Gast Army Coa stEng. Pes. Ct. MR 82-16 CERC Field Research Facility Environmental Data Summary, 1977-79 — WHOI b : DOCU Secu H. Carl Miller : MISCELLANEOUS REPORT NO. 82-16 DECEMBER 1982 Fpllf| Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER ie. Kingman Building plars Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060 10SSl Me 22-16 Reprint or republication of any of this material shall give appropriate credit to the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. Limited free distribution within the United States of single copies of this publication has been made by this Center. Additional copies are available from: WNattonal Technical Information Service ATTN: Operations Diviston 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 Contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM | 1. REPORT NUMBER 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER MR 82-16 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED CERC FIELD RESEARCH FACILITY Miscellaneous report ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SUMMARY, 1977-79 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER i 7. AUTHOR(s) 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(e) H. Carl Miller 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS Department of the Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERRE-FR) A31537 Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Department of the Army December 1982 Coastal Engineering Research Center 13. NUMBER OF PAGES Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 144 4. “MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 1S. SECURITY CL_ASS. (of thie report) UNCLASSIFIED 1Sea. DECL ASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. - DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES - KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necesaary and identify by block number) Data collection Environmental measurements Field Research Facility-CERC | ABSTRACT (Continue en reverse sides if neceasary and identify by block number) This report, the first in a series of annual reports, provides basic data and summaries of the environmental measurements made from 1977 to 1979 at the CERC Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, North Carolina. The report covers two complete years, 1978 and 1979, and provides the available data from 1977. DD cancack EDITION OF ? NOV 65 1S OBSO! nate wai UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Wtren Data Entered) aerouian Pil vel indent 0 Ba DNDS r Poe ik na Taney oe | ae abana hee) ea side Baki a : i M i Ae ae sinanot ce smear Tae ried ha ng op Beene tits, ommend ee ame Pepi i alr Epa. i free cat Age rok Ran NORD eae 0 viet in bi yh oan, bers rd ngra pptn _ r ; : analy rte ajay, daha AAaMiehrroaty fig all Ea aa thd ui ite nny ae EIN A IN" a Fie oa REN = : ae : at ibe rusesbie a oh sk Ut Mh. i f } gay ia sh vine sry si wei ty Nery tn War a) as) yl morn Mr " Day it wi ‘De hat ee 5 nec 9 the 2 ith id wilh ie Lae 4%. OF OL 59 wcammerrana: ae nN ett x uh “CLD ee Se hi lel al cena ARs hres ieee eee ae ee Se ee Sent eee wenden’ . Ps aA Hee 7 Menaae Bt ala tive’ Sart ehepetiar Web Aes aee se ene, PREFACE This report provides basic data and summaries of the environmental measurements made at the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center's (CERC) Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, North Carolina. The report, the first in a series of annual reports, covers data collected through December 1979. In the interest of making these data available, interpre- tation was not attempted. The work was carried out under CERC's FRF Environmental Measurements and Analysis work unit, Coastal Flooding and Storm Protection Program, Coastal Engineering Area of Civil Works Research and Development. The report was prepared by H. Carl Miller, Oceanographer, under the supervision of Mr. C. Mason, Chief, Field Research Facility Group, and Mr. R.P. Savage, Chief, Research Division. The author acknowledges the helpful review comments from A. Szuwalski, Dr. E.F. Thompson, and Dr. T. Walton of CERC, and extends a special thank you to the following people who worked very hard to prepare the data for publication: E.W. Bichner, A.E. DeWall, C. Douglas, M. leffler, and C. Schneider. The following groups from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-— tration (NOAA) and CERC provided support for instrument installation and maintenance, data collection, analysis, and summarization: NOAA/National Ocean Survey--Tides and Tidal Datums Branch, Atlantic Marine Center, Tide Analysis Branch; NOAA/National Weather Service--Raleigh Regional Head- quarters, Hatteras Station; CERC--Instrumentation Branch, Programming and Systems Branch, Evaluation Branch, Coastal Oceanography Branch, and Field Research Facility Group. Technical Director of CERC was Dr. Robert W. Whalin, P.E. Comments on this publication are invited. Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th Con- gress, approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 88th Congress, approved 7 November 1963. w TED E. BISHOP Colonel, Corps of Engineers Commander and Director IIl IV VI APPENDIX A B C D CONTENTS Page CONVERSION FACTORS, U.S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (SI)..ccccccccccece 7 INTRODUCTION. cccccccccccccccccccccc ccc cc cree ccc cc cece cece esccce 9 CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY) Dis Waves Daitzalscereiclherslcleis sleiels evelelelolerelcleveleleleleielerelele)elcieheleloleleloleicloleketelletommmm a) 3. Tides and Water Levels... .cccccccccccccccccccccccesccceccsis 25 4. Meteorological Data. ccccccccccccccccccccccccscsscscsessess 36 Sie WAsual ObservatlonSicscicielc occ « cleis clevelelel cleieleleie elellelle/ ef sieieleleleloslot mms Go, Sedument: | Datarercielerclere ce cbcleielcvelevelelelevelcveleleleleiciclclcl ele: cleleleloleloleletctener-Mmm-tO) Fie SUEV EY, Dat-a’s'eie\s oye cicie cies oie o)e)s 6/01 oles) ielete) ele) el sieisle.e(cleisl~ ofolelolelslorelaie mmm) 8. Photographic Data... ccc occcie cise c ciel cleislcls.c.e/clelclcioie slole)slele)clolelenm-t0 REQUESTING DATA. cocccccccvcccccccececcc ve vecc sce veces vcecceecece 58 LITERATURE (HIGBRDA GOO HB OOOOOOOUDOUDOOODO ODO DUDDODDODOOODCO00O0D000000 59 WAVE: DAT Alsicicie. ciel oiele oic/ cle cloictclolelele olclslolelelolelehetele) ole lelololelcKelo(olelele\ ole lolol ey elarekemmmOl METEOROLOGICAL, DATA<)< c101e 01 s1e cvelelcie «/olo\o]0 evelelalevole/elolel eleKelelcl ele) oie)s) ocelot voter 1979 SEDIMENT SURVEY. ..cccccccccccccccceccccccvccscscsesesccscce 90 SURVEY. DATA\ccic o 01e/c1cre clcieielstereleieveleiclolelere slo cielolelsieleveso\e,s) slelelololclelerelelotelelelomee > TABLES 1 Ranges used in 1978 and 1979 SurveyS.ccocceccccccevcccscececcsecrccccses 20 2 Flight dates and aerial photography inventory...cccccccccccccccccescece 24 iS) Data availability for MiG: rereteretoielcielicleiele claielelelelelelslolleveielielclelele) cleleleleloleieloleleleisiere 26 4 Data availability for O/B istetonerateterelolelelsielolcleielclelelelejolololeleleleleleleleleicieieletoverolelelelo 221 CONTENTS TABLES--Continued Page Data availability for GG rarer cusverchelslaleversronsveleleKel elellelellelelelolsloleleiel olelisielelel sve) elslisin\re 28 Joint distribution of significant wave height versus peak period at Nags Head, North Carolina, during 30 Joint distribution of significant wave height versus peak period at FRF nearshore Baylor gage (615) during 1978...cccsconervcccrreecee 31 Joint distribution of significant wave height versus peak period at FRF pier-end Baylor gage (625) during 1978 ..cccscosevcceresccerecee 32 FRF tide gage HIStOries. ccoccccccccccescccrccvveccserreeerrecrerscvere 34 Tide statistics for the pier-end NOS primary tide station 865-1370 at pier-end station MeO YAM SS GDC OOO OOO OOO DODOODODOODOUOODOOOO0OOOOD0000000 35 Tide statistics for the nearshore tide gage 865-1371 at pier station 1-2 OPaietolatotololotenctclelelololotclovelonaicieloteleleieliciohetelefeleleloleioielelelelevelelelcleleicreicleleiore 36 Annual meteorological data summary for 1978...ccccceccecvereccrvrerccvcee 3I/ Annual meteorological data summary for 1979 .ccccccccccccccsccccesceern 39 LEO data summary, 27 July to 30 December 1977 ccsecccsccrreececcrerccce 39 LEO data summary, 3 January to 29 December 1978..ccccccccccvscccsceeeses 39 LEO data summary, 2 January to 28 December 1979..cccceccrcercvrseeceees 39 FIGURES Wa? IGA MEDS od06000000d 00000000 OOo OOOODOUDOOODOOODUMGHDOOOODDDGGGG JM) location of the FRF instrumentation..ccccccscecccccccccvceccccecccccoeee 13 Samples of meteorological instrument chart records. .cossccocervrecveree 18 Sea sled used in the 1979 bathymetric Surveyeocecescrccccccecccscccccccs Al Flight lines for aerial photography missionS....scvsceceervercccecvecce 23 Wave height statistics for Nags Head, North Carolina, 1977-79..cce.eceee. 29 Wave height statistics at the FRF pier end, 1977-79...ceccccrecvereecce 29 Annual cumulative significant wave height distributions at Nags Head and the FRF pier—-end Baylor gages...ocrcr.ccrecrccecccercccerescccesveccc 33 Peak period distributions at Nags Head and the FRF pier-end Baylor BAGCEcceveocvcecvssrescevrsveesenrveesevr ee eee eeeseeeDoeDHOeDOoOESeRE EOS 33 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CONTENTS F IGURES-—Continued Tide-water level statistics for the pier-end tide stations 865-1370... Tide-water level statistics for the nearshore tide stations 865-1371.. Wind roses for pier-end LEO site, based on observations from 27 July 1977 to 28 December 17 Qrevehevereveleketovevcvelehetonelchelckoiel ciolelclel slicloielelolenekolore Longshore currents at the seaward end of the FRF pier, 1977...cccceceee Longshore currents at the seaward end of the FRF pier, Longshore currents at the seaward end of the FRF pier, 1979....c.ccccee Wave the Wave Wave Wave end Wave rose based on 1977-79 LEO data at the seaward end of FRF PLCT ccc cecccccvcccvececccr eves oc ee vc ve cscs cseve seer cree cecee rose based on 1978 LEO data at the seaward end of the FRF pier... rose based on 1979 LEO data at the seaward end of the FRF pier... rose based on April-September 1979 LEO data at the seaward of the FRE PLET occovcecvccerccvccvrcccvccce cere c ccc sr cco eco esc ese cle rose based on January-March and October-December 1979 LEO data at the seaward end of the FRF pieroccccoeccccecccecvccccccccccvcccce Mean foreshore sand size versus time from the beach 150 meters north of the FRF PLET occoccvcecccccccec ccc cs ecvccscec eve cr ec cescs ccc ecece Contour diagram of bathymetry near the FRF pier, October Survey ranges in the vicinity of the FRF.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccce Comparison of beach profiles for the northern range, 1978-79 surveys.. Comparison of beach profiles for the southern range, 1978-79 surveys.. Profile envelopes for the north side of the FRF pier...ccccccccceccces Profile envelopes for the south side of the FRF pier.cecccccceccccccce Bottom elevations along the north and south sides of the FRF pier..... Aerial photo of 12:0 eISICICICICICICICICICICICICECNCHCHCRCEC RCH NRHN NCR RCN MC RCRC RNC NC Ci Ci CNC Beach photos looking north from the FRF plere.ccccccccsccccvccccccccce Beach photos looking south from the FRF piereccccccccccccccccccscvccce Page 34 35 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 CONVERSION FACTORS, U.S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (SI) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT U.S. customary units of measurement used in this report can be converted to metric (SI) units as follows: ~IllIIulIIlIllIllIlIllISESSESIESESESEEEEEeaEaaEaeaEaaEaaEEEeEeEeEeEeESEeESe—e—————eeeeeeee lll eee Multiply inches square inches cubic inches feet Square feet cubic feet yards Square yards cubic yards miles square miles knots acres foot—pounds millibars ounces pounds ton, long ton, short degrees (angle) Fahrenheit degrees by 25 4 Desyn 6-452 16.39 30.48 0.3048 0.0929 0.0283 0.9144 0.836 0.7646 1.6093 259.0 1.852 0.4047 1.3558 1.0197 28 35 453.6 0.4536 1.0160 0.9072 0.01745 5/9 x 1072 To obtain millimeters centimeters Square centimeters cubic centimeters centimeters meters square meters cubic meters meters square meters cubic meters kilometers hectares kilometers per hour hectares newton meters kilograms per square centimeter grams grams kilograms metric tons metric tons radians Celsius degrees or Kelvins! i _____________ ____t 1T> obtain Celsius (C) temperature readings from Fahrenheit (F) readings, use formula: C = (5/9) (F -32). To obtain Kelvin (K) readings, use formula: Ka = 95/9) CK = 3.2) cre Sieili Dye regi hee aoe Sua a ‘ey! “en ; 4 "ra i by oe yee” oy Firion donee ek eae AL lpi wg CWS hee CERC FIELD RESEARCH FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SUMMARY, 1977-79 by H. Carl Miller I. INTRODUCTION The U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center's (CERC) Field Research Facility (FRF), located on 176 acres at Duck, North Carolina (Fig. 1), con- sists of a 56l-meter-long research pier and an accompanying office building. The. FRF site is near the middle of Currituck Spit along a 100-kilometer unbroken stretch of shoreline that extends south from Rudee Inlet in Virginia to Oregon Inlet in North Carolina. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Currituck Sound and mainland to the west. The facility is designed to (1) provide a rigid platform for measuring waves, currents, water levels, and bottom elevations, especially during severe storms; (2) provide CERC with the field experience and data to complement laboratory studies and the evaluation of numerical models; (3) provide a manned field facility for testing new instrumentation; and (4) serve as a permanent field base of operations for physical and biological studies of the site and adjacent region. The research pier is a reinforced concrete structure supported on 0.9- meter-diameter steel piles spaced 12.2 meters apart along the pier length and 4.6 meters apart across the width. The piles are embedded approximately 15 meters below the ocean bottom. The pier deck is 6.1 meters wide and extends from behind the dune line to about the 8-meter water depth contour, at a height of 7.8 meters above mean sea level (MSL). Concrete erosion collars protect the pilings against sand abrasion, and a cathodic system protects the pilings against corrosion. A Basic Environmental Measurements (BEM) program has been established to collect basic oceanographic and meteorological data, which are reduced, ana- lyzed, and the results published. This report, the first in a series of annual reports, summarizes the results of the first two complete years (1978 and 1979) of basic measurements; available data for 1977 are also included. The report is organized such that descriptions of the instrumentation (Sec. III) and data collection and analy- sis procedures (Sec. IV) precede reporting of the data (Sec. V). Section VI describes the procedure for obtaining additional data. Although this is intended as a stand-alone document, references should be consulted for details of some procedures and instrumentation. Future annual reports will have approximately the same format, but an interpretation of the data will be included. Readers’ comments on the format and usefulness of the data presented are encouraged. In addition to the annual reports, monthly data reports summarizing the same types of data shortly after the data are collected will be available upon request. *dew uot eo0T wy [a | O€ O02 OF Lee _WVNITONVD _HLYON, VNIDUIA, ( anvas IWASsiO ERE *T eansty Mu2S.S%.SL N95. 01,9€ ALIWOWS HOUVISIY 07313 \ \\ u 10 II. CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY This section briefly summarizes the environmental conditions at the FRF during the reporting period; complete tabulated summaries are contained in Section V. The maritime climate at the FRF tends to moderate the seasons with winters that are warmer and summers that tend to be cooler than on the mainland. Large temperature differences between day and night occur during late fall and spring due to the slow response of the ocean to changing temperature trends and frequent land and sea breeze effects. Air temperatures at the FRF during 1978 and 1979 varied from a low of -7.8° Celsius in February 1979 to a high of 43.3° Celsius in July 1979. The annual average temperature was slightly less than 16° Celsius. The precipitation was fairly well distributed throughout the year with a monthly average of approximately 100 millimeters. May was the wettest month, while August and October were the driest. Although warm in the summer and chilly in the winter, the sea breeze at the FRF is persistent; seldom is there a dead calm. On occasion, severe winds blow as a result of either extra-tropical (northeasters) or tropical (hurri- canes) cyclones. The winds at the FRF are predominantly from the southwest. Summer winds from the southwest frequently shift clockwise to the easterly directions; winter winds are more often from the north and east, resulting from arctic highs and tropical low-pressure systems that originate in the Caribbean and move north along the coast. The winds in 1978 were predomi- nantly from the southwest and northeast, while in 1979 there was more of a southwest and northwest tendency. Extreme winds were generally from the northeast. Although the FRF was not directly hit by a major hurricane in 1978 and 1979, strong northeasters produced high winds of more than 10 meters per second in April 1978, February and December 1979. Although wave approach during the overall reporting period was predomi- nantly from the south side of the FRF pier, during the winter months (October through March) when the largest waves occurred a far greater percentage approached from the north side of the pier. The average and the standard deviation of the annual significant wave height, measured at the seaward end of the FRF pier (median depth 8 meters), were 1.0 and 0.5 meter, respectively, while the average annual significant wave period was 8.9 seconds with an associated standard deviation of 2.6 seconds. The highest significant wave height recorded was 3.3 meters in April 1978. The average tidal range during the reporting period was slightly more than 1 meter for the pier-end tide gage. The highest recorded water level was 127 centimeters above the 1929 National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), which occurred on 13 September 1979 during high wave conditions; the lowest water level recorded was -95 centimeters below NGVD on 6 September 1979. The annual (1979) average mean high water (MHW) and mean low water (MLW) levels were 60 and -43 centimeters (NGVD), respectively. The annual variation of the location of the MSL beach intercept covered a 34-meter range with the extreme positions being as near as 32 meters from the dune on 30 November 1979 and as far as 66 meters from the dune on 17 August 1979. 11 The nearshore bottom elevations along the north side of the FRF pier var- ied as much as 3.3 meters at pier station 6+51, located 130 meters seaward of the dune, and as little as 0.5 meter at pier station 12+47, some 312 meters from the dune. III. INSTRUMENTATION This section identifies the instruments used for the long-term monitoring of oceanographic and meteorological conditions, and briefly describes their design and operation. More detailed explanations may be found in Miller (1980). The equipment used for collecting other types of data (e.g., survey- ing system) is discussed in Section IV. 1. Wave Gages. Five wave gages are in operation as part of the BEM for monitoring the wave conditions in the vicinity of the FRF (Fig. 2). These include a wave staff gage on Jennette's Fishing Pier in Nags Head, North Carolina, approxi- mately 40 kilometers south of the FRF; two wave staff gages on the FRF pier (one at station 6+20, the other at station 19+00); and two Waverider buoy gages located 0.6 and 3 kilometers offshore. The wave staff gages are parallel cable types manufactured by the Baylor Company, Houston, Texas. These gages are designed for an accuracy and reso- lution of 1 and 0.1 percent full scale, respectively. The Waverider buoys are manufactured by the Datawell Laboratory for Instrumentation, Haarlem, Netherlands. The 0./-meter-diameter buoy floats on the water's surface and measures the vertical acceleration produced by the passage of a wave; the buoy electronics doubly integrate this signal to produce a displacement signal and telemeter the signal to a receiver onshore. The manufacturer states that wave amplitudes are correct within 3 percent of their true value for frequencies between 0.065 and 0.5 hertz (i.e., wave periods between 15 and 2 seconds). For frequencies as low as 0.03 hertz (i.e., a 33-second period), the manu- facturer provides a frequency response curve which must be used to maintain the 3-percent accuracy. The frequency response curve was not used for the data in this report; wave periods greater than 15 seconds were noted in less than 2 percent of the Waverider observations. 2. Tide Gages. Water level data from two gages located on the FRF pier are presented in this report. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Survey (NOS), control station at the seaward end of the. research pier (station 19+60) consisted of a Leupold-Stevens gage manufactured by Leupold and Stevens, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon. The nearshore station along the pier (station 7+20) consisted of a Fischer-Porter gage manufactured by Fischer and Porter Company, Warminster, Pennsylvania. Both the Leupold- Stevens and Fischer-Porter analog-to-digital recorders are float-activated, spring-counterbalanced instruments that mechanically convert the vertical motion of a float into a coded, punched paper-tape record. The below-deck installation at stations 19+60 and 7+20 consisted of 30.5-centimeter—diameter stilling wells with a 2.5- and a 1.3-centimeter orifice, respectively, and 21.6-centimeter-diameter floats. WW? *uUOTJEQUSUNAYSUT FYq FO vuotzeo0T °7 san3tTy (w) aouojsig O00€ 0082 0092 O0v2 O0¢2 0002 008! 009! OOr! 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Meteorological Instruments. a. Anemometer. Winds were measured using a National Weather Service (NWS) Model F420C anemometer, which consisted of a cup rotor and spread-tail wind vane. The anemometer was located 58 meters behind the dune with the cups 6.4 meters above NGVD (Fig. 2). The accuracy of the speed transmitter and indicator assemblies is 0.05 meter per second up to 5 meters per second and 0.1 meter per second from 5 to 10 meters per second. The wind direction transmitter and indicator assemblies are accurate to +5° at an airspeed of 0.26 meter per second or greater. b. Microbarograph. This recording instrument is an aneroid sensor used to measure atmospheric pressure and responds to pressure changes on the order of 0.169 millibar. The microbarograph, which is manufactured by the Belfort Instrument Company, Baltimore, Maryland, was located inside the office trailer, 8.5 meters above NGVD (Fig. 2). c. Maximum-Minimum Thermometers. These thermometers were housed in the instrument shelter and were used to determine the daily extreme temperatures. d. Rain Gage. A 30-centimeter weighing rain gage manufactured by the Belfort Instrument Company was used to measure the daily amount of precipita- tion. The gage was located near the instrument shelter 8/7 meters behind the dune (Fig. 2). The manufacturer's specifications indicate that the instrument accuracy is +0.5 percent for precipitation amounts less than 15 centimeters, and +1.0 percent for amounts above 15 centimeters. e. Sling Psychrometer. A sling psychrometer was used to measure “wet” and “dry” bulb temperatures for determining relative humidity and dewpoint. The psychrometer has two thermometers mounted in a frame which is rotated rapidly. A moistened mslin wick is attached to the bulb (which is then the wet bulb) of one of the thermometers and the device is whirled to ventilate both thermometers. The wet and dry bulb temperature readings and a set of NWS tables are used to determine the dewpoint. f. Pyranograph. A mechanical pyranograph, manufactured by the Weather Measure Corporation, Sacramento, California, was located on the top of the weather instrument shelter and provided a record of the duration and intensity of solar radiation. Iv. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS This section discusses the FRF data collection techniques, data acqui- sition systems, and data analysis procedures, as well as quality control measures. 1. Digital Wave Tata. a. Recorders and Signal Conditioning. Two different recording systems were used to collect digital wave data. The primary system transmitted ana- log data signals via telephone lines from the FRF to CERC at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Data were recorded in digital form on a Modcomp II/25 minicomputer. The backup system recorded data at the FRF using a Lockheed Store 7 (FM) recorder. A second FM recorder, which was located at CERC (Fort Belvoir), was 14 used to play these tapes into the Modcomp so that the data record could be digitized and tapes compatible with the telephone-line system generated. From August 1978 through September 1979, the Modcomp was not operational; conse- quently, only the FM recorder was used for data collection. Regardless of which system was used, the voltage signal from the sensors required certain conditioning. For the Modcomp system, the signal was first amplified and biased to ensure a Q- to 5-volt range, then converted to a frequency-modulated signal by exciting a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). That signal was then transmitted to Fort Belvoir via telephone line where a discriminator was used to convert back to a voltage signal. This signal was fed into a demultiplexer to convert to a serial data stream which was then sampled by the Modcomp. For the FM recording system, the O- to 5-volt signal was fed directly to the FM recorder which operated on a maximum output of 3 volts; thus it linearly scaled the O0- to 5-volt signal by a factor of 3/5. b. Data Collection. The signals from the BEM wave sensors were sampled four times per second for 20 minutes every 6 hours, beginning as near as pos-— sible to 0100, 0700, 1300, and 1900 hours eastern standard time (e.s.t.). These hours correspond to the times used for the NWS daily synoptic weather maps. Since the Modcomp system was automated, data were recorded during nonduty hours and on weekends-holidays. The FM recorders were run manually and for most dates only two observations, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, were obtained. In general, the FM recorder was not run on the weekends and holidays unless there was a particular event in progress, such as a storm or experiment. If raw data records are to be obtained from CERC, it is important to determine which recording system was used since the digital data from the FM system require a 5/3 amplification to exactly duplicate the scale of the data recorded via the telephone-line system. The Baylor wave staff gages required little maintenance except to keep the biological growth cleaned off the cables and to replace defective parts, e.g., transducers after a lightning strike. The staff gages including the trans- ducer elements and associated electronics were calibrated at least once a year and each Baylor transducer element was calibrated prior to installation (see App. A for gage histories and the dates new transducers were installed). Recent tests indicate that gage calibrations performed this often ensure accurate wave height information but that the amplification electronics should be checked and adjusted at least monthly to obtain accurate water level infor- mation from the staff gages. At least every 9 months the two Waverider buoy gages were rotated with two that had been cleaned, repainted, and new batteries installed. CERC did not calibrate the buoys during 1978 and 1979; however, recent semiannual calibra- tions of the same buoys show an 8-percent or less amplitude response error in the 10-second period range when compared to the manufacturer's calibration curve. The Datawell Company believes this has been a gradual deterioration of the accelerometer system that started when the buoy was initially put into service; thus, there is reason to believe that during 1978 and 1979 the error was considerably less than 8 percent. ce. Data Tapes. The wave data from January 1977 through December 1979 were recorded in digital form in the following basic tape format: two records of header information which included the station identification number, the 15 date and time, followed by a variable number of records necessary to obtain 20 minutes of data from all sensors at a sample rate of four values per second. Each record contained 384 20-bit integer words (i.e., binary format). Each integer word represented the computer units corresponding to the instantaneous voltage output of the sensor. The above sequence of records was repeated for each recording interval until the data tape was filled. The 20-bit word size is unusual but necessary because CERC processes the data on a CDC6600 machine which has a 60-bit word size. CERC has the software to convert the data tapes to an ASCII format. d. Data Analysis and Summarization Procedures. The CERC procedure for analyzing and summarizing digital wave data is based on a fast Fourier trans- form (FFT) spectral analysis procedure. The final results are also subjected to an editorial review and quality control before public distribution (Harris, 1974; Thompson, 1977). The computer analysis routine uses 4,096 data points (1,024 seconds of data sampled four times per second) for each data record processed. The program first edits the digital data record, checking for nonnumeric characters, jumps, and spikes (i.e., deviations greater than 2.5 and 5 standard deviations from the mean, respectively). If more than five bad data points are found in a row or more than 2.5 percent of the digital values are determined to be bad, the record is considered unsuitable for analysis and rejected. For a few bad data points, the routine will linearly interpolate between the erroneous values. If the record is determined to be suitable for analysis, the distribution function of the sea-surface elevations and the first five moments are computed. The variance (the second moment) and skew- ness (the third moment) are checked to determine if full analysis of the data record is warranted. Records with very low variance values and excessively skewed distribution functions are not fully analyzed. After it is determined that the record justifies full analysis, a cosine bell data window is applied to increase the resolution for the energy spectrum of the record; use of the data window is discussed by Harris (1974). After application of the data window, the program computes the variance spectrum (energy spectrum) using the FFT procedure. Significant wave height and peak spectral (or significant) period values conveniently characterize the wave conditions contained in the data record and are more conducive to statistical summarization than the more complete but complex description provided by the spectrum. Although significant wave height is defined as the average height of the highest one-third of the waves in a record, experimental results and calculations based on the Rayleigh distribution function show that the significant height is approximately equal to four times the standard deviation of the wave record (U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1977). The peak spectral wave period (also referred to as the significant or peak period) for each digital record is defined as that period associated with the maximum energy density in the spectrum (Thompson, 1977). After 1 month of data has been analyzed, the significant wave height and peak period values are segregated by gage and tabulated for an editorial review. The editor checks for such things as unreasonable distribution of the sea-surface elevations; clipping of the crest or troughs; inconsistencies between successive observations; large trends in the 17-minute, 4-second data record; and discontinuities in the data. After the data are edited, two-page monthly summaries of significant height and peak period are generated for inclusion in monthly reports. 16 2. Water Level Data. a. Data Collection. The water level information was obtained from two NOS tide gages, each of which produces a digital paper tape of instantaneous water levels sampled continuously at 6-minute intervals. At the end of each month, the paper-tape records are removed from the recorders and mailed to NOS in Rockville, Maryland, for analysis. The FRF tide gages are checked daily for (1) the correctness of time, (2) the proper operation of the punch mechanism, and (3) the accuracy of the water level information obtained. The accuracy is determined by comparing the gage level reading to a level read from a reference electric-tape gage. b. Data Analysis. The digital paper-tape records of tide heights taken every 6 minutes were analyzed by the NOS Tides Analysis Branch. A Mitron interpreter created a digital magnetic computer tape from the punched paper tape. This tape was then processed on a Univac 732 computer. First, a listing of the instantaneous tidal height values is obtained for a manual check. If errors are encountered, the computer program can fill in or re- create a maximum of 3 consecutive days of bad data using correct values from the nearest tide station and accounting for known timelags and elevation anomalies. The data are plotted and a new listing is generated and rechecked. When the validity of the data is confirmed, monthly tabulations of daily highs and lows, hourly heights (instantaneous height selected on the hour), and various extreme or mean water level statistics are generated. The MSL reported is the average of the hourly heights throughout the month; the mean tide level (MTL) is midway between MHW and MLW. 3. Weather and Visual Observations. a. Meteorological Data. Each instrument that is used for monitoring the meteorological conditions at the FRF is read and inspected daily. The instru- ments with analog chart recording capabilities are checked as follows: the chart pen is zeroed; the chart time is checked and corrected if necessary; a daily reading is marked on the chart for reference; the starting and ending chart times are recorded as necessary; and new charts are installed when needed. Sample chart records for the barograph (atmospheric pressure), rain gage, and pyranograph (solar radiation) are presented in Figure 3. Daily readings are taken from all instruments except the pyranograph. Visual observations of weather information such as cloud cover, visibility, and predominant weather conditions are obtained concurrently with the instrument readings. The meteorological data summaries in this report were prepared from daily observations obtained at about 0700 e.s.t. These summaries do not represent daily or hourly averages; therefore, caution should be exercised when inter- preting the results. The NWS anemometer was calibrated annually. The anemometer output was coupled to dial wind speed and direction indicators, which were read daily (estimated averages of a l-minute observation of the dials). 17 ee ea, Hine HEH Ce Ls EAPAPPEEESUID ee Eo HA “il pee 7] A AEE PATE EurEErEsIE ATE? He HLL siz/ezeecae rece tHiee All EAESUERNESIE Hi AE TEE HEE ESE Ede FEERROUE E FEA: i Aut i] fa TT HE PH re pera Lee a HES, EsUHgNEdEENGE:VEECEIEE A TEE ap HHSHEEHEE saa ead oe 8 ER RED LR AUREUS NOGCUUTEEG YY u eS saat tt ROLL LAST OE Pana te ny tH A aia rTTEEREEEE TE HE HT a erat cess sete br saa UVES \ “ ce _ at LEERY 0. BAROGRAPH SAMPLE UIT r Tian tiercsi tr GAT a a HEA paeeupese ET HH HEE H HEE Be PAL HEALTH Freee TET a RAE NHN BPaneeceata GearMGcaesvenerdc eee 2 AN ket Genet IF GeEREGGOWEROOBIEE EY CIEE PNET CALE He mun | | J [a c. PYRANOGRAPH SAMPLE Figure 3. Samples of meteorological instrument chart records. 18 An aneroid barometer that was calibrated in 1977 was located near the microbarograph and used as a standard for daily comparisons with the microbarograph. b. Littoral Environmental Observations. Visual observations conforming to CERC's Littoral Environmental Observation (LEO) program (Schneider, 1981) were obtained daily at about 0700 to supplement instrumented data collection. These included observations of surface current speed and direction and wave approach angle. 4. Sediment Data. a. Data Collection. Weekly samples of the surface layer (top centimeter) of sand were taken by hand from the foreshore near the upper swash limit, and a detailed sediment survey was performed in August 1979 to obtain data on sediment characteristics both alongshore and perpendicular to shore at the FRF. The survey, which was conducted by divers using a 40-centimeter-long coring device, covered an area 76 meters north and south of the pier from the dune to a 1l6-meter water depth, i.e., 3300 meters offshore. b. Data Analysis. The August 1979 survey data and the foreshore sampling data prior to April 1978 were analyzed with CERC's rapid sediment analyzer to determine the size distribution of the samples (Duane and Meisburger, 1969). Foreshore sand samples taken after April 1978 were visually compared to 0.5- phi interval size standards to determine an approximate mean grain diameter. The phi designation is defined as minus the log to base 2 of the sediment diameter in millimeters, i.e., phi = -log, (dmm) . 5. Beach, Bathymetric, and Pier Surveys. a. Data Collection. In September 1978, the beach in the vicinity of the FRF was surveyed using conventional rod and stadia techniques (Czerniak, 1972). This technique permits rapid data collection with accurate results conforming to the following specifications: horizontal accuracy +15 centi- meters; vertical accuracy +0.3 centimeter. The surveys went from the monument base line behind the dune to a maximum wading depth of approximately -0.5 meter MSL. In October 1979, Langley and McDonald, Inc. of Virginia Beach, Virginia, performed a FRF bathymetric survey that covered the beach, nearshore, and offshore areas. Survey ranges were located up to 4 kilometers north and south of the pier; each range extended seaward from the base line behind the dune sometimes as far as 3200 meters offshore. Range designations and locations are given in Table 1. The survey techniques used were as follows: (a) For beach surveying, the conventional rod and stadia tech- nique as described above was used. Control consisted of a series of monuments installed by NOS, CERC, and the U.S. Army Engineer Dis- trict, Wilmington (SAW); Czerniak (1974) provides documentation on almost all control in the area. The beach part of the survey went from the monument base line behind the dune to the maximum wading depth (approximately -0.5 meter MSL). (b) For nearshore surveys, the contractor used a stadia rod mounted on a sea sled (Fig. 4) to conduct surveys through the surf zone. The sled was pulled offshore by boat and then winched by cable to shore. The cable was marked at 6.l-meter intervals and an observer on the beach used a level to read the rod elevation at each interval as the sled was winched to shore. 19 Table 1. Ranges used in 1978 and 1979 surveys. Range No. Prior Distance from Year conducted designation | ¢ of pier (1978) (1979) (m) 176 SAW 12+00 x x 180 CERC 18 x x 183 SAW 6+00 x x 187 SAW 1+50 x x 190 CERC 19 x x Temp x Temp x 207 F x CERC 22(G) x x 20 Figure 4. Sea sled used in the 1979 bathymetric survey. 21 (c) For offshore surveying, the contractor used a large fishing (sport) boat with an analog fathometer; two people on shore trian- gulated the boat's position. The fathometer was calibrated on each range line by comparing the value at the sea sled's seawardmost posi- tion. The range, angle, and depth information was correlated and manually reduced to produce position and depth data. In addition to the beach and bathymetric surveys, weekly profiles along both sides of the pier were performed, using the “lead-line” surveying tech- nique which consisted of lowering a weighted measuring tape and noting the distance below the pier deck which is a known elevation above NGVD. Spaces between the pier bents (i.e., every 12.2 meters) were used to minimize inac-— curacies due to scour near the pilings. b. Data Analysis. Surveying conditions were calm in 1979 and no correc— tion for wave effects was made by the contractor for the offshore part of the bathymetric survey. An output of the data for the pier, beach, nearshore, and offshore sections of each range is generated and a graph of the profiles (i.e., distance along the range versus elevation) is provided, using line printer graphics, for visual inspection. After the data are edited and deter- mined to be acceptable, another set of computer routines is used to generate various statistics, e.g., maximum and minimum sand elevations, and various graphic displays, e.g., profile representation, contour movement, envelope of elevations, and time sequence of elevations. 6. Photography. a. Aerial. Several aerial photography missions were performed by a contractor as part of the BEM, using a 9-inch negative format mapping aerial camera for both black and white and color photography. All coverage had at least a 55-percent overlap, and all flights were flown as close as possible to periods of low tide between 1000 and 1400 hours with less than a 10-percent cloud cover. The flight lines were concentrated near the FRF although one flight line per year extended from Cape Henry, Virginia, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (see Fig. 5). The flight dates and scale specifications are described in Table 2. b. Ground. As part of the visual observations, color slides of the beach were taken daily from the pier looking north and south, starting in August 1979. The location from which the picture was taken, the date, the time, and a brief description of the picture are marked on the slides, and an inventory is maintained. V. RESULTS Although this report is intended to provide basic data for analysis, many of the daily observations have been summarized by month, season, or year to aid in interpretation. Where summaries appear and no individual data are included in the report, users may obtain the detailed information by following the procedures described in Section VI. 22 RUDY INLET : Scale PORTSMOUT Flight Line 1 — 1: 12,000 Flight Line 2—1: 6,000 Flight Line 3—1: 12,000 HATTERAS FIELD RESEARCH Namencitiny Figure 5. Flight lines for aerial photography missions. 23 Table 2. Flight dates Date Flight line 1: Cape Hatteras, N.C. to Cape Henry, Va. (scale 1:12,000) 2 Feb. 1977 10 mi (16 km) north of FRF to Oregon Inlet 29 July 1977 10 mf north of FRF to Oregon Inlet 10 Aug. 1977 10 mi north of FRF to Oregon Inlet 11 Nov. 1977 10 mi north of FRF to Oregon Inlet 8 Feb. 1978 10 mi north of FRF to Oregon Inlet 16 May 1978 Cape Hatteras to Cape Henry 13 Sept. 1978 2 mi north of FRF to Oregon Inlet 18 Oct. 1978 Cape Hatteras to Cape Henry 2 Dec. 1978 Cape Hatteras to Cape Henry 21 Apr. 1979 Cape Hatteras to Cape Henry (scale 1:12,000) 2 Sept. 1979 Cape Hatteras to Cape Henry (scale 1:12,000) 25 Oct. 1979 and aerial photography inventory. Flight line 2: Duck, N.C. (scale 1:6,000) 2 mi (3.2 km) nort to 2 mi south of FRF pier 2 mi north to 2 mi south of FRF pier 2 mi north to 2 mi south of FRF pier 2 mi north to 2 mi south of FRF pier 2 mi north to 2 mi south of FRF pier 5 mi (8 km) north of FRF to 5 mi south (scale 1:6,000); 3 mi (4.8 km) north of FRF, 3 mi south (scale 1:2,200) 2 mi north of FRF 2 mi south (scale 1:6,000) 2 mi north of FRF 2 mi south (scale 1:6,000) of FRF (scale 2 mi north 2 mi south 1:9,000) of FRF (scale 2 mi north 2 mi south 1:6,000) 2 mi north of FRF 2 mi south (scale 1:9,000 and 1:2,30 2 mi north of FRF 2 mi south (scale 1:6,000) 2 mi north of FRF 2 mi south (scale h to to to to to 0) to to Flight line 3: Currituck Sound to Atlantic Ocean (scale 1:12,000) Currituck County to Atlantic Ocean Currituck County to Atlantic Ocean Currituck County to Atlantic Ocean Currituck County to Atlantic Ocean (scale 1:12,000) Currituck County to Atlantic Ocean (scale 1:12,000) Currituck County to Atlantic Ocean (scale 1:12,000) Film format (negatives) Color Color Color Color Color Black white and and and and and IR and IR 24 1. Data Availability. Tables 3, 4, and 5 are quick reference guides showing a weekly breakdown of the various types of data available for 1977, 1978, and 1979, respectively. Wave instrument histories, which are provided in Appendix A, may explain major gaps in the data. Detailed listings of available analog chart records for the meteorological instruments are provided in Appendix B. 2. Wave Data. Appendix A contains significant wave height and peak period summaries for each BEM wave sensor which include (a) the gage history; (b) a table of over- all, annual, and monthly maximums, means, and standard deviations of signifi- cant wave height and peak period; and (c) tables of the joint distribution of significant height versus peak period for the overall time of operation. Figures 6 and 7 present the extreme, mean, and standard deviation of the mean significant wave height values for those months where at least 50 percent of the observations were obtained from the Nags Head and pier-end staff gages, respectively. Thompson (1977) used the 50-percent cutoff to ensure the relia- bility of data summaries. Table 6 is an annual joint distribution of significant height versus peak period for the Nags Head gage during 1977. This table gives the frequency of the significant wave height and peak period within specified intervals, based on the number of observations per 1,000 observations. These values can be converted to percent by dividing by 10. A detailed explanation of the table format is provided in Appendix A. Tables 7 and 8 show the same type of distributions during similar times of operation in 1978 for the nearshore (615) and pier-end (625) staff gages. The data in these tables are relatively incomplete and should not be used for determining annual trends; the tables are included to emphasize differences between the pier-end and nearshore locations. Figure 8 shows the annual cumulative significant height distributions for a relatively complete year of data from Nags Head during 1977 and from the FRF pier-end staff gage during 1978. Figure 9 shows the typical distribution of peak wave periods during the same years of data; a solid line histogram repre- sents the 1977 data for Nags Head and a symbol indicates the 1978 data for the pier-end Baylor staff gage. 3. Tides and Water Levels. The history of tide gage operations for the two FRF installations is provided in Table 9. Data from these gages were reduced by NOS, and monthly tabulations of daily high and low waters and hourly heights are available at NOS (see Sec. VI). However, monthly mean values of the water level parameters defined below are presented in Figures 10 and 11 and Tables 10 and 11: 25 DIOP 40 yoom yINy & { P2U!0440 uo1429}109 D}OP pauUo|d jo yuariad GZ jnogo UY) as0W) DJOP 40 YOOM jDINJ0g | | DOP ON ia SORES SESESBHREEEREERERRESESSGESERSORESeaee BRESS punos5 BEES 46 4SbS SEEDS S08S55 B Socee i se oe ei OU8O08 45680 any [es oo 5 ae oe ee Sw ee Fe ee esa ee Ss gt Tydovbo.0ud se en eo se BSCS 0egor SECELCTI 4444444408 44088 4 4688 44 408 SOuipunos s01g eauns sajdwos puos pua 401d 037 ydosbounskg JayawosyrAsd Burs 2606 uioy ydo0s60s0qQ0s31q Jajawowauy SjUaWNsjSu! }03160)01098;a~K (OLE1-S9B) pus sag (12E1-G9B) O22 48! sebo06 opi EBSES | [ (029) sapisenom 03048)30 (019) 4apisaaom as0yssoaN (S29) 00+61 10 10)40g (S19) O2+9 40 s0)A0g 7 i V | (211) Poon SOON sabo6 aanm 4A 2s|'S[os|ér|ev|z v}ar|svfpole [2 efi »ovjec]ec|ue[oe|se[vele elec] ie lorfez|ee|ze[se|szfpelez|ee|izfoz|eieiai[ai[sioieiei foie] e|z lols[elele] Rae 229g “AON 120 "ydas bay Aine aunr Kkow uidy “J0W qa4 ‘uor u i “LL6T 103 AITTTGeTTeAe BIeq °E aTqRI 26 DIOP yO yoom j1Ny B ( P2uIOjjO UOIW39};}09 OVOP pauuojd jo juadsad G2 jnoqgo uoys aj0w) DIOP JO YOOM 101, J0g PF DIDP ON oO [Ee ee ee a a oe ee | | aw a a a a a | punosg fee ASSSSS -SS88 SSeS SSESo0SS0ERS see eee seus zAteSeee jo1sey ee SS a eS SS Se FS SN ee Se ee 2 Se SS ES SS Aydos6oj0ug BRS ESS SES SSS8S8 zB Ss SSeS SSS SSeS sess eseeeesses svawkyiog AAD AAA46 444444444444 40 4444 44 48 4 44 A141 Sbuipunos 491g (Sara SSS ee ee ON OE Se | Kanang B48 4B 4B 44444408 444408 414448 44448 4448 4 444 48 48 4 4 4 4 Sajdwos puos eee eee Se ee ee ee Oe ee a ee | BODE SSCS SS Seb beSSbSbBbbebboSbbbbbbobbbulbleblssllaseeeas ydosbouosky se ie | ea in || et i [es [| | se | [eo aajawoayoksd buns 4 7 ay | yy | | 4 44 A 4 4AQSEn8 2606 uioy : 7 | ydo16010q90331W AAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4A444 4 4 See sajawowauy Sjuawnsjsul }0I16ojos0aj ay HEESSEHESEEEESESS020:0:S2:Cb0REaepeso noe A (1Z€1-S98) O&+L 4214 se606 apy TTT TT Ty yy TT TTT toe) saprsanon asousyo [esha a a a ee es a || | CNS) epreRoMMevoyszoeN, 4 A444 AAA | (S29) 00+61 10 10)f0g AAAAAAA 7 | (S19) O2+9 10 10)40g 444444000000 EREREER 44 644 44888 44 (211) PoeH SBON sabo6 aanm u0140907 °9/61T 20O3 AQTTEGeETTeae eleq °H eTqeL 27 ojop jo yoom jing (P2u1Djj0 UO0IWDa1}02 DJOP PauUD\d yo yUarsad G2 JNOGD UDY) aJOW) DIOP JO YOM [OID | | DIOP ON | 4444464444444 44 444 4S punosp GEBESSOEE 4zbEU8 zAbb SRE EEEESESESESEREE zee eebseebss 1130 fydosbojoug SSH SSS8E5 zHbbbh pee SSS SSeS SSS SSSR SE SSEE6EESEs PTET MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAD AAD A444 444444448 444444 4444444088 4446 444 46 444 4S 4 4 46 ABE 4 4 488 48 AB MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ags ydosbounskg a Terr er leesrgeag ene ner eee oe 2606 up A : Gaoiisieaosn DT POPU PP PP PP PUPPY PPP YPOV OP OUVY PPV PPI PPr aoe UOUEN SjUaWNISUI }09160/0109; oy A (O2LE1-S98) pue saig (1ZE1-S98) O2+2 40!d sebob api A4hAALA (029) seplueaom 01045})0 444A 444 (019) JapisaADMm as0yssoaN (S29) 00+61 40 s0)h0g (S19) O2+9 10 10)A0g (211) poaH sboN sabob aaom sBuipunos 481g aauns sajdwos pups pud 191d O39 u01y0907 "6261 1OF AITTTQETTeAe eleq *¢ eTqRL 28 1977 1978 1979 A ® © Moximums Significant Height (m) Significant Height ( ft) Jan Feb Mor. Apr Moy June July Aug. Sept Nov Dec. Annual Figure 6. Wave height statistics for Nags Head, North Carolina, 1977-79 (CERC gage 112). A 1977 oO 1978 o 1979 4 @ ® Maximums Significant Height (m) Significant Height ( ft) ¢ : @ . : 4 Oo c 2 — L E> (Ss SO wm > Oo > [s) o ©) a So =) > 5) wo oO ° o c > we = =) a w (eo) 2 (=) Cc B= ¢ Figure 7. Wave height statistics at the FRF pier end, 1977-79 (Baylor gage at station 19+00, CERC gage 625). 29 33S 0° = GOTHId 4N NOTLVTAQG AGHVANWILS ba 20°t 8 LHOTIH 4N NOTLYVIA3O AavVONVILS MS 39S 240°6 = JQUTHad JAVM 40 JINVIYNVA OS 14 S2°) = LHOTIH °9TS 4M AINVI VA #339S 20° = AOTHId AAVM ANVHIAV La ¢0°2 = JHOTIH POTS ANVEIAV US*nt no°gt 09°OT 2m°L 25°L LE°R 69°6 S9°%H *9AV °10)9 i 6 t2 v@ got 9fn Elo 000T VwiOt °wnd 9t°2 b ) 2t 6S ett of2 9Ln 4a VWidk 00°0 + 0°T2 0S°t 2 2 e 6°02= 0°02 00°0 2 6°ate 0°6) 00°0 2 6°abe 0°95 00°O 2 6°Ltbe O°7)} nec2 9F ne S S 2 gl gt 6°9t]= O°9T 00°0 9¢ 6°Sle 0°St pict beat S@ I I L 99 9 6°nhe O°nt 00°O tet 6°fle O°C1 9L°t not €L t 2 S 6 On st a°2te 0°2I 00°0 net oo tbe OUT Obe2 292 89 if t 2 S t2 V¢ L 6°0T= 0°01 Meet 99¢ not S 6 v2 29 rh 6°6 = 0°6 to°t 2499 10¢ S st ot 19 295 of 6°@ = 0° 62°2 6SL 26 et a 02 “of 8 &°L = 0° 998°2 659A oot t at 92 1¢ 02 S 6°9 = 0°9 99°2 626 te S gt ng st 6°S = 0°S 09°2 816 en gt et gt 6°h = 0°h gn°2 S66 Qt 2 2 S ) 6°f | 0°¢ 0S°t O0OOT SS S 4°2 = 0°2 00°0 0003 6°t = 0°F 00°O0 000% 6° = 0°06 e°SAV @° 10h wind 6-8 ged Le9 925 Sen neg fo2 2-4 b<0 mH °HWNd ($935) (14) LHOTIH COIS agiudid 44 930 2 NVE YO4d ANVWWNS SNOTIAVANISAHN O98 °{L61 Buzanp ‘euf{Toreg yIION ‘peoy sBeN 3e potiaed yeoed snsida qysTey sAeM QUBDTIT_UBTS Jo uoTAnqTIAASTp AuToEG °*9 JTQeL 30 9¢°2 00°0 00° 00°0 00°0 00°90 0s*t 00°0 th°2 00°0 24°2 00°0 9f°2 02°2 one 00°¢ 94°2 “g°2 86°S fo°t ¢e°s 00°O 00°0 2° 9DAV mou e° 101 *wnd 00°00 00°0 de 098 20t not o¢ 08 0S2 16 42 tt 2° 1d ¢ ¢t gte2t etelt The0t Ofe6 oe8 @4 330 eeHONONHL O24 NVE HOS AXVHWNS g 8 0S°0t 05°08 ¢6°@ 99° t2 el oSe ct 4s 2et 2 2 t2 ? qt at 9 ) 2 0” os LI nf 2 f tt tt te 9 60 i] 92S Gen neg (14) LHOT3IH °OTS eel 9LS ote nt°@ s@n°ot Sto oft 53 °9AV °109 0001 VvLOL °wWnd sq W101 + 0°Tt2 2 6°02 0°02 6°ate 0°ol 6°ete 0°R3 6° LIe 0°LS 9 6°9t= 0°91 o°Ste 0°St ot 6°nle O°nmt 6°ETe 0°SI é 6°2te 0°25 a°tte= Oo°tt et 6°0t= 0°03 ] 6°46 = 0% St 6°@ = 0° ” 6°L © 0°%% 6°9 = 0°9 6 6°S = 0°S 6°n © 0°h 6°f = 0°¢ 6°2 = 0°2 o°t = O°f 6° = 0°0 te0 ($338) aolu3d SNOTLVANASAN ees aioysiveu qYyq 3e potied yeed snsierA AYZTeEy aaem AUeITZTUBTS JO uoTAnqTIIsTp Auyor °8/61 BSUTINp (G19) e8e3 s10TAVeg °L eTqUPL 31 te°g 0S°t 00°0 gn°¢ 00°0 99°¢ 00°0 0e°s tee 91's 20°R 84°C neces $0°¢ 9g°2 AYA 00°0 00°0 a° OAV MOU 9L 9L tet tat 90¢ non 1S9 69 064 tn6 816 S66 o00t onot O00t e°1OL *wnd LI S e°101 + §1 gteetl etelt vS°Or £A°OT g g mm TT20t O16 nt S £e°R ne ot Lae ea) 6°98 eZ 33d ens nn v2 ATP PAU *eHONONHL O42 NYE HOd ANVWWNS 9n°@ £@ of et°@ «“4l°o ont 992 £9 Ont ¢ ne £ st ¢ 22 g ne Lt Lt d .) Lt g Z 02 2 4 92S Sen (14) LHOT3H greg 69°n cat gt qt °oIs 9° 9nd die 2 f£eo2 10°6 »*09°9 S66 one £ at ot eg if es OR S @ °9AV °109 awiOlk °WNd Viol 6°9l= 0°91 6°St= 0°SS 6°nte O°nt eeeeeeee SHNUNMINOF OD 6o0e88 8 6 6 86 CoOoOeoce CeCeo ($33S) agotu3d SNOTLVANISEN 06S puse-i1etd qyq Je poztied yeed snsisa Aysfeay eAeM YUeDTF}FUSTS Jo uoFAnqyTAAsTp Autor °8/61 Sutanp (¢Z9) e3e3 saoTseg °8 OTqPL 32 @ Pier Baylor (No. 625) !978, 590 obsns. A Nags Head (No. 112) 1977, 850 obsns. —20 2.0 (= =!.0 i 1.0 <7 aa, aye LT] Bae 0 eaaass}3]3] 3] -Nilel[e] >| 2eaeisisie] 3] | Percent Greater Than Indicated Figure 8. Annual cumulative significant wave height distribu- tions at Nags Head and the FRF pier-end Baylor gages. oe 1977 Nags Head, NC.,850 Obsns. 1978 e Pier End Baylor,590 Obsns. 30 25 2 20 © a 10 ® | nek ; ey = Oo! 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Period(s) Figure 9. Peak period distributions at Nags Head and the FRF pier-end Baylor gages. 33 Table 9. FRF tide gage histories. Location Water Type of gage Proper operation Explanation depth, MSL Beginning End (m) FRF pier sta. & Digital recording June 1978 10 Nov. 1979 Battery problem. 19+60 (NOS float type (Leupold gage 865-1370) Stevens; Fischer- 13 Nov. 1979 2 July 1979 Gage stopped, possible Porter) orifice problem. 13 July 1979 Present FRF pier sta. 3 Digital recording 19 Jan. 1978 8 Apr. 1978 Orifice closed due to 7+20 (NOS float type (Leupold biological fouling. gage 865-1371) Stevens; Fischer- 11 Apr. 1978 1 May 1978 Orifice silted in. Porter) 2 June 1978 15 June 1978 Problem unknown. 31 June 1978 16 Oct. 1978 Orifice silted in. 18 Oct. 1979 5 June 1979 Problem unknown. 7 June 1979 5 Sept. 1979 Orifice silted in. 10 Sept. 1979 1 Oct. 1979 Battery problem. 2 Oct. 1979 1 Nov. 1979 Orifice silted in. 3. Dec. 1979 EH = Extreme High MSL = Mean Sea Level MR = Mean Range MLW = Mean Low Water MHHW = Mean Higher High Water MLLW = Mean Lower Low Water MHW = Mean High Water EL = Extreme Low 4 Extreme Values e@ Mean Values % Mean Range 150 150 120 120 490 90 € 2 8 60 60 a ro) ie z 30 30 S : 2 =e HO) 0k 7 — g E -30 -30 2 o = -60 -60 -90 -90 -120 -120 5 * o _ A Ci S SSB SS Se Eom am Ss Sa eas Se pe a eR - Ss sé Skea aba Gees easgreeeseaegG2 8 1978 1979 Figure 10. Tide-water level statistics for the pier-end tide stations 865-1370. 34 EH = Extreme High MSL = Mean Sea Level MR = Mean Range MLW = Mean Low Water MHHW = Mean Higher High Water MLLW = Meon Lower Low Water MHW = Meon High Water EL = Extreme Low 6 Extreme Volues e@ Meon Volues % Mean Range 150 150 120 120 ~ 90 90 € & & 60 60 S$ = S 30 30S g g c es me 3 3 ~ -30 -30 @ r=) * 60 -60 -90 -90 -120 -120 SAMS Sea Sess Beas s Se aeons 2 a $22 3332324258 8 S88 224333245828 1978 1979 Figure 11. Tide-water level statistics for the nearshore tide stations 865-1371. Table 10. Tide statistics for the pier-end NOS primary tide station 865-1370 at pier-end station 19+60. Year and MHHW MHW MTL MSL MLW =MLLW MR EH EL month : Date . Date (em) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) occurred (cm) occurred 1978 June 56 4 5-8 6-1 -44.8 101.2 89.0 22 -74.1 22 July 72.5 63.4, 13-1 13.7 -37.2 -42.1 100.6 98.6 17 -70.4 22 Aug. 67.4 60.4 11.0 10.7 -38.4 -42.1 98.8 96.3 18 -61.6 8 and 9 Sept. 84.1 78.6 28.0 28.3 -22.6 -27.1 101.2 126.8 13 -59..4 17 Oct. 67.1 16.8 17.1 -33.5 100.6 104.5 2 -62.8 11 Nov. 85.6 76.8 25.3 25.9 -25.9 -30.5 102.7 106.7 . 4 -65.2 30 Dec. 64.0 53.6 -0 0.3 -53.6 -58.2 107.2 116.1 1 -86.0 26 Avge 74.7 65.2 14.3 14.6 -36.6 -39.9 101.8 126.8 Sept. -86.0 Dec. 1979 Jan. 65.5 57.3. 2.4 4.6 -49.1 -53.3 106.4 110.0 27 -81.4 4 Feb. 68.0 60.4 8.8 9.4 -42.7 -48.8 103.1 120.7 26 -70.1 28 Mar. 61.9 55.2 1.5 1.8 -52.1 -55.2 107.3 86.0 26 -91.1 28 Apr. 66.4 59.1 7.0 7.3 -44.8 -49.1 103.9 97.5 14 -72.5 24 May 62.8 54.6 4.0 4.3 -46.3 -50.3 100.9 85.3 19 74.4 25 June 70.7 60-7 10.1 10-7 -40.2 -44.5 100.9 115.2 11 -68 9 16 Aug . 73.8 64.9 14.6 14.9 -36.0 -39.0 100.9 104.9 7 -67 4 11 Sept. 76.5 68.9 (15.8 16.5 -36.0 -39.0 104.0 115.2 23 -95.1 6 Oct. 71.6 63.4 11.6 11.6 -40.5 -45.1 103.9 103.6 24 -84.7 7 Nov. 72-5 63-4 11.0 11.6 -41.1 -46.3 104.5 116.1 4 -78.3 18 Dec. 65.2 54.6 2.7 3.0 -48.8 -54.3 103.4 102.1 21 -80.5 4 Avg. 68.9 60.0 8.5 9.1 -43.0 -43.6 103.0 120.7 26 Feb. -95.1 Sept. 35 Table 11. Tide statistics for the nearshore tide gage 865-1371 at pier station 7+20. Year and MHHW MHW MTL MSL MLW MLLW MR EH EL month Date Date (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) occurred (cm) occurred 1978 Jan. 51.2 0.3 0.3 -50.6 101.8 113.4 8 -113.1 10 Feb. 73.2 21.9 -29.3 102.5 111.9 6 -58.8 24 Mar. 63.2 10.7 11.0 -40.5 103.7 117.3 10 -88.7 8 Apr. 60.4 17.7 -25.0 85-4 134.4 26 -72.2 1 June 67.4 57.6 6.7 7.3 -44.2 -49.4 101.8 90.5 22 -74.4 22 Aug. 69.5 63.1 12.5 12.8 -38.4 -41.8 101.5 106.7 21 -61.2 8 Sept. 81.4 75.9 26.5 27.1 -22.6 -27.7 98.5 110.9 13 -61.6 17 Oct. 796) 72%)2; 922ie3! 22/36) —28'-0), —32\63)) 1002), 118)23 15 -54.9 ll Nov. 85.0 75.9 24.4 25.0 -26.8 -31.4 102.7 109.1 4 -71.9 30 Dec. 65.2 54.6 1.5 1.5 -51.8 -57.9 106.4 114.3 1 -89.9 26 Avg. 74.7 64.6 14.3 13.4 -35.7 -40.2 100.3 118.3 15 Oct. -89.9 26 Dec. 1979 Jan. 68.6 60.0 6.7 6.7 46.3 -51.5 106.3 114.0 27 -83.5 4 Feb. 70-7 64.0 13.7 13.4 -36.9 -41.1 100.9 126.2 26 -67 4 28 Mar. 64.6 57.6 4.6 4.6 48.8 -52.4 106.4 87.2 3 -89.3 28 Apr. 68.9 61.9 10.1 10.1 -41.8 -46.0 103.7 102.7 14 -67.7 11 May 63.4 55-2 4.9 5.2 -45.4 -50.3 100.9 86.3 17 -89.3 25 June 73.5 63-1 13.1 -37.8 -41.5 100.9 117.3 ll -66.8 16 July 69.8 61.9 11.9 12.5 -37.8 -42.1 99) 7 9/250 ll -65.8 10 Aug. 75.0 65.8 14.9 15.2 -35.7 -38.7 101-5 110.9 21 -69.2 11 Sept. 76.8 68.9 19.2 20.1 -30.2 -33.8 99.1 109.1 9 -83.2 6 Oct. 70-4 62-5 10.7 10.7 -41.5 -45.7 104.0 95.7 5 -85.0 7 Dec. 6508 5562 307 43-4705) 7-53.09) 10267 9 VI 3 21 -91.7 29 Avg. 69.8 61-6 10.1 10.7 -40.8 -45.1 102.4 126.2 26 Feb. -91.7 23 Dec. (a) Mean high water (MHW) - the average of all high water levels; (b) Mean low water (MLW) - the average of all low water levels; (c) Mean sea level (MSL) - the average of hourly tidal heights; (d) Mean range (MR) - the difference between MHW and MLW; (e) Mean tide level (MTL) - MHW plus MLW divided by 2; (f) Mean higher high water (MHHW) - the average of the highest high water levels; and (g) Mean lower low water (MLLW) - the average of the lowest low water levels. 4. Meteorological Data. The meteorological data are based on daily (excluding weekends and holi- days) observations made about 0700 e.s.t., coincident with the daily sensor maintenance and LEO observations. Appendix B contains monthly summaries of the daily weather observations, along with a chart record availability table. Tables 12 and 13 are annual meteorological data summaries for 1978 and 1979. 36 *eufyTore) yqION ‘se1999e4 aded *euz Toi) YIION “HONG “AeTd Judz *BPUTBATA “ATOJAON{ Ne eee ————————— —— EEE nnn 7° ST 8°0 L°0 7°0O OSE 8 09€ B8°e 602 628 OnS= 65€€ co LT Tenuuy a Te Of 87 LSE Of rat 02 6°T eT S*T OTe 8ce 062 G°Y 02 "8 82 T°t- OT 99S €°8 ° 990 LZ Ga9 OST L2E mal (Eu Of Ov Ov 8°€ 02 o€T 97 6°e 6I 6°€2 6°ET ° AON VKG £°8 02 8°? Oil ort 02 OT 02 8°€ 1Z 4 91 6°E£ LZ 9°St 9°ST °390 97 OS 02 L°9) 0g ORG 6°T S*T Ov €@ OS S°e 17 €T 4 9°ST 02 6°€£ 8°22 *adas Of Sc URS Oe? (Garé VP 9°T OT? 122 002 ore (6 9E V4 6°81 8T 6°€E 9°S7 *3ny "7 rat GL os veel L£°0 s°0 O€c i Ost T°e 4 701 €l 8° ct IT 6°€€ 97° 4C Apne 02 Oe7 val Te9) 0¢ 6°0 8°T o°l 002 Lee ost B°E (x6 oeT S 7°91 67 L°Te = 2°ce ounr c Te9) Os 7°0 L°0 orl 06! O€ oct 7°€ (4 Syl 4 B°L (6 7°6% = L°9T AeW 97 7GI os 9°98 8°0 7°0 08d 6 os T°s 61 9L V4 ors cal T°9% «6° ET *ady of os of val EE Ost 8°0 ort Ve! O9e €c ot e°"” (4 cel C4 o°s- LI (Oe & Gn ek) “rey eee — ———— een EEE eg O°N 7dd PA GON 7dud 7° PA (unm) See ee eee eee peirinds0 (°N 9naq .) (°N 9na2 .) peizinss0 peizinsz0 27eq paeds uozqIeI1 7g paeds uot 90170 (°Bae) 23ed OR) a3eq (Q)5)) auaiq4xq que qpnssy pseds *susgo la Ha * Bay (s/W) putM JO °ON uoTz eI FdPIeI0G aanjzeladusy, yquoy ee te ee SS eS °9/61 10x AaewUMs eBjep TedTZOTOIOsJeM [Tenuuy °ZT 2eTqPL 37 *BUTTOIBD YIION ‘398199398}q ade, “BuPFTOIe) YIION “YONG “tr9Td Adz *BTUTSIFA “ATOJION | SOU oot s°0 9°0 «6 €°0~—sCOOTEE SSZ Oo0€ (oa) VAG 96IT 8° l- €°€% oT Tenuuy eee eee eee val LT €°Oor Ove 9°? oT Comal Ove 97 OzE Gov) 0¢ 87 8I €°e- €T "°6T %1°9 “99d vT OcE S os (K4 T el 06 9°0 9°0 "°O 8 O9€ 8T OOE cre 8T 16 61 6 C= € 7a Comma Cra Cal * AON 82 SZ c°8 087 Weal 9°T orl OTE T97% 097 "° 4 (6 9S Lé 0) £ €°82 O°sT °290 L val L£°8 Ost Tal e°? 8°T 08 SY 06 6° 02 o9T 61 VEYA ” WEES AKG *adas 9T COL O9€ €°T orl 770 8601? 697 0c2 9°€ €c 87 8T 1°91 Il T°9€ 6°€72 ° ny 91 EAS os US 7°O L°0) (04% 62E Ole S°e€ 0c 69 6 8°7I S (Sai? GPCSC4 Aqne Le OS Sé L°8 02 ral 8°T 9°0 OS 62 OsT 6° 17 TZ €1 6° ET 97 ENE 9R06 oun v4 LT c°8 Ov Wel L£°0 (om 002 661 06T (a) 1Z 62 T 9° OT val 8°l2e =8°Lt Aew & 6 £°6 002 8°0 Usa Z°O) 3=— O22 67 092 S° 1Z TZ 8T o°s 4 9°St «6° ET *ady $1 (Ee Ue -O9€ L°0 orl 8°O.3— ss OTE cSE ore ©. OY” 12 "9 91 9°0- Te B°EZ «ETB “1B L Gaal Oot c°? TT 97°C Ose 6 Ol 9°47 ST 76 Ol 8°l- SZ 6°st I'l “qed 91 4 62 LL 092 €°? 0°? T°? har4 787 OOE L°4 (4 ost V7 9°c- £ V6 oe “uer ef O°N ded 7°PA f°O°N 7dud 7° PA (um) peizinss0 (°N ana.) (°N en] .) peazind90 perinss0 a7eg peeds uofzq2e17g paeds uoy32911¢ (- Bae) ajeq (D0) a2eq (9.) omai4xXy quej[nsoy paeds -susqo 14 Ha ° Say (s/W) putM JO “ON uo; IeIFdFIeIg ainjeiaduay, yquoy °6L61 10oy ALBUUMS B}epP Ted]TSoToOIOaJoW Tenuuy °E€] eTqeL 38 The resultant wind speed and direction values for Norfolk, Virginia, and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, obtained from the NOAA, NWS local Climatological Data Summaries, are included beside the FRF value, respectively, for comparison. As expected, the values for these two locations are somewhat different than the values at the FRF since they are based on data records that were taken hourly 7 days a week, rather than the one-time daily readings obtained at the FRF. 5. Visual Observations. Monthly and annual summaries of visually obtained wave data, wind roses, and annual longshore current graphs are presented based on the data for 1977-79 in Tables 14, 15, and 16; visual observations were obtained using LEO program Table 14. LEO data summary, 27 July to 30 December 1977. Month Wave height (cm) Wave period (s) Direction Current (cm/s) Mean Std No. of Mean Std. No. of Pet. occ. Mean Std. No. of Net Gross Std. No. of dev obsns. dev. obsns. 390 290 <90 dev. obsns. mean mean dev. obsns. j July 100 23 6 6.35 2.13 6 0.00 50.00 50.00 85.83 4.92 6 Aug. u 12 22 9.16 2.57 21 90.48 9.52 0.00 107.86 13.00 21 -7 15 10 17 Sept 84 39 16 7.89 1.88 15 40.00 6.67 53.33 86.00 21.81 15 5 23 15 16 Oct 128 = 102 16 8.03 1.79 15 35.71 14.29 50.00 87.86 23.51 14 14 27 25 14 Nov 103 89 16 9.10 1.17 14 57.14 14.29 28.57 94.29 18.38 14 4 18 12 15 Dec. 96 106 21 10.15 2.32 21 52.38 19.05 28.57 98.10 22.05 21 17 33 36 19 Overall 86 81 97 8.80 2.28 92 53-85 15.38 30.77 95.38 20.43 91 5 24 22 81 Table 15. LEO data summary, 3 January to 29 December 1978. Month Wave height (cm) Wave period (s) Direction Current (cm/s) Mean Std. No. of Mean Std. No. of Pct. occ. Mean Std. No. of Net Gross Std. No. of dev. obsns dev. obsns. — 99 =90 <90 dev. obsns. mean mean dev. obsns. Jan 56 36 17 10.03 2.84 16 50.00 6.25 43.75 90.00 16.43 16 15 19 19 17 Feb. 80 48 16 «10.36 2.85 15 13.33 26.67 60.00 85.53 6.60 15 37 37 23 18 Mar 72 32 22, 10.11 «1.53 19 42.11 15.79 42.11 90.68 11.69 19 37 34 27 21 Apr 103. 101 16 8.59 1.69 15 53.33 26.67 20.00 99.33 17.71 15 15 36 30 15 May 51 21 17 8.79 1.51 13 76.92 0.00 23.08 98.23 17.20 13 10 29 16 17 June 34 9 22 8.07 1.19 18 88.24 5.88 5.88 108.82 16.25 17 -1 22 18 22 July 53 24 18 8.35 1.72 14 57.14 14.29 28.57 91.21 11.63 14 4 23 14 19 Aug. 40 16 19 9.91 2.12 16 87.50 6.25 6.25 98.75 14.43 16 4 20 13 19 Sept 64 30 20 9.64 1.52 20 45.00 35.00 20.00 91.50 7.80 20 12 27 14 19 Oct 94 60 20 9.37 1.73 20 40.00 40.00 20.00 90.50 12.97 20 10 23 16 21 Nov 70 22 20 8.45 1.56 19 44.44 22.22 33.33 90.56 12.82 18 9 15 12 18 Dec. 54 26 20 9.24 2.39 17 23.53 23.53 52.94 84.12 10.19 17 9 22 13 2. Overall 64 45 227 9.26 2.02 2.02 51.00 19.50 29.50 93.10 14.43 200 i 25 18 227 Table 16. LEO data summary, 2 January to 28 December 1979. Month Wave height (cm) Wave period (s) Direction Current (cm/s) Mean Std. No. of Mean Std. No. of Pet. occ. Mean Std. No. of Net Gross Std. No. of dev. obsns. dev. obsns. “S99 290 <90 dev. obsns. mean wean dev. obsns. Jan 56 26 21 8.82 2.17 19 36-84 10.53 52.63 87.89 17.02 19 15 25 15 22 Feb. 78 34 15 8.67 1.96 15 53-33 0.00 46.67 87.00 15.33 15 22 29 22 15 Mar 62 33 24 8.60 1.44 24 62.50 12.50 25.00 91.25 18.84 24 20 32 13 24 Apr. 51 22 20 9.70 2.32 19 31.58 21.05 47.37 86.32 20.74 19 10 23 9 21 May 46 31 21 9.54 1.38 18 77.78 0.00 22.22 96.39 22.67 18 13 36 20 21 June 75 25 17 8.33 1.29 17 76-47 5-88 17.65 93.82 11.53 17 21 30 19 17 July 27 15 20 8.06 2.12 17 58.82 11.76 29.41 97.18 18.72 17 6 27 24 20 Aug. 47 20 23. 10.32 5.16 23 68.18 13.64 18.18 98.18 13.23 22 7 32 18 23 Sept 87 34 19 7.97 2.02 19 57.89 0.00 42.11 97.11 18.28 19 14 26 20 19 Oct. 46 27 21 7.12 1.90 21 61.90 9.52 28.57 92.86 19.97 21 8 29 14 21 Nov 74 39 19 8.45 2.63 19 63.16 10.53 26.32 93.16 20.49 19 Dec. 67 52 30 6.41 2.59 28 40.00 10.00 50.00 80.50 35.17 30 7 30 19 30 Overall 59 35 250 8.44 2.71 239 56-67 9.17 34.17 91.36 21.40 240 12 27 18 252 39 procedures. The average monthly wind roses and the average annual wind rose, based on LEO data collected between 27 July 1977 and 28 December 1979, are presented in Figure 12. These data were taken from values obtained using a Dwyer wind meter at the seaward end of the FRF pier. Figures 13, 14, and 15 are graphs of the longshore current magnitude, direction, and monthly mean versus time for the pier-end LEO site. A wave rose for the overall reporting period (1977-79), based on the sin- gle visually observed estimates of wave height and direction of wave approach at the seaward end of the FRF pier, is presented in Figure 16. Figures 17 and 18 show the annual wave roses for 1978 and 1979, respectively; Figures 19 and 20 are summer (April to September) and winter (October to March) wave roses for 1979. Although the estimated wave height appears to agree reasonably well with the instrument data obtained at the same time, it should be noted that these conditions do not reflect daily averages; the LEO data are daily instantaneous values indicative of the conditions at about 0700 e.s.t. 6. Sediment Data. At least monthly and often weekly sand samples were taken from the fore- shore at a beach site approximately 150 meters north of the FRF pier. Figure 21 shows the mean sediment diameter versus week of the year. The data for April 1978 through the end of 1979 represent the visually estimated size of the predominant sand grain size in the sample and seem to show an observer bias when compared with the settling tube data from the CERC Rapid Sediment Analyzer (RSA). The results of a more detailed sediment survey performed in August 1979 are presented in Appendix C. 7. Survey Data. A bathymetric survey was performed in October 1979. Figure 22 is a con- tour diagram of the resultant bathymetry, and Table 1 (see Sec. IV) lists the ranges surveyed, their distances from the pier, and the extent of the ranges offshore. Figure 23 shows the locations of the survey ranges in the vicinity of the FRF. Figures 24 and 25 show the comparisons of the northern and south- ern ranges, respectively, for the overlapping parts of the beach profiles from surveys during 1978 and 1979. Weekly pier surveys from both sides of the pier were performed; Appendix D contains monthly overlay profile plots for the data. Annual and overall enve- lopes of the profiles for all the surveys are shown in Figures 26 and 27. Figure 28 shows the time history of the bottom elevations for the pier-end Baylor, nearshore Baylor, pier-end and nearshore tide gage locations, and a number of the other survey stations along the pier. 8. Photographic Data. Quarterly aerial photography missions were flown as part of the measure- ment program. The data are stored in film canisters as continuous rolls of 9- by 9-inch photographic negatives (see Fig. 29 for photo sample). Table 2, which is in Section IV, itemizes the photographic missions. Daily ground photos of the beach looking north and south from the FRF pier were obtained, starting in August 1979. Figures 30 and 31 present samples for the north and south beaches, respectively. 40 °6/61 Jeqmeoal gz 02 //61 AIMC LZ Worz suoyzZeAAEesqo uo poeseq ‘eaIFs OF YIONIAON ¥30WN39390 YJJON and Saduasajay uoljIasig S/W +86 99 GE LI! 10 es es 0S Ov O€ O2 OI 0 abojuadiad isnonyu Aqar JOBYIAK TBNNNY pue-ietd 103 sesol puyM ¥380130 AyeNYe3s *Z1 eansty Y3OW31d39S ABW AYYONNEL 41 ! °/161 ‘ietd gad 9u2 JO pus preMess ay. Je SQUetIND ei0Yyssuo] °€] oan3stq AON 190 dJs On TAP NAC ABH UdU YUN Q34 juasiny AjyJUOW UDIaW O H AF NLT aM d ve O2l O2\ s/W9 H1LYON HLNOS 42 [Seen LE °8/61 ‘aetd qua ey) d3S juasINy AjYJUOW UDIW CO si ih i q tH a i ,O0 pud piemess ayj 3e SsqUetInD siz0ys3uc] = ocati d..) mine ‘Hh | a my i i °yl oansty On Vr Nar AUN Ud YUN a34 MW O21 O¢ 06 Od) $/W9 HLYON HLNOS 43 °6161 ‘1etd ada BYI JO puSd pAeMe|s dy} Ye SJUSsTAIND sioyssuo] *c]{ san3yTy 190 d3S On TAC NAL AUH UdU Yun Q34 Od 06 juasiny AjyJUOW UDIW O 09 | | o¢ | : pues my 1 il ie | | 1 ine | hil | | | | | o¢ UT O09 06 O2| HLYON 44 S/W HINOS wo e wy in) ww Q By fy an ™~ ov 1 a ™m~ vw ™ HD wy (=) (e) (=) 6 od) ~~ Ov 3 8 os (9) (a) o wn a a Oo wv Bo = e Ne) a (cd) 4 ja} for) od fy SACHETS SR << Ug PET" Wee —_—_]} 2 1 [Sc OMe oEIINSO (Pct) Figure 19. Wave rose based on April-September 1979 LEO data at the seaward end of the FRF pier. 46 Mean Diameter (mm) er Axis. Orientation OS |. (= a 0he Otden Doe 20es Bae 0.5 08 tt 1.4 17 2.0 2.3 3.2 32+ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Figure 20. Wave rose based on January-March and October-December 1979 LEO data at the seaward end of the FRF pier. ~<— RSA Analysis >< Visually Estimated —————_»> Figure 21. Mean foreshore sand size versus time from the beach 150 meters north of the FRF pier. 47 °6L61 1990990 ‘aeTd aya dy AIeSU AIJOWAYQeG 626} 4990190 ‘Aansns disjyowAyjog Ayi904 youDasey pyely 9Yy39 jo weiseyTp Aanoquo) °77 san3Tyq TSW A0j9g 1004 UI yidag_ 009 009 09! O00! 002 48 as -— PROFILE LINE PROFILE LINE CERC Pier S Scale in Meters ~ NK = Se N N ~s ) Figure 23. Survey ranges in the vicinity of the FRF. 49 *skoAIns 6/-8/61 ‘asuei ulayjiou oy 103 saTTyorad yoeeq Jo uosfaedmoy) °H7 aan3Ty {W ) JONULSTIS 6L.1900%-SLd3S9 GLID00Z-ELAISL 6L1900%-8L4d38SL BLASOGi-8Ld3SL 6LLD061-9L4d3S4 61. S906%-8L435S9 6LLIBOZ-SLd39S8 61.15002-bLd 986 3.80 KIAMS ONDIIS \ AJAMNS LSYTS > YNUUHINIS SI WALUO VHLNDZIMOH TSW oS! WALIHG THITINSA NOL!ESUd JNTISSOHS 3. uZt Oot 098 03 oY 0Z fen st ut UZ ) NOTLYAZ13 $2 o€ U7 Cle 50 *sA9AINS 6/-8/61 ‘Se8ue1 urAZYINOS JyQ 007, oat 6L1LD081-ALd3sat 66.1982 -9La986 6G. LIDLV-ahdssot 6LLOOLY-H4daS05 BLLDOLL-9Ld3St1 6LIDOLT-8ld9s6 6419091-81.d3S9 BLAINE L-ALdasg 3ie0 K2AUNS BNDIIS \ A3ASNMs LSYI4S > \ MYBNHINIY SY WAI1BO AWINDZATMOH WW ST WALYB VWITLYIA NOTLISd JNIVIYOHS +) 041 AIO} SaTtTyoid yoeeq Fo uosfaeduo) CM) J3NBLSID Oot 03 ve) oY 02 °¢Z ean3sty at ve w (a ha s+ 51 m 3 8 — 2) = Wl S a 28 < z Q H | oo < in 7 ra -12 Q 128 ™ 3 5 a 2) = lJ a) a 2 : eh ia a = 5 3-5 = 6 B38 (do) “ = : 189 meters: sta 6+ 20 Sarees = 189 meters: sta 6+20 Boh eo! § -2 is B Bos € -4 E -4 3-9 3 =9) 2 -— !04 meters: sta 3+ 40 ~All heals f 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976 1977 1978 1979 Year Pier Distance from Yeap Station Base line (m) Figure 28. Bottom elevations along the north and south sides of the FRF pier. 54 1 photo of FRF. Aeria Figure 29. 55 31 Oct. 1979 1300 hr e.s.t. 29 Nov. 1979 1430 hr e.s.t. 27 Dec. 1979 1600 hr e.s.t. Figure 30. Beach photos looking north from the FRF pier. 56 28 Sept. 1979 1220 hr e.s.t. 31 Oct. 1979 1300 hr e.s.t. 29 Nov. 1979 1430 hr e.s.t. 27 Dec. 1979 1600 hr e-.s.t. Figure 31. Beach photos looking south from the FRF pier. 57 VI. REQUESTING DATA The CERC Coastal Engineering Information and Analysis Center (CEIAC) is responsible for storing and disseminating most of the data presented or alluded to in this report. All data requests should be in writing and addressed to: U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, Attn: CEIAC, Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060. Tidal data other than sum- maries should be obtained directly from the National Ocean Survey, Attn: Tides Branch, Rockville, Maryland 20850. A complete explanation of the exact data desired for specific dates or times will expedite filling any request. The request should also explain how the data will be used to help determine if other relevant data are available. For information regarding the availability of data, contact CEIAC at (202) 325-7386. Costs for collecting, copying, and mailing will be borne by the requester. 58 LITERATURE CITED CZERNIAK, M.T., “Specifications for the Optimum Survey of BEP Profiles,” Memorandum for Record, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., Dec. 1972. CZERNIAK, M.T., “Documentation of CERC Beach Evaluation Program Beach Profile-line Locations in Dare County, North Carolina," U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., unpublished, Sept. 1974. DUANE, D.B., and MEISBURGER, E.P., “Geomorphology and Sediments of the Near- shore Continental Shelf, Miami to Palm Beach, Florida,”'TM 29, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1969. HARRIS, D.L., “Finite Spectrum Analyses of Wave Records,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysts, 1974, pp. 107-124 (also Reprint 6-74, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., NTIS A002 113). MILLER, H.C., “Instrumentation at CERC's Field Research Facility, Duck, North Carolina,” MR 80-8, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engi- neering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., Oct. 1980. SCHNEIDER, C., “Littoral Environmental Observation (LEO) Data Collection Program,” CETA 81-5, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., Mar. 1981. THOMPSON, E.F., “Wave Climate at Selected Locations Along U.S. Coasts,” TR 77-1, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., Jan. 1977. U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER, Shore Protection Manual, 3d ed., Vols. I, II, and III, Stock No. 008-022-00113-1 U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1977, 1,262 pp. 59 WS: “ Bete i ee tie APPENDIX A WAVE DATA This appendix presents summaries of the wave gage data in the following formats: (a) Gage histories: The gage histories include information about the gage, the gage installation, and times of operation with only minor interruptions. Short interruptions in the operational status of the gage are not mentioned. (b) Tables of overall annual and monthly maximums, mean and standard deviations of significant height and peak period: The monthly mean significant wave height and standard deviation, monthly mean peak wave period and standard deviation, and the monthly extreme significant heights are listed in these tables. Annual values and statistics for the overall period are also included, along with the total number of observations obtained for each month; at 4 observa- tions per day, the maximum number of observations per month (based on a 30-day month) is 120. From August 1978 to September 1979, 2 observations per day were recorded except during storms and special events; 60 observations were recorded during a 30-day month. (c) Tables of joint distribution functions of significant height versus peak period: For the overall time of operation of each gage, joint distribution tables are presented which give the frequency of the significant height and peak period within specified intervals, based on the number of observations per 1,000 observations. These values can be converted to percent by dividing by 10. The “row total" gives the total number of observations per 1,000 observations that fell within each specified significant height interval. The “colum total” gives the number of observations per 1,000 observa-— tions that fell within each specified peak period interval. Observa- tions in the lowest peak period interval usually represented calm conditions; however, these were not computed in the column total. The “cumulative totals" in the table are cumulative totals of the entries in the row total and column total. Each entry in the “row average” colum is the average significant height for all observations within each specified peak period inter- val. ach entry in the “colum average” is the average peak period for all observations within each specified height interval. The row and column averages are useful for investigating the relationship between significant height and peak period. 61 (aetd jo apts 677 °N UO) 4 G25 (w) °S 09 9° C- 9°L latd yo pua piemess worz aoue sg sWeTqoid Jepiode1 ‘aufpeuoyd swaTqoid Jepiode1 ‘auTTeuoud weTqoad auzTeuoyd ‘BuzuqyuZFy peryedei Bufeq lJexeTdza [NW Pepiode1 B3ep ON Ppepiodse1 BIBP ON JjO 1amod 1zaqzd “pepiodel Bjep ON weTqoid iapiode1 ‘pepi0ode1 B3ep ON aTqBo BBP puB laytd pasewep yoormdzys Jaonpsuei3 peq ‘SuzuqysTy sod FUOI.IeTA ydFA wetqoid ‘3uzuzyZyy SIPFUOIJIITS yaya wetTqoad ‘3uzuzysyy] aBed yonaqys Bupuqysyy peoseytdel azsonpsuely pecetdai iaonpsuely peoetdel Jayjy[dwe pue isdnpsuejay 1aqpTeys UuOFIBJUsUNAASUT BupAoW uo}; eue[dxq 62 *9ed IT 6L °AON LT 62 eunt 77 6£ eunr | 62 °41e8W OT 62 °99d T 82 28d 41 82 °ades 61 8L °ady /Z 8L °Ady 41 82 °1BW 61 8L °42d LL *3das 02 LL Ate 12 LL Aree 9 LL ABW 9 LL cady ZI uo} eiedo 1edoid jo pug 6Z *29d 61 6L “AON 72 62 Arne € 64 eunr 8 64 °ABW 62 62 °9ed 8T 62 uel ¥ 82 °290 L 81 °3ny | BL cady 12 82 °1ABW SZ 82 °1eW T LL *AON 42 ZL Ate 92 ZL Ate 61 LL ABW ZI LL *ady €1 loyAeg TL °AON € | ZIT *ON OURO uo}F e1sdo dadoid jo Suypuuzseg | ade3 yo addy, BU;TOIE) YIION “peay sden ‘10d Buzysfy seq jouer *NOILVOOT “mM .9€0SL Aq °N 1.6S,S€ :SALVNIGUOOD AYOLSIH ADVI AAVM UALNAD HOUVASAN ONIAAANTIONA TVLSVOO YL *4BW BT Vl-7LT Wiod OND 62 Table A-1. Wave height and period statistics for CERC Baylor gage 112 at Nags Head, North Carolina. Year and Mean Std. dev. Mean Std. dev. Extreme Date Obsn. No. of month height height period period height occurred No. obsns. (m) (m) (s) (s) (m) 1977 Jan. 0.88 0.36 8.73 3.24 1.60 3 4 89 Feb. 0.67 0.36 8.51 3.09 1.69 16 2 98 Mar. 0.71 0.28 9.06 2.96 1.43 25 1 118 Apr. 0.60 0.24 9.48 3.31 1.43 29 2 93 May 0.49 0.22 8.51 3.00 0.94 30 3 82 June 0.51 0.25 8.48 1.97 1.65 ll 2 91 July 0.50 0.23 8.67 2.03 1.04 26 4 40 Aug. 0.43 0.18 8.18 1.96 1.00 20 1 88 Sept. 0.46 0.15 10.80 3.09 0.94 15 3 47 Nov. 0.91 0.20 8.41 1.93 1.29 29 4 ll Dec. 0.98 0.43 10.39 3.61 2.13 21 2 93 Annual 0.65 0.28 9.02 2.86 2.13 850 1978 Jan. 0.99 0.37 10.19 2.64 2.02 9 2 100 Feb. 1.20 0.17 6.39 0.80 1.56 2 4 9 Mar. 1.06 0.37 8.65 2.01 1.87 25 4 82 Apr. 0.72 0.49 8.83 2.84 2.23 27 3 67 Aug. 0.54 0.14 9.63 2.10 0.85, 21 2 10 Sept. 0.98 0.40 10.34 1.66 1.87 13 4 45 Oct. 1.17 0.51 9.71 2.49 1.88 18 2 23 Nov. 0.89 0.28 8.04 2.02 1.56 22 4 33 Dec. 0.80 0.33 8.45 2.64 1.55 1 2 14 Annual 0.95 0.38 9.26 2.30 2.23 383 1979 Jan. 0.95 0.48 9.97 2.11 1.90 19 1 29 Feb. 1.23 0.26 10.83 2.30 1.60 18 1 8 Mar. 0.73 0.23 10.21 1.69 1.21 15 3 10 Apr. 0.69 0.25 9.15 2.61 1.21 26 2 22 May 0.61 0.28 8.14 2.17 1.40 18 3 23 June 0.81 0.41 9.44 3.07 1.61 20 3 11 July 0.51 0.23 9.85 2.44 1.11 5 2 21 Aug. 0.56 0.19 9.69 3.28 1.04 16 3 21 Sept. 0.94 0.44 8.92 2.53 1.85 24 2 46 Oct. 0.62 0.31 9.14 3.17 1.55 10 3 65 Nov. 0.90 0.37 8.73 1.72 1.72 14 2 60 Dec. 0.89 0.43 9.45 2.62 1.85 21 2 52 Annual 0.76 0.35 9.24 2.50 1.90 368 Overall 0.75 0.32 9.13 2.66 2.23 1,601 6n°2 00°0 0s°s 00°0 00°0 00°0 anee 00°0 no0°2 00°90 Lnee2 00°0O gS°e St°e ee°e 19°%2 £0°E 00°¢ 2Ll°2 62°2 os*t 00°0 00°0 a° DAV MOU if J if 92 92 66 66 oet 683 ged nen S69 £lL 199 1S6 S96 966 000% 000% 000% *°101 °wnd 1¥°@ 00°0 00°0 00°0 00°0 00°0 00°O0 ) 0 16 0 1009.7 207 26.1 21-1 22.0 21-5 21 4.1 200 3 0630 TH | 100 8 3 1009.0 310 28.3 22.2 22.5 21.0 20 6.7 200 4, 0630 0 24 0 1016.1 303 23.9 15.0 18.5 17.0 16 21 200 5 0630 100 16 0 1009 .4 717 26-1 16.7 21.0 20.0 20 4.1 120 8 0630 0 24 0 1016.5 214 22.2 13.3 14.0 10.0 6 6.2 240 9 0630 0 24 0 1015.1 000 18.3 12-2 21.0 19.0 18 6.2 180 11 0630 100 16 0 1014.4 203 12.2 6.67 9.0 8.0 7 4.6 280 12 0630 0 24 0 1012.4 207 15-0 8.3 18.5 15.0 13 5.1 200 15 0630 0 24 8 1026.0 210 14.4 9.4 10.0 9.0 8 3.1 240 16 0630 8 0 1022.9 303 17.2 7.8 13.0 12.0 11 1.5 200 17 0630 25 8 0 1024.6 214 21.1 7.8 10-5 10.0 10 1.5 140 18 0630 kK 5 0 1025.3 307 21.1 8.9 17.5 17.0 17 3.1 60 19 0630 K 5 15 1024.3 303 21.1 16-1 18.0 17.5 17 4.1 50 22 0630 K 5 0 1022.6 400 26-7 17.8 21-0 19.5 18 2-1 220 23. 0630 K 0 8 0 1015.5 707 26.1 15.0 20.0 19.0 19 2-1 220 24 0630 25 8 8 1009.7 220 25.6 llel 12-5 11.0 10 6.7 290 25 0630 30 16 c 1015.8 220 14.4 7.8 8.2 280 26 0630 50 16 0 1018.2 214 13.9 5-6 10.0 9.0 8 3.1 270 29 0730 0 24 0 1015.8 224 17.8 9.4 16.0 14.0 13 4.1 320 315940730 10 16 0 1027.7 207 16.7 13.3 17.0 14.0 12 7.2 360 lsee keynotes. 88 Table B-21. Meteorological observations, November 1979. Day Time Cloud Visi- Amount of Atmos~ Pressure Temperature (°C) Land cover bility precipi- pheric trends! “High Low Dry Wet Dew Wind- Wind tation [TS bulb bulb point speed direction (pet) (km) (mm) (mb) (m/s) (true N.) 1 0730 30 16 0 1027.3 303 18.3 15.0 18.0 16.0 15 7.2 90 2 0730 60 16 0 1021.2 507 21.1 14.4 18.0 17.0 16 4.1 130 5 0730 75 24 45 1030.7 320 12.2 10.6 13.0 10.0 7 7.2 50 6 0730 25 24 0 1026.0 603 15.6 11.7 16.0 14.0 13 3.6 90 7 0730 0 24 0 1019.9 307 20.0 7.2 11.0 9.0 6 4.1 320 8 0730 10 16 0 1020.9 314 16.7 6.1 10.0 9.0 8 2.6 360 9 0730 50 16 0 1017.5 503 17.2 5-0 14.0 13.0 12 3.6 130 13. 0730 100 6 27 1014.1 500 13.9 11.7 16.0 15.5 15 5el 50 14 +0730 100 13 2 1016.5 224 15.6 7.8 9.5 7.0 4 722 320 15 0730 10 16 0 1025.6 114 11.7 3.3 5.5 3.5 2 3.6 320 16 0730 75 24 0 1018.5 107 11.1 4.4 10.0 7.0 5 4.1 250 19 1450 0 24 0 1024.3 102 20.0 -2.2 18.5 16.0 15 1.5 130 21 1200 0 24 0 1029.7 000 16.7 8.9 15.8 15.8 15 1.5 50 23 +0730 10 24 0 1024.6 207 22-8 6-1 17.0 16.5 16 4.1 180 27. —-0730 10 24 46 1024.6 220 24.4 11-7 2.6 250 28 0730 90 16 0 1018.2 710 13.4 11.7 15.0 14.0 14 4.1 200 29 0730 10 24 0 1014.8 214 21.1 6.7 7.5 6.20 4 5.7 320 30 0730 10 24 0 1022.2 320 10.6 -0.6 4.6 320 lsee keynotes. Table B-22. Meteorological observations, December 1979. Day Time Prevailing Cloud Visi- Amount of Atmos— Pressure Temperature (°C) Land weather A cover bility precipi- pheric trends! High Low Dry Wet DewmWind= Wind conditions tation pressure bulb bulb point speed direction Type (pet) (km) (mm) (mb) (m/s) (true N.) 3. 0730 30 24 0 1034.8 114 10.0 -1l.1 -0.5 -1.0 -3 Sel 320 4 0730 10 24 0 1025.6 614 Oo 157 6 Aco) 1 5.1 200 5 0730 10 24 0 1019.9 400 10.0 1.7 4.5 4.0 3 2.1 200 6 0730 90 19 0 1014.8 001 15.6 3.9 11-6 10.5 9 3.1 200 7 0730 100 13 17 1011.4 234 16.7 Ilel 12-2 11.5 11 2.6 320 10 0730 25 16 1 1027.7 500 13.9 1.7 6.1 5-5 4 3.1 230 11 0730 10 24 0 1028.0 214 13.3 5-6 661 5-0 4 1.5 200 12. 0730 10 16 0 1027.0 301 16.7 5.0 8.9 8.0 7 3.1 200 13. 0730 50 16 0 1022.9 000 19.4 8.3 13.9 13.0 12 3.6 200 14-0730 100 16 17 1024.9 234 19.4 7.8 9.3 20 17. —-:0730 75 16 1 1019.9 258 14.4 268 2.8 1.0 = 10.3 340 18 0730 60 16 10) 1030.0 117 2.8 -3.3 -2-8 -4.0 -7 3.1 340 19 0730 75 24 0 1024.3 000 3.3 1.7 2.6 2.0 1 1.0 230 20 0730 50 24 0 1024.6 324 9.4 1.7 9.4 7.5 4 6.2 20 21 0730 50 3 1029.7 107 10.6 7.2 8.4 7.0 6 6.2 50 22 = 0730 F 100 0 1026.0 303 11-1 = 661 7-8 8.0 8 3.1 20 26 0830 100 24 11 1010.7 241 6.7 6.0 3 Gall 320 27 ~=—0800 100 24 0 1019.5 217 11.1 2.2 3.9 4.0 3 1.0 320 28 0800 0 24 0 1025.3 ee2ii7 9.4 2-2 6-5 4.0 1 2.6 320 lsee keynotes. 89 APPENDIX C 1979 SEDIMENT SURVEY This appendix contains the most recent detailed sediment survey data for the FRF, collected by CERC divers in August 1979. A summary of the data is provided by Allan E. DeWall, CERC Coastal Processes and Structures Branch. Keynotes on the bed-form descriptions and RSA analysis of the samples are as follows: Sample No. - Corresponds to number on sample bag. Range - Distance north or south (in meters) from pier. Distance - Distance offshore (east, in meters) from FRF base line. Depth - Leadline depth (in meters) below SWL (not corrected for tide). Date-Time - First number is day in August 1979 (7, 8, or 9); second number is eastern daylight time (e.d.t.) or commonly called daylight savings time. Description - Visual observation of bottom at time sample was taken. Symbols - X} = ripple wavelength a = ripple height K = magnetic azimuth of ripple crest (350° is approximately shore parallel). 90 SUMMARY OF SEDIMENT SAMPLING AND BED-FORM DESCRIPTION IN THE NEARSHORE REGION OF THE FIELD RESEARCH FACILITY by Allan E. DeWall On 7-9 August 1979, a set of short core samples and visual bed-form descriptions were collected along four nearshore range lines in the vicinity of the CERC pier at Duck, North Carolina (Fig. C-l1). Range I was along the pier centerline, range II was 76 meters north, range III was 76 meters south, and range V was 305 meters south of the pier. A fifth line— range IV, located 305 meters north of the pier--was planned but time did not allow for sampling. Using profile data collected in September 1978, stations were preselected at 2-meter- depth increments and at breaks in slope extending from a depth of approximately 3 meters to a maximum depth of 15.8 meters which occurred at the Waverider buoy 3.3 kilometers offshore. Samples and bed-form descriptions were collected by a team of two divers working from a Zodiac inflatable boat. Positioning was accomplished using a Motorola “Mini-Ranger,” coupled to a Hewlett-Packard Mini-Computer and flatbed plotter. This positioning system was put together and operated by Frank Musialowski, CERC Geotechnical Engineering Branch. The real- time plotting capability allowed for the immediate reduction and display of sampling position as well as a great deal of flexibility in modifying the sampling plan. Samples were collected using a hand-held piston corer 3.2 centimeters in diameter and approximately 40 centimeters long. The core was extruded directly into a prelabeled sample bag and no attempt was made to differentiate laminations within the core. While one diver collected the sample, the second diver recorded conditions on the bottom. This description included sediment type; presence of bed forms; ripple height, wavelength, and orientation; and degree of bioactivity. Visibility on the bottom ranged from 0 to 3 meters. A thermocline was encountered at approximately 7.5 meters below the surface. Water temperature on the surface was approx- imately 27° Celsius (80° Fahrenheit) and dropped to an estimated 18° Celsius (65° Fahrenheit) below the thermocline. A listing of samples including location, depth, time, and bedform description is in Table C-1. Table C-2 lists the RSA results for size analyses. Samples containing a significant amount of silt-sized material (finer than 0.625 millimeter) cannot be reliably analyzed with the RSA; therefore, results from these should be interpreted with caution. The samples could be wet-sieved to determine the percentage of silt. Techniques are available to analyze size distribution within the silt fraction, if required. Samples that have a significant silt fraction include the following: 1-4, I-5, II-1, II-2, III-l, III-2, LIII-3, III-4, III-6, and vV-2. All size data are representative of composite samples of the 40-centimeter (approxi- mate) core, with the exception of samples V-4, V-6, and V-8. Part of the core sampler was lost, so the last three samples represent only the top 2 or 3 centimeters of the bottom. Bottom sediment ranged from medium sand in the vicinity of the pier to sandy silt and mud at the 12- to 14-meter depth. Very fine sand occurs farther offshore at the Waverider loca- tion (15.8-meter depth). No gravel was observed. The bottom was generally observed to be rippled, except in the surf zone where ripples were wiped out by the surge of passing breakers. Ripples were generally shore-parallel with wavelengths ranging from 4 to 12 centimeters and heights of 1 to 4 centimeters. At station III-10 (2.9-meter depth) megaripples were the primary bed form with smaller ripples super- imposed. Megaripple wavelength was 2 meters and height was 15 centimeters. It is possible that megaripples occurred at other stations but were not detected due to poorer visibility. Attempts were made to photograph these features but were not successful due to flooding of the underwater camera. For further information, please contact Allan E. DeWall at (202) 325-7380. 91 "6261 3sn8ny 6-2 ‘euTTOIeD YyIION SyOng Je suoTzeI0T eTdwes pues *T-9 ein8Ty (Ww) aul] asog wos, adudysig 0092 O0b2 O0¢2 0002 O008! O09! OO! o0zI ooo}! 008 009 O00b 002 x : VA 3 3 sajdwosg qo19 i aaee ; a: ; 3 3 ain Japan aj04S 340 Jald I ese 9 9 9 9 Fae 2 £ v Ol i} €b S 92 86 h 0 I 2 ¢ p § at i dl D40Q voIs1s0g Japliaaom AI os¢e- 0S2- = = Ne [=] osi- > oO = a oO os- 3 mo) ~ a OS fa>) os = Oo Ss osi 3 oO Ss) OS2 ose 92 Table C-l. Offshore samples, Duck, North Carolina, 7-9 August 1979. Sample No. Range (m) Distance (m) Depth [Date Time (m) Description IeIl I-10 I-11 I-13 IT-1 Tol 2} II-3 35 N. 76 N. 76 Ne 76 N. 3341 2610 2085 1838 550 410 350 250 210 1366 1093 640 2090 1890 1647 15.8 13.1 11.9 8.2 6.4 4.6 4.6 1.2 10.7 6.7 14.6 12.8 12.5 7 12:44 7 LS}: f1t2 7 13:30 7 13:45 8 10.55 8 11:07 8 11:20 8 11:27 8 11:40 9 14:40 ¢) 14:56 9 15:20 7 16:51 7 17:06 7 17:19 93 At Waverider--very fine sand bottom with sea- like ripples (two directions); d 7 cn a= 1cn x = 20° (estimate) u Clean, very fine sand, ripples (two directions) ; oN 10 cm a 1 cm K 20° (estimate) u Very fine sand, ripples, zero visibility; A = 10 cm a=1cm Mud and silt bottom, no bedforms, zero visibility. Under pier--fine sand and silt, organic debris (muscle shells), no bedforms, zero visibility. Under pier—-medium sand, oscillation ripples; a=2cm Under pier—-medium sand, scour holes, straight ripples; = 8 cm a=4 cn « = 45° Under pier—-medium sand, broken sinuous ripples; A= 6 cm a=3 cm Under pier—medium sand, straight ripples; 4 = 10 cm a=4cn K = 0° (at right angle to pier axis) Very fine sand, ripples; dh = 9 to 10 cm a= 1.5 cm Kean Sle Fine sand, ripples; A = 8 cm a= 1.5 cm Kk = 0° Fine sand, ripples; 4 = 6 co a= 10 co k=) 355e Fine sand and silt bottom, oscillation ripples; X= 6 cm a= 2 cm Silt on fine sand, oscillation ripples; X= 6 cm a= 2 cm Fine sand, sinuous ripples merge with oscilla- tion ripples; = 8 cm a= 2 cm Table C-l1. Offshore samples, Duck, North Carolina, 7-9 August 1979.--Continued Sample Range Distance Depth Date Time Description No. (m) (m) (m) oo OoOOa“*qDw>re=*eaeaqananaeaeaea—e——e—eaeaeaeaeaSaSaSsSsSs806—<—_——s—eses=SOeSSS \<«>«wowrs II-4 76 Ne 1361 11.9 7 Liss 3)2 Fine sand, sinuous to linguoid ripples; = 4 cm a= 2 cn Kk = 20° (estimate) TI-5 76 N. 1340 11.0 7 14:30 Very fine to fine sand, two ripple sets, bioactive (snails, worms), good visibility; 4 = 5 to 10 cm ° a= 1 to 2 cm Kk = 0° II-6 76 N. 1085 9.4 7 14:43 Fine sand, ripples, organic debris, abundant bottom life, good visibility; = 5 cm a= 1 to 2 cm ck = 10° II-7 76 Ne 787 7.3 7 15:08 Fine sand, ripples, abundant bottom fauna with scant sand dollar zone; A= 5 to 8 cm a= 1 to 1.5 cm ck = 350° II-8 76 Ne 736 7.3 7 1535322. Fine sand, two to three ripple sets, poor visibility; X = 8 to 12 cm a=2 to 4 cm K = 350° 11-9 79 Ne 704 6.7 7 15:38 At waverider buoy--fine to medium sand bottom, two ripple sets, sparce bottom fauna; X= 2 to 6 cm a K "ou = ct fo} N Q B II-10 76 Ne 497 5.2 7 15:54 Fine to medium sand bottom, two ripple sets, sparce bottom fauna; A=5 cm a=1cnm Kk = 10° II-11l 76 Ne 283 2.7 7 16:15 Medium sand and shell fragments, two ripple sets, heavy minerals in troughs; A= 5 to 8 cm a= 1 to 2 cm « = 350° III-1 76 S. 2090 14.6 8 10:30 Fine sand and silt bottom, oscillation ripples strong bioactivity, zero visibility; a= 1 to 2 cm III-2 76 S. 1750 14.6 9 09:44 Very fine silty sand, ripples, no visibility. IlI-3 T64Se 1675 14.0 9 10:07 Very fine sand, ripples, no visibility. III-4 76 S. 1370 10.7 9 10:33 Fine sand, ripples; X= 7.5 to 8 co a= 1 cm Gone S a III-5 76 S. 1088 9.8 9 10:50 Fine sand, ripples; = 9 co a= 1.5 cm (3 Sy III-6 76 S. 743 7.9 9 11:08 Fine sand, ripples, l-mile visibility; Mes 7) coml0 em a= 2 cm k = 10° 94 Table C-1. Offshore samples, Duck, North Carolina, 7-9 August 1979.--Continued Sample Range Distance Depth Date Time Description No. (m) (m) (m) III-7 76 S. 491 6.6 9 WL g725} Fine sand, ripples, 0.5-mile visibility; X= 6 cm Kk = 0° III-8 76 S. 379 4.1 9 11:41 Fine sand, ripples, 2-mile visibility; A = 9 to 10 cm a= 1to 1.5 cm K = 355° III-9 76 S. 343 SoU 9 11:56 Fine sand, ripples, transitional to plane bed during wave crest passage, 2-mile visibility; 4 = 5 to 8 cm kK = 350° III-10 V6. So 275 2.9 9 12:16 Fine sand, ripples on mega ripples; A=20 a= 15 cm K=O Ripples; = 7 to 8 cm K = 0° HOC Il 76 S. 251 2.7 9 12:42 Fine sand, ripples in transition; 4 = 6 to 8 cm a = 1 cm (to plane bed) K = 355° v-2 305 S. 1688 13.4 9 15:46 Silt, ripples, no visibility V-4 305 Ss. 1080 9.1 9 16:09 Fine sand, ripples, 1.5-mile visibility; 4 = 9 to 10 cm a= 2 to 2.5 cm K = 355° v-6 305 S. 794 7.6 9 16:55 Fine sand, ripples, 1.5-mile visibility; 4 = 9 to 10 cm a=3 cm K = 0° v-8 305 Ss. 356 3.0 9 W315 Fine sand, linguoid ripples, 2-mile visibility; 4 = 9 to 10 cm « = 340° (primary) kK = 0° (secondary) 00° 001 z90°0 §= 00° 00°001 €90°0 §=00°Y 00° 001 880°0 OS°E 9€°8 SzI°O = 00°E 56°09 LLT°O)=—0S°Z gz" 41 0Sz°0 = 00° 86°9 Se°O 86 OS *T (Ane) 00S°0 = 00°l 8S°Z L0L°0 = 0S°0 1S*T 000°r 00°0 81°0 otyel =Os*y z9°8 90°7- 99°0 OsT°O 8 L¥°*% €9T°O §8679°2 00°0 000°Z O0°I- SS:0T 8 z°8 oss 0 S-I 00°00T z90°0 = 00° 00°00T £90°0 00°4 04° L6 880°0 Os°e T1°9s SzI°0 = 00°E 79°17 LLI°O = 0S°Z 9€°8 0Sz°0 = 00°Z Z9°€ 4SE°O = OS *T s8°0 00S°0 oo'l S40 L0L°0 =: 0S°0 90°0 000°I 00°0 98°S On T- 95°0 TyT°O «€8°Z O€T°O S6°Z 00°0 bly°T O0S°6 O€:€I L T°el ¢80z ) €-I 00°001 z790°0 = 00°F 00° 001 €£90°0 00°Y 00°00T 880°0 Ose 1Z°6L SZI°0 = 00°E 88°94 LLT°O))—-0S*Z 89°EZ 0Sz°0 = 00°Z 8s°y ySe°0 = OS *T £0°% 00S°0 =00°! €9°0 LOL°0 ©=—0S°0 cre 59°0 6S°0 6L1°O }§=68%°% «~TLT°O.) §=—SS°Z 00°0 000°T § 00°O0 §«ZT:ET L z°SI 0192 0 z-1 00°00T z90°0 }=—: 00° 00°00T £90°0 00°F 69°86 880°0 O0S°€ 97° 6S Gzt°O0 = 00° ye TE LLT°O))=—0S°Z €£°6 0Sz°0 = 00°Z Se°0 Se°O 39 OS *T NEG 1S°0 1S°0 Ly1°O = 9L*Z-—BET*O §=— 98° 00°0 00S°0 §=00°T ~—soht zt L 8°SI TYEE “N SE 1-1 (tud) (tud) (tud) (mm) (Fud) (mm) (FYd) (324) (aw) (Fud) (w) (@) (a) SHO SS SONS TENS BS PAS. ed EEE yadep auyT eseq “ON Bisjoweied [edt sT;IBIS saz Iepnwny ozts oURL 2380 19984 Woizy sdueIs;q eS3uey atdmes °6Z61 3sn3ny 6-/ ‘eutT[TO1e9 UqION ‘yong SsaskTeue az}TsS JUoUTpes OF sATNset WSU °7Z-O ATGPL 96 00°001 z90°0 =600°4 00°O00T 880°O OS°e 00°00T SZI°O = 00°E 69°98 LLT°O os°? 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The north side of the pier is designated profile line 68 while the south side profile line is 69. 105 DATES 10 JUL 76 6 AUG 76 11 AUG 76 38 AUG 76 North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 8 288 483 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 38 AUG 76 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) r) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 106 682 629 DATES 38 AUG 76 28 SEP 76 —-—-—-—- 2 NOV 76 North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) Q 289 488 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES 38 AUG 76 —— _ 28 SEP 76 —-—-—--- 2 NOV 76 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 488 688 288 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 107 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) DATES 2 NOV 76 —— DO TS —-—-—-—- 17 DEC 76 North (Profile Line 68) 288 409 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 108 DATES —-—-—--- \14 JAN 77 4 ANT iT, North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 8 282 482 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 24 JAN 77 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 7) 289 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 109 628 688 DATES 18 APR 77 17 MAY 77 24 JUN 77 28 JUL 77 North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) V) 288 482 682 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) he DATES 18 APR 77 17 MAY 77 24 JUN 77 ee 27 JUL 77 5 Ss South (Profile Line 69) — a = Ww > B 2B < z o A re é aug -& in -18 6289 288 489 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 110 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 12 -19 DATES 28 JUL 77 2 AUG 77 4 AUG 77 9 AUG 77 11 AUG 77 North (Profile Line 68) 288 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE DATES 16 SEP 77 ——— 11 OCT 77 —-- eo 17 OCT 77 28 OCT 77 South (Profile Line 69) 288 489 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 113 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 8 ol ELEVATION ABOVE MSL ¢M) a DATES Sele entonenten! 21 OCT 77 SS 7 NOV 77 Chocscchocss 14 NOV 77 a ee eo 21 NOV 77 oaSeSoceSEnS 28 NOV 77 North (Profile Line 68) 289 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) South (Profile Line 69) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 114 688 19 DATES Bonne _ 28 NOV 77 ——— 6 DEC 77 —-—-—-—- 12 DEC 77 os a IS Bae a7 eM 8 vic moka 21 DEC 77 — 28 DEC 77 in North (Profile Line 68) = Ww a) a 8 < z ro} b= kK < fi ; = FAD -19 pT VARS PAT sey ess Vana Vas Vera eae Vest t) 222 482 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES 28 NOV 77 1 DEC 77 6 DEC 77 12 DEC 77 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) V) 288 4288 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 689 688 DATES 1S DEC 77 18 DEC 77 21 DEC 77 22 DEC 77 28 DEC 77 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 7] 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 116 688 a DATES Semebees 28 DEC 77 Je 8 AN FO epecsacsacsa 17 JAN 78 SS eS ES 1 OAN GTS North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i yale el earner awa 8 289 482 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES 28 DEC 77 S&S JAN 78 11 JAN 78 {2 JAN 78 {7 JAN 78 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 117 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 288 DATES 17 JAN 78 18 JAN 78 28 JAN 78 22 JAN 78 31 JAN 78 South (Profile Line 69) 408 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 118 688 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 18 o™~ = Ss pt) 77) = Ww > (e) a 8 <= z (o} H | oe 9 = 1 —S i -198 DATES 31 JAN 78 ———— " 24 FEB 78 —---—-—- 1S MAR 78 ———— 21 MAR 78 North (Profile Line 68) 288 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> South (Profile Line 69) 288 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 119 DATES FEB 78 MAR 78 MAR 78 MAR 78 MAR 78 MAR 78 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 1) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 120 688 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL (MD) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i ee ceo RAD ATES Seer hes 21 MAR 78 | SSS 4 APR 78 —---—-—- 6 APR 78 | ———— 11 APR 78 S North (Profile Line 68) | | i { | ; | | | 1 t | -S -~10 ore wea Ur a ta Sa ae WL lag Q 228 428 699 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 13 DATES SeeESoas 27 MAR 78 Soe 4 APR 78 pecmecnotse 6 APR 78 as eee 11 APR 78 Fa | Ret (| Vie ete alee I EX CoS 24 APR 78 South (Profile Line 69) | | | 12) ! | | -S -19 8 2288 4288 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 121 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL ¢M> ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i) ! ia] icles | aaa ala elie llc JL Jl 289 DISTANCE FROM DATES 11 APR 78 " 24 MAY 78 North (Profile Line 68) 489 BASELINE CM> DATES ----- 24 APR 78 3 MAY 78 —-—-—-—- 24 MAY 78 South (Profile Line 69) ot (eel | I a te 2288 DISTANCE FROM 122 (iad Gots yaner (Ola ea eer pers Ot 482 BASELINE CM> 6288 198 no 5 5S North (Profile Line 68) n = Ww ra} a 2 < z ro) A | oo m _j -S i -19 Oye et On Wee ie TTS Le ye Q 289 409 693 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) V) 288 488 689 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 123 18 = 5 § _! n = Wy) 3 a 8 < z oO A ke “4 75 v8) -19 19 oN = Ss =f 7) = v8) > () Oo @ < z (o) A <— > aS ve) -128 —_—— 17 JUL 78 North (Profile Line 68) 289 400 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES 27 JUN 78 7 JUL 78 1@ JUL 78 17 JUL 78 South (Profile Line 69) 288 480 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 124 689 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) “1 © 1 n “1 is) ! “1 = 17 ar: —-—-—-—- 14 eS 289 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 288 avid aes 28 North (Profile 489 {7 JUL 78 South (Profile Line 69) 488 DATES JUL 78 AUG 78 AUG 78 AUG 78 AUG 78 Line 68) DATES DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 125 689 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) —_—— — ‘28 FOE ga eR Wr Wa ee LOG NLTIs yrle 288 North (Profile 489 Line 68) DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 288 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 126 South (Profile 489 Line 69) 689 78 78 78 78 78 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ] 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 127, ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) -S DATES 28 SEP 78 4 OCT 78 18 OCT 76 16 OCT 786 23 OCT 78 North (Profile Line 68) 289 488 6289 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE ¢M) DATES 28 SEP 4 OCT {9 OCT {6 OCT 23 OCT South (Profile Line 69) 288 480 608 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 128 18 mn = ¥ § 32 NOV 78 7 North (Profile Line 68) = Ww 5 oa 9 < z ro) = oe ; ries) iu -12 t) 289 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) sae 78 South (Profile Line 69 ) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) Q 288 488 608 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> 129 19 DATES 38 NOV 78 fay 5 = Ss North (Profile Line 68) = n = uw o om 8 < z Oo = | ed i gai ae in -18 1) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES 38 NOV 78 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i) 288 408 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 130 628 689 DATES 26 DEC 78 4 JAN 79 9 JAN 79 16 JAN 79 23 JAN 79 38 JAN 79 North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) MinabielbeniecLreene yer ee ee ae 8 288 408 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES DEC JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL ¢M) 18 4] -18 288 DATES 38 JAN 78 8 FEB 78 28 FEB 79 22 FEB 79 26 FEB 79 North (Profile Line 68) 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 132 629 12 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL (MD) -19 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) North (Profile Line 68) 288 480 689 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) South (Profile Line 69) 288 402 682 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 133 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 22 MAR 79 28 MAR 79 North (Profile Line 68) 282 482 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES 26 FEB 79 South (Profile Line 69) 482 289 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 134 628 689 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) South (Profile Line 69) 288 480 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 135 683 18 “1 North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i) 288 480 622 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i) 288 4288 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 136 DATES 38 MAY 79 ——_—_—_—— {S JUN 79 —-—-—-~- 28 JUN 79 a North (Profile Line 68) = 5S VW I n = A} > = < z ro) A ke zm = -§S i -19 8 2288 4288 682 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES 38 MAY 79 ——— 15 JUN 79 —-—-—--—- 28 JUN 79 South (Profile Line 69) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) Q 288 408 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 137 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 18 i 44) North (Profile Line 68) 2288 482 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES 28 JUN 79 6 JUL 79 {@ JUL 79 {8 JUL 79 26 JUL 79 38 JUL 79 South (Profile Line 69) 200 480 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 138 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 198 un North (Profile Line 68) 288 489 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES 38 JUL 9S AUG 17 AUG 28 AUG 27 AUG South (Profile Line 69) 288 402 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 139 8 4] ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i 1) -18 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) DATES 27 AUG 79 4 SEP 79 6 SEP 78 12 SEP 79 19 SEP 79 North (Profile Line 68) 288 408 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) DATES 27 AUG 792 4 SEP 79 S SEP 78 6 SEP 793 12 SEP 78 South (Profile Line 69) 2288 482 6283 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 140 18 is) 4) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) i a 18 ® “1 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL ¢M) a -18 DATES {9 SEP 79 24 SEP 79 26 SEP 79 28 SEP 79 North (Profile Line 68) 2288 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES {2 SEP 79 {9 SEP 79 24 SEP 793 26 SEP 79 28 SEP 79 South (Profile Line 69) 483 688 288 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 141 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 28 4 1 {5S 22 North (Profile Line 68) 289 489 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES 28 SEP 79 22 ocT 79 South (Profile Line 69) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 142 689 6280 North (Profile Line 68) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) 289 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> South (Profile Line 69) ®& ELEVATION ABOVE MSL (MD hi -18 ce) 2282 4202 628 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE (MD 143 ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) ELEVATION ABOVE MSL CM) -S DATES 27 NOV 79 S DEC 79 13 DEC 79 21 DEC 79 27 DEC 78 North (Profile Line 68) 288 488 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM> DATES NOV DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC South (Profile Line 69) 2282 488 688 DISTANCE FROM BASELINE CM) 144 L729 91-78 *ou awyTgcn* €O7OL “91-78 *ou £((*°S°f) Jaque9Q Yyoivessy But -lJeeutTsuq Te}se0)) 4yioday snosueTTexsTW :Sseties “III °(°S*n) requap yoieessy Butiseuf3uq [eqyseop “II “°eTIFL “I “OUAQ-AIFT FORA YyOIessoy PTetd °€ “SjusWeinseoM TeqUuoMUOITAUY °Z *UOTIDETTOO eIeq °T */L61 Wo1z eIep eTqeTTeae sy septaoad pue ‘6/61 pue 8/61 ‘saeek aqeaTdmod omq siaAod Qaodai oy *euTToie9 yan ‘99M UF (dad) AIFTFORA YOIeessy PTETA QUAD eur 3e 6/61 03 LL6T Woljy epeW sjJUeMeinses [eJUeMUOCITAUS sy} JO SatiewMNS pue ejep oTSseq saptAoid ‘sjiodei ~Tenuue jo sayties e UT 4YSITF 9y} ‘3A0daI stTUL «C861 Jeqmesed ,, *aTIFI 1aA0D (91-78 ‘ou { Jaquag yoIeesey BuTiseuTz32uq Teaseop Away *s*n / 310de1 snosaueTTeost)--°wd gz ! 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