UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL CENTER LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO /X^^c.^^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE CELL IN DEVELOPMENT AND INHERITANCE C0Uimijia ^nibersitg Biological .Setieg. EDITED BY HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN AND EDMUND B. WILSON, 1. FROM THE GREEKS TO DARWIN. By Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sc.D. Princeton. 2. AMPHIOXUS AND THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES. By Arthur Willey, B.Sc. Lond. Univ. 3. FISHES, LIVING AND FOSSIL. An Introductory Study. By Bashford Dean, Ph.D. Columbia. 4. THE CELL IN DEVELOPMENT AND INHERITANCE. By Edmund B. Wilson. Ph.D. J.H.U. 5. THE FOUNDATIONS OF ZOOLOGY. By William Keith Brooks. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SERIES. IV. THE CELL IN Development and Inheritance BY EDMUND B. |WILSON, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGYTCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SECOND EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED Natura nusquam magis est tota quam in minimis " PLINY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. 191I All rights reserved PREFACE This volume is the outcome of a course of lectures, delivered at Columbia University in the winter of 1892-93, in which I endeavoured to give to an audience of general university students some account of recent advances in cellular biology, and more especially to trace the steps by which the problems of evolution have been reduced to problems of the cell. It was my first intention to publish these lectures in a simple and general form, in the hope of showing to wider circles how the varied and apparently heterogeneous cell- researches of the past twenty years have grown together in a coherent group, at the heart of which are a few elementary phe- nomena, and how these phenomena, easily intelligible even to those having no special knowledge of the subject, are related to the problems of development. Such a treatment was facilitated by the appearance, in 1893, of Oscar Hertwig's invaluable book on the cell, which brought together, in a form well designed for the use of special students, many of the more important results of modern cell-research. I am glad to acknowledge my debt to Hert- wig's book ; but it is proper to state that the present volume was fully sketched in its main outlines at the time the Zelle unci Gcwebe appeared. Its completion was, however, long delayed by investiga- tions which I undertook in order to re-examine the history of the centrosomes in the fertilization of the Q,^%, — a subject which had been thrown into such confusion by Fol's extraordinary account of the '' Quadrille of Centres " in echinoderms that it seemed for a time impossible to form any definite conception of the cell in its relation to inheritance. By a fortunate coincidence the same task was inde- pendently undertaken, nearly at the same time, by several other investigators. The concordant results of these researches led to a decisive overthrow of Fol's conclusions, and the way was thus cleared for a return to the earlier and juster views founded by Hertwig, Strasburger, and Van Beneden, and so lucidly and forcibly developed by Boveri. The rapid advance of discovery in the mean time has made it seem desirable to amplify the original plan of the work, in order to render it useful to students as well as to more general readers ; and to this end it has been found necessary to go over a considerable vni PREFACE part of the ground already so well covered by Hertwig.^ This book does not, however, in any manner aim to be a treatise on general histology, or to give an exhaustive account of the cell. It has rather been my endeavour to consider, within moderate limits, those features of the cell that seem more important and suggestive to the student of development, and in some measure to trace the steps by which our present knowledge has been acquired. A work thus limited neces- sarily shows many gaps ; and some of these, especially on the botani- cal side, are, I fear, but too obvious. On its historical side, too, the subject could be traced only in its main outlines, and to many investigators of whose results I have made use it has been impossible to do full justice. To the purely speculative side of the subject I do not desire to add more than is necessary to define some of the problems still to be solved ; for I am mindful of Blumenbach's remark that while Drelin- court rejected two hundred and sixty-two "groundless hypotheses" of development, " nothing is more certain than that Drelincourt's own theory formed the two hundred and sixty-third." ^ I have no wish to add another to this list. And yet, even in a field where standpoints are so rapidly shifting and existing views are still so widely opposed, the conclusions of the individual observer may have a certain value if they point the way to further investigation of the facts. In this spirit I have endeavoured to examine some of the more important existing views, to trace them to their sources, and in some measure to give a critical estimate of their present standing, in the hope of finding suggestion for further research. Every writer on the cell must find himself under a heavy obliga- tion to the works of Van Beneden, Oscar Hertwig, Flemming, Stras- burger, and Boveri; and to the last-named author I have a special sense of gratitude. I am much indebted to my former student, Mr. A. P. Mathews, for calling my attention to the importance of the recent work of physiological chemists in its bearing on the problems of synthetic metabolism. The views developed in Chap- ter VII. have been considerably influenced by his suggestions, and this subject will be more fully treated by him in a forthcoming work ; but I have endeavoured as far as possible to avoid anticipating his own special conclusions. Among many others to whom I am indebted for kindly suggestion and advice, I must particularly mention my ever helpful friend, Professor Henry F. Osborn, and Professors J. E. Humphrey, T. H. Morgan, and F. S. Lee. In copying so great a number of figures from the papers of other 1 Henneguy's Lemons sur la cellule is received, too late for further notice, as this volume is going through the press. 2 Allen Thomson. PREFACE IX investigators, I must make a virtue of necessity. Many of the facts could not possibly have been illustrated by new figures equal in value to those of special workers in the various branches of cytological research, even had the necessary material and time been available. But, apart from this, modern cytology extends over so much debatable ground that no general work of permanent value can be written that does not aim at an objective historical treatment of the subject; and I believe that to this end the results of investigators should as far as practicable be set forth by means of their original figures. Those for which no acknowledgment is made are original or taken from my own earlier papers. The arrangement of the literature lists is as follows. A general list of all the works referred to in the text is given at the end of the book (p. 449). These are arranged in alphabetical order, and are referred to in the text by name and date, according to Mark's con- venient system. In order, however, to indicate to students the more important references and partially to classify them, a short separate list is given at the end of each chapter. The chapter-lists include only a few selections from the general list, comprising especially works of a general character and those in which reviews of the special literature may be found. E. B. W. Columbia University, New York, July, 1896. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Since the appearance of the first edition of this work, in 1896, the aspect of some of the most important questions with which it deals has materially changed, most notably 'in case of those that are f ocussed in the centrosome and involve the phenomena of cell-division and fertilization. This has necessitated a complete revision of the book, many sections having been entirely rewritten, while minor changes have been made on almost every page. In its first form, the work was compressed within limits too nar- row for a sufficiently critical treatment of many disputed subjects. It has therefore been considerably enlarged, and upwards of fifty new illustrations have been added. The endeavour has, however, still been made to keep the book within moderate limits, even at some cost of comprehensiveness ; and the present edition aims no more than did the first to cover the whole vast field of cellular biology. Its limita- tions are, as before, especially apparent in the field of botanical cytology. Here progress has been so rapid that, apart from the dif- ficulty experienced by a zoologist in the attempt to maintain a due sense of proportion in reviewing the subject, an adequate treatment would have required a separate volume. I have therefore, for the most part, considered the cytology of plants in an incidental way, endeavouring only to bring the more important phenomena into rela- tion with those more fully considered in the case of animals. The steady and rapid expansion of the literature of the general subject renders increasingly difficult the historical form of treatment and the citation of specific authority in matters of detail. This plan has nevertheless still been followed as far as possible, despite the increased bulk of the book and the encumbrance of the text with references thus occasioned, in the hope that these disadvantages will be outweighed by increased usefulness of the work. I beg the reader to remember, however, that no approach to a complete history of cytology and experimental embryology could be attempted, save in a work of far greater proportions, and that it has been necessary Xii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION to pass by, or dismiss with very brief mention, many works to which space would gladly have been given. Recent research has yielded many new results of high interest, conspicuous among them the outcome of experiments on cell-division, fertilization, and regeneration ; and they have cleared up many special problems. Broadly viewed, however, the recent advance of discovery has not, in the author's opinion, tended to simplify our conceptions of cell-life, but has rather led to an emphasized sense of the diversity and complexity of its problems. " One is sometimes tempted to con- clude," was recently remarked by a well-known embryologist, "that every ^gg is a law unto itself ! " The jest, perhaps, embodies more of the truth than its author would seriously have maintained, express- ing, as it does, a growing appreciation of the intricacy of cell-phe- nomena, the difficulty of formulating their general aspects in simple terms, and the inadequacy of some of the working hypotheses that have been our guides. It is in the full recognition of such inade- quacy, when it exists, and of the danger of hasty generalization in a subject so rapidly moving as this, that our best hope of progress lies. My best thanks are again due to many friends for helpful criti- cism, suggestion, and other aid ; and I am indebted to Professor Ulric Dahlgren for the beautiful preparation imperfectly represented by Fig. 59 (from a direct photograph); to F. Emil, E. M. Van Harlin- gen, and Dr. G. N. Calkins, for aid in the preparation of new illus- trations; and to Messrs. Ginn & Co. for the electrotypes of Figs, ii, 12, and 1 88, from the Wood's Holl Biological Lectures for 1899. Columbia University, December 7, 1899. Postscript. — Of especial importance for some of the discussions in Chapters I., V., and VII. are Fischer's extensive work on protoplasm (see Literature, I.) and Strasburger's new researches on reduction (see Literature, V.), both received while this volume was in press and too late for more than a passing mention in the text. March, 1900. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE List of Figures xvii Historical Sketch of the Cell-theory; its Relation to the Evolution-theory. Earlier Views of Inheritance and Development. Discovery of the Germ-cells. Cell- division, Cleavage, and Development. Modern Theories of Inheritance. Lamarck, Darwin, and Weismann i Literature 14 CHAPTER I General Sketch cf the Cell A. General Morphology of the Cell 19 B. Structural Basis of Protoplasm 23 C. The Nucleus 30 1. General Structure 31 2. Finer Structure of the Nucleus 37 3. Chemistry of the Nucleus .......... 41 D. The Cytoplasm 41 E. The Centrosome 50 F. Other Cell-organs 52 G. The Cell-membrane 53 H. Polarity of the Cell 55 I. The Cell in Relation to the Multicellular Body 58 Literature, 1 61 CHAPTER II Cell-division A. Outline of Indirect Division or Mitosis 65 B. Origin of the Mitotic Figure 72 C. Details of Mitosis , , , 77 1. Varieties of the Mitotic Figure 78 (a) The Achromatic Figure 78 (d) The Chromatic Figure 86 2. Bivalent and Plurivalent Chromosomes 87 3. Mitosis in the Unicellular Plants and Animals 88 4. Pathological Mitoses 97 xiii XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS D. The Mechanism of Mitosis . . . . 1. Function of the Amphiaster (ff) Theory of Fil)rillar Contractility {J}) Other Facts and Theories 2. Division of the Chromosomes E. Direct or Amitotic Division ..... 1. General Sketch 2. Centrosome and Attraction-sphere in Amitosis 3. Biological Significance of Amitosis F. Summary and Conclusion ..... Literature, II , , PAGE 100 100 100 106 "112 114 114 116 119 CHAFIER III The Germ-cells A. The Ovifm , , . , , 124 1. The Nucleus ..... , 125 2. The Cytoplasm .. ..o ...... , 130 3. The Egg-envelopes -132 B. The Spermatozoon . . . . . . . . . , .134 1. Th€ flagellate Spermatozoon < , , . . . . , .135 2. Other Forms of Spermatozoa . , , „ ,142 3. Paternal Germ-cells of Plants . .142 C. Origin of the Germ-cells , . . . , , ., . . 144 D. Growth and Differentiation of the Germ-cells . . . . . -150 1. The Ovum .... 150 («) Growth and Nutrition . . . . . . . ., .150 {b) Differentiation of the Cytoplasni. Deposit of Deutoplasm . . 152 {c) Yolk-nucleus 155 2. Origin of the Spermatozoon . . . . . . . .160 3. Formation of the Spermatozoids in Plants . . . . .172 E. Staining-reactions of the Germ-nuclei ... . '175 Literature, III . . . . 177 CHAPTER IV Fertilization of the Ovum A. General Sketch * . 1. The Germ-nuclei in Fertilization 2. The Achromatic Structures in Fertilization . B. Union of the Germ-cells 1 . Immediate Results of Union 2. Paths of the Germ-nuclei .... 3. Union of the Germ-nuclei. The Chromosomes C. The Centrosome in Fertilization .... D. Fertilization in Plants E. Conjugation in Unicellular Forms F. Summary and Conclusion ..... Literature, IV. ..,.,.. 180 181 185 196 200 202 204 208 215 222 229 231 TABLE OF CONTENTS XV CHAPTER V Reduction of the Chromosomes, Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis PAGE A. Genera Outline . , „ . 234 1. Rciuction in the Female. The Polar Bodies .,..„. 236 2. Reduction in the Male. Spermatogenesis . . . , , .241 3. Weismann's Interpretation of Maturation ..,,... 243 B. Origin of the Tetrads . . . o . . 246 1. General Sketch 246 2. Detailed Evidence ^ . „ . . 248 C. Reduction without Tetrad-formation . . . , , „ , . . 258 D. Some Peculiarities of Reduction in the Insects . . . . , . .271 E. The Early History of the Germ-nuclei . . . . . . . , . 272 F. Reduction in Unicellular Forms . , .277 G. Maturation of Parthenogenetic Eggs . , . 280 Appendix 1 . Accessory Cells of the Testis 284 2. Amitosis in the Early Sex-cells 285 H. Summary and Conclusion . . . , 285 i-iterature, V ..,,.,. 287 CHAPTER VI Some Problems of Cell-organization A. The Nature of Cell-organs ■» . 291 B. Structural Basis of the Cell » ... 293 C. Morphological Composition of the Nucleus ........ 294 I. The Chromatin . 294 {a) Hypothesis of the Individuality of the Chromosomes . . . 294 {b) Composition of the Chromosomes ...,„.. 301 D. Chromatin, Linin, and Cytoplasm , . . 302 E. The Centrosome 304 F. The Archoplasmic Structures . . . 316 1. Hypothesis of Fibrillar Persistence 316 2. The Archoplasm Hypothesis . -318 3. The Attraction-sphere .......... 323 G. Summary and Conclusion ......*>... 3^7 Literature, VI 328 CHAPTER VII Some Aspects of C\ll-chemistry and Cell-physiology A. Chemical Relations of Nucleus ana Cytoplasm ....... 330 1. The Proteids and their Allies 331 2. The Nuclein Series ZZ"^ 3. Staining-reactions of the Nuclein Series ..••... 334 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE B. Physiological Relations of Nucleus and Cytoplasm 341 1. Experiments on Unicellular Organisms 342 2. Position and Movements of the Nucleus 346 3. The Nucleus in Mitosis 351 4. The Nucleus in Fertilization 352 5. The Nucleus in Maturation 353 C. The Centrosome 354 D. Summary and Conclusion 358 Literature, VII 359 CHAPTER VIII Cell-division and Development A. Geometrical Relations of Cleavage-forms 362 B.' Promorphological Relations of Cleavage 378 1. Promorphology of the Ovum 378 (<2) Polarity and the Egg-axis 378 {F) Axial Relations of the Primary Cleavage- planes .... 379 (f) Other Promorphological Characters of the Ovum .... 382 2. Meaning of the Promorphology of the Ovum 384 C. Cell-division and Growth 388 Literature, VIII 394 CHAPTER IX Theories of Inheritance and Development A. The Theory of Germinal Localization 397 B. The Idioplasm Theory 401 C. Union of the Two Theories 403 D. The Roux-Weismann Theory of Development 404 E. Critique of the Roux-Weismann Theory 407 F. On the Nature and Causes of Differentiation 413 G. The Nucleus in Later Development 425 H. The External Conditions of Development 428 I. Development, Inheritance, and Metabolism 430 J. Preformation and Epigenesis. The Unknown Factor in Development . .431 Literature, IX 434 Glossary 437 General Literature-list 449 Index of Authors . 471 Index of Subjects 477 LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION PAGE 1. Epidermis of larval salamander 3 2. Section of growing root-tip of the onion ........ 4 3. Amoeba Proteus 5 4. Cleavage of the ovum in Toxopneustes 1 1 5. Diagram of inheritance 13 CHAPTER I 6. Diagram of a cell 18 7. Spermatogonia of salamander 20 8. Group of cells, showing cytoplasm, nucleus, and centrosomes .... 21 9. Living cells of salamander larva, showing fibrillar structure 24 10. Alveolar or foam-structure of protoplasm, according to Biitschli .... 26 11. Structure of protoplasm in the echinoderm egg ....... 27 12. Aster-formation in alveolar protoplasm 28 13. Nuclei from the crypts of Lieberkiihn 32 14. Special forms of nuclei 35 15. Scattered nucleus in Trachelocerca 37 16. Scattered nucleus in Bacteria and Flagellata 39 17. Ciliated cells 43 18. Cells of amphibian pancreas 44 19. Nephridial cell of Clepsine 45 20. Nerve-cell of frog 47 21. Diagram of dividing cell • • . .49 22. Diagrams of cell-polarity 56 23. Centrosomes in epithelium and in blood-corpuscles 57 CHAPTER II 24. Remak's scheme of cell-division 64 25. Diagram of the prophases of mitosis 66 26. Diagram of later phases of mitosis 69 27. Prophases in salamander-cells 73 28. Metaphase and anaphases in salamander-cells 75 29. Telophases in salamander-cells 76 30. Mid-body and cell-pl^te in cells of Limax 79 31. Middle phases of mitosis in /^j^arzj-eggs 80 32. Mitosis in Stypocaulon 81 xrii xviii LIST OF FIGURES FIG. PAGE i,T,. Mitosis in Erysiphe < . . 83 34. Mitosis in pollen- mother-cells of lily, according to Guignard 84 36. Mitosis in spore-cells of Equisetum . . . 85 37. Heterotypical mitosis 87 38. Mitosis in Infusoria 89 39. Mitosis in Euglypha 90 40. Mitosis in Euglena . . . , 91 41. Mitosis in Acanthocystis 92 42. Mitosis in Noctiluca . . . ' 93 43. Mitosis in Paramceba . . . v g^ 44. Mitosis in Actinosphcerium . . . . .96 45. Mitosis in ActinosphcBrium , 97 46. Pathological mitoses in cancer-cells 98 47. Pathological mitosis caused by poisons ......... 99 48. Van Beneden's account of astral systems in /^5rarzj ...... 100 49. Leucocytes 102 50. Pigment-cells 103 51. Heidenhain's model of mitosis 104 52. Mitosis in the egg of Toxopneustes 107 53. Pathological mitoses in polyspermy , . . .109 54. Nuclei in the spireme-stage . .112 55. Early division of chromatin in ^^rrt-r/j . , „ 1 13 56. Amitotic division -115 CHAPTER III 57. Volvox 123 58. Ovum of Toxopneustes 126 59. Ovum of the cat 127 60. Ovwxa oi Nereis . . . . . 129 .61. Germinal vesicles of 6>^2o and i?/^z>« 130 62. Insect-egg 132 63. Micropyle in Argonauta 133 64. Germ-cells of Volvox 134 65. Diagram of the flagellate spermatozoon 135 66. Spermatozoa of fishes and amphibia . . . . . , , . .136 67. Spermatozoa of birds and other animals 138 68. Spermatozoa of mammals 140 69. Unusual forms of spermatozoa ..... o ... . 141 70. Spermatozoids of Char a . . . . . , . , . . .142 71. Spermatozoids of various plants 143 72. Germ-cells of Cladonema 146 73. Primordial germ-cells of Ascaris 147 74*. Primordial germ-cells of Cyclops 149 75. Ovarian ova and follicles of i%/?> 151 76. Egg and nurse-cells in Ophryotrocha 152 77. Ovarian eggs of insects . » . 153 78. Young' ovarian eggs of various animals . . . . . . . . .154 79. Young ovarian eggs of birds and mammals 155 80. Ovarian eggs of spider, earthworm, ascidian, showing yolk-nucleus , « • '57 LIST OF FIGURES XIX 8 1. Ov3ina.n eggs of Limuhts a.nd Po/yzonium . , . „ 82. Formation of the spermatozoon in Anasa 83. Transformation of the spermatids of the salamander . 84. Formation of the spermatozoon in Salamaiidra and Amphiuma 85. The same in Helix and in elasmobranchs . . . , 86. The same in mammals . . . . • ■ 87. Formation of spermatozoids in cycads ...... 88. Formation of spermatozoids in cryptogams . „ „ „ 159 162 164 166 168 169 173 174 CHAPTER IV 89. Fertilization of /^/^a . . . . . . . c » <. . ,180 90. Fertilization of /^i'far/j . . , . . „ . . o .. .183 91. Germ-nuclei of Nematodes , » . . c . 184 92. Fertilization of the mouse „ . , o . .185 93. Fertilization of Pterotrachea , . . 1 86 94. Entrance and rotation of sperm-head in Toxopneustes . ..... 187 95. Conjugation of the germ-nuclei in Toxopneustes ....... 189 96. Diagrams of fertilization 190 97. Fertilization of Nereis . . . o . . 191 98. Fertilization of Cyclops ............ 193 99. Fertilization and persistence of centrosomes in Thalassema . . . . 195 100. Entrance of spermatozoon into the egg , , . . . . , . 197 10 1. Pathological polyspermy . . . - . « . • . . . 199 102. Polar rings of Clepsine . . . . .. . . . . o . 20I 103. Paths of the germ-nuclei in Toxopneustes ........ 203 104. Fertilization of Myzostonia .... .0 .... . 209 105. Fertilization of Pilularia ........... 216 106. Penetration of the pollen-tube in angiosperms 217 107. Fertilization of the lily 219 108. Fertilization in Zatnia . . . 220 109. Diagram of conjugation in Infusoria » . . , . . . . . 223 1 10. Conjugation of Paramcecium « . . . 225 111. Conjugation of Vorticella 226 112. Conjugation of yV(9r/?7Mr-is 355 166. Cleavage of dispermic egg of 7V;ir < A \ i ?■ ,■■ .".'•'r- '».,. m- -J^v M*^-; I: ^ & I >-.;:> '^I^.' /^<: 51^ X b Fig. I. — A portion of the epidermis of a larval salamander {Ambly stoma) as seen in slightly oblique horizontal section, enlarged 550 diameters. Most of the cells are polygonal in form, con- tain large nuclei, and are connected by delicate protoplasmic bridges. Above ^ is a branched, dark pigment-cell that has crept up from the deeper layers and lies between the epidermal cells. Three of the latter are undergoing division, the earliest stage {spireme) at a, a later stage (mitotic figure in the anaphase) at b, showing the chromosomes, and a final stage {telophase), showing fission of the cell-body, to the right. anatomy has shown us the nature of the material on which it has operated, demonstrating that the obvious characters of plants and animals are but varying expressions of a subtle interior organization common to all. In its broader outlines the nature of this organiza- tion is now accurately determined ; and the *' cell-theory," by which it is formulated, is, therefore, no longer of an inferential or hypo- 4 INTR ODUC TION thetical character, but a generalized statement of observed fact which may be outlined as follows : — In all the higher forms of life, whether plants or animals, the body may be resolved into a vast host of minute structural units known as cells, out of which, directly or indirectly, every part is built (Figs. I, 2). The substance of the skin, of the brain, of the blood, of the bones or muscles or any other tissue, is not homogeneous, as it appears to the unaided eye, but is shown by the microscope to be an aggregate composed of innumerable minute bodies, as if it were a Fig. 2. — General view of cells in the growing root-tip of the onion, from a longitudinal section, enlarged 800 diameters. a. non-dividing cells, with chromatin-network and deeply stained nucleoli; b. nuclei preparing for division (spireme-stage) ; <:. dividing cells showing mitotic figures; e. pair of daughter-cells shortly after division. colony or congeries of organisms more elementary than itself. The name cells given to these bodies by the early botanists, and ulti- mately adopted by nearly all students of microscopical anatomy, was not happily chosen ; for modern studies have shown that although the cell may assume the form of a hollow chamber, as the name indicates, this is not one of its characteristic or even usual features. • Essentially the cell is a minute mass of protoplasm, a substance long since identified by Cohn, Leydig, Max Schultze, and De Bary as the essential active basis of the organism, afterward happily characterized INTRODUCTION 5 by Huxley as the " physical basis of life," and at the present time universally recognized as the immediate substratum of all vital activity.^ Endlessly diversified in the details of their form and struc- ture, these protoplasmic masses nevertheless possess a characteristic type of organization common to them all ; hence, in a certain sense, they may be regarded as elementary organic units out of which the body is compounded. This composite structure is, however, character- Fig. 3. — Amceba Proteus, an animal consisting of a single naked cell, x 280. (B'rom Sedgwick and Wilson's Biology.) n. The nucleus ; w.v. water-vacuoles ; c.v. contractile vacuole ; /.v. food-vacuole. istic of only the higher forms of life. Among the lowest forms at the base of the series are an immense number of microscopic plants and animals, famiUar examples of which are the bacteria, diatoms, rhizo- pods, and Infusoria, in which the entire body consists of a single cell (Fig. 3), of the same general type as those which in the higher multi- cellular forms are associated to form one organic whole. Structurally, therefore, the multicellular body is in a certain sense comparable with a colony or aggregation of the lower one-celled forms.^ This com- ^ The word protoplasm is due to Purkinje (1840), who applied it to the formative sub- stance of the animal embryo and compared it with the granular material of vegetable "cambium." It was afterward independently used by H. von Mohl (1846) to designate the contents of the plant-cell. The full physiological significance of protoplasm, its identity with the "sarcode" (Dujardin) of the unicellular forms, and its essential similarity in plants and animals, was first clearly placed in evidence through the classical works of Max Schultze and De Bary, beside which should be placed the earlier works of Dujardin, Unger, Nageli, and Mohl, and that of Cohn, Huxley, Virchow, Leydig, Briicke, Kiihne, and Beale. ^ This comparison must be taken with some reservation, as will appear beyond. 6 INTRODUCTION parison is not less suggestive to the physiologist than to the mor- phologist. In the one-celled forms all of the vital functions are performed by a single cell. In the multicellular forms, on the other hand, these functions are not equally performed by all the cells, but are in varying degree distributed among them, the cells thus falling into physiological groups or tissues, each of which is especially de- voted to the performance of a specific function. Thus arises the *' physiological division of labour" through which alone the highest development of vital activity becomes possible ; and thus the cell becomes a unit, not merely of structure, but also of function. Each bodily function, and even the hfe of the organism as a whole, may thus in one sense be regarded as a resultant arising through the inte- gration of a vast number of cell-activities ; and it cannot be adequately investigated without the study of the individual cell-activities that lie at its root.^ The foregoing conceptions, founded by Schwann, and skilfully developed by KoUiker, Siebold, Virchow, and Haeckel, gave an im- pulse to anatomical and physiological investigation the force of which could hardly be overestimated; yet they did not for many years measurably affect the more speculative side of biological inquiry. The Origin of Species, published in 1859, scarcely mentions it; nor, with the important exception of the theory of pangenesis, did Darwin attempt at any later period to bring it into any very definite relation to his views. The initial impulse to the investigations that brought the cell-theory into definite contact with the evolution-theory was given nearly twenty years after the Origin of Species, by researches on the early history of the germ-cells and the fertilization of the ovum. Begun in 1873-74 by Auerbach, Fol, and Biitschli, and eagerly followed up by Oscar Hertwig, Van Beneden, Strasburger, and a host of later workers, these investigations raised wholly new questions regarding the mechanism of development and the role of the cell in hereditary transmission. Through them it became for the first time clearly apparent that the general problems of embryology, heredity, and evolution are indissolubly bound up with those of cell- structure, and can only be fully apprehended in the light of cytologi- cal research. As the most significant step in this direction, we may regard the identification of the cell-nuclens as the vehicle of inheri- ^ Cf. pp. 58-61. " It is to the cell that the study of every bodily function sooner or later drives us. In the muscle-cell lies the problem of the heart-beat and that of muscular con- traction ; in the gland-cell reside the causes of secretion ; in the epithelial cell, in the white blood-cell, lies the problem of the absorption of food, and the secrets of the mind are hidden in the ganglion-cell. ... If then physiology is not to rest content with the mere extension of our knowledge regarding the gross activities of the human body, if it would seek a real explanation of the fundamental phenomena of life, it can only attain its end through the study oi cell-physiology'''' (Verworn, All^emeine Physiologie, p. 53, 1895). INTR OD UC TlOISr . J tance, made independently and almost simultaneously in 1884-85 by Oscar Hertwig, Strasburger, Kolliker, and Weismann/ while nearly at the same time (1883) the splendid researches of Van Beneden on the early history of the animal Qgg opened possibilities of research into the finer details of cell-phenomena of which the early workers could hardly have dreamed. We can only appreciate the full historical significance of the new period thus inaugurated by a glance at the earlier history of opinion regarding embryological development and inheritance. To the modern student the germ is, in Huxley's words, simply a detached living por- tion of the substance of a preexisting living body^ carrying with it a definite structural organization characteristic of the species. By the earlier embryologists, however, the matter was very differently re- garded ; for their views in regard to inheritance were vitiated by their acceptance of the Greek doctrine of the equivocal or spontaneous generation of life ; and even Harvey did not escape this pitfall, near as he came to the modern point of view. "The Qgg,'' he says, "is the mid-passage or transition stage between parents and offspring, between those who are, or were, and those who are about to be ; it is the hinge or pivot upon which the whole generation of the bird revolves. The Qgg is the terminus from which all fowls, male and female, have sprung, and to which all their lives tend — it is the result which nature has proposed to herself in their being. And thus it comes that individuals in procreating their like for the sake of their species, endure forever. The Qgg, I say, is a period or por- tion of this eternity." ^ This passage appears at first sight to be a close approximation to the modern doctrine of germinal continuity about which all theories of heredity are revolving. In point of fact, however, Harvey's view is only superficially similar to this doctrine ; for, as Huxley pointed out, it was obscured by his belief that the germ might arise "spontaneously," or through the influence of a mysterious '^ calidiim innatjim," out of not-living matter.* Neither could Harvey, great physiologist and embryologist as he was, have had any adequate con* ception of the real nature of the egg and its morphological relation to 1 It must not be forgotten that Haeckel expressed the same view in 1866 — only, how- ever, as a speculation, since the data necessary to an inductive conclusion were rot obtainec* until long afterward. "The internal nucleus provides for the transmission of hereditary- characters, the external plasma on the other hand for accommodation or adaptation to the external world" {Gen. Morph., pp. 287-289). 2 Evolution in Biology, 1878; Science and Culture, p. 291. 3 De Generatione, 1651; Trans., p. 271. 4 Whitman, too. in a brilliant essay, has shown how far Harvey was from any real grasp of the law of genetic continuity, which is well characterized as the central fact of modern biology. Evolution and Epigenesis, Wood's HoU Biological Lectures, 1894. 8 . INTRODUCTION the body of which it forms a part, since the cellular structure of living things was not comprehended until nearly two centuries later, the spermatozoon was still undiscovered, and the nature of fertilization was a subject of fantastic and baseless speculation. For a hundred years after Harvey's time embryologists sought in vain to penetrate the mysteries enveloping the beginning of the individual life, and despite their failure the controversial writings of this period form one of the most interesting chapters in the history of biology. By the extreme "evolutionists" or " praeformationists " the ^g^ was believed to contain an embryo fully formed in miniature, as the bud contains the flower or the chrysalis the butterfly. Development was to them merely the unfolding of that which already existed ; inheritance, the handing down from parent to child of an infinitesimal reproduction of its own body. It was the service of Bonnet to push this concep- tion to its logical consequence, the theory of emboitenient or encase- ment, and thus to demonstrate the absurdity of its grosser forms, pointing out that if the ^gg contains a complete embryo, this must itself contain eggs for the next generation, these other eggs in their turn, and so ad infinitum, like an infinite series of boxes, one within another — hence the term emboitement. Bonnet himself renounced this doctrine in his later writings, and Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1759) led the way in a return to the teachings of Harvey, showing by pre- cise actual observation that the ^gg does not at first contain any formed embryo whatever; that its structure is wholly different from that of the adult; that development is not a mere process of unfolding, but involves the continual formation, one after an- other, of new parts, previously non-existent as such. This is some- what as Harvey, himself following Aristotle, had conceived it — a process of epigenesis as opposed to evolution. Later researches established this conclusion as the very foundation of embryological science. But although the external nature of development was thus deter- mined, the actual structure of the ^gg and the mechanism of inheri- tance remained for nearly a century in the dark. It was reserved for Schwann (1839) and his immediate followers to recognize the fact, conclusively demonstrated by all later researches, that the egg is a cell having the same essential structure as other cells of the body. And thus the wonderful truth became manifest that a single cell may contain within its microscopic compass the sum-total of the heritage of the species. This conclusion first reached in the case of the female sex was soon afterward extended to the male as well. Since the time of Leeuwenhoek (1677) it had been known that the sperm or fertilizing fluid contained innumerable minute bodies endowed in nearly all cases with the power of active move- INTRODUCTION g ment, and therefore regarded by the early observers as parasitic animalcules or infusoria, a view which gave rise to the name sperma- tozoa (sperm-animals) by which they are still generally known. ^ As long ago as 1786, however, it was shown by Spallanzani that the fertilizing power must lie in the spermatozoa, not in the liquid in which they swim, because the spermatic fluid loses its power when filtered. Two years after the appearance of Schwann's epoch-mak- ing work Kolliker demonstrated (1841) that the spermatozoa arise directly from cells in the testis, and hence cannot be regarded as parasites, but are, like the ovum, derived from the parent-body. Not until 1865, however, was the final proof attained by Schweigger- Seidel and La Valette St. George that the spermatozoon contains not only a nucleus, as Kolliker believed, but also cytoplasm. It was thus shown to be, like the ^gg, a single cell, pecuHarly modified in structure, it is true, and of extraordinary minuteness, yet on the whole morphologically equivalent to other cells. A final step was taken ten years later (1875), when Oscar Hertwig established the all-important fact that fertilization of the Q,gg is accomplished by its union with one spermatozoon, and one only. In sexual repro- duction, therefore, each sex contributes a single cell of its own body to the formation of the offspring, a fact which beautifully tallies with the conclusion of Darwin and Galton that the sexes play, on the whole, equal, though not identical parts in hereditary trans- mission. The ultimate problems of sex, fertilization, inheritance, and development were thus shown to be cell-problems. Meanwhile, during the years immediately following the announce- ment of the cell-theory, the attention of investigators was especially focussed upon the question : How do the cells of the body arise } The origin of cells by the division of preexisting cells was clearly recognized by Hugo von Mohl in 1835, though the full significance of this epoch-making discovery was so obscured by the errrors of Schleiden and Schwann that its full significance was only perceived long afterward. The founders of the cell-theory were unfortunately led to the conclusion that cells might arise in two different ways, viz. either by division or fission of a preexisting mother-cell, or by '' free cell-formation," new cells arising in the latter case not from pre- existing ones, but by crystallizing, as it were, out of a formative or nutritive substance, termed the " cytoblastema " ; and they even believed the latter process to be the usual and typical one. It was only after many years of painstaking research that " free cell- formation " was absolutely proved to be a myth, though many of 1 The discovery of the spermatozoa is generally accredited to Ludwig Hamm, a pupil of Leeuwenhoek (1677), though Hartsoeker afterward claimed the merit of having seen them as early as 1674 (Dr. Allen Thomson). lO INTRODUCTION' Schwann's immediate followers threw doubts upon it,^ and as early as 1855 Virchow positively maintained the universality of cell-divi- sion, contending that every cell is the offspring of a preexisting parent-cell, and summing lip in the since famous aphorism, " omnis cellula e cellular ^ At the present day this conclusion rests upon a foundation so firm that we are justified in regarding it as a universal law of development. Now, if the cells of the body always arise by the division of pre- existing cells, all must be traceable back to the fertilized egg-cell as their common ancestor. Such is, in fact, the case in every plant and animal whose development is accurately known. The first step in development consists in the division of the ^g^ into two parts, each of which is a cell, like the ^g^ itself. The two then divide in turn to form four, eight, sixteen, and so on in more or less regular progres- sion (Fig. 4.) until step by step the ^gg has split up into the multitude of cells which build the body of the embryo, and finally of the adult. This process, known as the cleavage or segmentation of the Qggy was observed long before its meaning was understood. It seems to have been first, definitely described in the case of the frog's ^gg, by Prevost and Dumas (1824), though earlier observers had seen it; but at this time neither the Qgg nor its descendants were known to be cells, and its true meaning was first clearly perceived by Bergmann, Kolliker, Reichert, Von Baer, and Remak, some twenty years later. The interpretation of cleavage as a process of cell-division was fol- lowed by the demonstration that cell-division does not begin with cleavage, but can be traced back into the foregoing generation ; for the egg-cell, as well as the sperm-cell, arises by the division of a cell pre- existing in the parent-body. It is tJierefore derived by direct descent from an egg-cell of t/ie foregoing generation, and so on ad infinitum. Embryologists thus arrived at the conception so vividly set forth by Virchow in 1858^ of an uninterrupted series of cell-divisions extend- ing backward from existing plants and animals to that remote and unknown period when vital organization assumed its present form. Life is a continuous stream. The death of the individual involves no breach of continuity in the series of cell-divisions by which the life of the race flows onwards. The individual body dies, it is true, but the germ-cells live on, carrying with them, as it were, the traditions of the race from which they have sprung, and handing them on to their descendants. 1 Among these may be especially mentioned Mohl, Unger, Nageli, Martin Barry, Goodsir, and Remak. 2 Arch, fur Path. Anal., VIIL, p. 23, 1855. ^ See the quotation from the original edition of the Cellularpathologie at the head of Chapter II., p. 63. INTRODUCTION We have thus arrived at the form in which the problems of heredity and development confront the investigator of the present day. It remains to point out more clearly how they are related to the general problems of evolution and to those post-Darwinian discussions in which Weismann has taken so active a part. All theories of evolu- B Fig. 4. — Cleavage of the ovum of the sea-urchin Toxopneustes, X 330, from life. The suc- cessive divisions up to the i6-cell stage {H) occupy about two hours. / is a section of the embryo (blastula) of three hours, consisting of approximately 128 cells surrounding a central cavity or blastocoel. tion take the facts of variation and heredity as fundamental postulates, for it is by variation that new characters arise and by heredity that they are perpetuated. Darwin recognized two kinds of variation, both of which, being inherited and maintained through the conserving action of natural selection, might give rise to a permanent transfor- mation of species. The first of these includes congenital or inborn 12 INTR OD UC TION variations, i.e. such as appear at birth or are developed " spontane- ously," without discoverable connection with the activities of the organism itself or the direct effect of the environment upon it, though Darwin clearly recognized the fact that even such variations must indirectly be due to changed conditions acting upon the parental organism or on the germ. In a second class of variations were placed the so-called acquired characters, i.e. definite effects directly produced in the course of the individual life as the result of use and disuse, or of food, chmate, and the like. The inheritance of congen- ital characters is now universally admitted, but it is otherwise with acquired characters. The inheritance of the latter, now the most debated question of biology, had been taken for granted by Lamarck a half-century before Darwin ; but he made no attempt to show how such transmission is possible. Darwin, on the other hand, squarely faced the physiological requirements of the problem, recognizing that the transmission of acquired characters can only be possible under the assumption that the germ-cell definitely reacts to all other cells of the body in such wise as to register the changes taking place in them. In his ingenious and carefully elaborated theory of pangenesis,^ Darwin framed a provisional physiological hypothesis of inheritance in ac- cordance with this assumption, suggesting that the germ-cells are reservoirs of minute germs or gemmules derived from every part of the body ; and on this basis he endeavoured to explain the trans- mission both of acquired and of congenital variations, reviewmg the facts of variation and inheritance with wonderful skill, and building up a theory which, although it forms the most speculative and hypo- thetical portion of his writings, must always be reckoned one of his most interesting contributions to science. In the form advocated by Darwin the theory of pangenesis has been generally abandoned in spite of the ingenious attempt to remodel it made by Brooks in 1883.^ In the same year the whole aspect of the problem was changed, and a newperiod of discussion inaugurated by Weismann, who put forth a bold challenge of the entire Lamarckian principle.^ '* I do not propose to treat of the whole problem of hered- ity, but only of a certain aspect of it, — the transmission of acquired characters, which has been hitherto assumed to occur. In taking this course I may say that it was impossible to a.void going back to the foundation of all phenomena of heredity, and to determine the sub- stance with which they must be connected. In my opinion this can only be the substance of the germ-cells ; and this substance trans- 1 Variation of Animals and Plants, Chapter XXVII. 2 The Law of Heredity, Baltimore, 1883. ^ Ueber Vererhung, 1 883. See Essays upon Heredity, I., by A. Weismann, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1889. INTRODUCTION 13 fers its hereditary tendencies from generation to generation, at first unchanged, and always uninfluenced in any corresponding manner, by that which happens during the life of the individual which bears it. If these views be correct, all our ideas upon the transformation of species require thorough modification, for the whole principle of evolution by means of exercise (use and disuse) as professed by La- marck, and accepted in some cases by Darwin, entirely collapses " (I.e., p. 69). It is impossible, he continues, that acquired traits should be trans- mitted, for it is inconceivable that definite changes in the body, or "soma," should so affect the protoplasm of the germ-cells as to cause corresponding changes to appear in the offspring. How, he asks, can the increased dexterity and power in the hand of a trained piano- player so affect the molecular structure of the germ-cells as to pro- duce a corresponding development in the hand of the child 1 It is a physiological impossibility. If we turn to the facts, we find, Weis- mann affirms, that not one of the asserted cases of transmission of acquired characters will stand the test of rigid scientific scrutiny. It is a reversal of the true point of view to regard inheritance as taking place from the body of the parent to that of the child. The child inherits from the parent germ-cell, not from the parent-body, and the germ-cell owes its characteristics not to the body which bears it, but to its descent from a preexisting germ-cell of the same kind. Thus the body is, as it were, an offshoot from the germ-cell (Fig. 5). As ^ Line of succession. *" (^ Line of inheritance. G Fig. 5. — Diagram illustrating Weismann's theory of inheritance. G. The germ-ceil, which by division gives rise to the body or soma (S) and to new germ-cells (G) which separate from the soma and repeat the process in each successive generation. far as inheritance is concerned, the body is merely the carrier of the germ-cells, which are held in trust for coming generations. Weismann's subsequent theories, built on this foundation, have given rise to the most eagerly contested controversies of the post- Darwinian period, and, whether they are to stand or fall, have played a most important part in the progress of science. For aside from the truth or error of his special theories, it has been Weismann's great service to place the keystone between the work of the evolutionists and that of the cytologists, and thus to bring the cell-theory and the 1 4 IN TR OD UCTION evolution-theory into organic connection. It is from the point of view thus suggested that the present vokime has been written. It has accordingly not been my primary object to dwell on the mhmtice of histology, still less to undertake an exhaustive description of all the modifications of cell-structure and cell-action ; and for these the stu- dent must refer to other and more extended treatises. Yet the broader questions with which we have to deal cannot profitably be discussed apart from the concrete phenomena by which they are suggested, and hence a considerable part of the text is necessarily given over to descriptive detail; but I hope that the reader will not lose sight of the relation of the part to the whole, or forget the primary intention of the work. We shall follow a convenient, rather than a strictly logical, order of treatment, beginning in the first two chapters with a general sketch of cell-structure and cell-division. The following three chapters deal with the germ-cells, — the third with their structure and mode of origin, the fourth with their union in fertilization, the fifth with the phenomena of maturation by which they are prepared for their union. The sixth chapter contains a critical discussion of cell-organization, completing the morphological analysis of the cell. In the seventh chapter the cell is considered with reference to its more fundamental chemical and physiological properties as a prelude to the examination of development which follows. The succeeding chapter approaches the objective point of the book by considering the cleavage of the ovum and the general laws of cell-division of which it is an expression. The ninth chapter, finally, deals with the elementary operations of development considered as cell-functions and with the theories of inheritance and development based upon them. SOME GENERAL WORKS ON THE CELL-THEORY i Bergh, R. S. — Vodesungen liber die Zelle und die einfachen Gewebe : Wiesbaden^ 1894. Carnoy, J. B. — La Biologie Cellulaire : Lierre^ 1884. Delage, Yves. — La Structure du Protoplasma et les Theories sur THdrddit^ et les grands Problemes de la Biologie Generale : Paris, 1895. Geddes & Thompson. — The Evolution of Sex : New York, 1890. Hacker, V. — Praxis und Theorie der Zellen- und Befruchtungslehre : Jena, 1899. Henneguy, L. F. — Lepons sur la Cellule : Paris, 1 896. Hertwig, 0. — Die Zelle und die Gewebe: Fischer, Jena, L, 1893, IL, 1898. Trans- lation, published by Macmillan, London and New York, 1895. Hofmeister. Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle : Leipzig, i^6y . Huxley, T. H. — Review of the Cell-theory : British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, XH., 1853. 1 See also Literature, I., p. 61. INTRODUCTION IS Minot, C. S. — Human Embryology: New York, 1892. Remak, R. — Untersuchungen liber die Entwicklung der Wirbelthiere : Berlin^ 1850-55. Sachs, J. V. History of Botany. Translation: Oxford, \%c^o. Schleiden, M. J. — Beitrage zur Phytogenesis : Milller's Archiv, 1838. Translation in Sydenham Soc , XII. London, 1847. Schwann, Th. — Mikroscopische Untersuchungen liber die Uebereinstimmung in der Structur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen: Berlin, 1839. Trans- lation in Sydenham Soc, XII. London, 1847. Tyson, James. — The Cell-doctrine, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1878. Virchow, R. — Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begrlindung auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre : Berlin, 1858. Weismann, A. — Essays on Heredity. Translation: First series, Oxford, 1891 ; Second series, Oxford, 1892. Id. — The Germ-plasm: New York, 1893. CHAPTER I GENERAL SKETCH OF THE CELL " Wir haben gesehen, dass alle Organismen aus wesentlich gleichen Theilen, namlich aus Zellen zusammengesetzt sind, dass diese Zellen nach wesentlich denselben Gesetzen sich bilden und wachsen, dass also diese Prozesse iiberall auch durch dieselben Krafte hervorge- bracht werden miissen." SCHWANN.^ In the passage quoted above Schwann expressed a truth which subsequent research has established on an ever widening basis ; and we have now more than ever reason to believe that despite unending diversity of form and function all cells may be brought into definite relation to a common morphological and physiological type. We are, it is true, still unable to specify all its essential features, and hence can give no adequate brief definition of the cell. For practical pur- poses, however, no such definition is needed, and we may be content with the simple type that has been familiar to histologists since the time of Leydig and Max Schultze. It should from the outset be clearly recognized that the term *' cell " is a biological misnomer ; for cells only rarely assume the form implied by the word of hollow chambers surrounded by soHd walls. The term is merely an historical survival of a word casually employed by the botanists of the seventeenth century to designate the cells of certain plant-tissues which, when viewed in section, give somewhat the appearance of a honeycomb.^ The cells of these tis- sues are, in fact, separated by conspicuous solid walls which were mistaken by Schleiden, followed by Schwann, for their essential part. The living substance contained within the walls, to which Hugo von Mohl gave the Vi2im^ protoplasm^ (1846), was at first overlooked or was regarded as a waste-product, a view based upon the fact that in many important plant-tissues such as cork or wood it may wholly disappear, leaving only the lifeless walls. The researches of Berg- mann, KolHker, Bischoff, Cohn, Max Schultze, and many others 1 Untei'suchungen, p. 227, 1839. 2 The word seems to have been first employed by Robert Hooke, in 1665, to designate the minute cavities observed in cork, a tissue which he described as made up of "little boxes or cells distinct from one another " and separated by solid walls. 3 The same word had been used by Purkinje some years before (1840) to designate the formative material of young animal embryos. c 17 i8 GENERAL SKETCH OF THE CELL showed, however, that most living cells are not hollow but solid bodies, and that in many cases — for example, the colourless corpuscles of blood and lymph — they are naked masses of protoplasm not sur- rounded by definite walls. Thus it was proved that neither the vesicular form nor the presence of surrounding walls is an essential character, and that the cell-contents, i.e. the protoplasm, must be the seat of vital activity. Within the protoplasm (Figs. 6-8) lies a body, usually of definite rounded form, known as the nucleus} and this in turn often contains Attractior)-cph°re enclosing two centrosomes. r Plasmosome or 1 true ! nucleolus Nucleus -I Chromatin- network Linin-network Karyosome, net-knot, or chromatin- nucleolus Plastids lying in the cytoplasm • V^ • • • • dy^'c. Vacuole Passive bodies (meta- plasm or paraplasm) suspended in the cy- toplasmic meshwork Fig. 6. — Diagram of a cell. Its basis consists of a meshwork containing numerous minute granules {microsomes) and traversing a transparent ground-substance. one or more smaller bodies or nucleoli. By some of the earlier workers the nucleus was supposed to be, Hke the cell-wall, of sec- ondary importance, and many forms of cells were described, as being devoid of a nucleus (''cytodes" of Haeckel). Nearly all later re- searches have indicated, however, that the characteristic nuclear material, whether forming a single body or scattered in smaller masses, is always present, and that it plays an essential part in the life of the cell. Besides the presence of protoplasm and nucleus, no other struc- tural features of the cell are yet known to be of universal occurrence. 1 First described by Fontana in 1781, and recognized as a normal element of the cell by Robert Brown in 1833. GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE CELL 19 We may therefore still accept as valid the definition given more than thirty years ago by Leydig and Max Schultze, that a cell is a mass of protoplasm containiiig a nucleus} to which we may add Schultze's statement that both nucleus and protoplasm arise through the division of the corresponding elements of a preexisting cell. Nothing could be less appropriate than to call such a body a ''cell " ; yet the word has become so firmly established that every effort to replace it by a better has failed, and it probably must be accepted as part of the established nomenclature of science.^ A. General Morphology of the Cell The cell is a rounded mass of protoplasm which in its simplest form is approximately spherical. The form is, however, seldom realized save in isolated cells such as the unicellular plants and ani- mals or the egg-cells of the higher forms. In vastly the greater number of cases the typical spherical form is modified by unequal growth and differentiation, by active movements of the cell-substance, or by the mechanical pressure of surrounding structures, but true angular forms are rarely if ever assumed save by cells surrounded by hard walls. The protoplasm which forms its active basis is a viscid, translucent substance, sometimes apparently homogeneous, more fre- quently finely granular, and as a rule giving the appearance of a meshwork, which is often described as a spongelike or netlike "■ reticu- lum."^ Besides the active substance or protoplasm proper the cell almost invariably contains various lifeless bodies suspended in the meshes of the network ; examples of these are food-granules, pig- ment-bodies, drops of oil or water, and excretory matters. These bodies play a relatively passive part in the activities of the cell, being either reserve food-matters destined to be absorbed and built up into the living substance, or by-products formed from the proto- plasm as waste-matters or in order to play some role subsidiary to the actions of the protoplasm itself. The passive inclusions in the protoplasm may be collectively designated as metaplasm (Hanstein) or/^r^/Z^i-;// (Kupffer), in contradistinction to the rcXxwo, protoplasm. 1 Leydig. Lehrbuch der Histologic, p. 9, 1857; Schultze, ^r r^^^t nnt- infn jJTP^ryl-npTagrn^c the spindle forms^to persist as a " metanucleus '^for some_jtime beforie itS-Jinal disappearance (Fig. 104). More commonly the nucleolus fades away in situ, sometimes breaking into fragments meanwhile, while the chromosomes and spindle are forming. The fate of the material is in this case only conjectural. An interesting view is that of Strasburg-er ('95. '97), who suj^ests thqt the tnie_r>ucleoli are to be reg^arded as storehouses^ of " kinoplasmic '^jp^j^nal^which is either directly used in the formation of the spindle, or, upon being cast out of the nucleus, adds to the cytoplasmic store of "■ kinoplasm " avail- able for future mitosis. {b) The Amphiaster, Meanwhile, more or less nearly parallel with these changes in the chromatin, a complicated structure known as the amphiaster {Yo\ 'yy) makes its appearance in the po'^i^'^'on fo^^^rly occupied by the nucleus (Fig. 25, B-F). This structure consists of a fibrous spjndle-shapeH b'^dy^ the spindje, at either pole of which is a star or aster^ formed of rays or astral fibres radiating into the sur- rounding cytoplasm, the whole strongly suggesting the arrangement of iron fiUngs in the field of a horseshoe magnet. The centre of each aster is occupied by a minute body, known as the centrosojne (Boveri, '88), which may be surrounded by ^ sphenV^I mat;^ known ^^__HTe centrvsphere (Strasburger, '93). As the amphiaster forms, the chro- mosomes group themselves in a plane passing through the equator of the spindle, and thus form what is known as the ecjua torialpla te. The amphiaster arises under the influence of the centrosome of the resting cell, which divides into two similar halves, an aster being developed around each while a spindle stretches between them (Figs. 25, 27). In most cases this process begins outside the nucleus, but the subsequent phenomena vary considerably in different forms. In some forms (tissue-cells of the salamander) the amphiaster at first lies tangentially outside the nucleus, and as the nuclear membrane fades away, some of the astral rays grow into the nucleus from the side, become attached to the chromosomes, and finally pull them into posi- tion around the equator of the spindle, which is here called the cen- tral spindle (Figs. 25, D, F; 27). In other cases the originaLspllldJ^ disappears, and the two asters pass to opposite poles of the nucleus (some plant mitoses and in many animal-cells). A spindle is now formed from rays that growjnto the nucleus from each astex. the nuclear membrane fading away at the poles, though in some cases it may be pushed in by the spindle-fibres for some distance before its disappearance (Figs. 25, 32). In this case there is apparently no central spindle. In a few exceptional cases^ fijiallv. the amphiaster x^^;^_^^^,jX^^^^'i!^^^vi^^s:^ (p- 304). The entire structure, resulting from the foregoing changes, is OUTLINE OF INDIRECT DIVISION 69 known as the karyokinetic ox mitotic figure. It may be. described as consisting of two distinct parts; namely, i^he chromatic figure, formed by the deeply staining chromosomes ; and, 2, the ackromdRc ^^jjire^ consisting of the spindle and asters which, in general, stain but slightly. The fibrous substance of the achromatic figure is gener- Fig. 26. — Diagrams of the later phases of mitosis. G. Metaphase; splitting of the chromosomes {e.p.). n. The cast-off nucleolus. H. Ana- phase ; the daughter-chromosomes diverging, between them the interzonal-fibres {i./.), or central spindle ; centrosomes already doubled in anticipation of the ensuing division. /. Late anaphase or telophase, showing division of the cell-body, mid-body at the equator of the spindle and begin- ning reconstruction of the daughter-nuclei, y. Division completed. ally known as ardinphum. (Boveri, '88), but this term is not applied to the centrosome within the aster. 2. Metaphase. — The prophases of mitosis are, on the whole, pre- paratory in character. The metaphase, which follows, forms the initial phase of actual division. Each chromosome splits lengthwise into two exactly similar halves, which afterward diverge to opposite poles of the spindle, and here each group of daughter-chromosomes 70 CELL-DIVISION finally gives .rise to a daughter-nucleus (Fig. 26). In some cases the splitting of the chromosomes cannot be seen until they have grouped themselves in the equatorial plane of the spindle ; and it is only in this case that the term ''metaphase" can be applied to the mitotic figure as a whole. In a large number of cases, however, the splitting may take place at an earlier period in the spireme-stage, or even, in a few cases, in the reticulum of the mother-nucleus (Figs. 54, 55). Such variations do not, however, affect the essential fact that the chromatic network is converted into a thread ^ which, whether rnrffifiunii^ nv rli ^rontiniious^ splUs tJiroii!3:hoiU its entire length jpj.n two exoLtl^f eqnivoLmLJialm^- The splitting of the chromosomes, discovered by Flemming in 1880, is the most significant and funda- mental operation of cell-division ; for by it, as Roux first pointed out ('83), the entire substance of the chromatic network is precisely halved, and the datigJiter-niiclei receive precisely equivalent portions of chro- viatin from the mother-nucleus. It is very important to observe that the nuclear division always shows this exact quaHty, whether division of the cell-body be equal or unequal. The minute polar body, for example (p. 238), receives exactly the same amount of chromatin as the Qgg, though the latter is of gigantic size as compared with the former. On the other hand, the size of the asters varies with that of the daughter-cells (Figs. 58, 175), though not in strict ratio. The fact is one of great significance for the general theory of mitosis, as will appear beyond. 3. Anaphases. — After splitting of the chromosomes, the daughter- chromosomes, arranged in two corresponding groups,^ diverge to oppo- site poles~or~the spindle, where they become closely crowded in a mass near the centre of~~the aster. As they diverge, the two groups of daughter-chromosomes are connected by a bundle of achromatic fibres, stretching across the interval between them, and known as the interzonal fibres or connecting fibres^ In some cases these differ in a marked degree fromtHe~oth^rTpindle-fibres ; and they are believed by many observers to have an entirely different origin and function. A view now widely held is that of Plennann, who regards these fibres as belonging to a central spindle, surrounded by a peripheral layer of mantlefibres to which the chromosomes are attached, and only exposed to view as the chromosomes separate.* Almost invariably in the division of plant-cells and often in that of animal cells these 1 It was this fact that led Flemming to employ the word mitosis {/jlItos, a thread). 2 This stage is termed by Flemming the dyaster, a term which should, however, be aban- doned in order to avoid confusion with the earlier word amphiaster. The latter convenient and appropriate term clearly has priority. ^ Verbitidungsfasern of German authors ; filanients reunissants of Van Beneden. 4 Cf. p. 105. OUTLINE OF INDIRECT DIVISION 7I fibres show during this period a series of deeply stainin^Jhickeni^ in_the_e^uatorial__pkne^ the cell-i)late or mid-body. In plant- mitoses this is a very conspicuous structure (Fig. 34). In animal cells the mid-body is usually less developed and sometimes rudimentary, being represented by only a few granules or even a single one (Fig. 29). Its later history is described below. 4. Telophases. — In the final phases of mitosis, the entire cell divides in two in a plane passing through the equator of the spindle, each of the daughter-cells receiving a group of chromosomes, half of the spindle, and one of the asters with its centrosome. Meanwhile, a daughter-nucleus is reconstructed in each cell from the group of chromosomes it contains. The nature of this process differs greatly in different kinds of cells. Sometimes, as in the epithelial cells of Amphibia, especially studied by Flemming and Rabl, and in many plant-cells, the daughter-chromosomes become thickened, contorted, and closely crowded to form a daiighter-spirenie, closely similar to that of the mother-nucleus (Fig. 29); this becomes surrounded by a mem- brane, the threads give forth branches, and thus produce a reticular nucleus. A somewhat similar set of changes takes place in the seg- menting eggs of Ascaris (Van Beneden, Boveri). In other cases, as in many segmenting ova, each chromosome gives rise to a hollow vesicle, after which the vesicles fuse together to produce a single nucleus (Fig. 52). When first formed, the daughter-nuclei are of equal size. If, however, division of the cell-body has been unequal, the nuclei become, in the end, corj:e^pondinglv unequal — a fact which, as Conklin and others have pointed out, proves that the size of the nucleus is controlled by that of the cvtoplasmic mass in which it lies. The fate of the achromatic structures varies considerably, and has been accurately determined in only a few cases. As a rule, the spindle-fibres disappear more or less completely, but a portion of their substance sometimes persists in a modified form {e.g. the Nebenkern, p. 163). In dividing plant-cells, the cell-plate finally extends across the entire cell and splits into two layers, between which appears the membrane by which the daughter-cells are cut apart. 1 A nearly similar process occurs in a few animal cells,'^ but as a rule the cell-plate is here greatly reduced and forms no mem- brane, the cell dividing by constriction through the equatorial plane. Even in this case, however, the division-plane is often indicated before division takes place by a peculiar modification of the cyto- plasm in the equatorial plane outside the spindle (Fig. 30). This region is sometimes called the cytoplasmic plate, in contradistinction to the spindle- plate, or mid-body proper. In the prophases and meta- 1 Cf, Strasburger, '98. 2 cf. Hoffmann, '98, J 2 CELL-DIVISION phases the astral rays often cross one another in the equatorial region outside the spindle. During the anaphases, however, this crossing disappears, the rays from the two asters now meeting at an angle along the cytoplasmic plate (Fig. 31). Constriction and division of the cell then occur.^ The aster may in some cases entirely disappear, together with the centrosome (as occurs in the mature ^g^. In a large number of cases, however, the centrosome persists, lying either outside or mor*^ rarely inside the nucleus and dividing into two at a very early period. This division is clearly a precocious preparation for the ensuing divi- sion of the daughter-cell, and it is a remarkable fact that it occurs as a rule during the early anaphase, before the mother-cell itself has divided. There are apparently, however, some cases in which the centrosome remains undivided during the resting stage and only divides as the process of mitosis begins. Like the centrosome, the aster or its central portion may persist in a more or less modified form throughout the resting state of the cell, forming a structure generally known as the attraction-sphere . This body often shows a true astral structure with radiating fibres (Figs. 8, 49) ; but it is sometimes reduced to a regular spherical mass which may represent only a portion of the original aster (Fig. 7). B. Origin of the Mitotic Figure The nature and source of the material from which the mitotic figure arises form a problem that has been almost continuously under discussion since the first discovery of mitosis, and is even now but partially solved. The discussion relates, however, almost solely to the achromatic figure (centrosome, spindle, and asters) ; for every one is agreed that the chromatic figure (chromosomes) is directly derived from the chromatin-network, as described above, so that there is no breach in the continuity of the chromatin from one cell-generation to another. With the achromatic figure the case is widely different. The material of the spindle and asters must be derived from the nucleus, from the cytoplasm, or from both ; and most of the earlier research was devoted to an endeavour to decide between these possibilities. The earliest observers ('73-75) supposed the achro- matic figure to disappear entirely at the close of cell-division, and most of them (Biitschli, Strasburger, Van Beneden, '75) believed it to be re-formed at each succeeding division out of the nuclear substance. The entire mitotic figure was thus conceived as a metamorphosed nucleus. Later researches ('75-85) gave contradic- ^ See p. 318. Cf. Kostanecki, '97, and Hoffmann, '98. ORIGIN OF THE MITOTIC FIGURE 73 tory and apparently irreconcilable results. Fol ('79) derived the spindle from the nuclear material, the asters from the cytoplasm. Strasburger ('80) asserted that the entire achromatic figure arose c D Fig. 27. — The prophases of mitosis (heterotypical form) in primary spermatocytes of Salamandra. [Meves.] A. Early segmented spireme; two centrosomes outside the nucleus in the remains of the attraction-sphere. B. Longitudinal splitting of the spireme, appearance of the astral rays, disin- tegration of the sphere. C. Early amphiaster and central spindle. D. Chromosomes in the form of rings, nuclear membrane disappeared, amphiaster enlarging, mantle-fibres developing. from the cytoplasm, and to that view, in a modified form, he still adheres. Flemming ('82), on the whole, inclined to the opinion that the achromatic figure arose inside the nucleus, yet expressed the 74 CELL-DIVISION opinion that the question of nuclear or cytoplasmic origin was one of minor importance. A long series of later researches on both plants and animals has fully sustained this opinion, showing that the origin of the achromatic figure does in fact differ in different cases. Thus in Infusoria the entire mitotic figure is of intranuclear origin (there are, however, no asters); in echinoderm eggs the spindle is of nuclear, the asters of cytoplasmic, origin ; in the testis-cells and some tissue- cells of the salamander, a complete amphiaster is first formed in the cytoplasm, but to this are afterward added elements probably derived from the linin-network ; while in higher plants there is some reason to believe that the entire achromatic figure may be of cytoplasmic origin. Such differences need not surprise us when we reflect that the achromatic part of the nucleus (linin-network, etc.) is probably of the same general nature as the cytoplasm.^ Many observers have maintained that the material of the astral rays and spindle-fibres is directly derived from the substance of the protoplasmic meshwork, whether nuclear, cytoplasmic, or both; but its precise origin has long been a subject of debate. This question, critically considered in Chapter VI., will be here only briefly sketched. By Klein ('7^)) Van Beneden ('83), Carnoy ('84, '85), and a large num- ber of later observers, the achromatic fibres, both of spindles and of asters, are regarded as identical with those of a preexisting reticulum which have merely assumed a radiating arrangement about the cen- trosome. The amphiaster has, therefore, no independent existence, but is merely an image, as it were, somewhat like the bipolar figure arising when iron filings are strewn in the field of a horseshoe magnet. Boveri, on the other hand, who has a small but increasing following, maintains that the amphiastral fibres are not identical with those of the preexisting meshwork, but a new formation which, as it were, ** crystallizes anew" out of the general protoplasmic substance. The amphiaster is therefore a new and independent structure, arising in, or indirectly from, the preexisting material, but not by a direct mor- phological transformation of that material. This view, which has been advocated by Druner ('94), Braus ('95), Meves ('97, 4, '98), and with which my own later observations ('99) also agree, is more fully discussed at page 318. In 1887 an important forward step was taken through the inde- pendent discovery by Van Beneden and Boveri that in the Qgg of Ascaris the centrosome does not disappear at the close of mitosis, but remains as a distinct cell-organ lying beside the nucleus in the cyto- 1 In the case of echinoderm eggs, I have found reason ('95, 2) for the conclusion that the spindle- fibres are derived not merely from the linin-substance. but also from the chromatin. Despite some adverse criticism, I have found no reason to change my opinion on this point. The possible significance of such a derivation is indicated elsewhere (p. 302). ORIGIN OF THE MITOTIC FIGURE 75 plasm. These investigators agreed that the amphiaster is formed under the influence of the centrosome, which by its division creates two new "centres of attraction" about which the astral systems arise, and which form the foci of the entire dividing system. In them are centred the fibrillae of the astral system, toward them the daughter- Vv<>u«J^^ Fig. 28. — Metaphase and anaphases of mitosis in cells (spermatocytes) of the salamander, [DRIJNER.] E. Metaphase. The continuous central spindle-fibres pass from pole to pole of the spindle. Outside them the thin layer of contractile mantle-fibres attached to the divided chromosomes, of which only two are shown. Centrosomes and asters. F. Transverse section through the mitotic figure showing the ring of chromosomes surrounding the central spindle, the cut fibres of the latter appearing as dots. G. Anaphase ; divergence of the daughter-chromosomes, exposing the cen- tral spindle as the interzonal fibres; contractile fibres (principal cones of Van Beneden) clearly shown. H. Later anaphase (dyaster of Flemming) ; the central spindle fully exposed to view; mantle-fibres attached to the chromosomes. Immediately afterward the cell divides (see Fig. 29) . chromosomes proceed, and within their respective spheres of influ- ence are formed the resulting daughter-cells. Both Van Beneden and Boveri fully recognized the importance of their discovery. *' We are justified," said Van Beneden, "in regarding the attraction-sphere with its central corpuscle as forming a permanent organ, not only of the early blastomeres, but of all cells, and as constituting a cell-organ equal 76 CELL-DIVISION in rank to the nucleus itself ; and we may conclude that every central corpuscle is derived from a preexisting corpuscle, every attraction- sphere from a preexisting sphere, and that division of the sphere precedes that of the cell-nucleus." ^ Boveri expressed himself in similar terms regarding the centrosome in the same year {^^J, 2, p. 153), and the same general result was reached by Vejdovsky nearly at the same time,^ though it was less clearly formulated than by either Boveri or Van Beneden. All these observers agreed, therefore, that the achromatic figure- arose outside the nucleus, in the cj^toplasm ; that the primary impulse to cell-division was given, not by the nucleus, but by the centrosome, and that a new cell-organ had been discovered whose special office Fig. 29. — Final phases (telepliases) of mitosis in salamander cells. [FleMMING.] /. Epithelial cell from the lung; chromosomes at the poles "of ihe spindle, the cell-body divid- ing; granules of the "mid-body" or Z.wischenkorper ax the equator of the disappearing spindle. J. Connective tissue-cell (lung) immediately after division; daughter-nuclei reforming, the cen- trosome just outside of each; mid-body a single granule in the middle of the remains of the spindle. was to preside over cell-division. ''The centrosome is an indepen- dent permanent cell-organ, which, exactly like the chromatic elements, is transmitted by division to the daughter-cells. TJie centrosome rep- resents the dynamic centre of cell'' ^ That the centrosome does in many cases, especially in embryonic cells, behave in the manner stated by Van Beneden and Boveri seems at present to admit of no doubt ; and it has been shown to occur in '87, p. 279. pp. 151, etc. Boveri, '87, 2, p. 153. ORIGIN OF THE MITOTIC FIGURE 'J'J many kinds of adult tissue-cells during their resting state ; for example in pigment-cells, leucocytes, connective tissue-cells, epithelial and endothelial cells, in certain gland-cells and nerve-cells, in the cells of some plant-tissues, and in some of the unicellular plants and ani- mals, such as the diatoms and flagellates and rhizopods. On the other hand. Van Beneden's conception of the attraction-sphere has proved untenable ; for this structure has been clearly shown in some cases to disintegrate and disappear at the close or the beginning of mitosis^ (Fig. 27). Whether the centrosome theory can be maintained is still in doubt ; but evidence against it has of late rapidly accumulated. In the first place, it has been shown that the primary impulse to cell-division cannot be given by fission of the centrosome, for there are several accurately determined cases in which the chromatin-elements divide independently of the centrosome, and it is now generally agreed that the division of chromatin and centrosome are tjwo^ parallel events, the nexus between which still remains undetermined.^ Secondly, an increasing number of observers assert the total disap- pearance of the centrosome at the close of mitosis ; while some very convincing observations have been made favouring the view that cen- trosomes may be formed de novo without connection with preexisting ones (pp. 213, 305). Thirdly, a large number of recent observers (including Strasburger and many of his pupils) of mitosis in the flowering plants and pteridophytes agree that in these forms 7to centrosome exists at any stage of mitosis, the centre of the aster being occupied by a vague reticular mass, and the entire achromatic figure arising by the gradual grouping of fibrous cytoplasmic elements (kinoplasm or filar plasm) about the nuclear elements.^ If we can assume the cor- rectness of these observations, the centrosome-theory must be greatly modified, and the origin of the amphiaster becomes a far more com- plex problem than it appeared under the hypothesis of Van Beneden and Boveri. That such is indeed the case is indicated by nothing more strongly than by Boveri's own remarkable recent experiments on cell-division (referred to at page 108). C. Details of Mitosis Comparative study has shown that almost every detail of the pro- cesses described above is subject to variation in different forms of cells. Before considering some of these modifications it may be well to point out what we are at present justified in regarding as its essential 1 Cf. p. 323. '-2 Cf. p. 108. * Cf. p. 82. 78 CELL-DIVISION features. These are : (i) The formation of the chromatic and achro- matic figures ; (2) the longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes or spireme-thread ; (3) the transportal of the chromatin-halves to the respective daughter-cells. Each of these three events is endlessly varied in detail ; yet the essential phenomena are everywhere the same, with one important exception relating to the division of the chromo- somes that occurs in the maturation of certain eggs and spermatozoa.^ It may be stated further that the study of mitosis in some of the lower forms (Protozoa) gives reason to believe that the asters are of second- ary importance as compared with the spindle, and that the formation of spireme and chromosomes is but tributary to the division of the smaller chromatin-masses of which they are made up. I. Varieties of the Mitotic Figure {a) The Achromatic Figure. The phenomena involved in the his- tory of the achromatic figure are in general most clearly displayed in embryonic or rapidly dividing cells, especially in egg-cells (Figs. 31, 60), where the asters attain an enormous development, and the centrosomes are especially distinct. In adult tissue-cells the asters are relatively small and difficult of demonstration, the spindle large and distinct; and this is particularly striking in the cells of higher plants where the asters are but imperfectly developed. Plant-mitoses are characterized by the prominence of the cell-plate (Fig. 34), which is rudimentary or often wanting in animals, a fact correlated no doubt with the greater development of the cell-membrane in plants. With this again is correlated the fact that division of the cell-body in animal cells generally takes place by constriction in the equatorial plane of the spindle ; while in plant-cells the cell is usually cut in two by a cell-wall developed in the substance of the protoplasm and derived in large part from the cell-plate. In animal cells we may distinguish two general types in the forma- tion of the amphiaster, which are, however, connected by interme- diate gradations. In the first of these, typically illustrated by the division of epithelial and testis-cells in the salamander (Flemming, Hermann, Driiner, Meves), a complete amphiaster is first formed in the cytoplasm outside the nucleus, while the nuclear membrane is still intact. As the latter fades away and the chromosomes appear, some of the astral rays grow into the nuclqar space and become attached to the chromosomes, which finally arrange themselves in a ring about the original spindle (Figs. 27, 28). In the completed amphiaster, therefore, we may distinguish the original central spindle (Hern^ann, '91) from the surrounding mantle-fibres, the latter being 1 Cf. Chapter V. DETAILS OF MITOSIS 79 attached to the chromosomes, and being, according to Hermann, the principal agents by which the daughter-chromosomes are dragged apart. The mantle-fibres thus form two hollow cones or half-spin- dles, separated at their bases by the chromosomes and completely surrounding the continuous fibres of the central spindle, which come into view as the "interzonal fibres" during the anaphases (Fig. 28). There is still considerable uncertainty regarding the origin and relation of these two sets of fibres. It is now generally agreed with Van Beneden that the mantle-fibres are essentially a part of the asters, i.e. are simply those astral rays that come into connection with the chromosomes — wholly cytoplasmic in ori- gin (Hermann, Driiner, MacFarland), or in part cytoplasmic, in part dif- ferentiated from the linin- network (Flemming, Meves). Druner ('95), Braus ('95) (salamander), and MacFarland {Pieui'o- phyllidia, '97) believe the central spindle to arise secondarily through the union of two opposing groups of astral rays in the area between the centrosomes. On the other hand, Hermann ('91), Flemming ('91), Heidenhain ('94), Kos- tanecki ('97), Van der Stricht ('98), and others believe the central spindle to exist from the first in the form of fibres stretching between the diverging centrosomes ; and Heidenhain believes them to be developed from a special substance, forming a *' primary centrodesmus," which persists in the resting cell, and in which the centrosomes are embedded. ^ MacFarland's observa- tions on gasteropod-eggs ('97) indicate that even nearly related forms may differ in the origin of the central spindle, since in Pleurophyllidia it is of secondary origin, as described above, while in Diaiiliila it is a primary structure developed from what he describes as the " centro- some," but which, as shown at page 314, is probably to be regarded as ^ cf.v- 315- Fig. 30. — Mid-body in embryonic ceiis oiLi/nax. [HOFF- MANN.] Earlier stage above, showing thickenings along the line of cleavage. Later stage, below, showing spindle-plate and cytoplasmic plate. 8o CELL-DIVISION an attraction-sphere surrounding the centrosomes, and is perhaps comparable to Heidenhain's " centrodesmus." In the second type, illustrated in the cleavage of echinoderm, annelid, molluscan, and some other eggs, a central spindle may be formed, — sometimes already during the anaphases of the preceding mitosis (Figs. 99, 155), — but afterward disappears, the asters moving Fig. 31. — The middle phases ot mitosis in the first cleavage of the Ascaris-egg. [BOVERI.] ^.Closing prophase, the equatorial plate forming. B. Metaphase; equatorial plate estab- lished and the chromosomes split; i. the equatorial plate, viewed en face, showing the four chro- mosomes. C. Early anaphase; divergence of the daughter-chromosomes (polar body at one side). D. Later anaphase; p. b. second polar body. (For preceding stages see Y\g. 90; for later stages Fig. 145.) to opposite poles of the nucleus. Between these two poles a new spindle is then formed in the nuclear area, while astral rays grow out into the cytoplasm. There is strong evidence that in this case the entire spindle may arise inside the nucleus, i.e. from the sub- stance of the linin-network, as occurs, for example, in the eggs of echinoderms (Fig. 25, E), and in the testis-cells of arthropods. In other cases, however, a part at least of the spindle is of cytoplasmic DETAILS OF MITOSIS 8 1 origin, since the ends of the spindle begin to form before dissolution of the^nuclear membxane. and the latter is pushed inwards in folds by the ingrowing fibres (Figs. 25, C, 99).^ In some cases, however, it seems -certain that the nuclear membrane fades away before com- pletion of the spindle (first maturation-division of Thalassevia, CJice- toptenis\ and it is probable that the middle region oLlh£ spindle is here formed from the linin-network. In most, if not all, mitoses of the second type the chromosomes do not form a ring about the equator of the spindle, but extend in a flat plate completely through Fig. 32. — Mitosis in Sfypocaulon. [Swingle.] A. Early prophase with single aster and centrosome. B. Initial formation of intranuclear spindle. C. Divergence of the daughter-centrosomes. D. Early anaphase ; nuclear membrane still intact. its substance. Here, therefore, it is impossible to speak of a " cen- tral spindle." It is nevertheless probable that the spindle-fibres are of two kinds, viz. continuous fibres, which form the interzonal fibres seen during the anaphases, and half-spindle fibres, extending only from the poles to the chromosomes. It is possible that these two kinds of fibres, though having the same origin, respectively corre- 1 Cf. Platner ('86) on Avion and l.epidoptej'a, Watase ('91) on T olio-o, Eraus ('95) on Triton, and (Iriffin ('96, '99) on IVialassetna. Erlanger ('97, 5) endeavours t<> show that in the mitosis of embryonic cells in the cephalopods {Sepia), where the inpushing of the mem- brane was previously shown by Watase, the entire spindle arises from the nucleus. G 82 CELL-DIVISION spond in function to those of the central spindle and to the mantle- fibres. It seems probable that the difference between the two types of spindle-formation may be due to, or is correlated with, the fact that the nuclear transformation takes place relatively earlieT in the first type. When the nucleus lags behind the spindle-formation the centrosomes take up their position prematurely, as it were, the cen- tral spindle disappearing to make way for the nucleus. It is in the mitosis of plant-cells that the most remarkable type of achromatic figure has been observed. In some of the lower forms (Algae) mitosis has been clearly shown to conform nearly to the process observed in animal cells, the amphiaster being provided with very large asters and distinct centrosomes, and its genesis corre- sponding broadly with the second type described above (Figs. 32, 33), though with some interesting modifications of detail.^ Swingle ('97) describes in Stytopocaidon a process closely similar to that seen in many animal cells, the minute but very distinct centrosomes being surrounded by quite typical cytoplasmic asters, passing to opposite poles of the nucleus, and a spindle then developing between them out of the achromatic nuclear substance (Fig. 32). In the flowering plants and pteridophytes, on the other hand, mitosis seems to be of a quite different type, apparently taking place /;/ the entire absence of centrosomes. Guignard ('91, i, '92, 2) clearly described and figured typical centrosomes and attraction-spheres both in the ordinary mitosis (Fig. 34) and in the fertilization of the higher plants, giving an account of their behaviour nearly agreeing with the views then prevailing among zoologists. Although these accounts have been supported by some other workers,^ and have recently been in part reiterated by Guignard himself ('98, i), they have not been sustained by some of the best and most careful later observers, who describe a mode of spindle-formation differing radically from that seen in thal- lophytes and in animals generally.^ According to these (3bservations, begun by Farmer and Belajeff, and strongly sustained by the care- ful studies of Osterhout, Mottier, Nemec, and others, the achromatic figure is almost wholly of cytoplasmic origin, arising from a fibrillar material (" kinoplasm " or " filar plasm," of Strasburger), which at the beginning of mitosis forms a net-like mass surrounding the nucleus, from which fibrillae radiate out into the cytoplasm. As the nuclear membrane fades, these fibrillae, continually increasing, invade the nuclear area, gather themselves into bundles, converging to a number 1 See especially Swingle ('97) on Sphacelariacece, Strasburger ('97) on Fucus, Mottier ('98) on Dictyota ; cf. also Harper ('97) on Erysiphe and Peziza. 2 Cf. Schaffner ('98), Fulmer ('98). 3 See Osterhout ('97) on Equiseiuin, Mottier ('97, I, '97, 2) on Lilium, Lawson ('98) on CobcEu, Nemec ('99) on Allium, Debski ('97, '99) on Chara ; also Belajeff ('94) and Farmer ('95). DETAILS OF MITOSIS 83 'm. of centres (without centrosomes), and thus give rise to an irregular multipolar figure (Figs. 36, 133). This figure finally resolves itself into a definite bipolar spindle which is devoid of centrosomes, and in the earlier stages also of asters, though in the later phases some- what irregular asters are formed. On the basis of these observations Mottier ^ proposes to distinguish provisionally two well-defined types of mitosis in plants which he designates as the "thallophyte " and the " cormophyte " types. The latter seems wholly irreconcilable with the process observed in animal-cells ; for the whole course of spindle- formation seems diametrically opposed in the two cases, and should the cormophyte-type be estabhshed it would, to say the least, greatly restrict the application of the centrosome-theory of Van Beneden and Boveri. Only future re- search can definitely de- termine the question. There can be no doubt that the descriptions of Guignard and his follow- ers do not rest upon pure imagination ; for it is easy to observe at the spindle- poles in some prepara- tions {e.g. sections of root- tips of Allium, Lilinmy etc.) deeply staining- bodies such as these authors describe. These "centrosomes" seem, however, to be of quite inconstant occurrence ; and the careful studies of Osterhout, Mottier, and Nemec seem to give good ground for the conclusion that they have no such significance as the centrosomes of lower plants or of animals. It should nevertheless be borne in mind that true centrosomes (" blepharoplasts ") have been demonstrated in the spermatogenic divisions of some of the vascular cryptogams, and that analogous bodies occur in the corresponding divisions of the cycads (p. 175). We should therefore still hold open the possibility that centrosomes may occur in the vegetative mitoses of the higher plants, their apparent absence being possibly due to lack of staining- capacity or similar conditions rendering their demonstration difficult.^ 1 '97, 2, p. 183. 2 Mention may here be made of the barrel-shaped truncated spindles described in some of the plants. In BasidioboluSy Fairchild ('97) finds spindles of this type, having no asters Fig- 33. — Mitosis in ascus-nuclei of a fungus, Erysiphe, [Harper.] A. Resting nucleus with disc-shaped centrosome {c). B. Early prophase with aster. C. Later prophase ; amphi- aster; intranuclear spindle forming. D. Spindle estab- lished. E. Daughter-nucleus after division ; spore-mem- brane developing from astral rays. 84 CELL-DIVISION A no less remarkable mode of spindle-formation, which is in a cer- tain way intermediate between the cormophyte-type and the usual animal type is described by Mead ('97, '98, i) in the first maturation- division of Chcetopteriis. Here the completed amphiaster is of quite typical form, and the centrosomes persist for the following mitosis ; yet Mead is convinced that the amphiaster is synthetically formed by the union of two separate asters and centrosomes (Fig. 150) which B Fig. 34. — Division of pollen-mother-cells in the lily as described by GUIGNARD. A. Anaphase of the first division, showing the twelve daughter-chromosomes on each side, the interzonal fibres stretching between them, and the centrosomes, already double, at the spindle- poles. B. Later stage, showing the cell-plate at the equator of the spindle and the daughter- spiremes (dispireme-stage of Flemming). C. Division completed; double centrosomes in the resting cell. D. Ensuing division in progress ; the upper cell at the close of the prophases, the chromosomes and centrosomes still undivided; lower cell in the late anaphase, cell-plate not yet formed. have no genetic connection, arising independently de novo in the cytoplasm.^ Improbable as such a conclusion may seem on a priori grounds, it is supported by very strong evidence,^ and, taken together and nearly parallel fibres, each of which terminates in a deeply staining granule. Nearly similar spindles have been described by Strasburger ('80) in Spirogyra, and in the embryo- sac oi Monotropa. It is not impossit)le that such spindles may represent a type intermediate between the "cormoptyte" and " thallophyte " types of Muttier. 1 Cf. p. 306. , 2 I have had the privilege of examining some of Mead's beautiful preparations. DETAILS OF MITOSIS 85 with the facts described in plants, it indicates that the forces involved in spindle-formation are far more complex than Van Beneden's and Boveri's hypothesis would lead one to suppose.^ The centrosome and centrosphere appear to present great varia- tions that have not yet been thoroughly cleared up and will be more critically discussed beyond.^ They are known to undergo extensive changes in the cycle of cell-division and to vary greatly in different forms (Fig. 152). In some cases the aster contains at its centre nothing more than a minute deeply staining granule, which doubtless C - - -^c- Pig. 36- — Division of spore-mother-cells in ^'(^^/j-^/^;;/, showing spindle-formation. [OSTERHOUT.l A. Early prophase, " kinoplasmic " fibrillas in the cytoplasm . B. Multipolar fibrillar figure invad- ing the nuclear area, after disappearance of the nuclear membrane. C. Multipolar spindle. D. Quadripolar spindle which finally condenses into a bipolar one. represents the centrosome alone. In other cases the granule is sur- rounded by a larger body, which in turn lies within the centrosphere or attraction-sphere. In still other cases the centre of the aster is occupied by a large reticular mass, within which no smaller body can be distinguished {e.g. in pigment-cells) ; this mass is sometimes called the centrosome, sometimes the centrosphere. Sometimes, again, the spindle-fibres are not focussed at a single point, and the spindle 1 See p. 276 for the peculiar spindles, devoid of asters, observed during the maturation of the egg in certain forms. Cf. also Morgan's experiments on the artificial production of asters and centrosomes, p. 307. . 2 J^^_.e p_ ^q^_ 86 CELL-DIVISION appears truncated at the ends, its fibres terminating in a transverse row of granules (maturation-spindles of Ascaris, and some plant-cells). It is not entirely certain, however, that such spindles observed in preparations represent the normal structure during life. b. The Chrotnatic Figure. — The variations of the chromatic figure must for the most part be considered in the more special parts of this work. There seems to be no doubt that a single continuous spireme-thread may be formed {cf. p. 113), but it is equally certain that the thread may appear from the beginning in a number of distinct segments, i.e. as a segmented spireme, and there are some cases in which no distinct spireme can be seen, the reticulum resolving itself directly into the chromosomes. The chromosomes, when fully formed, vary greatly in appear- ance. In many of the tissues of adult plants and animals they are rod-shaped and are often bent in the middle Hke a V (Figs. 28, 131). They often have this form, too, in embryonic cells, as in the segmentation-stages of the ^g^ in Ascaris (Fig. 31) and other forms. The rods may, however, be short and straight (seg- menting eggs of echinoderms, etc.), and may be reduced to spheres, as in the maturation-stages of the germ-cells. In the equatorial plate the V-shaped chromosomes are placed with the apex of the V turned toward the spindle (Fig. 28), while the straight rods are placed with one end toward the spindle. In either case the daughter- chromosomes first begin to move apart at the point nearest the spindle, the separation proceeding thence toward the free portion. The V-shaped chromosomes, opening apart from the apex, thus give rise in the early anaphase to < >-shaped figures ; while rod-shaped chromosomes often produce a- and x-shaped figures (the stem of the _L being double). The latter, opening farther apart, form straight rods twice the length of the original chromosome (since each consists of two daughter-chromosomes joined at one end). This rod finally breaks across the middle, thus giving the deceptive appearance of a transverse instead of a longitudinal division (Fig. 52). The <>- shaped figures referred to above are nearly related to those that occur in the so-called heterotypical mitosis. Under this name Flem- ming i^'^y) first described a peculiar modification of the division of the chromosomes that has since been shown to be of very great impor- tance in the early history of the germ-cells, though it is not confined to them. In this form the chromosomes split at an early period, but the halves remain united by their ends. Each double chromosome then opens out to form a closed ring (Fig. 37), which by its mode of origin is shown to represent two daughter-chromosomes, each forming half of the ring, united by their ends. The ring finally breaks in two to form two U-shaped chromosomes which diverge to opposite poles DETAILS OF MITOSIS 87 of the spindle as usual. As will be shown in Chapter V.,the divisions by which the germ-cells are matured are in many cases of this type ; but the primary rings here in many cases represent not two but four chromosomes, into which they afterward break up. Fig. 37. — Heterotypical mitosis in spermatocytes of the salamander. [Flemming.] A. Prophase, chromosomes in the form of scattered rings, each of which represents two daughter-chromosomes joined end to end. B. The rings ranged about the equator of the spindle and dividing ; the swellings indicate the ends of the chromosomes. C. The same viewed from the spindle-pole. D. Diagram (Hermann) showing the central spindle, asters, and centrosomes, and the contractile mantle-fibres attached to the rings (one of the latter dividing). 2. Bivalent a7id Plurivalent Chromosomes The last paragraph leads to the consideration of certain varia- tions in the number of the chromosomes. Boveri discovered that the species Ascaris megalocephala comprises two varieties which differ in no visible respect save in the number of chromosomes, the germ-nuclei of one form ('' variety bivalens " of Hertwig) having two chromosomes, 8 8 CELL-DI VISION while in the other form (" variety univalens ") there is but one. Brauer discovered a similar fact in the phyllopod Arteniia, the number of somatic chromosomes being i68 in some individuals, in others only 84 (p. 281). It will appear hert^after that in some cases the primordial germ- cells show only half the usual number of chromosomes, and in Cyclops the same is true, according to Hacker, of all the cells of the early cleavage-stages. In all cases where the number of chromosomes is apparently reduced ("pseudo-reduction" of Riickert) it is highly probable that each chromatin-rod represents not one but two or more chromosomes united together, and Hacker has accordingly proposed the terms bivalent and plurivalent for such chromatin-rods.^ The truth of this view, which originated with Vom Rath, is, I think, conclusively shown by the case of Artemia described at page 281, and by many facts in the maturation of the germ-cells hereafter considered. In Ascarh we may regard the chromosomes of Hertwig's ''variety univalens" as really bivalent or double, i.e. equivalent to two such chromosomes as appear in "variety bivalens." These latter, however, are probably in their turn plurivalent, i.e. represent a number of units of a lower order united together; for, as described at page 148, each of these normally breaks up in the somatic cells into a large number of shorter chromosomes closely similar to those of the related species Ascaris himbricoidcs, where the normal number is 24. Hacker has called attention to the striking fact that plurivalent mitosis is very often of the heterotypical form, as is very common in the maturation-mitoses of many animals (Chapter V.), and often occurs in the early cleavages of Ascaris ; but it is doubtful whether this is a universal rule. 3. Mitosis iji the Unicelhilar Plants and Animals The process of mitosis in the one-celled plants and animals has a peculiar interest, for it is here that we must look for indications of its historical origin. But although traces of mitotic division were seen in the Infusoria by Balbiani ('58-'6i), Stein ('59), and others long before it was known in the higher forms, it has only recently received adequate attention and is still imperfectly understood. Mitotic division has now been observed in many of the main divi- sions of Protozoa and unicellular plants ; but in the present state of 1 The words bivalent and univalent have been used in precisely the opposite sense by Hertwig in the case of Ascaris., the former term being applied to that variety having two chromosomes in the germ-cells, the latter to the variety with one. These terms certainly have priority, but were applied only to a specific case. Hacker's use of the words, which is strictly in accordance with tlieir etymology, is too valuable for general descriptive purposes to be rejected. DETAILS OF MITOSIS 89 the subject it must be left an open question whether it occurs in all. In some of the gregarines and Heliozoa, the process is of nearly or quite the same type as in the Metazoa. From such mitoses, how- ever, various gradations may be traced toward a much simpler pro- cess, such as occurs in Amoeba and the lower flagellates; and it is not improbable that we have here representatives of more primitive con- ditions. Among the more interesting of these modifications may be mentioned : — I. Even in forms that nearly approach the mitosis of higher types D Fig. 38. — Mitotic division in Infusoria. [R. Hertwig.] A-C. Ma'cronucleus of Spirochona, showing pole-plates. D-H. Successive stao-es in the division of the micronucleus of Paramcecium. D. The earliest stage, showing reticulum. G. Fol- lowing stage (" sickle-form ") with nucleolus. E. Chromosomes and pole-plates. F. Late ana- phase. H. B'inal phase. the nuclear membrane may persist more or less completely through every stage {Noctiluca, E ugly p ha, ActinospJicBrnini). 2. Asters may be present (Hehozoa, gregarines) or wanting (In- fusoria, Radiolaria). 3. In one series of forms the centrosome or sphere is represented by a persistent intranuclear body (nucleolo-centrosome) of consider- able size, which divides to form a kind of central spmdle {Euglena Amceba, Infusoria.?). 4. In a second series the centrosome or sphere is a persistent 90 CELL-DIVISION extranuclear body, as in most Metazoa {Heliozoa, Noctiluca, Para- moeba). 5. In a few forms having a scattered nucleus the chromatin-gran- ules are only collected about the apparently persistent sphere or centrosome at the time of its division, and afterward scatter through the cell, leaving the sphere lying in the general cell-substance ( Tetramitus). 6. The arrangement of the chromatin-granules to form chromo- somes appears to be of a secondary importance as compared with A BCD Fig. 39. — Mitosis in the rhizopod, Euglypha. [SCHEWIAKOFF.] In this form the body is surrounded by a firm shell which prevents direct constriction of the cell-body. The latter therefore divides by a process of budding from the opening of the shell (the initial phase shown at A) ; the nucleus meanwhile divides, and one of the daughter-nuclei afterward wanders out into the bud. A. Early prophase ; nucleus near lower end containing a nucleolus and numerous chromo- somes. B. Equatorial plate and spindle formed inside the nucleus ; pole-bodies or pole-plates {i.e. attraction-spheres or centrosomes) at the spindle-poles. C. Metaphase. D. Late ana- phase, spindle dividing; after division of the spindle the outer nucleus wanders out into the bud. higher forms, and the essential feature in nuclear division appears to be the fission of the individual granules. We may first consider especially the achromatic figure. The basis of our knowledge in this field was laid by Richard Hertwig through his studies on an infusorian, SpirocJiona ( ''J'j\ and a rhizopod, Actino- sphcerium ('84). In both these forms a typical spindle and equatorial plate are formed inside the 7mclear membrane by a direct transfor- mation of the nuclear substance. In Spirochona (Fig. 38, A-C^ a DETAILS OF MITOSIS 91 hemispherical " end-plate " or ''pole-plate" is situated at either pole of the spindle, and Hertwig's observations indicated, though they did not prove, that these plates arose by the division of a large '' nucleolus." Nearly similar pole-plates were somewhat described by Schewiakoff {^Z%) in Eiiglypha (Fig. 39), and it seems clear that they are the analogues of the centrosomes or attraction-spheres in higher forms. In Euglena, as shown by Keuten, the pole-plates, or their analogues, certainly arise by division of a distinct and persistent intra- nuclear body (''nucleolus" or " nucleolo-centrosome ") which elon- Fig. 40. — Mitosis in the flagellate, Lugleiia. [Keuti N. A. Preparing for division; the nucleus contains a "nucleolus." or nucleolo-centrosome sur- rounded by a group of chromosomes. B. Division of the "nucleolus" to form an intranucleai spindle. C. Later stage. D. The nuclear division completed. gates to form a kind of central spindle around which the chromatin elements are grouped (Fig. 40); and Schaudinn ('95) described a similar process in Aniceba. Richard Hertwig's latest work on Infusoria ('95) indicates that a similar process occurs in the micro- nuclei of Pararncecium^ which at first contain a large " nucleolus " and afterward a conspicuous pole-plate at either end of the spindle (Fig. 38, D-H). The origin of the pole-plates was not, however, positively determined. A corresponding dividing body is found in Ceratiuin (Lauterborn, '95), and as in the Infusoria the entire nucleus transforms itself into a fibrillar spindle-like body. 92 CELL-DIVISION Still simpler conditions are found in some of the flagellates.^ In Chilomonas the sphere may still be regarded as intranuclear, since it lies in the middle of an irregular mass of chromatin-granules, though the latter are apparently not enclosed by a membrane. Nuclear division is here accomphshed by fission of the sphere and the aggre- gation of the chromatin-granules around the two products. In Tetraniitus, finally (Fig. i6), the nucleus is represented by chromatin- granules that are scattered irregularly through the cell and only at the time of division collect about the dividing sphere. r^z^ ,>>4W<-. ^. ^ 3, .\y«^j B II W' 'r ■f'^^ ^5£^, D E F o Fig. 41. — Mitosis in the Heliozoa. [SCHAUDINN.] A SphcErastrum ; veq;etative cell showing nucleus, "central granule" (centrosome), and axial rays. li-G. Acanthocystis. B-D, Prophases of mitosis. E. Budding to form swarm-spores. F. Swarm-spores, devoid of centrosomes. G. Swarm-spores preparing for division ; intranuclear origin of centrosome. In a second series of forms, represented by Noctiluca (Ishikawa, '94, '98), (Calkins, '98, 2), Paramaiba (Schaudinn, '96, i), Actinophrys and Acanthocystis (Schaudinn, '96, 2), and the diatoms (Lauterborn, '96), the sphere lies outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm and the mitosis is closely similar to that observed in most Metazoa. This is most striking in the Heliozoa, where the centrosome persists through the vegetative condition of the cell as the " central granule," to which the axial filaments of the pseudopodia converge. Schaudinn ('96, 2) shows that by the division of this body a typical extranuclear amphi- aster and central spindle are formed (Fig. 41), while the chromatin 1 Calkins, '98, i, '98, 2. DETAILS OF MITOSIS 93 passes through a spireme-stage, breaks into very short rod-shaped chromosomes which split lengthwise and arrange themselves in the equator of the spindle, while the nuclear membrane fades away. Noctiluca (Fig. 42), as shown by Ishikawa and Calkins, agrees with this in the main points; but the nuclear membrane does not at any period wholly disappear, and a distinct centrosome is found at the centre of the sphere. The latter body, which is very large, gives *•<**•> .vr5«S^