(Kc^Z '3- ^6"^ Bulletin 456 March, 1942 Causes, Effects and Control of Defoliation on Tomatoes James G. Horsfall. and John W. Heubeeger ^gnculiwral ?£xpjriin«ttt Station CONTENTS PAG|; Materials and Methods • • . . 184 Measuring Intensity of Infection , 184 Causes of Defoliation on Tomatoes 185 Fungi and Insects 185 Abnormal Physiology 186 Shading 186 Age of Tissue 186 Fruit Load 188 Nutrition 190 Effects of Defoliation 191 Total Yield 191 Marketable Yield or Quality 192 Relation to Type of Market 193 Poor Quality Types 193 Diseases on Fruit 194 Ripening 195 Rate of Ripening 197 Rate of Fruit Production 198 Harvest Peaks 198 Discussion 199 Combating Defoliation Diseases With Fungicides 202 Injuriousness of Fungicides 202 Performance of Fungicides 205 Fungicidal Value 205 Tenacity 206 Protective Value 207 Derivation of Protective Coefficient 208 Timing 212 Coverage 214 Practical Aspects 217 To Spray or Not to Spray 217 Materials to Use 217 When to Spray 218 How to Apply Materials 219 Varieties 219 I'Crtilizcrs 219 Air Drainage 220 Miscellaneous Suggestions 220 S I • M .\I A R\' 220 J.ITERATLRK ClTEl) 0 ) > \ i Causes, Effects and Control of Defoliation on Tomatoes^ James G. Horsfall and John W. Heubergek MORE than thirty years of research have been directed at ex- plaining the paradox first perceived by Lloyd and Brooks (24) that bordeaux mixture reduces the yield of tomatoes despite its obvious value in controlling the defoliation diseases. This paradox has been particularly baffling in the light of the fact that bordeaux mixture is widely used to improve the yield of potatoes, a plant in a related genus. Farmers would like to reduce the ravages of the de- foliation diseases, but they have generally not dared for fear of yield reduction from the fungicides. Lloyd^ and Brooks (24) initiated a persistent fallacy in stating that bordeaux seems to cause the tomato plants to "continue growth rather than ripen early fruit." Boyle (1) in 1913 advanced the explanation that the defoliation of non-sprayed vines caused them to "ripen their crop quicker than bordeaux-sprayed vines, so that a larger portion was picked ahead of the killing frost." Edgerton (6) applied the term "delayed ripen- ing" to the phenomenon that underlies the paradox. This label has crept into practically all subsequent papers on the subject of tomato spraying. The fatalism induced in the subject by the concept that spraying- delays the ripening of tomatoes appears to have slowed progress on the problem, because very few papers except those by Wilson (41, 42, 43, 44) have appeared on tomato spraying after completion of the work that happened to be under way when the theory was advanced. In 1929 the problem of defoliation diseases of tomatoes was taken up at the suggestion of Dr. Charles Ohupp, Extension Plant Pathologist at Cornell University, who pointed out the need for a practical control of the diseases. During the intervening 13 years, research has been conducted on various aspects of the problem. Several portions of the results have been published (7 to 22), but an effort will be made in this paper to summarize the important in- formation extant on the causes, effects and control of defoliation diseases of tomatoes as it applies in the Northeast. Particular em- phasis will be placed on the problems of ripening of diseased and sprayed tomatoes, and on the problems that are involved in the testing and development of new fungicides for tomato spraying. ^ The results reported herein are based on research that began in 1929. The earlier phases were conducted while the writers were associated with the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, N. Y. The facilities provided by the Director of that Station and by the Department of Plant Pathology are gratefully acknowledged. The research was done in cooperation with the Crop Protection Institute. 184 C onnectieut Experiment Station Bulletin 456 MATERIALS AND METHODS^ The essentials of the field technique have already been published (20). Only a summaiy is needed here. Begun in 1929, the work has continued in the laboratory, g-reenhouse and field every year except 1933. Disease data were scarce in the early j'ears of the work because disease itself ■ was scarce in the test plants until September during most 3'ears up to 1935 when a mild outbreak occurred. It was neg- ligible again in 1936, but it was serious in 1937 and epiphytotic in 1938. The incidence was low in 1939, but epiphytotic again in 1940 and 1941 in Connecticut. In all years at least four replicate plots of ten or more plants each were used for each treatment. A wheelbarrow hand sprayer was used prior to 1934. but from 1934 on, excepting where otherwise stated, the spraj^s were applied with a power outfit with three nozzles per row, 300 pounds pressure, 300 gallons per acre. Spra5^s were standardized at one pound of copper per 50 gallons making six pounds of copper per acre per application. The standard of ref- erence was 4-4-50 bordeaux mixture. On some plots in 1938, 1939 and 1941 a knapsack sprayer (Cali- spray) developing 150 pounds pressure was used. In taking yield records the apparent!}^ ripe fruits were picked once a week, counted and weighed. The picking posed a technique problem not yet completely solved. An attempt was made to pick only i-ipe red fruit, but this was not easy on defoliated plants, where the fruits invariabl}^ developed an orange cast. As a result the criterion of ripening was not always the same for all plots. The picked fruits were frequently sorted for cracks, or fruit diseases or spray injury. ' At the end of the season the green fruits also were picked, counted and weighed. In some years the green weight of vines was also recorded at the end of the season. In sonie seasons the fruit was graded according to U. S. standards. MEASURING INTENSITY OF INFECTION In studying the defoliation disease of tomatoes, it became neces- sary to measure the intensity of disease attack. In assessing the value of any treatment, it was necessary to know how many fungous penetrations had been prevented and how mucli tlie intensity of in- fection had been reduced by the treatment. 'i'he defoliation disease of tomatoes is such an interestin.g dis- ease in this connection that a separate study of this aspect of the problem has been made (18). The chief problem involved was to procure adcijuate data quickl3^ Counting actual penetrations (leaf spots) was f(Mind to be accurate, but entirely too slow to be really ^ The writers are grateful for extensive assistance rendered by Messrs. A. E. Dimond, R. O. Magie, A. D. McDonnell, G. E. Nutile, and R. F. Suit. Messrs. G. and J. Nutile of Montowcse, Conn., have provided excellent colla- boration in the form of a growing crop and facilities for fickl work in 1940 and 1941. This help is gratefully acknowledged. Defoliation on Tomatoes 185 useful. In studies already made on clover leaf spots (12), it was observed that the leaf dies when about 20 percent of the area has been hit. It was assumed that in the case of tomatoes also the pro- portion of dead leaves reflects directly the number of successful in- fections produced by the fun^-us. McKinney's method (27) for measuring disease attack was adopt- ed, and a study was made of its precision. To avoid bias each plant in the experimental area was- examined separately by walking cross- wise of the treatments. Each plant was classified into one of five categories of infection based on the leaf area killed by disease attack : 0 = disease-free or nearly so, l = one to 25 percent of leaf- area killed, 2 = 26 to 50 percent of leaf area killed, 3 = 51 to 75 percent of leaf area killed, and 4=76 to 100 percent of leaf area killed. An infection- index in percentage for any treatment is calculated hj the following formula : ^ ^ summation category numbers ,^^ Index= ^ — ^-^^ X 100 no. plants x 4 The 4 in the denominator represents maximum disease and 100 is used to convert to percentage. In dealiuig with fungicides the in- fection index is subtracted from 100 to give percentage control Avhich brings the data into line with other toxicological data. It was found that this method gives precise results, especially for a group of plots, and that its precision was satisfactory even for different times. CAUSES OF DEFOLIATION ON TOMATOES The defoliation disease of tomatoes is easy to diagnose. The leaves die and drop, opening up the center of the plant and exposing the fruit to the sun. A study has been made of the various factors that are involved in the causation of the disease, such as fungi and insects, abnormal physiology and weather. Fungi and Insects Three fungi have been found attacking tomato foliage in the experimental fields. In the ascending order of importance these are Cladosporiwn fulvum, Septoria lycopersici and Alternaria solani. GladosfoHum fulvwn is rare. Septoria lycopersici has occurred spo- radically, but it cannot be considered to have been a major factor in defoliation during the period 1929 to 1941. A survey of the litera- ture indicates that Septoria played a more important role in the cau- sation of the disease prior to 1929 than it a^Dpears to have played since 1929. Alternaria solani has probably been responsible for 90 percent of the defoliation during the same period. Apparently, this organ- ism has captured the major role from Septoria during the last decade and it api^ears to be still on the increase as a disease producer in tomatoes. 186 Connecticut Ed:periment Statimi Bulletin 456 Flea beetles and apliids also cause some defoliation in Connecti- cut although neither Avas much of a factor in the plots in western New york. Flea beetles were found by Heuberger and Dimond (9) in 1941 to be serioush^ involved in the defoliation problem be- cause they punctured the leaves and opened the road to infection. "W. H. ]\Iartin (25) has indited them also for transporting spores. Abnormal Physiology It is becoming increasingly clear that abnormal physiology of the plant is associated with the causation of defoliation of tomatoes. It is not yet clear, however, whether the abnormal physiology is a jDrimary cause of leaf abscission or whether it contributes to suscep- tibility to fungous invasion. Some people seem to feel that the problem is primarily one of abnormal physiology. One of the im- portant reasons for thinking so is that the defoliation disease in bad years is seldom held more than 50 percent in check by the best fun- gicides. If fungi were the prime movers in the etiology of the trouble, better control should be obtained. Shading. Simple shading of the foliage has been offered as the cause of the disease, because shading favors the abscission of leaves. The importance of shading per se is certainly minor, as shown by the thousands of acres of unstakecl tomatoes where the foliage is exceedingly dense but where no defoliation occurs. Moreover, in years when the disease becomes serious the plants are opened to the sun, but this does not stop the process of defoliation. This is not to say, of course, that shading may not overbalance a situation that borders on susceptibilit3^ Age of Tissue is certainly one of the most important variables in the susceptibilitv of tomatoes to defoliation h\ fungi, as suggested by Moore (28). ' Tomato seedlings in the cold frame are sometimes attacked by Alternaria, but this seldom or never occurs until toward the end of their seedbed life j^vhen the tissues are becoming old and hardened. Tlie disease on such lieavily attacked plants has been observed to dis- apjjear as if by magic as soon as the plants are moved into the iiehl and they begin to grow again with much vigorous young tissue. The disease reappears, however, as soon as growth begins to slow down and f)ld tissue begins to predominate. Volunteer plants that start late are not aifected as seriously as the ohk'r plants tliat make up the crop. Age of tissue a])pears to be concerned in (he case of the early susceptibility of staked ])l;iiits. (Jood air drainage normally i-ediices attacks by k'af diseases. Slakci] plants have bettei- air ih-ain- age than ground plants, and this shows up as favorable to them b)' the end of the season. In 1939 the iicrceiilage of disease reached 83 for the (ground jjlanls but only (Vl lor ihc staked plauls. Tjikewise in 1940 it rear.hed OS and (iO, re'speclively. Despite the a;niii' licid. Defoliation on Tomatoes 187 Q. loocororoiovoo Q. CM CM c^i "J^ f~^ c^i i^i 00 ^or^coONOOoor^Lo < O lO CO "^^ "^ O ro O lo" O m5 ^ CM CO CA O cocorOfO<^CM. b 1 ■^ u <— )ir)000"^00 '^ LO CM 00 ^_ t> CO -^ w CO cm' vd o "-o 00 cj ,-1 CM <>.l Cvl '-I LOiOioOOoO'O lopc'jcfNp'O'-joo lOli-jUOOOl-OU^lO irjONio'OO-^t^co CM CM cm' MD !>; t< OS Cvi .— I CM ON Ol CO i— I -^ ■ OOOi-OOu->iou-j vq lo T-H 00 CM Tf CO lo O CM ^ lO ■*' T-H .-H O t-icoCM'^CvlT-irtO r^ -* c^i p u-) 00 CM T-H CM CO CO "^ O O O O lOirjiOOOOCSiO T^o"^oqco<— iCMt-< T-it^V],— IT— (OOO'O " ^ ' ■ ri O VD 00 ^ 'Sb'&'bi „ "O -c -o -o ffi Ph H Q w Q-H- co^-^0;CO OnOOOO ^ \0 U-) -^ T^ VO LO '^ CO 'S "to 'o H '^ O lO (^1 O O CNl 1-M rj- (M ^H u^OnCOvOmD OsONt^r^ t< o 00 ^ CO o o CN] rv]' •rt Cvl ^H CM CM C^l C^) CM CM 0) E 2 CM CO <0 O CO CO 00 CO ,—1 c^i u-i o "^ cm" <>i t< ^ r< OnOOOnOn OOCDcO ^ „ 00 ^ ^ rt '5 c 6 C^ vo ^O VO CM ON o t^ vo p O u^ CO CM_ lO p CM_ to o o J>! t>l t>I o\ CO w in XI E 2 p-^incocN] co^CMt^ co-^r^ooN c^joo^' VO^iO^co \0^i0co '5 £-0 00 c T^_ 00 r^ CM ^_ CO ON -^ --H XI E 2 CM o ^ "j^ ^ P '^ ""; ■*. o\ ^ c^i ON CO o r^ ■^' cm' CM ^ ^ ■* to ^ -^ ii-> lO O ^§ Z CNJ CO ^ —1 C<1 ^ is Or-HCMCO^ Ot-iCMco^ c 0) E Plants not Sprayed Plants Sprayed Once Early With Bordeaux 188 Comucticut Experhnent Station BuJJetm 456 In 1940, for example, staked plants reached 50 percent defoliation by mid-July, but this level of defoliation was not reached hj the ground plants until mid-August. This may be related to age of tissue, because much of the 3'oung tissue is pruned out of staked plants, and the basal leaves soon become tough and hard, resembling old leaves. Fruit Load. Fruit load is concerjied with susceptibility to de- foliation. It is a common observation first published by Samson (33) for Septoria lycoperslc/ that defoliation strikes most heavily on the plants that bear the largest number of fruits. The same re- lation seems to hold for Alternmna solani. What the farmer calls "bull"' plants, i. e. those that refuse to set fruit, seldom are aU'licteci seriously with defoliation. Similarly, the disease seldom or never attacks a crop in the field until after the plants begin to set fruit. The effect of fruit load was first tested experimentally in 1040. The fruits were removed as they appeared from two groups of ten plants each in a large field. When the defoliation disease struck in late August, it practically passed over the defruited plants, so that they were strikingl}' green in September when the checks were almost dead. At first it might seem as if the result was an artifact due to the increased foliage that the plant pushes out in response to de- fruiting. Such was not the case, however, because the stems were also freer of spots on the deflorated than on the non-deflorated plants. 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 NO RIPE FRUITS PER PLANT 'ir.iKi-; 1. Kelation of l<>t;il fniit load to susceptibility (if tomatoes to flefoiiatioii by AUernaria solani. 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 NO RIPE FRUITS PER PLANT TOSEPT 8 tRK 2. Relation nf fruit 1 o a <1 ciimulativi' to .September 8 to susceptibility f)f tomatoes to defoliation by . / //(';■ >/ <7 r i a so Inn i. Defoliation on Tomatoes 189 The experiment was elaborated in 1941, using Scarlet Dawn tomatoes. The fertilizer was 3-12-6 applied as side dressing in bands, 500 pounds per acre two weeks after transplanting, and 500 pounds three weeks later. Blossoms began to form in the field about July 1. Beginning on July 10, when each plant had set two or three small fruits, four replicate five-plant plots, randomized in blocks, were laid out for each of the treatments (Table 1). All fruits were re- moved from some plants and these were kept essentially free of fruit until late August when defloration was discontinued. Other groups of plants were deflorated beginning and ending progressively later. As a result there were groups of plants carrying a few fruits all season, a few at the beginning of the season, a few at the end of the season, and all intergrading conditions. Data indicate a fairly general relation between fruit load and magnitude of infection (Figures 1 and 2). This finding agrees with the generalization already noted that susceptibility is associated with fruit load. It is surprising, however, that the agreement is as good as it is, because of the variable introduced as to when the fruits were set. 10 20 30 40 NO. OF DAYS Figure 3. Relation of number of days that fruit was removed to sus- ceptibility of tomatoes to de- foliation by Alternaria solani. It is to be noted that the checks reached the peak of harvest on September 8. If the total yields up to September 8 are plotted against magnitude of infection (Figure 2) two distinct curves appear, one for plants carrying fruits at the first of the season (labelled e for "end defloration") and one for plants carrying fruits at the end 190 Connectieut Ex peri merit Station Bulletin 456 of the season (labelled b for '"beoin defloration""). These curves show clearly that, for eciual numbers of fruit, the plants carrying fruit early showed more disease than those carrying them late. This fact suggested that the critical element here is actually the number of daj's that fruits were picked off. The longer the j^lants were defiorated, the less disease they developed. Since blooming began about July 1, this can be calculated (Table 1). When these data, are plotted a.gainst magnitude of infection (Figure 3) the points come ver}' close indeed to a fit on the curve, showing that the num- ber of daj^s that fruit were picked off is actuallj^ more critical in predisposition to infection than the number of fruit finally set. This fact confirms the observation noted above that disease seldom attacks until after the onset of fruiting. Observations indicate that disease usually begins to be somewhat aj^parent about mid-July to August 1 in western New York and in southern Connecticut. This shows several interesting correlations. Since blossoms are set toward the end of June, this gives the disease two or three weeks to develop after fruits begin to appear on the vines. Steier (36) in Maryland has approaclied it differently. He says that disease begins to remove the leaves in about 65 to 80 days from planting. Transplanting usually begins about ^lay 20. Sixty- five days from May 20 is July 23. Timing exiDeriments of sprays indicates that July 10 is early enough in most 3'ears. Allowing two weeks for incubation, this means that defoliation could be ex- pected to begin about July 24. NutHtion. A significant correlation of infection and nutrition is worth noting here. Practical men believe as noted above that Al- ternaria on tomatoes is increasing in importance, at least in the North- east. Publications from Experiment Stations tend to confirm this. It is suggested that this increase may be due in part to a strong trend in the farmers' practice toward reducing the nitrogen, and increasing the phosphorus in the fertilizer, in an effort to bring about higher fruit loads. Although this practice may increase yield of fruit per acre it may also increase susceptibility to Alteniana solanl at the same time. Possibly the nutrition balance lias been disturbed. Sev- eral fields were noted in Connecticut in 1911 where the production of the plants was enormous but the picked jdeld was low because the disease was so bad. This problem has been tentatively explored experimentally. In 1040 two groups of ten Scarlet Dawn plants each in a field were heavily fertilized witli sodium nitrate (one-half i)()und per jdant) on July 2 and again on Jul}' 25. The base fertilizer at planliu.g tiuie was 1000 pounds of 3-12-6 a[)plied in bands at planting time. The nitrated plants grew luxuiiantly and fruited poorly as was to be expected on the basis of current fertilizer recounnondations. Alter- nai'ia attackcfl the field strongly in August and del'oliated the checks eai'ly in S(!l)teMiber, leii\ing the niti'ated plants as green ishnuls in the field. The gi'eeii island ell'ect, of course, was due in part to the excessive vegetation hut, sinec the stems on the treateil plants were Defoliation on Tomatoes 191 freer of disease than those on the checks, it follows that the treatment had imparted resistance. Additional work should be done on the effect of nitroigen and phosphorus nutrition on susceptibility. It may be that the results on fruit load and nitrogen nutrition are primarily to be explained on the basis of the physiologic age of the tissues, because both are known to delay senescence of plant tis- sue. Flower gardeners often pick blooms frequently to keep the plants vegetating and producing more blooms. EFFECTS OF DEFOLIATION Having examined the causes of defoliation it is pertinent to examine the effects. A clear understanding of the effects of defolia- tion should be valuable in clearing up the mystery of "delayed ripen- ing" said to be caused by spraying. Loss of leaves by defoliation, of course, reduces green weight of the plant. The leaves that are left have to assume the load of carry- ing along the plant including the growing fruits. This is equivalent to increasing the fruit load, and this probably ages the remaining leaves, so that they become more susceptible than otherwise to Alter- naria. The process then snowballs, resulting in complete defoliation and, finally, death. Total Yield It is probable that defoliation can have little effect on total fruit production in the Northeast, because most of the crop that can be picked ahead of frost is already hanging on the vines before the disease attack can become serious. At first glance this statement seems at variance with the preced- ing discussion that disease attack is associated with fruiting. The inevitable lag, however, is tlie responsible agent. Fruits begin to appear by late June, but their effect on the plant appears to go through a lag period, so that initial infections do not begin until well along in July. Several days are required for each spore generation and as a result disease seldom attains sufficient momentum to induce much defoliation until mid-August or later. By that time it is too late to obtain fruits from the blossoms that set. Tagging experi- ments with blossoms described in more detail below have shown that nearly 60 days are required to ripen the crop. That means that fruits set after August 1 have small chance of being picked ahead of frost in the Northeast. Three divergent approaches are possible in measuring the effect of disease on yield: (a) comparison of diseased with healthy fields, (b) comparison of diseased with healthy plants, and (c) comparison of diseased non-sprayed plants with plants kept in various stages of defoliation by different sprays. Practical farmers use the method of comparing healthy fields with diseased fields and comparing yields in disease years with yields in disease-free years. They are all in agreement that the disease re- 192 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 456 duces the yield of the fridt that they can pick, but this is a problem in marketable fruit ^yhicll will be discussed below. No data is aA'ail- able for making such comparisons of total yields of fields. In 1929 the problem was investigated using individual plants. In that year all the ripe fruits on each of the 552 plants in a spray exjDeriment were picked each week. The intensity of infection on September 18 was obtained for each plant as described. Consequently data are available on the j'ielding performance of individual plants, both sprayed and non-sprayed, that carried dili'erent amounts of disease at the end of the season. The total yields were assembled by disease categories for 112 non- sprayed plants and for 88 plants sprayed only once early with bor- deaux (Table 2). Results were clear cut and identical for the two groups of plants, but the implication differs depending upon how they are stated. The results may be stated in the form that the yield of ripe fruits increases as the disease increases, or thej'^ niay be said in the form that the most prolific plants developed the most disease. This latter method of arranging the statement is probably the more accurate, because other data just discussed show that the prolific plants do develop the most disease. Upon pursuing the matter further it appears that the green fruit acts contrariwise. As disease increases gi'een fruit decreases. A further step in the analysis shows that the proportion of ripe fruit increases as disease increases. In practice this means that more fruits on defoliated than on non-defoliated plants are picked ahead of frost. Sometimes this statement is put in the form that they ripen ahead of frost. This brings up the fallacy that disease accelerates ripening because that explanation can be offered to account for the fact that most of the crop on defoliated plants is picked ahead of frost. This matter will be considered in more detail below. Marketable Yield or Quality If it seems difficult to measure the effect of disease on total yield because of the complication of high yield, high disease, it is even more difficult to measure the effects of disease on quality yield. Quality in tomatoes is an ill-defined concept, and the concept changes from market to market and from season to season. When tomatoes are all good, the market is choosy as to quality; when they are all mediocre, the market takes almost anything. AVhen prices are poor, quality mils! be excellent if the fruit is to move. Wlien prices are good, anything moves. lirowii in 192N (2) seems to have made tlie only attempt to meas- ure the effects of disease on yield of marketable fruit. Early in August he surveyed 1,991 acres of canning tomatoes in several Indiana counties and rated eacli field as to whether infection was slight, mod- erate, or heavy. II<; obtained data from the canning factories on tonnage j^urcliased. lie found (hat 1,199 slightly diseased acres produced 3.47 tons of marketable fruit per acre; the 51!) moderately diseased acres yielded 2.79 tons per acre, and the 27.'') heavily dis- Defoliation on Tomatoes 193 eased acres yielded 2.26 tons per acre. Assuming 3.47 as a normal yield of marketable fruit for the area for that year, it may be de- duced that a medium attack reduced the yield by 19.3 per cent, and that a severe attack reduced the yield by 34.5 per cent. This finding is precisely in line with what farmers think in relation to the effect of defoliation on yield of fruit that they can sell. Defoliation induces or aggravates certain off-quality conditions, such as flabbiness, cracks, sunscald, orange instead of red color, and off-flavors. It also aggravates such diseases as stem-end rot, anthrac- nose, and soil rot. Relation to Type of Market. The effect of these factors on marketability depends, of course, on the needs of the market con- cerned. Flabbiness, cracks and fruit diseases are reflected in salabil- ity in almost any market except the most bearish. Color, how- ever, is of critical importance to the canner and roadside markets. The canner constitutes a very critical market and he now buys large- ly on U. S. grades which are based on color, presence of mold and size. Poor Quality Types. Pickers often note that fruits on defoliated plants are taore flabby than those on normal vines. Fruits on defoli- ated plants also crack much worse than those on non-defoliated plants. This reduces the marketability of the fruits in almost any market, perhaps more in the local market than in the cannery, because the canner may pare out the cracks. Cracks reduce marketability also by permitting the entrance of rot-producing organisms that reduce the fruit to a skin full of slime. The probable reason for the increase in cracking of fruits on defoliated plants is that they do not have the leaf tissue to soak up the extra water that the roots take in during a rain. There may also be a reaction to light. Fruits grown in heavy paper bags in 1940 cracked much less freely than those not so bagged. Presumably this was a matter of light. The exposure of fruits to strong sunlight when leaves fall often results in sun scald which makes the fruit w;holly unsalable. This may be a serious factor immediately following the loss of the leaves if a hot spell occurs. The flavor of fruits appears to diminish as the defoliation in- creases. This factor is almost undefinable, but it is probably associat- ed with a lowering of sugar content. The fruits seem to be insipid, flat, or even mildly sour. Probably the most important factor in lowered quality that comes from defoliation is the poor color as first reported by Pritchard and Porte (31). Fruits on severely defoliated vines seldom or never attain a normal deep red color, but rather they reach an orange red color that is not acceptable to a critical trade like a cannery or a roadside market. However long such fruits remain in the field, they remain a sickly orange, never becoming rich red. In one severely diseased field in Connecticut in 1941 more than 50 fruits per plant were left unpicked in the field because they would not "color up." A study of some of the possible causes for this effect of defolia- 194 Connecticut Expenonent Station BnUetin -156 tion on color are interesting. In 1913 Diiggar (5) showed that the red color (lycopene) in tomatoes is closely limited hy temperature. Lycopene forms very slowly at temperatures below 55°F. This ac- counts for poor coloration of fruits in the fall. Likewise, the color is not formed if the fruit temperature rises much above S5°F. Rosa (32) showed in. 1926 that the yellow pigment (largely carotin) forms quite readily at a temperature of 85"F. or above. MacGillivray (26) then showed in 1935 that the temperature of the fruits on defoliated plants ma}' rise as much as 20°F. higher than that of fruits on non- defoliated plants nearby. He concluded that these elevated temper- atures encouraged the yellow color and discouraged the red color, thus giving rise to orange colored fruits. In 1936 Ora Smith (35) investigated the ellects of light on tomato ripening in connection with his studies of artificial ripening. He found that light favored the development of the yellow carotinoid pigments and discouraged the developed of the red lycopene. In some tests here in 191:0 fruits on staked vines were enclosed in heavy paper bags. When they ripened the color was beautifully rich red instead of the typical orange red of the fruits ripened as they hung from the stakes in the sun. It follows that both light and temperature are concerned in the ditt'erential coloration of fruits exposed in the sun when the leaves die and fall away from them. Diseases on Fruit. Loss of leaves, produced by disease or by hand, appears to increase the susceptibility of fruits to anthracnose or ripe rot caused by C olletot)'ichum pJw?no/(/es. Anthracnose ap- pears to be on the increase in the Northeast, probably because de- foliation is on the increase. The disease occurs as rounded sunken spots with a smooth margin. They look as if they had been pushed in by an index finger without a fiuiger nail. The sunken area is ccjvered with minute pimples arranged in circles. The pimples usual- ly turn dark in hite stages. Sometimes anthracnose is called nail- head in Connecticut. This is a misnomer as that name was coined for an entirely different disease found only in the South. The name anthracnose or ripe rot is preferable. Stem-end rot niay sometimes occur plentifully on (k^foliated plants as it may be caused by Alternarla so/ctii, the fungus connnonly associated at [)resent with (k'foliation in the Northeast. This disease produce's a black sunken area around the stem sometimes spreading irregularly out onto the shoulder of the fruit. 1 1 piohably attacks these ai'cas because the spores fall there and HimI i-ondilions suitable for j)en('li-ation. It may sometimes attack cracks as well. On occasion as in 193S it may cause widespread (hopping of liiiits when the infection spreads to the pedicle and kills it. in lection oriiginaling fi-om soil borne organisms sonu^times si'cni to be relal<'(l to defoliation but counts in New \(>rk in 193S and in (Connecticut in 1910 failed to demonstrate the ellect. Otliei- fruit diseases such as naillHsul, bacter'ial spot and blossoui-end rot do not a|)|»c:ir to he iLLfiri';! \ ;i(c(| h\' i|cl'oli;il iori. Defoliation on Tomatoes 195 Ripening The effects of defoliation on ripening is a complex but exceed- ingly interesting problem, that has been the subject of much specula- tion in the literature. The problem arose out of an effort to explain early results on the effects of sprajdng on yield of tomatoes. Two opposing points of view have been evolved, one that spraying delays ripening, the other that defoliation accelerates ripening. Although some data have already been presented (20) on this subject, it will be analj^zed here in more detail because more data have become avail- able. Lloyd and Brooks (24) in 1910, Boyle (1) in 1913, and Edgerton (6) in 1914 to 1918 are chiefly responsible for the prevailing points of view on ripening. They designed their experiments essentially alike and they all obtained essentially the same results which have been duplicated many times since (40, 43). They sprayed some plants with bordeaux and kept some not sprayed. They picked the fruit as it ripened and they examined the picking curves, expressed either cumulatively or as frequencies. One phenomenon is characteristic of all curves. The picking curves for the sprayed plants are flatter in the beginning of the season and they reach the peak of the harvest later in the season than those for the non-sprayed plants. 80 1 \ \ \ \ A J f - / i / i 60 f i \ 1 40 f i 1 1 20 — // - y*/ CHECK r> ..n y^ A SPRAYED® ® 0 ^■Y 1 1 1 1 AUG. 18 25 SEPT 18 15 20 DATE OF HARVEST Figure 4. Cumulative harvest curves of tomatoes sprayed with bor- deaux mixture and not spray- ed in a mild disease year, 1937. 64 1 II II - ^^ . — eai'ly pait of the si^ison from one lield than fi'oni an(»tliei-. This is a confusion of the coiiceijt of the ii|)ening or reildeniiig of a iiiiit with (he produit i[)lied alifail of blooming, the yield was niluceil only to 2.6o jxiunds per plant. ■Defoliation on Tonatoes 203 The timing experiment was reversed in 1938. Four applications were made late in the season, after August 1, instead of early, ending June 26. The all-season sprays were used for comparison. The checks reached their picking peak on September 8, 1938, and the yield up to that date was 4.22 pounds per plant. Bordeaux ap- plied ail season reduced the yield to 3.56 pounds per plant but, when applied after August 1, the yield was 4.0 pounds per plant. It is clear that withholding- the applications until the middle of the season essentially eliminates the injury. From these two timing- experiments, it follows that sprays applied either before blooming begins or after bloomiuig ends are less injurious than those applied all season. The causes of this depressing action are not far to seek. The comparative performance of bordeaux and red copper oxide imme- diately indicates lime (22) because lime is the outstanding difference between bordeaux and red copper oxide. The effects of lime have been investigated extensively both on tomatoes (14) and on cucurbits (15). lime, especially hydrated lime, appears to be definitely deleterious when applied to foliage of these plants. If cuticles are thin, it appears to saponify them (14) so that water escapes readily. This effect may be minimized if cuticles are old and hard, however. Lime appears to enter the tissues and to make them tough and harsh. In 1939 Dr. K. F. Suit of the New York State Experiment Station made puncture tests of sprayed tomato fruits using a Joly balance with a flat-tipped needle 50 microns in diameter. The needle was 100 microns in diameter 100 microns from the tip. He made four punctures in each of 20 fruits for each treatment at 8 A. M. The average pressure to puncture was 11.65 grams for the non-sprayed fruits, 11.71 for red copper oxide-sprayed fruits, and 13.93 for bor- deaux-sprayed fruits. The difference between the bordeaux and the other two was statistically significant by analysis of variance. It is suggested that the hardening of tissue occurs because cal- cium hardens the pectin of the middle lamella as suggested by Ker- tesz et al. (23) in researches on calcium in canned tomatoes. The fact that the depressing action of bordeaux occurs chiefly on young plants ahead of and during blooming suggests two factors, dwarfing and defloration. Both of these have been shown to be im- portant factors in the field (20). The dwarfing appears to result from the hardeniuig of the cells so that the expansion phases of growth are interfered Avith. The explanation for defloration has not yet been derived. In any case both dwarfing and defloration, reduce fruit set and this reduces the load of pickable fruits with its interesting results on the slope of the picking curves. The results on the nature of bordeaux dwarfing suggested im- mediately the use of lime-free copper compounds. Red copper oxide was first used experimentally as a dust for tomatoes in the summer of 1932. Later work with the material and with other so-called fixed copper compounds has showm that the materials are all some- 204 C onnecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 456 u Q QJ C C Q. <^- 00 so O -^ CC ^ -^ t^r^'^C\"^00'O00C$ £0 Defoliation on Tomatoes 205 what injurious to tomatoes, but that they are much less injurious than bordeaux mixture. It seems probable that the copper acts in somewhat the same fashion as calcium in producing injury, but that it is much less active. Performance of Fungicides If the protective action of bordeaux on foliage diseases is to be duplicated or improved without injury, it becomes imperative to investigate how and why fungicides act as they do and how new materials can be fitted into the knowledge thus learned. Many lime-free copper compounds (Table 3) have been put for- ward as bordeaux substitutes. Since these perform differently in the field, as might be expected their properties had to be determined and studied piecemeal. The ability of a fungicide to protect plant parts in the field has been defined as protective value (21). The two prime factors that govern protective value are fungicidal value (i. e. spore-inhibit- ing power) and tenacity (i. e. resistance to weathering). These two factors can be investigated easily in the laboratory where many of the extraneous factors encountered in the field can be controlled. A considerable number of researchers have measured fungicidal (fungus killing) value in the laboratory for various materials and have attempted to correlate it with the protective value in the field. The partial lack of correlation has lead some pathologists to feel that laboratory testing is worthless. The problem has been studied extensively for several plant dis- eases. The underlying technical considerations are being published by Dimond et at. (4) as an accompanying bulletin. The usefulness of these considerations in the control of the defoliation diseases of tomatoes with copper materials will be discussed here. Some of the sources of error in studying fungicides on tomatoes will be discussed. Fvngicidal Value. The first prerequisite to a study of the spore inhibiting properties of insoluble fungicides was to develop a pre- cision laboratory sprayer and the correlative precision techniques (19). Briefly, the materials are suspended in water and sprayed under standard conditions of humidity, time and distance to a stand- ard surface of cellulose-nitrate on glass. Spores of the test fungus, Macrosforiiim sarcinae forme.) are applied in standard concentrations, in standard amounts with a standard pipette in a standard fashion. This assures known and reproducible numbers of spores in relation to known and reproducible amounts of toxicant. After incubation under standard conditions the spore inliibition is determined microscopically and expressed as percent. Using the Wilcoxon and McCallan (45) simplification of the Bliss statistics, the percentage inhibition is readily plotted against dosage on loga- rithmic probability paper and the amount of material to inhibit 50 or 95 percent of the spores is read off directly. Because of biologic variation and experimental error these values vary from test to test. Spore concentration is such a variable, as it 206 Connecticut Experiinent Station Bulletin 456 cannot be regulated veiy easily. Variability can be reduced but not eliminated by using a ratio of performance between the test material and a standard such as bordeaux mixture to give a bordeaux coefficient (19) as follows: Dosage of standard bordeaux tor 95% inhibition Bordeaux coefficient = Dosage of test material for 95% inhibition A bordeaux coefficient of 1.00 means that the test material is just as active as bordeaux. If below 1.00 the activity is less and, if above 1.00, the activity is greater. The fungicidal value so determined for a series of copper fun- gicides is given in Table 3. The wide diiferences are interesting and significant. Detailed studies have shown that some of these differences can be exj)lained by differences in particle size. Yellow cuprous oxide contains much smaller particles than red cuprous oxide (10) and of course is more potent. The study of this relation showed that the wave-length of reflected light was related to potenc}'. Particle size decreased and potency' improved as the wave length shortened and the color shifted from red to yellow. It was then found that the basic copper compounds reacted simi- larly. As the wave length shortened (green throuigh blue to violet), potency increased (17). It is not known whether this phenomenon is associated with particle size or not. It is true, however, that when green Basicop was ballmilled wet for two weeks it became more blue and the potency improved. Since this information was published the manufacturers have taken the green grade off the market and have substituted a blue grade. It is noteworthy that the curves for cuprous oxides and cupric salts cannot be superimijosed. For equal potenc}^ the copper as cuprous oxide reflects a longer wave than the copper as a cuprio salt. This is evidence on the hypothesis that cuprous copper is more potent as a fungicide than cupric copper (i21). It must not 1)e concluded that protective value is a function of color of the copper material, because tenacity must be considered in iicld jjerformance. Tenacity. Fungicidal dej)()sits must not only have spore killing jH-operties; they must maintain these properties in the face of drastic washing. They must cling to plant surfaces while being buffeted by wind and rain. Heuberger (5) has devised a laboratory test for tenacity and a tenacity coefficient compai-able with bordeaux co- eflicit^nt for converting the raw data to usable form. In order to speed tlie work and to simulate the swaying action of rain-lashed leaves, deposit-beai'ing slides are ])lace(l hack (o back and ])assed rapidly through water for a standai'd 'iO strokes. 10 forward and 10 backward, the slides being raised from the water and sliaken after each stroke. The tenacity cocHicient is ihe perceritiige (if iniliiil toxic load thill i> not \\a>he(| oil' hy the s(;iiid;ird lest. Tiie ruiii:ii> indicator Defoliation on Tomatoes 207 measures not only the quantity removed, but also the spore inhibiting properties of the deposit that is left. The tenacity coefficients for the series of copper materials used on tomatoes are given in Table 3, correct up to 1940. It has been shown (7) that the tenacity test in the laboratory gives results that are in essential agreement with field results with several of the copper materials. Protective Value. The enormous variability of field results is impressive when comparing the protective values of fungicides whether on tomato, apple or other foliage. The field results are often so variable that a set of materials seldom arranges itself in the same order from test to test. This source of error accounts for some of the discrepancy between laboratory and field results. Methods were needed for reducing this variability^, or of understanding it. Considerable progress had been made in designin.g methods for re- ducing just such variations in fungicidal value as determined in the laboratory (19). These findings have been applied to problems of measuring protective value in the field and they appear to be exactly homologous as recently discussed (4). It is apparent immediately that field comparisons have been based on the control for equal dosages of materials, whereas labora- tory comparisons have been based on dosage for equal response. It is also apparent that no use has been made of the performance of a standard fungicide in the field to give a figure comparable to bor- deaux coefficient for fungicidal value data. In 1940 (4) it was learned that dosage-response data for field tests give straight lines when plotted on logarithmic-probability paper. Trials were made of the effects of using dosage for equal control as it is used in the laboratory. It soon developed that dosage for equal control is more sensitive and more informative than control for equal dosage (13). Control for equal dosaige has a low order of sensitivity because the control scale is limited by a practical ceiling of 100 percent, whereas, the dosage scale is unlimited. The control scale is less informative than the dosage scale. Moreover the use of the control scale is based on an assumption that response in percent is linearly related to dosage — ^that unit change in dosage produces unit change in response. The fact, however, is that the relation is sigmoid. In everyday language this means that change in dosage produces at first a small change in response, then a large change, and finally a small change in response. The fallacy in the use of the control scale appeared in a practical way in the development of yellow cuprous oxide as a fungicide. The data on fungicidal value obtained in 1938 (10) indicated that ap- proximately twice as much copper as red oxide was required to in- hibit the same number of spores as yellow oxide. That is to say the copper in yellow oxide was twice as potent as that in red oxide. Since the tenacity of the two forms is approximately equal (see Table 3) the protective value should follow in the same order. This was found to be true when the two materials were compared as protec- 208 Connecticut ExpeHinent Staticni Bulletin 456 tants for pea seed. Twice as much copper as red oxide as yellow oxide, was required to give equal protection of pea seeds against damping-off. The two materials were then compared a5 sprat's on tomato foliage to protect it from Alteimaria solani. Following general prac- tice for field work the materials were compared at equal doses, not at equal control as in the earlier tests. The control obtained was 71 and 53 percent, respectively. This ratio is 1.34 to 1, not 2 to 1 as would have been expected. Was the discrepancy due to difference in relative performance of the two materials or to difference in technique of measurement? This question was approached in 1941 when the two materials were compared in a dosage series on the protection of muskmelon foliage against bird's eye leaf spot caused b}' Macrosporium cucwner- inum. The J&rst comparison is dosage for equal control. If the 80 percent control level is chosen, it appears that 15.5 pounds of copper as red oxide is required, but only 7.5 pounds as yellow oxide. This is a ratio of 2.06 to 1, as would have been expected from the data on fungicidal value and data on pea seed protective value. It should be stated that the ratio between the two remains 2 to 1 irrespective of what level of control is chosen. This shows that the dosage scale provides an invariable measure of performance. The other comparison is control by the same dosage. The control is 83 and 90, respectively, for red and yellow oxide for 20 pounds of copper per acre for the season. This is a ratio of 1.09 to 1, not 2.06 to 1. Furthermore this ratio changes with the dosage level chosen. At ten pounds per acre the ratio is 1.11 to 1, and at five pounds per acre it is 1.19 to 1. From this experiment it is clear that the dosage scale is more sensitive because it spreads the materials farther apart than the con- trol scale, and it is more informative and accurate because it gives re- producible results. It is also more useful practically because it re- duces the error of field experimentation. Derivation of Protective Coefficient. The fact remains, how- ever, that copper materials used as tomato sprays have been compared up until quite recently through the control by equal dosages. Since these data are all that are available they must be used for the present in measuring the protective value of the materials in the field despite the sources of errors and the mathematical inconsistencies in the design of the experiments. Tlie measurement of protective value in the field is beset witli all the difficulties that occur in the laboratory, and more besides. In addition to errors introduced by the fungus, the errors that come from iiia(l(!(iuate s])rayers, soil hetei-ogeneity and inclhod of taking data are inipdrtaiit. l^'iiially, thci'c arc variations introduccMl by the weathei'. Of these variables only the weather afl'ec-ts the action of the de- posit after it is on the leaf. The other variables sinq^ly complicate the measurements of the protective value of the deposit in the same Defoliation on Tomatoes 209 way as they complicate the measurement of spore inhibiting power of fungicidal deposits in the laboratory. It therefore seems probable that the effects of these other variables can be reduced by calculating a protective coefficient in terms of a standard fungicide, as in the case of bordeaux coefficient for the laboratory (19). This calculation is based here also on the assumption that all sources of error except weather tend to operate on the test material and standard alike. The only difference in procedure is that the calculations of field data for the present must be based on the response scale rather than on the dosage scale. The amount of disease control on plants sprayed with the test material is divided by the amount of disease control on plants sprayed with the standard material (4-4-50 bordeaux). The quotient must serve for the present as the "protective coefficient," pending the accumulation of data on dosage for equal control. If the quotient is greater than unity, the material has a better protective value than bordeaux mixture ; if it is less than unity, the test material is inferior to bordeaux. There is experimental evidence to indicate that protective co- efficient appears to cancel out variations in the methods of recording the amount of disease (18). In 1938 four methods were used for measuring disease on the same power-sprayed plots of tomatoes : per- centage defoliation as counted, percentage of diseased fruits, index of disease and the reciprocal of green weight per plant. The protec- tive coefficients for red copper oxide obtained from these four kinds of data were 0.77, 0.74, 0.81 and 0.81. For copper oxychloride the coefficients were 0.51, 0.52, 0.58 and 0.41, respectively. In the laboratory bordeaux coefficient reduces the effect of spore load. Experimental evidence is available for field data likewise show that protective coefficient reduces the variation due to inoculum potential (i. e. disease producing power of the environment). It so happens that red cuprous oxide has been compared for nine seasons with bordeaux, but during the nine seasons the inoculum potential has varied widely. When protective coefficient was plotted against inoculum potential (expressed as percentage defoliation in the checks), a scatter diagram was obtained showing that inoculum potential bears no relation to protective coefficient, and that results in different plots or in different years will not be influenced by variations in the incidence of disease. Another bit of data (Table 5) confirms this conclusion. Stem- end rot counts were made on five picking dates in 1938. The per- centage infection increased on the checks from 6.8 percent to 60.1 percent between August 18 and September 15 as the inoculum poten- tial increased. Likewise the percentage of stem-end rot increased on the plots sprayed with red copper oxide and bordeaux, but the pro- tective coefficient remained approximately constant. At least the variation in the protective coefficient bore no relation to the variation in inoculum potential. From these various studies it follows that test to test variation 210 Connecticut E:c])€rlment Station BuUetin 456 ^J o o a. U ,_, n QJ j-' c. o iu| c p 'ii c tu o , : u 0) .^_ o ' ^i '^i •— ■ cc r>! r^ '^i ^1 Tf ^ CO (LI 4/ v^ r- = " ."2 ."S rs ."2 •^ o .:iT3^00Cl.i-ui-i-l-_g ^ ■A t. c aa.o.a.ao.0. c- _
  • S rS 1^ ?N rS 3 < VD 00 ^^XXXX X < On op X'^XXX X < fN < XXXXX X VO CN c o ^ XXXXX X 3 ITJ o. Q. < o "o XXXXX X o Q (N >. xxxy.x _D U^ ^ XXXXX on rsi 0) XXXXX c 3 IN 0) X XX XX c "^ •d *• c 1 • u ,_ ,^, ro ^ lO O «^ CO 0\ O -^ '^1 O. nj2 0) H 5 X Defoliation on Tomatoes 213 (8). Each treatment consisted of four replicate plots of ten plants each of Scarlet Dawn tomatoes, sprayed at 250 pounds pressure with a single nozzle, applying 4.8 pounds of yellow copper oxide in 200 gallons of water per acre. Spraying began June 21 and continued weekly until August 23. In one series of plots sprays in pairs were dropped from the end of the season to study the effect of early sprays only. In a second series, sprays in pairs were dropped from the beginning of the season to study the effect of late sprays only. In a third series various plots were given two applications one week apart in the middle of the season. Disease control data (Table 6 and Figure 7) clearly confirm previous conclusions that the critical first application should be ap- plied in mid-July. On the basis of the 1940 data at least, it seems that applications should begin perhaps a week earlier in Connecticut than in western New York. 86 - 1 1 1 I932G- 1929®- 1 1 o ^ P i/ z jf y 74 a. " fi " 1 , 1 o q: ^62 o - // o if UJ // w '/ < i UI / (O / 5 50 \ ^■ - ,/ 38 -V 1 1 1 1 JUNE 10 24 JU4 16 28 AUG .9 21 DATE OF LAST SPRAY Figure 6. Relation between date of last spray and control of de- foliation of tomatoes in 1929 and 1932. Date when applications begun 30 JUNE20JU.2 14 26 AUG.7 SPRAYING DATES 19 31 Figure 7. Effect of timing sprays of yellow copper oxide on control of defoliation caused by Alternaria in 1940. Practical adoption of the theory of delayed spraying admits the possibility that disease may obtain a start before work begins. It is of interest, therefore, to investigate the effect that such a start has on final disease control. This point was investigated in 1938, Two fields infected with A. solani were chosen for spraying on August 3. One showed approximately 5 percent, and the other 20 percent, de- foliation (by number of leaves). At the end of the season the unsprayed portion of the fields 214 Connecticut Experi/ment Station Bullet in 456 showed 66.4 and 89.4 percent defoliation (by number), respectively. When sprayed with bordeaux, thej' showed 30.1 and 55.0 percent de- foliation, respectively. Plainly, the field that was severely diseased to begin with lost more leaves than the slightly diseased field whether sprayed or not. Evident!}^ bordeaux did not freeze the defoliation at its initial level. Coverage. If spraying is to be delayed until the last possible moment when the fungus may be already established, it is plain that the protective load of fungicide must be so applied as to cover adequately all susceptible tissue, especially the old somewhat senes- cent tissue at the base of the plant and inside the foliage crown. Coverage of ground plants would seem to be more difficult than coverage of staked plants. There appear to be three variables in the application of fungi- cides by spraying: (1) pressure, (2) nozzle aperture and (3) spray- ing time. A study, incomplete as yet, is being made of the effect of these variables on unstaked tomatoes (Scarlet Dawn). In 1940 an initial attempt was made to improve coverage by holding pressure constant and by varying the gallonage per acre of spray fluid. The gallonage was increased hy increasing the nozzle aperture and the spray time. It was expected that increasing the nozzle aperture would increase the velocity of the spray stream at the nozzle and that this would force the stream farther through the crown of leaves toward the important inner and basal ones. The plants were sprayed by directing a single nozzle to all parts of the outer crown of leaves, occasionallj' pushing the nozzle inside. A Myers wheelbarrow poAver sprayer provided the yellow copper oxide at 250 pounds pressure. Four applications were made between July 24 and August 23. Disease readings were made on September 7 (Table 7). Table 7. Effect of Coverage by Yellow Cuprous Oxide Spray on Control of Defoliation of Tomatoes Caused by Alternaria solaiii. Nozzle Spray time Spray applied Copper applied as metallic Disease Aperture in. output control gal./min. sees. /plant gals /acre lbs / 100 gal. lbs/acre percent 5/64 0.73 13 375 4.0 15.00 54.8 5/64 0.73 13 375 2.0 7.50 48.2 5/64 0.73 13 375 1.0 .\7S 44.4 5/64 0.73 13 375 0.5 1.M8 34.6 4/64 0.5H (> 150 -1.0 ().00 2S.7 4/64 0.58 () 150 _'.o 3.00 22.0 4/64 0.5H () 150 1.0 1.50 11.8 4/64 0.58 (> 150 0.5 ./.I 11.8 3/64 0.43 3 (.0 4.0 _'.40 12.4 3/64 0.43 3 (,() -Ml 1.20 13.4 3/64 0.43 3 (lO 1.0 O.dO 2.5 3/64 0.43 3 (jO 0.5 0.30 3.4 none 0.0 0.0 1.2 Defoliation on Tomatoes 215 Data were plotted (Figure 8) on log-probability paper using dosaige as pounds of copper per acre. Alternaria attacked early and heavily and spraying began somewhat late. On this account no treatment gave very good control. In the first analysis of the data the effect of the three gallonages was determined on the basis of dosage for equal control (13). The level of control that fits all three the best is 25 percent. This level of control was provided by 80 g60 o cc u _r o q: 20 TT 1 — I I M MM / / / ./ 5/64 nozzle o o /• 4/64" nozzle @ @ 3/64"nozzle • • I Mini I III .6 1.0 3 6 DOSAGE.LBS. CU./ACRE. 10 Figure 8. Eflfect of coverage with yellow copper oxide spray by using various sizes of nozzles on control of defoliation of tomatoes by Alternaria solani. 1 1 \ llll 1 1 i 1 1 llll 80 - 60 ^^ ® < 1 — ' 13 ^M 40 / / Stents / y y / 20 - ^ ^ / ® ^ b — J? (-''■''^ /■ c r^ ^ 1 0 sees® •® / Leaves <\ \ III! llll Mill 0.5 I 2 5 10 DOSAGE, LBS. CU./ACRE Figure 9. Relation of spraying time (seconds per plant) to cover- age by yellow copper oxide spray on the control of de- foliation of tomatoes caused by Alternaria solani. 0.48 pounds of copper per acre per application when applied in 375 gallons of water through the large aperture. The requisite dosage in- creased by ten fold to 4.5 pounds when it was applied in 150 gallons of water with the medium disc. The requisite dosage increased fur- ther to 6.4 pounds when it was applied in only 60 gallons of water with the smallest disc. An unexpected result appeared in the data. The slope of the dosage response curve became flatter as the coverage improved (Fig- ures 8 and 9). Dimond (3) has shown that this slope is a linear func- tion of coverage and he suggested that the slope of the curve offers a convenient measure of coverage. This experiment in 1940 was interesting and probably significant, but it involved a confusion of the effects of nozzle aperture and spray time. In 1941 a similar experiment was conducted except that the 216 Connecticut Experwient Station BuUetin 456 nozzle aperture (3/64 inch) and pressure (250 pounds) were both held constant. Spraying time was varied. Alternaria attacked very heavily. Leaf disease readings were made on September 2 as usual (Table 8), but readings were made on stems as well, since these were heavily attacked also. In the case of stems, the groupings were made on the proportion of area covered by spots on the lower foot of stems. Table S. Relatiox of Spraying Time to Coverage by Yellow Cuprous Oxide Spray on the Control of Defoliation of Tomatoes Caused by Alternaria solaui. Spraying time Amount of spray applied gals. /acre Amount copper expressed as metallic Disease control percent sees. /plant lbs./ 100 gals. lbs /acre Leaves stems 20 400 4 16 16.7 85.2 20 400 9 8 22.0 77.0 20 400 1 4 6.7 65.5 20 400 0.5 2 4.2 55.7 10 200 4 8 19.7 79.0 10 200 2 4 19.2 73.0 10 200 1 2 9.5 52.7 10 200 0.5 1 4.5 45.5 5 100 4 4 14.2 67.7 5 100 2 -y 9.7 60.5 5 100 1 1 6.7 60.0 5 100 0.5 0.5 3.0 45.7 2.5 50 4 2 9.2 60.5 2.5 50 2 1 6.5 49.8 2.5 50 1 0.5 4.5 46.5 2.5 50 0.5 0.25 3.0 44.0 Data (Figure 9) w^ere plotted as usual on the basis of pounds of copper per acre per application. To save cluttering the graph only the first and third spray times are plotted (2.5 and 10 seconds per plant). Data for the foliage and the stems are in excellent agree- ment. As the spraying time per plant increases, the slope of the dosage-response curve increases. If slope measures efficiency, as de- duced from the. 1940 data, it follows here that the long spray times were relatively less efficient than the short spray times per unit of copper per acre. This seems reasonable. Increasing the spray time increases the run-off, and this means that nmch of the copper applied Avith a long si)ray time rims off onto tlio ground wiiei'e it cannot ])rotect foliage. On tlie basis of this discnissioii it follows that the improved efficiency witli increasing gallonage noted in 1940 was due rather to the u.se of larger nozzles than to increased gallonage directly. The larger the nozzle aperture, the greater the nozzle velocity of a spray s-tream, other things being efjual as they were here. The higher the velocity of tlie spray stream, the more the outer leaves will be l)nsli('i)()s here. 'J"hc circcts of pic.s.^nic :iii(| nn//|c ;i|t('it iiic li:i\t' Ix'i'n studied, but Defoliation on Tomatoes 21Y not in connection with the dosage-response technique. Farmers are certainly trending toward larger nozzles with fewer gallons per acre, and away from small nozzles and much gallonage per acre. Smith and Zimmerley (34) constitute a typical case. They tested the effect of pressure in spraying tomatoes in 1922. Their data are difficult to evaluate in this connection because they report no disease readings and because they have not distinguished dosage of copper per acre from pressure. Morris, Klotz and Sokoloff (29) published a paper late in 1941 giving results with bordeaux in the control of brown rot on citrus. They applied only two concentrations and two gallonages but, when their data are calculated as amount of copper per tree and plotted on log-probability paper, two curves appear. The higher slope of the curve for the gallonage is the flatter of the two as would be expected if it had given improved coverage. These writers do not state, how- ever, how they obtained the larger gallonage per tree. PRACTICAL ASPECTS Since Agricultural Experiment Stations are the research labor- atories of farmers, the final objective of its research must be the prac- tical application. The defoliation problem is intensely practical. The question here is whether it can be helped by the present investi- gation. To Spray or Not to Spray The first question is "to spray or not to spray." This question like many others in science cannot be answered categorically. To that end it is well to summarize here the factors that can help an individual farmer to decide that for himself. The farmer who sells in a quality market and who is troubled with much defoliation will find a marked improvement in quality for spraying. Although spraying will probably not greatly improve the total tonnage, it will improve the tonnage of salable fruit. Spray- ing will do much to guarantee rich red tomatoes that sell well in a quality market. It will reduce the amount of stem-end rot, anthrac- nose, cracking, blossom-end rot and flabbiness. The farmer who sells extra early fruit cannot afford to spray, because most of the fruit that he sells at a fancy price is sold before disease becomes serious. Spraying will tend to reduce yield slightly, and disease is seldom serious enough to offset this in the early crop. On the contrary, the farmer who sells to the extra late market often finds that defoliation is serious enough to reduce his yield of marketable fruit and often forces him to reduce even his quality standards in order to have any fruit at all available for sale. Judi- cious spraying in late July and August will maintain sufficient foliage in late September to produce quality fruit that is salable. MateHals to Use. As yet no effective agent other than copper is available for use on tomatoes, although organic compounds were 218 Connecticut Experinwx.t Station Bulletin 456 investiirated somewhat in 1940 and 1911. Sulfur seems to dwarf the phints. Accordingly copper fungicides must receive the bid. bmce lime is distincth' deleterious to tomatoes, bordeaux mixture can hard- \\ be expected to be chosen, except as noted below. This narrows the field to the so-called insoluble or "fixed" (41) copjDer materials. These have been studied in considerable detail. Some of these have shown themselves distinctly inferior to others in disease controlling powers on tomatoes. These are Cupro K. Z-0, Metrox, hj^drated cupric oxide and Cuprocide 54. Others have shown themseh'es invariabl}^ toward the top of the list as follows: Yellow copper oxide (Cuprocide), red copper oxide (Cuprocide) and copper oxychloride (Compound A). In one year when it was tested Tennessee Tribasic copper sulfate stood toward the top of the list. The other materials have not been tested sufficiently to arrange them with too much certainty, but the only one that looks as if it would find a place high in the list is Coposil, and it, unfortunatel}', is too injurious to tomatoes. In Connecticut Avhere flea beetles are a problem, it seems that a rotenone or dry Pyrocide dust would be useful in keeping them down. This would prevent the eating injuiT where the fungus spores may gain entrance to the leaf. When to Spray. It seems clear now that attention to timing may save on materials and add to the value of the applications. In the past, applications have gone on the plants earW in the season when they were most injurious and least required. It seems better to apply them later in the season Avhen the}' are least injurious and most re- quired. The generalization seems sound. Its application to specific cases raises many knotty problems. Timing tests were made in New York in 1929, 1932, 1938 and 1939 in plants set out the third week of May. The tests in 1929 and 1932 showed that sprays ahead of July 10 were worthless. In 1938 and 1939 an arbitrary date of August 1 was set, but in both years it was somewhat too late. It would appear that the critical date was betAveen July 10 and August 1. A timing test was made at New Haven in 1940 using plants set out about May 23. The results indicated that Jul}'' 10 was early enough for the first application. If a similar test had been made in 1941 this date would have been close to optimum. From these various timijig tests in two areas with similar grow- ing seasons, it would seem that the first spray should be a[)plied about July 10 I'or inaxiniuin disease controh 'I'liis (hite is basetl on work with crops plantctl into the field about May 20. In IDll the crop was set about May 10 and spraying had to begin alioul July 1. This suggests that timing siiould be based on (he stage of the I)laiit rathei- than calcnchir' (hitc as in the case of apph' scih. Aclually, it seems from experience lliat the sprays should be iii)i)li(Ml just ahead of tlie "brcalv" sja.trc, i. c, tiic stage when the weight ol the i)lants begins to hrciik- thcui o\«-r. so th;it the inner leaves begin to l)e shaded Defoliation on Tomatoes 219 and protected from drying out. An application at this stage is easy to apply because the lower leaves are still exposed, and the plants are not spread out over the ground between the rows. The number of delayed applications is also important. Here again the final answer is not in, but it seems probable that three at ten-day intervals is enough. In some years one good application would be enough, because growth slows down after Aujgust. If the spray has good tenacity, the susceptible foliage would remain covered long enough. How to Apply Materials. The methods of applying fungicides raise many unsolved problems. Vegetable growers prefer dusting, although spraying has given the best disease control so far in this research. Since the program calls for delay until the last nio- ment, the fungus may get such a start as to make it imperative to use the best possible procedures. Spraying is, therefore, preferred. Additional research is now under way to improve dust mixtures and methods of application. Whatever the machine used, the problem remains of getting through the fields after the plants have filled the rows. Farmers in cannery areas report some success with airplane applications. Fields are too small for this in Connecticut. Other growers lay out the roads for picking earlier than usual, throwing the vines together. Sprayers with long booms are driven through these roads. Other growers make the roadways farther apart and carry a very long boom by hand. If the number of ap- plications can be trimmed to one or two this might be a feasible pro- cedure. From two years' results it seems that the problem of covering the inner lower foliage of ground plants is critical, and it now seems clear that large holes in the nozzles giving a strong drive to the spray stream should give better success than small holes giving a misty spray. On the basis of present information it is suggested to at least three pounds of copper (as metallic) should be applied per acre per application in a minimum of 200 gallons of water with 5/64 inch discs. Varieties As far as can be determined, no tomato variety shows any marked resistance to the Alternaria defoliation. In a variety trial, the entries show large differences in defoliation, but careful study shows that these differences are associated with fruit load. Early varieties set fruit early and become defoliated early. Late varieties set fruit late and become defoliated late. Fertilizers Information on the relation of fertilizers to Alternaria defolia- tion is yet insufficient to make definite statements, but evidence now available points to an influence of nitrogen. Low levels of nitrogen nutrition encoura/ge disease. Increasing the nitrogen nutrition is liable 220 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 456 to reduce fruit set and. of course, to reduce total yield. If disease at- tacks, however, a high level of nitrogen nutrition might permit the field to pull through a marketable crop that might otherwise show such poor quality from disease as to be almost unpickable. Air Drainage Other things being equal, tomato fields on slopes, especially southern and western slopes, probably have less disease than those without as good air drainage. Staking, of course, improves air drain- age and reduces severity of the defoliation disease. Miscellaneous Suggestions Since the disease is seed-borne, the seed should be from certified sources and it should be soaked in New Improved Ceresan 1-1000, dried and dusted with red copper oxide. To prevent development of disease in the seed bed, the seedlings should be sprayed at weekly or t«n-day intervals with the material to be used in the field. The fungus also lives over winter in field refuse. Accordingly, a rotation of at least two years will keep down this source of inoculum. Finally, it may be spread from plant to plant if plants are picked or cultivated when they are wet. SUMMARY 1. A study has been made during 12 seasons of the foliage and fruit diseases of tomatoes with the objective of exploring the whole field of defoliation diseases of tomatoes. Particular emphasis has been devoted to solving the paradox of reduced jaelds from sprays despite disease control. This paper reports data on the effects of disease on the plant and the interacting effects of sprays and disease on yields. 2. The problem has been attacked by studying plants in various stages of disease and by studj^ing the varying control obtain- ed by different sprays. 3. The primary cause of defoliation in the Northeast is Altet^nm'ia solani, but since this fungus is not what may be called a vigorous parasite, optimum conditions must prevail before attack sets in. 4. Optimum conditions for the disease include: (a) crowded plants, (b) maturity of leaves, (c) heavy fruit load, (d) above normal rainfall and dew and (e) sliading. Disease, of cout'so. may a]>- pear when one or more of these conditions ai-c doI fnllilltMl. but they all seem to l)la3^ a part. 5. A .special study was made of the ii'hition of IViiit jimii and age of tissues to .susceptibility iind it upjx'ais that any factor such as pruning, low nitrogen nntiition (»r lieavy rci)rodu('ti()n tends to increase susceptibility. This is ('si)i'cially striking in tlie case of fiMiit load. 'I'he ]f)ng('i- the plant I'cinains fi-ee of fruit, the long(;r it remains fn-c of Ahci-nai-ia : ami llw more fruit it sets, the more susceptible it Itcionics. 0. An extensive study of the cUci'is of disease and ^j)raying on Defoliation on Tomatoes 221 ripenin>g has been made. No evidence can be found that indicates any effect on the maturity of fruits, i. e. ripening. Many factors such as disease, dwarfing and defloration from sprays reduce fruit load. These factors affect, of course, the number of fruits picked and thus they affect the shape of the picking curve. 7. In studying yields the problem arises of what constitutes ripen- ing. Ripening is defined as reddening. Accordingly, many fruits that have been picked ag ripe on defoliated plants were not ripe because they were orange in color and never would have become red. 8. Since this point, was not clarified until after the completion of the current research, many fruits have been picked on defoliated plants as ripe when they were not ripe in the same sense as those on plants not defoliated. As a result picking data have tended to favor defoliated plants unduly. 9. In studying the disease-controlling properties of fungicides, a protective coefficient has been devised for reducing the variance between tests that is due to inoculum potential, spraying techni- que, method of recording disease and kind of disease. Although this statistic has some weaknesses, it serves the useful purpose of eliminating the effect of many confusing variables. It is the quotient obtained by dividing the amount of disease on plants sprayed with a standard by that on the test material. It is based on the assumption that as extraneous factors affect the unknown they also affect the standard. 10. One or more tests have been made of copper-containing bordeaux substitutes. Insufficient data are available to rate them all with precision, but three groups seem possible : good, intermediate and poor. Those in the "good" group appear to be yellow copper oxide (Cuprocide Y), bordeaux, red copper oxide (Cuprocide G), Com- pound A, Coposil and Tenn. 34. Those in the "intermediate" group are Basicop, Hydro 40 and Cuprocide 54. Those in the "poor" group are Metrox, ZO, Cupro K and hydrated cupric oxide. 11. Timing of tomato sprays is of critical importance in economical control of defoliation. Since no spray is completely non-injur- ious, and since injury is most pronounced on small plants, the applications should be delayed as long as possible. On the other hand, the longer the sprays are delayed, the less effective they can be in stopping an outbreak. Consideration of all the data suggests that the first application in Connecticut should be ap- plied just as the plants break over. 12. Coverage becomes an important factor in spraying ground toma- toes because the lower and inner leaves are the most susceptible of any to defoliating fungi. Although evidence is somewhat lim- ited, it appears now that insufficient attention has been paid to size of nozzle orifice. This should be as large as possible so that the spray stream will be hard enough to push aside the outer crown of leaves. 2"2*2 Connecticut EayperiTnent Station Bulletin 456 LITERATURE CITED 1. Boyle, J. G. Tomato investigations. Indiana Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 165. 1913. 2. Brown, H. D. Loss caused bv Septoria leaf spot in the tomato canning crop of Indiana— 1928. Plant Disease Rep. 13:164-165. 1929. 3. DiMOND, A. E. Measuring inoculum potential and coverage index of spravs. Phytopath. 31:7. 1941. 4. , HoRSFALL, J. G., Heuberger, J. W., and Stoddard, E. M. 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