward. Surgical sterilization and sterilizers in private practice. Amer. Micr. Jl., 18, 1897, 48-54. Bockmann, F. *Einige Anmerkungen iiber die Zucht von Xanthia togata, Xanthia gilvago und Orthosia circel- laris. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 2, 1876, 142-143. *Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. xxi. Ornitho- logische Beitrage zur Fauna der Niederelbe. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verh., 3, 1878, 252-270 ; 4, 1879, 249. Boeddicker, Otto. *0n the influence of magnetism on the rate of a chronometer. [1882.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 1-56. Notes on the aspect of the planet Mars in 1884. Accompanied by sketches made at the observatory, Birr Castle. [1884.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 301-304. On the lunar radiant heat during a total eclipse, as observed at the Earl of Rosse's observatory at Birr Castle, Parsoustown. [1885.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 4 (1883-85), 427-431. On the changes of the radiation of heat from the moon during the total eclipse of 1884, October 4, as measured at the observatory. Birr Castle. Communicated with a note by the Earl of Rosse. [1885.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 3, 1883-87, 321-332. A large meteor. Nature, 31, 1885, 194. Ueber die Veranderungen der Warmestrahlung des Mondes wahrend der totalen Mondfiusterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 309-310. Observations of the planet Jupiter, made with the reflector of three feet aperture at Birr Castle Observatory, Parsonstown. [1888.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888- 92, 271-288. The total eclipse of the moon of 1888 January 28, as observed at Birr Castle Observatory, Parsonstown. Nature, 37, 1888, 318. Note to accompany a drawing of the Milky Way. [1889.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 50, 1890, 12-15. Lunar radiant heat, measured at Birr Castle Observa- tory, during the total eclipse of January 28, 1888. [1891.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888-92, 481-512. BoddinghauB, J. Die elektrischen Beleuchtungsanlagen beim Grubenbetriebe des Mechernicher Bergwerks-Aktien- Vereins. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 103-106. Boeddinghaus, Walther. Untersuchungen iiber Nitro- sobasen. 1) Ueber p-Nitrosobenzylanilin und -toluidine. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 300-313. Boeddinghaus] 631 [Boehm I Boeddinghaus, Walthcr, & Bredt, [Conrad] J[uUus]. Sef Bredt & Boeddinghaus. Bodecker, . Wirkungen der Eisenbahn-Fahrzeuge auf die Schienen. Hannover Architekt-Ver. Ztschr., 33, 1887, 402-406. Bodecker, C. F. W. Action of arsenious acid upon dentinal and pulp tissue. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 633-638. Bodecker, C. F. W., & ZXeitzmann, Carl. See Heitz- mann & Bodecker. Boedekar, J[ustiis]. Zur Kenntniss der acuten alkoholi- schen Ophthalmoplegieen. Arch. Psychiatr., 27, 1895, 810-830. Boedeker, J[iistus], & JuUusburger, Otto. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der anatomischen Befunde bei Bpinaler Erkrankung mit progressiver Anamie. Arch. Psychiatr. , 30, 1898, 372-399. Boedeker, J[ustufi], & Siemerllng, E[mst]. See Siemer- ling & Boedeker. Boder, [Karl Otto Richard]. Beitrag zu vergleichenden Untersuchungen iiber die Bakterien der Hchweinepest und Schweineseuche. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 373-386. Zur Frage von der Heilkraft des Lichtes. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 17, 1900, 165-180. Bodige, N. Die Stiirme an der deutschen Kiiste von 1878 bis 1887. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 118-124. Ueber die Uebereinstimmung des nordlichen, ins- besondere des nordwestlichen Deutschlands im Witte- rungscharakter. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 419-428, 463-473. Bfidtker, Eyvind. Notiz zu der Harnstoffbestimmungs- methode von K. A. H. Mobner und J. Sjoqvist. Ztschr. Physiol, Cliem., 17, 1893, 140-146. Ueber die Bestimmung des Chlors im Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 20, 1895, 193-202. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Eiweissabbaues im mensch- lichen Organismus. [1896.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1894- 95, No. 10, ()0 pp. Sur Taction du chlorure d'aluminiam sur le benzene contenant du thioph^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K., 123, 1896, 310-311. Ueber den Einfluss des Wassers auf die Loslichkeit einiger Krystallwasser haltender Korper in Alkohol und Aether. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 505-514. Untersuchung des Schwefelwassers von Sandefjord. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 43-51. Theorien for den elektrolytiske dissociation og dens betydning i den praktiske kemi. Nyt Tidsskr. Fvs. Kem., 8, 1898, 11-29; Fortschr. Phys., 1898 {Ahth. 1), 234-235. Boegan, E. Les grottes de Corniale, d'Obrou et de PadriC. Spelunca, Paris, 1897, 43-52. Bogel, G[ustav]. Ueber das subconjunctivale Lipom und eine Combination desselben mit Ichthyosis hystrix. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 32, 1886 (Abth. 1), 129-150. Boger, Rudolf. Der Kegelschnitt der neun Punkte. [1898.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 346-352. Sechseck und Involution. [1899.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 387-390. Der Hessesche Satz und die adjungierten Involutionen. [1899.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 390-400. Bf^ggild, 0. B. Om skurestriber i Danmark og beslaegtede fsenomener. Kj^benh., Dansk Geol. For. Meddel., 5, 1899, 73-104; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 135-136. BohlendorfF, W[ilhelm]. Bemerkungen zu der Abhand- lung des Hrn. B. Walter: "Ueber den Nachweis des Zerfalles von Moleculargruppen in Losungen durch Fluorescenz- und Absorptionserscheinungen. " Ann. Phys. Chem., 43, 1891, 784-789. Ueber Ambroin, unter Vorfiihrung der Fabrikate der Ambroinwerke, G. m.b. H. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 429-430. Bohm, A[mand], & "WiUgerodt, [Heinrich] C[onrad Christoph]. See "Willgerodt & Bohm. Bohm, A[lexander] A. Ueber die Befruchtung des Neun- augeneies. [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 9-10 ; Miinchen, Ak. Sber., 17, 1888, 53-62. Ueber Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von Petro- myzon Planeri. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 32, 1888, 613-670. Die Befruchtung des Forelleneies. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 63-73. Bohm, Arthur. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der Malpighi'schen Korperchen der Niere. Virchow, Arch., 150, 1897, 52-72. Bohm, Arthur, & Schmaus, Hans. See Schmaus & Bohm. Bohm, August [Josef Georg] {Edler von Bdhmersheim). *Eine Pseudomorphose nach Disthen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 522-523. *Quarz-Diorit von Pressburg in Ungarn. Min. Petr. Mittli., 2, 1880, 524-525. *Ueber die Gesteine des Wechsels. Min. Petr. Mitth., 5, 1883, 197-214. Die Hottinger Breccie und ihre Beziehungen zu den Glacial-Ablagerungen. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 34, 1884, 147-162. Der Verlauf der Geoisothermen unter Bergen. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1884, 161-164. Die alten Gletscher der Enns und Steyr. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 35, 1885, 429-612. Die Hochseen der Ostalpen. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 625-647. Ueber Gebirgsgruppierung. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1887, 152-158. Ueber die Genauigkeit der Bestimmung von Gebirgs- volumen und mittlerer Massenerhebung. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1889, 214-224. Die alten Gletscher der Mur und Miirz. Wien Geogr. Ges. Abb., 2, 1900, 91-119. Bohm, August [Josef Georg] (Edler von Bdhmersheim), & Xiori6, Jan. Die Fauna des Kelheimer Diceras-Kalkes. Dritte Abtheilung : Echinoideen. Palaeontographica, 31, 1885, 193-223. B&hm, August [Josef Georg] {Edler von Bdhmersheim), Fenck, Albrecht, & Bodler, Alfred. See Penck, Bohm & Rodler. Boehm, Carl, & Fauly, Hermann. See Fauly & Boehm. Bohm, E[rnst]. Ueber zwei verschiedene Formen des Diacetylthymochinondioxims. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1547-1549. Bohm, E[rnst]. & Xehrmann, [Johaiin August Ludwig] Friedrich. See Kehrmann & Bohm. Boehm, Georg. *Die Bivalven der Stramberger Schichten. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 2, Abth. 4, 1883, i-viii, 493- 680. Ueber neue Versteinerungen aus den grauen Kalken von Oberitalien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 190-191. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der grauen Kalke in Venetien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 737-782. Ueber siidalpine Kreideablagerungen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 544-549. Die Gattungen Pachymegalodon und Durga. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 728-735. Das Alter der Kalke des Col dei Schiosi. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 203-204. Die Facies der venetianischen grauen Kalke im Departement de la Sarthe. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 204-211. Ueber die Fauna der Schichten mit Durga im Departe- ment der Sarthe. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 657-665. Neues Lias-Vorkommen auf dem Dinkelberge bei Basel. Freiburg Ber., 3, 1888, 129-132. Boehm] 632 [Boehin Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss fossiler Ophiuren. Frei- burg Ber., 4, 1889, 28'2-287. Ueber Lithiotis problematica, Gilnibel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 531-532. Ueber eine Anomalie im Kelche von Millericrinus mespiliformis. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 43, 1891, 741-743. Megalodon, Pachyerisma und Diceras. [1891.] Frei- burg Ber., 6, 1892, 33-56. Ueber die Zugehorigkeit von Rothpletzia zu Hipponyx. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 557-560. [Ueber Coralliochama. Ueber Budisten vom Col dei Schiosi.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 560- 561. Lithiotis problematica, Giimbel. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 65-80. Ueber den Fussmuskeleindruck bei Pachyerisma. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 119-120. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. Freiburg Ber., 6, 1892, 134-149. [Fossiles Cretaces du Frioul.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 479-480. Ueber fossile Ophiuren. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 158-161. Ccelastarte und Heteropis. Freiburg Ber., 7, 1893, 169-178. Ueber Cornucaprina. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1893 (Bd. 2), 129-130. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Siidalpen. I. Die Schiosi- und Calloneghe-Fauna. [1895.] Palae- ontographica, 41, 1894-95, 81-148. Ueber Bihippurites. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 686-688. Beitrag zur Gliederung der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 160-181. Geologische Bemerkungen aus Transkaspien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 49, 1897, 696-697. Geologische Beobachtungen zwischen Badenweiler und Kandern. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1897, 14-20. Ueber das fossile Trittpaar im Tertiar des badischen Oberlandes. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 204- 206. Ueber Caprinidenkalke aus Mexico. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 323-382. Geologische Beobachtungen am Lago di Santa Croce. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 430-434. Zur Kenntniss der Gattung Joufia. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 591-592. Aptien und Hauterivien im kleinen Balchan. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 335-340. Ueber einige Fossilien aus Buchara. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 465-470. Mittheilungen aus dem Aufnahmegebiete des Blattes Kandern. Heidelb., Geol. Landesanst. Mitt., 3, 1899, 665-687. Reisenotizen aus Neu-Seeland. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900, 169-177. Reisenotizen aus Ost-Asien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900. 554-558. Boehm, Georg, & Chelot, [Emile]. Note sur les calcaires a Perna et Megalodon du moulin de Jupilles, pr^s Fye (Sarthe). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 403-414. Bohin, Johannes. Untersuchung Aachener Griinsand- fossilien. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1884, 55-56. Geologisches aus Oberitalien. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 180-181. Der Grtinsand von Aachen und seine MoUusken- fauna. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 42, 1885, 1-152. Flysch des Fiirberges, Sulzberges, Teissenberges und von Muntigl mit den Nierentalschichten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 241-243. Die Kreidebildungen des Fiirbergs und Sulzbergs bei Siegsdorf in Oberbayern. [1891.] Palaeontographica, 38, 1891-92, 106 pp. Ueber das Rhat (?) am Antelao. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 826-827. Ueber Capulus rugosus. Sow., sp. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (Bd. 1), 200-203. Ein Ausflug in's Plessurgebirge. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 47, 1895, 548-557. Die Gastropodeu des Marmolatakalkes. Palaeonto- graphica, 42, 1895, 211-308. Ueber Ammonites pedernalis, v. Buck. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 183-201. [Ueber Miocane Conchylien von den Selvagens-Inseln.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898 {Verh.), 83-39; 51, 1899, 184. Ueber Triasfossilien von der Baren-Insel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 51, 1899, 325-326. Ueber Cretaceische Gastropoden [und Lamelli- braiichiaten] vom Libanon und vom Karmel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 52, 1900, 189-219. Boehm, Josef [Aiiton], For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 29, 1893, 210; Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 43-46; Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., .33, 1894 {C. R.), 34-85; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, (14)-(28) ; Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 43, 1894(^6/*.), 579-586; Bot. Tidsskr., 19, 1894-95, xxiii-xxiv. *Ueber Absorption von Kohlensaure durch die vegetabilische Zellwand. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 101, 180. *Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Wurzelentwicklung und Blattgrosse. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 {Beil), 107, 180. *Ueber den aufsteigenden Saftstrom und den Ab- schluss lebender Zellen gegen aussere Einwirkungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 114, 180. *Ueber die Aufnahme von Wasser und Kalksalzen durch die Blatter. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 114, 180. *Respiration, combustion et luminosite. [1883.] Belg. Horticole, 84, 1884, 267-280. Ueber die Ursache des Mark- und Blatt-Turgors. Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 257-262. Ueber die Respiration der Kartoflfel. Bot. Ztg., 45, 1887, 671-675, 681-692. Starkebildung in den Blattern von Sedum spectabile, Boreau. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 193-201, 225-232. Ursache des Saftsteigens. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, (46)-(56). Umkehrung des aufsteigenden Saf tstromes. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 311-813. Ein Schulversuch iiber die Wasserversorgung tran- spirirender Blatter. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 318-314. Ursache der Wasserbeweguug in transpirirenden Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, li90 (Ahh.), 149- 158. Ueber die Wasserversorgung transpirirender Pflanzen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 40, 1890 (Sher.), 55-56. Ueber einen eigenthiimlichen Stammdruck. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 539-544. Transpiration gebriihter Sprosse. [1893.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 622-629, (234). Ueber die KartoHfelkrankheit. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 42, 1893 (Sber.), 23-24. Ueber die Respiration der Kartoffeln. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 42, 1893 (Sher ), 47-49. Ueber einen eigenthiimlichen Stammdruck. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 42, 1893 (Sber.), 64-65. Capillaritat und Saftsteigen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 11, 1893, 208-212, (129). Boehm, Karl. Die Existenzbedingungen eiues von den ersten und zweiten Differentialquotienten der Coordinaten abhangigen kinetischen Potentials. Crelle, Jl. Math., 121, 1900, 124-140. Bbhm] 633 [Bohr Bohm, L[udtcig]. Die Mechanik der Ortsveranderung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Pfcrdes. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 13,1887, 290-317, 422-449; 14,1888, 24-38. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die therapeutische Verwendbarkeit verschledener Salbenkonstituentien. Miinchen Thierarznei-Schule Jber., 1887-88, 90-108. Ein Versuch iiber die Resorption von Hydrargyrum salicylicnni beim Rinde. Miinchen Thierarznei-Schule Jber., 1888-89, 85-91. Quantitative Untersuchungen iiber die Resorption und Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers bei innerlicher Verab- reichnng von Hydrargyrum salicylicum. Ztschr. Phy- siol. Chem., 15, 1891, 1-36. Boliin, L[udivi(f] K. Die Priori tiitsf rage des Calcium- carbids. Ztschr. Augew. Chem., 1899, 1058-1061. B&hm, M[ax'], & Engler, C[arl Oswald Viktor^. See Engler & Bohm. Bobm, R[ichard C], & DSuthmann, Wilhelm. See JMCuthmann & Bohm. Boehm, R[udolph Albert Martin]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Hutpilze in chemischer und toxikologischer Bezie- hung. I. Boletus luridus. [n. Amanita pantherina.] Arch. Exper. Path., 19, 1885, 60-86. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Wirkungen des Cholins und die Wirkungen der kiinstlichen Muscarine. Arch. Exper. Path., 19, 1885, 87-100. Curare. Arch. Pharm., 225, 1887, 502-508. Ueber das Echujin. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der afrikanischen Pfeilgifte. [1889.] Arch. Exper. Path., 26, 1890, 165-176. Ueber Milchsiiurebildung und Glycogen sell wund bei der Todtenstarre. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 46, 1890, 265-266. Ueber einen wirksamen Bestandtheil von Rhizoma Pannae. [Unter Mitwirkung des stud. med. A. Dollken.] [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1895, 1-8. Beschreibung eines Myographiontisches fiir pharmako- logische Untersuchungen. [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 85, 1895, 9-15. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Nervenendwirkung des Curarin. [1894.] Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1895, 16-22. Das siidamerikanische Pfeilgift Curare in chemischer und pharmakologischer Beziehung. i. Theil. Das Tubo- curare. [ii. Theil (Schluss). i. Das Calebassencurare. II. Das Topfcurare. iii. Ueber einige Curarerinden.] [1895-97.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 22, 1895, 199- 238; 24, 1898, 1-52. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Filixsauregruppe. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897, 35-58. Ueber das Gift der Larven von Diamphidia locusta. Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897, 424-427. Ueber Curare und Curarealkaloide. Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 660-684. Ueber homologe Phloroglucine aus Filixsaure und Aspidin. Liebig's Ann., 302, 1898, 171-191. Ueber Filicinsaure. Liebig's Ann., 307, 1899, 249- 282. Boehzn, R[udolph Albert Martin], & Kiilz, [Rudolph] E[duard]. Ueber den giftigen Bestandtheil der essbaren Morchel (Helvella esculenta). Arch. Exper. Path., 19, 1886, 403-414. Bohm, Richard. For biography and works see Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-85, 294-295; Ibis, 3, 1886, 338-339; Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1886, 354-368. [Reise von Kareraa nach Mpala, Juli-Aug. 1883.] [1884.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-86, 170- 178. Neue Vogelarten aus Central-Afrika. Jl. f. Ornith., 32, 1884, 176-178. Aus Marungu. Ztschr, Gesam. Ornith., 1, 1884, 105- 112. Ornithologische Notizen aus Central-Afrika, iii. Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1885, 35-73. Bohm, Richard, & Kaiser, E[mil]. ♦Reise nach dem Tanganika. [1882.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1881- 83, 181-208. Bohm, Richard, & Reichard, Paul. *Bericht iiber die Befahrung des Wala westlich von Gonda bis zu seiner Miindung. [1882;] Berhn, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1881- 83, 209-216. Ueber die Reise von Gonda bis Karema. (December 1882-Januar 1883.) [1884.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-85, 79-91. Bohm, Richard, Kaiser, E[inil], & Belchard, Paul. *Die Ostafrikanische Station. [Bericht iiber die Station Kakoma.] [1881.] Berhn, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1881- 83, 2-21. Bohme, . [Ueber die agyptische Papierstaude (Cyperus papyrus, L., Papyrus antiquorum, W.).] [1896.] Kassel Ver. Nat. Abh. u. Ber., 42, 1897, xxii. Boehme, A. Ueber genaue Vergleichungen einer Pendel- Uhr mit der Normal-Uhr am Potsdamer Thor in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 69-74. Bohme, E. P. The instability of cements rich in magnesia. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 50. Bohmer, C[arl]. Zur Verfalschung der Futtermittel. Landw. Jbiich., 15, 1886, 227-241. Bohmer, C[arl], & Konig, [Franz] Josef. See Konig A Bohmer. Boehmer, George H. *Atmo8pheric conditions and their elfect upon vegetation, June 1, 1871, to May 31, 1872. Leavenworth, Kansas. [U. S.] Chief Signal Oft. Ann. Rep., 1872, 265-268. Report on astronomical observatories. Smithsonian Rep., 1886, 367-483. Elektrische Erscheinungen in den "Rocky Moun- tains." [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 {Abth. 2a), 638-657. Elektrische Erscheinungen in den Rocky Mountains. Leopoldina, 31, 1895, 186-188, 204-208. Bohmig, Lndicig. Untersuchungen iiber rhabdocole Turbellarien. i. Das Genus GraffiUa, v. Ihering. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 43, 1886, 290-328. Planaria Iheringii, eine neue Triclade aus Brasilien. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 482-484. Zur Kenntnis der Sinnesorgane der Turbellarien. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 484-488. Microstoma papillosum. Zool. Anz. , 12, 1889, 479- 483. Untersuchungen iiber rhabdocole Turbellarien. ii. Plagiostomina und Cylindrostomina, Graff. [1890.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 51, 1891, 167-479. Ueber Turbellarien der oatlichen Ostsee, welche wahrend der Holsatia-Fahrt 1887 gedredgt worden sind. [1891.] Deutsch. Meere Ber., 17-21, 1893, 205-206. Zur feineren Anatomie von Rhodope Veranii, Kolliker. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 56, 1893, 40-116. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Exoretionsorgane und das Blutgefasssystem von Tetrastemma graacense, Bohmig. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 33-86. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Histologic der Nemertinen. [Stichostemma graecense (Bohmig), Geonemertes chali- cophora {Graff).] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 64, 1898, 479- 564. Bohmig, Ludwig, & Kratter, J[ulius]. See Kratter & Bohmig. Bohmig, Paul Otto. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gesteine des Greifensteins. Min. Petr. Mitth., 18, 1899, 261- 803. Bohner, . Erduhr. [1887.] Sohweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1886-87, 47. Bohr, E. Die Lucaniden, Scarabaeiden und Cerambyciden der Umgebung Osnabriicks. [1885.] Osnabriick Jber., 1883-84, 121-141. 80 Bohr] Das Vorkommen des Kartoffelkiifers (Doryphora decemlineata, Say), in Lohe (Kreis Meppen). [1889.] Osnabriick Jber., 1885-88, 118-120. BohtUngk, R. R. de. Sur le dosage de I'azote dans les corps orpaniques par le precede de K.ieldahl-Wilfarth. St. P^tersb. Arcb. Sci. Biol., 5, 1897, 176-196. Sur les modifications de la constitution chimique de rorganisme dans I'inanition. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 5, 1897, 395-416. Un nouvel appareil pour le dosage de I'uree par le precede azotom(5trique. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 6, 1898, 309-324. BoehUingk, Wilhelm. *Bericht einer Reise durch Finn- land und Lappland. St. P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1840, 107-128, 191-208. *Einige Verhaltnisse bei dem Erscheinen der Diluvial- schrammen in den skandinavischen Gebirgsliindern, welche der Gletscher-Theorie des Herrn Agassiz zu widersprechen scheinen. [1840.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, 162-166. Boeke, J. D. Mikroskopische Phonogrammstudien. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 50, 1891, 297-318; 76, 1899, 497-516. On the derivation of the curves of vowel sounds by means of microscopical research of their phonograms. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, 88-96. Boke, Julius. Statistik der Taubstummen und die Methode dieser Statistik. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E. (1894, 7), 718- 722. Boekliout, Flritz] W[illeni] J[acob]. Ueber Dextran- bildner. Centrbl. Bakt. {AM. 2), 6, 1900, 161-165. Boekhout, F[ritz] Wlillem] J[acoh], & Ott de Vrles, J [an] Jlacobl. Ueber einen neuen chromogenen Bacillus. Centrbl. Bakt. {Alt. 2), 4, 1898, 497-501. Untersuchungen iiber den Reif ungsprozess des Edamer Kases. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 304-307. Bokle, Ch. Ueber zwei Fusspunktenflachen des Achsen- complexes einer Flache zweiter Ordnung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 39,1894,51-58. Boklen, Hermann. Die Gattung Ceratodus. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 43, 1887, 76-81. Boklen, [Georg Heinrich] Oltto]. Ueber die Kriimmung der Fliichen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 96, 1884, 152-181; Ztschr. Math. Phys., 29, 1884, 129-143. Sur les normales de I'ellipsoide. Nouv. Ann. Math., 18, 1899, 121-125. Note sur une surface ^tudiee par Painvin. Nouv. Ann. Math., 18, 1899, 370-372. Ueber die Wellenflache. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899, 289-297. Boekmann, Otto. Ueber den electrischen Widerstand des Mikrophonkohlencontactes wahrend der Bewegung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 23, 1884, 651-665. Boekmann, Otto, & Bamberger, Eugen. See Bamberger & Boekmann. Bolsche, Wlilhelm]. For biographical notice and list of works see Osnabriick Jber., 1893-94, 241-246. Ueber Prestwichia rotundata, H. Woodw., sp., aus der Steinkohlenformation des Piesberges bei Osnabriick. [1885.] Osnabruck Jber., 1883-84, 268-271. Ueber das Auftreten der Steinkohlen-, Zechstein- und Trias-Formation und des Diluviums in der nachsten Umgebung der Stadt Osnabriick. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1885, 46-50. Bolsehe, W[ilhelm], & Kemper, R. See Kemper & BolBcbe. Bolsing, Friedrich, & Tafel, Julius. Zur Kenntniss der Saurehydrazide ii. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892 1551-1556. Bomer, A[loys]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Quarzes. Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 7, 1891, 516-555. Zur Stickstoffbestimmung nach Kjeldahl in Futter- mitteln. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 166-167. 634 [Boer Zinksulfat ein Fallungsmittel flir Albumosen. Fre- senius, Ztschr., 34, 1895, 562-567. Ueber die Zusammensetzung von Molkereiabwassern. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 194-195. Bomer, A[loys], & Konig, [Franz] Josef. See Konig & Bomer. Bomer, A[loys], & XTffelmann, C[arl]. See TTffelmann & Bomer. Bomer, A[lo!/s], Miigge, 0[tto], & Sommerfeldt, E[rnst]. See niugge, Bomer & Sommerfeldt. Bomer, M[ax]. Ueber ein einfaches Wassergeblase. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 390. Bomer, 3I[ax], Kaselhoff, Emil, & Konig, [Fi'a7iz] Josef. Ueber die Schadlichkeit von Sodastaub und Ammoniak- gas auf die Vegetation. Landw, Jbiich., 21, 1892, 407- 425. Bonunel, Anton van. Ueber Cuticularbildungen bei einigen Nematoden. Wiirzb. Zool. Inst. Arb., 10, 1895, 189-212. Boniger, M[elcliior]. Ueber desmatrope Derivate des Succinylobernsteiiisaureathers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1758-1765. Zur Kenntniss des Dioxychinondicarbonsaureathers und dessen Hydroderivates. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1284-1294. Ueber 1 . 2- Amidonaphtol-4-monosulf osaure und Deri- vate derselben. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 23- 30, 745. Ueber 1 . 2- Amidonaphtolsulfosauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3050-3054. Bonnecken, H. B. Ueber Bakterien des Bruchwassers eingeklemmter Hernien und deren Beziehung zur perito- niialen Sepsis. Virchow, Arch., 120, 1890, 7-28. Boenning, H[enrij] C. The disposal of dissecting-room offal. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3), 178- 181. Bonninghaus, Georg. Die Ohrenlupe. Ztschr. Ohren- heilk., 34, 1899, 347-356; Arch. OtoL, 28, 1899, 159-165. Bonninghausen, Victor von. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lepidopteren-Fauna von Rio de Janeiro. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 9, 1896, 19-41. Die Uraniden der alten und der neuen Welt. [1898.] Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb. , 10, 1899, 40-46. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Lepidopteren-Fauna von Rio de Janeiro. Tribus Sphingidae. Iris, 12 (1899), 107- 1.%. Boens, Hubert. La variole, le vaccin et les vaccinides en 1884. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 18, 1884, 21-141. *La vision chez I'homme et chez les animaux. [1852.] Jl. Microgr., 10, 1886, 318-323. Un coup de foudre. Brux., Ac. M(^d. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 284-289. R^forme alimentaire et sanitaire. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 710-739. Considerations sur le cholera et sur son traitement. Brux., Ac. M^d. Belg. Bull., 6, 1892, 1120-1126. La vision chez une jeune fille de seize ans op^ree d'une cataracte double cong^nitale. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 571. Boer, F[loris] de. Uitbreiding van het theorema van RoLLE. Amsterdam, Ak. Vers!, en Meded. , 19, 1884, 384-416 ; Arch. N^erland., 19, 1884, 207-240. Discussie der algemeene vierde-machtsvergelijking. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 20, 1884, 413-452; Fortschr. Math., 1884, 79. Toepassing van de methode Darboux op de differen- tiaalvergelijking s = f{r, t). Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 8, 1891, 221-286; Arch. Neerland., 27, 1894, 355-412. Boer, H. B. de. Beschrijving van het stroomgebied van de rivieren in het rijk van Indragiri en de naburige kustlanJen. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 7, 1890, 557-572. Boer] 635 [Boeri Boer, Onkar. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 33, 1897, 115-116. Ueber die Leistungsfahigkeit mehrerer cbemischer Desinfectionsmittel bei einigen fiir den Menschen patho- genen Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 479-491. Ueber die Behandlung diphtherieinficirter Meer- schweinchen mit chemischen Priiparaten. Ztschr. Hyg., 11, 1892, 154-164. Ueber Diphtherie-Heilungsversuche an Thieren. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 403-404. Boer, Oskar, & Brieger, Ludicig. See Brieger & Boer. Borgen, Carl [Nicolai Jensen]. *Langenbestimmungen auf See und die wissenschaftliche Behandlung der Chronometer-Beobachtungen. Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 296-301 ; 2 (1874), 159-162, 171-175, 183-188. *Vorlaufige Bestinunungen der Constanten der Fluth und Ebbe zu Wilhelmshaven. Ann. der Hydrogr., 4 (1876), 470-478; 5 (1877), 144-145. *Unter8uchungen iiber Einfluss von Temperatur und Zeit auf Chronometergange. Ann. der Hydrogr., 6 (1878), 489-490. *Neue Ableitung der Fluth-Konstanten fiir Wilhelms- haven. Ann. der Hydrogr., 7 (1879), 556-561. *Ueber die Gezeiteu-Stromungen in dem Englischen Kanal und dem siidwestlichen Theile der Nordsee. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 1-15, 120. *Ueber die taglicbe Ungleichheit in den Gezeiten und eine Abhangigkeit derselben von der Geschwindigkeit der Bewegung des Mondes in seiner Bahn. Ann. der Hydrogr., 8 (1880), 74-84. *Kiistenaufnahmeu mittels Depressionswinkeln. Ann. der Hydrogr., 10 (1882), 464-473. *Ueber die Aenderung der Temperatnr-Koeflicienten der Chronometer. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 401- 403. Die harnionische Analyse der Gezeitenbeobachtungen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 305-312, 387-399, 438-449, 499-510, 558-566, 615-622, 664-676 ; 13 (1885), 64. Notiz, betreffend die in den meteorologischen Tabellen fiir Wilhelmshaven enthalteuen Angaben iiber die mag- netische Horizontal-Intensitat. Ann. der Hydrogr., 12 (1884), 713. [Ueber die Polarfrage.] Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1884, 38-42. Theorie der Lamont'schen Instrumente zur Beo- bachtung der Variationen des Erdmagnetismus unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Deflektoren einen beliebigen Winkel mit der Nadel bilden und dass sie ausserdem unter dem Einflusse storender magnetischer Massen stehen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 13 (1885), 249-260, 311-320, 428. Die tagliche Variation der Deklination der Magnet- nadel zu Wilhelmshaven im Jabre 1883. Ann. der Hydrogr., 13 (1885), 489-492. Die alte Frage nach dem offenen Polarmeer. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 145-149. Vorausbestimmung des Ganges eines Chronometers. Ann. der Hydrogr., 15 (1887), 31-38. Beeinflussung der magnetischen Registrirapparate in Wilhelmshaven durch das Erdbeben in Oberitalien am 23. Februar 1887. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 147-148. Ueber die Berechnuug einer Gezeitentafel unter Benutzung der Konstanteu der harmonischen Analyse. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 1-16, 43-54, 89-102, 131- 143, 224. Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen der Windge- schwindigkeit und den Dimensionen der Meereswellen, nebst einer Erklarung fiir das Auftreten von Wellen von langer Periode an frei gelegenen Kiistenpunkten. Ann. der Hydrogr., 18 (1890), 1-11. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Polab- standes eines Magnets. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 49-57, 93-102. Ueber die Berechnung eines einzelnen Hoch- oder Niedrigwassors nach Zeit uud Hohe. Ann. der Hydrogr., 20 (1892, Beiheft zu Juni Heft), 47 pp. Ueber eine neue Methode, die harmonischen Kon- stauten der Gezeiten abzuleiten. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 219-232, 256-270, 295-310. Die Gezeiten-Erscheinungen im Irischen Eanal. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 395-403. The international Polar expeditions, 1882-83. [1895.] U. S. Weatb. Bur. Bull., 11, 1894, 469-485. Ueber die Gezeiten. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb. , 1895, 99-109. Eigenthiiraliche Gewitter. Meteorol. Ztschr., 13 (1896), 435-436. Allgemeiner Ausdruck fiir die Coefficienten der Formel fiir die Ablenkung einer Magnetnadel durch eiuen Ablen- kungsstab in beliebiger Lage. Terrestrial Magn., 1, 1896, 176-190. The law of divisibility. [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897- 98), 54-55. Ueber die Gezeitenerscheinungen in dem Englischen Kanal und dem siidwestlichen Theile der Nordsee. Ann. der Hydrogr., 26 (1898), 414-421, 462-474, 480. Zur Lehre von der Deviation des Kompasses. Ablei- tung des Ausdrucks fiir die Schwingungsdauer einer unter dem Einflusse eines beliebig gelegenen Magnets stehenden Nadel. [1897.] Terrestrial Magn., 4, 1899, 67-69. Ueber die Auflosung des Zweihohen -Problems nach einer Naherungsmethode von Raper, unter Benutzung der Tabelle der Mercatorschen Funktionen. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 84-89. Borgen, Carl [Nicolai Jensen], & Copeland, Ralph. See Copeland & Borgen. B^rgesen, F[rederik C. E.]. Et lille bidrag til Born- holms Desmidi^-flora. [1889.] Bot. Tidsskr., 17, 1890, 141-152. Nogle Ericinee-haars udviklingshistorie. Bot. Tids- skr., 17, 1890, 307-314. Bidrag til kuudskaben om arktiske planters blad- bygning. [1895.] Bot. Tidsskr., 19, 1894-95, 219-243 ; Bot. Centrbl., 70, 1897, 157-158. Sur I'anatomie des feuilles des plantes arctiques. Jl. Bot., Paris, 9, 1896, 1-7, 21-27. Ferskvandsalger fra ^stgrffnland. [Algues d'eau douce du Gronland oriental.] [1894.] Medd. Gr£(nland, 18, 1896, 1-41, (Res. 479-481). En for Fffirxjerne ny Laminaria. [1896.] Bot. Tidsskr., 20, 1895-96, 403-405; Bot. Centrbl., 70, 1897, 56-57. Beretning om et par exkursioner i Sydspanien. [1897.] Bot. Tidsskr., 21, 1897-98, 139-150; Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898, 139-140. Nogle ferskvandsalger fra Island. [1899.] Bot. Tidsskr., 22, 1898-99, 131-138. Conspectus algarum novarum aquae dulcis, quas in insulis Faeroensibus invenit [auctor]. Kj«Jbenh. Vid. Medd., 1899, 317-336. A contribution to the knowledge of the marine alga vegetation on the coasts of the Danish West-Indian islands. [Et bidrag til kundskaben om alge-vegetationen ved kysterne af Dansk Vestindien.] Bot. Tidsskr., 23, 1900, 49-57, 58-60. Bf^rgesen, F[rederik C. E.], & Ostenfeld, C[arl] Hansen. Planter samlede paa Frornerne i 1895. [1896.] Bot. Tidsskr., 20, 1895-96, 143-158. B^rgesen, F[rederik C. E.], & Fanlsen, Ove. Om vegeta- tionen paa de dansk vestindiske 0er. [1898.] Bot. Tidsskr., 22, 1898-99, 1-114; Rev. Gen. Bot., 12, 1900, 99-107, 138-153, 224-245, 289-297, 344-354, 434-446, 480-510. Boerl, Giovanni, & Beale, Enrico. See Xteale & Boeri. 80—2 Boeri] 636 [Bbrnstein Boeri, Giovanni, & Silvestro, R. di. Sur le mode cle se comporter des differentes sensibilites sous Taction de divers agents. [1898.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 31, 1899, 460- 464. Boeris, Giovanni. Aracnidi raccolti nel Sud-America dal Dott. Vincenzo Bagazzi. Modena Soo. Nat. Atti, 8, 1889, 123-135. Di alcuni ragni d' Ustica. Nat. Sicil., 8, 1889, 237- 239. Studio cristallografico di alcune sostanze organiche. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 30-34, 207-277. Note di mineralogia italiana. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 103-107. Azione dell' acido nitroso suU' anetolo. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 [Pt. 2), 165-194. Studio cristallografico di alcuni nuovi composti organici. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Seni. 1), 199-204. Sopra la calcocite di Montecatini. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 {Sem. 1), 304-309 ; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 26-32. Sulla forma cristallina di alcuni derivati dell' anetolo. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 29, 1896, 1234-1248; Riv. Min. Crist., 17, 1897, 36-51. Suir epidoto della Comba di Compare Robert (Avi- gliana). [1897.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 456- 466 or 670-680; Riv. Min. Crist., 20, 1898, 65-76. Sulla forma cristallina di alcune nuove sostanze organiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 149- 156. Sulla forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi composti organici. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 296- 301. Sulla forma cristallina dello isoapiolo d' aneto e del tetrametilapionolo. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 31, 1898, 443-447. Nuove osservazioni sopra i minerali della Comba di Compare Robert. [1899-1900.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 451-463 or 609-621; Riv. Min. Crist., 23, 1899, 20-32. Sopra la tridimite di S. Pietro Montagnon negli Euganei. [1898.] Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 38, 1899, 17- 32; Riv. Min. Crist., 22, 1899, 66-80. Sopra una rimarchevole somiglianza di forma cristal- lina tra composti organici. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 39, 1900, 111-123. Sopra la perowskite di S. Ambrogio in valle di Susa. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 {Sem. 1), 52-55. Forma cristallina del tolano. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 9, 1900 (Sem. 1), 382-383. Pirite di Valgioie. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 488-495 or 714-721. Boeris, Giovanni, & Angeli, Angelo. See Angeli & Boerts. Boeris, Giovanni, & Ciamiclan, Giacomo Luigi. See Ciamician & Boeris. Boerlage, J. , & Duparc, Louis. See Duparc & Boerlage. Boerlage, J[acob'] G. Mededeeling over het onderzoek van den Heer J. Haak omtrent het thallus van Raliiesia patma, Bl. [1885.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 400-401. Voorloopige mededeelingen omtrent eenige Indische Araliaceen. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 441-454. Revision de quelques genres des Araliacees de I'archipel Indien. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 6, 1887, 97-128. Mat^riaux pour la flore de Buitenzorg. [1889.] Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 8, 1890, 47-78. De flora van Marken. [1887.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 56-60. Het geslacht Achyranthes, L., in 's Rijks Herbarium te Leiden. [1889.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 420-430. Samandura of Samadera? eene quaestie op het gebied der botanische nomenclatuur. [1889.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 520-523. Aanteekeningen omtrent de kennis der flora van Nederlandsch-Indie. Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 657-672. Over een Amerikaansche aankomeling Amsinckia lycopsoides, Lelivi. [1894.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 6, 1895, 439-443. On Chionanthus Ghaeri, Gaertn. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 31, 1896-97, 246-248. Sur la maniere de flotter et la germination des fruits du Heritiera littoralis, Dryand. Buitenzoi'g Jard. Bot. Ann., Suppl. 2, 1898, 137-142. Over een nieuwe verwilderde Portulacacee. [1897.] Nedprl. Kruidk. Arch., 1, 1899, 206-208. Enumeration des veg^taux producteurs de caoutchouc et de getah-pertja r^coltees par le Dr. P. van Romburgh dans les iles de Sumatra, Borneo, Riouw et Java. Buiten- zorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 5, 1900, 29 pp. Boerlage, J[acob"\ G., & Koorders, S. H. Bijdragen tot de kennis der boomflora van Java. [iii. Een nieuw Javaansch woudboomen-geslacht, Bruinsmia.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 53, 1893, 68-72. ' Een nieuwe Javaansche boomsoort. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 56, 1897, 185-189. Boerma, D[avid Jakob]. Ueber einen Fall von symmetri- schen Lymphomen in der Orbita. Arcli. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 4), 219-230. Boerma, I)[avid Jakob], & "Walther, K[arl]. Unter- suchungen tiber die Abnahme der Sehscharfe im Alter. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 39, 1893 (Abth. 2), 71-82. Borner, C[arl]. Vorlaufige Mittheilung zur Systematik der Sminthuridae, Tullb., insbesondere des Genus Smin- thurus, Latr. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 609-618. Boemer, Charles G. For biographical notice see U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 28 (1900), 22. Observations of meteors made at Vevay, Ind., Aug. 10th, 11th and 12th, 1884. Lat. 38° 46', Long. 84° 59' 20" . 5 ; above sea-level 525 feet. Sidereal Messenger, 3, 1884, 236-237. Boemer, Chas. R. An early spring trip. Philad. , Ent. News, 5, 1894, 175-176. Bornstein, Elmst Gnstav]. Ueber Oxydation des Glycerins in alkalischer Losung und eine bequeme Methode zur Darstellung reiner Glycerinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 3357-3.358. Zur Einwirkung von Quecksilberoxyd in alkalischer Losung auf Glycerin. Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckerind. , 36, 1886, 45-46. Erwiderung, betreffend die Fluoresceinreaction zur Erkennung des Benzoesauresulfinids. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3396-3397. Zur Erkennung des Benzoesaure-Sulfinids (Fahlberg's "Saccharin") in Nahrungsmitteln. Fresenius, Ztschr., 27, 1888, 165-168. Ueber die Einwirkung von Benzolsulfochlorid auf Nitrosodimethylanilin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 1479-1488, 2667- Oxydation des Anilins. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1898 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 110. Bornstein, E[rnst Gustav], & XZerzfeld, Alexander. Ueber Oxydation der Lavulose. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 3353-3357; 19, 1886, 85. See also XZerzfeld & Bornstein. Bornstein, R[icliard]. *[Versuche iiber temporaren Mag- netismus.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 120-121. — — - Ueber den von Nipher vorgeschlagenen Schutz- trichter fiir Regenmesser. Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 381-387. Ueber locale Wetterprognose. [1884.] Wetter, 1, 1885, 3-10, 41-48, 65-71, 97-101. Bewegung einer Boe iiber Berlin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 2 (1885), 194-195. Bbrnsteinj 637 [Boeseken Unwetter in Berlin. Meteorol. ZtscLr., 2 (1886), 336-338. Ueber eine interessante meteorologische Erscheinung. [1885.] Wetter, 2, 1886, 96-97. Aul'zeichuungen der meteorologischen Eegistrir- apparate in der Landwirthscliaftlichen Hocbschule walirend einer Graupelboe. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 1-2. Gewitter im Juli 1884. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1886, 87 (6u)-94. Ueber das Fortschreiten von Gewittern. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 337. Die Gewitter vom 13. bis 17. Juli 1884 in Deutsch- land. Wetter, 4, 1887, 49-58. Eine neue Form des Electrodynamometers. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 398-4U0. Auffallender Verlauf eines Diffusionsversnches. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1888, 9-10. Ein neuer Elektricitatszabler. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1888, 19-23; Elektrotecbn. Ztscbr., 9, 1888, 178- 180. Eine Beziehung zwischen dem Luftdruck und dem Stundenwinkel des Mondes. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 161-170. Elektrische Beobachtungen bei zwei Ballonfahrten. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1894, 35-46. Electrische Beobachtungen bei Luftfahrten unter Einfluss der Ballouladung. Ann. Phys. Chem., 62, 1897, 680-686; Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 50. Der jiihrlicbe und tagliche Gang des Niederschlages in Berlin N. Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 209-214. Boenstudien gelegeutlich des Gewitters vom 22. Juni 1898. Meteorol. Ztschr., 16 (1899), 1-5. Ueber Witterungsdienst. Wetter, 16, 1899, 169-173, 193-200. Eine Beziehung zwischen Luftdruckverteilung und Monddeklinatiou. [1899-1900.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 54-56, 446-448; Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 276-278, 420-424. Gewitterbeobacbtungen bei einer Ballonfahrt. Me- teorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 377-378. Bomstein, R[ichard], & Xiess, Emil. Ueber die Tempera- turverhaltnisse von Berlin. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 206. Die Temperaturverhaltnisse von Berlin. Nach Auf- zeichnungen an der Kgl. Landwirthschaftlichen Hocb- schule. Meteorol. Ztschr., 15 (1898), 321-332. Boerrigter, R. J. Ueber eiue Verunreinigung in Aether. Arch. Pbarm., 223, 1885, 532-536. Borsch, [^b'ranz] A\;uton Carl Cdsar}. Der Cerebotani'sche Distauzmesser. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 6, 1886, 77-86, 125-134. . Das Markiscb-Thiiringiscbe Dreiecksnetz. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroif., 1889, 144 pp. Borscli, [Fram] A[nton Carl Ciisar], & Kriiger, [JoJiann Heinricli] jL[oujs]. Die europaiscbe Langengradmessung in 52 Grad Breite von Greenwich bis Warschau. ii. Heft. Geodatiscbe Linien, Parallelbogen und Lothab- weichungen zwischen Feaghmain und Warschau. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroli"., 1896, 205 pp. Bortzell, Algernon. *Beskrifning ofver Besier-Ecksteinb kromolitograti och litotyjjograii anvanda vid tryckningen af geologisk ofversigtskarta ofver Skane. Stockh., Sver. Geol. Unders. {Ser. C), [6], 1872, 23 pp. Boes, Carl. St. Elrasfeuer. Wetter, 11, 1894, 91-92. Boes, J[oha7ineti], & Stoermer, R[ichard]. See Stoenuer & Boes. Bose, Emil. Ein neues Vorkoramen vou oberem Lias uud unterem Dogger in deu bayerischen Alpeu. Neues Jbuch. Miu., 1892 {Bd. 2), 86-87. Die Fauna der Liasischen Brachiopodenschichten bei Hiudelang (Algau). Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 42, 1893, 627- 650. Ueber Liasische und Mitteljurassische Fleckenmergel in den bayerischen Alpen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 46, 1894, 703-768. Geologische Monographic der Hobenschwangauer Alpen. Geogn. Jhefte. , 6, 1894, 1-48. Monographic des Genus Ehynchonellina, Gemtn. [1894.] Palaeontographica, 41, 1894-95, 49-80. Zur Gliederung der Trias im Berchtesgadener Lande. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (Bd. 1), 218-220. Weitere Beitrage zur Gliederung der Trias im Berchtes- gadener und Salzburger Lande. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1895, 251-254. Zur Kenntniss der Schichtenfolge im Engadin. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 557-631. Ueber das Verhaltniss von Koninckina, Suess, zu Koninckella, Munier-Chalmas. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 925-931. Contributo alia geologia della penisola di Sorrento. [1896.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 8, 1897, No. 8, 18 pp. Die Mittelliasiscbe Brachiopodenfauna der ostlichen Nordalpen. Nebst einem Anhange iiber die Fauna des unteren Dogger im bayerischen Innthale. [1897.] Palaeontographica, 44, 1897-98, 145-235. Ueber Lias in Mexico. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 168-175. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der alpinen Trias. 1. Die Berchtesgadener Trias und ihr Verhaltniss zu den iibrigeia Triasbezirken der nordlichen Kalkalpen. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898, 468-586, 695-761; 51, 1899, 184, XV. Geologia de los alrededores de Orizaba con un perfil de la vertiente oriental de la mesa central de Mexico. Mex. Inst. Geol. BoL, 13, 1899, 52 pp. Sobre la independencia de los volcanes de grietas preesistentes. [1900.] M^x., Soc. "Alzate" Mem., 14, 1899, 199-224, {Res. 225-231). Das Erdbeben in der Gegend von Freiburg am 17. November 1891. Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 {Ahh.), 421-447. Bose, Emil, & Finkelstein, Heinrich. Die Mitteljuras- siscben Brachiopoden-Schichten bei Castel Tesino im ostlichen Siidtirol. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 265-302. Nochmals die Mitteljurassischen Brachiopoden- schichten bei Castel Tesino. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 239-241. Bose, Emil, & Iiorenzo, Giuseppe de. Zur Geologie der Monti Picentini bei Neapel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztscbr., 48, 1896, 202-215. Per la geologia della Calabria settentrionale. Boma, E. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 114-116. Geologische Beobachtungen in der siidlichen Basili- cata und dem nordwestlichen Calabrien. Wien, Cteol. Jbuch., 46, 1897, 235-268. Bose, Eviil, & Ordbnez, Ezequiel. See Ordbiies & Bose. Bose, Emil, & Behlosser, Max. Ueber die Mittelliasische Brachiopodenfauna von Siidtyrol. [1900.] Palaeonto- graphica, 46, 1899-1900, 175-212. Boeseken, Jlacob}. Sur un sel acide de cuivre de I'acide quinoleique. Bee. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 12, 1893, 253-254; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 11-12. Note sur la m^tbode de condensation de M. Claisen. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 161-164. Sur les produits de Taction des amines primaires sur les dinitrosacyles. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 16, 1897, 297-353. Note sur la formation des cetoues grasses aromatiques a I'aide du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 349-350. Action des lessives caustiques dilutes et concentr6es sur I'acide tartrique droit. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 17, 1898, 224-230. Boeseken] 638 [Boettger Contribution a la connaissance de la reaction de Fkiedel et Crafts. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 19-26. Boeseken, J[acob], & IZolleman, Alrnold] Flrederik]. See ZXolleman & Boeseken. Boselager, (Frhr.) Philipp von. Ueber den Nutzen und Scbaden der Eulen und anderer Matisevertilger. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 12, 1888, 143-144. Bosenberg, [FriedricK] W[ilhelm]. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Arachniden-Fauna von Madeira und den Canarischen Inseln. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abb., 13, 1895, No. 4, 13 pp. Die echten Spinnen der Umgebung Hamburgs. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 14, 1897, 135-156; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 14, 1897, Beiheft 2, 135-156. Die Spinnen der Rheinprovinz. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 56, 1899, 69-131. Bosenberg, [Friedrich] W[ilhelm], & Xienz, Heinrich. Ostafri^anische Spinnen, gesammelt von Herrn Dr. F. Stuhlmann in den Jabren 1888 und 1889. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 12, 1895, 25-51; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 12, 1895, Beiheft, 25-51. Boessneck, Paul [Ernst]. Ueber die Condensation von Cbloralhydrat mit tertiaren aromatischen Aminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 1516-1521; 19, 1886, 365-369. Ueber Acetylorthotoluylendiamin (CHg : NHg : NH . CO . CH3=1 : 3 : 4) und Acetylazimidotoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1757-1760. Ueber einen Laboratoriums-Extractionsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 1600. Ueber die Condensation von Cbloralhydrat mit secun- daren aromatischen Aminen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 782-784. Ueber die Doppelverbindungen des Acetons mit den Sulfiten aromatischer Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1906-1910. Kritische Untersuchungen iiber die Methoden zur Werthbestimmung von Weinsaurerohmaterial. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 356-357. Verbesserter Extractionsapparat. Chem. Ztg., 14, 1890, 870-871. Boessneck, Paul [Ernst], & BInofler, Oskar. See Knofler & Boessneck. Boeteau, [Louis], & Klippel, M[aurice]. See KUppel & Boeteau. Boaters, (Kapt.) . Zur Hydrographie und Kiisten- beschreibung von Ostafrika. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 121-124. Botsch, C. Zur Anwendung von Antimonoxalat. Chem, Ztg., 9, 1885, 1787, 1905. Bottcher, (Hptm.) . [Notizen iiber spatbliihende Species.] [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1895, 50. Bottcber, Albr. Ueber den Gang der Eispunktsdepression. Ztschr. Iiistrumentenk., 8, 1888, 409-412. Bottcher, Albr., & VTiebe, H[ermann] F[riedrich]. See vriebe & Bottcher. Bottcher, [Jakob Ernst] Arthur. For biography see Arch. Ohrenheilk., 28, 1889, 310; Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 170, 214 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 281-282. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Darmmyome. Virchow, Arch., 104, 1886, 1-10. Riickblicke auf die neueren Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Scbnecke, im Anschluss an eigene Beobachtungen. [1886.] Arch. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1887, 1-38, 95-166. Wie kommt die Gehorsempfindung in der Schnecke zu Stande? Arch. Ohrenheilk., 25, 1887, 1-10. [Riickblicke auf die neueren Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Schnecke.] Zur Verstandigung. Virchow Arch., 108, 1887, 219-220. Boettcher, -E. Konstantes und transportables galvanisches Element. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 350-351. Primarelement mit Kupferoxyd mit langer Konstanz, freiwilliger Regeneration des Kupferoxyds und sehr billigem Betriebe. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 13, 1892, 205- 206. Erganzende Bemerkungen zum primaren Kupfer- oxydelement. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 636. Bottcher, Georg. Untersuchungen iiber die histologischen Vorgange und das Verhalten des Blutes in doppelt unter- bundenen Gefassen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 2, 1888, 199- 219. Bottcher, L[ucyan] E. Zasady rachunku iteracyjnego. [Principes du calcul it^ratif.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 10, 1899- 1900, 65-101. R6wnania funkcyjne podstawnicze. [Functional substitution equations.] Wiad. Mat., 4, 1900, 233-235. 0 wiasnosciach pewnycli wyznacznikow funkcyjnych. [Einige Hauptsatze aus der Theorie der Gr^vy'schen Determinanten.] [1900.] Krakow, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Rozpr., 18, 1901, 382-389; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1900, 227-228. Bottcher, 0[skar]. Bestimmung des Salpeter-Stickstoffs. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 165-169. Zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs nach der Kjeldahl'- schen Methode. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 41, 1892, 170- 173. Zum Nachweis von Verfalschungen des Thomasmehles. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 565. Zur Bestimmung des Ammoniak- Stickstoffs in kiinst- lichen Diingemitteln. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 151-152. Ueber die Bestimmung der " citratloslicheu Phosphor- saure" in Thomasmehlen. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 168- 169, 783-784, 993-995. Zur Bestimmung der " citratloslichen Phosphorsaure " in Knochenmehlen, Superphosphaten, etc. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 201-202. Ersatz der Wasserbader und Sandbader durch Asbest- luftbader. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 794-795. Zur Stickstoff bestimmung im Salpeter. Jl. Landw., 48, 1900, 287-289. See also Kiihn, Gtistav (et alii). Bottcher, 0[skar], Kellner, 0[skar Johann], & Diessel- horst, G[eorg]. See Kellner, Bottcher & Diessel- horst. Bottcher, 0[skar], Kiihn, Gustav, & Konig, G. See Kiihn, Konig & Bottcher. Bottcher, W[ilhehn], & Kraemer, G[ustav]. See Kraemer & Bottcher. Bottger, [Rudolph Christian]. *[Der Versuch Graham's beziiglich der Absorption des Wasserstoffs durch Pal- ladium.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 110. *[Neue Vorlesungsversuche beziiglich activen Wasser- stoffs und activen Sauerstoffs.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 106-107. *[Ueber Untersuchung von Wasser in Bezug auf seine Trinkbarkeit, unter Beriicksicbtigung von Am- moniak, salpetriger Saure und Salpetersaure.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 186. *Die Nachweisung von occludirtem Wasserstoff im sogenannten explosiven Antimon. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 53-54. *Ein neues Losungsmittel fiir Trinitrocellulose. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1875, 54. Bottger, Heinrich. Untersuchungen iiber Schwefelver- bindungen. i. Ueber die Polysulfide des Natriums, [ii. Zur Constitution der Alkalipolysulfide. in. Ein- wirkung von Schwefel auf Natriummercaptid. iv. Zur Kenntniss des Schwefelathyls.] Liebig's Ann., 223, 1884, 335-354. Bottger, Leopold. Geschichtliche Darstellung unserer Kenntnisse und Meinungen von den Korallenbauten. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 63, 1890, 241-304. Boettger, Oskar. *Die Reptilien und Amphibien von Marocco, ii. [1883.] Senckenb. Nat. Ges. Abh., 13, 1884, 93-146. Neuer fossiler Archeeozonites aus dem Tertiar der Boettger] 639 [Boettger Rhon. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 11 (1884), 289-291. Neue Helix aus Calabrien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 16, 1884, 16. Diagnoses specierum novarum Carniolise, a cl. Jos. Stussinek Labacensi coUectarum. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 16, 1884, 184-185. Ueber Orygoceras, Brus. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 (Bd. 2), 44-45. Melanopsis costata, Neumayr non Olivier, Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 (Bd. 2), 46-47. Uebergange von Eratopsis zu Erato. Hornes' Hnd Auinger's neuestes Werk. Realia fossil. Lebende Vertreter zweier Hochheimer Untermiocaner Land- schnecken. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 (Bd. 2), 136-139. Liste der von Herrn 0. Eetowski in Abchasien gesammelten Reptilien und Batrachier. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 144-145. Liste der von Herrn 0. Eetowski in Abchasien gesammelten BinnenmoUusken. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 146-155. Fossile Binnenschnecken aus den Untermiocanen Gorbicula-Thonen von Niederrad bei Frankfurt (Main). Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 258-280. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schnecken-Fauna von Central-Bosnien, sowie des siidlichsten Dalmatiens und Westmontenegros. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 12 (1888), 53-71. Fundortslisten mitteleuropiiischer Nacktschnecken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 54-58. Ostdeutsche Arten im Mosbacher Sand. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 80-82. Notiz iiber zwei Clausiliinae des Mainzer Beckens. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 116-117. Zur Fauna von Elis und Achaia. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 117-123. Neue Stenomphalus-Form (Rapaninse) aus dem Mainzer Becken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 145-147. Zur Siisswasserfauna der Umgebung von Darmstadt. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 17, 1885, 187. Zur Naturgeschichte des Griineders (Lacerta viridis, L.). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 26, 1885, 140-147. Ueber die wichtigsten Unterschiede der fiinf deutschen Rana-Arten. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 26, 1885, 233-246. Berichtigung betr. Realia rara, Bttg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 {Bd. 2), 236. Materialien zur herpetologischen Fauna von China. I [and II]. Offenbach, Ver. Nat. Ber., 24 & 25, 1886, 115-170; 26-28, 1888, 51-191. Materialien zur Fauna des unteren Congo, i. Offen- bach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 24 & 25, 1885, 171-186. [Reiseerinnerungen aus Algerian und Tunis, von W. KoBELT.] Anhang i. Liste der von Hrn. Dr. med. W. KoBELT in Algerien und Tunisien gesammelten Kriechthiere. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1885, Beilage, 457-475. Liste von Reptilien und Batrachiern aus Paraguay. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 58, 1885, 213-248, 436-437. On five new species of shells of the genus Buliminus from the Levant, collected by Vice-Admiral T. Speatt. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 23-26. Die altalluviale Molluskenfauna des Grossen Bruchs bei Traisa, Prov. Starkenburg. Darmst. Ver. Erdk. Notizbl., 7, 1886, 1-7. Neue Paludinen aus dem Mainzer Becken. Darmst. Ver. Erdk. Notizbl., 7, 1886, 7-9. Zur Kenntnis der Melanien Chinas und Japans. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886), 1-16; 14 (1887), 105-117. Zur Fauna von Spitza-Sutomore in Siiddalmatien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886), 34-41. Neuntes Verzeichniss (ix) von MoUusken der Kau- kasuslander nach Sendungen des Herrn Hans Ledek. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886), 121-1.56. Zur Kenntniss der Neritinen Chinas. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886), 211-223. Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von Binnenmol- lusken aus dem Talysch-Gebiet im Siidwesten des Caspisees (xi). Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 13 (1886), 241-258. Verschleppung von Schnecken mit Farbholz. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886, 58. Erste Oligoptychie der Grucita-Gruppe aus Kleinasien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886, 81-82. Ein Fundort von Daudebardia brevipes, Fdr., westlich des Rheius. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 18, 1886, 145-146. Ueber die aufgestellten Reptilien von Deli, N. Sumatra. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1886 (Th. 1), 81-88. Beitrage zur Herpetologie und Malakozoologie Siidwest- Afrikas [und Siid-Afrikas]. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1886 (Th. 2), 3-29; 1887 (Th. 2), 135-173. Aufzahlung der von den Philippinen bekannten Repti- lien und Batrachier. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1886 (Th. 2), 91-134. Diagnoses Reptilium novorum ab ill. viris 0. Herz et Consule Dr. 0. Fr. de Moellendorff in Sina meridionali repertorum. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 519-520. Ueber die Neuerwerbungen der herpetologischen Sektion seit 24 August 1886. [1886.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887 (Th. 1), 61-64. Verzeichniss der von Hrn. Dr. Heinr. Simroth aus Portugal und von den Azoren mitgebrachten Reptilien und Batrachier. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 175-194. Drei neue Conus aus dem Miocaen von Lapugy und von Bordeaux. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 14 (1887), 4-8. Vier neue westindische Pneumonopomen. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 14 (1887), 101-104. Die ostasiatischen Vertreter der Gattung Rissoina. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 14 (1887), 125-135. Die Rissoidengattung Stossichia, Bi~us., ihre Sy- nonymic und ihre lebenden und fossilen Vertreter. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 14 (1887), 136-147. Aufzahlung der zur Gattung Assiminea, Fleming, gehorigen Arten. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiich., 14 (1887), 147-234. Zwei neue Formen transkaukasischer Landschnecken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 55-57. Herpetologische Notizen. [i. Listen von Reptilien und Batrachiern aus Niederlandisch-Indien und von der Insel Salanga. ii. Verzeichnis von Reptihen aus Accra an der Goldkiiste.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1887 (Th. 2), 37-64. Diagnoses Reptilium novorum ab ill. viro Paul Hesse in finibus fluminis Congo repertorum. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887, 649-651. [Holoderma suspectum. Cope.'] [1887.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888 (Th. 1), 63-64. Verzeichniss der von Hrn. E. von Oertzen aus Griechenland und aus Kleinasien mitgebrachten Ba- trachier und Reptilien. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 139-186. Ueber einige neue oder bemerkenswerthe Land- schnecken aus Griechenland. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 51-58. Diagnosen neuer kaukasischer Arten. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 149-155. Materialien zur Fauna des unteren Congo, ii. Rep- tilien und Batrachier. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888 (Th. 2), 3-108. Aufzahlung einiger neu erworbener Reptilien und Batrachier aus Ost-Asien. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888 (Th. 2), 187-190. Beitrag zur Reptilfauna des oberen Beni in Bolivia. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888 (Th. 2), 191-199. Boettger] 640 [Boettger Ueber die Eeptilien und Batrachier Transcaspiens. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung .) Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 259- 263. Ueber aussere Geschlechtscbaractere bei den See- schlangen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 395-398. Die Eeptilien und Batrachier Transkaspiens. Zool. Jbiich. (Sijst.), 3, 1888, 871-972. Ein Paar neue Fundorte griechischer Landschnecken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 23-26. Bemerkungen iiber ein paar brasilianische Land- schnecken, nebst Beschreibung dreier neuer Hyalinien von dort. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 27-30. Zur Kenntniss der Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken von Nossi-B6. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 41-53; 22, 1890, 81-101; 21, 1892, 53-58. Zur Molluskenfauna der russischen Gouvernements Poltawa, Perm und Orenburg. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 120-133 ; 22, 1890, 161-173. Zur Molluskenfauna von Corfu. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 133-138. Eine neue Riesenhelix aus Honduras. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 164-166. Neue Clausilie aus Peru. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 166-167. Eine Fauna im alten Alluvium der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 187-195. Ein Kapitel iiber die Einwirkung von Klima und Boden auf die Tierwelt. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 30, 1889, 1-8, 33-42. Die Entwicklung der Pupa-Arten des Mittelrhein- gebietes in Zeit und Eaum. Nassauisch. Ver. Jbiich., 42, 1889, 225-327. Zehntes Verzeichniss (xii) von Mollusken der Kau- kasuslander nach Sendungen des Herrn Hans Leder. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1889 {Th. 2), 3-37. Verzeichniss der von Herrn Staatsrat O. Eetowski auf seiner Eeise von Konstantinopel nach Batum gesam- melten Eeptilien und Batrachier. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1889 (Th. 2), 203-206. Herpetologische Miscellen. [i. Epirus, ii. Corfu. III. Kamerun. iv. Landschildkroten aus Gross-Nama- land. V. Transvaal, vi. Pondoland. vii. Zwei fiir Madagascar neue Schildkroten. viii. Madras, ix. Java. X. Eeptilien von Nias. xi. Nordwest Peru.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1889 [Th. 2), 267-316. Ein neuer Pelobates aus Syrian. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 144-147. Die Binnenmollusken Transkaspiens und Chorassans. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 4, 1889, 925-982. [Bericht iiber die Eeptilien und Batrachier an der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft ge- schenkt.] [1889.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1890, Ixx-lxxiv. [Eine reichhaltige Sendung von Eeptilien und Am- phibien.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1890, Ixxxi-lxxxiv. Ad. Strubell's Konchylien aus Java [und von den Molukken]. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1890, 137-173- 1891, 241-318. Batrachier und Eeptilien aus Kleinasien. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1890, 293-295. Neue Schlange aus Ostindien. Senckenb. Natf. Ges Ber., 1890, 297-298. Fortsetzung der Liste der bei Prevesa in Epirus gesammelten Kriechtiere. Senckenb. Natf. Ges Ber 1890, 299-301. Eine neue Viper aus Armenien. Zool. Anz.. 13. 1890 62-64. > . , Verzeichnis der von Herrn E. von Oertzen aus Griechenland und aus Kleinasien mitgebrachten Ver- treter der Landschneckengattung Clausilia, Drp [1890 ] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 16, 1891, 29-68. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber griechische Mollusken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 23, 1891, 82-91. Schnecken von Hydra. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 23, 1891, 91-92. Drei neue Mitteloligocane Mollusken aus deutschem Eupelthon. Malakozool. Blatter, 11, 1891, 89-93. Bemerkungen iiber einige Eeptilien des Naturhistori- schen Museums der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg : aus Peru, Brasilien, Cuba und Gross-Nama- land. Niirnb. Nat. Ges. Abh., 8, 1891, 89-93. Eeptilien und Batrachier aus Bolivia. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 343-347; 17, 1894, 118-119. Eeptilien von Euboea. Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 418. Schnecken von der Insel Giura, N.-Sporaden, aus dem phokischen Parnass und aus anderen griechischen Ge- bieten. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 24, 1892, 59-66. Die MeeresmoUusken der mittleren Liukiu-Inseln. [Mit Vorwort von A. Fkitze.] Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 24, 1892, 153-168. Neue Stenogyren aus Westafrika und ein neues Aperostoma aus Honduras. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 24, 1892, 202-204. Der Eohrsanger der Frankfurter Promenaden und Wallgarten. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 33, 1892, 119- 124. Mitteilung iiber eine Reptiliensendung von Aden in Siid-Arabien. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 29-32, 1892, 61-63. Listen von Kriechtieren und Lurchen aus dem tropischen Asien und aus Papuasien. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 29-32, 1892, 65-164. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Eeise Dr. Jean Valentins im Sommer, 1890. i. Kriechtiere der Kaukasuslander, gesammelt durch die Eadde-Valen- tin'sche Expedition nach dem Karabagh und durch die Herren Dr. J. Valentin und P. Eeibisch. ii. Die MeeresmoUusken der Insel Kalymnos. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 131-163. Drei neue colubriforme Schlangen. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 417-420. Die Verhaltnisszahlen der palsearktischen Najaden, eine Erganzung zu C. Agh. Westerlund's Fauna der Binnenconchylien. Heftvii. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 25, 1893, 65-79; 30, 1898, 33-48. Die marinen Mollusken der Philippinen, nach den Sammlungen des Herrn Jose Florencio Quadras in Manila. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 25, 1893, 97-115, 153-167, 185-193; 27, 1895, 1-20, 41-63; 28, 1896, 41-56. Drei neue Pneumonopomen aus Borneo. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 25, 1893, 194-197. Eine neue Eidechse aus Siidwest-Afrika. Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1892-93, No. 5, 2 pp. Ein neuer Beutelfrosch. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 129-132. Eeptilien und Batrachier aus Venezuela. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1893, 35-42. Ein neuer Laubfrosch aus Costa Eica. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1893, 251-252. Uebersicht der von Prof. C. Keller anlasslich der Euspoli'schen Expedition nach den Somalilandern ge- sammelten Eeptilien und Batrachier. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 113-119, 129-132, 193. Neue Eeptilien und Batrachier aus West Java. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 334-340. Drei neue Wasserfrosche (Rana) von den Philippinen. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 363-367. Ein neuer Drache (Draco) aus Siam. [1893.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 429-430. Die Binnenschnecken der griechischen Inseln Cerigo und Cerigotto. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 26, 1894, 1-12. Boettger] 641 [Bottinger I Ein neuer Amphidromus ans Borneo. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 26, 1894, 66-67. H. A. PiLSBRY iind die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Helices im Tertiar Europas. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 26, 1894, 107-112. [Semon's zoologische Forscbungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel.] Lurche (Batrachia). [Schlangen.] [1894.] Jena Denkschr., 8, 1894-1903, 107-114, 115-126. [Herpetologische Schatze.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, xci-xciv. [Dr. Eduard Fleck's Beiseausbevite aus Siidwest- Africa.] Aufzahlung der Arten. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, 88-93. Materialien zur herpetologischen Fauna von China. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1894, 129-152. [Einige Bemerkungen iiber eine Beise in Corsica von Dr. R. F. ScHABFF.] Reptilia, Batrachia, Mollusca (excl. Nacktsohnecken). Senckenb. Natf. Ges, Ber., 1894, 159- 162. Diagnosen eines Geckos und eines Chamaeleons aus Siid-Madagaskar. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 137-140. Eine neue Brookesia (Chamaeleontidae) aus Nossibe. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 182-185. Beitrag zur herpetologischen Kenntniss der Calami- anen, Philippinische Inseln. [1895.] Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1894-95, No. 7, 5 pp. Neue Frosche und Schlangen von den Liukiu-Inseln. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 33-36, 1896, 101-117; Zool. Anz., 18, 1896, 266-270. A contribution to the herpetological fauna of the island of Tobago. [1895.] Trinidad Field Nat. Club Jl., 2, [1894-96], 145-146. Zwei neue Eeptilien vom Sambesi. Zool. Anz., 18, 1896, 62-63. Liste der Eeptilien und Batrachier der Insel Halma- heira nach den Sammlungen Prof. Dr. W. Kukenthal's. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 116-121, 129-138, 157. Neue Funde Tertiarer Landschnecken bei Offenbach- a.-M. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 28, 1896, 16-19. Diagnosen neuer Clausilien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 28, 1896, 124-127. Eeptilien und Batrachier aus Deutsch Neu Guinea. [1896.] Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1896-97, No. 7, 3 pp. Neue Kriechthiere (Scelotes, Arthroleptis) von den Seychellen. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 349-351. Neue Helix-Formen aus dem Mainzer Tertiar. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 29, 1897, 16-21. Zur Kenntnis der Fauna der Mittelmiocanen Schichten von Kostej im Banat. Hermannstadt Verb., 46, 1897, 49-66. Neue Eeptilien und Batrachier von den Philippinen. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 161-166. Ehacophorus Eizali, ein neuer Baumfrosch von Mindanao, nebst Fundortnotizen von den Philippinen iiberhaupt. [1897.] Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh., 1898-99, 2^0. 1, 3 pp. Zwei neue Landschnecken aus Kleinasien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 30, 1898, 12-16. Landschnecken vom Kilima-Njaro, Deutsch Ostafrika. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 30, 1898, 17-19. Bemerkungen iiber einige Buliminus aus Kleinasien, Syrien und Cypern, nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 30, 1898, 19-27. Ueber die systematische Stellung der siidarabischen Clausilia Schweinfurthi, 3Irts. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 30, 1898, 63. Bau, Lebensweise und Unterscheidung der Schlangen. [1898.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1899, 75-88. Notiz iiber eine neue Gruppe von Clausilien (Para- phsedusa) aus Celebes. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 81, 1899, 56-59. Eine neue Eremia aus der Oase Siuah. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 31, 1899, 158-160. Eine neue Clausilie (Clausilia Blissi, n. sp.) aus Kleinasien. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 31, 1899, 167-169. Boettger, Oskar, & Kinkelln, Friedrich. See Kinkelln & Boettger. Boettger, Oskar, & Naegele, G. See ITaegele & Boettger. Boettger, Oskar, & Schmacker, Bernhard. Descriptions of new Chinese Clausiliae. [1894.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 1, 1895, 100-117. See also Schmacker & Boettger. Boettger, Oskar, & Simon, Hans. See Simon & Boettger. Boettger, Oskar, & Stussiner, Josef. See Stusslner & Boettger. Bottger, Wilhelm [Carl]. Die Anwendung des Elektro- meters als Indikator beim Titrieren von Sauren und Basen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 24, 1897, 253-301. Ueber die Bestimmung des Mangans als Pyrophosphat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 33, 1900, 1019-1022. Bottger, Wilhelm [Carl] , & Xerp, [Karl Gerhard] Wilhelm. See Kerp & Bottger. Botticher, Carl. Ueber den Mechanismus subcutaner Gefassrupturen im Anschluss an einen Fall von Zerreis- sung der Arteria poplitea. [1897.] Deutsche Ztschr, Chirurg., 49, 1898, 267-292. Ueber Hepatopexie. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 56, 1900, 252-335. Boettiger, A[lfred]. Beitrag zur Lehre von den chro- nischen progressiven Augenmuskellahmungen und zur feineren Hirnanatomie, Arch. Psychiatr,, 21, 1890, 513- 559. Beitrag zur Lehre von den luetischen Eiickenmarks- krankheiten. Arch. Psychiatr., 26, 1894, 649-705. Zur Casuistik der Kleinhirntumoren. Neurol, Centrbl., 17, 1898, 244-250. Ueber die Hypochondrie. [1898.] Arch. Psychiatr., 31, 1899, 378-404. Bottiger, E[diiard]. Ueber Diazo- und Hydrazinverbind- ungen der Chinolinbasen. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 24, 1891, 3276-3277. Bottinger, Carl [Conrad]. Condensation zu Pyridinderi- vaten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 53-54. Ueber einige Pyridinabkommlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 92-95. Beziehung zwischen Benzol und Pyridin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 144. Verhalten der Pyrotritarsaure zu Brom. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 317-318, Einwirkung von Anilin auf Brenztraubensaure, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 996-999. Zur Kenntniss der Hemlockgerbsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1041-1043. Ueber Eindengerbsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 17, 1884, 1123-1131. Ueber Digallussaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 17, 1884. 1475-1479. Erfahrungen iiber die Acetylirung der Gallussaure, des Tannins und deren Anwendung, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1503-1507. Ueber a-Dinaphtalidocitronensaure. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1884, 672. Zur Darstellung der Thiomilchsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 486. Bemerkung [iiber Monohalogensubstitute der Acryl- saure]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 609-611. Ueber die Pyridindicarbonsaure Bottinger's. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 18, 1886, 3461. Ueber Pyridintricarbonsaure. Liebig's Ann., 229, 1886, 248. Ueber Eichenholzgerbsaure. Berlin, Chem, Ges, Ber., 20, 1887, 761-766; Liebig's Ann., 238, 1887, 366-376; 240, 1887, 348. 81 Botting-er] 642 [BofiU y Poch — — Ueber Abkommlinge der Eichenrindegerbsaure. Liebig's Ann., 240, 1887, 330-346. Ueber ein basisches Thonerdesulfat. Liebig's Ann., 244, 1888, 224-227. Ueber Verbindungen von Leim mit Gerbsaure. Liebig's Ann., 244, 1888, 227-232. Einiges iiber Gallussaure und Tannin. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 124-128. Ueber den Wassergehalt einiger pyrotritarsauren Salze. Liebig's Ann., 247, 1888, 255-256. Zur Bildung von Kohlenoxysulfid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 306. Ueber Benzoyltannin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2706-2709; Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 369-373. Ueber Dipyrogallopropionsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1093. Ueber eine nene Eeaction des Tannins. Liebig's Ann., 256, 1890, 341-344. Zur Oxydation der Gallussaure, des Tannins und der Eichengerbsauren. Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 248-252 ; Moniteur Sci., 4, 1890, 1265. Weiteres iiber Gallussaure, Tannin und Eichengerb- sauren. Liebig's Ann., 258, 1890, 252-260; 259, 1890, 132-136. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylhydrazin auf Gerb- extracte. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 125-132. Ueber Isogallussaurephenylhydrazid. Liebig's Ann., 259, 1890, 373-377. Zur Oxydation der Gallussaure. Liebig's Ann., 260, 1890, 337-348. Ueber die Gerbsaure des Eichenholzes, Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 108-125. Ueber Anilbrenztraubensaure. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 125-128. Zur Darstellung des Brenztraubensaure-Glycidathers (Glycuvinsaure). Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 246-247. Zur Oxj'dation der Aniluvitoninsaure. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 247-248. Zur Darstellung von Triacetin. Liebig's Ann., 263, 1891, 359-360. Zur Condensation der Anilbrenztraubensaure. Liebig's Ann., 265, 1891, 253-256. Ueber Dimethyltraubensaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 397-398. Ueber die Peptonsalze des Glutins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1500-1501. Zur Kenntniss der Lagsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2327-2329. Zum Nachweise der Glyoxylsaure, Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 1-3. Zur Darstellung der Glyoxylsaure. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 65-69. Ueber das Verhalten der Dichloressigsaure gegen Ammonsulfhydrat. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 244-248. Ueber Harnstoffabkommlinge der Tribrombrenztrau- bensiiure. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 346-349. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise der Sulfuvinursaure. Arch, Pharm., 232, 1894, 349-351. Ueber einige Gallussaurederivate. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 545-549. Zur Kenntnis der Glyoxylsaure. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 549-557, 704-718; 233, 1895, 100-104, 111-118, 199-209, 287-294. Ueber Scharlachsaure, ein Thioharnstoffderivat der Glyoxylsaure. Arch. Pharm., 232, 1894, 698-704. Ueber den Anflug der Backsteine. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 135. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des a-Naphtylamins Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 483-484; 19, 1895, 2080-2082. - — Zur Abscheidung und Bestimmung des Milchfettes. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1660. Zur Eeinigung des Thoroxyds. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 6, 1894, 1. Ueber Glukosazon aus Sumach und Vallonen. Arch. Pharm., 233, 1895, 125-127. Zur Charakteristik des Brenzcatecbins und Guajacols. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 23. Zur Mortelanalyse. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1044. Zusammensetzung und Verhalten von Dachschiefer. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1144; 20, 1896, 763. Ueber Sulfo-p-brombenzoesauredichlorid. Chem. Ztg., 19, 1895, 1684. Ueber einige Abkommlinge der Sulfometabrombenzoe- saure. Arch. Pharm., 234, 1896, 47-55. Ueber einige Abkommlinge des Acetessigathers. Arch. Pharm., 234, 1896, 87-91. Ueber glyoxylsaures Natrium. Arch. Pharm., 234, 1896, 91. Ueber einige Abkommlinge der Glycolsaure. Arch. Pharm., 234, 1896, 158-160. Ueber Abkdmmlinge der Naphtylamine. Arch. Pharm., 234, 1896, 170-185, 185-194. Ueber das Verhalten der Gallussaure und des Tannins gegen Jodquecksilberchlorid. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 984- 985. Ueber das Verhalten der Acetylgallussaure und des Acetyltannins gegen Jodquecksilberchlorid. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 57. Ueber das Verhalten von Gerbsauren und Gerb- extracten gegen Jodquecksilberchlorid. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 460-461. Zur Glycerinbestimmung im Wein. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 658-659. Ueber das Verhalten von Kreide, Bleiweiss, Ocker gegen einige Oele. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 102-103. Studieu iiber Weinbildung. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 138-139, 845-848; 23, 1899, 40. Ueber Oelfarben. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 558-560. Studien iiber Hefe. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 313, 645. Zur Kenntniss der Glykolsaure und der Glyoxylsaure. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 619-620. Zum Nachweise von Aldebyd in Gahrungsessig. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 793-794. Bottlin, Richard. Ueber Zahnentwickelung in Dermoid- cysten des Ovariums. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 493- 504. Boeuf, F., & Villard, F. See ViUard & Boeuf. Boffito, {il padre) Giuseppe. Per la storia della meteoro- logia in Italia. I fenomeni meteorologici descritti da Dante. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 18, 1898, 24-30, 37-43. II DoNi precursore di Galileo? Moncalieri Oss. Annu., 1, 1899, 23-28. Un poeta della meteorologia. Gioviano Pontano. Napoli, Ace. Pontan. Atti, 29, 1899, No. 2, 16 pp. Bofill y Pocb, Arturo. Contributions a la faune malaco- logique de la Catalogue. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 3, 1886, 151-164; 7, 1890, 251-279. Sobre la supuesta presencia del "Hipparion" en La Garriga. [1892.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 109-111. Nota sobre el mapa topografico-geol6gico del medio y alto Vall^s. Descubrimientos paleontologicos en el Trias de dicha region. [1893.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 142-147. La "Helix montserratensis," su origen y su distri- bucion en el tiempo y en el espacio. [1895.] Barcelona Ac. Mem. , 2, 1892-1900, [231]-[243]. Nota sobre la presencia del "Ancodus Aymardi" en los lignitos de Calaf, provincia de Barcelona; su signi- ficacion bajo los puntos de vista paleontol6gico y estrati- grafico. [1897.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 332- 337. Nota sobre una nueva forma malacologiea de la provincia de Gerona (Nenia subarcuata). [1897.] Barce- lona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 364-368. Indicaciones sobre algunos fosiles de la Caliza basta BofiU y Poch] 643 [Bogdanov blanca de Muro, isla de Mallorca. [1898.] Barcelona Ac. Mem., 2, 1892-1900, 391-413. , Sar le Trias a Ceratites et sur I'Eoc^ne inf^rieur de la gare d'Olesa (Barcelone). Paris, Soc. 66ol. Bull,, 26, 1898, 826-829. Sobre los restos de do.s grandes Mamiferos f6siles de Catalufia, existentes en el "Museo Martorell" de la ciudad de Barcelona. [1899.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 532-534. Sobre la presencia del Hipparion gracile, Kanp, en la mina de lignito denominada "Mercedes" del termino de Sanabastre (Cerdafia). [1900.] Barcelona Ac. Bol., 1, 1892-1900, 572-573. BofiU y Poch, Artiiro, & iUmera, (can.) Jaime. See iUmera & BofiU y Foch. BogaevBkij, Leonid G[rigorjevic]. Odli ypaBHeHiflXt AJiR BHpaiKeiiiii yiipyrocTii HacHmeHHMxi. iiapoBt. [Ueber die Zustandsgleichungen fiir die Tension gesattig- ter Dampfe.] [1895.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 {Phys.), 1897, 87-95; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 176. 0 pasjiii'iHHx'i, cocTOflHiflxT> BemecTBa. [Sur les differents etats de la matiere.] [1895.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 5, 1897, No. 13, 104 pp. 0 it.HCTBiu cipHoft KiicjiOTH Ha TpHrjiimepiiji;^ piIUIIHOJieBOH KIICJIOTH. [Action de I'acide sulfurique sur le triricinoleate de glyc^ryle.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chevi.), 1897, 282-286; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1257-1258. 0 saKOH'l; usM'hnemn pasHocTii TenjioeiiKOCTefi. [Ueber das Gesetz der Aenderung der Differenz der Warmecapacitaten. ] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 97-107; Fortschr, Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 332. Bogdr, Kdlmdn. Az itrol (czitromsavas eziist) es az eziistos kotoszerek sepsis ellenes hat4sar61. [Ueber die anti- septische Wirkung des Silbers und der Silberverband- materiale.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes, (On. Szak), 1897, 187- 205, (Rev.) 32-36. Bogatyrev, N. KopaJIJIH JI^eBOHCKHXl OTJIOJKeHiS YpaJia. Korallen der Devonischen Schichten im Ural. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 32 (No. 5), 1899, 71 pp. (Res. 58-71). Bogdahn, Franz. Phenylglycolenyl- und Phenylglyoxenyl- dioxytetrazotsaure, [1892.] Liebig's Ann., 297, 1897, 371-380. Phenylglycolenyloxytetrazotsaure,CeH5CH(OH)CN40H. Liebig's Ann. , 298, 1897, 88-90. Bogdan, Georges. Eupture du foie et de la rate causee par un traumatisme sur le ventre sans lesions apparentes de la parol abdominale. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 20, 1888, 26-27. Mort subite par h^morragie intra-abdominale, suite d'un coup de poing dans le ventre sans lesion apparente exterieure. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 40, 1898, 561-566. Bogdan, I. Cercetari asupra seleniatilor basic! cristalizati. Eecherches sur les s^l^niates basiques cristallis^s. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 77-80. [With French tra7isl.'\ Sur un s^l^niate basique de cuivre cristallis^, et un compost analogue de cobalt. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 584-586. Bogddnfy, OdiJn ( — Edmund). Ombrometriai tanulmanyok a magyar korona teriileten. [Ombrometrische Studien auf dem Gebiete der ungarischen Krone.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897,107-121; Math. Nat. Ber, Ungarn, 15, 1899, 132-149. A t^li csapad^k ^s a Tisza tavaszi arvizei. [Der Niederschlag im Winter und, die Friihjahrshochwasser der Theiss.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 489-505. Bogdanov, AnatoUj P[etrovic]. For biography and works see Arch. Antropologia, 26, 1896, 237 ; Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 15, 1896, 68-69; Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 124; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 108; Nature, 53 (1896-96), 584; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 5, 1896, v-vii; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 26, 1896, [51]-[52]; Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 90, 1897, 1 p.; Anat. Hefte (Aht. 2), 7, 1898, 553-554. Kap.i'ij t&paHnoBii'n, PyjitE h ero npe;i,iiiecTBeH- HiiKir no Kaeejiip'fe soojioriii bt. HMnepaTopcKOMi. MoCKOBCKOMt ymiBepCIlTeTf.. [Carl EoDiLLiER and his predecessors in the chair of zoology at the Imperial University of Moscow.] Moscow, Soc, Sci, Bull,, 43 (No. 2), 1885, 215 pp. *K'i. KpaHiojioriii CMOJieHCKHxii KypraHHLix'B lepeilOB'L. [Contribution to the craniology of the skulls from the Smolensk tumuli.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 1), 1886, 71-74; Eev, d'Anthrop., 2, 1887, 520 (6zs)-521 (bis). "0 Mepeiiaxi h.tb KjajtCiiiu,!) ciiBepHOH Poccin, [On skulls from the burial grounds of N. Eussia.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 1), 1886, 89-92. *0 lepenax-b Jiiojteft KaMennaro B'feKa, naft- jI.eHHHX'B JI,0 cero BT. Pocciir, [Sur les cranes de I'age de la pierre polie trouves en Eussie.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 1), 1886, 101-108 ; Rev, d'Anthrop,, 2, 1887, 521 (bis)-522 (bis). *0 'lepenaxt nat KpuMCKuxT. Moniju., Xep- coneca ii HHKepjiaHa, ii iiai) KypranoBi BoficKa ^OHCKaro. [On skulls from the Crimean graves of Chersonese and Inkerman, and from the tumuli of the Don Cossacks.] [1879.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 1), 1886, 123-146, *KpaHiojioriiqecKia saM-fjiKu OTHOCHiejibHO TypKecTaHCKaro Hapo;i;oHacejieHia. [Eemarques craniologiques sur les habitants du Turkestan.] [1883.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 (No. 3), 1886, 237-256, (No.^, 1887, 257-288; Eev. d'Anthrop., 3, 1888, 109-110. MaTepia.iH jtJifl iiCTopiii aHTponojioriiiecKofi BHCTaBKH, 1879 rojI,a. [Materials for the history of the anthropological exhibition of 1879.] Moscow, Soc, Sci. Bull,, 49 (No. 2), 1886, 134 pp. BKaeMnjapi. paKa cl ypo^tJiMBMHt o6pa30Ba- llieM'L KJieinHII. [Example of a crab with a deformed claw.] [1886.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 50 (No. 1), 1886, 288, (No. 2), 1888, 289-291. .liTOiiHCB soojioniHecKiix'B Tpyji.OB'B 06ui,ecTBa btj nepBoe ;i;BaOTaTiiiiflTiiJi'feTie ero cymecTBOBaHia (1863-88 r.). [Chronicle of the zoological works of the Society in the first twenty-five years of its existence (1863-88).] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull,, 54, 1888, 494 pp,; 59, 1890, 538 pp. MaxepiajiH ,tJiH HCTopin Hay^Hoft h npii- KJia^Hofi ji,f.flTe,iLH0CTH Bi PoccIh HO soojiorin H conpHKacaiomiiMca ct neio oipacjiflMi. sHania, iipeHMymecTBGHHo 3a noci^jtHee Tpiiji;uaTH- nflTlKlixie (1850-87 r.). [Materials for a history of scientific and practical activity in Eussia in zoology and allied branches of science for the last 35 years (1850-87).] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 55, 1888, 226 pp.; 57, 1889, 304 pp. ; 70, 1891, 304 pp. ; 71 (bis), 1892, 126 pp. Note sur les castors de la Eussie occidentale. Congr. Int. Zool. C. E., 1889, 63-64. L'exploration zoologique de Ja mer Noire, Congr. Int. Zool. C. E., 1889, 126-129. Bogdanov, D. P. *reojrorHiecKift oiepKT. loro- sanajtHOH Hacni KyaneuKaro KaneHHoyrojiLHaro 81—2 Bogdanov] 6acceftHa h npHJieatamnxT. B03BHraeHH0CTeH. [Geologische Skizze des sudwestlichen Theiles des Steinkohlenbeckens von Kuznetsk und der angrenzenden Hohen.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 18, 1883, 149- 204. Bogdanov, Elly A[natolievic]. BiOjloriiqeCKifl Ha6jII0- JI,eHiii Ha^l. 06HTaTejraMH naBOaa. [Biological ob- servations on Coprophagi.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 18-19. BiojiorHgecKia Ha6iK);i;eHia HaAi. Konpo(|)araMH IleTpOBCKO-PasyMOBCKaro noji;!. MockbOK). [Ob- servations biologiques sur les Coprophages des environs de Moscou.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M^m., 4, 1896, No. 3, 50 pp. Ueber die Fette des Fleisches. [1896-97.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 65, 1897, 81-89; 68, 1897, 408-430. Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Zusammenhang zwischen Korperform und Leistung bei den Klihen. Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 271-293. Neue Methode der Fettbestimmung in thierischen Substanzen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 431-433. Bogdanov, Modest [Nikolaevic]. For biography and works see Auk, 5, 1888, 33.3-334; Ibis, 6, 1888, 381-382; Nature, 87, 1888, 567; I^katerinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 {No. 1), 1889, 54 ; Ornis, 5, 1889, 150-155. *CopoKonyTH PyccKoft (|)ayHH ii Hxi.copoji,HqH. [LaniidsB of the Kussian fauna and allied species.] [1880.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 39, 1881 (Append. No. 1), 220 pp. Kurze Bemerkung iiber Phasianus Komarowii, n. sp. [1885.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 356. Bogdanov, N. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bedeutung der eosinophilen Granulationen. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 26-31. De I'origine et de la valeur des granulations ^osino- philes et de lenrs rapports avec la formation du sang. [1898.] Physiologiste Eusse, 1 (1898-99), 35-43. Bogdanov, P. OsepO ^aTHpt-KyJIB. [Lake Chatyr- kul.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 332-336. Bogdanov, Slergej'] M[ichajlovic]. 0 minimum'^ norjIO- meHia BOji,Li npopocTaioiUHMH cfeMenaMH (Mexo;!.!, HSCJI'fejI.OBaHia). [On the minimum absorption of water in germinating seeds (method of investigation).] [1885.] Kiev Soc. Nat, Mem., 8 (1), 1886, Ivii-lix. 06'f. onpeji;'fejieHiH HandojiLineH nirpocKonH^i- HOCTH nOHBTj. [On the determination of the maximum hygroscopicity of soils.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxxviii-xc. Ueber das Verhalten der keimenden Samen zum Wasser im allgemeinen und speziell zur Bodenfeuchtig- keit. [Tr.] Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 42, 1893, 311-366. OSt onpeji.'fiJieHiH njioji;opo;i;ia noHBH. [On the determination of the fertility of a soil.] [1896.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 16 (1), 1899, iii-iv. Co;;epataHie cipn Bt pacTeHiflxi>. [Sur le soufre conten-u dans les v^g^taux.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chevi.), 1899, 471-477; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 965. Coji;ep3KaHie cfepH bt. pacTeniaxt (Hscj'fe- ;i,OBaHie CTy;i;eHTa SAji-fccKaro). [Amount of sulphur in plants. (Investigation by stud. Zaleski.)] [1898.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 17 (1), 1901, vii-xi. Bogdanovic, Gavriil. L'^clipse k Irkoutsk. Astronomic, 1887, 425-426. Bogdanovic, K[arl] I[vanovic]. Opo-reoJIorHgeCKia Ha6.iK);i,eHia bi. HaropnoS ^acxH SaKacniScKOH o6jiacTH H BTb ciBepHHxi iipoBHHi^iax'B llepciH. 644 [Bogdanovic IIpejtBapHTeJIBHHH OTieTt. Compte rendu pr^limi- naire sur les recherches oro-g^ologiques dans la partie montagneuse de la region Trauscaspienne et des provinces bor^ales de la Perse. St. Petersb., Com. G6ol. Bull., 6, 1887, 66-104 (Res. 104). XopaccaHCKia ropH h KyjiLxypHaa nojioca 3aKacniilCl!.oR o6jiaCTH. [Khorassan mountains and the cultivated zones of Transcaspia.] [1887.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 23, 1888, 190-206. HicKOJEBKO cjiOB't 061. oporpa^)!!! H reojioriir cfeBepHOil EepciH. [Quelques mots sur I'orographie et la geologic de la Perse septentrionale.] [1888.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 24, 1889, 203-223; St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 8, 1890 (Suppl.), 3. [BiCTH H31 BKCnejI,HIl,itt BT. Il^eHTpajiLHyK) AaiK). News of the expedition in Central Asia.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 408-420. [BicTH H3T> Tn6eTCKor[ 9Kcneji;imiii. IIhcmo HSl Kepill. News of the Tibet expedition. Letter from Keria.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 469-479; St. Petersb., Com. G60I. Bull., 10, 1891 (Suppl), 3-4. Ki. reojoriH CpesHefl AsIh. OniicaHie h^kg- TopHxt ocaj;oMHHX'B o6pa30BaHift 3aKaciiiHCKaro Kpaa H ^acTH ciBepHOH nepciii. [Notes sur la g^ologie de I'Asie Centrale. Description de quelques depots sedimentaires de la contr^e Transcaspienne et d'une partie de la Perse septentrionale.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 26, 1890, 1-192 (Res. 157-192). [B-fecTH Hst TH6eTCK0H aKcne;i;iiii,in. News of the Tibet expedition.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 26, 1890, 482-458 [485]. Note preliminaire sur les observations g^ologiques faites dans I'Asie Centrale. Paris, Soc. G60I. Bull., 19, 1891, 699-701. C'feBepo-3ana;i;HH[H TiiSert, KyaHt-JiyHL h Kailirapifl. [Northwestern Tibet, the Kuen-lun Mts. and Kashgaria.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 27, 1891, 480-504. Bericht iiber [seine] Teilnahme an der Pewzowschen Expedition. Petermann, Mitth., 38, 1892, 49-58. ]VIl5CTOHaxoac;i,eHia He4)pnTa bi. KyaHB-jryni;. [Die Fundorte des Nephrits im Kuenlun.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 29, 1892, 153-162; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (Bd. 2, Ref.), 24-26. 0 rpa^JHiecKOMt MeTo;;'fe cbeMKH npii6opoM'L r. niPA;i;EPa. [Ueber die graphische Aufnahmemethode vermittelst des Schraderschen Apparates.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1892, 587-594; St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 29, 1892, 186. 0 reorpa(})HMecKiixi. peayjibTaxaxt paSoTi. bi. AKMOJiHHCKoii o6jiacTH H EnHceHCKOH ry6epHiH ropHoft BKcnejtimiH MimHCTepcTBa rocy;i,apcT- BeHHHXI. HMymeCTBl.. [On the geographical results of the work, in the Akmolinsk region and the Yeniseisk government, of the mining expedition of the Depart- ment of the Crown Domains.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 29, 1893, 142-150. [0 Cll6HpCKHXI. He{j)piITaX'B. Ueber sibirische Nephrite.] St. Min. Ges. Verh., 31, 1894, 420- 427; Ztsehr. Kryst., 26, 1896, 336. SaM^TKH 0 KyBRL-JiyHi;. [Note on the Kuen-lun Mts.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 30, 1894, 874-400. 0 reciiorHiecKHXTi H3CJi'fe;i;oBaHiax'i. Bt 1893 r. BAOJih Cpej;He-CH6HpcK0u KejiisHoS ^oporH. [Sur Bogdanovic] 645 [Bogisch les recherches g^ologiques faites en 1893 le long du chemin de fer de la Sib^rie moyenne.] St. P^tersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 13, 1896, 229-256, (Fr. transl. 256- 280). IIpujiojKeHie runoTesH cKOJii.ateHifl (PEfiEpa) KT. oC-BflCHeHiio jtHCJioKaitiii at SaKacniRcKOM't Kpa'fc. [Die Anwendung der Gleitungshypotbese (Reyers) zur Erklarung der Dislocation im trans- kaspischen Gebiete.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1895, 27-35; Russ. G6ol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 32-33. OnpejtljJieHie HfeKOTopHxt bhcoti. iipoxojLHou npoiHJH KyaHTi-jiyHfl h cnferoBoft iHHiii noc- peji;CTBOM'B 3acij'£eK'b npOCT-feHmHMH HHCTpy- MeHTaMH. [Determination of some heights of the longitudinal profile of Kuen-lun and the snow line by means of sections with very rough instruments.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 31, 1895, 409-424. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das System des Kwenlun. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 38, 1895, 497-526, B-ftcTH ii3Ti OxoTCKO-KaMiaxcKOir 3Kcne;i;iiii;iH. [News of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka expedition.] [1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 33, 1897-98, 34-47; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 13, 1897, 659-661. [MapeKaHIITT. 6jiII31) OxOTCKa. Marecanit von Ochotsk.] St. Petersb. Min, Ges. Verb., 37, 1899 (Prot.), 86-89; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1901 [Bd. 2, Ref.), 70. OniepKi. ;i,f>iiTejii>HocTH OxorcKo-KaMiaTCKoH; ropHOft 9KCnejl,lIuin 1895-98 r, [Sketch of the work of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka mining expedition, 1895-98.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr, Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 549-600. FeojioriiiecKoe oiiHcanie loatHoft oKOHe^HOCTii JlflO-TyHCKaro nojiyocrpoBa Bt npe;;'fejaxT) KBan- TyHCKOH o6jiacTii II ea M'fecTopoffi;i;eHiH aojiOTa. [Description geologique de I'extr^mit^ sud de la presqu'ile de Liao-Toung (region de Kouang-Toung) et de ses gise- ments d'or.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 20, 1900, 1-236, {R6s. 237-248). IlaMiipt II JIoS'R-HopT.. IIo noBo;i;y CTaTeft CBGH't rE;i,lIHa. [Pamir and Lob-nor. With reference to Sven Hedin's papers.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 84-110. Bogdanovic, Klarl] l\yanovic^, & Dlener, Carl. Ein Beitrag zur Geologic der Westkiiste des Ochotskischen Meeres. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Ahth. 1), 349-369. Bogdanovskij, Vira E\vstafjevna] [ili*"^ Popov]. For biography and list of works see Nature, 56 (1897), 132; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 147- 151. Ueber Dibenzylketon und Dibenzylcarbinol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1271-1277. PeaKuiii ynJiOTHeHifl ii BoscTaHOBieHia jtii- 6eH3HJIKeTOHa. [Sur les reactions de condensation et de reduction de la dibenzylc^tone.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 {Chem.), 1892, 355-365; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 10, 1893, 129-130. [061. OKIICJieHill KeiOHOBt Bt okciikiicjoth. Transformation par oxydation des cetones en oxacides.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 26 {Chem.), 1894, 161-162; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1285-1286. Bogenhard, Carl. For biography see Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 3, 1885, 116-119, 168-172, 188-190. Boeert, Marston Taylor. Carbon compounds used in medicine classified according to chemical structure. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 19, 1898, 47-88. Bogert, Marston Taylor, & Ootthelf, Augustus Hewy. A new synthesis in the quinazoline group, (Preliminary announcement.) Amer. Chem. Soc, JL, 22, 1900, 129- 132. The direct synthesis of ketodihydroquinazolins from orthoamino acids. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl. , 22, 1900, 522- 535. Boggiani, Guido. I Ciamacoco. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 466-510. II rio Nabil^cche e la regione abitata dai Caduvei nello stato di Matto Grosso in Brasile. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 822-824. I Caduvei. Studio intorno ad una tribh indigena deir alto Paraguay nel Matto Grosso (Brasile). [1896.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 5, 1896, 237-324. Nei dintorni di Corumb^ (Brasile). [Italia], Soc, Geogr. Boll., 34, 1897, 366-376, 414-416. Guaicurfi. Sul nome, posizione geograflca e rapporti etnici e linguistici di alcune tribu antiche e moderne deir America Meridionale. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 8, 1898, 244-294. Bogglo, Tommaso. SuU' equilibrio delle membrane elastiche plane. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 35, 1900, 145-165 or 219-239. Un teorema di reciprocity suUe funzioni di Gbeen d' ordine qualunque. Torino Ace. Sci, Atti, 35, 1900, 340-351 or 498-509. Integrazione dell' equazione A^A^^O in una corona circolare e in uno strato sferico. [1900.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1899-1900 {PL 2), 497-508. Boggio-Iiera, Enrico. Sulla cinematica del mezzi continui. Nnovo Cimento, 22, 1887, 63-69, 143-149, 231-240 ; 28, 1888, 158-162 ; 24, 1888, 41-45. Una relazione fra il coefficiente di compressibility, cubica, il peso specifico ed il peso atomico dei metalli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 (Sem. 1), 165-168. Calcolo della forza elettrica nella scarica fra due sfere. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 385- 393. Sopra una equazione analoga a quella degli aeriformi valevole per i metalli. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 559-563, Sul lavoro interno nella dilatazione dei corpi solidi e sul rapporto di Poisson, Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 {Sem. 2), 43-48. HV Significato della costante — ^. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 293-296 ; 6, 1897, 210-214, 331- 333. Sulla temperatura di ebollizione dei composti chimici appartenenti alle serie omologhe CH3 - (CH2)„ - R. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 12, 1899, Mem. 9, 15 pp. ; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 441-459. Sopra un apparecciiio registratore delle scariche elettriche dell' atmosfera. Catania Ace. Gioen. Atti, 13, 1900, 3Iem. 13, 10 pp. BoggB, T[hontas] R[ichmond], & Hertjr, Charles Hlolmes]. See ZXerty & Boggi. Boghurst, William. Loimographia, An account of the Great Plague of London in the year 1665. [Now first published from the British Museum Sloane MS. 349, for the Epidemiological Society of London. Edited by Joseph Frank Payne, M.D., late President of the Society,] [Posth.] Epid. Soc. Trans., 13, 1894 (Suppl), 99 pp. Bogino, Francesco. Sopra un cranio di cavallo rinvenuto nel ferretto di Castenedolo. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1896 (Append. No. 1), 60-62. I Mammiferi fossili della torbiera di Trana. [Italia], Soc. Geol. BolL, 16, 1897, 16-54. Bogisch, A[lfred]. Ueber Carbonylsalicylamid. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 1077. Adurol, ein neuer photographischer Entwickler. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 426-429. Reductions- uud Entwickluugsvermogen. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 89-99, 272-276. Bogodarov] 646 [Bogoslovskij Bogodarov, p. Ja. 06^ onpe^'feJteHiH TdKH njiaBJieniii OJIOBa. [Ueber die Bestimmung des Schmelzpunktes von Zinn.] [1892.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1892-93 (C. R., Phys. Chilli.), No. 1, 2-8 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1893 {Abth. 2), 312-313; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Chem.), 1893, 7; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 12, 1894, 870. Bogojavlenskij, A[leks.] D[mitrievic]. 0 CKOpOCTII KpiICTaJIJIH3ail,iH. [Ueber die Krystallisatiousge- schwindigkeit.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 {Chem.), 1898, 1041-1056; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 585-600. Bogojavlenskij, A[leks.] D[mitnevicli, & Tammann, Gustav. Ueber den Einfluss des Drucks auf die Re- aktionsgeschwindigkeit in homogenen fliissigen Systemen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 23, 1897, 13-23. Ueber den Einfluss des Drucks auf das elektrische Leitvermogen von Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 457-473. Bogojavlenskij, N[ikolaj] Vlasiljevic]. 0 nOH^KOBaHin CSiAhWh. [On the budding of Salpa.] [1893.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 86, 1894, 35-36. Bogojavlenskij, P. Ha6jII0JI,eHiH nepeM'feHHHX'L SB-fes^t THna AjirOJia Bt 1891-92 rr. [Observa- tions of variable stars of the Algol type in 1891-92.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 (Pt. 5), 1-52. BogoUubov, N. TeojiorHTiecKifl; Ha6jiio;i;eHifl Cjnist ^OporOMHJOBCKOH 3aCTaBH. [Geological investiga- tions in the vicinity of the Dorogomilovsk gate.] Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 13, 1900, 450-454. Bogomolec, Ivan [VusUjevic]. Zur Trennung von Strontian und Kalk. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1058-1061. - — 06^ OTjtijieHiH CTpoHii,ifl oti. KajiLii,iii no cnOC06y CH;i,EPCKarO. [On the separation of strontium from calcium by Siderskij's method.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 16 {Chem.), 1884, 426-480; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 43, 1885, 126. Bogomolov, Th. J. Die Methoden der quantitativen Bestimmung des Urobilins im Ham. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 17, 1892, 152-154. Ueber die Anwendung von Farbstoffen zur Erkennung und Unterscheidung verschiedener Eiweissarten. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 309-311. Bogomolov, 111. J. , & Vasiljev, N. I. Beitrag zur quali- tativen Bestimmung des Peptons im Ham. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 35, 1897, 49-51. Carminsaure als differentielles Reagens fiir verschie- dene Eiweissarten. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 22, 1897, 294-296. Bogorodickij, V[asilij Alekseevic]. IIpej^JIOKeHie 4-06 IiepBOH KHHIH BjieMeHTOBt EBKJIHJI,a H aKcioMa COBMiiCTHMOCTH. [The 4th proposition of the first book of Euclid and the axiom of coincidence.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1892 {Pt. 2), 129-133. 3aM'feTKH no BKCnepHMGHTaJlBHOft (JlOHeTHKi. [Notes on experimental phonetics.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1896 {Pt. 3), 171-200. Bogorodskij, Aleksej Ja[kovlevic]. H3CJli;i,0BaHie m- SpaTHiixt ^'opMi' xjopncxaro n 6poMncTaro JIUTia. [Untersuchung der Hydratformen des Chlor- und Brom -lithiums.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1893 {Pt. 4), 205-240; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (C/tem.), 1893, 316-342; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893 {Re/.), 762- 763. - — IIojiyMeHie TpexBoji;HHX'L rHji,paTOBt 6poMnc- Taro H xjiopncTaro jiuTia n nHTnBo;i,Hon jtBoiinori cojiH iosHcraro jiima. ch iosncmM'b'b. [Preparation of trihydrates of lithium bromide and chloride and of a double salt of lithium iodide with lead iodide containing 5 molecules of water.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1894 {Pt. 3), 155-168. IIojiyieHie TpexBO.T.nnx'L rHji,paT0Bi. 6poMH- CiarO H X.IOpHCTaro Jmiia. [Darstellung der Tri- hydrate des Brom- und Chlorlithiums.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 26 {Chem.), 1894, 209-216; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894 {Re/.), 616-617. 0 ji,BonHoS nH'mBOSHon cojih io;i;HCTaro jiHTia CT> iojtnCTHMt CEnnnOMT). [Sur I'iodure double de plomb et de lithium pentahydrat^.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 26 {Chem.), 1894, 216-220, 264; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 442. 0 nojiyqenin 'rpexBOji,HHX'b m^i.paTOB'L 6poMH- CXaro H XJIOpncxaro Jiniia. [Sur le bromure et le chlorure de lithium trihydrates.] Russ. Phys.-Chem, Soc. Jl., 26 {Chem., Pt. 2), 1894, 6-6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1269-1270. Kb Bonpocy o KpiornjtpaTaxi.. [Sur les cryohy- drates.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1896 {Pts. 6 & 7), 201-210; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 {Chem.), 1896,1-10; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 16, 1896, 1218-1219. 0 BsaHMOji.'fencTBiH rHji,paTOB'i> rajronanHXTi COJieS JiHTifl CO cnirOMT). [Action reciproque de la neige et des hydrates des sels haloides de lithium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 {Chem.), 1896, 428; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 9. rnu,paTII iO/T,HCTarO Jinxia. [Sur les hydrates de I'iodure lithique.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 {Chem.), 1897, 179-185 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1250. Kb Bonpocy o rnji.paTax'B xjiopnciaro Marnia. [Contribution to the question of hydrates of magnesium chloride.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 {Pt. 12), 85-92. ' rjiHuepHHt HST) ajiJin.TjtnnponHJiKap6nno.iia. [Ueber den dreiwerthigen Alkohol (Glycerol) aus Allyl- dipropylcarbinol.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl. , 30 (Chem.), 1898, 138-141 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 35-38. Kij Bonpocy o rn;i,paTax'f> xjiopncraro Marnia. [Sur les hydrates du chlorure de magnesium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. SoC. Jl., 30 {Chem.), 1898, 73,5-740, 851- 852 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 918. 3aM'fcTKa no noBo;i;y CTaibn : o rnji.paTaxi. XJIopnciarO Marnia. [Note on the article : On hydrates of magnesium chloride.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1899 {Pt. 1), 124-126. Bogorodskij, Aleksej Ja[kovlevic], & Iiiubarskij, Ivan. 06t. ajiJinji9Tnji(|)eHnjiKap6nnojif>. [Sur raliylethyl- phenylcarbinol. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 (Chem.), 1898, 146-151; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 20, 1898, 844- 845 ; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 57, 1898, 44-48. Bogoslovskij, (i»P"«) N. 0 jtincTBin TpnMexnjieHa naCenaojit Bt npncycTsin xjiopncxaro ajiioMnnia. [Action du trimethylene sur le benzene en presence du chlorure d'aluminium.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 26 (Chem., Pt. 2), 1894, 6; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 14, 1895, 1294. Bogoslovskij, Nlikolaj] A[ndreevic]. BacceHHLI p'^KT. BHniH n Bajta bi. reojiornHecKoiii. ornonienin. [Das Flusssystem der Wyscha und des Wad in geolo- gischer Beziehung,] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. RussL, 16, 1893, 29-61. reojiorniecKia nacji'feji.OBaHia Bt boctoihoh HacTH PaaancKon rySepnin. (npe;tBapnTejii,HHu O'ryeT'B no nacjiiji.OBaHiaM'L 1892 r.) [Geologische Bogoslovskij] 647 [Boguski Untersuchungen im ostlichen Theile des Gouvernements Rjasan. (Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen im Jahre 1892.)] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol.Russl., 17, 1896, 75-94; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (lid. 1, Ref.), 315-816. BojihcckIh, BepxHE-TiiTOiicKiii ii HcokomckIh O'oojKeHia bi. PflaaiicKou rydepniii. [Die Abla- gerungen der Wolgastufe, des oberen Titon und Neocom im Gouv. Rjasan.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Eussl., 17, 1896, 95-103; Russ. G6ol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 54-55. npe;i,BapiiTe.iLiiHii otugti. iio H3CJi^ji;oBaHiflM'i> Bt oC.iacTii 73-ro Jiircra lO-BepcTHoTi KapTw EBpOIieRCKOfl Poccill BT. 1893 ro,T,y. [Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen im Gebiet des 73 Blattes der 10-werstigen Karte des europaischen Eusslands ira Jahre 1893.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 17, 1896, 105-112 ; Russ. Geol. Min. Annu., 1, 1896-97 (Sect. 2), 55-56. [0 ^ayH'fc "PflsaHCKaro ropn30HTa." Ueber die Fauna des Rjasanschen Horizontes.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 33, 1896 (Prot.), 49-51. Ht.CKO.lbKO HOBHXt j;aHHHXl. 0 PflSaHCKOMT. ropnaOHT'fc. [Einige neue Daten iiber den Rjasanschen Horizont.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 34, 1896, 161- 164. HucrpyKuia ,n.ifl ii.3CJi'fe;i,0BaHiii ii oiiiicaHin piKl. [Instructions for the exploration and description of rivers.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 32, 1896 (Append.), 51 pp. npeji,BapiiTe.iitHHir OT'iexT. 06% iiacji'feji.o- BaHiaxT. Bt roro-BOCTOiHofi lacxii 73-ro JiiiCTa lO-BepCTHOft KapiH EBpOIiefiCKOH PoCCiH BT> 1897 ro;i,y. (Recherches geologiques, dans les districts de Nijne-Lomow et de Narovtschat du gouvernement de Penza. Compte-rendu preliminaire.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 16, 1897, 269-277 (Res. 277). H'llCKO.lI.KO C.lOBl 0 IIOIBaxt KpLIMa. (Quelques observations sur les sols de la Crimee.) St. Petersb., Com. G^ol. Bull., 16, 1897, 279-289 (Res. 288-289). PaaaHCKiii ropiisoHTi, ((j)ayHa, CTpaTnrpa4)H- ^ecKia OTHoiiiGHifl 11 Bf.poaTHLiS BoapacT'L BToro ropiiaOHia). [Der Rjasan-Horizont, seine Fauna, seine stratigraphischen Beziehungen und sein wahrscheinliches Alter.] St. Petersb., Mater. Geol. Russl., 18, 1897, 1-157 (Res. 137-157). leojioriiqecKifl iracji'fejtOBaeia bi. cfeBepo- 3ana;i,Hor[ Macxii TleHueHCKOH rydepniH. (Ex- plorations geologiques dans la partie nord-occidentale du gouvernemeut de Pensa.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 17, 1898, 427-438 (Res. 438). Ueber das untere Neokom im Norden des Gouverne- ments Simbirsk und den Rjazan-Horizont. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 37, 1899, 249-267. 0 iiliKOTopHxi. aBjieHiaxTj SHBiTpuBaHia bt. 06jiaCTIl PycCKOtt paBUIIIIH. (Sur quelques phe- nomenes d'alteration des depots superficiels dans la plaine russe.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 235-273 (Res. 269-273). reojioniHecKifl ii3CJif,;T;oBaHia Bjtojib jKejifeno- jtopoatHHxt Jiimift naBejieui.-MocKBa 11 IMocKBa- CaBeJIOBO. (Recherches geologiques le long du chemin de fer entre Paveletz-Moscou et Moscou-Savelovo.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 275-296 (Res. 295-296). reojionmecKiH Ha6jiK>;i,eHia b;i,ojib ffiejiliSHOjiiG- poaiHOH jiHHin HHKHifi HoBropo;iii.-TiiMnpa3eBO. (Observations geologiques le long du chemin de fer Nijni Novgorod-Timirazevo.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 19, 1900, 291-318 (Res. 317-318). Die Verwitterungsrinde der russischen Ebene. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900, 281-306. [0 BLiBhTpHBaiiiir ropHHxi. nopo^T.'i. BicTeiiHoR II .H-fecHOU IlOJIOCaX'b PycCKOU paBHlIHH. Ueber die Verwitterung der Gebirgsarten im Steppen- und Wald- gebiet der russischen Ebene.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 38, 1900 (Prot.), 27-28. Bogue, £. E. Are beecla-trees ever struck by lightning? Science, 14, 1889, 103. Autumn colorations. Science, 18, 1891, 346. The shrinkage of leaves. Science, 20, 1892, 163. Lichens of Ohio. [1892.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl, 16, 1893-94, 37-48. Two new species of Kermes from Kansas. Canad. Ent., 30, 1898, 172. A new species of Kermes. Canad. Ent. , 82, 1900, 205-206. Bogue, Virgil G. Stampede Pass, Cascade range, Wash- ington. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 27 (1895), 239-255. Boguski, F. F., & Zaleski, J. 0 pr^dko^ci dzia^ania chemicznego pomi^dzy glinem metalicznym i iugami alkalicznemi. [Ueber die Geschwindigkeit der chemi- schen Einwirkung zwischen metallischem Aluminium und alkalischen Laugen.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 2, 1890, 243- 244; Fortschr. Phys., 1892 (Ahth. 1), 140. Boguskl, Jozef Jlery]. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geschwindigkeit der Reaktion zwischen Marmor und Salzsaure. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 558-564. Proba wyrugowania wptywu zmiany obj^tosci naczyn w oznaczaniach ^ci^liwosci cieczy. [Versuch, den Einfluss der Volumenanderung der Gefasse bei Messungen der Kompressibilitat von Fliissigkeiten zu eliminieren.] Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 243-247 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 120-123, 482-487. Badania wst§pne nad nowym sposobem oznaczania rozszerzalno^ci cieczy. [A preliminary inquiry into a new method of determining the expansibility of a liquid.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 1, 1888, 52-68. Wiadomo^c o Pracowni Fizyczn^j przy Muzeum Przemysiu i Rolnictwa w Warszawie i o pracach, w niej dokonanych. [Report on the Physical Laboratory of the Museum of Industry and Agriculture in Warsaw and on the work done there.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 1, 1888, 119-128. 0 zmianach oporu elektrycznego czterorlenka azotu pod wpiywem zmian temp^ratury. [Variations de la resistance electrique de I'acide hypoazotique sous I'in- fluence des changements de temperature.] Kosmos (Lwow), 14, 1889, 134-140; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 804-806; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 5, 1890, 69-75. Przyczynek do rachunk6vv grafochemicznych. [Con- tribution aux calculs graphiques en chimie.] Prace Mat.- Fiz., 5, 1894, 47-54. Sprawozdanie z dziaialnosci Pracowni Fizyczndj Muzeum Przemysiu i Rolnictwa w Warszawie za rok 1893. [Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des physikalischen Laboratoriums des Museums fiir Gewerbe und Land- wirthschaft in Warschau fiir das Jahr 1893.] Prace Mat.-Fiz., 5, 1894, 187-190; Fortschr. Phys., 1894 (Abth. 1), 520. 0 wiasnosciach roztwor6w azotynu sodowego (nitrytu), [Sur quelques propriet^s des solutions aqueuses de I'azotite de sodium.] [1898.] Krak6w, Ak. (Mat.-Przyrod.) Bozpr., 15, 1899, 165-173 ; Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1898, 123- 124. 0 CBOHCTBaXT. paCTBOpOB'B a30THCT0KIICJar0 Haxpia. [On the properties of solutions of sodium nitrite.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 548-551. Boguski] 648 [Bohlin Boguski, Jozef J\erxj\ & Natanson, WlaMstaw. Barometr odczytywany przy pomocy zetkni§6 elektrycznych. [Ein Barometer mit Contactablesung.] Kosmos (Lwow), 13, 1888, 135-138; Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 761-763. Boguslavsklj, A\natoli3\ l\vimovic\ MeTpiIHeCKifl CBoficTBa IIHBo:IK)^ifr uepBaro KJiacca bhciuhxi. nopfljlKOBi. H ycjoBifl cymecTBOBaHia bt. hhxt. ^tBOftHMXT. BjieMGHTOBT.. [Metrische Eigenschaften der Involutionen erster Klasse 7i""' Ordnung und Be- dingungen der Existenz von Doppelelementen.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 65 (A^o. 2), 1890, 52-54; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 572. . Ajre6pa ioockoctii h npocTpancTBa. [Algebra der Ebene und des Eaumes.] [1890-91.] Bee. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 600-667 ; 15, [1891], 683-788 ; 16, [1893], 113-172; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 734-735. PacnpocTpaHGHie xeopeMH IlAiiiia na o6i>eMH. [Uebertragung eines Satzes von Pappus auf Volumina.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 73 (i^o. 1), 1891, 27-28 ; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 614. HcqilCJieHie nOJIoaceHiil. [Calcul de situation.] [1893.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 4, 1895, 86-122. BoguBlawBki, G\eorg Heinrich'] von. For biography and works see Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 399-400; Meteorol. Ztschr., 1 (1884), 332-336; Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 286 ; Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 20, 1885, 3-4 ; Geogr. Jbuch. , 12, 1888, 356-357. . *Uebersicht der Tage, an welchen die Miindungen der Oder (Peene, Swine, Divenow) vom Eise des Winters freigeworden sind. (Von 1828 bis 1873.) Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 78-79. *Ueber die Stiirme im nordlichen Stillen Ocean an der West-Kiiste von Nord-Amerika. (Aus dem "Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer for the year 1872. Washington 1872," pag. 262 S.) Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 153-156, 161-162, 168. *Vergleichende Betrachtungen iiber die klimatischen Verhaltnisse der beiden Polarzonen. Hydrogr. Mitth., 1 (1873), 278-279. Bohannan, B[osser] Dlaniel]. Convergence-subtrahends for the trigonometrical functions expressed in infinite sums. [1884.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-86), 49-51. The homogeneous equation of four terms to express the homographic division of two straight lines. [1884.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884-86), 109-110. Relations expressing harmonic division on a straight line. [1885.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884^85), 121-125. Proof of a proposition in modern geometry. [1885.] Ann. Math., 1 (1884r-85), 139-140. Simple proof of a fundamental theorem in the theory of functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 19, 1897, 192. Iio1ia.tBGb., Albert. Ueber den Fang von Carabus Scheidleri, Paiiz. F., in Wien. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., [1], 1891, 27-31. Bohatsch, Otto. Die Eupithecien Oesterreich-Ungarns. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 294-298; 6, 1887, 117-129. Lepidopterologische Mittheilungen. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 4, 1885, 143-146, 176-179. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Transkaukasiens. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 123-128, 200-203. Eupitheciadistinctaria, H.-S. 162. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 48, 1887, 121-127. Beitrage zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Slavoniens. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 2, 1892, 31-50. Mittheilungen iiber Eupithecien. Iris, 6 (1893), 1-35. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna des Schneeberg- Gebietes. Wien. Ent. Ver. Jber., 4, 1894, 39-58. Ueber Sesia colpiformis, Stgr. [1895,] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 45, 1896, 70-72. Ueber eine seltene siideuropaische Geometride : Acidalia ochroleucata, H.-S. [1895.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 45, 1896, 108-110. Boh^as, . E^sum^ des observations m^t^orologiques faites en 1878 et 1879 au poste de Bok(5 (Rio-Nunez). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 35, 1887, 209-215. Boheman, Carl Henrik. For biographical notice and list of works see Abeille, 22, 1884 (Les Entotn. et leurs Kcrits, 141-144). Boheman, H. Intercellularbriicken und Saftraume der glatten Muskulatur. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1896, 305-315. Bolil, Piers \^Paul Felix]. Das Gesetz der molecularen Attraction. Ann. Phys. Chem., 36, 1889, 334-346. Bohland, Karl [Joseph]. Beitrage zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Stickstoffes im Harn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 199-276. Ueber die Bestimmung des Stickstoffes und der Chloride im Hundeharn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 37, 1886, 423-456. Die Harnstoffanalyse von Bunsen mit Beriicksichti- gung der stickstoffhaltigen Extractivstoffe und der Am- moniaksalze im Harn des gesunden und fiebernden Menschen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 43, 1888, 30-70. Die Anwendung der Kamphersaure und ihre Aub- scheidung im Harn. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 47, 1891, 289-306. Bohland, Karl [Joseph], & Bleibtreu, Leopold [Adalbert Franz]. See Bleibtreu & Bohland. Bohland, Karl [Joseph], & Ffliiger, Eduard [Friedrich Wilhelm]. See Ffliiger & Bohland. Bohland, Karl [Joseph], & Schurz, Heinrich. Ueber die Harnsaure- und Stickstotf-Ausscheidung bei Leukaemie. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 469-509. Bohlen, F. Ueber die electromotorischen W^irkungen der Magenschleimhaut. [1894.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 97-122 ; Centrbl. Physiol., 8, 1895, 353-355. Bohlig, E. Wie verhalt sich chemisch reines Kaliummono- carbonat zu salpetersaurem Silberoxyd? Arch. Pharm., 223, 1885, 381-384. Zur Bieranalyse. Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 207-208. Ueber chemische Untersuchung der Biere im All- gemeinen und eine neue directe Bestimmungs-Methode des Alkohols in gegohrenen Fliissigkeiten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 19-22. Ueber Priifung von kohlensaurem Kali. Arch. Pharm., 226, 1888, 541-542. Bohlin, Karl [Petriis Teodor]. Ueber die Bahnelemente des dritten Saturnsatelliten, Tethys. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 16, 49 pp. Ueber die Bedeutung des Princips der lebendigen Kraft fiir die Frage von der Stabilitat dynamischer Systeme. Acta Math., 10, 1887, 109-130. Om en grupp afdifferentialeqvationer, hvilkas solution medfor s. k. sma divisorer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1887, 333- 341. Om betydelsen af lefvande kraftens princip for fragan om dynamiska systems stabilitet. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 {Afd. 1), 1888, No. 1, 16 pp. Eecherches sur les perturbations de la Com^te de WiNNKCKE depuis 1809 a 1819. Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt., 3, 1888 (Haft 5), 72 pp. Om bestamningen af konstanterna vid den dagliga nutationen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 209-213. En generalisation af LAPLACE'sundersokning af libra- tionen i planetteorien. Stockh., Ofvers., 1888, 333-337. Ueber eine neue Annaherungsmethode in der Storungs- theorie. [1888.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 14 {Afd. 1), 1889, No. 5, 26 pp. Zur Frage der Convergenz der Eeihenentwickelungen in der Storungstheorie. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 17-24. Till fragan om sekulara storingar. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 16 {Afd. 1), 1891, No. 12, 19 pp. ; Fortsclir. Math., 1891, 1225. Elemente des Planeten (315) (Palisa Sept. 4). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 293-294. Bohlin] 649 [Bohn Elemente des Planeten (315) Constantia. Astr. Nachr,, 129, 1892, 273-274. Angenaberte Jupitersstorungen derjenigen kleinen Planeten, deren mittlere Bewegungen in der Nahe von 900" liegen. Astr. Nachr., 138. 1896, 81-100. Epheraeride des Planeten (315) Constantia. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 31-32. Hugo Gylden. Ein biographischer Umriss nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber seine wissenschaftlichen Methoden. Acta Math., 20, 1897, 397-404. Ueber den Vorschlag, angenaherte Storungen fiir die Planeten gruppenweise zu bereclmen. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 181-186. Beduction der in Astr. Nachr. Nr. 2574 verofifent- lichten Beobachtungen der Planeten (12) Victoria and (80) Sappho. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 225-234. Eelationer mellan distanserna inom Saturnns-syste- met. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 389-398. Formeln und Tafeln zur gruppenweise Berechnung der allgemeinen Storungen benachbarter Planeten. [1895.] Upsala Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 17, 1898, No. 5, 225 pp. Ett forslag till systematiak storingsberakning for planetoiderna. Skand. Natf. Forh., 1898, 183-188. Ueber eine sonderbare am 2 Januar 1897 beobachtete Nordlichterscheinung. [1898.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 24 (Afd. 1), 1899, No. 5, 18 pp. Om tillampninpen af Lambert's lag inom den celesta fotometrien. [1899.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 25, 1900 (Afd. 1), No. 7, 39 pp.; Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 289- 297. Schreiben betr. die Identitat von (161) Athor mit 1899 EQ. Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 75-78. Sur I'emploi du reseau pour la mesure des cliches astrophotographiques. Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 321-326. BohUn, Karl [Petrus Teodor], & Schultz-Steinheil, G. A. Ora iakttagelserna vid Upsala Observatorium for equi- noktiets bestamning varen oeh hosten 1889. [1890.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 23, 1888-91, No. 13, 58 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1890 [Abth. 3), 24. Boblin, Knut. Myxochsete, ett nytt slagte bland sotvat- tensalgerna. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 (Afd. 3), 1890, No. 4, 7 pp. ; France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891 (Rev.), 112. Snoalger fran Pite Lappmark. [1892.] Bot. Notiser, 1893, 42-46 ; Bot. Centrbl., 64, 1896, 42-45. En enkel mikrofotografisk metod. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 240-242. Zur Morphologie und Biologic einzelliger Algen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1897, 507-529. Studier ufver nagra slagten af alggruppen Confervales, Borzi. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 3), 1898, No. 3, 56 pp. ; Bot. Centrbl., 73, 1898, 213-216. Die Algen der ersten Eegnell'schen Expedition. I. Protococcoideen. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bi- hang, 23 (Afd. 3), 1898, No. 7, 47 pp. Morphologiscbe Beobachtungen iiber Nebenblatt- und Verzweigungsverhaltnisse einiger andinen Alchemilla- Arten. Stockh., Ofvers., 1899, 565-581. Ett exempel pa omsesidig vikariering mellan en fjall- och en kustform. Bot. Notiser, 1900, 161-179 (Res. 178- 179). Bohlin, Kurt. Beobachtungen der Planeten Victoria und Sappho nach Gili/s Programm auf der Sternwarte in Upsala. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 81-96. Boblmann, Georg. Zur Integration der Differentialgleich- ungen erster Ordnung mit unbestiramten Coefficienten. Crelle, Jl. Math., 113, 1894, 207-251. Zur Integration derjenigen Systeme von Differential- gleichungen erster Ordnung, deren Coefhcienten unab- hangige, unbcstiramte Functioneu der unabhangigen Veriinderlichen sind. Crelle, Jl. Math., 115, 1896, 89-110. Continuierliche Gruppen von quadratischen Trans- R. S. A. C. formationen der Ebene. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 44- 54. Uebersicht iiber die wichtigsten Lehrbiicher der Infinitesimal-Rechnung von Euler bis auf die heutige Zeit. Deutsch. Math. Ver, Jber., 6, 1899 (Heft 2), 91-110. Ein Ausgleichungsproblem. Gottingen Nachr., 1899, 260-271. Bolils, J. Mittheilungen iiber Fang und Lebensweise von Lepidosiren aus Paraguay. Gottingen Nachr., 1894, 80-83. Bemerkungen zur Eintheilung der Chelydidae. Zool. Anz., 18, 1896, 51-53. Bohm, H. Plattenepithel und Flatten epithelkrebs im Mastdarm. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1896, 524-535. Traumatische Epithelcyste und Fremdkorper-Riesen- zellen in der Haut. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 276- 288. Bohm, J. 0 IIOJiyieHiu UWHKHSOnponHJia. [Sur la preparation du zincisopropyle.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 31 (Ghem.), 1899, 46-47; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 619. Bohmeyer, G. Neues System elektrisch-sympathischer Wechselstromuhren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 8, 1887, 503-504. Bohn, [Albert HeinricK]. For biography and list of works see Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 27, 1888, 489-490; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 57. Das klimakterische Ekzem. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 39, 1886, 613-620. Bohn, [Johann'] C{onrad\ Ueber die Berichtigung des vereinfachten Ablese-MikroskopesfiirTheilungen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 4, 1884, 87-88. Ueber Lange und Vergrosserung, Helligkeit und Gesichtsfeld des Kepler-, Ramsden- und Campani- Fernrohrs. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 29, 1884, 25-44, 74-90. Ueber Dichtigkeitsvergleichungen aus den Hohen von Fliissigkeitssaulen, die gleich grossen Druck ausiiben. Exner, Repertm., 22, 1886, 402-405. Gewiunung von vollkommen reinem Quecksilber. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 7, 1887, 389-392; 8, 1888, 76. Ueber Winkelprismen und ihren Gebrauch zur Ein- schaltung von Punkten in eine Gerade. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 8, 1888, 359-362. Ein neues Prismenkreuz. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 9, 1889, 62-64. Abanderung eines Gefallmessers und Nivellirinstru- mentes nebst Bemerkung iiber die Elevationsschraube. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 9, 1889, 216-224. Ein bequemer Heberansauger und eine Vorrichtung zur sicheren Uebertragung selbst der kleinsten Tropfchen. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1278-1279. Ueber FlammenundleuchtendeGase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. , 18, 1896, 219-239. Notiz zum Polarplanimeter. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 17, 1897, 64. Bohn, Georges. Sur la respiration du Carcinus Moenas, Leach. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 441-444. Sur le renversement du courant respirntoire chez les Decapodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 539-542. Du role des polls dans I'enfouissement des "Atele- cyclus." Arcachon Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Trav., 1898, 106-113. Des migrations saisonnieres dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Crustac^s Decapodes (septembre et octobre 1898). Arca- chon Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Trav., 1898, 123-126. De I'enfouissement chez les Homarides et les Thalas- sinides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 781-783. Des adaptations des pattes thoraciques chez les Homarides. Arcachon Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Trav., 1898, 114-122, 82 Bohn] 650 [Bohr De I'absorption de I'anhydride carbonique par les Crustaces Decapodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 {C. R.), 1008-1010. Variations des ^changes gazeux chez les Crustaces Decapodes suivant la saison, I'habitat, la taille des animaux. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1011-1013. Du role des exopodites dans la production du courant respiratoire chez les Crustaces Decapodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 281-283. De I'importance de I'ammoniaque comme facteur ^thologique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 868-869. Bohn, Rene, & Graebe, Charles. Ueber Galloflavin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2327-2331. Bohn, Rene, & XZeumann, Karl. Zur Charakteristik der Azophenole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 272- 276. Bohne, Ed. Verarbeitung der Schlacken vom Zinnerz- schmelzen vermittelst verdiinnter Schwefelsaure. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 203-204. Bohne, Julius. Ueber die Bedeutung der Eetention von Chloriden im Organismus fiir die Entstehung uramischer und comatoser Zustande. Fortschr. Med., 15 (1897), 121-134. Bohnstedt, G[eorg Wilhelm Ottokar]. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Spina bifida occulta. Virchow, Arch., 140, 1895, 47-79. Bohny, F. Der Eingelenkbogen. Hannover Architekt.- Ver. Ztschr., 44, 1898, 147-156. Bohome, August. Ueber Heilung der aseptischen Herz- wunden. Experimentalforschungen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 26, 1888, 625-627. Bohr, Christian. Absorptiometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Dissociation des Oxyhamoglobins. Congr. Int. Sci. MM. C. E., 1884 {T. 1, Physiol), 11. Om iltens afvigelse fra den Boyle-Mariotteske lov ved lave tryk. [1885.] KjfTbenh., Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 2, 1881-86, 401-417; Ann. Phys. Chem., 27, 1886, 459-479. Unders£abadie-Ziagrave, [Frederic], & ITo6, Joseph. See Labadie-Lagrave, Boix & 1Xo6. Bojanus, Aleksej. AjIJinjrM9TH.ireKCHjrKap6lIHOJI'b ir ero OKiicieHie bt. cooTB'feTCTByiomiri MHuepuHTj. [Allylmethylhexylcarbinol and its oxidation to the cor- responding glycerol.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 {Chem.), 1892', 471-473; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 10, 1893, 199. Ueber Allylmethylhexylcarbinol und das daraus sich bildende Hendecatylglycerin. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 52-54. B6kai, Arpdd. Aphoristicus megjegyz^sek a szivmozgas- okrol. [Aphoristic observations on the movements of the heart.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1884, 113- 132. Adatok a b^lmozgasok ismeretehez. [Contributions to our knowledge of the movements of the intestines.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1884, 185-214; 1886, 1-24. A paraldehyd elettani hatasarol. [On the biological action of paraldehyde.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 259-267. [Kis^rletek, melyeket a paraldehyddel tett strychninnel m^rgezett allatokon. Experiments made with paralde- hyde on animals poisoned by strychnine.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. {Orv. Szak), 1885, 267-273. Az idiilt amylnitrit mdrgezesrSl. , [On chronic amyl nitrite poisoning.] Orvos-Termt Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 81-86. A metaldehydrol mint toxicus anyagrol. [Metaldehyde as a toxin.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 95-108. Ujabb adatok a pikrotoxin es paraldehyd kolcsonos meregtani antagonismusar61 [New contributions on the reciprocal antagonism of picrotoxin and paraldehyde.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 235-238. [Uj fajdalom^rz^s-jelzo bemutat^sa. Presentation of a new algometer.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 241-242. Experiraentelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Darmbe- wegungen. [1887.] Arch. Exper. Path., 23, 1887, 209- 232, 414-426 ; 24, 1888, 153-166. K^pzodik-^ metha;moglobin az elo v^rben chlorsavas kali mergezesnel? Bildet sich Methaemoglobin in dem Blute lebender Thiere bei todtlicher Intoxication mit chlorsaurem Kali? Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1887, 1-7, 203-206. Adatok az acetanilid (antifebrin) pharmakodynamica- jahoz. Beitrage zur Pharmakodynamik des Antifebrin. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1887, 46-54, 213-217. A veszettseg virusa ^s namely desinficiens szer. SziLAGYi Janos vizsgalatai alapjan kozli. Das Lyssavirus und einige Desinficientia. Auf Grand der Untersuchungen von Johann Szilagyi. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1890, 1-18, 123-128. Az epenek ^s alkotor^szeinek hatasa a b^lmozgasra. Ueber die Wirkung der Galle und deren Bestandteile auf die Darmperistaltik. Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1890, 19-24, 129-134. Experiraentelle Beitrage zur Lehre von der akuten Phosphorvergiftung. Wien. Med. Wschr., 41, 1891, 1982. Arbeiten iiber das Formanilid. Centrbl. Med. Wiss. , 31, 1893, 289-292. A kereskedelmi asztali olajok taplalo ^rt^k^rol. [Ueber den Nahrwerth der im Handel vorkommenden Tafelole.] [1896.] Termt. Kozlon., 29, 1897, 48; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 375-376. N6hany nehez fern hatasa a harantcsikos izomzat szerkezetere. [Die Wirkung schwerer Metalle auf die Structur der quergestreiften Musculatur.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 192-223; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 158-186. B6kai, Arpdd, & Barcsi, Lajos. See Baresi & B6kai. B6kai, Arpdd, & Tbthmlyer, Ferencz. Adatok a belmoz- gasok ismeretehez. [Contributions to the knowledge of the movements of the intestines.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Orv. Szak), 1886, 39-56. B6kay, Johann von. Die Heilserumbehandlung gegen Diphtheric in dem Budapester "Stefanie" Kinderspitale. (402 Fiille.) [1896.] Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 44, 1897, 133- 156. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Harnrohrendivertikel bei Knaben. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 52, 1900, 181-214. Bokelmann, [Wilhelni]. Die Antisepsis wahrend der Geburt. [With discussion,] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 17, 1889, 341-348. Bokenbam, T[homa8] Jessopp. The serum-therapy of typhoid fever. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 373-378. The serum-therapy of affections caused by infection with streptococci. London Path. Soc. Trans., 49, 1898, 378-385. Bokenham, T[hornas] Jessopp, & Bmnton, (Sir) T[homa8'] Lauder. See Brunton & Bokenbam. Bokorny, l'h[omas]. Das Wasserstoffsuperoxyd und die Silberabscheidung durch actives Albumin. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 17, 1886, 347-358. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Vorgang der Silber- abscheidung durch actives Albumin. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 18, 1887, 194-217. Die Keimung der Samen. [1885.] Rheinpfalz Pol- lichia Jber. (43-46), 1888, 124-142. Kurze Mittheilung iiber die Bakterien im Brunnen- wasser. [1886.] Eheinpfalz Pollichia Jber, (43-46), 1888, 55-59. Ueber das angebliche Vorkommen von Wasserstoff- superoxyd in Pflanzen- und Thiersaften. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1100-1102. Zur Frage der Silberabscheidung durch lebende Zellen und deren angeblichen Zusammenhang mit dem Wasser- stoffsuperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1848-1850. Ueber Starkebildung aus verschiedenen Stoffen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, 116-120. Ueber die Einwirkung basischer Stoffe auf das lebende Protoplasma. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 19, 1888, 206-220. Ueber Aggregation. [1888-89.] Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 20, 1889, 427-474; Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 21, 1890, 77-79. Bemerkung zu Prof. Dr. Josef Boehm's Mittheilung iiber Starkebildung in den Blattern von Sedum specta- bile, Boreau. Bot. Centrbl, 37, 1889, 414-415. Eine bemerkenswerthe Wirkung oxydirter Eisen- vitriollosungen auf lebende Pflanzenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 274-275. Ueber den Nachweis von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd in lebenden Pflanzenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 7, 1889, 275-276. Welche Stoffe konnen ausser der Kohlensaure zur Starkebildung in griinen Pflanzen dienen? Landw. Versucbs-Stat., 36, 1889, 229-242. Zur Characteristik des lebenden Pflanzenprotoplas- mas. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 45, 1889, 199-219. Ueber den Ort der Wasserleitung in den Pflanzen. [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 289-303, 321-327. Bokorny] 656 [Bolam Ueber die Wasserwege in den Pflanzen. [1889.] Eriangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 21, 1890, 62-63. Zur Kenntniss des Cytoplasmas. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 101-111. Notiz iiber das Vorkomraen des Gerbstoffs. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1890, 112. Die Wege des Transpirationsstromes in der Pflanze. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 469-503. Weitere Mittheilung iiber die wasserleitenden Gewebe. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 21, 1890, 505-519. Das Wasserleitungsvermogen des Colienchymgewebes. [1890.] Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 821-323; Eriangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 26-27. Ueber den Nachweis des Transpirationsstromes in den Pflanzen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 2-9. Ueber Starkebildung aus Formaldehyd. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 9, 1891, 103-106. Das Verhalten des Gerbstoffs in der lebenden Pflanzen- zelle. Eriangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 23, 1891, 27-28. Einige Versuche iiber die Abnahme des Wassers an organischer Substanz durch Algenvegetation. Arch, Hyg., 14, 1892, 202-208. Einige Beobachtungeii iiber den Einfluss der Emah- rung auf die Beschaffenheit der Pflanzenzelle. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 321-330. ■ Ueber Kohlensaureassimilation. Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 481-484. Bemerkung zu P. Klemm: Ueber die Aggregations- vorgange in Crassulaceenzellen. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 318. Ernahrung griiner Pflanzenzellen mit Formaldehyd. Landw. Jbiich., 21, 1892, 445-465. Zur Proteosomenbildung in den Bliittem der Cras- sulaceen. [1893.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 10, 1892, 619-621. Die Vakuolenwand der Pflanzenzellen. Biol. Centrbl,, 13, 1893, 271-275. Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der tellurigen Saure. Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 1598-1599. Eigenschaften, Verbreitung und Bedeutung des nicht- organisirten activen Proteinstoffes. [1893,] Pflviger, Arch. Physiol., 55, 1894, 127-142. Ueber die Betheiligung chlorophyllfiihrender Pflanzen an der Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Arch. Hyg,, 20, 1894, 181-196. Ueber den Einfluss des Calciums und Magnesiums auf die Ausbildung der Zellorgane. Bot. Centrbl., 62, 1895, 1-4. Einige vergleichende Versuche iiber das Verhalten von Pflanzen und niederen Thieren gegen basische Stoffe. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 59, 1895, 557-562. Einige Versuche iiber die Stickstofferniihrung griiner Pflanzen, Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 53. Notizen zur Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffernahrung der Pilze. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 69. Ueber das toxikologische Verhalten der Pikrinsaure und ihrer Salze, sowie einiger verwandter Stoffe. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 963-964. Das Verhalten nitrirter Kohlenhydrate gegen Pilze Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 98.5-986. Die mikroskopische Veranderung der Baumwolle beim Nitriren. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 986. Beobachtungen uber Starkebildung. Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1005-1006. Versuche iiber die Giftigkeit des Nitroglycerins. Chem, Ztg,, 20, 1896, 1021-1022. ■ Ueber die Wasserloslichkeit des Phosphors und die Giftwirkung wasseriger Phosphorlosungen. Chem Zte. 20, 1896, 1022. ^ Ueber das Vorkommen des "Gerbstoffes" ira Pflan- zenreiche und seine Beziehung zum activen Albumin Chem. Ztg., 20, 1896, 1022-1023. — ^ Vergleichende Studien iiber die Giftwirkung verschie- dener chemischer Substanzen bei Algen und Infusorien, Pfliiger, Arch, Physiol., 64, 1896, 262-306. Toxicologische Notizen iiber Ortho- und Para-Verbin- dungen, Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 64, 1896, 306-312, Ueber die organische Ernahrung griiner Pflanzen und ihre Bedeutung in der Natur, Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 1-20, 33-48. Grenze der wirksamen Verdvinnung von Nahrstoffen bei Algen und Pilzen. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 417-426. Ueber die Kohlenstoffernahrung der Sprosshefe. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 303, 1897, 115-119, 140-143, 163-166. Ernahrbarkeit der Spaltpilze durch verschiedene Kohlenstoffverbiiidungen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 66, 1897, 114-144, Notizen iiber die faulnisswidrige Kraft einiger Substanzen, Ztschr, Augew, Chem,, 1897, 336-344, 364-366, Notiz iiber Athmung und Assimilation, Chem, Ztg,, 22, 1898, 99, Ueber die Wirkung der atherischen Oele auf Pilze. [1899.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 73, 1898, 555-594. Selbstschutz der Pflanzen gegen Pilze. Pilzfeste Pflanzenteile. Biol. Centrbl., 19, 1899, 177-185. Zur chemischen Physiologie der " iitherischen Oele." Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 60-61, 75-76. Notiz iiber die Zersetzung von Eiweissstoffen durch Siiuren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1099-1100. Physiologisches und Cheraisches iiber die Pepton- bildung aus Eiweiss. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 53-59. Einiges iiber die Proteinstoffe der Samen. Bot. Centrbl., 82, 1900, 289-306. Notiz iiber das Myrosin. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 771- 772, 817. 832. Empfindlichkeit der Enzyme; Bemerkungen iiber die Beziehnngen derselben zum Protoplasma. Chem, Ztg., 24, 1900, 1113-1114, 1136-1138. Ueber das Vorkommen von Albumin, Albumose und Pepton in den vegetativen Pflanzentheilen, Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 80, 1900, 48-68. Bokorny, Thlomasli, & Xioew, Oscar. See Loew & Bokorny. Boks, /). B. Die Technik der Stauung am Kaninchenohr, Centrbl, Bakt, (Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 565-567. Boku, Chiun. Carbonated spring in Korea. ['/"^J.] Tokyo Geol. Soc, Geol. Mag., 3, [1896], [230]-[231]. Bolam, George. Notes of arrivals and departures of birds. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 581-589, 617. Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [10], 1885, 589-590; [11], 1887, 258-263. On the occurrence of the cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris, Fah.) in Northumberland. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, 558-559. Additions to the lepidopterous fauna of the district, with notes on the capture of some of the rarer species. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [11], 1887, .559-561. Note on a spider (Meta Menardi, Lat.) new to the district. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 151-152. Some notes on the occurrence of Pai.las's sand grouse, Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pallas), in the district, during the recent visitation of the species to this country. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [12], 1890, 542-551, Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 345-368. The diamond-back moth, Plutella cruciferarum, Zell. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 379-385. The gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) near Berwick-on- Tweed. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 180-181. A list of the birds of Berwick-on-Tweed, with special reference to "The birds of Berwickshire" and notices of the occurrence of some of the rarer species in the adjoining districts. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 76-93 ; 1897, 5-14, 79-88; 1899, 65-72. Bolam] 657 [Bolfvar y Urrutia On the breeding of the wigeon (Mareca Penelope) on the Borders. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 219-220. Blysmus rufus, var. bifolius, a new plant for the district. [1896.] Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15 1897 362. Notes on some of the rarer Lepidoptera, with several additions to the fauna of the district. Berwick. Nat Club Hist., 15, 1897, 297-306, 390. Ked-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus, Linn. ) in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1898, 116. Ichthyological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 16 1899, 201-204. Monstrosity in the crab. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 80. Ornithological notes. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 89-108. Lesser fork-beard, or tadpole fish. Raniceps trifur- catus (Turton). Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 112. On the occurrence of Sphodrus leucophthalmus, Linn., in the district. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 128. Bolam, Herbert William. Zur Verseifung des Dicarboxyl- glutaconsaureester. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3061-3062. On the hydrolysis of ethylic dicarboxylglutaconate. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 184-185. Bolam, Herbert William, & Brown, Alexander Crum. See Brown & Bolam. Bolam, Herbert William, & Outlizeit, Max. See Gutlizeit & Bolam. Bolam, Herbert William, & Purdie, Thomas. See Purdie & Bolam. Bolam, Robert A[lfred]. Antral carcinoma. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 65-68. Bolam, Robert A[lfred~\, & Patterson, R[obert] J[ames]. The effect of alternating currents on the frog's heart. [1897.] Durham Univ. Phil. Soc. Proc, 1, 1900, 41-43. Bolam, Robert George. For biographical notice see Ber- wick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 149-152. Boland, G. W. Ueber Pyocyanin, den blauen Farbstoff des Bacillus pyocyaneus. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 897-902. Bolander, Henry Nlicholas]. For biographical notice and works see Erythea, 6, 1898, 100-107. A new Erythronium. Erythea, 3, 1895, 127. Bolas, Thomas. The physics and chemistry of develop- ment. Photogr. JL, 19, 1895, 232-247. Reproduction by photographic processes. Nature, 58 (1898), 204-205. Diaphragms of glass, thin to Newton's very black stage. [With discussion.] Photogr. Jl., 23, 1899, 252- 255. Notes on the uses of the Dallmeyer focometer. [With discussion.] [1899.] Photogr. Jl., 24, 1900, 107-111. Bolau, Heinrich. Eine Zahntaube, Didunculus strigi- rostris, im Zoologischen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 25, 1884, 65-69. Zur Geschichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg. 1837-87. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 10, 1887, No. 1, 32 pp. Die Raubvogel des Zoologischen Gartens in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 32, 1891, 12-17, 36-39, 265- 274. On specimens of Haliaetus pelagicus and H. Branickii now living in the Zoological Gardens of Hamburg. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 173-174. Die Scheidenschuabel im Hamburger Zoologischen Garten. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 297-299. Kleine Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 35, 1894, 9-11, 114- 118, 227-231 ; 36, 1895, 359-360 ; 37, 1896, 353-357. Der Riesen-Seeadler und der Korea-Seeadler im Zoo- logischen Garten in Hamburg. Frankf., Zool, Garten, 35, 1894, 193-194. R. S. A. C. Die geographische Verbreitung der wichtigsten Wale des Stillen Ozeans. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Abh., 13, 1895, No. 5, 22 pp. Ueber die Dinka-Neger. [1895.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-BU, 1897, 41-42. Bolau, Hermann. Die Typen der Vogelsammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 15, 1898, 45-71 ; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 15, 1898, Beiheft 2, 45-71. Glandula thyreoidea und Glandula thymus der Amphibien. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 12, 1899, 657- 710. Boiean, E. *Ha6jiK);i;eHiji naji;!. TeMnepaxypoft h 6HCTpoToft TeqeHia bt. HiKOTopaxt Mtciaxt Bojrn. [Observations of temperature and rapidity of flow at some points of the Volga.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1872-73, Append. No. 4, 18 pp. Bold, Thomas John. For biography and list of works see Northurab. Nat. Hist. Trans., 8, 1884-89, 33-46. Boldlngh, G. Hondius. Over de afwijkingen van de wetten voor verdunde oplossingen. Maandbl. Nat., 1897, 143-147, 166-171, 181-189; Fortschr. Phys., 1898 (Abth. 1), 531-532. Boldini, Carlo. For biographical notice see Venezia, Ateneo, 2, 1888, 241-242. L' influenza del sottosuolo" sullo stato igienico della citt4. Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1886, 124-144. [La fognatura delle citti.] Parte prima. Venezia, Ateneo, 1, 1892, 314-355. Boldt, Charles Emil. Om epifylla blommor hos Chirita hamosa, R. Br. Kj^rbenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 332-355; Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898, 128-130. Om ett fynd i Finland af Scirpus parvulus, Rom. et Sch., och dess skottbyggnad. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 26, 1900, 100-104. Boldt, H[ermann] J[oh.]. Functional neuroses, and their relation to the diseases peculiar to women. [1898.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 69, 1899, 181-185. Boldt, Robert. Bidrag till kannedomen om Sibiriena Chlorophyllophyceer. Stockh., Ofvers., 1885, No. 2, 91-128; Bot. Centrbl., 26, 1886, 1-2. Grunddragen af Desmidieernas utbredning i Norden. [1887.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 (Afd. 3), 1888, No. 6, 110 pp.; Bot. Centrbl., 38, 1889, 736-739. Desmidieer frau Gronland. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 13 {Afd. 3), 1888, No. 5, 48 pp. lakttagelser ofver konsfordelningen hos lonnen. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 61-65. [Om "snons blomma" (SphaBrella nivalis) och dess forekomst nos oss. Ueber die "Blume des Schnees," Sphaerella nivalis, und deren Vorkommen in Finnland.] [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 192-193; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 153-154. Nagra sotvattens-alger fran Gronland. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 156-158., Bole, [Desire] E[mile], & Deblerre, Ch[arles Marie], See Bebierre & Bole. Bolezzi, Giovanni. Sopra la salicil-p-fenetidina ed alcnni suoi derivati. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 220-225; Gazz. Chim. Ital., 28 (1898, Pt. 2), 197-202. Bolivar y TTrrutia, Ignacio. [Observations sur les Orthop- t^res d'Europe et du bassin de la Mediterranee.] Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cii-cvii. Monografia de los Pirgomorfinos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 5-73, 419-500. [Observaciones sobre algunos Tisanuros y Colembolos de los alrededores de Madrid y sobre la Embia Solieri, Rb.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 (Act.), 31-33. Diagnoses d'Orthopteres nouveaux. [1885.] Natura- liste, [3(1885-87)], 116-117. 83 Bolivar y Urrutia] 658 [Bolivar y Urrutia • Observations sur le Gryllodes littoreus, sp. nov. [1885.] Naturaliste, [3(1885-87)], 174. . [Fernando P6o y el Golfo de Guinea. Enumeraci6n de las colecciones recogidas en su viaje por el Dr. OssoBio.] Articulados. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886, 341-348. —— [Apuntes de un viaje por el Sahara occidental por Don Francisco Qdiroga.] Crustdceos. [Miri^podos. Ortopteros. Hemipteros.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886, 510-511, 512-517. [Enunieraci6n de los Ortopteros de Espana publicados despues de la aparici6n de la sinopsis de los mismos.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886 (Act.), 36-39. . [Noticia sobre la coleccion de Coleopteros del Sr. D. L. Perez Aecas, donada al Museo de Madrid.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 15, 1886 [Act.), 55-60. Essai sur les Acridiens de la tribu des Tettigidse. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, 175-313. Especies nuevas 6 criticas de Ortopteros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887, 89-114. [Excursion ortopterologica i, Pefialara.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887 {Act.), 4-9. [Descripcion de la copula de la Locusta viridissima, L.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887 (Act.), 70-73; Ent, Nachr. , 14, 1888, 78-79. Enumeration des Orthopteres de Tile de Cuba. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 1, 1888, 116-164. [Sobre un parasito del Astacus fluviatilis.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 {Act.), 60-63. ■ [Observaciones sobre algunos insectos de Sabaris, Pontevedra.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 83-84. [Noticia de algunos insectos del Escorial.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 17, 1888 (Act.), 101. Enumeraci6n de los Grilidos de Filipinas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 18, 1889, 415-431. Ortopteros de Africa del Museo de Lisboa. [1889-90.] Lisboa, Jorn. Sci. Math., 1, 1890, 73-112, 150-173, 211- 232. Diagnosis de Ort6pteros nuevos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890, 299-334. [Noticias sobre la recolecci6n de los Crust^ceos.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 2-6. [Observaciones sobre algunos Gryllodes.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 {Act.), 19. [Lista de Crustaceos cerca de San Sebastian.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 19, 1890 (Act.), 115-120. Voyage de M. E. Simon au V^n^zu^la. Orthopteres. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 137-146. Apuntes acerca de los aparatos de pesea empleados a bordo de la Hirondelle por S. A. S. el Principe de Monaco. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891, 385-424. [Excursiones a la Poveda (Madrid) y & los Picos de Europa (Santander).] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891 (Act.), 3-5. ■ La langosta migratoria de Chile. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 2, 1892, 196-199. Orthopteres provenant des voyages de S. A. le Prince de Monaco dans les archipels de Mad^re et des Apores. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 17, 1892, 46-49. ■ Lista de la colecci6n de Crustaceos de Espafia y Portugal del Museo de Historia Natural de Madrid. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 21, 1892 (Act.), 124-141. Les esp^ces du genre Cyrtaspis, Fisch. Eev. Ent., 11, 1892, 289-293. Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidentale). Orthopteres. [1892.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 62, 1893, 169-184. Tableau pour la determination du genre Tryxalis, F. [1893.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 23, 1892-93, 161-164. Ad cognitionem Orthopterorum Europa et confininm. I. Sobre el genero Locusta, De Geer. Madrid, Soc, Hist. Nat. An., 22, 1893 {Act.), 22-26. Viaje de M. Ch. Alluaud a las islas Canarias. (Noviembre 1889 a junio 1890.) Ort6pteros. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 22, 1893 (Act.), 45-53. Liste des Orthopteres recueillis en Syrie par le Dr. Theod. Barrois. Kev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 476- 489. Ad cognitionem Orthopterorum Europffi et confinium. II. Sobre el genero Gryllodes, Sauss. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 44-58. [Ortopteros recogidos en las Azores por el Sr. Afifonso Chaves.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 70-76. Ad cognitionem Orthopterorum Europae et confinium. III. Especies nuevas 6 criticas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 23, 1894 (Act.), 83-89. [Orthopteres du Togoland.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, clxi-clxiii. Mission scientifique de M. Ch. Alluaud • aux iles Sechelles. Orthopteres. [1894.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1898, 369-385. Orthopteres de I'ile de la Eeuuion. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, 386. [Nota sobre Ortopteros del rio Atalapo, recogidos por el viajero Sr. Vraz.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 11-18. Catalogo sinoptico de los Ortbpteros de la fauna iberica. Annaes Sci. Nat., 4, 1897, 105-135, 203-232; 5, 1898, 1-48, 121-152 ; 6, 1900, 1-28. Odonates et Orthopteres, recueillis sur I'ilot d'Alboran par MM. H. Neuville et J. Eichard. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 22, 1897, 36-37. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e region! vicine. Lxxviii. Nouvelle espece cavernicole de la famille des Blattaires. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 32-36. [TflBniosoma Sanchezi, nueva especie de fasmido de Filipinas.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 {Act.), 29-32. [Nota bibliografica acerca del Catalogue des H^mip- teres du Portugal, por M. P. de Oliveira.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 72-74. Insectos I'ecogidos en Cartagena por D. Jose Sanchez G6mez. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 166-174. La partenogenesis en los Ort6ptero8. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 26, 1897 (Act.), 242-244. Les Orthopteres de St. Joseph's College k Trichinopoly (sud de rinde). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 282- 316; 68, 1899, 761-812. Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Orthoptere du Perou. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 215-216. Contributions k I'etude des Acridiens. Especes de la faune indo et austro-malaisienne du Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 66-101. Notas entomologicas. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 72-78. Ort6pteros nuevos de Borneo y de Nueva Guinea. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 137-142. Nueva especie de Mantido europeo. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 145-146. Orthopteres du voyage de M. Martinez Escaleba dans I'Asie Mineure. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 43, 1899, 583- 607. Anataelia, genero nuevo de Fortificulido de las islas Canarias. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 97-99. Dos formas larvarias de Lampiridos. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 130-133. Observaciones acerca de la primera mbrfosis de la langosta (Stauronotus maroccanus, Thunb.). Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 162-164. Bolivar y Urrutia, Ignacio, Rafbray, Achille, & Simon, Eugene. See RafEray, Bolivar y Urrutia & Simon. Bolk] 659 [Bolley BoUc, Louis. Beziehungen zwischen Skelet, Muskulatur und Nerven der Extreraitaten, dargelegt am Becken- giirtel, an dessen Muskulatur sowie am Plexus lumbo- sacralis. Morphol. Jbuch., 21, 1894, 241-277. Rekonstruktion der Segmentirung der Gliedmassen- muskulatur, dargelegt an den Muskeln des Oberschenkels und des Schultergiirtels. Morphol. Jbuch., 22, 1896, 357-379. Die Sklerozonie des Humerus. Zngleich ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschichte dieses Skelettheiles. Morphol. Jbuch., 23, 1896, 391-411. Beitrag zur Neurologie der unteren Extremitat der Primaten. [1897.] Morphol. Jbuch., 25, 1898, 305- 361. Die Segmentaldifferenzirung des menschlichen Rumpfes und seiner Extreraitaten. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Morphogenese des menschlichen Korpers. [1898-99.] Morphol. Jbuch., 25, 1898, 46.5-543; 26, 1898, 91-211 ; 27, 1899, 630-711 ; 28, 1900, 105-146. Ueber eine Variation des kurzen Kopfes des Biceps femoris beim Orang. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologic dieses Muskels. Morphol. Jbuch., 26, 1898, 274-281. Die Homologie der Brust- und Bauchmuskeln. Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 317-321. Beitrage zur Affen-Anatomie. [i. Untersuchungen am schwangeren Uterus von Semnopithecus. ] Morphol. Jbuch., 28, 1900, 565-623. Kiirzere Mittheilungen aus dem anatomischen Institut zu Amsterdam, [i. Ueber die Persistenz fotaler Former- scheinungen bei einem erwachsenen Manne. ii. Ueber eine Wirbelsiiule mit nur sechs Halswirbeln.] [1900.] Morphol. Jbuch,, 29. 1902, 78-93. Boll, F. Ueber die Umkehrungsversuche mit Bryopsis, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihren zelligen Aufbau (Energi- den). Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 444-451. BoU, J[acob]. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 {Beil.), 176-179; Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 3, 1878, 135-144. BoUa, Achille. II gneiss centrale nella Valtellina. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 101-105. BoUand, G. J. P. J. Voorzienigheid en natuurwet, eene hernieuwde bespreking der oude vraag : "Werkt de natuur volgens doeleinden?" Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- schr., 47, 188T, 38-144. Schijn en wezen. Algemeene beschouwingen over de begrippen stof en kracht. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 47, 1887, 283-527. Die Lebenserscheinungen und der Erklarungswahn in der Physiologic der Gegenwart. Ein kritisch-philosophi- scher Versuch. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 50, 1891, 258-310. BoUe, Carl. [Vorkommen von Nycthierax ulula in der Mark Brandenburg.] Jl. f. Ornith., 34, 1886, 401. Ulmus effusa. Garden & Forest, 1, 1888, 381-382. Unter den Linden des Werbellin. Eine markische Studie. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, 124-134. Grafting oaks. Garden & Forest, 3, 1890, 159. Zur Variabilitat der Eiche in der Mark. [1889.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 32, 1891, 236-244. The naturalisation of exotic forest-trees in Prussia. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 321-322. Nachtrag zur Florula der Kopfweiden. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, 72-74. Florula insularum olim Purpurariarum, nunc Lanza- rote et Fuertaventura cum minoribus Isleta de Lobos et la Graciosa in Archipelago Canariensi. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 14, 1892, 230-257. Botanische Riickblicke auf die Inseln Lanzarote und Fuertaventura. Engler, Bot, Jbiich., 16, 1893, 224- 261. [Ueber die Buche des Kaukasus.] [1894.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 36, 1896, xvi. Eine Farbenvarietat der Armeria elongata. [1899.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 41, 1900, 1-4. Bolle, Carl, & Ascherson, Paul [Friedrich Aiigust]. Dianthus Laucheanus, Ble. Ein neuer Nelkenbastard. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 33, 1892, 102-105. BoUe, Giovanni, & ThtLmen, Felix [Karl Albert Ernst Joachim] (Baron) von. Contribuzioni alio studio dei Fungbi del litorale austriaco con speciale riguardo a quelli che vegetano sulle piante utili. Trieste Boll., 9, [(Pt. 1)], 1886, 64-78. Boll6e, Leon. Sur une nouvelle machine k calculer, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 737-739. Bolleman van der Veen, P. J. Locustella luscinioides, found breeding in the province of Friesland (Nether- lands). [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 160. Bollemont, E. Gregoire de. [Action du formiate d'amyle sur I'ether cyanacetique sod^.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 214. [Action du cyanac^tate d'amyle sur Father ortho- formique en presence d'anhydride ac^tique.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 437-438. [Preparation de I'^thoxym^thyl^necyanacetate de m^thyle et de roxym6thylenecyanac6tate de m^thyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 742. Etude de quelques derives oxym^thyl^niques des ethers cyanac6tiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1338-1341. Etude de roxym^thylenecyanac^tate de m^thyle et de quelques-uns de ses homologues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 50-53. [Action de I'orthoformiate de methyle sur les Others cyanac^tiques. Ethers methoxym6thylenecyanac6tiques et amidom^thyl^necyanac^tiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 117-118. [Action de I'aniline sur les others alcoyloxymethyl^ne- cyanacetiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 326. Bollenhagen, Heino. Beitrag zur Pathologic des Eier- stocks. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 43, 1900, 60-96. Boiler, A. Adolf. Zur Flora der grossen Kapela. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42, 1893 (Abh.), 241-249. Eine botanische Wanderung im BihaC in Bosnien und im angrenzenden Theile von Croatien. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42, 1893 (Abh.), 250-259. Boiler, Alfred P. Test of a wrought iron double track floor beam. [With discussion.] [1887.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin, Trans., 18, 1888, 119-129. Boiler, Alfred P., & Schtunaclier, H. J. Experimental determination of the rolling friction in operating the draw of the Thames river bridge, together with method for determining power to operate draw-bridges. [IVith discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 25, 1891, 638-661. BoUer, W. Das SiidUcht. Beitr. Geophys., 3, 1898, 56- 130, 550-609. Bolles, Frank. For biographical notice and works see Auk, 11, 1894, 184-185, 359. Barred owls in captivity. Auk, 7, 1890, 101-114. Snake skins in the nests of Myiarchas crinitus. Auk, 7, 1890, 288. Young cedarbirds and great crested flycatchers in captivity. Auk, 7, 1890, 290. Yellow-bellied woodpeckers and their uninvited guests. Auk, 8, 1891, 256-270. Young sapsuckers in captivity. Auk, 9, 1892, 109- 119. Moeurs de hiboux. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 718-724. Hectoring a hawk. Science, 20, 1892, 123-124. The humming-bird's food. Science, 20, 1892, 318. Mouse trapping. Science, 22, 1893, 148. Scars on apple tree trunks. Science, 22, 1893, 217. Bolles Iioe. See Lee. Bolley, [Alexander Pompeiits]. For biographical notice see Ziirich Vrtljschr., 41, 1896 {Featschr., Th. 1), 9^96. 83—2 BoUey] 660 [BoUman To reference in No. 28 {Vol. 7) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 65. BoUey, Henry L. The hetercecismal Pucciniffi. Amer. Micr. Jl., 10, 1889, 169-180. ■ Sub-epidermal rusts. Bot. Gaz., 14, 1889, 139-145. Potato scab, a bacterial disease. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 334-335. Note on the wheat rust. Amer. Micr. Jl., 11, 1890, 59-60. Pseudo-aurora. Science, 23, 1894, 108. The constancy of bacterial species in normal fore milk. [1895.] Amer. Nathst., 30, 1896, 184-188. An apparatus for the bacteriological sampling of well waters. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 288-290. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die symbiotische Myko- plasmatheorie bei dem Getreiderost. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 855-859, 887-896, 913-919. The position of the Fungi in the plant system as indicated by the work on the organisms of nitrification. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 857-859. The duration of bacterial existence and trial environ- ments. [1899.] Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 6, 1900, 33-38. Bolley, Henry L., & Field, Merton. Bacillus typhi abdominalis in milk and butter. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 881-887. Bolley, Henry L. , & Hall, C. M. Cheese curd inflation : its relation to the bacterial flora of fore milk. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 2), 1, 1896, 788-795. Bolley, Henry L., & Waldron, L. R. The occurrence of calcium oxalate and lignin during the differentiation of the buds of Prunus americana. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 304. Boiling, G. Om hysteria major och kastration. [1884.] Upsala Lakarefor. Forh., 20, 1885, 85-95; Neurol. Centrbl., 4, 1886, 302-303. Boiling, Randolph. Preservation of Hubl's reagent. Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 218-214. Irregular distribution of sulphur in pig iron. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 22, 1900, 798-799. Bollinger, 0\tto'\. To reference in No. 12 {Vol. 12) add Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 273-274. *Kiinstliche Tuberculose, erzeugt durch den Genuss der Milch tuberculoser Kiihe. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 263-265. Ueber das autochthone Vorkommen des Bothrio- cephalus latus in Miinchen nebst Bemerkungen iiber die geographische Verbreitung der Bandwiirmer. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 277-284. Ueber multilocularen Echinococcus der Leber. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 19-20. Zur Aetiologie des Milzbrandes. [1885.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 1, [1886], 21-23. Ueber Tuberculose beim Affen. [1886.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 5-6. Demonstration eines geschwulstbildenden Pilzes beim Pferde (Botryomykose) : Micrococcus botryogenus \Rabe), Micrococcus ascoformans {Johne), Discomyces Equi {Rivolta). [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 5-7. Ueber Entstehung und Heilbarkeit der Tuberculose. [1888.] Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 14, 1889, 264- «272. Ueber Cysticercus cellulosas im Gehirn. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889 46-49. Ueber den Einfluss der Verdiinnung auf die Wirk- samkeit des tuberkulosen Giftes. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl 1889, 828-329. Ueber die Infectiositat des Fleisches tuberkuloser Binder. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 (Th. 2), 187. Ueber einige Quellen der tuberkulosen Infection. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1890 {Th. 2), 187-188. Ueber Tuberkulose. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 {Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 147-154. Ueber partielles Riesenwachsthum und angeborene Fettsucht. [1889.] Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns, 9, 1891 {Miinchen Anthrop. Ges. Verh.), (28)-(29). Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des an Infectionskrank- heiten leidenden Schlachtviehes. [1890.] Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 17, 1891, 215-241. Ueber primare infectiose Pyelo-Nephritis beim Bind. [1891.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 7, [1892], 59. Ueber die Infectiositat des Blutes tuberculoser Binder. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 {Th. 2, Halfte 2), 14-15. Ueber die Identitat der Perlsucht der Binder mit der menschlichen Tuberculose. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 {Th. 2, Hfil/te 2), 15. Ueber die Grossenverhaltnisse des Herzens bei Vogeln. [1893.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 9, 1894, 106-118. Ueber Sauglings-Sterblichkeit und die erbliche func- tionelle Atrophic der menschlichen Milchdriise. [With discussion.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1899, 117-122; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1900, [51]- [On tuberculosis amongst domestic animals and its relationship to tubercular disease in man.] Nature, 60 (1899), 108. Bollman, Charles Harvey. For biographical notice and works see U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 7. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Escambia river, with description of a new species of Zygonectes. [1886.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 9, 1887, 462-465. Preliminary descriptions of ten new North American myriapods. Amer. Natlist., 21, 1887, 81-82. Description of new genera and species of North American Myriapoda (Julidse). [1887.] Entomologies Amer., 2, 1886-87, 225-229. New genus and species of Polydesmidae. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 45-46. New North American myriapods. [1887.] Entomo- logica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 81-83. Notes on North American Julidse. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 25-44. Notes upon a collection of Myriapoda from east Tennessee, with a description of a new genus and six new species. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 106- 112. Notes on the North American Lithobiid© and Scuti- geridffi. [1887.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 254-266. A preliminary list of the Myriapoda of Arkansas with descriptions of new species. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 1-8. Descriptions of fourteen new species of North American myriapods. U. S. Mus. Proc, 10, 1888, 617- 627. Description of a new species of insect, Fontaria pulchella, from Strawberry Plains, Jefferson Co., Tennessee. [1888.] U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 316. Notes on a small collection of myriapods from the Bermuda Islands. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1889, 127-129. Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Cuba. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 335-338. Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Mossy Creek, Tenn. , with a description of a new species. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 339-842. Notes upon some myriapods belonging to the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 343-350. Catalogue of the myriapods of Indiana. U. S. Mus. Proc, 11, 1889, 403-410. A report upon the fishes of Kalamazoo, Calhoun, and Antrim counties, Michigan. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 8, 1890, 219-225. BoUman] 661 [Bolsius [Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. No. v.] Myriapoda. U. S. Mus. Proc, 12, 1890,- 211-216. A review of the Centrarchidte, or freshwater sunfishes of North America. [Posth.] U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 16, 1892, 557-579. A catalogue of the known Myriapoda of North America, north of Mexico. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 117-130. - — — Some new species of North American myriapods. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 131-135. Notes on the synonymy of Myriapoda. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 136-143. Notes upon the species of Myriapoda Syngnatha described by Thomas Say, [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 144-149. Notes upon the North American myriapods described by C. L. Koch. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 150-152. Classification of Myriapoda. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 153-162. Classification of the Syngnatha. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 163-167. ■ [Synopsis of the Scolopendridse of North America.] [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 168-180. A list of the Myriapoda of Minnesota. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 181-185. Notes on the Polyzoniidse. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 186-189. Notes upon a collection of myriapods belonging to the U. S, National Museum. [Posth.] U. S. Mus. Bull., 46, 1893, 190-200. Bollman, Charles Harvey, & Evermaiin, Barton Warren. See Evenuann & BoUman. BoUman, Charles Harvey, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & BoUman. BoUman, Charles Harvey, & BXeek, Seth E. See Meek & BoUman. BoUo, v., & nCarino-Zuco, Francesco. See Blarino- Zuco & BoUo. Bolm, Friedrich. Ueber die neue Atomgewichtstabelle. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 495. Bolm, Friedrich, & Troeger, [Karl] Julius [Ludwig]. See Troeger & Bolm. Bolmida, C. *Bolide. [Eivoli 10 novembre, 1882.] Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 2, 1882, 271. Bolognesi, , & Juhel-R^noy, [Jean] Ed[ouard]. See Juhel-R^noy & Bolognesi. Bolot, F. Sur la ponte des Doris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 829-831. Bolotov, E[vgenij Aleksandrovii]. 3a;i;aia 0 paSJIOffieHill jtaHHaro BiiHia Ha ji,Ba BHHia ct. pasHLiMn napa- MerpaMII H CJlt>;i,CTBia en. [Problems on the trans- formation of a given screw into two screws of equal parameters and the results.] Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 3, 1893, 97-108. Boiiakov, I. N. 0 rnj;paTax'i> 6po5iiicTaro HHKKejiH. [Sur les hydrates de bromure de nickel.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1897 (Pts. 5 & 6), 181-184; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. J]., 29 {Chem.), 1897, 326-330; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 18, 1897, 1250. 0 nrjtpaTax'fc io;i,iiCTaro Ko6ajiLTa. [Sur les hydrates de I'iodure de cobalt.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 4), 171-174; Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 {Chem.), 1898, 386-389; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 8. 0 FHjiipaTi Tpex6poMHCTaro atejiisa. [Sur I'hydrate du bromure ferrique.] Kazan Univ. Mem., 1898 (Pt. 4), 175-178; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 {Chem.), 1898, 389-391; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 8. Bolsius, {le r(v. pere) H[einrich]. Recherches sur la structure des organes segmentaires des Hirudin^es. Cellule, 5, 1889, 367-436; 7, 1891, 1-77. Intrazellulare Gange. Erwiderung auf einige An- klagen des Herrn F. Leydio. [1890.] Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 654-656. Sur un nouveau chariot de microscope. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 15, 1891 {Pt. 1), 42-44. Les organes cilies des Hirudinees. i. L'organe cili6 du genre Nephelis. Cellule, 7, 1891, 289-321. Anatomie des organes segmentaires des Hirudinees d'eau douce, d'apr^s les recherches cytologiques. [1890- 91.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 16, 1892 {Pt. 2), 1-69. Sur un curieux paradoxe visuel. [1891.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 16, 1892 {Pt. 1), 26-32. Une note sur un syst^me de valets-pinces solidaires pour microscope. [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 {Pt. 1), 25-29. [Sur des Hirudinees de Madagascar.] [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 {Pt. 1), 30. [Sur quelques points d'anatomie microscopique d'Enchytrseus humicultor, Vejd.] [1892.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 {Pt. 1), 30-31. Notice sur I'anatomie de l'organe segmentaire d'Enchytraeides. Anat. Anz., 8, 1893, 210-215. Sur un cas de superf^tation dans une orange. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 17, 1893 {Pt. 1), 102-104. [Over den bouw der segmentaal-organen bij de Hirudi- neen en bij de Oligochaeten (Enchytrasus).] [1893.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 4, 1893-94, xxii [Over de trilharige organen (organes cilies) bij Nephe- liden en Glossiphoniden.] [1893.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 4, 1893-94, xxix. L'organe segmentaire d'un Enchytraeide. Etude d'anatomie descriptive. Roma, N. Lincei Mem., 9, 1893 {Pt. 1), 7-31. Sur certains details de I'anatomie d'Astacobdella branchialis. [1893.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 {Pt. 1), 27-31. A word of reply to Mr. Bourne's " Review : The Nephridia of leeches." Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 382- 391. Sur I'anatomie de la Branchiobdella parasita et de la Mesobdella gemmata. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 {Pt. 1), 57-61. Anatomie des organes cilies des Hirudinees du genre des Glossiphonides. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 {Pt. 1), 112-115, (Ft. 2), 129-164. [Sur un ennemi de I'Aulostomum gulo.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 18, 1894 {Pt. 1), 115. Le sphincter de la n^phridie des Gnathobdellides. Cellule, 10, 1894. 333-345, Contribution a I'anatomie des Glossiphonides (Clep- sinides). Le canal efferent du testicule. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 292-295. [Dispositif pour indiquer un detail particulier dans une preparation microscopique.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1896 {Pt. 1), 80-81. Nephridies extremes de quelques Hirudinees. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1896 {Pt. 1), 81-85. Critique de la methode de M. Asajiro Ok.\ dans ses recherches sur les nephridies des Glossiphonides (Clep- sine), Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1896 {Pt. 1), 86-89. Les defenseurs de la continuite actuelle des nephridies et des "entonuoirs" dans les Hirudinees. Apercju de retat actuel des preuves. Brux. Soc, Sci. Ann., 19, 1896 (Pt. 2), 197-202. Note preiiminaire sur des parasites de quelques Hirudinees. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 19, 1896 (Pt. 2), 203-206. Les nephridies dans les Hirudinees portent-elles un entonnoir a I'extremite interieure? Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1896, 483-484. Bolsius] 662 [Bolton Un parasite de la " Glossiphonia sexoculata." Eoma, N. Lincei Mem., 11, 1895, 159-164. Quelques corrections k faire dans le livre de Kudolf Lecckart: "Die Parasiten des Menschen," nouvelle Edition. Zool, Anz., 18, 1895, 27-28, 33-38. Remarques sur les indications des grossissements dans les dessins micrographiques. Zool. Anz., 18, 1895, 386- 388. Disposition d'un appareil pour le d^veloppement de gaz d'un usage frequent en chimie. [1895.] Brux. Soe. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 25-27. Sur le canal n^phridien dans les Glossiphonides et 'I'entonnoir' n^phridien dans les Herpobdellides. E^sum^. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 20, 1896 (Pt. 1), 117-118. La glande susoesophagieune de la Htementeria officinalis. (Communication pr^liminaire.) Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 284-285. [Note sur un organe glandulaire recemment d^couvert dans rHaementeria officinalis.] [1896.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 1), 35-36; Cellule, 12, 1897, 99-112; Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, Ixxv. Sur I'oeuf de I'Ascaris megalocephala k divers niveaux de son trajet par I'oviducte. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 1), 92-96. L'union des cellules n^phridiales des Glossiphonides et I'ind^pendance du pr6tendu entonnoir des Herpob- dellides. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 2), 6-26. Le chariot universel, systeme rationnel de mesurage pour preparations microscopiques. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 2), 87-102; Zool. Anz., 21, 1898, 336- 337. [Over den anatomischen bouw der voorste en achterste nephridien door hem onderzocht in de groep der Htema- dipsiden en in Mesobdella gemmata en Xerobdella Lecorutei.] [1895.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, iv-v. [Over de rechtstreeksche verbinding van de trilhaar- (trechter-) organen met de nephridien bij de Hirudineen.] [1896.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 5, 1898, Iv. Sangsues terrestres. [1897.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1898 (Pt. 1), 24-25. Les organes cili^s de rHaementeria officinalis. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 240. Haementeria officinalis. [1899.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 (Pt. 1), 69-70. [Over de plaatsing der zoogenaamde " nephridiaal- trechters" en hunne capsules in het lichaam der Haementeria officinalis.] [1899.] Nederl. Dierk. Ver. Tijdschr., 6, 1900, Ix. Observations faites sur un amibe. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 (Pt. 1), 97-98. Recherches sur 1' organe cili6 de I'Haementeria offici- nalis. Cellule, 17, 1900, 267-281. Bolt, J. C. Over 't gezichtsveld van den HoUandschen kijker. [1891.] Maandbl. Nat., 1891-92, 42-45. Bolt, J. C, & Huffel, N. G. van. [The August meteors, 1893.] Observatory, London, 16, 1893, 319-320. Bolt, J. C, & injland, Allbert] A[ntonie]. See Nijland & Bolt. Bolte, F. Ueber Ganganderungen von Chronometern auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 419-422. Ueber die Genauigkeit nautisch-astronomischer Beo- bachtungen auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 17 (1889), 156-163. Die Verwerthung von Sternbedeckungen fiir die Chronometerkontrole auf See. Ann. der Hydrogr., 19 (1891), 241-246. — - Geographische Ortsbestimmung nach einer einheit- lichen Reductionsmethode. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 {Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 198-200. Zur Berechnung des Schififsortes aus zwei Gestirns- hohen nach der Hohenmethode. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 29-31. Bolton, B[ewjami7i] Meade. Ueber das Verhalten ver- schiedener Bacterienarten im Trinkwasser. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 76-114. The character of bacteria. [1888.] Amer. Micr. Jl., 10, 1889, 5-7. Diphtheria antitoxin sometimes found in the blood of horses that have not been injected with toxin. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 543-545. Bolton, B[enjamin'] Meade, & Pease, Herbert D. The production of antitoxin by the passage of electricity through diphtheria cultures. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 537-542. Bolton, (Col. Sir) Francis [John]. For biography and works see Nature, 35, 1887, 255; Telegr. Jl., 20, 1887, 37; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 93, 1888, 497-501. Further historical notes on the electric light. (Third article.) [1886.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 15, 1887, 391- 516. Bolton, Frederick E. A contribution to the study of illusions, with special reference to (a) the effect of size upon estimations of weight, (b) the effect of contour upon estimations of area. [1896.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 9, 1897-98, 167-182. Hydro-psychoses. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 10, 1898-99, 169-227. Bolton, Henry Carrington. Tirage des ^preuves positives au moyen des sels de fer. [_Tr.] Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 182—186 [Scientific record for 1884-86.] Chemistry. Smith- sonian Rep., 1884, 491-542; 1886, 637-686; 1887, 387- 447. Recent visits to "singing beaches" in Scotland and America. [With discmsio7i.] [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 72-76. The "singing beaches" of the Baltic. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1886, 97-98. Sonorous sand-hills of Arabia and Afghanistan. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 98-99. A catalogue of chemical periodicals. [1885-87.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 3, 1883-85, 159-216; 4, 1887-89, 19-22. Index to the literature of uranium, 1789-1885. Smithsonian Rep., 1885, 915-946. Peroxides of potassium and sodium. A lecture experiment. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 5, 1885-86, 214-215. List of elementary substances announced from 1877 to 1887. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 188. Notes on the great salt deposit of Petite Anse, Louisiana. [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 122- 128. Researches on sonorous sand in the peninsula of Sinai. [1889.] Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 137-140; N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 21-25. Jebel Nagous and a new Mountain of the Bell. [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-89, 182-184; Nature, 39, 1889, 607-608; 40, 1889, 35; Science, 13, 1889, 368-369. Notes on the occurrence of musical sand on the Pacific coast of the United States. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 255-257. Scientific jottings on the Nile and in the desert. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 110-126. Researches on musical sand in the Hawaiian Islands and in California. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 10 (1890-91), 28-35; Science, 16, 1890, 163-164 [Part only]. Squeaking sand uersMs musical sand. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 30. Exhibition of alchemical medals. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 30-32. Historical notes on the gold-cure. [1892.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 11 (1891-92), 151-155. A bibliography of chemistry for the year 1887. [1888.] Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 34, 1893, Art. 5, 13 pp. Bolton] 663 [Boltwood Progress of chemistry as depicted in apparatus and laboratories. [1893.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 12 (1892-93), 128-137. An international index to chemical literature. [1893.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 13 (1893-94), 2-6; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 15, 1893, 574-579. A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-1892. Smith- sonian Miscell. Coll., 36, 1893, xiii+ 1212 pp. Chinese alchemical literature. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 53-54. Early American chemical societies. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 19, 1897, 717-732. An American blue grotto. Science, 8, 1898, 266-267. Reminiscences of Bunsen and the Heidelberg labora- tory, 1863-65. Science, 10, 1899, 865-870. A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-1897. First supplement. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 89, 1899, Art. 7, ix-i-489 pp. An experimental study of radio-active substances. [1900.] Smithsonian Rep., 1899, 155-162. A select bibliography of chemistry 1492-1902. Second supplement. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 44, 1904, Art. 5, 462 pp. Bolton, Henry Carrington, & Julien, Alexis A. *Musical sand. Science, 2, 1883, 713. Musical sand, its wide distribution and properties. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 408-413. Sonorous sands. Nature, 38, 1888, 515. See also Julien & Bolton. Bolton, Herbert. Observations on boulders from the high- level drift of Bacup. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1888, 393-400. Fish remains from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. [1889.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 20, 1890, 215-222. Note on boulders at Darley, near Matlock, Derbyshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 650. On the finding of marine shells in the boulder clay of Bacup. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 21, 1892, 574- 576. Observations on the Skiddaw slates of the north of the Isle of Man. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 770-771. On the occurrence of a trilobite in the Skiddaw slates of the Isle of Man. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 29-31. On a goniatite from the Lower Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 283-284. Note on some fossil trees at Doulton's Delf, St. Helens, Lancashire. [With discussion.] [1894.] Man- chester Geol. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 73-80. Notes on plant and fish remains from the Jarrow colliery, Co. Kilkenny. [1894.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 22, 1896, 613-628. Note on Myriolepis hibernica, Traq. [1894.] Man- chester Geol. Soc. Trans., 22, 1896, 628-632. On the metamorphism of coal. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 23, 1896, 122-142. The animal life of the Lancashire Coal Measures. [1896.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1896, 123-135. The geology of north-east Lancashire in it^ relation to the physical geography. [1895.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 24, 1896, 56-66. On the occurrence of the genus Listracanthus in the English Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 424-426. Descriptions of new species of Brachiopoda and Mollusca from the Millstone Grit and Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. [1896.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 41, 1897, No. 6, 8 pp. The Lancashire coal field. [1897.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 16, 1898, 224-251. The nomenclature of the seams of the Lancashire Lower Coal Measures. Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 25, 1898, 428-467. The palaeontology of the Manx slates of the Isle of Man. (With additions by G. W. Lamplugh, F.G.S., Jan. 5th, 1899.) [1898.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 43, 1900, No. 1, 15 pp. Bolton, Joseph Shaw. On the nature of the Weigert-Pal method. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 247-266. On the range of applicability of certain modifications of the Weigert-Pal process. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, 292-300. The exact histological localisation of the visual area of the human cerebral cortex. Phil. Trans. (B), 193, 1900, 165-222. Bolton, Percy R., & Chittenden, Rlussell] Hlenry]. See Chittenden & Bolton. Bolton, (Col.) R. The Pontotoc meteor. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 4 (1887-88), 520-527. Bolton, Reginald. The application of electricity to hoisting machinery. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1892, 79-91. Bolton, Thaddeus L. The growth of memory in school children. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 4, 1892, 362-380. On the discrimination of groups of rapid clicks. Amer. Jl. Psychol., 5, 1893, 294-309. Rhythm. [1894.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 6, 1893, 145- 238, 310-311. Bolton, Thaddeus L., & Donaldson, Henry H. See BonaldBon & Bolton. Bolton, Thomas. For biographical notice see Midland Natlist., 10, 1887, 297-301. Notes on two rare annelids. Ctenodrilus pardalis. Nais Hamatn. [1884.] Midland Natlist., 8, 1886, 117- 118. A successful pond hunt. Midland Natlist., 8, 1885, 188-190. Micro-organisms in a swampy ditch in Sutton park. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 173-176. Ellesmere excursion. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 225. Bolton, Werner. Ueber die Priifung der Gesteine auf ihre Wetterbestandigkeit mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Sandsteine. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 278, 1890, 303- 311; 289, 1893, 43-48. Ueber Kupfervorkommen auf Helgoland. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 280, 1891, 276-277. Neuer Indicator fiir alkalimetrische Bestimmungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 492-493. Nitrogenerator. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 1908-1909. Eine Neuerung am Callaud-Element. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-96, 5-6. Die Wertigkeit von Quecksilber und Kupfer in Elektrolyten verschiedener Konzentration. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-96, 73-79, 93-98, 183-190. Boltshauser, G[iovanni] Aldamo]. For biographical notice and works see Savoie Ac. M6m., 6, 1897, Ixxxiii-lxxxiv. *Fenomeni atmosferici osservati in Catania. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 161-163, 243-244. *Arcobaleno lunare. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 211-212. *Alone attorno al sole osservato a Catania il 24 marzo 1878. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 1, 1878, 212-213. Nuova formola barometnca e tavole per le sue appli- cazioni. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 65-68. Determinazione teorica della temperatura in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 7-9, 17-21. Le linee equitermiche in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 85-97. Boltwood, Bertram B[orde7i]. On a simple automatic Sprengel pump. Amer. Chem. Jl., 19 (1897), 76-78. Bestimmung der molekularen Leitfahigkeit von Rubi- dium- und Casiumchlorid. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 22, 1897, 132-133. On a new form of water blast. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 577-580. Boltwood, Bertram B[orden], & MSTeUm, Horace L[enmei]. See Wells & Boltwood. Boltwood] 664 [Boltzmanu Boltwood, Bertram B[orden], & "WTieeler, Henry L\prd\. See vrtaeeler & Boltwood. Boltz, [Reinhold Otto]. [Demonstration eines Kranken mit Akromegalie. ] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 {Abth. 1), 95-96. Boltzmann, Ludwig. *Spiegelbeobachtung mit sehr kleinen Spiegeln. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876, 209. Ueber eine von Hrn. Baiitoli entdeckte Beziehung der Warmestrahlung zum zweiten Hauptsatze. Ann. Pbys. Chem., 22, 1884, 31-.39, 616. Ableitung des Stefan'scUen Gesetzes, betreffend die Abhangigkeit der Warmestrahlung von der Temperatur aus der electromagnetischen Lichttheorie. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 291-294. Ueber die Moglichkeit der Begriindung einer kinetischen Gastheorie auf anziehende Krafte allein. Wien, Ak. Sber., 89, 1884 (Abth. 2), 714-722. Ueber die Eigenschaften monocyclischer und anderer damit verwandter Systeme. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1886 (AUh. 2), 231-245; Crelle, Jl. Math., 98, , 1886, 68-94. Ueber einige Falle, wo die lebendige Kraft nicht integrirender Nenner des Differentials der zugefiihrten Energie ist. [1885.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 [Abth. 2), 853-875. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze des Hrn. Lobberg iiber einen Gegenstand der Electrodynamik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 29, 1886, 59a-603. Neuer Beweis eines von Helmholtz aufgestellten Theorems betreffend die Eigenschaften monocyclischer Systeme. Gottingen Nachr., 1886, 209-213. Ueber die von Pebal in seiner Untersuchung des Eucblorins verwendeten unbestimmten Gleichungen. Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 121-124. Zur Berechnung der Beobachtungen mit Bonsen's Eiscalorinieter. Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 125-128. Der zweite Hauptsatz der mechanischen Warme- theorie. Wien, Almanach, 36, 1886, 225-259. [Vorlaufige Notiz iiber allgemeine Gleichungen fiir die Electricitatsbewegung.] Wien, Anz., 23, 1886, 77-80. [Weitere Notiz iiber das Integrale fiir eine kreisformige Platte.] Wien, Anz., 23, 1886, 113-114. Ueber die Wirkung des Magnetismus auf elektrische Entladungen in verdiinnten Gasen. Wien, Anz., 23, . 1886, 217-219. Ueber die zum theoretischen Beweise des Avogadro- schen Gesetzes erforderlichen Voraussetzungen. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 {Abth. 2), 613-643; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 305-333. Zur Theorie des von Hall entdeckten elektromag- netischen Phanomens. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 [Abth. 2), 644-669. Ueber einen von Prof. Pebal vermutheten thermo- chemischen Satz, betreffend nicht umkehrbare elektro- , lytische Processe. [1886.] Wieu, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 [Abth. 2), 935-941; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 230-236. Einige kleine Nachtrage und Berichtigungen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 139-140. Ueber die mechanischen Analogien des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Thermodynaniik. Crelle, Jl. Math., 100, 1887, 201-212. Neuer Beweis zweier Satze iiber das Warmegleich- gewicht unter mehratomigen Gasmolekiilen. Wien, Ak Sber., 95, 1887 [Abth. 2), 153-164. Versuch einer theoretischen Beschreibung der von Prof. Albert von F^ttingshausen beobachteten Wirkung des Magnetismus auf die galvanische Warme. Wien Anz., 24, 1887, 71-74. Ueber einige Fragen der kinetischen Gastheorie. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 {Abth. 2), 891-918. Zur Theorie der thermoelektrischen Erscheinungen. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 {Abth. 2), 1258-1297. Ueber das Gleichgewioht der lebenden Kraft zwischen progressiver und Rotations-Bewegung bei Gasmolekiilen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 1395-1408. Ueber die Hertz'schen Versuche. Ann. Phys. Chem., 40, 1890, 3Si9-400. Die Hypothese van 't Hoffs iiber den osmotischen Druck vom Standpunkte der kinetischen Gastheorie. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 474-480; 7, 1891, 8a-90. [Ueber einige Fragen der Maxwell'schen Elektricitats- theorie.] Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1891 {Th. 2), 29-34; Ann. Pliys. Chem., 48, 1893, 100-107. Ueber ein mechanisches Modell zur Versinnlichung der Anwendung der Lagrange'schen Bewegungsgleich- ungen in der Warme- und Elektricitatslehre. [1891.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 1, 1892, 53-55. Ueber das den Newton'schen Farbenringen analoge Phanomen beim Durchgang Hertz 'sober elektrischer Planwellen durch planparallele Metallplatten. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 53-70. Ueber ein Medium, desseu mechanische Eigenschaften auf die von Maxwell fiir den Elektromagnetismus auf- gestellten Gleichungen fiihren. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 279-301. III. Tail der Studien iiber Gleichgewicht der leben- digeu Kraft. [1892.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 329-358. Ueber die neueren Theorien der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 {Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 34-35. Der aus den Satzen iiber Warmegleichgewicht folgende Beweis des Princips des letzten Multiplicators in seiner eiufachsten Form. Math. Ann., 42, 1893, 374-376. On the methods of theoretical physics. [Tr.] [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 336-345; Phil. Mag., 36, 1893, 37-44. Ueber die Beziehung der Aequipotentiallinien und der magiietischen Kraftlinieu. [1893.] Miinchen Ak. Sber. , 23, 1894, 119-127. Ueber die Bestimmung der absoluten Temperatur. [1893.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 23, 1894, 321-328. On the application of the determinantal relation to the kinetic theory of polyatomic gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 102-106. On Maxwell's method of deriving the equations of hydrodynamics from the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 579. Ueber Luftschifffahrt. Deutsch. Natf. Verh. , 1894 {Th. 1), 89-96. Ueber den Beweis des Maxwell'schen Geschwindig- keitsvertheilungsgesetzes unter Gasmolekiilen. [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1896, 207-210. Zur Integration der Diffusionsgleichung bei variabeln Diffusionscoefficieuten, [1894.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 24, 1896, 211-217. Nochmals das Maxwell'sche Vertheilungsgesetz der Geschwindigkeiten. [1895.] Ann. Phys. Chem., 55, 1896, 223-224; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 25, 1896, 25-26. On certain questions of the theory of gases. [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-96), 413-415, 581. On the minimum theorem in the theory of gases. Nature, 52 (1895), 221. Ein Wort der Mathematik an die Energetik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 39-71. Entgegnuug auf die warmetheoretischen Betrachtungen des Hrn. E. Zekmelo. Ann. Phys. Chem., 57, 1896, 773-784. Zur Energetik. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 58, 1896, 595-598. Sur la theorie des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1173, 1314. Ueber die Berechnung der Abweichungen der Gase vom Boyle-Charles'schen Gesetz und der Dissociation derselben. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 2a), 695- 706. Boltzmann] 665 [Bolza Ueber die Unentbehrlichkeit der Atomistik in der Naturwissenschaft. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 2a), 907-922. Zu Hrn. Zermelo's Abhandlung " Ueber die me- chaniscbe Erklarung irreversibler Vorgange." Ann. Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 392-398, 776. Ueber Kotationen im constanten electrischen Felde. Ann. Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 399-400. Nochmals iiber die Atomistik. Ann. Phys. Chem., 61, 1897, 790-793. Ueber irreversible Strahlungsvorgange. BerUn Ak. Sber., 1897, 660-662, 1016-1018. Kleinigkeiten aus dem Gebiete der Mechanik. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 26-29. Some errata in Maxwell's paper "On P^araday's Unes of force." [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 77-79. Ueber einen mechanischen Satz PoiNCARi's. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 {Abth. 2a), 12-20. Ueber die Frage nach der objectiven Existenz der Vorgange in der unbelebten Natur. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Abth. 2a), 83-109. Theories of electricity and magnetism. [1897.] Electrician, 40, 1898, 55. Ueber vermeintlich irreversible Strahlungsvorgange. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1898, 182-187. Zur Energetik. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 65-67. Anfrage, die Hertz'sche Mechanik betreffeud. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 67. Vorschlag zur Festlegung gewisser physikalischer Ausdriicke. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (lit. 2, Halfte 1), 67-68. Ueber die kinetische Ableitung .der Formeln fiir den Druck des gesattigten Dampfes, fiir den Dissociations- grad von Gasen und fiir die Entropie eines das van der Waals'sche Gesetz befolgenden Gases. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1898 (Th. 2, Hlilfte 1), 74. Ueber die sogenannte il-Curve. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 325-332. Sur le rapport des deux chaleurs specifiques des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 127, 1898, 1009-1014. Ueber einige [seiner] weniger bekannten Abhandlungen iiber Gastheorie und deren Verhaltnis zu derselben. [1897.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Heft 1), 130-138. Kleinigkeiten aus dem Gebiete der Mechanik. [1897.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Heft 1), 138-142. Eine Anfrage, betreffend ein Beispiel zu Hertz' Mechanik. [1898.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 7, 1899 (Heft 1), 76-77. Ueber die Zustandsgleichung van der Waals'. On the characteristic equation of van der Waals. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 477-484; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 398-404. Ueber die Entwicklung der Methoden der theoretischen Physik in neuerer Zeit. [1899.] Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 1), 99-122; Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 8, 1900 (Heft 1), 71-95. Gedenkrede auf Joseph Loschmidt. [1895.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 254-257, 264-267. Festrede, gehalten am 5. November 1899 anliisslich der Enthiillung des Denkmals des Universitatsprofessors Dr. Joseph Loschmidt. [1899.] Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 169-171, 180-182. Die Druckkrafte in der Hydrodynamik und die Hertz'sche Mechanik. Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 673-677. Notiz iiber die Formel fiir den Druck der Gase. Arch. Neerland., 5, 1900, 76-77. Boltzmann, Ludwig, & Bryan, G[eorge] H[artley]. See Bryan & Boltzmann. Boltzmann, Ludwig, & IMCacIie, Heinrich. "Ueber eine Modification der van der Waals'schen Zustandsgleichung." Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 87-88. Ueber die Bedeutung der Constante b des van der Waals'schen Gesetzes. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., 18, 1900, 91-93. Bolus, Harry. The South African flora. Gard. Ghron., 25, 1886, 6ol-652. Contributions to South African botany. OrchidesB. Part 2. With additional notes by N. E. Brown. [Part 3. Part 4. (With a revised list of published species of extra-tropical South African orchids.)] [1885-88.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 65-80; 24, 1888, 171-187; 25, 1890, 156-210. [Fertilisation of Disperis capensis.] [1884.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, vi. The orchids of the Cape peninsula. [1888.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 5, 1893, i-viii, 75-200. Conti'ibutions to the flora of South Africa. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 233-240 ; 34, 1896, 16-25. Eoella decurrens. [1895.] S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 8, 1896, xcv-xcvi. Bolus, Harry, & Sctalechter, Rudolf. See Scblecbter & Bolus. Bolwin, G. Nochmals die Bestimmung des Schiffsortes nach St. Hilaire ohne Konstruktion. Ann. der Hydrogr., 28 (1900), 584-585. Bolwin, J. Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobach- tungen in Emden [in den Jahren 1898-1900]. Emden Natf. Ges. Jber., 1897-99, 45 ; 1899-1900, 37-38. Bolyai de Bolya, Jdnos. For biography see Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897 (SuppL), 133-146. Bolza, Oscar. Zur Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale auf elliptische. [1885.] Freiburg Ber., 8, [1882-86], 330-335. Darstellung der rationalen ganzen Invarianten der Binarform sechster Ordnung durch die NuUwerte der zugehorigen S^-Functionen. Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 418- 421; Math. Ann., 30, 1887, 478-495. Ueber die Eeduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elliptische durch eine Transformation vierten Grades. Math. Ann., 28, 1887, 447-456. Ueber Binarformen sechster Ordnung mit linearen Substitutionen in sich. Math. Ann., 30, 1887, 546-552; Amer. Jl. Math., 10, 1888, 47-70. On the construction of intransitive gi'oups. Amer. Jl. Math., 11, 1889, 195-214. On the theory of substitution-groups and its applica- tions to algebraic equations. Amer. Jl. Math., 13, 1891, 59-144. On the transformation of linear differential equations of the second order with linear coefficients. Amer. Jl. Math., 15, 1893, 264-273. Ueber Kronecker's Definition der Gruppe einer Gleichung. Math. Ann., 42, 1893, 253-256. Ueber die linearen Eelationen zwischen den zu ver- schiedenen singularen Punkten gehiirigen Fundamental- systemen von Integralen der Riemann'schen Differential- gleichung. Math. Ann., 42, 1893, 526-536. Ueber das Analogon der Functionen ^u im allgemeinen hyperelliptischen Fall. Gottingen Nachr., 1894, 269-271. On the first and second logarithmic derivatives of hyperelliptic c-functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 17, 1896, 11-36. Die cubische Involution und die Dreitheilung und Transformation dritter Ordnung der elliptischen Func- tionen. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 68-102. Zur Eeduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ord- nung auf elliptische mittels einer Transformation dritten Grades. Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 314-324 ; 51, 1899, 478-480. The partial differential equations for the hyperelliptic 6- and ff-functions. Amer. Jl. Math., 21, 1899, 107-125. Proof of Brioschi's recursion formula for the ex- pansion of the even a-functions of two variables. Amer. Jl. Math., 21, 1899, 175-190. 84 Bolza] 666 [Bombicci-Porta Remarks concerning the expansions of the hyperelliptic sigma-functions. Amer. Jl. Math.. 22, 1900, 101-112. The elliptic (r-functions considered as a special case of the hyperelliptic (T-functions. N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Trans., 1, 1900, 53-65. Concerning the expression of Abelian integrals in terms of a fundamental set of integral functions. [1900.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 7, 1901, 244, 252-254. Bolz6n, Pio. Di un raro narciso esistente nel Veneto. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 39-40, • Appunti suUa flora dell' Elba. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. , Siena, 11, 1891, 63-66. Significato morfologico delle foglie di Rosa berberifolia, Pallas. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 77-78. Pseudanzia delle Rosacee. Riv, Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 141-144; 12, 1892, 12-14. Una nuova locality di Fragaria indica, Andr. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891 (Boll.), 65-66. ■ Contribute alia flora della Pianosa. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 257-261 ; 1893, 164-166. Appunti sulla flora del Trevigiano. [Italia], Soc, Bot. Bull., 1892, 261-269. Contributo alia flora dell' Elba. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 311-314, 356-361; Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892, 45-47, 85-86. Erborizzazione all' isola dell' Elba. [1892-93.] [Italia], Soc. Bot, Bull., 1893, 23-31, 166-173, 237-243, 306-313, 350-357, 411-418. • La flora del territorio di Carrara. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1894, 104-112, 146-152, 200-205, 239-244, 259- 263, 300-304 ; 1895, 52-57, 252-256. Contribuzione alia flora del Trevigiano. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1896, 189-216, Contribuzione alia flora veneta. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 128-135, 171-177; 1897, 51-56; 1899, 134- 139 ; 1900, 274-283, 332-338. Supplemento generale al "Catalogo delle piante vascolari del Veneto " di R. de Visiani e P. A. Saccardo. [1898.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897-98, 431-509. Bolzbn, Pio, & Bonis, Antonio de. Contribuzione alia flora veneta. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1900, 87-95. Boman, A. Om parasitiska Akarider, [1890.] Helsing- fors. Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92. 219-222. BomansBon, J[ohan] Olskar}. Bryum alandicum, n. sp. Rev. Bryol., 23, 1896, 90-91, Bryum versisporum, n. sp. Bryum lutescens, n. sp. Rev. Bryol., 24, 1897, 1-2. Bryum litorum, n. sp. Rev, Bryol., 25, 1898, 10. 5rya nova. Rev. Bryol., 26, 1899, 9-12, 40. Alands mossor. [1900.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 18, 1899-1900, No. 4, 131 pp. Boxnbardini, Giuseppe, & Tarugi, N^azareno']. See Tarugl & Bombardini. Bombicci, Giovanni. Sulla virulenza delle capsule sur- renali del coniglio nella rabbia. [1890.] Bologna Rend., 1889-90, 113-115. Sulla resistenza alia putrefazione del virus tetanico. Arch. Sci. Med., 15, 1891, 193-209. Sul tempo della diffusione nell' organismo del virus rabido. Sperimentale, 1892 [Mem.), 170-181. Sui caratteri morfologici della cellula nervosa durante lo sviluppo. Osservazioni eseguite sulP embrione di polio. Arch. Sci. Med., 23, 1899, 101-125, Risposta ad alcune osservazioni [del Prof. Mobpurgo] al [suo] lavoro ' ' Sui caratteri morfologici della cellula nervosa durante lo sviluppo," Arch, Sci. Med., 24, 1900, 313-318. Bombicci, Luigi. Sulla disinfezione degli ambienti infetti da virus tetanico. Sperimentale, 1891 [Mem.), 71-83. Bombicci-Porta, {cav.) Luigi. *Sulle associazioni poli- geniche dei composti minerali. Nuovo Cimento 27 (1868), 381-391. Rev. Bryol., 23, 1896, 91. et B, maritimum, n. sp. Sulle superficie elicoidi e paraboloidi nei romboedri detti selliformi di dolomite e di altri carbonati anidri, [1885,] Bologna Ace, Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 307-317, Sul giacimento e sulle forme cristalline della datolite della Serra dei Zanchetti (Alto Appennino bolognese), Bologna Ace, Sci, Mem,, 7, 1886, 101-128, Sulla contorsione di tipo elicoide nei fasci prismatici di antimonite del Giappone, Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 129-132. Sulla costituzione fisica del globo terrestre, sul- r origine della sua crosta litoide, sulle cause dei moti sismici che piti frequentemente vi avvengono. Bologna Ace, Sci, Mem,, 8, 1887, 361-387. Sulla ipotesi dell' azione e selezione magnetica del globo terrestre sulle materie cosmiche interplanetarie contenenti ferro ; nuove considerazioni coordinate collo studio della piu probabile costituzione fisica del globo terrestre, Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem. , 8, 1887, 389-394. Sulla costituzione fisica del globo terrestre : e sulle cause dei moti sismici che piu frequentemente vi avven- gono. [1887,] Moncalieri Oss, Boll,, 8, 1888, 139-141. Sulla formazione della grandine e sui fenomeni ad essa concomitanti. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 141-180 or 3-42. Sulla lucentezza e striatura liscia delle superficie nelle salbande dei filoni metalliferi e nelle rocce scagliose. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 421-426 or 145-154. Sul giacimento e sul tipo litologico della roccia oligo- clasite di Monte Cavaloro (Bolognese). Appunti ad una memoria del Sig. Ing. Carlo Viola intitolata : Pisiografia deir oligoclasite (Bombicci). Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 559-572 or 159-172. I rilievi crateriformi riproducenti 1' aspetto dei terreni e dei conj vulcanici alia superficie di un grande disco d' argento di fusione pesante duemila chilogrammi (dal- r Esposizione Internazionale di Parigi, 1889). Conclusi- oni che se ne possono trarre sulla fisica costituzione e sui fenomeni dinamici del globo terrestre. Bologna Ace. Sci, Mem,, 10, 1889, 451-462 or 193-204. La coUezione di ambre siciliane posseduta dal Museo di Mineralogia della R. University di Bologna..., e nuove considerazioni suU' origine dell' ambra gialla. [1890,] Bologna Ace, Sci. Mem,, 10, 1889, 473-486 or 215- 228. Sulle inclusione di ciottoli probabilmente Pliocenici o Quaternari nei grossi e limpidi cristalli di selenite di Monte Donato (Bologna). Appendice. Sulla lunga perduranza delle attivita molecolari orientatrici nelle masse cristalline in quelle segnatamente di selenite. [1890.] Bologna Ace. Sci, Mem,, 10, 1889, 539-563 or 255-279, Le pii recenti idee sulla formazione delle grandinate. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1890, 180-198, Nuove ricerche sulla raelanoflogite della miniera Giona presso Racalmuto (Sicilia), [1891,] Bologna Ace, Sci, Mem., 1, 1890, 711-747 or 209-246. Le gradazioni della sferoedria nei cristalli, sua coesistenza nelle forme normalmente reticolari. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 749-758 or 247-256. Altri esempi di contorsioni elicoidi nelle facce e negli aggregati simmetrici dei cristalli. [1891,] Bologna Ace, Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 759-767 or 257-265. Sulla coesistenza delle due plagiedrie inverse sopra una faccia di un cristallo di quarzo e sulle spirali di Airy in una sezione ottica dello stesso cristallo e di altri. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 721-729 or 311-319. Le guglie conoidi rimpiazzanti la piramide esagono- isosceloedrica in due esemplari di quarzo di Tavetsch (S. Gottardo). Loro correlazioni con i rilievi lanceolari del quarzo di Porretta. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 731-746 or 321-336. Sulle modificazioni degli spigoli verticali nei cristalli di quarzo di Carrara e su quelle che strutturalmente vi Bombicci-Porta] 667 [Bommer corrispondono nei cristalli di altre specie minerali. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, 747-761 or 337-351. Sopra un nuovo modo di mimesia e di struttura fibrosa, con simmetrie romboedriche, nei cristalli cubici di pirite dei Monti della Eiva, presso la cbiesiua di Rocca Corneta (Valle del Dardagna). [1891.] Bologna Rend., 1890-91, 115-118. Pioggia artificiale ed artificiale diminuzione della intensity e dei danni delle grandinate. Moncalieri Oss. Boll, 11, 1891, 180-183. Considerazioni sulle analogie di struttura mimetica fra la pirite, la boleite, la melanoflogite ed altre sostanze. [1892.] Bologna Rend., 1891-92, 93-103. Communicazione sulla mimesia di alcuni minerali. [1892.] Bologna Rend., 1891-92, 127-128. [Reponse a M. Georges Friedel sur la m^lanophlogite.] France, Soc. Min. Bull., 15, 1892, 144-157. Le notevoli partieolarita dei cristalli mimetici cubi- formi di pirite gialla scoperti nelle marne grigie Terziarie antiche dei Monti della Riva (Valle del Dardagna, Ap- pennino bolognese). [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 59-105 or 25-71. Sulla priority di una spiegazione circa il sollevamento delle montagne e le loro dislocazioni, specialmente del- 1' Appennino emiliano. [1893.] Bologna Rend., 1892-93, 73-79. Descrizione degli esemplari di solfo nativo eristallizzato delle solfare di Romagna raccolti e classifieati dall' autore nei Museo Mineralogico della R. Universita di Bologna. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 737-816 or 301-380. Sulla contemporaneity di origine e di adattamento di sostanze diverse che cristallizzano nello stesso spazio poliedrico per eoesistere nello stesso cristallo. Sulla durata indelinita del lavoro molecolare cristallogenico perfezionante nelle sostanze cristalline e nelle rocce in posto. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 475-500 or 171-196. Sui eiottoli improntati in ordine alia loro distribuzione lungo le grandi linee di faglia del territorio bolognese. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 507-516 or 197-206. Sulle injezioni e intrusioni di rocce cristalline entro rocce analoghe di eruzioni preeedenti (sollevamenti e injezioni del granito elbano ; delle eufotidi nelle ser- pentine, ecc). [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 517-523 or 207-213. Sulla intrusione forzata ascendente di argille fattesi simili alle argille scagliose con breccioline verdi associate nelle fratture verticali de' banchi selenitiei presso Bologna. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 525-527 or 215-217. Le breceiole poligeniehe dell' Appennino bolognese. Correlazioni fra le loro varietacalcareo-selcioso-ofiolitiche e i material! d' inelusione nelle argille scagliose. [1894.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 529-542 or 219-232. Sulle intrusioni ascendenti di materiali argilloidi nelle fratture regional! dell' Appennino emiliano. Riassunto di fatti veccbi e nuovi. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 501-506 or 165-170. Sulle velature carboniose bituminoidi e sulle incros- tazioni ferro-manganesifere e finamente sabbiose ricuo- prenti il quarzo eristallizzato del macigno di Porretta. [1895.] Bologna Aec. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 543-554 or 233-238. Considerazioni critiebe suU' attuale indirizzo dell' in- segnamento universitario d! mineralogia e su di alcune modifieazioni che vennero recentemente proposte. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 631-642 or 301-312. Sulle reciproche analogie fra talune forme frequent! ma finora inesplicate dei minerali delle argille scagliose d' intrusione ascendente. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 9-34. Risposte al questionario per la nomenclatura litologica diramato a nome della Soeieta Geologica Italiana, dopo r adunanza sociale del 20 settembre 1893. [1896.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1896-96, 707-723 or 319- 335. Le interessanti anomalie (dissimmetrie e spostamenti), dei mirabil! cristalli di solfo nativo, della miniera di Ca-Bernardi. Coufronto colle anomalie e contorsioni elicoidi del quarzo di Porretta. La ipotesi del Prof. G. TscHERMAK RuUe curvature delle lastre paraboloidi del quarzo. Objezioni a questa ipotesi. Spiegazione pro- posta per le suddette curvature. [1897-98.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 471-520 or 151-200. Nuove considerazioni sulla probability che talune anomalie di forma nei cristalli dipendano da durevoli movimenti negli spazi naturalmentecristalligeni. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1897, 761-780 or 299-318. Cristalli e gruppi dissimmetrie! di solfo nativo della miniera di Ca-Beruard! (Marehe). Probabile relazione fra le dissimmetrie, le curvature elicoidi, le distorsioni dei cristalli ec, ed !1 lento moto degli spazi dove quest! si vanno formando. Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 173-176. [Sulla calcite a scodellette.] Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 148. Sulla eubosilicite e sulla sua posizione tassonomica nella serie delle variety di silica anidra e idrata. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 67-84 or 61-78. Sopra una nuova eontorsione arcuata di special! allineament! nei cristalli di quarzo. [1900.] Bologna Aec. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 667-676 or 259-268. Replica a due obbiezion! sulla cristallizzazione eubi- forme della silice nella eubosilicite. [1900.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 677-682 or 269-274. Bombien. See KlUer-Bombien. Bomboletti, A. Alcune cause di errore nell' analisi idrotimetrica (metodo d! Boutron e Boudet) e modo di evitarle. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 24 (1894, Pt. 2), 26-30. Bomford, (Surg.-Maj.) G[erald]. Note on eggs of Distoma (Bilharzia) haematobium found in transport cattle, Cal- cutta. Med. Off. (India) Sei. Mem., 2, 1887, 53-55. Observations on bacteria in cholera. Med. Off. (India) Sci. Mem., 3, 1888, 79-82. On the pathological histology of Rhinoseleroma. Med. Off. (India) Sei. Mem., 5, 1890, 41-45. Bomford, (Surg.-Maj.) G[erald], I.awxie, (Surg.-Lt.-Col.) Edward, Brunton, {Sir) T[homas] Lauder, & Kaklm, Rustomji D. See Iiawrie, Brunton, Bomford & Hakim. Bommer, Charles. Communication sur les sclerotes. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 30, 1891 (C. R.), 146-148. Essai de reeonstitution physiognomique de quelques types de la flore houill^re. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Mem.), 43-45. Sur le glte Wealdien a veg^taux de Braequegnies (Hainaut). Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1891 (Proc- Verb.), 196-197. Note sur le Verruearia consequens, Nyl. Brux., Soe. Beige Micr. Ann., 16, 1891, 77-99. Sur un nouveau gite de v^getaux d^couvert dans I'argile Wealdienne de Braequegnies (Hainaut). Brux. Soe. Beige Geol. Bull., 1892 (Proc.-Verb.), 160-161. Sclerotes et cordons myceliens. Brux., M^m. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 54, 1896, No. 1, 116 pp. De Taction de la couverture veg^tale du sol sur sa composition chimique. Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1899 (Proc.-Verb.), 172-173. Quelques causes d'erreurs en paleontologie v^getale. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1900 (Proc.-Verb.), 41-47. Bommer, (Mme.) E., & Bonsseau, (Mme.) M. Florule mycologique des environs de Bruxelles. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 23, 1884 (3/^m.), 15-365. Contributions a la flore mycologique de Belgique. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 25, 1886 (Mem.), 163-185 ; 26, 1887 (M6m^), 187-241; 29, 1890 (Mem.), 205-302. 84—2 Bommer] 668 [Bonarelli [Primitise floraa costaricensis. ] Fungi. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1896 (Mem.), 151-166. Note pr^liminaire sur les champignons recueillis par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Brux., Ac. Bull., 1900, 640-646. Bommer, J{ea7i] Eldouard]. For biography and list of works see Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 21, 1894, 68-69; Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1896 (Mem.), 7-21. Bommer, J[ean] E[douard], & Christ, H[ermann]. [Primitiae florae costaricensis.] Filices. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1896 (Mem.), 167-249. Bompas, George G. On the semi-annual variation of meteors. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 54, 1894, 531-538. Horary variation of meteors. Nature, 54 (1896), 296. The Sun's path in space. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 45-49, 126. Bomstein, . Zur Frage der passiven Immunitat bei Diphtheric. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 687-592. Ueber die antitoxischen Eigenschaften des Central- nervensystems. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 584- 687. Ueber das Schicksal des Diphtherietoxins im Tier- organismus. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 785-791. Ueber die Verhaltnisse zwischen dem Diphtherietoxin und Antitoxin. Erwiderung an die Herren Cobbett und Kanthack. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 24, 1898, 963-967. Bonacini, Carlo. Sul moto di un punto attratto da due centri fissi secondo la legge di Newton. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 352-370; 28, 1890, 44-51. Sulla separazione delle variabili nelle equazioni del moto di un punto soggetto all' azione di due centri fissi. Giorn. Mat., 28, 1890, 132-137. La cromofotografia interferenziale e un nuovo caso di sensibility pei colori. Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 23, 1895, 146 (6is)-154. Sul principio di Vogel. Riv. Sci. Ind., 29, 1897, 164-167. Bonacini, Garlo, & MalagoU, Riccardo. See Malagoli & Bonacini. Bonaduce, Salvatore. Ueber Beziehungen des Blutserums von Thieren zur natiirlichen Immunitat. Beitr. Path. Anat., 12, 1893, 353-371. Bonain, ^. La bale de Diego-Suarez. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 91, 1886, 295-302. Bonalda, Garlo. Albinismo e isabellismo nei passeri. Riv. Ital. Sci. ,Nat., Siena, 9, 1889, 60-61. Boname, Ph. Etude sur le climat de la Guadeloupe. [1887.] France Bur. Centr. Met^orol. Ann., 1885 (4) (Pt. 2), 1-24. Bonamy, , & Tuffier, Th. See Tuffier & Bonainy. Bonamy de Villemereuil. See Villemereuil. Bonanni, A[ttilio]. Die Ausscheidung der Schwefelather bei vorwiegend amylaceenhaltiger Kost. Untersuch. Nat., 16, 1899, 584-594. Quantitative Bestimmung der Salicylsaure auf op- tischem Wege, [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [19011, 17-21. Die Spaltung des Salols im Organismus. [1900.] Untersuch. Nat., 17, [1901], 39-62. Bonanni, A[ttilio], & Colasanti, Gimeppe. See Colasanti & Bonanni. Bonanni, A[ttilio], & Jacoangeli, F. See Jacoangeli & Bonanni. Bonanni, 0., & Fubini, Simone. See Fubini & Bonanni. Bonaparte, (prince) Roland. Les derniers voyages des Neerlandais a la Nouvelle Guin^e. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 5,1884, 531-561. Note on the Lapps of Finmark (in Norway). [1885.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 15, 1886, 210-213. ■ Sur I'ecoulement recent du lac de Marjelen. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 24, 1890, 401. Les variations p^riodiques des glaciers franpais. Paris, Club Alpin Fran?. Annu., 17, 1891, 425-447 ; 18, 1892, 482-519; Ass. Franp. C. R., 1892 (Pt. 1), 206- 208. Mesures des variations de longueur des glaciers du Danphine (massif du Pelvoux). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 860-862. Recherches faites sous la direction de M. de Lacaze- DnTHiEus, h bord du vapeur le Roland, de la station zoologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Cougr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1896, 129-130. Les variations periodiques des glaciers de la region fran^aise. Geneve Soc. G^ogr. Mem., 35, 1896 (Num. Sp6c.), 31-33. Mesures des variations de longueur des glaciers de la region francjaise. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1153- 1155; Ann. G^ogr., 5, 1896, 425-427. Note sur les variations de longueur des glaciers de la region fran9ai8e. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 214-218. Bonaparte-Wyse, L. H. Entomological notes from S. E. Ireland. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 220-221, 252. Bonsir, James. [Presidential address to the Econ. Sci. and Stat. Sect, of the Brit. Assoc, Bristol, Sept. 8th.] Old lights and new in economic study. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 950-961. Bonard, A., & Oennes, A. de. See Oennes & Bonard. Bonardi, Edoardo. *Appunti sui MoUuschi di Vail' In- telvi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 4 (1882), 25-26. 'Sui Molluschi del laghetto del Piano e de' suoi dintorni. Boll. Sci., Ann. 4 (1882), 98-105. *Prime ricerche intorno alle Diatomee di Vail' Intelvi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 22-29. *Sulle Diatomee fossili del bacino lignitico di Leffe in Val Gandino (Lombardia). Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 47-48. *Intorno all' azione saccarificante della saliva ed alia glicogenesi epatica in alcuni Molluschi terrestri. Comuni- cazione preventiva. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 83-86. *Iutorno alle Diatomee della Valtellina e delle sue Alpi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 5 (1883), 86-89, 115-122. Deir azione dei succhi digestivi di alcuni Gasteropodi terrestri suU' amido e sui saccarosi. Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 40-53. Le acque termali acidule, saline, ferruginose, arsenical! e litinifere di Acquarossa (Val di Blenio, Svizzera). Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 123-125. Intorno all' influenza dell' acido fenico sui microbj e sul loro sviluppo. Boll. Sci., Ann. 6 (1884), 125-128. SuUe Diatomee del lago d' Orta. Boll. Sci., Ann. 7 (1885), 14-21, Contributo all' etiologia ed all' anatomia patologica del tetano traumatico. Comunicazione preventiva. Boll. Sci., Ann. 9 (1887), 61-63. Sulla presenza di basi organiche (ptomaine) negli sputi dei tisici. Boll. Sci., Ann. 9 (1887), 121-122. Intorno alle Diatomee del lago d' Idro. Boll. Sci., Aim. 10 (1888), 20-27. SuUe Diatomee di alcuni laghi Italiani. Boll, Sci,, ^nn. 10 (1888), 57-64. Diatom^es des lacs de Delio et de Piano. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 22, 1889, 381-384. Bonardi, Edoardo, & Oerosa, G. Giuseppe. Nuove ricerche intorno all' azione di alcune condizioni fisiche sulla vita dei microorganismi. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 332-373. Bonarelli, (conte) Guido. Hecticoceras, novum genus Ammonidarum. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 18, 1893, 73-108. Osservazioni sul Toarciano e 1' Aleniano dell' Appen- nino centrale. Contribuzione alia conoscenza della geologia marchigiana. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll, 12, 1893, 195-254. Carta geologica del M. Conero presso Ancona (Marche). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 13, 1894, 170-172. II gen. Paroniceras, Bonar. (1893). [1895.] Bull, Malacol. Ital., 19, 1894, 225-239. Bonarelli] 669 [Bondonneau Contribuzione alia conoscenza del Giura-Lias lom- bardo. [1894.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 81-96. Fossili Domeriani della Brianza. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 28, 1895, 326-341, 415-421. Nuovi affioramenti Aleniani dell' Appennino centrale. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 277-280. Osservazioni geologiche sui nionti del Furlo presso Fossombrone (prov. di Pesaro-Urbino). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 415-422. Sulla presenza del Calloviano nelP Appennino cen- trale. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 85-88. Sulla eta dei calcari marnoso-arenacei varicolori di Pietracutale e Bocchigliero in Calabria. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 2, 1896, 259-263. ■ Le Ammoniti del " Rosso ammonitico " descritte e figurate da Giuseppe Meneghini. [1899.] BuU. Malacol. Ital., 20, 1896, 198-219. I fossili Senoniani dell' Appennino centrale che si conservano a Perugia nella coUezione Bellucci. [1899.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 34, 1898, 752-759 or 1020-1027. Escursioni della Societa Geologica Italiana nei dintorni di Ascoli-Piceno. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, Iviii-lxvii. Alcune formazioni Terziarie fossilifere dell' Umbria. [1900.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 18, 1899, 484-490. Appunti sulla costituzione geologica dell' Isola di Greta. [1900.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 3, 1899, 518-548. Ricerche analitiche sopra una roccia sedimentaria di Lombardia. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 19, 1900, 1-9. Cefalopodi Sinemuriani dell' Appennino centrale. Palaeontographia Ital., 5, 1900, 55-83. Bonarelli, (co7ite) Gnido, & Farona, Carlo Fabrizio. See Farona & Bonarelli. Bonatelli, Francesco. II ponte volante delle formiche. [1896.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1895-96, 930-931. Un caso d' antipatia vegetale ; breve escursione o piuttosto incursione nel campo della botanica. [1897.] Venezia, 1st. Atti, 1896-97, 378-380. Bonaventura, Paolo. Sul teorema di reciprocita della teoria dei residui quadratici pel numeri interi del campo (1, i\'2). Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 221-234. II teorema di reciprocity pei numeri complessi e le funzioni lemniscatiche. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 300-310. ^onsivia., E[manuel]W. Hybrid Amaryllis. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 307, 347. Variation ; its causes and effects. Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 148. Do mosquitos live on animal or vegetable juices ? Gard. Chron., 22, 1884, 171-172. On the probable wild source of the whole group of cultivated true limes (Citrus acida, lioxb., C. medica, var. acida of Bkandis, Hooker, and Alph. de Candolle). [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 22, 1887, 213-218. Studies on the Gladiolus. Gard. Chron,, 2, 1887, 619-620, 651-652. The pouch of the Calceolaria. Gard, Chron., 3, 1888, 684. A topsy-turvy Hippeastrum. Gard. Chron., 4, 1888, 34-35. Iris iberica. Gard. Chron., 5, 1889, 725. Heredity. Gard. Chron., 7, 1890, 736, 738. Fertilisation without pollen. Gard. Chron., 8, 1890, 295. The rind of the orange. Hortic. Soc. Jl,, 13, 1891, xxvi-xxvii. Antiquity of the citron-tree in Egypt. [1893.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 146-149. Is the Nelumbium an Egyptian plant ? Gard, Chron,, 17, 1895, 421-422, Cypripedium, origin of the slipper, Hortic. Soc, JL, 19, 1896, cxliv, Hybridisation of Sprekelia and Hippeastrum. Gard. Chron., 24, 1898, 316-317. Bonavia, L[uigi], & Longi, Antonio. See Xiongi & Bonavia. Bonchamps, C[hristian Louis Blarie] {marquis) de. Une mission vers le Nil Blanc. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. Bull., 19, 1898, 404-431. Boncompagni, (principe) Baldassare. For biography and list of works see Rev. Quest. Sci., 36, 1894, 262-264 ; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 26, 1894, 116; Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 47, 1894, 161-186; Venezia, 1st. Atti, 189^95, 509-521; Ztschr. Math. Phys., 39, 1894 (Hist.-lit. Abth.), 201- 203. Intorno alle letters edite ed inedite di Alessio Claudio Clairaut. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 157-291. Boncour, Georges Paul. Etude des modifications squelet- tiques cons^cutives k I'h^mipl^gie infantile, i. Le f6mur. Paris Soc, Anthrop. Bull. & Mem., 1, 1900, 359-414. Bond, C[harles] Hubert. Observations on a Chinese brain. Brain, 17, 1894, 37-49. A case of post-mortem emphysema of the liver. London Path. Soc, Trans., 49, 1898, 121-126. Remarks upon the value of uranium nitrate in the control of glycosuria. Practitioner, 61, 1898, 257-264, Bond, C[/mr/es] J[oh.n']. Animal heat. [1888.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 [Pt. 10), 31-32. Preliminary note on certain undescribed features in the secretory function of the uterus and Fallopian tubes in the human subject and in some of the Mammalia. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 296-297. Experiments bearing on the question of the inheritance of one group of acquired characters in plants and animals. [1899.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 283-294. Bond, Francis T\homas\ Acidity in milk. Agr, Soc. Jl., 2, 1891, 56-66. Bond, Frank. Myadestes Townsendii apparently wintering in Wyoming. Auk, 6, 1889, 193-194, 359. Notes from Wyoming. Auk, 6, 1889, 341, The mockingbird in Wyoming, ' Auk, 11, 1894, 258- 259 ; 12, 1895, 309, Capture of the brown pelican in Wyoming. Auk, 16, 1899, 351. A nuptial performance of the sage cock. Auk, 17, 1900, 325-827. Bond, Frederick. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 384; Entomologist, 22, 1889, 265-269; S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1888-89, 123; Zoologist, 13, 1889, 347-348, 401-422; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 8. Bond, George M. Standards of length and their sub- division. Franklin Inst. Jl., 117, 1884, 281-295, 357- 367. Standards of length as applied to gauge dimensions. Franklin Inst. JL, 117, 1884, 368-386. Effect of internal strains in hardened steel, practically considered. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 210-211. Bond, George Phillips. The future of stellar photography. [Extract from a letter written in 1857 to Wm. Mitchell.] Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 2, 1890, 300-302. Extracts from letters [1857-60, on photography, brightness, etc.]. Astr. Soc, Pacific PubL, 8, 1891, 124- 128, Bond, J. W. Records of the investigations. the Carboniferous strata of the Leeds district. [1900.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 12, 1898-1900, 32-87. Bondam, R. Overzicht der flora van Harderwijk, [1888.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 177-230. Bondi, Maximilian. Die pathologisch-anatomischen Ver- anderungen der Retina bei pernicioser Anaemic. Arch. Augenheilk., 88, 1896 (Festschr.), 83-100. Bondi, Simon, & DVeinreb, Carl. See Weinreb & Bondi. Bondonneau, L[ucien]. Dosage de I'humidite des matieres amylac^es. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R., 98, 1884, 158-155; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 41, 1884, 169-172; Anvers, JL de Pharm., 40, 1884, 62-64. Bondonneau] Bondonneau, L[ucien], & Poret, . De la saccharifica- tion directe, par les acides, de I'amidon contenu dans les cellules vegetales; extraction du glucose forme par la diffusion. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 617-619. Bondouy, Th. Du rdle des tubes pyloriques dans la digestion chez les Teleost^ens. Arch. Zool. Exper., 7, 1899, 419-460. Recherches sur la valeur physiologique des tubes pyloriques de quelques Tel6osteens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 745-746. Action du sue des tubes pyloriques de la truite sur la fibrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 453- 454. Bondurant, C. S. Analysis of Hydrangea arborescens. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 59, 1887, 122-124. Bondurant, E[ugene] Diu Bosc']. Brief studies in tuber- culosis among the insane. N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 239- 242. Endemic multiple neuritis (beriberi). N. Y. Med. Jl., 66, 1897, 685-691, 728-732. Bondzy^ski, Stanisiaw. Ueber Sulfhydrylzimmtsaure und einige ihrer Derivate. Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 167-182; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 349-364. Ueber die Sjoqvist'sche Methode zur Bestimmung der freien Salzsaure im Magensaft. Fresenius, Ztschr., 32, 1893, 296-302. Ueber das Cholesterin der menschlichen Faeces. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 47&-478. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Salicylsaureester im Organismus. [1896.] Arch. Exper. Path., 38, 1897, 88-98. Bondzydski, Stanisiaic, & Oinsburg, J[akob]. See Oinsburg & Bondzynski. Bondzyiiski, Stanisiaio, & Gottlieb, R[udolf]. Ueber Methylxanthin, ein Stoffwechselproduct des Theobromin und Coffein. Arch. Exper. Path., 36, 1896, 45-55; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 1113-1118. Ueber Xanthinkorper im Ham des Leukamikers. Arch. Exper. Path., 36, 1896, 127-137. Ueber die Constitution des nach Coffein und Theo- bromin im Harne auftretenden Methylxan^ins. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 385-388. Ueber einen bisher unbekannten normalen Harn- bestandteil, die Oxyproteinsaure. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 35, 1897, 577-580. Bondzydski, Stanisiaw, & Humnicki, Wiiicenty. Ueber das Schicksal des Cholesterins im thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 22, 1896-97, 396-410. Ueber das sogenannte Stercorin. Ztschr. Physiol Chem., 24, 1898, 395-398. BondzyiiBkl, Stanisiaw, & Ruffi, Hans. Zur Kenntniss des Butterfettes. Fresenius, Ztschr., 29, 1890, 1-6. Bondzyiiski, Stanisiaw, & Zoja, Luigi. Ueber die frac tionirte Krystallisation des Eieralbumins. Ztschr Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 1-18. Ueber die Oxydation der Eiweissstoffe mit Kalium permanganat. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 225- 238. Ricerche suUa cristallizzazione e suli' ossidazione delle sostanze albuminoidi. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1896], 62-69. Bone, William Arthur. Studies on the indoxazen reaction. Chem. Soc. Jl., 63, 1893, 1346-1355. An improved form of gas-analysis apparatus. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 154-155. A new method for preparing unsymmetrical dimethyl- and trimethyl-succinic acids. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 5-6. Bone, William Arthur, & Cain, John Cannell. The in- complete combustion of some gaseous carbon compounds. [1894.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 10, 1895, 179-181. The explosion of acetylene with less than its own volume of oxygen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 (Pt. 1), 26-41. 670 LBongartz Bone, William Arthur, & Carpenter, Hlenry] Clorf] Harold. The development of scientific ideas as applied to fermen- tation industries. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 6, 1900, 454-476. Bone, William Arthur, & Jerdan, David Smiles. The union of carbon and hydrogen. [1896.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 12, 1897, 60-63. The direct union of carbon and hydrogen. Chem. Soc. Jl., 71, 1897 {Pt. 1), 41-61. Bone, William Arthur, & Iiean, Bevan. See Xiean & Bone. Bone, William Arthur, & Ferkin, William Henry (Jan.). The condensation of ethylic trimethylenedicarboxylate with ethylic malonate. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 108- 119. Trimethylsuccinic and aai-dimethylglutaric acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 67, 1895, 416-433. The symmetrical dimethylsuccinic acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 253-268. Note on the aoj-dimethylglutaric acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 69, 1896, 268-269. Bone, William Arthur, & Sprankling, Charles H[enry] G[raham]. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part i. Methods of preparation. Chem. Soc. JL, 75, 1899 {Pt. 2), 839-864. The symmetrical di-j.sopropylsuccinic acids. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 149. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part II. «-Dipropyl, s-di/sopropyl, and aaj-propyh'so- propyl-succinic acids. Chem. Soc. JL, 77, 1900 {Pt. 1), 654-673. Researches on the alkyl-substituted succinic acids. Part III. Dissociation constants. Chem. Soc. JL, 77, 1900 {Pt. 2), 1298-1310. Bone, William Arthur, & VTilson, Jo^n. Preliminary note on the action of light on acetylene. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 155-156. Bonel, Auguste. Les reseaux telcphoniques de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Soc Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, 63-81. Bonetti, Filippo. Ricerche sperimentali sulla variazione di densita dell' acqua tra 0° e 10°. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 323-326. Bonetti, Filippo, & Agamennone, Giovanni. Calcolo della posizione dell' ipocentro, del tempo all' origine e della velocita di propagazione del terremoti. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 {Sem. 1), 38-45. Sulla velocity superticiale di propagazione dei terremoti. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 {Sem. 1), 62-68. See also Agamennone & Bonetti. Bonetti, Filippo, ik Angelis d'Ossat, Gioacchino de. See Angelis d'Ossat & Bonetti. Bonetti, Filippo, & Antonelli, Giuseppe. See Antonelli & Bonetti. Bonetti, L. [Une nouvelle machine ^lectrostatique.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1894, 96. Perfection nem en t aux tubes employes en radiographic. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1893-1894. Bonfigli, C[lodomiro'\. Un caso di demonopatia. Con- siderazioni sulla patogenesi e natura di questa forma mentale. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 20, 1894, 341-360. Bonfigli, Rodolfo. Sulla eliminazione del bleu di metilene neir epilessia, nell' isterismo ed in alcune forme mentali. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, 25, 1899, 387-400. Bongard,,[f/.] G., & nxeyer, C[arl} Alnton], To reference in title {Vol. 1) add St. Petersb, Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, 337-341. Bongartz, J[osef]. Volumetrische Bestimmung der Phos- phorsaure, bei Gegenwart von Alkalien, Calcium, Mag- nesium, Eisen und Thonerde, mit besonderer Anwendung zur Werthbestimmung von Diingemitteln. Arch. Pharm., 222, 1884, 846-854, 985. Ueber Verbindungen der Aldehyde, Ketone und Ketonsauren mit der Thioglycolsaure und der Thiacet- saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1931-1935. Bongartz] 671 [Boniu Ueber Aethenyltrisulfid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2182-2184. Ueber Verbindungen der Aldehyde, Ketone und Ketonsauren mit der Thioglycolsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 478-487. Bongartz, J[osef], & Classen, Alexander. Atomgewichts- bestimmung des Zinns. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2900-2909. Bongartz, M. Ueber die Hamoglobinurie. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 11, 1885, 217-224. Ueber nacbtheilige Wirkungen des Baumwollsaatmehls bei Schafen. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 14, 1888, 86-92. Ueber traumatische Pericarditis und die dieselbe begleitenden Krankheitsvorgange. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 15, 1889, 376-384. Bongers, Paul. Beobachtungen iiber die Athmung des Igels wahrend des Wiuterschlafes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phijsiol. Ahth.), 1884, 325-330. Ueber die lahmende Wirkung des Strychnins. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1884, 331-336. Ueber die Ausscheidung korperfrenider Stoffe in den Magen. Arch. Exper. Path., 35, 1895, 415-436. Bongiovanni, Giuseppe. L' anemoscopio a trasmissione elettrica, 1' udometro contatore Brassart trasformato in udografo e il pluviografo a galeggiante. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 [Pt. 1), 1890, 415-422. Esposizione elementare dei movimenti definiti per la legge degli spazi. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 27, 1895, 43-50, 63-72. Espressioue del momento magnetico di un rocchetto elettrodinamico, sua verificazione sperimentale e appli- cazione ad un amperometro. Riv. Sci. Ind., 29, 1897, 12-17. Espressione dell' intensita del campo magnetico nel- 1' interne di un rocchetto elettrodinamico. Verificazioni sperimentali e amperometro ad oscillazioni. Riv. Sci. Ind., 29, 1897, 62-73. Verificazioni sperimentali della formula esprimente la velocity di propagazione delle vibrazioni trasversali nei fili flessibili. Riv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898, 20-25. Velocity di propagazione delle vibrazioni circolari trasversali nei fili flessibili. Riv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898, 36-41. Le spirali cilindriche di file metallico, come modello delle onde stazionarie longitudinali. Riv. Sci. [Ind.], 30, 1898, 123-131. Determinazioni didattiche di magnetismo terrestre e di suscettivita magnetica, per mezzo dell' azione magne- tizzante della terra. [1899.] Nuovo Cimento, 11, 1900, 1.5-32. BonbofFer, Karl. Ueber einige physiologische Eigen- schaften diinn- und diekfaseriger Mu skein bei Amphibien. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 47, 1890, 125-146. Bonhoffer, 0[trtJ"atolylamine.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 15, 1886, 294-295. Ueber Phenyl^aratoluidin. Liebig's Ann., 239, 1887, 55-64. Carbure double de calcium et de magnesium. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 575-577. Bonna, August E[ugen], & lie Boyer, Alexandre. Elek- trischer Ofen fiir den Laboratoriums-Gebrauch. [1897.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 479. Bonnafont, [J. P.]. De la decapitation. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1885, 418-423. Sur les localisations c^rebrales. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1887, 783-784. Trombes de mer. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1889 {Pt. 2), 381-389. Deux observations de croisement de races. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1889, 20-25. Bonnafy, [Gabriel.] Le tokelau. Arch. M^d. Navale, 60, 1893, 241-261. Sur la statistique m^dicale du corps d'occupation de la Cochinchine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1255-1256. Bonnafy, [Gabriel], & Mialaret, Th[eophile Auguste]. Contribution k la geographie m^dicale. Mission aux iles Fidji pour y etudier les maladies de la peau et sp^ciale- ment le tokelau et la lepre. Arch. M^d. Navale, 56, 1891, 269-286. Bonnaire, {baron) Achille. [Note sur divers Col^opt^res.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, liii-liv. Description de quatre Col(5opteres nouveaux d'Alg^rie. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 316-317. Bonnal, [L. A.]. Recherches experimentales sur la tempe- rature qu'on observe chez la femme au moment de I'accouchement et sur celle de I'enfant au moment de la Bonnal] 673 [Bonnet naissance. Comparaison de ces deux temperatures entre elles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 861-863. Du m^canisme de la mort sous I'influence de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 82-85. Bonnal, Georges. [Un nouveau p^sevins.] Nimes Soc. Sci. liuU., 1895, xlvi. Bonnal, Georges. OriKine psycho-physiologique des accords et des gammes de I'harmonie moderne. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 560-561. Bonnans, E[dmond], & Denigis, G[eorges]. See Denigis & Bonnans. Bonnard, Paul. D^placement du cerveau selon les atti- tudes. Experiences a faire. [With discussion.] Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 8, 1885, 654-663. Bonnardeaux, Ch. Note sur I'iudustrie ardoisi^re du bassin d'Herbeumont. Rev. Univ. Mines, 19, 1886, 23- 41, 273-292. Bonnaud, P., & X>acroix, E. See I OTTajKH- BanieMT. xopoiiio iipoBo;i,flu],iix'i. Macct ott, ajieKTpoMarHiiTa, no KOTopoMy iiycKaeicfl TOKt IiepeM'iHHaro HanpaBjienia. [On El. Thomson's experiments on the repulsion of gool conductors from an electromagnet to which an alternating current is applied.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Phys.), 1889, 216-217. Borgmann] 693 [Borisjak Sur les actions m^caniques des courants variables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 233-235. Sur les actions m^caniques des courants alternatifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 849-851. MexaHimecKifl ;;'feHCTBia iiepen'feHHHX'bTOKOB'jj. [Experiences sur les actions m^caniques des courants alternatifs.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 130-182; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 427. K^ Teopin Poynting'r pacnpocTpaneHiH 9JieK- xpOMarHHTHOH 9HepriH. [Contribution to Poynting's theory of the diffusion of electro-magnetic energy.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 22 (Phys.), 1890, 160. 061 9JieKTpoMarHHTHiJX'f> Bpaineninxi. bi atHJtKOCTflXt. [On electro-magnetic rotation in liquids.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phyn.), 1890, 170-171. OnEiTi., ji,eMOHCTpHpyK)miR secBMa Meji;jeHHHfl 9JieKTpHieCKi)I K0Jie6aHifl BT> ^pOBOJ^HHKaX'L. [Experiment demonstrating very slow electric vibrations in conductors.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc, Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 221-222. SaM^TKa 0 MexaHHqecKHxt ;i,iifiCTBiflXT) ajibTep- HaTllBHHX'f) TOKOB'B. [Sur les actions m^caniques des courants alternatifs.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 22 (Phys.), 1890, 223-229; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 591-592. A lecture experiment illustrating the magnetic screen- ing of conducting media. Nature, 43, 1891, 583. H-feCKOJILKO OUHTOB'L Cb 9JieKTpiIieCKHMH K0Jie6aHiflMll. [Quelques experiences sur les oscilla- tions eiectriques.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 23 (Phys.), 1891, 458-467; Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 406. 9jieKTpo,T,BHraTejiii cb BpamaH)in,HMCii Mar- HHTHUMt IIOJeMt. [Electromotors with rotating magnetic field.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Phys.), 1892, 15-16. Bo36yat;i,eHie TepMOJiyMHHecueHuiii PeHTren- OBCKHMII H BeKKepeJieBUMH lyiaMII. [La thermo- luminescence provoqu^e par les rayons de M. Rontgen at les rayons de M. Becquerel.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Phys.), 1897, 116-117; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 895-896. CB'ii^ieHie paapiateHHaro rasa okcio npoBO- JIOKH, COeAIIHeHHOH CB 0JI;HHM'E. nOJIIOCOM'b KaTyilIKH PyMKOP$a. [Luminescence d'un gaz rarefie autour d'un fil m^tallique communiquant k I'un des pdles d'une bobine de Ruhmkorff.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Phys.), 1900, 75-81 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1179-1182; 131, 1900, 1196-1198. Borgmann, I[van] I[vanovic], & Gersun, A[leksandr] L[vovic]. Action des rayons de M. Rontgen sur les charges eiectrostatiques et la distance explosive. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 378-379. 06'L 9.IeKTpu»IecKHX^ jiMcTBinx'h jiyieft PEHTTKHa. [On the electric actions of Rontgen's rays.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 28 (Phys.), 1896, 37-40; Jl. Phys., 6, 1897, 604. Borgmann, I[vati] I[vanovic], & Petrovsklj, A[leksSj] Alleksejevic], Sur un cas particulier des oscillations electriques, produites par uue bobine de Huhmkorff a circuit secoudaire ouvert, et sur une methode nouvelle pour mesurer des capacit^s electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 128, 1899, 420-422. Sur la capacity eiectrique des corps mauvais cou- dncteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1153-1155. CB'lineHie reficcjepoBHxi. ii .lexepoBHxt rpyGoKB B'l. hOjiIj, B036yjKji,aeMOM'B KaTyiiiKoio PyMKOP*a. [Illumination of Geissler's and Lecher's tubes in a field excited by a Ruhmkorfp's coil.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 137-141. Oco6Kift cjiyiaR CB-feqenifl PeficcjiepGBOH Tpy6KH npH coejtnHeniir o6ohx'i. ea 9JieKTpoji;oB'i> Cb o;i;hhm'Fi iidrocoMi. KaTyiiiicii PyMKOP*a. [Be- sonderer Fall des Leuchtens einer Geissler'schen Rohre, deren beide Elektroden mit dem einen Pole des Inductors verbunden sind.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 200-221 ; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (Abth. 2), 775. lIpiiM'feHeHie reirccjiepoBofi Tpy6KH ki> nsMi- peniK) iie6ojibmuK'b ajieKTpoeMKOCTeS h nscjiii- ;i;oBaHie gjeKxpoeMKOCTeft CJia6o npoBoji;Kiu,HXT> T'hJl'h. [Verwendung der Geissler'schen Rohre zur Messung kleiner Capacitaten uud Untersuchung der Capacitateri scblechter Leiter.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 229-240; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 (Abth. 2), 462-463. BorgogelU Centocroce, Michelangelo. Studio sopra la curvtt formata dalle projezioni di un punto sulle tangenti ad un circolo. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 42, 1889, 203-224. Discussione di alcune formole approssimative pel calcolo delle radici. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 101-112. Formola generale per le questioni d' interessi ad impiego continuo. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 47, 1894, 68-77. Borgogno, C. Note sur la capture d'une tortue caouane, Chelonia caouana, sur les cotes de la Vendee. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 73-75. Borgono. See Barros Borgoiio. BorgBtrom, Ei'7ist. Ueber Echinorhynchus turbinella, brevicollis und porrigens. [1891.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 17 (Afd. 4), 1892, No. 10, 60 pp. Boriani, Ugo. Sopra due nuove betaine degli acidi pipecolinico e uipecotinico. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 29-36. Boflcky, Emanuel. *Der Glimmerpikrophyr, eine neue Gesteinsart und die Libsicer Felswand. Miu. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 493-516. *Ueber den dioritischen Quarzsyenit von Dolanky, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Schwierigkeiten, welche sich der Bestimmung umgewandelter Griinsteine entge- gensetzen. Min. Petr. Mitth., 2, 1880, 78-85. The elements of a new method of chemico-microscopic analysis of rocks and minerals. [Tr.] Minn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., 19, 1892, i-iv, 1-77. Bories, . Manifestation exceptionnelle de rinfection blennorrhagique. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 2), 822-824. Borisi, Edoardo, & Anderlini, Francesco. See .Anderllnl & Borisi. Borisjak, A[leksej]. BBejI,eHie B'L HSyqeHie IICKO- iiaeMHXT. nejieitunojiiB (njiacTHHqaT0jKa6epHHxi). [Einleitung zum Studium der fossilen Pelecypoden.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verb., 37, 1899, 1-144. reojioriiqecKiH iiscjiiAOBaHia B'r> 3anaji,uou qacTii HaioMCKaro yfe^.ia XaptKOBCKoit rydepniir. (IIpejtBapiITeJbHHU OTqei'b.) (Recherches geolo- giques dans la partie occideutale du district d'Isioum. Compte-rendu preiiminaire.) [1899.] St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 18, 1900, 139-149, (Res. 149-150). FeojioriniecKia HSCjTfcAOBaHia bi HaroMCKOMt h naBJiorpaji.CKOM'b yfej.axi. (HpejtBapHTejibHHfi OXqefb.) (Recherches geologiques dans les districts d'Isioum et de Pavlograd.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 19, 1900, 65-63, (Res. 63-64). Uocjitji;Hifl iiBCj'feji.oBaHifl B. A. HAJiHBKHHa bi HaiOMCKOMT. yfeA'fe- (IIpeaBapiiTejibHBiB OTHeri., Borisjak] 694 [Born cocTaBJienHHa Ha ocHOBaniH iiOJieBoro jKypna.ia B. A. HAJIlIBKllHa.) (Les dernieies explorations de V. A. Nalivkin dans le district d'Isioum. Conipte-rendu pr^Iiminaire d'apres les notices de V. A. Nalivkin.) St. Petersb., Com. Geol. Bull., 19, 1900, 463-46G, (Re.-;. 466). Borisov, E[vgenij] V[asiljevic]. 0 KpHTIlHeCKIIXl. HeHTpaX'b KpiIBHXr, 3-rO IIOpiI;T,Ka. [Ueber kritische Centra der Curven dritter Orduung.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 461-473; Fortschr. Math., 1893—94 1135. Borisov, Petr [Jakovlevic]. Ueber die chemotaktische Wirkung verschiedener Substanzen auf amoboide Zellen und ihren Einfluss auf die Zusanimensetzung des ent- ziindlichen Exsudates. Beitr. Path. Anat., 16, 1894, 432-461. Ueber die giftige Wirkung des Dlamids, des Diben- zoyldiamids und iiber das Vorkommen des Allantoins im Ham. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 49J-510. . Zur Bestimmung des Cystins im Harn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 19, 1894, 511-520. Borisov, V. rpa({)ii'iecKiri iipieMT. BHBo;i,a ii onpeji,*- .neniH (i)opMyjn. jtepiiBaxoBi. densojia. [Graphic method for deriving and determining the formulae of benzene derivatives.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem), 1888, 461-468. Borius, A[lfred Emile]. For biographical notice see Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1886, 67. *Gor^e (S6n6gal). Observations met^orologiques faites pendant dix ann^es 1856-65, par MM. les Pharmaciens de la Marine. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 17, 1869 (Tableaux), 59-69. *Remarques sur le climat da S^n^gal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 20, 1872 (Bull.), 156-158. *Note sur le climat du Senegal. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 22, 1874 (Bull), 175-185. *Observation de gr^le au poste de M^dine le 2 juin 1874. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1876, Pt. 1, 132-133. *Note sur la temperature des eaux du Senegal. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Bull), 94-98. *Sur deux nouvelles series d'observations faites au Senegal. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Bull), 111-113. *Observations pluviom^triques faites a Brest pendant quarante-quatre ann^es. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 (Bull), 176-178. • *Note sur les observations ra^t^orologiques faites k Brest, a I'Observatoire de la Marine. France Soc. Ma^orol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull), 191-198, 248. *[Sur I'altitude de la cuvette de I'Observatoire de la Marine de Brest.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 26, 1878 (Bull), 23-24:. *[Lettre sur les observations m^t^orologiques faites k Saint-Louis du S^n^gal, de Janvier 1877 k mai 1879.] France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 27, 1879 (Bull), 137-139. *Recherches sur le climat des ^tablissements franpais de la cote septentrionale du golfe de Guin^e. France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 27, 1879 (Btdl), 148-171. *Nouvelles recherches sur le climat du Senegal. [D'apres les observations m^teorologiques faites pendant cinq ans (1874-78).] [1880.] France Bur. Centr. M6t6orol. Ann., 1879 (4), 61-91. *Notice sur le climat du Gabon. D'apres les obser- vations du docteur L. Vincent. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 29, 1881, 122-130. *Nouvelle note sur le climat du Senegal. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 30, 1882, 149-154. *Journal des observations meteorologiques faites a Saint-Louis (Senegal) a I'Observatoire fonde par [I'auteur]. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 30, 1882, 385-421. *Note sur le climat du Tonkin [basee sur des observa- tions faites par M. Hamon]. France Soc. M^t^orol. Annu., 31, 1883, 232-233. *ll6sume des observations meteorologiques faites k Hanoi (Tonkin). [1883.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 32, 1884, 9-11 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 4, 1884, 69-70. Borius, (capit.) E[rnest Aristith']. *Observations faites dans un voyage de I'embouchure du Senegal aux cata- ractes du Felou, par MM. E. BoRins, capitaine de fregate, et LonvKT. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull), 1,30-141. Bork, Heinrich. Das Brockengespenst im Tieflande. Meteorol. Ztschr., 17 (1900), 468. Borl^e, J[osep]i] A[uyustin]. Reflexions sur I'emploi des injections sous-conjonctivales de sublim^ dans les affec- tions oculaires. Du traitement des conjonctivites puru- lentes, des inflammations de I'iris et de la choroide. Brux., Ac. M6d. Belg. Bull., 7, 1893, 596-606. Appreciation de la bacteriologie, de la doctrine microbienne et de I'antisepsie. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 11, 1897, 238-250. Borletti, Francesco. Area delle superficie curve. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 207-210. Sopra il teorema di Fermat relativo all' equazione .T'» + j/" = 2«. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 222-224. Nuova triangolazione della citta di Milano. Milano Oss. Brera Pubbl., 32, 1887, 15 pp. Bormann, Karl. Die Gotz'sche Phosphorbestimmung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem , 1889, 638-639. Bormann, W., & DXislavskij, N[ikolaj] A[leksa7idroviS]. See Mislavskij & Bormann. Bormans, August e de. Notes sur quelques Odonates. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, cclxxvi-cclxxix. Note sur les Orthopteres recueillis par M. Weyers k Aguilas, province de Murcie (Espagne). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 28, 1884, clxxix-clxxx. Le crociere dell' yacht Corsaro, del capitano armatore Enrico d'Albertis. vi. Ortotteri. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 20, 1884, 176-181. Six Forficulaires nouveaux de Sumatra. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 183-196. Description des deux sexes de la Labia gravidula, Gerst. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 197-198. Description de deux variet^s nouvelles du Chelisoches Ludeklngi, Dohrn. Leyden Mus. Notes, 6, 1884, 199. OrthoptSres r^colt^s par M. Weyers a Sumatra. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1886, xxiv. Liste des Hymenopt^res recueillis en 1885, dans un rayon de 500 metres autour de la station d'Uccle-Stalie (environs de Bruxelles). Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 29, 1885, cxlvii-cxlviii. Materiali per lo studio della fauna tunisina raccolti da G. e L.DoRiA. vii. Orthopteres. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 22, 1886, 97-115. Notes sur les Chrysidides des environs de Bruxelles. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, xx-xxiii. Le genre Japyx, Haliday, appartient-il a I'ordre Orthopteres (famille des Dermapteres), ou a I'ordre des Thysanoures? Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 31, 1887, xcv-xcvi. Flacons de chasse au cyanure de potassium. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 32, 1888, xliii-xlv. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea inBirmania e regioni vicine. VII [e i,xi]. Dermapteres. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, 431-448; 34, 1894, 371-409. Mission seientifique de M. Ch. Alluaud aux iles Sechelles. Dermapteres. [1894.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 64, 1896, 387-388. • Quelques Dermapteres du Musee Civique de Genes. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 40, 1899, 441-467. Bom, Fritz. Zur Kritik iiber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Frage von den Blasenfunctioneii. [1886.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 25, 1887, 118-192. Born] 695 [Boruemauu Born, G[ustav Jacob]. For biography and list of works see Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 139-143; Arch. EntwMech., 10, 1900, 256-262; Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 {Nek.), 2-3; Leopoldina, 36, 1900, 130. Biologisohe Untersuchungen. i. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwere auf das Froschei. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 24, 1884, 475-545; Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 75-85. Ueber die inneren Vorgiinge bei der Bastardbefrucht- ung der Froscheier. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 121-127. Biologische Untersuchungen. ii. Weitere Beitrage zur Bastardirung zwischen den einheiinischen Anuren. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 27, 1886, 192-271. Ueber die Furehung des Eies bei Doppelbildungen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1887, 79-90. Ueber die Bildung der Klappen, Ostieu, und Scheide- wande im SJiugetierherzen. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 606- 612. Noch einmal die Plattenmodellirmethode. Ztschr Wiss. Mikr., 5, 1888, 433-455. ■ Beitrage zur Entwicklungsnesehichte des Saugethier herzens. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 33, 1889, 284-378. Ueber das Scheitelauge. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber. 1889, 14-17. Die Eeit'ung des Amphibieneies und die Befruchtung unreifer Eier bei Triton taeniatus. Anat. Anz., 7, 1892 772-781, 803-811. Erste Entwickelungsvorgange (Furehung, Gastrulation und die sich daran anschliessenden Prozesse). Anat Hefte {Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 486-532; 2, 1893, 446-465. Ueber Druckversuche an Froscheiern. Anat. Anz., 8 1893, 609-627. Ein neuer Schnittstrecker. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr. , 10 1893, 157-160. Die Entwickelung der Ableitungswege des Urogenital apparates nnd des Dammes bei den Saugetieren. Anat Hefte {Abt. 2), 3, 1894, 490-516. Die Struktur des Keimblaschens im Ovarialei von Triton taeniatus. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 1-79. [Demonstration einer Anzahl in Formaldehyd (Formol) geharteter menschlicher Gehirne.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. la), 42-43. Ueber die kiinstliche Vereinigung lebender Theilstiicke von Amphibienlarven. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. la), 79-91. Ueber neue Compressionsversuche an Froscheiern. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. 26), 47-56. Ueber die Ergebnisse der mit Amphibienlarven ange- stellten Verwachsungsversuche. Anat. Anz., 10, 1896 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 153-159. Die Entwickelung der Geschlechtsdriisen. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 4, 1896, 592-616. Ueber Verwachsungsversuche mit Amphibienlarven. [1896-97.] Aich. EntwMech., 4, 1897, 349-465, 517- 623. Bom, G[ustav Jacob], & Peter, Karl. Zur Herstellung von Eichtebenen und Richtlinien. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 15, 1898, 31-50. Bom, G[ustav Jacob], & Wleger, G[ermain]. Ueber einen neuen Unterguss. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 2, 1886, 346-348. Bora, Georg. Zur Kenntniss der Pseudonitrole und Dialkyldinitromethane. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 90-102. Born, Georg, & SchoU, Roland. See BchoU & Bom. Bom, Hermann. *Ueber das doppelte Centrale am Tarsus der Urodelen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876, 263-264. Ein seltener Fall von angeborener Atresie und Durchtrennung des Darmrohres mit entwickelungs- geschichtlich interessanten Verhaltnissen am Peri- toneum. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1887, 216-234. Bom, [Gustav Adolf] Max. Beitrage zur Bestimmung der Lichtbrechungsverhaltnisse doppeltbrechender Kry- stalle durch Prismenbeobachtungen. Neues Jbuch. Miu. (Beil.-Bd.), 5, 1887, 1-51. Bom, Faul. Zwei neue Coptolabrus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 334-337, 717. Zwei neue Caraben-Formen der ligurischen Alpen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 533-535. Ceroglossus dynastes, n. sp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 48, 1898, 656-657. Ein neuer Coptolabrus. [1899.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 716. [36 Coptolabrus der smaragdinus Gruppe.] [1899.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 48, 1898, 717. Coptolabrus Rothschildi, n. sp. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 295-297. Coptolabrus Lafossei, n. var. giganteus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 49, 1899, 297-298. Carabus cancellatus, n. var. balcanicus. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 49, 1899, 486. PJatvcarabus cjchroides, Baudi, n. sp. [1899.] Ziiiicli," So(!. Ent., 14, [1900], 81-82. Carabus italicus, /(. tar. Eonchettii. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 50, 1900, 184-186. Bomand, Ed. Sur la nature et I'origine de la gatne de sarcolemme chez les poissons. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 1-6. Etude histologique des nerfs et de la muqueuse buccale chez les poissons. [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 6-19. Borne, Fedenco. See Fuga Borne. Borne, G. von dem. Der geologische Bau eines Theiles von Ostafrika. [1894.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 412-413. Quecksilberwerke von Avalaberg. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 67, 1894, 117-118. Bomemann, Ernst. Ueber die Etard'sche Eeaktion zur Darstellung aromatischer Aldehyde und einige Abkomm- linge des Metatoluylaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1462-1475. Einwirkung von Hydroxylamin auf Zimmtaldehyd- cyanhydrin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1512- 1514. Notiz iiber die Skraup'sche Chinolinsynthese. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2377-2378. Ueber die ni-Methylzimmtsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1382. Ueber />-Toluidindioxalat. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2710. Bomemann, Georg. Ueber einige Laboratoriumsgerathe aus Aluminium. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 3637-3642. Kupferoxalat und seine Verwendung zur Kupfer- Cadmiumtrennung. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 565-566. Qualitative Trennung des Antimons von Zinn. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 635-636. Bomemann, Joh[ann] Georg. For biography and list of works see [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15, 1896, 431; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 134-135 ; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 15, 1897, (29)-(34). *Sur la classification des formations stratifiees anciennes de I'ile de Sardaigne. E^sume de com- munications faites pendant le Congr^s G^ologique de Bologne a I'appui de I'exposition d'echantillons prove- nant de Canalgrande, Gennamari et Ingurtosu. Congr. G6ol. Int. C. E., 1881, 221-232. *[Anemometerjustirung.] [1883.] Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 43, 1884, 205-207. [Ueber Cambrische Fossilien von der Insel Sardinien.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 399-400. [Cambrische ArchsBOcyathus-Formen und verwandte Organismen von der Insel Sardinien.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 702-707, 910. Bornemann] 696 LBornmuller Cyclopelta Winteri, eine Bryozoe aus dem Eifeler Mitteldevon. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 864-865. , ^ , r^ [Ueber fossile Kalkalgen.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1886, 552-554; 38, 1886, 473. Ueber Aufnahmen auf Section Wutha. Preuss. Geol. Landesanet. Jbuch., [6], 1886, xxxviii-xxxix ; [7], 1887, xxxvii-xxxviii, 23 (bis); [8], 1888, xliv-xlv. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Muschelkalks, insbeson- dere der Schichtenfolge und der Gesteine des Uiiteren Muschelkalks in Thiiringen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, 267-321; [8], 1888, 15 (bis). Die Versteinerungen des Cambrischen Schichten- systeraa der Insel Sardinien nebst vergleichenden Unter- siichungen iiber analoge Vorkommnisse aus andern Liindern. Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 51, 1887, 1-148; 56, 1891, 425-528. . [Ueber fossile Thierspuren aus dem Buntsandstein Thiiringens.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 629-630. Der Quarzporphyr von Heiligenstein und seiue Fluidalstructur. Deutsch, Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 39, 1887, 793-797. Geologische Algenstudien. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 116-134, 23 (/ns). Ueber Schlackenkegel und Larven. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Vulkanismus. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 230-282, 15 (bis). Ueber den Muschelkalk. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, 417-439. Bornemann, L. G. Ueber Aufnahme der Section Frott- stedt. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, xl; [7], 1887, xxxviii-xli. Ueber einige neue Vorkommnisse basaltischer Gesteine auf dem Gebiet der Messtischblatter Gerstungen und Eisenach. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 291-300. Sopra una specie mediterranea del genera Linguli- nopsis. [1884.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 6, [1892], 26-29. Bomet, [Jean Baptiste] Ed[()uard]. Algues de Madagascar r^colt^es par M. Ch. Thiebadt. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 16-19. Note sur una nouvelle espece de Laminaire (Laminaria Rodriguezii) de la Mediterrante. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 361-366. Algues du voyage au Golfe de Tadjoura recueillies par M. L. Faukot. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 17-20. Les Nostocacees heterocystees du Systema Algarum de C. A. Agardh (1824) et leur synonymie actuelle (1889). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889. 144-157. Note sur I'Ectocarpus (Pylaiella) fulvescens, Thuret. Rev. Gen. Bot., 1, 1889, 5-10. Note sur deux algues de la Mediterran^e : Fauchea et Zosterocarpus. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1890, 139-148. Algues du departement de la Haute-Vienne contenues dans I'herbier d'Edouard Lamy de la Chapelle. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 247-255. Note sur quelques Ectocarpus. France Soc. Bot. BuU., 38, 1891, 353-372. Note sur I'Ostracoblabe implexa. Born, et Flah. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 397-400. Note sur I'Ectocarpus fenestratus, Berk. Ann. Bot., 6, 1892, 148-150. Les algues de P. K. A. Schousboe. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. M6m., 28, 1892, 165-376. Bomet, [Jean Baptiste] F'!d[ouard], & Flabault, Charles. Sur la determination des Rivulaires qui forment des fleurs d'eau. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 76-81. Tableau synoptique des Nostocacees filamenteuses heterocystees. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem., 25, 1885, 196-223; 26, 1889, 137-152. Note sur le genre Aulosira. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 119-122. Revision des Nostocacees heterocystees contenues dans les principaux herbiers de France. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 3, 1886, 323-381; 4, 1886, 343-373; 5, 1887, 51-129; 7, 1888, 177-262. Note sur deux nouveaux genres d'algues perforantes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 161-165. Concordance des " Algen Sachsens und Europa's " de L. Rabenhokst avec la revision des Nostocacees hetero- cystees. Notarisia, 3, 1888, 387-397. Sur quelques plantes vivant dans le test calcaire des Moliusques. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, cxlvii-clxxvi. See also Flabault & Bomet. Bomhardt, W[ilhelin]. Ueber die bergmannischen und geologischen Ergebuisse seiner Reisen iu Deutsch-Ost- afrika. [With discussion.} Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 50, 1898 (Fer/i.), 59-74. Geographische und geologische Mitteilungen iiber das deutsche Nyassa-Gebiet auf Grund eigener Reisen. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 26, 1899, 437-452. Bornmiiller, Josef. Rhamnus orbiculata, Brnmllr., n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 225-227. Fiinf Pflanzen aus Dalmatien, z. T. neu fiir die Flora der osterr.-ung. Monarchic. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 272-273. Conservirung von Abietineen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 37, 1887, 398-400. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora des bulgarischen Kiistenlandes. Bot. Centrbl., 36, 1888, 25-29, 87-92, 124-127, 151-156. Ptilotrichura (Koniga) Uechtritzianum, n. sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 10-12. Einiges iiber Vaccaria parviflora, Mnch., und V. grandiflora, Jaub. et Sp. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 125-127. Verbascum PanSidii, m., hyb. nov. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 267-268. Ein Beitrag zur Eichenflora des sudostlichen Europa. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 129-131. Zur Flora der Umgebung Leipzigs. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 7, 1889, 42-43. [Die Flora von Amasia (Kleinasien).] Flora, 72, 1889, 140-141. Beitrag zur Flora Dalmatians. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 333-337. Ein Ausflug nach dam Ak-dagh in Kleinasien. [1889.] Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1890, 26-27. Zur Flora Ost-Bulgariens. Eine neue Graminee : Diplachne bulqarica, Bornm. Bot. Centrbl., 41, 1890, 162-167. Phlomis Russeliana, Lag,, und Phi. Samia, L. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 42, 1892, 113-116. Alkanna Haussknechtii, Bornm., spec, nov, Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 44, 1894, 16-17. Nachtrag zu "Florula insulae Thasos." Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 44, 1894, 124-128, 173-176, 212-216. Recent botanical exploration in southern Persia, being the substance of a letter to Dr. Otto Staff. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 30, 1896, 140-142. Rhamnus orbiculata, Bornm. Bot. Centrbl., 72, 1897, 225-229. Calamagrostis lalesaransis, Torg. et Bornm. (spec, nov.), und einige floristische Notizen iiber das Lalesargabirge in Siid-Persien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 77-78, 242-244, 287-291. Vinca Haussknechti, Bornm. et Sint. (spec, nov.). Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 453-454. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora von Syrien und Palastina. Wien Zool. Bot. Varh., 48, 1898, 544-653. Hypericum pumilio, Cerasus hippophaoides, Sedum rodanthum, drei neue Arten aus dem ostlichen Anatolien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 49, 1899, 14-17. BornmiQler] 697 [Bomtrager Eine neue Celsia aus dena siidostlichen Persien. (Celsia carmanica, Bornm.) Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 49, 1899, 51-53. Ein ueuer, bisher verkannter Burger der europaischen Flora. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 90-93, 139-140. Boms, \Henry\ Beleuchtung mittels sekundarer Genera- toren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 77-78. Zur Mikrophon-Theorie. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 122-126. Elektrische Beleuchtung von Eisenbahnziigen in England. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 315-817. Die Influenzmaschinen von Wimshdrst. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 329-384. Bomstein, Karl. Ueber den Einfluss heisser Bader auf den StoSwechsel. Breslan, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 {Ahth. \a), 80-81. Ueber Fleischersatzmittel. [With discussion.'] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1896 [Abth. la), 79-84. Experimentelle Untersuchungen liber die Wirkung des Saccharins (Fahlberg). Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 48, 1898 (Th. 2), 772-778. Eiweissmast und Muskelarbeit. [With discussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Abth. la), 69-75; Pfliiger, Arch. Pliysiol., 83, 1901, 540-556. Untersuchungen iiber Saccharin. Experimentelles und Kritisches. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (27*. 2), 815-348. Bomtrager, [Jean Bernhard]. Die Ruhrepidemie im Regierungsbezirk Danzig 1895-96. Ztschr. Hyg., 27, 1898, 375-479. Bomtrager, Arthur. Ueber eine von 0. N. Witt kiirzlich beschriebene Filtrirvorrichtung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 1690. Kritik der directen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Weinsaure in Weinhefen und Weinsteinen. Fresenius, Ztschr., 25, 1886, 337-359; 26, 1887, 136, 699-714. Zur Bestimmung des Kaliumbitartrats in Weinhefen und Weinsteinen. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 550-558, 561-568, 579-591. Zur Denaturirung des zu Industrie-, Haushaltungs- u. s. w. Zwecken dienenden Spiritus. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 137-138. Ueber die Bestimmungen des Zuckers und iiber die polarimetrischen Untersuchungen bei Siissweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 477-486, 505-508, 538- 545. Ueber die Inversion der Saccharose durch Salzsaure. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 40, 1890, 876-905. Ueber die Entfarbung von Rothweinen fiir die polarimetrischen Untersuchungen uud fvir die Fehling- Soxhlet'sche Zuckerbestimmung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 340-343, 599-600. Saures weinsaures Kalium als Urtitersubstanz fiir die Acidimetrie und Alkalimetrie. Fresenius, Ztschr., 31, 1892, 43-57; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 294-295. Ueber das scheiubare Verhaltniss zwischen Dextrose und Lavulose in den dunkelbraunen Malagaweinen und in anderen ahnlich bereiteten Weinen. [Vorlaufige Mittheilung.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 207-208. Sul rapporto apparente fra destrosio e levulosio nei vini Malaga neri ed in altri vini preparati in un mode simile. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 22, 1892, 138-142. Ueber den Einfluss, welchen die Gegenwart von Bleiessig auf das Ergebniss der Titrirung des Milch- zuckers nach Fehling-Soxhlet ausiibt. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 293-294. — ^- Ueber den Einfluss der Gegenwart der Bleiacetate auf das Ergebniss der Bestimmung des Invertzuckers nach Fehling-Soxhlet. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 333- 835; 1895, 103-104, 594-596; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 449-460. Beitrage und Bemerkungen zur gerichtlich-chemischen Weinanalyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 358-362. K. 8. A. c. Ueber die Bestimmung des Kupfers auf volumetrischem Wege mit Schwefelnatrium. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 517-524. Zur polarimetrischen Untersuchung von Mosten und Siissweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 599. Controlirung der Fehling'schen Losung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 600-601; 1894, 351. Ueber das Verhaltniss zwischen Glycerin und Alkohol in Naturweinen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 13-14. Nochmals iiber die Anwendung des Weinsteins fiir die Stellung der Normallaugen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 54-55. Nochmals zur Alkoholbestimmung im Weine durch Destination und Ermittelung der Dichte des Destillates. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 108-111. 1st es nothig, fiir die Zuckertitrirungen nach Fehlino die mit Bleiessig ausgefiillten Weine von Blei zu befreien? Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 236-238. Ueber das Verhalten von neutralem und basischem Bleiacetat gegen kohlensaures, schwefelsaures und phos- phorsaures Natrium in Abwesenheit von Zucker. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 454-461, 521-528. Wiirde sich mehr das kohlensaure oder das schwefel- saure Natrium empfehlen, wenn man nach der Ausfallung von Mosten und Weinen mit Bleiessig das Blei vor den Fehling-Soxhlet'schen Titrirungen beseitigen will? Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 554-559. Ueber die Beeinflussung des Reductionsvermogens von Invertzuckerlosungen durch Stehenlassen oder Ein- dampfen mit Bleizucker oder Bleiessig. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 579-582. Ueber den Einfluss der Volumina der durch Bleiessig und etwa spater noch durch Soda oder Glaubersalz hervorgerufenen Niederschlage auf die Resultate der Zuckertitrirungen in Weinen vor und nach der Inver- sionsprobe. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 583-591. Potassium tetraoxalate as a standard in acidimetry. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 307-808. Ueber die Ausfiihrung der Fehling'schen Titrirung in der Weinanalyse. Fresenius, Ztschr., 34, 1895, 19-25. Perch^ la presenza di sali piombici influenza i risultati delle titulazioni Fehling-Soxhlet? Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1895, 671-692, 693-698. Sulla determinazione colorimetrica di piccole quantity di ferro per mezzo del solfocianato di potassio. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 366-372; Chem. Ztg., 20, 1898, 398-399. Sopra un vinello verde. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 729-735. Zura Nachweise und zur Bestimmung der Saccharose im Weine. Fresenius, Ztschr., 86, 1897, 767-776. Osservazioni intorno alia determinazione dello zucchero nei mosti e nei vini per mezzo delle titolazioni Fehling-Soxhlet. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 107-120. Sul contenuto in zucchero e saccarina nella glicerina separata dai vini dolci merc6 il metodo ufficiale germanico. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 283-293; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 693-695. Sulla determinazione degli zuccheri e suUe ricerche polarimetriche nei vini dolci. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 825-357; Fresenius, Ztschr., 37, 1898, 145- 172. Intorno alia cosidetta fermentazione elettiva dello zucchero invertito. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 587-544. Delia ricerca e della determinazione del saccarosio nei vini. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 80, 1897, 558-568. Beitrage und Bemerkungen zur gerichtlichchemischen Weinanalyse. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 155-158. Ueber die Bestimmung der Weinsaure neben Citronen- saure. Fresenius, Ztschr., 37, 1898, 477-485; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 117-126. 88 Borntrager] 698 [Borrelly Sn alcune pretese conserve di limone. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 30-40. Analisi di uve secche. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 564-572. Verifica del titolo degli alcali ed acidi normali. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 33, 1900, 463-466; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 975-976. Bomtrager, Arthur, & Paris, Giulio. Analisi di vini deir Italia meridionale. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 469-481; 31, 1898, 5-17; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 285-286; 22, 1898, 172-174. Analisi delle melegranate. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 50-61. Di alcuni terreni ricchi di potassa. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 78-80; Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 50, 1898, 343-345. BomtrRger, Hugo. Ueber einen Stickstoffverlust bei der Knochenfettfabrikation und Analyse des Knochenfetts. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 694. Ein einfaches Mittel, Glasgerate zu feilen. Eepertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 741. Ueber die Anwendung der Nitrose in der analytischen Chemie. Repertm. Anal. Chem., 7, 1887, 741-742. Bomtrager, Hugo. Ueber einen neuen Akkumulator. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 324. Ueber die Entfernung des Bleisulfates und Aufar- beitung der Bleiriickstande in Akkumulatoren-Fabriken. [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 325. Borodin, Aleksandr [Porjirjevic]. For biography and list of works see Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 273; Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 367-379. Borodin, Aleksandr. For biography and works see Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1898, 528-530; Paris, Ing^n. Civ. Mem., 1898 {Pt. 2), 92-111. Experiments on the steam- jacketing and compounding of locomotives in Russia. Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1886, 297-354, 363-409; Paris, Ing^n. Civ. Mem., 1886 (Pt. 2), 261-345. On the working of steam-pumps on the Russian South Western Railways, Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1893, 433-450. Borodin, J. Sur la repartition des cristaux d'oxalate de chaux dans les feuilles des L^gumineuses et des Rosac^es. Congr. Int. Bot. Bull., 1884, 69-77. Sur les depots diffus d'oxalate de chaux dans les feuilles. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 417-420. Die in St. Petersburg befindlichen Herbarien und botanischen Museen. Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 353-356. Borodin, N. A. BioJiorHiecKifl CTaHuin aana^Hofi EsponH H CiBepo-AMepiiKaHCKHXT. CoeAnneH- RHXt IIlTaTOBI,. ^ [Stations biologiques de I'Europe occidentals et des Etats Unis de TAm^rique du Nord.] [1894.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 1, 1896, No. 2, 14 pp. Kl, CHCTeMaTHKi KaCIliftCKHXT, H ^lepHO- MOpCKHXt ceJih]i,eil. [Note sur les Clupea des mers Caspienne et Noire.] St. P^tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac Sci Annu., 1, 1896, 81-94. Oaepo ^apxajii. (hjih HapxajiLCKoe Mop^o). [Lake Carchal.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc Bull 32, 1896, 276-296. Borosini, August von. Glaskolben zur Herstellung von Niihrboden. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 23. Borradaile, A. A. Notes of a journey in northern MongoHa in 1893. Geogr. Jl., 5, 1895, 562-572. Borradaile, Lancelot Alexander. A revision of the PontoniidsB. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 376-391. On some crustaceans from the South Pacific. Part i Stomatopoda. [Part ii. Macrura anomala. Part iii Macrura. Part iv. The crabs. Part v. Arthrostracans and barnacles.] Zool. Soc, Proc, 1898, 32-38 457-468 1000-1015; 1900, 568-596, 795-799. ' Congr. Med. Int. Atti, Congr. Int. M4d. A note on the hatching stage of the pagurine land- crabs, Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 937-938, On a small collection of decapod crustaceans from freshwater in North Borneo. Zool. Soc, Proc, 1900, 93-95, BorrasB, E. [Bestimmung der Polhohe und der Intensitat der Schwerkraft auf zwei und zwanzig Stationen von der Ostsee bei Kolberg bis zur Schneekoppe.] iv. Die Intensitat der Schwerkraft auf den Stationen der Siid- Abteilung. Preuss. Geod. Inst. Veroff., 1896, 175-288. Borre. See Freudbomme de Borre. Borrel, Amedee. Sur la signification des figures d^crites comme coccidies dans les epith^liomes. Arch. MM, Exper., 2, 1890, 786-797; Paris, Soc. Biol, M6m., 42, 1890 (C. B.), 446-449. Note sur la division multiple du noyau par karyokin^se. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. jR.), 22-24. De la division du noyau et de la division cellulaire dans les tumeurs epith61iales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 43, 1891 (C. B.), 428-430; Robin, Jl. Anat., 28, 1892, 129-142. Sur un mode de formation cellulaire intranucl^aire pouvant 6veiller k tort I'id^e des parasites dans I'^pi- thelioma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. B.), 14-16. Tuberculose pulmonaire exp^rimentale : 6tude ana- tomo-pathologique de processus obtenu par injection veineuse. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 593-627. — — Tuberculose exp6rimentale du rein, Ann, Inst, Pasteur, 8 (1894), 65-82. Tubercule et tuberculose. 1894 (Vol. 2, Patol.), 185-192. Th^orie parasitaire du cancer. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 3, Bact.), 129-142. Sur une Evolution speciale de la sphere attractive dans la cellule cancereuse, Paris, Soc, Biol, M6m,, 52, 1900 (C. B.), 331-333. Action de la tuberculine et de certains poisons bact^riens sur le cobaye sain ou tuberculeux par inocu- lation sous-cutan^e ou intra-cer^brale. Paris, Soc, Biol, M^m,, 52, 1900 (C. B.), 358-360, See also under IVocard & Bpux. Borrel, Amedee, & Boinet, Edouard. See Boinet & Borrel. Borrel, Amedee, & Roux, E. Sec Boux & Borrel. Borrel, G. Appareil s^maphorique a signaux instantanes dit signal horaire pour la transmission de I'heure dans les ports. Systeme imaging par MM. Hancsse, ing^nieur hydrographe, et G, Borrel, constructeur, Congr, Int, Chronom., 1900, 204-207, Borrella, G, Sopra alcuni anisati, Gazz, Chim. Ital., 15, 1885, 303-305. BorreUi, S. Sulla benzotribromanilide. [1888.] [Posth.] Gazz. Chim. Ital,, 17, 1887, 527-528. Borrelly, Alphonse. Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten (240). Astr. Nachr,, 109, 1884, 303-304, Observations de la Comete Pons-Brooks, faites k rObservatoire de Marseille, Paris, Ac, Sci, C, R , 98, 1884, 495-497, Planfete (240) decouverte k I'Observatoire de Marseille le 27 aoAt 1884, Paris, Ac, Sci, C, R,, 99, 1884, 417. Entdeckung [eines] neuen Planeten (246), Astr, Nachr,, 111, 1885, 239-240. Etoiles variables nouvelles. Bull, Astr,. 2, 1886, 61-63, 161-162. Observations faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 166-167, Observations des plan^tes (246) Asporina et (248) (Pahsa), faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille, Bull, Astr. 2, 1885, 335-337. Observations de com^tes et de planetes, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille Bull, Astr., 3, 1886, 166- 168, 533-534; 4, 1887, 462-463; 6, 1889, 257-259; Borrelly] 699 [Borries 7, 1890, 13-15; 10, 1893, 12-15; 11, 1894, 307-311, 344-347; 12, 1896, 267-269; 13, 1896, 369-371; 14, 1897, 382-386; 15, 1898. 231-234; 16, 1899, 139-143. Entdeckung eines Planeten auf der Sternwarte in Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 117, 1887, 103-104. Observations d'une planete rencontree k I'Observatoire de Marseille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 1824. Entdeckung eines Planeten auf der Sternwarte in Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 127-128. Observation de Teclipse totale de lune, du 28 Janvier 1888, a I'Observatoire de Marseille. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 102-103. Observations de plan^tes et de la Com^te Sawerthal, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'EicHENS, 0", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 296-298. Observations [de la planete (272) Charlois,] faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'EicHENs, ouver- ture 0"', 258). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 534. Observations de la Goraete Brooks (6 juillet 1889), faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'EicHENS, ouverture 0™, 258). Bull. Astr., 6, 1889, 519-521. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen (Borrelly) auf der Sternwarte zu Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 223- 224. Entdeckung eines Planeten auf der Sternwarte in Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 47-48. Entdeckung eines Planeten auf der Sternwarte in Marseille. Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 391-392. Observations de planetes et de la Comete Barnard- Denning, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial d'EicHENS, ouverture 0™, 258). Bull. Astr., 8, 1891, 353-354. Observations de la planete (309) [(308)], decouverte a I'Observatoire de Marseille, Equatorial Eichens (ouver- ture 0", 258). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 706. Observations de la planete (308) (decouverte le31 mars 1891), faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille, avec I'equa- torial d'EicHENS (ouverture 0"", 258). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1041-1042. Observations de la planete decouverte par [I'auteur] a I'Observatoire de Marseille, le 27 novembre 1891. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891. 768-769. Observations de la planete decouverte, par [I'auteur], le 27 novembre 1891 ; faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0"', 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 49-^0. Elements provisoires de la planete (322) Borrelly (27 nov. 1891) (calcules a I'aide des observations faites a Marseille les 27 nov., 9, 19 et 31 dEc. 1891). Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 122-123. Observations de la Comete Tempel-Swift et de planetes, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'EicHENS, de 0"", 258 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 163. [Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten.] Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 119-120. Observations de la planete AE, 1893, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (equatorial de 0"', 26 d'ouver- ture). Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 321-322. Observations de planetes et de la ComEte Rordame- QuEnisset, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0°', 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 368-372. Observations de la planEte BH 1894, decouverte par [I'auteur] k I'Observatoire de Marseille, le 19 novembre 1894. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 943. Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten 1894 BH. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1895, 15-16. Observations de la planEte (322) Phao, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0"', 26 d'ouver- ture). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 371-372. Observations de planEtes et de la ComEte Swift, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0™, 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 50-54. Observations de planEtes et de la ComEte Swift (13 avril 1896), faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0"", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 13,1896, 440-443. Observations de la planEte DQ Witt, 1898, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial d'EicHENs de O'n, 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 15, 1898, 420-421. Observations de la planete DP 1898 (Charlois), faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 15, 1898, 469-470. Observations de la planEte Witt, DQ 1898, et des Cometes Wolf, Perrine-Chofardet et Brooks, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial d'EicHENs de 0-", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 121-122. Observations de la planete EL 1899, Coggia, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial de 0", 26 d'ouver- ture). Bull. Astr., 16, 1899, 388-389. Neuer Comet 1900 b (Borrelly-Brooks). Astr. Nachr., 153, 1900, 91-92. Observations de planEtes et de la Comete Swift, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial d'EicHENS de O-", 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 32-36. Observations de planetes et de la deuxieme Comete periodique de Tempel, faites k I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial d'EicHENs de 0"', 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 17, 1900, 143-146. ComEte (b 1900) dEcouverte le 23 juillet 1900 k I'Observatoire de Marseille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 372-373. Boxrelly, Alphonse, & Coggia, G[eronimo Eugenio']. Observations de planEtes et de cometes, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial Eichens, ouver- ture 258''">). Bull. Astr., 3, 1886, 27-28. Observations de planetes et de comEtes, faites a I'Observatoire de Marseille (Equatorial Eichens de 0"', 26 d'ouverture). Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 355-358. See also Coggia & Borrelly. Borrelly, Alphonse, & St6phan, E. See St^pban & Borrelly. Borrelly, Alphonse, Stiphan, E., & Coggia, G[eronimo Eugenio]. See St6phan, Borrelly & Coggia. Borxen, van den. [Discours sur la question de la navigation aErienne.] [1894.] Ciel et Terre, 15 (1894-95), 379-386. Borrer, William. For biography see Ibis, 5, 1899, 168 ; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans.. 6, 1899, 427. Water shrew (Crossopus fodiens) in the isle of Kerrera. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 111-112. Borri, Lorenzo. Indagini chimiche ed esperimentali su di un caso di avvelenamento misto per acido fenico e cloroformio (algontina dello stabilimento Erba). Ann. di Chim., 15, 1892, 345-359. Analisi del processo giudiziario contro Benedetto Cagnacci dal punto di vista della psicologia criminale. Sperimentale, 1893 (Mem.), 56-97. Coutributo alio studio della docimasia emato-pneumo- epatica. Sperimentale, 1896 {Comun. e Riv.), 121-133. La dimensione delle ossa lunghe degli arti del feto nell' ultimo trimestre della vita endouterina considerata in rapporto con la lunghezza totale del corpo. Sperimen- tale, 1896 (Comnn. e Riv.), 302-307. Contribute alio studio del meccanismo d' intossi- cazioneper quel veleni che contraggono una combinazione chimica con la materia colorante del sangue. Speri- mentale, 1896 (Sez. Biol.), 5-36. Borries, Heniuin. Bidrag til danske insekters biologi. [1888.] Ent. Medd. (Kj^benh.), 1, 1887-88, 199-211, 285-292. Om hvepselarver som ektoparasiter paa frit omstrej- fende edderkopper. [1890.] Ent. Medd. (Kjj^benh.), 2, 1889-90, 151-161. De danske Lophyrus-arter og deres udbredelse. [1890.] Ent. Medd. (KJ£(benh.), 3, 1891-92, 97-124. 88—2 Borries] 700 [Bortolotti Oversigt over de danske guldhvepse. [1891.] Ent. Medd. (KjfJbenh.), 3, 1891-92, 84-96. -i — Om 8la?gten Ibalia, Latr. Ent. Medd. {Kjfihenh.), 3, 1891-92, 53-57. Naaletrseernes bladhvepse. [1896.] Ent. Medd. (KjxJbenh.), 5, 1895-96, 201-283. Bidrag til danske gravehvepses biologi. Kj^benh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 1-143. Om Osmia claviventris. Kj^rbenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 144-152. Om Perithous mediator eg Omalus auratus. Kjf^benh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 153-159. Om redebygningen hos Ancistrocerus oviventris, Wesm. Kj£fbenh. Vid. Medd., 1897, 160-163. Bomnann, Robert. Ein neuer Apparat zur bequemen, schnellen und gleichmassigen Farbung und Weiter- behandlung von Serienschnitten. Ztschr. Wisa. Mikr., 11, 1894, 459-464. Ein Blutgefassendotheliom, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung seines Wachsthums. Virchow, Arch., 151, 1898 (Suppl.), 151-194. Zum Wachsthum und zur Nomenclatur der Blut- gefassgeschwiilste. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 297-328. Ein diffuses Riesenzellensarkom der Cervix uteri mit Metastasen in beiden Ovarien, complicirt durch Scliwangerschaft und Abort im vierten Monat. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 43, 1900, 264-311. Borromeo, (conte) Carlo. Osservazioni ed appunti di ornitologia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 29, 1886, 298-322. Borsari, Carlo, & Boccolari, Antonio. See Boccolari & Borsarl. Borsbach, Elimst]. Ueber einige Metallochinolide und Chinolindoppelsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 431-440. Ueber die Einwirkung des Chinolins auf Kupfer- vitriol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 924-925. Borsbach, E[rnst], & Vortmann, G[eorg]. See Vortmann & Borsbach. Borsch, Louis. Sur un cas d'amblyopie passagere k la suite d'h^morragie et sur un cas recent d'amaurose double apr^s h^mat^m^se. Ann. d'Oculist., 119, 1898, 272-286. Borsche, Walther [Georg Rudolf]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diazobenzolchlorid auf alkalische NitrosophenoUo- sungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2935-2940; Liebig's Ann., 312, 1900, 211-234. Zur Kenntniss des Benzolazosalicylaldehyds. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1325-1328. Die Constitution der Metapurpursaure. (i. Mit- theilung iiber die Einwirkung von Cyankalium auf Dinitrophenole.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2718-2723. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der isopurpursauren Salze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2995-2996. Borsche, Walther [Georg Rudolf], & WaUach, Otto. See Wallach & Borsche. Borschke, Max. Pathogenese der Peritonitis tuberculosa. Virchow, Arch., 127, 1892, 121-174. Boricov, I. *MaTepiajiH j^jia 6oTaHH'iecKoi1 reo- rpa(j)iii Apajio-KacnificKaro Kpaa. [Materials for the botanical geography of the Aralo-Caspian region.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 7, 1866 {Amend No. 1), 190 pp. ' ^ \ I'f ■ Borst, C. A. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet d 1889 (Brooks), made with the 9-5-inch equatorial of the Johns Hopkins University. [1889.] Astr Jl q 1890, 104. ■' ' Filar-micrometer observations of Comet d (Brooks) 1889. [1889-90.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [9 (l889-90i1 26; [10 (1890-91)], 33. ^ ^ '-"' Borst, Max. Bakteriologische Demonstration. Wiirzb Phys, Med. Sber., 1895, 22-25. Ueber eine seltene Form von Lipom der Bauohhohle. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1896, 44-48, 49-56. Zur pathologischen Anatomic und Pathogenese der multiplen Sklerose des Gehirns und Riickenmarks. Beitr. Path. Anat., 21, 1897, 308-372; Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 6&-80, 81-96, 97-109. Ueber Melanose des Pericardiums, Virchow, Arch., 147, 1897, 418-429. Fibrinose Exsudation und fibrinoide Degeneration. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 10-16, 17-25. Ein Fall von wahrem Neuroma ganglionare. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1897, 109-112, 113-116. Die angeborenen Geschwiilste der Sacralregion, Centrbl. Path., 9, 1898, 449-501. Das Verhalten der " Endothelien " bei der acuten und chronischen Entziindung sowie bei dem Wachstum der Geschwiilste. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 31, 1898, (l)-(99). Die kongenitalen cystosen Neubildungen der Niere und der Leber. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Festschr., 1899, 7-32. Zur Pathologic der serosen Deckzellen. Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 94-99 ; Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1900, 26-30. Borst, Max, & Dauber, . See Dauber & Borst. Bort. See Teisserenc de Bort. Borthen, Lyder. La perception visuelle, specialement par rapport au sens des couleurs, expliqu^e par mouvement moleculaire. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. E., 1884 (T. 3, Oph.), 133-149. Beobachtungen iiber das Empyem des Sinus frontalis. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31, 1885 {Abth. 4), 241-250. Ein ueues Eefractionsophthalmoskop. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 66. Borthwlck, A. W. On the development of quadrifoliar spurs in Pinus laricio, Poir. [1899.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 150-153. On interfoliar buds in pines. [1899.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 154-158. Notes on the witches' broom of Pinus sylvestris. [1899.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 21, 1900, 196-197. Bortniker, {Mile.) L. Sur un genre particulier de trans- formations homographiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 771-773. Sur la theorie des cyclides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 824-829. Bortolotti, Emma. Sulle frazioni continue algebriohe periodiche. Palermo, Circ. Mat. Rend., 9, 1896, 136-149. Rudimenti di corazza cutanea indicati da pieghe della pelle in alcuni embrioni di Mammiferi. [1896.] Roma Lab. Anat. Norm. Ric, 5, 1896-96, 275-285. Contribuzione alia conoscenza dei fossili del Miocene Medio nel Bolognese. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 4, 1898, 55-61. Bortolotti, Ettore. Sopra un teorema della teoria della connessione. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1889 {Sem. 2), 229-234. Alcune osservazioni sulla definizione di connessione. [1890.] Bologna Rend., 1889-90, 132-155. Sui sistemi ricorrenti del 3" ordine ed in particolare sui sistemi periodici. Palermo, Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 129-151. Sulla generalizzazione delle frazioni continue alge- briche periodiche. [1891.] Palermo, Circ. Mat. Rend., 6, 1892, 1-13. Un contributo alia teoria delle forme lineari aUe differenze. Ann. Mat., 23 (1895), 309-344. Sui determinanti di f unzioni nel calcolo alle differenze finite. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1896 (Sem. 1), 254-261. La forma aggiunta di una data forma lineare alle differenze. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sem. 1), 349-356. Bortolotti] 701 [Borzi Sul teorema di moltiplicazione delle operazioni funzionali distributive a determinazione unica. Boma, R. Ace. Lincei Eend., 7, 1898 (Sevi. 1), 16-21. Sulla generalizzazione della proprieta del deter- minante Wronskiano. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei R«nd., 7, 1898 {Sein. 1), 4,5-50. Sulla variazione annua della temperatura nel clima di Roma. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 (Sem. 1), 121-128, 157-l(i2. Sulla relazione fra il carattere termico di una stagione e quelle delle stagioni seguenti. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 {Sem. 1), 211-215. Le forme lineari alle differenze equivalenti alle I'oro aggiunte. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 {Sem. 1), 257-265, {Sem. 2), 46-55. Le operazioni equivalenti alle loro aggiunte. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 7, 1898 {Sem. 2), 74-82. Sulla eonvergenza delle frazioni continue algebriche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 28-33. Sulla rappresentazione approssimata di funzioni algebriche per mezzo di funzioni razionali. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 57-64. Boruttau, Heinrich. Zur Frage der specifischen Erre- gungszeit der motorisehen Nervenendigungen. Arch. Auat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1892, 454-466. Neue Untersuchunpen iiber die am Nerven unter der Wirkung erregender Einfliisse auftretenden elektrischen Erseheinungen. Pfiiiger, Arch. Physiol., 58, 1894, 1-68; 59, 1896, 47-60; 63, 1896, 145-158. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber den Cliemismus im Herz- und Korpermuskel. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 18, 1894, 513-524. Untersuchungen iiber den Lungenvagus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 61, 1895, 39-76. Graphische Rheotomversuche am Nerven, Kernleiter und Muskel. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 63, 1896, 158-170. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Nerven- und Muskelphy- siologie. [1896.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 65, 1897, 1-25. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber die Beziehungen des N. vagus zur Athmung und Verdauung. [1896.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 65, 1897, 26-40. Noehmals iiber den Lungenvagus. Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 817-822. Der Elektrotonus und die phasischen Aktionsstrome am marklosen Cephalopodennerven. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 66, 1897, 285-307. Ueber temporare Modificationen der elektrotonischen Strome des Nerven. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 351-388. Die Bedingungen fiir das Eintreten der secundaren Zuckung. Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 793-795. Ueber "elektrophysiologisehe Neuigkeiten." [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [24]. Elektrophysiologisehe Neuigkeiten. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 317-321. Zur Abwehr der Angriffe N. Cybulski's auf elektro- physiologischem Gebiete. [1898.] Centrbl. Physiol., 12, 1899, 382-387. Die Theorie der Nerveuleitung. Vorlaufige Mit- theilung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 76, 1899, 626-633. Erfahrungen iiber die Nebenniereu. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 78, 1899, 97-128. Die Aetionsstrome und die Theorie der Nervenleitung. Weitere vorlaufige Mittheilung. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. , 81, 1900, 360-368. BoryBlekiewicz, {Michael]. For biographical notice and v>rorks see Leopoldina, 35, 1899, 179. Cocain in der okulistischen Praxis. Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 292-296. Borzdynskij, . *0 pa.lBIITiir ropHarO U3BeCTHHKa no K)ro-3ana;tHOMy npH6peKi>K) OnefflLCKaro osepa. [Ueber die Verbreitung des Bergkalkes an dem siidwest- lichen Ufer des Onega-Sees.] St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 3, 1868, 80-83. Borzenkov, Ja. A. IIo cpaBHHieJbHOfi aHETOMiH. [On comparative anatomy.] Moscow Univ. Mem. (Nat. Hist.), 4, 1884, 1-242. Borzi, Antonino. Nouvelles etudes sur la sexualite des Ascomyc^tes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 5, 1884, 17-20. Protochytrium SpirogyrsB. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 16, 1884, 5-32. Nowakowskia, eine neue Chytridiee. Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 23-26. Inzengaea, ein neuer Askomycet. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss. Bot., 16, 1886, 450-463. Nuove Floridee mediterranee. Notarisia, 1, 1886, 70-72. Sporidi sorediali Amphiloma murorum, K'orb. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 20-24. Althenia filiformis, F. Pet. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 41. Le comunicazioni intracellulari delle Nostochinee. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 74-83, 97-108, 145-160, 197-203. Ibridi di Salix pedicellata, Desf. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 138. Vegetazione di piante settentrionali nel mezzogiorno. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 192-193. Di aleune lenticelle fogliari. [1886.] Malpighia, 1, 1887, 219-227. Formazione delle radici laterali nelle Monocotiledoni. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 391-413, 541-550; 2, [1888], 53-85, 394-402, 477-506. SuUo sviluppo della MicrochsBte grisea, Thr. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 486-491. Sullo sviluppo del Mischococcus confervicola, Naeg. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 133-147. La Quereus macedonica, Alph. DC, in Italia. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 158-164. Chlorotheeium Pirottas, Bzt. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 250-259. Ancora della Quereus macedonica, Alph. DC. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 379-385. Bargellinia, nuovo Ascomieete dell' orecchia umana. Malpighia, 2, [1888], 469-476. Eremotheeium Cymbalariae, nuovo Ascomieete. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 452-456. Xerotropismo nelle felci. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 476-483. Stadii anomorfici di aleune Alghe verdi. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 403-409. Botrydiopsis, nuovo genere di Alghe verdi. [1889.] Acireale, Soc. Ital. Micr. Boll., 1, [1891], 60-70. Di aleune piante avventizie dell' Agro Messinese. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 140-142. Dei metodi di coltura delle Cloroficee terrestri. Notarisia, 6, 1891, 1257-1267; Eiv. Ital. Sei. Nat., Siena, 11, 1891, 109-113. Noterelle algologiche. i. II gen. Dictyosphserium, Naeg., e le sue aflinit^. [ii. Sul gen. Botryococcus, Kuetz. III. Contribuzione alia morfologia e biologia del Porphytidiumeruentum, ATa?*;. iv. Sul genere Hariotina, Dangeard. v. Per la storia delle comunicazioni in- tracellulari delle Nostochinee. vi. II genere Ctenocladus, Borzi, et le sue aflBnit^. vii. Sui generi Microthamnion, Kuetz., e Leptosira, Borzi.] Nuova Notarisia, 2, 1891, 367-374, 374-376, 376-382, 382-384, 384-385, 385-387, 387-391. Contribuzione alia conoscenza del fasci bicoUaterali delle Crocifere e delle anomalie di essi. [1892.] Mal- pighia, 5, 1891, 316-331. Anomalie anatomiche del fusto di Phaseolus Caracalla, L. [1892.] Malpighia, 5, 1891, 372-385. Intorno alio sviluppo sessuale di aleune Feoficee inferiori. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 454-472. Borzi] 702 [Bosc L'acqua in rapporto alia vegetazione di alcune xerofile mediterranee. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 473-501. Alghe d' acqua dolce della Papuasia raccolte su cranii umani dissepolti. Nuova Notarisia, 3, 1892, 35-53. Contribuzioni alia biologia dei pericarpi. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 3-14. Cristalloidi nucleari di Convolvulus. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 1, 1894, 63-71. Contribuzioni alia biologia del frutto. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 1, 1894, 157-175. Note alia biologia delle xerofile della flora insulare mediterranea. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 1, 1894, 177-192. Ueber Dictyosphserium, Naeg. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Bar., 12, 1894, 248-255. [Sopra alcuni fatti che interessano la disseminazione delle piante per mezzo degli uccelli.] [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 160-161. Probabili accenni di conjugazione presso alcune Nostochinee. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 208-210. Un tipo anemofilo delle Epacridacee. Nat. Sicil., 1, 1896, 65-66. Apparecchi idrofori di alcune xerofile della flora mediterranea. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 3, 1896, 80-88. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza dei fenomeni di sensi- bility delle piante. [1897.] Nat. Sicil., 1, 1896, 168- 190. Action de la strychnine et de la brucine sur les organes sensibles des plantes. Arch. Ital. Biol., 32, 1899, 143-158. Note di biologia vegetale. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 43-80. Azione degli stricnici sugli organi sensibili delle piante. Contrib. Biol. Veg., 2, 1897-99, 261-279. Borzino, C. La linea di displuvio ; contribute alio studio della geografia fisica. [1893.] Kiv. Geogr. Ital., 1, 1894, 33-51. Valli aperte. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 522-534, 601-619. Borzone, . Sulla presenza del Triton alpestris (Laur.), in Piemonte. Torino Mus. Boll., 1, 1886, No. 6, 2 pp. Bob, D. Changes of volumes of dielectrics. Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 146-147. Bob, H[emmo]. lets over de nederlandsche mierenfauna. Tijdschr. Ent., 30, 1887, 181-198. ■ Mieren en bladluizen. Tijdschr. Ent., 31, 1888, 235- 244. Een vijand van het suikerriet, Apogonia destructor, n. sp. Tijdschr. Ent., 33, 1890, 311-348. Een nest van Lasius fuliginosus, Latr. Tijdschr. Ent., 36, 1893, 230-239. Bob, H. p. M. van der Horn van der. See Kom van der Bos. Bos, J. Bitzema. See Bitzema Bob. Bob, p. R. Phyto-phaenologische waarnemingen in Neder- land. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 11, 1894, 409-412; 12, 1895, 461-463; 18, 1896, 339- 340 ; 14, 1897, 411-412 ; 15, 1898, 695-696 ; 16, 1899, 636-637; 17, 1900, 797-798. De taak der phyto-phaenologie voorheen en thans. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 13, 1896, 313-338. Bosanquet, R[ol)ert\ H[olford] M[acdowall]. On a standard tension-galvanometer. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 27-30. On a determination of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetism at Oxford. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884 438-447. On electromagnets. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 531-536 • 19, 1886, 73-94, 333-340 ; 20, 1885, 318-323 ; 22, 1886 298-309, 535-539 ; 23, 1887, 338-350. Permanent magnets. Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 142-153 • 19, 1886, 57-59 ; 22, 1886, 500-502. On the supposed repulsion between magnetic lines of force. Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 494-495, The law of the electro-magnet and the law of the dynamo. Electrician, 16, 1886, 247. Silk V. wire, or the "ghost" in the galvanometer, Phil. Mag., 22, 1886, 540 ; 23, 1887, 149-150. The characteristics of dynamos, [1886.] Electrician, 18, 1887, 37-38. On the determination of coefficients of mutual in- duction by means of the ballistic galvanometer and earth-inductor. London Phys. Soc. Proc. , 8, 1887, 220- 228 ; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 412-420. Note on magnetization. On sequences of reversals. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 19-23 ; Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 60-63. On the production of sudden changes in the torsion of a wire by change of temperature. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 49-56; Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 160-166. On the use of the term "resistance " in the descrip- tion of physical phenomena. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 201-208 ; Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 419-425. On the calculation of the illuminating power of hydrocarbons and their mixtures, Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 120-130, 355-371. Mountain-sickness ; and power and endurance. Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 47-52. On a fixed system of star coordinates. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1895, 480-481. On the relation between precession and proper motion. Astr. Soc Month. Not., 55, 1896, 481-485. Bosanquet, William Cecil. Notes on a gregarine of the earthworm (Lumbricus herculeus). Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 421-433. On the anatomy of Nyctotherus ovalis. Micr. Soc Jl., 1895, 404-406. Bosc, F. J. Note sur les troubles de la nutrition dans I'hyst^rie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44, 1892 {C. R.), 376-379. Formule urinaire complete de I'attaque d'hyst^rie. (Formule chimique. Toxicite.) Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 723-727. Formule urinaire de I'attaque d'hysterie, d'epilepsie et de quelques attaques epileptiformes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 727-730. Des proprietes cholerigenes des humeurs de malades atteints de cholera asiatique. (Contribution k i'^tude de I'intoxication chol^rique.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 9 (1895), 507-516. Essais de disinfection par les vapeurs de formalde- hyde au moyen des proc^des de 31. Tkillat. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 299-308. Pathogenie et histogenese du cancer et des maladies a sporozoaires (clavelee, variole, vaccine, syphilis, trachome, etc.). Congr. Int. Med. C. K., 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect. 3), 194-199, (Vol. 7), xlv. Des bases de la prophylaxie. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1897 {Vol. 7, Sect. 14), 160-225. Du degre et des caract^res de la toxicity urinaire dans I'hystero-^pilepsie (urines paroxystiques et urines recueillies dans I'intervalle des attaques). Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 130-132. De la toxicite urinaire comme moyen de diagnostic entre certains cas de spasmes t^taniques d'origine hystdrique et le tetanos vrai. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 132-134. Considerations sur le m6canisme de I'immunite. Arch. de Physiol., 10, 1898, 72-84. Le cancer, maladie infectieuse a sporozoaires. Arch. de Physiol., 10, 1898, 458-471, 484-494. Les parasites du cancer et du sarcome (morphologie, repartition). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 541-544, Les parasites du cancer et du sarcome (coloration, structure, cycles de reproduction, dimorphisme dvolutif). Paris, Ac Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1161-1163. Bosc] 703 [Boaco Pathogenic et histogenfese du cancer (maladie para- sitaire). Paris, Ac. Set. C. E., 126, 1898, 1293-1295. Formes microbiennes et formes de granulation de Coccidium oviforme eu pullulation intracellulaire dans certaines tumeurs du foie du lapin. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. li.), 1156-1158. Eecherches sur la nature (parasitaire) de formations intracellulaires dans un cancer du sein. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. li.), 444-446. Contribution a I'etude des infections produites chez rhomme par le Micrococcus tetragenus septicus. (Un cas mortel de septic^mie d'allure chol6riforme avec ent^rocolite et peritonite suppur^es aigues, bronchite suppur^e et broncbo-pneumonie.) Recherches sur I'histologie pathologique de la bronchite et de ' la broncho-pneumonie a tetragenes. Arch. M^d. Exper., 12, 1900, 159-181. Les effets des injections salees dans le traitement de la fi^vre typhoide et de leurs indications. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Med. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 2), 12-17. Le sang rendu incoagulable comme milieu de culture. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1052-1053. De la culture de parasites (cancer, vaccine, clavelee, coccidie oviforme) dans le sang rendu incoagulable. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1053-1055. Bosc, F. J., & Bataill6, . Degre et caracteres de toxicity du formol. Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 457-458. Bosc, F. J., & Blanc, Marc. Des lesions de I'intestin dans les cas de hernie ^tranglee et d'engouement. Arch. Med. Exp^r., 8, 1896, 725-734. Du passage des microbes k, travers les parois de I'intestin hernie. (Contribution k I'etude des p^ritonites herniaires; deductions pratiques.) Arch. Med. Exper., 8, 1896, 735-747. Bosc, F. J., Sc Delezenne, C[amille]. Imputrescibilit^ du sang rendu incoagulable par I'extrait de sangsue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 465-467. De I'immunite conferee par quelques substances anti- coagulantes. De son m^canisme : excitation de la phagocytose, augmentation du pouvoir bactericide du sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 500-503. Bosc, F. J., & Oalavielle, L. Onchomycose trichophytique. Etude anatomique et biologique du champignon. Ann. de Dermat., 7, 1896, 1365. Broncho-pneumonie et pneumonie exp^rimentales par inoculations intratracheales de t^trag^ne. Paris, Soc, Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 981-983. Eecherches sur le Micrococcus tetragenus, k I'occasion d'un tetragene virulent recueilli chez I'homme. (Mor- phologic, d^veloppement, virulence, processus patholo- gique.) Arch, M^d. Exp^r., 11, 1899, 70-95. Bosc, F. J., & Blairet, A[lbert]. See Blairet & Bosc. Bosc, F. J., & Vedel, V. Eecherches exp^rimentales sur les effets des injections intraveineuses massives de solutions salees simples et composees. Effets physio- logiques des injections intraveineuses d'eau distillee, d'eau ordinaire, de solutions salves simples (chlorure de sodium), fortes et faibles et de solutions salines composees (chlorure de sodium et sulfate de sonde). Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 937-951. Eecherches exp^rimentales sur les effets des injections intraveineuses massives des solutions salines simples et composees. (Determination de leur valeur en vue de leur application a la th^rapeutique.) Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 63-65. Traitement des infections experimentales (colibacil- laires) par les injections intraveineuses massives de la solution salee simple (NaCl k 7 pour 1000) et de leur mode d'action. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 820- 322. Eecherches sur Taction toxique de I'eau distillee en injections intraveineuses (degri et caracteres de sa toxicity immediate et eioignee). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 612-615. Eecherches experimentales sur Taction de Teau ordinaire en injections intraveineuses (doses mortelles, doses non mortelles). Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 733-735. Eecherches sur la toxicite et les effets des solutions fortes (7 p. 100) de chlorure de sodium en injection intraveineuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 736-738. Eecherches experimentales sur les effets et la valeur physiologique des injections massives de la solution saiee simple (NaCl a 5 et 7 p. 1000), et de la solution saline composee (chlorure de sodium et sulfate de sonde k 7 p. 1000). Injections isoiees et en serie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 749-752. Des injections intraveineuses massives de la solution saiee simple (NaCl ^ 7 p. 1000) dans le traitement de Tinfection colibacillaire experimentale. Arch, de Physiol., 9, 1897, 44-59. Etude comparee des injections intraveineuses massives d'eau de mer et de solution saiee simple. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 518-520. Toxicite de Teau de mer. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 842-845. De la valeur de Tosmonocivite dans la recherche de la toxicite des liquides en injections intraveineuses et en particulier de Turine. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 2), 509-515; Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900,918-932. Bosc d' Antic, Louis Aiigustin Guillaume. To biographical reference (Vol. 12) add Abeille, 26, 1889 (Les Entom. et leurs Ecrits, 281-284). Bosca, Eduardo. [Observaciones sobre un ejemplar de Buginvillea.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 (Act.), 48-49. La ovoviviparidad observada en el Gongylus Bedriagai. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 (Act.), 92-95. [Moluscos fosiles encontrados en Valencia.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 21, 1892 (Act.), 71-74. Noticias sobre un meteorito caido en Quesa (Valencia). Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 27, 1898 (Act.), 207-209; 28, 1899 (Act.), 53-56; Chem. Soc. Jl., 78, 1900 (Abs., Ft. 2), 415. Noticias sobre una colecci6n paleontologica regalada al Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Valencia. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899 (Act.), 82-90. Boseta, F. J. Von Eebeuk-Ehlert's dreifaches Horizontal- pendel. Centrztg. Optik, 20, 1899, 141-143. Boschi, Cesare. Sul contenuto in ferro ed acido fosforico dei vini di Genzano e di Sutri ed alcuue considerazioni sul valore igienico dei vini. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital. , 28, cbimico-agraria della colti- Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1896, 1895, 657-670. Contributo alia statica vazione del limone. Staz. 708-719. BoBchi, Cesare, & Danesi, Leobaldo. See Danes! & Boscbi. Boschi, Cesare, & Glunti, Michele. See Oiunti & Boschi. Boscbi, Cesare, & Iiazzarl, A, Analisi di vini genuini delle provincie di Eoma, Bari, Lecce, Potenza, Cosenza, Catanzaro, Eeggio-Calabria. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 21, 1891, 399-409. Boschi, Cesare, Giuntl, Michele, & TortelU, M. See aiunti, Tortelll & Boschi. Boschi, Pietro. For biographical notice see Bologna Eend., 1887-88, 10-12. Boschitz, Gottlieb. Eesultate der magnetiscben Messungen in den Jahren 1881 bis 1884 im Observatorium der Wolfsegg-Traunthaler Kohlenwerks- and Eisenbahn- Gesellschaft zu Holzleithen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 32, 1884, 418-421. Bosco, Camillo. Hystrix etrusca, n. sp. Palaeontographia Ital., 4, 1899, 141-163. Bosco] 704 [Bosisto I Roditori Pliocenici del Valdarno superiore. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 {Sent. 2), 261-265; Palaeon- tographia Ital., 5, 1900, 85-104. Boseogrande, Stefano di. Sopra alcuni derivati del guaiacol. Ronaa, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2) 33-35. Due nuovi derivati del guaiacol. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 {Sem. 2), 306-307. Bose, Chuni Lai, & Warden, G[harles'] J[ames'] H[islop\ See VTarden & Bose. Bose, Emil [Hermann]. Studien iiber Zersetzungsspan nungen. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1898-99, 153-177 Beitrag zur Diffusionstheorie. Ztschr. Physikal Chem., 29, 1899, 658-660. Ueber eine neue Art von Gravitationselementen Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 {Abth. 2a), 4-9. Ueber Gaskoneentrationsketten mit und ohne Niveau unterschied und eine neue Art von Gravitationselementen Phys. Ztschr., 1, 1900, 228-230. Ueber eine praktische Form von Normal-Elementen und Normalelektroden. [1900.] Ztschr. Elektroch. 1899-1900, 457-459. Untersuchungen iiber die elektromotorische Wirk samkeit der elementaren Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem. 34, 1900, 701-760. Bose, Emil [Hermann], & Abegg, Richard [Wilhelm Heinrich]. See Abegg & Bose. Bose, Emil [Hermann], & Jiittner, F. Ueber die Eigen- schaften der Beequcrel-Strahlen. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 417-420. Bose, Emil [Hermann], & Nemst, Walther. See Nernst & Bose. Bose, Jagadis Chunder. On polarisation of electric rays by double refracting crystals. [1895.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 64 (Pt. 2), 1896, 291-296. On the determination of the indices of refraction of various substances for the electric ray. i. Index of refraction of sulphur, [ii. Index of refraction of glass.] [1895-97.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 160-167; 62, 1898, 293-300. On a complete apparatus for the study of the properties of electric waves. [1896.] Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 55-68. On the determination of the wave-length of electric radiation by diffraction grating. [1896.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 167-178. On a complete apparatus for investigations on electro- magnetic radiation. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verh., 1897, 86- 103. Sur un appareil complet pour les recherches relatives aux ondes ^lectromagn^tiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 676-678. On the selective conductivity exhibited by certain polarising substances. Roy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 433-436. On the influence of the thickness of air-space on total reflection of electric radiation. [1897.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 62, 1898, 300-310. On the rotation of plane of polarisation of electric waves by a twisted structure. Roy. Soc. Proc, 63, 1898, 146-152. On the production of a " dark cross" in the field of electromagnetic radiation. Roy. Soc. Proc, 63, 1898 152-155. Electromagnetic radiation and the polarisation of the electric ray. [1897.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 15, 1899. 293-308. On a self-recovering coherer and the study of the action of different metals. [1899.] Roy. Soc. Proc 65, 1900, 166-172. — — On the similarity of effect of electrical stimulus on inorganic and living substances. Electrician, 45, 1900 774-777, 864-865, 897-901. On the periodicity in the electric touch of chemical elements. Preliminary notice. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 450-451. On electric touch and the molecular changes produced in matter by electric waves. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 452-474. Bose, Koilas C. Diabetes mellitus and its prevention. [1894.] Indian Med. Gaz., 30, 1896, 135-144. Bose, Pramatha Nath. Note on lignite near R4ipur, Central Provinces. India Geol. Surv. Records, 17, 1884, 130-131. Geology of the lower Narbada valley between Nimawar and Kawant. [1884.] India Geol. Surv. Mem., 21, 1885 (Art. 1), 72 pp. The iron industry of the western portion of the district of Raipur. India Geol. Surv. Records, 20, 1887, 167-170. ■ Notes on the igneous rocks of the districts of Raipur and Balaghat, Central Provinces. India Geol. Surv. Records, 21, 1888, 56-61. The manganese-iron and manganese-ores of Jabalpur. India Geol. Surv. Records, 21, 1888, 71-89. Notes on some mica-traps from Barakar and Raniganj. India Geol. Surv. Records, 21, 1888, 163-165. The manganiferous iron and manganese ores of Jabalpur. India Geol. Surv. Records, 22, 1889, 216-226. The Darjiling coal between the Lisu and the Ramthi rivers, explored during season 1889-90. India Geol. Surv. Records, 23, 1890, 237-258. Extracts from the journal of a trip to the glaciers of the Kabru, Pandim, etc. India Geol. Surv. Records, 24, 1891, 46-68. Further note on the Darjiling coal exploration. India Geol. Surv. Records, 24, 1891, 212-217. Note on the geology and miueial resources of Sikkim. India Geol. Surv. Records, 24, 1891, 217-230. Note on granite in the districts of Tavoy and Mergui. India Geol. Surv. Records, 26, 1893, 102-103. Notes on the geology of a part of the Tenasserim valley with special reference to the Tendau-Kamapying coal-field. India Geol. Surv. Records, 26, 1893, 148-164. Report [on the great earthquake of 12th June 1897, Eastern Bengal]. India Geol. Surv. Mem., 29, 1899, 314-317. Bosek, Otto. 0 pusobeni sirovodika na roztoky anti- moniCn^. [On the action of hydrogen sulphide on antimonic acid solutions.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tflda 2), 3, 1894, No. 31, 19 pp. ; Chem. Soc. JI., 67, 1895, 515-527. Boseley, L[eonard] Kidgell. The analysis of marmalade. Analyst, 23, 1898, 123-127. Boseley, L[eonard] Kidgell, & Richmond, Henry Droop. See Ricliinond & Boseley. Bosellini, P. L., & Majocchi, Domenico. See Majocchi & Bosellini. • Bosetti, E. Ueber Ammoniumbromid. Arch. Pharm., 227, 1889, 120-121. Zur Priifung des Copaivabalsams. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (Th. 2, mufte 2), 624-626. Bosi, Italo. Sulla resistenza elettrica delle soluzioni saline in movimento. Nuovo Cimento, 5, 1897, 249-266. Bosi, Luigi. Inviluppo di un sistema notevole di curve. Giorn. Mat., 35, 1897, 120-124, 353. Bosio, G[uido]. Infiuenza della temperatura sulla reazione di Griess per i nitriti nelle acque potabiii. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 23, 1892, 309. Bosis, Francesco de. For biographical notice see Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 30. *Le burrasche di mare osservate 1' anno 1865 in Ancona. Nuovo Cimento, 25, 1867, 129-143. Bosisto, Joseph. The indigenous vegetation of Australia, with special reference to the Eucalypti. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 212-214. Note on Daviesia latifolia. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1890, 554. Bosisto] 705 [Boss Kinos. Pharm. Jl., 5, 1897, 193. Daviesia latifolia. Pharm. Jl., 6, 1898, 187. Bosmans, {le rev. pere) Henri. Le de^'r6 dn m^ridien terrestre mesur^ par la distance des paralldles de Berg- op- Zoom et de Malines par Willebrord Snellius. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 24, 1900 {Pt. 2), 111-132. Bosniaakl, S. de. Flora fossile del Verrucano nel Monte Pisano. [1890-94.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 184-19.5; 9, 1894-96, 167-171. Bosredon. See Iiac de Bosredon. Boss, Lewin. *Comets : tlieir composition, purpose and effect upon the Earth. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 1-7. *Comet b 1883 (Brooks). Science, 2, 1883, 449. Observations of Comet 1882 I with the thirteen-inch refractor of the Dudley Observatory. Astr. Nachr., 110, 1885, 193-198. Comet Finlay. Sidereal Messenger, 5, 1886, 277. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1887... {Brooks Jan. 22). [1887.] Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 160; Astr. JL, 7, 1888, 63, 85. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1887... (Barnard Febr. 15). Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 207-208. Elements and ephemeris of Comet of Finlay (1876 e). [1886.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 7. Observations of the Comet 1886 e (Finlay), made at the Dudley Observatory, Albany. [1886-87.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 21-22, 52-53. On the orbit of the periodic Comet 1886 e (Finlay). [1886-87.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 23-24, 43-47, 56, 88. Note on a star-position in Yarnall's Washington Catalogue. [1887.1 Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 54-55. Filar-micrometer observations of Comets 1887 b (Brooks) and 1887 c (Barnard) made at the Dudley Observatory, Albany. [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 61. Eing-raicrometer observations of Comet 1887 d (Barnard, Feb. 16). [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 84. Note on Comet 1886 e (Finlay). [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 84. Elements and ephemeris of the Comet 1887 e (Barnard, May 12). [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 96. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1887 e made at the Dudley Observatory. [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 103. Variability of DM. 3°, 766. [1887.] Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 125. Occultations observed during the naoon's eclipse, 1888 Jan. 28. Astr. Jl., 7, 1888, 189. [Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1888... (Brooks Aug. 7).] [1888.] Astr. Nachr., 119, 1888, 350; Sidereal Messenger, 7, 1888, 353-354; Astr. Jl., 8, 1889, 80, 101. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1888 a, made at the Dudley Observatory. [1888.] Astr. Jl., 8, 1889, 7. Elements and ephemeris of Comet 1888 a. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 8. Proper motion of the star W.B. VI, 1500. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 16. Elliptic elements of Comet 1888 a. [1888. ] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 22-23, 38. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1888 a, made at the Dudley Observatory. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 36-37. Note on Comet 1888 a. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 72. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1888 c (Brooks), made at the Dudley Observatory. [1888-89.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 79, 130. — . — Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1888 e (Bar- nard), made at the Dudley Observatory. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 103, 111, 132. — . — Filar-micrometer observations of Comet 1888 c (Brooks), made at the Dudley Observatory. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 103. Elements and ephemeris of Comet 1888 e (Barnard). [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 104, 110, 128. Observations of comets made at the Dudley Observa- tory. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 313-114. Observation of Comet 1888 'f (Barnard), made at the Dudlev Observatory, Albany. [1888.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 133, 144. Ephemeris of Comet 1888 e (Barnard). [1888-89.] Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 142-143, 149. Filar-micrometer observations of comets, made at the Dudley Observatory. Astr. JL, 8, 1889, 151. Systematic corrections of star-positions near the equator, with a note on the constants of solar motion. [1889.] Astr. JL, 9, 1890, 17-22, 25-29, 168. Proper motions of stars in the Albany Zone ( -\- 0° 50' to 5° 10' for 1855). [1889.] Astr. JL, 9, 1890, 57-64, 168. A determination of the solar motion. Astr. JL, 9, 1890, 161-165. Positions of comparison stars determined at Albany. [1890.] Astr. JL, 10, 1891, 49-53. Elements and ephemeris of Comet 6 1890. [1890.] Astr. JL, 10, 1891, 53. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet b 1890, made at the Dudley Observatory. [1890.] Astr, JL, 10, 1891, 54. Filar-micrometer observations of Comets b and c 1890, made at the Dudley Observatory. [1890.] Astr. JL, 10, 1891, 61-62. Elements and ephemeris of Comet c 1890 (Denning). [1890.] Astr. JL, 10, 1891, 68. Positions of 465 comparison- stars determined at Albany. [1890.] Astr. JL, 10, 1891, 75-80, 81-85. Filar-micrometer observations of Comet c 1890 (Denning), made with the 13-inch equatorial of the Dudley Observatory. [1890.] Astr. JL, 10, 1891, 86. Proper motions of 27 southern stars. Astr. JL, 11, 1892, 105-107. [Observations of Comet / 1892 (Holmes).] At the Dudley Observatory. [1892-93.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 126, 143; 13, 1894, 48. Elements and ephemeris of Comet / 1892. [1892.] Astr. JL, 12, 1893, 149-151, 184; 13, 1894, 182. Elements of Comet b 1893. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 658. Concerning the orbit of Comet III 1892, and on the fluctuations in brightness of that Comet. [1893.] Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 30-32. The Comet of Holmes, 1892 III. [1893.] Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 82-83. Elements and ephemeris of Comet b 1893. [1893.] Astr. JL, 13, 1894, 116-117. Elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1894 (Denning). [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 16, 31. Observations of Comet a 1894 (Denning), made at the Dudley Observatory. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 22, 31. Observations of comets, made at the Dudley Observa- tory. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 38, 64. ElHptic elements of Comet a 1894 (Denning). [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 39. Observations of Comet b 1894 (Gale) and of asteroid (103) Hera, made at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, N.Y. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 63-64. Elements and ephemeris of (103) Hera. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 67. Ephemeris of Chaldffla (3X3). [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 80. Observations of Comet b 1894, made at the Dudley Observatory. [1894.] Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 112. The new Dudley Observatory. Astr. JL, 14, 1896, 169-174. Observations of small planets, made at the Dudley Observatory, Albany. Astr. Jl. , 15, 1896, 17-18. 88 Boss] 706 Astr. Meridian observations of Algol and other stars. Jl., 15,1895, 44-46. On the proper motion of Algol. Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 49-53. New elements of Pfanets (313) and (846). Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 87-88. Elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1895 (Swift). Astr. Jl., 15, 1895, 136; Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 336. Observations of Comet a 1895 (Swift), made at the Dudley Observatory, Albany. Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 144, 157. Elliptic elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1895. Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 152. New elliptic elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1895 (Swift). Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 158. Flexure and division-correction of the circles of the meridian instrument at Albany. Astr. JL, 16, 1896, 189- 194, 197-201 ; 17, 1897, 133-136. Note on Professor Newcomb's determination of the constant of precession and on the Paris conference of 1896. [1897-98.] Astr. JL, 18, 1898, 9-12, 113-118, 169-176; 19, 1899, 4-5. Standard stars south of declination - 20°. [1898.] Astr. JL, 19, 1899, 121-143, 164. BosBaert, J. Etude sur I'agglutination compar^e du vibrion chol^rique et des microbes voisins par le s6rum sp^cifique et par les substances chimiques. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 12 (1898), 857-868. BoBsaert, J., & Iiainbotte, . See X>ainbotte & BoBsaert. Bossalino, Domenico. Contributo alio studio dei tessuti mucosi. Arch. Sci. Med., 17, 1893, 423-430. • Intorno alle infezioni vacciniche della cornea. Arch. Sci. Med., 22, 1898, 273-291. Bossalino, Domenico, & HaUauer, Oltto]. Ein Fall von subconjunctivalem Angiom. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 (Abth. 3), 186-197. BossaUno, Domenico, & MeUinger, Carl. See SEellinger & Bossalino. Bossano, Paul B. Attenuation du virus tetanique par le passage sur le cobaye. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 1172-1174. Traitement du tetanos par la greffe palustre. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 41, 1889 (C. B.), 484-486. Bossano, Paul B., & SteuUet, A. Resistance des germes tetaniques a I'action de certains antiseptiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 614-616. Bosscha, H[ugo'\ C[onstantijn\. For biographical notice see 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1898-99 (Verg.), 21-22. Het verdampingsvermogen van stoomketels. [1893.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1892-93 (Verh.), 169-184. Mededeeling omtrent Wybe Adam, nederlandsch ingenieur der X"VIF» eeuw. [1895.] 's Gravenhage Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1895-96 (Verh.), 1-3. Bosscba, H[erman] P[i>te?-]. Primaire, secundaire en tertiaire netvliesbeelden na momentane lichtsindrukken. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd. VersL, 34, 1893, 39 pp.; Arch. f. Ophthalm., 40, 1894 (Abth. 1), 22-42. Bosscha, J[ohannes]. *Rapport.... Thermom^trie et dilatation. Ann. Conserv. Arts et M4t., 10, 1873, 76-81. Relation des experiences qui ont servi a la construction de deux mfetres ^talons en platine iridic, compares directement avec le M^tre des Archives. Eapport pr^sentd au Ministre des Travaux Publics, du Commerce et de I'Industrie, par la commission chargee de repevoir et de transporter en Hollande les nouveaux etalons du gouvernement des Pays-Bas. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 1, 1886, 65-144; 2, 1886, 1-85, 116-120. Analyse des erreurs caus^es, dans les mesures micro- m^triques, par une mise au point d^fectueuse. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 2, 1886, 89-111. [Bossert Antwoord op het advies van den Heer F. C. Donders [betreffende standaardmeter en -kilogram]. Amsterdam, Ak. VersL en Meded., 3, 1887, 426-449. Etudes relatives k la comparaison du m^tre inter- national avec le prototype des Archives. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 113, 1891, 344-346. Les equations des nouvelles copies du M^tre des Archives. Arch. N^erland., 25, 1892, 165-226. Sur la precision des comparaisons d'un m^tre k bouts avec un m^tre k traits. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 950-953. [Inlichtingen over fouten in Eegnault's proeven om- trent de leer der warmte.] Amsterdam, Ak. VersL, [1], 1893, 180-194. Sur un probl^me relatif k la variation simultan^e de courants eiectriques dans un systeme de conducteurs lin^aires. Arch. N^erland., 26, 1893, 459-469. Christian Huygens. Eev. Sci., 4, 1895, 609-622; Arch. N^erland., 29, 1896, 352-412; Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 82-88; Ciel et Terre, 17 (1896-97), 173-182, 202- 207, 289-299. Eemarques sur les normales barom^triques et leur usage dans la provision du temps. Arch. N^erland., 5, 1900, 529-541, 679. Bosscba, J[ohannes], DGTaals, Jlohannes] D[iderik] van der, & Ziorentz, Hlendrik] Alntoon]. Eapport over de plaatsing en inrichting der bliksemafleiders op het Eijks- Museum van Schilderijen te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 4, 1888, 121-125. Eapport over de beproeving der bliksemafleiders op het Eijks-Museum te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 6-8. Bosscha, J. ijun.). Eemarques sur les inclusions de certains quartz des porphyres. Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 1, 1885, 169-175. Ueber die Geologic von Huelba (Siid-Spanien). Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 {Bd. 2), 230-234. Sur la meteorite de Karang-Modjo, ou Magetan. Arch. Neerland., 21, 1887, 177-200; Neues Jbuch. Min. {Beit.- Bd.), 5, 1887, 126-144. Bosschere, Charles de. Quelques fleurs d'Orchidees. Brux. Soc. Linn. Bull., 16, 1891, 125-152. Bosse, (Mevr.) Anna VTeber van. See "Weber van Bosse. Bosse, Bruno . Augenhintergrundsbefunde bei Schwangeren und Wochnerinnen. [1900.] Arch. Augenheilk., 42, 1901, 167-170. Bosse, Carl. Ueber den Stellungsnachweis im Monome- thylather des Dimethylphloroglucins. Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 26), 822-837 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1900, 1021- 1036. Bosse, K. K., & Holden, Ward A. See Holden & Bosse. Bosse, Wilhelm. On the problem of aerial navigation. Amer. Engineer & Eailroad JL, 69, 1895, 45-46, 99. The metric system. Amer. Engineer & Eailroad JL, 70, 1896, 137. BoBseboeuf, Francois. La structure du petiole dans les diverses especes du genre Quercus. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 260-265, 814. Bossel, Fr[iedrich'\, & Oraebe, Charles. See Oxaebe & Bossel. Bossert, Joseph F\i'angois']. Observations faites k I'equa- torial Secretan-Eichens de 1866 a 1870. Eeductions. [1889.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsns.), 1883, G, 21 pp. Latitudes de diverses stations deduites au moyen de circummeridiennes du Soleil (3e voyage du Dr. Crevaux). Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. E., 1884, 169-170. Orbite de la Com^te Tempel-Swift (1869 III-1880 IV). Bull. Astr., 2, 1885, 550-564; 3, 1886, 23-26, 65-78; 8, 1891, 185-191. Determination des mouvements propres des etoiles du Catalogue de I'Observatoire de Paris. Bull. Astr., 4, 1887, 509-515; 8, 1891, 369-376. Bossert] 707 [Bostwick Catalogue des mouvements propres de 2641 etoiles. [1896.] Paris Obs. Ann. (Obsiis.), 1888, E, 60 pp. Observations des cometes faites k I'equatorial de Gambey de I'Observatoire de Paris de 1835 4 1855. EMuctions. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mem.), 19, 1889, D, 95 pp. Note sur la Com^e Tempei-Swift (1869 III-1880 IV). Bull. Astr. , 7, 1890, 92-93. Tableau synoptique des mouvements propres des Etoiles. Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 98-105. Elemente und Ephemeride des dritten Tempel'schen Cometen (1869 III) fiir seine Wiederkehr im Jahre 1891. Astr. Nachr., 127, 1891, 271-272. Ephemeride de la Com^te Tempels- Swift (1891...). Astr. Nachr., 128, 1891, 291-292, 375-376. Determination des mouvements propres de quelques etoiles. Bull. Astr., 9, 1892, 216-219. Supplement a I'Histoire celeste de Lalande. Catalogue de 3950 etoiles dont les coordonnees moyennes sont ramen^es k I'^quinoxe de 1800.0. Paris Obs. Ann. (Mem.), 21, 1895, A, 176 pp. Orbite de la Comete Tempel-Swift (1869 III-1880 IV). Bull. Astr., 14, 1897, 9-23. BoBsert, Joseph F[rangois], de Schulhof, Leopold. See SchuUiof & Bossert. Bosshard, A. Das ziircherische Oberland. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 31, 1896, 267-278. Bossbard, E[mil]. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Amido- sauren zu Kali- und Barytlauge, sowie zu Magnesia. Fresenius, Ztschr., 23, 1884, 160-165. Ein Nebelbild auf dem Calanda. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 24, 1889, 424-426. Wein-Analysen. Fresenius, Ztschr., 29, 1890, 551- 556 ; Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 39-44. Beitrage zur Kenntniss biindnerischer Trinkwasser. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 45-52. Neue Analysen der Sauerquellen des Kurhauses St. Moritz. (Alte Quelle und Paracelsusquelle.) Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 35, 1892, 187-192 ; 36, 1893, [179]. Ueber die Anwendung des Thermometers zu Hohen- messungen. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 28, 1893, 373- 380. Ueber Herkunft und Entstehung der Fohnstiirme. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 87, 1894, 88-117. Precede de Hiezel pour extraire le sel de ses solutions au moyen du froid. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 396; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1896, 84. Elmsfeuer und Blitzgefahr im Gebirge. Schweiz. Alpenclub Jbuch., 33, 1898, 292-300. Chemische Analyse der Trinkquelle Chasellas bei der Unter-Alpina in Campfer (Ober-Engadin). Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 43, 1900, 105-107. Bosshard, £[771^7], & Schulze, Elrtist], See Scbnlze & Bosshard. Bosshard, E[mil], Schulze, E[rnst], & Bteiger, Elduard]. See Schulze, Bteiger & Bosshard. Bosshard, Heinrich. Zur Kenntnis der Verbindungsweise der Skelettstiicke der Arme und Ranken von Antedon rosacea, Linck (Comatula mediterranea, Lam.). Jena. Ztschr., 34, 1900, 65-112. Bossi, Amaldo L., & Dunstan, Wyndham Rlowland]. See Danstan & Bossi. Bossi, Amaldo L., & Nietzkl, Rludolf]. See Nietzki & Bossi. Bossi, L. M. Sur Taction ecbolique du sucre administre durant I'accouchement. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21, 1894, 300- 301. Sur la rapidite de reproduction de la muqueuse de I'uterus chez la femme apres le raclage. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 1896, 51-55. Bossi, Ugo. Sulla dimetilfenilcumalina. [1898.] Gazz. Chim, Ital., 29 (1899, Pt. 1), 1-12. Bosso, Giuseppe. Ueber eine neue Infektionskrankheit des Rindviehs. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 22, 1897, 537- 542. Neuer Beitrag zum Studium der Mikroorganismen der SepticiBmia haemorrhagica beim Rinde. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 23, 1898, 318-323. Septikamie bei einem Seekalbe. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 52-55. Bosso, Giuseppe, &Perroncito, Edoardo. SeeVexxonciXo & Bosso. BoBsowski, Alexander. Ueber das Vorkommen von Mikroorganismen in Operationswunden unter dem anti- septischen Verbande. Wien. Med. Wschr., 37, 1887, 229-232, 257-260. Bossung, E[_ugen\, & Bdinger, Albert. See Edinger & Bossung. Bossut, Louis. Etude de statique physique. Calcul des actions mutuelles des solides en contact. Nouv. Ann. Math., 12, 1893,^ 239-256. Note relative a la theorie mathematique de I'elasticite. Nouv. Ann. Math., 14, 1896, 141-145. Bost, Charles A . The balance roof for telescope buildings. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 189,3, 400-401. Bosteaux-Faris, Charles. Etude sur I'origine des grottes souterraines creusees dans la craie aux environs de Reims. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 328-331. Derniers vestiges de monuments megalithiques aux environs de la ville de Reims. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 331-335. Decouveite d'un squelette d'auroch a Cernay. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1888 (Pt. 2), 398-399. Sujets en bronze d'un caractSre oriental chaldeen provenant d'une fouille gauloise faite k Vaudesincourt (Marne). Ass. Franp. C, R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 645-647. Decouvertes et fouilles du cimeti^re gaulois des Bouverets, territoire de Beine (Marne). Ass. Frang. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 588-594. Fouille d'une tombe gauloise au lieu dit Les Charmes, territoire de Cernay-lez-Reims. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 2), 595. Comparaison entre le frontal d'un "Bos priscus" et le frontal d'un "aurochs." Ass, Franc;. C. R. , 1893 (P«. 2), 677-678. A propos d'une faucille en silex trouvee en Egypte. Ass. Franc?. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 2), 758-759. Decouverte de sepultures de I'epoque Hallstattienne et tumulus des environs de Reims. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1894 (Pt. 2), 698-704. Bostock, A. L. Practical dental histology. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 35, 1892, 193-201. Bostock, E. "Introductory observations on the Acarinee. N. Staff. Field Club Rep., 1887, 109-119. Bostock, George H. Improved chemical apparatas. Chem. News, 57, 1888, 213-214. Bostroem, Eugen. Empoisonnement par les helvelles. Jl. Pharm., 9, 1884, 410-411. *Zur Pathogenese der Knochencysten. [1883.] Frei- burg Ber., 8, [1886] (Suppl.), 89-110. Ueber pathogene Schimmelpilze. [1886.] Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 25, 1887, 132-133. Untersuchungen iiber die Aktinomykose des Menschen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 9, 1891, 1-240. Ueber die pialen Epidermoide, Dermoide und Lipome und duralen Dermoide. Centrbl. Path., 8, 1897, 1-98. Bostwick, Arthur E, The influence of light on the electrical resistances of metals. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 133-145. A new form of absorption cell. Amer. Jl. Sci., 30, 1886, 452. On a means of determining the limits of distinct vision. Science, 8, 1886, 232. Preliminary note on the absorption spectra of mixed liquids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 471-473. Consecutive lightning flashes. Science, 17, 1891, 361. 89—2 Bostwick] 708 [Botkin Residual personality. Science, 20, 1892, 284. Some conflicting estimates of distance. Science, 21, 1893, 269-270. Binocular vision. Science, 21, 1893, 345-346. Space relation of numbers. Science, 22, 1893, 110-111. The theory of probabilities. Science, 3, 1896, 66-67. Boswarva, J. A catalogue of the marine Algae of Ply- mouth. [1888.] {Posth.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 1887-88, 153-163. BOBwell, Henry. For biographical notice and works see Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 1.S2-137. Oxfordshire mosses. Jl. Bot., 23, 1886, 3-7. Jamaica mosses and Hepaticse. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 45-50, 118. New or rare British and Irish mosses. Jl. Bot. , 25, 1887, 111-112. New exotic mosses. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 97-99. Some New Zealand mosses and HepaticsB. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 78-84. BoBwell, John Thomas Irvine. See Byrne, John Thomas Irvine Boswell-. BoBworth, Francke H. The function of the tonsils, with some practical suggestions in regard to their diseases. {With discussion.'] Congr. Int. Sci. M^d. C. K., 1884 (T. 4, Laryngol.), 54-61. The clinical significance of fibrinous exudations upon the mucous membrane of the upper air-passages. [With disciission.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 39, 1884, 569-572. The relation of laryngeal to pulmonary diseases. N. Y. Med. JL, 40, 1884, 428-430. The three tonsils; some practical suggestions as to their structure, function and diseases. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884. 440-442. Hay fever, asthma, and allied affections. [1885.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 462-465, 488-493. An additional note on the therapeutic action of cocaine. N. Y. Med. Jl., 43, 1886, 322-324. On the relation of the nasal and neurotic factors in the aetiology of asthma. [1888.] N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 57-59. Various forms of disease of the ethmoid cells. N. Y. Med. JL, 54, 1891, 505-507. The relation of vaso-motor disturbances to diseases of the upper air-tract. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1896, 655-656, 766-769. The relation of pathological conditions in the ethmoid region of the nose and asthma. Treatment. N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 738-740. Bosworth, Francke H. (et alii). [Discussion of the relation of peripheral irritations to disease,] N. Y. Med. JL, 52, 1890, 21-23. Botanical Club of Canada. Fhenological observations, Canada, [1895-99]. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1896, liv-lxi; 3, 1897, Ixvi-lxix ; 4, 1898, Ixxiv-lxxxiii; 5, 1899, Ixii-lxxiii ; 6, 1900, Ajjpend. C, Iv-lix. • The average dates for the "first flowering" of ten plants in each county of Nova Scotia in the year 1898. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1899, xlv-xlix. Bot&r, Gyula. A?. 6-Antaltarnai Ede-remenyvagat geologiai szerkezete. [Geologischer Bau des Alt Antoni-Stollner Eduard-Hoffnuntrsschlages.] [1890.] Magyar Foldt. Int. Evk., 9, [1890-92], 19-25; Ung. Geol. Anst, Mitth., 9, 1890-98, 21-28. Botelho, Eduardo Rodrigues Vieira da Costa. See Vieira da Costa Botelho. Botelho da Costa, Joaquim Vieira. See Vieira Botelbo da Costa. Botella y de Homos, Federico de. For biography and list of works see Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 28, 1899, 351-361. Nota sobre la alimentaci6n y desaparicion de las grandes lagunas peninsulares. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884 [Act.), 79-90. Nota sobre la alimentaci6n y desaparici6n de los lagos Terciarios peninsulares. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1886 (Act.), 27-37. Observations sur les tremblements de terre de I'Anda- lousie du 25 d^cembre 1884 et semaines suivantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 196-197. Les tremblements de terre de Malaga et Grenade, en 1884. [Tr.] Rev. Univ. Mines, 18, 1886, 286-313. — [Sobre la orografia de la Peninsula.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 25, 1896 (Act.), 121. Botey, R. Possibilite des injections trach^ales chez I'homme, comme voie d'introduction des medicaments. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 197-199. Experiences d'evulsion de I'etrier chez les animaux. [1890.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 21, 1891, 332. Botezat, Eugen. Die Nervenendigungen an den Tast- haaren von Saugethieren. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 50, 1897, 142-169. Botfield. See Oamett-Botfield. Both, E. Chemisch-mechanische Untersuchuug zweier Bodenarten der Umgegend von Astrachan. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 24, 1885, 17-26. Both, H. von. Ein Fall von Hernia funiculi umbilicalis besonderer Art. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 38, 1898, 1-7. Bothamley, C[harles] H[erbert]. Ortho-chromatic photo- graphy. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 6, 1887, 423-433. Reduction of potassium dichromate by oxalic acid. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 159-164. The sulphur waters of Yorkshire. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 191-192. Commercial alkaline sulphites. [1890.] Pharm. JL, 21, 1891, 214-215. The mineral waters of Askern, in Yorkshire. Chem. Soc. JL, 63, 1893, 685-696; Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 12, 1895, 347-360. Note on the distribution of acids and bases in a solution containing calcium, magnesium, carbonic acid, and sulphuric acid, and on the composition of mineral waters. Chem. Soc. JL, 63, 1893, 696-699. The permanence of the undeveloped or latent image on gelatino-hromide plates. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 226-231. The standard amyl-acetate lamp and some forms of constant light. [With disc2ission.] Photogr. JL, 18, 1894, 231-236. On the sensitising action of dyes on gelatine-bromide plates. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 661-662. Becqtjerel's and Lippmann's colour photographs. Nature, 54 (1896), 77. The action of certain substances on the undeveloped photographic image. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 850-851. Remarks on some recent papers concerning the latent photographic image and its development. [With dis- cussion.] Photogr. JL, 23, 1899, 123-136. Bothaxnley, C[harles] H[erbert], & Thompson, G[eorge de] R[oos]. Estimation of ciilorates by means of the zinc-copper couple. Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 164- 167. The action of phosphorus trichloride on organic acids and on water. Chem. News, 62, 1890, 191. Both6n, C. O. Nytt fynd af tartariska jagtfalken (Falco sacer) i Sverige. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 1173-1175. Bothezat, Paul, & Torgne, Emile [Auguste], See Forgue & Bothezat. Bothof, Heinrich, & Nietzki, R[udolf]. See Nietzki & Bothof. Botkin, Eugen. Ein kleiner Kniff zur Gram'schen Metbode der isolirten Bakterienfarbung. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 231-232. Ueber die Loslichkeit der weissen Blutkorperchen in Peptonlosungen. Virchow, Arch., 137, 1894, 476-485. Leukocytolyse. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1896, 238-251. Botkin] 709 [Bottazzi Zur Morphologie des Blutes und der Lymphe. Vix- chow, Arch., 145, 1896, 369-403. Botkin, S. (jun.). Zur Frage iiber den Zusammenbang der pbysiologischen Wirkung mit den chemischen Eigenschaften der Alkalimetalle der ersten Gruppe nach Mendelejeff. Centrbl, Med. Wiss., 23, 1885, 849-852. Eine einfache Methode zur Isolirung anaerober Bacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 9, 1890, 383-388. Ueber einen Bacillus butyricus. Ztschr. Hyg., 11, 1892, 421-434. Botkin, S. (jun.), & Oleninkov, . Microbes de la gastro-ent^rite et leurs rapports avee le cholera. [1893.] Ann. Microgr., 6 (1894), 122-124. Botkin, S[ergej] P[etrovic]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 219 ; St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 14, 1889, 452-453. De I'an^mie pernicieuse. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 139-158. La maladie de Basedow ou de Graves. Arch. Slaves Biol., 1, 1886, 623-640; 2, 1886, 243-260. BotBford, Le B. Conversion of light into heat. N. Brunsw. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., 3, 1884, 3-5. Bott, Aviandus. Ueber einen durch Knospung sich ver- mehrenden Cystieercus aus dem Maulwurf. [1897.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 115-140. Bott, Aug[u8t], (& Marckwald, lV[illy]. See ZKXarckwald & Bott. Bott, W. The alleged discovery of mercury in Malacca. Singapore Eoy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 24, 1891, 79-82. Bott, William. Hempel's methods of gas analysis. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 4, 1885, 160-165. On a new and rapid method of testing beer and other alcoholic liquors. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1887, 660. The constitution of the three isomeric pyrocresols. Chem. Soc. Proc, 3, 1887, 114. The determination of vapour-densities at high temperatures and under reduced pressure. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1888, 632-633, A method of determining vapour-density, applicable at all temperatures and pressures. Chem. Soc. Proc, 4. 1888, 110. Bott, William, & Macnair, D[uncan] S[cott]. Ein Apparat zur Bestimmung von Dampfdichten. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 916-922, 1617. Bott, William, & SXiller, J[ani««] Bruce. Further re- searches on the pyrocresols. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1888, 642- 643. Some derivatives and new colouring matters obtained from a-pyrocresole. Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 51-56. Bottard [non Bottarel], [Louisi A[lphonse]. L'appareil k venin des poissons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 108, 1889, 584-537; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 131- 138. Crfi,ne de negre du S^n^gal. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 12, 1889, 38-41. Bottarl, Amerigo. Sulla razionalit^ dei piani multipli {x, y, \JF{x, y)). Ann. Mat., 2, 1899, 277-296. Bottaro-Costa, F. La preservazione degli animali selvatici in Africa. Nuova Antol. Sci., 173, 1900, 468-475. Bottazzi, Filippo. Intorno alia corteccia cerebrale e specialmente intorno alle fibre nervose intracorticali dei vertebrati. Eoma Lab. Anat. Norm. Eic. , 3, 1893, 241- 316. Sulle alterazioni del tubo intestinale nella epatite interstiziale atrofica. Arch. Sci. Med., 18, 1894, 143- 170. II cervello anteriore e le vie olfattorie centrali dei pesci cartilaginei. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 4, Psichiatr.), 110-112. Eicerche ematologiche. [La resistenza dei globuli rossi del sangue di animali operati di tiroidectomia.] Sperimeutale, 1894 (Sez. Biol), 192-213. Eicerche ematologiche. [La milza come organo emocatatonistico.] Sperimentale, 1894 (Sez. Biol.), 433- 472. Ueber die Hemisection des Eiickenmarkes bei Hunden. [1894.] Centrbl. Physiol., 8, 1896, 530-532. Gli albuminoidi della milza. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 489-498. L'azote total des globules rouges et son rapport avec I'azote h^moglobinique dans les differentes classes de vert^br^s. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 1896, 207-216; Speri- mentale, 1895 (Comun. e Riv.), 343-345. Suir emisezione del midollo spinale. Eivista critica e contributo sperimentale. Eiv. Sper. di Freniatria, 21, 1895, 483-546. II cervello anteriore dei Selacei. [1895.] Eoma Lab. Anat. Norm. Eic, 4, 1894-96, 225-243. Sul metabolismo dei corpuscoli rossi del sangue. Sperimentale, 1896 (Comun. e Riv.), 245-248, (Sez. Biol.), 363-407. Sopra alcune modificazioni degli eritrociti in segnito ad iniezioni endovenose di albumosi-peptone. Speri- mentale, 1896 (Sez. Biol.), 151-158. Contributo alia fisiologia della milza. Sperimentale, 1896 (Sez. Biol.), 408-416. Di alcune alterazioni determinate dall' asfissia nelle emazie. Sperimentale, 1896 (Sez. Biol.), 417-425. Sur le m^canisme d'action des sels de potassium sur le coeur. Contribution a la doctrine de I'inhibition. Arch, de Physiol., 8, 1896, 882-892. Ueber die " postcompensatorische" Systole. Beitrag zur elektrischen Eeizung des Herzens. [1896.] Centrbl. Physiol., 10, 1897, 401-405. La pression osmotique de sang des animaux marins. Eecherohes cryoscopiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 61-72. Sur la pression osmotique de quelques s^cr^tions glandulaires d'invert^br^s marins. Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 77-80. Eecherches sur les mouvements de I'cesophage de r"Aplysia depilans." Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 81-90. Sullo sviluppo embrionale della funzione motoria negli organi a cellule muscolari, Firenze E. 1st. Pubbl., [28], 1897, 150 pp. Contributi alia fisiologia del tessuto di cellule musco- lari. (Parte i, ii e in.) Firenze E. 1st. Pubbl., [29], 1897, 97 pp. The oscillations of the auricular tonus in the batrachian heart with a theory on the function of sarco- plasma in muscular tissues. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 1-21. Eecherches sur la viscosity de quelques liquides organiques et de quelques solutions aqueuses de sub- stances prot^iques. [1897.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 29, 1898, 401-425. Contributions to the physiology of unstriated muscular tissue. Part iv. The action of electrical stimuli upon the oesophagus of Aplysia depilans and Aplysia limacina. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 481-506. The action of the vagus and the sympathetic on the oesophagus of the toad. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, 157-164. Sulle propriety dei nucleoproteidi. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 1), 605-513. Action du vague et du sympathique sur les oreillettes du coeur de r"Emys europsea." Arch. Ital. Biol., 34, 1900, 17-35. Bottazzi, Filippo, & CappeUl, I. II sodio e il potassio negli eritrociti del sangue di varie specie animali e in seguito air anemia da salasso. Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 65-73. II sodio e il potassio negli eritrociti del sangue durante il digiuno, nell' avvelenamento con fosforo. Eoma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 107-114. Bottazzi] 710 [Bottomley Bottazzi, Filippo, & Ducceschi, Virgilio. Les substances prot^iques du myocarde. [1897.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 28, 1897, 395-402; 31, 1899, 126-129. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Bnriques, P. Recherches physio- logiques sur le syst^me nervenx visceral des Aplysies et de quelques C6phalopodes. [1899.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 34, 1900, 111-143. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Fano, Giulio. See Pano & Bottazzi. Bottazzi, Filippo, & ariinbaum, 0. F. F. On plain muscle. Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, 51-71. Bottazzi, Filippo, & Pensuti, Virginio. Sulla tossicit^ deir orina dei malarici. Sperimentale, 1894 {Sez. Biol.), 232-254. B6ttego, Vittorio. For biography see Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 8, [1897], 153-163; Riv. Geogr. Ital., 5, 1898, 1-23. Nella terra dei Danakil. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892, 403-418, 480-494. Esplorazione del Giuba e suoi affluenti. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 31, 1894, 234-257. La seconda spedizione B6ttego nella Somalia australe. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Mem., 6, 1896, 149-170. Bottenfield, P. B., & Ladd, E[dwin] F. See tadd & Bottenfield. Botti, Ulderigo. Puglia e Calabria, schizzo geologico. [1885.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 4, 1886, 223-231. Bolide del 17 dicembre- [1888, Reggio Calabria]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 28. La grotta ossifera di Cardamone in terra d' Otranto. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 9, 1890, 689-716, 827. Bottiglia, Angela. Sulle velocity di massimo rendimento ed a vuoto delle turbine. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 541-550. Botting ZXemsley. See ZXemsley. Bottini, A[7itonio]. Quali siano le condizioni attuali della geografia crittogamica in Italia e quali i mezzi che potrebbero migliorarle. Parte 1". Muschi. Congr. Bot. Crittog. Atti, 1887, 5-12. Appunti di briologia toscana. Malpighia, 1, 1887, 383-390. Muscinee dell' isola del Giglio. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 19, 1887, 265-275. Ricerche briologiche nell' isola d' Elba con una nota sul Fissidens serrulatus, Bridel. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 8, 1887, 159-204. Muscinee raccolte alia Gorgona. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 5, 1886-87, 235-240. Un musco nuovo per 1' Italia. [1887.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 5, 1885-87, 240-241. Appunti di briologia toscana. (Seconda serie.) Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 20, 1888, 297-303. NotereUe briologiche. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 101- 119. Sulla struttura dell' oliva. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital , 21, 1889, 369-381, Appunti di briologia italiana. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 259-266. Sulla riproduzione della " Hydromystria stolonifera," Meyer. [1890-91.] Malpighia, 4, 1890, 340-349, 369- 377. Pseudoleskea ticinensis, n. sp. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91,202-204. Contributo alia briologia del Cantone Ticino. Roma N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 147-149. Beitrag zur Laubmoosflora des Montenegros Hed- wigia, 31, 1892, 134-137. Bibhografia briologica italiana. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 256-292, Note di briologia italiana. Nuovo Giorn, Bot. Ital 1, 1894, 249-258, "' Bottini, A[ntoniol & Pichi, P, See Pichi & Bottini. Bottini, Alntonio], & Venturi, G. See Venturi & Bottini. BotUer, Max. Ueber die technische Verwerthung von Dinglers Polytechn, Jl,, 287, Kopale, Kauri- und Manilakopal. 1893, 88-91. Ueber physikalische Eigenschaften der Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 288, 1893, 21-22. Ueber das Verhalten afrikanischer Kopale gegen Alkalien und Losungsmittel in technischer Beziehung. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 306, 1897, 212-215. Botto, A. Progressi fatti negli ultimi tempi dalla carto- grafia nei vari stati di Europa e pin specialmente in Italia. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 29, 1892. 681-740. Botto-nXicca, Luigi. Fossili degli " strati a Lioceras opalinum. Rein., e Ludwigia Murchisonse, Soic," delle Croce di Valpore (M. Grapa), provincia di Treviso. [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 12, 1893, 143-194. Contribuzione alio studio degli Echinidi Terziarii del Piemonte (famiglia Spatangidi). [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 15 (1896), 341-375. Bottomley, F. Carr. Meningitis of obscure causation. Practitioner, 52, 1894, 401-416. Bottomley, Jlames] Frank, & Perkin, William Henry (JMtt.). The condensation of formaldehyde with ethyl malonate, and synthesis of pentamethylene-l:2:4-tri- carboxylic acid. Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 (Pt. 1), 294- 309. Bottomley, J[ames] T[homson]. On loss of heat by radia- tion and convection as affected by the dimensions of the cooling body, and on cooling in vacuum. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 623-625. The heating effects of electric currents. Electrician, 12, 1884, 541-542. On a gravity Daniell's cell of very small internal resistance. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 173-177. On the permanent temperature of conductors through which an electric current is passing, and on surface conductivity, or emissivity. With a note by Sir William Thomson, F.R.S. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 177-189. On contact electricity in common air, vacuum, and different gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 901-903. On a specimen of almost unmagnetisable Brit, Ass, Rep., 1885, 903-904; Electrician, 15, 378-379. On the cooling of wires in air and in vacuum. Ass. Rep., 1885, 904. Note on the condensation of gases at the surface of glass. (Preliminary.) Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1885, 158- 161. On the electric resistance of a new alloy named platinoid. Roy. Soc. Proc, 38, 1885, 340-344. On radiation of heat from the same surface at different temperatures. [1885.] Nature, 33, 1886, 85-86, 101. A mercurial air-pump, Brit, Ass, Rep., 1886, 519- 520, On secular experiments in Glasgow on the elasticity of wires, Brit, Ass, Rep., 1886, 537-538. Sir William Thomson's improved Wheatstone's rheostat. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 547-548. Description of experiments for determining the electric resistance of metals at high temperatures. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 548-549. On an apparatus for connecting and disconnecting a receiver under exhaustion by a mercurial pump. Roy. Soc. Proc, 40, 1886, 249-251. On a nearly perfect simple pendulum. Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 72. On expansion and contraction with rise and fall of temperature in wires under elongating stress. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 314-318. On radiation from dull and bright surfaces. Roy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 433-437. On thermal radiation in absolute measure. [1887-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 178, 1888, 429-450; 184, 1894, 591-616, On a practical constant- volume air thermometer, [1888,] Edinb, Roy, Soc. Proc, 15, 1889, 85-93. steel, 1885, Brit, Bottomley] 711 [Boucard The behaviour of flames in the neighbourhood of influence machines. [1889.] Electrician, 24, 1890, 174. Expansion with rise of temperature of wires under pulling stress. [1889.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 10, 1890, 184-188; Phil. Mag., 28, 1889, 94-98. On the Kontgen X rays, or the new photography. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 156-160. On Eontgen's rays. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 268-269. Bottomley, J[avies] T[hovison], & Beattie, J[ohn] Carruthers. Thermal radiation in absolute measure. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 269-282. Bottomley, J[ames} Tlhomsori], & Tanakadat6, Aikitu. Note [on combined effects of torsion and longitudinal stress on the magnetization of nickel]. Phil. Jklag., 27, 1889, 133-138. Note on the thermo-electric position of platinoid. [1889.] Roy. Soc Proc, 46, 1890, 286-292. Bottomley, J[ames] T[homson], Kelvin, Williain Thomson {Lord), & Maclean, Magnus. See Kelvin, Bottomley & mSaclean. Bottomley, James. Note on Bougueb's optical essay on the gradation of light. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 23, 1884, 46-47. On the projectrices of a circle. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1886, 233-287. On the composition of projections in geometry of two dimensions. [1885.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem., 10, 1887, 6-19; 1, 1888, 89. On the possible equations expressing the decomposition of potassic chlorate by heat. [1887-88.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc Mem. & Proc, 1, 1888, 4-6, 90. On the equation to the instantaneous surface generated by the dissolution of an isotropic solid. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 2, 1889, 164- 182, viii. Note on the rate of dissolution of solids. [1889.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 3, 1890, 113- 115. On the intensity of transmitted light when the coefficient of transmission of the medium is a function of time. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 4, 1891, 152-176. On a method of integration applicable to certain partial differential equations. [1892-93.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 7, 1893, 78-88. Bottomley, W. B. The utilisation of sewage sludge. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 709-710. Bottomley, William. The heeling error of the compass in iron ships. Glasgow Phil. Soc Proc, 19, 1888, 160-163. Bottoni, Alessandro, & Marescalcbi, Arturo. [Le stelle cadenti del periodo di agosto 1888, 1889, 1890.] Castel Maggiore (Bologna). Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 162-163; 9, 1889, 170; 11, 1891, 34-35. Botwinnile, N. Ueber die Veranderungen des Astig- matismus unter einigen physikalischen und physio- logischen Einfliissen, Arch. Augenheilk., 39, 1899, 336- 375. Bou-. For Russian names beginning thus see under Bu-. Bouant, Emile. L'intelligence des animaux. Rev. Sci., 35, 1885, 61. Bouasse, H[enri Pierre Maxima]. Methods de mesure de la difference de phase des composantes rectangulaires d'une refraction lumineuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 100-102. [Appareil de 31. Mascart pour etudier la double refraction produite par compression.] Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1890, 245-246. Sur les methodes d'observation de la polarisation elHptique. Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 61-68. Reflexion et refraction dans les milieux isotropes transparents et absorbants. Ann. Chim., 28, 1893, 145- 237, 433-498. Etude des actions photograph iques. Toulouse Fac Sci. Ann., 8, 1894, F, 52 pp. Sur la torsion des fils fins. Ann. Chim., 11, 1897, 433-496. Sur les oscillations k peu pr^s sinusoidales k longue periode. Application k I'etude de la resistance de I'air et des proprietes eiastiques des fils fins. Toulouse Fac Sci. Ann., 11, 1897, F, 76 pp. Sur la definition de la moUesse des fils metalliques. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 98-106. Sur les pertes d'energie dans les phenomenes de torsion. Ann. Chim., 14, 1898, 106-144. Sur un mode de comparaison des courbes de torsion. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 466-467. Remarque sur une note de M. Moreau, intituiee : "Des cycles de torsion magnetique et de la torsion residuelle du fer doux." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 585. Expose et discussion des principales experiences faites sur les phenomenes de torsion. Toulouse Fac Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, A, 29 pp. Sur les courbes de deformation typiques des fils neufs. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, G, 25 pp. Sur une experience de torsion. Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 241-252. Sur les courbes de traction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 291-292. Sur les courbes de deformation des fils. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1899, 177-219, 331-383; 2, 1900, 5-65, 431-466. Bouasse, Hlenri Pierre Maxime], & Berson, [Felix] G[ustave Adolphe]. See Berson & Bouasse. Bouasse, H[enri Pierre Maximel, & Mascart, [Eleuthere] E[lie Nicolas]. See Mascart & Bouasse. Boub6e, Fr. C. Paolo. Progetto di utilizzazione di una energia idraulica di oltre 21000 cavalli presso Castellone al Volturno merce la trasformazione di essa in energia elettrica. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 8, 1896, No. 9, 13 pp. Sul trattamento e 1' utilizzazione delle spazzature delle citt^. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 10, 1897, No. 9, 15 pp. Boubier, Alphonse Maurice. Recherches sur I'anatomie systematique des Betulacees-Corylacees. Malpighia, 10, 1896, 349-436. Sur les pyrenoides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 8, 1899, 194-196. Boubier, Alphonse Maurice, & Chodat, Robert. See Chodat & Boubier. Boucard, Adolphe. Notes on the genus Pharomacrus or resplendent trogon. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 6-7, 18-19. Notes on rare species of humming birds, and descrip- tions of several supposed new species in Boucard's Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 17-18, 25-26, 43, 52-53. Description of a supposed new species of parrot in Boucard's Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 27. Description of a supposed new species of paradise bird in Boucard's Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 43-44. The pilgrim locust. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 51-52, 67-68. Description of a supposed new species of tanager in Boucard's Museum. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 53. A visit to the British Museum. Natural History department. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 55, 59-61, 68-69, 82, 84-89, 91-97. The plantain or banana plant. Humming Bird, 1, 1891, 59. Description of a supposed new species of humming bird in Boucard's Museum. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 1. Notes on the rare pheasant, Rheinardius ocellatus, Verr. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 9-12. Boucard] 712 [Bouchard Description of a supposed new species of the genus Manticora, "Cicindelidse," from Damara Land, South Africa. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 45-46. A complete list up to date of the humming birds found in Columbia, with descriptions of several supposed new species. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 73-87. America. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 105-119. Genera of humming birds. Being also a complete monograph of these birds. Humming Bird, 2, 1892 ; 3, 1893; 4, 1894; 5, 1895, xiv + 412 pp. in all. Descriptions of several supposed new species of humming-birds. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 6-10. Description of one supposed new species of Cetonia from Syria. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 40. Notes on wasps. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 49-51. Kectification of name for Semioptera Gouldi. Humming Bird, 3, 1893, 57. Travels of a naturalist. A record of adventures, discoveries, history and customs of Americans and Indians, habits and descriptions of animals, chiefly made in North America, California, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Chili, etc., during the last forty-two years. Humming Bird, 3, 1893; 4, 1894, 204 pp. in all. Description of a supposed new species of Plusiotis from Mexico. Humming Bird, 5, 1895, 4-5. List of humming birds collected at Call and Rio Dagua, Colombia, by W. H. Rosenbekg. Humming Bird, 5, 1896, 5-7. Boucard, Adolphe, & Berlepsch, Hans [Hermann Carl Ludwig] (Graf) von. List of birds collected by M. Hardy, at Porto Real, Brazil, with description of one supposed new species. Humming Bird, 2, 1892, 41-45. Bou£ek, Zdenik. Pozn4mky k mikroskopick^ anatomii delfina (Delphinus delphis). [Quelques remarques a I'anatomie microscopique de Delphinus delphis.] Prag, 6esk6 Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. {Tf'ida 2), 7, 1898, No. 26, 8 pp.; Prag, Fr. Jos. Ac. Sci. Bull. (Med.), 5, 1898, 27-30. Bouchacourt, L. Rapport sur I'endodiascopie, sa technique et ses r^sultats. Ass. Fran?. C, R., 1899 (Ft. 1), 441- 450. Bouchal, Leo. Geophagie. Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1899, [11]; 30, 1900, 180-181. Bouchard, Gh{arles\. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Ac. M4d. Bull., 41, 1899, 265-266. *Sur la presence d'alcaloides dans les urines au cours de certaines maladies infectieuses. Paris, See. Biol. M^m., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 604-607. Recherches exp^rimentales sur la toxicity des urines normales. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 36, 1884 (C. E.), 665-671. Sur la m^thode des injections intraveineuses et sur I'application de cette m^thode k I'^tude de quelques effets de I'eau, de I'alcool, de la glycMne, de la creosote, de la r^sorcine et de I'antipyrine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 729-733. Observations cliniques et recherches experimentales sur le cholera. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1886 {Ft. 2), 555-561. Sur les cerveaux de trois supplici^s. [1885.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 2, 1886, xxxiii (6/s)-xxxv (bis). Scrofulo-tuberculose des os. Bordeaux Soc. MM. M6m., 1886, 600-620. Sur les poisons qui existent normalement dans I'organisme et en particulier sur la toxicity urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 669-671. Sur les variations de la toxicity urinaire pendant la veille et pendant le sommeil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 102 1886, 727-729. Influence de I'abstinence, du travail musculaire et de I'air comprime sur les variations de la toxicity urinaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1127-1129. Un nouveau proc^d6 de conservation des cadavres. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 3, 1887, xxii-xxiii. Sur le naphtol comme medicament antiseptique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 702-707. Sur I'elimination par les urines, dans les maladies infectieuses, de matieres solubles, morbifiques et vacci- nantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1582-1583; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (O. R.), 513-515. Action des injections intraveineuses d'urine sur la calorification. Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 286-332. Sur I'elimination de certains poisons morbides par les reins. [1889.] Arch, de Physiol., 1, 1889, 637-641; Centrbl. Physiol, 3, 1890, 307. Influence qu'exerce sur la maladie oharbonneuse I'inoculation du Bacille pyocyanique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 713-714. Role et mecanisme de la Msion locale dans les maladies infectieuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 689-694. Th^orie de I'infection. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 1), 49-66. Sur la contagiosity de la grippe. Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 23, 1890, 114-119. Sur la nutrition dans I'hysterie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 836-837. Note...accompagnant la presentation d'un ouvrage... sur les "Actions des produits secretes par les microbes pathogtees." Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1112. Theorie de la maladie infectieuse, de la guerison, de la vaccination et de I'immunite naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 467-469. Des organismes du rhumatisme chronique ou tendant a la chronicite. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 283. Rapport general k M. le Ministre de I'lnterieur sur les epidemics qui ont sevi en France pendant I'annee 1889. Paris, Ac. Med. M^m., 36, 1891, 64 pp. Essai de vaccination par des doses minimes de matiere vaccinante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 690-694. Actions vasomotrices des produits bacteriens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 524-529. Sur les conditions pathogeniques des albuminuries qui ne sont pas d'origine renale. Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 447-452. Observations relatives a la fi^vre. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 306-307. Observations sur I'albuminurie choreique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 499-500. Du role de la debilite nerveuse dans la production de la fievre. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 1), 197- 207. Sur la presence de I'argon et de I'heiium dans certaines eaux minerales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 392-394. Les theories de I'immunite. Serotherapie et vaccina- tion. Rev. Sci., 4, 1896, 225-230. La pleuresie de I'homme etudiee a I'aide des rayons de RoNTGEN. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 967-968. Sur la composition des gaz qui se degagent des eaux minerales de Bagnoles de I'Orne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 969-970. • Les rayons de Rontgen appliques au diagnostic de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1042-1043. Nouvelle note sur I'application de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 1234-1235. Determination de la surface, de la corpulence et de la composition chimique du corps de I'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 844-851. Quatrieme note sur les applications de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1068-1070. Repartition comparative dans les divers emonctoires de I'azote et du carbone de I'albumine eiaboree. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 940-942. Bouchard] 713 [Bonchardat L'ampliation de I'oreillette droite du coeur pendant I'inspiration, d^montree par la radioscopie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 310-311; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 95-96. Qiielques points de la physiologie normale et patho- logique du coeur r^v^l^s par Texamen radioscopique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 295-297. Augmentation dn poids du corps et transformation de la graisse en glycog^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 464-469. Observations a propos de la communication de M. Bergonie, relative k la mesure de la surface du corps. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. i?.), 633- 634. Carbone urinaire et coefficients urinaires. Jl. Physiol. Path. G^n., 1,1899, 72-81. Molecule urinaire elaboree moyenne. Poids. Nombre. Toxicity. Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 1, 1899, 557-507. Essai de cryoscopie des urines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128,. 1899, 64-67. A propos d'une reclamation de M. J. Winteb relative k la cryoscopie des urines. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. R., 128, 1899, 488-490. Immunity et specificity. Reflexions k propos de la note de MM. Charbin, Guillemonat et Levaditi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 308-311. Determination du poids moleculaire moyen des sub- stances urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 1-3. Variations du poids du corps apr^s les repas, leurs relations avec les modes successifs d'^laboration des divers aliments. Paris, Soc. Biol. (Vol. JubiL), 1899, 714-721. Boucbard, Ch[arles], & Cbaurrln, Albert. La cataracte produite par la naphtaline. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (G. R.), 614-615. D^gdn^rescence amyloide exp^rimentale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 688-690. Elevations thermiques sous I'influence des injections des produits solubles microbiens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1225-1230. Causes de I'innocuite de certains parasites. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 2, PatoL), 262-267. Boucbard, Ch[arles], & Desgrez, A. Sur la composition des gaz qui se degagent des eaux min^rales de Bagnoles de rOrne. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 31-33, Sur la transformation de la graisse en glycogene dans I'organisme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 816-822; Jl. Physiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 237-242. Boucbard, Ch[arles], & OuiUeminot, H. De Tangle d'in- clinaison des cotes etudi^ k I'aide de la radioscopie et de la radiographie k I'^tat sain et a I'^tat morbide, en particulier dans la pleur^sie sans epanchement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1429-1431. Boucbard, D. k propos de la stereoscopic des rayons X. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 183. Boucbard, E. De I'emploi de la charge permanente sur les lignes desservies au moyen d'appareils Morse. Ann. Teiegr., 14, 1887, 166-179. Note sur la tel^graphie optique, Ann, Telegr,, 14, 1887, 342-345. Tableaux multiples diviseurs pour bureaux centraux telephoniques. Ann, Teidgr., 17, 1890, 193-203. Boucbardat, A[pollinaire'\. For biography and works see Amer. Jl. Pharm., 58, 1886, 368; Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 42, 1886, 199; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 113; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 508; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 501-502; France Soc. Agr. Mem., 132, 1888, 259-306. *Nouveau memoire sur la maladie de la vigne, causee par le parasitisme de rOi'dium Tucker!. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 33, 1861, 145-149. L'attenuation des virus par la methode Jennerienne. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 802-806. R. 8. A. C, Boucbardat, G[nstave']. Sur le glycol : solidification, pre- paration. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.", 100, 1886, 4,52-453; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1886, 417-418. Sur le glycol monochlorhydrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 4.5.3-454; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1886, 418-419. [Action des acides sur I'essence de terebenthine.] Paris Soc. Ghim. Bull., 1, 1889, 274-275. Action de Tanhydride acetique sur le linalol ; trans- formation en geraniol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1253-1255. Sur I'essence d'aspic (Lavandula spica). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 53-56; Jl. Pharm., 28, 1893, 278. Presence du camphene dans I'essence d'aspic. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 1094-1096; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 147-150. Boucbardat, G[Hstave], & Iiafont, J[ean Mnrie JuKtiri]. Sur I'essence de citron. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 101, 1886, 383-385. Action de I'acide acetique sur I'essence de terebenthine franpaise et sur divers carbures isomeriques. Synthase de borneols et de terpiienols. Ann. Chim. , 9, 1886, 507- 534. Sur la transformation de I'essence de terebenthine en un terpiiene actif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 50- 52 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4.5, 1886, 167-171. Sur une nouvelle synthase d'un borneol inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102,' 1886, 171-173; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 164-166. Sur Taction de Tacide acetique sur I'essence de tere- benthine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 318-321; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 291-295. Formation d'alcools mono-atomiques derives de I'essence de terebenthine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 433-435. Sur la synthase d'un terpiienol inactif. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1555-1557; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 199-202; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 119-121. Syntheses d'un terpiienol actif et de deux camphenols actifs au moyen de I'essence de terebenthine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 295-299. Sur le camphene actif et Tethyl-borneol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 693-695; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 488-492; Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 45.5-458. Action de Tacide sulfurique sur I'essence de tere- benthine. [1887.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1177- 1179; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 2-3. Transformation du terpil^ne en un menth^ne. [1888.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 916-918; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 1, 1889, 8-10; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 145- 147. [Action de IH sur la terpine.] [1888.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 2. Action de la chaleur et de Tacide acetique sur I'essence de terebenthine fran(;aise. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 236- 251. Action de Tacide benzoique sur I'essence de tere- benthine. [1891.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 551- 553 ; Jl. Pharm., 25, 1892, 5-8. Action de Tacide sulfurique sur le citrene. [1892.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1083-1085; Jl. Pharm., 27, 1893, 49-51. Sur les borneols de synthase. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R,, 118, 1894, 248-250; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 269-272; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 223-226. Action de Tacide sulfurique sur le camphene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 85-87; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 902-904; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 385-388, Action de Tacide sulfurique sur le terebenthene gauche, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 111-114; Jl. Pharm., 6, 1897, 193-196. Sur les isobomeols de synthase; leur identite avec les alcools fenoiliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 755- 757. 90 Bouchardat] 714 Bouchardat, Glustave], & Olivlero, . Action de I'acide ac^tique et de I'acide formique sur le t^r6- benth^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 257-259; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 364-368. Sur I'essence d'Eucalyptus. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9. 1893, 429-432. Bouchardat, G[iistave], & Tardy, E. Sur les alcools d^riv^s d'un t^r^benth^ne droit, I'eucalypt^ne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 189B, 1417-1420 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 765-769. Sur I'essence d'anis de Russie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 198-201, 624-626; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 612-617; Jl. Pharm., 3, 1896, 400-402. Bouchardat, G[ustave], &Voiry, B[aymond Paul Eugene]. Sur le terpinol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 996- 998; 106, 1888, 1359-1361; Ann. Chim., 11, 1887, 562- 569; Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 5-7 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, 871-874. Sur le terpinol, reproduction artificielle de I'eucalyptol ou terpane. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 663-665. [Sur le terpinol de List.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 49, 1888, 657-658, 898. Sur les terpinols et le terpane. Ann. Chim., 16, 1889, 251-262. See also Volry & Bouchardat. Bouchaud, . Fracture de la colonne, parapl^gie et hallucinations du sens musculaire dans les membres priv^s de sensibilite. Arch. Gen. M^d., 163, 1889, 213- 226. Bouchemann, . *[Notes met^orologiques.] Setif (prov. de Constantine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1876, Pt. 2, 230, 257-258, 322; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 22-23, 50. Boucher, , & DX^gnin, Pierre. Affection de peau de formes varices et d'origine parasitaire communiquee a plusieurs individus par un veau malade (nouvelle tricho- phytie, distincte de la trichophytie de Bazin). Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 476-481. Boucher, G[ethen] G. Estimation of sulphur in cast-iron or steel. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 76. Volumetric estimation of sulphur in iron, steel, and sulphides of iron. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 121. A possible element, or possible new elements, in cast- iron and blast-furnace boiler-dust. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 99-100. Boucher, H[enri]. Essai de classification des races gallines. Lyon Soc. Linn. Ann., 40, 1893, 89-100. Boucher, (Rev.) Jonathan, On American family peculiari- ties in the 18th century. [Posth.] Anthrop. Inst. JL, 16, 1887, 98-99. Bouchereau, A[ugu8te Bravy]. Note sur I'anthropologie de Madagascar, des lies Comores et de la cote orientale d'Afrique. Anthrop. (Paris), 8, 1897, 149-164. Recherches sur I'ethnographie du plateau central de la France. Anthrop. (Paris), 11, 1900, 691-706. Bouchereau, A[uguste Bravy], & Noir, Julien. Intoxica- tion par viandes de conserve alterees (accidents survenus au 92« regiment d'infanterie). Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 13, 1889, 97-101. Boucherie, Michel. M^moire sur une nouvelle esp^ce d'Helix. [1886.] Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1887, 79-83. Boucheron, A[riel Hippolyte]. De la pseudo-m6ningite des jeunes sourds-muets, et de la surdimutite par otopiesis (wleais, compression, oBj, wt6s, oreille) ou par compression de Toreille interne. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. Sci. MM. C. R., 1884 (T. 4, Qtol.), 23-43. De la pseudo-m^ningite des jeunes sourds-muets (otopiesis pseudo-m(5ningitique). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1400-1403. De I'acide urique dans la salive et dans le mucus nasal, pharyng6, bronchique, utero-vaginal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1308-1311. [Boucherot Epilepsie d'origine auriculaire. Contribution k I'etude de I'otopi^sis (compression auriculaire). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 92-94. Du regime peu azote dans le diabete. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1300. Du chalazion microbien experimental. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 336-342. Folie m^laneolique et autres troubles mentaux d6- pressifs dans les affections otopi^siques (o5s, wt6s; Tr/eo-is, compression) de I'oreille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 759-762. Epilepsie d'origine auriculaire, dans les affections otopi^siques a r^p^tition. Deuxieme note. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 944-947. Surdite pour les harmoniques de la parole, dans I'otopi^sis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 950-952. Operation de la surdity otopiesique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1253-1256. La surdity paradoxale et son operation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 120-123. Des Epitheliums sEcr^teurs des humeurs de I'oeil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 966-967. Sur I'oed^me ex vacuo de la muqueuse tympanique chez le fcetus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1135- 1138. [Sur I'existence des nerfs ciliaires ant^rieurs et super- ficiels.] Ann. d'Oculist., 103, 1890, 269-270. Nerfs de Th^misphere ant^rieur de I'cBil : nerfs ciliaires superficiels, nerfs ciliaires externes, nerfs tendino-sclero- ticaux, nerfs corneens et conjonctivaux, nerfs de I'espace pectine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 42, 1890, 71-78. Plexus nerveux episcleral chez I'homme. Ann. d'Ocu- list., 105, 1891, 237. Nerfs ciliaires superficiels chez I'homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891, 59-64. Serotherapie antistreptococcique dans la dacryocystite purulente rebelle, a streptocoques, et dans les autres streptococcies oculaires. Ann. d'Oculist., 116, 1896, 379- 380; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 932-933. Serum antistreptococcique preventivement a I'opera- tion de la cataracte, chez les diab^tiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 432-434. Excretion de I'acide urique par la salive chez les uric^miques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 454-456. Traitement des suppurations des voies lacrymales par le serum antistreptococcique de Marmoeek. [With dis- ctission.] Ann. d'Oculist., 118, 1897, 110-112. Serotherapie dans le phlegmon du sac lacrymal. Ann. d'OcuUst., 118, 1897, 421-426. Serotherapie dans certains rhumatismes k streptocoques et dans certaines iritis rhumatismales. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 347-349. Serotherapie antistreptococcique dans certains rhu- matismes k streptocoques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 917-919. Contribution a la strepto-syphilis, dans I'iritis syphili- tique. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 359-361. Serotherapie dans les rhumatismes a streptocoques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 270-272. Boucheron, A[riel Hippolyte], & Boucheron, F[ulgence]. Serotherapie antistreptococcique dans I'asthme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 479-480. Boucheron, Alriel Hippolyte], c&Duelaux, [Pieire] ^[mile]. See Duclaux & Boucheron. Boucheron, F[ulgence], & Boucheron, A[)'iel Hippolyte]. See above. Boucherot, Paul. La th^orie des alternateurs accoupl^s. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 201-210, 260-267, 501. Le couplage des alternateurs en tension. Lum. Elect., 45, 1892, 501-508. Sur le role du moment d'in,ertie dans la synchronisa- tion des alternateurs. Lum. Elect., 46, 1892, 512-616. Boucherotj 715 [Boudier Sur les condensateurs agissantpar transformateurs d'induction et directement. Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 151- 158. La ^deformation des sinusoides dans les machines, Lum. Elect., 47, 1893, 551-561. L'influence du ,fer sur la forme des sinusoides des machines. Lum. Elect., 48, 1893, 206-213. A propos des tentatives faites pour r^aliser des machines k courant contiuu sans collecteur. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 26-30. L'analyse des courbes p^riodiques. Lum. Elect.. 49, 1893, 251-255. Les methodes de mesure de la self-indaction. Lum. Elect., 49, 1893, 451-458. A propos de, la theorie des machines k champ tour- nant. Lum. Elect., 50, 1893, 151-156, 220-222, 524- 525, 547. Moteurs synchrones et asynchrones k courants alter- natifs. Eclairage Elect., 5 (1895), 193-198. The electric lighting and transmission of power by polyphase currents in Messrs. Weyher & Richemond's works. Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 24, 1896, 215-218. Mouvements pendulaires des alternateurs associes en parallele. Eclairage Elect., 21 (1899), 121-127. Boucbon-Brandely, G[ermain Jean Baptiste~\. For bio- graphical notice see Rev. Maritime et Colon., 118, 1893, 254-256. De la sexualite chez I'huitre ordinaire (Ostrea edulis) et chez I'huitre portugaise (0. angulata). Fecondation artificielle de I'huitre portugaise. France Soc. Acclim. Bull, 31, 1884, 963-968. Rapport sur la fecondation artificielle et la generation des huitres (1883). Rev. Maritime et Colon., 80, 1884, 692-712. Bouchon-Brandely, G[ermainJean Baptiste],& BertbotQe, Amedee. Les peches maritimes en AlgSrie et en Tunisie. Rapport au Ministre de la Marine. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 107, 1890, 161-219, 454-512. Bouchut, [J.] E[uge7ie]. Des hallucinations chez les enfants. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3), 552- 559. Bouckaert, . Pont-levant, sur la Lys, a Houplines. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 1 (1896), 7-16. Boucomont, A. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Geotrupes. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 1899, 64-65. Boudarie, Paul. Domestication de I'eiephant d'Afrique. Quelques erreurs scientifiques et populaires sur Tei^phant d'Afrique. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 564-586. Boudeaud, , & Busquet, G. P[aul]. See Busquet & Boudeaud. Boudet de Firis, 2I[aurice]. *Note [sur les vibrations du telephone]. Lum. Elect., 1, 1879, 136-138. ^Application du microphone aux etudes physio- logiques. Lum. Elect., 2, 1880, 74-75. *Etudes sur le microphone. Lum. Elect., 3, 1881, 293-296, 313-315, 342-344, 358-359, 434-436, 448-452; 4, 1881, 25-26, 40-42, 204-206, 409-412; 6, 1882, 208-211. Deux postes teiephoniques disposes pour communiquer sur des lignes condensantes, telles que les cables sous- marins ou souterrains. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1884, 121. Les diverses methodes pour I'unification des excita- tions eiectriques employees en physiologic et en medecine. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1885, 60-61. Reproduction photographique des effets lumineux de reiectricite, sans I'intermediaire des appareils photo- graphiques ordinaires. Ann. Teiegr., 13, 1886, 391- 396. Sur une nouvelle methode de reproduction photo- graphique, sans objectif, et par simple reflexion de la lumiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 822-823. Les epreuves photographiques obtenues sans objectif. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1886, 118-119. Boudier, E[mile'\. *0n the importance that should be attached to the dehiscence of asci in the classification of the Discomycetes. [Tr.] [1879.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1877-80, 202-205. Sur la nature et la production de la mieliee. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1884 {Pt. 2), 289-296. Note sur I'apparition precoce des morilles en 1884. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 31, 1884, 209-211. Description de quelques especes nouvelles de cham- pignons basidiospores. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 282-285. Note sur un nouveau genre et quelques nouvelles especes de Pyrenomycetes. Rev. MycoL, 7, 1885, 224-227. Description de trois nouvelles especes d'Ascoboies de France. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, xlviii-1. Note sur une forme couidifere curieuse du Polyporus biennis. Bull. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, Iv-lix. Description de deux nouvelles esp^ces de Ptychogaster et nouvelle preuve de I'identite de ce genre avec les Poly- porus. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 7-12. La Foret de Carnelle au point de vue botanique. .11. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 81-86. Sur une nouvelle espece d'Helvelle. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 218-219. Note sur le Tremella fimetaria, Schum. JL Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 330-333. Note sur un developpement gemellaire du Phallus impudicus. Rev. Mycol, 9, 1887, 3-4. Notice sur deux Mucedinees nouvelles, I'lsaria cunei- spora ou etat conidial du Torrubiella aranicida, Baud., et le Stilbum viridipes. Rev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 157 {bis)~ 159 {bis). Note sur le vrai genre Pilacre et la place qu'il doit occuper dans les classifications. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 261-264, Sur les causes de production des tubercules pileux des lames de certains agarics. Rev. Gen. Bot., 5, 1893, 29-35. Sur I'identite des Lepiota hsematosperma et echinata. Rev. Mycol., 15, 1893, 105-107. Sur une nouvelle observation de presence de vrilles ou filaments cirroides prehenseurs chez les champignons. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, 371-375, ccclv. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Prototremella, Pat. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 85-87. Description de deux nouvelles especes de Discomycfetes du genre Lachnea. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 7, 1897 {Pt. 1), 147-150. Sur une nouvelle espece de Chitonia, le Chitonia Gennadii, Chat, et Bond. Jl. Bot., Paris, 12, 1898, 65-68. Description d'une nouvelle espece de morille de France, le Morchella Rielana. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 28, 1898 {Mem.), 85-87. Influence de la nature du sol et des vegetaux qui y croissent sur le developpement des champignons. Congr. Int. Bot., Act., 1900, 118-131. Boudier, E[_mile], & Camus, Eldmorid] G[ustave]. Liste de plantes recueillies dans la valiee du Sausseron (Seine- et-Oise). ^ France Soc. Bot. Bull., 39, 1892, 79-82, Boudier, E[mile], & Fischer, Edouard. Rapport sur les especes de champignons trouvees pendant I'assembiee k Geneve et les excursions faites en Valais, par les Societes de Botanique de France et de Suisse, du 5 au 15 ao6t 1894. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 41, 1894, ccxxxvii-ccxlix, ccclvi. Boudier, E[mile], & SfXalbranche, A[lexandre Frangois]. See Malbrancbe & Boudier. Boudier, E[mile], & Fatouillard, Nlarcisse]. Note sur deux especes nouvelles de Clavaires. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 341-342. Note sur deux nouvelles especes de champignons des environs de Nice. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 445-446. 90—2 Boudiu] 716 [Bouilhac Boudin, M[aurice], & Xamerlingta Onnes, Heike. See Kaxnerlingh Onnes & Boudin. Boudouard, Olctave]. Sur la composition des sables monazit^s de la Caroline. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1895, 273-275. Sur le cMum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 772- 774, 1096-1097; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 59-64. Sur le n^odyme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 900-901; Paris Soc. Cbim. Bull., 19, 1898, 382-384. Sur les terres yttriques contenues dans les sables monazit^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 1648-1651; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 603-608. Sur les sables monazit^s de la Caroline du Nord. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 10-13. Sur la decomposition de I'oxyde de carbone en presence de I'oxyde de fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 98- 101, 307-309, 822-824, 1522-1523; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 269-274, 463-465, 712-713. Sur la decomposition de I'acide carbonique en presence du charbon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 824-825, 1524-1525; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 465-467, 713-715 ; Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 69-71. Lois num^riques des ^quilibres chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 132-134; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 137-141. Influence de la pression dans les ph^nomdnes d'^qui- libres chimiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 1204- 1206. Ueber die Bestimmung hoher Temperaturen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 794. • Ueber die Bedingungen bei der Erzeugung von Generatorgas. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 812. Boudouard, 0[ctave], & Le Chatelier, Henry [Louis]. See lie Cbatelier & Boudouard. Boudouard, Olctavel, & Schiitzenberger, Paul. See Scbiitzenberger & Boudouard. Boudr6au3C, E. Appareils d'eiectricite statique. Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1891, 122-128. Sur I'obtention de fant6mes electriques montrant les lignes de forces d'un champ eiectrique dans Pair. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 882-883. Boudy, Camille. *[Notes meteorologiques.] Grand-Jouan. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 1, 1868, 239, 259, 286. ■ *[Notes meteorologiques.] L'Angeviniere (Sarthe). France Soc. Met^orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 2, 1869, 180 ; 3, 1870, 92, 149. *Precocite de I'hiver en France, en 1869. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Met^orol., 3, 1870, 43-44. *[Aurore bor^ale du 3 Janvier 1870 k I'Angeviniere. ] France Soc. Met^orol. Nouv. Met^orol., 3, 1870, 99. Bou^, {Amed€e) Ami. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 118-122. *[Sur un nouveau barometre invents par M. Kbeil.] France Soc. Met^orol. Annu., 2, 1854, Pt. 1, 201. BoufEard, A. Sur le cassage des vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 827-829. Determination de la chaleur degagee dans la fermenta- tion alcoolique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1896, 357-360. Observations sur quelques proprietes de I'oxydase des vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 706-708. Bouffard, A., & Semichon, L. Contribution a I'etude de I'oxydase des raisins. Son utilite dans la vinification. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 423-426. Bouff^, F. Traitement du psoriasis; sa nature. Ass Fran9. C. E., 1894 (Pt. 1), 255-256. ■ Eecherches nouvelles sur le psoriasis et son traite- ment par les injections organiques. Ass. Franc. C. E. 1896 [Pt. 1), 361-362. Sur le psoriasis ; ses rapports avec la syphilis. Paris Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1498-1501. ' Traitement du psoriasis par les injections d'orchitine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 80. Bouffet, . Essais de pisciculture dans la riviere d'Aude aux laboratoires de Quillan et de Gesse. France Soc. Acclim". Bull., 36, 1889, 265-273. Pisciculture aux laboratoires de Quillan et de Gesse. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 {Sem. 2), 28-31. Bougarel, [Charles'], & Adrian, L[ouis] A[lphonse]. See Adrian & Bougarel. Bougault, J[o.sep/t]. Action du chlorure de soufre sur la pentaerythrite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 187-189. Sur la recherche de la tyrosine dans divers produits d'origine animale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 455-457. Action de I'iode sur I'antipyrine. Application au dosage de I'antipyrine et au dosage de I'iode. Jl. Pharm., 7, 1898, 161-163. Sur la decomposition de I'iodoforme en solution. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 213-214. Sur le dosage du chlore, du brome et de I'iode melanges. Jl. Pharm., 10, 1899, 18-20. Action de I'iode sur I'antipyrine. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 97-100. Sur quelques combinaisons de I'iodantipyrine avec les sels mercuriques. Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 165-169. Oxydation de I'auethol et des corps analogues (isosa- frol, isoapiol, etc.) renfermant egalement une chaine laterale propenylique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 1766-1768; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 760-762. Sur I'acide methoxyhydratropique obtenu par oxyda- tion de I'anethol. Identite de I'acide phloretique et de I'acide hydroparacoumarique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.E., 131, 1900, 42-45; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 762-766. Synthase de I'acide paramethoxyhydratropique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 270-272; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 766-768. Action de I'iode et de I'oxyde jaune de mercure sur : 1« le styroiene ; 2" le safrol. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 528-530. [Sur I'oxydation de I'anethol.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 642-643. Bougault, J[oseph], & Bourquelot, Emile. See Bour- quelot & Bougault. Boughner, Leroy J. Notes on the flora of Long Point island, Lake Erie, province of Ontario, Canada. Ottawa Natlist., 12, 1898, 105. Bougless, (Rev.) John D. Cremation as a safeguard against epidemics. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 531, Bougon, . La Martinique et les erreurs des gdographes. Eev. Sci., 34, 1884, 255. Le suicide des scorpions. Eev. Sci. , 35, 1886, 30. Les fausses truffes des environs de Paris. Eev. Sci. , 35, 1885, 596-599. [La divisibilite des nombres.] Eev, Sci., 38, 1886, 508. L'heredite des grossesses gemellaires. Eev. Sci., 43, 1889, 699. Transmission hereditaire de I'immunite vaccinale. Eev. Sci., 44, 1889, 412. Des differents modes d'extraction de la racine carree. Eev. Sci., 46, 1890, 283-284. De I'emploi du vent comme force motrice. Eev. Sci., 50, 1892, 604-605. Eeptation des serpents contre une surface verticale lisse. Naturaliste, 15, 1893, 188. Les serpents grimpeurs. Eev. Sci., 51, 1893, 764. Effet de la cocaine sur la vue. Eev. Sci., 8, 1897, 765. Bougrier, , & Dangeeird, P[ierre] A[ugustin Clement]. See Dangeard & Bougrier. Bouby, Victor. For biographical notice see Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1888 (Proc.-Verb.), 7-8. Bouic, . Lettre sur la tempete du 13 fevrier 1900. [1900.] Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 235-237. Bouilhac, Raoul. Influence de I'acide arsenique sur la Bonilhac] 717 [Boulanger vegetation des Algues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 929-931. Sur la mise en culture des terres de bruy^res de la Dordogne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 662-664; Ann. Agron., 21, 1896, 509-516. Sur la fixation de I'azote atmosphdrique par I'associa- tion des Algues at des Bacteries. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 828-830. Sur les r^coltes fourrag^res obtenues dans le vignoble du domaine des Fraux. Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 97-113. Sur la culture du Nostoe punctiforme en pr(^sence du glucose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 880-882. Recherches sur la v^g^tation de quelques Algues d'eau douce. Ann. Agron., 24, 1898, 561-602. Sur la vegetation d'une plante verte, le Nostoe puncti- forme, a I'obscurite absolue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1583-1586. Boiiilliac, Raoul, & Etard, A[lexandre Leon]. See Etard & Bouilliac. Bouillion, E. Dosage de I'extrait sec des vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 498; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 358-359. Bouillaud, Claude. For biography and works see Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1319-1322; Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 18, 1887, 810-838; Paris, Ac. M^d. M^m., 35, 1887, 27-56. Boulll6, [comte) Eloger] de. Lettre [sur le Draba pyrenaica, -L.]. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, 194-195. Le Pic du Midi de Pau ou d'Ossau (2,885 metres), sa faune, sa flore, quelle action orogenique a preside k sa formation. Paris, Club Alpin Fran?. Annu., 12, 1886, 152-178. Quelques lacs des Pyr^n^es ; chasse et p6che. Paris, Club Alpin Fran?. Annu., 15, 1889, 167-205. Le Pic du Ger (2,612 metres): g^ologie, flore, faune. Paris, Club Alpin Frang. Annu., 16, 1890, 386-414. Boulllet, H[enri]. Action de I'acide iodique sur I'acide urique et dosage de cet acide. [1900.] Lyon Soc, Agr. Ann., 8, 1901, 167-183, Ixiii-lxiv. Bouillot, J. Sur I'epitheiium s^creteur du rein des Batraciens. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 325-326. De Paction diur^tique et ureopo'ietique des alcaloiides de I'huile de foie de morue chez I'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 754-757. Des alcaloi'des de I'huile de foie de morue, de leur origine et de leurs effets therapeutiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 439-441, 542. Bouilly, [Georges'], Kyste hydratique du poumon ; ouver- ture ancienne dans les bronches. Suppuration abondante et fetide. Pneumotomie. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et M^m., 12, 1886, 646-655. Bouin, M[mmce]. Contribution k I'^tude du noyau des levures. Arch. Anat. Micr. , 1, 1897, 435-457. Origine des corps adipeux chez Rana temporaria (L.). Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 301-308. Expulsion d'ovules primordiaux chez les tdtards de grenouille rousse. Bibliogr. Anat., 8, 1900, 53-59. Ebauche g^nitale primordiale chez Rana temporaria (L.). Bibliogr. Anat., 8, 1900, 103-108. Histogen^se de la glande g^nitale femelle chez Rana temporaria. [1900.] Arch, de Biol., 17, 1901, 201-383. Bonin, M[aurice], & Bouin, Pol. Sur le d^veloppement de la cellule-m^re du sac embryonnaire des Liliac^es et en particulier sur revolution des formations ergastoplas- miques. Arch. Anat. Micr., 2, 1898, 419-454. Sur la presence de filaments particuliers dans le pro- toplasme de la cellule-m^re du sac embryonnaire des Liliac^es. Bibliogr. Anat., 6, 1898, 1-10. Sur la presence de formations ergastoplasmiques dans I'oocyte d'Asterina gibbosa {Forb.). Bibliogr. Anat., 6, 1898, 53-62. See also below. Bouln, Pol. Sur les connexions des dendrites des cellules ganglionnaires dans la retine. [1894.] Bibliogr. Anat., 2, 1896, 110-117. Contribution a I'etude du ganglion moyen de la ratine chez les oiseaux. Robin, Jl. Anat., 31, 1895, 313-342. De quelques ph^nom^nes de deg^nerescence cellulaire dans le testicule jeune des mammifferes. [1895.] Bibliogr. Anat., 3, 1896, 176-195. A propos de quelques ph^nom^nes de degen^rescence dans les cellules en activity karyokin^tique du testicule jeune des mammif^res. [1896.] Bibliogr. Anat., 4, 1897, 90-96. Note sur la coloration des cellules osseuses par la m^thode chromo-argentique chez " Anguis fragilis" nouyeau-ne. [1896.] Bibliogr. Anat., 4, 1897, 207-208. Etudes sur revolution normale et I'involution du tube seminifere. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1, 1897, 225-263, 265- 339. Involution experimentale du tube seminifere des mammif^res. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 134-188. Mitoses et amitoses de nature degenerative dans le testicule jeune et dans le testicule en voie d'atrophie experimentale. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 216-219. A propos du noyau de la cellule de Sertoli. Pheno- m^nes de division amitosique par clivage et nucieodier^se dans certaines conditions pathologiques. Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 242-255. Atresie des follicules de de Graaf et formation de faux corps jaunes. Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 296-300. Mitoses spermatogenetiques chez Lithobius forficatus, L. Etude sur les variations du processus mitosique. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 1, HistoL), 46-51. Bouin, Pol, & Bouin, M[aurice]. Sur la presence et revolution des formations ergastoplasmiques dans les cellules seminales de Lithobius forficatus (Lin.). Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 141-150. A propos du follicule de de Graaf des mammiferes. Follicules polyovulaires. Mitoses de maturation prema- turees. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 17-18. See also above. Bouin, Pol, & Oamier, Charles. Alterations du tube seminifere au cours de I'alcoolisme experimentale chez le rat blanc. Paris, Soc. Biol, M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 23-25. See also Oamier & Bouin. Bouin, Pol, & Iiimon, . Fonction secretoire de I'epitheiium tubaire chez le cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 920. Bouin, Pol, & Prenant, A[uguste]. See Frenant & Bouin. Bouinais, A., & Faulus, A. Le royaume du Cambodge. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 82, 1884, 517-590. Le protectorat du Tonkin. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 84, 1885, 280-348, 571-639. Le royaume d'Annam. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 85, 1886, 527-572. Bonis, Jules. For biography and works see Ann. di Chim., 4, 1886, 372; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 491-494; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 16, 1886, 341-343; Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 569- 570; Paris^Soc. Chim. Bull., 47, 1887, xiii-xxii. Bouisson, [Etienne] I\red6ric]. For biography and works see Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 384-385; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1461-1462; Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 13, 1887, 30-44. Bouisson, G{_uillaume]. Note sur un cas de charbon in- testinal chez I'homme. Arch. Med. Exper., 1, 1889, 834-843. Bouisson, Jean, & Beyn&s, Henry. See Beirn&s & Bouissou. Boulang^, [VahM) . To reference in title (Vol. 9) add Rev. Quest. Sci., 6, 1879, 124-156. Boulanger, A[ug.]. Note sur les surfaces a generatrice circulaire. Nouv. Ann. Math., 11, 1892, 159-163. Boulanger] 718 [Boule Sur certains invariants relatifs au groupe de Hesse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 178-180. Sur le biais pass^ gauche. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 171-176. Sur I'integration algebrique des Equations diff^rentielles lin^aires du troisi^me ordre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1011-1013. Sur I'equation de la propagation de la chaleur. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 11-15. Contribution k I'^tude des equations diff^rentielles lin^aires homogenes integrables alg^briquement. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Jl., 4, 1898, 1-122. Determination d'lnvariants attaches au groupe Gieg de M. Klein. , Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 107-109. Boulanger, Edouard. D^veloppement et polymorphisme du Volutella scopula. Rev. G6n. Bot., 9, 1897, 220- 225. Boulanger, Emile. Matruchotia varians. Rev. Gen. Bot., 5, 1893, 401-406. Sur le polymorphisme du genre Sporotrichum. Rev. Gen. Bot., 7, 1896, 97-102, 166-171. Sur une forme conidienne nouvelle dans le genre ChsBtomium. Rev. G(5n. Bot., 9, 1897, 17-26. Boulanger, J. *Exp6rieuces de M. Marcel Deprez a Grenoble sur le transport et la distribution de la force par I'electricit^. Lum. Elect., 10, 1883, 321-337. , Des systemes d'unit^s dits absolus. Lum. Elect., 16, 1885, 3-7. A propos des antilogies entre I'^lectricit^ et I'hydro- dynamique. Lum. Elect., 20, 1886, 241-247. Boulanger-DauBse, Em. Action du gaiacol sur la ger- mination des spores de I'Aspergillus fumigatus. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 332-335, 386-388. Boulard, J. *L'eclairage electrique systeme Lontin & Cie., appareils, Lontin, Bertin et de Mersanne. Lum. Elect., 2, 1880 (Suppl. 1), 8 pp. Boulart, Raoul. Note sur les sacs a^riens cervicaux du Tantale. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 10, 1885, 348. Note sur les poches pharyngiennes des ours. Robin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1885, 535-537. Note sur le systeme vasculaire des poches laryngiennes de I'orang-outaug. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 215-216. Note sur les canaux biliaires des reptiles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 224-225. Note sur le placenta du Cervus mexicanus. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 422. Note sur des plexus thoraciques veineux du phoque commun (Phoca vitulina). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 45-46. Note sur les canaux biliaires de I'^meu (Dromaeus Novffi-HoUandise). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 419-420. Boulart, Raoul, & Beauregard, Henri. See Beauregard & Boulart. Boulart, Raoul, & Chabry, L[aurent] Mlarie]. *Sur un cas d'hermaphrodisme male chez I'aigle. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 34, 1882 (C. R.), 144-145. Boulart, Raoul, & Deniker, Joseph. See Deniker & BoiUart. BoiUart, Raoul, & Filllet, Alexandre. Sur la disposition des papilles foliees dans la langue des singes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m. 36, 1884 (C. R.), 626-627. Note sur I'estomac du dauphin. Robin, Jl. Anat. 20 1884, 432-440. Sur les papilles foliees de quelques Mammif^res. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 143-146. Note sur I'organe foli^ de la langue chez les Mammi- f^res. Robin, Jl. Anat., 21, 1886, 337-345. See also FilUet & Boulart. Boulay, . Du pronostic des tumeurs m61aniques. Arch. G6n. MM., 162, 1888, 157-181. Boulay, [I'abbe) [Jean] Nlicolas]. De I'influence chimique du sol sur la distribution des especes veg^tales. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xlii-xlv. Note sur une excursion faite aux escarpements de Robersart, sur la Semoy, le 19 juin 1885. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1885, xcvii-c. Notes sur quelques mousses de I'herbier de la Faculte des Sciences de Montpellier. Rev. Bryol., 12, 1885, 49-51. La flore fossile du Bezac pres de Saint-Saturnin (Puy- de-D6me). Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 11, 1887 (Pt. 2), 177- 185. Notice sur la flore des tufs Quaternaires de la valine de la Vis (H^rault). Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 11, 1887 {Pt. 2), 186-199. Notice sur la flore Tertiaire des environs de Privas (Ard^che). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 34, 1887, 227-239, 255-279. Notice sur les plantes fossiles des gres Tertiaires de Saint-Saturnin (Maine-et-Loire). Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, 1888, 121-126, 151-157, 170-174. La flore Pliocene des environs de Th^ziers (Gard). Vaucluse Ac. M^m., 8, 1889, 193-261. Quelques notes sur I'etude des Rubus en France. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 336-344; 40, 1893, 26-34. De la marche k suivre dans I'etude des Rubus. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 79-89. Schistostega osmundacea, W. M., observe dans la Haute-Loire au XVIII" si^cle. Rev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 73-74. La th^orie de revolution en botanique. Rev. Quest. Sci., 36, 1894, 480-496. Subdivision de la section Eubatus, Fock. (Rubi fruticosi veri, Airhen.). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 42, 1895, 391-417, 744. Etudes batologiques. [1896.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 {Pt. 2), 103-130. Les Rubus de la flore frangaise. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 45, 1898, 497-582. Flore fossile de Gergovie. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1899 {Pt. 2), 55-132. Boule, Marcellin. [Un apergu de la structure du Plateau Central.] Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1884, viii-ix, xiii-xv. L'Elasmotherium. Naturaiiste, 10, 1888, 139-142. Note sur le bassin Tertiaire de Malzieu (Lozfere). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16, 1888, 341-345. Essai de pal^ontologie stratigraphique de I'homme. Rev. d'Anthrop., 3, 1888, 129-144, 272-297, 383-411, 647-680. periodicity des phenomenes glaciaires, creusement des vallees et remplissage des cavernes dans leurs rapports avec I'antiquite de I'homme. Congr. Int. Anthrop. C. R., 1889, 105-109. Les predecesseurs de nos Canid^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 201-203. Constitution g^ologique des environs du Puy (Haute- Loire). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 270-282. Le Canis megamastoides du Pliocene Moyen de Perrier (Puy-de-D6me). Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 321- 330. La caverne de Malarnaud, pres Montseron (Ari^ge). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 83-86. Sur les alluvions Quaternaires a silex tailMs d'Aurillac (Cantal). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 87-90. Succession des eruptions volcaniques dans le Velay. [1889.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 174-176. Les eruptions basaltiques de la valiee de I'Allier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 69-70. Observations sur les tufs et breches basaltiques de I'Auvergne et du Velay. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 924-929. Sur la limite entre le Pliocene et le Quaternaire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 945-947. Boule] 719 [Boule Note sur Page des basaltes du Velay. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 18, 1890, 947-950. [Sur la presence du Lepus cuniculus dans la faune Quaternaire de I'Europe occidentale.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull, 19, 1891, xlix, lii-liii. Les gneiss amphiboliques et les serpentines de la haute valine de I'Allier. Paris, Soc. G(5ol. Bull., 19, 1891, 966-977. Notes sur le remplissage des cavernes. Anthrop. (Paris), 3, 1892, 19-36. Une excursion dans le Quaternaire du nord de la France. Anthrop. (Paris), 8, 1892, 426-434. La station Quaternaire du Schweizersbild pres de Schaffouse (Suisse) et les fouilles du Dr. Nuesch. Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 3, 1892, 87-109. Decouverte d'un squelette d'Elephas meridionalis dans les cendres basaltiques du volcan de Sen^ze (Haute- Loire). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 624-626. [Sur les terrains Pleistocenes du nord de la France et des environs de Mons (Belgique).] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 20, 1892, xcix-ci. [Sur quelques points de la geologie du Cantal.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 20, 1892, clix-clx. Description de THysena brevirostris du Pliocene de Sainzelles pr6s le Puy (Haute-Loire). Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 15, 1893, 85-97. Une excursion geologique dans les montagnes Eocheuses. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 1), 39-54. Apergu g^n^ral sur la geographie physique et la geologic du Velay. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 499-503. • Compte rendu de I'excursion du 15 septembre 1893 a Eonzon, Espaly, Ceyssac et Vals. Paris, Soc. Gdol. Bull., 21, 1893, 504-515. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 16 septembre a Denise, Polignac, Vialette, etc. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 515-524. Eeponse a M. Depkket sur la classification des faunes de Mammif^res Pliocenes et sur I'age des Eruptions volcaniques du Velay. Paris, Soc. Gdol. Bull., 21, 1893, 540-550. Compte rendu de la course du 17 septembre k Brives, Blavozy, le Pertuis. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 550-554. Compte rendu de la course du 18 septembre de Boussoulet a Fay-le-Froid. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 576-578. Compte rendu de la course du 19 septembre au Mezenc et au Cirque des Bouti^res. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 595-602. Compte rendu de la course du 20 septembre du Monastier au Puy. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 602-606. Succession des Eruptions volcaniques du Velay. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 606-614. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 21 septembre 1893 du Puy k Langogne. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 21, 1893, 615- 620., [Etudes sur le Terrain Houiller de Commentry. Livre troisidme. Faune entomologique.] Sur des debris d'Arthropleura. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893 (Livr. 4), 617-638. Description geologique du Velay. [1892.] France Serv. Carte G6ol. Bull., 4, 1894, 1-259. Note sur des restes de glouton et de lion fossiles de la caverne de I'Herm (Ari^ge). Anthrop. (Paris), 5, 1894, 10-14. [Sur un gisement de silex tallies Quaternaires des environs du Havre.] Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 22, 1894, Ixv. Sur les alluvions anciennes de la Garonne et sur le plateau de Lannemezan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, clxv-clxvi. Conference de pal^ontologie. Rev, Sci., 1, 1894, 737- 746. Plateau Central. Envision du Cantal au 320,000*. [1894-1900.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1896, 40-42; 7, 1896, 51-52; 8, 1897, 62 (&i8)-64 (bis); 9, 1897, 329-330; 10, 1899, 115-116, 495-496; 11, 1900, 122-123. La ballastiere de Tilloux pr^s de Gensac-la-Pallue (Charente). Anthrop. (Paris), 6, 1896, 497-509. Le plateau de Lannemezan et les alluvions anciennes des hautes vallees de la Garonne et de la Neste. France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 6, 1895, 447-469. Decouverte de debris gigantesques d'eiephants fossiles, faite par M. Le Blanc, dans la ballastiere de Tilloux (Charente). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1896, 275-277. Les glaciers Pliocenes et Quaternaires de I'Anvergne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 837-839. Pterodactyles acquis par le laboratoire de paieonto- logie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1896, 172. Note sur les fossiles rapportes de Madagascar par M. E. Gactiek. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1896, 181-187. [Observations sur I'association des silex dite Mous- terienne, avec la faune dite Chelieenne k Villefranche.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1896, clxxix-clxxx. [Observations sur Page de la terrasse Quaternaire de Villefranche.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1896, cxcii- cxciii. La topographic glaciaire en Auvergne. Ann. Geogr., 5, 1896, 277-296. Le Cadurcotherium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1150-1152. Note preiiminaire sur les debris de Dinosauriens envoyes au Museum par M. Bastard. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 347-351. [Sur les racines granitiques et sur la differenciation des magmas eruptifs.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 138-139. Note sur le Cadurcotherium. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 286-287. Sur I'origine geologique des lacs de I'Auvergne et du Velay. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 759-760. Sur le gisement de Mammiferes Quaternaires de Hem- Monacu (Somme). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 879-881. [Bassin du Ehone.] Feuille de Privas. [1896-97.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 8, 1897, 109 (bis)- 110 (bis); 9, 1897, 366-367. Le Cantal Miocene. [1896.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 8, 1897, 213 {bis)-248 (bis). [Plateau Central.] Feuille de Figeac. France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 9, 1897, 331-332; 10, 1899, 497-498; 11, 1900, 124-130. Excursions du Congres Geologique International en Finlande et sur la Volga. Paris, Soc. Ged. Bull., 25, 1897, 856-860. Sur des fossiles nouveaux de Madagascar. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 624-626. Note sur de nouveaux fossiles Secondaires de Mada- gascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 130-134. Sur la geologic des terrains sedimentaires de Mada- gascar. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 124-125. [Sur la geologic de Madagascar.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 379, 395, 398. Observations sur quelques Equides fossiles. Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 531-542. Etude paieontologique et archeologique sur la station paieolithique du lac Kar4r (Algerie). Anthrop. (Paris), 11, 1900, 1-21. La geologie et la paieontologie de Madagascar, dans retat actuel de nos connaissances. Congr. Oeol. Int. C. E., 1900, 673-688. Compte rendu de I'excursion dans le massif central. Congr. Geol. Int. C. E., 1900, 981-985. Boule] 720 Geologie des environs d'Aurillac et observations nouvelles sur le Cantal. France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 11, 1900, 279-358. BotUe, Marcellin, & Cbauvet, Gustave. Sur I'existence d'une faune d'animaux arctiques dans la Charente a r^poque Quaternaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1188-1190. Boule, Marcellin, & Glangeaud, Phil[ippe]. Sur un nou- veau reptile fossile du Permien d'Autun. Ass. Fraug. C. E., 1893 {Pt. 1), 218. Le Callibrachion, nouveau reptile du Permien d'Autun. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 646-648. Boule, Marcellin, & Vemifere, A. L'abri sous roche du Rond, pr^s Saint- Arcons-d'AUier (Haute-Loire). Anthrop. (Paris), 10, 1899, 385-396. Boulenger, G[eorge] A[lbert]. Descriptions of new species of reptiles and batrachians in the British Museum. Part[s II and iii]. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 396- 398; 20, 1887, 50-53. Synopsis of the families of existing Lacertilia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 117-122. Notes on batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 387-391. On the existence of two species of aquatic frogs in north Germany. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 220-222. On the origin of the edible frog in England. Zoologist, 8, 1884, 265-269. [On a large lizard found in the island of Rodriguez.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 1-2. Diagnoses of new reptiles and batrachians from the Solomon Islands, collected and presented to the British Museum by H. B. Guppy, Esq., M.B., H.M.S. Lark. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 210-213. Description of a new variety of Lacerta viridis, from south Portugal. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 418-421. Notes on the edible frog in England. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 573-576. [Lists] of reptiles and batrachians from the province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, sent to the Natural History Museum by Dr. H. von Ihering. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1886, 191-196; 16, 1886, 85-88. Remarks on the variations of Elapomorphus lemnis- catus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 321-322. Remarks on the geographical distribution of the Lacertilia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1886, 77-85. Remarks on a paper by Prof. E. D. Cope on the reptiles of the province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 294-298. A list of reptiles and batrachians from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 388-389. Descriptions of three new species of geckos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1886, 473-475. Description d'une esp^ce nouvelle d'Agame. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 22, 1886, 127-128. Remarks on the common viper, Vipera berus, and en its subspecies V. Seoanei. Zoologist, 9, 1885, 373-375. Description of a new species of frog from Asia Minor. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 22-23. [Heterodactylus imbricatus.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 63. A description of the German river-frog (Rana escu- lenta, var. ridibunda, Pallas). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1885, 666-671. Description of a new frog of the genus Megalophrys. Zool. Soc Proc, 1886, 850. [On the oviposition in the tailless batrachians.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 463-464. Description of a new gecko of the genus Nephrurus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 91. A synopsis of the reptiles and batrachians of the province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat Hist. , 18, 1886, 423-445. Vorlegung lebender Exemplare der fiinf deutschen [Boulenger Rana-Formen nebst Bemerkungen iiber deren Haupt- unterscheidungsmerkmale und geographische Verbreitung. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1886, 67-68. Note sur la position de I'orifice anal chez les tetards des Batraciens d'Europe. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 319. Quelques mots en r^ponse k la note de M. le Dr. R. Blanchaed sur la classification des Batraciens. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 320-321. Note sur les grenouilles rousses d'Asie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 11, 1886, 595-600. Description of a new frog of the genus Megalophrys. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 24, 1886, 512-513. An account of the scincoid lizards collected in Burma, for the Genoa Civic Museum, by Messrs. G. B. Comotto and L. Fea. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 24, 1886, 618- 624. Description of a new iguanoid lizard living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 241. Remarks on specimens of Rana arvalis exhibited in the Society's menagerie. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 242- 243. First [to fourth reports] on additions to the batrachian collection in the Natural History Museum. Zool. Soc Proc, 1886, 411-416; 1890, 323-328; 1894, 640-646; 1898, 473-482. On two European species of Bombinator, Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 499-501. On the South African tortoises allied to Testudo geometrica. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 540-542. Remarks on Prof. W. K. Parker's paper on the skull of the chameleons. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 543. Description of a new tailed batrachian from Gorea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 67. On new fishes from the lower Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 148-149. Description of a new snake, of the genus Calamaria from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 169-170. On a new family of Pleurodiran turtles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 170-172. Descriptions of new South American characinoid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 172-174. On new batrachians from Malacca. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 345-348. On new siluroid fishes from the Andes of Columbia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 348-350. Remarks on Dr. A. Strauch's catalogue of the geckos in the Zoological Museum of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 383- 388. Notes on the osteology of the genus Platy sternum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 461-463. On new reptiles and batrachians from North Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 95-97. Description of new or little-known South American frogs of the genera Paludicola and Hyla. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 295-300. List[8] of reptiles and batrachians from Cyprus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 344-345; 2, 1888, 505-506. On the affinity of the North American lizard fauna. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 345-346; 1, 1888, 107- 109. On a rare Himalayan toad, Cophophryne sikkimensis, Blyth. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 405-407. A list of the reptiles and batrachians obtained near Muscat, Arabia, and presented to the British Museum by Surgeon-Major A. S. G. Jayakar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 20, 1887, 407-408. Description of a new snake from Afghanistan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 413-414. A synopsis of the snakes of South Africa. Zoologist, 11, 1887, 171-182. List of the reptiles collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston Bouleng-er] 721 [Boulenger on the Cameroons Mountain. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 127. On a collection of reptiles and batrachians made by Mr. H. Pryer in the Loo Choo Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1887, 146-150. On a new f;eckoid lizard from British Guiana. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 153-154. An account of the fishes collected by Mr. C. Buckley in eastern Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 274-283. Second [ — fourth] contribution to the herpetology of the Solomon Islands. [For the first contribution see below Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 35-62.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 333-338; 1888, 88-90; 1890, 30-31. On a new gecko, of the genus Chondrodactylus, from the Kalahari desert. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 339-340. On a new snake of the genus Lamprophis, now living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 397- 398. Reptiles. [Eeport on a zoological collection made by the officers of H.M.S. Flying-Fish, at Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 516-517. On the systematic position of the genus Miolania, Owen (Ceratochelys, Huxley). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 554-555. Notes on Emys Blandingii. Zool. Soc Proc, 1887, 555-556. [Xenopus laevis.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 563-564. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston on the Rio del Rey, Cameroons district, W. Africa. Zool. Soc Proc, 1887, 564-565. On a new species of Hyla from Port Hamilton, Corea, based on an example living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc Proc, 1887, 578-579. Description of a new genus of lizards of the family Teiidffi. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 640-642. [First to third accounts] of the fishes obtained by Surgeon-Major A. S. G. Jayakar at Muscat, east coast of Arabia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 653-667; 1889, 236- 246; 1892, 134-136. Les espfeces du genre Ophiomore. [1888,] France Soc. Zool. Bull., 12, 1887, 519-534. [The zoology of the Afghan Delimitation Commission.] Reptiles and batrachians. [1887.] Linn. Soc. Trans. {Zool), 5, 1888-94, 94-106. Description of two new chamaeleons from Nossi Be, Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 22-23. On a rare American newt, Molge meridionalis, Cope. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 24. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 101-107; 4, 1889, 244-248. Descriptions of new Brazilian batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 187-189. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. H. 0. Forbes in New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 343-346. On the characters of the chelonian families Pelo- medusidsB and Chelydidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 346-347, A list of batrachians from the province Santa Catharina, Brazil. Ann. Mag, Nat, Hist,, 1, 1888, 415- 417. On some reptiles and batrachians from Iguarasse, Pernambuco. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 40-48. Description of two new snakes from Hongkong, and note on the dentition of Hydrophis viperina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 43-45. On new or little known South African reptiles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 136-141. Descriptions of two new Australian frogs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 142-143. Descriptions of two new Indian species of Rana. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 506-508. B. S. A. C. Description of a new snake from Muscat, Arabia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1888, 508-509. Note sur le P^lobate brun, k propos de la r^cente communication de M. Heron-Royer sur le Pelobates latifrons. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 115-116. Encore un mot sur les pr^tendus caracteres diff^ren- tiels du Pelobate d'ltalie. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 163. Sur la synonymie et la distribution g^ographique des deux sonneurs europ^ens. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 13, 1888, 173-176. An account of the batrachians obtained in Burma by M. L. Fba, of the Genoa Civic Museum. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 25, 1887-88, 418-424. An account of the reptiles and batrachians obtained in Tenasserim by M. L. Fea, of the Genoa Civic Museum. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 25, 1887-88, 474- 486. On the chelydoid chelonians of New Guinea. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, 449-452. An account of the Reptilia obtained in Burma, north of Tenasserim, by M. L. Fea, of the Genoa Civic Museum. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 26, 1888, 593-604. Note on the classification of the Ranidae. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 204-206. Description of a new land tortoise from South Africa, from a specimen living in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 251. On the scaling of the reproduced tail in lizards. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 351-353. On the reptiles of Christmas Island. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 534-536. Remarks in reply to Dr. Baur's article on the syste- matic position of Miolania. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 138-141. On the reptiles and batrachians obtained in Morocco by M. Henry Vaucher. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 303-307. Description of a new batrachian of the genus Eupem- phix from Trinidad. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 307-308. Descriptions of a new snake and two new fishes obtained by Dr. H. von Ihering in Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 265-267. Descriptions of new TyphlopidaB in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 360-363. On a collection of batrachians made by Prof. Charles Spegazzini at Colonia Resistencia, South Chaco, Argentine Republic. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889, 246-249. Description of a new batrachian of the genus Lepto- brachium, obtained by M. L. Fea in the Karens Moun- tains, Burma. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 27, 1889, 748- 750. On the species of Rhacophorus confounded under the name of R. maculatus. Zool. Soc Proc, 1889, 27-32. On some specimens of lizards in the Zoological Museum of Halle (Saale). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 143- 145. Note on Python curtus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 432- 433, On the reptiles and batrachians of the Solomon Islands. [1884.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 35-62. [Notes on the zoology of Fernando Noronha.] Reptilia. [1888.] Linn. Soc Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 481- 482. [Notes on the zoology of Fernando Noronha.] Pisces. [1888.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 483.. A list of the reptiles and batrachians of Amoorland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 137^44. On the varieties of Chalcides ocellatus, Forsk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1890, 444-445. Description of a new snake of the genus Glauconia, 91 Boulenger] 722 [Boulenger Gray, obtained by Dr. Emin Pasha on the Victoria Nyanza. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 91-93. Descriptions of two new cyprinodontoid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 169-170. Description of a new species of Mormyrus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 193. On the ophidian genus Pseudoxyrhopus, Gthr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 311-314. On the distinctive cranial characters of the iguanoid lizards allied to Iguana. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 412-414. List of the reptiles, batrachians, and freshwater fishes collected by Professor Moesch and Mr. Iversen in the district of Deli, Sumatra. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 31-40. First [to third] report on additions to the lizard collec- tion in the British Museum (Natural History). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 77-86; 1894, 722-736; 1898, 912-923. Descriptions of two new species of the siluroid genus Arges. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1890, 450-452. Note on the secondary sexual characters in the South- African tortoises of the genus Homopus. Zool, Soc. Proc, 1890, 521. [Abnormality of teeth in Distira eyanocincta.] Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1890, 617-618. [Variation in skulls of Chelone mydas and Thalasso- chelys.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 618. Remarks on the Chinese alligator. Zool. Soc, Proc, 1890, 619-620, On the presence of pterygoid teeth in a tailless batrachian (Pelobates cultripes), with remarks on the localization of teeth on the palate in batrachians and reptiles, Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 664-666. Description of a new genus of cystignathoid frogs from New South Wales. [1890.] N, S, Wales Linn. Soc, Proc, 5, 1891, 593-594, Descriptions of new oriental reptiles and batrachians, Ann, Mag, Nat. Hist,, 7, 1891, 279-283, Remarks on the herpetological fauna of Mount Kina Baloo, North Borneo. Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, 7, 1891, 841-345, Description of a new lizard of the genus Zonurus, from the Transvaal, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, 7, 1891, 417. On the Galapagos lizards of the genus Tropidurus, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, 7, 1891, 501-503. On the occurrence of Discoglossus in the Lower Miocene of Germany. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 83-85, ~ Description of a new genus of iguanoid lizards, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist., 8, 1891, 85-86. On new or little known Indian and Malayan reptiles and batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 288- 292. On a stegosaurian dinosaur from the Trias of Lom- bardy. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 292-293. Remarks on the genus Heterolepis, Smith. Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 344-346. Description of a new European frog. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 34&-353. Description of a new scincoid lizard from north- western Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 405. Notes on American batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat Hist., 8, 1891, 453-457. Description of a new species of lizard obtained by Mr. H, S, Ferguson in Travancore, southern India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, Jl,, 6, 1891, 449, Description of a new species of frog obtained by Mr, H, S, Ferguson in Travancore, southern India, Bombay Nat, Hist, Soc Jl., 6, 1891, 450. Description of a new iguanoid lizard of the genus Anisolepis, Genova Mus. Civ, Ann,, 30, 1890-91, 909, The anatomy of Heloderma. Nature, 44, 1891, 444. Description of a new lizard of the genus Ctenople- pharis from Chili. Zool, Soc. Proc, 1891, 3, On some chelonian remains preserved in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 4-8. Notes on the osteology of Heloderma horridum and H, suspectum, with remarks on the systematic position of the Helodermatidse and on the vertebrae of the Lacertilia, Zool, Soc, Proc, 1891, 109-118, [Renewed pectoral limb in Protopterus annectens.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 147-148. On British remains of Homceosaurus, with remarks on the classification of the Rhynchocephalia, Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 167-172, On Simony's lizard, Lacerta Simonyi, Zool, Soc, Proc, 1891, 201-202, An account of the siluroid fishes obtained by Dr, H, VON Ihering and Herr Sebastian Wolff in the province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 231- 235. On the state of our knowledge of the reptiles and batrachians of British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 305-309. On reptiles, batrachians, and fishes from the Lesser West Indies. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 351-357. A contribution to the knowledge of the races of Rana esculenta and their geographical distribution. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 374-384. [An iguana with reproduced tail.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 466-467. A synopsis of the tadpoles of the European batra- chians. Zool. Soc. Proc , 1891, 593-627. Notes on Transcaspian reptiles. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 628-633. Zoological regions. [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 104. On newly discovered East-African chameleons, with remarks on some other reptiles described by Dr. Stein- DACHNER. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 72-74. Description of a new snake from Nubia. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 9, 1892, 74-76. Description of a new frog from Burma. Ann. Mag, Nat, Hist,, 9, 1892, 141-142. Note on Toxotes microlepis, Gthr., and Toxotes miorolepis, Blyth. Ann. Mag, Nat, Hist,, 9, 1892, 143- 144. On Stbauch's Triton longipes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9, 1892, 144-145, Description of a new siluroid fish from China, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, 9, 1892, 247, On some new or little known fishes obtained by Dr, J, W, Evans and Mr, Spencer Moore during their recent expedition to the province of Matto Grosso, Brazil, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist, , 10, 1892, 9-12, Description of new reptiles and batrachians from the Loo Choo Islands, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 802-304. On the larva of Molge Montandoni. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 304-305. Description of a new toad from Travancore. [1892.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 7, 1892-93, 317-318. Description of a new earth-snake from Travancore. [1892,] Bombay Nat, Hist, Soc, Jl., 7, 1892-93, 318. On the reptiles collected by Sig, L, Brichetti RoBECCHi in Somaliland, Genova Mus, Civ. Ann,, 32, 1892, 5-15, Fecundation in the tailed batrachians, A summary review of recent discoveries. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 6, 1892, 447-452, An investigation into the variations of the viper in Great Britain, Zoologist, 16, 1892, 87-93, On Lucioperca marina, C. <& V. Zool, Soc, Proc, 1892, 411-413. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. C, Hose on Mt, Dulit, Borneo, Zool. Soc, Proc, 1892, 505-508. Boulenger] 723 [Boulenger Description of a new blennioid fish from Kamtschatka. Zool. Soe. Proc, 1892, 583-585. Description of a new tree-frog from New South Wales. [1892.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 7, 1893, 403. On some newly described Jurassic and Cretaceous lizards and rhynchocephalians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 204-210. Note on the variations of the lateral shields in the three-spined stickleback (Gastrosteus aculeatus). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 228-229. On the nature of " htemapophyses, " in reply to some criticisms ol M. Dollo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 60-61. On the tadpole of Pelobates syriacus, Boettger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 61. List of the fishes collected by Mr. E. W. Oates in the southern Shan States, and presented by him to the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 198- 203. Note on Tarentola americana. Gray. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 204. Description of a new snake from the Gold Coast. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 273. On some remarkable specimens of Rana temporaria from Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 202-203. Une vip^re nouvelle pour la France (Vipera Ursinii, Bonap.). [1893.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 24, 1893-94, 8-9. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e region! vicine. Lii. Concluding report on the reptiles and batrachians obtained in Burma by Signer Ij. Fea, dealing with the collection made in Pegu and the Karin hills in 1887-88. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 33, 1893, 304-347. Blind animals in caves. [1893.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 608. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians obtained in Borneo by Mr. A. Everett and Mr. C. Hose. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 522-528. On a little known European viper, Vipera Ursinii, Bonap. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1893, 596-599. On Vipera Renardi, Christoph. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 757-760. Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1894, 245-251. List of reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. J. BoHLS near Asuncion, Paraguay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1894, 342-348. [A visit to Damma Island, East Indian Archipelago.] Reptiles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 58-59. On the herpetological fauna of Palawan and Balabac. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 81-90. Description of a new siluroid fish from Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 196. On the genus Phryniscus of Wiegmann. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 14, 1894, 374-375. Description of a new Anolis from Antigua, West Indies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 375-376. Descriptions of a new lizard and a new fish obtained in Formosa by Mr. Holst. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1894, 462-463. Description of a new snake found in Travancore by Mr. S. DiGHTON, Pirmaad. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1893-94, 528. Les perches des eaux douces du Chili. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, 9-17. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. E. MoDiGLiANi on Sereinu (Sipora), Mentawei Islands. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 34, 1894, 613-618. On the variations of the smooth snake, Coronella austriaca. Zoologist, 18, 1894, 10-15. On the size of the British newts. Zoologist, 18, 1894, 145-147. Catalogue of the reptiles and batrachians of Barbary (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), based chiefly upon the notes and collections made in 1880-84 by M. Fernand Lataste. [1890.] Zool. Soc Trans., 13, 1896, 93-164. On remains of an extinct gigantic tortoise from Madagascar (Testudo Grandidieri, Vaillant). [1892.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 13, 1896, 305-311. On a new Typhlops previously confounded with Typhlops unguirostris, Peters. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 9, 1896, 718-719. Description of a new eagle-ray from Muscat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 141. List of the freshwater fishes collected by Mr. A. Everett on Palawan and Balabac Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 185-187. Descriptions of two new fishes obtained by Mr. C. Hose in Sarawak. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 247. Note on a West African apodal batrachian hitherto confounded with Csecilia Seraphini of Aug. Dumeril. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 328-329. Description of a new snake from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 329. On the American box-tortoises. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 330-331. Descriptions of two new South American characinoid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 449. On a genus of frogs peculiar to Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 450. Description of a new batrachian (Oreophryne Quelchii) discovered by Messrs. J. J. Quelch and F. McConnell on the summit of Mount Roraima. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 521-522; 16, 1895, 125. Description of a new Anolis from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1896, 522-523. On a collection of reptiles and batrachians from Ferguson Island, D'Entrecasteaux group, British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 28-32. On some new or little known reptiles obtained by W. H. Crosse, Esq., on the Niger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 32-34. On the reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. E. Lort-Phillips in Somaliland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 165-169. Descriptions of four new batrachians discovered by Mr. Charles Hose in Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 169-171. Descriptions of two new snakes from Usambara, German East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 171-173. Remarks on the value of certain cranial characters employed by Prof. Cope for distinguishing lizards from snakes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 366-367. Descriptions of two new reptiles obtained by Mr. A. S. Meek in the Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 408-409. • Description of a new characinoid fish of the genus Parodon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 480. Descriptions of two new snakes of the genus Cala- maria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1896, 481. An addition to the ophidian fauna of India (Tarbophis rhiuopoma, Blanf.). [1895.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 325. [Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi afliuenti compinta dal Cap. V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892-93, sotto gli auspicii della Society Geographica Italiana. Risultati zoologici.] II. Rettili e batraci. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 35, 1896, 7-18. Note sur des Vipera berus captures en Normandie. Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1895, 149-151. Viaggio del dottor Alfredo Borelli nella Repubblica Argentina e nel Paraguay. Poissons. Torino Mns. Boll., 10, 1896, No. 196, 3 pp. On the variations of the viper (Vipera berus) in Denmark. Zoologist, 19, 1895, 60-62. 91—2 Boulenger] On the nursing habits of two South American frogs. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 209-210. Eemarks on some cranial characters of the salmonoids. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 299-302. . A synopsis of the genera and species of apodal batra- chians, with description of a new genus and species (Bdellophis vittatus). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 401-414. On a collection of fishes from the Eio Paraguay. [1895.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 523-529; 14, 1898, 25-39. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith in western Somahland and the Galla Country. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 530-540. On the type specimen of Boulengerina Stormsi, an elapoid snake from Central Africa. Zool. Soc Proc, 1895, 865-866. ■ Descriptions of a new snake and a new frog from north Australia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 867. Note on an adder (Vipera berus) taken in Epping Forest. [1895.] Essex Natlist., 9, 1896, 81. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 16-21. Descriptions of two new lizards from the Transvaal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 21-22. Descriptions of new fishes from the upper Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 309-311; 20, 1897, 422- 427. Description of a new chameleon from Uganda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 376. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians collected in Celebes by Drs. P. and F. Sabasin. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 393-395. Descriptions of new batrachians in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 401-406. Descriptions of new lizards from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 444-449. Descriptions of two new batrachians obtained by Mr. A. EvEEETT on Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 449-450. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. Alfred Eveeett in Celebes and Jampea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 62-64. Description of a new genus of elapine snakes from Woodlark Island, British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 152. On freshwater fishes from Smyrna. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 158-154. Description of a new siluroid fish from the Organ Mountains, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 154. Descriptions of four new lizards from Eoebuck Bay, N. W. Australia, obtained by Dr. Dahl for the Christiania Museum, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 232-235. Descriptions of new batrachians collected by Mr. C. F. Undeewood in Costa Eica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 340-342. On a little known Australian fish (Threpterius macu- losus, Richardson), with remarks on the family Cirrhi- tidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 397-399. On a case of simous malformation in a snake. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 399. A new genus of aglossal batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 420. Descriptions of two new frogs obtained in Madagascar by Dr. Forsyth Majoe. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 18, 1896, 420-421. Descriptions of two new frogs from Lake Tanganyika, presented to the British Museum by Mr. W. H. Ndtt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 467-468. Description of a new earth-snake from Travancore (Ehinophis Fergusonianus). [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 10, 1896-97, 236. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. 724 [Boulenger Eagazzi in Shoa and Eritrea. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 36, 1896, 545-554. Ueber einige Eeptilien von der Insel Moua (West- indien). [1896.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1894-96, 112-114. Liste des poissons recueillis par le E. P. Louis Jalla a Kazungula, haut Zambese. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 260, 2 pp. Sur le Bombinator pachypus, Bonaparte, et sa vari^t^ brevipes, Blasius. Torino Mus. Boll., 11, 1896, No. 261, 2 pp. Second report on the reptiles and batrachians col- lected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith during his expedition to Lake Eudolf. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 212-217. On some little known batrachians from the Caucasus. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 548-555. Eemarks on the dentition of snakes and on the evolution of the poison- fangs. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 614-616. On the occurrence of Schlegel's gavial (Tomistoma Schlegeli) in the Malay Peninsula, with remarks on the atlas and axis of the crocodilians. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 628-633. On a new gecko from Penang. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 767-768. Descriptions of new fishes from the upper Shir6 river, British Central Africa, collected by Dr. Percy Eendall, and presented to the British Museum by Sir Harry H. Johnston, K.C.B. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 915-920. On the lizards of the genus Eremias, section Boulen- geria. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 920-930. Descriptions of new lizards and frogs from Mount Victoria, Owen Stanley Eange, New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. S. Anthony. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 6-13. Descriptions of new Malay frogs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 106-108. Description of a new snake from Sierra Leone. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 154. Description of a new fish from Lake Nyassa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 155. A list of reptiles and batrachians from the Congo Free State, with descriptions of two new snakes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 276-281. Description of a new snake from Usambara, German East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 281. Description of a new lizard from Obok. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 467-468. Description of a new genus and species of tortoises from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 468-469. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. Alfred Eveeett in Lombok, Flores, Sumba, and Savu, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 503-509. Description of a new ceratopterine eagle-ray from Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 227-228. On a collection of fishes from the island of Marajo, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 294-299. Description of a new gymnotine fish of the genus Sternopygus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 305. On the reptiles of Eotuma Island, Polynesia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 306-307. A list of the fishes obtained by Mr. J. Stanley Gaedineb at Eotuma, South Pacific Ocean. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 371-374. On some little known snakes from Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 374-376. Descriptions of new fishes from the Mekran coast, Persia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 20, 1897, 420-422. Description of a new snake from the Andes of Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 523. A new krait from Sind (Bungarus sindanus). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 73-74. Boulenger] 725 [Boulenger A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by the late Prince Eugenio Euspoli in Somaliland and Galla- land in 1893. Geneva Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, 5-14. Report on Capt. B5ttego's second collection of reptiles and batrachians from Somaliland. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, 15-23. A list of the reptiles and batrachians of Somaliland and Gallaland. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 37, 1896-97, 275-280. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Dr. L. Lokia in British New Guinea. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann. , 38, 1897, 694-710. Concluding report on the late Capt. B6ttego's col- lection of reptiles and batrachians from Somaliland and British East Africa. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 38, 1897, 715-723. Viaggio del Dott. Alfredo Borelli nel Chaco Boliviano e nella Repubblica Argentina. Poissons. Torino Mus. Boll., 12, 1897, No. 279, 4 pp. A catalogue of the reptiles and batrachians of Celebes, with special reference to the collections made by Drs. P. and F. Sarasin in 1893-96. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1897, 193- 237. On a specimen of Acanthocybium Solandri from the Arabian Sea. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 272-273. An account of the freshwater fishes collected in Celebes by Drs. P. and F. Sarasin. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 426- 429. A revision of the lizards of the genus Sceloporus. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 474-522. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected in northern Nyasaland by Mr. Alex. Whyte, F.Z.S., and presented to the British Museum by Sir Harry H. Johnston, K.C.B. ; with descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 800-803. [On the habits of Vandellia cirrhosa.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 901, 920-921. On a gigantic sea-perch, Stereolepis gigas. Zool. Soc Proc, 1897, 917-918. Description of a new tortoise of the genus Sterno- thserus. Zool. Soc Proc, 1897, 919. On a nothosaurian reptile from the Trias of Lombardy, apparently referable to Lariosaurus. [1893.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 1-10. A list of reptiles and batrachians from Ombaai, East Indian Archipelago. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 122-124. Descriptions of two new blind snakes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 124. On a new genus of salmonoid fishes from the Altai Mountains. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 329-331. Description of a new genus of cyprinoid fishes from Siam. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 450-451. Description of a new genus of aglyphous colubrine snakes from Sumatra. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 73-74. Description of a new death-adder (Acanthophis) from central Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 75. On a second collection of reptiles made by Mr. E. Lort-Phillips in Somaliland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 130-133. Descriptions of two new fishes from the coast of Sind. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 133-134. Descriptions of two new snakes from Queensland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 414. Description of a new siluroid fish from West Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 415. On the species of Polypterus. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 2, 1898, 416-420. Descriptions of two new siluroid fishes from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 477-478. A list of reptiles, batrachians, and fishes collected by Cav. Guido Boggiani in the northern Chaco. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 125-127. A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by the late Prof. L. Balzan in Bolivia. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 128-133. Hibernating reptilian embryos. Nature, 58 (1898), 619. Viaggio del Dr. Enrico Festa nell' Ecuador e regioni vicine. Poissons de I'Equateur. Torino Mus. Boll., 13, 1898, No. 329, 13 pp. ; 14, 1899, No. 335, 8 pp. Description of a new sea-snake from Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 106-107. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. W. F. H. Rosenberg in western Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 107-126. [On a hybrid between Molge vittata and M. mar- morata.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 127. A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 132-152; 1899, 98-143. A revision of the genera and species of fishes of the family Mormyridce. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 775-821. On a collection of fishes from the Rio Jurua, Brazil. Zool. Soc. Trans., *14, 1898, 421-428. • On a specimen of Lepidopus atlanticus, Goode <& Bean, from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 180-181. Description of a new osphromenoid fish from the Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 242-243. Descriptions of new batrachians in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 273-277. On the South Pacific fishes of the genus Callanthias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 346-347. On Hymenochirus, a new type of aglossal batrachians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 122-125. Description of a new genus of gobioid fishes from the Andes of Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 125- 126. Descriptions of two new homalopteroid fishes from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 228-229. On the occurrence of Gobius capito on the coast of Brittany. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 229-230. A contribution to the history of the Carboniferous ganoid, Benedenius deneensis, Traquair, with notes on two newly discovered specimens. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 445-451. Descriptions of three new reptiles and a new batra- chian from Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 451-454. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. P. 0. Simons in the Andes of Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 454-457. A new sea-snake of the genus Distira, from Kurrachee. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 642. [Contributions to the natural history of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia, and its neighbourhood.] Reptilia and Amphibia. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899- 1900, 378-381. Description of a new genus of perciform fishes from the Cape of Good Hope. S. African Mus. Ann., 1, 1899, 379-380. Viaggio del Dott. Enrico Festa nel Darien e regioni vicine. Poissons de I'Amerique Centrale. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, No. 346, 4 pp. Descriptions of two new lizards from the interior of British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1899, 96-98. On a collection of reptiles and batrachians made by Mr. J. D. La Touche in N. W. Fokien, China. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 159-172. Description of a new lizard of the genus Ameiva from Ecuador. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 517-518. Boulenger] [Notes on Lanthanotus borneensis.] Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1899, 596-597. On the American spade-foot (Scaphiopus solitarius, Holbrook). Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 790-793. On the reptiles, batrachians, and fishes collected by the late Mr. John Whitehead in the interior of Hainan. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 936-962. Mat^riaux pour la faune du Congo. Poissons nou- veaux. [1898-1900.] Brux., Mus. Congo Ann. {Zool.), 1, 1900, 164 pp. — Descriptions of two new atherinoid fishes from Mexico. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 54-55. Descriptions of three new species of siluroid fishes from southern Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 165-166. Descriptions of new reptiles from Perak, Malay Peninsula. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 306-308. Description of a new sea-horse (Hippocampus) from Muscat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 51-52. A list of the fishes collected by Mr. Rupert Vallentin in the Falkland Islands. [With notes by the collector.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 52-54. ■ Descriptions of new batrachians and reptiles collected by Mr. P. 0. Simons in Peru. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 181-186. Descriptions of new batrachians and reptiles from the Larut Hills, Perak. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 186- 193. Description of a new lizard from Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 193-194. Description of a new lizard from British East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 194-195. On a new species of the genus Alepas (A. Lankesteri), from the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 195-199. Description of a new snake of the genus Ablabes from Burma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 409. Diagnoses of new fishes discovered by Mr. J. E. S. MooBE in Lake Tanganyika, [i. Cyprinidae, Siluridas.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 478-481. On some little known African silurid fishes of the subfamily DoradinaB. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 520-529. Descriptions of two new lizards from Selangor. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 333- 334. Description of a new lizard from the Batu caves, Selangor. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 335. Description of a new snake from the Perak Hills. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 13, 1900-01, 336. [Report on a collection made by Messrs. F. V. McCoNNELL and J. J. Quelch at Mount Roraima in British Guiana.] Reptiles. [Batrachians.] [1900.] Linn. Soc. Trans. {Zool), 8, 1900-03, 53-54, 55-56. Viaggio del Dr. A. Bobelli nel Matto Grosso e nel Paraguay. Liste des poissons recueillis k Urucum et a Carandasiiiho, pr^s de Corumb^. Torino Mus. Boll., 15, 1900, No. 370, 4 pp. Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians from Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 182-187. [Remarks on a specimen of Polypterus Lapradii with large external gills.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 267. A list of the batrachians and reptiles of the Gaboon (French Congo), with descriptions of new genera and species. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 433-456. List of the fishes collected by Mr. J. S. Bddgett in the river Gambia. [With notes by J. S. Budgett, F Z S ] Zool. Soc Proc, 1900, 511-516. [Synonymy of Brookia Baileyi.] Zool. Soc. Proc 1900, 661. Eieport on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. Moobe in Lake Tanganyika during his expedition, 1895- 726 [Boulger 96. [With an appendix by J. E. S. Mooee.] [1898.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 1-30. Second contribution to the ichthyology of Lake Tan- ganyika. On the fishes obtained by the Congo Free State expedition under Lieut. Lemaibe in 1898. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 87-96; Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 3-4. Boulenger, G[eorge] A[lberi], & Iiydekker, Richard. A wooden dinosaur. Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 191-192. See also Iiydekker & Boulenger. Boulenger, L. Delimitations du rivage de la mer. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 123, 1894, 205-215. Boulengler, 0[dillon]. Phlegmon chronique non suppur^ du tissu cellulaire de la cuisse, simulant un sarcome. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 3), 192-196. Boulengier, 0[dillon], Denaeyer, A., & Devos, C. Pep- tonemie et peptonurie exp^rimentales. Jl. Pharra., 22, 1890, 309-312. Boulet, E. F. Note sur un nouveau proc^d^ de fabrication de tubes. St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 459-484. Boulet, Vital. Sur quelques ph^nom^nes de la disorgani- sation cellulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 506- 507. Sur la membrane de I'hydroleucite. Rev. Gen. Bot., 12, 1900, 319-322. Bouley, [Henri Marie]. For biography and works see France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 32, 1885, i-xxvii, 699-701 ; Leopoldina, 21, 1886, 215; Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 14, 1885, 1564-1568; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 1084- 1093; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^ni., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 721-723; Arch. G^n. M^d., 157, 1886, 123; Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Thierheilk., 12, 1886, 155-157; Deutsclie Ztschr. Thier- med., 12, 1886, 431-437; Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 190; France Soc. Agr. M6m., 133, 1889, 489-513; Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 321-328. *Cas de gu^rison de rage humaine par des injections de curare. [1883.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 13, 1884, 85-93. *Rapport sur I'importation des viandes de pore salves de provenance americaine. [1883.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 13, 1884, 390-401. — — La nature vivante de la contagion. L'inoculation preventive de la rage. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1884 (Pt, 1), 87-108. L'inoculation preventive de la fievre jaune k Rio de Janeiro. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1276-1277. Boulger, Gleorge] S[imonds]. *Some additional notes on Essex watersheds. [1883.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 131-134. The influence of man upon the flora of Essex. [1884.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 13-40. The life and work of John Ray, and their relation to the progress of science. [1885.] Essex Field Club Trans., 4, 1886, 171-188. On the connection in time of changes in fossil floras with those of faunas. [1886.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 9, 1887, 482-494. Excursion to the Maidstone district. [1886.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 9, 1887, 551-554. Endosperm. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 37-39. Excursion to Godstone, Tilburstow, and Nutfield. [1888.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 10, 1889, 496-499. Visit to the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, department of Botany. Demonstration on fossil fungi, lichens, mosses, etc. [1889.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 11, 1891, xxi-xxiii. Note on a new species of Capulus. [1890.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 11, 1891, 445-450. *[Flora of Box Hill.] [1883.] Essex Field Club Proc, 4, 1892, xxvii-xxix. Excursion to Wotton and Ranmer. Geol. Ass. Proc. 12, 1892, 403-400, x. Boulger] 727 [Bouquet de la Grye Visit to the British Museum (Natural History). Demonstration on gymnosperms by W. Carruthers. [1893.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1896, 50-52. Geological notes of a journey round the coast of Norway and into northern Russia. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 51, 1896, 494. The first Russian botanist. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 33-38. Our forest trees, and how they should be represented in the Forest Museum. Essex Natlist., 9, 1896, 243-244. Plant companionship (symbiosis) in the Forest. [1897.] Essex Natlist., 10, 1898, 170-173. The dispersal of seeds. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 23 (1899-1900), 106-118. History of Essex botany. Essex Natlist., 11, 1900, 57-68, 169-184, 229-236. Aquatic plants. [1900.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 25 (1900- 01), 64-77. Some manuscript notes by Plukenet. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 336-338. Boulger, G[eo7-ge] Slimonds], & Britten, James, See Britten & Boulger. BoiUger, G[eorgeli S[imonds], & Iieigbton, Thomas. On the Lower Greensand area to the north of the "Rookery " fault between Wotton and Dorking. [1892.] Geol. Ass. Proc, 13, 1895, 4-16. Boulin, Petruse. L'action de I'huile sur les vagues. Rev. ScL, 33, 1884, 255. Boulineau, {capit.) . Extrait du rapport. [Islande. Temps, saisons, glaces.] Ann. Hydrogr., 10, 1888, 535. Boulineau, Paul. L'elevage du z^bu et de ses derives en Algerie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 44, 1897, 174-177. Boulland, [Henri']. Des plis du pavilion de I'oreille au point de vue de I'identit^. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1890 {Pt. 1), 255-256. Boullanger, E. Contribution a I'etude de quelques levures de biere. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10 (1896), 597-607. Action des levures de biere sur le lait. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 11 (1897), 720-725. Boullanger, E.,& Kayser, E. See Kayser & Boullanger. BouUe, Paul. De la compression ouatee dans le traite- ment de I'orchite blennorrhagique. Arch. Gen. Med., 159, 1887, 149-166, 568-584. Boulloclie, Pierre. Contribution a I'etude des paraplegics d'origine syphilitique. Ann. de Dermatol., 2, 1891, 753- 771. Note sur un cas de polyarthrite suppuree et de myo- sites determinees par le pneumocoque. Arch. Med. Exper., 3, 1891, 252-256. "BoyxHa, {V ahhe) A . [Oranges proliferes.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. R.), 33. Les trois roses de Jericho. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann,, 19, 1894 (C. P.), 43-45. [Nouvelle maladie de la vigne.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. P.), 61. [Variability des aiguillons de Rosa echinoclada. ] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 19, 1894 (C. P.), 76. [Formes diverses de Centaurea scabiosa.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1895 (C. P.), 26. Asperula Jordani et A. longiflora. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (C. P.), 29-30. Scolopendrium a fronde munie de sores sur les deux faces. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 20, 1896 (C. P.), 57-58. [Anomalie de Narcissus pseudo-narcissus.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. P.), 28. [Viviparisme des Gramin^es.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 21, 1896 (C. R), 44-45. [Les globulaires. ] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 (C. P.), 2. Les hybrides de Rosa gallica et de Rosa arvensis. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 {Mem.), 1-4. Hybrides de Rosa gallica et de diverses esp^ces autres que R. arvensis. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 22, 1897 {Mem.), 5-7. Note sur la construction des ponts Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 11 (1886), Herborisations en Corse de MM. Foocaud et Simon. Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 24, 1899 [Mem.), 63-76. [Classification des Menthes.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (C. P.), 1-2. [Note sur un Potamogiton.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 25, 1900 (C. P.), 18-19. Boullu, (Vabbe) A., & Roux, Nisius. See Konx & Boullu. Boulongne, Louis de. suspendus modernes. 150-181. Note sur les ponts suspendus avec poutres raidissantes articuldes en leurs milieux. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 4 (1892), 667-753. BotUouch, R. Sur le photom^tre de Bunsen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 642-644. Dedoublement des franges d'interference en lumiere naturelle. [1893.] Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 316-320; Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 4, 1894, xlvi-1. Franges secondaires de I'appareil k anneaux de Nbwton. Jl. Phys., 3, 1894, 28-31. Corrections calorimdtriques. Methodes de compen- sation. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc. -Verb., 1897- 98, 132-136. Boult, A. J., & Bideal, Samuel. See Rideal & Boult. Boult, W. S. The combined resistance of conductors in parallel. Electrician, 28, 1892, 235. Boultbee, J. W. Artesian water in New South Wales. N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. JL, 32, 1898, 88-103. Boulton, J. G. Are the Great Lakes retaining their ancient level? [1892.] Canad. Rec. Sci., 5, 1893, 381-385. Boulton, W. S. Notes on the microscopic characters of some rocks occurring as erratics in the Lichfield district. [1896.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1897, 73-80. Boulud, , & Zidpine, Plaphael]. See Ii6pine & Boulud. Boulvin, J. L'application du systSme compound aux machines marines pour les courtes traversees. Brux, Ann. Trav. PubL, 41, 1884, 1-12. Note sur le phare flottant " Wandelaar" et les machines employees pour faire les signaux de brume. Brux. Ann. Trav. PubL, 41, 1884, 415-439. De I'epuisement des formes de radoub au moyen de pompes centrifuges. Brux. Ann. Trav. PubL, 44, 1886, 261-287. Bouma, Jac[ob]. Over de bepaling van de hoeveelheid indican in de urine. Utrecht, Onderzoek., 1, 1899, 234- 242; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 27, 1899, 348-355. Ueber die bei der Behandlung des Harnindicans mit Ferrichloridsalzsaure auftretenden rothbraunen Farb- sto£fe. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 30, 1900, 117-125. Bouman, Z. P. Emissie en absorptie van glaa en kwarts bij verschillende temperaturen. Amsterdam, Ak. VersL, 5, 1897,^438-442. Bouny, Elise. Mesure du travail depens^ dans I'emploi de la bicyclette. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1391- 1395. Controle de la pedale dynamom6trique de bicyclette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1528-1530. Bouny, Elise, & Comte, Gh^^arles}. See Comte & Bouny. Bouquet, [Jean Claude]. For biography and works see Bull. Sci. Math., 9, 1886, 301-305; Nuova Antol. Sci., 83, 1886, 404; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 585-588; 102, 1886, 1267-1273. Bouquet, P[obert] P. La mesure du rendement des dynamos. Genie Civil, 23, 1893, 416-418. Bouquet de la Orye, [Jean Jacques] A[natole]. Les progres de Phydrographie en France. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1884 {Pt.l), 23-29. Etude sur les deviations du pendule au Mexique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 170-174. Premiere ^tude sur la parallaxe du Soleil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 727-732. Bouquet de la Grye] 728 Amelioration de la barre du Senegal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 1420-1422. • Eapport a la Soci(5t^ de G6ographie de Paris sur rorthographie des noms geographiques. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 7, 1886, 191-202. Etude sur la barre du Senegal. Bev. Maritime et Colon., 89, 1886, 515-547; Bev. Sci., 38, 1886, 9-13. Note sur la mesure des plaques photographiques du Passage de V^nus sur le Soleil de 1882. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 550-551. Bapport sur les vitesses produites par les marees de I'oc^an Pacifique et de la mer des Antilles dans un canal etablissant une communication libre entre ces deux mers. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. E., 104, 1887, 1484-1489. Note sur le tremblement de terre du 23 fevrier a Nice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 202-203. Declinaisons et inclinaisons magn^tiques observ^es en Tunisie par la Mission Hydrographique 1884-86. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 105, 1887, 801. Note sur la stabilite de la cote de France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 107, 1888, 812-816. [Sur les variations diurnes des chronometres.] Congr. Int. Chronom., 1889, 25-26. [Beponse a la note de M. de Tillo : "Sur la stability du sol de la France."] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 108, 1889, 54-56. Note sur le choix d'un zero fondamental, pour le nivellement. Ann. Hydrogr., 12, 1890, 32-38. Le z^ro fondamental et le niveau de la mer. Astro- Domie, 1890, 226-227. La rotacion del planeta Venus. [Tr.] Tacubaya Obs. Astr. Bol., 1, 1890, 262-266. La rotation de la plan^te V^nus. Astronomic, 1891, 261-268. Les progres de I'astronomie en 1891. Astronomic, 1892, 180-188. Description d'un instrument pouvant rendre apparentes les petites variations de I'intensit^ de la pesanteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 116, 1893, 341-345. Ondes marges et ondes atmospheriques provenant de Paction du Soleil et de la lune. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 117, 1893, 5-12. Les ondes atmospheriques lunaires. Bev. Sci., 1, 1894, 129-134; Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1895, A, 20 pp. L'heure nationale. Bev. Sci., 9, 1898, 579-581. Sur la parallaxe du Soleil. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. E., 129, 1899, 986-993. Notice sur les ballons sondes. Paris, Bur. Long. Annu., 1899, A, 14 pp. Bouquet de la Orye, [Jean^Jacqxies] AlnatoW], & Arago, (capit.) [Felix Pierre']. Etude sur le contour apparent de V(5nu8. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. B., 98, 1884, 1406-1411. Bouquet de la Orye, [Jean Jacques] A[natole], Fujazon, (capit.) Cecilio, & Driencourt, . Differences de longitudes entre San Fernando, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Saint-Louis et Dakar et mesures d'intensitd de la pesanteur. Paris, Bur. Long. Ann., 5, 1897, A, 180 pp. Bour, Ch. Les dependances du Senegal. Geographic, population, productions, commerce, colonisation. Bev. Maritime et Colon., 85, 1885, 26-82. BouTbouze, [J. G.]. Soudure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sol. G. E., 98, 1884, 1490-1491. Nouveaux modules d'hygrometres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1886, 1538-1539; Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 425-426. Sur un nouvel alliage d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 102, 1886, 1317. Bourcart, E[mmanuel]. [Derives de la dibenzylketone.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 21, 1889, 375-376. Ueber Bromderivate des Dibenzylketons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1368-1370. Bourcart, Robert. *Note sur I'impression de I'indigo naturel. [1883.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884. 49-64. [Bourcet Sur les couleurs employees dans I'impression des etoffes d'indiennes et les moyens g^neraux de les tixer. Premiere partie. Les couleurs minerales. Moniteur Sci., 26, 1884, 356-365. Sur les couleurs employees dans I'impression des etoffes et les moyens gen^raux de les fixer sur tissus de coton. Deuxieme partie. Les laques. Moniteur Sci., 26, 1884, 435-482. On the dyeing properties of anthragallol. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 3, 1884, 140-141. Eapport sur le controle du lait exerc^ par le laboratoire d'analyse pendant le premier semestre de son exercice, du 15 mars jusqu'a ce jour. [1886.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 57, 1887, 80-86. Les falsifications du lait. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 617-627. Note sur la determination de la substance seche ou rdsidu d'^vaporation du lait, en meme temps que la cendre, et de I'analyse des laits caill^s. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 628-629. Analyses des eaux des pompes publiques de la ville de Mulhouse faites en 1886 et 1887. [1888.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 225-236. Proc^de chimique pour le dosage de I'alcool. Examen de la methode de Eoese et modifications apportees k celle-ci. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 542-547. Memoire sur une nouvelle methode de titration de I'alcool par I'acide chromique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 558-561. Dosage de I'aldehyde par I'acide chromique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 561-562. L'analyse du lait au point de vue de ses falsifications. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 24-28. Bourcart, Robert, & Mieg, Edouard. Methode servant a contrSler les r^sultats trouv^s dans l'analyse des vins, et en particulier la quantity des matieres extractives. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 547-558. Bourcart, Rodolphe. For biographical notice and list of works see Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 70, 1900, 325-327. Etude sur le frottement dans les transmissions par courroies et par cordes. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 56, 1886, 436-442. Etude de frottement dans les tourillons de petit diametre k grande vitesse. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 720-725. Note sur le compteur acoustique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 58, 1888, 726. Sur la romaine micrometrique de Geo. Thomas et Cie, a Manchester. [1888.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 31-32. Considerations sur les dynamometres pour filds. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 59, 1889, 621-622. Etude dynamometrique. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891, 282-284. Note sur un moyen d'etudier les variations de vitesse d'un moteur. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 63, 1893, 418- 419. Bourceau, . Un nouveau r^actif des albumines urinaires. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 49, 1897 (G. R.), 317-318. Bourceret, P. Sur la circulation veineuse du pied. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 100, 1885, 381-383. Bourcet, Paul. Sur le 2'«»'abenzovltoluene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 945-952; 17, 1897, 81-85. Sur I'absinthine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 537-539; Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 128-130. Synthase du glycocolle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 1005-1006. Becherche et dosage colorimetrique de petites quantites d'iode dans les matieres organiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 128, 1899, 1120-1122; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 554-556. Sur I'absorption de I'iode par les v6getaux. [1899.] Bourcet] 729 [Bourg«at Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 768-770; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 40-41. Sur I'iode normal de I'organisme et son Elimination. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 392-394. Sur I'analyse de I'eau de Jouhe, pr^s Dole (Jura). Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 23, 1900, 144-145; Jl. Pharm., 11, 1900, 223-224. Bourcet, Paul, & Berlemont, G. Sur une tiouvelle trompe soufflante. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 479; Ann. Chim. Anal., 3, 1898, 221-222. Bourcet, Paul, & Cbarrin, Albert. See Charrin & Bourcet. Bourcet, PrmI, & Oenvresse, P[ierre]. See aenvresse iS: Bourcet. Bourcet, Pdul, & aiey, K[uf)('ne]. See Oley & Bourcet. Bourcy, 7^, & Iiaignel-X>avastine, . Un eas de maladie de Recklinghausen. Arch. G6n. Med., 186, 1900, 270-283. Bourdariat, Alexandre J. Esquisse geologique et min^ra- logique du district aurifere de Santa-Cruz, Honduras (Amerique Ceutrale). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Mf'm.), 35-40. . Notes sur les alluvions aurif^res de Grenade (Espagne). Brux. Soc. Beige G(5ol. Bull., 1894 {Mem.), 46-54. Formation d'un nouveau cone sur le Vesuve. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Proc.-Verb.), 83-85. Bourdarie, Paul. La domestication de I'ElEphant d' Afrique. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 43, 1896, 97-108, 145-155, 486-502; 44, 1897, 1-6. Sur le dressage d'un jeune elephant d' Afrique au Fernan-Vaz. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 46, 1899, 33-38. Bourdeille de Montr^sor. Sec Montr^sor. Bourdelles, [Leon]. For biography and works see Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 1899 (Trim. 3), vi-xi, (Trim. 4), xiii- xxxyii; Genie Civil, 35, 1899, 413. Etude du regime de la maree dans le canal de Suez. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1898 (Trim. 3), 11-30. Ponts en ma(,'onnerie articules aux naissances et a la clef. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1898 (Trim. 3), 31-92. Distribution des vitesses suivant la verticale dans les courants de maree. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1898 (Triui. 4), 5-37. Etude du regime de la maree dans La Manche. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1899 (Trim. 3), 1-76. Etude sur le regime de la mart^e dans les estuaires et dans les fleuves. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1900 (Trim. 3), 5-120. Bourdette, J. Sur I'odeur de I'Orchis coriophora, L., et le sue du Meconopsis cambrica, Vig. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 239. Sur la flore des Hautes-PyrenEes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 254-262. Additions a la flore du d6partement de I'Ari^ge. [1887.] Toulouse Soc. Sci. Bull., 7, 1888, 439-448. Bourdier, , & Saint-Blancat, D. See Saint-Blancat & Bourdier. Bourdillon, Ch. Cirrhose post-typhoidique, i predomi- nance veineuse et k marche rapide. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 305. Bourdillon, Ch., & ZTepven, Gustave. See XTepven & Bourdillon. Bourdillon, F. W. The natural scenery of Sussex as related to geological formation. Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1 (Pt. 8, 1885), 27-38. An account of recent enquiries into coast-erosion ; with special reference to the neighbourhood of East- bourne. [1886.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1 (Pt. 10, 1885-86), 37-48. Bourdillon, T. F. The fertilisation of the coffee plant. Nature, 36, 1887, 580-581. Coffee and tea in Travancore. [1892.] Kew Bull., 1894, 403-404. The re-discovery of Strychnos Rheedii (Clarke). E. 8. A. C. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1895-97, 690- 691. Descriptions of some new or rare trees from Travan- core. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898- 1900, 349-353. Bourdin, Jules. Telegraphe imprimeur de Baillehache en service au Credit Lyonnais, k Paris. Lum. Elect., 15, 1885, 498-500. Lettre k Monsieur Clausius [sur I'existence reelle de I'ether]. Lum. Elect., 16, 1886, 419-423. Siphon interrupteur de Radiouet. Lum. Elect., 24, 1887, 576. Bourdin, Louis. Essai sur le climat du Vivarais. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 846-850. Le Vivarais. Essai de geographie r^gionale. Lyon Univ. Ann., Faxc. 37, 1898, 262 pp. L'Ardeche. Montpellier, Soc. Langued. Geogr. Bull., 21, 1898, 244-254. Bourdon, B. La vision des monuments elevEs. Rev. Sci., 43, 1889, 763-764. — — La tache aveugle. Rev. Sci., 50, 1892, 28. Une illusion d'optique. Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 668. Bourdon, Eugene. For biography see Les Mondes, 9, 1884, 250-253; Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 542-543. Bourdon, (It.) G. Note sur la determination d'une droite de hauteur par la methode de I'amiral Marcq-Saint- H11..AIRE. Rev. Maritime et Colon., 88, 1886, 102-111. Bourdon, G. Le canon du Rhone et le lac de Geneve. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 15, 1894, 70-131; 16, 1896, 75-111, 219-266. Bourdon, Hip. For biographical notice .see Paris, Ac. Med. Bull., 28, 1892, 813. Bouxeau, . Essais de seroth^rapie centre le cancer. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 47, 1895 (G. R.), 599-600. Bouret, , & Quinard, Louis. See Oulnard & Bouret. Boureuille, Bigault de. For biography see Ann. Mines, 3, 1893, 595-601. Bourgade la Dardye, E[mmamiel] de. Sur un nouveau signe de la mort reelle fourni par la radiographie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 439-441. Bourgade la Dardye, E[7umanuel] de, & Fredet, Pierre. Application de la radiographie k I'etude de I'angEioIogie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol I, Anat.), 100-108. Bourgeat, (le chanoine) [Francois'] Elinilieii]. Note sur la decouverte de trois lambeaux nouveaux de Ceuomanien dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884. 630-634. Note sur le NEocomien du Haut-Jura frangais. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 9, 1885 (Pt. 2), 119-150. Sur la limite du Bajocien et du Bathonien dans le Jura. Caract^res et degr^s de d^veloppement que ce dernier prEsente. Paris, Soc. G60I. Bull., 13, 1886, 167- 177. Nouvelles observations sur le Jurassique Superieur des environs de Saint-Claude et de Nantua. Paris, Soc. GEol. Bull., 13, 1885, 587-616. Compte rendu de ['excursion du 24 aoftt a Syam, les Planches, Sirod et Nozeroy. Paris, Soc. GEol. Bull., 13, 1886, 740-747. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 25 aout, de Cham- pagnole k Saint-Laurent et k Morez. Paris, Soc. GEol. Bull., 13, 1886, 773-785. Resume des changements de facias du Jurassique Superieur k travers le Jura meridional. [ With discunsion.} Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1885, 794-805. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 27 aout, au Pontet et a MontEpile. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, 13, 1885, 808-819. Compte rendu de I'excursion du 28 aout, de Saint- Claude k Molinges, Viry et Oyonnax. Paris, Soc. GEol. Bull., 13, 1885, 819-827. Aperpu sommaire sur les principaux accidents oro- graphiques de la region du Jura comprise eutre la Faucille et la Bresse. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann, 10, 1886 (Pt. 2), 215-2.50. 92 Bourgeat] Sur la repartition des renveraements de teiTains dans la region du Jura comprise entre Geneve et Poligny. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 102, 1886, 563-565. Eesunie de qnelques observations faites aux environs d'Arinthod et de Saint- Julien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 437-443. Premiere contribution a I'etude de la faune de I'Oolithe Virgulienne du Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 14, 1886, 560-564. Notice stratigraphique sur le Corallien de Valfin. Schweiz. Palaont. Ges. Abh., 13, 1886, No. 3, 5-34. Considerations sommaires sur la position des rognons Biliceux du Jurassique Superieur dans le Jura meridional et sur les consequences qui en decoulent. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 162-170. [Note sur les gisements de I'Ostrea virgula dans le Jura.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1887, 198-199. Contribution a I'etude du Cretace Superieur dans le Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 15, 1887, 328-331. Eecherches sur les formations eoralligenes du Jura meridional. Kev. Sci., 41, 1888, 115-117. Observations sommaires sur les principales formations g^ologiques du Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 718-721. Premiere contribution k I'etude du calcaire coralligene de Belledalle dans le Boulonnais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1889, 721-723. Observations sur la structure de quelques depots ferrugineux des terrains Secondaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 1085-1086. Premieres observations sur le cyclone du 19 aout dans le Jura. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 385-387. Note complementaire sur le prolongement en Suisse de la tempete du 19 aoiit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 406. Quelques observations nouvelles sur le Jura meridional. [1890.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 19, 1891, 166-169. Observations sommaires sur le Boulonnais et le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 20, 1892, 262-269. Quelques mots sur I'Oxfordien et le Corallien des bords de la Serre. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 21, 1893, 267-272. Classification du Carbonifere du Nord, Ass. Franp. C. E., 1894 (Ft. 1), 156-157. Eemarques sur la faune du Gault dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 355-358. Quelques observations nouvelles sur les lapiez, le glaciaire et la Mollasse dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1896, 414-420. Sur certaines particularites de la Combe des Pres dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 24, 1896, 489- 493. Quelques mots sur le glaciaire du Jura dans la region comprise entre Saint-Claude et Salins. Brux, Soc. Sci. Ann., 21, 1897 (Pt. 2), 82-86. Sur les changements de facies que presente le Ju- rassique autour de la Serre. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull , 25, 1897, 695-698. Sur quelques phenomenes de glissement dans le Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 447-452. Le conglomerat de la foret de Chaux dans le Jura. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 23, 1899 (Pt. 2), 233-240. Quelques points nouveaux de geologic jurassienne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 445-450. Contribution nouvelle a I'etude des formations geo- logiques du departement du Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 597-601. Bourgeois, (I'abbe) [Louis]. *La question de I'homme Tertiaire. Eev. Quest. Sci., 2, 1877, 561-575. Bourgeois, . La l^pre du moyen age appreciee avec nos connaissances actuelles. [1885.] Beauvais, Soc Ac. Mem., 12, 1883, 867-872. 730 [Bourgeois Bourgeois, A[]e.xandre Louis F^lix]. Les injections anti- septiques dans le traitement de la blennorrhagie. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 6, 1885, 375-388. Traitement des ulceres infectieux graves de la cornee. Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 373; 122, 1899, 55-61. Traitement des effects des voies laerymales par les methodes conservatrices et antiseptiques; nouveau pro- cede de lacrymotomie. Ann. d'Oculist., 109, 1893, 456- 457. Constitution du corps vitre comme point de depart du traitement du decoUement de la retine. Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 375-376. Bourgeois, A[lexandre Louis Felix], & Tscherning, . Eeclierches sur les relations qui existent entre la courbure de la cornee, la circonference de la tete et la taille. Ann. d'Oculist., 96, 1886, 203-217. Bourgeois, Alfred. Teiemetre vertical de depression pour le tir au passage. [1891.] Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 19, 1894, 237-263. Bourgeois, Fjd[ouard]. Ueber die Tolylnaphtylsulfide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2264-2267. Ueber die Einwirkung der Monobroniderivate der aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe auf die Bleimercaptide. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2312-2330. Eecherches sur les aptitudes reactionnelles des^ derives bromes organiques. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (8° Ed.), 53, 1896-96, No. 5, iv + 50 pp. Sur la preparation de quelques thiols aromatiques. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 18, 1899, 426-450. Sur la constitution des salipyrines metalliques (anti- pyrine-salicylates metalliques). Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 18, 1899, 451-456. Bourgeois, Ed[ouard], & Dambmann, J. Ueber den festen Zustand einiger Aldoxime. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2856-2861. Bourgeois, Ed[ouard], & KrafFt, [Williclm. Ludwig] F[riedrich Eniil]. See KrafFt & Bourgeois. Bourgeois, Ed[ouard], & Spring, W[aUhere]. See Spring & Bourgeois. Bourgeois, Jules. Diagnoses de Lycides nouveaux ou peu connus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, 63-68; 5, 1886, 71-84; 9, 1889, 225-236; 68, 1899, 658-665. [Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Cyphon, provenant de Palestine.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, xlii-xliii. [Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Henicopus provenant du Portugal.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixiv-lxv. Dascillides et Malacodermes de Nouvelle-Caiedonie. Eev. Ent., 3, 1884, 278-290. Eemarques sur le genre Dasytiscus et descriptions des especes nouvelles ou imparfaitement connues. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, 253-271. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espece nouvelle de Malacodermes de la faune paiearctique. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, 272-274, xxxvii-xxxviii. [Description de la femelle du Lampyris depressiuscula.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, Ixiii-lxiv. [Malthinus dromioides, n. sp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1886, cxxvi-cxxvii. [De quelques particularites d'orgauisation dans la tribu des Lycides.] Ass. Frang. C. E., 1886 (Pt. 1), 161. [Armures rks see Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 24, 1892, 207; Jl. de Conch., 41, 1893, 80-81; Jl. Conch., 7, 1892- 94, 74-76. Histoire des Melaniens du systeme europeen. [1884.] Ann. Malacol., 2 (1884-86), 1-168. Description du nouveau genre Sesteria. Fiance Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 135-138. Nouvelle Vivipare fran^aise et liste des especes con- statees en France dans le genre Vivipara. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 183-188. Helice nouvelle des montagnes de I'Ariege. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 1, 1884, 357-358. [Note sur les MoUusques vecueillis a Miranda-de-Ebro.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 126-127. Monographic d'un nouveau genre d'Acephale du Lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 2, 1886, 1-12. Des Tiphobies du Lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 3, 1886, 141-150. MoUusques uouveaux de la region du Nyanza-Oukerewe (Victoria Nyanza). France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 4, 1887, 267-272. Histoire des Helices campyleennes du groupe des dinariques (olini Helix Pouzolzi). France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 5, 1888, 203-245. Melanidees du Lac Nyassa, suivies d'un aper<;u com- paratif sur la faune malacologique de ce lac avee celle du grand lac Tanganika. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 6, 1889, 1-66. Histoire malacologique du Lac Tanganika (Afrique equatoriale). Ann. Sci. Nat. {ZooL), 10, 1890, 1-267. Des formes europeennes trocho-hyalinoides classees jusqu'^ present sous le nom generique de Conulus. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 7, 1890, 325-338. [Notes sur la faune malacologique du nord de I'Afrique.] [Poxth.'] Jl. de Conch., 46, 1898, 166-170. Bouriant, U., & Ventre Bey, A.^F. Sur trois tables horaires coptes. [1898.] Inst. Egypt. Mem., 3, 1900, 575-604. Bouriez, Albert. Sur une combinaison moleculaire de phenol et d'hydrate de chloral. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1886, 166-167. Methode ar^ometrique pour la determination de la richesse alcoolique des vins sans distillation. Determi- nation simultaiiee du poids de I'extrait sec des vins fran(;ais naturels et non sucres. Vinodensim^tre. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 417-425; Jl. Pharm., 14, 1886, 549-555. Application du principe de M. Tabari^ k la determina- tion areometrique de I'alcool des bi^res. Jl. Pharm., 22, 1890, 451-4.54. Ur6ometre clinique k indications directes. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 10-12. Bourinot, John George. Unification of time at sea. United Serv. Inst. Jl., 41, 1897, 1414-1419. Bouxjot, [Loins]. For biographical notice and works see Bone, Ac. Hippone Bull., 22, 1886, 314-315. Bourjot-Salnt-HUaire, \^Alexandre\. *Communication sur le calcaire bleu eruptif. Congr. G^ol. Int. C. R., 1878, 249-253. Bourke, (Capt.) John G\regory\ For biographical notice and works see Science, 4, 1896, 820-822. The urine dance of the Zuuis. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 400-403. The medicine-men of the Apache. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Ethnol. Rep. , 1887-88, 443-603. Bourland, Philip Daggett. Tubercle germs and giant cells in human tissue. , N. Y. Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 945-947. Bourlet, C[arlo Emile Ernesf]. Sur la multiplication des series trigonometriques. Bull. Sci. Math., 13, 1889, 55-64. Sur les polyedres. Nouv. Ann. Math., 8, 1889, 366- 389. Sur les equations aux derivees partielles simul- tan^es ,qui contiennent plusieurs fonctions inconnues. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 8, 1891 (SuppL), 63 pp. Condition pour que deux quadriques aient une genera- trice commune. Nouv. Ann. Math., 13, 1894, 434-442. Sur les nombres parfaits. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 297-312. Sur un determinant remarquable. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 369-373. Sur Tequilibre de la vis. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 426-429. Sur les operations en general. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 124, 1897, 348-351. Sur certaines equations analogues aux equations dififerentielles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 1431- 1433. Sur les operations en general et les equations difife- rentielles lineaires d'ordre infini. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 14, 1897, 133-190. Sur les transmutations. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 132-140. Construction des machines. La bioyclette. Genie Civil, 33, 1898, 57-60, 73-75, 88-91, 104-108, 119-121, 184-188, 200-203, 217-220, 233-235, 251-253, 265-268, 288^291, 309-312, 326-328, 342-346. Etude theorique sur les roulements k billes. Genie Civil, 33, 1898, 139-142, 153-155. Sur I'iteration. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 583-585. Sur le probieme de I'iteration. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 12, 1898, C,,12 pp. Automobiles. Etude sur la direction k deux pivots. Genie Civil, 35, 1899, 295-297, 311-314. Sur la determination de la surface d'une piste de velodrome. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 13, 1899, 202- 209. Sur certaines equations analogues aux equations dififerentielles. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 16, 1899, 333^375. Etude theorique sur la bioyclette. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 27, 1899, 47-67, 76-96. Bourller, . Cultures d'acacias australiens en Algerie. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 41, 1894 (Sem. 2j, 118-123. Bourlot, J[oseph]. *[Sur le tremblemeut de terre du 17 avril 1862.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 10, 1862, Pt. 2, 115-117. Boumay, J., & Cad6ac, C[elestin]. See Cad^ae & Bournay. Boumdz, Janos. A Tschirnaus-feie coeffioienseknek egy erdekes tulajdon-sagarol. [Ueber eine interessante Eigenschaft der Tschirnaus'schen Coefficieuten. ] [1899.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1898, 167-171. Bourne, Alfred Gibbs. Report on the occupation of the table [at the Zoological Station at Naples]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 254-256. Bourne] 734 [Bourneville On certain abnormalities in the common frog (Rana temporaria). 1. The occurrence of an ovotestis. 2. Abnormalities of the vertebral column. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 83-88. Contributions to the anatomy of the Hirudinea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 4i9-506. On a hydriform phase of Limnocodium Sowerbii. [1884.] Nature, 31, 1885, 107. On the occurrence of a hydroid phase of Limnocodium Sowerbii, Allviaii d' Lankester. [1884.] Roy. See. Proc, 38, 1885, 9-14. On the modification of the trochal disc of the Rotifera. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1095-1096. On budding in the Oligochseta. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1096-1097. On the supposed communication of the vascular system with the exterior in Pleurobranchus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 429-432. On the reputed suicide of scorpions. [1886.] Madras JL, 1886-87, 25-31. • On Indian earthworms. Part i. Preliminary notice of earthworms from the Nilgiris and Shevaroys. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 662-672. Scorpion virus. Nature, 36, 1887, 53. The reputed suicide of scorpions. Roy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 17-22. The vascular system of the Hirudinea. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 16-18, On certain earthworms from the western Himalayas and Dehra Dun. [1889.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 58 {Pt. 2), 1890, 110-117. On Chastobranchus, a new genus of oligochsBtous Chfetopoda. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 83-89. On Megascolex ceeruleus, Templeton, from Ceylon ; together with a theory of the course of the blood in earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 49-87. Notes on the naidif orm Oligochseta ; containing a description of new species of the genera Pristina and Pterostylarides, and remarks upon cephalization and gemmation as generic and specific characters in the group. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 335-356. On Pelomyxa viridis, n. sp., and on the vesicular nature of protoplasm. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 32, 1891, 357-374. The nephridia of leeches. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 34, 1893, 545-565. On certain points in the development and anatomy of some earthworms. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 86, 1894 11-34. On Moniligaster grandis, A. G. B., from the Nilgiris, south India ; together with descriptions of other species of the genus Moniligaster. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 36, 1894, 307-384. Bourne, Edward G. The recession of the Niagara gorge Nature, 43, 1891, 515. Bourne, F. S. A. [P'u-^rh tea.] Kew Bull., 1889, 140- 142. The new rapid on the Yang-tse. Geogr. Jl., 10, 1897, 191-195. Bourne, Gilbert C[harles]. On the anatomy of Spharo- therium. [1885.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool), 19, 1886 161 (bis)-lTd. On the island of Diego Garcia of the Chagos group Geogr. Soc. Proc, 8, 1886, 385-393. General observations on the fauna of Diego Garcia, Chagos group. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 331-334. ■ The anatomy of the madreporarian coral Fungia. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 27, 1887, 293-324. On the anatomy of Mussa and Euphyllia, and the morphology of the madreporarian skeleton. [1887.1 Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 28, 1888, 21-51. [Coral formations.] Nature, 37, 1888, 414-415- 38 1888, 5. The atoll of Diego Garcia and the coral formations of the Indian Ocean. Roy. Soc. Proc, 43, 1888, 440-461. An improved form of deep-sea tow-net. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 624-626. On a Tornaria found in British seas. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 1, 1889-90, 63-68. Notes on the i^elagic Copepoda collected at Plymouth in 1888-89. [1889.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 1, 1889- 90, 144-152. Notes on the genus Monstrilla, Dana. Quart. .Jl. Micr. Sci., 30, 1890, 565-578. Report of a trawling cruise in H.M.S. Research off the S.W. coast of Ireland. [1890.] U. K. Mar. BioL Ass. JL, 1, 1889-90, 306-321, 326-327. Report on the surface collections made by Mr. W. T. Gbenfell in the North Sea and west of Scotland. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 1, 1889-90, 376-381. — Not^s on the hydroids of Plymouth. [1890.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 1, 1889-90, 391-398. On the post-embryonic development of Fungia. [1893.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 5, 1893-96, 205-238. On two new species of Copepoda from Zanzibar. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 164-166. On the structure and affinities of Heliopora cserulea. Fall., with some observations on the structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia. [1894.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 56, 1894, 299-303; Phil. Trans. (B), 186, 1896, 455-483. A criticism of the cell-theory ; being an answer to Mr. Sedgwick's article on the inadequacy of the cellular theory of development. [1895.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 137-174. [Formation and structure of the calcareous skeleton in Anthozoa.] Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 124-12-5. On the genus Lemnalia, Graij ; with an account of the branching systems of the order Alcyouacea. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Zool.), 7, 1896-1900, 521-538. Studies on the structure and formation of the cal- careous skeleton of the Anthozoa. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 41, 1899, 499-547. Bourne, H. B., & Bourne, W. Fox. The behaviour of insulating materials under the action of high potential differences. Electrician, 28, 1892, 512-513. Bourne, Stephen. On the use of index numbers in the investigation of trade statistics. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 859-873. Bourne, W. Fox, & Bourne, H. B. See above. Bourne, W. Fox, & Swinbtime, James. See Swinburne & Bourne. Boumet, Albert. Quelques mots sur la criminality en Italic [With discussion.'] [1884.] Lyon Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 3, 1884-85, 233-243. Bourneville, [Desii-e Magloire]. De la temperature dans l'eta,t de mal epileptique. Progres Med., 6, 1887, 157-161. Epilepsie idiopathique. Traitement de I'epilepsie par le bromure de nickel. Progres Med., 9, 1889, 496-499. De I'emploi du bromure de camphre dans le traitement de I'epilepsie vertigineuse. Progres M6d., 17, 1893, 339- 341. Un cas d'h^mim^lie bi-abdominale. Progres Med., 18, 1893, 281-282. De Taction de la glande thyroide sur la croissance. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (G. E.), 55-59. De Paction de la glande thyroide sur I'obesite. Paris, Soc Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 59-60. Calcul salivaire. Progres Med., 6, 1897, 3-4. De I'anatomie pathologique de I'idiotie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 8), 167-207. Bourneville, [Desire Magloire], & Chapotin, . Epi- demic de fievre typhoide a Bicetre. Progres Med., 10, 1899, 97-102, 132-137, 147-148. De I'eosinate de sodium dans le traitement de I'epi- lepsie et des accidents qu'il produit. Progres Med., 10, 1899, 495-501; 11, 1900, 1-2. Bourneville] 735 [Bourquelot Bourneville, [Desire Magloire'], & Courbarlen, . Note statistique sur le role de la consant^iiinit^ dans I'etiologie de I'epilepsie, de I'hysterie, de I'idiotie et de rimbccillite. Progros Med., 9, 1889, 429-431. Bourneville, [Desire Miu/loire], & Oardel, . Epilepsie consecutive &, une fievre typhoide. Progr^s Med., 7, 1898, 177-181. Bourneville, [Desire Magloire], & ZSToir, J[ulien]. Hydro- cephalie. Progies Med., 12, 1900, 17-23. Bourneville, [Di'sin' Magloire], & Schwartz, . Nou- velle contribution a I'etude de la pseudo-porencephalie et de la porencephalie vraie. Progr^s Med., 8, 1898, 169- 176, 201-206. Bourneville, [Desire Magloire], & Sollier, Paul. Des anomalies des organes genitaux chez les idiots et les epileptiques. Progres M^d., 7, 1888, 125-132. Epilepsie et asymetrie fronto-faciale. Progres Med., 8, 1888, 172-175.' Boumot, Ad. Wolkenbruch. Meteorol. Ztschr., 12 (1895), 432. Boumoville, P., & Carri^re, G[eorges]. See Carri^re & Bournoville. Bourns, Frank S., & 'Worcester, Dean C. Preliminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage Scientific Expedition to the Philippine Islands. Minn. Ac. Sci. Occ. Pap., 1, No. 1, 1894, 64 pp. See also Worcester & Bourns. Bourot, , & Jean, Ferdinattd. Etude sur la digesti- bility du beurre de coco et du beurre de vache. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123. 1896, 587-590. Bourquelot, Emile. Des caract^res qui peuvent servir a distinguer la pepsine de la trypsine. Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 177-187. Le microbe du lait bleu. Eev. Sci., 33, 1884, 427-432. Recherches sur les ph^nom^nes de la digestion chez les Mollusques C^phalopodes. Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 3, 1886, 1-73. La digestion des matieres grasses. Jl. Pharm., 12, 1885, 530-538. Sur la fermentation alcoolique elective. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1404-1406, 1466-1469. Sur la composition et la fermentation du sucre interverti. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 68-70, 958-960. Sur I'identite de la diastase chez les diflerents Stres vivants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 73-76. Sur la fermentation alcoolique elective.... Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. P.), 191-195, 221-223, 356-359. Recherches sur la fermentation alcoolique d'un melange de deux sucres. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 245-275. Sur la preparation du galactose. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 51-54. Les microbes de la fermentation alcoolique du lait : le kephir. Jl. Pharm., 13, 1886, 232-246; Rev. Sci., 37, 1886, 172-177. Recherches sur les propri^t^s physiologiques du maltose. Robin, Jl. Anat., 22, 1886, 162-204. Emploi de la photographic microscopique pour la distinction et I'etude de quelques esp^ces de sucre. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 1), 203. Recherches sur le galactose et rarabinose. Ass. Franv. C. R., 1887 [Pt. 2), 338-354. Sur quelques points relatifs k Taction de la salive sur le grain damidon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 71-74; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 39, 1887 (C. P.), 13-16. Sur la composition du grain d'amidon. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 177-180; Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 39, 1887 {C.R.), 32-34. Sur les caract^res de rafifaiblissement ^prouv^ par la diastase sous Taction de la chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 576-579; Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 337- 346; Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 403-407. Recherches sur la fermentation alcoolique du galactose. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. P.), 698-701; 40, 1888 (C. P.), 47-51. Examen chimique et physiologique du sue gastrique. Jl. Pharm., 17, 1888, 367-375. Sur la fermentation alcoolique du galactose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 283-286. Recherches sur les matieres sucr^es de quelques espeees de champignons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 568-570; Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 369-374. Des modifications determinees par la v^g^tation dans la nature des sucres chez les champignons. Ass. Franaurent, Jules. Sur la composition des albumens de la feve de Saint-Ignace et de la noix vomique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 1.30, 1900, 1411-1413; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 477-479. Sur la nature des hydrates de carbone de reserve de la f^ve de Saint-Ignace et de la noix vomique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 276-278; Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 313-320. Bourquelot, Emile, & Nardin, L. Sur la preparation du gentianose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 280-281; Jl. Pharm. ,,7, 1898, 289-292. Bourquelot, Emile, & Troisier, E[mile'\. Recherches sur Tassimilation du sucre de lait. Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 277-282; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 41, 1889 (C. R.), 142-145. Bourqui, C. Contributions k Tetude des p^troles roumains. Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 9, 1900, 315-385. Bourquin, A[lcide]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorzink auf Salicyl- und Paraoxybenzaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 502-504. Bourquin, Eug., & Rollier, Louis. Notice sur les gise- ments anormaux des tranchees de la gare de La Chaux- de-Fonds. Neuch&tel Soc. Sci. Bull., 28, 1900, 80-85. Bourret, , Sabraz^s, J. , & linger, . See Sabrazis, Bourret & L^ger. Bourritoes, , Pluie de soufre. Astronomic, 1887, 272-273. Evenements meteorologiques importants, survenus au Quercy depuis Tere chretienne jusqu'en 1600. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 37, 1889, 98-95. Bourrit, A. Note sur des cas de nidification anormale du martin-pScheur (Alcedo ispida). [1900.] Oruis, 10, 1899, 190. Bourru, H[enri]. Le Tong-King. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 11, 1884, 16-29, 220-227, 317-825. Bourru, ^[[enri}, & Burot, [Prosper'\ F[erdinand]. De Taction des substances medicamenteuses et toxiques a distance. Ass. Franc? . C. R., 1885 (Pt. 1), 189. Hemorrhagic de la peau provoquee par la suggestion en somnambulisme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 461-462. Les variations de la personnalite. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1886 (Pt. 2), 739-748. Bourru, H^enril, Orimaux, {Louis] Edouard, & Iiaborde, J. V. See Orimaux, Iiaborde & Bourru. Bourru, Hlenri], Xtaborde, J. V., & arimaux, [Louis] Edouard. See Laborde, Orimaux & Bourru. Boursault, Henri. Nouvelles empreintes problematiques des couches Boloniennes du Portel (Pas-de-Calais). Paris Soc. G^ol. Bull., 17, 1889, 725-729. Fossiles nouveaux des couches Boloniennes du Portel (Pas-de-Calais). Naturaliste, 12, 1890, 41-43. 93 Boursault] 738 [Boussinesq • Composition de quelques roches du nord de la France. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 73.3-735. Craie magnesieiine des environs de Guisie (Aisne). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 1467-1469. Sur line grotte d'effondrement k Coyolles (Aisne). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 91-92. Boursier, Andre. Tumeur an^vrysmale de la carotide. {With discussion.] Bordeaux Soc. Med. Mem., 1890, 284-324. Boursier, Andre, & Itlonocl, Eug. Note sur les kystes muco-dermoides de I'ovaire. Congr. Int. Med. C. li., 1897 {Vol. 6, Sect. 13), 201-214, (Vol. 7), Ivi. Boury, Eupene de. Descriptions de ScalariidtB nouveaux. Jl. de Conch., 32, 1884, 134-164. Observations sur quelques especes nouvelles du bassin de Paris, d^crites par lil. le marquis de Raincocet. Paris, Soc. G^ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 667-670. Liste de quelques especes rares recueillies a Cuise- Lamotte. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 12, 1884, 670-G72. Sur I'extension des sables de Guise et du calcaire de Saint-Ouen aux environs de Magny. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bui]., 12, 1884, 673-676. Nouvelles ob'servations sur I'Acirsa subdecussata, Cantraine, sp. Jl. de Conch., 33, 1885, 96-99. Envision des ScalidsB Miocenes et Pliocenes de I'ltalie. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 14, 1889, 161-326. Observations sur quelques Scalidae du bassin de Paris et description d'une esp^ce nouvelle. Jl. de Conch., 38, 189q, 139-143. Etude critique des Scalidae Miocenes et Pliocenes d'ltalie d^crits ou cit^s par les auteurs et description d'espfeces nouvelles. [1891.] Bull. Malacol. Ital., 15, 1890, 81-213. Envision des Pleurotomes Eocenes du bassin de Paris. [1899.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 29, 1898-99, 3.3-46, 62-65, 83-88, 103-107, 115-123, 130-134, 153-160, 172- 174. Boury, Eugene de, & Dautzenberg, Philippe. See Dautzenberg & Boury. Bousfield, Edward C. The Victorella pavida of Saville Kent. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 401-407. On the annelids of the genus Dero. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1885, 1097-1098. On Slavina and Ophidonais. Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 264-268. Photomicrographs of Amphipleura pellucida. Soc. Jl., 1887, 357-358. Du contraste photomicrographique. [1888.] Microgr.; [1] (1888-89), 71-74. The natural history of the genus Dero. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 20, 1890, 91-107. BouBka, F. W., & VTeems, J. B. See VTeems & Bouska. Bouskell, Frank. Notes on an entomological ramble in the New Forest and neighbourhood. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 115-116. Urtication in certain lepidopterous larvae : its cause and effect. [1894.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 370-374. A day at Lymington salterns after Coleoptera. [1896.] Ent. Eecord, 7, 1895-96, 253-254. Collecting Coleoptera in the New Forest, Whitsuntide, 1896. Ent. Eecord, 8, 1896, 297-298. Parthenogenesis in insects. [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 136-137, 418-427. The disappearance of certain species of insects, with notes on their slaughter and protection. [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 267-275. [Notes on Coleoptera.] [1896.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 281-283. [Some supposed causes of variation from a coleopterisfs point of view.] [1897.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 351-353. Micr. Ann. [Excursion to Wicken Fen.] [1897.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 494-495. Leicestershire Coleoptera in 1897. Ent. Eecord, 10, 1898, 19-22. Notes on some aberrations of Ospliya bipunctata, Fab. Ent. Record, 11, 1899, 266-267. [Whitsuntide excursion to the New Forest.] [1898.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 201-202. Aberrations, varieties and species. [1899.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 257-258. Stray notes iu and about the New Forest : its origin and natural history. [1900.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 4.59-469. Coleoptera parasitic on or found with Hymenoptera. [1900.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 5, 1901, 615. Bouskell, Frank, & Headly, C. B. A list of the Macro- Lcpidoptera of Leicestershire. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 311-332. A few notes on the distribution' and variation of the Leicestershire Macro-Lepidoptera. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 365-370. Bousquet, [Jean Marie Hippolyte\ Tumeur variqueuse des ganglions et vaisseaux lymphatiques de I'aine droite. Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 10, 1884, 375-378. Des pansements antiseptiques en chirurgie d'armee. Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 5, 1885, 350-353. [De la deformation des projectiles sur les pieces du squelette. Indications que Ton pent tirer de ces deforma- tions relativement au diagnostic des fractures.] Paris Soc. Chirurg. Bull, et Mem., 11, 1885, 626-633. Bousquet, F. Sur le point de congelation du serum sanguin dans certains etats pathologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. /?.), 101-103. Bousquet, F., & Sabrazis, Je««, [Emile], See Sabraz^s & Bousquet. Bousquet, F. , & Vaquez, Henri. See Vaquez & Bousquet. Bousquet, [Eugene] H[e)iri]. For biographical notice see Mauritius Eoy. Soc. Trans., 16, 1885, 65-72. Boussemaer, A. Note sur les couches superieures du Mont Aigu. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 11, 1884, 243-245, 381-384. La colline de Mons-en-Barceul. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 12, 1885, 302-304. Sur le Paniselien du Mont-des-Chats. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 16, 1889, 118-122. Boussinesq, [Valentin] J[oseph]. Complement a de prece- dentes notes sur la poussee des terres. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 7 (1884), 443-481. Sur la poussee d'une masse de sable, a surface sup^rieure horizontale, contre une jmroi verticale ou inclin(5e. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 6G7-670. Sur la poussee d'une masse de sable, a surface sup^rieure horizontale, contre une paroi verticale dans le voisinage de laquelle son angle de frottement interieur est suppose croitre leg^rement d'apres une certaine loi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 720-723. Calcul approche de la poussee et de la surface de rupture, dans un terre-plein horizontal homogene, con- tenu par un mur vertical. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 98, 1884, 790-793. Sur le principe du prisma de plus grande poussee, pose par Coulomb dans la theorie de requilibre-limite des terres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 98, 1884, 901-904, 975-978. : Eemarque relative a la vitesse de propagation de I'in- tumescence produite dans I'ocean Indien par I'eruption de Krakatoa. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 1251-1252. Application des potentiels a I'etude de I'equilibre et du mouvement des solides elastiques, principalement au calcul des deformations et des pi-essions que produisent, dans ces solides, des efforts quelconques exerc^s sur une petite partie de leur surface ou de leur interieur; memoire suivi de notes etendues sur divers points de physique Boussinesq] 739 [fioassinesq mathematique et d'analyse. Lille Soc. Mem., 13, 1886, 1-722. Sur la resistance qu'oppose un liquide ind^fini en repos, sans pesanteur, au mouvement varie d'une sphere solide qu'il mouille sur toute sa surface, quand les vitesses restent bien continues et assez faibles pour que leurs Carres et produits soient negligeables. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 935-937. Resistance qu'eprouve un cylindre circulaire indefini, plonge dans un fluide, k se mouvoir pendulairement suivant une direction perpendiculaire a son axe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 974-977. Observations relatives a une note recente de M. Resal sur la flexion des prismes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 797-799. Sur la theorie de I'ecoulement par un deversoir en mince parol, quaud il u'y a pas de contraction laterale et que la nappe d^versante est libre en dessous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 17-22. Sur la theorie des deversoirs en mince parol et a nappe soit depriniee, soit soulevee, c'est-^-dire soumise interieurement a une pression constante, plus petite ou plus grande que celle de I'atmosphere exercee au-dessus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 585-590, 696. Sur la theorie des deversoirs 6pais, ayant leur seuil horizontal et evase ou non a son entree. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 632-638. Sur une forme de deversoir en mince paroi, analogue k I'ajutage rentrant de Borda, pour laquelle le relevement de la face inferieure de la nappe liquide, a la sortie du deversoir, peut etre determine theoriquement. Paris, Ac. Sci.,C. R., 105, 1887, 697-702. Equilibre d'elasticite d'un solide sans pesanteur, homog^ne et isotrope, dont les parties profondes sont maintenues fixes, pendant que sa surface ^prouve des pressions ou des d^placements connus, s'annulant hors d'une region restreinte ou ils sont arbitraires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1043-1048, 1119-1123. Complement a la theorie des deversoirs en mince paroi qui s'etendent a toute la largeur du lit d'un cours d'eau : influence, sur le debit, des vitesses d'arriv^e des filets fluides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 513-519, 538- 542. Formules de la dissemination du mouvement trans- versal dans une plaque plane inddfinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 639-645. Expressions approchees du contour de I'ellipse et de la surface de Tellipsoide, en fonction des deux moyennes arithmetique et g^ometrique des demi-axes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 695-699. Complement a la theorie des deversoirs en mince paroi, qui s'etendent k toute la largeur du lit d'un cours d'eau: mise en compte des variations de la contraction qu'eprouve la nappe deversante, du cote de sa face inferieure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 515-520. Comijlement k la theorie des deversoirs en mince paroi qui s'etendent k toute la largeur du lit d'un cours d'eau; calcul approche, pour les nappes deprim6es ou noyees en dessous, de la non-pression exercee k leur face inferieure, d'apr^s I'eievation imposee au niveau d'aval dans le canal de fuite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 541-546. Theorie du regime permanent graduellement varie qui se produit pres de I'entree evasee d'un tube tin, ou les filets d'un liquide qui s'y ecoule n'ont pas encore acquis leurs inegalites normales de vitesse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1160-1166. Theorie du mouvement permanent qui se produit pres de I'entree evasee d'un tube fin : application a la deuxieme serie d'experiences de Poiseuille. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1238-1242. Calcul des temperatures successives d'un milieu homog^ne et athermane indefini, que sillonne une source de chaleur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1242- 1244. Theorie du regime permanent graduellement varie qui se produit pres de I'entree evasee d'un tuyau de conduite, ou les filets fluides n'ont pas encore acquis leurs inegalites normales de vitesse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1292-1298. Sur I'explication physique de la fluidite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1099-1102. Sur les deformations et I'extiuction des ondes aeriennes, isoiees ou periodiques, propagees a I'interieur de tuyaux de conduite sans eau, de longueur indefinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1337-1343; Jl. Phys., 10, 1891, 301-332. Sur la maniere dont les vitesses dans uu tube cylin- drique de section circulaire, evase k sou entree, se disttibuent depuis cette entree jusqu'aux endroits ou se trouve etabli un regime uniforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 9-15. Calcul de la moindre longueur que doit avoir un tube circulaire, evase a son entree, pour qu'un regime sensible- ment uniforme s'y etablisse, et de la depense de charge qu'y entraine I'etablissement de ce regime. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 49-51. Sur la theorie de I'ecoulement des liquides par les orifices en mince paroi, circulaires ou rectangulaires allonges; calcul approche du debit et de sa repartition entre les divers elements superticiels de I'orifice. Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 265-285. Sur le calcul theorique approche du debit d'un orifice en mince paroi. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 704- 710. Debit des orifices circulaires et sa repartition entre leurs divers elements superficiels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114,. 1892, 807-812. Ecoulement par les orifices rectangulaires, sans con- traction laterale : calcul theorique de leur debit et de sa repartition. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 868-873. Calcul de la diminution qu'eprouve la pressiou moyenne, sur un plan horizontal fixe, a I'interieur du liquide pesant remplissaut un bassin et que viennent agiter des mouvements quelconques de hoale oa de clapotis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 937-940. Des perturbations locales que produit au dessous d'elle une forte charge, repartie uniformement le long d'une droite uormale aux deux byrds, a la surface superieure d'une poutre rectangulaire et de longueur indefinie posee de champ soit sur un sol horizontal, soit sur deux appuis transversaux eciuidistants de la charge. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1510-1516. Des perturbations locales que produit au dessous d'elle une forte charge, repartie uniformement le long d'une droite normale aux deux bords, k la surface superieure d'une poutre rectangulaire: verifications ex- perimentales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 5-11. Sur une legere correction additive qu'il peut y avoir lieu de faire subir aux hauteurs d'eau indiquees par les maregraphes, quand I'agitation houleuse ou clapoteuse de la mer atteint une grande intensite: cas d'une mer houleuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 77-82, 149-152. Theorie de I'ecoulement sur les deversoirs sans con- traction laterale, en tenant compte des variations qu'eprouve, suivant le niveau d'aval, la contraction inferieure de la nappe deversante. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1327-1333. Verifications experimentales de la theorie des dever- soirs sans contraction laterale, k nappe libre en dessous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1415-1418. Sur une simplification qu'ou introduit dans certaines formules de resistance vive des solides, en y faisant figurer la plus grande dilatation lineaire A que comporte leur mati^re, k la place de la force eiastique correspon- dantei?,,. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1418-1421, 93—2 Boussinesq] 740 [Boussinesq Calcul theorique de la contraction inferieure, dans les d^veri-oirs en mince paroi k nappe libre en dessons, quand cette contraction atteint ses plus grandes valeurs, at verifications exp^rimentales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 1487-1490. Sur les deformations successives de la tete d'une onde a^rienne isol^e, dnrant la propagation de cette onde le long d'un tuyau de conduite sans eau, de longueur indefinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 12-18. Introduction naturelle de termes proportionnels anx deplacements de I'ether (ou termes de Buiot), dans les equations de mouvement des ondes lumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 80-86. Expression de la resistance opposee par chaque molecule ponderable au mouvement vibratoire de I'ether ambiant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 138-144. Considerations diverses sur la theorie des ondes lumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 193-199. Integration de I'equation du son pour un fluide indefini a une, deux ou trois dimensions, quand des resistances de nature diverse introduisent dans cette equation des termes respectivement proportionnels k la fonction caracteristique du mouvement ou a ses derivees partielles premieres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 162-166, 223-226, 271-276. Theorie de I'ecoulement sur un deversoir sans con- traction laterale, quand la nappe deversante se trouve ou deprimee, ou noyee en dessous, ou adherente au barrage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 589-595. Determination en partie experimentale et en partie theorique de la contraction inferieure d'une nappe de deversement deprimee, ou noyee en dessous, ou meme adherente, sur un barrage ayant sa face d'amont verticale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 618-624. verifications experimentales de la theorie des dever- soirs El nappes noyees en dessous ou adherentes : verifica- tions relatives au debit et k la contraction inferieure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 663-669. verifications experimentales de la theorie des dever- soirs a nappe noyee en dessous ou adherente : verifications relatives aux pressions. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 707-711. Sur la theorie de I'ecoulement par un deversoir k nappe deprimee ou noyee en dessous, dans le cas ou une armature horizontale rend la contraction inferieure maximum. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 119, 1894, 771-776. • Sur la forme necessairement pendulaire de la houle de mer, quant k I'expression des deplacements de chaque particule en fonction du temps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1896, 1240-1246. • Sur la forme necessairement pendulaire des deplace- ments dans la houle de mer, meme quand on ne neglige plus les termes non lineaires des equations du mouvement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1896, 1310-1315. Sur I'extinction graduelle de la houle de mer anx grandes distances de son lieu de production : formation des equations du probleme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1896, 1381-1386. • Lois de I'extinction d'une houle simple en haute mer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1896, 15-19. Sur la maniere dont se regularise au loin, en s'y reduisant a une houle simple, toute agitation confuse mais periodique des flots. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 121, 1896, 85-88. Theorie de I'ecoulement tourbillonnant et tumultueux des liquides dans les lits rectilignes k grande section (tuyaux de conduite et canaux decouverts), quand cet ecoulement s'est regularise en un regime unitbrme, c'est- ^-dire moyennement pareil k travers toutes les sections normales du lit. Paris, Ac. Sci. C.E., 122, 1896, 1289-1295. Forraules des pressions moyennes locales, dans un fluide anime de mouvements tourbillonnants et tumul- tueux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1369-1375. Expression du frottement exterieur dans I'ecoulement tumultueux d'un fluide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1445-1451. Formules du coefficient des frottements interieurs, dans I'ecoulement tumultueux gradufllement varie des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 122, 1896, 1517-1523. Lois generales du regime uniforme dans les lits k grande section. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 7-13. Du regime uniforme dans les canaux rectangulaires larges et dans les tuyaux ou canaux a section circulaire ou demi-circulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 77-83. Lois de deuxieme approximation du regime uniforme, dans les tuyaux circulaires et dans les canaux demi- circulaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 123, 1896, 141-147. Ecoulement graduellement varie des liquides dans les lits a Krande sectinn ; equations fondamentales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1196-1202. Theorie generale des regimes graduellement varies dans I'ecoulement tourbillonnant des liquides : formules de premiere approximation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1261-1267. verification experimentale de la theorie de I'ecoule- ment graduellement varie dans les canaux decouverts. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1327-1333. Expression des petites composantes transversales de la Vitesse dans les ecoulements graduellement varies des liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1411-1416. Parties tournantes des composantes transversales de la vitesse, dans un ecoulement permanent graduellement varie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 124, 1897, 1492-1497. Distribution des vitesses a travers les grandes sections, dans les ecoulements graduellement varies, et eciuation du mouvement aux degres d'approximation superieurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 6-12. Theorie approchee du passage d'un regime graduelle- ment varie a un regime rapidement varie ou vice verm. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 69-75. Etablissement du regime uniforme, dans un tuyau a section rectangulaire large. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 142-147. Etablissement du regime uniforme dans un tuyau k section circulaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 125, 1897, 203-209. Eelation qui existe, dans la bicyclette roulant sur un sol horizontal, entre le mouvement de progression et le mouvement d'inclinaison. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 127, 1898, 843-848. Apercju sur la theorie de la bicyclette : equilibre du cavalier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 895-899. Aperpu sur la theorie de la bicyclette. Liouville, Jl. Math., 5, 1899, 117-135, 217-232. De I'effet produit, sur le mouvement d'inclinaison d'une bicyclette en marche, par les deplacements lateraux que s'imprime le cavalier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 766-771. Calcul, dans une hypothese simple, du deplacement lateral que doit s'imprimer le cavalier, sur une bicyclette en marche, pour porter le centre de gravite du syst^me k une petite distance horizontale voulue de la base de la bicyclette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 859-862. Ce que devient un systeme d'ondes planes lateralement indefinies, dans un milieu transparent isotrope, mais heterogene, forme de couches planes et paralieies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 794-799. Propagation, dans un milieu transparent heterogene, d'un pinceau lateralement limite de lumiere paralieie: integration des equations du mouvement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 859-864. Justification du principe de Fehmat sur I'economie du temps, dans la transmission du mouvement lumineux a travers un milieu heterogene, d'ailleurs transparent et isotrope. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 905-911. Boussinesq] 741 [Boutineau Reduction de certains problemes d'^chaiiffement ou de refioidissenient par rayonnement, an cas plus simple de r^cliauffement ou du refroidissement des memes corps par contact : echauffement d'un mur d'^paisseur indefinie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. K, 130, 1900, 1579-1583. Probl^me du refroidissement de la cro&te terrestre, traite au meme point de vue que I'a fait Fourier, mais par uiie methode d'intepration beaucoup plus simple. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 1652-1658. Probleme du refroidissement d'un mur par rayonne- ment, ramene au cas plus simple ou le refroidissement aurait lieu par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1731-1736. Echauflfement permanent mais in^gal, par rayonne- ment, d'un mur d'epaisseur indefinie, ramen^ au cas d'un echauflfement analogue par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 9-13. Probleme de I'echaufleraent permanent d'une sphere par rayonnement, ramene au probleme plus simple de Techauffement de la meme sphere par contact. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 81-86. Boussingault, [Jean Baptiste] Joseph [Dieudonne]. For biography and list of works see. Amer. Jl. Pharm. , 59, 1887, 431; Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 289-318; Ann. di Chim., 6, 1887, 389; Chem. News, 55, 1887, 243; Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, r,03; Conegliano Scuola Vit. Enol. N. Rassegna, 1, 1887, 301-303; Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 5, 1887, ix-xxxiii; Leopoldina, 23, 1887, 112; Nature, 36, 1887, 134-135; Pharm. Jl., 17, 1887, 988; Rev. Sci., 40, 1887, 33-i6; 41, 1888, 372-373; Agr. Stud. Gaz., 3, 1886-88, 124-125; Ann. Bot., 1,1887-88,383-387; Chem. Soc. JL, 53, 1888, 509-513; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 357; Termt. Kozliin., 20, 1888, 466-467 ; Tidsskr. Phvs. Chem., 27, 1888, 287; Ann. Conserv. Arts et Met., 7, 1896, 173- 206; St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 14, 1900, 464-466. Sur la temperature de la grele. Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 425-429. Rapport sur la constitution des vins provenant de I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. France Soc. Agr. Mem., 129, 1884, 149-232. Boussus, M., & Hubert, E. d\ See Hubert & Boubbus. Boutan, E. Sur I'etat actuel des mines de diamant du Cap. [1889.] Genie Civil, 14, 1888-89, 196-202. Boutan, Louis. Sur le syst^me nerveux du Parmophorus australis (Scutus). Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 98, 1884, 1385- 1387. Recherches sur I'anatomie et le d^veloppement de la Fissurelle. Comparaison de la Fissurelle avec les types voisins. Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 3 bis, 1885, Mem. 4, 173 pp. Sur le systeme nerveux d'une Fissurelle (Fissurella alternata). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 467-469. Sur le tube digestif, le corps de Bojanus, les organes g^nitaux, et la ponte de la Fissurelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 388-391. Sur le developpement de la Fissurelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1885, 710-712. Recherches sur I'anatomie et le developpement de la Fissurelle. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 754-756. Contribution k Tetude de la masse nerveuse ventrale (cordons palleaux-visc(5raux) et de la collerette de la Fissurelle. Arch. Zool. Exper., 6, 1888, 375-421. Les balayeurs de la plage. La nasse. [1888.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 34-38. Quelques details sur les mceurs de I'Ephippigere, Ephippiger rugosicoUis {Serv.), Orthopt^re de la tribu des Locustiens. Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 406- 413. Le systeme nerveux du Parmophorus (Scutus) dans ses rapports avec le manteau, la collerette (manteau inf^rieur) et le pied. Rev. Biol. N. France, [2], 1890, 449-478. Sur la forme larvaire du Parmophore. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 92-94, Le manteau et la coquille du Parmophorus australis (Scutus). Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 271-276. Excursion zoologique k la montague de Hummour ul Faroun (montagne des Bains de Pharaon). Arch. Zool. Exper., 10, 1892, 1-22. Sur le developpement de I'Haliotide et sur I'utilite du Bcaphandre dans les recherches zoologiques. Ass. Franp. G. R., 1892 (Pt. 2), 522-525 Sur le systeme nerveux de la Nerita polita. Paris, Ac. Sci. C."R., 114, 1892, 1133-1135. Voyage dans la mer Rouge. [1892.] Rev. Biol. N. France, 4, 1892, 173-183, 210-223, 266-272, 351-362, 403-410, 463-468, 502-510; 5, 1893, 40-44, 53-69. M^moire sur le systeme nerveux de la Nerita polita et de la Navicella porcellana. Arch. Zool. Exper., 1, 1893, 221-266. M^moire sur la photographie sous-marine. Arch. Zool. Exper., 1, 1893, 281-324. Sur la photographie sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 286-289. Memoire sur les Reptiles rapport^s de Syrie par le Dr. Th. B,\RBOis. l'" partie. Genre Ptyodactyle. Rev. Biol. N. France, 5, 1893, 329-345, 369-884, 444-448. Emploi du scaphandre pour les etudes zoologiques et la photographie sous-marine. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 481-490. Recherches sur le byssus des Lamellibranches. Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 3, 1896, 297-338. Sur le mode de fixation des Ac^phales a I'aide du byssus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 208-210. L'organe glandulaire peripherique de«rHelcion pellu- cidum (Lin.). Arch. Zool. Exper., 5, 1897, 437-482. Les bacs-filtres du Laboratoire de Roscoff pour I'^levage des embryons. Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 6, 1898, xvii-xx, Mceurs de I'Eolis papillosa, Linne. Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 6, 1898, xxxvii-xlii. Sur le developpement de I'Acmsea virginea. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1887-1889. L'instantane dans la photographie sous-marine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 731-733; Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 6, 1898, 299-330. Production artificielle des perles chez les Haliotis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 828-830. La cause principale de I'asymetrie des MoUusques Gasteropodes. Arch. Zool. Exper., 7, 1899, 208-342. Boutan, Louis, & Bacovitza, Eiiiile G. Sur la pSche pela- gique en profondeur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1896, 174-176. Boutelle, C[harles] 0[tis]. For biographical notice see Amer. Ac. Proc, 26, 1891, 351-353; Washington Phil, Soc. Bull., 11, 1892, 466-470. Water-waves from Krakatoa. Science, 3, 1884, 777. On a geodetic survey of the United States. Science, 7, 1886, 460-461. Boutet, J. F. Analyse des eaux min^rales de Saint- Nectaire (Puy-de-D6me) et travaux d'analyse spectrale. Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 536-561. Analyse des eaux potables de Royat (Puy-de-D6me). Ann. Chim., 7, 1886, 562-570. Etude experimentale sur les meilleurs moyens de produire des sons purs et constants dans des tuyaux et sp^cialement sur I'influence de la matiere, de la forme, du diam^tre et de I'epaisseur des orifices sonores. Ann. Chim., 9, 1886, 406-422. BoutliiUier de Beaumont. See Beaumont, Henry Bouthillier de. Boutigny, [Jeati Franc^ois Desire]. For biographical notice see Rev. Bot., 3, 1884-86, 287. Boutin, A. Developpement de ijx en fraction continue. Mathesis, 17, 1897, 8-13. Sur une equation de Pell. Mathesis, 18, 1898, 159- 161. Boutineau, E. Des eaux de la region de Gab^s, Arch, M6d, Pharm. Militaires, 15, 1890, 201-211. Boutineau] 742 [Bouty Boutineau, £., & Fray, J. L'oasis de Gab^s au point de vue agricole. France Soc. A^r. Mem., 133, 1889, 515-577 ; Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1891, 1-64. Boutmy, H., & Nencki, M[arcel]. See ZTencki & Boutmy. Bouton, Charles L[eonard]. On the crushing of short prisms of homogeneous material. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1891, 211-212. Some examples of differential invariants. [1897.] N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 4, 1898, 313-322. Examples of the construction of Eiemann's surfaces for the inverse of rational functions, by the method of conformal representation. With an introduction by Prof. Maxime BocHER. [1898.] Ann. Math., 12 (1898-99), 1-26. Invariants of the general linear differential equation and their relation to the theory of continuous groups. Amer. Jl. Math., 21, 1899, 25-84. Problems in the theory of continuous groups. Ann. Math., 1, 1900, 93-96. Bouton, (Misg) Rosa, & Avery, S[a})iuel]. See Avery & Bouton. Boutrais, Geoffroy. *Vend6me (Loir-et-Cher). Observa- tions meteorologiques faites pendiint les annees 1856-[76]. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 8, 1860, Pt. 1, 39-48; 10, 1862, Pt. 1, 59-81 ; 11, 1863, Pt. 1, 43-71 ; 12, 1864, Pt. 1, 5-19; 14, 1866, Tableaux, 53-67; 20, 1872, Tableaux, 61-92; 21, 1873, Tableaux, 43-82; 22, 1874, Tableaux, 157-183 ; 23, 1875, Tableaux, 99-112 ; 24, 1876, Tableaux, 99-125 ; 25, 1877, Tableaux, 73-86. *[Observations meteorologiques faites k Vendome de decembre 1870 k novembre 1871 inelus.] France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 1, 18-19. — '■ — *[Notes meteorologiques.] Vendome (Loir-et-Cher). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 10-11, 18, 29, 39, 49-50, 64; 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 9. *Observations faites k Vendome, du ler decembre 1873 au Jer decembre 1874. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 8, 1875, Pt. 1, 54-55. Boutrais, Geoffroy, Renou, E., & Nouel, Ernest. See Benou, Boutrais & Nouel. Boutron, . Presentation de deux aerolithes. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 (Pt. 2), 340-342. Boutroue, Alexandre [Antoine]. L'Afrique anterieurement aux decouvertes des Portugais". Paris Soc. Geogr. C. R., 1893, 314-320. En Transcaspie. [1896.] Paris, Club Alpin Fran?. Annu., 23, 1897, 414-445. Boutrovuc, Adrien, & Boutroux, Leon. See below. Boutroux, Leon. Sur la conservation des ferments alcooliques dans la nature. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.), 17, 1884, 144-209. Sur une fermentation acide du glucose. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 924-927. Sur I'acide gluconique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 369-370. Sur I'oxydation du glucose par les microbes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 2, 1888, 309-316. Sur I'acide oxygluconique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890. 185-187; Ann. Chim., 21, 1890, 565-573. Sur la fermentation panaire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. 113, 1891, 203-206; Ann. Chim., 26, 1892, 145-201. Sur les causes qui produisent la couleur du pain bis. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 934-937. Sur la dissemination naturelle des leviires de vin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 127, 1898, 1033-1036; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 72-73. Sur les produits d'oxydation de I'acide oxygluconique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1224-1227. La generation de la gamme diatonique. Rev. Sci., 13 1900, 289-299, 326-331, 359-365. Boutroux, Leon, & Boutroux, Adrien. Recherches sur la valeur nutritive du pain fait avec les farines de meules et avec les farines de cylindres. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 35, 1896, 336-345. Boutroux, Leon, & Genvresse, P[ierre]. Sur divers chlorures doubles formes par la cinclionamine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 467-469. Boutwell, J. M. Nipissing Pass, an ancient outlet of the Great Lakes. Science, 8, 1898, 760. [Geological results of the recent storm upon the Ma-^sachusetts coast.] [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 113. Bouty, E[dmond Marie Leopold]. Sur la conductibilite des dissolutions salines tres etendues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 140-142. Sur la conductibilite eiectrique des dissolutions salines tres etendues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 362-365; Ann. Chim., 3, 1884, 433-500; Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 325- 355. Sur le phenomene du transport des ions et sa relation avec la conductibilite des dissolutions salines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 797-800. Application de la loi de Faraday a I'etude de la con- ductibilite des dissolutions salines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 908-911. Sur la conductibilite eiectrique des dissolutions aqueuses tr^s etendues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 30-32. Sur les chaleurs latentes de vaporisation. Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 26-27. Sur la clialeur specifique des vapeurs saturees. Jl. Phys., 4, 1885, 28-30. Mesure de la conductibilite eiectrique du chlorure de potassium dissous. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1097-1100. Loi de la conductibilite eiectrique des solutions salines de concentration moyenne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1372-1375; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1886, 153- 171. Sur la conductibilite eiectrique des melanges de sels neutres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 39-42. Sur la conductibilite des sels anormaux et des acides en dissolution etendue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 104, 1887, 1611-1614. Cas general de la conductibilite des melanges ; nombre des molecules eiectrolytiques dans les dissolu- tions etendues. Paris, Ac. Sci". C. R., 104, 1887, 1699- 1702. Application de I'eieetrometre a I'etude des reactions chimiques. Exemple de I'acide sulfurique et du sulfate de potasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1789-1791 ; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1887, 182-185. Determination de la quantite de bisulfate de potasse dans une liqueur etendue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1839-1841. Sur la conductibilite eiectrique des dissolutions salines ou acides de concentration moyenne. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 36-73. Application de I'eieetrometre a I'etude des equilibres chimiques. Ann. Chim., 14, 1888, 74-91. Extension de la loi des conductibilites moieculaires. Cas de I'acide azotique fumant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 595-597. Sur la conductibilite eiectrique de I'acide azotique concentre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1888, 654-657. Sur la conductibilite de I'acide azotique et sur une generalisation de la loi des conductibilites moieculaires. Paris, Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 137-151. Sur le travail interne dans les gaz. Jl. Phys., 8, 1889, 20-28. Remarques sur la conductibilite et le mode d'eiectrolyse des dissolutions concentrees d'acide sulfurique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 393-395. Sur les condensateurs en mica. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 846-849, 923; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1890, 137-144. Bouty] 743 [Bouveault Sur le residu des condensateurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 13()2-136f5; Paris, Soc. Phys. S(5ances, 1890, 1917193. Etude des propri^tes dielectriques du mica. Ann. Chim., 24, 1891, 394-432; Ann. Telegr., 18, 1891, 481- 521. Constante dielectricine du mica. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 931-933. Proprietes dielectriques du mica k haute temperature. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1310-1311. Sur la coexistence du pouvoir dielectrique et de la conductibilit^ electrolytique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R., 114, 1892, 533-535, 1421-1423; 115, 1892, 554-555; Ann. Chim., 27, 1892, 62-94; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 153-159. Observations sur la communication [de M. E. Cohn, sur la coexi^ence du pouvoir dielectrique et de la con- ductibilite electrolytique]. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 115, 1892, 804. Sur les capacites initiales de polarisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R.. 116, 1893, 628-630, 691 692, 732; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 11), 1-2; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1893, 186-188. Sur les residus de polarisation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 222-225. Sur les capacites de polarisation. Ann. Chim., 3, 1894, 145-209. Sur la capacite electrique du mercure et les capacites de polarisation en general. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 918-919. Sur la capacite de I'electrometre capillaire et sur la capacite initiale du mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1196-1198. Capacite de I'electrometre capillaire. [1894.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1894, 236-241; Ann. T^l^gr., 22, 1896, 72-78. Sur les dissolutions 4tendues et la pression osmotique. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 154-162. Sur des flammes sensibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 1260-1262; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1895, 165- 175. Sur Jes flammes chantantes. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 402-403. Sur les flammes sensibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 372-374. Les rayons de Runtgen et la photographic a travers les corps opaques. Rev. Sci., 5, 1896, 610-617. Les flammes sensibles et les lentilles acoustiques. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 10, 1896, H, 18 pp. Nouvelle methode pour la mesure de I'intensite des champs masn^tiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126. 1898, 238-240; Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 89-93, 400-405, 441-447; Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898, 14-23. Les gaz rarefies poss^dent-ils la conductivite electro- lytique? Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 152-155. Sur la coh(5sion dielectrique des gaz rarefies. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 204-206. Les gaz rarefies sont-ils des electrolytes? Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1899, 148-154. Sur la cohesion dielectrique des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 443-447. Cohesion dielectrique et champs explosifs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 469-471. Sur la cohesion dielectrique des gaz et des vapeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 503-505. Bouty, E[dmond Marie Leopold], & Cailletet, L[ouis Pavl], See Cailletet & Bouty. Bouty, E[dmond Marie Ldopold], & Poussereau, G[eor{)es Ernest Marie]. Sur I'emploi des courants alternatifs pour la mesure des resistances liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 373-375; Paris, Soc. Phys. Stances, 1885, 157-163. Bouty, E{dmond Marie Leopold], & Foincari, Lucien. Nouvelle methode pour la mesure de la resistance electrique des sels fondus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 88-91; Ann. Chim., 17, 1889, 52-61. Sur la conductibilite electrique des melanges de sels fondus. Cas particulier de I'azotate de potasse et de I'azotate de sonde. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 332-334. Boutzoureano. See Bufureanu. Bouv6, Thomas T\racy]. For biography and works see Amer. Ac. Proc, 32, 1897, 340-344; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 27, 1897, 219-241. Notes on gems. [1884.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 23, 1888, 2-6. The genesis of the Boston basin and its rock forma- tion. [1884.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 23, 1888, 29-36. Indian pot holes, or " giants' kettles" of foreign writers. [1889.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 24, 1890, 218- 228. Kame ridges, kettle-holes and other phenomena at- tendant upon the passing away of the great ice-sheet in Hingham, Mass. [1890.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, 25, 1892, 173-182. Bouveault, Louis. Sur la synthase et les derives des nitriles ^-cetoniques. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1890 (Pt. 1), 177. Sur un procede gendral de synthese des nitriles et des ' ethers /3-cetoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 531-533. Action des amines aromatiques et de la phenylbydra- zine sur les nitriles jS-cetoniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 572-574. [Sur les nitriles /3-acetoniques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 177-178. . Reaction de la pheuylhydrazine avec le nitrile methyl- propionylacetique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 611- 612. Sur un procede general de synthese des ethers /3-cetoniques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull,, 4, 1890, 635- 641. Action des amines aromatiques sur les nitriles /3- cetoniques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 642-647. ■ Action de la phenylhydrazine sur les nitriles /3- cetoniques. Syntheses dans la serie du pyrazol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull, 4, 1890, 647-651. [Sur la constitution du campbre. ] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 403-404. Sur la constitution chimique du camphre et de Tessence de terebenthine ainsi que de leurs principaux derives, Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 527-538. Sur les nitriles ^-aeetoniques et leurs derives. Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 243-244. Sur un isomere liquide de I'liydrocampbene. Paris Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 1067-1070. Sur un procede commode et rapide de saponification des nitriles. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 368-373. Sur les preparations du triphenylacetonitrile et du triphenylcarbinol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 373-375. Sur la soi-disant hydrazone de la cyanacetone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 375-377. Sur la constitution des dicyanures d'acides dimoiecu- laires. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull , 9, 1893, 576-578. Sur le camphre et les derives terpeniques. {With discussion.] [1893.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann,, 1, 1894, cxii-cxvi, Stereoisomeries dans la s^rie du camphre, Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 134-144. De I'isomerie optique dans les corps k chatnes fermees. Paris Soc Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 144-147. Reponse a M. Combes. [Sur quelques points de stereochimie.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 356- 359. ouveault] 744 [Bouvet Action du chlorure d'ethyloxalyle snr les hydrocarbures aromatiques en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1062-1064, 1207-1209. Action de I'hydrazine sur les acides glyoxyliques de la serie aromatique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1491-1493. Nouvelle m^thode pour la preparation d'aldehydes aromatiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1543- 1545. Sur un proc6d6 de synthase d'aldehydes et d'acides aromatiques au moyen du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 1014-1021. Nomenclature des composes a chaines ferm^es. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1897 (PL 1), 243-264. Sur la distillation fractionnee dans le vide. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 286-289. Ueber die Constitution des Camphors und seiner wichtigsten Derivate. Cbem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 761-762. Action du chlorure d'ethyloxalyle sur le pseudocumene et le m^sitylene. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 156-158. Sur I'a-ac^tylfurfurane et sa presence dans les goudrons de bois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1184-1186. Sur les acides glyoxyliques de la s^rie aromatique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 363-366. Condensation des chlorures d'ethyloxalyle avec des hydrocarbures aromatiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 366-372. Action du chlorure d'ethyloxalyle sur les hydrocarbures aromatiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 940-943. Acides glyoxyliques et aldehydes derives des ethers de phenols. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 943-947. Acides glyoxyliques- phenols. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 947-949. Sur quelques derives du gaiacol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 949-950. Sur la constitution de I'acide camphorique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 990-998. Application de la m^tliode de MM. Friedel et Crafts a la preparation des acetones et des aldehydes aromatiques. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 1020-i022. Preparation des acides glyoxyliques-phenols par d^- m^thylation. Synthese de la vanilline. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 75-77. Condensation de la semicarbazide avec les ^-dic^tones. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 77. Action du chlorure d'ethyloxalyle sur le malonate d'ethyle sode. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 78-80. Sur la constitution de I'acide camphorique et du camphre. Pans Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 462-469. separation des acides gras bibasiques de I'oxydation des graisses. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 562-565. Constitution des acides camphoieniques et de leurs derives. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 19, 1898, 565-573. Syntheses dans la serie du cyclopentane k I'aide de I'acide adipique. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1899 (Pt. 1), 234. Emploi de la tetrachlorhydroquinone pour la caracte- risation et la separation des acides gras. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 53-56. Sur les aldehydes isomeres de I'essence de lemon-grass. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 419-423. Sur la nature de I'isomerie des deux lemonals (citrals). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 423-427. [Electrolyse de I'ethylsuccinate de sodium.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 452-453. Sur la formula de constitution du camphre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 1013-1019. Synthase de derives du cyclopentane au moyen de I'adipate d'ethyle. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899 1019-1023. Sur I'acide a-dimethylisocrotonique (2 dimethyl- butinoique 3). Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899 1062-1065. Synthese totale de la phorone de I'acide camphorique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 415-417 ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 160-163, 323. Procede de synthese d'homologues superieurs de I'ether acetylacetique et de I'acetylacetoue. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 131, 1900, 45-48. [Sur le nitrate de camphene.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 421. Rhodinol et citronnellol. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 458-463. Sur la transformation du rhodiaal en menthone. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 463-466. Sur I'anhydride ethyloxalique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 509-511. Action de I'aeide nitrique fumant sur le camphene. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 28, 1900, 535-540. [Sur I'isobutyrylacetate d'ethyle.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 23, 1900, 611. Bouveault, Louis, & Barbier, [FraiKjois Antoine] Ph[ilippe]. See Barbier & Bouveault. Bouveault, Louis, & IXanriot, Maurice. See XZanriot & Bouveault. Bouveault, Lnnis, & Rousset, L. Prepaiation de I'alde- hyde valerianique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 11, 1894, 300-302. Bouveault, Louis, & Wahl, Andre R. Sur la nitration directe dans la serie grasse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 687-689. Constitution des derives nitres du dimethylacrylate d'ethyle; nitroaeetate d'ethyle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 131, 1900, 748-750. Action des reactifs reducteurs sur les deux ethers nitrodimethylacryliques isomeres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R , 131, 1900, 1211-1213. Bouveret, L[eoti]. Asphyxie locale des extremites chez une femme atherornateuse. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1886, 44-50. Appareil pour la transfusion du sang permettant en meme temps I'injection intra-veineuse d'une solution saline. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 73-84. Etudes etiologiques sur les foyers choieriques de I'Ardeche. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 24, 1885, 320-433. Sur le diagnostic de Testomac biloculaire par I'in- sufflation. [1896.] Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 36, 1897, 3-12. Bouveret, L[eo)i^, & Sevic, [E.]. Sur la pathogenic de la tetanic d'origine gastrique. [1891.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 {C. R.), 823-828; Lyon Soc. Sci. Med. Mem., 31, 1892 (C. R.), 233-235. Bouverie, H. H. P. [Daylight meteor, Jan. 9, 1900, Lewes.] [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 279-280. Bouvet, E. *[Notes meteorologiques.] Saint-Servan (Ille- et-Vilaine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 18, 30, 40, 52, 62-63, 75, 87-88, 97, 114- 115; 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 7, 29, 55-56, 80-81, 110-111, 136, 162, 187-188, 218, 269-270, 276-277, 307; 9, 1876, Pt. 2, 8, 36. 66-67, 97, 132, 163-164, 196-197. *Note sur les isothermes et les isochimenes de la France. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 {Bull.), 76-78, 141; 27, 1879 (Bull.), 243-246. "[Observations sur le climat de Brest.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 (Bull.), 252-256. 'Le climat de la Bretagne. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 28, 1880, 164-199, 356. Climatologie abregee de Saint-Malo et des environs. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 38, 1890, 16.3-177. Variations locales de la temperature (le 31 mai 1892). France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 40, 1892, 147-149. Influence rdelle des eaux sur la temperature. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 42, 1894, 105-108. Bouvet, Georges. Catalogue raisonne des plantes utiles et Bouvet] 745 [Bouvier nuisibles de la flore de Maine-et-Loire (programme d'un mus^e scolaire : botanique). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1884, 137-364. Le Musee d'Histoire Naturelle et le Jardin Botanique d'Angers. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1886, 145-184. Les Bubus de I'Anjou. Essai d'une revision syn- thetique. Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1888, 105-174. Muscin^es du d^partement de Maine-et-Loire (Sphaignes, Mousses, Hepatiques). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1896, 343-486; 1897, 137-154. Un poisson nouveau pour nos rivieres, le Lepomis megalotis, Raff. [1900.] Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 255-257. Bouveyron, [Alexandre^ Historique de I'emploi du sul- phate de sonde comme hemostatique. [1898.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. Mem., 38, 1899, 125-132. Bouvier, [Marius'\. Observatoire du Mont-Ventoux. Tra- vaux, instruments, paratonnerre. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1886 (Pt. 2), 276-282. Bouvier, E\ugene] L[ouis]. Sur le systeme nerveux des Buccinides et des Purpurid^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1509-1512. Sur le systeme nerveux du Buccinum undatum. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 9, 1885, 71-75. Note sur le systeme nerveux des Toxiglosses, et con- siderations generales sur le systeme nerveux des Gastero- podes Prosobranches. [1885.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 44-56. Contributions k I'etude des Prosobranches Pt^noglosses. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 3, 1886, 77-130. Observations relatives au systeme nerveux et i certains traits d'organisation des Gast^ropodes Scutibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 1177-1180. La loi des connexions appliquee a la morphologie des organes des Mollusques et particuli^rement de I'Ampul- laire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 162-165. Sur le systeme nerveux typique des Mollusques Ct^nobranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 988- 939. Sur le systeme nerveux typique des Prosobranches dextres ou s^nestres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1274-1276. Le systeme nerveux des Turbonides et des N^ritid^s. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 61-67. Le systeme nerveux et certains traits d'organisation des Neritidas et des Helicinidse. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 93-97. [Observations sur I'anatomie du Xenophore et de la Calyptree.] Paris Soc. Philom, Bull., 10, 1886, 121- 123. Observations anatomiques relatives aux Solarides et aux Janthinidds. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1886, 151-156. Systeme nerveux et morphologie des Cyclobranches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 34-35. Observations sur le genre Ceratoptilus cred dans la famille des Cerithides. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 36-38. Rdsumd d'observations faites sur le systeme nerveux des Prosobranches et la formation du systeme nerveux typique des Ctenobranches. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 42-45. Sur le systeme nerveux chiastoneure des Prosobranches senestres. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 45-48. Sur la morphologie de I'AmpuUaire. [1886.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 92-93. Systeme nerveux, morphologie generale et classifica- tion des Gastdropodes Prosobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. {ZooL), 3, 1887, 510 pp. ; Paris, Hautes Etudes Bibl., 35, 1887 {An. 1), 405 pp. ; 36, 1887 (Art. 1), 110 pp. Sur I'organisation des Gasteropodes senestres. Natu- raliste, 9, 1887, 18-20. Sur la prdtendue glande k venin des Toxiglosses (Mollusques Gasteropodes). Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 168- 171. Observations sur le systeme nerveux des Prosobranches Tenioglosses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 447- 448. L'organisation des Volutes comparde k celle des Toxi- glosses. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 102- 107. • Sur le systfeme nerveux et les deux cordons ganglion- naires pddieux et scalariformes des Cyprdes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 127-128. Sur la torsion et la symetrie primitive des Gastero- podes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 11, 1887, 128-130. Sur I'anatomie de I'AmpuUaire. [1887.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 5-7. Observations anatomiques et systdmatiques sur quelques families de Mollusques Prosobranches Stdno- glosses. France Soc. Malacol. Bull., 5, 1888, 251- 286. Le mimetisme chez les poissons. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 17-20. Les rorquals des mers du nord et leurs parasites. Naturaliste, 10, 1888, 44-48. Sur I'anatomie et les affinites zoologiques des Am- puUaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 370- 372. Sur la circulation de I'ecrevisse. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. B.), 156-159; Bull. Sci. France Belg., 19, 1888, 289-292. Sur I'appareil circulatoire de I'ecrevisse. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 52-53. Sur I'appareil circulatoire du Portunus puber. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 53-55. Sur I'appareil circulatoire de la langouste (Palinurus vulgaris) et du tourteau (Platycarcinus pagurus). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull. , 12, 1888, 60-62. Sur I'appareil circulatoire des Maia, Grapsus, Steno- rhynchus, Pagurus, etc. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 62-72. Le systeme nerveux des Crustacea Decapodes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 111-114. Sur les glandes salivaires annexes des Muricides. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 12, 1888, 118-125. Etude sur l'organisation des Ampullaires. Paris Soc. Philom. Mem. Cent., 1888, 63*-85*. Sur le siphon cesophagien des Marginelles. [1888.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 13-14. Le systeme nerveux des Crustaces Decapodes et ses rapports avec I'appareil circulatoire. Ann. Sci. Nat. (ZooL), 7, 1889, 73-106. Observations anatomiques sur les Cetaces. Congr. Int. Zool. C. R., 1889, 302-304. Histoire des Janthines. Naturaliste, 11, 1889, 65-66, 85-87. Sur I'adaptation des animaux marins k la vie sur terre et dans les eaux douces. Naturaliste, 11, 1889, 242-243. Sur deux sinus veineux situes dans le f oie du Delphinus Delphis. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1889, 60-63. Observations preiiminaires sur l'organisation de la Dromia vulgaris. [1889.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 28-30. Sur le cercle circulatoire de la carapace chez les Crustaces Decapodes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1211-1213. Sur la circulation pulmonaire des crabes terrestres du genre Cardisoma. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 42, 1890 (C. R.), 379-381. Sur les relations anatomiques entre les Macroures et les Anomoures. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890 (C. R.), 35-36. Observations compiementaires sur l'organisation de 94 Bouvier] 746 [Bouvier la Dromia vulgaris. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 44-45. Sur I'organisation de la Gebia deltura. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 46. Observations pr^liminaires sur I'anatomie des Gala- thees. (Galathea squamifera.) Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 56. Note sur I'Eupagurus anachoretus. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 120-122. Sur un cercle circulatoire annexe chez les Crustac^s Decapodes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 135-136. Eevision des Cenobites du Museum. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 143-150; 3, 1891 (C. R., No. 3), 7-8. Variations progressives de I'appareil circulatoire arteriel chez les Crustaces Anomoures. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 2, 1890, 179-182. Sur la respiration et quelques dispositions organiques des Paguriens terrestres du genre C^nobite. Paris Soc. Philom. BuU., 2, 1890, 194-197. Sur le syst^me nerveux des Cypr^es. Zool. Anz. , 13, 1890, 717-720. Kectification du nom de la Ccenobita rugosa. [1890.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 21. Kecherches anatomiques sur le systeme arteriel des Crustaces Decapodes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 11, 1891, 197-282. Sur les branchies des Paguriens. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 11, 1891, 402. Observations complementaires sur le systeme nerveux et les aflfinit^s zoologiques des Gasteropodes du genre Porcelaine (CyprBea). Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 12, 1891, 15-37. Les Glaucothoes sont-elles des larves de Pagures? Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 12, 1891, 65-82. Eecherches anatomiques sur les Gasteropodes prove- nant des campagnes du yacht I'Hirondelle. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 16, 1891, 53-56. Etude de quelques Paguriens recueillis par M. Jules DE GuERNE sur les cotes de France et de Norv^ge. France Soc. Zool. M(5m., 4, 1891, 393-407. La respiration des Ampullaires. Naturaliste, 13, 1891, 143-147. Quelques caracteres anatomiques de I'Hyperoodon rostratus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 563-565. Sur la graisse du foie des Crustaces Decapodes. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 170-174. Observations sur I'anatomie du systeme nerveux de la Limule Polypheme (Limulus Polyphemus, Latr.). Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 3, 1891, 187-198. Quelques observations nouvelles sur I'organisation des Cetac(5s. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull,, 4, 1892, (C. E., No. 6), 2-3. Observations sur les moeurs des Pagures, faites au Laboratoire Maritime de Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue pendant le mois d'aofit, 1891. [1891.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 5-9. Observations anatomiques sur I'Hyperoodon rostratus, Lilljeborg. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 13, 1892, 259-320. Sur le developpement embryonnaire des Galatheides du genre Diptychus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892 767-770. Le systeme nerveux des N^ritides. Paris, Ac. Sci C R., 114, 1892, 1281-1283. Sur un echouement d'Hyperoodon a I'entree de la Baie de Carentan. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44 1892 (C. R.), 835-838. Quelques observations anatomiques sur les Mollusques Gasteropodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44, 1892 (C R ) 9877992. ■" Etude sur les Paguriens recueillis par M. le Dr. JoussEAUME sur les cotes de la mer Rouge. Paris Soc Philom, Bull., 4, 1892, 50-55. Plexus formes par les arteres intercostales du Phoca vitulina. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 4, 1892, 81-84. Sur I'organisation des Amphiboles, Paris Soc. Philom, Bull,, 4, 1892, 146-153, Paguriens recueillis par M. Diguet sur le littoral de la Basse-Californie, [1892.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 6, 1893, 18-25. Observations sur les Gasteropodes Opisthobranches de la famille des Actseonides. (Campagne de I'Hirondelle, 3« note.) [1892.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 64-71. Les Pleurotomaires. Naturaliste, 15, 1893, 11-13. Observations nouvelles sur les affinites des divers groupes de Gasteropodes. (Campagnes du yacht VHiron- delle.) Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 68-70. Sur I'organisation des ActsBons. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 25-30. Sur la distortion des Gasteropodes hermaphrodites. Paris Soc, Philom, Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 6), 2-4. La chlorophylle animale et les phenom^nes de symbiose entire les algues vertes unicellulaires et les animaux. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893, 72-149. Sur les caracteres et revolution des Lomisines, nouveau groupe de Crustaces Anomoures. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 1353-1355. Un nouveau cas de commensalisme .- association de vers du genre Aspidosiphon avec des Polypes Madre- poraires et un mollusque bivalve. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 96-98; Naturaliste, 16, 1894, 171-173. Sur la transformation des Paguriens en crabes anomoures de la sous-famille des Lithodines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 350-352. Sur I'origine homarienne des crabes (Brachyures) , Paris, Ac, Sci, C, R,, 119, 1894, 656-658, Sur la mue des Lithodes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), .503-505. Sur la signification du Hapalogaster dans revolution des Lithodines. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 6, 1894 (C. R., No. 18), 1-5. Recherches sur les affinites des Lithodes et des Lomis avec les Pagurides. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 18, 1896, 157-213. Le commensalisme chez certains Polypes Madre- poraires. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 20, 1895, 1-32. Rapport sur le projet de reforme bibhographique de M. Herbert Haviland Field. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 8, 1896, 141-150. Sur une collection de Crustaces Decapodes recueillis en Basse-CaUfornie par M. Diguet. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull, 1, 1895, 6-8. Sur la distribution geographique des Crustaces de la sous-famille Lithodines. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull , 1, 1895, 70-72. Sur les Palemons recueillis dans les eaux douces de la Basse-Californie par M. Diguet. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 159-162. Sur I'appareil branchial d'un crabe du groupe des Dromiens, la Dynomene Filholi. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1896 (C. R.), 6. Hapalogaster et Dermaturus. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 7, 1896 (C. R.), 56. Sur I'origine homarienne des crabes ; etude com- parative des Dromiaces vivants et fossiles. [1894.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 8, 1896, 34-110. Sur la classification des Lithodines et sur leur distri- bution dans les oceans. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1, 1896, 1-46. Les Pagurines des mers d'Europe (Crustaces). Tableaux dichotomiques des genres et des especes. [1896.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 26, 1895-96, 125-128, 149-155. Un c4ble teiegraphique attaque par les Termites. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 429-431. Bouvier] 747 [Bouyg-ues : Sur un Pagurien nouveaii (Eupagurus Chevreuxi) de la M^diterran^e. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 95-100. Sur la ponte et le d^veloppement d'un Pseudo- scorpionide, le Garypus saxicola, Waterhouse. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 304-307, 342-343. Sur la famille des Chirostylidse, Ortmann, et sur la classification des Galatheidea. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, .307-312. Sur la classification, les origines et la distribution des crabes de la famille des Dorippid^s. [1897.] Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 9, 1896, 54-70. La transformation des Bernards I'Ermite en Lithodes. Naturaliste, 19, 1897, 41-43. Observations sur les crabes de la famille des Dorippides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 784-787. Observations sur les Argulid^s du genre Gyropeltis recueillis par M. Geay au V6n6zu^la. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 13-19. Sur les Cambarus recueillis au Mexique par M. Diguet. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 224-228. Sur deux Pagurians nouveaux trouv^s par M. CoutiJ:re dans les recifs madreporiques, a Djibouti. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 3, 1897, 228-233. Le genre Maindronia, type nouveau de la famille des Lepismidt^s. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1897, 21-23. Sur les Xauthes des mers d'Europe. [1898.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 28, 1897-98, 133-137. • Sur un nouvel Apus de la Somalie. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 39, 1898, 573-577. Sur les caracteres externes des P^ripates. Int. Congr. Zool. Proc, 1898, 269-271. Note pr^liminaire sur la distribution g^ographique et revolution des P^ripates. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1358-1361. Nouvelles observations sur les Peripatus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1524-1525. Sur le Blepharopoda fauriana, Crustac^ anomoure de la famille des Hippid^s. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 127, 1898, 566-567. Sur quelques Crustaces Anomoures et Brachyures recueillis par M. Diguet en Basse-Galifornie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 371-384. Observations nouvelles sur les Blepharopoda, Randall (Albunhippa, Edw.). Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 67, 1898, 337-343. Sur I'organisation du Peripatus Tholloni, Bouv. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 197-198. Lithadia Digueti, nouveau Crustace Brachyure de la famille des Leucosiid^s. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1898, 330-331. Les Crustaces parasites du genre Dolops, Audouin. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 10, 1898, 53-81; 1, 1899, 12-40. Sur les variations et les groupements sp^cifiques des P^ripates am^ricains. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1344-1346. Observations biologiques sur le Peripatus capensis, Grube. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 971-973. Nouvelles observations sur les P6ripates am^ricains. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 1029-1031. Sur les Argulides du genre Gyropeltis, recueillis recemment par M. Geay dans la Guyane. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 39-41. Sur une collection de Crustaces du Japon offerte au Museum par M. Boucard. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 173-176. Calappa Zurcheri, crabe nouveau des terrains Miocenes de Panama. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 189- 192. Contributions a I'histoire des P^ripates am^ricains. Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 68, 1899, 385-4,50. Sur les voies respiratoires des crabes oxystomes de la tribu des Cyclodorippse, Ortmann. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 1, 1899, 122-123. Sur I'origine et les enchainements des Arthropodes de la classe des Onychophores (Peripatus et formes voisines). Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 735-738. Observations sur le d6veloppement des Onychophores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 652-654, Sur la presence du genre Catapaguroides dans les eaux sublittorales des cotes de France et d'Alg^rie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 6, 1900, 368-371. Le retour au nid chez les Hym^nopt^res pr^dateurs du genre Bembex. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (G. R.), 874-876. Les variations des habitudes chez les Philanthes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 1129-1131. Nouveau Peripate des environs de Rio-de-Janeiro. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 66-68. Observations sur le Peripatopsis Moseleyi. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 119-121. Observations nouvelles sur les Peripatus. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 394-395. Quelques observations sur les Onychophores (Peri- patus) de la collection du Musee Britannique. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 367-373. Nouvelles observations sur les Peripatus de la collec- tion du Musee Britannique. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900, 749-757. Bouvier, E[ugene] L[ouis], & Cbevreux, Edouard. See Chevreux & Bouvier. Bouvier, E[ugene] L[ouis], & Delacroix, G[eorge8]. Un entomophage parasite de vers k sole europeens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 245-247; Paris Soc. Philom. Bull., 5, 1893 (C. R., No. 19), 2-4; 6, 1894 (C. R., No. 1), 3-5. Bouvier, Elugene] L[ouis], & Fischer, Henri. Sur I'organisation et les affiuit^s des Pleurotomaires. Paris, Ac, Sci. C. R., 124, 1897, 695-697, 796. Etude monographique des Pleurotomaires actuels. Arch. Zool. Exp^r., 6, 1898, 115-180; Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899, 77-151. Sur I'organisation des Pleurotomaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1361-1363. Bouvier, E[^ugene] L[ouis], & Fischer, Paul IHenri]. See Fischer & Bouvier. Bouvier, E[ugene] L[otds], & Milne-Edwaxds, Alphonse. See Milne-Edwards & Bouvier. Bouvier, Elugene] I,[oMis], & Boch6, Georges. Sur une maladie des langoustes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 509-512. Bouvresse, Henri. [L'occultation de -Jupiter, du 20 fevrier.] Astronomie, 1893, 155. Conjonction de Saturne avec I'^toile double gamma de la Vierge. Astronomie, 1893, 233-234. Bouwman, W. Die Pliicker'schen Zahlen der Abweichungs- curve. [1896.] Math. Ann., 49, 1897, 24-38. Bouyer, [Achille]. Les eaux sulfureuses deg^n^r^es de Cauterets et leurs applications k certaines n^vropathies et aux maladies des organes g^nito-urinaires. Bordeaux Soc. M^d. M^m., 1892, 220-248. Traitement de I'emphys^me pulmonaire k Cauterets. Bordeaux Soc. Med. M6m., 1894, 220-238. Bouygues, H. Note sur I'anatomie compar^e de la tige et du petiole des Rubles et des Rosees. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, xxxii-xl. Sur la polysteiie du petiole du genre Alchemilla. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, Iviii-lix. Sur I'anatomie de la tige a^rienne et du petiole du Neurada procumbens. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, lix-lx. Note sur le p^riderme de la tige a^rienne de quelques Pot^ri^es ligneuses. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, xcvi-c. Sur la polysteiie partielle du petiole de Sanguisorba 94—2 748 Bouygues] canadensis. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 55, 1900, cxlvii- cxlix. . Bouysson, J. Mission agricole et scientifique....La r6gion cotiere du nord du Congo. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. E., 1897, 425-428. Renseignements sur la region cotiere au nord de Libreville et sur le bas Og6ou6. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1S98, 355-359. Bouyssy, Marius, BXarboutin, Felix, & Pecoul, Adrien. See niarboutin, Pecoia & Bouyssy. Bouzol, [H.]. Relation d'une epidemic a ph^nom^nes hystero-choreiques observ^e a Albon (Ardeche) en 1882. [1884.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M6m., 24, 1886, 177-199. Bovalllus, Carl [Erik Alexander]. A new isopod from the Swedish Arctic Expedition of 1883. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1885, No. 9, 12 pp. A new isopod from the coast of Sweden. [1884.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1886, No. 10, 10 pp. Contributions to a monograph of the Amphipoda Hyperiidea. [1885-87.] Stockh., Ak. Handl., 21, 1884-87, No. 5, 72 pp.; 22, 1886-90, No. 7, 434 pp. New or imperfectly known Isopoda. [1885-86.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1886, No. 11, 32 pp.; 11, 1887, No. 17, 19 pp. ; 12 [Afd. 4), 1887, No. 4, 23 pp. On some forgotten genera of amphipodous Crustacea. Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 10, 1886, No. 14, 17 pp. En resa i Talamanca-Indianernas land. Stockh., Ymer, 5, 1886, 183-216. Remarks on the genus Cysteosoma or Thaumatops. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 9, 16 pp. Notes on the family Asellidse. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 15, 54 pp. Systematical list of the Amphipoda Hyperiidea. [1885.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 11, 1887, No. 16, 50 pp. Mimonectes, a remarkable genus of Amphipoda Hyperidea. [1885.] Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 4, 15 pp. Amphipoda Synopidea. [1886.] Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 13, 1887, No. 9, 36 pp. En segling i Las Perlas-arkipelagen. Stockh., Ymer, 6, 1887, 5-18. The oxycephalids. [1890.] Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta, 14, 1891, No. 4, 141 pp. Bove, (capit.) Giacomo. For biography see Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 8, 1887, 255-256 ; Geogr. Soc. Proc, 9, 1887, 584; [Itaha], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 24, 1887, 641- 642 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 7, 1887, 159 ; Nuova Antol. Sci., 95, 1887, 115-122; Venezia, Ateneo, 2, 1887, 107- 109; Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1887, 489-490; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 357. *Spedizione artica svedese. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 15, 1878, 142-143, 174-178, 227-229, 252-255, 336-342, 355-360, 384-390 ; 16, 1879, 26-34, 742-748, 787-852. *Le osservazioni meteorologiche a bord'o della Vega. Climatologia dell' Oceano Artico siberiano. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 577-597. *Lettera al segretario della Societa. [Viaggio a Buenos Aires.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 795-799. [Lettere dall' Argentina.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 277-284, 525-528. Note di un viaggio nell' alto Parang. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 825-880, 934-1003. Un viaje al alto Parana. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 6, 1886, 129-135, 174-178, 228-230, 336-339, 360- 363. [La missione Bove al Congo.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 23, 1886, 297-304, 527-532, 761-763, 778-781. Bove, (capit.) Giacomo (et alii). 'Spedizione antartica italiana. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll. , 17, 1880, 240-249 ; [Bovet 18, 1881, 102-109, 837-843 ; 19, 1882, 295-312, 433-444, 573-583, 702-713, 770-771 ; 20, 1883, 5-60, 96-147. Boveri, Theodor. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nerven- fasern. [1885.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 15, 1886, 421-495. Ueber die Bedeutung der Riehtungskorper. [1886.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 2, 1887, 101- 106. Ueber Differenzierung der Zellkerne wahrend der Furchung des Eies von Ascaris megalocephala. Anat Anz., 2, 1887, 688-693. Zellen-Studien. Jena. Ztschr., 21, 1887, 423-515; 22, 1888, 685-882. Ueber die Befruchtung der Eier von Ascaris megalo- cephala. [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 71-80. Ueber den Antheil des Spermatozoon an der Theilung des Eies. [1887.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 3, 1888, 151-163. Die Vorgange der Befruchtung und Zelltheilung in ihrer Beziehung zur Vererbungsfrage. [1888.] Beitr. Anthrop. Bayerns, 8, 1889 {Miinchen Anthrop. Ges. Verh.), (27)-(39). Ueber partielle Befruchtung. [1888.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 4, 1889, 64-72. Ein geschlechtlich erzeugter Organ ismus ohne miitter- liche Eigenschaften. [1889.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 5, 1890, 73-80. Zellen-Studien. Ueber das Verhalten der chromati- schen Kernsubstanz bei der Bildung der Riehtungskorper und bei der Befruchtung. Jena. Ztschr., 24, 1890, 314- 401. Ueber Entwicklung und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Aktinien. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 49, 1890, 461-502. Ueber die Niere des Amphioxus. [1890.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 6, 1891, 65-77. Ueber die Bildungsstatte der Geschlechtsdriisen und die Entstehung der Genitalkammern bei Amphioxus. Anat. Auz., 7, 1892, 170-181. Befruchtung. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 1, 1892, 386-485. Die Nierencanalchen des Amphioxus. Ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Jbiich. {Anat.), 5, 1892, 429-510. Ueber die Entstehung des Gegensatzes zwischen den Geschlechtszellen und den somatischen Zellen bei Ascaris megalocephala nebst Bemerkungen zur Entwickelungsge- schichte der Nematoden. [1892.] Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 8, 1893, 114-125. Das Genus Gyractis,eine radial-symmetrische Actinien- form. [1893.] Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 7, 1894, 241-253. Beziehungen zwischen Zellfunction und Kernstruktur. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1894, 94-95. Ueber die Befruchtungs- und Entwickelungsfahigkeit kernloser Seeigel-Eier und iiber die Moglichkeit ihrer Bastardirung. [1895.] Arch. EntwMech., 2, 1896, 394- 443. Zur Physiologic der Kern- und Zellteilung. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1896, 133-151. Ueber das Verhalten der Centrosomen bei der Be- fruchtung des Seeigel-Eies nebst allgemeinen Bemer- kungen iiber Centrosomen und Verwandtes. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 29, 1896, (l)-(75). Bovero, Alfonso. Persistenza della vescicola ombellicale e della circolazione onfalo-mesenterica nel feto umano a termine. Int. Jl. Anat., 12, 1896, 191-192, 193-219. Bovet, A. de. Note sur une exploitation de diamants pres de Diamantina (province de Minas Geraes, Br^sil). Ann. Mines, 5, 1884, 465-506. Note sur un proc^d^ de r^glage, par I'emploi du courant applicable k certaines installations de trans- missions de force. Ann. Mines, 15, 1889, 417-432. Traction m^canique des bateaux sur les canaux. Touage electro-magn^tique. Paris, Ing^n. Civ. M6m., 1896 {Pt. 1), 40-72. Bovet] 749 [Bowen Bovet, Victor. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Bacillen des Erythema nodosum. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 {Abth. 2b), 971-974; Mhefte. Chem., 1888, 1154-1157. De I'antisepsie des mat^riaux de construction. [1889.] Ann. Microgr., 2 (1889-90), 97-114. Des gaz produits par la fermentation ana^robienne. [1890.] Ann. Microgr., 2 (1889-90), 322-333. Contribution k I'^tude des microbes de I'intestin grSle. [1891.] Ann. Microgr., 3 (1890-91), 353-358. Bovey, Henry T. An investigation as to the maximum bending moments at the points of support of continuous girders of 7i spans. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1888 (Sect. 3), 75-80. The maximum shear and bending moment produced by a live load at different points of horizontal girder AB of span 1. [1889.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890 {Sect. 3), 3-6. Upon the flexure of columns. [1892.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 10, 1893 (Sect. 3), 23-24. On the strength of Douglas fir, white pine and red pine. [1894.] Canada Roy. Soc, Proc. & Trans., 12, 1895 (Sect. 3), 11-18. Presidential address. [Engineering as an experimental science.] Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1896 (Sect. 3), 3-24. Results of experiments on the strength of white pine, red pine, hemlock and spruce. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 758-759. Bovey, Henry T., & Strickland, T[om] P[ercival]. Some experiments on the resistance to flow of water in pipes. Canada Roy. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1898 (Sect. 3), 43-57. Bovie, . Etude sur le regime de la maree au port d'Ostende. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 44, 1886, 185- 224. Bovie, Albert. Les Coccinelles de Belgique. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 41, 1897, 133-162. Liste de Curculionides captures en Belgique. Brux, , Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 379-380. Bovier-Iiapierre, Emile. Note sur les effets de I'usage des eaux platreuses. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 376. Observations sur les Noctiluques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 549-553. Sur les cellules nerveuses du ganglion spiral du dauphin. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1887 (Pt. 1), 264. Note sur des chaines de Peridiniens appartenant au genre Polvkrikos. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 535-536; 40, 1888 (C. R.), 579-581. Observations sur la sardine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39,1887 (C. R.), 795-797. D'un nouveau mode de dissociation et de montage des Elements anatomiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. JJ.), 797-799. De la vascularite de I'epith^lium olfactif. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.}, 833-834. Bovier-Iiapierre, Emile, & Foucbet, [Charles Henri] Georges. See Fouchet & Bovier-Iiapierre. Boviexi, Francesco. I moti microsismici ed il vento. [1889.] Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 43, 1890, 20-23. Sopra un nuovo sismoscopio. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 46, 1893, 45-48. Bovis, R[ene] de, & iUtemaire, L[ouis Eugene]. See Altemaire & Bovis. BoviB, R[ene] de, & XZuguet, J. See XXuguet & Bovis. Bowden, F. W. An electromagnetic effect. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 549-551; Phil. Mag., 40, 1896, 200-201. Bowden, ii. Vobtmann's test for hydrocyanic acid. [1892.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1892, 447-449 ; Pharm. Jl., 23, 1893, 232. The purity of lithium salts. [1893.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1893, 418-420; Pharm. Jl., 24, 1894, 214-215. Bowdish, B. S. The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Ontario county, N. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 394. The yellow-legs (Totanus flavipes) breeding in Ontario county, N. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 394. Breeding of the mourning warbler in Ontario county, N. Y. Auk, 8, 1891, 396. Songs of birds. Science, 22, 1893, 291. Bowditch, [Henry Ingersoll]. For biography and list of works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 503-504 ; Amer. Ac. Proc, 28, 1893, 310-331. Bowditch, Fred. C. List of Mt. Washington Coleoptera. Psyche, 7, 1896, Suppl. 2, 1-11. Collecting notes. Philad., Ent. News, 11, 1900, 392- 395. Bowditcb, H. P. Experiments on the action of the vaso- motor nerves of the leg. N. Y. Med. Jl., 40, 1884, 325. Note on the nature of nerve-force. Jl. Physiol., 6, [1885], 133-135. Address [to the Biol. Sect.]. What is nerve-force ? Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 237-246. Vaso-motor nerves of the limbs. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 270. Ueber den Nachweis der Unermiidlichkeit des Saugethiernerven. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1890, 505-508. The growth of children studied by the method of percentile grades. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd, 2, Abth. 2), 8-9 ; Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 22, 1891, 479-522. The physique of women in Massachusetts. Massa- chusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 21, 1890, 287-304. The relation between height, weight and age in growing children. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 131. The rhythm of smooth muscles. Brit. Ass. R«p., 1897, 809-810. Movements of the alimentary canal. Science, 5, 1897, 901-902. Bowditch, H. P., & Warren, Joseph W. Plethysmo- graphic experiments ou the vaso-motor nerves of the limbs. Jl, Physiol,, 7, [1886], 416-450. The knee-jerk and its physiological modifications. Jl. Physiol., 11, 1890, 25-64. Bowditch, J[onathan] Ingersoll. For biographical notice see Amer. Ac. Proc, 24, 1889, 435-437. Bowditch, Nathaniel. For biography see Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 385-394, Bowell, Ernest W[iUiam] Wake. Probable partheno- genesis in Arctia mendica. [1890.] Ent. Record, 1, 1890-91, 174. The Rhopalocera of Herefordshire. Ent, Record, 2, 1891, 136-138, On the scales of European Zygsenides, Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 271-273, 'Bovren, Ernest W[illiani] Wake, & Boycott, Arthur E[dwin]. See Boycott & Bowell. Bowen, Benj. A, The Tineina of north-west Kent and adjoining portion of Surrey. Ent. Month. Mag., 34, 1898, 142-149. Bowen, Eliza A. A lesson on harvest moon. [1893.] Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 32-34. Jupiter at opposition. A naked-eye study. [1893.] Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 133-136. Visualizing the Earth's annual motion. [1893.] Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 178-179. Bowen, H. C. An apparatus for determining the relative degree of cohesion of a semi-liquid body. Sohooi of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 10, 1888, 297-303. Bowen, H. C, & Waller, Elwyn. See "Waller & Bowen. Bowen, John T. The epitrichial layer of the human epidermis. Anat. Anz., 4, 1889, 412-416, 441-450. Bowen] 750 [Bowers Un cas de k^ratose folliculaire (maladie de Dabier) limit^e a la tete et aux mains. Ann. de Dermatol., 9, 1898, 6-9. Bower, A. S. *The Bower-Barff process. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 329-338. Bower, B. A. Kemarks on Scoparia basistrigalis, Knaggs. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1896, 273-274. Aberration of Boarmia gemmaria (rhomboidaria). Ent. Eecord, 11, 1899, 269. Lepidoptera in Kent and Devon. Ent. Becord, 12, 1900, 340. Bower, F\rederick'] Orpen. On recent researches into the origin and morphology of chlorophyll corpuscles and allied bodies. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 24, 1884, 237-254. Preliminary note on the apex of the leaf in Osmunda and Todea. Koy. Soc. Proc, 36, 1884, 442-443. On the comparative morphology of the leaf in the vascular cryptogams and gymnosperms. [1884.] Phil. Trans., 175, 1885, 565-615. On the apex of the root in Osmunda and Todea. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 75-103. Correction of an error as to the morphology of Welwitschia mirabilis. Quart. JL Micr. Sci., 25, 1885, 105-106. On apospory in ferns (with special reference to Mr. C. T. Druery's observations). [1884.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 21, 1886, 360-368. On the development and morphology of Phyllo- glossum Drummondii. [1885.] Phil. Trans., 176, 1886, 665-678. On Humboldtia laurifolia as a myrmekophilous plant. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1886, 699. On positively geotropic shoots in Cordyline australis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 699-700. On apospory and allied phenomena. [1886.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 2, 1881-87, 301-326. On the modes of climbing in the genus Calamus. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 125-131. On the limits of the use of the terms " phyllome " and "caulome." [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 133-146. Preliminary note on the formation of gemmae on Trichomanes alatum. [1887.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 183-184. Note on a morphological peculiarity of Cordyline australis. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc. , 18, 1887, 317-319. On Humboldtia laurifolia, Vahl, as a myrmekophilous plant. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 18, 1887, 320-326. On Cramer's gemma borne by Trichomanes alata. Nature, 36, 1887, 593. On some normal and abnormal developments of the oophyte in Trichomanes. [1888.] Ann. Bot., 1, 1887-88, 269-305. On the pitcher of Nepenthes : a study in the mor- phology of the leaf. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 239-252. The comparative examination of the meristems of ferns as a phylogenetic study. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 3, 1889-90, 305-392; Nature, 40, 1889, 610-611. On Dr. Macfarlane's observations on pitchered in- sectivorous plants. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91,165-168. Note on attempts to induce aposporous developments in ferns. [1889.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 168-169. On antithetic as distinct from homologous alternation of generations in plants. [1890.] Ann. Bot., 4, 1889-91, 347-370. On club mosses : past and present. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1890, 158-172. Which are the oldest ferns? Hortic. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 496-505. Is the eusporangiate or the leptosporangiate the more primitive type in the ferns? [1891.] Ann. Bot., 5, 1890-91, 109-134. Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. Preliminary statement on the Lycopodinee and Ophio- glossacece. [Prehminary statement on the EquisetaceaB and Psilotaceffi.] [1891-93.] Eoy. Soc. Proc, 50, 1892, 265-273; 53, 1893, 19-22. Notes on the morphology of the spore-bearing members in the vascular cryptogams. Nature, 46, 1892, 555. On the structure of the axis of Lepidostrobus Browni, Schpr. Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 329-354. A criticism, and a reply to criticisms. [See Goebel : "On the simplest form of moss," 6, 1892, 355-360.] Ann. Bot., 7, 1893, 367-380. A theory of the strobilus in archegoniate plants. Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 343-365; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 695-696. On apospory and production of gemmae in Tricho- manes Kaulfussii, Hk. and Gr, Ann. Bot., 8, 1894, 465-468. Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. [i.] Equisetineae and Lycopodineae. [in. Marattiaceae. IV. The leptosporangiate ferns,] [1893-99.] Phil. Trans. (B), 185, 1895, 473-572; 189, 1898, 35-81; 192, 1900, 29-138. On the archesporium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 851. Verwahrung. [Siehe " Die Sporophyllmetamorphose " von HerruGLucK p. 303.] Flora, 80, 1895, 487-488. [Structure of the cell and nucleus. Presidential address, Nov. 8, 1894.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 20, 1896, 275-284. [The scientific works of Robert Brown. Presidential address, Nov. 14, 1895.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 20, 1896, 459-468. Studies on the morphology of spore-producing members. Part II. Ophioglossace£e. [1895.] Roy. Soc Proc, 59, 1896, 137-141. Preliminary statement on the sorus of Danaea. [1895.] Roy. Soc Proc, 59, 1896, 141-143. [On the enumeration of spore-mother-cells and spores as a basis of comparison of ferns.] [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 21. Remarks on changes in number of sporangia in vascular plants. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 872. [Presidential address to the Bot. Sect. The morpho- logical study of plants.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 1024- 1043. Bower, Frederic. Schwendener's theory of the nature of lichens. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1887, 37-46. [A curious caterpillar from Rio de Janeiro.] Man- chester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 41, 1897, xxv. Bower, (Capt.) H. A journey across Tibet. Geogr. Jl., 1, 1893, 385-404. A trip to Turkistan. Geogr. JL, 5, 1895, 240-257. Bower, J., & Jones, R. H. See Jones & Bower. Bower, W. R. Electrical discharge. Brighton Nat. Hist. Soc. Rep. , 1896, 33-35. Bowers, A. F. Etude sur la direction verticale des aerostats et la possibility des longs s6jours dans I'atmo- sphere. A^ronaute, 1893, 103-110. Bowers, George M. Publications of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries available for distri- bution on March 1, 1899. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 24, 1899, 313-327. Bowers, Homer. A contribution to the life history of Hydrastis canadensis. Bot. Gaz., 16, 1891, 73-82. Bowers, Mary A. Peripheral distribution of the cranial nerves of Spelerpes bilineatus. [1900.] Amer. Ac. Proc, 36, 1901, 177-193. Bowers, Stephen. Ventura county. California Mining Bur. Rep., 8, 1888, 679-690 ; 10, 1890, 758-762. San Nicolas island. California Mining Bur. Rep., 9, 1890, 57-61. Orange county. California Mining Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 399-409. Bowhill] 751 [Bowman BowhiU, Thomas. Anthrax and southern fever among California cattle. U. S. Bur. Anim. Ind. Rep., 4 & 5, 1889, 443-451. Zur bakteriologischen Technik. Zur Kultur der Hefen auf Gypsfliichen. Eine neue Platinnadel. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 5, 1899, 287-288. Bowhill, Thomas, & SEercer, A. S. See HZercer & BowhiU. Bowie, Aufi. J. Measurement and flow of water in ditches. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1886, 31-36. Bowie, W. The medicinal plants of the Clydesdale flora. Pharm. Jl., 10, 1900, 119-121. Bowker, A. F. Great variation of temperature in seven hours. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1895, 41. Bowker, [Col.) James Henry. Notices on the migration of birds in Durban, Natal. Omis, 2, 1886, 615-617. Bowlby, Anthony A[lfred]. Four cases of sporadic cretinism, with remarks on some points in the pathology of the disease. London Path. Soc. Trans., 35, 1884, 450-458. Congenital dislocation of the hip. London Path. Soc. Trans., 38, 1887, 295-298. Eare forms of loose bodies from the knee-joints. London Path. Soc. Trans., 39, 1888, 281-284. Three cases of coccygeal cysts. London Path. Soc. Trans., 41, 1890, 284-288. On the condition of the reflexes in cases of injury to the spinal cord ; with special reference to the indications for operative interference. Med.-Chir. Trans., 73, 1890, 313-325. Papillomatous growth, containing the ova of the Bilharzia hsematobia, removed from the rectum. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 136. Specimens of the Distoma hamatobium (Bilharzia haematobia), with the urinary organs and lung containing ova. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 194-195. Symmetrical periostitis of femur, with an unusual formation of a new bone. London Path. Soc. Trans., 42, 1891, 248-246. Thirteen cases of Paget's disease of the nipple, with special reference to the causation of the malady by psorosperms. Med.-Chir. Trans., 74, 1891, 341-366. Sixty-six cases of rodent ulcer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 45, 1894, 152-163. Bowlby, Anthony A[lfred], & Champneys, Francis Henry. See Champneys & Bowlby. Bowler, Thos. Ide. Chinese treatment of cobalt ores. Chem. News, 58, 1888, 100. Bowles, C. W. A comparison of the nesting habits of the long-billed and short-billed marsh wren. Ornith. Ool., 18, 1893, 8-11. Bowles, G. W., & Bowles, J. H. Nesting of the blue- headed Vireo in Massachusetts. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 102, Nesting habits of Anthony's Vireo. Auk, 15, 1898, 138-140. Bowles, E. Augustus. The variation of the markings of Papilio machaon. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 130-131. Variation in size brought about by food. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 225. Plusia moneta at Ascot, Hastings, Folkestone, and Waltham Cross, with some observations on its pupa and the colour of its cocoon. Ent. Record, 8, 1896, 185. Variation of Nonagria Cannae, with description of three new aberrations. Ent. Record, 10, 1898, 286-287. Bowles, E. Augustus (et alii). Discussion on the attrac- tiveness of light. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 178-180, 285. Bowles, G. J. Remarks on the family BombycidaB. Canad. Ent., 16, 1884, 152-156. Hybernation of Formica herculeana, Linn. Canad. Ent., 17, 1885, 231. Additions to list of Montreal Lepidoptera. Canad. Ent., 19, 1887, 86-88. Bowles, J. H. Nesting of the whip-poor-will. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 18. Nesting of the great-crested fly-catcher in eastern New England. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 139. A peculiarity in the nesting habits of the Virginia rail. Ornith. Ool., 18, 1893, 115-116. Unusual abundance of the grosbeak in eastern Massa- chusetts. Science, 21, 1893, 19. Coloration of the ruffed grouse. Science, 28, 1894, 16. Bowles, J. H., & Bowles, G. IF. See above. Bowles, Robert L. Nose blackening as preventative of snow-blindness. Nature, 38, 1888, 101-102. Observations upon the mammalian pharynx with especial reference to the epiglottis. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, 606-615. Lung with four lobes. [1898.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 28, 1894, ii-iv. An experimental inquiry into "the Schott treat- ment " of certain diseases of the heart at Bad Nauheim. Practitioner, 57, 1896, 18-32. Bowlker, C. A. C. Atmospheric electricity. Nature, 40, 1889, 55. Bowman, Amos. For biographical notice and list of works see Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 6, 1895, 441-443. Mining developments on the northwestern Pacific coast, and their wider bearing. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 15, 1887, 707-717. Testimony of Ottawa clays and gravels to the ex- pansion of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Canadian lakes within the human period. [1888.] Ottawa Natlist., 1, 1887, 149-161. Report on the geology of the mining district of Cariboo, British Columbia. [1888.] Canada Geol. Surv. Rep. , 3, 1889, C 1-C 49. Bowman, Fred. A. Potassic iodide as a blowpipe reagent. N. Scotia Inst. Sci. Proc. & Trans., 7, 1890, 363-367. Bowman, Frederick Hungerford. On some variations in the structure of wool and other allied fibres. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 657-672. The chemistry of the cotton fibre. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 641-642 ; Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 3, 1887, 166-171. Evolution in chemistry. [With discussion.] Soc. Dyers Col. Jl., 7, 1891, 50-58. Improvements in the storage of electricity. Science, 22, 1893, 258-260. Bowman, H[erhert] L[ister]. Krystallographische Notizen iiber einige Stilbenderivate. Ztschr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 386-389 ; 32, 1900, 674. On a method of illustrating the variation of thermal conductivity of crystals in different directions. [1898.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 853-355. On a rhombic pyroxene from South Africa. [1899.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 849-353. A twin crystal of sapphire. [1899.] Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 355-358. On monazite and associated minerals from Tintagel, Cornwall. Min. Mag., 12, 1900, 858-862. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Monazit. Ztschr, Kryst., 33, 1900, 113-126, 673. Bowman, H^enry] M[oore]. For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxx-cxxi. On the association of disease of the spinal cord with pernicious anaemia. Brain, 17, 1894, 198-213. Bowman, J. Jr., & Mason, William P. See Mason & Bowman. Bowman, W[alker]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Cyanka- lium auf Mekonin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 890-891. Ueber die Einwirkung von Essigsaureanhydrid auf Cotarnin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 20, 1887, 2481- 2433. Bowman, (Sir) William. For biography and works see Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 398-399; Arch. Augenheilk., Bowman] 752 [Boyd 24, 1892 {Ber. 1891, 178-179); Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 330-331 ; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 108 ; Nature, 45, 1892, 517-518, 564-566; Amer. Ac. Proc, 28, 1893, 403-405 ; Med.-Chir. Trans., 76, 1893, 10-12; Koy. Soc. Proc, 52, 1893, i-vii. Bownocker, J[ohn] A[danis']. A deep pre-glacial channel in western Ohio and eastern Indiana. Amer. Geologist, 23, 1899, 178-182. The paleontology and stratigraphy of the corniferous rocks of Ohio. [1898.] Denison Univ. Sci. Lab. Bull., ■ 11, 1902, 11-40. Bowrey, James John. For biographical notice and list of works see Jamaica Inst. JL, 2, 1899, 423-425. Fall of peculiar hailstones in Kingston, Jamaica. Nature, 36, 1887, 153-154. Bowling, J[ohn] Cyiarles]. For biographical notice see Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 169. BowTon, William M. *The practical metallurgy of titaniferous ores. [1882.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 11, 1883, 159-164. The geology and mineral resources of Sequachee valley, Tennessee. [1885.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 172-181. Bowser, Wilfred Arthur. *0n a table of mortality deduced from the new experience observations, H'"A [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 146-151. *Observations on the rate of mortality in infancy and childhood. [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 26-36. *Notes on the observations of the Rev. John Hodgson, M.A., on the mortality of the clergy of England and Wales, with remarks on the tables deduced therefrom by Mr. Samuel Bbown. Inst. Act. Jl., 17, 1873, 328- 339. Bowtell, N[orman] Eldwin], & Ferkin, William Henry (jun.). The action of alcoholic potash on monobromo- glutaric ester. [1899.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 241-242. Bowyer, R. W. Some methods of moth-collecting. [1888.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 5, 1890, 23-32. Box, N. Rapport sur le bulletin mensuel de I'observatoire magn^tique et m^teorologique de Zi-Ka-Wei, pres Chang- Hai (Chine). [1891.] Metz Ac. Mem., 72, 1893, 117-120. Boxall, Robert. Foetor of the lochial discharges. Practi- tioner, 46, 1891, 330-343. Boxberg, {Frl.) Ida [Wilhelmine^ von. For biographical notice see Ztschr. Ethno)., 26, 1894, (140). Ueber ein trepanirtes Schadelstiick von Zschorna. Ztschr. Ethnol., 16, 1884, (467)-(468). Boy-Teissier, [Jules']. Du poumon cardiaque. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 298-299. De I'auscultation r^tro-sternale. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1891 (Pt. 1), 321. Xerose du cceur ou coeur sfeile normal. Ass. Franc;. C. R., 1896 (Pt. 1), 349-350. De la senilite normale et de sa principale caracteristique anatomique, la xerose. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1896 (Ft. 1), 351-352. Boy-Teissier, [Julesl, & Boinet, Edouard. See Boinet & Boy-Teissier. Boyce, Ruhert W[illiam]. gillar pneumonomycosis. 1893, 163-167. Note on the degenerations of the roots of the fifth nerve. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 156-158. A contribution to the study of descending degenera- tions in the brain and spinal cord, and of the seat of origin and paths of conduction of the fits in absinthe epilepsy. [1894.] Phil. Trans. (B), 186, 1896, 321-381 ; Neurol. Centrbl., 13, 1894, 466-470. A contribution to the study of i., some of the decus- sating tracts of the mid- and inter-brain, and ii., of the pyramidal system in the mesencephalon and bulb. [1894.1 Phil. Trans. (B), 188, 1897, 211-221. Remarks upon a case of asper- [1892.] Jl. Path. Bact., 1, Note upon the action of the Dibdin contact beds con- structed by the corporation of Liverpool at West Derby. Liverpool, Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., 3 (Pt. 1), 1900, 59-70. Note upon the two species of "fungus" commonly found in sewage contaminated water. Liverpool, Thomp- son Yates Lab. Rep., 3 {Pt. 1), 1900, 71-73. Boyce, Ruhert W\iUiam\ & Beadles, Cecil Flpwler]. En- largement of the hypophysis cerebri in myxcedema ; with remarks upon hypertrophy of the hypophysis, associated with changes in the thyroid body. [1892.] Jl. Path. Bact., 1, 1893, 223-239." A further contribution to the study of the pathology of the hypophysis cerebri. Jl. Path. Bact., 1, 1893, 359-383. Boyce, Rubert W[iUiam], & Evans, A. Ernest. The action of gravity upon Bacterium Zopfii. [1893.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 54, 1894, 300-312. Boyce, Rubert W[illiam], & Giles, Arthur. On cell enclosures in cancer. London Path. Soc. Trans., 44, 1893, 216-220. Boyce, Rubert W[illiam], & Kerdman, William Albbotf]. On oysters and typhoid: an experimental inquiry into the effect upon the oyster of various external conditions, including pathogenic organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 723-726. The possible infectivity of the oyster, and upon the green disease in oysters, ...being the first report of the committee appointed to report on the elucidation of the life conditions of the oyster under normal and abnormal environment, including in the latter the effect of sewage matter and pathogenic organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 663-669. On a green leucocytosis in oysters associated with the presence of copper in the leucocytes. Roy. Soc. Proc, 62, 1898, 30-38. See also ZXerdman & Boyce. Boyce, Rubert Wl^illiavi], & Hill, Charles A. A classi- fication of the micro-organisms found in water. [1899.] Jl. Path. Bact., 6, 1900, 32-36. Boyce, Rubert W[illiam\ & Surveyor, Nusservanji F[aki7-ji]. Upon the existence of more than one fungus in Madura disease (mycetoma). [1893.] Phil. Trans. (B), 185, 1895, 1-14. Boyce, Rubert W[illiam], & 'Warrington, W. B. The central nervous system of the bird. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [51]-[53]. [The physiological structure of the brain of the fowl.] Nature, 58 (1898), 485. Observations on the anatomy, physiology and de- generations of the nervous system of the bird. [1898.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 293-315; Roy. Soc. Proc, 64, 1899, 176-179. Boyce, Rubert W\_ilUain'], XXerdman, William A\bbott], & Xobn, Charles A. See Herdman, Boyce & Kohn. Boycott, Arthur E^diciii]. Mollusca. [1896.] Woolhope Field Club Trans. , 1895-97, 196. On shell-coloration in British extra-marine Mollusca. Zoologist, 20, 1896, 62-70. Note on the muscular ref3ponse to two stimuli of the sciatic nerve (frog). Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, 144-154. Boycott, Arthur E[dxoin], & Bowell, Ernest Wlilliam'] Wake. Contributions towards a fauna of Herefordshire. Mollusca. Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1898-99, 1-104, 180. Boyd, C. R. *The mineral wealth of southwestern Virginia. [1876.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 81-92. *The ores of Cripple Creek, Virginia. [1883.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1884, 27-40. The utilization of the iron and copper sulphides of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. [1885.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 14, 1886, 81-84. Boyd] 753 [Boyen Boyd, D. A. Notes on some of the plants of the Clyde district. [1884.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 1, 1887, 151-156. On the occurrence in north Ayrshire of the water shrew and otter. [1887.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 2, 1890, 293-295. Notes on the occurrence of Helotium Marchautiae, Berk., in Ayrshire. Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 272-273. The UstilagineaB of north Ayrshire. [1892.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 24-27. Notes on the habits of some common birds. [1892.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 50-60. [Urtica urens, Linn., affected with Peronospora Urticse, Lib., a parasitic fungus.] [1893.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 152. The PeronosporefB of north Ayrshire. [1894.] Glas- gow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 28-30. Micro-fungi observed near Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. [1897.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1900, 159-160. Additional notes on the Peronosporeae and Ustilagineae of north Ayrshire. [1897.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 5, 1900, 161-162. Boyd, D. A., & King, 'Thomas. See King & Boyd. Boyd, Dlavid] R. Eeduction of ^Jor^tolueneazodimethyl- aniline. Chem. Soc. Jl., 65, 1894, 879-889. Boyd, Edivard Flenwickl. For biography and works see Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 2, 1892, 204-208; N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 40, 1892, 106-110, (Append, in) 15 pp. Boyd, Francis I>[arhy'\. On the question of the secretion or transudation of albumin in cases of albuminuria. Edinb. E. Coll. Physns. Lab. Rep., 5, 1894, 88-102. See also Faton, D[iaiinid'] Noel (et alii). Boyd, Harold de Kaven-. See Baven-Boyd. Boyd, James E. The resistance of the human body to direct and alternating currents. Phys. Rev., 7, 1898, 115-118. Boyd, James Harrington. A simple proof of a theorem with reference to tangents touching a surface in two points. [1890.] Ann. Math., 5 (1889-90), 109. An application of elliptic functions to a problem in geometry. [1892.] Ann. Math., 6 (1891-92), 93-97, 163-165. An expression for the surface of an ellipsoid in terms of Weierstrass's elliptic functions. [1892.] Ann. Math., 7 (1892-93), 1-10. A study of certain special cases of the hypergeometric differential equation. [1893.] Ann. Math., 7 (1892-93), 145-186. The determination of the apparent position of the orbit of the companion of a binary star. [1895.] Popular Astr., 3, 1896, 19-21. Boyd, John. [Note on the metamorphoses of Caligus.] [1885.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc, 25, 1886, 72- 74, 132. Some notes on Caligus and Lepeophtheirus, Entomos- traca parasitic on fishes : with special reference to the occurrence of seminal capsules on Caligus. [1885.] Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1886, 72-75. Notes on the metamorphoses of Argulus. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1888, 19-21. Notes on Anchorella uncinata. Manchester Micr. Soc. Trans., 1888, 21-23. " Springtails." [1898.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 43, 1900, xxi-xxii. Boyd, M. A. Notes on a series of phthisical cases in various stages under treatment by Koch's method. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 91, 1891, 193-205. The significance of Cheyne-Stokes respiration as a symptom in cardiac disease. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 92, 1891, 9-16. B. S. A. C. Recent modifications in our views of enteric fever and its treatment. [1891.] Practitioner, 48, 1892, 81-88. The early myelogenic features of leucocythsemia. Practitioner, 52, 1894, 81-86. Defective metabolism in its relation to gout. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 101, 1896, 489-504. Significance of dilatation or gastrectasia in functional and organic diseases of the stomach. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 104, 1897, 463-475. Boyd, R. C. The determination of manganese and zinc as pyrophosphates. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 11, 1890, 355-358. Boyd, R. Nelson. Collieries and colliery engineering. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1893, 169-183. Boyd, Stanley. Pachymeningitis hasmorrhagica interna treated by trephining. Clin. Soc. Trans., 25, 1892, 157-160. A case of left superior cava without transposition of viscera. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xx-xxi. A right parietal bone with a horizontal suture in it. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxi-xxii. Injected heart of an infant. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, ii. Boyd, W. C. Notes on Psyche villosella. Ent. Month. Mag., 36, 1900, 194-195. Boyd, W. Carr. Journey from Western Australia to Warina, in South Australia. Geogr. JL, 9, 1897, 61- 62. Boyd, William B. *Notes of a meeting of the Scottish Alpine Botanical Club at Loch Awe, in July 1882. [1883.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 64-65. 'Experiences in the cultivation of Alpine and other plants suited for the rockery and herbaceous plants in the mixed border. [Presidential address, Nov. 8, 1883.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 66-86. ; Some remarks or the study of mosses. [Presidential address, Nov. 1884.] Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 181-187. Boyd Dawkini. See Bawkins, Wlilliam] Boyd. Boyden, (Rev.) Henry. *Our marine Algae. [1883.] Midland Natlist., 7, 1884, 4-6, 37-40. Notes on the river Rea and the flora of the Rea valley. Midland Natlist., 9, 1886, 150-156. Boy6, , lio Dantec, [Alexandre], & Bto6ni, . See lie Bantec, Boy6 & B6r6ni. Boye, Harold, & Iielliuann, Eugen. See XieUmann & Boye. Boye, P. Bidrag til kundskaben om algevegetationen ved Norges vestkyst. [1896.] Bergens Mus. Aarb. , 1894-95, No. 16, 46 pp. Boyen, Edgar von. Ueber Reten. Chem. Ztg. , 11, 1887, 1297. Ueber Derivate des Bromeugenols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1393-1397. Fractionirvorstoss zur Destination im Vacuum. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 822. Neuer Trockenapparat fiir Laboratoriumszwecke. Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1143. Ueber Riickstandsparaffin. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 29-30, 64, 93-94. Nitrokreosol. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 357. Zur Bildung hoherer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 870, 905. Paraffin und Bitumen des Braunkohlentheers. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 101-104, 261-265. Die Phenole des Braunkohlentheers. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 675-677. Beitrage zur Ceresinfabrikation. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1893, 414-420, 448-450, 581-590, 601-607. Zur Werthbestimmung des galizischen Ozokerits. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 383. Ein neuer Extractionsapparat. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 1172-1174. 95 Boyer] 754 [Boys Boyer, . Eapport sur l*herborisation faite par la Societe k la Pompiniane, le 21 mai 1893. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, ccxii-ccxiii. Boyer, A. L'importance relative des affections labyrin- thiques et oculaires dans I'^tiologie du vertige. [Tr.] Ann. d'Oculist., 114, 1896, 348-361. Boyer, Charles S. Accuracy of the dyeing test. Ampr. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1896, 468-472. Interpretation of some results in the analysis of extracts of fustic. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 17, 1896, 518- 520. Boyer, Charles S. A fossil marine diatomaceous deposit • at St. Augustine, Florida. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1896, 171-174. A diatomaceous deposit from an artesian well at Wildwood, N. J. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 22, 1896, 260- 266. New species of diatoms. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1898, 468-470. Seven new species of diatoms. Amer. Micr. Jl., 20, 1899, 105-108. The Biddulphoid forms of North American Diato- maceffl. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1900, 685-748. Boyer, E. Sur la reduction de I'acide azotique en am- moniaque et sur un precede de dosage de cet acide. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. K., 110, 1890, 954-956. Sur un nouveau proc^de de determination des mati^res minerales dans les sucres, a I'aide de I'acide benzoique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 190-192. Sur un nouveau proc^de de dosage de I'azote nitrique et de I'azote total. Paris, Ac. Sci. C R., 113, 1891, 503-505. Aschenbestimmung bei Zuckern, unter Zusatz von Benzoesaure. [Tr.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 41, 1891, 181-182. Boyer, E. R. The mesoderm in teleosts; especially its share in the formation of the pectoral fin. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull., 23, 1892-93, 91-133. Boyer, F. *[Note8 meteorologiques.] Nimes (Gard), Ecole normale. France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 5, 1872, 37, 68-69, 96, 134-135, 150, 185, 197, 208, 220 ; 6, 1873, Ft. 2, 8, 20; 7, 1874, Pt. 2, 42, 53-54, 66. [Les phosphates du Gard.] Nimes Soc. ScL Bull., 1886, xc-xci. Sur les maladies cryptogamiques de la vigne dans le d^partement du Gard. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1887, li- Ivii. Boyer, (It.) F. De I'emploi d'un projecteur 61ectrique k I'avant des navires rapides en vue d'^viter les abordages. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 120, 1894, 537-538. Note sur les compas du torpilleur de haute mer VOrage. Eev. Maritime et Colon., 123, 1894, 367-375. Boyer, G[eorges]. Eecherches sur les maladies de I'olivier, le Cycloconium oleaginum. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 434- 440. Action de quelques acides organiques sur la respiration des plantes. [1898.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Proc. -Verb., 1897-98, 274-281. La vie des feuilles apres leur chute. [1900.] Bor- deaux Soc. Sci. Proc. -Verb., 1899-1900, 68-72. Boyer, G[eorges], & Jaczewski, Arthur L. Materiaux pour la flore mycologique des environs de Montpellier. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, cclx-ccxcviii, (Rev.), 202. Boyer, Gleorges'], & Ziambert, F. Sur deux nouvelles maladies du murier. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 117, 1893, 342-343. Boyer, G[eorges}, & Viala, Pierre. See Viala & Boyer. Boyer, Georges. For biographical notice and list of works see Doubs Soc. M^m., 7, 1893, xv-xviii, 257-263. Note sur les environs de Brenod (Jura meridional). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1886, 828-834. Sur la provenance et la dispersion de galets silicates et quartzeux dans I'interieur et sur le pourtour des Monts-Jura. [1885.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 10, 1886, 414- 448. Un Episode de I'histoire geologique des Monts-Jura. [1886.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 1, 1887, 117-129. Orographic du territoire de Besan^on. [1886.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 1, 1887, 197-202. Eemarques sur Torographie des Monts-Jura. [1887.] ' Doubs Soc. Mem., 2, 1888, 257-327. , Boyer, Georges, & Olrardot, A Ibert. Etude sur le Quater- naire dans le Jura bisontin. [1890.] Doubs Soc. Mem., 6, 1892, 345-383. Boyer, H. B. Some observations of wind direction at different altitudes ^around West India cyclones. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 20 (1892), 50-.?l. Boyer, \f[ean], & Ouinard, Louis. Etude et recherches experimentales sur I'impermeabilite physiologique de I'^pithelium vesical sain. Arch. M^d. Exper., 6, 1894, 883-905. Impermeability de I'epithelium vesical sain a I'egard des medicaments et des poisons. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 1435-1437. Boyer, Jacques. Joblot et Bakkr. Eev. Sci., 1, 1894, 283-284. Charles Julien Brianchon d'apr^s des documents inedits. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 592-594. Boyer, Leon. For biographical notice see Genie Civil, 9, 1886, 31. Note sur le calcul des grandes charpentes. [1885.] G(5nie Civil, 6, 1884r-86, 295-299. Theorie de la resistance du prisme elastique et des solides assimilables bas^e sur Tapplicatjon du theoreme du travail virtuel. G6nie Civil, 7, 1885, 38-40. Boyer-Ouillon, . Etude sur la solubilite du sulfate de chaux. Ann. Conserv. Arts et M6t., 2, 1900, 187- 213. Boyland, George Halsted. The solvent properties of the Buffalo lithia waters of Virginia. N. Y.' Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 265-269. Boyle, Cornelius Breckinridge. A catalogue and biblio- graphy of North American Mesozoic Invertebrata. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 102, 1893, 315 pp. Boymond, Marc. Sur le poids des gouttes. Jl. Pharm. , 9, 1884, 102-1Q7. Equivalents therapeutiques des sels de quinine. Jl. Pharm., 15, 1887, 449-452. Sur la precipitation des albumines de Purine par certains corps dits indifferents. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 481-482; Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 45, 1889, 486-488. Sur I'acide trichloracetique pour la recherche et le dosage de I'albumine. Jl. Pharm., 20, 1889, 482-484. Boynton, H. R. Waterspouts at Key West, Fla. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 351-352. B03mton, Margaret Fursman. Observations upon the dis- semination of seeds. Bot. Gaz., 20, 1896, 502-503. Boynton, W. P. A quantitative study of the high frequency induction-coil. Phil. Mag., 46, 1898," 312-338 ; Phys. Rev., 7, 1898, 35-63. GiBBs' thermodyuamical model. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 414-415; Phys. Rev., 10, 1900, 228-233. GiBBs' thermodyuamical model for a substance following Van der Waals' equation. Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 291-303. Boys, C\liarles'] Vernon. The ear a barometer. Nature, 29, 1884, 333-334. Bicycles and tricycles. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 31, 1884, 144-154. A magneto-electric phenomenon. [1884.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 6, 1886, 218-228; Phil. Mag., 18, 1884, 216-225. The slide rule. Nature, 32, 1886, 627-629 ; Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 33, 1886, 512-517. On a machine for solving equations. [1885.] London Boys] 755; [Bozzola Phys. Soc. Proc, 7, 1886, 355-360; Phil. Mag., 21, 1886, 241-245. Bicycles and tricycles in theory and in practice. [1884.] Koy. Inst. Proc, 11, 1887, 13-24. On an addition to Bunsen's ice-caloriraeter. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 214-217. i Preliminary note on the "radio- micrometer," a new instrument for measuring the most feeble radiation. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 42, 1887, 189-193. On the production, properties, and some suggested uses of the finest threads. [1887.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 8-19; Phil. Mag., 23, 1887, 489-499. Experiments with soap-bubbles. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 9, 1888, 189-200; Phil. Mag^, 25, 1888, 409-419. The function of the condenser in an induction coil. Electrician, 23, 1889, 126-127. Quartz fibres. Roy. Inst. Proc, 12, 1889, 547-556. The radio-micrometer. [1888-89.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890, 159-186. Quartz as an insulator. [1889.] London Phys. Soc Proc, 10, 1890, 128-132; Phil. Mag., 28, 18&9, 14-17. Microscope cathetometer. [1889.] Micr. Soc. Jl., 1890, 238-240. -I—" — On the Cavendish experiment. [1889.] Koy. Soc Proc, 46, 1890, 253-268. Quartz fibres. Nature, 42, 1890, 604-608. Note on Prof. Threlfali.'s paper "On the elastic constants of quartz threads." Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 116-118. On the heat of the moon and stars. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, 480-499. Notes on the habits of some common English spiders. [1890.] Nature, 43, 1891, 40-41. Cutting a millimetre thread with an inch leading screw. Nature, 43, 1891, 439-440. -. [The flying to pieces of a whirling ring.] Nature, 43, 1891, 403. Notes on photographs of rapidly moving objects, and on the oscillating electric spark. [1890.] London Phys. Soc Proc, 11, 1892, 1-15; Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 248- 260. On electric spark photographs ; or, photography of flying bullets, etc., by the light of the electric spark. [1892.] Nature, 47 (1892-93), 415-421, 440-446. Photography of flying bullets, etc. [With discussion.] Photogr. JL, 16, 1892, 199-209. On the photography of flying bullets by the light of the electric spark. [With discussion.] United Serv. Inst^Jl., 37, 1893, 855-873. On the drawing of curves by their curvature. [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 345-353; Phil, Mag., 36, 1893, 75-82. Weighing the earth. [1894.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 407-408. The attachment of quartz fibres. [1894.] London Phys. Soc Proc, 13, 1896, 68-73; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 463-467. Scale lines on the logarithmic chart. Nature, 52 (1898), 272-274. On the Newtonian constant of gravitation. [1894.] Phil. Trans. (A), 186, 1896, 1-72. -: The Newtonian constant of gravitation. [1894.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 14, 1896, 353-377; Nature, 50 (1894), 330-334, 366-368, 417-419, 571. Quartz fibres. [1896.] Electrician, 38, 1897, 205- 207. The visibility of a sound shadow. Nature, 56 (1897), 173-174. [Bicycles and tricycles.] Nature, 56 (1897), 293. Boys, C[harles] Vernon, & Rticker, Arthur W[illiam]. See Riicker & Boys. Boys, C[harles] Vernon, Briscoe, A. E., & Watson, William. On the measurement of electromagnetic Northampton. Nat. [1897.] Symons, radiation. [1890.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 11, 1892, 20-42; Phil. Mag., 31, 1891, 44-64. Boys, (Rev.) H. A. The November floods, 1894. [1895.] Northampton. Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1894-96, 125-129. The drought of 1895. [1895.] "" Hist. Soc. Jl., 8, 1894-96, 219-220. The gale of March 3rd, 1897. Meteorol. Mag., 32, 1898, 23-24. The gloomy summers of 1860 and 1879, and the 19 years cycle. [1898.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 33, 1899, 57, 73-74. A sun pillar. [1900.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 35, 1901, 75. Boys, (Rev.) H. A., & SSarkliain, Christopher A. See ZKEarkham & Boys. Bozano, Cristoforo, & Squinabol, Senofonte. A proposito di una recente interpretazione dei terreni Eocenici della Liguria. Genova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 3, 1892, 28-33. Boz6ky, Endre. Budapest ^ghajlati allapotai. [Climatic conditions of Budapest.] Termt. Kozlon., 24, 1892 (Suppl.), 39-48. Bozward, J. Lloyd. *Optical phenomena. [The remark- able sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 102-103, 131, 178-179. [Deposit from rain near Worcester, May 1884. (In connection with the remarkable sunsets, 1883-84.)] Nature, 30, 1884, 32. Peronospora infestans. Nature, 30, 1884, 216. Meteor of November 15. [1887.] Nature, 37, 1888, 178-179. [Black rain near Worcester, July 1, 1890.] Nature, 42, 1890, 254. [Aurora borealis.] Nature, 46, 1892, 368. A remarkable meteor. Nature, 48 (1893), 567. The summer of 1893. Nature, 48 (1893), 614-615. [Earthquake, England and Wales, Nov. 1893.] [1893.} Nature, 49 (1893-94), 35. [The large fireball of January 25.] [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 324-325. ' [Daylight meteor, Feb. 6, 1894, Worcester.] [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 368. Testacella haliotidea. Nature, 50 (1894), 224-225. A remarkable daylight meteor. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 54. A luminous centipede. [1896.] 223. [Aurora, Worcester, March 4, (1896-96), 444. [The earthquake of December 17.] [1896.] 55 (1896-97), 178-179. A colony of highly phosphorescent earthworms. Nature, 56 (1897), 544. Bozzi, Ernesto. Untersuchungen iiber die Schilddriise. Histologic. Secretion. Regeneration. Beitr. Path. Anat., 18, 1896, 125-173. Zwei seltene Falle von Bursitis trochanterica tuber- culosa. Beitrag zum Studium der Bursitis tuberculosa. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 443-461. Bozzi, Lui^t. Sopra una specie Pliocenica di pino trovata a Castelsardo in Sardegna. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 30, 1887, 363-367. Sopra alcune piante americane naturalizzate nei dintorni di Pavia. Milano, Soc. Ital. Atti, 31, 1888, 281-288. SuUe Filliti Cretacee di Vernasso nel Friuli. Milano,- Soc. Ital. Atti, 31, 1888, 399-405. Musehi della provincia di Pavia. Pavia Lab. Crittog. Arch., 5, 1888, 17-45. La flora Carbonifera del Monte Pizzul (Carnia). [Italia], Soc Geol. Boll., 9, 1890, 71-85. La flora Cretacea di Vernasso nel Friuli. [1892.] [Italia], Soc. Geol. Boll., 10, 1891, 371-382. Bozzola, Giovanni. Sulla variazioue della forza elettro- 95—2 Nature, 53 (1896-96), 1896.] Nature, 53 Nature, Bozzola] 756 motrice delle coppie a selenio sotto I'influenza della luce. [1893.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1892-93, 1323-1335. Applicazione degli strumenti di Edelmann alia misura degli dementi magnetici di Padova. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1896-97, 759-801. Bozzola, Giovanni, & Xiussana, Silvio. See XiUBsana & Bozzola. Br., 31. Trombe sulle eoste della Spagna. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 156. Bra, M. De Taction de I'extrait renal dans I'c^pilepsie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 47, 1896 (C. R.), 591-593. D'un champignon parasite du cancer. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (G. R.), 1050-1053. Cultures du Nectria, parasite des chancres des arbres. Analogies de ces cultures avec celles du champignon parasite du cancer humain. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 129, 1899, 118-120. Sur les formations endog^nes du champignon isol6 des tumeurs canc^reuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1012-1015. Br^ Observatory. *Riassunto di tre lustri delle osserva- zioni meteoriche braidesi. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2, 1879, 165. Braam Morris, D. F. van. Het landschap Loehoe. Batavia, Tijdschr., 32, 1889, 498-555. Nota van toelichting, behoorende bij het contract, gesloten met het landschap Bima op den 20""'" October 1886. [1810.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 34, 1891, 176-233. Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Maiwa (Masenrempoeloe) op den 8"" September 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 152-163. Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Doerie (Masenrempoeloe) op den 30«" September 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr,, 36, 1893, 164-177. Nota van toelichting, behoorende bij het contract, gesloten met het landschap Kassa (Masenrempoeloe) op den 23«" November 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 178-184. Nota van toelichting, behoorende bij het contract, gesloten met het landschap Batoelappa (Masenrempoeloe) op den 23"" November 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 185-192. Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Alietta (Adjatapparang) op den 20"" Juli 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 193-201. Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Soeppa (Adjatapparang) op den 18"" Juli 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 202-212. Nota van toelichting op het contract gesloten met het landschap Sawietto (Adjatapparang) op den 30"'"" October 1890. [1892.] Batavia, Tijdschr., 36, 1893, 213-230. Braaaeh, August. *Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse der Umgegend von Kiel und ihre Beziehungen zur Land- wirthschaft. Hamb. Ver. Nat. Unterh. Verb., 3, 1878, 192-246. Braatz, Egbert. Ueber die Wiederbelebungsversuche bei Chloroformtod, insbesondere liber die dabei angewendete Elektricitat. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 9, 1884, 299- 300, 305-307, 317-319. Zur Actinomycose. Zweigbacterien im Ham. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 13, 1888, 119-122, 127-129. Baumwollenfaden anstatt Seidenfaden bei bakterio- logischen Versuchen. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 8-9. Eine neue Vorrichtung zur Kultur von Anaeroben im hangenden Tropfen. Centrbl. Bakt., 8, 1890, 520-521. Ueber die Einwirkung des Jodoforms auf das anaerobe Wachsthum des Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, [1890.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 481-486. Ueber die Bakterien und ihre Bedeutung in der Medizin. [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1895, [35]-[37]. Eudolph ViECHow und die Bakteriologie. Eine kritische Beleuchtung der Wechselbeziehung zwischen [Brace dem bakteriologisch-atiologischen und pathologisch- anatomischen Forsehungsgebiete, Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 16-32. Antwort auf die Brunner'sche Bemerkung [zu dem Aufsatze: "Kudolf Virchow und die Bakteriologie"]. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 525-526. Einiges iiber die Anaerobiose. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 17, 1895, 737-742. Wissenschaft und Volksmedizin. Konigsb. Schr., 39, 1898, [30]-[32]. Brabant, Edouard. Observations sur la chenille de Lycffina semiargus, R. (Acis), [1886.] Naturaliste, [3 (1885-87)], 316-317. Description d'une esp^ce nouvelle de G^om^tre de la Haute-Egypte. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1896, 384. Brabant, Felix. Les variations atmospheriques et la ventilation des mines a grisou. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ., 42, 1885, 1-110, 205. Note sur la production et la decomposition de I'acide carbonique dans les hauts fourneaux au coke, Eev. Univ, Mines, 9, 1890, 133-150. Le gaz a I'eau. Kev, Univ. Mines, 13, 1891, 66-88, 117-145. Brabant, Georges. La traction mecanique sur routes. Locomotives routieres, voitures automobiles. Rev. Univ. Mines, 28, 1894, 159-191. Brabrook, Edxcard W. *0n Mr. Samuel Youngee's plan for the assurance of invalid lives. Assur. Mag., 10, 1863, 349-352. Ethnographical Survey of the United Kingdom. First [ — fifth] report of the Committee. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1893, 621-653; 1894, 419-431; 1895, 509-511; 1896, 607-656; 1897, 452-511. Man in zoology. Zoologist, 1, 1897, 13-21. [Presidential address to the Anthrop. Sect. The principle of continuity in anthropology.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 999-1010. Bracci, Flaminio. SuU' azione del solfato di ferro sulle piante. Staz. Sper. Agrar. ItaL, 15, 1888, 38-45. Suir uso migliore delle bucchiette d' oliva esaurite col solfuro di carbonio. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 24, 1893, 236-244. Sulla determinazione dell' acidita negli olii. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 569-575. Contributo alia statica chimico-agraria della coltiva- zione dell' olivo. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital,, 32, 1899, 161- 175. Brace, De Witt Bristol. Ueber die magnetische Drehung der Polarisationsebene und einige besondere Falle der Refraction. Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1885, 576-607. On the transparency of the ether. [1888.] Nebraska Univ. Stud., 1, 1888-92, 1-16. Note on steady liquid surfaces. Astrophys. Jl., 5, 1897, 214-215, 350. Observations on light propagated in a dielectric normal to the lines of force. Phil. Mag., 44, 1897, 342-349. On achromatic polarization and differential double refraction. Phil. Mag., 48, 1899, 345-360. Description of a new spectrophotometer and an optical method of calibration. Phil. Mag., 48, 1899, 420-430. On a system for spectral photometric work. Astrophys, JL, 11, 1900, 6-24. Observation of the circular components in the "Fara- day effect." Nature, 62 (1900), 368-369. Brace, E. J. C. On the principal varieties of Pinus sylvestris. Gard. Chion., 25, 1886, 799-800, 815. Brace, E. R. An October aurora. [1887.] Amer, Meteorol. Jl., 4 (1887-88), 337. Brace, {Miss) Edith M. Notes on iEolosoma tenebrarum. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1898, 363. Brace, L. J. K., & Gardiner, John. See Oardiner & Brace. Brachet] 757 [Bradbury Brachet, [Leori]. Eaux min^rales ^trangeres : Turquie d'Europe, Turquie d'Asie et Giece. [1886.] Trav. Com. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1887, 445-461, Brachet, Albert. Etude sur la resorption du cartilage et le d^veloppement des os longs chez les oiseaux. Int. Jl. Anat. , 10, 1893, 391-417. Kecherches sur le d^veloppement de la cavity h^pato- ent^rique de TAxolotl et de I'arri^re cavity du p6ritoine chez les Mammil^res (lapin). Arch, de Biol., 13, 1896, 559-618. Eecherches sur le d^veloppemeut du diaphragme et du foie chez le lapin. Robin, Jl. Anat., 31, 1895, 511-595. Sur le d^veloppement de la cavite h^pato-enterique chez les Amphibiens. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 641-650. Recherches sur le d^veloppement du pancreas et du foie (Seiaciens, Reptiles, Mammit'^res). Robin, Jl. Anat., 32, 1896, 620-696. Sur le d^veloppement du foie et du pancreas de rAmmoccetes. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 621-636. Die Entwickelung und Histogenese der Leber und des Pankreas. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 6, 1897, 739-799. Recherches sur revolution de la portion c^phalique des cavit^s pleurales et sur le developpement de la mem- brane pleuro-pericardique. Robin, Jl. Anat., 33, 1897, 421-460. Die Entwickelung der grossen Koi-perhohlen und ihre Trennung von einander. (Perikardial-, Pleural- und Peritonealhohle.) Die Entwickelung der Pleuro-Peri- kardialmembran und des Zwerchfells. Anat. Hefte (Abt. 2), 7, 1898, 886-936. Recherches sur le developpement du cceur, des premiers vaisseaux et du sang chez les Amphibiens Urodeies (Triton alpestris). Arch. Anat. Micr., 2, 1898, 251- 304. Brachet, Albert, & Benoit, F. Sur la regeneration du cristallin chez les Amphibiens Urodeles. Bibliogr. Anat., 7, 1899, 277-295. Brachet, Albert, & Bwaen, Aluguste]. See Swaen & Brachet. Bracht, Eugen. [Schadel aus dem Negeb.] Ztschr. Etbuol., 23, 1891, (578)-(580). BrackebUBch, Luis. To reference in No. 4 (Vol, 9) add Neues Jbuch. Min., 1884 (lid. 2, Ref.), 352-355. — — Reisen in den Kordilleren der Argentinischen Republik. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 18, 1891, 53-79. Zur Kartographie von Atacama. Petermann, Mitth., 37, 1891, 225-230. Die Kordillerenpasse zwischen der Argentinischen Republik und Chile, vom 22°. bis 35°. S.B. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 27, 1892, 249-348. Eine neue Karte der Argentinischen Republik im Massstabe von 1:1000 000. Petermann, Mitth., 38, 1892, 177-189. [Ueber die geologische Karte der Argentinischen Republik.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 45, 1893, 519- 520. Ueber die Bodenverhaltnisse des nordwestlichen Teiles der Argentinischen Republik mit Bezugnahme auf die Vegetation. Petermann, Mitth., 39, 1893, 153-166. Die Bergwerksverhaltnisse der Argentinischen Re- publik. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 41, 1893 (Abh.), 15-47. BrackebuBCh, Luis, Rammelsberg, C[arl Friedrich], Boring, A[dolfo], & "Websky, Martlin]. To reference in title (Vol. 9) add Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 204-206. Bracket, (Frhr.) [Oswald] von. Ueber die Umwandlung von untersalpetriger Saure in Hydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2115-2116. Brackel, Alfred] von. Zum gegenwartigen Stande der Narkotisirungsfrage. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 179-181, 187-189. Zur Kenntniss der Pankreascysten. Ein Fall von Pankreascyste, Exstirpation, Heilung. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 49, 1898, 293-303. Zur Casuistik der Rippenenchondrome. Ein Fall von Enchondroma myxomatosum. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 25, 1900, 369-371. Brackenbury, (Col.) C[Jiarles] B[ooth]. Gunpowder con- sidered as the spirit of artillery, with the results which have followed and will follow this view of its position. IWith discussion.] [1884.] United Serv. Inst. Jl., 28, 1885, 379-393. Brackett, A. W. Ether: facts and fancies about it. [1898.] Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 181-196. Brackett, Byron Briggs. The effects of tension and quality of the metal upon the changes in length pro- duced in iron wires by magnetization. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [16 (1896-97)], 46-47; Phys. Rev., 5, 1897, 257-284. Brackett, C[yrus] F[ogg]. Address [to the Physics Sect.]. The electromotive force of the voltaic cell. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 87-103. Brackett, Elliott G. The healthfulness of oleomargarine as an article of food. Massachusetts Brd. of Health Rep., 19, 1888, 248-279. Brackett, F. P. Observation of the Leonids at Claremont, Cal. Popular Astr., 7, 1899, 30-35. Leonids seen at Scott Observatory, Park College, November, 1899. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 163-167. Brackett, Foster H. For biographical notice see Auk, 17, 1900, 197. The belted piping plover in Massachusetts. Auk, 13, 1896, 256. The redheaded woodpecker in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 13, 1896, 258. The blue-winged warbler (Helminthophila pinus) in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 15, 1898, 59. Brackett, Richard N[ewvian]. Investigations on the sulphinides. vi. On the ethers of benzoic sulphinide. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 406-410. Brackett, Richard N[eivman], & Branner, John Casper. See Branner & Brackett. Brackett, Richard N[ewman], & Hayes, Clharles] W[illard]. On the preparation of or/ /io-sulpho-benzoic acid. Amer. Chem. Jl., 9 (1887), 399-406. Brackett, Richard N[eicman], & Williams, J. Francis. Newtonite and rectorite, two minerals of the kaolinite group. Amer. Jl. Sci., 42, 1891, 11-21. Brackett, S. H. A bright meteor. Science, 8, 1886, 58. An improvised chronograph. Astr. & Astrophys., 11, 1892, 252-253. On some magnetic characteristics of iridium. [1894.] Phys. Rev., 2, 1896, 219-221. Bracknxann, H. Ueber Erscheinungen bei Wiederbelebten nach Strangulation. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 530- 532. Migrane und Psychose. [1896.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 554-561. Braconier, Ivan, & Ziohest, Maximin. See IiOhest & Braconier. Braconnier, . Note sur I'eau miuerale sulfatee magnesienne de Cruzy (Herault). Ann. Mines, 7, 1886, 143-144. [Bulletin des travaux de chimie executes... par les ingenieurs des mines dans les laboratoires departe- mentaux.] Laboratoire de Troyes. Ann. Mines, 10, 1886, 457-461; 13, 1888, 539-540. Bradbum, [Frederick James]. Cleft palate. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 41, 1898, 385-398. Bradbum, J. A. Die Ammoniaksodafabrikation und der Sodahandel der Vereinigten Staaten. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 14-15, 55-59, 78-83, 102-106, 149-151. Bradbury, Charles M. Analysis of garnet (var. spessartite), from Amelia Co., Va. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 220. Bradbury] On the true formula for permanganates. Chem. News, 59, 1889, 115-117, 123-124, 136-138, 149-152. Bradbury, F. The variable star Mira. Popular Astr. , 3, 1896,262. Bradbury, Robert Hart. On the reaction between molybdic acid and potassium chromate and bichromate. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 565-568; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 43-46. Reaction velocity. [1898.] Franklin Inst. JL, 147, 1899, 463-474; 148, 1899, 65-74. Racemism. Franklin Inst. JL, 149, 1900, 299-314, 369-386. Bradbury, Robert Hart, & Smith, Edgar F[a}is]. See Smith & Bradbury. Braddon, Julia. Six trombes marines observ^es dans I'espace d'une demi-heure. Astronomie, 1886, 110-111. Bradford, Edicard H[ickling]. Congenital dislocation of the hip. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. JL, 1, 1897 (No. 14), 5-8. Movement of the front of the foot in walking. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. JL, 3. 1899, 205-206. Flexion or bent knee marching. N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 109-114. Bradford, Gershom. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the United States. U. S. Coast Geod. Surv. Bull., No. 36, 1897, 1-109. Bradford, H[ettry] W. Case of transplantation of the rabbit's eye, with subsequent enucleation. Arch. Oph- thalm., 16, 1887, 182-184. Bradford, John Rose. [On the electrical phpiojmena accompanying secretion in the submaxillary gl. the dog.] JL Physiol., 7, [1886], iv-v. \ . [On the cause of the paralytic secretion in uue sub- maxillary gland of the cat.] Jl. Physiol., >* " 387, xiv-xvi. ,' , On the physiological action of ulexin. JL., , ,.siol., 8, 1887, 79-85. "' ' The electrical phenomena accompanying the excitation of so called secretory and trophic nerve fibres, in the salivary glands of the dog and cat. JL Physiol., 8, 1887, 86-98. Some points in the physiology ot gland nerves. JL Physiol., 9, 1888, 287-316. The innervation of the renal blood-vessels. Roy. . Soc. Proc, 45, 1889, 362-368; JL Physiol., 10, 1889, 358-407. [Preliminary communication concerning the effects of removal of portions of the kidneys in dogs on nitro- genous metabolism.] Jl. Physiol., 12, 1891 (Proc. 1891)* xviii-xx. The influence of the kidney on metabolism. Roy. Soc. Proc, 51, 1892, 25-40. A case of aneurysm of the basilar artery. [1894.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 28, 1895, 1-4. Results following the experimental removal of portions . of the kidney. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 236-247. The results following partial nephrectomy and the influence of the kidney on metabolism. [1899.] JL Physiol., 23, 1898-99, 415-496. -. Recent experimental contributions to the pathology of diabetes. Practitioner, 65, 1900, 131-137. Bradford, John Rose, & Bayliss, W[illiam] Maddock. See Bayliss & Bradford. Bradford, John Rose, & Dean, Henry Percy. The innerva- tion of the pulmonary vessels. Roy. Soc. Proc, 45, 1889, 369-377; JL Physiol., 10, 1889, i-iv. The pulmonary circulation. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 34-96. Bradford, John Rose, & FhilUps, C[harles] D[ouglas] F[ergusson]. See FhilUps & Bradford. Bradford, John Rose, & Flimmer, H[enry] G[eorge]. See FUmzner & Bradford. 758 [Brady Bradfute, C. S. Some remarks upon temperature reduc- tion in typhoid fever. N. Y. Med. JL, 51, 1890, 262-263. Digitalis and strychnine in a failing circulation. N. Y. Med. JL, 53, 1891, 31-33. Bradlaw, David B. Piscidia erythrina in cases of dental periostitis. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 37, 1894, 143-144. Bradley, Charles S. Phasing transformers. [1895.] Electrician, 36, 1896, 43-45. Some new chemical compounds discovered by the use of the electric furnace. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 699-700. Bradley, Ernest, Kastle, JlosepJt] H[oeing], & Keiser, Blenjamin] C[hristopher]. See Kastle, Keiser & Bradley. Bradley, J. Calendrier perpetuel gregorien et julien. Rev. Sci., 48,. 1891, 810. Bradley, 0. Charnock. The convolutions of the cerebrum of the horse. Jl. Anat. PhysioL, 33, 1899, 215-227. On the cerebellum of the horse. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33,1899,587-595. Bradley, Ralph G. Diptera new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 285. An epidemic amongst Melanostoma scalare, F. , caused by a fungus. Ent. Month. Mag., 31, 1895, 178. ^ Diptera met with in 1895, chiefly in the Midlands. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 51-53, xiii. New and rare British Diptera. Ent. Month. Mag., 32, 1896, 87. Bradley, W. I. On ha;morrhagic cysts of the thyroid gland. Jl. Exper. Med., 1, 1896, 401-418. Bradley, W[alter] P[arke]. Ueber die Thienylglyoxylsaure und deren Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2115-2123. Zur Kenntniss des Disalicylaldehydes. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1134-1137. A serviceable generator for hydrogen sulphide. Amer. . Chem. JL, 21 (1899), 370-376. Bradley, Wlalter] P[arke], & Bains, F[7-ank] Blurnett]. On the action of acetyl chloride on ort/io-hydroxy- aldehydes. Amer. Chem. JL, 14 (1892), 293-300. Bradley, W [alter] P[arke], & Kniffen, F[rederick]. Paraisobutylphenoxyacetic acid. Amer. Chem. JL, 19 (1897), 70-76. Bradshaw, Benjamin F^rederickl. For biographical notice see S. African Phil. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, xviii-xix. Bradshaw, (Mrs.) M. F. Haminea virescens. [1895.] Nautilus, 8, 1894-95, 100-101. Megatebennus bimaculatus. [1895.] Nautilus, 8, 1894-95, 112-113. Orange, California. [1898.] Nautilus, 12, 1898-99, 9. Bradshaw, Thomas Rlpbert]. The behaviour of litmus in amphoteric solutions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 752-753. A case of albumosuria in which the albumose was spontaneously precipitated. Med.-Chir. Trans., 81, 1898, 259-272. Bradshaw, Tliomas R\pbert], & VTarring^on, W[illiam'\ B[urnett\ The morbid anatomy and pathology of Dr. Bbadshaw's case of myelopathic albumosuria. Med.- Chir. Trans., 82, 1899, 251-268. Bradt, Gustav, & Schenck, Fritz. See Schenck &Bradt. Brady, (Sir) Antonio. For biographical notice see Essex Field Club Trans., 3, 1884, 94-101. Brady, E. T. (et alii). Vertigo. N. Y. Med. JL, 56, 1892, 390-391. Brady, Francis. The discovery of coal in Kent. Nature, 41, 1890, 400. Brady, Francis, Simpson, G. P., & Griffith, Nath. R. The Kent coal-field. [With discussion.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 45, 1896, 262-273. Brady, Friedrich, & Bamberger, Eugen. See Bamberger & Brady. Brady, George Steivardson. Notes on Entomostraca collected by Mr. A. Haly in Ceylon. [1885.] Linn. Soc Jl. (ZooL), 19, 1886, 293-317. Brady] 759 [Bramer Notes on freshwater Entomostraca from South Australia. Zool. See. Proc, 1886, 82-93. Notes on Entomostraca. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Kep., 5, 1887, 328-330. Description of a new species of Cyclops. Edinb., Fish. Brd. Eep., 6, 1888, Pt. 3, 232. On Ostracoda collected by H. B. Brady, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S., in the South Sea Islands. [1888.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., 35, 1890, 489-525. A revision of the British species of freshwater Cyclopidje and CalanidsB. [1892.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 68-120. Parasitism in plants and animals. [1893.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 280-291. On Fucitrogus Rhodymenise, a gall-producing copepod. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1894, 168-170. A supplementary report on the crustaceans of the group Myodocopa obtained during the Challenger expedi- tion, with notes on other new or imperfectly known species. [1895.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 85-100. On new or imperfectly known species of Ostracoda, chiefly from New Zealand. Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 429-452. On Entomostraca collected in the Solway district and at Seaton sluice, Northumberland, during the summer of 1894. [1896.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 13, 1900, 19-33. On the nature and origin of freshwater faunas. [1898.] Durham Univ. Phil. Soc. Proc, 1, 1900, 153- 164. On the British species of Entomostraca belonging to Daphnia and other allied genera. [1898.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 13, 1900, 217-248. On Ilyop.syllus coriaceus and other Crustacea taken at Alnmouth, Northumberland, in 1899. Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 13, 1900, 429-441. An afternoon's dredging off Cullercoats. Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 13, 1900, 442-443. On the marine Copepoda of New Zealand. [1899.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901. 31-54. Brady, George Stewardson, & ITonnan, (Eev.) Alfred Merle. A monograph of the marine and freshwater Ostracoda of the North Atlantic and of north western Europe. Sect. I. Podocopa. [1888.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 4, 1888-92, 63-270. A monograph of tlie marine and freshwater Ostracoda of the North Atlantic and of north western Europe. Part n, Sects, ii-iv : Myodocopa, Cladocopa, and Platy- copa. [1895.] Dublin Soc. Sci. Trans., 5, 1893-96, 621-784. Brady, George Stewardson, Crosskey, (Rev.) Henry William, & Robertson, David. *A monograph of the Post- Tertiary Entomostraca of Scotland including species from England and Ireland. Palseont. Soc. Monogr., 28, 1874, v + 232pp. Brady, George Stewardson, Jones, Thomas Rjipert, & Kirkby, James W. See Jones, Kirkby & Brady. Brady, Henry Bowman. For biography and list of works see Amer. Jl. Pharm., 63, 1891, 112; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 301-302; Chem. Soc. Jl., 59, 1891, 452- 453; Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 95-96; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 47, 1891 (Proc), 54-56; Micr. Soc. JL, 1891, 127-129; Nature, 43, 1891, 299; Pharm. Jl., 21, 1891, 6.S4-635; Roy. Soc. Proc, 50, 1892, x-xii; Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 137. *A monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Fora- minifera (the genus Fusulina excepted). PalsBont. Soc. Monogr., 30, 1876, 166 pp. Note on Orbitolites italica, Costa, sp. (Orbitolites tenuissima. Carpenter). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 191-192. A synopsis of the British recent Foramiuifera. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1887, 872-927. Note on the so called "soapstone" of Fiji. [1887.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 44, 1888, 1-10. Note on some Silurian Lagense. Geol. Mag., 5, 1888, • 481-484. Note on the reproductive condition of Orbitolites complanata, var. laciniata. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1888, 693- 697. Natural-history notes from H. M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer Investigator.... No. 9. On a new type of Astrorhizidse from the Bay of Bengal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 293-296. Note on a new type of Foramiuifera of the family Chilostomellidee. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1890, 567-571. Brady, Henry Bowman, Parker, W. Kitchen, & Jones, Thomas Rupert. On some Foraminifera from the AbroUios Bank. [1887.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 12, 1890, 211-239. Brady, Llewelyn S. Notes on Agrotis Ashworthii. [1892.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 184-186. Brady, {Sir) Thovias. [Observations on the acclimatisation of the true salmon (Salmo salar), in Tasmanian waters.] Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1888, ii-vi, ix-xvi. Braeeke, G. La Guyane Hollandaise et ses placers auri- fferes. Rev. Univ. Mines, 16, 1891, 1-41. Du developpement du Transvaal et de son Industrie miniere. Rev. Univ. Mines, 48, 1899, 105-138. Braem, Curt. Untersuchungen iiber die Degenerationser- scheinungen pathogener Bakterien im destillirten Wasser, Beitr. Path. Anat., 7, 1890, 11-46. Braen* ^ -itz. Untersuchungen iiber die Bryozoen des siis. issers. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 11, 1. J03-509, 533-539. Ueber die Statoblastenbildung bei Plumatella. Zool. An "^ 1889, 64-65. 1 ''• itwicklung der Bryozoencolonie im keimenden State sten. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 675-679. Untersuchungen iiber die Bryozoen des siissen Wassers. [1890.] Bibl. Zool., 2, 1890-92, Heft 6, 134 pp. Ueber den Schematisraus in der Naturbetrachtung. [1890.] Konigsb. Schr., 31, 1891 (Sber.), 33-35. Die Keimblatter der Bryozoenknospe. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 113-115. Das Prinzip der organbildenden Keimbezirke und die entwicklungsmechanischeu Studien von H. Driesch. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 146-151. Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung Apus. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 56, 1893, 165-187. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Ophryotrocha puerilis, Clprd. Mecz. [1893.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 57, 1894, 187-223. Ueber die Knospung bei mehrschichtigen Thieren, insbesondere bei Hydroiden. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 140-161, 240. Ueber den Eiufluss des Druckes auf die Zellteilung und iiber die Bedeutung dieses Einflusses fiir die normale Eifurchung. Biol. Centrbl., 14, 1894, 340-353. Mittheilung iiber den Einfluss des Gefrierens auf die Entwickelung thierischer Keime. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 {Abth , 2b), 2-3. Was ist ein Keimblatt? Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 427-443, 466-476, 491-506. Die geschlechtliche Entwicklung von Paludicella Ehrenbergii. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 54-57. ■ Die geschlechtliche Entwickelung von Plumatella fungosa. [1897.] Zoologica, 10, 1897-99, if?/< 23, 96 pp. Epiphysis und Hypophysis von Rana. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63," 1898, 433-439. Braemer, G[ustave]. Station m6teorologique du Mont- Pilat. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 298-300. Bramer, K[arl Friedrich Oskar]. Bemerkungen eines Statistikers iiber meteorologische Mittelzahlen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 171-179. Bramer] 760 [Braislin Meteorologisches aus der " Gesohichte der bayrischen Unterherrschaft Broich sowie der Stadt Miihlheim an der Ruhr." Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 239. Braeiuer, Louis. Role physiologique des tannins. Tou- louse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1887, lix-lxii. La formose et I'origine des hydrates de carbone dans les plantes. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1887, Ixvii- Ixxi. Un nouveau reactif histochimique des tannins. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1888, iv-viii, viii-x, L'ceuvre de J. B. Boussingaclt en physiologie v^g^tale. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1888, xxii-xxviii. Les methodes employees dans I'etude anatomique et physiologique des tannoides chez les vegetaux. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1890, 19-54. Les tannoides. Introduction critique a I'histoire physiologique des tannins et des principes imm^diats vegetaux qui leur sent chimiquement allies. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1891, xvii-xviii. Les reactions histochimiques de I'hesperidine. Ass. FranQ. C. R., 1893 (Ft. 2), 482-484; Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1893, xxxv-xxxvi. Sur la localisation des principes actifs dans les Cucurbitacees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 753- 754; Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1893, 26-56. Recberches microchimiques sur I'hesperidine. Tou- louse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1894, iv-v. Les poivres de Guinee. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1895, iv-vii. Regions botaniques du continent africain. Toulouse Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1895, xiv-xv. Anatomic des feuilles des Erythroxylums des colonies frangaises. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1900 (Ft. 1), 180. Brandle, . Massenerkrankung von Jungvieh durch Strongylus ventricosus. [1898.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1896- 97, 283-289. BrUss, Martin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der kiinstlichen Schadelverbildungen. [1887.] Leipzig Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1886, 131-180. Honvedleiche von Vizakna. [1890.] Dresden Erdk. Jber., 23, 1893, 75-77. BrUuer, Carl. Ueber das epizootische Verkalben der Kiihe, nebst neuer durch viele Versuche erprobter Be- handlungsweise. [1888.] Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 14, 1889, 95-101. Gemachte weitere Beobachtungen bei Gelegenheit der Behandlung des epizootischen Verkalbens. Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 21, 1895, 455-456. Brauning, . Mittheilungen iiber den Metall-Bergbau und Hiittenbetrieb in den Vereinigten Staaten Nord- amerikas. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 42, 1894 (Abh.), 243-334. Br3,uning, C. Die Bewegungen der Eisenbahnschienen und deren Verbindung mit den Holzschwellen. Ztschr. Bauwssen, 42, 1892, 247-264. Die Formveranderungen der Eisenbahnschienen an den Stossen. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 43, 1893, 445-464. Veraaderungen in der Lage und Form des Eisen- bahngestanges. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 46, 1896, 54-5-568. Ueber den Werth der planmassigen Beobachtungen fiir die Entwicklung des Gleisbaues. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 50, 1900, 105-120. Brautigam, Walter. Ueber das Tiliadin, einen Bestandteil der Lindenrinde. Arch. Pharm., 238, 1900, 555-567. Bragard, Max. Zur Bestimmung des Zinks als Pyro- phosphat. Chera. Ztg., 10, 1886, 1605-1606. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der quantitativen Bestimmung des Zinkes. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 46, 1887, 100-103. Bragg, W[illiavi] H[enry]. The " elastic medium " method of treating electrostatic theorems. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1891, 57-71; Phil. Mag., 34, 1892, 18-35. Address [on electrodynamic theories and analogies]. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1892, 31-47. The energy of the electromagnetic field. S. Aust. Roy. Soc. Trans., 15, 1892, 74-76; Aust. Ass. Rep., 1895, 228-231. Bragge, Robert, & Iiea, Henry. See Z HHTerpiipOBaHiH ypaBHeHia [Zur Frage iiber die In- tegration der Gleichung] A„i(m) = 0. [1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 490-498; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 376. Brakeley, John H. Plants for carp ponds. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 4, 1884, 159-160. Notes on carp and frog culture. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 5, 1885, 209-216. Brakes, James. Determination of titanic acid in iron ore. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 18, 1899, 1097. Colorimetric determination of titanic acid. [1900.] Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 20, 1901, 23. BramaU, //. [Presidential address, Oct. 6th, 1884.] Practical field geology. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 5, 1886, 18-23. Bramann, F[ritz]. Beitrag zur Lehre von dem Descensus testiculorum und dem Gubernaculum Hunteri des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1884, 310-340. Brambilla, Alberto. Sulla curva gobba del quarto ordine dotata di punto doppio. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 17, 1884, 857-866. R, 8, A. C. Sopra alcuni casi particolari della curva gobba razionale del quarto ordine. Napoli, Rend., 24, 1886, 279-298. Le curve assintotiche di una classe di superficie algebriche. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 20, 1886, 784-790. Ricerche analitiche intorno alle curve gobbe razionali del 4° ordine. Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1884-85, 1471-1489. Intorno alle curve razionali in uno spazio lineare ad un numero qualunque di dimensioni. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 19, 1886, 326-331. Le omografie che mutano in s6 stesse una curva gobba razionale del quarto ordine. Ricerche analitiche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 780-797. Un teorema nella teoria delle polari. [1887.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 22, 1886-87, 787-790. Sopra una classe di superficie algebriche rappresen- tabili punto per punto sul piano. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 21, 1888, 334-356, 511-519. ■ Di una certa superficie algebrica razionale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 2, 1888, 176-183. La curva doppia di una particolare superficie razionale del 9° ordine. Giorn. Mat., 32, 1894, 133-140. Di taluni sistemi di quartiche gobbe razionali annesse ad una superficie cubica. Napoli, Rend., 35, 1896, 171- 176; 36, 1897, 203-206. Sopra una famiglia di superficie dell' ottavo ordine. Giorn. Mat., 35, 1897, 1-21. Intorno alia superficie di Steiner. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 19-22. Estensione di una propriety della superficie di Steiner. Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 300-303. Sopra una particolare variety del 27° ordine nello spazio a quattro dimensioni. [1897.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, No. 2, 37 pp. I poligoni principali di una quartica gobba dotata di punto doppio. [1898.] Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, No. 10, 33 pp. Sopra una classe di superficie e di variety, razionali. Napoli, Ace. Atti, 9, 1899, No. 14, 28 pp. Estensione di un teorema di Eckhardt. Napoli, Rend., 38, 1899, 144-145. Brame, Ch[arles]. Imitation des nebuleuses celestes irr^ductibles ou partiellement irreductibles au moyen de I'antiraoine incandescent coul6 en mince filet sur du papier noir. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 340-344. — — Analyse physique du lait. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 554- 555. Sur les d^perditions d'azote, pendant la fermentation des fumiers de ferme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 390-392, 450. Octa^dres k base carr^e de soufre, dont la base est physiquement un rhombe. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 533-534. Gen^se des cristaux de soufre, en tables carries. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 639-642. [Sur les transformations de couleurs que subit I'image coloree du soleil, observ^e k travers un prisme.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 362, 532. Brame, J. S. Strafford, & Rodger, James Wyllie. See Rodger & Brame. Bramley-XHEoore, Leslie, & Pearson, Karl. See Pearson A Bramley-iaoore. Bramly. See Jennings-Bramly. Bramson, K [onstantin] L[udwig]. Une nouvelle aberration de Vanessa Cardui, L. (aber. inornata). [1884.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 6, 1886, 284. Analytische Uebersicht , der Papilioniden Europa's und des Caucasus. Ent. Nachr., 15, 1889, 197-201. Bramwell, [George William Wilshere Bramwell] (Lord). For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 109, 1892, 386-390. [Presidential address to the Econ. Sci. and Stat. Sect. Sociology.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 749-754. 96 Bramwell] 762 [Branco Bramwell, By win. Kecent views on the innervation of the heart. Brain, 6, 1884, 509-530. A case of ataxy with loss of muscular sense. [1887.] Brain, 10, 1888, 218-222. On a ready method of preparing large sections of the brain. Brain, 10, 1888, 435-440. Case of cancer of the right lobe of the cerebellum and left lenticular nucleus ; marked vertigo ; no paralysis. Brain, 10, 1888, 503-506. A peculiar case of lead-poisoning in which there was marked loss of vision, both for white and for colours, without any changes in the fundus oculi ; and in which rapid recovery took place under sulphate of magnesia and iodide of potassium. Brain, 10, 1888, 507-511. A remarkable case of aphasia. Acute and complete destruction by embolic softening of the left motor-vocal speech centre (Broca's convolution), in a right-handed man ; transient motor aphasia, marked inability to name objects and especially persons, considerable agraphia and slight word-blindness. Brain, 21, 1898, 343-373. On the localisation of intracranial tumours. Brain, 22, 1899, 1-70. Bramwell, Byrom, & Faton, D[iarmid] Noel. On a crystalline globulin occurring in human urine. Edinb. R. Coll. Physns. Lab. Eep., 4, 1892, 47-61. Bramwell, Edwin, & Campliell, Harry. See Campbell & Bramwell. Bramwell, {Sir) Frederick Joseph. [Presidential address to the Mechanical Sci. Sect. "Section G" and its relations to the other sections.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 875-884. [Presidential address. The imiJortance of the next-to- nothing and the laudation of the civil engineer.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 3-23. The application of electricity to welding, stamping, and other cognate purposes. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc. , 102, 1890, 1-37. Welding by electricity. [1890.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 185-196. Bramwell, Hugh. Notes on the horizon of the low main seam in a portion of the Durham coal-tield. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 37, 1888, 151-153. The compound winding-engine at the Great Western Colliery Company's Tymawr pit : with notes on its comparative steam economy. [With discussion.] [1896.] Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 12, 1897, 282-293; 13, 1898, 1-3. Bramwell, J[ohn] Milne. On the evolution of hypnotic theory. Brain, 19, 1896, 459-568. Hypnotic anaesthesia. Practitioner, 57, 1896, 393- 397. Hypnotism : a reply to recent criticisms. Brain, 22, 1899, 141-156. Hypnotic and post-hypnotic appreciation of time; secondary and multiplex personalities. Brain, 23, 1900, 161-238. BramweU, J[ohn} Milne, HughUngs- Jackson, J., Savage, G. H., & SXercier, C. See Hughlings- Jackson, Savage, Mercier & Bramwell. Bran, Flriedrich], & Haber, Fritz. See Haber & Bran. Branca, Albert. Note sur une trifurcation du cartilage de Meckel. Robin, Jl. Anat., 34, 1898, 757-761. ■ Chromatolyse dans la cicatrisation du tegument externe. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 358- 359. La karyokiuese dans la cicatrisation du tegument externe. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 51, 1899 (C. R ), 359- 360. Sur les filaments d'union. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 440-441. Recherches sur la cicatrisation epitheliale (epitheliums pavimenteux stratifies). Robin, Jl. Anat., 35, 1899. 257- 310. Recherches sur la cicatrisation epitheliale (epitheliums cylindriques stratifies). La trachee et sa cicatrisation. Robin, Jl. Anat., 35, 1899, 764-807. Sur les premiers developpements des dents et de I'epithelium buccal. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 1, HistoL), 62-64. Note sur le noyau de I'endothelium peritoneal. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 319-320. Branca, Albert, & P^llzet, G[eorges il/.]. See F^lizet & Branca. Branca, Albert, & laaunois, P[ierre'\ A'[h»7<']. See Iiaunois & Branca. Branca, Albert, & Qu6nu, E. See Qu6nu & Branca. Branca, Gaetano. *I viaggiatori italiani del nostro secolo. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 2, 1869, 251-344; 3, 1869, 317-409. Branch, C. W. Foreign snails in the West Indies. Nature, 54 (1896), 392. Brancher, [Marie Antoine]. Embrayage differentiel a cable. Ass. Fran(;. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 1), 244-245. Branco, W[ilhelm']. *Der Untere Dogger Deutsch- Lothringens. [1879.] Els.-Lothr. Geol. Karte Abh., 2, 1884, 1-160. Ueber die Anfaugskammer von Bactrites. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 1-9. Ueber einige neue Arten von Graphularia und liber Tertiare Belenmiten. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 37, 1885, 422-432. Ueber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahme des Randgebirges nordlich vom Harze auf Blatt Wernigerode, sowie auf der ostlichen Halfte von Blatt Harzburg. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, xlvi-xlviii. Ueber eine neue Lepidotus-Art aus dem Wealden. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, 181-200. Ueber Aufnahme der Section Goslar. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [6], 1886, xxxiv-xxxv. Weissia bavarica, g. n., sp. n., ein neuer Stegocephale aus dem Unteren Rothliegenden. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. Jbuch., [7], 1887, 22-39. BeitragezurKenntnissder GattungLepidotus. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Abh., 7 (Heft 4), 1887, 84 pp. Ueber das Gebiss von Lepidotus Koeueni, Br., und Hauchecprnei, Br. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 124 {bis)-12S (bis). Ueber Vulkane der Alb. [1892.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 49, 1893, cxxxvi-cxxxvii. Ueber das Bohrloch von Neuffen. [1892.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 49, 1893, cxxxvii. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Natur der vulkanischen Tuffgange in der schwabischen Alb und ihrem nordlichen Vorlande. Wiirttemb, Jhefte., 49, 1893, 1-20. Schwabens 125 Vulkan-Embryonen und deren tuff- erfiillte Ausbruchsrohren ; das grosste Maargebiet der Erde. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 50, 1894, 505-997; 51, 1895, 1-337. Ueber die Entstehung der vulkanischen Durchboh- rungskanale im Gebiete von Urach. [1896.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 53, 1897, 13-27. Die aussergewohnliche Warmezunahme im Bohrloche von Neufifen verglichen mit ahnlichem Verhalten anderer Bohrlocher. [Mit einem Anhange von Prof. A. Schmidt.] [1896.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 53, 1897, 28-55. Neue Beweise f'iir die UnabhJingigkeit der Vulcane von piaexistirenden Spalten. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 1), 175-186. Die menscheniihnlichen Zahne aus dem Bohnerz der schwabischen Alb. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 54, 1898, 1-144. Das Salzlager bei Kochendorf am Kocher und die Frage seiner Bedrohung durch Wasser. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 55, 1899, 133-231. Erklarung gegen die vorstehenden Bemerkungeu und Erwiderungen betr. die Kochendorfer Frage. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 55, 1899, 471. Brancovici] 763 [Brandenburg* Brancovici, E., & ZZaUer, Alblin]. See HaUer & Brancovici. Brancsik, Kdroly. Einiges iiber Helix Faustina, ZgL, und deren Formen im Trencsiner Comitate, sowie iiber den Zusammenhang mit H. Rossmiissleri, Pfr. Deutscb. Malakozool. Ges. Jbiicb., 14 (1887), 307-313. Daudebardia rufa, Drp., gezogen. Deutsch. Malako- zool. Ges. Nacbrbl., 20, 1888, 50-51. Eine neiie Varietat der Helix pomatia, L. Deutscli. Malakozool. Ges. Nacbrbl., 20, 1888, 117-118. NacbtrJige zur Conchylien-Fauna Bosniens. Deutscb. Malakozool. Ges. Nacbrbl., 20, 1888, 161-169. Vier neue Bythinellen aus Ungarn. Deutscb. Mala- kozool. Ges. Nacbrbl., 21, 1889, 39-40. Trencs^n varraegy^ben talalhato moUuscak rendszeres osszeallitdsa. [Systematische Zusammenstellung der Mollusken des Comitates Trencsen.] [1890.] Math. Termt. Kozlem., 24, 1892, 1-36. Brand, A. Monographie der Gattung Lotus. Engler, Bot. Jbiicb., 25, 1898, 166-232. Brand, Al. Electric signal apparatus at Atlantic City, N. J. U. S. Montbly Weath. Rev., 26 (1898), 405-406". Brand, [Rudolf Wilhelm] Albano. Verfahren zur Analyse von Stabl. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 43, 1884, 346-347. Einige Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vorgange bei Stahlscbmelzprocessen in sauren und basiscben Tiegeln. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 44, 1885, 105-107, 117-121. Bestimraung des gebundenen Kohlenstoffes im Eisen durcb Abscbeiden mit bromirter Salzsaure und nacb- folgende Verbrennnng. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 46, 1887, 65-68. Ueber die Anwendung von festem Brom zur Auf- schliessung von gescbwefelten Mineralien und Hiitten- producten. Fresenius, Ztschr., 26, 1887, 222-226. Ueber Krystalle aus dem Gestiibbe der Bleiofen in Mecbernicb, welche dem Mineral Breithauptit ent- sprechen. Ztscbr., 12, 1887, 234-239. Ueber die Anwendung von pyrophosphorsauren Doppelsalzen zur Bestimmung und Trennung von Metallen durch Elektrolyse. Fresenius, Ztschr., 28, 1889, 581-605. Zusammensetzung und Krystallform einiger Producte aus dem Bleihiittenbetriebe. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 264-268. Sechs Wochen in Siebenbiirgen. Siebenb. Karpath.- Ver. .Jbuch., 11, 1891, 18-50. Neuere Verfahren der Goldgewinnung. Berg- u. Huttenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 73-76, 381-384, 389-391. Etwas iiber Australien, seine Mineralvorkommen und die Verwertbung derselben. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 765. Neuerungen im Goldprobirwesen und in der Verar- beitung von Golderzen. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 174-176, 187-189, 204-206, 213-215, 233-235. Brand, Alphonse. Note sur I'enlevage de couleurs a I'albumine, sur bistre au manganese. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 66, 1896, 79-80. Brand, E. Un casse-tete du carre de I'hypot^nuse. Rev. Sci.. 2, 1894, 274-276. Quelques casse-tete du carre de I'hypotenuse. Rev. Sci., 2, 1894, 809-811. Brand, Emil. Die Chylusresorption in der Diinndarm- scbleimhaut. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1885, 609- 612. Die Nerveneudigungen in der Hornhaut. [1888.] Arch. Augenbeilk., 19, 1889, 267-276; Arch. Opbthalra., 18, 1889, 456-466. Brand, F. [Ein ncuer Saxifraga-Mischling.] Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 4-5. Ueber die drei Blattarten unserer Nyraphaeaceen. Bot. Centrbl., 57, 1894, 168-171. Eine bisher noch nicht beschriebene Cladophora. [1894.] Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 50-51. Ueber Batrachospermum. Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1896, 280-284. Ueber drei neue Cladophoraceen aus bayerischen Seen. Hedwigia, 34, 1895, 222-227. Ueber die Vegetationsverbiiltnisse des Wiirmsees und seine Grundalgen. Bot. Centrbl., 65, 1896, 1-13. Fortpflanzung und Regeneration von Lemanea fluviatilis. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 14, 1896, 185-194, Ueber "Chantransia" und die einschliigigen Formen der bayrischen Hochebene. Hedwigia, 36, 1897, 300-819, xxxvi. Culturversuche mit zwei Rbizoclonium-Arten. Bot. Centrbl., 74, 1898, 193-202, 225-236. Zur Algenflora des Wiirmsees. Deutscb. Bot. Ges. Ber., 16, 1898, 200-203. Cladopbora-Studien. Bot. Centrbl., 79, 1899, 145-152, 177-186, 209-221, 287-311. Mesogerron, eine neue Chlorophyceen-Gattung. Hedwigia, 38, 1899, (181)-(184). Ueber einen neuen Typus der Algenchlorophoreu. [1900.] Deutsch. Bot. Ge.«'. Ber., 17, 1899, 406-409, (293). Der Formenkreis von Gbeocapsa alpina. Nag, Bot. Centrbl., 83, 1900, 224-236, 280-286, 305-313. Brand, J. Ueber Maltol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 806-810. Brandao. See Sousa-Brandao. Brande, Fr[iedric}i], & Hilger, A[lbert}. See Zlilger & Brande. Brandegee, Katharine. Studies in Portulacacese. [1894.] California Ac. Proc, 4, 1895, 86-91. Studies in Ceanothus. [1894 ] California Ac. Proc, 4, 1895, 173-222. Notes on Eriogoneas. Erythea, 5, 1897, 79-81, 100. Notes on Cacteae. Erythea, 5, 1897, 111-123, 133. Brandegee, Townshend S. Flora of the Santa Barbara islands. [1888.] California Ac. Proc, 1,1889,201-226,362. A collection of plants from Baja California, 1889. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 117-216. Pinus latifolia. Garden & Forest, 5, 1892, 111. Flora of the Cape region of Baja California. [1891-92. ] California Ac. Proc, 3, 1893, 108-182, 218-227. Two new species of Ilex. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894 414. Mimulus Clevelandi. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 134. Teton forest reserve. [1899.] U. S. Geol. Surv Rep., 1897-98 (Pt. 5), 191-212. New species of western plants. Bot. Gaz., 27, 1899, 444-457. New species of plants from Mexico. Erythea, 7, 1899 1-9, 71. Island flora notes. Erythea, 7, 1899, 70-71. Brandeis, Richard C. Boroglyceride in the treatment of purulent diseases of the ear. Arch. Otol., 13, 1884, 13-21. Brandely. See Bouchon-Brandely. Branden, C. van den. 'Catalogue des Coleopteres car- nassiers aquatiques (Haliplidm, AmpbizoidaB, Pelobiidae et Dytiscidse). [1883.] Brux., Soc Ent. Ann., 29, 1885 (Pt._ 1), 5-118. pjnum^ration des Coleopteres phytophages decrits post^rieurement au catalogue de MM. Gemminger et de Harold. Li^ge Soc. Sci. Mem., 11, 1885, No. 10, 16 pp. Brandenl>erger, E. Rouge para enleve par vaporisage sur bleu cuv^. [1897.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898. 56-57. Brandenburg, [Georg]. Ein Fall von homonymer rechts- seitiger Hemianopsie mit Alexie und Trochlearislahmung. Arch. f. Opbthalm., 33, 1887 {Abth. 3), 93-112. Brandenburg, F. H. The weather and the live stock industry. [1900.] U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev., 27 (1899), 588-590. The water supply for the season of 1900 as depending on snowfall. Colorado. U. S. Monthly Weath. Rev. 28 (1900), 493-494. 96—2 Brandenburg] Brandenburg, Heinr. Abnorme elektromotorische Krafte des Quecksilbers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 552-576. Brandenburg, Kurt [Joh. Giistav]. Ueber die Ernahrung mit Caseinpraparaten. [1896.] Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 58, 1897, 71-84. Brandenburg, N. E. *0 ^epenaxt TTST. CBOIIXT. pacKonoKT. KypraHOBT. bi. npiMajtoKL-fe. [On the skulls from his excavations of txxmuli on the shores of L. Ladoga.] [1882.] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 49 {No. 3), 1886, 182-184. Brander, Casimir. Parkano sockens foglar. [1886.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 15, 1888-89, 97- 128. Brander, K. A. Thermostrome zwischen Zinkamalgam und Zinkvitriol. Ann. Phys. Chem., 37, 1889, 457- 462. Brander-Dunbar, (Lt.) , & Parkinson, F. B. See Parkinson & Brander-Dunbar. Brandes, . Un cas de tuberculose de I'iris. Ann. d'Oculist., 124, 1900, 63. ■ Un cas d'irido-choroiidite tuberculeuse chez un enfant de huit mois. [1900.] Ann. d'Oculist., 125, 1901, 218-214. Brandes, Gustav. Ueber das Genus Rolostomum, Nitzsch. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 424-426. Helminthologisches. [1889.] Arch. Naturg., 54, 1888 (Bd. 1), 247-251. Die Familie der Holostomiden. [1890.] Zool.Jbiich. (Syst.), 5, 1891, 549-604. Zur Frage des Begattungsaktes bei den entopara- sitisehen Trematoden. Kritische Bemerkungen zu Pintnee's Aufsatz. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 264-267. Einige Bemerkungen zu Vorstehendem : [Ueber den Begattungsakt der parasitischen Plathelminthen]. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 730-731. Ueber den feineren Bau der Trematoden. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1891, 59-84; Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 53, 1892, 558-577. Eine neue Methode zur Aufstellung von Praparaten und Objecten in Alcohol. [1891.] Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 200-203; Ztschr. Naturwiss., 64, 1892, 62-65. Revision der Monostomiden. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 504-511. Ueber die Familie der Zecken. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 8-11. Das Nervensystem von Ascaris megalocephala. Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, 106-107. Ueber Aufnahme von Methylenblau im Tierkorper. [1893.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 19, 1893-95, [81]-[82]. Die Blattlause und der Honigthau. Ztschr. Natur- wiss., 66, 1893, 98-103. Der Saison-Dimorphismus bei einheimischen und exotischen Schmetterlingen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 277-300, 403-404. • Die Brutpflege der Fische. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 358-369. Spiraldarm von Lamna cornubica. Ztschr. Natur- wiss., 66, 1893, 404. Zur Anatomie von Ixodes. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 405-406. Mimicry der Oliveneule. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 408. Die systematische Stellung der Trilobiten. [1894.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 66, 1893, 406-407. Fridericianella ovicola, n. g., n. sp. Ein neuer monogenetischer Trematod. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 20, 1894, [303]-[310]. Die Iberger Gletschertopfe. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 67 1894, 118. Anpassung der Pflanzen an die Niederschlage. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 67, 1894, 375-376. 764 [Brandes Ueber die Ichthyosaurier. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 138-140. Die Giftigkeit der Spitzmause. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 450-451. Zvvei Hymenopterenzwitter. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 68, 1895, 452-453. Ueber die Sichtbarkeit der Eontgenstrahlen. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 547-550. Ueber den verraeintlichen Einflussveranderter Ernah- rung auf die Struktur des Vogelmagens. Biol. Centrbl., 16, 1896, 825-838 ; Leopoldina, 32, 1896, 118-124, 129- 132. Die Entwieklung von Ascaris lumbricoides. Biol. Centrbl., 16, 1896, 839-841. Ueber parasitische Kafer. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 20, 1896, 297-305. Der Brutparasitismus des Kuckucks. Ztschr. Natur- wiss., 69, 1896, 86-88. Die Spermatozoen der Dekapoden. Berhn Ak. Sber., 1897, 355-362. Zur Begattung der Dekapoden. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 346-350. Argas reflexus als gelegentlicher Parasit des Menschen. Centrbl. Bakt. (Alt. 1), 22, 1897, 747-752. Die Einheitlichkeit im Bau der thierischen Sperma- tozoen. [Witli discussion.] Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1897, 148-162. Die Entwickelung der Aale. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 410-412. Die Brutpflege der schwanzlosen Amphibien. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 413-415. Germinogonie, eine neue Art der ungeschlechtliclien Fortpflanzung. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 420-423. Die Ursache der Griinfarbung des Darmes von Chreto- pterus. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 423-428. Der Fohn. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 70, 1897, 437-439. Die Lorenzinischen Anipulleu. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1898, 179-182. Zum Bau der Spermien. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1898, 183-185. Die Gattung Gastrothylax. [1898.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 21, 1896-98, [193]-i225]. Das Nervensystem der als Nemathelminthen zusam- mengefassten Wurmtvpen. [1898.] Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 21, 1896-98, [273]-[299]. Giebt es im Thierreich CO assimilirende Gewebe? Leopoldina, 34, 1898, 102-106. Der Dimorpliismus der Spermien. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 237-238. Der intellect der Ameisen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 238-241. Die Leuchtorgane der Tiefseefische Argyropelecus und ChauHodus. [1899.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 71, 1898, 447-452. Teratologische Cestoden. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 105-110. Die Begattung von Nephelis. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 122-124. Ueber Duftapparate bei Kafern. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 209-216. Das Vorkommen von Acentropus niveus in der Provinz Sachsen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 223. Das massenhafte Abbrechen der Kieferzweigspitzen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 360-361. Die Grosse der Schneckeneier. [1900.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 362-363. Zwei neue Nephelis-Arten aus der Umgebung von Halle a.-S. [1900.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 450-452. Ueber eine Ursache des Aussterbens einiger diluvialer Saugethiere. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1900, 103-107. Die Begattung von Clepsine tesselata. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 73, 1900, 126-128. Braudes] 765 [Brandl Das Vorkommen von Planaria alpina nordlich vom Harz. Ztschr. Natnrwiss., 78, 1900, 303-304. Brandes, Gustav, & Dom, E. Ueber die Sichtbarkeit der Kontgenstrahlen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 478- 490. Brandes, P[cter Karl Adolf ^ & Stoebr, C[arr\. Synthese von Trirnethylpyrazin und Tetramethylpyrazin. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 501-512. Ueber die Bildung von Pyrazin und Homologen aus Traubenzucker und Ammoniak. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 54, 1896, 481-49r,. See also Stoehr & Brandes. Brandes, TF. Priifung des Kreosots. Arch. Pharm., 227, 1889, 111-115. Droguen aus Af rika. [1895.] Hannover Jber., 1893-97, 56-57. Neue Beitrage und Veranderungen zur Flora der Provinz Hannover. [1900.] Hannover Jber., 1897-99, 127-200. Brandhorst, C. H[einrich], & Kraut, K[arl]. Zur Kennt- niss der Phosphorwolframsaure. Liehig's Ann., 249, 1888, 373-380. Brandicourt, Ch. Elements de la planete 1893 (AL). Bull. Astr., 11, 1894, 314-316. Ephemeride de la planete 1893 (AL). Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 18-19. Brandicourt, Ch., Barr6, L., & Viennet, K[loi]. See Barr6, Viennet & Brandicourt. Brandicourt, V. Une excursion a Creuse. [1885.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 7, 1884-86, 314-317. Le chevalier a pieds rouges de Califoruie. [1886.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 8, 1886-87, 69-70. Les cocons de Clonus Scrophulariffi. [1887.] N.France Soc. Linn. Bull., 8, 1886-87, 313-315. Herborisations de 1887. [1888.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 39-43, 57-60. — — Relation entre la couleur et les instincts de quelques L<5pidopteres. [1888.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 86-90. • La dissemination des graines. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 228-234. Herborisations de 1888. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 322-328. Relations entre les fourmis et les plantes. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 343-351. Papillons cosmopolites. [1889.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 9, 1888-89, 361-363. Le moineau en Amerique. [1890.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 10, 1890-91, 132-136. Contribution a la flore locale. [1891.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 10, 1890-91, 373-374. Dissemination des plantes aquatiques. [1896.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 13, 1896-97, 73-78. Plantes hypocarpogees. [1896.1 N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 13, 1896-97, 99-107, 114-121. Dissemination des plantes. [1898.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull., 14, 1898-99, 52-56, 66-70. Brandicourt, V., & DequevauviUer, (I'abbe) Charles. " De Historia stirpium " de Fuchs. [1900.] N. France Soc. Linn. Bull. , 15, 1900-01, 5-9. Brandin, . De rinfluence de I'acide phosphorique sur le jeune plant de betterave. France Soc. Agr. Bull., 54, 1894, 470-477. Brandis, Adolph von. Eine vielmonatliche Beobachtung ruhiger Luft iiber dem Gipfel des Vulkans Merapi in Java. Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1885, 41-44. Brandis, (Sir) Dietrich. Die Beziehungen zwischen Regenfall und Wald in Indien. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 41, 1884, 380-417. Ueber die Waldvegetation von Ajmere und Merwara. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 85-86. Der Wald des ausseren nordwestlichen Himalaya. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 42, 1886, 153-180. Ueber Terminalia cbebula, Retzius. Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1885, 158-161. The riugal of the north-western Himalaya. [1885.] N. S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jl., 19, 1886, 109-112. [Ueber den Teakbaum (Tectona grandis).] Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corre.sp.-Bl., 1886, 53-54. Ueber eine neue Prunus-Art. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1886, 64-65. Ueber das Zusammenvorkommen von Nadelholzern und Dipterocarpeen in Indien. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 50-53. Ueber die Namen der Rosen in Indien. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1886, 285-288. Ueber die Bambusen von Birma. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 113-114. Regen und Wald in Indien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 369-376. [Ueber spezifische Individualitat in dem Eintritt und in der Dauer der Bliithezeit der Pflanzen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1889, 38-43. Der Wald in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- amerika. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 47, 1890, 265-306. [Unterschiede in der Vegetation Vorder- und Hinter- indiens.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1891, 86-89. [Ueber geselligwachsende Baume und andere Holz- pflanzen.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1894, 86-37, 44^0. Mixed oak and beech forests of the Spessart. Garden & Forest, 7, 1894, 218-219, 228-230, 238-240, 298-299, 309, 317-318, 329, 338-339. An enumeration of the Dipterocarpaceae, based chiefly upon the specimens preserved at the Royal Herbarium and Museum, Kew, and the British Museum; with remarks on the genera and species. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bat.), 31, 1896-97, 1-148. Remarks upon the natural order Dipterocarpaceae. [1894.] Pharm. Jl., 25, 1896, 497-499. Forestry in Natal. [Tr.] [1895.] Nature, 51 (1894-96), 234-235. Die Familie der Dipterocarpaceen und ihre geogra- phische Verbreitung. [1895-96.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1896, 4-42. The Burma teak forests. Garden & Forest, 9, 1896, 318-319, 329-330, 338-339, 348-350, 358-359, 368-369, 378-379, 389, 399-400, 408-409, 418-419, 428. — — • Die geographische Verbreitung der Bambusen in Ostindien. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1897, 68- 76. Brandis, Erich, & Freyn, J[osef]. Beitrag zur Flora von Bosnien und der angrenzenden Hercegovina. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 38, 1888 (Abh.), 577-644. Brandis, Ernst. Ueber Condensationen mit dem a-Naph- talinaldehyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2148-2158. Brandis, F. Untersuchungen iiber das Gehiru der Vogel. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 168-194, 623-649; 43, 1894, 96-116, 787-813; 44, 1896, 534-555. Das Kleinhirn der Vogel in seiner Beziehung zur Systematik. Jl. f. Ornith., 44, 1896, 274-304. Brandl, Joseph. Ueber Resorption und Secretion im Magen und deren Beeinflussung durch Arzneimittel. Ztschr. Biol., 29, 1892, 277-307. Chemisch-pharmakologische Untersuchung iiber die Manaca-Wurzel. Ztschr. Biol., 31, 1896, 251-292. Experimeutelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung, Aufnahme und Ausscheidung von Kupfer. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 13, 1897, 104-136. See also under Tappeiner, [Anton Josef Franz] Hlermann] von. Brandl, Joseph, & FfeifFer, Ludwig. Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des Farbstofifes melanotischer Sarkome nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige Eigenschaften der soge- Brandl] 766 [Brandt nannten melanogenen Substanz im Harn. Ztschr. Biol., 26, 1890, 348-376. . Brandl, Joseph, & Scherpe, R. Ueber zmkhaltige Aepfelschnitte nebst Versuchen liber die Wirkung des apfelsauren Zinks. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 185-211. Brandl, Joseph, & Tappeinei-, [Anto7i Josef ^ Franz] H[ermann\ von. Versuche iiber Peristaltik nach Abfuhrmitteln. [1889.] Arch. Exper. Path., 26, 1890, 177-185. ,. , Ueber die Ablagerung von Fluorverbindungen ini Organismus nach Fiitterung mit Fluornatrium. Ztschr. Biol., 28, 1891, 518-539. Brandner, G. de. *La grande Com^te de 1882. [1882.] Ciel et Terre, 3, 1883, 385-386. Brandner, G. de {et.alii). La pluie d'etoiles filantes du 27 novembre 1885. Ciel et Terre, 6 (1886-86), 451-453, 491-501, 592. Trombes. [1888.] Ciel et Terre, 9 (1888-89), 359- 360, 382-383. Brandt, [C]. Ueber einen Sodahaldenbrand. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 258-259. Brandt, Aleksandr [Fedorovic]. *Ueber die Entwickelung der Eier von Agrion virgo. Dentsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 104. . *Mop(J)OjrorHiecKifl HSCJiisoBaaiH o KopnepoT-t (Rhizostoma Cuvieri, Lmk.). [Morphological researches on Rhizostoma Cuvieri, Lmk.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 17, 1870 (Append. No. 1), 47 pp. *IIpe;;BapiiTejrbHHft OT'ieTi o nyieiiiecTBiii, coBepmeHHOMt no iiopyiieHiro HMnepaxopcKOu AKaaeMiu HavKt bt, KapcKyro o6jiacTi. h 3aKaB- Ka3be. [Preliminary report on an excursion undertaken by order of the Imperial Academy of Sciences to the province of Kars and Transcaucasia.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 36, 1880, 362-383. Die Ernahrung und das Wachsthum des Dotters im Insectenei. Zool. Anz., 8, 1886, 188-191. Eiu extremer Fall rachitischer Verkriippelung. Vir- chow. Arch., 104, 1886, 540-548. Ueber Wandtafeln fiir den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 73-78. Ein secundarer Knochenzapfen als Bestandtheil des Horns der Cavicornier. Zool. Anz , 12, 1889, 195-197. Anatomisches und Allgemeinea iiber die sogenannte Hahnenfedrigkeit und iiber anderweitige Gesohlechts- anomalien bei Vogeln. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 48, 1889, 101-150, 151-190. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Glaudula suprarenalis mit dem Parovarium resp. der Epididymis bei Hiihnern. [1889.] Biol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 522-526. Procentoraeter. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 682-683. Essai d'une classification des variations aniraales, selon lears causes. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 [Pt. 1), 66-67. Eine Virago, mit Benutzung der von Dr. W. Favr ermittelten gynakologischen Daten. Virchow, Arch., 146, 1896, 532-540. Ueber die sogenannten Hundemenschen, beziehungs- weise iiber Hypertrichosis universalis. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 161-179; Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 552-5.58. Ueber den Bart der Mannweiber [Viragines]. Biol. Centrbl, 17, 1897, 226-239; Rev. Sci., 7, 1897, 618-622. Ueber borstenartige Gebilde bei einem Hai und eine mutmassliche Homologie der Haare und Zahne. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 257-270. Das Hirngewicht und die Zahl der peripherischen Nervenfasern in ihrer Bezielmng zur Korpergrosse. Biol. Centrbl., 18, 1898, 475-488. Zur Phylogenie der Saugethierhaare. Biol. Centrbl 20, 1900, 572-592. Brandt, C. F. Moyen d'obvier a la formation de I'oxycellulose dans Tenlevage a I'aeide chromique sur bleu indigo. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 61, 1891, 496-497. Enlevage rouge et blanc sur bleu indigo cuve au moyen du brome ou de sea derives oxygenes. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 62, 1892, 201-206. Un proced^ d'enlevage sur bleu indigo cuve. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 62, 1892, 210-211. Brandt, Carl. Ueber die Bakterien des Lidrandes und Bindehautsackes, sowie iiber deren Beeinflussuug durch verschiedenartige Verbande und Augensalben. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 29, 1896, (189)-(208). Brandt, Eduard Karlovic. For biography and list of works see Leopoldina, 27, 1891, 206; Soc. Ent. Ross. Horffi, 27, 1893, i-vi. CpaBHirre-ibHO-aHaTOMHiecKifl ii3CJi'l5;i,OBaHifl HepBHoi! ciicTeMLi paBHOHonrxi) (Isopoda). [Ver- gleichend-anatomische Untersuchiingen iiber das Nerven- System der Isopoda.] [1887.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Horse, 20, 1885-87, 245-249. Ha6.!IlOJl,eHifl no auaxOMiH HaC'{5K0MHXl>. [Ob- servations on the anatomy of insects.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Horffi, 22, 1888, 133-137. Zwei Fiille von Taenia cucumerina, Rud., beim Menschen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 481-484. — ■ — • Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Gritfelbeine (Ossa calaraiformia) der Wiederkauer (Rumi- nantia). Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 542-548. Larven der Wohlfart'schen Fliege (Sarcophila Wohl- fartii, Portsch.) im Zahnfleische des Menschen. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 560-561. AnaTOMiH cieK.iHHHnn'b ntie.iOBn;i,Horr (Tro- chilium apiforme, L.) n KOMapOBllJtHOil (Sesia tipuli- formis, L.). [On the anatomy of Sesia tipuliformis and Trochilium apiforme, Linn.] Soc. Ent. Ross. Horse, 23, 1889, 41-49 ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 185-190. Brandt, Fr. Anemone nemorosa, var. monstrosa, Bolcken. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1898, 55. Brandt, Franz H. Endothelioma of bone, with many metastases. N. Y. Med. .71., 72, 1900, 793-798, 839-843. Brandt, Gttstav, & Clans, Adolph [Carl Ludwig]. See Claus & Brandt. Brandt, Jlohann] F[riedrich]. *Second rapport relatif aux recherches microscopiques ulterieures sur I'anatoraie des esp^ces du genre Glomeris. [1840.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 1-3. *Note supplementaire sur les especes qui composent le genre Polydesmus, suivie d'une caract^ristique de deux especes nouvelles. [1840.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 9-11. *Note sur trois especes nouvelles d'oiseaux de Russie et de la Perse boreale, rapportees par M. Karelin. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 11-12. *Note sur une espece de chat (Felis servalina, Jardine), nouvelle pour la faune de Russie. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 34-37. *Observations sur le manoul (Felis mannl, Pallas). [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 37-39. *Note sur deux especes nouvelles de sousliks de Russie. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 43. *Ob8ervations sur le Loxia rubicilla, Gilldenst. (Coc- cothraustes caucasicus, Pallas). [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 287-288. *Note sur les esp6ces de Loxia (bee crois^) de la faune de Russie. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1842, 288. *Remarques sur le Passer arctous de Pallas, comme etant vraisemblablement le type de trois diff^rentes especes d'oiseaux. [1841.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 10, 1842, 251-253. \ Brandt] 767 LBranford *Zoogeographiscbe und palaontologische Beitrage. St. Petersb. Min. Ges. Verh., 2, 1867, 33-290. *[UeberRuckschlagegezahmterHau.sthiere.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 83-84. *[Ueber die diluvianische Saugethierfauna des nord- liehen, namentlich russischen Asiens im Vergleich mit der Europas.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 127. Ueber die Vogelfauna der Aleuten, Kurilen und der russisch-amerikanischeu Colonieo. Nach hinterlassenen Notizen herausgegebeu von Herman Schalow. Jl. f. Ornith., 39, 1891, 235-271. Brandt, Jozsef. Die plastischen Operationen. [Tr.} [1888-89.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 30, 1890, 331- 348. A Koch-fele oltasokr61. [Ueber die Impfungen von Koch.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. [Orv. Szak), 1891, 1-7, 163-164. Brandt, Jules. Note siir quelques reactions des derives nitres de I'alizarine et leur application a I'impression. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 67, 1897, 382-385. Note sur quelques corps pouvant remplacer le /3-naphtol dans la production des couleurs azoiques sur la fibre. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 43-49. Note sur le jauned'alizarine F S. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 115-118. — «- Note sur Taction des reducteurs alcalins sur les couleurs azoiques d^riv^es des nitranilines. [1898.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 69, 1899, 77-85. Brandt, Karl. Die koloniebildenden Radiolarien (Sphaero- zoeen) des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 13, 1885, viii + 276 pp. [Ueber den Bau und die Lebenserscheinungen der koloniebildenden Eadiolarien oder Spharozoen.] [1886.] Konigsb. Schr., 27, 1887 [Sher.), 16-17. Ueber die biologischen Untersuchungen der Plankton- Expedition. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 16, 1889, 515- 525. Ueber die Plankton-Expedition. [1890.] Schlesw.- Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 8, 1891, 262. [Die Expedition der Sektion fiir Kiisten- und Hoch- seefischerei in der ostlichen Ostsee. Uutersuchung des Planktons sowie der Thiere und Pflanzen des Meeres- bodens.] Die rait der Kurre oder der Dredge auf der Expedition gesammelten Thiere. [1890.] Deutsch. Meere Ber., 17-21, 1893, 141-147. Ueber neue und alte Funde von Mammuthresten in der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. [1893.] Schlesw.- Holst. Nat. Ver. Schr., 10, 1895, 112. Ueber die Ursache des geringen spezifischen Gewichtes der Vakuolenfliissigkeit bei Meerestieren. Biol. Centrbl., 15, 1895, 855-859. — • — Ueber die Schliessnetzfange der Plankton Expedition. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 107-112. [Zoologische Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin uuter Leitung Dr. von Dbygalski's ausgesandten Gronlandexpedition nach Dr. Vanhoffen's Sammlungen bearbeitet.] iv. Die Tintinnen. [1896.] Bibl. Zool., 8, 1895-98, Heft 20, 45-71. Ueber das Stettiner Haff. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch., 1, 1896, Heft 2, 105-141. Biologische und faunistische Untersuchungen an Radiolarien und anderen pelagischen Thieren. [1895.] Zool. Jbiich. (%«(.), 9, 1897, 27-74. Das Vordringen mariner Thiere in den Kaiser Wilhelm-Canal. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 9, 1897, 387-408. Die Fauna der Ostsee, insbesondere die der Kieler Bucht. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1897, 10-34. Ueber Salzgehalt und Thierwelt im Kaiser Wilhelm- Kanal. Schlesw. -Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 8-U. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Aalfrage. Schlesw. - Hoist. Nat. Ver. Schr., 11, 1898, 235-239. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der chemischen Zusammen- setzung des Planktons. [Ghemische Analysen der Herren Dr. Orth und Dr. Bbandes.] Wiss. Meeres- untersuch., 3 {Kiel), 1898, 43-90. La vie dans les mers. - Rev. Sci., 12, 1899, 513-526. Ueber den Stoffwechsel im Meere. Wiss. Meeres- untersuch., 4 (Kiel), 1899, 213-230. Brandt, Kazimierz. *Wytrzyma^'08c ciai. Badania analityczne. dotyczace ci§zar6w przypadkowych uzy- wanych przy obliczaniu mostovv. [Recherches analy- tiques relatives aux valeurs des charges accidentelles employees dans Ip calcul des poutres metalliques.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisi. Pam., 4, 1874, Art. 2, 32 pp. *Badania analityczne dotyczg,ce sposobu obliczania mostow ziozonych z iukow metalicznych. [Recherches analytiques sur les ponts composes d'arcs metalliques.] Paris Tow. Nauk 6cisi. Pam., 7, 1876, Art. 2, 81 pp. *Spos6b praktyczny budowy murow oporowych. [Practical method of building retaiaing walls.] Paris Tow. Nauk Scisi. Pam., 9, 1877, Art. 7, 88 pp.; 10, 1878, Art. 7, 12 pp. Brandt, L. Ueber eine Fehlerquelle bei der Stickstpff- bestimmung im Chilisalpeter nach Ulsch. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 22. Bri.ndz&, Dlimitrie^. *Despre vegetatiunea Romanies si exploratorii ei. [On the vegetation of Roumania and its exploration.] [1880.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 2 [Sect. 2), 1881, 303-380. *Plante none din. Romania. [New plants of Rou- mania.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 2 {Sect. 2), 1881, 537-538. Respunsulu. [Reply to Cobalcescu on the origin, etc. of petroleum.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 9 {Mem. Sect. Set.), 1887, 51-65. Contributiuni none la flora RomanieT. [New contri- butions to the flora of Roumania.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 11 {Mem. Sect. Set.), 1890, 295-328. Plante none pentru flora Dobrogel. [Plants new to the flora of Dobrudja.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 11 {Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1890, 330-336. Brandza, Marcel. Sur I'anatomie et le developpement des teguments de la graine chez les Geraniacees, Lythrariees et (Enother^es. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 36, 1889, 417-420. Sur I'anatomie et le developpement des teguments de la graine des lins. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 41, 1889 (C. B.), 629-632. Recherches sur le developpement des teguments seminaux des Angiospermes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 110, 1890, 1223-1225. Recherches anatomiques sur les hybrides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., Ill, 1890, 317-318; Rev. G^n. Bot., 2, 1890, 433-445, 471-479. Recherches anatomiques sur la structure de I'hybride entre I'iEsculus rubicunda et le Pavia flava. Rev. G^n. Bot., 2, 1890, 301-305. Developpement des teguments de la graine. Rev. Gen. Bot., 3, 1891, 1-32, 71-84, 105-126, 150-165, 229-240; Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 468-469. Braneanu, M., & S. Memoriu asupra constructiei unui vas aerian dirijabil. [Memoir on the construction of a dirigible air-ship.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 3, 1894], 97-101. Branfill, {Gen.) Brydges B. Notes on the physiography of southern India. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 7, 1885, 719- 735. Ice crystals during fog. Essex Natlist., 2, 1888, 198. Sunburn. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 139. Vitality of seeds. [1895.] Essex Natlist., 9, 1896, 229. Branford, B. B. P. The general value of the nth total differential of any function of any number of variables. Branford] 768 LBranner dependent or independent. Messenger Math., 28, 1899, 169-174. Branford, W. E. Bird life on the Fame islands. [1891.] Northumb. Nat. Hist. Trans., 11, 1894, 357-360. Branly, Kdouard. Sur la foimule des reseaux plans. Jl. Phys., 5, 1886, 73-76. Sur I'emploi du gaz d'eclairage eomme source con- stante dans les experiences de rayonnement. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 847-850. Nouveau mode d'emploi du thermomultiplicateur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1059-1061. Calcul de la largeur des franges dans I'experience des deux miroirs. Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 69-72. Deperdition des deux electricites dans I'eclairement par des radiations tr^s refrangibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 751-754. Courants photo-electriques entre les deux plateaux d'un condensateur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 110, 1890, 898-901. Variations de conductibilit^ sous diverses influences ^lectriques. , Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., Ill, 1890, 785-787, 934; Lum. Elect., 40, 1891, 301-309, 506-511. Variations de couductibilite des substances isolantes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 90-93. Variations de conductibilite des isolants sous diverses influences electriques. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 135-141. [Deperdition de I'electricite positive par la lumiere.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1891, 185-187. Conductibilite electrique des corps isolants. Jl. Phys., 1, 1892, 459-460. Deperdition des deux electricites par les rayons tres refrangibles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 68-70. Nouvelle conductibilite unipolaire des gaz. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 114, 1892, 831-834. Sur la conductibilite d'un gaz compris entre un metal froid et un corps incandescent. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1531-1534; 115, 1892, 76. Sur la conductibilite des gaz. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1892, 215-230. Deperdition de I'electricite a la lumiere du jour. Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 300-305. Sur la deperdition de I'electricite a la lumiere diffuse et a I'obscurite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 116, 1893, 741-744. -: Sur la conductibilite des substances conductrices discontinues. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 118, 1894, 348-349. Emploi des tubes a limaille dans I'^tude des inter- . ferences electriques. Jl. Phys., 4, 1895, 273-275. Deperdition electrique par I'illumination de corps mediocrenient conducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 829-834. E^sistance electrique au contact de deux metaux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 120, 1895, 869-872, 953. Resistance des lames metalliques minces. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 230-232. Sur la propriete de decharger les corps electrises, produite dans les gaz par les corps incandescents et par les etincelles electriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 643. Sur la conductibilite electrique des substances con- ductrices discontinues, k propos de la telegraphic sans fil. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 939-942. — — Conductibilite des radioconducteurs ou conductibilite electrique discontinue. Assimilation a la conductibilite nerveuse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1163-1165. Une enveloppe metallique ne se laisse pas traverser par les oscillations hertziennes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 43-46; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 24-27. Telegraphic sans fll et collisions en mer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 171-172. Resistance electrique au contact de deux disques d'un meme metal. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 219-223; Jl. Phys., 8, 1899, 21-24. Radioconducteurs k limailles d'or et de platine. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 1206-1207. [Note au sujet de la lettre de M. Blondel sur la telegraphic sans fil.] Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1898, 78*-79*. Conductibilite electrique des radioconducteurs. Rev. Quest. Sci., 43, 1898, 353-369. Radioconducteurs a disques metalliques. Jl. Phys. , 8, 1899, 274-275. Radioconducteurs a billes metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1089-1092. Transmission des ondes hertziennes a travers les liquides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 672-675. Accroissements de resistance des radioconducteurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 1068-1071. Absorption des radiations hertziennes par les liquides. Paris, Soc. Phys. Seances, 1900, 9-15. Branly, Edouard, & XiC Bon, Gustave. Sur I'absorption des ondes hertziennes par les corps non metalliques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 879-882. Brannan, John Winters. The varying significance of intermittent albuminuria. Report of autopsy of a case. N. Y. Med. Jl., 54, 1891, 7-11. Essential paroxysmal tachycardia. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. JL, 54, 1891, 723-725. The treatment of pulmonary hasmorrhage. N. Y. Med. Jl., 64, 1896, 218-220. Sero-diagnosis of typhoid fever. A study of its practical clinical value, with a demonstration of the blood reactions. [With discuxsion.] N. Y. Med. Jl. , 65, 1897, 413-418, 430-434. Branner, John Casper. *The course and growth of the fibro-vascular bundles in palms. [1883.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884, 459-483, 502. Flexible sandstone. Amer. Natlist., 18, 1884, 927. The 'Batrachichthys.' Science, 3, 1884, 376-377. The 'pororoca,' or bore, of the Amazon. Science, 4, 1884, 488-492. Preliminary report of ohservations upon insects injurious to cotton, orange, and sugar-cane in Brazil. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 4, 1884, 63-69. Glaciation of the Lackawanna valley. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 212-214. The reputation of the lantern fly. Amer. Natlist., 19, 1885, 835-838. The thickness of the ice in north-eastern Pennsylvania during the glacial epoch. Amer. Jl. Sci., 32, 1886, 362- 366. Geographical and geological exploration in Brazil. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 687-690. The glaciation of parts of the Wyoming and Lacka- wanna valleys. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 23, 1886, 337-357. Additional notes on the lantern-fly of Brazil. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 66-68. The age and correlation of the Mesozoic rocks of the Sergipe-Alagoas basin of Brazil. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 187-188. The age of the crystalline rocks of Arkansas. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 188. Notes on the fauna of the islands of Fernando de Noronha. Amer. Natlist., 22, 1888, 861-871. The geology of Fernando de Noronha. Part i. Amer. Jl. Sci., 37, 1889, 145-161. The Cretaceous and Tertiary geology of the Sergipe- Alagoas basin of Brazil. [1888.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans., 16, 1890, 369-434. Address [to the Geol. Sect.]. The relations of the state and national geological surveys to each other and to the geologists of the country. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 219-237. Branner] 769 [Brasch The jEolian sandstones of Fernando de Noronha. Amer. Jl. Sci., 39, 1890, 247-257. Solar halos. Science, 15, 1890, 195. Bauxite in Arkansas. Amer. Geolo{,'ist, 7, 1891, 181-183. The supposed glaciation of Brazil. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 1, 1893, 753-772. The geological surveys of Arkansas. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 2, 1894, 826-836. Decomposition of rocks in Brazil. [1895.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 7, 1896, x, 255-314. Thickness of the Paleozoic sediments in Arkansas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 229-236. Bibliography of clays and the ceramic arts. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 143, 1896, 114 pp. The phosphate-deposits of Arkansas. [1896.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 26, 1897, 580-598. Bacteria and the decomposition of rocks. Amer. Jl. Sci., 3, 1897,438-442. The former extension of the Appalachians across Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Amer. Jl. Sci., 4, 1897, 357-371. The bauxite deposits of Arkansas. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 5, 1897, 263-289. The cement-materials of southwest Arkansas. [With dixcussion.] [1897.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 27, 1898, 42-63, 944-946. Geology in its relations to topography. [With dis- cusdion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 39, 1898, 53-95. — — On the origin of certain siliceous rocks. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 6, 1898, 366-371. The manganese-deposits of Bahia and Minas, Brazil. [1899.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 29, 1900, 756-770. Ants as geologic agents in the tropics. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 151-153. The origin of beach cusps. Jl. Geol. (Chicago), 8, 1900, 481-484. Results of the Branner-Agassiz Expedition to Brazil. IV. Two characteristic geologic sections on the north- east coast of Brazil. Washington Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1900, 185-201. The oil-bearing shales of the coast of Brazil. [1900.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 30, 1901, 537-554. Branner, Johi Casper, & Brackett, Richard N[ewman^. The peridotites of Pike county, Arkansas. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 188-189; Amer. JJ. Sci., 38, 1889, 50-59. Branner, John Gasper, & Oilman, C, E. The stone reef at the mouth of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Amer. Geologist, 24, 1899, 342-344. Branner, John Casper, & Newsom, John F. Sec Newsom & Branner. Brannon, Melvin A[mos]. Bacteria in hen's eggs. Science, 22, 1893, 64-65. The structure and development of Grinellia americana, Harv. Ann. Bot., 11, 1897, 1-28. Bransford, John F. Climatic and sanitary notes on the Nicaragua Canal route. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 179. Branson, F. W. Note on a new triple Bunsen burner. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 957. Note on an exact method for estimating the intensity of the X rays. Soc Chem. Ind. Jl., 15, 1896, 865. Branth, J[akob'\ S[everin'] Deichmann. [Gronlands lichen- flora,] Lavvegetationens almindelige karakter. [1887.] Medd. Gronland, 3, 1880-94, 457-463 ; Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 152-155. Enumeratio Lichen um GrcenlandisB secundum Th. M. Fries: "Lichenes Arctoi" dispositorum. [1887- 92.] Medd. Gr-mland, 8, 1880-94, 464-513, 751-762; Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 152-155. Ora udvikling og aficndring hos Verrucaria hydrela, Ach. [1892.] Bot. Tidsskr., 18, 1892-93, 104-107; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1893, 441-442. R. 8. A. C. Lichener fra Scoresby Sund og Hold with Hope. [Lichens provenant du Scoresby Sund et de Hold-with- Hope.] [1894.] Medd. Gr*^nland, 18, 1896, 83-103, (Res. 484). Diatomeer paa vandingsenge. [1899.] Bot. Tidsskr., 22, 1898-99, xvi. Brants, A. Een paar halsorganen bij de rups van Noto- donta ziczac, L. Tijdschr. Ent., 37, 1894, 196-224. Braquehaye, J[ules Pie Louis]. De la m^thode graphique appliquee a lYtude du traumatisme cerebral. Arch. Gen. Med., 175, 189B, 129-153, 306-324. De la nirvanine en chirurgie. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 10), 21-31. Braquehaye, j[ules Pie Louis], & Chipaolt, A[ntony'\. See Cbipault & Braquehaye. Braquehaye, J[ules Pie Louis], & Remlinger, Paul. Mamelle surnumeraire au-dessous de I'ombilic chez un homme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C R.), 598-599. Brard, (Pater) . Der Victoria-Nyansa. Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 77-80. Brard, Felix. Les charbonnages d'Hongay (Tonkin). Paris, Ingcn. Civ. Mem., 1897 (Pt. 1), 81-112; St. Etienne, Bull. Soc Ind. Min., 11, 1897, 155-182. Etude des pertes de I'Arve et de ses affluents et des sources en aval des pertes. Paris, Ingen. Civ. M^m., 1899 (Pt. 2), 397-486. Braren, Wilhelm, & Buchner, Eduard. Ueber Pseudo- phenylessigsiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 684-691. Synthese einer gesattigten bicyclischen Dicarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3453-3456. Brasack, [Friedrich]. Das Aluminium und das Magnesium sowie ihre gegenwartige Bedeutung in der Industrie. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1886, 161-176. Die Natur der Flamme. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1888, 26-34. Die Priifung der Blitzableiter. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 40-48. Brascassat, Marcel. [Sur la capture de quelques N^vro- pteres nouveaux pour la faune du Sud-Ouest.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 48, 1895, xiii. Description d'une aberration nouvelle de L^pidopt^re. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, Ixxvii. [Note sur quelques Lepidopteres de la Gironde.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 52, 1897, Ixxxix-xci. Compte-rendu entomologique. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 53, 1898, vii-viii. Brascassat, Marcel, & Byquem, [Gastoii]. See Eyquem & Brascassat. Brasch, Felix. Ueber initiale Syringomyelic bei einem Falle von Neuromyositis infectiosa. Fortschr. Med., 16 (1898), 523-538. Ueber den Einfluss der Wasserentziehung auf die Nervenzelle. Fortschr. Med., 16 (1898), 803-817. Das Verhalten der Reflexe nach hohen Querdurch- trennungen des Riickenmarkes beim Menschen. Fortschr, Med., 18 (1900), 121-134. Brasch, Felix, & Oathmann, A. Ueber den Einfluss wiilkiirlicher Athmungsbeschleunigung auf die Herz- thatigkeit. Ein Beitrag zur Beurtheilung des Werthes des Mannkopf'schen Symptoms bei der Untersuchung Unfallkranker. Fortschr. Med., 18 (1900), 61-66. Brasch, Felix, & aoldscheider, Alfred. See Ooldscheider & Brasch. Brasch, Martin. Beitrag zur Lehre von der multiplen Neuritis. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 260-268. Ein unter dem Bilde der tabischen Paralyse verlau- fender Fall von Syphilis des Centralnervensystems. Neurol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 489-492, 517-526, 552-562. Zur Casuistik der pontileu Heerderkrankungen. Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 226-237. Zur Pathologic der syphilitischen Friiherkrankungen 97 Brasch] 770 [Brasse des Centralnervensystems. [1895.] Arch. Psychiatr., 29, 1897, 680-683. Ein Fall von motorischer Aphasie im Friihstadium eines acuten Exanthems. [1896.] Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 977-980. Brasch, R[ichard]. Ueber Nitroverbindungen des Alizarins, Purpurins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1610-1619. Brasch, R[ichard], & Freyss, Georges. Zur Kenntniss der Benzidinfarbstofife. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1958-1966. Brasch, B[ichard], & Kehnnann, Friedrich. See Xehrmann & Brasch. Brasche, Oscar. Ueber Verwendbarkeit der Spectroscopie zur Unterscheidung der Farbenreactionen der Gifte im Interesse der forensischen Chemie. Pharm. Ztschr. Eussland, 30, 1891, 83-87, 97-101, 113-1 19, 129-135, 145-151, 161-167, 177-182, 193-198, 209-214, 225-231, 241-245, 257-264, 273-278. Brashear, John A. The production of optical surfaces. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 255-258. A practical method of working rock salt surfaces for optical purposes. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1885, 76-78. A gravity parallelometer. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 121. Standard dimensions in astronomical and physical instruments. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 61-62. The Hastings achromatic objective. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1889, 79. Total solar eclipse report. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 120-122. Note on observations of Saturn. Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 188-189. The refinement of modern measurements. Sidereal Messenger, 9, 1890, 204-212. Glass for optical instruments with especial reference to telescope objectives. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 221-224, 241-243, 291-295, 447-449. On the care and cleaning of object glasses. [1894.] Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 9-12. Putting in place and adjusting the object glasses of refracting telescopes. [1894.] Popular Astr., 2, 1896, 57-59. The manufacture of glass for optical uses. Popular Astr., 6, 1898, 104-110. The Allegheny Observatory. Popular Astr., 8, 1900, 541-550. Brasil, Louis. Description d'une nouvelle espece de coquille fossile, Turbo kimmeridiensis. Naturaliste, 9, 1887, 95. Note sur le Lias Superieur du Calvados. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 7, 1893, 42-43. Etude sur le niveau a Ammonites opalinus en Normandie. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1893, 37-41. Sur quelques Ammonites nouvelles ou peu connues du Jurassique Inf^rieur de Normandie. Ass. Franc C. K., 1894 {PL 1), 148-149. Cephalopodes nouveaux ou peu connus des etages Jurassiques de Normandie. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull. 16, 1894, 27-46. Sur le Lias Superieur et le Bajocien de Tilly-sur- Seulles et Feuguerolles. Caen Lab. Geol. Bull., 2, 1895 167-169. Observations sur le Bajocien de Normandie. Caen Lab. G^ol. Bull., 2, 1895, 223-243. • Les divisions de la zone k Lytoceras jurense en Normandie. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 9, 1895 34-39. Eemarques sur la constitution du Toarcien Superieur dans le Calvados. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull 9, 1895, 147-151. Note sur le Callovien Superieur des falaises de Dives et Villers-sur-Mer. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull 10, 1896, 3-6, XXXV. Sur la presence du genre Gaudryceras dans le Campanien Superieur du Cotentin. Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 10, 1896, 87-89. Les genres Peltoceras et Cosmoceras dans les couches de Dives et de Villers-sur-Mer. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 17, 1896, 36-49. [Bajocien de Fontenay-le-Pesnel.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 3, 1899, xxxvi-xxxvii. Faune marine de la region de Luc-sur-Mer. Mol- lusques. [1900.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, 18-74. Observations sur la faune de la region de Luc-sur-Mer (Calvados). [1900.] Caen, Soc. Linn. Normandie Bull., 4, 1901, 75-83. Brasil, Louis, & Bigot, Alexandre. See Bigot & Brasil. Braslavskij, L., & Dobrij, A. XllMII'ICCKOe II3CJI'fejI,0- Baiiio irhlvOTOpHXl) KicBCKiixb boji,'L. [Analyse chimique de quelques eaux de Kiew.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, 205-224. Brasol, Leo von. Wie entledigt sich das Blut von einem Ueberschuss an Traubenzucker? Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1884, 211-241. Brass, .irnold. Bemerkungen zu P. Fuaisse's Ervviederung an Herrn Professor Flemming in No. 163 des Zoologischen Anzeigers. [Epithelregeneration.] Zool. Anz., 7, 1884, 246-247. Beitriige zur Zellphysiologie. Ztschr. Naturwiss. , 57, 1884, 115-155. Die Methoden bei der Untersuchung thierischer Zellen. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1, 1884, 39-51. Mittheilungen zur mikroskopischen Technik. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 2, 1885, 300-308. Brass, W\ilhelvi], & Wallach, Ditto}. See IVallach & Brass. Brassai, Samuel. For biography see Termt. Kozlon., 30, 1898, 645-646; Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 10, 1899, 276- 296. A XI axioma. [The 11th. axiom.] [Posth.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 9, 1898, 415-427. Brassart, , & Brassart, Ermanno. See below. Brassart, Ermanno. *Nuovi apparecchi sismici dei fratelli Brassakt. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 3, 1883, 150-153. Orologio sismico. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 16, 1884, 1-3. Sismoscopio a dischetto dei fratelli IBrassart. Bull Vulc. Ital., 12, 1885, 103-104. Anemoscopio ed anemometro a trasmissione elettrica dei fratelli Brassart. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann. 6 (Pt. 1), 1886, 71-77. Sismoscopi o avvisatori sismici. Roma, Uli. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 1-13. 1 sismometri presentemente in uso nel Giappone esaminati e descritti, [con proposta di un sismometro di nuovo modello]. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 15-32. Descrizione del nuovo sismometrografo. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 33-35. U sismometrografo a tre componenti con una sola massa stazionaria. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann 8 (Pt. 4), 1888, 37-44. Due nuovi anemometroscopi registratori dei fratelli Brassart. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 8 (Pt. 1) 1889, 23-33. Anemometroscopio registratore a trasmissione elettrica dei fratelli Brassart. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 10 (Pt. 1), 1892, 61-67. Brassart, Ermanno, & Brassart, . L' udometro- contatore [degli autori]. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol Ann., 7 (Pt. 1), 1887, 49-53. Brasse, Leon. Sur la presence de I'amylase dans les feuilles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 878-879. Action de la diastase du malt sur I'amidon cru. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 454-456. Brasse] 771 [Brauer Un moyen de debarrasser les graines des germes de microbes adherents a leur surface. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 196-197, Culture de graines pures de germes de microbes. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 348. Recherches snr la v(^getation a I'obscnrit^ dans des solutions sucr6es. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 469-473. Dissolution de I'aniidon dans les feuilles. Contribution k r^tude de la migration des matieres hydrocarbon^es dans I'organisme vegetal. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 200-203. Contribution a I'^tude de la migration des principes hydrocarbones dans I'organisme vegetal. Accumulation du Sucre de canne dans la partie souterraine de la betterave. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 305-317. Contribution a I'^tude de la formation des reserves dans I'organisation. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 90-96. Sur le role de la dissociation en biologie. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 320-322. Dosage du mercuie dans les urines. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 {C.R.), 297-299. Action des antiseptiques sur la betterave. Paris, Soc. Biol. M«5m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 333-336. Sur la recherche de I'albumine, des peptones et des alcaloides dans les urines au moyen du reactif de Tanret. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 369-370. Influence de la temperature sur la valeur de la tension de dissociation de roxyh^moglobine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 660-662. Etude sur la gutta-percha. Lum. Elect., 46, 1892, 51-56, 109-114, 160-164. Application des lois de la dissociation a I'^tude des ph^nomenes biologiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m. , 44, 1892, 347-371. Brasse, Leon, & "Wirth, . Alterations produites par le mercure dans les fonctions des organes qui servent a son elimination. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 774-778. Brassel, J[ohannes]. Narkotische Nahrungs-, resp. Genuss- mittel. [1885-90.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1883-84, 308-333; 1884-85, 281-303; 1886-87, 145-184; 1887-88, 382-419; 1888-89, 281-312. Ueber die Vogelwelt der Sinaihalbinsel. [1893.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1893-94, 76-77. Brassert, H[einricJi]. Ueber secundare Paranoia. [1895.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 52, 1896, 772-795. Ueber Errothungsangst. Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 866-871. Brasseur, J., & Blattner, N. G. See Blattner & Brasseur. Brassinne, [Phili'ppe'\ Elmile^ For biography and list of works see Toulouse Ac. Sci. Mem., 7 {Sem, 2), 1885, 25-47. Brath, C. Das Zimmer-Terrarium. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1885, 122-130. Bratliubn, 0. Die Umarbeitung der Oberharzer Gruben- risse. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 34, 1886 {Abh.), 179-194. Die Orientirungs-Messungen mittelst des Magneten. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- .u. Salinenw., 35, 1887 (Abh.), 105-122; 36, .1888 (Abh.), 187-191. Das selbstschreibende Declinatorium in Clausthal. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 38, 1890 (Abh.), 223-236. Beitrage zur Markscheidekunst. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 155-157, 163-164. Das Langer'sche Hangezeug zur Verwendung des Compasses in Gegenwart von Eisen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 47, 1899, 537-539. Britianu, (Gen.) C. I. Notice despre lucrarile carl au avut de scop descrierca geometrica a Romilniei. [Notes on works dealing with the geometrical description of Koumania.] Bucarest, Ac. Rom. An., 22 (Mem. Sect. Sci.), 1900, 293-334. Bratusclieck, Karl. Die Lichtstarke-Aenderungen nach verschiedenen Schwingungsrichtungen in Linsensystemen von grossem Oeifnungswinkel mit Beziehung zur mikro- skopischen Abbildung. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1892, 14.5- 160. Bratuscheck, Karl, & Bernard, Henry Alleyners], See Bernard & Bratuscheck. Bratz, [HeinricJi]. Ueber die Behandlung der Epilepsie mit Opium-Bromkalium nach Flechsig. [With dis- cussion.} [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 53, 1897, 970-971; 54, 1898, 208-220. Ammonshornbefunde bei Epileptischen. [1897.] Arch. Psychiatr., 31, 1899, 820-836. Alkohol und Epilepsie. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 334-386. • Ueber das Ammonshorn bei Epileptischen und Paraly- tikeru. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 56, 1899, 841-844. Brau de 8aint-Fol Uas, X[avier'\. [Ph^nomenes vol- caniques a Java, 1883-85.] Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1886, 514. Braubacb, [Gilbert Maria] M[_icliael]. Ein Fall von Lipombildung der Eiickenmarkshaute. Arch. Psychiatr., 15, 1884, 489-495. Braubacb, M. Der Schwefelkiesbergbau bei Meggen an der Lenne. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 36, 1888 (Abh.), 215-222. Braucbbar, Maximilian. Ueber die Einwirkung von wJisseriger Kalilauge und gesattigter Pottaschelosung auf Isobutyraldehyd. Wieu, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Abth. 26), 629-639; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 637-647. Brauchbar, Maximilian, & Kobn, Leopold. Ueber Con- densationsproducte der Aldehyde, (in. Mittheilung.) Oktoglykolisobutyrat aus Isobutyraldehyd. Wien, Ak. Sber., 107, 1898 (Abth. 2b), 35-74; Mhefte. Chem., 1898, 16-55. Brand, Arthur. Meteorology of Guiana. Timehri, 3, 1884, 150-152. Brauer, August. Bursaria truncatella unter Beriick- sichtigung anderer Heterotrichen und der Vorticellinen. Jena. Ztschr., 19, 1886, 489-519. Die arktische Subregion. Ein Beitrag zur geographi- schen Verbreitung der Thiers. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 3, 1888, 189-308. . Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hydra. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Zool. Anz., 13, 1890, 4-57. Ueber die Entwicklung von Hydra. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 169-216. Ueber die Entstehung der Geschlechtsprodukte und die Entwicklung von Tubularia mesembryanthemum, Allm. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 551-579. Ueber das Ei von Branchipus Grubii, v. Dyb., von der Bildung bis zur Ablage. Berlin Ak. Abh., 1892 (Anh.), No. 2, 66 pp. Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 42, 1893, 153-213. Zur Kenntniss der Herkunft des Centrosomas. Biol. Centrbl., 13, 1893, 285-287. Zur Kenntniss der Reifung des parthenogenetisch sich entwickelnden Eies von Artemia salina. [1893-94.] Zool. Anz., 16, 1894, 138-140; Arch. Mikr. Anat., 43, 1894, 162-222. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Skorpions. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 57, 1894, 402-432; 59, 1896, 351-435. Ueber die Encystirung von Actinosphserium Eich- horni, Ehrby. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 58, 1894, 189-221. Ueber seine Forschungen auf den Seychellen. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 22, 1896, 629-631. Die Seychellen auf Grund eigener Anschauung. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 23, 1896, 300-309. 97—2 Brauer] 772 [Brauer Ueber seine Erforschung der Seychellen. Halle Ver. Erdk, Mitth., 1897, 180. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte und der Anatomie der Gymnophionen. Zool. Jbiich. (Anat.), 10, 1897, 389-472; 12, 1899, 477-508. Ein neuer Fall von Brutpflege bei Froschen. [1898.] Zool. Jbiich. (Sijst.), 12, 1899, 89-94. Zur Kenntniss der Entwicklung der Excretiousorgane der Gymnophionen. Zool. Anz., 2.3, 1900, 353-358. Brauerj Ernst A. [Bericht iiber die im Auftrage des landwirthschaftlichen Provinzialvereines fur die Mark Brandenburg und die Niederlausitz ausgefiihrte Priifung von Locomobilen.] Brems- und Indicatorversuche. Civilingenieur, 30, 1884, 317-329. Anwendung der Integralkurve zur Volumteilung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 42, 1897, 272-275. Perspektiv-Eeiss^r. Ztschr. Math. Phys,, 43, 1898, 163-166. • Ueber das Zittern der Schraubendampfer und Mittel zu dessen Verhiitung. [1897.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 (Sber.), 120. Brauer, Friedrich. *Ueber Phyllopoden. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1872, 138. *Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hirmoneura obscura. [1883.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 33, 1884 (Sber.), 19. On the peepsa, a small dipterous insect, injurious to man in Assam. [Tr.~\ Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1884, 161-162. Systematisch-zoologische Studien. Wien, Ak. Sber., 91, 1885 (Ahth. 1), 237-413. Entomologische Beitrage. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 34, 1885 (Ahh.), 269-272. ■ Vorliiufige Mittheilung [iiber die von Frau A. Zuo- MAYER entdeckte Lebensweise des QEstrus purpureus]. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 275. Nachtrage zur Monographic der Oestriden. [i. Ueber die von Frau A. Zdgmayer und Hrn. F. Wolf entdeckte Lebensweise des ffistrus purpureus. ii. Zur Charakter- istik und Verwandtschaft der Oestriden-gruppen im Larven- und voUkommenen Zustande. iii. Zusatze und Verbesserungen zur Literatur der Oestriden. iv. Ueber Cobboldia Elephantis.] Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 289-304; 6, 1887, 4-16, 71-76, 217-223. Ueber die Oestriden-Gattung Microcephalus. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5, 1886, 345. Ansichten iiber die palaozoischen Insecten und deren Deutung. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886, 87- 126. Ein veraltetes Insectensystem Newman's. Ent. Nachr., 13, 1887, 329-332, viii. Ueber die Verwandlung der Meloiden. Wien Zool Bot. Verb., 37, 1887 (Abh.), 633-642; 39, 1889 (Abh.) 276-278. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Verwandlung der Mantis piden-Gattung Symphrasis, Hg. Zool. Anz., 10, 1887 212-218. Bemerkungen zur Abhandlung des Herrn Prof. Grassi iiber die Vorfahren der Jnsecten, etc. Zool. Anz., 11 1888, 598-600. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Psychopsis-Arten. Wien Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 4, 1889 (Not.), 101-103. Ueber die VerbindungsgUeder zwischen den orthor raphen und cyclorraphen Dipteren und solche zwischen Syrphiden und Muscarien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 40 1890 (Abh.), 273-275. Ueber die Feststellung des Wohnthieres der Hypo derma lineata, Villers, durch Dr. Adam Handlirsch, und andere Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen an Oestriden. Nach hinterbliebenen Notizen und mit Bei gabe einer kurzen Biographic. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb. 40, 1890 (Abh.), 509-515, vii. Ueber Dipteren-Familien. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb 41, 1891 (Sber.), 36-37. Eeichert's neuer Zeichenapparat. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 8, 1891, 451-453. Ueber die aus Afrika bekannt gewordenen Oestriden und insbesondere iiber zwei neue von Dr. Holub aus Siidafrika mitgebrachte Larven aus dieser Gruppe. Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 [Abth. 1), 4-16. Ansichten iiber die Gattung Pachystylum, Macq. , und Eiickblicke auf die in den Denkschriften der kais. Akademie erschienenen "Vorarbeiten zu einer Mono- graphie der Muscaria, etc., von Prof. Fr. Brauer und J. Edl. VON Bergenstamm." Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Abth. 1), 593-607. Ueber das sogenannte Stillstandstadium in der Ent- wicklung der Oestriden-Larven. [1892.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 42, 1893 (Abh.), 79-84. Thatsachliche Berichtigungeu zu Baron Osten Sacken's Aufsatz : [On the characters of the three divisions of Diptera: Nemocera vera, N. anomala, and Eremochffita]. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 487- 489. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Muscaria Schizometopa (exclusive Anthomyidae) von Prof. Dr. Fr. Brauer und Julius Edl. von Bergenstamm. [1893.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 43, 1894 (Abh.), 447-525. Bemerkungen zu Baron Osten Sackkn's "Eejoinder," etc., und "Two critical remarks," etc. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 39, 1894, 235-239. Bemerkungen zu einigen neuen Gattungen der Muscarien und Deutung einiger Original-Exemplare. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1896 (Abth. 1), 582-604. Beitrage zur Kenntniss aussereuropaischer Oestriden und p'arasitischer Muscarien. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 64, 1897, 259-282. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Muscaria Schizometopa und Beschreibung von zwei Hypoderma-Arten. Wien, Ak. Sber., 106, 1897 (Abth. 1), 329-382; 107, 1898 {.Uth. 1), 493-546; 108, 1899 (Abth. 1), 495-529. Ueber die systematische Stellung der Muscarien- Gattung Aulacoccphala, Gerst. Wien, Anz., 36, 1899, 238-239. [Von ihrer konigl. Hoheit der Prinzessin Therese von Bayern auf einer Eeise in Siidamerika gesammelte Insektcn.] Odonata. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 45, 1900, 266-267. Ueber die von Prof. 0. Simony auf den Canaren gefundenen Neuroptera und Pseudoneuroptera (Odonata, Corrodentia et Ephemeridae). Wien, Ak. Sber., 109, 1900 (Abth. 1), 464-477. Brauer, Friedrich, & Bergenstamm, Jluliusl (Edler) von. Die Zweifiiigler des kaiserlicben Museums zu Wien. iv[-vii]. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Muscaria Schizometopa (exclusive Anthomyidae). Pars i[-iv]. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 56, 1889 (Abth. 1), 69-180; 58, 1891, 305-446; 60, 1893, 89-240; 61, 1894, 537-624. Berichtigung [zu Professor Mik's Artikel : "Diptero- logische Miscellen, xx"]. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 11, 1892, 108- 109. Brauer, Friedrich, & Handlirscli, Anton. [Ueber die Verwandlung des bisher nur im Larvenzustande be- kannten Oestriden des indischen Elephanten (Cobboldia Elephantis, Cob.).'] Wien, Anz., 33, 1896, 180-182. Brauer, Friedrich, & Redtenbacher, Josef. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Fliigelgeaders der Insecten. Zool. Anz., 11, 1888, 443-447. Brauer, Friedrich, Redtenbacber, Josef, & Oanglbauer, Ludwig. Fossile Insektcn aus der Juraformation Ost- Sibirie'ns. [1888.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M6m., 36, 1889, No. 15, 22 pp. Brauer, Joh. Ernst. Verfahrcn zur Herstellung von Kunsthefe, welche in hochconcentrirten, aus starkemehl- haltigen Stoffen hergestellten Branntweinmaischen eine reine alkoholische Gahrnng bewirkt. Ztschr. Cham. Ind., 2, 1887, 210-211. Brauer] 773 [Braun Brauer, T.\u(IoJph]. Muskelatrophie bei multipler Sklerose. Neurol. Centibl., 17, 1898, 6^5-040. Brault, Allhei-t]. De I'origine non bacterienne du car- cinome. Etude sur I'anatomie pathologique compar(5e des neoplasmes (tumeurs proprement dites) et des neoplasies infectieuses. Arch. G^n. Med., 1.56, 1888, 4.58-483, .586- 607, 689-721. Etude sur rinflamniation. Arch. G^'n. M^d., 162, 1888, 74-91, 194-211, 337-356, 476-492. Sur la presence et le mode de repartition du glycog^ne dans les tumeurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 119, 1894, 817- 819. La glycogenese dans revolution des tissus normaux et pathologiques. Congr. Int. Med. C. R.. 1897 {Vol. 2, Sect. 3), 200-211, [Vol. 7), xlv. La production du glycogene dans les tissus qui avoi- sinent les tumeurs. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 21-32. Brault, A[lhert], & Comil, A[ndre] V[ictor]. Sec Comil & Brault. Brault, A [Ihert], & Zioeper, Ma urice. Glycogenese embryon- naire. Congr. Int. M(5d. C. E., 1900 (Vol. 3, Aiiat. Path), 99-102. Brault, J. Presentation d'un cas de bilharziose contract^e en Tunisie et observ^e a Lyon en juin 1891. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M«5m., 31, 1892, .51-56. Observations de polynevrite paludique. Arch, Med. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 407-413. Polynevrite periph(5rique tres vraisemblablement d'origine palustre ; monoplegie persistante du membre sup^rieur droit. Progres M6d. , 20, 1894, 153-154. Ulceres phaged^niques des pays chauds compliques de gangrene humide et de pourriture d'hopital. Ann. de Dermatol., 1, 1897, 16,5-171. Les maladies des pays chauds, leur etude, leur en- seignement. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 8-22. Note sur le craw-craw. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1899, 226-229. Contribution k I'etude de I'actinomycose. Un cas d'actinomycose constate k Alger. Peritonite actinomy- cosique chez le lapin et le cobaye. Arch, de Parasit., 2, 1899, 535-547. Les infections localisees lentes et attenuees. Arch. Gen. Med., 183, 1899, 165-190, 301-338. Peritonite actinomycosique chez le lapin et le cobaye. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 274-276. Brault, J., & Ziapin, J. Note sur I'etiologie et la patho- genie de la maladie du sommeil. Arch, de Parasit., 1, 1898, 369-378, 637. Brault, J., & Bouget, J. Note clinique et bacteriologique sur une " pseudo-mycose " observes en Algeria. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 996-998. Etude clinique et bacteriologique d'une pseudo-mycose observee en Algerie. Arch. Med. Exper., 9, 1897, 129- 143. Brault, {commandant) [Louis Desire] L[eon]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 163; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 87, 1885, 177-181; Rev. Sci., 36, 1885, 349- 350; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 123; Ciel et Terre, 6 (1885-86), 388-393. *Nouvelles cartes de meteorologie nautique. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 24, 1876 {BtilL), 114-132. *[Les lois du mouvement general des vents a la surface du globe.] France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 9, 1876, Pt. 1, 83-84. *[Courbes des vents de I'Atlantique nord.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 {liitU.), 123-124. *[Cartes du vent dans I'Atlantique sud.] France Soc. MeteoroL Annu., 25, 1877 {Bull.), 223-225. '[Circulation atmospherique dans I'Atlantique nord.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 25, 1877 {Bull.), 225-227. 'Observations sur une note de M. de T.\stf.s: Etude sur les courants aeriens. France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 2.5, 1877 {Bull.), 227-229. *Lk Vkuriku meteorologistc. [1880.] France P.ur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1879 (1), B. 105-B. 113. *[Etude du regime des vents dans I'Atlantique nord. Observations et cartes de direction et d'intensite.] [1881.] France Bur. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 1880 (4), ix-f 120 pp. Braun, , & SchlagdenhaufFen, [Charlesi Fr[ederic]. See SchlagdenhaufFen & Braun. "BranxijlAlphonse Dominique]. See under Xelsch. Braiin, [Alphonse Dominique], & Niclot, [Vincent^ See Niclot & Braiin. Braun, Alex[ander Carl Heinrich]. *Bemerkungen iiber einige Lebermoose. Flora, 4, 1821, 754-768. *Ueber die Celtisfrucht. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. , 1868, 190-191. *Drehung des Holzes. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1869, 168. *[Ueber das Verhaltniss der Zygomorphie der Bliithen zur Sympodienbildung.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1871, 97-98. *Ueber die Morphologie der Cucurbitaceen-Ranke. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 {Beil), 101. Braun, Carl. Notes on the earlier stages of Lepisesia flavofasciata, Barnst. Philad., Ent. News, 2, 1891, 87-89, 109-110. Braun, E. Die Kettenforderung im Von der Heydt-Stollen der kiiniglichen Steinkohlengrube Von der Heydt bei Saarbriicken. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 39, 1891 (Abh.), 1-15. Braun, Kduard. Ueber /3-wi-Tolyl-a7-diketohydrinden. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1388-1393. Braun, Erich. Zur Kenntniss der Sulfurane. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2967-2970, 3165. Zur Kenntniss der Aldinbildung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 556-561. Braun, Erich, & Meyer, Victor. Ueber die Aldine und das Eso-Amidoacetophenon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 19-21, Ueber die Aldine. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 21, 1888, 1269-1282, 1604. Zur Kenntniss der Aldin-Bildung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1947-194:). Braun, Ernest. Electrical vibrations of mercury. [1897.] Nature, 5-5 (1896-97), 581. Sensitiveness of the retina to X-rays. Nature, 56 (1897), 271. Braun, F. Ueber die Lagerungs-Verhaltnisse der Kohlen- flotze in der bayerischen Steinkohlengrube Mittelbexbach und deren Zusammenhang mit jenen der benachbarten Gruben links der Blies. Geogn. Jhefte., 1, 1888, 23-38. Bratm, Ferdinand. Ueber die Thermoelektricitat ge- schmolzener Metalle. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1885, 289-298. Untersuchungen iiber die Loslichkeit fester Korper und die den Vorgang der Losung begleitenden Volum- uud Energieiinderungen. [1886-87.] Miiuchen Ak. Sber., 16, 1887, 192-219; Ann. Phys. Chem., 30, 1887, 250-274 ; 36, 1889, 591; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 258- 269. Ueber die Abnahme der Compressibilitat von Chlor- ammoniumlosung mit steigender Temperatur. Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 331-335. Ueber das electrische Verhalten des Stein.salzes. Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 855-872 ; 32, 1887, 700. Bemerkung iiber den Zusammenhang der Compressi- bilitat einer LiJsung mit derjenigen der Bestandtheile. Ann. Phys. Chem., 32, 1887, 504-508. Ueber einen allgemeinen qualitativen Satz fiir Zustandsiinderungen nebst einigen sich auschliessenden Bemerkungen, insbesondere iiber nicht eindeutige Systeme. [1887.] Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 448-462; Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 337-353. Bemerkung iiber die Erklarung des Diamagnetismus. Gottingen Nachr., 1887, 462-465; Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 318-322. Braun] 774 [Braun Ein Versuch iiber Lichtemission gluhender Korper. Gottingen Naclir., 1887, 465-467 ; Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 413-415. Einige Bemerkungen zu dem vorstehenden Aufsatze : " Untersuchungen ilber die Loslichkeit fester Korper," etc. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 269-272. Berichtigung, die Compressibilitiit des Steinsalzes betreffend. Ann. Phys. Chem., 33, 1888, 239-240. Ueber die Volumenanderung von Gasen beim Mischen ; ein Beitrag zur Frage, ob der Druck eines gesattigten Dampfes im Vacuum ein anderer ist, als in einem Gase. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 943-952. Ueber elektrische Strome, entstanden durch elastische Deformation. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 895-903. Ueber Deformationsstrome ; insbesondere die Frage, ob dieselben aus magnetischen Eigenschaften erklarbar sind. Berlin Ak. Sber. , 1888, 959-975. Ueber ein elektrisches Pyrometer fiir wissenschaftliche und technische Zwecke. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 9, 1888, 421-426. Ueber Deformationsstrome. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 507-518; Ann. Phys. Chem., 38, 1889, 53-08. Bemerkung iiber Deformationsstrome. Ann. Phys. Chem., 39, 1890, 159-160. Ueber Tropfelectroden. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 448-462. Ein Comparator fiir physikalische Zwecke. Ann. Phys. Chem., 41, 1890, 627-630. Beobachtungen iiber Electrolyse. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1890, 1211-1222. Ueber Electrostenolyse. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 473-500. Ueber electrocapillare Eeactionen. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 44, 1891, 501-509. Zur Berechnung der electromotorischen Kraft incon- stanter Ketten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 44, 1891, 510-512. Ueber elektrostatische Voltmeter. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 645-646. Ueber die Verwandlung chemischer Energie in elek- trische. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 12, 1891, 673-674. Ueber die Lauffener elektrische Kraftiibertragung. [1891.] Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 48, 1892, Ixviii-lxix. Bemerkung zu der Erwiderung des Hrn. Pellat, [das Gesetz iiber die Gleichheit der Potentiale beim Uebergang von einem Metalle zu der Losung eines seiner Salze betreffend]. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 185-186. Absolute electrometer for lecture purposes. Nature, 46, 1892, 150. Zur physikalischen Deutung der Thermoelectricitat. • Ann. Phys. Chem., 50, 1893, 111-117. Ueber die kontinuierliche Elektrizittitsleitung durch Gase. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 155-162. Ueber die Natur des Fliissigkeitszustandes. Deutsch Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 62. — — Versuche zum Nachweis einer orientirten electrischen Oberfliichenleitung. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 157-165. Ueber den continuirlichen Uebergang einer electrischen Eigenschaft in der Grenzschicht von festen und fliissigen Korpern. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 166-171. Ueber die Leitung electrisirter Luft. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 172-176. Ein Versuch iiber magnetischen Strom. Gottingen Nachr., 1896, 177-178; Ann. Phys. Chem. 59 1896 693-694. , . , Ueber ein Verfahreu zur Demonstration und zum Studium des zeitlichen Verlaufes variabler Strome Ann Phys. Chem., 60, 1897, 552-559. Ueber Bewegungen, hervorgebracht durch den elec- trischen Strom. Ann. Phys. Chem., 63, 1897, 324-328. Demonstrations on the form of alternating current's Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 570. Notiz iiber Thermophonie. Ann. Phys. Chem 65 1898, 358-360. j ., , Ueber Lichtemission an einigen Electroden in Elec- trolyten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 361-364. Ein Kriterium, ob eine leitende Oberflacheuschicht zusammenhiingend ist und iiber die Dampfspannung solcher Schichten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 365-367. Zeigen Kathodenstrahlen unipolare Rotation ? Ann. Phys. Chem., 65, 1898, 368-371. Ueber die Entstehung rotirender Magnetfelder durch Foucaultstrome und iiber Methoden zur iibersichtliehen Priifung von Wechsel- und Drehfeldern. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 204-206. Braun, Ferdinand, & Myers, John E. See Myers & Braun. Braun, Ferdinand, & "Waitz, K. Beobachtungen iiber die Zunahme der Erdtemperatur, angestellt im Bohrloch zu Sulz am Neckar. Wiirttemb. Jhefte., 48, 1892, 1-12. Braun, Fritz. Der Vogelzug. Jl. f. Ornith., 46, 1898, 537-545; 47, 1899, 95-103. Ueber die begriffliche Stellung des Striches zum Zugphanoraen. Ornith. Mber., 6, 1898, 193-196. Allerlei Biologisches aus dem jahrlichen Kreislauf des Vogellebens. [1899.] Danzig Schr., 10, 1899-1902 (Hefte 2 & 3), xxxix. Zur geschlechtlichen Zuchtwahl der Sperlingsvogel. Jl. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 293-306. Zur Entstehung der Vogelarten. Jl. f. Ornith., 47, 1899, 434-448. Ueber monstrose Finkenschniibel. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 4-7. Der Gesang der Vogel. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 33-37, 58-61. Bewegung und Veranderlichkeit. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 105-110. Zur Ornis des Danziger Hohenkreises. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 126-128. Die Ammern des Weichseldeltas. Ornith. Mber., 7, 1899, 172-173. Bewerbung und Fortpflanzung. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 181-185. Noch einmal der Vogelzug. Jl. f. Ornith., 48, 1900, 229-234. Zur Ornis des Danziger Weichbildes. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 6-12. Zur Farbung der deutschen Sperlingsvogel. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 33-37. Aus dem Danziger Gau. Ornith, Mber., 8, 1900, 66-67. Feindschaft und Freundschaft unter den Sperlings- vogeln. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 82-85. Die deutschen Meisen. Ein Versuch logischer Natur- beschreibung. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 130-135. Braun, Gottlieb. For biography and works see Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (5), 1887, 146-150. Braun, Gustav. Ueber den Zusammenhang von Neurosen des Magens und Uterinleiden. Wien. Med. Wschr., 36, 1886, 1365-1367, 1401-1404. Braun, Heinrich. Melampyrum moravicutn, H. Braun, n. up. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 34, 1884, 422-423. Rosa Wettsteinii, n. sp. , ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss mehrerer Formen aus der Gruppe der Rosa canina, L. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 35, 1885, 303-307. Beitriige zur Kenntniss einiger Arten und Formen der Gattung Rosa. [1885.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 35, 1886 (Abh.), 61-136. Rosa petrophila, Borbds et H. Braun. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 36, 1886, 145-150. Ueber Mentha fontana, Weihe. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss mehrerer Formen aus der Gruppe der Mentha arvensis, L. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 36, 1886 (Abh.), 217-230. Rosae a c. d. Dre. WotoszczAK in agro Leopolitano anno 1885 leeta;. Krak6w Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 21, 1888 (Cz. 2), 27-48. Braun] 775 [Braun Kleiner Beitrag zur Flora von Hainbnrg a. d. Douau in Nieder-Oesterreich. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38 1888, 151-153. [Ueber Simonkaj Lajos Dr.: "Revisio Tiliarum hungaricarum atque orbis terraruiii."] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 38, 1888 (Sher.), 49-50. Ueber einige in Bayern und dem Herzogthume Salz- burg wachsende Formen der Gattung Rosa. Landshut Bot. Ver. Ber., 11, 1889, 8.5-122. Systematische Uebersicht und Verbreitung der Gattung Tbynius, L., in Nieder-Oesterreich. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 186-188. '- Ueber einige kritische Pflanzen der Flora von Nieder- Oesterreich. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 440-443; 42, 1892, 130-133, 161-165, 196-199, 334-338 ; 44, 1894, 20-23, 204-208. Bemerkungen iiber einige Arten der Gattung Mentha. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 39, 1889 (Ahh.), 41-46. [Beitrag zur Flora von Persien. Bearbeitung der von J. A. KxAPP im Jahre 1884 in der Provinz Adserbidschan gesammelten Pflanzen.] i. Labiataj. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 39, 1889 (Abh.), 214-239. Ueber einige Arten und Formen der Gattung Mentha, niit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der in Oesterreich- Ungarn vvachsenden Formen. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 40, 1890 (Abh.), 351-508. Uebersicht der in Tirol bisher beobachteten Arten und Formen der Gattung Thymus. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 41, 1891, 295-298. Die in Tirol beobachteten Arten und Formen der Gattung Mentha, L. Innsbruck, Ferdinandeum Ztschr., 37, 1893, 273-296. Braun, Hciimeh, & Sennholz, G[ustav]. Calamintha mixta (C. alpina x acinos), Aunnerdorfcr in sched. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 158-160. Braun, Heinrich, & Topitz, A. Ueber einige neue Formen der Gattung Mentha. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1895, 14.5-148, 169-171; 14, 1896, 55-59, 140-145. Braun, Heinrich. Ueber einen eigenthiimlichen Fall von combinirter systematischer Erkrankung des Riickenmarks und der peripheren Nerven. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 42, 1888, 459-480. Ueber eine besondere Form der finger- und griff el- formigeu Exostosen. Deut-sche Ztschr. Chirurg., 30, 1890, 199-203. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Synovialmembranen und Gelenkknorpel, sowie iiber die Resorption fliissiger und fester Korper aus den Gelenkhohlen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 39, 1894, 35-86. Eiu Fall von Pseudohermaphroditismus masculinus externus. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 28, 1894, 375- 382. Ueber die Erfolge der operativen Behandlang der trau- matischen Jackson'schen Epilepsie. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 48, 1898, 22.3-306. Ueber ausgedehnte Blutextravasate am Kopfe, Halse, Nacken und linken Arme, infolge von Compression des Unterleibes. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 51, 1899, 599- 604. StauungsblutungennachRumpfcompression, Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 56, 1900, 183-189. Braun, Hermann [Anton Joseph}. Ueber einige Fehler- quellen bei Titration des Harnstofifs mit Mercurinitrat. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 35, 1885, 277-294. Braun, J^uliusl von. Die Einwirkung von Bromcyan auf tertiiire Amine. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1438-1452, 2728-2734, 2734-2736, 2965, 4192. Darstellung einiger phenylirter Guanidine aus Diphenylcyanamid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2724-2725. Eine neue, bequeme Darstellungsweise aromatischcr Sulfoharnsvoffe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2726-2727. Braun, J[uUus\ von, & Stecbele, F[ritz]. Zur Kenntniss des AUylacetons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1472-1477. Braun, luiroly. Ueber kosmischen Staub und die Mond- Acceleration. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 259-262. Ueber eine neue Reductions-Methode fiir Siitze von Transit-Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 33-40. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1884 I (Pons 1812) an der Erzbisch. Haynald'schen Sternwarte in Kalocsa (Ungarn). Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 61-64. A Kalocsai Csillagda geographiai hossznsaga. [Geo- graphical longitude of Kalocsa Observatory.] Magyar Tud. Ak. Ertes., 18, 1884, 5.5-57. Berichte von dem Erzbischoflich-Haynaldschen Obser- vatorium zu Kalocsa in Ungarn iiber die daselbst in den ersten fiinf Jahren ausgefiihrten Arbeiten. - Kalocsa Haynald Obs. Ber., 1886, 178 pp. Az 1883-4-ik evi esthajnali tiinemonyrol. [On the crepuscular phenomenon of 1883-84.] Termt. Kozlon. , 19, 1887, 408-415. Ueber die genaue Justirung des grossen Spiegels eines Sextanten, sowie iiber diejenige des Gauss'schen Helio- tropeu. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 8, 1888, 238-241. Ueber photographische Aufnabmen der Sonnenpro- tuberanzen. Astr. Nachr., 126, 1891, 227-228. A simple rule for finding the day of the week corre- sponding to any given day of the month and year. Nature, 48 (1893), 222-223. Die Gravitations-Constante, die Masse und mittlere Dichte der Erde nach einer neuen experimentellen Bestimmung. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 64, 1897, 187-258. Braun, L. , & Bbert, Robert. Ueber Disulfhydrate und Dirhodanate des Naphtalins. Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2735-2739. Braun, Leonh. Ueber die Absorption von Stickstoff und von Wasserstoff in wiisserigen Losungen verschieden dissociierter Stoffe. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 33, 1900, 721-739. Braun, Louis. L'horlogerie electro-automatique. [1894.] Genie Civil, 26, 1894-95, 3-7. Braun, Ludivig. Ueber die Einwirkung von Isobutyr- aldehyd auf Malon- und Cyanessig-Saure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 105, 1896 (Aith. 2b}, 164-181; Mhefte. Chem., 1896, 207-224. Ueber osteoplastisches Carcinom der Prostata, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Genese der perniciosen Anamie. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 481-484, 527-532, 582-588. Der Ausdruck der Herzbewegungen an der Thorax- wand. Wien. Med. Wschr., 46, 1896, 2121-2125, 2177- 2183. Ueber den Werth des Kinematographen fiir die Erkenntniss der Herzmechanik. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 1), 185-186; Wien. Med. Wschr., 47, 1897, 2025-2028. Braun, Ludivig, & IMager, WiUtelm. Ueber die Wirkung der Digitaliskorper auf das isolirte Siiugethierherz (Langendorff'sches Praparat). Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 3), 471-558. Ueber die Wirkung der Galle und der gallensaureu Salze auf das isolirte Saugethierberz (Langendorff'sches Praparat). Wien, Ak. Sber., 108, 1899 (Abth. 3), 5.59-586. Braun, ]\Iax[imilian]. *Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Papageien. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 227-229. Die niederen Tiere des Finnischen Meerbusens. Hum- boldt, 4, 1885, 440-442. Ueber die Turbellarien Livlands. Zool. Anz. , 8, 1885, 696-699. Einige fiir die Ostseeprovinzen neue Land- und SiisswassermoUusken. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 47-48. Verzeichniss baltischer Conchylien, gesammelt von Herrn Akademiker L. von Schkenck. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 49-50. Braun] 776 [Braun Aufzahlung von Land- und Silsswassermollusken aus dem Gouvernement Pleskau (Pskow). [1881.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 50-51. Teniperatur und Salzgehalt des Wasseis ini Finnischen Meerbusen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 51-52. DieFauna des Finnischen Meerbusens. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 140-143. [Insectenlarven im Weizen.] [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 149-150. Einige helminthologiscbe Mittheilungen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 175-177. Ueber abnorme Einschliisse in Hiihnereiern. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 190-191. Bin Blasenwurm aus dem Muskelfleisch eines Hasen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 191-193. "Verzeichniss der Echinodermen des Hafens von Mahon, Menorea. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 307-310. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die rhabdocoelen Turbellavien der Umgebung von Dorpat. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 318-320. Ueber alloiocoele Turbellarien des Peipus. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 333-335, 341. Ueber das Genus Castrada und die in Livland vor- kommenden Arten desselben. [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 341-342. Ueber die Khabdocoelidenfauna Livlands, [1885.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 359-361. Betnerkungen iiber Lacerta milisellensis, Br. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 426-429. Zur Behandlung der Antbozoen. Zool. Anz., 9, 1886, 458-459. Einige Bemerkungen zu Prof. R. Blanchauu's Artikel : " La nomenclature zoologiciue et rhelminthologie." Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 585-586. Die Finnen von Botbriocephalus latus, Brcnis. Centrbl. Bakt., 1, 1887, 649-650. Die Orthonectiden. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 255-261. Ueber Dicyemiden. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 386-390. Ueber parasitische Strudelwiirmer. Zusammenfas- sender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 2, 1887, 452-457, 478- 484; 5, 1889, 41-44. Was thut uns Noth ? Ein Mahnwort an AUe, die es angeht. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 97-102. Notiz iiber die Zabl der vor der Begattung verbrauchten Liebespfeile. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 102-103. Zur Landmolluskenfauna einiger dalmatinischer In- Beln. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 106-111. Ueber eine Art Stimme bei Helix aperta, Bom. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 19, 1887, 125. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber den breiten Bandwurm. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 102-104. Ueber parasitische Schnurwiirmer. Zusammenfas- sender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 16-19, 56-58. Die Myzostoraiden. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 183-186, 210-213, 248-252. Ueber den Harnleiter bei Helix. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 109-113. Ueber die Entwicklung des Harnleiters bei Helix pomatia, L. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 129-133. Zur Frage der Selbstbefruchtung bei Zwitterschnecken. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 20, 1888, 146-148; Humboldt, 8, 1889, 18-20. Ueber das Urogenital- System der Saurier. Mecklenb. • Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, xvii-xviii. Faunistische Untersuchungen in der Bucht von Wismar. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1888, 57-84. Ueber den Zwischenwirlh des breiten Band\vnrme.«. [1886.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 86-87. Ueber parasitische Infusorien im Blute verschiedener Krebse. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 121-126. Ueber parasitische Lameliibranchier. Zusammen- fassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 241-248, 276-282. Ueber parasitische Sclinecken. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 444-448, 480-484, 506-511, 539-544, 794. Die embryonale Entwickelung der Cestoden. Zu- sammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 5, 1889, 667- 671, 697-701, 727-732, 756-760. Gyrocotyle, Amphiptyches und Verwandte. Zusammen- fassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 436-441. Die postembryonale Entwickelung der Najaden. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl, 21, 1889, 14-19. Harnleiter und Niere der Pulmonaten. Deutsch. Malakozool. Ges. Nachrbl., 21, 1889, 31. Die Moraentphotographie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Tierkunde. Humboldt, 8, 1889, 96-98. Der Parasitisnius unserer Siisswassermuscheln. Hum- boldt, 8, 1889, 183-189. Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Hehnin- thologie, Humboldt, 8, 1889, 465-469 ; 9, 1890, 275-278. Ueber Anatomic und Entwickelung des Excretions- Apparates der Lungenschnecken. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1889, xiv-xv. Notiz iiber Triatonium elongatum, N. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 433-434. Die Lage der Excretionspori bei den ektoparasitischen Trematoden. Zool. Anz., 12, 1889, 620-622. Ueber Temuocephala. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 84-90, 125-128. Notiz iiber Auswanderung von Distomen. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 568. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Korperbedeckung ekto- parasitischer Trematoden. Centrbl. Bakt., 7, 1890, 594-598. [Ueber die beiden braunen Froscharten aus der Um- gebung Restocks.] Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, vii. Die Froscharten in Mecklenburg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, 41-47. Helminthologiscbe Mittheilungen. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 52-56; 14, 1893, 802-804; 15, 1894, 409-413, 680- 682; {Aht. 1), 20, 1896, 580-588. Ueber Echinorhynchus polymorphus und filicollis. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 375-380. Die sogenannte " freischwimmende " Sporocyste. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 215-219; Zool. Anz., 14, 1891, 368-369. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte in der thierischen Para- sitenkunde. Centrbl. Bakt., 10, 1891, 389-392, 421-430, 465-471, 493-498, 524-528; 13, 1893, 59-68, 92-101, 176-190, 230-234, 262-272, 328-339. Ueber die Geschichte der Zoologie und der zoologischen Sammlung an [der Universitat] Rostock. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, iii-vii. Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zum zoologischen Theil von "Die landeskuudliche Literatur iiber die Grossherzog- thiimer Mecklenburg," etc. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, 87-95. Verzeichniss von Eingeweidewiirmern aus Mecklen- burg. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, 97-117. Ueber das Wachsthum der Fische in der Unterwarnow. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, 118-125. Notizen iiber mecklenburgische Turbellarien. Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1891, 151-154. Notiz iiber die Mauseplage im Herbst 1890. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch. , 1891, 180-181. Ueber Distomum folium, Olf. Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 461-463. Ueber Eurycuilum Sluiteri, Br, Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 727-729. Braun] 777 [Braune (Jeber einige wenig bekannte resp. neue Trematoden, Deiitach. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1892, 44-52. Erinnerungsworte an Karl Ernst von Baer. Kouigsb. Schr.. 33, 1892, [12H14]. Erzeugung von jiingen Tieren ohne miitterliche Eigen- scbaften und die Bedeutung dieser Erscheinung fiir die Vererbungstheorie. Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, [39H41]. Ueber die Erzeugung von Zwillings-, Halb- und Zwergbildungen. Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, [50]-[55]. Bothrvocephalus-Finnen in Hechten des St. Peters- burger Fischmarktes. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 17, 1892, 270. Die Wohnsitze der entoparasitischen Trematoden. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 465-468. Die Leberdistomen der Hauskatze (Felis catus domes- ticus und verwandte Arten). Centrbl. Bakt., 14, 1893, 381-392, 422-428. Cryptobranchius japonicus. Konigsb. Schr., 34, 1893, [12]. Physikalische und biologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Theil des Finnischen Meerbusens. [1885.] Arch. Nat. (Dorpat) {Ser. 2), 10, [1894], 1-129. Die rhabdocoeliden Turbellarien Livlands. [1885.] Arch. Nat. (Dorpat) (Ser. 2), 10, [1894], 131-251. Ueber ein fiir den Menschen neues Distomum aus der Leber. Centrbl. Bakt., 15, 1894, 602-606. Distomum sibiricuni, n.sp., Monostomum hepaticum Suis, n. sp. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 128-129. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Holostomiden. Nach den Untersuchungen der Herren Alfred und Oscar Ehbhardt. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 165-167. Ueber einige Besonderbeiten tierischer Parasiten. [1894.] Konigsb. Schr., 35, 1895, [11]412]. Ueber kopfloae Bandwiirmer. Konigsb. Schr., 36, 1896, [12]-[13]. Ueber im Blute lebende Wiirmer. Konigsb. Schr., 37, 1896, [20]-[21]. Ueber einen proliferierenden Cysticercus aus dem Ziesel. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 417-420. Ueber Cysticercus longicollis, Rud. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 162-163. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Cysticercus longi- collis, Rud. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 1-2. Ueber Distomum lucipetum, Rud. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 2-3. Trematoden der Dahl'schen Sammlung aus Neu- Guinea nebst Bemerkungen iiber endoparasitische Treniatoden der Cheloniden. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 25, 1899, 714- 725 ; 26, 1899, 627-632. Eine neue Calicotyle-Art des Mittelmeeres. Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 80-82. Bemerkungen iiber den " sporadischen Fall von Anguillula intestinalis in Ostpreussen." Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 26, 1899, 612-615. Eine neue Clinostomum-Art aus Ardea purpurea. Torino Mus. Boll., 14, 1899, No. 364, 3 pp. Ein neues Distomum aus Porphyrio. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 1-4. Ueber Distomum cucumerinum, Rud. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 465-468, 520. Ueber Clinostomum, Leidy. [1899-1900.] Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 484-488, 489-493, 520; Centrbl. Bakt. {Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 24-32; Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 14, 1901, 1-48. Ueber Campula oblonga, Cobb. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 249-254. Trematoden der Chiroptera. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 15, 1900, 217-236. Bemerkungen iiber die Fascioliden-Gattung Ehopalias. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 27-29. Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel von W. G. Mac Callum, " On the species Clinostomum hetero- stomum." Zool. Anz,, 23, 1900, 140-141. R. S. A. C. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fascioliden der Chirop- tera. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 387-391. Braun, R[ichard]. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Liebstockols. [1896.] Arch. Pharm., 235, 1897, 1-19. Braun, Rudolf. Ueber die Leerlaufreibung von Induktions- motoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 685-687. Braun, W. Messungen des Potentialgefalles der Luft- elektrizitat in Bamberg. Bamb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 17, 1897 (No. 2). 60 pp. Braun, Wilhelm. *Schwingende Bewegung einer kreis- formigen Scheibe im widerstehendeu Mittel. [1883.] Exner, Kepertm., 20, 1884, 771-787. Die Abhangigkeit der Luftdampfung von Temperatur- schwankuugen. Exner, Kepertm., 20, 1884, 821-824. Braun von Femwald, C[arl] Rludolph]. For biography and works see N. Y. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, 695-696; Wien. Med. Wschr., 41, 1891, 628-629. Braun von Femwald, Richard. Beitrag zur Becken- messung. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1894 (Th. 2, Halfte 2), 131-134. Braune, [Christian] Wilhelm. For biography and list of works see Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 440-445, 476 ; Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1892, 231-256; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 108. Ueber einige Formverhaltnisse des menschlichen Fusses. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. R., 1884 (T. 1, Anat.), 53. Ueber den Mechanismus der menschlichen Hand. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 395-396. Ueber die Messungen an Hand und Fussbeim lebenden Menschen. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1887, 33. Der Stemalwinkel, angulus Ludovici, in anatomischer und klinischer Beziehung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1888, 304-324. Das Sternum ein Hemmungsapparat der Rippenbe- wegung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1889 (SuppL), 239-240. Das Gewichtsverhaltniss der rechten zur linken Hirn- halfte beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1891, 253-270. Braune, [Christian] Wilhelm, & Fischer, Otto. Die bei der Untersuchung von Gelenkbewegungen anzuwendende Methode, erlautert am Gelenkmechanismus des Vorder- arms beim Menschen. [1885.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 13, 1887, 313-336. Die Lange der Finger und Metacarpalknochen an der menschlichen Hand. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1887, 107-118. [Untersuchungen iiber die Gelenke des menschlichen Armes.] ii. Theil. Ueber den Antheil, den jedes der beiden Handgelenke an den Gesammtflexionen der Hand besitzt. [1887.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 14, 1888, 107-150. Das Gesetz der Bewegungen in den Gelenken an der Basis der mittleren Finger und im Handgelenk des Menschen. [1887.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 14, 1888, 201-227. Ueber den Antheil den die einzelnen Gelenke des Schultergiirtels an der Beweglichkeit des menschlichen Humerus haben. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 14, 1888, 393-410. Bemerkungen zu E. Fick's Arbeit: "Ueber die Methode der Bestimmung von Drehungsmomenten." Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1889 (SuppL), 213- 221. Ueber den Schwerpunkt des menschlichen Korpers mit Riicksicht auf die Ausriistung des deutschen Infan- teristen. [1889.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 15, 1890, 569-672. Ueber eine Methode, Gelenkbewegungen am Lebenden zu messen. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 2, Abth. 1), 53-56. Die Botationsmomente der Beugemuskeln am Ellbo- 98 Braune] 778 [Braunmiihl gengelenk des Menschen. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh. , 15, 1890, 243-340. Nachtragliche Notiz iiber das Kniegelenk. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 431-432. Die Bewegungen des Kniegelenks nach einer neuen Methode am lebenden Menschen gemessen. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 17, 1891, 75-150. Bestimmung der Tragheitsmomente des menschlichen Korpers und seiner Glieder. [1892.] Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 18, 1893, 407-492. Der Gang des Menschen. i. Theil. Versuche am unbelasteten nnd belasteten Menschen. Leipzig, Math. Phys. Abh., 21, 1895, 151-322. Braune, [Christian'] Wilhelm, & Stahel, Hans. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Lungen, als zu ventilirender Luftraume, zu den Bronchien als luftzuleitenden Eohren. Leipzig Math. Phys. Ber., 37, 1885, 326-832; Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Anat. Abth.), 1886, 5-44. Brauneck, Hermlann]. Ein Fall von hochgradiger Miss- bildung der Extremitaten. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 15, 1888, 57-59. Die Eontgenstrahlen in der Chirurgie. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 54, 1897, 50-57. Brauneck, Herm[ann], & Kries, J[ohann] von. See Xries & Brauneck. Brauner, A[leksandr]. -SaMiTKII 0 HTHIiaXT. XepCOH- CKOfi rySepHilf. (Bemerkungen iiber die Vogel des Gouvernements von Cherson.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 19 (No. 1), 1894, 39-93. SaM^TKH 0 nTHI];ax'B KpHMa. (Bemerkungen iiber die Vogel der Krim.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 23 (No. 1), 1899, 1-44. SaM-feTKa 0 KpHMCKOMT) OJiewk. (Bemerkungen iiber den Edelhirsch aus der Krim.) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 23 (No. 2), 1900, 1-21. Brauner, Bohuslav. *Die Weiterentwicklung des periodi- schen Systems der Elemente. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [49H51]. [The remarkable sunsets.] Nature, 29, 1884, 223-224. Contributions to the chemistry of the cerite metals. HI. Chem. Soc. Jl., 47, 1885, 879-897; Wien, Ak. Sber., 92, 1886 (Abth. 2), 814-835; Mhefte. Chem., 1885, 785-806. 0 hutnote roztoku sulfatu ceria. [On the density of cerium sulphate solutions.] Prag, Sber., 1887 (Math.- Nat.), 107-113 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 357-363 ; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 239-245. Novf oxyd olova, jako2to pfispevek ku seznani licinku katalytickeho. [Ueber ein neues Oxyd des Bleis, als Beitrag zur Kenntniss der katalytischen Erscheinungen.] Prag, Sber., 1887 (Math.-Nat.), 295-299 (Res. 299). The standard of atomic weights. Chem. News, 58 1888, 307-308. Sun columns. Nature, 38, 1888, 414. Die Basis der Atomgewichte. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1186-1192. Sur I'occlusion de I'oxygene dans I'argent. Brux., Ac Bull., 18, 1889, 81-90. Experimental researches on the periodic law. Part i. Tellurium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 382-411- Wien Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Abth. 26), 456-502 ; Mhefte.' Chem.', 1889, 411-457. Ueber die Constitution einiger Metallchloride. Deutsch Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 235-236. Constitution of the chlorides of aluminium and the allied metals. Nature, 39, 1889, 318-319. Volumetrische Bestimmung des Tellurs, eine maass- analytische Studie. [1890.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 99 1891 (Abth. 2fc), 539-550; 100,1891 (Abth. 2h), ^1-5%; Mhefte Chem., 1890, 526-537; 1891, 29-48; Chem. Soc Jl 59 1891, 58-67, 238-253. — — Ueber das Atomgewicht des Lanthans. Berlin, Chem Ges. Ber. , 24, 1891, 1328-1331. Fluoplumbaty a voln^^ fluor. [Fluorplumbates and free fluorine.] Prag, 6eske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rnzpr. (Tfida 2), 3, 1894, No. 18, 9 pp. ; Chem. Soc. JL, 65, 1894, 393-402; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 1-12 ; N. Y. Ac. Trans., 14, 1895, 1-6. Some remarks on "argon." Chem. News, 71, 1895, 79. How to prepare argon on a large scale. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 116-117. Note on gases of the helium and argon type. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 271. Cerium. Chem. News, 71, 1895, 283-285. Action of hydrogen sulphide on solutions of antimonic, arsenic, and telluric acids. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 527-548. On the atomic weight of tellurium. Chem. Soc. Jl., 67, 1895, 549-551. 0 pusobeni sirovodika na roztoky kyselin antimoniCne, arseniCn^ a tellurov^. [On the action of hydrogen sul- phide on solutions of antimonic, arsenic and telluric acids.] Prag, Cesk^ Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Trida 2), 4, 1895, No. 26, 19 pp. Argon a helium, novf typ plynu. [Argon and helium, new types of gases.] Prag, 6esk^ Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tfida 2), 4, 1895, No. 27, 11 pp. Action of hydrogen sulphide on cupric salt solutions. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 99. Argon, helium and Pbout's hypothesis. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 223-224. Sun columns at night. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 486. Prdce z chemick^ho laboratoria c. k. Cesk^ University. [Work from the chemical laboratory of the Bohemian University.] Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tfida 2), 5, 1896, No. 34, 11 pp. On the chemistry and the atomic weight of thorium. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 609. O zakladni hodnote^atomov^ch vah. [Die Basis der Atomgewichte.] Prag, Cesk^Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tfida2), 6, 1897, No. 5, 6 pp.; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 256-262. Contributions to the chemistry of thorium ; com- parative research on the oxalates of the rare earths. Chem. Soc. Jl., 73, 1898 (Pt. 2), 951-985; Prag, Ceske Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tfida 2), 8, 1899, No. 5, 32 pp. On the atomic weight of thorium. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 68-69. On the compound nature of cerium. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc, 14, 1899, 69-70. Onpraseodidymiumandneodidymium. [1898.] Chem. Soc. Proc. , 14, i899, 70-72. Beitrag zur Chemie der seltenen Erden. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 1), 131. Ueber die Stellung der seltenen Erdmetalle im perio- dischen System. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 131-133. O plynech typu argono-helioveho a jejich pomeru k Mendelejevove periodick^ soustave. [Ueber die Gase des Argon- Helium-Typus und das periodische System.] Prag, Cesk^ Ak. Fr. Jos. Rozpr. (Tfida 2), 8, 1899, No. 21, 4 pp.; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 708-712. Brauner, Bohuslav, & Tomicek, F[rantit!ek]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelwasserstoff aus Arsensaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Abth. 2), 959-977; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 607-625; Cliem. Soc. Jl., 53, 1888, 145-159; Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 1-18, 446. Braunmiihl, A[nton] von. Note iiber jj-reihige Charak- teristiken, die aus Dritteln ganzer Zahlen gebildet sind, und das Additionstheorem der zugehorigen Thetafunk- tionen. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 18, 1886, 37-43. Notiz iiber geodatische Linien auf den dreiaxigen Flachen zweiten Grades, welche sich durch elliptische Braunmuhl] 779 [Brauns Functionen darstellen lassen. Math. Ann,, 26, 1886, 151-153. Untersuchungen iiber p-veihige Charakteristiken, die aus Dritteln ganzer Zahlen gebildet sind, und die Addi- tionstheoreme der zugehorigen Thetafunktionen. [1887.] Munchen, Ak. Abh., 16, 1888, 325-368. Ueber die Goepel'sche Gruppe p-reihiger Theta- charakteristiken, die aus Dritteln ganzer Zahlen gebildet sind und die Fundamentalrelationen der zugehorigen Thetafunctionen. Math. Ann., 32, 1888, 513-544. Ueber Gruppen von js-reihigen Charakteristiken, die aus 7i-teln ganzer Zahlen gebildet sind und die Relationen zugehoriger Thetafunctionen n""' Ordnung. Math. Ann., 37, 1890, 61-99. Notiz iiber die ersten Kegelschnittzirkel. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 35, 1890 {Hist.-Lit. Abth.), 161-165. Beitrag zur Geschichte der prosthapharetischen Methode in der Trigonometrie. Bibl. Math., 1896, 105- 108. Beitriige zur Geschichte der Trigonometrie. [1897.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 71, 1898, 1-30. NASsfR Eddin Tusi und Regiomontan. [1897.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 71, 1898, 31-67. Zur Geschichte des spharischen Polardreieckes. Bibl. Math., 1898, 65-72. Zur Geschichte der prosthapharetischen Methode in der Trigonometrie. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 44, 1899 (Suppl.), 15-29. Die Entwickelung der Zeichen- und Formelsprache in der Trigonometrie. Bibl. Math., 1, 1900, 64-74. Braunmiiller, E., & Keinke, J[ohannes]. See Beinke & Braunmiiller. BrauDov. See Brounov. Brauns, Dlavid August]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 29, 1893, 209-210; Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1894, 40. To reference in No. 25 {Vol. 9) add Japan Asiat. See. Trans., 12, 1886, 230-242. *Ueber einen abnorm entwickelten Punkt im nord- deutschen Flotzgebirge. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1873, 129. *Ueber die Natur und Entstehungsweise des oberen Diluviums der Mark Brandenburg. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 199-200. *Ueber die Geologic Ost-Japans, insbesondere der Insel Yesso (Hokkaido). Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 176-179. Ueber die Ethnologie Japans. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 319. Die Geologic Japans. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl. , 1884, 319-320. Die Insel Yeso und ihre Bewohner. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1884, 385-390; Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1884, 119-120; Humboldt, 3, 1884, 433-439. Bemerkungen iiber die geographisehe Verbreitung der Saugethiere Japans. Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1884, 85- 114; 1886, 24-26; 1886, 70-78. Bemerkungen iiber die Musteliden Japans, und ihre geographisehe Verbreitung, insbesondere iiber die japa- nische Otter. Jena. Ztschr., 17, 1884, 452-464. Ein Ausflug von Tokio ins Innere Japans im Sommer 1880, Halle Ver. Erdk. Mitth., 1885, 11-23. Fernere Bemerkungen iiber den japanischen Norz. Jena, Ztschr., 18, 1885, 666-676. Ueber die Geologic Campaniens. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1887, 115-116. Das Problem des Serapeums von Pozznoli. Leopol- dina, 24, 1888, 132-136, 150-152, 161-164, 189-192, 209-212. Ein Beitrag zu der Stammesgeschichte der Saurop- siden. [1889-90,] Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 147-152, 160- 164, 186-188, 201-203, Ausbruch des japanischen Vulkans Bandai-San am 15 Juli 1888, [1890,] Halle Natf. Ges. Ber., 1888-90, 31-34. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber die Verwerthung der Temperaturbeobachtungen in Tiefbohrlochern zu empi- rischen Formeln. Halle Natf. Ges. Abh., 17, 1892, 245- 255. Brauns, D[avid August], & Berendt, G[ottlieh Michael]. See Berendt <& Brauns. Brauns, I<\erdinand]. Ueber die Einwirkung von Anilin und Toluidin auf Nitro-^-naphtochinon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 1133-1136. Brauns, Hans. Die Ophioniden, Mecklenb, Ver, Nat, Arch,, 1889, 73-100. Aus der Fauna Mecklenburg's. Ent. Nachr,, 17, 1891, 107-110, 119-125, Neue Schlupfwespen aus Mecklenburg, Mecklenburg Ver. Nat. Arch., 1897, 58-72. Monstrositat. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat, Arch., 1898, 56-57. Ein neuer Dorylidengast des Mimicry- Typus, Wien, Ent. Ztg., 17, 1898, 224-227, 256, Zur Kenntniss der siidafrikanischen Hymenopteren, Wien, Nat, Hist. Hofmus, Ann,, 13, 1898, 382-423, Ein neuer termitophiler Aphodier aus dera Oranje- Freistaat, [Mit Bemerkungen und einer Tafel von E, Wasmann, S.J,] Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus, Ann,, 15, 1900, 164-168. Brauns, Reinhard [Anton]. Einige Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen zur Beurtheilung optisch anomaler Krystalle. Neues Jbuch. Min,, 1885 {Bd. 1), 96-118, Bimssteine auf primarer Lagerstatte von Gorzhausen bei Marburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 234-236. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Structurflachen des Sylvin. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 1), 224-233. Manganit von Oberstein a. d. Nahe, Neues Jbuch, Min., 1886 {Bd. 1), 252-253. Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Methylenjodids bei petrographischen und optischen Untersuchungen. Neues Jbuch, Min,, 1886 {Bd. 2), 72-78, Was wissen v^ir iiber die Ursachen der optischen Anomalien? Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verh., 44, 1887, 510-537. Zur Frage der optischen Anomalien. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1887 {Bd. 1), 47-57, Ueber Winkelschwankuugen isotroper und doppelt- brechender regularer Krystalle, Neues Jbuch, Min., 1887 {Bd. 1), 138-146. Studien iiber den Palaeopikrit von Amelose bei Bie- denkopf und dessen Umwandlungsprodukte. Neues Jbuch. Min. {Beil.-Bd.), 5, 1887, 275-329, Mineralien und Gesteine aus dem hessischen Hinter- land. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 40, 1888, 465-482; 41, 1889, 491-544. Eine einfache Methode, Methylenjodid zu klaren. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1888 {Bd. 1), 213-214. Ueber Aetzfiguren an Steinsalz und Sylvin. Zwillings- streifung bei Steinsalz. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 {Bd. 1), 113-129. Ueber die Entstehung der sog. Rutschflachen im bunten Sandstein der Umgebung von Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1890 (Bd. 1), 97-98, {Bd. 2), 190-191. Die optischen Anomalien der Krystalle, Leipzig Jablon, Preisschr., 29, 1891, 370 pp.; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 {Bd. 1), 198-209, Noch einmal iiber die "Spiegel" im Buntsandstein der Gegend von Marburg, Neues Jbuch. Min., 1891 {Bd. 1), 268-271, Krystallographisch-optische Beobachtungen an Chlor- und Bromzimmtaldehyd. Neues Jbuch, Min,, 1891 {Bd. 2), 12-20. Hauyn in den Bimssteinsanden der Umgegeud von Marburg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 44, 1892, 149-150. 98—2 Braunsl 780 [Bravo Eine Bemerkung zur Abhandlung von E. Mallard : Sur le grenat pyr^n^ite. [France Soc. Min. Bull., 14, 1891, 293-302.] Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 {Bd. 1), 217-219. Albit, Analcim, Natrolith, Prehnit und Kalkspath, Verwitterungsprodukte eines Diabases von Friedensdorf bei Marburg. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 (Bd. 2), 1-24. Ueber das Verhalten der Titansaure gegen Phosphor- salz vor dem Lothrohr. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 [Bd. 2), 237-238; 1893 [Bd. 1), 89-90. Betrachtungen iiber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Mineralien der Serpentin-, Chlorit- und Glimmer- gruppe. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (Bd. 1), 205-244. Ueber Nachbildung von Anhydrit. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1894 (Bd. 2), 257-264. Einige Bemerkungen zu dem von Herrn Ben S.^ude gegebenen Beitrag zu einer Theorie der optischen Ano- maJien der regularen Krystalle. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1895 (Bd. 2), 133-143. ■ Ueber die Einwirkung von trockenem Chlorwasserstoff auf Serpentin. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 8, 1895, 348-351. Eine mikrochemische Eeaction auf Salpetersaure. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 13, 1896, 207-208; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 1), 73. Neue verdeckt liegende Kreuzprismenbewegung fiir Mikroskoptische. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 14, 1897, 11-13. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen dem Schmelzpunkt von Mineralien, ihrer Zonenstructur und Ausscheidungsfolge in Ergussgesteinen. Temperatur der Laven. [1897.] Min. Petr. Mitth., 17, 1898, 485-491. Ueber Polymorphie und die optischen Anomalien von chlor- und bromsaurem Natron. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 1), 40-59. • Diopsid (Salit) als Verwitterungsproduct in Palaeopi- krit von Medenbach bei Herborn. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 2), 79-88; 1899 (Bd. 1, Ref.), 386. Ueber die Krystallisation des Schwefels aus Schmelz- fluss. [1899.] Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 189-193; Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 39-89. Die optischen Anomalien der Mischkrystalle von chlor- und bromsaurem Natron. Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 32, 1897-99, 1-10. Ein neues Contactgestein aus dem Kaiserstuhl. Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 32, 1897-99, 84-95; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1899 (Bd. 1), 79-92. Brauns, Eeinhard [Anton], & Bauer, Max [Hermann], See Bauer & Brauns. Brauns, Eeinhard [Anton], & Oraeff, Franz Frliedrich]. See Oraeff & Brauns. Brauns, Eeinhard [Anton], & Retsers, J[an\ W[illem]. See Betgers & Brauns. Brauns, S[igismund]. Eine neue Xiphydrinengattung. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 3, 1884, 220-222. Neue Ichneumoniden der Schweiz. [1888.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1893, 1-9. Descriptiones specierum novarum Ichneumonidarum e fauna hungarica. Termr. Fiiz., 18 (1896), 42-49; 19 (1896), 270-275. Braunschweig, Paul [Heinrich]. Ueber Allgemein- Infection von der unversehrten Augenbindehaut aus. Fortschr. Med., 7 (1889), 921-928. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Pyoktanin. Klinisches. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 405-416. Zur Kenntniss der infantilen Xerosis Conjunctivse. Fortschr. Med., 8 (1890), 889-900. Eine neue Form des Perimeters. Ztschr. Instru- mentenk., 11, 1891, 58-60. Die primaren Geschwiilste des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 89, 1893 (Abth. 4), 1-93. Braunschweig, R[ichard]. Untersuchungen iiber asym- metrische Bicarbonsauren. i. Ueber die Ester der Methylbernsteinsaure (Brenzweinsaure). Jl. Prakt. Chem., 47, 1893, 274-300. Braunstein, Al. Ueber die Harnstoffbestimmung im Harne. [1900.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 31, 1900-01, 381-388. Braus, Hermann. Ueber Zellteilung und Wachstum des Tritoneies, mit einem Anhang iiber Amitose und Poly- spermie. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 443-511. Kiickenrinne und Kiickennaht der Tritongastrula. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 512-514. Ueber Photogramme von Metallinjectionen mittelst Rontgen-Strahlen. Anat. Anz., 11, 1896, 625-629. [Semon's zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel.] Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Histologic der Leber der Wirbelthiere. [1896.] Jena Denkschr., 5, 1894-97, 301-367. Ueber die Extremitiiten der Selachier. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 166-179. Ueber die Innervation der paarigen Extremitaten bei Selachiern, Holocephalen und Dipnoern. Ein Beitrag zur Gliedmassenfrage. Jena. Ztschr., 31, 1898, 239-468. Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Muskulatur und des peripheren Nervensystems der Selachier. Morphol. Jbuch., 27, 1899, 415-496, 501-629. Ueber den feineren Bau der Glandula bulbourethralis (Cowper'schen Driise) des Menschen. Anat. Anz., 17, 1900, 381-397. Braus, Hermann, & Driiner, L[eo]. Ueber ein neues Prapariermikroskop und iiber eine Methode grossere Tiere in toto histologisch zu konservieren. Jena. Ztschr., 29, 1895, 435-442. See also Driiner & Braus. Brauser, H. Ueber die Haufigkeit des Vorkommens von Urethralfaden. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 66, 1899, 618-623. Erfahrungen iiber Heroin. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 68, 1900, 87-94. Brautlecht, Carl Friedrich Julius. For biography and works see Braunschw. Ver. Nat. Jber., (4), 1887, 207-212. *Ueber Faulnissproducte und Siisswasseralgen und deren pathogene Bedeutung. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 174. *Ueber die Uebertragung der Bakterien aus dem Boden in die Luft. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 323-324. Bravals, A[uguste]. For biographical notice see France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 11, 1863, Ft. 2, 59-62. Bravais, V. [Du traitement de la myopie et du choix des verres correcteurs dans cette affection.] Arch. Augen- heilk., 22, 1891 (Ber., 1890, 21-22). Du mouvement des yeux dans la lecture. [1891.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M6m., 31, 1892, 191-199. Bravard, Augusto. *Monografia de los terrenos marinos Terciarios, de las cercanias del Parana. [1883.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 45-94. Bravin, N[ikolaj] A[leksandrovic]. [0 BLIIHCJieHiH ;i;HJ1 HeaiJiH no ;i;aHHOMy ji;hh) roji,a. On the calculation of the day of the week on a given day of the year.] Kazan Soc. Nat. (Phys.-Math.) Proc, 4, 1886, 235-236. KpaiKiS oTqeTt o npoH3BOji;cTB'fe 6apoMeTpHie- CKaro HiiBejiJiHpoBaHia loatHoft lacTii YpajitcKaro xpeCxa 9Kcne;i;Hii,iett OpeHdyprcKaro OxAiJia HMnepaTopcKaro PyccKaro reorpa4)HiecKaro 06lII,eCTBa JlixOMt 1899 ro;i;a. [Short report on the execution of a barometric levelling of the southern part of the Ural chain by the expedition of the Orenburg section of the Eussian Imperial Geographical Society in the summer of 1899.] St. Petersb., Buss. Geogr.' Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 354-362. Bravo, Jose Alberto, & Zegers, Luis L. See Zegers & Bravo. Bravo, Valentin. *Del ars^nico como antineurdljico, i sobre todo, en las gastraljias. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 43, 1873, 435-452. Bray] 781 [Brazzola Bray, A. Liquides conservateurs pour pieces anatomiques. [1889.] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 16, [1890], 3-8. Bray, E. L^pidopt^res captures aux environs de Virion. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 31-37. Bray, R. A. A remarkable flight of birds. Nature, 52 (1896), 415. Bray, Thomas J. Photomicrography. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 18, 1896, 107-116. Bray, William Bayley. For biographical notice and works see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 84, 1886, 439-441. Bray, William L. The geographical distribution of the FrankeniacesB considered in connection with their systematic relationships. [1897.] Engler, Bot. Jblich., 24, 1898, 395-417. On the relation of the flora of the lower Sonoran zone in North America to the flora of the arid zones of Chili and Argentine. Bot. Gaz., 26, 1898, 121-147. The relations of the North American flora to that of South America. Science, 12, 1900, 709-716. Bray, William L.,& Eigenmann, Carl H. See Btgeniuann & Bray. Bray, William L., & TTline, Edwin B. See TTline & Bray. Brayton, A. W. *Eeport on the Mammalia of Ohio. Ohio Geol. Surv. Kep., 4, 1882, 3-185. Brazier, James Smith. For biography and works see Chem. News, 59, 1889, 46; Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 289-290. Brazier, John. Critical list of Mollusca from north-west coast of Australia. [1884,] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1885, 793-803. Synonymy of some land Mollusca from Papua or New Guinea. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1886, 804-806. List of some recent shells found in layers of clay on the Maclay-Coast, New Guinea. [1884.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1886, 988-992. Synonymy of and remarks upon the specific names and authorities of four species of Australian marine shells, originally described by Dr. John Edward Gray in 1825 and 1827. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1886, 85-94. Description of a new species of Onchidium. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1886, 729. New species of land and fresh water Mollusca from Maclay-Coast and Triton Bay, New Guinea, collectecTby Baron Maclay. [1885.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1886, 841-844. The Trochidffi and other genera of Mollusca from Tasmania, with their synonyms. Tasmania Boy. Soc. Proc, 1886, 193-207. Notes on the distribution of Ceratella fusca, Gray. [1886.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 1, 1887, 575- 576. TrochidsB and other genera of South Australia, with their synonyms. [1886.] S. Aust. Boy. Soc. Trans., 9, 1887, 116-125. [Report on a small zoological collection from Norfolk Island.] in. Mollusca. [1887.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 2, 1888, 993-1001. Notes and critical remarks on a donation of shells sent to the Museum of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [1887.] Jl. Conch., 6, 1889-91, 66-84. Mollusca trawled off Merimbula, New South Wales. [1889.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 4, 1890, 747-750. Description of a new cone from Mauritius. [1891.] N, S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 276. On the synonymy of Helix (Hadra) gulosa, Gould. [1891.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 6, 1892, 321-328. Synonymy of and remarks on old -described Australian Mollusca, with notes on their distribution. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 8, 1894, 107-120. On a new Murex from South Australia. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 8, 1894, 179-180. Distribution of little known Mollusca from Polynesia and Australia, with their synonyms. [1893.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 8, 1894, 430-435. On a Patella said to have been found on the Kermadec Islands. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 183-184. On the correct habitat of Patella kermadecensis, Pilsbry. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 566. . Trochus Adamsi from Port Jackson, and new varieties of Bulimus miltocheilus from the Solomon Islands. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 567-670. On some Australian and Tasmanian Mollusca, with their synonyms. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 9, 1896, 691-700. A British bivalve mollusc (Cryptodon flexuosus, Mont.) found in Australia and Tasmania, with its distribution. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 9, 1896, 725-727. Eossiteria, a new subgenus of the family'^TrochidoB. [1894.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc Proc, 9, 1896, 728. On the new genus Petterdiana. Tasmania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1894-95 (1895), 105. New species of cone from the Solomon Islands. [1895.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 10, 1896, 471. A new genus and three new species of Mollusca from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 21, 1896, 345-347, [vii]. New marine shells from the Solomon Islands and Australia. [1897.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 22, 1898, 779-782. Four new species of Mollusca from Victoria. N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 23, 1898, 271-272. Brazil, Emperor of. See Pedro d' Alcantara. Brazilian Oovemment, Commission. Eclipse total do Sol em 7 de setembro de 1858. Rio de Janeiro Obs. Rev., 1891, 65-66, 81-86, 97-100, 113-117, 131-134, 148-151. Braziliano de Sonza, Jose. L'observation de la lune. Astronomie, 1890, 73-74. Brazza, (comte) Pierre [Paul Francois Camille] Savorgnan de. *Spedizione al flume Ogou6. [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 14, 1877, 209-226, 322-325; 15, 1878, 220-227, 405-406 ; 16, 1879, 68-72, 491-516 ; 17, 1880, 403-404 ; 18, 1881, 48-51, 205-210, 519-528, 843-844. [Expose des derniers travaux de la mission frangaise de rOuest africain.] Paris, Soc. G4ogr. C. R., 1886, 51-84. Brazz^, Pio di, & Vassale, Giulio. See Vassale & Brazz4. Brazz^-Savorgnan, (conte) Giacomo di. For biography see [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 25, 1888, 279-281 ; Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 57 ; Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 78-79. *Studi alpini fatti nella valle di Raccolana. (Alpi Giulie occidentali.) [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 20, 1883, 186-212, 269-283. [Lettere dal Congo.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 21, 1884, 361-374; 22, 1886, 117-134, 204-207, 406-409, 851-854. Tre anni e mezzo nella regione dell' Og6ae e del Congo. [1886.] [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 24, 1887, 224-237, 309-324, 356-380. Brazzola, Floriano. Eicerche suU' istologia normale e patologica del testicolo. [1888.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 681-694; 9, 1888, 79-95. Suir istogenesi del cancro primitive del fegato. Bologna Ace Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 445-450. Contributo alia biologia dell' Actinomyces. Fasi evolutive nelle culture. [1888.] Bologna Rend., 1887- 88, 91-92. Contributo alio studio della morfologia del micror- Brazzola] 782 [Breaudat f^anismo dell' orina filante. [1889.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 785-790. Ulteriori ricerche sulle localizzazioni anatomo- patologiche e sulla patogenesi della tabe dorsale. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 485-499. Ricerche batteriologiche ed anatomo-patologiche sulla porpora. Bologna Ace. Sei. Mem., 3, 1892, 107-114. Ulteriori ricerche suU' etiologia e patogenesi della porpora. Biologia del bacillo della porpora. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sei. Mem., 3, 1892, 695-701; Bologna Eend., 1892-93, 81. Sulle localizzazioni anatomo-patologiche e sulla patogenesi della tabe. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, 417-433. Sulla preparazione del siero antidifterieo. [1895.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 5, 1895-96, 409-421. Contributo alio studio dei Blastomieeti patogeni. [1896] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1896-97, 303-310. Ricerche sulla natura chimica e suU' azione fisio- patologica delle tossine prodotte dallo Stafiloeocco dorato. [1896.] Bologna Rend., 1, 1897, 39-40. L' acquedotto di Bologna studiato in rapporto al- r igiene. Bologna Ace. Sei. Mem., 7, 1897, 91-122. Sulla preparazione del siero contro le infezioni da Stafiloeocco. [1897.] Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 19-23. Sul latte di Bologna. Bologna Rend., 2, 1898, 163- 190. Sulla fisiopatologia degli itteri. [1899.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1899-1900, 457-464. Di una epidemia di ittero. Contributo alio studio deir etiologia degli itteri infettivi. [1899.] Bologna Rend., 4, 1900, 42-44. Brazzola, Floriano, & Ootti, Alfredo. See aotti & Brazzola. Breakell, J. E. Treatment of refractory silver-ores by chlorination and lixiviation. [1898.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16, 1899, 316-330. Breakell, J[phn\ J[ames\. Nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 38, 1895, 309-316. Br6al, £[mtie]. Fixation des zoospores du Chlamydo- monas pulvisculus sous I'influenee de la lumifere. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 32, 1886, 238-239. Observations sur les algues d'eau douce. Ann. Agron., 12, 1886, 317-331. Nouveau proc6d6 pour eonstater la presence des nitrates. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 322-327. Recherehes des nitrates dans les terras eultiv^es, dans les forgts et dans quelques eaux courantes. Ann. Agron., 13, 1887, 561-568. Observations sur les tubercules k bacteries qui se d^veloppent sur les racines des L^gumineuses. Ann. Agron., 14, 1888, 481-495. Observations sur la fixation de I'azote atmosph^rique par les L6gumineuses dont les racines portent des nodosit^s. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 107, 1888, 397-399. Experiences sur la culture des L^gumineuses. Ann. Agron., 15, 1889, 529-551. Fixation de I'azote par les L^gumineuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 670-673; France Soc. Agr. M^m., 134, 1890, 158-160. Fixation de I'azote gazeux pendant la vegetation. Ann. Agron., 18, 1892, 369-379. De la presence, dans la paille, d'un ferment aerobie, r^ducteur des nitrates. Paris, Ac. Sei. C. R., 114, 1892, 681-684 ; Ann. Agron., 18, 1892, 181-195. Contribution k I'etude de I'alimentation azotee des v^getaux. Ann. Agron., 19, 1893, 274-293. Alimentation des veg^taux par I'humus et les mati^res organiques. Ann. Agron., 20, 1894, 353-370. Sur la reduction des nitrates dans la terre arable. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 32-37. Decomposition des matieres veg^tales en presence de I'eau et de la terre. Ann. Agron., 22, 1896, 362-375. Production de I'ammoniaque aux depens des matieres vegetales et de I'humus. Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 356- 369. Absorption de I'eau et des matieres dissoutes par la tige des vegetaux. Ann. Agron., 25, 1899, 449-458. Accumulation de I'asparagine dans les Legumineuses eultivees dans une serre a eclairage iusufiisant. Com- bustion du carbone. Absorption de matieres carbonees dissoutes. Ann. Agron., 26, 1900, 5-19. Br^al, Michel. Les lois phoniques. Rev. Sei., 8, 1897, 33-38. Brearey, Frederick W[;illiam]. For biographical notice and works see Aeronaut. Jl., 1, 1897 (No. 1), 9-11. Conjoint gas and mechanical action as applied to flight. Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 19, 1884, 96-99. Remarks upon the late experiments of Mr. Horatio Phillips. [With discussion.] Aei'onaut. Soc. Rep., 23, [1893], 55-64. Brearley, Harry. The estimation of nickel in steel, etc. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 16-17. An auto-pneumatic stirrer. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 63. The estimation of manganese in spiegels, etc. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 13-16. Separations with alkaline acetates. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 253-254; 76, 1897, 49-51, 165-167, 175-177, 210-211, 222-224. A modification of the cyanide titrations of copper. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 189-191. The estimation of copper in presence of other elements. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 291-293, 303-304. Separations from chromic acid. i. The separation of iron. [ii. The separation of iii. The sepa- ration of aluminium, iv. The separation of chromium, and a reply to Mr. Galbraith's criticisms.] Chem. News, 77, 1898, 49-50, 131-133, 179-180, 216-218. Separations with alkaline ehromates. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 14-16. On the analysis of molybdenum compounds. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 203-205 ; 79, 1899, 2-5, 14-15. Notes on the estimation of tungsten. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 64-66. Iron separations with alkaline salts. First paper. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 193-194. A bibliography of steel-works analysis. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 233-234, 245-246, 257-258, 271-273 ; 81, 1900, f9-50, 64-65, 76-77 ; 82, 1900, 16-17, 18-19, 26-27, 42-43, 180-181, 185-187, 197-199, 245-247, 259-260, 281-282, 293-295, 306-307. Note on the direct combustion of metallic alloys. Chem. News, 81, 1900, 91-92. Brearley, Harry, & Bagley, Ernest. See Bagley & Breaxley. Brearley, Harry, & Xbbotson, Fred. See Ibbotson & Brearley. Brearley, Harry, & Jervis, Horace. The eyanometrie estimation of some metals. Chem. News, 78, 1898, 177- 179, 190-191. Brearley, Harry, & Zieffler, Rudolf L. The estimation of carbon in ferro-chrome. Chem. News, 75, 1897, 241-243. Brearley, Joseph Henry Drapier, & Tbrelfall, Richard. See Tbrelfall & Brearley. Br6au. See Quatrefages de Br6au. Br6audat, L. Contribution a I'etude baeteriologique de la fifevre bilieuse hematurique au Tonkin. Arch. Med. Navale, 65, 1896, 457-463. Sur le mode de formation de I'indigo dans les pro- cedes d'extraction industrielle. Fonetions diastasiques des plantes indigoferes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 127, 1898, 769-771; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 50, 1898 (C. R.), 1031-1033. Nouvelles recherehes sur les fonetions diastasiques des plantes indigoferes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1478-1480. Brebner] 783 [Bredichin Brebner, Alan. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 101, 1890, 287-289. Modern harbour construction. [1887.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 12, 1891, 1-29. Brebner, Alan (jun.). Lighthouse-apparatus for dipping- lights. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 78, 1884, 361-365. Relative powers of lighthouse lenses. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 111, 1893, 296-325. The powers of lighthouse-lights by calculation. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 122, 1895, 300-332. Brebner, George. Disease of anemones. Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 308. Experiments with Gymnosporangiura Juniperi. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 218-219. On the origin of the filamentous thallus of Dumontia filiformis. [1894.] Linn. Soc Jl. (Bot.), 30, 1895, 436-443. On the mucilage-canals of the MarattiaeeaB. [1894.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Bot.), 30, 1895, 444-451. On the prothallus and embryo of Danaea. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 857; Ann. Bot., 10, 1896, 109-122. Marine Biological Association, the Laboratory, Plymouth. Report of the Committee... appointed to investigate the relations between physical conditions and marine fauna and flora. Algological notes for Plymouth district. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 485-486. Algological notes. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 179-181, 286-288. Investigations made at the Marine Biological Labora- tory, Plymouth. Report of algological work. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 583-584. On the classification of the Tilopteridaceas. [1897.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 8, 1899, 176-187. Brebner, George, & Schunck, Edward. See Sebnnek & Brebner. Brebner, George, & Scott, Dukinfield H[enry]. See Scott & Brebner. Brebner, James. Astragalus alpinus in Perthshire. Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 310-311. — — Schoenus ferrugineus. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 87. Breckenfeld, A. H. An infusorian in the water of San Francisco. Amer. Micr. JL, 5, 1884, 4-5. A new method of mounting Hydra. Amer. Micr. Jl., 5, 1884, 49-50. The life history of Vaucheria. Amer. Micr. JL, 6, 1885, 2-6. Hydra. A sketch of its structure, habits, and life history. Amer. Micr. JL, 7, 1886, 221-227. Breckenridge, J. E., & Kreider, D[avid] Albert. See Xreider & Breckenridge. Sreda,, AcMUe. [Eczema e sua natura.] [With discussion. 1 Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 5, Derm.), 103-112. Contributo alio studio clinico e batteriologico della framboesia del Brasile o bouba. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 11, 1896, 229-249. Umorismo e pelle. Retrocessioni. Ipotesi vecchie. Verity nuove. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 12, 1896, 69-87. II massaggio nella psoriasi. [1897.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1896-97, 1569-1574. Per la profilassi della lepra in Italia. Padova Ace. Atti e Mem., 14, 1898, 105-116. Intorno ad una nuova varieta (framboesioide) di eritema essudativo polimorfo. [1898.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1897-98, 789-792. Framboesia brasiliana o bouba, quadro clinico desunto da quattordici osservazioni. [1900.] Venezia, Ist. Atti, 1899-1900 {Pt. 2), 871-918. Breda de Haan, J. van. Die Lebensgeschichte des Tabaksiilchens (Heterodera radicicola) und seine Be- kampfung in Deli (Sumatra). Buitenzorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 4, 1900, 1-10. Vorlaufige Beschreibung von Pilzen bei tropisohen Kulturpflanzen beobachtet. Buitenzorg Inst. Bot. Bull., 6, 1900, 11-13. Breddin, Gustav. Die charakter[ist]i8chen Pflanzen der • Salzwiesen zwischen Dodendorf und Siilldorf (Halo- phyten). Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1889, 90. Material zu einer Hemipterenfauna Thiiringens von Kellner. Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1892, 255-271. Javanische Zuckerrohrschadlinge aus der Familie der Rhynchoten. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1896, 105-110. Nachahmungserscheinungen bei Rhynchoten. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 69, 1896, 17-46. Studia hemipterologica. [i-m.] Ent. Nachr., 23, 1897, 339-342; 24, 1898, 113-121, 262-268. Studia hemipterologica. iv. [1898.] Magdeb. Nat. Ver. Jber. u. Abh., 1896-98, 149-163. Hemiptera Insulas Lombok in Museo Hamburgensi asservata adiectis speciebus nonnuUis, quas continet coUectio auctoris. Hamb. Mus. Mitt., 16, 1899, 155- 194; Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 16, 1899, Beiheft 2, 155-194. Hemiptera Heteroptera nova. Rev. Ent., 18, 1899, 80-82. Nova studia hemipterologica. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 1900, 161-185. Hemiptera nonnulla regionis aiistralicas. Ent. Nachr., 26, 1900, 17-46. Materiae ad cognitionem subfarailiae Pachycephalini (Lybantini olim), ex Hemipteris-Heteropteris, Fam. Coreidse. Rev. Ent., 19, 1900, 194-217. Hemiptera sumatrana coUecta a dom. Henrico DoHRN, enumerata et descripta. Pars i. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 61, 1900, 275-336. Hemiptera gesammelt von Professor Kukenthal im Malayischen Archipel. [1900.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 25, 1903, 139-202. Bredel, F. Wassergas in Amerika. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 292-293. Bredichin, F\edorl^ Alleksandrovicl. *[0bservation8 de rObservatoire de Moscou.] Introduction. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1, 1874, iii-xix; 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, iii-viL *Observation8 sur le Jupiter. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 1-8, (Livr. 2), 1876, 42-50. *6toiles filantes, appai'tenant au torrent du mois d'aoiit. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 8-13. *Me8ures micrometriques de la d^clinaison de Junon. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 26-31. *Table auxiliaire pour le calcul de la distance zenithale et de Tangle parallactique pour I'Observatoire de Moscou. <^ = 55° 45'-3. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1875, 32-37. 'Observations spectroscopiques du Soleil faites en 1874[-80]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1876, 38- 68, (Livr. 2), 1876, 1-26; 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 110-120; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 89-94 ; 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 146-150 ; 6 (Livr. 2), 1880, 86-94 ; 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 79-89. *Ob8ervations astronomiques et physiques sur la Com^te de 1874 (III). Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 1), 1876, 80-93. 'Observations de la Comete d'ENCKK. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 27-33. *Spectre des n^buleuses. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 60-64. "Observations de Mars en opposition. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 65-68 ; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 1-4. *Sur I'equation personnelle absolue. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 69-72. *Etoile8 filantes du mois d'aodt 1875. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 73-74. *InegaUtes de la vis micrometrique du grand r^- fracteur. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 75-79. 'Observations des n^buleuses. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2 (Livr. 2), 1876, 114-124. *Sur les formes anomales dans le d^veloppement des com^tes. 1. Comete 1862 U. [2. Comete 1861 II.] Bredichin] 784 [Bredichin Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 1), 1877, 1-46 ; 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, 34-81. *Sur la queue de la Com^te de 1874 c. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 {Livr. 2), 1877, 1-22. *Sur la parallaxe de I'etoile n^buleuse, H. iv. 37. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 91-98. * Spectre des n^buleuses planetaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 120-126. *Observations de Jupiter en 1876[-82]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 127-134 ; 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 77- 83; 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 140-145; 6 (Livr. 2), 1880, 95- 106; 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 94-102; 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 110- 113. *Mesures microm^triques de quelques groupes d'etoiles. Moscou Obs. Ann., 3 (Livr. 2), 1877, 145-156. *Spectre de la Comete de 1877 b. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 1), 1878, 104-108. *Mesures microm^triquesdugroupe dePers^e. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 5-11. *Observations de la Comete de 1877 b (Winnecke). Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 71-74. *Ob8ervations de la Comete de 1877 c. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 75-76. *Sur I'^clipse totale de lune du 23 aoAt 1877. Moscou Obs. Ann., 4 (Livr. 2), 1878, 95-98. *Sur la Comete de 1877 b (Winnecke). Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 72-78. *Sur la queue de la Comete de 1860 III, Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 79-89. *Sur la Comete de Halley (1835). Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 90-95. *[Kemarques g^n^rales sur les com^tes.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 1), 1878, 96-97, (Livr. 2), 1879, 29-45. *0 XBOCrax'B KOMeil. [On the tails of comets.] [1878.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 34, 1879, 80-83. *Recherches sur les queues des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 46-88; 6 (Livr. 1), 1879, 44-58; 7 (Livr. 1), 1880, 1-63, (Livr. 2), 1881, 54-78. *Sur la constitution probable des queues des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 137-139. *Mesures microm^triques d' Algol. Moscou Obs. Ann., 5 (Livr. 2), 1879, 151-153. *Sur la constitution des cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Livr. 1), 1879, 59-61. *Observations de la Comete de Broesen (1879). Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Livr. 1), 1879, 100-103. *Positions de la Comfete de 1858 V. Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Livr. 1), 1879, 104-116. *Sur la resistance de I'^ther produite par le mouve- ment de translation du systlme solaire. [1864.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 6 (Livr. 2), 1880, 20-49. *The tails of comets. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 454-455. *Observation8 de quelques cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 90-93; 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 114- 116. 'Observations de la Comete de 1861 (2). Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 105-109. *Note. [L'aurore polaire du 12 aout 1880, a Wladimir.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 7 (Livr. 2), 1881, 109. *Experiences faites avec le pendule a reversion. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 1), 1882, 31-56. *Recherches sur les Cometes de 1881 & et c et de 1825 IV. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 1), 1882, 57-96. 'Observations spectroscopiques du Soleil en 1872 [et en 1873]. Moscou Obs. Ann., 8 (Livr. 2), 1882, 1-33. 34-65. *Sur le milieu resistant. [1864.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 18-23. *Sur la Comfete de 1882 I (Wells). Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 24-38. Note sur le pendule a reversion. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 1), 1883, 103-106; 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 111. *Recherches sur la Comete de 1882 II. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 (Livr. 2), 1883, 48-77. Calcul des ^phemerides des queues cometaires. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 293-298; JVIoscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 1-6. Sur quelques anomalies apparentes dans les queues cometaires. Astr. Nachr., 107, 1884, 379-382. Les ondes cosmiques formant la queue de la grande Comete de 1882. Astr. Nachr., 108, 1884, 1-4. Sur quelques remarques concernant [ses] recherches sur les cometes. Astr. Nachr., 109, 1884, 281-288. Note sur la queue du i. type de la Comete 1882 II. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 7-12. Sur rhypoth^se des ondes cosmiques, composee pour I'explication des formes cometaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 13-33. Sur les syndynames et les synchrones dans les cometes et quelques remarques concernant [ses] recherches sur les formes cometaires. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 1), 1884, 75-99. Les syndynames et les synchrones de la Comete Pons- Brooks (1883-1884). Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 2), 1884, 97-120, 149-154; Spettrosc. Ital. Mem., 13,1885, 145-156. Sur la queue du premier type de la Comete de 1744. Moscou Obs. Ann., 10 (Livr. 2), 1884, 142-148. Quelques formules de la th^orie des cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 3-16. Sur la grande Comete de 1811. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 58-69. Sur les t§tes des cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 60, 1884, 79-86. [Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss am 4. October 1884 und von Sternbedeckungen wahrend der- selben.] Auf der Stern warte in Moskau. 4^str. Nachr., Ill, 1885, 11-12. Nouvelles recherches sur les cometes. Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 1), 1886, 1-70. Ee vision des valeurs numeriques de la force repulsive. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 61, 1886 (Pt. 1), 1-36. Sur les oscillations des jets d'emission dans les cometes. Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 61, 1886 (Pt. 1), 93-118. Sur les grandes Cometes de 1886. (41 ; 42.) Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 62 (Pt. 2), 1887, 1-8; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 1-6. Sur la grande Comete de 1886 / (Barnard). (43.) Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 1, 1887, 42-48; Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 7-12. Beobachtungen der totalen Mondfinsterniss 1888 Jan. 28. Auf der Sternwarte in Moskau. Astr. Nachr., 118, 1888, 313-314. Quelques remarques sur I'origine des meteores. Bull. Astr., 5, 1888, 521-523; Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 249- 252, Sur la grande Comete de 1887 I, [1888.] Moscou Obs. Ann., 1 (Livr. 2), 1888, 29-36, 125-128; Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 2, 1889, 261-268, 545-548. Quelques mots sur I'origine des cometes periodiques. Astr. Nachr., 120, 1889, 331-332. Quelques propriet^s remarquables des courants me- teoriques. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 24, 1889, 273- 279. Ha6jiio;i,eHia nsij^Ty KaianiaMH noBopoTHaro MaaiHHKa PEircojibjiia, npoHSBejueHHua bt. cejii ^KeJTTyxiIH'fe H B. IIIepeMeTI.eBK'fe. [Observations on the oscillation of a Repsold reversing pendulum, made in Zeltuchina and B. Seremetjevka.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 25, 1889, 178-185. Sur I'origine des etoiles filantes. [1888.] Moscou Bredichin] 785 [Bredt Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 1-60; Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 18-72. Sur les compagnons de la Comete 1889 V (Brooks juillet 6). Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 321-324; Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 158-163. Sur I'origine des cometes pcriodiques. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 1-17; Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 181-201. Sur les proprietes importantes des courants meteo- riques. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 135-157; Moscou Soc. Nat. Bull., 3, 1890, 629-652. Note sur la queue anomale de la Comete de 1889 I. Moscou Obs. Ann., 2, 1890, 164-165. Sur les ph6noraenes extraordinaires present^s par la grande Comete de 1882. [1890.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 37-48. Sur les Perseides observes en llussie en 1890, [1892 et 1894]. [1891-95.] St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 231-258; 35, 1894, 457^78; 2, 1895, 139-176. Sur les radiants des Andromedides. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 419-437. Ueber die Bieliden [der Jahre 1872, 1885 und] 1892. Astr. Nachr., 132, 1893, 159-160, 191-192. Sur la dispersion des points radiants de meteores. [1892.] St, P(5tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 189-216. Sur les orbites des Bielides. [1893.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 585-605. 0 ({)ir3iiiiecKHX'j> HcpeM'tiiaxL bi He6ecHHXj> T'fcjiax'L. [On physical changes in the heavenly bodies.] [1893.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 74, 1894, 112-153. Sur les Perseides observes a Poulkovo en 1893. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 33-59. Les isodynames et les synchrones de la Comete 1893 IV. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 1, 1894, 165-178. KoMeTa Bhkg. [Encke's Comet.] [1894.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, v-vi. Mouvement des substances emises par les ComStes 1893 II et 1893 IV. St, Petersb, Ac. Sci. Bull., 2, 1895, 383-395. Variations seculaires de I'orbite de la Comete 1862 III et de ses orbites deriv^es. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci, Bull., 3, 1895, 251-260; 4, 1896, 31-40. Sur I'origine et les orbites du syst^me des Aquarides, St. Petersb. Ac. Sci, Bull., 4, 1896, 345-860. Sur quelques systemes de meteores. St. Petersb, Ac. Sci, Bull., 5, 1896, 337-346. Sur les valeurs de la repulsion solaire subie par la substance cometaire. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 6, 1897, 483-488. 0 Bpameniii K)nnTepa ct ero iiaTHaMii. [Sur la rotation de Jupiter avec ses taches.] St, Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1897, 235-250, 0 nonHTKaxt aKcnepiiMCiiTajiMiaro Bociipon:?- Bejieilia KOMeXHUXIj )IB.ieiliH. [Sur la reproduction experimentale des phenomenes cometairee.] St. Petersb. Ac, Sci, Bull., 8, 1898, 173-189. 0 CMueyilOli KOpoilf.. [Sur la couronne solaire.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 9, 1898, 179-207. [Ho BOiipocy o BBeji,eiiii[ iioBaro cthjih bi. Poccill. Au sujet de I'adoption du nouveau style en Russie.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, xxvii-xxx, Sur les radiants composes (dits stationnaires) des etoiles filantes. St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 12, 1900, 95-120; 13, 1900, 189-220; Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 379-382; 152, 1900, 47-48. See also BSoscow Observatory. Bredichin, Fledor] A[leksniidrovic], & Belopolskij, A. •Observations spectroscopiques du Soleil en 1881. Moscou Obs. Ann., 9 {Livr. 2), 1888, 35-47. R. 8. A. c. Bredichin, Fledor] AlleksandroviS], & Struve, Otto. See Struve & Bredichin. Bredig, Georg. Bemerkungen zu einem Einwande ien Hcrrn M. PuriN gegen die kinetische Natur des osmo- tischen Druckes, Ztschr. Physikal. Chem,, 4, 1889, 444-456. Die Dissociation des Wassers. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 11, 1893, 829-831. Ueber das Molekulargewicht der Ueberscbwefelsaure, Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 230-233. De electromotorische schaal der photographische ont- wikkelingsvloeistoffen. [1894.] Maandbl. Nat., 1894-95, 56-59. Beitrage zur Stochiometrie der lonenbeweglichkeit. Ztschr, Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 191-288. Ueber die Affinitatsgrossen der Basen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 13, 1894, 289-326. Ueber Warmeleitung und lonenbewegung. Stookh., Ofvers., 1895, 665-671 [Part 1 only'\; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 19, 1896, 228-2-32; 23, 1897, 545-546, Ueber den Einfluss der Zentrifugalkraft auf chemische Systeme. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 17, 1896, 459-472. Ueber elektromotorische Kraft und chemisches Gleich- gewicht. Ueber Elektrochemie der sogenannten dunkelen Entladungeu. [1898.] Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver, Jber,, 1897-98, 62-63, Sur la conductibilite electrique des solutions de permanganate de potassium, Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R,, 126, 1898, 1269. Darstellung colloidaler Metalllosungen darch elek- trische Zerstaubung. Ztschr. Angew. Chem,, 1898, 951- 954. Einige Anwendungen des elektrischen Lichtbogens. [1898.] Ztschr, Elektroch., 1897-98,. 514-515. Ueber elektromotorische Kraft und chemisches Gleich- gewicht nach Versuchen des Herrn Knupffek. [1898.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1897-98, 544-546. Ueber ampliotere Elektrolyte und innere Salze. (Nach Versuchen von Herrn Winkelbl?:ch.) [With discussion.] [1899.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 33-37. Das Amp^remanometer. (Nach gemeinschaftlichen Versuchen mit Herrn O. Hahn.) [1900.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1900-01, 259-260. Ueber kollo'idales Kadmium. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem,, 32, 1900, 127-128, Ueber die fermentativen Eigenschaften des Platins und anderer Metalle, [1900,] Phys, Ztschr., 2, 1901, 7-11, Bredig, Georg, & Coehn, Alfred. Ueber kolloidale L6- sungen. Bemerkung zu den Abhandlungen der Herren Stoeckl, Vanino und Stark. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 32, 1900, 129-132. Bredig, Georg, & Cohen, Ernst. See Cohen & Bredig. Bredig, Georg, & Haber, Fritz. Ueber Zerstaubung von Metallkathoden bei der Elektrolyse mit Gleichstrom. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2741-2752. Bredig, Georg, & Miiller von Bemeck, E[udolf]. Ueber anorganische Fermente. i. Ueber Platinkatalyse und die chemische Dynamik des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 31, 1899, 258-353. Bredig, Georg, & Vsov, A. 1st Acetylen ein Elektrolyt? [1896.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1896-97, 116-117. Bredig, Georg, & "WiU, [Carl] W[ilhelm]. See "WiU & Bredig. Bredig, Georg, Hoff, J[acobus] n[endricus'\ van 't, & Cohen, Ernst. See ZZoff, Cohen & Bredig. Bredow, Hans. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chromato- phoren. Pringsheim, Jbiich. Wiss, Bot., 22, 1891, 349- 414. Bredt, [Conrad] J[uliu8]. Ueber die Constitution der Camphoronsaure. Liebig's Ann., 226, 1884, 249-261. Ueber Camphoronsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2989-2990; 28, 1895, 816-321. Bredt] 786 [Breglia Aufspaltung des Lactonringes vermittelst Alkohol und Halogenwasserstoffsiiuren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 513-516. Ueber Acetyllavulinsaure und die Constitution der 7- Ketonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 225-232; 256, 1890, 314-340. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natriumacetessigester aut Benzalmalonsaureester. Berlin, Chera. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 603-605. Ueber die Constitution des Caniphers und einiger seiner Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 3047-3057; 27, 1894, 2092-2099; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1894, 131-132. Die Constitution des Camphers und seiner Oxyda- tionsproducte. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1893 {Th. 2, Halftc 1), 92-96. Ueber eine partielle Synthese des Camphers. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1895 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 74-76, [147]. Ueber eine Methode zur Addition von Blausaure an ungesjittigte Kohlenstoffverbindungen. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, lidlfte 1), 125-127. Ueber Apocamphersaure, ein niederes Homologes der Camphersiiure. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1896 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 127-130. Ueber die von Herrn Tiemann angenommenen Con- stitution sformeln fiir Kampher und Kampholensaure. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 15-19. Untersuchungen iiber die Constitution des Kamphers und seiner Derivate.... Die Camphoronsaure. [Cam- phoransaure und /3-Oxycamphoronsaure.] Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 55-132 ; 299, 1898, 131-192. Ueber die Constitution des Camphers und seiner Derivate. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1897 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 244-252. [Ueber den augenblicklichen Stand der Frage betreffs Einfiihrung einheitlicher Atomgewichte fiir die chemische Praxis.] [With discussion.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1899, 980-983, 985-991. Ueber Aufspaltung und Umlagerung des Camphocean- ringes. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 1008-1009. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & Boeddinghaus, Walther. Ueber Bischbieth's 7-Valerooximidolacton, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Methylsuccinimids. Liebig's Ann., 251, 1889, 316-323. Bredt, [Conrad] J[iditis], & ZXof, H[ans]. Ueber Chloryl- und Bromyl-Phtalimid und deren Umwandlung in Isatosaureanhydrid und Acetylanthranil. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 21-29. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & Jagelki, W[ilbelm]. [Unter- suchungen iiber die Constitution des Kamphers und seiner Derivate.] Ueber Camjjhenilanaldehyd und Cam- phenilansaure. Liebig's Ann., 310, 1900, 112-134. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & Xallen, J[oseph]. Ueber die Anlagerung von Blausaure an ungesattigte Carbonsauren. Liebig's Ann., 293, 1896, 338-371. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & Kershaw, John B[aker] C[annington]. Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf Sauren der Fettreihe, welche die Isopropylgruppe enthalteu. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 3661-3666. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulius], & Fostli, W[ilheljn]. Ueber das Alantolacton (Helenin). Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 349- 384. Zweckmassige Absorptionsapparate fiir die Elementar- analyse. Liebig's Ann., 285, 1895, 385-386. Bredt, [Conrad] J[uUus], & Rosenberg, M[ax] von. Partielle Synthese des Kamphers und iiber die Consti- tution der Kamphersaure und des Kampherphorons. Liebig's Ann., 289, 1896, 1-14; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 15, 1896, 135-142. Bredt, [Conrad] J[ulins], & Biibel, R[einhard]. [Unter- suchungen Tiber die .Constitution des Kamphers und seiner Derivate.] Isoacetophoron und Camphoron. Liebig's Ann., 299, 1898, 160-192. Bredt, [Conrad] J[uUm], iVrntz, E[mil], & HeUe, A[lfrcd]. [Untersuchungen iiber die Constitution des Kamphers und seiner Derivate.] Derivate und Zersetzungsproducte der Camphoronsaure. Liebig's Ann., 292, 1896, 85-121. Bredt, Titus V[iktor], & Auwers, Karl [Fi-iedrich]. See Auwers & Bredt. Bree, Charles llobcrt. For biography and works sec Zoologist, 10, 1886, 482-483; Essex Field Club Spec. Mem., 2, 1890, 10-11. Breed, Mary Bidwcll. On phenolphthalein and methyl- orange as indicators. [With discussion.] Franklin Inst. Jl., 135, 1893, 312-316. Breed, Mary Bidivell, & Xeiser, Edward H[arrison]. See Keiser & Breed. Breed, Robert S. "The Sunset trachyte," from near Sunset, Boulder county, Colorado. [1899.] Colorado Sci. Soc. Proc, 6 (1897-1900), 216-230. Breedenraedt, . Les bacteries et leurs produits de secretion. Anvers, Jl. de Pharm., 54, 1898, 201-205, 241-247, 294-302, 332-341. Breese, C. M. Statistics on colour-blindness among the students at the State Agricultural College. [1888.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 11, 1889, 106-107. Annual precipitation of rain and snow at Manhattan, Kansas, for the past thirty-two years. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 166-167. Wind velocity at Manhattan, Kansas. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 12, 1890, 167-168. Breese, C. M., & Pailyer, G[eor(jc] H[cnry]. See Pailyer & Breese. Brefeld, Oscar. *Mycologische Untersuchungen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (7?(!;7.), 109-111. Polysphondylium violaceum und Dictyostelium muco- roides nebst Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Schleim- pilze. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 6, 1884, 1-34. Conidiobolus utriculosus und minor. Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 6, 1884, 35-78. Die Brandpilze und die Brandkrankheiten. Briinn Mitth., 65, 1885, 327-328, 331-332. Becent investigations of smut Fungi and smut diseases. An address delivered before the Society of Agriculturists of Berlin, February 17, 1888. [Tr.] Jl. Mycol., 6, 1891, 1-8, 59-71, 153-164. Der Eeis-Brand und der Setaria-Brand, die Ent- wicklungsglieder neuer Mutterkornpilze. Bot. Centrbl., 65, 1896, 97-108. Ueber Brandpilze und Brandkrankheiten. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1899 (Abth. 2b), 17-32. Versuche iiber die Stickstolfaufnahme bei den Pflanzen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abth. 2b), 27-38. Ueber die geschlechtlichen und ungeschlechtlichen Fruchtformen bei den copulirenden Pilzen. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1900 (Abth. 2b), 71-84. Brefeld, Oscar, & Istvdnffi, Gyula ( — Julius). Die Brand- pilze. II. Die Brandkrankheiten des Getreides. [in. Hemibasidii.] Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 11, 1896; 12, 1895, 236 pp. in all. Brefeld, Oscar, Istvdnffi, Gyula, & Johan-Olsen, Olav. Basidiomyceten. 11. Protobasidiomyceten. [iii. Auto- basidiomyceten und die Begriindung des natiirlichen Systemes der Pilze.] Bot. Untersuch. (Brefeld's), 7, 1888, 178 pp. ; 8, 1889, 305 pp. Brefeld, Oscar, Tafel, Franz von, & Iiindau, Gustav. Die Hemiasci und die Ascomyceten. Bot. Untersuch. (Bre- feld's), 9, 1891; 10, 1891, 378 pp. in all. Breglla, Ernesto. Sopra due teoremi del Prof. Geisbia [suUe quadriche omocicliche dell'ellissoide d'inerzia e sulle quadriche omofocali dell'ellissoide di girazione, relative al punto fisso]. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 303-317. Di una relazione tra i raggi di curvatura in punti corrispondenti della curva delle grandezze e della curva delle componenti radiali. Giorn. Mat., 30, 1892, 344- 348. Breglia] 787 [Breit II calcolo grafico applicato alia misura delle volte. Napoli 1st. Incorag. Atti, 1, 1899, No. 2, 41 pp. Bregman, L. E. Zur Casuistik des Paramyoclonus multi- plex. Arch. Psychiatr., 27, 1896, 588-599. Zur Diagnostik der Syringomyelie. Neurol. Centrbl., 14, 1896, 805-810. Ueber Diplegia facialis. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 242-248. Zur Lehre von den Erkraukungen des untersten Eiickenmarkabschnittes. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 887-895. Ueber den "Automatisme ambulatoire" ("Fugues," "Dromomania"). Neurol. Centrbl., 18, 1899, 776-781. Ueber die elektriscbe Entartungsreaction des M. leva- tor palpebras superioris, nebst einigen Bemerkungen liber eine isolirte traumatiscbe Oculomotorius- and Trochlearis- lalunung. Neurol. Centrbl., 19, 1900, 690-695. Breg^man, L. E., & Zawadzki, Joseph. See Zawadzki c^' Bregman. BregowBki. See Behr-Bregowski. Bregowsky, /[I'avi] M., & Ford, Allen P. See Ford & Bregowsky. Br6gaet, Antoine. *L'unification de I'heure dans les grandes villes par le moyen de I'^lectricit^. [1880.] G^nie Civil, 1, 1880-81, 9-11. Br^guet, L[ouis Francois Clement]. For biography and works see Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 507; Lum. Elect., 21, 1886, 137-141; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 5-14, 226; Rev. Maritime et Colon., 90, 1886, 521-531. *[Observations pluviometriques faites au Buisson, pres Corbel], de 1838 k 1858.] France Soc. M^teorol. Annu., 7, 1869, Pt. 2, 7-8. *Sur un barometrographe. France Soc. M^teorol. Annu., 16, 1868 {Bull.), 65-67. Brehm, Adelina dt. Bolide del 3 ottobre [1889, Sarezzo]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 190. Brehm, Alfred Edmund. For biography and works see Frankf., Zool. Garten, 25, 1884, 351; Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 223; 21, 1885, 158; Jl. f. Ornith., 33, 1886, 106- 107; Termt. Kozlon., 17, 1886, 498-499; Geogr. Jbuch., 12, 1888, 3.58; Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1895, 7-8. ^rehm, Arnold. Ueber die Todesfalle und Sectionsbefunde der Ziircherischen kantonalen Irrenheilanstalt Burgholzli vom 17. Marz 1879 bis 17. Miirz 1896. [1897.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 54, 1898, 373-428. Brehm, Christian Ludwig. For biographical notice see Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 19, 1895, 7. Brehm, V. Beitrage zur Flora des Kaiserwaldes in Bohmen und des Egerlandes. Deutsche Bot, Mschr., 15, 1897, 244-246, 262-266. Brehme, //. H. Early stages of Arzama obliquata, G. and R. Canad. Ent., 20, 1888, 119. Breidenbach, Th. Das Goldvorkommen im nordlichen Spanien. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 16-20, 49-53. Goldhaltige Diluvionen in Portugal. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1893, 250-251. Breldler, Johann. Bryum Eeyeri, n. up. Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 37, 1887 {Ahh.), 799-800; Rev. Bryol., 15, 1888, 35-36. Beitrag zur Moosflora des Kaukasus. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 39, 1889, 134-136. Beitrag zur Moosflora der Bukowina und Sieben- burgens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 40, 1890, 148-152, 191- 195. Die Laubmoose Steiermarks und ihre Verbreitung. Steiermark Mitth., 1891, 3-234. Die Lebermoose Steiermarks. Eine systematische Zusammenstellung der bisher aufgefundenen Arten mit Angabe ihrer Verbreitung. Steiermark Mitth., 1893, 256-357. Breidler, Johann, & Beck von DXannagetta, Giinther (Ritter). Trochobryum, novum genus Seligeriacearum. [1884.] Wien Zool. Bot. Verb., 34, 1885 {Abh.), 105-106. Breignet, Frederic. [Tortrix Labatiana, n. sjj.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, cxlii-cxliii. [Quelques especes rares ou non encore signal^es en France et dans les environs de Bordeaux.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, cxxxiii-cxxxiv. [Observations sur I'Empusa egena et I'Emesodema domestica.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, clxxix- clxxx. [Note sur des L^pidopt^res non encore signal^a ou rares dans la region.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, xxv-xxvii. Observations au sujet de L6pidopt6res signal^s par AI. Brown comme non mentionn^s dans les pr6c6dents catalogues. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, xliv. Especes nouvelles pour la region, Cidaria truncata et Arsilonche albovenosa. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 46, 1893, xlviii. Note sur quelques L^pidoptferes de la region. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, xii-xiii. Compte-rendu entomologique de I'excursion trimes- trielle faite a Galgon, le 22 avril, 1894. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 47, 1894, Ivii-lviii. Breignet, Frederic, & Brown, Robert. Contribution k la faune des Lepidopteres du sud-ouest de la France. Supplement aux catalogues de MM. Roger et Trimoolet et catalogue provisoire des Pyralea des environs de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, 49-91, [267]. Breijer, //. G. De grondvormen der kroramen van de derde klasse. [1893.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., [2], 1894, 60-64, 81. Breinl, Ferdinand. Ueber SchafwoUfarberei. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1888, 690-693. Neue Reactionen des SesamOles. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 647. Breinl, Ferdinand, & Hanofsky, Carl. Verhalten der BaumwoUe und SchafwoUe gegen Chlormagnesium- und Chloraluminiumlosungen. Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 563- 564. Breisacher, Leo. Versuche iiber den Nervus laryngeus superior. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 27, 1889, 769-770. Untersuchungen iiber die Glandula thyreoidea. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1890, 509-529. Zur Physiologie des Schlafes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1891, 321-334. Breisacher, Leo, & aiitzlaff, Th. Versuche am Nervus laryngeus superior des Pferdes. [1891.] Centrbl. Phy.siol., 5, 1892, 273-274. Breisig, F. Untersuchungen iiber die Induktion in Kabel- leitungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 16, 1896, 164-166, 174-176, 186-188, 200-202, 241-244. Ueber die Berechnung der elektrostatischen Kapacitat oberirdischer Leitungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 772-776. Ueber die Bestimmung der elektrischen Kapacitat von Fernsprechkabeln mit Doppelleitungen. [1898.] Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 127-131. Ueber die Anwendung des Vektordiagramms auf den Verlauf von Wechselstromen in langen Leitungen und iiber die wirthschaftliche Grenze hoher Spannungen. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 383-386, 400-403, 417- 420. Ueber die gi-aphische Darstellung des Verlaufes von Wechselstromen langs langer Leitungen. [1899.] Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 87-92. Breisky, August. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 114; Wien. Med. Wsclu-., 39, 1889, 864-866. Breit, Julius. Die Eiablage der Tagfalter in der Gefangen- schaft. [1899.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 14, [1900], 84-85, 91-92, 98-99, 107-109, 114-115. Ueber die allmahlige Verdunkelung einiger Lepidopte- renarten aus der Umgegend von Diisseldorf. [1900.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 15, [1901], 73-74. 99—2 BreitenbachJ 788 [Bremer Breitenbach, Paul. Ueber die innere Eeibung der Gase und deren Aenderung mit der Temperatur. Ann. Phys. Chein., 67, 1899, 803-827. Breitenbacli, Wilhelm. Ein neuer Feind der Honigbiene. Ent. Nachr., 10, 1884, 42. Land und Leute in Siid-Brasilien. Humboldt, 4, 1885, 433-440. Breitenlohner, Jakob. For biography see Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 177; Wien, Sonnblick-Ver. Jber., 1898 [1897], 3-16. *Ueber Verkieselung des Bodens. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil), 95-96, 180. Bodentemperatur und Eegenfall, Forsch. Agr.-Phys., . 7, 1884, 408-415. Der Winterbrand der Holzgewachse in den Alpen. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 8, 1885, 137-159. Die meteorologische Gipfelstation Sonnblick in der Goldberggruppe der Hohen Tauern, Seehohe 3103 Meter. [1885.] Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 29, 1886, 65-77. Die Hoehwasserkatastrophe zu Bruneck in Tyrol im September 1882. Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 9, 1886, 320-337. Der Eisregen am 23. Januar 1892 in Wien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 159-160. Warmereflexion durch Laubwerk. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 197-198. Sreitenatsin, Albert. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung . kiihler Bader auf den Kreislauf Gesunder und Fieber- kranker. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 253-273. Breitenstein, Heinrich. Aus Borneo, Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 28, 1885, 193-208, 242-254. Breitfeld, A. Der anatomische Bau der Blatter der Rho- dodendroideae in Beziehung zu ihrer systematischen Gruppirung und zur geographischen Verbreitung. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 9, 1888, 319-379. Breitfuss, L. L. Kalkschwamme der Bremer Expedition nach Ost-Spitzbergen im Jahre 1889 (Prof. W. Kukenthal und Dr. A. Walter). Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 426-432. Kalkschwamme von Ternate (Molukken), nach den Sammlungen Prof. W. Kukenthal's. (Vorlaufige Mit- theilung.) Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 433-435. Amphoriscus Semoni, eine neue Art heterocoeler Kalkschwamme. Zool. Anz., 19, 1896, 435-436. Catalog der Calcarea der zoologischen Sammlung des koniglichen Museums fiir Naturkunde zu Berlin. [1898.] Arch. Naturg., 63, 1897 {Bd. 1), 205-226. -' Ascandra Hermesi, ein neuer homocoeler Kalk- schwamm aus der Adria. [1897.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 63, 1898, 39-42. Die arktische Kalkschwammfauna. Arch. Naturg., 64, 1898 (Bd. 1), 277-316. [Semon's zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel.] Amphoriscus Semoni, ein neuer, heterocoeler Kalkschwamm. [1898.] Jena Denkschr., 8, 1894-1903, 381-384. [Ergebniase einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenberg- ischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft ausgefiihrt von Dr. Willy Kukenthal.] Kalkschwamme von Ternate. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Abh., 24, 1898, 169-177. Kalkschwammfauna des Weissen Meeres und der Eismeerkiisten des europaischen Russlands. Mit Be- riicksichtigung und Aufstellung der Kalkschwammfauna der arktischen Eegion. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 6, 1898, No. 2, 41 pp. ■ Note sur la faune des calcaires de I'Dc^an Arctique. St. P^tersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 3, 1898, 12-38. [Fauna chilensis.] Die Kalkschwamme der Sammlung Plate. Zool. Jbuch. {SuppL), 4, 1898, 455-470. Kalkschwammfauna der Westkiiste Portugals. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 11, 1898, 89-102. Die Kalkschwammfauna von Spitzbergen. Nach den Sammlungen der Bremer Expedition nach Ost-Spitz- bergen im Jahre 1889 (Prof. W, Kukenthal und Dr. A. Walter). Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 11, 1898, 103-120. Breithaupt, [Karl], & Oattermann, Ludwig. See Oatter- mann & Breithaupt. Breithaupt, A. P. The structure of Leptandra. Amer. Jl. Pharm., 69, 1897, 235-240. Breithaupt, Georg [Wilhelm Anton]. For biographical notice and works see Leopoldina, 24, 1888, 58. Breithaupt, Georg. Ueber das optische Verhalten einge- brannter Gold- und Platinschichteu. Ann. Phys. Chem. , 68, 1899, 46-73. Breithaupt, Paul Franz. Ueber die Anatomic und die Functionen der Bienenzunge. Arch. Naturg., 52, 1886 (Bd. 1), 47-112. Breithaupt, W. H., Chanute, Octave, & VTallace, John F. See Chanute, VTallace & Breithaupt. Breithaupt, Wilhelm. Das Orientirungs-Instrument des mathematisch-mechanischen Institutes von F. W. Breit- haupt & Sohn in Cassel. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 36, 1888, 45-46. Magnettheodolit fiir Orientirungsmessungen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 8, 1888, 353-359. Der Grubentheodolit mit excentrischem Fernrohr zu Schachtmessungen. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 40, 1892, 251-252. Die Nivellirinstrumente des mathematisch-mechani- schen Instituts von F. W. Breithaupt & Sohn in Cassel. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 14, 1894, 247-252. Notizen iiber Boussolen-Instrumente. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 48, 1900, 451-452. Br6inaud, P[aur]. *De I'^tat de fascination chez des sujets non malades. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m. , 35, 1884 (C. R.), 537-539. *Note sur la production de I'hypnotisme chez des sujets sains de differents ages. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 635-636. Sur la contracture dans la catalepsie hypnotique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mc^m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 23-24. Note sur I'^tat de fascination dans la s^rie hypnotique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M(5m., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 169. Note sur les conditions favorables a la production de I'hypnotisme. Paris, Soc.Biol.M^m., 36, 1884 (C, R.), 170. Action th^rapeutique de la suggestion. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 345-351. Note sur cinq observations de fievre jaune a la Guadeloupe. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 351-352. Le cyclone de I'En^ide. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 16, 1891, 47-94. Les origines de la nationality fran^aise. Brest Soc. Ac. Bull., 17, 1892, 425-490. Note sur I'^tiologie et I'hygiene preventive du beriberi. Arch. MM. Navale, 71, 1899, 369-376. Breme, Gustav. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anomalien der Armarterien. Ztschr. Morphol. u. An- throp., 1, 1899, 483-494. Bremer, G[ustav] J[acob] W[ilhelm]. Over de verande- ringen, die het draaiend vermogen van optisch actieve stotfen in oplossing onder verschillende invloeden onder- gaat. [1884.] Maandbl. Nat., 1882-84, 19-30. Sur le d^doublement de I'acide maUque, d^riv^ de I'acide fumarique. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 4, 1885, 180-182; Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1885, 21-22. Over een nieuwen dampspanningmeter. Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1886, 7-9. Le tonometre diff^rentiel. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 6, 1887, 122-136. Sur la cause des changements du pouvoir rotatoire sp^cifique sous I'influenee de divers dissolvants. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 6, 1887, 255-261. Solutions salines. Leur density et dilatation par la chaleur. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 7, 1888, 268-309. Bremer] 789 [Brendel Appareil pour I'extraction des gaz dissous dans I'eau. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 11, 1892, 278-283. Bouteille destinee a puiser de I'eau d'une mani^re simple k une profondeur d^terminee. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 11, 1892, 284-285. Der Entllammungspunkt von Petroleum. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 494-497. Appareil pour la mesure de la densit<5 de substances pulv6rulentes. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 17, 1898, 263-269, 404-405. Indices de refraction de solutions de chlorure de calcium. Arch. N(5erland., 5, 1900, 202-213. Bremer, Hermann. Ueber Margarine. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Hcllfte 1), 168-171. Diatetische Nahrungsmittel der Neuzeit (nach gemein- samen Untersuchungen mit Herrn Geret). Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 {Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 173-176, xv. Fleischextract. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 (Th. 2, Halfte 1), 176-179. Fleischextract und Fleischpepton. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 838-841. Bremer, Ludwig. Ueber die Herkunft und Bedeutung der Blutplattchen. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 32, 1894, 338- 339. Ueber eine Farbemethode, mit der man Diabetes und Glycosurie aus dem Blute diagnosticiren kanu. Centrbl. Med. Wiss., 32, 1894, 850-853; N. Y. Med. Jl., 63, 1896, 301-303. Ueber das Paranuclearkorperchen der gekernten Ery- throcyten, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Erythro- cyten im Allgemeinen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 45, 1895, 433- 450. Die Identitat des Paranuclearkorperchens der gekernten Erythrocyten mit dem Centrosom. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 46, 1895, 618-620. On the chemical behaviour of eosin and gentian violet toward normal and diabetic urines. N. Y. Med. JL, 65, 1897, 360-362. Untersuchung von Blut bei Diabetes. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 36, 1897, 562. [Some tests for glucose by means of anilin dyes.] St. Louis Ac. Trans., 9 (1899), xxv. Bremiker, C. *0n the risk attaching to the grant of life assurances. \Tr.] [1871.] Inst. Act. Jl., 16, 1872, 216- 221, 285-303. Br6mond, [Felix]. Cuisson de la viande. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1894 {Ft. 1), 352-353. Br^mond, Aloys. Sidon, Damas et Balbeck. [1887-] Geneve Soc. G^ogr. Mem., 27, 1888 (Bull.), 30-34. Br6mond, [Paul Ale.vis] E[rnest]. L'ozone dans le traite- ment par les bains de vapeurs t^r^benthinees. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1884 (Pt. 2), 459-460. Traitement de la syphilis a toutes ses periodes par I'absorption cutan6e des medicaments. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1889 (Pt. 2), 701-702. Influence du traitement terebenthin^ sur la richesse du sang en oxyh^moglobine ; la dur^e de sa reduction et I'activite de sa reduction chez les an^miques. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. R., 1889, 633-637. Brenan, G. Woulfe. Atlantic tides as storm warnings. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1885, 54-55, 88, 140. Earthquake in Scotland. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 25. Brenan, S. Arthur. Irish plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 278. Irish Rubi. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 26. Plantago media in Antrim. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 351. Acanthosoma hsemorrhoidale in Co. Antrim. Irish Natlist., 9, 1900, 129. Sphserotheca mors-uvae, Berkl. db Curt. , in Ireland. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 446. Brend, W. A . Notes on some of the lakes of Caernarvon- shire. Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 404-407. Brendel, Carl. Versuche iiber die Filtrationsgeschwindig- keit einer 60 procentigen Zuckerlosung bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 43, 1893, 1088-1089. Ueber die Bestimmung des Heizwerthes der Brenn- materialien mit Hilfe des neuen Mahler'schen Calori- meters. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 751-768. . Brendel, Emil. Some corrections in the family Psela- phidffi. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 14, 1887, 204-208. Bestimmungstafel der Gattungen der Pselaphiden der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Deutsche Ent, Ztschr., 1888, 260-264. Descriptions of new Scydma3nidae and Pselaphidse. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 193-197. On the pselaphid genus Trimium. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 19, 1892, 165-168. Rhexidius. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 11-13. Remarks on the migration of coleopters. Science, 20, 1892, 105-106. Synopsis of the family of Pselaphidse. St. Louis Ac. Trans., 5, 1892, 298-302. Notes and descriptions of Pselaphidffi, with remarks on the ScydmsenidBB. Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., 20, 1893, 277-284. On some Pselaphides. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 158-160. Corrections in Pselaphidae. Philad., Ent. News, 5, 1894, 194-196. The compound eye. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1896, 97- 100. PselaphidsB. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1896, 183-185. Brendel, Emil, & Wickbam, Hem-y Frederick. The Pselaphidffi of North America. [1890.] Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull., 1, 1888-90, 216-304; 2, 1891-93, 1-84. Brendel, Friedrich. *Flora Peoriana. Die Vegetation im Clima von Mittelillinois. Termr. Fuz., 5, 1881, 299- 407. The climate of Peoria. [1886.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 4 (1887-88), 233-239, 280-286. Brendel, Karl. Uruguay. [1893.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., [15], 1894 (Festschr.), 23-48. Brendel, Martin. Ueber einige in neuerer Zeit angewandte Formen fiir die Differentialgleichungen im Probleme der drei Korper. Astr. Nachr., 116, 1887, 161-166. Ueber ein neues von Herrn Dr. WELiiMANN construirtes Doppelbild-Mikrometer. Leipzig, Astr. Ges. Vrtljschr., 24, 1889, 268-272. Sur les perturbations de la plan^te (46) Hestia, d'apres la th^orie de M. Gylden. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 49-51. Beobachtung des Planeten (246) Asporina auf der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 124, 1890, 343-344. Om anvandningen af den absoluta storingsteorien pa en grupp af smaplaneterna, med numerisk tillampning pa planeten (46) Hestia. Stockh. Obs. Astr. laktt., 4, 1891, 51pp. Beobachtungen von Planeten und Cometen auf der Sternwarte in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 130, 1892, 47-48. Ueber die Brechung des Lichtes in Prismen aus einaxigen Kristallen und iiber deren Anwendung zu mikrometrischen Messungen. Berlin Sternw. Beob.- Ergebn., 6, 1892, 37-72. Ueber den Einfluss von Polschwankungen auf die geographische Lage der Erdorte. Astr. Nachr. , 131, 1893, 59-62. Ueber die Aufstellung von Wetterprognosen. [1893.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 25, 1894, xiii-xiv. Notiz betr. Nova (T) Anrigse. Astr. Nachr., 134, 1894, 279-280. Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz des Herrn Weileb : "Die Stiiruugen der Planeten fiir den Fall, dass die Brendell mittlere Bewegung, etc." Astr. Nachr,, 139, 1896, 35- 40. Ueber die Liicken im Systeme der kleinen Planeten und iiber ein Integrationsverfahren im Probleme der drei Korper. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 145-160. Ueber Vergangenheit und Zukunft unseres Planeten- systems. [1897.] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth., 29, 1898, ix-xi. Ueber ein 1898 Febr. 4 in Greifswald beobachtetes Phanomen. [Nebst Zusatz von Prof. H. Kredtz.] Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 333-336. Ueber stabile und instabile Bewegungen in unserem Planetensystem. [1897.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6, 1899 (Heft 1), 123. Theorie der kleinen Planeten. [1898.] Gottingen Abh., 1 (Math.-Phys.), 1900, No. 2, 171 pp. Brendel, Martin, & "WeUmann, Victor. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1889... (Davidson). Auf der Stern war te in Berlin. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 219-222. Brendler, Wolfgang, & Tafel, Julius. Reactionsfahigkeit organischer Ammoniumsalze. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2683-2686. Breneman, Alprani] A^dani]. On the use of tubes of colored glass for Nesslerizing. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 121-123. On the analysis of a sample of mineral water from Irondale, West Virginia. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 6, 1884, 123-124. Some contributions to the study of the New York water supply. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 3-11. On the examination of croton water. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 157-161. On the necessity of standard conditions in the appli- cation of Wanklyn's method of water analysis. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 8, 1886, 221-227. Note on a sample of old butter. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 9, 1887, 3-4. The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 11, 1889, 2-27, 31-46. On the alleged sterilization of river water by mine water. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 12-15. Some lecture experiments. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 48-49. Notes upon water analyses by the ammonia method with some new apparatus. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 12, 1890, 457-460. An improved burette holder. [1891.] Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14,1892, 15-16. A remarkable water for public use. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 14, 1892, 34-36. Breneman, A^hrarn] ^[rfam], & Biggs, Hermann M. See Biggs & Breneman. Brengues, [Paulin], & Sabraz^s, Jean [Emile^. See Sabrazis & Brengues. Brengues, [Paulin], Sabraz^s, Jean [Emile'\, & Batz, E. de. See Sabraz^s, Batz & Brengues. Brenier, Henri. Principaux r^sultats g^ographiques de la mission lyonnaise en Chine. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1897, 287-291. Mission lyonnaise d'exploration commerciale en Chine. Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. R., 1898, 349-351. Bren[? n]inger, George F. Nest and eggs of the short- eared owl. Ornith. OoL, 11, 1886, 167. Lincoln's sparrow and its nesting. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 191. Nesting of the green-tailed towhee. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 90. Buteo albicaudatus in Arizona. Auk, 14, 1897, 403, White-tailed hawk in Arizona. Auk, 16, 1899, 352. Brenke, William C, & Falmer, Arthur W. See Palmer & Brenke. Brennan, G. A. Variations of Tradescantia virginica. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 551-552. 790 [Brenner Brennan, J. F. Wind records at Kingston, Jamaica. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 23, 1897, 66-67. Brennan, Sarah 0. On the reproductive system of Digaster (Didymogaster) sylvaticus, Fletch. [1899.] N. S. Wales Linn. Soc. Proc, 24, 1900, 691-696. Brennan, 'T. Fossil reptiles. Liverpool Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1886, 32-36. Brennand, William. Photometric observations of the sun and sky. [1890.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 49, 1891, 25-5-280. On the three-bar motion of Watt. Roy. Soc. Proc. , 52, 1893, 472-474. Brennecke, , & Koch, Heinrich. See Koch & Brennecke. Brennecke, L. Ermittelung des Eisengewichtes der Senk- kasten (Caissons) fiir Luftdruck-Griindungen. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 34, 1884, 313-324. Herstellung und Priifung der Luftschleusen und Schachtrohre bei Luftdruckgriindungen. Ztschr. Bau- wesen, 35, 1885, 237-246. — — Ueber die Grosse des Wasserdruckes im Boden. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 36, 1886, 101-128, iv. Versuche iiber den Widerstand von Schraubenpfiihlen gegen Herausreissen. Ztschr. Bauwesen, 36, 1886, 449- 452. Ueber Berechnung und zweckmassige Bauweise ge- mauerter Schleusen und Trockendocks. Ztschr. Bau- wesen, 42, 1892, 523-546. Die Berechnung der Standsicherheit der Bohlwerke. Hannover Architekt.-Ver. Ztschr., 39, 1893, 29-40. Brenneisen, M[arkus], & SchoU, Roland. See Scholl & Brenneisen. Brenner, [Rudolf]. For biography see Foi'tschr. Med., 2 (1884, Beil), 200; Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 36, 1885, 360-364. Brenner, . Versuche, betreffend das Absaugen des Grubengases auf der Konigsgrube im Wurm-Reviere. Ztschr. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinenw., 37, 1889 (Ahh.), 70- 76. Brenner, A[dolf'\, & Spiiller, See Spiiller & Brenner. Brenner, Leo. Mars-Beobachtungen an der Manora- Sternwarte vor der Opposition 1894. Astr. Nachr,, 137, 1895, 49-62. Mars-Beobachtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte nach der Opposition 1894. Astr. Nachr. , 137, 1895, 401-416. Ueber die Ellipticitat des I. JupitermonJes. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 77-80. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Erscheinung auf der Venus. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 183-184. Zur Frage iiber die Venus-Rotation. Astr. Nachr,, 138, 1895, 197-200. Beobachtung der Bedeckung des Regulus durch den Mond 1895 Juni 26. Astr. Nachr., 138, 1895, 303-304. Die Schatten auf der Venus, Astr, Nachr., 139, 1896, 25-28. Jupiter-Beobachtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte 1894-95. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 145-158. Beobachtungen des unbeleuchteten Theils der Venus an der Manora-Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 139, 1896, 313- 318. Zu den Venus-Beobaehtungen der Herren Mascari und Cekulli in A. N, 3329 u. 3331. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 175-176. Sichtbarkeit der Nachtseite des Mercur. Astr. Nachr. , 140, 1896, 347-348, Ueber die Flecke auf dem Aequatorealgiirtel des Saturn. Astr, Nachr,, 140, 1896, 353-356. Zodiacal light observations at the Manora Observatory. Observatory, London, 19, 1896, 206-207. Saturn -Beobachtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte 1890. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 1-8. Uranus-Beobachtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte 1896. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 33-38. Brenner] 791 [Brenner Mercur-Beobacbtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte 1896. Astr. Nachr., 142, 1897, 37-44. Veiiindeiungen auf dcm Mars 1896. Astr. Nachr,, 143, 1897, 41-44. Messungcn des Siriusbegleiters. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 213-214. Ueber eine neue Theilung auf dem Satnmring. Astr. Nachr., 143, 1897, 311-312; Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 282-283. Mikrometermessungen betr. Jupiter an der Manora- Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 183-192. Neue Theilungen in den Saturnringen. Astr. Nachr., 144, 1897, 285-288. Canals on Venus. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 208-209. A peculiar spot on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 248-249. On the reduction of observations. Observatory, London, 20, 1897, 453-454. Jupiter-Beobachtungen auf der Manora-Sternwarte 1895-[08]. [1897-1900.] Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 64, 1897, 541-564; 70, 1901, 73-96. Mars-Beobachtungen 1896-97 auf der Manora-Stern- warte in Lussinpiccolo. [1898.] Berlin Ak. Abh., 1897 (Anh., Math.), 32 pp. Saturn-Beobachtungen auf der Manora-Sternwarte 1897. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 73-78. ■ Beobachtung der Sonnentinsterniss 1898 Jan. 21. Astr. Nachr., 145, 1898, 271-272. Bedeckungen der Venus und von 132 Tauri 1898 Mai 22. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 327-330. Mikrometermessungen auf dera Planeten Jupiter. Astr. Nachr., 147, 1898, 385-390. Observations de Mars et Saturne a I'Observatoire Manora. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 3, 1898, 6-8. Conspicuous spots on Jupiter. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 132-133. On the canals of Mars. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 296-299; Rev. Sci., 10, 1898, 481-485. Black spots in the north zone of Jupiter. Observatory, London, 21, 1898, 378-379. Der neue Stern im Andromeda-Nebel. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 59-60. Beobachtung von Jupiterflecken. Astr. Nachr., 148, 1899, 79-80. Ueber den Begleiter von /3 Orionis. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 141-142. Bemerkungen zu den Marsbeobachtungen in Juvisy in A. N. 3581. Astr. Nachr., 150, 1899, 301-304. Ueber Sterne im Eingnebel in der Leier (G. C. 4447). Astr. Nachr., 151, 1900, 217-220. Observations de Saturne faites k I'Observatoire Manora en 1898. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 5, 1900, 34-41. La lumiere zodiacale. Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 5, 1900, 253-257. Brenner, Magnus. Bidrag till kannedom af finska vikens ovegetation. in. Tilliigg till Hoglands fanerogamflora. [iv. Hoglands lafvar.] [1884-85.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 11, 1886, 33-40; 13, 1886, 1-143; Bot. Centrbl., 22, 1885, 296; 26, 1886, 291-293. Carduus crispo-nutans, Koch., en for den finska floran ny ruderatvaxt, i sammanhang med nagra andra i Finland pa ballast antriiffade Carduus-arter. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 13, 1886, 145-148. Om variationsformagan hos Primula officinalis (L.), Jacq., i Finland. [1886.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 14, 1888, 33-52. Om forekomsten af Festuca duriuscula, L., i Finland. [1887.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn, Medd., 14, 1888, 139-142. Om de i Finland fiirekommande formerna af Linnes ursprungliga Juncus articulatus, Fl. suec, Sp. plant. edit. I. [1888.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 47-58; Bot. Centrbl., 40, 1889, 374-375. ^ Om nagra Taraxacum-former. [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 16, 1888-91, 107-114; 18, 1891-92, 159-161; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1896, 147-148. [lakttagelser angaende de i Finland forekommande formerna af sliiktet Alnus.] [1889.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 178-185; Bot, Centrbl,, 61, 1895, 150-151. [Rubus idoDus, L., var. simplicior, M. Brenn.] [1890,] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn, Medd., 18, 1891-92, 209-210; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1896, 215. [Om de i Finland forekommande formerna af Cheno- podium album.] [1890.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn, Medd., 18, 1891-92, 211-212; Bot. Centrbl., 61, 1895, 215-216. Spridda bidrag till kannedom af Finlands Hieracium- former. i. [1892.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 18, 1891-92, 75-131, Spridda bidrag till kannedom af Finlands Hieracium- former. ii[-v]. [1893-97.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Acta, 9, 1893-94, No. 5, 43 pp. ; 12, 1894-95, No. 1, 57 pp.; 13, 1897, No. 1, 68 pp.; 16, 1897-1900, No. 1, 24 pp. Om nagra i Finland forekommande former af Viola tricolor, L. Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 19, 1893, 75-81. Om de finska formerna af Orchis angustifolia, Reichenb. [1893.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 20, 1894, 39-41. Picea excelsa, /. oligoclada, n. f. [1894.] Helsing- fors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 21, 1896, 7. Egendomliga fall af grenbildning hos gran, [1895.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 22, 1896, 8-9. Mossor, insamlade i Kajana Osterbotten och angran- saude delar af norra Osterbotten och norra Karelen, But. Notiser, 1896, 183-188. Nagra ord om namnen Euphrasia tenuis och micrantha och dermed betecknade vaxtformer. Bot, Notiser, 1896, 197-201. Euphrasia hebecalyx, Brenn., forut E. micrantha, Brenn. Bot, Notiser, 1898, 181-183; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1898-99, 325, Observationer rorande den nordfinska floran under adertonde och nittonde seklen, sarskildt .med afseende a karlvaxterna i Oster-Norrbotten, Nord- Osterbotten och Kajauien. [1899.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn, Acta, 16, 1897-1900, No. 4, 307 pp. Om nagra i Finland funna Euphrasia-former. [1897.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn, Medd., 24, 1900, 96-99. Finlands Odontites- former. [1898.] Helsingfors, Fauna Flora Fenn. Medd., 25, 1900, 15-18, (Ren. 139- 140). Brenner, Magnus {et alii). Finska botanisters asigter angaende Kopenhamnsforslaget till nomenklaturregler. Bot. Notiser, 1893, 151-155; Bot. Centrbl., 56, 1893, 386-388. Brenner, Martin. Ueber das primiire Carcinoiu des Ductus choledochus. Virchow, Arch., 158, 1899, 253- 270. Brenner, Oscar. Die achte Karte des Olaus Magnus vom Jahre 1539 nach dem Exemplar der Miinchener Staatsbibliothek. Christiania Forh., 1886, No. 15, 24 pp. Gronland im Mittelalter nach einer altnorwegischen Quelle. Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 10, 1886, 71-77. [Ueber eine mittelalterliche Beschreibung Gronlands.] [1886.] Miinchen Geogr. Ges. Jber., 11, 1887, xxii- xxiv. Die sprachlichen Beweise fiir die Herkunft der Ober- pfalzer. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1890, 57- 61. Brenner] 792 [Brenske Brenner, Wilhelm. Ueber kiinstlich hervorgerufene Ver- anderungen an Fettpflanzen. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 72, 1899, 356-357. ■ Untersuchungen an einigen Fettpflanzen. Flora, 87, 1900, 387-439. Brenner-Felsach, Joachim (Frhr.) von. Reise durch die unabhangigen Battak-Lande und auf der Insel Nias. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 33, 1890, 276-305. Brefiosa, Rafael. *Las porfiritas y microdioritas de San Ildefonso y sus contornos. [1883.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 13, 1884, 259-306. El dimorfismo del bisilicato de cal. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885, 115-129; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 388-389. Una macla de yeso. Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 14, 1885 (Act.), 52-58; Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 389-390. Brenske, Ernst. *Eeiseskizze iiber seinen Aufenthalt auf Morea und Griechenland. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1882, 208-212. Ueber Melolonthiden. Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 30, 1886, 195-207. Ueber Melolonthiden. ii. Soc. Ent. Ross. Horas, 22, 1888, 350-361. Zwei neue Melolonthiden aus Neu-Guinea. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 8, 1889, 273-274. Melolonthiden aus Marocco, Algier, Tunis und Tripolis, gesammelt von Herrn Premier-Lieutenant a. D. M. QuEDENFELDT. [1890.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 33, 1889, 325-334. Amphimallus assimilis, Herbst, und die Varietaten desselben. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 13-14. Eine neue Chrysomela aus Italien. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 14-15. • Ueber einige Arten der Gattung Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr., 16, 1890, 123-127. Ueber die Gattung Granida und Beschreibung einer neuen Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr. , 16, 1890, 197-199. Die Arten der Gattung Triodonta, Muh. (Melolonthi- darum Genus.) Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 81-86. Notizen iiber Melolonthiden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 9, 1890, 137-138. Diagnosen neuer Melolonthiden aus Ecuador und Madagascar. [1890.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 5, [1891], 34. Die Gattungen Lasiopsis, Asceptonycha und Lachnota im Lichte des Prioritatsdogmas. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 4-6. Rhizotrogus limbatipennis, Villa, ein Versuch diese Art zu deuten. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 55-57. Ueber Polyphylla, Anoxia und Cyphonotus. Eine Erwiderung an Herrn Dr. Kbaatz. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 210-216. Drei neue Rhizotrogus-Arten aus dem Orient. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 216-219. Ueber Rhizotrogus ater, fuscus, furvus und limbati- pennis. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 219-220. Rhizotrogus ater und fuscus, eine Erwiderung an Herrn Dr. Kraatz. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 361-365. Holomelia mirabilis, eine Curiositat unter den Cole- opteren. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 313-316. Die Erichson'schen Coleopteren-Gattungen Mono- tropus und Lasiopsis. Ent. Nachr., 17, 1891, 316-319. Ueber die Gattungen Encya und Empecta. [1891 ] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 6, [1892], 97-98. ' Ueber einige neue Grattungen und Arten der Melolon- thiden. Ent. Nachr., 18, 1892, 151-159. Ueber die Verbreitung der Melolonthiden auf der Erde. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 6, [1892], 185-187 ; 7, [18931 1-3, 9-11. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Lepidiota und Leucopholis. [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37 1893 33-62, 412. Die Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Brahmina, Bl [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 79-124, 412. Neue Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Holotrichia (Lacbnosterna). [1892.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 37, 1893, 159-192, 412. Neue Adoretus-Arten von Ost-Bengalen aus der Aus- beute des Herrn L. Cakdon, S. J. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 37, 1893, 140-143. Zur Melolonthiden Gattung Brahmina gehort Cryphaeo- bius, Krtz. Ent. Nachr., 19, 1893, 91-96, 109-110. Ein neuer Rhizotrogus Italiens aus der Gruppe des vicinus und Uebersichtstabelle der Arten dieser Gruppe. Ent. Nachr., 19, 1893, 188-191. Melolonthiden von Borneo und einigen anderen malayischen Inseln aus einer Sendung der Herren Dr. 0. Staudinoek und A. Bang-Haas. [1894.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 88, 1893, 347-358. Zur Kenntniss der Adorctiden Madagascars. [1893.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 8, [1894], 1-2, 9-10. Die Melolonthiden der palaearctischen und oriental- ischen Region im Koniglichen Naturhistorischen Museum zu Briissel. Brux., Soc. Ent. Mem., 2, 1894, 87 pp. Einiges iiber die Rhizotrogiden und den Berliner Gerichtshof fiir entomologischen Angelegenheiten. Ent. Nachr., 20, 1894, 177-183. Revision der Gattung Cyphonotus, Duv. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 264-272, 897. Ein neuer Rhizotrogus aus Spanien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 272-274. Zur Kenntniss der Melolonthiden Sumatra's. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 55, 1894, 274-280. Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Lepidib- derma, Wath. [1894.] Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 9, [1895], 41-42, [Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal Cap. V. Botteoo durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii della Societa Geogvaphica Italiana. Risultati zoologici.] XIII. Melolonthini e Rutelini. Genova Mus. Civ. Ann., 35, 1895, 215-226. Insectes du Bengale. MelolonthidfE. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 40, 1896, 150-164. Trigonochilus, n. g. Vertreter einer neuen Ruteliden- Gruppe aus der Verwandtschaft der Anoplognathiden. Ent. Nachr., 22, 1896, 33-37. Neue Melolonthiden aus Africa und Asien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 57, 1896, 178-205. Die Coleopteren-Gattung Trigonocnemis, Krtz., gehort nicht zu den Rhizotrogiden, sondern zu den Anomaliden. Wien. Ent. Ztg., 15, 1896, 116. Ueber die Verbreitung des Cyphonotus testaceus (Coleopt.-Melolonth.) und seine Hinterschienen. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 815-317. Zwei neue Melolonthiden aus Beludschistan. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 318-822. Neue Coleopteren-Gattungen und -Arten aus Mada- gaskar, Afrika und Asien, zur Familie der Melolonthiden gehorend. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 839- 363. Die Synonymic zweier Lepidiota-Arten. [1897.] Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 41, 1896, 363-864. Neue Gattungen und Arten der Melolonthiden aus Afrika und Asien. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 58, 1897, 96-120. Die Serica-Arten der Erde. Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., 42, 1898, 345-438; 43, 1899, 205-404, 431 ; 44, 1899, 161-272; 45, 1900, 39-96. Melolontha proboscidea, Fab., ist keine Triodonta. Ent. Nachr., 24, 1898, 83-86. Einige neue Melolonthiden. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 59, 1898, 236-248. Melolonthiden aus Afrika. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 59, 1898, 333-394. Die Coleopteren-Gattung Oxychirus, Quedf., gehort nicht zu den Melolonthiden, sondern zu den Phaeno- meriden. Ziirich, Soc. Ent., 12, [1898], 185-187. Melolonthiden der Collection Colmant von Bahr-al- Brenske] 793 [Bresadola (ihazal, von Ober M'Bomu und vora oberen Uelle. Brux. , Soc. Ent. Ann., 43, 1899, 377-387. Sur quelques nouvelles espoces de Melolonthidea (genre Serica) de Cambodge et du Siam appartenant au Museum de Paris. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 5, 1899, 414-416. Diagnoses Melolonthidarum novarum ex India orientali. [1899.] Indian Mus. Notes, 4, 1900, 176-179. [Diagnoses d'insectes recueillis par I'Expedition Antarctique Beige. Coleopteres.] Scarabajidse. Brux., Soc. Ent. Ann., 44, 1900, 109-110. Contribution a I'etude de la fauna de Sumatra. Melo- lonthiden gesararaelt von J. L. Weyers. Brux., Soc. Ent. Mem., 7, 1900, 141-155. [Semon's zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel. Coleopteren. Neube- schreibungen der] Melolonthiden. [1900.] Jena Denk- scbr., 8, 1894-1903, 622-624. Die Melolonthiden Ceylon's unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der von Herrn Dr. Hobn gesammelten Arten. Stettin, Ent. Ztg., 61, 1900, 341-363. Diagnoses Melolonthidarum novarum ex Bangalore. [1900.] Indian Mus. Notes, 5, 1903, 38. Brenske, Ernst, & Reitter, Edmund. Neuer Beitrag zur Kiiferfauna Griechenlands. [Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr. Eppelsheiji undL. Ganglbauer.] Deutsche Ent. Ztschr., 28, 1884, 17-100. Brenstein, G. Ueber die Einwirkung einer concentrirten Aetheratmosphare auf das Leben von Pflanzen. Arch. Pharm., 225, 1887, 918-924. Brent, C. Notes on the cecodomas, or leaf-cutting ants of Trinidad. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 123-131. Brentano, Adolf. Die Ergebnisse bacteriologischer Bruch- wasseruntersuchungen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 43, 1896, 288-300. Brentano, Adolf, & Benda, Carl. Ein Fall von multi- locularem Echinococcus. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 52, 1899, 206-212. Brentano, i-Vajiz. Ueber ein optischesParadoxon. Ztschr. Psychol., 3, 1892, 349-358; 5, 1893, 61-82. Zur Lehre von den optischen Tauschungen. Ztschr. Psychol, 6, 1894, 1-7. Brenzinger, Karl. Zur Kenntniss des Cystins und des Cysteins. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 552-588. Bestimmung der Parasulfanilsaure. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1896, 131-133. Br6on, [Charles] Rene. Sur I'association cristallographique des feldspaths tricliniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 103, 1886, 170-172. Sur les tufs k quartz cristallise des environs de la Bourboule. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 455-456. Br^on, [Charles] Rene, & Korthals, W. C. Sur I'^tat actuel du Krakatau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 99, 1884, 395-397. Eapport sur une mission scientifique dans le d^troit de la Sonde. Arch. Miss. Sci., 12, 1885, 433-437. Brera Observatory. Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte nella E. Specola di Brera. [1884-1900.] Milano, 1st. Lomb. Eend., 17, 1884, 100-102, 220-222, 350-352, 418- 420, 614-616, 616-648, 731-733, 759-764, 804-806, 903- 908; 18, 1886, 203-205, 314-316, 396-398, 508-510, 611- 613, 733-735, 852-854, 880-885, 918-920, 1019-1024; 19, 1886, 184-186, 288-290, 332-334, 390-392, 508-510, 620-622, 767-769, 780-785, 863-871 ; 20, 1887, 163-165, 251-253, 291-293, 381-383, 482-484, 724-732, 747-752, 773-775, 834-836; 21, 1888, 173-175, 266-268, 426-428, 478-480, 550-552, 613-615, 696-698, 709-712, 714, 739, 741, 772, 774, 796-798, 812-814; 22, 1889, 202-204, 220- 222, 289-291, 384-386, 579-581, 615-617, 729-734, 743- 745, 779-781, 820-822, 843-845 ; 23, 1890, 187-189, 296- 298, 378-380, 462-464, 494-496, 711-716, 730-735, 845- 847, 883-888; 24, 1891, 319-321, 418-420, 604-606, 727- 729, 908-910, 1000-1002, 1088-1090, 1116-1121, 1144- U. S. A. C. 1146, 1182-1184, 1234-1236; 25, 1892, 254-256, 491-493, 60.3-605, 726-728, 931-933, 1078-1083, 1124-1129, 1162- 1164, 1237-1242; 26, 1893, 257-259, 288-290, 350-352, 373-375, 550-552, 570-572, 662-664, 696-698, 732-737, 761-766; 27, 1894, 172-174, 254-256, 345-347, 454-456, 486-488, 543-545, 624-626, 697-699, 723-728, 816-818, 868-870; 28, 1896, 294-296, 365-367, 606-608, 652-654, 713-715, 840-842, 874-879, 1042-1047, 1153-11.58; 29, 1896, 270-272, 296-298, 472-474, 574-576, 691-693, 823- 825, 922-927, 1003-1005, 1125-1127, 1159-1161, 1249- 1251; 30, 1897, 279-281, .349-351, 534-536, 696-698, 847-849, 932-934, 1179-1181, 1309-1314, 13.52-1354, 1395-1397, 1535-1537 ; 31, 1898, 183-184, 338-339, 520- 521, 668-669, 960-961, 1005-1006, 1230-1231, 1320-1323, 1395-1396, 1447-1448, 1558-1559; 32, 1899, 245-246, 429-430, 610-611, 733-734, 832-833, 1118-1121, 1171- 1174, 1292-1293, 1322-1323, 1438-1439; 33, 1900, 189- 190, 262-263, 452-453, 641-642, 706-707, 864-865, 1001- 1002, 1089-1092, 1261-1264, 1341-1342. Brereton, Thomas J. Bending moments in simple beams due to wheel loads. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 20, 1899, 168-179. Brero, P. C. van. Ueber das sogenannte Latah, eine in Niederlandisch-Ostindien vorkommende Neurose. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 51, 1896, 939-948. Einiges iiber die Geisteskrankheiten der Bevolkerung des Malaiischen Archipels. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Eassenpsychopathologie. [1896.] Allg. Ztschr. Psy- chiatr., 53, 1897, 25-78, 660. Angeborne Verwachsung von Penis und Scrotum. Virchow, Arch., 153, 1898, 151-154. Bresadola, (abbate) G[iovanni]. Notula. [i. Mollisia Myricarise, Bres. ii. Mollisia csBsiella, Bres.] Hed- wigia, 23, 1884, 22-23. Corticium Martellianum, n. sp. [1889.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 258. Champignons de la Hongrie, recoltes en 1886-89 par M. le Professeur V. Gkeschik. Eev. Mvcol., 12, 1890, 101-116, 179-186; 13, 1891, 20-33. Di due nuove specie di Imenomiceti. [1890.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 23, 1891, 158-159. Fungi lusitani coUecti a cl. viro .\dolpho Fr. Moller, anno 1890. Coimbra, Soc. Broter. Bol., 9, 1891, 29-37. Sur un nouveau genre de Tuberculariee. Eev. Mycol., 13, 1891, 14-15. Contribution a la flore mycologique de Pile de St. Thom^. Eev. Mycol., 13, 1891, 65-69. Fungi aliquot saxonici novi lecti a cl. W. Kriegeb. Hedwigia, 31, 1892, 40-41; 32, 1893, 32-33; 33, 1894, 206-210; 35, 1896, 199-201; 36, 1897, 381-382; 39, 1900, 325-328. Massospora Staritzii, Bres., n. sp. Hedwigia, 31, 1892, 133; Eev. Mycol., 14, 1892, 97. Imenomiceti nuovi. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1892, 196-197. L. DE Brondeau. " Essai sur le genre Helmisporium." Concordance avec la synonymic actuelle. Eev. Mycol., 14, 1892, 63-64. Mycetes australienses novi, et emendanda ad Floram Mycologicam Australiae. Hedwigia, 32, 1893, 118-119- Contribuzioni alia conoscenza della flora dell' Africa orientale. iii. Funghi dello Scioa e della colonia Eritrea, [xi. Alcuni Funghi della Somalia e della colonia Eritrea.] [1894-96.] Eoma 1st. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 174-180; 6, 1897, 177-180. Sul Lactarius sanguifluus, Paulet. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1896, 35-38. Fungi brasilienses lecti a cl. Dr. Alfredo Moller. Hedwigia, 35, 1896, 276-302. Di una nuova specie di Uredinea. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 74-75. Genus Miilleria, Bres. , critice disquisitum. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1897, 291-292. 100 Bresadola] 794 [Bretfeld zu Kronenburg Hymenomycetes fuegiani a cell, viris P. Duskn et 0. NoBDENSKjoLD Icctl. Stockb., Ofvers., 1900, 311-316. Bresadola, {ahbate) G[iovanni], & Cavara, Fridiano. Manipolo di Funghi di Terracina. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 7, 1900, 311-315. Bresadola, (abbate) G[iovan7ii], & Roumegufere, Clasimir]. Nouvelles contributions a la flore mycologique des iles Saint Thome et des Princes, recueillies par il/il/. Ad. F. MoLLER, F. QuiNTAS, st F. Newton. Rcv. Mycol., 12, 1890, 25-39. Bresadola, (abbate) G[iovanni~\, & Saccardo, Pier' Andrea. Pugillus Mycetum australiensium. Malpigbia, 4, 1890, 289-301. Enumerazione dei Funghi della Valsesia raccolti dal ch. ab. Antonio Cakestia. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 241- 325. [Materiaux pour la flore du Congo.] Fungi congoenses. Belg. Soc, Bot. Bull., 38, 1899 (C. R.), 152-168. See also Saccardo & Bresadola. Bresadola, (abbate) G[iovanni], Hennings, P[a^ll], & Magnus, Paid. Die von Herrn P. Sintenis auf der Insel Portorico 1884-87 gesammelten Pilze. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 17, 1893, 489-501. Bresgen, Maximilian. Der chronische Nasen- uud Eachen- Katarrh. (Pathologie.) [With discussioi.] Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. E., 1884 (T. 4, Laryngol.), 23-32. [Schiess-Gemdseus : Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den angeborenen Linsenanomalien.] Berichtigung. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 32, 1886 (Abth. 2), 308. Bresillon, Ernest, & Deschamps, Charles. Les cavernes de Sainte-Eeine (canton de Toul). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull., 12, 1891, 393-404. Breslau Observatory. Allgemeine Uebersicht der meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen [in den Jahren 1884-89]. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1884, 384-388; 1885, 290- 294; 1886, 232-236; 1887, 348-352; 1888, 222-226; 1889, 200-205. Breslauer, E[ugen Ferdinand]. Ueber die antibakterielle Wirkung der Salben mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Einflusses der Constituentien auf den Desinfections- werth. Ztschr. Hyg., 20, 1895, 165-197. Breslauer, Max. Zur Berechnung von Eisenverlusten in Nuthenankern. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 18, 1897, 80-81. Bemerkungen zur Fassung des Induktionsgesetzes. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 498-500. Ueber Entwurf und Priifung von Drehstrommotoren mit Hiilfe des Diagramms der Mehrphasenmotoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 21, 1900, 469-474. Bresler, [Johannes']. Zur associirten Deviation der Augen und des Kopfes. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 213-215, 335. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Maladie des Tics convulsifs (mimische Krampfneurose). Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 965-972. Ueber Spinalepilepsie. Neurol. Centrbl., 15, 1896, 1015-1025. Analyse eines Falles von Melancholie mit Verbigera- tion. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 929-943. Meningitis ventricularis chronica adultorum. Plotz- licher Tod hei derselben. Neurol. Centrbl., 17, 1898 840-848. Bressant. See, Fiton-Bressant. Bresse, . Etude sur la statistique des jaugeages effectues dans les principaux bassins fran^ais. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1897 (Trim. 3), 5-90. Bresse, J[acqnes] A\_ntoine] Ch[arles]. For biographical notice see Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 507-508. Bresslan, Ernst. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ehab- docoelen. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 422-429, 464. Bresson, A . Bassm du sud-ouest. Feuille de Carcassonne [1894-99.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 6, 1895 67- 68; 7, 1896, 72-73; 8, 1897, 105 (his)-lQl (bis); 9, 1897 349-352 ; 10, 1899, 137-138, 513-515. Sur la presence ,de couches a Physes et Limnees columnaires dans I'Eocene Inferieur des Corbieres sep- tentrionales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 836-839. Observations sur la structure du massif de Saint- Julien, pres Marseille. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 340-346. Sur I'age et les relations stratigraphiques de quelques Calcaires Paleozoiques des environs de Pierrefitte et d'Argeles (Hautes-Pyrenees). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 26, 1898, 653-659. Pyrenees. Feuille de Luz. [1898-1900.] France Serv". Carte Geol. Bull., 10, 1899, 162-164, 546-548 ; 11, 1900, 181-183. Sur Page des massifs granitiques de Cauterets et du Neouvielle (Hautes-Pyrenees) et d'une partie des forma- tions anciennes qui les bordeut. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1255-1258. Sur la presence de fossiles, appartenant an niveau de Eognac, aux environs de Vignevieille sur la feuille de Quillan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 71. Sur I'existence du niveau de Caradoc dans les Hautes- Corbieres (massif de Mouthoumet). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 271. Sur quelques affleurements fossilifcres de I'horizon de Eognac aux environs de Mouthoumet (Hautes-Corbicres). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 529. Le Trias dans le synclinal d'Albieres et d'Arques (Corbieres). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 906-907. Observations a propos de I'existence de couches marines nummulitiques au-dessus du Calcaire de Ventenec, sur la bordure meridiouale de la Montagne-Noire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 28, 1900, 1005-1006. Bresson, A., & Vasseur, G. See Vasseur & Bresson. Bresson, G. Memoire sur la fabrication et les emplois actuels de I'acier dephosphore. Eev. Univ. Mines, 3, 1888, 134-156, 227-248; 4, 1888, 43-68, 155-177. Fabrication de la fonte dans le Luxembourg et les provinces du Ehin d'apres des renseignements recents. Ann. Mines, 2, 1892, 5-20. Bresson, G., & Oruner, E. Progr^s recents de I'affinage et de la dcphosphoration dans la fabrication des fers et aciers. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 3, 1889, 809-838. "Brester, A[lbert]. Theorie du Soleil. [1892.] Amsterdam, Ak. Verb. (Sect. 1), 1, 1893, No. 3, 168 pp. Theory of the Sun. Astr. & Astrophys., 12, 1893, 914-921; 13, 1894, 218-237; Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1894, 7-34. "On Brester's views as to the tranquillity of the solar atmosphere." [Eeply to Oppolzer's paper.] Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 849-856. Variability of red stars. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1896- 96), 248-249. The total solar eclipse of August 9, 1896, as observed in a cloudless sky at Bodo. Nature, 54 (1896), 390-391, 427. [Report of the total solar eclipse, August 9, 1896, with special reference to the corona.] [1896.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 6, 1898, 33-36. Breteau, Pierre. Sur la valeur de la teinture de gaiac comme reactif des agents d'oxydation. Jl. Pharm. , 7, 1898, 569-575. Eaux du Sud-Oranais (Ain-Sefra-Igli). Jl. Pharm., 12, 1900, 562-565. Breteau, Pierre, & Cazeneuve, Paul. See Cazeneuve & Breteau. Bretet, //. Note sur les urines sulfocyauiques. Jl. Pharm., 10, 1884, 350-351. Dosage direct de I'acide carbonique libre et de I'aeide carbonique total dans les eaux minerales. Jl. Pharm., 23, 1891, 339-341. Bretfeld zu Kronenburg, Ileinrich (Frhr.) von. For biographical notice and list of works see Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 398. Bretfeld zu Kronenburg] 795 [Brettes Anatomic des Baumwolle- und Kapoksamens. Unter- suchun^en zum Zvvecke der Construction von Verfalsch- ungs-, Identitiits- und Qualitiitsdiagnosen. Jl. Landw. , 35, 1887, 29-56. Ueber eine Anzahl von mikroskopischen Pilzen. [1887.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 31, 1888, 28. Bretberton, Wilfred A. The great blue heron. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 90-91. A pair of pugnacious blue jays. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 101-102. Br^thes, F. J. See Judulien, F. Br^tigni^re, Zv., & Dupont, C. Recherches sur I'emploi des betteraves dans I'alimentation du betail. Ann. Agrou., 25, 1899, 257-281. Britillon, .1. Sur le mode d'absorption et d'elimination du salol employ^ dans les pansements. Jl. Pharm., 21, 1890, 415-416. Bretin, . [L'emploi des earacteres histologiques est utile a titre de complement.] Lyon Soc. Bot. Ann., 24, 1899 (C. R.), 27-28. Breton, [Fmile Jean], Cbauvel, Jlulen Fidele Mnrie], mmier, H[enri Jacques], & Fesme, [Jacques Edme], See Ctaauvel, Nimier, Breton e'er Fesme. Breton, Liidovic. Communication sur les phosphates de la Somme. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. lud. Min., 1, 1887, 533-546. Quelques objections a la theorie de M. Fayol sur la formation du Terrain Houiller de Commentry. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 2, 1888, 283-303.' Composition de I'etage Houiller en Bas-Boulonnais. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 19, 1891, 24-38. Sur les puits artesiens de Calais. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 19, 1891, 48-52. Etude sur I'^tage Carbonifere du Bas-Boulonnais. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 5, 1891, 35-51. Le sondage de Framzelle. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 28, 1899, 47-52. Coupe de la fosse glaneuse n" 2. Nord Soc. G^ol. Ann., 29, 1900, 2-3. Breton, Philippe. For biographical notice and works see Isere Soc. Bull., 27, 1892, 391-399. Realisation materielle du pendule simple. Is^re Soc. Bull., 24, 1884, 79-87. Lumiere zodiacale et lueurs crepusculaires. Les Mondes, 7, 1884, 257-265. Sur I'origine de la lumiere zodiacale. Les Mondes, 8, 1884, 126-129. Mesure experimentale de I'intensite des sensations luraineuses en fonction des quantites de lumiere. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 [Ft. 2), 226-246. Caractere de divisibilite par 13. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 444-445. [Etude experimentale sur I'expression des eclats sen- sibles, en fonction des quantites de lumiere.] [1885- 87.] Is6re Soc. Bull., 25, 1887, 210, 218-220, 223- 225. Projet d'exercice graphique des courbes diagonales. Is6re Soc. Bull., 25, 1887, 28-46. Mesure des sensations lumineuses, en fonction des quantites de lumiere. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 426-429. Sur I'aureole extatique de Benvenuto Cellini. [1888.] Isere Soc. Bull., 25, 1887, 240-241. D^veloppement artificiel de I'iustinct maternel chez les chapons. Rev. Sci., 42, 1888, 811. Sur une epure de geometrie descriptive. Mathesis, 9, 1889, 73-75. [Sur le " perspecteur-calqueur."] Is^re Soc, Bull., 27, 1892, 659-662. Bretonni^re, J. Perforations de roches calcaires par des escargots. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 566-567. Etude sur le vol plane. Aeronaute, 1889, 124-133, 148-155; 1890, 93-96, 115-121; 1891, 58-63. Observations sur les helices a axe oblique de M. Emile Veykin. Aeronaute, 1893, 61-62. Discussion [on Mr. Frank H. Winston's paper on "the secret of soaring." Aeronautics, Oct., 1893]. Amer. Engineer & Railroad Jl., 68, 1894, 528-529. Le vol plane. La rafale relative. Rev. Sci., 9, 1898, 33-40. Bretscher, K[onrad]. Die Oligochaeten von Ziirich in systematischer und biologischer Hinsicht. [1896.] Rev. Suisse Zool., 3, 1896-96, 499-532. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oligochaeten-Fauria der Schweiz. Rev. Suisse Zool., 6, 1899, 369-426. Ueber die Verbreitungsverhaltnisse der Lumbriciden in der Schweiz. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 703-717. Mitteilungen iiber die Oligochaetenfauna der Schweiz. Rev. Suisse Zool. , 8, 1900, 1-44. Siidschweizerische Oligochaeten. Rev. Suisse Zool., 8, 1900, 435-458. Bretsctaneider, A., & Fermi, CI audio. See Fermi & Bretschneider. Bretschneider, E[viil]. Botanicon sinicum. Notes on Chinese botany, from native and western sources [with general remarks by Dr. E. Faber]. [1892-96 ] China Roy. Asiat. Soc. Jl., 25, 1893, 1-468; 29, 1896, 1-623. On some old collections of Chinese plants. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 292-298. ,T,o6aBoqnHfl saM-feiKH ktj oqepKy iiyTeinecTBiii V. H. HoTAHHHa Bt Cw-M^yaHi. h na BocTOiHyio OKpaimy TH6eTa. [Supplementary notes to the sketch of Potanin's journey to Sechuan and the eastern frontier of Tibet.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 419-426. CnHCOKTjCTOflHOK'r. 9KCnejI,imin V. H.IIOTAHlIHa BT, CH-HyaHL II BOCTO^HHll Tll6eTT, B% 1893 roji;y. [List of stations of Potanin's expedition to Sechuan and the eastern frontier of Tibet in 1893.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 427-436. Potanin's letzte Reise in West-China und im osttibe- tanischen Greuzgebiete im Jahre 1893. Petermann, Mitth., 46, 1900, 12-18. IIo noBOsy craTLii IIoAnojKGBHiiKa HjiHHCKaro 0 ryaHi.-ji;yH'cKOMT. iiojiyocTpoB'fc. [On Lt.-Col. Ilinskij's article on the Kwan-tung peninsula.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 405-432. Bretschneider, W\illiam]. Ueber die Einwirkung schwe- tliger Siiure auf aromatische Hydroxylamine. Jl. Prakt. Chera., 55, 1897, 285-304, 416. Bretschneider, W[illiam], & VTalther, lEnist Richard Heinrich] Reinhold {Frhr.) von. See VTalther & Bret- schneider. Brett, Alfred Thomas. For biography see Med.-Chir. Trans., 80, 1897, cxix-cxx ; Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 9, 1898, Iv. Section at the sewage farm, Watford Fields. [1886.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 117. A nectarine growing on a peach tree. [1887.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 4, 1888, 222. On fish-fatality in the river Colne at Watford. [1888.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 5, 1890, 93-96. Report on diseases of plants in Hertfordshire in 1890. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 191-192. Poisonous properties of Primula obconica. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 195-196. Insects building in a lock. [1891.] Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 6, 1892, 196. Brett, J[ohn] W[atkins]. For biographical notice see Telegr. JL, 1, 1864, 6. Brett, John. *The great patch on Jupiter. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 236-238. Brettes, (r»Vo/»f(») Joxeph de. [Exploration dans I'int^rieur 10(J— 2 Brettes] 796 [Brewer du Chaco Grande austral.] Paris, Soc. Geogr. C. 11., 1886, 15-16, 166-167, 276. [Sa] mission au Chaco. Montpellier, Soc. Langued. Geogr. Bull., 13, 1890, 64-86. Crane d'Indien attribu^ a un sujet ayant appartenu a la tribu des Tairounas, Sierra Nevada de Santa-Martha, E^publique de Colombie (Am(5rique Centrale). Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., .S, 1892, 434-436. ■ [Bassin du Eio Houkoumeji ou Palomino.] Paris, Soc. G^ogr. C. E., 1894, 41-48. Brettes, [Jean Baptiste] Martin de. See Martin de Brettes. Breuer, Alugust], & Zincke, [Ernst Carl] Tli[eodor]. See Zincke & Breuer. Breuer, Adalbert. Die Gauss'sche Darstellung complexer Zahlen in geometriscber Beleuchtung. Arch. Math. Phys. , 12, 1894, 337-343. Breuer, Josef. Neue Versuche an den Ohrbogengangen. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 135-152. Ueber die Function der Otolithen-Apparate. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 48, 1891, 195-306. Ueber Bogengiinge und Eaumsinn. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 596-648; 72, 1898, 216-220. Ueber den Einfluss des Makulapigments auf Farben- gleichungen. Ztschr. Psychol., 13, 1897, 464-473. Breuer,, & Freud, Sigm[und]. Ueber den psychi- schen Mechanismus hysterischer Phanomene. Neurol. Centrbl., 12, 1893, 4-10, 43-47. Breuer, Josef, & Kreidl, Alois. Ueber die scheinbare Drehung des Gesichtsfeldes wahrend der Einwirkung einer Centrifugalkraft. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 70, 1898, 494-510. Breuer, 0. *Notes sur la teinture en deux couleurs de tissu blanc sole et coton. [1883.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 65-66. Note sur I'impression des fonds bleus unis. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 54, 1884, 532-533. Note sur un moyen pour remplacer la terre de pipe dans I'impression sur tissu. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 55, 1885, 322-323. Breuer, Richard. Ueber Pentalnarkose. [1891.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 18. Breuer, Robert. Ueber das freie Chitosamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2193-2200. Breuil, {I'abbe) H[enri]. Coup-d'oeil sur I'age du bronze dans les d^partements de I'Aisne, I'Oise et la Somme. Ass. -Fran?. C. E., 1899 {Pt. 2), 588-597. Diverses observations sur le d^doublement des feuilles et quelques autres anomalies. [1899.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 29, 1898-99, 137-142. Note sur un terrier de marmottes Quaternaires a Cceuvres (Aisne). Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 10, 1899, 521-525. L'fi,ge du bronze dans le bassin de Paris. 1. Les ep^es et dagues du bassin de la Somme. Anthrop. (Paris), 11, 1900, 503-534. DMoublement des feuilles chez I'orme, I'ortie et le sycamore. [1900.] Feuille Jeunes Natural., 30, 1899- 1900, 59-64. BreuiUard, Ch[arles]. Un nouveau mode d'excitation cutan6e. Le massage pneumatique. Ass. Fran^. C. E., 1899 {Pt. 2), 705-713. BreulU6, P. Etude sur la provision des crues de I'Yonne, du Serein et de I'Arman^on. Ann. Fonts et Chauss., 12 (1896), 128-159. Breukeleveen, M. van. Sur I'octom^thyl^ne-diamine. [1894.], Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 13, 1894, 34-35; Delft Ecole Polyt. Ann., 8, 1897, 85-86. Sur la composition des gaz se d^gageant de I'eau d'un puits pr^s d'Enkhuizen (Hollande septentrionale). Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 15, 1896, 280-281. Sur la recherche microchimique du perchlorate dans le nitrate de sodium du Chili. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays- Bas, 17, 1898, 94-95; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 962. Sur quelques combinaisons cristallisees de la succi- nimide avec les phenols. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 32-35. Breukeleveen, M. van, & XZorst, A. ter. Les composes de I'oxyde de carbone avec le fer et leur importance dans la technique du gaz a I'eau. Eec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 19, 1900, 27-31. Breul, Ludolf. Ueber die Vertheilung des Hautpigments bei verschiedenen Menschenrassen. Morphol. Arb. , 6, 1896, 691-719. Kann der Zuckergehalt des normalen Harnes durch einseitige Ernahrungsweise und andere noch in den Bereich des Physiologischen fallende Bedingungen zu hoheren Graden gesteigert werden ? [1897.] Arch. Exper. Path., 40, 1898, 1-28. Breunner-Bnkevoirth, August (Graf). [Vorkommen des Pastor roseus zu Grafenegg in Niederosterreich.] Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 9, 1885, 46-47. Breusing, [Friedrich AuguU] A[rthur]. For biography and works see Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 19, 1892, 527- 532 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 16, 1893, 473 ; Bremen Abh., 13, 1896, 91-105. , Breusing, Eduard. Untersuchungen iiber Bbeithaupt's Manganocalcit (Agnolith, Breusing). [1900.] Neues Jbuch. Min. (Beil.-Bd.), 13, 1899-1901, 265-330. Breusing, R[udolf]. Ueber das "Starke umwandelnde" Ferment im menschlichen Ham. Virchow, Arch., 107, 1887, 186-191. Breustedt, G. Zum Nachweis von Salicylsaure und Benzoesiiure in der Milch. Arch. Pharm., 237, 1899, 170-172. Ueber die Isolierung von Glykogen aus Pferdefleisch und aus Fleischpraparaten. Arch. Pharm., 237, 1899, 637-659. Brevans, J. de. Nouveau proc^d6 de recherche du caramel. Moniteur Sci., 27, 1885, 994-995. Ueber die Verunreinigungen des Acetylens, seine explosiven Eigenschaften, seine Einwirkung auf Metalle, seine Giftigkeit und iiber verschiedene Acetylengenera- toren. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 155-157. Eecherche de la saccharine dans les matieres alimen- taires. Ann. Chim. Anal., 5, 1900, 131-133. Brevans, J. de, & Girard, Ch[arles]. See Girard & Brevans. Brevoort, James Carson. For biography and works see N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 78-80; Eailroad & Engin. Jl., 62, 1888, 46. Brew, William. Note on the use of the electro-dynamo- meter. Electrician, 28, 1892, 600-601. A peculiar discharge of lightning. Nature, 48 (1893), 370. Brewer, Albert D. A study of the Copepoda found in the vicinity of Lincoln, Nebraska. [1898.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 19, [1901], 119-138. Brewer, C[harles'] E[divard], & Orndorff, W[illiam] R[idgehj]. See Orndorff & Brewer. Brewer, (Lt.) I. N. Notes on climate in the Philippines. U. S. Monthly Weath. Eev., 28 (1900), 102. Brewer, 'T[homas] M[ayo], Baird, Spencer Fullerton, & Ridgway, Robert. See Baird, Brewer & Ridgway. Brewer, William H. *0u the subsidence of particles in liquids. [1883.] Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 165-175. On the suspension and sedimentation of clays. Amer. Jl. Sci., 29, 1885, 1-5. The Great Basin. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 21 (1889), 197-227. Atmospheric phenomena in the Arctic regions in their relation to dust. [1895.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895- 96), 271-277. Brewer, William M. The gold-regions of Georgia and Alabama. [1895-96.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 25, 1896, 569-.587; 26, 1897, 464-472. Brewer] 797 [Brewster A preliminary report on the upper gold belt of Alabama, in the counties of Cleburne, Bandolph, Clay, Talladega, Elmore, Coosa and Tallapoosa. Alabama Geol. Surv. Bull., 5, 1896, 1-105. Mining in British Columbia. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans. , 15, 1898, 455-459. Prospecting in Columbia. [With diaaisnion.] [1898.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 16, 1899, 291-299; 17, 1900, 86. Mineral resources of Vancouver, and adjacent islands, British Columbia. [1899.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1900, 444-451. Brewln, A. Note on the effect of lightning on a dwelling house at Twickenham, September 23rd, 1890. [1890.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 19-20. Brewis, E. T., & AUen, W. C. See Allen & Brewis. Brewster, Eihcin Tenney. A measure of variability, and the relation of individual variations to specific differences. Amer. Ac. Proc, 32, 1897, 267-280. Brewster, William. *Singular lightning. Science, 2, 1883, 135. Notes on the summer birds of Berkshire county, Massachusetts. Auk, 1, 1884, 5-16. Another example of Helminthophaga leucobronchialis from Connecticut. Auk, 1, 1884, 91. A singular specimen of the black-and-white creeper. Auk, 1, 1884, 190-192. Swainson's warbler. Auk, 2, 1886, 65-80, 105. The heath hen of Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 80-84. Preliminary notes on some birds obtained in Arizona by Mr. F. Stkphkns in 1884. Auk, 2, 1885, 84-85. Peucaea testivalis and its subspecies illinoensis. Auk, 2, 1885, 105-106. Hawk owls in New England. Auk, 2, 1885, 108-109. The eider ducks of the New England coast. Auk, 2, 1885, 111. The common cormorant in Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 112. The rock ptarmigan of Newfoundland. Auk, 2, 1885, 193-195. Additional notes on some birds collected in Arizona and the adjoining province of Sonora, Mexico, by Mr. F. Stephens in 1884; with a description of a new species of Ortyx. Auk, 2, 1885, 196-200. Nelson's sharp-tailed finch (Ammodramus caudacutus Nelsoni) on the Atlantic coast. Auk, 2, 1885, 216. Additional notes on the nest and eggs of Swainson's warbler (Helinaia Swainsoni). Auk, 2, 1885, 346-348. The oyster-catcher (Hsematopus palliatus) in Massa- chusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 384. An ornithological reconnaissance in western North Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 94-112, 173-179, 277-278. The bridled tern (Sterna anajthetus) in South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 131. [The red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra Stricklandi) in Kansas.] Auk, 3, 1886, 260-261. The orange-crowned warbler in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 3, 1886, 278. Additional notes on Peale's petrel (^strelatagularis). Auk, 3, 1886, 389-393. iEgialitis meloda circumcincta on the coast of South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 408. Vireo solitarius alticola at Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. Ammodramus Lecontei near Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 3, 1886, 410. Occurrence of the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea) in Massachusetts. Auk, 3, 1886, 410-411, 487-488. An interesting specimen of Helminthophila. Auk, 3, 1886, 411-412. Occurrence of the yellow-billed tropic bird in Florida. Auk, .S, 1886, 481. Breeding of the white-faced glossy ibis in Florida. Auk, 3, 1886, 481-482. A red-headed black vulture. Auk, 3, 1886, 483-484. Three new forms of North American birds. Auk, 4, 1887, 145-149. The common murre (Uria troille) and the razor-billed auk (Alca torda) on the New England coast. Auk, 4, 1887, 158. — — Further notes on the masked bob-white (Colinus Ridgwayi). Auk, 4, 1887, 159-160. Capture of a third specimen of the short-tailed hawk (Buteo brachyurus) in Florida. Auk, 4, 1887, 160. A third New England specimen of Swainson's hawk (Buteo Swainsoni). Auk, 4, 1887, 160. Capture of a fish crow (Corvus ossifragus) at Ware- ham, Massachusetts. Auk, 4, 1887, 162. The redpolls of Massachusetts. Auk, 4, 1887, 163- 164. An overlooked specimen of Bachman's warbler. Auk, 4, 1887, 165. Discovery of the nest and eggs of the western warbler (Dendroica occidentalis). Auk, 4, 1887, 166-167. Hummingbirds feeding their young on insects. Auk, 4, 1887, 255. Scarcity of adult birds in autumn. Auk, 4, 1887, 268-269. Descriptions of supposed new birds from Lower California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, Mexico, and the Bahamas. Auk, 5, 1888, 82-95. The prairie horned lark (Otocoris alpestris praticola) on the coast of Massachusetts. Auk, 5, 1888, 111-112 ; 6, 1889, 71-72. On three apparently new subspecies of Mexican birds. Auk, 5, 1888, 136-139. Quiscalus quiscula aglsBus at Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 5, 1888, 208. — — Breeding of the golden-crested kinglet (Regulus satrapa) in Worcester county, Massachusetts, with a description of its nest and eggs. Auk, 5, 1888, 337-344. Notes on the birds of Winchendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts. Auk, 5, 1888, 386-393. A second Maine (and fourth New England) specimen of Swainson's hawk (Buteo Swainsoni). Auk, 5, 1888, 424. An unusual nest of the Parula warbler. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 46-47. Nest and eggs of the mountain solitary Vireo. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 113. The present status of Forster's tern as a bird of New England. Auk, 6, 1889, 66-67. Occurrence of the western sandpiper (Ereunetes occi- dentalis) in numbers on the coast of Massachusetts. Auk, 6, 1889, 69. Krider's hawk (Buteo borealis Kriderii) on the coast of Georgia. Auk, 6, 1889, 70. Descriptions of supposed new birds from western North America and Mexico. Auk, 6, 1889, 86-98. Dendroica coronata feeding upon oranges. Auk, 6, 1889, 279. The present status of the wild pigeon (Ectopistes migiatorius) as a bird of the United States, with some notes on its habits. Auk, 6, 1889, 286-291. Nesting habits of the parrakeet (Conurus carolinensis). Auk, 6, 1889, 336-337. Melanerpes carolinus eating oranges. Auk, 6, 1889, 337-338. The little brown crane (Gnis canadensis) in Bhode Island. Auk, 7, 1890, 89. Capture of a Canada jay (Perisoreus canadensis) near Cambridge, Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890, 91-92. Bullock's oriole in Maine. Auk, 7, 1890, 92. Recent occurrence of the turkey vulture in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890, 204-205. Brewster] 798 [Brezol Capture of a third specimen of the barn owl in Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890, 205. Food of young hummingbirds. Auk, 7, 1890, 206- 207. The purple grackle at Charleston, South Carolina. Auk, 7, 1890, 208. The Acadian sharp-tailed sparrow and Scott's seaside sparrow on the coast of South Carolina. Auk, 7, 1890, 212. Summer robin roosts. Auk, 7, 1890, 360-373. A new subspecies of the solitary sandpiper. Auk, 7, 1890, 377-379. Breeding of the pileated woodpecker in Worcester county, Massachusetts. Auk, 7, 1890, 400-401. A study of Florida gallinules, with some notes on a nest found at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Auk, 8, 1891, 1-7. Descriptions of seven supposed new North American birds. Auk, 8, 1891, 139-149, 237. Notes on Bachman's warbler (Helminthophila Bach- mani). Ank, 8, 1891, 149-157. The whisthng swan in Massachusetts. Auk, 8, 1891, 232. Some additional eastern records of Swainson's hawk (Buteo Swainsoni). Auk, 10, 1893, 82-83. Description of a new hummingbird from northern Mexico. Auk, 10, 1893, 214-215. Description of a new marsh wren, with critical notes on Cistothorus Marianse, Scott. Auk, 10, 1893, 215-219. A brood of young flickers (Colaptes auratus) and how they were fed. Auk, 10, 1893, 231-236, 365. On the occurrence of certain birds in British Columbia. Auk, 10, 1893, 236-237. The Ipswich sparrow (Ammodramus princeps) on the coast of Georgia. Auk, 10, 1893, 302, 365. Notes and song-flight of the woodcock (Philohela minor). Auk, 11, 1894, 291-298. Breeding of the prairie horned lark (Otocoris alpestris praticola) near Pittsfield, Mass. Auk, 11, 1894, 326- 327. Note on the habits of the northern shrike (Lanius borealis). Auk, 11, 1894, 329-330. A remarkable plumage of the prairie hen (Tympanuchus americanus). Auk, 12, 1895, 99-100. Notes on certain flycatchers of the genus Empidonax. Auk, 12, 1896, 157-163. The white gyrfalcon in New England. Auk, 12, 1895, 180. Second occurrence of Harris's sparrow (Zonotrichia querula) in British Columbia. Auk, 12, 1895, 182. — A ground nest of the black-throated green warbler. Auk, 12, 1895, 184-185. A remarkable flight of pine grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator). Auk, 12, 1895, 245-256. Descriptions of a new warbler and a new song sparrow. Auk, 13, 1896, 44-47. Occurrence of the wood ibis (Tantalus loculator) in Bristol county, Massachusetts. Auk, 13, 1896, 341. On the nomenclature of certain forms of the downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens). Auk, 14, 1897, 80-82. The lesser snow goose in New England. Auk, 14, 1897, 207. The Bahaman swallow in Florida. Auk, 14, 1897, 221-222. Geotrygon chrysia again at Key West. Auk, 15, 1898, 185. Occurrence of the spotted screech-owl (Megascops aspersus) in Arizona. Auk, 15, 1898, 186. Lewis's woodpecker storing acorns. Auk, 15, 1898, 188. Revival of the sexual passion in birds in autumn. Auk, 15, 1898, 194-195. The short-eared owls of Muskeget Island. Auk, 15, 1898, 211-213. Notes on the breeding habits of the American golden- eyed duck or whistler (Clangula clangula americana). Auk, 17, 1900, 207-216. Brewster, William, & Chapman, Frank M. Notes on the birds of the lower Suwanee river. Auk, 8, 1891, 125-138. Notes on birds observed in Trinidad. Auk, 12, 1895, 201-211, 418. Breyer, H. G. See Breijer. Breyer, Theodor. Die Bestimmung der Raftinose in Roh- zuckern. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 559-560. Breyer, Theodor, & Schweitzer, Hugo. The determination of potash by the method of Lindo, as modified by Gladdino. .Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 470-477; Chem. Ztg., 17, 1893, 101-102. Br^zenaud. See Fournat de Br^zenaud. Brezina, Aristides. To reference in No. 40 {Vol. 9) add Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 34, 1884, 321-334; Centrztg. Optik, 6, 1885, 85-89. Die Meteoritensammlung des k. k. Mineralogischen Hofkabinetes in Wien am 1. Mai 1885. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 35, 1885, 151-276. Ueber die Krystallform des Tellurit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886, 135-152. Apatit aus dem Stillupgrunde. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (Not.), 12. Neue Meteoviten. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 1, 1886 (Not.), 12-14, 25-26; 2, 1887 [Not.), 114-115. Neue Meteoriten des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hof- museums. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 288-289. Reisebericht aus Italien. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 [Not.), 72-74, 103-112. Bericht iiber eine Excursion nach ViJcklabruck und Kremsmunster. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 2, 1887 (Not.), 113-114. Cliftonit aus dem Meteoreisen von Magura, Arvaer Comitat. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 4, 1889, 102- 106. Ankauf der Hidden'schen Meteoriten- und Mineral ien- sammlung fiir die mineralogische Abtheilung. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 4, 1889 (Not.), 85-87. Ueber Meteoreisen, seine Unterschiede vom kiinst- lichen Eisen und iiber das Schneiden des ersteren. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 38, 1890, 355-359. Ueber die Krystallform des Uranothallit. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890, 495-502. Untersuchungen der Herreu Berthelot und Friedeij in Paris iiber das Meteoreisen von Magura. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 5, 1890 (Not.), 112-114. Ueber neuere Meteorite. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1893 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 1), 158-167. Ueber Losungskanale in Krystallen. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 187. Ueber neuere Gruppen im System der Meteoriten. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1894 (27;. 2, Wilfte 1), 188-189. Die Meteoritensammlung des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums am 1. Mai 1895. Mit zwei Anhangen : I. Berichte des Directors der Sternwarte Zacatecas, Prof. Jose A. y Bonilla, iiber den Meteoreisenfall von Mazapil. ii. Die Meteoritensammlung der Universitat Tiibingen. Wien, Nat. Hist. Hofmus. Ann., 10, 1896, 231-370. Neue Beobachtungen an Meteoriten. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1898, 62-63. Brezina, Ernst, & Grosser, Otto. See Grosser & Brezina. Brezol, H. L'acclimatement du pitch pin (Pinus rigida et australis). France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 65-87. Essais d'elevage d'autruches de 31. Nill, de Stuttgard. France Soc. Acclim. Bull, 36, 1889, 683-688. Melange de sang et croisement chez les poales. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 818-820. Brezol] 799 [Bribosia Les Carnivores americains, France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 49-55. Le cheval et le pore en Chine. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 37, 1890, 729-732. Le betail sauvage de I'lndo-Chine. France Soc, Acclim. Bull, 38, 1891 (Sem. 1), 154-15.5. Les pho(iues de I'Alaska. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 89, 1892 (Sem. 1), 65-79. Quelques varietes de serins. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 [Sem. 2), 101-110. L'arbre a coton soyeux. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 40, 1893 (Sem. 2), 525-526. Brian, Alessandro. L'Euphausia Miilleri comparsa in quantita straordinaria nel Golfo di Genova. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 7, 1896, 79-80. Catalogo di Copepodi parassiti dei pesci della Liguria. Geuova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 9, 1898, 203-229. Di alcuni Crostacei parassiti dei pesci dell' isola d'Elba. Geuova, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 3-10, 197-207. Dipbyllogaster Thompsoni, n. ij. et n. sp., di Caligidae della Dicerobatis Giornie, Gunt. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 53-59. Sulla distribuzione geogratica in Italia del "Titanethes feneriensis," Parona. Geneva, Soc. Ligust. Atti, 10, 1899, 208-215. Brian, Alessandro, & Ariola, Vincenzo. See Ariola & Brian. Brian9on, A. Epreuves photographiques obtenues dans Tobscurite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 390. Briand, . Note pour servir a I'histoire des amnesics texiques produites par I'oxyde de carbone. [With dis- cussion.] Ann. Hyg. Publ., 21, 1889, 356-369. Briand, L. Sur la recherche de I'abrastol dans les vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 925-926; Jl. Pharm., 29, 1894, 516-517. Neuveau precede de dosage de I'acide tartrique. Ann. Chim. Anal., 2, 1897, 321-322. Briant, Lawrence. On the rapid estimation of magnesia as ammonio-magnesic phosphate. Chem. News, 53, 1886, 99. Some practical remarks en mash-tun operations. [1894.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 1, 1895, 70-83. The influence of atjration on fermentation. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 1, 1896, 472-484. Note en the value of the soluble carbohydrates of a malt as an indication of forcing. Louden, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl. , 3, 1897, 222-228. The influence of nitrates in brewing. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing JL, 5, 1899, 372-385. Briant, Lawrence, & xaeacbam, C[harles] Sltejiheii]. Hops. London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 2, 1896, 408-433. Hop drying. [1899.] London, Fed. Inst. Brewing Jl., 6, 1900, 2-9. Briant, T[ravers] J[anu's]. *Notes en the antennae of the honey-bee. [1883.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 19, 1886, 84-88. Briard, (maj.) [Pierre], Champignons nouveaux de I'Aube. Rev. Mycol., 7, 1885, 208-212; 8, 1886, 23-25; 10, 1888, 125-126; 11,1889, 16. Champignons nouveaux. R«v. Mycol., 12, 1890, 131- 133, 142, 177-178; 13, 1891, 15-18. Briard, A., & ZXariot, Paul. Mycetes aliquot novi. Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 170-173. Briard, E. [Notizie sul Lepidium virginicum in Francia.] Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 22, 1890, 283-285. Briart, Aiphonse. For biography and works see Brux., Ac. Bull., 35, 1898, 348-351; Brux. Sec. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1898 (Mem.), 268-299; Brux., Soc. Malacel. Ann., 33 (1898), vi-viii; Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1898 (No. 1), 313 ; Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, liii-lviii; St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 12, 1898, 177-178; Jl. de Conch., 47, 1899, 71-72; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899, 156-168. Ciel et Terre, 14 Brux. Sec. Beige -6. Note sur la structure des dunes. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 21 (1886), 244-273. Sur le genre Trigonia et description de deux Trigonies nouvelles des terrains Supra-Cretaces de Mtestricht et de Ciply. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 23 (1888), 325-339. Sur la presence d'un hydre-cai"bure liquide dans I'etage Houiller du Hainaut. Liege Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 15, 1888, cxxxii-cxxxv. Note sur la separation de I'eau au sein des matieres sedimentaires. Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 15, 1888, cxxxvi-cxxxix. Notice descriptive des terrains Tertiaires et Cretaces de rEntre-Sambre-et-Meuse. Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 15, 1888 (M4m.), 3-58. La formation Houillere. Brux., Ac. Bull., 18, 1889, 815-849. Etude sur les depots gypseux et gypse-saliferiens. [1890.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 16, 1888-89 (Mem.), 62-138. Note sur les mouvements paralleles des roches strati- fiees. [1890.] Liege, Sec. Geol. Belg. Ann., 17, 1889- 90 (Mem.), 129-135. Note sur une faune marine Landenienne dans I'Entre- Sambre-et-Meuse. [1890.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 17, 1889-90 (Mem.), 259-265. Etude sur les limons Hesbayens et les temps Quater- naires en Belgique. [1891.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 19, 1891-92 (Mem.), 15-81. Le climat du Katanga. [1893.] (1893-94), 164-165. Note sur la periode Hesbayenne. Geol. Bull., 1894 (Trad, et Reprod.), 3- Note sur les divergences de vues dans la distinction des limons Quaternaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1894 (Trad, et Reprod.), 7-10. Geologic des environs de Fontaine-l'Evdque et de Landelies. [1894.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 21, 1893-94 (Mem.), 35-103. Etude sur la structure du bassin Houiller du Hainaut dans le district du Centre. [1894.] Liege, Sec. Geol. Belg. Ann., 21, 1893-94 (Mem.), 125-149; Rev. Univ. Mines, 26, 1894, 173-198. Sur I'age du Poudingue de Naninne et sur la presence du Couvinien dans le bassin de Namur, par M. le chanoine H. de Doulodot. [1895.] Liege, Sec. Geol. Belg. Ann., 22, 1894-95 (Mem.), 81-85. Rapport [.sur la note de M . Bayet sur les etages Devoniens de la bande nerd du bassin meridional dans TEntre-Sambre-et-Meuse]. [1895.] Liege, Sec. Geol. Belg. Ann., 22, 1894-95 (Mem.), 126-127. Note sur la Icgende du Calcaire Carbonifere. Nord Soc. Geol. Ann., 23, 1895, 146-151. Les couches du Placard (Mariemont) : suite a I'etude sur la structure du bassin Houiller du Hainaut dans le district du Centre. [1897.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97 (J/cm.), 237-255; Rev. Univ. Mines, 39, 1897, 217-236. Briart, Aiphonse, & Comet, Francois Leopold. Description des fossiles du Calcaire Gressier de Mens, (i^ partie.) [1887.] Brux. Ac. Mem., 47, 1889 (No. 7), 128 pp. See also Comet & Briart. Briart, Aiphonse, & Tiricet, Adolphe. Quelques observa- tions a I'occasion de la note de 31. G. Dewalque sur la declinaison magnetique. Liege, Soc. G6ol. Belg. Ann., 14, 1887, cxxi-cxxiv. Brian, [Eugene]. Valeur de I'iedethyrine dans le traite- ment medical des goitres. .Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 1), 378. Monstre ectromelien. [1897.] Lyon Soc. Sci. MM. M6m., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 141. Bribosia, F[ran(;ois] L. F. For biographical notice see Brux., Ac. M6d. Belg. Bull., 14, 1900, 272-274. Epidemic d'angine diphth^ritique, dans la province de Bribosia] 800 [Bridge Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Namur. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 18, 1884, 701- 717. Quelques mots sur la cocaine. Bull., 18, 1884, 1215-1220. Bricard, Raoul. Sur quelques descriptions nouvelles de la ligne droite au moyen de tiges articulees. [1895.] Genie Civil, 26, 1894-95, 205-207. Sur un mode de description de la ligne droite au moyen de tiges articulees. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 69-70. Sur une question de geometrie relative aux polyedres. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 331-334. Sur un deplacement remarquable. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 939-940. Memoire sur la th(?orie de I'octacdre articule. Liou- ville, Jl. Math., 3, 1897, 113-148. Sur le caractere quadratique du nombre 3 par rapport k un nombre premier quelconque. Nouv. Ann. Math., 16, 1897, 546-549. Sur le deplacement d'un plan dont tous les points decrivent des lignes spheriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 125, 1897, 1024-1026; Lioiiville, Jl. Math., 4, 1898, 409- 448. Etude geomctrique d'un deplacement remarquable et d'un hyperboloide articul^. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 98-108. Note sur des syst^mes de droites et de quadriques tangentes. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 180-184. Note sur les fonctions elliptiques du second ordre. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 25, 1897, 212-221. Note sur une propriete des fonctions elliptiques du second ordre. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 26, 1898, 91-98. Determination des surfaces ayant un systeme de lignes de courbure ^gales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 130, 1900, 475-477. Sur les proprietes metriques d'une certaine corre- spondance (1, 1) entre cubiques focales. Paris, Soc. Math. Bull., 28, 1900, 39-51. Bricard, Raoul, & Fonten^, G[eorge8]. Sec Fonteni & Bricard. Bricard, Raoul, & Farenty, Henri. See Farenty & Bricard. Bricctaetti-Bobecclii. Sec Robeccbi-Bricclietti. Brice {formerly montefiore). See Blontefiore, Arthur [John Hallam]. Brice, John J. Establishment of stations for the propa- gation of salmon on the Pacific coast. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 19, 1895, 387-392. Remarks on the movements and breeding grounds of the fur seal, based on observations made while on the United States naval patrol of Bering Sea in 1894. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 20, 1896, 573-577. The fish and fisheries of the coastal waters of Florida. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 22, 1898, 263-342. Publications of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries available for distribution on June 30, 1897. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 22, 1898, 343-856. Brick, G. Bericht iiber die vom 22. August bis 3. Oktober 1882 im Kreise Tuchel abgehaltenen Excursionen. [1884.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (Heft 1), 32-41. Bericht iiber die vom 5. August bis 16. September 1883 im Kreise Tuchel ausgefiihrten Excursionen. [1886.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884^87 (Heft 3), 15-63. Beitrage zur Biologie und vergleichenden Anatouiie der baltischen Strandpflanzen. [1888.] Danzig Schr. 7, 1888-91 {Heft 1), 108-156. Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Unterscheidung einiger Rotholzer, insbesondere derjenigen von Baphia nitida, Afz., Pterocarpus santalinoides, L'Her., und Pt. santali- nus, L. f. Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 6, 1889 {Pt. 2), 103-111. ' Ueber Nectria cinnabarina {Tode), Fr. Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 10, 1893 {Pt. 2), 111-124. Beitrag znr Pilzflora des Sachsenwaldes. Hamb. Nat. Ver. Verb., 5, 1898, 18-57. Das amerikanische Obst und seine Parasiten. Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch., 16, 1899, Beiheft 3, 63-96; 17, 1900, Beiheft 3, 217-235. Bricka, [Charles]. For biographical notice see Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 1899 {Trim. 4), v-xii. Note sur la construction des ponts metalliques a poutres droites en AUemagne, en Hollande, en Autriche, et en Suisse. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 13 (1887), 285-338. Note sur les formules de resistance du fer et de I'acier employees en AUemagne et sur I'aijplication aux ponts metalliques des resultats des experiences de Wohler et Si'ANGENHKKr.. Ann. Ponts et Chauss., 14 (1887), 698- 703. Brickenden, Lambart. Changes in old land-surfaces and coast-lines in the glacial period. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 479-480. Brickner, Samuel M. The physiological character of the pain of parturition. N. Y. Med. Jl, 70, 1899, 909-913. Brickner [Brykner], Waclaic, & VTagner, Egor E[f)orovic\. See Wagner & Brickner. Bricon, Paul. For biography sec Progres Med., 9, 1889, 281-282. Du pneumococcus. Progres Med., 1, 1886, 149-151, 166-168. Bricout, G. Sur le bichromate cerique ct la separation du cerium d'avec le lanthane et le didyme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1894, 145-146. Briddon, Charles K. Surgical observations in the treat- ment of the diseases and accidents of the liver. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 41, 1885, 121-124, 131-133. Bridet, . Sur I'etablissement d'un telegraphe optique entre Pile de la Reunion et File Maurice. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 425-426. Bridge, {Capt.) Cyprian. Cruises in Melanesia, Micronesia and western Polynesia, in 1882, 1883 and 1884, and visits to New Guinea and the Louisiades in 1884 and 1885. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 8, 1886, 545-565. Bridge, John. On the measurement of astigmatism and some other ocular defects. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 427-431. Bridge, John L. On the ethers of quinone-oxime (nitroso- phenol). First paper. Amer. Chem. Jl., 14 (1892), 276-284. Ueber die Aether des Chinonoxims (/j-Nitrosophenols). Liebig's Ann. , 277, 1893, 79-104. Bridge, .John L., & Morgan, William Conger. The ethers of toluquinoneoxime and their bearing on the space isomerism of nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Jl., 20 (1898), 761-776. The ethers of xsonitrosoguiacol in their relation to the space isomerism of nitrogen. Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 484-488. Bridge, T[homas'\ W[illiam]. Some points in the cranial anatomy of Polypterus. [1888.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 6 (1887-89), 118-130. The air-bladder in certain siluroid fishes. [1888.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 6 (1887-89), 131-136. The structure and function of the air-bladder in certain fishes. [1890.] Birmingham Phil. Soc. Proc, 7 (1889-91), 144-187. Vocal organs in fishes. Midland Natlist., 16, 1893, 168. On certain features in the skull of Osteoglossum formosum. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 302-310. The mesial fins of ganoids and teleosts. Linn. Soc Jl. {Zool), 25, 1896, 530-602. On the presence of ribs in Polyodon (Spatularia) folium. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 722-724. On the morphology of the skull in the Paraguayan Lepidosiren and in other dipnoids. [1897.] Zool. Soc. Trans., 14, 1898, 325-376. Bridge] 801 [Briem The air-bladder and its connection with the auditory organ in Notopterus borneensis. [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (ZooL), 27, 1899-1900, 503-540. Bridge, T[hom(is] W[Uliam], & XZaddon, Alfred C. Con- triliutions to the anatomy of fishes, i [and n]. The air-bladder and Weberian ossicles in the SiluridaB. [1889-92.] Boy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, 309-328; 52, 1893, 139-157; Phil. Trans. (B), 184, 1894, 65-333. Note on the production of sounds by the air-bladder of certain siluroid fishes. Boy. Soc. Proc, 55, 1894, 439-441. Bridges, A. C. Pemphigus. N. Y. Med. Jl., 65, 1897, 859-861. Bridges, Robert. For biography and works see Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 21, 1884, 427-447. Bridges, Robert. Slow lightning. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 31-32. Bridges, Thomas. For biographical notice see Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 33, 1869, 131-134. Bridges, (Rev.) Thomas. The Yahgans of Tierra del Fuego. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 14, 1885, 288-289. El confin sur de la repubiica. La Tierra del Fuego y BUS habitantes. Argentina, Inst. Geogr. Bol., 7, 1886, 200-212; 14, 1893, 221-241. Datos sobre Tierra del P'uego. [In English.] La Plata Mus. Bev., 3, 1892, 313-320. Bridgford, {Blaj.) Sidney Thomas. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 133, 1898, 414- 415. Bridgman, John B[rooks]. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 293; 86, 1900, 15-16; Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 7, 1904, 101-104. Further additions to Mr. Marshall's Catalogue of British Ichneumonidas. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1884, 421- 433; 1886, 335-373; 1887, 361-379; 1889, 409-439. Concerning Anomalon tenuicorne, Gr., etc. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 149-150. The nomenclature of Dr. Budow's new species of Amblyteles. [1888.] Ent. Month. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 36. Notes on a nest of the common wasp (Vespa vulgaris). [1885.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc Trans., 4, 1889, 50-52. Occurrence of Myrmica lobicornis, Nyl, in Norfolk. [1887.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc Trans., 4, 1889, 394. Instinct at fault. [1887.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 394-395. Fauna and flora of Norfolk. Part xii. Phytophagous Hymenoptera (sawflies). [Additions to Hymenoptera. Part xni. Ichneumons.] [1887-93.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 4, 1889, 523-536, 690-691; 5, 1894, 603-632. Microdus calculator, Fab. Mag., 25, 1888-89, 353. Glypta cicatricosa, R., G. G. rubicunda, n. sp., new to Mag., 26, 1890, 208-209. Notes on Hymenoptera in Norwich ; and on the genus Glypta, Gr. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 61-72. Pezomachus corrupter bred from Cionus Scrophu- lariffi. [1895.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 114. Bridgman, Jo/jm Blrooks], & Fitch, Edward A. Intro- ductory papers on Ichneumonidse. [No. iv. Agriotypida. No. V. Ophionida?.] Entomologist, 17, 1884, 121-128, 176-182, 223-228; 18, 1885, 13-20, 100-108, 205-207. Bridgman, L. B. Zoospores in Spirogyra condensata. Erythea, 1, 1893, 128-130. Bridwell, J. C. A list of Kansas Hymenoptera. Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 203-211. Brie, [Paul]. Ueber Trional als Schlafmittel. [1892.] Neurol. Centrbl., 11, 1892, 775-779; Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 49, 1893, 688-689. Brieger, Ludwig. Zur Kenntniss der Faulnissalkaloide. R. S. A. c. [1889.] Ent. Month. flavipes, D. , Britain. Ent. $ , and Month. the neighbourhood of [1889.] Norf. Fiinfte [und sechste] Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 515-517, 1137-1139. Ueber basische Produkte (Ptomaine) aua raenschlichen Leichen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2741-2742. Ueber Spaltungsprodukte der Bacterien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 306-311; 9, 1885, 1-7. Zur Darstellung der Aetherschwefelsaure aus dem Urin. [1884.] Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 8, 1883-84, 311- 312. Nuove ricerche suUe ptomaine. Ann. di Chim., 2, 1886, 250-251. Ueber ein neues Krampfe verursachendes Ptomain. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3119-3121. Ueber basische Produkte in der Miesmuschel. [1885.] Biol. Centrbl., 6, 1887, 406-410. Ueber die Cholerafarbstoffe. Virchow, Arch., 110, 1887, 614-615. Die Quelle des Trimethylamins im Mutterkorn. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 11, 1887, 184-185. Zur Kenntnis der Aetiologie des Wundstarrkrampfes nebst Beraerkungen iiber das Cholerarot. [1887.] Biol. Centrbl., 7, 1888, 298-310. Zur Kenntniss des Tetanin und des Mytilotoxin. Virchow, Arch., 112, 1888, 549-551. Zur Kenntniss der Bildung von Ptomainen und Toxinen durch pathogene Bakterien. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1889, 5-11. Bacterien und Krankheitsgifte. Deutsch. 1889, 178-182; Biol. Centrbl., 10, Natf. 1891, Tagebl., 364-373. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Zusammensetzung des Mytilotoxins nebst einer Uebersicht der bisher in ihrer Haupteigenschaften bekannten Ptomaine und Toxine. Virchow, Arch., 115, 1889, 483-492. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber Bakteriengifte. Ztschr. Hyg., 19, 1896, 101-112. Die Theorie der Autointoxicationen. Wien. Med. Wschr., 48, 1898, 1603. Brieger, Ludicig, & Boer, Oskar. Ueber Antitoxine und Toxine. Ztschr. Hyg., 21, 1896, 259-268. Brieger, Ludwig, & Cotan, Georg. Untersuchungen iiber das Tetanusgift. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 1-10. Beitrage zur Concentrirung der gegen Wundstarr- krampf schiitzenden Substanz aus der Milch. Ztschr. Hyg., 15, 1893, 439-458. Brieger, Ludwig, & Etarlicli, Paul. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Milch immunisirter Thiere. Ztschr. Hyg., 18, 1893, 336-346. Brieger, Ludwig, & Stadthagen, M[ax]. See Btadtbagen & Brieger. Brieger, Ludwig, & VTassermann, A[ugu8t]. Naohtrag zur Arbeit: "Ueber Immunitat und Giftfestigung " von Brieger, Kitasato und Wassermann. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 254-255. Brieger, Ludtoig, Kitasato, Shibasaburo, & IXTassermann, A[Hgust]. Ueber Immunitat und Giftfestigung. Ztschr. Hyg., 12, 1892, 187-182. Brieger, Oscar. Ueber die Einwirkung des Koch'schen Verfahrens auf Schleimhaut-Lupus. Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1891 (Abth. 1), 5-7. Ueber den Nutzen methodischer Horiibungen im Taubstummen-Unterricht. [With discussion.] Breslau, Schles. Ges. Jber., 1894 (Abth. lb), 8-11. Ueber die pyamische AUgemeininfection nach Ohreite- rungen. Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 29, 1896, 97-180; Arch. Otol., 25, 1896, 343-370. Briem, H[ermann]. Studie iiber das Verhalten einzelner Eiibenknauel im ersten [und im zweiten] Wachsthums jahre. [1887.] Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 37, 1887, 1125-1134 ; 38, 1888, 22-25. Siebenjahrige Beobachtungen iiber die Entwickelung der Zuckerriibe. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 38, 1888, 25-28. 101 Brieml 802 [Briggs Leistungsfahigkeit eines gut entwickelten Riiben- knJiuels. Ztschr. Ver, Rubenzuckerind., 39, 1889, 348-349. ■ Die Ruheperiode der Zuekerriibe. [1889.1 Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 40, 1890, 7-12. Die Fortpflanzung der Runkelriibe ohne Samen. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 41, 1891, 361-367, 868- 876. • Die Zuekerriibe und die Witterung. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 15, 1890-91, 242-246. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des mikroskopischen Baues der Zuekerriibe. [1891.] Ztschr. Ver. Rubenzuckerind. , 42, 1892, 300-309. Die Zuckerscheide in der Riibenwurzel. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 42, 1892, 655-660. Das Veredlen der Zuekerriibe durch Pfropfung. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 42, 1892, 797-801. Die Erzeugung der Asexuahiibe nach Novoczek's und nach Bkiem's Methode. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind. , 48, 1893, 28-31. Die Verkittung und Verwachsung bei gepfropften Zuckerriiben. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 48, 1893, 111-115. Adventivbildungen bei der Zuekerriibe. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 49-58. Die Arbeit mit den Dr. Blonski'schen Selectoren. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 379- 888. Deutsche Literatur der Runkel- und Zuekerriibe von 1799 bis 1893. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 782-787. Die gesunde und kranke resp. todte Riibenzelle. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 44, 1894 (Th. 2), 987- 940. Anatomie des Riibenblattes. Ztschr. Ver. Riiben- zuckerind., 45, 1896 (Th. 2), 98-100. Die Warme- und Regenvertheilung wahrend der Vegetationszeit der Zuekerriibe. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-96, 219-223. Eegen und Riibe. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 19, 1894-95, 782-785. Briem, H[ermann], Strohmer, F[riedrich], & Stift, A[nton]. See Btrohmer, Briem & Stift. Brien, . Aper(?u sur la province de Battambang (Siam). Rev. Maritime et Colon., 92, 1887, 5-40, 302-818. Brier, Henry. Manufacture of oxygen by Bkin's process, compressing gases in cylinders, etc. [1891.] Glasgow Phil. See. Proc, 28, 1892, 212-224. Brierley, Hanvood. The Yorkshire gypsey-springs. [1895.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 177. A Yorkshire aerolite. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1896-96), 280. Brierley, •/. Report of the analysis of a sample of water from Iron's well or the Leper's well, Fritham, in the New Forest. [1887.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890, No. 1, 27. Analysis of water from Red Lodge, Bassett, taken December 29th, 1887. [1888.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890, No. 2, 70-71. Analyses of samples of Hampshire iron ore. [1888.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890, No. 2, 71. Summary of the analysis of a sample from the contents of a British burial urn found at Dummer. [1889.] Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890 No. 3, 92. New Forest water. Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890, No. 4, 71-74. Hampshire fuller's earth in its chemical aspects. Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 2, 1894, 84-88. Brierley, J[ohn] I\hovias]. On some new vanadium compounds. Chem. Soc Jl., 49, 1886, 30-36; Liebig's Ann., 232, 1886, 359-366. The electrolytic preparation of vanadious sulphate. Chem. Soc JL, 49, 1886, 822-824. Briesen. See Schulz-Briesen. Briet, Lucien. La grotte de Churugues, vallee de Bareges (Hautes-Pyrenees). Spelunca, Paris, 1900, 19-25. Brieu, F. *L'orage du dimanche 22 mai, observe au sud de Paris. France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 8, 1870, 153-156. Briggs, Allan. Bird notes from North Ronaldshay. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1893, 67-79; 1894, 82-87; 1897, 153- 160. Great crested grebe nesting in Fifeshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1894, 181. The white-winged crossbill in Orkney. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 54. Briggs, Charles A. A week's collecting in Unst. Entomo- logist, 17, 1884, 197-201. The genus Scoparia. Entomologist, 18, 1886, 129- 180; Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 124-125. Variety of Spilosoma Urticae. Entomologist, 21, 1888, 97. Dragon-flies in 1892. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 8-9. Tephrosia crepuscularia. Ent. Month. Mag., 82, 1896, 86-87. Panchlora Madeirae, Fab. Entomologist, 29, 1896, 169-170. A curious habit in certain male Perlidse. Ent. Month. Mag., 83, 1897, 207-208. Two species of Ephemeridse new to Britain. Ent. Month. Mag., 35, 1899, 68-69. Briggs, F. P. Plants collected at Mt. Ktaadn, Me., August, 1892. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 333-83(5. Briggs, J. E. On capillarity. [1896.] Jamaica Inst. Jl., 2, 1899, 212-213. Briggs, Jlohn] F[rederick], & ArmBtrong, Henry Eldicard]. See Armstrong & Briggs. Briggs, J[ohn] F[rederick], Cross, Charles F[rederick], & Bevan, Edward J[ohn]. See Cross, Bevan & Briggs. Briggs, Lyman J. The mechanics of soil moisture. U. S. Div. Soils Bull., 10, 1897, 24 pp. The movement and retention of water in soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1898, 899-404. Electrical instruments for determining the moisture, temperature, and soluble salt content of soils. U. S. Div. Soils Bull., lo, 1899, 85 pp. A new form of electrical condenser having a capacity capable of continuous adjustment. Phys. Rev., 11, 1900, 14-21. Objects and methods of investigating certain physical properties of soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearb., 1900, 397-410. Briggs, Lyman J., & Outbe, Karl E. See Outhe & Briggs. Briggs, Lyman J., & WTiitney, Milton. See VThitney & Briggs. Briggs, Lyman J., Rowland, Henry A., & Carmichael, N. R. See Rowland, Carmichael & Briggs. Briggs, Lyvum J., "WTiitney, Milton, & Gardner, Frank D. See "Whitney, Gardner & Briggs. Briggs, Robert. For biographical notice see Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 36, 1896, 542-545. Briggs, T. Lynton. Note on the manufacture of phenyl- amidoazobenzene and some derivatives. Soc. Chem Ind. JL, 14, 1895, 851-852. Briggs, T[hornas] Rlichard] Archer. For biography and works see Devon. Ass. Trans., 28, 1891, 102-104; Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 97-106. On some Devonian stations of plants noted in the last century. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 168-174. Arum italicum. Mill., in Devon. JL Bot., 22, 1884. 212-218. Brigg^s] 803 [Brill Remarks on Pyrus communis c. cordata, Desv. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 208-209. Remarks on Pyrus latifolia, Syme. Jl. Bot. , 26, 1888, 236-237. Arum italicum, Mill., and A. raaculatum, Linn. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 378. Orchis latifolio-maculata, Townx. (?), in Devon. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 244-24.5. Hybrid thistles near Plymouth. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 270-271. Rubus rhenanus. Mull. ? .11. Bot., 27, 1889, 271. Cuckoo in nest of redbreast. Devon. Ass. Trans., 22, 1890, 44-45. Rubus erythrinus, Genev. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 204- 206. Rubus silvaticus, W. & N. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 274- 276, 350. Rosa micrantha, Sm., var. Briggsii, Baker. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 350. Brlgham, Albert Peiry. Rivers and the evolution of geoftraphical forms. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 24, 1892, 23-43. The Finger lakes of New York. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 25 (1893), 203-223. The composite origin of topographic forms. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Jl., 27 (1895), 161-173. Drift boulders between the Mohawk and Susquehanna rivers. Amer. Jl. Sci., 49, 1895, 213-228. Glacial flood deposits in the Chenango valley. [1896.] Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 229-230; Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 8, 1897, 17-30. Topography and glacial deposits of Mohawk valley. [1897.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., 9, 1898, x, 183-210. Note on trellised drainage in the Adirondacks. Amer. Geologist, 21, 1898, 219-222. The eastern gateway of the United States. Geogr. Jl., 13, 1899, 513-524. Glacial erosion in the Aar valley. [With discussion.] [1899.] Amer. Geol. Soc. Bull., li, 1900, 588-592. Brlgbam, C. Pliny. On some double halides of bismuth. Amer. Chem. Jl., 14 (1892), 164-182. Brigham, Edicard M. Singular development of Opistho- comus. [1884.] Ibis, 3, 1886, 118. Brigbara, William T. Kilauea in 1880. Amer. Jl. Sci., 34, 1887, 19-27. On the summit crater of Mt. Loa in 1880 and 1885. Notes on an ascent in 1880, about three months before the great eruption of that year. Amer. Jl. Sci., 36, 1888, 33-35. Hawaiian volcanoes. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 334-335. On the recent eruption of Kilauea. Amer. Jl. Sci., 41, 1891, 507-510. Brighetti, Gelso. Ricerche sui prati natvirali asciutti del Ferrarese. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 31, 1898, 620-651. Brigbt, (Sir) Charles T[ilston]. For biography and works see Electrician, 21, 1888, 13-14; Geogr. Soc. Proc, 10, 1888, 387; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 93, 1888, 479-487; Lum. Elect,, 28, 1888, 396; Telegr. Jl., 22, 1888, 508-512; Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 49, 1889, 157-159; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 45, 1889 {Proc), 39. *Avertisseurs d'incendie et telegraphes de quartier (systeme Bright). Lum. Elect., 5, 1881, 285-289. [Presidential address. History of the telegraph.] [1887.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 16, 1888, 7-40. On the means employed to develop factory faults in submarine cables during manufacture. [1887.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 16, 1888, 457-460. The physical and electrical effect of pressure and temperature on a submarine cable core. [1888.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 17, 1889, 679-685. [Insulation resistance of electric light installations.] [1889.] Inst. Elect. Engin. Jl., 18, 1890, 123-124. The construction, laying, and repairing of submarine telegraphs. Elect. Rev., 41, 1897, 669-672. Brigbt, £. B. On a system of electric fire-alarms. [With discussion.] Telegr. Engin. Jl., 13, 1884, 51-73. Brigbt, Percy M., King, James J. F. X., & Beld, Williatn. See King, Brigbt & Beid. Brigbtmore, Arthur William. Experiments on the steam- engine indicator. [1885.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 83, 1886, 20-41, 103-105. Floating stones. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 346. Brigidi, Vincenzo. II bacillo della tubercolosi. Speri- mentale, 53, 1884, 408-420. Contributo alia conoscenza della degenerazione ialina. Sperimentale, 54, 1884, 589-615. Intorno alia etiologia delle febbri tifoidee. Speri- mentale, 56, 1885, 409-419. Delia moltiplicazione nucleare studiata nei neoplasmi ed in particolare in un sarcoma a nuclei giganti ed in un leiomioma cutaneo, Sperimentale, 57, 1886, 483-500. Contributo alia biologia delle cellule bianche. Speri- mentale, 58, 1886, 3-34. Processi di moltiplicazione e di decostituzione nucleare. Sperimentale, 60, 1887, 261-267. Di una larga comunicazione fra la vena ombellicale e la vena iliaca destra. Sperimentale, 61, 1888, 337- 343. I. Studio anatomo patologico della lebbra. ii. Con- siderazioni sulla cirrosi epatica ed importanza del microrganismi nella etiologia della stessa. Sperimentale, 64, 1889, 155-175, 225-241. Le alterazioni polmonari nella influenza. Speri- mentale, 66, 1890, 113-126, 225-237. Brigidi, Vincenzo, & Aresu, R. *Delle alterazioni anatomo- patologiche prodotte dai bromuri negli animali inferiori. Firenze R. Ist. Pubbl. {Sez. Med.), 9 (1, 1881), 1-12. Brigidi, Vincenzo, & Piecoli, E. Ueber die Adenia simplex und deren Beziehungeu zur Thymushyperplasie. Beitr. Path. Anat., 16, 1894, 388-407. Brigidi, Vincenzo, & Ta&nl, Alessandro. *Embriologia del Ciprinus auratus. Firenze R. Ist. Pubbl. (Sez. Med.), 9 (1, 1881), 115-192. Brigidi, Vincenzo, & Toti, A[ddeo]. Studio anatomo-pato- logico sopra alcune produzioni morbose trovate nel fegato'di un polio e di un piccione. (Tubercolosi e cancro.) Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 577-589. Necrosi grassa in un tumore lipomatoso. Speri- mentale, 56, 1886, 600-605. Brignae, de. Les depots diluviens dans la valine du Vidourle. [1884.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 13, 1886, 83-88. Brignoles. See Boux de Brignoles. Brignone, Giovanni. Analisi di un acqua termominerale neir isola di Pantelleria. [1884.] Gazz. Chim. Ital., 14, 1886, 42-54. Alcune osservazioni sui varii metodi di dosamento dei cloruri nell' urina. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 137-159. Brill, A{lexander]. Ueber rationale Curven und Regel- flachen. [1885.] Munchen Ak. Sber., 15, 1886, 276-287, Bemerkung iiber pseudospharische Mannigfaltigkeiten von drei Dimensionen. Math. Ann., 26, 1886, 300-303. Ueber algebraische Correspondenzen. Math. Ann. , 31, 1888, 374-409; 36, 1890, 321-370. Ueber die Multiplicitat der Schnittpunkte von zwei ebenen Curven. [1888.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 18, 1889, 81-94. Ueber die Discriminante von Resultanten. Gottingen Nachr., 1889, 89-92. Ueber Functionen von zwei Veranderliohen und einen Satz des Herrn Noether. Math. Ann., 39, 1891, 129- 141. Ueber die reducirte Resultants. [1888-89.] Miinchen, Ak. Abh., 17, 1892, 89-101. 101—2 BrUl] 804 [Brillouin Ueber das Verhalten einer Function von zwei Verau- derlichen in der Umgebuiig einer NuUstelle. [1891.] Miinchen Ak. Sber., 21, 1892, 207-220. Ueber symmetrische Functionen von Variabelnpaaren. Gottingen Nachr., 1893, 757-762. Ueber die Zerfallung einer Ternarform in Linear- factoren. [1896-98.] Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 157-182; Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 5, 1901 {Heft 1), 52-55. Ueber ein Beispiel des Herrn Boltzmann zu der Mechanik von Hertz. Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 8, 1900 {Heft 1), 200-204. BriU, Allexandei"], & Noetber, Max. Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in alterer und neuerer Zeit. [1893.] Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 3, 1894, 107-566. BriU, J[oM]. On the application of the theory of complex quantities to plane geometry. Messenger Math., 16, 1887, 8-20. A new method for the graphical representation of complex quantities. Messenger Math., 17, 1888, 80-93. A new geometrical interpretation of the quaternion analysis. [1887.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 156-169. Orthogonal systems of curves and of surfaces. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 230-245. On the geometrical interpretation of the singular points of an equipotential system of curves. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 813-320. A method of transformation with the aid of con- gruences of a particular type. [1888.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 102-109. Notes on conjugate functions and equipotential curves. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 187-199. A method of discovering particular solutions of certain differential equations, that satisfy specified boundary conditions. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 344- 358. On a certain minimum theorem. Messenger Math., 18, 1889, 158-167. The solution of a special case of the problem of the establishment of a correlation between two plane figures. Messenger Math., 19, 1890, 57-62, 151-155. On the application of the method of reciprocal polars to statical theorems. Messenger Math., 20, 1891, 166-171. Note sur I'application de transformations de contact a I'int^gration des Equations aux d^riv^es partielles du second ordre. Nouv. Ann. Math., 10, 1891, 362-365. On certain points specially related to families of curves. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 57-64. Note on the application of quaternions to the dis- cussion of Laplace's equation. [1890-91.] Cambridge Phil. Soc Proc, 7, 1892, 120-125, 151-156. A property of the equation of conduction of heat. Messenger Math., 21, 1892, 137-139. Note on an extension of the theory of functions of a complex variable. Messenger Math., 23, 1894, 108-111, 185-194. On the application of the theory of matrices to the discussion of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1896, 201-210. Note on the steady motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. Cambridge Phil. Soc Proc, 8, 1896, 313-322. On the form of the energy integral in the varying motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. London Math. Soc Proc, 26, 1896, 474-481. On certain point transformations in a plane. Messenger Math., 24, 1896, 113-123. "Densities in the Earth's crust." Phil. Mag., 39, 1895, 93-97. On certain general properties of point transforma- tions. Quart. Jl. Math., 27, 1896, 356-362. Note on matrices. [1895-97.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 35-38; 28, 1897, 368-370. Note on the application of analysis to geometry. Messenger Math., 25, 1896, 49-59. Note on the form of the energy integral in the motion of an incompressible fluid. Quart. JI. Math., 28, 1896, 185-190. Note on the principle of duality. Messenger Math., 26, 1897, 134-140. On certain exact systems of Pfaffian equations of a special type. Messenger Math., 26, 1897, 183-192. On the generalization of certain properties of the tetrahedron. [1896.] Cambridge Phil. Soc Proc, 9, 1898, 98-108. Note on the motion of an incompressible viscous fluid. Messenger Math., 27, 1898, 147-152. On certain analogues of anharmonic ratio. Quart. Jl. Math., 29, 1898, 286-302. On the complete system of multilinear differential covariants of a single Pfaffian expression, and of a set of Pfaffian expressions. London Math. Soc. Proc, 30, 1899, 263-271. Suggestions towards the formation of a general theory of systems of Pfaffian e{[uations. Quart. Jl. Math., 30, 1899, 221-242. Note on Clebsch's second method for the integration of a Pfaffian equation. [1899.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 31, 1900, 31.5-332. Brill, N. E. Note on the ala cinerea. N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 294. A study of seventeen cases of a disease clinically resembling typhoid fever, but without the Widal reaction ; together with a short review of the present status of the sero-diagnosis of typhoid fever. [1897.] N. Y. Med. Jl. , 67, 1898, 48-54, 77-82. Brill, N. E., & Xjibman, E. A contribution to the subjects of chronic interstitial nephritis and arteritis in the young, and family nephritis ; with a note on calcification in the liver. Jl. Exper. Med., 4, 1899, 541-557. Brilli, Lorenzo. Ricerche sulla ventilazione polmonare neir et^ infantile. Sperimentale, 1893 (Mem.), 218-229. Brilli6, H. Etude th^orique de la vaporisation dans )es cbaudi^res. G6nie Civil, 31, 1897, 260-262, 277-280, 293-296. Etude de la circulation de I'eau dans les chaudi^res multitubulaires. G^nie Civil, 32, 1897-98, 75-79, 95-98, 114-117, 264-266, 282, 297-299, 313-316; 34, 1898-99, 134-138, 147-149, 165-167, 181-182, 195-197; 35,1899, 342-344, 357-361, 378-380. 388-391, 405-408. Brillouin, {Louis~\ Marcel. Dur^e d'oscillation d'un syst^me magn^tique muni de son index. Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 167-171. Sur la torsion des prismes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1886, 739-742. Battement ^lectrique d'une horloge astronomique. Toulouse Obs. Ann., 2, 1886, C.1-C.7. Sur les tuyaux sonores. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 205-222. R^sonateurs. Jl. Phys., 6, 1887, 222-227. Signaux sonores sous-marins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1821-1822. Essai sur les lois d'^lasticit^ d'un milieu capable de transmettre des actions en raison inverse du carr^ de la distance. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 4, 1887, 201-240. Questions d'hydrodynamique. Toulouse Fac. Sci. Ann., 1, 1887, 80 pp. Chaleur sp^cifique pour une transformation quelconque et thermodynamique. Jl. Phys., 7, 1888, 148-152. Deformations permanentes et thermodynamique. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 416-418, 482-485, 537- 540, 589-592 ; Jl. Phys. , 7, 1888, 327-347. Deformations permanentes et thermodynamique : entropie. Jl, Phys., 8, 1889, 169-179. Principes g^n^raux d'une theorie eiastique de la Brillouin] 805 [Brimley plasticite et de la fragility des corps solides. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 7, 1890, 345-360. Sur le degre de complexity des molecules gazeuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 575-577. Theorie 61astique de la plasticity et de la fragility des corps solides. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1054- 1056. Deformations homog^nes finies. Energie d'un corps isotrope. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 1500-1502. Regions temperees ; conditions locales de persistance des courants atmosph^riques ; courants d^riv^s ; origine et translation de certains mouvements cycloniques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 203-205. Sur la propagation des vibrations dans les milieux absorbants isotropes. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 808-811. Deformation produite dans un milieu isotrope ind^fini par le d^placement d'une sphere solide. Ann. Chim., 30, 1893, 245-264. Sur la loi de compressibility isotlierme des liquides et des gaz et la definition des etats correspondants. Jl. Phys., 2, 1893, 113-118. Vibrations propres d'un milieu ind^finiment ^tendu exterieuremeut k un corps solide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 117, 1893, 94-96. Mouvement ^mis par une sphere en mouvement dans un milieu elastique indefini ; reaction du milieu sur la sphere. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 117-143. Mouvements d'une sphere dans une atmosphere gazeuse, vibrations propres de I'espace exterieur. Ann. Chim., 2, 1894, 417-430. Tensions superficielles et formes cristallines. Domaine d'action moieculaire. Ann. Chim., 6, 1895, 540-574. Nouvelles mesures de I'intensite de la pesanteur par M. VON Sterneck, Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 409-435. Viseur stroboscopique. Horloge k periode variable. Jl. Phys., 5, 1896, 394-398. Les taches solaires et le temps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 484-486. Vents contigus et nnages. [1898.] France Bur. Centr. Met^orol. Ann., 1896 (1), B.45-B.150. Vents et nuages. Ann. Chim., 12, 1897, 145-153. Origine, variations et perturbations de I'eiectricite atmospherique. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1897 (Pt. 2), 257-260; Ciel et Terre, 18 (1897-98), 359-363. Theorie d'un alternateur auto-excitateur. Eclairage Elect., 11 (1897), 49-59. Appareil l^ger pour la determination rapide de I'in- tensite de la pesanteur. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 292-293. Les ecarts apparents de la loi de Hooke. Poingons et couteaux de pendules. Chaines. Vis calantes. Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 231-264. Theorie de la fusion complete et de la fusion pateuse. Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 264-275. Theorie des deformations permanentes des metaux industriels. Ann. Chim., 13, 1898, 377-404; 14, 1898, 311-331; 15, 1898, 447-469. La polarisation rot^toire magnetique et I'axiome de Clausius. Eclairage Elect., 15 (1898), 265-269. Loi des deformations des metaux industriels. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 328-330. Theorie de la diffusion des gaz sans parol poreuse. Propagation du sou dans les melanges, Ann. Chim., 18, 1899, 433-448. Theorie moieculaire du frottement des solides polls. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 354-355; Ann. Chim., 16, 1899, 433-457. Theorie moieculaire des gaz. Diffusion du mouvement et de renergie. Ann. Chim., 20, 1900, 440-485. Lois des variations rapides d'amplitude du balancier des chronometres. Congr. Int. Chronom., 1900, 164-174. Constante de la gravitation universelle. Sur one cause de dissymetrie dans I'emploi de la balance de Cavendish. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 131, 1900, 1293-1296. La constante de la gravitation pniverselle et les irregularites locales de la pesanteur. Paris, Soc. Phys. seances, 1900, 67*. Brimley, C. S. Winter notes from Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 76; 12, 1887, 36-37. Spring migration at Raleigh, N. C, in 1886. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 91-92. Notes from Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 20-21, 201-202. The blue grosbeak (Guiraca cserulea). Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 92. Winter food of birds in the south. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 105-106. Amount of food consumed by the barred owl. Ornith. Ool, 12, 1887, 122. Nesting of the brov?n-headed nuthatch. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 126-127. The two species of kinglet as observed at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 12, 1887, 127-128. Number of eggs in a set. Ornith. Ool. , 12, 1887, 166. The food of some Raleigh birds. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 16. Albino winter wrens. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 32. A list of birds known to breed at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 42-43. Nesting of the pine warbler in 1888. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 89. Nesting of the Carolina chickadee in 1888. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 100. On the food of the woodpeckers. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 141-142. Nesting of the tufted tit in 1888. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 142. The nesting of the brown-headed nuthatch at Raleigh, N. C, in 1888. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 149-150. Some additions to the avifauna of North Carolina and also to that of Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 18, 1888, 187. Occurrence of the white-throated warbler (so called) at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 189. Nesting of the Acadian flycatcher at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 136-137. Nesting of the yellow-throated warbler, at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool"., 14, 1889, 151. The preference of the brown-headed nuthatch for a nesting site near water. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 156. Nesting dates in 1888 at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 165. Nesting of the Louisiana water thrush in 1889 at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 169. Nesting of the blue-gray gnat-catcher at Raleigh, N. C, Ornith. Ool., 14, 1889, 181-182. The nesting of the yellow-throated warbler at Raleigh, N. C. Auk, 7, 1890, 323-326. Nesting of the ruby-throated humming bird at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 18. Nesting of the blue grosbeak in 1888 and 1889 at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 22. Additions to the avifauna of North Carolina and of Raleigh in 1889. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 23. Nesting of the summer tanager at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 164. Nesting of the prairie warbler at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 165. Influence of the open winter of 1889-90 on the nesting and arrival of some birds at Raleigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 166. Eggs of the tufted tit. Ornith. Ool., 15, 1890, 182. On the breeding habits of Dendroica Vigorsii at Raleigh, North Carolina. Auk, 8, 1891, 199-200. Brimley] 806 [Brinton Bachman's warbler (Helminthophila Bachmani) at Raleigh, N. C. Auk, 8, 1891, 316-317. Nesting of the cedar waxwing at Ealeigh, N, C. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 25. Nesting of the black rail at Ealeigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 26. Nesting of the Louisiana water thrush. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 99-100. Brief notes from Ealeigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 104. The Maryland yellow-throat at Ealeigh, N. C, in winter. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 137. Some notes of the winter of 1889-90. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 152-153. Some additions to the avifauna of North Carolina, with notes on some other species. Auk, 10, 1893, 241- 244, 407. Notes from Ealeigh, N. C. Auk, 11, 1894, 332-333. List of snakes observed at Ealeigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 56-57. Habits of Heterodon platyrhinus at Ealeigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 75. Batrachia found at Raleigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 500-501. On the mud minnow (Umbra pygmsea) as an air breather. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 944. An incomplete list of the mammals of Bertie Co., N. C. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 237-239. Lists of mammals of Ealeigh, N. C. Amer. Natlist., 31, 1897, 446-449. Brimley, C. S., & Brimley, H. H. See below. Brimley, H. H. Pavoncella pugnax in. North Carolina. Auk, 9, 1892, 299-.300. Notes from Beaufort, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 106. Brimley, H. H., & Brimley, C. S. Winter birds of Ealeigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 128. Summer birds of Ealeigh, N. C. Birds observed at Raleigh, N. C, during the months of June, July and August, 1881-85. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 143-144. Fall migrants at Ealeigh, N. C. Ornith. Ool., 10, 1885, 183. The habitat of the salamander Linguelapsus annu- latus, Cope. Amer. Natlist., 29, 1895, 168. [Breeding of the little black rail ( Porzana jamaicensis) at Ealeigh, N. Carolina.] Auk, 17, 1900, 171-172. Brimont, (baron) de. *Bolide du 3 fevrier 1856. France Soc. M6t6orol. Annu., 4, 1856, Pt. 2, 55-56. Brinck, (Frl.) Julia. On the nutrition of skeletal muscle. Jl. Physiol., 10, 1889, ix-x. Ueber synthetische Wirkung lebender Zellen. Ztschr. Biol., 25, 1889, 453-473. Brinck, (Frl.) Julia, & Kronecker, Hugo. Ueber synthe- tische Wirkung lebender Zellen. Bern Mitth., 1887, xviii-xxii; Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1887, 347-349. BrinckerhofT, W. R. The pathology of azoturia. Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Jl., [4, 1900], 229-233. Brinckmann, H. Hamburger Silberlack. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 43-44. Brindeau, [Auguste], & nXaci, E. Sur les ana^robies dans I'infection puerp^rale. Congr. Int. M6d. C. E., 1900 (FoZ.^ 15, Obstetr.), 107-111. Brindel, [Edouard Victorien Aime]. Contribution a I'anatomie pathologique des cavit^s kystiques ayant leur point de depart dans la muqueuse des fosses nasales. Bordeaux Soc. M6d. M6m., 1898, 107-116. Brindley, H[arold] H[ulme]. On a specimen of the white bream {Abramis blicca. Block) without pelvic fins. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 108-109. On the nature of the relation between the size of certain animals and the size and number of their sense- organs. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7 1892 96-97. On a specimen of Hemidactylus Gleadovii, Murray, with a bifid renewed tail. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 9, 1894r-95, 30-33. On the regeneration of the legs in the Blattidse. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 903-916. Some cases of caudal abnormality in Mabuia carinata and other lizards. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 11, 1897-98, 680-689. On certain characters of reproduced appendages in Arthropoda, particularly in the Blattidse. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 924-958. Note on some abnormalities of the limbs and tail of dipnoan fishes. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 325-327. Brindley, H[arold] H[vl7ne~\, & Bateson, William. See Bateson & Brindley. Brindley, W. On the marbles and other ornamental rocks of the Mediterranean. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 809-810. Brink, A. J. ten. Het " Sneeuwgebergte " op Nieuw- Guinea. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 52, 1893, 41-75. Brink, H. van den. *[Notes m^teorologiques.] Utrecht (Hollande). France Soc. M^t^orol. Nouv. M^t^orol., 4, 1871, 102. Brink, if. van den, & Buys-Ballot, C[hristopher] H[endrik] D[iVfe]. See Buys-Ballot & Brink. Brink, Max. Zur Localisation der Grosshirnfunctionen und zur Lehre von der secundaren Degeneration. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 38, 1886, 285-301. Brinkman, Albert. A microscopical demonstration of myeUtis. N. Y. Med. JL, 44, 1886, 694-695. Brinkmann, A. Ueber die Ameisengaste (Myrmecophilen). Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 2, 1890 {Th. 2), 154-159. Brinkmann, W. Vorarbeiten zu einer Pilzflora West- falens. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1896-97, 195-207; 1897-98, 126-138. Brinton, Daniel G[arrison]. For biography and list of works see Amer. Ass. Proc, 1899, 354; Anthrop. (Paris), 10, 1899, 621-622 ; Nature, 60 (1899), 374 ; Science, 10, 1899, 193-196; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc (Mem. Vol. 1), 1900, 210-272; Anthrop. Inst. JL, 30, 1900, 21; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mitth., 30, 1900, [129]. The lineal measures of the semi -civilised nations of Mexico and Central America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 604. Tunisian flints. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 219-220. Fired stones and prehistoric implements. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 279-280. A glacial pebble. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1884, 299. The phonetic elements in the graphic systems of the Mayas and Mexicans. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 327- 328. Address [to the Anthrop. Sect.]. A review of the data for the study of the prehistoric chronology of America. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1887, 283-301. Early man in Spain. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 323-324. On the alleged Mongoloid affinities of the American race. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 325 ; Science, 12, 1888, 121-123, 239. Chalchiuitl : a note on the jadeite discussion. Science, 12, 1888, 168. The ethnologic affinities of the ancient Etruscans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 26, 1889, 506-527. Proposed classification and international nomen- clature of the anthropologic sciences. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 257-258. Anvil-shaped stones from Pennsylvania. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1892, 286-287. European origin of the white race. Science, 19, 1892, 360-361 ; 20, 1892, 165. Remarks on the Mexican calendar system. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1893, 312. Brinton] 807 [Brioschi Variations in the liuraan skeleton and their causes. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1894, 329. [Presidential address.] The aims of anthropology. Amer. Ass. Pi-oc, 1895, 1-17. The protohistoric ethnography of western Asia. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, U, 1896, 71-102. [The factors of organic evolution.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc, 35, 1896, 111-113. On the oldest stone implements in the eastern United States. Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 26, 1897, 59-64. Brioli, Ferdinand. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss von Eryops megacephalus (Cope). [1899.] Palaeontographica, 46, 1899-1900, 61-84. Brion, Albert. Ueber die Oxydation der stereoisomeren Weinsiiuren im thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 283-295. Ein Fall von geschlossenem Herzklappen-Atherom bei einem 15 jahrigen Madchen. Virchow, Arch., 162, 1900, 545-549. Brion, E., & Senys, J. See Denys & Brion. Brion, Georti. Ueber den Uebergang der Kohle aus dem nichtleitenden in den leitenden Zustand. Ann. Phys. Chem., 59, 1896, 715-734. Briones, Narciso. Sobre la constitucion del acido nitro- naftdlico. [In French.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 3, 1893, cxxiii-cxxiv, cxxx-cxxxii. [Sobre las phtaleinas.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, xlviii. Paico. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, Ixxiv. Palquina. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, Ixxiv, cii-ciii. Maqui. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, Ixxxix-xc. Sur le cochayuyo. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, cviii-cix. Matiere colorante des fruits du palqui. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, cxxxix-cxl. [Sur la matiere colorante du maqui.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, cxl. Sobre la composicion quimica de las hojas de avellano. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, cxe-cxci. El Margarodes vitium, A. Giard. Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 4, 1894, ccxi. Contribucion al estudio quimico del Margarodes vitium. [1894.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 5, 1895, cxxv. [Tanino de los frutos del espino i del algarrobillo.] Chili Soc. Sci. Act., 5, 1895, Ixxxii. Brioschi, Fanstino. Piogge insolite [a Napoli, 13 settembre 1890]. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 10. Riassunti decadici e mensuali delle osservazioni meteo- riche fatte nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte nell' anno 1892 [e nell' 1893]. Napoli, Rend., 32, 1893, 163-167; 33, 1894, 202-206. Temperature estreme osservate al R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte (Napoli) nel ventennio 1873-93. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 142. Brioschi, Faustina, & Oasparis, A[nnibal€] de. See Oasparis & Brioschi. Brioschi, Francesco. For biography and list of works see Ann. Mat., 26 (1897), 343-347; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 1139-1141; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 {Sem. 2), 353-355; Crelle, Jl. Math., 119, 1898, 259; Giorn. Mat., 36, 1898, 51-54; London Math. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898, 721-726; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 42, 1898, xxxix; Math. Ann., 50, 1898, 477-491; Napoli, Rend., 37, 1898, 3-4; Nature, 57 (1897-98), 279; Nuova Antol. Sci., 157, 1898, 170-179; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 30, 1898, 28; St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1898, xxvii-xxviii; Wiad. Mat., 2, 1898, 66-67; Wien, Almanach, 48, 1898, 332-335; Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 32, 1899, 108-125; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 28, 1899, 449- 452; Mathesis, 20, 1900, 112-113; Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 14, 1900, 262-274. Sulla teoria delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 12 (1883-84), 49-72. SuUe proprieta di una forma biquadratica. Giorn. Mat., 22, 1884, 130-132. Sopra un problema d' ahalisi. Milano, Ist. Lorab. Rend., 17, 1884, 401-406. Les relations algebriques entre les fonctions hyper- elliptiques d'ordre n. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 889-892, 951-953, 1050-1053. Sopra una classe di curve del 4" ordine. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Trans., 8, 1884, 164-168. Sulla teoria delle equazioni dififerenziali lineari. Ann. Mat., 13 (1886), 1-21. Sulla trasformazione delle funzioni iperellittiche del primo ordine. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 315-318. Sopra una proprieta della ridotta dell' equazione modulare di ottavo grado. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1886, 514-516, 583-586. Le equazioni modulari nella trasformazione del terzo ordine delle funzioni iperellittiche a due variabili. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 1, 1885, 769-771. Sur quelques Equations diff^rentielles. (Extrait de deux lettres adress^es a Mr. F. Klein.) Math. Ann., 26, 1886, 106-109. Sur quelques formules hyperelliptiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 239-242, 297-298. I nuovi moduli per le funzioni iperellittiche a due variabili. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 1), 159-164. Sulla espressione per serie delle funzioni iperellit- tiche a due variabili. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 {Sem. 1), 199-203, 215-221. Sulle proprieta di una classe di forme binarie. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sem. 1), 302-805. Sopra una formola di trasformazione di integrali multipli. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 2, 1886 (Sein. 2), 111-117. Le equazioni differenziali pei periodi delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 14 (1886-87), 238-240. Sulla teorica delle funzioni iperellittiche di primo ordine. Ann. Mat., 14 (1886-87), 241-344. Zur Transformation dritten Grades der hyperellip- tischen Functionen erster Ordnung. Math. Ann., 28, 1887, 594-596. Ueber die Transformation der algebraischen Gleich- ungen durch Covarianten. (Auszug aus einem Briefe an Hrn. Gordan.) Math. Ann., 29, 1887, 327-330. Sulla trasformazione delle equazioni algebriche. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 20, 1887, 864-370. Sulle funzioni sigma iperellittiche. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1887 (Sem. 1), 245-250, 311-315. Studi sulle forme ternarie. Ann. Mat., 15 (1887-88), 235-252. Osservazioni Bulla precedente comunicazione [del dott. H. Maschke. La risoluzione della equazione di sesto grado]. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (-Sem. 1), 188-184. La forma normale delle equazioni del sesto grado. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 1), 301-305, 485-488. Le equazioni differenziali pei periodi delle funzioni iperellittiche a due variabili. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 4, 1888 (Sem. 2), 341-347, 429-436. Sur I'equation du sixi^me degre. Acta Math., 12, 1889, 88-101. Sopra una trasformazione delle equazioni del quinto grado. Ann. Mat., 16 (1888-89), 181-189. Principii di una teoria sulla trasformazione delle equazioni algebriche. Ann. Mat., 16 (1888-89), 329- 334. Sur la transformation des Equations algebriques. London Math. Soc. Proc, 20, 1889, 127-131. Sopra un simbolo di operazione nella teorica delle forme. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 22, 1889, 117-121. Brioschi] 808 [Briquet Les discriminants des resolvantes de Galois. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 878-879. Sur la derniere communication d'HALPHEN k I'Academie. [Sur la resolvante de Galois dans la division des p^riodes elliptiques par 7.] Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 109, 1889, 520-522. SuUo sviluppo in serie delle funzioni sigma iperellit- tiche. [1890.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 6, 1889, 471-484. Ueber die Reihenentwickelung der geraden Sigma- functionen zweier Veranderlichen. Gottingen Nachr., 1890, 236-238. Les invariants des equations diff^rentielles lineaires. Acta Math., 14, 1890-91, 233-248. Sur une forme nouvelle de I'equation modulaire du huitieme degre. Amer. Jl. Math., 13, 1891, 381-386. Sur une classe d'^quations modulaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 28-32. Sur la reduction de I'int^grale hyperelliptique a I'elliptique par une transformation du troisieme degre. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 8, 1891, 227-230. Sopra alcune formole ellittiche. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 26, 1891, 586-595. Gli integrali algebrici dell' equazione di Lamk. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 {Sem. 2), 327-331. Sulla trasformazione dell' undecimo ordine delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 21 (1893), 309-315. Un teorema nella divisione dei periodi delle funzioni eUittiche. Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 26, 1893, 727-731 ; 27, 1894, 186-193. Sulle equazioni modulari. Roma, R. Ace, Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 2), 185-192; 5, 1896 (Sem. 2), 333-340. La trasformazione, d' ordine pari, delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 22 (1894), 313-322. Sur I'equation diff^rentielle Lam^-Hermite. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 449-455. Nuove formole nella moltiplicazione e nella trasfor- mazione delle funzioni ellittiche, Ann. Mat., 23 (1895), 73-91. Sur les racines multiples des equations algebriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 582-585, — ;- Sur une classe d'equations du cinqui^me degre. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 12, 1896, 337-342. Sur I'equation du sixi^me degr^. Paris, Ecole Norm. Ann., 12, 1895, 343-350. Sopra una trasformazione delle forme binarie e degli integrali corrispondenti. Roma, R. Aec. Lincei Rend., 4, 1895 (Sem. 1), 363-369. II risultante di due forme binarie biquadratiche e la relazione fra gl' invariant! simultanei di esse. [1896.] Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 31, 1895, 299-304 or 441-446. La moltiplicazione eomplessa per ^J -2S delle funzioni ellittiche. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 335-338. Le equazioni differenziali lineari equivalenti alle rispettive equazioni differenziali aggiunte di Lagrange. Ann. Mat., 24 (1896), 339-346. Relations differentielles entre les p^riodes des fonctions hyperelliptique8p = 2. Crelle, Jl. Math., 116, 1896, 326- 330. Sur les invariants de deux formes binaires k facteur commun. Erlangen Phys. Med. Soc. Sber., 27, 1896, 116-118. Sopra un teorema del Sig'. Hilbert. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 153-157. Sur I'equation jacobienne du sixifeme degre. Quart. Jl. Math., 28, 1896, 382-384. II discriminante delle forme binarie del settimo ordine. Ann. Mat., 26 (1897), 255-259. Sur la transformation des Equations algebriques. Paris, Ac, Sci. C, R., 124, 1897, 661-665. Briosi, Giovanni. Rassegna crittogamica [pel mesi di aprile a novembre 1886-99]. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 1, 1888, xxxi-xxxvii, 1-lvi, Ix-lxxii; 2, 1892, ix-xxviii, xxxv- lii, lix-Ixxviii; 3, 1894, vii-xxii, xxix-xxxviii; 4, 1897, v-xviii, xxvii-xxxviii ; 5, 1899, 159-171, 173-189, 327- 339, 341-352; 6, 1900, ix-xxxiii, xxxvii-lviii. Esperienze per combattere la peronospora della vite [eseguite negli anni ISB.'j-SB]. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 1, 1888, 1-180, 189-246, 251-287, 437-443. Rassegna delle principali malattie sviluppatesi sulle piante culturali nell' anno 1887, delle quali si e oceupato il Laboratorio Crittogamico. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 1, 1888, 289-292. Intorno alle sostanze minerali nelle foglie delle piante sempreverdi. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 1, 1888, 363-423. Elenco delle ricerche fatte al Laboratorio di Botanica Crittogamica di Pavia nei mesi di settembre e ottobre 1889. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 10, 1890, 17-20, 31-32. Per difendersi dalla peronospora della vite. [1890-92.] Pavia lat. Bot. Atti, 2, 1892, 29-36, 37-40. Alcune erborizzazioni nella valle di Gressoney. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 2, 1892, 41-55. Intorno alia anatomia delle foglie dell' "Eucalyptus globulus," Labil: Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 2, 1892, 57-151. Relazione al Ministero di Agricoltura intorno agli esperimenti eseguiti coll' acetato di rame per combattere la peronospora [negli anni 1894-96]. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 4, 1897, xxiv-xxvi, 149-154; 5, 1899, 145-157; Coiiegliano Seuola Vit. Enol. Riv., 2, 1896, 115-119 [Part 07ily]. La infezione peronosporiea nell' anno 1895. Relazione a S. E. il Ministro d' Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 4, 1897, 145-148. Briosi, Giovanni, & Oigli, Torquato. Intorno alia struttura anatomica ed alia composizione chimica del frutto del pomodoro (Lyeopersicum esculentum, Mill.). Nota pre- liminare. [1889.] Bologna Rend., 1888-89, 59-64. Su la composizione chimica e la struttura anatomica del frutto del pomodoro (Lyeopersicum esculentum. Mill.). Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 18, 1890, 5-34; Pavia 1st. Bot, Atti, 2, 1892, 5-27. Briosi, Giovanni, & Tognini, Filippo. Contributo alio studio deir anatomia comparata delle Cannabinee. Nota preliminare. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 2, 1892, 1-3. Intorno alia anatomia della canapa (Cannabis sativa, L.). Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 3, 1894, 91-209; 4, 1897, 155- 329. Briosi, Giovanni, Alpe, Vittorio, & Menozzi, Angelo. Studio dei metodi intesi a combattere il brusoue del riso (Oryza sativa, L.). Relazioni della Commissione Governativa. Pavia 1st. Bot. Atti, 4, 1897, xliv-lxxx. Briosi, Tornaso. Meteorologia, [Osservatorio di Brescia]. Brescia Ateneo Comment., 1884, 295-311; 1885, 277-281; 1886, 261-271 ; 1887, 263-271 ; 1888, 294-303 ; 1889, 258- 269; 1890, 302-309; 1891, 306-319; 1892, 224-231; 1893, 232-239; 1894, 252-259; 1895, 278-284; 1896, 214-219; 1897, 162-167; 1898, 150-155; 1899, 286-291; 1900, 276- 281. Briot, . L'intelllgence des animaux. Rev. Sci., 34, 1884, 29-30. Briot, [Jules Eugene Ferdinand]. [De I'emploi de la solution saturee d'acide pierique dans le traitement des briilures, de I'hyperydrose et des plaies superficielles.] Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 29, 1897, 279-286. Briot, A[uguste'\. Gas de polydactylie chez un cheval. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 50, 1898 (C R), 460-464. Sur I'existence dans le sang des animaux d'une sub- stance empechant I'aetion de la pr^sure sur le lait. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128, 1899, 1359-1361. Brioiix, C. Etude sur les terres Oxfordiennes du sud de la province d'Oran. Ann. Agron., 23, 1897, 42-46, Briquel, P. Les dents de Ceratodus. Bibliogr. Anat., 6, 1898, 11-16. Briquet, (Vabbe) . Plantes et localites nouvelles pour le ddpartement de la Marne. Rev. Bot., 9, 1891, 179-181. Briquet] 809 [Brischke Briquet, . Hygiene des parents. Influence de la quantite des boissons sur la production de Tob^site. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 33, 1896, 513-520. Briquet, '7o///t. [Primitias florae Costaricensis.] Labiatse. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., .30, 1891 {Mem.), 236-242. Kecherehea sur la fiore du disti'ict savoisien et du district jurassique franco-suisse avec aper(,'u sur les Alpes occidentales en g^n^ral. Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 13, 1891, 47-105. Zur generischen Nomenclatur der Labiaten. Bot. Oentrbl., 49, 1892, 106-111. Sur quelques points de I'anatomie des Cruciferes et des Dicotylees en general. Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 180-204. Anatomic de I'appareil vegetatif dans le genre Leo- nurus. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 29, 1893, 312-313. Methodea statistiquea exactes applicables aux re- cherches de floriatique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 29, 1893, 429-430. Monographic du genre Galeopsis. Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4" Jul.), 52, 1890-93, No. 9, xii + 323 pp. La florule du Mont Soudine (Alpes d'Annecy). Kev. Gen. Bot., 5, 1893, 337-347, 369-381, 407-424. [Beitriige zur Flora von Afrika. viii.] Labiatae africanae. i. [1894.] Engler, Bot. Jbiich., 19, 1896, 160-194. Contribution a I'histoire biologique des Labi^es. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 97-98. Sur la biologic florale du Dianthus inodorus, Kern. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 580. [Sur la biologic florale dans les Alpes maritimes. Eryngium alpinum.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1896, 591-592. Notes sur la flore du massif de Plate. Geneve Soc. G6ogr. M^m., 34, 1896, 171-221. [Catalogue de la flore valaisanne par Henri Jaccard.] Appendice. Observations sur quelques Labiees valai- sannes. Ziirich, Schweiz. Ges. N. Denkschr., 34,1895, 434-460. Etudes de biologic florale dans les Alpes occidentales. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 234-262, 332-363. Sur les modifications produites par la lumi6re dans le geotropisme des stolons des menthes. Arch. Sci. Phvs. Nat., 1, 1896, 273-275. Sur I'anatomie comparee de I'appareil vegetatif de plusicurs groupes de Gamopetales. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 277-278. Un cas de fasciation compliqu^e d'une tripartition de la fleur chez le Ranunculus bulbosus. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1, 1896, 284-287. Sur les concrescences et les soudures dans I'androcee des Labiees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 658-663. Recherches anatomiques sur I'appareil vegetatif des Phrymacees, Stilboid^es, Chloanthoidees et Myoporac^es. [1896.] Geneve Soc. Phys. M6m., 32, 1894-97, No. 8, 154 pp. Ordre ou licence. A propos d'un recent article de M. Ernest Malinvaud. Jl. Bot., Paris, 10, 1896, 426- 432. Sur les poches secretrices schizo-lysigenes des Myo- porac^es. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 515-517. Elements d'une classification du genre Sphacele. [1896.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 63-64. Sur les caracteres carpologiques du genre Hetero- morpha, Cham, et Schlecht. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 3, 1897, 498-500. Note sur la carpologie du Bupleurum croceum, Fenzl, et du Bupleurum Heldreichii, Boiss. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 592-595. Nouvelles observations biologiques sur le genre Erythronium. Une contribution a la biologic florale des Liliacees. Cherbourg Soc. Sci. Nat. M^m., 30, 1896-97, 71-90. R. S. A. C. Rapport sur la marche de I'Herbier Delessert et du Jardin Botanique de Geneve pendant [les ann^es 1896- 99]. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 1, 1897, 1-10; 2, 1898, 1-16; 3, 1899, 1-16; 4, 1900, 1-13. Contributions k la flore du Paraguay, vii. Labiees. [1897.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 32, 1894-97, No. 10, 45 pp. Une lettre d'Alphonse de Candolle a M. Emile BuRNAT. Jl. Bot., Paris, 11, 1897, 76-80. Sur I'organisation et le mode de dissemination du fruit chez Bupleurum lophocarpum, Boiss. et Bal. [1897.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 5, 1898, 94-96. [Materiaux pour la flore du Congo.] Labiatae. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1898 (Mem.), 56-86. [Notessur les jardins botaniques alpins.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898 (Append.), 20-24. Observations sur quelques Flacourtiacfes de I'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 2, 1898, 41-78. Fragmenta monographiae Labiatarum. Fasciculus v. Observations sur quelques Labiees interessantea ou nouvelles, principalement de I'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 2, 1898, 102-251. Une Ombellifere nouvelle des lies Baleares. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 2, 1898, 289-291. Notes sur quelques Buplevres de I'herbier de Linne. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 46, 1899, 289-291. Nouvelles notes floristiques sur les Alpes l^maniennes. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 3, 1899, 46-146. Labiatae et Verbenaccfe Wilczekianae ou enumeration des Labiees et des Verbenacees recolt^es par E. Wilczek en Janvier et f^vrier 1897 dans la Republique Argentine. [1899.] Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 4, 1900, 14-22. Un nouveau cas de dehiscence pyxidaire du calice chez les Labiees. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 9, 1900, 488. Compte rendu de I'excursion botanique faite les 8, 9 et 10 aout 1899, par la Society Murithienne, au vallon de Novel, au col de Lovenex, au Grammont et dans le vallon de Taney. Bull. Murith. , 27 & 28, 1900, 42-72. Les colonies veg^tales x^rothcrmiques des Alpes l^maniennes. Une contribution a i'histoire de la p^riode xerothermique. Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 125-212. Notes critiques sur quelques Ombelliferes suisses, d'apres les materiaux de THcrbier Delessert. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 4, 1900, 192-206. Une Orchid^e nouvelle du Jardin Botanique de Geneve. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 4, 1900, 209-212. Especes nouvelles ou peu connues de I'Herbier Delessert. Geneve Conserv. Bot. Annu., 4, 1900, 213- 243. Briquet, John, & Koclireutiner, G. Enumeration critique des plantes du Br6sil meridional r^coltees par E. M. Reineck et J. CzERMAK. Geu^vc Conserv. Bot. Annu., 3, 1899, 147-175. Bris, Artus. Exploration des hautes montagnes du Cantal. Rev. Bot., 9, 1891, 431-450. [Rapports sur les herborisations de la Society Frangaise de Botanique.] Puymaurens, Cretes de I'Andorre. Rev. Bot., 12, 1894, 264-274. Bris, Artus, & Sladden, Ch. Compte- rendu de I'herbori- sation generale de la Society Royale de Botanique de Belgique en 1898. Belg. Soc. Bot. Bull., 37, 1898 (C. R.), 118-130. Brisay, (marquis) de. Sur la perruche erythroptere. France Soc. AccUm. Bull., 32, 1886, 558-561. Sur la reproduction de quelques colombes exotiques encore rares. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 52-57. Note sur la chasse aux oiseaux dans I'lnde. France Soc. Acclim. Bull., 36, 1889, 340-346. Brischke, G[arl] G[ustav] A. For biographical notice and list of works see Danzig Schr., 9, 1896-98 (Hefte 3 & 4), 7-12. [Seine] erzogenen parasitisch lebenden Fliegen. [1885.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884^87 (Heft 2), 15-22. 102 Brischke] 810 [Brisse Eine seltene Erscheinung. [1885.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 {Heft 2), 23. [Nachtrage] zu den Beobachtungen iiber die Blatt- und Holzwespen. [1885-88.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (Heft 2), 243-251; 7, 1888-91 {Heft 1), 6-12. Die Hymenopteren des Bernsteins. [1885.] Danzig Schr., 6, "1884-87 {Heft 3), 278-279. Bericht iiber eine zoologisclie Excursion nach Seeresen im Juni 1886. [1887.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884r-87 {Heft 4), 73-91. Ueber Parthenogenesis bei den Blattwespen. [1887.] Danzig Schr., 6, 1884-87 (Heft 4), 168-172. Bericht viber eine Excursion nach Hela wahrend des Juli 1887. [1888.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 1), 42-64. Hymenoptera aeuleata der Provinzen West- und Oetpreussen. [1888.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 1), 85-107. Bericht iiber eine Excursion nach Steegen, auf der Frischen Nehrung im Juli 1888. [1889.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 2), 193-209. Die Lebensgeschichte zweier Biisselkafer. [1889.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 8-9. Insecten auf Farnkrautern. [1889.] Danzig Schr. , 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 9-11. Nachtrag zu Bachmann's Beitragen zur Dipteren-Fauna der Provinzen West- und Ostpreussen. [1890.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 94-101. Einige fiir Westpreussen oder iiberhaupt neue Ichneu- moniden und Blattwespen. [1890.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 3), 102-107. Dipterenlarven-Gange im Erlenholz. [1890.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 4), 27-29. Zur Kenntniss der Parthenogenesis. [1890.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 4), 29. Bericht iiber eine zweite Excursion nach Steegen im Jahre 1889. [1890-92.] Danzig Schr., 7, 1888-91 (Heft 4), 50-74; 8, 1892-94 {Heft 1), 57-58. Einige neue, oder fiir Westpreussen neue, Hymeno- pteren und Dipteren. [1892.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 19-22. Bericht iiber eine Excursion ins Radaunethal bei Babenthal wahrend des Juni 1890. [1892.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Heft 1), 23-56. Entomologische Beobachtungen im Jahre 1892. [1894.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892-94 (Hefte 3 & 4), 52-59. Entomologische Notizen (1895). [1896.] Danzig Schr., 9, 1895-98 (Heft 1), 232-233. Briscoe, A. E., Boys, C[harles] Vernon, & VTatson, William. See Boys, Briscoe & VTatson. Briscoe, John Frederick. Osteo-porosis of the calvarium, shown in the fragments of a skull found on the island of Lamoo, Zanzibar, June 8th, 1888. London Path. Soc. Trans., 40, 1889, 252-254. Briscoe-Xronside, H. Fertilisation of the Chrysanthemum. [1895.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 19, 1896, xix-xx. Brise&o, Ramon. Efem^rides concernieutes al descubridor de la America, Cristobal Colon. Con notas esplicativas sobre cada una de ellas y sobre los honores que de la posteridad ha recibido aquel hombre extraordinario hasta el dia 12 de octobre de 1892, en que se cumpli6 el cuarto centenario de su glorioso descubrimiento. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 84, 1893, 347-404. Brislee, F. J., & Kobn, Charles Alexander. See Xohn & Brislee. Brisout de BameviUe, Charles [N. F.]. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 145 ; N. France Soc. Linn. Bull, 11, 1892-93, 274; Paris, Soc' Ent. Ann., 63, 1894, 439-448. Description d'une nouvelle esp^ce de Scydmenus (Neuraphes). Finist^re Soc. Sci. Bull., 6 (Fasc. 1), 1884 40-41. . \ /. , [Description d'un nouveau Coleoptere d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, lii-liii. Description de trois Coleopt^res nouveaux d'Algerie. Rev. Ent., 3, 1884, 88-90. [Blechrus syriacus, B. Abeillei, B. escorialensis, B. confusus, nn. spp.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 5, 1885, cii-civ. [Tentyria fossulata, n. sp.} Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 7, 1887, cxcii. [Un Curculionide nouveau d'Algerie.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 9, 1889, clvii-clviii. [Description d'un nouveau Coleoptere de France.] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 60, 1891, clxxxv. Description d'une Corticaria nouvelle de France. Rev. Ent., 11, 1892, 68. Brisout de Barneville, Henri. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de Coleopteres. ] Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 4, 1884, Ixxxi-lxxxii. Brissaud, E[doHard]. Anatomie pathologique de la maladie kystique des mamelles. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 98-113. Ad^nome et cancer hepatiques. Arch. G^n. Med., 156, 1885, 129-151. Le spasme saltatoire dans ses rapports avec I'hyst^rie. Arch. G^n. Med., 166, 1890, 385-399, 547-560. Sur la pretendue d(5g6n4ration nerveuse dans certaines n^vrites p^riph^iiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m. , 42, 1890, 79-84. La fonction visuelle et le cuneus. Etude anatomique sur la terminaison corticale des radiations optiques. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 321-346. Du chlorate de soude dans le traitement des cancers de I'estomac. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1893 (Ft. 1), 311- 312. Localisation corticale des mouvements de la face. Progr^s Med., 18, 1893, 493-495. Le rire et le pleurer spasmodiques. Rev. Sci., 1, 1894, 38-46. L'oeuvre scientifique de Ddchenne {de Boulogne). Rev. Sci., 12, 1899, 449-460. Brissaud, E[^doiiard], & Charcot, J[ra?t] M[artin'\. See Charcot & Brissaud. Brissaud, E\douard'], & Iiantzenberg, ii,'. Le syndrome bulbaire d;ERB. Arch. G(§n. Med., 179, I897, 257-288. Brissaud, E[douard'\, & Iicreboullet, P. Etages radi- culaires et metamMe spinale. Progr^s M6d., 12, 1900, 1-4. Brissaud, E[douard], & Iionde, Albert. Photographie par les rayons de Rontgen d'une balle de 7'"'" dans le cerveau. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 1363-1365. Brissaud, E[douard'], & Meige, Henry. Gigantisme et acromegalie. Rev. Sci., 3, 1896, 330-336. Brissaud, E[douard'], & Richet, Charles. Essai d'une terminologie dans les questions d'hypnotisme. Rev. Sci., 44, 1889, 147-149. Brissaud, E[douard], & Sabourin, Ch. Deux cas d'atrophie du lobe gauche du foie d'origine biliaire, pouvant servir a I'histoire des communications pathologiques entre les veines portes et les veines su;s-hepatiques. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1884, 345-366, 444-454. Sur la constitution lobulaire du foie et les voies de la circulation sanguine intra-Mpatique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 757-762. Brisse, . [Constitution des argiles plastiques.] Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 1, 1889, 227. Brisse, Ch[arles Alichel]. For biography and works see Jl. Phys., 7, 1898, [637] ; Nature, 59 (1898-99), 80 ; N. Y., Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 5, 1899, 211-212. Demonstration du th^or^me de d'Alembert. ' Paris, Ecole Polyt. JL, 56, 1886, 163-169. Nouvelle m^thode de discussion de I'equation en S. Nouv. Ann. Math., 9, 1890, 367-372. Brisse, E. Representation graphique des variables efficaces Brisse] 811 [British Association des courants alternatifs en fonction des courbes p^rio- diques. Eclairafre Elect., 25 (1900), 488-492. BrlBseinoret, A. Sur la solubility de la theobromine dans les solutions aqueuses des sels a reaction alcaline. Jl. I'harm., 7, 1898, 176-178. Brissemoret, A., & Joanin, A[lh('rt]. Sur le ferment digitalique. Jl. Pharm., 8, 1898, 481-484. Proprietes pharmacodynamiques de quelques derives de I'acide carbonique et d'une carberine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. B.), 3,61-363. Brisson de Z.enbarr6e, T. P. Etude lichenographique au point de vue des climats. Lichens des environs d'Amelie (Amelie-Palalda). Rev. Mycol., 13, 1891, 33-40. Brissonnet, [Jules]. Recherches sur la quinine, la cincho- nine et la cinchonidine. Jl. Pharm., 24, 1891, 528- 531. Sur les principaux alealo'ides des quinquinas. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1894 {Ft. 1), 131-132. Brissonnet, A., Thlbault, , & Blercier, . See Tbibault, Brissonnet & Mercier. Bristol, Charles Lawrence. On the restoration of osmic acid solutions. Amer. Natlist., 27, 1893, 175-176. Notes on gold impregnation technique. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 825-826. The Alumni biological expedition of New York Uni- versity to the Bermudas. Science, 6, 1897, 724-725. The metamerism of Neplielis. A contribution to the morphology of the nervous system, together with a description of Nephelis lateralis. [1897-98.] Zool. Bull., I, 1898, 35-39 ; Jl. Morphol., 15, 1899, 17-72. The homing instinct of a turtle. Science, 12, 1900, 890. Bristol, Charles Lawrence, & Carpenter, F. W. On the occurrence of Amphioxus at Bermuda. [1899.] Science, II, 1900, 170. Bristol, W. H. A new pressure indicator or recorder (experimental model). Amer. Ass. Proc, 1888, 89-90. Bristow, Henry William. For biography and list of works see Geol. Mag., 6, 1889, 381-384 ; Nature, 40, 1889, 178, 206-207 ; Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 46, 1890 [Proc), 44-45. *Notes [on the Tertiary fluvio-marine formation of the Isle of Wight]. Great Britain Geol. Surv. Mem. (District), 1856, 103-144. The geology of the Isle of Wight. [Second edition, revised and enlarged by Clement Reid and Aubrey Stkahan] Eng. & Wales Geol. Surv. Mem. (District), 1889 (2nd Edit.), 349 pp. See also under 'Woodward, Horace B. Bristowe, John S{ijer']. For biographical notice and works see Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, x-xii. Cases of tumour of the corpus callosum. [1884.] Brain, 7, 1885, 315-333. Cases of recovery from symptoms pointing to the presence of progressive organic cerebral disease. [1885.] Brain, 8, 1886, 1-13. Cases of ophthalmoplegia, complicated with various other affections of the nervous system. [1885-87.] Brain, 8, 1886, 313-344; 9, 1887, 544-545. Old laminated clots lining the ventricles of the heart; malignant disease of stomach, simulating in its symptoms malignant disease of vertebrfc. [1885.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 37, 1886, 193-197. A brief statement of the modern views of the cause, nature, and prevention of pulmonary consumption, and of tuberculosis (or scrofula). Inst. Act, Jl., 26, 1887, 220-223. On recurrent palpitation of extreme rapidity in persons otherwise apparently healthy. [1887.] Brain, 10, 1888, 164-198. On speedy recovery from the effects of cerebral embolism. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 78-83. On recovery from idiopathic cerebrospinal meningitis. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 216-224. On the nature and relations of mind and brain. Brain, 14, 1891, 18-34. Recent tubercle of the pons Varolii (with potential double conjugate deviation of the eyes) ; and old con- gested tubercular mass in the cerebellum. Brain, 14, 1891, 289-295. Bristowe, John Slyer], & Korsley, Victor. A case of paralytic rabies in man, with remarks. [1888.] Clin. Soc. Trans., 22, 1889, 38-47. Britclier, Horace W. An occurrence of albino eggs of the spotted salamander, Amblystoma punctatum, L. Amer. Micr. Soc. Trans., 21, 1899, 69-74. British Association. Joint discussion [of Section A.] with Section G. on lightning-conductors. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 591-615. Discussion on coral reefs. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 718-723. Discussion on the theory of solution. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 311-338. A discussion on symbiotic fermentation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 692-703. British Association, Committees. Report of the Committee appointed to consider and advise on the best means for facilitating the adoption of the metric system of weights and measures in Great Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 27-28. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the best methods of recording the direct intensity of solar radiation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 28-29; 1885, 156; 1886, 63-64; 1887, 32-33; 1889, 40-41; 1891, 160; 1892, 158-165; 1893, 144-146; 1894, 106; 1896, 241-243 ; 1900, 36-45. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of constructing and issuing practical standards for use in electrical measurements. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 29-32; 1885, 31-33; 1886, 145-150; 1887, 206-208; 1888, 55-69; 1889, 41-44; 1890, 95-138; 1891, 152-160; 1892, 132- 156; 1893, 127-140; 1894, 117-143; 1895, 195-208; 1896, 150-165; 1897, 206-218; 1898, 145-158; 1899,240-245; 1900. 53-56. [Reports] of the Committee for the harmonic analysis of tidal observations. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 33-35; 1885, 35-60; 1886, 40-58. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of co-operating with the directors of the Ben Nevis Observatory in making meteorological observations on Ben Nevis." Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1884, 36-37 ; 1886, 90-92 ; 1886, 58-63; 1887, 34-39; 1888, 49-54; 1889, 315-318; 1890, 174-183; 1891, 140-146; 1892, 68-72; 1893, 280- 286; 1894, 108-116; 1895,186-194; 1896,166-172; 1897, 219-226; 1898, 277-283; 1899, 250-255; 1900, 46-52. Fourth report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the practicability of collecting and identifying meteoric dust, and of considering the question of undertaking regular observations in various localities. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 38. [Reports] of the Committee reappointed for the purpose of drawing up a statement of the varieties of chemical names which have come into use, for indicating the causes which have led to their adoption, and for con- sidering what can be done to bring about some convergence of the views on chemical nomenclature obtaining among English and foreign chemists. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 39-74 ; 1885, 262-275. [Reports] of the Committee on the fossil Phyllopoda of the Palaeozoic rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 75-95; 1885, 326-361 ; 1886, 229-234 ; 1887, 60-69 ; 1888, 173- 181; 1889, 63-68; 1890, 424-428; 1892, 298-300; 1893, 465-470 ; 1894, 271-272 ; 1895, 416-426 ; 1897, 343-346 ; 1898, 519-521; 1899, 403-405. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the circulation of underground waters in the permeable formations of England and Wales, and 102—2 British Association] 812 [British Association the quantity and character of the water supplied to various towns and districts from these formations. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1884, 96-97; 1885, 380-395; 1886, 235-241; 1887, 358-414; 1889, 71-89; 1890, 352-375; 1891, 300-312; 1892, 264-266 ; 1893, 463-464 ; 1894, 283-302 ; 1895, 393- 402. Fifth and last report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting on fossil Polyzoa. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 97-219. [Keports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of recording the position, height above the sea, litho- logical characters, size, and origin of the erratic blocks of England, Wales, and Ireland, reporting other matters of interest connected with the same, and taking measures for their preservation. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 219-221; 1885 322-325; 1886, 223-226; 1887, 236-247; 1888, 101-124; 1889,115-127; 1890, 340-352; 1891, 276-299; 1892, 267-289; 1893, 514-523; 1895, 426-430, 430-436. ■ [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of inquiring into the rate of erosion of the sea coasts of England and Wales, and the influence of the artificial abstraction of shingle or other material in that action. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 238-240; 1885, 404-465; 1886, 847-862 ; 1888, 898-933 ; 1895, 352-392. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the earthquake [and volcanic] phenomena of Japan. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 241-252 ; 1885, 362- 379; 1886, 413-431; 1887, 212-226; 1888, 422-437; 1889,295-314; 1890, 160-172; 1891, 123-129; 1892, 93- 129; 1893, 214-226; 1895, 81-113, 113-183. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of arranging for the occupation of a table at the Zoological Station at Naples. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 252- 263; 1885, 466-473; 1886, 254-263; 1887, 77-91; 1888, 150-163 ; 1889, 95-111 ; 1890, 449-464 ; 1891, 365-382 ; 1892, 344-353; 1893, 537-545; 1894, 335-343; 1895, 474-479 ; 1896, 478-484 ; 1897, 353-358 ; 1898, 587-597 ; 1899, 431-436; 1900, 380-392. — — Fourth report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the natural history of Timor Laut. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 263-265. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of obtaining observations on the migration of birds at lighthouses and lightvessels, and of reporting on the same. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 266-270; 1885, 685-689; 1886, 264-267; 1887, 70-73; 1888, 146-149; 1896, 451- 477 ; 1900, 403-413. [Reports] of the Committee for promoting the survey of eastern Palestine. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 272-279; 1886, 691. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of defraying the expenses of completing the preparation of the final report of the Anthropometric Committee. Brit. Abs. Rep., 1884, 279-282. Second report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of determining a gauge for the manufacture of the various small screws used in telegraphic and electrical apparatus, in clockwork and for other analogous pur- poses. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 287-293. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting upon the present state of our knowledge of spectrum analysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 295-350. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of preparing a new series of wave-length tables of the spectra of the elements [and compounds]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, 351-446; 1885, 288-322; 1886, 167-204; 1890, 224-261; 1891, 161-263; 1892, 193-260; 1893, 387-437; 1894, 248-267; 1895, 273-340; 1896, 273-340; 1897, 75-127; 1898, 313-433; 1899, 257-315 ; 1900, 193-^97. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting on standards of white light. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 61-64 ; 1888, 39-48. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the best means of comparing and reducing magnetic observations. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 65-89; 1886, 64-99; 1887, 320-335; 1888, 28-38; 1889, 49-50; 1890, 172-174; 1891, 149-151; 1895, 209-227; 1896, 231-241; 1898, 80-136. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the rate of increase of underground temperature downwards in various localities of dry land and under water. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 93-97; 1889, 35-40; 1892, 129-131; 1894, 107; 1895, 75-77. Report of the Committee appointed to investigate by means of photography the ultra-violet spark spectra emitted by metallic elements, and their combinations under varying conditions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 276-284. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the subject of vapour pressures and refractive indices of salt solutions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 284-288 ; 1886, 204-207. [Reports] of the Committee for the investigation of the volcanic phenomena of Vesuvius [and its neighbour- hood]. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 395-396; 1886, 226-228; 1887, 226-229; 1888, 320-326; 1889, 283-294; 1890, 397- 410; 1891, 312-320; 1892, 338-343; 1893, 471-473; 1894, 315-318; 1895, 351. [Reports] of the Committee on the fossil plants of the Tertiary and Secondary beds of the United Kingdom. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 396-404; 1886, 241-250; 1887, 229. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of promoting the establishment of a Marine Biological Station at Granton, Scotland. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 474-478; 1886, 251-254; 1887, 91-94. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting on recent Polyzoa. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 481- 680. Third report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of exploring Kilima-njaro and the adjoining mountains of Equatorial Africa. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 681-685. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating and publishing reports on the physical characters, languages, industrial and social condition of the north-western tribes of the Dominion of Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 696-708; 1887, 173-200; 1888, 233-255; 1889, 797-900; 1890, 553-715; 1891, 407-449; 1892, 545-615 ; 1894, 453-463; 1895, 522-592; 1896, 569- 591 ; 1898, 628-088. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of inviting designs for a good differential gravity meter in supersession of the pendulum, whereby satisfactory results may be obtained at each station of observation in a few hours, instead of the many days over which it is necessary to extend pendulum observations. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 141-145; 1887, 41. Report of the Committee appointed for the reduction and tabulation of tidal observations in the English Channel, made with the Dover tide-gauge, and for con- necting them with observations made on the French coast. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1886, 151-166. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating certain physical constants of solution, especially the expansion of saline solutions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 207-213 ; 1887, 48-55. [Reports] (provisional) of the Committee appointed to investigate the influence of the silent discharge of electricity on oxygen and other gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 213-216; 1889, 54-55. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating isomeric naphthalene derivatives. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 216-219. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the caves of North Wales, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 219-223 ; 1887, 301-303. British Association] 813 [British Association — [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of continuing the researches on food-fishes and inverte- brates at the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. Brit. Ass. Kep., 1886, 268-270; 1888, 141-145. — [Reports] of the Committee appointed to organise a systematic investigation of the depth of the permanently frozen soil in the polar regions, its K^ographical limits and relation to the present pole of greatest cold. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 271-276; 1887, 152-1-58. — [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the subject of electrolysis in its physical and chemical bearings. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 308-413 ; 1887,336-358; 1888,339-360; 1889,223-225; 1890,138- 144; 1891, 122; 1892, 72. — [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the influence of silicon on the properties of [iron and] steel. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 43-47; 1888, 69-72; 1889, 267-282; 1890, 262. — [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the nature of solution. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 55-56; 1888, 93-94; 1889, 53; 1890, 310; 1892, 261-262. — Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting on the bibliography of solution. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 57-59. — Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the flora and fauna of the Cameroons Mountain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 73-77. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the question of accurately defining the term British as applied to the marine fauna and floi"a of our islands. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 95. — Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the mechanism of the secretion of urine. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 131-134. — Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of preparing a report on the herds of wild cattle in Chartley Park, and other parks in Great Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 135-145. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the physiology of the lymphatic system. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 145-151; 1888, 363-366; 1889, 128-131. Final report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of taking into consideration the combination of the Ordnance and Admiralty Surveys, and the production of a bathy-hypsographical map of the British Islands. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 160-163. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of ascertaining and recording the localities in the British Islands in which evidences of the existence of prehistoric inhabitants of the country are found. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 168-172; 1888, 289-316; 1889, 318-322; 1890, 548-549. — [Reports] of the Committee for the purpose of reporting upon the manure gravels of Wexford. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 209-211; 1888, 133-141; 1889, 92-93; 1890, 410-424. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to undertake the microscopical examination of the older rocks of Anglesey. Brit. Ass, Rep., 1887, 230-231; 1888, 367- 420. Report of the Committee for the purpose of in- vestigating the Carboniferous flora of Halifax and its neighbourhood. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 235-236. — [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the best methods of ascertaining and measuring variations iu the value of the monetary standard. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 247-301; 1888, 181- 219; 1889, 133-164; 1890, 485-487. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the higher Eocene beds of the Isle of Wight. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 414-423; 1889, 89-92. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of obtaining information with reference to the endurance of metals under repeated and varying stresses, and the proper working stresses on railway bridges and other structures subject to varying loads. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 424-438. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of procuring, with the help of Mr. Petrie, racial photo- graphs from the ancient Egyptian pictures and sculptures. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, 439-458. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of inquiring into and reporting upon the present methods of teaching chemistry. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 73-89; 1889, 228-267; 1890, 265-309. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the investi- gation of the action of light on the hydracids of halogens in presence of oxygen. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 89-92 ; 1889, 59-62; 1890, 263-264; 1893, 381. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the flora of the Carboniferous rocks of Lancashire and West Yorkshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 150; 1889, 69-70. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to arrange an investigation of the seasonal variations of temperature iu lakes, rivers, and estuaries in various parts of the United Kingdom. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 326-327 ; 1889, 44-48; 1890, 92-94 ; 1891, 454-510. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating an ancient sea- beach near Bridlington Quay. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 328-338 ; 1890, 375-377. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the flora of the Bahamas. Brit. Ass. Bep., 1888, 361-363. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of continuing the preparation of a report on our present knowledge of the flora of China. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 420-421; 1889, 112-113. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting on the present state of our knowledge of the zoology and botany of the West India Islands, and taking steps to investigate ascertained deficiencies in the fauna and flora. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1888, 438^64; 1889, 93-94; 1890, 447-449; 1891, 354-357; 1892, 353-355; 1893, 524-525; 1895, 472; 1896, 493-494; 1899, 441- 443. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of considering the possibility of calculating tables of cei'tain mathematical functions, and, if necessary, of taking steps to carry out the calculations and to publish the results in an accessible form. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 28-32; 1893, 227-279; 1896, 98-149; 1898, 145. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to investigate the molecular phenomena connected with the magnetisa- tion of iron. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 33-34; 1890, 145- 160. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to consider the best method of establishing an international standard for the analysis of iron and steel. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 50- 53 ; 1890, 262-263 ; 1892, 186-190 ; 1893. 437-438 ; 1894, 237. Report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Committee of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science with a view of forming a uniform system of recording the results of water analysis. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 55-58. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to improve and experiment with a deep-sea tow-net, for opening and closing under water. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 111-112; 1890, 471-472. Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the geography and geology of the Atlas ranges in the empire of Morocco. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 165-172. British Association] 814 [British Association Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the habits and customs and physical characteristics of the nomad tribes of Asia Minor, and to excavate on sites of ancient occupation. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1889, 176-186. First report of the Committee appointed to report on the development of graphic methods in mechanical science. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1889, 322-327. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to investigate the action of waves and currents on the beds and fore- shores of estuaries by means of working models. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 327-343; 1890, 512-534; 1891, 386- 404. [Reports] of the Committee for the continuation of the bibliographv of spectroscopy. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 344-422 ; 1894, 161-236 ; 1898, 439-519 ; 1900, 150. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of calculating the anthropological measurements taken at Bath. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 423-435. [Reports] of the Committee for the purpose of collecting information as to the disappearance of native plants from their local habitats. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1889, 435-440; 1890, 465-470; 1891, 359-363. Sixth report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of promoting tidal observations in Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 183-184. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to prepare a report on the Cretaceous Polyzoa. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 378-396; 1892, 301-337. [Reports] of the Committee to arrange for the collection, preservation, and systematic registration of photographs of geological interest in the United Kingdom. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 429-444; 1891, 321-333; 1892, 290-298; 1893, 473-482; 1894, 274-283; 1896, 404-414; 1896, 357-365; 1897, 298-332; 1898, 530-546; 1899, 377- 397 ; 1900, 350-369. [Reports] of the Committee appointed for the purpose of arranging for the occupation of a table at the laboratory of the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 444-447; 1892, 356-363. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of calculating the anthropological measurements taken at the Newcastle Meeting of the Association in 1889. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 549-552. Report of a Committee on the present state of our knowledge of thermodynamics, specially with regard to the second law. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 85-122. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to consider the application of pliotography to the elucidation of meteoro- logical phenomena. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 130-139; 1892, 77-92 ; 1893, 140-144 ; 1894, 143-144 ; 1895, 80-81 ; 1896, 172-180 ; 1897, 128 ; 1898, 283-284 ; 1899, 238-239 ; 1900, 56-58. Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the discharge of electricity from points. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 139-140. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to co-operate with Dr. C. Piazzi Smyth in his researches on the ultra- violet rays of the solar spectrum. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 147-148 ; 1892, 74-76. [Reports] of a Committee appointed to investigate the direct formation of haloid compounds from pure materials. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 274-275; 1895, 341; 1896, 347; 1897, 295-296. Report of the Committee to work the very f ossiliferous transition bed between the Middle and Upper Lias in Northamptonshire, in order to obtain a more clear idea of its fauna, and to fix the position of certain species of fossil fish, and more fully investigate the horizon on which they occur. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 334-351. Report of the Committee to complete the investigation of the cave at Elbolton, near Skipton, in order to ascertain whether remains of palaeolithic man occur in the lower cave earth, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 351-353. Report of the Committee appointed to carry on ex- cavations at Oldbury Hill, near Ightham, in order to ascertain the existence or otherwise of rock-shelters at this spot. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 353-354. [Report] of the Committee appointed to report on the present state of our knowledge of the zoology of the Sandwich Islands, and to take steps to investigate ascer- tained deficiencies in the fauna. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 357-358. [Reports] of the Committee for the purpose of carrying on the work of the Anthropometric Laboratory. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 405-407; 1892, 618-624; 1893, 654-662; 1894, 444-453. Report of the Committee on electro-optics. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 157-158. Sixth report of the Committee for taking steps to establish a botanical laboratory at Peradeniya, Ceylon. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1892, 363-365. Tables connected with the Pellian equation from the point where the work was left by Degan in 1817. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 73-120. Magnetic work at the Falmouth Observatory. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 121-126. Earth tremors. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 287-334; 1894, 145-160; 1895, 184-185. The action of light upon dyed colours. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 373-38l'; 1894, 238-246; 1895, 263-272; 1896, 347-356; 1897, 286; 1898, 285-293; 1899, 363-370. The Eurypterid-bearing deposits of the Peutland Hills. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 470; 1894, 302-303; 1898, 557-558. The character of the high-level shell-bearing deposits at Clava, Chapelhall, and other localities. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 483-514; 1894, 307-315. The marine zoology, [botany and geology] of the Irish Sea. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 526-536; 1894, 318-334; 1895, 455-467; 1896, 417-450. Investigations made at the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 546-551; 1894, 34.5-346; 1895, 469-472; 1896, 485-486 ; 1898, 583-586 ; 1899, 437-440 ; 1900, 399- 400. The physiological action of the inhalation of oxygen in asphyxia, more especially in coal mines. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 551-552. Scottish place-names. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 554-556. Exploration of ancient remains in Abyssinia. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 557-564. The exploration of the glacial region of the Karakoram Mountains. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 564-566. On the physical [and mental] deviations from the normal among children in elementary and other schools. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 614-620; 1894, 434- 438; 1895, 503-508; 1896, 592-606; 1897, 427-439 ; 1898, 691-693; 1899, 489-493; 1900, 461-466. Ethnographical Survey of the United Kingdom. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 621-653; 1894, 419- 431; 1895, 509-518; 1896, 607-656; 1897, 452-511; 1898, 712-714; 1899, 493-495. Uniformity in the spelling of barbaric and savage languages and race names. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 662-665. The electrolytic methods of quantitative analysis. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 160; 1895, 235-262; 1896, 244-262; 1897, 295; 1898, 294-311; 1900, 171- 187. Proximate chemical constituents of coal. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 246-247; 1896, 340-346. Exploration of the Calf Hole cave at the Heights, Skyrethorns, near Skipton. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 272-273. British Association] 815 [British Association [Reports] of the Committee appointed to open further sections in the neighbourhood of Stonesfield in order to show the relationship of the Stonesfield slate to the underlying and overlying strata. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 304-306; 1895, 414-415; 1896, 356. The climatological and hydrographical conditions of tropical Africa. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 348- 353; 1895, 480-491; 1896, 495-502; 1897, 409-417; 1898, 603-610; 1899,448-459; 1900,413-420. The exploration of Hadramout in Southern Arabia. R«port. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 354-358. Methods of determining the dryness of steam. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 392-418. Anthropometric work in schools. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 439-443. The structure and function of the mammalian heart. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1894, 464-465. Report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Astronomer Royal and the superintendents of other observatories with reference to the comparison of mag- netic standards with a view of carrying out such com- parison. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 79-80; 1896, 87-97. High-level flint-drift of the Chalk. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 349-351. Report of the Committee appointed to examine the ground from which the remains of the Cetiosaurus in the Oxford Museum were obtained, with a view to determining whether other parts of the same animal remain in the rock. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 403-404. The exploration of Southern Arabia. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 491-496. Calibration of instruments used in engineering laboratories. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 497- 500; 1896, 538-548; 1897, 424-426. An ancient kitchen midden at Hastings, and a barrow at the "Wilderness. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 500- 502. Calculation of the G (r, ?;) -integrals. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 70-82; 1899, 65-120. On the establishment of a National Physical Labora- tory. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 82-86. Seismological investigations. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 180-230; 1897, 129-206; 1898, 179-276; 1899, 161-238; 1900, 59-120. [Reports of the Committee on the present state of our knowledge in electrolysis and electro-chemistry.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 230-231; 1897, 227-245; 1898, 158; 1899, 160; 1900, 34-35. The carbohydrates of cereal straw.s. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 262-265 ; 1897, 294 ; 1898, 293-294. Erratic blocks of the British Isles. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 366-377; 1897, 349-352; 1898, 552-556; 1899, 398-402 ; 1900, 343-346. The character of the high-level shell-bearing deposits in Kintyre. Report of the Committee, with special reports on the organic remains. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 378- 399. Report of the Committee appointed to ascertain by excavation at Hoxne the relations of the Palaeolithic deposits to the Boulder Clay, and to the deposits with Aictic and temperate plants. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 400-415. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to study the life- zones in the British Carboniferous rocks. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 415-416; 1897, 296-297; 1899, 371-375; 1900, 340-342. African lake fauna. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 484; 1897, 368-369. The necessity for the immediate investigation of the biology of oceanic islands. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 487-489. The effect of wind and atmospheric pressure on the tides. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 503-526. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to consider means by which practical effect can be given to the introduction of the screw gauge proposed by the Associa- tion in 1884. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 527-537 ; 1899, 464- 469; 1900, 436-448. The ethnographical survey of Ireland. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 609-610; 1897, 510-511. Linguistic and anthropological characteristics of the North Dravidian and Kolarian races. The Uranws. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 659-663. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to report on the elucidation of the life conditions of the oyster under normal and abnormal environment, including in the latter the effect of sewage matter and pathogenic organisms. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 663-669 ; 1897, 363-367; 1898, 559-569. [Reports] by the Committee on the physiological ap- plications of the phonograph, and on the form of the voice-curves made by the instrument, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 669-673; 1897, 526-530. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to report on the best methods of preserving vegetable specimens for exhi- bition in museums. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 684-696 ; 1897, 537-538. Report of the Committee appointed to ascertain the age and relation of the rocks in which secondary fossils have been found near Moreseat, Aberdeenshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 333-342. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to examine the conditions under which remains of the Irish elk are found in the Isle of Man. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 346- 348; 1898, 548-551; 1899, 376; 1900, 349-350. An ethnological survey of Canada. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 440-451; 1899, 497-584; 1900, 468- 568. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to investigate the changes which are associated with the functional activity of nerve cells and their peripheral extensions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 512-526; 1898, 714-720. The physiological effect* of peptone and its precursors when introduced into the circulation. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897, 531-537; 1898, 720-729; 1899, 605-608; 1900, 457-458. [Reports] of the Committee for the establishment of a meteorological observatory on the top of Mount Royal, Montreal. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 79; 1900, 33-34. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to further investigate the flora and fauna of the Pleistocene beds in Canada. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 522-529; 1899, 411- 414; 1900, 328-339. Photographs of geological interest in Canada. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 546-547. Report of the Committee appointed to explore certain caves in the Malay Peninsula, and to collect their living and extinct fauna. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 571- 582. Fertilisation in PhaeophyceaB. Report. Brit, Ass. Rep., 1898, 729-730. Radiation from a source of light in a magnetic field. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 63-64. Heat of combination of metals in the formation of alloys. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 246-249. - — — Report of the Committee appointed to establish a uniform system of recording the results of the chemical and bacterial examination of water and sewage. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 255-256. [Reports] of the Committee appointed to investigate the relation between the absorption spectra and chemical constitution of organic substances. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 316-358; 1900, 151-167. Report of a Committee appointed to investigate the Ty Newydd caves, Tremeirchion, North Wales. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 406-411. British Association] 816 [Britten Report of the Committee appointed to make photo- graphic and other records of the disappearing drift section at Moel Tryfaen. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 414- 423. Pedigree stock records. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 424-429. Report of the Committee appointed to make periodic investigations of the plankton and physical conditions of the English Channel during 1899. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 444-446. Report of the Committee appointed to explore the island of Sokotra. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 460-464. Electrical changes accompanying the discharge of the respiratory centre. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 599- 603. The comparative histology of the cerebral cortex. [Reports.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 603-604 ; 1900, 453-4-54. The influence of drugs upon the vascular nervous system. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 608. The micro-chemistry of cells. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 609-610; 1900, 449-452. Isomorphous derivatives of benzene. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 167-170. The movements of underground waters of Craven. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 346-349. Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the structure, formation, and growth of the coral reefs of the Indian region. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 400-402. Electrical changes in mammalian nerve. Report. Brit. Ass. Rep. , 1900, 455-457. Report of the Committee on the effect of chorda stimulation on the volume of the submaxillary gland. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 458-461. British Astronomical Association. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of the moon. [1892-99.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 1-16; 2, 1895, 29-52; 3, 1895, 151-191 ; 7, 1899, 47-70. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of meteors. [1892-1900.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 17-31; 3, 1895, 1-28; 4, 1896, l-'20 ; 5, 1897, 1-18; 6, 1898, 37-54; 7, 1899, 1-16; 8, 1900, 1-21; 9, 1901, 1-26. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of the colours of stars. [1892-1900.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 33-52; 2, 1895, 109-128; 9, 1901, 27-62. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of variable stars. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 53-72; 3, 1895, 29-48 ; 5, 1897, 19-50. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of Jupiter. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 73-98; 2, 1895, 129-156; 3, 1895, 121-150; 4, 1896, 21-41; 5, 1897, 51-82; 6, 1898, 103-142; 7, 1899, 71-108; 8, 1900, 67-90. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of the Sun. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 1, [1893], 99-138; 2, 1895, 53-108; 3, 1895, 49-120; 4, 1896, 43-106; 5, 1897, 83-122; 6, 1898, 143-174; 7, 1899, 17-16; 8, 1900, 23-52. [Reports of the] Section for the observation of Saturn. [1893-1901.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 2, 1896, 1-28; 9, 1901, 107-113, [Reports of the] Section for the observation of Mars. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 2, 1895, 157-198; 4, 1896 107- 137; 6, 1898, 55-102; 9, 1901, 63-106. [Report of the] expedition for the observation of the total solar eclipse, August 9th, 1896. [1896.] Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem., 6, 1898, 1-36. [Report of the] Section for astronomical photography. Brit. Astr. Ass. Mem. , 8, 1900, 5.3-66. See also Brown, {i[iss) E. See also Corder, H. See also Denning, W. F. See also Oore, J. E. See also Dlaunder, E. W. Brito, A. cle Paula. See Paula Brito. Brito, Philip S. A method of testing for iodine in the presence of large quantities of bromine. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 210. Brito Capello, Felix de. *Descrip(;ao de tres especies novas de Crustaceos d' Africa occidental e observacjoes acerca do Penaeus Bocagei, Johnson, especie nova dos mares de Portugal. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 3 {Pt. 2), 1865, No. 7, 11 pp. *Description de quelques especes du genre Galateia du Bengo et du Quanza. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 5 (Pt. 2), 1878, No. 5, 17 pp. *Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal. Lisboa Ac. Sci. Mem., 6 (Pt. 1), 1881, No. 3, 73 pp. Brito Capello, Felix de, & Barboza du Bocage, Jose Vicente. See Barboza du Bocage & Brito Capello. Brito Capello, (capit.) Joiio Carlos de. *[Notes meteoro- logiques.] Lisbonne (Portugal). France Soc. M6teorol. Nouv. M6t(5orol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 180, 211. Remarks on magnetic reductions. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 77-78. Letter. [On the best means of comparing and reducing magnetic observations.] Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 67-69. Transmission of the time of the barometric minimum, and the direction and velocity of cirrus clouds in meteoro- logical telegrams. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1888, 10-11. Meteorological information to ships passing within sight of semaphores. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1888, 11-12. Est-ce qu'il conviendra faire les corrections, aujour- d'hui counnes, aux vitesses du vent donnees par les an^- mom^tres Robinson? [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Conf. Rep., 1891, 72-73. Weather maps and forecasts in Portugal. [1896.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 12 (1895-96), 358-359. Results of magnetic observations at the Observatoi'y Infant D. Luiz (Lisbon), 1890-96. Terrestrial Magn., 2, 1897, 119. Sur le mouvement diume du pole nord d'un barreau magnetique suspendu par le centre de gravity. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1898, 750-751. Brito Capello, (capit.) Jouo Carlos de, Denza, (padre) Francesco, & Symons, G[eorge'\ J{ames\ Remarks on the classification of days of snow, and on the height of rain-gauges. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1885, 47-49. Brito Capello, (capit.) Jouo Carlos de, ZXildebrandsson, Hugo Hildebrand, & Ley, (Rev.) W[illiam] Clement. [Simple instructions for the observation of clouds.] [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1885, 21-25. Brito e Cunha, Eduardo A. de. Noticia sobre o Rio Branco e os Indios que o habitam. Lisboa Soc. Geogr. Bol., 3, 1885, 121-131. Britsch, . *[Notesmeteorologiques.] Tougourt (prov. de Constantine). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M^t(5orol., 8, 1875, Pt. 2, 297. Brittain, Charles Edioard, & Cohen, Julius Berend. See Cohen & Brittain. Brittain, John, & Cox, Philip. Notes on the summer birds of the Restigouche valley. New Brunswick. Auk, 6, 1889, 116-119. Britten, James. Masson's drawings of South African plants. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 144-148. On the nomenclature of Gagea. Jl. Bot., 22, 1884, 211-212. The Forster herbarium. -Jl. Bot., 23, 1885, 360- 368. Hookera v. Brodiaea: with some remarks on nomen- clature. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 49-53. On the nomenclature of some Proteacete. Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 296-300. Nomenclature of Boea. Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 183. Britten] 817 [Britten Impatiens biflora, Walt. (I. fulva, Nutt. ). Jl. Bot., 25, 1887, 349. The nomenclature of Nymphsea, etc. Jl, Bot., 26, 1888, 6-11. Recent tendencies in American botanical nomen- clature. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 257-262, 296-297. Dr. Seemann's study-set. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 102-105. Melampyrum sylvaticum in Caithness? Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 152. Mundia, Kunth, v. Mundtia, Harv. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 262-263. Festuca heterophylla. Jl. Bot., 27, 1889, 272. Buda V. Tissa. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 157-158, 295-297. Spergula pentandra in Ireland? Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 302-303. Prof. Henslow on "Environment." Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 148-149. [Euphorbia hiberna in Co. Donegal.] Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 358-359. The plea of convenience. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 53-54. The Deptford pink. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 177-178. Dianthus ctesius. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 246. Damasonium Alisma in Epping Forest. Jl. Bot., 30, 1892, 247-248. Rediscovery of Sagina alpina. Jl. Bot. , 30, 1892, 378. Bibliographical notes. Ray's herbarium. [" Flora Corcirese." The dating of periodicals. The indexing of periodicals. William Young and his work. Jane CoLDEN and the flora of New York. The dating and indexing of periodicals. The misuse of the Index Kewensis. Gtronovids's "Flora Virginica." Note on Cape plants. Fabricius' "Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Helmstadiensis." Francis Bauer's "Delineations of exotick plants." Samuel Curtis's "Beauties of Flora." Erasers' Catalogues. An overlooked paper by Rafinesque. ] Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 107-109, 355-357; 32, 1894, 180-181, 271-274, 332-337; 33, 1895, 12-15; 34, 1896, 168-170, 271-273; 36, 1898, 264-267, 274, 320, 397-399; 37, 1899, 181-183, 183-184, 481-487; 38, 1900, 224-225. Gilbert White's Selborne plants. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 289-294. Pseva. Jl. Bot., 31, 1893, 373-374. Orchis strateumatica, L. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 21. Linociera cotinifolia=Chionanthus virginicus, Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 38-40. Notes on Convolvulaceae, chiefly African. Jl. Bot., 82, 1894, 84-86, 168-171. Kissenia spathulata. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 344. Jacksonia, Raf. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 372-373. Carex glauca = C. flacca, Sclireb. Jl. Bot., 32, 1894, 374. The plants of Welwitsch's Apontamentos, etc. Jl. Bot., 33, 1896, 70-77. Note on Pachyphyllum. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 136. Carex depauperata. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 185-186, 229. Arruda's Brazilian plants. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 242- 250. Lepidium draba in Ireland. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 319. Bombax Jenmani, Oliv. — B. Carolinoides, Donn. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 334-335. Salvia glutinosa in Gloucestershire. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 368. "London pride." Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 422-423. Notes on Pentas. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 126-132. "Carex disticha, Huds., b. longibracteata, Schleich." Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 145-146. Notes on Myrmecodia. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 190-193. Meconopsis cambrica in Worcestershire. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 284. The Berlin rules for nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 306-307. Notes on Naucleero. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 336-340. R. 8. A. C. Note on Primula sinensis. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 426- 428. The Conyzas of Miller's dictionary (ed. 8). Jl. Bot,, 36, 1898, 51-55. The fifty years limit in nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 90-94. A note on Fragaria. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 125-129. Fragaria muricata. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 225-226. The nomenclature of some Senecios. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 259-260. S.mith's Georgian plants. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 297-302, [Two Berkshire varieties.] Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 350-351. An insuflicient abbreviation. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 353, Dedication of Jacksonia, Raf. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 399- 400. Notes on Hoya. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 413-418. Habenaria viridis, var, bracteata. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 437-438. Botrychium australe, Br. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 491. Stellaria media. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 37-38. Notes on Saxifraga. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 66-70. Lamium molle, Ait. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 130-132. Note on Chinese plants. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 135-136. Primula scotica, Hook. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 136. Lamium album, j8 integrifolium, Nolte. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 180. Two little known Australian Myrtacese. Jl, Bot., 37, 1899, 247-248. Gladiolus oppositiflorus — flabellifer. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 273. Marsea. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 274. [Draba muralis, L., in Kent.] Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 275. Note on Linaria. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 487-488. Hierochloe v. Savastana. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 488. Gnaphalium luteo-album in East Anglia. Jl. Bot., 37, 1899, 520-521. [The advantages of 1737 as a starting point of botanical nomenclature.] Jl, Bot., 38, 1900, 10-11, 49-50. Impatiens Roylei in England. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 50- 51, 278. Note on Cosmia. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 76-77. Note on Potamogeton spathulsBformis. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 129-130. The genus Mathiola in Britain. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 168-169. Drosera Banksii, Br. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 207-208. Notes on Rhus. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 315-317, Note on Eriocaulon, Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 481-483. Britten, James, & Baker, Edmund G[ilbert]. Notes on Ceiba. Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 173-176, 277. Houstoon's Central American LeguminosaB. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 225-234. Notes on Crassula. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 477-486. Notes on Asarum, Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 96-99. On some species of Cracca. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 12- 19, 53. Notes on Eryngium. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 241-246. Britten, James, & Boulger, G[eorge] Slmonds]. Bio- graphical index of British and Irish botanists. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 50-56, 85-89, 111-114, 145-149, 180-184, 213- 218, 244-248, 278-282, 307-311, 345-348, 372-376; 27, 1889, 16-21, 45-49, 79-83, 113-116, 148-151, 179-182, 213-216, 245-249, 273-275, 308-313, 340-343, 370-375; 28, 1890, 19-22, 52-56, 89-91, 116-119, 151-156, 184- 188, 243-248, 279-281, 306-314, 345-349, 373-376; 29, 1891, 18-21, 82-85, 244-251, 841-344, 373-377. Biographical index of British and Irish botanists. First supplement (1893-97). Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 99-103, 145-149, 192-195, 267-271, 443-446; 37, 1899, 77-84. Britten, James (et alii). The plants of Milanji, Nyasa- land, collected by Mr. Alexander Whyte With an introduction by William Carruthers. [1893.] Linn. Soc. Trans. (Bot.), 4, 1894-96, 1-67. 103 Brittlebank] 818 [Britton Instinct shown by insects in [1887.] Victorian Natlist., 4, Brittlebank, Charles C. depositing their eggs. 1888 78—79. • Food of" planarians. [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889 48. Notes on the habits of Perga Lewisii. [1888.] Vic- torian Natlist., 5, 1889, 57-58. Lepidopterous larvae and their natural means ot protection. [1888.] Victorian Natlist., 5, 1889, 114-117. Life histories of insects. [1892.] Victorian Natlist., 9, 1893, 54-56. Notes on the so-called Miocene deposits of Bacchus Marsh. [1896.] Victorian Natlist., 13, 1897, 80-84. Birds of Myrniong and surrounding districts. [1899.] Victorian Natlist., 16, 1900, 59-61. The rate of erosion of some river valleys. Geol. Mag. , 7, 1900, 320-322. BritUebank, Charles C, & Sweet, George. See Sweet & Brittlebank. Brittlebank, Charles C, Sweet, George, & David, T. W. Edgeworth. Further evidence as to the glacial action in the Bacchus Marsh district, Victoria. Aust. Ass. Bep., 1898, 361-865. BritUebank, J. W. Tuberculosis. [1899.] Agr. Stud. Gaz., 9, 1898-1900, 69-74. Britton, Charles E. Our native wood violets. Naturalists' Jl., 5, 1896, 55-57. ■ Epping Forest plants. [1897.] Essex Natlist., 10, 1898, 61. Cerastium apetalum, Dumort. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 276- 277. Castanea sativa, Mill. Jl. Bot., 38, 1900, 494-495. Britton, (ikfj-s.) Elizabeth G. Additions to the "Westchester county flora. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. , 13, 1886, 6-7. Botanical notes in the great valley of Virginia and in the southern Alleghanies. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 69-76. Plurality of embryos in Quercus alba. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 95. Elongation of the inflorescence in Liquidambar. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 95-96. Ulota phyllantha in fruit from Killarney. Jl. Bot. , 26, 1888, 282. Hypnum (Thuidium) calyptratum, SuUiv. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. , 15, 1888, 220. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. H. H. EusBY in South America, 1885-86. ni. Pteridophyta. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 247-253. Grimmia torquata, Horns., fertile. Bev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 38-39. Peristome of Grimmia torquata, Hornsch. Eev. Bryol., 16, 1889, 64. Contributions to American bryology. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 106-112; 18, 1891, 49-56; 20, 1893, 393-405 ; 21, 1894, 1-15, 65-76, 137-159, 189-208, 343- 372; 22, 1895, 36-43, 62-68, 447-458. Leucobryum minus, Hampe. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 19, 1892, 189-191. Notes on two of Palisot de Beadvois' species of Ortho- trichum. Eev. Bryol., 20, 1893, 99. The Jaeger Moss Herbarium. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 335-336. [Eeport of the botanical exploration of south-western Virginia during the season of 1892.] Bryophyta. Musci. [1894.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 4, 1893-96, 172-191. [On the collections of Mr. Miguel' Bancj in Bolivia.] Filices. [1895.] Torrey Bot. Club Mem., 4, 1893-96, 271-273. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. H. H. Etjsby in Bolivia, 1885-86. ii. Musci. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 23, 1896, 471-499. A revision of the North American species of Ophio- glossum. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 545-659. Mosses of northern India. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 25, 1898, 398. A new Grimmia from Mt. Washington. Ehodora, 1, 1899, 148-149. A new Tertiary fossil moss. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 26, 1899, 79-81. Note on Trichostomum Warnstorfii, Limpr. Eev. Bryol., 27, 1900, 71. Bryological notes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 27, 1900, 648-649. See also under Vail, Aiina Murraij. Britton, J. Blodget. *The determination of combined carbon in steel by the colorimetric method. [1872.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engiu. Trans., 1 (1871-73), 240-242. *The composition of flue deposit. [1876.] Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 5 (1876-77), 94-97. Britton, Nathaniel Lord. *0n the geology of Eichmond county, N. Y. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 2, 1881, 165-173. Note on Juncus trifidus, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 20. A new species of Cyperus. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 29. Mertensia virginica. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. , 11, 1884, 45. Dicentra punctured by humble bees. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 66-67. The range of Phoradendron. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 76. A list of Cyperaceae collected by the late Mr. S. B. Buckley from 1878 to 1883 in the valley of the lower Eio Grande, in Texas and northern Mexico. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 85-87, 120. On the existence of a peculiar flora on the Kittatinny mountains of north-western New Jersey. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 11, 1884, 126-128. Notes and criticisms on Mr. Grant Allen's theory of the origin of leaf forms. [With disciission.] [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1885, 38-48. A revision of the North American species of the genus Scleria. [1885.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 3, 1883-85, 228-237. A new Cyperus. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1885, 7-8. Note on Veronica Anagallis, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1885, 48-49. [Archaean rocks of New Jersey. Eeport for 1886.] N. Jersey Geol. Surv. Eep., 1886, 74-101. Geological notes in western Virginia, North Carolina, and eastern Tennessee. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 5, 1885-86, 215-223. Additional notes on the geology of Staten Island. [1886.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 6 (1886-87), 12-18. Southern range of Juncus Greenii, Oakes and Tuck. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 5-6. Note on Quercus Muehlenbergii, Engelm. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 40-41. Leaf-forms of Populus grandidentata. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 89-91. On the species of the genus Anychia, Richard. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 185-187. A preliminary list of North American species of Cyperus, with descriptions of new forms. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 13, 1886, 205-216. Notes on the glacial and pre-glacial drifts of New Jersey and Staten Island. [1884.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 4, 1887, 26-33. Columbia College herbaria. Bot. Gaz., 12, 1887, 9-11. Note on the growth of a vinegar plant in fermented grape juice. [1887.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 6 (1886-87), 66-70. — — Note on the flowers of Populus heterophylla, L. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 114-115. Britton] 819 [Britton A supposed new genus of AnacardiacefB from Bolivia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 143. Note on the flora of the Kittatinny mountains. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 14, 1887, 187-189. On recent field work in the Archffian areas of northern New Jersey and south-eastern New York. [1887.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 9, 1888, 33-39. Botanical nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 26, 1888, 292- 295. On an Archaean plant from the white crystalline limestone of Sussex county, N. J. [1888.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 4, 1887-89, 123-124. New or noteworthy North American phanerogams. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 97-104; 17, 1890, 310-316, iv; 18, 1891, 265-272, 363-370; 19, 1892, 219-226; 20, 1893, 277-282; 21, 1894, 27-34; 22, 1895, 220-225. The genus Disporum, Salisb. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 187-188. The genus Hicoria of Rafinesque. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 15, 1888, 277-285. [Origin of the yellow gravel, or pre-glacial drift.] Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 1032-1033. Remarks on recent discoveries in local Cretaceous and Quaternary geology. [With discussioH.] [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 8, 1888-89, 177-181. New or noteworthy North American phanerogams. [1889.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 6-15. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. H. H. RusBY in South America, 1885-86. Anthophyta. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 13-20, 61-64, 153-160, 189-192, 259-262, 324-327 ; 17, 1890, 9-12, 53-60, 91-94, 211-214, 281-284; 18, 1891, 35-38, 107-110, 261-264, 331-334; 19, 1892, 1-4, 148-151, 263-266, 371-374, 20, 1893, 137- 140. Preliminary note on the North American species of the genus Tissa, Adavis. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 125-129, 196. Remarks on [the classification of slight varieties]. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 16, 1889, 272-273. On the general geographical distribution of North American plants. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1890, 322-327. Priority of place in botanical nomenclature. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 371-372. A list of State and local floras of the United States and British America. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 5, 1889-91, 237-300. Note on some plants collected by Mr. Frank Tweedy in Tom Greene Co., Texas, in 1879. [1890.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 9 (1889-90), 183-185. A new species of Rhexia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 14-15. On the naming of " forms " in the New Jersey Catalogue. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 17, 1890, 121-126. Botanical nomenclature. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 202. The genus Corion of Mitchell. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 303. The American species of the genus Anemone and the genera which have been referred to it. [1891.] N. Y. Ac. Ann., 6, 1891-92, 215-238. On the citing of ancient botanical authors. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 18, 1891, 327-330. The plea of expediency. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 252- 254. The North American Amelanchiers. Bot. Gaz., 17, 1892, 293. A list of species of the genera Scirpus and Rynchospora occurring in North America. [1892.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 11 (1891-92), 74-93. Note on a collection of Tertiary fossil plants from Potosi, Bolivia. [1892.] Amer. Inst. Miu. Engin. Trans., 21, 1893, 250-259. Ranunculus repens and its eastern North American allies. [1892.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 12 (1892-93), 2-6. The use of the generic name Halesia. Garden & Forest, 6, 1893, 433-434, 463, 518. The North American species of the genus Lespedeza. [1893.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 12 (1892-93), 57-68. On Rusbya, a new genus of Vacciniace© from Bolivia. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 67-68. A neglected species of Hieracium. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 120-121. Duplicate binomials. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 20, 1893, 443. Professor Greene and Jacksonia and Polanisia. Erythea, 2, 1894, 67-68. Note on the herbarium of Stephen Elliott. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 80-81. Crataegus punctata canescens, n. var. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 231-232. A revision of the genus Lechea. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 244-253. Note on the genus Enslenia, Nutt. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 314. The generic name of the water-weed. Science, 2, 1895, 5. Botany [of antarctic regions]. [1895.] Science, 3, 1896, 310-311. Address [to the Bot. Sect.]. Botanical gardens. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1896, 171-184. An Eleocharis new to North America. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 219-220. On Crataegus coccinea and its segregates. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 222. Notes on the genus Amelanchier. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 234-235. Some CyperacesB new to North America, with remarks on other species. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 238. On the Cardamines of the C. hirsuta group. Bot. Gaz., 22, 1896, 239. [Observations on the ferns and flowering plants of the Hawaiian Islands.] Cyperaceae. [1897.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 1, 1894-98, 799-803. Crataegus Vailiae, n. sp. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 53. Two undescribed eastern species. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 92-93. La flore du Klondike. Congr. Int. Bot. Act., 1900, 276. See also under Vail, Anna Murray. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Cook, George H[amm€ll]. See Cook & Britton. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Gerard, W. R. See Oerard & Britton. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & HoUiek, Arthur. "Leaf- bearing sandstones on Staten Island, New York. [With discussion.] [1883.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 3, 1886, 30-81. Flora of Richmond Co., N. Y. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 12, 1886, 38-40. See also Hollick & Britton. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Kearney, Thomas H. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. Timothy E. WiLLCox, U. S. A., and others in south-eastern Arizona during the years 1892-94. [1894.] N. Y. Ac. Trans., 14, 1895, 21-44. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Busby, Henry H. A list of plants collected by Miss Mary B. Croft, 1884-85, at San Diego, Texas, near the headwaters of the Rio Dulce. N. Y. Ac. Trans., 7, 1887-88, 7-14 ; 9 (1889-90), 181-183. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, DXorong, Thomas, & Vail, {Miss) Anna Murray. See Morong, Britton & Vail. Britton, W[ilton] E[verett]. The Columbine leaf-miner, Pliytomyza Aquilegise. Garden & Forest, 8, 1896, 443-444. Habits of ferns. Garden & Forest, 9, 1896, 18. 103—2 Britton] 820 [Brizi La Galleruca dell' olmo (the elm leaf-beetle) (Galeruca xantomelsena). [1896.] Riv, Patol. Veg., 5, 1897, 253-256. Ulteriori note sopra gli insetti dannosi. [L' Aleyrodes delle serre (Aleyrodes vaporariorum?).] [1896.] Eiv. Patol. Veg., 5," 1897, 256-257; Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 194. The San Jose scale in Connecticut. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 17, 1898, 81-84. Britton, Wiley. [Buffalo gnat of Tennessee.] [1884.] Washington Biol. Soc. Proc, 2, 1886, Ixvi. Brltzelmajrr, Max. Hymenomvceten aus Siidbayern. Angsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1885, 119-160; 1887, 271-306; 1890, 1-34; 1894, 157-222. Das Genus Cortinarius. Bot. Centrbl., 51, 1892, 1-9, 33-42. Materialien zur Beschreibung der Hymenomyceten. Bot. Centrbl., 54, 1893, 33-40, 65-71, 97-105; 62, 1895, 273-281, 305-313; 68, 1896, 108-112, 137-145; 71, 1897, 49-59, 87-96. Die Hymenomyceten in Sterbeeck's Theatrum Fun- gorum. Bot. Centrbl., 58, 1894, 42-57; 61, 1895, 209- 211 ; 62, 1895, 75. Die Lichenen der Flora von Augsburg. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1898, 205-240. Revision der Diagnosen zu den [vom Verfasser] aufge- stellten Hymen omyceten-Ar ten. Bot. Centrbl., 73, 1898, 129-135, 169-175, 203-210; 75, 1898, 163-178; 77, 1899, 356-363, 395-402, 433-441; 80, 1899, 57-66, 116-126. Die Lichenen der Algauer Alpen. Augsb. Nat. Ver. Ber., 1900, 71-139. Brltzke, 0. Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der Verdunstung in Russland. Repertm. f. Meteorol., 17, 1894, No. 10, 54 pp. Briuchanenko, A[leksandr] N[ikolaevic]. 0 BjiflHiH ajreMeHTOBi na onxHiecKyio jt^-harejihRocvb. [In- fluence des ^l^ments sur le pouvoir optique des composes organiques.] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem., Pt. 2), 1898, 193; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 22, 1899, 433. BjiiflHie 9JieMeHT0BT. na onTHiecKyio j^iflTejii.- HOCTb aMHJIOBarO pa^HKajia. [Ueber den Einfluss der Elemente auf die optische Activitat des Amylradicals.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 {Chem.), 1899, 135-142; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 59, 1899, 45-52. Kt. Bonpocy o ToatjtecxB'fe leTHpex-L cpojiiCTBi cipH BT, cyil,(j)HHax'L. [Zur Frage betrefifs der Identitat der vier Affinitaten des Schwefels in den Sulfinen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Chem.), 1899, 142-148; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber.. 31, 1898 3176-3182. Brinctaanenko, A\lekmndr] N\ikolaevic], & Zelinskij, Nikolaj D[mitrievic'\. See ZeUnskij & Biiuchanenko.' Briuchanov, A. Cnoco6'L lEFEpa Ma onpeAijeHiji KanMjfipHHxt nocTOflHHHx^ H ero BajtOHSM-fe- HBHie. [Methode de Jager pour determiner la constante capillaire et modification de cette methode.] [1897 1 Kazan Soc. Phys.-Math. Bull., 7, 1898, 203-212. Briuclianov, N. Zur Kenntnis der primaren Neben- merengeschwiilste. Ztschr. Heilk., 20, 1899, 39-73. Ueber die Natur und Genese der cavernosen Haman- giome der Leber. Ztschr. Heilk., 20, 1899, 131-158. Brive, A[bel]. Terrains Miocenes de la region de Carnot (Algeria). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 22, 1894, 17-29. Note sur les terrains Pliocenes du Dahra (Ale^rie) Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 23, 1895, 592-600. — — Compte rendu des excursions dans la valke du Ch^lif Pans, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 24, 1896", 929-935. — — Sur la g6ologie de la region p^trolif^re des environs de Rehzane (Alg^rie). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 27, 1899 128. Brive, A[hel], & richeur, E[mile]. See Ficheur & Brive. Brivois, [Luc Albertl. De I'electrolyse m^dicamenteuse cutauee. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 44, 1892, 119-125. Brix, Richard. * Ueber den Austausch von Chlor, Brom und Jod zwischen organischen und anorganischen Verbindungen. [1882.] Liebig's Ann., 225, 1884, 146-170. Brix, Walter. Der mathematische Zahlbegriff und seine Entwicklungsformen. Eine logische Untersuchung. Phil. Stud., 5. 1889, 632-677; 6, 1891, 104-166, 261-334. Brix, [Philipp] Wilhelm. For biography and works see Deutsch. Phys. Ges. Verb., 1899, 125-135; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 268. Brixa, Josef. Ueber Gumma des Ciliarkorpers und luetische Augenhintergrundserkrankungen. Arch. f. Ophthalni., 48, 1899, 123-141. Brixbe, Emile. La foudre et les gaz de I'atmosph^re. [1892.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 500-501. Brizard, Leopold. Sur quelques sels d'argent du ruthenium nitros^. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 1092-1093. Action des r^ducteurs sur les composes du ruthenium nitros^. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 730-732. Action des reducteurs sur les composes nitros^s de I'osmium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 182-185. -^ — ■ Sur un azotite double de ruthenium et de potassium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 216-217. Sur la composition des osmiaraates. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 21, 1899, 170-172. Recherches sur la reduction des composes nitros^s du ruthenium et de I'osmium. Ann. Chim., 21, 1900, 311-383. Brizi, A. Su 1' impollinazione nel gen. Cucurbita. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1898, 217-222. Brizi, A., & SXorroi, U[mberto]. See Dflorroi & Brizi. Brizi, Upo. Muschi nuovi per la provincia di Roma. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 88-89, 186. Prima [e seconda] contribuzione all' epaticologia romana. Malpighia, 3, 1889, 176-186, 826-332. Contribuzione all' epaticologia italiana. [1890.] Malpighia, 3, 1889, 414-425. Note di briologia italiana. Malpighia, 4, 1890, 262- 282, 350-363. Cinclidotus falcatus, Kindbg. [1891.] Malpighia, 4, 1890, 560. Appunti di briologia romana. Malpighia, 5, 1891, 83-88. Su alcune Briofite fossili. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1893, 369-373. BryophytsB abyssinicsB a cl. Prof. 0. Penzig collectfe. Malpighia, 7, 1893, 295-297. Sopra alcune particolarita morfologiche, istologiche e biologiche dei Cyathophorum. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 2, 1893 (Sem. 1), 102-109. Reliquie Notarisiane. i. Muschi. [1892.] Roma let. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 5-37. Appunti di teratologia briologica. [1893.] Roma Ist Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 53-57. [Contribuzioni alia conoscenza della flora dell' Africa orientale.] i. Briofite scioane raccolte dal dott. V. Ragazzi nel 1885. [1893.] Roma Ist. Bot. Annu., 5, 1894, 78-82. Sul Cycloconium oleaginum, Cast. [Italia], Soc. Bot Bull., 1894, 185-188; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 26, 1894 227-231. Due nuove specie del genere Pestalozzia. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull., 1895, 81-83. Micromiceti nuovi per la flora romana. [Italia], Soc. Bot. Bull. , 1895, 93-101. Ricerche sulla brunissure o annerimento delle foglie della vite. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., 2, 1896, 118-129; Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 28, 1896, 112-128. Brizi] 821 [Broca 10 monografico del genere Khynchostegium. Malpighia, 10, 1896, 227-257, 437-478. Una nuova malattia (antracnosi) del mandorlo. Riv. Patol. Veg., 4, 1896, 293-303. Sul disseccameiito dei germogli del gelso. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 5, 1896 (Sein. 2), 320-324. Gli effetti dannosi dell' anidride solforosa sulla vegetazione. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 29, 1896, 245-285. Studi sulla flora briologica del Lazio. Malpighia, 11, 1897, 345-386 ; 12, 1898, 85-139. ■ Contributo alio studio raorfologico, biologico e siste- matico delle Muscinee. Roma 1st. Bot. Annu., 6, 1897, 275-369. La bacteiiosi del sedano [Apium graveolens, L.]. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 1), 229-234; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 575-579. • Etiologia della malsania del Corylus avellana, L. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 6, 1897 (Sem. 2), 227-231; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 4, 1898, 147-151. Una malattia dei tralci della vite causata dalla Botrytis cinerea. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 5-14; Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 2), 3, 1897, 141-146. Ricerche botaniche sulle principali adulterazioni della polvere di sommacco (Rhus coriaria, L.). Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 30, 1897, 233-282. II vaiuolo deir olivo (Cycloconium oleaginum, Cwst.). Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 32, 1899, 329-398. Brizio, Edoardo. La provenienza degli Etruschi. Nuova Antol. Sci., 121, 1892, 126-148; 122, 1892, 128-150. Brizzi, A^, i& Ficcini, Augusto. See Ficcinl & Brizzl. Broadbent, F[rank] V[incent], & Wiley, Harvey W[ash- ington]. See Wiley & Broadbent. Broadbent, H. Cream of tartar. [JVith discussion.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1890, 423-430. Broadbent, Jo/m i^[ra?(c«s] H[arpin], & Broadbent, (] [et alii). Du pemphigus. Des dermatoses bulleuses, complexes ou multiformes. Ann. de Dermatol., 10, 1889, 891-896. Brocx, P. H. Verslag aangaande de waarneming van den Overgang van Venus over de Zon op 6 December 1882 te Curapao. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 19, 1884, 372-380. Brode, H. S. Preparation of embedding boxes. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 11 (1889), 146. Brode, Howard S. A contribution to the morphology of Dero vaga. Jl. Morphol., 14, 1898, 141-180. Broden, A. Recherches sur I'histogen^se du tubercule et Taction curative de la tuberculine. Arch. M^d. Exp^r., 11, 1899, 1-53. Brod6n, Torsten. Anraarkningar om dnbbelelementen vid projektiviska raka punktsystem och plana str&lknippen. Tidsskr. Math., 6, 1889, 6-13; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 585. Ueber die durch Abel'sche Integrale erster Gattung rectiticirbaren ebenen Curven. [1889.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 15 {Afd. 1), 1890, No. 5, 26 pp. Ueber die Doppelpunkte bei der projectivischen ebenen Correspondenz. Ein Supplement zur Theorie der projectivischen Verwandtschaft. Arch. Math. Phys., 9, 1890, 225-249. Ueber Coincidenzen in zweideutigen Correspondenzen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 45-56. Ueber Correspondenzen auf elliptischen Curven. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 213-228. Ueber Zeuthen's Correspqndenzsatz und eine Con- sequenz desselben. Stockh., Ofvers., 1893, 345-359. Zur Theorie der Transformation elliptischer Func- tioneu. Lund. Univ. Acta, 30, 1893-94 (Soc. Physiogr., No. 2), 24 pp. Ueber unendlich oft oscillirendeFunktionen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1895, 763-768. Ueber das Weierstrass-Cantor'sche Condensations- verfahren. Stockh., Ofvers., 1896, 583-602. Beitrage zur Theorie der stetigen Functionen einer reellen Veranderlichen. Crelle, Jl. Math., 118, 1897, 1-60. Functionentheoretische Bemerkungen und Satze. Lund. Univ. Acta, 33, 1897 {Soc. Physiogr., No. 3), 45 pp. Ueber Grenzwerthe fiir Reihenquotienten. [1897.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 23 (Afd. 1), 1898, No. 2, 49 pp. Ueber Darstellung von reellen Functionen mit un- endlich dicht liegenden NuUstellen durch unendliche Producte, deren Factoren ganze analytische Functionen sind. Math. Ann., 51, 1899, 299-320. Ueber das Dirichlet'sche Integral. Math. Ann., 52, 1899, 177-227. Wahrscheinlichkeitsbestimmungen bei der gewohn- lichen Kettenbruchentwickelung reeller Zahlen. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 239-266. Derivirbare Funktionen mit iiberall dichten Maxima und Minima. Stockh., Ofvers., 1900, 423-441, 743- 761. Brodhead] 827 [Brodie Brodbead, {Mrs. ) Jane Napier. Indian cyclone of October, 1864. [1888.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 5 (1888-89), 209- 213. Brodliun, Eugen [Heinrich Eduard Ernst]. Ueber das Leukoskop. Ann. Phys. Chem., 34, 1888, 897-918. Ueber die Empfindlichkeit des griinblinden und des normalen Auges gegen Farbenanderung im Spektrum. Ztschr. Psychol., 3, 1892, 97-107. Die Giiltigkeit des Newtonschen Farbenmischungs- gesetzes bei dem sog. griinblinden Farbensystem. Ztschr. Psychol., 5, 1893, 323-334. Vorrichtung zum Ablesen einer rotirenden Theilung. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 17, 1897, 10-14. Brodbun, Eugen [Heinrich Eduard Ernst], & Xonig, Arthur. See Konig & Brodhun. Brodhiin, Eugen [Heinrich Eduard Ernst], & Iiummer, Otto. Ueber Priifung des Talbot'schen Gesetzes. Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1890, 92-94. See also I.tuniner & Brodhun. Brodhurst, Bernard E[divard]. For biographical notice see Med.-Chir. Trans., 83, 1900, cxxxii. *[The remarkable sunsets.] [1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 153. Brodie, C[harles] Gordon. Abnormality of the aortic arch. [1888.] Jl. Anat. Physiol. , 23, 1889, vii-viii. Some observations on the ligaments about the shoulder. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 23, 1889, xxi. Note on the transverse-humeral, coraco-acromial, and coraco-humeral ligaments, etc. [1889.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 24, 1890, 247-252. Misplaced kidney, with abnormal arterial supply. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 27, 1893, xxxv-xxxvi. Brodie, C[harles] Gordon, & Bland-Sutton, {Sir) John. See Bland- Sutton & Brodie. Brodie, Frederick. For biographical notice see Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 131-133. Brodie, Frederick J. The rainfall of 1884. [1884.] Nature, 81, 1885, 56-58. The recent drought. Nature, 36, 1887, 395-396. Report on the severe partial gales experienced on the coasts of the British Islands, during the 15 years 1871 to 1885. [1888.] [Meteorol. Off.,] Met. Council Eep., [1887-88], 26-29. Some remarkable features in the winter of 1890-91. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 17, 1891, 155-165. The sunshine of London. Nature, 43, 1891, 424-425. The recent epidemic of influenza. Nature, 44, 1891, 283-285. On the prevalence of fog in London during the 20 years 1871 to 1890. [1891.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 18, 1892, 40-43. Town fogs. [1892.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 27, 1893, 22-24. The great drought of 1893. Agr. Soc. Jl., 4, 1893, 849-856. The great drought of 1893, and its attendant meteoro- logical phenomena. [1893.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 20, 1894, 1-27. Note on the barometrical changes preceding and accompanying the heavy rainfall of November 1894. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1896, 209-213. Agricultural weather forecasts. Agr. Soc. Jl. , 8, 1897, 228-233. The abnormal weather of January 1898. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 24, 1898, 229-236. Lightning and its effect on trees. Agr. Soc. Jl., 10, 1899, 608-617. The prolonged deficiency of rain in 1897 and 1898. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 25, 1899, 181-199. Brodie, {Rev.) Peter Bellinger. For biography and list of works see Ent. Month. Mag., 33, 1897, 283-284; Geol. Mag., 4, 1897, 481-485, 576; Cotteswold Club Proc, 12 (1896-98), 201; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 54, 1898, Ixvii- Ixxii; Nature, 57 (1897-98), 31-32; Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1900, 46-53. Fossil birds. Geol. Mag., 2, 1886, 384. On a recent discovery of annulose animals (Blatta and a scorpion), in British and foreign Upper and Middle Silurian rocks. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1886, 18-21. On the discovery of fossil fish in the New Red Sand- stone (Upper Keuper) in Warwickshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 629. On a remarkable section in Derbyshire. Geol. Mag., 8, 1886, 482. Entomostraca in the Rhsetics. Geol. Mag., 3, 1886, 526. On two Rhsetio sections in Warwickshire. [With discussion.] Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 42, 1886, 272-275. On the discovery of a new species of fish, Semionotus, with a brief account of the section in the Upper Keuper sandstone near Warwick, and remarks on the Trias generally, and on some other fish found in it near Nottingham. [1886-87.] Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1887, 2-10. On the range, extent, and fossils of the Rhsetic formation in Warwickshire. [1886.] Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1887, 19-29. On the predominance and importance of the Blattidse in the Old World. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1888, 12-17. On the character, variety, and distribution of the fossil insects in the Palasozoic (Primary), Mesozoic (Secondary), and Cainozoic (Tertiary) periods : with an account of the more recent discoveries in this branch of palaeontology up to the present day. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1889, 7-26. Lower Greensand and Purbecks in the vale of War- dour, Wilts. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 455-456. On certain arachnids and myriapods in the American and British Carboniferous rocks, and their occasional occurrence in other newer formations. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1891, 29-36. A sand-pit at Hill Morton near Rugby. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 321-322. On some additional remains of cestraciont and other fishes in the green gritty marls, immediately overlying the red marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwickshire. [1892.] Geol. Soc Quart. Jl., 49, 1893, 171-174. Notes on the Eocene Tertiary insects of the Isle of Wight. Geol. Mag., 10, 1893, 538-540 ; Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1894, 67-70. Notice of a section in the Lower Lias at the cement works near Rugby. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1893, 17-18. Notice of a section in the Middle Lias at Napton. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1893, 43-44. On additional remains of cestraciont and other fish in the green marls immediately overlying the red marls of the Upper Keuper in Warwickshire ; with an account of the equivalent beds in Germany and the Tyrol. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1893, 48-53. Further remarks on the Tertiary (Eocene) insects from the Isle of Wight, and on others from the Lias and Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 167-169. On the discovery of molluscs in the Upper Keuper at Shrewley in Warwickshire. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 50, 1894, 170; Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1894, 28-26. Tertiary fossil ants in the Isle of Wight. Nature, 52 (1896), 570. Notes on a section of the Upper Keuper on the rail- way line from Rowington to Henley-in-Arden. Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1896, 58-59. On the sandstones in the Upper Keuper in Warwick- shire. Geol. Mag., 3, 1896, 154-155. A curious bird's nest. Nature, 54 (1896), 172. On the sandstones in the Upper Keuper in a part of 104—2 Brodie] 828 [Broeck Warwickshire, six miles north-west of Warwick. War- wick. Field Club Proc, 1896, 36-39. Sketch of the Labyrinthodontia and Reptilia in the Trias, chiefly with reference to those in the British New Bed Sandstone and more especially in Warwickshire. Warwick, Field Club Proc, 1897, 92-97. [The Wilmcote Lias quarry.] Warwick. Field Club Proc, 1897, 103-105. Brodie, Robert. Professor Kelland's problem on super- position. [1891.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans., 36, 1892, 307-311. Brodie, Tlhomas] Gregor. [Apparatus for curve of elasticity.] Jl. Physiol., 13, 1892, xv. The extensibility of muscle. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 29, 1896, 367-388. The work of the muscle. Jl. Physiol., 17, 1894-95 {Proc. 1895), vi-viii. A key for cutting out either the make or break shocks produced in a secondary circuit, [1896.] Jl. Physiol., 19, 1896-96, X. A preliminary report of some experiments upon the chemistry of the diphtheria antitoxin. Jl. Path, Bact., 4, 1897, 460-464. New form of pendulum contact clock. By C. F. Palmer. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, xi-xii. The immediate action of an intravenous injection of blood-serum. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, 48-71, Brodie, T[homas] Gregor, & Halliburton, W[illiaTn] D[obinson]. See HaUiburton & Brodie. Brodie, ifhomas] Gregor, & Richardson, Slidney] W[illiavi.] F[ranklin]. The changes in length of striated muscle under varying loads brought about by the influence of heat. Jl. Pliysiol., 21, 1897, 353-372. A study of the phenomena and causation of heat- contraction of skeletal muscle. [1897.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 127-146. See also Richardson & Brodie. Brodie, T[homas] Gregor, & Russell, Allfred] E[rne8t]. The enumeration of blood-platelets. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 390-395. The determination of the coagulation-time of blood. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 403-407. On reflex cardiac inhibition. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 26, 1900-01, 92-106. Brodie, W[illiam] Brodie. Note on the action of hydroxyl- amine hydrochlorate. [1898.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, 56-57. Brodie, William. The food plants of Platysamia cecropia. [1886.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 4, 1887, 211-213, Monotropa uniflora. Ottawa Natlist., 1, 1887, 118. Bird notes from Toronto. Auk, 5, 1888, 211. List of Coleoptera collected by Mr. Bruce Bailey, in Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains, C. P. R., 1884. Canad. Inst. Proc, 5, 1888, 213-215. A cannibal cricket. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 137-138. Canadian galls and their occupants. Aulax Nabali, n. sp. Canad. Ent., 24, 1892, 12-14, 137-139. Brodmann, C. Untersuchungen iiber den Reibungs- coefiBcienten von Fliissigkeiten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 45, 1892, 159-184. Ueber eine zur Untersuchung sehr zaher Fliissig- keiten geeignete Modification der Transpirationsmethode. Ann. Phys. Chem., 48, 1893, 188-206. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Festigkeit von Glas- staben. Gottingen Nachr., 1894, 44-58. Brodmann, K. Ueber den Nachweis von Astrocyten mittelst der Weigert'schen Gliafarbung. [1899.] Jena. Ztschr., 33, 1900, 181-190. Brodmeier, A[rnold]. Ueber die Beziehung des Proteus vulgaris, Hkr., zur ammoniakalischen Hamstoffzerset- zung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1895, 380-391. Brodnitz, [Siegfried]. Die Behandlung tuberculoser Knoohen- und Gelenkerkrankungen mit Jodoform- Glycerin. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 35, 1893, 585- 603. Brodrick, T. N. Etudes sur les glaciers du district de Canterbury (Nouvelle Zelande). Congr, G4ol. Int. C. R., 1894, 203-207. Brodrick, William. For biography and works see Devon, Ass. Trans., 21, 1889, 65; S. Loudon Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1888-89, 122-123; Zoologist, 13, 1889, 139- 142; Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., [13], 1892, 395-399, 420. Brodsky, Leon. Ueber die Einwirkung der Aldehyde auf Rhodanammonium. Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 {Abth. 2), 68-81; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 27-40. Brodsky, Slalomon], & Bischler, Aug[;ust]. See Bischler & Brodsky. Broeck, Ernest van den. *Etude sur les Foraminif^res de la Barbade (Antilles) recueillis par L. Agassiz, pr^c6d6e de quelques considerations sur la classification et la nomenclature des Foraminiferes. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 2, 1876, ,55-152. *[Sur les couches Eocenes des environs de Bruxelles,] Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 2, 1876, Ivii-lx. *Instructions pour la r^colte des Foraminiferes vivants. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 3, 1877, 5-10. *Note sur les Foraminiferes de I'argile des polders. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 3, 1877, cxiii-cxxii. *Description d'un nouveau systeme de slide pour le montage des preparations a sec et^p6cialement applicable aux collections de Foraminiferes, d'Entomostraces, etc. [1877.] Brux., Soc Beige Micr. Ann., 4, 1878, 111- 118. *Preparation des Polycistines. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 4, 1878, ccxxxii-ccxxxvi. *Du role de I'infiltration des eaux met^oriques dans I'alteration des depots superficiels. Congr. G6ol. Int. C. R., 1878, 188-199. *Note sur un modele simplifie du nouveau systeme de slide. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 5, 1879, 5-14. Note sur la d^couverte des fossiles Miocenes dans les depots de I'etage Bolderien, a Waenrode (Limbourg), Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), Ivi-lxvi. Note sur la d^couverte de gisements fossiliferes Pliocenes dans les sables ferrugineux des environs de Diest. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), Ixviii- Ixxi. Sur un facies nouveau ou peu connu de I'argile sup^rieure Rup^lienne et sur les erreurs d'interpr^tation auxquelles il pent donner lieu, Brux,, Soc, Malacol, Ann., 19 (1884), Ixxi-lxxv. Contribution k I'^tude des sables Pliocenes Diestiens, Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 19 (1884), 7-27. R^ponse a la note de MM. van Ertborn et Cooels sur les consequences de certaines erreurs d'interpr^tation au point de vue geologique. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 20 (1886), X (6?s)-xii (6w), xxii-xxviii. De la constitution geologique du territoire de la feuille d'Aerschot, d'apres la carte au 1 : 20,000 de MM. van Ertborn et Cogels, et d'apres les lev^s du service ofticiel. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 20 (1885), lix-lxiv. Note sur le Quaternaire Moseen. [With discussion.'] Brux. Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 5, 1886, 40-43. Note sur une observation faite a Schriek (feuille d'Heyst-op-den-Berg) montrant, contrairement aux lev^s geologiques de MM. van Ertborn et Cogels, I'absence d'Eocene Wemmelien dans le territoire de la feuille d'Heyst-op-den-Berg. Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 21 (1886), X (6is)-xii, Quelques mots en reponse aux lectures faites par MM. Cogels et van Ertborn, Brux., Soc. Malacol, Ann., 21 (1886), xxxvii-xl. Sur la constitution geologique des depots Tertiaires, Quaternaires et modernes de la region de Lierre. Li^ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 13, 1886 {Mem.), 376-424, Note sur un nouveau gisement de la Terebratula Broeck] 829 [Broeck grandis (Blum), avec une carte de I'extension primitive des d6p6ta Pliocenes marins en Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1887 {Mem.), 49-59. [Quelques coquilles recueillies dans la region du Bas- Congo et k I'altitude d'environ 200 metres au-dessus de la mer.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1887 (Proc.-Verb.), 30. Etude sur la faune Olipoc^ne d'Elsloo, pres Maestricht. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1887 {Proc.-Verb.), 106- 108. Note pr^liminaire sur I'origine probable du limon Hesbayen ou limon non stratifi^ homog^ne. Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1887 (Proc.-Verb.), 151-159. Quelques mots au sujet du r61e des formations Coralliennes dans les etudes stratigraphiques. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1888 (Proc.-Verb.), 148-151. De I'extension des depots Tongriens dans la haute Belgique entre Verviers, Eupen et Herbestal. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 188,8 {Proc.-Verb.), 156-158. A propos de I'origine Eolienne de certains limons Quaternaires. Brux. Soc. Beige G4ol. Bull., 1888 (Proc.- Verb.), 188-192. Les eaux minerales de Spa. Observations pr^limi- naires sur la these d'une origine non interne. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1888 (Proc.-Verb.), 235-260. A propos du role de la g^ologie dans les travaux d'int^ret public. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull, 1888 (Proc.-Verb.), 30:^-310. D^couverte d'un fruit de Conifere recueilli par M. Cerfontaine dans les Gres Bruxelliens des environs de Bruxelles. Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1888 (Proc.- Verb.), 498-499. Etude geologique et hydrologique du Condroz et de I'Entre Sambre-et-Meuse faite au sujet du projet de distribution d'eau de MM. Leborgne et Pagnoul. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 77-89. De Page des sables Tertiaires des plateaux bordant la Meuse dans la region de Li^ge. Brux. Soc. Beige G6oI. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 110-112. [Observations, k propos de la presentation d'un ex- emplaire geant d'lnoc^rame, sur les relations qui existent entre la structure des organismes fossiles et leur degr^ de preservation au sein des depots g^ologiques.] Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 118-119. Conglom^rats du Flysch. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 176-177. Notes g^ologiques et pal^ontologiques prises pendant le creusement des nouveaux bassins Africa et America, k Anvers (Austruweel). Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 286-287. Note sur les nouveaux barom^tres holosteres oro- m^triques et altimetriques du systeme Goulier sp^ciale- ment construits pour les basses et moyennes regions. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 325- 333. Les cailloux Oolithiques des graviers Tertiaires des hauts plateaux de la Meuse. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 404-410. Sur les barometres du syst&me Goulier et sur les principes sp^ciaux de leur mode de construction. Note additionnelle, presentee au nom du Colonel Goulier. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1889 (Proc.-Verb.), 412- 413. Les sources de Modave et le projet du Hoyoux con- sider^s aux points de vue geologique et hydrologique. [With disciission.] Brux. Soc. Beige G6ol. Bull., 1890 (Proc.-Verb.), 180-191. Affaissement du sol de la France. Preuves g^ologiques k I'appui des observations de M. le Colonel Goulier. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.), 13-19. Sur le Bolderien et sa faune en Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.), 53-54. Sur I'origine purement hydro-chimique des minerals de plomb argentif^res du district de Leadville (Colorado). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1891 (Proc.-Verb.), 138- 141. Materiaux pour la connaissance des dep&ts Pliocenes Superieurs rencontres dans les derniers travaux de creusement des bassins maiitimes d'Anvers. Bassin Africa (ou Lefebvre) et bassin America. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1892 (Mem.), 86-149. L'emigration et la filiation des esp^ces. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1892 (Proc.-Verb.), 94-97. fitude sur le dimorphisme des Foraminiferes et des Nummulites en particulier. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 6-41; Brux. Soc. Malacol. Ann., 28 (1893), xv-xx. Kecherche d'eaux souterraines k Anvers. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 124-128. Le puits artesien du peignage de laines d'Hoboken. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 143- 148. Excursion faite par la Societe aux environs de Louvain et uotamment au Pellenberg. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.-Verb.), 166-167. Coup d'ceil synthetique sur I'Oligoc^ne beige et observations sur le Tongrien Superieur du Brabant. [1893-94.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1893 (Proc.- Verb.), 208-302. Quelques mots au sujet de la difference d'etendue des bassins hydrographiques souterrain et superficiel alimentant les sources de la valiee du Hoyoux. [With discussion.'] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1894 (Proc.- Verb.), 241-247. Sur le mode de formation des grottes et des valiees souterraines. Keponse k la note critique de M. A. Flamache. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (M€m.), 368-415. Note preiiminaire sur le niveau stratigraphique et la region d'origine de certains des blocs de gres quartzeux des plaines de la Moyenne et de la Basse- Belgique. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1895 (Proc.-Verb.), 91-99. Compte rendu sommaire de I'excursion au Bolderberg et au gisement fossilifere de Waenrode faite par la Societe Beige de Geologic, de Paleontologie et d'Hydro- logie les 13 et 14 juillet 1895, accompagne de com- mentaires relatifs a la question du Bolderien envisage au point de vue de ses relations stratigraphiques beiges et etrangeres, et reponse k M. le Prof. G. Dewalque. [1895-96.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.- Verb.), 116-144. [Upper Tertiary strata of Belgium.] Nature, 52 (1895), 560. Curious aerial or subterranean sounds. [1896.] Natiire, 53 (1896-96), 30. Etude des depots Oligoc^nes du Limbourg. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Mim.), 370-386. Visite k la fontaine ferrugineuse de Plinb. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Mem.), 386-394. Exploration dans le Limbourg hollandais (Elsloo, Geul, Bunde, Houthem et Fauquemont). Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (M4m.), 399-406. A propos du dimorphisme des Foraminiferes et d'une recente communication de M. Schlomberoeb sur ce sujet. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 40-43. Comment faut-il nommer les Nummulites en tenant compte de leur dimorphisme? Appel aux biologistes, geologues et paieontologistes. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 50-62; Brux., Soc. Malacol. Ann., 34 (1899), xlii-liv. La meteorite de Lesves, pr^s Fosses. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 63-64. [Decouverte de crabes Oligocenes dans I'argile de Boom au N. W. de Duffel.] Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 69-70. Broeck] 830 [Broeck Quelques considerations sur la permeability du sol, sur I'infiltration pluviale et sur la condensation souter- raine des vapeurs d'eau, a propos des recherches et exposes de MM. Wokbe et Duclaux. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 95-110. Expose preiiminaire d'un projet d'etude du sous-sol primaire de la Moyenne et de la Basse-Belgique k I'aide des materiaux fournis par las puits artesiens. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1896 {Proc.-Verb.), 110-117. Compte rendu d'une visite preliminaire k la source thermale de Comblain-la-Tour. Brux. Soc. Beige G^ol. Bull., 1896 (Proc.-Verb.), 185-195. Les mistpoeffers. Detonations mysterieuses de la mer du Nord et des contrees continentales avoisinantes. Bev. Sci., 6, 1896, 464-467. Le dossier hydrologique du regime aquif^re en terrains calcaires et le role de la geologie dans les recherches et etudes des travaux d'eaux alimentaires. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Mem.), 378-554. [Sur la formation des cavernes.] Reponse k M. Flamache. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1897 (Proc.- Verb.), 90-93. Les previsions grisouteuses. Recherches preiiminaires faites a I'occasion des " Avertissements" de M. Francis Ladr. Analyse des faits et observations compiementaires relatives a I'expose des donnees fournies par les elements magnetiques. Brux. Soc. Beige Geol. Bull., 1898 (M6m.), 13-44. Aper MaKciiMyMaxT). [Baro- metrische Maxima.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 18 (Phys.), 1886, 76-77. BpeMeHHHe 6apoMeTpii« <=^a°t, dans les rSves Met!V6! tSuV%%l&''''''- ''''-' «- ^^^^• {C rT-SOI-S:""'"- '''"'' ^°° ""'''■ M^m., 36 188: Faits montrant que toutes ou presque toutes les parties de I'encephale, chez I'homme, peuvent determiner certaines inhibitions. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), .320-324. Inhibition de certaines puissances reflexes du bulbe rachidien et de la moelle epiniere, sous I'influence d'irri- tations de diverses parties de I'encephale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 {C. R.), 350-352. Du role de certaines influences dynamogeniques reflexes dans des cas de suture de nerfs recemment publies. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. jR.), 423-425. De la puissance inhibitriee et de la puissance con- vulsivante de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 36, 1884 (C. R.), 556-559. Sur une espece d'anesthesie artificielle, sans sommeil et avec conservation parfaite de I'intelligence, des mouve- ments volontaires, des sens et de la sensibilite tactile. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1366-1369. Recherches experimentales paraissant raontrer que les muscles atteints de rigidite cadaverique restent doues de vitalite jusqu'a I'apparition de la putrefaction. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 101, 1886, 926-929. Causes des alterations de nutrition qui snivent la section du nerf sciatique et du nerf crural, chez les cobayes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 146- 147. Production d'epilepsie spinale par une lesion du cervelet. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (G. R.), 149- 151. Inhibition de la sensibilite a la douleur dans le corps tout entier sous I'influence de I'irritation de la muqueuse laryngee par la cocaine. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885(0. R.), 167-170. Du r61e de I'arrSt des echanges entre le sang et les tissus, de la contracture et de I'inhibition a regard du degre d'energie et de la duree des proprietes des nerfs et des muscles apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 185-189. Recherches sur I'augmentation de la tonicite muscu- laire et sur I'inhibition de la pi'opriete essentielle des tissus contractiles. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (G.R.), 206-208. Etude des effets produits par les irritations cntanees pour servir a I'explication des influences therapeutiques exercees par les contre-irritants. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. , 37, 1886 {C. R.), 209-210. Du transfert de I'anesthesie, de I'hyperesthesie, de la paralysie, de la contracture, de I'hypothermie et de I'hyperthermie, causees par les Idsions organiques. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 246-249. Nouveaux faits relatifs a la rigidite cadaverique. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 {C. R.}, 249-250. Eemarques sur I'alteration de sensibilite, connue sous le nom d'allochirie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. R.), 268-270. Production de globules semblables a ceux du sang des Mammiferes, dans diverses parties du corps d'animaux de cette classe, lorsqu'on y injecte du sang d'oiseau, meme longtemps apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 287-291, 307-310, 329-333. — — Indication d'un mode nouveau de production de I'emphyseme pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1885 (C. R.), 354-356. — - Sur la puissance de formation de globules sanguins, dans le systeme vasculaire des Mammiferes, apr^s la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 37, 1886 (C. JR.), 393- 395. Recherches experimentales montrant que la rigidite cadaverique n'est due ni entierement, ni meme en grande partie, a la coagulation des substances albumineuses des muscles. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 622-627. — — Recherches experimentales paraissant demontrer que la ngidite cadaverique depend d'une contracture, c'est k dire dun acte de vie des muscles, commen^ant ou se Brown -Sequard] 853 [Brown-Sequard continuant apr^s la mort generale. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R. , 103, 1886, 674-678. Eecherches exp^rimentales montrant combien sont varies et nombreux les effets purement dynamiques provenant d'influences exercees sur I'ene^phale par les nerfa sensitifs et siir les nerfs moteurs par les centres nerveux. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 790-795, 1048. Faits relatifs aux voies de communication entre le cerveau et les muscles. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 75-76. Prolongation exceptionnelle de certains actes reflexes de la moelle 6piniere, apres la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 101. Nouveaux faits relatifs a I'anesth^sie li^e aux lesions organiques de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 386-388. Sur divers effets d'irritation de la partie anterieure du cou et, en particulier, la perte de la sensibility et la mort subite. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 951-954. Recherches sur des mouvements de contraction et de relachement, en apparence spontanes, qui se produisent dans les muscles, apr^s la mort, tant que dure la rigidite cadaverique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 10-5, 1887, 556-565. Duality du cerveau et de la moelle Epiniere, d'apres des faits montrant que I'anesthesie, I'hyperesthesie, la paralysie et des ^tats varies d'hypothermie et d'hyper- thermie, dus a des lesions organiques du centre cer^liro- spinal, peuvent etre transforms d'un cot^ k I'autre du corps. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 646-652. Recherches sur les deux principaux fondements des doctrines reur la duree des proprietes des muscles et des nerfs apres la mort. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 188-189. Remarques a propos des recherches du Dr. F. W. Mott sur les effets de la section d'une moitie lat^rale de la moelle epini^re. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 195-198. Remarques sur les variet^s extremes de manifestations paralytiques dans des cas de lesion de la base de I'ence- phale et sur les conclusions qui en ressortent. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 204-206. Faits nouveaux montrant que la conductibilite ner- veuse est absolument distincte de I'excitabilite. Arch. de Physiol., 6, 1894, 752. Brown - S^quard, C[harles] E[douard], & Arsonval, [Arsene] d\ Recherches sur I'importance, surtout pour les phtisiques, d'un air non vicie par des exhalaisons pulmonaires. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 1056- 1060. Demonstration de la puissance toxique des exhalaisons pulmonaires provenant de I'homme et du chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 39, 1887 (C. R.), 814-818. Recherches demontrant que lair expir^ par I'homme et les Mammiferes, a I'etat de sante, contient un agent toxique tres puissant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 106-112. Nouvelles recherches sur les phenomenes produits par un agent toxique tres puissant qui sort sans cesse des poumons de I'homme et des Mammiferes, avec Pair expire. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 165-169. Nouvelles recherches demontrant que les poumons secr^tent un poison extremement violent qui en sort avec I'air expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 33-37. Nouvelles remarques a I'egard du poison pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 54-56. Toxicite de Fair expire. Nouvelles recherches. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 {C. R.), 90-91. Remarques sur la valeur des faits qui nous ont servi A demon trer la toxicite de I'air expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 99-104. Ressemblances entre Faction toxique de certaines ptomaines et celle du poison pulmonaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C, R.), 108-110. Description d'un appareil permettant de faire respirer a plusieurs animaux de I'air libre et pur quant a ses proportions d'oxygene et d'acide carbonique, mais conte- nant des quantit^s considerables du poison de Pair expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 110-111. Sur quelques points importants relatifs a la duree de la survie des lapins apres I'injection sous-cutanee du liquide contenant le poison de Pair expire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 151-153. Remarques au sujet de la ventilation des lieux habites. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 172-175. Nouvelles recherches demontrant que la toxicite de I'air expire ne depend pas de I'acide carbonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 267-272. Recherches montrant que la mort par inhalation du poison que contient I'air expire n'est pas activee par les emanations dp vapeurs provenant de Purine et des mati^res fecales des animaux soumis a cette inhalation. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 108, 1889, 1294-1296. Recherches sur les extraits li(inides retires des glandes et d'autres parties de I'organisme et sur leur emploi, en injections sous-cutanees, comme methode therapeutique. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 491-506. Preparation des extraits liquides provenant des differents organes de I'economie animale, destines aux injections sous-cutanees therapeutiques. Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 593-597. — — - De I'injection des extraits liquides provenant des glandes et des tissus de I'organisme comme methode therapeutique. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 248-250, 265-268. Rejet de I'emploi de tons les antiseptiques autres que la glycerine et I'acide carbonique pour la preparation des extraits organiques destines aux injections therapeutiques sous-cutanees. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 535-536. Innocuite de I'injection dans le sang d'extraits liquides du pancreas, du foie, du cerveau et de quelques autres organes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 43, 1891 (C. R.), 722-725. Injection dans le sang d'extraits liquides du pancreas, du foie, du cerveau et de quelques autres organes. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 148-157, 799. Nouveaux modes de preparation du liquide testi- culaire pour les injections sous-cutanees. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 164-167. Des douleurs et des congestions causees par les injections de liquide testiculaire et d'un moyen tres simple de ne pas les produire. Arch, de Physiol., 4, 1892, 599-600. Des injections sous-cutanees ou intra-veineuses d'extraits liquides de nombre d'organes, comme methode therapeutique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 1399- 1405. Remarques sur I'emploi du liquide testiculaire par plus de douze cents medecins et en particulier sur I'influence favorable exercee par ce liquide dans vingt et un cas de cancer et dans quelques autres affections. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 815-818. Nouvelles remarques sur les injections sous-cutanees ou intra-veineuses d'extraits liquides de nombre d'organes, comme methode therapeutique. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 200-203. Influence physiologique et therapeutique du liquide orchitique sur I'organisme animal. Faits montrant que le syst^me nerveux pent modifier la nutrition Men plus profondement qu'on ne savait. Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 539-549. Effets physiologiques et therapeutiques d'un liquide extrait de la glande sexuelle male. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 856-861. Quelques regies relatives a I'emploi du liquide testi- culaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 35-36; •Arch, de Physiol., 5, 1893, 192-193. Remarques sur le traitement du diabete par les liquides pancreatique et testiculaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 371. Nouvelles recherches demontrant que la toxicite de I'air expire depend d'un poison provenant des poumons et non de I'acide carbonique. Arch, de Physiol., 6, 1894, 113-124. Browne, [Arthur Beiijamin], & Chaplin, Edwin D. Blei- chromat. [1895.] Ztschr. Elektroch., 1895-96, 409. Browne, A . J. Jukes-. See Jtikes-Browne. Browne, A. L. Florida bird life in November, 1885. Ornith. Ool., 11, 1886, 17-18. Florida birds [December, 1885 -February, 1886J. Or- nith, Ool., 11, 1886, 34, 50-51, 74-75. Browne] 856 [Browne Browne, C[harles] Albert]. A contribution to the chemistry of butter-fat. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 21, 1899, 612-633, 718, 807-827, 975-994. The estimation of starch. U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 57, 1899, 92-94. Browne, (Maj.) C[lement] Alfred] R[ighyl A bird killed by a Mantis. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 12, 1898-1900, 578-579. Browne, {Capt.) C. Orde. The behaviour of armour of different kinds under fire. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1884, 116-137. The armament question. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 348-350. Browne, Charles E. Some new anthropometrical instru- ments. [1891.] Irish Ac. Proc, 2, 1891-93, 397-399. On some crania from Tipperary. [1893.] Irish Ac. Proc, 2, 1891-93, 649-654. The ethnography of Inishbofin and Inishshark, County Galway. [1893.] Irish Ac. Proc, 3, 1893-96, 317-370. The ethnography of the Mullet, Inishkea islands, and Portacloy, County Mayo. [1895.] Irish Ac. Proc, 3, 1893-96, 587-649. The ethnography of Ballycroy, County Mayo. [1896.] Irish Ac. Proc, 4, 1896-98, 74-111. The ethnography of Clare island and Inishturk, Co. Mayo. [1897.] Irish Ac. Proc, 5, 1898-1900, 40-72. The ethnography of Garumna and Lettermullen, in the County Galway. [1898.] Irish Ac. Proc, 5, 1898- 1900, 223-268. Report of the work done in the Anthropometric Laboratory of Trinity College, Dublin, from 1891 to 1898. [1898.] Irish Ac. Proc, 5, 1898-1900, 269- 293. The ethnography of Carna and Mweenish, in the parish of Moyruss, Connemara. [1900.] Irish Ac. Proc. 6, 1900-02, 503-534. Browne, Charles E., & Cunningham, D[aniel] J[ohii]. See Cunningham & Browne. Browne, Charles E., & Haddon, Alfred C[ortl ^ee Haddon & Browne. Browne, Charles E., Coffey, George, & VTestropp, Thomas Johnson. See Coffey, Browne & Westropp. Browne, David H. The distribution of phosphorus in the Ludington mine, Iron Mountain, Michigan: a study in isochemic lines. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans 17 1889, 616-632. Hints to beginners in iron analysis. [With notes by G. W. White.] Jl. Anal. Chem., 5, 1891, 325-342 361-378. ' Notes on a new crystalline ferro-nickel alloy Jl Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 150-152. Determination of copper and nickel in ores and furnace products. Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 181-184 -— Notes on silicon in foundry pig iron. Jl. Anal. Chem' 6, 1892, 452-467. -—Segregation in ores and mattes. [With a note by J. F. Kemp.] School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 16, 1896, "77i^^^1*^^^' %^^!'Tr'^ °* experiment and opinion. 569-648 ^°^'°' ^'■*°'-' ^^' "<*<»' BTOvme, Edward Thovms. Notes on a species of Orthezia 3!"[mi],S-?7f'"- ^'"''-^ QnekettMicr.clubj" "Aurelia aurita." Nature, 50 (1894) 524 — -Eeport on the Medusae of the L. M. B."c distrint Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc & Trans., 9, 1895, 243-286 On the variation of the tentaculocysts of Aurelia aurita. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 37, 1896i 245-251 On the variation of Haliclystus octoradiatus. [1895.] Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 38, 1896, 1-8. The Medusae of Valencia harbour. County Kerry. Irish Natlist., 5, 1896, 179-181. On the changes in the pelagic fauna of Plymouth, during September, 1893 and 1895. [1896.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 168-173. — — On British hydroids and Medusa). Zool. Soc Proc. , 1896, 459-500. The hydroids of Valencia harbour, Ireland. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 241-246. Revised list of Hydromedusae of the L. M. B. C. district. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 11, 1897, 147-150. On Tubularia crocea in Plymouth Sound. [1897.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. JL, 5, 1897-99, 54-55. On British Medusae. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 816- 835. On keeping Medusae alive in an aquarium. [1898.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 176-180. On the pelagic fauna of Plymouth for September, 1897. [1898.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 5, 1897-99, 186-192. The fauna and flora of Valencia harbour on the west coast of Ireland, i. The pelagic fauna (1895-98). [II. The Medusae (1895-98).] [1899.] Irish Ac. Proc, 5, 1898-1900, 667-693, 694-736. Browne, F[rancis'\ C. For biographical notice see Auk, 17, 1900, 194-196. The loggerhead shrike again in Massachusetts. Auk, 1, 1884, 291. Geothlypis trichas wintering in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 1, 1884, 389. The red crossbill breeding in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 105. The hawk owl in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 220. Another Richardson's owl in Massachusetts. Auk, 2, 1885, 384. The New England glossy ibises of 1850. Auk, 4, 1887, 97-100. The clapper rail again in Massachusetts. Auk, 4, 1887, 344. Scott's oriole in California. Auk, 8, 1891, 238. A belated mockingbird in eastern Massachusetts. Auk, 12, 1895, 84-85. Browne, Frank. Chinese opium. Pharra. JL, 1, 1895, 493-494; 3, 1896, 112. Japanese coal. Chem. News, 74, 1896, 76-77. Datura alba. Pharm. JL, 3, 1896, 197. Browne, {Lt.-Col.) G[eorge] Flitzherbert]. The map of central and southern Manchuria. Geogr. JL, 15, 1900, 654-657. 8 . > . Browne, G[eorge] M., & XKIichael, Arthur. See Michael & Browne. Browne, H. W. Transmission telegraphique duplex avec appareils Morse ordinaires. Lum. Elect., 26, 1887, 554- 557. Browne, Harold Crichton. Dwarfs and dwarf worship. Nature, 45, 1892, 269-271. Browne, Hugh. Jessamine. Jl. Sci., 21, 1884, 561. Browne, J. M. Some beetles from the Dublin district. Irish Natlist., 1, 1892, 189-192. Browne, (Maj.-Gen. Sir) James. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 125, 1896, 428-430. Browne, (Sir) James Crichton. Tooth culture. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 35, 1892, 658-665, 706-713. Sex in education. Nature, 46, 1892, 13. La vieillesse. [Tr.] Rev. Sci., 49, 1892, 168-178. Emotional expression. [1892.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 13, 1893, 653-667. l j ^ , , — - [John Tyndall.] [1893.] Roy. Inst. Proc, 14, 1896, lol-lb5. Browne] 857 [Browning Browne, (Sir) James Crichton, & Urquhart, ^[/e.r.] R[eid]. Psychological medicine (1837-97). Practitioner, 58, 1897, 615-619. Browne, Lennox. Three specimens illustrating the pseudo-diphtheria bacillus, otherwise the attenuated or non-toxic bacillus. London Path. Soc. Trans., 46, 1895, 301-304. Browne, Mary. The hurricane of 1830 in St. Vincent; by an eye-witness. Timehri, 5, 1886, 54-78. Browne, Montagu. Notes on the vertebrate animals of Leicestershire. Zoologist, 9, 1885, 161-169, 214-220, 248-253, 332-338, 414-421, 459-467; 10, 1886, 16-24, 159-167, 196-202, 233-238, 326-331, 409-415 ; 11, 1887, 57-61. On the occurrence of a mammal, hitherto unknown as inhabiting Leicestershire. [1885.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pt. 1), 27. Dates of arrival of summer birds of passage in Leicestershire, from 1843-55 and 1877-86. [1886.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 (Pt. 1), 28. Evidences of the antiquity of man in Leicestershire. [1888.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 1, 1889 {Pt. 9), 7-37. On a fossil fish (Chondrosteus) from Barrow-on-Soar, hitherto recorded only from Lyme Eegis. [1889.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 17-35. Revision of a genus of fossil fishes, Dapedius. [1890.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 190-203. Notes upon Colobodus, a genus of Mesozoic fossil Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 644-645. The present and past immigrations of the grey phala- rope, Phalaropus fulicarius (L.), to the shores of Britain. [1891.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 2 (1889-92), 462-464. On some vertebrate remains from the Rhtetic beds of Britain. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 748-749 ; 1894, 657-658. A contribution to the history of the geology of the borough of Leicester. [1893.] Leicester Soc. Trans., 3, 1895, 123-240. Preliminary notice of an exposure of RhaBtic beds, near East Leake, Nottinghamshire, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 688-690. The Rhaetic bone-bed of Aust Cliff, and the rock-bed above it. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 804-805. On some vertebrate remains from the Rhsetic of Britain. Leicester Soc. Trans., 4, 1898, 196-197. Browne, Newnham. An abnormal rose. Nature, 52 (1895), 244. Browne, R. G. Macklcij. As to certain alterations in the surface-level of tlie sea off the south coast of England. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 824-825. As to certain '-changes of level" along the shores on the western side of Italy. Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 46, 1890 (Proc), 122. Browne, Ross E. A criticism of Becker's theory of faulting. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 348-354. Water meters. Comparative tests of accuracy, delivery, etc. Distinctive features of the Worthington, Kennedy, Siemens and Hesse meters. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 33, 1886, 1-26. The ancient river beds of the Forest Hill divide. California Min. Bur. Rep., 10, 1890, 485-465. Browne, T. M. [The sky-glows.] Nature, 30, 1884, 537. Browne, Walter Raleigh. For biography and works see Inst. Mechan. Engin. Proc, 1884, 472; Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 79, 1885, 362-366; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 6, 1885 (Ann. Meet., 1885), 9-10. Iron and steel permanent way. [With discussion.] Iron & Steel Inst. Jl., 1884, 88-115. Science and engineering. Nature, 29, 1884, 57-60. Brownell, C. L. Nesting of Cardinalis cardinalis at Nyack, N. Y. Auk, 14, 1897, 406. BrowneU, (Rev.) J[oh)i] T. For biographical notice see Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1886, 202-203. R. S. A. C. The Brownell turn-table. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1884, 173-175. Original method of staining and mounting pollens. Amer. Soc Micr. Proc, 1884, 212-213. How to make wax-cells neat, permanent and free from "sweating." Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1884, 214. Brownell, W. C. The least bittern and long-billed marsh wren at Mud Lake. Ornith. Ool., 16, 1891, 21-22. The colour phenomena of the little screech owl. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 105. Sand hill cranes in Michigan. Ornith. Ool., 17, 1892, 156. Browning, . Notes of a case of monstrositj', [1886.] Indian Med. Gaz., 21, 1887, 219-221. Browning, '^^. ^. Electrical pumping and haulage. [1892.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 13, 1894, 206-207. Browning, F. D. Gold chlorination in California. School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y., 5, 1884, 359-373. Browning, Hugh Hamilton. Illustrations of harmonic section. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 2, 1884, 6-7. Browning, (Miss) K. After-images. [1892.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 506-509. Browning, Kmidall Colin. Hydroferrocyanic acid. Chem. Soc Jl., 77, 1900 [Pt. 2), 1233-1238. Browning, Kendall Colin, & Adie, Richard Haliburton. See Adie & Browning. Browning, Kendall Colin, & Xtuhemann, Siegfried. See Ruhemann & Browning. Browning, Philip E[mbury]. Analysis of rhodochrosite from Franklin, New Jersey. Amer. Jl. Sci., 40, 1890, 375-376. A metliod for the quantitative separation of strontium from calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 50-56; 44, 1892, 462-463. A method for the quantitative separation of barium from calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 314-317. On the qualitative separation and detection of strontium and calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 43, 1892, 386-388. A method for the quantitative separation of bai'ium from strontium by the action of amyl alcohol on the bromides. Amer. Jl. Sci., 44, 1892, 459-462. The influence of free nitric acid and aqua regia on the precipitation of barium as sulphate. Amer. Jl. Sci., 45, 1893, 399-404. On the separation of copper from cadmium by the iodide method. Amer. Jl. Sci., 46, 1893, 280-283. Reduktion der Vanadinsaure durch Einwirkung von Weinsiiure und Titration derselben in alkalischer Losung durch Jod. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 7, 1894, 158-160. On the interaction of chromic and arsenions acids. Amer. Jl. Sci., 1, 1896, 35-37. On the reduction of vanadic acid by hydriodic and hydrobromic acids, and the volumetric estimation of the same by titration in alkaline solution with iodine. Amer. Jl. Sci'., 2, 1896, 185-188; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 113-116. On the volumetric estimation of cerium. Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 451-459; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 297-307. On the estimation of thallium as the acid and neutral sulphates. Amer. Jl. Sci., 9, 1900, 137-138; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 155-157. Browning, Philip E[mbury], & Ooocli, Frank Austin. See Oooch & Browning. Browning, Philip E[mbury], & Ooodman, Richard J[ohnston]. On the application of certain organic acids to the estimation of vanadium. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 35.5-360; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13, 1897, 427-434. Browning, Philip Elmbury], & Kartwell, John B[ry(int]. On the qualitative separation of nickel from cobalt by 108 Browning] the action of ammonium hydroxide on the ferricyanides. Amer. Jl. Sci., 10, 1900, 316-317; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 25, 1900, 323-325. ^ ^, Browning, Philip E[mburyl & Howe, Ernest. On the detection of sulphides, sulphates, sulphites and thio- sulphates in the presence of each other. Amer. Jl. bci., 6, 1898, 317-322; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 18, 1898, 371- 377. Browning, Philip E[mbunjl & Hutchins, George P. On the estimation of thallium as the chromate. Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 460-462; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 22, 1900, 380—383 Browning, Pliilip E[mbiiry], & Jones, Louis C[levelar)d]. On the estimation of cadmium as the oxide. Amer. Jl. Sci., 2, 1896, 269-270; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 13,1897, 110-112. Browning, William. Pitting about the hair-cups, a trophic change in the skin in certain nervous disorders of central oripin. N. Y. Med. JL, 64, 1896, 428-429. Position in sleep. A principle in neurological therapy. N. Y. Med. JL, 69, 1899, 635-637. Brownlee, J. Harrison, Berge, J. Stewart, & Ringrose, Robert Colin. See Berge, Brownlee & Bingrose. Brownlee, John. Obsei-vations on the aerial transmission of the enteric fever poison, with a record of an outbreak presumably caused by that means of infection. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 29, 1898, 298-314. Brownlie, Alexander. The science of the tides, a study in physical geography. Amer. Geogr. Soc. JL, 32 (1900), 471-477. Brownridge, Charles. The occurrence of quartzite and other boulders in the Lower Coal Measures at Wortley, near Leeds. [1887.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 3, 1886- 87, 113-115; Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc, 9 (1885-87), 405- 407. Our walls and pavements. [1890.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 33-43. Excursion to Malham and Gordale Scar. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 100-102. Excursion to the Winterburn valley. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 6, 1890-91, 111-113. North coast of Antrim. [1891.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 10-15. Excursion to Hayburn Wyke. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 55-58. Excursion to Horton-in-Kibblesdale. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 67-70. Excurision to Brimham rocks. Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 8, 1892-93, 91-92. Brownridge, Charles^ (et alii). Glacial action. [1892.] Leeds Geol. Ass. Trans., 7, 1891-92, 47-49. Brownsword, F., & Cohen, Julius Berend. A product of the distillation of rosin. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 9, 1890, 16. Brubacher, Heinrich. Ueber den Gehalt an anorga- nischen Stoffen, besonders an Kalk, in den Knochen und Organen normaler und rhachitischer Kinder. Ztschr Biol., 27, 1890, 517-549. Brubacher, Robert, & Goldschmldt, Heinrich. See Ooldsclinildt & Brubacher. Brubaker, Albert P., & Chapman, Henry C[_adwalader] See Chapman & Brubaker. Bruccblettl, Giuseppe. Sulla temperatura del flume Vehno. Roma, Uff. Centr. Meteorol. Ann., 9 (Pt i) 1889, 97-108. ' '^- "*;> Suir influenza della forza elettromotrice degli elettrodi nello studio delle correnti telluriche. Roma R Ace Lincei Rend., 6, 1890 {Sem. 2), 155-161. Bracchietti, Giuseppe, & Vmani, Antonio. Ancora suU' in- fluenza della forza elettromotrice degli elettrodi nello studio delle correnti telluriche. Roma, R. Ace Lincei Rend., 7, 1891 (Sem. 2), 393-399. Bruce, A., & Loir, Adrien. Les maladies du b^tail en Anstralie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 5, 1891, 177-183. 858 [Bruce Bruce, A. Fairlie. On experiments on the strength of Portland cement and concrete. [1895.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 14, 1898, 156-157. Bruce, A[dam] T[odd]. For biographical notice see Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [6] (1886-87), 87. ■ Origin of the endoderm in Lepidoptera. [1885.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885-86), 9. Observations on the embryology of spiders. Amer. Natlist., 20, 1886, 825. Observations on the embryology of insects and arachnids. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [5] (1885-86), 85. Segmentation of the egg and formation of the germ layers of the squid (Loligo Pealii). [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [6] (1886-87), 45-46. Observations on the nervous system of insects and spiders, and some preliminary observations on Phrynus. [1886.] Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, [6] (1886-87), 47. Bruce, A[dam] T[odd], & Brooks, William K[eith]. See Brooks & Bruce. Bruce, Alexander. *0n a case of absence of the corpus callosum in the human brain. [1881.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 15, 1889, 320-341. On the segmentation of the nucleus of the third cranial nerve. [1889.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 17, 1891, 168-176. On the connections of the inferior olivary body. [1890.] Edinb. Roy. Soc Proc, 17, 1891, 23-27. On a case of descending degeneration of the lemniscus, consequent on a lesion of the cerebrum. Brain, 16, 1893, 465-474. On a human cyclops. [1891.1 Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 20, 1895, 412-421. On the flocculus. Brain, 18, 1895, 227-230. Microtome for cutting sections under spirit. Micr. Soc. JL, 1895, 487-490. On the endogenous or intrinsic fibres in the lumbo- sacral region of the cord. Brain, 20, 1897, 261-275. Note on the upper terminations of the direct cerebellar and ascending antero-lateral ti-acts. Brain, 21, 1898, 374- 382. On the dorsal or so-called sensory nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve, and on the nuclei of origin of the trigeminal nerve. Brain, 21, 1898, 383-387. Les lesions nontabetiques des cordons posterieurs de la moelle. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 (Vol. 7), 248- 253. Bruce, Alexander, & Muir, Robert. On a descending degeneration in the posterior columns in the lumbo- sacral region of the spinal cord. Brain, 19, 1896, 333- 345. Bruce, David. Notes on the redwing. [1886.] Stirling Soc. Trans., 1885-86, 45-47. The shorelark n'ear Dunbar. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1895, 122-123. Little gulls at Dunbar. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1897, 46. Notices of the fulmar petrel (Fulmarus glacialis, L.). Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 191-192. Great northern diver (Colymbus glacialis, L.) at Dunbar. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 192. Notice of the dotterel (Eudromius morinellus, L.), near Dirleton, East Lothian. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 15, 1897, 193. Bruce, (Surg.-Capt.) David. Surface animals collected in Maltese seas during 1886-87. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc, 1, 1887, 67-68. Note on the discovery of a micro-organism in Malta fever. Practitioner, 39," 1887, 161-170. The micrococcus of Malta fever. Practitioner, 40, 1888, 241-249. Bemerkung iiber die Virulenzsteigerung des Cholera- vibrio. Centrbl. Bakt. , 9, 1891, 786-787. Bruce] 859 [Bruck Sur line nouvelle forme de fievre I'encontree sur les bords de la Mediterran^e. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 289-304. On the disappearance of the leucocytes from the blood after injection of peptone. Roy. Soc. Proc, 55, 1894, 295-299. Bruce, (Surg.-Capt.) David, & Stevenson, W[illiam] F[lack]. See Stevenson & Bruce. Bruce, David. Ecpanthera reducta, Grote. [1887.] En- tomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 14-15. Food plants of GeometridiB with other notfes. [1887.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 47-50. A remarkable arctian and a history. [1887.] Ento- mologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 140. Notes on the larva? of Arctia Brucei, Hi/. Edwards. [1888.] Entomologica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 219-2-20. Description of mature larva of Gnophaela vermiculata, G. <£• R. Entomologica Amer., 4, 1888, 24. Nemeophila Plantaginis, Linn. Entomologica Amer., 5, 1889, 112. A rainy day on the mountains [in search of Lepi- doptera]. Canad. Ent., 22, 1890, 67-08. Lepisesia flavo-fasciata. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 42. Arctia arizonensis. Stretch. Canad. Ent., 23, 1891, 114-115. The SphingidsB of Colorado. Philad., Ent. New.^, 2, 1891, 190-192. On the species of Oncocnemis in Colorado. Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 136-137. High mountain moths. Philad., Ent. News, 6, 1895, 73-76. Collecting on the "crest of the continent." Philad., Ent. News, 7, 1896, 162-167. Bruce, Eric Stuart. Balloon signalling in war. [With discussion.] Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 21, 1886, 55-59. War and ballooning. [1886.] Nature, 35, 1887, 259- 262. An optical feature of the lightning flash. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 16, 1890, 132-134. The optics of the lightning flash. Nature, 42, 1890, 197-198. Note on "the working of captive balloons in windy weather." Aeronaut. Soc. Rep., 23, [1893], 42-45. Note on some effects of the gale in the Highlands of Scotland on Nov. 17th and 18th, 1893. [1894.] Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 21, 1895, 11-13. Probable projection lightning flashes. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, 624-625. Balloon signalling apparatus. [1897.] Aeronaut. Jl., 2, 1898, 3. On a new instrument for measuring the duration of persistence of vision on the human retina. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 902-903. The relation of persistence of vision to modern rapid visual signalling. [With discussion.] United Serv. Inst. JL, 43, 1899, 264-284. Portable electric balloon signalling in war. Aeronaut. JL, 4, 1900, 148-150. Bruce, G. L. Polygala austriaca. Jl. Bot., 35, 1897, 313. Veronica polita. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 227. Bruce, J[ohn] Mitchell. Hyoscine as a cerebral sedative. Practitioner, 37, 1886, 321-333. The comparative value of codeine and morphine in the treatment of diabetes. Practitioner, 41, 1888, 1- 16. The gouty heart. Practitioner, 54, 1896, 18-31. Bruce, J[ohn] Mitcliell, & Mott, Frederick Walker. Case of myxo-fibroma of the fifth dorsal nerve extending on to the spinal cord. [1887.] Brain, 10, 1888, 210-217. Bruce, James, & ^tTynne, William Palmer. See 'Wyrua.o & Bruce. . Bruce, James Douglas. On argentic hydrate. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 208. Analysis of cassiterite from King Co., N, C. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 209. Analysis of marmalite from Himmelfahrt mine, Frei- burg. Chem. News, 50, 1884, 220. Bruce, Lewis C[ampbe.Il]. Notes of a case of dual brain action. Brain, 18, 1895, 54-65. Bruce, Man/ Emily. A month with the goldfinches. Auk, 15, 1898, 2.39-243. Bruce, T. R. Flow of sap in a sycamore during frost. [1899.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 23 (1899-1900), xxviii. Bruce, [Rev.) W. S. On the flora of Banffshire. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, 1087. Bruce, William. The improvements in ventilation, air- currents, and temperature. [1889.] Scott. Soc. Arts Trans., 12, 1891, 239-244. How best to dispose of the refuse of large towns. [With discussion.] Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 7), 218-223. Bruce, William S. A few notes on seals and whales seen during the voyage to the Antarctic, 1892-93. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 807. Notes of an Antarctic voyage. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 840-841. Animal life observed during a voyage to Antarctic seas. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 350-354. Antarctic exploration. The story of the Antarctic. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 10, 1894, 57-62. Effects of a lightning flash in Ben Nevis Observatory. Nature, 52 (1896), 244. Cruise of the Balmna... in the Antarctic seas, 1892- 93. Geogr. JL, 7, 1896, 502-521. [Three years' exploration in Franz Josef Land.] The zoology of the expedition. Geogr. JL, 11, 1898, 137-138. On the use of the Fahrenheit scale for observations on sea temperatures. Nature, 60 (1899), 545. With the y achts Blencathra and Princesse Alice to the Barents and Greenland Seas. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 15, 1899, 113-124, 125-126. Little auk at Portobello. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 123. Spitsbergen, 1898 and 1899: voyages with H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco. Scott. Geogr. Mag., 16, 1900, 534-550. Arctic and Antarctic. [1900.] Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc, 32, 1901, 1-12. The Mammalia and birds of Franz Josef Land. I. Mammalia. [With notes by Mr. James Simpson.] [1898.] Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc, 14, 1902, 78-86. A naturalist's notes on the recent voyage of the Blencathra to the Arctic regions. [1899.] Perthsh. Soc. Sci. Trans. & Proc, 3, 1903, 25-37. See also under Clarke, William Eagle. Bruch, Karl. For biographical notice see Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1884, 7. Brucbmann, H.[ellmuth]. [Ueber Vegetationsorgane von Selaginella spinulosa, A. Br.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 67, 1884, 356-357. Das Prothallium von Lycopodium. Bot. CentrbL, 21, 1885, 23-28, 309-313. Ueber seine Prothallienfunde mehrerer Lycopodien. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 {Th. 2, Hiilfte 1), 214-216. Bruchon, Henri. La neurasthenie. [1896.] Doubs Soo. Mem., 1, 1897, 69-84. Bruck, Alfred, tleber die Beziehungen der Taubstummheit zum sogenannten statischen Sinn. [1894.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 59, 1895, 16-42. Zur Thvreoidin-Behandlung der chronischen Schwer- horigkeit. [1897.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 32, 1898, 72-78; Arch. OtoL, 28, 1899, 347-352. Purpura rbeumatica und Angina. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (27*. 2), 335-316. Bruck, P[aul]. Ueber die Jodadilition der Acetylendi- carbonsaure und Propargylsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 4118-412o'; 25, 1892, 5U3. 108—2 Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., See Jonnesco Bruck] Ueber Tetrolsauredijodid und Acetylendicarbonsaure- dijodid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 2R, 1893, 8i3-848. Brucker, Arthur. Croissance et ditferenciation. Bull. Sci. France Belg., 26, 1894, 395-401. Sur le rouget de I'homme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 879-880, 989. Sur un nouvel Acarien marin. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. li.), 632-633. Sur les pieces buccales des Acariens. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 126, 1898, 1821-1823. Observations biologiques sur Pediculoides ventricosus, Nexcport. Lille Inst. Zool. Trav., 7, 1899, 67-72 ; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. /?.), 953-955. Embryog^nie des Pediculoides. Ass. Franp. C. R., 1900 [Pt. 1), 185. See also under Trouessart, E[douard] L[ouis]. Brucker, Arthur, & Trouessart, Eldouard] L[ouis]. Seconde note sur uu Acarien marin (Halacaride), pa- rasite de I'Acanthochiton porosus. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. /?.), 107-109. Brucker, Joseph. Cyclones and tornadoes in North America. [1890.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 7 (1890-91), 399-404. Bruckmayer, Ferencz, & Bigler, Gusztnv. See Rigler & Bruckmayer. Bruckner, Jean. Note sur la structure fine de la cellule sympatliique chez I'homme. 50, 1898 (C. E.), 162-163. Bruckner, Jean, <& Jonnesco, Thomas. & Bruckner. Bruder, Georg. [Resultate seiner Untersuchungen iiber die Jura-Ablagerungen von Hohenstein.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 36, 1884, 412-414. Die Fauna der Juraablagerung von Hohnstein in Sachsen. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 50, 1885 (Abth. 2), 233-283. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Juraablagerungen im nordlichen Bohmen. n. Wien, Ak. Sber., 93 1886 (Abth. 1), 193-214. Ueber die Juraablagerungen an der Granit- und Quadersandsteingrenze in Bohmen und Sachsen. Lotos 35, 1887, 75-110. Notiz liber das Vorkommen von Microzamia gibba, Corda, iu den Turonen Griinsandsteinen von Woboran bei Laun. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 301. Palaeontologische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der nord- bohmischen Juragebilde. Lotoft, 36, 1888, 1-27, Livistona macrophylla, eine neue fossile Palme aus dem Tertiaren Siisswasserkalke von Tuchorschitz Lotos 38, 1890, 37^1. Bruder, Georg, & l,aube, Gustav C. See Laube & Bruder. Brudzewskt, K. von. Beitrag zur Dioptrik des Auges. [1899.] Arch. Augenheilk., 40, 1900, 296-333, 428. Brudzinski, J. Ueber das Anftreten von Proteus vulgaris in Sauglingsstiihlen nebst einem Versuch der Therapie mittelst Darreichung von Bacterienculturen. Jbuch Kinderheilk., 52, 1900, 469-484. Briich, Josef Adolf. Des Aristoteles Heimat oder die Halbinsel Chalcidice. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth 36 1893, 1-22. ■' ' Bruchanow. See Briucbanov. Briiche, W., & Beckurts, Heinrich [August]. See Beckurts & Brucbe. Briicher, Carl. Abhandlung uber Vertheilung und Anord nung der Geschmackspapilleu auf der Zunge der Hufthiere Deutsche Ztschr. Thiermed., 10, 1884, 93-111 "'^^• *?*?^' f?'- ,^02"°"^"^ '^^'^^^^^ ^ I'^quation d^cimale. Bull. Astr., 7, 1890, 418-418. ~129^1892"l8?!l82.^* ^''"''*' ^^^'^ ^'^^°"^- ^'^'- ^^''^'■' ^2!^iMt"in-n2.^* ^^''°^*' ^^^^^ ^"''^- ^'^'- N^^^^-- Perturbations de la planete (150) Nuwa par Jupiter, 860 [Briickner de 1889 dec. 27 a 1893 mars 1. Bull. Astr., 10, 1893, 93-95. Ephemeride de la planete (304) Olga. Astr. Nachr., 184,, 1894, 213-214. Elements de la planete (304) Olga calculus k I'aide des deux premieres oppositions. Astr. Nachr., 136, 1894, 157-160. Variations s^eulaires des 616ments elliptiques de Pallas dues k Taction de Jupiter. Bull. Astr., 12, 1895, 289- 296, 563. Observation d'un bolide. Bull. Astr., 13, 1896, 40, 536. Briicke, Ernst [Wilhelm] (Bitter) von. For biography and works see Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 60-61 ; Biol. Centrbl., 12, 1892, 65-71; Chem. Ztg., 16, 1892, 47; Fortschr. Med., 10 (1892), 154-156; Konigsb. Schr., 33, 1892, [58]; Leopoldina, 28, 1892, 54-55; Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 44, 1892 (C. i?.), 405-406 ; Kev. Sci., 49, 1892, 524-527 ; Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 1, 1892 (Sem. 1), 320-321 ; Seuckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1892, xxiii-xxiv ; Wien, Almanach, 42, 1892, 184-189; Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 49-50; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 22, 1893, 203-207 ; Ternit. Kozlon., 25, 1893, 632; Upsala Liikarefor. Forh., 28, 1893, 195- 214. Ueber die Wahrnehmiing der Gerausche. [1884.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 90, 1885 {Abth. 3), 199-230. Ueber die Reaction, welche Guanin mit Salpetersaure und Kali gibt. [1886.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 94, 1887 {Abth. 3), 277-280; Mhefte. Chem., 1886, 617-620. Ueber die Wirkung des Musculus pyramidalis ab- dominis. Anat. Anz., 2, 1887, 40-42. 1st im Harn des Menschen freie Saure enthalten? Wien, Ak. Sber., 95, 1887 {Abth. 3), 102-107 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 93-100. Die saure Reaction des Hams. [1887.] Centrbl. Physiol., 1, 1888, 357-359. Bemerkungen iiber das Congoroth als Index, insonder- heit in Riicksicht auf den Harn. [1887-88.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 {Abth. 3), 130-135; 97, 1889 {Abth. 3), 5-15; Mhefte. Chem., 1887, 632-637; 1888, 31-41. Die Beckenlinie mannlicher antiker Statuen. Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 281-283. Ueber die optischen Eigenschaften des Tabasehir. [1888.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 97, 1889 {Abth. 1), 69-82. Van Deen's Blutprobe und Vitali's Eiterprobe. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 {Abth. 3), 128-142; Mhefte. Chem., 1889, 129-143. Ueber zvvei einander erganzende Photometer. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 10, 1890, 11-16. Briickel, Ph[iUpp]. Zusammenstellung der Formeln des Herrn S. Gundei-fingek zum Hauptaxenproblem der Flachen zweiter Ordnung und zweiter Klasse bei Zu- grundelegung von projectiven Coordinaten. Crelle, Jl. Math., 119, 1898, 210-233, 313-329. Bruckner, [Heinrich Max] A\rthur]. Ueber eitrige Meningitis nach Enucleatio bulbi. [Vortrag bearbeitet von Prof. R. Deutschmann.] Arch. f. Ophthalm., 31. 1885 {Abth. 4), 251-284. Bruckner, A. Geschichte und Charakter der Arealver- haltnisse Russlands. Jena Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 11. 1892 203-207. . . ' . Bruckner, C[arl Aug. Ernst Wilhebn]. Zur Function des Labyrmths. Virchow, Arch., 114, 1888, 291-300. Bruckner, Carl. Ueber die Condensation von Dichlor- atber mit den Kresolen. Liebig's Ann., 257, 1890, 322- Briickner, Carl, & Conrad, M\ax]. See Conrad & Bruckner. Briickner, Carl, Hecht, Wilhelm, & Conrad, ilf [air]. See Hecht, Conrad & Bruckner. Bruckner, Eduard. Ueber die Vergletscherung Ost- Sibiriens. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1885 {Bd. 1), 236-237. Die Hohen Tauern und ihre Eisbedeckung. Eine BriicknerJ 861 [Brtihl orometrische Studie. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr., 17, 1886, 163-187. Geschwinilif^keitderoberenLuftstromungen. Meteorol. Ztselir., 3 (1886), 220-223. Die Schwankungen des Wasserstandes im Sohwarzen Meer und ihre Ursachen. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 297-309. Die Eiszeit in den Alpen. [1887.] Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 1887-88, 10-23. Die Hohe der Schneelinie und ihre Bestimmung. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 31-32. Ueber Schwankungen des Wasserstandes im Kaspischen Meer, dem Schwarzen Meer und der Ostsee [in ihrer Beziehung zur Witterung]. [1887.] Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 232-233; Ann. der Hydrogr., 16 (1888), 55-67. Ueber die Methode der Zahlung der Regentage und deren Einfluss auf die resultirende Periode der Regen- haufigkeit. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 241-252. Notre cliniat subit-il des changements? Arch. Sci. Phjs. Nat., 20, 1888, 219-222. Die Eiszeit im deutschen und osterreichischen Alpen- vorlande und in der Schweiz. Bern Mitth., 1888, xvi. Eiszeit und Gegenwart. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 129-131. Resultate der meteorologischen Beobachtuugen der deutschen Polarstationen 1882/83. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 245-259. Grundwasser und Typhus. Bern Mitth., 1889, vii- viii. Untersuchungen iiber Klimaseliwankungen in his- toiischer Zeit. Bern Mitth., 1889, xiii. In wie weit ist das heutige Klima konstant? Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1889, 101-115. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kaspischen Meeres und seiner Bewohner. Humboldt, 8, 1889, 209-214. Das Klima der Eiszeit. [1890.] Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1889-90, 141-156. Le climat de I'^poque glaciaire. [1891.] Ciel et Terre, 12 (1891-92), 469-473. Ueber Schwankungen der Seen und Meere. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1891, 209-223. Klimaschwankungen seit 1700 nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Klimaschwankungen der Diluvialzeit. Wetter, 8, 1891, 43-47. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der geographischen Meteorologie. Geogr. Jbuch., 15, 1892, 401-475; 17, 1894, 309-394; 21, 1899, 255-416. Sakulare Schwankungen der Eisverhaltnisse des Hudsonflusses. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 35-36. Materialien zur Verfolgung mehrjabriger oder saku- larer Perioden der Witterung. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 279. —. — Sur I'ablation des terres par les rivieres. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 460-466. Ueber den Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Klima der Alpen. Deutsch. Alpenver. Ztschr,, 24, 1893, 21-51. Diirren in Ostasien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 399-400. Untersuchungen iiber die tagliche Periode der Wasser- fiihrung und die Bewegung von Hochfluten iu der obem Rhone. Petermann, Mitth., 41, 1895, 129-137, 159-169. La frequence des brouillards en Suisse. Arch. Sci, Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 369-370. Veranderungen der Erdoberfiache im Umkreis des Kantons Ziirich seit der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Petermann, Mitth., 42, 1896, 232-234; Schweiz. Natf, Ges. Verb., 1896, 197. "Die Mangel der Methode Ed. Bruckner's in seiner Abhandlung : Klimaschwankungen seit 1700, und Ein- fluss derselben auf die Theorie der Klimaschwankungen." Erwiderung [an Herrn Eiigen von Romer]. Wetter, 14, 1897, 134-138, 154-157 ; 16, 1899, 25-32. Sur les limites d'altitudes dans les Alpes suisses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 604-607. Bericht der Flusskommission fiir das Jahr 1897-96 [und fiir 1899-1900]. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1898, 233-236; 1900, 171-172. Ueber den Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Klima der Alpen. Wetter, 17, 1900, 193-208, 222-234. 8ee. also under Fenck, Albrecht. Bruckner, Ediiard, Fenck, Albrecht, & Dn Fasquier, Leon. See Fenck, Bruckner & Ou Fasquier. Bruckner, Hugo. Ueber innere Reibung von Salzlosungen, Ann. Phys. Cbem., 42, 1891, 287-309. Bruckner, Jo&ef. [Ueber Zahmung und Anhanglichkeit eines Raubvogels.] Wien Ornitb. Ver. Mitth., 8, 1884, 143-144. Bruckner, Max. Die Elemente der vierdimensionalen Geometric mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Polytope, Zwickau Ver. Nat. Jber., 1893, 1-61. Briiel, Ludwig. Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Geschlechtsausfiihrwege sammt Annexen von Calli- phora erythrocephala. Zool. Jbiich. {Anat.), 10, 1897, 511-618. Briigelmann, G[ottfried]. Ueber die Krystallisation, Beobachtuugen und Folgerungen. [Dritte Mittheilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 2359-2372, 2807. Schluss-Bemerkungen iiber Krystallisation und phy- sikalische Bindung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1052-1053. Ueber eine eigenartige Darstellungs-. und Bildungs- weise grosser Kalk- und Strontiankrystalle und iiber Gasgliihofen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1896, 415-433. Briiggemann, C. Ueber die Verhaltnisse der Gasbilduug beim Laden von Akkumulatoren. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 14, 1893, 341-344. Beschreibung einer neuen handlichen Form eines Wasserstoffvoltameters. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 18, 1893, 417-419. Messungen an Giilcher'schen Thermosaulen. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 649-651. Briiggemann, Frlitz]. Ueber Derivate des Veratrols. [1895.] Jl. Prakt. Chem., 53, 1896, 250-254. Briiggemann, Rudolf. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natrium auf den Aethylather der Normal- und der ?«o-Butter- saure. Liebig's Ann., 246, 1888, 129-160. Briigger, Chr[istian] G[eorg]. For biography and list of works see Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 43, 1900, xi- xxxi ; Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1900, vii-xxviii. Die Chiropteren (Flatterthiere) Graubiindens und der angrenzenden Alpenlander. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 27, 1884, 26-64. Mittheilungen iiber neue und kritische Pflanzen- formen. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 29, 1886, 46- 178. Briigger, Chr[istian] G[eorg], & Cramer, C. Ueber eine monstrose Gentiana excisa, Prcsl. Graubiinden Natf. Ges. Jber., 33, 1890, 35-38. Briihl, [L.]. Ueber Verwendung von Rontgen'schen X- Strahlen zu palaontologisch-diagnostischen Zwecken. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Pkysiol. Ahth.), 1896, 547-550. Briihl, Ernst, & Fxiedheim, Carl. See Friedbelm & Briital. Briibl, Gustav. Eine Injectionsmethode des Felsenbeins. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 93-94. Der Rinne'sche und der Gell^'sche Versuch. [1897.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 32, 1898, 45-60; Arch. Otol., 29, 1900, 24-33. Die anatomischeu Darstellungsweisen der Hohlraume des Ohres und der Nase. Anat. Anz., 14, 1898, 418-429. Zur anatomischen Darstellungsweise der Neben- hohlen der Nase. [1899.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 36, 1900, 144-145. Zur Anatomie der Nebenhohlen der Nase. [1900.] Berlin. Med. Ges. Verb., 31, 1901 (Th. 2), 249-259. Zur Histologie der Ohrpolypen. [1900.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 38, 1901, 1-13. Briihl] Brnhl, I[gaac]. See Brulil. Briilil, J[ulim] W[ilhelm]. *Die chemische Constitution organischer Korper, in Bdziehung zu deren Dichte und ilirem Vermogen, das Licht fortzupflauzen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1879, 187-189. 'Der Zusauimenhang zwischen den optischen und thermischeu Eigenschaften der fliissigen organischeu K6rper. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1881, [46H48]. Untersuchungen fiber die Moleeuiarrefraction or- ganischer flussiger Korper von grossem P'arbenzerstreu- ungsvermogen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 19, 1886, 2746- 2762; Liebig's Ann., 235, 1886, 1-106. Experimen telle Priifung der alteren und der neueren Dispersionsfornieln. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 2821-2837; Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 233-290. Ueber Herrn Julius Thomsen's vermeintliche Auf- klarung der Molecularrefractions-Verhaltnisse. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 19, 1886, 3103-3108. Ueber Hrn. Julius Thomsen's sogenannte Theorie der Bildungswarme organischer Korper. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 562-567. Ueber den Einfluss der einfachen und der sogenannten mehrfachen Bindung der Atome auf das Lichtbrechungs- vermogen der Korper. Ein Beitrag zur Erforsehung der Constitution der Benzol- und der Naphtalinverbindungen. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2288-2311 ; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 1, 1887, 307-361. Kritik der Grundlagen und Eesultate der sogenannten Theorie der Bildungswarme organischer Korper. Jl. Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 181-204, 209-236. Untersuchungen fiber die Terpene und deren Ab- kommlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 145- 179, 457-477; 24, 1891, 3373-3416, 3701-3737, 4254; 25, 1892, 142-174, 547-551, 1788-1813 ; 26, 1893, 284-292. Apparat zur fractionirten Destination im Vacuum. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3339-3342. Apparat zum Ausfrieren unterAbschlussvonFeuchtig- keit und Luft. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 236- 238. Sublimations-Apparate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 238-240. Verbesserung an [seinem] Apparat zum Eeagiren in der Kalte und unter Luftabschluss. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 1460-1461. Ueber die Concentration der Sonnenstrahlen ffir chemische Keactionen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber 23, 1890, 1462. Ueber die Bestimmung des specifischen Gewichts zahflfissiger Substanzen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. 24 1891, 182-183, 2455-2457. Ueber die Messung der Brechungsexponenten bei hoheren Temperaturen mittelst des Totalreflectometers Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber,, 24, 1891, 286-298. Die Brechungsindices des Wassers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 644-649. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den Verbrennungs- warmen und den Structurformeln der Alkylenoxyde, des Acetaldehyds und seiner Polymeren, des Trimethylens und des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24 1891 650-656. ' ' ——Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den spectrometr.ischen Constanten und der chemischen Constitution des Epi- chlorhydrins, des Acet- und Paraldehyds und des Benzols Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 656-668. — — Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen der Kefraction der Gase und Dampfe und deren chemischer Zusammenset- zung. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1815-1822- Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 7, 1891, 1-33. ' ' ——Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen der Dispersion und der chemischen Zusamraensetzung der Korper nebst einer Neuberechnung der Atomrefractionen. Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1823-1832 ; Ztschr. Physikal' Chem., 7, 1891, 140-193 "j'HiKdi. 862 [Bruhl Ueber das Pyron. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2450-2455. Ueber einen heizbaren Vacuumexsiccator. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 2457-2459. Zur Kenntniss des Acetessigathers. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 366-370. Ueber einen Alkohol des Antipyrins. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 395- 397. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natrium und Kohlensanre auf Antipyrin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1869- 1875. Ueber die Trimethylen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1952-1956. Ueber Camphen und Camphersaure ; eine Antwort an Hrn. Wallach. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 2087-2095, 2429. Ueber Dipropargyl und Benzol. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 25, 1892, 2638-2646. Untersuchungen fiber asymmetrische Bicarbonsauren, Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 337-345. Die Spectrochemie des Stickstoffs. [Vorlaufige Mit- theilung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 806^809. Die Ester der Camphersaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1097-1099. Ueber einige Eigenschaften und die Constitution des freien Hydroxvlamins und seiner Homologen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 2508-2520. Neue Beitrage zur Frage nach der Constitution des Benzols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 1065-1083; Jl. Prakt. Chem., 49, 1894, 201-294, 503. Notiz, betreffeud Darstellung von freiem Hydroxyl- amin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27. 1894, 1347. Studien iiber Tautomerie. [i. Abhandlung.] Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 27, 1894, 2378-2398; Jl, Prakt. Chem., 50, 1894, 119-221. Ueber Esterificirung und Verseifung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 1913-1914, 2868-2869. Ueber das Wasserstoffhyperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber., 28, 1895, 2847-2866. Ueber das Benzolproblem. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2981-2986. Spektrochemie des Stickstoffs. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 16, 1895, 193-241, 497-524; 22, 1897, 373-409; 25,1898, 577-650; 26, 1898,47-76; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1895, 2388-2393, 2393-2399, 2399-2406; 31, 1898, 1350-1370, 1465-1477. Ueber die Konstitution des Wassers und die Ursachen seiner Dissociationskraft. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 18, 1895, 514-518, Spectrochemische Untersuchung des a- und j8-mesityl- oxydoxalsauren Methyls und Aethyls von Claisen. Liebig's Ann., 291, 1896, 137-146. Spectrochemische Untersuchung des a- und ;3-Forniyl- phenylessigesters. Liebig's Ann., 291, 1896, 217-225. Stereochemisch-spektrische Versuche. Ztschr. Phy- sikal. Chem., 21, 1896, 385-413. Spectroraetrische Bestimmungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 158-162. Hydrazin, Wasserstoffhyperoxyd, Wasser. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 162-172. Ueber acylirte Nitrosamine ; ein Beitrag zur Diazo- frage. Berlin, Chem, Ges, Ber., 30, 1897, 816-821, Ueber die Ursachen der dissociierenden Kraft der Losungsmittel, Ztschr, Physikal. Chem., 27, 1898, 319- 322. Notiz fiber die Constitution des Hydroxylamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 507-508. Physikalische Eigenschaften einiger Campherarten und verwandter Korper. Berlin, Chem, Ges, Ber,, 32, 1899, 1222-1236. Ueber Alkyldiazourethane (sogen. Nitrosoalkylure- thane). Berlin, Chem. Ges, Ber,, 32, 1899, 2177-2178. Briihl] 8«3 [Brugnatelli Die Eolle der Medien im Losungsvorgange. Vor- laufige Mittheilung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2326-2331. Ueber die ungesattigten uiid aromatischen Verbin- dungen. Liebig's Ann., 308, 1899, 203-212. Die Eolle der Medien im Losungsvorgange. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 30, 1899, 1-63. Antwort an Hrn. Hantzsch : [Ueber Nitrosoalkylure- tbane]. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900. 122-124. Notiz liber Wasserstoffhyperoxyd. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1709-1710. Ueber tautomere Umwandlungen in Losungen. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 31-61. Briibl, J[ulius] W[ilhel»i], & Ascban, [Adolf] Ossian. See Aschan & Briibl. Briihl, J[uliHs] W[nhelm], & Blitz, [Johann] Heinrich. Notiz iiber Alkoholate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 649-650. Bruehl, L. Dyewoods and extracts; their use and abuse. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jl., 8, 1889, 612-618; 9, 1890, 605-608. Briihl, Ludwig J[hI.], & Abraham, Otto. See Abraham & Briihl. Briihl, P[aul Johannes]. Ueber verzweigte Blitze. Ann. Phys. Chem., 26, 1886, 334-335. On the resin of Cannabis indica. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1887, 225-231. De Eanunculaceis Indicis disputationes. [1892.] Bengal Asiat. Soc. Jl., 61 (Pt. 2), 1893, 270-324. Briihl, P[anl Johannes], & King, (Sir) George. A century of new and rare Indian plants. [1896.] Calcutta Eoy. Bot. Gard. Ann., 5, 1895, 71-170. Bruel, (fits). De I'emploi de Tacide hydrofluosilicique comme antiseptique des jus tannants. Ann. Chim. Anal., 4, 1899, 301-302., Bruel, Charles, & Bruel, Etienne. Contribution k I'^tude de la fabrication du cuir. Moniteur Sci., 14, 1900, 223- 234. Bruel, Etienne, & Bruel, Charles. See above. Bruel, G. Note sur quelques observations m^teorologiques recueillies k Mobaye Oubangui (Congo Frangais). France Soc. Meteqrol. Annu., 47, 1899, 15-20. Bruel, J. Etude sur les ph^nom^nes de la f^condation dans le genre Forsythia. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 44, 1890, 347-348. [Sur les ^chantillons de Sinapis arvensis d^form^s par une mycoc^cidie, Cystopus candidus.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xxxix-xl. [Explication de I'aspeet anormal offert par des exem- plaires de Phragmites communis.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xl. [Une plante nouvelle pour le departement, Dianthus barbatus.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 45, 1892, xl. Briill, J[uUns], & Friedlander, Paul. Ueber Flavon- derivate. iv. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 297- 302, 3447. Bruelle, . Action du camphre sur le b^tol. Jl. Pharm., 19, 1889, 473-474. Briimmer, J[ohannes]. Ueber Heranziehung und Be- handlung von Zuchtstuten. Briinn Mitth., 69, 1889, 289-292. Briining, Adolf von. For biography see Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 17, 1884, 949-950; Chem. Ztg., 8, 1884. 595. Briining, Ed[itard], & Tscbirch, [Wilhelm Oswald] Al[e.riinder]. See Tschirch & Briining. Briining, Gustav von. Ueber Methylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 1809-1810; Liebig's Ann., 253, 1889, 5-14. Briining, Gustav vo7i, & Baeyer, [Johann Friedrich Wilhelm] Adolf. See Baeyer & Briining. Briinlngs, W. Zur Physiologie des Kreislaufes der Fische. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 75, 1899, 599-641. Briinnow, F[ranz Friedrich Ernst]. For biography and works see Astr. Naehr., 128, 1891, 205-208; Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ , 3, 1891, 367-369; Nature, 44, 1891, 449- 450; Observatory, London, 14, 1891, 391; Astr. Soc, Month. Not., 52, 1892, 230-233; Terrat. Kozlon., 24, 1892, 640; 25, 1893, 632-633. Schreiben betr. den de Vico'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr., 115, 1886, 297-298. Brufere, (Miss) Alice H. A comparison of two concave Eowland gratings. Phys. Eev., 3, 1896, 301-305. On the polarization of light reflected from hard rubber. Phys. Eev., 6, 1898, 140-152. Bru^re, 3I[arie] A[ndreio] Arthman. The direct action of hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen selenide, and hydrogen telluride on hEemoglobin. [1891.] Ji. Anat. Physiol., 26, 1892. 62-75. Brues, C[harles] T[homas]. Peculiar tracheal dilatations in Bittacomorpha clavipes, Fabr. Woods HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 1, 1900, 155-160. Brues, C[harles] T[homa,s], & Melander, ^[xeZ] L[eonard]. Ser nielander & Brues. Bruff, Peter Schuijler. For biographical notice see Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 141, 1900, 339-841. Brug, . Fahrt des Ballons Victoria am 6. Mai 1886. Meteorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 410-411. Brug, Carl. Ueber nahtlose stahlerne Behalter (Flaschen) fiir hochgespannte Gase. Civilingenieur, 39, 1893, 189- 204. Bruger, P[aul], & Meiyer, Richard Jo8[ef]. See Bleyer & Bruger. Bruger, Th. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung von Solenoiden auf verschieden geformte Eisenkerne. Elek- trotechn. Ztschr., 7, 1886, 199-202, 245-249. Ueber neuere Formen von Spiegelgalvanometern . Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1888-89, 55-56. Ueber direkt zeigende Mes.sinstruraente. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 15, 1894, 331-334. Ueber einen direkt zeigenden Phasenmesser. Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 19, 1898, 476-477. Bruges, Charles Ernest, & Crimp, William Santo. See Crimp & Bruges. Brugger, Oscar. Ueber Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis, Virchow, Arch., 119, 1890, 524-541. Ueber Hyalin- und Amyloiddegeneration mit Ver- kalkung und Knochenbildung in einem Augenmuskel, entstanden nach Trauma. Arch. Augenheilk., 28, 1894, 282-291; Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1895, 65-72. Brugger, Oscar, & "Weiss, Leopold. See Weiss & Brugger. Brugh, J[oh.] P[ieter] van der. Twee stellingen uit de theorie van Eeddingius. Nederl, Gasth. Ooglijd. Versl,, 40, 1899 (Nederl. Oogheelk. Bijdr., Afl. 8), 42-55, Ueber eine Methode zur Messung des interpleuralen Druckes. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 82, 1900, 591-602. Brugla, Raffaele. L' elettrotono in rapporto con la con- duttivit^ dei nervi motori dell' uomo. Eiv. Sper, di Freniatria, 16, 1890, 247-264; Untersuch. Nat., 14, 1892, 590-611. Brugla, Raffaele, & Cappelli, Gaetano. See CappeUl & Brugla. Brugla, Raffaele, & Novl, Iio. See IXovi & Brugla. Brugman, Wm. F. Influence of copper on the estimation of sulphur, [1886.] School of Mines Quarterly, N, Y,, 8, 1887, 74-75. BrugnatelU, Ewienio. Metodo semplice e sensibilissimo per la ricerca del mercurio nei liquidi organici e sopra tutto nelle urine. Gazz, Chira. Ital., 19, 1889, 418- 421. BrugnatelU, Eugenio, & Sormani, Giuseppe. See Sormanl & BrugnatelU. BrugnatelU, Luigi. To reference in title (Vol. 9) add Torino Ace. Sci'. Atti, 19, 1883, 382-386. Sopra alcune nuove combinazioni cristalline della pirite di Brosso (Piemonte). Torino Ace, Sci. Atti, 20, 1886, 808-816, Brugnatelli] Pirene. Studio cristallografico. Biv. Min. Crist., 1, 1887, 57-58. Ueber den Datolith von der Serra dei Zanchetti. Ztschr. Kryst., 13, 1888, 150-160. Ueber flachenreiche Magnetitkrystalle aus den Alpen. Ztschr, Kryst., 14, 1888, 237-249, 656. Studio cristallografico di alcune sostanze organiche. [1889.] Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Mem., 5, 1888, 624-630. Studio cristallografico di alcune combinazioni solfo- niche. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 1, 1890, 202-211; 2, 1891, 125-132; 3, 1892, 1-8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Epidot. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 529-540. Studio petrografioo di due porfiriti dioritiche dei dintorni di Rabbi (Trentino). Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 2, 1891, 215-219. : Delia forma cristallina del ^-toluoltiosolfonato potas- sico CjHySOjSKa + aq. Giorn. Min. Crist. Petr., 3, 1892, 54-57. Delia forma cristallina di alcuni nuovi sulfoni aromatici degli acidi butirrici. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 1), 78-82 ; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 3-8. . Osservazioni cristallografiche sull' acido picrico. Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 3, 1894 (Sem. 2), 196-202; Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 38-46; Ztschr. Kryst., 24, 1896, 274-280. Studio cristallografico di alcuni nuovi composti Bolfonici. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 33-36. Studio cristallografico del fluoborato potassico. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 58-59. Sulla forma cristallina dell' i«ocianato di potassio. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 60. Sulla forma cristallina del ;)-dibromsulfobenzid (C6H4Br)2S02. [1895.] Riv. Min. Crist., 14, 1894, 74. Osservazioni sulle serpentine del Rio dei Gavi e di Zebedassi (Appennino pavese). Roma, R. Ace. Lincei Rend., 4, 1896 {Sem. 1), 121-124. Sopra alcuni nuovi composti sulfonic!, anilidi, metil- anilidi ed etilanilidi degli acidi benzol e ;)-toluolsulfonici. [1896.] Riv. Min. Crist., 15, 1895, 53-56. Osservazioni sull' acido adipico e sul suo sale ammo- nico. Riv. Min. Crist., 16, 1896, 7-9; Ztschr. Kryst.. 26, 1896, 298-299. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Krystallform optisch activer Substanzen. Ueber Santonin und einige seiner Derivate. [1896.] Ztschr. Kryst., 27, 1897, 78-90. Sulla linarite della miniera di S. Giovanni (Sardegna). Milano, 1st. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 392-399; Riv. Min Crist., 17, 1897, 56-64 ; Ztschr. Kryst., 28, 1897, 307-310. Prime coutribuzioni alio studio dei giacimenti di amianto della Valle Malenco (1°. Di un carbonato di magnesio probabilmente nuovo. 2". Magnesite, dolo- mite, aragonite sopra un campione d' amianto). Milano Ist. Lomb. Rend., 30, 1897, 1109-1119; Riv. Min. Crist ' 18, 1898, 44-54. ——Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Krystallform und des Emflusses der Temperatur auf die Lage der optischen Axen des Sacharins CgHioOg. [1897.] Ztschr. Kryst 29, 1898, 54-62. n.xjrsi., — Ottaedrite e brookite della Piattagrande presso Sondalo in Valtellina. Milano, Ist. Lomb. Rend., 32 1899 1405- 3"i^'"3-55"i"""- ''■ •"'■ "-*' ■• ^"°'"- ''^■^"■. ——Ueber ein wahrscheinlich neues Mineral aus den Asbestgruben im Val Brutta (Veltlin). Ztschr Krvst 31, 1899, 54-55. ' ^'"'''"''- ^U^t., Ueber eine interessante Mineralassociation der Asbest- gruben vom Val Lanterna (Veltlin). Ztschr. Kryst., 31 — — Ueber ein alpines Vorkommen von ChrysobervU Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 81-82. ^J'sooeryu. Brugnlon, Ed. Note sur un veau monstrneux. [1887 1 Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, 127-128. ■■ -■ 864 [Bruhin & Colasanti, Gixiscppe. See Colasanti & Brugnola, A. Brugrnola" BrugnoU, Giovanni. For biographical notice see Bologna Rend. , 1893-94, 79-82. Contributo alio studio clinico della perforazione in- testinale nella febbre tifoide. [1885.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 6, 1884, 331-340. Notizie ed osservazioni iutorno alle malattie da malaria nella provincia di Bologna. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 7, 1886, 75-84. Delle epidemic di cholera-morbus che banno dominate nella citt4 e provincia di Bologna. Brevi cenni e con- fronti. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 233-243. Uso della noce vomica nella epilessia da irritazione del vago. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 8, 1887, 589-595. La pertosse epidemica nella provincia di Bologna e di una forma speciale di essa. [1889.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 777-783. Di una forma singolare di nevrosi e dell' uso in essa dell' atropina ad altissime dosi. [1890.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 10, 1889, 687-696. Del salicilato di soda nella cura del tetano. [1891.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 1, 1890, 395-400. Osservazioni e ricerche medico-legali sopra un cranio umano. [1893.] Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 3, 1892, 287- 291. Brugnone, [abate) Giuseppe. *Osservazioni critiche sul catalogo delle conchiglie fossili di Monte Pellegrino e Ficarazzi del marchese di Monterosato. Bull. Malacol. Ital., 3, 1877, 17-46. Brugsch, Alexander. For biographical notice see Leo- poldina, 30, 1894, 101-102. Brugsch Pasha, Heinrich [Karl]. For biography and list of works see Ztschr. Ethnol., 26, 1894, (419)-(420) ; Inst. Egypt. Bull., 5, 1896, 363-366; Scott. Geogr. Mag., 11, 1895, 25. Eine Blitzstudie. [1890.] Wetter, 8, 1891, 126-135, Brugui^re, H. Statistique des taches solaires. Astronomic, 1884, 101-103. L'eclipse totale de lune [du 28 Janvier]. Astronomic, 1888, 107. Visibility de Vdnus a I'oeil nu pendant le jour. Astro- nomic, 1888, 337-339. Coup de foudre remarquable. Astronomie, 1888, 394-395. Maxima et minima solaires. Fixation du " minimum " solaire en 1889, 3. Astronomie, 1889, 417-418. Visibilite presque constante a I'ceil nu, de la planete Venus. Ass. Frang. C. R., 1891 [Ft. 2), 320-322. Passages de corpuscules devant le Soleil. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 [Pt. 2), 323-324. Curieuse observation d'aerolithe. Ass. Franc. C. R., 1891 {Ft. 2), 339-340. [L'eclipse totale de lune du 15 novembre.] Astronomie, 1891, 465-466. [La grande tache solaire d'aout 1893.] Astronomie, 1893, 381-382. Le maximum solaire actuel. Astronomie, 1894, 233. Bruhat, /., & Backer, Felix de. See Backer & Brubat. Bruhin, Th. A. Prodromus floras adventicire boreali- americanae. Vorlaufer einer Flora der in Noidamerika eingewanderten freiwachsenden oder im Grossen culti- virten Pflanzen. V^ien Zool. Bot. Verb., 35, 1886 {Abh ) 387-450. ^ h Die linicolen und Luzerne-Unkrauter Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 8, 1890, 100- Stellung von Carex strigosa, Huds. ( = C. leptostachys, Ehrh.), im System. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 43. Ueber Acclimatisation der Phytolacca decandra L Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 76. Botanisehe Notiz iiber Stenactis bellidiflora, Al. Br Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 77-78. Bruhin] 865 [Braijn Ueber Rechtschreibung einiger Pflanzennamen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 136-138. Ueber Ophioglossum vulgatum, L. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 9, 1891, 138. Synoptische Flora des Bezirks Rbeinfelden und der angrenzenden Gebiete zwischen der Sissehi und Ergolz, Kanton Aargau der Schweiz. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 11, 1893, 156-157, 173-174; 12, 1894, 27-28, 106-115. Euphorbia maculata, L., sp. pi. (Euphorbia polygoni- folia, Jacq. ?). Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1896, 63. Juncus lamprocarpus oder lampocarpus ? Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 13, 1895, 158. Brubl, I[saac]. De la syringomy^lie. Arch. Gen. M6d., 164, 1889, 74-90, 206-221. Des pseudo-tuberculoses parasitaires. Arch. G6n. M^d., 167, 1891, 75-93. De la spl^nom^galie primitive. Arch. G^n. M&A., 167, 1891, 673-687; 168, 1891, 160-182. Note sur la vaccination du lapin contre le Vibrio avicide (Gamaleia) et sur Taction curative du s^rum de lapin immunise contre I'infection par le Vibrio avicide. Paris, Soc. Biol. M4m., 44, 1892 (C. R.), 673-674. Contribution k I'^tude du vibrion avicide (Vibrio Metschnikoviauus). Arch. M^d. Exp^r., 5, 1893, 38- 62. Brubl, 7[saac], & Dubief, H[enri]. See Dubief & Bmlil. Brubn, Bruno. [Ueber das Verhalten von substituirten Aminonitrilen gegen aromatische Aldehyde bei Gegen- wart von Alkali.] Benzyliden-Anilin. [1897.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2699-2702. Ueber die Constitution und die Entstehung der Naphthene. Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 900-902. Ueber Harzsauren, Harzessenz und Harzol. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 1105-1108. Brulin, C. A. Einiges iiber Blitzschaden und Blitzschutz. Wetter, 5, 1888, 189-198. Bmlm, J. Some geometry in connection with the stability of ships. Naval Architects Trans., 37, 1896, 200-207. The stresses at the discontinuities in a ship's structure. Naval Architects Trans., 41, 1899, 57-71. Brubne, Karl. Hormodendron Hordei. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gerstenkrankheiten. Beitr. Physiol. Morphol., 4, 1894, 1-42. BmlinB, C[arl Christian]. To biographical reference (Vol. 9) add Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 1, 1881, 176; Ciel et Terre, 2, 1882, 264 ; Leopoldina, 20, 1884, 18-20, 23-24. *Die neuesten Himmelserscheinungen. Deutsoh. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 39-40. * [Ueber die angewandten Methoden zur Berechnung sowohl der speciellen, als der allgemeinen Storungen bei kleinen Planeten und Cometen.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 57. *iln8trumente der Alten.] Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 94. *0n the observation of earth temperatures. [Meteorol, Off.,] Met. Congr. Rep., 1873, 88-90. *Ueber ein neues Passagen-Instrument. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 64. *Ueber den Venusdurchgang von 1882. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 (Beil.), 65-66. Bmlins, Carl. Ueber die Lymphgefasse der weiblichen Genitalien nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Topo- graphic der Leistendriisen . Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1898, 57-80. Ueber Syphilis der Milz mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Milztumors im secundaren Stadium der Lues. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 64, 1899, 450-465. Ueber die Lj'mphgefasse der ausseren mannlichen Genitalien und die Zufliisse der Leistendriisen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1900, 281-294. Brubns, Carl, Bomberg, Ernst, Fassler, Hans, & Miiller, Wilhelm. See Bomberg, Fassler, Brulins & Miiller. Brubns, Gustav. Zur Bestimmung des Invertzuckers im R. s. A. C. Rohzucker. Ztschr. Ver. Riibenzuckerind., 36, 1886, 794-796. Ueber Adenin und Hypoxanthin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 225-229 ; Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 143- 144; Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890, 533-575. Ueber die Zuckerbestimmungsmethode von Kjeldahl und das Reduction svermogen des Rohrzuckera. Fresenius, Ztschr., 38, 1899, 73-96. Ueber Invertzuckerbestimraung. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 370-376. Ein neuer aichungsfahiger Polarisationsapparat mit der Scala auf dem Quarzkeil selbst. Ztschr. Ver. Deutsch. Zuckerind., 49, 1899 (Th. 2), 452-455. BnilinB, Gustav, & Xossel, A[lbrecht Carl Ludwig Martin Leonhard]. Ueber Adenin und Hypoxanthin. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 16, 1892, 1-12. Brubns, Theodore. Notice sur les formations lunaires, connues sous le nom de rainures. Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 259-264. Note sur la queue de la Comete 1884 I (Pons 1812). Astr. Nachr. , 122, 1889, 121-138. Note sur la queue de la Gemote 1886 I. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 113-122. Note sur la queue de la Comete 1886 II. Astr. Nachr. , 123, 1890, 307-312. Brubns, [Franz Siegfried] Willy. Der Porphyritzug von Wilsdruff-Potschappel. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 38, 1886, 736-761. Ueber secundare Glaseinsehliisse. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 1), 268-270. Beitrage zur Mineralsyn these. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1889 (Bd. 2), 62-65. Ueber doppelbrechenden Hauyn. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 30-31. [Ueber ein Korund- und Granatgestein vom Laacher See.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 31-32. Korund vom Laacher See. Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 554-555. Die Auswiirflinge des Laacher Sees in ihren petro- graphischen und genetischen Beziehungen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 48, 1891, 282-354. Einschluss aus dem Basalt vom Unkel. Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 5-6. Auswiirflinge des Laacher Sees. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 6-7. Sanidinbombe aus dem Trachyttuff der Holle im Siebengebirge. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 7-8. [Ueber angeblichen Opalobsidian im Tuff des Stenzel- berges.] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 8. Diabasporphyrit von der Insel St. Martin (Kleine Antillen). Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 8-9. Einschluss im Plagioklas-Basalt vom Lotzenheck b. Nordhofen Westerwald. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 9-10. [Ueber einige Westerwalder Gesteine.] Bonn Nieder- rhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 79-82. Nephelinbasalt vom Podhorn bei Marienbad in Bohmen. Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1893, 82. Petrographische Mittheilungen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 53, 1896, 39-56. Gesteine vom Vulkan Osorno in Siid-Cbile. Freiburg Ber., 10, 1898, 201-214. Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Substanzen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1898 (Bd. 2), 53-59. Brubns, [Franz Siegfried] Willy, & Busz, Karl [Heinrich Eviil Georg]. [Ueber ein neues Mineral "Phosphosi- derit."] Bonn Niederrhein. Ges. Sber., 1890, 29-30; Ztschr. Kryst., 17, 1890, 555-560. Bruignac. See Duroy de Bruignae. BruiiJn, A. J. de. *Revisie der Rumices. [1883.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. , 4, 1886, 38-42. Bru^n, B. R. de. Het evenwicht van stelsels van drie stoffen, waarbij twee vloeistoffen optreden. The equi- 109 Chem., 32, See Bruijn] librium of Bystems of t^ree substances in which two liquids occur. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 7, 1899, 310-314; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 1, 1899, 253-257. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gleichgewichte mit zwei flussigen Phasen in Systemen von einem Alkahsalz, Wasser und Alkohol. Ztschr. Physikal 1900, 63-115. , .,-, Bruijn, B. R. de, & HoUeman, A[rnold] F[redenk\ KoUeman & Bruijn. Bruijn, C[orneUs] Aidriaan] tobry de. See tobry de Bruyn. , , .it, Bruijn, H. E. de. [Voordracht houdende eenige beschou- wingen over de theorie van eb en vloed.] [1889.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1888-89 (Verg.), 77—85. [Voordracht over de betrekking tusschen regenval, verdamping en waterafvoer.] [1897.] 's Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Tijdschr., 1896-97 (Verg.), 91-96. Over het verband tusschen den gemiddelden zeestand en de hoogte van gemiddeld hoog- en laagwater. On the relation between the mean sea-level and the height of half-tide. [1899.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 8, 1900, 205- 213; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 2, 1900, 189-196. Bruljning, F. F. Beitrage zur Kenntniss unserer Land- bausamereien. (Die Hartschaligkeit der Samen des Stechginsters [Ulex europaeus, L.].) Jl. Landw., 41, 1893, 85-94. [Zur Kenntniss der Ursache des Frostschadens.] Forsch. Agr.-Phys., 19, 1896, 487-494. Sur I'examen des semences commerciales d'herbe et de trdfle au point de vue de leur puret^ et sur les impuretes qu'on y rencontre. [1896.] Haarlem, Mus. Teyler Arch., 5, 1898, 1-44. La brfilure du sorgho (maladie du sorgho sucr^. Sorghum blight, Hirsebrand, Sorghumroodziekte), et les bact^ries qui la provoquent. Arch. N^erland., 1, 1898, 297-330. Bruljning, F. F., & Haarst, J. van. Sur I'acide cyan- hydrique des graines du genre Vicia. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 18, 1899, 468-471. Bruinsma, J[o8ephm] Jlohannes]. For biographical notice and works see Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 4, 1886, 387-390. Brukner, , dre, J. Diatomees fossiles du Japon. Especes marines et nouvelles des calcairea argileux de Sendai et de Yedo. [1889.] Geneve Soc. Phys. Mem., 30, 1888-90, No. 9, 75 pp. Brun, Pierre de. Excursions geologiques dans le canton d'Alzon (Gard). Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1899, 86-108; 1900, 1-16. Essai de mineralogie du d^partement du Gard. Nimes Soc. Sci. Bull., 1900, 88-137. Brun, V[ictorl; A[dolphe] Malte-. See HXalte-Brun. Bruna. See Soza Bruna. Brunard, . Sisyrinchium bermudianum, L. Sa6ne- et-Loire Soc. Sci. Bull., 6, 1900, 204-206. Brunaud, Patil. Contributions a la flore mycologique de rOuest. Descriptions des Phycomycetes trouves dans les environs de Saintes et dans quelques autres localites de la Charente-Inferieure et de la Charente. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 38, 1884, 47-64, 65-84, 623; 39, 1886, 11-18, 19-77. Liste des Sphaeropsidees trouvees a Saintes (Charente- Inferieure) et dans les environs. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, 61-115. Liste des Hyphomycetes recoltees aux environs de Saintes, Charente-Inferieure. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 40, 1886, 197-221. Fragments mycologiques. Herborisations myco- logiques aux environs de Saintes (Charente-Inferieure), 1884-[87]. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1886 (Tome 1), 57-88; 23, 1887, 121-156; 24, 1888, 71-82. Hymenomycetes a ajouter k la flore mycologique des environs de Saintes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 507-512. Sphaeropsidees nouvelles, rares ou critiques recoltees aux environs de Saintes (Charente-Inferieure). Rev. Mycol., 8, 1886, 139-142. Materiaux pour la flore mycologique des environs de Saintes (Charente-Inferieure). Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 41, 1887, 159-189. Champignons k ajouter a la flore mycologique des environs de Saintes. France Soc. Bot, Bull., 34, 1887, 243-246, 428-432; 36, 1889, 335-340. Especes et varietes nouvelles de Sphseropsidees trouvees aux environs de Saintes. Jl. Bot., Paris, 1, 1887, 153-155. Supplement k la liste des Sphaaroidees trouvees k Saintes (Charente-Inf6rieure) et dans les environs. Rev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 13-17. Agaricinees chromospores recoltees aux environs de Saintes en 1885-86. Rev. Mycol., 9, 1887, 17-19. Miscellanees mycologiques. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 42, 1888, 85-104; 44, 1890, 211-273; 52, 1897 133-149. 109^2 ^Brunaud] Liste des Hym6nomyc6tes r^colt^s jusqu'^ ce jour dans la Charente-Inf^rieure. Bordeaux Soc. Linn. Act., 43, 1889, 321-395; 46, 1893, 341-360. Liste des Ustilagin^es et des Ur^din^es r^colt^es jusqu'^ ce jour dans la Charente-Inf^rieure. Charente- Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 73-91. Liste des Myxomycetes r^colt^s jusqu'^ ce jour dans la Charente-InfMeure. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 25, 1889, 93-97. Sphteropsid^es r6colt6es jusqu'^ ce jour dans la Charente-Inf^rieure. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 26, 1890, 51-140. Glanules mycologiques. Herborisations de 1891[-93] dans la Charente-Inf^rieure. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 28, 1892, 67-81; 29, 1893, 93-101, 103-110. Agaricin6es r^colt^es k Fouras (Charente-Inf^rieure) priucipalement dans le bois de pins et dans le pare du Casino 1888-92. Charente-Inf. Soc. Sci. Ann., 29, 1893, 81-92. Sph^ropsid^es nouvelles ou rares r^colt^es a Saint- Porchaire, k Fouras et k Saintes (Charente-Inf^rieure). France Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 221-225. Additions k la flore mycologique de Saintes et de Fouras (Charente-Inf^rieure). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Ft. 1), 217-220. Champignons r^colt6s dans la Charente-Inf^rieure en 1892. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 33-38. Bmnand, Paul, & Fassexini, G[iovanni]. See Fasserini & Brunand. Bmnand, Patil, Fasserini, Gliovanni], & Tbiimen, Felix (Baron) von. See Fasserini, Tbiimen & Brunaud. Brunchorst, J[^rgen]. Die Function der Spitze bei den Eichtungsbewegungen der Wurzeln. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 2, 1884, 78-93, 204-219. Zur Frage fiber den sogenannten Galvanotropismus. Bot. Centrbl., 23, 1886, 192-198. Ueber die Knollchen an den Leguminosenwurzeln. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1886, 241-257. Die Structur der Inhaltskorper in den Zellen einiger Wurzelanschwellungen. Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1886 233-246. — — Ueber einige Wurzelanschwellungen, besonders die- jenigen von Alnus nnd den Elseagnaeeen. [1886.1 Tiibingen Bot. Inst. Unters., 2, 1886-88, 151-177. — — Ueber eine sehr verbreitete Krankheit der Kartoffel- knollen. [1887.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1886, 217-226 — — Zur Bekampfung der Kohlhernie. [1887.1 Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1886, 227-331. ^Oversigt over de i Norge optrsedende, ^konomisk vigtige plantesygdomme. [1888.] Bergens Mus. Aarsber 1887, No. 5, 27 pp. "' ~~ ^^H^^.®^*^^ °^"^' verheerende Krankheit der Schwarz- fohre (Pinus austriaca, Hdss.). [1888.] Bergens Mus Aarsber., 1887, No. 6, 16 pp. ^ -— Notizen uber den Galvanotropismus. [1889.1 Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1888, No. 5, 35 pp. ^ — — Die biologische Meeresstation in Bergen. [1891 1 Bergens Mus. Aarsber., 1890, No. 5, 31 pp "^ — - Die Laboratorien und die Maschineneinrichtung der S;bTm2°Kr8°pp."^^°- ^'"''-^ Bergens^Mus. "s'erleS'^'nRqTrTf*" "^ ^^^tg^^lt i Puddefjorden ved Bergen. [1893.] Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1892, No. 6 9 nn ~TarW89r5)?fTlT""^- ^'"''-^ Bergen's M^u's! ^T*"^] ^A°- .Ueber einige Derivate des Diphenyl«ara phenylendmmms. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber' 25. 1892, —- Ueber Ozonbildung bei hohen Temperaturen Berlin Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1790-1794. *'°- merlin, 868 [Brunei Ueber Ozonbildung. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 222-247. Die quantitative Bestimmung des Ozons. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 1832-1842, 2999-3001. Brunck, Rudolph. Ueber Thienylindol, a-Naphtylindol und einige Bromderivate der Indole. [1892.] Liebig's Ann., 272, 1893, 201-208. The Brunck coke-oven and system for the recovery of bye-products. [With discussion.'] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 44, 1896, 283-289, 380-383. Brundin, J. A. Z. Ueber Wurzelsprosse bei Listera cor- data, L. [1895.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 21 (Afd. 3), 1896, No. 12, 9 pp. Alcyonarien aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Upsala. [1896.] Stockh., Ak. Handl. Bihang, 22 (Afd. 4), 1897, No. 3, 22 pp. Bruni, . Uno speciale rocchetto d' induzione. Biv. Sci.-Ind., 32, 1900, 213-214. Bruneau, B[rise'], & Rousseau, [Henril Gustave. See Rousseau & Bruneau. Bruneau, Paul. Eecherches sur les propriet^s physio- logiques du propylene. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 16, 1886, 148-153. Empoisonnement par le gaz de I'^clairage. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 18,, 1887, 146-177. Brunei, Georges [Edouard Augustel. [Systdmes articul^s.] [1885.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886, xv(bis). Note sur I'analyse ind^termin^e et la g^ometrie k ?i dimensions. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1886. 129- 141. Theorias cometarias. Explication des ph^nom^nes com^taires. Eio de Janeiro Obs. Eev., 1886, 164-168 182-187. Monographic de la fonction gamma. Bordeaux Soc Sci. M^m., 3, 1887, 1-184. [La tb^orie des matrices de substitution.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M(5m., 4, 1888, viii. [Sur la theorie des developpantes.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 4, 1888, xi. [Nouvelles propositions relatives k la theorie des matrices.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 4, 1888, xxii. Sur une generalisation de la notion de periodicity. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 4, 1888, xxvi-xxxiv. Sur les racines des matrices zeroidales. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 106, 1888, 467-470. [Sur les problemes de fermeture.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, x-xi. [L'existence de cycles astronomiques et la theorie des fractions continues.] [1889.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 6, 1890, xxv-xxviii. [Sur les trajectoires reciproques.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, Ixviii. [La marche historique du developpement de la theorie des quantites complexes.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, Ixxvi-lxxvii. [Le probieme des alignements.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 5, 1890, xciii-xciv. [Sur le theoreme fondamental de I'algebre.] [1890.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, i-ii. — — L'algebre universelle. [1890.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, ix-x. [Sur le nombre tt.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xi-xiii. — — [De I'extension aux espaces d'un nombre quelconque de dimensions des proprietes analogues k celles exprimees par le theoreme de Meusniek dans I'espace k trois di- mensions.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xv-xvi. [Sur les configurations regulieres tracees sur une surface quelconque.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2 1891, xxii-xxiv. ' — - [Sur la relation qui existe entre le probl^me de la determination de la distribution eiectrique dans un systeme de conducteurs lin6aires et la question du saut Brunei] 869 [Brunelle du cavalier sur I'^chiquier.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 2, 1891, xxxiv-xxxvi. [Sur les surfaces k un seul c6t6.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. lUm., 2, 1891, xxxvii. [Sur les contours traces sur les surfaces.] [1891.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 3, 1893, iv. [Sur la definition de la ligne droite en topologie.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 3, 1893, xxx-xxxi. [Quelques r^sultats curieux obtenus dans la th^orie des polyMres eul^riens.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 3, 1893, xxxvii-xxxix. [Sur les surfaces capillaires.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 3, 1893, xlii-xlv. Note sur le nombre des sommets des courbes planes rationnelles d'ordre ii. Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 3, 1893, 167-175. . [Sur les fonctions sym^triques des racines d'une Equation alg^brique.] [1892.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M6m., 4, 1894, vi-viii. [Sur quelques probl^mes d'analysis situs.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. M^m., 4, 1894, ix-xii. [Sur la representation graphique de la benzine.] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xviii-xx. [Quelques remarques relatives k, la representation symbolique et k la representation graphique des relations de parents. ] [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem., 4, 1894, xxv-xxvi. Quelques remarques sur la demonstration par I'absurde. [1893.] Bordeaux Soc. Sci. Mem. , 4, 1894, xxxii-xxxiii. [Sur un theoreme d;;oBaHia CKopocTH o6pa3o- Bauia OJiecj^HHOBl,. [Experiment to determine the 878 [Bruttan speed of formation of olefines.] Russ. Phys.-Ghem. Soc. Jl., 32 (Cliem.), 1900, 7-28; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 34, 1900, 129-148. Brussatix, E. Mutilations ethniques observ6es an Congo. [Avec quelques coramentaires geographiques et ethno- graphiques de M. E. Hamy.] Anthrop. (Paris), 2, 1891, 150-154. Brussels Observatory. *Observations astronomiques faites a I'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles [1873-82]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 2, 1879, xxxiv + 59 + 125 + 26 + 67 + 33 + 55 pp.; 3, 1880, xx + 31 + 45 + 29 + 36 + 14 + 21 pp.; 4, 1883, 118 pp.; 5, 1885, 73 pp. *[Observations hors du meridian.] La tache rouge de Jupiter en 1878. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 3, 1880, 44-47. •M^t^orologie. 1876[-79]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 1-118 ; 2, 1886, 128 + 129 + 131 pp. R(5sume des observations sur la met^orologie et sur la physique du globe. 1876[-78]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1,1881, 119-131; 2, 1886 (1877), 115-123, (1878), 117- 125. *[Resume des observations m^t^orologiques faites en d6cembre 1877 k Somergem, Anvers, Westmalle, Heren- thals, Mons, Hasselt I, Hasselt II, Verviers (tir), Jalhay (barrage de la Gileppe), Saint-Hubert et Lamorteau.] . Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 150. *Eau tomb^e en 1877 [k Anvers, Herenthals, Tournai, Mons, Cuesmes, Hasselt, Philippeville, Verviers, Jalhay, Saint-Hubert, Lamorteau]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 151. *Climatologie. 1878[-79]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 1, 1881, 1 (bis)-5S (bis), 1 (ter)-o2 (ter). Passage de V^nus du 6 d^cembre 1882. Seconde partie. Documents et observations. [1884.] Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 5, 1885, 129 pp. Resume des observations meteorologiques faites k I'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 1879[-86]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (M6t.), 2, 1885 (1879), 117-125; 3, 1895 (1880), 119-127, (1881) 117-124, (1882) 117-124, (1883) 115-122; 4, 1896 (1884) 115-122, (1885) 115-122, (1886) 115-122. Observations meteorologiques et magn^tiques faites a I'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 1880-[86]. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Met.), 3, 1896, 131 + 128+126 + 128 pp.; 4, 1895, 126 + 126 + 126 pp. Determination de la difference de longitude entre les Observatoires de Bruxelles et d'Uccle. Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 7, 1896, 66 pp. Observations hors du meridien. [Eclipses de lune. Occultation de Jupiter et d'etoiles par la lune. Pheno- menes des satellites de Jupiter. Observations de cometes.] Brux. Obs. Ann. (Astr.), 7, 1896, 41 pp. Brustlpin, H. A. Acierie Bessemer de Avesta (Su^de). St. Etienne Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 13, 1884, 186-198. On chrome pig iron and steel. Iron & Steel Inst. JL, 1886, 770-778. Le ferro-chrome. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 3, 1889, 975-983. Sur I'emploi de peroxyde de sodium pour I'analyse des minerals de chrome, des ferro-chromes, des minerals et ferro-tungstenes des alliagea riches en silicium, etc. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 10, 1896, 409-426. Bruszkay, J. B. 50 Jahre Taubenziichter. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 8-9, 31-32, 44-46, 56-57, 69. "Befiederte Rauber." Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 88-91. Das "Paduaner"-Huhn. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 8-10. Bruttan, Alndreas}. Ueber einige im Laufe des Sommers gemachte Beobachtungen. [1884.] Dorpat Sber., 7, 1886, 183-184. Das Vorkommen der Forellen in Livland. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 237-242. Bericht iiber eine in hepatologischer Hinsicht auf der Bruttan] 879 [Bryan Kurischen Halbinsel und an der Diina ausgefiihrte Excursion im Sommer 1887. [1887.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 299-304. Nachtrag zu den Lichenen Liv-, Est- und Eurlands. [1888.] Dorpat Sber., 8, 1889, 444-449. [Ueber die Lebermoosflora der Ostseeprovinzen.] [1890.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 343-358. Ueber die einheimischen Laubmoose. [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 55-5-582. Bryologische Ergebnisse des Jahres 1892. [1892.] Dorpat Sber., 10, 1895, 152-155. Bruttini, Arturo. Appunti storici sulla falconeria. Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 12, 1892 (Boll.), 89-90, 100-102, 107-109, 121-122. Determinazione colorimetriea di piccole quantity, di uranio nei minerali. Gazz. Chim. Ital., 23, 1893 (Ft. 1), 251-257. Azione di alcuni sali sulla germinazione. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 27, 1894, 30-32. Brutzer, C. Ueber die Secundarinfectionen der Lepra- kranken. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 24, 1899, 415-417. Brutzer, Wilhdm. Ein Beitrag zur Wochenbettsdiatetik. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 37, 1897, 391-440. Bruun, Alfr. lagttagelser over Iji^vspring, blomstring, frugtmodning og Wvfald i Veterinaer- og Landbohffjskolens have i aarene 1882-86. [1889.] Bot. Tidsskr., 17, 1890, 153-161. Bruun, Daniel. Ornithologiske iagttagelser fra Sydgr^n- land i sommeren 1894. KJ£(benh. Vid. Medd., 1895, 175- 187. Bruyant, Charles. Note sur un H^mipt^re recueilli an lac Chauvet (Puy-de-D6me). Ass. Franp. C. E., 1893 (Ft. 1), 251. Sur un H^mipt^re aquatique stridulant, Sigara minutissima, Lin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 118, 1894, 299-301. Contribution k I'^tude de la g^ographie zoologique de I'Auvergne. France Soc. Zool. Bull., 24, 1899, 46-48. Contribution a I'etude de la geographic entomologique de I'Auvergne. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1899, 93-94. ■ Sur les variations du plankton au lac Chauvet. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 130, 1900, 45-48. Bruyant, Charles, & Eus6bio, A. Sur la faune halophile de I'Auvergne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. B., 130, 1900, 178- 181. Notes pour servir a la faune entomologique de I'Auvergne. Paris, Soc. Ent. Bull., 1900, 397-400. Bruylants, J. M. G[ustave']. L'acide sulfocyanique dans I'organisme animal. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 21-36; Jl. Pharm., 18, 1888, 104-107, 153-156. Origine de l'acide sulfocyanique dans I'organisme animal. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 147- 158. Note sur la saccharine. Brux., Ac. Med. Belg. Bull., 2, 1888, 492-502 ; Jl. Pharm. , 18, 1888, 292-298. Beobachtungen iiber das Saccharin. [Tr.~\ Ztschr. Ver. Eiibenzuckeriud., 38, 1888, 1179-1182. La panification frauduleuse. Sur I'emploi du sulfate de cuivre et de I'alun dans la fabrication du paiu. Brux., Ac. M6d. Belg. Bull., 3, 1889, 46-60. Reactions nouvelles de la morphine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 497-500; Jl. Pharm., 1, 1896, 444-447. Eecherches sur la composition des extraits de viande. Jl. Pharm., 5, 1897, 515-521. Bruylants, J. M. G[tistave], & Venneman, E. Le jequirity et son principe phlogog^ne. Brux., Ac. M^d. Belg. Bull., 18, 1884, 147-179. Bruyn. See Bruijn. Bruyne, C. de. Contribution k I'^tude de la vacuole pulsatile. Brux., Ac. Bull., 15, 1888, 718-749. Ueber eine neue Monadine, Endobiella Bambekii. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 1-5. Over Monadinen. Bot. Jaarb., 1, 1889, 155-166. De quelques organismes inferieurs nouveaux. Com- munication preUminaire. Brux., Ac. Bull., 18, 1889, 90-93. Monadines et Chytridiacees, parasites des Algues du Golfe de Naples. Arch, de Biol., 10, 1890, 43-104. Verteringsvacuolen bij lagere organismen. [Ver- dauungsvacuolen bei niederen Organismen.] Bot. Jaarb., 2, 1890, 114-117, (Res. 118). Les Monadines et leur place systematique. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Bull., 17, [1891], 64-70. De la presence du tissu reticule dans la tunique musculaire de I'intestin. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 118, 1891, 865-868. Contribution k I'^tude de I'union intime des fibres musculaires lisses. Arch, de Biol., 12, 1892, 345-880. De la phagocytose observ^e sur le vivant, dans les branchies des MoUusques Lamellibranches. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 65-68. Berichtigung zu H. Boheman's vorlaufiger Mitteilung iiber Intercellularbriicken und Saftraume der glatten Musculatur. [An. Az. 10 (1895), 305-315.] Anat. Anz., 10, 1896, 561-565. La sphere attractive dans les cellules fixes du tissu conjonctif. Brux., Ac. Bull., 30, 1896, 241-256. Contribution k I'^tude de la phagocytose. [1894.] Brux., Mem. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 54, 1896, No. 2, 66 pp. ; Arch, de Biol., 14, 1896, 161-241. Les "cellules doubles." Anat. Anz., 13, 1897 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 99-104. Sur I'intervention de la phagocytose dans le d^veloppe- ment des Invertebres. [1897.] Brux., M^m. Couronn. (4° Ed.), 56, 1897-98, No. 1, 114 pp.; Arch, de Biol., 15, 1898, 181-300. — — On a functional adaptation of phagocytosis. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 82, 1898, 92-95. La cellule foUiculaire du testicule d'Hydrophilus piceus. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 115- 122. De I'amitose. Rev. Sci., 11, 1899, 175. [Sur I'intervention de la phagocytose dans le d^veloppe- ment des Invertebres.] Rectification. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 9-10. Bruyning. See Bruijning. BruzelluB, Nils G. Om Anser indicus, Gmel., antraffad i Skane. Goteborg Handl. , 21, 1887, 8 pp. Bryan, G[eorge'\ H[artley]. On the stability of elastic systems. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 199-210. On the waves on a viscous rotating cylinder, an illustration of the influence of viscosity on the stabihty of rotating liquid. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 248-264. Application of the energy test to the collapse of a long thin pipe under external pressure. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc. , 6, 1889, 287-292. On the expression of spherical harmonics of the second kind in a finite form. [1888.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 293-297. The waves on a rotating liquid spheroid of finite ellipticity. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 180, 1890, 187- 219. The buckling of plates. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 742. On the pulsations of a rotating bell. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1890, 743. On the deformation of twisted strips. Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 476-480. On the stability of a rotating spheroid of perfect liquid. Roy. Soc. Proc, 47, 1890, 367-376. On the stability of a plane plate under thrusts in its own plane, with applications to the "buckling" of the sides of a ship. [1890.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 54-67. Report of a Committee On the present state of our Bryan] knowledge of thermodynamics, specially with regard to the second law. Researches relating to the connection of the second law with dynamical principles. [Fart ii. The laws of distribution of energy and their hmitations.J Brit. Ass. Rep., 1891, 85-122 ; 1894, 64-106. An application of the method of images to the con- duction of heat. London Math. Soc. Proc, 22, 1891, 424-430. . , ^^ , ,n [The flying to pieces of a whirling ring.] Nature, 4d, 1891, 463. ^ , . ... On the beats in the vibrations of a revolving cylinder or bell. [1890.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 101-111- , ,. , , , Note on a problem in the linear conduction or neat. [1891.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 7, 1892, 246-248. The moon's atmosphere and the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 682-685. On electro-magnetic trails of images in plane, spherical and cylindrical current sheets. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1893, 706. The second law of thermodynamics. [1893.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 197-198. The atmospheres of the moon, planets and Sun. Science, 22, 1893, 311-313. A hydrodynamical proof of the equations of motion of a perforated solid, with applications to the motion of a fine rigid framework in circulating liquid. [With a note by C. V. Bdkton.] [1893.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 186-204; Phil. Mag., 35, 1893, 338-354. On the theory of thin plating, and its applicability to calculations of the strength of bulkhead plating and similar structures. [1893.] Naval Architects Trans., 35, 1894, 113-125. On the buckling and wrinkling of plating when sup- ported on parallel ribs or on a rectangular framework. London Math. Soc. Proc, 25, 1894, 141-150. Prof. BoLTZMANN and the kinetic theory of gases. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894-96), 31. The kinetic theory of gases. Nature, 51 (1894-95), 152, 176, 319-320; 52 (1896), 244. Note on the stability of rotating liquid spheroids. [1893.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1896, 51-53. A simple test case of Maxwell's law of partition of energy. [1894.] Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 8, 1896, 250-255. On electromagnetic induction in plane, cylindrical, and spherical current-sheets, and its representation by moving trails of images. [1894-98.] London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 145-154; 16, 1899, 65-83; Phil. Mag., 38, 1894, 198-206 ; 45, 1898, 381-397. Note on a simple graphic illustration of the deter- minantal relation of dynamics. London Phys. Soc. Proc, 13, 1896, 481-484; Phil. Mag., 39, 1896, 581-534. Note on a theorem in dynamics. Messenger Math. 24, 1896, 21-23. The assumptions in Boltzhamn's minimum theorem. Nature, 52 (1896), 29-30. On some difficulties connected with the kinetic theory of gases. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 721. On the sailing flight of birds. Brit. Ass, Rep., 1896 726-728. On certain applications of the theory of probability to physical phenomena. Amer. Jl. Math. , 19, 1897, 283-288. [Artificial flight.] [1897.] Nature, 57 (1897-98), 135- 136. Stereoscopic projection of lantern slides. [1898 1 Nature, 57 (1897-98), 511. >■ -j The kinetic theory and radiant energy. [1898 1 Nature, 67 (1897-98), 536. Dendritic patterns caused by evaporation. Nature 58 (1898), 174. On the permanence of certain gases in the atmospheres of planets. Brit, Ass. Rep., 1899, 634-635. 880 [Bryant The resistance of the air. Nature, 61 (1899-1900), 107-109, 248. Annuities treated without progressions. [1896.] Math. Gaz., 1, 1900, 8-12. Energy accelerations. A study in energy partition and irreversibility. Arch. Ne'erland., 5, 1900, 279-294 ; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 634-635. The kinetic theory of planetary atmospheres. [Letter.] Nature, 62 (1900), 126. Sources and properties of Becquerel rays. Nature, 62 (1900), 151-154. The action of bilge keels. Naval Architects Trans., 42, 1900, 198-219. The kinetic theory of planetary atmospheres. [1900. ] Phil. Trans. (A), 196, 1901, 1-24. Bryan, Gleorge] H[artley], & Boltzmann, Ludwig. Ueber die mechanische Analogic des Warmegleichgewichtes zweier sich beriihrender Korper. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 (Abth. 2a), 1125-1134. Bryan, George B. On the determination of the conduc- tivity of liquids in thin layers. Phil. Mag., 45, 1898, 258-272. Bryan, George B., & Barton, Edwin H[enry]. See Barton & Bryan. Bryan, J[oseph] H[ammond]. A further contribution to the study of suppurative disease of the accessory sinuses, with report of cases. N. Y. Med. Jl., 62, 1895, 450-456. Bryan, Oliver N. The Cretaceous formation of S. W. Maryland. Amer. Natlist., 23, 1889, 713-714. Bryan, William L. On the development of voluntary motor ability. [1892.] Amer. Jl. Psychol., 5, 1893, 125-204. Bryant, A. P. A method for separating the "insoluble" phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers derived from bone and other organic matter from that derived from rock phosphate. Amer. Chem. Soc. JL, 18, 1896, 491-498. Bryant, A. P., & Day, William Clathcart]. See Day & Bryant. Bryant, Chas. S. *Aurora borealis in Minnesota. Some observations made thereon in 1860 and 1861. [1882.] Sidereal Messenger, 1, 1883, 88-90. Bryant, Edward G. Precipitation of copper by magnesium. Chem. News, 76, 1897, 30-31. Displacement of metals by magnesium. Chem. News, 79, 1899, 75-76. The action of metallic magnesium on water. Chem. News, 80, 1899, 211-212. Bryant, Ella Mary. On the thermal condition of iron, steel and copper when acting as boiler-plate. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 132, 1898, 274-287. Bryant, F. W. Description of a new Californian land shell. [1900.] Nautilus, 13, 1899-1900, 122. Epiphragmophora Harperi, n. sp. [1900.] Nautilus, 18, 1899-1900, 148-144. Bryant, J[ohn] /Z[e/iry], & Fripp, Allfred] D[owning]. See Tripp & Bryant. Bryant, J. T. The remarkable hailstorm at Owaka, in January last. N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 1, 1891, 149-151. Bryant, John A. Clark's nutcracker in western Missouri. Auk, 12, 1896, 82, 181, 418. Bryant, John J., & Naylor, >F[iMtam] A\rthur] H. See Naylor & Bryant. Bryant, Joseph B\ecatur\ The causes and treatment of erysipelas. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 2), 207- 219. Malignant neoplasmata. [With discussion.'\ [1888.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 48, 1888, 677-680; 49, 1889, 77-78. The Wesley M. Carpenter lecture. [Important facts relative to malignant disease.] [1894.] N. Y. Med. JL, 61, 1895, 609-617. Bryant, Robert. The elements of the orbit of Comet a, 1883 (Brooks-Swift). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 44, 1884, Bryant] 881 [Bryden Elliptic elements of Comet II 1883 (Ross). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 45, 1886, 428-431. On Kepler's problem. [1886.] Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 8-11. On the orbit of Comet II 1883. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 47, 1887, 434-437. The opposition of Sappho (80) in 1888. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 48, 1888, 94-96, 316. The orbit of the planet Sappho (80), the secular perturbation of the minor planets upon the elements of that orbit, and the mass of the planet Jupiter. Astr. Jl., 8, 1889, 185-189; Astr. Nachr., 121, 1889, 321-332. Ephemeris of (80) Sappho for the opposition 1889. Astr. Nachr., 122, 1889, 411-412. Schreiben betr. die Bestimmung der Balm des Planeten (80) Sappho. Astr. Nachr., 123, 1890, 45-48. The perturbations of Sappho (80). Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 51, 1891, 399-402. On the determination of the equations for the per- turbations of the inclination and node of an orbit by the method of variation of constants. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 53, 1893, 116-119. Note on the convergency of series. [1895.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 69-70. Bryant, (Mrs.) Sophie. *The position of mathematics in the school education of girls. Educ. Times, 31, 1878, 145-149. On the failure of the attempt to deduce inductive principles from the mathematical theory of probabilities. Phil. Mag., 17, 1884, 510-518. On the ideal geometrical form of natural cell-structure. [1885.] London Math. Soc. Proc, 16 (1884-85), 311-315. Experiments in testing the character of school children. [With discussion.] [1885.] Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 15, 1886, 338-351. An example in "correlation of averages" for four variables. Phil. Mag., 36, 1893, 372-377. Bryant, T. Le centenaire de Hunter (14 fevrier 1893). [Tr.} Rev. Sci., 51, 1893, 577-585. Bryant, Walter E. Nest and eggs of Myiadestes Town- sendi. Auk, 1, 1884, 91-92. The relationship of Podiceps occidentalis and P. Clarkii. Auk, 2, 1886, 313-314. Piranga rubriceps and Tringa fuscicollis in California. Auk, 4, 1887, 78-79. Additions to the ornithology of Guadalupe Island. California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 269-318. Discovery of the nest and eggs of the evening grosbeak (Coccothraustcs vespertina). California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 449. — — Description of a new subspecies of petrel from Guada- lupe Island. California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 450-451. Unusual nesting sites. California Ac. Bull., 2, 1887, 451-454. Unusual nesting sites. 2. [1887.] California Ac. Proc, 1, 1889, 7-10, 361. Birds and eggs from the Farallon Islands. [1887.] California Ac. Proc, 1, 1889, 25-50. Description of a new subspecies of song sparrow from Lower California, Mexico. California Ac. Proc, 1, 1889, 197-200. Descriptions of the nests and eggs of some Lower Californian birds, with a description of the young plumage of Geothlypis Beldingi. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 20-24. Puffinus griseus {Gmel.), Puffinus gavia {Forst.), and Stercorarius pomarinus (Temni.), on the coast of Cali- fornia. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 87. A specimen of Passerella iliaca taken in California. [1889.] California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 00. A catalogue of the birds of Lower California, Mexico. [1889.] California Ac Proc, 2, 1890, 237-320. Provisional descriptions of supposed new mammals R. B. A. C. from California and Lower California. California Ac. Proc, 2, 1890, 25-27. Preliminary description of a new species of the genus Lepus from Mexico. [1891.] California Ac. Proc, 3, 1893, 92. Bryant, Walter W[illiam]. Pallas and Vesta in 1895. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 55, 1896, 343-344. On the proper motion of B.D. -t- 25°, No. 2874. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 56, 1896, 471-473. On the "two-method"' personal equation. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 58, 1898, 282-286. Note on a possible occultation of A Geminorum by Venus, 1900 May 27-28. Astr. Soc. Month. Not., 60, 1900, 442-443. Bryant, William S. Observations on the topography of the normal human tympanum. Arch. Otol., 19, 1890, 217-231; Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1892, 91-104. Bryce, David. On the macrotrachelous CallidinsB. [1892- 94.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 15-23, 436-455. On the Adinetadae, with description of a new species. [1892.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 146-151. On two new species of macrotrachelous Callidinse. [1893.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 196-201. On a new species of Metopidia. [1893.] Quekett Micr. Club Jl., 5, [1894], 284-285. Contributions to the non-marine fauna of Spitsbergen. Part II. Report on the Rotifera. Zool. Soc. Proc. , 1897, 793-799. Bryce, J. Annan. Burma : the country and people. Geogr. Soc. Proc, 8, 1886, 481-499. Bryce, P. H. *Hypnotism and its phenomena. [1882.] Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1884, 62-77. Some factors in the malaria problem. Canad. Inst. Proc, 2, 1884, 216-218. Some points in the natural history of ground waters. [1890.] Canad. Inst. Trans., 1, 1891, 149-169. The treatment of tuberculosis in sanatoria. N. Y. Med. Jl., 72, 1900, 1121-1126. Bryce, Thomas H. Description of a foetus the subject of retroflexion of the trunk, ectopia viscerum and spina bifida ; with a discussion as to the cause of these associated abnormalities. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 29, 1896, 553-568. On recent views as to the part the nucleus plays in development. Glasgow Med. JL, 45, 1896, 81-95. Note on a case of pectoralis minimus. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, ii-v. Long muscular branch of the musculo-cutaneous nerve of the leg. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, v-xii. On certain points in the anatomy and mechanism of the wrist-joint reviewed in the light of a series of Rontgen ray photographs of the living hand. [1896.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 59-79. Notes on the myology of a negro. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 31, 1897, 607-618. On a pair of negro femora. [1897.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, 76-82. Extensor minimi digiti. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 32, 1898, xxxix-xl. A rare abnormality in the curvature of the duodenum. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xxvii-xxx. On duplicitas anterior in an early chick embryo. [1899.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc, 22, 1900, 622-630. Note on a group of varieties of the pectoral sheet of muscle. [1899.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 34, 1900, 75-78. Deep accessory peroneal nerve of Ruge in man. [1900.] Jl. Anat. Physiol., 35, 1901, xlix-1. Bryden, H. A. On the present distribution of the giraffe, south of the Zambesi, and on the best means of securing living specimens for European collections. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 445-447. Notes on the fauna of South Africa. [1896.] East- bourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 3 (1894-1902), 103-114. Ill Brydone-Jack] 882 [Bubak remarkable sunsets, 1883.] — p., og Leskea catenu- Notiser, 1886, 157- Brydone-Jack, W- [The Nature, 20, 1884, 260. Brybn, N. Catharinea anomala, n. i lata {Brid.), Lindl. c. fr. Bot. 159 Mosliste fra Tj«m*<. Et lidet bidrag «! Norges kystflora. [1887.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 31, 1890, 10^- 1 Ifi i)e Bryinearum in Norvegia distributione observationes nonnullffi sparsse. [1891.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 32, 1892, Scapania crassiretis, sp. rwv. Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 32, 1892, 839-340; Rev. Bryol., 19, 1892, 7-8. Explorationes bryologicas in valle Norvegiro Stjt)rdalen testate anni 1892. [1893.] Throndhjem, Skr., 1892, 159- 224. Om Grimmia Ryani, Limpr. in litt. [1893.] Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 34, 1895, 73-76. Beobachtungen iiber das Ausstreuen der Sporen bei den Splachnaceen. Biol. Centrbl., 17, 1897, 48-55. Mosliste fra Norbyknol. Et lidet bidrag til kundskab om Medelpads flora. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 57-69; Bot. Centrbl., 80, 1899, 15. Descriptio muscorum duorum norvegicorum. Bot. Notiser, 1899, 253-259. Cephalozia Hagenii, n. sp. Eev. Bryol., 26, 1899, 21-22. . Enumerantur musci, qvos in valle Norvegiae Saeters- dalen observavit [auctor]. Throndhjem, Skr., 1899, No. 3, 54 pp. Brirk, Ernst. Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod und Kalilauge auf Harnsaure. Wien, Ak. Sber., 103, 1894 {Ahth. 26), 459-469 ; Mhefte. Chem., 1894, 519-529. Brykner. See Brickner, Waclaw. Brylinski, [Matlde%i\ *Rapport sur les phosphates de chaux de la Caroline du Sud et sur I'emploi comme engrais des phosphates en general. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull, 2, 1875 (Append.), 1-74. Bryliniki, {Mathieii], & Lionnet, G. *Phosphates de chaux fossiles, geologie et origine, applications en agri- culture. Normandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 4, 1877, 3-272, 318. Brylinski, Albert. Essai des indigos. Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 67, 1897, 331-345. Dosage des indigos. Etude de la methode de M. J. Brandt. Methode a I'acide ac^tique cristallisable. [1897.] Mulhouse Soc. Ind. Bull., 68, 1898, 33-39. Brylinski, Albert, & Scheurer, Albert. See Scheurer & Brylinski., Brylinski, E[mile]. Sur la capacite 61ectrostatique des conducteurs. Ann. T^legr., 15, 1888, 97-122. Note sur la propagation du courant electrique sur une ligne t^l^graphique. Ann. T^legr., 16, 1889, 135-147. Sur la force electromotrice necessaire pour produire un courant d'intensite variable le long d'un conducteur cyHndrique. Ann. T^legr., 17, 1890, 232-244, 352-358, 425-431; 22, 1895, 446-459. Note sur une ligne souterraine en conduite de ciment Ann. T61egr., 18, 1891, 163-167, 267-272. Note sur le telem^tre Electrique de M. Fiske. Ann imgr., 18, 1891, 235-252. Note sur la capacite 61ectrostatique des lignes tele- graphiques. Ann. Telegr., [19], 1892, 97-124. Sur I'Electrification de la gutta-percha. Lum. Elect. 47, 1893, 601-610. Sur la difficulte de ^r^ahser un cable telEphonique sous-marin. Eclairage Elect., 10 (1897), 14-21, 66-70. — - Sur la resistance des conducteurs en courant variable Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 6-13, 97-107, 149-156, 200-^ «(J4y oo4. Sur le changement des unites fondamentales dans les syst^mes absolus de mesure. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), Sur les unites magnetiques. Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 529-536, 591-596. Bryn, Hal/dan. Indberetning til det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab om en botanisk reise i det Thrond- hjemske sommeren 1886. [1888.] Throndhjem, Skr., 1886-87, 1-20. Bryson, John. [The so-called marine beaches of Long Island.] Amer. Geologist, 2, 1888, 64-65, 136-137. Artesian well, Woodhaven, L. I., N. Y. Amer. Geo- logist, 3, 1889, 214-215. The terminal moraine near Louisville. Amer. Geo- logist, 4, 1889, 125-126. Preglacial channels at the falls of the Ohio. Amer. Geologist, 5, 1890, 186-188. The Wetwoods. Amer. Geologist, 6, 1890, 254-255. Excursion across Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 7, 1891, 332-333. The so-called sand-dunes of East Hampton, L. I. Amer. Geologist, 8, 1891, 188-190. Englacial drift of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 9, 1892, 278-280. Dr. Wahnschaffe's work on the drift deposits of Germany. Amer. Geologist, 10, 1892, 132-133. The glacial geology of Martha's Vineyard compared with that of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 11, 1893, 210-212. The drift mounds of Olympia and of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 12. 1893, 127-129. Origin of Peconic Bay and of Shinnecock Hills. Amer. Geologist, 12, 1893, 402-403. Lake Ronkonkoma and other glacial features of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 13, 1894, 390-392. The ups and downs of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 15, 1895, 188-192. Rock Hill, Long Island, N. Y. Amer. Geologist, 16, 1895, 228-233. Good Ground, Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 18, 1896, 329-331. The Hempstead plains. Long Island, N. Y. Amer. Geologist, 20, 1897, 61-65. Drift formations of Long Island. Amer. Geologist, 22, 1898, 245-247. Bryson, Louise Fiske. Preliminary note on the study of exophthalmic goitre. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 656-658. The present epidemic of influenza, [ll'ith discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 51, 1890, 120-124, 156-158. BiTTU-. For Russian names beginning thus see under Briu-. Brzak, W. Kugelblitz. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 355. Brzezowski, C. de Korab. See Korab Brzezowski. Brzezowski, Franz. Die Bestrebungen zur Verminderung der Gefahren der Sprengarbeit in Gruben mit schlagenden Wettern. Oesterr. Ztschr. Bergwesen, 44, 1896, 1-4. Brzostovicz, 0., I.adenburg, Albert, & ZUXugdan, Martin. See Ziadenburg, Blugdan & Brzostovicz. Buard, . *[Notes m^teorologiques.] Geryville (prov. d'Oran). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. M(5t6orol., 8, 1875, Ft. 2, 329-330; 9, 1876, Ft. 2, 29-30, 57, 87, 118- 119, 152-153, 185-186, 217, 269, 272. Buard, G. Sur la sero- reaction tuberculeuse. Jl. Phyeiol. Path. Gen., 2, 1900, 797-803. Buard, G., & Blongour, Ch. See Mongour & Buard. Bubak, Franz. Ein Beitrag zur Pilz-Flora der Umgegend von Hohenstadt in Miihren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 11-15. Fine gelbbliitige Varietat von Galeopsis pubescens, ' Bess., aus Bohmen. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 143-144. Puccinia Galanthi, linger, in Mahren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 47, 1897, 436-439'. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der bohmischen Perono- sporeen, Ustilagineen und Urediueeu. Wien Zool. Bot. Verh., 47, 1897, 225-233. Bub^k] 883 [Bucca Ueber die Uredineen, welche in Europa auf Crepis- Arten vorkommen. Briinn Vei-h., 36, 1898 (Abh.), 119- 124. Puccinia Scirpi, DC. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr. , 48, 1898, 14-17. Ueber ein neues Synchytrium aus der Gruppe der Leucochytrien. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 48, 1898, 241- 242. 0 rezich, ktere cizopasi na nekterfch Rubiaceich. [Ueber Parasiten auf einigen Rubiaceen.] Prag, Sber., 1898 (Math.-Nat.), Xo. 28, 23 pp. Zweiter Beitrag zur Pilzflora von Bohmen und Nord- miihren. Wien Zool. Bot, Verb., 48, 1898, 17-36. Dritter Beitrag zur Pilzflora von Mahren. Briinn. Verb., 37, 1899 (Abh.), 115-123. ...Beitrag zur Pilzflora von Tirol. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 49, 1899, 134-136; 50, 1900, 293-295. Kesultate der raykologischen DurchforschungBohmens im Jahre 1898. Prag, Sber., 1899 (Math.-Nat.), No. 19, 25 pp. Einige neue und bekannte aussereuropaische Pilze. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 50, 1900, 318-320. Mykologische Beitrage aus Bosnian und Bulgarien. Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math.-Nat.), No. 7, 6 pp. Ueber einige Umbelliferen bewohnende Puccinien. Prag, Sber., 1900 (Math.-Nat.), No. 26, 8 pp. Ueber Milben in Riibenwurzelkrupfen. Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 24, 1899-1900, 355-367. Ueber die Regeneration der Mutterriibe. [1900.] Ztschr. Zuckerind. Bohm., 25, 1900-01, 153-156. Bubani, Fietro. For biographical notice and list of works see Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 398-399. Bubela, Johann. Teratologisches. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr. , 34, 1884, 425-426. Novitaten fiir die Flora Mahrens. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 36, 1886, 364-366. Berichtigungen und Nachtriige zur Flora von Mahren. Oesterr. Bot. Ztschr., 38, 1888, 169-173, 200-202. Bubendey, Joh. Friedr. *Beitrage zur Geschichte der mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1690-1790. [1881.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 1, 1889, 8-16. Geschichte der mathematischen Gesellschaft in Ham- burg 1690 bis 1890. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 {Festschr., Tl. 1), 8-78. Die Temperatur des fliessenden Wassers zur Zeit der Eisbildung. Ann. der Hydrogr., 22 (1894), 1-6. Sturmflut vom 12. Februar 1894. [1894.] Hamb. Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 11, 1896, 140-142. Buber, Oscar. Myokymie an einem Falle von Bleilah- mung. Neurol. Centrbl., 16, 1897, 684-688. Bubis, ■ . Sperminum-Poehl in chemiseher, physio- logischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. St. Petersb. Med. Wschr., 19, 1894, 73-76, 83-86, 93-100, 105-111. Bubna, M. Entomology at Cleveland, Ohio. Philad., Ent. News, 8, 1897, 97-99. Bubnov, Serglj. Ueber das Permeabihtatsverhaltnis der Kleidungsstoffe zum chemisch wirkenden Sonnenstrahl. Arch. Hyg., 10, 1890, 335-366. Zur Beleuchtungsfrage. Photometrische Tageslicht- messungen in Wohnraumen. Arch. Hyg., 17, 1893, 49- 83. BucalUe, Ernest [Lucien]. For biography and list of works see Rouen Soc. Sci. Bull., 1892, 245-261 ; Nor- mandie Soc. Geol. Bull., 15, 1893, 71-72. *Echinides fossiles du d^partement de la Seine- InfMeure. Normandie Soc. G^ol. Bull., 1, 1873, 57- 192 ; 8, 1883, 16-39. *Coupe du bassin des docks du Havre, Normandie Soc. Gt^ol. Bull., 2, 1875 (Append.), ll-l ^- ^- [Ueber die bisherigen Versuche und die dabei gamachtan Erfahrungen, die Luftschiffe mit Hulfe dar Elektrizitat lenkbar zu machen.] Elektro- techn. Ztschr., 5, 1884, 431-433. — — Fahrt des Militar-Ballons Barbara am 10. December 188o. Mateorol. Ztschr., 3 (1886), 213-215. Buchholtz, {Kapt.) Glomsda von. *Gezeiten in der Inland- See. Japan. Ann. der Hydrogr., 11 (1883), 328-329. Buchholtz] 889 [Buchner Buchlioltz, Hermann. Ueber menschenpathogene Strepto- thrix. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie des acuten Lungenzer- falls. Ztschr. Hyg., 24, 1897, 470-487. Bucbbolz, [Albert]. Weitere Beitrage zur Keiintniss der Gliose der Hirnrinde. [1887.] AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 44, 1888, 561-562. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomic der Gliose der Hirnrinde. Arch. Psychiatr., 19, 1888, 591-600. Zur Kenntniss des Delirium acutum. (Zwei Falle mit wachsartiger Degeneration der Skeletmuskulatur.) Arch. Psychiatr., 20, 1889, 788-824. Ueber Muskelveranderungen bei Psychosen. [With discussion.] [1888.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr. , 46, 1890, 51-52. Ueber das Vorkommen von Karyokinesen in Zellen des Centralnervensystems von neugeborenen und jungen Hunden und Kaninchen. Neurol. Centrbl., 9, 1890, 140- 142. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungs- anomalien des Riickenmarks. Arch. Psychiatr., 22, 1891, 230-233. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Hirngliome. Arch. Psy- chiatr., 22, 1891, 385-413. ■ Ueber einen Fall syphilitigcher Erkrankung des Centralnervensystems. Arch. Psychiatr., 32, 1899, 1-56. Bnchholz, G. Eine seltene Naturerscheinung. Wetter, 9, 1892, 48. Buchholz, Hugo. Ueber die lapetusverfinsterung durch Saturn und sein Ringsystem vom Jahre 1889. Astr. Nachr., 137, 1896, 241-270. Die Laplace'sche und die Salmon'sche Schattentheorie und das Saturnring-Schattenproblem. Wien, Ak. Sber., 104, 1896 {Abth. 2a), 863-908. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1896 I. Astr. Nachr., 140, 1896, 333-336. Buchinger, [Jean Daniel]. For biography see France Soc. Bot. Bull., 35, 1888, 418; Ann. Bot., 2, 1888-89, 399. Coronilla scorpioides. Bot. Ztg., 44, 1886, 152-153. Bnebka, Karl [Heinrich] von. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Hamatoxylins und Brasilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 17, 1884, 683-685. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorschwefel auf Natrium- acetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2090- 2093. Ueber die Bildung von Phenylglyoxylsaure aus Ben- zoylcyanid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 395-398. Ueber die Paratolylglyoxylsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 20, 1887, 2213-2214. Ueber die Darstellung von Metanitrotoluol. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 829-833. Ueber die Bedeutung des osmotischeu Druckes fiir die chemischen Theorien. Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1894-96, 45-46. Bucbka, Karl [Heinrich] von, & Erck, A[dolf]. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Brasilins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1886, 1138-1143. Buchka, Karl [Heinrich] von, & Irlsb, P. H. Ueber die Einwirkung von Kaliumferricyanid auf Acetophenon. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 386-395. Ueber die Oxydation von Ketonen mittels Kaliumferri- cyanid. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 1762-1767. Buclilea, Karl [Heinrich] von, & XttagaUiaes, A[ntonio] J[ose] da Cruz. Ueber das Cytisin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 253-260, 674-680. Bucbka, Karl [Heinrich] von, & Sehachtebeek, F[erdi- nand]. Ueber die Reductionsproducte des Metanitro- toluols. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 834-842. Bucbka, Karl [Heiiirich] von, & Bprague, Ch[arles T.]. Ueber die angebliche Bildung von Pyridin aus Amido- azonaphtalin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 826-829. Ueber den Thiacetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2541-2556. Ueber die Einwirkung des Phenylhydrazins auf den Thiacetessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 847-855. Bucbkremer, [Hubert] Leonhard. Ueber die beim Mischen von zwei Fliissigkeiten atattfindende Volumanderung und deren Einfluss auf das Brechungsvermogen. Bonn, Nat. Hist. Ver. Verb., 47, 1890, 59-102; Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 6, 1890, 161-186. Bucbner, [Christian Liidwig Otto]. Ueber den Nephrit. [1887.] Giessen, Oberhess. Ges. Ber., 26, 1889, 102-103. Bucbner, Eduard. Ueber den Einfluss des Sauerstoffs auf Spaltpilzgahrungen. Bot. Centrbl., 21, 1886, 348- 350, 385-386. Ueber den Einfluss des Sauerstoffs auf Gahrungen. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1886, 380-415, 648. Einwirkung von Diazoessigather auf die Aether unge- sattigter Sauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 2637-2647; 22, 1889, 842-847; 23, 1890, 701-707. Ein Isomeres des Gloxalins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Bar., 22, 1889, 2165-2167. Acetyleudicarbonsaureather und Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 2929-2932. Kleine Mittheilungen. [Ueber symm. Aethantetra- carbonsaure. Ueber Citronensaure. Ueber Bromacet- amid.] Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1157-1161. Notiz aus der Gahrungschemie. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 25, 1892, 1161-1163. [Ueber das Pyrazol.] i. AUgemeines iiber Synthesen von Pyrazolderivaten mittelst Diazoessigester. Liebig's Ann., 273, 1893, 214-231. Notiz Tiber c/s-Glutaconsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 881-883. Ueber am Kohlenstoff phenylirte Pyrazole. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3247-3250. Diazoessigester und Pikrinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 27, 1894, 3250-3251. Ueber Quecksilberdiazoessigester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 28, 1896, 215-221. Ueber einige Polycarbonsauren des Trimethylens. Liebig's Ann., 284, 1896, 197-226. Ueber Pseudophenylessigsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 106-109; 30, 1897, 632-636; 31, 1898, 2241-2247. Ueber Pseudophenylessigsaure. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1896 (Th. 2, Hfilfte 1), 85. Alkoholische Gahrung ohne Hefezellen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 117-124, 335, 1110-1113. Ueber Derivate des Cycloheptans. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 1949-1950, 2738. ' Ueber zellenfreie Gahrung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 568-574. Ueber A^-Cycloheptencarbonsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 705-707. Demonstration der Zymasegahrung. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 [Th. 2, Halfte 1), 210-211. Ueber Zymasegahrung. [1900.] Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 17, 1899, (243)-(244). Zymase aus getodteter Hefe. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900. 3307-3310. Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von A. Macfadyen, G. H. MoRKis und S. Rowland : " Ueber ausgepresstes Hefezell- plasma (Buchneb's Zymase)." Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3311-3315. Bucbner, Ediuird, & Albert, Robert. See JiUbert & Bucbner. Bucbner, Eduard, & Braren, Wilhelm. See Braren & Bucbner. Bucbner, Eduard, 9M6pioHaj[bHLiM'&pa3BHTieM'B Malacostraca. (Observations sur le d^veloppement des Malacostrac^s. ) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 19 {No. 2), 1895, 216 pp. IIpocTt,i1iuie opraHHSMH Xaji;KH6eftcKaro h KyajiBHimKaro jniManoBT.. (IIpeji,BapHTeji£.Hoe COo6lU,eHie.) [Protozoa found in the limans of Haji- bey and Kuyalnik. (Preliminary communication.)] New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 20 {No. 1), 1895, 137- 148. ayHa 0;1,ecCKHXI. JrilMaHOBt. (Die Fauna der Odessaer-Salzseen (Limane).) New Russ. Soc. Nat. Mem., 21 {No. 2), 1897, 135-219. Die Protozoen-Fauna der Salzsee-Limane bei Odessa. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 194-197. Die Furchung des Eies und die Blastodermbildung der Nebalia. Zool. Anz., 20, 1897, 219-220. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nebalia Geoffroyi. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 493-495. Die Mctazoenfauna der Salzseelimane bei Odessa. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 497. Buck, 7). de. See De Buck. Buck, D[aniel] M., & IMCabery, Charles F[rederic]. See SCabery & Buck. Buck, E[dicard] C[harles]. The spotted-billed duck. [1894.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jl., 9, 1894-95, 97. Buck, Emil [Atigust]. For biography and list of works see Frankf., Zool. Garten, 41, 1900, 158-159; Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1900, ix-x, cli-clviii. Ueber die ungestielte Varietat der Podophrya fixa, Ehb. (Pod. libera, Pty.). Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber,, 1884, 298-314. Das gemauerte Beckenaquarium und seine Bewohner. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 30, 1889, 289-296, 327-338; 31, 1890, 46-53, 83-91, 143-154, 363-368. Neuer Durchliiftungsapparat fvir Kelch- und Kasten- aquarien. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 32, 1891, 289-297 ; 33, 1892, 229-2.S2. Die Unschadlichkeit des Flusskrebses im Aquarium. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 36, 1896, 25-27. Beobachtungen an Schwammen des Bodensees und ihre Ziichtung im Aquarium. Offenbach. Ver. Nat. Ber., 33-36, 1896, 25-70. Die Spitzblasenschnecke (Physa acuta, Drap.) im Aquarium. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 37, 1896, 248-250. Einiges liber [seine] griechische Landschildkrote (Testudo grseca). Frankf., Zool. darten, 38, 1897, 293- 294. Beobachtungen an einer Landplanarie (Geodesmus bilineatus?) und deren Ziichtung. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 38, 1897, 353-361. Buck, George G. Analysis of dolomitic marble from Texas, Md. Amer. Chem. Jl., 19 (1897), 234. Buck, Gordon M., & Stone, Ormond. See Stone & Buck. Buck, Henry R. A nest of hen hawks. Ornith. Ool., 18, 1893, 133-135. Buck, Joseph Haywood Watson. For biographical notice and works see Inst. Civ, Engin. Proc, 134, 1898, 402. Buck, i2. S. The Niagara railway arch. [With discussion.] Amer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans., 40, 1898, 125-177. Bucke, E. W. On the geysers of the Rotorua district, North Island of New Zealand. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1886, 644. Buckell, Edward. A list of some of the rarer plants to be found in the lower part of the Test valley, with special reference to the Mottisfont district. Hampshire Field Club Pap. & Proc, 1, 1890, No. 4, 52-56. Buckell, Francis John. [The differentiation of Cidaria russata (truncata) and immanata.] [1891.] Ent. Record, 1, 1890-91, 275. Physiology of expansion. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 101- 103. Expansion of wings. Ent. Record, 2, 1891, 222. Zonosoma punctaria pupaa dimoi-phic. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 253. The ova state of Geometrse. Ent. Record, 3, 1892, 255. Specific nomenclature : present, past and future. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 127-140. An exact observation on the duration of the several stages in the life-history of Coremia unidentaria. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 224. Notes on the early stages of certain Geometrina. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 241-242. The history of butterfly classification. Ent. Record, 4, 1893, 315-325. Danais Archippus, Anosia plexippus, or what? Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 1-5. Erebia epiphron and its named varieties. A study in synonymy. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 161-165. Have we two indigenous species of Euchloe? Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 172-173. Two entomological antiques. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 190-191. Notes on the parallelism, in their earliest stages, between Eugonia quercinaria and E. autumnaria. Ent. Record, 5, 1894, 231. On the development of pigment in Nemeobius lucina. Ent. Record, 6, 1896, 257-258. On a uniform terminal for super-family names. Ent. Record, 6, 1895, 258. Ccenonympha Tiphon and its varieties. [1895.] Ent. Record, 7, 1896-96, 100-107. Ccenonympha tiphon, var. inornata. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 99. Buckbout, William A . Northern plants in Pennsylvania. Garden & Forest, 4, 1891, 447-448. Another economical maple. Torrey Bot, Club Bull. , 18, 1891, 305. A bit of wild nature in Pennsylvania. Garden erg, C. F., & BCeys, IF. E. On some of the risks attending the use of hiy;h- pressure gases. Soc. Chem. Ind. JL, 11, 1892, 319-320. Budge, Albrecht. For biographical notice see Leopoldina, 21, 1885, 161. Beitrage zur Lebre vom Kreislaufe beim Hiihner- embryo. Congr. Int. Sci. M4d. C. R., 1884 [T. 1, Anat.), 49-50. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Lymph- systems beim Hiibnerembryo. [Posth.] Arch. Anat. Physiol. [Anat. Abth.), 1887, 59-88. Budge, E[rnest] A. Wallis. On the orientation of the pyramids and temples in the SAdan. Roy. Soc. Proc, 65, 1900, 333-349. Budge, Ludwig Julius. For biography and works see Anat. Anz., 3, 1888, 651-652; Humboldt, 7, 1888, 359; Leo- poldina, 24, 1888, 167; Termt. Kozlon., 21, 1889, 600. Budgen, W. A meteor. Nature, 43, 1891, 608. 113 [1899.] [1900.] Budgen] Budgen, ir., & Goodman, Charles H. Notes on the development of Gerris najas. Croydon Micr. Club Proc. & Trans., 4, 1900, 83-84. Budgett, J. S. Notes on the batrachians of the Paraguayan Chaco, with observations upon their breeding habits and development, especially with regard to Phyllomedusa hypoehondrialis, Cope. Also a description of a new genus. Quart. Jl. Micr. Soc, 42, 1899, .305-333. General account of an expedition to the Gambia Colony and Protectorate in 1898-99. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 931-937. Observations on Polypterus and Protopterus. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 10, 1900, 236-240. On Pome points in the anatomy of Polypterus. Zool. Soc. Trans., 15, 1901, 323-338. Bndgett, Sidiiey P. On the similarity of structural changes produced by lack of oxygen and certain poisons. Amer. Jl. Physiol., 1, 1898, 210-214. [Physical absorption of isotonic and anisotonic salt solutions.] Nature, 58 (1898), 484. Budgett, Sidney P., & Oreen, John (jun.). The functional adaptabiUty of afferent nerve fibres. [1899.] Amer. Jl. Physiol., 3, 1900, 115-122. Budgett, Sidney P., & Loeb, Jacques. See Iioeb & Budgett. Budgett, Sidney P., Howell, Wiliiam H[enry], & Xieonard, Ed. See Howell, Budgett & Zieonard. Budgett nxeakin. See Meakin. Budin, Pierre. *Persistance des battements du cceur apres la destruction du bulbe chez un foetus. [1883.] Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 35, 1884 (C. R.), 355-357. Pathog^nie de certains abces du sein. Paris, Ac. M6d. Bull., 21, 1889, 560-567. L'alimentation des nourrissons. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 36, 1896, 210-216. L'alimentation par le lait. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 38, 1897, 241-263. De I'abaissement de temperature chez les enfants d6biles. Ses consequences. Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 41, 1899, 326-334. Les consultations de nourrissons. Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 42, 1899, 194-209. De la pu^riculture apres la naissance. [With dis- cmsion.] Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E., 1900, 426-437. Bndin, Pieire, & Cbavane, A. Note sur Pallaitement des nouveau-n6s. Paris, Ac. M^d. Bull., 28, 1892, 99-114. De I'emploi pour les nourrissons du lait sterilise k 100 degres, au bain-marie. Paris, Ac. M6d. Bull., 30, 1893, 157-184; 32, 1894, 67-95. Bndln, Pierre, & Vlgnal, William. Becherches sur I'emploi du naphtol j3 dans I'ophtalmie purulente. Paris, Soc Biol. M6m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 480-484. Budin, Pierre {et alii). [Sur la prescription des anti- septiques par les sages-femmes.] [Report and discussion.] Paris, Ac. MM. Bull., 23, 1890, 149-170, 211-236. 339- 341. Bndischovgky, E[mile], d' Budischovsky. Budisteanu, [Demetre], & Edeleanu, L[azar]. See Ede- leanu & Budisteanu, Budkov, Ja[kob] P[avlovic]. KopO'fejI.H (CBM. Scolytid£e), HafijteHHHe bi jicHoft jaqi XlexpoBCKaro 3aB0ji;a KaSuHexa Ero BejiHHecTBa bt, 3a6afiKajii>cKofi 06jraCTH. [Coleoptera (fam. Scolytidse) found in the wooden house of the Petrovskij establishment of His Majesty's Office in the Transbaikal district.] Soc Ent Koss. Horae, 31, 1898, xlvii-liv. Budrtn, P., & Strecker, W. Die Wirkung kiinstlicher Dungemittel auf weissen Senf (Sinapis alba) nach Ver- suchen am Landw. Institut der Universitat Gottineen Jl. Landw., 35, 1887, 249-261, 565. * Bue, G. del. Contribute alia conoseenza dei terreni 898 [Biicking TTrbain, G[eorges]. See Vrbain Miocenici di Castelnuovo uei Monti. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 6, 1900, 121-136. Bu6, v., & Combemale, [Frangois Auguste] F[rederic']. See Combemale & Bu6. Bu6, v., & Laguesse, G. E[douard]. See I^aguesse & Bu6. Bueb, J. Benzolcarburation des Leuchtgases. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1895, 622-623. Biicber, A[ugnnt] W[ilhelm], & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludwig]. See Claus & Biicber. Biicliner, Ernst. Ueber die Einwirkung von Kohlensaure auf Ultramarinblau. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 314. Filtration vermittelst des verbesserten Dr. Hirsch'schen Trichters. Chem. Ztg., 13, 1889, 94-95. Biictaner, Eugen. Die Vogel des St. Petersburger Gouverne- ments. Beitr. Euss. Eeich., 2, 1887, 1-150. Zur Geschicbte der kaukasischen Ture (Capra cauca- sica, Giild. , und Capra cylindricornis, Blyth). St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 35, 1887, No. 8, 27 pp. Ueber das Fehlen des Eichhornchens im Kaukasus. [1889.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 33, 1890, 125-132. Die Saugethiere der Ganssu-Expedition (1881-87). [1890.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 34, 1892, 97-118. — ■— Die Abbildungen der nordischen Seekuh [Rhytina gigas, Zimm.]. [1891.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. M^m., 38, 1892, No. 7, 24 pp. OxieTT. 0 BTopoMt ]VIejKji;yHapo;;HOM'L OpHHTO- jiorHiecKOMt EoHrpecfe b-b BysaneuiT-fe. [Eeport on the second International Ornithological Congress at Budapest.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 68, 1892 (Append. No. 1), 50 pp. Ueber das Vorkommen der Mellivora indica, Kerr, im Transcaspi-Gebiet. [1892.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 99-102. Ueber eine neue Sminthus-Art aus China. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 107-111. Zur Kenntniss der rothen Murnielthiere Central- Asiens. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 217-232. Ueber eine neue Katzen-Art (Felis pallida, n. sp.) aus China. [1892.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 35, 1894, 433-435. Das allmahliche Aussterben des Wisents (Bison bonasus, Linn.) im Forste von Bjelowjesha. [1895.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Mem., 3, 1896, No. 2, 30 pp. Bemerkungen iiber die Verbreitung des Edelhirsches im ostlichen Eussland. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 1, 1896, 387-399. Notiz iiber das Vorkommen des Eisfuchses in Turke- stan. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 393-395. Ueber neue und seltene Arten der ornithologischen Fauna des St. -Petersburger Gouvernements. St. Petersb. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sci. Annu., 2, 1897, 453-462. Biicbner, Engen, & Zarudnyj, N[iholaj'] A[lekseevic'\. See Zarudnyj & Biichner. Biicbner, Ludwig. For biographical notice see Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 931-932. Ueber Vergangenheit und Zukunft des Menschenge- schlechts im Sinne der Entwickelungs-Theorie. Rhein- pfalz Pollichia Festschr., 1892, 48-65. Ueber den Kreislauf der Krafte und den Weltunter- gang. [1892.] [Rheinpfalz Pollichia Mitth., (47-53), 1888-95], 104-105. Biicbner, Otto. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Trichlorbrenz- traubensiiure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 656-658. Biichner, Philipp Theodor. For biographical notice see Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 631. Biicking, [i'\]. Die Seitensymmetriegeraden des Dreiecks; als besonderen Fall die Steiner'sche Curve des Dreiecks. Arch. Math. Phys., 16, 1898, 271-319. Biicking, H. Die Unter-Weser und ihre Korrektion. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verh., 1895, 110-118. Bucking] 899 [Biihrer Biicking, [Ferdiiuind Curl Bertram'] Hiifio. *ITeber die geo- logischen Verhiiltnisse des Biidinger Waldes. Dentseh. Natf. Tagebl., 1878, 79-80. *Ueber Augitandesite in der siidlichen llhon und in der Wetterau. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1878, 1-14. *Ueber Basalt vom siidostlichen Vogelsberg und von Schwarzenfels in Hessen. Min. Petr, Mitth., 1, 1878, 101-106. *Ueber Augitandesit und Plagioklasbasalt. Min. Petr. Mitth., 1, 1978, 538-554. Ueber die Lagerungsverhaltnisse der alteren Schichten in Attika. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1884, 935-'J50. Das Schiefergebirge bei Athen. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1886 (Bd. 2), 167. Gebirgsstorungen siidwestlich vom Thiiringer Wald. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [5], 1885, 546-555; [7], 1887, 40-43. [Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften.] Minera- logie, [Petrographie und Krystallograpbie]. Humboldt, 5, 1886, 297-303; 6, 1887, 261-266; 7, 1888, 63-68, 300- 305 ; 8, 1889, 61-65, 304-309 ; 9, 1890, 53-60, 238-242. Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften. Geologie [und Petrographie]. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 344-349; 7, 1888, 143-147, 343-348; 8, 1889, 106-112, 349-355; 9, 1890, 89-94, 312-316. Topas von San Luis Potosi und von Durango in Mexico. Ztschr. Kryst., 12, 1887, 424-434, 451-452. Ueber die Umgestaltung der petrographischeu Syste- matik in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten. Humboldt, 7, 1888, 93-100. Mittheilungen iiber die Eruptivgesteine der Section Schmalkalden (Thiiringen). Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [8], 1888, 119-139. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Gelnhausen, Langenselbold, Bieber und Lohrhaupten. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [9], 1889, Ixxxi-lxxxvi. Blatt Helmershausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 37, Gradabth. 69, No. 30, 1889, 29 pp. Glaserit, Blodit, Kainit und Boracit von Douglashall bei Westeregeln. Ztschr. Kryst., 15, 1889, 561-575; 17, 1890, 646. Blatt Gelnhausen. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erliiut., Lfg. 49, Gradabth. 68, No. 48, 1891, 31 pp. Blatt Langenselbold. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 49, Gradabth. 68, No. 53, 1891, 42 pp. Blatt Bieber. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 49, Gradabth. 68, No. 54, 1891, 55 pp. Blatt Lohrhaupten. Preuss. Thiiring. Geol. Karte Erlaut., Lfg. 49, Gradabth. 69. No. 49, 1891, 30 pp. Der nordwestliche Spessart. Geologisch aufgenommen und erlautert. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Abh., 12, 1892, 274 pp. Das Grundgebirge des Spessarts. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., [10], 1892, 28-98. Ueber Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen in der Rhon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 11, 1892, Ix-lxii. Sulfoborit, ein neues krystallisirtes Borat von Wes- teregeln. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1893, 967-972. Ueber Aufnahmen auf den Blattern Gersfeld und Kleinsassen. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 12,1893, li-lii. Ueber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen im Jahre 1892. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 13, 1893, xxxvi-xxxix. Neue Mineralfunde von Westeregeln. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 533-540. Die Lagerungsverhaltnisse im Grundgebirge des Spess- arts. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Ztschr., 48, 1896, 372-381. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der Aufnahmen im Herbste 1895 in der Rhon. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Jbuch., 16, 1896, xciv-xcv. Neues Vorkommen von Kalifeldspat, Turmalin, Apatit und Topas im Granit des Fichtelgebirges. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1896, 145-150. Bericbt iiber die Exkursion zum Sternsee und Neu- weiher. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. Ber., 1897, 12-13. Beitriige zur Geologie von Celebes. Petermann, Mitth., 45, 1899, 249-260, 273-280. Zur Geologie der Minahassa. Petermann, Mitth., 46, 1900, 46-47. Cordierit von Nord-Celebes und aus den sog. verglasten Sandsteinen Mitteldeutschlands. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1900, 3-20. Leucitbasalt aus der Gegend von Pangkadjene in Siid-Celebes. Freiburg Ber., 11, 1899-1901, 78-84. Bucking, [Ferdinand Carl Bertram] Hugo, & Emnxrlch, H. See Emmricli & Biicking. Bucking, [Ferdinand Carl Bertram] Hugo, Emmrich, H., & Frantzen, W. See. Enunricta, Biicking Sz Frantzen. Biicklers, [Josef Engelbert]. Zur Kenntniss der acuten primaren haraorrhagischen Encephalitis. Arch. Psy- chiatr., 24, 1892, 730-757. Biidingen, Theodor. Experimentelle Untersuchungen der normalen und pathologisch beeinflussten Druckschwan- kungen im Brustkasten. Arch. Exper. Path., 39, 1897, 245-272. Biidinger, Konrad. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Gehinierschiitterung. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 41, 1895, 433-444. Biihler, [Ant.]. Stud! en iiber die Baumgrenze im Hoch- gebirge. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 8, 1898, 19-38. Biihler, A[nton]. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eibildung beim Kaninchen und der Markstrange des Eierstockes beim Fuchs und Menschen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 58, 1894, 314-339. Spermatogenese bei Bufo vulgaris. Anat. Anz., 10, 1895 {Anat. Ges. Verh.), 62-66. Strukturelemente in Nervenzellen. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1896, 170-173. Protoplasma-Structur in Vorderhirnzellen der Ei- dechse. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 29, 1896, (209)- (252). Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nervenzellen. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Verb., 31, 1898, (285)-(392). Das Verbal ten der Carpalknochen bei den Seiten- bewegungen der Hand. Anat. Anz., 16, 1899, 223-229. Entwickelungsstadien menschlicher corpora lutea. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900 (Anat. Ges. Verh.), 150-154. Biihler, F. A. Die Holzdestillation der Neuzeit. Ztschr. Atigew. Chem., 1900, 155-165. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fabrikation der Essigsaure und des Acetous, sowie von Briketts aus Holzkohlen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 637-643. Biihler-Ziindenmeyer, Theodor. For biography and works see Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verb., 1899, xxix-xxxii; Basel Verb., 12, 1900, 199-202. Friihjahrs-Vogelzug der Umgebung Basels in den Jahren 1895-98. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Verh., 1898, 84-86. Biihrer, C. Warme Nordwinde am Nordufer des Genfer Sees. Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 432. Notice sur le climat de Montreux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 27, 1892, 285-293. Les orages des 30 et 31 juillet 1892 dans la Suisse occidental. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull. , 28, 1892, 294- 305. Schneesturm auf dem Genfersee. Meteorol. Ztschr., 9 (1892), 158-159. [Gel^e blanche exceptionnelle.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 29, 1893, xi. Caract^re m^t^orologique de f^vrier 1895. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, xxv-xxvi. Observations meteorologiques aux Rochers de Naye et au Mont de Caux. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1896, 56-59. Le climat du canton de Vaud. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 32, 1896, 33-96, 97-160, 167-258. Le climat du Valais. Bull. Murith., 26, 1898, 3-230. 113—2 Biihrer] 900 Sur le tremblement de terre du 22 f^vrier 1898. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xxvi-xxvii. Tremblements de terre dans le canton de Vaud en 1899. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 36, 1900, xxvii. Les causes des temperatures anormales. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 36, 1900, 225-229. Biihrer, C, & Dufour, Henri. [Observations actino- metriques.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 33, 1897, x-xi; 34, 1898, xix-xx ; 35, 1899, xxii-xxiii. Biihrer, Wilhelm. Temperatur unter der Schneedecke. Meteorol. Ztschr., 11 (1894), 240; 12 (1895), 179-180. Starke Regenfalle. Meteorol. Ztschr., 14 (1897), 154. Biihring, F. Ueber die Temperatur- Verhaltnisse der Stadt Wernigerode. W^ernigerode Naturw. Yer. Schr., 3, 1888, 1-11. Biihring, Ludwig. Ueber die Fettbestimmung in Futter- mitteln. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 34, 1887, 419-423. Buel, Richard H. The compound steam engine, con- sidered in connection with its steam-generating plant. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 30, 1884, 428-435, 441- 461. Evaporation of water from and at 212° Fahrenheit. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., 32, 1885, 106-109. Buell, Allen. Hot winds in Texas. [1893.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 10 (1893-94), 305-308. Buell, Ira M. Geology of the Waterloo quartzite area. [1892.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 9, 1893, 255-274. Bowlder trains from the outcrops of the Waterloo quartzite area. [1894.] Wisconsin Ac. Trans., 10, 1895, 485-509. Buelna, R. F. Estados de Durango, Chihuahua, Sonora y Sinaloa. M^x. Inst. Geol. Bol., 4, 5 & 6, 1896, 19-29; Neues Jbuch. Min,, 1899 (Bd. 2, Re/.), 426-429. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich]. Ueber Phtalylacetes- sigester. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 184-194. Ueber einige Verbinduugen des Phenylhydrazins. Liebig's Ann., 236, 1886, 194-197. [Ueber die Constitution der Kohlenhydrate.] Meck- lenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1892, xxi-xxiii. Ueber die Einwirkung von Saureamiden auf Ben- zaldehyd. Beriin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 26, 1893, 1972- 1974. Ueber Glycerinphosphorsaure. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol. , 57, 1894, 89-92. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Benzaldehydderivate im thierischen Organismus. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 57, 1894, 93-96. Ueber aschefreies Eiweiss. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 58, 1894, 207-221. Ueber die dextrinartigen Abbauproducte der Starke. [1895.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 62, 1896, 131-155, 622. Ueber das Verhalten des o-Nitro-p-phenylendiamins gegen salpetrige Saure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 29, 1896, 2284-2287. Zur Kenntuiss der Isodiazoverbindungen und ihrer Acetessigestercombiuationen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber , 31, 1898, 3122-3131. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des [b. Anilin-azo]-acetes- sigesters ( Acetylglyoxylsaureester - a - phenylhydrazons, Benzolazoac^tessigesters) und seiner Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 197-210, 4080. — — Ueber das [inact. b. 2'-Nitranolin-azo]-benzoylaceton und seine Abkommlinge. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber , 32 1899, 2637-2649, 4084. Ueber Oxalsaurebestimmung in sauren Riibenblattern. Jl. Landw., 47, 1899, 359-367. ■ Beitrag zur Kenntniss fett-aromatischer Azo- und Disazo-Combinationen des Paraphenylendiamins. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 187-199, 4190. Ueber die Basicitatsdifferenz der beiden Amidogruppen [Biinger substituirter Diamine, i. r/t-Toluylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 2364-2370. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Phenylmethylpyrazoldi- carbonsauren. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber. , 33, 1900, 3266- 3270. Beitrag zur Bestimmung der resorbierbaren Eiweiss- stoffe in Futtermitteln. Jl. Landw., 48, 1900, 1-38. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & rischer, Emil. See Fischer & Biilow. Biilow, [Tlieodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Knoxr, ■ Liidwig. See Knorr & Biilow. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Mann, Eugcn. Ueber das o-Nitro-^J-pbenylendiamin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 30, 1897, 977-988, 1812, 3448. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinricli], & Polstorff, Karl. See Folstorff & Biilow. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Beden, Ulrich von. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der 3.8-Diamidodiphenyl-2.9- dicarbonsaure (3.8-Diamido-2.9-diphensaure, o-Diamido- diphensaure, Benzidin-o-dicarbonsaure). Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 2574-2582, 3679. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & Scblesinger, Alfred. Darstellung von Isopyrazolderivaten aus (b. Anilin-azo)- diacetbernsteinsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2880-2891. Darstellung von Pyrazolderivaten aus Azocombina- tionen des Diacetbernsteinsaureesters. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 33, 1900, 3362-3369, 4194. Biilow, [Theodor] Carl [Heinrich], & WolfB, Hans. Ueber neue Eeprasentanten der primaren Disazofarbstofle der Benzolreihe. Berhn, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 488- 494, 2775-2783, 3677. Biilow, W. von. Die Diirre des Jahres 1896 auf der Insel Savaii, Samoa-Inseln. Petermann, Mitth., 43, 1897, 68-70. Biilow, Waldcmar. Bidrag till Skanes svampflora. [i. Hattsvampar.] Bot. Notiser, 1889, 131-142; Hedwigia, 28, 1889, 288. Biilow-XXansen, [V.], & Harbitz, Francis. Beitrag zur Lehre der acuten Poliomyelitis. Beitr. Path. Anat. , 25, 1899, 517-546. Buels, Ed. Observations sur les fils de bronze employes en telegraphic. Jl. T^l^gr., 16, 1892, 229-235; 18, 1894, 42-46. BiiltzingBlowen, Curt von, & Orimm, Hermann. See Grimm & Biiltzingslowen. Buen y del Cos, Odon de. Materiales para la fauna carci- nologica de Espafia. [1886.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 16, 1887, 405-434. [Sobre hallazgo de restos f6siles en La Garriga.] Madrid, Soc. Hist. Nat. An., 20, 1891 {Act.), 111. Biinau, von. [Vorkommen von Orobanche-Arten in Nordost-Deutschland.] [1893.] Danzig Schr., 8, 1892- 94 [Hefte 3 & 4), 235. Biinger, E. Die Adventiv-Flora auf dem Bau -Terrain am Stadtbahnhof Bellevue in Berlin. Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 26, 1885, 203-210. Beitrage zur Anatomic der Laubmooskapsel. Bot. Centrbl., 42, 1890, 193-199, 225-230, 257-262, 289-296, 321-326, 353-356. Biinger, Hermann. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Aquila fulva und A. chrysaetus in Schlesien.] [1887.] Jl. f. Ornith., 36, 1888, 114. Bemerkungen zu dem F. Anzinger'schen Aufsatz iiber die Verschlechterung des Gesanges von Sylvia atricapilla. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 18, 1894, 8-9. Cinclus merula im Harz. Ornith. Mber., 3, 1896, 142. Neuer Fundort von Muscicapa parva in der Mark. Ornith. Mber., 3, 1896, 142. Singt unser Pirol? Jl. f. Ornith., 45, 1897, 172-173. Ornithologische Erinnerungen aus der Mark, 1899. Ornith. Mber., 8, 1900, 54-56. Biingner] 901 [Biisgen Bungler, Otto von. Ueber die Degenerations- uud Re- Kt'nerationsvorgiinge am Nerven nach Verletzungen. Beitr. Path. Anat., 10, 1891, 321-39:1 Bemerkunp; zu der Arbeit von Prof. G. C. Hdbkk "Ueber das Verhalten der Kerne der Schwann'schen Scheide bei Nervendegenerationen" in diesem Archiv Bd. 40, Heft 3. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 41, 1893, 146. Ueber die Einheilung von Fremdkorpern unter Ein- wirkung cliemischer und raikroparasitarer Schadlich- keiten. Ein Beitrag zur Entzlindungslehre. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 33-126. Biinte, C. Ueber die in Vorschlag gebrachten Modifica- tionen der Reichert-Meissl'schen Butterpriifung auf Margarinzusatz und eine neue Methode zur exaeten Ermittlung der Reichert-Meissl'schen Zahl. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 204-206. Buenzod, J[ean], & Oraebe, Charles. See Graebe & Buenzod. Biirchner, L. Ikaros-Nikaria, eine vergessene Insel des griechischen Archipels. Petermann, Mitth., 40, 1894, 256-261. Biirckel. See Burckel. Biiren von Salis, E[ugen] von. Einige seltene Aberrationen bei Schmetterlingen. Bern Mitth., 1891, xiv. Biirgel, Bruno H. Die "Urania" zu Berlin, ihre Ent- stehung und ihr Wirken. Centrztg. Optik, 19, 1898, 212-214, 223-225, 234-236. Burger, . [Ausgrabungen im Lohnethal, Bockstein- hohle u. a.] Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl. , 1892, 107-108. Burger, J\psua], & Krafit, Flriedrich]. See XrafEt & Burger. Burger, Julius. Das Legen von Diatomaceen und anderen kleinen Objecten unter dem Mikroskope. Ztschr. Angew. Mikr., 4, 1899, 85-86. Burger, Otto. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Nervensystems der Nemertinen. Gottingen Nachr. , 1888, 479-482. Untersuchuiigen iiber die Anatomie und Histologie der Nemertinen nebst Beitrage zur Systematik. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 50, 1890, 1-277. Ueber Attractionssphiiren in den Zellkorpern einer Leibesflvissigkeit. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 484-489. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber Untersuchungen an Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel. Gottingen Nachr., 1891, 286-301. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Nervensystems der Wir- bellosen. Neue Untersuchungen iiber das Nervensystem der Nemertinen. [1891.] Neapel Zool. Stat. Mitth., 10, 1891-93, 206-254. Zur Kenntniss von Nectonema agile, Verr. Zool. Jbiich. {Anat.), 4, 1891, 631-652. Beitrage zur Eutwicklungsgeschichte der Hirudineen. Zur Embryologie von Nephelis. Zool. Jbiich. [Anat.), 4, 1891, 697-738. Die Enden des exkretorischen Apparates bei den Nemertinen. [1891.] Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 53, 1892, 322-333. Was sind die Attraktionsspharen und ihre Gentral- korper? Anat. Anz., 7, 1892, 222-231. Zur Systematik der Nemertinenfauna des Golfs von Neapel. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Gottingen Nachr., 1892, 137-178. Ueber die Anatomie und die Systematik der Ne- mertinen. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1893, 24-27. Siidgeorgische und andere exotische Nemertinen. [1893.] Zool. Jbuch. (Syst.), 7, 1894, 207-240. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattnng Sesarma. [1893.] Zool. Jbiich. [Syst.), 7, 1894, 613-632. Studien zu einer Revision der Eutwickelungsgeschichte der Nemertiuen. Freiburg Ber., 8, 1894, 111-141. Ueber den Stiletapparat der Nemertinen. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 390-392. Neue Beitrage zur Eutwicklungsgeschichte der Hiru- dineen, Zur Embryologie von Hirudo medicinalis und Aulastomum gulo. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 58, 1894, 440- 459. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Telphusa. [1894.] Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 8, 1895, 1-7. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Nemertinen. {With discussion.'] Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh.. 1895, 32-55. Die Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Neapel Zool. Stat., Fauna & Flora, 22, 1895, xvi -1-743 pp. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pinnotherinen. Zool. Jbiich. (Syst.), 8, 1895, 361-390. Beitrage zur Anatomie, Systematik und geographi- schen Verbreitung der Nemertinen. [1895.] Ztschr, Wiss. Zool., 61, 1896, 16-37. Meeres- und Land-Nemertinen, gesammelt von den Herren Dr. Plate und Micholitz. [1896.] Zool. Jbiich. {Syst.), 9, 1897, 271-276. Biixger, Otto, & Carri^re, Justus. See Carritoe & Burger. Biirgi, E. Reisen an der Togokiiste und im Ewegebiet, Petermann, Mitth., 34, 1888, 233-237. Biirgi, Emil. Ueber Athmung auf Bergen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. {Physiol. Abth.), 1898, 534-536; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 900. Der respiratorische Gaswechsel bei Ruhe und Arbeit auf Bergen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1900, 509-543. Biirgin, H[ans], & Kehrmann, Friedrich. See Kehnuann & Biirgin. Biirker, iir[arZ]. Ueber eine neue Thermosaule zu myother- mischen Untersuchungen. [1899.] Deutsch. Natf. Verh,, 1899 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 485-486, xxiii; Centrbl. Physiol., 13, 1900, 485-488. Ueber ein Dreipulvergemisch zur Darstellung elek- trischer Staubfiguren, Ann. Phys., 1, 1900, 474-482, — Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Muskelwarme, Erste Abhandlung : Ueber neue Thermosaulen zu myo- thermischen Untersuchungen nebst Beschreibung einer myothermischen Versuchsanordnung. [Zweite Abhand- lung. Weitere Bemerkungen zur myothermischen Ver- suchsmethodik.] Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol,, 80, 1900, 533- 582; 81, 1900, 399-415. Beitrage zur Physiologic des Elektrotonus. Erste Mittheilung : Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der Richtung reizender Oeffnungs-Inductionsstrome und dem elektro- tonischen Efifect in der infrapolaren Nervenstrecke. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 81, 1900, 76-102. Biirkle, E^mil, & Ooldschmidt, Heinrich. See Oold- Bchmldt & Biirkle. Biirkner, A'[Hrrf]. Ueber das Auer'sche Gasgliihlicht als Liclitquelle fiir das Mikroskopiren. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 4, 1887, 35-38. Biirstenbinder, Otto. Ueber tuberculosa Iritjis und Keratitis parenchymatosa. Aroh. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1896 (Abth. 1), 85-108. Anatomische Untersuchung eines Falles von Retinitis pigmentosa. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 41, 1895 (Abth. 4), 175-186. Biiry, Otto. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung des Hrn. E. Pringsheim iiber "Das Kirchhoff'sche Gesetz und die Strahlung der Gase." Ann. Phys. Chem,, 52, 1894, 205-206, Biischen, (Kapt.) E. Das Einsetzen von Land- und Seebriese in Rio de Janeiro, Ann. der Hydrogr., 14 (1886), 279. Biisdorf, H[an.^], Bamberger, Eugen, & Sand, Henry J. S. See Bamberger, Biisdorf & Sand. Biisdorf, ll[ans], Bamberger, Eugen, & Szolayski, Bogdan. See Bamberger, Biisdorf & Szolayski. Biisgen, M[oritz]. Aspergillus Oryzffi. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 3, 1886, Ixvi Ixxi ; Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1886, 98-100. Biisgen] 902 [Biittg^enbach Cobii, Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cladochytrien. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz., 4, 1887, 269-283. Ueber die Art und Bedeutung des Thierfangs bei Utricularia vulgaris, L. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 6, 1888, Iv-lxiii; Deutscb. Natf. Tagebl., 1888, 44. Untersuchungen iiber normale und abnorme Marsilien- friichte. Flora, 73, 1890, 169-182. Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten des Gerbstoffes in den Pflanzen. Jena. Ztscbr., 24, 1890, 11-60. Der Honigtau. Biologische Studien an Pflanzen und Pflanzenlausen. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 193-200; Jena. Ztschr., 25, 1891, 339-428. Ueber einige Eigenschaften der Keimlinge parasi- tischer Pilze. Bot. Ztg., 51, 1893 (Abth. 1), 53-70. Culturversucbe mit Cladothrix dichotoma. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 12, 1894, 147-152. Sur remission d'un liquide sucr6 par les parties vertes de I'oranger. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 957-958. Biissem, Heinrich. Ueber Geschmacksempfindungen rachitischer und nicht-rachitischer Kinder. Jbuch. Kinderheilk., 39, 1895, 166-183. ^ntBcbli,[Johan Adam]Oltto]. Bemerkungen zur Gastraea- theorie. Morphol. Jbuch., 9, 1884, 415-427. Gedanken iiber die morphologische Bedeutung der sogenannten Richtungskorperchen. [1884.] Biol. Cen- trbl., 4, 1886, 5-12. Ueber die nervosen Endorgane an den Fiihlern der Chilognathen und ihre Beziehungen zu denen gewisser Insecten. [1884.] Biol. Centrbl., 4, 1886, 113-116. Nachschrift zu vorstehender Arbeit : [Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Gastropodenauges]. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1886, 372-375. Zur Herleitung des Nervensystems der Nematoden. Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1886, 486-493. Einige Bemerkungen iiber gewisse Organisations- verhaltnisse der sog. Cilioflagellaten und der Noctiluca. [Mit einem Beitrag von E. Askenasy.] Morphol. Jbuch., 10, 1886, 529-577. Bemerkungen iiber einen dem Glycogen verwandten Korper in den Gregarinen. Ztschr. Biol., 21, 1885, 603-612. Notiz zur Morphologie des Auges der Muscheln. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Festschr., B, 1886, 173-180. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger mariner Rhizo- poden. Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 78-101. Bemerkungen zu der Schrift des Herrn Arnold Brass "Die Organisation der thierischen Zelle" (i. und ii. Theil). Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 229-242. Versuch einer morphologischen Vergleichung der Vorticellinen mit verwandten Ciliaten. , Morphol. Jbuch., 11, 1886, 553-565. Bemerkungen iiber die wahrscheinliche Herleitung der Asymmetric der Gastropoden, spec, der Asymmetric im Nervensystem der Prosobranchiaten, Morphol. Jbuch., 12, 1887, 202-222. Bemerkungen iiber die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Musca. Morpliol. Jbuch., 14, 1888, 170-174. Miissen wir ein Wachstum des Plasmas durch Intus- susception annehmen? [1888.] Biol. Centrbl. , 8, 1889, 161-164. Ueber zwei interessante Ciliatenformen. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889. 265-266. Versuche zur Nachahmung von Protoplasmastructuren. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 266-267. Experimental imitation of protoplasmic movement. Quart. Jl. Micr. Sci., 31, 1890, 99-103. Ueber die Structur des Protoplasmas. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1891, 14-29. Ueber die Struktur des Protoplasmas. [1889-90.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, 423-434, 441, 490-502. Ueber die sog. Centralkorper der Zelle und ibre Be- deutung. [1891.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892 535-538. Mittheilungen iiber die Bewegung der Diatomeeii. Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 4, 1892, .580-586. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Augen der Salpen. Zool. Anz., 15, 1892, 349-353. Versuch der Ableitung des Echinoderms aus einer bilateralen Urform. Ztsc-hr. Wiss. Zool., 53, 1892 {SuppL), 136-160. Ueber den Bau quellbarer Korper und die Bedingungen der Quellung. Gottingen Abh., 40, 1896 [Math.-Phys.), 68 pp. Betrachtungen iiber Hypothese und Beobachtung. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verb., 1896, 7-16. Ueber die kiinstliche Nachahmung der karyokine- tischen Figur. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 28-41. Ueber die Schaumstructur geronnener Substanzen. [1892.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 42-43. Ueber den feinereu Bau der Starkekorner. [1893.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, H9-102. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber fortgesetzte Untersuchungen an Gerinnurigsschaumen, Spharokrystallen und die Structur von Cellulose- und Chitinmembranen. [1894.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 230-292. Ueber die Herstellung von kiinstlicben Starkekornern oder von Spharokrystallen der Starke. [1896.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 457-472. Bemerkungen iiber die Anwendbarkeit des Experiments in der Entwickelungsmechanik. Arch. EntwMech., 5, 1897, 591-593. Ueber Structuren kiinstlicber und natiirlicher quell- barer Substanzen. Heidelb, Nat. Med. Verb., 5, 1897, 360-368. Notiz iiber Teilungszustande des Gentralkorpers bei einer Nostocacee nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber J. KiJNSTLEE's und Busquet's Auiiassung der roten Kornchen der Bakterien, etc. [1898.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 6, 1898-1901, 63-68. Bemerkungen zur Geschicbte der Frage nach der Plasmastructur. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 145-146. Ueber die Loslichkeit des Scbwefels in Wasser und Glycerin. Ztscbr. Kryst., 31, 1899, 277-279. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Asterenbildung im Plasma. [1899.] Arch. EntwMech., 9, 1900, 157-159. Bemerkungen iiber Plasmastromungen bei der Zell- tbeilung. Arch. EntwMech., 10, 1900, 52-57. Untersuchungen iiber die Mikrostruktur kiinstlicber und natiirlicher Kieselsauregallerten (Tabaschir, Hydro- phan. Opal). [1900.] Heidelb. Nat. Med. Verb., 6, 1898-1901, 287-348. Biitschli, [Johan Adam] 0[tto], & Seviakov, Vladimir T. Ueber den feineren Bau der quergestreiften Muskeln von Artbropoden. Biol. Centrbl., 11, 1891, 33-39. Biittgenbach, Franz. Ein neues Gebiet fiir Steinkoblen- gewinnung. Berg- u. Hiittenra. Ztg., 51, 1892, 1-2. Die Steinkoblen der Erde, ihre Verbreitung und Erschopfung. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 52, 1893, 207- 209, 217-219. Ein neues Steinkohlengebiet. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 53, 1894, 361-364. Ueber die Wirkung von Dolomitzuschlagen im Hoch- ofenbetriebe. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 54, 1896, 205- 206. La reduction du manganese au haut-fourneau. Rev. Univ. Mines, 32, 1896, 53-61, 317-319. Ueber Verschiebungen und Spriinge im Wurmrevier. Ztschr. Prakt. Geol., 1895, 133-137. La foudre dans les bauts-fourneaux. Rev. Univ. Mines, 33, 1896, 232-234. Note sur le traitement des minerals de fer riches et I'emploi des laitiers acides. Rev. Univ. Mines, 35, 1896, 220-225. Les depots salins des plaines du nord de I'Allemagne. Rev. Univ. Mines, 39, 1897, 37-58. Biittgenbach] 903 [Biittner Die unterirdische Bausteingewinnung in der Maas- trichter Tuffkreideforniation. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 325-327, 343-344, 353-355. Die (ieologie des alten Herzogthums Limburg. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 57, 1898, 363-366. Ueber die verschiedenen Zustande des Koblenstoffes im Eisen und Stahl. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Ztg., 58, 1899, 134-137. Biittikofer, J[ohannes]. Zoological researches in Liberia. A list of birds, collected by [the author] and C. F. Sala in western Liberia, with biological observations. [A list of birds, collected by Mr. F. X. Stampfli near Monrovia, on the Messurado river, and on the Junk river with its tributaries. A list of birds, collected by the author and Mr. F. X. Stampfli during their last sojourn in Liberia. Fourth list of birds. On a series of birds, collected by Mr. A. T. Demeby, in the district of Grand Cape Mount.] Leyden Mus. Notes 7, 1885, 129-256; 8, 1886, 243-268; 10, 1888, 59-106; 11, 1889, 113-138; 12, 1890, 197-206. On a collection of birds from the Tenimber Islands. Leyden Mus. Notes, 8, 1886, 58-68. On a new species of Pcricrocotus from Sumbawa. Leyden Mus. Notes, 8, 1886, 155-156. On a collection of birds made by Dr. C. Klaesi in the highlands of Padang (W. Sumatra) during the winter 1884-85. Leyden Mus. Notes, 9, 1887, 1-96. On birds from the Congo and south western Africa. Leyden Mus. Notes, 10, 1888, 209-244; II, 1889, 65-79, 193-200. On a new owl from Liberia. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 34. Additional remark on Francolinus subtorquatus. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 80. On two probably new birds from Liberia. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 97-98. On a new species of gallinule. Leyden Mus. Notes, 11, 1889, 191-192. On a collection of birds from Flores, Samao and Timor. Leyden Mus. Notes, 13, 1891, 210-216. The specimens of the genus Tatare in the Leyden Museum. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 13-16. . On the specific value of Levaillant's "traquet com- mandeur." Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 17-18. On the collection of birds, sent by the late A. T. Demeky from the Sulyraah river (W. Africa). Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 19-30. On a chestnut and black weaver finch from Sumatra. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 132. On a collection of birds from the islands of Flores, Sumba and Rotti. Leyden Mus. Notes, 14, 1892, 193- 206. A review of the genus Rhipidura, with an enumeration of the specimens in the Leyden Museum. [1892-93.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 65-98, 113-115. On Merula javanica and its nearest allies. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 107-110. On two new species of Pachycephala from south Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 167-168. On two new species of the genus Stoparola from Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 169-170. On a new species of the genus Gerygone from Borneo. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 174-176. On two new species of birds from south Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 179-181. On two new species of the genus Gerygone. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 258-259. On two new species of birds from Java and Celebes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 260-261. Description of a new genus of crakes. Leyden Mus. Notes, 15, 1893, 274-275. Zoologische Skizzen aus der niederlandischen Expedi- tion nach central Borneo. Congr. Int. Zool. C. B., 1896, 212-227. On two new birds of Paradise. Leyden Mus. Notes, 16, 1895, 161-165. On the immature dress of Microglossus aterrimus. Leyden Mus. Notes, 16, 1895, 166-167. Einige Bemerkungen iiber neu angekommene Paradies- vogel. [1895.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 17, 1895-96, 36-40. A revision of the genus Turdinus and genera allied to it, with an enumeration of the specimens contained in the Leyden Museum. [1895.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 17, 1895-96, 65-106. On Phasianus ignitus and its nearest allies. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 17, 1895-96, 169-196. On the genus Pycnonotus and some allied genera, with enumeration of the specimens in the Leyden Museum. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 17, 1896-96, 225-252. On a probably new species of Crypturus. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 1-2. Rectification of two generic names. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 58. On a new duck from the island of Sumba. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 59-62. On a collection of birds from Nias. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 161-198. On a probably new species of Newtonia from Mada- gascar. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-9T, 199- 200. On a hermaphroditical specimen of Phasianus col- chicus. [1896.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 208. On the identity of Stoparola concreta with Siphia cyanea. [1897.] Leyden Mus. Notes, 18, 1896-97, 221- 222. Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to central Borneo. Introduction. Leyden Mus. Notes, 19, 1897, 1-25. Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to central Borneo. The birds. [1900.] Leyden Mas. Notes, 21, 1899-1900, 145-276. Biittner, . Ein Fall von Myom der weiblichen Urethra. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 28, 1894, 136-139, 423. Biittner, [Hans] Br[uiio'], & Claus, Adolph [Carl Ludwig]. See Claus & Biittner. Biittner, C. G. Die Missionsstation Otyimbingue in Damaraland. Berlin Ztschr. Erdk., 20, 1885, 39-56. Ueber den Stand der geographischen Erforschung des deutschen Schutzgebietes in Siidwestafrika. Deutsch. Geogrtag. Verb., 1887, 105-111. Erinnerungen an [seine] Reise in Siidwest-Afrika von Bersaba bis Okahandya im Jahre 1885. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 17, 1890, 371-398. Bilder aus dem Geistesleben der Suaheli in Ostafrika, ihrer epischen und lyrischen Dichtung entnommen. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 20, 1893, 147-160. Biittner, F. Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der Peritonealepithelien bei Entziindung. Beitr. Path. Anat. , 25, 1899, 453-481. Biittner, Friedrich [Hermann Alexander]. Studien iiber die Green'scbe Abhandlung: Mathematical investigations concerning the laws of the equilibrium of fluids (1832). Leipzig Jablon. Preisschr., 36, 1900, 98 pp. Biittner, G[eorg'\, & Auwers, Karl [Friedricli]. See Auwers & Biittner. Biittner, G. A. Knospenvariation bei Laburnum Adami, Poir. Dresden Isis Sber., 1896, 26-27. Biittner, M[nx], & Iiellmann, Eug[en]. See IielUnann & Biittner. Biittner, Onkar. Ueber Epilepsia procursiva und die Bedeutung des Laufphanomens. Eine literarische und pathologische Studie. AUg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 47, 1891, 549-596. Biittner, Richard. Regenmessungen der katholischen Mission in San Salvador. [1885.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mitth., 4, 1883-86, 395-396. Biittner] 904 [Bugaev Die Congo-Expedition. Bericht. [1886.] Berlin, Afrik. Ges. Mittii., 5, 1886-87, 2-12. Ueber die Uferfiora des Congo. [1886.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 28, 1887, ii-iii. Neue Arten von Guinea, dem Kongo und dam Quango. [1889-90.] Brandenb. Bot. Ver. Verb., 31, 1890, 64-96; 32, 1891, 35-54. Reisen im Togolande. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 19, 1892, 246-262. Biittner, Wilhelm. Einfacher Extractionsapparat fiir analytische Arbeiten. Ztschr. Angew. Cbem., 1893, 634- 635. Biitzberger, F. Ueber besondere affine Raume. Ztscbr. Math. Phys., 38, 1893, 1-6. Bufalini, G[iovaiini]. Sulla preparazione della iodoemina. Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 291-292. Sul potere curarico dell' ioduro di tetraetilammonio. Ann. di Chim., 1, 1885, 292-294. Deir azione dei sali ammoniacali e d' idrossilammina suUa eccitabilit^ muscolare. Ann. di Chim., 2, 1885, 39-46. Sopra una reazione del veleno del rospo. Ann. di Chim., 2, 1886, 46-48. Nuove ricerche suU' avvelenamento per jequirity. Ann. di Chim., 3, 1886, 137-151. Suir uso terapeutico della cascara sagrada. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 88-90. Sul valore terapeutico del sozojodolo. Ann. di Chim., 7, 1888, 308-314. Sul valore terapeutico della medicatura terebentinata. Ann. di Chim., 10, 1889, 193-207. Ricerche sull' asparagina. Ann. di Chim., 10, 1889, 207-219. Deir influenza dei sali ammoniacali e dell' asparagina sul diabete. Ann. di Chim., 12, 1890, 199-207. Sopra r azione anestesica locale della peronina. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 421-429. La radice di tang-kui e 1' eumenolo. Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1900], 140-143. Bufalini, Luigi. Afasia motrice senza complicazioni e successiva amnesia verbale con monoplegia brachiale. Sperimentale, 55, 1885, 465-485. Un jeune experimental de trente jours. Rev. Sci., 38, 1886, 413-414. BufiF, H{einrich]. *Ueber Warmestrahlung aus dem Him- melsraum. Deutscb. Natf. Tagebl., 1876 {Beil), 69. BufiF, H[einrich] L[udivig]. To reference in No. 10 {Vol. 7) add Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1868, 202. Buff, R[udolf]. Revision der Lehre von der reflectorischen Speichelsecretion. Eckhard, Beitr., 12, 1888, 1-39. Buffa, E. Recherches exp^rimentales sur la toxicity du sang de la lamproie. [1899.] Arch. Ital. Biol., 33, 1900 177-185. Btiffa, E., & Scofone, L. See Scofone & Buffa. Buffa, Pietro. Sopra una cocciniglia nuova (Aclerda Berlesii, n. sp.), vivente sulla canna comune (Arundo donax). [1897.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 6, 1898, 135-160. Contributo alio studio anatomico della Heliothrips hffimorrhoidahs. Fair. [1898.] Riv. Patol. Veg., 7, 1899, 94-108, 129-142. Buffa, Vincenzo. *[L' eclisse totale di luna del 27 febbraio 1877.] Annotazioni. [1877.] MoncalieriOss. Bull., 12 1878, 130-131. Buffard,!/., & Scbneider, G. See Schneider & Buffard. Buffet-Delmas, [il/«9-c]. Sur une auomalie du nerf grand- hypoglosse. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 114, 1892, 610-612. Buffbam, T[homas] H[aghes]. For biography and list of woks see Jl. Bot., 34, 1896, 170-171; Quekett Micr Club Jl., 6, [1897], 210-213. Newly-observed phenomena in the conjugation of the diatom Rhabdonema arcuatum. [1885.] Quekett Micr Club Jl., 2, [1886], 131-137. On the reproductive organs, especially the antheridia, of some of the Floridere. [1888-93.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 3, [1889], 257-266; 4, [1889-92], 246-253; 5, [1894], 291-305. The plurilocular zoosporangia of Asperococcus buUosus and Myriotrichia clavaforrais. Jl. Bot., 29, 1891, 321-323. Algological notes. Grevillea, 21, [1893], 86-93. Chantransia trifila : a new marine Alga. [1892.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 5, [1894], 24-26. Conjugation of diatom : Orthoneis binotata, Grunow. [1892.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 5, [1894], 27-30. On Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Hariot, in Cornwall. [1885.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 6, [1897], 177-182. Notes on some Florideaj. [1896.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 6, [1897], 183-190. Buffon, \A. J.]. Notes sur Kouang-Tcheou-Wan. Arch. Med. Navale, 73, 1900, 280-292. Buffone, Angelo. Studio di un' elica sferica ed algebrica. Giorn. Mat., 34, 1896, 152-176. Bugaev, N[ikolaj'\ V[aiiiljevic]. To reference in No. 20 {Vol. 12) add Bull. Sci. Math., 9, 1886, 89-102. Sur une loi generale de la theorie de la partition des nombres. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1123-1125. Application des lois generales de la theorie de la partition des nombres aux fonctions numeriques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 1159-1162. Ht.KOTopHfl iipiijioKeHifl Teopiir bj.ihiith- yecKHXt (|)yHKU,iri Kb Teopiii (JjyHKuifi npepuB- HEixT.. PacnpocxpaHeiiie o^miixi. qirciiOBHxr, 3aK0H0B's Ha (i)yHKn,iH iipoiiaeojibHHfl. [Sur quel- ques applications de la theorie des fonctions elliptiques a la theorie des fonctions discontinues. Extension des lois generales numeriques aux fonctions arbitraires. ] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 3-21 ; Bull. Sci. Math., 9, 1885, 103. OjiHHT, o6min saKOHt Teopiii pa36ieHiK nirceju.. [Sur une loi generale de la theorie de la partition des nombres.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 283-314. 06iii,ia ocHOBaHifl iictiiicjieHia E (x) k une seule variable independante.] [1885-87.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 12, 1885, 579-642, 725-756; 13,1886, 1-98, 167-228; Bull. Sci. Math., 11, 1887, 61-73. CBoBcTBa o;;Horo HHCiOBaro HH-rerpajia no ji.'fejiHTejiiiM'L H ero paaJuiiHUii iipHMisHeHia. JTorapifGMHqecKia iHCJiOBwa (|)yHKuiir. [Die Eigenschaften eines Zahlenintegrals nach den Divisoren und seine verschiedenen Anwendungen. Die logarith- mischenZahlenfunctionen] [1887.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 13, 1886, 757-777; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 186. Sur une integrale numerique suivant les diviseurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 652-653. Sur les fonctions discontinues logarithmiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1067-1070. 06mie iipieiiH BHHiicjieHifl iiicjoBHX'fc hhtb- rpajiOBt no AiiJiiiTejiflin.. EcTecTBenHaH Kjiac- cii4)iiKauifl nijiHX'h 'niceji'b h iipepHBHHx^ (})yHKi;iH. [AUgemeine Methoden der Berechnung der Zahlenintegrale nach den Divisoren. Natiirliche Klassi- tication der ganzen Zahlen und der disoontinuirhchen Functionen.] [1888.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 1-44; Fortschr. Math., 1888, 186-187. Kl. Teopiii CXO^HMOCTII pHJIiOBl>. [Zur Theorie derConvergenzderReihen.] [1888.1 Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 279-282; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 232. reOMeipiil IipOII3BOJILHUX1, BejIliyilHI,. [Geo- metrie der willkiirlichen Grossen.] [1888.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 391-409; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 725-726. Bugaev] 905 [Bugaev 06miH npeo6pa30BaHia ihciobhxT) HHterpa- JI0B1> no Jt'fejTHTe.IHMt. [Allgemeine Transformationen der Zahlenintegrale nach den Divisoren.] [1889.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 169-196; Fortschr. Math., 1889, 182-183. Pa,3JHMiiMfl iipiiMiiHeHiK Hanajia HaHfiojibmnxT. H HaiiMeHLiuiixTj iiOKa.3aTejiefi bi> reopiii a.ire6pa- HieCKHX'b (j)yHKll,irr. [Diverses applications du prin- cipe des exposants maxima et minima dans la theorie des fonctions algebriques.] [1889.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 14, [1890], 553-590. OjiHa o6ma-a Teopiii ajire6paHqecKnxi> KpiiBHxi. BHCmaro nopflJi;Ka. [Th^or^me g^n^ral de la tbeorie des courbes algebriques d'ordre supdrieur.] [1889.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 58-60. IIpepHBHafl reOMGTpia. [Unstetige Geometrie.] [1890.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 600-607; Fort- schr. Math., 1891, 726. Complement a un probl^me d'ABEL. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 113, 1891, 1025-1028. JI^podHue iiacTHue HHTerpajiH ;i,ii(|)(j)epeHuiajib- HHXT. ypaBHeHifl. [Die particulareu fractionareu Integrale der Differentialgleichungen.] [1891.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 67, 1892 (SuppL), No. 4, 12 pp. ; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 313. - 06iii,iH ycJiOBia HHTerpirpyeMOCTH bt. kohgh- H0M1. BHA'i 9jiJiHnTHiecKaro ji,H4)4>epeHu,iajia. [Die allgemeinen Bedingungen der endlichen Integrir- barkeit des elliptischen Differentials.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 69, 1892 (SuppL), No. 8, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 422-423. Haiajio Han6ojibiiriix'b ii HaiiMeHbiniix'E. noKa- aaxejieft bt. Teopin ;i;H4)(J)epeHi],iajibHHX'b ypaB- HGHiS. I^^JHe naCTHHe HHTerpaJIH. [Princip der hocbsten und niedrigsteu Exponenten in der Theorie der Differentialgleichungen. Die ganzen particulareu Integrale.] [1891.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 16, [1893], 39-80; Fortschr. Math., 1891, 313. BbipajKeme 9.oHnTH'-iecKHxx iiHierpajiOB'b bt. KOHeHHOM'b BWX^. [Der Ausdruck der elliptischen Integrale in endlicher Form.] [1891.] Rec. Math (Mopcou), 16, [1893], 259-281; Fortschr. Math., 1892, 421-422. Sur les int^grales d^finies suivant les diviseurs. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 1259-1261. Ajire6paiiiecKie qacTHue HHierpajiH .Ji,n(})4)e- peHUiaJbHHX'b ypaBHenifl. [Algebraische particulare Integrale der Differentialgleichungen.] [1892-97.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 399-438; 19, [1897], 662- 663 ; Fortschr. Math. , 1893-94, 538 [Part 1]. OnpejiijeHUHe ^ncjiOBHe iiHTerpajiH no a'^-ih- TeJiaM7>. [Bestimmte Zahlenintegrale nach den Divi- soren.] [1893.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 720- 758; Fortschr. Math., 1895, 218-219. Sur quelques thdor^mes de I'arithmologie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 432-434. Sur le theor^me de Taylor transforme. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 1127-1129. P'feib npe3iiji,eHTa MocKOBCKaro MareMaTii- lecKaro 06iii,ecTBa. 9 aHBapn 1894 ro;i;a. [Presi- dential address, Moscow Math. Soc, 9 January 1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, vi-xiii. Onpeji.i5JieHUHe iiicjOBHe lurrerpajiH no A-kin- lejaMT. ciwfeniaHnaro xapaKxepa. [Die bestimmten Zahlenintegrale nach den Divisoren vermischten Cha- rakters.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 1-54; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 158. B. 8. A. C. Cnoco67. nocji'fcji;oBaTejrbHHX'b npH6jiHateHifi. Ero npHjoHtenie Wh iHCJieHHOMy pliuieHiio ajire- 6paHuecKHX'b ypaBHeniR BHcmnx'b cxeneneS. [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen in ihrer Anwendung auf die numerische Auflosung der algebra- ischen Gleichungen.] [1894.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 289-336; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70-71. MoHorcHHOCT'b UHxerpa-ioBT. ji;H(J)4)epeHi;iajib- HMXl ypaBHeniR. [Monogenitat der Integrale von Differentialgleichungen.] [1895.] Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 5, [1896?], 89-100; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 258. Cnoco6i. nocji'feji.oBaTejibHHX'b npndjrnaieHiS. Ero npHJioKenie ki pasjioKeniio (J)yHKiiiR bx HenpepblBHHe pajtH. [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen und ihre Anwendung auf die Entwickelung der Functionen in stetige Reihen.] [1895.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 471-506; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70, 71. Cnoco6'L nocji'feji;oBaTejibHHX'& npH6jiH3KeHiR. Ero npnjtoJKenie Kt BbiBoiy xeopeMi TBfijiOPa n JlArPAHHta Bi npeo6pa30BaHHoR 4'opM'fe- [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen und ihre An- wendung auf die Ableitung der Theoreme von Taylor und Lagrange in einer modificierten Form.] [1895.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 18, 1896, 586-597; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70, 71-72. Sur le theoreme de Taylor avec I'approximation du troisi^me degre. Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 122, 1896, 369- 370. CnocoCx. nocj'feAOBaTejiLHHX'b npH6jiH3KeHiR. Ero npHJioiKenie Kt HHTerpHpoBaniio ji;H(J)(|)epeH- Il.iaJIbHHX'b ypaBHeniR. [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen und ihre Anwendung auf die Integration der Differentialgleichungen.] [1896.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897], 1-44; Fortschr. Math., 1896, 70, 72. Cnoco6'b nocjiiji.oBaTejibHEix'b npH6jiH3KeniR. BcnoMoraTejibHHe n jtonojmnxejibnKie cnoco6H npnCjinatennaro ncincjienia. [Die Methode der successiven Annaherungen. DieHalfs- und Erganzungs- methoden der angenaherten Rechnung.] [1896.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 19, [1897], 421 (6is)-468 (bis) ; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 96. IIpn6jiHatenHoe BHincjienie onpeji.'fcjenHLix'b nnxerpajrOBT). [Die angenaherte Berechnung der bestimmten Integrale.] [1897.] Kazan Soc. Phys.- Math. Bull., 7, 1898, 95-117; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 258-259. 06% o;i,HoR xeopeMi xeopin ^ncejiX). [Ein Theorem der Zahlentheorie.] [1897.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 171-172; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 166. IIpnjiojKeHie HcrncjieHia E{4>x) kx. onpe;i;'fe- jieniio u,'Liaro »iacxnaro ji,Byxx. no-innoMOBi. [Anwendung der ^(0.T)-Rechnung zur Bestimmung des ganzen Teiles des Quotienten zweier Polynome.] [1897.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 247-259; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 70. reoMexpnqecKiH npiesiH upH6jiHatennoR Ksa- JtpaxypH n Ky6axypfir. [Geometrische Methoden der angenaherten Quadratur und Kubatur.] [1897.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 451-471; Fortschr. Math., 1898, 252. PasjiHinHe cnoco6H H3CJiii,ii,0BaHia onpe;!;^- .lennHxx mhc.iobhxi nnxerpajioBX, no ji'^jii- xeJIHMX). [Verschiedene Methoden der bestimmten 114 906 Bugaev] Zahlenintegrale nach den Teilern.] [1898.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 549-594; Fortschr. Matu. 1899, 194. Sur la serie analogue a la serie de Lagrange. Pans, Ac. Sci. C. E., 131, 1900, 793-794. CBH3I. HlICJIOBHXl. HHTerpa-TOBT, IIO ;;'fe.lIITe.THM'b cb 'iiicnoBBiMH HHTerpa-iaMii 110 iiaTypa.ii>HHM7i 'IHCJaM'b. [Zusammenhang der Zahlenintegrale nach Divisoren mit den Zahlenintegralen nach natixrlichen Zahlen.] [1899.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 335- 350; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 197-198. CBfl3b iHCJOBHxt iiHTerpajiOBT. IIO iiaTypa-ii.- HEIMt qilCJiaMl. CT. OIipeA'fejieHHHMH MHClOEMMIl iiHTerpajiaMH CM-feiiianHaro xapairrepa. [Zusam- menhang der Zahlenintegrale nach natiirlichen Zahlen mit den Zahlenintegralen gemischten Charakters.] [1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 499-536; Fortschr. Math., 1900, 197, 198. P*4i, npe3Hji,eHTa IVIocKOBCKaro MaxeMaTii- •lecKaro 06u;ecTBa. 21 Mapxa 1900 roji,a. [Presi- dential address. Moscow Math. Soc, March 21st, 1900.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 21, [1901], 537-541. Bugaev, N[ikolaj] V[asiljevi6], & Lachtin, L[eonid] Kluzmic]. 06i. ypaBHeHiflXT. iiflxon cTcneHii, paBp'feuiaeMHX'b Bt pajI.HKaJiaX'b. [Equations du 5-me degr^ r^solubles en radicaux.] [1890.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 15, [1891], 83-98. Bnganzky, Istvdn { = Stefan). A bazisok sebess^gi co- efficienseirol. [Ueber die Geschwindigkeitskoeffizienten der Basen.] [1890.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 9, 1891, 93-117 ; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 9, 1892, 216-240. Vizsgalatok a chemiai statika kor^bol. [Untersuch- ungen im Gebiete der chemischen Statik.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 10, 1892, 180-197; 11, 1893, 300-320, 349- 357; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 10, 1893, 253-270 [Part 1] ;,Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 12, 1893, 223-229 [Part 3]. Uj modszer a brom ^s chlor quantitativ elvalasztasara. [Neue Methode zur quantitativen Trennung des Broms und Chlors.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 13, 1895, 276-287 ; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 10, 1895, 387-397. A chlor ^s br6m mennyisegi meghatd.roza84ra. [Die quantitative Bestimmung des Chlors und Broms.] Termt. Kozlon., 27, 1895, 496; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 14, 1898, 363. Adatok a szabad energia valtozasahoz chemiai re- acti6knal. [Beitrage zur Veranderung der freien Energie bei chemischen Reactionen.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 15, 1897, 38-54; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 15, 1899, 356-357. Beitrage zu den molecularen Concentrationsverhalt- nissen physiologischer Fliissigkeiten. Erste Mittheilung. Ueber die molecularen Coucentrationsverhaltnisse des normalen menschlichen Hams. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 68, 1897, 389-407. Ueber die Aenderung der freien Energie bei Bildung unloslicher Quecksilberverbindungen. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 14, 1897, 145-163. Bugarszky, Istvdn, & Xiiebermann, Leo. A feherjenemii anyagok sdsav-, natriumhydroxyd- es konyhasolekoto- kepessegerol. [Ueber das Bindungsvermogen der eiweiss- artiger Korper fiir Salzsaure, Natriumhydroxyd und Kochsalz.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 218-242; Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 51-74. See also Xiiebermann & Bugarszky. Bugarszky, Istvdn, & Tangl, Ferencz. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung des relativen Volums der Blutkorperchen und des Plasmas. [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 297-300. Untersuchungen iiber die molekularen Concentra- tionsverhaltnisse des Blutserums. Vorlaufige Mittheilung [1897.] Centrbl. Physiol., 11, 1898, 301-306. [Bugnion A versavo molekularis concentratiojarol. [Ueber die molekulare Concentration des Blutserums.] Math. Termt. Ertes., 16, 1898, 253-265; Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 16, 1899, 323-324. Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchungen iiber die molecularen Concentrationsverlialtnisse des Blutserums. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 72, 1898, 531-565. See also Tangl & Bugarszky. Bugge, Jens. Beitrag zur Lehre von der angeborenen Tuberkulose. Beitr. Path. Anat., 19, 1896, 433-442. Buglioni, G[iovanni] Buttista. Menengite riflessa da Ascaris lumbricoides. Roma, Soc. Studi Zool. Boll., 2, 1893, 26.5-268. BugUoni, G[iovanni] Battista, & SXingazzini, Giovanni. See laingazzinl & Buglioni. Bugnion, Charles [Juste Jean RIarie]. For biographical notice and works see Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 66, 1897, 317-318. Bugnion, Edouard. Remarques sur le memoire de M. RuBATTEL : [Recherches sur le developpement du cristallin chez I'homme et quelques animaux superieurs]. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 2, 1885, 232-235. Les mosurs de I'Hylesinus oleiperda et les galeries du Phlceotribus Olere. [1886.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 7, 1887, 218-225. Recherches sur la ponte du PhlcBosinus Thuyae, suivies de quehjues observations sur la structure de I'ovaire. Rev. Ent., 6, 1887, 129-138. [Larves anormales d'Eristalis.] [1887.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 23, 1888, xxvii. Recherches sur le developpement postembryonnaire, I'anatomie et les mceurs de I'Encyrtus fuscicollis. [1890-92.] Rec. Zool. Suisse, 5, 1892, 435-534. De Taction des muscles du genou. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 28, 1892, 529-540. Note sur la resistance de la teigne du fusain aux basses temperatures de I'hiver. [1891.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1893, 319-321. Le developpement des muscles chez I'embryon d'axolotl. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 30, 1893, 645. [Ueber die Respirationsorgane der Larven von Hfismonia und Donacia.] Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1893, 380-381. [Developpement des Selaciens.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 32, 1894, 414-419; Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 30, 1894, xxxi-xxxiv. Sur la retraction des muscles apr^s la section de leur tendon. [R6sultats des experiences de Mile L. Egon Besser.] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 34, 1895, 469-473. [Les podurelles de la neige rouge.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 33-34. Le squelette humain envisage au point de vue trans- formiste. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 31, 1895, 149-184. Quelques observations sur le developpement du cerveau de riguane (Iguana tuberculata). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 624-628. Recherches sur le developpement de I'epiphyse et de I'organe parietal chez les Reptiles (Iguana, Lacerta, Coluber). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 489-490. Une nouvelle cuvette a dissection. Bibliogr. Anat., 5, 1897, 232. L'edairage electrique a la salle de dissection. Bibliogr. Anat. , 5, 1897, 233-235. La formation des os chez les Batraciens Urodeles. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 622-624. La nouvelle theorie du sommeil. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 34, 1898, xxv-xxvi. L'articulation de I'epaule chez les animaux et chez I'homme. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., §, 1899, 501-502. [L'articulation de I'epaule. Etude d'arthrologie comparee, par Anna Ludkewitch. Introduction et appendice.] Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, 297- 308, 371-382. Bugnion] 907 [Buisine Bugnion, Edotiard, & Favre, {le chanoine) Emile. See Favre & Bugnion. Bugow, H. Auffallender Nistplatz von Alcedo ispida. Ornith. Mber., 1, 1893, 82. Buguet, Abel [Antoiiie]. Actions de deux parties consecu- tives d'nn meme courant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 622-624; Jl. Phys., 3, 1884, 175-177. La physique photographique. Ann. Conserv. Arts et M6t., 4, 1892, 495-517. Sur la direction des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 608-609. Sur le phenomene de Rontgen. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 123, 1896, 689-690. Action des tubes de Rontgen derriere les ^crans opaques aux rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897 375-377. L'absorption des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci, C. R. 125, 1897, 898-400. Sur la dissemination des rayons X. Paris, Ac. Sci C. R., 125, 1897, 702-703. De la radiographie appliquee k I'^tude de la r^gen^ ration osseuse chez les Batraciens. Ass. Franp. C. R. 1899 (Pt. 1), 394. Regenerations osseuses, suivies k I'aide de la radio graphie. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 174-175. Buguet, Abel [Antoine], & Chabaud, Victor. Ampoule radiograpliique a anticathode froide. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 591-593. Buguet, Abel [Antoine], & Gascard, Albert. Sur Taction des rayons X sur le diamant. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 457. Action des rayons X sur les pierres pr^cieuses. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 726. Determination k I'aide des rayons X de la profondeur oO si^ge un corps etranger dans les tissus. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 122, 1896, 786-787. Buhl, [Ludwig] von. *Ueber Verbreitung der Lymph- bahnen in den Lungen. Deutsch. Natf. Ber., 1877, 268. Bulise, F[riedrich Alexander]. For biographical notice see Riga Corresp.-Bl., 42, 1899, v-ix. Ueber Rhizopogon I'ubescens, T%d., in Kurland. Riga Corresp.-Bl. , 27, 1884, 44-45. Erdtemperatur um 7 Uhr Morgens in Friedrichshof bei Riga [1883-92]. Riga Corresp.-Bl., 27, 1884 (Append.); 28, 1885 {Append.); 29, 1886 {Append.); 30, 1887 {Append.); 31, 1888 {Append.); 32, 1889 {Append.); 33, 1890 {Append.) ; 34, 1891 {Append.) ; 35, 1892 {Append.); 36, 1893 {Append.). [Ueber Pflaumentaschen.] [1885.] Riga Corresp.- Bl., 29, 1886, 1-2. [Ueber Phallus impudicus, C] [1885.] Riga Cor- resp.-Bl., 29, 1886, 2-3. [Ueber eine erkrankte Rosenpflanze.] [1890.] Riga Corresp.-Bl., 34, 1891, 26. Zu der Notiz von W. Rothekt iiber Elodea canadensis. (S. 300-302.) [1891.] Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 491-492. Die Flora des Alburs und der Kaspischen Siidkiiste. Bisherige F'orschungsergebnisse auf diesem Gebiet. Riga Natf. Ver. Arb., 8, 1899, xiv-f61 pp. Buick, {Rev.) George Raphael. The crannog of Moylarg. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. Jr. JL, 3, 1893, 27-43; 4, 1894, 315-331. Irish flint arrow-heads. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Ant. Ir. Jl., 5, 1896, 41-63. Buijskes, A. A. Sur une erreur qui a ete commise dans la fixation du moment precis de la commotion principale du Krakatoa. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 98, 1884, 899-900. Buisine, A\lphome]. Sur la graisse du suint. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 201-202. Sur la composition de la graisse du suint. [1885-87.] Bull. Sci. Nord, 16 (1884-85), 106-109, 133-139, 322- 323; 17 (1886), 227-233, 266-275, 320-333, 377-391; 18 (1887), 158-166. Reoherches sur la composition chimique du suint du mouton. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 66-68. Sur les transformations qui se produisent dans les eaux de suint. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 46, 1886, 497- 499. Recherche, separation et dosage des acides gras volatils. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 427-440. Les principes azotes de la sueur. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 461-470. Dosage de I'acide carbonique libre et combing dans les liquides organiques. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 497- 503. Les principes volatils de la sueur. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 503-510. Sur les amines contenues dans les eaux de suint. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 1292-1293. Les acides volatils du suint. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, 639-642. Buisine, A[lphonse\ & Buisine, P[anl Louis]. L'eau de la Lys. Bull. Sci. Nord, 17 (1886), 183-187, 233-235. Changements qui se produisent dans la quantity et la composition de la matiere grasse des eaux de suint sous I'influence des agents chimiques. Bull. Sci. Nord, 18 (1887), 470-496. Sur une nouvelle source d'acide caprique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 105, 1887, 614-617. Presence de I'acide malique dans la sueur des herbivores. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 106, 1888, 1426- 1428. Presence de I'acide glycolique et de I'acide propyl^ne- dicarbonique normal dans le suint. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 107, 1888, 789-792. Sur un pretendu reactif des sels de cuivre. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 50, 1888, 517-518. L'eau d'Emmerin. Analyse chimique et examen bacteriologique. [1888.] Rev. Biol. N. France, [1], 1889, 56-63. Sur la cire d'abeilles. Moniteur Sci., 4, 1890, 903- 915, 1126-1136; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 3, 1890, 867- 874. Blanchiment de la cire d'abeilles et composition de la cire blanche. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 465-470 ; Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 682-693. La cire des abeilles. Analyse et falsifications. [1891.] Lille Trav. Mem., 1, 1889-91, Mem. 4, 149 pp.; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 5, 1891, 654-660. Contributions k I'etude de la theorie du blanchiment k I'air. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 738-741. Sur I'epuration des eaux industrielles et des eaux d'egout. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 875-877. Utilisation de la pyrite griliee, pour la fabrication des sels de fer. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892,51-53; Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 225-227; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 189^, 760-763. Epuration des eaux d'^gouts par le sulfate ferrique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 661-664; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 7, 1892, 763-767. Fabrication des extraits de bois tinctoriaux. Paris Soc. Cliim. Bull., 9, 1893, 265-277. Concentration de I'acide sulfurique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 277-288. Fabrication du sulfate d'alumine. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 311-318. Emploi du sulfate ferrique comme disinfectant et antiseptique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 9, 1893, 468- 476. — — Fabiication des sels de fer au moyen de la pyrite. [1896.] Jl. Pharm., 4, 1896, 539-541; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 261-262. Production d'acides gras volatils, au moyen des eaux de desuintage des laines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 125, 1897, 777-780. Fabrication de I'huile d'ac^tone, et en particulier de 114—2 Buisine] 908 [Bujwid la m^thyl^thylc^tone, au moyen des eaux de d<5snintage des laines. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 126, 1898, 351-353. Mode d'essai et composition des huiles d'ac^tone. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 128. 1899, 561-564; Jl. Pbarm., 9, 1899, 375-377. Sur les huiles d'ac^tone de la distillation seche du pyrolignite de chaux comme source des methylpropyl- c^tones. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 128, 1899, 885-887. Sur la regeneration par le chlorure de chaux des alcools denatures. Paris Soc. China. Bull., 21, 1899, 446-448; Jl. Pharm., 9, 1899, 429-431. Buisine, A[lphonse], & Oiard, Alfred. See aiard & Buisine. Buisine, P[aiil Louis], & Buisine, Allphonse]. See above. Buisman, H. J., & X.inge, A. R. van. Contribution k la connaissance des phosphates de la Florida. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 11, 1892, 286-289. Buisseret, A. Un pore genital suppl^mentaire sur un individu d'Encope eraarginata. [1885.] Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 10, 1886 (Pt. 1), 58-60. Les stations zoologiques des bords de la mer. Rev. Quest. Sci., 25, 1889, 42-75, 446-470. Buisseret, A., & DoUo, Louis. See Dollo & Buisseret. Buisseret, J. Sur les exercices cartographiques dans I'enseignement de la geographic. Brux. Soc. Sci. Ann., 22, 1898 (Pt. 1), 115-117. Buisson, [Maxivie]. Dosage de I'alcalinite libre dans les produits color^s de sucreries. Ass. Frang. C. E., 1893 (Pt. 2), 333-335. Buisson, A. Sur un halo accompagne de parh^lies, observe h Fontainebleau le 28 Janvier 1887. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 104, 1887, 289-290. Buisson, Carl. Ueber Kunstwein. Arch. Pharm., 227, 1889, 924-927. Buisson, Hlenri]. Transparence du bismuth dans un champ magn6tique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E. , 126, 1898, 462-463. Mesure de la vitesse des particules eiectris^es dans la d^charge par la lumifere ultra-violette. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 127, 1898, 224-226. Sur una modification des surfaces m^talliques sous I'influence de la lumi^re. Paris, Ac. Sci. 0. E., 130, 1900, 1298-1300. Buisson, Hlenri], & Abraham, Henri [Azariah]. See Abraham & Buisson. Buist, (Lt.) Dlavid] S[imson]. A ride through Persia.' [1892.] Scott. Geogr. Mag., 9, 1893, 1-16. Buist, John B[ro'wn']. The life-history of the micro- organisms associated with variola and vaccinia. An abstract of results obtained from a study of small-pox and vaccination in the Surgical Laboratory of the University of Edinburgh. Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Proc, 13, 1886, 603-620. The composition and action of natural and cultivated . vaccine and variolous materials. Practitioner, 56, 1896 . 480-492. The micro-organisms of vaccine materials. [With discvssion.] [1900.] Scott. Micr. Soc. Proc. & Trans 3, 1904, 35-53. Eecent advances in our knowledge of some pathogenic micro-organisms. [1900.] Scott. Micr. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 3, 1904, 57-72. Bujard, Alfoiu-. Gerbstoffbestimmungen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1891, 321. Ueber die sog. Schnellmethoden der Milchfett- bestimmung in den Molkereien mit besonderer Beriick- . sichtigung des Dr. de Laval'schen Laktokrits. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1892, 259-260. Die Amberger Gaserzeugungsmaschine und Versuche mit dem von dieser Maschiue erzeugten "Luftgas." [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1897, 42-45. Die calorimetrische Bombe und Neuerungen an der- selben. Dinglers Polytechn. Jl., 306, 1897, 139-143. Calorimetrische Bomben. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 865. Ueber Dr. Strache's Wassergasverfahren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 208. [Ueber das Puratylen, ein zur Eeinigung des Acetylens neuerdings empfohlenes Praparat.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 208. Bujard, Alfons, & Hell, Carl [Maqnus]. Ueber Brom- und Oxyazelainsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 68-73. Bujard, Alfons, & Klinger, A. Geheimmittelunwesen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 672-673. Zum Nachweis des Alkannafarbstoffs. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1890, 26-27. See also Klinger & Bujard. Bujard, Alfons, & Waldbauer, J. Ueber die Verfalschung von Schweinefettmit BaumwoUsamenol. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1889, 119-121. Bujor, P{aul]. Note preliminaire sur la metamorphose de I'Ammoccetes branchialis en Petromyzon Planeri. Rev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 201-212. Contribution k I'etude de la metamorphose de I'Am- moccetes branchialis en Petromyzon Planeri. [1891.] Eev. Biol. N. France, [3], 1891, 301-315, 32.5-339, 365- 390, 417-426, 474-486 ; 4, 1892, 41-64. Bujwid, Odo. Eine chemische Eeaction fiir die Cholera- hacterien. Ztschr. Hyg., 1, 1886, 52-53. Statistique du traitement antirabique k Varsovie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 1 (1887), 241-245; 5, 1891, 710-711. Sur des bacteries trouvees dans la grele. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1 (1887), 592-593; Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 1-2. Note sur la reaction chimique des bacilles du cholera. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 2, 1888, 30-31. Bemerkungen iiber Sterilisation und Desinfection. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 101-102. Zur Frage von der Cholerareaction. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 169-172. . Einige Mittheilungen iiber ToUwuth und Pasteur'sche Kur. Centrbl. Bakt., 3, 1888, 798-800. Neue Methode zum Diagnosticiren und Isoliren der Cholerabakterien. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 494-496. Traubenzucker als die Ursache der Eiterung neben Staphylococcus aureus. Centrbl. Bakt., 4, 1888, 577- 580. Sur divers modes du traitement de la rage. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 107, 1888, 821-823. La methode Pasteur k Varsovie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 3, 1889, 177-182. Ueber die Eeinkultur des Actinomyces. Centrbl. Bakt., 6, 1889, 630-633. Analyses bacteriologiques des eaux et de I'air de Varsovie. Congr. Int. Hyg. C. E., 1889, 417-418. Ueber Pasteur'sche Schutzimpfung gegen Tollwuth in Warschau. Int. Med. Congr. Verb., 1890 (Bd. 5, Abth. 15), 110-113. Eine einfaehe Filtervorrichtung zum Filtiiren steri- lisirter Fliissigkeit. Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 4-5. Les resultats des vaccinations antirabiques obtenus k Varsovie. Int. Congr. Hyg. Trans. (1891, 3), 51-52. : Ueber Thier versuche mit Tuberculin. [1891.] Centrbl. Bakt., 11, 1892, 27-29. Eine neue biologische Eeaktion fiir die Cholera- bakterien. Centrbl. Bakt., 12, 1892, 595-596. Ty6epKyjiHHT>, ero iipHroTOBJieHie ii ji,l5ricTBie Ha opraHHSMT. atHBOXHHxi,, sapajKeHHHX'i. xyfiep- KyjeaOMT.. La tuberculine, sa preparation, ses effets sur I'organisme des animaux atteints de la tuberculose. St. Petersb. Arch. Sci. Biol., 1, 1892, 212-233. Ueber zwei neue Arten von Spirillen im Wasser. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 120-121. Zu E. Pfeiffer's Entdeckung des Influenzaerregers. Centrbl. Bakt., 13, 1893, 554-555. Bujwid] 909 [Bulatov Indol als Beagens auf Nitrite. Chem. Ztg., 18, 1894, 364. Le cholera dans la Pologne Russe en 1892. Recherches bact^riologiques. Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 (Vol. 2, PatoL), 192-193. Sur les divers precedes de filtration des eaux potables. [With discussion.) Congr. Med. Int. Atti, 1894 {Vol. 6, Ingegn. Sanitar.), 5-6. Bemerknngen iiber die Filtration bakterienhaltiger Fliissigkeiten. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1898, 332- 333. Gonococcus als die Ursache pyamischer Abscesse. Centrbl. Bakt. {Aht. 1), 18, 1896, 435. Ein Fiitterungsmilzbrand bei dem Fuchse. Centrbl. Bakt. [Aht. 1), 18, 1895, 435-436. Wyniki badaA wody gruntowej okolic Krakowa przez Podkomisy§ Wodociagowa w r. 1894-5 dokonanych. [Results of investigation of the ground water near Cracow by a Hydraulic Commission, 1894-95.] Kosmos (Lwow), 21, 1896, 11-26. Dipbtheriebacillen in einem Harnsedimente. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 21, 1897, 394. Ueber eine Methode der Konzentrierung des Diph- theric- and anderer tberapeutischer Sera mittels Aus- frierung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Aht. 1), 22, 1897, 287-288. Sur les r^sultats de I'inoculation de tuberculine chez les auimaux tuberculeux. [With discussion.] Congr. Int. M^d. C. R., 1897 (Vol. 7, Sect. 14), 54-57. Powietrze jako czynnik 8zerz§,cy choroby (gazy, pyiki, bakterye w powietrzu). [The air as an agent in the spread of disease (gases, dust, bacteria in the air).] Kosmos (Lwow), 25, 1900, 600-609. Biika, Felix. For biography and list of works see Leo- poldina, 33, 1897, 49; Deutsch. Math. Ver. Jber., 6,1899 (Heft 1), 23-25. Bukont, D. [0 /(.iirrcTBiH cnHpxoBoS mejoHH Ha leTpaMeTIIJiajIJieH'b. Ueber die Einwirkung alkohol- ischen Alkalis auf Tetramethylen.] Russ. Phys.-Chera. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 77-^78; Chem. Ztg., 21, 1897, 266. Bukovsky, Gijorqy (et alii). Disinfection publique. Ann. Hyg. Publ., 32, 1894, 458-460. Bukovsky, J., & Honl, Ivan. See Konl & Bukovsk^. Bukowski, Gejza. Mittheilung iiber eine neue Jodquelle in der Miocanen Randzone der Karpathen und iiber Algenfunde in den wasserfiihrenden Schichten. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1886, 391-395. Ueber die Jurabildungen von Czenstochau in Polen. Beitr. Palaont. Oesterr.-Ung., 5, 1887, 75-171. Ueber das Bathonien, Callovien und Oxfordien in dem Jurariicken zwischen Krakau und Wieluii. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1887, 343-350. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die geologische Aufnahme der Insel Rhodus. [1887.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 96, 1888 (Ahth. 1), 167-173. Reisebericht aus der Gegend von Romerstadt in Mahren. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1889, 261-265. Grundziige des geologischen Baues der Insel Rhodus. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Ahth. 1), 208-272, Der geologische Bau der Insel Kasos. [1889.] Wien, Ak. Sber., 98, 1890 (Ahth. 1), 653-669. Geologische Aufnahmen in dem krystallinischen Gebiete von Mahrisch-Schonberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1890, 322-334. Reisebericht[e] aus Kleinasien. [1890.] Wien, Anz., 27, 1891, 124-126, 138-141, 161-164, 192 (W«)-195. Kurzer Vorbericht iiber die Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1890 und 1891 im siidwestlichen Kleinasien durchgefiihrten geologischen Untersuchungen. Wien, Ak. Sber., 100, 1891 (Abth. 1), 378-399. Reisebericht aus dem Seengebiete des siidwestlichen Kleinasien. Wien, Anz., 28, 1891, 151-154, , Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung von Balia Maaden im nordwestlichen Kleinasien (Mysien). Wien, Ak. Sber., 101, 1892 (Ahth. 1), 214-235. Geologische Forsehungen im westlichen Kleinasien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 134-141. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Pliocanen Ablagerungen der Insel Rhodus. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 196-200. Reisebericht aus Nordmahren. Die Umgebung von Miiglitz und Hohenstadt und das Gebiet von Schonberg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1892, 327-331. Die levantinische Mollusken-Fauna der Insel Rhodus. Wien, Ak. Denkschr., 60, 1893, 265-306; 63, 1896, 1-70. Ueber den Bau der siidlichen Sudetenauslaufer ostlich von der March. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 132-140. Reisebericht aus dem siidlichen Dalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1893, 247-250. Geologische Mittheilungen aus den Gebieten Pastro- vicchio und Spizza in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1894, 120-129. Einige Beobachtungen in dem Triasgebiete von Siid- dalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 133-138. Cephalopodenfunde in dem Muschelkalk von BraiC in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verh., 1895, 319-324. Ueber den geologischen Bau des nordlichen Tbeiles von Spizza in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 95- 119. Werfener Schichten und Muschelkalk in Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 325-331. Zur Stratigraphie der siiddalmatinischen Trias. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1896, 379-385. Geologische Uebersichtskarte der Insel Rhodus. Wien, Geol. Jbuch., 48, 1899, 517-688. Neue Ergebnisse der geologischen Durchforschung von Siiddalmatien. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1899, 68-77. Vorlage des Kartenblattes Mahrisch Neustadt- Schon- berg. Wien, Geol. Verb., 1900, 191-198. Bokowsky, Alphons. Die Bestandtheile des Lycopodium- oles. Pharm. Ztschr. Russland, 28, 1889, 359-362. Bukreev, B[oris] Jalkovlevic]. K^ BOIipocy 0 maximum H minimum (j[)yHKIl,iH ABYXt nepeM'feHHHXTb. [Zur Frage nach dem Maximum und Minimum der Functionen zweier Veranderlichen.] Rec, Math, (Moscou), 16, [1893], 813-822. Tlo noBojty cTaTtii npo4). II. M. IIoKPOBCKaro: "06't ajireGpaHqecKHX-b ypaBHeHiaxt bi. cbhsh Cfc 3JIJIHnTnieCKHMlI (})yHKI],iflMH BEHEPIIITPACOa." [Remarks on Prof. P. M. Pokbovskij's memoir: "On algebraic equations in connection with elliptic Weierstrass functions."] Moscow, Soc. Sci. Bull., 83 (No. 2), 1894, 1-2. 0 paciipe;i,'fcjieHiii KopHeH OAHoro oacca ut>jiHX'b TpaHcii,eHji;eHTHij:xi (})yHKi],iH. [Die Ver- teilung der Wurzeln einer Klasse der ganzen transcen- denten Functionen.] [1893.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 17, [1895], 217-222; Fortschr. Math., 1893-94, 678. ■ 0 H'feKGTopBixt lacTEHxi cjiyiasxT. BT. Bonpocfe 0 maximum n minimum (|)yHKUiH xpext nepeM^H- HHXTi. [Ueber einige specielle Falle der Theorie der Maxima und Minima einer Function dreier Verander- lichen.] [1897.] Rec. Math. (Moscou), 20, [1899], 92-104; Fortschr. Math., 1897, 250. Bulach, W[ilhelm]. Condensation von p-Nitrobenzaldehyd mit Cbinaldin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 20, 1887, 2046-2047; 22, 1889, 285-290. Btdatov, A. Ktj Bonpocy 0 KpiiTHiecKoR xejinepa- Typi. [Contribution to the question of critical tempera- ture.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 31 (Phys.), 1899, 69-81, Bulatov] Bulatov, {Mile) H., & Oustavson, Gavriil G[avriilovic]. See auBtavson & Bulatov. Buiatovic, A. K. HsT, AfiiiccHHiH lepesT. cTpaHy Ka({)4)a Ha OaepO PyaOJIb(J)a. [Dair Abissinia al Lago Eodolfo per il Caffa.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 35, 1899, 259-283; [Italia], Soc. Geogr. Boll., 37, 1900, 121-142. Buidakov, . Oniicanie 06yxoBCKHXf. MHHepaJiR- HHXt BOJl.'b. Description des eaux min^rales d' Obou- khovo. I^katerinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 12 (No. 2), 1890-91, 50-52. Biaton, {le rev. pere) . L'^l^phant domestiquS a la mission catholique de Sainte-Anne au Fernau-Vaz (Congo-Fran(?ais). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 4, 1898, 353-354. Bulgakov, N[ikolaj] A[leksandrovic]. Bjlianie 9JieKTpO- CTaTHiecKaro nojia na pacnpocTpaneHie BJieKxpn- neCKHXT. K0Jie6auiH. [The action of the electrostatic field on the diffusion of electric vibrations.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 25 (Phys.), 1893, 299-300. Ki. Bonpocy o pacnpe^-fejieHiH MeKxpHHecTBa Ha noBepxHOCTH npoBOji;HHKa, HM^romaro (j)opMy KOJima ci. KpyroBHMi. MepnjtiaHajibHHM'r. cfe- ^lenieMl.. [Zur Frage von der Vertheilung der Elek- tricitat auf der Oberflache eines ringformigen Conductors, dessen meridionaler Schnitt ein Kreis ist.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 29 {Phys.), ,1897, 131-161; Fortschr. Phys., 1897 (Abth. 2), 374; Eclairage Elect., 12 (1897), 255-260, 402-406, 458-462, 499-502, OCT) 9JieKTpHHeCK0U eMKOCTH KOJItIl,eBOrO KOH- ;iI,eHCaTOpa. [La capacity ^lectrique d'un condensateur annulaire.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 {Phys.), 1897, 266-272; Eclairage Elect., 14 (1898), 67-69. Kt TeopiH KOJII.ueBHX'E. 4)yHKIl,iH. [Zur Theorie der Ringfunctionen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 {Phys.), 1898, 1-14; Fortschr. Math., 1899, 772. BniHCJieHie BjeKipoeMKOcxH KOjrbua. [Calcul numerique de la capacity ^lectrique d'un anneau.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 (Phys.), 1898, 45-60 ; JL Phys., 9, 1900, 50-52. HoBepxHocTH paBHaro noTenuiajia bt> ajreKipn- necKOMt nojii, OKpyjaaiomeMi. naajieKTpnsoBaH- HOe K0jII>1],0. [Surfaces ^quipotentielles dans le champ ^lectrique d'un anneau electris^.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 {Phys.), 1898, 103-125; Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, 50-52. HHTerpHpoBanie ypaBHenia ynpyrnxt KCie- CaidH Wfl [Integration der Gleichung der elastischen Schwingungen eines Ringes.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 31 (Phys.), 1899, 103-118, 143-158; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 {Abth. 1), 477. Bulgakov, N[ikolaj] A[leksandrovic], & Smlrnov, Nikolaj Aleksandrovic. 9KciiepHMeHTajiLHoe oiipeji;'fejieHic 9JieKTpoeMKOCTH lipOBO;i,HIIKa KOJIBIteBOH ({)OpMH. [Determination experimentale de la capacity 61ectrique d'un conducteur annulaire.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 30 {Phyg.), 1898, 126-138; Jl. Phys., 9, 1900, 50-52. Buli6, A[leksandr Koiistanthwvic']. Kl. anaTOMi H Bromeli- acese. [Contribution to the anatomy of the Bromeliacese.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 24, 1892 {No. 1), 53 pp., {No. 4), 28 pp. BoiaHHiecKifl Ha6jiioj;eHifl bo Bpena BKCKypciu no BoJiri Bt 1891 rojty. Botanische Beobachtungen in der Excursion an der Wolga im Jahre 1891. Kazan Soc. Nat. Trans., 24, 1892 (No. 3), 27 pp. BuUc, Petr. AHajTHst MaioMHaro pa.3Cojia h pa3- 910 [Bull cojibHoS boji;li nsf. o.3epa 6jrH3'B CTOJUinHHCKHXi. MHHepaJIbHHX-B BOJi;!,. [Die Analyse der Mutterlauge und des salzhaltigen Wassers eines in der Nahe der Stoliipin'schen Mineralquellen gelegenen See's.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 18 (Chem.), 1886, 324-327; JL Prakt. Chem., 35, 1887, 360-363. 061. OKHCJieniir aaoTHOio khciotoh) khcjioth JI,iaJIJIHJIIII,aBeJieBOft. [Ueber die Oxydation der Diallyl- oxalsaure mittelst Salpetersaure. ] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 19 {Chem.), 1887, 73-97; JL Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 65-88. 0 Jt'liHCTBiH cfepHOH KIICTOTH Ha KHCJIOTy JIiiaJlJIHJIUI,aBeJieByK). [Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelsaure auf die Diallyloxalsaure.] Russ. Phys.- Chem. Soc. JL, 19 (Chem.), 1887, 97-106; JL Prakt. Chem., 39, 1889, 89-99, BuUus, Gustav. Zur Genese der unilocularen Eierstocks- cysten. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 15, 1888, 365-383. Der Eierstock bei Fibromyoma uteri. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 23, 1892, 358-426. Bulkley, Fred. G. The separation of strata in folding. [1884.] Amer. Inst. Min, Engin, Trans., 13, 1886, 384-388. Bulkley, H. The crested grebe breeding in India. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 6, 1891, 501. Birds observed breeding in Kharaghora. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 7, 1892-93, 544 ; 8, 1893-94, 325-326. The breeding season of the Sarus crane. [1893.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 8, 1893-94, 148. Small game in the Kharaghora district. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 163. Bulkley, L[ucius] Duncan. The relation between diseases of the skin and disorders of other organs, N. Y, Med, JL, 43, 1886, 387-388. Unusual methods of acquiring syphilis, with illustra- tive cases. N. Y. Med. JL, 49, 1889, 213-214. Syphilis and associated infections, Congr. Int, M6d. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 9), 647-661. The aetiology of eczema, with reference to recent views as to its parasitic origin. N. Y, Med. JL, 72, 1900, 847- 851, 887-890. Bull, . Gold aus Meerwasser. [1894,] Ztschr, Elektroch., 1896-96, 358. Bull, Benjamin Samuel. On /3-oxycellulose. Chem. Soc. JL, 71, 1897 {PL 2), 1090-1097, Bull, Benjamin Samuel, & Einhorn, Alfred. See Eintaom &Bull. Bull, Benjamin Samuel, & Gemsheim, Alfred. Acylver- bindungen der Hexahydroanthranilsaure und ihres Esters. Liebig's Ann., 295, 1897, 201-203. Bull, Charles Stedman. The hydrochlorate of cocaine as a local anagsthetic in ophthalmic surgery, N, Y. Med, JL, 40, 1884, 609-611, Analysis of one hundred and three cases of exudative neuro-retinitis, associated with chronic Brkjht's disease. [With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm, Soc. Trans,, 1886, 184-194, The value of electro-therapeutics in lesions of the optic nerve, N. Y, Med, JL, 49, 1889, 457-458, An analysis of ninety cases of simple chronic glau- coma, with special reference to the effects of iridectomy on the acuity of vision and the visual field. N. Y, Med, JL, 50, 1889, 143-146. Papillitis, or inflammation of the intra-ocular end of the optic nerve ; its astiology and connection with intra- cranial disease, [1890.] N, Y, Med. JL, 53, 1891, 205-209, Gouty retinitis, chorio-retinitis, and neuro-retinitis, [With discussion.] Amer, Ophthalm. Soc. Trans,, 1893, 473-^97; N, Y. Med. JL, 58, 1893, 169-175, Bull] 911 [BuUer The question of the efficacy of subconjunctival in- jections of mercuric bichloride in ophthalmic therapeutics. [1894.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 61, 1895, 78-81. Preliminary report on six hundred and twelve cases of convergent squint, with special reference to the final results of operation. N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1895, 236-239. The course and prognosis of orbital tumors, as influenced by surgical operations for their removal. N. Y. Med. jl., 64, 1896, 291-292. Bull, Ediiard. Ueber Magenhusten. [1886.] Deutscb. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 472-483. BuU, F. On a new form of seismograph. [1885.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 18, 1886, 69-71. Bull, George J. Mesure de 1' amplitude de convergence et d'accommodatiou par le stereoscope. Congr. Int. Med. C. R., 1900 {Vol. 12), 184-188. BuU, Hcnrik. Zur Analyse von Thranen. Cliem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 996. Ueber die Bestimmung stark ungesattigter Fettsauren in den Thranen. Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 1043-1044. Ueber die Einwirkung von Natriumalkoholat auf Fette. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 814-815, 845-846. BuU, Henry Graves. For biography and works sec Wool- hope Field Club Trans., 1883-85, 373-376; Grevillea, 14, [1886], 57; Jl. Bot., 24, 1886, 62-64. — — *The asarabacca. (Asarum europffium.) [1881.] Woolhope Field Club Trans., 1881-82, 38-39. BuU, Ole B[orncmann]. Investigations of the perception of light and photoptometria. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. K, 1884 (T. 3, Oph.), 18-26. [Om de fysiologiske grundfarver.] Skand. Natf. Forh., 1886, 143-145. Pathological alterations of the retinal vessels. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 {Vol. 3), 663-672. Synchronous movements of the upper lid and maxilla. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 144-146. Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve on the right and of the abducens on the left side. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 147-148. Unilateral tonic spasm of the ciliary muscle induced by pressure on the carotis. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 149-150. Fistulie fissurarum branchialinm, together with peculiar malformation of the membranae tympani. Arch. Otol., 17, 1888, 36-39. De la polyopic monoculaire. Ann. d'Oculist., 105, 1891, 254. Du rapport de la contraction irreguli^re du muscle ciliaire avec I'astigmatisme. Ann. d'Oculist., 107, 1892, 109-123. On synergetic ocular movements. Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 342-353. Another case of synchronous movements of the upper lid and lower jaw. Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 354- 355. Sur la perimetric au moyen de pigments colores. Ann. d'Oculist., 110, 1893, 169-181; 111, 1894, 284-285. Effect produced by the pressure of the lids upon the cornea. Arch. Ophthalm., 23, 1894, 462. M^thode subjective d'optometrie. Ann. d'Oculist., 113, 1896, 358. Accidents oculaires occasionn^s par le froid. Ann. d'Oculist., 113, 1895, 383-384. Etude sur les images de diffusion. Ann. d'Oculist., 115, 1896, 462. De visuelle relationer mellem vore 0ine. Christiania Forh., 1897, No. 1, 17 pp.; Ann. d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 73-74. Von der Anwendung der Chlorwasserstoffsaure bei Knochenaffectionen an den Wiinden des Cavum tympani und Meatus osseus. [1898.] Ztschr. Ohrenheilk., 34, 1899, 29-40; Arch. Otol., 28, 1899, 13-22. La fatigue produite par les efforts pour maiutenir la vision binoculaire simple. Ann. d'Oculist., 122, 1899, 200-201. Bestennnelse af farvede glasses lysabsorbtion og farvestyrke. Christiania Forh., 1899, No. 3, 18 pp.; Fortschr. Phys., 1899 [Ahth. 2), 81. BuU, Ole B[ornemann], & Oade, F. G. Melanotic tumors of the eye. Arch. Ophthalm., 18, 1889, 163-168. BuU, R. T., & Potts, H. W. Bacteriological research in the milk flora of Australia. Aust. Ass. Rep., 1900, 340-345. BuU, Thomas M. The prescription of exercise. N. Y. Med. Jl., 52, 1890, 141-143. BuUar, J[ohn] F[ollett]. Experiments to determine the origin of the respiratory sounds. Roy. Soc. Proc, 37, 1884, 411-422. BuUard, C, & Davenport, Charles B[enedict]. See Davenport & BuUard. BuUard, C, & Parker, G[eorge] H [award]. See Parker & BuUard. BuUe, Hermami. Beitrage zur Anatomic des Ohres. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 29, 1887, 237-264. BuUen, t\rederick] St. John. On a case of locomotor ataxia followed by general paralysis of the insane. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 31-70. A case of tabetic arthropathy. Brain, 11, 1889, 510- 513. A case of amnesia with post-mortem appearances. Brain, 11, 1889, 614-518. Pathological anatomy of a case of tabes dorsalis with general paralysis. Brain, 12, 1890, 433-446. BiUlen, Frank T. The sperm whale and its food. Nature, 54 (1896), 102-103. BuUen, Robert. For biographical notice see Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 4, 1897, 127. Report on temperature and vegetation in the garden of the Royal Institution of Glasgow, during 1884-[90]. Edinb., Bot. Soc. Trans., 16, 1886, 232-235; 18, 1891, 487-490. Remarks on temperature, vegetation, &c., in the Royal Botanic Garden, Glasgow, 1888. [1889.] Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. & Trans., 3, 1892, 25-30. On temperature and vegetation at the Botanic Garden, Glasgow November 1890[-June 1892]. [1890-92.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. & Proc, 19, 1893, 29, 51, 67-68, 80, 96, 125, 151, 170, 211-212, 231, 247, 258, 340, 437, 444, 450. BuUen, (Rev.) Robert Ashington. Shells from Portland rubble drift. Geol. Mag., 1, 1894, 431-432 ; Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 286-287. Random natural history notes and observations in the western hemisphere. [1898.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1896-98, 56-60. Note on non-marine MoUusca obtained from Holocene and Pleistocene deposits at Buckland, Dover. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 3, 1899, 162-165. A Holocene deposit at Reigate. [1899.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1899-1901, 5-12. Notes on land-shells from a Holocene deposit at the Horseshoe pit, CoUey Hill, Reigate. London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 3, 1899, 326-329. Eolithic implements: their use and meaning. [1900.] Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club Proc, 1899-1901, 18-19. BuUer, A[rthur] H[enry] Reginald. Abnormal anterior abdominal vein in a frog. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 30, 1896, 211-214. Contributions to our knowledge of the physiology of the spermatozoa of ferns. Ann. Bot., 14, 1900, 543-582. Report on the occupation of a table at the Stazione Zoologica, Naples, during March and April 1900. The fertilisation process in Echinoidea. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 387-388. BuUer, A. P. On the appearance of Anosia bolina in the Wellington district. [1898.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 31, 1899, 38-39. BuUer] 912 [Bulloch BuUer, F. A case of injury to the eye from lightning- stroke. Arch. Ophthalm., 17, 1888, 131-138. Abnormalities in the functions of the extrinsic ocular muscles. [With discussion.] Arch. Ophthalm., 26, 1897, 595-596. BnUer, (Sir) Walter L[awry]. The decrease of the Maori race. [With discussion.] [1884.] N. Zealand Jl. Sci., 2, 1884-88, 55-59. [Note on Lobivanellus lobatus.] Ibis, 6, 1888, 283. On a species of crested penguin (Eudyptes Sclateri) from the Auckland Islands. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 82-84. Note on the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans). N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 22, 1890, 340-342. An exhibition of new and interesting forms of New Zealand birds, with remarks thereon. [1890.] N.Zealand lust. Trans., 23, 1891, 36-43. [On the New Zealand species of Apteryx.] [1890.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 23, 1891, 602-603. On the wandering albatross ; with an exhibition of specimens, and the determination of a new species (Diomedea regia). N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 23, 1891, 230-235. Notes and observations on New Zealand birds. [1891-93.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 24, 1892, 64-74, 75-91; 25, 1893, 53-63, 63-88. On the large kiwi from Stewart Island (Apteryx maxima). N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 24, 1892, 91-92. Note on Mus Maorium {Hutton), with exhibition of specimen. [1892.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 49-50. Note on the flightless rail of the Chatham Islands (Cabalus modestus). [1892.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 52-53. On a new insectivorous plant in New Zealand. [1892.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 25, 1893, 302-304. On the birds observed during a voyage from New Zealand to England. [1893.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894, 182-189. On a new species of fern-bird (Sphenceacus) from the Snares Islands. [1894.] Ibis, 6, 1894, 522-523; N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 127-128. Notes made on the return voyage from Plymouth to Auckland, by way of the Cape of Good Hope. N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 26, 1894, 189-199. Note on the petrel named ffistrelata leucophrys by Captain Hutton. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 653. Illustrations of Darwinism ; or, the avifauna of New Zealand considered in relation to the fundamental law of descent with modification. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 75-104. Notes on the ornithology of New Zealand ; with an exhibition of rare specimens. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 104-126. Notes on the flightless duck of the Auckland Islands (Nesonetta auklandica). [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 128-129. Notes on Fhalacrocorax Colensoi, of the Auckland Islands, and on Phalacrocorax Onslowi, of the Chatham Islands. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 129-132. Note on (Estrelata neglecta, with an exhibition of specimens. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 132-134. Some curiosities of bird-life. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 134-142. — — On the wetas, a group of orthopterous insects inhabit- ing New Zealand ; with descriptions of two new species. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 143-147. Observations on some peculiar Maori remains, with remarks on the ancient institution of tapu. [1894.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1896, 148-154. Notes on the Auckland-Island shag (Phalacrocorax Colensoi). Ibis, 1, 1896, 39-40. On a new species of Xenicus from an island off the coast of New Zealand. Ibis, 1, 1895, 236-237. Note on the vegetable caterpillar (Cordiceps Robertsii). N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 27, 1895, 155-156. On a new species of Deinacrida or forest-cricket fi*om Nelson. [1895.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 28, 1896, 323-326. Notes on New Zealand ornithology, with an exhibition of specimens. [1895.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 28, 1896, 326-358. On the occurrence of the nankeen kestrel of Australia (Cerchneis cenchroides) in New Zealand. [1895.] N. Zealand Inst. Trans., 28, 1896, 359. Notes on the ornithology of New Zealand. [1897-98.] N. Zealand lust. Trans., 29, 1897, 179-207; 31, 1899, 1-37. Capture of a fourth living specimen of Notornis. Ibis, 5, 1899, 165-166. Bulley, R. H. Immature dress of Melospiza palustris. Auk, 3, 1886, 277. Bullier, L. M. Etudes sur les applications de I'acetylene a I'c^clairage. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 17, 1897, 646- 654. Ueber die Geschichte des Acetj'lens und des Calcium- carbids. [1896.] Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 155. Bullio, Pietro. Terremoto del 17 agosto, 1885, Montesinaro. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 5, 1885, 144. Bullnlieiiuer, Friedrich. Ueber Silberplumbit. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1287-1289. Ueber Kupfer-Alkali-Glycerinverbindungen. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 1453-1457. Die Bestimmung von Wolfram in Erzen. Chem. Ztg., 24, 1900, 870-871. BuUnheimer, Friedrich, & Seitz, E. Ueber Kupferoxyd- Alkalitartrate und Fehling'sche Losung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2347-2352; 33, 1900, 817-823. BuUo, G. S., Toni, G. B. de, & Faoletti, G. See Toni, BuUo & Faoletti. Bulloch, Walter H. For biography see Amer. Micr. Jl., 13, 1892, 29-30; Micr. Soc. Jl., 1892, 278-279. The magnifying power of microscope objectives and lenses. Amer. Soc. Micr. Proc, 1884, 183-185. Mechanical stage with vertical pinions. Micr. Soc Jl., 1890, 795-796. Improved filar micrometer. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1891, 106-107. Bullocb, William. Hyaline degeneration of the spinal cord. Brain, 15, 1892, 411-423. The central nervous system of an anencephalous foetus. Jl. Anat. Physiol., 29, 1896, 276-281. The durability of passive diphtheria immunity. Jl. Path. Bact., 5, 1898, 274-278. Some recent work on the tubercle bacillus and its allies. Practitioner, 63, 1899, 447-454. A simple apparatus for obtaining plate cultures or surface growths of obligate anaerobes. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 27, 1900, 140-142. Recent work on the nature of haemolysis and its • relation to practical bacterial therapeutics. Practitioner, 65, 1900, 672-683. Bulloch, William, & Hunter, William. Ueber Pyocyano- lysin, eine hamolytische Substanz in Kulturen des Bacterium pyocyaneum. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 28, 1900, 865-876. On a haemolysin in cultures of Bacterium pyo- cyaneum, and an antihsemolytic body in the serum of immunised animals. London Path. Soc. Trans., 51, 1900, 192-193. Bulloch, William, & Schmorl, Georg. Ueber Lymph- driisenerkrankungen bei epidemischer Diphtheric. Beitr. Path. Anat., 16, 1894, 247-255. Bulloch] 913 [Bumpus Bulloch, William, & Turner, William Aldren. See Turner & Bulloch. Bullock, Charles. For biography see Amer. Jl. Pharm., 72, 1900, 411-422. On the preparation and properties of metallic man- ganese. Franklin Inst. Jl., 128, 1889, 62-64. Bullock, J. H., & KasUe, J[oseph] H[oeing]. See KasUe & Bullock. Bullock, John G. Ford's multiple stirring and filtering apparatus. Jl. Anal. Chem., 6, 1892, 485-487. Bullock-Webster, (Rev.) G. R. Some new Characefe records. Jl. Bot., 36, 1898, 182-184. Bullot, G. Action des inhalations de chlorure et d'^thylene sur la cornee du ciiien. [1896.] Ann. d'Oculist., 117, 1897, 61. Sur la croissance et les courbures du Phycomyces nitens. Brux., Soc. Beige Micr. Ann., 21, 1897, 69-91. La regeneration de repith61ium corneen sous I'influence de la morphine. [1897.] Ann. d'Oculist., 119, 1898, 60-61. Presentation d'un ceil de cyclope. Ann, d'Oculist., 120, 1898, 43-44. De la regeneration de I'epitheUum corneen apr^s enucleation. Ann. d'Ocuhst., 120, 1898, 46-47. Sur I'impermeabilite de I'epitheiium corneen k I'oxyg^ne. [1899.] Ann. d'Ocuhst., 123, 1900, 142-144, Sur la physiologic de I'epitheiium corneen. Imperme- abilite relative a I'oxygene, Brux., Ac. Bull., 1900, 887- 949. Bullot, G., & tor, L. Du role de I'epitheiium de la cornee sur I'etat de I'endothelium et du tissu corneen dans les yeux transplantes. [1898.] Ann. d'Oculist., 121, 1899, 52. De I'influence exercee par Tepitheiium de la cornee sur I'endothelium et le tissu corneens de I'oeil transplante. Brux., Ac. Med.Belg. Bull., 13, 1899, 421-450. Bulman, G. W. On the supposed selective action of bees on flowers. Zoologist, 14, 1890, 422-427. On the sands and gravels intercalated in the boulder- clay. Geol. Mag., 8, 1891, 337-848, 402-410. Drift coal in sandstone. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 150-154. The revised astronomical theory of glaciation. Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 260-268. Was the boulder-clay formed beneath the ice? Geol. Mag., 9, 1892, 305-310. Underclays : a preliminary study. Geol, Mag., 9, 1892, 351-361. Bulman, Harriwri F. The Kalgoorlie gold-mines. Western Australia. [With discussion.] [1899.] Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 17, 1900, 349-372 ; 18, 1900, 344-347 ; 20, 1902, 507-509. Bulnheim, Gotthard. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gallen- saureu. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 296-324. Bulovskij, Aleksandr [Ivanovii.]. Ueber die schadlichen Bestandtheile derjenigen Gummisacheu, mit denen Kinder verscliiedenen Alters in Beriihrung kommen. Arch. Hyg., 15, 1892, 125-140. Bulwer, W. D. Breeding of the otter in November, [1893.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 5, 1894, 420-421. Bum, Anton. Ueber die Anwendung der Milchsaure bei fungosen Erkrankungen der Weichtheile. Wien. Med. Wschr., 35, 1885, 1432-1436. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Horner- vensprungs beim Kaninchen. [1888.] Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 45, 1889, 568-574. Zur physiologischen Wirkung der Massage auf den Stoffwechsel. Wien. Med. Wschr., 42, 1892, 1976-1977. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Ganglion ciliare der Katze. Deutsch. Natf. Verb., 1899 (Th. 2, Hnl/te 2), 304-307. Die spinale Ataxie und ihre compensatorische Bewe- gungsbehandlung. [1899.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 50, 1900, 182-183, R. S. A, C. Ueber die Atrophiewirkung der Durchschneidung der Ciliarnerven auf das Ganglion ciliare, Miinchen Ges. Morphol. u. Physiol. Sber., 16, 1900, 46-48. Bumcke, G., & VTolffenstein, Richard. Ueber Cellulose. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2493-2-507. Bumiller, . [Das Livingstone-Gebirge.] Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verb., 20, 1893, 405-406; Petermann, Mitth., 39, 1893, 212-213. Bumm, Anton. See Bum. Bumm, E[rnst]. Ueber einen abscessbildendeii Diplo- coccus. [1884.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1886, 1-7, Zur Aetiologie und diagnostischen Bedeutung der Papillome der weiblichen Genitalien. Wiirzb, Phys, Med. Sber., 1886, 66-75, Ueber die Genital- und Beckenverhaltnisse der Hot- tentottinnen. [1886.] Wiirzb, Phys, Med. Sber., 1887, 6-7. Die puerperale Wundinfection. Kritischer Bericht iiber die neueren Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiete, Centrbl, Bakt., 2, 1887, 343-348. Ueber Parotitis nach Ovariotomie. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1887, 20-31. Ueber Darmverschliessungen nach Laparotomien, Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1888, 41-48, 49-50. Ueber die Einwirkungen pyogener Mikroorganismen auf s Bindegewebe nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Bedeu- tung derselben Mikroben fiir die progressive Eiterung. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1888, 95-96, 97-108. Die Phagocytenlehre und der Gonococcus, [1888.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1889, 3-6. Zur Anatomic der Placenta. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1889, 115-118. Ueber fotale Herzgerausche. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1890, 105-109. Ueber puerperale Endometritis. [1890.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1891, 9-13. Ueber die Entwickelung der menschlichen Placenta, Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1891, 78-80, 81-85, Ueber die Heilungsvorgange nach dem Bauchschnitt bei bacillarer Bauchfelltuberkulose. [1892.] Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1893, 7-10. Ueber Diphtheric und Kindbettfieber. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 33, 1896, 126-136. [De la blennorrhagie de residus.] [1896.] Ann. de Dermatol., 8, 1897, 120-122. Bumpus, Herman Carey. A simple and inexpensive self- registering auxanometer. Bot, Gaz., 12, 1887, 149- 150. The embryology of the American lobster. Jl. Morphol., 5, 1891, 215-262. A new method of using celloidin for serial section cutting. Amer. Natlist., 26, 1892, 80-81. The median eye of adult Crustacea. Zool. Anz., 17, 1894, 176-177. Instinct and education in birds. Science, 4, 1896, 213-217. The result of the suspension of natural selection as illustrated by the introduced English sparrow, [1896,] Science, 5, 1897, 423-424, A contribution to the study of variation, (Skeletal variations of Necturus maculatus, Raf.) Jl. Morphol., 12, 1897, 455-484. [Comparison of the eggs of European and American sparrows.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 590. The variations and mutations of the introduced sparrow. Passer domesticus. (A second contribution to the study of variation.) Wood's HoU Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1896-97, 1-15. A recent variety of the flatfish, and its bearing upon the question of discontinuous variation. [1897.] Science, 7, 1898, 197-198. Certain results from a study of the variation of Littorina. [1897.] Science, 7, 1898, 198, 115 Bumpus] 914 [Bunge On the identification of fish artificially hatched. Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 407-412. The breeding of animals at Woods Holl during the months of March, [May, June, July and August], 1898. Science, 7, 1898, 485-487 ; 8, 1898, 58-61, 850-858. On the reappearance of the tile-fish (Lopholatilus chamasleonticeps). Science, 8, 1898, 576-578. The importance of extended scientific investigation. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 17, 1898, 177-180. The elimination of the unfit as illustrated by the introduced sparrow, Passer domesticus. (A fourth con- tribution to the study of variation.) Wood's Holl Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect., 1898, 209-226. — — The variations and mutations of the introduced Littorina. A third contribution to the study of varia- tion. Zool. Bull., 1, 1898, 247-259. A specific case of the elimination of the unfit. [1898.] Science, 9, 1899, 316-317. Facts and theories of telegony. Amer. Natlist., 33, 1899, 917-922. The reappearance of the tilefish. U. S. Fish Comm. Bull., 18, 1899, 321-383. Bumstead, S. J. The unequal contraction of the ciliary muscle. Ai-ch. Ophthalm., 13, 1884, 208-212. A new centring instrument. Arch. Ophthalm., 23, 1894, 88-91 ; Arch. Augenheilk., 30, 1895, 66-68. Bumiiller, Johannes. Menschen- und Affen-Femur. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1899, 157-160 ; Wien Anthrop. Ges. Mittli., 30, 1900, [91]-[94]. Bufiat, Karel, Bayer, FrantiSek, Bayer, Edvin, & Krejci, August. See Bayer, Bayer, Krejci & Bunat. Bunbury, (Sir) Charles James Fox. For biography and works see Geol. Soc. Quart. JL, 43, 1887 (Proc.), 89-40 ; Roy. Soc. Proc, 46, 1890, xiii-xiv. Bunch, J. L. On the nerves of the intestine and the effects of small doses of nicotine upon them. Brit. Ass. Eep,, 1896, 976. [Functional activity of nerve cells. Eeport of the Committee... appointed to investigate the changes which are associated with the functional activity of nerve cells and their peripheral extensions.] Appendix i. On the origin, course, and cell-connections of the viscero-motor nerves of the small intestine. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1897 513-514. The vasomotor influence of the vagus on the small intestine. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, Iviii-lix. On the origin, course and cell-connections of the viscero-motor nerves of the small intestine. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, 857-379. On the effects of successive stimulation of the visceromotor and vasomotor nerves of the intestine. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 897. Vaso-motor effects on the small intestine produced by stimulation of the central end of the vagus. Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, xxvii-xxviii. On the vaso-motor nerves of the small intestine. Jl. Physiol., 24, 1899, 72-98. On the innervation of the longitudinal coat of the small intestine. [1899.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900 22-32. Vascular supply of secreting glands. Report of the Committee on the effect of chorda stimulation on the volume of the submaxillary gland. Brit. Ass. Ren 1900, 458-461. ^'' The changes in volume of the submaxillary gland accompanying activity. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899- 1900, xii ; 26, 1900-01, 1-29. Bund, J. W. Willis. The Severn watershed. Brit. Ass Rep., 1888, 799-804. A nesting place of Larus fuseus. Zoologist, 13 1889 131-133. 6 , , oo». Bundle, Albert. Cilia te Infusorien im Coecum des Pferdes Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 60, 189B, 284-350. Bungartz, Jea7i. Eine Eigenthiimlichkeit des Langshan- Huhnes. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 68-69. Neue asiatische Movchen. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 14, 1890, 96-97. Bunge, Al[e.vander] von. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 167, 213 ; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 203; Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 630; Dorpat Sber., 9, 1892, 359-873. *Ueber die Gattungen Siphonostegia, Benth., und Uwarowia, Bunge. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 7, 1840, 273-280. *Ueber eine neue Art der Gattung Pedicularis. [1840.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, 241-253. Bunge, Alexander von (jun.). Naturhistorische Beobach- tungen und Fahrten im Lena-Delta. [Aus Briefen an den Akademiker L. von Schkenck.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 422-476. Bericht iiber fernere Fahrten im Lena-Delta und die Ausgrabung eines angeblich vollstandigen Mammuth- cadavers. [Aus Briefen an den Akademiker L. von ScHRENCK.] [1885.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 228-282. Brief.. .fiber den Gang der von der Akademie veran- stalteten Polar-Expedition. [1885.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 30, 1886, 342-346. IIpeji,BapnTejibHHH OTieTt 061 9Kcnej;HuiH Ha H0B0-CH6HpCKie OCXpOBa. [Preliminary report on an expedition to the New Siberia Islands.] [1887.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 28, 1888, 573-591 ; Nature, 87, 1888, 522-528. La faune 6teinte des bouches de la L^na et des iles de la Nouvelle Siberie. Congr. Int. Zool. [C. R.], 1892 (Pt. 2), 281-285. See also under Bergmann, R[einhokl]. Bunge, Alexander von {jun.), & Toll, (Baron) Eduard von. Berichte iiber die von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften ausgeriistete Expedition nach den Neusi- birischen Inseln und dem Jana-Lande. Beitr. Russ. Reich., 3, 1887, 63-412. Bunge, Carlos. Proyecto de un puente de hierro de 25 metros de luz. Argentina Soc. Ci. An., 19, 1885, 175-218. Bunge, G[ustav'\ von. Ueber die Assimilation des Eisens. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 49-59. Analyse der anorganischen Bestandtheile des Muskels. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 9, 1885, 60-62. Eine Bemerkung zur Theorie der Driisenfunction. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886, 539-540. Wie ist die Resorption der Luft aus der Pleurahohle zu erklaren? Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1886 (Suppl.), 184-185. Ueber das Sauerstoffbediirfniss der Schlammbewohner. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 12, 1888, 565-567. Ein Wort der Erwiderung an Rudolf Heidenhain : [Beitrage zur Histologic und Physiologic der Diinndarm- schleimhaut]. Pfliiger, Arch. Physiol., 44, 1889, 270- 271. Ueber die Aufnahme des Eisens in den Organismus des Sauglings. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 13, 1889, 399- 406 ; 16, 1892, 178-186 ; 17, 1893, 63-66. Ueber Siderosis bulbi. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 151-154. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Athmung der Wiirmer. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 14, 1890, 318-324. Ueber den Eisengehalt der Leber. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 17, 1893, 78-82. La ferroterapia. Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 468-475. Die Veranderungen der Lunge nach Selbstmordver- such durch Ertranken. Fortschr. Med., 14 (1896), 81-88. Die Assimilation des Eisens aus den Cerealien. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 25, 1898, 36-47. Bunge] 915 [Bunlakovskij Ueber die Zusammensetzung d^s Knorpels vom Haifisch. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 28, 1899, 300-302. Der Kochsalzgehalt des Knorpels und das biogenetische Grundgesetz. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. , 28, 1899, 452-458. Karl Ernst von Bakr's Stellung zur Frage nach der Abstammung des Menschen. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 224-225. Bange, Kuno von. Zur Kenntniss der Hydrastis canadensis und ihrer Alkaloide. Dorpat Pharm. Inst. Arb., 11 & 12, 1895, 119-252. Bunge, N[ikolaj] A[7idreevic]. TIpHMiHeHie KaOJIHHO- bhxij mapuKOBi ii iiiiiieTKii Cajie Kt anajiiisy rasOBt 110 cn0C06y ByH3EHa. [Ueber die Anwendung von Kaolinkugeln und der Salet'schen Pipette bei der Gasanalyse nach Bunsen.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Chem.), 1888, 694-701 ; Fresenius, Ztschr., 28, 1889, 457-466. 061. ajeKTpOjiHS'fe KHCJiOTt jKHpnaro pflji;a ii 061) anajriist raaOBt. [Ueber die Electrolyse der Fettsauren und die Analyse von Gasen.] [1888.] Kiev Soc. Nat. Mem., 10, 1889, Ixxxvii-lxxxviii ; Chem. Ztg., 12, 1888, 1747. 3.iieKTpOJIH31> JKHpHHXI. KHCJIOTt. [Electrolysis of fatty acids.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 21 {Chem.), 1889, 525-557 ; Chem. Soc. Jl., 58, 1890 (Abs.), 1236- 1237. Kt) 3jreKTpojiH3y MeTajienTHqecKHxi. npona- BOJtHHXl. OpraHIItfecKHX'b KHCJIOTt. [Electrolysis of substituted organic acids.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 24 (Chem.), 1892, 690-694; Chem. Soc. JL, 64, 1893 (Abs., Ft. 1), 640-641. Bunge, Paui. DieBunge'schenPracisionswaagen. Centrztg. Optik, 5, 1884, 220-225, 229-231. Neues iiber [seine] analytischen Waagen. Chem. Ztg., 11, 1887, 559-560. Neuerungen an Waagen. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 14, 1894, 131-132. Bunge, i2. Ueber Geisselfarbung von Bakterien. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 462-464, 929-935. Zur Aetiologie der Gasphlegmone. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 533-545. Zur Kenntnis der geisseltragenden Bakterien. Fort- schr. Med., 12 (1894), 653-670. Ueber Sporenbildung bei Bakterien. Fortschr. Med. , 13 (1896), 813-826, 853-863. Bunge, R., & Trantenroth, A. Smegma- und Tuberkel- bacillen. Fortschr. Med., 14 (1896), 889-902, 929- 942. Bunge, Richard, & Eberth, C. J. See Ebertb & Bunge. Bungener, H[enr7j]. La d^g^n^rescence de la levure de brasserie. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 42, 1884, 567-573. Des principes amers du houblon. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 45, 1886, 487-496. La levure de bi^re. R^sultats des recherches les plus Vicentes. Leur application industrielle. Moniteur Sci., 4, 1890, 665-675, 780-790. Bungeroth, [Otto]. Ueber Diphteritis und das Heilserum. [1894.] Westfal. Ver. Jber. , 1894-95, xxxi-xliv. Bungefeanu, D[umitru]. La diffraction des rayons X. Eclairage Elect., 7 (1896), 165-167. Buniakovskij, Vliktor] Ja[kovlevid]. For biography and works see Leopoldina, 25, 1889, 219 ; Fortschr. Math. 1890, 30; Kharkov Math. Soc. Commun., 2, 1891, 149-161. *M6moire sur I'irr^ductibilit^ de certaines formules irrationnelles, tant litterales que numdriques. St. P^tersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 8, 1841, 1-2. *HoBHa coo6pa3KeHiii o Teopiii iiapajijrejibHHX'B JIHHift. [New considerations on the theory of parallels.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 2, 1862, 19-28. *0 H-feKOTOpHXt qaCTHHXl CJiy^aHXl HHTerpH- pyeMocTH Bt KOHeiHOM'B BHju'fe ji;H(J)(i)epeHiiiaja X -K7j dx x + C^ s/x*TAx^ + Bx^ + Cx + D II ji.pynix'F. BHpajKeHifi noji;o6Haro BHaa. [On some special cases of integration in the complete form of the differential x + Ci dx X + C2 v'x* + Ax3 + Bx^ + Cx + D and of other expressions of similar form.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 3, 1863 (Suppl.), No. 2, 32 pp. *reoMeTpHiecKifl coo6pajKeHia 0 HaiiBHroA- HilHIueM'h paSMimeHill rpOMOOTBOaOB'B. [Geometric considerations on the most advantageous arrangement of lightning-conductors.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 4, 1864 (Append. No. 3), 31 pp. *0 .HByxi) .iioConiiiTHHX'i) Bonpocaxi. HBt JI,io(})aHTOBa aHajmaa, npejjioaieHHHX'B bi, Zeit- schrift fiir Mathematik und Physik. [On two interest- ing questions in Diophantine analysis proposed in the Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik.] [1864.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Bmss.), 6, 1865, 142-163. *0 cyMMOBaniH HUCJieHHHX'B ^a,6Jll^^'b no npH6jIHJKeHiK). [On the approximate summation of numerical tables.] [1867.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 12, 1868 (Suppl.), No. 4, 41 pp. *06Ty oji;homt> BMriifpHqecKOMt BupaKeHin saKOHa CMepTHOCTH. [On an empirical expression of the law of mortality.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 15, 1869 (Suppl.), No. 4, 20 pp. *06'b o;i;Hoft (fjopMyii, Bupaataiomeil aasHCH- MOCTB MejKAy cyMMaMH jtijHTejiea Bcfexi ciarae- MHXT) ji;aHHaro qiicja h coBOKynHOCTiK) pasjioate- Hift 9Toro caMaro iiicja na u'fejiHa cjiaraeMHa. [On a formula expressing the relation between the sums of the divisors of all the parts of a given number and the combination of the decompositions of the same number into integral parts.] [1870.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 18, 1871, 20-24. ^0 coeji;nHeHiax'B oco6eHHaro pojta, Bcipi- laromnxcfl BTi Bonpocfe 0 jtecJjeKTaxi. [Sur les combinaisons d'un genre particulier qui se rencontrent dans la question sur les livres d^fectueuses.] [1871.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 20, 1872 (Suppl.), No. 2, 71 pp. ; Fortschr. Math., 1872, 89. *06'b oji,uowh Bonpoci hsT) Teopin coejiiHHeHift. [On a question in the theory of combinations.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 21, 1872, 261-284. *06i. OAHOMi. Bonpocfe, oTHOCflmeMca k-b pasjio- meniK) ^nceJl'b na lacxn (partitio numerorum). [On a question relating to the partition of numbers.] [1874.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 25, 1876 (Suppl.), No. I, 29 pp. *0 caMOcneiaxt h 0 hobom'b Hxt npHM-feHeniH. [On calculating machines and a new application of the same.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 27, 1876 (Suppl.), No. 4, 28 pp. *0 HOBOMt cjiyqai jtijiiiMocTir qiicejn Bn;ta 2:^ + 1, coo6meHHOMiAKaj;eMiH Ot. IlEPByfflHHHMi. [On a new case of divisibility of numbers of the form 2' + !, communicated to the Academy by Pervd§in.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 31, 1878, 223-224. *0 Haii6ojii>innx'b BejiiiiBHaxt bx Bonpocaxi. OTHOCflUUIXCfl Kt HpaBCTBeHHOMy 0/KHjI,aHilO. [On maxima in questions relating to moral expectation.] 115—2 916 Buniakovskij] [1879.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Russ.), 36, 1880 (Suppl.), No. 1, 22 pp. *06l> 0JI;H0M1. BH)I,0H3M'fcHeHiH C110C06a, IISBiiCT- naro iiojii HasBanieMTj BrATOceEHOsa pf.iiicra. rOn a variation in the method known by the name of Eratosthenes' sieve.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rms.), 41, 1882 (Svjjpl.), No. 3, 32 pp. Demonstration de quelques propositions relatives a la fonction num.5rique E(x). [1883-84.] St. Petersb. Ac. Sci. Bull., 29, 1884, 250-272, 503-520. 061. oji,HOM'fc Biij;oH3M'i;neHin tfiyHKuiii E{f{x)) II 0 iipHJOKeniH HSMiHGHHaro iipieMa Kt iiscji'feji.o- BaniK) HiKOTOpHXt CBOfiCTBt KBa;i,paTHMHLIX'I. 11 HGKBajl.paTlIIHHX'b BH^ieTOBl> npOCTHXl ^iiiceji'i. BIIAa 4Jk + l. [Ueber eine Modification der Function E{f(x)) und liber die Anwendung des veranderten Verfahrens zur Untersuchung einiger Eigenschaften der quadratischen und nicht quadratischen Reste der Zahlen von der Form, 4A; + 1.] [1885.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Rvss.), 52, 1886, 124-141 ; Fortschr. Math., 1886, 144-145. BaM-feTKa 061, oji,Hoa (})opMyji'i; oTHOcameSca kt^ TeopiH ^HCeJlt. [Bemerkungen iiber eine Formel der Zahlentheorie.] [1886.] St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. {Rush.), 55, 1887 (Suppl.), No. 5, 16 pp.; Fortschr. Math., 1887, 173. Bnnkell, H. B. Notes on the Venterskroom gold-fields. South African EepubHc. [With discussion.] [1896.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 46, 1898, 58-62. Bunker, Frederic S. On the structure of the sensory organs of the lateral line of Ameiurus nebulosus, Le Sueur. Anat. Anz., 13, 1897, 256-260. Bunker, Robert. For biography see Philad., Ent. News, 3, 1892, 104; Rochester (N. Y.) Ac. Sci. Proc, 2, 1896, 150-151. ■ Notes on abnormal types of the larva of Smerinthus ■ myops. Canad. Ent., 18, 1886, 207-208. Some experiences in larvae rearing. Philad., Ent. News, 1, 1890, 108-110, 117-119. Bnnning, Charles Z. Coal mining at Warora, Central Provinces, East India. [1889.] N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 38, 1891, 77-169. Bunning, Theo[philus] Wood. For biographical notice see Fed. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 3, 1892, 85-87; N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 41, 1893, 3-5. Barometer and thermometer readings for [1883-86]. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., 33, 1884, 239-245 ; 34, 1885, 309-815 ; 85, 1886, 247-253 ; 86, 1887, 225-231. Bunsen, Ph. von. Alt-Amerika und die allgemeine Kultur- geschichte. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1889, 300-304. Bunsen, R[obert] W[ilhelm Eherhard von'\. For biography and works see Amer. Chem. Jl., 22 (1899), 411-413 ; Amer. Jl. Sci., 8, 1899, 318 ; Analyst, 24, 1899, 226-227 ; Ann. di Farm, e Chim., [1899], 479-480; Astrophys. Jl., 10, 1899, 301-305; Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 32, 1899, 2535-2539; Chem. News, 80, 1899, 94-95; Chem. Ztg., 23, 1899, 675; Dinglers Polytechn. JL, 313, 1899, 159- 160 ; Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 20, 1899, 626 ; Frankf. a. M. Phys. Ver. Jber., 1898-99, 43-44; Leopoldina, 35, 1899, 158; Moniteur Sci., 13, 1899, 770; Nature, 60 (1899), 424-425 ; Paris, Ac. Sci. C. E., 129, 1899, 1061 ; Phys Eev., 9, 1899, 310-312; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 31, 1899, 184; Eoma, E. Ace. Lincei Eeiid., 8, 1899 (Sem. 2), 329-337 ; .• S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. .11. , 2, 1899, 178-181; S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 2 (1897-99), 832-^ 835; Science, 10, 1899, 447-451; Smithsonian Rep., 1899, 605-644 ; Wien. Med. Wschr., 49, 1899, 1596 ; Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 36, 1899, 550-551; Ztschr.' Angew. Chem., 1899, 822, 1241 ; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl 22, 1900 (Proc), 89-107; Chem. Soc. Jl., 77, 1900 {Ft. 1) [Buntrock 513-554; Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 431 ; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 56, 1900, li ; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 44' 1900, xxxii-xxxiii ; Termt. Kozlon., 32, 1900, 690- 691; Wien, Almanach, 50, 1900, 286-288; Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1900, 884-885; Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 23, 1900, 393-438; Ztschr. Elektroch., 1899-1900, 205- 206; London Phys. Soc. Proc, 17, 1901 [Ann. Meet., 1900), 12-13; Miinchen Ak. Sber., 30, 1901, 359-369; Roy. Inst. Proc, 16, 1902, 437-447 ; Roy. Soc. Proc, 75, 1905, 46-49. Ueber die langsame Verdichtung der Kohlensaure an blanken Glasfliichen und Kayser's Einwlirfe dagegen. Ann. Phys. Chem., 22, 1884, 145-152. Ueber capillare Gasabsorption. Ann. Phys. Chem., 24, 1885, 321-347; 25, 1885, 680. Zersetzung des Glases durch Kohlensaure enthaltende capillare Wasserschichten. Ann. Phys. Chem., 29, 1886, 161-165. Ueber das Dampfcalorimeter, Ann. Phys. Chem., 31, 1887, 1-14. Bunte, H[ans Hugo Christian]. [Bericht fiber die im Auftrage des landwirthschaftlichen Provinzialvereines fur die Mark Brandenburg und die Niederlausitz ausge- fuhrte Prufung von Locomobilen.] Chemische Unter- suchung der Feuerungen und des Dampfes. Civil- ingenieur, 30, 1884, 295-316. Palladiumchlorur als Reagens auf kohlenoxydhaltiges Gas. Humboldt, 6, 1887, 19-20. Zur Werthbestimmung der Kohle. Dinglers Poly- techn. Jl., 280, 1891, 63-69, 89-92, 136-141; 283, 1892, 256-257, 309; 285, 1892, 48, 183-184. La valeur du charbon. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 5, 1891, 618-620. Lichtmaasse und Lichtmessung. [1889.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verh., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 53-55. Anlauffarben des Stahls. [1889.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verh., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 60-61. Heizwerth der Steinkohle. [1890.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verh., 11, 1896 (Sber.), 108-110. Ueber die neuere Entwickelung der Flammenbe- leuchtung. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 31, 1898, 5-25, 225. Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Gasgluhlichtes mit Demonstrationen. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 844- 845. Ueber das Gasgluhlicht. [1896.] Karlsruhe Nat. Ver. Verb., 13, 1900 (Sber.), 59-62. Bunting, Martha. Ueber die Bedeutung der Otolithen- organe fur die geotropischen Functionen von Astacus fluviatilis. Pfluger, Arch. Physiol., 54, 1893, 531-537. On the origin of the sex-cells in Hydractinia and Podocoryne; and the development of Hydractinia. Jl. MorphoL, 9, 1894, 203-236. On the formation of cork tissue in the roots of the RosaceaB. [1897.] Amer. Natlist., 32, 1898, 109-110. The structure of the cork tissues in roots of some rosaceous genera. [1898.] Pennsylvania Univ. Publ. (Contrib. Bot. Lab.), 2, 1904, 54-05. Buntrock, Arthur. [Die Thionylamine der aroraatischen Reihe.] Thionylnaphtylamine. Liebig's Ann., 274, 1893, 253-259. Die Erzeugung von Seidenglanz auf Baumwolle. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 479-482. Bericht fiber die Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Theerfarbenchemie. ...1898. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 709-716; 1899, 321-329, 347-352. Bericht fiber die Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Veredelung der Gespinnstfasern....l898[-99]. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 981-1001; 1899, 613-620, 664- 673, 681-691; 1900, 531-536, 560-565, 609-617. Die Erzeugung von Seidenglanz auf Baumwolle und das Seyfert'sche Verfahren. Ztschr. Angew. Chem., 1898, 1106-1107. Buntrock] 917 [Burbidge Buntrock, Artlmr, & Witt, Otlo N[ikolaus]. See "Witt ti' Buntrock. Buntzen, J., & Madsen, H. P. Sur Taction comparee des diff^reutes aconitines. Congr. Int. Sci. Med. C. E., 1884 (T. 2, Med.), 162-169. Bunyon, C. J. *Concerning the renewal of leaseholds for lives or years that have been the subject of settlement. Assur. Mag., 3, 1853, 280-289. *0n the origin and nature of some of those limited and contingent interests in property which are commonly submitted to actuaries for valuation. [1873.] Inst. Act. Jl., 18, 1875, 1-15. Bunzel, lingo. Ueber die Oxydation des a-Pipecolins. i. Berlin, Cliem. Ges. Ber., 22, 1889, 1053-1057. Bunzel, Rudolf. Ueber die Herzthatigkeit und Blutbe- wegung bei Amphibieularven und deren Beeinflussung durch die Temperatur. Ztschr. Heilk. , 14, 1893, 461- 484. Ueber den Eiufluss der vasomotorischen und sensiblen Nerven auf die durch Verbriihung hervorgerufene Ent- ziindung des Kaninchenohres, sowie iiber die wiihrend der Verbriihung auftretenden Allgemeinerscheinungen, insbesondere die Tachypnoe. Arch. Exper. Path., 37, 1896, 445-466. Bunzel, Rudolf, & IZofmann, Franz. Sec XZofimann & Bunzel. Bunzl, R., & Fictet, Ame. See Fictet & BunzL Bunzl-Federn, Einil. Untersuchungen iiber einige seu- •chenarlige Erkrankungen der Schweine. Arch. Hyg., 12, 1891, 198-220. Bemerkungen iiber "Wild- und Schweineseuche." Centrbl. Bakt., 9, 1891, 787-789. Ueber einen neuen fiir Thiere pathogenen Mikro- organismus aus dem Sputum eines Pneumoniekranken. Arch. Hyg., 19, 1893, 326-332. Ueber Immunisirung und Heilung bei der Pneumo- coccen-Infection. Aich. Hyg., 20, 1894, 152-180. Buonarotti, Ejinco. Dell' azione della pseudoiusquiamina. Ann. di Chim., 20, 1894, 81-86. Buquet, , & Maupetit, . See Maupetit & Buquet. Buquet, [Jean Baptiste} Lucien. For biography and list of works see Abeille, 26, 1889, clxvii; Ent. Month. Mag., 26, 1890, 53; Paris, Soc. Ent. Ann., 10, 1890, 429-434. Buraczewski, J[ozef], & Marchlewski, Leon. See Marcb- lewski & Buraczewski. Burall-Forti, Cesare. Sui sistemi di coniche. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 309-333. Sui sistemi i volte infiniti di quadriche. Giorn. Mat., 24, 1886, 334-345. Sopra un sistema di curve che dividono in n parti eguali gli archi di circolo che passano per due punti fissi. Giorn. Mat., 27, 1889, 153-163. Le linee isofote delle rigate algebriche. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 4, 1890, 57-62. Sopra il sistema di quadriche che hanno 1' n-pla polare comune. Palermo Circ. Mat. Bend., 4, 1890, 118-125. Sulle trasformazioni (2, 2) che si possono ottenere mediante due trasformazioni doppie. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 5, 1891, 91-99. La risoluzione dei problem! di aritmetica nelle scuole secondarie inferiori. Riv. Mat., 1, 1891, 31-41. Sopra un metodo generale di costruzioni in geometria descrittiva. Riv. Mat., 2, 1892, 96-99. Sulla teoria delle grandezze. Riv. Mat., 3, 1893, 76- 101. I numeri negativi. Riv. Mat., 3, 1893, 138-145. Sulle classi ordinate e i numeri transfiniti. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 8, 1894, 169-179. Sulle classi derivate a destra e a sinistra. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 29, 1894, 382-394. Sui limite delle classi variabili. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 30, 1895, 227-243. Sur quelques proprietes des ensembles d'ensembles et leurs applications k la limite d'une ensemble variable. Math. Ann., 47, 1896, 20-32. Sur la definition de I'integrale definie. Nouv. Ann. Math., 15, 1896, 495-502. II metodo del Grassmann nella geometria proiettiva. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 10, 1896, 177-195, 254; 11, 1897, 64-82. Le classi finite. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 34-52. Sopra un teorema del sig. G. Cantor. Torino Ace. Sci. Atti, 32, 1896, 153-161 or 229-237. Una questione sui numeri transfiniti. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 11, 1897, 154-164, 260. Sopra alcune question! di geometria differenziale. Palermo Circ. Mat. Rend., 12, 1898, 111-132. Sur les rotations. Bull. Sci. Math., 23, 1899, 82-92. Sur I'egalite, et sur I'introduction des elements derives dans la science. Enseign. Math., 1 (1899), 246-261. Les proprietes formales des operations algebriques. Rev. Math., 6, 1896-99, 141-177. The different logical methods for the definition of the real number. [1900.] N. Y. Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 7, 1901, 158, 170-171. Burat, Aviedee. For biography and works see Genie Civil, 3, 1882-83, 397-398; Termt. Kozlon., 16, 1884, 508. Burbach, 0[tto Carl Heinrich]. For biography see Ztschr. Naturwiss., 61, 1888, 206-210. Ueber einige neuere Funde in dem Liasgebiet des Grossen Seebergs bei Gotha. Ztschr. Naturwiss., 57, 1884, 348-349. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Foraminiferen des mit- tleren Lias vom Grossen Seeberg bei Gotha. i. Die Gattung Frondicularia, Defr. [ii. Die Milioliden.] Ztschr. Naturwiss., 59, 1886, 30-53, 493-502. Burbank, J. G. B. Photography of the least refrangible portion of the solar spectrum. Amer. Ac. Proc, 23, 1888, 301-304. Burbank, John E. X-rays and mineral phosphorescence. Amer. Jl. Sci., 5, 1898, 53-54. Burbank, John E. , & Trowbridge, John. See Trowbridge & Burbank. Burbank, Luther. Plant-breeding. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 349. Burbidge, t\rederick] Wlilliam]. British epiphytal orchids. Gard. Chron., 21, 1884, 144. Rare old gardening books, (a.d. 1612 to a.d. 1641.) Gard. Chron., 24, 1885, 789-790. Nutrition v. sexual variation. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 619. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, var. Johnston! (Tait). Gard. Chron., 1, 1887, 288. Hybridisation. Gard. Chron., 3, 1888, 178-179. The nomenclature of orchids and other plants. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 65-66. Narcissus juncifolio x muticus. Gard. Chron., 6, 1889, 161. The narcissus. Hortic. Soc. JL, 11, 1889, 70-92. A new bamboo. (Bambusa palmata. Hart.) Gard. Chron., 7, 1890, 641. Notes on the history of cultivated Narcissi. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 12, 1890, 296-311. Snowdrops. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 13, 1891, 191-210, lieguminous plants and bacteria. Gard. Chron., 13, 1893, 742. Botanical exploration in Borneo. [1894.] Hortic. Soc. Jl., 17, 1895, 44-56. Travels of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq (1544-62). Gard. Chron., 17, 1895, 451-452. A hybrid groundsel. Irish Natlist., 6, 1897, 300. Burbidge] 918 [Burch [1898.] Tas- Fragrant leaves v. sweet-scented flowers. Hortic. Soc. Jl., 22 (1898-99), 134-174. Burbury, F. E. Tasmanian Diatomaceas. [1900.] mania Roy. Soc. Proc, 1900-01, 4-8. Bnrbnry, Siamuel] H[aiokedei)l The foundations of the kinetic theory of gases. Note on Professor T ait's paper. Phil. Mag., 21, 1886, 481-483. On the diffusion of gases. A simple case of diffusion. Phil. Mag., 24, 1887, 471-479. On the diffusion of gases ; a reply to Professor Tait. Phil. Mag., 25, 1888, 129-130. On the induction of electric currents in conducting shells of small thickness. [1888.] Phil. Trans. (A), 179, 1889, 297-324. On the application of Laobanoe's equations to certain physical problems. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, 6, 1889, 329-331. On some problems in the kinetic theory of gases. ■ Phil. Mag., 30, 1890, 298-317. "Modern views of electricity": Volta's so-called contact force. Nature, 43, 1891, 268, 366-367, 439, 515. [Prof. Buknside's paper on the partition of energy, R. S. E., July, 1887.] Nature, 45, 1892, 533-534. On the collision of elastic bodies. [1891-92.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 407-422. The second law of thermodynamics. Nature, 49 (1893-94), 150-151, 246-247; Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 574- 578. The north-east wind. [1894.] Nature, 49 (1893-94), 481. On the law of distribution of energy. Phil. Mag., 37, 1894, 143-158. Boltzmann's minimum function. Nature, 51 (1894-96), 78, 320; 52 (1896), 104-105. The ratio of the specific heats of gases. [1894.] Nature, 51 (1894^96), 127. The kinetic theory of gases. Nature, 51 (1894-96), 175-176; 52 (1896), 316-317. On the law of error in the case of correlated variations. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 621-624. An extension of Boltzmann's minimum theorem. London Math. Soc. Proc, 26, 1896, 431-445. [Clatjsius' virial theorem.] Nature, 52 (1896), 568. On the stationary motion of a system of equal elastic spheres in a field of no forces when their aggregate volume is not infinitely small compared with the space in which they move. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1896, 716-720. On Boltzmann's law of the equality of mean kinetic energy for each degree of freedom. London Math. Soc. Proc, 27, 1896, 214-224. On the application of the kinetic theory to dense gases. [1895.] Phil. Trans. (A), 187, 1897, 1-14. On the stationary motion of a system of equal elastic spheres of finite diameter. [1896.] London Math. Soc Proc, 28, 1897, 331-357. On the general theory of stationary motion in an infinite system of molecules. London Math. Soc Proc, 29, 1898, 225-248. Scoring at rifle matches. Nature, 60 (1899), 412. Ueber die Grundhypothesen der kinetischen Gas- theorie. Ann. Phys., 3, 1900, 355-365. On the vector potential of electric currents in a fleld where disturbances are propagated with finite velocity. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 635-637. The law of partition of kinetic energy. Phil. Mag. 49 1900, 226-228 ; 50, 1900, 584-595, On certain supposed irreversible processes. Phil. Mag., 49, 1900, 475-486. Brtrbury, S[avmel] H[awkesley], & "Watson, (Rev.) Henry W[illiajn]. See Watson & Burbury. Burch, George J[ames'\. Some experiments on flame. [1885-86.] Nature, 31, 1886, 272-275; 35, 1887, 165. : On a supposed new infusorian of the Flagellata eusto- mata. [1885.] Quekett Micr. Club JL, 2 (1886), 163-164. [Capillary electrometer.] Jl. Physiol., 8, 1887, xxix- XXX. On a perspective microscope. Roy. Soc. Proc., 42, 1887, 49-50. On the motion of the cilia of animalcula as seen by flashing light. [1889.] Midland Natlist., 13, 1890, 114- 120. On a method of determining the value of rapid varia- tions of a difference of potential by means of the capillary electrometer. [1890.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 48, 1891, 89-93. On the time-relations of the excursions of the capillary electrometer, with a description of the method of using it for the investigation of electrical changes of short duration. [1891.] Phil. Trans. (A), 183, 1893, 81-105. [Analysis of vocal sounds by capillary electrometer. ] Nature, 50 (1894), 464. On the calibration of the capillary electrometer. [1895.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 59, 1896, 18-24. The capillary electrometer in theory and practice. Electrician, 37, 1896, 380-382, 401-403, 435-437, 472- 473, 514-517, 532-535. Rontgen illustrations of flowers. Gard. Chron., 20, 1896, 491. Rontgen photographs of tissues. Jl. Physiol., 20, 1896, i-ii. The retinal circulation. [1896.] Nature, 53 (1895-96), 558. A remarkable lightning flash. Nature, 54 (1896), 492. The earthquake [of Dec 17, 1896]. [1896.] Nature, 55 (1896-97), 180. On a method of drawing hyperbolas. Phil. Mag., 41, 1896, 72-75. On Professor Hermann's theory of the capillary electrometer. [1896.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 60, 1897, 329- 335. An experiment in colour sensation. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, xxvii-xxviii. An inductor-alternator for physiological experiments. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 231-236. An account of certain phenomena of colour vision with intermittent light. Jl. Physiol., 21, 1897, 426-434. Experiments on artificial temporary colour blindness. [1897.] Jl. Physiol., 22, 1897-98, xii-xiii. The tangent lens-gauge. Phil. Mag., 43, 1897, 256- 259. On the relation of flickering to Talbot's law. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, vii-viii. On temporary colour blindness. [1898.] Jl. Physiol., 23, 1898-99, [26]-[27]; Nature, 58 (1898), 486. On artificial temporary colour-blindness, with an ex- amination of the colour sensations of 109 persons. [1898.] Phil. Trans. (B), 191, 1899, 1-34. On the spectroscopical examination of contrast phenomena. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1899, 624. An experiment on simultaneous contrast. Brit. Ass. Rep., 1900, 629-630. On simultaneous contrast. [1900.] Jl. Physiol., 25, 1899-1900, xvii. On the relation of artificial colour-blindness to suc- cessive contrast. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 204-216. On the production of artificial colour-blindness by moonlight. Roy. Soc. Proc, 66, 1900, 216-219. On the spectroscopic examination of colour produced by simultaneous contrast. [1900.] Roy. Soc. Proc, 67, 1901, 226-228. Burch, George J[ames], & Dodgson, J. W. The action of concentrated acids on certain metals when in contact with each other. [1894.] Chem. Soc Proc, 10, 1896, 84-87. Burch, George J\ames\, & aotch, Francis. See Gotch & Burch. Burch] 919 [Burck Bnrch, George J[ames'], & Hill, Leonard E[rskiiie]. On d'Arsonval's physical theory of the negative variation. Jl. Physiol., 16, 1894, 319-324. Bureb, George J[ames], & Marsli, James E[rne8t]. The dissociation of amine vapours. Chem. Soc. Jl., 55, 1889, 656-664. Burcb, George J[ames], & Sanderson, (Sir) Jlohn] Slcott] Burdon. See Sanderson & Burcb. Burcb, George J[ames], & Veley, V[ictor] H[erhert]. The variations of electromotive force of cells consisting of certain metals, platinum, and nitric acid. [1890.] Phil. Trans. (A), 182, 1892, 319-339. Burcb, J. H. Leucocytosis. [1899.] N. Y. Med. JL, 71, 1900, 466-468. BurcbaU, Sidney H. A whirlwind in Surrey. [1894.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 29, 1896, 90. Burcbard, . Ueber Cholesterine. Mecklenb. Ver. Nat. Arch., 1890, x-xii. Burcbard, Albrecht. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Ablaufs und der Grosse der durch Mikrococcus ureae liquefaciens bewirkten Harnstoffzersetzung. Arch. Hyg., 36, 1899, 264-284. Burcbard, Georg. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Bacterien. [1898.] Karlsruhe Bact. Inst. Arb., 2, 1902, 1-64. Burcbard, Henry. Gout and the teeth. N. Y. Med. Jl. , 59, 1894, 696-700. Burcbard, Oscar. Ueber die Oxydation des Jodwasser- stoffes durch die Sauerstoffsauren der Salzbilder. Ztschr. Physikal. Chem., 2, 1888, 796-839. Brvologische Eeiseskizzen aus Nordland. Bot. Centrbl., 37, 1889, 97-106. Moose aus Nordland in Norwegen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 7, 1889, 23-27. Ueber das Aethylenphenylhydrazin. Liebig's Ann., 254, 1889, 115-128. Herbststudien eines Bryologen. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 8, 1890, 1-4, 52-55. Beitrage und Berichtigungen zur Laubmoosflora der Umgegend von Hamburg. Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Jbuch,, 8, 1891, 97-121. Zur Charakteristik und Morphologie einiger Ortho- trichum-Formen aus Krain. Hedwigia, 31, 1892, 27-33. Ueber das Vorkommen von Isoetes lacustris, L., im Grossen See bei Trittau. Deutsche Bot. Mschr., 11, 1893, 143-144. Ueber den Bau der Samenschale einiger Brassica- und Sinapis-Arten. Jl. Landw., 42, 1894, 125-136; 44, 1896, 337-341. Mousses r^colt^es aux environs de St.-Gingolph (Haute- Savoie) et de Bex (Valais). Rev. Bryol., 22, 1896, 36-40. "Blue grass." Jl. Landw., 45, 1897, 1-5. Reis und Reisabfiille. Landw. Versuchs-Stat., 48, 1897, 111-129. Moos-Studien in Schottland. Hedwigia, 39, 1900, 149-159, XX. Burcbard, Oscar, & IKXicbaells, [Carl Arnold] Alugust]. Ueber a-Aethylen-Phenylhydrazin. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 21, 1888, 3202-3204. Burcbard, T. Herring. Observations on the medical and surgical treatment of acute peritonitis. [With discussion.] N. Y. Med. Jl, 42, 1886, 169-176, 188-189. Burcbardt, Eugen. Eine neue Amyloidfarbung. Virchow, Arch., 117, 1889, 432-433. Ueber ein Coccidium im Schleimkrebs des Menschen und seine Dauersporencyste. Virchow, Arch., 131, 1893, 121-129. Ueber Kernfiirbung mit Thallinbraun. Ueber Chino- linwasser. Centrbl. Path., 5, 1894, 706-708. Bichromate und Zellkern. Cellule, 12, 1897, 835- 373. [Semon's zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australian und dem Malayischen Archipel.] Alcyonaceen von Thursday Island (Torres-Strasse) und von Amboina. [1898.] Jeua, Denkschr., 8, 1894-1903, 431-442. Ueber Holzessigfarben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 53, 1899, 232-237. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Amphioxus lanceolatus, nebst einem ausfiihrlichen Verzeichnis der bisher liber Amphioxus veroffentlichten Arbeiten. Jena. Ztschr. , 34, 1900, 719-832. Burcbardt, Hermann. Ueber den Besuch der Oase Siwah im Februar d. J. Berlin Ges. Erdk. Verh., 20, 1893, 397-398. Burcbi, Dante, & Pint, Angela. *Temporale del 4 giugno a Citt^ di Castello nell' Umbria. [1880.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 15, 1881, 99. Burci, Enrico. Contributo clinico alio studio dell' ernia inguino interstiziale e cruro-properitoneale. Speri- mentale, 62, 1888, 188-207. Di un caso d' idrencefalocele in rapporto coUa fossetta occipitale media. [1890.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti {Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 146-149. Contribution k la connaissance des caracteres bio- logiques et pathogeniques du Bacillus pyogenes foetidus. [1891.] Ann. Microgr., 3 (1890-91), 401-415. Ricerche sperimentali sul processo di riparazione delle ferite longitudinal! delle arterie. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 50-66. Del processo di riparazione delle ferite arteriose trattate colla sutura. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 11, 1891, 424-441. Di un metodo rapido di colorazione delle fibre elastiche. [1891.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 251-253. Sulla mutability di alcuni caratteri biologici del Bacterium coli commune. [1892.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 8, 1891-93, 69-72. Sul modo di comportarsi delle arterie per lesioni traumatiche estese della guaina e della tunica avventizia. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 310-352. Ricerche sperimentali sopra alcuni mezzi che possono servire a diminuire i pericoli della sepsi nelle operazioni sul tubo digerente. Sperimentale, 1894 (Comun. e Riv.), 485-496. Trattamento di ferite venose ed innesto di vene mediante la sutura. Espei'imenti e ricerche istologiche sui proeessi riparativi. [1894.] Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (3Iem.), 14, 1896, 32-58. Burci, Enrico, & Frascani, Vittorio. Contributo alio studio deir azione battericida della corrente continua. (Nota preventiva.) Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Proc. Verb.), 7, 1889-91, 314-317. Contributo alio studio dell' azione battericida della corrente continua. Pisa Soc. Tosc. Atti (Mem.), 12, 1893, 99-119. Burci, Enrico, & Bespigbi, Emilio. See Bespigbl & Burci. Burck, W. Contributions to the fern-flora of Borneo. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 4, 1884, 88-100. Sur les Sapotac^es des Indes N^erlandaises et les origines botaniques de la gutta-percha. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 5, 1886, 1-85. Sur les Dipterocarp^es des Indes N^erlandaises. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 6, 1887, 145-249. [A remedy for the coffee-leaf disease.] Nature, 37, 1888, 351. Over den invloed van het licht op de kieming der sporen van Hemileia vastatrix. Berk, en Br. [1888.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 5, 1889, 336-344. Eenige bedenkingen tegen de theorie van Weismann aangaande de beteekenis der sexueele voortplanting in verband met de wet van Knioht-Darwin. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 49, 1890, 501-544; Bot. Centrbl. Beihefte, 1891, 263-265; Bot. Jaarb., 3, 1891, 32-73. Burck] Ueber Kleistogamie im weiteren Sinne und das Knight- Darwin'sche Gesetz. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 8, 1890, 122-164. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der myrmecophilen Pflanzen und der Bedeutung der extranuptialen Nectarien. Buiten- zorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 10, 1891, 75-144. [De miereu als de beschermers der planten tegen andere insecten.] [1891.] Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr., 51, 1892, 443-445. Ueber die Befruchtung der Aristolochia-Bliithe. Bot. Ztg., 50, 1892, 121-129, 137-144. Contributions a la flore de I'Archipel Malais. [i. Les espeees du genre Mucuna de I'Archipel Malais et de la Nouvelle Guiuee.] Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. Ann., 11, 1893, 183-194. Over de eigenaardige heterostylie der bloemen van Erytroxylon. [1893.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 6, 1895, 254-263. Voorbehoedmiddelen op den stempel tegen het kiemen van vreemd stuifmeel. Preservatives on the stigma against the germination of foreign pollen. [1900.] Amsterdam, Ak. Versl., 9, 1901, 256-267; Amsterdam, Ak. Proc, 3, 1901, 264-274. Bnrckel, Georges. Stations nouvelles de plantes alsa- ciennes. Colmar Soc. Hist. Nat. Bull., 24-26, 1886, 558-559. Bnrckel, Georges, & Xoenig, diaries. See Xoenig & Burckel. ^ Burcker, Elmile Eugene]. Formation synth^tique de I'acide toluylpropionique. Paris Soc. Chira. Bull., 49, 1888, 448-450. Action de I'anhydride camphorique sur la benzine en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Formation d'un compose acide et ac^tonique. Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 4, 1890, 112-118. Analyse d'une eau-de-vie de marcs de raisins sees. Jl. Pharm., 26, 1892, 114-116. Note sur le dosage de I'azote organique par la methods de Kjeldahl. Arch. M6d. Pharm. Militaires, 23, 1894, 161-163. Sur la stability des dissolutions aqueuses de bichlorure de mercure. Paris, Ac. Sci. G. R., 118, 1894, 1345-1347 ; 119, 1894, 340-342; Jl. Pharm., 30, 1894, 57-60; Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 25, 1896, 296-299. Action de I'anhydride camphorique sur le benzene en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Formation d'un nouvel acide c^tonique. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1895 {Pt. 2), 464-467; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1896, 901-905, 1107. Dosage des acides volatils dans les vins. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 120, 1895, 1223-1225; Arch. Med. Pharm. Militaires, 26, 1895, 315-317 ; Jl. Pharm., 2, 1895, 49-52; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 13, 1895, 644-647. Formation synth^tique d'un nouvel acide c^tonique. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 121, 1895, 607-610. Burcker, E[viile Eugene], & Stabil, C. Action de I'an- hydride camphorique sur le benzene en presence du chlorure d'aluminium. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 119, 1894, 426-428. ^ Burcker, E[Tnile Eugene], aeorges, [Louis Auguste], & Oaillard, [Louis Clement], Note relative a I'^mulsion d'huile lourde de goudron de houille. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 24, 1894, 516-520. Btirckhalter, Charles. Observations at Cloverdale, Cali- fornia. [Solar eclipse Jan. 1.] Sidereal Messenger, 8, 1889, 97-108. Observations of the Transit of Mercury, May 9, 1891, [at Chabot Observatory, Oakland, California]. Astr' Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 234-235. How to find celestial objects with an equatorial telescope without the aid of a sidereal time-piece. Astr Soc. Pacific Publ., 4, 1892, 66-69. The solar eclipse of October 9, 1893 Observations 920 [Burckhardt at the Chabot Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 5, 1893, 201. [Transit of Mercury, Nov. 10, 1894.] Chabot Obser- vatory, Oakland, California. [1894.] Astr. & Astrophys., 13, 1894, 868; Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 6, 1894, 271; Popular Astr., 2, 1895, 188. The Chabot Observatory. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 6, 1894, 85-88. On a method of photographing the corona during a total eclipse by which each part may be given any exposure desired on the same photographic plate. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 7, 1895, 157-161. See also under Davidson, George. Burckhalter, Charles, & Hill, Charles B. Memorandum of miscellaneous special observations, recorded at the Chabot Observatory, 1886-87. Lat.= -f-87° 48' 05"; Long. = 8h. 09ra. 06 -Ss. W. Sidereal Messenger, 6, 1887, 290-291. Bnrckhalter, Charles {et alii). [Solar eclipse of January, 1889.] Reports of the eclipse expedition of the Pacific Coast Amateur Photographic Association. Lick Obs. Contrib., 1, 1889, 123-157. Burckhard, Georg. Zwei Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Formalinwirkung. Centrbl. Bakt. (Abt. 1), 18, 1896, 257-264. Ueber Dilatation der Ureteren mit cystoser Vor- wolbung ihrer Eintrittsstellen in die Harnblase. Centrbl. Path., 7, 1896, 129-184. Zur Genese der multilocularen Ovarialkystome. Vir- chow. Arch., 144, 1896, 498-511. Ueber embryonale Hvpermastie und Hyperthelie. Anat. Hefte {Abt. 1), 8, 1897, 525-558. Ueber cystische Eierstockstumoren endothelialer Natur. Wiirzb. Phys. Med. Sber., 1898, 68-73; Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, 1899, 253-266. ZweiDoppelmiasbildungen. [1. Diprosopus distomus. 2. Janiceps asymmetros.] Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gynak., 40, 1899, 20-88. Little'sche Krankheit als Folge von Geburtsstorungen. Ztschr. Geburtshlf. Gyniik., 41, 1899, 463-472. Burckbardt, Carl. Die Kontaktzone von Kreide und Tertiar am Nordrande der Schweizeralpen vom Bodensee bis zum Thunersee. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 32, 1893, 134 pp. Sur la geologic des chaines Cr^taciques autre le Kloenthal et le Waeggithal. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 2, 1896, 267-272. Monographie der Kreideketten zwischen Klonthal, Sihl und Linth. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, 35, 1896, xii-t-205 pp. Zur Systematik und Phylogenie der Pleurotoraariiden. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1897 {Bd. 1), 198-210. Rapport pr^liminaire sur une expedition geologique dans la region andine situ^e entre Las Lajas (Argentine) et Curacautin (Chili). La Plata Mus. Rev., 9, 1899, 197-219. Profils g^ologiques transversaux de la Cordillere argentino-chilienne. Stratigraphie et tectonique. [With introduction by Dr. Leo Wehrli.] La Plata Mus. An. (Geol. & Min.), 2, 1900, 136 pp. Coupe geologique de la Cordillere entre Las Lajas et Curacautin. La Plata Mus. An. (Geol. & Min.), 8, 1900, 102 pp. Burckbardt, Carl, & VTebrU, Leo. See 'Webrll & Burckbardt. Burckbardt, E. Die Bedeutung der Streptokokken fiir die Entstehung des Puerperalfiebers. Deutsch. Natf. Verh., 1899 {Th. 2, Hill^e 2), 220-221. Burckbardt, Ed., & Nietzki, R[udolf]. See Nietzki & Burckbardt. Burckbardt, Fr. Vortrag [zur Erinnerung an Daniel Bernoulli]. [1884.] Basel Verh., 7, 1885 {Anhaiig), 5—18. Burckhardt] 921 [Burder Ein Blitzstrahl vom 14 Juli 1894. Basel Verb., 11, 1897, 134-137. Burckliardt [-Keusler], Glottlieb]. Weiteie Mittheilungen liber Gefassbewegungen. Theoretisches und Practisches. [1888.] Arch. Psychiatr., 20, 1889, 605-627. Ueber Rindenexcisionen, als Beitrag zur operativen Therapie der Psychosen. Allg. Ztschr. Psychiatr., 47, 1891, 463-548. Burckbardt, G[ottlieb]. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber Planktonstudien an Schweizer Seen. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 185-189. Neue Diagnosen von 8 limnetischen Cladoceren. Zool. Anz., 22, 1899, 349-351. Faunistische und systematische Studien iiber das Zooplankton der grosseren Seen der Schweiz und ihrer Greuzgebiete. Rev. Suisse Zool., 7, 1900, 353-715. Burckhardt, H. von. Ueber acute fortschreitende Peri- tonitis und ihre chirurgische Behandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 55, 1900, 338-383. Burckbardt, Karl Rudolf. Doppelanlage des Primitiv- streifens bei einem Hiihnerei. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Afiat. Abth.), 1888, 431-432. Histologische Untersuchungen am Riickenmark der Tritonen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 34, 1889, 131-156. Ueber Protopterus annectens. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1890, 158. Die Zirbel von Ichthyophis glutinosus und Protopterus annectens. Anat. Anz., 6, 1891, 348-349. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Protopterus annectens und iiber einen in seiner Chorda dorsalis vorkommenden Parasiten (Amphistomum chordale). Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1891, 62-64. Untersuchungen am Hirn und Geruchsorgan von Triton und Ichthyophis. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., 52, 1891, 369-403. Das Centralnervensystem von Protopterus annectens. Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1892, 23-25. Ueber das Centralnervensystem der Dipnoer. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verh., 1892, 92-95. Das Gehirn von Triceratops flabellatus, Marsh. Neues Jbuch. Min., 1892 {Bd. 2), 71-72. Ueber iEpyornis. [1893.1 Palaont. Abh. , 6, 1892-96, 125-145. Die Homologien des Zwischenhirndaches und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Morphologic des Hirns bei niederen Vertebraten. [1893.] Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 152-155. Die Homologien des Zwischendaches bei Reptilien und Vogeln. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 320-324. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Vorderhirns bei Fischen. Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 375-382. Bemerkungen zu K. F. Studnicka's Mitteilung iiber das Fischgehirn. [1894.] Anat. Anz., 9, 1894, 468-469; 10, 1895, 207-208. Der Bauplan des Wirbelthiergehirns. [1894.] Morphol. Arb., 4, 1895, 131-150. Das Gebiss der Sauropsiden. [1895.] Morphol. Arb., 5, 1896, 341-385. Beitrag zur Morphologie des Kleinhirns der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897 (Suppl.), 111- 136. Sur le cerveau des Selaciens et son importance au point de vue de la zoologie syst^matique. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 480-483. Sur le cerveau des Vert^bres et la phylog^nie de ces animaux. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 4, 1897, 483-485. Die Riesenvogel der siidlichen Hemisphare. [1897.] Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1898, cxii-cxiv. Sur la forme ext^rieure du cerveau des Selaciens. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 6, 1898, 621-622. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Systematik der Lsemar- giden. Anat. Anz., 18, 1900, 488-492. On the luminous organs of selachian fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 558-568. R. S. A. C. Der Nesthng von Rhinochetus jubatas. Basel Verh., 12, 1900, 412-429. On Hyperodapedon Gordoni. Geol. Mag., 7, 1900, 486-492, 529-535. [On some causes of brain-configuration in selachians.] Nature, 62 (1900), 589. Ueber die Selachier. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. Ber., 1900, cxxvi-cxxviii. Der Nestling von Rhinochetus jubatus. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Nestvogel und zur Systematik der Rhinochetiden. [1900.] Ac. Nat. Curios. Nova Acta, 77, 1901, 247-296. Burckhardt, Rudolf. Ueber Fluoresceine der Maleinsaure. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 18, 1885, 2864-2870. Burckhardt, Rudolf, &, Iiunge, Georg. See Iiunge & Burckhardt. Burckhardt-Sflerian, Albert. For biography see Leo- poldina, 22, 1886, 217; Arch. Ohrenheilk., 24, 1887, 191-200. Vergleichende Ergebnisse verschiedenartiger Horprii- fungen. Arch. Ohrenheilk., 22, 1885, 177-194. Burdach, Frlitzl. Ueber den Senf tleben'schen Versuch die Bindegewebsbildung in todten, doppelt unterbuudenen Gefassstrecken betreffend. Virchow, Arch., 100, 1885, 217-235. Burdakov, V. Ja. [0 J1;bohhoB COjIH PdC]22NH3. Neues Ammoniumpalladiumchlorid.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 (Chem.), 1897, 739-740; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 52. Burdakov, V. Ja., & Bendrichov, I. M. OlIHCaHie HJiaTHHonpoMHinjieHHaro jijia H. H. BypMROsa cb cHHOBBflMii H jiitia ToBapHin,ecTBa B. R. BypjtAKOBa H B. H. IIlAPABtEBa, Haxoji;flmHxca Bt Topofijiaroji.aTCKOM'b OKpyrt, ch KpaTKHMt HCTOpH'ieCKHM'I. OHepKOMt HJiaTIIHOBOfi npoMHin- .leHHOCTH Bl Poccin. [Description de I'exploitation de platine de MM. J. N. Bourdakoff et fils et de celle de la Compagnie V. J. Bourdakoff et V. N. Charavieff, situees dans I'arrondissement minier de Goroblagodat (Kouchva), avec un court apergu historique de I'industrie du platine en Russie.] lekaterinenb., Soc. Oural. Bull., 14 (No. 5), 1896, 1-107, (Res. 1 (6is)-115 (bis)). Burdakov, V. Ja., & Xumakov, N[ikolaj] Slemenovii]. [0 fflecTHBOAHOMt rH;i;paT'fe 6poMOMepKypHTa ailTia. Ueber das Hexahydrat des Lithiumbrommer- curits.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 30 (Chem.), 1898, 324-325; Chem. Ztg., 22, 1898, 582. Burden, Henry. On cocain. [1886.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 83, 1887, 313-325. Inaugural address on bacteriology. [1888.] Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 87, 1889, 166-179. Burder, George Florster}. For biography and list of works see Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 19, 1893, 97-98; Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 7, 1894, 61-63. [The remarkable sunsets, 1883.] Nature, 29, 1884, 251, 525. [The recent eclipse of the moon.] Nature, 30, 1884, 590-591. Remarkable rain. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 19,1884, 93. Rainfall at Clifton in 1883[-91]. [1884-92.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc. 4, 1886, 138-139, 230-231; 5, 1888, 55-56, 143-145, 266-268; 6, 1891, 37-39, 195-197, 287- 289 ; 7, 1894, 13. Note on the total eclipse of the moon, 4 October 1884. [1884.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 4, 1885, 166-170. Red rays after sunset. Nature, 32, 1885, 466. The new time. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 20, 1886, 22-23. Land and sea breezes. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 139. 116 Burder] 922 Symons, The cause of the veering of the wiud, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 161-162. The snow of March 15th. Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 22, 1887, 36-37. , .. . a The potato tercentenary. [1887.] Bristol Nat. boc. Proc, 5, 1888, 165-177. The illumination of the eclipsed moon. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 5, 1888, 355-371. The effect of snow on the springs. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889, 42-43. Rain in 1888. [1888.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 23, 1889 149. [Alpine haze.] Nature, 39, 1889, 248. Self-luminous clouds. Nature, 41, 1890, 198. Salt in hail. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 21. Remarkably dry air. [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 23. "What is a depression? [1890.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 41-42. The frosts of recent years. Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 6, 1891, 294-300. Rainfall and floods. [1892.] Bristol Nat. Soc. Proc, 7, 1894, 19-33. Burdet, {padre) Giuseppe. *Osservazioni termometriche fatte alia Sacra di S. Michele della Chiusa. Moncalieri OsB. Bull., 2, 1867, 58. *Terremoto [8 ottobre 1877, Sacra S. Michele]. [1877.] Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 12, 1878, 181. Burdon Sanderson. See Sanderson. Burdy, P. La construction des appareils de compression d'air aux usines du Creusot. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Ind. Min., 7, 1893, 419-463. Bureau, -; — , & Vaquez, Henri. See Vaquez & Bureau. Bureau, Edouard. *Recherches sur la structure geologique du bassin primaire de la basse Loire. [1883.] Paris, Soc. G6ol. Bull., 12, 1884, 165-179. Sur la presence de I'^tage Houiller Moyen en Anjou. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 99, 1884, 1036-1038. Sur la presence du genre Equisetum dans I'^tage Houiller Inferieur. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 100, 1885, 73-76. Sur la fructification du genre Callipteris. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 100, 1886, 1550-1552. Premieres traces de la jjr^sence du Terrain Permien en Bretagne. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 101, 1886, 176-179. Description d'un Dorstenia nouveau de I'Afrique - equatoriale. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 33, 1886, 70-72. Etudes sur une plante phanerogame (Cymodoceites parisiensis) de ror4re des Naiadees, qui vivait dans les . mers de l'6poque Eocene. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 191-193. Sur les premieres collections botaniques arriv^es du Tonkin au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 298-301, 592-595. Premier apercju de la v^g^tation du Congo Francjais. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 359-362. Sur la formation de Bilobites k I'^poque actuelle. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 103, 1886, 1164-1167. Sur le mode de formation des Bilobites stries. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 104, 1887, 405-407. Sur I'origine des Bilobites stries C. R., 105, 1887, 73-76. Sur un figuier a fruits souterrains. 1888, 213-216. Etudes sur la flore fossile du . parisien. Paris, Soc. Philom. M^m. 265*. Sur une nouvelle plante reviviscente C. B., 110, 1890, 318-320. [Les cartes de geographic botanique.] Congr. Bot. Int. Atti, 1892, 369-372. • Sur la presence d'une Araliacee et d'une Pontederiacee Paris, Ac. Sci. Jl. Bot., Paris, 2, calcaire grossier Cent., 1888, 235*- Paris, Ac. Sci. [Bureau fossiles dans le calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 115, 1892, 1335-1337. Symbols ad floram BrasilisB centralis cognoscendam. Particula xl (ultima). Fam. BignoniacesB. KJ£^benh. Vid. Medd., 1893, 96-118. Excursion botanique du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris aux environs de Nantes et sur les bords de I'ocean du 5 au 11 aout 1892. Compte-rendu. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 1-36. [Voyage du navire La Blanche k I'ile Jan-Mayen et au Spitzberg ( juillet-aoiit 1892).] Liste des plantes phan^rogames recueillies k Jan Mayen et au Spitzberg. [Determinations de M. Feanchet.] Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci., 5, 1893, 219-220. Sur les pr^tendues fougeres fossiles du calcaire grossier parisien. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 117, 1893, 201-204. Les collections de botanique fossile du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Cent., 1893, 349-372. Liste de Lepidopteres de la Loire-Inferieure non signales jusqu'ici, extraite d'un catalogue manuscrit des Lepidopteres de Bretagne dresse, principalement de 1848 a 1855, par une reunion d'entomologistes nantais. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 {Pt. 1), 161-184. Revision du genre Catalpa. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Arch., 6, 1894, 169-208. Etat actuel des etudes sur la vegetation des colonies fran(?aises et des pays de protectorat fran^ais. Paris, Ac Sci. C. R., 120, 1896, 245-247. Sur un Dorstenia nouveau de I'Afrique centrale (Dorstenia scaphigera). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 1, 1895, 60-62. Sur quelques palmiers fossiles d'ltalie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Bull., 2, 1896, 280-285, La flore de Madagascar. Rev. Sci,, 5, 1896, 225-234. L'ancien Jardin des Apothicaires de Nantes. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1898 {Pt. 1), 151-152. Sur la premiere plante fossile envoyde de Madagascar, Paris, Ac. Sci. C, R., 130, 1900, 344-346. Bureau, Edouard, & Bureau, Louis. Notice explicative de la feuille geologique d'Ancenis, Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1,,1891(P«. 1), 54-67. Bureau, Edouard, & Franchet, A[drien Rene]. Premier apergu de la vegetation du Tonkin meridional. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 102, 1886, 927-930. Plantes nouvelles du Thibet et de la Chine occidentale recueillies pendant le voyage de M. Bonvalot et du prince Henri d'Orleans en 1890, Jl. Bot., Paris, 5, 1891, 17-25, 45-51, 69-77, 93-99, 103-109, 128-130, 136-142, 149-161, Bureau, Edouard, & Fatouillard, N^arcisse]. Additions k la flore Eocene du Bois-Gouet (Loire-Inferieure). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 {Pt. 1), 261-269. Bureau, Emile, & Camus, Fernand. Quatre Sphagnum nouveaux pour la flore fran^aise et liste des especes franpaises du genre Sphagnum, France Soc. Bot. Bull., 43, 1896, 518-523. Les Sphaignes de Bretagne, Catalogue des especes et des vari^t^s trouvees dans cette region avec figures, description et tableaux analytiques etendus a toutes les especes franpaises du genre Sphagnum, Nantes, Soc Sci, Nat. Bull,, 6, 1896 {Pt. 1), 31-55, 247-305, {Pt. 2), [73]. Bureau, G., & Hallopeau, [Frangois] H[enri]. See Hallopeau & Bureau. Bureau, Louis. Note sur deux nouveaux Dalmanites des schistes ardoisiers d'Angers, Angers Soc Sci. Bull., 1888, 183-191, Excursions ornithologiques en Algerie. Ass, Franp. C, R., 1888 {Pt. 1), 195. Sur les passages du Syrrhapte paradoxal (Syrrhaptes paradoxus) dans I'ouest de la France. France Soc. Zool. Mem., 1, 1888, 245-252. Bureau] 923 [Burgerstein Excursion geologique de Chalonnes k Montjean (Maine-et-Loire). Angers Soc. Sci. Bull., 1889, 213- 223. Sur la capture en France de I'Houbara de Macqueen (Houbara Macqueeni, G. R. Gray). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 308-812. Sur une monstruosit^ de la Raia estell^e (Raia asterias, Bond.). France Soc. Zool. Bull., 14, 1889, 313- 316. Le saumon de la Loire dans ses rapports avec la r^glementation de la pecbe. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 {Pt. 1), 8-19. Le Tichodrome ^chelette dans I'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 1, 1891 (Pt. 1), 115-122. Le Puffin cendre, Puffinus cinereus, Cuv. ex Kuhl, sur les c6tes de la Loire-Inf^rieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (Pt. 1), 39-43. Note sur la reproduction de la m^sange bupp^e, Parus cristatus, dans I'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 2, 1892 (Pt. 1), 143-145. Le lizard vivipare, Lacerta vivipara, Jacquin, dans la Loire-Inferieure. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 59-62. Note sur la reproduction du roitelet huppe, Regulus cristatus, Churlet, dans I'ouest de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 110-114. Note sur la capture d'une tortue luth, Sphargis coriacea, dans la baie d'Audierne (Finist^re). Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 3, 1893 (Pt. 1), 223-228. Note sur la presence du Gres D^vonien a Orthis Monnieri, a Avrille, Maine-et-Loire. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 4, 1894 (Pt. 1), 197-204. Etat d'avancement de la feuille geologique d'Angers au 80,000. Rapport k M. le Directeur du Service de la Carte Geologique detaill^e de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 5, 1896 (Pt. 1), 13-10. Note sur la capture d'un espadon ^pee, Xiphias gladius, k I'embouchure de la Loire. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 5, 1895 (Pt. 1), 53-57. [Massif Armoricain.] Feuille d'Angers. [1895.] France Serv. Carte Geol. Bull., 7, 1896, 45-48. [Massif Armoricain et Cotentin.] Feuille de Saumur. France Serv. Carte G^ol. Bull., 9, 1897, 324-326 ; 10, 1899, 490-493. Feuille de Saumur. Rapport k M. le Directeur du Service de la Carte Geologique detaill^fe de la France. Nantes, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull., 7, 1897 (Pt. 1), 11-14; 9, 1899 (Pt. 1), 105-109. Sur la reproduction de I'hirondelle-de-mer de Dougall (Sterna Dougalli), sur les cotes de Bretagne. Ass. Frani;. C. R., 1898 (Pt. 1), 170-171. Meteorite du chateau de Grammont, commune de Rocheserviere (Vendee). Ass. Fran argentinre. Argen- tina Soc. Ci. An., 21, 1886, 5-6. Weitere Bemerkungen fiber Ccjelodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 357-358. Nochmalige Berichtigung zu Coelodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1886, 1127-1132. [Ueber Galictis vittata.] Berlin Natf. Freunde Sber., 1886, 29-31. Neue Beobachtungen an Cojlodon. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1887, 857-862. [On a new species of humming-bird, Chaetocereus Burmeisteri.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 638-639. Bericht iiber Mastodon antium. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 717-729. Ein vollstiindiger Schadel des Megatherium. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1888, 1291-1295. [Note on Zapornia spiloptera.] Ibis, 6, 1888, 285. [On Furnarius tricolor.] Ibis, 6, 1888, 495. Studien zur Beurtheilung der Descendenzlehre. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Ahth.), 1891, 1-18. Suplementos 6, la monografia de los Glyptodontes contenida en el tomo ii d. 1. Anales. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 462-468. Suplementos a la monografia de los caballos f6siles de la Pampa Argentina. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 468-471. Critica de algunas otras nuevas especies. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 477-481. Burmeister] 927 [Burnett Dos esqueletos enteros. [1891.] Buenos Aires Mus. Nac. An., 3, 1883-91, 481-484. Burmeister, Jorje. Memoria sobre el cultivo de la remolacha o betarraga i la fabricacion del azitcar mediante los sencillos utensilios que en toda hacienda suelen hallarse. Santiago de Chile, Univ. An., 65, 1884, 302-354. Burmeister, Rludolf], & ZKXicbaelis, [Carl Arnold] Alttgust], Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylhydrazin auf Chlor- malonsaureester. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 24, 1891, 1800-1802. See also DXicbaelis & Burmeister. Burmeister, Theodor. Beitrage zur Histogenese der acuten Nierenentziindungen. Virchow, Arch., 187, 1894, 405-468. Burmester, Ernst. Beitrag zur experimentellen Bestim- mung geometrisch-optischer Tauschungen. Ztschr. Psychol., 12, 1896, 355-394. Burmester, L[udwig Ernst Hans]. *Ueber die Bewegung collinear-veranderlicher ebener Systeme. Deutsch. Natf. Tagebl., 1874, 175. Ueber ein neues einfaches Diagramm fiir die Con- struction der Stufenscheiben. Dresden Isis Sber., 1885, 51. Kinematische Flachenerzeugung vermittelst cyliu- drischer KoUung. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 33, 1888, 337- 348. Kinematische Untersuchung der Mechanisrnen mit Bandtrieb. Civilingenieur, 35, 1889, 131-154. Die Brennpunktmechanismen. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 38, 1893, 193-223. Homocentrische Brechung des Lichtes durch das Prisma. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 40, 1895, 65-90. Homocentrische Brechung des Lichtes durch die Linse. Ztschr. Math. Phys., 40, 1895, 321-336. Bum, A[lexande7-]. *Note on tvjo Indian species of blister- flies. Ent. Soc. Proc, 1840, 11-12. Bum, Joseph. Some considerations in reference to the fall in the rate of interest experienced in the past, and the probability of its continuance. Inst. Act. Jl., 34, 1899, 474-501. Bum Murdocb. See Murdoch. Bumap, Charles Edward. Notes on the genus Calostoma. Bot. Gaz., 23, 1897, 180-192. Burnard, Robert. Recent dredging in Cattewater. Ply- mouth Inst. Trans., 9, 1887, 396-410. Antiquity of mining on Dartmoor. [1891.] Plymouth Inst. Trans'., 11, 1894, 85-112. Dart floods. Devon. Ass. Trans., 28, 1896, 60-61. Animal bones found at Cattedown, near Plymouth. Devon. Ass. Trans., 31, 1899, 91-92. Bumat, Emile. [Lettre sur I'Ophrys pseudospeculum, DC] France Soc. Bot. Bull., 38, 1891, 261-262. Note sur une nouvelle localite ligurienne du Carex Garioletii, Roem., et sur quelques Carex nouveaux pour les Alpes-Maritimes. Prance Soc. Bot. Bull., 40, 1893, 286-289. [Notes sur les jardins botaniques alpins.] Bull. Murith., 26, 1898 (Append.), 1-16. Encore les jardins alpins. Reponse au rapport du Comite du Jardin "La Linnaea." [1899.] Bull. Murith., 27 & 28, 1900, 227-233. Carex des Alpes Maritimes. France Soc. Bot. Bull., 47, 1900, 330-332. Bume, R[ichard] H[iggins]. On the variation and de- velopment of the leporine sternum. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1891, 159-164. On the presence of a branchial basket in Myxine glutinosa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 706-708. On the aortic arch system of Saccobranchus fossilis. [1894.] Linn. Soc Jl. (Zool.), 25, 1896, 48-55. Notes on the anatomy of Hanleya abyssorum, M. Sars. [1895.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc. , 2, 1897, 4-13. The "porus genitalis" in the Myxinidoe. Linn. Soc. Jl. {Zool.), 26, 1898, 487-495. A reno-pericardiac pore in AmpuUaria urceus, MUll. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 3, 1899, 49-52. On some points in the anatomy of Sepia officinalis,!,. [1898.] London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 3, 1899, 53-56. The bile ducts of the common otter (Lutra vulgaris). Jl. Anat. Physiol., 33, 1899, xx-xxi. Note on the nervous system of AmpuUaria, sp. London Malacol. Soc. Proc, 3, 1899, 317-319. Bumens, Alf. Sur les leucocytes et leur influence dans la metamorphose. Lausanne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 35, 1899, xxxiv-xxxv. Burnet, R[obert] W[illiam]. On a case of hydatids of liver, opening into right lung ; excavation of whole of lower lobe. Clin. Soc. Trans., 19, 1886, 254-258. Burnett, Charles H. *The supposed connection between ear disease and kidney disease. [1883.] N. Y. Med. JL, 39, 1884, 13.5-136. Burnett, F. L., & Parker, G. H. See Parker & Burnett. Burnett, Jos. F. A note on some insoluble phosphates. [1885.] Brit. Pharm. Confer. Trans., 1885, 526-528; Pharm. Jl., 16, 1886, 516-517. Burnett, Katharine Cleveland. Notes on the influence of light on certain dorsiventral organs. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 24, 1897, 116-122. Burnett, R{ohert] T. *Section of strata passed through in artesian well-boring at Ardwick. [1883.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 17, 1884, 92-93. The question of the pre- Atlantic land. [1886.] Manchester Geol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1888, 79-90. Burnett, S. Graver. The diagnosis of incipient melan- cholia. N. Y. Med. Jl., 53, 1891, 497-500. New observations in the use of sulphonal. [1891.] N. Y. Med. Jl., 55, 1892, 406-407. Burnett, Swan Mioses]. To reference in No. 3 (Vol. 9) add Arch. Angenheilk., 13, 1884, 241-244. Epiphora from congenital atresia of the puncta lacry- malia, successful operation for its relief. Arch. Ophthalm., 13, 1884, 53-56. The comparative frequency of eye diseases in the white and coloured races in the United States. Arch. Ophthalm., 13, 1884, 187-200, 555. Congenital deafness in animals. Science, 3, 1884, 275. Are there separate centres for light-, form-, and color-perception? [1884.] Arch. Med., 12, 1886, 97- 113. Ophthalmometry with the ophthalmometer of Javal and ScHioTZ, with an account of a case of kerato-conas. Arch. Ophthalm., 14, 1885, 169-176. The metre-lens ; its English name and equivalent. N. Y. Med. JL, 44, 1886, 183-185. The dioptry again. N. Y. Med. JL, 44, 1886, 380- 381. A modification of the refraction ophthalmoscope, with an attachment for using cylindrical lenses. [With dis- cussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1887, 589-594. The relative frequency of ear diseases in the white and colored races in the United States. Arch. OtoL, 16, 1887, 294-296. An analysis of the refraction of 576 healthy human corneffi examined with the ophthalmometer of Javal and ScHioTz. [With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 48-59. Models constructed by Mr. C. F. Pkentice for demon- strating refraction by crossed cylinders. [With discussion.] Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1888, 112-116. Tuberculosis of the conjunctiva. Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 113-127; Arch. Angenheilk., 23, 1891, 336- 350. Skiascopy ; with a description of an apparatus for its ready employment. Arch. Ophthalm., 19, 1890, 260-263. Burnett] Racial influence in the etiology of trachoma. Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 (Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 21-23. A metric system for numbering prisms, with a de- scription of an instrument for measuring their deviating power. [With discussion.] Int. Med. Congr. Verh., 1890 {Bd. 4, Abth. 10), 52-57. Contribution 4 la k^ratometrie. Ann. d'Oculist., 106, 1891, 345. The general form of the human cornea and its relations to the refraction of the eye and visual acute- ness. Amer. Ophthalm. Soc. Trans., 1892, 316-320. Contributions to clinical ophthalmology.... Arch. Ophthalm., 21, 1892, 248-262; 22, 1893, 1-15. L'influence de pays et de la race dans I'etiologie du trachome. Ann. d'OcuUst., 115, 1896, 184-192. Burnett, Swan M[oses], Jackson, Edward, & Noyes, Henry D. . See Jackson, Burnett & Noyes. Burnett, W. R. The action of sun's rays on bacteria and fungi. Chem. News, 70, 1894, 285. Bumey, W. B. Eeport on phosphoric acid. [With dis- cussion.} U. S. Div. Chem. Bull., No. 28, 1890, 153-161, 172-181. Bumham, A. J. Rainfall at Mount Hamilton in the years 1880-91. Astr. Soc. Pacific Publ., 3, 1891, 371. Burnham, G. Herbert. Treatment of syphilitic affections of the eye by mercury, potassium iodide, and pilocarpine combined. Arch. Ophthalm., 24, 1896, 407-409; Arch. Augenheilk., 32, 1896, 138. Le traitement par I'^s^rine des ecchymoses sous-con- jonctivales. Ann. d'OcuHst., 115, 1896, 346-347. The necessity of a fixed routine of procedure in the hypodermic use of pilocarpin. [1897.] Arch. Ophthalm., 27, 1898, 175-178; Arch. Augenheilk., 38, 1899, 199. Bumbam, Sherburne Wlesley]. *The companion to 5 Cancri. [1878.] Observatory, London, 2, 1879, 60-61. *Variable and double star. [1879.] Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 92, *Notes on double stars. Observatory, London, 3, 1880, 408-409. *HHrr 0TieT7> o BTopoMT> nyxe- iiiecTBiii no C'feBepo-3anaji,noMy KaBKa3y bt. 1897 ro;i;y. [Preliminary report on a second expedition to the north-western Caucasus in 1897.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 34, 1898, 519-589. OiiiicaHie ri rjiaBHtrimie pe3yjibTaTiJ TpeTMro iiyTeiiiecTBiH no ct^Bepo-saiiajiiHOMy KaBKasy bi> 1899 rojty. [Description and chief results of the third expedition to the north-western Caucasus in 1899.] St. Petersb., Russ. Geogr. Soc. Bull., 36, 1900, 227-298. Busch, N[ikolaj] A[dolpliovi(:], & Sorokin, N. V. See Sorokln & Busch. BuBchan, Georg. Ueber einen Riesen von Freiwaldau (Oesterr. Schlesien). Ztschr. Ethnol., 19, 1887, (562)- (564). Die Heimath und das Alter der europaischen Kultur- pflanzen. Deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Corresp.-Bl., 1890, 128-134. Zur Vorgeschichte der Obstarten der alten Welt. Ztschr. Ethnol., 23, 1891, (97)-(109). R. S. A. C. Botanique prehistorique. Paris Soc. Anthrop. Bull., 4, 1893, 506-508. Ueber die kiinstlichen Augen peruanischer Mumien. Ztschr. Ethnol., 25, 1893, (265)-(266). Kritik der modernen Theorien iiber die Pathogenese der Basedow'schen Krankheit. [1894.] Wien. Med. Wschr., 44, 1894, 2180-2182, 2217-2220; 45, 1895, 11-13. Bertillonage. Deutsch. Ges. Anthi-op. Corresp.-Bl., 1895, 20-22. Buschbaum, C. Beobachtungen des Cometen 1893... (Rordame-Quenisset) angestellt auf der Sternwarte der meteorologischen Central-Anstalt zu Budapest. Astr. Nachr., 133, 1893, 377-378. Buschbaum, C. , & Steiner, Lajos. Definitive Bahnbestim- mung des Cometen 1854 IV. Astr. Nachr., 149, 1899, 321-344. Baschbeck, E. Jacob Hubner's Schmetterlingswerke. Ent. Nachr., 10, 1884, 197-201. Busche, [Conrad Heinrich] E[dmund Friedrich]. Arith- metischer Beweis des Reciprocitatsgesetzes fiir die bi- quadratischen Reste. Crelle, Jl. Math., 99, 1886, 261- 274. Ueber eine Formel des Herrn Hermite. Crelle, Jl. Math., 100, 1887, 459-464; 103, 1888, 125. Ueber grosste Ganze. Crelle, Jl. Math., 103, 1888, 118-125. Ueber die Euler'sche 0-F unction. Math. Ann., 31, 1888, 70-74. Zur Anwendung der Geometric auf die Zahlentheorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 104, 1889, 32-37. Ueber die Function S iim Crelle, Jl. Math. 106, 1890, 65-80. Beweis des quadratischen Reciprocitatsgesetzes in der Theorie der aus den vierten Wurzeln der Einheit gebilde- ten komplexen Zahlen. Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 2, 1890 (Festschr., Tl. 2), 80-92. Ueber die Function E (x) mit complexem Argument. Crelle, Jl. Math., 110, 1892, 338-348. Ueber das Doppelverhaltniss von vier Punkten einer Geraden. Math. Ann., 41, 1893, 591-596. Ueber den Dreiecksinhalt und sein duales Analogon. Crelle, Jl. Math., 114, 1895, 1-24. Ueber die Schubert'sche Losung eines Bachet'schen Problems. Math. Ann., 47, 1896, 105-112. Generalisation d'une formule de Gadss. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 129, 1899, 952-954. Ueber Kroneckersche Aequivalenzen. [1891.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 3-7. Ueber eine rationale nicht-Euklidische Massbestim- mung in der Ebene. [1892.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 8, 1900, 37-. Beraerkung iiber die Funktion E (z) mit komplexem Argument. [1893.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 103-107. Ueber die Anzahl aller Teller der Zahlen von 1 bis n. [1894.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 167-172. Beweis des [zahlentheoretischen] Satzes von Herrn Schubert. [1895.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 225-226. Beweis des quadratischen Reciprocitatsgesetzes. [1896.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 233-234. Ueber die Teller der natiirlichen Zahlenreihe. [1896.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 234-249. — — Ueber eine allgemeine Anzahlbeziehung und einige Anwendungen davon auf die Zahlentheorie. [1897.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 333-346. Eine Bemerkung iiber Binomialkoefficienten. [1899.] Hamb. Math. Ges. Mitth., 3, 1900, 379-382. Ueber eine reale Darstellung der imaginaren Gebilde einer reellen Ebene und einige Anwendungen davon 118 Busche] 938 [Busin auf die Zahlentheorie. Crelle, Jl. Math., 122, 1900, 227- 262. Ein Beitrag zur Differenzenrechnung und zur Zahlen- theorie. Math. Ann., 53, 1900, 243-271. Buschke, [Abraham]. Die Tonsillen als Eingangspforte fiir eitererregende Mikroorganismen. Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 38, 1894, 441-461. Ueber die Lebeusdauer der Typhusbacillen in ostiti- schen Herden. Fortschr. Med., 12 (1894), 573-^83, 613- 621. BuBchkiel, C. E. Fischinger's neues Dynamometer. Elektrotechn. Ztschr., 8, 1887, 386-387. BuBck, A. Om tordenveirsiagttagelser. Tidsskr. Phys. Chem., 26, 1887, 161-167. Bnsck, August. New American Tineina. N. Y, Ent. Soc. JL, 8, 1900, 234-248. Notes on a brief trip to Puerto Eico in January and February 1899. U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 22, 1900, 88-93. Buse, L. H. For biographical notice see Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 376-377. Buser, O. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora der Hoch- moore im Kanton St. Gallen. [1894.] St. Gallen, Ber., 1893-94, 85-86. Buser, li. Zur Kenntnis der schweizerischen Alchimillen. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Ber., 4, 1894, 41-80. Ueber Alchimilla pubescens, Koch, A. truncata, Rchb., und eine neue verwandte Art aus den Tiroler Alpen (A. acutata). Allg. Bot. Ztschr., 1900, 25-26, 41-43, 57-59. Busli, B. F. Notes on a list of plants collected in south- eastern Missouri in 1893. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Rep., 1894, 139-153. A new Ilysanthes. Torrey Bot. Club Bull., 21, 1894, 494-495. Hybrid oaks in western Missouri. Garden & Forest, 8, 1896, 32-33. A new hybrid oak in the Indian Territory. Garden & Forest, 8, 1895, 463. Notes on the mound flora of Atchison county, Missouri. St. Louis, Bot. Gard. Rep., 1895, 121-134. Notes on the botany of some southern swamps. Garden & Forest, 10, 1897, 514-516. Bush, Charles S. Degras. Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl., 16, 1894, 535-537. Bush, (Miss) Katharine Jeannette. List of the shallow- water Mollusca dredged off Cape Hatteras by the Albatross in 1883. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 579-590. Additions to the shallow-water Mollusca of Cape Hatteras, N.C., dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross in 1883 and 1884. [1885.] Con- necticut Ac. Trans., 6, 1882-85, 453-480. List of deep-water Mollusca dredged by the United States Fish Commission steamer Fish Haivk, in 1880, 1881, and 1882, with their range in depth. U. S. Fish Comm. Rep., 11, 1885, 701-727. Reports on the results of dredging, by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, xxxiv. Report on the Mollusca dredged by the Blake in 1880, including descrip- tions of several new species. Harvard Mus. Zool. Bull , 23, 1892-93, 199-244. Revision of the marine gastropods referred to Cyclo- strema, Adeorbis, Vitrinella, and related genera; with descriptions of some new genera and species belonging to the Atlantic fauna of America. [1897.] Connecticut Ac. Trans., 10, 1899-1900, 97-144, 672. Descriptions of new species of Turbonilla of the western Atlantic fauna, with notes on those previously known. Philad. Ac. Nat. Sci. Proc, 1899, 145-177. Bush, (Miss) Katharine Jeannette, & Verrill, Addison E. See Verrill & Bush. Bush, S. P., Herr, E. M., Lewis, W. H., & Quereau, C. H. See Herr, Lewis, Quereau & Bush. Bushe, C. K. Human hibernation. Nature, 31, 1885, 482. Bushell, Reginald. [Barometric depression of December 8th to 9th.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 21, 1886, 159-160. Bushong, F. W. On benzimidoethyl and benzimidomethyl ethers. Amer. Chem. JL, 18 (1896), 490-491. On the alkyl hypobromites. R-O-Br. [1896.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 15, 1898, 81-82. The deep well at Madison, Kan. [1898.] Kan. Ac. Sci. Trans., 16, 1899, 67-70. Busin, Paolo. Ueber die Isobarentypen in Italien und die Wetterprognosen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 235-238, 303. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die jetzige analytische Theorie der Cyklonen. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 454-455. Wie man aus der Richtung und Drehung der Winde die Aenderungen der Isobarentypen bestimmen kann. Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1885, 401-406. De quelques perfectionnements a introduire dans les cartes m^t^orologiques. Angle des isobares et de la direction des vents. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 1), 123. Quelques considerations g^n^rales sur les cartes du temps et specialenient sur les types isobariques en Italic. Ass. Fran?. C. R., 1886 {Pt. 2), 321-328. Die Mittelwerthe der wichtigsten meteorologischen Elemente von Palermo. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 101-103. Le temperature nell' Emilia, nella Lombardia e nel Veneto. Bologna Ace. Sci. Mem., 9, 1888, 431-444. I tipi isobarici e lore applicazione alia previsione del tempo. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 3, 1888, 229-260. Ueber die Hautigkeit und Bewegung der Gebiete hohen und niederen Luftdruckes auf der nordlichen Hemisphare. Meteorol. Ztschr., 5 (1888), 448-449. Le temperature nel versante mediterraneo d' Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 8, 1888, 51-53, 69-70. Temperature medie annuali delle provincie italiane. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 4, 1889, 105-110. Le temperature in Italia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 56-60, 137-143, 153-158. Osservazione suUe uubi notturne risplendenti. Frosinone, 20 luglio 1889. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 9, 1889, 129. Sulla variazione della temperatura. Riv. Sci.-Ind., 21, 1889, 1-4. Sui tipi isobarici che portano una maggior frequenza delle brine. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 5, 1890, 209- 212. Sulla frequenza delle alte e basse pressioni nel- r emisfero boreale. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 73-75, 104. Sulla probabilita diurna della pioggia. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 137-139. Su di una nuova specie di rose dei venti. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 6, 1891, 186-189. Alcune osservazioni sull' aerodinamica. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 35-36. Relazione tra le perturbazioni magnetiche ed i diversi orientamenti delle masse aeree. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 11, 1891, 132-133. Suir angolo che la direzione del vento fa coUe isobare. [Italia], Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 7, 1892, 221-223. Beziehungen zwischen magnetischen Perturbationen und der Vertheilung des Luftdruckes. Meteorol. Ztschr., 10 (1893), 148-160, 200. Alcuni criteri suUa coincidenza e sul rischio ma- tematico dell' avvenimento di determinati fenomeni meteorici. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 52-53 ; Riv. Sci.-Ind., 25, 1893, 121-122. Rose isobariche per alcune principal! citta italiane. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 17, 18-22, 53-56, 69-72, 86-89. See also Roma, Ufficio Centrale BXeteorologico Italiano. Busk] 939 [Busse Busk, Charles J. To find the factors of any proposed number. Nature, 39, 1889, 413-415. Busk, George. For biography and list of works see Arch. Antropologia, 16, 1886, 589-590; Foldt. Kozlon., 16, 1886, 338; Nature, 34, 1886, 387-389; Rev. d'Anthrop., 1, 1886, 743 ; Zoologist, 10, 1886, 363 ; Anthrop. Inst. Jl., 16, 1887, 403-407; Geol. Soc. Quart. Jl., 43, 1887 (Proc), 40-41; Homme, 4, 1887, 376-377; Mat6r. Hist, Homme, 21, 1887, 405-406; Med.-Chir. Trans., 70, 1887, 23-27. *A monograph of the fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. Palaeont. Soc. Monogr., 11, 1869, xiii + 136pp. Busmakina, S. V., & 'Wagner, Egor E[gorovic]. See Wagner & Busniakina. Busmann, . Ueber die Kant-Laplaeesche Hypothese. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1884, 129-131. Ueber das Geoid. Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1885, 132-137. Ueber thermische Widerstands-Coefficienten verschie- dener Glaser in ibrer Abhangigkeit von der chemischen Zusammensetzung. [1894.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1894-95, 235-237. Ueber den Abschluss der Bienenzelle. [1895.] Westfiil. Ver. Jber., 1895-96, 194-195. Ueber Thermometrie. [1897.] Westfal. Ver. Jber., 1897-98, 143-144. Ueber Kathodenstrahlen. [1899.] Westfal. Ver, Jber., 1899-1900, 132-138. Busquet, . Note sur les phenomenes de sedimenta- tion observes dans le delta Houiller de Decize. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull., 16,, 1888, 1005-1011. Busquet, G. P[aul]. Etude morphologique d'une forme d'Achorion : I'Achorion Arloini, champignon du favus de la souris. [1890.] Ann. Microgr., 3 (1890-91), 9-21, 62-75, 136-149. De I'origine muridienne du favus. Ann. de Dermatol., 3, 1892, 916-923. De Taction des essences sur le developpement des champignons des teignes dans les cultures. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 454-455. De la diphterie dans I'arm^e. Arch. M^d. Pharm. Militaires, 26, 1895, 257-290, 382-419. Cellules secretantes et glandes unicellulaires. Bibliogr, Anat., 5, 1897, 194-205. Contribution a I'etude de la structure fine des corps appeles "les sporozoaires du cancer." Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 49, 1897 (C. R.), 1023-1025. Busquet, G. P[anl], & Boudeaud, . Contribution a I'etude des oreillons du chien. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 52, 1900 (C. R.), 675-677. Busquet, G. P[aiil], & Crespin, J[oseph]. Fievre typhoide et sero-r^action chez les Arabes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 51, 1899 (C. R.), 998-1000. Busquet, G. Plmd], & Terr6, [Jean Hippolyte] Gabriel [PohZ]. See Perr6 & Busquet. Busquet, G. P[aul], & Kunstler, J. See Kunstler & Busquet. Busquet, R. L'eclairement des lampes ^lectriques h, arc. [1893.] Genie Civil, 22, 1892-93, 253-256, 298-300. Sur les tramways electriques de I'Exposition de Lyon. [1894.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 2, 1896, liv-lvi. Sur les regies mnemoniques relatives k la determina- tion des sens des courants et lignes de force en electricite. [1895.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 3, 1896, xxxix-xli. Sur I'acetylene et ses applications k I'^clairage. [1896.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 4, 1897, 311-320. Une demonstration g^ometrique de I'^nergie dissipee dans le travail d'aimantation. [1898.] Lyon Soc. Agr. Ann., 6, 1899, xxxix-xl. Busquet, R. , & Kodet, J. See Rodet & Busquet. Buss, , Die Sinneswerkzeuge, [1884.] Emden Natf, Ges. Jber., 1884-85, 26-28. Buss, Fritz, & Ooldscliinidt, Heinrich. See Ooldseliinidt & Buss. Buss, II[aiiii], & Werner, Alfred. See VTerner & Buss. Buss, Otto. Ein Fall von acuter, disseminirter Myelitis bulbi nebst Encephalitis bei einer Syphilitischen. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 41, 1887, 241-260. Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Pathologic der multiplen Sklerose des Hirns und Eiickenmarks. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 45, 1889, 555-583. Buss, Otto. Etwas liber Farbenfilter, Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 33, 1896, 368-373. Untersuchungen iiber das Lippmann'sche Farbenver- fahren. Wien, Photogr. Correspond., 37, 1900, 677-685, 761. Bussard, L. Igroscopicit^ delle sementi. Staz. Sper. Agrar. Ital., 16, 1889, 357-359. Bussard, L., & Coudon, H. See Condon & Bussard. Busse, F. Ueber diejenige punktweise eindeutige Bezie- hung zweier Flachenstiicke auf einander, bei welcher jeder geodatischen Linie des einen eine Linie constanter geodatischer Kriimmung des anderen entspricht. Berlin Ak. Sber., 1896, 651-664. Busse, George J[ustHs], & XZarries, C{arl] D[iet7nch]. See Harries & Busse. Busse, M., & Marckwald, W[iUy]. See BXarckwald & Busse. Busse, Otto. Untersuchung der feineren Vorgange bei der Heilung von Sehnenwunden, besonders nach der Tenotoraie der Achillessehne, [1891.] Deutsche Ztschr. Chirurg., 33, 1892, 30-51. Ueber die Heilung aseptischer Schnittwunden der menschlichen Haut. Virchow, Arch., 134, 1893, 401- 437. Ueber parasitare Zelleinschliisse und ihre Ziichtung. Centrbl. Bakt., 16, 1894, 175-180. Ueber Saccharomycosis hominis. Deutsch. Natf. Verh,, 1895 (Th. 2, Hdlfte 2), 88-89 ; Virchow, Arch,, 140, 1895, 23-46, Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Saccharomy- cosis. Virchow, Arch., 144, 1896, 360-372. Ueber eine ungewohnliche Form der Meningitis tuber- culosa. Virchow, Arch., 145, 1896, 107-112. Ueber das Fortleben losgetrennter Gewebstheile. Virchow, Arch., 149, 1897, 1-11. Ueber Doppelmissgeburten. [1897.] Neu-Vorpom- mern Mitth., 29, 1898, xv. Ein grosses Neuroma gangliocellulare des Nervus sympathicus. Virchow, Arch., 151, 1898 {Suppl.}, 66-77. Ueber Bau, Entwickelung und Eintheilung der Nieren- Geschwiilste. Virchow, Arch., 157, 1899, 346-372, 377- 415. Ueber pathogene Hefen und Hefekrankheiten. [1899,] Neu-Vorpommern Mitth,, 31, 1900, xviii. Busse, Walter. Die Anwendung der Celloidin-Einbettung in der Pflanzen-Anatomie. Ztschr. Wiss, Mikr., 8, 1891, 462-475 ; 9, 1892, 49-50. Photoxylin als Einbettungsmittel fiir pflanzliche Objecte. Ztschr. Wiss. Mikr., 9, 1892, 47-48. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morphologic und Jahres- periode der Weisstanne (Abies alba. Mill.). Flora, 77, 1893, 113-175. Pfeffer, Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb. , 9, 1894, 509- 536. Muskatniisse. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 11, 189B, 390-410. Macis. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 12, 1896, 628- 660. — — Ueber eine neue Cardamomen-Art aus Eamerun. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 14, 1898, 139-144. Vanille. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 1-113. — — Ueber gerbstoffhaltige Mangroverinden aus Deutsch- Ostafrika. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 15, 1899, 177- 184. 118—2 940 BusseJ Zar Kenntniss des Leitgewebes im Fr"chtknoten der Orchideen. Bot. Centrbl., 84, 1900, 209-222. ^usse. Waiter, & Polenske, Eduard. See PolensKe & - S^^V'Panl. run precede d'ctude d'une veine liquide.] - Tl"o.l LausLne, Soc. Vaud. Bull., 26, 1891, xvni. Bilssifere, J., & Oauducheau, A. See Oauducheau & Tt n p:t'b. [Primorsk station, Poset Bay. Total eclipse of the Sun, 1887 Aug. 19.] Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 20 (Phijs.), 1686 (Append.), 121 -ISl. Bntaye, E., & Haas, E. J. M. de. Lijst der planten te Oudenbosch en omstreken. [1889.] Nederl. Kruidk. Arch., 5, 1891, 542-551. Butcher, A. Aurora borealis. Nature, 46, 1892, 368. Butenscbon, Georg. Taschen-Nivellirinstrumente. Ztschr. Instrumentenk., 13, 1893, 350-353. Mittheilungen aus der Werkstatte fiir wissenschaft- liche Instrumente. Centrztg. Optik, 18, 1897, 61. Buti, Giuseppe. Progressi delle applicazioni della elettri- cit^ alia Espozione Internazionale di Vienna. Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 37, 1884, 169-179. Sopra un actinometro elettrochimico di Eigollot. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 170-172. Sulla misura della forza fornita da una corrente elettriea qualsiasi in un circuito qualunque. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 44, 1891, 252-258. Alcune osservazioni sulla pioggia a diverse altezze. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 1, 1891, 99-100; 2, 1891, 115-118. Studio delle variazioni della temperatura a diverse altezze. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 2, 1891, 113- 114; 3, 1893, 225-227; 4, 1894, 279-281. Confronto della umidita relativa e tensione del vapore uelle stagioni di inverno e di estate 1890-91. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 2, 1891, 119. Riassunto di una nota del sig. Bezold "Sulla teoria dei cicloni." Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 78-87. Condizioni atmosferiche e 1' influenza. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 45, 1892, 88-90. Le nebbie nelle citta e i loro effetti. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 31, 44-45, 59-61. La fotografia nella meteorologia. Osservazioni sopra una nota del sig. Spkung. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 129-133. Bolide deir 8 agosto, [1893. Porto Recanati]. Mon- calieri Oss. Boll., 13, 1893, 139. SuU' umidita relativa e tensione del vapore. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 229-231; 4, 1894, 283-284. Riassunto dell' osservazioni meteorologiche eseguite neir anno meteorico 1890-91 alia Specola Vaticana. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 3, 1893, 235-307. II principio dell' inverno 1893-94. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 40-41. Sulla termodinamica dell' atmosfera, del Dr. von Bezold. Moncalieri Oss. Boll., 14, 1894, 65-67, 81-83, 102-104. Anemografo e anemo-cinemografo della Specola Vati- cana. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 4, 1894, 179- 187. Confronto dell' acqua caduta a diverse altezze. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 4, 1894, 285-289. Riassunto delle osservazioni meteorologiche eseguite neir anno meteorico 1891-92. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 4, 1894, 293-473. Notizie sul Pic du Midi. [1895.] Eoma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 11-21. Risultati della Spedizione Polare Internazionale Svedese fatta nel 1882-83 alio Spitzberg, Capo Hordsen. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 46-56. Conferenza svilie radiazioni Rontgen data nell' Istituto Tecnico F. S. de Merode il 18 aprile 1896. Roma, N. Lincei Atti, 49, 1896, 97-106. Osservazioni meteorologiche [fatte negli anni 1893 e 1894]. Roma, Specola Vaticana Pubbl., 5, 1898, 228-395, 397-565. Butin, Albert. Emploi des turbines k axe horizontal pour la commande des dynamos. [1897.] G^nie Civil, 30, 1896-97, 296-298. Batkievic, Vl[adiiiiir Stepanovic]. Ueber das Vorkoramen proteolytischer Enzyme in gekeimten Samen und iiber ihre Wirkung. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Ber., 18, 1900, 18-5- 189, 358-364. Butler, A[rthur] Llennox]. Ornithological notes from the Cocoawatte estate, Lunugala, in the province of Uva, Ceylon. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10, 1896-97, 284-315. A leporine monstrosity. [1896.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 10 (1895-97), 328-329. On the occurrence of the lesser coucal (Centropus bengalensis) in Ceylon. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 162. On the occurrence of Asio accipitrinus, Pallas, in Ceylon. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 163. The scaly ant-eater (Manis pentadactyla). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 165. On Ketapa ceylonensis (Gmel.), breeding in captivity. [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 165- 166. The oceanic teal (Mareca gibberifrons). [1897.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 332-333. The nidification of Indian lorikeets. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 736. Pied variety of Hirundo javanica. [1898.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 11, 1897-98, 736-737. The birds of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [1899-1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 386-403, 555-571, 684-696 ; 13, 1900-01, 144-154. The nidification of some Malayan birds. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 421-423, 772-773. Occurrence of the black-winged kite (Elanus caeru- leus), Dcsf., and the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Gviel., in the Malay Peninsula. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 423-424. Note on the white snake (Coluber taaniurus). Cope. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 424-425. Further notes on the varieties of Coluber taaniurus. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 425-426. The coloration of the wing-lining and axillaries in the fantail and pintail snipes. [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 427-428. On an immature specimen of the black-capped purple kingfisher (Halcyon pileata, Bodd.). [1899.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 12, 1898-1900, 428-429. Birds collected and observed on the Larut Hills, Perak, in March and April 1898. Singapore, Roy. Asiat. Soc. JL, 32, 1899, 9-30. Geographical races of the banting: the "sapi" of the Malay Peninsula. [1900.] Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. JL, 13, 1900-01, 192-193. On a new serow from the Malay Peninsula. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 675-676. Butler, A[rtlmr] L[ennox], & Hartert, Ernst. See Zlartert & Butler. Butler, Alford A. Ferns near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Amer. Natlist., 30, 1896, 750-751. Butler, A7nos W. Hibernation of the lower vertebrates. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 543-545. Local weather lore. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1884, 609- 613. Butler] 942 [Butler The caerulean warbler (Dendroeca caerulea). Ornith. Ool., 9, 1884, 27-28. Barn-owls in southern Ohio. Science, 3, 1884, 31. Observations on the musk rat. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 324-.328; Amer. Natlist., 19, 1886, 1044-1055. The periodical cicada in southeastern Indiana. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 328-329; U. S. Div. Ent. Bull., 12, 1886, 24-31. The remains at San Juan Teotihuacan. Amer. Ass. Proc, 1886, 418-420. Herpetology. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 9, 1887, 263-265. Fishes, Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. JL, 9, 1887, 265-266. Some notes on Indiana amphibians and reptiles. No. 2. [1887.] Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 147-148. On a new subspecies of Ammodramus saudwichensis from Mexico. Auk, 5, 1888, 264-266. Condylura cristata (Linn.), Besmarest. Star-nosed mole. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 214. Notes concerninf; albinism among birds. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jl., 10, [1888], 214-216. Notes on the range of the prothonotary warbler in Indiana. Ornith. Ool., 13, 1888, 33-34. Notes on the range and habits of the Carolina parra- keet. Auk, 9, 1892, 49-56. Some notes concerning the evening grosbeak. Auk, 9, 1892, 238-247; 10, 1893, 155-157. Contributions to Indiana herpetology. [1892.] Cincin. Soc Nat. Hist. JL, 14, 1891-92, 169-179. The range of crossbills in the Ohio valley with notes on their unusual occurrence in summer. Amer. Natlist., 28, 1894, 136-146. The unusual occurrence of Brunnich's murre (Uria lomvia) far inland, with notes on other rare birds. Auk, 14, 1897, 197-200. The birds of Indiana. A descriptive catalogue of the birds that have been observed within the state, with an account of their habits. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Ann. Rep., 22, 1898, 515-1187. BuUer, Avws W., & Quick, Edgar R. See Quick & Butler. Butler, Arthur Gardiner. *Descriptions of new African Lepidoptera. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 209-218. *Descriptions of new Lepidoptera. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 243-244. 'Description of a new species of Blattaria. [1873.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 294. 'Monographic list of the homopterous insects of the genus Platypleura. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 183-198. 'Descriptions of four new Asiatic butterflies. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 235-236. 'Revision of the homopterous genera Cosmoscarta and Phymatostetha, with descriptions of new species. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 245-270. 'Descriptions of some new heterocerous Lepidoptera from Australia. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 291- 293. 'Descriptions of two new species of scorpions. [1874.] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 323-324. 'On a small collection of Arachnida from Queensland, with descriptions of three apparently new species. [1875 ] Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 349-354. 'Contributions to the Diptera of New Zealand. [1875.1 Cistula Ent., 1, 1869-76, 355-356. 'Revision of the genus Spilosoma and the allied groups of the family Arctiidae. [1875.] Cistula Ent., 2. 1876-82, 21-44. 'On the Lepidoptera referred by Walker to the genus Dioptis of HuBNER. [1876.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82. 107-121. 'On some heliconoid Danainse and Heliconidse in the [1877.] Cistula Ent., [1877.] collection of the British Museum. 2, 1876-82, 149-151. 'Description of a new species of Attacus. Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 161. 'Descriptions of new species of Cryptolechia from the Amazons. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 163-164, 187-193. 'Notes on the lepidopterous genera Carama and Trichetra, with descriptions of new species. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 203-204. 'On various genera of the homopterous family Membracidffi, with descriptions of new species. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 20-5-222. *0n new species of Catocala and Sypna from Japan. [1877.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 241-246. 'On some butterflies recently sent home from Japan by Mr. Montague Fenton. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1875-82, 281-286. 'Descriptions of a new genus and three new species of Lepidoptera from Madagascar. [1878.] Cistula Ent. , 2, 1876-82, 297-298. 'On various genera of the homopterous family Mem- bracidse, with descriptions of new species, and a new genus in the collection of the British Museum. [1878.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 337-361. *0n a collection of Lepidoptera from Madagascar. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 389-394. 'Descriptions of new butterflies of the Indian region. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 431-432. 'On a small collection of heterocerous Lepidoptera, from New Zealand. [1879.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 487-511. 'On a collection of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Marlborough province. New Zealand. [1880.] Cistula Ent., 2, 1876-82, 541-562. 'Descriptions of new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera from Madagascar. [1882.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 1-27. Lepidoptera from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 58-60. On a new genus of butterfly from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 171-173. The Lepidoptera collected during the recent expedition of H.M.S. Challenger. Part ii. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 183-203. — — Descriptions of five new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera from Yesso. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 273-276. A collection of butterflies from the Fiji Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 1884, 343-348. Descriptions of three new species of moths from the island of Nias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 34-35. Description of a new species of Pseudacraa from Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 123. On a new species of the theclid genus Theritas from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 267. On new species of Lepidoptera recently added to the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 403-407. Descriptions of two new moths from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1884, 407-409. Concerning E. Meyrick's views of certain New Zealand and Australian forms of Lepidoptera. [1884.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 65-75. On an undescribed butterfly of the genus Teracolus from Arabia. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 81. On the Scopelodes unicolor of Westwood and Walker. [1884.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 155-156. The lepidopterous genus Cocytia. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1884, 351-353. [Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island May, 1883.] The Lepidoptera collected by Herr Palisa Butler] 943 [Butler at Caroline Island in May, 1883. Washington, Nat. Ac. Mem., 2, 1884, 93-96. On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Major J. W. Yerbuby, at or near Aden. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1884, 478- 503. Notes respecting butterflies confounded under the name of Delias belladonna of Fabricius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 57-58. Lepidoptera collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Ellice and Gilbert Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1886, 238-242. Description of a new genus of Chalcosiidse allied to Himantopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1885, 340-342. On three new species of Gonepteryx from India, Japan, and Syria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1886, 406-408. On Doratopteryx of Rogenhofer, a genus of moths allied to Himantopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 51-52. On the blue-belted species of the butterfly-genus Prothoe. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1885, 52-54. On a collection of Lepidoptera made at Manipur and on the borders of Assam by Dr. George Watt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1886, 298-310, 334-347. Descriptions of moths new to Japan collected by Messrs. Lewis and Pryer. [1885.] Cistula Ent., 3, 1882-85, 113-136. Description of a new species of Fodinoidea (a genus of moths) from the Betsileo Country, Madagascar. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 197-198. Description of a new butterfly from Madagascar. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-86, 198, xx. Description of a new species of the geometrid genus Ophthalmophora. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 199. On the distinctness of Aulocera Scylla from A. brahminus. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 21, 1884-85, 245-247. On the true type of the lycaenid genus Pentila. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 59-60. The question respecting the genus Aulocera. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 127-128. • A word respecting Callerebia hybrida. [1885.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 156. On the identity of Cyaniris ladon of Cramer with C. pseudargiolus of Boisduval and Leconte. [1885.] Entomologica Amer., 1, 1885-86, 53. An account of two collections of Lepidoptera recently received from Somali-Land. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 756- 776. Notes on the genus Terias, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 212-225. Description of a hitherto unnamed butterfly from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 430. A few words in answer to Mr. Distant's " remarks " on the genus Terias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1886, 468-469. Description of a moth of the genus Milionia from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 7. On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Commander Alfred Carpenter, R.N., in Upper Burma, in the winter of 1885-86. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1886, 182-191. On the inconstancy of a generic character in Nephe- ronia arabica. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 22, 1885-86, 259-260. Description of two new species of Teracolus. [1886.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 29-32. Descriptions and remarks upon five new noctuid moths from Japan. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 131-136. Descriptions of 21 new genera and 103 new species of Lepidoptera-Heterocera from the Australian region. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1886, 381-441. Note on Aporia hippia. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 80-81. On Lepidoptera collected by Major Yerbury in western India. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1886, 35-5-395. Description of a new butterfly allied to Vanessa Antiopa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 103-104. Descriptions of new species of bombycid Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 214-225. Descriptions of new species of moths (Noctuites) from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1887, 432-489. Descriptions of new species of heterocerous Lepi- doptera (Pyralites) from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 114-124. Description of a new genus of chalcosiid moths allied to Pedoptila. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 180-181. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands, collected by C. M. Woodford, Esq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 240-247. Descriptions of two new species of Hyponomeutidae from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1887, 414-415. A new genus of Pierinffi allied to Appias. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 23, 1886-87, 248-249. On the Mycalesis asochis of Hewitson, a butterfly of the sub-family Satyrinae. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 29. On the true distinction between Lithosia complana and L. lurideola. [1887.] Ent. Month. Mag., 24, 1887-88, 106-107. Notes on certain North American species of the group called by M. Guenee "Acronycta." [1887.] Entomo- logica Amer., 3, 1887-88, 35-36. Lepidoptera. [Report on a zoological collection made by the officers of H.M.S. Flying Fish, at Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.] Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 522-523. On two small collections of African Lepidoptera recently received from Mr. H. H. Johnston. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1887, 567-574. Notes on the species of the lepidopterous genus Euchromia, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the British Museum. [1887.] Ent. Soc. Trans., 1888, 109-115. On three extremely interesting new moths of the family Chalcosiidae from Kilima-njaro and Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 47-50. An account of three series of Lepidoptera collected in North-West India by Major Yerbury. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 132-151, 196-209. On butterflies of the genus Teracolus obtained by Mr. H. G. P.1LL1SER at Khandesh in the winter of 1886-87. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1888, 417-419. On the Lepidoptera received from Dr. Emin Pasha. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 56-85. Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera from Kilima- njaro. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 91-98. On the Lepidoptera of Christmas Island. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1888, 542-546. Description of a new species of the singular lepi- dopterous genus Mastigophorus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1889, 358-360. On a new chalcosiid moth obtained in Formosa by Mr. H. E. Hobson. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 53. A few remarks respecting insects supposed to be distasteful to birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 171-173. Notes made during the summer of 1887 on the effect of offering various insects, larvae, and pupas to birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1889, 463-473. Synonymic notes on the moths of the earlier genera of Npctuites. Ent. Soc Trans., 1889, 375-387. Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera-Heterocera in Butler] 944 [Butler the collection of the Hon. Walter jje Rothschild. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1889, 389-392. Description of a new genus of fossil moths belonging to the geometrid family Euschemidse. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 292-297. Notes on the genus Dyschorista, Led., a small group of moths allied to Orthosia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 0, 1890, 96-97. Notes made during the present year on the acceptance or rejection of insects by birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1890, 324-327. Further notes on the synonymy of the genera of Noctuites. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1890, C53-691. List of Lepidoptera in a collection made by Emin Pasha in Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 40-r)l. Description of a new genus for the reception of the North-American moths hitherto referred to Telesilla of Hkrrich-Sciiaffer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1891, 461-462. Revision of the noctuid moths in the Natural History Museum hitherto referred to Eriopus and Callopistria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 1891, 70-78. Concerning Dr. Chapman's divisions of the genus Acronycta {aucL). Entomologist, 24, 1891, 111-112. On the so-called "Erastria" venustula of Europe. Entomologist, 24, 1891, 113-114. Notes on the synonymy of noctuid moths. Entomo- logist, 24, 1891, 237-242, 263-266, 292-295; 25, 1892, 10-14, 62-65, 90-93, 140-141, 188-191, 211-214, 283- 286 ; 26, 1893, 45-48, 121-125, 193-195, 244-246, 292-293, 352-355; 27, 1894, 47-49, 192-193, 213-217, 240-241, 265-267; 28, 1895, 120-125, 222-227, 275-276; 29, 1896, 252-257, 279-284 ; 30, 1897, 170-172. The house martin as a cage bird. Zoologist, 15, 1891, 397-398. On the genus Hypocala, a group of noctuid moths. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 17-22. Description of a new genus and species of African moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 295-297. On the noctuid genera allied to Hypsetra of Guenee. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 297-300. Revision of the noctuid genus Melipotis, Hiibn., with descriptions of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 315-327. Description of a new moth of the genus Anaphe from Madagascar, with a note on the natural position of the genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, 1892, 398-399. On a collection of Lepidoptera from Sandakan, N. E. Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 120-133. Notes on the genus Acronycta of authors and its position in the classification of heterocerous Lepidoptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1893, 396-402. Notes on the genus Entomogramma as represented by the noctuid moths of that group in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 43-46. On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 207-210. Description of a new species of the butterfly genus Charaxes. Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 266. On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Chili. Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 457-467. On certain species of North American Hypenidffi. Entomologist, 26, 1893, 311-312. On two collections of Lepidoptera sent by H. H. Johnston, Esq., C.B., from British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1893, 643-684. Abnormal variability in the antennal characters of Cosmophila erosa, Hiihn. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist 14 1894, 298-300. On the lepidopterous genus Hexeris of Grote. Ento- mologist, 27, 1894, 267. The North American Noctuidse of the genus Ingura. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 282-284. Note on Eumestleta, Butl., etc.; a group of NoctuBB of the eublemmine type. Entomologist, 27, 1894, 314- 315. On a collection of Lepidoptera from British East Africa, made by Dr. J. W. Gregory between the months of March and August 1893. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1894, 557-593. Adris sikhimensis, a new form of the ophiderid group of noctuid moths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 126. On Charaxes azota of Hewitson, a rare butterfly of which the type specimen is not in Hewitson's collection. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1895, 248-249. Description of a new species of butterfly of the genus Amauris, obtained by Mr. Scott Elliot in East Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 122-123. Descriptions of new species of Planema in the collec- tion of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1895, 415-417. Notes on seasonal dimorphism in certain African butterflies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1895, 519-522. On collections of Lepidoptera from British Central Africa and Lake Tanganyika. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 250-270. On a small collection of butterflies sent by Mr. Richard Crawshay from the country west of Lake Nyasa. Zool. Soc Proc, 1895, 627-634. On a small collection of butterflies made by Consul Alfred Sharps at Zomba, British Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 720-721. On Lepidoptera recently collected in British East Africa by Mr. G. F. Scott Elliot. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 722-742. An account of the butterflies of the genus Charaxes in the collection of the British Museum. [1895.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 25, 1896, 348-404, viii. — s— Descriptions of new species of butterflies of the genus Catasticta in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 53-55. Note on the synonymy of Huphina lanassa, a common Australian butterfly of the subfamily Pierina;. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 231-233. Notes on the pierine butterflies of the genus Daptonura, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 17, 1896, 347-350. On some new pierine butterflies from Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 42-44. On a small collection of Lepidoptera sent from Nyasa in 1895 by Mr. R. Crawshay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 67-75. Descriptions of some new Lepidoptera from Nyasa- Land. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 159-163. A new butterfly of the genus Acrtea from Tugela, S. Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1896, 467. Descriptions of previously undescribed species of Dismorphina in the Natural History Museum. Ento- mologist, 29, 1896, 26-27. On a collection of butterflies obtained by Mr. Richard Crawshay in Nyasa-Laud, between the months of January and April 1895. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1896, 108-136. On the butterflies obtained in Arabia and Somaliland by Capt. Chas. G. Ndrse and Col. J. W. Yerbuby in 1894 and 1895. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 242-257. On two collections of Lepidoptera made by Mr. R. Crawshay in Nyasa-Land. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 817- 850. On a collection of Lepidoptera from Nyasa-Land pre- sented to the Museum by Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.B., and collected by Mr. J. B. Yule. Zool. Soc Proc, 1896, 851-855. On a new nymphalid butterfly from N. E. Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 469-470. Butler] 945 [Butler On a new African pierine butterfly of the genus Mylothris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 1897, 627. Eevision of the pierine butterflies of the genus Delias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 143-167. Descriptions of six pierine butterflies of the genus Catasticta in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 366-369. A revision of the species of butterflies belonging to the genus Teracolus, Sioains. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20, 1897, 385-399, 451-473, 495-507. Seasonal dimorphism in African butterflies. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1897, 105-111. On changes of plumage in some of the typical weaver- birds. Ibis, 3, 1897, 359-361. Foreign finches in confinement, with hints as to the difliculties arising from the association of various species in the same aviary. Zoologist, 1, 1897, 251-253. On a collection of Lepidoptera obtained in the Arusa Galla Country in 1894 by Mr. F. Gillett. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 692-695. On three consignments of butterflies collected in Natal in 1896 and 1897 by Mr. Guy A. K. Marshall, F.Z.S. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 835-857. On a small collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. F. Gillett in Somah-Land. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1897, 923-925. A revision of the pierine butterflies of the genus Terias from the Old World. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 56-82, 181. A revision of the butterflies of the genus Ixias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 133-143. A review of the species of the genus Hebomoia, a group of pierine butterflies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 289-293. Descriptions of some new species of butterflies of the subfamily Pierinje. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 1898, 294- 295. On the butterflies of the genera Leptophobia and Pieris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 13-24. • On the pierine butterflies of the genus Catophaga. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 1898, 392-401, 458-467. On some new species of African Pierinse in the collec- tion of the British Museum, with notes on seasonal forms of Belenois. But. Soc. Trans., 1898, 431-444. On sexual differences in the feathering of the wing of the skylark (Alauda arvensis). Zoologist, 2, 1898, 104- 105. On a collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. F. V. KiKBY, chiefly in Portuguese East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 49-58. On the lepidopterous insects collected by Mr. G. A. K. Marshall in Natal and Mashonaland in 1895 and 1897. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 186-201. On a collection of Lepidoptera made in British East Africa by Mr. C. S. Betton. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 395-444." A list of butterflies obtained in the Harar highlands by Capt. H. G. C. Swayne, E.E. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 821-822. On a small collection of butterflies made in the Chikala district, British Central Africa, by Mr. George Hoare. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 823-824. On a small collection of butterflies from British East Africa, obtained at the end of 1897 and beginning of 1898 by Mr. R. Crawshay. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 825-827. On a collection of butterflies almost entirely made at Salisbury, Mashunaland, by Mr. Guy A. K. Marshall in 1898. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1898, 902-912. A revision of the pierine genus Huphina, with notes on the seasonal phases and descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 201-214. A revision of the Dismorphina of the New World, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, 1899, 373-393. R. S. A. C. Descriptions of new species of the genus Lycaenesthes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 341-344. On butterflies collected between Chinde and Mandala, British Central Africa, by Edward M. de Jersey, Esq., in March and April, 1899. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 1899, 372-378. Notes on the American forms of Euchloe, Hllbn. Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 19. Chrysophanus thoe of Gray, why is it not C. hyllus, Cramer? Canad. Ent., 31, 1899, 122. Notes on the genus Euchloe, Hilbner, a genus of the Pierinffi. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 1-3. The genus Cigaritis and its application. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 77-78. The genus Leuceronia of Aurivillius. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 159-160. The type of the genus Hypolycaena. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 221. The lycfenid genus Azanus of Moore. Entomologist, 32, 1899, 291-293. [Contributions to the natural history of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia, and its neighbourhood.] Insecta (Lepi- doptera Rhopalocera). [1899.] Linn. Soc. Jl. (Zool.), 27, 1899-1900, 408-411. On two small collections of butterflies made by Mr. Richard Crawshay during 1898 in British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 417-427. On a small collection of butterflies sent by Lieut. -Col. A. S. G. Jayakar, A.M.S., from Muscat. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 810-812. On a collection of butterflies made by Mr. Richard Crawshay in British East Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 962-975. On a small collection of butterflies from the Nandi district, Uganda Protectorate, eastern side of Lake Victoria; made by Captain Hohart, of the Grenadier Guards. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1899, 976-978. On a second collection of butterflies obtained by Mr. Edward M. de Jersey in Nyasaland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 59-63. A list of the species of Cyaniris, a well-known group of the family Lycsenidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5, 1900, 441-451. List of the butterflies collected by Capt. Wingate at Hunan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6, 1900, 382. Note on Cyaniris pseudargiolus of Boisduval and Le CoNTE. Canad. Ent., 32, 1900, 91. A new genus of Lycsenidie hitherto confounded with Catochrysops. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 1-2. The genera Cupido and Lycfena. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 124-125. The type of Thecla, Fabr. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 168. On a small collection of insects, chiefly Lepidoptera, from Nicaragua. Entomologist, 33, 1900, 189-191. On sexual differences in the wing of the house- sparrow (Passer domesticus). Zoologist, 4, 1900, 74-75. A revision of the butterflies of the genus Zizera represented in the collection of the British Museum. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 104-111. On two consignments of butterflies collected by Mr. Richard Crawshay in the Kikuyu Country of British East Africa in 1899 and 1900. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1900, 911-946. Butler, Arthur Gardiner, & Butler, Arthur George. On the first primary in certain passerine birds. Zoologist, 2, 1898, 241-244. Butler, Arthur Gardiner, & Klrby, William Forsell. List of insects collected by Miss Elizabeth Taylor in western North America in the summer of 1892. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12, 1893, 11-21. Butler, Arthur Gardiner, & Rotbschlld, (Hon.) Walter. On a new and also on a little known species of Pseudacraea 119 Butler] 946 in the collection of the Hon. Walter Eothschild. Ent. Soc. Trans., 1892, 201-203. Butler, Arthur George, & Butler, Arthur Gardiner. See above. BuUer, C. E. Effects of a lightning stroke; also in- frequency of thunderstorms in Idaho. [1885.] Amer. Meteorol. Jl., 2 (1885-86), 147. Butler, Cecil. New stations of Irish plants. Jl. Bot., 28, 1890, 361-362. Butler, Charles P. A brilliant meteor. Nature, 52 (1895), 269. Saturn's ninth sateUite. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898- 99), 489. The Michelson echelon spectroscope. [1899.] Nature, 59 (1898-99), 607-609. Echelon film gratings. [1900.] Nature, 61 (1899- 1900), 275. A night with the great Paris telescope. Nature, 62 (1900), 574-576. Butler, Charles P., & Edser, Edwin. See Edser & Butler. Butler, D. JB. Portland cement: some points in its testing, uses and abuses. Engineers Soc. Trans., 1895, 61-72. Butler, (Lt.-Col.) E[dward] A[rthur]. [Description of the adult female of Falco severus.] Stray Feathers, 10, 1887, 524-525. [Note on identity of species of Falco shot at Sind.] Ibis, 1, 1889, 135-136. [Occurrence of iEgialitis asiatica on the Denes, Great Yarmouth.] Ibis, 2, 1890, 463-464. [Note on Tringa maculata at Great Yarmouth.] Ibis, 3, 1891, 149. [On Diomedea melanophrys in Cambridgeshire.] Ibis, 3, 1897, 625-627. Albatros in Cambridgeshire. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 414-415. Honey buzzard in Suffolk. [1898.] Norf. Norw. Nat. Soc. Trans., 6, 1899, 416. Butler, (Lt.-Col.) E[dward} A[rthurl FeUden, {Col.) Henry W., & Beid, (Capt.) S. G. [Saxicola monticola, variations in plumage.] Ibis, 5, 1887, 472-474. Butler, E. J. A mixed infection in Abutilon roots. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1899, 925. BuUer, E. J., & FoiraiUt, Georges. See Foirault & Butler. BuUer, Edward A[lhert]. On the habits of Mesovelia furcata, Muls. db Rev. Ent. Month. Mag., 29, 1893, 232-236. Butler, F[rancis'\ H[enry]. Note on schorlaceous rocks near St. Austell. [1886.] Min. Mag., 7, 1887, 79-80. Note on francolite. Min. Mag., 7, 1887, 164. BuUer, F[rancis'] H [enry], & Xincb, Edward. See Xinch & BuUer. Butler, George F. The physiological action and thera- peutics of guaiamar, a derivative of guaiacol. N Y Med. Jl., 70, 1899, 438-442. BuUer, George G. [Notes on the glacial geology of Canada.] [1900.] Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 247-249. Note on the sleep of birds. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist., 17, 1901, 298. BuUer, Gerard W. On the subdivision of the bodv-cavity in lizards, crocodiles, and birds. Zool. Soc. Proc 1889 452-474. On the relations of the fat-bodies of the Sauropsida Zool. Soc. Proc, 1889, 602-613. Keport on the occupation of the table [at the Zoo- logical Station of Naples]. Brit. Ass. Eep., 1890, 451-464. The October eruption north-west of Pantelleria' [1891.] Nature, 45, 1892, 1.54. On the matter thrown up during the submarine eruption north-west of Pantelleria, October 1891 Nature 45, 1892, 251-252. ' [Butte On the subdivision of the body-cavity in snakes. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1892, 477-498. Eeport on the spawning of the common sole (Solea vulgaris) in the aquarium of the Marine Biological Association's Laboratory at Plymouth, during April and May, 1895. "With preliminary remarks on some of the morphological conclusions that may be drawn from the study of the early embryological history of this form. [1895.] U. K. Mar. Biol. Ass. Jl., 4, 1895-97, 3-9. On the complete or partial suppression of the right lung in the Amphisbsenidae and of the left lung in snakes and snake-like lizards and amphibians. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1895, 691-712. Butler, Glentworth Rleevel. Note on antipyrine. N. Y. Med. JL, 41, 1885, 488-490. The relationship between cardio-vascular and renal disease. [1886.] N. Y. Med. JL, 45, 1887, 341-346. The methods and value of supervised exercise in the prophylaxis of pulmonary phthisis. N. Y. Med. JL, 60, 1894, 481-485. Membranous enteritis ; its pathological character and treatment. N. Y. Med. JL, 62, 1895, 824-831. Butler, {Vet.-Lt.) R. Observations on sarcoptic mange in the horse. Jl. Comp. Path. Therap., 5, 1892, 128-131. Butler, William B. Great terrestrial radiation. [1891.] Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 1892, 48. BuUerov, A\leksandr~\ M[ichajlovic]. For biography and works see Ann. di Chim., 4, 1886, 271; Chem. Ztg., 10, 1886, 1145, 1188; Leopoldina, 22, 1886, 220; Chem. Soc. JL, 51, 1887, 472-473; Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1886-87, Append. No. 89, 4 pp. ; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 48, 1887, v-x; Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 19 (Chem.), 1887, 96 pp., 700; Termt. Kozlon., 19, 1887, 502, XHMH^ecKoe CTpoeHie h "xeopifl saMimeHifl." [Chemical structure and the "Theory of substitution."] Euss. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 17 (Chem.), 1885 (Append.), 34 pp.; St. Petersb., Ac. Sci. Mem. (Russ.), 50, 1886 ' (Append. No. 2), 34 pp. BuUerov, A[l(;ksandr] Mlichajlovicl, & Bizza, Benvenuto. See Bizza & BuUerov. BuUin, Henry Trentham. On two cases of glandular tumour of the tongue. Clin. Soc. Trans., 23, 1890, 118- 123. On the removal of a " pressure-pouch " of the oesophagus. Med.-Chir. Trans., 76, 1893, 269-278. An address on the jubilee of the [London Pathological] Society. [1896.] London Path. Soc. Trans., 48, 1897, xlv-lix. See also Beevor, Charles E[dward] (et alii). Butorka, Szdva. A szabad m4gness6g elosztdsar61 lapszerfi m^gnesekben, ha a mdgnesezo er6 elobb egy iranyban, azutd.n erre merfilegesen hat. [On the distribution of free magnetism in flat magnets when the magnetising force acts first in one direction and then at right angles to it.] Orvos-Termt. Ertes. (Termt. Szak), 1886, 161- 181. Butscbinsky. See Bucinskij. Buttar, Charles, & Zlayward, Jlohn] A. See XZayward & Buttar. Butte, Lucien. Eecherches exp^rimentales sur les lesions intestinales produites par les poisons dits drastiques (colchicine, v^ratrine, huile de croton et coloquinte). Ann. Hyg. PubL, 15, 1886, 347-364. De I'intoxication par le sublim^ corrosif employ^ comme antiseptique. [1886.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 38, 1886 (C. R.), 491-493; Ann. Hyg. PubL, 17, 1887, 167-168. ■ — —p^ la glycosurie par injection intra-veineuse de glycose. Elimination de la glycose par I'urine. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 40, 1888 (C. R.), 131-134. Action sur I'organisme de la glycose en injection intra- veineuse. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., iO, 1888 (C. R.), 410- 413, Butte] 947 [Buttgenbach Sur r^tat de la fonotion glycog^nique du foie au moment de la mort dans quelques maladies. Ass. Franp. C. E., 1890 (Pt. 2), 677-1582; Arch, de Physiol., 3, 1891, 288-294. Action de certaines substances mMicamenteuses, et en particulier de I'extrait de valeriane, sur la destruction de la glycose dans le sang. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 112, 1891, 847-350; Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 43, 1891 (C. E.), 53-56. De I'ur^e du sang dans I'^clampsie. Deductions pronostiques. Paris, Ac. Sci. C. R., 116, 1893, 422-425. Respiration placentaire k I'etat normal et a la suite d'une h^morragie de la m^re. Paris, Soc. Biol. M^m., 45, 1893 (C. R.), 222-224. Action du nerf pneumogastrique sur la fonction glycogenique du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 166-169. Transformation du glycogene du foie en glycose apr^s la mort. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 333- 336. Glycose et glycogene du foie des animaux nouveau- n^s. Rapports entre la glycose et le glycogene du foie des foetus et du foie de la m^re. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C.i?.), 379-380. Action du sang sur la fonction glycogenique du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 387-389. Effets de la section des nerfs vagues sur la fonction glycogenique du foie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 734-735. Recherches sur la presence de la glycose dans le sang et le tissu musculaire apr^s injection intra-veineuse de cette substance. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 48, 1896 (C. R.), 274-277; Progr^s Med., 3, 1896, 321-322. Butte, Lucieii, & Arthaud, [Jea7i Henri] Gabriel. See Artbaud & Butte. Butte, Lucien, & Cbarpentier, [Louis Arthur Alphonse], See Cbarpentier & Butte. Butte, Lucieii, & Deharbe, . Mesure de la chaleur produite par un animal. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 649-651. Note complementaire sur un nouveau proced^ de mesure de la chaleur animale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 694-695. Butte, Lucien, & Dol^ris, Amedee. See Dol^ris & Butte. Butte, Lucien, & Jacquet, L[ucien]. See Jacquet & Butte. Butte, Lucien, & Peyrou, J[ean Pieirc]. Action de I'ozone sur la nutrition el^mentaire. Paris, Soc. Biol. M6m., 46, 1894 (C. R.), 602-603. Buttel-Reepen, H. von. Sind die Bienen ' ' Reflex- maschinen"? Experimen telle Beitrage zur Biologic der Honigbiene. Biol. Centrbl., 20, 1900, 97-109, 130-144, 177-193, 209-224, 289-304. Zwei grosse Distomen. Zool. Anz., 23, 1900, 585- 598. Buttenberg, Paul, & Abel, Rudolf [Valentin Liidwig]. Sec Abel & Buttenberg. Buttenberg, W. P. Condensation des Dichloracetals mit Phenol und Toluol. Liebig's Ann., 279, 1894, 324-337. Butter, F[ritz]. Ueber das Oxy-o-stilbazol und einige Derivate. Berlin, Chem. Ges. Ber., 23, 1890, 2697- 2700. Butterfield, J. A. Variation of Phigalia pedaria. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 117-118. Protective resting habit of Lithonia Solidaginis, with some incidental remarks on other species. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 326-327. Influence of temperature on the hatching of eggs. Ent. Record, 9, 1897, 327-328. Butterfield, W. C. J. Ruski7i. Breeding habits of the sparrow-hawk. [1896.] Ornithologist, 1, 1897, 61-64. [On the life and work of William Turner.] Ibis, 5, 1899, 153-155, [Hypolais polyglotta in Sussex.] Ibis, 6, 1900, 569- 570. Butters, Charles. By-products in the gold industry. [With discussion.] [1897.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 2 (1897-99), 127-136, 164-166. [The economic treatment of slimes.] [With discussion.] [1898.] S. Africa Chem. Metall. Soc. Proc, 2 (1897-99), 238-257. Butters, Charles, & Clennell, John Edward. Etude chimique du procede au cyanure de potassium pour I'extraction de I'or. [Tr.] [1892.] Moniteur Sci., 7, 1893, 47-53. Procede d'extractiou de I'or par le cyanure de potas- sium. [Tr.] Moniteur Sci., 8, 1894, 55-60. Butters, Charles, & Smart, Edgar. Plant for the extrac- tion of gold by the cyanide process. Inst. Civ. Engin. Proc, 121, 1895, 1-17. Butters, Frederic K. Observations of Comet 1898 VIII. [1899.] Astr. Jl., 20, 1900, 39-40. Observations on Rhodymenia. [1899.] Minn. Bot. Stud., 2, 1898-1902, 205-213. Butters, J[ohn] Watt. On the solution of the equation xP - 1 = 0 (p being a prime number). Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 7, 1889, 10-22. Notes on factoring. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 12, 1894, 31-33. A geometrical proof of certain trigonometrical formulae. Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 15, 1897, 86-89. Elementary note. [On the factorisation of a function of n variables.] Edinb. Math. Soc. Proc, 16, 1898, 78-80. Buttersack, [Felix Eberhard]. Beitrage zur Desinfek- tionslehre und zur Kenntniss der Kresole. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 8, 1893, 357-376. Ueber ein Gebilde, welches sich in Trockenpraparaten von Vaccine- und Variolalymphe sichtbar machen lasst. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 9, 1894, 96-110. Zur Auf3Bndung von einzelnen Tuberkelbazillen in Sputumpraparaten. Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Arb., 9, 1894, 121-122. Immunitat und Heilung im Lichte der Physiologie und Biologic Virchow, Arch., 142, 1896, 248-284. Wie erfolgt die Infektion des Darmes? Eine patho- logisch-physiologische Studie. Ztschr. Tuberkulose, 1, 1900, 297-301, 388-395. Buttersack, P[aul]. Zur Lehre von den syphilitischen Erkrankungen des Centralnervensystems, nebst einigeu Bemerkungen iiber Polyurie und Polydipsie. Arch. Psychiatr., 17, 1886, 603-648. Congenitale Knorpelreste am Halse. Virchow, Arch., 106, 1886, 206-208. Butterwortb, John. Photomicrographic camera, designed chiefly to facilitate the study of opaque objects, more especially in the study of palaeobotany. Micr. Soc. Jl., 1896, 595-596, 704. Some further investigation of fossil seeds of the genus Lagenostoma (iri/iiawsoH) from the Lower Coal Measures, Oldham. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 41, 1897, iVo. 9, 4 pp. (a) Further researches on the structure of Pasronius, a tree fern of the Coal Measures. (6) On the leaf-sheath surrounding the nodes of some of the Calamites of the Lancashire Coal Measures. [1898.] Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc, 43, 1900, No. 2, 8 pp. Buttgenbacb, H. Sur un groupemeut de cristaux de stibme. [1895.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1896- 96 (Mem.), 3-7. Relation entre le prisme hexagonal de la tridymite et le rhombo^dre du quartz. [1896.] Li«5ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1896-96, cxix-cxxiii. [Un magnifique echautillon d'oligiste (hematite rouge) provenaut du Cumberland.] [1896.] Li^ge, Soc. G6ol. Ann., 23, 1896-96, cxxviii. 119—2 Buttgenbach] 948 [Buxbaum Sur les figures inverses de duvete de la barytine. [1996.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1896-96 {Mem.), 29-32. Sur le reseau eristallin des pyroxenes et des amplii- boles. [1896.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1895- 96 {Mem.), 33-36. Note sur la christianite. [1896.] Li^ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1896-96 {Mem.), 55-60. Sur les figures inverses de durete du ferricyanure potassique et de I'hyposulfite sodique. [1896.] Liege, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Anii., 23, 1896-96 {Mem.), 61-66. Sur le rutile, I'anatase et la brookite et sur la pseudo- brookite. [1896.] Li(5ge, Soc. G6ol. Belg. Ann., 23, 1895-96 (Mem.), 75-88. Note sur une forme nouvelle de la calamine. [1896- 99.] Liege, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97, xl-xli; 26, 1898-99, cliii-cliv. Cristaux de ceruse de Moresnet. [1897.] Liege, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97, Ivii-lix. Forme nouvelle de la calcite. [1897.] Li^ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97, Ixvi-lxviii. Cristaux de pyrite accompagnant la zunyite. [1897.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97, Ixxiii. Gypse dans la richellite. [1897.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97, Ixxviii-lxxix. Sur un trapezo^dre trigonal du quartz de Nil-St- Vincent. [1897.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97 {MSm.), 11-17. Orientation des cristaux d'anglesite de quelques localit^s. [1897.] Liege, Soc. G(5ol. Belg. Ann., 24, 1896-97 (Mem.), 193-208. Forme nouvelle de la barytine. [1897.] Liege, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, xxx-xxxii. Mispickel de Kassandra (Turquie). [1897.] Li^ge, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, xxxii-xxxiii. La ceruse de Villers-en-Fagne. [1898.] Li^ge, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, xlix-1. La chalcopyrite de Vis^. [1898.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, civ-cv. Formes nouvelles de I'idocrase. [1898.] Liege, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, cvi-cvii. Cuprite, malachite et azurite d'Engihoul. [1898.] Li^ge, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98, cxxix. Le soufre de Corphalie. [1898.] Lie^ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98 {Mevi.), 73-82. Les min^raux du marbre noir de Denee. [1898.] Li6ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98 {Mem.), 83-89. La calcite de Villers-en-Fagne. [1898.] Liege, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98 (Mem.), 91-109. Description d'un cristal de quartz d'Opprebais. [1898.] Li^ge, Soc. G^ol. Belg. Ann., 25, 1897-98 (Mem.), 111- 116. Projection oblique des cristaux simples et macles, sur un plan dont la notation est donnee. Li6ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 26, 1898-99 (Mem.), 17-32. Description des cristaux de fluorine beige. [1900.] Li6ge, Soc. Geol. Belg. Ann., 27, 1899-1900 (Mevi.), 111- 121. ' Buttgenbach, H., & Ces^ro, G[iuseppe]. See Cesliro & Buttgenbach. Buttress, Bernard A. E. A list of birds observed in Shetland, in May and June, 1897. Zoologist, 1 1897 360-362. ' ' Buttrick, Earnest. Meteor. Astr. & Astrophvs. 12 1893, 374. ^ ■^ ' Buttrick, Samuel Bartlett. For biographical notice see Essex Inst. Bull., 20, 1889, 157-158. Bujureanu, Griigorel C. Note sur Coucouteni et plusieurs autres stations de la Moldavie du nord. Congr Int Antbrop. C. R., 1889, 299-307. Butureanu, F[asi7e] C. Sur quelques sdl^nites. Paris Soc. Chim, Bull., 48, 1887, 209-210. Recherches sur les selenites. Ann. Chim., 18, 1889, 289-351. Analise de minerale. [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 122-123, 202-203. Cercetari asupra alcoolurilor in Romania. [Researches on alcohols in Roumania.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 2, 1893], 195-202. Studii cristolografice, chimice $i optice asupra colec^iunei de minerale si roci a laboratorului de mineralogie $i petrografie al Universitatii de lasT. [Crystallographic, chemical and optical studies on the collection of minerals and rocks in the laboratory of mineralogy and petrography of the Jassy University.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 3, 1894], 271-280; 4, 1895, 39- 45, 111-115, 155-158. Consideratiuni asupra constitu|iei si clasificatiei silicatilor. [Considerations on the constitution and classification of the silicates.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 5, 1896], 60-73, 117-124, 129-139, 254-277; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 184-186; 1901 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 338. Asupra constitutiei si clasificatiei sulfo-arsenitilor, sulfo-antimoni^ilor si snlfo-bismuti^ilor. [Constitution and classification of sulpho-arsenites, suljiho-antimonites and sulpho-bismuthites.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 6, 1897], 172-182 ; Neues Jbuch. Min., 1900 {Bd. 1, Ref.), 340. Studii pe<;rografice asupra rocelor eruptive din judetul Suceava. [Etudes petrographiques et chimiques sur les roches ^ruptives du district de Suceava.] [Bucarest Soc. Sci. Bui., 6, 1897], 264-293; 8, 1899, 91-105; Ztschr. Kryst., 32, 1900, 188 [Part only]. Butyka, D. Das ehemalige Vilajet Derssim. Wien Geogr. Ges. Mitth., 35, 1892, 99-126, 194-210. Butz, Sebastian. Statistik der Typhusbewegung auf der II. med. Klinik des Herrn Geheimraths Dr. von ZiEMSSEN zu Miinchen fiir die Jahre 1878-83 (incl.). Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 37, 1885, 308-324. Butzureanu. See Butureanu. Buuren, P. A. van. lets over den Dollart. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 4, 1887 (Art.), 494- 528. De plannen tot droogmaking der Zuiderzee. Amster- dam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 6, 1889 (Art), 194-226. Buv6, CI. [L'influence des cultures sur les gel^es tar- dives.] [1890.] Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91), 279-280. [Trombe a Linsmeau le 3 aout.] [1900.] Ciel et Terre, 21 (1900-01), 300. Buvinger, Charles Wesley. The etiology and treatment of camp dysentery and diarrhoea. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol 2), 223-229. Buxbaum, , & Buxbaum, L. See below. Buxbaum, L. Reisegesellschaft der Zugvogel. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 29, 1888, 132-134. Die Wildganse als Wetterpropheten. Wien Ornith, Ver. Mitth., 15, 1891, 62. Ein Zug Aale auf der Wanderschaft im Main. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 33, 1892, 20-21. Der Wanderzug der Mainfische im Friihling 1892. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 33, 1892, 184-188. Gelehrigkeit kleiner Vogel. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 16, 1892, 202-203. Der Wanderzug der Mainfische im Sommer 1892. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 11-13. Der Tannenhaher (Nucifraga caryocatactes). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 34, 1893, 346-347. Der Tannenhaher (Nucifraga caryocatactes) auf der Wanderschaft. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 17, 1893, 190- 191. Unsere Mainfische. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 36, 1895, 294-297. Unsere Schwalben. Wien Ornith. Ver. Mitth., 20, 1896, 83. Buxbaum] 949 [Buys-Ballot Der Zug der Mainfische im Frilhjahre 1898, [1899 und 1900]. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 40, 1899, 90-91; 41, 1900, 55-56, 390-392. Der Vogelzug im Friihjahr 1899. Frankf., Zool. Garten, 41, 1900, 15-16. Buxbaum, L., & Buxbaum, . Das Wachsen der Anodonten (Teichmuscheln). Frankf., Zool. Garten, 31, 1890, 16-18. Buxhoevden, Hellnmth (Baron), & Tammann, Gustav. Die Hydrate des Magnesiumplatincyaniirs und deren Loslichkeit. Ztschr. Anorg. Chem., 15, 1897, 319-327. Buxton, B. H. Photographs of a series of sections of an early human embryo. Jl. Anat. Physiol. , 33, 1899, 381- 385. Buxton, Dudley Wilmot. The experimental study of antesthetics. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 148-147. The after treatment of narcosis due to anaesthetic agents. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 191-194. The hsemorrhagic diathesis, especially in relation to dental operations. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 339- 342, 389-392, 435-438. The administration of aether as an anjesthetic per rectum. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 733-736. Diseases of the teeth in relation to so-called reflex maladies. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 780-783, 1079-1083. Chloroform and methylene. Notes upon the methods of their inhalation, including an account of a modifica- tion of Dr. Junker's inhaler. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 983-988. Some account of the new local anaesthetic. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 27, 1884, 1127-1131. [On peptone for lime in cardiac circulating fluids.] [1884.] Jl. Physiol., 5, [1884-85], xxvi. Emergencies of anaesthetising, and how to meet them. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885, 769-774, 817-825, 885- 893, 925-930. The practice of artificial anaesthesia local and general, with especial reference to the modes of production, and their physiological significance. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1886, 979-985, 1019-1030. Nervous exhaustion. Mainly in its bearing upon operations and the induction of anaesthesia by nitrous oxide. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 28, 1885, 1067-1071. - - — - Is experimental medicine justifiable? N. Y. Med. Jl., 42, 1885, 206-212. Some notes upon disinfectants and germicides. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 769-773, 817-822, 886-890. Modern methods of antesthesia. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 1017-1022, 1078-1082. On the physiological action of nitrous oxide. [With discussion.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 18, 1886, 133-163; 19, 1887, 90-131, 267-268; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 29, 1886, 335-342, 383-395; 30, 1887, 301-305, 351-358, 408-413. A plea for the record of cases of nitrous oxide narcosis. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 711-715. A note on ankle-clonus, with special reference as to its production under nitrous oxide gas. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 30, 1887, 911-914, 960-963. Heart tracings under cocaine hydrochlorate. Odontol. Soc. Trans., 19, 1887, 217. When is nitrous oxide a dangerous anaesthetic? Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 31, 1888, 927-932, 977-982, 1025-1033, 1075-1081 ; 32, 1889, 1-5, 47-51, 158-162, 198-201, 282- 286. An additional note on nitrous oxide administration. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 32, 1889, 845-849. An address on anasthetics. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci. , 32, 1889, 963-967. Anaesthetics: a clinical study. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 94, 1892, 378-390. Nitrous oxide anaesthesia. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 38, 1896, 865-875, 913-933. The nature of anajsthesia: an appended note. [With discusHion.] Odontol. Soc. Trans., 28, 1896, 83-107; Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 39, 1896, 241-256, 285-286. The story of the discovery of anaesthesia. Practitioner, 57, 1896, 373-377. The employment of chloroform for dental operations. Brit. Jl. Dental Sci., 40, 1897, 961-971, 1009-1014. Buxton, Dudley Wilmot, & Ringer, Sydney. See Ringer & Buxton. Buxton, E[dward] N[orth'\. Notes on the wild sheep and mountain -antelope of Algeria. Zool. Soc. Proc, 1890, 361-363. Buxtorf, A. Ueber Vor- oder Alt-Miocane Verwerfungen im Basler Tafel-Jura. [1900.] Eclogae Geol. Helvet., 6, 1899-1900, 176-177. Buys, Edmond. Recherches experimentales sur la sensi- bilite de I'ovaire. Arch. Ital. Biol., 16, 1891, 87-96. Un caso notevole di regime azotato scarso abituale. [1893.] Ann. di Chim., 18, 1893, 217-224; Arch. Ital. Biol., 20, 1894, 153-1.59. Contributo alio studio dell' azione distruttiva eserci- tata dal fegato su certi alcaloidi, Ann. di Chim., 21 & 22, [1895], 193-206. Buys, Edmond, & Vandervelde, . Recherches ex- perimentales sur les lesions uterines cons^cutives k I'ovariotomie double. Arch. Ital. Biol., 21. 1894, 20- 30. Buys-Ballot, C[hristopher] H[endrik] D[irk]. For bio- graphy and list of works see Amer. Meteorol. JL, 6 (1889-90), 583; Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 7, 1890, 363-365; Berlin Phys. Ges. Verb., 1890, 19-26; Brux., Ac. Bull., 19, 1890, 180-181; Hum- boldt, 9, 1890, 104; Leopoldina, 26, 1890, 58; Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. & Proc. , 3, 1890, 167-169 ; Monca- lieri Oss. Boll., 10, 1890, 34; Nature, 41, 1890, 371; Ciel et Terre, 11 (1890-91), 21; Geogr. Jbuch., 14, 1891, 204; Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 17, 1891, 61-62; Meteorol. Ztschr., 8 (1891), 1-6; Symons, Meteorol. Mag., 25, 1891, 8; Termt. Kozlon., 23, 1891, 630-631; Tidsskr. Phys, Chem., 30, 1891, 63-64; Brux., Soc. Beige Astr. Bull., 3, 1898, 204-209; Amsterdam Ak. Jaarb., 1899, 59-100. *Sur le mouvement de rotation du SoleiL France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 3, 1870, 3-4. *Report on the velocity of the wind in relation to its pressure in kilograms exerted on a plate of 1/10 square metre. [Meteorol. Off., Int. Met.] Comm. Rep., 1873-74, 38-41. *[Decisions du Comite Permanent de Mt^teorologie Internationale.] France Soc. Meteorol. Annu., 26, 1878 (Bull), 21-23. 'Influence de la lune sur la nebulosity. [1883.] Ciel et Terre, 4, 1884, 354-355. [De storing in de luchtdrukking op 27 Aug. 1883.] Amsterdam Ak. Wet. Proc, 1883-84, No. 9, 10. Sur les perturbations de I'aiguille aimantde. Arch. Neerland., 19, 1884, 107-122. Over de wijzen om de energie der warmtestraling van de hemellichamen te meten en de beteekenis van die metingen voor sterre- en weerkunde. Utrecht Prov. Genootsch. Aanteek., 1884, 6-27. [Zur "Eismanner" Frage.] Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 19, 1884, 324-325. The anomalies in the annual range of temperature. How to detect them. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. JL, 11, 1886, 104-118. [Ueber die Prioritat des Buys-Ballot'schen Gesetzes.] Wien, Meteorol. Ztschr., 20, 1886, 95-97. Etude d'une variation p^riodique de la temperature en 27-675 jours, d'apres les observations de 155 annees = 2046 p(5riodes snccessives. Arch. Neerland., 20, 1886, 348-360. Letter. [On the best means of comparing and re- Buys-Ballot] 950 [Byrnes Brit. Ass. Rep., 1887, Meteorol. Ztschr., ducing magnetic observations.] 324-327. Ueber simultane Beobachtungen 4 (1887), 385-388. Verdeeling der warmte over de aarde. Amsterdam, Ak. Verb., 26, 1888, 24 pp. On a method of representing the variability of the weather, especially by giving the average value of the deviations (ecarts) irrespective of sign. [Meteorol. Off.,] Int. Met. Comm. Rep., 1888, 12-14. Uitkomsten van de reeks van meteorologische waar- nemingen gedurende 40 jaren te Utrecht. Amsterdam, Ak. Versl. en Meded., 6, 1889, 129-159. Wann tritt Kompensation ein? Meteorol. Ztschr., 6 (1889), 375-378; 7 (1890), 185-187. Buys-BaUot, C[hristopher] H[endrik] Dlirk'], & Brink, H. van den. *[Notes m^t^orologiques.] Utrecht (Hol- lande). France Soc. Meteorol. Nouv. Meteorol., 4, 1871, 123. Buysman, M. The difference between sea and con- tinental climate with regard to vegetation. Amer. Jl. Sci., 28, 1884, 354-360. Review of European weather [from Sept., 1884 to July, 1886]. Amer. Meteorol. JL, 1 (1884^85), 290-293, 457-461, 502; 2 (1885-86), 3-4, 107-109, 155-156, 198- 200, 248-249, 294-295, 345-346, 386-388, 433-435, 481- 483, 532-533; 3 (1886-87), 9-10, 109-111, 203-204. ' The influence of direct sunlight on vegetation. Nature, 31, 1885, 324-326. • On the flora of Iceland. Gard. Chron., 26, 1886, 793-794, 810-811. De natuur, het klimaat en de plantengroei der Ark- tische gewester. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 3 (Art.), 1887, 544-572; 4, 1887 (Art.), 468- 493. Witterung des Winters 1886/87 in Blidah, Algerien. Meteorol. Ztschr., 4 (1887), 423-424. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het klimaat van Nederland in verband met den plantengroei. Amsterdam Nederl. Aardr. Genootsch. Tijdschr., 15, 1898, 219-235. Buznikov, V. I. 0 norjomaeMocTH iiapoBi, bo;i;h OIipejt'fejieHHHMH XHMHieCKHMH T^JTaMH H 0 pacnpejtijieHiH norjiomeHiiOH boji,h Meatjty ;;ByMfl MaCCaMH OJI.HOpOJl.HHX'L H paSHOpOJtHHX'L T'isJI'B. [On the absorption of water vapour by definite chemical substances and on the distribution of the absorbed water between two masses of homogeneous and heterogeneous substance.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Jl., 29 {Chem.), 1897, 488-524; 30 (Chem.), 1898, 418-429; 32 {Chem.), 1900, 551-593; Paris Soc. Chim. Bull., 20, 1898, 452; 22, 1899, 2 (Parts 1 & 2); Chem. Soc. Jl., 80, 1901 (Abs , Pt. 2), 58-59 (Part 3). Buzzard, Thomas. On posterior spinal sclerosis, con- secutive to disease of blood-vessels. Brain, 6, 1884, 461- 486. Multiple paralysis of cranial nerves ; death ; tumour of pons and cerebellum. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889 84-89. A case of double wrist drop apparently due to multiple neuritis of alcoholic origin, the lower extremities having perfectly recovered. [1888.] Brain, 11, 1889, 90-93. On the simulation of hysteria by organic disease of the nervous system. Brain, 13, 1890, 1-44. Complete paralysis of right third nerve in a patient affected with lead palsy ; recovery under the direct appli- cation of galvanic currents. Brain, 13, 1890, 227-233. Paralysis especially of one deltoid muscle in a patient suffering from lead poisoning; preserved electrical re- action of the muscles. Brain, 13, 1890, 234-236. Buzzard, Thomas, & RusseU, J\ames'] S[aviuel] Risien. A case of acute ascending meningo-myelitis, with bacterio- logical examination. Clin. Soc. Trans., 31, 1898, 185-193. Buzzetti, C. *[Bolide dell' 8 settembre 1869,] Ferrara. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 4, 1869, 100-101. Buzzi, Fausto. Ueber einen Fall von angebornem Di- vertikel des Jejunums. Virchow, Arch., 100, 1885, 357- 361. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der angebornen Geschwiilste der Sacrococcygealgegend. Virchow, Arch., 109, 1887, 9-20. Buzzolini, Giuliano. *[Aurora del 18 aprile, 1871.] Roc- catederighi. Moncalieri Oss. Bull., 6, 1871, 68. Bya, H. Modification a la m^thode du bichromate de potassium pour le dosage volum^trique du fer dans les minerals. Eev. Univ. Mines, 21, 1887, 611-613. Sur les dosages du permanganate acide de potasse et du peroxyde de manganese par I'eau oxyg^n^e de J. Lunge. Rev. Univ. Mines, 21, 1887, 614-617. Byatt, Horace. Cure for the lily disease. [1898.] Hortic. Soc. JL, 22 (1898-99), clxxvi; Gard. Chron., 24, 1898, 42. Bychowski, Z. Beitrag zur Casuistik des Oesophagus- Divertikels. Virchow, Arch., 141, 1895, 115-127. Beitrage zur Nosographie der Parkinson'schen Krank- heit (Paralysis agitans). Arch. Psychiatr., 30, 1898, 722- 765. Zur Pathogenese der Epilepsie. NeuroL CentrbL, 19, 1900, 933-937. Bycichin, Afanasij, & Zelinskij, Nikolaj D[mitrievic]. 0 cuMMeTpii'iiiHX7> ;i;h-3thji- h HHTapHHXI. KHCJIOTax'B. [On symmetrical diethyl- and ethylmethyl-succinic acids.] Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. JL, 21 (Chem.), 1889, 376-389; Chem. Soc. JL, 58, 1890 (Abs.), 740-741. See also Zelinskij & Bycichin. Byel . For Russian names beginning thus see under Bel- See Byerley, J[osiah] H., & Mabery, Charles F[rederic]. Dlabery & Byerley. Hyers, H[orace] G[reeley], & Morse, H[armon] N[orthrup]. See Morse & Byers. Byers, John W. Puerperal fever : its nature, prevention, and treatment. Dublin Jl. Med. Sci., 91, 1891, 410- 420, 473-486. Bjrford, Henry T. The relation of the membranes to the process of parturition. Int. Med. Congr. Trans., 1887 (Vol. 2), 496-498. Bylert. See Bijlert. Byne, L[oftus] St. G[eorge]. A contribution towards a list of the marine MoUusca of Teignmouth. [1892-95.] Jl. Conch., 7, 1892-94, 175-188; 8, 1895-97, 162-167. On the forms of the Lacuna puteolus (Turton). [1900.] Jl. Conch., 9, 1898-1900, 341-342. Byng, G. Binsiuanger. On the manufacture of lamps and other apparatus for 200- volt circuits. [With discussion.] [1898.] Inst. Elect. Engin. JL, 27, 1899, 118-146, 149- 208. Byng, L. Cranmer. See Cranmer-Byng. Byram, W. J. The beginnings of life. [1899.] Queens- land Roy. Soc. Proc, 15, 1900, 5-26. Byrd, Mary E. First observations of the Sun and moon. Popular Astr., 1, 1894, 216-221, 252-257. Observations of Encke's Comet, made at Smith College Observatory, Northampton, Mass., with the 11-inch re- fractor and filar micrometer. Astr. JL, 15, 1895, 103. Byrd, Mary E.,& "Whitney, Mai-y W. Longitude of Smith College Observatory. Harvard Astr. Obs. Ann., 29, 1893, 35-63. Byrne, L. W., & Oarstang, Walter. See Oarstang & Byrne. Byrne, L. W., & Holt, Ernest W. L. See Holt & Byrne. Byrnes, Esther Fussell. The maturation and fertilization of the eggs of Limax. [1896.] Science, 5, 1897, 391. Experimental studies on the development of limb- muscles in Amphibia. Jl. MorphoL, 14, 1898, 105-140. Byrnes] 951 [Bzowski On the regeneration of limbs in frogs after the extirpa- tion of limb-rudiments. [1898.] Anat. Anz., 15, 1899, 104-107. The maturation and fertilization of the egg of Limax agrestis (Linne). [1899.] Jl. Morphol., 16, 1900, 201- 236. Byron, J. M. A case of actinomycosis in man. N. Y. Med. Jl., 50, 1889, 716. Bysack, Gaurdds. On the Barisal guns. Bengal Asiat. Soc. Proc, 1888, 97-101. Bystrickij, P. Kt Bonpocy 0 TeMnepaxypt p'feK'B h BJiiflHiii ea ua M-fecTHHe KjnuaTH. TeMnepaxypa BOJini y r. B0JII>CKa. Zur Frage iiber die Tempera- tur der Fliisse. Die Temperatur der Wolga bei Wolsk. [1897.] Kazan Soc. Nat. Proc, 1897-98, Append. No. 169, 10 pp. Bystrom, H. Sverige i utlandska kartverk. Stockh., Ymer, 12, 1893, 81-98. Bystrouxnov, N. A. 0 pasBHxin 3y6oBHji;Haro OX- pocXKa y MJieKOIIllxaiomilX'B. [Ueber die Ent- wickelung des Zahnfortsatzes bei Saugetieren.] [1890.] Varsovie Soc. Nat. Trav., 1889-90 (C. R., Biol.), No. 8, 10-13; Biol. Centrbl., 10, 1891, 507. Byvanck. See Bijvanck. Bywater, M. J. [A cannibal snake.] Nature, 31, 1886, 265. Byxbee, Edith Sumner. The development of the karyo- kinetic spindle in the pollen-mother-cells of Lavatera. [1900.] California Ac. Proc. (Bot.), 2, 1904, 63-82. Bzowsici, Jozef. Opis geologiczno-rolniczy majaitku Lipnik w Krolestwie Polskiem gubernii Radomskiej, powiecie sandomierskim poiozonego ze szczeg61nem uwzgl§dnie- niem glin pochodzenia Sylurskiego. [Description p^do- logique de la ferme Lipnik, et en particulier de ses sols argileux d'origine Silurienne.] Krakow Kom. Fizyogr. Spraw., 33, 1898 {Cz. 3), (15)-(26); Cracovie Ac. Sci. Bull., 1899, 225-226. END OF VOL. XIII. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. '■>mmw '^-.^^-^■ Sj^ ^mm' TTT^-RFRKELEY LIBRAH tb illllf lin,^,t