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These defects may in turn be reflected in the microfilm. Page numbering may appear in reverse on some pages of this volume Some pages may be missing from the original, or the pagination may be inconsistent. Film has been reviewed to insure completeness. VOLUME NUMBER Dec IS% pr, W-iitif*#- 1 ,Te YSOKCL I X)^e.\^^G-^^V^^^O^- I I / ;«*«'' il^:. ' A c D E F G I J L M N 0 P R S T V gaoBai! 0/}4iHi-4M'^i^^7*''^Ui' 4*--.w"^'^«''w B>0cWvT , K .% . W ,H3. fca. , a-Hs. , ^vvv^,^.V4.^. S, B KUux,CA.iT3 'i'.;.1|^:i '. j^^^ij-' ■.'^•.".'i-P K^u^ii^t.T.^Mo^ I !d t^^e>,^a^\o%, w^\u,^o^, x>o,xt^OU^S^^fefc. ^^^\Kotv'vi,^.^N. ^Hi, nR)kA)>W^AVlai!ftx\.\vt iiiC, ^^ytx^t>^^Kte•.^., \fct.,\U,iL\o, ^^-.mym^' *lifi '1^-^.^^ I J 1 K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V w Y ,^immlu&^„ ^rwr:-: " > r- . .' »■' ■ / -■ •■■•■/■> ■ I f , y--^/ ' »■ '.y ^. v.^-; ri-; V \'- Li, "•.■■J> > "'I vW>\>\r vvXooiw ,\V\. oxvV v4Kt. ^MKt , Si t? H ^\x«LxVv^, ^^vjo.V^. 5M, ••' J] ■t '. (- ' '. - , "> r*" » .-a /* V 'V«; C.ool"t,V;.Vv.1^ CiO>\vCuv,tWs,. IJL .-' /' ■? ,\.y Coyty?>fo^ .^.Ti. a.fc'i, K 'i ' v ' i#, L 'i^A' *-j^ ^ i *■ 3? ' ' ^ # ill. tioV&OU^%rt.W. \S1v \ioaX,J^.Vi.W. iet boi.v\;^J^. ^1, ^iil licavt^^s.s. Wi\, \i\X»!3tA.«>v.& \ot •^■iv^vi\x<\%y\v* *\\\ySiXey.'t»JtX».Z^. c D E F G H T M K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V Y -#$^-raf 3*ffi- yy .t#k^v;^ 1% •i"??*. ;--^^*5.^' jfsp^^ ■ *(i- 'mm&m^ *<. -:'^ |b i^l ^-f rj| \4 »"«•«. ^f 'M v: '^'^,^M^ E«i»K' f*!^:/'; >?A,*v' V-'->^i;^^%;^&%#M mUk:-t y-^A^-:«. n E F G H T J I' K L M N 0 P Q R S T U Y \\oc\\c,ocl\<,'S.V.. i\y CLVt'Ll^l^GLt^v^^^i. 5^ QL>cavs\il\>.^.Bi^,2.2>^,^1\y Wv2.^^0t^v^*^- ^"^sy\\ Woo5.Vt.^NNcaUx>\53(i, \^^ G H J K L M N 0 p Q R s T U V Y i 1 '^:}i0*^^i: 7it:-A^'^l^ 7"6\msWt,X>x.VN^.V\. SO,n\. ^' ^^A- ii*'^' ' , n Il5i#' 5?i\;t .f- •ft;r* i|i^?: '.'l^.-. I I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V w Y Utv*^v&,3'o\\.u ^. 2>5.'^l,\oi,\^Zfl9Al'\ \ L\ou^ ^\N(^. $%,%,\ $Ji, a.a.2. , K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V f Y \U.WYVoY^v,^i^6\\W ^a.\, Ul.ya.ux'twvvv^J- o\\fc!v\ NHS VuVCVV ,l>r. -5 .t . Ho, \\S,X\%^ \V\;\X\vx,W.Wxwtx ,5<\. Vautt, »-a-'\, ~n M N rrr' P Q R S T U V Y ?OLv\ctV I ^QLWvAVlX X^? I M 0 P Q R S T V Y ^a3t.\vV\uv^'?CvtVj)0f^v a.O'l Q R S T U V Y n . -.J . ?>0^tv^o\v\\ W.,\'\2), T-uVsA ^ KvdWxY'^^ \ot, fe\vAJ^^ClA.\;L\.^J»i.l'l,\*o- \ia.,V\VW, ^uu^L^y^oVw "S. 12>5, ( ! l|a I s T U V Y » *\ t&::?r' ll V Y >il NN"tLV^&>Vji/».V,vx6v.T. \t'^, VJaU8Xo^v, JH.^.^J. a.o\, \\oA\vv\\^o^'v,li.>N>«. HX, mi\x'L\xi.\V^VYo^.>^.>\. "ll, Y 1 U,i^?a \LjuJli^^ 3^4*. > — ..w ^j:^ \V^% Ar:^ — > 5 ^\V JUfthw ^' Av Avk a4^ i ***** *^t-^*^lw, )1-J<^S,^ AiJlUsKt^^ ? VuLVii .V^..^^l^ \%. — xciLAV v*.-^'^ AjlIA •-«►->" ^rtuA »| iw*^v.t %, ts^iX it^.VjL-UT^ \ JUtt<^ w*Jmw vm.u»v^ am f^^w « Lfc4 ii U l« M •yj^vsK ^ \U U ctov 3 !!» X 'SCV • A.t !> k isau vXdk v-^^ -^"H >=£ r^ Vsps.\.Ok^^W V^ .\lV«-«.'N. UictUjt >**^ J^ajlV^JoL^^ ^ 5 Dec. 18, 2 886. . Dr# W. C. Barrett, CorrespondiJin Secretary of Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sciences. Dear Sir! T have this day received your announcercent of my election to Correspondinrr Membership in the Buffalo Society of Natural Science^ It nives me pleasure to accept the honor thus conferred, and I shall always be i?leased to promote the objects of the Society in * any way in my power • . - Very truly yours, ^»%u^ \ (Dictated) 6 i A-^>^- It; e 3 Jmcnol. e^ ^^ .U. ^— underneath ana on xn^ i>*w^ H„.. ..o., .o.,. ana in ot.e. .-.srscters ,hic„ .iiX .e pointed out in a later paper on the animal. ♦ „>.arf nn the arid Colorado Desert^ All the specimsns were captured on the an in southern Cal lfornla,in March ahd April 1886. ~^^ ii4^„« Y*i»fprs to the very pale x^he subfrpeclfic name perpa^ll^Hl ^^^^"^^ '''' color of the animal* C. Hart Merrlam 9 ftrj>w^'Wv - v^AjU a 3^v|iL 5-%-^v.^- -wOJij 4>JJLxAj6-^^ ^W|l XiL-v-^fl. I' ^iU^Cuj '^-a^vwNw jLe-^Xl •Cfc r^ SUU*5^ /XvOt>v.wC^ ^v^ '■^::^^^ 'iZs.CJC *^^^^^ "^-W^ ^^Xcto&^ ftw dUkv^Ac l''^fc*^UJ^-, U4^ R>^^4**^i JMLIt£^ cl«X^>^ gAiwVwOL 1 • V%bCo ^^J^!^*^X^*^ -^cy^ du4v>0s^>0^ QLv^w /vwoC^X^ ^1 ^ a^t^. *M) ) I'i' xt^w ^ x^ vnJL.,,^-^ ^^0^>Jlw V db^^j^^oi, ) (c-^-J^ y-^ -^^^ >lv^ "^ VsxjoA ^Xs>^Av^ Q^vUjLKXr It hr^'^ •^ ( (JU^^JK^ JLaJL ^ ^VJ^w/wO<^ Ma^A/^^a^^^^A/"*^ -} u^ 0^ ^'^i 1 Q-T.,^* JL^ , ^ /1UA..% J-Ww j^A^Ok^ I-Aafc- *fhf^ HJU*"*-'lv-ii»^ I 14 Sfe-t^jte.. J2Ji, ^ Jljc)tte>w 4L-cfes. Ifg-X^ eJu.-'^ — j^ ^U3i W aJUk^^^ ^^.-^J^ ^-^if^' •11 II * ^LuwdliU^ V A/^JCJ^ XkJL^ vlLA^fc .^-^^fccOov ^^— v^fi^ •^v^ -^w AjI-wJL ©.Avw^^ H >>>^ « ^>nA^"^^>^ vwC* A^M*^ n ihA.^t^x. H UvA^vsc J1c«j«>mJLJL "^^v^ vKcfcuVw j*^^ * W42. A^kUju>. i&. XnkX^jl — JUt. h^ 4U...i^(ulX t l^e^.;:.^ < $ dbfccoL4^vJt>^»-^!^^^'^^^"^ ». •i^ &c^ 5 M-^^ i»^^ 17 \jlL-^*i«4 0 J ^ W HMn^.l^ )RiJUI|Jk KkLJLm >.,,-" 18 i ti^Wc^ ^^^HM ^^ ■ ^, i Hh CtK' ^ <5 x^M^Vi^ AXlu^^^^M^ a Uj .Vvj^SUj^ KXJLti^ . ttOOLA, IIaInJc \\' *^^^^. -qCV: ^vxj.-*-*^^ ^^->na- t ^ ! v: si 19 1 M :\ Ja — u, ^ ^M^Ju^JLN^^I^Etv^ I' 1, t OS 21 rt^;3b^ S^*jt «LttJ5v«wOlc^Ow- .V isJL^4kItA.tK :fev.Xv-jJL .UvA.*.«.^Vw ^w^4».^v\ •w^Llu , «L^J^ \vJLUL WtvOL'^ i\-^ll. ^VvJuk i» 5Ll ^.^ v%0^0 5l ^ -filw Iw -tUC^ Jl y^ «. (WxHhJLlL- 1: :il I V — •^•i « 4jL»K.I^^*jGis. ^>»»- ' ^ "» fc.iAV.>«tt 4»K.'faK^^■^^*■t^ 3 a2^ «So it ^,»^.\jo^- ^v*->^ tJUjL^k^jX jt^ ^j^jgpjj^ *te-' tfe<^ iWcix^ctevxfckA^w I ,^3,^ tt,. ,^v^ V^v^Jfc^. 3A^-*r u^-. u-4. «iU- «*»V^ -^ «L^,isXf^JLvA<*«fX /\voC ^^.^lix /vurt Xx, V^^Kl^-^ ». b I, 4' J:. 3LX^.^ XsJI.41^ \i SUJlJlU, Ol^^tLcix, b \ ii. l^i 24 ^it— . -M, I V-i-*x tjkA.— «^ XoJU tcLL)^ «JUUU. it 9 jtWuJi 5 _Uju.*.4>aA iljC ^ Jkju^^J^ ^JLnmaaJLo iJL «iH ^d4.-MJUL-« ^ w ^\,. VkX*X/ !i i «-»i » ;k>v. 5u %>. /VAJ**ajL%.^ 20 \- i*.^. JL^ I 1 Kji^ ls»w n^ytu^ \ '^ \ '^J^JO'.w i^>w >-oJjs.UjLK <+^j3sr^^^^^^ \ t 4^iuX jL ^a xK^ ^>- ^>^^ ^^^^^ ^ c^io^*- ' b W-^ UUvi 5 ^.^W^V -VX5L oc -^ ^ ^^-«^- ^ ^^ '♦ ii 07 tOV^jw XlS^feVw VL*^te^ W^ In^Cfe J^«M<^ >jjL Juk '^'vs^^ 1 :fcv^ctU>^ Uctc^tfc^U^ Vl Ajmjc IJLV^^*^^ fiLA^u..^ i^^j»J^» 3-U«^^ 3 J\>jnjJnjjl ^ula-.^ , «--4^ 'lVolV. .f rt:H*X^ VvijJIx^ajK 32 PRICES OFFRRED WILIIAH DART FOR CIEANRH SKULLS. (Jan. 1887). Bear Flshor Otter porcupine FOX coon Skunii Marten Mink Vfease 1 Wood chuck Muskrat Flyine Squirrel Red squirrel Chipmunk iieadov; Mice I?ed-backed Mice Shrews of all kinds Rabbits $1.50 1.00 . 50 • 50 .50 • 30 i ,25 , . .0 ,oO .1^5 • 10 ■.10 • lO ,20 '••>-. '\> ^v;a nv. *• * 7.-.y-^lr><^ -vv th BOX 20 V — -=-^1 » - Imk^o. -^ i.a.^ A^vUs^ ^4^ -O^ •JLM^St: ':l*^K. 4^ tJUiJl^AD^w iU- ^J^jJIu 'V'-^'*-^ ^ 31 « ^ -iv .4O i^uxv ^ctoosJt>s^ *V^xx^^..^i^^ 4 >i-iL'%'C^ JL'%>»»,aki^«%-»X/ ^'''^^^ ^^"^'^ ^tek-ci*^ ttVjuOL ^b^jijuiu^ JLa/w ^^l^Ao •^^^AmoI \ 'N^-UX V|-^ -J^A^XS- 4m^^ SAiJ<. USbUfcx^ AMdLAA-../--^iJL ^i^^ •ju-Vv.'kCt CO 3 >OlLl>w ^ A^aJU->Jv. dbuidc ^fcwNw If iW. * ^V\v kWw^ -OJrfc- JLstl^.j-^fi:^^^ I • /st.V _ .^^4 /«.iWi« Aj^kX JLl^^-^ ^^ t^ a-v 34 I /4«JL/v^% *^^ I \ (^UA>.^^ W^**^ il ^*ww ^^'^ J:.-jr^ A r ik XJ^5L .Vvj^jLk;0^!^J^^ , ^L— K (d^i-^ «0-^.-v«^ Y^J^'^ \vvX\A -^Jt vLct^PclL^vl^dL^^- 5 wXSX f^ ^ — 35 I y^ SM), ^ i i ^ ^ C\X;^^,.jj^ JO^W^)^ ^JL Cte^ \f^ ^^-^ I (V^Ovi^^^'^A. vjsXisir^ <5 wJLL I «iU,,x^t^ i ^ f .^ (u.^ w."^ M^ •lvVjL— tte<, JL^j^ xfe\KVj ^^^ '>^«^^ 37 SjlVk* ^i \ 1 '1 £t>OO^.'<3j0A WnXS^^ > KjAxxjJn 38 W- ^^ \ '^Ax .tl— 1_ rfe^ xt"? i^- M ^vvv IvJ^^vJO^ Xj^ AX'T^ AU)lu4 'Ka.^'^aXX, VvvIlv^vmwsjJu^ Aju^.^.^^ ''^■vaXJakmJ^ "^Xvsju^ c>^ 39 BP.lfc^' niFSCVl^'N!: '"OR FHi-'PAKlNG SKINS OF Ehi*tl. J.;AiSiaAr S Pur t.-.t M'ist?ar; of Dr. (, Hart Mevriaa, Skin ail naimml:: as soon as possible after death. l.iy z^r, nnxcul on iti; back and maKe an incision alonp the micidla .-.f r.he Kflly f-om jui.t behind the fore laps nearly to the vent. firt caraV^l not to sf.'etch the skin while removinp it. and sxs^r- iiac> f?r«ar cau li on ui skinninp around the eyes and lips, ^.icr, rvar-.e'are .easily cut. Skin as far down on the feet as posstbI«. ^wt leave in ail the bonf*s of the legs. Remove the bon* fmm t-^; laii Iv puilinF it botwean th* finpars. Take out the skull, bemj- ca»-/'r;l not to cut o' injure it in any way. and wash out th« ^1 rains; oaciber the Jkull with the same number that is attach'^d 'o \h^ skin, and dry it in the shade. Never put arsenic or salt on a situij. tut. use powd'rrc'd borax, if necessary, to prevent the re- p£,ir>irtf. flash from d,>c«^mpo6ing. Remov* all fat from the skin and cm off any tans of flesh that may adhere to iX. in ci^anlnf? of.'' blood or dirt that may have soiled the hair, an old toolh brush and a llbaral supply of corn-meal will be r«-und tiioat sarTiceabie. paisrvo ail parts >f the skin with dry arsenic, or better still, •vi;h < raixtiu-e of ra,?d>rod arsenir and alum In the proportion fcf four parts arsenic' t.» on., part alutn. being particular to pat an extra supply >.n r.he faet cind tail. Put a wire in the body, let .in' It r-xz-^na to the tiT3 Of the tail, but be careful not to stretch t he till Use ann-^aled iron wira of as large size as will easily into* the tip of the tail. Ir rabbits, foxes, and wildcats put vnr-js In the hind leps also. Stuff the skin +.0 Its natural size with cotton or tow (never >.'f,^. wool, feathers, or other animal substances); sew It up along h- t. ii'^ and place it flat on a board to dry (belly down), with Hh. for./ laps extended m fnmt and parallel to the body, and tho ■ind loTE and tail directed backward. Attach to each skin a label, hrsr^nf the sm:M number that is mrked on the skull. On this la- >-I should bo stated the lenpth of the animal (from the tip of t >e •oEa to fiihe snd of the tail, the spine beinp stretched for this •>arpo8Kj>; ^i.50 the sex. date of capture (nacie of month should ai*ay£ Ve written in full), locality, and name of collector. Ail skirts, should be thoroughly dry before they are packe^. '>•-,.;,, .»,fMitd fee wrapped carefully in cotton and packed in ar,all n-r,.;;. , -, roK-'s. tif?ar boxes do very well for tne smaller species b:.:;. rt.i:c be strangthened by a thin pi'5C& of : aard across each end. ,1 •• iv^n 'h^in l^e sent ty r^ail^ 40 axk-Si \ ^j^jCte^N^ liVsjooUVX • sSjui^A a5jls>jLKN*^ JL W^ l^fc^ OJ>JL \n\XnJLUAjl^o^ %.^ VwJs^^bO^J^^ AA^uwAwVN^A^ ^.^A^-^^ JLw -Vvvt k-^^^ivv y It 42 /VwisJUu K. ^UiXijuo^:^ 1tLt^%JUsjL^ cLUkum^, ^wJk. yi'^^ A."^^^ XulUIv -JJLmj^, uS- /WwVj^ :tkiL..^ ^jwmJ^W "^k:^ 4Ju^ -A ^t*^^^ \ 9j^»jjUj^ ^ W^ WU^aftiL* ^•Xji^^fc (\^' oIuAk- IOi I ^JU_J!^ jJU— ^ Ai— "^ fee -Wil^-Mr"^ "^^^ -U^-CC >v— 4^0^ ^u 5JU.s:*^ o«^;=. ^A^^4i!\ ^^^^^-^^^ ^^"^^^"^ ^*^ Akuaa-*^^ 4n.^ 4 O 3uAk. 1 I \ (>H^S^ \>cW^* ^ 4L^0^VvJX'^vW, ^t^^da^ nJ^^x. cto. U^ 4 4**-^--^ Xjmjul. Lu Wi3k>^ j1— As^iJL ^t «^l|onx^ J^t 45 3 AXx-mJIJ^ j1^ '■^VAJtlu t'vwtSu^^uii^ -IXoL/OC -b^-X "^^ ^AKJl^JU^^jV>^f^(iAO- a«L. ^^..v.^»w XxJJc w^wuu^^^. f'^^^AO «uJIk. U, 1- 1 {w ^4a;olL^^'=^-^-S' ■^x I ot \JC -^ w>Aw> • Vw^..4->v>.,cV: (vvvJUvsjkjL.%.w^^ 47 "i^lj^ ^uljLV r&lx^ Ju«)a«K v^-**- **Ka.^4^»c=ki=:•^es^ > *«S* VOt^ 9kJU. li, ! O.SJ . VlvOk VOL . JwW^ Jlxp^ A*ju»>jj^ ic^xbA OlSJL ^ V 'AjlIcjL'k*— «A5^ r ) !L; y.^^ vxClbkJ^ jl^. A^^ ^L\inxk^vj3^ 'Uju.a-*.^/- » J ^-^ .X- 0^ i»^^mJctqi -vL'^^JCC^ ejLjkKc^ii I^I^-O^Ia^vW .4^^^f*iJl ^ ' 49 ^^^A^XM^ SL-^Os^ ^-^>jjlAxs.> . oOJi^^C r^ i ^^_ 3^^lv>^^.^X^ oCx7 JLkJL iCT^ vK^AjL- ^ K%'y£,^^ QL'v-wfSv. >Vv^ — 'v>-«ok.,/^>J<^ «^0^>.-wsJs^ <v. J^vj^a-^ol vod'XA^ ^v/vX-a^ixXo^vo"^ a.>%-^ A |x^>C*D- Vi vA^ ^>jiAc>kJ A-O^ -Lv^. — '-X^^^^>s^ '^-.. I),S. ^-Wnv. ?La.^.Ai^ ts^) vl Jit^iiiiii^^rjtf '^^-^^^^^^^^^.'^^^ •^w^« «■ ' 50 f Febr.iarv 16t!i U (■■ . J-! ir.. R h ' **^ > .- > n rf»D 1 < «■ s . f.' Jl 5ett. r j;,;st j'. ceiv^d I bef? to state that I i ■.\n yO ut .i\ » J the niAsmtal: "*ha1: aro ixkciy to be obtained in Illi- . « •• t !-.» • '. { I f-; »-. ■ r' i..:i I • nev' » >, St* SpQCl!Ty?n n thf- flesh'', or in A t Ki iLi »•>_' I.V.4 ' ead uf f ing»» Th« only- DHterial I hav- a n , con.. i s (.s in veil nuide cabinet skins, with perfect skull; o c^^'^iT rr.*jr^^:onc If you care to \;ndertake the proparaticn of s^ich in"] v'/xl h'3n^ a li:^t >r Mie sph ciL^s of vour vicinitv, I will send a ct .or 4»n -inu i ',' > > ■» kn )■ «r ^j? liat I want <« «%-v Respertfi 11 \ 5i aJx. ^H, f {\i\K\J>.^ AxXJoo^. >nXA.,^l^ v>_# 'VvO^ OLakJ^.^^^ eJb^s*^ "cXj^nX^ (M\AAJt \v^3_^«-vA3L "^^Sf^ ^^*4^^XXi^^^w'v.^ XiuX*»att^ 5 /UtCtJt^ Hm^^^-J^ /V«-'S,-^'>*a.^jA/s», 'VcaaAJv; X> . A^ X ic*JUU '^^^^ WsAJsJk^ AjMliv.^ G s^ ^x^-^-^y-^^ --^^ \^ ''^^ ^» a^julVJU-^-* *-^5^ ^LNA^ €^:^M 3 ^U.J^ -^^^ ^'^\ ?^'^ \^ tc^ .-ilj:fei/>>-' Wxl-^— J^ A^ ^JO^ r-:? ^fec. iJ^--|ot^^ vL"^^^^^^ \ 5 v^RJl*:^^'*-"^ HB^V^--^®"* 5 aKMj.^|K;J^/^*i? x^^M^ ex^- ^^fcjo jIajlIa X^ Pei)rj^ir:f ^4tt a Z«»<»iQfiiPi»t Btation »n i»outh«rn r 9U04 i*iUty in thi» iine of rai^^riH*. «ouW "*»* ''*il *" ^ "^ great benefit to fjcience anid would b» an orr»in«nt to tha St?ito, » Very respectfully^ 54 \%^ X A r \ ••■ » ^n v<,M objlv ,1 /■.,■. w..^ I I Qla^ ^-^-K ^VxfiCfe' '^^^ Kju^^^S^ ^U^Wv- M V: \^ /■■^.v /, vt ^ .. V V^' '.v;N^ vC'v^^Xn^. -t>4^. v^'v'-v. \ 1 ^' ^, -_>,.»;-— A.-^. "iA^lX.. e— -X ^•'^^•'3^ ■\y'^- A a....^. -J. ^J^ -^^^ P-.Xa.j.^^^^ ^^^t--***^^^* "Hi-, t, \ ' V V- X ■ r\ *' ^•"-'V .\a.-'- vV^^ k ■ ^.-^^.o aL'-^A. v-4.5V.^. 1|.^. ^\t- 0 ^ ■•.^ ' ■ -*''..<' •x:. V "t V.I, X^-^^JS ^ ii ^^»»V'" r/^V- V- -;..^> ^.^Tr- r \ ... . -.Jf.. .rf ••■'' >'^ *. ■ k^'-»,^ '< .. '> '•->«. _. •^-JSKk - *1\.Cl, ^A 50 ilWOOv*-^ \ I \ S^j^. 'i^ Kv •^ V \ ^-^1 K'->:w.*^>^ ^-O M vvA>-- T^ •v-^ A I— -t«"A. ^/ •( i r- <^.. ?*^ ^ ...I. N.iX.. '-A.^ Vw.^^vKkjV. ^{^ Oj^k., \^, •\- >^>\ \ ^ .-. >, >*.. V :^ \ %. /> *•*' •■*- W. X C > r^ v*,..-^^. ^ -^r rs \K i^.. -♦-■^ . ' ,Nk^.h. ^. %*..v-'^-'^''^-^. ''■-' \ % , «.«...* ,A rw ""-j*^ ^ S^^^ 1 'xK^-ft-^ iC.* ••"'Ni-.^-i .. -o ^^*>v^wVsJvA^ ^ rr #2- 14 - A VW^*^ l/V^^-^ .'^J'Hw o, i ^.?..«i 4 -v rf'ij ■^^ '4 J-i d- \ * • ^ i'^ J !'%»'''•■•»■ '^ X5' •>. ' *^ ^^->V.t A>* ..-* ^ ^ 'V'«.-\^ r !t. ^■^to »---uKiw >-'•*•► '.j^ Vc Vl>N^ f: -..^-_ \ ■^D^Kf*>r ,\vv i^!L^^ ^'^..^'O-N. ^ V ^•.•%-», -A •♦Aw* K., 'W^t. I V I i^,- '«►; \V '\aaOx>jc-\x >^-^v^ Jv ,\^.'3 U V- ■ V < ^\X>i^/' *axjlajlA^.>^ 1+ l^A/^^ & \ '^ i; ^ OvJn H^**,. (V '-■•-3 t^J^ '>i ■/f Ky^.^^ ^^SSk. "^^^.^ZfcvJ^ v/C V I 6 \\r -S^^ r /• , 'w •"^..-''.»Ah.^., r-| "»•-•. c Ji--^ «* 0 .-^Wr' -•"^^.^W, kjJl /-> if ••^^.« •^.L r» •-.«: Sk.)i4 ''». 'V*. >^*^.' hM jL^ ^^ 'V-^<5oC!^i ^ vV\X>N>> c 57 aaak. X. I f /1\AX>. iL^-^^' ^ /^ '^'^^-^--AauJ^'^^ ^^^-^ ' / K ..-^ ^C «v ^)U^— -AJUL, r./^-H 58 *n4jUvti^X, |» \ /W^.N^y^r- 6uUcfc t'O^.^U/^uo^^ ^XAs^'tlK^: \ OLkK"^^ nWaK. A T^ Y"^ / ^Ujli^ • • . 'iVOtlL a% "^ttifc «? t^vwVJCvJuL '^nV^ iM^ ^^voC^kXA viA-wtfe^ ^tKiTHnv, , cUa^^Xwn- ^^ivww icnkvvvJL J^-cvc Ai^^:^ '^'^^^ JAtcC-* M-<^^.ja4w« Gl t:J \^AJi\jtJif^^ $ 1 ! 9-Vok^ X -^ ^t^^ ^i*-^ ^JWjUr>xx\, ^^ -A^ aJL. '^^-^ ^vJ<>CaX^l>jJla>^ •«-5dtjo>jt.C\r AMjjuOi^ vlvu "-W5U /W,^ ^ i ■*, ^vAiu«j^ 6i R % Wsjtl^ 16 I \ (Wiv.a.. 1&. iblaXu.-^ '3;i \2lm. \ ^AJOw Xv%^ ^i^^^xJ^ \ 3uV. 2.^^ .LvivjL^ >*^ ^^ dbbo^ Ia-^-'UiJ^-^^C ^U.\»JL ;>j»>JL ---/ dbv ^SUz3^ i1cmJIL=» ^ ItJi^YuXtAtOw 'W».,V.4.,c«*J^Xa, ! jNj^Xj^^iaJ^^^*- V-.>JsX^ ^U. x. \XJONjOkJr- Dc>Ok,_ '^^^*A,-<)C^s« *L>^fesxS(^^ T^ v^JUdfe- 3 •mmiKtittiKmmmmmftimmtiMS -,m,^^mmmmmmi0mmmmmi ea 64 \ t (Vv.<4. ^>J>-'v. '»>^' 1 .^W * 0c "Ww \%>^4^fe;>JkMA AjL^J^IAJ) <3UvX otJ^JM>J^^«X V**^ * V*^ Vvxa h ^. m t 65 \\\XNJe^^ ^ ^ 1 I •\\'ga.,JAX^ S ^"^ 4^ -^^^ II 1.^ /A ^v^.d^J^\^^J^^^W^'0 ^V '• ^^^ ^ jW ^v\%A .K. H- vx^ \jjn_ / •1 0 v~ 'XK\X^ SuJL'ltAXN.NvX. vO^ •^sjix 1 ■; i?vv CvW^ -^ vfcouj VvAjVA. ■•■■>«--'*->*viL. 5. 0 -H- V /\vA.x^^^cA^^ Ow^ ^|--4l -J- ^a-vXxA\^ .^Avv^ ec|c|>vvKK»jCfe. Xv^ sJ&.j>wa^.-^»>>Jv -^ ■-.,• Ail ^ W.\^ a. -C cA-^^\>\KJt 1>V^ *5L.^ iKA--^l^ iSv 'V>-iw 0^ yL'V'w* :^^5^ ^- / «fcr .o«*-V . Jt^-^-s^o \v^^ I V^s-X. I-^mA,,,^, Xvjcfe;^ flcfefeu^ks vv ■V- Ar-V^ 'Vwv AipAA, V A '|tA.-'-.AAV>.i'«. >J»JJU», ^VU\ .UtvJ>X^^:^^«:)A,,UAA ^l-'v v'L-Wx^Xi; ^ \wjLV«:.W \Gj J. "^^lXJ^.;^ r \U.w^ i>±^^>s^ ^^ (X^^-^^^ ^^^vJU^i.X.'-^^w^JU^*^:^ ec^-Jiw AxxA^-A-Kj^ \vOi^ t^b^/v^ V.aJ^jc.V^ ^ 'C-t.-->^ V*— ^ ^^"-^^ Ju:^-!* ^ ^ |vv,..v..d^. ^ VW^v^ W^ ?^ -^^ <5L. Viio:^^ 3 ^V\Xn*.Vv^ \U.^ ^ 80 V5 Iu!a«J|Ju Tiuw\v> K, fju^^v^ ^Jlc; — ^t^^^^ *-*---^^ aJJx*jX^ Xe-^o tw HfcUikSi- AaX a 4*AJiN^ 4JLU-^ •V^^'^'^^ '^^^JLUJ^ Mj^,,^^ ^"^"^^ ^^■^*"^ 4l-*^>^ ^'^^-^-^ M**-JUia*M^ V- v^ "tksx^ 'I 70 t^JL/..oi.wA>Vi^k W- 0^"^ ^A^ .• jcc '^'^'^ ** ^ JU^nNm ^^4^ iUjjJt » « 71 V\AjkX-JcW i'^.j f ""* — 4 ,/" VXaT "tw:^ gJCS^ •Ajc^-Jk^ ^*-v Ok— <» *Aj^ ^.^^ lwil*^.A rb*^ CLV "^J^Sfc^ •^v-^\ W-VV a JOcAUS^ VxaJL 9L, dUx.) u^ccki Vj»^vJk^ «JC>vV>jouy >^s>X|^ w^--C^ i-V^>^ »>aJAAU.^^Y«^ * OU^ AlUxjJx^ vwC^^..^ ttto^O^ -'AVxa^.CaKjXOLn.^^ . vU^>vv\, 73 ^VvflL>VcW to, ^ Sto<>>*- XA^JL^'*^3jk./«*-l.'v--- t XkAa>>^ 9^ >^J^-'^ r»— .-^^1 -^ ►j^'j'^ visjdi^--'^^ K' Awo4JJ**o» •rfeoui 0-*-<:fe->a!te|)--| -» 1 \\AVC ts^ 1 H, ?■ 74 -IjtC^ i, % »* ^ KVn^A >>Ji-^'^-^-^^ ^^ t'LvjT'xJo^O^'^*- ^ ^ <^i- j'^^^-s^^^'v iWOwK>>^%^^' «. I ■^•*«. -msmm^r^^'' Id J) ^^WSL\A^ tfc| \ ^LX/vj^ ■\ V V tUo Vna^nXaTo a-^ ^ >^Jpt 'i '^vV'>v. •4''>.-vJL ^J^ w fy^ — V^ H, V-SJ! Ou^,^^^^ \jOUvAa ttJLjJL '^'V.'^ 4>^J^A^^ |aaU^^ "fcv, '^^^^^^iA^iVluM* (3 4 \l#^ ^ "^^S^ tfcvXJC AAsAA/kAJU tlTteAs^ HvA. i-yv^,^^ 4vjLvxL p^^^roJg v,„.o.^jj^ J^ ^fc^ Jja>^ l^oAsAL v&.--Cfe a-^^- ) 1 Ow 6c^c-J^ A?>^o^O^ .-«S- 'S^OI^. 'XvX^ 77 ^'KUU-vJ*^ ^ oLVfO^ ilL«XvOJ>^i Xoj>w^-vA. CWavj 'VAjuJI^^ cu^ ^^^^^^A~ ^-^^..-J^V^^^^'-'^-^'i^i'^'^^^^ ^^AxnJOo^ kKJL^L^sJL, jj^ k 0 3Aa^ ft»>J>.-^-»4LlUwvCk, ( ^Vvt^vfeAv ^H^ T i ^^vjck ^OLUw MLOu..^^^-^ A^:*^ 0^^ "liL r 80 HVMLs^t.^^- \ ^ \ ^ 0 h (Jl 0L^.v_xS^O».--^.^? '•^'^- <^'^.^ M'^-^ ^l-J-vULsU V- '~.w— »nr5»>, V" 4^ v^ avt^jN^'^ >i ^^ '^<1JaJsj 81 i (\ V a^-^,...\ V.AW -^^ t.^<:y / i^^^V V I'' -5v vKiL cA. J . X^'wv.^J^ 15. v-- 4vji^v , I i f c* C^ivi ii U{ { ^K ft -j_ \\,,^_ -^ ^ ^ vt\:v ^.^ X, <:L.V-JC i\.v — fV <- i^wt v-^ .'(Jv -Xa ^L'S '.. ^t K^. l^ t. v\ ■LU_i ^UL l ■vV 0 82 W'vtk \'i\\'iti A' iXvs. 'tbfcCt'VNjLKX^; %juJusjJLv^v^ Vc^t* n;;;^ \ ^K>-^^'o 8 3 •A 1S.\V •*: Vv \>v\tfV 84 'Vvl^Vcl^ I J, 1 ^AJox^ MrvJ|.vJL. y Xctev, oJ^^». AL.'tx^vv^ K ^*^\\AA 0Sj\; ^"^tvjXtkKN^ V^.C*S»w CtUV VMX^uJiyj^ Vk\\ -W^ AjC 4JL..wJLSL 9^ <^4- \^tt^tUJ.. c8 86 Jso^ , ^.» . '■ ■, •-• •> r •« t. '* r 1 "^ " , 1 :vr\:s. \\v:-.i^^f^\Jela ]:'iC?f->nlu?5 ) y.'-- C-BUiilU'iiif, -31 i'^ K'^ii 1> r>-:'.. 1 . .. > ' - 1 1 ' •\ •; •:-;^n. -^•■'^•f*ift??:-.. Retake of Preceding Frame Original Defective 58 3 uU-Ai- AiUi^-*s- j«^ •-: ''"iilS 0- ^ if. s r C'^C' ^^ U<»«s. 9 4/ ~C^; tdi** J-vi?^-^ .V.J^^«W>««* ,'^- ^ 0 C^»U*>C3^ jlILlj:?^,' .^ W'>w »uk M A M )^ A L S 0 F M A N m . E A #. r ■■> s mac rot i is Say* V i rp, InianuiS Buddaert , r-^v^i ♦ • ^•. A. • • A't^o •■ . : -'. • rdso n. k n'\'. i ■ \ «e a.luii Mf^t ..c h H -1: « - • '"■' • t o (H r^ ...^vi^ia^'V^ S » • •;* '" . \l< « ■^ <:> '.:? . ll-^i"*- 1 . f ^ . *" tarv:s. \^:;-f r^5^\J }1 a- -'^ (J son! ins % i It' « Cast t>7 V f: b.i:r^ e.B,ni;uA4iiv-vi;^. Kiihl> ? -■•■ 4 ■ P 1 Lv: Y' * • /4 >.bi:r^h.l •iM.llS I.''^,^ •*% p^ii •w» >i ♦ :^i '* > •N> ^4; "^ i'>\ ^ «ii% >t 27. 28 ;5-'> -^.i 1.1^, \:^ v» > ^> uscus Keauvo ^.: yt o ^. ..• .», .- «. } )• r i s . T? 1 ch hard HOB > »'N'»n "^V V V SortixTo Jt i ll*- ,|«i-'*^%% ^^ ^ >Vllhc r 1 ^ t^ 1 r Iva'l^tf r' ; n . Xi^ ^ \ ^-.^ ^.^ ■^'i \ •» «% -X^ (%<:•: A'if fro'/ ^ TO \ ^:> .•^o ;/r? .-^,9 Bli^rina br^-v-ica >i .i^a SaV. \ % •^ % -^1 \ "\ s^i' (ono iUi V. 4 1 ^ li » j::* ?■ >^\ 1- ^ \ i K A'tX- aiHe rleaiia I'Tir ton Put<»rius vison Rr is son •^. 1^ \ i"^^ % 46 ml us Tin^ Mi\ ^t::'-] I \ ')t uo^^TA sni.Loq.nd *^t V ^l N.k. 1. \ uv % » itrc>i.iaf*m TV • tr » ^ ^*V V^^^ u H UK^q n ./ • .'^ x.*^% \ \«k \ c . -^ \0 X^vC%?tyr> Wt^Vi-^Vk 'ci ( %. V \.t !.)0'- i^ -J a k- irHJv^«-X1? 9liA? ?lGPf»V',l, Wt, jsoiJinJt Kg; \^^ laap'cUr i> W ■•» »! -«r vv J^v± V *"%-*. V *. U- <». J' A ■■■ aq ??u 1 a^"?x H >i <.">s' V. *i % -^^ ** « V % * V* ! vl^ v^ -V ^v. V Hv.W V».v.i ^ k s . ... Vr^-^ ^■"'•-e^^'ia:^ v' " "^t -ft syjypjvS ^p^<■ t>C* e r*. X ^ a t:if' "^iVii V f ; V. i *if.' >4. < i8 I> 88 ' • 4.S 49, -O Pu tori }.is 1 ^ngi c a ixl a B^i r c- V Iparis Linn 'i fv. s ViUox Sa r • f aivus neHrijarest >3I, (:a:u5> lupi.'S griseo-albufi Sabine 52 latrans "'i/ *» • ^S. Lvnx ciinadt^ns:: s pv>5ir;!arost 89 'WeW\n,ini K ^ ^ tttOS^ \*J>^ fiUv^^^w^X t;WiW,i^H- jjot^ \^ii|,j[|l i»»-nt. ^.NJL^ vC' v* ^wVj^^^^^OUC /\vwVOC iJL iH*^^*->^ fVVv^\A^ ^ V«a. 4iu^.^_ %l^^^ ^^-^^^^ A^vlrti-. Y-^ — _^ 92 Wa.«A^ ^* ^» ( t. Uir a.^w3Jk JGjL^-=fe vUicCJcr ^^ I ■■.^- 3 JUjuAW W VJ^ 4^3UL'*53 4vA^vv^ ^5-^-^ Ajb^ Ms^ CtCU^ w!t\|-OtU)^ vu^ATt'tw tW>- ^fcWjL VaUv A»X. Y>xJL^vi>vvoJL **-^--^ eL^A-V^X ^V^>Vn» 0 0^ ^^^^.w-jJjL Aa!^ AM^dL . \ ^ VIM VuojUl* olW wik.,4^>-^ vuwV JlxjJL -Vv g^^^JLilwJk^ 4'X^'^^*^^ ** MisJi^^-^Jk *4«i|oLx;jc.^ it AKNuk 98 & , VxAs^ '^t-^al. ;.- A^...^^ ^^Xjc4-^u^^±^ (u^j^ ^»-a:t JLctr iL 9.L^U.mI\^ ^ ('jj^.^ v^-^uv ''^^-^ ^vv^ ^^^^^ ^ 1^ ^W^i^Oer '4..V....JCML ^Vaji^^ Q9 OL Wto^..ij0u ; ^^^ ^-y -^- 4--^ nir vL y^--^ UJL 'Lvw^-— -L ^4^1^:10^ t^-^.rfc^ RJU,>^^ Wnj *^»3tr 100 af^vJC *f, f SfciXAK- tVv^ . iiiAu.K(^ voPCT '• ^ vKO JLVu*"^^ ^-^^^^os^ (\sxKXK Wvv Jl Xctbcv AxvOi^ .iMAM^bCfciw 1 ItlVJ . )^iVA«/K^ OttH. ■i .h ir / i m t 1: I uJUL 1 X. \ \ '^^ixJUv SiJtj£5cv>w ^-^^^^*-^^^^V^ Ax>ooJ>^DJU^ XNxANJk-fcA/s^ hnjiJvsJL ^a>jul/^-^^ "^axLuuv,^ U-AjdUs. XokjL/v/*^ Vxflukik^ ^ tt.->Js^ \AAwXMjfeAKw AxwniAVv\ JUkL^^^Bj . Vyiisju^ \j^ — ^UiioX ^V^^ '|s^JLSJL^X> tt^A^i^io 4v4w/vv3jULAxfi 41*^^^^^ «tAxvL)L'^::fc ^ X>^\a: L>j^,- ^tvvs^ iOt ^ loa *Jl V%.c*r il':>«v^ WJL* il MLxJu^tx X*Jb^»%JwJk ViL>%^ 4 «4Auii' k4.vJ0L JUsU^ U u-uxJL . ^]^ft^ I Ki^^ ^\^.\ty) li^yu V^ . CU "^ All. ^lA-^v-^vt^.^ 3L*. tuM^IMUL %«XAtk. ^Al\s^o W4jl.*^ } Avi^wvt: CU. il'vJCHuK. :^ *, eiJloJ. 1^ I 1- ^jju"^ SLvjCfci>«w 3ajjvvol/v^ M^jsA^ ^ "T^jPaXw 3^ _ _ Anjl3*^ ftp. "dbco;* i4)-^ua_ -J^aX rtex. AkiM-^>:fc C^ i "1 \vO(^w ^ot 105 voA^ j^^^^r^ T^vs^ ,t^-rteo>oi cfc^ j^ \VX Jl^^J^A^viL J'-xX [VS^ c^t^ ^tVk OL^-K tv^w \\Mo^W-^"t^ -J^'vO^ cW.^ » • A I -^' \a.aa. <1C • ' VM-<^-Kvj { ^LV^w^Ox/^ — c^) \A^K- J4vw 00 1 f KJf^Jii. ^ JA\^"^^^' »<^ r --, J fl.oJirfe. A.l:U. ^u-j:-. !Uu oOl-wJ^^^^ 1^ Vv^^^' ^ IX .V, ^j^ LnjlLlM^^ cl^J^ ft.^ «L^^ >L ^^,^_.x'q_j»,.JOs-ax^ -JL 0 ^ 107 GlJvkJL^^ I 1 1 V»\M. U.Jv VUjl-«^.^- \^\u V ^ >XjLlL^OL ^WkJLMSw ,/Vv/*^-' ^^N^^.\^ ^UUL .<2^»^--::3 IxMp. J|ctta W|L '..ul^ ,oa^ 0 '■ ♦V ^ tAOjk *'«»• IW\ ^v^.% r- 1 WvJti^ ifc :.i 108 •-1 1? f )1u-X^ vjUw VV<4^«. *^ 109 5 ^# !^ ^kXX U| ! i^j^,,^,^^ Y^,.^^^9A<, ^x^ A^faA SjA^U^Jk M^h^^^Bh^Jb^^HI ^^^^ dbi4. '«[^.4LlW >Vi4k«A. ort ^^'^vV «^-A ^v^ XaAu1< JUL^' i^--> t_U-_J^ ^Ji ^^^^ I^^^.Vlc^ JU^^ otv^ii .W fUX ctt - Ki^- -v^- ct-5^;i 0- Aj^^sL^ n CS^."^La.O;i (1 111 af>^ I'f, > cLVokKSk^^J^M^ 4JLvAV^ Ai Vv.4.^:Ki^ >Vj^ JCs^ ija. VvOLKJL *A Avjjt*; ^WJ Vu:5t ^-^^ ^»^o -^^'-*iAj^ IjL-^ Jl ^ >-^ctc>% JJi^ VvJJiX ^-*-^-C •^ ^♦^'^^^ ^-v— ^^NX.^v, Vcv^-J^ iv >>jctex>w^ -^""fc^v^ AjULCkJU^uSJL^ JL^^^^^M^ •. ^tlL^k ^V>- y^j^.J^AOL3^ ♦t^A, n >^ \€ li^cfcr'^^^'^^^ ^tv^iA^Xiv. %VL» 4J ^.vw^ lUowJUL^ «AV^ bdfeA An^^^^vT X>JL -L^>^fct;uJUs- ^^^ 4JlA dtac: Aj^>./«M' U4XU ) v^^v JUUi^ ^ V ^^v. (L ^ i- A V~^ I WvVSi ^sfc: ■"IvX^l Vl-vJL ftJlU~>. ^tev'-~ W/ 1 U^^'f.db ^ ^^ A~ c' VvJUL 116 W- <"NlJUf^<. t^-^^XTL '^feXXiLvxX /V/^A-^v^ytl ^t^ 3 lis OJlhU^, I ii5fc'. ^i^ r-. '^"'^'^^^^^^ "rv^l fJU..^ U.^-C*G ^-^CteO *^ ^-^^^^^ '^- ^•Stea^ 5u3Uj5l ^v-~te-^ ^A»-L* — ^lUa^ an £5u. ^■S*^ '^wXjlwV^^ ^'^Uo^^jt^ VuOLV^jJUiv^ '^^A^-.A^Xk pi^-c^*-'-*^ Ji-A^^^5b <^*U»j:St , 120 OLJ^K^X XO I T A)jjl^«C%XnX^^ ,v._,3^ (iOU: i^-ag-*^ nr..., £*.ji^ ^5^ ^^-^ ^ ' ^slAa-JL-^ 5^^^^ ,^ J^-v^^w 121 I aJi^XJU^^ f I2xvc* 9^>jc i3>. tfeoOt X^ '^ JL^ ^>^^^ X31ju •Lc-vC^O Jute ^^KJt^ ^.J^^^vw. ^w -U*^ «5}j4wte I ■■ 'VA^4^w'<>teAJLNs^ s'sr ALx.^;^Cvs,,^ ^t <.L^s„^^ Zc^..o^ >u..^w €lt7 4-cvC^ jLct- WM (ot^^ 12 4JL«^^>-' QlLk^J^ I f JUAolVc?. OiS-^ — -^-^ vvx^-wX-' ^M jgte /V^^^KsXA%^«i»' d^5,^V^UUL u (JL-w-JK^ 5 wUsJl^w^JU >A*JUt^w-w ^fct^JU>Jt^ , ) Tfc i ; 127 April ^\ r4f ' « Dvva ;>( ^ >> Co w yv.rvk C t « , f • *.!»'» ^L .Vv^ ck lGid aurinjv the six months ondinn ni;Cembf-?r 31,I*:i8t>, has - 1 J .> CtjrrR htUid* i^^'^r 'K]\iQl\ I am obii^ed Ke'spectf ;>i -t ,> t Si. A\ > \ \ ^^K^Js. 128 v^sk ^:^b^ ^vo^^>0^ *U...Ok^ •Ax.-^oao ^kv\W* II%#X ^^-^x.x.0^ V QlULv. ^^W- V^^ CaX^^w^^ f y^j^ ^V^«J vWj V./s,JL ./X^^/ -v:vx. ) -^xj^ ^^^"O^^-a^xaAjv »^^./>j?^ 'VvsJLa.vaa *5kjk^/^-'>a^^.CX3Nfe^ f\ (L ) SOuAk 130 SuKite^ iLWlji^: I f Clv^./o-^'**— Aa^_-<7 , 0-^w — VV \/L.^A^^-^^4^ a 0 1 1 • i^v,x.,4->^0(J^ 4U)^^^-^ Ou -uJUm^ J OvjL.^ lA^^ f>-^-^ ) -V^-- ^ — jf >AjaA A\AA^sJCte00JkM^^^AA*»A^ nr* i^^U.-JA^'^ I '1 i! I 4 ( ff, let ^..^.^^Cte^ (>^"^X!ivAX^ a \^ /v-Jt^ 5_:.JuL.-^L^ vlviKi , ^Mx^M^ OL^^ 132 SHUPELDT ON "SPKCIPIC VARIATIONS". Tv-e last number of Science (vol. IX. no. 281, Aprxl 29, 1887, PP. 414-416 ) contains a paper by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, entitled -Spe- ct'f.c va>'tationr> in the skeletons of vertebrates-. m the first placo the title . specific variations- is a misnomer, unless Dr. ,^..^eldt deliberately intended to displace the familiar, long used, and de..ri,txve term HruUjo^-^.Jiirjatipn' --whi ch exactly express- OS the rneanmn intended-^ by a new and confusing term which is not d..scriptive or this condition, and consequently is objectionable; Knd in the second place it is hard to see why the article was wrii. ten at all. since it not only contains no new facts, but does not even j.resent old facta m new cl«;thes. Dr. Shi;reidt speaks of thu well-known variations m human skulls, and then saya: -It will bo my ob,ect m the present letter to sho-.v that these differences are quite as marked among the spe- cies that go to make up the below man. as they are among th<- skeletons of the sar,e species of men-. If, instead of yreparing articles of absolutely no scientific value, the Doctor would mak. himself familiar with the writings of such luthors as Hansel, Peters, Flower. Jentinck and others, it is reas.mable to hope that he >.ouid cease flooding the current litera- ture with sach effusions as the present, for he would become aware that no fact m osteology is better known or more clearly recogniz- ed than that of great individual variation m the bony framework of vertebrates. And if. instead of attempting to ridicule the painstaking accuracy of his fel low-.orkers. he would supplement some of h.s own multitudinous papers by a few reliable measurements. " or would determine the limits of individual variation m a single species, his time nught not b« less profitably employed than at present, and he might congratulate himself on having made an actual contribution v.a his favorite science, osteology. > 133 ^ •^ I f Ouh^^i.^^ VJiosw*^ •^^^^•SdUju^ %J%^V*^vA>JLi*3^ M*t 135 9uJOW.tUi 'I'J^JUCjUl f--U;.^iLx: ^-v|n.m^^ •M-t^Ju^ '^ 2^^K «.UiJUL J\ \m>m ^^^nA^y fL«U«j^ ^ ^ er4 I a ■fT^^i i' <**olIIu\ IL -U wVl w W^. VL^'N-VN^ 4k». f^ I oc JlL^ i^ t^KflLsCfc \V\wC«Ot««*'**. mf <5:?^ 137 iWmc»a— f AwoJjL ^,4.*^ 'wXii >SX«i*A4 rs:^ f6k l> il'ii 0^„,^^ XxlUw^ XbwJk^ ^»^^ <^S^[ »' ^j^SiuckK. La.t^vw *«:*», 3_^Uitvjk. 139 ^^ ^LflAJE^Ck 4*^ •li-v^'*^ ^^vSudc ^M^4^ :te;>ifj^^- »tt:i:^i^ JUnX^ a WvxAJL 0^ 4L xx^y>i^-i4*tt^ ^ p^\^:::^x-\^^ nl ^ VoJCJiX ^ KlC\, »,^ 4,a^^aASL f«AAjCAjl vS.«CtC 4l». Ofe«V» v^ *Xc» \.* (To « ..6 -*. ^ ^•wsi oJ::»(X lu^uk :.M ^ Ac.4 ^ V'^J^ ^^^^"4 '^♦^^^ i^l**'^-^ Hill ■^ Jlvv 141 ^ 4«jcv,jL -v»CtrV4^X:*c W4- ^,..n51S^ ^v-^CCO 4u^ JX >* K/sIC^I 'ytv-^ '^^^^^ ^-t^v-^ t^CM^ 143 aJiJi^'ARV^ A»Jk>«*-^ 4DC^^ VSL ^ — ^ ^ - ^-^t:^"^ ) \wKJCX' .X^^ t A.\xJ^t^ 1 • / ^ ■%rii .\ « «:^jdu33^, ^ /^.'^ all Tavw X <:> ^ /jJU — ^1 i^KJ^ ^>'^^ . I J \ iWj^>^* o^- '^"^^ ^*-»' Ks„^^ XX -^■- ^Ka^ 'V— %.*' ^ ^ ..,„k VA^'^V: "Z^xa^^sJ:^ ^cVv'««« ^>:o '^ V^O ^ ut ^ y- wXWl * • \ ^CjlVjl>vv^ Vf ^V"^ *"*^ cv^ •cj^v::^ •r^ ^u*^ — >^tAO ^ 145 U-V^^^- "^^35: "fc^iVA,^ VaAj^aaJUv^ A>Jl^^/>)^ A?Ws^ 3s^?Js3s^ XnJ^J^'U...,^ oC>^ >vXOxWC ' v\S^ vA^\)*^ 146 (Vjuj(pU| I { 4«>!t!^ 4lXsA<«.>X.> ^. «». R.^ Ttr <^ , -waXAw «*:cu.-^ »|< /W\.A>^ (Uv^WU, I I 149 V V < f. I ^^. w Vw V- \ \ •i >w- V ». s .i*— «v \ ^ \v .v>^ V. i V V V X • *. -t — ^ .4 ^ >Jl \ \ w vk. x^ -mJ'^^ ^ W^ *Vr - k ^ V \ 150 VsJLu \Hawh ^kixjo^w ^=S:A^3b5^ c 1 Xol-v^AaJL o '• Vwt^ -VviL^w^ V^CX ^^^A/^ ji<^ Ckci^^OC^^-^Jv r^^^ >yXf\Jk/y^ V>w -*^»^-AAXztJ( '3\\*\i %^C*^N-N3s>^.cfcx_j^ &-» f'^cfeir Iw^U^ . 1^ A\K>v.\ter-^ ^^tK ■ tWAMU 'n. ^X-\>*-- • (XAA^-^'n- Axr^ctesSv o^^vju<^lv*^ ^v-^Jl^ U^ Jsju^ Ajj2^ , ^— 4. •;;tocu^.=> ru^V^— — j? cLvjlu ^ ^v,^ AJLwJkL^ |.po^ d^rfe^ ^t^.>tXj!:3Ux fiLA-^>%JUMk T.JU'^JsXa^ ^,^^Js^ Xm\ NN^*^^dvA^wxf "tten,^ ^A^^*^.^PJL * L:^v%'^j|^>«il; > ."' fl / 154 <5 ^^v->A^ A^Juxi M 1 ^JL^kJ, % -WkX^-s^^ J^v "S^^^ul-OL^ "^^ ^Jc v^^v^^^-Jlk AaJL*^^ -N^-^-ilaA. tv>*./i^«\. Vnjv^ "^F^uX»-5 ^.Xiodc- *^^hgJ^^iLH^4» ^VX^L^U. 4L tc^JCJUdbX %. 4\A»« •ste^iiJt •'tU I i G I i^ 'VvC^ tfciOL Xf..^,^^^ ^ V ,^7t:? I — ^vV 1^^ gfau^u> MJJxAk t>%C^AK 3:^ »,%-J^lLVv ^^slU (fi::ttoi^>w \ Vwv'!:W3^ Lc^r -^^3^ V^-SL >w^*»'«* V*^/^ H 157 St>-A>^4i.«i^£te^A^SLvW.4^^ « Wjiu \^^ Y^ ^ 'WX/^XA dL-«L>0>JU iwdt 'H' 'rtNA.^^^.Ct '^AVsCfc^ ^t^^A^ t,^wCfeKJLA*y vooJISL 1 ^ o^jJL>juL.oJL ^Y"'^'^'^ — .VsaJUA _ tOvJ-v ft * A A ^ ^ A ij»l~dc ^~-r"H' •at »xsi_ A^^^A '^«^U>diSw.abL 3 BkJUjJLjAiot- *4*^tX,~--A' TTvjk AaaawhOV* Vv>0^ VOx/^^XiA 4a 158 ^Wit AOjlnj. 0 H-Va^^wA— ^iIvmIL ;^9 iUjI^vjL ^4iu-c^ «l^Aa|l 1 ^tessiXiiJk. ^JUjJu-*-^ U^(t i jr^*-*-^ \av%»^«U r iJ .-I. Gol: OJLiu-vxJL. UJUc^o^ s 'VviOsX^ Jf\Jk>sJ<^ w ;"^.^ tCA^lfJUj'^ *^^-VvlLSjkL ^"^VApjft.^,^^. j^^ «.' 160 \^Ju^ =5.I,IT?1. ^ V^JLu^V ^' ^•^i^<.^31jL.*cfei>^oAju f LCfc**^^^ Ailw\^ -iIt^a. ii^^-o^ >^JLK^ivJUlA^ Ou^Mjtt^L. ^tettU^-^. >,S ^' UuX • • cl^W %K" ^«>^«Mac; •-^: 4 ^VXv^iwv^ C^^SjS^ ^Cfcci "W-**. tv^W ^^'^^-Au^^J;;:^ QoOL. 162 *.. tAjUC^J^^ v^ -^ •^-^►^-"-t^A.^-^-^JLV^Jx ^^^5:: ^ ^tc^Jk^ X 4 i * Q =^ Y^*^*^ (V H. *^^3^LX*%^ ^ •*'"'*KJ\, '*^'*-*''\ ^"M-*^ c^^ecfctu. ^Uv y VKixW .!f 164 W^ ». T i tj^>"W K^^ tW^fc ^r^AA.^^^ VvJk>o< V ^w*^ 5 v-^J V^--wAJL 165 AvM^'NNvAtfes^ \U. al>c%-Y*'v-^^>J^ I *.«. ^-..^-K -^ ^U^^v-A. s>vn 1 Ajuv^ w^ »" t% VxrC^ 4 166 h^ 6 ^V^jkr^ ^ V?!feC;^ \XvOLN^*« ySlAK^^^ \sxXs^[^kM ^Lj^ (W tx r\wv Vv^v\^' ? Jlaa^-o I VJ^Mt ^^ 3UjJL-^ '^w^vs^ ,4" "Td !■ '-V Vvvik 'VC^oUM.AJtLwcLl V ^■^^ • -4^etL , c, ytu^ CU^O^ 'ttv^^ A-AX^^vi^v^^ $ f Ami ^^^ \^^«JL '^ P^ It ..It «t>c^ ^ ^W%.^JiX v^ AkJ^^ aA. * Vk e-ve.U: *?\v^ ^-*.<^.^U>^ , <^ P-^V -t^x V-yfc^^. ^ «^.N*^ ^. GL U 1 (ii.. 168 ^^^-ClJttl rj ijj^ ^ ^3^^^^ V^JC W*- Vw^^Ju^NTtv ^U^«J|^wjfeii^ 4^c 4)LAk >-^i^'^v%^- f :^ |;^Ju4>4iLKtk JLLsl'^'q^ ^,^^^^-v^ if ' mt > ."^ ■^a.^^ -\.v ol.^^ +j«-^:5^ i vw\> 170 J-^*--^ "S/Tf 'Wn, ^V4J»o^xi A— Aa— A.^-^^/^^^^ '>jvvX^ k^0*>^. Lv--^lMi. ^*-4./-^, ^i-vVsJoC \ 171 h ^ Wu^ ve \ % % % Av^J^. V ^-^^^XJ *C^X;5X^ '^-^^•Jl^. ^i N^c^few vfejk^ \>^^^ ^'^'^jJL t 173 7, V X»C«^v.S^ ^ «*-^^-^^>Aa/i . ^^-V©^,^-^*^ -sitadloo^.^ ^f>-*w^,^AsNjk . ^nAIAX I *^ ] VvA^ 'V^>Julrw €^w s/n^. -^ ( ■■"• V^-wiJ^ "» t ^■'. •^ A ^ . ^^ wwCCv ^^"Cw -H?\ vvw\kx.^ V •7 *^ • », 'vV-vi^^ vW.A-' -A. ■i ■X • ^JN.. .^. -ft.. V «i \ ii %-y -5?...- : •;>. -fw 3h. vvNjctv r ILi ( ^ k--^' C^.C^. s %vcv Cav^T-^a/*^ cL\vV "VjOcVkAxXii^"* A. wx^J|l.v^^X. \ \ VvxA. \ V VV ^ V ^'^^''^ ^ x~ ^% *^ IW^WxkXjl.'v*-^. a "1 y yj Wa. le \ \ i^,.j^iu*5«K.Ws)^*VSi > ♦ic^JJLU^ VoL-A-JlsV ^ \ ^^O ^V^j^AvCk^lA/^ ^^I^ 4»^ — ^usbcCt.. «JLuw--Jla^^»JU^ f.&.dAid^ 5Mjv^t.,^>Ai>4.*fc&!^i^=i£ MX^-^-i>**W .^*5fUA 176 ^u.^»fc, I 9.^% 9^ 1^^- AaA*a>CXL ^uu^"^ Jts.. • OjjLx-- — Vv^jT^J'^^nXja ^ %'>MJ>3cr ( vvvxK>'>^^wOc^v-^^ 177 v^ \dt^ t v^ iw^4jA!^ /Vni^T*-, ^Vo •J'AiJiL>^ JLmA-v/ol 3 v^c^ AoXK y 178 li c-T.-nr.VT.riT ON "SPRCIFIC VABIAT ini'S". cu I J c var j.a .■ : 'HS ' n Is or biackfc 1 'ds r-S c ^ rn:. £noni':;r, u nx s ) <-' • vl 4 t % Shuf ^J o'l ».i^i i^ ra^vv i n • v:p d : d ■*• .'• lac. -^h. rimii:a '% 1'>Y>B ' ^-^» 179 \\ )r^ n \ \ 08i: 181 VuXxk h^ f \ O JkjuvOk^ U^^^^C 'AvpJk^ ^ V ^.Wa* \ ^y^ aJLcJk^ttJCX' l<£i)L>VU«99 JLkvJV^ ^V»4C^ 'V-jLXj V4ip*v|C)tiv^ 231 183 K^woc^ dfciv^ojk^ -i^vvAj^i^ , ^^^10^:*^ j^^wvjp^^r "^oir ^W |i^^-*^--^ '^-^^^^^-^ ^^^^^J-Z^^ GUV AiJ^ OC-^ vLr^-Hxvv *iAiut>vJi^| ^ vul^aa^ , ^ ^WwOl 184 Ivc^-Oi^AH I 1 ib3uio>w V>^ l.woucW-Ju^ : ^ \mJ^-kSu-^ 0^-^ -Cfe) kx)^ .-^.4J^j9^ 581 186 fVvsjuCfc. JsJiKlL MJLCuA*vi%ak ^-«» " A. ^jl/wOl.-^?, ^ tAjN/vAl/Vo Ju/^^JL-^ ^jy^Aj,> X L "l-JL^oOb^^^* 4V^ — ^ /VwA.Av>OsJk^ ^ I ^^^^^'^ A\>.>t^>v..,-0^ ♦^-^^^^^^ T8I: ic NMjuoIteD^^^^.^ olx/v~JC^ 'AajCa^^^^ ^JLCLuOlaZ^ V^/o^ \iJujiSLo iviijh:^ A,-^*Sl^ U|w(^) ^ — i< >^-— j^^-tUiivWl. M .Xoij^vJ^ ^ih)- ^^^"•^^^ 188 4 ' G8i- ^ t^ 'V^^ M- >JLan.a-4\v^ V)JU)JsS^ f ^ J^JdL 9 JU^^ ^^^^A^^ 190 r- /. /f'^ 3^ I Ir ^^^>-9^^--^^>>-^^^sNjLAJkuv^^ *. 0:3 r\tv^x^-^ XAdtkKt^ JiLrJi^^ xi^^ ,aC^ ^V-4^^ rs^v>V CSwAej^Xjo^-^Jk / Jk^^v-^A-^^n •«-~^-*>»-~'^vJo-'^*jL^ •*-iC>>.>>^/^«'^— — -T__ •X>s\oLCfca o ler 192 ■■«f-^ :.. /f , ^rttiA>'-*>*^-Ci>^>^3^ iWwAK^^X^LAA.%^ •-f ■* ii i i 193 .• ; f * H\tr I %fj^ •V * 1\^ ^..s^ • . Ode - ^ -'-* ^- I /x^JJU ^X^U^ ^AaJC A.*^xJdt*dWoud^ ^^.(w! iV '^r^^r- -^' •Ujiiwtoi^ ; ^ -^ ^^^^^Hv^ "^ ^^)jkK~-.j>Vju,.,jLMi>>, .-A "Jf VJ» J- :!kw3t -t^u^ JCL^ dBCJcS: A^^,w. Avy. , i.^W,»|W:»^ ^ ^-H-a:;;::^ 'v«,.i,^ h^:^^ 195 VA-5 f I eL.* 'C/wxftJUL ^,^^^1^ -Lj^i.^ « * <^lj6^\L^Jllji^ ■»* ^. « ^lKA*X^.^iL^J 196 HiV } I 4,j^*^ A^wOC rfa.-^ /WOL ■An'^'^' aA*. ^>-»JJ^ Jlj< -t-vJLcyrW »Wl *\S. ^-<|UJkW, "CGJ: 198 w^^-Jiw nLl>.^«_v— »^ •5^:*v>».*^/*^ » ^ vwOInIOC ^4.^-^ AA^ •.UV-CJ /wx^-^vwW-^ju-i'dbiL -i^Jt^-*^ iAa^.r'^ i'\h f 4^-z.i ♦.# |L>>jl-«ol.-C^ jj^jucJiur^^'^'^i^^ (]GJ: r5L yvvJL/^^vV,^ J^njLju>^/-v / m^^^ovJIaJw^^aCT ^W^-A^ -X-^^ JML^^-Jk^ XS) y\^^^^ 3U-dL A RJlSlU^ I wCJl3. '^^^^ ! t^ \4^s./^lfc\v^ ^^^►'^^V^^^AAa^ M 200 Wak.* ^ , ^tWA^ W / » iUU5iSL -wc^ /wuX __ JIaJLv vvo^ /i •Va^xJct IWjuv :'«»; QQl A^tL^'-A^ wV^-^ J^ ^yi^^.-^^ ^UaJUaaa1v4^ 2^^-dL MVi^ % V 01kIL^ 200 Y^JLAK.* sJlP» H^'^t » X-%.vsc^ C^i nii^iS*- W ) / » ^>^AUx.*u^ \ /VA^N,-^— — ^kA>3^ •*A1 aA>, 202 ^V % 1 1 oLA/vj^^ — Jt ^>-^s^l<\/^ gJvK^.^-JL>v vL^-^ V^-^ -WW JUi^^/u^pfc^, L:_k^t^« jV~:t^ .^j,.^. O^A^^tevOv. 0>A* ^ ^&-^«A"^^^^Aa--n^ Vk^V^Y^^V^^Va^^ (V-VoC^^w-:* • 203 h t f ^i;^;;^^^ axS)kv Ku^fcSL V tPCtV\^ ^^'^'^icOC \UXdtuAa>» ^ ^4^kJD 01 * SlX^L$0^»OiJoJk^ Mj NkKN^T^^/^^AH ^Jt^-v^^n^^, 204 % ^^ • f (W^a^Amo^ AXn^ } /^^^VNJ^ ^LjJ|oJv^ I '^^^iXv^^fe yt \mXWl J t 0 ^ ^ I^i^Sa'vsAnM VjC^ 'Vm^O-Ckjuw^ 205 SLVilUi^v^ Oa^, I ^UVA^N. ■Jlw^ T— 0 ^vjJL^'^dbto.u. fWjv. ^UvIm^^uA^v — vA^o VjlSJL ,^'J^tevjuLvJLMj 4juauu^ 9jy,j^^^^^ 4nj^^ ,5f • Vak^ \CWbLhAu '^^-'^^^ifc 'Iv^'^fe^v /VusJD>J^ A/s^ '^^^H^ flUAJLCfcvV^^ ftJ^ Tfe^ -lOsJL XAX^ObujC^^Cu. oos 208 41^: iUujX VKxiyj^^w^-USU* c JL ^»^v^iL. 4"*>^c «i*vv»^«5^- OU\J^. ^\ » I 9C^ ^^^ ^^JxJUvO^ jCCtM>---A^ ^-"^ tit^it!3i*r V^vp^ V^ > \,,ji^ AjtyJl (KSS. 9^iw -^-^^ \k«/? ^ ^ 3^ »--^-^ w^v-J^ '--'^ y q::^,,^.,.^^^^ 209 ^'"^h ! I^jvj^^^ KIjCHX^w^^^ cLUk^ 8x11.^.0^ uAJtl ^iX^^fSLM KXK^ ..ct^U JLA^ A/wwCtes^A^jp*-'*-^^ W/uX y>A>-'*" vlvis^ SlJo^ W-^J^AW f A^^^JL amAjul^JL JUscv^CJ^Sl JVMJl'V^ - 1kv^,^l4u«vO kX' yj^ \K,:xJUL#cJU^^ ]}^--^ •M / W^^^ ^:::w^ ^^^vK>ouu^ »\ 210 Qmi. ^?, I i^>*o^ S^XvksK^ 'V0jLlc.4JkX JvSo 5 ^^.>sJoA^'"^'*tS^ l3CAjN>v.-^^--i 'W^ImX^^wI.^^ jLMxjJUjAji* ^ AkaaaJL dkAio>uu>.^JU^ ^3^ AASb.,4^/C-^ct)AAv^-^vuuto^ n^ SK^-cfc" ^ji>--'^t;u^ t.iv •;fc5>>>oL'U:te^ A/oulnAm t-^^oi^^ ^w / 212 /!|/ux • &>dbUx/o^ 3(» \K\ii*|uX flx^. v Al^gJUv^A., Voj>j^jJ^5>^»^^ 'NUwCJ^ (KAJV^xKiVlUv^w^sn* 216 ftuj«i^5^ J » 1 ^jj^,,_A3i:juxA. te-iu**. ^v^ x^ ( ^cr^-o, 218 'W.Jj.s.^xU^ ix|iV^U|IW. ,^ -As^r- 'Jt-'-^^^^^ COCX^ VoOLl^^ -^^^^^^^JUv-. -|>v^---^ ^4A>vKAiM4^ /VvA.,V .V »^ :fc:fesJC^ AyAjL^iiUjJ^ ^irfc'^osX,^ VVAJ)UU \aaJvM-*^ 5b-vwv .•Ca>1''«>xx '^ysiJ^/s-^ >aaa3o^ A/vCt '^^'^^*^^^-^»-^»- Ac^ 4^;^ 219 /W <^A6^. cMoiA 0^"-"^ fj»'^=*3d^ YjuX ^ Aotto >VL^ A. I"^-*-^- X *-f^-^>\}^L<> t^NA-^-^vAjv '^^'^^^'«— *^ 4»<^iUtLtits^ ^^^Ai. vxJ:;:*^^ ^^.^^ ffiefca 4 220 ^^fc. <«.(;>, i?n. ^ivAs^'W .ViVhWa^ ; ^^JfVWs^ 4U^ ^^^*teNw .NJUUtJUk. 'WOL 'VvKXKi^ (>J%nL2- ^ ^ A/^V^ Jt^/uU^ Xv^ ' wijtW^^ , 4vc v^^m ^^Jk V^i^ ^'P**- Ueo ) r 222 r^ Xs^AfK. I^Vn-Vv!^ «^Xj.^^:^^"^^-<^^^^ gXi.4^.N^^4K f «< A,^ ^ X ( ( t.-^ ^^ '^^ f' )^- f! \ \- -, ^\i V '\ 'J r ^ >. 1 t .^ * . r tf ^ • ^ '1 \f . f f ) X '^f - •( f. C^ •^ V \\ I t C * I v.. i 1. *■« ':i_- >k# -^ 'V .k \ V . '"'- '^ ^. 'V '■ ^ -•w_ ^ * ; ■ - 1 Original Defective |^-*!«?MH iJLkfs^'^ W-^kuXh i 222 .VjiA^X ^k^d. 'i.^^hil ,v \ -^i . -» V K tv >-■ '^'M(V»v.--. V • •J ,K\„/^,^ '^^-..K J \ i (D.1 ^ 'Y\.c« >A-' V -4^ 1 -^^ J 4 ' •^ t K K ^' - '-.^ ^^'MoJv.^ V... ..K V V V r * ) >A •1 t '.,^ t a 4 ''. v\'.^>.j^ ..ti ■■A f V . N. ■ n ^ .''; \^^ ^ I. T -'•.-A'-**v, ■\ ^ " .-V.' ■ u\ s s A \-^'^^ //->, ^ I Wctw \ ;J-^ a\- i «:. (I f. > A. 1. ^•. ■'-^ ^^ V-^ \1 ^\\ ^. '\ A A vviit 1 '►- ^v. r. \\^ IA .^ \j^J. 224 \ QdJoi-- M^^ ft ) VI /Vw,V • At^MiUH* I 226 > W*Wot^ Glut's.^ OU^O^s— t*CtedLX-<» • jw^ -^V. wUii/cJLudb .-JiJL i^'^ 'tv^ *K^. ^\V^ P*-^<-^teX-^ T^i^ 'VmiJs 3 . ^ I • f»^w«»v-«!Rt«>-' «.■"•»- *'; 6^ I ■ I- 230 4^ r «^ ^ .; i ^ "< ) ^ I t 3 <3^ \Vjw ^^^'-^^jifct — ;**^ iJt:.U,{rf. V \JL^ ^ V vvi^Cv xnX ^*^Sjki?v' AjlxaX^ U.^^^'Ok^ * ' 231 aiettW it| I IKiov*ViKao^.x^ V^UL> d*-KKK\^ xXC^ta^s.^ ^cAoJc AMvv.i*4^ ^w. 14\JL^ \ J^JLKkXo^ V^ blkkv^mjL GbvAMjiullA' JUjJLiulK/'^vJlaJ^ 'WJiVvKjcbc^ ."^ku^lkdU 9^-AvJ^ I iF •'- •iiiimniiiimiM inmimi nwinini .mi ^8S P 39' & )^ .><*c XuAk^ tCKK^-^ W Ai^ *^-^ 4L^ ^^^JlV^4]^ 4 ML?3Ca. /\x<4j.^-A AI»^ «^*A««-~i*' (UUmm^ ^»«v v(U3V * 'M , } * .V •* & imiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii liii ■-** ■ •« ^82 X*jk.>^^(^w ^ Vij«AA>4 ^'% .-<^ XJUlN^ >- Xa-'^^^'J M-AmV^w^ ' 235 tS^-JlA\. ^^'^'^5v. yv » V,i 5^*^v » ^1j\ 4l>0i.^^— *\ol (V^ (V^^^ - rc« F C 0 M O '' If" 0 TT M I T H 0 L 0 G Y. A T?KPLY 236 I ^ ■*%. i^,y^ Rditor AUdabun ^:aRazine. Sir: 'vhe October number uf the Audubon Mapa2in,e (paRe 211) tjontalns a noT,ice of the ^preliminary report on econumic ornithology* fep^ont- ly publisbed m ^;he annual report of the Department of AgriiJyltur^ for I88G« * In readinrf this notice T was surprised to see several incor- rect iitatemL*nt.s of fact, and was astonished to find myself accused of expre??Fing opinions that I have never held* In r-e ard to the rnRiish sparrow, the report m question Qon- i^ins the foilowmf^: "In advance uf the publication of the special btiiletln on the -nniish ''parruw question, whioh will contain in detail the evidence on which the followinn statements are based, is thought Hesirabie at the present time to set forth some of ults ot %bii investigation for the information of the neneral the res publi.V\ etc. in view of the above, I be(? to ask for the facta which led my critic to sav; -it occurs to us that the investiEati«n 4oes not appoar to have been conducted m the same 8Cientxri«»ily ^.partial spirit that resulted in t>^ M(»tti4Ul ^t ink h^WW *»1^ '^W-'* Original Defective '«■« 237 r n B Yi fol 0O1 To niBi' llnd fit^k It* t)i« iduq rio xiftr aoiiS^^ci^ taqfM ' I owis^* . .h as the report on th« Rnilii«h «p^f«--' l*^* ^'^ »«* Inasmncn as tne rc^ui w jnK0^ 4tee ^l^nt ^^ ^„,. „ubU=h.d. 1 -uuld Uke to asK -Vt ., «rt*». ract« uv,,n ,m,h th. oonclasion. hav» beer b.,*.. «" ^ -.4.,,.m v>a« been conrtooteo, »*»«» *»■• ' wmch the irvestiration hah oec.i , .1 ♦,. our circular «n tb» Sparrw* assert that the replies recexved to our are *^^JJ_£l!nilg''^^^-"- ^- "^ After disposinr of +'>^f= , arro^»f, same prounns we are disponed to taica «« «»V oxu..on that aii h.r.s .uh.,st.nn on .ra.n are xn.nueal ^ «^ ...e .a. ..n. .. ch pr. on .ice .n. .^^^ « ,Y. «iitor of the Audubon MaflMin* W »>»• respectruUv chalienrje the e>iitor o «H einer in print or m coT»^*rfc«tl.«n, . that T hove eve- expressed, either m p .A ^n+o +ho Views ^•V^ ftttrt bated V. nv, r-n b»- construed mto t,i'o ^"^ opinion which c..n d'- , .o I be(? to protest aramst this sort any r c.ur^e to carel^n^« ^n the p«ri of sentatiun. which i. due. of cour-e, ,H ««l beve read the report M «- «««" f** the reviewer, -ho could not ^ve re to criticise zine con in con-iiusion, may i »o .4^1 *Rd hi a render* »« ^^f^**^ •" Biders It entirely fair to lead hxe , to the pood cause kt upholdsi the ^ery an enemy to xne i.^*-' 238 h'O i}d 88 'IB on 10 tat ! ?j? is trfu ns ih (Sl^^jlpM. A^j-v^Xsiv. -•>«jL 4l>vAw^ -VVJJ^^w-^A^ \ ^4vUJL>.Jv 4l>^oKUw^ 'A.^'Ok >Aw<^ T ^— -AnA_XAJL/v/v3v. V ?U ^sJJ^■ j^!/^i^v.^' Au«.:d^xX^^ 239 ^^* ^K \ ^ ^w^o:^>>^^.vyv^J^)UJuJ>xv^^ ; \n>j^ ,W>^/^ — I ^ \^%" XnJOL ^wo^-oJUjJk "^^^C^N^v^KL ?^ ^ -i>Jo^. OV^^^^'^*-^ J>Jo^fcjL 4j, GL o 9^ 'v^^^cte^ tt Y^^ Wii\ \\>>Ov^V^ V- :^ ,^^3^^ , I y.-K:\^ t >^V«-Niv^ 1^ «j)- * ^^^AAujN "^ -dbv^V: N^sjk^^ "^teV %JU^V^N t.^^ c? ^SV ^i^ -^^o^ X^^J>J|_ ot^s 241 {] \ ^ t \^V^ >x ■^Vkw "^AwA^ 1^ V^-v ■w ( \ V V.)-^} vVik- ^-^"^ «^X' '*^^'^^J^^^i'^>>^ ^^^ 3-Vk^-^- ^wavJj^ ^ ^Uy^oC^/i^rtiL ^^-— ^^:^>xoj^ y> s4j( J^^^ r^'^-^^— ^^ l^^feLAj^ it^^ w*:^^:::^^.'^^ ^ — (/^-^---^^V^okjcfc^: ^ ^'^ WkkIj,,,.,^ Retake of Preceding Frame oi^s 241 \K-»OLvOsJ"- .1 vK^ '"^-^v'^x^ v^x3xk^ vXr^^^kv^. ^vx^N^^N^t ^J^'^'v /V' \J ct ^..■( l\-v 'x'.-. > ^^•' V/ WiV- ■^-■^-■r . /V*^-V>K»vvA..v^ dlAX' ^LoJuatk- 5^AnA^ -^<^ ^*~ i^j^fev ^UA^T^'^i'^itiL '^-^Uv. vy. \A./>.^XxAwa^ hr^ r^'-*— bt.w. J/»^XteiLA\ «S^ ^^^'^)iDS^ ^^^*^.^L_ ^h^ "^^^^ytK:^ >^-X!i^ l>^ AJi^ ^ — (/^-^--^CV^oKJCfe;- ^ •udo-'WKKljiL.v.^ 242 'I / drtr^-^e^it^i fVv^. 9k. «>. l2i.*JUv^ ^y%.Js.>s»^«w ^oJ^. jio XuAvst 3c5LvsjJifciv . K*r ^Vw\JL^ iL-V->^^-^ \lojv^.Zfe^IJ^V»-^ /j.Vw^/^^ 243 .«CA. 4', ■ ■^ /Vvdbc^^ -^— '~^^^^ X>a)Lk>wM ^Uwj jj 1 fell O^-^^^ *l 1 .-^-^w^, ajl>^^*^-X>.' ^ .u:. /\/^vJw^- ^ \Xm^ q_xJk_"^:^ .\vL^>^ |>.^^.— Jtv.^V.^-w/v/'**^ -Jw^ ^rosj'OA,-^ v^ s 244 L^v^W) Su::t- -^fc) 'i W 245 /. V*-*^-'^-^^ ^^. ' Vnak,. ^>a^ ^Sl>0^ . Ml Aw. ^-v. - ^^^-vju^^^i ^^^0^. »oL>>^ : H ^-^ ■> V \ A.A... ■\VL. .V "^ -.^^^ XV Xo.. c^. y-ouC3t ^ u_xu.I . a. .1. = jj^ 1 s^^ \ »♦ ^--..-A_' KCL -'^- '"'-.>--<' -.^^.. ^x\ N jjJk . d- ^. V— X yV-'-^s>^ 246 Xvxx. ^,l%t^. t)te;^U^ \J*ii-V >\n)JLv.>o^ iijuk'^fe^^ AjL-^x.^ Mo< ^tUj^, J^ 4J^*JU^^fe ^ "^ 1^ lA^ 4LY.Co>hA. oflL^OM-ooU^ MAM^ \ ^KSJW*-^ Cfc \ t,>j^ /VjlaaK, , dbs. iJII «J»>j^ (Vv^ M «-* -^ r-*'^-'^'^^ ^mmmmi^m^m! :-ff»*r.. 7t^S u ^-f^«-«u«X^ >t!jft.>.-A-.^.^ I ^^uJt^tW P^-sAaAv*J,wwJ) 248 ^^VK. ^",/^, >A\/o^. Jn 1 mifclj 4iK)-JltaL» MMMM*^' 249 < ^Wv.l\Trf, \ i^ 'i^ /VajJX- ^^-^k.'uu^ Xt^SsA.-cL ^ 3jNxA>«i>>yj /VakL ^jbfeWj \ 062 A iu^JJl ^L'^kfr^UA Kf^ 23S «a«». # '*» ^ Movernber VA, iHH7* 254 ll I 1 Mo r i t a n ' - ^ Oh arnb e r ) a i n , r< s q , St. John. '^Tew H>-unswictr. 1 am .lad to 'l«arr: fr.rT, vour recent .lettor that ■' .u aro ,^- r, • rr' -t>i<;iurist on tlie GeuloHicai and Nat<:rai Historv -urvey of >,aMada. .mc jpu * -.,« ,iv,+ ,,r « 1. 1 r-''^ d 1 d wor?'' 'Ti Rotary The Survev has done a vast ;-unuunt ot ..<..-.■"- imde-r th'> erficmnt Farmner-ent of its inde..-..i.H John r'.a'-aun. vhofi.n -vriti I'R '^-'r., ij.-'- ij: im.lerstood. WhV sho.lH ]t r.>t r,u -c, -a loHy'- the econonuc inportanoo ol tho ..h,o^.- w.,ul. , »i rnr.r' + ion IP +0 properly care for and son i?> erp-*-<>''*^^ ^hose ?>p*:j^ xc». ^n^.ea.e .he coU.nt.on: ^ THrou.h the courte.v or orrxcers oC the ,..v... .t has hoon .y prx.xie-e to exa.:..e K.ny oC the rare h. rd. „ .... ., in the Museum, and i can testx^v now c-.>^ded topethor m d-.i ^ ^ iri . n ..„+ 'onlv that nanr uf the -n-e 255 .-> [i [U or val,,,». but «,at nunorous otha- -e ur >„„u,.t=r,». for, *e ontams a lar^e atnuant of r.ate-iai which rnithoiori :ts a^. la-pe, as direcliur. the Museum c. should bw i-vvU -rl To- the bent^fit u^ or ^v u^ber-F;, who weii a.s Pov •♦ V* • f r> ma nv <>r Its mte- HrM^verios will be na^ . :^o far as vour <>wn ,..„.ai.i oc.asxon ^-equrr.. T shall T . must ba,.,.'y nest enthu.fVIa^■,fr. as a -'orker, and '.o t.he can only sav tia,, , to t'^stirv baV;. to ^'o'lr -a Tvustxni^ that the Canadian CK>ver.uao-nt w,.U .e .xt to r^ak. you it ;s ufrrciai ornitroiof'T^t, I ani Vor" truly your^, a.w. Chief of the Division of \ LiH tiii.Mjir'«fi>''-'"»W-aiMi*^* _^::/>T- 256 i i.> \oe^ Irxh on 3 lew nsitn iiw ISO b t;,t c-» •f U UY AuA)<.limi, -,V..y^- AsX.. vJhjijJk^ V<-^^^^ rv^ 0 Lk^^N^^OT ^^^-^-OOn^ jcaaAI ^%^LJ^^ #Oi- "f vXK>A ^ ^^ .X«^^v>v:- ; 257 4i ',^^ ,>^^ ^VvAy.»6|ltYt. 4 I 1 - CL..^ ^ujLjuJL oo^O>^ s^ <^ ^^»^ JUjla.xjl 258 a/S- fJ- W^'^.nii. .'VV*^ .Kjuciivd^ C&. , rvj^^tA^^j.^ Aa^J^^Jsj-^^ 4jL"^fe^ ^y-^w\AXjcot,/'^^" -^.sjUv^ Aj^KsA^To^m .T^ ^5 o Su^saXk I>.w4- V^i>K^ «^ \^ U^,K}>^\y>Xjax^^ >N»J^Js. ''id^AK. VjUjW4^ |jJuLiA*(Lii^\ OJUUVA 8^ ^^<%-^S^ WUC tt ll tjU^ \OsjNjOk. "tteOoOod /y\>^rv./^ 260 /W%*, II, itif . (L^v-V aX«--»JJLo "^^^^hP"-^ ikSKlL/v^JLkX . %JKJU.«i-^ *^kOo /V^O^^jLw .>6^ LX^-w^XA , v^ ^^ 'Vxjfe a^v^^aJUjc '^♦^'^ ^u^-A%a;JxVJj^ , •^ i^ '■i 4 ^ «i^ r^ HNJl'^Nlk^ JU^ ^ijLvOs. •VnaaJxKml/v.^^^ \M> ^" i OfUAK Jl/^ /W- s W"^ u Avua Vlrfc ^1^ I v^UXSL) W W^-*^ V^^C^'^ ju.^,a***"C iLv^Ma^, Ctauju^ ^U-^,4I — "^ ^los^JgLVu^^^L '\V^vwjj>^(Wk* ^SkvisX^ *. J^aSo ^L\JL5U-jJOo>^ JLjlx. cfc^\6^ >k\5-^dbJUA3L vJk. /\x^xfl.A.uK!uw«;::fe •dfc^Asf::^ ^uJ^vjJo dL^ouc;. /V,,>j;i^v\ 'VwVa^ ^V^/vvi: Jxitv-v^ 264 1 1^ 'i \us.^^^m>. /VnJJ^/v/*— ^ yk^' i tj 1 •'vO\A- ^^V\.« '\ .>-. ■^ ■ 1' n^ioJL ^^-Au ^ lii^ 'W.u^ V S ^^ (1 1 K^^-X, 'CkxTy, V. \v^ -^ .K..v^^^ HA-v^. b:)^)^^ (^ ii>t--_ X>o Vx_« ) v_.8^A.^N^^ ^ \aaJ8l>aXJ\^ JnxXJCn^v/^^ 'V^-— 4vj^-o^ isx--*^ Lo^-^ >^M^K. U^Lxk^. a_^ ^l^t^H^mmmm: « ..*■..,. .„ 292 266 ) i i IV- fl '(' I » t e^ -w-.-^S^ c SUoCJcb^ '^/^^ ^ aavkC^x^ Y — ^'^'^J^ f^ -t- "^ 'V-U*^ 1k^' A> i WkX. VvnJlC^^ OVvu^KV^--M^'' U.MOJ^K- , p^M^o. .xikkjctW -Kxp-U.^ ^^^-^J^ -"- 9 \^^'' .v^. •V'v.' 4 0 0->a_^ ts3>^VA. OJvJl ^Vwv/v^ Yxju sK^A^LMKj A_>o K"3cK>j'i?^ <^%X5^'tevK^jkhic^^'AKA;. •Wk. ^ C >X.>C'^Jv3>J>0>^--0 '\V»JO-— ^ ^t>-v- u^^-M^wJL. M)o-- ^ty^J^./^. — 'y^^ — ^'^-H- — ^ ^^^ XifA,- -v^ ^N'VjJ^Ci' iVvUNj-^yvJ)^- ^X ^ ^:s - -5 ; . mi'- i . .-^-'-xjr-^ «-». .... ^^./"v .. '. ■.-'•.»■■ ^' ^^ < 4 .-^ n *. ■4. ■»■ V yi- 11 '.V V •• . VPv .X\h ■ V \ 1 vVV.X c .-^:: .V .-. V v.. ■<••■• ^ «.. 'v / "^s.. i '\ i v.«. V t > (I tf ..'■ ' ■•*.^ ■* ir X:n A>^ Vj^,_,\^.av. .^5> 'V*^ i\ -..J... , I ^ lev*— \ 0^ . iy:^.j«->v>v_.Oj S8S Retake of Preceding Frame 1^ — ^"vodc y^ I mJjoJL/^ ■t J >LmxX>S^o5^, V^osj^o^ «*b:UAs. ^K^^^ijJ^ 3 lo^ /vjp^ AxJA.. eU-^» ^ -y^w^ Kilo R^U-^Os^ dcl>.^/0 OJvJl. ^5X yKAJL^K ^T Hp>jk.> \I]MsJ»l>x3>J>s-^wo 266 \.^x>^ 5,i-.-\^m'' aV'i » ^\-vO 'I • \^- •■' (i ^ !• W--V.J/ x^v r; » . V V ' I.' 9 •4. ^. 'i V T ;v 'j \ .'^ » • 1 V jr^-3. ^ --<.. -'V*OvN.-Vv-. ...V V \' ^■^. \ \ '--^ > ■=-■■!- rv\..::. t. i- V ^.; \\ V V ■-->»•.. VI I ^' (i '^•*i-- ^ \J^' \\%\ ^\ - — 5-. .- ' 1 .^^- ■■ ■ .v...L-.^^/^^ /I ^ 0^3O^KJk y'-~<3 \ ■r^A^^-Aj!^ /' 0-K.>-^v.^- \ 'aFv^^xX.* ^sXV -'Vi"v^^x>.vx /^VV->Jv.o -"^.^-^^.^v- !WJO^.V^^^ ^N/S ►» ' '^m X. -*^ 3 4'-- — - ■ . % l> vi^X.^ ^T X \..v.2«d,1887. ir>et,r p ri.) • oC - •■ • !" -ype: 'iric« the roc-ipt uf >^.ur communication of the in the »'ational Museu. 'nTi,: '^•ort^inatoly, I^h? ^v<.:-\1 lower • • .1 ,-f.- to +>^e Ri7baenus "hi lotus, and is mt Pel •0^ 268 tq t ^e«^ in I !-I^^U en v»ol anutno*^. SYJ^'a^ 't>*l .. ». J -• XVjk^' V" ^A.AA^J<-<^v%^ ^/^ JL;>U'^>,.^ Vm^XvAj* V. 270 December 20, / Mr. F. T. Miie-r, Upioer Woodstock New Brunsv/ink, C?rB(ia Dear Sir: I ar. told t>at you are spendinj? the vin'.er in a trappers' caino In th3 ever^een f ore3ts of Nmv Brunswiclc. Hence I write, to asT< ^ favor. Will you aek the trappers to save mo the smU. of all the animals they catch du-ing the winter and spvi ik? I will give them ten cents each for uncleoned skulls^'Wrfcen, Fox. Porcupine, Coor, Skunk, Mink. Vearel. -iyi- ^-squirrel, Mldcat, .nd^Lyrjc; twenty- five cents each tor imciear3d skull, of Otter. Pisher.and Beaver; and fifty cp.a" ^ach 'r>v Bear skulls. I will taJ-e fi^y inecimcns cf each of these ardirriB, at the prices named. The onlv aata of linportance is the sex, which in all cases must be mari'ea on tha r.kuil. The easies^ wa^ t. He Vri. is by attaching small tags, similar to those fnclrsor% nuo to e^ h skull* Very ti ly yours, # 9 ^% 4*^P^' 9lil^k<^>A^ (Dictated.) 271 m 190 IvbI :nB loiiq Ilfl :d ai iinCa i^oia) (VAJSjJo^JkJw . -^i,mv MjC,<» V\ O^'^'^-Xw l;^-^^^\t''^ -^ -d*^ •cJJ- 1- Ajcc:fe.<*j|i>>\ yC^-wAaAa^^I w^JJl ^ V >S^SJL^wA^Jt/v^^ \ iL\,mt x.x ^. % v/* '^MOw- K>ws./wsXvU ^^ ^oJlJoa '^W ^^^^»^>^ Ax^:to>*w IjXlO^JL/vU^ 0^ ;2ve f 272 ^^.i^^ 273 i.n ktJt., JJby t 'I "i . 4 .:V, i'^ s^ftLS 4 ^A^A^^ s} :t ^ Ww^ W^ ^:bd i Y 4W*jc tJU^iuXiU^ Jlw^ctr H^ '**^^^*^^ 4vuJt)te^ -TtAo,,^ * N .*"•. w i ^ i » « -J )ir'v «t'Vft,dc 'J ) (Tl '^ ^ Miitn. ^m^^^jXjjw «-*u.K4:te 4^-^JuisjL^ 'l«»Nfi^. «'^ VKgjl'lJkVt^kf 277 ivi:iJ:il:. ■v./ n b ii Aii fi » 1 • . !:* V : . 1 ■ c *« . •- *«. k ^- A.. - ■) . «. » *!' ^ *- lr:X:'!. ::;.:-■' '< -I i . / ' ■ .V . .» ^ V r *"^'X ? . <: ^ .''-i^ ( ~l I V'A '-" A v. i . Ka^ • ■ • * • > T''. y< i c^^riO"^-- >^. • ^^- 1 \ •!.» *. Hi i. ■'■ fi * (• f 5 •> ■», •-.-acr i'':J;Or Jt * ^^'■Oi... : r » ■ ■ > -■ >'i:' t 1 L ^ . r-: . :i.i:^ ?.■ '. »j ;••» A;- . J,""., p '•^M «-^-'*>««uir «■ 1 . < V, V JV i>':-iy:^u: •^:. or^ anu .,:■:'■■ /.;. •^.. d :i I' .. . o. '■« ' Inst v^;i • Id- L^^- dis. p I" CV/HS ;. S r'i C*U''^ ;.;!•!' '. K ^- i T><>''«^^^^> .^J 4ua»"t<; » y^i<> tlv;;-- V>0 i=<. -/ ■ t " t .•'iv: rr '.-s .iXCc^j. J > n ...I '■•■ s. i • ■ o • ^1 « -a r( ** • ••■• . 4 •«.'• **• ^^-^ A nt' Di^'v^raphlcui V,';.- ' ''■■ c '^rr. i ir- .:. ^ .i > 1 . r. /Om-^S ,;v;»] ■■« r I ><.' '*» -**•■«• * ■ »->»-»*' .^S .- ■ -.-# ■ MW X n T V .V .»• •< V :.t >> ,'! . a(i , *'' •^-*- Vk.«.^«r»n»)||^,4lni«J»lv;A «■, . *V- »^f F!i ciui ••ds-n ♦ •> >•' ; . r {. . C.V :-,'. A' I > ' : > ■ \ wmmiHiiKf&IHtHKmmm. mw iiLunmim Retake of Preceding Frame dTS •«. . V--W c^iAft^^ ^"^*^ V^r- t^.*^ lbti voA^ f ^yJLKMfai S 4 not iiripor tant. ^ P''t;vi^i *.> }m < M'\^: . b 1. * '^' oh3 ^u^J,;e■^ had l>.un p.-blisiwd^. - r A^-.'-M: ( :.r. A«-.<"; ? -t ';adr:.'p&d.s-...f " .rth AJ;t.-'-ica) ■.vh-ch -a? '?••?■■. ' v<-:-i-r, f -w,, i-4.. -,0 lo..,4. inm.-cii.aielr :.rtiir -}iO .-un-pi.^ w,n of thiP ,'r<^at work, c-uitcriona l»,;rftr! t^^ no.:.- ,nU, 'h: Rid tUfJor. ian Insiv. :■ -^vn t'ri)7r: th^ var1<>"«; exploring:: rdv'*-.-^ <;r "h^ f^ac ' ri c Raii- r". *i a '^ >aa s ^rv^iy. T^?is riia •*: tv T'3 a i c^nprisod- s« t:n*p •■: : "H; r r:^-^ci.:s, 'Anvi eiii^t ^o w^ch ii^^h" upon rnany • pre v *;ttrr\l p T) i n 1 1: cone i^ r%n i n f^ t.'^ :^ '' i'^'-ion^r .f j^p-c.-.s ^^Iresdv cj.;scril: a revision oi ^..hy wjiols subjic, ...c^tfat; rif,ce?.Rary. Kencs Pr f. Baxrd a: one. .set abo-Jt th .-vr-ipa-'at; >n of ^n.;- bo'.;k o-.-rr^ - -- ,- -'""-^•^-^ ll£ l^l!ii!l AM'^/-_ea, T^Ib pr^h^at ' vvorK '/vas rapid ty ^>K^ pubiicaticn of t'--: last voivun-- -.r Aud,.b..n ;»na «ac»^>an's n-uio •T; peels. It constit!.:tt^s th^; ;fif^>it?: voium *i ^ ' . 5''sc; f'Ac KiJ R^pov^-tij;, nrr s a ponderous qwurto. .^r more t}?an ':oa ^apcs, .-cc^r-^ Oiin ^ #-' ". ;!'■;•..• rt ^ v= s ^iXCcUi'^n nia'- s. ih >rih y' bllfth d ^- ^^ • stundi*r vhoil.^ of Le<*>'r5cai *^i5:c • »»■— ■ I 0 IIIBtuXW^ •\s n;aa, coca ist; a ! • 1 • •i'-S v.; Hi 277 wm^^ i:,i' -fi "^ f:H»E^-, Origina I Defective i ^^ns, ', ; s i ^i.i t'?nl Known >m -I" hi; <: I -C?] >r^ C f ^--Whaxe -> ♦-■ » • 1 Si. a .Co" ..•«•- r».- In M, pni •/» ■.■^. *■» \{\'^V :\ c z Kn am but C fj> i ■ V .i «* J. nl rUjSe 278 iCl n H M. tt 3 T> .Si c i;ia U' 'H -^F/-^^ ) I VI ana -kc^c :n ■ * o accc^iaoa ir*. "L \% y (^ •t,^ < if' *^ Cf • ( J** • I V 4 't 1 • •'.'i r-^.. iVc M*. *S J^ ?? ai ,iS ■i'3r':''ir}T. 5? lie V » I i a . prv;p:^ra att *.^ t d . v* I n'. r ic: a jH > ;.'• . '^ <- C 3'i vS. > ' : C iX I c ac ban »\ .1 • - ■ i •?> t 1.-1 t,» •h^ch (K. y^ Q f a.p H - id: kn- ' r> r n ■^ * ■. •♦. « i V F ;i^ nv>ri3n uji {^mc f^'hic ) i 4 I • ^ » J re-'i abi.v, c) nil: o ■' Y'ccivc- ci -ni c nf^ nr^^at ^ r*: --J f. r;c • ^ J J. »• i j n av c: V < ' ^ ' n a BTn^jM^3 ?ing I- ic'm::(u niirab V. •■ r Crises Ir ac '^ ' 4 ere ernim;nt s -pi >• ■« ?> t f- •rn:-ji t i c 7* '*jO l < p iftt Hir '/l! ^t i ads n»* t • - V' 8< iMrr«e a part < r J. i;j:et]imc -^ as cons im^d n^ : fl T* , - M i>4r if cnd^f f r>rt IC I a J. <-< • <^ • ■m tm< w Vo..^. ^^vnt. (VvvV..W'^\>>^^ •i %-lJ ?i^-- %ijL'.^>J^ ^A O^J r\ vA#-^»*-' •ZOV- k 1^ ^"'- ^ 0 vS :j*c- 1^ ---'^ -'^-^^ "^'•'^■'^ 0 ^-^ ^ , v.* \^» ;-C3^0 .VX.^^^^. V»%»'Voi:^-'^v.-^»>>^'-''^'^ -> iK^}}-A.j?, i^ '\ I «'> January 14, 188.8 ■%♦? IVJ/' • V K n u- iimx riUULU t H--f Cii-icinnaiyi, Ohi V • • I ur r M: Fisher .La. t ..v '.' J--' -»• J f i-.h^-; 12-i.-.]- ins^ani., asking' fov in- rcp V 1 fill <• ^v in veP'ard ^o the bes^ Hiet hod of cleanirif^ the bonns of an Icplian I vo Id rospec- fiai:v stai^e thai, ul^ ■\p --^p e i '«.• is but one method bv which such bones i ■f«,4rr hr> > J.-.A l^ L;l-I S' f*< •■.tt .perly cleaned, and that is by long Eiaceraxtic n. . I^v. Baigvr hole one ncl in diameter should be bored ,n bOL.n r;ndB of fiac h of the long bores of the lees, and ehovild •ef' ,ch in OS ) .L Car as uosBiblo, in on IfT 0 furnish a freo escaj: ' r for T.r;f:i marro?/ ?;no groa H ^T'pnr;/^ O L" • Tlien 1;he bcnes shorid oe piF. •.c soaK: m laq^e u n^i 1 -^;^ii} (jr ho>^Bheads, or in ^ lar^e vat, whore they may "^e- i.-\ ... '. ■» mcin unnisf Jx'Ora i 1 .' ' tl leas :j V* t> vea-L If ti>'-; cieph-ant is s large 7 - *i# -I. :)riij a year' ^oio bonefi wiii then t)e reaoy hall, or even l.:-rige.% may bn noceBsary. dy for iina:^ FfiP«^'aticn andmoimting he Vt-jrj -tamiy .voirrs, tL.V>X^ Dicta ) mimm w^ 281 s *^ V- N\ \ % A iuJo^*. w^ V%^bs. I 282 W- »'\ • T^ JL^>^x^i>»K/%*^ A«_A fjyiA iir^; --tifc^^^^H^ X^ ) t^jlJ^V^H «M»dOU, I ^^Vik^C^ 1 * t d 283 i ^. ■A i rf J^82 mMf ., ->- Jmi'^ 4, 18BB. 0;t, S f' . L.. •«■»•'»' • T V n ]l^^\ •'1 C: joaj. mr* for -^^^eriiriBlylon, ; . .» i. eonusi^ -^t' v/rov^H ^f ui;U::^iial inier- ^-r^ '\-*'> -'* . ' "i 1*,< - -v* 1 , out M-^rtalns to ;/;.v ■♦.:t■'^r'^nr^> frcr: ^iiy opr^ci- ! J, A ' ■ ^ > • ■» rr/' re -^::ti^ ■ . "•< "y/* ctic". and cerheinlf 1b I isve taV:^i. t/^ liberty, ib^o- <\A^'^ • 1. . '\ 4- 1 n'' • •? : -. 1 n » v* -. 1 Af- ^-i'M^t, i'Tid I have bad an excell'Bnh dr^:^ t^^n tiii.en. Tbe fragi^ent? of th^ slmll, r i ]^jv. coi-ddiVidw, the teeth, yov. will r'llKi. f f.r Th: lb n,, » f. ■> 1 J ' c-^v^r-.b ^.ox insirfe- r "^ ■. "^ i ^^ ^xn^inim^ tbir- unumially In- n-* t; Dr. '.1 A r, V'^ry ''11' ly y-vra, arc Oi,^lC" SufvPy ci Canada, '^^ \U.>0^ ^^•-•-^ Original Defective 1 \a^^^ i^ \^'^- ^LAJ-^^^^^J^^fe^V.'^^^'^*^ ^ 05^ ^-A J^W^' •SHt ■sA>^»*«K }x4irxJ«»4K VA I\\i^!uL-Jk l!2 "W3Kt a^^ '^-•JLl.llt *^JU#^ h «IU>>-* JMW^ ^c4u^ T8S ^. /Uk , ^ fuA Mil A^ J^ ^%i i^J i^Vj^rk^i^. ^^^\i Ull u 5_ Xkvv^Li ^A.%^ e'-^-^iL^M^ ^'^^^ iiM«^%A^ 4\iJUa|^ Wv^^ 288 iW V-^^ i 4t ^ --^ Lk.V. s V*^- >iuui>>SUM 3c -*2 ij^ UikW^ |*?v>'*4. t%. iSsjL^ W >-^vX ^*^*^ ,>>^.4*^ tS>.3>\. 289 k ^^WW^W , >^' \^t\ H%i\ w 90 < I M P T I u »l v< IGS 29 n 2^'^ k* h^ ^^\m. ::i^^JX)JiK»>x^ 5 "Y .-GS Ak? ^*-*^^^^ -aIx^ v\S^ vc^-w^ ^v;^xv vv^i^CfcrL ( '^W^ Xo^ xVy^l^^ Va^ /W-w^ I -|o-OL-^ '"=^?«^ Xi^lVVx?^^ ^fi-kjL ^W^^H. .V& Cl3c>^^jju^ «t^*-J^ t^ "^^ ^L^U, X "^*~~ ^^. 'SLVv^ eLKSk^ *=tcc«ja v^^xSX, .x«j:5^ ( WnhNjUk,..^ 2J; i \ OGS 297 w S^^ I ^ ^>J^.^^^Wv. 'S^vo.^.wAmJ^ : U.^ UAA; ii \%>A>>i3u^ vL t2ol3w5 \AJ^A^lJ^ X.3t;bv*.4^ ^fevJL, *^;«f^ »\^-^t^ 9^ 298 y / r irt^'' I t tKML*MJ>. WUNjLkMudOS^ JL/v^ <>>ju«lJ|:ic •SL 'yu'^f-w Asfctei^dXii, 4ju^ &juJjc 3 trte" vA. 3ac «fc^ •^r -Arilk -dttadka SLAV'S- 3-Vj^.,jl_ ULu^ I V^w/SiA^JsJ^ ^L«. — Xsj — ii\ X*Aj^j>j<. '^^ ^'vr <3;j V.>A^ iXLUMJcXj \ J-'JL-Owf^/^^JkX. ■Wn. >**~» '^V'SiSa^i \ \^ M 1, ^ Vw..p3:_ ^ !WJ^^^ v^ oOs^, OLcfefckN*^ J'^Ji-'^WNjDA^^ • \ 2) ^iJ^o^^^Ua *^^-j-JsJk^v.^^ -w f*t 300 Vh 5.H I t |!^AJU|AlJx.^^^ 3JkjuJl^4%^- >*-^ fc**KK.i|."*5^T*^^-* ^jX^Ote^sAAu. 9 «JUj5X ^«Mk."^ <^r;^jL\*Cv. ^.^.-JkW . jJu..v:3Ddc^ •^'■*^*j^ j4s£iM^ '^Ajcte j^^^.^*Ajt^ eu,,^ ^"^^^^^ -o>M "s^cr ^^.^^%... — vu*^^ J*^^^ *^ CMXfcloo^ 3L>^iw*jL. «yy| VO^C^ >)jcJU'>4«^ 309 1 -^ \Sar.hing^:>n , D. C, July 25, 1888. Mif^S A. S. P;:-l;COCk, less. Thirteenth S'., M. W., Wasirln^'^.on, D. C, In i-Gply to your inquiry as to my opinicn of the mental condi- tion of D-. R. W. Shufeidt, U. S. A., I betr to state that a little over a year ago I had some correspondence with Dr. Shufeidt which led me to believe him to be of unnound mind. Previous to this oc^ cas sion I had b3on on toiiris of perscmu friendship with Dr. Shufeidt, the occasion in qi>-stion wrote him a friondiy letter, asking and on him to desist from a course which. v?as greatly injuring his reputa- tion as a scinnr^ific man. In reply I r-c-ived a letter frm him, abounding In such insoleni. an r^f^^uago, and carrying with it the idea cf sucr. Rxcessiv- egotism on hi.s part as to bo entirely / • I inexirlicable on any otht- suppos^. -n ^hsn that h^; ^vas ^nsane. RespHc' f'-liy, 302 7 ^ u u ■0 Id 'Li da j. ?ni ^ AK«lMt October 26, 1888, Dr. Peter Collier, Director State Agriculturai Bxperimenb Station, Geneva, New York* Dear Sir: For a numlDGr of years I have been collecting infoitriatlon re- lating; to the ornithology of New York, and have now in hand a very large quantity of rnaterif^l c^n the subject, which from pressure of official work I aiQ unable to put in shape for publication. It has occurred to me that by cooperation with the New York State Bxpejrl- TTient Station it might be posnible to work up a part of this materi- al at an early date. If you favor the idea, my plan would be to prepare an annotated catalogue of the birds of New York, which should contain, under the head of each species, the following In^- forrnation: !• Distribution of tlie species in the State. Character of residence, namely, whether resident, suinmer 303 resident, mliZTanti, or winter visitant. S. Period of VTBtier:x:>B if non-resident, with dates of arrival ^^Tjj departure in different pr.rb.^' of the State. 304 :a ka :bI lo lOO OKI Lb .13 [Ot 8Qf 4. Food-hablts. and resulting economic status of the spwte, Such a catalogue would be of much practical value to faitnera. It would and would be useful to a very large number of people. contain no technical matter except the scientific nainfts of the spa- Of course cies. whi<5h would follow their common Knglieh names. euch a work could be easily enlarged to any desired extent by the insertion of matter relatinf^ to the time of nesting, kind and posi- tion of nest, number of egp;s. period of song, and rreneral habits; but from the standpoint of the agriculturist I think the data con. tained in the four headings abovo 8Up;r;ested would be most imporfc- ant. We arfl now cooperating with the ISest Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station in the preparation of a similar catalogue, the main difference heim that in the case of Weso Virginia most, of the money furnished by the Board had to be expended in field work, as next to nothing was known of ths birds of the St^te. In the case of New York, on the contrary, most of the field work has been done, and what Is needed is funds to work up and prepare for publication i,he material now in hand. If the necessary money could be ob- tained, the work could be done here under my iimediate supervision, and turned over to you when ready for publication. bns ra :a tm m ia \n 305 8 If you favor this scheme I shall be pleased to hear from you at your early convenience. Respectfully, ( Dictated.) [J3 [vl- Vf B f >\ r^A S^m / 306 ( Dictated.) ■ Hovembftr S, 1888. Dr. Peter Collier, Director New York State Agin cultural Exp't Station, Geneva, N, Y, iMy dear Sir: Year letter of the 81st ultimo is at hand, and I am much pleased to know that you regard with favor my proposition to co- operate with you in the preparation of an Annotated Catalogue of tha Bii'ds of New York Stat«. In regard to your question as to how much iwnoy it would be necessary for you to contribute I would say that this will depend largely upon the time when you wish the report to be ready for publication. If we could receive say $1200 be- tT.'eon new and July 1st next, I would agree to deliver to you on that date the Catalogue ready for the printer, said Catalogue to contain the infomation described under the four headings mentioned in m^ previous letter. Should your Station be unable to contri- bute this fiTPor.nt during the present fiscal year, and still be able to contribute something, I would begin the work and would do as much as possible with the available funds, expecting to complete It the i'cllowinj') year. Very truly yours. 307 tO ^{M iqo rid- i!jm Bvrd- :oD ai •utf 00^ loum Noveiiibcr 17, 1888. Mr. Winiam Brewat-er, Cambric!p;p, Mass. Dear Sir I At a meeting- of thft Council of the Americar Ornithologists' Union, beW in Waehington, D. C, November 12, 18H8, it was •Resolved, Th;..! fii?^ Covncil rn command to thfi' Union tiw appoint- ment cT'^'ToiHialttee to rvWise tic status cf 'hv b pedes and sub- st)?-^cios dnscribpd since the publication cf the Cede and Check List, aria ti^.e piTU)csr;a olinJnatifns and ein^ndatdcns cf ncmfnciature, with a vu:v. ■ 0 the piibiicstion of « Supplement to the A, 0., U, Check List, and a n(f!i and abridgod oditionof the Check List as so re- visr-d." At the first meeting of tb: Sixth Congress of the Union, held in V/pr,hLng;ton, D. C, November 18, 1888, on motion of Mr. Cory, it *Rnsoj.v-d. Thrt frhe ]ii^;ter oi revismg th- ststus of the spe- cies ana subsTM^cieaf^^^nera and subgenera described since tho pub- lication of tk^ A, O/LU Code and Check LLst, and the proprr.ed iUiffi*;n^:tions ci ?i.^cjf^s and subspecies, buq emendations of nomen- ciaturu^bf referred tn the Committee on Publication, with power to publish tho r^^Bxnt^ in the fona of a Supplement to the Check Lifit, in th:) same stylu and fcm as re^^ards matter and typography as tte Chnck Liat Itsrlf : f^iv:) to incorporate the substance of the same in tht^ aorid^^^d edition of the Check Lis^t already cindered bv the Coun- cii,* Th^^ CoiTiinitteo on P^^biiCcd ic'n consists of the President and Secrctt^ry 'siX officio, and of Mrjssrs. Brev/stor, Co'Jes, and RidgTsy, elcctnd IroR trc Council. Thfi PresidGnt, hi\ Alien, has decided jW .iM [fo. In am riit MB itA lasW ni 'i aow 3 scio Mio IflT 308 -2- .,.• ■ .:V'n hfw -.; meet wii^b Ihe Comraittee, in order that the work ,v' r: :va.: . b c "iupi^'ted ai. an oariy daf- e, so that the abridged ■.dir.::on of -h'^ Clipck List r.8\ be published at once. Your attend- ance id obf- m:-<;tingi:^ of i'hc Cc.;:jnittee is essential tc the siiccess- cci.ii,.iet::or; M th- •- ork in hand, and it is eameBtii' hoped that ' ,i cv y.j v;.....I rt^''-'"' the ctii lUi: nbor's of the Committee in this city as ariy in ".b? v/ock a a possible. Rs: spec tf idly, Secretary A. 0, U. iPictatea.) '{^Vf /J- December 5, 1888 • 309 i;,T.fb" oris 0 i.''.!. VV II0\ Vi''C.'.i9 oiT) Messrs. Tuttle, Morehouse, k Taylor, New Haven, Conn. Dear Sirs*. The American Ornithologists* Union is about to publish a nsw edition of its Check List of North American Birds, similar in style of type and size of page to the enclosed sample. It is to be printed on one side of tlie pa^ only, and will cover about 100 pages. The edition will be 2000 copies. It is to be printed on 70 lb. ss. & c. A. I. book paper which will take ink well, with 40 lb. cover. If you would like to print this Check List, we shall be pleased to r'^ceiv^' an estimate. Respectfully, %x*. CJ^.i.VL ( Dicts+ed.) December 8, 1B88 310 .aiaaeM ;i2 ifleQ eqx^ to bQcffiTTq . aej^sq .dX 07 TOO .di iBelq ed e.tDiCI ) Mr. L, 0, Howard, Assistant Bntomo legist, ' U. S. Departmont of Agriculture Dear Sir: rorf- In reply to your inquiry concerning the occurrence of brfll in Squirrels,! would state that during many years collectiiig in the Adirondack region of northern New York, particularly along its western border, in the BlacK River Valley, I frequently found CuterebrM in or near the scrotum in the Gray Squirrel (Ssiffims. carolinensis leucctis.), Rod Squirrel (ScJAmii huds^aja and Chip- munk (Tste ^triatus lysteri) . I have observed the sanie thing at Bastharr«)ton, Mass., and in other localities. The most extraordi- nary instance of the prevalence of this disgusting parasite that has fallen under my observation was at the south end of Lake Chanw plain, New York, in October. 1885. On the 7th and 9th of that month I killed more than fifty ChipmurikB (Tgnias striates kS^^) within a few miles of old Fort Ticonderoga, and on the rocky aide hill behind the town of Whitehall. Of these a very large percent- age - I think fully one-half - were infested with -wabbles' {0^- tei*ebrS|). More females than males were thus afflicted. The •wabbU^were usually situated near the median line, and anywhere -s- tJl i. .iM 190 vi JBO IB${ IM :fiii iBri Xq [001 iw Id from t.hG '.'imbilical region to the genitals; In a few cases they were in the axilla, and in one or two instances in the upper part of the forelog. In a number of indlYiduals two CuterebrflB were found* and in a few casGwS as many as three ♦ 15r. A. K. Fisher tells me that be collated a number of Chip- munks about the south end of Lake Geoirge, Warren County, N. Y*, during the latter part of August and first of September, in 1888, a considerable proportion of ^hich were infested with CuterebriR . As uiany as three were found, in different stages of development, in one animal. A Gray Squirrel killed at Sing Sing, Westcheeter County, N. Y., contained a Cuterebra in th^ left pectoral region • Respectfully, n.. Ornithologist. ( Diciated.) moil dit rii. Xeiol :xiub itiOO B aA ft ,9no ; -i J.. ■:\ loot ■w .71 f DecGinber 11, IBm, My dear Iifr. Roosevelt: I am very much obliged for your kindness in sending me your manuscript notes on the habits of the Short-tailed Shrew(Blariim brevicauda). I have had a t^'pe-^i/rit'-Wi copy of these notes made, I II - - — - 4>i«aavi^»~~ and return the orifrinal herewith* I ara sorry you lost that Shrew near Kootenay Late* You are . undoubtedly rip:ht in considering; it a spocies o^ Ijeaoorex. I never saw one alive* I caine very near seeinp; you last sunsner at Medora* I wa8 thero about Aufnist 10, and wan told that you were expected at that I went west by the Korthem Pacific, and spent sane time time* .n the Pun«t. sound rej^ion. Have you ever visited Pend Oreille It seems to rae tliat this ref?ion promises much, both from Lake f .he Bi^dpoint of T,.e hur.tor and from f.hat of the nat„u.allBt. tacidentally. in yo.r Intere^Mnp; popular writing,, you have .ad. many «cordB of v.rv ,«-eat value '.o naturaliet., particularly ,,„ ,,,,„,„„, of »..«"8S at potats re»>t9 from tho pre- . , distribution; aM it would be very ', .1. ^ r. r .. r'-;d SO!)lt. i.jlltu>oox .i. t. concerning vious.. 312 o 1 o ■tr n L'.rt. frfo )0 ma amals durinp your wander Incrs* I would pive a pood deal to see the Hoary Marmot vou found on the Coeui- d' Alone Mountaina^ The Kootenay rerrion is one I have lonr -.vanted to visit, and hope that * I may be so fortunate 'Within a few years. Are you never corainp: to Washinp^on ? v^ould like much to see you here. Apain thankinfr you for your kindness in placinp these notes at my disposal, I remain, Very truly yours Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Oyster Bay, K. Y. 314 ,rl.t lOX ox Xm -noH Waihinprbon, D* C» Dacwnber 14, 1M8. Prof. S. P. Ianjd9r» Secy. Smithsonian Institution, Waahiiij^ton, 0« C Sin GiHndttee SATURDAT Comnisslon of the Anthropoloftical, Biolo^oal, Gheoical, GeofprApWe. and Philosophical Societies of this City. I wis instructed to ex- tend to you a cordial invitation to deliver one of t LBCTURBS of the Course beplnninf? March 9, 1889. . . ,.. • ■■ - If you will kindly sip-nify the title of your lecture, and the Saturday afternoon In March or April #iioh irill best suit your .oon- venience, I shall be extremely oblijjed. •• • Very respectfully* » Secy# Lecture Commltteo^ Washinprbon, D* G. December 14, 1888, 315 It ftr. Washinpton Matthews, Ar»ny Medical Mu'^et^n, Sir? At the last meetinf? of the Lecture Comnittee of the Joint Coiumisslon of the Aiithropoiofrlcal, Biolorlcal, Chemical, Geopraphic, and Philosophical Societies of this City, I was instructed to ex- tend t,o you a cordial invitation to deliver one of the SATURDAY LSOTUEKS of the Course bop-inninfr March 9, 1889. If you will kindly signify the title of your lecture, and the Saturday afternoon in March or April which ^ill best suit your con- venienoe, I ahall be extrenely obilred. Very respectfully, S0cy# Lecture Committee* 316 * Dooeinber 14, 1888 • ^^. Jolun Murdoch, Snithsonia.-'i Instiuution, ■'^ashan-p-ton, D, 0. Sirt At the last luoetinf* of the Lecture Coranittee of the Joint Gosuniaslon of the Anthropolo'^ical, Biolojcrical, Chemical, Geographic, a.-id Fkilosophlaal Societieb of this City, I was tastracted to ex- t9>d to you a cordial invitation to deliver one of the SATURDAY J^BiiT'JflJiiS of the Course bef-cims. uip March 9, 1889« If you riii temiiy signify the title of yoiir lecture, and tlie Siiturdav afternoon la March or April which w-ill best suit yoiir oon- Yarleiicn, I shall be extremely oblired. Very respectfully. Secy. Lectiirs Committee^ Washlnfrbon, D. C» December 14, 1888* 31? kt I ,?. iV Jhrdsident, OoluraMan University, HMhinpiton, 0, C« Slrt OooBdttee CoBBdfialon of the tathropoloftical , Blolojtioal, Chemical, Oeof?«aphic, and Pldlosophical !?ocieti9s of this City, I web instructed to ex- ..... ■ • ■ • tend to you a cordial Invitation o deliver one of the SATURMT .•.....■•■■ ... - UK?PURBS of th0 Course be^rinninj? March 9, 1«B9« If yoa will kindly si«mify the title of your lecture, and the Saturday afternoon in March or April which will best suit your oon- ventenca. I shall be extremely oblip«d. Very reipwifully. Secy. lecture Committee 318 SBilthttQniais Institution^ Sir: U<}tuf« C««0 • * • » » * " ♦ ». , » , CoaalsBlon 9f fiie Asihropoloricftl, Blolofi^leal, OhemimI, O0*mi[^Ni4|, nxA Philosophical Booietlds of tMfl CUy, I wae instfudibntf to «!<» t«)d to jnou a cordial imritfttlon te daltvco' one of t}i9 SATURQ4T « LBCTURBS of the Course be^zvdn^ liarok 9, 1B68« If ^u will Idndly »i(mify tte %i%U of yoir l«»tW8, aoid 4te t • Satiopdaj afteamoon In Mareh ,, , ,,„ ., ..^-.. . r- •'i^'.f y^ **'" * ■* ranlenco, I shall b« ©idaromely obllpisd^ ». • I t I Vsry raspBotftdly^ .X»s5^ locamli .■; « « .. . ; , V Washinpfbon, D* C^ December 14, 1888 ♦ 319 >^ 1^ ft m >Mr# Henry W. Hens haw, Sinlthsonian Institution, Washinpton, d. G. Sir: At the last meeting; of the Lecture Coimnlttee of the Joint Comniission of the Anthropolorrical, Biolopiical, Ghemical, Geoppraphio, and Philosophical Societies of this City, I was instructed to ex- tond to you a cordial Invitation to deliver one of the SATURIAY LROTIIRHS of the Coiu'se befinnin.f; March 9, 1889* ,■■■■■ ..••••■-. ■ . ■■ .' ^ • : ' If you will landly siptiify the title of your lecture, ard the ..t ■: i'» 1 . Saturday afternoon venienoQ, I skill be extremely obiiped ia March or April -^'dsh will beH stlit your con- •^■v,i;r :', J . i. Very respoetfully Secy* Lecture Consnittee iM :iZ [oO )fLB ^r•, oai M-B8 [9V 820 Decf^mbfir 15» 1888. Prof. S. P. Langley, Secretary Smithaonian Institution Washington, D. C. Sir: The Joint Committee charged with the RrranKements for the course of Saturday Lectures beginning *«arch 9, 1889, respectfully request the use of the Lecture Pall of the National Museum, togeth- er with the customary cooperation in thn publication and distribu- tion of prograiunes Very respectfully, t Secretary Lecture Committee^ ( Dictated.) oii :ii8 lupei Id ) Wasring^tcn/ D* d Dacember 14, 1H88: Prof. l)&niel C Oil-ian, President, Johns Hcokins Univerwsity, BaHirroi'e, Ma# Ci* Sir: At the last njoetinpj of the Lscturo Oornnittiee of the' Joint Commission of the Anthropological, Biolop:ical, Chemical, GeogrN- phio, and Pbiloscphical Societies of this Oity, I was instructed to extend, to you y cordial invitation to deliver ono of the SATURDAY LJ^CTIBES of the Course beginninp: March.9, 1889. If irGii will kinaly si^^ify the title of your ioctiire, and the S'sturday afternoon in March' or April which -will beat suit your convorfience, I shall bo extremely obliged* Very respectfully/ Secy* Lecture Conimittee* *J » J • :ii2 fmaflUTA?- ^i;Md iftQiaevnoo iQ ) Dr. J« H. Kidder, SniiT,b«oni?in Institution ,;ton, D, C. Sir: Washi^ml-on, J3. C. Heceraber 14-,. 1888. At the last meeting of the lecture Cowmit.tee of the Joint Ccranission of T,he Anthropclogicnl, Piologicl, Chemical. Geogra- phic, .nd Philosophicnl Societies of this City, I wus instructed to extend to you s cordial invitation to deliver one of the SATURDAy Li?cTflB}?S of the Course beKinnin^ i,arch 9,]889. If irou will kindly. signify t,hG title of your lecture, and the Saturday afternoon in March or April v^hich mil best suit your con- venience, r shall be extremely obliged. Vory respectfully. Secy. Lecture Coitu'iittee. / ,-v I tz wioO 'J idtf^ oJ- [TA8 [u^b8 i:n9V 323 Washington, D* C. December 14^ 16b6 Prof • Honry Newell M'/rtin, Johns Hopkins University, Baliiimare, !vK:i* Sir: At the last roeetinp; of the lecture Committee of the Joint Oor-jnission cf the Antbi-opo lo epical , Biolop:ical, Chendcai, Geogra- phic, :\m Philosophicjil Societies of t.his City, I tos instructed to extend to you a corriial invitation to deliver one of the SATURDAY IKCTIIRES of the Course bep;inning March ^, lb89. * If you 'vill kindly signify ine titJe of your lecture, and the Saturday afternoon in March or April which will best suit your con- venionce, I shall be extremely obliged* Very respectfully. Secy. Lecture Consnittee 4jlJl AVjCtoxKS^ g^.Ht \ -i / *"5i Vi'\ -ilZ too irfq le o^t [TA8 6l In^^ I 4^ December 14-, 1888. Mr« Tr. K. Gilbert, U. S. (reoloKicrJ Survey, Washinnton, 0* C Sir: At the last raoeting of the Lecture 'CoiarniT.tee of the. Joint r nDiTiTiisslon of the Anthropolofcical, Biological, CheTrdcal., Geogra- phic, fiiKl PhilcsophJcal Societies of this City, I was instructed . ♦ » to extend' t.D yon a cordial . invitation to deliver, on some k'eolcgi- cal snbiect, one of the SATURDAY IJCTimRS of the Course beginning Marches?, 1889. ' • » ^ • ■ If you will kindly sip^nify the title of your lecture, anxl the Saturday afternoon in Mrch or April wnich will best suit your con- venience, I shall be extremely obliged. • Very respectfully. Secy* Lecture Goiimittee* 323 > Prof* V. 0. At«t%ar, Ddpertment of if(ri«ulture • IRitfhix^rton* 9i 9 K f QiOnt of i .»r. WasnirST;Cn J • V V.' T >^ f. -!. '» » » r i fv: ,9Ct-ur^ ^vimir , --vv, n i«t. Ai)t(vror>oiG^:;;ic;- : ^ idol ': /■>-"■ iA ,-\ i p h i ^ (? A .1 L I ' i ^ ;u i C B I K) ^ ?■"• .- K 'i 's t \ -■ ^ ''; r- ey. '•^ r. « T «^ » >>(' t~^/ A;i v;\; L < ;. isA J . -t-^ / ;. * . \J' V 5 IV ij.Iv.' Ui t > kis:- n:-. I rr* n a V T ATl)H 'i*^ i Kfi' ifJ- X Tf j /.'« V ' , f' n-" y t ' • J- I '• h -; 1 \.*i ^2ii KliKU V- \J « J.-f' "n.^ • N < ^t 1 T t-i /.i itct-urtj and tne ?^at t i. U v7 X X ' **i ■.•^ 1 • •37-1 "^ '1 .'^ ,~ 1 • .- ^ 1 '? K/> ".'f . » -. ->. bosi; ^u <1 1 : T x:ur con- VGnie:t"iC 1 Bbajl ba oxtrc!:ieJj • •- •^•. •» »> 0^.1 ik^U'i* »■■ f i V ^ — t r< T .- f'< A'r'lM ?L^i.ViJ.a t-t Ci r- K' c; • 327 Wushljirt^O!!, D t:> Decornher :i4, 1888^ 1 A • \.)Oi • ' i J- . . . m J. . •' . .» , ■ : * . • reni'oi \r i": > I '."^t .•V;.i^' ' 'J- ' •»> liiv of tho Gurrenc T ": K'* S. Ir^e^surv, Wasni^ifn^or', u* i 8>r MG> ?f)**^etrinK of tiie J-PO ture Coinmitt;30 ol the Join u ■ /\ ' • ■. . . Vi int-^roT-oloRica 1. '.^ioioRlcal, OhondcBl, (rPCf^ra- ■» ! '. ••. .'I A-, 'i ' i I }..' •.. Ffilo^opriic-ai :>oc:i6Viv? 1 So i .1 j''^' B C f r"^ "^ c City T was iDst/ructeci .♦^ t *■ •'■ il^ \ U e^-'H ht y eu ?i covrUal invitation 'h ^ riejivox' one of Lhe ?AT!;r.'MY LH^TID^J^S ;-i' T^ire i'o^ivse oe,drxiriK^. i ■> oO( ^arcn ••^i i^^<^ 7r 70? -^d).] !;:in'.M.y ^>i:-^'ni -T t: •*- f- /^ of t ir )n .• .• i \^ (.< ■*'. e "y •.••',''1 •' \.l iX b""' :4'T'8r:»*00n ITl i' ^^reh or ^^r^ii which v^iU be^t suit your con- 7 -* verJ-^'HO' <..• 1 b^ ''^ vtre::;e IV 0 tu i;^oa • I J fj ■no.r f •• ricclg pa 1 J idus is 8S4S-? (this part, has been trlraned off). In returning these figures you have cut off the explanatory rcstter imder each one, so that as they reached me they bore neither nana ncr number. Curiously enough the legend under the printed figure of each skull is correct (with sli^t exceptions) for the species, but not for the drswing in the case of Chilotus. ( Dictated.) Respectfully, \ 331 Wa8hinrf'/0n, D# C# January 8, B 0 in o W4 ) Prof. Af'.aph Hall, U. S. Kavai Observatory, Washinrrt.on, D. C. Sir: At the last raeetlnfr of the Lecture Gonnnittee of the Joint Com- mission of the Anthropolop:ical. Biological, Chemical, Geop-aphic, and Philosophical Societies of tMs City, I was instructed to ex- tend to you a cordial invitation to deliver one of the SATUP.DAY LF.GTUPJSS of the Coui'se be^nninix March 9, 1889. If you will kindly sipnify the title of your lecture, and the Saturday afternoon in April wMch will best suit your convenience. I shall be extremely oblip^d. > Very respect tally, Secy. Lecture Conmiittee^ 8 :m .JS k+ 2 332 Prof, J. R. Eastman, Pres., Philosophical Society, 0, S* >^aval Observatory^ Wa8hinp:ton, D* C. At the last. !TK3Gt,inp: of the Lecture Conmlttee of the Joint Com- mission cf the Anthropolof?ical, Bioloplcal, Chemical, Oeopyaphlc, an..i Philosophical Societies of this City, I was instructed to ex- tsncl to yo;i a cordial invitation t^ deliver one of the SATURDAY LECTURES of the Course beplrminp; March 9, 3B89. If you will kindly sirnify the title of your lecture, and the Saturday afterriocn in April which will best suit your conYenionce, I i^liall be extremely oblipred* Very respectfullyi Secy# Lecture Gonimittee^ January 8, 1889* 333 Prof. Etiward S. Morse, Director Peabody Acad. Science, Salem, Massachuse'btB* My dear sir: At the last meetlnj^ of the Ucture Conmitte^ ^f the Joint Commission of the Anthropolopical, 3iolor?ical. ChdalCftl, Oeo* rrrapiiic, and Philosophical Societies of this City, I was Inatructed to extend to you a cordial invitation to deliver one of the SA-rjEDAY LROlTips of the Course beginning March 9, 188a* Rnoi^np that the National Academy meets in ffeshlntrton ^rll 16th next, and assuniinp: that you will be here at that time, I take the liberty to sufr^est that Saturday, April 30, 1888. would be a ,f>r)od date for a lecture* If you are willinp^ to favor your fashinpton friends In this >vay, and will kindly inform me of the subject of your lecture, I shrt-Tl be extremely oblip:ed. ' ^fery respectfully. 4 \ Secy* Lecture Committee* ( Dictatf^d.) Dear Mr* Scudder: January 5, 1889. 334 M rfi >-i I A- KJ '^'k !vr Since the receipt, of yoiir leUer of December 27, ultiito, I have looked over my Adirondack journals for records of Papilio turnus, but have found only the following, which is a verbatim . • copy: Big Moose Lake, Adirondack Maintains, New York, June 16, 1883. ■The yellow foiro of Papilio turnus has been excessively abundant since we came into the woods Lthe second time], June 12, but there were none out June 4 [when I left the woods for a week]. Close by the Big Moose Camp Lodge I counted over seventy in one spot, and more than two hundred in another, on the ground where some one had urinated. Never saw so many before .... Vanes a antiopia is now scarce.* (Adirondack Notes, Vol. 8, p. 68.) ' ^ I have other notes relating to this matter, but was unable to find them. Was surprised not to find mention of what I supposed to be the black f oim of PapUic turnus in the above recoid, for my recoil oetlon is that there was a small percentage of black butter- flies with the others. In thn Black River Valley, on the western border of the Adirondacks. 1 have manyr times seen a black butterfly which I aiwayc supposed to be Papilio turnus . Since the receipt of your Tptter, however, I have f:cen fvir. John B. Smith, a?id he has shown '^-f. f:?J?llio ^rpilus, which I now believe to be tin spe^^-inr I -2- 335 ■ if;tooV for fnj' . ck. loirn of P. ti £!• tiirnun_^ To nalco 5;iire,I hm^. writton tc a friend in iwin County, K. Y,, who lias some buUer- fli-j in a ca^G, and hsve aakad for a Kpeciron of tlu-) ono in ques Will let yoiJ krow the ref^ult. In poking over iTiy notes in search of thin PoDilio record I came acrovs a nuinfcer rj r-otos relatirg to butterflies, partacul^r- ly tbsir time of apcf-m)ico and greatest abundance in spring, in ■ / V connection with the condition of lenynK and flc\verln>i; of plants. If you caro for theEe, I ?:]>ou"[d be glad to. send them to you as soon ■ rh m, 1 car find time to copy them. Here is an example: "June 18, 1879. Caught two Gecropia moths, and naw the first i.S£iil41 tnrnus . Viburnum lenta£o~Ii in perfection nov/. Cornus al term folia is still fiowGrinf: profusely, though a little past its prune ►" . , , ■ ' , -..-. ..^: ;■„ I * * * ' • • , ■-•.■*. , . The great bulk of early spring recoils relate to VaneRaanti- "^ . »■■!■■ I ■ ■ I II opa. *? ■ v > » I wonder if you' can tell me what has become of De SauBsure's' types of ingnrials. He published n paper on his Mexican niaimials, in which a number of new species of Mice were described. I no not know where his types sr^^, and an; miable to identify his • -•••- ' / ■ . 1 * * r •.■;-• •■ •■ This ir particularly unfort.yna|a m aqn^?c„ti^(m with work alon^- our Bouthern border in Texas. lit JUTifi- ivir. Sarnufil I'. Scudder, Oc'V-brid'e, f/Rcs. Very truly yours, v; ^ *^V«w>CX^ v\\^J«J-0->^^sjkA.- [W J'\r -^^ %mmmimMm>mmmmm0'^ • ^^fi|l^L 336 January 7, 1889. ( Dictated) • • Dear Professor Cope: ThankB for your letter of th^ 8d in55tant* Fncloeed in the correction, togetiier with the correct drawing of ChilotuB,. HoDinr that the Naturalist for 1889 will prove an improvement V :v that for 1888, I remain is Very truly yours. ^v\>Jv7^ f ' Prof. I^. I^ Cope, R^ v^or Americar. l^Mturalist, Philadelphia, Pa* 337 A COPECTION: ARVIOOLA (CHILOTUS) PAIIIDUS*— The Auprust number of the A.MBRICAN KATUPILIST contains a description of tiie above- named npecies ('-^1. xxii,lB88, pp. 702-705). Throufrh a most unfor- tunate blunder on the part of the la\(> printers of the magazine, the illustration accompanying tlil;^ description (p. 70^), instead of belnp; the drnmnp' sent with the manuscript, is a fipjire of Ar'/icola (Pedaiiys) vnnor, '.^Mch was published with a description of thiat species in the precedinp; number of the NATUKAI.IST (July, I-^na, p. 599), the 3ane cut beinfr made to illus^ate two very dis- tinct r,ub(i:enera I The accompanyinp; fipure is that of Arvicola (Chilotus) pallidus, and should be substituted for that on p, 704 of the August number. In the lettering under the skull of Arvicola ( Fedomys ) niiror, p. 5ti9, the skull number is pciven as 2243* It should be 222< Jk 338 January 9, 1889. Air. J. B. Psrree, SOI Chestnut St,., Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir: i^- In reply to your letter of the 8th install would say that tlm statement referred to in my correction, and to which yo.i ob- ject, was madn by Prof. Cope. If the case is aB you stat^ it, you rnay strike out th. words "on the part of the late printers of th. magazine", leaving the sentence, T^.rough a most unfortunate blunder the il lustration accompanyinp; this description-- &c. ~ I CPrf,ainly have no desire to put tho responsibility for this blunder whore it does not belong, and would ratJ^er o«iit locating the blame altogether than run tho risk of so doing. Very truly yours, ^ -*^*^J^ (WjnsLouw^^ ( DicJ'^ -c^i i^. a..^ .uj. H^^^-^occ- 5 •4:^fc«^ -i-C^ o^^t^ . 339 'V-^^J^^s^ft^^ K^ I mi. . ^-^^:) ^SAr^.-U*.^ *«iw*^*»*.^ ^ ^vudCC;o JUnU! I WVv\KKkjw/w*w January 12, 1889* 340 Dr, tlames U. Flint, Cars oi -ciiithsfnian Institution, '/ashinrrfcon, D. C. Siv- ' jk «• i if!: At ths last moetinjj of the Lecture Conaittee of tToB Joint Q :••»» V ^•roKiDtly . I v,i:i:\!j.\.e th?i^ you wish :^e to return the reraain^^^ of this spe- cimen, xf GO, 'rill yai kindly give me the nuraber which it will '^ear i>. yc:.:r kij^^eiii:. Catalogue'^' Dees ya)r iviuseum give skulls and ^^kinp of t • e -^Mxi e sDeciirj-^ the same number, or have you a separate, 03tr'clof:ierij Catalogue? If the latter, plear^e give me both num- b-vTS* You -^^rij] see v/hat I nean by referring to a number of the ■.y-' Bpecirn'-^i! in ariy --'i T;:;y sep^n^ate^ previously oent you. In t^ e caf'e oi ymr neiv Red-backed Maise fror-i the Ligcrd River c ;rtry' I -mo unable to r:-^ntion th'> luimber, cwir?;^ to iVir. Whiteaves* nme--'-^^-^ ^ny::: v/ttaiv^'. x^-; the present advanced state of science in « .1 • 4 \\ ;>V) ■■-a ■■:; n 345 -2- tlH^se luattore it ir> sornew>^at of p reflecbion of Inc ^^ U4^ 4 ^ iOJC^JUk ^--t-^i^^^^iXW I J^^^M)- 10^,0^4^ l5H-tel. cL ddc^ «*A^^ ^ Jk*.^->«^'=^ f^^ >u.jluL» AXkfloOCfcVja ^U^ •JtVaXfc:^ 9^ oAkj^^usJ^ T^f^^ ^ t^Hh a \ >i4- 347 Sut. "^ ,1^; Ol^ ^w'Ci.jis^^X*^- ^ tv^^ TVA^ -JAX^Xj >yJU-^Jiv .W>»-\ VvsmTj^^^^Ajx ^.Xfto^i^ 'V/v».)\^v^>.>wi^ 348 February 9, 1889. «f **" 5f^ Hon. Oharles 3. Farwell, U. S* Senate. Sir: A littlQ more than three years ap^o I caine here to orp:ani2e and tako charge of a Divi<5ion of Economic Ornitholofcy and Mainmalopy in the Department of Afrri culture, I did not expect to stay more than a year, as my salary was one-third less than I was receiving at the oimo. ^^o'^ever, owinp mainly to the difficulty of securing a compe' tent perr^-on to aarry on the work, T have remained^* and have become liuch -interested in the invent if:cctt4on3 in hand, particularly those relatlnj^ to the Creo (graphical Distribution of Species • The annual appropriation for the Division has been so small, and has been so largely consumod in collect inp; evidence relatinp; to the Rnplish Sparrow and rice bird problems, tliat very little was left for the work on Geof?;raphic Distribution^ This latter work, as you know, can onl}' be coiipieted by the einployinent of trained field ap;ents» It bein{? im^oosible to ?nake satisfactory proppress with the very iiinited funds availaDie, I liave personally helped the work alonft by oxpendinp: more than one tfeousand dollars each year in payment for local collections which serve to illustral^e points in the dlstri- hTition of the species concerned. I cannot afford to continue this expenditure* Moreover, durinjr tiie past year I liave been offered three positions, any one of which is better than the one I now hold in the Department. Before decidinp: as to future movements I am anxious to know v/hether or not Conpress will prant the means of . cort.inuin^/: tae investismtions upon which the Division is enp:aFed# This ^vork is of tlio utviost consequence from the standpoint of ex- 349 4 0 psrifaeriMal arr Iculture, and I shitll be ftlij-d to remain in ch8Lrp:e urovided 'sufficient money is avi^ropriated to carry it on creditably* The Coi^iHSioner of Apriciiitur© has thif? day wi'itten a letter to S«ns,tor Pluiab, Gliainnan of the Sub-ConEiitt9e charpied with the consideration of House Sill No. 1,3,4^55, roaldnfr an appropriation for ^.he Dei-artmont of Ap-ri culture &c., urcfine; that line 23, pap-e 9, of SHid Dill be fiiiended by striking oat tho words 'four thousand dol- lars" nnd substitutinp: therefor the '^ords 'ten thousand dollars, one (.housand of which shall be mada irriiaediat^iily available'* Truf'.tinp that' you ^ill bo wlllinn; to aid in the i^assage of thiG ainsndnent, I bive Wie honor to remain, Very rer.pocbfuily yours, fi- ? n^.Y^^Kk. '.♦ . [qfi :fil • > r [iixi |qxo 001 iqxe m. txri£ baoo iOi-*i ^. lu 1 0-> /Km^3L\» ^ . H^mt (VUK. '"Ifeau.JJCrkit *«*-'«^ ^lwiA4ju,»^^>^ OMudbx^jX i ^ «Mk.4»uJju a^A..^ *k*ML*. >x>s.; / 351 SsXm (Wv . "Ska . H . >»^oJ^ *58 355 iW >..dv..'^,mi. i t W^-'Vif"' ^"^v^.j. Sk \^'v V (\ ^b^j3^ jt^, ixx^-^fc^. ^^-^ -^ ^■-^;^ cOkj^K^V ■XWv3>o -Vj^C'^V vN^^AjckU^ Ug8 MJ^'^ v:. b %.. ,|V^^Ji..^^^^.• /V V^ «*-»•* •■•**?• •w^- dO^jo-^iCJli^ .^^-v.-*-«^^ -^ •tesA-^-w* ^tAX.* lOsjX, ^i^^^v>iSi^*J^^. ^^4P^-^ QtxkiAScs. ,5a. »3c JU. Jk , «--K (^-v,— A>jk_p^ta ^^-VsJL'O^ iJL >^-^ (wJnA^ iiM SJ k i »• lr«- 357 ^i-PAH V » ■ ^T^m.,« -iwii* .^ V*"^ ' ta ^"*^»f"itii Cj h Ct 359 4 4jL\A. \2^i\^ti &jUl;^0|Wv. foSUvi^ \ ^M.%\JL» 4iL \mJ^nSU*. vtsAsiLfcW /V^jJUc 4ju..cAn- '>^xXa^w «^ ^!u;ihAN., 0D8 361 -*^ "Hi- 4- ttb ':^^JL^ » !U^ =»^ H-*^ ****** , 9 JluAiwx (^^^ / March 19, 1888 Dr« Robert Gollett, Christiania, Nor\?ayi My dear Sir; For some time past I have been en^ag-ed in preparing a mono- graph en the Arvicoiin^. Of this group I have in my private col- lection between three and four hundred specimens, among which are several new species and one new genus. In order to complete ny studies of this group I am aiLxicus to exsmine as many as possible of its European representatives, particularly those of the genus Arvlcola. I tskG the libarty to ask, therefore, if you would like Ml 1^1 II ^ ■ ■ Fniie t' exchamm specimens of thv^ European species for American. paHicuiariy anxious to complete my series of the ^^nus Arvicola, 1 8m atixicus to obtain all the LonBidngs also* Should you desire to raakc: an exchange, I can supply you with skins and skulls of most of the Am-r1cari species* I desire skins and skulls -- not aJco- hollcs* Very truly yours, Ghiet of Division of \ Dict'At'-u^ ; March 19, 1889. Dr* Robert Collett, Christiaiiia, Non^ayi My dear Sir: For some time past I have been engaged in preparing a mono- » graph en the Arvicoling^^ Of this grcui- I have in my privaV^ col- ■••[^HAaAMMj* lection between three ana ioxxv himci rfd specimens, among which are several new species and one new genus. In order t- complete my studios cf this grcup I am arjcicus to examine as many as possible of itj^ European n^presentativas , parlyicuiariy tavjub of the genuB Arvicoia* I take the liberty to ask, therefore, it you would like •■•■^•••"•i to exchamce SDecimens of th'^ Europ'^an sr^ocies for Aiierican. While i>articularly anxious to ccn^iietc my series of the genus Arvicoia, I am anxious to obtain ail the LoraiTdngs aiso» Should you desire to mako an exchange, I can supply you with skins and skulls of most of the Ani*-.r1can species^ I desire skins ano skullis --^ not aJ co- hoi Lcs. 361 V'-TV t/rniy yours, Chiet oi iiiv:isTon of ::mlc Omithclogy k Mmornalogy' 362 ( Dictated.) March 18, 1889 Dr. Henri de Sauseure, Genthod, pres (Geneve, Swltacrland. I My dear Sir; For some time paat I have been engagoQ upon a monograph of the North American species of the genus Hespercmys. In studying spe- cimens from the southern border of the United States and from Mex- ico I am much perplexed because of the difficulty of positively identifying the species described by you from Mexico. In a group- in which trie various foiras approach ofte another so closely as in the {-^enus Besperomys it is almost impossible to positively deter- mine the status of the species without actual ccjiBDarison. I write, therefore, to ask if the types of the species described by you are still in existence, and if so, in what museum they are preserved- Would it be possible for me to obtain the loan of them for compfiri- scn? If so, I would return them promptly- Awsitlnp a reply, I have the honor to remain, Very truly yours. Chief of Division of Kconomic Ornithology & Mammalogy. ' si m e W s • • April 2, 1889^ Dear Mr. Goodo: I hep: "^^ call your attention to tiie dangerous maimer in which slmlls'of small mammals are kept in the National Nuseunu They are arranp:ed in sinal] paper trays in draofers, and aa a natural result of this arrangement imny ja^s are transposed and ifiany have bQ?n lost* It is ail ever v -day occurrence to find in a sinfrle tray partr> of tvo or three skulls, sometimes belonrrinp: to different ^n^ era, wtele it is of equally frequent occiu^renQe to find a skiill on- accompanied by its ,iaws, or with one jaw oniy# For instance, the small tray containinfr the skull of an Ar- vicola, no* 1969, is before me as I writa#. This tray contains^ In addition to the skull and one jaw of no* 196y, two other jaws (nos* lt)30 and 1217G-- tlie latter belonjrinp: to a different sub-fami- ly of the ^!uridffs)# The most unfortunate circumstance of all is that sloills of TYPSS are mixed in #ith the rest, soraotiraes fithout any diacriminatinp; rnark, and in mors than one instance portions of these types hav?? beon lost. It seems hardly necessary to nrpe that small skulls should be kept in j^iass tubes. • • In thig cormection I take t lie liberty also to state that Prof. Beird's systsni of putting both sfcll and skin maaber, in tho form of a fraction, on every label is not now adhered to, so that it is im- possible in rfiriny cases to connect a skull 'rith the sMn to which it braonf^s. Full data are rarely to be found on recent labels either of skins or skulls, and reference to the oatalo rue seldom supple- raonts the im'onoation co'^tained on the labels*- Vory truly, 363 )a • « .d :9 IB I [B 364 m m B oq U ocn \ ./^' A ^ 598 { 4Sp T !^ r "i.^*i Sir.-* h f • f^' J-* • {. ;-.-. f ^^ji. r/ ( ( i • y >^ { V ^ V 368 April 84, 188a# 1^« Janes G. WeXlinfc, President Columbian Oniveralty, lashinffton, D. C. Bear I„ omUfmcB. with your muest I ti*e pl»»ur9 tn tran,. Ittinr herertth a ta-let »tet.««ent of the . /^. •> >< •■> r t 1 — ^..;. r I. } i ^ Vo '. f. •: ,'i L ?■ i!^>: Retake of Preceding Frame f / f ^ > ^ / ^S ? p J'' ^ ^ -.-^ f |; If rf f r ^ i f . ( r f I i r H^ j» ..•V f r -^^ )- 'I- a A y r. f •^ ^^ 366 April 84, 1889, Br. Jaraes 0, Wellinfr, President, Columbian University Washinprbon, B. C. Bear Sir: In compliance, with your request I take pleasure in trans «itting herewith a brief statement of the ^ork of the Division of Omitholofry and Hammalopy. fro^n the standpoint supr^sted. very truly yours. (Dictated.) '3Q7 Division OF BOOHOMIC ORKITHOIOGT AHD MAMMALOGY, U. S. IKPAHT- MBHT OF AGBICULTURB, The DiTlaion of Ornitholofry and Mamraalopy of the Department of Apricult'jre is an excellont example of a branch of Government in wMch inveatlpjations In pure science are carried on hand in hand with economic work. The Division was established by Connress for the purpose of •tudyinp the p-eorraphical distribution, mfrrations. and food-haf^ts of Rort,h American birds and mmrnals. It has been divided into two principal subdivisions, namely: (1) SBGTION OF GEOaRAPHIGAI. DIS- TRIBUTION; and (2) SKCTION OF BGOKOMIC RELATIONS. The section of Geopraphical Distribution is now enframed in mappinp- the exact ranre of every kno^ species of Nort.h AmerlcHii bird and mammal. In the case of birds, the breodinr ran^, wintor ranp«, and ranjre durinr rai prat ion are indicated by different colors. The lar^ base mps of the Geoloprical Survey are used, and a separ- «te mp is devoted to each species. Faunal inaps are made by com- bining a larre mtmber of species maps. In inaldng such combinations it, is found timt a considerable percentajre of the species maps fall into certain ^7eil defined categories ^vhose color patches are essen- Ually coincident. The composite resultinp from the coordination of these .naps fliay b* held to represent the natural faunal areas 6f 51 I « 368 I- ft country. Several such areas may be characterized by the common ^asesslon of species not found else^'/here, and may be combined to gonstitute a faunal province; several provinces a region; and sever- al regions a realm, or primary 20o-p«o^'aphical divialon of the 0Brth*3 surface. 'Vhe information exhibited on these maps is obtained by colla- tion of published records, by examination of museum specimens, and by 'vork in the field, the latter beinp by far the most important. After chartin^r the information derived from the two first mentioned sources, the paps in the knowled,^ of the ranp^ of the various spe- cies at once become apparent, a«i field a^nts are sent out to com- plete the record. The collections made by these field ap:ents com siat mainly of mammals and birds, but include reptiles and some other frroups. " They are of the utmost value, not alone on account of the infomation they afford on the ^opraphical ran,.e of the spe- oi0ft, but because of their importance in a systematic study of the species thaaselvea. After they have b.en worked up by the Divi- •io« the specimens are turned over to the National Muse^un. ■'/here they become a part of the permanent collections of that institution, The o;^::^^ ^P H^nnnmlc Relations has to do primarily Mth the food-habits of birds and mammals; but since the habits of nearly re. hlAidd aXftoliiMi cwDwli I. ^h* U«k «t d!l«H«!fi«^lnf? «wl ^^^^ ^^ aultittidi 368 A country. Several auch areas may be characterized by the common lossesslon of species not found elsewhere, and may be combined to gonstitiite a faunal province; several provinces a repion; and sever. Id regions a realm, or primary zoo-p!eopfraphical division of the flarth The information exnlblted on these maps is obtained by colla- tion of published records, by examination of museum specimens, and by ^ork in the field, the latter beinf. by far the most important. charting sources, the saps In the tao.l9dw ot the ran^ of the various spe- cies at once hecome apparent, a»i field a,»nt. are sent out to o«n- plete the reeord. The ooUeotions mde by these field agents con- sist minly of nanmals ^ Mrd'- but include reptiles and some other ,^oupB. They are of the utaost value, not alone on account of the infomation they afford on the ^opraphical rsn,e of the spe- ol„, bat because of their importance in a systen>atic study of the .peeie. thmselTes. After they have boon worked up by the Diyi- rton the specimens are turned over to the national Museum, ^here ttey become a part of the perr«nent collections of that institution. The »-»-- -' «.^no.1c Relations ha. to do prlmrily Ith tto t«,a-hablt. of birds «>d ™™»ls: but since the habits of nearly re- speoios differ in dHf««nt part, of the <.«mtry. it becomes » irni •moliiiMi C4fnn4,s (^ 369 •f spedaff and subepeciea of Korth Anwrican maiunals and birds has not been completed* particularly in the foimer froup. a larfje amoun of purely technical work is necessary in order to tie down the eco- nomic results to the species and subspecies to which they actually belonp?. In the treatment of special j^roupa— such for instance as +.he (fephers. Ground Squirrels, and Mice— the technical vork amounts to a critical monopraphic revision of these firoups, based on the study of a very large quantity of material, partly brought topjether by the InTestipations of the Division, and partly contained in the Rttlonal Museum and other larpje collectione. The Division is now mrt^d in the preparation of several important illustrated buUe- ■V tins, troatlnpr of special proups, in wMch a purely scientific revi'* aion of the penera and species is accwnpanied by a statement of their economic relations • % ^^ ..•*-.■• '^70 > Ab the pieolorlst in his search for mineral wealth must be pre- ceied by the topographer, who furnishes him maps on which to Indi- cate the position of his discoveries, so should the economic zoolo- ^st b^se his work upon a knowledf^ of the (»eopraphic distribution of 8peci%8. ApTiculture and blolopy must be studied from the peo- praphich sSandpolnt before man can hope to avail himself of the means "dthln his orasp for the rapid advancement of these sciences* But fwopraphy is only a part of the broader science of physiopra- ^hj, Physioprajhy deals with the earth's exterior in relation to the atmosphere; it atten^jts to correlate the forms of the land— tte mountain ranpjes, table lands, plains, valleys, and water courses lt» i^lo^c structure, soil, elevation above sea level, and slope KgfgmvBre In relation to sunlight, with the phenomena of climate, |»«iludinfr ten5)erature and moisture in their various aspects* The aim of the Division is to explain the distribution of ani- mals and plants by means of a knowledp:e of the conditions which irovem thia distribution, and to formulate the laws which are opera- tive in brlnplnp about the results we see. In other words, cause and effect are studied In the relations of physiojiraphy to biolopor^ 371 May 3, 1889 Mr. R. Boss Perry, Fendall Building, Washington, D. C Dear Sir: Tour coBwunications of April 34 and May 3, relating to Gibson Bros.' bill against the Piologlcal Society, have been referred to Mr. ?, A. Lucas, Secretary of the Society. Respectfully, ( Dictated.) > to f1 i i I I May 17, 1889 My dear Mr. Thomas: 373 ' 'The alcohclicB you were kind enough to send me sane time ago must have been delayed a long time on the journey, as they reached me only two days before your letter- I have sent you a package in return, and enclose herewith the shipping receipt for the sarne^ The package is addressed to the Mammal Department^ in your care* I was very glad to get the specimens you sent, particularly Hesperomys taylori and Sorex crawfordi; also the American Bats* The specimens I send you in return are likewise all alcoholics, and I trust you will find them of interest* No* 3896, male, Onycho- mys leuco^ster, is from Fort Buford, Dakota, and may be considered a duplicate type, as Buford is only a few miles from the locality where Maximilian obtained his type, and is the identical locality ■■■i.Audubon and Bachinan*s *Mus missouriensis' caine.iBB> Kos* f^m-mmf >mf» »" 5582 and 6693, Hesperomys erenl cus , male and female, are from the lower Colorado River, a short distance only from the original type locality. I was very much rejoiced to secure a series of speci- mens from this region, in order to have a point of departure in working up the Hesperomea of the eremicus group. No. 6591, male, is from practically the same locality, and is what Coues calls R. sonorienais. The Signed on. No. 5281. belongs to a subspecies II W ■!! — r 374 -8- \ which will be described shortly by Prank M* Chapman, of New York, aiKl is from his type locality* The specimens of Tamias will pro- mm^n^i'mi bably interest you from their localities • Should you care to make another exchange I should be glad to do so provided you can send rae skins with skulls* I hate alco- holies, and as a rule keep only one or two of a species in spirits in my collection. I have skins with accompanying skulls of all the species mentioned in your letter, and can send you duplicate types of nearly everything I have described, together with fully fifty per cent, of the known species of North American maramale. I am now about to publish descriptions of ten or a do»en new spe- cles, one of them an Arctcmys* Unfortunately I have no Galifomian Otters. I have recently sent you separates of my raararaal papers, and should be much pleased to receive separates of your own publica- « tions which have appeared during the past year or so* Why do you not include Arctomys and Castor in the genus Crice- twB? Certainly our notions of what constitutes a genus differ as widely as possible* Are you not coming over here this summer? Very truly yours, Mr. Oldfleld Thomas, Curator of Mammals, British Mu8eum,South Kensington, London, S*W*, Bngland* ' I 375 «•" May 14, 1889 Mr. H. Nehrling, 815 North Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis* My dear Sir: Your letter of ths 6th instant reached ms yesterday, and the first part of your great woric on North Araerican Birds is now before me» for which I am very much obliged. For several years I have locked forward to the appearance of this work with unusual interest* and I am very glad to see that it is published in such good style, and that it contains so much information of value, presented in a life plbasant and readable manner. Slttce you ask for my honest opinion of this book I will give it to you freely. First as to the plates^ I deem it unfortunate that the plates which accanpany the first part do not illustrate the species treated in this part* For ob- v:?ous reasons it would be better if the plates could accompany the text which they Illustrate* The chrorao- lithographs are net up to « th'? standard which the modern excellence of the art exacts* Per instance, in plate XIV the red color on the Redstart, arul particu- Ir^rly on top of the head, of the Gventird, is a color never seem in nature. At the same time the figures of birda on these plates are excellent so far as serving pui-posss of identification. The I \ T 376 -2- drawings on plate XII are inferior, and the chron»- lithe graph re- production is poor. Moreover I cannot see the propriety of j^rouping six birds characteristic of a northern fauna against a background of tropical verdure. On plate XXXIV I regret to see that your publisher has followed the antiquated and barbarous custom of en9)loying the female sign for both male and female. * simply turning it bottom side up in the case of the male. This is an atrocity which you ought not to permit- The red border about the pages gives the book a cheap look- Without this border the same pages would have a very elegant ap- pearance. as the tjpe is large and distinct and the margin well proportioned « How as to the text- The plan of arrangement I like very wiefa, putting the Bnglish name first in heavy tjpe, and appending This a brief description In small tjpe at the end of each article- is exacUy what ought to be done in all cases where books are writ- ten for the public and at the same time are intended to be of sci- entific accuracy. lour own portion of the text is admirable- I like both your scheme of treatment and the way you express your- self. In fact, what you say about what you yourself have observed is above criticism. At the same time I think you quote too much from the writings of others- This is a common mistake, and one I . r 377 -8- • • rv have myself made more than once in my earlier writings* In your remarica on the Wood Thrush, on pages 3 and 4, you speak of this species as a characteristic inhabitant of the coni- ferous forests of northern Wisconsin, Michigan, New Rngland, and the Allej^any Mountains* You draw a picture of a characteristic forest of the Canadian fauna, with its coniferous trees, its car- pet of dense green mess, interspersed with Lycopodium, Gaultheria, and Chiagenes .^ Andromeda , and then make the statement that the Wood Thrush is 'the most frequent deniaen of these regions*, in which you include also the Chewink. Now the greater part of my life has been speat in the Canadian fauna, and the result of my experience is that you have pictured the very region which the Wood Thrush and the Chewink rarely, if ever, enter. The coniferous forests of the Canadian fauna are the true home of the Heniiit Thrush, Swain- son's Thrush, Red-bellied Nuthatch. Winter Wren, and the White- throated Sparrow. You will find a tolerably complete account of the Canadian fauna in the introductory chapter of my work on the MamBMLi I of the Adirondackfl> In the matter of song I do not think you give full justice to the Hermit, probably because you are your- self more farailiar with the song of the Wood Thrush. I hold the Hermit to be the finest of American songsters. Such a work as you are now publishing has long been needed in this country — a woi* which combines accuracy and reliability of 378 « • biography with a minimum of technical description, and illustrated in such a way that all the figures are recognizable^ I trust its sale will warrant the very large amount of money expended in its publication* '.. er 4 379 ^ f <•# i J i I ! \ 381 \ •f *«'k : n J • ^s^ TLfiSUj,^. \SKlU»iJk^ >»K\si:)c ^iJUiASL 9 Joi. ) "rtec ^Chxa^^^ 288 383 JU '^ ,^JLJS>2^ •«JL*-/-^SLk fl&A^'*^ iM^^jdK ImmI^i liSUL Jc^ttoc_ -^ 1 1 ^uJUiuwoC^' Wl JL^Udbl- Dr. Rjbert Coiiett, Christ i&nia, Norway. Dear Sir: in rgtum- Your oste&raed letter reached me somo tinie ago, ana was fol- lo^oQ after a considerable mterv&l by the apscw.ns, for whjch I am vory much obliged. In a few days T shall send you a package I ara sending you now a fe;v separstes of my maimial pa- pers, and should be much pleased to roceive any extras of your c-^ji pibilcutlons on aajimls that you may happon to htiv^i to spare. I Bhonld b« frjad to make a further exchange ^^.^th you for any of th(: Arvlcojlnle and Musteiid^.and representatives of th,- ir-n- M'HiEMliiS. I2i2iii. an^ Arct.)ffiya. Of these 1 very niuch -uit Bk-lis as well as skins. In the ^kins «ent thg sKuiis are inside ine^.ead of accompanying tho skins, so that T cannct gei., a. '.hem witJiout spoiling the skins. In inost casea I would like Siver&i «__ ♦ ": m*30^\ Ornitbciogist ( Dict!ited. ) Ih. J J 9 ~ 'U-X Js>^ •SA, vt^U^ '^■mifm- n*^- k'lvs 385 May 27, 1889 Mr. Theodore D. A. Cockereil, Secretary Colcrado Bioicgicai Association, Wfistcliffe, Colorado. Dear Sir: Your letter of M&y 3, informing me of my election as a member of the Council of the Colorado Biological Association, reached rac & wosK or sc tig}, ana has just been followsd by your coniaunication of # the 17th instant, askinjT for ray ballot en certain propositions sub- mitted in writing" V* In roi-^ard to rscorders and refereGS, I vote in th*;i affirmative for a, c, d, and je; in the negative for b, because 1 do not consid- er thf; person named as competent to identify birds' eggs, and I would suggest as a substitute the name of Captain Charles K» Ben- * dire, Curator of Oology, U* S^ National Museum* Upon the other questions submitted I do not care to vote either way* In .locking over ycur reports, of which I have Nos« 2 to 13, incluaive (I shouJd be glaa to receive Nc* l), I am impelled to mako CB>i>ain suggestions* !• That thetia reports, if m;rth anything at all, ar3 worth pr^;;i^crv inp; for periiiuneAt f Ue or binding^ consequontiy that they ought ic b:- :n -^nlt^m sise as to type^-bed and margin* The i3th '\ 386 -2- repcrt is a misorabie little leaflet, which is almost certain to beccmo lost* 2. That they should bear the date of publication, which at present exists on but five of the thirteen- The others have not 80 much as the year to give a clue as to the dates of their publi- cation. • _ 3. That the notes containing information on the occurrence or migraticns of species should be accompanied by the date and lo- cality. Moat statements of this kind are worthless for lack of this information. In one place I notice a record of the appear-' ance of the Chipmunk March 10; the year is left out, and no mention Is made of the locality, altitude, or name of species. It is haixlly necessary to state that records of this kind are utterly worthless. I am very glad to see that your membership has increased so largely, and that your Association is so energetic. Wishing you success, I remain. Respectfully, ^.Vjk>^ ( Dict{Tt,ed.) -*< 387 May 29, 1889. Dr. C* J* Forsyth Major, , Porto Santo Stefano, Toscana, Italy. Dear Sir: In my work upon a monographic revision cf the Arvicolinae I have had occasion to consult your very valuable paper entitled VRRTRBRATI ITALIANI NUOVI 0 POCO NOTI, published in Volume III of the Atti del la Societa Toscana, in 1877. In it I fim the beet ■ illustration cf the teeth of members of the genaa Arvicola that I have ever seen- I should be very much pleased if you could spare me a separate copy of this paper in order that I mav have it for ccnveniant reference. I take piaasure in sendinj^: you by Ihis post a few of my own publications relating to maranaia. I am particDlariy interested in the Arvicola glareclua from Italy, and am exceedingly anxious to examine a specimen of it. Wcuid you be willing to exchange a specimen for some of our North American mtunmais? ( Dictsl £d.) Very truly yours. Ornithologist. 388 I 4 0 JUHk ,^\J^-\. n-^>*-aJk. JCkaAJsJv^ rv^x^Li^Nj^ •^::^ <^J4Jn-oft\/v (9.-v_ Lu >N**>*»JL«9 W4». •^^^^^-^^^X^ ^.N>^.'C\A>NlA>JtXvN. it^^JblMAk i I 391 \ 08 39 1% f «» /^ ^G8 39 f vo -J I "7 <^' r 4^. ) u ex Kf '♦ I ■ .0 '- '.^. i ■nr-c i v C^f""^^^^ A '< a ■I J ; tf/ :„^ ■^■> ^-^' -v^*' J> / ) 7 L -^s-. .^ ^ \ i > // ^ ^ I c ! t 1 *o /"•^ ',Qi ■i 7 <:^- .^ ■% x / — ,s ^•'J I •rr / 'Jm / ^ 7 ^0 r .y /> ^ -'i V z> i / ft < V J .' ,V ^ I 7 •«il*i.>« ^ tv cx- /; ( \ f c^ -6 \j ( <.-'*■ } M <.^- 0 G ^> i i i 1 c ^ i J \ •J Retake o f Preceding Frame ^G8 Origina I Defective ( t Xi9- f '> U i i • # ,y f i- ^ / ^ /» ^ i .-^ L 395 i ^ t^ r? 4 ^ ^ v ^ H '3 ^. >.-^^ -V / ; ! .A «-rJ i ¥. 9 i f. '/h i 7 ^■ ^ ^ c* i 0 •» •: S^ -i'. ■^ V «T> f J Q <>( J- tr.. . — .» ^' ; \ il — >•« a -^ i? -^t- / 'J ,-J if Q O i i: IT 4^ <^ 0 ^ < S -^ i c4 ^ <.' .' -; 14 i ^'■ \ 3^ -^ i r-.-<^ f* V 396 r k' V w ^ .^^""^ ^ (.^mi (VmAkj^^^.W ^ 398 Gl^. \2^^ % \M «&Xu)C >nXaKa.'v^,>jiX Y^-*- i OLKjlK jj. voC^'vX A^/^AAxJ^ ,r^ Jk._ ^Lx<>v>v^s^.-*i:^ ♦ a u. dbo:i^ ijji^ jkXSU'.^ aJ/v«.^5X ^~>- -f-^^fe- (>-^^":-*^l»*M, Hl ^. 6L *JuK-eUlt aa^ "^iaJL"- ' eG8 ^^iLX;::^ V^^^saJO^^ •^ 4JL0.W3 U^fctec:^ ^LioJlC^ d (4 Vv^0J\ >ju^LijLJJXl-J->^ X*J«;3c ^V\AXKyxXjL/w-w 309 ©<*- V t^, f CJl*^4^^^«tooO^ ^^^^^» ^0 (^JC/^^ KaJ^JX V^^-^l^ ♦UuixK BvUUaJISlXjl W«k • • > 401 WHO nlSCOVRRgP TFF TTO JN ORNITHORPYNCFUS^ ? On returning frcra central Arizona, where I hflve been engafred iR biological explorations, I find.uponmy desk an itnpor^.ant paper ftntitled'On the Dentition of OrnithorhynchusS by my friend Old- field Thcnas Ksq., Curator of Jyiamnala in the British Mts©uin*-(Bee fjnc. Royal floc.VQl.4CM88i), 126.131, pi .2.) The opening sentence of this paper is as foil owe: "At the meeV itte of the 0th Df February, 1888, ilr^ ^.B* Poulton citniminicated to this Society the first discovery of the presence of teeth in Orn thorKvnchus, a dis^-overy which naturally^ awakened extreme interest tbroURhout the srientific world.' A few lines further on Wr, Tho- wt continues: "The g;rand fact of the prteence of teeth in Kiono- trernes, and their mannalian nature, are discoveries on which Mr'i fbulton may well be congratulated' # From the above I infer that considerable stir has been imde ty the assunwd ne» 'disr-overy' that the young (^miJlA^ortynchi has teeth If my British col leases will turn to the ]r.asterly work of thoir illustrious counr.ryinan. Sir !?verard Pane, they will find in the second volume of hls'Lecturei >arativs Anatomy* (publish^ in IbM) no less than three beautifully engraved plates, containinp. eip:ht fij-ures, of the skull Bid iricuth pp-ts of OnithorhynchiPi Four of thesn ficmres show the toeth— two on each <^ide of oach ,ipw* The PxnTanptlon aoconp^nyiRP; Fifr. I,Tab:M>: is «b follc^vs:"/'- vipw of ^■■r. virper !'■:« and pf^^f^'"'> ''"' " '' ' '" ''"^^ "'^ '■*" ^■""' n:riiv' --^j'; t^etn <■■ ■< ft ^ *% ^* '"> -." ^ * ' ! e 6 Retake of Preceding Frame PISCOVBRBD .^•Tf' On returnli^ frm central Arl«ona. where I hftve been engaged $M biological exploratlonfi, I find .upon my desk an ic^orfcant paper anfcltled'On the Dentition of Omlthorhyitchus', by roy friend Old- field Thomas Req-. Curator of Ummlt In the British H^useuin4-(Bee Fj«c* Royal Roc.Vol#46»188lM26.181,pl.2.) The opening sentence of this paper is as followat'At the »eeV Ur of the 9th of February, 1888 ,!»•> K.J0* Poulton comnuniRated to this Society the first discovery of the presence of teeth in Ornjc thoriffnchua, a disowery which nattnwlly^ awakened extreme interest tiroURhout the scientific world.' A few lines further on Wr. Tho- mi continues: 'The grand fact of the prteence of teeth In Wonc- tremes, and their maninalian nature, are discoveries on which Uri fbulton may well be cmgratulated*^ Prcin the above I infer that considerable stir has been n»de ty the assueaed rww 'dlsrovery* that the jpung has teeth If roy British colleagues will turn to the inasterly work of ryman the second voltiiae of his", •ej trativB Anatomy' (published in i«14) no less than three beautifully engraved plates,, containing eight fif^res, of the skull end mouth pa He of Ornithorhynchue* Vour of these fi«ures show the teeth— two on each side of each ^bth The .e explanation accono^nyinc^ Fir, I,T9b;Liy ie^ hb follows rtA view of ^0 lumper in^ and prant^^. to f^h-r tVnt 'v^ :\ve two Rrmnin^r tneth » ft pi^\ ^ ^•ae^ti 401 J kt [vf !e WO DISCOVERED THE TEE'm IN ORjnTHORHTOCHU'? 9 In TTaf.ure for November 14, profs. Flower and Latter critl- te which appeared the week previous {Nature, Nov, 7, p. 11) 402 cise my no concerninp: the discovery of teeth in the younp: Ornithorhynchus. They promptly dismiss rau claim tiiat *^ir Everard Home discovered the teeth of the younp Ornithorhynchus by statinp: that the structures described and fipured by ??ir Everard are the well known cornules of the adult aninsl. If they will take the trouble to turn to the plate cited by me, namely, plate MX of the second volume of Home's Lectures, 1^*14, and will read the accompanyinp; explanation, thev will see that Home was familiar with the teeth of both the younp; and the old animal. For the benefit of those viho may not have accef?s to Home's Lectures I here reproduce outline tracings of two ol his figures. Plate LIX, fig. 2 shows the teeth of the younp; Ornithor'Mcus— the "first set", as Home says, "to show that there are two prindinp; teetJi on each side". The next figure is a similar tracing from the sue 5Coeding plate in Home's L 'Ctiu-es (pi. LX) which represents, to again use Home's own words, "the under .ia* o^ ^'^^^ ^^H grown Or- nithorhynchus paradoxus, to shew "hat there is only one grinder on each side". comp Both of these figures BlTo. natural size. In the face of these facts, further comment seems unnecessary. I admit, of course, that Home did not discover the chemical osition of the teeth of the young animal— this was Poulton's discovery. nnmlaW*. o 0 >Vf "^ 403 J >■ ^- . M^\^o su-V flC^jj^jk.^^.^— ^ # rr A-Ac^ vw^*.^ U. i^i^Ualj to^ t«jy_,V^>X \^^»>'i^«- -^ »X^ \aJWu'V»«a*«V| % yJ.dX^ ^^ tolULSlZu- CO i^|^,^^,^aw^wvXX j^juf^^ ^ y^ UiSic^ii^ cJl S^ ?•-- "Aww >Sa,>o^\^ Jm^vOL A^^ > 40 v- \,»tio. i\\A.«w. GUUU.V— ■, 9 AXU.^ '^- ^Vw^joloL^ \M iJL«J-w^ *< § Xj, 3* Aj^>«^^^.JnX*^ . JUa-vX- v»^*'<-xX a su .««^ 0 0 - flu4^ /\\A>> S^ /Wm iN ••'-':-' *,Im./H«.J2-.^^^H A^ « 0^ /Vnaa,a.^'^A>Jn><.^ ik '•>VZ-v,,V^v^= «MJC' t 'x^lX^ 00^ *4*^ac^-o.>:e^ vi^ ^f^*-*=^ AAi\A^AJtA^^ j^^ '^ Js-W A-W Jju^J^..wXj^ ^^>*»%\X) v^^-^aX^ WnX-^^^AuAu^V ^-c^ ^U5uLt^ vL Tte^ A^^^WJ^-*^ «L OUvvLt:,^-^^^^^*-^ -^ '*^^ S^J^J^^>JU^ AvL Oi.w>Jk^ •]UvXJ^^^»3>^ i\vvilfeNjsA y XJ3^ 9 rtcuU^ 3 "^^^H ixtovvww^'-fev ^SjlaAm ^-p^ 4s>U-.'Q,.-0 ^JUk^v^*. onaa^oJI^ fX^j^^^ v^-^^^ 9^*^^ H- ^V^ok.^-'>^^'v.v'>-A5L^ \vN>'>A,.';wlW^ *> • \ I i S C) 1 0^ ( i iir ^ ^^ 1 J ^ ' 'i (' ) <^^iLrj I 4 i ^^ i i 1 '^-j f J. ^ e! i L j^ J i ^ r f^ i ■< J. 4 4 I ! ir^ \ i " o ■1. t» 408 409 L 4 \ \ « iSiA.^^JMD. il/v: ou d JLmc4 .tJc 411 December 11,1890# Dr, George H. Honi, Corrssportdiiig Secretary, Acaderry of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Penna. Dear Sir: Your oommunioation of the 9th instant, informing me of my elec- tion to corresponding membership in the Academy of Natural Soienoes of Philadelphia, has just reached me. I accept this membership with a due sense of the honor conferred and shall esteem it a privilege to promote the interests of the Acad- emy in every way within my power. In a few days I shall take the liberty to send to the Library of the Academy as many of my scientific papers as remain undistribut ed« I have the honor to remain. Very respectfi0.1y. t - ^-^lk»lA^ v\N\\JVn*^>>v^a^i^ ^ 412 ;ary LH,1891 Prof. «'t. i'.ro^r.i ■Tooue, Director U. ^. Natioiu.i Muyero"!, V/ashin/rton, D. ■ i My dear f^oode: At the request of mv father relatirj? to the iiite^^ ""ked hliV ; t/ransmit herewith Qiq data \V^^^fi denosited bv him in the iv'iUSGum sometime slnc^a* (Dictated.) Respeolfully, **»«^.^ 1 ' » / / i, \ 413 INTERIX)CKED ANTLERS OP THE ELK OR WAPITI (CERVUS CA:^A])ENSI3) From Carroll, r,' Deposited by Hon. Clinton L. Merriam^of Locust Grove, New York. These interlocked Elk antlers were f-mnd by a half breed named Red Bagle while hunting Buffalo near the Little Rocky MomUlns noHh of C.^rroll, Montana,, in February, 1882. Red Ea^le immediately returned to Carroll and told Mr. J. W. Shultz of his discovery. Mr. Shultz macie a 'bob sled' . hitched a cayuse to it. and drove to the place. He says: "The antlers were lying in a broad ravine which --ns from the Missouri to the noimlains. The backbones of the animals .rere still, at- tached to the skulls, but bhe wolves had torn the hides, and torn off the leg bones and some of the ribs. The -roimd about the place was tramped and trooden down, as if Iho ani-als had become interlocked and finally had died^of starvation and exhaustion.* The following letters relating to these antlers ware re- ceived by Mr. Merriam. [From Htm. Judge Jolin Dean Caton, Chicago, Illinois (Owner of the Ottawa, Illinois, Elk Park, and of one of the largest collections of antlers in America).] Chicago, Illinois, October 22, 133:^ Dear Sir: You have laid me under great obi? -ations b" your favor of the 9th instant telling m.e of the interl-ckod Rlk antlers. I have never .sen Inte^-lonked Elk antlers thoi^,-rh I have heard it stated thot they hav- been found, but I can- not recall by whom, and 1 am not sure that it was from one 414 « I' who had seen them or but a rumor. It is certain that they are very rare Yours very truly. J. D« Caton. [From the late Professor Spenoer P. Baird, secretary of the Smithsonian inatitutitwi.l Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. August 20,1883. Dear Mr. Werriam, I do not think that I ever saw interlocked Elk antlers, and congratulate you upon ffettin^: them. Do you not think it would he better for you to send them to the Smithsonian Institution ? Yours truly. S. P. Baird. [Prom the late General Delos B. Sacket, Inspector Prerieral, tJ. S. AitBy.l Cape Vincent, New York, ^ August 21.1888. My dear Merriam. Yours of the 17th instant is at hand. I have not seen nor have I heapd of interlocked Blk antlers. You should be a happy man to have such antlers in your possession. They should be handsomely mounted and will be worth going a lofli? distance to see. I have seen a number of interlocked Deer antlers but those of the Blk I have not seen. I have seen, and they are now in the Museum at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a pair of huge antlers, one side Blk and the other side Moose. They are a great wonder and I would have given a great deal for them Yours very truly. D. S. Sacket. 415 fttt-Kim. i:^-. % WxiA, 'H'*-' Wa^mI^C^^m fW* «i^«fi«^ «u^ \\ JUaV^flH««>-Aw»V,m\ «.w «mt\n,ll,iH^i«i«.wr JLiiiJUj KuJL. • tSfe 425 /v 0. B. 2 Novroi:ibor 20 240 Beaci>a Strsei, D^iar i'r. Bari^s: Your hi'Aer of ina i8th ins'... has just coine to ha^^ci. In .view of t .aa fact Uiat I liave been liard. at wo^'i^ in this fiaid for more ti-an fift,.^:' years, it soa^^s nardiv fforU-^hils to .vaslvj tame in axscjussirv-. priori :. -.n ol'.s rield, or prloriL:' of clain% HeitU'Ji* ciia it ev^r occv-f i: ra h'uxX. y «.•;.■ hud. intend ^?d to restrict voui-salf to tjasi-ei-n Mortii Afrirxca, dr.cibjnuci! a.? yo.. ;;avij b..i=3n purOiAS- ::«■', spnoinidns fruj; various po3i-t V:\-i r^est, from soutt^'^.cn Gaiifor* n^a bo Britlf^:. Ooi:uir.bTa. Hv^ovor, ail thi<^ has no iijoaring or Uio A'JMi your coiitaniplcU/^d book; on tbi cont.rary, I hop.:^ 'yoi; wj 11 V^rinK IT*"' book Oil ;>iJ^J p.;itirv:ais of ea^^'^r.; bior..^. A .0-; : :jc^ will' ^'i^ a sr^ail and- in3Xf ^-) :s.Lve voii^^ie, c=..-^, • * intended cn,iofiy for popular asa ana ar^ut ir^-, !*e'*se a t.echrucai trealii^^. T do n^b cor; Hj^ .^andr^'i^o itHr] f*. It is • 1 ■■ •. jr k; plates, excer.t po^siol^ a f^m/U.^ one' Fo^' a ^' .if?p.:^ae. T-vLfi book. ^ . • Wil3^^ ^^^ ^ I hopa to pii-blish in the spri:::% ^n j 1 n .(.- f. Ti: In r(.; ^a. f ■ • ■ r teTvfsr<^ w*i^- ..our mva-e aiaborata volume, but by fuDiis^- riy:^ son.^ i^aady '.i-^r^ '>^-' T^ ^^^ - r-i:)c- c^^ coiwon- -'^anp^a Is will thiB field avai'la- bU for a lai-^or nunibor of pefsors, a -^ t.^iareby pavo the vva,. for, and ircrt^as^ Uie sala of •/ our more ola])Graf.e book. I Bhail s piad to exaniina the'^r:: .i-oiva fi-wi.. ^'err .• I^OJ'I whori it arrives, c.-^d let you kiow t 1 3:' of ibt^ ioa:: ;>f rr:al^v]'iaiv K:r.;]r. ThanK? for \-.5.r 0-^ \ '7 £» ".-v ■ truly -ours, es^ 427 Nove^rbar ^'> Pr^-;tc:-^feu.'* 'iofiry 7^ Osborn, Columbia College, New York, My dear OBbora: In reply to your letter of the 25th inst O 9 lVI:^t, • f-' — \ e.3iv(id, T urn sandii^-; you a oompleto set of the base maps u-s-ji !>„- '-i in geographic distribution. Tho small maps reduc-j r.;f:..»?.:/ -^ photo prooai'S to octavo page or even half page. For purposes of reference we constantly usa •' »♦.;■ i ^ ^ .**, «, 4 ^ Office mar.s (published by the Department of the Tnterio:'),, tha if^oT-:, Ruutt-J maps (published by the Post Office Department), ths nutiy.? ::^i.b" ids.had by the gmjinear Department of the Army, and tViokn of th-; "oo- logical Survey* We have a special case for the contour nh^jts wf I'rB Geological Survey, which we find the most important of all. for do- tal led work, so far as the surveyed areas are concerned. * -; .■,•■•, Perhaps I can sufficiently answer your question t'.ocUi, the use of iraterial by stating that when Allen was at work en {.by Chipmvmks I sent him all the specimens of Tamia_s in rr/ porsonai c.-i- l act ion aiic in the Department collocticn. When he waK at vwc rk on rils "*?visloi'i of ti"c Ibrvost Vica I ?er.t hi-rs aJ 1 of tho ap(,V3iffi8n£ unaer ry I p ) • . ^ i.-^n^ ^^im to this f':rouF, aUhoi:^h h^ dl < f.' 4 »--p. riKkud f(.r Weasel nia«rial T s..rt >ilni all -'' • :. :w" ^;;^c: ^ Bt... ^ and all those in th. repurt.u.v^ oo.i.HU.u.^ ...,v.5,,a.ied the autiiuritias of Ih^ Katiomxl. V'.^.-.^ ■/ •- .» ' ' , . , :. You r'^ay better iirr^^^^^^^" '^'^^^ ■■•"' ^■■'''''' ^'^'"^ ; .• i.iiat 1 had been colieetirv^ .^easels f.r tho ra^a Uelrcj ,: , 1 she special object" cf mono^^raphir^ this prcup. u;a u.aL I ,^;- ,, . :-..^i quantity of rmnuscript already typewritten oaror--: 'Bhr^-^ I have also i;Uon Gerrit Miliar fro^ ac .vvj-rJ'. . ,M.v.n. cf Arr^eri^an b8.ts und^r my charge. *:nch 1 ha.a/i'ad.j a. , ' of e.iiuctine for many vears. an.1 .onc.rnir,;: .vM.h I hav. a ..■;!;f,--vf. or rranu^eript notes and nieasurernent T have aiioiT'H' liy'-: >i - ; ' ,,...:. r.ew sv,GCies, and have onahlod hi.: to pr^-a-u a. . , r- !{iS£ertil1pnida^. I have also given him '..a-r ?M..,i .1 ...- t.u.on in the preparation of his roc^nt aunii-abb) m>^^ > 'a..r:,!ra and Subgenera of Voles and Isvrir^^/ ..^..... .r ,.r.e Uiustrations used in this paper war-^ ■.:ad. s.:V.rai ... Lv rersonai use. but all wero freely turned oV.r to A I'.^r: \!^i-^r^ •■'vr-'" ■^v..?'!': i « a^i ,:.r. .'.eanlly I have placed two other large groups at hi. di.- d b.uev. that- he will prepare ^onoKraphie reviulons cf th.r » • ••> -edit, to himself, and a ftraat oonvonierr-.^ i. aU I do not rcrrenibor to liave ever dc>ciir.^>d t i,av5 «^^ l.u any ^oputablo natura'i.i who .s ^ ( . if* 'J 1 .i^nu. oropx-sitio- T iricrA-^/ihly -^ol-'V ac ¥ 428 H ^ 0 3 * • -^ T.r^tjiria^ where it will do the most good. On the other hand T recognize that .VuseUiT.s are puivlis ana that they ara in duty bound to impose cartal'.'; .'iistrict- icr.s 'or tno safe keeping and permanent preservation of thalr treeS' I recognize also certain personal rights in the way of first ci.ti !3 nn jraterlal. For instance, if one of mj men is at vork on a rop-:'-.Mv jn the birds collected by him in Mexico I should rot o.onsiiuir it \ji\h 10 Fiva others access to his specimens until his rer ort wan rv .,j-saea, Stiii, as a matter of fact, I have granted Ric^govay un- rni-tricted use of ail "our thousands of Mexican bird skins for his Sv-Mvi ais cf the Birds of North America, notwithstanding the -"act V * « U iirit hif. Aork is sure to appear before Nelson's Birds of Mqxicq, A^rain, I should not consider it fair to rycelf , or that It v?ouia bert serve the interests of science to send to son^-.o other w.v.'Aer rratar'ial on which T am personally at work. This rtdjfiit apply* to a particular group (as Shrews or Kangaroo Rats^i, or to a particu- lar arosi (as J^exico or Oregon), Very truly yours. «2t Docombor 'o, 1895. Hon. (Uxr dinar G. Hubbard, •Vashington, D, C, Sir: In roply to your inquiry as to tha actual authorship of tho publications of tho Biological Survey (formorly Division of Ornitholo- gy and N'lanunalogy) , of which I luive charge, I bog to submit tho fol- lowing statemont: Th9 publications of tho Division consist of Annual Reports , articles in tho * Yearbook ' , and two regular series of documents en- titled rospootively Bulletins and North Aniorlcan Fauna. The Annual Reports » in addition to the perfunctory account of the. work of the year, coiTiprise special articles by Vernon Bailoy, Walter B. Barrows, F. E. L. Beal, A. K. Fisher, anti C. Hart Merriam all of which are printed under the names of their authors. The Yearbook was first published in 1896. The articles thus far contributed to it by this Division are seven in number and bear the following titles: l.The rreographic Distribution of Animals and Plants in North Amori ' ca. By C.*H. Merriam 2 .Hawks and Owls as Related to the Farmer. By A. K. Fishor, S.T}io Crowblackbirds and their Food. By F. E. L. Boal. 4. Four CoitBTion Birds of the Farm and Garden. Ey S. D. Judd. 5. Tho Meadowlark and Baltimore Oriole^ By F. E. L. Boal. 6.Bounties and Bounty Laws of the United States. By T. S. Palrror. 7. Pood of the Blue Jay. By F. E. L. Baal. Tho Bulletins of the Division consist, with a single exception, of special reports on the economic relations of Birds and Mairmalg 430 P f^ ti ^. 9 rror^arcd Iv, Rr]d publif^hod undor tho Vi^ms^^ of, ny aKi^lrtants. The oxcortior is Bulletin 2 on the Bird V.i.:ratlon,l:)3r Prof. W, W. Cooko. FollO'Ving H^o tho litios o" the 8 EuliotmR thue. frtr puliislied: l.'i'ho Rr.^l.ish ?;pKrro»v in Ar'! 'r." 1 f' • ■ . Bi' ^-TaltG:- B. Barrows. 2.^ in] m oration v l/no W? pi Vui]o.y. By W. *'. Cookti. ;>.'in;o Pa-.v'R-.'ap:' Owls of t.Bo Unit«e <^^•atos i-- tnoir relation to Ac':ricu!tur-o. fr" A. K. Fishor. ,. .^ , v n, 4.?ro nround Snuirro!'* o- R:.or>"ophilas of tJio Vissie^^irpi valioy i-j'" V f^ rrio n Ba i i i;y i.T''o Pof'kpt>,nnhers oS tho United St-ates. By Vomer. Hailoy. >,Tho Oo-anon Cr^^s of the United Statas. By Walter H. Harroivs go A. Fch.var::;. - r n i 7. Tin ^-)od of Woo(?•^•eoAor^'. T?y ^\ i^. L. Bonl . T'-n ToripuGs of Woor:r)r:('.kcrf^. B^.^ ^- /.• LueaB. 8. Tho Jack Rahbits of tho United Hatos. By T« S. Palr^or, Th'^ T.-nolir] jy^h^^d. Of thoso 4c arti?lo8, 3 ^ore ^ritton ly Br. hc-nliard Stjnoror; ? by Ger-it S. Keillor, Jr.; ) nach By Prof. C. ?. Kilcy, Pro% S. 'V, Wiiiiston, liir. P. H. Uhler. Prof. L^iwroixo Brim^r, Prof. C. H. ailBert. Br. R. S- C. Stoams. :>•. ?, ?^. Palrior, a^ Br. A. K. ^i^^hcfv, an;1 3'! by rysolf. Enoh is (niUli shed uncor ',ho n:r:e o*^ its auth-r. A cn-^ploto pet of the r-uBllcation? of tho Biv^slcn is f?3nt you hGrc7*'i th , I a;- not awa)'(> t'lat I have -v^ r laihli^'^od, cither ir tho s^ion- tii'ic^ i:mlieationH of tho Bivision or Jr papor^^ puhlishod -iiteido of tho Bivisiwi, a sririglft ...m' vrittor hy anyone gIkg, for v>^hioh ^'ull cff'-ih iii ;Kvt *nvf?n. Co f .. .T- ":-,r ro!-ii i^n*; -vith w apfif'tJints ro, I hnvo not only nwei- p^iBlishcd m^l-r -y nan.) iinything written By i.hom, nut huva .l..,Mrp .Prni2>^aj''^d thor; to p-;hU.Rh inr:op'*r.-9nt 1 y ^-c hnvo -iirnishod . . , p , ,^, ,,- ,y., ^,;v, not"S anri r-unu?/' r i r>t s . nm' mworous thoir. irijuiareds of put'ON .»; f^N o./u aoi.... u.u 431 It • V ' • il • "■ "" \5 • iliuBtrations, which have bean r^ubiishod by thotr. under their }Tnno8--thev civinp: mo crodit for iho data so usod. As a Tnattor of •• V..' '— ^ fact during the past tw-olve years I have spont vastly more timo over the !rianueGripts of rr^y assistants than in the preparation of my o\m T^apors . Respoctfuliy, \ ^.\€^>C^ vM»s^;Cv * 432 r r r^r f t r i; r r f ^1 J Fi^ll r^i §\}m» o 8t ■J I i X. ^Bh li^ld in the Bird t>aii.'n7 oi lao Smithsonian Tnslitb^io^, • f^ 1 Thv^. mr7^-)irLnf^ hus ^t-j. :».d .:i iO A« ^:« present; uv. lSiltiK.1 •".^. js» Dr. n. ilart yarriain. ^^i^ Hubert;. On liioLion of Dr« i./te)Tiari,Di\ Coues v/as raae Chainrian :..r thu Co.t>- f)r. J'terria*n w^va:; taat ilio a<^t Ion takon at tho Cambi*id,'^ii iiit^ol/irr on tile iVdjriQ DrvobdtfiS i-^/Ml'unuR i:^; /^::in*;nHideraci n ■ fc.^,— ■^.■,. ».i^ii»t i^fc. (;ar'* -a I>r. IV^iijrriam read Canon So ,;i -.he A. 0, I!. Coda, which prov-u^^-^ unat: *A specific or Sui^si^^cif ;i(^ nair;e is t^u bt^ chan«^i:^d wijon . .••";r» c» boan ai/pliod to 3or:\e other spaciu^ of th^ sara^ ;^on-.iS, or u^^ed. prd- viouiii^ ill combinaLioa »iri».n i!;ti i-^an-o j^^on^iric naUiO*, and st:it3a ll;dl this Canon iiiul b-t^n vi^iatoa b^ tho arv:..'..:: ., f tii- ("o-ij^utioc? in 11;^;^ ^ Qix?.a of iju^vobatos !^io!Uanujs Anthom*, Canon o4 dislincli;, ;/, v^a^^;^ fur two ciasaos of <:aseJ5: (i) m which ^ namu m.,.iSt ha e;kin>'-^d wi^-:^^^ ;r> lias bi^en applied :*^ so- : othor spuci^^a of thiL sai^o j7::?nt>H: (;3) .^^no-i it ha?' o^ron usod prtiviovii:!;,^ in conbinati.on v/it.i i»rio sair;;^ K>nc Th. •* i ^ " • ' I ■■' in ■^:\J. U .^fxitf. 1-, in"S: -ii.hia. n^^;, i .iv- n>in''j li.-:. .'bH .;.«]<: ...^-•' ;l .L^JKH Anl.L, r ot! J I ' ' ^ , ! I . » • < V Pj.y>.;.j}_n:r^nvg0a3 nrate, '. 435 r-M-,>3Qeo t.0 wolone ..0 tba seu-.o :^-5m:i£ ^. , .,,. ,. r>^ • ^-- ^>rr-^ -i.^^ iroved that the nains Dryoba- Unanimously carried. - -•^.' .;..i» r^-ct.^ n-* ' rvo^cTt-js pubasc^nf^ nolsoni o<^ rt^conoiaai'od* :;arriad. -. -arv^i- st.t--c. thut Picus v.ulascans(M^ux^us)^vas bas3d on C,.i,:>bj a™ .r,a<. ..V.o.Ucn .0 Ih. .hat .ris.,on6 -:!«; «.^^^ i.-o.^. nr,ir.ia o;- :aroli»., a-i ..beoty's fmo '>.^-Una or :ku-i^; .^-.u co..,e,u„ -.U;- .i:.o u;. near., M5:l"_5".^ "^^^^ ""^^ # of Jio species, c.b wab cone by i^vrainson. .^ T .^o- f^r»i-,^ -^^ i"^rv*rian KC-ed ti:=au tre eastern lorrn;^ ot b£j^O0auas 1^^}^^^^^:^^ nryobatab pa;joacens(;,inn. 1. ijp»^ ^-^^^ "^^^ - ^^^^ ( ^ W"^tT^as doferrod^ vicridma -as u^fer^^ed. ^ •*\r ^ .- ' .. f-» 88t r4m~- -"tte-tf^^'W* 437 ;:5 On motion of Br. K'orriain tha casu of Ca rd 1 na 1 1 8~ r i or . aanu s was raconsiderod. Dr. Werriani movod tluit Cai-d 1 nal : s card i naljs _flo rj,daivs Rid.^^Aav be acoeptod as a valid subspecies. Unanimousij- mri'ied. Dr. MetTiajTi moved that Agoia^usJ-^w9nieou^ be Unanimous!:, carriod. admitted. Dr. Merriani moved that A»iniodra;nu3 Karitirous macj^iij^i^ii bo ad p.ittGd as the breeding bird of Louisiana. Carried. • •«•«•«••*• 9 • »•••«•»«•• The Corrunittee adjourned at noon fcr lunch, and reconvsnKl at 1 P. Nf. Tlio case of U a 1 an c rp o s ^.f orjiij c j ^i'.i!-!i. g-g i*i gg-ibi *'^s taten up, and speeirranr, were Gxa^^inou Lru.: varioiu; r-rlnts in tho southwt^stern I'nitad States, Mexico, and Cuat^-aia. Swuinson's type of J^anoa^;R_fo^•!ra- ciyorus cjxnia from I'cm.HScailepoc , -..n the soutli slope of Vim volcano of Toiuca, in the state of Mexico. Specimens coiiectad by Neis^ p at s evorai points near the type locality proved to bo tlie black-lr'easlai. fom., recont,ly recognized b^ ■Ridijwa, :..s Mi_XjL_a£i:iS§iiii^^ Kearns [Rid-rr wa^^Man. B i r^flpncT SI . p uM^'''' Jv;rCO li :'.^.-^^-^±'> ^ :■•".-:. i—- -,,... -. .-Talis shufiioti. "o.<.a Oi- V'errxa:n nov^io Ina . .u. ..a...-..^_, — » rv'ch if'-p •■.itedaled. .:1S, -. Carri'id. isiund^tl^irornia. oa c.b a -i - Cari'ied. D^'. Mi^rriai'. moved I'.iat Deijo.iiiib.iJL-.ii^'i — — - A: -• t Lc - lit-* v'^iiCU^ vi^ •-*' rir **^^ Abarhoisor. Auk. Jan. IHiffj. Carriou >«t4 IS -n and Afisor . , , . ;. . .„..,,, :rt e.xira;.ir::i»^al sp«>v..ii... .. .^^;.;ronC') ir Zdivvii-'d^ V. :::i3»: A. A V' > _ C 1. «bi H;-;'- •- C-'l • Mr. Ri^fiway moved tiu.i 1 h. tiam. ':Vir£^a_alrina..cac^lo5 uf Iho Dr. ?..;:jrriaii movoa t.nul, the nui>. '.•■■■ 1 IH, 20^-^04, Ji.iv. iSwC-l. Harri^o. f^''abgir,lS''">) -5 cliaiv Faxon, Avk, vo Mr. Pidt;*av Kbv,3>i Uiut tbi <-"!•« ?i^i.r'-?5-i^i^ „ -,«. ,„.>:« ,'r."^-i^ ^•■'.iS^ r"=^8« f'iit.. BiT-ns Brit, - ♦ i,..i tr^ fi^-- if P,['fin\-& boreal iS vorsuS- P. kuhli be dtifarrad. «w * Mr. Ridgway mov-d Lr.a'. ?^lt:--:^i^.,^M2^±^^ ■'"^" instead c-f Zjll^±i^^:^:2,J^^^^ ^ ' 'A^H^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^mi^j^^ •♦, uHlTlOCl* Dr. ^iivviBi. inovud that, tho caB. of ?:,£Iim^nZhki^l -^ "^ '^ < .i .+ n't i»d Mr. H:^uK^Hy mc^i^^ th.^ j^th-a 3./>a be not- ehariKed to Nvriii,^, l)r ^-^ —.-am wcv.a that the can;? of t^Ui^,.i^L^^ ^■'- -' -^^^ h j^.i • i « X.'.^, -r,V9i-\ t-ria I C ; r'lar.' and [U'al^'^iii" 1 1 i \' -y-^ h-: ^ Carriod, >'2. : . t' , : f^rimea. r, • . ->^-:^ \fv<\ vx'H'l .^■*-^-''» ^'"^"'-1 • »••..••'. »> ."•l •"> ^'^ Ihall':.;^ bf> iaciuaei: ;n t-'»- v.......^ !)^**, f-^ici^'^i^-- 1 ,,/^'^r Mat. AlL^V^A^ *,» "1 ;-* ....... ' ? •;a oc-»«|esA be Currioo ; Viki'';^^'^'^ :s: rnc-ved ^.aa:. i.h; •iii.^v>^-' tc^ ivxli ^ »•' ana :.? i ; ^J^;s stanJ as i^■^ii■■i:-a'-V^t:^—^■ "■'■■•''-'■' ■ c * J t <'« * 440 f .' f 1 ... ct .co-.^-^ V r^js^^d to full .:;^neri^ rank, .• I -. n— .'-• •rpnii^.s. phalaropus and 5;to- C.urr'icd , •• 4-i8.,.. T'i-''i-in rplidrvy^'' ,'^^nuai N, k-^, siras, Carried* ^^rll. V.f^.. XXI,; '- J' ^.' 3 i.v.^'- TT-Y»r.- -i'^--'j,a7l of tho Check Listbe Mr Ridgway moved tha. J^nc. i-.L^^>v-t.> i- ^^ c;}.^u>:cd to J-^rnectsn^. vjhich prove, to have boar based or a spHien of the red^backod form si^bsequontly naiaed J, ^^^^^ ^] Junco be inserted into th^^ Check List^^jafiiiiafii Auk, 14, p. .Jan.lBOVTJ As aiT^ended, the two forms wUl stand thus: t^rr T,ir,r.o TTA-irnsi BiuRv/ay. Pink-sided Junco bob. J.l]rflO R?«*t"Si ^-^ 9 ' iA Pirfpwav's Ji3bo 55S 1 -Jnnco annectons bajrd. , KxOgway s ju^^ J.ucar tut ad ior tes Cabanis. I 4^ Jl 4 ^ •# i bh 44 ci Ijf+l h^h ^hh Dec.l2,18£H3,. Dear Srewstjer: The riAsh of work of tho HomencJalure Coinmitteo ha§ \^af^ m from answorins your letter of oho 8th inst. This OommiUee. it seems to me, should look upon its work more seriously, I think we (I inolutie myself) are inclined to rush the work along tpo fast without giving some questions the time they deserve. Recent events seem t,o prove this; also the fact that questions settlad one way by unanimous vote at Oambridge 'vere settled the opxjosite way by unaiiimous vote here. Tiiei-e must us a screw loose some'ihcra or such things woulu not ue ^.obsiule. Some of tl:ese days we are ^oing to niuke a baa break and somebody is going to jump on us with both feet. Even now I should hate to sc3 i-i print such a notice » of the doings af the Committee as several of us might write if we wouldl One source of trouble is that wo lecive thin^js till the last minute and th^n x'ush them through in such haste that we sorter I times go off at half cock . Would it not be a good plan to par- se! out the work a rionth or so before the meeting so that some one person would be responsible in each case for ^ bottom references und the like? To change the subject: I am glad you wrote me as fully as you did about the various ir.atters bhat have combined to detain yoa I and conaune your time. I had a prei»ty fair /general notion of these thini'3 before, but of course withou'i. ciotails. --ow I think I under- stand oiie lay of the land and appreciate the difficulties against 447 -2- .vliich you hcvo to'contena. I, too. ^n caiiod apbn t,o maot 3imilar . • iv^ouni-' diificalties. Our cases diifor absolutely in details but bo'exactiy tno same thing in the end. fo- with both of us the soru^ i^'ie'is a-ainst unfavorable condit-ions inour efforts to secu^-e If--') ■'*'a ■ more time' for original work. My rouoine oxfioiaJ w^rk consists in a large and exacting corresponuonce. ohe iu^nLili.^.awion of si-ecisnensfof v;hich thousands ■,Sy oonx, mo ouch year for bba purpose), the and editing ol a£iiuocripts(often amouiiting to rewriting), proof reading, the proiSration of official reports, the planning and sui>ervision of & ^i^rk of my aosistunt.. boUi ir ofxice and in the field, plann-. irguna s.ipervising the preparation of special bulletins and arti- cies on U!3 oconomic side of orniU^olo^-y a:.d -awr:alogy. continuing JhS .t.idy of :,eograi-hic distribution from the econor^ie - a-ricul- i;£ai .ide. tne .renerai care of large a^^i rapialy increasing col- Uction^ of .UiiijnaU. birus. reptiles, bira stomachs, seeds, trees shrubs and other zone plants, aad so on, and In attempting '.o Le polite to one thousand ana one people ^vho call at my office on uii conceivaH.o errands from morning till ni|^^t every day in the •an- anU '/ear when I am home. Arfide from oificiai duties I es'^ a ^nomber of se^^eral governing; boards and 01- uhe Joint Corarljsion. and a;n on the Publication Com- \.iU^oi several Sciontific Societies, and Chairman of the Joint ^'^''''* - nooac :-cm.orial Meeting';. A^ editor of tho F.iolo- :n? . > u ovsni.t '€ ■ on owd 8^^ -3- gical Society's, proceedings T'^: froquently calleci upon Uo odil an ( i rourrange nianuscripU ariu oo propare illast,mUor..s -"o'' ''^P""^'^^'V.,. .^,^^^. tion LOth us piaOG^ and texL figures, and so on. As ^0°^°-^^^^. .^ ...^ .^i Editor of Soience I ar. expected to con.ritute various brief noli- l^il 10 ti ces and t,o review currmul nterature in corlain de.parlnierits . "y <:,' Then reviews aione for oho past two years make u fair- vol-Jir.e. ^^^^^ I air oDiigou to prep..-e a'ld deJiver l.vo or three new lectures g;-.?j^^ ^^^^ _^ v/inoer, each of rvhich conaumes a good deal of tirr.e; and it i--^^^ . ,__^^ s,-ems to be-necoss<^ for a.9 to a o tend at least two meetln.;s of scientific sociebies each week. ^ Besides all these things thei-o are certain social duties which .-- 4-5 ime I cannot escai^e i^u which make still fv.rLher inroads on my time and suren^-oh. As a, result,. I am fortunate if I ,Ket one evenin- a ^ .. . • - ■ ;v3ek free from calls, for work. Daring office hoars I may -ot 10 minules today, a half hour next day. no time at all the day af- ^ tor-and so it ;-oes. I have absolutely no tisie for conUnuous _ oririnal work anu Uie only vay I accomplish anything' is by kjepin?; , J^ a piece of work constantly at my elbow and pickin^^ it up ^vhenever -^*' -TGt .) dav af- in^"» O'.r ci« I can»mitch a moment letween interruptions. Tnis way of workin,;^ _ is only a matter of habit. At first, it was difficult, bu;. nov; it i. .econa naoure-still. I have ^.o ad/ it is uphill ;vork a-d doos not i^ive a inan a fair show.. I try to put on a serene exterion _^^^ and, like Chapmn. senile at my time-devouring enemies, >v:dlo in'vard- ly I ain gnashing my teeth anu bemoaning the loss of time. . ^ \ 449 \ -4- You '. You h::.vo -.1:0 advc.nta;-,e of it;e i'< tliat you have :'-.any half days oacci]",' I, i.o.'ur; .m\c -.vnon 1.00 huru pressed can run away to loncord and thus osCc',pe u host of inT,Grruptions. Ao I look ut yo-oi' case 1 S3e two obstacles to progress. The iirst* . ■ iirst co.-ibi^ts of the innun;eral 1 o o:..ds and ends in the •ay of rj'.eciPiens. nooes, letters and so on -vhich now take up practiclly all of ioarr . ull 01 your s^are time; the second is the :..os9nce of the halit ( for :ir ;. "" ( lor it io nooning luL a habit) of jiinping right into a piece of real V"OiV^ . ^ . • : ■ • •• real work .vhonovor you can ::;beal a half hour Letween times. I am pGri9ci'i^^ '•■...-' -^ • . • ^ . 'voriocuiy Ctjrtain Uat vou can overcome Loth of these difficul oi-^s. ir colio • . : " . • ■ * . ■ 1 our of Vec:.:'i Year colieooion is now in superb condition and shows ohe results of /ears of |)aiastakin,^ labor. Tne expenditure of a compara- oivoiv iirnall an-ount of. energy will keep it fror. deteriorating and pat adciioi- " . . put iiduitiona w-iere t:;ey -.vill take no harm. Hire a coi'rpetent ..ucno^'Tauher to co!:e to you once a '-voeK for two or throe hours and dictate uo hitr. all your week's corresponaonce at one dose. As soon -^i 'u-i 'ito used to your .:tyle a:iu to the technical torni8(he Ccin look up u:e bird's hiniself in the Check List) you vail be ;>.i.-...risGa to find tl:at you can /-et through with auout as much -vork I l> --i*! ; ''\\\ '-''' * . . : * • •• i'l an iiour as you could by yoursQll' in a 'vhole day. I a.n-} a :.teno,a'a[.'her lor lamos.. every thin'f, except personal •"•or/v a^^ j^Cmi. • •• , ... v/ork at home. aj\d ".vould have one here evoninirs if I could afford it -hen comparing si,0oiinsns a stenographer saves oven more time tiiaii i'i ordinary letter writiiig because you ai'e not obliged to bo 450 -9- evdi'JasLintjJy takiriijj up aiiu pui;t»in>5 down your pon and iakiri.-; up and put/oirx.; down youx* avecimena. To cure your socond ti'oal.Jo, kosp al your eltow alJ the t-ime u pioce of rv;al work, aiiu force yourself to ?j;o at. it whene\'9r you • ■ ■ * . have a moments time. It will not dg lorn; before you ^rst to carry this work unconsciouisly 30 ti^at you can pick it up and drop it as laany times a day as nocetisary and sti]3 make fair pro^i'ress. By all means corae oii Jioro not later than the first of January aim finish your Lower Caiifornia book.. This \»il] ease your mind of a x^eal DUgLear and au olfo sai'ie time v;iJl set you on the ri^ht path. Then vhen you go tack, start ri^^ht in on your ;;ew England took and keep it always on your desk. In six months you ^^ill be amasod uO find how much you hu^'e accomplished. There i.*^ just other thing I want to say before r-.utting off V.-->--.5Jc', this lon^ Soring of ^ratuitou^ aavice, a*id that is trds: When in • * > your cabin ati Concord you irigntoned me ana maue the cold chills creep up ana down my back by deliberatdj^y telling how near you Gurni; to a:isociatin>5 someone with yoa in joint authorship of 2"our Hew Engiand book. You : ar^e r\o ri[^ht to itihift or divide your re- sponsibility in tnis way ^.nu I v>^ant you to promise triat you ne\^er will. It is your duty, and sliould Ic your pride, to write that book yoursDlf. If I were not perfetly certain that you can do it I would not write as I have written. As ever your friend . VN^^^i^Vsiv^ ■' tst Washin ton. Januarjr S, 1697. or Kvn. Gardinei' G. Hubbard, Presidenv Joint, '".omndssion. v,y deeu- Sir: For many yea.', ii. has Dean the hope of a n-umber of prominent scientific men and ud.acE.tors. including ^.he presidant. of several of our leadir^ universities, that soone. o. laLer the scattered scientific bureau, of t:^o Goverrrnont mi^ht-be b.ou.^nt together within a sin-^lo depai* tn.O'it . & , _u„ ..»■,<..-'.,•.-.<■■.•{ -il ftfto^t that was made You doubuloas ron-oriiuor t,hG uni,ucc0f>^xai eiTo.b u.. .■A -•< ^*.-t-Tr.n in i.,-inp- t^bout sxich a union un- durifu^ the Harrison acwi:i.'L.vrat,ion i-o^ cluuu ' dor the Department of A(-ricuHuro. Doi'ing. the past four years this niovomenb. for obvious" roa.on., ha. remained donw.t. In discussino; ohe r.attorlil^ hope has been expressed that tho advent of the incondng republican mi).inistration iright prove a propitious ti.r^e for the revival of the project. The center about which other scientific bureaus would natural- ly gather is the Deuartme-ab of Agriculture, which already contains • thrwaather Bui'eau. Bureau of Animal IMustry. Biological Survey. Foresl-ry department. Divisions of Botany. EnuO.-nol op;/. Vegetable (fr.-i\ •Sr.vnoM^-i+inn'; Fiber i?ive3ti''ation3 ^rd ' Physiology. GheiMsury, Soil in/es..i-auioii.>,piuc,. so on. Bills providing; for the uransfer oftho Fish Gomd-.sion and Geoloe^ical S'-U'vey to the Dopartment of A^ricult.^a were ititro- duood at ^he last session of Congress and are s-oro to be .-evived. 452 2- The loss to science of the Coast Sui'vey and Fish Commission under the Clevelaiid administration is a terrible --rarning of the dajiFors that threaten. oi,her scientific depart,rri9rts under the pre- sent i^olitical system. VVibh a view to averting these dar^'ers and pavinff the way to a union of the scientific bureaus under a con'jnon jiead leadinv< scientific and educational men from all parts of the counx-ry have united in urging the creation in the Department of Aoi'icultui-e of a permanent Director-in-Chief of scientific bureaus . • and investif^ations. It is earnestly hoped that this position will be established by the present Con^-ress. Equally important— perhaps oven mor-e important at this criti- cal stage— is the appointm.ent as Socreu^ry of Agriculture of a liberal, broad rdndcd, educatec man who will take an intelligent interest in the development and coordination of the scientific bu- reaus of the Governmont. It would be a great triumph for the cause of good government, as well as for that of science and educr.. ion, if the President would concede a Cabinet position to ohese interests. An alrr.ost ideal person for this position would seem to be Dr. Charles W. Dabnsy Jr. Dr. Dabney is not only in full 4- sympathy wioh the nioveinent above outlined but is himself a scien- tific man, a m£ui oi culture and presence, arid an administrative officer of rare ability and power. After s-oudyir,£ abroad for several years and receiving', the de- i'-ree oX Ph.D. at the University of Goettingen. he was called to tho I- 85^ ,Hair of Choaslry in tho Unlv.rstV; of Ho-.h Carolina, .nd w.s«a.-a ,=.<;. Sta.. C;be.i.t. a„d di.oc.o. of tl-.o Exi-or-irront Sta- . , T iv^7 -h« v.-'i elected to Lhe Fi'esidency of brio lion au Ruleigh. In loo? he ft.^s uecL.u In 1893 University of Tennessee, which posiUon he still, holds. he was appointed A^sisoant SocreUry of ..riculwre. and tha fol- -„ nv;n-"— of tho Govei'nrr-.ent Eoard of the Coi>ton lo'virur year was P-aae Cnaii-x.... o. i>.'-> vj- St^t^es ana Intorr^tional at AUa.,.^. .eo. ,i • ^. - r'isr.har.^e of th- .^nifold duties incident to those of- cess in Uiirl ulbCndJ ,« u- j iicGS is too v/ell kA0W^■. ^'O noed corrunant. 1 ,1^-fv^xtiv-a. aad at the sar-e tiir.e Dr. l3aL'ne.v is cool tmu '.'or.&onvx^i'^3 the power of so shaping the p-.en a-nd possesses' la an ii,'n.aa..,i u^,. ^^ i „,k of o..ho.-3'u. to .c.=o.pU.n 1.0 resuais. As Assisted Socotary of A,.!-!.-.... --:■• the Cleveland .a..inieiration he ha. "5 ^^n,^.;nno s^ii f^f 'Yhi^'h rave of uio various sciei.bii.i.c ua. e^u& ■b^on .ulo.- las i,,«diate control, and ha. ln-,pro.ed t:« s„r.l.-.e ir. .,^.ioa. d.:-eoUon.. Ho i» a.uiUoas fo-^ the growl!, .-d develop- • V-,, ^ n^^a'^y i'".L-d"^v,t into its needs, ino>it of oho Department emu iias a clear i.-.i,,..t, Ts. fa'u-- 0'" a--ric:ulture in Ajnerica depends so lar^oly on the inloUlj^l .vpUcaUon of >Ko l.uVns d.volon,d ty scle^ilfio invos-;,i..acn. t.hal xt «ould see. wi.o to pla.o at tJ.e head of the ,;.-aonal Department of Aerio.ltaro . ..,an who U not only in sy^a- tH wifn t;«.e ir,vostij,ations, tut, ^ho fro.r. previous IrainirB >B / 454 -^- cctiipetent to understand their naUoi'e tind aims. My OLJect in writim?: is to ask if in your juugenient there is * • s.ny possibility or accomplishing so desiraule an end, and if so, » if you, as Prosiuent of the Joint Commission of the Scientific .* Societies of Washin£;ton will undertake to Lring the matter to the autention of the Presioent-eloct. Very truly yours, ^ .\W:v ;, wJO^xMx^vv' ^ ^ 1 1 p;! T5^ i^GOO .'^ f- . P i.C\ 1 urr- -• P ^Xr-ec^^-ni I.aK,H.\ 'v;-.o Jo/r nil:iiilin *• .» »** ■ ) *-' J c;(?.rjT. i ..i. i^ V » • - :.: : J f , » u?> LiiSK o^ ^O'Luieeirj^^ anu ic- uouroseuii fro::i ^j^b 4 ■. » ' »■■ ■ . rini.d^' -^ 1 . i : f ♦ ti ; "«• , >"i oi V---yp^.^^:^Y 1 i.v....'^ V j '»f.'S ■ J.. -.4 /.C'*- .•• •<.£.. jv;i.v^'-j>iiv; v4 pages, hcwr ;it,-uck iff ana .1:. J »* — U J„i v^ -^ J - .' './ V V/ - ' Tf J,. .' o te I'hdt a'iieolfi'^at-'^'" v. P'-V "1 ' 458 Ik I -. y^o^-obA^\^i:.3: •, * on f^bJicdLl'^ri :shaii exbtmine papers o'^I'-^.-ud i-ji J ^i. . 'a; them t.G specula] noirjmit^e »-> J. ' ..».a.vice; ' '-^ ^ho Bou'rd, with recoTmendaticn ana . "^ - V . ' . 7 1 accept or' roj •33t. ^* '-^'^ j^''.: .1 • cri ?..ui iOH^ion >ihail examine papei's offered for •'•^i.. tiouv^io:) aiid. ^rr.^ -^eiei whem ho special comr^iiller^s for ad^ace; i. .^ I a Hui ^-'**-' • ' j^a vO accept ar * "2i-3ot, or ^rD -efer 'them .o ;:u- ^;o:->;i':."p -^ccrarena r.hf.t ir: the maLlc- of :;ost of iiius- Lfca-. iont-; the* Gourd tr,t=-e ho .;.-i »„■:••-.« is 5a f^- sxercis.^ its aiscretion, m 'nviain'i ohe coii with authors ^h-inevtsi' ],'.ri».cti cable. V. Vou" Coiwidi^iee t.^u'ther recoi'jjfi'iiid thu'. .»00 copies of the ?-^o- a^,:':iix-:ii, ccvu^u, De-s^rii; aa i.>.:jacd l-o u iibrarv and exchange i'* J r-l '/. i :j r ^' « »».t .- it^ .. L ..y ^ i . i. V'' «b LTi''^ 00' -ll •-jr.' •V: ^■.- I'uoiioation ha.i. i^^an D.':n;o;*^M: »-i -^ '•■».. ;», . . V ■• "j'lli t .■•\-.-* - i- arid cx^yvo^ril oi' r.he Bohj^u. ::our Conrni'Ot^e r^3c;.'iif.ead :./n.:. ii. ', < p ., fc.ooz;pbi^riC6 o! pa.p'^-» orlt-rsd fc- ^;\U;iaoat- aiu^r'r]u.i.^vo | i;x?-ia of iC •^o-.-.i:;- I y 'ir^ It/he:/ f^*-*et' .^ icin «. w •» f ' ^v .■ cp ;>Ga ann ^"Bccro.-:-. 01 i.jij i:.oa^ a .; h ■• • . ? .' '^:l f^ •'-* iisl. r^i ^ erf "Oct ir\_;; plans -lad rui:^^ ior patiica-;.iori, yo T! V» ritteo ^xar^lned a large number of .medical am it:.ciBa:/lflc serials, and ^h•"OU£^j ooartesy of Hr W J J/icGea, huo qad the ben^fib of the very fail tj^ui el^boru^f; rc^port, only in part pudlished, of a com- UaJL •/ {. •i- '.vr(.io^.u-5hA i-oeieo.; of America which aevara] V3ars .:.^.^u Hiaaw a eompreii-n :.. ,>• ^.oiv-t- ?/ sciouiific seriaia, Tho pro- ;/^KaOiri^ial SO!r^.i. .. .uro'/a..'d many vaJ-iabie so^^es-^ I. » Yoar Cortunii;;,e?: air:^ lo mcike tho Proc-fetUrigs of ths Wash- Q5t • 4^0 -'ton icaaeinj ci Sciences ^ ncaei -■>' . * »■•*■ »■^ Titcivl <^ o 5 I UK.i • k>l - i "w '>"^ *. ;-■ ctw, v^ oaucticti I/* » f > iiff •■ fiii ^t^"! C/0^ '^ ^^ > ' s » . .. . I'Xt^ ;\n-a 1' •^ '^ ; f 'loru •»«"*•• »• " i .i ft.-* * « .# I V. <^ <»? 1^ i''"r * ■ ■. <'^ t* '^ V « f> ■ .•* v-» o i-ivM J.. '7'»JW\ 1- •■». .'■I/', .'i':'^ .•'* /*j lu x; 1 Av^ w • t iii,i^ :'^'pirei ■>j a.i'4'.« * \ ^s i i:< o h . t » » ' i V, -40 'jt •j-4^ !<:» e aoih v^ ,, % ^r^^ja n^o r^rfpi Tpa^Tov: i-j -■■ . ^ -^ •« Tna P^roO'3aa.ix-':^.o f L/J X'. .^1 -■J • on A'^AG'.ffv,/ .-^i beian^^r;S ^na* d 4 * D. i^^iiued in aisled Ox-ocbiuvs. !>Nf^eo ^oni:e^;*ai.i •«. ir ir':^ - ^ V * V. -> V ■•' -»■ »■ W - • V « -1 ^V . 'lav* A b I'ocna.'-v? rwi " cc .n r\ '"^' o l./J; ^ u; ■ J y .♦r. I.' ' • •, accoruiiv^. ^0 • ' J i > >.i rrr le OT^i'io >". * * > h- 1:7 ■••*.. J > c"< *^ I •,-> .r ««• -• t,rt- »«"%;^ r?» i f''*^* «.;-. f'\\> w^M:*n sn:3 » • ^ » *- * *■ .1 fc ^i.fiai .% re CDC .'"if- 'w» 'l, -. O'M 1-^ ♦• .f^k "•! 5 J ^m' »•' *^ >. X v »..« k>A4V'- 1 i K rl c^hH i..* '^ ■*; ?"i1 '"'* •■ f •<'\ n-v"f o o ''i -v. •' o r kO S^«.^ v/ «> »l:ii.-iuUr^ u> ui O f -i- i-N,'. Aeai ru: t t. t. ,1.. ».; c .'i i^-; ar* n '.* .< If » •• ^l^^\ *oveo. t"^' \.ne bca^i^ At I iC Dtt Oi ;-'>i u.i ;>OiisiwJ^) ^^i.ji tne cr:Uo^ia:.r ye^u^ a c r^r. V ] Oiur*:^. w a;V: -1 rt ^ ,nn c •; 'i aii c^o:j.:-!Ciae j> c r, no V. I \f ..•u S* "• M 3 ui r>«i iTo U..iT^ <» r* »n+ •^1 - Jf r* r> iJi'.i i i 1 3 S -.< tj ine i'Qi^Uiu:" 0 VA i;,io'. 3Hr>,U consist. o.i: ono t,hou3anu copit J'V ,o-"S uO ».h^ r.RO-'^KBDrvJS muHo be m-^nibsi-rf cu TtCs % 1^ A *w' .1 ,» 1 . -« a- <,i e Aif ill-it ea r;o?ioT>:-e3; p-'-nV-idod hov.-9Ti3r at ■'■'.e'>'-'''-''-''Hf ea.s \-> u^'f* Dourci, j, 1-, h' • k .1. V- •*•• Ki ii Vf^ > I 1- tp 0'* L !a:=ni!ji >-!jUl'»?i /■ on I rJ U r n ort-r-e^ibora ot ths AffiiiaLso or^ani?:auiO!i .•U.' a »«••*, ■i ♦•' ^ 4*.. 1^ •^' ■ ^ I fo>:> uabJioauion mast, 'be ac^tomparied by a » i. At S« 1> ■-/ •» ♦ • --'l A* -^ f /» •* -. /*• ♦-, /^ p T ion rrcn th? Af t"lli&l.ed Societ, «^. ■« ♦•^- ii f^l '• <» I o ?,-hi:5h tl.H 73?J)?r :'eltit;g?r-5>T^5prin speci r» C; O f\ » i t» ^.<* • >« W" *t» > * »fV re re ^ TyablieK'il <^jn 1^=^ o •he Fos.rti oi ;>:an3;''ei's al of o. »/ ,^ (r oaso of paT>er^ tencler'o^ • ^» ♦» *-• Arfi]ia*.'VA So'3iety. the co;s 0 r -•:i!:iiC':tlc^^ sh-'Jl tu^ fsT^rea -^quci^i^y i-y b:::^ n AoaaemY and said So 1 1 u \ f 1 ^- y- ft r, he 01 soeoiajt p^p'>^ v'* c» fi v-* ,'N n >•• :j t*^ Kl ^\>- ^ puoiiahed 'by tho'Foai-d of f-^ '^y^fir;^ if . .;:> *.i> V ,-, ^r . .., ^- Oi ^. t' <• •H « . •• J f J T.u^ J 1 cation snali 06 borre by \j ^ ^ .J Act; •\ ' "• • « Paoers on'ereu [cr p-ioiicauicn snaj il to G slivered to the ni^almKi^ oi t^c Co'tivni^^tee o^^ Publication, who ^^hali ue Eciiior ("V* /^ t" 'V -i. ' J. . '•»* _ V» w -> ^ '•■•■ J • i'^ - »'«f • he PMii7or 6 nail s x/ »-4 cn:it tc t.h 4 4- i -* %„;• • ■> ' 7 j.!U„;^i, e 01* CO 11 see thaL t)apera are pron^puly exa>!iin 9 Co^n^ii- /ee a«i ; r-» '■., ;l.'>r? -i *. rj-^nr-er* a^ f>i the Soarc- of :^ia:ia5:3r3 -i^^y direct n ! ariuscr^ r-^t £ub:nitt9d for puhii^ation must he in form as w^ •y\\\r\^, ^•^ "eadv fo'* the D^'int o W .' * • It must bie cioirplete as to \» i i J a»> v; J. C: t, V^ '.^ , . 1 ^* » i.>io.a3. n~us t- bo pa:-f>3.'ciy Is^ibl:^ (p.-eferac!iy t;-p.i- 461 wnl'U ), ii : -'ust be prf^oouod cj a brief tacle of (Contents. The cost . 1. -» f*-- f-^ • "*' *3»u8iOM '^f ':5opy cr reccntt^'i^5t.ion of iilus- T. :-:;\.lvi^ jhali i::e ^har>?ed to tht? fe.ubhor. 4^ Tiie r-.tiri!.. of -jroof co'-reotionB due to altiraviois rade by the h. V^ooi^ shall be t>ubAtoci to a^xthors or persons deoignatad by ...utnori:- vv'hanever pracc^ieabJe; but printing shali not be delayed by ^ehi^'::a o: acsence cr :xnr;tt,entipn of authors. iJ. Fajitirs iiCffeptec for pabJioatic". in the Ac.aaomy's P^'ooeedings not CO ::rovioasiy putlished eLiw^vhers except by consent of i>iid AcciCiomy . Id. iluthoA BoparatGS shaii nco diffe.- in- any particular from the ra-vular erlitiotj. Any iGsi-od n'oir.tar aiay ba ordered in adrancs Ihro'j^ai tne Goriruittes or. pal. M cation, at Ine. e'xp3ns9 of th'? author. a,'!a at a '"ate of coiv, ^^rw'-d Ui^on by the Comrnittee and printer. ^«)^ttM^\fgm Respactfuliy submitted, ''^^^NMCit'^V^AJ^^X^^ Chairman Goniini^teo' on Pablioation / sat e ■' > • ^hUj* •'(nOliGrifbi i-/ '" A ■] x v TbankH for your idtlaro i^^^^* ^ri.^.- ■■ work in .-oni;]eti/Y:: ^^^* studi^r o.-. ..^-^ ....■..■ o .. ■ As -C i'ii.-..'' no i.^/rr'nia i]r1^''cr3ity.r •> J i'lioer.G A. Hei.rc'. or Sa-'v F -am:.::.^.' \cP3r\i o r ^ ;- r^r, ^ -^ unci, a very intiisntiA.v :-..-, ^^^^.^ ^■. — dad .for oho wonciGrtul sst o? l-aJain-.> Vi-^v cxp;v-!L to er^et . Hearst used to sptrnl ':-:• T:rii.«.";i AS vo •■,•■ .''-s^:-;: s^Uer: coss i- net airik-v i' : -V »• V • --' ■ :^i(i \-ou r»:!?r^ have ^^t h-: ^ that bj^vasHivf^ inr':-i>^-en^r> fro^ o-*lsid^ th- ?ltat.e 15, i^c p... Yo^H of :oiirGi? appre«:?ia;^o trie I' -^iidiy, a oririt:; out o: ^;it.3ev ic^z:^ 0.1 ^./vc-^i^i^f- biit or.> -..-lo. -->-V the Sbats, ravin. ■: v-v^ est.Liished, in eon.ecUon :Vi- "---^^r, a, ..honl .f fc;-n3-^- v^. .H..aaca ?:n'' ^■a••:.■.: ..-^Tor-: ... 'iiviay lii; -csponsibiUty by permit.:- •> ^ .,1. - « .4~ * . 1 ■• ductio^-i of unotha- ana ant.a/^o'iiijt^c policy before the ih-^i n^s '^nr.:. f ^, , , ^ t> i ^ *^ had u iair trial. M im prcs-.r- cin- -:--^^ s93-r oificiai hoho. o,\ lore:.. • .i.. «^ -V ♦* i — -"» h' ' ' ' C 1 I '^ '» »J C C, ■ yy-f' **' 'S" O"** .' .^ • . . 5 T ' ne suce^edii, 2r>« b:-m i-ist at do'-^t wasto l-ho vilaii / a.tnl a^c;^ -i *v. ,r.-^ ■V lu^'irv?^ "t^o hnvLii^ -^ 463 Abouo Uat/ Olympic Elk; Lydakker has dug up an old n^u; 'ac':i JerrG^I: .. : whicn '/ra/S ^Iven provisionally in a va^ue sort v;-.. • :.: d '■^^siijr.i' animal, but ^hich unfortunately »eeras to i ; e'^ LaH-'i ^n ar? antle"^ sent to tin^^land from Yancoiiv^er Islandt yjx 4 - ** C •^^M»'on, f]f-jp^^(pLl^.^li^ wr«::iid ha^^e to stand for the west • ■■ ' ..'.?! .* r.# V w .1 .. Ic^G it ::an be shorn that the animal south of the oi\ i^ -iff^ront froF^ the Vanecuver animal. I hope to c:i - spfj^i^H'^n^ rroin Vanccivor '01, fo?" direc*, coitiparison, so as :" •-: ^iu i>he ou:i6 one way or tno other. As ever yoar^ t <^1 ^■ \A N/*^, ^ ,^, . '-Vjfe-^^ ^'^S^N-lkX^^^ ^A^? >'"T A/"^ ^.-.Olv i 1 «v v*-i "J^^T* i ■-o*^ . i^ ^^...-^ /• V>iKX. ^-^^ -* «vy . .SA^^^ "^v v-» r^ ii.,"«. - IT^ J^tnuarv la 190 f\^'^ 1331 ^^onnoiai^t >Wenu-, \'y doar Sir: In eoT^iFiiance vvith your t^cq^iast, I on^no^e herewith sono p^op.^. rancia proparoa by ine at Vue rtjqii.eai. or V'3 *auc barcc m ;'. 1997.. Tho«c n-r^nc-ancla r'^lat.g t.o the .-)btB.'hi:,sli- It in W.ashir«-n.on of a Sahool-nf Scinnno, in whioh rmi-ter f^ir. Hub- r-r, •')- woir bard was ^fr^mtly. int^resycd^ Very '^"^^^iy yours -- . od^"^ ^ L Vv^V>s>vwK/-^ WASlil^lCfON SufM^ijj, J- SCIENCE (pA^v^^h" oi;tli);e fo^ f i^-*?? v^ork) • ..■*v' •3' V v-' • ♦•■*• \J* 1 , . v.f \.» •fc. SV . .;.*'"' ■■."i tr*'^?' lO") iocturos .irru ^^( jvirrir^vf. In iaborauo>7 ?i. ,:i;jO r*/N 50 $»■' » » lu : » ^n <«•«'« i'i»]t«4r«'i9»*-d««***«i>*«a« e«e9««*««*4«««««9««» ••••••«•>•»« • *«'•• •••••**o«i>««r>»«*«»«9«9»«9 • t«;i«*a*»**<-*««t •] 7 '■•«•» (i»»*«o** • oaeo«te«n)«ti)«*a«««^aii^40.Q • •• 9 0«*'>«w •>»«••'' '9 «'««i|a«i»«{<«oO« 730 30() :;oa iOO • Z.K'X) . ;"v 'i -• r- 1 ' 1 4 -> f ^v^ru^ 6 ^auo^^borv s.^ :'?' * 'J-TS-t"*^ ; iri > v» • » « « 50 ^•: (»'*'. p'' ops ; V 1 l^Jit i:- • 4 -i- AUU i / ^ ! 'J .Q.;o n^ r ,^^"^ 472 i.M^.^ i'^*^^ ^^, -./ > T ■'^ 'I '>T . rA»V:i-J V ", -^ C S-* 1 s<^ f'AY- es Morica It' eo•l3•^r^^u vt. ;:i sax;; -.c ^.-^^ ■ ... . ^- -cr.tirn in r-hc :.:3ier;css an • ru^^ ---^^e wtAild bo particularly .•.-or- ,],e ,1.^116, pro^reBSoaVo-far that a cours3 of 150 lec.u ,k ■..d 1^0 pveritvs ■-■ i.ihc.u.^r;,' wo-k has b'^on arran^,5u for in ■ ; .lotJ SYrt.3n»tio ^nc. m<^ryyinic .i;n-r;5.stry. As c. -ecgnt w-itor hns ^--d. U^c ^^-^nius r.nd training arc ul- .,..=uv .-3 ino-^t of the fao:\iiie« -are a.reauv p-oviuoa, .a^d ":' -v- •' i>0 l'~ •,'. 1 f ■ tios. It i;^ r.i ut:aost iuij vrtanoa t;,ai, th'3 earl,/ st^ps be gr ^ •• I$» Ur-nviv ] rvA ■ V »- i I 0 HI BOi'roa^ b.8 '^•^^; (V J . I , v>*., "•^ ^1'" ' • aeivtlaiovirtU :^-iro,asi 7.iKj ;ij: -to? ??«■;: o-^q Gl'v^na er- n^Vi^ oJ' ijl^joo ai:;BJB.i*:iJ!i5 Isiotqc:' <^('io£ii3Td e^e/M fri .^rjif^coZ hvi^ i«'v.t f i^fLi. ^^^oo.rvo'^vj vjjBotlB B^u^ ;^/i)i.tiriaoi;l erio- to Jpom ,e^^,i ^m^et < .■ •• i:-^^i';: ;5»:0A' 1>Cj- Ovi' '^'^.i, ^jillO^: ...• ..:j.;r.;j;^ od e^'^^h r )Mm Kivt ;!£... ^ eoi:;^u;i^«^i:> jat)i:ror the accompanying papers, and has appoifitod srecicvi corrtmitn/oos in the SGVoral branches of science lor the pur- pose of hominatin^i the most distir^il«hed representative men in 'each class. You havo boon thus nominated, and unanimously eleci/od. by the Board of ft^ana^^ers, ano I trust you will accept* The Washingjron Acaidemy has imaertaken the publication of a Proc^edin^,s , v^hicl: in torm, quality, paper, and character of illus- tration, is int^ndod to equal the best in the country. Tlio first voiume contains 8 papers, a nvimber of text figures, and 26 lull Xra^e plates. The seconc volumo promises to be much larger and nr^ro fully illu8t«ited than the first. It is Iv^lievdd that the oxcol- lence of this public«ition will ^^rraduaily lead to a reduction in the number of scientific serials now io widely scattered over t^u* country. PRp:rs are published on the *dat6d. brochure* plan, and are rTihile<^ to raembors and to an ox change list on the date borne on the ^*'>st pa^rie. '^Jory truly vours. * • » » • ^c•>3r^e^yxo• on/y mo;>ax^^ 2Tt r.Ai'> February 3, 190 Vy o Dear Profosso'" La)i;ley: In reply to your Ui-^^of yoste^day asking .or an exprtssio, of m- views rospeci^irv;- :^ho Bi^on Pr'.:;serv9 sehono of 'I^uffaio Joie!^', I would stato that the :oaon propus iiio- soeris lo me xn the .'.air. u good ono ano woll woroh' of supp-rU Bui t-he Scnai-e Bill (2,iJl: providing fo- t')0 sm^. iu.'oducsd JaniJ.)- IK by Mr. Baker, raquirea inray judgeRant, a lev; !5-ierKbn.';r:t-. The fi^sL ralat.rf ; ul.u nafnl:er di' fwiaiss, which ia not, :^poul- fled. Would V. nov he 'ybIA to .i-iund line 12 of ^e^iion Z sc tnat it shall read "Ara^-lcsn bison, of -.vhioh at loasi 50 [cr ^o] shall be fomalos oi suitable ago fc- br-ocrdiAs*? Boforo i.xln^^ the number, it might be woll to ascertain from Mr. Jones how vi,s^ it 1 possible for him to supply. I do not lil^e the ujiit of inore^.so b;;; naans of whTCh axcesH if Roasured (p. 3. lines 20 and 21). naRoly. "one bison '.o etxch .00 s be utt^'L in- acras of land* and would suggest ubjit cef inita nurabor stead, Would it noi. bo woii to inLorpolato a clause in line 22 im^r i aftor the word •casa', a« follows: -al^yayH provi^^od thu total nM.l.^r of adults -eminirvi is m sxcass of cno hunc;red«? This rray b.:- -.-• plied, but it soer'!!? to r.e it is not- stated with SiuTicianto^iar- ;•;••, am Xh^ive vfould be no ha-i au -rakin^^ il. ab^oliitoly xroe Jrc- ^:t3-^b ,,-,-. it V * ■• -; ; 1 «; le left w:v'. ■A-; Sacrptarv o ' ■^'r I i' 476 Xnterio^'? While it is proper LhaL the bison shoulr, be •vmdjr the oontroi of Jones, it secrr,s equally cloar that the gar.9., being on public .and. sbould be under the control of the Secretary of the Interior. With, this object in vie-;., I would suggest that\he first cart of Section 3 be ur-ondoa to road as follows: 'Tlmt it :3.1:an be unlaftfui for any p.irson o- persons to kill, maim, take;, cr dispose of am. bi.on. or cut. toar down or dastroy any ience or en- nicsu-e except by v^riUon cor^sent of the said Cha^-los 'd. Jones, his bM^'s or a.BL,ns; ana ihnL :., shall be unlawful to hunt, shooi! taV. o^' trap ,^0 of an:- Kind withia the bounda^ of said tract of lano ' except >'y w-itton contGni. of x,ho Secretary of the Interior. lav,. probaM:- obse-vod thai the Bill assumes throughout that t>:e projoct will i>e a success anu makes no provision for' failure in whole 0- m part. It ocurs to me that in the event of the herd's dininisb.r.,: ^n^t.^a of increasing it might not only prove impossible fo' Jones, his heirs .uu assi,^ns -to remove from saia tracu of iana ecr his Tor il.nrl por^onal use the same number of male ana f..r;ae o:son fx-st piaco^a by him upon said tract of land-. huL further. U^at If 3 v-.r'.><- -.:.,as mi,^ht become liable for a aeficiency. Woulo it iiot bB wall, tne>'ofo^'o. to interpolate a provision in line 3 of T:a^9 4 to T.ho effect thai the .lumbe- withc^^awn by the Jones interest shall f}ry o riily yoii'^s. To Prof So Pa Lan^:leY V ^ Boorotf:>- -^r^iithsonla- Ins.- v. lion. ■CT^ Washir^ton, E. C, Fol;ruary 13. 1900 • -9 Mr# C. William Beabe, 33 West 124th Stroet, NotV York Cit\% Dscir Mr* Beobe: Pardon my delay in acknowledging your lettor of bho 7th inst. and Ihe series of i^otographs which arrived in good con- dition a day or t^o later. I was in bod with an acute bronchitis at that time and am not yot cau/3ht up« . You have Cbrtainly been roni:irkably successful, ana I hope j^ou will keep at this line of work v/honever you have an opDortunity. You have evidently mastered the bochnique and have overcome most of the obstacles that beset a nian in his early career as a photographer of zoological objects. You are now in a position to go ahead, and no one may say where you will bring up* Some of your pictures are simply fascinating. I wonder if you would bo willing to have slides made for me, at my expense of course, of three of them# I should like particularly to have the jumping mouse, the Idotoa, and the spider on a bunchberry blossom. I should also like the Pleur^- brachia, both on the same slide, to shovr ^*.at Yankee ingenuity can accomplish in the way of devising impromptu tools. If this is not asking too much, and you can have these made so t»hat they wi 11 re^flh me not later than the 2nd or 3rd of March (earlier if practicable), I shall be ghostly obliged^ I will return the prints to you im- mediately after the meeting, thovigh I should vory mi;.ch like to keop r-****^-* * ' 5^ t 478 P 'M y^ '> tlr prinl Ox the Z»T'ViS. Thojiicing ;/ou t'.,;ain for your into-ost and kindnass in tho matl,or, I romain. Sory t^xily yours, \ DIIPWIIII l'« OT^ Washington, D.C., Fobraarj' 13= 1900. Hon. John B. Wvht» CoinraiBsionor District of Columbia My doar Mr. Wight: Mr. Walcott has r rif-rred to me your lottor of the 7th inst., inquiring, about the plates from which Jud^e Davis's paper was printed. Unfortunately for your purpose, this, like all other papers in tho Proceedings of .he Washir^ton Acaoemj^ of Scioncos, was printed from the t,T)e air^ct, and the type distributed inimediato- ly thereafter. Copies of^Jud^.e Davis's paper on the ?^litical davelopment of th. District my be had from the Treasurer. Mr. Bernard R. Green, Library of Congress Building, at 25 cents each. Th^. same is t-oie of ^b paper on iho Iconomio development of the Carroll D. Wri,^t. and Mr. Spofford's paper entitled •Tho coming of the white man aid the founding of the National Capitol.* Very truiy yours, BditorS 480 Washington. D.C., Fobniary 13, iOOO Prof. B. E. Wilson, Columbia Uuivorsity, New Yo^'k Cioy. Mj' dear Wilson: * Your letter of iho 7th inst. is the kind oj.' a lettyr I like to r-K'-oive. I am very glad diixt your attitude toward the Washington Acaaeny is vhat you state, and I think ihat as bime goos on vou will find it desirable to ronv in a non-resicent member. Tho Academy has, as I understand it, t.«ro dafinite objects in view: Tho first is oo ^ ocome Uid represontatlve or.anization of American sci- entific men-- a live, active orgi.nizai,iou. not too conservative or too laay • o iindertake irapo^".ant thi%s. Its second object is to publish a scientific P>'occedin::S . on tho dated brochxu'e plan, which will take rank with the best in tlio country. Only permnnont nanar will bo used for either text or illustrations. Papers sub- mitted for publication will to recGivod at any time, and after proper scrutiny will bo published and aistributed promptly. WiiJi best wishes, I romain. Very truly yours. 'v^ vK.k> i 18t 482 Washinfebon, D.C, Fobraary 13, 1900. Prof. Simon H. Gage, Ithaca, New York. Dear Professor Gage: . I am obliged for your note of tho lOth inst., und am glad to knov/ that you are iiling lo aid us in our attempt to advance tho art of photography as an adjunct to scientific rosearch. I enclose he^-ewith $2.00, and shall he glad if you will kindly h8.vo made and sent to me its equivalent in slides, tho samo to Lo selected by yourself as those best illustrating either t.ho advantages of photographic illustration in particular cases, or tho special ne-its of special mothods. I shall be glad also if you will loai? orty to a^ you ho.e.iU. a oel ox' tno which ^. up t^ first vol^. Th. illustrations ^ Viia volume. not X»tacto*y. U it iS hoped that those in tho s^ Volume will 1* ketter. We have no ppWicatlon in *i. ommtry oorre.pondu.^ to U>, better cl». ot Uiose i.Aed iy for.^ l»r»«« .odto***. ,ueh a. the Royal and Zoological So.i«ti4. of Urndo*, 4*d a. a result A»eWoan acie.tlflo ^B are f,rc.d to ,«bli*> i« widely «IMl&ti /. tratfon. The Washington A«den>j' hop.* to .ecurr a tmA or severa funds devoted to Vi«l subjens-as Zooloi?cd Botanical. A.Uono.ical and so on. In case ot th. oontributio, or s«oh funds, the ra™o of th. donor will be carried in tm-^i^^' ty on tho parts of the Proceedings published therewith. ttr- sonally 1 »-•. BO.<^iritef#to5i if the e.tal«iltoen». of a fund for ♦>v« «ii-hii/».iioii of Biolociiit papers. 484 I trust you -ivill pardon tho liberLy I htive taken in briij^iin^ x,hi3 .-nattor Lo your notice. I thougj-it it might possibly interest you. Ii not, do not t:Jco the- trouble to '-eply. *? -respectfully, - \ Editor Proc* Wash. Acad. Sci. 't 485 ^. J!-?,\V' ' ^jJjnM, /•aZ-s^ -JOoij t^^kj: \^ ~T- P^ -^^ ^^-^^ (Jl. ^^A-/.-*^-*-^ vf jtifciuiv-^ liLA?:. 'rJ^ -M..^ a^X-^^^-^ 'x3^-JUo v^ cl^-V_ i^ •UL/^->-^. *V^ Vj*^^-%A^A(t^ v /v^Xw 9 -A^^;X "Wv vj<.^-.xteo v-*AA~>.L vt \ 1 ^ r _^v ^^ ~^..^ tiiJLL/v.^-*j^^ I V^-v .XC,—*. AjWIii^^'^iWk'VA- '^ \ X. ^ ^AJk t 'O^OL 'v./OJwvi V ->>v iaAW^ Ak- V ^^ JUi^v. -NAjJO V > K.i^.Ji^ t^C^ ■>.,-»- *V-»«../sJ»-'-^^-^-' 't- V^ \ Xv. -ftJ^^^^J^^ A^^JK^-X. V^vX^v Vkv>^^3^ « TV. ^ VOk./^ \^ '^ J3s-A^^l^,>^-.^ 6v V-v- Vjl^o ^ ^ 68 fc 5*O0>^V-'5^tejK. hr. k J^ V A^^-^Os^ ^ ^ K, A«a*N, aaU^ ^^; ^V^ikk^*w ^^ ^vw|.^s ^ vJlX •w--? **w ■» ^ -^ /K.f^. A \^ j ■• - ♦^Cw J f vaXIv y*^ — -^ -NX' r^j^-V^ ^ O 'I^X.^^A^S.^^ ti^X •*-»«^ — LxkPvC^ H^ r^Sj^y V Vs^ »- 5 ^-«^ I W 1 (VHic^^AvxA -1 Q^iLr^-^*^***'^-' -^>w/3 ^^ ^ ^ »,/^«r.^N-..^ 5 y ^^ X J-c > ^-^^ "\Y v^: •J^JiA. XJL^ fvXwO.,>,CKlKJLX -^L /' %/v ^x ^ Xv« K^ \t > -^^^^.j^Ji;^ V»»^:-->- ^— ^ S.;^^ C8J^ February 28, 1900* :vlr. WilliaTi Brov/ster Ciimbrid.(30, Mass, Dsar Brewster: Tt ic much to bo regreztod tluit 2/o\u BarcheldGr, und Faxon v^'ere unable to be present at llio n-ieotinr^; of tho A. 0, U^ Index Can- ;'nltteo held hero last vjcoko In inattcrs of thijr- kird it ii> alr.icct impossible to arrive at tho best resulti? except b\* coriinM toAet'^^or ^^There we can listen tc tho. ar^r.ryicnts pro and cca# From oi^r point of view at this end d'' the- line, the tv/o oar- dirjxl principles tu be kept in view' ia iririoxin^;^* arc (l) the object of un index, which is oonvGnience in lookine^ up refereiiacij; ^md (5?— a natural corollary of the first) that vrhore pa^e references « • ^..'i/Kht telis jse yoii rllTer from us r.dicaUy, and I proiiiiaftii to v/rit-G you anjt prsrfcnt .iv,r views. The first ia the generic mime \mder v/hich tho various entries ^kiuld be arrarjtjed; the ixS/.o-iii is the treatvinsrit cf su^jtvoc- ^les. In T.he case ol the gexaeric na»rio, wc i>el that, the- latest ;;iiiiri(i adoptcfi '■•y the A. 0. U. sliouia be the oiio ui-dor vvhioh the er;- ■,rie» are arrar:ii;ed in Mio Inciox, a.n.i thit^ i."* 1 other mrinvio n-: -oh I. 488 "i >4n ')■■'• if.' .'-^-'nictc. refj^r tn tj,-??: nw^ li^ ♦.il.:. U V A .i 4 The reason for this is that the i^i/isx^nll be UA.;d ir tho i\!t"re . not in the iiast, Gor;i;e'*ii(vntlv the ■jfim:ri(: iie^iB 3o;;^iil fcr ^/.yulci be 1;.} nint crises out of ton,thf nmm Idst tu:io;>tod by th(^ I'nionn We i<:rK;;^ yOi-^v v/eli ;ror:i oxpericr/'e tihc:- in e few vear^ rnnnei:\ ^enc-rk co/^^b-^aations will bja forgotten avu:!^ onl^' ;^hc current- rtcio u^eri. T^-evc txre tvc rr three nases^ T bei:av0, i:. v?:-,ioh the Unirn h. n ao'ci^jlontal ly fmde a wron^ ruling,, ^hlch raiirl^]iil■^: be cor^^^^ct^d in l:nie for rhe^lndaxo Of course you \AnL--^rH%i to dc^ae. v;iii be •-dvci- :!:]. tho I}::ue:SCj-;.nu thut Qaoh v^fll bo fuiiovrod by u croaa reference tu tiVB modern ^enarli; in^v/) under /^hici. uli pa^e references are v;rvtn, 5o'A^ ^is tc s;:bi^p^ci3s: Inut?!Livh as im index is on index ax^f nut u ciasstlication, it- deul;:" \rith r?ari!et5 ^o^d hac notUin.^ to do m^k j-iiitterii- of rcij^iko T/iorefore, in of^r jud;^ient, subspeciets f^r iiid^x prrpoEej? Gho..'iu ]m tt^ecited- a^ spo^.-iti:5, exactly as in the cue?3? of nv^i>;eac Lit ur 60 In the case of subspecies and subgenera, therr :;i .'ays luiB bt-^en, ib, and always will be difiereuce of opinion <^t tc ;he rnat-i^^rs^f rankc Tiio history of our ov;n Checkliet at ^7eil hi^ •^he ejq^erience of iioolo^^istii and botaaUts thrc^u^^^out the ^vorld ^hiji^s not only tikit ^inxt- one max; rcgardis i^^ a species and i^ienus, .aicthor t?!^ re^ar^^ ci^ a subspccicis odu aub^enusi but that irdividj.-l authori:^. am committ^e^ charie^e their points of viosr/ iroi:'. time to iv-'i thx:. Yur\k of a |Brllcaiar ^(.-rrn or collect i en. of forms, so tr:i;.t ■jhil'^ ->|l^ o^e ^riattt.]iisj}i' fact cinuoded l^v c-oiniiw.: a^^^eenont to ht ff/.ei. and blabl^:?, matters of ^^i^ a^*e nuiti en^jyf , opiiji c^ cannot po^^'l; ]y be fixed^:i:^id ^^r^ undrry:oi.u;; coni?tant fluctratidni. . ' G8t W. B. 3. , It should be constantly borne in mirid that the Index is for future use, not for past or present use, axid therefore that par- ticular combinatioDB which some of us rome-LiLer. will be linfamiliar to the ^eat mjoritv of those v/ho Use the Index. But even now, who can remember off hand the particular specific nucie with which "Subspecies of Tvorth American birds «m associated? In my own case. I think of i-iubspecies as^jiiLiJis.v'ithout regard tc the cosbination and in the case of a lar^^e iimiber ci western subspeoieB f with which I have been for yours faniiliar, I am obliged to admit thiit it is impossible for me Ui give the full combination off hmA. Take a simple case. Suppose a nian is in search of information respecting the Texas nij^ht hawk. Ho would naturally turn in the Index to Ghordgiles texensis. under which head the bird was given in the first edition of our C^iecUii.t. aijd under which name any one would naturally think of it. But in the Index, if tho fvill soiabinatians are given, tjje name could not be fouod in its proper uljiiabetic order at all, but would occur on some distant page under the nam© Chordeiies acutinenris texensis. It must be remorabercd in this connection that the species ali; subfipecias in our Inuex •Arill not'fe"^osetHer in a single compact series, but will be sepa- ated by a vast accumuLxtipn of hoadinga and subheadings relating to a great Tari«ty of subjects, so that the alphabetic position of a subspociiic num will often vary several i)aseB according to whe- ther it is indexed (^ it should be iK ray judf=?ient') iBider its ii^i-. vidyal namg, or whffl»ho.f it iu iiiaeiod under the species with which it ciianced to be associated at the particular noraorit tho last edi- tit.n or Buppleraont of the Checklisi happem^d to be voteu upon. i ?f 0 w 0 "Hr ' Tl: Ut" here is anotlier very :uch le;is important reason for not in- d^-xing subspecies as -Drlnomials. it is this*. Printoci as tri- ncniials, they take up much more rou-n on the line and conse^iuentl/ turn more lines, increasirig the sice imd cost of the Index. This to me, however, is a trivial objection. The maii> point is that. an inaox is not a classijioation. It deals v/ith naffies 'Mitch arc maiters of fact, net mth rank, whicl; is a' matter of cpir.ion. " I had imondeu to aak you to sond this letter to Bai,chelder am Fjixon, but I think I will send it. in duplicate in order to aa/e tiinGj .itiii hope y.ou ."ill have an. opportunity to talk the matter over with them, Yory iruj.y ynirs, ?t^ ^\r' t W|^\^ j(-^ *di^<,. ^, ^U^fcc, tsJkJwv \ » » V' W" ..'S l ft-r-Ofi ^i^i^' «j\. r 490 jr. 9 1 I J 4 ] j ? 1 :4, 4 \ ^ 1 i i r 1 'd ^ •»-* ^ r V '^IS!^^ 4 i ^ I V i I ^ 2G^ t^oh 24, !«)•-. Pou^*^:k98^isI«, •^ y. • Dear Sir Leami3n(5 that Pr. C. H. }'%emRrm of the 'JniverBity cf Tndiana is an ap|)licant for the Chair of Zoology In Yassar^ I the li- berty to say a word in his . "behalf. While I have net coirio In aor^act with Professor Figerfsa^ as a teacher. I have kno^him in this capacity for mcr.y vearf-, 'ir^d have always heard hifi school work spoken of in termfi of coTnp.enda- tlon. I know him b»8t as an Investigator in zoological science, a field in which he has obtair.od eminent distirotlon, i? >rc7m . ■ . ■ the world over. T niiiy mefttioiJ incidentally in this comvictlcrv that; Doctor Kigenmanm was on» of fori" /^rioari soologista i-ivitoci to hecomo ncn-rosittont rriemhers of the Washirgton Acadej^y of C-cien- oes^ which fact showS' the esteem ifi which ha is hold as an ori-^^nal investigator, *^ ■ llrs. Elt-enmann also, ap you doubtless know, is om cf the ff^n women in America who have obtained distinction fi^om original work in zoology. 1 believe that Professor Kifejirmnn would fill the Chair of Zoology in Vussar to the satisfaction ol all ccncsmed. and that his presence there would railect crodit on the institution. IRaspeet fully, f •■ ♦. \ 493 lu -^^ Murch 24. 1900. It ,'•5 f0v ^*:e wvc'-t pli3aB\T^ii to vr5.t fi to Pratiiderit J. ■'. Taylor of "fsKsar, rocomp'^i'irv?: vou for the Chair of K?)clo;-y. . I shall he ;.. ....T .1 r? ^'^ ^*ar>^ -Via* '-'cn. aticcefd i-n oHai-' !>-!-; this petition. Ver'.?" t.rulv vo'irs. ^^'^M^ 494 ti ■Jx iM^{ 'A ^ '^ - • \ ^ c. >1-^ X.SV \ *^ ^ir *^- 1 V V "'^mJk*! » -^ \i W S. ^. V :\ OL ► *. pK- V .V -k. V.\, "■\St. •N 3 V X It «- ^ ^fiJ^^^^^^V^ Tak ^ XV V v^ l^- Vl^K WiL- H.S V-^' *- "^ -.Jk-r ' «. "• .» * 497 i Ml ill UMt B«ar ProfesMr Otbora: In rsply to your rtoant leUer t iMi Mil» iihii ift m i nUfpewt ■• Me 1» itaMriea is btit«r qntHttiJ W \km p«ilii#« flff 8ii^E>«riiit«Bdest •! a grtat l«ol«gi«al pule Umb wli«i T. RtrnMUgf. t&UMl^A^hiV fffrU «C thok entitled T«o Tmiv to 4tm /««}f ifll^ of his peraeaal experiences with the big gnt i^ iNiiftf 0if lii» the ttilajr Feniaaula and Bemee; i^le in this aMwtinr Ml i^^Mtt* s, tisM ta the flu* west, iriien eelleetliqg Buffalo «id «(||fr iiitelt for our Itatieaal liosetts, hare hre\^t him into panaaal qentaat nflMy fJorthaMira, his aHMrous siiialas an the s of Horth kmim shoir hia ta paaaass in a airkad degree the t«a preeainant qaalifiaaiiaaa af a . \ sttsaaaaful keeper of aniaala, naaely, lore far tin viiMla thom: u49Bent no one in toeriea it better quittliii i%r tte p*iitit» •* ptilc Hermday f»rt« 1latar«a fM«l7^ Hit iaterettii^ l>ook entitled Tiro Ye«r» W i^ ^ttlSlt ^tl^H Is perseoal experiences with the big gne cf Mi*i Off lf*U blur Peninsula and Borneo; vhile in this 00MMU7 Ml QI^HKti* for our Hational Ifuseun, hare brov^ht him into Btany Qontaot fUrthtHMro, his uaMrous artieles on the mannals of North iMrlM shoir hiB to possess in a narked degree the two preeainent qoalifieations of a suAooflBful keeoor of aninals. naaoly. lore for Um aninalt ttiMr knewle^ge Homaday prominent ^araoteriaiioo are energy* enthusiasm end aoirmon tense He is the father of our National Zoo at Washington, and I beliere neeessary park Hoping you may be sueeessful in seeuriqg his senriees* I remain. , Henry P. Otbom, >^ Nev fork City. Very truly yourt* \ 497 a <»• * 498 PHEFATORY ;J0T3. ?th vk i-'« , Tho notos contained in this book irore taJcen from March to May 1389. and from March .o July. 1394. at Twin Oaks. San Diego Count - California. /IMrin Ouko is a rx)r,t office in a small valls^ of ths Coast Mountains, forty miles north of San Diego, and fourteen miles east of the Pacific. In a few instances tho identity of a species is uncertain; i^,' plutnagi f '.h two aexaa i. practically iaentical and no significance attaches to it, they have been arbitrarily distinguished. A list of tho Lli'ds referred to in the text follows the Table of Contents. Several of the articles have appeared before in somsirhat different form, in the Auk, the Observer and Our Animal Prionda. The illustrations are from actual' photographs taken at the time, except thc^se of eucalyptus from Los Anselos. for the use of which I am indebted to the courtesy of Dr. B.B. Femow. Chief of tho Division of Forestry, in the Department of Agriculture. ' P.A,M. ft'ashir^ton, D.C, January 14, ISDi,