Changing America: The New Face of Science and Engineering Final Report The Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology December 1989 Q 130 C52 1989 Changing America: The New Face of Science and Engineering Oi CD- SI : "J ■ i-n I ru ' i-^ I ru i • I a ! CD D m D Final Report MBL/WHOf LIBRARY M Wood* Hole, MA The Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology December 1989 '■■' Table of Contents • Introduction 2 • Goals 3 • Actions The President 7 Governors 8 State Legislators 9 Industry 10 Federal Government 11 Universities 12 School Boards 13 PreK-12 Educators 14 Parents 15 Professional Societies 16 Media 17 All Americans 18 • Specific Strategies Blacks 20 Hispanics 22 American Indians 24 People with Disabilities 26 White Women 28 • Exemplary Programs 29 •About the Task Force 37 • Task Force Members 38 • Hearing Witnesses 39 Staff Acknowledgements 44 • Law Establishing the Task Force 45 • Introduction To the President, Congress, and the American People: It is time for action. Our Interim Report and many other studies have detailed the looming crisis in the science and engineering workforce. America faces a shortfall of scientists and engineers by the year 2000. We can meet these shortfalls only by utilizing all our talent, especially those traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering — women, minorities and people with disabilities. Without this kind of world-class science and technical excellence, America's competitive prospects dim. Clearly, actions must be taken now by key players in American society. Those key players are: The President Governors Industry Federal Government State Legislators Universities and Colleges School Boards PreK- 12 Educators Parents Professional Societies Media All Americans The situation is recognized. The urgency is obvious. Remedies are available. Fast action, long-term commitment, and new partnerships are needed now. Our Interim Report presented six goals for the Nation. As our Final Report, the Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology offers specific ACTIONS for each of the key players. We have the knowledge to accomplish these. We now call upon you for the leadership and the will. Goals for the Nation Goal#l. Changing America: The Nation should adopt the goal that all children born today, from all backgrounds, have a quality edu- cation, including mathematics and science education, and the opportunity to participate in the science and engineering workforce to their fullest potential. Goal #2. PreK- 12 Education: The Nation should reform the preK-12 educa- tion pipeline so that our children's mathematics and science compe- tence is better than that of stu- dents in countries with which we compete. Goal #3. Higher Education: The Nation should increase the number and diversity of American students graduating in science and engi- neering. By the year 2000, we should produce enough profes- sionals in these fields, including more from underrepresented groups, to meet the demand for faculty and for industry and Fed- eral personnel. Goal #4. Federal Research and Develop- ment: Federal research and devel- opment funds influence the Na- tion's entire science and engineer- ing effort. They generate new knowledge, and employ and train scientists and engineers. These funds should be leveraged to help develop a more diverse world-class generation of scientific and engi- neering workers by the year 2000. Goal #5. Employment: Employers should continue to develop a work envi- ronment that is accessible, equi- table, and favorable to attracting and advancing young people, especially women, minorities, and people with disabilities, to careers in science and engineering. Goal #6. Influence of Culture: Our Nation's future hinges on having an ample supply of people who achieve in mathematics and science, are science-literate, and perform technical jobs with world-class competence. The entertainment industry and the mass media — powerful forces in shaping soci- ety's values — must participate in reshaping popular attitudes to- ward science and engineering. Actions President Governors State Legislators Industry Federal Government Universities School Boards Educators Parents Professional Societies Media All Americans The President The President leads. His influence is broad, strong, and immediate. The Task Force respectfully re- quests the President to: Action: Take the lead in devel- oping specific national education goals, performance standards, and timetables needed for meeting them: Special emphasis should be placed on mathematics and sci- ence capabilities of all students. Action: Create a National Action Council of our country's highest leaders to ensure that all sectors of society broaden participation in the Nation's science and engineer- ing workforce. Council members should include chiefs of Federal agencies, chief executive officers of industry, presidents of universi- ties, heads of school systems, chairs of foundations and State Governors. Action: Direct the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to establish a Federal Coor- dination Committee for Science, Engineering and Technology to provide visibility, coordination and accountability for Federal agency plans to strengthen the science and engineering workforce. Action: Convene an annual meeting of chief executive officers of leading U.S. corporations to report on the state of the Nation's science and engineering enterprise and the efforts of the business sector to develop a fully competi- tive workforce for the 21st cen- tury. Action: Establish the long-term national agenda for ensuring that all young people in our country will be prepared for and encour- aged to pursue careers in science and engineering. Governors The Governors are responsible for the delivery of education within their states. No other officials have such direct impact or man- age such important programs. The Task Force respectfully re- quests the Governors to: Action: Organize and motivate the coalition of business, educa- tion, community and political leaders necessary to achieve edu- cation reform in their states. Action: Inspire the education reform effort within their states especially to reach women, mi- norities and disabled citizens, to prepare them for and encourage them into mathematics and sci- ence careers. Action: Establish performance standards and greater accounta- bility from the education agencies and institutions of higher educa- tion within their states. Action: Ensure that their col- leges and universities recruit and graduate sufficient numbers of science and engineering students, especially those traditionally underrepresented in these fields. More state scholarships should be offered in science and engineering, as well as in science and mathe- matics education. Action: Coordinate transfer pro- grams from 2-year to 4-year insti- tutions to increase the number of 2-year college students going on to earn bachelors' degrees in science and engineering. Action: Direct their states' voca- tional rehabilitation systems to recognize and develop career opportunities in science and tech- nology for people with disabilities. 8 State Legislators State legislators are responsible for the majority of the funds that go to education. They set gradu- ation standards and teacher quali- fications. The Task Force respect- fully requests the state legislators to : Action: Ensure adequate fund- ing levels for each school district in their state. Action: Raise the prestige and professionalism of teaching as a career through bolstering teach- ers' salaries and rewarding their performance. Action: Support and stimulate career-long continuing education programs for precollege teachers of mathematics and science. Action: Encourage new talent to enter the teaching profession through effective alternative certi- fication procedures. Action: Encourage and fully fund the teacher preparation programs in the universities and colleges. Give special financial incentives to those students who plan to teach mathematics and science. Action: Require high standards for high school graduation, in- cluding four years of mathematics and four years of laboratory sci- ence. Action: Provide financial sup- port for intervention programs designed to increase the number of women, minorities and people with disabilities who complete training in mathematics, science and engineering. Industry Industry is the Nation's largest research performer, consuming three-fourths of all research and development dollars and employ- ing two-thirds of our scientists and engineers. Through pro- grams, employees, and product advertising, industry has tremen- dous influence. The Task Force respectfully requests industry to: Action: Continue to sound the alarm about how poor science and mathematics education contrib- utes to the declining economic competitiveness of the United States. Devote long-term, sus- tained effort to supporting educa- tion. Action: Mobilize a national campaign to increase science literacy and show that mathemat- ics, science and technical knowl- edge are important to our coun- try's well being and valuable in everyone's life and career. Action: Forge partnerships with schools, especially those with large percentages of minority or disabled students, and commit to ensuring that those schools suc- ceed. Finances, equipment, man- agement expertise, and time spent in class by industry employees — all will contribute to that success. Action: Encourage retirees to assist in repair to the preK-12 pipeline by donating their time and talents to local school sys- tems. Action: Provide summer work and research opportunities to teachers and to high school stu- dents, especially those from underrepresented groups, so they can see the applications of theo- ries taught in the classroom. Action: Provide scholarships and fellowships to women, minori- ties and people with disabilities who major in science and engi- neering, or who plan to become science and mathematics teach- ers. Action: Finance in-service teacher training and sponsor teachers to attend professional conferences, such as meetings of the National Science Teachers Association and the National Council of Teachers of Mathemat- ics. Action: Encourage employees to teach or to assist teachers at pre- college and college levels. Provide paid leave so they can do so. Action: Open career paths widely and visibly to encourage women, minorities and people with disabilities in science and engineering. Action: Provide dependent care services to all employees. 10 Federal Government The Federal Government is the largest single employer of scien- tists and engineers. It finances one-half of all research and devel- opment performed in the United States. It has a special respon- sibility to be a pacesetter. The Task Force respectfully requests the Federal agencies to : Action: Use their research and development programs to bring about a more diverse, world-class science and engineering workforce. Programs should affect preK-12 education, higher educa- tion, research and development awards, and employment. Action: Collect and maintain data to evaluate the participation of minorities, women, and per- sons with disabilities in their research and development pro- grams. Action: Continue to hire and advance talented scientists and engineers, including those from underrepresented groups. Action: Provide dependent care services to all employees. Action: Open their laboratory facilities to provide hands-on experiences to students and teachers, especially those tradi- tionally underrepresented in sci- ence and engineering. Action: Establish a National Re- search Scholars Program in Sci- ence and Engineering which en- ables high school students to have early research experiences and go on to earn bachelors' degrees in science and engineering. This should link with support for graduate study and offer a clear path to the Ph.D. It should be tailored to attract minority and women students and students with disabilities, and to encourage more students to become mathe- matics and science teachers. Action: Provide stable and sub- stantial support for effective inter- vention programs that graduate quality scientists and engineers who are members of underrepre- sented groups. Action: Encourage employees and retirees to donate time and expertise to their local schools. Action: Establish a competitive grants program for school districts to implement locally-developed plans to improve education in science and mathematics for underrepresented groups. Action: Expand Project Head Start so that all eligible children are served. 11 Universities and Colleges American universities and colleges remain the best in the world. They prepare both our scientists and engineers and our mathemat- ics and science teachers. The Task Force respectfully requests universities and colleges to: Action: Take the lead in creat- ing a climate of action and ac- countability that accelerates the participation of women, minorities and people with disabilities as sci- ence and engineering faculty and students. Action: Set quantitative goals for recruiting and graduating more U.S. students in the sci- ences and engineering, especially from underrepresented groups. Three times more bachelors' degrees and ten times more Ph.D.s must be earned by under- represented groups during the next decade. Action: Improve retention pro- grams aimed at underrepresented groups. Group support, peer study, tutoring and mentoring should be available to all. Action: Provide dependent care services to students and faculty. Action: Make laboratories ac- cessible and adapted to persons with disabilities. Action: Offer forgivable educa- tional loans to students from underrepresented groups who agree to pursue faculty careers. Action: Ensure that all teach- ers, especially elementary level, have a strong background in mathematics and science. Action: Ensure that all teacher education programs emphasize teaching techniques free of cul- tural and gender biases. Action: Build effective partner- ships between research universi- ties and institutions with large enrollments from underrepre- sented groups, so students have access to advanced coursework and equipment. Action: Establish transfer cen- ters with qualified counselors in 2-year colleges and vocational schools to maximize the number of students who go on to earn bachelors' degrees in science and engineering. 12 School Boards Local school boards determine educational direction, style and content. The Task Force respect- fully requests school boards to: Action: Pay teachers adequately and encourage them to improve their own educations by studying at universities and working with industry. Action: Set higher graduation requirements, including 4 years of mathematics and 4 years of sci- ence. Mathematics and science should be a part of every grade's curriculum, PreK-12. Action: Ensure that the maxi- mum number of students — espe- cially minority, women and the disabled — take college prepara- tory mathematics and science. Action: Recruit more women, minorities, and people with dis- abilities for faculty positions. Action: Encourage teaching techniques which are free of cul- tural and gender biases. Action: Insist on the best teach- ing aids and techniques. Up-to- date textbooks, computers, good laboratory equipment and fre- quent field trips are essential tools of science. Action: Expand counseling services to encourage all students to consider careers in science and engineering, and to emphasize the importance of mathematics and science proficiency in the job market and democratic society of the future. Action: Encourage local indus- try and Federal laboratories to take an active part in the total educational process. Action: Provide a science and mathmatics specialist in each elementary school, both to teach and to be a resource to other teachers. Action: Expand innovations which produce better educated students, especially women, mi- norities and the disabled. Where necessary restructure schools, curricula, teaching practices, and educational experiences. 13 PreK- 1 2 Educators Teachers, counselors, principals and superintendents have direct responsibility for our students' academic preparation. The Task Force respectfully requests these educators to: Action: Emphasize science and mathematics — both for their educational values and career potential — as the best way "up" for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Action: Raise expectations for all students. Don't foreclose ca- reer options of women, minorities or people with disabilities by short-changing their preparation in mathematics and science. Action: Treat every student with a physical disability as a potential scientist or engineer, and provide the necessary technical aids to minimize physical obstacles. Action: Build partnerships with parents to help students set high career goals and complete rigor- ous coursework . Action: Integrate computer technology into the classroom so that every student is proficient in use of this tool. Action: Forge effective ties with local industry, universities, and Federal scientists and engineers. Welcome visitors and volunteers in the classroom to serve as teach- ers, assistants, mentors and role models. Action: Continue working to en- hance the professionalism of mathematics and science teach- ing, through teacher workshops, internships, retraining, participa- tion in research projects, and attendance at professional meet- ings. Action: Make science hands-on. Ensure that all students do sci- ence as well as read about it. 14 Parents The family is the Nation's most important social unit. The par- ents' influence on their children should be the most profound. The Task Force respectfully re- quests parents to: Action: Encourage their chil- dren's interest in mathematics and science, through their own attitudes and actions. Be sure their children consider careers in science and engineering, and pursue the necessary coursework to be prepared for them. Action: Hold schools account- able for adopting higher standards and raising student achievement levels in mathematics and science. Action: Request schools to provide workshops for parents to support and encourage their chil- dren's interest in science and mathematics. Action: Set high expectations for their children's academic per- formance, and help them each day to attain these goals. Action: Get to know their chil- dren's teachers, learn about teachers' expectations, and ob- serve classes. Volunteer to help school and youth programs. Action: Motivate their employ- ers to donate equipment, money, and personnel to their children's school. Action: Share informal educa- tion activities with their children frequently. Visits to museums, zoos and local high technology companies are particularly useful. 15 Professional Societies Professional societies have tradi- tionally worked to further their science and assist their members. Their influence on the present and future science and engineering workforce is significant. The Task Force respectfully requests profes- sional societies to: Action: Make education their priority, and become education advocacy groups. Play an active role in encouraging young people, especially women, minorities and people with disabilities, to pursue the study of mathematics and science. Action: Make financial assis- tance, summer work experience, mentoring and career guidance available to a wider range of stu- dents and teachers. Action: Encourage their mem- bers to teach, especially in schools that enroll many minority and disabled students. Teaching should be made a requirement for earning professional recognition and leadership positions. Action: Recruit women, minori- ties, and people with disabilities to join and take leadership positions in their professional society. Action: Sponsor teachers and students to attend their annual conferences. Action: Facilitate faculty ex- changes, especially between re- search universities and minority colleges. Action: Make use of student chapters to encourage students, especially women, minorities and those with disabilities, in their studies and career plans. Action: Use their publications to keep attention on the impor- tance of science and mathematics education which serves all stu- dents. Publicize their sucessful programs as encouragement to others. 16 Media The media — especially TV, radio, movies and advertising — exer- cises an enormous influence on America's young people. The Task Force respectfully requests mem- bers of the media to: Action: Make videos, recordings and other entertainment and informational materials that awaken interest in science and engineering readily available to schools, libraries, museums and community groups, especially in low income areas. Action: Explore how to spark the imagination of all young people to pursue science and engineering careers. Action: Promote success in school and the opportunities of science and engineering careers. Be sensitive to perpetuating the negative stereotypes of scientists and engineers. Action: Recognize and publicize successful students and teachers as a way to encourage others. Likewise, spread stories of suc- cessful women, minorities and people with disabilities in science and technology in order to in- crease the visibility and attractive- ness of these careers to all young people. 17 All Americans Every American citizen will ulti- mately benefit from increasing the participation of women, minorities and people with disabilities in the science and engineering workforce. The Task Force re- spectfully requests all Americans to: Action: Become involved, by of- fering to support their local public schools, teachers, and students. Action: Develop local coalitions of community leaders, businesses, educators and government offi- cials to improve education, par- ticularly in mathematics and sci- ence. Action: Encourage members of underrepresented groups to be- come scientists and engineers, through serving as a tutor, mentor or role model. Action: Participate in commu- nity projects that guide our young people toward success in school and careers in science and engi- neering. Action: Vote for elected officials with a proven commitment to education. 18 Specific Strategies Blacks Hispanics American Indians People with Disabilities White Women 19 Blacks Background. Blacks comprise only 2 percent of all employed scientists and engi- neers, even though they are 12 percent of the general population. They earn 5 percent of the bacca- laureates and 1 percent of the Ph.D.s in science and engineering. In 1988 only 47 U.S. Blacks earned science Ph.D.s; only 15 earned Ph.D.s in engineering. Black participation in science and engineering has risen since the 1970s, when minority engineering programs were launched by sev- eral institutions. Black women earn more bachelors' degrees in science than Black men, but only a third as many bachelors' de- grees in engineering. The Pipeline. Many Blacks turn away from science and mathematics courses early in life, partly because most go to large city schools where education is often poor. In 1986. the 25 largest U.S. school districts were 45 percent Black. Large urban school districts must be helped to prepare Black young people for careers in science and engineering. Financial limitations also deter Blacks from pursuing higher education as many avoid the prospect of assuming college loans which can equal their fami- lies' entire incomes. Most who do earn advanced degrees did their undergraduate work at Histori- cally Black Colleges and Universi- ties. Scientists and Engineers Needed Bachelors' Degrees Received 1987 Doctorate Degrees Received 1987 3 f®t r- Needed Per Year (1990-2000) ®tf* h A h A Needed Per Year (1990-2000) ' h = - 5000 Students J** = 100 Students 20 New Entrants Into Labor Force 1988-2000 Hispanic Men 8.3% Black Women 6.9% Hispanic Women 6.8% Black Men 5.7% Total = 42,832,000 Asian and Other (Men) 2.9% Asian and Other (Women) 2.6% White Men 31.6% White Women 35.2% Our pool of talent for new scientists and engineers is predominantly female or minority or disabled— the very segments of our population we have not attracted to science and engineering careers in the past. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 21 Hispanics Background. America's fastest growing minority group, Hispanics comprise 9 per- cent of the population, but only 2 percent of all employed scientists and engineers. They hold 3 per- cent of all bachelors' degrees and 2 percent of all Ph.D.s in science and engineering. Hispanic women earn slightly fewer bachelors' degrees in science than Hispanic men, but only one-sixth as many bachelors' degrees in engineering. Hispanics include Cuban immi- grants who tend to belong to the middle class and Mexican- Ameri- cans and Puerto Ricans who fre- quently belong to lower socio- economic groups. Forty percent of Hispanic children live in poverty. The Pipeline. Overwhelmingly, in schools in poverty areas, many Hispanic children receive an inadequate basic education, including poor instruction in mathematics and science. High school completion rates must be increased and early mathematical and science instruc- tion must be improved to attract more Hispanic students to careers in science and engineering. Of Hispanic youth who study past high school, the majority go to 2- year colleges. Hispanics do not have a network of 4-year colleges, as do Blacks with the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Many Hispanic parents have high hopes for their children but often do not encourage them to go to college, especially if this requires that they move from home. Scientists and Engineers Needed Bachelors' Degrees Received 1987 &tf Doctorate Degrees Received 1987 e-e- Needed Per Year (1990-2000) ^f^f^f^f^f^f Needed Per Year (1990-2000) ^l - - 5000 Students fl** = 100 Students 22 Strategies for Maintaining the Flow of Natural Scientists and Engineers Millions of Persons Women or Minorities Majorities 10th Grade College freshman with interest in S & E B.S. degree in S & E M.S. degree in S & E Ph.D. inS&E Retention Strategy B.S. Goal Ph.D. Goal Our goal is to attract and retain more students, particularly women, minorities and people with disabilities to complete degrees in science and engineering. Source: National Science Foundation 23 American Indians Background. There are 1.4 million Americans enrolled in the 278 recognized tribes and 300 Aleut and Eskimo villages. Many American Indians, including those who hold degrees and professional jobs, prefer to maintain their separate tribal identity. American Indians make up 0.6 percent of the U.S. popula- tion, and are 0.5 percent of all em- ployed scientists and engineers. They hold 0.3 percent of all bache- lors' degrees and 0.11 percent of all Ph.D.s in science and engineer- ing. American Indian women earn two-thirds as many bachelors' degrees in science as American Indian men and only one-sixth as many degrees in engineering. The Pipeline. About half of American Indians enrolled in tribes are younger than 2 1 and most receive a gener- ally poor mathematics and science education. In Bureau of Indian Affairs schools, teacher turnover is high and Indian role models are few. Less than 16 percent of teachers are American Indians. Many students who enroll in col- lege return home before they graduate. Positive early and middle school experiences are essential to preparing Indian young people for science and engineering careers. Then strong support programs which respect family and tribal ties are crucial to success in college. Scientists and Engineers Needed Bachelors' Degrees Received 1987 Doctorate Degrees Received 1987 Needed Per Year (1990-2000) Needed Per Year (1990-2000) A : 5000 Students 100 Students 24 Science and Engineering Doctorates N u M B E R O F President Initiates Apollo Program May 1961 Apollo 17 "Last Man on the Moon" December 1972 Students' choice of science and engineering careers is clearly related to the technological challenges on our national agenda, as this chart showing the history of the space program indicates. Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration 25 PeopleWith Disabilities Background. An estimated 22 million Ameri- cans of working age have some physical disability, yet only 7.2 million of these are employed. The National Science Foundation found only 94,000 disabled scien- tists and engineers working in 1986. Today, people with disabili- ties live longer, and are able to pursue careers because of improv- ing medical technology. People with disabilities are a large and growing segment of our popula- tion. The Pipeline. Low expectations and lack of encouragement are keeping stu- dents with disabilities from par- ticipating fully in mathematics and science, particularly in sci- ence laboratory courses. Parents, teachers and counselors must encourage students with disabili- ties to pursue study of and ca- reers in science and engineering. In 1987, over 1.3 million of the 12.5 million students (or 10.5 percent) enrolled in postsecondary educa- tion institutions reported having at least one disability, which makes them the largest "minor- ity". Unfortunately no one collects Nationwide statistics on degrees earned by people with disabilities so we cannot present the same analysis as for the other groups. We do note that, at 10.5 percent of the postsecondary education students, people with disabilities repre- sent a large untapped pool of talent for science and engineering. 26 Selected Federal Research and Development Agencies' Investments in the Development of New Scientists and Engineers 1990 ($ inM) Focused Mainstream Precollege, Total 11 3 1388 (a) curriculum 0.2 21.8 (b) teacher training 00 75 0 (c) students 3.4 145 (d) general 77 275 High-school to Undergraduate, Total 1.3 1 1 (a) academic programs 03 0 1 (b) career awareness 1 0 1.0 Undergraduate, Total 438 142.3 (a) curriculum 1.0 16 1 (b) faculty 07 100 (c) student support 300 32.0 (d) general 12.1 84.2 Graduate, Total 15.2 2874 (a) student support 152 1434 (b) general 0.0 1440 Research, Total 137 5 85365 (a) postdoctoral 3.7 390 9 (b) faculty 56.1 6723 1 (c) institutional development 36.1 311.5 (d) general 41 6 11110 TOTAL, ALL CATEGORIES 209.1 9106 1 In 1989, the Nation invested $132 billion, or 2.6 percent of the gross national pro- duct, in research and development. Of this amount, the Federal Government spent approximately 50 percent or 63 billion. Federal agencies invested in numerous programs that contributed directly and indirectly to the develop- ment of new scientists and engineers. For Fiscal Year 1990, Federal agencies will continue, expand, or initiate some specific extramural programs which help meet the national need. Estimated amounts are shown in the figure for eight agencies (Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, and Interior: Environmental Protection Agency; National Aeronautics and Space Administration: National Institutes of Health; and National Science Founda- tion). The dollar amounts do not include all of the efforts currently underway in these or other Federal agencies, nor do they include the value of staff time devoted to activities such as being role models and mentors to students, or part- ners to educators. Nevertheless, they are illustrative of ways the Federal research and development enterprise may be used as leverage to help develop future talent, and to increase the participation of those who traditionally have been under- represented in science and engineering. In the chart, the amounts for specifically selected programs are summarized and arrayed along the educational con- tinuum. Focused programs, which are designed specifically to enhance the par- ticipation of those underrepresented in science and engineering, total $209 million in 1990 or 2 percent of mainstream programs. Mainstream pro- grams, in which anyone can participate, total over $9 billion. The Federal research and development agencies are committed to increasing the representation of women, minorities, and people with disabilities in both focused and mainstream programs. 27 White Women Background. White women comprise only 10 percent of all employed scientists and engineers, although they account for 43 percent of the U.S. population. In 1987 white women earned 22 percent of all bachelors' degrees and only 13 percent of the Ph.D.s in science and engineering. At the undergraduate level they are twice as likely to be in the life sciences as in engineering, and at the graduate level they are eight times more likely to be in life sciences than in engineering. Despite gains, women are not choosing careers in science and engineering in the same propor- tions as in other professional areas. Women who do enter sci- ence and engineering tend to be paid less and promoted less than white men. The Pipeline. Young women must be encour- aged to pursue science and engi- neering studies at every point along the education pipeline, especially because negative atti- tudes toward women in these careers are prevalent. Re-entry programs are important to tap the large number of women who have been deflected from science and engineering study in their earlier educational experiences. Special efforts should be focused on sup- port to complete graduate training and to achieve tenured faculty positions. Policies which assist women in balancing career and family responsibilities are essen- tial. Obviously, all of these factors also pertain to minority and dis- abled women. Scientists and Engineers Needed Bachelors' Degrees Doctorate Degrees Received Received 1 987 1987 Needed Per Year (1990-2000) Needed Per Year (1990-2000) b"~ fit V^ ^ h"* ^ fil h"~ h"* fl ^ (i $\ fi\ ^ l^ f\ f^ f\ fil h"* fit fit fit fi fit ' b- 5000 Students (•" = 100 Students 28 Exemplary Programs Exemplary efforts to increase the participation by underrepre- sented groups in the science and engineering workforce include: American Business. Many com- panies provide exemplary pro- grams to support schools, teach- ers and students. They are too numerous to mention in detail here, so we refer you to: The Business Roundtable publication Business Means Business About Education, which describes 186 successful educational partner- ships, and gives the name and phone number of the contact person in each company. We also commend Business Week maga- zine for its October 20, 1989 spe- cial 137-page insert and the Na- tional Alliance of Business Blueprint report, which show how business can participate in educa- tion reform. Contact: Sandra Byrne, National Alliance of Busi- ness, 1201 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20005, (202) 289-2906. The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES). Encourages American Indian students to pursue college science and engineering majors. On-campus chapters provide peer support, job finding assistance, and tutoring. Contact: Mr. Norbert Hill, AISES, 1085 14th Street, Suite 1506, Boulder, CO 80302, (303) 492-8658. The Association of Science- Technology Centers. Promotes special outreach efforts to young women and minorities through science museum hands-on experi- ence. Contact: Ms. Bonnie Van Dorn, 1413 K Street, N.W., 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005- 3405, (202) 371-1171. The California State University System. "Growing their own," future teachers by establishing the Forgivable Loan Doctoral Incentive Program, and accommo- dating disabled students and employees through the Assistive Device Program. Contact: Dr. Lee Kerschner, Vice Chancellor, Cali- fornia State University, 400 Golden Shore, Suite 316, Long Beach. CA 90802-4275, (213) 590-5708. "Clearinghouse on Implementa- tion of Child Care and Eldercare Services" A computer database program provides employers with information and technical assis- tance to develop policies to assist their employees in the area of dependent care, alternative work schedules and other benefits to improve work productivity, and attract and retain skilled and pro- fessional workers. Contact: CHOICES, Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave, NW, Room S3306, Washington, DC 20210. 1-800-827-5335. 29 Comprehensive Mathematics and Science Program. Chal- lenges minority high school stu- dents to excel in mathematics. Contact: Dr. Gilbert J. Lopez, Columbia University, 510 Mudd Building, New York, NY 10027, (212) 228-0950. Cooperative (CO-OP) Education Programs. Co-op programs have been used extensively by DOD, NASA, and Department of Energy for many years to attract minority and female students as entry level science or technology profession- als. For instance, the Department of the Navy has a centralized Co- operative Education Program for long-range planned intake of professional employees (primarily women and minorities) with mathematics, science and engi- neering skills. A recently imple- mented adjunct is a special initia- tive to recruit Hispanic baccalau- reate students. Contact: Mr. Frank Cipolla, Director of Person- nel Management, ODASD(CPP), Department of Defense, Washing- ton, DC 20301, (202) 695-5348. Department of Defense Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program. Designed to appeal to talented women and minority high school students, the apprentice- ship encourages them to seek careers in science and technology, and provides them support and an 8-week working experience in a scientific or engineering environ- ment. Originated in 1979, the program has expanded to include almost all of the DOD Laboratories and nearly 1,000 students each summer. Contact: Ms. Jeanne Carney, Staff Specialist, Office of Research and Laboratory Manage- ment, Department of Defense, Washington. DC 20301, (202) 694-0205 El Ingeniero. Increases 7th and 8th grade Hispanic youths' interest in and ability to pursue careers in math and science. Students are exposed to program components that focus on: self- awareness; career exploration; classroom lectures; project assembly; and hands-on laboratory experimentation. An alumni component offers SAT preparation, college selection assistance and other services. Over 50 percent of the first two cohorts are now enrolled in college engineering/ science programs. Contact: Lucy Negron- Evelyn, Montgomery County Hispanic Coalition, Silver Spring, MD 20902. (301) 942-6628. 30 Family Math. Developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley. Family Math gets par- ents and young children to learn math together and involves par- ents in their children's schools. In the last five years. Family Math has reached 34,000 families. Contact: Ms. Nancy Kreinberg, Lawrence Hall of Science, Univer- sity of California. Berkeley, CA 94720, (415) 642-1823. The Hispanic Mother-Daughter Project. This Arizona State Uni- versity project focuses on eighth grade girls, building on the strong mother-daughter relationships intrinsic to Hispanic families. In some cases, mothers pursue col- lege degrees along with their daughters. Contact: Dr. Nancy Felipe Russo, Arizona State Uni- versity, Tempe, AZ 85287-1801, (602) 965-2358. "Get Into the Equation". En courages minority families to set college as a goal and gives practi- cal advice on how to prepare for science and engineering majors. Contact: Office of Academic Af- fairs, The College Board, 45 Co- lumbus Avenue, New York, NY 10023-6992, (212) 713-0000. Graduate Student Researchers Program (Underrepresented Minority Focus). Students collaborate with university investigators working on NASA- funded projects and spend a period of residency at a NASA field center conducting research on aerospace-related projects. The program offers up to $18,000 per year of support for 3 years. Contact: Dr. Yvonne B. Freeman, NASA Headquarters, Code U, Washington, DC 20546, (202) 453-2171. Illinois Institute of Technology Minority Engineering Program. Succeeds in attracting and gradu- ating minority students in engi- neering. Contact: Mr. Mark Angelini or Mr. Leroy Kennedy, Illinois Institute of Technology, Perlstein Hall, Room 222, 10 W. 33rd Street, Chicago, IL 60612, (312) 567-6976. International Business Ma- chines (IBM). IBM makes special efforts to hire people with disabili- ties, and has instituted many programs and policies designed to facilitate their employment and productivity. Contact: Mr. James G. Breene, IBM, P.O. Box 2150, Atlanta, GA 30055, (404) 988- 2638 or Mr. Juan Sabater, IBM, 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577. (914) 697-6730. 31 Linkages. Developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Linkages forms partnerships between schools, parents, community organizations and even churches. Its aim is to improve the math and science achievement of at-risk children. In three years, Linkages has reached an estimated 30,000 parents. Contact: Dr. Shirley Malcom, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1333 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005, (202) 326-6680. Math, Engineering and Science Achievement Programs (MESA). This partnership between schools, universities, industry and parents identifies talent, offers tutoring and counseling, and provides role models from industry to encour- age students to maintain good grades. MESA centers work with 131 high schools and reach about 4,000 students a year. Ninety percent of these students go to a college or university, and 66 per- cent major in science or engineer- ing. Contact: Mr. Fred Easter, Lawrence Hall of Science, Univer- sity of California, Berkeley. CA 94720, (415) 642-5064. Math Science Network. Started at Mills College and expanded throughout the Nation, the Net- work encourages young women to take a full complement of math courses and exposes them to science and engineering careers. About 70,000 students participate annually. Contact: Ms. Cherrill Spencer, Resonex, Inc., 610 Palo- mar Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, (408) 720-8600. Mathematical Sciences Educa- tion Board of the National Acad- emy of Sciences. Building a na- tional coalition to improve mathe- matics education for all children but with special emphasis on minority students. Contact: Dr. Ken Hoffman, Mathematical Sci- ences Education Board, 818 Con- necticut Avenue, N.W.. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006. (202) 334-3294. Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC). Supports mi- nority students all the way to Ph.D. completion. Contact: Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein, National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, (301) 496-5231. 32 National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME). Provides a forum for business, government and educa- tional leaders to help achieve a world-class science and engineer- ing workforce for the year 2000. Contact: Dr. George Campbell, 3 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001-2281, (212) 279-2626. National Consortium for Gradu- ate Degrees in Engineering (GEM). Attracts minority students to, and supports them in, gradu- ate study in engineering and the natural sciences. Contact: Dr. Howard Adams, P.O. Box 537, Notre Dame, IN 46556, (219) 287- 1097. National Laboratory /Minority Educational Institution Collabo- rative Programs. Supports joint scientific research /science educa- tion programs involving Depart- ment of Energy national laborato- ries and predominantly minority universities/colleges. Includes summer and academic year re- search internships for faculty and students, technical assistance from laboratory scientists to uni- versity faculty, joint research programs, scientific equipment loans, computer access and stu- dent mentoring and counselling. Contact: Mr. Richard E. Stephens, Director of University and Science Education Programs, Department of Energy, Washing- ton, DC 20585. (202) 586-8949. The National Parent-Teachers Association. Provides materials on mathematics education to every elementary school PTA president in the United States. Contact: Ms. Ann Kahn. 818 Con- necticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006, (202) 334-3294. Office of Naval Research. Spon- sors a $ 1 4 million program at six Historically Black Colleges and Universities to underwrite efforts to increase the quality and num- bers of minority undergraduates in science and engineering over the next 5 to 6 years. Contact: Dr. Bruce B. Robinson, Director, Contract Research Department, OCNR-11, Arlington, VA, (202) 696-4101. 33 Professional Development Pro- gram. Raises minority students' achievement in college mathemat- ics through peer tutoring and group study techniques. Contact: Dr. Uri Treisman, Lawrence Hall of Science. University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, CA 94720, (415) 642-2115. Professional Societies, such as the Society of Automotive Engi- neers. Focus new attention on what they can contribute to im- proving mathematics and science education, especially for under- represented groups. Contact: Mr. Ray Morris, Society of Auto- motive Engineers, 400 Common- wealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, (412) 776-4841. Purdue Engineering School. Purdue's Engineering School's support program for women has helped raise the proportion of female engineering students from 2 percent to 21 percent. Purdue retains women engineering stu- dents at the same rate as men. Contact: Dr. Jane Daniels, Pur- due University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. (317) 494-3889. Recruitment and Retention Program for Excellence in Engineering. Freshmen students receive scholarships, and previous years' students serve as mentors. They are also prepared for and agree to accept NASA Co-op assignments. Mentors' own benefit is evidenced by their 3.47 GPA in upper-level engineering courses. Contact: Mr. Michael Lee, NASA Project Director, U. of New Mexico, Farris Engr. Center #345, Albuquerque, NM 87137, (505) 277-5997. Research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Prin- cipal investigators who are inter- ested in conducting aeronautical and space science research, and in developing student researchers are provided funds by NASA. More than eighty principal investi- gators and over five hundred students participate in this re- search annually. Contact: Dr. Yvonne Freeman. NASA Head- quarters, Code U, Washington, DC 20546, (202) 453-2171 Research Improvement in Mi- nority Institutions (RIMI). Pro- vides support for improvement in the research and training capabili- ties at minority institutions with graduate programs in science and/or undergraduate programs in engineering. Contact: Dr. Roosevelt Calbert, National Sci- ence Foundation, 1800 G Street, NW, Room 1225, Washington, DC 20550, (202) 357-7350. The Saturday Academy. A coop- erative effort between AETNA Life and Casualty, the District of Co- lumbia Public Schools, and the 34 U.S. Office of Personnel Manage- ment, the Academy is an enrich- ment program for seventh grade students. Sixty seventh graders participate in each session which consists of ten consecutive Satur- days. Structured learning experi- ence in mathematics, science, oral and written communication, and computer science are provided. Simultaneously, parents attend workshops and visit their chil- dren's classes. For more informa- tion, contact: Dr. Cheri Bridge- forth, Employee Development Specialist, U. S. Office of Person- nel Management, 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415, (202) 632-7370. Spelman Women Science and Engineering Scholars Program (WISE). Encourages Black women to pursue graduate training and research careers in engineering and science. The program features a six-week prefreshman summer academic session, research at NASA installations during subsequent summers and continuous exposure to a large potential network of women researchers. Women receive scholarships ranging from 80- 100%. Contact: Dr. Etta Falconer, Chairperson, Division of Natural Sciences, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA 30314, (404) 681-3643. Smith College. Smith conducts summer workshops for teams of teachers and counselors to help them advise young women to enter science fields. Contact: Dr. Elizabeth Ivey, Smith College, McConnell Hall, Room 301, Northampton, MA 01063, (413) 584-2700. Southern Consortium for Mi- norities in Engineering (SECME). Coordinates interven- tion programs across the South- east United States to provide career guidance and preparation for engineering careers to 15,000 minority students a year. Con- tact: Mr. Guy Vickers, Georgia In- stitute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0270, (404) 894-3314. The State of North Carolina. Established the University of North Carolina Mathematics and Science Network, which combines the resources of the state and federal governments and universi- ties to bring students and teach- ers to research laboratories during the summer, and to provide daily enrichment activities for middle and high school students throughout the school year. Con- tact: Dr.Verna Benzler, Assistant Director, Pre-College Program, CB#3345, 201 Peabody Hall, UNC- Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3345, (919) 966-3256. 35 Summer High School Appren- ticeship Program (SHARP). Pro vides an eight-week summer em- ployment experience at NASA field installations for academically achieving underrepresented mi- nority students, with mentors who are scientists, engineers or other technical specialists. Contact: NASA's Elementary and Secon- dary Program Branch, Educa- tional Affairs Division, Mail Code XEE, Washington, DC 20546, (202) 453-8386 Uninitiated Introduction to En- gineering (UNITE) Program. Provides special instruction in sci- ence and mathematics for socially and economically disadvantaged high school students. Universities annually hold four 6-week ses- sions between June and mid- August. Total annual participa- tion is approximately 215, mostly minority students. Application is made through guidance counsel- ors and other student advisors for awards which may include costs of travel and room and board. Contact: Mr. John Nelson, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Busi- ness, Department of the Army, Washington, DC 20310, (202) 697-2868. Visiting Professorships for Women (VPW). Provides support to women scientists and engineers to advance their careers, and to encourage women students to pursue careers in science and engineering. Contact: Dr. Gretchen Klein, National Science Foundation. 1800 G Street, NW, Room 1225, Washington, DC 20550, (202) 357-7734. "Women in Non-Traditional Ca- reers." A curriculum guide de- signed to assist schools and train- ing programs to help young people broaden their career horizons, make long-range career plans, understand the school-to-work connection, and explore issues related to sex equity and non- traditional careers such as science occupations. Contact: Director, Women's Bureau, U.S. Depart- ment of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room S3002, Wash- ington, DC 20210, (202) 523- 6652. 36 About the Task Force • The Task Force was established by the U.S. Congress in Public Law 99-383, Section 8. to report to the President, the head of each participating Federal agency, and the Congress; • Members are from 15 Federal agencies and leaders in the private sector and education; • Purpose is to develop a long- range plan for broadening participation in science and engineering; • Public hearings were held in Albuquerque, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Kansas City, and Los Angeles between Fall 1987 and Spring 1988; The final report reiterates our goals, and calls for the long- term commitment to fulfill them; Co-chairs of the Task Force are: Dr. W. Ann Reynolds, Chancellor of the California State University System and Mr. Jaime Oaxaca, Vice Chairman of the Board, Coronado Communications; Executive Director is Sue Kemnitzer; The Task Force terminates on January 31, 1990. For information after that date contact the Director of the National Science Foundation. An interim report with recommendations was issued in September, 1988; 55,000 copies were distributed and significant discussions and actions were instigated; 37 Task Force Members Co- Chairs Mr. Jaime Oaxaca Vice Chairman Coronado Communications Dr. W. Ann Reynolds Chancellor California State University System Members Dr. Howard G. Adams National Consortium for Graduate Degrees in Engineering, Inc. Dr. Kenneth Bell Delaware State College Dr. E. Ann Berman Tri-Space, Inc. Mr. James A. Biaglow National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ms. Ferial Bishop Environmental Protection Agency Jo Anne Brasel, M.D. Harbor UCLA Medical Center Dr. Mary E. Carter Department of Agriculture Dr. Alan Clive Federal Emergency Management Agency Dr. Mary E. Clutter National Science Foundation Dr. Joseph G. Danek National Science Foundation Mrs. Jill Emery Department of Labor Mr. Herbert Fernandez Department of Defense Dr. Essex E. Finney, Jr. Department of Agriculture Ms. Claire E. Freeman Department of Housing and Urban Development Ms. Stella Guerra Department of the Interior Dr. Ruth A. Haines Department of Commerce Ms. Penelope M. Hanshaw Department of the Interior Mr. Norbert Hill American Indian Science and Engineering Society Ms. Amoretta H. Hoeber TRW. Inc. Mr. M. Carl Holman* National Urban Coalition Mr. James Jeffers State of Maryland Dr. Harriett G. Jenkins National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ms. Antionette G. Joseph Department of Energy Mrs. Minnie M. Kenny Department of Defense Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein Dept. of Health and Human Services Dr. Mary Harley Kruter White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Mr. Robert Cyrus Laughter Laughter Corporation Ms. Fran Lopes Office of Personnel Management Dr. Shirley Malcom American Association for the Advancement of Science Ms. Stephanie Lee-Miller Department of Transportation Ms. Barbara Morgan Teachers in Space Program 38 Mr. Robert H. Morris Federal Emergency Management Agency Dr. Norine Noonan Office of Management and Budget Ms. Kathleen Peery Department of Energy Mrs. Shirley Peterson Northrop Corporation Mr. Raul Ernesto Reyes National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dr. Miguel Rios, Jr. Orion International Technologies, Inc. Miss Gloria R. Sabatini Health and Public Affairs Consultants Dr. Lawrence Scadden Electronic Industries Foundation Ms. Selma Sierra Department of the Interior Mr. Nathaniel Scurry Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Curtis J. Smith Office of Personnel Management Mrs. Patricia McGill Smith Department of Education Ms. JoAnn Sondey-Hersh Department of Commerce Mr. Alvin Thomas Department of Transportation Ms. Sonia Mejia-Walgreen Southeastern Massachusetts University Dr. Luther Williams National Science Foundation * The Task Force regrets the death of its esteemed member. M. Carl Holman on August 9. 1988. Public Hearings Witnesses Albuquerque, New Mexico - September 22, 1987 Ms. Connie Alexander National Aeronautics and Space Administration Mr. Ted L. Barber U.S. Army Atmospheric Science Ms. Teresa Barts Dr. Henry Casso Project Uplift Dr. Jack Cole University of Arizona Honorable Pete Domenici U.S. Senate (Represented by Mr. Tony Gallegos) Dr. Ann Erickson Salt Lake Community College Dr. John Foley Los Alamos National Laboratory Ms. Rosemary Frederickson EG&G Ms. Elizabeth Gallegos Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman Mr. John Garcia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Dr. Leo Gomez Sandia National Laboratory 39 Dr. Richard J. Griego University of New Mexico Mr. Francisco A. Guevara Mexican American Engineering Society Mr. Norbert Hill American Indian Science and Engineering Society Mr. Richard Jimenez Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Dr. Nina Kay Huston-Tillotson College Mr. Gregory Kennedy Alamogordo Space Center Dr. Robert L. Knutilla U.S. Geological Survey Dr. Julie Hayes Lutz Washington State University Dr. Kirk MacGugan Protection and Advocacy System Ms. Louella Marr Luna Vocational Technical Institute Dr. Dewayne Matthews New Mexico Commission on Higher Education Mr. Matthew D. Pad ilia University of New Mexico Honorable William Richardson U.S. House of Representatives (Represented by Mr. Gary Townsend) Ms. Rose Marie Rodriquez American GI Forum of New Mexico Dr. Nancy Felipe Russo Arizona State University Mr. Jim Tarro Digital Equipment Corporation Ms. Katherine H. Tijerina New Mexico State University Ms. Sheila Tobias Ms. Barbara Torres BDM Corporation Mr. Jerry Watkins New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped Chicago, Illinois - October 29, 1987 Dr. Ted Ansbacher Museum of Science and Industry Dr. Elaine J. Copeland University of Illinois-Urbana Mr. Cecil Curtwright National Association of Minority Engineering Program Administrators Ms. Jane Daniels Purdue University Ms. Patricia Finn Association for Women in Science Dr. Jane Butler Kahle Purdue University Mr. Thomas Kucera American Chemical Society Ms. Christa Lane-Larsen 3-M Company Dr. Donald N. Langenberg University of Illinois at Chicago Dr. William K. LeBold Purdue University Dr. Arlene Lennox Fermi Laboratory Dr. Thomas L. Martin, Jr. Illinois Institute of Technology Dr. Jon D. Miller Northern Illinois University Dr. Richard Neblett National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Dr. Robert W. Springer Argonne National Laboratories Ms. Carolyn Stern Northwestern University Mr. Anibal Taboas Argonne National Laboratories Honorable James Thompson Governor of Illinois (Represented by Ms. Vicki Sebela) Dr. Marion C. Thurnauer Association for Women in Science Mr. William T. Trent University of Illinois-Urbana Dr. Yvonne Walker-Taylor Wilberforce University Dr. Izaak Wirszup University of Chicago 40 Kansas City, Missouri - December 1, 1987 Dr. Don Ahshapanek Haskell Indian Junior College Dr. Elizabeth Berman Appelbaum Honorable John Ashcroft Governor of Missouri (Represented by Ms. JoeAnn Piatt) Dr. Manuel Berriozabal University of Texas- San Antonio Mr. Jose de Jesus Esteban National Weather Service Dr. Joseph L. Estrada Department of Health and Human Services Ms. Cheryl Fisher Parkview High School Dr. Gene Hampton Science Pioneers, Inc. Dr. Diana G. Helsel University of Missouri-Columbia Ms. Karen Hummel and Mr. Tom Cummings Mid-America Consortium for Engineering and Science Achievement Douglas Juarez and Dawn Cunningham Westport High School Dr. Edith Irby Jones National Medical Association Dr. Jerry Kollros University of Iowa Dr. Patricia MacCorquodale University of Arizona Ms. Ruth Margolin University of Missouri- Kansas City Mr. John P. McTague Ford Motor Company Dr. Charles Rankin Kansas State University Dr. Walter S. Smith University of Kansas Mr. Nate Thomas National Association of Minority Engineering Program Administrators Los Angeles, California - January 14, 1 988 Mr. Raul Alvarado, Jr. Rockwell International Ms. Eva W. Bien Naval Weapons Center, China Lake Mr. Ralph Casarez and Mr. Robert Cole Casarez and Cole Ms. Helga Christofferson Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Dr. Eugene H. Cota-Robles University of California, Berkeley Dr. Stuart E. Gothold Los Angeles County Office of Education Ms. Nancy Guitterez Pacific Bell Ms. Dorothy Hudig University of Nevada Ms. Nancy Kreinberg University of California, Berkeley Dr. Raymond B. Landis California State University, Los Angeles 41 Ms. Frances Manion Santa Monica Community College Dr. Diane Ross California State University, Fullerton Dr. James M. Rosser California State University, Los Angeles Mr. Jesse Rubalcaba California Institute of Technology Ms. Syvila Weatherford National Council of Black Engineers and Scientists Atlanta. Georgia - March 2. 1 988 Ms. Debbie Baldridge Discovery Learning Mr. James G. Breene International Business Machines Corporation Ms. Iris M. Carl Houston School District Ms. Carolyn C. Chesnutt Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering Dr. Thomas W. Cole, Jr. Clark College Ms. Karen Darling Department of Agriculture Dr. Etta Falconer Spelman College Ms. Isabella N. Finkelstein Clark College Ms. Chandra French Clark College Ms. Polly Anna Harris Bearden High School Dr. Joe Johnson Atlanta University Center, Inc. Ms. B. K. Krenzer Society of Women Engineers Mr. Bill Linder-Scholer Cray Research Foundation James O. Mason, M.D. Centers for Disease Control Dr. Charles Meredith Atlanta University Center Mr. Juan Sabater International Business Machines Corporation Mr. William Shackelford Industry Education Connection. Enterprises Dr. Melvin R. Webb Clark College Boston, Massachusetts - April 7. 1988 Mr. Elmer C. Bartels Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Dr. Janice Button-Shafer American Physical Society Dr. Valerie Crane Research Communications, Ltd. Ms. Patsy Dickinson Radcliffe College Ms. Phyllis Dohanian Boston Museum of Science Dr. Millie Dresselhaus Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mrs. Karen Henry Society of Women Engineers Dr. Kenneth M. Hoffman Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Gerald Holton Harvard University Dr. Matina Horner Radcliffe College Dr. Lilli Hornig Wellesley College Dr. Elizabeth Ivey Smith College Dr. Christine Jones Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 42 Dr. Raymond C. Kurzweil Kurzweil Computer Products, Inc. Ms. Vivien Li Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dr. Gilbert J. Lopez Columbia University Dr. Shirley McBay Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Margaret Rossiter Cornell University Dr. Mary Beth Ruskai Wellesley College Ms. Joann Sherwood-Leighton Middlesex Community College Ms. Andrea Shlipak Radcliffe College Dr. Harlee Strauss Gradient Corporation Dr. Norma Ware Radcliffe College Dr. Sheila Widnall Massachusetts Institute of Technology Baltimore, Maryland - May 4, 1988 Dr. Michele Bloch Uniformed Services University Dr. George Camithers Naval Research Laboratory Dr. Rita Col we 11 University of Maryland Mr. Thomas E. Daniels National Technical Association Dr. Joseph T. Durham Community College of Baltimore Dr. Homer D. Franklin Olive-Harvey College, Chicago Dr. John Gavin EER Systems Mr. Ted Habarth Project Journey - GEM Program Ms. Gertrude R. Jeffers Governor's Office for Handicapped Individuals Ms. Ann Kahn National Mathematical Sciences Education Board Dr. Edward C. Keller West Virginia University Ms. Marylin Krupsaw George Washington University Ms. Freda W. Kurtz Federally Employed Women Dr. David Lunney East Carolina University Dr. Barbara Mandula Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Lucy Morse University of Central Florida Mr. Clennie Murphy Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Janice Petrovich ASPIRA Institute for Policy Research Dr. Harold W. Stevenson University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Mr. Thomas G. Sticht Applied Behavior and Cognitive Sciences, Inc. Mr. Jerry Teplitz Jerry Teplitz Enterprises Dr. Anne Thompson American Geophysical Union Dr. Carol Weller University of Utah Dr. Jo Schlicht Wessels Jefferson County Public Schools, Colorado 43 Staff Acknowledgements Many thanks to the staff of the Task Force: Sue Kemnitzer, Executive Director Mildred Kriegel, Deputy Executive Director Faye Brown, Secretary Denise Wallace, Secretary Consultants and Temporary Staff: Tensia Alvirez Frank Collea Rudy Day Clay Morgan Mary Ann Orlando Clara Schiffer Deborah Shapley Bonney Sheahan Diane Sheahan 44 Law Establishing the Task Force Public Law 99-383 Sec. 8. (a.) It is the purpose of this section to establish a task force on women, minorities, and the handicapped in science and technology to: (1) examine the current status of women, minorities, and the handicapped in science and engineering positions in the Federal Government and in federally assisted research programs; (2) coordinate existing Federal programs designed to promote the employment of women, minorities, and the handicapped in such positions; (3) suggest cooperative interagency programs for promoting such employment; (4) identify exemplary State, local, or private sector programs designed to promote such employment; and (5) develop a long-range plan to advance opportunities for women, minorities, and the handicapped in Federal scientific and technical positions in federally assisted research, and to coordinate the activities of participating agencies with the Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering established by section 36 of the National Science Foundation Authorization and Science and Technology Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885c), after the termination of the task force established by this section. (d) For purposes of this section, the term "participating agency" means (1) the National Science Foundation; (2) the Department of Health and Human Services; (3) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; (4) the Environmental Protection Agency; (5) the Department of Agriculture; (6) the Department of Defense; (7) the Department of Education; (8) the Department of Energy; (9) the Department of Commerce; and (10) the Department of the Interior. 45 (c) (1) The task force on women, minorities, and the handicapped in science and technology shall be composed of individuals appointed by participating agencies pursuant to this subsection. (2) The head of each participating agency shall appoint two individuals to serve as members of the task force. If an appointed member is unable to serve for the duration of the task force, the head of the participating agency who appointed that member shall appoint another individual to fill the vacancy. (3) Task force members may be appointed from private business, academia, professional associations, or nonprofit foundations. (d) The task force shall prepare and submit a report on its findings and recommenda- tions to the President, the Congress, and the head of each participating agency not later than December 3 1 , 1989. (e) The Office of Science and Technology Policy shall call the first meeting of the task force not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, shall ensure that each participating agency has appointed two members, and shall assist the task force to meet its objectives. (f) (1) Members of the task force not otherwise employed by the Federal Government shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out the duties of the task force. (2) The Director of the National Science Foundation shall make provision for administrative support of the task force, and may enter into agreements with the heads of other participating agencies to facilitate the work of the task force. (g) The task force shall terminate on January 31, 1990. 46