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Ide UNIVERSITY EXTENSION MANUALS EDITED BY PROFESSOR KNIGHT CHAPTERS IN MODERN BOTANY GENERAL PLAN OF THE SERIES. This Series is primarily designed to aid the University Extension Movement throughout Great Britain and America , and to supply the need so widely felt by students , of Text-books for study and reference , in comiection with the authorised Courses of Lectures . Volu?nes dealing with separate sections of Literature , Science , Philosophy , History , and Art have been assigned to representative literary men , to University Professors , or to extension Lecturers connected with Oxford , Cambridge , London , and the Universities of Scotland and Ireland. The Manuals differ from those already in existence in that they are not intended for Elementary use , but for students who have ?nade some advance in the subjects dealt with . The statement of details is meant to illustrate the working of general laws , and the development of principles ; while the historical evolution of the subject dealt with is kept in view , along with its philosophical significance. The remarkable success which has attended University Extension in Britain has been partly due to the combination of scientific treat- ment with popularity, and to the union of simplicity with thorough- ness. This movement , however , can only reach those resident in the larger centres of population , while all over the country there are thoughtful persons who desire the same kind of teaching. It is for them also that this Series is designed. Its aim is to supply the general reader with the same kind of teaching as is given in the Lectures , and to reflect the spirit which has characterised the move- ment, viz. the combination of principles with facts , and of methods with results . The Manuals are also intended to be contributions to the Literature of the Subjects with which they respectively deal , quite apart from University Extension ; and some of them will be found to meet a general rather than a special want. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Toronto https://archive.org/details/chaptersinmodernOOgedd Chapters in Modern Botany By PATRICK GEDDES PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET 1893 All rights reserved For him the woods were a home and gave him the key Of knowledge , thirst for their treasures in herbs and flowers. The secrets held by the creatures nearer than we To earth he sought , and the link of their life with ours : And where alike we are , unlike where, and the veined Division , veined parallel, of a blood that flows In them , in us, from the source by man unattained , Save mark he well what the mystical woods disclose." Meredith, Melampus. PREFACE This little book makes no attempt to condense a survey of its science ; even within the fields through which it passes it seeks only to be suggestive, not exhaustive ; its chapters have actually grown out of the syllabus and notes of University Extension Lectures, with their neces- sary limitations. In matter and form its appeal is to the general reader ; yet, in method and spirit, to the student also, — in some measure even to the teacher. In botany, as in other studies, educational methods alter with the times. In the Linnean period the “ best botanist was he who knew the most plants,” however little of each ; while a later and still dominant school has founded upon Cuvier a type-system which makes him know much, — but of few. Hence the student has come no longer to load his vasculum and memory in a single vacation, with all things from the cedar to the hyssop ; but, seeing that cedar and hyssop have been selected as types by the highest authority, scrutinises these, and these only, for his term. Analysis is great, and the anatomist is its prophet ; yet such Elementary Biology is but Necrology, its so-called “ life-histories ” being but histories of form. It is the misfortune of biology that Darwin was not a teacher. It is no easy matter for us professors, trained VI Preface from our youth in Linnean or Cuvierian schools, to change our thought methods, and see how, instead of merely appending the dogma of evolution to our old curriculum of morphological training, to organise one truly Darwinian in spirit from the beginning. But, as teacher and student usually end as they begin, let them begin as they would end ; neither with conning an inventory of plant-mummies, nor with the tissue-unwrapping of samples of these ; but with childlike watching, scene after scene, of the actual drama of nature, in which life interacts with life, and fate with all. Only then, indeed, can Linnaeus, can Cuvier, have his due, and do his work for us. It is surely in the measure of our intelligent interest in the play that we notice more and more of the dramatis persona , or have keener scrutiny of each actor in his hour. Hence the plan of this little book, which seeks to lead from small scenes to great. Were it worthy, it should be dedicated to the memory of Darwin. PATRICK GEDDES. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PITCHER PLANTS Darlingtonia — Sarracenia — Origin of Darlingtonia Pitchers — In- sect- Catching — Other Relations to Insects — Minute Structure of these Pitchers — Australian Pitcher Plant ( Cephalotus ) — The Pitcher Plant proper (. Nepenthes ) — Secreting Glands and Nectaries ..... Pages 1-20 CHAPTER II PITCHER PLANTS — continued Use of Pitchers, “ Bionomics ” — Bionomics — Bionomics of Nepenthes — Morphology of the Pitcher — Bladderwort — Bionomics of Bladderwort — Allied Forms .... 21-35 CHAPTER III OTHER INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS — DIFFICULTIES AND CRITICISMS Fly- Traps (. Dioncea and Aldrovanda ) — Sundews and Birdlime Traps — Butterworts — Sundews proper ( Drosera ) — Details , Functional and Structural — Digestion — Movements — A bsorption— Utility X Contents — Other Insectivorous Plants — Legends — Difficulties — Further Difficulties and Criticisms — Direction of further Investigation ; Possible Compromise .... Pages 36-59 CHAPTER IV MOVEMENT AND NERVOUS ACTION IN PLANTS Climbing Plants — Darwin's Observations , with Summary — Inter- pretation of Movements — Movements of Seedlings — Methods of Observation — Theory of Circumnutation . . 60-75 CHAPTER V MOVEMENTS OF PLANTS — Continued Movements in relation to Gravitation — Light -seeking and Light- avoiding Movements — Rationale of Light-seeking and Light- avoiding Movements — The Sleep of Plants — Mr. Francis Darwin's recent Discussion of Plant Movements — Summary and Conclusion ..... 76-94 CHAPTER VI THE WEB OF LIFE Struggle among Plants — Perched Plants or Epiphytes — Parasitic Plants — Mistleto — Dodder — Root - Parasites — Toothwort — Broom - rapes — Saprophytes — Parasitic Fungi — Bacteria — Symbiosis . . . . . . 95-119 CHAPTER VII RELATIONS BETWEEN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Plants and Snails — Plants and Ants — Domatia—Myrmecodia — Galls — Plants and Aphides — Cats and Clover . 120- 142 Contents XI CHAPTER VIII 4| SPRING AND ITS STUDIES — GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND WORLD-LANDSCAPES — SEEDLING AND BUD Spring Studies — Mode of Study in Botany — Phenology and Dis- tribution— Aspects of Nature, Vegetation and Landscapes of the World — Germination — Buds and Bud- Scales — Arrangement of Leaves in the Bud .... Pages 143-160 CHAPTER IX LEAVES General Facts in regard to the Life of Leaves — Experiments , rough and exact — Sum7nary of L^eaf Functions — The Structure of the Leaf — Palisade Cells and Chlorophyll Grains — Shapes of Leaves — Leaves adapted to special Functions — Substitutes for Leaves — Vitality of the L,eaf— Fall of the Leaf . 161-189 CHAPTER X SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY Root and Stem — Flower , Fruit , and Seed — The Web of Life once more — Syste77iatic Botany — Morphology of Organs and Tissues — Evolutio7i ..... 1 90-20 1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A Tropical Forest ....... Frontispiece FIG. PAGE 1. Darlingtonia calif ornica ...... 3 2. Leaves of Sarracenia purpurea . . . . . 9 3. Pitcher of Nepenthes distillatoria . . . . . 16 4. Pitcher of Nepenthes bicalcar ata showing downward - directed prickles 27 5. Elk’s-horn Fern (Flaty cerium grande) .... 99 6. Patch of Lichen grown synthetically by Bonnier (from sowing of fungus spores on algae) under bacteriological precautions against entrance of foreign spores . . 1 1 7 7. Assai Palm (. Euterpe oleracia ) 156 8. Apparatus of Bonnier and Mangin, for analysis of gases given off by plants . . . . . . .166 CHAPTER I PITCHER PLANTS Darlingtonia — Sarracenia — Origin of Darlingtonia Pitchers — In- sect- Catching — Other Relations to Insects — Minute Structure of these Pitchers — Australian Pitcher Plant ( Cephalotus) — The Pitcher Plant proper (Nepenthes') — Secreting Glands as Nectaries. In attempting to arrange a suitable introduction to the study of botany, a teacher may incline to one or other of two distinct methods. The first, and in many ways the more satisfactory, is to take the commonest plants around one, begin with the simplest knowledge of these, extend it by what is easily to be observed or obtained, deepen this by closer study, and next extend to less familiar forms the growing experience and practical power of the student. Most courses of biological instruction now actually run upon this principle : they place before the student some common type, some frog or crayfish, some common fern and flower, from which he may work his way towards a wider survey of the science. The other method, which also has its favourable side, is to start with something rare or strange — at any rate unfamiliar, — and so not only evade the prejudice that botany deals mainly in hard names B 2 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. or the like, but obtain the immense advantage of ministering to some measure of reawakened curiosity, some freshened feeling of the varied marvellousness of nature. The plan here adopted is practically a compromise of the two. Beginning indeed with some of the strangest forms and processes of the vegetable world, it is not pro- posed to exhibit these merely as a vegetable menagerie of rarities and wonders, but to use them as a convenient means of reaching, as speedily as may be, not only (a) some general comprehension of the processes and know- ledge of the forms of vegetable life, but also, and from the very first, (b) some intelligent grasp of the experimental methods and reasoning employed in their investigation. For these purposes a very convenient beginning may be made with pitcher plants. Moreover, they will be found to lead us more rapidly than would many more familiar types to the point of view of Darwin, and the reading of his actual works ; this being of course most central and characteristic in modern botany. Darlingtonia. — Beginning then far afield, in the land of big trees and vegetable wonders, we find not the least of these in a marsh plant discovered just fifty years ago by the botanist of an exploring expedition in the region of the Sierra Nevada. A fresh expedition nine years later gathered flowering specimens, but it was not until 1855 that the systematist Torrey formally introduced the plant to the world as Darlingtonia californica (the surname given in compliment to a friend). At first a rarity of botanic gardens, it is now not uncommon in greenhouses, and is very easy of cultivation. The flowers are large and strange, resembling those of Sarracenia , described below (p. 5). The leaves, however, are yet stranger ; they rise in stemless clumps above their mossy bed to a height of 12 or 18 inches, slender tubes extending upwards like I Pitcher Plants 3 organ pipes, but each recurving into a large and well-arched hood or helmet, with a framework of strongly - marked veins. This helmet is brightly splashed with red, and glistens with innumerable translucent spaces in which green tissue is absent, and only the epidermis of either side remains. Its small downward -directed opening is con- cealed, not only by its position, but by a gaily-tinted and banner-like streamer which hangs in front. To this open- ing, however, there ascends a gently-curved pathway which 4 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. runs upwards from the very ground, as if expressly built for ants and other wingless creepers, while at its top it is no less useful as a landing stage for winged explorers. The finger-tip can easily be inserted, and finds the edge to be incurved all the way round, while the descent into the pitcher is of course close by. Slitting open one of the old pitchers a gruesome sight presents itself — two, five, nay, it may be more likely twenty or fifty mouldering corpses, chiefly, in our greenhouses at least, those of bluebottles and wasps, but with now and then also a moth or bee. Sarracenia. — To understand all these peculiarities of form and life we may best pass to the allied genus Sarracenia , of which there are a good many different species of similar habit and habitat, but wider distribution, the genus ranging from Florida to Canada. The form is less perplexing, the hollow leaves are now simply trumpet- shaped, and instead of being rolled through a semicircle and curiously narrowed, open widely towards the sky, while the forked pennon of Darlingtonia is obviously represented by an almost circular or somewhat pointed leafy expansion, sometimes sloping over the mouth, like a half open lid or cover, large enough to throw off rain, but often also standing erect and conspicuous, the whole effect being often no less attractive to botanist or bluebottle than that of the Darlingtonia itself (Fig. i, p. 3). Here clearly we have the simple form ; and passing from the empirical facts of geographical distribution towards that interpretation the healthy childish or scientific mind cannot but demand, we can hardly fail to suspect that Darling- tonia is but the most outlying of the Sarracenias, one which has wandered to the farther side of the Rocky Mountains, and in that region become so much specialised beyond the ordinary type as to warrant re-naming as a new genus. Comparing the flowers, we find essential kin- I Pitcher Plants 5 ship yet sufficient generic difference ; curiously enough, it is the flower of Sarracenia which is the more specialised. Each is solitary upon its lofty stalk, the long dull -red petals quite surpassed in conspicuousness by the curiously- dilated style, recalling the peltate leaf of the common Indian Cress ( Tropceolum ), which climbs over so many cottage walls, or in dwarf forms brightens the garden border. In Darlingtonia the style merely shows the faintest beginnings of such an arrangement. From this one of the perplexities of evolution becomes evident ; we often cannot say that one plant is more evolved than another as a whole ; but only it may be on this or that respect, e.g. the form of the leaf in Darlingtonia, of style in Sarracenia. Origin of Darlingtonia Pitchers. — But how should such a change come about ? the thoughtful student will ask, so beginning to raise all the enigmas of evolution. Was it by change of climate and soil ? or by spontaneous internal variations, trifling differences of the kind visible in every patch of seedlings, of which some, useful in some way to the plant, helped their lucky possessors, which therefore survived while their fellows died, and transmitted these to a new series of similar divergent seedlings, which again had to struggle for life in the same way ? Thus we see how in course of generations we might obtain important and obvious differences from the simpler parent form ; and this of course would have been Darwin’s view ; it is a special case of his famous theory of “ the Origin of Species, by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Fortunate Varia- tions in the Struggle for Life,” while the speculation as to the possible but unknown influence of climate and soil represents the position of the earlier evolutionists, Lamarck, Erasmus Darwin, etc. Here, then, at the very outset of our studies, the riddle of origins comes up and refuses to admit itself fully solved. For though each of these 6 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. answers alone successively satisfied many minds, Darwin himself at least inclined towards some varying compromise of them. And as the student learns the really scientific atti- tude, that of not learning answers but of asking questions, new puzzles arise. Thus, what influence are we to place upon the geographical isolation through many generations of the incipient Darlingtonia from its kindred Sarracenias ? How far does it modify our natural selectionist position with its characteristic insistance upon adaptation to external uses when we note that the odd hood of the Darlingtonia is developed merely by increasing the relative rate of growth of the outer and upper surface of the Sarracenia pitcher, especially as we approach its mid -rib, so producing not only the inflation but the curvature, and even the stretch- ing apart of the leaf- tissue so as to leave the pretty window-like patches. But if this be clear we have already got a step below the conventional Darwinian level of external adaptation, below the idea of progress merely through the cumulative patenting of mechanical improve- ments in our fly-traps. Helpful though that explanation is, so far as it goes, we have in fact reached a new and deeper plane of thought on which it may become necessary to work out an entirely new set of evolutionary interpretations. The outer world of external and mechanical adaptations once left behind, we are at once brought face to face with the internal and vital processes, and have to grapple with the problems of organic growth, both general and special ; in other words, it is in terms of the laws of growth that we have to reinterpret the phenomena of development. We are familiar with these differences of growth of different regions of the leaf, as in young leaves of ferns, but the experimental study in detail lies still before us. Deliberately to arrange new conditions for our Sarracenia so that it shall at least begin to roll its leaf into the form of Darlingtonia is, how- Pitcher Plants 7 ever, at present “ impracticable,” i.e. remains a problem for the experimental physiologist. Yet even the natural selectionist most satisfied with accounting for the change on the principle of the mechanically improving fly-trap is notwithstanding the very man empirically to help, if not anticipate us, by finding us a seedling varying in the required direction among a patch of young Sarracenia ; for on this and its offspring the experimentalist might best begin. All such experimental researches are as yet only in their infancy, but it is becoming admitted on all hands that as the past of the science lies mainly in systematic collections, in anatomical and microscopic analyses, so its future has to be sought in the physiological laboratory, the greenhouse, and the garden. Insect-Catching. — But how, the active minded observer will ask, does our curious helmet-like Darlingtonia pitcher keep its victims, — for though it is natural for an insect to creep into what doubtless appears to it a very inviting new kind of flower, why should it not creep out again ? A first difficulty is afforded by the incurved margins ; but this would not be enough to detain it ; and here comes in the use of the relatively widely distended helmet-space with its innumerable transparent glassy panes let into its whole upper surface. The insect has eyes on the top and sides of its head, and sees abundant light above to spread its wings and beat itself upon the resisting roof and walls of the pitcher as persistently and as vainly as he does within our own window-casement. No doubt when he becomes tired and falls down over the entrance he may at times escape, but is more likely only to rest over it till he can again begin his struggles on the wing, while the adjacent opening, that of the fatal oubliette, is not only of much larger diameter, but of gently -sloping sides instead of repellent recurved margins. The walls of the leaf-tube substantially 8 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. correspond to those of Sarracenia, which we may therefore describe more minutely. The gaily- coloured lid of the Sarracenia pitcher is bedewed in spring and early summer with drops of nectar, which lie on its inward surface, at least for the most part ; not on both, as in the pennon of the Darlingtonia. A closer examination of its surface shows that these drops are at once helped to form, and if sufficiently large to trickle downwards by a coating of fine but short and stiff hairs which arise from the epidermic surface. Here, in fact, is in every way an admirably-constructed “ attractive surface/5 and it is obvious as well as natural that the insects which sip the honey should travel down into the interior of the pitcher to seek for more. Beyond the lid surface with its hairs and nectar-glands they come upon the smooth and glassy “ conducting surface,55 a well - paved path leading indeed towards destruction. In S. purpurea there are indeed a few fresh nectaries to be reached by this descent, a new secreting surface below the conducting one — in S. flava and other species not even this, — but in all cases we soon reach the “ detentive surface55 of the whole lower part of the pitcher. This is covered with long, stout, bristly hairs, averaging say J inch long, all sloping downwards into the cavity of the pitcher, and so presenting no obstacle towards descent, but much resistance towards return, as the finger can easily verify, or as the dead inmates of the tubular prison still more conclusively show. That so comparatively powerful an insect as a wasp or bluebottle can be thus detained may be at first sight perplexing ; but we see that there is no scope to use the wings for escape, while legs and wings alike become entangled and held back by the stiffly-pointed hairs, which the struggling insect can at most only thrust along, and thus not break. Another captive soon comes on top ; 1 Pitcher Plants 9 ventilation becomes checked, and the foul air rising from dead predecessors must still further check respiration ; little wonder then that life must fail. Even in our greenhouses Fig. 2. — Leaves of Sarracenia purpu?-ea. A, attractive surface of lid ; B, conducting ; C, glandular, and D, detentive surface, magnified. (A and D are taken from S.Jlava.') the leaf thus becomes filled, not only i or 2, but often 5 or 6 inches deep with dead insects ; while observers on the spot, notably Dr. Mellichamp, to whom our know- io Chapters in Modern Botany chap. ledge is mainly due, have shown that there is normally a considerable amount of fluid secreted by the pitcher, although this does not seem to appear in European culti- vation, and that this fluid has distinctly anaesthetic and fatal properties to insects immersed in it. Other Relations to Insects. — It is an odd fact that while with us the bluebottle falls an easy and natural prey to this unwonted trap, being doubtless attracted like the wasp by that odour of decomposing carrion to which the bee and butterfly in turn owe their safety, a shrewder American cousin ( Sarcophaga sarracenicE) lays a few eggs over the pitcher edge, where the maggots hatch and fatten on the abundant food. In April three or four of these larvae are to be found, but in June or July only one sur- vives, the victor who has devoured his brethren. But nemesis is often at hand in the form of a grub -seeking bird, who slits up the pitcher with his beak, and makes short work of all its eatable contents. For this bird in turn the naturalist has next to lie in wait, and so add a new link to the chain. The larvae of a moth (Xanthoptera semicrocea) also inhabit the pitcher, but devour its tissue, not its animal inmates ; in fact, they spin a web across its diameter, as if to exclude further entrance of these, and then devour the upper part of the tissue, especially, it would seem, the nectar-glands, finally passing through their chrysalis stage within the cavity of the pitcher, and not, as in the case of the Sarcophaga larva, making their exit into the ground. It is said that spiders also spin their webs over the mouths of the pitchers and wait to reap the profit of their attractiveness — again a point of almost human shrewdness. An American entomologist, Professor Riley, has de- scribed the ways in which these associated living insects ( commensals , we may perhaps call them, by a not extreme i Pitcher Plants 1 1 stretch of technical language) are adapted to life in such dangerous conditions. The moth has long spurs upon its tibise (second leg joints), which cross many of the hairs as it walks, and so prevent its legs from sinking among them ; while its larvae, destitute of this snow-shoe arrangement, spin their silken strands over the tips of the detentive hairs, and so keep out of danger. The larvae of the blow- fly, on the other hand, have peculiarly long claws and large cushions on the last tarsal joints, and so grip down through the hairs and hook themselves firmly into the very tissue of the trumpet-leaf itself. The question naturally arose — are not these treacherous plants victimising the very insects which fertilise them ? But this seems little or not at all to be the case ; for 5. variolaris , at least, our good observer Dr. Mellichamp has shown that fertilisation is effected by the “ melancholy chafer 55 ( Euphoria melancholica ), nor has he ever beheld the moth Xanthoptera so act. So far, at any rate, it seems we have quite distinct and separate inter- adaptations of flower and leaf, and to distinct and separate insects. Minute Structure of the Pitcher. — Before leaving this subject one may have a useful first lesson in “ vegetable histology,55 since the tissues here are not only peculiarly in- teresting and intelligible, but very easily handled. Opening the pitcher with one’s penknife it is easy to make out with the naked eye, and clear with the pocket lens, the essential character of these surfaces, attractive, conductive, and detentive respectively ; but to see the exquisite beauty and perfection of their details we must multiply lens above lens, so developing our simple microscope, noting, of course, that we are passing to no separate “ science of microscopy,55 but that we are merely adding in front of our own eye lens first one artificial lens, and then more as we need them. How these lenses need to be held together^ 12 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. and how one combination of these is brought near the eye (“ eye-piece ”), so as to multiply still further the image already magnified by another held nearer the object (and hence naturally termed object-glass), is of course the ele- mentary common sense of that exquisite marvel of detailed perfection, the compound microscope. The further develop- ments, as that of shutting off side light above the object- glass by the microscope tube, and below it by the stage- diaphragm, of placing the object upon a transparent stage, and this upon a perforated one, or of getting the instrument when we wish to examine a transparent object out of the inconvenient horizontal position at first necessary into the more convenient vertical or sloping one by the simple device of reflecting the window light through the tube to the eye by means of a mirror fixed below the stage, are again no less obvious. This elementary instrument once constructed, a new set of considerations would naturally arise, among which the necessity of focussing and the diffi- culty of getting rid of the prismatic colours which would as yet enhalo our magnified image may be cited as specially important. These have to be met by mechanical and optical devices respectively, which are familiar enough ; and so we might work on, a whole volume being needed to do justice to the history of the instrument, as, indeed, are special journals to its unending developments. The bare outline given above is but to emphasise the idea, com- monplace in phrase but too little habitual in practice, that the scientific study of anything, be it a natural or social product, ought always to proceed from the known towards the unknown, and rationally from its beginnings onwards wherever possible. Given, then, the compound microscope, we may first attempt to examine the epidermis more in detail, beginning with the attractive surface of the lid by shaving off thin I Pitcher Plants 13 slices from its surface, and mounting them in a drop of water between slide and cover-glass. These, however, we probably find to be comparatively opaque and confused, because too thick, and including much of the deeper leaf- tissue or parenchyma as well as epidermis. We may, it is true, improve our preparation by the use of methods familiar to every microscopist, e.g. by washing the preparation in spirit to dissolve out the green colouring matter or chlorophyll, by treatment with caustic potash solution to destroy even the protoplasm, by dyeing or staining the cell-walls conveniently with a solution of one of the anilines to bring out their outlines more clearly, and by mounting in glycerine instead of water, so as to give greater transparency to the whole. Instead of all this trouble, which after all will not make a good preparation out of a badly- made section, we may learn much from even a thick slice in the fresh state by observing merely its edges, which are sure to be somewhere thin enough. A better method how- ever, which, with a little practice, will be found to give excellent preparations, not only of all the tougher-leaved insectivorous plants, but of any tolerably strong epidermis, is to lay the morsel of leaf face downwards upon a slide in a large drop of water, and then holding it firmly at one edge, to scrape away with a sharp scalpel or penknife the other epidermis and the green leaf-tissue, the veins too, as far as they will come, washing the debris from the prepara- tion from time to time, and scraping more carefully and lightly as the lower epidermis is exposed, and of course threatens or begins to tear. When tolerably clean the preparation may be turned over and examined, a funda- mental principle in all microscopic study being first to make out all one can with the low magnifying power before proceeding to a higher one, while the various operations of histological “ cuisine ” above indicated may be applied if 14 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. desired, and the preparation mounted permanently for the collection, either simply in glycerine by putting a ring of asphalt or gold size around the cover-glass edge, or by mounting in glycerine jelly. Sufficient technical skill and experience to make very fair botanical preparations will be found to come very rapidly with practice, especially if the beginner can obtain a practical start from any more experienced student or amateur ; the help of any work on the microscope is often of much value, although there is nowadays a bewildering wealth of technical devices, each no doubt useful in its own way, like the numberless refinements of the microscope itself, yet like these quite unnecessary until skill has been reached and special problems undertaken. Australian Pitcher Plant (Cephalotus). — Another pitcher plant, farther-fetched than Darlingtonia, and less fre- quent in cultivation in our greenhouse collections — indeed one of the rarest and most peculiar plants in the world — is the curious little Australian pitcher plant Cephalotus follicularis , which occurs only in a small area not far from the capital of Western Australia. It is by far the smallest and least impressive of all the pitcher plants, yet is of some beauty, and also of morphological interest in pos- sessing at once ordinary leaves and well-formed pitchers between which no gradations normally exist. In the large collection of pitchered and other insectivorous plants in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden the late Professor Dickson (than whom these interesting forms have never had a more keen and thoughtful student) was able to collect and figure an interesting series of the monstrous leaves which occa- sionally arise, and thus to show that the pitcher is but a specialised modification of the ordinary leaf, a first em- bryonic dimple near the point deepening backwards and downwards into a pouch, the lid thus arising on the side I Pitcher Plants i5 of the pitcher orifice originally nearer the base of the leaf. The histological details of the pitcher are of interest, and of exceptional beauty of colour. The Pitcher Plant proper (Nepenthes). — From this solitary and tiny Australian rarity we may now pass to the abundant and magnificent pitcher plants proper, the genus Nepenthes , of which not less than forty species are described in Dr. Macfarlane’s recent excellent revision of the group. They are widely scattered over the Oriental tropics, with their headquarters in the hotter regions of the Malay Archipelago, but thence range northward into Cochin China, southwards into North Australia, and westwards into Cey- lon, Bengal, and even Madagascar. In all the species the pitcher is borne at the end of a long tendril-like prolonga- tion of the leaf, and is not only of very beautiful form but great size, varying from an inch to a foot or more in depth. Two varieties of pitcher occur in many species, the first, associated with the lower leaves and developed during the younger state of the plants, are not uncommonly found actually resting on the ground. This form is short and broad, provided with broad, external, wing-like prolonga- tions, up which ants and other ground insects readily make their way to the lip of the pitcher. The adult and more abundant form of pitcher is longer and narrower, with the external wing-like appendages less strongly developed, or it may be even absent. The anterior (lower) surface of the lid stands well open, serving after maturity no longer as a protective cover, save that it may serve to throw off rain, but apparently as an attractive surface or insect lure, being, like that of the forms already examined, more or less baited with nectar. The rim of the pitcher rewards the closest scrutiny, its surface being beautifully fluted and turned inwards and downwards, so as not only to strengthen the pitcher and keep its mouth always stiffly open, but to CHAP. 1 6 Chapters in Modern Botany lead the insect gently to the dangerous verge, at which the fluid contents of the pitcher come fully into view, and the glassy conducting surface can be easily reached. Dickson discovered also the apparently constant presence of a row Fig. 3. — Pitcher of Nepenthes distillatoria. A, honey gland from attractive surface of lid; B, digestive gland from interior of pitcher, in pocket -like depression of epidermis (opening downwards) ; C, transverse section of the same. of very large flask-shaped glands along the very edge of this incurved rim, and presumably of further attractiveness. The edges of the flutings are often produced downwards into stout hook-like processes, which are sometimes strong enough to retain a small bird. I Pitcher Plants i7 Scraping our microscopic preparations as before, we may rapidly note the nectar-glands of the attractive lid, the flask - shaped marginal glands just referred to, the smooth internal conductive surface, and below this the secreting surface. The former often shows small down- ward - directed crescentic ledges, while when we come to the secreting surface we find these suddenly becoming better developed and crowded, each ridge bearing below it a well -developed gland, which projects slightly, like a watch just beginning to slip out of an inverted watch- pocket. The fluid of the pitcher stands at a tolerably regular level, and so far as the insect visitors are concerned re- places the detentive surface of Sarracenia. That it is a normal and genuine secretion, and not mere collected rain, is evident from its development before the young pitcher has opened ; while its analysis by Voelcker shows the presence of oxalic and citric acids, of chloride of potassium, and of carbonate of soda, magnesia, and lime. Lawson Tait again denies the presence of acid in the fluid of a young pitcher. Of much greater importance, however, is the interpretation of its nature and uses first promulgated by Sir Joseph Hooker in a memorable address to the British Association in 1874, in which he gave full details of his experiments on the digestive properties of the fluid, which he tested not only upon insects, morsels of beef, egg, etc., but even upon substances so resisting as cartilage. Lawson Tait in 1875, and subsequently Rees and Will of Erlangen in 1876; Gorup - Besanez, the well-known physiological chemist of Strasburg, in 1877; Vines, and others, con- firmed these results, and extended them by the separation of a digestive ferment, apparently identical with the pepsin of the animal stomach. Rees and Will actually found that fibrin was dissolved even more rapidly by the secretion of 1 8 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. the excited pitchers than in a test experiment with pepsin from the pig’s stomach ! This, it must be confessed, seems proving too much, and we shall do well to remember that most samples of prepared pepsin are far from possessing the same digestive potency, still less that of the fresh stomach, not to insist on other sources of fallacy. Still the existence of some appreciable quantity of pepsin seems obvious. Hooker and Tait have shown that fluid removed from a living pitcher into a glass vessel does not digest unless some acid, preferably lactic, be added. During the presence of food, however, they regard the pitcher as con- tinuously stimulated to secrete acid, and to keep up the supply of pepsin. Tait also separated a very deliquescent substance from the secretion of this and other insectivorous plants, which he termed azerin. To this he ascribed digestive and antiseptic properties, and also drew attention to its remarkable power of wetting surfaces, just as glycerine or paraffln does. Placing living flies in tubes containing distilled water, Nepenthes fluid, and solution of prepared azerin, he observed that “ when those in the tube contain- ing the water touch the surface they remain there as long as the water is undisturbed without ever getting completely wetted, and that they live for a very long time, — as long, perhaps, as in a perfectly dry tube. Those in the other tubes, on the contrary, will become completely wetted in a very few minutes after they touch the surface of the fluid, soon become immersed, and seldom live more than a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes.” “ This must be due to the peculiar wetting property of azerin, enabling the water to enter their tracheae and drowning them. This method of death can be seen in the case of flies placed upon the leaves of Drosera rotundi- folia , for they become wetted in a way which was most I Pitcher Plants 19 astonishing to me until I knew the peculiar properties of azerin. In the process of digestion this penetration of the fluid must also be useful.” Secreting Grlands as Nectaries. — So far we have been looking at the glands of the Nepenthes pitcher as peculiar organs special to their position ; but soon after the re- examination of the pitcher by Professor Dickson, which resulted in the discovery of those curious marginal glands (which we may view as the highest specialisation of the gland structures of the lid and pitcher — perhaps, indeed, of the secreting gland yet known in the vegetable kingdom), Dr. Macfarlane made an interesting step towards the determination of the less specialised organ to which the whole of these peculiar structures may be referred, and of which they may be considered developments and modifica- tions. Closely examining the whole plant, he noticed that “ not only is honey secreted by the inside of the lid and the mouth of the pitcher, as we already knew, but the outer surface of the pitcher, as well as that of the lid, also possesses honey glands. Further, the whole so-called 4 leaf,5 or expanded lamina, including the thong-like pro- longation of the midrib, to the end of which the pitcher is attached, may be regarded as a complete insect-lure, seeing it also is found to be studded with honey-secreting glands, thus presenting to unwary insects a long but pleasant passage to the cavity of the pitcher below. The stem, too, was found to possess glands for honey secretion — in some species to a greater extent than in others.55 The curator of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden drew Dr. Macfarlane’s attention to the viscid nature of the fluid secreted by Nepenthes when flowering, and it was found that this also was a honey secretion, and glands were dis- covered to be present on the upper epidermis of the sepals. Dr. Macfarlane then made a minute examination 20 Chapters in Modern Botany chap, i of the other three genera of pitchered insectivorous plants at present in cultivation — viz. Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, and Cephalotus — with the result that substantially the same condition of things was found to subsist in them all. “ The pitcher-plants may thus be regarded as ingenious mechan- isms for first attracting insects, in order to receive their aid in fertilisation ; and next, for the capture of these insects, and their subsequent appropriation for purposes of nutrition.” These are in fact the “ extra-floral nectaries ” well known in many plants, and which the reader may most conveniently learn to know by looking for them on a shoot of cherry laurel. CHAPTER II pitcher PLANTS — continued Use of Pitchers, “ Bionomics ” — Bionomics — Bionomics of Nepenthes — Morphology of the Pitcher — Bladderwort — Bionomics of Bladderwort — Allied Forms. Use of Pitchers, “ Bionomics.” — The view of the economy of the Nepenthes pitcher held more or less strongly by some older naturalists, that this was a benevolent provision of nature to comfort the weary traveller or refresh the thirsty bird, had of course given way ; not so much before the distributional fact that these plants inhabit wet places in tropical forest thickets (where even if travellers were wont to pass, they with the birds would not need to seek so far for water), as from the general decay of this cheaply optimistic teleology. Yet so habitual was this way of look- ing at things that we have even had in more modern times the pitchers of Sarracenia and Darlingtonia described as caves of refuge supplied by a benevolent Providence to conceal insects from their pursuers. Some better explanation was needed, and the new one, in terms of ' that grim and all - pervading struggle for existence, which naturalists were learning from Darwin and the times to substitute along the whole line for the old-fashioned “ harmony of nature,” could not but at once arrest attention and quickly win its way to acceptance and 22 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. approval, the more so because of its new and dramatic form, the plant, usually the passive prey of the animal, turning the tables and making the animal its victim. A great step was thus made towards realising that view of nature, that physiology not of the machinery of the indi- vidual merely, but of species in their relation to all the life around them, which it is probably the very greatest of all Darwin’s services to have put before us in so many of its scenes. This is what many old writers meant by u Natural History,” and what too many modern German authors un- fortunately confuse with the well-established general name including all the fields of organic science as “ Biologie.” Semper therefore prefers to speak of this his favourite study (see his Animal Life in International Science Series) as the u physiology of organisms,” of course in distinction to the physiology of organs. Mr. Wallace terms this the u higher physiology,” while Professor Ray Lankester has suggested the convenient term of bionomics. The last term has many advantages, not the least being that its very sound and form helps us to realise its meaning as expressing the economics of each of the innumerable species with which we share the planet. It is, we trust, likely to come into general use, and to supersede the vague or confused terms above mentioned. Bionomics. — It is important clearly to distinguish in the work and influence of Darwin the various elements ; since putting aside altogether his evolutionary theories, his work in thus reopening the study of natural history in its widest aspects, of constituting Bionomics as Cuvier did Compar- ative Anatomy or Palaeontology, or Linnaeus Taxonomy, must always remain of the first magnitude. It is thus worth a little time fully to realise this. The child at first delightedly watches the bees and butterflies upon the flowers ; grown a little older he hunts and kills ; and II Pitcher Plants 23 by and by, when the civilised “ mania of owning things ” has arisen, he collects. At school and college he learns to name and to analyse ; normally too, alas ! to forget all discontent though grammar be substituted for literature, and form in all things for life, and though every outdoor aspect of nature be forgotten during a whole youth wasted in imprisonment between the whitewashed school- room and the ball exercise -yard of his school. Thus prepared, circumstances may make him £c a naturalist ” again, but now with a difference from his childish starting- point. His first impulse will be to seek his accounts of nature in books and to comment on his predecessor, as naturalists did all through the middle ages, and as most of us do too much still ; if he go beyond this it is in the first place to make a collection ; especially as he has here the lucid logic, the consummate academic discipline handed on from Linnaeus to guide him, and so he becomes a systematist — it may be a Bentham or an Agardh ; but if so, concentrating himself on his herbarium, group by group, leaving the insects to their keeper over the way in the Zoological Museum. Or a later medical education (itself of course deeply influenced from the schools) may dominate the preliminary one, and thus we get an anatomist — it may be an Owen or a Huxley — and so far indeed our contemporary university and school presentation of natural science has now actually come — witness the accepted text-books (excellent of course from their point of view) of “ Elementary Biology,” “ Practical Botany,” and their various sources and imita- tions. But all this time we have been taking no sufficient note of Darwin. He, happiest as well as greatest of naturalists, has gone straight through school and college, but obviously with but an irreducible minimum of their result upon him. Still fresh from the gardens and wood- lands of childish and boyish home, he passes to his 24 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. “ Naturalist’s Voyage.” Year after year, he watches for himself the drama of organic nature, sees it more fully and more deeply than ever great naturalist before had the good hap to do ; and so returns to use indeed the museum and the scalpel as well as another, but always as a mere means to an end — that of watching the organic drama, scene by scene, and if it might be deciphering the inner mechanism of the plot. For him, as for not a few pene- trating predecessors, the plot is Evolution (whatever that may mean), and his special interpretation of its mechanism is his world-famous “ theory of natural selection,” at which we have already glanced, and to which we shall come more fully by and by. Now it is plain that this reading of the drama of the universe neither began with Darwin nor can end with him ; it is indeed at the very outset frankly to be admitted as one of the purposes of this little book to help the reader towards getting beyond the Darwinian theory of the progress of nature ; yet all the more must it be insisted on, not only that we appreciate clearly what that theory is, — and this, of course, in no mere literary fashion, — but as an actual seeing of nature, scene by scene, as it appeared to Darwin’s eyes : this too not merely for the general theo- retic interest, much less the special controversial one just hinted at, but for its intrinsic interest as well — indeed first and foremost. At the drama of evolution mankind are but awakening spectators ; here is one who, even if we put aside his general interpretation of its nature and mechanism for the moment altogether, we should still have to appeal to as not only the most patient but the most penetrating of observers. We cannot have, it is true, too full a list of the kinds or “ species ” of the innumerable and strangely varied dramatis persona; we cannot look too closely into their corpses as they fall, else we shall fail to understand much ; if we dry or pickle these sad remains they will be of II Pitcher Plants 25 use for reference. Even more useful is it to excavate ancestral tombs, and bring out their fossils ; indeed none has set us a better example than Darwin himself in all these very ways. But not the smallest living scene — not even this bee upon its flower — is to be understood from our museums and her- baria : for this exhaustive division of labour, with its ento- mological and botanical specialists, in winning extension of exact and detailed special knowledge, had lost sight of de- veloping that vague general knowledge with which childhood begins. Watching the bees among the flowers is an old and happy occupation, not only for children but their elders, and many a writer, from the prosaic economist up to the master of all poets, has long ago said his say ; their points of view, however, were alike always too impressionist or too anthropomorphic in standpoint to contribute anything to- wards exact natural science, and so mummy-labelling and shelving went on indoors undisturbed. Once only a hundred years ago a childlike old German botanist went out into the garden and watched summer after summer, till he saw what the bees were doing, all unconsciously, to the flowers, and learned how they and the flowers were fitted one to the other in every detail of form like hand and glove ; and when he was sure of his facts he could keep the secret no longer ; he noted down everything that he had seen, and this too with excellent drawings, calling his book, in naive childlike delight and pride, The Secret of Nature Dis- covered ! But the botanists indoors would not look at his book, save at most to say — What nonsense ! what childish fancies ! what waste of time ! So it was soon forgotten, and lay for a century unnoticed, until a naturalist, not con- ventionalised in the museums, nor over- educated for his intellect, but persistently childlike in questioning and watching, and watching and questioning again, should 2 6 Chapters in Modern Botany chap, ii come once more. And so Darwin wrote On the Fertilisa- tion of Orchids , and Hermann Muller, Hildebrand, Kerner, Delpino, followed suit ; while MacLeod and a whole younger generation are following these nowadays. Bionomics of Nepenthes.- — It is time to return from the history of bionomics in general to our special scene ; that of Nepenthes, luring and entrapping its flying and creeping insect prey. We may now group around this some of the minor incidents which naturalists have gradually described. Thus a recent traveller in Borneo descants upon the superior intelligence of certain ants, who refuse to be inveigled into the pitchers, and succeed in drinking its fluid contents, rich with the sapid juices of their less wary congeners, by piercing and sucking the tendril-like stalk upon which the pitcher hangs. He or another even credits them with knowing that water rises to its own level, and so with taking care not to pierce the stalk higher than the level of the fluid in the adjacent pitcher ! It is a good story, and constructed on excellent, one may almost say standard, lines ; the sceptical reader may wish, however, to know whether the ants, however, were not simply licking up the sugary exudation of those glands which, as above mentioned, were left to Dr. Macfarlane to notice outside the pitcher, and which, especially in a species so carefully treated by the ants, might fairly be expected to be more abundant as one descended towards it. Be this as it may, we owe to the same observer another interesting- picture, that of the odd little lemur ( Tarsius spectruni) prowling over the Nepenthes pitchers, fishing out with its long-clawed fingers their insect contents, and confiscating them to its own use. One species, however (N. bicalcarata ), he tells us, gets the better of the Tarsius, repelling, and if need be punishing, the robber by help of a pair of long strong prickles which grow from the lower side of the base Fig. 4. — Pitcher of Nepenthes bicalcarata showing downward-directed prickles. (After Burbidge.) 28 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. of the lid downwards into the pitcher opening, their points ending just where the intruder would naturally insinuate its neck. And so on, as with Sarracenia, we see that nature’s scenes are like Shakespearian ones : around the main in- cident (or what we take to be that) there may be grouped all manner of by-play, here quaint or picturesque, or again laden with deadly issues. Morphology of the Pitcher. — Baillon, and indeed first of all Linnaeus, pointed out that by exaggerating the con- cavity of a (peltate) leaf like that of the Water-lily ( Nym - phcea) we might obtain a pitcher like that of Sarracenia. Baillon has described intermediate forms — incipient pitchers — exhibited by a variety of Peperomia arifolia , a plant allied to the Peppers, and without going so far afield we may see exhibited nearly every year at meetings of botanical or horticultural societies specimens of monstrous pitcher leaves in cabbage, lime, and other plants, where elongated stalk or enrolled leaf forms a well for the rain- drops. A recent writer describes such a pitcher upon a leaf of vetch ( Vida septum ), of which he ascribes the origin to the puncture of an insect. Heckel’s theory of the pitcher of Sarracenia is that it re- presents a hollowed leaf-stalk, the lid corresponding to the blade of the leaf. However this may be, the interpretation already given of the Darlingtonia pitcher as a further develop- ment of that of Sarracenia of course remains unaltered. Many authors have been wont to regard the broad leafy portion of the Nepenthes as but a marginal expansion of the lower portion of the leaf-stalk, the tendril being its upper portion, and the pitcher thus corresponding to the whole leaf, pouched as we have seen is actually the case in Cephalotus. They trace the margins of the leaf in its ex- ternal wings, and point out the little threadlike tip of the leaf just behind the lid. II Pitcher Plants 29 For Hooker the tendril is a simple prolongation of the leaf such as we see in various leaves, e.g. the lily-climber Gloriosa , while he describes the development of the pitcher as a simple dimpling and deepening of the upper surface near the extreme tip of the tendril, which survives as the mere rudiment already mentioned. He explains this strange development as finding its possible initial rudiment in those water-secreting glands common at the tip of so many leaves, an apparatus which the reader may see at work in the drop which often hangs at the leaf tip of his white “ Lily of the Nile55 ( Richardia africana) ; still better, in many greenhouse arums ; or, best of all, on the dew- gemmed leaves of Lady’s Mantle ( Alchemilla vulgaris ) in a summer morning’s walk. Applying our histological experi- ence, too, we may prepare excellent microscopic specimens of these water glands from the leaf tips of Saxifrages or of Indian Cress ( Tropceolum ) by carefully scraping away the lower epidermis and parenchyma upon a glass slide in a drop of water, and then turning over the remaining epi- dermis to show its upper surface. Partly from his study of the pitcher leaves of seedling Nepenthes, which appear immediately after the cotyledons, and in which the pitcher seemed to him to develop from the first as a much more important portion of the leaf, Dickson was led to give up this doctrine of Hooker’s. The curiously “ interrupted ” leaves of some Crotons (C. inter - ruptus ), in which the flat portion, the intervening midrib, and even the pitcher in a rudimentary form, are all present, the latter as simply the upper third of the leaf, seemed to him to afford the key to the difficulty ; the detailed develop- ment of the pitcher as a leaf pouching seeming to him essentially similar to that of Cephalotus, above mentioned. Dr. Macfarlane’s conclusions as to the nature of the pitchers are very different. He believes that in Nepenthes, Heliam- 30 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. phora, Sarracenia, and Darlingtonia alike, the pitcher is developed from what is originally a compound leaf, con- sisting of from two to five pairs of leaflets. But there is a marked tendency to dorsal fusion of these leaflets from apex to base. Such fused leaflets are seen in the broad basal part of the Nepenthes leaf, and in the flaps and lids of the various pitchers. The pitcher itself is a deep dorsal involution of the midrib just above the termination of the fused upper pair of leaflets, except, indeed, in Cephalotus, where, as Dickson clearly showed, it is an involution of the leaf blade. Professor Bower by no means agrees with Macfarlane. He interprets the lid of Nepenthes as composed of a single pair of leaflets fused together ; on the other hand, the lid of Sarracenia as merely the flattened terminal portion of the modified leaf. Goebel lays stress upon the scantiness of the evidence upon which both these ingenious rival theories of the com- plex origin of the pitcher have been erected, and believes that the structure of all the pitchers is very much the same, that all may be derived from a peltate leaf in which a deep involution of the upper surface has occurred. As to the side wings, in which some see the vestiges of leaflets, he regards them as entirely secondary growths. We have cited all these opinions — and we might have given others — just because in their puzzling divergence they illustrate the difficulty, yet fascination, of morpho- logical studies. It is not important to the student to “get up55 this doctrine or that; indeed the teacher may with advantage postpone or even refrain altogether from express- ing his own judgment ; what really is important is that the student should know how such a question is asked and answered — partly by a study of the actual form alike in its obvious and in its microscopic structure ; partly by com- II Pitcher Plants 3i paring the form in question with that of nearly related plants ; partly by observation of the young plants and their gradual development ; partly by attention to those mon- strosities which often reveal the secret of strange structures. It is only when the student has learned to place himself at the standpoint of several distinct theories, and to state and weigh these impartially, that he becomes able to give his adherence to one or other view. Nor can he fully do this without reading for himself the original papers, and perhaps reinvestigating the subject for himself after all. Bladderwort. — Our tour round the world in search of pitcher-plants may find appropriate completion in the dis- covery of one not less interesting almost at our own doors. In marshy lochs and mountain tarns the Common Bladder- wort makes itself conspicuous for a month or two in summer, when from the floating stem the flower-stalk rises bearing quaint bright golden blossoms, somewhat orchid- like in appearance, though »really akin to the primroses, which are commonly considered to represent the simpler regular ancestral form, much as do lilies to orchids, or potato- blossom to foxgloves and snapdragon. At other times the plant is not so readily seen, for it floats in the water, and its leaves are small. Like some other aquatic plants the water bladderworts have no roots, and the straggling stem bears numerous, much -divided slender leaves. Among these are hundreds of little bladders. From the main submerged stem of Utricularia vulgaris , and yet more markedly in tropical species, peculiar thin shoots, which Goebel calls “aerial shoots,” rise to the surface, and bear leaves slightly different from those on the other parts of the stem. It seems likely that this part of the plant is of special use in effecting interchange of gases with the air. Each bladder — shown by its mode of development to be 3 2 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. a modified leaflet — is a simple but effective trap. It is a hollow chamber, about of an inch in length, entered by a thin transparent door or valve which opens inwards only and allows of no egress, for it shuts instantly, as if with a spring, against an anterior thickened collar or pro- jection around the mouth. These traps are very fatal to small Crustaceans, popu- larly known as water-fleas, which swarm in every fresh- water basin. Pursued by their enemies, or attracted perhaps by a slight mucilage which is exuded from glands on the door of the trap, or prompted it may be by wayward curiosity, the water-fleas clamber on six or seven long stiff bristle-like processes which project from the mouth of the bladder. So far they are safe enough, but if they explore farther, and push before them the inward-yielding door of the bladder, they are within a prison from which there is no escape. For a day or two they may live, but the trap becomes crowded with prisoners, and they die. No diges- tion occurs, but the bodies of the animals are decomposed by Bacteria, and the products of decomposition are ab- sorbed. That these products are useful to the bladderwort is confirmed by Biisgen’s observation that those plants from which all water -fleas were artificially excluded did not flourish so well as those in normal conditions. Darwin believed that the four-fold hairs which occur abundantly over the internal surface of the bladder were absorbent structures, but this is by no means certain. Indeed these peculiar hairs are connected by intermediate forms with the slime-secreting hairs found outside the bladders, for instance on the door. It is worth noting that such hairs are to be found in many aquatic plants quite innocent of insect catching ; as, for instance, on the leaves of Calli - triche verna. Chodat, and after him others, have shown that they arise from cells which under ordinary circum- ii Pitcher Plants 33 stances would have formed the stomata of an aerial leaf. (See Chap. IX.) The seasonal life of the aquatic bladderwort is interest- ing. Throughout the summer it floats on the surface of the water, and the straggling stem grows at one end as it dies away at the other. Perhaps too many decomposing Crustaceans, however good for the growth of the plant, may not be altogether good for the leaves which most directly receive this liberal manuring. As the summer ends, and as the water-fleas cease to swarm in the pond, the life of the plant becomes concentrated in a thick-set terminal tuft. This, as in some other aquatic plants, sinks to the bottom of the pond and passes the winter there. In spring, lightened perhaps of what stores of reserve material it contained, the stem rises again, and forming a fresh set of bladders begins to grow vigorously at the surface. The older botanists, e.g. A. P. de Candolle, believed that the bladders were floats for the plants ; at first they were filled with mucus, and the plant rested at the bottom ; afterwards they were filled with gas, and the plant rose to the surface. This was a pretty notion, but not true. The plant will float without any bladders, or when all are full of water ; the bladders have really nothing to do with the floating. Bionomics of Bladderwort. — It may be that the water- fleas enter the bladders in search of Infusorians and other small creatures on which they feed ; it seems likely, too, that the bladderwort does really profit by the capture of the water- fleas. There is another strand in the web. Amid the Utricularia one commonly finds certain water- spiders, who make for themselves a diving-bell with air which they carry from the surface, their bubble glistening like silver as they descend. Have not these clever crea- tures come to recognise that the bladders of Utricularia D 34 Chapters in Modern Botany chap. are so many larders, and do not they rifle them ? Thus, as in former cases, there would be a play within a play. Allied Forms. — Not all the species of Utricularia, how- ever, are aquatic ; some, especially in the Tropics, are terres- trial plants. In these, though the booty is of course different, the bladders sometimes borne by the creeping underground stems may capture small terrestrial animals, larval earth- worms, centipedes, and the like, much in the same way as the aquatic species do. The same is true of an allied terrestrial genus (Polypompholix). The terrestrial bladder worts usually live in damp places, but some are perched on the mossy stems of trees. For each kind of habitat there are special adaptations : the aquatic forms have sometimes air-reservoirs which act as buoys for the upright flower -stalk ; the epiphytes often have water -reservoirs which enable them to survive the dry season ; the ter- restrial species, though rootless like all the others, have little processes or rhizoids which descend into the ground, especially at the base of the flower -stalk, and serve to steady the latter as well as to absorb water. Allied to the Utricularia there is another rarer insecti- vorous plant, Genlisea, which is represented by several species from Brazil, Cuba, and Angola. It lives in marshy places, and, like the bladderwort, is rootless. The stem rises upright from the ground, and is thickly beset with leaves, most of which are spathulate, while others are modi- fied into strange twisted descending staircases. These are long-necked and lined with downward-directed hairs, which at once aid an animal in its entrance and prevent its retreat. Pinguicula, Utricularia, and Genlisea all belong to the same order (Lentibulariaceae), and may be grouped, as Goebel points out, in a series. “ We regard,” he says, “ forms like Pinguicula with a rosette of slimy leaves and a central flower- stalk as near the starting-point of the II Pitcher Plants 35 series. From this Genlisea has diverged in one direction, Utricularia in another. That they have lost their roots is not to be wondered at, for they are in great part aquatic plants. Genlisea diverges but little from the hypothetical ancestral form ; it has indeed very remarkable bladders, but it retains the rosette of leaves seen in Pinguicula. This is still represented in the terrestrial bladderworts, but here there are most marvellous modifications of leaves which obliterate the distinctions between leaf and shoot. In the aquatic bladderworts the terminal floral axis of the seedling is suppressed, but there is still a rosette of leaves, though often only in rudimentary form. The strength of the development lies in the floating shoots, which are homologous with leaves.” Before we leave the pitcher-plants and bladderworts, we shall simply notice another strange plant — the Scaly Tooth- wort (Lathrcea squamaria ), which is sometimes found in our woods. It is a parasite on the roots of trees and shrubs, and being without chlorophyll looks wan and strange. We shall return to it in a subsequent chapter, but it is of interest here to notice that its underground toothlike leaves are not only solidly thickened stores for the food-reserve appropriated from their hosts, but contain small hollow traps in which many kinds of small terrestrial animals are ensnared. The underground buds of Bartsia alftina show a somewhat similar structure, and also imprison minute animals. It is interesting also to note that these Bartsias with some of their nearest allies, like the pretty euphrasy and the curious yellow rattles and louseworts,1 and one or two others, are all parasites upon other plants as well, their roots sucking those of grasses ; while through them, as we shall see later, we pass to true parasites. 1 Euphrasia officinalis , Rhinanthus Crista - gallic Pedicularis sylvatica , and P. palustris. CHAPTER III OTHER INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS DIFFICULTIES AND CRITICISMS Fly-Traps (. Dioncea and A Idrovanda) — Sundews and Birdlime Traps — Bultei'worts — Sundews proper ( Drosera ) — Details , Functional and Structural — Digestion — Movements — Absorp- tion— Utility — Other Insectivorous Pla7its — Legends — Diffi- culties— Further Difficulties and Criticisms — Direction of further Investigation ; Possible Compromise. Fly-Traps (Dionsea). — Besides those insectivorous plants which we have already studied under the general title of “ pitchers,” there are others more active in insect-catching, which we may call “ fly-traps.” Of these the most famous, cynically nicknamed u Venus’s Fly-Trap” ( Dion