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Or 4476560 Thee TEACHERS SHALL SHINE AS THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE FIRMAMENT; AND THEY THAT LEAD MANY TO TRUTH AS THE STARS FOR EVER AND EVER (From the inscription on Fichte’s monument in Berlin) Committee of Publication FREDERICK TUCKERMAN JOSEPH B. LINDSEY CHARLES WELLINGTON CONTENTS I. Descent anp Earty Manuoop (1827-1857) 1 II. First Years ry AMmERICA (1857-1868) 18 Ill. Taz Catt to AMHERST (1868-1882) 28 IV. INVESTIGATIONS AT THE COLLEGE 44” VY. Tar Experiment STATION 70 VI. Larter Years 97 Letters or Frirprich WOHLER 109 APPENDIX 137 ABBREVIATIONS OF ForREIGN PUBLICATIONS 139 List oF PusiisHED WRITINGS 141 Notices or CuHartes A. GorssMANN 173 CHRONOLOGY 175 INDEX 181 ny f i) an 5 s TANT ie OAS a eT Te Oi Wa gat aey ' 1 . aS a" _ Feud *| ; i / “ OT a Ae > "y es i ; ” % i \ A ‘ fi ‘\ ; ‘ iy iad iv DUE ea on Ue ee \ ys ‘ a ea awry J } yf i ‘ vd -. ViniBA it | nay eo, aA 4, ’ Ae WARS apey * i arty. 2) MP | 4 u i) er j ’ , ( ai it " 1 . A ¥ ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ re ‘ i ‘ a Le ¥ oi] } ; Ly et “y f “dal, ¢ fi % i 7 a ; ny | \ Gn, | uae Ven & ILLUSTRATIONS Cartes A. GOESSMANN, ABOUT 1895 (photogravure) Frontispiece FRITZLAR FROM THE WEST 4 GOTTINGEN FROM THE East 6 Wouter’s LABoraTory IN GOESSMANN’S TIME 10 WOHLER AND HIS ADVANCED STUDENTS, 1856 14 In THE SyRAcuUSE LABORATORY 24 CHARLES A. GOESSMANN, ABOUT 1875 30 Tae EXPERIMENT STATION 70 FRIEDRICH WOHLER 110 A Lerrer or Frieprich WousLER (facsimile) 130 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN CHAPTER I DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD 1827-1857 CuarLes ANTHONY GOESSMANN, the eminent chem- ist, the broad-minded student of Nature, the lovable man, ended his life of unceasing and fruitful work on the 1st of September 1910, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. He was one of the notable group of European scien- tists who, some three generations ago, found a home in the United States. Conspicuous among these were Engelmann the botanist, Agassiz the naturalist, Pour- talés the zoologist, Guyot the geologist and physi- ographer, Lesquereux the palaeobotanist and bryolo- gist, Genth the mineralogist, and Goessmann the chemist. The Goessmanns, it is said, came originally from Spain, where the name was spelled Guzman. About 1520 they passed into Germany, in the train of the Emperor Charles V, and became seated in Hesse. They were land-owners from the first, and not a few entered the Church and the army. The branch from which Dr. Goessmann sprang had long been settled in the ancient town of Fulda, the seat of a famous monastery founded by Boniface, the apostle of Germany, and selected by him as the place of his burial. Joseph 4 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN Goessmann of Fulda and later of Fritzlar, grandfather of Charles Anthony, was a judge of the higher court of Electoral Hesse, lay administrator of the diocese of Fulda, and a man of much influence in his day. He was on intimate terms of friendship with Georg Fried- rich Heinrich, reigning Prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont, great-grandfather of the present Queen of Holland, and the little summer-house in his garden at Fritzlar, where the Prince and he played their weekly game of chess and drank their coffee, may still be seen. The wife of Judge Goessmann was Friulein Kaiser, a woman of rare mental vigour and brilliancy. Of her three brothers, one established the chair of social law (now political economy) at the University of Graz; another became vicar-general of the diocese of Fulda; and a third was an officer in the imperial army. The latter, wounded at the battle of Wagram, was raised by the Emperor to honorary life-membership in the Noble Imperial Guard of Austria as a reward for singu- lar bravery and courage. The three daughters of Judge Goessmann were known to their contemporaries as the ‘three beautiful sisters.” Two of them became ladies- in-waiting at the court of the Electoral Princess of Hesse-Cassel, and married respectively Baron von Mumm and Baron von Borke, officers in the German army. Heinrich Goessmann, son of Joseph and father of Charles Anthony, was born 30 March 1799, at Fritzlar, Hesse-Cassel, and passed much of his life there. In his youth, with his elder brother Philip, he served as a volunteer in the war against Napoleon in 1815. A DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD — 38 graduate in medicine of the University of Marburg in 1820, he numbered among his fellow-students Friedrich Wohler, the celebrated chemist and discoverer of organic chemical synthesis,! with whom he formed a warm and lasting friendship. From Marburg he proceeded to Wiirzburg, where two years were spent at the University and hospital, and where he enjoyed the instruction of the Natur- philosoph Ignatius Déllinger, the founder of embry- ology, teacher of Agassiz and von Baer, and father of Dr. Johann von Dollinger of Munich, the leader of the Old Catholics. Dr. Goessmann subsequently became Kreisphysikus or district physician and health officer in Hesse-Cassel, and in recognition of his services was made a medical councillor by Emperor William I. In addition to this distinction the University of Wiirzburg conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine. He died at Fritzlar, 22 February 1880. The life and work of Charles Anthony Goessmann falls naturally into three well-defined periods. The first period ended in 1857 with his departure from Gottingen; the second, and shortest, terminated in 1868 with the call to Amherst; and the third comprised his two-score years of service here as Professor in the College and Director of Research. During the first period he made his most important researches and dis- coveries in theoretical chemistry, organic and analy- tic. The second period was marked by investigations 1 “The first synthesis of an organic compound, that of urea, achieved more than a quarter of a century ago by the illustrious Wohler, will, for simplicity and elegance of the successive reactions employed, ever remain the model of synthetical processes.’ — A. W. Hormann in 1863. 4 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN in technical and industrial chemistry, particularly in its relations to the sugar and salt industries. The third and last period was devoted almost entirely to agri- cultural chemistry, a branch of chemical science in which he was a leader in this country. Karl Anton Goessmann, third and youngest son of the four children of Geheimer Medizinalrath Dr. ' Heinrich Goessmann and Helena Henslinger-Boediger his wife, was born on the 13th of June 1827, at Naum- burg, in the electorate of Hesse-Cassel. Carefully nur- tured, he received his early training, first in the schools of his native place and later at the Latin School of Fritzlar, whither his father had removed while the son was still a lad of eight or nine, and which henceforth was the home of his youth and early manhood. There he passed through the curriculum, his quiet bearing and studious habits winning him the commendation and respect of his teachers. Fond of flowers and pets as a child, he early developed a taste for the natural sciences, and his spare hours and holidays were largely spent roaming the fields, woods, and hills in search of plants, minerals, and other objects of interest. He also delighted especially in books of travel and adventure. His education owed more perhaps to his home circle than to the school. His mother, an excellent woman of great piety, devoted herself to the culture of her four children, and had she lived until Anton’s manhood, he might have entered the Church — thus following the example of his maternal uncle, who was attached to the Dom of Fritzlar, where the young Goessmann often served as altar-boy. The ‘priest-uncle,’ as he SOA OY) WOT UVIZLIGA DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD = 5 was fondly called, was the instructor, mentor, com- panion, and idol of his kinsfolk. On leaving school young Goessmann, like Davy, Liebig, Heinrich Rose, and the French chemist Pelouze, first became interested in pharmacy. He pursued his studies with a kinsman at Gudensberg near Cassel, to whom he had been apprenticed, and in 1846 passed the state examination required to qualify him as an assistant in pharmacy. The next four years were passed as an apothecary’s assistant at Géttingen, Mainz, and Fulda, Goessmann devoting his spare moments to the pursuit of his favourite studies, chemistry, botany, and geology. Inheriting, however, a love of science and wishing to perfect himself yet further in his vocation, he entered the University of Géttingen at Easter, 27 April 1850, matriculating in the philosophical faculty as a student of pharmacy. It was natural that in seek- ing a university he should turn to Gottingen, where three years earlier he had been assistant to Julius Post, the University apothecary, and where his father’s friend and fellow-student at Marburg, Friedrich Woh- ler, then at the height of his fame, filled the chair of chemistry. The following letter from Wohler to Kreisphysikus Dr. Goessmann has fortunately been preserved : — G6rtINcEN, 12 April 1850. Most ESTEEMED SIR AND FRIEND, — Your lines have recalled to me most vividly the scenes of my first university year and my associations with you in old Marburg. Although more than 30 6 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN years have passed, I can see you so plainly that I could make a sketch of you. I need not assure you that I shall take care of your son in the best possible manner. I shall reserve for him the first place that may be vacant. The lectures and laboratory work are set to begin as early as the 15th of the month. It can be fore- seen, however, that as usual only a few students will be present. Therefore, I, as well as most of my col- leagues, shall not commence until Thursday the 18th of the month. With great respect, Your most obedient, WOH#LER. Here, during the next five semesters, he heard Wohler, Wiggers, and Staedeler in chemistry, Bartling and Lantzius—Beninga in botany, Weber, the renowned physicist and revolutionist, in physics, Sartorius von Waltershausen in geology and mineralogy, Hausmann in technology, and Bohtz in the history of German literature. Thus was laid a broad and solid foundation for his future life-work. At the close of the summer semester of 1851 Goess- mann, it seems, had fully determined to leave Gottin- gen and follow the calling of a pharmacist. With that purpose in view he went to take leave of his teacher. Wohler, discerning in his young friend those endow- ments and aptitudes of mind which promised success in the field of science, pointed out the difference be- tween practical pharmacy and scientific chemistry, and urged upon him the expediency of abandoning the qseq ayy ul01 NAONTLLOD DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD 7 former and of devoting himself to science. Happily, the advice was followed, and Goessmann decided to devote himself henceforth to chemistry. Soon after this he became chemical assistant to Professor Staede- ler, who was then lecturing on physiological chemistry. In March 1852 he passed the examination in phar- macy before the Electoral Medical College of Hesse- Cassel, and in June was appointed by Wéohler second assistant in analytical and practical chemistry in the Chemical Laboratory. During the temporary absence of Wohler in Switzerland, whither he had gone in search of health, Goessmann taught his class in phar- maceutical chemistry. On his return Wohler presented him with a handsome Swiss watch, which he carried for more than half a century. In the autumn of 1852, during the dekanat of Geheimer Hofrath Ritter, Goessmann presented a dis- sertation Ueber die Bestandtheile der Canthariden. This was his first scientific paper and stamped its author as an original investigator of marked ability. In Decem- ber, ‘after passing,’ says Wohler, ‘a most excellent examination,’ he took his degree as Doctor of Phi- losophy. Two years later, in 1854, appeared his Habilitations- schrift, Verwandlung des Thialdins in Leucin and Bei- trag zur Kenntniss des Leucins. The results of this classic research on the constitution and production of leucin were at once communicated by Wohler to Jean- Baptiste Dumas, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, and published by him in the Comptes rendus. This important contribution to knowl- 8 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN edge also obtained him the distinction of associate membership in the Physico-Medical Society of the University of Erlangen.! In February of 1855 he was appointed Privatdocent in the philosophical faculty, with permission to lecture in all branches of chemistry and pharmacy, and soon thereafter, on the promotion of his friend and colleague, Heinrich Limpricht, to a professorship, he succeeded him as first assistant in the Chemical Institute. From 1852 to 1857 Goessmann lectured on organic chem- istry, on selected subjects in technical chemistry, had charge of the mstruction in organic and inor- ganic analysis, and taught pharmacy to the medical students. ‘He acted as my assistant in the laboratory,’ writes Wahler in 1857, ‘and in this capacity he has served for five years to my utmost satisfaction, and has aided me most efficiently through his excellent knowledge and his indefatigable zeal in teaching practical chemistry.’ From Professor Chandler we learn that Wéohler en- trusted to Goessmann his most advanced laboratory students. It was during this period that he made his most important researches and discoveries in organic and analytic chemistry. The results of these various inves- tigations — some twenty-four in all — first appeared in Liebig’s Annalen,? and established his reputation as a careful, skilful, and productive investigator. In September 1854 the yearly meeting of the German 1 Physikalisch-medicinische Societat zu Erlangen. 2 Abstracts of these papers were published in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, by Charles Adolphe Wurtz, the eminent French chemist. DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD 9 Naturalists and Physicians was held at Géttingen,!} and Goessmann read a paper, entitled Ueber Leucin und Essigsdure-Aldehyd. 'Two years later (16-24 Sep- tember 1856) he attended the meeting at Vienna, _where he saw many noted men of science, including Anton Schrétter, professor of chemistry in the Royal and Imperial Polytechnical Institute, perpetual secre- tary of the Academy of Sciences, and noted for his researches on phosphorus; Baron von Reichenbach, the technical chemist and discoverer of paraffin and creosote; Wilhelm Haidinger, the mineralogist and physicist, the discoverer of ‘Haidinger’s brushes,’ and director of the Imperial Geological Institute of Austria; Leydolt, the mineralogist; von Martius, the celebrated Brazilian traveller and botanist; Franz von Kobell, the mineralogist and poet; Vogel, the agricultural chemist; Schafhiutl, the mineralogist and technologist; and Redtenbacher, the mechanician and director of the Polytechnic School at Karlsruhe. During the years 1855 and 1856 Johann Lukas Schénlein, the eminent pathologist and physician to Frederick William IV, and the founder of exact mod- ern clinical methods in Germany, had endeavoured to establish at the Royal Charité Hospital in Berlin a laboratory for research in physiological and patho- logical chemistry, and Goessmann was offered the directorship. Had this project succeeded, it would have been very gratifying to him, as he wished to de- vote himself to animal chemistry — a field of inquiry 1 The yearly gatherings of the Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte were instituted by Lorenz Oken in 1822, the first meeting being held at Leipzig. 10 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN in which he had already achieved notable success. Owing, however, to the opposition of Eilhard Mitscher- lich, to whom the matter was referred by the Prussian Ministry of Public Worship and Instruction, the proj- ect was abandoned. As already mentioned, Goessmann’s most important researches in the field of pure chemistry were con- ducted in the laboratory at Gittingen in the years 1852 to 1857 — years which were among the most active, fruitful, and enjoyable of his whole life. The free and cordial way in which he worked in conjunction with his pupils and others is partly seen in the various names which are associated with his in authorship. His earliest investigation of which there is any pub- lished record, and with which his active scientific career may be said to begin, was upon the composition of Cantharis vesicatoria, and the results of this research, as already noted, appeared first in the dissertation for his doctorate.! He found that the fat of cantharidin consists of stearin, palmitin, and olein in the form of acid glycerides of margaric and oleic acids. At the suggestion of Professor Heintz he attempted the reso- lution of margaric acid by fractional precipitation into stearic and palmitic acids, and succeeded in separating the latter acid. In 1854 he discovered in the oil of the ground-nut (Arachis hypogaea) a new acid with the formula C.,H,,O,, subsequently confirmed by Berthe- 1 The brief outline of Goessmann’s work in the Géttingen Laboratory here given does not conform in all respects to the chemistry of the present. Nevertheless, as it was revised by Goessmann himself, though many years ago, and received his approval, the editors decided to print it unchanged. GAWIL SNNVWSSAOD NI AYOLVYOAVT S.YUATHOM 4 DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD 11 lot, to which he gave the name arachic (or arachidic) acid. He next investigated the cocoa-nut oil, and found it to consist, not only of stearin and olein, as earlier pointed out by Boussingault and Stenhouse, but also of palmitin, the first mentioned in such predominating proportion that it was considered one of the best ma- terials for the preparation of pure stearic acid. In 1854 he published the results of his memorable research on the conversion of thialdin into leucin. In this research was verified the relation supposed to ex- ist by M. Cahours between thialdin and leucin. The former, C,H,;NS,, he converted into leucin, C,H,,NO,, by treatment with oxide of silver and water at 212° Fahr. These results were at once communicated by Wohler to Jean-Baptiste Dumas, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, and appeared in the Comptes rendus the same year. It is interesting to recall that in the years 1853 to 1856 (almost simultane- ously therefore) Frerichs at Breslau and Virchow at Wiirzburg were conducting investigations on the occur- rence and separation of leucin and tyrosin in the ani- mal organism, especially in the human liver. Soon after this he investigated the compounds of leucin. He showed that leucin might be considered the amide of a compound acid consisting of valeral (alde- hyde of valeric acid) and formic acid, a view subse- quently confirmed by his colleague Limpricht. He showed, moreover, that leucin forms salts with oxide of copper and with peroxide of mercury; and that with oxide of lead two series of salts are formed, one insolu- ble and the other soluble. He also prepared leucic acid 12 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN from leucin by the same process which served him for the preparation of benzoglycolic acid from hippuric acid. After distillation he recognized as products of decomposition hydrocyanic and valeric (or valerianic) acids, ammonia and valero-nitrile. Previously he had obtained a solution which evolved the odour of chlo- ride of cyanogen. By a new method he obtained ethylamine from bi- sulphite of aldehyde-ammonia by distillation with calcium hydroxide. From the oil of bitter almonds (benzoic aldehyde) he collected amarine and lophine. He showed that lophine is formed when bisulphite of ammonia and oil of bitter almonds are heated together with dry calcium hydroxide. He and Atkinson like- wise established the formula of lophine, C.,H,,;N., — which differs very little from that adopted by Fownes, one of the original discoverers of this base, — and also showed that the pyrobenzoline of Fownes and the lophine of Laurent are identical. In 1855 Goessmann and Scheven, in a subsequent investigation of the ground-nut oil, discovered a new member of the oleic acid series with the formula C,,;H,0., which they named hypogaeic acid. Goess- mann and Caldwell showed that hypogaeic acid in contact with nitrous acid is converted into the isomeric compound, gaeidic acid. By dry distillation of hypo- gaeic acid Goessmann obtained ordinary sebacic acid. He also found palmitic acid present in the ground- nut oil. In his investigations on the combinations of arachic acid he prepared arachin by heating equal parts of arachic acid and glycerin in a sealed glass tube. DESCENT AND EARLY MANHOOD § 13 He obtained from the oil of cassia a new base, which he named triphenylamine, by heating the bisulphite of the ammoniacal cinnamic aldehyde with calcium hydroxide; and obtained tricaproylamine by a sim- ilar mode from caproyl aldehyde. He prepared cou- marin from the Tonka bean, discovered a profitable way of separating styracin, and determined the compo- sition of huanokine, a new base of Peruvian bark, C..H,,.NO, and found that it is isomeric with cincho- nine. He investigated the action of zinc chloride on hippuric acid, and showed that when chlorine is passed into a solution of hippuric acid in rather dilute potash, nitrogen is evolved and benzoglycolic acid produced. He obtained crystallized sulphocyanide of silver by the action of oxide of silver upon sulphocyanide of ammonium. Experiments on the action of oxide of silver upon sulphocyanide of ammonium gave occa- sion to the observation of the following very beautiful mode of formation of sulphocyanide of silver. If freshly precipitated oxide of silver be digested at a gentle heat with a solution of sulphocyanide of ammonium, a con- tinual evolution of ammonia takes place, while oxide of silver is dissolved; and thus a compound of the sul- phocyanides of silver and ammonium is formed, to- gether with unchanged sulphocyanide of ammonium, the process affording a beautiful example of rapid for- mation of crystals. He found manganate of potassium a suitable substance for decolourizing organic bodies, and employed it in purifying uric, hippuric, and cya- nuric acids, with great success. In 1857 he made re- peated experiments with the view of obtaining by the 14 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN action of iodide of ethyl on tungstate of silver a com- pound of oxide of ethyl and tungstic acid. In this he did not succeed, but obtained iodide of silver, free tungstic acid, and oxide of ethyl. He showed that ani- line is obtained when nitrobenzene is treated with caustic soda and arsenic trioxide — an investigation completed by Wohler. The year 1857 saw the completion of Goessmann’s researches in the field of pure chemistry, and with it concluded the period of his most important discoveries. He soon attained, however, a leading place among technical chemists in the country of his adoption, and his advice was often sought on important questions. His attention was thus turned from purely scientific subjects to matters of more practical interest. While a teacher at Géttingen he numbered among his American pupils and friends Caldwell of Cornell, Chandler of Columbia, Clark of Amherst, Garrigues of Michigan, Hungerford of Vermont, Joy of Union, Mallet of Virginia, Marsh of Illinois, Nason of Rens- selaer, Pugh of Pennsylvania, and Weyman of Pitts- burgh. Anton Geuther, afterwards called to Jena, was likewise a pupil of his and his immediate successor at Gottingen. The testimonials he received bear witness to the esteem in which he was held by his fellow work- ers and students. One of the most gratifying was a beautiful balance from his American students in- scribed with their names.! At his departure from Gottingen his pupils presented him with a silver lov- 1 The plate bears the following inscription: ‘Presented to Dr. Goess- mann by J. Dean, C. Chandler, E. Pugh, G. C. Caldwell, E. P. Eastwick, J. H. Eastwick, J. F. Magee, D. K. Tuttle, J. D. Hague, H. B, Nason.’ ULSI S,1oTYOAMA 9% WUvUIsse0y 9981 ‘SLNGGOLS GHONVAGYV SIH ANY YATHOM == o = 7 Sao = wy aon = ~ ic hes a r aren oo | ae) Rojet eld ET CATA Bk ie Sota. ( a Ry E [a S m el Basic slag .......... 1600 380 | 4070 | 1660 490 695 254 Mona guano........ 1415 340 | 3410 | 1381 405 630 233 Florida phosphate. . .| 1500 215 | 2750 | 1347 290 383 262 S.C. phosphate..... . 1830 380 | 3110 | 1469 460 759 252 Dis. boneblack ..... 2120 405 | 2920 | 1322 390 625 247 TOTAL PHOSPHORIC ACID ADDED AND REMOVED 1890-1896 Amount Amount Per cent Fertilizer added removed removed (pounds) (pounds) (pounds) Basic slag. .svecs-cisierataro ects 96.72 31.11 32.17 Monaipuanonnse scooter 72.04 27.81 38.60 Florida phosphate............ 165.70 23.98 14.47 SiC. phosphates. ees eace 144.48 29.46 20.39 Dis-sboneblackra..cetroeee 49.36 27.57 55.85 As a result of these observations Goessmann con- cluded that for the first two years the dissolved bone- black led, while afterwards the insoluble phosphates were ahead in the following order: basic slag, South Carolina phosphate, and Mona guano. THE EXPERIMENT STATION 85 On the basis of money value, Goessmann’s conclu- sions appear correct; on the basis of phosphoric acid applied and removed, it is shown by the preceding table that dissolved boneblack led, followed by Mona guano, basic slag, South Carolina phosphate, and Florida phosphate. Brooks sowed Swedish turnips in 1897, and found that the Mona guano produced by far the largest yield. It may be remarked that this experiment was faulty in that (a) no check plat or plats were included from which the phosphoric acid had been omitted; (6) the ceasing to apply the various phosphates after 1894 was unfair to the dissolved boneblack when the results are based upon crop-yield, it being necessary in order to secure the best returns to apply relatively small amounts of the soluble phosphates each year; (c) the application of definite amounts of phosphoric acid as above stated would have been preferable to money value in judging the relative effects of the several forms as sources of plant-food. XII. Experiments with grass-lands to determine the effects of different forms of plant-food on permanent meadows (1889-1895). The moist meadow on the east side of the county road was underdrained and divided into four plats. Plat I contained 1.92 acres; Plat IT, 1.92 acres; Plat III, 2.41 acres; and Plat IV, 3 acres. The first two plats received barnyard manure at first in different amounts, to ascertain its limit of usefulness. In 1892 Plat I received at the rate of 86 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 8 tons and Plat II at the rate of 6 tons of manure per acre. Plat III received 600 pounds of fine ground bone and 200 pounds of muriate of potash per acre. Plat IV received one ton of Canada ashes per acre. In 1893, Plats I and II were combined and used as one plat. Beginning with this year also a system of rotation in manuring was instituted, Plats I and II receiving wood ashes, Plat II barnyard manure, and Plat IV bone and potash. This same system was con- tinued in 1894. In 1895, another rotation of the same manures was instituted. At the close of this year Plat I, which had received manure for most of the time, had averaged at the rate of 3.56 tons; Plat ITI, 3.25 tons; and Plat IV, 2.90 tons of hay to the acre. These experi- ments were continued by Brooks. After the plats had been in grass ten years, Brooks stated that since 1893, during the continuance of the rotation system of manuring, the field had averaged 3.4 tons of hay and rowen per acre. The plats when dressed with manure averaged 3.6 tons, with bone and potash 3.33 tons, and with ashes 3.27 tons per acre. Brooks further says that ‘this system of using these different manures for grass lands in rotation has much to commend it. It is simple and has given remarkably good crops.’ The writer remarks that it shows what natural grass-land can be made to produce when fairly well fertilized each year. Moisture and plant-food are the controlling fac- tors in hay production. THE EXPERIMENT STATION 87 XIII. Field experiments regarding the effect of differ- ent combinations of commercial fertilizer on the yield of some prominent garden crops (1892-1897). Six plats of one-eighth of an acre each, known as Field C (each 88 x 62 ft.), were laid out and treated with 50 pounds of phosphoric acid in the form of dissolved boneblack, 60 pounds of nitrogen in the forms of ni- trate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, or dried blood, and 120 pounds of potash in the form of muriate or high- grade sulphate. The object of the experiment was to test dried blood, nitrate of soda, and sulphate of ammonia, combined with muriate of potash and high-grade sulphate of potash. A number of rows of each of the following crops were planted on each plat during the several years: celery, lettuce, spinach, beets, cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, onions, corn. In 1894-1895-1896, onions, sweet corn, beans, and tomatoes constituted the crops grown. As a result of his observations through 1896, he draws the following conclusions: — (1) Sulphate of potash, with nitrate of soda, has given in every case (excepting onions) the best results. (2) Nitrate of soda as a nitrogen source has yielded in almost every case, without reference to the source of potash, the best results. (3) Sulphate of ammonia and muriate of potash have given, as arule, the least satisfactory results. The fact is due evidently to the change of chloride of potash and sulphate of ammonia into sulphate of potash and 88 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN chloride of ammonia, the latter being an unfavourable form of nitrogen plant-food. The above was not posi- tively demonstrated but only assumed. It may have been the case, however. (4) The influence of the weather, particularly the rainfall . . . has been greater than that of the different fertilizers upon the different plats during the same season. It was evident that the lack of moisture played a very important réle in the yield of the several crops. This experiment was continued on the above plan through 1897, by Brooks, who drew substantially simi- lar conclusions to the above. Beginning with 1898, it was modified. (Eleventh Report of the Hatch Experi- ment Station, page 67.) XIV. Field experiments to compare the effect of barn- yard manure with Canada ashes and mixtures of com- mercial fertilizing materials on farm crops (1888-1894). The land for this experiment was situated east of the county road, bounded on the north by ‘Lovers’ Lane,’ so-called, and on the east by woods. It was to the east of the meadow used for experiments with grass. Five plats of substantially nine-tenths of an acre each were used, divided by strips 14 feet wide. The land had been in grass previously, but in 1888 was ploughed and fer- tilized with ashes. The only difference in the treatment of the five plats consisted in supplying different forms of plant-food as follows: Plat I— 10 tons barnyard manure per acre, Plat II— 1 ton Canada ashes per acre, Plat II— without fertilizer, THE EXPERIMENT STATION 89 Plat ITV — 600 lbs. ground bone and 200 Ibs. muriate of potash per acre, Plat V— 600 lbs. ground bone and 400 lbs. double sulphate of potash-magnesia per : acre. The following crops were grown during the several years: barley, oats, dent corn, vetch and oats, Scotch tares, soy beans, Canada peas, and oats. Several crops were planted as a part of the same plat in each year, the conditions on all of the plats being uniform. As a result of these observations, the following gen- eral deductions were drawn: — (1) In 1890 the effect of bone and different forms of potash compared very well with stable manure, as did also Canada ashes. Part of this favourable effect Goess- mann ascribes to the organic matter in the soil derived from the sod turned under in 1888. (2) Sulphate of potash-magnesia has given rather better results than the muriate with legumes. (3) The yield of the unfertilized plat in 1891 showed a noticeable decline as compared with the fertilized plats (one-third less). (4) Seeding in drills in all cases gave a larger yield of | grain than seeding broadcast. (5) Muriate of potash seems to produce larger yield in case of grain crop. (6) Soy beans should be planted in drills, otherwise they are interfered with by weeds. (7) Vetch and oats yield larger crops earlier in the season than soy beans. They also yield a larger crop of dry fodder for winter use. $0 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN (8) Both vetch and oats and soy beans make a valu- able ensilage. Two parts, by weight, of corn and one part of beans are desirable proportions. In 1890 Goessmann began to set out the above five plats to fruit trees — apples, pears, and peaches. Plums were added in 1893, and in the autumn of that year the plats were seeded to rye and grass. After that, these plats were treated as an orchard. The experi- ment was continued by Brooks, and eventually the apple trees only were allowed to remain. The apple trees are now full grown, and the experiment has yielded valuable information which has been reported by Brooks in the later reports of this Station. XV. Field experiments with tobacco in Massachusetts. (Bulletin No. 47, Hatch Experiment Station, 1893- 1896.) These experiments were carried on in Hatfield, West- field, and Agawam in co-operation with the so-called Valley Tobacco Experiment Association. Expert to- bacco-growers had special supervision of the experi- ments in each of the three towns. Twelve plats, each one-twentieth of an acre, which were laid out by a representative of the Station, served for the trial. Potassium oxide was applied at the rate of 300 pounds, available phosphoric acid 60 pounds, and nitrogen 100 pounds to the acre. One-fourth of the nitrogen was in the form of nitrate of soda and potash. The crop was cut, housed, and stripped under expert supervision. THE EXPERIMENT STATION 91 Among the many conclusions drawn may be men- tioned the following: — (1) A careless use of cultivator or hoe checks growth of plants and modifies their structure and general character. (2) Different fertilizer combinations have had less effect upon the quantity than upon the quality of the crop. New land naturally suited to tobacco and cropped for a number of years to exhaust the available plant-food, served much better for the experiment than land upon which tobacco had been continuously grown and which had been heavily fertilized. (3) Cottonseed and linseed meals and castor pomace all proved equally desirable sources of nitrogen when used in connexion with nitrate of soda or potash. (4) Nitrate of soda, used together with acid phos- phate or dissolved boneblack, proved more satisfactory than nitrate of potash. (5) Cottonseed hull ashes and high-grade sulphate of potash proved the most valuable potash sources, the former being preferred in most cases. Nitrate of potash was very satisfactory when used in com- bination with an alkaline phosphate such as basic slag or with carbonate of potash-magnesia. Sul- phate of potash-magnesia did not give satisfactory results. Other interesting observations concerning the prob- able effect of fertilizers on colour of ash, observations with barnyard manure, etc., will be found in the bulletin. 92 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN XVI. Compilation of tables of analyses of fertilizer chemicals and fertilizer by-products, cattle feeds, dairy products, and fruits. The chemists of the Experiment Station were always busy, and as time passed a very large number of anal- yses accumulated. In 1887, in order to make them more readily available, Goessmann made his first tabu- lation, which included all analyses made since 1868. These compilations have been continued by the writer and his co-workers with such modifications and en- largements as circumstances advised. XVII. Water analyses. Free analyses of drinking water were made as early as 1883. In the second report of the Station he dwelt upon the importance of pure water upon the farm. The analyses made from year to year indicated fre- quent contamination, both from sewage and from the use of lead pipe. Each year a large number of samples were received from different citizens of the state, and in 1903, because of an abuse of the privilege, a small charge for an analysis was imposed and the water was required to be shipped in containers supplied by the Station. XVIII. Meteorology. Beginning in 1883, a systematic record was kept of the weather, including temperature, wind, humidity, and rainfall. One of the assistant chemists was espe- cially charged with this work. In his first report he says: ‘The importance of meteorological data. in connexion THE EXPERIMENT STATION 93 with observations upon plants and animals is apparent to all. No conclusions are firmly grounded until the conditions of temperature, moisture, and sunlight have been duly considered.’ Similar or more complete ob- servations were continued after the Massachusetts Station was merged in the Hatch Station. XIX. Miscellaneous work. In addition to the work already reviewed, many other experiments were made and reported which were of value at the time. Among these may be mentioned temperature conditions in the silo for several weeks after filling, a continuation of his observations on the effect of different forms of potash in fruit-culture, a study of the conditions in two local creameries, and the composition of the milk of different breeds of cows. As a conclusion to the brief review of the scientific papers and the experiments undertaken by Goessmann from the beginning of his connexion with the Massa- chusetts Agricultural College in 1868 until his retire- ment in 1907, one cannot fail to be impressed with the wonderful energy displayed by him. He was not a rapid worker, but he succeeded in accomplishing much because of his steady and long-continued application. He took comparatively few vacations. He possessed a strong constitution and a phlegmatic temperament. His pleasant home life, together with his garden, his shrubbery and trees, were his constant sources of recreation and enjoyment. Vacations were to him in reality more a duty than a pleasure. He did practically 94 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN no chemical work himself after he became director of the Station, devoting all his time to executive work, including correspondence, and particularly to study- ing the work of foreign investigators. While he did not possess any practical agricultural experience previous to coming to Massachusetts, he studied thoroughly the agricultural conditions of the state in order to see just how the College and Experi- ment Station could be of most use to the farming in- terests. In all his lines of work, his aim seemed to be not so much to study fundamental problems in agricul- tural chemistry as to show how chemistry could be applied to help improve farm operations. Thus, in animal nutrition he endeavoured to illus- trate the need of a greater diversity of coarse fodders, and the special value of the legumes; to show by actual feeding trials the value of the rapidly increasing num- ber of concentrated protein by-products. In his feed- ing trials with pigs, steers, and sheep, his object was to show the farmer how best to utilize the by-products of the dairy and the roughages of the farm in order to produce pork, beef, and mutton with the greatest economy. In addition to applying the principles of animal nutrition as they were known, his constant thought was that of economy in the feeding of ani- mals, the getting of data that would show the farmer the cost of producing a definite amount of animal products. In experiments in the field his object was first to secure data on the general chemical composition of different soils; to note if a failure to produce crops was THE EXPERIMENT STATION 95 due to general or special depletion of fertility; to ob- serve the relative values of different forms of the most important elements of plant-food and their effect in improving the growth of different farm crops. For example, he sought to ascertain the value of different forms of phosphoric acid, nitrogen, and potash, and their specific effects on the yield and, whenever pos- sible, upon the quality of fodder crops, vegetables, and fruits. He used the chemical laboratory, not so much to study fundamental chemical problems, as to ascertain the proximate chemical composition of soils, of ferti- lizers and by-products having a manurial value, of cattle feeds, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Such data were very scanty at the time and it was necessary to secure them as a basis for future work. In addition to descriptions of his own experiments, one finds in the various reports of the Experiment Station brief papers explaining the scientific principles underlying the subject. He had read thoroughly the works of the German, French, and English investiga- tors, and he was thus able to present to his readers the most advanced views of the day on the problem under consideration. One can readily see that the many practical prob- lems confronting him on every side, together with the lack of appreciation of strictly scientific inquiry by many of the farmers of the day, prevented him from undertaking any very fundamental research work. He was of necessity a pioneer in the cause of agricultural investigation. If, at the present time, at the age of 96 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN thirty, he had come to this country with a relatively similar training to that which he possessed in 1857, he undoubtedly would have attacked and solved some of the more intricate agricultural problems now con- fronting us. He was contemporary with Hilgard of California, Johnson_ of Connecticut, Cook of New Jersey, and Kedzie of Michigan, all of whom greatly widened the horizon and enriched our knowledge of agricultural science and practice. J. B. L. CHAPTER VI LATER YEARS On the 28th of July 1880, Dr. Goessmann attended a convention of the leading agricultural chemists of the country at Washington. At this gathering he of- fered the following resolution, which was adopted: — ‘Resolved, That this Convention form a section in the subdivision of Chemistry of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and that the next meeting be held in Boston, during the regular meeting of the aforesaid Association.’ A permanent organiza- tion was then effected under the name of the Associa- tion of Agricultural Chemists,! and Dr. Goessmann was made chairman. Goessmann’s reputation as a technical and agricultural chemist had long been firmly established, and his election to this office was a fitting recognition of his services and contributions to those branches of chemical science. Earlier in the year he had been unanimously elected State Chemist of North Carolina, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. Albert R. Ledoux. This position, however, he had declined. In 1881 and 1882 he served as a member of the com- mittee appointed by the National Academy of Sciences to investigate and report on the scientific and economic 1 Reorganized, September 8, 1884, as the Association of Official Agricul- tural Chemists of the United States. 98 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN relations of the sorghum-sugar industry in the United States. Averse to controversy, and rather than risk being entangled in disputes, — so little to his taste, — he finally withdrew from the committee. From 1883 to 1904 he was analyst to the State Board of Health of Massachusetts, and from 1886 until his death chemist to the Bay State Agricultural Society. He was a member of several of the leading scientific societies and academies, both at home and abroad. Some of these have already been mentioned and others will be found in the Chronology. In 1865 he was elected a corresponding member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1869 he joined the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and in 1875 was elected a fellow. One of the original mem- bers of the American Chemical Society, founded in 1876, he was a vice-president in 1877, and again in 1881 and 1882. In 1887 he succeeded Dr. Albert B. Prescott as president. In 1880 he was one of a com- mittee of three appointed to represent the Society at the centennial celebration of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also a member of the general committee of arrangements for the twenty- fifth anniversary celebration of the Chemical Society in 1901. Goessmann was one of the twelve scientists who, at a meeting held in Boston in April 1880, organized the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. In 1893 he was a member of the Advisory Council on Chemistry of the World’s Congress Auxiliary of the Columbian Exposition, and was invited to address the LATER YEARS 99 Congress of Chemists at Chicago on salt, on methods of teaching or demonstrating chemistry, and on the prog- ress of chemistry as applied to agriculture. In 1889 Amherst College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws. He was a frequent lecturer before the state boards of agriculture and the various agricultural and horticul- tural societies, and read papers at the meetings of the American Chemical Society and other scientific bodies. For upwards of thirty years he was a constant attend- ant at the gatherings of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture and the most constant contribu- tor to its reports. He lectured before the Board ‘on salt and its uses in agriculture’; ‘on nitrogen plant- food’; ‘on the subduing and utilizing of salt-marshes for tillage’; ‘on plant and animal nutrition’; ‘on the chemistry of fruit culture’; ‘on the cultivation of the sugar-beet’; ‘on the effect of chemical salts on the carbohydrate content of plants’; ‘on the system of preserving green food in silos’; ‘on mineral constitu- ents in plant-growth’; ‘on the influence of chemistry in the development of a rational system of stock- feeding’; ‘on the rotation of crops’; ‘on rational fer- tilization of garden crops and fruits’; ‘on the hay-field and English hay’; ‘on the breeding and feeding of swine’; and ‘on the grass crop.’ On November 12, 1898, a notable dinner was given at the Metropolitan Club in New York, for Gottingen students of 1855-56, with some of earlier and later dates, the hosts being Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, Profes- sor Charles F. Chandler, and Mr. James D. Hague. 100 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN Dr. Goessmann attended this ‘Reunion of Compan- ions at Gottingen,’ and was one of the speakers. At this interesting gathering were many of his old pupils and friends, including Caldwell, Chandler, J. H. East- wick, Hague, Hungerford, Magee, Mallet, and Tuttle. Of the ten whose names are inscribed on the balance presented to him in 1855-56, six of the seven then liv- ing were present. Dean, Nason, and Pugh had passed away. In August 1899 Dr. Goessmann, accompanied by his wife and daughters, revisited the Fatherland after an absence of more than forty years, remaining abroad until the following summer. This was his first vacation for thirty years, or since the call to Amherst in 1868. He went also as an honorary representative of the United States Department of Agriculture, to investi- gate the condition of the beet-sugar industry in the German Empire. He was likewise a delegate of the American Chemical Society to the unveiling of the statue of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier in Paris. He went, however, with the intention of doing but little scientific work, and finding pleasure among friends old and new. He spent nine delightful weeks in Géttingen, making various excursions in the neighbourhood, especially to beet-sugar factories and beet-raising farms. With the professors he had much pleasant intercourse, among others his old colleague Friedrich Griepenkerl, then dean of the philosophical faculty. He enjoyed also the hospitality of the Friulein Helena and Sophia Wéh- ler, daughters of his beloved teacher. Fifty years had LATER YEARS 101 passed since he matriculated as a student of phar- macy and chemistry in the philosophical faculty of the University of Georgia Augusta, and forty-eight since he took his degree as Doctor of Philosophy. It is the German custom to renew that degree for those that survive fifty years. To him those weeks at Gottingen were an occasion of quiet rejoicing, and he often re- ferred to ‘Gottingen revisited’ as his Jubileum. From Gottingen he wrote: — ‘In looking over the collections of inorganic and organic chemical preparations in the chemical labora- tory my attention was repeatedly called to samples familiar to me from the time when acting as assistant to Wohler. It seemed to give special satisfaction to the janitor, who served as a youthful janitor in my time, to point out to me specimens marked in my handwriting.’ He returned to America the following June, and was soon again occupied with his work, aware that the students, whom he had gathered about him and trained, were capable of taking up the lines whenever he should lay them down. He continued to supervise the chemical work of the Experiment Station until July 1907, when he was made Consulting Chemical Expert and retired on a pension granted by the Trus- tees of the Carnegie Foundation. In 1908 he became Professor Emeritus. On his eightieth birthday, which marked the com- pletion of fifty years residence in the United States and forty years of service at the College, his former stu- dents far and near united to honour him. At the 102 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN Alumni dinner in Draper Hall, on June 17, 1907, he was presented with a highly decorated stained window, to be hung in his study, on which is written: — To KARL ANTON GOESSMANN of Naumburg Fritzlar and Gottingen Chemist Teacher Philosopher this testimonial commemorative of forty years of loyal and fruitful service at the Massachusetts Agricultural College is presented by his pupils on his 80th birthday 13 June 1907 As reminders of the old home places, the armorial bearings of Fulda, Fritzlar, and Gdéttingen are em- blazoned, quartered, on one shield; the silver cross of the old arms of Fulda and the lilies of the new; the cross and wheels of Fritzlar and the towers of Géttin- gen. The seal of the University of Gottingen is on the right, with Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, her back toward the spear and the shield bearing the masque of war and facing the emblems of peace — the olive- branch and the open book. The German chevron is depicted in red, white, and black — the royal and im- perial colours. The background shows the Hanoverian colour — yellow — which also is that of the Univer- sity. Below are the emblems of the chemist, the flames of his fire surrounding a Hessian crucible, a retort in ancient form, a blowpipe, assayer’s tongs, and before the furnace are test tubes. The blue and the green of the Wistaria are interspersed with the foliage of the Arachis or peanut plant and the yellow of its flower, to LATER YEARS 103 recall one of his earlier investigations. While at Gét- tingen he studied the oil of the peanut, the fruit of Arachis hypogaea, in which he found two acids until then unknown, and which he named ‘arachic acid’ and ‘hypogaeic acid’ respectively. The luxuriant growth of these vines symbolizes the rich harvest due to his labours with fertilizers. And above is written the old Gottingen motto, ‘Die Gottinger haben den Muth’ (the Gottingers have courage). The expression originated at the time when the inhabitants of the walled town successively and successfully repulsed the robber barons of the region when on their plunder raids. The window was unveiled by Dr. Charles Wellington, his colleague in the Chemical Department for a quarter of a century, and was accepted by Dr. Goessmann with a few dignified and touching words. In January 1910, at the request of the Alumni, he sat for his portrait to Mr. Edwin B. Child of New York. At the Alumni dinner on the 21st of June fol- lowing it was unveiled by Frederick Tuckerman and presented to the College. The portrait was accepted, on behalf of the Trustees, by Mr. William H. Bowker of Boston, a member of the first class and the senior member of the Board. Many addresses were made by his former students and others. Much to his regret Dr. Goessmann was unable to be present, but a letter from him was read by Dr. Homer J. Wheeler, the Pres- ident of the Association, in which he sent his ‘affec- tionate greeting and best wishes’ — his last earthly message — to his ‘old pupils.’ Pre-eminently a domestic man and a devoted hus- 104 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN band and father, his chief delight was in his home. It was interesting to witness his childlike pleasure in his beautiful grounds, in the trees and shrubs — all selected and planted by him with excellent taste. In tending and caring for them he found abundant relax- ation and recreation. Deeply religious from his youth, the contemplation of Nature, no less than the sublime teaching of Scrip- ture, inspired him with true devotion. He spent much time in meditation and the study of the Bible. He greatly admired the works of Faber and Newman, and their writings formed part of his daily reading. Born a Catholic, the faith of his fathers, he lived and died a devout member of the Church. It was largely through the joint and persistent efforts of Dr. Goess- mann and his devoted wife that a Roman Catholic church was built and maintained in Amherst. He was taken ill on the 23rd of August. He lingered until the 1st of September, retaining his mental facul- ties clearly until the last, — serene in his beautiful and firm faith, — and soon after noon of that day passed quietly away. On the 5th of September he was buried from St. Bridget’s Church, and his remains lie in the little cemetery at Plainville. An impressive and most appropriate service in memory of Dr. Goessmann was held in the chapel of the Massachusetts Agricultural College on Wednesday morning, October 12, at which addresses were made by President Butterfield, Professor Chandler of Columbia University, President Stone of Purdue Uni- versity, and Professor Wellington of Amherst. The LATER YEARS 105 service was closed by the Rev. Dr. Cummings of Holy Cross Church, Holyoke, who offered prayer and pro- nounced the Benediction. Goessmann was a teacher in a wide sense. He not only taught his pupils in the class-room and labora- tory, and trained his assistants, but he made the Col- lege the nursery of agricultural chemists for other in- stitutions throughout the land. By his lectures and talks, his reports and bulletins, he taught and educated the public. In the lecture-room and laboratory he was painstaking and inspired his students to grasp the problems he set before them. As an experimenter he had readiness and skill, and could attain important results with the minimum possible means. No one who came in contact with him could fail to be struck with the accuracy and extent of his knowledge and the retentiveness of his memory. But he was more to his pupils than a friend and teacher. He was the ‘Be- loved Goessmann’ — the object of their admiration and affection on account of his goodness, gentleness, modesty, and patience, his high principle, his unfailing cordiality, his unceasing interest in their welfare, and the clearness of his intellectual vision. He was a fine example of the Christian philosopher. At Gottingen he devoted himself to the discovery of new truths. After he came to America the utzlity of science, especially in his chosen field, was always up- permost in his mind. He was always tracing abstract principles to their practical applications, and thus bringing scientific knowledge within reach of the far- mer and the general public. Quick to read the signs of 106 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN the times, he had a clear comprehension of the actual conditions and the needs of chemical education in this country. He lived to see the most remarkable changes in the science which he had himself so successfully cultivated. But like his great master, he preferred demonstration to speculation; and although ready to adopt what was established by experiment, however it might conflict with his previous views, he was strongly opposed to innovations based upon mere hypotheses. His pro- found love of truth made him the cautious, painstak- ing, persevering inquirer he was. He was a student of facts. Like Faraday, he could ‘trust a fact.’ He searched for facts and taught their value. He cared rather to gather them than to deduce from them general laws. Slow to generalize, in his judgments he was conservative and independent. Admirably fitted by tradition, training, experience, and temperament for the life of a teacher and investi- gator, he brought to the service of the College a singu- larly happy combination of qualities — genuine devo- tion to his subject, great capacity for work, the power to kindle enthusiasm in others, a well-balanced mind and body, and a robust physique. In the retrospect of his life one is struck with the amount of labour which he performed. Always at work, never in haste, sys- tematic beyond most men, perfect order pervaded all that he did. In his speech he never wholly lost his foreign accent and German idioms. Yet as a writer he had a good style and wrote English with facility and ease, — with scarcely a trace of the involution of his LATER YEARS 107 mother tongue, — expressing himself in clear and forceful language. His writings show the clear thinker and the well-stored head. His researches embrace a wide range in chemical science, and in analytical, technical, and agricultural chemistry are marked by high attainment. He was not a writer of books, yet in total amount of production, if not in variety and depth of interest, he may fairly be compared with Noah Webster and President Hitchcock, unquestion- ably the two most fertile writers Amherst has known. His first contribution to chemical science appeared in 1853, and thereafter an uninterrupted series of con- tributions to chemistry flowed from his pen for fifty- four years. They remain an enduring monument to their author. LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 3 UNC ees VA) f | i i ty j Ful ft . | | f ve Mi : ‘ i Aj ih " Ly vs ~ f | rh Ae S ; | is | i : i ) eS! \ na | “ j . i ‘J ’ ft = Sana | + : A ite f rae | bY AE st) 7 is ri? , 7 : : a ' fe F ir Ae : Pai | int : 4 aly a ? Bete ea , - Vy rs MA i { il DPC a — Nea ae bale tar Wee ) , bai! ~ } | FRIEDRICH WOHLER LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER GOrTTINGEN, 3 January 1858. Dear Doctor,— Your kind and interesting letter of December 3 re- minds me that I have not yet answered your first one of June 26. Therefore, I must not delay any longer, though I must admit that I have nothing to say that is worth sending across the ocean. I thank you heartily for all your communications, which I have read with great interest, and which fully confirm the impressions I have received of life and conditions in the new world. I need not tell you that the news of your pleasant voy- age and safe arrival has pleased us more than anything else. For a journey of that kind, compared with a journey from here to Fritzlar, must always be con- sidered a venture. It pleased me also to hear that your new sphere of activity meets your expectations. Still, owing to Eastwick’s promises and considering your own trustworthiness and sense of honour, I never had any doubts about the result. At all events you are to be congratulated on having made and carried out this resolution, for there is no doubt that a sojourn in America is going to have the greatest influence upon your whole future life, even though you do nothing more than endeavour to acquire the good qualities for which the Americans are noted, their perseverance, self-reliance, their spirit of enterprise — all qualities that so often fail in us Germans. And then, the oppor- 112 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN tunity to take a broader view of the world by studying men and conditions on a great scale. In particular, I congratulate you on your success in your new field, and having at this early stage improved upon the method of refining sugar. Not being familiar with the regulations governing patents, I am unable to judge of the merits of your process. I am inclined to think that it would be easier and more to your advantage to sell your process to individual factories. In this I shall do all in my power to assist you. First of all you might apply to Hurtzig. Respecting the new sugar plant, I have notified Kopp by sending him the main points of your letter, noting also that you intend sending the seed. Not until after reading your exhaustive monograph con- cerning this research can I judge of its adaptability for publication in the Annalen. Meanwhile, I am in favour of it, provided it is not too detailed and tech- nical. This matter seems to me to be of great impor- tance, provided the plant can be raised in Germany and other countries. In the latter case you will have the distinction of having introduced it into Germany. Here everything remains unchanged. Limpricht, Geuther, and Wicke send their greetings. Wicke has become professor extr., Limpricht and Boedeker asses- sors at the University Society. Deville was here again in the autumn. I am enclosing the results of our last researches.! I presume you have seen in the Annalen the paper on the new silicium compounds by Buff and myself, as well as the experiments with titanium. De- ville and I have now succeeded in producing a nitro- 1 ‘Neue Beobachtungen iiber das Bor und einige seiner Verbindungen.’ LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 113 gen-silicium having the same behaviour as nitrogen. Probably you have heard of little Engelhardt’s! de- parture for America as assistant to Professor Clark, who coaxed him over. Farewell. Best greetings to the Eastwicks and kindly remember, Your WOHLER. In case you have an opportunity to see Herr Booth at the mint, an old pupil of mine, give him my best greetings. I took care that he received my letter of thanks for the beautiful minerals, which you were kind enough to help unpack. Please also remember me to Gillingham, Magee and Garrigues. Be sure to ask the latter to procure for me a few more specimens of the beautiful graphite on quartz, of which he let me have a small piece, and also to tell me the locality they come from. The graphite without the quartz would be of little interest to me. It is especially important for me to have crystallized graphite, which is said to occur in North America. WHLR. I am anxious to hear in your next letter whether the Messrs. Eastwick’s business remains unaffected by the great financial crisis. GoértinceEn, 9 March 1858. Dear GOssMANN, — Permit me to recommend to you most particularly the bearer, Herr Stephani. He has been working in my 1 Francis E. Engelhardt, Dr. Goessmann’s successor at Syracuse. 114 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN laboratory this winter and I know him to be an excel- lent young man. He will tell you what brings him to America and also all that has happened here. Kindly see that he has an opportunity to meet the Messrs. Eastwick, Booth, Garrigues, etc. I hope that you are doing well and that you have received my letter of January 3. Your preliminary communication on the sugar plant was long ago printed in the Annalen. My best greetings to the Messrs. Eastwick and other friends. Pardon the shortness of this letter, which I am obliged to write in a hurry, as Stephani is about to depart. In best friendship, Your WOHLER. Go6rtincEN, 31 Oct. 1858. Dear Doctor, — I am ashamed of myself for not having answered ere this your kind and very interesting letter of August 1. I received it at Karlsruhe, where I had gone from Miinchen with Liebig in order to attend the meeting of Naturalists. It proved to be a brilliant success and was attended by nearly all the chemists of Germany. Kuhlmann from Lille, Despretz, Nicklés, Grandeau, Troost from Paris were there. From here besides my- self were Limpricht and Wicke (also Dr. Spiegelberg and the troublesome Bialloblotzky). I have read with pleasure what you say about North America and its people, and also let Liebig read 1 Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 115 your letter. No doubt your views are quite correct, and I am especially pleased to have you express them, for it shows that you know how to adapt yourself to new conditions and take advantage of things intel- lectual and material. Apart from the fact that by accepting this position you have laid the foundation for a fine career within your sphere of activity, this sojourn will be of the greatest importance in moulding your future life. It would have interested me to hear of your relations with the Eastwicks, how they are progressing, and whether you are satisfied with the conditions. I suppose everything is favourable, since you have never said anything to the contrary. Doubtless you have long ago learned that your mon- ograph on Sorghum has been printed in Henneberg’s Landwirthsch. Journal, and also received free copies as well as your honorarium for the same. I have read it with great interest, and have also forwarded a portion of the seeds to Bartling as well as to Dr. Henneberg. The latter has sown them on a piece of land at Weende and the plants are thriving. Yesterday he sent several specimens to the laboratory, where Dr. Schwanert is going to ascertain the amount of sugar they contain. Seeds have also been sent to Henneberg by the Ministerium for experiment. Much attention is being paid to this plant in Germany and France (I believe in Italy, too). Your consignment of seeds and sugar has also reached me, for which accept my hearti- est thanks. I have added the little specimens of sugar to the laboratory collection as a present from you, and turned over the beautiful sugar-loaf to my wife. She 116 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN could not be persuaded to open the latter until re- cently, when she was out of sugar. We then had an opportunity to admire its beauty and quality when drinking our coffee, at the same time remembering you gratefully. Geuther secured some seeds for Schleiden: a part of them I kept to plant, the remainder were given to Bartling for our Botanical Garden, and to v. Martius, for the Botanical Garden at Miinchen. I hope that at least part of the lot will thrive well at one or the other place. I was glad to hear that Stephani had arrived and had made your acquaintance. Give him my best greetings. Dr. Bode of Cassel, who could not find a position here, finally left for America on an uncer- tainty and is, I believe, in Cincinnati. We have not heard anything for a long time from Engelhardt who, as you know, went to America with Prof. Clark. You also write nothing concerning Garrigues, Gillingham, Pugh, Joy, and the others who were here. Has not the latter become a professor in New York? Have you ever made the acquaintance of Mr. Booth, my first American pupil? All this interests me very much. There are now only three Americans working in the laboratory, Messrs. Harris, Little and Stewart, besides two Englishmen. I have accepted only 22 laboratory students this semester, transferring half a dozen to Limpricht in order to avoid the rush in winter. Dr. Geuther still has your position, employing Fabian as an assistant. Limpricht has for assistants Dr. Schwanert, Dr. v. Uslar and Dr. Fittig. I have transferred the 6-hour Practicum to the old hospital, where Dr. v. Uslar LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 117 resides. This is of great advantage as long as we have no new laboratory. It is still uncertain whether we are to have a new building, as the government has granted only 27,000 thlr., instead of the 38,000 thlr. it will cost according to the plans submitted. In order to design a laboratory which shall be unsurpassed, I have sent Limpricht and the architect Déltz to Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Miinchen, in order to inspect and study the details of all the labo- ratories in those places. The agricultural laboratory under Wicke is well attended, whereas Boedeker is not popular with the medical students. I suppose you have an opportunity to read the An- nalen, so I need not report anything concerning new work. Perhaps you have already received the July number, and know that the remarkable silicium- hydrogen gas may now be prepared chemically in the same manner as phosphorus-hydrogen gas. At pres- ent, I am again experimenting with nitrogen-silicium. Nothing has occurred here that is worth mentioning. A few have died (but no professors — Oesterley, v. Bobers); others are engaged, e. g. Frlein Augusta Baum. I myself have become a grandfather for the second time. All the members of my family are very well, my three oldest daughters having accompanied me on my last journey to the beautiful Bavarian mountains. I have just now spoken to Geuther, who sends his best greetings. He does not know what became of the honorarium for your monograph. He will attend to the matter and have the money sent to your brother, if he has not already received it. 118 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN Farewell. Remember me to the Eastwicks and to all the friends, and let me hear from you very soon. When you see Mr. Booth, tell him that a little more osmium- iridium, in which he is so rich, would be very welcome to me. No doubt an opportunity will present itself so it can be sent here. Cordially your WOHLER. GorTInGcEN, 12 March 1860. Drar GOSSMANN, — First of all, my hearty thanks for your very full and interesting letter of January 24, for the pieces of graphite and the extraordinarily fine photographs, all of which have made the long voyage successfully and reached me safely. It is a great satisfaction to know that one is not being forgotten by old pupils and friends, and to receive from them so many tokens of attachment, and that you are one of them. It gives me peculiar pleasure also to know that all goes well with you, that you are contented in your interesting surroundings and that you have so many opportunities to see great and remarkable things, to know the world and to gather experiences which will be of the greatest advantage to you in the future. I envy you your good fortune in having made such a fine voyage.! I have also shown your letter to Hofr. Wagner, Waltershausen, Geuther and my own family, and all have read it with great interest. It is striking what an array of new impressions one may receive in 1 To the West Indies. LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 119 America of which we in old, used-up Europe have no conception. The contents of your letter, as well as its minuteness of detail, proved that you do not think | ill of me because I did not write you for such an unpar- donably long time. Indeed, it shames me to confess that my last letter was dated 31 October 1858 — if I am not mistaken. The news you sent concerning the former Gottingen Americans gave me much pleasure, and also that you have acted as protector to little Engelhardt, thus probably laying the foundation for his advancement. Only one have you forgotten to mention — Professor Joy of New York, who with his beautiful wife visited us last summer, though we have not had a word from him since. I should be obliged if you would write him a few lines in my name, asking whether he has received the diploma of the Leopold Academy? and the silver mirror from Liebig, both hav- ing been forwarded at the time to Rinteln according to his directions. I hope he will overcome his dilatoriness and write me himself. As you have probably seen the Annalen, and there- fore know already, I shall write nothing about chemi- cal news from our laboratory, except that there is much work being done and that it is well attended. I am aware that you have not yet received this year’s March issue. At present I am having Niemann make an investigation of the famous Coca (Erythroxylon coca of Peru) and, as far as we have ascertained, it very probably contains an organic base which may be 1 Academia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina Naturae Curiosorum (Kaiser- lich-leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Halle). 120 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN crystallized and which resembles atropin. We have christened it Cocaine. I have received 25 lb. of coca from Vienna, originally from the Novara’s tour round the world. Probably you are familiar with the new, easy method of producing violet chromium chloride, and know that by melting the same with zinc, metal- lic chromium in microscopic crystals may easily be obtained. I do not know whether I have written you that we are going to have a new laboratory here which will, I hope, in construction and equipment surpass all other laboratories. 38,000 thlr. have been granted therefor, it is already under roof, and the finishing of the inte- rior is so far advanced that it will be ready for use next autumn. There will be room for all Practica except those of Wicke and Boedeker. TT ekkkk3xkkx xxx a ais the wall b the old laboratory ec one-storey centre building with the principal auditorium. The old laboratory, which will form part of the new | wing, is being remodelled and made to harmonize with the rest of the tremendous building by having two LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 121 high and many small chimneys. Limpricht, whom I sent with the architect Déltz to inspect all modern laboratories in Germany, has the distinction of plan- ning all the details of the building and the interior equipment. I am sorry to say that he is now going away from here, having received a call to Greifswald as ordinarius with a salary of 1200 thir. He has also been entrusted with the erection of a new laboratory, a task that will now be easy for him to perform. I could not keep him here longer, although he was appointed ordinarius with a salary of 800 thlr. I have taken advantage of this occasion to reor- ganize the laboratory staff. I am conducting the daily Practicum, assisted by Dr. Beilstein. Geuther and v. Uslar both have charge of the 24-hour Prac- ticum, Dr. Fittig of the 6-hour Practicum. All lab- oratory students have to report to me and are to pay all my fees to the Qudstur. But the assistants receive from me, in addition to an increase of their fixed salaries, a certain share of the fees. You probably know already that our good old Haus- mann has died, after long suffering, at the age of 76. S. v. Waltershausen has taken his place. Moreover, a young man is to be called — not expensive but excel- lent — as a specialist in geognosy and palaeontology. Hausmann’s beautiful and complete collection (oryc- togn. geognost. petrif. technical, metallurgical, anti- quarian) is to be sold. You would do the heirs a great favour by finding a trustworthy purchaser. Be sure to let Professor Joy know of this, as perhaps the com- plete collection would be welcomed in one of your 122 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN institutions of learning. They ask 6000 thlr., I be- lieve, but they may be willing to take less. Be sure not to forget this matter. Good old Berthold is dying, and old Conradi has become so infirm that before long he may follow Hausmann. You have probably known for some time that our celebrated mathematician, Dirichlet, is dead. Riemann has been made ordinarius and member of the Society of Sciences — a prodigious mathematical head. I have been asked to succeed Hausmann as Permanent Secretary of the Society.” Wagner’s disease of the chest has led him to be placed on the half- retired list, and consequently Professor Meissner, one of our former pupils, has been called as professor of physiology. As a result, the rooms in the Physiological Institute have become so crowded that Boedeker was obliged to transfer his laboratory to the old hospital. As compensation for swallowing the disagreeable pill, he received an increase of salary of 200 thir. More- over, I have obtained for him the work of preparing a new edition of Berzelius’s Chemie, and for Dr. Geuther a new edition of Otto-Graham’s Chemie. Hanssen has received a call to Berlin and, I am sorry to say, has accepted it. His daughter is engaged to a Prussian officer, and so is Baum’s oldest daughter. Both officers were aides to counts and princes studying here. Now I am through gossiping. Farewell, dear Gdssmann, and delight me with more news from you very soon. Best greetings from my family as well as from Limpricht, Wicke and Geuther. 1 KGnigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 123 Remember me to the Eastwicks and all the old Got- tinger. There are now only three Americans in the laboratory — Stewart, Parkman and Hart. Whenever you can get hold of some genuine graphite and other minerals, please remember me. My greetings to Booth also. In best friendship, Your WOHLER. G6TTINGEN, 24 Febr. 1863. DrEar GOssMANN, — To-day only a few lines acknowledging the receipt of your letter and to thank you for the interesting communications. The latter I forwarded at once to Oberbergrath Schwarzenberg in Cassel, begging him to comply with your request in regard to the condi- tions governing the salt manufacturing industry. I did not receive an answer until yesterday (without your letter). He has taken the necessary steps at mining headquarters and has been assured of a reply, which, however, has not yet been received, as delays are not unusual there. As soon as I receive the papers, I shall send them to you and write more fully. I congratulate you heartily on your marriage and am glad that you are succeeding so well. Nevertheless, I have, when asked about it, proposed you as professor of technical chemistry at the newly established Poly- technic School at Braunschweig, and I know that they are thinking of you seriously. But do not depend too much upon it, as a decision may not be reached for 124 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN a year. In the meantime Dr. Seyfert is delivering lectures. teas Geuther has received a call to Jena to succeed Leh- mann, and has accepted. Although I was unwilling to lose him, nevertheless it was I who proposed him, when asked by the Curator1um. More next time. In best friendship, Your WOHLER. GorrincEn, 4 March 1863. Drar GOssMANN, — I hope that you have received through Professor Joy my note of February 24. I have finally obtained from the mining headquarters in Cassel the informa- tion concerning the Attendorf Salt Works, and send it to you with the hope that it will meet your ex- pectations. I had intended to write you more fully on this occa- sion, but I am so preoccupied just now that I have to be sparing of my time. And yet I should be sorry to delay longer any change in your affairs expected by you. But I shall write you shortly, although, as you very well know, the monotony of our life here affords little occasion to report anything new. I shall then give you first of all a detailed description of our splen- did new laboratory, which, to be sure, cost 40,000 thlr. but is, in my opinion, better arranged than any other. There is plenty of room to provide comfortably for at least 80 laboratory students. Let me call your attention to another thing. Does LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 125 not sea-water mother liquor contain chloride of cal- cium? — now so highly valued, because with Chili saltpetre it may be easily changed into nitrate of potash. I asked you to pardon this short letter. Write me very soon, for every one of your letters gives me pleas- ure. I should also like to know whether my consign- ment through your brother has been delivered to you promptly. Cordially your WOHLER. GorTINGEN, 10 Jan. 1866. DEAR GOSSMANN, — I have not heard from you for a long time. But it is my fault, for I believe I owe you an answer to your last letter. You have perhaps heard from Prof. Joy how I am and that all goes well with me. To-day only a few lines and these in great haste. A former pupil of mine, Herr Meinhard Alsberg, later assistant to Geuther in Jena, wishes me to com- mend him to you, as he believes that you would have an influential voice in obtaining for him an appoint- ment as assistant in chemistry at a technical school in Philadelphia. He is at present in Philadelphia and in- tends to apply for the position. So far as I know him, I can strongly recommend him. Moreover, he has already recommended himself through several good investigations, the results of which have been pub- lished in the Annalen. This is all I have to say. I hope all goes well with 126 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN you. When you write me again, kindly send me your photograph and your wife’s. In old friendship, Your WOHLER. GorrtincEn, 1 August 1866. Dear GOssMANN, — I am reproaching myself for having left your kind letter of April 14 unanswered for such an unpardon- ably long time. Be indulgent with me and be assured that it has given me great joy, for it is always a satis- faction to me to receive such proofs of true attachment from my old pupils, especially when they are accom- panied by news of their prosperity, as in your case. It has been.a great pleasure to me to receive the photographs of yourself and your wife, thus enriching my collection of pictures of those dear to me. Accept my sincere thanks for them. All the members of my family, who remember you very well, have also been interested to see how you look now, and are glad to have made your wife’s acquaintance, at least through the picture; likewise Frau and Fraulein Kreuzhagen, to whom I had to show the pictures. I may here remark that the latter (Anna) is to marry a German physician in London, who formerly studied here. I must thank you too for your various publications, which I leave to others to read and report to me, not being myself familiar enough with the English lan- guage. I am glad to hear that you are contented with your position, and hope and trust that you are LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 127 making yourself indispensable to the company, that your future is assured, unless another sphere of useful- ness may be open to you in the meanwhile, which might be more congenial to you and offer still greater pecuniary advantages. To judge by a few utterances in your letter, you are still having an eye to teaching, although you seem to be aware that it is difficult for a foreigner to obtain such a position. Here in Germany there is great de- mand for such places. I could not hold out any pros- pects for you at this moment. While admitting that I am unfamiliar with condi- tions in America, it surprised me that your company, which produces such a colossal amount of salt, does not start a subsidiary business, e.g. a soda factory or a manufactory utilizing the ingredients of the mother liquor. Yet I am aware you have already thought of this yourself and have your reasons for its imprac- ticability. I rejoice to hear of your domestic happiness and your fatherhood. When I think that I studied with your father at Marburg and that now his son tells me of his children, I realize from this and many other things how old I am. Yesterday I celebrated my 66 birthday, and ‘unser Leben wihret 70 Jahr und wenn ist hoch kommt 80.’ Moreover, I am feeling well and can attend to my duties as I have always done. But I cannot attend to the special functions of the strenuous Practicum as well as formerly, as every semester sev- enty or eighty workers use up a quantity of material and tools. Therefore I must leave the principal details 128 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN to my four assistants (Professor v. Uslar, Professor Beilstein, Dr. Fittig and Dr. Hiibner), and it works quite well. Besides, I have a special assistant to help me in my lectures. You would find here many things changed and many quite new. Besides the large new laboratory there are fine new conservatories in the Botanical Garden, and in front of the Weender gate (which no longer exists), at the end of the Botanical Garden, is a new, large, very stately hall which cost nearly 100,000 thlr. Adjoining the conservatory a new residence has been built for the director. The enlargement of the library is also being considered, but owing to the sad war now prevailing this project will not be carried out. Of the latter conditions I shall write nothing, they being known to you through the newspapers. Last month when the king with the whole Han- overian army and all the munitions of war took refuge here, we were living in a wild, great military camp, daily fearing the outbreak of a battle in our immediate neighbourhood. After the departure of our army Got- tingen was occupied by the Prussians. Then came the disastrous battle of Langensalza, followed by the cap- itulation of our army. The Prussians have also been victorious in the south, where they occupy all of Hesse, Nassau, Darmstadt, Frankfurt and a great part of Bavaria. Their troops are already near or in Wiirz- burg. At present there is an armistice. It is said that all of Hanover, the Electorate of Hesse, and Nassau will be annexed to Prussia. But enough of these painful events. LETTERS OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER 129 Hofmann’s report of the Exhibition of 1862 ! has been ready for you for a long time. It affords me pleas- ure to give you this fine copy, which I have received as a gift from Hofmann himself (with a dedication in his own hand). But it is useless to me, since I do not un- derstand enough English. Now I shall not wait any longer for an opportunity to send it to you, but will do so through Dr. Fliigel of Leipzig, commissioner of the Smithsonian Institution. I ought to have done it long ago. Farewell now, dear Doctor. My best remem- brances to your wife, and have always a kindly feel- ing for, Your truly devoted, WOHLER. My wife and three daughters (the fourth is on a visit at Hanau, the fifth is married in Hanover) send their best greetings and are glad that you still remem- ber them. Kindly have the enclosed letter forwarded to Eso- pus. Should there be no post connexion with that place, address it to Columbia College, New York, whence it will be sent to Esopus. GortinGEN, 17 Dec. 1868. Derar GOssMANN, — My best thanks for your letter, which was handed to me by Herr Darmstadt, who is now working diligently in our laboratory — at present on boron-nitrogen. 1 Second International Exhibition, London. On the fly-leaf is written: “Herrn Hofrath Wéhler hochachtungsvoll u. freundschaftlicht der verf.’; and underneath: ‘Herrn Dr. Géssmann zur freundlichen Erinnerung an F. Wohler.’ 130 CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN The occasion of these lines is your former attendant, Frau Kornrumpf. She told me last summer that you were godfather to her boy, now five years old, request- ing me to remind you that thus far you have failed to make a present to your godchild. I had forgotten all about it, until her husband called on me yesterday with the express purpose of again reminding me of it. I hasten, therefore, to let you know the wishes of these evidently very poor people, hoping that you will con- sider them and send them a little present of money — perhaps a bill of exchange on Engelhardt’s mother. These people said they had given her a letter to you some years ago, but had received no answer thereto. In case you feel inclined to be benevolent, you can let them have the money through one of the Americans studying here, for instance, Mr. Carmichael. But should you want to send it directly here, you may ad- dress it to me. Here everything is going its old course, with some modifications, since we are Prussians. Probably your family have told you of the calamity caused here and also in Fritzlar by the recent terrific storm. During the Mass the roof of the cathedral fell in, killing 22 persons, mostly women. Here, too, houses were un- roofed, chimneys thrown down and a great number of the most beautiful old trees were uprooted. Our public squares are in an especially sad condition. Please remember me to your wife. In best friendship, Your WOHLER. GoI «gee Ut Cac, Kbeg. Cen fue Gon fe, . =a a, A Le SP t= Ore Ke La LC CE. =e Gua Gat gy ~~ hen pie Pea Liem ofp fof yr Oe Fhe o YP ef firr— Doe Af ceric 17 funn es: Grrl ly Cae Maco Sn. Ott tax f Lee, > AKn sehr cx Zen, Mft Pe Py oe as "2_f/Fa_ec pant kaa ee oe ee > LS ae Leb Bal Fb ara Ly Bete. ye V7 bec es tn , Ce a fe as Before Clones Jad Ea ae Oitacee ye Pe PPS iy iameas te rs ae. Vi ay awe fc ce Tie OCm ita TY foetce .' AAS, Lanrfs Bae Vibes ee fe ae ene, ews Ye he Ole fo Gow ee. Cie hae ae A LETTER OF FRIEDRICH WOHLER (facsimile) Aes ge Be 56 eee 7 mee fae: © ORO Gdfafen AF4* Jrofs, eA _Barf~utpec- Pn po Cf eal ee es Beas, oo Ce Sc Qe Cuareck oe Cae Lae ys el ae free wee Fee Lpt fr f:° Coe ee 41tfl ye» fee <3f-< Be Sa Jt v7. Lote «y ff, ie. (tere yy 22, Guetyece Jo Cnt, Yru> teetenn Lee 7 Go Pa cree Sf (1 fo gla bly G*0O-~ 5 Journ. fiir Landwirthschaft ........ Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, Leipzig und Heidelberg. Wohler, Liebig und Kopp. Annales de chimie et de phy- sique, Paris. Gay-Lussac, Arago, Chevreul, Dumas, Pelouze, Boussingault, Reg- nault, de Senarmont et Wurtz. Biedermanns Central-Blatt fiir Agrikulturchemie und ra- tionellen Landwirthschafts- Betrieb, Leipzig. Chemisches Central-Blatt, Leipzig. Chemisch - Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt, Leipzig. Chemical Gazette, London. W. Francis. Chemical News, London. W. Crookes. Comptes rendus de I’Acadé- mie des Sciences, Paris. Journal of the Chemical Soci- ety of London. Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires, Paris. Journal fiir Landwirthschaft, Goéttingen-Weende. W. Henneberg. 140 ABBREVIATIONS JOurt. Pra ICR .o 5.5. sce as Journal fiir praktische Chemie, Leipzig. O. L. Erdmann und G. Werther. Oesterreich. Landw. Wochenbl.......Oesterreichisches landwirth- schaftliches Wochenblatt, Wien. Pharm. Journ. Trans.............. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, London. Ja- - cob Bell. Pil Mag a Sele London, Edinburgh, and Dub- lin Philosophical Magazine. Sir David Brewster, Rich- ard Taylor, Sir Robert Kane, William Francis, John Tyndall. Polijtech. Jourtic. 6 anh so oan Polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg. Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc........... Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of Lon- don. Lett anal: Chem ccc ee ws oe he Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wiesbaden. C. R. Fresenius. LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN * 1853 1. Ueber die Bestandtheile der Canthariden. Inaugural-Dis- sertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwiirde von K. A. Goessmann aus Fritzlar. Gottingen, Druck der Univ.-Buchdruckerei von E. A. Huth. 1853. 8vo, SS. 38. 2. Ueber die Natur des Fettes der Canthariden. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. txxxvi. 1853, 8. 317-330; Journ. de pharm. t. xxiv. 1853, pp. 378, 379; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S. 49, ‘50; Chem. Gaz. vol. x11. 1854, p. 92. 1854 3. Ueber die Arachinsiiure. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. uxxxtx. 1854, S. 1-11; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxt. 1854, S. 236-238; Polytech. Journ. Bd. cxxxt. 1854, S. 156, 157; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, 8. 50, 51; Ann. chim. phys. t. xvi. 1856, pp. 230- 232; Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc. vol. vir. 1856, p. 279; Sur lacide de ’huile d’Arachide. Journ. de pharm. t. xxv. 1854, pp. 158, 159. 4. Ueber die Margarinsiure im Fette der Canthariden. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. Lxxxrx.. 1854, S. 123-125; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxt. 1854, S. 238, 239; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S. 50; Chem. Gaz. vol. x11. 1854, p. 92. 5. Ueber die Bestandtheile der Cacaobutter (gemeinsam mit C. Specut). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xc. 1854, S. 126-128; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. ux. 1854, S. 310; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S. 607; Journ. de pharm. t. xxvt. 1854, pp. 238, 239; Chem. Gaz. vol. x11. 1854, pp. 306-308. 6. Neue Methode zur Darstellung der Benzoglycolsiure. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xc. 1854, S. 181-184; Journ. prakt. Chem. 1 A few short papers, usually extracts from some of the longer ones, ap- pear more than once in this list. Goessmann was in the habit of sending the same paper, with only a few changes, to several publications. 142 10. re 12. 13. LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS Bd. uxt. 1854, S. 88, 89; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S. 672; Chem. Gaz. vol. x11. 1854, pp. 310-312; Journ. de pharm. t. Xxvil. 1855, pp. 397-399. . Verwandlung des Thialdins in Leucin. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xc. 1854, S. 184, 185; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxt. 1854, S. 190; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S. 672; Journ. de pharm. t. Xxvi. 1854, p. 156; Chem. Gaz. vol. xm. 1854, pp. 188, 325, 326:— Lettre de M. Wout ER 4 M. Dumas, Comptes rendus de l Acad. des Sci. t. xxxvitt. 1854, pp. 555-557. . Ueber die Bildungs-und Bereitungsweise des Aethylamins. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xct. 1854, S. 122-125; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S.'751, 752; Ann. chim. phys. t. xu. 1854, p. 246; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxv. 1855, S. 244; Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc. vol. vu. 1856, pp. 161-163. . Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Leucins. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcr. 1854, S. 129-138; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. txut. 1854, S. 375-378; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1854, S. 801-803; Ann. chim. phys. t. xii. 1854, p. 499; Chem. Gaz. vol. xu. 1854, pp. 467-469; Journ. de pharm. t. xxvit. 1855, pp. 73-75. Ueber Leucin und Essigsiiure-Aldehyd. Vortrag bei der Ver- sammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Gottingen, September 1854. Ami#l. Ber. deutsch. Naturf.u. Aerzte, 1854 (1860), S. 50. 1855 Ueber eine neue Bildung des Amarins und Lophins. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xc. 1855, S. 329-333; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxv. 1855, 8. 245-247; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1855, S. 266; Ann. chim. phys. t. xiv. 1855, pp. 123, 124; Chem. Gaz. vol. xur. 1855, pp. 144-146; Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc. vol. vu. 1856, pp. 161-163. Ueber die Hypogisiure, eine neue Fettsiure im Erdnussél (gemeinsam mit H. Scueven). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xctv. 1855, S. 230-235; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxvt. 1855, S. 83- 85; Chem.-Pharm. Centr. 1855, S. 468, 469; Chem. Gaz. vol. xi. 1855, pp. 209, 210; Ann. chim. phys. t. xtv1. 1856, pp. 230-232; Journ. de pharm. t. xxx. 1856, pp. 238, 239; Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc. vol. vit. 1856, pp. 279-282. 1856 Ueber die Verbindungen der Arachinsiure (gemeinsam mit H. Scureven). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcvri. 1856, S. 257- OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 143° 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 265; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. txvimt. 1856, S. 179-183; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 309-312; Ann. chim. phys. t. xuvu. 1856, pp. 382-384 (BERTHELOT) ibid. pp. 355, 356; Chem. Gaz. vol. xiv. 1856, pp. 181-185. Zur Kenntniss des Lophins (gemeinsam mit E. Arxtnson). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcvu. 1856, S. 283-294; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. txvut. 1856, S. 154-157; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 420-422; Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc. vol. rx. 1857, pp. 220- 226; Phil. Mag. (4) vol. x11. 1856, p. 55. Darstellung des Cumarins. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcvut. 1856, S. 66; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. txvut. 1856, S. 192; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 478; Chem. Gaz. vol. x1v. 1856, pp. 210, 211. Ueber einige Verwandlungsproducte der Hypogiisiure (ge- meinsam mit G. C. CALDWELL). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcrx. 1856, S. 305-314; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 892, 893; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxx. 1857, 8. 79-81; Ann. chim. phys. t. XLIx. 1857, pp. 111, 112; Chem. Gaz. vol. xv. 1857, pp. 23, 24; Phil. Mag. (4) vol. xm. 1857, p. 185. Mangansaures Kali als Entfirbungsmittel. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcrx. 1856, S. 373-376; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 735; Polytech. Journ. Bd. cxutt. 1856, S. 316, 317; Phil. Mag. (4) vol. x1t. 1856, p. 304; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxrx. 1857, S. 469, 470. Vortheilhafte Darstellungweise des Styracins. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. xcrx. 1856, S. 376; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 735; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. txrx. 1857, 8. 470; Ann. chim. phys. t. xLrx. 1857, p. 109. Triphenylamin, ein Zersetzungsproduct des sauren schwef- ligsauren Zimmtsdiure-Aldehyd-Ammoniaks. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. c. 1856, S. 57-69; Chem. Centr. 1856, S. 897-899; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxx. 1857, S. 288-291; Ann. chim. phys. t. xurx. 1857, pp. 372-374; Chem. Gaz. vol. xv. 1857, pp. 45, 46; Phil. Mag. (4) vol. x11. 1857, pp. 183, 184; Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) vol. xxut. 1857, p. 268. Ueber die Wirkung des Chlorzinks auf Hippursiure. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. c. 1856, S. 69-75; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxx. 1857, S. 294-296; Chem. Centr. 1857, S. 48; Ann. chim. phys. t. xix. 1857, pp. 374, 375. Ueber Bildung von krystallisirtem Rhodansilber. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. c. 1856, 8. '76, 77; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxx. 1857, S. 245; Chem. Centr. 1857, S. 30; Ann. chim. phys. t. xXLIx. 1857, p. 375; Chem. Gaz. vol. xv. 1857, pp. 25, 26. 144 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 22. 23. Q4. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Ueber das Huanokin, eine neue Base der Chinarinde; von A. Erpmann. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. c. 1856, S. 346; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxx. 1857, S. 423, 424; Chem. Centr. 1857, S. 551, 552; Ann. chim. phys. t. b. 1857, pp. 483, 484; Chem. Gaz. vol. xv. 1857, p. 365. 1857 Ueber die Einwirkung des Jodiithyls auf wolframsaures Sil- beroxyd. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. ct. 1857, 5. 218, 219; Chem. Centr. 1857, S. 352; Chem. Gaz. vol. xv. 1857, p. 148. Tricapronylamin, ein Zersetzungsproduct des sauren schwef- ligsauren Oenanthol-Ammoniaks (gemeinsam mit C. Tu. PETERSEN). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. ct. 1857, S. 310-313; ibid. Bd. cit. 1857, S. 318, 323; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. Lxxt. 1857, S. 171, 172, 490-492; Chem. Centr. 1857, S. 193-199; Chem. Gaz. vol. xv. 1857, pp. 181-186. ; Ueber eine neue Bereitungsweise des Anilins aus Nitrobenzol (gemeinsam mit F. WOuLER). Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. cit. 1857, S. 127, 128; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. txxt. 1857, S. 254; Chem. Centr. 1857, S. 560. Eine neue Zuckerpflanze. Aus einem Briefe des Dr. G6ssMANN zu Philadelphia an Hofrath WOuLER. Ann. Chem. Pharm. Bd. civ. 1857, S. 335, 336; Journ. prakt. Chem. Bd. uxxmt. 1858, S. 508. 1858 Beitrage zur Kenntniss des s.g. chinesischen Zuckerrohrs, Sorghum saccharatum, W. Journ. fiir Landwirthschaft, Got- tingen, N.F. Bd. 1. 1858, S. 294-323. 1861 Contributions to the Knowledge of the Nature of the Chinese Sugar-cane, Sorghum saccharatum, W. A Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Agricultural Society at Albany, February, 1862. Trans. New York State Agric. Soc. vol. xxi. 1861, pp. 785-811; Albany: Printed by Charles van Benthuysen, 1862. 8vo, pp. 27; Johnson’s New Univer- sal Cyclopaedia, vol. tv. 1878, pp. 639, 640. 1862 Analyses of Fine Salt (Boiled), from Saginaw, Michigan, and Hocking Valley and Mason City, Ohio. 1861. Report of the OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 145 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Salt Company of Onondaga, Syracuse, 1862, p.'7. Analyses of Ashton Salt and of Onondaga Factory-Filled Salt. Ibid. p. 17. Report on the Chemical Composition of the Brines of Onon- daga, New York. Syracuse, December 3, 1862. 12mo, pp. 11. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs. Assembly, State of New York, Document No. 70. February 12, 1863, pp. 27-30; Senate, State of New York, Document No. 89. March 20, 1863, p. 43; Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) vol. xb. 1865, p. 47; Geological Survey of Canada, 1863-66. Ottawa, 1866, pp. 267, 270. 1863 Composition of the Brines taken at the different pump houses on the 5th of July, 1862, at Syracuse; from the various wells at Saginaw, in October, 1862; and calculations concerning the relative quantities of salt which result by the evapora- tion of Brine from different districts at Syracuse, and from the different works and wells at Saginaw. Senate Report, State of New York, Document No. 89. March 20, 1863, pp. 20-22; Legislature, State of Michigan, House Document No. 37. 1865, pp. 5, 6; Geol. Survey Michigan, vol. m1. 1873- 1876, pp. 181-185, 194-196 ; Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, No. 330, 1908, p. 141. 1864 Report on the Manufacture of Solar Salt from the Brines of the Salt Springs of Onondaga. Syracuse, December 1, 1863. Published at Syracuse, by Truair, Smith & Miles, January, 1864. 8vo, pp. 26. Geological Survey of Canada, 1866-1869. Montreal, 1870, pp. 231-238. Contribution on the Manufacture and Refining of Cane- Sugar. Syracuse, New York: Holman, 1864. 8vo, pp. 12. Chemical News, London, vol. x1. 1865, pp. 26-28, 51-53. 1865 Notes on the Manufacture of Sugar in the Island of Cuba. Syracuse: The Journal Book and Job Office, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. Chemical News, London, vol. x1. 1865, pp. 26-28, 51-53. 1866 Report to the State Superintendent of the Salt Springs of Onondaga, New York. Syracuse, January 9, 1866. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs. 146 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42, Assembly, State of New York, Document No. 19. January 17, 1866, pp. 29-31. Contribution to the Chemistry of the Mineral Springs of Onondaga, New York. Syracuse, February, 1866. Syracuse: The Journal Book and Job Office, 1866. 8vo, pp. 22. Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) vol. xii. 1866, pp. 211-218, 368-375; Zeit. Anal. Chem. Jahrg. v1. 1867, S. 223-225. 1867 On the Rock-salt Deposit of Petite Anse: Louisiana Rock- salt Company. Report of the American Bureau of Mines. New York, January 4, 1867. 8vo, pp. 35, 2 plans. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 248 (1872), vol. xxi. 1881, pp. 14-20, plans. Report to the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs on the Rock-salt Deposit upon Petite Anse Island, La. Syra- cuse, N.Y., January 8, 1867. Annual Report of the Superin- tendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs. Assembly, State of New York, Document No. 75. January 10, 1867, pp. 29-31. Contribution to the Chemistry of Brines. Amer. Journ. Sct. (2) vol. xtiv. 1867, pp. 77-87; Trans. New York Acad. Sct. vol. rx. 1889, p. 43; Dana’s System of Mineralogy, 6th ed., 1892, p. 156; Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, No. 32, 1886, p. 35; ibid. No. 330, 1908, pp. 141, 185, 186. 1868 Report to the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs on the Salt Resources of Goderich, Canada, ete. Syracuse, January 11, 1868. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs. Assembly, State of New York, Document No. 19. January 14, 1868, pp. 13-15, 29, 36, 37, 40; Report of Progress, 1866-69, Geological Survey of Canada, Montreal, 1870, pp. 219, 220. Report on the Salt Resources of Goderich, Province of Ontario (Canada West). Syracuse, N.Y., January 16, 1868. 8vo, pp. 18. Report of Progress, 1866-69, Geological Survey of Canada, Montreal, 1870, pp. 221-244, passim; Rapport des Opérations, 1866-69, ibid. pp. 242, 243, 255, 261-263. 1869 Cheese as Food. Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Dairymen’s Association at Utica, N.Y., January OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 147 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 12, 1870. Fifth Annual Rept. Amer. Dairym. Assoc. 1869-70, pp. 115-119; Trans. Hamp. Agric. Soc. 1871, pp. 40-45. Salt and its Uses in Agriculture. A Lecture delivered at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Pittsfield, December 7, 1869. Agric. of Mass. 1869, pp. 18-40. The Blowpipe Manual. By Theodor Scheerer. Translated by William S. Clark. Revised by Charles A. Goessmann. Amherst: Storrs & McCloud. 1869. 12mo, pp. viii, 84. 1870 Contributions to the Chemistry of Common Salt: with par- ticular reference to our home resources. A Paper read before the National Academy of Sciences, Northampton meeting, August 31, 1869. Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) vol. xtrx. 1870, pp. 78-89. Report on the Production of Beet-Sugar as an Agricultural Enterprise in Massachusetts. Agric. of Mass. Supp. 1870, pp. 12-48; Eighth Report Mass. Agric. College, 1871, pp. 44-80, 4 plates; American Chemist, vol. 1. 1871, pp. 381-387, 399- 404; Sugar Cane, Manchester, England, vol. m1. 1871, pp. 257-263; Scientific American, vol. xxiv. 1871, pp. 231-232; Amherst Record, April 12, 1871; Alta Commercial, April 26, 1871; N.Y. World, April 5, 1871; Fourth Report Nebraska Board of Agric. 1873, pp. 85-120. 1871 Notes on Saline Deposits. American Chemist, vol. 1. 1871, p. 442: Kainit. Amherst Record, March 29, 1871. On Stassfurt Potash-Salts as Fertilizers. American Chemist, vol. 1. 1871, pp. 5-7; Agric. of Maine, 1871, pp. 344-351; Amherst Record, April 19, 1871. Report on the Chemical Composition of some Dairy Products (milk, butter and cheese). Trans. Hamp. Agric. Soc. 1871, pp. 34-45; Agric. of Mass. Abstr. 1871, pp. 305-317. 1872 Report on Sugar-Beets Raised upon the College Farm. Ninth Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1872, pp. 32-63; Amer. Chem. vol. 11. 1872, pp. 341-343, 378-383, 413-416; Sugar Cane, vol. tv. 1872, pp. 367-371, 469-473; The Grocer, London, May 11, 148 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 1872, p. 441: reprinted, New York: S. Angell, 1872. 12mo, pp. 35; The Sugar Beet, Philadelphia, vol. 1. 1880, pp. 6, 7. Notes on Sugar-Beets for the Manufacture of Sugar. Amer- tcan Chemist, vol. 111. 1872, pp. 11, 12, 64-66. Historical Notes on the Progress of the Sugar-Beet Cultiva- tion for the Manufacture of Sugar within the United States. Amer. Chem. vol. 111. 1872, pp. 18, 19; Sugar Cane, vol. tv. 1872, pp. 513-516; Johnson’s New Universal Cyclopaedia, vol. Iv. 1878, pp. 632-638, 2 figures. Abstracts and Notices of Papers in ‘Wittstein’s Viertel- jahresschrift fiir praktische Pharmacie,’ Bd. xx1. 1872. American Chemist, vol. 11. 1872, pp. 393, 394. Abstracts and Notices of Papers in ‘Wittstein’s Viertel- jahresschrift fiir praktische Pharmacie,’ Bd. xxi. 1872. American Chemist, vol. 11. 1872, pp. 74-76. 1873 Report of the Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agri- cultural College. Tenth Annual Report, 1873, pp. 54, 55. Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Tenth Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1873, pp. 58-84; Mass. Ploughman, March 15, 22, 29, and April 5, 1873; Hitchcock’s Geology of New Hampshire, vol. 1. 1874, pp. 554-558; Baird’s Ann. Rec. Sct. & Ind. 1873, pp. 418, 419: reprinted under the title, “On the Fertilization of Farm Lands with Reference to Commercial Fertilizers.’ Read at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Agricul- tural Society at Albany, January 22, 1873. Journ. New York State Agric. Soc. January and February 1873; Trans. New York State Agric. Soc. vol. xxxtt. 1873, pp. 254-265; Amer. Chem. vol. tv. 1873, pp. 1389-142, 180-185; Sugar Cane, vol. vi. 1874, pp. 12-20, 62-78; Albany, N.Y.: Van Benthuysen, 1873. 12mo, pp. 26. Statement concerning an examination of a sample of soil sent by J. Sterling Morton ... of Nebraska. Fourth Report Nebraska State Board of Agric. 1873, pp. 388-390. On Some Home Resources of Fertilizers — with particular reference to Nitrogen Plant-Food. A Lecture delivered at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Fitchburg, December 3, 1873. Agric. of Mass. 1873, pp. 112-132; Amherst Record, December 24, 1873; Mass. Ploughman, March 28, 1874; Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1874, pp. 398-400; New Hampshire Agric. 1875, pp. 297-312. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 149 59. Experiments in the Cultivation of the Sugar-Beet Root in 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. the State of New York. Trans. New York State Agric. Soc. vol. xxx1I. 1873, pp. 163-169. First Annual Report of the State Inspector of Fertilizers. Read at Boston, February 4, 1874 (reviewed by Prof. A. Stéckhardt of Tharandt, Saxony). Agric. of Mass. 1873, pp. 352-374; Agric. of Maine, 1875, pp. 226-228; Baird’s Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1875, pp. 381, 382. 1874 Report on Experiments with Sugar-Beets. Eleventh Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1874, pp. 42-52; Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1873, pp. 307-309: reprinted under the title, ‘Experiments on the Cultivation of the Sugar Beet.’ Amer- ican Chemist, vol. tv. 1874, pp. 282-286; Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, pp. 177, 204. On the Best Mode of Subduing and Utilizing for Tillage the Salt-Marshes in this State, after they are Drained. Read at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Boston, February 3, 1875. Agric. of Mass. 1874, pp. 328-342; Sct. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 226. Second Annual Report of the State Inspector of Fertilizers. Read at Boston, February 4, 1875. Agric. of Mass. 1874, pp. 351-393; Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1875, p. 507; Baird’s Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1876, pp. 372-375. Abstracts and Notices of Papers in ‘Wittstein’s Viertel- jahresschrift fiir praktische Pharmacie,’ Bd. xxi. 1873. American Chemist, vol. 111. 1873, pp. 466, 467. Abstracts and Notices of Papers in ‘ Wittstein’s Vierteljahres- schrift fiir praktische Pharmacie,’ Bd. xx. 1873. American Chemist, vol. tv. 1873, pp. 37, 38. 1875 . Paper on Commercial Fertilizers (being an abstract of official reports for the years 1873 and 1874). Twelfth Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1875, pp. 66-76. . The Sources of Salt, with particular reference to our Home Resources. American Grocer, New York, March 20, 1875. . On the Manufacture of Salt. American Grocer, April 3, 1875. . Coarse, Common Fine, and Dairy Salt. American Grocer, April 10, 1875. 150 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. ite 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Dairy Salt. American Grocer, April 24, 1875; Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, pp. 13, 14. What Plants Feed On. I. (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s Lectures. The nine articles under this heading were reported by E. H. Libby, co-editor of the Scientific Farmer). Sct. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, pp. 1, 2; IL. pp. 15, 16; III. p. 30. Percentages of the more Essential Elements in some of the Common Crops. Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, p. 3. Chemistry of Fertilization (Notes from Professor Goess- mann’s Lectures). Sct. Farmer, vol. 1.1875, pp. 29, 30; IT. p. 41. What Plants Feed On. IV. The Sources of Nitrogen Plant Food (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s Lectures). Sev. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, p. 42; V. p. 53. Potash Salts (Abstract of Lecture). Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, pp. 53, 54. What Plants Feed On. VI. Potash as Plant Food (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s Lectures). Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, pp. 65, 66. What Plants Feed On. VII. The Phosphates (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s Lectures). Sct. Farmer, vol. 1. 1875, p. 77. Second Report on the Salt-Marshes above the Mouth of Green Harbor River, in the Township of Marshfield, Ply- mouth County, Massachusetts. Read at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Boston, February 2, 1876. Agric. of Mass. 1875, pp. 238-248. Third Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1875, pp. 293-343; Sct. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, pp. 139, 150. 1876 Report on Work in Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agricultural College (including report of D. P. PENHALLOW). Thirteenth Annual Report, 1876, pp. 52-63. What Plants Feed On. VIII. The Phosphates. 2 (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s Lectures). Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 89. What Plants Feed On. IX. Lime — in Plants — in Soils. Sct. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, pp. 101, 102. © Analysis of the Onion. A Contribution from the Chemical Laboratory of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Sez. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 116; Mass. Ploughman, September 9, OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 151 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 1876; Pharm. Journ. Trans. (3) vol. xvi. 1887, pp. 77, 78; Journ. Chem. Soc. London, vol. tm. 1887, p. 1137. . Cooked vs. Raw Corn. Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 121. . On Special Fertilization. Mass. Ploughman, June 17, 1876. . Contribution to the Chemistry of American Grape Vines. Mass. Ploughman, June 24, 1876. . Special Fertilizers. Contributions from the Chemical Labo- ratory of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Mass. Ploughman, July 15, 1876. . Composition of Cheese. Analyses of Whole Milk, Skim-Milk, and Oleomargarine Cheese. Article I. Mass. Ploughman, July 29, 1876. Influence of Special Fertilizing Materials (Notes from Pro- fessor Goessmann’s investigations. E. H. Libby, reporter). Sct. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 161. Influence of Special Fertilization. II. (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s investigations. E. H. Libby, reporter). Sei. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, pp. 178, 179. Urinary Secretions. A Contribution from the Chemical Laboratory of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Mass. Ploughman, August 12, 1876; Sci. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 232. Mineral Constituents of Urine (herbivorous animals). Mass. Ploughman, August 19, 1876; ibid. August 26, 1876. Influence of Special Fertilizers. Plaster and Magnesia (Notes from Professor Goessmann’s investigations. E. H. Libby, reporter). Scz. Farmer, vol. 1. 1876, p. 191. Grasses from Germany presented to the Massachusetts Agri- cultural College. Letter from Heinrich Keller of Darmstadt (translated by C. A. Goessmann). Mass. Ploughman, Novem- ber 18, 1876. Article on Fertilizers. Johnson’s New Universal Cyclopaedia, vol. 1. New York, 1876, pp. 75, 76. Third Report on the Improvement of Salt-Marshes. Read at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Boston, February 6, 1877. Agric. of Mass. 1876, pp. 219-225. Fourth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1876, pp. 241-279; Sci. Farmer, vol. 11. 1876, p. 87. 1877 Report of the Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agri- cultural College. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1877, p. 30. 152 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS Is it Butter? (cited in reply of E. H. Libby to H. A. Mott). Sct. Farmer, vol. 11. 1877, p. 6. German Forest Seeds. Mass. Ploughman, April, 1877. Chemistry in Fruit Culture (strawberries and cherries). Mass. Ploughman, April 21, 1877. Chemistry in Fruit Culture (plums, pears, apples, etc.), Mass. Ploughman, May 5, 1877. Letter to the Editor, on How to make Manure. Daily Fredo- nian, New Brunswick, N.J., May 16, 1877. Recent Experiments with Sugar-cane in Louisiana. Mass. Ploughman, June 9, 1877; Amherst Record, September 19, 1877. Composition of Cheese. Analyses of Whole Milk and Skimmed Milk Cheese. Article II. Mass. Ploughman, June 30, 1877. Letter to E. H. Libby, on the Transformation of Potash in the Soil. Sci. Farmer, vol. 11. 1877, pp. 142, 143. Application of Night-soil. Agric. of Mass. 1877, pp. 192, 193. Fourth Report on the Improvement of the Salt-Marshes in the Town of Marshfield. Read at Boston, February 5, 1878. Agric. of Mass. 1877, pp. 253-257. Fifth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1877, pp. 313-342. 1878 Contribution to the Chemistry of the American Grape-vine. Read before the American Chemical Society at New York, March 7, 1878. Fifteenth Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1878, pp. 39-54; Baird’s Ann. Rec. Sci. & Ind. 1878, pp. 551, 552; Proc. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 11. 1879, pp. 35-50. On Experiments with Sugar-beet Roots. Mass. Ploughman, January 19, 1878. Read April 4, 1878. Proc. Amer. Chem. Soe. vol. 11. 1879, pp. 56, 57. Recent Experiments with Sugar-cane in Louisiana. Mass. Ploughman, February 9, 1878. Contributions from the Agricultural Laboratory. (Analyses of onions, urinary secretions, mineral constituents of urine, Owasco gypsum, cheese.) Read September 6, 1877. Proc. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. pt. 2, 1878, pp. 60-66. Chemistry in Fruit Culture. On the Growth and Composition of the Concord Grape. Mass. Ploughman, March 30, 1878. On Some Experiments with Wild Varieties of Grape-vines. Mass. Ploughman, May 18, 1878. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 153 116. EY: 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. Influence of Girdling the Vines on the Growth of the Grapes. Mass. Ploughman, July 27, 1878; Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 428, 429. Chemistry in Fruit Culture (apples and pears). Mass. Plough- man, August 24, 1878. Chemistry in Fruit Culture (cranberries). Mass. Ploughman, September 28, 1878; Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 425-428, Analyses of Phosphate of Lime. Scientific Farmer, vol. 11. 1878, p. 142. Article on Salt (including sea-water, rock-salt, brines, coarse salt, and common fine salt or boiled salt). Johnson’s New Universal Cyclopaedia, vol. 1v. New York, 1878, pp. 45-48. Experiments with Corn of Various Kinds; Nitrate of Soda as a Source of Nitrogen for Plant-growth. Agric. of Mass. 1878, pp. 78-80. Fifth Report on the Improvement of the Salt-Marshes in the Town of Marshfield. Read February 4, 1879. Agric. of Mass. 1878, pp. 353-357. Sixth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1878, pp. 310-348. 1879 Report on Early Amber Cane. To the Directors of the Massa- chusetts Experiment Station. Sixteenth Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1879, pp. 29-41, 1 plate; Amer. Journ. Sct. (3) vol. xvi. 1879, p. 488; Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1881, Washington, 1882, pp. 486-489, pl. xxr. Report on the Percolated Waters of the Lysimetre. Sixteenth Report Mass. Agric. Coll. 1879, pp. 51-53. Sugar Beet and Beet Sugar. Mass. Ploughman, May 31, 1879. Remarks on the Sugar Beet, before the Berkshire Farmers’ Institute at Lee, June 11, 1879. Berkshire Courier, June 18, 1879. Experiments with Strawberries. Mass. Ploughman, July 19, 1879; Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 423-425. Chemistry in Horticulture. Address before the Worcester County Horticultural Society, February 13, 1879. Mass. Ploughman, July 26, 1879. Report on Recent Experiments with Sugar-cane in Louisiana. Read April 4, 1878. Proc. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 11. 1879, pp. 52-56. 154 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. Examination of the Minnesota Early Amber Cane. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 44-50; Mass. Ploughman, March 22, 1879. On Experiments with Fertilizers upon Sugar-cane, at Calumet Plantation, Bayou Téche, La. Read before the American Chemical Society at New York, October 2, 1879. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 416-420: reprinted under the title, “Sugar Manufacture from Sugar-cane in Louisiana.’ Mass. Ploughman, August 23, 1879. Contribution from the Chemical Laboratory of the Massa- chusetts Agricultural College (sugar in corn-stalks and melons). Read before the American Chemical Society at New York, October 2, 1879. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 420-422; Mass. Ploughman, April 19, 1879; Oester- reich. landw. Wochenbl. 5 Jahrg. 1879, Nr. 32, S. 344; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. rx. 1880, S. 122-124; Journ. Chem. Soc. London, vol. xxxvuI. 1880, p. 594. Contribution to the Chemistry of Fruit Culture. Read before the American Chemical Society at New York, October 2, 1879. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, pp. 423-429. Analysis of two Intestinal Calculous Concretions of the Horse. Read before the American Chemical Society at New York, October 2, 1879. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 1. 1879, p. 430. The Relative Value of Several Varieties of Corn for Feeding Purposes. A Lecture delivered at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Green- field, December 4, 1879. Agric. of Mass. 1879, pp. 221-256, figures; Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 11. 1880, pp. 7-12. Contributions to the Chemistry of Fruit-Culture (conjointly with S. T. Maynarp). Agric. of Mass. 1879, pp. 344-368, figures. On the Cultivation of the Sugar-Beet for the Manufacture of Sugar (being a review of earlier investigations). Agric. of Mass. 1879, pp. 378-402; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. vu. 1879, S. 816, 817; Journ. Chem. Soc. London, vol. xxxvitt. 1880, p. 418. Sixth Report on the Improvement of the Salt-Marshes in the Town of Marshfield. Read February 3, 1880. Agric. of Mass. 1879, pp. 290-292. Seventh Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1879, pp. 307-340. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 155 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 1880 Sugar Beet or Sorghum. Springfield Union, January 7, 1880; Springfield Republican, January 8, 1880. Contributions to the Examination of Eastern, Western, and Southern Corn. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol. 11. 1880, pp. 7-12. Oleomargarine as an Article of Food. Letter of Charles A. Goessmann to the United States Dairy Company, March 20, 1880; Report of the Board of Health, City of New York, 1881, p. 74; Bull. U.S. Dept. of Agric. Div. Chem. No. 13, 1887, pp. 19, 21; Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts to the Legislature upon Oleomargarine, Senate Document No. 140, April, 1888, pp. 79, 80; Address of James F. Babcock, before the Committee on Agriculture of the Massachusetts Legislature, January 24, 1890, p. 6. Atmospheric Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1880, pp. 127, 128. The System of Preserving Green Food in Silos. A Lecture delivered at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Southborough, December 2, 1880. Agric. of Mass. 1880, pp. 156-170; New Hampshire Agric. 1880, pp. 139-152. Seventh Report on the Improvement of the Salt-Marshes in the Town of Marshfield. Read February 1, 1881. Agric. of Mass. 1880, pp. 195, 196. Eighth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1880, pp. 217-245. 1881 Report of Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Eighteenth Annual Report, 1881, pp. 22, 23; Agric. of Mass. 1880, pp. 140, 141. On Ensilage. A Paper read at the Meeting of the Hampshire Farmers’ Institute at Amherst. March 12, 1881. N.E. Home- stead, March 19, 1881. Letter on the Production of Seed Sugar Beets of Superior Quality, April 25, 1881. The Sugar Beet, vol. 11. 1881, p. 37. Inquiry touching the Cause of the Peach Yellows. Agric. of Mass. 1881, pp. 84, 85. Restitution as applied to Vegetable Growth; Sources of Pot- ash. Agric. of Mass. 1881, pp. 143, 144. Ninth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1881, pp. 333-360. 156 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 1882 Report of Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Nineteenth Annual Report, 1882, pp. 22, 23. An Agricultural Experiment Station for Massachusetts. Statement of Charles A. Goessmann before the Committee on Agriculture of the Massachusetts Legislature. Mass. Ploughman, March 4, 1882. On Mineral Constituents in Plant Growth. A Paper read before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Boston, March 18, 1882. Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc. 1882, pp. 110-123; Agric. of Mass. 1882, pp. 430-444: read also at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science at Montreal, August 21, 1882. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agric. Sci. vol. 1. 1882, pp. 58-63; Montreal Daily Witness, August 21, 1882. Analysis of Eel-grass. Republican Standard, New Bedford, July 13, 1882. On Muriate of Potash as an Insecticide; On Feeding Apple Trees; On Cattle Commissioners and Cattle Interests. N.E. Homestead, July 15, 1882. Observations regarding the Yellows of the Peach. Read at Montreal, August 21, 1882. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agric. Sci. vol. 1. 1882, pp. 63-66; Montreal Daily Witness, August 21, 1882; Houghton Farm Expt. Dept. ser. 111. nos. 1 and 2, pp. 29, 30. The Influence of Chemistry on the Development of a Rational System of Stock-Feeding. A Paper read at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Northampton, December 5, 1882. Agric. of Mass. 1882, pp. 89-127; N.E. Homestead, December 9, 1882. Tenth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1882, pp. 345-382. First Report of the Director of the State Agricultural Experi- ment Station at Amherst. Agric. of Mass. 1882, pp. 405-418. 1883 Organization. Fodder Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 1. July, 1883, pp. 15. Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 2. August, 1883, pp. 8. Fodder and Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 3. September, 1883, pp. 12. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 157 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. a7 1. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. Fodder and Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 4. October, 1883, pp. 12. Fodder and Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 5. November, 1883, pp. 12. Scientific Stock Feeding. N.E. Homestead, November 24, 1883. Fodder and Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 6. December, 1883, pp. 12. Eleventh Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1883, pp. 194-242. First Annual Report of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1883. 8vo, pp. 112, 4 diagrams. Agric. of Mass. 1883, pp. 259-368. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health, Lun. and Char. of Mass. Supp. 1883, pp. 149, 150. 1884 Report of Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Twenty-first Annual Report, 1884, pp. 35-39; Agric. of Mass. 1883, pp. 443-447. Observations in Regard to Insects Injurious to the Apple (S. T. Maynarp); Experiments with Special Fertilizers in Fruit Culture; Experiments with Currants; Garden Crops; Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 7. March, 1884, pp. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. x1v. 1885, S. 67; Journ. Chem. Soc. London, vol. xuvin. 1885, p. 589. Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Valuation and Analyses of Fertilizers. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 8. April, 1884, pp. 12. Notes upon Insects Injurious to Farm and Garden Crops (S. T. Maynarp); Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No.9. May, 1884, pp. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. x1v. 1885, S. 281. Observations regarding the Vitality of the Seed of Various Weeds, and the Causes of Certain Diseases of Grasses (S. T. Maywnarp); Notes on Feeding Experiments with Corn Ensi- lage; Fodder and Fodder Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 10. June, 1884, p. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xiv. 1885, S. 253, 254. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Corn Ensilage, contin- ued; Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 11. September, 1884, p. 12. 158 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 179. 180. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Gluten Meal as a Con- stituent of the Daily Diet of Milch Cows; Fodder and Fodder Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 12. October, 1884, p. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xtv. 1885, S. 287. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Pigs; Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 13. November, 1884, p. 12. . Twelfth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1884, pp. 285-329. . Second Annual Report of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1884. 8vo, pp. 166. Agric. of Mass. 1884, pp. 331-492. . Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health, Lun. and Char. of Mass. Supp. 1884, pp. 194- 202. 1885 Report of Chemical Department, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Twenty-second Annual Report, 1885, pp. 21, 22; Agric. of Mass. 1884, pp. 531, 532. Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Valuation and Analyses of Fertilizers. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 14. March, 1885, pp. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xv. 1886, S. 503. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Analyses of Fodder Articles; Fertilizer Analyses; Meteorological Sum- mary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 15. April, 1885, p. 12. Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xtv. 1885, S. 859. Fodder Analyses; Analyses of Garden Crops; Fertilizer Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 16. July, 1885, p. 12. Fodder Analyses; Analyses of Fruits; Analyses of Weeds; Fer- tilizer Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 17. August, 1885, p. 12. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Pigs; Fodder Analyses; Fertilizer Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 18. October, 1885, p. 20. Rotation of Crops. A Lecture delivered at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Framingham, December 2, 1885. Agric. of Mass. 1885, pp. 124-150. Read at Providence, January 14, 1886. Agric. of Rhode Island, 1886, pp. 4-30. Thirteenth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1885, pp. 321-364. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 159 192. 193. 194. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. Third Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1885. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 141. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health, Lun. and Char. of Mass. Supp. 1885, pp. 166- 173. Manual of Agriculture for the School, the Farm, and the Fire- side. By George B. Emerson and Charles L. Flint. Revised by Charles A. Goessmann. New York: Orange Judd Com- pany. 1885. 12mo, pp. iv, 284. 1886 . Report of Chemical Department, Massacnusetts Agricultural College. Twenty-third Annual Report, 1886, pp. 23, 24. . Results of Inquiries conducted by the Health Department of the State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity, relative to the quality of milk as produced in Massachusetts. Boston, February, 1886, passim. Valuation and Analyses of Fertilizers; Meteorological Sum- mary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 19. April, 1886, pp. 12. Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Fertilizers and Fertilizer Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 20. May, 1886, pp. 12. Fodder Corn and Corn Ensilage; Fertilizers; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 21. June, 1886, pp. 12. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 22. October, 1886, pp. 12. Objections to the Hatch Bill. Agric. of Mass. 1886, pp. 96, 97. Fourteenth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1886, pp. 335-394. Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1886. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 136, 1 plate. Agric. of Mass. 1886, pp. 421-544. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1886, pp. 147-154. Address at the Dinner of the New York Farmers, New York, Thursday, January 20, 1887. Proceedings of the New York Farmers, 1887. 160 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 1887 On Rational Fertilization of Garden Crops and Fruits. A Paper read before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Boston, March 5, 1887. Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc. 1887, pp. 171-183, 1 plate. Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients in Raw Materials and Chemicals; Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 23. March, 1887, pp. 12. Suggestions upon Planting Trees and Small Fruits (S. T. Maynarp); Fertilizer Analyses; Fodder and Fodder Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 24. April, 1887, pp. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xvm. 1888, S. 355. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Pigs; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 25. July, 1887, pp. 16; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xvi. 1888, S. 259-262. Food and Fodder Analyses; Fertilizers and Fertilizer Analy- ses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 26. August, 1887, pp. 12. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Meteoro- logical Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 27. October, 1887, pp. 16; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xvi1. 1888, S. 258, 259. The Hay-Field and English Hay. A Lecture delivered at the Public Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Springfield, December 7, 1887. Agric. of Mass. 1887, pp. 163-191; reprinted under the title, ‘The Grass Crop and its Relation to Farming.’ Read at Providence, February 24, 1888. Agric. of Rhode Island, 1888, pp. 50-66. Fifteenth Annual Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Agric. of Mass. 1887, pp. 485-551. Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1887. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 267, 4 plates, 4 plans, 2. maps. Agric. of Mass. 1887, pp. 555-802. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1887, pp. 185, 186. 1888 Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients in Raw Materials and Chemicals; Analyses of Fertilizers; Fodder Analyses; Meteor- OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 161 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. ological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 28. March, 1888, pp. 12. The Work of the Massachusetts State Experiment Station. Address delivered at the Farmers’ Meeting at Boston, April 21, 1888. Mass. Ploughman, May 5, 1888. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, May 14, 1888, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 564, 565. Fodder Analyses; Analyses of Roots; Meteorological Sum- mary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 29. June, 1888, pp. 12. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, June, 1888, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 566, 567. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, July, 1888, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 568, 569. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Pigs; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 30. August, 1888, pp. 16. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, August, 1888, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 570, 571. On Commercial Fertilizers; Analyses of Commercial Fertiliz- ers and Manurial Substances. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 31. October, 1888, pp. 16. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, October, 1888, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 572, 573. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, November, 1888, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 574, 575. Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1888. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 264, 15 plates, 3 plans, 2 maps. Agric. of Mass. 1888, pp. 413-658; Centr. Agrik.- Chem. Jahrg. xvi. 1889, S. 526-531. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1888, pp. 101, 102. 1889 Instructions to Manufacturers, Importers, Agents and Sellers of Commercial Fertilizers or Materials used for Manurial Purposes in Massachusetts. Amberst, Mass. February 1, 1889, pp. 1. Record of Twelve Cows, which served for Experiments to ascertain the Cost of Feed for the Production of Milk; Ana- lyses of Fodder Articles; Meteorological Summary. Bull. 162 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS: Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 32. February, 1889, pp. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xvut. 1889, S. '719; Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, 1889, pp. 520-522; Journ. Chem. Soc. London, vol. tvrt. 1890, p. 192. . On Commercial Fertilizers. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 33. March, 1889, pp. 12. . Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, April, 1889, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1889, pp. 245, 246. . Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, May, 1889, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1889, pp. 247, 248. . Department of Vegetable Physiology (J. E. Humpnrey); Creamery Record of the Station during the years 1887 and 1888; Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers; Meteoro- logical Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 34. June, 1889, pp. 16; Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, Washing- ton, 1889, pp. 520-522. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, July, 1889, pp. 8. Agric. of Mass. App. 1889, pp. 251-254. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, August, 1889, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1889, pp. 255, 256. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, Sep- tember, 1889, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1889, pp. 257, 258. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Meteorological Sum- mary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 35. November, 1889, pp. 12. Seventh Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1889. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 333, 8 plates, 2 maps. Agric. of Mass. 1889. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1889, p. 135. 1890 Girdling the Grape Vine; by S. T. Maynarp (analyses only). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 7. January, 1890, p. 5. Analyses of Varieties of Sweet Corn. Ibid. p. 9. Some Suggestions Regarding the Question — How can we Improve in an Economical Way the Productiveness of our Farm-Lands? Analyses of Corn Ensilage; On Commercial Fertilizers; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 36. March, 1890, pp. 16; Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, 1890, p. 523. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 163 243. 249, 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, May, 1890, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1890, pp. 243, 244. . Soil Tests with Fertilizers; by W. P. Brooks (analyses only). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 9. May, 1890. . Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, June, 1890, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1890, pp. 245, 246. . Feeding Experiments with Lambs; Analyses of Fodder Arti- cles; Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers; Meteorological Sum- mary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 37. June, 1890, pp. 16; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xx1. 1892, S. 96-100. . Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, August, 1890, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1890, pp. 249, 250. . Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Analyses of Commer- cial Fertilizers. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 38. Sep- tember, 1890, pp. 12; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xx. 1891, S. 390-392. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Ambherst, November, 1890, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1890, pp. 255, 256. Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1890. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 324, 4 plates, 2 maps. Agric. of Mass. 1890. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1890, p. 444. 1891 Report on Strength of Rennet (W. P. Brooks). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 11. January, 1891, pp. 3-7, passim. The Ensilage Question. Baltimore Weekly Sun, February 21, 1891. Circular on Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, March, 1891, pp. 8. Treatment of Fungous Diseases (J. E. Humpurey); Meteoro- logical Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 39. April, 1891, pp. 12, figures. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, April, 1891, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1891, pp. 265, 266. Girdling Grapes; by Jasrz FisHer (analyses only). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 13. April, 1891, pp. 11, 12. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, May, 1891, pp. 4. Agric. of Mass. App. 1891, pp. 267, 268. 164 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. a71. 272. Fertilizers for Corn; by W. P. Brooks (analyses only). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 14. May, 1891. Some Diseases of Lettuce and Cucumbers (J. E. Humpurey); Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers; Feeding Experiments with Steers; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 40. July, 1891, pp. 16; Centr. Agrik.-Chem. Jahrg. xx. 1891, S. 665-671; Journ. fiir Landwirthschaft, Bd. XL. 1892, S. 193, 194. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Analyses of Com- mercial Fertilizers; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 41. September, 1891, pp. 16; Journ. fiir Landwirthschaft, Bd. xu. 1892, 5. 194. On the Breeding and Feeding of Swine. Agric. of Mass. 1891, pp. 208-214. Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1891. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 352, 2 plates, 2 maps. Agric. of Mass. 1891. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachuestts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1891, pp. 697, 698. 1892 Analyses of Concentrated Feed Stuffs and Commercial Fer- tilizers. Amherst, January, 1892, pp. 8. Circular on Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, March, 1892, pp. 8. Soil Tests with Fertilizers; by W. P. Brooks (analyses only). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 18. April, 1892. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances. Amherst, May, 1892, pp. 4. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows; Analyses of Fodder Articles. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 42. June, 1892, pp. 16. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances. Amherst, July, 1892, pp. 4. Winter Feeding Experiments with Lambs; Analyses of Com- mercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 43. August, 1892, pp. 12. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Amherst, September, 1892, pp. 4. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 165 273. Q74. 275. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. Feeding Experiments with Steers; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 44. October, 1892, pp. 16. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances. Amherst, October, 1892, pp. 4. Home Raised Fodder Articles; Commercial Feed Stuffs. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 45. November, 1892, pp. 15. . Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances. Amherst, November, 1892, pp. 4. . Cattle Foods. Agriculture of Massachusetts, 1892, p. 51. . On the Work carried on at the Massachusetts State Agricul- tural Experiment Station during 1892. A Lecture delivered at the Winter Meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture at Spencer, December 8, 1892. Agric. of Mass. 1892, pp. 212-218. . Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1892. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 354, 5 plates, 2 maps. Agric. of Mass. 1892. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Repf. Board of Health Mass. 1892, p. 651. 1893 Circular on Commercial Fertilizers (represents Bulletin 46). Amherst, March, 1893, pp. 8. Feeding Experiments with Pigs (J. B. Linpsry); Miscellane- ous Fodder Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 47. May, 1893, pp. 16. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances. Amherst, May, 1893, pp. 4. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Fodder Articles; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 48. June, 1893, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Fodder Articles; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 49. August, 1893, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers; Miscellaneous Fodder Analyses; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 50. October, 1893, pp. 8. Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1893. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 407, 5 plates. Agric. of Mass. 1893. 166 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1893, pp. 687, 688. 1894 General Discussion on Commercial Fertilizers; Analyses of Fodder Articles. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 51. March, 1894, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers; Analyses of Fodder Articles; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 52. June, 1894, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 53. July, 1894, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 54. August, 1894, pp. 8. Statement of Publications, previous to the Establishment of US. Agricultural Experiment Stations, by C. A. GoESSMANN. Prepared for the Use of the Office of the U.S. Agr’l Experi- ment Stations. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Amherst, August, 1894, pp. 4. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 55. October, 1894, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers; Analyses of Fodder Arti- cles; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 56. November, 1894, pp. 8. Experiments with the Horse Bean, Vetch and Similar Fodder Plants. Agric. of Mass. 1894, pp. 154, 155. Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. 1894. Public Document No. 33. 8vo, pp. 487, 6 plates, 1 plan. Agric. of Mass. 1894. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1894, pp. 755, 756. 1895 Analyses of Human Food Articles (Oats); Analyses of Fodder Articles; Analyses of Manurial Substances; Trade Values; Meteorological Summary. Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 57. March, 1895, pp. 8. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 167 300. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. Trade Values. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 30. June, 1895, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; Trade Values. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 31. July, 1895, pp. 8. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Manurial Substances; Trade Values. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 32. August, 1895, pp. 8. Analyses of Manurial Substances sent on for Examination; Analyses of Licensed Fertilizers collected by the Agent of the Station during 1895. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 34. October, 1895, pp. 8. Agriculture in the Elementary Schools. Agric. of Mass. 1895, p. 46. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1895, pp. 683-685. 1896 Report of the Chemist. Eighth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1896, pp. 111-162. General Discussion on, Commercial Fertilizers; Analyses of Fertilizing Materials; Observations regarding the Composi- tion of Paris Green; Observations concerning the Action of Muriate of Potash on the Lime Constituents of the Soil. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 38. March, 1896, pp. 16. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 40. July, 1896, pp. 20. Analyses of Manurial Substances; Analyses of Licensed Fer- tilizers; New Laws for the Regulation of the Trade in Com- mercial Fertilizers in Massachusetts. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 42. October, 1896, pp. 31. The Grass Crop. Bulletins of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, published in Massachusetts Crop Reports, 1896. Agric. of Mass. 1896, pp. 249-263. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1896, pp. 644, 645. 1897 Report of the Chemist. Ninth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1897, pp. 172-223. 168 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS General Discussion on Commercial Fertilizers; Analyses of Fertilizing Materials sent on for Examination; New Fertilizer Law. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 45. March, 1897, pp. 16. On Field Experiments with Tobacco in Massachusetts. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 47. April, 1897, pp. 31. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 48. July, 1897, pp. 24. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 49. November, 1897, pp. 24. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1897, pp. 581, 582. 1898 Report of the Chemist. Tenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1898, pp. 106-136. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 51. February, 1898, pp. 12. On the Value of Sulphate of Ammonia — a By-product of the New England Gas and Coke Ovens at Everett. Boston Journal, March 26, 1898, portrait; Mass. Ploughman, April 23, 1898; N.E. Farmer, April 23, 1898. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 54. July, 1898, pp. 24, 1 plate. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 57. November, 1898, pp. 24. Report of Analyst of Milk for Western Massachusetts. Rept. Board of Health Mass. 1898, pp. 720, 721. 1899 Report of the Chemist. Eleventh Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1899, pp. 105-141. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed _ Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 59. March, 1899, pp. 14. Alma Mater, Dum Vivimus Te Salutamus! A Bouquet of Souvenirs of Gottingen. ‘Superior Scholarship.’ American- German Review, New York, vol. 1. 1899, p. 167, portrait. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 62. July, 1899, pp. 20. Letter from Miinster, Germany, September 18, 1899. Aggie Life, vol. x. October 4, 1899, pp. 21, 22. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 169 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. Letter from Gottingen, Germany, October 23, 1899. Aggie Ife, vol. x. November 29, 1899, pp. 66, 67. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 63. November, 1899, pp. 26. 1900 Report of the Chemist. Twelfth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1900, pp. 108-122. Letter from Berlin, Germany, December, 1899. Aggie Life, vol. x. February 7, 1900, pp. 100, 101. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Instructions regarding Samples of Materials forwarded for Investigation; Discussion of Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients; Instructions to Manufacturers, Importers, Agents, and Sellers of Commercial Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 65. March, 1900, pp. 14. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 68. July, 1900, pp. 28. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No.'70. November, 1900, pp. 26. 1901 Report of the Chemist. Thirteenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1901, pp. 55-70. Analyses of Manurial Substances, of Paris Green and other Insecticides; Laws for the Regulation of the Trade in Com- mercial Fertilizers in Massachusetts. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 74. March, 1901, pp. 16. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. '75. July, 1901, pp. 24. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No.77._ November, 1901, pp. 30. 1902 Report of the Chemist. Fourteenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1902, pp. 91-107. Analyses of Fertilizing Substances sent on for Free Examina- tion; Analyses of Paris Green; Contribution on the Treatment of Barnyard Manure with Absorbents (H. D. Haskins). Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 81. March, 1902, pp. 20. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 83. July, 1902, pp. 24. 170 LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 84. November, 1902, pp. 30. 1903 Report of the Chemist. Fifteenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1903, pp. 9-25. Analyses of Manurial Substances; Discussion of Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients; Discussion on the Ash Analyses of Plants; Instructions regarding the Sampling of Materials sent on for Examination. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 89. March, 1903, pp. 15. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Siat. Mass. No. 90. July, 1903, pp. 30. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 92. November, 1903, pp. 36. 1904 Report of the Chemist. Sixteenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1904, pp. 87-104. Analyses of Fertilizing Substances; Notes on Barn-yard Manure; Discussion of Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 95. March, 1904, pp. 18. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Market Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 100. July, 1904, pp. 30. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Market Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 102. December, 1904, pp. 40. 1905 Report of the Chemist. Seventeenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1905, pp. 94-110. | Index Number. Massachusetts State Agricultural Experi- ment Station. C. A. Goessmann, Director. Vol. 1-12. 1883- 1894. Amberst, Mass. Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, 1905. 8vo, pp. 44. Analyses of Fertilizer Substances and Discussion of Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 103. March, 1905, pp. 20. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Market Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 104. July, 1905, pp. 28. OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN 171 356. 361. 362. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Market Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 107. December, 1905, pp. 42. 1906 . Report of the Chemist. Eighteenth Report Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. 1906, pp. 50-64. . Analyses of Fertilizer Substances, Refuse Materials and Soils, of Paris Green and other Insecticides. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 109. March, 1906, pp. 23. . Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Market Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 111. July, 1906, pp. 28. 1907 . Report of the Chemist. Nineteenth Report Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. 1907, pp. 65-81. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Licensed Fertilizers; Market Values of Fertilizing Ingredients. Bull. Hatch Expt. Stat. Mass. No. 113. January, 1907, pp. 30. Analyses of Manurial Substances and Soils; Discussion of Trade Values of Fertilizer Ingredients for 1907. Instructions regarding the Sampling of Materials to be forwarded for Analyses (with H. D. Haskins). Bull. Mass. Agric. Expt. Stat. No. 117. March, 1907, pp. 22. NOTICES OF CHARLES ANTHONY GOESSMANN Letter of Friedrich Woéhler to Justus Liebig, 16 March 1857. Aus Justus Liebig’s und Friedrich Wohler’s Briefwechsel 1829-1873. Braunschweig 1888. Band 1. S. 39, 40.4 The Amherst Record of May 21, 1868. Courier and Union, Syracuse, N.Y., May 28, 1868. Central Demokrat, Syracuse, den 26ten Dezember 1868. Agriculture of Massachusetts for 1868-69, pp. 23-25, 118, 119, 122, 123. By William S. Clark and Louis Agassiz. Address on American Contributions to Chemistry, at the meeting to celebrate the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, Penn., July 31, 1874. By Benjamin Silliman. American Chem- ist, vol. v. 1874, pp. 112, 113. Sixth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Agri- cultural College, January 1869, p. 7. By William S. Clark. The Catholic World Magazine, vol. txv1. March 1898, pp. 856-858, with portrait. Poggendorff’s Biographisch-Literarisches Handwirterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, Bd. m1. 1898, p. 529. By H. Carrington Bolton. A Sketch of Charles A. Goessmann. By Charles S. Walker. The Springfield Union of June 30, 1900, p. 1, with portrait. Experiment Station Record, Washington, vol. xvi. 1907, pp. 1101-1104. By Edwin W. Allen. Testimonial to Professor Goessmann, June 18, 1907. Address by Charles Wellington. Forty-fifth Annual Report of the Massachu- setts Agricultural College, January 1908, pp. 56-60. 1 “As a teacher Wohler ranks with Liebig and Berzelius. In a sense he was the greatest of the three. Berzelius never had the opportunity to teach large numbers of students in his laboratory; and Liebig lacked the many-sidedness so characteristic of the Géttingen laboratory as long as it really was under Wohler’s personal direction. One student might wish to work on organic chemistry, another on minerals, a third on metallurgy, a fourth on rare elements; let them all go to Wohler, and all, as well as the fifth or sixth, would find themselves in the right place.’ (William Dittmar.) 174 NOTICES A Tribute. By William H. Bowker. College and Alumni News, vol. v. 1907, pp. 47-49, with portrait. Forty-fifth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege, January 1908, pp. 95-98 (passim), 113-115. By William P. Brooks. Twentieth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Agricultural Ex- periment Station, January 1908, pp. 5-9. By William P. Brooks. The Index of the Class of 1909. Dedicated to Charles Anthony Goessmann, with a tribute by Charles Wellington. (Vol. xxxrx. pp. 8-11, with portrait.) The Springfield Republican of September 2, 1910, p. 11, with por- trait. The Springfield Union of September 2, 1910. The Amherst Record of September 7, 1910. Action of the Board of Trustees of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. The College Signal, vol. xx1. 1910, pp. 5,6. By William H. Bowker. Memorial Service. Addresses by Kenyon L. Butterfield, Charles Wellington, Winthrop E. Stone and Charles F. Chandler. The College Signal, vol. xx1. 1910, pp. 1, 4-7; The Springfield Union, October 12, 1910; The Springfield Republican, October 13, 1910. Nature, London, vol. txxxtv. 1910, p. 370. Experiment Station Record, Washington, vol. xxi. 1910, pp. 401, 402. By Edwin W. Allen. The American Chemical Journal, vol. xtrv. 1910, pp. 475-477. By Joseph S. Chamberlain. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society, vol. xxx1r. 1910, pp. 131, 132. By Homer J. Wheeler. Southern Ruralist, December 1, 1910, p. 16. By Horace E. Stock- bridge. Forty-eighth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, part 1, January 1911, pp. 14, 15. By Kenyon L. Butterfield. Twenty-third Annual Report of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, January 1911, pp. 13, 14, 80-85, with por- trait. By Joseph B. Lindsey. Sketch of Dr. Goessmann. McEvoy Magazine, January 1911, pp. 239-242, 286. By Thomas J. McEvoy. Historical Records and Studies of the United States Catholic His- torical Society, vol. v1. part 1, February 1911, pp. 131-159, with portrait. By Frederick Tuckerman. 1827. 1832-36. 1836-42. 1842-46. 1846. 1846-47. 1847-48. 1848. 1848-50. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1852. 1852. 1853. CHRONOLOGY Born at Naumburg, Electorate of Hesse-Cassel, Ger- many, June 13. Attended public and private schools in Naumburg. At the Latin School in Fritzlar. Apprenticed to his cousin Louis Elith, apothecary in Gudensberg, Hesse-Cassel, 28 March 1842 to March 1846. Passed examination as assistant in pharmacy, before the Kurf: Hess: Ober-Medizinal-Kollegium zu Kasse}, February 24. Assistant to Julius Post, University Apothecary, Git- tingen, April 1846 to April 1847. Assistant to Paul Diickeissen (Engel-Apotheke), Mainz, Grand Duchy of Hesse, April 1847 to October 1848. Received as a member of the Pius-Verein fiir religiése Freiheit zu Mainz, April 5. Assistant to Th. Jacobi, apothecary, Fulda, Hesse- Cassel, 1 October 1848 to 31 March 1850. Entered the University of Géttingen at Easter, 27 April 1850, matriculating in the philosophical faculty as a student of pharmacy — Joh. Karl Ludw. Gieseler, Prorector. Appointed assistant in analytical chemistry, under Professor Staedeler, October 18. Passed examination as apothecary in Hessen-Kassel (Kurhessen), before the Kurf: Hess: Ober-Medizinal- Kollegium, March 23. Appointed second assistant in the Chemical Labora- tory, Géttingen, June 8. Presented a dissertation, Ueber die Bestandtheile der Canthariden, and on December 27 received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Inaugural-Dissertation printed, a synopsis of which, entitled Ueber die Natur des Fettes der Canthariden, appeared the same year in Wohler, Liebig und Kopp’s Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. 176 1854. 1854. 1855. 1855. 1855. 1856. 1856. 1857. 1857. 1857. 1857-60. 1860. 1861-68. 1861. 1862. 1862. 1862. 1862. CHRONOLOGY Published the results of his research on the conversion of thialdine into leucin. Habilitationsschrift. Read a paper before the meeting of German Natural- ists and Physicians at Gottingen, in September, en- titled Ueber Leucin und Essigsdéure-Aldehyd. Appointed Privatdocent in chemistry and pharmacy for one year, in the Philosophical Faculty, Gottingen, February 24. Succeeded Heinrich Limpricht as first assistant in the Chemical Laboratory, Gottingen. Elected a corresponding member of the Physico- Medical Society of Erlangen, Bavaria, May 19. Appointed Privatdocent in the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Gottingen, venia legendi, January 29. Attended the annual meeting of the German Natural- ists and Physicians at Vienna, September 16-24. Granted a three years’ leave of absence by the Univer- sity, at the close of the winter semester, in order to study the chemical industries of France, England, and the United States. Sailed from Bremen for New York, May 12. First paper on sugar. Published in Wohler und Liebig’s Annalen. Chemist and General Superintendent of the Eastwick Brothers’ Steam Sugar Refinery, Philadelphia. Re- signed December 1, 1860. Visited Cuba for the purpose of studying the agricul- tural industries of the West Indies, especially the manu- facture and refining of sugar. 3 December 1860 to 21 March 1861. Chemist to the Salt Company of Onondaga, Syracuse, New York, April 1861 to December 1868. Elected an honorary member of the Chemical Society of Union College, October 21. Address on the Nature of the Chinese Sugar-cane, deliv- ered before the New York State Agricultural Society, in February. Married October 22, at Syracuse, New York, Mary Anna Clara Kinny. Visited Saginaw, Michigan, in October, to examine the brines and saline deposits. First paper on brines and salines. 1862-64. 1863. 1863. 1865. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1868. 1869. 1869. 1869. 1870-74. 1873. 1873. 1873-1910. CHRONOLOGY 177 Taught Chemistry at the Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute at Troy, New York. Elected Professor of Chemistry and Physics at the Institute, July 9, 1863. Elected a corresponding and honorary member of the New York State Agricultural Society, in January. Date of certificate, February 12. Elected a corresponding member of the Buffalo Soci- ety of Natural Sciences, May 7. Elected a corresponding member of the New York Academy of Sciences (formerly the Lyceum of Natural History), October 2. Appointed Consulting Correspondent of the American Bureau of Mines, New York, March 10. Commissioned by the Board of Experts of the Ameri- can Bureau of Mines to visit Louisiana and investigate the rock-salt deposit of Petite Anse Island, New Iberia, on Vermilion Bay, October 30. Made two visits to Canada, in June and December respectively, for the purpose of ascertaining the extent of the saline resources and the quality of the brines, especially at Goderich. Elected Professor of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Agricultural College, May 12, and entered upon his duties in December. Admitted as a citizen of the United States of America, October 23. Elected a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Salem meeting, August 18. Address on the Chemistry of Common Salt, delivered be- fore the National Academy of Sciences, Northampton session, August 31. Address on Salt and its Uses in Agriculture, delivered before the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, December 7. Goessmann’s earliest paper on fertiliza- tion. Experiments on the cultivation of the sugar beet. Appointed Chemist of the State Board of Agriculture of Massachusetts, February 4. Enactment of the First Fertilizer Law in the United States, passed and approved May 26. Of this law Goessmann was the prime author. Ex officio a member of the State Board of Agriculture and State Inspector of Fertilizers, May 26, 1873. 178 1874. 1874-80. 1875. 1876. 1880. 1880. 1880-81. 1881-82. 1881-82. 1882. 1882-95. 1883. 1883-1904. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888-95. 1889. 1889. CHRONOLOGY Member of the General Committee of American Chem- ists, chosen to commemorate the one hundredth anni- versary of the discovery of Oxygen by Joseph Priestley. Systematic investigation of the chemical and physical condition of the salt marshes of the State. Elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Detroit meeting, August 17. Original member of the American Chemical Society and elected Vice-President, November 2. Elected State Agricultural Chemist of North Carolina and Director of the Experiment Station at Chapel Hill, March 2. Original member of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, August 24. Chairman of the Association of Agricultural Chemists — later the Association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists of the United States. Member of the Committee appointed by the National Academy of Sciences to investigate the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum-sugar Industry in the United States. Vice-President of the American Chemical Society. Elected a member of the Virginia Historical Society, June 16. Director and Chemist of the Massachusetts Agricul- tural Experiment Station. Appointed November 9, 1882. Member of the American Metrological Society. Analyst to the State Board of Health of Massachu- setts. Delegate to the First Convention of Agricultural Col- leges and Experiment Stations, at Washington, July 8 and 9. Elected Chemist to the Bay State Agricultural Society, March 1. President of the American Chemical Society. Elected December 3, 1886. Member of the Board of Control of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Elected a corresponding member of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, April 6. Degree of Doctor of Laws conferred by Amherst Col- lege, July 2. 1889. 1892. 1892-95. 1894. 1895. 1898. 1899-1900. 1899-1910. 1900. 1900. 1907. 1907. 1907. 1908. 1910. 1910. CHRONOLOGY 179 Foreign member of the Committee on Plant Food, Allgemeine land- und forstwirthschaftliche Ausstel- lung, Wien 1890. Appointed a member of the Advisory Council on Chem- istry of the World’s Congress Auxiliary of the Colum- bian Exposition, December 12. Treasurer of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Member of the American Lavoisier Committee for the erection in Paris of a monument to Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. Appointed Honorary Director of the Experiment Sta- tion, Massachusetts Agricultural College, April 16. Elected a member of the American Statistical Associa- tion, January 21. In August 1899 Dr. Goessmann, accompanied by his family, revisited the Fatherland after an absence of forty years, remaining abroad until the following June. He went also as an honorary representative of the United States Department of Agriculture to the Ger- man Empire, and as a delegate of the American Chem- ical Society to the unveiling of the statue of Antoine- Laurent Lavoisier in Paris. Member of the Council of the American Chemical Society. Elected a member of the Washington Academy of Sciences, January 9. Member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Resigned the Professorship of Chemistry in June, re- tiring on a pension from the Carnegie Foundation. Presented by his pupils with a stained-glass window, June 17, commemorative of forty years of service at the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Resigned as Chemist of the Experiment Station, Mass- achusetts Agricultural College, and appointed Consult- ing Chemical Expert, July 1. Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, June 16. Portrait of Dr. Goessmann presented to the College by the Alumni, June 21. Died at Amherst, September 1. . Mines, ated ie bak “ae oe ana ue : ae anes 1. fas am: 5 ay TAU Ak? fe as “hy i SST Pmt MEL OR AN. Simin No Pheer ‘i ‘es Ee hie oa Hee AN? be Ii anid eo? ary Pn a a i Te AA de tose 2 eA inh “et ‘ 7 a pag ee i i mt roe. eat eee tet biter, ne (ie b> ta, RAC ithe AOE) ras States rein aa ed eerste ‘ : , ae NA after Bey, ie “hy Meal tery, ao eee he Ay if Fo ae bd _ cf (k , fe’? i } yur \ a fee ae FA a) 8 J ae , i t es ae pet baekiies 4 ; \ Liao wees | Ll a of 9 Oe ey) aie Wi 4 a Ait eee , 4 ' ee ee | f : ai he a ae | eV seh At ys ‘ } : by : . ‘ ’ Fe J . by rire A anaes ‘ * hie o , (re is Avy Ws Pana far | vr’ evi) Me aes ty ae A wag at PO Eee ees r dal \ ante i yt ay FAs iiue fe Oy ; i aoe na, a INDEX Agardh, Karl A., 15. Agassiz, Louis, 1, 3, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 173. Allen, Edwin W., 173, 174. Alsberg, Meinhard, 34, 125. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 98. American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, 98, 177, 178. American Bureau of Mines, 22, 177. American Chemical Society, 98, 99, 100, 178, 179. Amherst College, 29, 99, 135, 178. Arago, Frangois, J. D., 139. Arfvedson, Johann A., 15. Association of Agricultural Chemists, 97, 178. Atkinson, Edmund, 12, 143. Atwater, Wilbur O., 36. Austro-Prussian War, 128. Babcock, James F., 155. Baer, Karl Ernst von, 3. Baeyer, Adolf von, 133. Baker, George M., 52. Barker, George F., 34. Bartling, Friedrich G., 6, 115, 116, 134. Baum, Friulein Augusta, 117. Baum, Wilhelm, 122. Beilstein, Friedr. K., 121, 128. Bell, Jacob, 140. Berthelot, Marcellin, 11, 143. Berthold, Arnold A., 122. Berzelius, Jons J., Baron; 15, 16, 17, 122, 173. Bialloblotzky, Fr., 114. v. Bobers, 117. Bode, Dr., 116. Boedeker, Karl, 112, 117, 120, 122. Bohtz, August W., 6. Bolton, H. Carrington, 34, 173. Booth, James C., 113, 114, 116, 118, 123, 135. Borke, Baron von, 2. Botanical Garden at Gottingen, 116, 128; at Miinchen, 116. Boussingault, Jean-Baptiste, 11, 40, 53, 54, 139. Bowker, William H., 103, 174. Brewster, Sir David, 140. Brinsmade, Thomas C., 25. Brongniart, Adolphe T., 15. Brongniart, Alexandre, 15. Brooks, William P., 81, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90, 163, 164, 174. Buchner, Ludwig A., 17. Buff, Heinrich, 112. Bunsen, Robert W., 17. Butterfield, Kenyon L., 104, 174. Cahours, Auguste, 11. Caldwell, George C., 12, 14, 15, 100, 143. Carmichael, Henry, 130. Chadbourne, Paul A., 37. Chamberlain, Joseph S., 174. | Chandler, Charles F., 8, 14, 15, 25, 34, 99, 100, 104, 1'74. Chandler, William H., 34. Chemical Laboratory, Géttingen, 6-8, 10, 116, 117, 119-121, 124, 127, 128, 133, 173, 175, 176. Chevreul, Michel E., 139. Child, Edwin B., 103. Clark, William S., 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 39, 40, 41, 60, 113, 116, 134, 135, 147, 173. Conradi, Johann W. H., 122. Cook, George H., 20, 22, 96. Crookes, Sir William, 139. Cummings, Rev. Dr., 105. Darmstadt, Matth., 129, 131. Davis, Charles G., 36. Davy, Sir Humphry, 5, 15. Dean, John, 15, 100. Despretz, César M., 114. Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte, meeting at Gottingen, 9, 142, 176; 184.0" at Vienna, 9, 176; at Karlsruhe, 114. Deville, H. Sainte-Claire, 17, 112, 113. Dillon, John C., 46. Dirichlet. See Lejeune-D. Dittmar, William, 173n. Dollinger, Ignatius, 3. Dollinger, Johann von, 3. Doltz, Architect, 117, 121. Drowne, Charles, 26. Diickeissen, Paul, 175. Dumas, Jean-Baptiste, 8, 11, 139, 142. Eastwick Brothers’ Sugar Refinery, 18, 20, 111, 113, 115, 176. Eastwick, Edward P., 15, 16. Eastwick, Joseph H., 15, 16, 100. Eastwicks, the, 113, 114, 118, 123. Egleston, Thomas, 34. Elderhorst, William, 25. Elith, Louis C., 175. Emerson, George B., 159. Engelhardt, Francis E., 113, 116, 119, 130. Engelmann, George, 1. Erdmann, A., 144. Erdmann, Ctto L., 17, 140. Erlangen, University of, 8, 176. Esmark, Jens, 15. Faber, Rev. Frederick W., 104. Fabian, Chr., 116. Faraday, Michael, 106. Fehling, Hermann von, 17. Fertilizer inspection, 35, 58-63, 177. Fisher, Jabez, 163. Fittig, Rudolf, 116, 121, 128, 133. Flint, Charles L., 36, 41, 60, 159. Fliigel, Carl F. A., 129. Fownes, George, 12. Francis, William, 139, 140. French Academy of Sciences, 8, 11. Frerichs, Friedrich T., 11. Fresenius, Carl R., 140. Garrigues, Samuel S., 14, 22, 113, 114, 116. Gay-Lussac, Joseph L. G., 139. Genth, Friedrich A., 1. German Naturalists and Physicians, meeting of, 9, 114, 142, 176. Geuther, Anton, 14, 112, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 124, 125. INDEX Gieseler, Joh. K. L., 175. Gillingham, C., 113, 116. Goessmann, Agnes R.., 26. Goessmann, Charles Anthony — birth, 4; early education, 4, 5; enters the University of Géttin- gen, 5; receives his degree, 7; privatdocent at Gottingen, 8; arrival in America, 18; chemist at Philadelphia, 18-20; visits Cuba, 20; chemist to the Salt Company of Onondaga, Syracuse, 20-21; visits Michigan, 22; visits Louisiana, 22; visits Canada, 22-23; elected professor of chemistry and physics at the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, Troy, 25; marriage, 26; elected professor of chemistry at the Massachusetts Agricultural College, 28; appointed chemist of the Massa- chusetts Board of Agriculture, 35; appointed State Inspector of Fer- tilizers, 35; appointed director and chemist, Massachusetts Agricultural Ex- periment Station, 43; chosen president of the American Chemical Society, 98; receives degree of LL.D. from Am- herst College, 99; visit to Europe, 100; resigns professorship of chemistry, death, 104. Goessmann, Charles I., 26. Goessmann, Heinrich, 2, 3, 4, 5, 127, 134. Goessmann, Helena Henslinger-Boe- diger, 4. Goessmann, Helena T., 26. Goessmann, Henry E. V., 26. Goessmann, Joseph, 1, 2. Goessmann, Louis E., 26. Goessmann, Mary F., 26. Goessmann, Mrs. (Mary A. C. Kinny), 26, 176. Goessmann, Philip, 2. INDEX 185 Gottingen, University of, 5, 6, 14-| Koch, Robert, 37. 16, 99-103, 133, 175, 176. Goodman, Richard, 41. Graham, Thomas, 122. Grandeau, Louis N., 114. Graz, University of, 2. Greifswald, University of, 121. Griepenkerl, Friedrich, 100. Grouven, Hubert, 55, 72. Gurley, William, 26. Guyot, Arnold, 1. Guzman. See Goessmann. Hague, James D., 15, 99, 100. Haidinger, Wilhelm, 9. Hanssen, Georg, 122. Hansteen, Christoffer, 15. Harris, Elijah P., 116. Hart, Thomas E., 123. Haskins, Henri D., 169, 171. Hausmann, Johann F. L., 6, 121, 122. Heintz, Wilhelm H., 10. Henneberg, Johann Wilhelm J., 19, 72, 115, 139. Henslinger-Boediger, Helena, 4. Herzogliche Technische Hochschule, Braunschweig, 27, 123. Hilgard, Eugene W., 23, 96. Hisinger, Wilhelm, 15, 16. Hitchcock, Edward, 37, 107. Hofmann, August W. von, 3n, 17, 129. Hiibner, Hans, 128, 133. Hughes, Angela, 26. Hughes, Archbishop, 26. Humphrey, James E., 43, 162, 163, 164. Hungerford, Edward, 14, 100. Hunt, T. Sterry, 24. Hurtzig, 112. Jacobi, Th., 175. Jena, University of, 124. Johnson, Samuel W., 58, 96. Joy, Charles A., 14, 34, 116, 119, 121, 124, 125. Kaiser, Fraulein, 2. Kane, Sir Robert, 140. Kedzie, Robert C., 41, 96. Keller, Heinrich, 151. Kinny, Edward, 26. Knowlton, William, 36. Kobell, Franz von, 9. Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften, Gottingen, 112, 122. Kopp, Hermann, F. M., 112, 139. Kornrumpf, Frau, 130, 132, 134, 135. Kreuzhagen, Frau, 126. Kreuzhagen, Friulein Anna, 126. Kuhlmann, Frédéric, 114. Kurf. Hess. Ober-Medizinal-Kolle- gium, 7, 175. Langensalza, battle of, 128. Lantzius-Beninga, B.S. H., 6. Laurent, Auguste, 12. Lavoisier, Antoine L., 53, 100, 179. Lawes, Sir John B., 40, 41. Ledoux, Albert R., 97. Lehmann, Karl G., 124. Lejeune-Dirichlet, G., 122. Leopold Academy, 119. Lesquereux, Leo, 1. Leydolt, Franz, 9. Libby, Edgar H., 150, 151, 152. Liebig, Justus, Baron von, 5, 9, 16, 17, 53, 54, 114, 119, 133, 139, 173. Limpricht, Heinrich, 8, 11, 112, 114, 116, 117, 121, 122, 176. Lindsey, Joseph B., 43, 165, 174. Little, George, 116. Loring, George B., 36. Lyceum of Natural History, New York, 177. Magee, James F., 15, 100, 113. Magnus, Gustav, 17. Mallet, John W., 14, 100. Manross, Newton S., 135. Marburg, University of, 3, 6, 127, 134. Marsh, Ebenezer, 14. Martius, Karl F. P. von, 9, 116. Massachusetts Agricultural College, 28-33. 177, 179. Massachusetts Agricultural Experi- ment Station, 42-43, 70-96, 178— 179. Massachusetts Experiment Station, 39-42. Massachusetts State Board of Agri- culture, 30, 33, 35-37, 59-62, 99, Mage Massachusetts State Board of Health, 98, 177. 186 INDEX Maynard, Samuel T., 39, 43, 65n, | Reichenbach, Karl, Baron von, 9. 154, 157, 160, 162. McEvoy, Thomas J., 174. Meissner, Georg, 122. Merkel, Burgomaster, 133. Miles, Manly, 41, 43, 70. Mitscherlich, Eilhard, 10, 17. Morgan, J. Pierpont, 99. Morton, J. Sterling, 148. Mott, Henry A., 152. Miinchen, University of, 133. Mumm, Baron von, 2. Nason, Henry B., 14, 15, 25, 100. National Academy of Sciences, 33, 97, 147, 177, 178. Newberry, John S., 24. Newman, Cardinal, 104. New York Academy of Sciences, 24, 98, 177. New York State Agricultural So- ciety, 19, 47, 144, 148, 176, 177. Nichols, James R., 59. Nicklés, Jéréme, 114. Niemann, A., 119. Nilsson, Sven, 15. North Carolina Experiment Station, 97, 178. Novara, the, 120. Oersted, Hans C., 15. Gesterley, Carl, 117. Oken, Lorenz, 9n. Otto, Friedrich J., 122. Parkman, Theodore, 123. Peabody, Selim H., 39. Pelouze, Théophile J., 5, 139. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 25, 177. Retzius, Christian, 15, 16. Riemann, Bernhard, 122. Rinteln, 119. Ritter, Geh. Hofr. Heinrich, 7. Rose, Heinrich, 5, 17. Royal Society of Sciences, Gottingen, 112, 122. Sainte-Claire Deville, 112, 113. Salt Company of Onondaga, Syra- cuse, 20-26, 176. Sargent, Charles S., 36. Sartorius von Waltershausen, W., 6; 118, 121. Schafhiutl, Carl E. von, 9. Scheerer, Theodor, 33, 147. Scheven, H., 12, 142. Schleiden, Matthias, J., 116. Schleswig-Holstein War, 128. Schénbein, Christian F., 17. Schénlein, Johann L., 9. Schroétter, Anton, 9. Schwanert, Franz Hugo, 115, 116. Schwarzenberg, Oberbergrath, 123. Senarmont, Henri de, 139. Seyfert, Dr., 124. Shepard, Charles U., 135. Silliman, Benjamin, 173. Societas Physico-Medica Erlangen- sis, 8, 176. Society for the Promotion of Agri- cultural Science, 98, 178. Specht, C., 140. Spiegelberg, Otto, 114. Henri, 17, Penhallow, David P., 38, 40, 69n, | Spratt, Mrs. Agnes R., 26. 150. Petersen, Carl Th., 144. Pettenkofer, Max von, 17. Physico-Medical Society of Erlan- gen, 8, 176. Porter, Charles H., 22. Post, Julius, 5, 175. Pourtalés, Francois, Comte de, 1. Prescott, Albert B., 98. Priestley, Joseph, 178. Pugh, Evan, 14, 15, 41, 100, 116. Rammelsberg, Karl F. A., 17. Redtenbacher, Josef, 9. Regnault, Henri V., 139. Staedeler, Georg A. K., 6, 7, 175. Stearns, William A., 28. Steffens, Heinrich, 15. Stenhouse, John, 11. Stephani, Herr, 113, 114, 116. Stewart, A. P. S., 116, 123. Stockbridge, Horace E., 174. Stockbridge, Levi, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42. Stéckhardt, Julius A., 35, 149. Stohmann, Friedr. C. A., 72. Stone, Winthrop E., 104, 174. Storrs, Henry E., 131. Strassburg, University of, 133. Sturtevant, Joseph N., 36. INDEX Taylor, Richard, 140. Taylor, William H., 69. Troost, Louis J., 114. Tuckerman, Frederick, 103, 174. Tiibingen, University of, 133. Tuttle, David K., 15, 100. Tyndall, John, 140. Uslar, Louis von, 116, 121, 128, 133. Virchow, Rudolf, 11. Vogel, August, 9. Wagner, Rudolf, 118, 122. Wagram, battle of, 2. Waldeck-Pyrmont, Prince of, 2. Walker, Charles S., 173. Waltershausen. See Sartorius vonW. Ward, Andrew H., 60. Weber, Wilhelm E., 6. 187 Webster, Noah, 107. Weld, Mason C., 59. Wellington, Charles, 103, 104, 173, 174. Werther, August F. G., 140. Weyman, George W., 14. Wheeler, Homer J., 103, 174. Wicke, Wilhelm, 112, 114, 117, 120, 122. Wiggers, Heinrich A. L., 6. Wilder, Marshall P., 36, 37. Wohler, Friedrich, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 27, 30, 44, 101; letters of, 111-135, 139, 142, 144, 173. Wohler, Frl. Helena, 100. Wohler, Fr. Sophia, 100. Wolff, Emil, 41, 72. Wrede, Ernst F., Baron, 15. Wiirzburg, University of, 3. Wurtz, Charles A., 9n, 139. ari : ‘ n't i mn) nv ay h wi Wi, it a k ial AO fy Gd vt Stabe ‘SMR pha MAE MERE: NTE ACs 1g A AOL Vis «) ry eine Uy i Cah MTS keith it x ae Te): : } W ret A Kah TAM a a Bi ae nn LAR oe Fila), han’) uh bbe ities