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HART MERRIAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: BANC MSS 83/129 c NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1555 24 REEL: ^H CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE LETTERPRESS COPY BOOKS VOLUME NUMBER: Hirnmn /4/jsfa Expedifion mi N ov noo FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CA 94720 .0 l|45 5 0 IM 12.5 I.I 3.2 36 4 0 .25 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A IMMII |.|.|. .,.|., xi I I U i I I I I M II I'l'M 'I'lT I I I M I I Ml i M I I i|'|i|.mi|.M|.|.|.|m,.|,|, JOB NO. DATE : REDUCTION RATIO DOCUMENT SOURCE ""|*'i>|iiii|iiii|iiit|iiii METRIC 1 1 iii|iiii|iiii|iiimMi|ii, 113 < 1I4 I lis / .'» PLEASE NOTE: Letterpress copybooks consist of bound volumes of tissue paper onto which outgoing ietters are copied by transfer of ink through direct contact with the original using moisture and pressure. This process may produce variations in quality or defects including extremely weak or heavy imprints, smearing, and double images. These defects may in turn be reflected in the microfilm. Page numbering may appear in reverse on some pages of this volume. Some pages may be missing from the original, or the pagination may be inconsistent. Film has been reviewed to insure completeness. NUMBERED PAGES WITHOUT TEXT HAVE NOT BEEN FILMED "^.' I W:(x\Y\^\xt>^>^ KVc^sVgv ^0:1 ^L Vs'W- vu^.\'\oo ust.t 0 ^ol.l |P» 1 i ^mm^^ I IS. D F G J K H 0 S V ' 2 I WELLS' INDEX TABS. f^ c D F G H M **rt.j im N *f itua CiijwM. - u- \ -i-csi ^3Wvi^«&^^ U) >!t^G Pc^f^rC. j^n- ' K - * - - - -» ■MPPi ■gff^f^»,i0mf^' I s»: i i 5?7. ^%-rol~__ + ^f/-5>3- i 4 »jf I- .ii«iirts^Ha-^#««^^' I c (cvwCo UrnMAXJi rj^; (^vl .(Jv«VvJ •v ^a-/;^- 1 ran 4- ?H^.'^.€r Vv-^r /^--lVt^^z^— -^^S - 4~ 1 --4--^ >?". a / WW»rftAJ*ltiNfa.»st '.-.■■*A«*' ■«> •y»^!i!f4.>JM*4Hia^iM«>M»-.^»^**>>. r^i-i.**.**^: C*-^.(V-l!*^,*«*»' :Wi,4t«- -* -^<^U»' -«jSW>V' -'Sf- ***! *■-"■*'#»'-■ *»- '■ ■: ^:i.}'- -=* '- c /J'vrL/c^ (Lee. —^0 - C> /- H" I-' '^'1 -r > I 1 4- "*■'•"■■*.'■ '"""*^Wi|»?- ■mt-^'itSamim^^Ji^nmi t^fi^tfim: t-^< ■SBSr: I c c t.'-' 1 \ t' :-r<7- i- -7c^- 't- I: -4- \. ^.ife-^ ffLwi^ ~l/^~ f-l -f f u p t + . 1 „»4 i.^.'^--*.-.*^™^. WMM«FM«»|ii-llMfc«i II jBI-i-.^-. ^-.^ i« -Af^ii J • »-mJ>. I I •4W*mti»«;ti». G -f^O' I -t I- Ir ■ h b C^Cu.u-2, ^- .i^^Vf- 4- IMWlWH|^»iL.i.i»*W vv. :fl I c fh^- I 1 w '1 ,.«w,-»»S 1 \ m h u J ^^r^AA^^urvv. nL lA ^"i^7 "'^^ ^ '^ ==F= =^:===^==,^.=^^ •t I -4-^ i YC y Tixjirr'- w f ^v'/lws yv (PvO^^Sr^ X- -AS-/- „_i wm 1 I . -. t , .-i^^-^^iil J-.w*li K\'1 TUce^mMxi^'^ ^ 3^- 1* ■•ii; -'i L M , •> * ^^ f]-- fr^tu. ^Gn^co-- IS^- ■t * ' *-t /IuJaJmi ^^^''3^6' , \ m (N Sr J L :-'5i:3 / -I M m^ L r*' -i.iii \W ^ -^ t i -16^ L IVI \K ■ ^ '. .V.f^ • N W i^:--t ■-■jjiwrmwii iiL . i»i*"i»ni "-unjB-a 't'f H ;;;"|| m f::* pM li 111 n H i 1^ Is ,. — J L m ■•*v;'i l 1 n Z'?/- h^^<^ - p i; / =t^ r L «(' p it) ... * t . •'■« f 4~. U ' i i m G R 'ft--t k4 MiPMWVI r 7- L 6a; (7>7 -^5- IV Af^l^^Z^f^r^ '^O'i ' 1 :; : IS !>--•—"'■'-•'♦ Ft S W ^mm il 11 mi ^i^m 'i^^B m iil PHH^H R S ^lA^.'^f-^L^ ■$(^m- h-62^- (^C^C- H1' } «i Oa^ (XJ^Uxji^ Hr- {f3 - i R T I .■ *' |PMW)MpWlWMlHflBMNl>MI^ -'< i S IfcVl w l««i m i:u L ^iS n M B m ^HlL it^tM^a H| ^■- .V H HI 1 Q S tillH|Wi«i»l '13 ilf*" Y J .», «rmm wmummmni. $ i St::; "§t i.' nKO|« &i i^y '% (:•■■:■. - :i m R S U Y Z t— ^ i' ••<', 1 1 il ■ 1 1 k. i 404 1 464 Ote* Retake of Preceding Frame ^T^^^^ M ^^1 li 464 4* i fmu tv'- '•^' .; ■\ ;(t^,u,V:d :! i^ ■*-■•) '*■" V' 'at*,. Retake of Preceding Frame ^^^^^f^^T^^Pf- masmmmsmsinmmm. wmss:wn '!■■'. ' i »i >l ll ifH-KF 1 'i ,"? j 15 464 . 1-1 :ft*n.i"Jl»i . . 'irf IPHHP :• ! \u^,2:*2L,mt ^ 4 -V'^^ I * •^-^:> . 4- V%*^*-^-*- ^-^J^^w^ ef "^ 1 4 • '-^ ^ 4 y. •A,-4t-- ^'^-" J ri ■^r-^*^-* AJUSlk ^^->^ 'v'X - • i"V n •\, 2 * -^ |>V,'.' . MMMHM 2 m ;. ■y M *■ Retake of Preceding Frame iifmmmm #' 1 ', I r.'tf'r'V-'.r.'- V<^ ,t. h,^.^ V .*;- ^ A ^ '3 * /#' .«^.. t u ^>k«*^' i*i ^' ••-(?. j*^ ,« .'^ .JUft -.J^ /»■ - V • ***' ^v. ^ 08 Fel.^rua-y 4, 1900, ?.'r„ Ghar los A. Koaler Berkrie'^'", Cal if. * i wn senclitv?; you hor^v/lDh a small pa3kag,o of r)hoto^r<::;,phs and ^baj 1 :)e \^urv .lac. ii Lirf^* Ne?^l3r will undcrbako to mako lire draw- in o :VDm a^ ^iwr^ of them a:: shj • ooIp sho caii htaidie sei tisfactorily. Wxi:);i the d-^>^wir;5S aro macio, ho kiiiu en'^u^h to returii the pJiotographs wit,}: :,]>-, n. As a ruitj, 3. A'^ou ueai can oe cut; off the top ai:d bot.tom of ^firh -r ir;.- ^^ to r>dvanta>-'e: tho.v^! this in not always truo. In the ?aso -.••:* tl-e seal?^s in a oaroe in Glacier Bav, I shoulu t'O > lad if ;.irs. rvoolor can ropipc^ the ""ope ir tho rr-an's haiid by a rii'le. This .cno, I think, without; sltorin^ his position In t/ii^ case of the totem pole with thj boar cor'in^. out of irho "iO'.3 near thj top, the backg>*ound rtii^ht bo omitted and tho pole used as an initial letu-^^r *!•• In the case of the olu Ic^. crurch at uneau, the aity brewery ana otho"^ buildings can bo leiT, out so as to T- chow -.he} old c:.a.rch alone* In the case o. the balanced rock on ^hir Glaoier, -^1:0 i^ouncain lavi half of the foro^rcund ^;ay bo loit out. m I 7^^ ^^pi^^^6 to hoar iror^] ;/ou in a cay or two rospecLirig tho r^ri- '^;S o"" th-?s(^ d:'iv¥iifes. I ^; ;p3ot to send y^yv. other photO;^;rap}iS later. ^^ib}> kir.:- ^^'..f<>::Vi.n to ^"•s. ''eoic. Yqv-; t'^i.ily -ours. <. N 31 Fobi'uary 4, 1900 • Dr. Geor^:e Bi^'d Grinneil Editor * Forest and r,ti^eain' 346 Broadway, lJe.v '"^rk. My dear Grimioil: ^ Burro'V'hs has sont in h:ls na^rativa of the Harrrvian Al:;3ka Expe- dition and I have a uypewriLtoa oopy of it before tic at ulic p -uscnt moi'^oni/. lilr. Harriman is arjcious to secure Lho cths)' papers for uie first volume at once and to put this voluno in the liands of ihc uab- lishor at an earl\'' dauo. T V. write, tho'^ofo^-'e, to ask if vou will kindly leu me have \^ur chapter on the iskimo and Indians c-i> -vhs oa liest possible moment • Your article will be illusurated by a nunibor of photographs and also, I think, by some line work texL an-^win^ s made from photographs Very truly yours. <»^^ t S8 .^ ^ ?el)ruanr 4, 1900. I^ean, Soliool of Forosti-^ Ithaca, N. V, Dear Fri>-no^y: ^ Ca. you sond mo y.s r.anuscripf. of your chapter on Uie 'Koros-.^-y or Alaska' for i.I-.e iir-st volume of h'^-c I'Hr-in^n R^r^n,>^^ • -..k' If not, how soon tho.o.; tor? Do not be .'.-li-htened. -or J -eaUy do no. roo-.i-o tl.o «,.,s,-..i,t «, soon, but Kur-ou,^..- n^.rrati. ililS C'J 1V ^.utui;' beon received arxd we a^a -^i-^ii- -^/^ «>. ; cLixu we a Q go.i)^. to crowd matuers and try ^c. puol.h the fars. .0U.3 .i,h. away .h.. .pH^ .3 soon as possi- GUho^U toils no you do not want our siiaes until you sond us ■-- It would bo a ,ood laoa to let us kno. as lo.. a., practicable t'A'o months. I havo also now a protty ,-ood series of n.i ■ - 1 - . »' J o""" aeries of coloroa sliujs, .>o>:.o Ox wi:xch ^e .r-aiiy ^ory fine. Vory truly yours, 33 Mr. L. A. I'uortos February 4, 1900. Ithaoa, v.. Y, Dear Fuortes: Mr. Burroughs hus co-plateu x.he n.^-rativofe'tha rirsv voi..j:,o, and other papers are iikoly lo follow at once^so that we are acxxoi's to prepare lo- early pubiioaticn. I should bo glad to know, ch^.-e- fore, how early it will be possible for you to make a few bird paxnt ings for us, and about rhen wc can count on receiving- them. If you are not likely to visit Washington in the near fuLure. , I wish you would let mo know at once what your prices to Ur. iiarrin-,^ will be for colored paintings of birds. Perhaps you liad betu^r sub-, mit two prices— one for pictures of .sin^ie birds, r.he othor for com- posite pictures. As I understood Mr. Harriraan. he wishou to pur- dhRse only J^hejise of these pictures, you to retain the originals in accordance with your expressed dosire. I am arrangin^x a meeting with New York publishars for the lavi-ar part of the week and shall be ,-.;r«atl:, obliged if you will send ^0 hv expression receipt of this, a few of youi pai-,T,iru-s including some 0 tlioJH' made on the vossei. but inciudiiv aiso sms complote pictures which I can show thom as sanples cf yoia- vi'ork and also a- ^af^lca of what will bo required in the vmy of >'eprodu«-i,iun. Can you give m Knight '3 add-ess? I waat to try to ^^j^. hm to do a big be^r for us. TJ-.e 1.v,y« skin from Kadit']? r^ceivoi .us', full has just beon mounted by the Natonal ^hseuTi ard -s, so far aH I .;«; aware. tJie first speck-.en of this sroni«s in an, ™.isouin in .ai> v^orid. -f hZ «l- i r February 5. 1900 • Macmiilan ard Company ri3^ York. Dear Sirf^: ♦*• As yau b.To ciouhtlo^s aware, f/ir. g. H. H- rrian of Ku.^ York book a numbor ol sciontiiic men to Alaska last siiramer vnder vcty u.:iisa..l conditions. Ke took as his guests about twenty-1 ive men eifiinent in art, litorauure, ana v^-^ious branches of natural science. Tho narty was conveyed across the continonl by special train, and sailed about 9,000 miles on a j^toarnor espocially oliavtored and fitted up for the 3xpauition. In addition to the scientif ia party, the services of two prolPossional phoi/Ggraphers anc r,wo stenographers were securea. The route and work of the oxpc?ait .•en wore placed in the han-s cf an executive cornmitLoe and a vq^;/ i'^rf^e number of localities were visited. From Vanxsouvor T^land n^a«»ttova:^d Lc Glacier Bay, which is Uia i£xx'- thcst poinfc reached by the regular* steamers, the ship followed the uauai •Ihsie nrsi\oU^, wUi contain thu narratx.e or .].. axpeai^on by 3o,n Bur..ov,.s. a chapter on the htnoory ana oxolorao.on of Alaska oy I;r. ^X-U... h. Dali of .h3 Smithsonian . .ho has vxsx^oa Alaska four.e.n t^mes ana who ha. b.en for .ore .ha., a quarter of a ccnturv tb. -lead- ir,, H^vthority on -that Territory. It will contain also a popui.r ohaptc. on .iHciers by John .^i.. chaptors on phys i car^^isb bv Hoar, c^annett.. Chief. Geographer of thu U. S. Oeolog.cal Su.^e. a ' cnaptor on the Eskimo and Indians by Dr. George Bird Grinneli. and br.of chaptors treating of several other subjects as indicated on the accompanying provisional schedule. This volume v/ill be pro- fusely illu3t^atod by photogravure (or oth.r) reproductions of pho- tographs, and by numerous lino illust-,tians in the text. It xs Mr. Harriman's desire that in pap.r. i]:' soration, prosswork ard ev.ry- thing that .-oes to make a goou oook. fue Report of this expodiUon shall be of the highest g^aae. It is expected that the firso vol-omo will contain in addition to th. text figures and reproductions of pijoto^'raphs, several ro! T-oduct^ions in color cf paint in^x. by R.' Swam Gifford and Kred S. Dellonbau,-^h, ana scr.a vory beautiful colored plates of birds by L. A. Fuertoe. Ail .hroo of thuse artxsu. accomp^iiied the expouition. Tlie scientific results are expoctod to fill two or throe volunoc and like the first to be richly iUuatrated, In rrany instances by colored 1 i tno/::raph platos. The ..nanuM'.ript of the nu-rativo by John Burrou, hs is already in hand and there is ove^-y reason be believo thct ..ho otlior chapters for the first vol'orae will b. -osCy sho-a, . " The.se facts, ana the ciro^^-nstance that it is rieoess^^- Lr proe^od witn as 1i..ig ueiay i.i: possible in tho mattor of .•oprodu. tion of iilusvra.ions. .^ ee it »|K. ^ 36 M. & Go. 3. important to arrange the details of publication at aii early date. I omltUd to state that the sise of page de-k frpm %hq stfiindpoin-^ of a pub- lisher^ and would like to oonsider it further, I shall be glad to arrange an appointmaat «fith you and 8h«r you ft mar.^or cf ^hg photo- gJ-apJia Btailabl© for illustration. Respectfully, PROVISIORAL COWBNTS OF FIRST VOLUMB Introduotion Org^isation and Itinerary Narrrtire Glaciors Natives (Eskimo and Indians) Birds of popular interest History and Exploration Geography and Climate Forestry The rur-Seal Islands Fox Panning Washburn Resources Gnnnttt BogosXof Volcano. Bering Soa Mtirrfaa Poems Dall, Burroiigh^, Doveroux, Koolor k others Merriam ^jrrroughs Muir Griniiell Keeler Dall Gannott Femow Jtorriew \ ! •I T8 l^'uon Pacific Railroad Off_.es ^obraary 4, 1900. r i20 £roa(i>f,.iy^ f;e«. v.-,v.i- clolaaed instruction.. i„ . • ' ^'''' "^^^^ Pi-i-.'.rhs and /'"-'■• ^^-"'^''^sneoc^ 3lav-9n prints iron ti, r ■• A --/-.. J i>cm othn-^- sets r^ ^^-o-'-^b.i| -^'^-e ^n t.e near ..,.,,. "^^'"^^ ^« ^ -^ ^^ able to as- ^W thai, iho photon -.s Ph. ,.,„. t^--^ '-'.ou.onir 3of havo ..„- .• . ' - ' ^^'^ ^^^-^^'^ fo'' P^^r.U of '-30 of ,ho Gu.,i.., ,.3.. . '■ •■^' ^'^" i«^-^ '^i-^iiou. " i/io p.iOui.^^3 a^i'-r ly.,, _ , if^ is '.it.s--.-ablrt t. ^ . --/-r.a a rranio^y. ,,j. q- ^^ _^. l-^t,l. a.lay a.. p.ao.i..ble. ^ '"""' '"""^^^^° ^^i^^' -3 ^^ '— ^>i. one Cur bis nr i'-ts T ti-vviu- ... :_,.„,,3 ^ ;;^^ -'- ..he.s» PHM.S r..., ,,. ■'" W'O cuso of i I j 38 >. • < > t:vi Ovilier negatives, I :\c..\ iiava p^ir^s rr^c^ao horo oi aii '-.he noge\ ■^^'es av-ijiabie Bt this end ):; U:6 line. Ifr. Dt^voreux hhs proir.iseu to t^ex^ mo his, and if [/i^o Av^i'iii is ^illiii^ t.o cc/iikovi/ise, we shall bo *3hTo shoi'tly T,o get i..O;.;ether all wo nofKJ. I enclose herewith a letter to Iat* Brett which, if it n;e3t^ 'r, Harri>nan*s approval, you may fo^-^ard to the ..^a(?rt:illivn Comp-n-o I suppose yoL: will sond Mr. Boi'rourhs at onoe a typGwrii^^ii copy (if his maraisoript in order th t he may make ilr corif crm ^xth ohti ori- ^insl. With a iit^Lrie p>-unin^, and ho-o and thb^'^ a ii'..;l6 aiTrplii:.- cation, I think his narrative will bo very good. You are aware that for a Ipng time pcjst I havo oeK.a 3Gur.ain. v/a should be able uO get toHother as often as Dractioabio* I should like to see vou oar^.i- cuiarly next Satu^'day and wovil(- suA^f-usu tliat ii matters in Nev/ ^ork could be so arran.-6d that you -wOuid. /»;ivo mo at least n<.if ci' each * Satu'^daj'' fo^ sono time to cone, the woH; ccjld be expaaited. Ver--' T,rulv vours. poor imprint ,fit > i-/- '# iE, /^ 39 f^ro* w •JRTIS.PRITvTS WAJJTSD BY iSDIT 200 20? «^ t > ;?o •J.'* m^* f*>^ ^^ ^W^-M I oq :^o ...a o '36 O't' /w\ V^ r;4: * -> O.'? >• y »j "ir «". 16 2o4 '"» *" fT , P7C -c / -jd: oc ;n 2v' / n- 51 '.r^n My P 1 ■ 3 t^C 06 507 309 ' » if , « ^ 350 366 ''t i7 3^4 ^."yr. 37G 3 :H ^f oj 3^.8 3«>0 404 4C>9 410 ^.'V 4 1.1. * r\ 132 -'X%J 14 "SKIAL OOfl-MITTHE 451 2 copies 454 2 OCT. if! s 4^5 77- I * * Qh 41 rl I! y Fobruarj' 5, 1900. I^r, Willii^T, l-I. Dall St^itJisordan Institution. CoLir Zooior Dall: i-'r. Ha'-riinan is anxious to push {.ho lirst volumo oi -.he Expe- Jiti<,n Ropo-t with a view to Its pulU:;aticn in trie early spring?. Bu"rou.:hs has conplotod his n,irrutivo, oi which I haver uhs typevirrit, ten eo-y. Several of the other article.^ aro under way bnd will be r-ao^r shortly. I shall be g-jatly <.bli oc, tharefcre. if you will kincly let ns have your cii- pter or history arm ex; ioration as aarlv as you can convoniontl:; prepare Uio ir:arr.soript. I haa intenuoQ to ^93 you b3ro-e this, but have beon housod with a ItA cold. Tith kinaest ro^arcs V, /ory t^nily yours. fflii .* .» h {{ V i ^ y Febru!.ury 5, 1900. Prof. A. B. Vsrrill New Kaven, Corjiectici^t. My daer Professor Verrill. r I 'vas vory glad to le^r^i frm '•.-. Coe some t.rne SiiiCu t-lat you' wera wLllin. to prnparo tha Report on eshinodorras for .ho Ha!'ri.::a-i Alaska Expedition. Fitter *voto me fron Eorkaley that, he would s^ra you his matorial if you dosirod i., tncu^h I bciiievo it contains :;o " species additional to thoso in Cod's oolloetion. Shall I ask Rittsr to senc you hi? specir-ens. cr has this boon already aLton^e-i to? Wo iire arjciou!? to ssuuro the va-io.is special Kepori.s at tho ear- liest. practicablo morneirt ar.d I shall bo g'-oatly obl:--:.^ if yoi. will kir.aly let me know when 'Vcai can have yot.rs ready. I shcuU^ iiko to get Use illustrations under way a3- early a3 possible. Shall o .. neod r.or-than one iuli-page plata (typebod 4|x7| ,i>icl.os)t You en havo no-c if you noed tiion. I tfiink we can have t}:o plats irtho- graphcu althoxigh it n:a;'- seen best to reproda.>e it-by the H3i+bt.\-';e process. We are fmxious to /^^et, the- o.mvir^s io(^,or aa scon i.z possiblo in o^-dor to settle uho mGr.hoa« oi r.prouuciion anu i-iv,, ou', . the work. With kindest re-arus to tefc. Vbmll, an>. othor mrbr-s of -ovr' family, r ren^hi.n i 1 (Personal ), Wjtshincton, D. C, Pebriuiry 8, 1900. Ify dear Sriimell: If I were you, I would not publish any of the H. A. E. i^aoto- graphs without first obtaining 8i)ecific api.roval therpfor froai ei- ther Mr. or Mrs. H. From certain r#cent rerriarks I have hoarci, I infer that they are rather jealous in this matter. I infer also ft-oro what wae said to me respecting the Burroae.hs' Narrative that they are entirely averse to publishing in the bock anythinii that has been previously published in tlie sa-ne form. I have had 15 or 20 text fieures made for your Rei)ort, and shall have others dravm in the near future. These are mainly odds and ends in the way of poles, mt.sk». oil boxes, and so on. Before a great whil«, it v/ill be desirabla for us to ^et together in this matter. Very truly yours, To Dr. Geor/j;© Bird Grinnell Office of 'Forest and Stream* 346 Broadway, New York City. 42 o * tv \ Dear Doctor Dcill; vl'ashirj^r-^vaM D. C, February 10, 1900, i"': ^ rrt" J/tej^ lhi::iKs for yjur oxceilem, paper on the * History ccnd iSx- -3:.on of Alsska'. Yoiir \romptno3s 13 almost phenc«aen:;l. I , hov/avor, you. had ma^e the paper two or three time' as lonQ. Have you aiiy rfiigg^tic/is t.s to it.? illu8truT,ionV Vcivy '^rul'- yours, ro Dr. WiillaiT: H. Dali S!ni tJisonian Iv^'j i'l.Liticn. 4 bh 45 Washington, D. C, Folruary 13, 1900, lUr. L. A, Piiertes, Cornoil Univorsity Gluh, Tho Royfiitim, 4?rd St. aetxr Gth Ave. Doar Sir: ^^'^ "^°^^ ^i'^^v Your lotter.- of .Jio ^it. ana 7iii cano sovoral cu.ys ago, Euia the QVawings you wore rma enough to «ond followed shortly ^ aftor. The letter I am goir^ to tako to Ne v York to-ni^ to show iraspa^tive puhlishors. alor^. with s .vora othar batches of a dif- ^V, ferent nature. I was sorry to seo .hat th; Hail island jaeger •••Jas not Mion^.; the others. With respect to t;ie finishoa pictures for r^he Harrima.n re- i«>rt. I ^t particularly t.he Hall i.iand snowflake anu one of the Yegors. Tlie golden- c^-o^rn sparrow also should go in. and I think the Kadiak Pfeicola. Undoubtedly tho.e viil be sovoral others whf^ft vdU be particularly des-able to illustrate passa,res in the sovenal chapters, tho namscript of which has Githe>. not co-ne tc h^na or has not been read by ne. You undoubtedly fool that you can treat coH.ia sp .cios to bolter aavanta^^a iMn others. I Should 1, . V .ry glad of .^, gestions as to .h.t spoci^s you would Uke to pafnt. % idea is th.t we should h.vo sovc-al colored plates in t... f..st volume; ana -o^.e blaok-...d-white on(,s, with perha.. a few oolorod. in the- ornithological rooort. Many thanks for Kn.,hfs aad^oss: I ei.U .rite hi. at once Your boar akin is too nmch for n». What a sly follow you we-9 to tuck it away *i(,hout l-tti,. mn ,00 i* v« ,, . ^ .... soo It. Your skeloii looks h * L.A.P. 2. '% "? a good deal like the glacier bear. Ursus ewnonsi. in .vhat we suppose to bo wintor pelage. Your exhibit, along ^yith Gifford <;.vi Dillonbaugh,wiil be most into>-osting. I wish I could see it. I^^ill try to leave yoiir pai.itings at tha Cornell University Club on tho afternoon of the 15th. but if this proves impossible, will try to arrange it so .hat thoy will reach you nou later than the 17th. I was prov.nteu by illness f-ora going to Now York last week. Vory truly yours. !| '« fe f d^ Washington, D. C, Kelni^.ry 13, 1900 /vy Mr. Charles R. Knight, American Musoiim of llai^ural Hiaiory, New York City. My dear Mr. Knight: In connc^c ion with the report of uhe Harriraan ojipedition, I am particularly anxious to secure a good colored painting of the Kadiak boar, eaid after mature deliberation have com to the conclusipn that you aro without quosiion the prober person to make the picture if you are viilirLi, to ao so. As we can not / \ furnish you with a living animal, ife lest wo cm do is to rocon- st^xct the brute froi>! the" roeontly nounLed specimen in the National ihsoum, in connection with our A no s eries of skulls ana such mjas- uremonls as are avi^ilable. Since you we^-e here the lar^^o skin sent to the) Smithsonian by tlie Alaska Comrn.rcial Company has been mounted. It is a huge beast, and the job is s&:.d to be very Wrill done. s\ Are you wiilin^i, to undertako the work, ana if so, at vhat p>*ioe? With kind regards; Very truly j'^ours. " t K [ . 4 Washington, D. C, Pebruarjr 13, 1900 Prof. Wesley R. Coe, New Havon, Conn. Ify dear Coe: Will you not send your mollusks lo Dall ut once, so that ho can include thorn in his report. He has nearly finished his report on the specimens sent by Ritter and Kincaid, tjnd would like yours in time to include thorn. He will nairic the specimens and re- turn thorn to you. I believe you have already sent j'our crabs to Miss Rathbun. - /^ — -S^ As to the arawin^s, I note tliat in your last letter you asked to have them raturnBd. I want to gjt tijom under way as early as possible, and would like to sona tho colored ones to uho lithographer. They ipake up very nicely in Uro plates, v/ithout reduction. The lithographer prefers to have thj arawings th: same size as thu re- production. The black-and-white work may bo aono in lino and stip- ple for photo-lith^ or for text figures as you prefer. I believe your plan is to have a few tejfc figures and a number of plates. I shall be glad to have tho colored drawings as oarly as possible, as it takes a good while to get them oj^g^^aved. I think we can pay for the lino vork necessary on your drawin^es. Very t^uly yours. 1. 8* Washington, D. C, FetrUarjf 13, 1900* ■r. CShnrles A* Keoler. Berkeley, Calif. lljr dear Kooler: Many thanks tor your last letter ana tha a; odmpanying second b^itch of drawings from Mrs. Koeler. I am ratuming herewith eight of the drawings whidi we do not care to use. The others are undar consiaoration, ana I am suro most of ohom will be accepted. I think your 8ug[?ostion as to price about .ho ^i^-ht Ihir^g. Sorno of i,he drawi%s in the last lot woro mot labeled in any way. I enclose a yory rou^ tracing of four of bhem, made by my (K 1 AU^'Oungest little girl, Zen&i^ Probably you can identify uhera and \' 'y\^^ supply the needed infonnatlon. If thoy arc small oarvipgs, are they of wood, irory. slate, or sono other mtorial? Is No. 28 Jie front end of a canoe, or w^at is it? The feather masks labeled "Alout raa8>s» are gskimo,not Aleut, ?mq are made. I am told, by ohe Bskimo inh^bi^.lne', the narrow region between the Kuskokwim and Nushfegak rivers. » • I still have a mmhey- of photographs of Alaska scenery whieb I vill send Mrs. Keolor shortly. I will also send photographs of some articles obtained by us from tho natives, which I think will look best whon drawn as she handles such objects. Somo of tha drawiiv.s aro a little rough, and some of the Inditm trinkets senm unsjmimGtrioal. but I suppose this was true of the originals. The ropneductior^ we have already haa maae show that a little more ink is r-ocessary on tho laokground. You will soo what I mem. by lookinj_^, at th-j roproduction of ),he Greok church at Sitka, which ^ 49 C.A.K. 2, ' ■> ', I vl fails to come up properly. How are you progressing with your articles? With kind r j^^^ards to you both. Very truly yours. h *.< ) 02 7 Washington, D. C, February 13, 1900 Prof. E. K. fimoreon. AmhG>*st, Mass. My dear Professor Eme>*son: •■ Both of vour letters are before me The check for the slides came duly, and was passed over to the slide maker. You imply that Pa i ache will not do much on his report before spring. Is the sai^e tnae of yourself? I do not suppose we shall use the report in Lhe fint.l volume, in which it fits, before next winter. The narrative volume is already well under way. Burroughs' narrative an(; Dall's history ana exploration are already in the hands of the Committee, and olher articles are promised for ,the near future so thc'.t it is hoped to bring out ti-e f irst volume in the early sparing. I have told Gilbert about Jie slides, and he ^111 send you the memorandum you want. lirs. Karriman's acciross is No. 1, East 55th Street, Now York City. I sliall take pleasure in sondin^ . ou such of ^he report#s of the Biological Survey as are still available for distribution, and have placed 'our naino on ou^* mailing list. Very t^aly yours. \ i t 51 f6.shingt,on, D. C, Pei ruary 13, 1900. .^ Mr. B. B. Fernow, Ithaca, New Yo»'k. My dear Fernow: March 19 does not conflict with any ante ohus far fixed for either GiDeH or myself, so I think you are safe so far as slides are concerned. As to your article for -he ^ook, no definite time has betii^l^ fixed, but we r.>-e anxious to get hold of all the articles as soon as possibl*. I think I wrota you that we had Burroughs' narrative. Since then we have also rooeived Dail's papgr on history ana explo- ration, and others aro premised for th;; nour future, so that but for the delay in having colored plates made I think we could surely publish in April, Very truly yours. -5v »; 1 S2 A rT^ Washington. D. U., FeLruarjr 13, 1900. Prof. William H. Brower, New HavQn, Coxii.. Dear Profossor Brswor: I am sending you to-day a coloreu slide and a photographic print of Yaia ..lacier from «y negative, and hag you to accept tha sar^a with my compliments. I rogret that I »ks not able to sand Lhom earlier. With kind regards. Yours very truly. V ! |^^n»^ Si ! ■i. 85 ■t"> •'-•i f^' t/ . ^.ruafit Setoi-.- Thompson New YorJi City. •etu- Setcn"?horn))8or«: t n .e at .h.t „Ho..or. th. 'oa.ia t.^t yo. »,.j, th. oH^inal .^ also or, the ba^ia thsi we isop tho orJeinai? <- '^. «d Very (,ni]y yours, . # Chief. Bioio^icai Survey. \ •I • I f ^ ■rif I ■ i Prof. Prsvcr Kirisaio Seattle. Wai^iiii'igl cii, % dear Kin:aids ixB a ocllGctor, you cue one of the most j>rompt ^m active iner I over kri=3i^'» oul as a corrospondeiit^ I fear you can hard.ly expect to take first liviza. . Riti.er fortd Coe finished the oistrifcution of Ihoir .nieitarlsu a Icr^ tiTP.6 agc^ and MisB Rathbun has already practically conipletcd bar report on the oruetaeeans of the expedition. I re^T-ct to l9?uni. bow.^v^r, th?it she ha^ not rooeivad eith'^r directly cr Indl rootly, any oi tne specir^.enB ccllected l«y you. This inur»t hav3 Deer •«! overs i^^t or. yoiur pi^.r^, as I cannot f::r h moment ur^tertain the opinion that yc: inttrruica such h fc^ Washington, D. C. , Ffebra^ry 28, 1900. D^ar Professor Tr^^aae: Mu# thanks for th9 "hand^ioinc; eii»\?.rith '••'trying volume from your garden, Just received. It 1 3 vary g to see thi.: excellent ser.es grovrlng 00 at^adi ly and containing always such important pai^ers. Since 1 wrcto you last matters relating to pablicat cm have been progresaing steadily but have proved imich r.ore com- plicated than at first sa;^;iOB^d. Many points, however, ha/e Shall we not have some- v.nr tna, -'.-..^.,^^,„,,^:.,^^ ^^ been n<>t«rmlned. and i think *e shall co-^plete the selection >f ^ publisher within a we-rk. i-.^ siae of page agroed upon Is t>^H- of the «8s>ilngton Acadcmi^ Proc««.aings, type-bed 4V4 y>y 7/4 inchoa, approxioiately. i „han be v«ry glad if Saundat-a' artist ^u l:ik his drpi^Jna;.. m :p;c1 manner t,t,Ht thay aay b« reproducod by photoUth,-yr,phy, «. m th-a ca8« of Ms paper In tha Galifomla Acado«.y of Scloneea. i shall ba .glad to know ho* 3^uni«ro i., pros^^.a^ing, and when we. n>ay look for hi a «:.u- tribuiioa or oontributiona. Cce ,ritaa that M.. papor i3 nearly done, ana he has «ent I ma a lot of colored druwl.ig, of w..^a, for making up into plates. I have a short paper oomp^l^Xn? deacriptiona of n»^w mammals in the hands of the printer, Eow about your o>r; contributiona? thing from yov aliortly? \\ V 56 Washington, D. C. , Pobr-iary 23, 1900, Mr* La Aa Puertea, Cornell ^niver;5lty Club, My dear F^i^vi^a* Wew York City^ ^^\7 — Yeur latter wltjicat 4»te reached itc o week or as ' aso.- since which time l have been vainly looking for the fuller letter you promised. The matter of reproduction of the colored plates takes so long that I *•« very anxious to get the plates '.. under way at the earliest possible «o«>ont. if i could have a fe, of your drawings now it would enable me to mak» up certain plates ' th,Ht could be taken U hana at onca. The one of the Kldera' heads I Should il>ce. ^^^ ,,>,^„. if you will be good enoush to •end it, and you will -.lea.e nctlc. thM one of the heads needs flni,hl„g. Qi think there is a bnre pi..c-3 on top of the pate) I becieve you are ^olng to «en.l n.e a lin of tne Alaska birds y.« would particularly like to draw or paint. Awaiting your reply, i reaain. ^fsrr truly yours. 7 .Sit -.A., ^_,._., T2 Washington, D# C. , February 23, 1900. t Mr. Charles ff. Knight, American Muaaiaa of Natural Hintcry, Hew York City, »y dear Mr. Knight i Many thanks for your letter of the 21at Inat. about the bear picture. lour price doea strike me ae pretty steep, but it is quite possible that ifr. Hixrrl»an will be willing to pay it. I know- he wants the. very best trork. i undo.r-^t-d that your price. #150.00, r.ea,;a the sale of the plctu:ce outright » not merely the right of reproduction. If this is correct I will write you again shortly, after laying the matter before Mr. Harrlman. . Tears vsry truly. , V^'tJ. I O^ 11 I \ i J. 1 I • ^ >-l m m mf^ff 58 Wa3hlngton, D. c* , February 28, 1800. Profw Wesley R. Coe, Mew Haven, Connc My ^OB.r Oce: 4rf. ^ Many thanks for your lettsr of the 14th inct, I al^ould be very glad to receive all of your colored drawings as ^'.T-ly as practicable, and will then be in a position to make' ^ ~See«tlo«e as to the neceasary reduction to bring the. within ^^ ' our means. I think the „aUer can be arranged to your entire «Htl.faction, as we both want the same thin^ii^the best possi- bly, reproductions. After seeinK all of your colored drawing. I shall probably return the. to 'y.« to be grouped In plates. it U quite possible that we may be *bie to undertake. the reproduc- tion within a couple cf weeks. lours tnily^ , 7/ : V AAX^ .ir^-'--:^-t-V^flf ■■ ■»»4 "i.'i G2 W«shlngton . D. c. , P*bru«ry 28, 1900. **'. J. Stanl«y-Br oun 120 Broadwa/, »*w Torlt City, S«ar Stwilsy-Brosm: Slncd you wera hfti»n t i. ^•''^ ^ have received . j^^ter 1 0»^ •. .^k _ ^ • i-age & Co. , subml ttlm? t-« «^ ^ ^ ing the publication .. Propo3ition3 reapoct- t Q^ 1 '' ^*"'^*" ^ol^««. and have had t)\ '""« ^'^'^^•'•^^ion With thalr art edit * ""' ^"^ ^'^^ ^ " r >. editor, Mr, Lanier t* . ^ A -/ opinion 0,.t u,j, „„ „ '*"■"•• " '• ' '•"'""l«Me. «d co.p,t.„, „. . '".St., ..« .„ „,, ^^ ^7; ; ™ " -»-». - I .»« „. s'na at in duplicate to you ar./< ♦ ~ *y,^^ t. . WW you ana to ne. r*> «»•/ handle the book i thmv .♦ . nwaliy the moni», he p«ta into it, V«ry truly yours. *^^ V^^^J.j.„__ • . / -O- rts^:..- • v«^\(f 3| \ \\ Washington. D. C. , Mnrch 12, I900, My dear Miss Tarbell: Pardon my delay in acknowledging your kind letter of Pobruarv ?3»"i r ary 2^xd. i was ao shocked hy the receipt of thoue gaudy colorotype oickur-fc tv^* t , yp pictures that I have hardly yet recovered «. u.aal e^uUibriu.. z muy a,rae .i th you that these pict- ure, are ^,uite unliko any th.t h.ve heen achieved heretofore" but you surely did not .ean to. l.ply that you thought wa on^.t' to think of stic^ thin^r; in r>r^r-->^^*- nms-. m connection r/ith the illustration of the Harrlman Expedition reno-t t v repo.t. I h^ve seen Mr. pap-e kind of work, and I vMnh tr» f^-«v v/ioh to thank you for your interest in the matter. we were disappointed to find that you wsre not here this, winter and hope that, you win ^r-■^ „„ 1 you win let un know as soor. as you come in th.'^i -pring. Very truly youra. Miss Ida M. Tarbell, The .s. S. Maclure Co- , 141 East 25th Street, New York Citr, 62 h ii ca 64 March 12, 19O0. Wa-^Mngtorx, D. C. , March 12, 1900. /■ 1 Ml iifl Mr. E. 0. Cockayne ,^ The Heliotype Company, 211 Tremont St. , Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: I should have acknowledged earlier the receipt of ygnr \ i chickadee picture but fcr ths fact that I expected that definite i arrangements for publication would be coitxpleted long before this. t f Pending such definite arrangements, I am unwilling to take ad- vantage of your offer t^ reproduce a sample bird plate. I think, however, the matter will be settled shortly. The . chickadee picture is certainly \ery successful and very attract- ive. Yourn truly. '^ , t My dear Mr. Lanier; * Your letter of the 2r.6 Ingt. should net have gone «o long unanswered but for fh^ .^-lay in tho contract, -.^ich l^as i^^en in the hands of Mr. Gt«nley-3ro..-n for some time and -.hich I mippoaa' will be Clinched in th3 near future, Aa soon as practicable after thi. oiattor is settled I shall bo giad to have you come on here jvith each samples as you have been able t-:> c-r-f ♦no">*vi & vogfjuiisr, and 50 over // illustration matters with m- in ^.ch detail as m^y be necessary. ^ ifou will bo glad to know that I hav. ^eard from Meisel, who executed the A^asniz lithographs I sbo.veJ you, to the effect that he may be able, to do our work, or at leaet a pari of it. Very tr!;jl7 youra. Mr. Henry \^ Lanier, Art "Editor, Doubled.%y, Page &: Co. Naw York City. t'^Kif-llt^ft iB-M^'S t^ .1 ' 'I poor imprint l^iif u hi' 1 23 Washington, D. C. ♦ March 12, 1900, Mr. B. p0 Meiaol, 164 IRgh Street, "Boston, Mass, De-xr Sir: yt I «^m very glad to learn rrom your lettor of ths 2nd • y^ inst, that you will be able to do &orne 1 i thogrmphi c work for us in the near feature, I hops In a jSR<^t tjnie to send you some d^awin^s f5r estimate. "Phe worK I havd in min:! embraces three kinds of r«rro4iuction— litHography in colors, lithography in black-and-white, and photolithography. If I aw correctly «nro-m^d you ar* prepared to undertaVe all three kinds. Very truly yours. f 'P m 1 i W\ j ^k > * J i t i i 1 J I ■' i k. / u . ,! 7,H 1| 66 "^ Washington, D. C. , March 12, 1900, \ Mr. L. A. Pijjerte Scarboro, Hew York. Dear Pitortes: Ihlo is only a line to romlnd you that your bird- drawings have not yet put in a.i appearance, as soon as th^y are received. Ver> truly /.urs. I will write '/ou * ** f. I i Ta N i! I! ♦; aw 'I March 12, 1900. Wr. J. Staniey-Bro wn, Union Pacific Offic i** B. IV 120 Broad-.Tay, Kew York City. B^u- SUnley-Broimj -?^S^ '^"° ""■' •-•' ««.ttor3 respeotlns iUu.tmtIo-,. .-^production, 30 th«, anlsas tak-n In ^,„, . '•* " I" "an J at once. I „, uj,, ^ 17 -=.no .»a3. . ... „„, ..e ,.„„,, 3.,u.. . eo^ct« •'^ay, as I understand you expect to rpt-.r-r . .. ^ ^° retarn to Ala.ska in the early «pring. It IS important. ti;er*for^. that .uch ,r M-e«^ • . ._. ,.^ „ ''^ •''®«® P'lintinss as Mr. and J«rs. Hurriioan desire to us- 'n tho v - hands at the earliest moment. "o- a. to PhoWr.ph,.. so Tar a. .. „„„ ,„,, ,,„. ^^ no »...,act.., .„ „, „,,^,,,^,^^ „_^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ,, „ '"" "^ °''""' """"-'ng ,pproa=.Un,. th. 00, u^ native to the concern / ■ / 68 JS-B . 9 / ^h. booK x. made Lhe o XV. R ^vi=^i be badly want-i in ♦ •^^^^tio ^nd Ho.v York verv fv*!*!,, ,- Verj,^ truly /ours. \, .. ^■ *** • ^ c- » ■*-x JV, 4- .ff * -I- i i. 4, 4 4 G9 70 ( 1 i ;^ ,1 • Washington, D. C. , March 12, 1900* Frof. filliam E, Rittar, University of California^ Dear Rlttisr: I wa^ verj glad to receive your letter of February £5th, telling me that you are harr VV>JS>« VvHi^-^/V^ 1^ X Iti H IT I Jt i 4 f.sr i1«^^ A f; ■« ■■ • \ V ^ IB, Pi^of. .€**5».v .^1^ 1^^ T'ashlnston. D. C. . March is. i^oo - Sheffield., sclontlfic school' Ifew tovon. Conn. iall try to .at t, . "' "' ' "'"^ "'"' '°' of. plates, and we y to gat tha best possible reproductions i . h-M"*.— — ^^lona. I oust confess. u.x^r?X/ To send Crilt^ eV4 ,.^ down ths back of the na« ^ ' ^""^ "^^ ^^ ■ '"^ ^o pays the bill n»4« . 3 f At Will Qf cnu-rifca Kii. ■l"" ths size ,f',„. ,^ °""^~ "• "»«"«, to re- « can b, ao„e »,th„„t ov,..cr„,.i„^ " ' " '"^ ""- ' """' " "'" '''°*= " " '.- contract ,. tn ,u ., .isn.a .a„n* the c„„in^ ^., ^„ ^, ""' «"""-"■ '^-^a b, , -o-s ..re a ,e. .a,. Z. t ' "'^ '" "" "''^ «» '^-«on.. „, ^.,. ,„;„^ '° •" °''" •" -"" -e v.«ou. tu... ■ ^■^''' number is increaalnir d-o . "--t «.o,t take. „, ,„.,, "* *•"". "0 « « «t. -"•-the „rth-.„™,, ^^,„ ^^ ■ '""'•""• '"• «..n, *o H > J. „,, v* / \l WHC . , ( :?. ^: . f #0 Jf ^uli/pag9 pl-it^Vi and lUU&r's quotgi ii» ftl«OL growing. -Then I- a^n Inforrned by some of the entomologl sts that sever?ilv ofitches? of their pl?\t98 are likaly to be put In my bands 4TU^>ie very nei^r future, Wlien they all arrive I think I shall take a t-ip to the Pacific ooastl 'h^^ . .M Xou inquire about separates. The Washington Academy fur- nishes ^thor^r with thirty se^parates free of chM^ge, and supplies larger numbers in lots of f ifty 'cr'^one hundred copies at very ^ low ratesi ' . The Publication Ccnnittefi did not care a rap, one way or the other, about the Yale article, but !^r. Harriman regards it as a discourtesy that a plan of action agreed upon and distinctly under- stood on the ship should have t)e^n j=<^veral tiroes violated. As soon as ths art editor of the publishing firm charged with the publication of the expedt-tion reports, has gon# over your colored figures with me/l shall returri all ths ori^^inala to you fo^ grouping on plates. What has become of Professor Verrill and his report? I have -written him at least tv/lce and get no reply. It is very important that his illustrations should reach ur, at the earliest possible moment and that the text should follow not lat'^r than the end of April. * tou understand, of course, that it teicec fron two to three months to actually get the printed edition of the various plates, and that unless tha plates ^A text are in my hands early enough to have the work done, published, and distributed 72 ^ i< f'l 8T WRC, 3. on n. 2 " I'- . \ r^ ♦— • 1 . ' ' ' rm- » . beforff»i ieav^ Tor the w^»*- lur xrre weart-CQ^frf,. th«ijrTvil4 have +^ -. -l>nr,»rnfc«* «^ ' ■* »*« .nave tg »o c^vei* , -'-- -imiitinyJaWtr winter.: ;--f,y,. -«.,•.- • , • • y- . ■ ^n -vHtch the .fy^^.^^^ ^ "•■■'. ■' ac^.--' ' i 1 iw . <^ ^1 ' '"* *. ■? fO«^ l.r I thiTtV yv.iir^p. Vf^^^ *> >. v:le^r r p''. .■ -J. "% f> •-, « J . . - ^•l. M- ft i « • 1 ' *u '■ r 1 > .>t. '= . * t'C- ci i;-' ^.v 3^i.t2...:(^.:4, ci?^^« ri- ■«t> - ' •> -< - * ' * - Nj • X i \. J Ts^ ■11 « ••■•f"'f^-»-r n ,., 10. T-^ . •- OTir^ -*•*/ v.ij " *'., . li. ffl f I f I' ^ it^ V i I ■ f i ^r- ?i "■'11 •«., -iJ *1 »,-; Ji ^%l|», , I ^T » » - . WaRhinston, D. C. , karch ic, 1900, *,r< E. ■f i' W 75 t ■* ^cf C '^-^ lour .fitter of I'ebruary 2dth reached me a few day •SO, »mi t^e-photoiitVoWhed Plate .f «hic^, ll „.:.t .:;,!:: L ^ * ' ^ y a dnj^" oT two -- . --.«^.^jr owu.- i cfi^nt-u me a rew days he photolitltographed plate of which you spenk fcllovTed »o lateK xKis plate is Couble the alee of our page. In which the type-bed* me a^rea 4V4 by 7V3. ^I^hink your plate I h^va wrtttert Britton * Rfey to the effe- fh-t •. ',' * ' ^ " "' , , . , . erre.. that it is not clear to ae how uhlfoittlty iii'vrork'Jnr,oV4 , ~ - .- ^^^j / xn work^^.shlp, lettering, ref.r^nce nunbers, and pap^r Cart b^'otjtalned "ir tiia V - ->*'••-•-' .-fci-^-. • in... , ..j ^ootamed ir «,e plater contributed by so many differ- ent, authors are" scatt^ret! »>,«„+ *v- ''•"'•■-''' ' '■ scattered about the country for reproduction. How^v,.. :^,„, ,„^ ,,, ^,„,^ ^^ ^^^ attenuon or tne ,„.».,„ Of coura. ^ a.^iue. to tHe a„t.^o„ f„ correction. The pricee quoted by Britton & Rey are n«f i ^ '^ "°^ lower than those for which • Bimllar work is done here in the Bast. I a, ..r, sla. t„ .„,. that ^ou/report „„ the ^c^trae,.ae • or the Pacffic Coaat. for f>,^ tr v'vaav, lor the Harrlman Alf*«?V« Pvr,**^**^ «n /ixp-.j^Ke sxpe^iltion report, is llkejy to be entireiv ^ir>4e.**^^ ,_ n"reiy xlnlshed by April 10, and that it con- tains such a larga number of now species. Tou are certainly to r t ," i be cor«r^tulated on so fine a showing. I do not, I regret to aajr, see any way by which Mr. Harrlmar. viould be wiH,ing .to a^ -.g you to include in your report the -species from ths SibciEia side of Borir^ Sea. The cost of rsprcducing and pub^lsntng in ftood, .^^ shape the work undertaken is so very much great-r ,J:h'ai orir^nally foreseen that I feel eure Mr. Harrlman would 'no i care to increikee the expense by Includin... Siberia material, or by branching. ou.t. ^ in any way^ into fields in which he is not interested and which .» ..l-i-i -l"k Jni-rj I .- - ■ ' - . ■" ■■ .-^■■■'i' ■ ■f^- ■•■ '•I are not closely connected with the actual work of the expedition. - . . # , • . t.- I aw very much pained to leam wnat you toll .me about your^ leaving the Acairrry in the rAoar future and aboull the i^ttitude of rjv ^ ^<;i-- 1- r w*- .tJi i .: u • re /r X** r r .'•iii i:i'v '» f < •Fejrry; i * -no -' ^ - r .- *• t «•* W" ) I I ar /y. A' Wa5?hington, D. C. , Llarrh 12, I9OO, €1^' i; j _>' •♦ 1 1 t - tt ■| * X . : W ^w*^ t V - Jfr, Pre.i,s.- Dellenbaugh, ■^6 ^^3t eist street, Na^v York City, pear r,:r. Detllenbau^; . , p|#T» ^ t c, f'*- ^ f •-s'-' , - . ..''l^h respect to Vae Illustrations for the Harriman Expedition report. I have always supposed Ihat a nunioer of the paintings made by ?.'r,. Girr-ord and yourself would oe ,»sed. "" ^H^t Mr«. Harriman w^uld attend to this, but if she lias not t vhti vy*^y^~ 4-1 - /lU brlr,5 tl,« „„tte- to Kr, H,rw,,m-, atwntlon through sta„l,,-3ro»„. i„ ...xtun t. thea- painting., j „ very «,«„.» to .eo^r, , fe- colored r,,ro^u.u.n. of Photographs, r. see,,, to .e th,t =o..e v„r, he,utin.l re,„,t. „„ .o ohtMne. it .e c™, „c>,.e proporl, colored originals. I .lu .end , u . fe, Platin„„ prints ,. s,,n a= r „ ,«, to eec„r, th,.u Aa .0 t!,o t.,tl,«,„,al, I can onl, aa, that t„. „h„i, „„,, I. 0.0 or great d.llcaoy and that .e.or.l .o..ar, of the expedition regara It .. of auMou. propriety. j „,„ ,, ^,. ^^ ^^^^^^ ha»^ e;:pre.a,., 1 o* noc such ft thing woalcl be agreeable to Mr. Hnrrlraan. of o^,..«, t >, <"■ Of coarm I have no means of knowing. in c,.e ,t ,s d.e.e<, .!„ to carr, out the project. 1 of course ^.-ir, to contrlhute ., run ,h.„ or a Uttlo „„re . .« x a. .„- t.re,, .l,i,ng to h. guMed by the views of the majority. t 4o, ' f' >> / \ i»| ,v*! I I; ;l , 5 / Jf 77 FSD..*.<.e* not ilhirJt any c^e can be found vvho in un^'^illing to contribute provided he were aure the thing would not be ciiapleaainp^ to Mr. Harriman* With best wishes. Very truly yours. - •. \ \ «* ' ., 4 ■\ ;-.;U ^V>Os>NKJ!. I \ » > • * **t •. mk. poor imprint 1 I 8T ( 1 •■■ HI il |l<' i \i> M. ^^X^>-K, W (luo..,ojd '. ^^W^kX^^O^ U,H*4 VjJJ/nJ^ J ^vr^^iV/,>*^^..^N« • X \^ U;^ vc I »; i / ■ «cM, ^-^ iO^ ■U-35^ -^-^^^^l^ *^ JCKjUu^ltuU.^ ^ rtr^ — p-JtZj^ OAJU <5^-^^\. w;fc">''^JUL ^ — k/^ --l-cA^ 1m^ Af-»ooJ ^>xaJX U^ ^::t nJU^'ztcu^ ^*I^ >3^ V-^^ilACfctt (_IL*>u '"l^fe" « 4>N/v^J^ VAl«Jti«- VwJCt ^^^ H^ ^>^ ^-ol4c, ob^ifce- uJeJ^-k^ Ixa, ^-^'-^^ ^Vv--/^ j-'^^UK .^■X/V/^-*-* ^g^ 79 : ^1 ill Original Defective 08 I 'f i«l »iii I • lit f3..-,.i-V ^^^tJc^ws. f^^Jj^^^L 4.^..::^ (../o^ if^^-^^ vk. I cAjk/>-...OUjo ) •"-^'^-^^ Jt Jvt^^u^^ 1^ 'Sjjt.wx «»>^ ♦Ia.^m. JLu-i*^ ^^^H^^ ^^H^^j. ...,,^_ ^o:^ _ i.x*3Jux^ ^^iitM;niJtv&,^ 6 Jv ; \ I, ft 4 f>^ 1 14 t T i U i I 18 f ( tuio^l \^\\^ K ^ .1^1^ ^N.'^V^-^^^ J^l, '^-^ -v. i_J 4 ^t— 3-1 3i. 1^4. t r\r \ (\^ - ^^ C 9^- ^JK'^-^ * *»-W|jg.i '^ -t -K-~ f-i. I*. V 4 wt ' I {VO^ v^ ■* ^ v -^ \^ <1^ 1M^O>w"^" -*-l ^•^'•►-X^ r tu-JLt ^ J'*^^^ '^"^ "^'^^-v. "3 -i •*; -^ ^r V V J^^WV W K::::^, wV*V 4^,.%^ ii I \] »» A « • t t, sa \i r \o M S \ ^iishiiiijr^ri^ D. 0., March 12, lOOO Br Jttoii (?c Rev, V ."^25 Coim'iercial S-^.rn'-t, Sr-'.r Francisco, Cal Dear Sjr«: Yo.. ut:..r Of -Ao 1., last n at i„„a. ,,e„f.„ „i„ .:.» .«»PU Plat, o. „.. 8,.,„., .^,^,„,, ,^,.^„^ ^^ ,^____^_ ^ plntH ic jHf:t double ti'.^ sI'a n-r *i,„»- ^ . ... &!.« of ..hose used In our Proceedings, m v.-blch the type-bed measures 4^/4 by rVa.- Th. .....t,,^ ,f r.produotlcfc'f pi^.es for this t^ort .. , very s.r.cus one, as it Includes a great div.rait. of .ub -:ects • Pr-p.-.red by a lP.r^.^_ number of author 5 t* .- ^"tnors. It 19 r.'jcessary, oj course that th.-, ^ork .houlrl be a« unifonn 0.. pcs-li-i^ «« .. fos^j.i.j.ft, as to naT)6r, let- • "^ °^ •'-'''• ^ do not see how .his unlivv,„u.v cnn be ob-.1r.ed If th^ vorl- '. ,.... , ^^^^"^^^^'^'^ ^""''^ ^^^^ y^t bean ccinple^.ed . W?i..n th..y ^r. I .hall bn ^Jad to cal.l fhe in-^^t.r ^n .v . or the puh21:5,her. ' Reapootfully, '■ t . ■^ '&«.«' \ II 'I ■I I %A w i n i,-ii 88 *!• V • At id© 84 A^irch 14, 1900. IL ?an Altera 786 Jeifersor' A^e. BA-ooklvn, I J e rdv ii{ i. :in ohli/-'sa I'ur your ieiiucr or FoUruary 10, ciuotiij^ prices on bromloo enlar^jementB. I cUii scijcliiv; vuu by express todciy a let of ne^viti v^ei^, rror- 8 of ^hii^li I should lilie enicri5ement«(l 1x141)., Please soxid one bular.^eii.ent ea<:.h/moiait6d on good heavy Cc-.rciboard) except Gi f;lass uegativcif 12; ^rvt ?25, ci v;iiicn pioabe i^end 3 3aoh, 2 mounted and one urrriciintou. i al8o send a cor-j:^ia':^rablo riufober of negatives from wnich Biiaes are wanted, as per onolosea li£>t. Pleaiie >nake ono alide eacn, except where tv/o hire irdicatcd. 'All of thet;6 3licie;s aro to ' 1.0 colorGd, uo l-iiey i^houio. not be made v^ery di.rk, a^ y^a; knov/; arid siiould r-u b'^ completel:; boimci, simply .ackod i.o^ether to hcJd co-- vers ir pictce mtil thoy roach tlie colorist. . ^\ i arn anxu.^i; to obtain throe or four prir-Jts of ^::las 117 to ?;t: 2olor&r\ in v/iitsr colors. PJa-^inurr- cper ?■ :- the onlv icLnd 0. lA.per TvrJch I know to take cojcr kinal",. bu- .you ;uey krcw oi' 3ij-^:; ct.hyr fcni:xl equ;Jj.y -cog. If ./ca ^ili seriti the. T,hr(-e or tour .ivta from f,hiv: r;o,rativ3, vriiici- you are sure- vall ta.ke water color;., i ii .al..l br 0 hi:: -(..:;. [ s-hII bo still i'v.r- lu^r ciiliijeci if ycu vail r:ia.l.ly >i-.rrn- jp r/nie -rorit =.'.;i iel n;e havy r.ne nei^^itives back- at )t^ m m u \ « 1 your oarliebt posaiblo ccnvenienca, as a :urf-.er cf them aro Lor- rowsd arc! I an! -.rjxious to ret-.^rr them as sjon ';is ...oEslble. Soi/Jo cf the nA^:u-uives frora which slideB ;vre desireu are ataoxv.- tlioss cf ^uoh eiUar^ei^^nU al.Ho ure ^ani.e«^ as y-u ^ill see from the nur!":bers. •^ery fruiy yours. ^>%. Uhiefj Biolajical Sarvev 1 fV^:^ fliMolo sure.) llujL-oc Xauu,*^ I •-^ *|vV^ ^T^— «JUC-^J^ iJulv^ Original Defective 58 SLzms wm BY c. v.i-'^'^ mmit^ of thk Youmwjr isga^-ives. (One aach, i^xcapt wlio-e two are irdicated). 10 55 (2) 71 { 70 / t> 82 Bo 117 121 131 140 155 166 167 169 176 180 181 183 210 ''12 (2) .^ -^ « M -^^ * ' ff .#» — .* ■^t «^ "-^ FOR KI3UHGI]\I TO iltl4. 121- ■ '6 prlrt.s (2 movs;t.3'i; 124- '^25— ■ -3 prints (2 mcnr.'od) 23* f,t7 225 (Z*K* J. 230 246 250 , . 251 (2) 2J38 2.69 270 272 276 282 295 287 289 294 305 317 325 339 425 427 (2) K* i\ A <^ «5 Sb ifr. L. A» Fuertes Scarboro, N. Y. Dear Fuectes: March 19, 1900. Your letter of the 15th Inst, came several days ago. but your palntiz^^s have not yet been beard n«om. I hope Dellenbaugh will forward tl^ without delay a. we are setting- into a bad hole. owir« to our inability to actiu^lly «ec,^e aray ol these bird pictures for reproduction. ^l.en they conie. I «r. afraid the head of the elder irill not have been finished, so that It will be necessary to re- turn the drawing to you before it can go to the rex>roduoer. I shall be greatly obliged if you will make for us at v,ur earliest possible convenience, paintii^^ of the Hall Island^snow- flake. Kadiak Pla|cola. and one of the jaegers. The n^re you have In the .y of appropriate surro^mdir^s. the ,nore your pictures will We .hall be ^lad. of course, to send you skins you need .'or pa^ntin, durlr^- the progress of yo-ur .ork. I a. .. ving you this IIS. as a starter in ^ hopes v,e a.y soon have son.thL^^ to put m tr.e hanfis of the fSS^grapher. With kird regarufc- to llr. Tliayer and family Very truly yours. I ■ N] \\ t V ' '■«( ' ! T8 ) ma 'Oh 20, 1500, P^'of. Wasle;,. H. Cce Sheffieii' Scienxdrio School New Ha-fer;, Corrn. DoJir Coe: <^ f^lf ThI . ■■' '"•"-^ng,). t„e ether pl.t^„ ^^ ,,,,„,, l\ W.lt. The shoo: on which ;hs ■^)— -. «Ue the ., .,„ j ..... .he 3e,„.at. h.ad, close ly ,,ho aoa. cf the rai .er„:. ariiMl to <7hi=r. thev bolcnr. ' aT;i:,...ion to cclcrs, placing as n-^aA-^s ..^,- i • ., ^., , ■ ^ * ''' "^'' ^^*^^^' '' r-intir^: with fo^r s.ones ' - e, .no. .ero .a.i.,..to., to ,0.. n ... , .,., ,, . ^'^^^^ ^3= ,,. ^no £0 that, I n.uv ccr-nrc. it .-,•.■,- t,.^v hiiiiilm- .sub J <) eta. ■ ■-° '-'^• tv- ..v^.,,,.v .. i«^^^-i -^-.iA.3. Wrioss these are in.:8d t>.. ..hcoxitn, t.;-3.- vail.navc to V^ lithorr->vui «. h f I I I j M 88 W« R« C« r,. crease In cost/ Ca:j thoy not be irJced for rediictior^to say ono- third present siae)by ph otolith? Please number your plates in the sequerice in which yon wiir't tlie^ to ,{^o, apu letter the figiires distinctly in pencil and reu^rn tc me at your earliest convenienco so tliat I rtiay f^Bt i±i:m ur^dcr way a^^ soon a^ possifclo. Yen; truly vonrs, i /» ( ) ^ ¥1 S i -i»iu3-ja*j G8 ^- ^ \ V 0 f w- - r i ' %• oe March Zi, 1900. Dear Ooe: •Suppo.se we oovq^^-^ise on six oolorrd ])latps mM jrou arrange the subjects accord5i-;-ly. Thit>, it seems to me, will admit of the ^.ost satiFd:^ntory treatraent, and allow the smaller dra^'ir^-s to h» reproduced lar<-e e.r;Oi.v;h to b 9 most effective. The paper you Tr I'ery truly y uurs, k Dr. ?/e^.ney R. 'Zc9 Sheffield BiolO';;:ic'J Laboratory Nfnv IMiYen, CoriTiecticut* (s - ^ I •hJL- n I ■n 1 le Mcuroh ^d, 1900 'r, L. A, Fiiertes Scarbcro, ]-. Y. 15y de^j I-uert'^s: Your drawirge reached mo safely and worp taken in band at once. Sever: of th.ero were put in the ham? cf thf5 reproducer the • day fifter their roc-ipt. T>.e othor-^ T &!^. rptumin.- t' vou hern- / with, wi'.h the foUowiri-o; sug^estpins; ^ J^vf) (1) 'r],at yon -u^ke a ccmbirf-ion drawing of the golden-crowned ^.%rro^v8, put tire one of them in the fore/iround fcentical with or /^* 43].?r.il,:^r to the ore vou j-icve to :rs. llarrirp^n, and pnttin^j in the, b/iokPTound the one in profile 7;hich is returned herewith. V.'hat VQ wa^it.^is one showing- the full 'naximira aT-wunt cf vellow in the crow-, which cm he Pcen only in *. front view of the head, (2) That i*tu make a full page plate of the chestnut-backed chicko/Jfte from V/ran-r^l by .'iddin,_; another in some other r.-osition and puttiV-;- ir, ennii t bar> ksromd , if practicable, -.o r.^ake a pleas- in.; plate. J' .'?) That yon sJrrrArof Lsla-d. If [ >-c.7«rh.,r correctly. %on have another very pret-y viev/ of thi.s Urd vni^. yoi; nijide on the ship. It soors to m yr^v Tri..-ht co:Tiblne these tro, one below the other ar in the c;::se of i>ha chickadee, rnpkir;^ an attractive full pa/-e pla*e isirv;;; th? h _, .,,.„ v....^.,ic«,.v.,, ,1^-nj.i..-^ aji ai.T.racTiive .lUii pa (4) That \'ou make a^ plate of Rabino*8 rosy gull, ui * • «k I* r ii » * J L. .^, F. 2. • (5) That you ccmrilete th'< rlnte of tr,ji Ilall Islaiad snov;llak<. or vvhich you are row ensaGe-l at the earliest practicable ;T.cL.«nt. Besinss tI:9Ke, we should like to have r- veral other gcod piibes-on.:. cf the Alaska Lapland longspur would come in part.icu- li'ly well, an.5 3f I remember rightly, you ,-ave ?^s. Ilarrirmn a ptv-itlng tvi,4.ch pA«sibly micht be used with very little add: : tonal work. Plt.te8 of the two puffins sho^wi at full length ';vould also be desirable, or ^7oulc you prefer to use only the heads in order to ^^a^'^J'^^^P^l-^ednearlv n^^ si.e as indicated on the en- closed outline?. In this case, i^^^d be';;^ll to add your little pencil sketch of the bird or the mIv^. With res]«ct to the jaeger \*ich I. believe you are painting for us. I noticed you had tvro or three pencil sketches of birds on the wing. One or two of these might be wrked in in the back- ground to great advanta^^. T/ould you think it desirable, ln..tead of the puffin plate men- tiored. to have a plate of the tufted puffin on the win.-? , I hope you will let us have these drawings one ar, a tine, as soon as they are I'lnished. ns it seems almost impoc-sibie to .^+ them in t^.m.e for the best color reproduction. ^ Knight is here be- gim^iv: v->rk on the Kadi ak bear, and will doubtless give us a sple--d-.d picture. ^: h,.if*. ■Tecid--' i,o retain, ir addition to the E've>i drawings (making eight in all), the sheet containing tl^e heads of the skunk-head scoter. All the other drawings are returned to you by re^_^ stored mail herewith. "ary iruly yours, ^ i 92 iiSrr.t^^'V'^^W^i-^-'*--^ lii o e "W^'i ■^ poor imprint I. 'ii I r i^ ! I I. A i^ ^e Kvi>..^lv •^Sr,\«|f|. % V \ 1 )l ^..^.,\. ».,_^^ .^^.^wo r^J^. T A^ -V ■s~ *^A^-'-^ Us4^ ^-^ «L«. V / I 1 f 0m0^ i^^S^ <-vC^ rtj. V ''^^'^-V ^ <-! -^ \ ^ t ^A. ^-^ lk„ * ^ » K^^ ^VKKX%||^^ 95 C i ,T \i I I- Iw*^ W '■^^,\Ui m / i l\vM.^.A^v. \vvv » Pw ^4-- ^v. 1 f vw ^ '^ y. \-■■: \ t ^ ^x._ ^ poor imprint k r i \f y I \ poor imprint 96 Kj-^-cU. =<-^.\1« N^A^ m I 4 re ■m. s". »h^f '*! (••r'v V**^^ >vUC«l»w ttJSfc >u^^^ ii i- N \\<9 . OK ir. It XmJL '♦'^^ -4U^^»,^ji^ ^Ji ^^^•^Z ^ 1^1 U* l-WfT I ^■V*^^*^ iCW>l^^^^ t .;* I !F| 1 ■ .JtiiffiM/.. ae 99 4, ft-A t-Kv.v-*w IWk 0 Cn t-. ''^.o,^*^ "nCC > ^^^^^^ ^1^ H n ^1} X MSU , U ' ^^ Ti K '*--SH*< .# J*'* A /I ^ -C \ \^Vk^*- vx V? Ajfc-ntai. «V ^k"^ i \ v» *- V ^. t s /- t? v^cr ;> ^,v A V •On.JV^Ic^ I I f lr 4v^.-^l 2.t, t*t. t& >^l<>, "a^ >^ X ^ a. 1 •^V^v^XK p ^ ^ nko^ vw% *#^ PO^ ) \i\ 001 'f(^*r- •axv'r- » m 101 I ^^u.- ^A •v^. t- .>♦•' lVa-o-^Ujo^Wv fo^,^. ^iLh J ,hMi ■ii^ --A-A "'^'^* ^i>^^^.AX...^j^fi^ ^Ll ..^^ a I T V^w^UlC" X' OCT- Of kk^ VxJh- --fc^ r.vK* I \ * > >■ U -X tJijvvvjuTt «mX ^ 3 ir^ 4w 4l "~tr:^ -Kxivvv^ i 1 -^- x^ .>.^-nL ^ -ti: ., .|cv^ T. v^. w^ t I c ^-'rancisoo, CtJil. Mhrch 2e, 1900. Dear 3irr; T.xxr letter cl the 23d ii.a:. ic at haiid aixi will be roforrod inr^irviatolv aloro with the s^:^: of jcur vior^ sent, to Doublcday, Pa^ ' -i^i Co. to vhich finr. has bcr- : -rded the contract for ].ub- lis-.in^'j: tiiG Harrima^ volianes. Respect fullj^. ^.\v "^^ •^'^ m^ik. 4iiak4i.'- H i m 'M «^: 102 j I ."■iS ^ 1 > ^1 '( turn toyou at an early date. I ai)iirbciate your dilTiculties in the way of inroads on your time. One who has to teach as mmy things as' you do. has little time for original work during the school year. I am very glad, however, that you will be able to come to Washington early in June. I am sure your trip east will well repay you for the expense and inconvenience. Tery truly yours. '^ ^^ ^ '•i % WB 'I f f I V^J Jf ' lb I p 104 1^ rt r^ t^^>^ ^^. r ^ ■J" 'r.^ P 4f- f-% I I ^ -^f r <^ V3i- c r r ^ / 01 1 H^ir s. 1 i i ■J I J r^ T'-\ < -^-4 i^- i^ 1 H 1 ■1 ^^H ^ II If ■ v H b 1/ t \ **»- Ipf ^ ! li ^' i ' IL ' IB' ' •« 1 ^V ■« *■ i f ' 'J 1 'l 1 f \ s / \ t s \ ♦ % s r <& I- t f ' t^^. • I uVv ^ -t ^ . ^ t^ 1^ K>ij^^ :^V^iC^ Gl^^^vi^J, ^tM^J,^, ^^■■^ "^^ *. "^ 'iC ^ , +^ ^^*^v>^ -W ^^^>V^Xr \ ,^ . V-4/ ^^^>^- lv.-^>j^ XX.;>| - ITT I %. lOG ^mv 2* ^ "Imm 4^-- % 301 r ^ "^ A y ^ '- > f r v" i^ ( i > le* ? /f e 1 i; '-y / ^ ^ rV f A /• s f P d ; f, -r^^v L?l i /; U r i'i ? I ^ f! i r / ir. 7 V -r ^ y--^> / I ^ r f r ^ / ( r ^ ^y^ M vT-- :J J-r -4 ''^ > n^jr I I L' ■ * <■ V • ' ' r i \ «1 I 1 ! I 1 jH 1 i. • \ f 1' 1 i i i I 1 109 / 110 It K V^A n,\ibi V -*v^-*v ^ \ vH w A^ \ \ V. Jk - \ -.V »x \ \ V " vw V \-v v\.\v^ s \ *f^f \ v-^av \ ^>^s \ \ t' ^K, V ■^ *«-. -> V )W T^ V ^ i v^^ •iui^vv, ) "V-S.^!^ W -"lO*. K ^-^x^,^ ^N. VX ) ,v.U^ a:V' \ N^ -^ Av^JL-^^^ * ^-A^ ^ \ -s. v\ A x-l X 'A ^«-cX^^ \ A ^ I'v V^" A: VvA^ V ^i-Vo^ ^-*^VvVv ^TV^ J ^^.Vo. 4\v^*S\ A^ V v' s; Nx-,vv •V ^.Vkv \ \''»..^i iS v>^ \ GL \-\ ■?r V X jjLi 1 V^ ^A -•:_ ». ~ 1 i- J^ ^v < •s V "r^ \ -. .x>. ^vv c V V-w Jc \ ►'SwS^ Av-^A.\, V .\.- j^tV I j\ r^ r^ ^ V v^'^ >JCV Wr -f K- vj.'^wi-j ^^^a^^ak: ^ * ,A A I III t ^ ^v - ^-v.V^ 'la^ ^ v:^ - ^-'vjLA ^ t> .> A.. >^ T >.^ i aV V' • \ i:c^\ Vi^V X vvv ^ik -^Vi^ Ttl M. V 4 V X^C^'^^iO f I { 112 .»j n w \ i i> r. i J X f ^ ) J. ^ ^\ n 1 1 ■ 1 < ■ J ■ 1 if; ill i 114 ^ r f' »**«■» i"**#««i».»T» a * ,*aB_J*_ ji «_^ ^ i^ 115 '^ I / J t i^^i^ -^4 ^ ? i z < i J ^ ; i^ / )^ I 1 ^ -X. H r I tf -f 9 I I 1 'A I ^ / ^J r. J. J J r ^ A i ! I X -^ I il ( Tfc. c^ij^Htm. «?-«ji #/ li 116 i \l F/ I ^LuK^tV V Vn.»v I (»;|AV 5v:,|^4^^. l"cr^- .". ( XO^v^ ^X Jkv ^.. or\ V^-VvSt^ ,^j^Vv \ ^v::\ ^'"Vi&A^ X Til ' r\' * \ • r'. j» '. »*, \ 118 / \V •SwNjvK^, t-w' I ^ J'vA. ^o.v:, \ i I f «xv I 'A v>U I Hh 3 ^'"'^^♦^ "^.w ^'-NJN^ ^ ^ »^ V ■^^ --i^ >v _ \ u -^ ^^-o-lS^ -u,. I » ^- /«/ 7 sj.a;t«fr«j:«ij* ^4Ma**.»«i#aia«W*tA««.«j w ill I l!i I eir > • '"'. 1 . K It tr hAjr > ■ O^ -• V • 1 1 *.% -•♦ Tirar 1200 .150 Broadwav !?■ -^ew loni Citv ».-j r . Hr *■■'. • V> Tr TT.*- ■ li V-> V'>-» - 1 v^ x_> *'■••- ii- Ale' fc-' ■w N. V^v /•><»•(>>—» '*M.'n^..A. t ?'.or- r fi .0 v^*e a?"e vcrv a;.'ii :u.uev-v'i f «.. j^ ^ i. ;•« ■• # ■T (■» llkJ^: art.^ ^^^ iiri anxioun zc J. i^ ^ic Turrit or \T r. '"i 1 ! ►^ <-'Urt; aoa UJ. -r^u TT'^r. w *-> i- ^^^j-orc:: ih;, re\yv^-^ r ; - /'If- i^< «., >a; X icv -y 1 : 1*5 •-•!••,« v/ ijjLt'M >" 1 "i ■ri xclt J: •XJw U a c .-■"> *. r- r, 0-. O k.' .1. s^-ant i:u j;::!^ e^r^a ^^•^ w:/- mcia •V • '3 "^ ► 4A • «? "r, irri -k' V/ V C'^^ Wji:,e pj i-w -*ip d^XI Vukon* T ^, W^ :rni i:. s-DGamsnij- line n ♦ f -^ v.* i ' *;■ 'xrv'n, :r:t '■>• J. - Li. (.A. .< • Cii.> »• ii.>.:iriij II 'C.:t3d, 01' '- £ r.* J >JCt r] c« «, v.i X 1-V4. v/i i J u (^-tr i VI *».,♦ >> ii: C^. »i J «•: >'-:rt-. ^' I.UIS reqUvOft U ar^ v-:o^ J I t»pl7» t; 1 "wa.cir^.^' roo tiTn Ver ;. i.i yo'ir^ *.*«* ) V i 120 Apr L 1 i3v 0 vjwi L G - iD i. vC i^/..A.Ai;. i. i. L^J,A<-, -7.'?; o ^y w' Vj .' •-« w * i iDl-^': f k.^ V i.»».V a f • De:i:- S:r r s ?i ^ "/ '4 ii i.^>.i.: aA^ t ej.e ,J U' A '- 1 \> .• «^ .».» •w ' ' W .- * W-:r ..4. •., >. J .^ Ij i 4«-'. \> .1. W ^ • ^ < C;" :i ., $11.00 u V. 4i»- .i. ^i it L-Xrj iiiV fs:*ult :Vi -» rs U» A oCA rue; 0 i^hov; the rusui'-s oi -tiL T h T », • T ^' k. 'k u; ao 0 a par oaUr uutc ir L' Tcdixtion Tjt certain lii)e ^r^:.^- . m/ ijS 1 c r v» •* •; ,-► : 1 C<.i . i C •- U. V* '\.lk -/♦.!■ • • . , '.• <.- V. wi. • y.. :■. V - V. jZ . ■ I ..«, w kX\J .r.ci iJ.r*:^ iSii WsXUiil WjuCiiJ. .0 o ILi;:.. o .u^. i. - - - V* -- ^f |J* w a- \, V, I • T ,70 r /i. T .*:: "f-'t kT i w4*./ 1- i\y c*. b 1 T?ro r»t.^. -I u ir ->r j.ti,- KJ i nui^e uvor x.ne i:a <«■ I'lcCL '•t* ia ^'o'croa .-\ ai Vy •> r:l ■Ci i(L u : ' ce t'- n ^-1r• ^r < »/! -.v-» (iO ^ • ■< ' J klisi U Yx.ir •Yl ti: Cut..C»i*ii JIiwl 1-. « V r;i v> v.^ :. • k> A ue V* - ^ •J .4^-^ L» w' * IV <-- i:^j ;/ero rr::ui:.ecl '- 1^..-> *» J-. I. t'J 'j^LKi ii "LO OiC r . "» -^ I > ! J J Und >r r. '• u • 1 1 • I' lii .aiioet I -r^rick t'x .-■^i^er ':^dni; ib (? ^ bv .*i.;l'j 1 1 • dc*. V uc H c; i I J ..> _ .t jk. a u ^ Z:\e loL* (11 VI c* S^v* . w> *.-^ T) .c- v;^ ' / ^ . ■»*■ 1 i. V. V i:;;OC J vUJ ^j >*w L ^I1^^•cl^^:^^>^^ #r!» .i-'^ .. .1 121 II (JL^. ^i\m «<> '^■^&» K,.y) 2 I m 1\' Si-i. I'VacioiBcc, 8W Q->-- -J . ^ » '^-'-o, .. .^b.itiS. cilia Sc-aG n-' V.Qv. To maico u folui... )au<- - ... / . ^ ^^^ ^'^^•^* ;. ....... . '-^.--..e «sa^ Ii,-iiree is an aho^r--^,.^ ^*^' <-4r>iOt oons^dtr for u ^^r--r-\- -^v ^^^Q-^-xc....cn ^ * ^' -"-^ •'^>'i ij cuiO^" arc i>) *c^- -^ ,- Of the ,,lu .., .s - t ,.. , ,. — > .^..■ro.i »lo., ^h. Ji„„ -« b^- .^. 0-. \^,.juce tre pict.-.rp. ^., t^c %.o Xu.,^e aui ^nc Get:. lie, <;- -•:-..>• -^ -. I 1^^ ro- i •• .* -^- ^ ^^ ""^ cu.tmct that ...... " ^* ^ ^"^''^ -'-^^'^ ^-«^ thi* ra- 0 .....,,le ^rir^t to sr.ow ycu tim no- • t '1 J K ^,. iMH i- I- i i of 4^ or even 4?^x77 or 7i, 0. E. 2. thin§ is lost, in Ihb r«;M iBJ^cu ub ivi thio ja^o. I iiad •:ne reduction luide v^ exactly aall tiie Lix^c 01 t]ie Jithu-;r-a)>h ii) orcier to s^u hcv; it, ^^;oui But this roprcauot^Ion :nGui>uro5 o-'i-y oi£4, vrhiic our ^a^-.c v^ill c^mii- •Ix alJ oi your ^.iaiefc. v/oro reuuceci ^c. 1 "Gi^aL viie ty|/eced v^^.uio c^iuc ^.iuuin ^^Ja:?^. v/C: could bundle thera iiioely, 4.410 I beiievo tiiat thia cculd be dt>iie without any s^criiice •4)x c_j;rc)"^ai.at> I an very anxiout? that you sliall be well aauibi'iid v;ivh the results. In ca^e vou are not v;iilii'i^j to have the platcii ioauced 1,0 the siae nientioned, I will rnake another su^j^^stion, n;Anv:iy, t^ha^ ycu ta-ce out I'roiV) the plates all outline fi{'.;ure6, such at> i.r'Oso n*iaruca i,i, 6, 4, 0, .-.nd 6 on your Srirti^le litiio^rai/a, which I return herivith, wit,r. a viev/ tv^ ..heir irisertion in the T»ext at text il£,ureE. ana r.hat- yoV- I'^r- ran^^e tat reinairdr^ iiv^ures Icr the iuatoa^to-ue rouuood one-t:.ird /iioro thai'i the fi^urb© /u t'llb litho/T^if^^^i* so that v::;on »rinua(. on si}i^lf> j.latos thoy will oe \>v/o-tnirut5 tiio siiso o?-* ohofco on uhi;? # litho^ciph. Tie m;itter i^ a ver^' enic airatr 0 i; - oae 00 me mctsiijuch as I am resiionaible for »:;he Bi3i3 anu ciiaraot^r oi the plates, on tlit uue haridiOiiu on the Oi-.her I a-ii very cUIXigi^.s tc'riavo the ^latsb ;i^h pub- lished meet your entire ajiprcval. It is jubt v;osbiblc that our ^ufciisnerb -niuy bo willing' to Iiavj ;;riui>o jiat^^ua ■3Aeoa<.6(i - BriuL-on ■ill ml . ». li t *. ^-. i. 1. poor imprint J^Sl 0. E. ,3. a.:a Ji^ ...oviaeo ti.ev c.^ fumiah a rc., 3toc. paper such as .. use lor -..ifi ot..or ,.l;.tes. Hov; tuany of yo;ir pli^tos are colored? I notice thut a iu;r,ibGr oi ;.ho.e i. your paper recent ly.,,uulis]i.d by the Caliton ia Acuaen^ ui-u ti.^^e.i ai.u .re ve.^ attractive. Av«w i^S yo.:r pleasure in ^ho mc.7>ttr,r rev^.i.n ;/ioa bc^t vxiiiios, Vor- riCil V;' ^•ii Vw^v M^- 1 .V.' J^ '^v*^ iT^^ifcw-^*. (Enclosure..) ;) H i r^s*-*^ ».,! 521 AY V '^\^^ A^A k,jv \ i SOc. IvOO. Dour ¥\.jjr(^CS? I. trubt -jiieii jou will ^ive tlie ioet of this '^t'^ml^^i on ;^Our . . J. ■ Ci^j.i and prooi to me at your oariiei^t pcs^ille convenience » ii yo;; have net already ocne so. Ir; ulie ncii j/ruof, w6 w'll l^ave tl^e nndei'jjarts ^ littLv :l izcr ^ v^Iiicli ^ill rri^Jiu the tlrd iitcinc. out bGuobr. I hope you »vili let 'i:^ have uha otht,r drav/iiyb as tioon ii^s posi^ibie. ■J r; .'»^ ^ -I- ^» . . -, - 1 T 'i ■ • vl ^.v^V' UUc^. or ,„jAk^i' w t* poor imprint :^'"ii :i^ *-*^ir>t- '^y-'mm^ . i' u ;• ■* h R 126 April 30.1,900. Mr» A. W. Drake Art Editor, Century C<»npany Union Square, Now York. ky dear Mr. Drake: In reply to your letter of the 20th inst . would say that we ^\^ /AT^ haVe thua far recelred only one first proof frora the lithogra0ier^O^^ who are engaged on Puertes birds. Tnia one is the ptarmigan and is a verj' effective picture. This will have to go back to the lithQgraplierfl for a few minor correct ions which should not take »ore than » few days. Proofs of others should follow shortly. PerBdnally I hate no objections whatever to the use of uhese 4rawin68 in the Goatury inagazine. but as I have no authority la the natter. I would suggest that you con!riPJiniei.te with Mr. Stanley-Brown who is acting as Mr.HarrJtatn's ropreaontative in those matters. Very truly yours. SI Mr. A. B. Hoen ^^ ^» ^^^^• Ho en Lithograph Co. Baltimore, M. Dear Sir: I m ^mn,. you here,flth the proof «nf- / '^ .*i^ Ki \ ill u I s J \% t < 128 ! - - - May 5, 1900. I5r. Charles R. Knifjit American Jfusetim of Natural History New York Citt. Dear PCnight: I hope you are not seriously ill, but I am unable to think of ary other cause which would delay you so Icr^ in sending the draw- ings •. We should have had them loi^ ago, and I trust you will z%x\& thOTi to me imnediately on receipt ot this, as the delay is very awkward and is putting us to much inconvenience- When shall you come here next? Very truly yours, ^ • /33 \. K.^ lLXKJb.^V ^^ArOi^v^ y I GSr i^ ^\ .\^ May 9, 1900. Bir. W. H. I^anier 34 Union Squaro New York City. Dear Sir: By this mail I an sending- you two packages, one containing three wash drawings or combinations of wash and line work, the other containing the photographs from which the drawing of Shoshone Falls" is to be made. In the case of the wash drawings, I want to know if it is practicable to use than. If not, please return them at once. You said a while ago, if I understood you correctly, that photogravure illustrations might be printed in the text. I do not see exactly how this is to be done, but if it is practicable, it occurs to me that these particular drawings would come out most effectively in that way. A number of snaller photographs also might be used to advantage in the same was if the method is prac- ticable. In the case of the Shoshone Falls photographs, I am sending a large batch in order that the artist may obtain a realising sense of the character and grandeur of the fall, and also of the nature of the canyon. I hope he can makft two pictures, one of the fall itself, the other of the Black Canyon in irtiich the river flows. With these pictures are one or twe" others which K-.re to be used in the early i>art of the narrative. One of these is the sal- mon wheel on the Columbia, t^ other a simBet^ It serins to me of n » 5^ ; A I I n A * i ! i ?W« n» L« 2« I the utmost importance to have these, drawirigs made at the earliest possible moment ^s^hey arej^be set in the text. There is not neiirly so much hurry about the photogravures which go in as inserts at the time of bindlrgo If Lowell is goii^ to make the rest of these drawir^, he should be pushed to the utmost limit of his ca- pacity. It might be well for you to come on here a^in for a jTz^ single day as toon as the photographs selected by us for photogra- E 5,v^iire have been approved 1^ Mrs* P^rrlman. I suppose they will y } 4. reach me today or tomorrow, but you can learn the date from Stanley- V i Bi-own* Having the approved photographs before us, we can take the •^ !• a*5vantage to complete the selection for drawing* I have now all .-^ of the Keeler drawings, and they are ready to be reproduced at ^i^ once. I have not yet received any of the Burrou^ manuscript for final revision. Please send it at your earliest convenience* I expect to leave Washiiigton next Wednesday to be gone a week or ten days, arid am anxious to get as much work out of the way as practi- cable before I leave. I am 8endir^3 you among the photographs three film negatives of BogOBlof irtiich I took in 1891. Two of these are duplicates and either of them may be used in connection with the other to make a^i)anorama showii^ Old and New Bogoslof as they were at that time. I thought ailbo or Andrews might combine them to make a single pho- togravure plate 7- in length. Please turn the negatives over to one of them and see what they can give us. The title page muddle is unfortunate, and I have never been able to understand why you did not send me the proofs asked for. Very truly yours, \ 130 131 1 ■ H { '^. I \ 4, i \ w\ iif ll ^ 0^ j ^ -/3g ^> r i II: ^^^^J^^^ C^ X^» ^Vl .u. <^^V VV^HjN^JS^ \a»^ ^i- H su 134 I / I- t rtvjui «t>,(H\.. 'A ) i««» :^^ 4l, V^ *.»' h ». V J I \ T X ^ ■ *^^ VsX l: V l^. '^M. r-Tttv:i ■ '• VvJk.^^ -.A 4 ^: 7 VVn^ Ax. >^, ^1 <^*^ 7^ \vVXJ. .J i 1 J 1 - ' ) A 'X Ia^.^ r- JM / ;r /v. \' r i!*»s. » -,■»«'; 135 h< i » ' i if" «.( ;m -i Original Defective !if I ' r I K, 137 i if. ■>) i - ^^ May 14. 1900f «•• B; S. Cnrtls Dear Curtis: Our publishers are exceedingly anxlou. to get the photogra- m^ under way at the earliest possible moment and have been punch ii« »» up about it for sow time past; At one time they insisted that they m-ost have the negatiTes, but now they are willing to take Instead first class fositives. I ahall be greatly obliged there- fore if you will at your earliest convenience make positives of the following m^gatives and send the same by express to Ifr. B. H. Har- rjjton. 120 Broadvav. Hum Vnt.v f/ 7<^^^ 179 195 aoo 207 216 218a 220 232 « 236 259 279 278 292 296 300 306 307 324 325 332 352 367 371 376 390 424 98ll»t4 exanloe each nosltiv* v»,« til *w «. «. e»ou «■ oau poBsiDjy be made tvm the m^ati see also that the waterlines are horiaontal. Please ^^"^^^.V^Jk I) i 'i 138 \ \va^ ^ V'uW t \ V vv.. w ^ i. ^ kzfe: X. V wV vVJL rxA-'w^x.VvVv Y ^..iJLv-w ^ rf< X%.N^\\X i^ ^ '■ n H V v^" Original Defective ^MM^ i ■ ' •I I i I \ 139 V ^X\fc.! ■^9 ^ A-v ^ J^ ^ ^ 1 ■\ * V\ ^^~v. a"' W^^ ^W ^ / }K ^^ ^Mi --\ hXi<^ ^ V \ V ~tr. V >>v4., J^. \v^VV f c V . K i. "^v u ---^ \ '^v. V ^.V. ^^ Lv ^j-v \ \ aV r :K \v vv > ^^-\V A ^V A >.v w V-\ - \ ^ i^.A. Vvl \ \ • ^^'^ V -^ V V* v^. ,^ V \ <>< \vr.vv t^^^ 111 V ^ V .XSa \^ ^ > V- y K H-n H ^ ^V x.v'^'^oL H V V K ^v - 1 / h4 I'V -.^ ^ V ^wdniw V-'^.v*. •^ • A < K ( \ i'^u.xv Avvv>c < •^.(K vv. , Vv.VV k •^v V > V ? p-% V-. ^ v:. < .^ V. iXj^vO< \ -VI \ h I i Original Defective \i-^ on I » - 1 ;n r '^•(tr^. fj \ -*" ( >-V vv^v V T^' f ■ .^ »f ^v^. .J ^ *, .-^Vv r^ — X V\C i]|..JXVN^ ,tvA^ ^1^\ >i t ^"^^^ s v^v: 1^ V K ^^K vJLa^J 'f cK*»"^^ W ^K* KA ^->^A i^-- (iiTtr^ '^ } J f ^^V< V^i >'•) * ^lX»^V Vsl. •V>i.'*r^^>*^vLvOC ^V \»'^-^ V- AV iUL>.Jk. V>.s^ CaKJ*AZX> ^i% X 4tVjAi^-u^[v L>I.Tfc^ * :iiW iW fill' 2^1 % % X|0 -rf hM ib^iH^^^. n ^fvvAiN. A^V ■~ Lv.-^- rTw-x. (VvVvv lllS-^ } ■ ^^^ w- f ) I I. i t 143 ) ^^^ \>J. i /<-wVw ^ vlk^^^'^— ^-^^tJb -Tt Ai^ f'A v^ pwV'^Jk.-'CfcVwNJt. ^ f > i- ajJu-t.. Ats. ^o**" t ^ ^nJI > U^l^ ^ (■ ii' (I r i I i ^ ! 144 A^-^jJu..^ i i| 1 ■i. ih I, ■4 145 ^Ka^5>js. , r*j^. ^k><*^ J^-j^do;^ V-#^\!,,\i^^ ! i poor imprint --^"^""Tfitiffniti dH II !1 ^ ^,i A^. ^^w.: j'L Vrv f I I hi '1 1 ^; i •■ f •f f ■•y ^ ^j|#"«i'tf .y 147 t! Ifay 16. 1900* V Ifr. A. R. Hershigr Btw Ira Prizrtiz^ Conpany . V^ LaooMter, Vmxmjliaxdn., ' 'K- *"" //^ Dmut Sir: /^ -^ /sJ^ I m Iprvatly obliged for yotar iett«r of the ISth inst. Just / rM«lT«A* About th« typ«. A* I onderstand it, otoiy stylo of type comts in a Bunibar of sisaa) for iziatance, «e hanro been usix^ 11, 10 and 6-polBt tjfti in the Procaadii^ of the Ibahix^on AcadcHiy* 'or tha flrat Tolwa of the atw book we laut larger type of the same fttyla; therefore I called for 12*point type of the same style. Ihat m af after ia a B«nnla page aet in 12i>point type. Aa to the halftoipe fjaptr* I hare no fatisfaotory saaples. If I ha4, iha difflcuJbty vvuld be solTod. Ihat ve moat, as I think you taii|ar»tand, ia a penasnent rag stock paper surfac^edjif oalanderl^ ao aa to takt halftoaea, but gg^ coated or sised in the oatlal nt^i the halftones you jointed for us in the last vol- ef the Aead«mr*s Praoaediogs aare entirely unsatisfactory. r 1 ! (■ Tary truly yenra. if^" ^4' at 1 '• ' /, m:^%'.^' 8^1 i ' i May 14, 1900i Prof. William E. Ritter University of California - Berkeley, California. Ify dear Ritter: For a long, long time I have been ^^iting for some article frcan you for liublication in the Acadengr's Proceedir^s^to accompany the plate the drawii^gs for which you sent me some time ago. I am returning this plate to you herewith to see if the arrangement meets your approval. If it does^ you had better retain it until you hear from Ae again respecting the reproduction. I am hoping to arrange matters so that Britton and Ray will do the work on your plates and Doctor Ei sen's. You understand, of course^ that I take the field about the .^. first of July. You know also from a long experience in publish- ing that it takes time to have_pi?tes put on stona^and that you can not begin operations until you know something about the papei- the plate is to accompany^and can give the plate a da finite serial num- ber: If your preliminary paper, therefore, is to come cut be- fore liext winter, you will have to send it to me at once. If you have text figures to gp with this paper in addition to the single plate, I should like to receive them with the manuscript. Please indicate where Wiu fllifc^hould go in the text, and label each with the legend you wish printed under it. I will attend to the it i li I m / .I . • W. £• R^ 2. rest. Your urefaiption of the name 'Jwrlmaiiia' was duly filed «** 'w«8 given Tai< priority over several other claimants, chiefly easorig the bug man. Some of your pencil sketches are a little indefinite for re- production. For instance. I should hate to be the lithographer lAo had to put Fig. 1 on stone. The figures you send for the text will, of course, be ink-line drawings suitable for reproduction. I -dislike to hurry you, but you must realiae that unless I get your material at once It must necessarily go over until next winter; Bven now, the tiine is too short. With kind regards to Ifrs. Ritter, I am I'ery -truly yours. 149 • mkltl »i s Hi OCX 151 1 VM-^-C t i ^ KJX ^^ ^ W- A. ^^;j »SfH ^ V^iK^ •1 a ^ ^ ">,->. ■N-'vlL •^v^\M TH. I^^'N^ T ■*->- JK-<""^5s^i Im ^,it ^ ^v A . A- /^^. ■i •^ V \l .1 ^ov^ -Ol ^« XN^ MAM ^" ^^.x^ -4^ Vy Vi -3 r»v ^^~^k.A \'JLC t ,^~ iL ^% 7 -\ i I • / /y /' r 4 ^^ #-#" 1 ' ' m ] ;■ ; f • ^^i•^^ Vv V 1 >Wm U>\'\^^ \ \J-^^ r f 1 ^- ^^K jvvrrcti: PH s ^ f v1^~ /5" /5 / ^ NAw' "tv..\J[ ! ^v ) X 7: UaA>^M. V-jk.« \v *-w V '5 *• u i M^AxcTTi,'^ tx "W*^. > .^Jk ivcte>v^^ [Vj^vu^kT^"^ > ^w -^v vS. .< A. ^ v_K^ iv».'^ IKL'-^ OS^-, Vv^^^V, 't KKj^d •-W^ t4* "-^^ V ?-i V^^Nw/C ^.^K tjUK« X_A ^ (K A^^ ^^ -s ^v4-^ TT v>^ 1 cil (AW^ -^ "^ f^ *^ V V-J^*o^ \ ,«uKV. /V~\n-S^ aVa, ^ ^ "V \v<»'j^'iV*^^^^t-»^ rfc^. 0J\ i^A*-< fTu-i)- >v^^< Ok>wV. *^V^^"v4. L V*^ VnIXc Cj^-^ -A It 4 ^>w ^ nf u c»^Ar^.^**> ^^xAjc .V Vtn^ u |^"-C^ "^^j^,^*^ o^Kk V>f 4. J <% r^i v-^V. A I^V F--^l ^^^ '^ V»k\ Jk ^%. -\\JL I K'kK. Vy C^ <^ V. '^ IanIa/\^ >}^V/ h""'i V-N^ *^ T-io>. Axlv*^ SIUk*- Va -^ t A^^ V* |>::^u.Mib>>^ |UNf ». a-^V ^^^ poor imprint SSr ^%\V> cV~ , V VVK.>^' '.bi« i ? t f t 153 t f 154 poor imprint [: 155 Mr; BtnM^atiMl May 17, 1900; Broad Strttt Boston, Ifass. Boar 8irx I OB 8«Dd^)£ you by oxprt so today tho original colorod drmw- iqgi for Mven platos «nd ohall bo ^eatly obliged if you idll kinily Infora m as to how goon it vlll be possible for you to fut thess wa ston* and gfcrs us irints of the same. Tho siss of the type bed is 4^1 inohes, so sadi plate should be redua«d to fall within these dimensions, I should be glad to know at li^t prioe yon can ftimlsh an edition of 1000 copies, and how nuoh for eaoh additional thousand copies. Respect ftilly/ ^M \ *^i«- Orig ma I Retake of Preceding Frame li*^ J \ Retake of Preceding Frame ■¥i asr 157 < ■ I Si ii' A.. \ y \ t «p ^'^^M/^i <^^vA f ixtr. ,v!LW w. 1*^ v*^ '"---i ^^^-*^ ^ft.'vft-J ^v^ 7— v^.^'^^.^fc. -Vv_^v^vA >^' K^. W *'^i-''^V. '^^' -^*^^ WvCt< V^^Xk^ ^A/wKa^^ . Vi^ , v ^^x^)v^^ . «K. X. ^VV \0, 821 159 ^• <\0 I / ^ /Uvc^ II, IfH '^ ll ^^4"^Hi m > -*-^ ."""*^^ — ^^UvjV^" ^- — -iX Jul. i: (Cv\^ -> ^ ^^^-^^^ w.^^ ^'-^Jla^V- ~J ^•— ^V ^•^A ^^^W\ Tferl^^v. ^^^^«A*i U-^%.^^ uvia.x. -*^"^ T"^^->^^^' ^-Oh\ W>v*.>Aai^ <^-^ ^-^-^^V ^^iCtv a T^ /Iv. c< '*>»*-^^ \Nj^^v> i Y>*'< I * r».(^ ■:V ; !)j( 1* *H i Vvy^.»Ao^ p^ t iiV.'-«Jk. i:.^ yuw -t, A^^- > k VNJ i cK^*^ f 3tv-A^c>i^ Xw i-^v-^ H 1 1 iv Lev vt'iti.r^ iy^ ^ , -kK . o^ ^ /% ^' ^ V - •.v , ;?^ ^^'t:-^ Xj^"^. - ^l--4ot. v"^-.^ y\*^ 4diL. v,Xx I^U ^M^TttwJ^ V^%*^-\. «\ U^n ^--''^^^^ ^* ^ /^ f |X t..^ tv !!l 4 i . >;^ >>^tts5^ 4Lt--J< Jos^kL >i-AW<^-JiL.»"rti ^,*^JWjI*^'v ' u ii--\Z J- . AlIj:Xv -h^^^ .ii a;. t\ W'^^^*. <^ ? <>^.i^^ •*. i yjv 4^ Xo: ^^\ >*^ ^x v\ '^^^^ ^"^^^vUX,e^.:xc*^ \ V lv<3 V* UC^^^^ ^i *'* '^ t*^ ^Jki^^* l»f ^^"^^ ti4%vvjkt "^t ^"-^ /TT\4 ^ W-v^ ^^ -f ^v,§\tli ^^^tui,^ ^«-vV.4X ^-♦-^iv> h^^. ^/*H \^i v^ -^-tu^'x > i K^^JU' I / lU *■ w lui 1 / v\ T^-^ Ju. -W«.t ^'^X VV.N^V Vjx w*^ ^ *J»-- >^k^ - I r V '^ ^ - julf < < i. r\juk.< tx V^ v ^ •^^JL '^ sar M -n ( ) ' m M M Preceding Frame 881 164 M I » \' I ((. Mr* W. K. Liiiier Doubladay Pa^,© & Co May 22, 1900. fi \[p^ 34 Inion Square, New Vcrk. c>^v ' Deer Mi-. Lmuer: The accompanying sample page in 12 point type looks exceeding- ly 'A'e.ll, it seems to me. As to the quantity of typo needed, I should think *e could get along with Uo si^tures of 32 images each, making 64 pnges. tho,#i it would be het.ter if m haa eno^jgh to set three signatures or 93 pages. The matter could then be electrotyped and the Bme typ« could be used over a^in. The orly delay I now apprehend is in the tejct flgjres. V«, haye net told me whether or not you succeeded in securir^;; satis- factor: drs^wiflgs of Shoshone Falls and the railway train. As theae come first, it is important to have them inland at the ear- liest poBsitle moment. If »ery truly years. r t } i \- \ 1 { i 1 1 1 May 2-^, 1900. Kc L. A. Fuertos \.J^ Ithaca , Nev; York . ^ "^wV^^^l Dear yucrtos: //*"• / ^ Yoii doubt les? rftn-ember the Dia:k-fcotod albatross or gonj' which hiiii^; aroimd our .-hip the aftB-^noon wo left Yakutat Bay. I believe you made some ^ng sketches of this aninial. If sc, ^oild any of them be sni-oable for a smai] lino drawir^ for a text insert in BuiT^ Ur^s* nfjrrative? He menticnB the incideTit and it occurs to me that a small cut in the text would be very apjiropriate- I have jusi, received from Lanier proofs oi ycisr: two -^oiTicronts* heads. I should send th€*m to you except uhtit Lanier reauei^ted their, iinmediate return so I ain returning; them direct to iii«?but am advising him to send proof and originals to you for detailed corrections. The proofs in my judgnent arc the poorfst of those thua fi-ir received. Tliey were executed evidently by a iithogriipl'er \rfiu8ed to bird work. He has ahown all the oy^erreaoliings ol tht brush, thus exag^ratir^g the unfinished nature of parts of the dra-vi r (j. y Of coir Be theso drawin/js were inteud^d to shov/ the flesh colors of the soft parts, which they do ^noct beautifully. The necks were obviously not finished /or reproduction and conseauently without a little retouching do net lock just right, parrJrjIarly the bin' v thout the tuftu. I havo indicated several correotious on the pr )i ' and trust that Lanier will send th.e same to you ut '^ Verv truly vcurc ^ -> v#. 'P k I r -•*^ \ 165 \>^^ 2. 'z ,;f f. ^r \ .1fe r^ ^fc,.>r.^K«*«W«'^ It. i}>'. {■:.:■• P-: •J ' 166 '•■«wipL.ii- ■\^-0 \ a. ■fci.X'N ^---w"-^ C" wX*^ /^^i^ Wr^ 0^sj%rww%- vu •r. -fei d4 . V ^%'Ww \ VsA^, V -«* J \\"-^^'^..9mm^ . V^.N^^ { » Original Defective I •h m I ' .A>^ Wa/J^o, 1 >^J^ >" ■*- (\v--^X 167 's' ^ 4 -^9B I $1? . \> ll 168 y * 4v^^^Xoo^ 11 I 14 II 691 A i^J^-r^ 1 L i t Jx.^< i I N Ct» ,1 OL '^-/V v(\^V M ,«• ^r ^'^'*\ ;\.^ x;tt\A ^v x.^ -fc f :^ v> -A .^vv ^ '-^' -W-^ Vav v^a ^>^. A f \ Nv^ ^.\ ~^. >• ic jCfc V^vX.J^, it- ; r^ ( fif TI ' I // fit 170 U 3 \^ ft ♦ V f \ X ^^ i^^Kx. ^.^^wjL* ^ ^tr ^-i, ^_J n U-Ai. ^ ) J 4 i '5 wr f ] i ^ i 1 r ii mm.- » Ki,- 1 I *Wi^^ J* f^ ^^^ ' *{ ?* «^^ mT ^-^^V v*t\ JkV i V **» :f -^ij^rt^k^ ^ ^V 4^ J A X ^ Sn^^^ nHl ^ *- -, V.%k V. ivj>-^ "^-AlS-w v-V i '\ i m rJ ^i- --^■-'■^.3tJn-*^-,^ti- JS;-'-- poor imprint i^Tl I tA* «r. J. Stanlej'^-BroTim »nicn Pacific Railroad Offices 120 Broad'flay, New Yori:. Dear Staiilay-Bro^vn; C^tls 1. in . ta,,y ,„r our negative, in order to oonplet, th. prxnu for the .li„. So,^ of these no^tives arc no. in the hand, of the photos^av.^.e .^on ,^r.»i^^ the otbore n.eded for the ali» I » .„„,i,^ y,, ,^. ^^^^^^^ ^^_^^_ ^^^_ ^^ ^^^^ _ '• ": «-^"-' »i'h Ourti.- .«« in the lo,-sr loft-ha»t correr. you Will reoocnijio the paok^gs and ray forward it dlreot. I m P^in, the reminder of the line dra,.^ .„ that w. can ^t ^et 0. »ne Burroush. mnuscrlpt in type in the near Ibture. Very truly yours. \ ( > I J. 't'. . ,1 175 i '«• Prof. Bernard E. Fcmov Colle^-e of Forestry Ithaca, New York. Dear Pernow: June e, 1900; ^^^ z <^6 Many thanks for your letter of the 4th inst. and for your manuscript which arrived this aomiug. I will straighten out ttm -station for Mpb ajtabili. from my journal. I am. vsr^ much oHised to you for the trouble you have taien in going over this manuscript again. With best vvishes Very trulj yours, •^ ■M ill L ^v^ ^ ^^-^^•^^v^ ^v y -^-VK* ^•'P.Vuw "f" t .1 : mm fjff- '•«*•-•' » iiwto-ff ^Ttwy'H.g;^; 't r. h poor imprint M m^\'mtim.ttmmm num um 177 f " I % * % m i. )— ll1^^ ^^i^^y^^^\ ^ ^^d *1 % y^j « ■(j 1 } f 1 i f 1 f ■'. i s > '. f / L j -• i j IL'. ■ f • Y Jm f ■ II 11 IE • If ' ! 1 ' 1 1 III ^B '««- ,178 JL-^ipUA >£'iNSMP poor imprint GTI H 1 \^ V '^ >^ V. ^ ■v j- t A>!T^^ ^ ^ VvA^x^ X V K P; i. ^>^^^jk . ^-v^ I V - N'^X.^-J^^ I \-- fliv. ^ I )^{ ^ \XA^ W .vk)-v, lV; V ti '""V Xi^l 1 V Vj^ ;Vx >.v. -:V rtr f»K -A.^. ' r i> -i I > vi.Vi^ If i i J w » !•*•-»- j % 4^ 'J 180 U^^^ Vm.v Vvv, i •*»^*'' ^ %^^..-^«i*. ^'*^ i K^^ 1 -^ \.Hv .V \ ^ ■ - V-^^-iiiHt ^^*- ^---OK.^^^|\\ l\* V»^>,,aw Ivv V ?s. \ , ^vUi.,_X *4. «li vM^V \^ H.vv*^\, %,* W^ .w \..^ .u V-x.<. ^v^ ^*v^^ ) <• V. "^^ 1 \ lA 4»V^' ^^*-'-v ^*< Y""^*^ X^^ \v^^\ w^^^ ^s^,^ AVv^ ^ (7^^ ^^^^\. ^--v -^- i'^v^^v \^^. / ka^v i 0< k Ict vt^ > \ I >ii i ' Mi t i . i I* fl 181 f 1 I • ! !l mW *^ m «#« * •.■ A )\. -N-^V v>v. ^ 4 A :< ^ i V^-^ -V •V ^^^>JlK V ^^ V ^ XJL^ o * \ \ : ^ u. txt^ V V V. A K^v. v^ V»- 't^^JC .^ -t :a iX 1 V.CV. 4^V*v*W , -\l ^vX-^-c \M ^ ^.B. ^V vs^ •< V ik <\^ > V i i I 182 / .i ^ V \{A\(i \V- H ^ -►•v^ V ^v^^ ^'V Ji' V N. K^ ^ ( ^ i >*. - Va ^ ^ '"'^m^ ^ '>w^N,,"'«k ^ V -vX .V jrtx >^*^ Va^«Sw ^ N^ V_ "^x X '^ *^ •^^ > t SjkK V »^ k V- V X's.-sjirv^' ^ *c \ y V -^ V 4*v.. .^v V V % \ fV. -v-. »^ C v*^ V*,^ — 4." ^\ -V \ ^o^v •c^v^-^--^ ^ v:vcVv ^v\ i v M ^ V. V.r* \^%*^ v\>X. '^*^ 1^ %J^ J > i -K - \ \n VoC^v. \ V *, V \ V «i-/4!» ■"v.Jiw \JV AwA' Vv Vv V. ^ \ V A 1 !v V -V \ v- ^|S. -h } *• O^^ JC V-N^JC ^\ \ \ X-- ^< -^v-^- 1 \ V --Ms. V V%:*- \-~-*wX Vf -t^ .Jcv A A V — . ^'x ^U ^^ \ ' 1 M: K-V N. *, ^ V v\ t'^^ rt. \-4 \a. V O x*^ — l>v "^•^ XA.'^- \ X^ *o-. K — 4. ^l ,1L« L, V.SO, > ^ - I ■ ^ 4 f V I i A- '-t^ H N- » "V V i. iv N !• |v 9 a. -W^-V^V. \ X.'* J^ •^ f I. > v-w-^i^ V ^ A |La^ r4 ^•^ jte-» «< JmJL^*'^ 5 #i». i J: s ^ 81 \ Kk%^ Vik,^-, •VA -«.^W^vVv^Jt ^ •'■^^^S Irttts. ^ V'X^ v^ ^ a V.X V r^«.Av \>. x^C ^ w^^ "^.^ X >*^- ^ -^^^-^ ^t%V\ ^•\ ^-ti 4 ^ -\{v4^ ^>-*-'^>'*''^wAxA..U W I wJl -JJV Al\ k * '-i^v^ Js^ A v^ k x-w a I <<. t '-^ J f >..4.t «^T V. V i ^ -s-' f 1- ^■O. ^.^ ^A"^ V J Aw 1^^ '**lw>Nj^ U V a M '^. 1 I A-k^^i ^'v ^ \ )'- W X .-^ 'M 7 V Vi U^^l 4 V / A -. a U v.^ ^* "^- V. V .■o^ X -^r I ? ^1^- f '^^ '1 r^ UiiV, V-7^ * K .^ %.^ s -X i vv\ '\ V / \ ^■sNaWv lA v. ^ TT \\ v'%- V V V *^ _ 1^ VA V \^M.~. i>jL w r.^ *t M-^ .-^-f.^-tr,-^ ^.-i' f >i VJ^ -f A. *-^ . ) ■ KK' \^x ^ .^ U i v^l.«V \ k I (*v V ;t. T '^^^*K.>w^i '^V vx* n ^ -^ ) V-Ao. \ K^<\^ H \ \ f >^ >^ <^ * >^ X -^ i Vv. ->v^v ^^ Wv^^ yXv b^^^S ^ (V u V v»V A J. \ ^. V- V x^ »-^ • ^ \ ^ i ^ :\ i \ H i 1 -v^ V V Av f ^ ki -K. v»> ^*^ V. '*t\ C y\ f "vxxt I I \^ \ V. *.% ^v'^ X Vw •Ha' I - ^ i A r<^ ^ • ^»v»j::\ \ \V\.. I I ■# I \ V: "-timil mi^Ji™ ' 1 i i : i 1 W**^.'- *•-. W I ^H >--^X V ^w ^ f^ vL; Ac^^-CT^ i. m ^ • '1 1- \ .1 i^x^». :tK>, A.V Ax vj\ tv V V. ji-v-^Iv ^ 1 I \ :-t, li ^vV lAv'vVs X ■^ 1 \ ^f. :^:V^if] \ I f ¥ m \ 581 2 ;. !I I VJL ^■«. V ^ ^rti » % ^ 1 3 f ' \\ • » X V- V t I ^ 1 I \\ -^ 'S^^ k % ^i i- .ik\ J^Kju I /^ m K-^\ 1 '• n "^ V. u. %^ K '^\ t. r * t J \ \ V v-v VMMvVt^k. U ^ ^ T( \\>_if^t j.^»^ v^^lvvW H V V v^s > \ \ t >. ^.Ov Vv V^vA. VW >v> 1 I ^w !' ! i I h*f 186 ^- w \ >-'^->7\^ u U,1fH **. Tt--V«^'v — V*.-^,jk^ -s Ka. r^ ■^ >— N^^^A.^-^ J Jkj^ A N. I Si^ i: \ -1 • I "I' ^ TBI > li^ nfcf^ ^ S^ " " Vw^ 1c: t - «• *. f vJ ^=^^ t » .; I \.0\ ^ 4A VA. Ki /^ ' I ^c^, J.' A Y% ^K, ■•..^•^ ;l t -^.x.^ -t. lvA».^.^^ ^>>^*jUlX^ vrtWkj^tttiiv ^%^ . >^ ^'v^ ^i "Tto J -k vx. i I i; f t I 188 - i K.00. li^M "^ ( V.'v-*^^ V l*^V^^-..A Vai#"-|k. t, W.. * Vf^V t IA***-%'' 1^, "VU^ '\>Jb-^ ^-^ -^ u.4a^. \ V <)i X-.^!^ 3 ii> ^ )-- 1 J- i^v( : / V. ^%. . i^ ^ V^ X-^ ^4^ t »-- 'v. W v^-Ji^V :.vt v^.^ ^ X '^^^^ fv ^. e --^L^^ ^^— *^ V r^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ 1a ^^ L \ X^{ kKy^ KX ^ / t I V vV.-^- , ly^^S, - ^^ <^ ^ v^ JIkv-HvT^ '^ Tt^ ] t I } ft ■ii" .111 I. I !'! ^1 4 A, Vf 189 -r^ N 1 f > > m oei t.H.HJ*« ^i^:-.«si <4- a Jk I, \%JL> V. Tv>J^«-^^^ CtO^'XljLiA^ ^ <- JJL ^U_> r ^'^ %^^1 ^'iM'iAr I N4 191 HI i K ^Xsis/V n-^ C^^ fiioLKli^ V i ■^-. ^•Sj^, A 'j^ c "tv--- v ^vA.'- A •«. - -v.? '^. . cw-%^i>^3 1' O K Vs,\s^ \ '^•A v«>^ K^ ^^ ^ 'ibiX^,'' J r I [ 1 ' sei VH \^>X^ ^ V^.MV^'-"vJL^rv '. i>^ "M^- cr f^A^JU-v^A^lc^-*.* o P ?^K. m \NtJ^ ■^^^.H.'Vi- m r 0 m ^ i, ii :* i It ■J c •^ 1 '^W ■♦?! 193 Nv 1^— L\-,\'\tA. ' \K.K>.| ^ ,) "S. .x>, WvA^ t JW.. *. '<-^ ,> J^-J^ >!«' f ^'^ I ,K/^ ^ r'" ^^ ' ^[3 ^ T - J /«Q, J> v%. •V-"v..,f c^* ^l I t "I ^I»i*l4»^»« -,^lMM»(S«,^'«*»iMfcJ***tMfc, . »„l„M»Mia*W» .tmiW-J, ,»i*«JIi-"» r • ♦ "»• "IT ■rr^'wwv^ JP"'^ f ' f W -rm F, * ■% 1 1 1 :^ ' i ' f * 1 ^ >. ■' ^» * ) t 1 \i k 194 I X_ vv*- 1 :!.. ikj^^^. ''%.- 1 „-*$-. Sjp'''****. [ / * : s -*»- 7 V " %., T' ^ "^- ^^ ^ I-**!*"., ii^TXjL ^^^^^^ \ ^^ v.-.^ '^^-.i^^V V — I ^1 ■ ^-•''^Lw*^^' 1 \'--....^^^ V, s \ 4» -**fc^ W «*■- A.'v V. "X \s\ -^ .,^ JOs.\ i^ <.V.^ -^ >. V- — "^^^ c \ 1 i X rv^ «k V. ■^^r~»-.2*^ \ ft. Os. \ v.^. V A.- V-'^ ^4. - -vi.. Lc "v. ^jpfcw.ik K Vjw 'h f <. \v^V «. f^^ ^ -Vv^^tefc ^> /%>-^ i s> V ^-Tti V^ V ^^1 Hr V 1.^ V A «>^ Mn^"' ^ ♦ --H..4L ^ \ ,\K^^s^ 1 V.H « I 195 I '.( 1 l4>*^\\j^ (I^y^'v ^n 1 i m- i) 196 ti » I I 1 1 . ! ) ^ 1 i 1 \ 1 i > f M I K f t% \v% H Kvsj V ^- xk B^--SA V ^%>^ . nIj^. V v:v ^*3^ . 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'''- ^. 1 VM /f^ f -.V V^<3» f ^ -)L Ka. Ml ^ ^' 4 c ^ •V Vl 4^. ~4 -""^ -- iv^^ A*'- ■ -> ■ T <».]KJwa^J fAi»tf/^ « IP II i'^, ^. if 1 ■f« JK: if ifi f i I ! I I ill. J| I; Gei 1 ^^ U.i ^ ~^ I > V ^ N.' w. >- nt -^^.^-^^-^ 1 vt-V- Vn^ Ul. v^ >W.V;. -J i^5o:t t I. ^ \ AKiX^ V c^ ^r \ \ ^--Aw I ■U V i Jk. Y «■ V».«.v 4Lv-^^4 -^ ^ >, 'I lUUv n ^^ *s.— H ^ w ^^»-^iiA^ ^ v>»-< \ \vXXnj '^ j i } k i ■I, ^r / //sT ^UjiH-'^f , { «l Hf il' 41 MM 201 >^L A ■V- \*>-^^ t ^ '^ ■^ 7- ^ v^ W^ . V \Lk V^OwvJC. ir ^ 1. ^ \ V. I T^ V. ^Vv.v *^^^ |v^x JVC V ■^ JKjtv --^v, -f^ X -7 ^^ .^ ^ l^ •irl \ 3ili|X»^S'» ^12. Mfc, :>C't^^ \$r^^y ^""^i ^^^1 ''n,'7|. 7., Hill. k V.-Ww^^'^ ^>-MW--«^ iJ^llfV^ ^iil4€»vM.^ flJ f .^ V-^v V »*k. viv ^^ii^ J rfr iiTli II rf iw mniil f! i«! m m^ m SOS » * tm-' H I W i i 203 ^ k I '!« I 1 1 ^ f •* trfi^ mmiJti ^m^m :./*»■- t^os I M (J 1 Wv.V Ao. \. % ^* v^^vW ^vi^ — Jk '^ «;^ l.j^ ^^ jfet. * I V -ow . VI., \ -Vv ^ I r 4jsjki<^^Vkk» luJl I'^^^'MtH i?-^-* — iL, *vS^^\. US i" >--.w. V^JJO J ^--x o3^ '^— «*- ""n •^ ^ > VsA>J>«j i 205 * CI 9ii ~(ei- m 7 1 Ml I 11 r f H I I 206 « 1 J v^^ I "X ^ ^ '4-i£^' K ^^ ii -^ I II ,11 r TOg i h t i 1 f. 3m ^ 1 /§ ,i r ^t^^'r'^tj^iiMrTi^iiiaii^^ 208 Hi / !f! ^ ^% i ifl 'm li ♦'» »il 209 I m I 1 June 22, 1900. lir. S. k. Irerltt, Boubleday, Pag^ & Go«» 34 Union Square, New York. Dear Sir: The rerlsed cuts hare just come to hand, and are much more satisfactory than the first batch. Please substitute the noA* elec-- tros for the old ones, so that there will be no darker of sending the wroqg one to the printer. I am sendii^ you by express a large batch of drawings— ^^ in all, for reproduction for text figures. The reduction is marked on each one. This batch includes nearly all of the text figures for Brurroughs* manuscript^ as far aaitYakutat Bay, and includes a number for points farther on. It comprises also some illustrations for pa- by other authors, the manuscript of which is now in my hands. As soon as these cuts are made the printer may ^ ahead, and I trust we shall be able to keep up with him hereafter, so that there « will be little if any delay for illustrations. The list of drawings sent you herewith is appehded. You will doubtless observe that one of Mrs. Keeler^s drawings is a» picture; at all Qvanf,, +t, will h. o^PeriHent is worth trying / effec.vo ^hon reduced to 3 1-2 inches. Very truly yours. I think it ' ^ V^l k ( ■ •* ' • « ; t' i ^^^K ^ ? KfT%^' ' ! u>^. ^^. ^t^^rt.,.^. ^ ^">^- ^^*^oU ^ 'VV^^ ,lk^^ *J . ,--^,-^->^>^ ^^-Ka,^^^, -r^ *^ ^^^'^-v^ ii ,.^^ I I 211 o«„+ n^ v,^ T>^^S^ OF DRAWINGS sent Doubled£iy, Page & Co., for reproduction. June 22, 1900. i !(l It „ , By Mrs. Keeler. I. Lynn Canal. 3! &r! ""' *^*^® ^^^' ^"^^'^'^ ^^^« o^ ^*<> nations. 4. Rook Heftdland, Kadiak Harbor. 5. Camp, Heather Island. 6. Boat Party of f for Columbia Slaoier. 7. Seal Hunters' Camp, Yakutat Bay. 9. • • • • • }?• B ! J-n . . * Glacier Bdy. II. Balanced Rock, Muir Glacier. 12. Rock at Sea. }i' l^^/l^'^^'J^^^'^^^^ shores. * iR ?^ °l f"^'«? of House, Alert Bay. ♦ - 15. Totem Pole, Alert Bay. ^ ' 16. Profile of Bryn Mawr Glacier. _ \ ' IT 41V * ^, . % F*uerte8. * 17. Albatross flyin«. ' - - 18. Jaegers in air. » ' ^ 19. Iteraald and SsalCt^J;?!^*^"^^- 20. Map of Yakutat Bay!^ ^«°l°Sioal Survey. 21. Sealers, Pribilof iJlf^df!''^ ^^^^" photographs). 22. Oirl Water Carriers, Pribilof Islands. 23. Native Women, Alert Bay. 24. Bear House-Totem, Deserted Villaire. 25. Eagle " • ■ ,**&"• 26. Totem at Wrangell. 27. Grave and Totem, Wrai^ell. 28. Iluir Glacier. ^^ ■■^* S^^P^H *Jiohor near Muir Glacier. 30. Giant Iceberg, Glacier Bay. 00 u* y K^l^*? °» **^i^ Glacier. 32. Kt. Saint Bllas. 33. Railroad. Summit of White Pass. 34. Sled-load of Grain. White Pass. 35. Tracy Arm. Holkhara Bay. 38t Latourelle Falls. 3», Green River Butte, Wyoming. 40- V4niaraenoff. •' ^ 41 • Baranoff* 42* Wrangell* r-' SIS ! ) 0 June 23, 1900, Dear Stanley-Brown: Jour letter of the 22f.Qaa^r ^^ -l. ^ ^„, . , „ ^ necossarjr ,o photograph the whole of this or two other articles I san,- af u^ u ■ , they .till «.e Jl "^ ' ''~"- "*" ' "PP»" y.tm«.e. We hare no picture of an oil-box. I believe there >vere one or two in thi. collection. I<- .» „h„»„ u bo u,»f„i ,.u . '- °°- photographs of then Kould useful, alth.^. not ab.olutely neccan- It would also b. a IT ': ■"" " "* °' "■= "-'°" -°'^'> "^* « ^- ^ one Of the deserted houMs • thi. <- ^ ,. "^i" in one aa noases, this is undoubtedly at the Zoo. If you could conrenlently see Mr Hn^«/^o ^Ai«^f iv, . - i see Mr. Homaday you could probably fcelect the raost desirable n>ii«,.+ - . 7 "sX>j,,^^^. 120 Broadway, New York. ''-->'v/^ [ i 1 t i 1 i 1 * 1 1 ( . 213 Jvuie 23, 1900. Mjr dear Grinnell: ^ In going over your raanviscript again I do not feel quite sure about the correction of the "Hoxliog* business • In the original manu- script it stood "Ho X hog** As neai* fis I can make out you hare charged it to *Koxhoq,*-'-in one word. Is this correct? I havo receivod part of the Fish Cortafiiission pictures and had prints Blade from them* Some of them did not come, owing to the fact that they were at the Smithsonian. Stanley-Brown is mraddled about having the photographs made. He does not know where the articles "are at.* I have just written him that they are in the New York Zco, all except such ais the Harrimans may have retained for personal use. Wishing you a pleasant and profitable trip, I remain, with host wishes, in which FArs. Merriam joins. Very truly yours. •VA.'^AA^ Dr. Geo. Bird Grinnell, Browning, Montana. 214 ft n I June 23, 1900 Itessrs. laton, U&y & Robbins, hM, Uftflsadhosetts. Dsar Sirs: Sooid tiju 9igp I wrota you ajkiog if you knev anythicg abou'j a bAlf-toiia paper which is a good rag-atock paper and will not datO'- riorata with mgpp Not haTix^ had any reply, I aupposa you were un- able to supply suoh a paper. Just now I should like to know if you ssanuf aoture a good rag- stook roug^ finish book paper which will tako lino cuts (not half- tones) kindly. If so, I should be Yery glad to receire a few sam- ples. By 'roug^ finish* I do not aaan Yery roug^. Wove and laid pa- pert ml^t answer, but I do not want a calendired paper. Do you con- sider it necessary to use a calendared paper in order to obtain good results in printixjg line cuts in the text whore good ink, a good press and careful printing are used? Respectfully, Ml !l i I fllS /J June 25, 1900. f^^ Mr. S. A. Breritt, Doublsday, Page & Co., Now York. Dear Sir: In compliance with your re(juest, 1 have sent you to-day by ex- press 20 photogravures of which I have no duplicates. The oorreo- tlons are indicated on the proofs. Hereafter, suppose you insist on two proofs, of which I can retain one toid return the other for cor- rection. Some of the proofs submitted in the last two batches should never have been sent to me at all. They are so poor that any one ••ni^t have rejected them. Apparently we are not getting anything like so good results now as we had at first irfien BCBon and Andrews did the work. • In reply to your letter of the 19th inst.. I will endeavor a little later to see if I have the Curtis prints to match the three positives you have which bear no numbers. ' In reply tc your letter of the 23d inst., this day received. I would state that inasmuch as you have aH of hq. original negatives. It Is out of the question for me to have any prints made to send you. I would suggest that tit* reproducer ^o has them make his own prints, and also that he make positives and return the negatives to me at once Very truly yours. J T ' ■ i n u V « V f ' i i 1 \ i ■ \ ^ t 216 June 25. 1900. ify dear Keeler: Verj' irany thanks for the last batch of drawings Mrs. Koeler was kind enou^^. to serd. Of these I have accepted all but one. tha one in question being 'Muir Cabin,* which is not (^ite what we want. I will return it in a few days, and with it the two wash drawings which we ooald not use. Of course you can use all of the drawings we have returned, and also a number of photographs, if you so desire, in connection with any article you may send to the magaiines. I should think there would be^a reaou for comparison and correction. Th« bill you enclose had better be made ir, th. \ » u^ ■ "** "^ttw in the name of B. H can t^miHou ""'^ " '^ -• — - — . -m Now about th. platee. of which there are seren- if . * that nearlv all of +i, , "^^ '•*"* *o »• »ou..t Of r.4.ot.on raqulrod, m other word., that you hay. not ^. ed enough of them on a nlate «>., ^ , ■ '^ oa.e. trivial. " ° *"° ""''°**"' ^•'"« "> ««. oneltd ir >*«^-"tho8raph plate. co.t 1... than - .n the c..e Of Hitter-. a.d nu^rou. other-. ' Prof. Weslejr R, Coe, Sheffield Biological Laborator^r. Now Karen, Conn. Verjr truly yours. * ; M I i WASHINGTON, D. C, June 28, 1900 Dear Fuertee: m Anothoi' package of proofs arrived this noon^ and I have already shipped them to you by express, along with the originals. Tnis lot comprises the Longspiir, Hvunmers, Jeagers on the wing, Jeager's head, and Golden-Crowned Sparrow—five in all. Ur^fortunately, the Jeagers in air have been reproduced too big for the siie of bur page, hence I fear a now plate will have to be made. The plate should not exceed 7, or at most 7 1-2 inches, in greatest length, while this one is nearly 9 inches. Please criticise those plates freely, mark your corrections on one of th^ copies (I have sent you two copies of each, k^epi^Tg one for myself), and return direct to Doubleday, Page & Co., as usual. It seems to me the reproducers have done yorj'' well on the whole, for first proofs, although they have takon a good deal of liberty with the sky in one or two instances. By the way, how do you like the iblue background for the flyiiig Jeagers? Vory truly yours. ^ ,» I. A. Pv'.ertes, Esq., Ithaca, New York. 1 , 219 ii 1 WASHINGTON. D. C. June 28, 1900. Boston, Ifatstaohuse its . Dear Sir: ^-3 f^j V 'li Since I wrote you with respect to the six plates of worms I sent you sons tl»e ago, j'ou hare been authorised by our publishers. Double- day, Page ft Co., to go ahead with the work and submit proofs at your •arXlest ecfwenienee. I hope it will be possible for you to do this at a nuoh earlier date than indicated in your letter to me. I shall be obliged if you will kindly infom me when you can let us hare these proofs, and how soon after they are returned to you you can let us have the entire edition. If it did not take you so long to do this work I could gi you a great deal more of it, but it is out of the question for us to wait so many months for the plates. Respectfully, »f> iH:i,itJtit, WASHINGTON, D. C, June 28, 1900. Mr. S. A. iveritt, Doiibleday, Page & Co., New York. Dear Sir: Your loiters of the 26th and 27th Inst, are at hand, to.^ethsr with the originals and first proofs of fire more of the blrd^plates, nainely. The Jeager's haad. Jaegers en r^xng, HummingMrd, Upland Longspur, and Golden- crooned Sparrow. I hare retained one set of these proofs, and have sent the redlining two, irith the origiroals to Puertes by express, and have written him asking him to marie the necessary corrections and return to you direct, to sar* time. It seeas necessary to say a word about the number of proofs sub- n.itted, as there seems to be some misunderstanding with respect tO thxs matter. I„ a previous letter, when speaki:^ of photogravures you complained that 8 proofs was too large a number and would injury the face of the copper plate. I do not think that I ever asked for eight photogravure proofs, but simply for two or three, in order that I may retain one. send a-o to Mrs. Harrlman, and mark the third for corrections and return to you. If it is i^:ract.icable tc «nd three proofs I „.st have at least two, r.o th.^ , .,, ,eep one con- stantly on hand; otherwise, I .n co.ti.aaily hindered and annoyed ^.y the absence of the Illustrations which I ^ obliged to fit into the text of a number of different writers. You ra.st befer in mir^d that I ^ A J r 7 \ r 1 ) 1 f 1 \ f 4 { « 1 F > 1 { J r i 2— S.A.fi. now have in hand the completed manuscripts of Eurroi;ighs, Muir, « Keeler, Dall, Gannett, and Grinnell, on all of which I am at work everjr day. You must also remember that it is necessarjr to illustrate all of these papers, and that several of them describe the same or similar subjects, so that the selection and distribution cf the il- lustrations is a very serious matter and is by no means completed. You can see, therefore, th^t it is of the utmost importance for me to have a copy of each illustration in hand all the time. In the case of the bird paintings, Mr. Lanier and I agreed that 8 was the proper nvimber of proofs of eacli to be submitted-^-ono for Mrs. Harriman, one for your firm to keep, one for my permanent file, r one to be marked for corrections, and four to be retained by the artist, Puertes, who furnishes the use of these paintings free of cost and is certainly entitled to be gratified in his desire for four proofs of each* This was agreed to long ago by Mr. Lanier and myself, and I should like to have it carried out. In the case of the Jaegers on the wing, a serious blunder has been made in the size of the reproduction. Instead of being 7 or 7 1-2 inches in lengt»h it is nearly 9 inches. A similar but lass extreme mistake was made in the case of Gif- ford's paintir.^ o^ J't. Ili3/ra, which is too long for our page. How about the return of jay negatives which were sent you six weeks ago? Surely the p .oiugravure people have had plenty of time to maKe positives su:ltable for theiv work. Mr. Harriman, as I wrote before, is impatient to cOiTiplete an album he is having made of cer- tain photographs taken by the S»pediticn. This album is beiiig made 221 H ■^ Sgg O^^SoftolS* by Curtis at Seattle, and he has now finished all but the ten of my aegatives of which I sent you a memorandura in a recent letter* I hiOpe 3^u will see that these negatives ai^e returned to me at once. With respect to the three Curtis positives which were unnumbered^ but which should be Nos. 187, 315, and 367, I lear it will be irrgpos- sible to straighten the matter out until you send me either ttie posi- tives themselves or reverse prints made therefrom — whichever is easi& est for you. The descriptions irhich you say Mr. Lanier wrote on th^ envelopes containing these positives do not tally with my memoranda of the photographs. Very truly yours. r i V WASHINGTON, D. C, June 28, 1900. My dear llirs. Chapman: Pardon my delay in acknowledging the colored photographs you sent back about a week ago. Thoy came just before I left for New York, and I have not had time to attend to them until to-day. Like the fir^t lot, they are excellent, several of them particularljr beau- tiful, and I am greatly obliged for the pains you have bestowed upon them. Will you not kindly send me a bill for all the work you have done on the two batches of photographs, making the same out in the name of B. H. Harriman? I shall be obliged if you will do this at once, as I am anxious to get all outstanding accounts closed as near as possible to July 1. • • • . Verj'^ truly yours. 223 I i!^l Mrs. M. A. Chapman, II!? West 84th st.. Now York Cl.y. r ■jl 224 WASHINGTON. D. C, Jone 28, I960* ml Dear Cart is: . imong ycmr photographs taken at Sitka is one of the house of CSilef Annahoots* The front of the house shows a big carved or painted board or plaoard. I shall be obliged if you will kindly en- large this oanred board to fill a 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 plate, and send me a couple of fBBPprints and an ordinary print of the same|and charg( to the Sxpedition aooount as usual. - • I am daily e3q[>eeting the return of my negatiyes from the photo- grarure men. As soon as reoeired they will be forwarded to you at onoe« Teiy truly yours. Mr. t. S. Ourtis, Seattle, Wasli. I . 1 i* 1 ^ 1 . ' ■ , ■ 1 ' ;? ■^ - i 225 WASHINGTON. D. C. June 28. 1900. Ify deAr Ifr. liulr; A recent absence from the city has delayed me in acknowledging the receipt of your loiig looked-for manuscript and in replying to yoa* kind letters. The paper is good and we are rery glad to have it* Ify only regret is that you did not make it loiter, so as to include the interesting story of your early explorations. I am now reading it carefully, and selecting as max^ illustrations as possible to go with it. I am Tery glad to know that you have got rid of the grippe, and am not surprised that you are still panting for the wilderness. I hope to g^t off late in July and to spend at least a month in the Sierra. Of course I shall hunt you up, and I hope it will he possi- ble for you to go id th me into the mountains* I note your request toVemembev^ to my father. Unhappily he died in February. I enclose herewith one of his photogrc4>hs, lAiieh I am sure both you and Mrs. liuir will be glad to see. With best wishes, and maiqr thanks for the manuscript. Very truly yours, V v- ♦ '^-^ Tw5i Mr. John Mair, liartinef, Calif. IW i ' ■■ li « 8SS WASHINGTON. D. C, ^ June 30, 1900. >iy dear Palaohe: Many thadc. for y«r lotter of tha mh i„.t.. .^,1,^, j ,i„4 ,, retu™i«6 fr» u^eti:^ of the te.ri=an Association in Now York.' I am glad to know that ^-ou now havA ih^ o-.«4 • ' "°* ^^^® ^^® sections and that your report will be readjr in the fall. The H. A. B. alburn will probably bo ready for distribution in -bout a month. I believe I m indirectly responsible for its delay aa a numb.^ of my negatives fro. .^,ich prints are needed are in the' y> Of pl.otogravure men who ar. >xecati„g the plates for the pHnt- ^•eport . The album^contains fvlly oqc photographs, and wiU be a , very handsome addition in iy^^ v^- v ^ 1«« of the H. A. B, .It .ight be added that th'e l^bor'of'^/curing and ee ectins the photographs for thi= albu.' iTv^lted about three' ' months* hard worV nr. +v^ ^ ^^t^' ^^ . O-lort. and,«,at it is passi.« stnu^e ho, dtn-icult it proved to ZZ\ "'''}' "^ '- "f^"'" '^^ ^^ -"■'»- -*- of-tl,a E.. peditlon. Oertajnly leas than.haif the o..eras responded to t*p let- ter^re^eating prints. Ke.rtholeas. 'aU's .,u that end. 2.. L I a. sure ,ou .ill ^,, .j,, ^ ,^, ._,_^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ groat success. -^-^ <^^ .10. about Stepovai. Bay. m. u the ..argo bay fro., .Mo; t,, -PS. but e.icago or Ohioagoff B..,- ,s not on any .ap r h,ve been able It \ t'y t 2— Prof. C. P. to find. I am very glad that you succeeded in getting married, and that your wife is not tired of you yet. Please ^ive her my best regards With best wishes. Very truly yours. » lV%»A^^ VOs-Owr* Prof. Charles Palaohe, Bast Wolflors, N, H. 227 i t ' f.,i m i 228 WASHINGTON. D. C. June 30, 1900. -?7 2^^ t" Dwr Pemoir: What ha» beoone of you? I stepped in your tracks at the A. si. A. S. meeting in New York Tuesday, but you proved so muoh like thailaAa bears that t was ^unable to catch up with you. A^ you sai( ih ytir letter of the 20th that you would see me in Washir^on on tht 28th,. I oane back from New York on the ni^t of the 27th. and have been iK)kii^ for you erer since, but our beds remain vacant and your seat at the table is not filled. I trust nothii^ unfortunate oc- ottrred ti keep you away. I haiie noted your memoranda about the photographs, and will do the best I can to illustrate your piqper satisfactorily. With best wishes to Mrs. Femow and the other members of your family, Vory truly yours. X ^. Bemhard I. Pemow, Ithaea, New York. \ I . 228 ■t i 1 WASHINGTON. D. C.« Juno 30, 1900. 9i. 2^^ Dwr Femow: Ihat haft bocome of yout I stepped in your tracks at Uia A.\X. A. S. naetiqg in Hev York Tuesday, but you proved so rauoh like the.*la«ka boars that f was "unable to oatoh up with you. Ai you saii ih yur letter of the 20th that you would see me in Washir^on on tb 28th,, I oaiae baek from New York on the ni^t of the 27th, and have been ^kiqg for you ever since, but our beds ranain vacant and your seat aithe table is not filled. I trust nothing unfortunate oc- oitrred ti keep you away. I hme noted jrour memoranda about the photographs » and will do the best I can to illustrate your piqper satisfaotorily. With best wishes to llrs^ Femow and the other members of your family^ Vory truly yours. \ ^^ *• Bemhard I. Femowt Ithaoa, Hew York. 11 i: 08S y WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2, 1900. S« A. Sveritt, Esq., Doubleday, Page & Co., 34 Union Square, New York. Deai*^ Sir: TJiis morning I sent you by mali sevon additional line di-awings for reproduction, as follovvs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sage-bi"ush jilain. Sitrka Russian barracks. Sitka Greek church. Wrangeil totsn;. Serpentina glacier. Barabara, Unalaska. Cormorauits . I shall be glad to see proofs of these along with those of the last batch, as early as practicable. How long before you expect to have the firsl signature of Bur- roughs* manuscript in type? When are ray negatives likely to be re- turned? Have you any encouragir^ ne\YS from the various reproducers who have our wci^k in hand? It seems lo me thab the color litho- gi^aphers are particularly slow. There ai-e still additional colored plat$8 which I am holding until we sua who does the besL work on those now in hand. Whan is Mr. Lanier expected back? Very truly yours. I ) I 1 f > * ' :>ii 231 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2, 1900. Dear Soanley-Brown: I enclose herewibh a batch of bills, carrying my part oi the work dovm to July- 1, The bill for photographic prints includes all I have }iad mde (except those inade by Curtis) since last November. By having the blue prints made from my owii and borrowred nega- tives, and having drawings made by Baldwin on the actual l^lue prints, I have reduced the average cost of his wcrk from $3 to $4; and by having Mrs. Keeler do the freo-hand drawing instead of the New York artists, we have reduced the price of each from $20 to $6, and since we have accepted in ail 50 or more of Mrs. Keeler's drawings, we have saved on this item alone mora than $700. In striving to obtain a few colored photographs which we could use in the book, I have, as you know, had samples colored by five or six different colorxsts—with, on the whole, not very gi^atifying success. Mrs. Mindeleff, who was recommended from several quarters, did four a short time ago, for which £he charged $5, which I paid; her bill you will observe xs roceiptea. Verrill's bill for $40. oO is for finishing and retouching Coe's drawings of Nemerteans. Coe did the foundation work himself. I am not sure as to whether Mr. Harriman cares to pay bills of this kind, but since Coe sent it to ma with the question I will transmit the same to you. This much Cim be said of Coe's colored plates, which we have^ut in the hands of Meisel of Boston, for reproduction: they are the finest plates of their kind i, ' (■■ , i . iti i * « ti ses 2~J.S-B. evo^r dono in America. W3 have now nearly enough line drawings for the first voiune. The others that reniain tc be made ara mainly combinations from photo- graphs, and are so difficult that I fear no one here can handle' thorn, and I cannot write Mrs. Keelor with sufficient detail to have them done oy her at long range. If sho were only on this side of the con- tinent where she could do the work under your eye or mine, it could bo finished in short order. As it is. I hm-dly know which way to turn to get the final work done. Our men here a^e simply draughtsmen, nothing more. Their work lacks force and character. Most of it looks flat. • ^ery truly yours. Mr. J, Stanley-Brown, 120 Broadway, New York. Enclosures. i I! ■ I 233 WASHINGTON, D. G.^ July 2, 1900 My dear Mr. Johnson: Your letter enclosing tho last instalment of Burrou^s' Century manuscript is before me. I have read the manuscript, and with a few sli.^t corrections return the same herewith. Sery triiy yours. Mr. R. U. Johnson, Tho Century Magazine, Union Square, New York. Enclosure. AM fiil I it ' ' i ! r: f : in m 1 M *8S WASHINGTON, D. C, July 5, 1900 Dear Mr. Lanier: Your letter of the 3d i„st. has just reached me, axKi I «n very glad to kncr that you are back to take personal charge of tJie work a^in. to. Srerltt .a. „l.t.kon in thirici^ I had .topped the New 8ra people fr« setting tie Burroueh. manuscript. Hy „„iy remark, to »y one on this suhieot. .o far a, I ren«=ber, .ere in a letter to «r. Paee, in whieh I expressed the opinion that it would be unwise to put any large quantity of natter in t.T,e until we had the illus- trations ready to go in the text, so that ,he «tter night not be held .„ galley proof indefinitely. This «tter of U.e illustration, ha. been Indescribably tedious a„i difficult owl^ to the ,e^ large ».tor Of text drawi^s desired a«, u,e limitations of the arUst. at eo^nand. I ha.o no, sent to your concern several batches of dm,, ^ngs, and have received one lot of proof, sxnce you went away ^of s fro. two additional lots of drswi^. ,ai probably ,^ to hthX:"""" "°" ""' ""^ -' ' -^ "--« - ^ '-- I think we now h«ve eve-ything necessary up to Glacier Bay and nearly everything as far as Yakutat Bay. I have in ^ possesion the mnuscrlpts of Muir. Dau Reeler Oannott, Srlnnell, and Femow h,i v. , feeler, ana remow. but have not entirely finirtied with \ 2— W.H.L. any of them. Besides, it is very necessary, as you of course appre- ciate, for me to have in hand all the time a complete copy of all the mattu8oript*and also of all the illustrations. Unfortunately, owing to various demands-part icularly those of the photogravure people.- this has proved impossible, and has handicapped me in many ways. I cannot understand the mental obscurity of the man who knows anything about glass negatives and positives who cannot tell which is the ri^t and which is the wrong side. If a man is given a positive and told that it is such, he has only to look at tlie glass plate to see whidi side the film is on. He then knows, of cc«arse, that a straight print gives him a negative, and that a reverse print gives him a positive picture which is tiie same as the ordinary photograph7only prints made from reverse positives are not so sharp of course as those made from negatives, or as negatives made from positives. The truth is, of course, that the photogravure nan does not want to bother to make prints and therefore wants ras to make them for him. In the case of the nine Curtis photographs wanted by Bison which you ask for, namely, Nos.195, 236. 300. 325. 332. 352. 371, 376, and 447-B, I am sending them to you herewith— under protest, as I have no duplicates and consequently will bs ombarrassed over and over again while they are gone.jtt I caiinot carry the pictures in my head from the numbers. I have been annoyed in this way possibly more than in any other since I was so foolish as to take this w«rk'i« hand, as I am constantly needing a complete sat of photographs, but for one reason or another never have a complete set at hand. Of prints from my own photographs I have one oonqjlete set, pasted in a book, but I 235 !l 88S ^-W.H.L. cannot isar tho»e out to send m\^ * n«.^ they ^t ma^ „„, and made over a, aire.teT4 ^ ™°' ' *"" m the oaa. ^ Plover Bay. Siberia? Z "" "'""'' " print. Some one has rrit, " ' "'■^' '"^"^ "^"or ne one has n-itten acroea the bottom, •Ori«tnal .a„*»H . If my prints are rofa-rod t/, jt •"■iguiai wanted.* o i-jia. red to, they were iwtumad .itk *., mounted oc one oiL .j.h rf< . '"■^■i »ith the proof, "0"^ »™ not Sr:e:.^'Vrsirer-- -"^"^ -- "Xbo.a .ande, I oannot ve, well r^n L I^l '" ^"" "^ " ^- H ino'L!: r.:7::::; "^"^ °" "^ ^"— •- -- -.0. indeed of 1 1 "" "*""'" ""' """'*' O^** ^» •*oaa Of that, th.. proof with ^, corrections is th™«, back , i 4— W.H.L. "7 in my face and I am asked for another original and told that a print is wanted* Inasmuch as three negatives were sent so that the photo- graviire roan might select the one which would give the best result, and inasmuch as he can make as many prints as ha wants from Uiese negatives, and I can make none, this kind of reiterated nonsense is becomipg wearisome at ixrj end of the line« in the case of lit. fairweather, the first proof was rejectelf and a new plate was requested* Instead of making a now plate, they send mo another proof of this same one* In the case of Yale Glacier they have replaced a white blotch in tho water by a blackish one, and have submitted a slightly darker print J which is an improvement on the first proof, thougili by no means so sharp a ^Vt^wt <^ as the photographo In the case of Glacier Bay, the new proof is a vast improvement over the old one, but I do not understand i^t you mean by spots on the mountains and in the sky of the original photograph* I do not see any spots on the photographic print which you returned, and which I again send back with the photogravure. Very few negatives are suf- ficiently good throughout to produce perfect photogravures wiLhout a certain amount of retouchii%, and workirg over the photogravure plate o It was in this retouching that Elson, Andrews, and the Photc-Chronfc Company succeeded so well and in which Gilbo seems to fail — either frcxn inability or disinclina^ion| I do not knew which* Instead of striving oo get the best possible result from each negative, Gilbo seems to want to force us to take his first attempt, whether good, bad, or indifferent* I should fire such a man without further annoy- ance, and give the work to some one who is willing to get the best 23T I* r 882 239 5— f.H.L. that c« be haa out of oach ns^tiv.. I „g,et «oso«^l. u»t h, t". Who -nt the- .0. «.e alb». a. I hav, written «r. Bveritt o,t and over a^in. ir mw.^ u a v^xiuu over he would ^. / ""^ "i-posltion to do «,, ri^t i^.^ xie wouxa tove made positivea f-u^ +>*^« . . ^ ^ Hbemo the negative. "'"'"" '""^ "*°- '" " *° oiudilTiaT '": "*"* "'^ '"" ^'°- ^»"- ^- Photo^.,ure. tn- «u ioo. .hen r; Lr::: °^""" '^^ - *° "- "■» ^'»-" The black-and-white draw^'n/x r,f n-,rf,- v „ turned, and whloh I re , T ^' "'"■ *"* i'"'' ••^- !„,. H .T "-»'=lo« in the package I a. now aeniins is It -ni:!?:": ! -^"-^^ ^^"--^ "-«• - ^^9 case of the Jaagers on the wing, tt win » ., tiful Plato. ^ ^ "^® * ^®a^- The photogravure plates which I reiaet «Kooi * , - hoo- are Piover Ba.. Pavio.. J 1 a.^^^ :" ^ "' : rr "^ ^"'- "- "^-^^^ ^^-.-id etc » length, a. atated in .y laat letter to Mr. K,eritt. ' Tkcj impossibilitv of £rAt^iy,„ +v,' v , leave has k«nt v ^ ""^ "^'*"'* ^"^° «^P« ^^ leave nas kept me here much after tha ti«. t u ,. aeld xn California, a^ I ..„ ZZ t , ° '""■ *" **" =* 0.0 article, tor U,. Hr.T vtl ^^ "°'" "" '"" ''^ '^^ .. . ^ volume( namely, those by Burrou^s y. Orinnell. Koeler. Oannett. and Pernow) treat o/ao^ r^i - -.eot. in .uoh ^er a. to rehire Uluatration. J. Z^Uy .nora^e. the di«ioulty of arra^in, the illu.tr.tion.. hoth It (.. iliii ? • ! t t i : 6— W.H.L figures and full page plates, for the book, and I think you can easily appreciate that it is impossible for me to finish this job of ar- ranging the illustrations until I have proofs or originals of all of them in hand AT THE SAME TIMB, and also with all of the manuscripts before me. The obstacles in the way seem almost insuperable. I have just received from Puertea, and pass on to you in the package I am now sending, a new drawing of the Golden- crowned Spar- rov.'. This seems to me unf ortvmate . I liked the original drawing very much, and supposed the reproduction could be corrected so as to prove satisfactory, but Puertes evidently feels otherwise. I regret exceedingly to pour out this string of complaint in your ears, but I think you have hhe work sufficiently in hand your- self to appreciate the extreme difficulties of mj' position and how I am continually hindered day after day by ray inability to have be- fore me at one time the necessary illustrations. You understand also, I think, that except by accident I have no duplicate series of photographic prints and that I have no allotment or fund out of which to pay for tlie getting up of such duplicate series. If I ever have the misfortune to undertake a job of this kind again, I shall begin by securing two or three complete sets of all the photographs and paste thee solidly into books so that they cannot possibly be borrow- ed. I need one set arranged by numbers and another set Is-y subjects, and they should be chained down so that none of them could possibly get away. Very tinily yours, . Mr. W. H. Lanier. ^.>«^<:^ V Doublodav, Page & Co., 34 Union Sijuare, Now York. I , M ^&"9 t«- M r Irl ^M 0*S WASHINGTON, D. C., July 6, 1900, Gat oho 1 & Manning, - 33 South Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. . ' Doar Sirs: Your lettor of the 3d i™t. rocoived. together with tho „« «. Sravlng. and proof.. Ho.t of th«. proofs are a long «,- fro„ .atl- factor;', and ,o,eral of thorn aro rotumod herewith. Ham- of the letter, and n«eral. fail to .ho. up aM they give a poor enouA re- .ult on your si.ed paper, end fail utterly on plain wove and laid paper suoh a. we u.e. It i. of cour.e in,>oe,ible for u. to u.e a out «>lch on the paper we e,^loy will give only a blur. In the lar- geat p_ioture pleaee notice the foreground, fte .tippU^ on the bot- t« part Of thi. illu.tration i. evidently t« clo.e for the re<^c- tion. can y„u u>in it out .uffioiently. or deepen your e,^aving .o a. 00 enable u. to get a reepeotable print free, it on un.l.ed paper? In f .g-re 2, ti>e lettering in the body of the diagram was put on by the draught^an after the dotting, and a, . oonse<^,ence i. u. leglhlo. I did not obeerve thi. before .endi:^ it to you. Can .ou' ole«, out the dotti^ end leave the letterl^ clear, or ie it ^'o... sary to ^0 a new engravihgj I have partly cleared up the original tracing you will ob.erve that .„e of the letter, along the top of thi. ct failed to «.« in the roprotetlon. 1 am retu™i„g the "•iginal. and engravi^ that require clearing up or making over. One of the». y« win „b.,„, ^^, ^ j. ^^^^ ^^ __^ ^^^ ^^ i . I ^ i 'f » r i 241 2— G.& U. t lettering. Please make a new cut, and make it five inches long in- stead of four. Please keep all the originals clean and return to me with the new cuts • At yoiu* request I enclose two of the skull outs which were not properly cleaned up; the rest of this batch I have sent away. It seems to me that yoia* line engravings are getting to be almost as baA as half-tones. They have iO little depth that they cannot be used except on glased paper—a paper we never use. The concluding remark in your last letter, in which you trust that these horrible engravings are 'entirely satisfactory/ is equivft. lent to expressing the hope that I am so stupid I cannot tell a good ' cut from a poor one. Respectfully, .,>r«o::7Kr \!VwK>> 2 enclosures. ( ) I • * r 1 1- I ! Hi W. lor J ■irv.. ^^JyU^—t^ /b t^^j ■o I / ^ ^/ivt^^ Mut(,^, ^}utu 6 h M. ^^t^-^^-^^^^^J^ 3_^^ ' I- ^^^^^^r~M^-^jA^iL±l,^ m i s*s July 6, 1900. Dear Mr. Lanier: your latter of the 5th inst. is at hand. In cwnpliance with your reoueat t >,- Poople to start ri«ht in\iiJTT ''"' '^'''*" '^^ "^'^ ^^ look .i ^' Bui-roufiha mnuscript. If you will eeipt Tti 1^7 ;"^ "^"^ "^"^' -^^-^-^' -- - - isners at all conoGming this matter and «. t i • day. r^r ^^,,, ^, ^^ ^ ''''^' *«^- «» « «*Plained yester- • *^^Q no^ to have too much tvne ««+ r.,-.,K+ was in order to give us time to have the t ^ . ^ "^"^ Wise we would be h«id- ^^'^' "^^^^ °^«r- wouxd be holding a quantity of tj^-pe in «allev nronf ;,• v could not possibly liberate. ^ S^^ey proof whxch we I am verjr mich disturbed by uour 8tatam«,,f +v, 4 some one who has received the Dacka^« t .. "«wiw on ii,. I mailed the packa^a in +>,« iJttwtage in the main post- office >io».« «» way to office Monday mornine Julv 9 « h u ° "^ ad you before this It f '/"'^ '' ^^ ^^"^^ ^^ should Mve reach- sage-brush picture Vich^^i"?^ ??^®" line drawings an«no +», ^v Very truly yours *^^^^*^» * i-eoftin, ^^ Mr. W. H» Lanier Doubledav, Page 4 Co., 34 Union Squ^e. New York. Very truly yours .y'^V.^ I I / 243 ■ li :;— ff.H.L. Postscript. I have just discovered that I neglected to put the nine Curi,is photogr^s asked for in the package of photogravures retun^d to you by express this morning. I will trjr to get them off this evening. i / 4 ^ ^ n i^*S > WASHINGTON, D. C, Julj' 5, 1900. Dear Puertas: Your letter of July 2 oeme a day or t,o .go. together with the now painting of the Oolde„.oro«,. The letter I have forwarded to lamer in aooordanco with your .iahes. aie. a. you say. is „st un- fortunate, as it cause, a s«terial delay and possibly some dlffioulty with the roproduoer. I had hoped that the proof of the other piotur, could be so oorreoted and l^roved as to ans»er, as the original seomed to be excellent. ^ I as, hopl^ for so» additional proofs every day. and unless I hea,- from you to the effect that ym. have gone elsewhere, shall oon- tinuo to send them to you at Ithaca as fast as received. Thanking you for the great «„ount of trouble and pains you are taking With these birds for the book, I remain, with best wishes, Vorjr truly yours. ^ Vxn3^ a \vvSj Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuortes, Ithaca, New York. e I ^\ > I 1 1 '^ \ 245 WASHINGTON, D. €•, July 5, 1900. 1 Mr. A. H. Hershey, Hew Era Print ir^ Co., Lancaster, Pa* Dear Sir: Doubleday, Page & Co. are very cuixious to got the first volume of the Harriman Expo dit ion report* iitto tjT)e, and I am no less anxious. We now have raost^ tiie text cats ready for this volume, and I think can easily keep ahead of you. As I am goi^g to Califor- nia in two or three weeks, it is iir^ortant to get as much of it as ^possible out of the way before I go, in order to avoid tremendous de- lays in sending proof back ard forth across the continent. So I hop© you will begin on the Burrou^s manuscript at onMr, Very truly yours, ^ 9*2 24T ! I WASHINGTON, D. C, July 7, 1900 Dear Mr. Lanier; Many thanks for your kindness in wiring mo that the lost draw- ings had turned up. This is a great relief. I sont you last night the .nine Curtis drawings wanted by Bison. and trust you will send them to him in spite of my remarks in a pre- vious letter. I am sending you to-day four colored photographs which I think we can afford to reproduce. You remember that I was strugglir^ with the coloring of these photographs when you were first on here. Well I havo kept at it over since, and have had duplicate prints of a do.« or more photographs colored by six different colorists. After they were all done I went in despair to Holmes and found him good enough to retouch for us the four I am sending herewith. These he says should give th. cue to the lithographer, who.being provided with un- colored prints of each should be able to turn out somethir^ good. It should be insisted that the lithographers must make their base from the original photograph-not from the colored copy in which much da- " tail xs lost; so I am sending you the best prints I have along with" the colorea ones, to bo so disposed of as you deem will give us the best results. Personally, I am particularly pleased with the picture showing the Eskimo topeks at Plover Bay. Siberia. Now that we have decided Just which photographs we will atlS- to reprocbce in color, we have liberated those ^ich we will not use and v^ich I have been holding back. We are now readj. to go ahead ^- i a—H.W^L, with the photogravures for the following numbers: Harriman negatives 98 and 121; Curtis negatives 200, 273, 291 and 307, prints of which I am sendir^g herewith. You have probably received before this from Curtis through Stanley-Brown positives for all of these photographs. Can you not atir up the photogravure men and also the lithographers so that I may have a complete set of proofs els soon as possible? Un- less they come very soon I do not see how I can complete the distri- bution of the illustrations through the various articles before I leave for California. as The colored photographs m^ich I am sending to you herewith are follows: ^^^; , i{(^ jr4!,^ J^ ^ ^L.t^^'^SXv. 3 220 — Scene in Glacier Bay^ 255— Seal-hunters' huts, Yakutat Bay 306 — Tongue of Coliimbia Glacier projecting beyond 376— Sskiino topeks. Plover Bay, Siberia. Verj^ truly yours, • forest v^ Mr. H* W* Lanier, Doubleday, Page & Co*, 34 Union Square, New York I 8^S 'J i 249 •!i /^ ^' ,^0 j» »,., WASHINGTON. D. C, July 7, 1900. ..L -,.t ' ;;n . 4. .' fc*?. A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md. Dear Sirs: N After a nost protracted delay I am sending you by this mail a color sketch of the glacier picture of which you have already put the base on stone. The water in the copy I am sending you is by no means good, and you will doubtless be able to Improve on it. How are you gettiig on with the bear and with the other Harriman pictures? I am hoping to receive the rest of your proofs at an early date. ¥erj' truly yours. i: I f 1 I 'A-' WASHINGTON, D. C., ^s. a V July 7, 1900, Mr. Chas. G. Tegethoff, 120 Broadway, New York. Dear Sir: I am obliged for your letter of the 6th inst., transmitting checks in paionent of bills for work done by Urs. Mindeleff , Mrs. Keeler, A. B. Morrison, A. B, Verrill, W. F. Roberts, and A. K. Bald- win. I enclose herewith receipted bills from Morrison, Roberts, and Baldwin, and will return the others as soon as received.. Mrs. Minde- leff 's receipted bill you already have. Very truly yours. 3 enclosures. ¥ OSS # WASHINGTON, D. C, July 7, 1900 Uy dear Coe: I sent the enclosed bill to Mr.Tiarriman', and he has returned it with his check for the amount. Please get Verrill'a signature to the receipt and rotum the same to me at once, and oblige, _ Very trxily yours. Dr. Wesley R. floe, Sheffield Biological Laboratory, New Haven, Conn. Enclosure f » 251 , t i I 1 I 1 it J i ^. I i 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 7, 1900 i' \\ Uy dear Mrs. Keelor: A few days ago I sent the accompanying bill for the last draw- ings, amountir^g to $96.00, to Mr. Harriman for paitnent. I have to- day received his check for this amount, paj^able to your order, and en- close the same to you at onoe. Kindly sign and return to me the en- closed receipt at your early convenience. If you were only on this side of the continent instead of so far away, I should be very glad to have you make a few more drawings for * US* With kindest regards to you and Mr. Keeler, I remain. Very truly yours, Mrs. Louise M. Keeler, % Higliland Place & Ridgproad, Berkeley, Calif. Enclosure. \i tf S2S July 9, 1900. Araorican Writing- Paper Co. Mav]cl}e^tei\ Conn. Dear Sirs: * Rm.lyin,,- to yorji- laUer of the 6th inst. iusx r.^ceived. I v/ould state thut r^r irquirio^ ^. t,o a ra. «tock book paper which .nil take li-ae outs v;.re in reference to a book of 4 or 5 voL.nes the first volurr^e of which is intended to ho put on the .larnet in October ,^ that the pHnti.,, ^ust^he done in Au^t^st an.i Sopteni- ■?^''\ ^ ""^ "^'' ^^^" ^'^"~ *^^^ quiy:.tity neoaod at the c;:-- siao of the 7oli>mcs has not been detennined. So fur as the m: t- -1 in hanri indicates .the firs, volurr.e (p.^es 7m lnohe«) will oo^r,- prise ahout 400 pa^-e. e..d will be publisHe/In .m edit:on of 5.000 copie.. The r,^:.iuir^ ^.A^e. will be 'r.ore tecbnical and vdli be -^^ CGI Lion, ].o«sii-ly net moi-e ~nar: .1^00 cop.ies ^ach. I;, i. t,.o early to deten^i.e this just at present. W},at we want U a sood ra^ atook paper. b:,t not necessarily all rae. It m^^.t contain a rea«onal)l^ i^ercentage of sulphite ouz ■n.t I., ^vee or nearly free froo wood ,ulj. and ^n.t not he ' ' filled or .i.ed. Anything, like a polished surface i. oh.-ecti.n- ab.e. but I realise that the surtaoe must he <.ood in oro.r to take U.0 er,^...i.,s .Htisfactorily, and a paper not qnitB so thick as yc^.r »L^o Lux.:' sa-iplo wo.kl bo preferred. tU UuW^^Hw^te*. tlLt ^ ^ Vt^i-y truly yours. y . / ', »v I 1 i i ii< M *!, 25" fj July 9, 1900 Doar CoeJ Your letter dated July 3 roachod mo today* Two or tnroe days ago I sent you Mr, Harriman's eheck to Vorrill, for tho work done on the dreiwings/ address ifig the same to your former address—Sheffield Biological Laboratory at New Haven, If you have not arranged to have your mail forwarded, please take steps to secure this letter. You had better arrar^ge to swap checks with Verrill, leirr traly r^ours. Prof. Wesley R. Coe, Woods Holl, Mass. \ UitiH «*# »^#» J'^m'tf •^f *^'i /^^ i^SS I 255 WASHINGTON, D. C. July 9, 1900. f\ dear Rittor: Thanks for yours of June 27, from Mendocino City-which is a curious place for you anyway\ I urondor if you had time between tides to notice the remarkable flora of the plain three or four miles inlani from Mendocino? Your Monopodia manuscript, with its extraordinary title, arrived duly, and is now before me. You made a great mistake in not having a child— either a boy or a girl vould do. I am sure either he or she would give you pointers about making up drawings for plates. I thought you had been e ditor long enoug^i to know that a folding plate was the 'abomination of desolation' spoken of by the prophet Daniel . If you don't, it is time you did. However, by means of a hatchet and a small board I have been able to chop off the drawings from the back- boards and have arwinged than so as to make respectable plates. One slight embarrassment I encountered was the fact that the last' figure on plate 1 bore the same number as the first figure on plate 2; in other words, there were two figure S's representing widely different subjects. I found also one or two blank references to figures, which I have filled in. In suah cases, any old number will do. I have sent the plates to the lithographer for reproduction, and if they are *^°"^ 1"^^^^"® yi^l g^i *^is paper out before I go to California. Before closing I wmt to congratulate you on that table of con- tents, and also on the rhytlim and melody of your partner's name. - .^ . ^-. .^ . >/ ^ -Youi's. Prof. W. E. Ritter, University of Cal ifornia, Berkeley, Calif .\Vi.^ \\ WASHINGTON, D. C, July 9, 1900. Deeur Itr. Lanier: Thanks for your letter of the 7th inst. The new proofs of Barry Glacier (140) and Davidson Glacier (47) have just arrived, and msy be accepted I think. I was a little disappornted that the Barry Glacier, which is really very fine, did not 9how the clouds or fog of i.he original photograph. However, the picture is very effective as^t is. The san^jle of Hoen's paper fcr the lithographs which you enclose seems to me satisfactory. Tiio other sample, while a good enough pa- per, has too much gloss to suit me for a text paper. I enclose here- with a sample of 'da luxe plate* made by the American Writing Paper Co., Manchester, Conn., one side of which has a fine surface for line cuts and at the same time is without the objectionable gloss. I do not mean thai this paper is exactly what we want, for it is too thick, and finished on only one side, but it is an excellent paper and shows verjr well what we should be able to secure^ I am sure the Peter Adams Paper Co. can furnish a similar paper without the ^loss. Can you tell me when m- negatives are likely to be returned? I fear Curtis will leave Seattle for a orip to Montana md Arizona be- fore they reach him, and Mr. Harriman is—aB you lcjiow--in a great hurry for the completion of oh) album for which these negatives are needed. Very truly yours, Mr. H. W. Unier, ' *' l^^M^Ji0 Doubiecuw, Page & Co., 34 Union Square, New York. :r 9gS / 257 ill WASHINGTON, D. G.. July 9, 1900 \ Dea> Stanley-Brown: Thanks for your letter of the 7th, just received, and also for the series of checks which tame a day or two a^o. Mi-s. Chapman's be- lated bill arrived this mornir^. and J .. enclosing it heruwith. This clears the docks to data, so far as I am concomod. . T^e check might be sent direct to Mrs. Chapman at her New York address, which is 157 West S4th St. . Your onclosufes are in>8rostin^ if not amusing. Have you received y.e final batch of positives from C^artis? I neard from haft about ten days ago, to the effect that he would send them in a fow days. Lanier is a little balled up on the matter of the reason ^y tho printers have not sH up the. text of Burroughs' article. He was away at the time the order was given to have the article put in tj^e, but at that time we had hardly any of the text cuts. So I wrote Mr. Page that it sc-emed hardly profitable to sot any large amount of tj-pe un- til Dhe illustrations that were to go in the text had been di-awn. He agreed with me in this, and gave sc«. order to the printers, to 'go alow.' or aoc^ething of the kind. As a matter of fact, it is hardly a woek Since I succeeded in securing the 'sage-brush j,lain' picture wo wanted to go in tho first few p^s of the manuscript, and the ' proof of this drawing has not yet come to hand: so you can easily see now useless it would be to have a quantity of t^^e held up waiti.^ for these Illustrations. As matters no,v stand, I have all of T,h« draw- ll M m ipgs up to Yakutat MY> ^^^ept a small sketch which will be done day after tomorrow, ^om now on, I think wo will be able to keep ahead of the printers* The fenc:^-in of a fiord (say a small one, only a thousand or iwo feet deep) is a great scheme and one that had not occurred to me before. Whom would you suggest as the most likely individual to drive a herd of sea-elophanlA ap t^bava from the south seas. .Tinj.sting that you will not fail to co-operate in this matter with the utmost po6!i1fbl9 alacrity and energy, I am, as always, t Yours, .^K^s:^ ^mS. YaMr enclosures are returned herewith. J. Stanley-Brown, Esq., 120 Broadway, New York fticloBurds. m> M 32S July 10, ISOO Dear Stanloy-Brown: " • Your lottor of the 9th inat. cam to«iay. By the same Maill re^ ceiired a letter from Lanier stating that mj.. negatives had iust been received from Giibo, the photograrora man, and *-ould be sent roe a. once, 'riis letter WK8 .iated yesterday, so thay should arrive this evening or first thing in the morning. As soon as they come I will return to you for shipncnt to C^^tis the ton remaining to complete the albuon set. No one reijrets mora than I do this unforeseen delay in releasir^ my negatives, ft; the 17th of J.^.e, now nearly a month ^go, I wrote Bveritt. of Doubieday, Page & Co., that we wure in a great hurry to finish the alb'om and needed my negatives a* once. I gave him the n'j^^,(rf the 10 negatives wanted for the album, and requested him to get thea back from Gilbc. I also su^ested that if he was not yet done with them he should make positives, thus liber- ating the negatives at once. The trouble seoms to be thg^t Gilbo is an obstinate cuss and has no intention of doing anything until ho §Gts ready, and still less intention of putting himself to the troub- le i|-mak^ positive when he onco h&J the negative in his possaesion. ^wever, there is an end to all thirds, and aftor aLmost daily let- ters on this subjffijt for tne past month it looks as if the nogativea Of whiclJ^e^vo^lftife-?:^?^,^--^^^^^^^ ^^^-- -t Vei^y truly yours, ^ ^ J- Stanloy-Brown, Esq., 120 Broadway, Usy/ Yoris r tr < ■ , 4 u 259 July 10. 1900 Dear Mr. Lanier: ' '^i^ Thanks for your leUer of trie 9th inst., just received, and for the b.Atch of proofs of the line dreiarings, which arrived by oxpress this aftornodnc Most of these arxi fairly £jooQ, though nearly all <^f them Siiow defect^s when examined critically. lb may bo possible piiri c:' the t rouble is due to poor ink and caraios? printir^g* If your art Bdltor only had time lo compare the proofs critically with the drakv- inc^s, he would do-ibtless have ri\o defects remedied and at the same time save a loL of my timeo If you could induce your plioto-ongravjr to be a lit^tlc^ uore cai-oful about keeping originals clean I should be obligedo I am returning herewith seven of the originalsto be re-engravodo In four of Uiese I made the mistake of marking for too small a reduc- tion. The four in question are Railroad st-ation, summit of White Pass, Gamp on Muir Glacier, Homer , Totem-pole at Alert Bay. »■» i^ The other originals returned are. Balanced rook on Muir Glacier;, which has lost the upper left-hand corner, and the head and tail-pieces of Jaegers on the wing. If you will compare the proofs of the latter wilh the origirials yc>u will soe that the black fails in several |>laces-.-notably on the heads. They will come out ^clearly, doub^>less, if mads sligiyj^v^jLarger; w I havg marked the drairin^ for 2 1-4 inchos* In the same package I am sending a painting of an orchid from I il 03S 2--fi.W.r., Alaska. As this painting is a trifle W^. fo. . surest th«+ +>, . ^ ""^ P^®- ^ *0"id P -ou.ly ..nton. several of ..ertes' o.igi^i.. 1„ or.ter to give ^^.^^ OPPO..H. . .. ... .0., ,,, ,,,, .„, ,^,„^^ ^^^^_^ ,j- ar..- Jr r''' '"•'' °' "" '"■^•'°<^--- i- -tion Wo not ,.. oTr -:^"''' ""''"'"^ "°"° '" ^'-^ ~'-^'«- ^^ -= is ,;j Of », nogat.vos. on .-ocoipt of .Hioh thoro wUl bo g.-cn Volooi ;T'"r""^ info™.^ ™ 0, ..>.„ , ,.,, ^,,,,^. ,_, ^.^_ ^ ^^_^^ time, and written ^/ou—th«t p,>>.4--, ,-- ^ ^et hold . ■^''' ^'^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^« i^^'^iii'^y 1>o get hold of my negatives. W ,^o3tlon that Androw t-y Ms w.« at one of tho color photogravuras from ono of tho four ooln-.-. r.hoto,r.,„h, A^ „ ' i-'^ioi'Ofii^aphs sent vqu a fow days ago, strikes me as admirable ',• h. . thing. aorrarable. .. l he succeeds it vviil be u fine By all rriGfins send me raUev nrnrf ^f p ,. ' « t,a-iej proof of Burroughs' article as fast a. .0,. ,ot H. 30 that I ean rea. at .oh o.. ti.. .. : „^ j^"" whicn as you Know are very m^erous and all of -Mfih .. • , you can send me tho copv retn>'r ^rt f>, p -^-feonds. V.0P, returned from Burror.glas later. This will * give me a little more time. As to nmning headings, my idea would be to rut ^h. ' . author at the top of the left-hand page, a i ,.7' " ''^ i> • ' 1 261 ♦ 3— -H«W«L« r '^t. Does this maot with your approval? I should put iranning heads in jrirall caps, unless you incline to the contrary. The text cuts I will have to arrange in each instance to moot the requirements of the case. STiall I return the proofs to you, or to the Now Era people direct/5 Very truly yours. Henry W. Lanier^ £f,q., * Doubleday, i^-ige & Co., 34 Unioa Square, Now York. I July 11, 1900 S82 Dear Mr. Lanier: Thtnks for yours of the 10th inst.. Just received. Am I to inl'er that you are sendiiv all of -h. i . eranh^ i.. a a '. «"uing ail of uhe colored photo- S^^phs to Andrew for reproduction? The box of negatives arrived ih-'^ «„^ * thankfnl . w 4^, I ''' ^^'' *^^'^^ I «« devoutly x.nanRful, and the duplicate proofs nf w^^* delivery %l„ ^>,« . Pnotogravures came by the same teri T '"" '"'^^ °^"°^^^^^ ^^^* ' -ote you yes- terday I sent you also the original drawing of f>, v . i?i««^ , . ^ arawing of the head of College Fiord, .ho,^ B,yn Ma»r OUcior 1„ profile on tho left B,a 7 *.ctio„ Of «,i. .r»i^ .rou^, „„, ^, ^ ^ ^ ^ f • ^ "P- n.1 Which I have had readied. Keaae ha»» . ^^'" roplaoo the old one. ' "'"' ''«'"^''*'^ ""^ ^ tio, Itu"'.'"^" ""^ ^•°^°^™-" *'* >-» iust arrived I „„. b ..»h „„ the lef. chee. and a„o«>er direotl, over his noj td\ black spot on his fur collar T„ ih. i . tJie 'Int^.- p ^ *^' canprising two views of the Interior Passage' the number 280 has not h.. oh1if^>.o+ A ^ ^ °®®" auccessfullv *e olfset Of ^0 ..tor fro. the aky-li« „„ the left hand ed,, of the picture, to .hich , called aUantion on a>e first proof Zs' eon corrected, and the line of ^.n or ovorlappi^ o the t.?:: tives hasnot .eon oMiterated. ^e plate need, a littl, oareL working over, ft, -Ice pacR in Vaicutat Bay i, ,^y ^„, ,^ Shoeing the -blarJcet ^ark' on the «irface of tte ioe. This of course ^ '« n 2— H.W.L. it is Yoi^ important to ooi-rect. This sane •biankot mark' shows in ft^me of the other pictures. I trust that you will take means to pro- vent its perpetuation in the final prints. The picture of 'Kadiak village* is still painfully dim in the distancia. Of course you have had onou^i experience with photogravures to know that ti^ie edition does not run even, and you will have to detail some competent person to go over all of the prints from each plate, to throw out those which do not come up to the highest standard; otherwise everj' volume will contain some unsatisfactory prints. Have you taken up the matter of the lettering for the photo- graviires? I c.:Ln supniy the legend on the first proof in those cases in which it was returned to me, thereby saving one copy of each. The name of the person who made the photograph should, I think, go on the left hand side of each plftte, as an offset to the name of the man who makes the photogravure, which is on the right side. Would « you put in small type 'from a photograph by Curtis,' or simply •Cur- tis photo'? ?ery truly yours. H^» H. W. Lanier, Doul le day, r#go & Co., 34 Union %iare. Now York 26 o i i^ ^"ii ^as / July 11, 1900* \ Ooar Stanley-Brown: Thanks for ycJur letter of the 10th inst. I am very glad to know that the balance of CSurtis positives hare been received and tiinied over to Doubleday, P&ge fe Co# At noon today I received a package from Doubleday, Page & Co., supposed to contain ray negatives. As I was learing office at the time, I turned them over to Dt. Fisher with a maiorandum of the num- bers needed, and he agreed to send to you by the 2 o'clock express the ten negatives wanted by Curtis for the album. These should reach you not later than tomorrow morning. Tory truly yours. h*. y e I J. Starxley-Brown, Esq., 120 Broadway, New York. Ik C9S. r 266 I 1; i WASHINGTON. D. C.. July 12, 1900.. Dear Mr. Lanier: thanks for your letter of tho llth. just rocei„ci. I an .i„a that ,,ou ,ni scrutinize the reproductions .ore oarefuU,- hereafter, -th a View t^btaini^ »r, ^atisfaoton, results. I incline .„ ^.nk that several „.>re of tho text cuts should be r^ a little laraer. »iu you not kindly look then over with this in aind? The four galley, of Burrou^s proof ea« today. I note tho ab- sonc. Of ^ head-piece (tho train of «rs, wiU. its attached initial lotlor. ju insertion here will upset .A, whole of the first „ara- graph, which is vory long. Had you not better send all of U,o blocks thus far approved, to tho to Bra Company at once, in order to avoid as far as possible ro- r^inning of type? The galleys I now f«ve take tlureo text outs, as foll«s: (1) the train head-piece; (2) Oroen Fiver Butte; (3) the sage-brush plaln- of which y.u have not yet sent ™ proof, as it was in the last batch of drawings I sent you. This will have to oono beforo I can send tho proof back. The photogravure of Shcshono Falls belongs here also. I a. not quite clear as to how you disposed of this Ulu«. tration. Has it been taken i, htad? If I .emembor correetlv, two photographs of .J.e Palls, one fro. Mr. Harridan's best negative, the other fro. ,ny best CHo.lO) were to go on one page. Is this correct? PROOF. Let us get started right in this matter, to avoid dlf- I i*' i } 2"*-H«W«L* ficultios fai*ther along. It is now agrood, if I understand correct- ly, that as soon as sot up one proof will bo sent Burroughs with copy^ and duplicato proofs to you and me. I shall read my proof carefully - and with reference to any alterations Burroughs may make, and will place the text figures where they belong and insert the proper legends. I shall be obliged if you will liave one of your expert proof readers read a sot of the p^oof with special reference to spelling, spacing, and broken letters, and send the same^^w^me, so that I may incorporate his corrections with my own before returning to the New Era people. I am much distressed about the color reprodxictigns. I fetir they are not coming out so well as wo hoped and expected. One trouble with the Heliotype Co. is their everlasting slowness. They have now had a lot of work since the vory beginning, and have submitted, if I am not mistaken, only two proofs, both of which, were unsatisfactory. I refer to the Harlequin Duck, and head of the Eider. Revise proofs of these have not bo^n received, although the first proofs were re- turned nearly two months ago. I have had the same difficulty //ith the HeliotiT)0 people again and again, and am having it just now in . soQie work they are doing for the Washington Academy of Sciences. Thoj'' promised to deliver tho entire edition of six plates on Juno 10--more than a month ago — and I have not yet received final revise proofs. Tho Hdliotype people do excellent work, though their work, like bhat of most other' concerns, is not iaiiform| but they can never be ddpend- od on for a job where time is an objecL. In this respect they are a good deal like Moisel, who does better work than any one else in America I believe, but who is always behindhand. My own honest I >; I \ I 1; «-**io ras ■ opinion Is that So shall not -M ,., , . b"xo.„ ChH3.«.. an. .dfl r t "• "' '-"^ "^""^^ <=- -=00. out in octobor! I h!,e J T" ""^ "° "^ ^°'"« '° «»' «>" Photog-avuroe. If „, ^, ^ ,^ / '*""* 1°" "-n haU of tho to oo.pl„te the.o and to ^k. -7 '""° '^ """ ""^ ''°'--^"'""-- «- ti.0 plannod. ^Hhe«o.o. I l"""" T *" '^'^ ""^ °"' ^ "-o», in spito Of the w„ ^^. „, , ^ '""•'"«• ^'» i«i "«- *«• tha past t.o .on.^, o. ^oTT 1 , " ' '""' ^'"" '*» '^'^>- Of th^ P.„3ent .„„.,,, diff,.^;^.: ';V°^ ^" '^'■"' »" =- longer and oonttao to out sU or ■ '■ '•''™""'ero l«„ »eejB I oannot ho^ to ,.tfar«,or alo^ IZ\ \ ^^ °" "^^ '°°'' '•°'* • -ou^« a-tiolo in t„o »iu, i.r "° ''°'' °' "^ «- of the proof for all th„ „,i, ^'guros. The romaindor ;» oaufornia. .J rrr:: rrx: theT '° ^° ^-^ ^° ™ ^.-thor«.e. when I a. m the Hold I alT ^ T'"""' ""' " °- ' not oxpeot to «ot „.u ^tenor ta^ „„,, „ ' "' ^=°^"'"° «* "^ . "y loss ofun than thia-aa , sh^l 1/ '" ^ """" ^°''*-f-'- oannot sond out for mail. **^' '" '''''' """ntains aid I iiave no»^ most of fhn ri^^ • . ' — . „„ the nat.e;.::::; ^ rraa^ ^""^ "" "^™'"'' ' t-tio„ Of .,.i„h p.,.,„„,. „.r ., ! "".-'~».-«ole. the iiu,,. t^ation or Which p.„,„„t, ^^, ,jf,i,„,„^.^ / hi 268 /■ 4~H.W.L. « « If it, still seoraa to you possible to fjet Uio book out in Octo- ber, I am willing, as you know, to ao ovory thing I possibly can to that ond, but if it is clearly out of Iho qiiostion there is no use in killing ourselves in a hopeless attempt, and we can certainly secure better lllusLraLloiis if we can l;avo a llLtlo more tiiae. I suppose wo coula count on bringing it out In tirae for tho Qiristmas trade. What do >'ou think? If wo take more tinuj we raiglit possibly get Moisel to do more of the colored plates. I have never seen a bird plato by him, but judging from his phenomenal success in ot,hor difficult sub- jects, would not be surprised if ho outdid all the other lithograph- ers. Certainly there will be no harm in trying him if we have time. It might bo well a.lso to try Julias Bion, of Now York, although I once ha«l a very unsatisfactory experience with him. Still the Bien concuru knows how to do good work, and they have just brought out tho fiufefit lot of colored plates of fishes ever produced. Personally, I am not in favor of giving any more work to any of tho lithographers who already liave o>ar work in hand, until we get their results. I havo had some rather painful oxporionoos in tho i)H8t, resulting from the giving out of ' a lot of plates before I found out what each firm was actually going to do. Thoy kept putting mo off until finally the woT-k had to go to presi iJid I was obliged either to accept in- ferior elates or publish the book without tlie r.lates. Bien was one of tho men who squeezed tne hardest in this way, and I hava ncvor for- given him. I boliovo it would bo a good plan to p.,t a time forfeit on ali of the lithographers, partioularly the Hcliotype people, who are absolutely vint>-.;stwortliy in this respect. Tliey will promise any- thing and do nothing. I think a forfeit of $5 a Oay after a date If «ilfe" ^L "" '""^ eas '» •B*.^ B—H.W.l. 270 «&-oo^n .0 ,reatl, oUi.ed ^f y" ,1 tlr"'-^" "'■" ">° -^^- ' *'° 1=- -t3 ti.s far „.de, ,it, a" vier.! hir" ''' "" ""^'' °' ^0 not ^lisfaeton.. Undoubt-dl-- an, , ^ '^ °"" ''"°'' " '"S " Uttle l..r,er. .o,. inehl is ZT- '" '"""■"'"^ ''^' °^- ««ub, as xt does noL i!iako%nPf.-^.- ^ t •^ ^ho page i„t.=o„ the te,t and .ut bu. r J '"'"'*'' °^ have a n,.,ber 3 1-2 indr, , "" °™" ^''"•'' '» to bo indented in the f.-, bedV ', """" '"^ """Kintended • '■ ■"'■'"■, '"' ^"<^'«:' oni-«od to advantage: I H 6— H.W.L. fhilo I deprecate- the additional 3xpcnso of iiaving those niado ovor, I still thiiik it by far tho bottcr plan in caso tJtio result can be ma- to-rially improved by so doin^^t In examining a largo lot of drawings for reduction I always find it difficult to know just how to mark them, and some of them nearly always prove to be cither too large or IE too smallt Very truly yours. .\i<^^>3v^^ Mr. K. W, Lanier, Doubleday, Page k Go*, 34 Union Square, Now York ) lir< ) ii \ I !r ITS A WASHINGTON, D. C, • Jul;' 12. 1900. Mf. A. B. Hoon, Hoen Lithqgraph Co., Baltimore. Md. % dear Sir; I thi,* I „do a „j.t^, j„ nur,boringtho photo- 1 Itho^^ph Plates of »hich ,0, sont .. proofs a f^ cU;. a,o. Tha .r's shoula .0 aa follcs: ,„ Wstologlcal plate. ,UI Orab,. IX Pishes. - I isave you some ether m»,bers, please change to these. I a. .»,ewhat distressed aWt «,o colored plates you a« ^.. i^i for t),e Harrlran book. De net send in any .ore proofs until the ^^. are satisfactory to you. It will not take any «re ti« in the 0.'!. and , an sure will be ™ch better for all concerned if .«. are ven- particular and critical yourself, even if yeu have te re-proof several ti«s before sending proof, to the publishers. Verjr truly yours. J • i 272 WASHINGTON, D. G., J'aly 12, 1900 ^ -ilf Dear Professor Bmorson: Do you recognize the enclosed photosraph, which is No.l34 of Mr. Harriman's personal negatives? I caimot quite place the curious saddle-back moimtain. hut think it is somewhere along the base of the Alaska peninsula. Possibly your memory- is a little sharper Uian mine on this subject. With best wishes. Very tnily yo-ars. Prof. B. K. Bmorson, Asaherst, Massachusetts. ■ \' r T£ 274 \S WASHINGTON, D. C, July 13, 190a, Dear Mr. Lai.ier: * Ano' hor batch of galley proof roaohGd mo this mornir^, making 12 galleys in alio This takes us as far ac wc have ail of the text figiiros, Knd sovoral for this oarly part are loin^ mado over; so there is not rrracii use in getting :auch more mattor in tj^o until .vo have the rest of the cuts. I rOGoiyod from you today by express proofs of the Chickadeo, Harlequin I>.;ck, and Eider's head, and have sent the saine to F'aertos, roquosting him to return direct to you. It soeM to mo tjiat the chickadee and eider's head are fairly good, and with a little char*go in some oi the tints v/ill answer very well. The harlequin duck does not agree very closely with the copy, particularly in the chestnut on the head and flanks. Tlie lithographer neglected to return the first proof with corrections indicated thereon. In the sa'ne package- I was very glad to find proofs of sovoral new photogravures, r-.ost of which are -xceilont, although. I d? not lite the greenish tints. TJie small pond on Heather Island is a foggj^ re- product ion-«-perhaps intgntionally. Tlie original is sharp enough. Sorao of the pictures have been rotouo/iod to their disadvantage. I refer particularly to the v/ater of the cascades of Indian River, which, while making a vc;ry pretty picture, does not agree at :\11 in detail with the water in the original photograph. Andrew likes to have the objects in his pictures as cig as pos-- aible, and therefore instead of reducing his pictures to the desired n ♦. f t r'A j i 2-—H.W.L. size, triirs off the original to fit the size of the reproduction. Sometimes this does no harm; at other times it mars the picture. For . instance, if you compare his photogravure of 'Stranded icebergs' with the original, whicli I mi sending in the package with a lot of other photographs, you will see that the additional foreground in the orig- inal makes it a more attractive picture than the reproduction. In the case of the Serpentine Glacier (292) a serious error has been committed. The tops of two snow:.^ pearls have been loft off, and the fog which obscures the crest of the rar^o in the origina.1 has boon talcen away and tlio top of the range moulded to fit the placa whore the fog originally was. You nay remember that this same thing was dozie in a previou^:^ negative. When the next ship visits Harriman Pioixl v/ith a copy of this book on board, they might be surprised-- if the dey happened to be clear — to see the m.ountains boliinu Serpentine Glacier reaching up several thousand feet higher than shown in our picture. Of course this will have to be fixed. In the same package I am sending an additional batch of Curtis photographs, corresponding with^the positivi?a you nov/ have for repro- duction by photogravure. Some of these are for single plates, name- ly, Nos. 187, 315, 315-c, and 452. The others go two on a plate, as follows: 246 and 24^, 360-c and 419, 390 and 405. 423 and 444, 212 £md 213-c. I have markod most of the originals for reproduction and trimming.^ Enclosed herewith are five proofs of Lhe text figures, which I think will be improved by a slight enlargement. The originals are in the packagvO with the photographs, and go by express. Please call the attention of the er^graver to the fact that the drawing of Muir Glacier is patched, and that tho engraving will need i' 4/ \ \ 1; ill i II f ers m 3— H.W.L. cloaping out along that lino aftor it is mado. Ho ovorlookod our momorandura to this effect on tho original. Do yov think you are getting tho best results attainable in tho way of these line engravings? Would j^ou not got much bettor picture from C. L. Wright? Vory truly yours. s Mr. H. W, Lanier, Doubleday, Page & Co., ^ 3^1 Union Square, Now York. • r a- I 1 ; 1 'i ■.^ ii i ■i 1 •l I i i 1 , :i i Ai' 1 i' 276 -■y ) fi i li i\ WASHINGTON. D. C, July 13, 1900 533 il Dear Puertes: Revise proofs and originals of t-Vo "harlequin Duck. King Eider, and Chickadees came today, ar.d a-o for./arded to you herewith. Please return direct to Mr. Lanier, as heretofore, to save tine. We are getting ahead v:ry slowly. Very tnily yours. Vr«oC5^ \ Mr. L. A. Puortos, Ithaca, New York. I .v^Tx^ )^^^ '^^^■*-:\^: L\y*^ k ^ m in i.' >r 5T2 3 — H«W«L« cleaping out along thst lino after it is nado. Ha ovorlookod our memoranduM to this effect on the original. Do you think you are getting the best results attainable in the way of these line engravings? Would i'ou not get much better pictures from C. L. Wright? Ver^'^ truly yours. I i ^->M'i:3^ ^\^Nxx^Ju^.^,,^^^ r r Mr. H. W. Lanier, Doubleday, Page & Co., 34 Union Square, New York. I i. 1 i I (■' \ '■ i 276 WASKINGTOK, D. C, July 13, 1900. 'I Hi Dear Fuertes: ^ Revise pwofs and originals of the Harlequin Duck. King Eider, and Chickadees came today, and are forwarded to you herewith. Please return direct to Mr. Lanier, as heretofore, to save time. We are getting ahead v:ry slowly. Very tinily yours , Vi^o^^^ V \kxnknj^ K!r. L. A. Puortes, Ithaca, New York. k Retake of Preceding Frame rrg a WASHINGTON, D. C, ^' ^ \ b July 14, 1900 Doar Curtis: Stanle-'-Brown and our Nqw York pu"bli»h0rs toll me that the last batch of positives forwarded by you arrived in good condition. Ono of thoin was broken after the package roashod thair hands. This is Har- riman No. 8. which I shall bo obliged if you will replace. Are ^'ou ready to return the negatives you have had for the al- buni? If so, I wish you would do so as early as possible, as a number of them are wanted for the book. If for any reason you cannot return thora at once, please send me positives of Gilbert's 313. 325, 333; Harriman's 8; Merriam's 10. Please scjid rao also positives from the following Curtis negatives: 199, 225, 233; iUo if possible your pano- rania of Columbia &lacior, which was mounted in the sa-nple album just recoivod by Gilbert. Tliis we particularly want for the book, and I hope you can send mo a good positive. You may have forgotten that .'ou never ssnt the good prints^ you promised last winter of this pic- tiiro. I i^-ave also failed to receive the two prints asked for of tho vertical boavor totem. No.454--pro\)ably due to the irresponsibility of +iie Seattle postmaster. Voiry tmly vo^^s. Mr. E. S. Curtis, Seattle, Wash i 1 -I 278 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 14, 1900 Dear Mr. Lanier: Your lottors of tlie 12th and 13th inst. arrived to-day. TJio ^even proofs of lino drawings also cane today, and I am returning two of the originals to you herewith, to be made over a little sjnall- er* On examining those critically, I find that a number oIL linos failed to reproduce. You certainl3'' are not getting the bast v/ork for those line figures. I think- both of these will look better if reduced lit about a quarter of an inch more than in the first proof, and have marked them accordingly. The drawings of Now Metlakahtla which j^ou sent mo were entirelj'' satisfactory, only tho originals were made very much too big for the reduction, and the reductions I think are a little big for our page. Please look at them and see what you think about it. I think the man v/ho did thorn might do others for us to advantage if he does not put too high a price on his work. Wo have paid Mrs. Keeler, who has done the best work we have had, an average price of $6 each for hor draw- ings. For tho drawings made from blue prints, of which I have sent you about 40, \vo have paid an average price of $4 oach. The drawings remaining to bo done are in the main more difficult than those made heretofore, for the reason tliat most of them are combinations from two or more photographs, and the artist will need detailed instruc- tions as to what to include and how to treat the siibject. If your man will do them at a reasonable figure, I will select and send j^ou some photographs at once. ' ti ■ I i erg Mi 2--H«W.L» When, you have tirao I wish you would look at the photogi-avure of Barry Glacier (my nogativo No.l40). I think you have both first and second proofs. Hie first proof was exceedingly beautiful, but there was a serious error in it. due to the substitution of a clear sky for the foe which in the original photOt^raph obscured the mountains com- pletely above a certain hoiglit. The lower edge of this fog was shown nicely in the reproduction. I called attention to this in my letter to Mr. fivoritt, and a second proof was rendered. In this second proof no attempt has been made to reproduce the delicate form and veil- like effect of the fog. but the jirea above the lower edge of the fog has been unifomly darkened. The more I look at the picture the loss I like it in this new form. It certainly is verj' much less ef- fective than the first proof, and if the fog were continued upward in ti.j latter the picture would bo simply sublime. Now as to the lettering for the photogravures. The fly-leaf business may be a necessity to prevent the photogravures from soil- in^ tho text, in whi<* case I should bo in favor of it notwithstand- ing its bothor and expense. But to print tho legend on tlie fly- loaf jacms to mo a fleeting fad which ou^^t not to bo encouraged. Gilbo's photogravures are tiio only onos I }mve received with tho plate mark closed in where it will remain in ^le odition. If you will look at these yen; will see that ho has arranged them purposely fo)* tho logenc —leaving in both the vo'-tical and horizontal ones an extra broad space i ,rlov; the picture for the insertion of the legend. Ify idea would Le to put Uxe 'photographed by' in small type close up undor tho loft corner of the picture, corresponding to the photogravure man's name imder the right corner; thon print tiie legend under the ! vl ) I a. i I i f I I t 3--n •W«L« middle in modsrato sized tjrpo and not too black. I think this will be in good taste and look very nicely, I should like to see it tried. The bird proofs which you mention in your letter of the 12th reached me a day earlier than your letter, and I wrote you yester- day respecting then. You are a funny follow. In your letter of the 12th you tell me with tears in your eyes that your packer smashed tlie positive of Har- riman's No. 8. Then in your letter of the following day you tell me that if I will hurry up and send you either the negative or positive of Mr. Harriman's No. 8, you will have the Shoshone Palls picture turned out promptly. Since Curtis has Harriinan's negative No. 8 and also ray negative No. 10, I fear we shall have to wait until ha can male and ship us the positives, which will be probably about two ifoeks. Tho package of photographs you mention sending has not yet •rrived, but will probably come Monday. Since you mention this matter of careless packing in your office which resulted in the loss of positive No. 8, perhaps you will pardon mo for telling you that several of tlie packages I have received from you lately have not been packed with anythi^jg like the care that cha>v,cterized former packages. Apparently they have been wrapped up exactly as you handed them to tho clerk— usually print side up, to gri:-rf. against the coarse pasteboard or outer wrapping papor, and in sevorai instance» with the corners folded ovor and badly bruised. Previous to a weeii or ten daj^s ago all packages from your office vcre properly packed. I agroe with you entirely about the desirability of attaching >^roofs of th3 line drawings to tho copy when we have them in time. 280 mt. . I Ml 1* r ,1 18s 4 — H.Wflit This has been my praotico for years. In the case of Burroiighs' arti- cle I am attaching them to the proofs. Still another package of pT^of arrived today, btinging the matter doim into Prince William' Sound, and ending on ^lley 17. It certainly is not worth while to put any more in type until wo ^t further along with the drawings. I am delighted to know that you will road the proof and send ma* your correct ion» and suggestions. Burroughs' corrections have not yet reached me. The throo unnumhored positives from Curtis hftve not reached mo. They will probably come Monday, when I will identify imd return them at once. I will write Stanley-Brown, as you suggest, with respeol, to the desired increase in the number of photogravi;res« The remaining colored plates in ray hands are all by Puertes. There are four of them if I remember rightly. Knight has not yet returned the fox, which he took to change the position of the foreleg. Have you forgotten about the title-page? A little over a month aKp i''Ou promised to send me another proof with, the words 'narrative* and 'Burroiighs* reversed as to size, Eind with some sort of a cut or vignetoo in the space intended for the same. T.vc corrections should be made in the names on this title-gage. Dall's name is William Hoaloy Dall— instead of Hea^% Fornow's is Bomhard, instead of Bernard. It occurs to me that we might possibly select from our text cuts a small one that would look well on the title-pa^e for the vig- nette, i am not quite clear as to \vhat you intended to use. Very truly ^^urs, ^ Mi-, i}. W. Lanier, ^ Doublodav, Page & Co., M Union Square, New York. il * i. i I 282 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 14, 1900. Dear Stanley-Brown: We now have in the neighborhood of 50 photogravures in hand for the first volume. In reading over the text of the various articles I find thiat this number is entirely inadequate to illustrate the subjects. If agreeable to Mr. Karriman, we should have about 50 more --possibly not quite so many; but I would like to be authorized to select this number If no large a number proves desirable to fully illustrate th« text. I think I have already selected at least 30 more. In having so many photo. j;ravures made we are getting them at a rather low price. They will cost from $75 to $85 each, as near as I can figure the amount, for an edition of 5000 copies ready for bindittg. So if we had 100 photogravures the total cost would be about $8000, Ever since I ^^,ot back from northern Now York early in June, I have been putting about eight hours a day on this book work, and am employing a stenographer afternoons to help with the co^-respondence. I now find, from the amount of work alioad, that it will be impossible for me to get the remainder of the work in proper shape to leave before the end of this month, when I must certainly go to California. Th9 greatest difficulty is in getting the line^-^drawings made. The next is in findirig time to properly edit the manuscripts and secure the proper illustrations for each. If I can find a competent man, I \\ . 4 f .!. il 1^ I r \i ? i ||! 88S \ 2—J.S.B. suppose I am authorised to employ a little additional assistance dur- ing the next two weeks. Tliis would be of considerable help under the present pressu^'e of work, I had thouglit of trjdng Wood, with whom you have had some experience I believe. He is a good proof -reader, and sliould bo helpful also in editin^j. • ^QTY tin.ily yours. W,;X: \n-^j* k J. Stanley-Brown, Esq., 120 Broadway, New York. Mil I t 4 x - w I I: !V I ii '-!' 'rl , ) \H ' j II'M if iff \i '■I f i^8S WASHINGTON, D. C, •^"^ly 16, 1900, Daar Mr. Lanier: Gilbert No. 125, Mt. Bckeco-^h.^ p->« Gur-m ^0^"^^% l^«^« ortr1e)^'°" "°"-'^^^^^- ^^°^ind Sitka (look- (\Z*} „ -•^^' Niuiatak Glacier 0.rt:. No.253, Seal-huntors'TiUag,, Yakutat Bay. . tnl' rt"' f-°" '"*""" '° ^™" '"°'-''- "'-6 With so.e oth.„. tMngs I hope to too roady ly »^t ti™. I .-ooeived a tologra^: f«„, «.. HarrXma,. toda- authorising „a ' ^ «ao the additio^l photosravu^e. „hieh „ d ai.^ ^I .: " »o a pieoo 0. .ood „e,e to ..„ as .,eXI a. to .e. On ul --«t. 0. it I have o.do.ed f.o. .^Hia positives o. aevo-al -d- aiLioMal pictures. o ax ..a- «-;^^^^^ £--t aimcultios in tho way of additional text -^^-s as to find sultablo subjects. We need a lot of pictures of Huu,ect« .a i.avo not ,ot photographs of , or if .e i.avo photo.raoi:.. it ta.e. several of the. to cov.r what wo want to show. However. I a. pushin, this .natter now as hard as I can, and hope for results short- ly-. So,^e of the remaining fi^aros necessar.^ for the early part of tno D^miscrip-t &re proraissd for tonorrow. Vary truly yours, ffr. K; W. Lanier, ^ .VajAt- Doiroloday,,PagQ&Co., ^**^^^ 34 Union Square, Ne;y York. •OiJUiA \i^y-t <--^^kU ii^^A fluX h ^ 4 1 1 * , , 1 \ 1: I 285 WASHINGTON. D. C,, July 16, 1900 Dear Koolor: Tlianks for your letter of tho 9th inst. from Glon Bilon, with onclosod totom-pole with the desired grass about tho base. I will havo a cut mado of this at once. The multitudinous details connected with the bringing out of this book iiaVG completely swamped me, and made it impossible for me to got away. I hope, however, to get off about tl:ie end of tho month, and shall report in California shortly afterward. Whether I go diroct to San Francisco or take a roundabout way via Puget Sound, remains to b? seen. At all events, 1 shall br.ing up in tho Sierra as oarly as ty^acticoSlo. « With kindest regards to Mrs. Kcelor, in which }Jtcs. Morriaci joins. Very. truly vours. Mr. Charles Kocler, Ridgoroad & Highland Place, Berkeley. Calif. ^.*^f >.♦ I*" J .. t*S *.> • !» KtW Jf V» * ^ s ^ Ja «^. !v II 11 ! \\ \ tl . ( i i\ WlMIMAMMMiMaM ■ III "■ Mi—ahi m I— < ■ 982 if 1 pi WASHINGTON, D. C. July 17, 1900= Dear Mr. Lanisr: Youi* letter of tho 16th is at };ajid. I returned to -.-OU this n^raiiig tho throo positivos you sont mc for identification, concerning- "^Aich I '.rote you yesterday. No^ about loitering the photoeravures . You know there arc only - ••t> T ]^ve two copies: of most of thorn I have one copy a fov/ of whidi 1 ^^t^.o . ^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ g^ain onlv. If I label tJiis and fot^om to , J- ^ AVput half pi ti'O photogravures iiON be .n^ be as badly off as ever. About hal. ^^ ^.^^ .... I have absolutely nothi.^ -J-- \ :,, ,, .,oto,raphs in naidos for tho pliotogravure raen the only v.op.os o. . . u : oLssion. \ost Of the photographs. --^-^^ "^ .th the photo..avuros no. finished, have been returne U^ perhaps if I label these phoi.o,.aphs and return t..o. to you x. suffice for the legends. . , + m. «,arie oredica- n • ^ .«.+ o T rj^ in almost o!.e sat^e prt-u-iv^o. m. aspect .0 .ho U,. ^U I ^.. n ^^^^.^^^ ,,0 P.OO.S or oacVor ..o U,,0 c.U. ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ „^ „,^,^. to you «,i«: ^As for corrootions or ro-.,-i.«. 1" -^^"e , .„ ao uroof , as I havo aor^ in «« ca..c of irnor. I attach ono oepy lo Ite proot , ....i^liTlo too tho Burrouc...s nanuscript. I an ,„e.- o^.l^rod froa a-,rUs noff-tivos rou lack-Hos .444 and 316 .« Ou^tis and should roaoh :,«.„ totoro van- lo.«. „, „ 4,.,., *s to «-.o =olorod platos. I canr.ot vo,, v,,U son. yc^-^-W^tJ 1 ^ . V 1 : ii ' 28^ I ( (« 2-"*H«W«L» ago. I will send you, howevor, in a day or two, the throe or four ro- maini^Tg Piiertes platos. I do not bolievo it will be a good thing to give those out until we liave rocoivod proofs of all ox the Lira work that is now in preparation. Our first proofs indicated that wo wore goii^ to got splendid results. All of the subsequent ones have been far ir^orior, and for nr,'' own part I have no evidence whatever on whidi to base a judgment as to which of tho lithographers is going to give us tho best work. For this reason, as I wrote you the other day, I think wo Iiad better eitricr give the additional platos to an enti>-oiy now lithographer (as Meisol, for instance, or some other good man), or else wait till we know absolutely wlio of the men now at work on our platos is going to give us tho best pictures. . The title-page ^hich carie this mornirig looks verj'' well. In axl- « dition to the corrections of spoiling in authors' names, I think it will be lujcessan/ to add one or two names to tlie list of ai-itliors, as Stanley-Brown has sui article on fox-farming by Washburn, and also I believe a short article on whaling. I notice that the proofs of the title-page you sent jre are on laid papor, whicii makes then look ver3»' rich. On a smooth-fir. ish paper they will not begin to look so well. Of course you noticed that Andrew's photogravures were about half ai. Mich longer than those made by Gilbo. Witli tlie exceptions mentiont:>d in my recent letter, Andrew's Ip.st lot were satisfactory. The ork. a.ad is pin- ing for a visit to the tropics, possibly he might be able to come on here for a week or ten days without additional cost to us. He could certainly .o^-k to verj. much better advant.:^o here thar. elsewhere, so lar as material is concerned. Has he had much experience in drawing on blue prints? Wo have quite a little of this kind of work ahead of us still. Vorj'- truly y^urs. V V. V.V. OvJ. Mr. H. V, Lanier, Doubloday, Pago & Co., M 34 Union Square, Now York. i * i ': 5 m \'i ^ ^ WASKIKGTON, D. C, J-aly 17, 1900. ^- Doar Steinloy-Brown: Man" thanks for your letter of yesterday, wliich came this morn- ing. I was delighted with Mr. Hai-rimaii's telegrajn, which came yos- torda- noon. I sliall do all I cai: to push the work to the utmost be- lore I go. I expect to leave about the first of August and get back about tho first of October. About tho additional manuscripts of which you speak. 1 midor- stood you to say that you wov^d amplify Washburn's fox-farming arti- cle and send to mo as soon as ready for the book. I cannot possibly elaborate or ra-writo it before I go, as it is now impossible for me to keep abreast of tho work. The otlior articlos I have felt a little shak'- about. In view of tho fact that Capt. Kimpiiries accompanied tho Expedition and gave Mr. Harriman a manuscript with the expecta- tion of having it published in tho fcjok, it seemed to me that Mr. Har- riman raiglit hesitate to publish an article on the same subject by some one els.-. However, you can easily ascertain his feelings on this subject and let me know. Witli respect •^o the Cape Nomo article a good deal maj' bo sai" pro and con. Tho fact that the ship did not touch tliore and that nc member of tJ-.e Expedition has been there, is certainly a strong ar- g.i.-.mt against incla^Jng il. On tho other hand, we have khe unaoni- ablo fact that tho pla?o is xed-hot just now, and were it not for a still hotter place on Vac x.her siie of the Pacific. Nome would prob- 289 II J ^ Is U 'ji i 1 oeg 2— J.S-B. ably to roceivii^ much more attention than it la. Like the baling article, it is a case which I think ou^^t to be decided by Mr. Har- riman at the earliest possible moment. The publishers iiave sent me a revised title-page, which is vorjr good I think, but it must of course have the nanes of all the authors on it before it goes to prosfc. Is it goii^ to bo practicable to e^ot hold of a few of your nega- tivos for pliotogravuro reproduction? If I have omitted to answer any of the points raised m your ^•■ftor I will write again toraorrow, as I have mislaid your iottor- probably left it at w office this morning. Very truly yoiurs. ^vX^-^ ^ % V» ^ '--X^v^ J. Stanley-Brown, Esq., 120 Broadway, New York City ir^ediately such*^no^ati?o4 L iJ^v^^^.T^V^ wi^e Curtis to return I understood hlS tS^Sf s2mf t&^Ko^^hif^^^ JT^^^ ^^'^^o albS? batch and was waiting for the t^ ^»!'^*' I?? ^ finished the whole J«:otogravu.-e nan Cllfo, but whiS SLt S m^*"^ *®^? «ielayed by thi lor blue prints at the o^lioH+ 11.2^2*^1 '^'^ *<*»« <^Y» a^. I nood boon in£.ccessiblo for « irir^i +« P^?^^^!© moment noirativas which h^^ noijativos are of va?iod oSfrih?^ ^^"f'f^ ^" CuHilt' ffls! Sew sent me at once so^hat fSIJ si?^.?"?>,*^° ^^°i° b«t<£had boU?? be .nole batch over to GiibJrtTwK^SJii^fe^rjJ^L^^ S5?s!??Sl It 'III (J I 6 t ! i : r ' U.11H y- ' i ■^ ^p^ ^ flU. T^'^^%4 ^-i^ivv ]t\h 291 '^- 2^5 f 1 iiM- ;il;J^ 'Jlf. ! hi' h I I * !► V^^ 'V -B^ ^ WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18, 1900. Dear Ritter: Your loiter of JrO.y 13 ,>ora Liko TiUloo c.cni .y^d^^^r, ^^^a is a great reliof, as it solves the problon as to tho authorship of a pa- per on Bry6^eS: W;^icii came to hand a fo?/ days ago. This is the sixth paper I have received recoritlj without any author's name at either end. r was about to send them to the pr* inter in the name of Capt. Doran. I have rearranged the illustrations on the first two plates of tho Bryozoa article, and h^ve sent ttiorc to the photo-lithographer for reproduction. Proof of your paper on 'Harrimania iM^sulosa' goes to you by this mail. I shall put the matter in page without waitiiig to hear from you, but hope to have your proof back before it is necessar:,- to go to press. Please return to m& within 24 hours of its receipt, or you will probably not reach me before the matter is printed. Very truly yours, v Prof. William E. ftitter. University of California, Serkoley, Calif. o ..l ll«*1 *d I I f^ WASHINGTON. D. C, July 18, 1900. Dear Mr. Lanier: Thanks for your letter of the VTth inst.. just received, and also for the now cuts and proofs of tho 7 line drawings sent you a short time ago. While these are an improvement over the previous lot, they are still not what they should be. As a matter of fact, wo are not getting an^rthing like the best results for this line work. In the majority of the cuts a large number of the lines in the origi- nal do not show at all, and in others certain of the lines are so thickened as to look coarse. I showed a batch of tliem today to the man in charge of this kind oj" worfrfor the Geological Survey, in or- der to find out whether or not I was h^TOi-critical in the matter. Ho told rr.9 that he considered tho cuts from poor to medium, and that if they had been made for the Survey he would reject the majority of than as bel«r the standard required in that office. Tiiis is exactly mj- opinion, as you kp^^w, for in my office we never accept such inferior work. They :.cok to us like newspaper outs, rather than cuts intended for a book of tho hi^iest grade of excellence throughout. I do not know or care A'ho made tJiem, or who will make the romaindor of tho s«!»i.3s. provided we can get satisfactory text tlguros. In addition to Wright. Ga'.shel & Ifennir^ of Philadelphia, and Harry C. Jones of. New Yo-k, hava done u good deal of good work for us. I believe Harry Jonos h^ been 8uccee:>a ty the Publishers & Printers Engraving Co. Tho-2 may be, and doubtlass arc. many other fiiras in Now York vvhich ^e able to do equally good vork if tliey a-e held down to it. I find !ll U! '1 ■4 {'\ « r ^es ' h 2— H.f.L. that when a numhor of cuts ara rejected tho firm making' them is pret- ty Pure to take more pains with subsequent batches. There certainly is no excuse for sendirg out a cut which lacki a number of the linos r>f tho original. In one of your letters last woek you encouraged me to boliavo that you w«re going to exercise some scrutiny in this -nat- ter yourself, but yon appear to Jiavo been too bus^'. iH3t night I sent you a sigall batch of photographs to serve va copy for drawings. Tonight cr tomorrow I will sand you a larger batch. Meanwhile I ma havir^, - raunber mado here, but it is vei-y blow work. I Yerj^ truly j'onrs. ^ vv\> Mr, jl, W* Lanier, Doublodajr, Pagp & Co., g . 34 Union Square, New York. ^1 ^ i I I ^ i i 1.4 i . 1 )< I 295 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18, 1900. My dear Treleaso: Thanks for your letter of the 12th inst. and tho ?;cooinpanying manuiciupt by Evans. The latter seems to be in (^cd shape, aii I have already sent the illustrations to our ILtJuographor for inimedi- ato i^oproduction. I trust your own article will be r?ady in thj fall when I get back from California. In addit^oa ic che papers for the narrative volume of the liar>'iraan Expedil' on reports, I now have at least 17 or * 18 o£ tUo technical paper?, with* the promise of a number of others in the near future. Ifferjr truly yours. urs, . \VKXn*a,»>s,^^> E^of • William Ireleasa, Director, Missouri BcVinical Garden, Saint Louis, Mit50iu*i. 'ii I S\ m mm mm iii'iWi ^mMilk'Mm ^ .ii, V, .('.'» I aeg iTAoHillGtON. p. C., July 19, 1900. Dear lir. Lanier: Your letter of the 18th inst. is at haiid, together with the galley proof of Burroughs' article, which I have not had time to look over today hut will probably reach tomorrow. I will try to send the Jottering for tho photogravures tomorrow. I have spent the entire day 5>n tho matter of the remaining text figiuros, and am sending you herewith another small batch of photographs for drawing. They may need a lit€le explanation. I have ai^ranged most of tho different subjects in separate envelopes as follows; Kyaks. You will notice there are two photographs, one of a two-wan kyak, tho other of a throe-man kj^ak. Both should be drawn in the same picture ar^d should be reduced to the same scale: the scale in the three-man kyak picture seems to me about right. The prow of this kyak is a little indistinct in the picture. It is in reality exactly like that of the two-man kyak, from which it may be restored. * In the large envelope is a headland on St. Matthew Island, with a small photograph of the same headland showing the landing of our party. More or lesg of this landirig party should be included in the irawririg. Two othnr pictures in the same envelope — the resurrected forest i*Qvr Muir Glacier, and some old hemlocks on top of tho cliff in Har- r5iian Fiord, require no explanation. V7t remaining large photographs show the grave of a great chief f ^ r -•*^nr S% Z— -H.W.L. of Boar Clan. There are three photographs of this .'rave--two large a©5 Mr. A. H, Baldwin, Capo May, N. J. My dear Sir: By this mail I am roturning to you two of your drawings for further oorrection. In the one of the Eskir^o, please remove the hidden c'iiild in the middleground« In the drawing of Barry Glacier there still remain sovoral im- portant errors which I trust you will be able to correct. I send with tho drawing tiie oriijinal photograph from which it was made, and also another photograph takon from +Jis sarae position but somewhat noarer, showing hotter dotail.. The steps on the cascading glacier in tho middle of tho picture are not yet exactly right, as you will see on comparing them with tlio photograph. The median moraine oi » the lower section cf this cascading glacier you have in tho drawing pushed way over to the right and iiavo not given it ^ sufficient form. Triis is easily rer^odied. The promonton,' on the righo is douhle, as shown in the original photo^jraph. Can you not bring this out more distinctly in the drawing? If "ou will look at the mountain range in tho background in both of the photographs, you v/ill see that there is a dark basal portion, with a fairly sharp snow-line. This is not well shown on Very truly yours. «4, .>' "^ \ • — \x m ^^ \i W' i ■*! 1!l it. I' ' R r "Ii'm Pi I' I ! i 1 1 {i * r I i: I I .1 ees ■n ^.;J K. N- ■^, J^ t [ i f' 7^ "^ -fl '^ i ■ fi V •v. V %-^^A > •» I K.i •v>.^ ) I. II ". •■' ** '""'^ !. I i: * • ••■>:■'■*■■ W^'-^ i " ir \ ,tTT1 .r^: poor imprint 008 WASHIlfGTON.. B. C, t^^ Ju:y 20. 1900. Doar Mr. Lanier: Yoiir lot tor of the 19th i:. at ha^id. I am glad to know that Spader may oo ablti to come on iieru to do as rrrach as pcssiblo towara finishi'Ag -ap the pen drawiiigs. I aaii c-£isi- , ly find a boardin^^ place for him where Ids oxpenbes will bo very mod-- orate. I an; holding back a lot of piotvres wliich a ^ood nan migl'it reproduce sat iBf actor ily in lino work, but •.vhich othorwiife ^mist ^^o to photogravure • If Spader can handle therr: I will turn thoin over to him at once. He will know/ of course, as so>n as he sees thoir*. I ajn sending you herewith a Latch of photographs and plioto- gravu^^os on which I have •OT'itten the le^^mds/ This hatch covers, I belioYo, all thus far inada ojccopt §, of which I sent jiya the photo- graphs a short tine age along with Andrew's proofs; probably yoii sent them to A:idrew with the proofs, ©lo labels lor them ^^nclosed here- with; so you v/ill have no difficulty in identify i.a^ tliem. One is Indian Rivor near Sitka; the other is 'Stranded icebergs, Glacior Bay.* Very glad to know that I*\aertes is pleased with t}\e last proofs of his precious birds. Very trjb^ ynirs; 4> .Vt^>. f M 1 1 f : I, t t08 305 U USHNGTON, D. C, July S3, 1900 Dear Mr. Lanior: Your lettors of the 20th and 2l8t are at hand, and I have just wired you that I shall be glad to see Spader at any time. I ta obliged for ycr^r. utUr froir. Audre-y. The positives wore m^de by Curtis at Seattle, whore it rains r,,ost of the tinnj, but I suppose they may have me.naged to kick up a lii-tlc dust out there as well as elsswhoro. The sample of paper you enclosed in jrour letter of the 2l8t sear^s to mo not too heavy for the plates, althoi^i it is obviously too thick for tljc text. Tl:e proof of Dollenbaugli's No.49 from the Taber-Prang people gives me a cold shuddor. I am more and more afraid that this kind of art is intended for wall decoration, and that when one comes to face it at short range in a book the effect is dreadful. As to the Barny Glacier, I return to you herewith the original print, whicli I matted out and sent with the first batch cf negatives. «WfcI sent you Saturday, araorig the photographs labeled for the photogravure men, a solio print from tHis Mm negativfi (Ho.l40)'. There is a blemish on the original velox print, which befell it while in Gilbo'8 hands. I can have another print made now that I have the negative, or if Gilbo can obtain decidedly better results from the original negative I will send that back to you for him. Th? negative of the ice pack photograph }ms „one to Curtis at ' Seattle, but will probably be back in about ton days. I enclose ' \. v; I 35 f !■ i I I 2— H.W.L. herewith a print, but if l>et.ter results may be had from the nega- tive I /.'ill a^in send tl-^t to you on its ^oturn from Curtis. My luck witli the artists hero of late has been west aiscouragir^ which is partly duo doubt l-^ss to the exceedingly hot -.veathor we havo boon having. Out of four difforont persons -who promised finished drawings for Sativeday, not one appeared. By tomorrow, hov/evor, I hope to havo a small batch. I h..vc some on hand now, but it is not worth while to sQiia thoK xintil the othors arrive, oa those no,, being made come earliest in the text. I havo this moment reooivea a iclo^ram from Mr. Karriman stating that ho has received from Cn-tis positive 285. I am wiring him in reply to send this posiiivo to you. When you receive it please put with it positive 2R6. which you alrauuy havo, and mako a couplet of the two, that is to say, put both on one plate crosswise oi tiio page, one above the other, a3 v/e have already done in several instances, aiti have a photogravure made of t^.e same. Tl.o prints of these I am send- ing you here-AT-th so that no mistake can occur. Vor^' truly yotirs. Mr, R. W. LpJiior, Double day, Pa^e & Co., 34 Union Square, Ndw York Ul til f 308 307 I 'i \i Av July 23, 1900.- % dew Doctor Memonhall: Dio jro-u ever publish your notes o; the diincnsirns of Bo.-oslof. Olci arr. Ke •? I remanbjr helpir^ you j-ace'cff a base line. I ?JT! witiTis a little ortiolo on Bo^oKlof lor r,:^G ntxrative volume of tb« Hurrimun Alaiika Expedition Repo:-t.s, and €2:1 anxious to give rGforsr.ces to zhe literature and ul^o to obtain as mncn inforaa- -iori aR possible on the general subject. If you have not published your notes, v/ould you bo billing tc i;ive jie tho approxlrr^te bIza ai-:-d clevaticn of Old ar,d He.v So-jcslof an determined by your measure- r.ents? I ma(ie a hurrjeti visit to Old Borojilof one cvenirj lai-t July and -.TOio greatly surpricea at tho encrroi.s changes that iUiv: ta.cen place ir.. the new voloaro as seen Irom the east end ol Old Boroslof. The h%'^\ cliliV. and irroculc.r nasees apjiear to have cr'.cnbled and su-r ken in so that the '.Thole islj^nd is entirely chan-od in form tjid very much flattened. Very truly yours. Dr. T. C. fferd^i*a]l Prest. Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Mass. 14, f \ i V T- C, M, 2. Yuu .:^\r€ urobuoly noticed I>:Jl'i> chi^rt of the islrj-ido made Auji-i^t 13, 1595 a:',L Published b' i. -^apGr b^^ Becker a^^d Dull ir. the Report of '.he Gbo logical Survey for i896-7* A tn-cini^ of this chart T e. -close lifcr/./ith. Or. this tracin.^- I iiave roughly indi- c&tod in reu poiicil the form of tl-e spits cr lor flat parts o -T' -1 ne isluxis-\rh0r vo 7:ere \i.^re in 1891 • You oan doubtieisB correct the:>o iro^n yoix vwi liiemory. Possibly you have tlietches which v;ill be rAicii better. f k\ 1 \ ' u II & M M, -*.««,„*» 808 I I ■4 WASHINGTOK. D. C, July 23, 1900. My ^ear Ritter: I am enclosing herewith proofs of your tl^roe plates. The origi- r^ls I havG rotiu-nod with duplicate proofs to tha litho.^raphor. in ordor that ho mi^^ht rnake certain corrections. A serious troublo ;vith the original dra.vin,.,s is that the lettering and the dotted lines load- ing into the anatonry fro;n the letter!,^ are too weak and too diffi- cult to follow. I have spent a great deal of tiao going over the proofs and the drawings in detail, and in some instances find it im possible to make sure just where a line ends or just what » letter 13 intended to be. If you will only bear^n^little^der when you are doir^ this sort of work you will save the necessity for a good many co^-rections and at the sane time save me a lot of valuable time. *JL - .- -....« ^.j..x,^ raaicaxiy wror^ in those. pleaseVroturn J^^J^ by return mail, for there is still just a chance that they may reach^ me before I pull out for California. Very truly yours. i, Prof. W. g. Ritter, Berkeley. Calif. 'I li , ! J U f I !' I. I f I ( 608 WASHINGTON, D. C, Jul^r 24. 1900. I>oeT Stanl f)y-Br^tions for Griniioll's a-ti«;le, and oxpactcd to send the same to the printer next week. Wn do not need a large mixber of atiditioaal iliust^'at-ions, hut I zjr. ptu'licularly i^nxious to ^et a good picture of L:- square oil-box end of oiio or two of these fine masks, cspe- cially tho carved one. Coidd not this work he oxpeditod so tiiat I could .^ot tlio photograpl.s before I -loave?. Th.^^ work i? dra^ir^ so th.-t I a:r- likoly to ne detained here I fear tan days longer. . I >. II I \i ■I } h\ 2— J.S-B. Yer^7 Jnany thariks for vour pemission to use 3^our negatives, but how are we goirg to get at therr. acm that j^ur houi^e is closed and j/ou are in Now York? I understand from your letter that you wish it stated that these pi?tir v-. are from phcto^rarhs "^.y H. D. CSiichester instead o-^ J. Stanley-Brown. I sh??il also of course respect iK>vjr wishes in the matter of /enera] credit, althoah it v/ould ho }nor>t t nai/ura"'- and r^rorer that ^Tur nai^.o should h.e mentioned in this con- *■ •• ••■ necition. I an .ireatlv iisapnointed that Curtis h^ >"eall\^ not finished print ir^-;;.^n3'- -of tixO, riegs^t'V0^ I Qarnostiy hope he will push the catt-^r and i-.nr.d tr-::r. in season so Miat I may recieiv? and distribute them L':fo""e I ^o; othL^>^.viso z nriT-ibor of illustrations will be put off so l(ite that it will bo irr.rc.sible to get the hook out even by Cb ristma^. Vor^' truly yours. J. StBnlrjy-Brc^^Tn, Esq., 120 Broadway, Nev: Yorl„. 310 1 ' 1*^ * maS%* -HP 118 312 if ^ "S I (^ -''Jly 24, 1900. Dear Mr. tanro^': I do r.o' t„ow a. thore 1. any w^ant nead .f „itt,-v3 ""u mat at th>3 t i,v,, only i,, „«, ,,™^,„,,i ,„ ^^, ^ ^„ ^^ .^^^ ^^,^^J^^ lr.£ iwr rospeots. I liav.3 today noeued iron, Stiasley-Brom, an aitiol. on 'fox- to*-^- by W..hl,u„,. and an a.tiol. on the wf:alo fishorj, by Oa.tain ftmphrio., both of .hich. particularly tho >att„. require a .holo lot of Guiti>ig. I have secured qua^tor^ fov ^-«o/<^*. „4 i j- * ^^ ^°^ opacor at u boarding house called •The Fredcnia.' at th.o rate of $10 a .voek for bo.a-d and rocn. If ho does not Vlke it. I^e can climb davn or up just as he prefers, rnore ^^'o lots of boarding placos hero at this time of year, if c.;o only takes the tlT.e to follov/ thorn up. Am rather hoping Spader will v.MT*n up tonorro^r. Thie heat has i^nockod out several of our local art- ists and the work they ]«xvo pronised me for last week has not yet "0-. oared. V017 ^.r-aly yoiU'S, Mr. K. W. Lanior.. Doubleday, Pa^e k Co., 34 Ujiion Squarf.-, No'v Ybrk. ( " i ; 1 t i » t • • f 1 \ ■I WASHINGTON, D. C, Jul-.' 24, 1900. ^ r.ir. C. B. Hudson, 47 V?est T'.velfth si., Wl^ York. Mj' dear Sir: TTaen I rriOt you in New York about tho end of M^^ I understood you to 3fv tha-^. yo\- ^xpocted to roturn to Washiii^ton in about two months. I have just tolephonnd the Pi-sh Comission for your addross, '.vliioh thoy have given mo iis abcvo. I would like- to consult \vith -'ou a!:iout some dra^/in^s it you are to bo ho-o in t^ie near futu)^.'. I oxr.eoi to start for California in a week or v en days. Rosoectfully, ^ .\V^K^ VOV XVSwJNls^fV-. SIS 314 f I * J li I 'J jy^ WASHIMJTON, D. C, /^\ ^3 0 July 25, 1900. Dear Ciirtia: Your lotter of the 20th ca^ne this momiii^, and surprising as it m^'- soem, tie splondid prints of Columbia Glacier and the beaver totem-polQ arrived Ijy tl^ sa^ie mail. I an sending the Columbia Gla- cier off at once for K^oproduction by Tihotogravure, and have no doubt that it will niako one of the most strikirig pictures in tlie book. I em disappointed to learn that you are not done with ii)0 main lot 01 negatives, as I had hoped to be able to utilise a nianbcr of additional ones for tho book. However, I shall be glad to receive the positives ordered, as oarly as possible. I had expected to b© in California before this, but this picture business is aolaying ne md it is impossible to say just when I shall bo able to get away. I may possibly go by way of Seattle, in whidi case I shall hunt you up inrrtdiately on arriving. With best cashes, 0 Very ti^ly youFs, Mr. B. S. Curtis, Seattle, Washii^gton. ^^ 9i i. 1 ^1 f ■ f ' ■ \ V ■: . '^ I k : -ew or Bison for pliotor>'avure . It is unfortiu^atoly a ^ W \\ ,ii II ^iti 518 316 I I 2--n»W»L« little narrow for its length, but it is so fine a thin^ that we cm afford to put up with the unfoHunate proportion. Do you think a folding plato ought to be considered in a case of this kind? Tho picture would c ertainly make a magnificent folding plate, tut folding pletos nearly always show the fold, md unless the paper is ur^usual- ly strong are apt to break. I shall be glad to know Hiat you think of tho pictu>'o. Ver^j truly j'-ours. ^_ Mr. H. W. Lanier, Doubleday, P^e & Co., 34 Union Square, New York. ► I ti WASHINGTON. D. C, July 25. 1900. >l5 I Dear Siaiilay-Brown; Your letter of the 24th, with >-espect to positive No. 205, cane todav. I received and ansv/ered a telegram from Mr. Harriman respect- ing this sa^re posibivo a day or two a^o, requostin^ that it be turned over to Mr. Lanier. lory traly yours. J* Sta^iley-Brown, Esq., 120 Broadway, Now York. II I ri8 J WASHINGTON, D. C, July 25/ 1900. Dear Coe: I sent you by express this morning your original manuscript and a t;»pewritten copy tliereof . Please ooripa^-e ca>"efully, do such oditorial revicini^ &§ 'O^* doam nocessar;^ and return to me. Yen' truly ycrjirs. Prof. Wesley R. Coo, Woods Holl, Mass 1 ! : 318 WASHINGTON. D. C, i'i July 25. 1900. A. B. Hoari & Co., Baltinoro, Mar^^land. Dear Sirs: ^-33 V/ 2^ I sent :-ou this momiiie, ^7 ^ail throo additional plates for photo-Utho^-aphic -production. Ail throe are of insects. Some of the platos you are now raaking. for us are to be used a^ain in tho technical volurao of the Hfo-rimr^jri Bxp-dition reports. I will ascer- tain at onor f-or. Doubloday, Pago & Co. whether o- not thev have fixed «!xthe edition of Vaeso tcchnicui volimes. so l^iat yoii raij]^it print tiie plates at onc3# Other/zise i,t would bo nocossary to hold the stones. Vorj' traly yours. -A_ \ 'iWio-. II I N- 1 1 i ,., C18 1 1?^ 9 WASHINGTON. D. C, July 26, 1900. Dear Mr. Lcuu«i»s Yours of the 26th inst. at liand. together with the packagG of photogravures. Spader is hard at work, and Has done some very ^ood things for us alreac^'. I will giv« one drawing to our local photo- engraver, as you suggest, to see what he can do, but I doubt if he can turn out first class work. The sheet of cheap paper you roturr with the cuts printed on it strikes me as very fair. It shows, at all events, that we can get good results with line otchings on a moderately surfaced paper without any giosa or sizing. Now as to the photogravures. Tne now proof of Bogoslof does not differ in any way from the old one, so far as I can see. The lim of junction of the two negatives shows just as it did before ► This ' looks to me as if Uie plate had been iqade from the mounted photographs pasted togetxier. instead of from the original negatives. The rest of thfi pliotogravures are greatly improved, and I think ;re ceai accept them. Tho one of Yalo Glacier is strikingly superior to the. ou-ly proofs, while the tl^ee that he made over are incompara- bly belter, as you doubtless observed. It is really funny that a man who has negp^ives capable of fumifhing such results as the proofs now submitted of Plover Bay, Siberia. Mt. Pavlof. and JMt. Fairweather should }iavo the face to tny to force us to accept such liorrible thin^ as his first attempts on these three pictures. However, 'all's well I 2-— H«W»L« that ends well/ and It is gratifying to get some return for the trouble of kicking. Andrew's photo^^ravures are not quite up to previous batches, it soenis to /lie • Ifost of them are blurry and indistinct, as if they had been rubbed with an oilj^ rag before the irA vas dry. The best of the lot are two from Mr. Ha^-ri. man* s negatives — 44, Russell Fiord, and the narrow one showing, Harriman Glacier. I regret very much to see that Andrew still persists in his barbarous custom of trimming the origi- nal to fit tlie dimensions of the plate instead of reducing or en- largir^ the original to suit the size of Uie plate. I oallod atten- tion to this fault before, and supposed of course that it would not occur agedn. You will notice that the cop:Ti£l;t/ is not wiped off from the Curtis pictures and that CJurtis* name, or part of it, re- mains. These blendshes oi course should bo remedied. By an oversight in your office or in Andrew's, tlie original photographs which I sent you were not returned in the present batch of photOf-ravures; so that I am unable to make detailed criticisms except in the case of the picture showing the wonderi\ii Japanese-like tree on the rigfit with a bit of glacier on the extreme left. For- tunately I have a print of this, which I am returning to you he>'e- with along with the photogravure. You will see how the latter is ruined by excessive trimming of top and bottom, just as was done in one of the previous batch concerning which I wrote you in detail. ^ I refer to the picture of stranded bergs, in which so much of the foreground was cut off that the artistic effect of the picture was dest^oyod. The dirty sky which you see in this tree picture, and the general blurriness of the foreground characterizes several of tlio 320 158 322 s II i I % p^osent batch, I an disappolntod that Aiulrew is doteriorating so. Now that ho has got the job he seeras to have lost interest in the ^ork* I will retain his photogravures iintil you send me the originals with wiiioh they are to be co5».pared. ' In the case of the Gilbo photogravures, I am returning you one sot herewith as you request. In tlie package with the photogravures you will find a proof of a wood-cut of one of the pictures selected by j^-ou for roprodnotion when you were here a long time ago* I had this made as an experiment; it cost $25. Please let me know how you like it. If you approve the scheme I think we could afford to have several others. It gives a little more diversity to the illustrations, and. it seems to me, adds an attractive feature. You have probably received the prints of Curtis 285 and 286 be- fore this. Packages seon to be longer in reaching j^ou tJian in com- ing from you to ne. Your suggestion to use some of the papers for the narrative vol- ume in magazines is worth considoririg, but I do rot think it could be carried verj' far. Mr. Harriman was tremendously averse to the publication of any matter in the ma^zines or elsewhere in the same form in which it was to appear in the book. He strongly disapproved, as I think :^ou know, the publication by the Century Co. of part of the saiTie matter which Burroughs wrote for the book. He told Burroughs this on the ship and trore was supposed to be a distinct xmderstand- in^!, that natter wi'itten for the ma^izines would be in different form from that intended for the book. By the way. this happens to rer.ind me that Burrotghs* Century article, the first part of whicli will ap- # m 4— H.W.L. ? pear in the A\;gust natiber, has a picture of St. Hlias by Gifford which is far ahead of anything we have of this mountain. I believe it is a half-tone, but we could easily have it redrawn or reproduced in some other way if it comes out as well as it promised in the proof, and I have no doubt the Centurj' people would be entirely willing for us to use it. Plensa let mo know what you think of it. The style of letteriiig you enclose for the photogravures seems to ne excellent. I asked ray stenographer last evening to remind me to write you about the size of the edition of Uio technical volumes, but as he has forgotten it entirely I will speak of it myself. I am now pub- lishing in, the Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Science^ some of the technical fiatcs which will appear later in the book. Some of those are accompanied by photo- 1 ithograph plates. Those I am now having made are by Hoen. It seems cloar to kc that we should do one of two things, to save expense: we should either have Hoen print at this time the edition of these plates you will want for the tech- nical volumes, sirr^pl:,- leaving Off the headline which we use in the Acaaamy's Proceedings, or the stone should be preserved until such time as "ou bar o done with it. I will see to the paionent of the bill for r^reparing. the stones and printii-^ the edition for the Washington Aoadury. Perliaps you :.ad bettor a>-range with Hoen for t-iie edition yoi will need for the book, or for tho preservation of trie stoncs—as you see fit. I will also arrange with the New Bra Pointing Co. for elac- trot^T>o« of such matter as will be reprinted verbatim m the book. Very truly yours. Mr. H. W. Lanier. Doubladav, Page & Co., 34 Onion Square, Now York, ^i 111 y 828 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 26, 1900 ; f My dear Mr. Baldwin: _ • The draiAings you sent me on the 24th inst. have just arrived, and I think I can accept all four of thera without further correction. Verj' truly yours. ^^>iLKK3^ Va. J lir. A. H. Baldwin, Stockton Hotel, Capo May, N. J, \ %\ i'SS 325 1 I \M '1* WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27, 1900. Doar Professor Vorrill: Many tlianks for your loUer of the 23d inst., which came this morning. I rejoice to know that you aro finally done with that dic- tionarj' job which has taken so rrruch time. You cannot afford to work eighteen or twenty hours a day, ovori if tho work is urgent. You are net as young as you were 20 years ago, and this sort, of thing tells, as even I know fropi experionco— young as I cA I an doliglitod to know tliat you are willing to naka wur roKort cover all of the Alaska Bchincdenna. T>U3 is what most of the au- thors ha/e done in the case of their several specialties. I m ^lad also that you fool disposed to illustrate the article thoroiighly with photographic^ and otiier plates. I have hoa-d from various quarters that your son is an wcoptionally skillful photographer. There is iittlo douU tl'iatyou c&xi have ten or twelve plates if you need thorn. Wo do not use half-tono, owirig to the ahorainablo paper which half- tones require. Po>-]iap8 heliot-TJo would be tlie lest raethod of repro- duction. I hope you will bo able tc .ake the work ir. hand early enough so (hat vo can publisli your report in the fall, along .vith a number of othors already in I-iand. With kindest regards to Vc^t. Vorrill, in Wiiic]^ Mrs. Merriam joins. Prof. A. K. Vorrill, Stony Ci*' ^'k, »>onn Verj' tni-.y yours. I WASHINGTON, B. C, July 27, 1900. Doar Mr. Larder: New proofs of the 7 line outs you have just had made over arrived today, am are a great inprovenent over the preceding proofs of the same subjects. Spader has made us a fine drawing of the brink of Shoshone Falls which I have just taken to our local photo-engravor, ana he promises to have the cut ready Monday. I a.n greatly in hopes that we shall be able to liberate tho Burroug»is galleys by Txiesday at latest. Very truly yours. Mr. K. W. kuiier, Doubloday, Pago h Co 34 Union Square , New York . » y I { 8S8 / WASHINGTON, D. C. ^ j^^^^ July 27, 1900. Doar Coe: I have just boon stirring up Prof. C. C. Nuttir^, of Iowa City, with respect to his report on tho Hj'droids of the Harriman Expedition* and in reply he tells me that he has not yet received all of the spociincns--that he undorstands a number are still in your possession. If this is so, can you not send them to aim at onoe so that he can go on witji the work? He says if he can ^et hold of the raaterial ho will spend his summer vacation in workir^ up his report. At last I have had a long let tor from Prof. Yerrill, in which he states that he has finished several butclias tliat liave proved verj' exact iq^ of late, and is about ready to tackle the Harriinan Bchino- dorms* Very truly yours. Prof. Wosloy R. Coe, Woods Holl, Mass ^^^^^^H^ TSS F I -i-y r f Detir Mr, k^iuer: WASHINGTON, D. C, July 28, 1900. Your lpt.tx->r of tlio 27th is at hand. W3 have tho August Cor.tury. and liko Giffo-d's pioturo of St. Blius. I vyish you would look Kt it and soo what you think as to ttio lost Dothod of reproduetion. Would it not loso too mch if redrawn in lino work? It soeiiis to no very effoctivo. Stanloy-B^own was herg a few hours this afternoon, and I wont to ..i;^ hous9 and selected the nogalives of 5 or 7 photo^r^'hs lor re- product ioi: 1y photogravure. Five of those ny^^ati^es are vary iargs, and oho dariji^r of broakin^- the.r. in shipn^ont and handling is propor- tionally groat. I would suggost tliorof ore that I ship thorn from horo diroct to tht' phot.og»'av-..r? man, uid that you writo him at the same tirjo rv>.-poatint;i thon. If you will let ne know to whom you wish thorn soit I will KQnd th^r; on receipt of j^our leUor, and will send 'ou a niorioranduTi which you rur/ •.rai}3iv;ii, « Tho TiHiclos ;ou menu ion with roi'orenco to the5r possible us3 in 'Tiio World's Work* are not in such shape as to he available. Tho Cape Noae a'^ticlo ii^s lot been v/ri-'ten, and r\ay not c.ppoar in tho took, c.s the Expedi^iou did not viijil Nonie txad it would seen: iiko strainir^ tnir^s to -n.t in an article abowt a place noL visit3d by any r:o!i::jpr oi tho Bxpoditiori. Stanloy-Brown has coUoctod a lot of niat rial on Nome, rind //onld doubtlosb Arritc an article Tor yoiir cici^a- sino on that subject if you so dosire. Tiiis .yould lo entirely out- aide of '^ii^ book liUtter. TIio •Fox- faming* t.rticlo was »yri^Aen by 1 IT ■f L 328 2— H.W.L. WasliLurn. of the Alaska Corar.crcial Co.. and cwcrod I IjQlievo three or four typewritten pages. Stanley-Brown has amplified it so as to make about eight t:/pewritten pages. We liave no good pictures of the blue fox. and I do not knew how we are going to got any. The whaling article was f^ivon us by C:iptain HuTr.rios, and is a very eiivsr/e document, '^l.ethor it wa. .o-iiton by ftaaohries or by a comi.ina^-u of tho people rn tho conpm-.y with which he is cor^iectod, I an. not cure. At all events, it needs a deal of editing, and I an not yet quite sure that it has not been publi^uhed elsewhere. I do not thirJc it is to be considered from your r:cint of vi3,v. It seems to me that the publication as a m.^a.ine article of ary of the chapters of the book would re'e first the permission of Mr. Harriman and then an arran,:Oment between the avthor and the magazine. I shall ^ce glad to soo the reproduction of the Columbia Glacior p.^norama of tho siae you indicate — 3p x Tg* I have received several aaditioruxl drawir^s from Spader, and have given them to our local photo-e:igraver to put with the Siioshone Fulls picture I gave him yesterday, in order to save time. He promises tho batch for Tx:esday noon, md perhaps I had better send the c^.ts direct to t}:o Sow Bra with th.e galley proof, no that he may pa^e th.e matter at once. I assume that you '.ave alreadj' sent the cuts you have Ixaa made fro^ tirio to time# Hudson, the 'artist I have had 1i. mind for several .r.ouths wiU. refe-nce to the illustration of Dall's poem on the 'lanuit people.* returned today r.nd has taKon the mmuiscript. away wit.]i him. If ho geta into tho .pi^-it of it. I thirJ'. he will give us ^J^o ilU.strations needed to accomp^my the verse. Spad.r is doing ve^-y v.oll. and betwea. I " m\ ess 3*-n«W«L-» him !«d Huason I hope the cominti weok will clear Iho atmosphere. I }iKY9 had prepared hero, thrcxif^i the conrtesj^ of Gannett, Gil- bert, Gild i]£ Gooloiiical Survey, an excellent sa^all map of Alaska, printed ir. f.hroo colors. We l^avu also liad a fourth stone made show- ing tho route of the Harrimaii Bxpeditlon. A copy of this nap I on-' close herewith. Tlie man irf.o made it wants to wipe off the route stone. I ?.sk5d }dm to. hold it a short tine lor^or, until I coi-.ld li'jar from yoi: as to tlio edition noodec fo- the voluPie. This is the ^onoral inap xhich the Harrimroas wa^-.t to ^.o ir; the front of the nar- rative volime. If you will tell no how niany of these tups you are goln^ to need I will have then printed at once. Tlio cost of an edi- tion of TjOOO copies, including paper mid all work that we have to pay for, will not cxcoed $100, raid nay he consitlorabiy less. I have not tho exact figures yet. By tlie way, t};o last batch of nhoto^n^oruros received from "ou cvne loose in an envelope witliout any pasteboard or aiiy protection of any kind, as a result of which they were l.adiy daiaagod. Very truly yours, ^ V', Mr. H. !• Lanior, Double day. Pig o & Co., 34 Union Souaro, How York. 1 i i 088 331 <\ 31^ WASHINGTON. D. C. July 30, 1900 Dfoar Curti s : Your' letter of the 23d inst. gives mo p. great shook. One of the broken negatives- -239-- is the bannor photograrii taken by me on the Bxpodition, and I am dreaufully upset to know tiiat it is do- stroyedo TJ-ie other- -262- -is of no particular consequence. I an very glad to know that you hc.d a print of each niado on solio paper, from ^vhich you were able to get good copies. Of course those copies will ha. 3 to answer for the aroura; and I hope you will send me as good a negative as possible to replace 239« I now find that I cannot get av/ay before Augsut 5 or 6, and con- sequently will have to go direct to California, postponirig my visit to the Sound. I vt>rj'' nrucli hope tiiat all of the positives asked for will roach Mr. Harrirnan in time to be forwarded to me before I go; otherwise our work of illustrating the book will have to harjg fire until I ^et back in October. Very truly yours. Mr. E. S. Curtis, Seattle, Wash. « WASHINGTON, E. C, July 30, 1900. ^- ^^ 3:l 7 e Dear Mr. Lcnier: The f i^^e photogra^jhs which should have come with tiie photo- gravures two or three days ago, arrived today ,^ but this is only part of the batch, Big^t photogravures were s#f!* in this batch from Andrew without any photographs, and now I have only five of the eig^t for comparison. I have gone over them, and am returning the batch to you lierewith, with corrections indicated. Tlie Japanese tree picture I returned last week. Very tinily yours. Mr. H. W. Liinior, Doubloday, Page & Co., 34 Union Square, New York. i i'l ii' S88 i WASHIKGTOK, D. C, July 30, 1900. A. Hoeji & Co., Baitiraora, Mfi. Doar Sirs: Puertes' painting of the hoads of puffins has just arrived, for w!iich I am t:;roatly ohliiscd. I lA U roturn to F-aertes at once to mako up for a plate. B^r Uxe way, what has becorie of the Kadiak boar? Yorjr tnily yours. «-vV \ i 1 I B88 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 31, 1900. AV ■ Dear Puortes: I an. roturning to you herewith, by registorod mil, your pai-t- io^ of heads ox puffins, and shall bo ^^oaUy obliged if you will cut and paste those exactly as you want them to appoai- on the plate. You may rr.«onbor that I spoke to you of this when vve met in Ne» York. Tno object is to koop the heads as largo as possible ^a at the sa^uo tx.o .rin^ them within the si.e of t,T.o-bed of our plate, whic^.. as you remember, is about 4 | by 7 inches. In this particular case I ihin^. we might stretch the breadth of the plate ^o 4 1 inches. If t..oy ca.mot be brought within this size .e con reduce them ven^ ' Blindly. Please return at your early convenio:^oa. I hope you will find t]^ new proofs just sent you bv Lanior of the Hu^ir^bird. Alaska Lapland Lo^spur. and flyi.^ Jaeg^rs, a con- siacrable improvement over the first proofs. ' " Verj' truly yours. t5r* L. A# Pucrtos, Itiiacd, New York. \ ! \ iXw ^ (^> }. 1 i 334 WASHINGTON. D. C, Julv 31, 1900, ^ r ^3 -^J <<■ V Dear Ipr. Lanior: Your letter of the 30th inst. is at hand. As to the St. Klias picture: it is so long since I have seen Gif ford's paint irgv^hich is in process of reproduction that I have forgotten what it looks like. Possibly it is essentially tlie same as the one in the Genttiry, only more exteixdcd horizontally. Possibly the Contior^/ cut could be comoarod with the painting we are going to use before Y;e do anytiiing about it. I have sent. Andrew by express today five large negatives belong- ing to Stanley Brown, from which to make four photogravures. Of tho neet-tivos sent, three sliow dense colonies of Murres, the commonest sea-bird of Bering Sea. i^Thq two others are of sea-lions. I have inabkod prints from those^pliotographs as they should appear, and eon sending the same to you in a package with other things. In this ias-qY- age you will find two prints (volox and solio) each of two photo- gr;;phs of the region about Uruxlaska, for reproduction by pliotogravuro. Oae of these shows a native barabara surrounded by driring salmon. Tlio other sliows one of the beautiful flov/er- decked UnalKska hillsides of which Burix>ug>is has SD imich to say. Tlie prints of the latter are not first-class, but I thir:k a fairly good photogravure can be made thoroi>ora. I shall not be able to borrow the negatives from which those photographs were printed; so you will have to send the prints to tho photogravure inan. In the same package I'ou will lind a 5 x 7 plioto^raph of a f lyit ii': ^ill t S8S 2-^-n«W»L» of gulls at the Pribilof Islands. Triis picture is too poor to stand reproduction by photogravure^ and it would be impossible to clean away the sky between the birds. I have therefore taken it to the man who roado a wood cut for me a short time ago, and he saj^s it will oost $65 to make a wood cut plate of it, but feels tliat he could make a groat success of it. Had we not better have it done? By the way, you never replied to my former letter with respect to the wooC-Cut which I sent you. The revised proofs of flying Jaegers, Hiumingbirds, and Alaska Lapland Lon^spur, together with proofs of two of Cifford*s and one of Dellenbaug}i*s paintings, arrived today. These proofs if satis- factory to the a»'tists will do very well, althcugli I must say I do not like the coarse bnxsh-oarks on the mountains in Gif ford's •Yakntat- Ba.y sunset.' Andi^o\v appears to be hot in the collar. Ho will cool down a lit- tle before he gets those blurry pliotogravures into proper sliape. If he wanted small positives, why didn't he say so before they were all madot I was ^equostod to furnish positives from the CJurtis negatives, without any suggestion as to size. It is probable, therefore, that Curtis made then the size of the negatives. Tliey could liave been made smaller as easily as not. As to ^ho prints, I thought a print of each had boon sent; but this r»y not bo the case. At all events, I iiavo sent a number of prints wh^'t;h have not yet come back to me. GULort has just returned to IJSP^n for a day or two, and I have securc^d from him the use of some of tJio photographs of the album set, of which I have not had air* priiits lately. One of these--of the in- erior of the Greek church at Sitka- -t am sending you in the package 4 "■H* !■ f- M ! i m m 1 > 1 1 1 flH ifl ■ ^ • 1. .. 3--H.ir.L« with the other pictures n^ntioncd. , Yov. will remombor a photo^rurcti^ from this photograph was in tha last batch fron Andro;v irlach I re- turned to you yesterday. 11 you will coraparo this photograph for a moment -yHh the photogravure you will at once obsorvo its ^iroat saporiority. Of ccrarse Curtis may Iiavc sent us some poor positives, bat ho is 1 first-class plxotoiiraphor and it does not seem likely tiiat practically all of his positives could be so bad as they are repre- sented. Another reason why I am reluctant to U^.ink that they average Lad is that Curtis, who is a very truthful man. wrote mo that with a few exceptions they were fully equal to the negatives. Ho wrote me further that he made all of them personally. This applies to the early batches: some of the lato ones my have been made by his assist- ants, as ho has been away from Seattle part of the tine. Whi.t has become of Bison and Uio photogravures he has had in hand so long? It seems to me wo have had no proofs from him since the very first samples. Tao prints Nos.123 arU 124 you mention, a-^o doubtless my photo- graphs of Aml^erst Glacier, of which Gilbo has already made a photo- gravure. I will have 5000 copies of the map printed, as you desire. ShaU the^^ be sent to your office: and do you wish 'tlie principal stones held for a possible future edition? I do not know exactly how I can 'arrange t..is latter, but I may be able to if you so desire. In t].e package of proofs received today was a single proof of Barr^^ Glacier from nj negative 140, across th. corner of which is wriJtan -new plate from Gilbo.- Tlas is almost identical with the first Plato of this glacier submitted by Gilbo, except ^^t H xs 336 s. r h 1^ i^ i! >t> ] 1^ M iii T88 4-H.W.L. tadly scratchod across tha middle and is everi'v/here inferior. You my re:,on.bor that I rormrkod of the first plato that it was oxcop- tionally fine in ovo-y particular oxccpt tliat the fog had boon triR^od away jygt abovo tho part of UiO nountuina whicii shows in tho phct-- graph. Tiio correction I askod for was to have the fog carried up aa In ^iio ori^ir^l negative, so as to .H^Oy hide tho nore distant moun- tains. Instead of thds. the second proof had the sky yory mch dark- oncd sc as to look badly. The first proof is by far the best of the ti.ree, and if it is impossible to cmn-y the fog up as in t].e negative I -^ouU by all .noans accept it, rathor thorn either the second or third. Please Lear in mind in this cormoction that I sent back to you tho original negative of this picture a few days ago. Vor;- truly yours. -1# ! ftlr. fi. W. Laior, , Dcuuloday, Paga & Co., 34 UrJon Square, Now York > i ^ M « nC 888 WASHINGTON, D. C, Ang. 2, 1900 Ki*. A. H. Horshoy, N^w Bi^a Printing Co., La>ic;aotor^ Pa, De I have sent voi; by express today 7 ^mllevs of the BurroUi-hs article for th"? Karrlv!:aii Alaska Expedition bo-^k, witii a i:;iu^ilcr of toxt cuts attachod to the rriargiri, about where they belong, I Mssnno tiiat yoi3 have received ti:e bleaks before t^jls from Doubloday, Pa^^o /fe Cq»p Tite cut of tho t rain gnon at the Yor3'' bOf^,^rj:iing of the first page. I iiavo no copy of this c^nt, and therefore was obliged to omit it. As "'Tu doul^tles3 have the block "^"ou will have no dixTicultv in V t^ v* scttiri^ it at the begiiinrvjg of tho avthjle, Tlie iJuts, proof of which r liavo attachoci to tie gail'3^^ are •Grevii River Butte/ 'Sage plain/ CialiO River ^trS)n, ' ' Shoshone Fai Is / * Lc^tourelle Falir::aindor of the drawLn^s engravea for the . t I t ».' i 1 2-^A.n.}; • Burroughs article and for the two articles? which follow it, one by Muir on 'Glaciers/ the other by Grimiell on ^Indians aiid EskimdI. ' Tho rest will have to wait until my return the latter part of Sep- tember. I have the Muir c^nd Grinneil manuscripts, but vou have the- rest of tijn B-^irroughs manuscript. The question ifc, iio.v I mn to place the remainiiw text figures that go in the Rurrougris manuscript— and there are a great mani^ ^f therr.. I presume it is out of tho question for you to send me galley proof of tho rest of Burroughs before I go. If tliis is correct, had you not better return to me the remainder of tho copy of his article on receipt of tliis letter, so that I can attach proofs of the cuts in the r.laces v/hero the^ beloni; in iho eiiTiT and you can trejnsfer therr. to the galley proof? On thinking tlie iTiatter over it seems to me that there is really no necessity for submittivig thir proof in galley, and it will be much simpler^ I should think, to run the outs in if you set directly in pages^ollowing what you now have in galleyl You will know-'best about this. *, As to placing the cuts: All cuts measuriri^j more tlian three inches horizontally sJiould be gen >ered across the pa^;e. All undar three inches should bo indented ^r the t^nio. Besides these two ex- tremes, which are simple, you will find a number measuring exactly 3 indies. Some of tliese will look best centered; others will look 1 • 1 better indented. Your fo>'en)an will have to use his own jud^nent in I 'arranging these 3- inch cuts. \ If any questions occur +o you with respect -to the first voluni^ of tho Hci^-iman book, you had better fire thom at me p. d. q. I oxp<^ct to have two or laoro woodcuts later on in tho book. Ycir 339 !i;' ii H 0^8 / 341 3*-A*ri«H« answer to the letter I v^rroto you I'-osterdr.y will influence the number. If ihf^v cai: 1)0 printed so as to idvo better results than the line cuts I will try to nave l^alf a doaon or more* What havB you to su^^-^ost. respeotin^j the paper on Which this book is to he printed? I o.o not know v/hetlior you or some othir fel- low in to do t.he print in^^, but if you can do the highest grauo of v/ork I 309 no ^oason ^/iiy you vshould not do this« You understand, I thirJc, that tije hook is to he a sunptuous one, profusely if not lav- ishly illustrated. There will he at loasl 25 colored plates, 100 photo^;ravures, and probably not less than 150 text figures in the first volvjne. Tlie paper and press-work Siiould pf course come up to the high standard set £c^ the book. As I understand it, the publisii- ers e^ect you to electrotype everything as fast as we O^K. the page proofs, and the book will be printed entirely iroin the plates. I hope ;'Our foreman will exercise ijinusua] ca^e ai-id uiiigence in seeing that every page is absolutely perfect b'?ior'"* h^ aJlov/s it to be cast. I reconmonded your house in the face of co'isid-rrable c^iticisn irom Now York publishers; as a consoquonce I lool sor.e anxiety as well as resnonsibilit'^^ as to the rosv^lt. Rcnoniber that in this work yo>i are competing with the D^ime Press. I found c. strong feeling a-zi-ig New York publishers to the effect that your work was a lor^;, way rrom what th^^y considered tb highest grade, and I havo to admit that, tiiere is sent* . Aith in what they say. The tyve you ai^e us-n^ for our book is uncoirttnonly clean . nd free fron broken type, becaus: it is new, but the spaoiiig is v .ry n, uven, and the proof reading :.t your end of the line is not nufficU atly critical. Ru turning to the matter o'"* aptir: it seems to mo that wo want a i f «• 4 — AoH.H. good ^ag- stock paper 'm* th a good surface for text cuts, of yliich tnere a^u so many^ but absolutely without coating or gloss. Can ;/e not get suon a paper as this for 7 or 8 cents? If you happen to have the right so^t oi pai^er or! hand I wish you would send mo a sheet. It would be stillLo^.ter if you could strike off a few pages cont^aining cuts on such a sample; then I could send a duplicate of it to the publishers. You will of course send duplicate page .roof to me and to the publishers. As stated early in the letter, it is of the utmost im- portance that the copy sent mo should be mailed at the earliest pos- sible moncnt. No one regrets this haste mare than I do, and no one will over know how I have been harassed during the past two moni'hs in secu*'ingthe drawings for the text il lustrations. However, 'all's well that ends well,* wM I tr^ACt the book will come out all rigi;t and on time after all. Very iraly yours^ «-Nw^O V *^ 1 1 < 'I U' 2*8 WASHlNGTOt}, D. C, t# AiXjj. 2, 1900. Dear Sfer. Lanier: A snuiLl bate.'; of oositivos was received iron Curtis yesbGrdsir and forwarded t-o yoi: iirfiodiatoly hy express. Thoy aro doubtless in your hands no.'f. These positives are as follov/s: Froi- tivqs 198, Trees tiinbled Ly glacier; 199, Scrub pinos on bog at Wrai:gell; 233, Indian River J- from GilLort negatives 125, Mt. Edge- • cunbe froc: SiLka; 313, PaH of Hiibbard Glacier^ t^om Harrlman ne^a- tivo 8, Shoshone Falls^ ^om Morriam nORativ^e 10, Shoshono Palls. The trro latter are for the pJiotogrHVure \^e decided on in No'a- York the lat- ter part oi May, and I am sending you prints of the pliotographs nore- with. Harrlman* s will have to bs reuucod to the size of vnno to go across the pa^e. In view of the severe ariticisin we have had of the Curtis posi- tives, I wish you would take the trouble to look at those yourself. With tlio exception of 199, which was a slightly foggj' negative, I think you vv ill a^jree with no that i. hey ai^o first class-. They cer- v tainly seeir: to be very clear and sharp. All of those positives nay be put at once in the hanub of tiie photogravxire man for reproduction. Prints 01 all of their are mailed you herowitli in a f5vOparc.te package. A somewriut diif ici^Jt matter ar-'.i>os ii\ conr»-*<»tion with on:> nf th3 positives sent you y ^stc^day, namo^CjR^ , which shows a pa:^'t of Hubba:r'd Glacier. It forms naif of the panorama with Gilbert's No.3i2. W^thiprints of th^twc photographs 13 12 and 313lwi.ich I am sending wi1ii the others^ you will find the negative of 312. The negative of 313 f fc. * t !■ i ) i I 343 2— H.W.L. rJKsKVuiJC- ^>l^,*\>i^ 0 / is rin C-,irt.is' hajids, hcTioc. Vu- be?.-!. I ooidd do was to secure the posi- \ tivy of it. The photo^rav iro i-ian «a»i Irnve a poaitiva made from the- ! negaiivt ci 312, and have it toned Lo match the pcsiti/o of 313 sent / you yesterday. This shov.ld .-.ive hirn the cuitorial for his panorama / of H:-l:):.ard Glacier. The piciu^-e wni he a little- long and narrov:, but nothiiig lxk.0 ao riarro.v as tte Columbia Glcicior picture. In the package, I Iiavo put a print of Curtis 200, 'Mountain near Wranguil Na>'rows,' wo ich s?iOuld j,-^ to Andrew for comparison 'A'ith tho pliotogrevuro ho has just niade of this samo picture. The corv I aii sending is a di-rrjny of the alkyn set, and is not ^y^ any moaris a first G I ?* <^ <^ Ti v» T vrf You ^'ill also find •;>, the sa^io packagti Gilbert's negative 212, and a print or tho same, .showing a snow-capped mountain ridge rising beyond tho densely forested si: ores of ^hc Inside Passage. This also is to be reproduced tis a photngravuro. Spader is a jewel. He does l.ho sme type of work as Mrs. Koel- cr, and /being here wiiero I otai giN^e him points for corrections ni:'ht and mornii^, ho is turning out. »omo excellent thijigs. Mo is a h^.rd workar and a rapid wcrku-r. In accc^'uancc with your su^^stion, I gave 'var Icjai Tshoto- engraver a in of Spader's draAin/^s. Tho cvls were io miioh bettor \?[j^s\ I oxprjted that i kt3»^^ nix:, a larger batch, and liavc this after-- noon received proofs of U12 same ana jrr. for^yarding thorn to yoii in the package with the pliotograi^hs . Inasmuch as those cuts ai^o fully as gjod as tho best y;e htive mid made i;) Now Yorrv, and as tiie utmost^ proinpin^sr, is rL3co3r;ary in o'^der to get proofs of all the drawings be- fore 1 U^-^-"/ -I have j-,x3t sent hie -- .' i the unreproduced .Irfiwinf^s ai ! fl t I ^^8 3 — n •W*L« roniainirg in my hands, 21 in number. TriO cuts of tlioso aro promised for Monday morning. You will be gratifiod to know that, having today roceived proofs of thoromaining ci-.ts for the first part of Burroughs' article, I havo attached rr oofs of the cuts to the galley proof and have ro turn- ed tlE matter to the New Rra Co. for pagiiig. Tl-iO rest I ■.vill return immediately on receipt of the remaining proofs of the illustrations. I hope to be able to got the remainder of the drawings from Spador in ii'AQ to soo proofs before I QO. so tliat I mar' place all of the cuts in the a"ticiu5 by Burrougiis. Muii*. and Grinnell. You will haVG enough to dP iil ^ottirig thaSO into page proof before my return. Grinnell expects to be back in New Vork or. or about Aug, 15. aid will read the proof of his a-ticle. and help us all he can with the other articles. He is the only person I caii think of 'jrho can give us any real assistance in this matter. Stanley-Brown has exprt?ssed his wiU- iiigncss to help- particularly wilh the iilustrations-but aS he was not with us on the uc-trip when wo mado'the various stops. I fear he would not be able to put the cuts in the right .^laces, if any re- main to be labeled after I go. It would be well, however, to subnit to him.as Mr. Harriman's representative, proofs of all plxotogravuros and colored rlates received after my departure. Vorj' truly yours. .k V Mr. H. W. Lanior, Doul)loclay, Pago & Co., 34 Union Square, Now York. K fi i m \ , i; I ri ]C ,M 1^1 ■ I Gi^S WASKINGTOK,, D. G. Ai;^. 3, 1900 Jfr- doar P»'ofes8or.Kutti-^: On receipt of ^-our lattor of JmIy 24 I wrote &t once to Dr. Coo, of Yale, w;.o is nor at Weeds Hon. f»fes3. In roply he v/ritos cie that he will fo^-'va.-d his c ol''-''otiori to you within a week. As to tlie plates': v/o coTld liiuidle a fow in v/ash, but very -aich rrcfcr fiik lino dvccaiiLji^^fnd^h -Tiuy lo reproduced '.y photo- Utho^raphy. Srch drawings riuiy Lo cio^^Llo tho size ao^irod for tho rapro eviction, or oven tire? tiriGS tii.lf- si^e, anJ ocne out oxcollently "by photo- li^.hoi^rrir.h. Wash draw:^n^s OEin bo roprodiicccl only "by hali-tone or hoMotvT^Oe Half-lone is rcluiivoly choap, but requires a g,lazod pri:)r which h^s no periii^eaienco. Wc 'horerore do not use this process, bv^t -'.re oMiged to heliol2.TG such p.^tes, wliio^i is a much more ex- poiii've process. It is nocossan^ ■/ir^roforo, to rostrict tho uiunbor of WciSji dravvii-i^s, Lut ;yo caii ^Ivo yc - ftll th- photo-li^o^^ph platos \'oii want. As to tlie form of troatr^ont: ir the ,-oolOij^icai papors I thin}: wo HhiUll give a full line to "■:,£: r.aniO of the cpooies with its author- ity, c • d piit tho s^monjrry below. My proforonoo in .<',ynon:!^y is to be- ^fn a rr y lin^ vrith '?ajh citation and print soliv^ in 9-point typ'3* Yt.; wii- ^^^ cxuiq/io? of this in Nelson's r)P,l^r'r on •Mexicrui Squir- rolw=i' i)i *-'v^ { ir^t volvjr.o of tlio ProcoodinrS of tho Wa.^h i -i^jton Acado- ffi^r n£ Soio: :^?-. You Will find ar.othor style ii; a r^apor by Goultor sna Robe on 'MoaIcru UnbcUif -^.e' in tho stinc volvone. Very tin-ly yovTS, ^ Prof. C. C. !!M*tihv,, ^ _j/ ^ ^.-^"v^ ^Wv.vk.mjl^.'^ Iowa City, lovra.*-^^^*^**"^^ -^^ ^^- -^^ ' s ;f 11 i I ( i (' I I 346 WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 3, 1900 3f t G Dear Ceo: Many thanks for j'our lettor of tho 1st inst, I an vary ^Itd to know tliat you will srr;d Nutting your Hydroids as soon as possible so that ho may have all the niatorial available when ho ,vorks up the group Wiiich he is now ^eady to take hold of. ' ^ * You probably know that ^^ur colorod plates are 5ii tho hands of Borthold Melsel, of Boston, wlio, if I w\ not mistaken, is *by far tho b^st lithographor in America for this kind of work. Ho does all of Agassiz* work, -s you of course know. He has no+ yet sent mo any proofs. I expoct to start for California ^v. T'aesday, the 7th inst., or at ver-- latest on Wednesday; .so there -s no olianoo that I will soo Mc?isoi*s proofs boforq^ I 6^^ I shall be ^ono until about t;ie cna of September. I wC\\ w^'iUMeisel at onco o send a sot of proofs, witn tho originals, to you -ts soon as ready, so that you may niakv3 ail necessary criticisms direct. In tiiis way the stones will bo satis- factory to you by the time I f,et back, and all I shall hrvj to do will be to look out for the headlines ana lettering. We always print a legend at tho botton of our plates in addition to the ruming head . line. In tlie case of your plates, where so r:any species are shown r. eacii plate, possibly the sample word 'Nenerteans' vvoulu answer. ^ hev^ irou something; better to suggest? . ^ ton laa b^et+Jor notify MoiseT in season before you leave W^ cab Holl tio Ir.at iie will not f^^rA tho plates ti:.ere after you hav? gor bach't' Now Hc.ven. I have ix}.\^. hirr your Woods Holl aaaress. Vory truly jours, Pi'of. Weolc^ ^. Coo, Woods Holl, Muss. ?ne 1 ' ^i \ IH'J ns WASHINGTON, I). C, A'lj^. 3, 1900. Mr. Beri/iic'ld Moissl, 90 Broad Si... Eost.'-n, f^ass. Doar Sir: I cxpoct t.c loavo hc>^9 for Calironiia on the 7th inst*, to bo gone until the iattor part ol* Soptomber. I ro.--ret tliat ^rou were \h,- abk* to send r.o proois or the 'Neme^'tean' plates you are noiv making, co.c-'a M" departure. If ;-ou finish them in llio nopj- future, oleaso send t}iari, tOficth^r -yit:. tae ori^^inals, to Prof. Wesley R. Coe, M.-Lrim Biologicjiti Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. Ho is tho autjior of the paper they accompany, and will make tiio' necessary corrections if mv' aro needed, so that they will le all ready to print on iriy return. Tiie riuu-jnf, heaaing *P-ofi. Wash. A.;ad. Sci., Vol. II' should agree as closely as practicabls with that of th.' oneic/Bod plate. Tug liunl^ers for t/io plates I ^aiinot ^^isro you until the platos aro ready f;*- printing;, .l-^oavse wo aro printin,^ pa^^crs ail tho timo, anJ the njjiLers thoso bo^r will ^-pond ontiroly i;po]i tlio dato whon thoy can bo uolivo^ed. Rosr;octf::LV>s ff 1 ■'I' i t i H\ 348 WASHINGTON, D. C, Ajig. 3, 1500. Do?ir Mr. Lanier: You^ lotter of the 2(1 Inst, is at hand. I ^y^jsi that era this -joa hava^re^itnved the photographs which match up with the last batch of positivos you montion. Thu package alsn contained the prints for Andrew. Tlie four photogravures iron El son arrived today, and I a.Ti re- turning them hcrow-itli, with the corrections marked thereon. Tho one of the deserted village is a little indistinct, part iculcirly the totem-polos; il he can strengthen these it will do very \7ell. Tlxo two pictures of Bskimo topeks at Plover Bay need vorj^ :ittle correction. « TJie one sliowin^ a single large topex, vri th a large sealskin on a dry- ing frame bciiind it. is worthy of special attention in connoction with our recent correspondence re^^rdint; the Curtis^? positives. Curtis wrote mo that this was the poorest positive amon^- the entire lot he had made for us, and tliat ho would have made a duplicate C/icept for the fact bhat he dropped and smashed tic origiruil negative. The poorest of th) 4 Bison photogravures i^> the one sliowing an Indian log hut; this hns been spoiled by trimiciMg, as you v/ ill see at once wiien you compare it witli the origiiial. Tho tree on the left which has been c^.it off adds oncrj^»cusly to the artistic effect of the picture. If the positive is not satibfacucry I 1h ink an excellent rhotogrei/ure can be made from the accompunying print. You will re- member that Bison's original sainplcs, which ^cere excellent, were made from photograpiiS dooidodly inforior to t]\is ono. Of course it snould il ^ r- \ \i I! Gi^S 2— H.W.L. ho reducod to the size of our page, b-.+. should not bo trimniod on .cither end. The lett,9riiY. avrikos .to as ail right, thovi^i I do not liko the uneven size of tiiO ti^o loops in the 'B* in Berin^i Sea. Tae ques- ticr: arises in this lattorin^, as oo whothor the cap initial lettors Rr:ail capa would; us-a * { w look as well as a littlo lar^or t^^pe your otic, taste in this matter. Tho Gifford 'St. Blias' pictn^-e which camo in the last hat<|ri of lithOj=,raphs is merely a cloud orfcet affair and has not; ir^ to do v/ith the picture I refer to, whicli sh.ows the mountain in the range. It has toon in soKioLody's riands for roproduction averj' lor^ time, and I i:ave seen no r>»-oof of it. You will romoraher it ^vlion I rorind you of tlie circumsta:i.:.j that I took it to Mr. Harriman's the day wo called on Gifford and Dc-Uenhm^h, and tUL I sant it to ^rou b' mes- sender, along with a >Ball water color, for you to make the selec- ion. You rejoct3d the water color, and kept the larger oil paint- ing. I have not seen H since, but I have a suspicion that the pic- ture in zle last CENTURY is roally taicen from a part of tho oil painU in^ i!)idt--r oor.sidoratio'i. I have no duplicate proof of Giiho's first proof of the Barrj' Glacier from iry logativ > L^O. h-.t I havs one proof ir. the set, which I v/ill send you with those. I shall bs ^;lad to have it back, as it ir, avory beaut ifnl rervoducstion in ovo^-ything but the upper part of thi fog, vviiich was cut a^ay. It s.hows tho pillars which fcmi tho sides 01 the tj,reat jave bolow iho -.vutor, better than any otlior pic- tvre I Jifave seen. " ' In the package of ,ph'>tOj.rer);i3 and photogravures I an returning ! II It ? •r ,f I V -I *5 -"**n an «L:« horewith I havo put savoral more proof's of line c;its,r3ceivod tcdaj'- from 'Aio photo-en^ravor. Your ronarks in a proooaii^ latter with respocl to ^.hB woodcut niatter surprised rao vory iipaoh, for our pooplo hero use woodcuts in prefercric? to zinc or coppor wnon thoy caii ^st thon. On roceipt of your letter I oonsultod our editorial dopartmonb, and thoy s&.y that woodcut S|aiid oloctrot^.np^ plates containing woodcuts, if proporly overlaid, ^^w o very nuch b^ttar and oloaror picluras than zinc otch- ijTgs. The lines aro oloaror and more sharply cut, and the liglit ef- fects more delicate. I also v/roto to the New Era Coi?ipany and &skod then: if ivoodcuts could oo run succcssf^.illy in the text alor-^ nvith zinc etchirigs. Tho.ir reply I enclose horov;ith« Very t^.ily yours. Mr. K, W. Linier, Doul/ldday, Pqge k Co., 34 Union Square, New York 350 t . 4 158 352 ^. WASHINGTON, D. C, , ^r.r Mr. La* ipy.. A^t..r v..ing ,tr-n.d h.avon and oarth ia^.o^^- M .f •■ sary out. in ^ ^>,p .^ ,.. .. ,, , ""^^ ''^ ^'^ ^'-^ '^^^'^~ «• r n.-.K? trie B^.'^rp-' , -,.. ^-^^p , , i----^-C, I ,va^ c.-...y,.l.3t,oly upset Iv v.-ord >or --n M d ^ ^ yesterday, reooly^d oj,.. -1^.^. r.^ ^^^ ^ v^^t o.ii^o, t.,j^ --ole York will v •.,,« +^ - -e^.CL t.jt. New B?'ti noor.l" i- -^ino +1- •* ■ T'j?3da". ■• ^n.oro I xoavc on Dor.lLKlay, P:^o & Co.. 3-^ Dnlou Squnro, New '/ork I I WASHINGTON, I.e., 5^ / AiuN 4. 1900 M2'. A. H. Kcj^eh^Vx. Ne^-; Eru Print :.r*g Cr*^ Doar Sir: V:rv^»>eriV thaiiks for -our lector of T/iie 3d Irr.t. r.lout. the Alaska look, ai-ii also for the acoompaiiyin^ batch of ^alloy prooT, on which I tx^' no»v at i«r'ork. I liope to returr. thic proof to you on Sun- day ^^ Mcn:^.r^ v'itl. proofs of all of the cutn ir: rlaoo. I chail also return tho roiiah.riV cot?^'' whi?h ^''cu \y»3r? rood enouA to send v/ it:; tiio proof, ?.o •'l.r.t you w?3^ i:ave tlio thin^ t-canplato with plaoos ni^^rkod for zV: of t't? illustrations^ I was ovonvholmei with Oi^aietnent at your rta^onent Mi?t- you ri;yc not rn.;'?'»YC>d tho blocks fr^r Dcublu^i'^.j-: Pa^^^e & Co., arid vdroa ti^o^ to thlr rffe^t at 8 o'clock this ^oniir^. Tl.oy have dou>;tlo^?3 sent tL:m to yot; tod::y, and I still horo thoy yv^y ropc?i yoi- tonight or nu'ly Mnr'iay r.ior^ni}'^, so o'-^at it na:,- lo rossil.la Vo?- ^-om to pago the --lai-tor Mrndixy--Tr: w'nich ^v^*? I can receive it Tii-^.'^day. I;: ^\,^ 7:att**'' of runnin^^ hoadn, I would roco;:^n:}iiS r-uttit^^^ tho name of '^Au autho^ at tho top of the loft-hivrid p:ijic, tho j:ubjr^ct. con- tents 01 ti.o pa^e at ilie lot of tne ri^:ht-hand prt^o. Une s.T.ali orps for rurnin^: *Moad1n^?; an-i m^io yc^.;r r^ubject catch-titlos ^.3 briof' :f!,s prccticfhlT, Tiio title of PurrouJ-.r/ article, wliich for.ris thn f irot clinpter of the hock, U NARRATIVE OF TUB KXP8DITI0N. Sinoo tj.e pAo- lir"iif?rs ]a.\q not rt-nit ^n a iiut of th'^ railway trair: w: ich ir to ^n -r " ti ( I I ! ( 8gC 2***-A«n«iI at the head of the first page, I do not know whether the title should £0 above or Vt^lcnf the ciit, or whether the naks-up will have to he such that it cajaaot go here at all, in which case it would have to stand alone tLcross the niddle of the preceding; pa^e — which would not look veil. You will have to use your jud^jnent ahout Uiits when you receive the cxxi. By tlio way, I wired you this morning immodiatelj'^ on receipt of your letter, askiHj-; 3nou hot to trj^ to page tlie natter until you had theae cuts-^otiiorwise no end of charges rnl^ht be necessary. The chapters will not le mL^nbered, bit will bear distinctive titles, each by a separate author. Please tell ne If thje cuts you refer to as rou^iil^*' finistie.d are the ones of whlc]: I setit you the blocks, or the proofs of whicii j'ou have i:iot received the blocks and which are in the hands of D. P. & Co. I will speak to tiiO or^^rnvor nor;) who is nov makir^ the remain- der of the cuts for me, about orlir.^iir*^ ther; p/> close as possible. It is not clear to ne f ron yor^r letter whath ;r you exuiuined those sent and founri then l:.c]vin(;; in tliis respect. As to your inquirj^ alotit the printing for this book while I am ^oro : I expect to leave matters in sucli shape that you can ^o ahead aj;d sot up thr reriaindr of tlie Burrou^iS t>*ticle, and the followin£^ article, which is by Johi Miilr on •Glac-rrs/ and ^at this natter into psi^es; bi^t it nust r.ot bo olectrotyDod until I have seen it« I will write you about t^his before I ^o. By sending me a galley nroof to San Praricisco, some tine nay be gained. I ixm cutting short mj'' trio so Rs to 1 e back before tlie end of September. Yen" truly yours. i if- 'e it ' I'U I m 354 I f ? 1 I /I i « I' Uli'' ) ■ iWi 558 ^ x^A • WASHH^TON, D. C, Aug. 6, 1900. Dear yuertes: Tliarik* for your trout lo about th;e puffixift* heads. After look- ing at your diunrales and the various positions you surest, it soeais to lae that by far the best way will be to arrange both those hoads natvTttl sise, on a plate 5 x Tj inches, as you sii^est. This maJtes the best looking picture as a whole, and shows all of both heads. It will also leave at least ^ of an inch— perhaps more— between the heads so that they need not look too crowded. In cases where the area of the illustration fUls the plate solid, it looks badly when It is a little too big; but in coses like the present, where only a arcall part of the area of the figure pro- trudes beyond the proper size of the page, it looks all ri^t. Please send the plate direct to Lanier, as I sJiall be on m^^ wav to California before it could reach me. With bost vishcs. Very truly yotirs. Ur. L. A. Puertes, Ithaca, R 'w York. N i i I !■ f t ) \ » I <:\. i , i; I < 't 058 ^ 5^ WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 7, 1900. Mr* A. H. Hei^shoy, New Era Priiiting Co., Lancastar, Pa. Dear Sir: ^ ^ Your lottor of tho 6th inst. reached mo oarljr this morning, j-loiTg ^A'ith tho first batch of paged proof of the Biirrougl n article, v/itii space i3f I for tha cats v/jiich you had not received. So many things sooir.od in danger of beiiig' left at loose ends that I docided to stay over until the 10 o'clock train Tliursday %. mornirig, when I shall leave for California without fail. I ain rather hoping tiiat this delay v;ill enablo you to send mo proofs v/ith the cuts in place. I will returp the page proof witii the ranning lioad- linos indicated as far as tho rratter goes As to the sub-titles, I agree witii. you in preferring small caps v/ith initial caps, hut I arn wondering if you have not sono style of type that would look a little better for these sub-headings than the small caps of the same style we are using. Probably you have. Torrorrow I will sonwi you a lot of material with as full ex- planations as possible. If you have ari;,'1.hing to send me, or any questions to ask, on or Leforc tho 13th inst., it>u riight audross mo 'Big Trees, Calaverat coimty, Calif.' After tho 13th inst., ^md thence on until the 10th of September, address me •Cf.lifnrnia Academy of Scioncos, San Fran- Cisco, Cr.lif., but do not expect an early reply, as I shall be in if I; «.. V i> t I 357 2—A.H.H. mountains for two or tijrer ^vcoks aftor leaving B?g Troos. l>aring my absence^ ail iiattor rolati:ig to the Wasliington Acade- my oi Sciences shoul.. be addressed to mj^ Q'iief Assista*it, Dr. T. S. Palmer, Department of Ag>^iculture, Washington, D. C. Yen.' trily ^''ours, ^ ' >i n \ li. m .h -«.» » 8S8 WASHIJICTOK, D. C, Aug. 7, 1900. Dear Mr, Hndsoi;: WhGii yew v/oro liere this aiternoon I forgot to ask you to ^ive your drav/in^s of tho tliroo r^sks and tho Indian rattlo to Mr. Lanior, of Doulle day, Pago & Co«, v34 Union Square, Now York. They are likoly to Lo needed for reproduction in Crinnell's article before I return; hence I sliall te obliged if you will r;;,ive or send them to Mr. Lanier as above. Yer^'' trulv yours. Ifr. C. B. Hudson, VH^VJ ■^^^■ >^< \\ ^j I '1 I. \ V \ ^ \ ll'j r V WASKIHGTON, D. C, feT^. 7, 1900 4 I Dca^^ Staiiloy-Brcv::: Man- +.ha;il'.s fcr 'our loUor of the r,th ir,st. Tl^e iologram about Harrimii's noisativo Ko. B was also received, bat owing to tl-.o pressure ol oti.or riatters it was no£,lectGd. I shall be ohligod if vou will r-eud it to Lanier. Tlas rerr.inds r:e: wheu tho neisativof- come back froin Ciirtis-if they do cone T-^ack before ray retuni--ploase do not di?tribv.to then, as several aro badly needed at ny end of the line. This ar.plies to negatives bolor^ir^ to several different poonle-Avoroll. Qevoreux. and Harrinu-ui. However, thoy nay be in Gilberfs hands when I rotuni; if so, it v/ill be all ridit. As to tlie letter you ouclosod fron Lanier: I quite a^reo with him, that tine publication as K:a^a2ine a-ticles of well selected chap- ters from ^JlO book would help r.dvT'-ti.so the book mid Would be f. t,ood thintj, for us, I really see no ol;jection to this. It seems to ne, hwovcr. that in eaeii case the oenefits of the. magazine pub li cut ion should accrae to tho author, and fiat it woul'd nbt be ri^t to pub- lish .xn article in a nafiazlno wHhmit first obta^uin^i the consent of tiio av.t;;or. Li:ue3r*s letter is -etumrd to you ht^rowith. I enclose also Kirs. Koeler's receipt for the Jtm^ batx-. of di-a?/- in^s. a.:d m^paid bills for one woodcut and 3 baiches .f drawir^s, as follows: • Willicjis, woodcut,. $20. 00 Hudson, 7 vQii drawings, $o5.W , . ^+v«v.c ^-^7 fsn John Ridtsoway, 3 dravvir^s. and retoucnmc otners. $37.oO B. II. Baldwin, 7 arawin£,3, $3^.00 Bad; of tli-se bills has the auur-ess of the aj-tiat. a.id I shall be 359 If , I 098 2— J.S-B. olligod if you Will kindly i^ve checks sent to tho individi^als, as I shall not lo horo to distribute tlien. (Xvi:^^ to an accidental delay in sendi,^ ti:e text cuts from the puLlisi^or to th. printer, I w.s not able to rocoivo text proof of Bu,. roughs' articlo y.st.rday. as expected. After cousiderablo -^.i-^W in Lot], dirodtions, I have decided to wait over v.;til the 10 o'clock tram ThuraOa^ :uond^, the 9th inst. TJ;is will enable no to pass upon tho first batcii of paged proof containi:^ tlxo cuts. I have requested M^-. Lanier to send you hereafter proofs and Fhotograpi.s of .11 photogravures, so that you „,ay bo able to pr^s "pon the 5ZJU3 during cry absence. It soens to no that there should be no difficultu now in print- ing ^^e renmnder of Burrou^.s' article,and also Ifoirs, before «v re- turn, and it nay be possible also to pv.t Grinnell's in tiT,e. arlr^ell expected to bo baci. at his office U.o middle of thi. .onfh, in -.vhich case he v/ill bo able to Inok- ar+«« 4^,^ aoio .0 iooK aftor tlie a-rangoKcnt of Uie cuts for nls article on the Indians. Von' tral^' yours. < vV.^<^ XVv^Kjv. V J. StaiJoy-Brayii, Esq., 120 Broadway, Now yo»*k City. f % I I 1 i t tv»H \ . M 188 '^'f^^'' WASHINGTON. D. C.» Aug. 8, IWO. ^\. Dear Staiiley-Bro^Yii: Ifeny thanks for your telegrara giving me the height of M»altnoKiah Palls; also for your tclogram this moment received rospccting thfO Iixdian articles from Alaska. Yog^ the second "box finally came-^iAou^ so«9 days after you wore iioro. I neglected to notify ytiu, as you were in Ohio at the tine. ' I have made tlia following disposition of the material in these boxes: Certain speciiaiXis from Loth boxes a>'e now in the hands of artists. Bie r^naining spoaimons have been repacked in two separate boxes, as received, and are in Dr. Tisher's hands awaiting instruc- tions for shipiwnt. The ono which cai»io from Mr. Harriman's ncuso I have had addressed to Mr. Harriman at 1 East 55th St., New. York. If rou will kindly notify 3r. Fisher ( addressing him: Dr. A. K. Fichor, U. S. Dopt. of Agriculture) where to ship both boxes, ho will start them iinmediatelj^. I suppose the second ono, containing the oil-box, ocs back to the Now York Zoo, and that tho first goes back to Mr. Harriman* s iiouse. However, you will let Fisher know about this, and ho will do tho rest. C. B. Huason, artist, 5b drai.ving foui' srrall masks from the box wliich came from Mi% Harriman* s house. He will roturn these to yaa at 120 Broadway, Now York, in about three weeks, unless you advise him to the contrary. His present address is 10 Ninth St«, SE, Washington, D. C A batch of odds and ends from the N. Y. Zoo box I have ssnt Iqr ) i ' I H f i V Q 2— J.S-B. express to W. B. Spader, 190 T/elfth St., Brookljm, N. Y. He will draw these during the next two weeks, and vail laako such disposition of tliG specimen.; as ^^ou may direct. Ho (Sr-ador) has buen here draw- ing for us for the past, ten days, and iias done admirably • He has nicide a great "catcli of drawings which set us ever so far ahead. Ho is by all odcis the best man we liavo struck. His work is of tho .saino character as Mrs. Koolor's, but ho has had more experience in repro- uuction, and knows how to make lines 7/i~iiah come out stronger in tho cuts. If I could hav3 had him a month ago, I should have been in California some time since. By the way, Kiuir wire? me U^at ho v/ill go with me on my trip across tho Sierra next week. I am re tumii-ig to tho pointers tonight all of tho Biirrou^s stuff witi nervTly all of the cuts in place t and have arranged for tho correct placing of tho few remaining cuts not yet drawn. As I think I told you before, I have requested Lanior to send -j'ou proofs and photograplis of ail tho photogravures. Tnis will bo a groat help. Lajiior is ail right, but is inclined to be a little lax in criticism: 1 mean by this tliat ho is likely to accept v/ork whidi is not quite up to our standard. I know that some of tho positives arc not first class. At the snno time, most of them ^ivo good ropro- * duct ions if we insist on it. Tho main complication in tl^io noiir future is with rospect to the niunorous draivlrigs of Indian trinkets for Grinnoll's article; and sino3 OrinnGll is to return to New York about tho middle of this month I iiavG put tho whole matt{^r in his hands, so tliat he will be rosponsi- bio for tho correct placing of nis cvm cuts, and-^-what is porhsps mora ^o the T:>oint--will Iiavo to see that lie I.as text to >nc.och tlio 362 ii I 1 if i«r(| C9C 3— J.S-B. cuts whore tjiey Tall in pretty thick, as thoy do in placos. Hula I ac: goi;-: I «an probably to re&chod about a« follcws: By mil, at Biij Trees. CalaV^raa'co^auty. for letters leaving New Ifork not later tiion Ai«. 12; by mil, at- •Academy of Sciences, San Pran- cisoo. CaUf.,' for letters loavir^ Now YorK between Sept. 1 and Sept. •• by yire, at Aciidoray of Sciences, San Piancisco, /iJ<5« ^3, ana Sept. 10 io 19» ;ji f i^d ^ bjii fron »n. 1 . Grooiio for stenrigraph- ^° ir^cl^o Department oS Lubor. Washington, D. C, '^ ■ /.aid $2.00 express cha.^5«« ^" ^^^ ^^''^ ^'^^^^ '' '""'"" , ^ w,« York and oS cents on the stuff I sent Spader tiiinfis sent mo from Hew York, ana .' 1 -- -if ro^t t »=n'. you yo^tord^y H' expros. a paoka^p ,r ap-cinons tor Kt IrarJcoa lo hia by oxp-oa. a", laaT^lngton a.iveraity. Soa.tla. With best TV'ishos, J, StanlvV-Brar/n, Brq., 120 Broadway, How Yo*»W City. I I 'I I ' «■• ; > ■ * 1 ■ i 364 WASHINGTON, D. C, c-t> Ai;£5= e, 1900. q^l N3W B3"u Print lijg Co., U\nca»tor, Pa. Doar Sir: I am SGnuixig ?a a packa^o^i^ilh raaterial for tli3 Procood1x)^8 faah- iiigton AcadoKi^ of Scienof^f, the renainiiit, ^'^J^^set copy of B^irrc^i^is* artiolo, F^ark^d for iho rest of tiie cuts, and aa retiimii^ botii pa^o aiid advaiico i^allov of fti la article; so that vriion you rocoive tids package you will iiavc tiio Burrou^^is striff complete. You will also finu in the Hhrae pac;co^c copy for t3;e next art.i- cle in the Harriraan Bxpodition book, wiach is entitled 'Hotos on Gla- ciers,* by John lt\ir. You trill observe that in both the Burroti^yis and Itiir a-^ticlos I have indicated on tl;e riargin the places for tlio few cuts of which proofs are not yot at nand. These proofs should be attached by Mr. Lanier, of lioubleday, Pago k Co., when you send hire the galley proof. The drawings have just boex; laade, or are bo- in^ fii.ishod, and the outs should bo reacy before ii.c proof reaches D. P. & Co. Hcrerftor, until my :*etxim, send all pro.-rs of the Har- riraan Expedition book to Doubled; y, Pa^iJ & Co.. y- Union Square, Now York. The first page of the Ha-riruru-* book is troublesome, but I think your plaji of puttlr.^ 'ALASKA* h\ ';ig typo in the open space at the top of the cut, and Burroue/is* sj-i^nial title below with a new Initial letter, will be lixe best way out si tiie oifficulty; only I Tould not ) ; I 588 * ^ 2--A»n«ri« iDavo 30 rrrjich space between the Lottori of the cut and Burroii^is* ti- tic* It soorns to mo this page Is a little long to look well. I have sent a copy of it, with comments, to Mr. Lanior, of Doubleday, Page k Co., who will advise yoii further with respect to it. It strikes mo tiiat a couple of lines conld be tnme4--to advantage. In tlie package with the other things you will find a Lcitch of blocks covering all of t}ie proofs which have been er^gravod here in Wa&riington. You have received the others from New York, so that the only ones reriaining are the few only just drawn but which will be sent you from New York in a few days. The initial 'W on the first pae^e will have to be cut off, I think, and a new one substituted, as you si-ggesl. I wrote you j^osterday tliat letters written no up to Aug. 12 sliovld reach me at ^ig Trees, Calaveras coronty, California. In case of ii>^gent need of connect ii^^ vith me, a telegram on Aug. 13 would reach me addressed to •Acadoi^' of Sciences, San Jfrancisoo, Calif .• Mail leavi.^g Lancaster Sept. 1 to 8 would probably roacli me at Acader:^^ of Soiencoa, San Francisco. Tfiis is the best I oau do. I hope to bo back by ^pt. 25 or 2B. Vorj' truly years, , ^ It I t ! WASHINGTOR. D. C, -^ S^'?'. Aujj. n, 1900. h..^ Dear Mr. Lanier: Spadt -^ rct;irneu to Now York today, after having made for \\u a fine lot of draw^ii^js. Ke is by far the niost satiafaotorj' nan I have corac in contact ?/ith for triis sort of .vork. He has worked hard and dono v/cll. It has been Uie greatest kind of a help to liave hie: hero whore I could talk with him about particular points which needed em- phasis, and where he could make in a few minutos the desired correc- tions Lcft^r the drawings were done. I sent you by Spader the first page of the Burrou^-^is article, with s^^estions as to how it may be fixed rp. Spadar will talk the niattcr over :vith you, and you will of course make the decision and act accordingly. If nocessarj^ I thirJe a couple of linos can bo r^n over. It would not be difficult to cut out a lir^ or two in Uio first two or tliree pages. I sent you t]iis noming by express the two rcnaining colored drawings of Fuertes, oiie a Sabino's Gall, the other a Kaaiak Pine Bui If inch --both superb sttidies. Puortes will send j^'ou direct his painting of P»jf fins' heads. Those three complete tlie sories not yet giver out, ttxMl you will dispose of them as you think lest* I sor/ also the galley proof and copy of the second batch of B^arrou^^s* pa- per. The third kwd last batch will bo sent you later by the New Bra people. I am also sendii^ the Now Era people the copy for Muir's article with proofs of the cuts attached, and tho places indicated for exits not/ j^et made. Spader wfll loll you in ''•he morning that ho 366 pi T98 'i 2*--h«W vLs has a luanbor of drawings in hand for \:ho B\\rror.\(^.& and Muir articles which he will finish as aarly as possiLlo* I sliail loePfQ in a buridlo to be sent you ty my assistant in the morning the proofs of illustrations received today, and also the page proof of EnrrouQis' article as far as I have received it. As previously stated, I have indicated on both the Burrou^s v. and Muir nianuscrlpts the places miero cuts are to go. Spader has the drawii^s — or will have tliern shortly—so that there need not bo much more delay. I should like to see one proof containing the cuts In place, to be sure that they are rightly placed and that the legends are correct. Amoi)g tlie outstanding drawings which are be4Bg cado by Spader and iiudson are some Indian things for Grinnoll's article on •Kie Na- tives •' Tliose ^irawings will be turned in to j^u for reproduction, and I c4hall bo obligod if you will send Crinnell proofs of them to Inser; in the proper places in his manuscript. M/ possible aadros^es are as follows: by xnaLl, at "Big Trees, ^ Calavora^^ county, Calif., 'for loiters leaving Hew York not later than Aiig. 12; by mail, at •Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif.,* for letters leavi?-^ New York between Sept. 1 and Sept. E; by wire, at •AcadoiiQ' of Soiencos, Sixn Francisco,' Aug. 13 and Sept. 10-15. I ejcpoct to be back Sept. 25 or Sept. 28. Muir has wired ne that he will go with me on my trip across the Sierra. The proofs of pliotogravuros mentioned in your letter of ycstor- oay have not come to hand, but may reach me before I go in the morn- ing; I go on the 10 o'clock train. li' they do not come I will leave dirr3ctions to h^vo tliom returned, and yon had better send them to t - I I 368 '^ '♦; ^^V 1 i 1 '■■' f ; i 1 1 •I \ ' 0 3— H.W.L. Stanloy.Br-^ Dov l'>day, Pago & Co., , 34 Onion aquai'e, Nov Yo^k. ^ m ii 638 370 WASHDKTOH. D. C, 1 \ AxXfT, 8. 1900. Hy dear Griimell: At 10 o'clock in the -.orr.ing I loave for California, to be gono 'ontil about t,};o and of Scptorabcr. I havo trous-orod up your kind offer to tako hold of the book matter and help a« ijiuc]i a* you could dui'ing ray absence, and I ronombor tliat you threatened to come back about oho aiddlo of Aug-ast. Tliis fits in vor-y nicely. Tho prosoiit status of the book is this: Most of the Burrou^is article is in t:-pc; the reiraindor will be in iyjie in a few days prob- ably, and will bo followed by the Miu'r article, which in turn is to bo followed by tho GrinneU article on 'Kie Natives.' Host bitt not all of the cuts for these throe articles iu^ve loon made. In the case of tho Burrou£ii-.s and fchdr articles, I havo attaaiiod proofs of tho cuts in their proper places. A few dra^viji^s rereain to bo made, ani I havo indicated the positions am legends for tlioso :.s well as practicable at the prosoiit time, raid have told Lanier, of Doublodav. Pago ft Co., to call on you in case he ^ots in trouble. You will know v/hat ^things are, and whore they belong. Tnore is dift^'^hiuv.o of name wnich I si;culd explain. Gilbert and Dall. alter a tedious investiga- tion, have come to the conclurion that the glacier we stopped to in- VDstigate at the base of tho Fairweatlior range on our way north is after ail tho LaPerouse, and not the Crillon. Nov/ as to your article: I ara sending you your ovm manuscript, ana proofs of all the cuts for your a^-ticlo wliioh I. havo had made up to Uio present time, and I think you will find there ai'e plenty of I I 4*1 i 2--Dr.G.B.G. t...t:a. A few more, however, are :n the hcoida of artists. Socie raasks and a rattlo are t-Cting drawn by C. B. Ki^uson, who will turn iu nU drawJr^-s for v-oproc'nction to Doullediiy, P:Jgo & Co., as soon as they are iono, and they will send proofs of the cuts to you. Otlior Indit-u masks and trijikots are in the hraius of aaothor young artist, W. E. 8pad.:r, fil.c -.vill 8ul>ndt the drawh-^s to you for criticism :aid will then turn tlieci in to Do\>bleday. Pfego & Co., wlio will iiavc ciits nada aiid send you proofs. When those two lots are done, which will be sho-tly, you will liavo ail of the illustrative r'atorial for your arti- cle except the full- page plates, which we will a:-rane,o later. You" paper will bo the best illustrated chapter ii. the book. I hf.vs also sot ftxdson at work inaiviiig sorae drawings for yrau- sainoii e»rticle, fror.; the rhotograi-hs wo selected at tho Fish Coimnis- sion. Tr.e best of those dra.virigs io bsJ.^ reproduced by photogravv.re --the others in pen work. As this a^-ticl."! will coino, later, we will still havo time to secure aaditional illustrations. It will bo difficult to roach me while I or. gone, but -I aiay bo reached probably as follows: by riiil, at 'Bi^, Tr^os, Calaveras ^ county, Calif.,' for lette>'s leaving N'-w York not later than Av^. 12; b^^ Rail- at 'Aoadoniv of Sciences, Snri Francisco, Calif.,' for lotto >'s lo^tvingKew Yo>-k l:cWoo:i Scjt. 1 and Sopt . B; l,y wire, at •AcadGiuy of Scioacos, San Priuici:ivc/ Aug. 13, and Sopt. J-0-^-; . that 7CU have laid up a st-^-e ot stroi^th for tho coniii^j soason, I romaJn, witix Lest wishes. Very truly ycurs, y Dr. Goor^o Bird Grinnoll, 'X 'Foros . and Stroara* office. Now York City. I t I u M Orig 371 h iM :,)f STS I 9 ''I li WP^ hi' .fr^Sifi^i. f ^S. >. ^Vj >-'^ \ 1 ^i ) *--r-^V ^X^ **^SMliW. 4 ^ ^vK/' ^V > .A *^-^_X i- t \ X. V---^A^ JUw t^ Vv,*ir- r f \\ X ( -rv»..v '^-K» w ^ ^s n J [M V -S^ ^ •^ i '*^ >c^ y X j^ V V V V- '-'^w^ V V4»-*,sX^-4 ,,f^. ^ .,*9 - % Vr \ ^ - >K L ^-^-w^ "VZav- ^x ♦ ^ H^ .>v> ■vJL' Av \> K »^ #% V 10 373 4 \ v.- ^ M (. 1 >... ^ V 1 " %.. » . - iA \ ^ *-t., iL-^ jK v>.-CX V«n«-s..^ •fc^v.-u X> V VvjkV Js. i-M ^ .»v \jC1lJ 4 4- 1- A ."VjIv 1 ^ J f ^ ^ — ^ *^ -^ i A \ X y* •«. T-« ^ riginal Defective * i '» I ^ rl " "< I- m H ^rg /'« .mi , ^m ".->'^-«|WV«' ^«wi**t n NV -*-A ^*«^^ - V aJ^X \ K V V U , i^cfe .-WiM^^* 4.- t * X.V, iLn %..*# K K > ~:V> f ^ -w\^«* HJ-^ »%. .^ V.N>. i^v^ \ '*-^JL^^» 4I,v5 O^Ki^^C!!5% u ^^(Sh», ^'^<**,,Ji^ \y^^ <, -\ v^ ""t^. K^-:y -t ^^^-k.fetcj V5C >tv>^^ iY ^^^^^ '^'s.C\ f .-L> >.^.C^^ ^L^. tWi^ ut. r H iu -* •t I r -* '•'■•f^- k •^w C3^ ^V r^ V LA. \ 4^ ^ i^f Origi nal Defective iu ' ' M : \ \ : :\ i. '' ilH ! fl ^ jM M 375 WaahinRton, D. C, October 8,1900 Dear Stanl^yiwovn: T!Mrks for your latter just reoeived, inclosing one from Lanier, yAii0h I hMrewith return. Mrs. HM-rlnam did not mention the subject of the edition de-luxe when I Kai at Arden. !Ior wm it spoken of by anyone during iny visit to I have no new information. Lanier claims thit while the cost of such an edition would imolve a conaiderable additional expenditure, the hifji price receired for each copy would soon pay for it and leave a liberal nai?^ln for profit. I believe he is right. It seems to me that it ii desirable to obtain from Lanier a definite estirate of the cost before nakii^ final decision. Hudson has just returned to me the four Indian articles in his posaession. and I will send them, along with the carved vertebra which I hiiTe» to Jfr. Harrinfin*8 house today, charges prepaid. The 2 boxes also go today. The dra»ii«e Spader made were from the ^Tew York Zoo box as stated in iqy letter, and, as correctly quoted by you. You made a little mistake toward the end of your letter, but I will forfrive you if you never do it again. Very truly yours, Mr. J. Stanley- Brown, %J».>Ms. ^' Do«r ?1r. L«nier: Washir^ton, D. C, October 8,1900 After a good deal of work I think I understand the situation sufficient!;/ t© return a batch of photof^ravures . and to reply to your inquiries respecting a few othffr matters. 1. Hoen: I enclose his letter of September 22 respecting the Bear plate and other matters. It is encouraging to know that the work he has in hand is so well alo'-v- to.varc: completion. I ar- a lit- tie at a loss to know what he Mans by the ".-lacisr plate received direct from Dr. Herriam" unless it is a view in Co llep.e Fiord which he was at work on last sprir^r. . - 2. 2i®_?5H£^£lil22E«H]i' Inclosed is Cockayne's lettsr of Ssp- tember 27 regarding .samples of paper. I a^r^^ with him that- the Scun- pie marked No. 1, is by far the best, and should be used for th.e illustrations he is rcakli^T. 5, Th^,_ Bear; The water in the foregroimd of the bear picture is rather too amch of a dark bro'#n, but this I think can be eaciiy remedied. The sides of tne head are a little too oa-ire-yallo^i/, and the hind feet 3ee>.-, to rw. tof;ethor. Tr:e vMvt hhJ foot noods briu.- in;^ out. These detail- can doubtless be remedied in the seccnd proof. The bush in the ri^^ht hand corner should be fixed up in son* way; it is very poorly done r^nd looks blurry ard eoarce like "a choar Oiromo. Apart fro^o th s T think the picture is very satisfactory. ' T^e text:.a-e of th.e fur is very «ood. It is hard r,o criticize more in detail in the absence of the ori/anal painting: for comparison,. 4. ^i8j;ox: Trie i^'ox pamt^-g is finished. Kni^^ht has changed the front le^js, has cut cto/^ the big earn,, and_ccrr«cted ths color to I . \ S • --/I conform with the apeciner. He says the picture will be dry enoii^^h so I can send it to you with the others 5. Hudson Ts Pictures; Hudson ha?, had a hara time wiVn our work owin^ to the large aa^iount of work he has had to do for the Fish Com- fnissiono He has not drawn the IMian trinkets he had for Grinnell's article. Tliis will not matter, however^ as Orinnell's Indian paper is already profusely illustraiedo Hudson has finished five line pic- tures to accoiapany Grlnnell 's article on Salmon fishing; these you will find in the packa^,ec Plea -a ha-ve then reproduced and the proofs sent to me at your convenience « Hudsor has also made two splomiid paint igs of sealions, which yo*^ will find in the package. One is of an old bull on a rock in the surf, surrounded by females; the other is a sta^ede of sealio^s at "Ro^^oslof ''olcano, witnessed by IT. Har- riman, and mentioned by ^;urrouf:hs« Mr. Harriman was greatly interest- ed in these sealions and I am sixre he will be pleased with the il- lustration. To reproduce these two paintings, I suppose they mrast be phDtOf;ravured or heliotypedo 6, 3padar^: Gilbert writes that he will return on Thursday o I shall \j^ ^;lfid to see Spader as soon as practicable thereafter, I an holding; hi3 drawir^;s that, you sent me in order Lbat he may m^ike a few *ninor corrections when he gets here,. if ford and Dill jmh au^:h : :Iave I seen proofs of all of their paint>ings that hrive been reproduced for the book? I hav^^ not found MoQjit '>t. SHas avfionf: thoro, vxrS if I am not mistaken several are miss- inp 8« lettering, for theBird Plates: This I am havinr: prepared and will send you tomorrow. 377 878 379 L.— 3 ^' PP-tor Photorravures : l^Tiat has become of them? I have seen no proofs. If I reraemher rightly we decided to have four. Tf the" are too expensive for the regular ed tion, then it seems to me that we should have ordinary photot;ravm-e3 of at least 2 or 3 of them. ^°' £liE*2e:SvurilLp^«' ^■- proofs of lettering from Elson i return herewith 0, K'd, I have also 0, KM three unlettered photogravures which are returned herewith; and have rejected two— one of ^'vutch Har- bor, IJnalasfca, the mountains of which are a-' oninable; and one of Fort Wran^-ren, in which the mountains lehim the old fort hKVA been mon- keved with. The for; in the ori/anal picture should he reproduced and not replaced hy irri3,.unary sod. As a niatter of fact the whole top of the mountain was covered with snov.-, part cf which was hidden bvtho fog. The forni of this snow in the raproduction is completely changed. The picture of the hut on Wood Island I have O.K'd althou^th it has been much injured hy cutting off the bottom half an inch abov^ the nark made by ne on the original. I also return another picture? .marked for lettering: it is the one showing two len^rthv/ise pictures, one of K'enai Peninsula, the other of Alaska Peninsula, ^^: Lo-^tered PhotoKrav-ires from, /j -drew; "'h.ese are in the main satisfactory. ?hfe one of Serpentine Glacier is labeled '^^epjtar-tine' . The Gulls on ^t. George Island are credited to Townsend. I received the photOKr&ph from Stanley-Brown and supposed it was talien by Ohi- chesttr. Please ask ^tanlay-!^rown abont th^.s. In the double picture of Sihka Indiion Huts, would it not be well to insert a line unler the top picture: 'Indians mending canoe.' ? One of the views of Harriman Glacier is wro]*;ly labeled "Yale Glacier » College Fiord\ I return it herewith along with the photor,ravure of Yale Glacier which was made *^' « V L. -4 before I wmt away. The photogravure of the boat party in Lowe Inlet is far too poor to go in the book and must be rejected unless much better prints than the one just received are furnished. The one of Hubb.ard niacier is likewise abominable. I am sure a Tar better re- suit can >.e obtained fron Gilhei-t 's relatives. The wat-^r, and also the edce ixim top of the ice, should be much lighter. In the pictiire of the sealion dri^e at St. Paul the. fence should be removed. What has become of the proofs of lettering of the photogravures made bv Gilbo bftfore I went away ? I would like to see these as early as possible. Ttid you not say that ycu sent with the fox some proofs or other mttors intedned for for rae ? If so, what has becore of them ? Per- hiips Hoen has them. Very truly yours. i.v.c?^ V^^ Mr. H. W. Lanier, Doiibleday, Pa^e and Co., TTew York City. I ari sending you by express today: a. Knight's fox b. 2 pairtirg: b. ■/ pair-oirfs of sealions for full pace plate3^xt^> c ^ line drawings by Hudson for text tigures. d° 4 s:isnn photop;ravuros O.K'd for letteriiig e. 5 O.K'd photof-ravm-es. _ u ofcf^ £; 1 Hoiible r>hotorravure marked for lettermg. r, ■, .. • I* ProSfs of^Hai^ri'man and Yale Glaciers for cor/ection of lettering i! Returned letters from Hoen and Cockayne. f^N. ^* ^-^ 'wTw-'w XKA-fc: »' <.MU>» -^ » ^ V. ^ I 4 ♦ '^> '^ -'*• ***^ -^ » I > 'jb . Jujkk^K^^ -yjU^J^^ik * ^ A.V n k II ? 1)88 1A '■\S Wa^Uii?v,toxi, D, G«, OctoLar 9, 1900. ?^o^. Co 0. '^l^^ iiri^. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa* • Doar P^'ofassor Kutting: On >'.tu>'nin^ l>nrr; California a fo'' Otvys a^^o Dr. PHimor ^avo me ^ yo.r lelLer of Ai/ ust 13, Wiiidi has boon rollowea by yours .of la'j . | 5s^instant. It is ^;rauifying lo know i>i a^ t»hu coi.'.ecoion has turn'jd o\it so v/oil. I In Uie rnatuor of nomine lalure I would by all odds adhere to tho American Ornii/lioloPiSiiS' liuionV^'oao as uhe simplest anu besL course. Y Now as Lo I'he ilius brat ions? VhD r/ubils- wrs pa"^- for no iliustrcitior neiulior fo»* the ori^anal uj^awin^^s, rcr ••?'(? ronvc lit'it.ioron?iOS 0 ' illust^j^tiorp vv!:i^]". aro not :;vovii.iou .or l^y c^i t: ors c'^o raid j*o«^ '' y xr, ia^n:'-^-" ner^^or"!'^ Uj^ T t; o n:"80 o: roit: ors wo 3?"onparie^^ v:o ^xriorfitio::, • • o DJatQ?= illurt.rnr,iv:.. t.eir z^wor^^^ Iiavo kiwiiL , TiV o-^'? o>' tvo C''"optiort.s, "'••eo'" Tu"^;" i^hot^ ly ^''^ .^i/.t ors t^'-:^^^^]-'ys. Ir t/^p -ase of oit?i'>j srociallst?^, vrorki*:; htj "ollec- tir*. s '»iao6 1;^- tl^o oxrc^Htior, ^"Ir. };ur>-i'-tan h^^ \v, two ir.^L^i-'-'-^^ r'^^ovia * ed l"or t?'0 ;^ra?/i]";'s. I. vou v/ill I'in''}.'' so*n - '^^o «^-^'^ es i..i •';:•; 1 9 oi t :e oop^ o:? thos> dr-awi- ? I -^ill soe if \:.\^ c^a inot >>^ paia <'or i- l. ? '-n-'e ^ri". Iri a^^^^^M in'i ti o drav/i-^> on plates Jo^ ^^iiro: vi'M ior^. '^^*:' v^u not '^Ip^ee tie w?i*^r. ->*f^-^vi"/,^ tOv^et'or so t:.a1. orly p 5*0^^ ;:oo; ^:o roT^^ouucoii 1'^ t"'i<7 '5Ki)OJ:.^ivo Tjrooo^f^os of tvhn Loliotypo -^^ p'^^oto ra . . vuro co^^'-rr^'-'l^^ . »ea^"i>>' ^.^ o ot: orr ".o 1g phoLo- li t} o^raohe^a 1? you wi'i Ai.-' '\^ i/.fo^"^ ""0 0" thor»o roint:", I will rorly at* o-oo« Wit', lert wir;hos, Vory 'f.rulv y<^urs, ^'j«=»^ -J- s L mi 1 :^ s I 1^ ^ 381 WfishirL,;j.ton, D. C. <^'^W nr 9, 1900. ViQr-i'" M-»*. Lanier: Ir: looi'i' ov-er- r;,3 iotto-.T^ r;. ot,a >v^Jf^an-!, ro-,oiv-id, I finouo^,v:-'-Ji8 roquostoa^.o have ohoi-: oradibja Lo the U. S. Fish CoiKnission. This co>'-oci.ion raiso ha raade. The ei-.^dif. line should, raau— PhoV.og^aph by Uo 5. ^''is'' Cowdssicn. V(;'*v vrvily yours, Mr. H. W. Lanier, New Yo^k City. 1 H V i 'i :8c ^/^ . ij OcoOi;or y, 1900 Vale Bioio^n>A] rt,- -^ aear Cog: ■^ *-'-•. ' »i ( V' ri /". -^ - Varj o>-uly t.-y,-,, ? ^i I i' I I r e ■ ■, t ■ 1 f ■'1 383 <^ ^i-- ^ ^i r>A 3 Washingion, D. C, Octol-er 9, 1900. Doa- Suanley-iirown: Enclosed aro two bills fo^^ o^'iginai illusLrauicns, ^1 icii I have anDroved, One oi t..hos3 is fc- Rnigl i-'s fox painbing, airiounbiiig to $100.; the other io^ liuason's ;oainj^in#s ana dra^in • to aube, omourio- iri^ to $9lj.00, ail of wliich H!»e sat. 3f act cry. Aii oi' uhese I have Godav sent hr- Lai icr for roprocli.Cuion. Kni .ht has pub a nen boL of legs ur-aor his .ox, has cub '.Aii hi,, aars uown aboub hHii, cxnc. has corrected tho original Dainiirui in obL«r ways so uhat it is now an oxceilenb picburo of bho haasL anci will ho a haridson;e addibicn bO the book, iauason's soa-lior.t^ ar ; starinir^.;. Ona of bhem is a coin- posit i^n fro^ some of y »ur phobographs; the oihor, from my Bogosiof herd. The pan drawings m this babch of Hudson's are irof^) lar^;e • Fish Comnission photog^-aphs. and are for nrinnell's arbicie on iAie Salmon fishery. . Y(3ry bruly yours, Mr. .T. Stariley-}>own, New York h r^ 4^88 October 10, 1900, Dear Stanley -B»*owr: I a-Ti afraid f;o much railroad ^^usinos;^ is affectim'' your neadl I returned hU of v«mr no^.ativos last suTn-ner boio^e poinr west* Most of t/her- I ,«-Rvo 2.rou in porson ton day^ or f.o a-^^ter hnr-rowiv^ tho^. riiO ley vor^Pinin^ onos 1 tool: '.o yr>ur iV)use and roTAirnod T/O tlo f!hoir in tlie ?^all bedi^oon? \vhor3 you ^/Oll ru; t.o put tbem# I never h& arr of yoiir lantor^i f^lrrl<^?5. Enclosed is rv; r3GGipted bill fo^ 'Tuly, wldch I fo;;no iviuh chock a'^a:liinv re on '^':'*' return. "^J^t^y^K^ fvir. J. Sthnlo^^'-P.T^o^.vn, New yorV i^ioy. K 288 ^U Washin^rton, D, C, October 11, 1900. Dear Uv. Lanier: Your lettor-s of th_o 9t]) and ioth sro at. ha:^d, T.o.ot}:or with rrooi-.s of tho five Gilbo phoi,o,7T-nyu-9s fo- capU.or.s. Those I lu.ve written and a'- -oturnine ^^^« "^ntr- horowith. I h^v« ,,iso racuived today, from you. a hatch of miscell.noou. proofs of tho colored litho- .graphs. :jo one in my of:-ice knows any--.irv. about the Srowflako dLH- : ture, ajid I should be /greatly ohIi,.:9ri if yo^. car, sonu w.., proofs. Ihs Plate or Puffin heads is heav.;.if.J; tha T^into of the -luU al-so is o/- collent as a whole, hit the hill and sye ara no:, <',laar e^iou,^-. ire outline of tho hill is a little hav;, and tho eye looks as if t)-o bin: wor- dead . This should he correotad. T} e tinted lithoi'.raDh of Puffins is very attractive, hut I wish '•Vcortes * si,>nRture coula be put at tho >'0ttnm instoad oi ac^-oss the -iddlo, whore it is a hier-ish.- o*-. the face of the picture. T-)0 cant ions fb r the landscr;pes should ho taker, fro the origi- nals—all of DellenhaujTh's were carefully iahelad on ohr* hack. 1 am not sure V^at 1 can fiiTish them correctly in nil cases, an;, I ar; ouite 'oof I '-H-'e, "y sot will he incomplete. No. 1 do not know anyV:-iiv- ahout the article of which vou speak ro- the 'Worla's Worv'. Who l-,:^ .r-iUoi it ? By ftU odds lot ^0 st3e tbo nrr-^f 1 ei''^^^ i"* % yr ^.im^ *,yp ^*oS>*ly f ? ti. 386 I.^ —2 t^ood 'Jx'rtis Dho!.,Ot^rephs of tlie i-irrr- Lft.h taken uriort-': tlie toten I Dolos of the Caoa Fox. deported ^'illa.-o. .1. t\n not ?Airo thai Ivlr* Har- rinarx woul care to ha^•^•^ there usea. You had "bottor conroalt Stanigy- Brown on tti? point. I ha^.'Oi written Stanley-Brown in lavor of tho in 1 t .^ hivo ornff-on, ari "^?ivo nu.'^'C?5t9d that ho obtain fron you hu o^^ti- >Mr^f,9 o-^* ^''? additi^^^al ro^t, i^) nT-ae**^ to lay the ^attor hefore kr, Har^i^a^' fov a f viral dfri>>ion, I tola hir that in rny ludrr^ent the rjr»ofitB \^'OrJd 'reatl^' ox-j-ad the additional cosL, • - * ' ■ Gil'e^t. h^z r^Ui'^'-f^'' . ^ -'^ i u- .-lad t.o hiv^w that Spader will "^e *^o^o in B da''' o^ twOo My \'oint with re^noct T.o i>e colo^'od photo -^^avure^ of whic'^ I ' avo rot ^'-ot- ^e-n n^oofs, 5 s b do^ihlo o^-^e : (') unlos? the color work is a *^ucco?s we do not van^. U.em at all, and tJiis we carjiot do- ter^^iino uniJl we sea tho proofs: (2) Boi^e of t> 0 scenes r-^presentod a^aoiv t' esG are not covered in an^ otlcr way in the hooV. Henr^e. as stater: in my la^^t letter, o^^dina'^^'- nhotograviiros of these shovdri he included in the '^erula^ edition^ as was t];e or-Tnal intention. The p'r^oto. ^avi^re of hu])hard (Glacier, which I eiriticij^ed as hi hi u satisfactory, wa«^ not ^ade fro'^ a oositr^e at all, hul. from Oil- "^'ort'*^ o^i/'"inBl negative. I rocei^'ed iViuir's nroo:^ all ri ht, anr hope to tackle the •''oh of tT*5.^.^>nn out all o:' t>e >:al irra->ap proof ^.s soon p.? Spader ^akos the necessary crawings to r0i>lac8 those whic^ ar3 now wron/'iy piacad^ 3r)y- niakes the co^rection*^ desired T^ i/irp, harrir.an. V ft>. kr. W. H. ban i or, New York Cit Ver^,^ truly ^^^ours,, «r . m I'M It H I ■t r88 yr". Eerthold Moisel, Washington. D, C, October 11. 1900. rosion, Mar.fi, Hoer Sir: I f^^;all bo obliged if you will kinnly send r^o rjroofs of t,he plates you ha-^o mado of Norertean worrnp, b^' Dr. Woslov Coo. %^^r^"*'^ VVvXn]- ^^iOU t ifl I l( fe. *"" f (I 11^ ! f f 888 ^^^N^ ^'^^ \ O, \m WiL X«s^ v.^v^ r^ V ?' 4^. SSh *' 1. -V V' 4l5^ \ \ r*^ ^Ww:;. W v 4 ! : * A, :^ * \V Njk.%^ \x.^>^jn^ •>-\'!\-*.5>^(:,>,, ^ Vh-^-^ V~v (•.-.A XZ Nvt O ' (i»i lV Vh li -V: '-»; Hc^iO "'-X.i^ ^aU '^- «^ l.< dp n.--^ *' . «. Ct lurH j *' *IA*Wi^^ <^- J. ^tJu^ t » *\i>)*k W * I. \ ^If^' 3;.^n ICBQ /cad* o ^^i.• J^'' ^M^/i- iK^ts^V^ ^ ic be ii riwi^iv V n >f H^m rf in-: i*- V>-, A., c^ Mik -r^i J^, "w J .iJ.ii * i>j:. *i< '« U * . c ii ^"^^ ^'/ler -*^ -w > ^i «Ci^ i cI.,A>,-?^u j3c:v .%9^,inj . «< ^4? V V -^^t<: .Jcmin ( v c: •*t5ck;.7^v^-, v^ Ti ..^ .^ u^^ »^» ^41' X c^ 'V*-^.» VV To *fc 4a «. •!. \ V vx-- -V \ \ w. > ^ \ V- V-m* — » V 1-W^ ^ J ! n 1 p] •• I'l N f H ■| ' 1 it V n • r ■^^NKisV '•^'^"■^ ^ •J i >' !l t^ I Ur ! i!^: 'liH'sf' m ii ! I * . vk»», •M (it; lilli M M % m I t V \m f 888 T "^ *^'^'»^»HM SX*^ Wu,.Lk ^' Pv ! I 4 ,j I'l ll I ;i [!: Retake of Preceding Frame 188 c -/ \ 1 ^"Y\ 1*1 id*- u vU)L \ ■>* ] (- 'V N.\ w "%fe' v-^ ^ -^^v. ^-'^-^v \ l&.l \ u v-,v ^ V x V :V. / i S^- V i \ -^ V .. V ^^ ■-S/-,, f"^-.^*: >V. V \> a -a-:- \ ■.?"-. V ■V :^, 'i SL... - .V W > V L f-v^ *W ■i«(-i^— "S ^'A^, — V -V x.^>\. ■* 5 '*^." V \ -J., v \ ■ * •*. '' s ■^ ■ \ V \4 ^^ ^k-' x^ \ ^. V ^ 4.. !.-■> M "^Vx- \ -,\ V'- V ■«vj„ ■^^ ■^^^ "*^ \ -.^J'" V. K '■rV \ V V V- |U>* V v\X^ *-\5« il 3: TftU^f >;-fi.\^t f •WJilf'.'il &m*„ IW 1^ ;|r fi^? ->{«■' C- ( n^ 'i*J 'f&W. V.iL M ^'"i^ji ■,'< S**ki- ^V ^A \ ?* fC' 'n ■i'« /• /-"■• y ^' ^ :3^- «**' / ^^ .>-< •■ <^ II iiir-* '■l^' / i I .■A I Origina I Defective SU^^K^Bjtjttmifl^^Mlg^l^m^^^^^umia^^^^ It 1 1 !i 'f^ 'i* lt|: If I I mu w «88 S C^' J ^ ^Ivk V \ t ^'^..l&^\'^l^ ■v X^si V VT \V >^S»/>wK. V*>-v. \k -^.J^. ^ \ ^ X..N ^ X^, )Kr \ V s T •v- Ot N^ .\ \ Uv^ -X, > V ■-A»o>.>^ \ f^ Gk V \ ^mX^ "'V'K^^.V ^^- ■r-»..X ''■■ V •V V \ \ a -* «< r « i^ia&^ * T ig;j*Wl^^MWW*B ! ) i (■ i / / / '/ / / y J- J' r t d- V r J ) ^ rr" r I X ^ .'■' ■ / J' ' '.» / ^ .is< ■», f X' / f y '-5- 1 i I />■' -^' r J ^ >' T^ S ^ liHA •■a " ""nmiiii'Miti hiinittm / / ^♦f -^ J^ .>' / ,/ / / i I !< r f "? T<;<.r::t^'X''A.T~ 4^ 390 ... y ■?< 4 •:• A-- / ^ c f f I -■^ '•?m III i i M^ f r c r'< ■I ^ ' ( » ) 391 S- 4 <\ 'Y^■ ^-*^.n.nH s «• -u^ctm^t^ ' '"^ ^ ».^*Ki 7 ~Va^.j^ ^^^, JL< ** ) •w 1 ^3M^«^ F , Oo^^^ hjk^^ ^'v.-,^*^ 1*- -1^ -.^ ||.#v. iw W'NAfc •'»-'"- ' V^ t'^.5L .^ f ,|1 . .WL. . k#V. V. .'«-»-nJIl/'^^" V- ^^-^JU^ t^^X.^ i t. Vlp^ ^'vZam^jUI^ f -^^ ■I -I'. 'a' «. I 1(1' 1- H J 4 'I * : I ( I ■If: i i' if I' m 0 'k tA » /> ^. #%# Daar S;>finiy •Brown:.— Only a fov^ or mv na^ative OctcDer 17, 1900. # 1 hc.va not ^1/ leon ret/urned, ;-nu hi> you knc»v ana (.ii. of ina pho^c^ravv"^*^ piot^i-^'^^s snoiuji \)< Oi.C©. f .11 wMii Ai-i -)i' t:^^-i^'^ 'm'':^^p^ ■t ! 5 •* ^0 Jw4^ I i'Oi.r ,->..^^.s ia ^,.fl .,att»r ox your n«gtttiv.*s,&ftgr c.ii. txia JL^aj-/ :nu "diciV I'itd-a. ttJ^r-ci^ u ■• /* /^ -^ ■ > • >^ Jj rav;a '^^ r iJCJior* I Ici't On .a iy 31 I si, ;.v^jed six :-#r :i r 6^ ytk^ ^"^^y your J, i*^0 B. niidwa^ , Naw Ycrk. IT. Y. t55 %M%i^r^vx^ M/'Jf I I >s i f J ^T^5^iw-»l^l I i t 393 If*" Doa^ Mr. L-m^*"' Wc^ahhij.Lcji» D. C., Ootob?r i?, i';oo. v*0 i-' ^. ... h...u;..n araw:r3t,3 .aia proof's of iha iamon Ont ox .1^:6 J prr. 16 LiOCKo I iTiji v»0\„ i; i. U ^^t^- a. I(tj&: on Hali Isiand^-a Lea- < -?mT V-^ -r.. pro.fs r.t -.... ,. , . . . ' -'^' '"'" ■■™ ""••t.^--!. -'*' -cu^yi, bui th^^ },av"> nor v'n,t sl-w- ■.• i • -^«. ^1 vie. v ar;.iOi.ea, I -osn bi:.^'-ri *-=i: I ;:ave Loan nard ui> .vcrK oa G.Mr,r..,ii' j a- ! .'. '-'" • ^'^^^ -^«^^-« '''aae 4. ^.ro■;,-lv a- t:cie p. fjS i .1 •i I ■ ; t Iti \\ ■I- 4 ' «-t : 111, I 4^68 Tiiia ib not }Aij a aihtiiksv-wo of t,iic plot-ores are oi;- pliua^aa, ena on« r.f U« drawings .-c^a- by Spador-U ofliitt,«d. Wiisn thssa ara«-^s :^nd prcoxo r«auh mo I wiU 1,5 aLl« to stPai^it.sn this fni .:.thcr ,-.wtt«rs out. S- au^^r ur-rvv'a panor.iinma of Coi'ucibia Giaciar lor r,t;l-'s article, L--^ I ::f.v- not a..an «iU-r rh- -^rig;int.l or t. p-'^of. K^H;,^. j,,v? I s:sn .^s a.'-w.ui^ 0^ murr^s c^a. But :•! i.K ;:.s:.i.'»:,s t-'. fio 'j-.-.o de.rr'Lf, us :h;;r-9 is a ^v^,-c,i baich oi- these ar;iA-i.T^s .«^ d pr-of s A'h 1 u.-:. sh.^-uxu .-•ftuch mi:.:Mon ::: ohe book- -numaiv Lcjia-icik?d Harbpr, T)-.^t.^.,axilMJMi.. Bay, i.na "Ths Das-',r'5d In- dian Vill::^3». T}i53s v.cturss .v=,r? £^iv«n you icr r';proa..cticri uboi-i 3-^ ntn jr iOth. Tiicrs si-Ui re.TiaariS .in-aocovmtcd-lcr the on^ y- nh.u ^ii:.tcj^ -^nfja at a much sarli^r :int*, ^u ,i-cii ^v^^a St^l3t;-..-.d by Mrs. Ha r: nan as har p'-srsronct!-. :.i. ,ii* cjntir« ict .j.' ths Piora p:.ctu-9. I uc n.-:l knov ..s ir-^/tfir, but it rsplaopu No. 3;:. .vn'ch ...a w'-^ar.Ar. I fjs rsturninii to ynu n^rv^i^h the cnir copy I^rv^ .)r tii? P"-":V-fe-^.i>h crthis pa'-.ntir^. I^ iav^^xO^r' :.i.v...aa t^o n. ^ C^j yv,. no. pU ^..rT^no/irhpatr \^F^c.r.tVax)t -.0 i ••;. uu i';-3t p"ooJ- -: :,iiffS5 y;:uitli^s xio\ UUr thiiis N^v. iO, -nd to lu-Hsx; ti... ^ntir-. a^rMo.: iv t .a:. = - cfKiji D,.c. 10. m.a-r psnalty r;! Icaiii^ his .^^-j ,;:.-, no pay lor u:.& irouMs? W._.t ;: .a .'-•o./vi ^ -h'i ori^ir.ai n^^^in^ ivcs scat uc m* Yarioua i:.ioLoe,r,;;r:'-' ...a /,- r^produoti-^ii? M,- :^n hatci. whica wrent t.o G :,o. ^-r^ -■ -.^^n^u j... : b;>tov« J uit ;V.- Caiiiornla, t-i^. /:! t ?•- i * V-**-" i 396 (a) others havtj hm- ' e>i. /t.--- • >• -. .-,... I iiiiixli b^ X nave ..ii« piiOto^r'.^.iifcy ^-^ vr.^^. Aiidraw n-wi.. ^ f .^ ►5;?i.i;i m* :ifc ^arb' :,s with. '1PV ill Mvsa th, p ^ *. tv Gi3f-,r?phy. Fer-now ori F-r9s^r-;.-. ,,r Brewer .1 A-.m^aphor^? r» In .h^ puCKc-^-^ wi^-i. ' i\^. ohi.e::^ ;.hi.r^^. I ^^ #f..Qbv^raphs vynick ^-re to ka i-us he^^n raprciic^d Ly u^: •■^r^v^^it but or v/riia/i no prools i:aTc r.ac. -.. Co you k..ov^ wn^.^ i..3 -:....,, and ^it.^ithert or ncfc U^-y ;.v,.vo i^-n aone. Bch the vary V'^<'' 01 -..i^ir kind. P--^r:a- -3tb-n the printf. o mb ^s I ;^ur I am '^^vfcm.rm. You *i.il rsaonoar -,hai. I h^u ac auplicate^t or i^:r-st of ara ,l:?2j ..j, -a hall Oi. ..assi r.rxV:^ o'-.n.c oaok vo ii?.. I &:u-.ii *.'j . J O '' ■*y ^a^-a ii yc.i will hev. r.^u* sal >;i .ii^as a^s r. t-inied promptly. -xvsjs^ :i^ .1 '. Mi i, 11* res I i t i I t If » •I if \ ': 1 h. I I' il ^. ir v^. October ir, i900« •^^ \ My dear Prof esspr Brewer: To 0 bad you caugfi^ that ooia. Vcu d-^tj oiti auou^ .o know better, but dont let that A'orry you. If you- >.iar;i;sc-.p:. r-ch6H me in two cr thr<^o v^ocks, it wi^ still Le in s.:^ascr lor (>aj nrst Proiessor Ibi. H^ Brewer, 418 Or&i3^^5 St., Vary truly yours. V\\(K.%/v ITow haven, CcnVA. 'SvJ ' i 11 /, ^M t i 0 ? A if tl! '»^ .-^ *rt.*T^ ■ I . i.' #' II I I «'<( M •I I f;Ti r,^ I ''« '*^*'i flfiil i I 868 ^. .,-3 V Washirigton, D. C., O:,^ober IB, 1900. Do-ir Mr. L&iuer: that I «. ,a.f .<^.,, .na ,,,if ,ror.g. Vou wii. ro.,e.b... ,.«t th.» ^.. ...0 31.. .t n„. ;„ ;.,, = ,^ ,..,, „„ ^,^^^^^_^ ^^,^^.^ J ^^ ne,nat,iv9 of .312 ana ^i-* ^v- . -^^ '-'^ iU t^M ...... „r,, ne^i^tzva cr 313 was then in Ci-^.s' .'is-nas. On wirixyj Curt.^3 lor It. -le -8-lind '., + V. , ■ . w--^'^ ,•+ -r". -s.-xivu .hat ns hua npt apns A'l'.h instructions t., t.hf. nnr^n-r. u, ■, -e ^-....Ogruyura man to niuko a posi^.iva ..o .-latoh it i-rom Glib art's 312 o^-frr'.-^ '' -A^. .. j.i T,nis was not satisfactorv -.o vvaxt until tno r.c.ip4.r t.o original no^ati.e or 313. T v , n ^ative I h..v. Just obtlainea r.o. Oin,e.t, ana a. sanai.^ to ..!■ ^' >-o.ith,so that U. pnotcrarure .an will nc. >.avs bot. ./;, ..^ 6-. uo,attv.s. rro. ^io). I trust ne will .aiC an excellent Pla.e. Wa ... particularly a.uious t.at this plate si.ou.u re a • ' ■•■'"^' "'^' '"^^« ^--eso two n.-i,_^atly2£ re- Tl.i vhirtocn lettr.red pr.ot te-a.v:. d.-riYed toir.-. AU arc 0. K. , "^^' - >' 5>^^3ria, tnt5 wora G-:.bo -t^ .^5 -.&ht L.u-a u.-njr is spcH.a •aiioo' T^... .P 5. ..c....a. arrc,r.s .,c...u n.ro loer cor.oc.ad l..uore 'h- ....o-. ..-J:.v.;re8 sent ,ri.- i,y yo;. vos^ ^. -►' ' i^ti^ cAi '.1 '.ncfii sat ! t *: 4 i I- I 399 (0 wsra sent tlo us. Si-r^.. . . ^, Of the V in ^h "* I'o" "' ''''^"'*' "^' ^^^*^y'^h« bottom Another day has passed, ai^ri nfli-h«*. .>, nor proofs of Spader's drawin.! , '''*'^''"^' foo • ^ . . 1 er s drawings hava reached me. It is rea'lv too cad to be set back xn this foolish wa. T^ ' en.^ necess^n^ de la,, without be n T\ J "" '^ '^ un-necc.s.«y ones. . " ' '"'' '^' '^«^ -^^^^^ Vory trulj yoi;rs. Double. ia^^ Page & Co.. v^4 Dnion Square, New York, N. Y. ifWit I? u will kinaly drop me a line by return mail, expressing your wishes in ^.his matter, I will act ac- cordingly. With kindest re^a^^ds to you all, I remain. Very truly yours. ^\t^3Lx3^::; — Mrs. E. fi. Karriman, 1 B. 55tr; St., Nevv York. V 1 \ ^u » l-l "* -.^ ftp • if I h I ' , till : V ^ n % r\\ Borthold Meisol, Doar Sir: Octobej' l:\ I5C0 .tf. ..nj c.. i.dna.^ Pieeso s^ma t:i-i:i a. one so r,r^i. I r^'^^y ,,..^i^^3 ..j_ _^^ iUCSB^ar;- C0i!i^cli-iS0:l: 5 r\CJ ^ ^ ,. *'A - ^tv i,.r. co-roe :ioii.ai5,a print ir^. 66, piJite.s oi' which I liiT^a -.^ •..,^. .,,.- ■ ^ . , _ ; / '■' -'^' i-Gu-^tvu .:mu ht.a t;u.reiu.'t r,.; i..-e ""^^-- '^-^'"' -^ -*^^ii^ nave aoaition^ ax Qoioea Li^t'-s ;o .^ t v. I ■v 402 I \. i 3l^ ^^ Octcbar 19, i900 D ,-..■,: ,. P . . m Ti:.-xi;v3 .*'.r ^'OW letter -. the l'7--,h. ana tha rGt;..n: oi ^he proof :• , wh.lal; }iave just oof'iO to hand. I -im ^/-'-itl/ig, ¥:-vsol b^- l/his ntali 'l-' benu «•«« he or.'.^inait foi- cor;pi.:-.-i5CU, aii4 *-iil iu.tvo tLa iett.ri-in^, j,ut on beic." -ds yov- juv/o ;:;ci;';»vt-eu. With best ■■rrishcs. Vc \vjJsr. I &( 1 I ;s I -i I irp .^ ^^ 4 ♦ < •! i li i* 1 ■r '1 li: !i '^ ill' co^ D^ar Mr. U:iua- Ootoie-^- IQ, 1900. r»u ey »ia-^. tod:-.-- th.^ f.K, . ,.. ,-t. ■ . ■'li-^^^^.nl • "*'"'^ J-'^'^^^^s ^^i^n ,.0^. hnvo uon-^ ^iih r.^r. •>c^-u-*' c^r,- othtiri, ^Nhiftt' Ii> iius ^ocu.- ana I c-j, - , •^•'- ■•'^''■■' " J^^° ■_^. or t.rio Unioi. - /^' - - * c». h. "t • - . -. •» ■» "t i. ^ T F'Otty f>H.!. For in.:,an.- ^. . • n ' '^^^^"^ ^^i'^^-' ^i^^'»^ ie -c&aing^,^,,^ p>en (who h--. i^, .... . ^ ^.r.tee soma ,.copi. a.: sf.>.,;.:. r, ""' "'''^^* ""fci^^ C'^-^ as an .^uttor.ist ir^atoaa o- • 1 - • ♦' Dcxi i i/0 *. J • ^ 1 r, - t * s u •^ 404 \ .C tf ] r •:;>■« I f-jj 5^ !2 •a;" , Dr. R. L. TrudofiL '^ I A. - ■ V' iz^ai i'liTTjil^y^ :.^iv.. D^^o M' • * poi'^son .. :; :*'"'%:.arai^ ir^i. I'a: Ejer-t^ull lou. I ••!>. fivi^'c* w '>>ii. hiu iiur^to ii'Oifri the iiisb t * « f ^ ^ *" 1: t i 1 ^11 m\\ r n I t B |: T 1 i » 1 ,' -i 'fill 1 1 f ■ , i '! .1 r «.'! t- wm 1 1 IB^ 1 flHH k f ■ 80^ &Jiu- Kr. I,- j,:,v-- i*AU OotoLe^' 19, 1900. -^j, .''.-» i^Lt ...«J "'♦ • '..».•..-, 4 L. — -^.. a ve- i,u.r-u'iv- - - ' ^^---^u'" Work' , j-, ;-,.,„ ^oci...- arui I ... ...-., . . " '-'"^ ^^Pau.oion ,,1.,, ^^.,. ^■'-*'-'- you as -. ■ ■,. , - — - P^-oUy bH.J. For ia.:,^,,. ., ^. .* : ' '' ."^ ^-^^ fixpeu,a-K .e ••'^■-.rgj^r.. .,,,'(,,;,..; :/:■"'"•'"■"" ■■'^ ^=->-^- ■'"•- ir« ,,:, -- -i.u council . r : > ,. » " "''•- i-'iiru * •^''(•J /una Pi- 1- a. -ji strike 3«. ,.,,,-, ,, 3,^_ "-- O- "...i^l.t. ■ „„,„„ ,,,^^, * -'6*8-, ana <.o re.Si.-< ;, n.. , , f I M •v '.I*', '■,""•' 404 * * (,/ h.) i -i.- */••-' I - 41 *.* ^'^**i-» ^ ^ ,- '»■■-. f -, « R. lie, ■"IS 'ol'iSX' i ^ \ ..!ri---' - ^- i,n:; ovnn- isir^^il'^ p^-'^on .n :.-iiaii5i ir;^ .ho iitiv Vui'i tr.ay yours. Y 'in ^ lOriginal Detective V < I ^ m' >. «: ^ 'I ,■ 'i * ■' 1 (!'! I \ ,. t I ^ eo* 406 I 1-1 1^ October 19. i?00, . ' -1 Dear Mr. Lenia-: of fhp '•• . " "'^^-^ rioouew me with proofs 01 t.ne ixno cuts th^s Mms -r-i - ^- ^ ^o ^. .. , ™^' •'''^ ■■ ■''' ''^"^ time huv, not *e^t ail ^%. (ana proofs ox tnese urawx.^3) made .r..r I i.f^ w 3Mn.. lor Guiifornia. I • -.y^ t „. ■ J ^ ^"^"^ '''^«^^^%'''^*^' Wis Ola proofs of Burrc-j-ha ^r- • x- ^o v^i Ion. i .. r '''^^'"•^^'^^ --ixus.rations, of ^Jvloh I hud proofs • long cexore I vvari i aw-u t :^ , *' "v^j-o ir .., , . ^^ • ^ ''""'^ -^^^^"^ ''^^ -'^a pari of .m draw- ^%s and part of ti.e proofs of the dra^in.- - . , c ^^^^ eono. Ou^ or. the 30 drawir^'. .naa« t. ^ ^ w oi ■ »"awir^^ .naue by Spader afoer I lafi W.siur^Lon. I navo recelvaa onL^ 21 L^ -w ,., " ■^" 'iiO ease of The Lr^iof* there are ono -r fwr -n,,^,- , P^-ola, T.V; '^Tc locv.i^-^ and also oiic o^- tyvo -r H-r... t ^ •> ''^ ^^ ^iy to i.fio point. I have r.-coiv-ja fro- vt,,, inr*..-, • Jae^-^r a..a r , • ^'^ ' ^"^^^^^^^ ^'^ Hall Islana ^^-^, a..a uu. coxoreu procr' ol t}.. latter. ^ou are cr sena..^ Feurtc-s the.o colored proofs for crUlci ' oj-iLicismc. I noiice too I ■ i I (-) mvaii veiiow on wi^ sido of tlio Jaeger* face. Thore was also in ^ uid .ctckag^ a proof of ..ao calyjpno oroiiid with Cov%ll'«4 original momcranaum as vO vhe iouaiitv- ana oate. Tomorrow I hopo Iq be abia to Bom ^ou tha ietterir^ for the enliro/^oiorea piauOSo As lo Doi- i4nl.a..^*b palnuliig;^, '^^^^re is cviaentiy a missing link in your re- cox*a, Kowiiyur, ut ifc* now sjj iai^e u^a. iu may Le tesi-, as you sug- gest, to rud Gd U*6 nuir.]:er as much ^s postiold; but tht- one uf uno ^nsiuu passage or llprd, vi v^iich I hcnt you i.ne pnoio^raph y^st^r- aay, shouiu go in wi ^noat fail, as it was Mrso Harriman's special choice. I a;, noi. unajrh..tnJL hov. Uiis ^ne faiieu to ^c to Lhe litho- grapher's at. an'iariy aai^^ bu;; Lhat is oi: no consequence now. I sent it to you wi->h a noi^o rrom Mrs. Harrimi^n*s nousu one day last sprang, telling ycu i^r aacision in Jig matter. In accoraancG nIUz your si^estion, I will send Ball's article to i-.he printers ic puL in type to iollow Gi^imiOli's; bi^t I ohink -'Ou understand Lnai I ain siill laiuhlo to compleLe ixny ox uheso ari.icies, ov^ing 1.0 :.he lack of a complele sat of Lne text. iir.vs-;.ra'^ tionii. Y-u Aili pardon me for reiLeratiiig -he lacta as .0 ihe mi3o.'r«g iiluBi^^al.ionss Spader .00k bo ^'ou irom Ww^shin^Lcn five or six drawings whicn haa not been reproauooa when I ion for Caii- r u-.a af^er Inis nj ?^ada 32 adulL.ionai Oi-awirigs, so thai 3V or 3:1 drowixvgs were plaoed in your hands ior j-ep •oducL^cn af ut^r I lelt on Au^o iO; oi theso I nad r^ceivt^d noiiher proofs nor or -finals until this afternoon, whu^n ih'^ puokage reft^rrea to earlier^ in this l6t'.-3r arrived. This -package, as alreauy Swaied, oon^^aineU 21 out of 33 drawings, cUiUj^Kisceiianeous lot or proofs, most of which arc of ■hm 1 KA li- «!' i4 '' \ \-4 i 1 < < ' rot (3) old drawings for the Burroughs and Grimao 11, articles, piaoed m t,hd proof or copy bef era I iorL Wasaii^^.on. You musl reaiize how iin- pcssioio it is ior me to progress imtil I hava hhe nissing iilust,ra- L 1 Oils Vary ::,rui-, V^^.Vv.Vi . 4 y .r-^ 'l, i' • if /■llll^ ■I > m ! m •'I.N a u- ■ r" ■ kl . U' 80* 409 l! Ji 4t ,- ^ L h ^ M-^U^^ Vva^^^/W A\.\^- iM, ^o.l^M)- iv ,1 . r^ . ia-^rGA'Lli^ cv i:t J J.' cap. iv-rirt !■;:.' le' • . V- "C- ^'^i'-'-'-^ :'->*-' X CA. .•t.l') Ailc-'irii I V J 0 C.'.j^l- . • T. i' , .^ -> : .^ r 1 >' • , :^; vi. 4. .. I .caV ;jAiL. .< •. . /•• j-ui . u u i'**u • ..V _.0 .-J ( t .t ^.u-"-. - '. I.; c^ vonl -, i i • t r;a GiuC-.; , "^n :vji Ci; l-'-'C *"^i' • J <<• ■••/iirU.-' 1, u - . V Yu.. •., ' * • . 1* i..x..-.- ■\t :. j.*vV. J :. ,.1. ij^wA.C;.i I*, ri.^ • •. r.-. iU:r. -.1 r:-.,-' ii ^ • < u '. .^ ^ \. . \X ' r.iw^i'. i . • V • ^li^rcxV ?:u{ r. ^s i*.*J ? : - o vU C;ii.u 1 •■ ••% r- 2.* •*av^:.h -iiU Mu;.r . <> M '., o • V ■i-*- lu ' . H • Wo L;-.- :: . ;.. :" .>M^ I > t /N • jix^ji^.: *«^v i^^.^4^ ^l.^to^ J-«^^<.^A^%i^ta^^ i 5kt.i:d, July 15, 1899 HLJXV/ PT/a?!}Rin, UDOPUS lACOPiJS lakutat Ba:-, .lune r>0 lr'f"-i9. fkle ALA3KA IMCSPUR, CALGAKI'JS LAPPONIOI/B ALAsOKltSlS U.'al;..;ika, .r-.:l^ 'j. 1899 HuFOuS H^^:^^!G^■i.HI), 3tLA^;?-0I«i?; RLTUS nOL))KN-C:ROW?ISr- ^PAKPOW, j:gi,o':kichia cohonata 'J'lute ^a-sc Tune '^ lf.9y„ r^ale Kadiak Juiv i699« ^!ale ni I 80^ 4" \ V / r«... i^, ^oj^M) •*v«s» o^i iii^ i yc j.e'.'.ur~ ■ly, '. I.C •n ,a ,>. v'>^7.r..oi f i:> . aC/j.c.i.:.:i^ ct 113 :;jl 0« ka« diiptioa b J. •i i' ^S'CT ■"■ v.; J ; cf u- |>-LwlC ;U li^ll^ if.-i... .' i c J..»w' tiClCvl /ilicvl S^ciUv- %«..i <.■•, 'V ?. ixv'. .• yiot.f: ].]].. i:.:'3'. step ti^v^cvra^ ;:k.Ki*;. ijj(:i:ii^u: ; Cii^ii^os in :liui^./r;^- 1^ V^ M'. H. W. Lyn;cr P..^,ti & 0:. N.n, Y: 'k. i f T*^ -— :*^; ^ ^>..|x^ uXlX^ifc^ 4L^Z!^^ *>»A-.>^ 'J>J^ -^"aIo^ ^ « — < "PARHC-W. ."OliOTPJCHIA OORONATA White Pase T-me "7, 1B99. t^le "AT; LAX PlTr, (;k03"J:AK } iMK'OIA F^TiCIJiA-TOH FLAI.7-1JU Kadiak Julv 1659. !^!ale m^^-jm^S. iSm^^i^l^iRte^^M^^e^*:. ;». ^»W-'^"- ^^^»»^ ^«*- ,*"«r-^. .j^- fijM.- "V^ ,*^vi** ^~» m*- — ^-' Original Defective V. f lit,' \it < t HI I ' ■ .1 'I ♦ .) ii 01* ^t\. W 2.. SUNSET, GULF OF mffaU LONG ?MmTAIIJ,U:iAUS.l?A, FROM D07CH IIARBC'R _ Steam v/hdier at anchor •vT. FAIRft-KATHEn.FROM THE NOR-fm'EOT Altitude 15300 ft I4«rK+ t»ni.->. ^f u. i^= i^*?!T^t \,olur of water due t.o /riacjers SnjSET, YAXUTAV RAY rJBIAN SEAL JiuIITFRS HUT. YAiaJTAT BAY POPOF STRAIT, SHIJflAGlJT ISLAI.'DS HARRIflAv ALASKA EXPFDITIOH PUTES Letteriiv- for iitho^raphs rMf> b- QriFPcird • VOLCAKO OF ILIAJaiA. OOOK I\tlET Altitude ISO&ft. It r i I 1 i < 1 * 1 * ' ^ .# '? 1 411 K.ARRI'-A:] AXA:KA FJCPSItlTION platfs T is •♦- + .^ :{Ai!LS3UIN V)iKi]^, HL^TPioriicns Hi:rRio:'iG»;r ■I-icier Bay, Jme 9. 1899 ^ 'ale Po.t :lareno3„ Julyl^, 1899. ^Me in breeding plu^a^J Hf!^J?RB01SA!J S^TQWFLAKF:, ?Ar;<^RI;r.:A ,-T^r-^^or>T., '-^ali Island, July 15. ir^g, f^ig ^,^. ^,^^^3.^^ - C^1^3T-ilJT-BAaK:f?D GHinKADRE, PAHU:^ K(iFESCK!lS Fort "•'ran^eli , June 5, 1899 LOIIG-TAII^D JAKOFR, TmVOV^UU^i imdlCAUWS PA^LOF JOLOAMO, ALASKA Pa r;3Urji Calyijso bulbosa (l) Dates „ .liflca ?l (- r |: <■ i 11 ie . n r»i ■ J o tk Tli^trj Y^, ^ H^mnm auska expedition plates lettQvimr for liyiofci-aphsjradebyTaber- Prang Co. : irr. ST. J^IAH FROM YAXfJTAT BAY Altitude ISCiOOft. i!T. OOOK FROM YAKUTAT '^.AY Aitltude \WCCO ft. CA-^ OF INDIAN npjAJ.-HUNTKRS HoMci, cf "fakTitat Pav •J PO''ARirig JA}«FR, STERCOHAKIIJS PQ-^ARBIilS •Yakutat Bay, J\me 20. 1899 mm.m * 1^ r I' 413 CAPTIONS ?0R PHOTGGRAVIIPES 1' '^' ^ ; Av. 1 v.- <.4. U V 0 v it -fc.* Hax Vuw*'u GiiiCi^rt ** ^f Or':t Oi Bii- V UxciC ., c-^" 1 • Kwiir Gic.e.er (fivi^v. ^^^^- Fr^nl.)- 'J^.JJj^ U^Jx^ C. 4.-.i II- -v^ GiciC„.Ui^ 1 - Oi!i llC.cl^I-^." 1 • Hu.OL«oi. a Gi:,w-^r, D:.i3 on Chan virion I Bue^idObgL - &)l^ ^U-IJt-^^ .Ji^A. Gu.c:0..u:*; t'^-.:?[ fijc-ntj.' I.-^.-.aia« , Hcr^.r r--cai Gic*c.;-v r • E..3 . Eiiv* 'Giacia^, K^i -...:'.;ai F„, '4, O (^ '^^w«.v.M.-;^r.^-ti. %^T^^;3tXva^ U Ci •. i.G 0 • Davidson Glciciur, V fui uaicxio ^ • f • The G;?'r'^^v:^ Wo Eiuj:-^ nu-ir TTjii^^ai^y Gi::;c::j;'«' R:i> ••'rcOLou For^^hL n-iu- U. i.TiUC„J'' V -^-^ \a^ t^aa.^ i>i I ) 1^ ' ! m »■ i li?^'V^ Mil ' [ m li n-* i'l^ ^I^ 415 " r^ ^ Bo-} '- - •Shoahon.^ F.-.ils, x>q;. tho Noru; ..,.. Wo8'..(;«^_U^|;,T,1 ^ 4>AwV.vf Utv •Bci-iui-.-.^ ..;. Kaii l3iiu iuau L* Fo r<.s.. ..v-or-t-..rn.;... x.- Coi xX... ..HWAi.^v.t^ ^-^^-^--*i- '■■'W^u.,^..; Ui^.(j:;.or . • IclUi&n Flvt;r. •UiuUtsk:. Hiilsiaos. ^ 'U/V^ A<^. \ ,,-,^ St nc*.o •Sc^-L..,-. Dr.v.. f;t. n,. . i,j,^.„^ (Pr.^.iors). Bor^fi ^-■^ii(.ju KL, i-,,, .u.^, n:^.. ^]... Giacior ^M / f '•« tfiinw mi-\ i«fc-l-«i^4l.. "1 I i <*»1» ^ Russo^i Flora. ^ »' - -i uruu- e*,, ^ i>J.anU. 1 --^ l.i.>?Ol. Ijy Giuci;;?-. « 1^1 ^- Ku^jciu/iu: ^-of-i Uck 01 Si vA.a« ^ ^ c^ • ♦Vxi A^^v cx iu.u .-.k, AiixSku. • Pa--k-lj.k. sh ■^■■-'S iieA»- K.t.j.tUi.. -.■.•*«.■ Ai..K. ;., .,,.., .„,:,^,,^ _ .u'-^w. i^^ su V r vv A , ' i Hi 4 ; ■111 V' ■^ 4^ -^ i * t r i i i '- i I f i J i i r^: i k. 1 ^^ ^ ^- f (.. J > I 1 (i^^^ft^pi- \ 416 i a I? i Kf ..' . \\ |t*tf tlHf i» » I ■%s ►-i l i >l i^ '. » J P *.!-3 ^/v, ^ri; -otn-a •TK- .-.j.Q^'Vttriour piBtogMphis, ne^tivea. and positiires you men- tidned Ending hjii^e 'rii^'yei*^ -fetft Will doubtless cone, to-morrg^j >s^..V,A., -V Very ti^ly-yett^sr^' Doubleday, Page i Coc ) g^^>u ^J^ \. 34 Union Square New York City ^:^^- ^'"^^ ^^^ If \/ o-. .£ "•'*'■'/"?■< ft ^Jl^'-:'-'^X^i':0'''i \M i: ,-■•■> \m\ 'I % >' 'I 1 1' ' 1 ' ? ' I ■JHyfitt I I ? 1 >M<^V .\ ^ I / / /^ 420 \l\ I 1 ■■ I I'] it I ■■/- ''.nil 1 > UtJ ^ -fe a-^iWTF- ^ fe* ari ■«:ir**i. m A* Washington, De C», October 25, 1900 Dear Mr* Lanier: Your letters of the 2od and 24th at Iiiind,ana in addition the thirds mentioned in your previous letter, namely, cy copy of Curtis photographs of the expedition at the Deserted Village, and two photographs ^^ intended for photogravures; also the photograph of Dellenbaugh*s painting, which I am h«ppy to learn havS finally been takwi in hand, Thie package of positives referrea to in your leiter has also roached me. It contained 19 positive?., of which 4 were smashed* They were packed in a wooden box just large enough to hold thorn, and between tlie face of the positives and the box cover was nothing but a piece of foldj^d news-paper. The small sample of Japan paper I will pin to this letter with my own hands and make sure that j^ou receive it. By express today I received two pwjkage^; - one containir^ the photographs of Dellenbaugh's painting already nontioned, the otner proofs and originals of Hudson's two paintings of Sea-Lions.ana a small b»tch of eight photogravures sent as proofs of iettoring. In- asmuch as only one prool' of th^-^Sn^ was sent, I have none to return. so I will transmit herewith the necessary corrections aro ontirely correct and 0. K'd ior printing: Tho' fcUorirg i *■•■ i L. (rioffwjjo — /i) Jun#^' Alaska^ Mountains on Alaska Peninsula . Eutran«e to Saldovia, Keni Peninsula Drift ice, Yakutat Bayo is spelled Paulof . Change the u lit o Fairweather and Mt • Lituy i . The following, neod correction as indicated: Yale <^cierj,_Coile(5e Fiw^- In the word Collefie the letter £ is replaced by c.and the date for tlie second line (June 1899) is omitted. Aaherst and Cre^nt Glacisr,. The s in tho word Present is too big for the other letters. ^t. Pavlof.^laska Peninsula to V. Bggoslof Volcano, Bering Sea. The date (August U, 1891) is omitted. This must be given since Uie date is as important' as i;ho picture anci the picture is no account without the date, since the. form of the Volcano whs undergoing constant ctiange for a nurater of yoars. J don't care what inqjudont rascal struck this oate out, but it wuat be reinstated.^ In the case of glaciers with charging fronts the date is important, but as it is not always given I shall not insist in the case in which it was marked on the original, although tho ciate adas much to the value of the pictures. You will find onoloeed herewith a photograph of three of the Curt,i8 photographs^ showing members of the expedition on Hail Island. This Mrs, Harriman wishes reproduced as a photogravure for the book« You have positives of tho three negatives from which tho jB' . ^J h ^'Hr^ p y..\ j '■ fSl (KoWoLo - 3) originals were printed* In oomfcining them I would suggest that the upper one bo triinned at both top and bottom a little closer them of the composite photograph enclosed, and that in the bottom photograph the feet and a narrow strip to ground be also includedo It would bo easier to lable the resulting photogravure if a space a^ inch wide is left between each picture*. Andrew's reproductions of Hudson's Sea-Lions are on tho * whole very satisfactory and I am sure they will please Mr. Harriman, particularly the stampede in which he was enonTiously interested. As Hudson is at present in the city, I will submit the proofs to him to- morrow and if any c^ tiho correctionn are necessary will return to you with his remarks • The proof of the Sea-Lion plate from which the fence ha?- been removed did not reach me with the other things which came today, but may come to-morrow. As to the proofs of tho Spader drawings made after I loft Washington: not one of these proofs reached me until a few days ago when you sent tho big batch of odds and ends, made up mainly of dupli-: cate proofs seen by me prior to my departure, as I wrote you at tho time of theirreceipt. This batch contained a few proofs of the new drawings -less than half. The others I have never seen, except those which were in the .proof of the articles already set up on my return*^ which were W4^C^ lUx w.x^ f f V ,1 i asfr * T'"^nW7TW^B f 427 ^^^^^ober i^6, 1900 • ■ Forest ^ St^'?am FvrU-Ti--., n, ■ ' PT">;:', Your SlU^ :it t.^-ur i-^-^* -^r'r,,- i -i v- ■ -.■ •> • . t/he cuts ^ithOltt ^.^^vin,, mf^^r r»:>iv .it-.' ^ v/ .loravn^ the nai^e-up of th. ,«.. ^^Ue. an. Jn th. no*t proor von >viU find a tu.n..r ol thorn i. nry ciifte.ent. po.ltlona fro,, y,,^^ ineu now occupy. I ^ni pa'-tiojla-iy oU.^.a to you for ^Umr^. your V'jn.:).- ks on masJt so i? "\ ^''- r, t.i..,-,^ .. u Th .id.r«^nnc,a^,. w] ioh T .bi^k yea .ith- dxi «ot cc^plet^, or di . not to ae a!: yo'.ir 3a'--l;>0H'; i;or\'.»r'nr.-:5. 'Hury l.ral;; yr-uri. ^'>>^:^V i \ OotoLer 26. 1900. I u,^; jblipa^i for y"^i- ^.-'t^'i- of vrtn 22i ins v. *^nd the if' ■..: .v:U .x^^unc ^b3.. -oroox. .riU-^ftlW. ycu ^.111 b«^ that they rvi^i^T,^^t:,on apre^-^B to ])-■ faujty. 'l ^xll be orUga^i ij; ycu wIU k.ndiy ^Ko the corructicna iadicat.. ^vi ha.o U.a necessary cleaning up uonc on ail the pl^t.s ^;.. ,;» .„v.-,l Mat.. S..U1S b„ ra™ur«d .e ir..i.M,e.. .r,u the cr„- i ■,.... A;,>.-,k8j;os^.2«:f.,^i.o.aa 1-5 ««'--vr.d »•• the t.ot...o. .:n,.:a.r. ^ ^ r,iaV,. TiiG numbers of +r>o :.ia„»-^ i c-U.a.o ^ wilL Wxt on the u^-tt p-oo}' • \^ ^X-3^- VVV.OO-X^/N^- Original Defective itii i p, f' 1^: 4 ' > ' r;. .1 li > t-f, rf: r 8S^ i**-- ■ V jfc / October 27. 1900. Wealo^- Ro Cos Yala BioloKiual Lakrator New lltYe/i* CoiiTio Deal* Coos Since writing you last I have received your ori^^nal plates fro« ^€i&ol and air. just retiarning the same to him fo!* connect in^i. uie plates. I have aakoa him to sand another hatoh of procry afc sat)n as tha corrQetions wers nade, end have requeBto:. hir. prj*li rahiriy Lc clear up the odga? of ^iha roi^s, wliich in maj-^y casos sho'¥ carolesi} work, 0^ lardty r9gif^lrrints it will be .^oiaathir^f, fine. Rathbi^n £*rroo8 vrith you that Miftj; Bush is the proper per- son to work up the iilaska Annelin?!. i hi.xa wired lutti^ar oo Henn than to })or and tn^st she will ba abio to get to work promptly ard finish the Job up a:^ early f^S: pr^otTC^bi»*c With your report a^ia Kinen*? in jiarid, we shall ta ajli? to prLi^ tha vfonu Yol'mi as aoon as Miub Bush IB able to cormlf^y the A^^;eiidh. « With bos. I wishes. \i^ mmmsmmtmmmm a ^■ I 1/ 429 *lvV' Washir^ton, Do C*^ October 27 , 1900. Proio WiliiaK Bo Hittor Univorsity of Oal it'ornia My Dear PiUer: O^i... to absences fron the city anci a variety of imfortu- natB cxr<..«staIco.. I waa .a^^ble to receive final verdict on the , ., . .a T ftjTi w^rinp YOU to send the mater- Amieiia quesiion until jusi. now. I am w.r.nfo you ie.1 to msB Bush, arid m. writing Coe that you will .end them. rne Tl6w Era p'>«rle wrote m tJ^at they held up yoxir first separates u.til the last hatch was ready, .o as to save expressage, and that the entire hatch vras sent you .0.0 ii.e ago. I trust they have reached you before thia^ - 4 ,,^^wtfi^v> I remain with best wishes. With kina regaroa to your .vixo, x x^i^m ^^ Ver*/ trJaly yours ^ t K If** m i:v.. 08^ Octobar 27, 1900 • Dear Stanley- Brown: The package of negatives from Curtis, which you forwarded ^ has reached me and I have turned it over to Gilbert, who thinks it may contain the remainder of the missing negatives* He will doubtless write yoii latere Mr. Jo Stanley-Brown 120 Broadway Now York Very truly yours, . ^^'WvA^ \^^A^JNJO^^ '\ ir- Ml I -n >i I t 1^ \K m I = /•v. 08^ October 27, 1900% Dear Stanley-firown: The package of negatives from Curtis, which you forwarded ^ has reached me and I have turned it over to Gilbert ^who thinks it may contain the rwaainder of the missing negatives* He will doubtless write you later. 4 Very truly yours. Mr. J. Stanley-Brown 120 Broadway New York ^W^^^w^ WxA NAaaauk^-^j /^^O^ *^V^ Vyu^\sV/Tv A^ rv^^^ VV Ldb ^ , ju—K. "^ Njik.^ A^^Jkx, y I •I Retake of Preceding Frame lOriginalDetective IE* Washington, D. C.p hiven fron Ci;:Hi3 ^.t SioOO t>aj^h, reciJivoci. I-hi:iVti Oo K"u Jiu bill Lanier ^ays ^hey have no oonitive of Curtis* 4;50p vhich I oraered frcn Ourti?^ or, J-.aio 12 for T'i^p>-ocuo^i on i.> ikiO:.::^^;rav "iri^o ill jou kindly i^:r^> Curti?^ to sieiid a rositUo of this n^imner at once? I undorjitand t^hat Curtis hc^3 iou*>|0^- 5sj ab^ia.t tc rjit.A^tc 8/iro H^r^inan Uic f irrt instaikiont of the aibu^ro It wouid :;xpocii e matters at UiU em or ^he livie if you ooiud sona h copy of Uii^ albur, as Boon a? poss^bla, to thither Gilbert cr iriop so ^nat ft.^ aar h2LV0 acc32;i to th;^ photographs th£.t are Iti itc lie :>n'^ knowi^ ho/r I havn boen annoyed anii dvfla:;od of the c iff icitlty^ often fUiouriiiii- to ar iJTjposf-ibiiity of keeping n complete: sg^ of pholo^raphH it: :ir offioo. J. Stanlev-B^c^n, Fsq^ 120 Broadvvay Sev^ York City Very bra 1 7 \^y\vrn^ ifi^flUt^ 432 Wa:^hingtonp Do Co, / Octoter ^9, i900o l}rvo>^ Mr* Laiiiar: Toir*^^ lotte^^ of tho 2?th inst. at h^t.a^-LOQbi^^yr wii.h tho 1 T-tfT r> ? ;^ r e con^Hl.ning U:e |/ancrama of Coiv^mr^ia G-acii^r and the sorr^ple i:r , rrt^u*^i%"la^^ia Tabe>* -Prang v.aopiOo Tho laM..;?^ I have Oo K'a ■\>':rl r'**.u"^n^S^ to you her^mislu I '-"i^l\r-:^v ^'^r-y r^.nh '^ laarn U;ai. yoii have not Ui6 poaitivo* I will wiro Curt/i^ at onvUf for aiiotiiufr copyo oi Hoo 4.SO0 ?M%i; resp bo thf^ ^vi/o v:icU?^es o;- SbkIi^^ob in boats, of ■i rV' .'U V :cn y^^ na>re pri.r:v?$: one ii^ xror^ :, Dcvorovix na^^^ative which wtxv> re turnda fron* Cu-t»>s Bbout tw^ wa^jkf^ a^r^c; tnu nth^r is froni one of rvf ^:v|^it1.ves , whidi iu:ifo^*tuna^.aly was not- rr^tnn-iGa by Curtis in tnat 1'3d tc^ a^:jriovacc that th-^ nrssin^ negative is horco I V I ^end i** to you ^.onoi ^^ijv w-th r<>varf;ii:\ so that you ni^^y ?iavo thi: I ctogrrr^'^^r.rc nad^uat on-^^o Ttie other poaoing i>noto^^ravuro3 I Bm vrmkir i \ ntroT-vj effort, to soitle, but yoi. oa:iiuit imagine t.;)(? ciiffi^ culty I ■:■' h;'Uiiv^,be';M:-^ of tbo al^tv>v:n;.' o^ rhotc^rap/uo nrintK thai ■^lave h- 1; v-or-»:.wou^. "'or ir r^^ii; Qusaf": I -an utltjriv i^:*able to finu thi": pho . •>. -uhG oorrot^por.nin^ to I ho n^^a■i;'Jr^ or: i,hc i:ev>jrai ln^t^Ho ' •> looai ri'otooii^T^aviiv* fi.?T- ha;> riot ^.b'u:; ub i^atisiacbory day or vro a iSa^cr. -•.,) ^^svo ■i.-t -oht^ ^ri^^i^, Gofnpar.;: or r>.ny other* gcod i>i f 1 ^ id i ftr I p\ i :tf. I -^ poor imprint I i' l:'^' ii ' h '^ 88^ (H.W.L. - 2) conceal wIiQse sork is sat ? nf factory to you. The. most sorious fault with our firm hor© is that tho ligh.t sky-lines are made ao heaver that, they spoil tho artistic eiTec^ of tho picture p Spader lias made a fine lot or drawings during his rooont visit, mid ha expects -uo return to New York t-tmorro-*. Gilta-t says that his glacier p3ctur«£ from iho. geological stRncpoirt, as yoll as i>otn the artistic, wj the finest he has ever seen- Mr. K= W. Lanier Vory tnil^'' voars, '^x tinion Square ^S.,>|^! . New Yodc \ 'u \V4 ^M .W^O\ ^^, -K^ f ,^ sA^ ^\^^ r-^^V \ ? \Vvi^ b..^>^ ^ w.._ "^ ii i. ft •i I 1 )<» ;l U m h '!M kw. ill liii ^B^ ^ru ^aj^hir^ton t> « -v.; 0 Otl b•. ■.•■"!> i.i * ^;' T ';Y- '"^ ■» /re I. smi ?. I ■11%, T C T ■ <• ... '^ o t If? Jiiiio ^0 ^ r"^ t^J" iu thi hl^TO^ > » o i guess you hftu oe-^i^e- stjnd w** ail oi th'i x^ *> -♦ c ^ y^^^ ^OV;r DO ^■n:c ^ you jiiiVii not i^ont o;.ri: •' t ■•': rt:? yi',3i-ri>*/-, f^ »••■ i* .•♦*».: ^:: n « iO i v^ ^;#i; of numbo •Ji 0 ^ p* s I n c^-irn, ^•!/^ ; J. IV ;../.'; t.« ►?; •■ >^ ,fi- r^ ?;ii.»f '». ^ ?.: Ci ,v bt. or • 4 i fi>o rjarif .1 Sf *f '<' »,• o 1 E! ezit ->nr» f ,- le aaCL ir h t^ii. ^. 4;- 4 •> *^ • .I..I . t f\y\ -f ' ■! i. » . in."*/ it f,n,i:!>a t I . • ;x;i"5 ^.KC OuOLC »--i^ v-V.? 1% * ^* • » V *^ lib » »-* ,. t,''. . i , ?\,: • -,11 .*„'.*] S iV-^.: t. •". :'rT :> T' 5 i .'. ■» U'ii'iJ rrv V * ■ ^ I ;s^ w^i S' ^4 lui> j.4i <. Oili I, . » -T » ^ * • y«k Ivj W •«» ^ ^..'i , 4i ,i <^* J •f.V \.ik 4 ! oJi:^ '.]tVH s"" -1 •^ t :-T ■lil; -J :;nctvGg^'avurGs hi:^^ r^^ ^•.■t ^' i t" tT^'hMy ''u-yv-r ipiet-eci It ^c A. -i • 1 C.> y^Jl ^^ 1 •",-, f^■»f Tni^^ht y\o'^ ce wiilin/i t. 0 the print h It i ^ ( '■"♦ *'""^*i'^C' • V*. v.- ♦.■ ~i. -J tf J» .-X-, -Jt ^ K4 ouid not -.■*J-V --u CVfJ; oar At + .H 'I :»,v you fa^V : to rocer^o a niir?hc;]» or tht? t}of: ■< . 7 t^ C; f? or»riereoi frc^n (k?**^ 4. -! ..* n^ .n J, ". f ■> «, \.t K. \.A ■!. ". ti ;. f' ^ V sr* r\ V. ^ ivUTiK^e t. , ^ JUL i'iiMM * S.' ,1 ivy y/ :^'^er;B -rou i" .r^v UK- 1 lO ■'T. 1 ,•> »" »■!*• •;V /yiiut^c^nt^^d ;.< AL^MjAu^l ■ r ."t •• ♦ ■♦ I../ V.' i» A vr?^ -o tit \ »u • T t i v: ^ J - es war.? o7*QG*^3fi •3 »..• r 1 /^; ' viff .s oa,M' -^ .-..^ M- .4 «»♦<■; • ■■ ■. v -i \:i:r i^-^EiS:::^ o>iLDf} ^oc/i i.»\/ t'. ,-. f * ♦ ♦ I V> C'Gr* crco]*ea o A ^O .tAio-»* o-»*o «v» '•^' ■• ■ * i- ,' ■ *^ t 'C No ^ O ^ju \>- V w. uiu ^10 for a .'ciJ>].5 t= ... 4. ^ •4»jtlj Oi «^i=^i«7,ian ail / i I ^< *»■■ ti :> I ^"^ T >TT t ».. V i i.ai tjj- «*■••» *-•• « >1".\T! i.^V> C »"' X,t U4a^ie j[K?r5)«^it»i: ar^a t/'/">> /y)u nave? n-v/e^^ r3cciv€ii u i'> onfa'ci/Oc Ci «. V t ^^i r_^ h^. ha If *- .*. *:. J ■•V .4 -i ■ ■ U. » Y Aric mak- ^.}-:. •^hrr.oj;-H.vu:-3 air^ct from thii^^o rrin.t3 >'?.th.^r "< J-v ur.iti J. on^v^r tor ^he 0051 -ta-i^ I-' '^'irl- p M s 1 (H/^ C ' 1 i^rn ro.- T,wo phiivrs^/both of th^', Co-niorants h '^d^ be^"ii 5 - * I ,•; Ln. ryplv tc -ou^* lelv^-?^ r%f [>,f> oo-fv ,1^,..^ 4i-^<,'- i*.. •.,» »,.^^. . 4- i- - Utta^'iw^ u-igna-d'a phot.)gr-nirs;^ if r:!turrod herewith marked So* aorrecMHjB. 'If. ^^houid be b iri rr>;nd u. this c^m.ectiovi Lhao tiie r.n one pla-.o. 0avi--ip proof ♦£ trua plate- to sonsuU, I do not .^^neaner «^.:^t>ier there, is rcci^ £on. If shtuid V m.fr)e''f'ri I jvv;- i;, as in my oowr and the It '^ill bp necessarT tor me to ^... '.,}iB ie^iuerar; ^jroofF oT the pl^le^ therseiv^s before f:)rintin^.> Yoa ^?3iclc.^ao with l^i.? ias;t Leti.er aiio^.har proof of tho photoiv'^^'^vinv of thr t«^ aon:u>rs f>f trc H;irrlrr?^i^ (Jlncior with the r'oro^iou-- cofTOfr -«inU roT^hiin^ bei^Qcu t/ia \ft'ora GlainT)r ana tho rareiithasi:^ ^h:ieh follows^ aomorning wh^ch I havo written you two or thf^e tine's. Wouia it not look bett'ar in repeat the caption Rtirrtr'um GlaniiJ^ under tha upper -cut ^ wi r.h tha vvcrdH South horror in fcr^uil .lould ho nur^lsrcd to CirTTQbij{.-.\ adv^uitj.^ 1 ii4 th<) lovvor ecit. I don't Uk^ tho lott^rii^g ai^ ii stands^. Mr, He Wo Lnriier •. * ^^ Nav^ York City now Very truly ^^ourj^. \ «« 435 i. ^ ^ n ;i f . m I asj^ V'-tr-f/^ •.TVc«J'*l«a»^» i Was?:ington, !>• G.^ Octoho^ 31. 190Q. Dear iM'% Lriiiior: By ^h\ii> mall I rxn scr.iling yoi. two raUiar poor phoiOf^raphs of Shishaitiiu for roproducuioa as a doiible piaU, as inciicated by the ma?Kir:^o I m sending both 6o]»o ana yolox Drintii, bo ihat. tho photograv^iire i^iar- may select Tor v^.a ths ono whi^ih will eivo Lha b9:t^ re turned. In Lho ^fiuiij pacKa^^e yoi^ will fif.a GUN?f/-i. 'r^ rhoto^rauh oi tne Hiibbera Giacier, oi which yov. nch have !jOi,]i ni= :ial / »^ e •; . Ii tho water and tho cliff e^\^n or rii^ •* :::e Ir the foreground can be iightciv- od sufficiently tjic v^-f'ssnl pia^.o "•1:^1 ■■ answer c >i cai-oful ruiouchjr ought to ba atla to fio th>5. it is very l.^u as iL U^ It 13 difficui:.. Lo critici^ft tliM reproiiiiction of Oitiord's raintiii^i; of tre Barry uiaciur without the criginai fo: r>o'^:i>ari:$or- , bt: aour^ti-^sj^ Giftord hlr-^Meli has rr*adi* Uu:: nef5er«a>'y 3orreotio>.f . ^ Tho fa>^ int*?rior of tho ioo crvns shaitlu ho mach nor^^ ii,^ lon^^ i^i^ti,> biua* 1:\ th^B(i i^.^ onyes Lhe inolH^j- i^ivrruatMiu in . ntemi- ity ar.til il ":c.rtcm6n blac^ in ti^e aji;$La^cGo It is a v^^ondcrful colons « ds^v I tq,^.^. .^,, ^^^,-. ^.^^4 f,,;^ l-t*'.ri.r;- -^rucV r^e S3 quite diff -rant ■r'ror. that cf iicrn, cr r.f ihe ?-!,er-P";-jj.^ jvoi.if;. Tha Ist/.sr-^,;, io .■p.ch n^t.i.,.c)/•v ' •. ■ ^usi.ra'.ious Lv.-.rfa Lo ba at nearly ali^rj ar -.:3r:3- > tj' i(:*-,r 1»-:1., yoUi-S vV-ioI^T- V i i I '0 =**> 437 Washington, D* C, October 31. 1900 • Ao Ho Kershoy, Ksq.., W^s Bra Printtr.;-: Go* LajK^^^-ste^* Va. Do i?-* Si>^: By thin »?^e^il I :ir iun-iiinr y^^^^ ^^ n^w init?,ai W I lihvcvnkdo Tor the opcnUiA ftenlentio of Bar-^ough^ article • 1 am returning, also a ^^0:vrr of t-'ia iirsL oa^^;? ^-4 it ^r>r>'^f.r-i to ^j -^ill l^ok l>e^t. I ?ho..ld like to *^e- proofs cf t.V;'H pe.^^ mcf. up in tho iorni inai-ialod. Perhaps you had re^tter ^Bu vxe titi^? •Ilw^-aSavt^ of the Sxpedition' m tT: st^-l:is t^" t^^e "- that on th« ^af,^i^ herfjvvith, and the blacker tyro on th?: aeeanpanyin^- si Id* loi: \?ili ch^>9rve wit/i »^<^^pO'^t t(? the cat of the railway IraLv that I havo trixj^^:} nf^ the bifli^^catod harmur at tho botto;:. 7^: 18 saenr. to n^^ npcf>5;<^r.r'y in >rar^' to jonlcoTi with tho «hai'£;;%^«^ccn- '^h.tionBt. TTi';> .ij^icir.., botv/f^m the traui Cvil ana the tf'd.ia^lju- of tho a*titji ) i:h':v:.iio not ho too ^^reato If vol, ]:avo any Siiiiii^i-.iiiiions ro'^r^^c" in-- this pa*c, I -^hciiici ho ;^:l-r.''i U- ]"u:Cie !h.u "".Hr^-io • • V ' ^f • ■^- V.> 1 ( I^! ; f ' t^' h) •iwD i . ; V- I. mi 88* V C\V Novomcer J>. i9C0. jJear 'Iv, Lanior: The rrocl of lettering fron Hcon is here^^ith retu^^noa .;;t . corrections. In a l?tier rec<^ived - -iv -.r^ 4^v^ « . '^ .-^^ptr Million. I nare i:^:'Voreu ^li- fai- tion from the first aj^d have nc^ p^ ly i--;, ^ m,r ^^v . i, . to :t, nor hovo I heard irorn aaaley-Browri since he re^eivea ycur I^ i:ipi% H ^:ll for you io a^k him* I'^ sor.. of than t^.o fU^ siae Is .oratch.4. otherwise tl.ey aro ail '-'£^'- At this lat. i aato only fcna- o; tluim need ua considored. Two a.o Claud an. ^alor .Ifect.. ^u.h .a^,t .o co:.bined or. . .ir^gj. rnotoerav..a if yov .hink it .or- .hiie. The oth.r t.o ara .no., tho.3 3.i.,ct.d a ion^ tm« a^-o for rep-or^t^.tior. in o.lora. |l- thtea I .ont you b.roi.o loavin,^ for Caiiior.da both plain an-J oolcrea p:7oio.;.ar^.io priu^.. buv ha., navor sgo. ar.y proof..As I v.roi,o yot^ " 30..=o tir.o ago,th ragalar .ciiiion ought to contain photogravures of ^ome of Chone. No. TOS in paHicular. W>.cthcr or not yov ha-'o taken n:oan£ U> ^,9curri th t I uo not knov. Mr. H. W. Lsniar Doubloday, Pb^>« > Oo No-v 7o»«k C i- Ycrfs ver-- tr,il-' r^wi -imnaiiii / / 439 / 1 Wash ir^ tor. ^ D« C, r Nove>^iber 2, 1900 • Very itany tiiaiiks for your prpmp'^noss in oonplyint; ^it-h sny requ^.v, for a oopy ol.tho album. U ha» at-rivad safely ana is a sroat :iomer.ien.^e and satisfactioi-. aa vifeil an r thitw, of beauty. The photographs aYt-r^go i^. ah better than I ^xp^H^tedo I think thoy ars a ^03t satisfactory lot. Very trj;dy your*3. ^ ' \ vs I'l i : M^ rs; I I 'I ' i ■-*^*^ -rf ^ "*^*^^ % i # 0^^ •^-?^^-^. ♦Tir "T*./ •» « -m, r ~ ' •W**»-^'- / / 441 > (| f i t*3ar Sir Nov. .->, 1900. ^ou- letter of the iirst in.s+ nrt '■^., -• c *•,,_„ , • -noT.u.r. .^s ,....so corns to hand. ^. vary much "'.>i{'-^if *hn* •«., ,-«.-• M , , ^ •'■^' ''"■ -^" ^^^^^' ^^^'^^^ or Coo'p proof. V hi, N.>-i.:Ttiar. pi,.,tes, at> thin ir-n., n,/ -.i . ' x% .'0. .0 ,ou ., this ^n. and I trust you..m ssna .. a .-pH -tc sot at t.. ...He.t pos.i.le .o.ent. .. t.o. are .o.tle ./ Ail nuvfii.^^ :.,p T,jjQ text. Assumv)K that you send me cor-o-t^rj -,^. ..« • 1 ^r..tuiaLeiy after fj^xir rGCt^i-.t h-^ r i Alii It oe before vov -m r,r-iv+ «,. ■ . ■, • * ^ ^ V -"i- -tn print suiu uftli/or jwa „ .ift*^ li you can aelivftr +>,« f^ii-'i^^ k ,- . ^-^-u, i^ ^ ^ ^ ^" *''^^^-"g^-'>n Academy of •"i-np^.^ ir. advance of -.ie 4 >.*,., o-.,..^ • . ^ ^^-i ^-a^nces ano.har ..hou.san,; copies ■ *iil Ig V !> ,Hdsp60tfuav Bos to/}, iv]as!c N>sJ>. »0¥. 3. 1^)00 Ify dear Kincjiiii! hag just comA -^ 0 ju^na Axoiiij witih your two ieti^rso As to yoij.r title; wrhile I arri personaiiy in favor cf printing title? undor authors nameB, the majc^ity of tiie Conriititae oi] ^atiictition of the ^^shin^.ton Acadomy 01 S^^iocKJB-s ,is opcwS^-i ;^ it* the'^^eio^G, we do not pubiitiiautbors ti^^les in ^hsse pro- c.-^dtngSo i\ ^s quite i")ossi:..le»howayer, Uiat Uiis pi^actice may b^ '•averned for the naxt vdvjDeo We are -now ueariiig the close 01 ▼0li4n:e two^Ii th^ Ha.rriman oxpedition ropo^^s WtIj nhaii give ciTicifcii titles so UiaL your iinai v^uort vTmoh I trust will i^G .ready in tha near futiire^wili appea.r iurt as you dasir^Jo Your plattts cmmb out very satisfactorily* I v^ould sena yvi - 3ot. herov/itj:^ exco^t thai/ .1 n^va no duplicate. itaid ruisi lioiii '^ly copy for th^ :>%{;: rovifiUo I r-1 vtt^y gif.u i;0 't^arn of your fronotidri, ana cohJ^^atulate v'ou on vo'i^ suc'coss^ %ith be: t wishes o Vory t^'iiy yours. ..:fc %y ^\^ Nxki^A^ ^CK>ji;X5oK. If"^, I \^. )" . i * * Nov. 3. 1:100 B^*- this ^^'^^^^ f r^ i "r; t" '"' :"" ' ■'""'^■^^^^'^ "P.-o<^=uo„ or u>u ., p,,,, - ■" - by a e»b,„„,.i„„ cf photc-.i,,h an. a corral. »,o„ni „, hanu work? Ii s^* I ^W,^\d mi,. + . .. ,, '^^^" 2 ou Tnako a loJato of i\. ^--fe v/... ciiortest oui'netGr to 4 l-^i ir-h^^ n^ kno«- that I do not want an^hine ht ^h« v , , ' " ^ , . ivi>ning L.,t .,he best possiLie result. snn if you ao not r>ijnic vhat -on c:m --^ .. • .■ ■ C'-^ o...gua .f yox, ^viii return oha drawin.. V«!-y tr.jly yours. • « ^ g i 443 Novo '3, i^QO ^iiai^y • th&i'ika foi^ yoiirr. of yesteroay^ ani: los li^ c4ojO 'eKoesi: pijinnont o|i.the .Ci^p tu&iiQSKSo IquilG agree *Aith Klli6t, m:u :a^'l riLiing tc sufcnit to ^irj rvmber of sanitTtr su'^pri^aso Ycu cjr- xi niy hav.e um;ii/r.»r..t^ to no »iiv- of ,trcb.blb aiiu ur-riwyanco in. liiis risrt >jr ana i . con^^ratii kite ^ you now that y.ou i\y*e clone v/ith ito I wisS YOU could, do M cnich>>y n© in the mattor^of Uie Aiasku book. With best vvinhaSo VtiT^y triily -yours » I ( .i' L t ^^k Hov. 3, 1900 Jftv^? 445 li Dear ?vh', Isnier: Vour letter of U,e 2n-., I shajl h. ., ' " ' ^f /cu wUl send the. to .. in order tc co.pl.tc .y set; ^,L :V-c.f!» 1 snail havo to afsk V-r- Vr, ;,•„. •. . -J ci.,K I,.,,. „^,^ ^,,jj neofls to vail h ft>w special proof a for ne srd it, win r.-. -,•••, ,. • '• *'•- '^'--^J-^^lt to ao«ignat9 ;,.ho r^-^sing on^a, r arr: rotumir., u ucu h-m-iih « ., i •->*./--* ii'-, m.ji,h R nuBil er of oia bf.vo auplicates, **-i- .*a, • ■'"■' -^- -<>t.;'--vuro people do not rr turi. tne prints of the nhotopr,t>|.« ."f..,. h ' ^ I 1 a-o not r-suim fiie ijosi^i/o they hava aono with; also tne Slanlr-v- Bfo«m rtegativos irhioli woro sent to Anctrew OKrly in August? Tiii^i ' " phologrnvu^'as r>^on J>heso .»^e havo already approvodo It is hard to ke:?p l/hix^s checked up when v^a have ^^o m^xny litilo outrmr Stanley - Brown: « I Ime received from you today a Dacka.^8 forwarded from Curtis containing a new negative made by hin to replace ono that. wa< broken in printing the album setso It, is one of ncf fur.s3al pictures o Jo Stanley - Brown 120 Broadway, New Yorkc Vary truly your^^ •n ** ¥: ' u I ! li i % hi ! .!if i i 447 '1 i: 1 i L i // 1';^* ''Ml '€ Washington Hot. 4, 1900. Ifr AtH.Hershey, '•i^ Ini Printii^ Oo. Ify dear Sir: » »*^ *> ^' '^^'^ ~** **^"e paging nore th«n » very fwr pages at a ti»a mii ♦*. i««*^ nore than Very truly yours. 11:1 I )1 t 1 fi i hi ¥ .li { *l ? !/■« m 448 Washington *. A. H. H.r.hey. No,. 4. 1900. Sew 5ra Printir^ Co. % dear Sir: By this mail I am SQndiae von «««4v .«, Alaska topedition book. it iTT/T^ ^"^ *^ '°" "^« «^i»«n by Cbarlas Keeler. «. ,n 0/ t IT '': """' '"'^ "'"^ «-^' or itgoos in 12 point type. Respactfully, \ ^^HX ..iK^ i 'f ;■ {] i !!' Jj iM i ' i ru f M I ei^^ Nov. 5-. 1900. My dear Stianl ay-Brow:-!; Hiirewlth I arr, omna»»ii>oing a, baloh of October as- follows: bills Men!orand:j>- of bills seiv. .,]:rou«.h edit cf October. .1900o t/or s ofricsj fcr Konth A. Hoen * Co,. 17 photo-lith plal.afi 231.20 Louis S. ^jliiwns, i wDcd (iiTgraying, soa-licn. . . o ,. 30.00 S. E. Merry. Jr., St^og-rapl^/ , . . . ^g^oO C. Hart Mor-iaru fxpansas ooitor's off ics.., , . ,. . .. 17.28 $290.48 The only one of these whicii reqiiiriw any 3xp3.analao« is that of Knan fo. .aven'-eon photo-Utb plates furnished Uie Wash :ngton /o<.asmy ox Scioacos to accompany pap«» fcy Rittor, Uo- viile ani other«, aamouncing results of the wk of tha eKpeUi^. tirn in special lines .-uici dascnbing mr ^pe.iea. My. Harriman figrGed to pay for Uie«G plates. Ji.^ Mdaitioml .xj^niS^ i. .^ail as the sfin» stonos are u«per wiu, the saving cf lO^g in paying .ar.ct ij-fet.ud oftl^*^ I Hin Gsnding you hGra;viJ.1 th» b-ochures of '.hn Acadenr-'s ^ ft) jl u !! 1 rf 1 ♦^' ^^iii ^ ,1 ■ T I ^ f 450 ProceoGiri^s cental nuig the Harriman expeajtion ml^erial so far as now pubiishodo A number of additional papers t^ro at present In Lh« prlntaz's haiidso '^erv ivalr yours ^^ J« Staniev-BrDwrio 120 Broadwavo Ntff; York. ^ s^^* !^ \ X, r : i « i 4 ! ^'i Ml !^l t : ^1 "J * % /^ 12* ^ 452 i I J *' V \K "X ^ A \'^ ^ Nov. g, 1900 My fiaar .tLv. Lanier: Vou.. of the 3r.i *„„,»/ .eoei„.rt. By ^„ ,.,,. jf „„, wui 3.n,.+ ^ ,. ' second instant, the photograph li^ints of gskin,o in boats ( mounted m « .^ ^ "'^*"- v,raounoe« on a cardlwere ' ""^-6"™"-^ «.' called for i. „4. to give U2 more oi'fsctiva pi.-lima. r i, - i^o,,.,..,,. ^.„ ,,„,. „,,, „,^ ,„,,.^,„,^,,, ,^^ .nco^paraUv .ore »?-..s.,i„ th«„ tso S..U print,. ,>„ ..rt f , o onlar eu , «a«h ,«ao. the pw,a «, ^,^,, „„ ,,„ „„^^_ With rear^et. to the li..i.o ^L-,t,r house, of „hioh ,.-„u have- never receiyed . po.uive fro. Cnrti. (.Jo. .-o) 1 ,, • t 2 t- -^^-ne to do at this la.e date is to .ake a photo^^ravure direct iron, the photograph, a .op-- of v^h^^-h 1 .- - > •.-.v. f'Cr that ournose. You will obson^e a blamish on Uiis pbotograpi vvhich ^ill >'t)qidro a lit^ae ret^OMchinn boicrQ the phot.ogravure is mado.^The pictu>^a is an inrportaiit one, as it is the only cno "'^•e have sh^^wing a finxshea Wiiiter houso. We are giving several of tr^e i^uimnsr To].okn ^md >icod this oue to complete tho seriasp T?articiilarly nf? tho wintGr* houaas are montioned by BuT^'Cigh' and ciesc»^ibed in dL^tail byOrinieiu trulv "Our*s ,4 Dm on Square . Ne>v York City ) t ' f \ J V f. f^rimn- ■f.m ,#- » « ' % 453 ir I '/ I ii ^1 1 fZ OV 0 ■•i*^..» ,- r •> TVianKi*. ^ r .-^-t" ' Oi: ^OUT eUer oi tr^e .3 v*4 insb ■ i-s rifTTti bili^ ai ■id li^^ ? n ■i,'* .T*a'/v ■i r'i>r ? r»> a^o x.( u;t3 .^ i>ruv ioXii- .ji ^at-' o: ihict 1 » i-iVt' ,nti^3l-y SB l,isfi.e^oTr; »> ■ iS 0VV 5:-0'^'-'-i-^*e> o' ^ so 1 ate O lii* I cJn «r as cll'.t .oni^'er'Ti''^^ ,he B^ViOSi •ipJ^B o u HU .^.: Vint lOt. iTie» i A .\» !■* 13 iX TlX -^ T-V'-i* :a. h Ifi L < J. . L "'^ W A 50 or. » / 1* • T^-SOil^- tiicO vt Oil are nob ''^^ rV > VT ,on I .ar^:. T ^^ rr. "»tv jj'i «■: tcist re^ arcs Ve * .y TU tvirc Spattor 70 'l^^-->-'^ f^^h St BrcoV.lyB I I i p *^H ^#: S .( ■" ^ «»■•■ h ) i 5, T fl 1^ I I i 0! '' UD thf ' ?ny surpri*^*^ that I had iriaditj a n^ontal tranaposil ion o-.. Li^^ ov^o picture'^ aiid n;>f>o concerning 'vhseli^ve i:::iV'0 had so vA^ch cor - resronlorics ^i' lata, namciy. 3S7 ana '^)0o I fina that uio Eskiiso wxntor house is 36'^'^f *¥hich you huvo recj;;):iX/iy s^nt. tte positive to Andr-owl and thai 450 is i.ho Uhiof's house at iho D sorii »a Viilagri* This I ^aiUk^no^iSf scuv:4c>w.Ou».'3ulA^ XtJu^--^^ , Verv truir yoiirSy i v* M Mr. K» '^'. Lani«r, Double day, Pago i- Cc, 34 Union Squara, Now York City. «-; Original Defective cSJt \' t ^ ^ <^ ^^^*^^*Ji^-N^. t^ . Wiju ^- i^>v PAPERS Wm THE HARRBiAK AU.SK.A EXPEDITION DESCRIPTIONS it OP 23 NEW J.-A^>fv;ALS PRO?, ALASKA mi BRITISH NORTH AiiEKICA C. Hart Morriam In tho ouriy sprir^^ of 1899 f;r.B.ivard H^^rrimn of Now York, in cooperation wir.h the Washington Acuae.y of Sciences, or^anazea/at hi. en oxpensa. an oxpeaition to Alaska. Ho invi.od a. nis nuosls wen., ri». scisntifio men, rsprosontir.^.; v..riojs l.ranchos of st.,„.M. •0,0... Side... eBpeci>.Uy „,.,.to„, ,.,, , . „ „.^p^^^_ ^^ ■vas gone ) ust two lOonUis . 'iVje cisi ^ i ] - . -- ^ ;.„ .i« v.jur.ii.'? gj. ...ho route anu :york wore -...-.;.d „, .p.oi,a »o»itteo,. «, t:.o veBsol .as o,..ip„ea an, .p., -uu, sue;., .„„„„. ., ,,„ .e..., «,i.,,. ,e.ult.s ,i.h a .ini™ «.' pO!iditare of time. -o-i ,v.. done at a la.gc n„.l... „,- i„„,. ;,,,,,, ,,„,, .^.^.^^ ^^^_ - u t, .„.„„ s.™h, ana ..Uns.vo coUoc... .,,, ^.^e. nartic- U y « a. nelc. o. .ooloe- a„a bota^. The tc-c^.ioaI .a.uU, -1 ».po.r .>„. u., ,, ,,^ ,„ ,,^^^ P.oooe..^,s. .„„ uto. wai . .. .,. ., ■ '^""'^ ^'^" ^^"« "^^^S-'-t to light. -.(•^1.. -^*<3-^- ^-^c b,3on xncluGod i. order to render 'e*^ the rosulta more complote and useful- T: e present pape^ co-.pris-)s Cicscriptions of twenty marnmals believed :,o havo oscapod previous: r^ocofmiiAon. Phpors on other subjects will .iollow in ohe noar future- The new mamnals here described, wibh their typo localities. are: Vulpes harrimani hallansis Sorox glacifilis tundr ens is pe r 8 onatus ar 0 1 ifili? alascensis 8huIQ^u2A^ensl8 navlRator alaskanus Sx/^pmcphiius osRoodi barroensis berinfciensis Microtus innuitus yakutatenais pqpofejiaifi abbreviatus fisher i i macfarlani Bvo Dicrosl'Orr-x unalaacansis nolsoni richardsoni Lemrnus alascensis firet^: Lepus II yukonenajs 6^, U.V ImJJ^ i« Katiak Island, Alaska. Hall Id., Boring Sea, Alaska Glacier Bay, Alaska St. Michaels, Alaska St. Mijchaals, Alaska Popof Id.,Shuraagan Ids., Alaska « Glacier Bay, Alaska Ft. Yukon, Alaska Point Barrow, Alask a 456 Cap^3 Lisbourne, Alaska St. Lawrence Id.^ Alaska Yakutat Bay, Alaska Popof Id. ,Shumagin Ids, Alaska SlJv5atthew la .| Bering^ Sea/ jtjt Ft. Anderson, N of Gt.Beai* Lake. Orca, Prince William Sound iU*,*^. Unalaska, Alaska St. Michaels, Alaska Ft. Churchill, Hudson Bay Point Barrow, Alaska Cliarlie Greek, Yukon River, ^^^X§ ^ ^ -^ - ^ ^ Alaska SLopovak Bay, Alaska Peninsula ! fG* 458 \ VULPfiS H/.RRIMANI sp.nov. Kadiak Island Fox. ^^ iioiS^icri^SSi^^P^H^''^ ^^^^^^^- J^°- U.S.National Museum, ^' C?'^aw ?'Jr^fL^°'^'!fK'°^-. P^rf'^^sed in July 1899. at Kadial?.. Kac^iak T^f-nH ;;rom'^!^^i^c^^T f?ot,I.9r specimen, fron Ujrak , ay, cSll9ctini"?n1,r ?RQ»^^' 'J.S.Kation tosGUT'i. Biolojiical Survey' 001 lection, July 1899^, ColloctoQ ana prcsonted by Geo.iiird GrinnoL. Chp^-actoj^.— Size la>'^Gst of the khown No^h Amorican foxes; oars small; ^ail 3normous,^onstrictoQ at base^lr;rj,est on basgjL fou^-th and t,ap3rin,v.tJ2££^'^P»^4io^^^ color tawny yellow; fur of poste^io- half of back grizzled and muci coarser thtn that on rest of body; black of fo^o and hind foot greatly -educed. ^• Colo^.-Nose to between eyes pale dull fulvous, j^izz led with '.vhitish; top of iiead iVoK botwoon eyes to nape buffy whitish, griz- zled .;ith yellowish ful-ous; anto-uor half of l.ck bright yellowish fulvous, tJo color sxtonciu,, aom o^or sides »id belly nearly to median line; costcrior half of T-ack coa-'soly ^^rizzled buffy whitish and dull fulvous, reddest .lor^ median line; underpart. vgUowish fulvous except^chin. th>'oct. in^inal region, and a n-.^row stripe on belly, whici. a.e grayish buffy. e.rs black; fore arui hind legs and teet dull pale fulvous with an ivregi.lar black patch on dorsal surf of fo-ofoot. and a ^-uoh snalier one on hind foot; tail -rizzled grayish and yellowish fulvov.s, the fulvous .ost nurkoa on .edian line Of upuor surface.the black tipped hairs less abundanAhan in r^Ltod species lut sufficiently plentiful on hasal fourth of dorsal sur • -ace to for-. ^ inuistinct black patch or spot; tip incon.piouou.ly white or buffy white. _;, 9mi2k Sh^::^clo::i.^~ Skull la.ge and massive; postorbital 2!:2£H8e«^l.L^i i^itl:' Jev^locad (mch less prominent tba7irany other known species); frontal sulcus ve^y deep and roacri^^ forwani over posterior third or l:alf of hasaii; palate and ma^ciKarie. T.harrimani 2 4 I X J J 1 •1 I fl / . roaa; tulkt^ Arir^e. Dentition houvy; pronolnrs rioro roLust than in 1>io tliw* snecies. Measurorrionts >>^->T\nDQ spocinon [a dry skin]; Total ion^th 1260, tail vprieorae [ approxiinate] 450; Tail to end o.i h^.irs 550: prea{- est aiairi3ter ci tail heiirs laic: naturally 160; greatest diameter of tail, hairs spread 250, ' ^ teeth (fror. front of canine to back *of l^st molar) 65. \ QU 460 ♦ 1 I* 4 ^OH.^X ('UfifjAl] sp.no.^ tiJ-rf I, . - ,,^* /•iRiLir ^oj, Ion^:i(pfi-Ji)^but ^/i:.h uocirSfidly siri^lior Core and hind ffii?t(riind. foe-' 14 o-* 'e-^- ■:r.-'f...,i\rM- i -^i i. tlf.'rpa-l,s ••liter and 1 jV'''-' fi>^ hv-nw-iv-v, <•-,], •> ,' , - i... .. ^-« '•?.nwM3h fulvous wash whi.jh -in CM- apicuoijs in ^or(t,ica-x(^^. *■"»- £2llir--"pperpart9 cark riusky brown; i^.der.nrts ahri-fiv ^^^y^^ .M: aistinot Ii.. of debarkation on si.o of .ace\ .i neck- ta.j^bove aa. nt t^p all ro,;nd. l.rov^ru.h ciuskv; beioW h.iffv. -"^^'^^ l^,^^i:v,^^or..-Sku]I .n. tao.h as in Icj^icauJaf:^ ,c.i- - .n^,..,b.^ •='-'-^—>f^^'-iJ'>^ Hnci .shorter, and r.olari~ Icri:, veetii j.r.ach .-n'iHJier. l^--'. ..-Ii vorr.el-^ ;j:,; 'ind ^-.ct i;V.;-."^ I-.fiality: total Isnfth l^ '^r,T"v •^Tr::f'Kr."io sp.nov .;•.,::; :^.t,. •Ueh.wls. Aiaaka. ];|o. 99.^86 U.^riat-ioml :.iu|;eiir.,BiGi»|.: -» '^'*' e ,w-s.--"i>^» lar; s. tail r;tthe- a^.ort; coloruiAon atrikin^ iv y,eculiar: l.icolor i:'^ wintor; '.rioolor ir. 3u,i::orj l^o arub fcro^^. ,1,;:. rv33triGt.3d to a sliixiply deiin:'.a ucrsal are i '^ '; Z^*'^^^"'"' . The onlylTFj niT tij^i^cies nam^; ^^ larre^ avxd very r'.ach darkrr ^ V'rowni::>h v/aah%* .,a-}a . *:" ^•':'^ i^ the ,.- .... ory.^ - ';Sf; sid3r> aTO never silver:;. 3mj:.-3iiiT^3r pela^:e(triocior): /op of head an.) bread dorsal :-.,, • rrA,a«(u3;uily crab Yro^.); flanks c.nd siues abn.pM. i-^^^* i...ao Vrffy bn.wn, uraierparts fiO»i^i v/nir.ishi Tail above •oro^r.. .or.onin, dusky all ^c:^ ^t. *v,c.. bsio^v bvaTy. :jriJ:sr_xo_bl {l)ir:jolor) : ^o^'sal ar^^^a ur:.l r^c '■, 'i>^ -> .^^^ . 4. .";->'- v-iM -ill • -t/'*ikinp contr.-i-st. O^virv;: Sides, ami ii>'Ci6rpcuT,o t> ^.-iv .1,. . . . r-ich rrenter ie^^^^^. cr air h. ./inv)r '.be anininl arb^ar3 ■^1 ^ ^J» an 1 rfer ; • ' ^ -aniu J characters,- f^kuil i>j^.i toetlU^, .l^h^as '-v>'^. r^::-Hrd3c.r:i.>.u- ..Irhtly s..^ll.^t .«n.tri.ti.n sUrh iv b oader; laiv;.: i,renolar and u..i.i:3i.id.te .erie. .:.ax]er a).d ^..orter. Sl'l'f^S^Br'uii v'rt:,&ae ^2; hind foot 13^ ..^~ - si 1 * I r- 18i^ 462 ^ b # '^ ^'i-v'TlCOS 8ubj:p.nov, • t:^i T.'eIc4f<:os are cc.nr:r)icTion^JT' w^t'fav t • . 1 , * 1 ' , V Ci, P^i'por ^ 1»^' T- • . appearane'=: c t- aerrcxrtiJ \J: -> 1 I '- ^ --■-: ^^^verr W itish -rUh only ,:,e- ^a^^t_,i.. ■ ----'.opicita teeth litflP-oorll ■ • • > v^ ' - v./.;<. h'GiO -^-^^^ m r-loratur / hair '?^.Sr^:Sif%S^:i?'^^=.ijf^^^^^^ ! I • \ 0 :^)R?-:X ALAXK:3IS SHWMGINfcbsp.ncv -i-j\-,.'i;"'''.''op?f W. , *^hiu'icif,in Is.Utnd«. Alaska. !'o.0709;5 ^ ac^ . ■i'nilar U S, ;4]a.-^^?ftnr.ir. Vnjt. sli^-Jitly g-.-ller .u.a pais.-, uppe parts iicre peppoi* and aalt; 'x-rierpurts nuch v/hii.'^r xi\6. without the brownish or fulvons wanh; flanks' s: owirv' a teadejicv Uj tfW devrlcn JlTcinial characters.--Skuil rmd teeth as Jn ulaf^coitslsfixl iri- • id "., -. sriillsr than 4th) but 3li,.;itl7 .^rv-ll^r. y omen: \of.yti ]erri.h 112; tail v^^rcebrat .^ciSurDrients.>-Tvijfi spe ^(T .1 . C' \ y !"1 I * I «- a 4. ( I ;* J ■■^,mmmmm f)m0Olm'wr<-i>*mil^mmm^* M * \ . (. ,■ ;■» / / 463 c' '.'•'/.?Vi'\ •','4. -.Jb-**«-<* ek;'.' .f. ^r^ ■•s» .1 f,l*(' :>^' \ * ■ i 'N •1006* inXIuTls n^Q\ -^iI^v>.1BIe^^;^i^i56qq.■i wn., boixol^vf - ii.:..:' o-O't: ,'ie^'iO io v;oi .■■^'*,'4i!*f.'* \ r^i»«ti ij fi:*iVvBi:a-»^^s '^° ai/oeffawlq f..-t'^:Bq'J3ifqU--jj^oi^> •\ = ( •%>-• f< Sh '•^•jA''*^:': ;j«.» ■ » ■ . .' -, «;;» "0' 1 f '„• Ivous . ' ■-••■i:^- ' . t-. . '.:c .:> s*- o •^ ft - . ■ . :<:i; " ■ :ux: ■• ii .'> %fV,ji^^0 4>^^-' -j^- ' » ^ 1^ il * J '. a- ' I ■" i ; >"• B- \'. ; i t . "i" Original Defective ca^ «&ihA »k ill A Von ^ (■ ■ ^ ** ''"^ Cs^ *^ '-'^ - . • ^ subsp.nov 'v-f- * * ■ w • ' ^^^^ 'Miction broader- •^^.-iffoi ir.orf" -f.Mi, ,„„-. , i^ ' -^'^^i^'^-U erect miab ^P-v -.^iiorter, V""'- -^^-i' ;^oi^¥s sknlln; toofi, ; i ^SO:\ .ifr(.f u Uii r I j . V. t^r-' •, ! • aifoyi , i il c « ^. * • • • ::.> ,' d/ ,'i O .» .-vgy- , p . f » • t ... r «r .*./ i f ^Original Defective 3 V t I V \ 464 I ' \ H V ll :l>o-: SPBFOiOPHILUS OSGOODI sp.nov. i2789 ♦•♦•Froin Fort Yukon, Alasica. No. 8 ad. O.S*N£itional uiusGum. .-, ---i , 37822 ipril 29,1877. L.M.Turnar, ?)riginal no.i535.. ___. -- ChaWeters . — Sizo rather large ;t£.il ioiigest of the group, and ; very >:od below; nose patch extending over top of head; belly very red in auninor pel&ge. Dorsal vormiculations tending to breakiinto Spots. ' o Color # — Sucmer pola^; Whole top of heaa (from noso to ears) deep ferruginous ;>4 hack, shoulders, and sides, ^rrayip^h ,lecorin£^ deep fulvouf^ on ilarJcs; dorsal area fulvus, irregularly spotted with whitish; underparts, including sides of face, a»d foro and Mr i logs' and foat varj^ing from aoep fulvous to f erroginoxxs . ^ Winter pelade: Similar, but gray of neck :.nd shoulders ciearc:-' and pushing forward on sioes of face nea^-ly to eye; dorsal vermiculations less broken into s^ots; thi^i? and flanks intense 'ferruginous ; d^p riiSty of underpays interrupted by aroa$of grizsled grayish tmd fulwius • Cranial characters •--Skull l^-r^o anu. heavy like that of barroon* •is. from which it differs in tho greater length of preraaxillffl: in barroensis the praraaxila fall short of tho nasals; in they surpass tho nasitls. ^ Remarks.— S.os^^oodi differs from all its relatives ii: the lar^o sisa of the red nose patch, which covers Lho whole loo oi hj^d, the presence (normally) oi a fulvous dorsal area, tlio int nr.ity of the red oft the belly (rusty-rod instead of t\ilvous), and bho great .;irtI*^^vo "lot 1 it i t^' f, ^ I ' \ .»< 11 _/ . fM S • osgoodi At . vo I =^'^% or M. .oat .„ the ,.e« rul ' ' ' '" ''' °=^ j rf ; ■ 'H;j(}\ .'^ f. • dj. ^ TTn Vc Co ro^-s>:n ri-rnr..-vr spocimonTia -.10. V . »up../S?2/^3^^.JM^. ,. ^ , y gi^a^r and black. wio con- II D8J^ SPBRMOPHiaW BARR(3t!KSIS sp.nov Jl£L. from Point 3arro-.v, Alaska. No.-f?!i.M.d U <5 T.^ , • i ^ 37624^ U.S.Rai>ionai JfcusBXim. ^ . 1^9 i<,r^,ost 01 the known fornis(hind foot m) ■ =0 o...aUonCi„ .ay. l,f. .,,, ,,„,,, _„„,^^, ^^^^^ ^^.^,^_^^^ ^ ■ . foot; e,„u. . o..u..nd r-,..ssive skuiis ;Tith faint or ob^ol.o- ^h... .... 1. -'^-^^to t*Te nasal «nxiin,^s- os^di ^."ov ^^0 long, fcssin., .he nascU.. The unfow^r'n ,- "^^"^ . ^fX^:^ _iU 467 S /barroionsis 2 aubriontic skull of S . empetra pre von; s comparison with thcit specios. Remarks . — Conpoved with skins o'.' ompetra froni Hudson r.ay barroTensis is decidedly iargor and paioiiyitri flL d^cidov^ly mo"-a TTiva^rked tendency ^o spotting, the v/hiL ish aorsal 7 jfmic.lations be in,' more ais-^ant 'ina ^ore distinctly broken into spots. Coinparod \Y i th S , ber in^^^ens i s from Capo Lisbounv>,J barroTensis is not only larger and Thaler, but difiors in the lollo;;ing particulars: ^ound color of back .^rayish buffv instead of fulvous; do^'sal vvhitiish bands narrovver, mora nunjerous, ana less broken into spots; iulvous of aose patch and under siao of tail nuah palo]^; upper siae of tail •fuivous and black; "black i^o^der of uail absent QKcept at and near tip; sides of head buffy instoctd of buffy ^^ray; dorsal aroa not woTl defined. rl ■ "i f >. ) )i 89^ J ;.ij SPERMOPHILUS BBRINGEKSIS sp.nov. - li^e fror. Cup, Lisbourne (Coal Voins), Alaska. No»L5253 *a.d. U.S. Rational Museiun. fey 1P85. K.D.Wolfa. ^ Ch.raotor«.-SlniIar to S.en»>et>^a irom Hudson i^ay but, back more .stroM,;ly r-alvoT.s. .ith t}:e n^utish dorsal vamicul.tions Iroken into disL_xncL and di_stant B^ots; tail (apparently) longer -^aa doop.r iul- vous. ov .>veu ferru^Unous; nose patch U.r,,o- and loss defined. Ccuc..-- Si^2!i221.Poia^o Uorn) : Bntiro animal f^ous; becoming ierru,unous on roso p.tch .nd underside of tail; palest on back- back uistinctiy spotted with feu." f^r- -Kit 1^; tail broadly bordered ..iL WinWr_£al^: N^se p. tch --.,.i,,hter rusty, anu in .ore abrupt contrast ^0 su^-^ounaine P-ts, which .ro buffy ^r^ yish; side of face and nock buify grayish; back deep fulvous, sparsely sprinkled with whH- iBh spot.cr; sides^d^derparts buffy to loiffy fulvou. Rem^ks -^.Differs fron Ul others in the distinctness of th. l£0Ui^ .n. in the lar.e siz ano roUtive broad spacing of the " spots.^Di.^s f^^o. ba>.oenBis..in s.^ller si., and .uch .reator ' .ntens.ty of.fulvous markings. I^.o nose patch is bri,^. ferruginous ms.ead Of paie fulvous; tb^ dorsal a^ea fulvous and well defined and u:a un-orsiao of tail rusty i^^tead of fulvous, with the hl.ck' border reaching back alor^ th. sides [in b.r^^oensis it harSly e.- tonds beyond J,e tip|]. The siaes of the face ar^i.tinctly ™,. m -stea. ofjbuff.ana .ho fu^- on these parts Is Lch longer ami -ore nuffy. .,iTing .ho ho.d a verj. different expression. H.e dor- sal spots aro uocidedly ijj^or and fa -fJier apart. 469 I i!in.^OTll'> yA:CUTATK^':-I3 sp.nov. ...'•■/].'■) IroK north .ihcre of y.tki:ta*- Bar, Alaska. 'lo.OSOOr- 5 ad. U.S. ^a!,icni,J urn) 19,1899. C. Hart Merriar. Ori, . Xo. r.lOl. T4 "^■^«*<.. uh^iracte -3 — Tiizft rather 1. r/.ei tail Vvi.-/ short; coloraticn grayi.^h hrown or bistor, fee^t and u>inrtrpartti v;]Jt/lsh. Similar to ^l^kenaio l:u* feat j..aller; tail nfio^- nMortor; vi'orir^}riuirta ];ijter or rr:iy ish ^rG\yi': i^tg/natoly nixod virit}. bL.ok hairsCwhich ::nn3ti;-;en forr: a darker a^tv aloi^f piedian line fror or^c^put to sho'ilderr;)*, " and .rrizzled vitii OMCfy r.ilvous; uiidemarts v^hitish O'^ ^''^•^'J whitioh, the pluinh^joujj of uviiJerfur shov/in^ Uiroivai, foro ci/\d iiina fent ^/.itidi, tail :^hari:i:/ hicolor, n/trrov/l^^ bluekish arove, hrcacUv v/hit^iGh rr hi^^fv benoath. ilrar.ial, aharactorst -'Iktill like that of ^^'i.tko^sis ^w.t dii':>r- iiV -'ifrhtly: n;*sals r>r;rri6vv;!at iorj^ror; jr(^.al3 sli^;htly Lio.tjr. Measuremonts.-^TypQ spocinen rtotal length 17:^; tail vortehrao ;5o; iina igol k:i. Avora^o of ton adults n^or. t^T^o locaiit^^: Total length 165; tail v^Hol^rao 37; hind foot 21. . ' I 1 'i' Ill ftk 89^ SPBRMOPHIUJS EBRINGEKSIS sp.nov. TiSi i^ Cup, Lisboume (Coal Veins), Alaska. NoU5263 *.ad. U.S. National Museiun. R'-y 1885. H.D.Wolfa. ffl-aractera. -Similar to S.empet.a irom Hudson Eay but back more strongly fulvous, with the whitish dorsal varmicul.tions Iroken into iisUnct and distant s_£ots; tail (apparently) longer ai.d doepar ful- vous, or «yen ferruginous: nose patch U^^e*- and less defined. Color ... Sur22eTi.E2lafiS (»orn) : tot ire animal fj^ivous; becoming ferruginous on rose patch aM underside of tail; palest on b=.ck- back ai.tinctly spotted with,4lufjr..Mitlfih; tail broadly bordered .^ 'lintsr.^al^: Kpse p..tch brighter n.sty. ana in more abrupt contrast .0 su>'ronnaine parts, which ..ro buffy ^r.yish; side of face and neck buffy grayi^; back deep fulvous . sparse iy sprinkled with whit- ish spot.,. 8ide.^d^derpart. buffy to buffy fulvou.. %^8 -differs from .11 others in the distinctness of th. 2£0tti2^ ^«Ki in the lar,.e si. arm relative broad spacir^ of the spots.l^Dir^. f.,, barroensis.in smaller si.o and much greater intensity of.fulvous markir^s. ^>o nose patch is tri^t ferruginous instead of pale fulvous; tha dorsal nrea fulvous ar.d well defined and the underside of tail rusty instead of fulvous, with «:« black' border reaching back along the sides [in bar^oensis it harcUy e.- ^ray. tends beyond iiie tip|^. ish instea. of^buff.ana oho fu^^ on these parts Is LchT^r^" rroro fluffy. ,,iTi^^ U,o he.d a very different expression. T!ie do, sal spots aro aecidedly ij^jgor and farther apart. m - \ * t'^ ffr wMm^tdS/iiamiifM 469 rilOHOTt)'; yArCUTATKloIS sp.nov. ;>V.> f-om north 3hor8 of Y:iki:tat Bay. Alaska. No. 98005 S ad. U.S. fiaticnu: ': r-JG::ni,BioU3yr-^«i'fU^une 19,1899. C. Hart .Merriam. Orir. /o- r?.01. ^^ ' -^^m^^- g|;^aGt6-s^--F;i^.e rather l.-r/^e; tail vory short; coloration ^rayioh brown or bisttir; fer^t and unuarpartti v.hitlsh. Similar to Xit^i^enais l:ut feat ^.^ailer; tail i!fi|c>- nnortor; uf^per^mrts less ful- vouGj undarparts arid feet TOiti.^>h in"tead of dark. Cranial * \ct(^r<^ as in sitkensis. Color. - -Urn/oruarts hi;;ter or rr:iyish hrz^^rr ir.tft.Tiato]y rdxod w^ith "hL.ck hairs (which nomotines forr u darker arn:. alor^ median line froF ortc^put to shoulders)*," and r;rizi:led vith Duffy Trtlvous; Uiiderparts v/hitish or huTm v/hitiah, tht^ |;lunhooujj of uiulerfur 3hov/i?v^ throi¥.hi fore cii^id liinci feet v.hiti;:h, tail ah^irpiy hicolor, >inrrov/lv blackish above, broac-lv whit^ish rr Vt^ffy beneath. JLranial 3haractersj>j— Skull like that of pitkersis hut differ- irj^ .'iphtly: n;»sals r>om6what lor^or; ji^^.als sli/fntly lar^^en*. oc Measurements .-^T^.^e specimen :total length 17??; tail vertebrae ^^l /iina 1 001; ^4.. Averai*e of ton adults frori tyvQ localit^r: total length 165; tail vertebrae 37; hind foot 21. . Retak e o f Preceding Frame ^1 OT^ ;>ka>i rilCROTUS ABBRKVIATiJS subap.nov. iq)e fron St. Matthew Td, Rerir>:; "ea. -10.97976 3 ad. U.S.nati ^ f.air,eiBr,,^ BioJ^rvey ColWJuly J.n,1899. A. K. Fisher. nn- j^haractera. — Similar to ]L a))h^ftvi^itii5^ hiit. yellow suf fusion ■ even more intense V particularly on belly; nasals imd re strum (above) decidedly lojv^er; ^vr:0R;ita more strorv^ly howed outv/ard; biilce h:-oadftr^ •#-^]^t roi^^^--^^^ arter'.orly, and less flattened on outer nidft. i P f ' ^ '^■n i\ t N vt':, \ r .r" n I 471 i i( i h Original Defective •*-r AXP^'oioep S.10SI0UI UbJj^i i^XP^PT^'^^P GXHlou^Ji^' :au>4ao..b sxv?s-'az !pe X^IXV-i^d pir? J.Q'KiOT B©pTS je^MO U^^IM H'lmioAr^ ;aep\70-t'l 9St?0UTt?jq •Asojeq usTOTijM pexfOL' *9A0 :v Ai(i!nr) i.r-LA\ \7eYTTi; UY.oj! snoAXTij jTjiX) uijojiiri ^^.n7d.-efW|;--Moi-oo «, . ► k^ - • •wo'ijoufv or ojy'9>!-'I '^-^H '+^»J'J jI^ J^'^-iou ' Vo nj o ^t^ 4.."v; ■;>ij.f.j 8;.i, Wti£' ST^ MI0R0T.7S mAlA^^mm^ POPOFvvcjr, ., , r^jiui .<. ,'.-,1,3 nrjjsp.r.ov. -^ut X crumal aharae^or.. differ"^, f.^n i,o^h • . ji I ,j_ «^jQ Qi front;! 7 ic? 1^ 1 ^ -^ '-'^■'t..i; inc.-:.„e ror„.„-,,„ ,,:;;. '■""'--' l-a-d !==» Lull,, ,„,, i,,., ■-".'■■ ■1"='>C»U t,„t,e.cl,; -ii^^M-' larvrer. ' ^^ "''°^' anteriorly; ,.o7..r. I" .:--iin,: spec iir,c- VIS (ana or.? .^ni* tor „si,^,e) ,=,, r,,.. (- ,„-. '^"".^Fr'--'Jr i. loft „ve. „,.- lo-vis^ huff I'-icinrMi ..J 13 ivashod v/if,h vpU le..tSig?^Vl.&S'l3inl°/?-,'go locality: ' >ui ■ . V- m 473 MICROTUS nniUl'illS ST..nov. ce fror 3t. Lawrence Id., Ber'n^- Sea, SkrJl Mo.99?;7:5 ad. II ..ational f^useu?s Biol||^urvey CoiJ^jrJulv 1/5JR09. C. iiart ^e^XiCters. ---Extornal ch.ii^aciers imkiKrvn. Crarxial characters. --Skiai conspicuously d"^fferent fron any known species, ^ize larrB(conr>iderab 'y lan.er than imalascennis't mmk ^cxnewhat larr^ir tnan :x>:br^viatU3 fron^ }[al] Id. , and ^^i^ ^^ar- ly double the .li-e of operariun from "t. jachaels); crcin.iiir: ai'Yu- lar and ntrorviy ruirked by nurcular i^nrrenni ons: .:v/:'OmHta l^ea^nr ^i ■ broarJly bo;^ed outv/ard , thAi.r anterior root:^(seon from above) >2 standi rv^ outward and fon^^ard; tbo jii^als 5?lirhtly expanded and oa- x-^aliel; braincHse lar/^e ,sqnarely truncate antericrl^^; nasal:- lan^e. lon^ and cuneatf^: rosf.n;n ^nrr^ iind rar^sive, vith prominent lip '-•t antarvr border of an^:ii-bit.al fcriir.en; incisive forarriinil con- stricted posteriorly; auHjt^i bullae larfefrnMch larger than in anv r^her kno^^ npeci^s fron thf» ref-uon ^ out Trerin/; "ea); inc-isors ivrod-'ced a- d sl^Jy pr:pi^^^^^^ molars of sane size as in abbre- vj'i"^ <^^; f'-* with :> closed ^rian^^!ps; M-- "^nlh ^ closed ^riani^le3 {P on each TiHe). rjeijisi »^emon^s > ~ -Total l^nrth unknown: tail vertebr.o ''-^5-45; huid TooTTr.r •-.'/.. Skull (L-pe): basal io^-v.th :'5?:.{>: z^r'oriatic, breadth iV.r-'; mastoid breadth 15,5; nasals 9; nolar series V.S. ^'or^arks. — Durir^; our brief stop at Ijortn ?,ash ^'ape on St. Lawrence Id., on ^he afh^>rnoon oT July 13, i^ev-ral of tbese vdos •/•/err: soon but no fresh ;])ocinen3 /ere secTired. Tiie borders of a 10:1;^ sloiV'h Oi* sor'es (»j ponds on vri9 tundra were cut up b^^ an in- terhivimf^ -:etv/ork of nhoir deeply v/orn trails and tr.3TnGL^.|. ^hereu a -^^onketful of e tlets/Tropped by owls or jaep-ers^\':'on- T i tninin; '^/M.r re^ain^^ ''>•'• " *^*^ ro-' t.ho^'.ff^i aoi:en rioi'e or less perf^^ct b7^ M. innuitns 2 skull;-, and nany p-irt.s of sJcale'-.ons wore ob«-.amed. Tlie skull is easil;..- rooopnij'.ed. b;^ iia lATfce r.iije, broadly' spreadim y.yfromata, larpe bullJ3,a?id stronf;]y prot-rudirf; upper incisors. I I 475 t- EVOTOOTS OXA sp.nov. Ijqaa. from Orca, Prince Willia"! Sound,Alaska. TJo.980?a v ad US i2Iiaracters..--Si;;e me%(a-; coloration dark; feet and- ^^il dusky. ilolor. -Dorsal aroa dark c:hest>iut or haxel; siaes yellowish or hurry drah^ intir-iately mixnd inf.h black he irB and dark st on rump; faco very dark, rri^zled ■-ith i»uffy p:ray and black; under- parts deep buffy or i^uffy ochraceous. the pliinbeous underfur show irr throw*; hind fe-t dusky; tail above dusky from base to tip, holcip bu rrv. gfitnk] characters . -3kull similar to that of dav/soni( /ith lM7-:e subquadrate braincar.e and stromjy dnveloped poitorbital crest of 3P.; ^ail vertebi^ :',0; Vl!!''.fv ^; •* ^^^^^''® pf » specimens from tvpe locditv: /o'-al leyv;th Ho ; tail vertehrae >* ; hind foot ><> . -- • /o ,ai • pem^trk3---The coloration varies soriev/hat, and the differences are probably seasonal. Tne, t^ie, which appears to bo in fresh sumer pel.y;e, is in the darkest sta^^o. Oth.er specimens, apparent- ly in left-over winter pei^^/e, or in the nolt, are paler, but still bave t' R charact^rist,ic dark feet hnCi tail, tn 6 oiit of the 7 specimens socu,re(: iy us in Prince V/illifim Soiuid, th ■ taiderparts arn stror^ay suffused with buffy ochr^uieous; in one only thoy are whitish^ORO/.f)). HIT. It ^-i it Si M dU 477 DICROSTOKYX UNALASCE^:SIS sp.nov. ;:0. ,1899. aci, U.S. National Museiin, . C. Hart MerriaTi. Found in owl^ "[joe from Unalaska, Alaska* }Tu)l'.:SHrvey Coi;uot July t pellets. ^ Characters. --Size rathar lar^e, equaling or exceeding Ij. hud- sonius from Lahraclor; exteiT.al characters imknomi. "kull larf;e and hroad with suhquadrate hraincane, broadly spreading rounded zyromta, l-roadly sul cato frontal ^U^^t^^-nnTiAlf Jly) and prominent pef-like pott^rhital processes of suuai osal. Coriparod with J). >iud3onJ_us frr*m Chimo, IJrv^;ava, the anterior an^^ae of the zyp:om is less expanded, ju^ral lonp-er, an^le of mn- dible bro/uler ^ind moro strorvay overted, . bid la.^ much larf-er; i^pp^r incisors auch brocxder;lM^ witii 3{instead of 2) closed trian- fdes on irtner side in addition to postcriorfor heel) loop; lH^^/ith 2d loop on inner side normal and separar,ea by full interspace from anterior crescent ofW, and posterior (heel) loop on outer side cor. Plete. In J|»!i,ipu tlio P.d loop on inner side is narrowed or flatten- ed and in contact w'ithH^ and the posterior loop on outer side is absent or reduced to a small ro:^.ant. ii I)ICROSTO!;yx I]KLS0!]I sp.nov. ^ T^:t>e from St. Michaels, Alaska. No.WJJ. ^ y^^^ad. iferriam Coli.-fru.. Characters, >->Si2a rattier svmUI t^i^l^^ aks.^^ ^ loior.-^Type specimen in chanf'.e from winter \o sumi-ier pelaf;B (date unknown): Up}.erparts fror. halfvay between nose arxi eyes to r^-itj finely mixed chestnut and yelloMh^h v.hite{hoirs with chestnut tips an-: a broud subapical zone of yeilowisr! or buffy) becomirif; darker posteriorly; rest of animal^ (includi?^, nose, cheeks, feet and tail), yellov;ish v>iite v;ith indistinct fulvous rarkin^-.s as fol- io;vs: a patch on each si.e posteriorly, one on pectoral rT.icn, reaching ^ip on sides of reck to ears, and a rir^: around{but not reachin^O base of tail; a dark browi|ish median stripe reachiri^: :\-cm middle r;f b;ick to rir^; arcimd tail. Cranial characters .>- Skull similar to that of raialascensis in • -"i— — — — .i*— iiii*»» roneral foiT), form of zvf oma and ju,f:al, crnd)[onmnel pattern , but smaller and differing from all known species in the bullce, wfiich are vsrv ^mall anci narrow; incisive forcimim short; molars smiall anc' rather narrow, but not quite so narrow as in richardsoni. l^eagure-neiitp..^. (Tvpft spa^'imen, neasr.red fro; ; alcoholic) ; Total lerf, th 118; tail vortebrife 13; hind foc.t If.. ^ \\ 4 I "^W 8T* DICH0"T0!;TX RICHARDoOM sp.nov. —— ' f^?^ Port Churchill Hudson Ra;-. ^o.^^-J-!- $ ad. ?.:erriain Coll**:^^ y 16)9. A', /uictjivisn. •'•^ . ^' Characters. --Size lanB;8; fur loiv: and silky; M nail of fore- foot nuch larger than 4th; hiiIMi)ii|(av rpunded and 3a>>sv/hat depressed J40loi'.--T:T.'>e specimen in wintor pelae;e: silky vhite all over. Cri^n^a] c^araoter3.--Sk^ll larf;e; zy^icrmtH very broad and stinaro- ly .->preadin^;; rostrum anu nasals lonp, frontals rather narrow in- t-?rorbitally; jjulja^eprossed. broadly ar.d rnnn,^ly inflated. Molar series narrow; enc'ir:el pattern as in nelsoni and imalascaiaisfnot as in hiisi^^niusj./'^lnstin^niishable at a /dance fron ail knovm species Ivj t]:ej2ra^i{Ui-^a;,nd^ ana rather deDressed bull*, m tlie sp,ali "^•4 \ I C: reserJle.s nelsoribut differs fron all others^ "'^-""^ill;"''* •^^♦..i^FfT^^4^T"^v''*-'*^ ?^pecirwn(_neasured from alcoriol bv O'.Jt'w: lOtal ienf'.th lA^; tail vertebrw 14; hind foot 20. " •V 479 LKf.njS AUSCKMSIS sp.nov. Typo i'rm Point Barrow Al ska "n *^*^' o ^ .f - ' ^ 3Ka. -o.-^-^-^-y ad.'ferriam Coll.:^^;^ ^OlliiCasters^.-Si^je Dediarr.j^ slightly smlier than either lem- -M^^-iilHp^; ears smaller than in iu^^^^j^s ; feet and nose pa^ i:olor.-T,^e specinen{in alcohol)^aad a skinflU. alcoholj fron. n, ruchaels: Entire animal ,:olden fulvous, darkest on head, where It xs mixed with black h-'drs; bri,±test on sides,>..l:ere it is al- .•no3t oran^;e fulvcus^ palest on foot a:id around mouth. c.har..cters.- Skull simLr to that ohemr.s_ but slirht- ly smaller; braincase nailer and less flattened; zy,-.omata less •widely spreading: ar>- le of mandible much less everted ; upper in- cisors heavier (broader). Compared with ni^ripes from the Pribilof Islands tiie differences are more m..rked: skull decidedly smaller ^d less massive; nasals much shorter and smaller; ro.trum more slender; i^^if.als not elevated into tubercles anteriorly; bull«_ laii^r{more broadly inflated); an/de of jaw much smaller mid less everted, f-iolar s-ries shorter. To * a 1 1 i»'' 'J^^y^ 8 • : ~ . y.'TQ specinenl neasu-red from alcoV^ol hv r H rri. io.,al lefv;r.n iio; tail vertebras li; hind foot 18. ^ "°^ "^ t.H.il^ '/r '08^ o-art anteriorly with .rj,: , ' '"''"' '"""^ '"^'^' -^- 1- in.en.,„. ' ^''' "'""^ '■•'°* -" "-''^^ -iiUl^- iIolo£.--Head, shoulders. and anterior h-tJf n- >. , Of nose- r-. n ^ '^""''^' '^^^""^' '^-^-^ - ^-P nose, r.mp am ninaer part of hack rich rn.fv p i ^^^ivous; lo.er ..iaes and heli. . oMen 1 ' " '' °^"^^^ Qc^lial char•^r.^•-:.>,„ «. " "^®' fnilfy below. Knov/n f.o ne- hriir.^o r " "^^"^^ '^ ^^^f" any species * '^^^^i^'Caso (^ seen from above) U.rr. u . Post.riorK- to cover fh. .. ^ ' broad, and prodi,, ' ^^ ^^^^^i narrow ■'i^ei/s,;;.;-:;^:; 17 ^^^ '^ ^-"^"-'^ -""-^^- -'• ^-, not * 'rj» onK Slues nnr»«l IaI . ,• x p.iraiiej, i;itorparip+ <] i . v. penta/;oml: incisive, c^ • " ^i"irie.ai large, usuallv 'v aiciswe lora'r.ma .-afcher .hort; bull/ti^,*-^ stroivTly infiatea. ' ^^ii^aT*^ i^^e and ^^^^Ileasiireraent,s.--T^^^^^ - 7 ; tail vertebrae ; hind :■* V 18* >4 t .1 482 [I U i t Vaii^IlK HALiJ^FfclS -' t ' • H«^ n L; hr-ui Arnric ii'ox. Ty])(3 ircr Ilrll i^f:5,-:4. fie:-"!:!, ' Ben, J^o. • U. S. i^at. Hhis. , K Ive^?^ » r.> ci .w^i'or sar .i V*. w v.- O - w^ , < -■ :.■ •». • 4, >, i'U :i>;^^ ' ' -■-' u »r ' ■>* « :i«:-;:. v/^;,; wMlIc:: hairi;; tail 1. ^ 1 •-• '.- X »>» i. t,» . 's .'- <- -w. J .^^ u zll .i. CI 1 1 ■» ■ ^ ' <■•> Cranial claract^To. - -Ccn^.^^ro«{ ^vl"-:- 7-ilr'^^i ^.a-ccurs :i'rom lar^- «4m^^' ■«>«'Mi ««««M^hMi#»><*«4A»a • . ^ ^^ .■ IjjuTid , tl^e R.ciill ?^ r :^-^cer '^'^ih :;.--:rer:.::-'lv ar'd pubteriorlv ('res- luv^CjT, ':d"-r- t^ '^''•j-.^.-:u :^^^iZi'viov |iroi€c\i':r V4;iinir ; o-:t ];chinc! the nGvl::3 tuoo ooriionrcriar c^rv:' ro ':^;ie axii; of t.ho buJl^. (v:e7/cu frcn below)/ tj h'i^3/il Irrv^:^/' 01 ^LkMii 66. e [jr. u I,apl.ci>K( iixrl.l this, ratio i t ik« H IV^i.- • : I BPETHIZON EPIXAITTIIUS ^^JOPS subsp.nov. ? ■ ■ Type f^of: PoHa,>e Ba^^Ai:;8ica Porinr?ula. Mo. 59 140 5 old^U. 3. National Ivtiiseu."!. SepCen..her 1893. Ohas.h. TownFenci. Characters. — Simiiar to B.epixanthvja but tail £Jici hind t'«#t short or; body ^ liElS-SSaM and sides of tail Qvon yoliowsr; faco whitBh frort moro abv.ndont adnixture of yellowish white- hairs oc sid'ijs of face and betwoon eyas, so th&t the fo'^e part ol head almost i-rariah insteivd of sooty. Cranial characters . — Uoripareo rit/h Lypicai epixcait.iii.s^ f^om Cali- fornia the skull as a vhoie :'s '^ich shorter, broaaor^ r.nd r.oro rounaed ( J.es55 angula^^)t oocifaital ana sagittal crests absent or imcii loss developed; r.ygom«ita bowetl stro.i^i.y outward [instead of sut) -tri^ngu- larl, the outer side convex outward [not flat]; braincase short, broaa • etwoen post/O^'ior roots: of i^y^oviata^and taperin^j, T^o^s^eriorly so that the broad th l-etweon squa^-^josals ^.ntorlorly is miu;h ^^'-eatcr than breadth of occipiit: [instead oi si^boqurjl; outer 7/ali of antKjr- bital vacuity (soon from the side) nearly strai^:ht ana vortical [insteaa of strongly concavel. , /' 18* Ty])e irw- llill i^lan.l. !3D-:i.;:v K?h. No. • U. S. ^'.it. Miis., B3'-.'!.o-'--ica.i SiT^ve'^'' Or! '• "'■■ion Jvi''- JMft. • Ca;.rr, --He>au s^u^y, ^yiiii-jed 'Hjtwseii ^^yeiii !i:H* or sioc;:^ o1' -^ace W;ii.tisli huiri;, lac!; (rathe^^ ^ • ^ y), 3ho'k»e^&, aid uppor sar- iuceii of I^f^i' c^octr^ orcv;n; i^idoo imQ ;mderivcir;,e hvlly; chin arid aTn.6ri"'r part, ol tr:' . :• ^ '^ • ■••>:, our^ uui>k'^, ed/^ea v/ith iju'iv .u.tiu ;(V:^T ';u3hy, i»i»riiiiil-:-- ♦ ':':ic(. v/ii,.! wldi^lsi: hairc; tail sj.Tcr..; ;lv licoior: ahcve\> dvisky a":- base Iik<^ V-'ick/ beccTiiixvi* 2^el- Cranial cbaract6ri>.--riorn.<'.r?^id ^7lt:'; 7vfhv:*s la^^cuus from Iiar^- .i .' )■ .4 1 •wfcif mMi%wAMiii «ii iLuTid, the skiili :-: r-r^-^n^r '^'^th uriterior-lv a::'d posterio^lv (rc2- trim shortar, anu i:ti^'0 ocirc ov si^ull bebdpc? molars ); the hulia; liiT.^er, vith.t:ji iniluixu ii^fzerior pro iec^. ion puj^hi):}.: cr^t behinci tho rnoatus tube -rio airec* ' ou^wurd as v^tdi ^la backmrd, ^jiviivv a jonioircuiar cirvj to zm axio of t.he bi;ilc. (view^u frcn below), ' rfr;a"uiJ rwb? rior^^ sl'ii-^idy defined, lu^icco-ijatai -arre^^^r betvrec^i iiU.,--:>. L'"':r prbintiurs (ct^jKciaiiy ?xi anu /^d) Mt'iiller; 4th upj.or };rv;i.;i.vUr ar^d 1^; :)cj\r rncrt; robust- R-tio ^L 3y^-:<:'!riatic breaauU tj basal J:rv^^ ' o: LV^li 66.8 fir: a Laphi>ia ^XvM this ratio is il.^ .'-W.f ^ I ^#^ t*,«»S -St. ^fff fi-.jt,^ i ■i 482 ERETHIZON BPIXAOTMUS I,5Y0PS aubgp.nov. Tjrpo f^-om Porta,j;0 Bay,Ai:^ska Por.inR'ala. Mo. 59 140 « oid.U. 3. National Musevui. SepGember 1893. Ohas.H. Tovmsend. CTnav-acters ,-^Simi^r to B.epixanthaia but tail and hind f##t shorter; body^^^SNiS&i and sides of tail ovon yellower; faoo whitBb fron moro abunduli l5H53itl-vm(fr. , 1 ' Ghar\CL.ev>>--^y .#*^ lar/jj (hlrci toot: 174). ^^i'-te:- ;.?IiiK0 irhii.o Mil ovor excspt ^\.%rmo ^5^:^ ol ear^, ^lici: c.. -t. ijlaLc, iar^:e. brc=:«:» :i..u s:<.t^:>- vt. ;,Mi.- ft -^/^^ nor. reouii^a co-ic-^r ;;i. ; ■♦• I inf\:^jf.U:]9ir.vr\ irov^ t>-=r rer;i^}n ^'-.-"^ rlo;or Biy, Silerja. From elir^dy hro- ipri :or "-har brcua [it; t^c^ukttJ.- iiinci i.c|u:cnciial roo-: of ^y.,Oi:ia), ano wio'i m-i^iscular UT.r;:'8sion en ouoor laue decic:o'ily m-.rrower itri^eriorly; bat;ioccip:Lta.. ;.c.rrc^rer; irr:i;>iv3 VHr;ui-;:v iS!?i:::<.i i.er. / &' ^ # 1 «w4h « «M»-A i*Ji ^ » t » , I 4 n 1 i I I L^;pus 484 fW.t«>m^ sp. nov. K %-i) iroJia StepcfUFik Bay, Alu.e>|-ii ?,^nir,sula. No. 98066 U. S. frcti-niff. Bioic;;loc..! Svrvey GoT jcticn. ' Ji;ly 8. 1S')9, Charlos Arcti3 A.'.;.; ■..,.:. ears about a-i ilTff^ jj .1. fct u.n irx: ieot lira t,uil shorter , cc:..:.:- ir, swrer'!;r |;ol;i~£ ^- I^^y led ■Tc.a- witJ. a Ailv^ue tini;^ on 'heai . . cheeks ;iulJ. fulvous j^ri i: '5 1'^-'i -nM, lou^Gr. oia<,K arci bulfv:^ . earfi i^rixiiled fulvous a:ia black on cVi".erior face, toconir^j wLite j)ostoriorly, ai:ui nArrov^ly r:;d^3er: isi'y- :Mt,e Gxcopt on hasai third ;:r i^itbriur ^r^^i/i^n vnicfi i-^ ^jT^Ji^/sioa fulvous and black iiK« rost ot antorior Icica; ]ja.:5it, idrcs. aani oucor surface ot* ^:r!<^ io^^s J^^^i .Tiz2.ler; vv>;,h hutty ;^f^ Mack, foro lt3£:8 griiikJleo ^ray- ish fulvous'T ]jalo%ull fulvous on dorsal aurjace c:* fee': and irixod v/i'ih whi!.Q h^drij al;out toos; hinci feot ^liciniy white, tail lioarv or grciyish v'hite, becomirv, cinsky alon^ meaicvn lir.3 abcve; chin and lips \vhitii>h, Uur^oa-^ rit.h c broad ^^rayish collar, pect>^;raj rr>.don, \ stripy dov/n belly, arid inner siaes oi iG.-:;s, v/iiit;ie.h. [jra^iial charao;^err;, --^Compared with its nearest knowr. relative. f3PKii5?NHfc tr:^ St. Mi^^haels, the ros-frjia, nai^aJ.?. orai^-icaeo, paii.tal i;rl .. 0, aixl irH-i^ive vacuity arc rarrow r . mmigik^ th^ I'roa- tai oraaJrh roma^-^f st-e^vMaliy the i^cuno; «Bli^ i^aj^aii:^ in particular (Huoh i;arro^or ^xijid morc^ ar-ohed trfr^yeri.cly ; S^ pt3ry^5cjid8 liroao. ir; I hi^na::tur procoiia-^a h * orocof^s ni hroHdVr ]")sterij;'ly. unr^er ]av' iH^re producea ana hool^r^fl; 0^0 r':^ .5 i >d ^e naick — ""^ ""-^-lliAi ■! S8^ p. 1 •^ lL*4tlMM comi^i^r^j.^^ -rrj-pareU wi'.h n sKiv nf the fn' -■■,,<; -f +, "•^"^* ^' S. Ilat. Mil:?.) -' . £j ..,+ tfie rose !i.r->] n.Ts-? -f . ' -n... .fiad la very Tr,ue'.i .i:,rkr--. ..wtr....- ^'^^.-. -a^e^.ui -HP-illj aj:.!a^5ir->-.ripr' \ ^f'nat. the aj;i>].i c/ ';..|;' -, J — ! Jl^■v;•l ion^jor iiTi.o; .M br- ...., ..,,, , — --;-! /^^ --^-r:e.^ ir «l.e i« better ^* ^---Li« Has a much broMcu-r l?-M:noaih ol Grreat Bear luk^- , Arc- tic /'•^rlcH. Ko. 14-6? U. S. S^ ^hxial M;;?c;r:. R. f^^^Fi:i"!*l!^r:c. Charger. or s> — Ext -jr-^'ai chanu/oers anknomi. ' • Crci.dai charciclora^ — Sk^i^J. sirr:dar lo tha^ o- t^nacu;. ig^^vrl^ c :irjus from Hudson Str^.iit bot vary nuoh ii^^'-^er are }ieavier, nasals^ ver^: i^r-orui^anter-^orly an v;ell r.^ postor^:;rl}^ crMir?0'^se leu^ flaxtat'eli sui)|^cclf:it»a.i Bhleid njvrro\YGr ard taperii-;;^-; postt^riorly ; frii.rc'.ihle, molaf^iioriii teeth, and Icvrer iiiciscrs ueclaedly ^ar;e^'.- CompvU'et ^'-it^h dalli fr^o^i ni-e Keyu^^nlt Rivet/ t,he v;c.wc\'^ are ver^- visuch broauer ;inu blunter; rostrum brcacier azio more iniiSbive; braincase hi/-:h^^r (almost >*id. :cdt^ alca^ ir.ed:i.^;r iin^Lnd nilich lesb rla^tiira; 8upri|0Gojpital shield rar^uwer po^^tc^n^'rly (more tc^perir^";;) ; i^'aMi- 0* ■ . J * ble les» expanded arid broadeneu 2'*-'^t^^ricrly. I »»«¥»tl5»*«Jl •"f^1W«»«ilM(j«l*J»- ■^mmmmmmfim-'^ 48' '»% 'Xtf}< fi-^ mm ^%' AfflffTilinrfiitliiif \ttmtmimm ^ Mri ■■iP VOLUME NUMBER: Z^ Harnman /^/as/ca hpdiifion ov. mO-Jone nO\ Page numbering may appear in reverse on some pages of this voiume Some pages may be missing from the original, or tiie pagination may be inconsistent. Fiim lias been reviewed to insure completeness. PLEASE NOTE: Letterpress copybooks consist of bound volumes of tissue paper onto wliich outgoing letters are copied by transfer of ink through direct contact with the original using moisture and pressure. This process may produce variations in quality or defects including extremely weak or heavy imprints, smearing, and double images. These defects may in turn be reflected in the microfilm. i',....^--Atfm- I- « ■ !■-- I ■'- •,''*^ THE ELECTRIC r Copying Book Manufactured from Finest Jute-Fibro Paper. Made expressly for the purpose. EXCELLENT STRENGTH-BOTH DRY AND WET. THE FIBRE UNINJURED BY CHEMICALS. Paper of sufficient thickness to faciUtate Iiandling in reference. r«„H«^ «„«ii« ^^VV^fS qualities unsarfMissed. Size foil 10x12 ud 10il4, made In the folloflng tUeknesses: 300, 600, 700 and 1000 Pages. NOME GENUINE WITHOUT THIS lABEl. \^^»M-. Woo ~ ^xvxe- \^^\ I M^\1L m\h f /^a j^iu 77 //d"' /if. \^ f*n^u^ H-' U ^l //5 km m fi uicUul^^L^ , ^r/^ r \^. ^t^^,^*-^^^ . o'9'/- Cf^^^^Co^/ * ^^h 'P*te 1? t^i^^- -£.UL\ C^Mi^ - ^/^ 7^/of- //^ - / lO ^ ? '#-*-l^- 3f^e^, ^Ut4/^^^^ / %o. // ^2^ I ! i /«- y UjJM^C^^n'' / //u/-^ V » /< A/WM/O I I I t i •^:»«*»fc V 1 ■ 1 Z^^^^^^^^^^^^Ni. 2 ^Z.- /^2-2^0t- * • 1 • • ^ • i 1 • $?. ^ -1>. R. L^.- ^^ I'-S. U cJi^Kj^^^^utM I n // *^' O' 1 ' 9ddjJU-^ u. ^/VvWww^^v/w ,^XM. 4"2--'S'^-/^ <■ »..■».- %, jSi i?f t>-A.J. .C Ti V *' A 1 ^cr z' ) i Ji(J^^Lid^ (U. :2^L^'t%{,^^^^ %0kiA ^ ^ 'f 3£ ^'/^ - ^y^r^ ^^6:?-- j^^^^^g :. 4.: <^^: ,^ ^^y'f-- i ■o^oi/Av;^ - ^3S ^^^- ^^^- ^ /6--y(^/ \ Aj f'^/\ '■■■ ■ • .- •, .^ , -. / ■/ .^hv^,M /\lu.oU d^'^i^'^-A^ " L^^^i^^Cc ^•^-'r^-/^2-/^6 4i^ !^ ^ ^- r^ ^Mj r^--/ ^d - 7^- ^T'-y- /v'<; .■^w>^ji^ (Sij. 2.H^-t%{,-^^y ;i^tfc. ■1 r ir - ^jia- ^^w^vt/ t , iL% ^ 1 ' * ' 1 1 - - 1 I - '■%\ ■■m ,i«i«»jte: ry 7/ 'v>h ''^'^^ o ..' . u - z <9 "7 - i' / / - /- IL- ~ fO- ^L' -|^- ,. / U^- I , v^.... V t ' ^ I A 'f PI »*-;tJ ^X.1^^ / iC^'iA.£"X> A-A-^ve-O- s***" -8^]' CWaxx • ' * 3 3 ^^^''i^^y i,^s2<*>*<^e^ -^^^ /^(*-//o-/52.-/; „:./7^ Zo I //i^i^c^b .Hl^ . ;^^^,_-^ -__:?<^^ / ■ '(TA/VO^,^ ^. 6 / ft I. ^. ^. v^^c)"^ ».' N 1^ U p « Oi'Cou'C'^fur , C-^*v-i^^t .-a/ /f /- -^ 2- S - rri-^t-v e^, t'V-O^ 1 A « , o'^6 /w,^ 2 /H/- ?s-'-/c>if.^f/(^, i^z-^ri^- *? o ^•^ l^ A^tww > /^i^' #-*''|"''' ^5^ ^" /rr- zifS- 7- fD vy i<^^^ / '\.ytt^ -a /L^<. ti — o 3" /^v^-/?3-/y^-/96^-m-^r-/a./-/ i^ttoo J'sJ 0 ) t ■ rt\juljut^ , 0^ - ^^n-/^?^ / V t/2--'2^|%- -1^6- * ^ftglPK**- / -y^sjp O ^>^ e? /^^ 7 ^-t-lM^l^iiil^^ O-^ y £^/j , V /Jf i ' i t- Ve. J-^^JC* » ^^. - Viih^^rZ^z^ t^<^ _, / 7 ' K^ ^>. ~ ■*l' .tf:^i> i^iluf . iUAl ^1 h..^ 0/ L^f'J^'^^' V •'I 1 j i :^ i - i 1 — . • '-■ \ 1 i • i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — ^ __ .J^ j • • 1 1 ' 1 1 t • % ' ^^^^H t 'wr wr F* r W" » \ 2 Aa-'T %T 0V« b K ^00 ar Mr* Liinior I til nu. 07* reDroauCv^on hor^c • ut wiii. ben^il l\V »i^ R vO'.ia? a pr^cka-^e oi arav/ii o i;\-' B? ^ )iaxo Ljon air:iad r)|)roauc3a >stancfi Most J o is recent visit here ■*^ a**o The nr t' » • V. t ' t^ * f . is) M or m •u ill I'ivi *. ■ > ..^ \,ft -to i ,AUi. o ex •^ i^l !,v> I iv* d '-! S 1 1 • <' i. M*.' Tin, :) of Hucsor; \ . , «♦ ».-> o'Oraii, of uoi)t r.> »-» K.6 ViJ : V*. ■r--} Bo:voslot Ihierina^^. noa'^v.a^o Ci If 0 ni •Pf^ul 'fixing n P^-iu:! ■ it'V rT;^*ne>^ Uiacier^ i .0 Davif^o; lacier ( i-wo drv ^ ?Oa Kennol, Kaaiak6 u ro'^k Church at linui k Cre^/as C* >?0' on Ml 1 f /•> *•♦.'•' t C« 0 ^r» A O • Ha r»i'^ ' ' If nl Air:;"!:^^ n-Dae::^r ' s 3Il3^ ^ Hh tv Y\:f 1 ' ♦ V-' ■» X vj" I ; i; Ivil 0 VOri^iCHi O: 'r .» • ■1 '' lliCJ' <.H" it:Ol/S ^\j i riv:: inarK' u t theso tb>\,wh}.te liring c:»' i!.3.S v*v 3ne fc^:ii ;.K htieV TV ill Sr-,.>xiri 4/. ^►i Yo, riJ< «..■-■<■"♦. i .. 0l:3v?' /fi aiso «! ?■> V fir Hencijiif; br^ck •!: e ^>ld pie- 1 ■ >vfj I <,»J. V. .•^ i. ■» •'lao-or tor a ^'- > I c ihis ^h .c ^e. \r-\a unr aDT;^^ t-ransDu?:^i^iion of /glaciers ^n pa^ r « •f :•» oa e/ Alwl.rossos in v'l [.tiT .-^ .-^ 1 Ro"be»*t Karnico 1/ '.' e 3 l*:^':ino woman I' ; *>(/ on OiiJ OCA I shall, ro f^rcif\% obi i.if^^-> ■a II :il" '^''^X. \^.:ii c -? » i. r)v)j;s OGn:t.vS »Ai'*^ Cbhi'^ and send n;0 fi?.^r -:0i •IV 0 CU«,S P.HKi! es ol «;ach oi Vo »V»<' .ru. na ''.,o ■-•••■ T]:e fl3rrer:,nie will linvo ^.o be ^eaucc-^a Hir^etufj.'" ;ji v.*rac ^0 ;t -X A (y^ h ; cY 1'9 v; 4' :V» CI t l^o i*anio>* ];oubio^ 14.-^ Pr- 3^ U:;ion ov.itx^ \ Ms:^ VJnJ\>..(X- r'o llGv^mr' Q •U r , . < ":'.r'P S<;fU. i-i.' Li ^ic^rjw r I « I f » 'lo' i;iL > . o Vo tn^ fur-soalSv Se.....i F-'jat ruck. I^Oc. L oil YO^<^':.lo :i>^^ '. sc;ri B6^-^oM.V'>f Jfeianah, Oisl.dnt view VJ Q --'4«-:i k>v . I HI 8 Jy t* ^ \:^^ Ijv. 5. 1900 'nT. My dear Sir: I an raturning };a--w.t}) J-) n^H'-^i' P^oof of Dall's .rlicle on Ihe Discovo>t emo. 3xi|-'rUon of ALaska-for .he Harri- rr'.n expouiUon booko You will c! r.-vo i-bar, I have aUachea four cuts, all port>-HroS. Three of -.r.x -a you already have t,he blocks. l>orJ.ho fourth and la.t^i.h: t o^ f^obert Kenr.xcoU, I am havint=. h new blook mde for a litUs nnaiier .hun t.b:i.. Th« n«w block . will '.oasure 3 7-n inche. in u.r^.hC-^^^oaa of 4 1-8 .. at. rros.n.) fo .-on -.-r allo^ thi^ spa',;t. in U.a pa.', ri^'-'-'f ponding; reooiot of iiho block, Vo^'y triily yours. A. Ho Horshey, Bs>>., Hew Era fVintirig Coo, Lancr.&liHr, Pac te f ; >i . !1 # :f'< MX |X, ft-* V ■ i "":«; 4' < i » ill t \ (W A Wa^Mrvv'^. . D. Co, Movo- -nr 9, >900 Dear Mr, Lrnic'i*: lana '"i^st of all- T r^ar... lo Yours o.: tn« V^> i> *^- ■ ^ : Yc., the outcorc of whici: .A a . • . As to the EsKw. phof^ogrHwr; .~- ■. u. auu;: ■ j. •,■ - .-." . j want te hav^^.i-ie photographs ..-].. .^e.) a.i n^ach as va£-> f-^ ^-. ,-...d-... to shofl^ ths reaturas. which c..": ..:t i.r .Isriiajy ,.. an ..;ua?'*,or..n,r.. Vut whicn aro ins.,an.f i.ar^t in- the .nali original. i^:.«n.:ch ,, ' P-V- .w . ....ij..r- v...,s, , .;iov,7vL w? otv.Ucl stand 4 ;;-.! ijicr.s -^i this one instance, but it 70^. ^••■?xrik .^-hrh^ ICO r!iUon I a^i w;ii.:ai^; (.n as fro-xspioc. t. t.s. book. . In h...ing t;:^ liLho^ra^^^ivr rrM.\:y^, ^iu. in the ic. .-v; ;^d J-Ir-. Guforc .;U. of ccurKo„ s.e Umt the H ■— ^^-^^- to tJie ir^^'ojr -ooosoi:s or the ica cu/^t^. . . .• /v...,j;.'".-.^'!% 3.t ni^hi, oe'iii^rry Gi>.'v-er,, Krn,r;.nco v^ ^li-yr-^-^ ■'-^^' ^'?'i.i-e W:Ji;ju;: Sound.' Pjr^ Gr^^^tr^i': Kadif^i^ Pin'' « o::-ofti:o>i.i., '^ini^.iola '7r-aoi^atc- : ijj'ricvia. ' j ,« Kadiak, Jul:. i-»^>. MivV- .Xn. caption or L., Pav lo/ puin*)^,^ Icu^^Pb.^ •P.tiof V.,,,^,.,., ■ '■'^: ?h^i^£.^r: Islands.'^ r\ Ho Wo Lani-.r - — ►<. t Tho two proof ?5 of i i>worH a:^/e ji.^'^ nrriv^d aniru^e very bi^vVvt-- iifui, aitrioi:Ji in one or two piaess U i>ints an? not. i/xacU^ ri^,'l. T «^\ii ?:]iO'*f l;'Om to C<-,\ .' !f^ f:;r_: .-i? jorr{>3uio]\p at onc^o hut you iunt ^nf) oniv one r^oof 9- these,, -o Lluit if I reu.irn it I ^ill have *■' ...■■». .PI. » none. I h&uit ..:; l.a-'p o-, this .3i/-:n£ so T-ic)!, but .-u does seem as if vh.a f^'-r. ivho ai^o- pekir..: r^pro•ul,^;;.•ionlH i''.-:' us owJiv t>o learn sor-O- •Mme that w- v*;;quit*e at laast hair ?? do3on pfoofs of ov^ji-ything, so :y^,ixi ccn^:iai;it :^Q^d not ;vi necossary. eve^jr tir^o a proo. ■ Tj:e '^> photo-Tavuro:^ ST^lv^nttea i :- l^t^-i^inp are also at hand. The 3 lottorod on^s a ""t-: -■0 lackirv; a caption I haYO roturned with the prcpo/ ler^-irf irivt:' :'-kI« Bv tlie ^v^-r^ what h>s bcom^ 01 t>..ii rovifiad proof oi the? Cal^'pso 0-chir riB.ai.^ves wore br::>en, aithou^i) !. rc^:rf:r. ou say -oa;'iy u not uii of tncr^ a-o moro or ler^i^ baui.y Suriit^ihod O'a U.e ^ t bj sideo Vary ti-uly vours^ Nov/ Yorko 5 * t i^ m 8 1 » ^^', C^' Washington, Do Co, Novepiber 9, 1900 Maurice-Joyce Engraving Coo, Star Building, Washington, Do Go Doar Sirs: Your bill datsd today has ju^t arrivedo 7]rA& till lr> for cut-is niado for the Karrinan Alaska expouition book and rxhculd be m?:ide out in the name of Eo Ho Harriman, instead of in my nameo Two of the cuts we-e wort.uijsso One curiously eriougrit was t.he same one that I took back to yuu to have rade.over, because it. am 4 1-2 inches in length, lusLead of 4 inohas as called for on the original o The new block wna 4 1-4 inc^ui^ .-- too large lor cur page; anothor case wtis the s i-^gie ti,i^ire of an Eskimo woroan, wnich ,vas to be reduced to 2 1-4 in^jHe^'^^^.t^Si^ It. was made 2 1-2 irches and could not be ustuic Respectfully^ 4 ■^mm'^IS'rmmmm^ Li 8 Washington, Do Co, ^Iov9r>l'ber 9, 1900o ivlaurice-Joyoe Engr-aving Coo, Star Building, Washington, Do Co Doar Sirs: Your bill dated today has i^:^i arrivedo ThiiS bill in for cut/B madfj for the Karrinan Alaska expedition book and should oe m>xae out in the name of Bo Ho Ha^ri^ian, instead of in mj' narnOo Tvo of the cuts we^e wort.;u')sso One curiously eriought- v^as t^ae H i^'ftt^?%icd?^^d^-#l^ It was made 2 1-2 inches and could not be u£^jcic Rospeclfullyp I 'A I K \ "n M ^B "9^' r p (» 1 -• h Ivl M •■ y i f- • D'^ni' Mr. iKiDier: W; a^ ► v'i * ,• • f Novim/i^er ..^K I'-'OO. Horewith I inclose CovilXc»*;^ !!AeT:oranciiifti for oorrect^ions \ >■;- .. oriw the saiino>ib6iT^' arri ooiu:'^>;in;:i ;. i:^;.uras, and also th.i : - Lions for V^oze nioUir^s. J?^Ojr-: ' t ', ■ ' < , ■ i '"* turo tiiereoxi, I quite a^-Tno ^i^h ---r own vie?^s.on the svdjjuvo. Our ptv;t?, H<5 ! undorsuand it ^ is '^ X ■;0 \n the book. If it ir ic lo tr'md. B lit^tle mr-r) ^rn'. Luv .. .- ]^^> allovifou. If the hooA is5 piato, ao trlmin^^ will c'l off - .na o; '.. ^in? just abouh fis .^iuc^h as is ne^meci for l:nuin:^: oi T.h'> ^ biior. If, ];nu/ever, th- ' cck '^n not 10 be rjv^^^-^i\ a-^d -/vn h^ve ri,,,.t hand -^aT'^-^ -hrougiieu'., which ' J^•/-i•r3 to mo iri-o B:i'^'r}i:-!^ a-\c La^il iivay, t' •^-. \ -a?'^ ^-^ :u i^-B of an i:x;, 3.-oulci 1)0 l9it. or: Vie ief^ of eae:.. j,.-atu, : :: ilier -^o'^di^ 'u^: r:rur^ should bo prinLod 1-8 M' an inch lo ^:-. -it^ht of \iiu conter. By ^11 riciins havo Lhe ^Ide^^ay^ r la: 3S fh:"> -uj^.v^iir the c?ar)'i.': -^n?? r>n vh^ ^■■itsido of th^' hooko you.s-^-> Vi:>r' •.^h^ ^v^^^ Vvkvvx,^^^ If ^ I I i" '*" 4.' :5 ( 8 COLUMB ! kI; Aquii.i*^:ia •*:rmosa Piach. S>;,ka. }Iild.,>.rik, 1^ ^;^/- -^1 J..-^ e w^b--igtun, De Co, i^ovember 10, 1900 JL ropjrez to rav Ibw Kra Pri-t ii-^ Co. . My dear Sir: nBroylth I ail so^.ding ■• :. jopy vf an ari.iolo ontitXod ^Forests of Alaskiu* by Eo E. Fernow, Tor tlit; >:ook ryf the Harrlmai: Alaska ox- peditlo-^t.o bo set :.p h: 12 .oint type LhroTuihouu. tha-u I ha-o not rvijolvod any procf for the Alaska booV latslv, not 3V3r tne revis'.-' of tho l^t part cf &r':inn9ll%5 paper, retume-a soco- tirec a^.c for char^gee in Mio position cf cuts. Sine3 or.l^ about half of th" Ha^-riman Sjcpaditioxi book is in typo at the presant tin, and nono of it finaiiy tti^posGd of. It iiaeras to i-e tliat S0/71C i)V'i>; '..-k will hsve to be cione sofiiew'.ere between ncns; 6j^d txio early part cf Deoe^or to or)al)iG tha pablxsh<)rs to nut the book on tho mrket in time Trr t}.-^ Chriatms trade a^ i^iHiied tnd advenJ.sado Rosrectruiiv, ^ V WvT^;^ \v.. Kk^vj^. ,f I 1 f 01 11 v\ (^ Washington^ D. Co, IToveialer 17, 39CO Dear W. Lanier: This ifi the hardest piece of IvcV I have struck in a long time -«• to he away at the time you were hero. I much regrst that I did not learn thf.t you were coicirjg until after iny return yesterday afternoon, as it would have "been a great pleasure to have had you %ith us. In spite of the chaos down aitairs, we are fortunate enough to hav^ a qui- et "bedroom in the third story* However, I can only hope for "better luck next time. 1 left home Sunday a week ago and had no letters forwarded. Your letters of the 12th, 15th, and 14th, therefcrv-i, v/ere on my desk when T returned yesterday. IWiat 1 meant to say about the place on the page for the colored plates v/as th^t, if they were to he tricied, they ooulc "be exactly cen- tered, as wka-t was ci't off en the outside would offset what was con- sumed hy binding on the inside If the pictures are printed 1-8 inch to the left of the center and anct^ier 1=6 is taken up in "binding, the picture will appear 1-4 inch out of center on the page, which will hardly look well. It seems tJ me that the best way is to to center the prints. This will bring the broaoest margin on the outer side. Is this not correct? Herewith I return proofs of lettering incloaed in j-our letter of the 15th. The photogravures sent for corrected lettering have arriv- ea and most of them are satisfactory'-. In the case of ''B" in Perin*.? Sea in the fur seal picture and the ••S^ in C resent Glacier, I am un- able to see that any change has been nadip'. In the case of the two ' 'f ^^ ■4 m p.. ( • I H. W, Tanler — 2. corners of Harrlnian Glacier, the words, "Photographs by Curtis," In the lo^er lefthand corner are In ^ery much larger type than in any of the other pictures of the aeries. In these pictures it is noticeahle also that the ^ater line is not level and that rermants of the word •Curtis," as shown on the original photograph, remain as a hlemlsh and should he removed. ' I find also 3 new photogravures, haskets, Eskimo winter hut, and Tner.h..ra of the expedition. The Eskimo hut is a great success. There was a had hlemish on the original negative which has heen partly cor- rected. I refer to the long streak or- the left v»hich comes down from the skin on top of the hut ajid crosses the large v.halehone resting against the hut A lit tic more hand ^ork here will render this last Conspicuous. There i« also £.ncther l^lemish. It is on the back- 'gra,^ pai„tl„«. »tni regaining i„ j.e„, >-"«.. th. case, a, I .M.r.,^ u. 1. .. f„n...: j. ^, i,„,,,. bl. to have «.... raproducd In «., t. e« th. W,l out for Chrlet- -». an. oo„..,«„tl, th., .„. laid „Me. „ „ provo. l^„..l.i. to ..t th, „oo.. out for oy^rur^ ^ ,,, publication 1. .ef.rrM for a -nth or ... I ,upp„.. th.y arc .till up for ccnsldcratlcu. You .Ul ro..,*.r that the, ..re appro... ., „ra. Harrl„a„. It 1. ,o u„, • inco I har. ,..„ th.„. 1 ha,, forgotten ho^ th.y loot. ^al„ rcerettlne ^ ^.f„rt„u. i„ ^„„^ „^ .^^,_ ^^^ ^^_.^ ^^_,^ I remain, ' Yours very truly^ VTo E. W. Lanier, I)ou'bleda3r, Page & Co., New York City. I «^ 13 +-'\ (^ .1^ Washington, D. C, Kovember 17, 1900, A. H, Eershey New Era Printing Co. Lancaster, Pa, Dear Sir: On returning from Boston I find your letters and several batches of proof, including page rerlse of Ball and galley of Keelcr and aleo the title page. With respect to the latter, it seems to me the page would look better with the larger cut as you suggest, and also with less spacing between the cut and the title and between the title and the bc£;inning of the article. It now looks dreadfully scattered to me, bi3t I may De wrong. Herewith I am sending you oopj^ for an additional article for the Harrlman Alaska book. It is on forests by ITernow. Will write 3rou about the paper shortly Yours yery truly, >5- .V* X \ il. i^t ON Washington, Do C, Ncvenbor IS, 1900 Dear Mr. Lanier: Your loti or of the 17th instant has jusL arrived with proof cf captions from the Tater-Pranr, people, which latter I return horewiUu The type is entirely different from that used by the other litho- graphers, and, as you mm» much larger. Please remind Tal^or- Prang that wo have not yet received a second proof of the Jaeger's Head. Fuertes told me a few days ago that he regarded the coiors on the first proof as very bad and that he liad Wciited many montns in vain in hopes of receiving a revised proof. The Spader drawings and proofs you sent during my absence ar- rived duly, and I havo ncm exa^nined tho^. I regret to say that tho reproductions are on the m^era^e decidedly inferior to previous lots done by Wright. A num'pjr of tho blocks need here and there a little cleaning out with the graver. The one of the largest Eskimo women has a blemisn under the eye which appears on all of the 4 proofs. This afternoon the expres^inan broi:.giit me the original ana proofs of the Polemoniums. It strikes me as heavv and inclined to be mechaiiical — - by no moans so ^pod ?is r.he 3 plan^ pictures provious- ly made. I will pass it on to Coviiia this evenin,^ and return to you with his coraiTDnts. The photogravures of sea-iions from Hudson's paintings jiro 0. K. Hudson is well pleased with them. Tliey should be lettered as fol- lows -."- The one showing a number of animals on tho p«^ vn tho 1 i I t 1 1 i '■ 5 I \ ' . il 15 H« W. Lanier — 2. for-egronud witii others in a pond on the right should read: StarsyedQ of Sea-L-ons, Bogoslof Volcano. July S^^'^Vom photographs by Marrian. The one showing an old bull on a rock with others round about should road: Sea-Lions, Pribilof Isknds, Boring Sea. Prom photographs by Chichestero I think other photogravures of sea-lions have b een made of which I have not ^-eceived revised proofs with captions. Yen- truly yours, \ Mrc Ho W« Lanier, Doubieday, Page & Co-, Now York Citv. bt Wasliingt<»n, D. Cc, Novjmcor 19, 1900 Mr. We Ko Spador, 190 12th Stroat, Brooklyn, No Yc Dear Spader; On retmrnirig honw after a vvtioks absence in Boston, whore I have been attending the annual Congress of the America.-, Ornitholo- gists' Union,! find your l«ttor6 of the 10th. 12th and 15th. aiid also 4 sheets of Bogoslof 'pictures and the drawing of £,ulls on th9 ice. All of those drawings are satisfactorjr with the s'inglo ex» ception of a snail part of the one snowing old Bo^oslof as seen .>o.'. now Bogoslof. In this one the draw in* does not show to my eyo whore the lana ends in either direction. On tte right tlie lano stops off short, sm^imder the cliff; ou the left it stops ...bcut 1-8 inch from the left side of the photograph. I run returning the drawing and photograph^, so that you may indicate those land end- ings, as thev ar9 the p^-'-tV^ular things the drawing is intended to show. This '"^ bar whidi roaches out on the left was on tlie opt positc side of the island w!ion I first visited it it in 1891. In the course of a fow days I hope to send you material for a few ad- ditional drawings. With many thanks fo- the pains you huve taken with those, I remain, with best wishes. Venr truly yoar.s W \ W ■ " I 'I { i a i % n Washington, D. C. No^'ember 19* 1900. J. Stanley-Brown, 120 Broadway, • New York City. Dear St^arley-Brown: Inclosed herowith I am returning the Octobor account of Doubleday, Pago h Coo dated Nov. 13, which you sent me for approval . i hav(3 approved the Spador and Wright items, but am unable to ap- prove Andrew's hill for en/^raving titles on photogravure plates. Ho has heretofore made a charge for engraving captions on his own plates and this change has been paid, although, as you know, it is not usual for makers of plates to charge additional for the letter- ing. In the present instance ho puts in a charge of $50 for en- graving titles on 20 plates made elsewhere (probably by Gilbo). This charge I regard as excessive. Ho also adds an item of $7o50 for alterations on captions of 12 plates. Unless I am great- ly mistaken the majority of these were simple corrections of letter- ing which ought to have baon right on the original. In one of the photogravures made during my absence some of the spruce treejs at Unalaska are shown* It is stated in the legend that these were "planteu early in the century.* Can you give me any early r0fGr^nce to these trees? The matter comes up in connection with Fernowls forestry article, and it seoms desirable to fix the date a8 nearly as may be. 0 I did not have a cl^ance to send your ne^,atives to ^''our house today, but expect to doli^or tliom thore tomorrow, V^^j truly yours, v^ \ ^ 81 \^ ^ Washington, D. C, Hovember 19, 1900. My dear Tra lease: Why this protracted silence? What has becorae of your report on CiTrptogamid botaay and what nas beccxno of the SaUnder's report on the sea weeds? With best wishes. Yours YorT?" trul\^ \ ^Vk^j. Prof. William Trelease, Director Missouri Botanical Gardrjrn St. Louis, Missouri 8 P. S. I savy Palache a fow ninutos last Afsak while attending the annual Congress of the American Ornithologists' Union at Cambridge. He was looking well. Varriel life seems to agree with hira. P J ^ '/I fi. ei f-V '^A^""^ W^^^h-tngton, D* C, .-^v^^eiu^sr :jO, 1900. ifour lott,or ci tho I9-> instoai oean. t joay. I i'^ar it is only too trud that wr^ shall not r.f^ aLle to ^et r-he Kdrrina- .. /ok out -- CnrJElmaf?. I r6gret thi^ ^r!iinon?-;y, but rrare seenslo :^ n- heir for it- at (.>iiR late date. Probd-bly it tfUl fc-..* road' nHtvrnliv 5t:out Fol.ruary. As to the rens8ini!;^i DellenLav^ paintir^s, I slioula &c.7 ^'ttif, the Gno of an interior fiord self.ctad by lis. Karrimu, r^mhu. !•: tho onefkclML Lmd- locked harbor, Brixic.-^ Will tarn Soima, should bs rtprodoced in co]or without aiy quest- on.. The iornor, H ju&i oc- curs to me, you havo alr..ady eont out. As to the rei-airJn^^ l^o, wh-tt H y.K.r mu vic-w! I dc not re;.: .bur tlia paJntings rail enough tt. waiit to ryp-^ss t,- ^.pirdon vithouv «506J./.i^ t,he^>i a/rai i. .Jiu u^ mlUr^ tc Uav- r.i.e nattr,:- lo yo^- ,;ud,s)>.QKt. Uniy^sf thoy surjko you as very rood, I woul-i .....'. tr.em aitogaoi.er. I doubt ver^r moh ir photo^-r^,rnrei-. ol this da..; c- ■■. -V ,^-o...i1 .n;nount to nrach,but ar. entirely wilWh-^ Ir try ona or two xj you. tliink best. • Respecting f,„ .. colore.:, photoi^raphs .r.tandcd to bo ■'oprcuucad by colored pbotogrn- .-es, it ^h„uli b-. stui^d that sorne of .i.,. svib- jocts havo now .:.:..3r. f ract i ca 1 '.y covered Sn .lack arl vcutf.. Re that it wo'.Id not b.i *o,-th whiU . , reproduce aU of the.-. .« ordu^.rv ^' i ^. u I , ,ir,.,r Tn- ooi',,,.,..,« aJ::^ .f Coh-i^l.h, Glacier proirud- lr« fro. ■ hinda for-v. 7-,:-, p,,„,,,, ,, j ,., ,,^ ^^j.^,^,^ f 4i 20 ;t% b^for^^ cyo.^':t to /;o ^n tuiimrayp ^nci an ordinary -phozopTiVrxirB will do verr w-^),} o The others 1 thx.^ mi^^h^ be iSparedg iirleBs they can bo rep"^ ^ducGd }n nolc-jr Very truly vour«;^ ^nW^:^ \\^vxm Doul/loday, Vnge k Co., New York Citvo fi |l • ts •f /^ p I ! h ^ Washington, D. C, Na- ombor 20. 1900. Mr. A. H. Hershoy, New Bra Print ii^g Co., Lancaster, Pao Dear Sir: Herewith I ara sending you for paging the remaining galleys of Grinneirs article for the Harriman expedition book, x,r.^ same comprising galleys 42 to 46 inclusive, I hope your composvi-or will take pains to got the ci;ts in the rigJit places, so that the- mf Will not have to be changed about after the matter is paged. Yours von^ tinil". k I f t. h t I « i < ss fi«h:.n^-.t,o:-:, D. C, Kovernber 21, 1300. D^ar Mr. I^ni&rr Yoors of yoyterday ;*' at '; ir.d, alor.g v.it,h proof of ] ottering from Hoon( v^hloi is norewith -sturni' Ja^id o/^:. .< ingle 'proof cl lxVU,ef.bii..f>;'o lioru pxcturis. I will c^-bstahj. Itrm further r^ivurk^ on ^.he sucjecT, of these uinglo proof f. It weld be a ood idea to -t Dellen- bau^h*s caption for this pi'^;>ure, as I have fo?-gotten *he oiciiot spoT.. Tha picture a?R; a wjiole \s most satisfactory, ^ithoui.Ai I *■' '••' do not liks the str-:rg brranr. :u" th9 hi lis in M.b '..-imedJat'i Toro- grouad. L'ellerbauiih wUI I/uLtles*-' p.aie the n'-icdgaan; oo-T'-io- t^ons hor^^ ^hen ho compare-;; tn3 prcci: wi>V thn wri^ina^ o As to Hoen'f? llliiO^rapii^, I k-'^^ no roason why the pri ntiw should not. be procceaed •^'-:tr. at oriS. but I think :i. v .. ' i bv? a ^ood iuea for ,:s to see the aaptic;..^, unaer tnc piav.ur-is ceiore ijioy arc pr-htoG, in o^-dor to v/oid tha possibility of recoiviiig tho edition witb. tho rigJit caption xxr.df'r the v/ron^; picuiu't). I wisii yon would look at DellrnbaiWi'a pic-tura erlitled 'Sna- set, Gulx. of (Ju-crj^iR. • Ploaso lay & pioce of pm.'Or ovi^; 0.113 bct- tcsn and soo if you do not -hink tho thir/ voxild be e.;. riiwxisl\- :ni- provt^ci ty oi-iMn^ at loart an incr of tlio wator. If you n^ra^:^ with mo on this, Hoen om\ yope oir. ti>e wperf iv.o-r sec. and ^^^o ahoad with the pr-nting. As to semii^i^', hack the lant ior. of" blocks, which v/erA not b;^' ifefactoxn-: Tno blocks were sent '^iroct^t'd !>i'3 Now Era Co. And ronsequsntly aro not in wj' posseGa'oru T m\ calling' Ihe altertion I 1 H. Wo L5.nier Of tne New f.^\x iroople to -a Icwpoitn.^ vhie}: -.eod eleariint '-^i^' with the grrivor. If .thoy can do this,, ..ai :^^r. good, [r not. they will huve to s«nd the:-' t^o yo»i to bo fixp : ur, bv Wr^.^it. ■ Covi.lfi has ^-33t rGi.urned to ne tha proof of Uie Polaaonium pie-M>.>'e. r*:t?rc aro sev?va'. diffia-t'iep .vilh uus p-hn-ure. Ixi tho first- pla.'c. the L Ithograrhor has mad^ it *oo big. Insiend of rs- aucrig it to tit our pfU',e, 'if has recrodxicsd r. f^xactlv nat;.ral sli,e. Bai'o^ft -, ^,:-- tiiroiigh wltn %m job ha evldontlv ncticsa that the thing v'-is t -, big for th« page. In this ailcrrna, to sav?y r?>.k- ;=at, "' ■■'^^ rl-^^'a/. •"-" left off the* T;ottoin ieaf on the; left hand sido a-'u cit o:'f f cum tho bottom part of tho pi-ituro a full inch, thus lpeu">-lr£, ai th*» bottom tne loose s Lena of k lot of leay^s which dc not bolci-!^ anrvherf -:n parti ^nilt-u- ai;": -ight bo aonsidoron as V,6lo'.u'inA to '^^'^•^her ct the 3 ^peciriieru tigui--ci, Tho fiow'^r^ of tho Poleno- nium nre a'^iCiU;^ ;.he rest delicate of all oir flovAr^^^l^ho petals aro oxcccdiri^ljr thm ar.d porl^habl:* Tl.e original dra^ir:^ shows ti;!;^ lairly well. Tho ^^r,>«')f'^iotion represents tho l^^aves as hoav^-' •* * , %■ --- ^ i-*w, r:^v if cut out of leftther* Tne color also lackr, tno daii-^ :i^'-^y o- ^r.).^ ori^innl artd U not rljiit in tiats* Tlie foliage also is poorly rgproi-Tc^d. lu short, the plate in Its presi-t lon^ is vvhclly unsatisiaotory and cannot he accepted. I biT, return-in^ vhe original to ^'Ou horcnvith. If you vii3l oomp?j'0 it w:th tho roproauction, you will, T ajTi su>'o, be i.^/presscd with its shorLcoriin^-s. Pit^ast) notice parcievilarly tlio saai'.erei ^rrtn ol Q\o leaves at the hottoin In the - V P^Ovh:ctior compared with the solid single ster; of t.ho canti^ai pla^^.t in the o.^i^jinal. Mr. rie W, Uti'ier, DouLie.aay, Rv>^ h Oo., Hew" Yc^lri v->. Yours vcrv truiy. Nw/^ -VVxjnJs^. , 23 » 'vi /•* I. fi 4^2 i' C^' w a ?• I X- \:> 1 01 •nt.r irO u ;^ (h Wa;jnin(i3:l.(j.-:„ D. c.„ Novftnber :^2,. i":' 25 •»i« V Aoa?* Ku* .s. iiX'^-Vsm^K y • Mi 1-' ^Y^'.f "^ n .* ■' t .na:a.<;?{ : or vo\ir i* « i» r^*> V ' v'try §lau Urn < <• "^•t ^ t-it., t> t: lot .."> .-» 1 Bf no' ii>'- f»'i^ * ,nt F- *.». «^ >» bid ' ft? on of '•^*'^ "i n ts i ri;' i.3 wa-' ■ ». » . s t,' •^ w- ,f.o IV-;<:^T.— t^r a''7'^4di'' .n typ0 ai.d •ro "iP'-'-^n (.• ■> '♦^ > OU ■j% LUU 't;-i a^' w K r !io namn^ui }>Rf l'^ S-' .'^«^*.^T -^.'»•ii >J 7^ ^■.^^r Iv '-»! '. M ^ .* ^v\\ ^^ A.x^>a ^ ije .ti f^ i"./^« . * i*^. i ■ C J„ » '•1 1 er t. fit^ V ■ .• -». ■ T \ . » 4.« I T •i: ■>■•-> -t— ■ r ).f i ^ ■^r-' »•«:,•♦ .*: . * •!f :1C: C S A " ii :.kB i ai- 1 c _ «, O In * 'I n n 7J •1, -^ '■with ^,7- express C---)^ nciarsw the Or :"in O f^' J . t f > 1 • •ik'. ii ,r rl lot- srtr ^^ Via iw^ c ot.iGr /-iicture .^I'oi:; "Jio r^'^int th^ru^ trcm ilia vosi 1 ^ oaia*s> k.^0 iiis -./n lua ;Y»'-' tt> VI Ujt;...4i::',-iJ^ £■♦,'?• * * » 'jk • . •J Ail.! irrimar; Gli^-cier aouMeftiat^^I ^'ou vvili rer^ioinle^^ T «; J • 1 A\d ■» . ; .3 K*.. . i. ■» O •» I u' .> roacu--' and app-^'ve^J v^^'di*-^ J was in Calj}' f\ '.TV , T j-j ■C>lTr f r-T. ') .1,^, / '•" Itli 7-GST>e „-<► t 0 ioii'^ru il'O 'Ut..u= , 1 * :. *. ^% ;^*: V-.4 ■■v*"^ r Amif*^' («'''}■* 4.1 V' I f i^ros?^ At ;:a4 btittar 6^ 1 y- :i.» t is y- 1 bh?^ ^:iI.opim] ■^::L%er lire ' i- \. i. fortune ^Bo Cannot, A:i,^r Ne ew v.- I* 0 } i ^ r 1, ....V \r H'i .\M- Vf I • t> t :l y.*:P iit: .1 1^. •» r * ^. ^^ losi^r .ind Kovo 20, ar;;a ri:iij^i I r, ■;^ i V.I il r ■ » D V f. n ?« ^ "J ^ AV ^ent t/O re Tor approval .«.# ■♦♦ft-f T];e , vy.)re .i<:^U 1 > >*i ■if^\ hx a G.iiv or two ^-y^ ai'-a I ai^S!.u:na ^-ou h^^. ^ for^'^wif^a tho n) "y-^ n "»n^ hA i eye* -I. IS vr ':cJU'IO/:k. 'n " ♦■'A Ui: a^r-i i? bv ^it :e «s A M J *iV> » -t ••> »:* •£» "W" , ■. ^^ ♦ CI K n tiiiO .s V 0 CUvi } j^ion^ : ^^aion w' ra upproveu a ;evi V >foa'i:^ verv t'rur . "Va --O^ ^"^^-^ '^^^-^ V D r: ledi-i I » < il,!:. 1* •.». ^ ^ • o ^f.yH Yorl; bS ?)ear S V anle-^."-BT cw n s FresL'.irc ax varir;ii< Ui^C:; . 1 ^eU * r^'t.i'tt Jl ,«.*;■ ". ■■. • c I i^rt -he^n /O sei-'vant ?^r, your hoi^sa hiils moY^i.,,!^^ roqur ^'^ir;^ ::.'^r U- ^..u-e thei- Oii ycvr w.r*t,ir'g dft^k, d^^ directc^dc I bnali be ^-iad to ■■ - u when Yon a^f? n.^xt :tn .ai? (Jit^-o WW ♦ .V. V \ \ "^^w^--)^^. \ \ t hsh^^ton, Do Co, Na^om^-5r ;'^2, i?00. V 27 ave -.-ouay obt»ctii.it?d a fov^ sketches :.r;id cne cr.te^ poor photo- {irn ftonuir^^ • ■> • I' »j r>"*\i .'i>*P M'i'' > t "^ *«"?•'.■■'> F'-^r ■ '>'l-;Cini K>V^^ \ \. ;• ^ «■ ^ '»••' '••* C? ^- . O j-V fj r^ Brcokl-ru H. ^'.. ,.j-«j j ¥k t ) > \y ( * h 82 <) ^ War t'Ov>«rnl)e»r Z>, V^iOO ii ^ i )^" -i ■i 4 .1 ^ooi wa. 1 J ^i ^ ri^,t except irv ^:^:^c» .mi if ^ The lie.: ' ^>-Ye oi Sea L^or.^^ Pribilc;: Isl^ .d ii« Pl-j.^roj vU i^. ,rar^iA*:^ saj'' about Coy: cms*} th6 / . :. ietiu- .*GVl r, .»^ 0 the ]' ^^Ai n **» -^ w • Ii". f>^is »M"i -an :. TiiO oiii/ ^a/ out. ,cr • I cc^ -tarns of tne -i-du. arrived* loit ^' i ■<► -♦••^ Ik. •» - •• 7 ^^ t'O rec ^^^0 i . ''-;.l li JUS : *h. of ' ■'p /"ill" •■ * ... I thin: yuu . ^ io2i-d f. ^anc; aorta • I onroct . ."■ r* • >clas aa tho$3 or •i^'xiM -» » •»• + »- .. r- t ) *' ./-lie ?a8e rg CM *■' ■ ' •♦aO r ^ w^'V «f; as rj... '" 'ii a sir,,;,} c-.i:i,-^. .1 », I .f.^ K- :li !; 29 2 ...... '. , -.^ ;,hi2a. .!iat. \or have noi. '.-h-^Ixo vr ^hr; •fc> r.r^-r ji ■■' \.^\,\,^1* % i- V w ' < '<. ' ■ »^ " ./:,.o So 1 - ^er. V-., your\ oci;- - t.io proof h-i •piiP <;.,..• • ^ ^;a i" -■ik)i^^- » •* IS, wo Vi' J i I ^nr aot f ■' y^^- ^le V Iht > A » « ' ' * •* w • » <>s ^^t: ^ - ■ '..1 31-'. i^'iOOO'*^'; .'.4 ^^ : V 4 , "v>iu*-* V'jiun'^e, as \t '!• •;' 5 * \Vv- , V^ "^.-vokv. Mr. H. W. iKj.iiir, 5 1 ii m ijii 1 ) h / '*^i Mm 'I "% X- ' Wabl inrton, D. C, Noverinber 24, 1900 *!C* X. Mr. A. H, Kershey, New Kra Print in^j Co., Lanoastor, Pa. '""-^ar- Sir: I havr to% racuive i from ycu yoiir l^o letters of the 23d, and two Dat:;.i;.:3 of proof, eomprisi?g part of Grinnell and the ro'^iairiD^r of Gccuilleti's pa^:;e proc^f . I ar-; glad you will draw ri: t-h'^ y^:iivttt-r ou pa/^e 46P of this article. ' ' • « Kiroaid*s addross i^. Prof. Trr^c Kincaiup University of Waahirig^^or, SeaiAiup WH:^:;.ing.ton. PI'? it^e rerc 100 separates of oach of h^& tiyo pan-jrs 1 :> hirrs. at this ^-Jid-^ej^s. Plea^ne lond 100 acparatns of Gcq(0.1iett*5 art:?le to Coquiliett Li the U. S. Ife- The Kinca.id broohnrefi^ arrived today p.rd aporar to re 0. K. . I f-'ote what yc:i say .^ith rospect to castiriij, [i<^t of Grinnell's pvo. I hope Lhis will '^ame out all ri-^ht,, h^;t feel a 1: i>tl€ shaky ^s :./.: t'lo pa^inati'>n, s. ;ce quit^^ ??a%eriai ;iharvi3s will h^Ci^ii to \-- ired^ i^ the h^rrrouri;^^ and M-. l-» fxrt'jolv:^ before? trev cnn ..J »■• be :5nall:> ':)rir.t9d. Kvcr si^- »i /ny r^jrurn iron ^'ali^orniap I '^ayc; been st:n.-?^;r^ll>v yfith i< (^ crts >u repia-/:? those v^rcr\.iiy u3^o o^*^ transpos(id sr tle?'^ art.-c.les, ^ rl hope "c send y:^u oarly ^•'^^>!:t wa-:^V: iho racessary mnt^ria^. lor cor:,p iutirig l^'^o revx5ir:>n of tho2e urtioj^oi.. • ■ it ^s V'^ry uulortt.rate t/hau arr; of the ^^latter :^ft^.^ ^^^^'j. V^ry ',rui,y yo\\r%r 30 ^v>M- k V iV\.o>^ (? (j f ^ I f f rS \i i ' 1 I rs Wafhingtcri. D, C, Novemb^vi- 26, 1900 (ieovQo Bird Grrmell, Forast and Strean Office. kiA. Ci\ Kw York Clrv, Dear Grirnell: V&re is ann'Mv fif^' of your prjof, car- ^'iiip fna pwjed ratt- tor to pa> r > m Ii. w. Washington, Do C, NoYeiv.:>or ?J\ 190C. ' Mro ^^ill Go Steal, Fortiaua, Oragon« U\r doar fc^« Steel: ThaiK?^ for your iott^r of the 21st inntart^ wl-iar. amvod. to* day. linfortunateiv I am laiablo tc coir^nly with vo^av ^:-qr:o3-^. frr a phc;#« graph,, as I have not hud one taktn; in many year^^e Wih roapeet to the article you want for "The m^^srB' fro?^^ the^ Harriuw.1 Alaska expedition, I cannot give yovi iruch encouraj^eri^rt from this e-a of the line. It is out of th? question fo^ mo to at.terrpt to fite anything, a narratrvo volume of the book early in the yoar, and let your article tal^e the form of an extended riiviaw ex this hook, i ?ouid probaliy f •Or- nish you an auvance copy in Janu^^ry or Kebraa-^y, if you ore re ^o do .n 1 8 Ro;^rottin.p; my inability to se>*ve you more to the point ir\ ih5fe matter, nno w ith kird^^st re^rirds to M*»s. ^teol, i rerrjain, Vours vorv v^,. ->--»^.r ..r 33 Br, : ^^ err^ Ca ir t': Waj?ri]igto!% Do Oc, Novepi^ier 27, Leo Sirimons,, 1416 F Stre'^ 0, N. W., Washington, Do C. Doar Si^ . RaT^yiM^^ to your iettjr of the 24th instant, cailin. .y atten- tion to the dc?lay in ro^ieix-t of your check for work done List month, i wcuiri state that none of the October bills have beer paidc Mto HArrir.aii Vias been absent or a protracted trip in the ''^'est. I be- lieve he nas now returned to New York. and have r: r.oubt that the chocks will go out in a few daySo Ref^^f^'ttin^-^ the delay, : remain. Your.i • eru truiv Vv '^S^^JS.Jv. W ^s W^shi::,. ^' n. Do C, "lev amber 2*^. 1.9C0 170 S:f^hr Stree-^ Dear u 1 T H^?piy;rjg to irour polite" i^ftter of ^-he 20^1 i:,i3iai:r ^ I re^vot to sav that it will not he pcssihla for m^ to prepare a:; ili\a i.rax»- od article ^sv3h as j-m wish for 'The Pr,oto i5rao ' Thankirif. for your cc-xr*tesy in tha mattor,. I rei'.ain. Bespectrully, ou >WC\ \ V NoKwX*' w "• \ 1' k '}'. 58 I t« » > <* • in: Dear Mr. Lanier: V Your letl^y^ of the ?7ih cf.:v.? th^^^ •^cm:; .^p aao the i^Apro^^ pncLa^e vO which you rofer n-. •.::'jliv\- -a at -.y o^^Lce (wiun^ it v-.-.^ aadressed by Di^staKc) about nooa. ryproducLioii oi ;.'s I'iord pai,:.tiri£. It s^.njck ms us n;;^ -jf t!v) b?st in t.he w':o:t..- soriob. Tl>? only c-iticisn I made of it. was t'.Tit it "/as viire!',r- to mo is r-vch ove*'done ^'r;w. ar.; artisti.c F-t-jTfir.oint. RosDocti.iji thf. 'Guii- of Goo-v.lfe Sv.ns.ot/ : an wUiin^ to l3t it go ns It -iH, Th'^ -Hst »iU: -.i wat.-?*- ir; ih:^ J or-vrouna, wl^iio dctraetina, froni tho artlrti- mor't q^ tho pict-ure. ;,iY^<^ it an elo- mont or distfc;n^ s w)i^om ij^ ^^ 8omet> ir).^^. The now -i. ^^^.v . re .- tae ^Chiui'i^: Houro. Desertoa Viiia^^o* is excoilont. j. ar-: '-tun- "iv- .:i i -ocf ' •''ewi^h, Ictte^oa for captior. 'I Th3 'Hubba-^d GlacJur* aisc is \ 3^y rruch lmproy^*a, ano wiii now dc voryweil. Tho only objeoticnahle foatvro ijs that the copy just se?rL :;q h^ .^^ 3>'y >;!- inly tiiO ai-7idin>- line botween tho tv/a nevsa- tivQS. Ir 'ev-/:-.s p-Jnts thii. line ^-.^ so -»carly wncoHled that it ^vouia Mou ];e asib/ ..oticec. Do^ihtioss Andrew will fix i\p his pl'riter s"; that it will nat slic^ in the ilnnl prints. The sovan proofs for lott^rin^^ arr i^/^d today, a>ri are returnea hore^viih as follows : Sea-Lion Drive; ^tsno^ao oi 3oa^ Lions, Eo.i;08lof; Sea-Lions, Prtbilaf Isiaiui?; Me^ihers -^t KxT..:aHion on St. Matthow Iftland; V. I f i 4r 1 (/ 36 H. "^t L?:!nl^^ », 0 K3;:r^o tun, Al«ntja'' liask.-- , Harri-ati Gluoier. aiKi tlia aski;.o Wir.to^ Hut (it rlover- Bi.y. Tiio 1: ter pi;!^'.re is a j^reat. si^ccess. anu 1 3inj V- liid t- ./ . -hat t;.-: blaniiBh-Js rec-itionei ir: the ori^,l;:c.l phctogr-aph have H. ;. -anovci. Yas, i l.,:-k 'vo have now ciosea th« pho" G;Tav'ui*as, avv ;; itn ^rlf;- io knoH that Andrew has oofaoi nr'ntir^-. PJoaso don't icrgc-t, to s-.-,d T.e four or five copies oach oi" the vaT cut photngravi.rsa, «.8 scon as li:9y a>'e prirted. Ploaso ^.Iso "' '' ^^nowa>. over^rir.r.s raa? to roplace tlione kmt are not up lo th . ..ar.dard. hs it is us- ual ).-i tViis kind c: w.v"k to turi out a lot of Infcjrzor r. r/ivs. I will -e oVI^^od -f you vnii kindly i^'jnd mo f. Hocks fror wnich three of ^ -1-oto, r-aphf ^'^e-^ printod^without n.y parmissior):. the D.i'jeri'er rmmhor of "The W<. ^'' '• Wor^. * I refer to tho •Har^r. of Fur Soal.'.:.. ?u,:e Ki, ; o^h-;f Voloano'. on pa^e 1^?- . and 'Barrv Glacier", on ::<-.i ■ ^"'^ >>J^.'V^— *-' ^^ Mr. H. W. uxnier, Douhloday, Pa/:o & .^^"o. Mew York City. i ( fi Si I H li li I' tb 1 ' it Nov ;5?i {•-.«•>•»» »f "^ i Jt?00 U' c *.j o =ia5 190 12 »C.*i.! i v-^rreet Brook i^T 1 I ' •■ 0 ~. 0 D aj^>» ai i^p^aor T^iankB f 0- your letter ci' the 20t]i iu^i til mstanl., trar;!^ .^; .••»> '> ¥* \^ a adi lon^ 1 dr. imiiif-'i ot KOrn.)siof for n;e S' ^, ^Md a rnaii r.acka «r^f <.. IrUbeH, whljh I aoilveroa a^^ reqae^itoo Mr« Giljjert J o vcr •■-.•< .1 «.. ,. «.4« ^ ^ i-. >n i2ig ono o; tiio8c ar^^v.1l■^3 HT* r»nr»ir»<^ 0 •J\J k ^ w •- U" lOr -1 OU lUl /^ r^. Cl a t. vAl\^ I, Oirad] for ar r^win^T Be •^4 1 Hi's r; a or^e (;f tl 3 arawinrp ^^n^i *^^^'m cr p '-» '> /t ,;->.•>. !^so J. ain roL.u}v- •■^i' f-- rO^T i i I < * i'\ ■> tiC 1 i ske 1 On — - with thj reqjei , ihat- fo.] '^ tis u.vC^eJv r he detail oi t/ia st •• . '^■^ •'^ o »> 1 • . 1 »■» 3api j---+-r< nn t.^io iof, nana ncifitain 1 o T", ;tanc ■air } r'- :'}kS) the i;^iww;.ah. S >.'».• w w vs p^-ticuiarly of tha circ^ l«T»- LAai -I -*. iG -; toat'! bL^ ;>umo 013 1 HLot,^^ a hcrl^ouiai Una. v f » r j*n i-i Oi. 18 indicated ir hi R rot? <• -^ • / c :lra;»nr '1 r: It wiu^: rnj^ rie^icot jn r.ct c\ppoar iror; y r-: iPfHkin^: or hi?. 'I it? mu'i. ..e/ iri nv lottor t^-a/^Bmi ^T/^'T 4T >iie S^ o r. t: •V ■* ^1 .!• '-• ^y4 i • 1: i *;rt." Hi 30 th ■ C^ ^ •** •» •-• ^<\ >^ !ji xV \j\' I'oro/Tourxi c;, • nacio ^: lit.l.,v I k»o dist.inct« j iov rcaiiy art> one m i^^* j:a>H^ dividr^ii t »y a aea?) ^nilc^ o* iJ iCf cihe: f, ■) v 12 i -avf> Hi ^en r-^*] G to ^•;e( re n^>r ♦ r< r> ^ vC eenu y -n r Ar> 'i7 . i i I 4 4 38 c>»:aoer C. 0 I! Wiirin =/ou p:ot tirnov i wish vo v/oul i mt::.ke no an initlai iotuC^r 2 A •:• A' U, u-30 in tlie wora 'Alaska' tion \^'ith Roaosirf Vclc:ano« ♦,'. i so another 'A w Theao will ^ive vour ip)a^:iriat ion a s n I Ar Diertrt..a ^^i^t^nco ter ;au have aono those, an I' will be useful and Trrohrib^ one or two othors will bo needed a little Ir^ter Yours vcirv truly Su.>; \ Wv^^>^ I' i- e£ ItH 40 Wai-„/i.,i:;ton. D o sj* e November 30, t9(:Ci, I I, I ' 5 1: rii t NoTouihcr 3C, 19G0o Dear -^tanlov^Brown: o '-^ o...iS as nave eor^3 to m^ for ^i. done In Kov^-rf-pr far* fv.-. ai^^» -.f-er Tcr t.no ,,1.?.^^ uxpodii-ion book, .-.s toJIows; •« -•• «tj( The Maurico-Jcyco Erigrav i -.^^ Co.. A 6 H. Baldv/ln, for portrait of Ker^nicott ^ Charles Bo Hucigon. for draw im- 3 of f — • V.^>a^ V\^^sM..s^. J 0 Stanley -B^-^o^/n^ IPO Kvr* > !*.'-> iNe^'/ Y'jrk Cftv. I !i I 1 I. ''. !:A:^HI^dflN to C» Kit''t Msr.-'icj'i. Di-c For -xponsos of UJditcr's OlTice. rr,out,h of I3ove3:ber : •-r'r. a f.pi/V'"' ^xpre^ba^'^ti H»'^en,S..Goc (Voucher 1} ^.,_. * ' 2fi i^cutl-^iay, PaKo ?: (Joo (Vouchor 2) ^^-^^ .31 ^ ^L- t9t- rtr tieon- ^^ i^e (?or sterography arut ^.yr,ewr>t ir^.; Nov. 1^8) .5? 5.00 -*■«••■ 1^ «£> C» ■ •■ - $ 9.77 Ke •ivod r.a->Ti3.nt, > fl J' i ^ .^' ^ ' • I J, M' r 0 th Washin£t.on, D. C, November 30. 1900. Dear Mr. Lunior: noremth I an sonaiv^ you a 8,.iail <)^f,ch of iirmui^,n for- ra^. procluciioi:. Those dro;winj^,s (jorr,pr.se f ivo of Boe;cslof . o;ij of fur seals, om of gulls on floating ico. and tw.;'initial"Ltt,or.; ali-.o a c^^mim of Lynn Canai. wl/ich hns •> with Mrso Harrir>i».n's wishes. I will hn oM i -^^ ,•+• •. ■ - these reproduced as soon as may be. ana sons r. ..^^ -^V ^■■'-'^°- f'^--'!^'^'-, .fiion ^?cali.v is not only an ^hoiiir^Xion In r, ri" ^ii^ .--.n,^--,, f i '^" -^n'-u,';, L'ivi .plau-? perish" ^y^i'o Uont r,£ f.\A; • 1 i t re 'V'^t* ■•O - O f w » Fi. :-^' past, jr:; * « -i. ■ pap. r •vy.lv-ut. ^-lo^K wfiich will ' ''V.-''>'- mi^ ;- or ih- t-raok of {%. «' TaxC' f-iiidc sr^^'i ''"^^x- ^^i ^^!t^r, O'jp, }t j.i?i not .. i.....^.iftv. Cii one sj.-^r only-, I a*^ at present .x^..ri,..nt:ir^ v^rh nari.u. pa^c:--. mau. hv ma .. ,,/:i,3 oi P' ua.isiuJ.. U;t a., -ot prep.-^.a to ... what the rc.ult wiij t.. ,- . ^1 V- ir ! .♦- /; 43 h. ♦^ -r « Xlo 0 ve'*ri'' ^ >h .1^ 9W1 ■*: m «•=? ^ and !iop^ It will )'?? pi^a.nticribl'^ to fi;^;n'^f^ evary i^y^ec'^i^eiC^vi'i from AiacJivHt, • As ncc.i i';.c: we can ^^et^l^ abo;.t ohc papor, ;i^ (-iial i caa ^v..l-Mit fvi^o of^Tiiriat^f; nf cost ---- one Ihk.-)^ on •^leiiot-rpia-.,, the* '.■ll;6r :n\ h/^-'t't-^rin*^ -«-...I will ic^v tho ^.i-i-t.iir bnf'or;"^ ^Ir^ h-T5'^.ua ho-'i^ iB ^'11^3 Bi. ^^h. ^ettin^ on -^ith Auneiids? About ^.^:n \^i.A hoy report be ro^civV Vor^' trulv "^^oiir^t^ • " f \ ^4. Mdiv l{a"Gn/ Coc;.: '4 I', t'^ 45 ; i:! i j« '► « roady in tj: o for Ghrlstnas ■.J o Henci? U.o :*'•">< lik^ voiu^^o-e Tr ^.::1:^ :-nn-ctior;: T shall bo :>eatiy -b.igca -f jou ^U Witu Kind rc,.a^aH t.o Ar--, HiT.t^^r „ *^^ ^^-^ ' JIm^^^^'-''^^ "^^^ wiuof the?;? pap^^r^ ■.nv*« ,v>^. <2^ •N:.. Dof:r P'ofeJ^so^* Brewer: For eor^-^ ti^e r-^sty I ha^e b.3en .onk.i:i^: a^,;' liS.rr^P^. on i^hoi ^.tmoppho^e of Al^^^kr, r^-t as -^-^^ I t.i-hf. tnat voii navf: rjcov^reo frort. In« colo that. -: a-..ci ■:■ you iv fAj- \^n\n *. - -J. r;::i >'^r'-^ arrival- v«ht*ri "-ou last .¥^cte iV nrio 'ji^iiA n '- ' •» .1 i. -% •" ■ • ••'•*.' * ■ ; •■■• ',"\ ■ ' J •::> - A Tri.ir OwihK t'-^ cnrnilAtir- delays of v«>-i-.u^ Kincts. U b^s rroved i..- v.nnirVlA H.c -ei me aoo^ out 1^ ime fc^ .. ri^tivas. Honoo it \f. uor, liksiy to appea- u;:M.l PiGrui.r^% -via 'V, 2 viix iiiiU bo titnt; caou^J. to f 9^.' your pape- 1: t.o t^e fir-^ ..lame, i^ thi cp. vv.u«na. me In With best ^vi:- : •;;^. Now Havon. Oohr.o •nT' ■wN /.■ d» i I i i \ Decombor 1, 1900 i^-. 3ar Mr, iianier^ ^yo-,r lei.ler of yasterday arrivod this morning, and the various p-oof8 fitc. th.r.^in mentioned came by express this noon. Tho fiow- or .oieturos T ,,iJl show to Goviile tliis aftarnoon or oveuii^,. ^3 inte-. c; dudi you speak, I an, returnirv- herewith. I see' that ha js I .sponsible for tho unfortunate marker in which the plate was reprodi^ocd. Tho only .Aray to romedy it at this late date seem to be, as I tlunk I sale in my fonder letter, to bracket the loose c^ioms of the middl. plant together over a number, so that the indr- ^r'dnftl spGc:.es -nay be aistin^-uished. The lettering of the Goiunibia Glacier at contact with island i^ C. K,. joTd the photo. rav;;roe. of m-i^x^^ll and Dutch Harbor may bo acesptea ^-ithoui furth.r ait^r.tvons. Tne letterir,,: for the I;utch harbor picture shouiu be 'I>aic-h Harbor, Unaiaska' . Tiie iettorin^ for i.he doublepi^te should be 'Fort Wr..„sell fcr tho top fi^;ure,'^ ■'Sit-ka Harbor' for t:.:a iowor one, i'ours ve'r'y trolv. i.4v» 1^ V* r • No'.-/ York. CI I I n 48 \ D'^j^Cinber :!, 1900 D-^'dir Mi'o I^STt^, fJI' J I u:clc'?9 harowith proo: of tho Pyrol.- pictu>-ft. I -f^-^el dro.;a^ 1' Uy at:out thiac: two piaiii. p:ctu}'d,ii (the P^-roU-S 8n-i thu rolemo- niunis)^ wl.ioli a^-o too big for th^ plates. Of ccjv^-d: :.-^ i-^ no -^'auU of U.-^ lithograplur, as you rtavo 8hovfii na by the let tor you i.icios-:^d l>o!^ the Botanist a few iays aro* Navarthelos^, H. i?^ a gr-?^.t rvisfo-rtimo to lidve •plat'?3 ^o in ia t^ia i^ayo I nave stuuiod thf} Pyrol^ picture a lon^ time, -i^id havo arrivea at U.o oonclutiion that- tae lo^t way to treat it Ijb to eu' awh;^ rhe hanvrouiii us inai- cated on t^ie aocorvpanyii:^ pr:r,. it ri-ht ;^ear even mora " ^^:.:»i^ikc i'c;:sibly the lithD^r>-apiior hirr^^oii nay ^^^it^gf., t scno auo:itiori.^il ,!^a7 Oi -cutting it aowru If the ■imrnr-v tUr of t ^ ha-ik,>rouh:^i ir tK:; a- per half of th{> p^etrre coi>l. .; aite-aa ;;o .is to m^,,ifcii (\c^or iho :tr::a occuplea by u.^ pidixts. ^nrt^sa of liiiing oi;t squarely t,he v/h:;].o piatep It wovla be v^st.y betT.er, as ^non i.he uroj'jction of the mi:ialB Hl^^o vr,u]d Lo ^^o ?nail t .al it 7/ould ncL in'uro tho artifttjc ?:;f-«t. of the platf;. I hav roughly indioiit^cl «h:v. I m^ar. by •, light pen.- a iirie. .-.ui. I .j., ..ot al. ull sure t;a*, this can bo done Tj-i.> Gr^iu.iibir.9 ntf.'io if, u:.'t 0. K,,. ami -^;r bo i-rtte-nv.-.. Soma ti.-;0 ai;:o I ^ont you t..i8 lott3vi:;g fcr 'ohit^ plata and tlia Salmon- •/ The Pyrola plato vk ho lav^e th;-. were -s n^^:, ro^-r- lor tlu^ , ri^ir^as of the throe 8pe«if>s without r^dcirv; it sam-. even ..ore crowded tn-=„ e^ v-P..ni.. It aoer.s to r.e, tnore. o-o, thrd, perhnps the hM.- ttfr w^r '^111 U to print under it simply ti,e sln^io word 'Pyroi^i^', a£ I r:av> (lone or, tho -roof. The full le-ona ^o^ildf&e^ this oi:,U on a flyleaf. I ha/o talK.d to Gov^'ll. about thi., ana he says if we t.hink fttvxabiy of th. ! iyleaf ^.Un. ha will prepare :.ore e:i,horaie iOKon^i. fo> all of 'he plarn, pi.tureB. Ho IhinKs th:H .ovld be a ,poA thin^ :.o do. ror the reason that the plant-. r.re not -sooKtvi oi pa t3..i'. .-. 5^ i-i- - ^- *-^'^"' ^ . ^- x;.-. v,- u; \{V(^ TO r'^poat those cLctcs in trie Plata:? cire to ap;' t ^o ho r^^^.a- i.-Ke ^^ .i.i-^X.>-^N^ Mr ?* o iLi^X ! i ) ■'.I' • New Yor; iv 9 i ( ; • ' s, « < !* . At 9,^ De comber 3, 1900 Dear Your latto- of the 2a instant has jus! roached m, etna I ani very ^axl to know that Miss Bush has rnaae such excoilont progress en ho^ report on the Annelids of Aiaskao I an surpr-fned ^t trio large nunber of species • You ask a question w hi* is vory diffricult to answer, par-^ ticulr.rly since you spoaK in general terms onlvo You sav a niunbor of platos are needed, hit say nothing as to the Hpproxir;iito nunbor or the cost, r.oth of which items I shr-ici. be providGO. with Vofo?'() I oar. lay tho nattar lei'o^e *h*« Karri;-!.,!. As to your Nenartean ur' ^oU, I .venae \,ve printo-.i it lo.nii . .0 had the piHtf)3 be-n rDacly, nna I have ' optv:. all alon^ Uiut we could publish it in Vol. 2 of ths Pro-cfcsdijvjs of the Washington Acadomy of Sciences, but Msitcl has not. yei sent revised uroofs aithcu/'i: I ^vrotc? hir; a losi^i tir^o a^o that, if we could got the prints by the end r.f Kwomoor,, we couic purchase double tno nv-nibor of copies that wo w'>-aid need in idte cr.se thoy could not be do liver- oa T^ntil the eni of the year^the poi -.t boin£ tiiat if »e received them in time to publish in this year s voir.w of the Proceodir^s, we would do so, and then use vio sat.e plates, with aiterau letterirv:^, in the Worm V-)luo9 of ths oxper.ition ;-<;port«; As I understand the ratte'-, wo new have all the mater 'al for this vorar-.e, oxoept I- I- ■», i 50 Miss Basil's report on Annelids* As soon as her report is finishes, v/e can go to prriss at oneo. In this c^ase Lhe volume will come out promptly, aiia it would ha>^dly pay to puhlif^h yoair paper in tho Acaaeny's Froceodings i^imediately before its appearance in the ^ r volumo. Wliat I 7/anted to do was to get the date 'igOO' fixed on your paper, v.^illo the voiuF^o must take '1901', hut owing to MeiseTs tardiness tA:is has proved irrpossioio, which I greatly regrf3t* Von^ truly ^^-ours. ^ .V. 3^, \, vAJs.'v^ -'-O., P *r^f •M4JU^AJ^. "^ ^vA« , Sow Hsp; on, ConrL I I HI r?. Yoir I-tsvrs of tho 1st c.i;d 3d ^nstant u/^e at ;;.u.u, .^v^a ^U , a S5f of ri^o proo"'. f-cm t,i.e Tab^^ Kan^ poopie. «»>ov'lng tho po- aUir.r. oi' Im piclv,,ros on iiie page, .r.nrt p.jao the l-3tL-pr:i;v:. A? this lottering "s I'^rng arme cvor to csoniorm with Ihat .- '. :» other platrife, it, will be necossary to so? SMbaequert prcof t. . Tr;s nr^jj- sftt liitts^nrvj 5:;p(3ars to be ccrre-.*.-, 3>cc3pt in .siso. --< J --rl., • > „, &3st that ths punotujitior. aL tho -nets r- u^ ii:.^s j-q ->-.iit?d. A'norsjj thasa proof-s is ono w'/ch I i'P.v,- r.eysr huJ -— >t :"< ■ Cairt'ot' Indian Sen I Kun'o-f, at the Hoau of Yak^.tai fiv.;.;., ly Do?!; baugh. I 3haK '- ccT" .^d if y:,u v/ill sond to -i^e SavT.u proofs of th^s paint;,),;. In ' i^ co:-; ^^ctio^. vsnat has revisti proof -rf the Jdo. jr'i; h%x: ,'? . rf •• «..sr s ..ec*>r:.> of tri -t V. '^ ty Tr-e position o;. <:.c pfv^o oi' t?!e foiir pictures vhK-s: :iro « printed Ir-^xth^iss or t..a p.igo -onm .o mo to be corrocet. hut th^t ^..f the Jaogt-':-; H5.=ia vh..'n -i.m8 -osr^^ise of ths o3.;e fr-v^a to ^ -. S3t too fa>" tn tjhri lA<^"t i.-^oac •• ♦ i« ^^4 ,,.,5 ,- , a ■ ; - J .'I la^i,, .....oos u ?.h laOi^jiuoa >,o t^virr; t.n? foach;iC you n^^ iKter t-han M<)r:(iay the 2a. If Ut'^' ha7e not. yal. uom to hmo, Ui m kM<)w, a?iu jC will stir up the Corapaiiy at thi^ end of V ■^ v.^- T ^ vV. V. \ \-Nw^. ^ ^ .->. .-^ IV tio »U y^3ii LOf , ^>uli«c;^^,^ P^^e L Co.» ^ew YorK. I ■I I H \ t 0 ,-J t Jfeji,- 1 > \ I I ' m S5 MMMMPI Dox.emt'or 5, 1900 • Dvbv Mro Lanier: nr?„ Tliicj ftiorning I sent ya^ by exp-\38s t\?o adaitjonal colored pain'tipgs cf flowers by Walpole, wi:.''"h Coville shov^ed ^iv. -^^r M,,. first time thi» fiornir^^. I realii^e, of courso, that 'a'o c.:> "^o^.r the niattsr c^ colored piat-es closea, but thase pl^tj^s ej'5 eo ej(^-^ .;eediiigly heaAiiful - — ao far ahead of anything I ever saw aiiy- v/here in the way ol pla-tes of ilowers— that I could act help brih^"^- Irig thoin to your (.dtortion, th3V;kirg t?iht possibly, in view of tho fact that the book o^a nr^t now eorio out lefor^ Febn.cirjp yvv. ini^iit t^hink it wort/; v^hile to put th-r^. in* Ii'^^evor, I /all leuve t}.c matter en:.irsly to yov. T\i^ reminds mi that yow probably have Coville's I'ld^te of Cxacotha^'m^^, ivhich you are not ^^^oin,-, to U80c Ploase return thiet ' . Wl-iat was thef-r^al ieoi.slor with rospoot tc the Edition de Lu^e? In there tc '.-o such an cuitior-.or not? Tlio three hf. If tone bloekc oi my photographs from 'Tf.e- World ts Work* carie tociay, for ^^hich I rtin obli^^oa, Vo^'y truly yours. vV-^^V"vi>^^-<^, Mro H. We Lanier, Double day, Pa^^e L Go*, New York. 54 I M } t Mi 4 , I iiirir- wt hMIMmmmi ?.a 56 i)^ar Stttiilar'- Brc» Vour A**wt#|- u 1 nqia .x r c* «^ lu 0 T^ 'DDK 1 2 . iiKeiv ro apr^e De^' JU \* * ^ I •» - ^*:^Ci r ^^ M i » ;•' vonr fj *• i WT v^ ^'» n- «.;. ■-« F,/--»^ 19 K.' :^ nth ini?* "!tn'f >s- ess oack *^^ contai.i^tiirf, prociH and ci ,.^iiXul^ of tn«3 last bate o: u * f'j-'i ]h Xi lOi* r?r)rc k T • ■-» ti < !. n niim^/ijr, moludin^ tne y ■S vH v" 4ik ltttt-*ij; pr of Drv-Llo;;baiv;^'8 paintirvi ot the Sr^alln; Village, in YaK\itat Bay« ana proo/s v/ t t'll .; ^*" «(-■<■ ,1-. - .^trt^ ^ Voloanc, and im ^ jo C (*• V*- . . Tor all of which. ■t ^1 ' nn , .. » A • ^fj L^ w y * Jk ' iOOI *S s*^"*''^ f% j»i ^4- ari fi f ar. roturi; Many oi these iuiyus- as ^'OU '>■/• 'OD ^li- io}i 0 •^r.tiri: y r* 'i^iS ?r^od fro arv rp^- prooi'sf he^^w oi; n, • T •.' -1 ' ^^. ViC-^-1 v^^^a pre >i 01 « < 4 '^ r' o .•• " »« »- >-, « > .> %> A » \i '»• PM I r.u!i very *• i.j>-.A i« 1 ••* * ^ - .'. ?ir 4^< ^' '» n J r.r' f >4 » . V. nf , Olj t*?. ! ft A ijn^ S ;^; : X iij J L i HiQ ho pc 0 ■%m J f^tt I/O u ne a PUi-JLifi;;*:? «.. Ai fi^ uv ^0 s^tv s ve as 70\i are sci.: *.♦«-, ^iv • -« i-^ * »*.' I|"» -rtes h^s '^0. "ived ll„ ana that it is so satiai'act The r I X I ns^iVr, **nf»»") i;a" "3 U i- W» • s I » •- 'jar; poseici^* oo I ^ne n^ fi w «,» ijf t CJ -' •' V .». :t ■••'i^it. T, i\j > * I J t ,» ^v. .:l wT*n ,»* 1 'r- ed on 1 1' Wc »-' tt a vo U' «'-.i * « * MStiopoinle V«ol *<• tJ ro w : t • •, » •< .c*.»^ '/'--i. .nno u « w ^ * U. i > V.>c'. *.' » jy L»-:.r?6 xtcu ■ ii:m?^".'U det'i^ oi Wif / Oa. ••> <.j 1 1. ( .'.H i", • V {::> anc; aid not ar5T:;ear -o o^ ^ooU r.noiyj; lor a n n Y> c'^^oof of th?} Houa Vory t'!^;i? vr'\.ir? *. ».' >k: \ VNws>»>Njs^ ■1 «^ . ^tanloy-Brown :u iJ'T y n v*\r ^.i^^ v V>AA>vsu.. W 0 V,' ►■ 1\.. * Hit. A I) I w ■ V 1 ra /> i i> . i (-> '-•f-. j/ o i. e , I)rCO''?l!,<^rr <)Ocir Cog : •rf i.-i 1 . * -■ - ■ J. ' > t * ■ > ':^ U^'^' -.astei I S'tvU no "^ •■ '. ^.hai ' '? ^'^^^ u::.8 roajnca i»:e rapia •xnG fict i ; j^:^ -sea J;-£i3 r;u../^ • .1 ... :*oauv v" J^r six >.,o' •■ V' r? ■• » .' . • > ' , r. » S" ' .1 r l^:i.?. ■1% ;iciv: r.-;t yet Dc<;n d^^i^^r^at oa/ -^^ Bdi^-. •f #■• %.■!» a view ' :. ^^ •"» 1 !-"\.» ' *» ■M'iiiv, H rrxrndh ■.:, - close, dr If MfilsoJ. V -^ 1 ] ]^ pia -. .-eaay, ; shouA.i fchliu .-)'■ t. Cty*\r ton Acada-iy ;-:i^ ^3*-^--. •; it<^ capf^r^v, 'h pure!- •- "^Houjso U:.^-^ r,< ?^ '>nly r.i^jc.: your p^p^^ ^aj. :^r)f ■'<^'^'^i, ^n L.'j ofh-r ran.., ft ^^-■'la.l^> i.i:.y riv .^f.Lit,.,. J«i trv-.,vYt H-' n, A - ■• ■. • /> *■• ■. • H L^ .-. -->. f\ .• . r* 1 .. p. A, I 8 I .{ ••«■■» - . -iV rfir'. K^ -3 1 •, A {{ V r :n vr 71 4 ', .:ie uo f^- ♦ hir 4. , ;Gu3 '\ o. / r.-; . ^■' . » 'mI I J" . . I .i 4^ ^ i I * . ■;'' i.^ ■ ;4 « .- %• • 4 58 i,'; t v.. T ' cl - v» : \VvMsKkj>, /Vt^. V yio. On-' f* iO/, ^^av'jii, vu. i^ Original Defective ^*| I ; Ml I / Mi '»' i) I WashiiTt^ton, D. C, Decomber 7, 1900. Dear Mr. Lanier: Your letter of yesterday is at hand, and also an express peok- age oontaining proofs of letteriiig for the Columbine and PjToia lithographs; lettering for the (Thief's House, Desorted Village, and first proof of photogravures of Shiehaldin,and Eskimo alongside Ship at Plover Bay; also the revised proof of Hubbard Glacier, with the line between the two plates obliterated; and an improved proof of the Boat Party in Lowe Inlet. The Hubbard Glacier, Lowe Inlet, and Sskimo alongside Ship are approved, and may be printed as they now are. The lettering for t?ie Eskimo photogravure I have inaioatod on the copy I am returning to you herewith. The same is tn*e of tho Shifthaldin picture. This pict,ure I am disappointed in. .The pho- tographs were poor, but I hooed that they would give a better result than this. I think that by strer^thening the dark parts of t .« mountain a little, it will look better. It now looks blurred ^r rubbed. If the parts not covered by snow are siig^htly darkonei, the picture will be improved. The proofs ft-p returned to you hcM-- with. r am glad you agree with me as to the unusual beauty of thos^ last flower pictures, and am glad you have sent them to the helio- typo people. In the case oi^ the Pyrola picture, the trimming which has boan done on the background is a great improvement. U could be still further improved, if the lithographer could vignette the baok^rourd giving it a clouded effect, as suggested in my i'orraer letl^jr. It would then not seem too big for the page. Very tr%iiy yours. - Aaj -\ i * \ ■1 1 1 1 if I 1 if )! i oa Wuahin^t-jn, D. C,, Deoamb-^r 8. 1900. A. iloon & Jo,, Er lb imo re, Md. ■ ^'eii>' Sirs: Rospecving t,he p».,,off. of fur- na^ls and cf Bs-i-rari-vwr SiAOiar in Col log© Fiord, this day -ecoivori, I j^ouiu sl-^te that as t wiiole both of those pictJaros are satisrautory. Ir, the fuiVHoal piCuum " thoro is a blss^ish in uit- water :,i tho iert. and the bead of the old bull fur seal apno^:r;5 to hpv- a ccn'-triol ion around It, whlci: you car. doiiHless easily orJit^-'atSe f shoulci l>ko tc- see this pxcT,ure in black heforp decidir),; on ths color for the euiijor,. In the case of the ^lacie- picture. I iind or> conrr.arison *ith ny orii^ir;al photograpJ that an jycor has bft-n ^.ada ir. L-ia ur-;Mt of t'^e mountains or. the ^jxt-sme right. TfMs was done by tho paintor. whor; you ioiio*v©a. Im^^t^r, to alte- it at this time ^o fl->-rf.- with tha original pho .ogr-aph, would involve so mudi aifflcidty that I think it hact bctUvr romain aa it is. T?io picture iS vury effec- tive, ami I art, ineiined to acc-opt it as it stands. A iiU.i, biu mory .-re.>.a a- tl^o iana hetweon the gla.i.rs v.ould ao no ham, tna^^h :t If. battar as ii is than at would b. if th. ^^roon w.« too noop. for tho !:nr.k issoen at t nonsiderahlo disjwance. 61 A« Hoon & Coo -'- 2 Ploase correct e\ slight lleiniBh in tho shape of a vert.ical Bcrat/Ch or disfigurement of somo kind abouL tha middle of Ihe pic- turoo It crosses Qe snowy parts of tha moimtaino I am sexidin^ you horowiU, sevaral rnaps for rGprociunlion for iho Harrlman expeuiilon bookp as follows: Map .showing the distribution of forests (the har>o of Uiis can be had from tha U. Sc Goolo^ji^^ai ?.urvey) « Port Wellsp Prince Williarr Hcundo Map of Hidden Cmlciero fep of Nunalak Olaoier, Map of Columbia Crlaci&rc I/jai) of Hubbard and Turner TflacierSo Of these six viCLps the one shcr^iii^; i.ho distribution- of lorests is I'cr t^H? v>.>~jsA^ 63 WaBhimrtoHp T;, Go, De comber 8. 1900 Doar Mro tinier Replying to yoiir fneniora:adi;in of yosterday, infUosing certain biil3 for lettorin^^Wiih ceirr^er/is thereon hy Andi-ow^ I '?an only say that Andrew'* course in this matter in :;nuHualo In the first placoB most UthOi'-raphers urA rhoto-a^i^^avors and 'other establishments fur- nii>hin<^ platts include iho lottirii^, as a part of the contract pricey that is to say* they ron'.ior no separate item for lettering* I have been having this kind of ^'ova dr.ne for tiio past 15 or 13 years^, and so far (xs I remembe • this is tne firsii instanf:»e in which I have soon a separate account rendered f'^^" letterin^'-o In the Oar»e of engrfiVoa captions put on after^^a^^dp or where it does not form a regular part of the plate, the usual co^Jt is two cente ]X-^r letter o In the case of the photogravures under con- sideration^ the avera.\e eo^t is about cioubicp or a iitila nore thati double this anountc I notice, howevor, ixi this case another unique feature; namoly^ that the or^^i^raving .vasj done by an outside firr^jp instead of by the finii making]; the photo,;^,^avureSo Tiiis, of course. exr)lains tha vVhar^e so far as Andrew is co^oerr^ede i can only sav;. therefore, ihn* he payjs :ui exorbitant price for Ai^. let- teriiu-o The bills h':i(i letters are returned hir^'ewithr i * 4 t: III I' 1. / I I ' ,♦ V' ] i 1 1 ■ I » 4^8 Ho SiVo Lanier I would like to say in this connection that this whole matter of the rinanoial sido of th. Alaska book is very distasteful to me. and is »oinoihir^5 I had not oxpect.a to have put upon me in any way, as I supposed at the start that all .-natters of this kind would fco arran,>ed and closed hetwson you and Stanley ^Br own. Inaarraoh, how- ever, as various hills have be.n s.nt me for approval. I feel bound to can attention to ite.-^ in ..hlch the c}ian,e appears to n:e to bo unusual or excess ivc. Voif'y truly yoLirc, 9 '^-V ^ \ \X.\M~--»^. Mr. H. W. Lanier, Double day. Page h Co., Nev York. i 1 / ' » i i .1 Waahirigton, D. C, December 10, 1900. Dear Mr. Ijinl«r: I ha«e just rooeited from you an exproas package ccnUinin^ Covilla'e originai palriting, of Cladothammxs; a latter froc. St-anl^y*- Br«n to you. dated Sept. 1. with respect to fJie plant drawin^.« ani text figirea; and an envelope containing e lot of plafc# proof of text figures evidently sent Mrs. Harriman for oritloiSTi, This batch singularly eno'J>g)i oontairis the lost proofs of whloh I was never able to secure a? pies. Vory tAvly y.'urs. >lr^ H. W. Lanior, Doubleday^ Pagy & Co*, Kow Yorkf I' % < » i mornirig, and aro 0. !<• Of cxvarae It will l^r nacGasary, as you state, to trans- pose the name of the Kaliutjrpe Co. and th^i^ artist, in order to make the plate BymnQt^ioal and liave ii ^x^30 v^ith the others of tho series. .Vd!^" t ruly yo-.u*s. U v* \ I Lv Vv .•^> Mr* H, ^c lunior, DoulieUay, Pa^.e ?' Oo«, New York. ^*.«. '_« 89 II 69 l) }i^ :i' v lVushin.j.>',n,n, D„ r„, of)Pe>-hor ih, iyOO. trnr: j'uu this nsorninc, nave, beon f.pprovear/=a of SIS.M; nade t)y Ardr<.-v lor loUa-J^ig t-hs plate?. ?iro« ccdimH, y?n:" attention t* a slri.n.a-. Hen on ;, pri^vtous bill, luinier ;)ftti soiit nie £ letter f.-.v, Anaron, .u the ^a.;bi]p-t. aai^rnnp^uUC l'; .:,>,.:. r-^om SCR- e^v-ay- :n Bostor. It aoorrs that Anaro«' oo^. not ao his uwn en.;r^vi.v;» tx t h.^^ U- ^^no a' s n-,lion oxpen..v.. ^stal^ i'^hi-ioiit. 6utf itie n.ul ;:-.? r.naf^^ca thr- ;i^tu;a cou to !,iu. I :i')n;jEe hi-- -^ rocM;f. irom ?--.m o- Oc. v/luch ^r^^jv cert lo wo, as tii-y aid r.nt krow o/ . ,t:y whe.- oiua to sync ^t. I w^^ iiorry . ... ;■„: lasr. Sunday wh^u: I s;,r/p08f)f. vou .•o>.o her..- A. ,0-; d^.i vo ^^a cura,. the u^y. f ..t u.L to .-xU * ' ' ' • '"^^ "^'" ^''^•' ^^*' i-^ U^^ uaor by visitrf:!^ who J «H c« C* ft vary !.w.l7 ' V) •'^t: H^K York. Washirii-^toii, Dc Go, Docembor 15, 1900 fear Mrc ^anler: Tlie proof oi- captlcrig frort: the Taber-Pranp f.eorle cai'ie ^^es- terday; Bi-a vvaa raturnea to you iPimoaxa^.eIv. The --aviKed proan or Grigiu-rn.'s flowo- picturos of tho Pola- niunj js-ir.. una "tiln?onberr-y cariO tod?-.;, ju^.d shcv a very doniccu ir:- pr'..v emnt . Iwi::l sho'.v thua to Coviiia at -jnas., 4i?iC. let -•a? V.noH the r^^ffu^^ Ar? unu^i, oni;^ one oovr of each of these revisea proofs v/n- sent !>»c, po -hat. if thi;. Hhoiiid bo i-nAiriiod, nuither a Lirij^!l.e ^lupyo Thi.f^ :^j- to<..ouSc ThM r^'^i you ).n'?ioBf^a fiOiii Eiaoi-i is hor:'^^;th rutiirnaao I nol- his -ixti-'orciinta-y jhjir^v for o.-.^ravi.-y, nn;.. &i«-. the otarge of $22.50 jo;." mki-r, uvar tin- r-Uto.v :...■.;..;. hu-i.o:-, Wa.^ not th.^ piftrr of i\.nch Httrbor pi^-ci for en a pr-v L^...^ b;-!!? hti ui!?o , i:aii cJ.r(vno;' :>aer: paj a "or. It wou'J co a nov: i icaturo to ra- f'ivc rc.;;r:en^ ior a rojnotcv: j.late an-J then ±.-t - in?tt^ t.ho bill .^cr the new i»lht/« suh?.'. Iti^toa ior tho rojoct^r; on?*,. I Vor*'- '^Vo Ko Th k;ni3»%. . _» ^, V. UN ' I..; , rf^^w York 6 I' II I u w I ', I ji [ r I- or Washington, D. C, Tecanber 15, 1900. Va-o H. C. C. Stiles. Maurioe Joyce Engraving Co., Washington, D, C. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of the 13th instant, would state that your bill for photo-en^ravings was approved by ne, and sent to Stanley-Brown with the other Harrinan bills for November. It will aoubtless be paid in a few day«. None of the checks for this batoh of bills have yet been received. ^&ry truly yours. -"■^ •'VJv^ V - ♦! ' w \ tT 72 Washington . D. C, Docsrr.-.ar 15. 1900 Mv ci&ar Krnoaid: Sborii- after th.. i->ac.n..3 you, you .ill prQ-babiy rcooiv^ your paps)' OR i.ha J^phepoxdea ;aid v.c-.-.. In Uio various fjntoroicviical r^^portB thus far pointed, a ni^ - cf goographi(jal navies oucu- shicY. arc not on iho m^^> o^ at ietAst not-'ir/t/ne fom m v.nioh t^'.>y are usc-d. It would b« a ,;Ood idea, thoroioro, it you^ouia fiu-piy m- *i'.h o list of loohlJtieB uf-od bv ^'ou in Iahel:na spaoii!-ons. I wiil combine tuif- list firith one frcmUnier, by wliioh r?^a>^3 I hopa to Foouro a fairly TuU <:vnd i^or^- refit list of the n^os rt^cordod ai: spaciman ioeaii^.ieHo Very i^uly j'ou^s* V ^ ^:v Prof. Trfivor Kjnoaid, Unjvercity of W^^slan^ion, A :4|. ■ t X A A 4- a « * .■, ,* Jfti. i 4».. il Wafthin^ton, D, Cp, D(jcember io, 1900 o Dr?ar Ri + t-or; • So far your -e- 1;; to ny iottor of inquiry ^^■&pe'it}.n^ ths io- onlities usod ty yo^; (\nd oU.oi' invert-clmi,o j;.8 i^i-aphcra on tho sj,g- cimen labels has not iBt cor? to huna. The U„ S, Board of Gao~ grachie Nn.-nes has; iiOTiieu on m« in n praiininary way with respoot U> soma of tho miner, printed in t.i:o papo-s thus far pithiished b" vou and ym;r a^siRtantg, iur»d it h. I^Lols ot ^•l»^^rte^r5^te irpecimens colioct'^d bv tho oxpeditionc I Have ^^'■nttfi. :;:nc;aid for hi^ list cf bu/^ iociii« il'ioa ana have Coo's loaaiitries in his Nem^rtoan paper* ProbHbiy your iottor ^ivin^ ro tho neooed information rospoot- ing the porj^ons and ^itlesi of papers for the invertebrate mterial is- on the way oast, but in case it ]mB not rat boen rjaiied, I ; .4 ^ you ^viil not faiilo DO^t it at once, as I Urd t-vsolf ^^ronti - ;.r> ba)*as89d^in a fitatwr'nt I am propariiig fo^ Mr. Hh^rin-an) by n^t hav- iri^ in my pof-session anything Ukq a compit.t(; iist of iaithors ana titles for tho technical v lumcs^ !£ your .00a v^ifft vi/iU Kipi;);' 5n« thai you ao not re-K. ii^o any lunches until you hd\izf replieu lo i.henr queries! p I :^hail U -ir^Htly obli^ou to ho^% Wi^ii Kii.u r*i^^a:"^r*. to you both. Vor^* truly ^'oi r^^ Prof. Williarn h. hi-i.^r, Rv-kelov* fnlif. V.VV? -..»^' 1 5, I il • 'J { ■i».-i. .^.^ to yoiir leiior oV FoYo 21 in ra» ply Lo ny iiiquiraes arouL the K-^ti^nical pra-er^o It is yncoura^a- ^n^ ^o knoar that vx? •^c-'-k ir) your hands and unao^ your aireotion co-uri^>, r^i so nicoiy, axid Ihat in Uio m^r iuturo v*o wiil Juva a fine lot of papers ready tor tnij rrintoro You say not^hTrv?; about llUij^tratlor^^ fc\it I a^Hume the.* all o;' thoi paper? will i:»e iliustrat ^d with c^iUier vexl rui.ir-e3, n- --latDf?, o^ notb. I s-aii be j^,iad if you will Kinuiy sond nu ri..- -^aT^era whl-:^h hrt» now r^^^^d". ona I shtil he sUU furthor olAi^^n it you vi'iil sena no i: iii^t oi: U;o r^r-ainiiif^ pitpors u>yier your ^hh^Q^wihh -d>u\ori^' xiarriesj eo tl^^it j my cornplote ii iin^ of t.]ie i.iU'-s aiu ^authors jlcr l-c sGri^a of volumeso Apparortly trere -in^ at le^st 50 autJ.ors, possible ^^or-^. :^ut I have not yj-^. -oen ablti to socur-; all Ujr-ir na^^^s cr the hivitm o: iho pfipors ivhf);^? arc Frep^^^^in^;* Wit;, host '-vi^ih^s. I rejnain V^ry t'\U^' y:^ irj. V \.\ .»Osi'^.o^ v/^v/- Prot. ^li'. i^n' Treloaso, Director, ?i'.-H:^ >uri i'dwinicai Oa^crv^. (f I » ' ♦ I » ' i i{ ■ • t^r '.Vaaaingtcn, D. C, Deeonbcr iv\ ]''0() Dear Ur* Hci."r.,!r.sin: In rojpAy to your t.9iagraci this raoti^iit rocoived, I ro^ret "..o say that of th» fou** porsans you mention, I know the addrasR oi only ona --- namely, -,. j. Cola. Coie'8 address ia h^ot. J. Cola, UniYersiii', Ann Arbor, Mich. Johns I havo not seen for nearly a year, and do not T,hznk hs is in the city. I will endeavor to fiml out. however, and If I secure his afldress ^il I U you know. THia address of Miss Adams, and' of Jordan the pilot im^.t be got by wiring Moliler at PorL land. It seems to r.» that Jordan Is empifjyed as pilot by one of tho steamship oompfunios, but which one I cannot sa". Vory Inily yours, . .\ r^^*^i^ \\vWnk^., Mr, E. H. Ha^rini.'jix;. 120 Broad^av, >'6w Vork, I -v» i'j, * » * 4 75 Wrshia?.ton, lU C, Pa(jember 17. 1900, Dear f; it tor: I am ovorwhelmir^ly thankrul for your latter of th« 9tii :nst3n*tp givii'g mc a saqunnco rfe t of invertebrafco yapors auc. their author?. Pl&as3 s^jr to your wife that she has my ponnission and approval in ^^iving you the boat lunch she can possibly get togother in Birkelsya Tliis list of yairs suggests one or two addi Lionel questions. ?or itiHtance, who is Torrey who has the Actmians, and whore does he livo? If I road ^''Oi'r list oorrec5tly, you A^ish to put the Hy- drviris, Actinians and Kem&rteans, hixa possibly tho Eryozoa also in one voluiTie;, thus separatir^g widely the Nemerteans from the rest of tho worms. Previous to the receipt oT your letter todat, I haa supposed that CoOnnsen^and Bush would combine for a volume. Under •-he new deal, if Tcr rey is ?.bout roa.iy with his ActinianSp we ehouici b3 able to print vor^^ soon* as Nuttin^^; iseoms to have Ms Kydroids very well along. I knov*. all about the e>:tomological pape>»s anci tho papers in course (£ preparation by fetting, Bur^h, Rathban, Dall^and VerrlU, and hff.ve papers in hand by Goa, Kobortson,PIgon7 Bitter and Crocker. Can you tell me alnut when, the others will be likely to have thoir partsraaf^ to turn in, thesti others being Torrey, Ward^and Ritter? It 'Aould also bo in order for you to give mo j^^our ideasi about tho segregation of tidies e papers into volumes, as that will be tho rioxt quention l)y whicii I ar?; liKely to fc^ ^^onfronted. } y ar Ifcie S« Ritte* — 2* Shall Id glad to seo your paper on Timicata. ^ 3y all odds write a general preliminary chapter on the invertebraties f;s a whol^t. I shall be only too glad to send you advance prool of everj' thing that oones in as early as practicable. Very truly yours. f I ^^v*. . -V- . \ ^V\j ^XTsJsJk/*^ Prof. Wm* S. Ritter. Berkeley, Call f :i ; ! rr Wa^- i{,gr*>n, D. :*c^ De^ • 1 -. f> 19C^"^c Dear Sirs: i^ t\hi-i^'' time 6.i-x> I 'i-^.trc t. Miror to the eftoet. t^at BOFtH- v^i^sei ■lai >^opD5'*tea Pogosclof to bo agh^i in action. I hav^:; not- b«v^u aU c to IcHydie i^B ori^i ol t\.e rurnor, and write i-o ask if jrDu nuvo hocirci arjyliiltv; uboi^t ibc In t'i 12 c3onnj:i:tion, I aia iou uo t\t-k if yo"u eii^inotr to Ixxxu any record 01 the i?ist^-rbanc6E ^KKior-.panyln^ : .1: t.ov/ ( --i'^^^les Uitj .Trails i-.. Kacurk^ Lc -i^^f) Ih^ ncv^ volc^rro • Was * n «-•.•.«• 1 * ^.>M.;>ect tc your photo- .jrspbi^- <:f B(v;(;B:iof. I took a r?.aabor of p^ ot,0(jrin;aa .;! Bociosfof 1-1 t-9,! 'vher Prcfefi^^or li^naonn^;'.! arid I v;r.r'. went i(, thn Pribil of Isli.rds af^ for s'nl oon^iHsioner^, Irfisr yea*- .vhil^ on the Harr:^- m:m rxptuition, I se:yoroO. a ft.w rrioraywrinch, however, owir^^^ to foe-; iiMi rai^i/vere e:>Lceocin.^;3 / poor. In aorinec^-^icri ^ith the r^^nort of ^rI^ Hfcirr:.??)viri Kxpi^-^- ticn, I ^^i ^ri^iing m urMcfe on Botptilof f^^d m h:.to]r].tjyv; to or:r^- togc^hor x-A exir^tir^^ infcri^^irn ra- ^ .os^^^:• ihn new volciii^Oo Ca^'tci-; SrioCii^^iisr of thu i^evenue-fT. -i.- hafe* st'iO.Iv' allc-efl me to .-oi-rcovc«. Cant.velT^y larfiiblUhpd ohtirt rmitir. in V^y, i^<4 when y v.; were >•;.'.,'; hi-;n. fod tnf* Fish G<-.'tnilRP..icn ha»> e;i''«^- ^^ t te-. ct -hoi- phot o;5r aphe . . Vo:ir ■.)hoi;.cfn*»i.:.y &-a !ut crdy ItK- airBt v.-ver t-aken of t.fts vcl- cam, bv.-, :.:-.fty a^s -M or.i.y cnsfc -.'.'iilch »r...v« ( u-ac;:ticna nov; 6iitirt.i.y (!;v.>'' nu. T MA eAosc^d3.r.'/;lY anxK i.t Lherof';<'e t,o obt-air. a set. and thih U try clject Ir ■jwitint; ^''-'i- ^f you «i,iil. have tl'fr);a.::2ttiv33 uTtd conic arraii^::»» x.o lot in« havt> •> fcot ol' jirin'^s in 'he near I'nture, r should l€ .xno^r ;jre&t --U^t::n« taxi ^ould 01 o^ur^e fViv3 tiUl credit for jili iJ.lui: vraT:^o:;:i3 u;;-^* 7firy ^r'-y yo;ir^. V ,\\.>»)0»AVv^' 11 n { I1 V . ^'i m er 80 < t 4 'B Wdszi^rj^ton, J'e Co, TfoceMbfi** 18. 1900 *Mf* Mr« F-i-nie::^: Co.^i.e say. t.hat he is ^ilii.,^ to ac«.pt. Gr.,..ra'« .ithu-. . tiio^-i the -rruuuction oi' ti.c Po..noniu.> i.c.e- is n.: r.rL -o ^^tu^B„ una r,^k.s them ln.1. coura. and IMok compi^r.a ^it- 1.",/ «^P:% I m ve,- aau to see tha^. Gri,^nara na. h.o. .Ua .u «ho..o. nn t>H, ,t^^, .,0 a. to bring in t.o botloP. or th. ..aul. ....... Your ie^t,or oi --^-iit ^vvdA^*^ >-o %,^+ « > J'rom WilJ Go S*.;>.r? Knir»r .f .„. nj • ««.:ti« fo.. u, ,,,,,, „„,,,, ^, .^^,^,^, ^___. ^^ .^^^ ^^^ ^_^^^_ '"■"'""" "■•'■'^^ ^'» -'-^'' '- "- --." that l",,,. ,,, ,,„,. -"- --j^fic-btec to nir t.Juit Ho?".»t,".-;iv' ir *-^ ■..,^^r^, ^^ „ th-J b-'ok rii,;;ht SOr^-e. /.is -,M^.,r.... , ., „,,•,, . - ■■ ■■--•■' '•-■' *«^^- i^'t- an a-tic^.0 on ihc. t.-ip ' "''' °'" ••'■« ^>Jcr'^u-.«..io,i have w,rujt(iv .-.^^.h.eu .ar.T,.-r thKl ,.;o r.,?g!.t. bs tM. Lc send Jan uav;„"ce sheets >f thu hook lon^ r-.;^-.v «..-„. - . viG* it to his heart %: frn,v-nt. The ^»oi.%l.^ i^ ., ^ . ^B.torUl^ Lut «rant. Hc>^.lo.ly „-,. to ^- tu it vr.. Hone. t=-n now r;-:*opoti:.1.ion6 • '■"' ' -f^*^- "-'-^ ** ^■'.■^■'^^ t.-"io,\fl iu t,hGir r,a,.;a- 1/ I 4 H. '•'. Lanier --■• 2. \ v( With rysi.^'Ct t.o the taxt ot the book: I rt;r,-''3t to suy \:.cy\ i irst ch?-.:rv.nrs ar:* rxvt jet L'inaily C:.oaiieu va., aiU..au<^h I .;.inr. we riO-r-r h-avo t.hcuit a- 1 of tho r/jcej^-sary riew cuts. Thn tsfintei's hsv^j ;tr..n K^-tiolc. whieli they ha\ a not yet bet up --- n^rc^:^ F'jrr->v.v " n •Alafska Forests'. the Hi^drot;raphic Office :Tay contain photOfjraphs , ch«irt£, or unr'-'VLith'^i data of some kind relating; to this intere^jtir^ voiccino. If c and I could be permitted to examine the same, I ahculd be unu'>r -'tiry r^f,at obliz-ations. Rosi-ct fully, \ vv^ Chief, Biological Survev. 82 (i • <1^ • ll t -i 88 W:rshir>'V>n^ D. > 0 l)ejo.':bf»- 20. 19^ Yosf.^'^ciay afternoon "^ fcnt Ni"* Kamn^4'" by ^x^r^^ss, !^Ui::?-ei5S'?a • to X20 Kroativm^/, the ivvo oii paiu^angs oi 3t3d-lion8 ^.aij l;y !Iudf!oi; *:cer, ana Mr, H^GBon hr;:j sinoe ^one oy:rr then a-&.1n» I ohirk Lhcy aro very line* ^!r^ if i^on ono of your p;r»^0j2^:^.rhB ; tlio cthar irou rny ^hotograp^x of 1" Pt-ampocie (. . BogOR^..)!. T bo>'0 'i'. Kn^v^i^iKi ;vul liko them. Vorv tn:ly ya^irs. \ \ >*>w 120 Broadway, 1^8 y Wadfiin^ton, D, Co, D^carabsr 22, 1900 Chas . C . TVge thu.' ' « K s q • , 120 Broadway, Nefir York Cear Sir: Your latter of tho 20U: instaAt, incio-nn^i^ era:?} l*^ ny c:^oc}r for $145.52 in pa^Ticnt- o^ tho various Novt:j:'ibor biiL. in ooiii'ioci^on ^ith tho Alaska book, ^"*edOji>>o nio UFt evanla;^^ ?r acoorcance th^T^ovriUi, I havef macie out ny p:.:';>"inal chr^ok*-*. a?^u .--ent to t.he Various p^jrsons eonc^n-nod, ai.thcugh it is not- 9x:-otiy cle<:i>' ;.'J no w?!^ I should be aaksd to act as disbursl-^^ offlctif in t^ui: :riUoi>5it*. I will >»elufn. tbtj recoipted bills to you a^ soon a$ tb-y \l} eor:ie T? GHpQCtfj-lly, ^%V^ -^ \V^>wVxviK \ \- % *'* w 85 WaBriin^!;ton« Do C. , December 22, 1900. lS2rt G Strec^t K. ^o, Ti'v^IosC'd r \:n(x you my per.^orril choclc for $6 in payi<\ent of yo;rr* till o.r Hon 13th for pen p-r-lrait ri Konnicott, aF I have- ju3t rticeivea trom M-. a^rr^r^an'a S6cr:^1-Hry a cixnr^Ia check to cover all t:ie -overt;;^^''* u"»lis Vo^'' ".ruiv voarS;, c ,\i.>-C\ \Vvv vV ^ '^VJ^'Cv-- 08 87 ml m Wits>ii/^i>on, Do Co, Docore^r 22, 1900 Ghaso Po Hatdsori^ , 10 9th Street. S. K., W^ri^ihingtorip fu 0« My dear Mrc Hudson: Mro Ha^riman*^^ Sacrelary has just hont m^ u check for Uk varioui4 Novomber hills o 1 f^^mi you herewith n- par^^cmal -I,oca for $80 in pa^nneiit ci you:^ Norenber Llil Cor ^lOii a^awin^a of fu? seals and rnuirac Very Uxdv vourti. * «/ ^vV'C^^ \ ^'^^^N. «^l^^ v^ Washington, I). 0,, Do'ijr'iir 22, 1900* Star Biiilui^:^, Wa3hir.f?(^a, D, C, ^^c Ha>^»-kmi'f Secretary hac sent r^e n single: check in pa.^6nl o; tile Y'l^ious No-«mbor bill?.. Aocordinv;JyJ send you lu^rewiih f?iy p^f?!onal cr?t>ek in ta:>^Mnt of your liii of I^ov. soth for $27.25 for * I i^^l U . Li 4^.,Jj « ■V v^ VN..VK "^A^- « - I i 88 m ^ Wc,i-,hi.\ ' . I, D. (\, Dcr.esWr 2'i. i.'XKU Titter Staii!'€i;'-Br'-/isM: A copy of the exp^di^ion £Ui:n has ny-^^^ved at ny ofCi^e, ad- drefisad to K* (i. S^ark^.* Starke ia an A^^ni^iB::v Proifv^f^:)-* in •Stanl'ojM ^Jr-r-zersity. Hg hat^ never been oast £im\o we iorrufu i-t^ Seattl3p Shall I retiuTi the allua to yca» so that it nay 1:^ i'rauked throii^.l Very tmly /cars. J* Stanloy-Erown^ 120 Prcadway, New Yo!'k. m\ 88 Wc;i^hi.v;t=^n, D. (\, D^nernt^t^r 24. ^^00 • M A copy of the exp^di^ion aU>i/.n has Hr^-ved at ny ofCi:e, ed« db^ofisad to Ko d. Starke.* Starke is an An^istarir Proi(v^i>:)^ in Stanley^ ^]niv9rsity» He hat? m'ior been oast £inoe we ionafu k*ij Seattl3o Shall I retur-n the ailuA to ycu, so that it nay U j>ank9d throi;ghii; Very tnily years. V Js . > fiJ J. Stan loy-Br own ^ 120 PrcaUway, New Yo^'k. Hi V.-'' rf! -s» * es Wv^^hln^to:-. ■), C, D^oerib^.^^ 2;, 190 \ Dca-* ?rc';*'^^.S0:r J^'^rrlll: •/ -tt6r of th^ '>^^i f,^. t}:i^' m-e.!t. roanheu ^,,. nnd I iia^t-in *.-- ui^isurs you that thoi-g is not the elt.^t^st. po-^tiihio uoi:lt about wpjitirig yoiirf-eport on A'.'^Fk^. Erranca-^n^a Tor the Ha- ■••trar expsd'- tion books. Tii9 difficult.y i3 vitn r'ispeut :> tae nethoa of rc- proabct.ion oi Uis pLit^s. Siuo'j th'* rooeioi of voT.r or.?v.i„u8 :roni U:9 variu.R M.^hors -i^a^jod in p>>,*par.in/^ «p.,ei.u >-po,«ls fc- 1>h. AlanU bo.k,srtimt«. ot tho .;unb- r an,! ~-v^:vU, of plate* dr- ^u-.i vv ,^.h, in craer ri.,! I mi^it j^y th. ..utter lrt,eiii.e;.tlv ^^ "J * V, iri£:3 in e l:uf?inos3 wa- I*, i-^ asoicfio for m to .it;.j}ro^::^^i .!-:;.?- -Hhoiv- sivir^. ;;in, :of ini-.c fie^.-^e. I v;av« been trying, <2x.th .^r^, to .ecu^fl anon,;! ' rr^rali.. f^r-or tn. various ooUHbc-.atov e to tho V>M] .a«-ibur oi' platen -(^ui-.d for sa-^h of Ui^ v^^jous I'icrricarr,' tlip •?*. ■i-'o-n/.rif h^' ■--,> na* ■mr-, ^ .r- <% ■ ' ' ^'' ''■ f's-'^v.ta oi t:\e coet- o:. rc*prciue. .;-,.i.:ji^ i>ov. ,,,, pnvjou^ .x.-r... --hi, him in si.i- .' • • j^ •% ILi- up hif i!3lrc am" fr.i> «■■• .\ -v* I hfive f.ad too OKV.Qr:: • it r- '- -. a parti?>i or iv>ariy)i ^ ^ I 90 ii« E o v<^r *j n '^.. T^iil aasia*oo tnnt the**e l:-..3 never heAa thn sli^tth-,:-^^''. -laoetion -asi . ^0 "the int^r-t '^v^^ oT ^llu-tratir\g r^-nir ^'epo.'i. ^*^. rull;; as ■neee'^'^:t'^:% ana phoict^rtipii^ \ tha and ^^^ Dooer^L^r* naxd Mail it bo t.r-.-v; I r:..r re- o^.v^ it nn netu*!iy as r^os^^ibls to th'^ end of th^ month, I vt/iil' turn i. in Viith a butr) r"' bill^ '^nat, ^o in :it that ^-^m, Bavi it will dr^unt- ^e-^s ':e r.ia? i sc.r:»t:tTn^ ch,ir::n»7 January. /jS to til'- a:^^.-^irv;S, I ar^i ^^illini^- to tako tho personal rG*3pon«' siliiity of a-:,th- ^\ --^r-ig you t^^ oxpona 5200 for thnnfi, i.r';;-^:-^'-i;lcr a,- Yi^o vQu by k1- T'^^^riH to *'.av^ nraw^v^^ '^^i^ t^i ^^i cases v^nere tJioy ^•^^j'l H-iO^* ik;>^;^t you wish to src',v bottor ^h^iJ: {:i/Oio^y'aph?=^# r^j:.\a try t-al.v ■/■■'« ■\ \VXv Prof. Ac 8. V;^y--U. »i f ( A te ■ I r w —1 r r 92 \ C. lio Towns 3Tii, Dear Tov^y^Bend: J?; Cantweir?i »*eport of his yijn.t t*:) Bo^ofeiol; Islai^d in .1384, he memnoriS «iB curioaniona tw othor ofvlcgr^ of tho 'CorA^in* ^— Ljoutonant D, W. Hall t^na lieutenauL J, W. Howi?on. Do you hrxpr.; to krow who^'** either of th?!se men row e/M? Ill c; r'ipoH bi' Beokar and Dail, n-Mtiorlr^ their 7is:^t to Bc^^oslof in 1890, a sket?!; ly WilMam ;:. Grc^^niiold is publishrK^ Do vou know who Uiift rilbar- G. G-:orv"1iad is, ana now ho hup^^orc? i to b3 in Borin,. E'.Oc, In lMVr'> Ve)"' til)..'.'.'' voio'pf . • • J A, i. .* i * » i » i- « »-i, «t»» m Wxshiti^ton, D, C, Deoewba*' 25, 1900. Dear Mr, {jftniar: ycur lette*^ cf tho ?AU\ inst-dnt has jus^t roacheci mo, nion^ \vitl: tho throe proof h of photogravuro? . The now ono. eii owing a t'>ngi^o of CoXiunbia Glacier^ is ri^u^mod horewi^h, to iJoe if it cannot b3 made a little stronger arid olsaro^. The fore^«"ound is acurdirabio, " t the branchas of the tree on f,he riglit are verj' -oggy, pcrtii^u** larly in cna plaoe, wnero in th4>riglral one fiooi tho distant for- ost between two bran-^rias of the t-^ee* in tns photo>;ir9.vurtt tbj.s part of the print is blurred and fogijy. The ai&tant mountain Ib t/oo ptiid;, and the ioe ha» lost fill details The photogravure of Shii&haldiu lt.wo vlawfi ou one plato) in Yex^^ sllg^itiy improved! over M^g fi:rst proo^', the Hiivk |art of v^he mountain being far too whit u Th<3 lottcring en this proof i» correct t aa it ia also in tha remaining proof ^ nititlea 'Kslcuno ^lon^aido Ship, Plover Bay, f'iberia* (two on one plate) • ^ery truiy ycur??. J . He V/o Lenior, Doublec»aye Pif.i^;3 fx Co., Kow Yorkt *e WasMngton, n. C», ivocanber 27, 19()0t A. Ho on cz Coo, pHlti>noro, Md. D ear Si>*«: Your lettt^r of tha 261>h instant reached ruj 1,oday. togffbhr^r with the roYlsed prooi^s of tne iur-.i<;al», fo^* which I m obliged. This picture is now rxst i-rti«factc-y, arul :f :ou can print the e:Ution so a» to oqi^d th-7^o proofs, tho plut''^ 'vill, in ny jvdg* mert, be om of the rest i^triking it t.ho ^ r oko The l^gand to ba ur >"»tod at tho bottoio shoull bo Miarem of i'ur-.S'js.l.n, Pribilof Uiau!^!!!/ and tho lettering sboui^-. agree ^." closely us poRJ^ible '^'iAAi that you have ViSf^d for Uio othur Ha^^'*:imar. plates, Thore is no headline at th^ top* 1 find I hHi^ ne,^M}Cted to .sond you aopy tor ?oraow*s map of Alasl^a for^^a^ a'^^ns, Will ^cnd it in a any or two, I forgot p.Uo to i-irran^^j with you about priat^ing tl^;e general r*out6 map of the t^x!?0dition, vJiich, h-movet, I think yc»u undorwUui.u Th^ stones are Lh.o proporty af the ti. S. Gooio^'ical ??\Trvey. ^Th.m BTO wfi to rioe proofs of tho K^iiak fox? I huifo not s?^n p^^oof of c?cUoa of rhe lUho^Tath you iTiadt. fyom o:ia of my photo^r^.u-ias, Po^'-Uaps I onitta'* to ^Uc 'j:-jl the capticn. It shoul'i bo ''Sryr^txn-^ xno Woileslpy Glao;;«.'*#,Col.Uge Fiord. • Roppantfuliy, \ ^ V ^ *e WaBhifx^ton, n. C», Docgnber 2?, 1900. A. Boon k Co« , pHlti>noro, Md. Deaf Si^fts Your lett»^r of bha 26i^4 instant reached ruj 1,oday, to^othar with the roYl8-3d prooi^s of tne rur-..i<;als, to-** v/hioh I arn obliged, This picture is now r.cist -ati«factc-y, and :£ you can print the e:liMon so as to oqucl thi^o procfs, tho plut^'^ \vill, in my jiidg* mertp be oifi of the rest i^triking ir tho ^ r ok. The Ifi^and to be yr'ntort at tho hovlavx shouici bo •Karfjm of i*ur-3>^j&l«, Pribilof Ukiui^ clcHely us possible wit^h that you ^isve \i*5eci fo?^ Uio othur Ua^-'^imar. plates. There is :to headline at th^ top* 1 find I havf^ ntvJ'JCted to sond you aopy tor foruow's map of Alesl. Croo logical J^xirvey, Tn^n aro wf^ to f^oe proofs oT the K^Jink fox? I huiro not Si?^n p^^oof o*' crcL^on ot the xitho^:rath you iriuat; fy»o?a o:-ia of my phv^to^p^ftuh^s • Po^'-Uaps I onitta^* to ^ivu i':a the caption. It shouli bo 'Bryr^nr^^r and Wnileftley 61a»j:;<.'f| College Fiord,* « Repp/^^tfulty, , fi , se 96 Wafhington, J). C, Dacember 20^ 1900c Doar Mr, Lanior: » Your lattsr of the 27th irritant js at hand, aiorig, wi^h tue ^^x- pross packa^ja containing Knif^hi/'r ordinal t^u^irg of t>ho Ksalak fox, with prodfs thereof; troors of my ihotogrAph of Bry.t Viuwr cuvl Wellesley glaciers; i'-jvisod jynof of T.ij ford's harry ^'l.&.?.:or: ai'd 18 black and white proofs of r^^ptions f'^'o^n Hoen. The originttl paintir^^ o- r,he fcx I -.ave just roiurned to ycu by oxpresH, and I ari Bena-^n^; -oia by r.Kii h33rT>vyith the^procfs for lettering. In the case of uig latinr, th^ name of i^hfi artist haa boon unlforrrdy omiUd. J. shouic ha t^acidd^cf course, so tliat th<;^6 tfhy ccniorsi with tho rost of the se^issc Tr^e only extsoptions T^rjv^c made are a few in wnioh the riame ol tho painter appe^vr^^ in dMitir:^t, letters on the picture iti^aif, in^euiately above vvho^?? It wcuid come if printed below. The new proof of Barry glacier is a vast ir^provsni^At ever the first one. In fact, it is a munificent picture. The only orii- icisw I would makv is, that the Ohx^ on tne loft i^ ^hcr^r r^ a uni- form tint of blufjo It »h-uiu darkoa in -^.he aist:inc:e, ^mi -,2 in the G^ne ot the cavG on t,he ri^ht, only porhaps not Qui:.o .sf ^uch« The ona on the ri/y;t U aB -oar parfict as 11 can te, .a ny v,d.T,...v)^ but the nno on tha left fails to a.';ow the dneranjniz of the ■: -if,-. t.o aicioet black in the distar/ce. Iho t',-vryauw*.ion cf "•• .moV-:-, h of Eryn Mawr and Wellesley ^-laeiorii ^iriknn rw. h;^ most hf^autir^l. and I have no ^rug^^esticns to offer n<^ bo it^^ to^ovfii.:-- c Hi Wo Lanier -- 2o Tno Kaaiak fox also, takm as a ^^hole, is ve>^y fine. The color i tf ^-he ip^HB^ is a little too orlliian'^', particularly in the distance i j.:o a litliQ darkening of tho jTround aroiind tiie fox*8 head and neck W''>-»1g bring out the head a litilo more sh^irply, as you will see- on conparlr^g the rrint wl-..h th^ original . The darkening on the shouii-'.er, by whl3h the ?^rMst irit^rded to indicate the fluff iness I of tho fur en thiiS part^ ' :s exa^crMited in tha reproduction, and should bo softanod aown confide reel-/. The picture as a whole, how- ever, ia certainly groat. I lik-^ n- bett-irr than the bear. I be- lio'/e :t is the best r^^iprodwotion : a nctnrai in colors I have yet saono As to the text„ I thir^l: !nosi o? it may be finally cast by the \ (>i\\i of Jair ary, but sorv? of it may \L^jrapht?c sketches, and notes wore nade. 3or.t9 cf theHft have been nubl^'shed bv tha Revonuo Vkrins Service; the otliort. ^^Kih.\K\ unpublished. Tb.e ^nost ii^tor^ant of those I have <.,.. 300...= .-. «..,s,Mpt. ..,-.. 4v. o,,Ui™. po™u,io„ to u«i«>c oth3rr; I ijopo to ^at in a tw oaySo The difficulty is, that the officer.* Aho dia Va^ work arc away ::n duty in various parts of tho /vorld, anu ina.!.rie«sibleo ^ Sbill, I have had ^;roat good luck during tho p'vvt two ^ '.-::> 3 In uneart-;i>^ material which had been filed away r lon^, t»»ne a^^o rnd f >r^:ottcn about, and I have struei; several f^^esh it irl n re Ho Wo Laiiler — 3 98 M 1 \' trails \irh?ch proiTJis^ tr- t^ear £ri;it duririg tho coml»^g we^ko I d)\:d\ want one or two photo.j^v"a^'^"-'''5B -*rom theiia BogoRiof picuires, be'^;'il'^s a /lumber of arav/i>ig.6., f^^o^i of .vhilch nn/c been ?U.roady nade by Sp Ln a>*ranging a aet of phoLo^rarureB -^ith rclerc^nca to Uioir sequence in tho book, I rhid jJumt 15, of which I have no proofs with cat:itionSc I s] all be r-Vli^d if you will have Odich ot th lO / photo^avnre nan ^f^nd i^e at v:a$t four prints each of tho latte^^c^d I pnoC>^grarM,ires as soo.-: as u:ov zf*e nrintou and arv anou^h i^^ eena with safety 0 Ae T under?: (.and it, the^ aro ^^ein^; printocl at prosanto ' Vory onilc fox picture just re- ceived rrom Doubietiay, Pa>!,r & Coc I have compared this proof aroruliy with tho originv^i ana a..n v^^ith the actual specimen from rfi^cn t';e raint5:\5 was -adt), anc ' i/o inari.ed on the proci' a few cor- rections ^^hi c?h I :ihouid be ^-lad to ha^^f^ nauo ^cy far as this is Draotionbla. The picture, a:5 a who?o. I like inncosoly, and beliove it is one of the best thirtvr! of iU kind f»v.^r donao Ycur b?tte^ of the 28th instant aas juftt arrivecU I will nU U:vi to tno forest map shori iy. By ino way, I suppose you rcco>veo a batch of maau=icript ^?;ap8 r.ont you by eAV^es^^ sonoi.ime ag,a, althou. •■ I roctrlvod no a'?kaowlo»%emont of th^ir receipt. Verv ^Hibr vou^s .Vns:)^?; \\vvvxv..j^. ( I / r I Original Defect ive ♦ / / ee I Washington. 1). G., Deoerabsr 29, 1900, Dear Profossor Yerrill: Thanks for your i9(,ter of the 26th instant. I a., glad t,o know that tlie matter of illnstrations ir, satisfactory to you, I shall try to nak. it more so a. we go on, Pieaae do not tak« the trouble to have halftones ^d. from any of these photographs at prosent. I realise porfeotly that most axcellent pictures .an be obtained in this ^tiy, but th. question i,« one of paper, and will have to be decided for the entr-re lot of wash and photo,T..pid. plates at one time. Until ! obtain Mr. Ikrrin,ar-s d«ci«ion m this matter, it is not worth while to do anythir^ furtu.r aion^ this line* "^ The photographs of Annelids you sent me are aertainly of unusual excollenco and I hnn« wa ch^n u^ v. ^ ". iinu 1 nope we sh,>cr\ IVvv^v- ^-^j^ *>-%. M Prof. A. S, Verrill, Now Haven. Conn J i'' »!♦ oot teshiivst.on, Do ^-o, Deoo^il.f?r "i „ '9(^0 Dear Mr. Lt^nic-: In wrillrg you Sa^Airdoy abciit the fo^ nroox^3, I favgK)i. ■J M «... T 4 whether or not j^ou w0>*o i : ' t>-m;ni elation "^'ii; Knuihto I i.rc^s.n^ -n rav(? -ort !ur: .-'-oof'?, bu- m not qvrile 5-u:-t=, l:r. is ;.i'a:.»ljA«- at the Amo-icar; ivkseu.". -^T •- unil Hii;,o>'^' : Ksw YorV. a i r.tur.v,- h he war. in ILhiCfi a iiw iayi a^'Co I ?r -lot sure .-»r '.is o-'- >H ■•-> a t '" ■ ; . Verv '^:r.; *» ^ vV-*^ ^ VV^^xv^ V ..-w Mr. :-L„ ^^ Lanier. ]hv\ Yo>-ko **f ^i^ «^v r " ? *m- 9- ♦ - "t "B- "^ ff - '* •>#■ w ? 10 1(1 Wa-3hln^:t.ou. Do Co, Docer^l^cr 31, 1900 C't. Muttimr. ] OWi /"^ ^'V;a ^^it^y, -o^vao Dear Professor Niittin^^ How are jfou p^og ^"-^ ^ ^ i ng with you* worr. on the }Iydruids of the Herr*i-a > Alaska expedi^ io..i? I am ttnxiou? ^o tOit ono or two ?ol- uri8 ^mcley w^y ^' soon :is possible, in order to g^t tnom out boioro 1 go a«?.^y in ths spriiv^o Wi have ^noiv^h papers in hano now to maK« >it \'-:^t t'^o voiuffj^s,, lut tho ^iifficulty is, thoy cabinet be H"^'*:^igod In any nutnral or t ?-oper sorou&nooc J^o that we aro delayf^d^ T/'iiitin^ for s«>verBl pap'^rs -r^ich belong in the sfu^ie volurneso I "hcTild bo ^'O^v Klad, t}\erefc^'^ to K-:n'v w};o^ ^^our rnaterval ^iil be r^ady, a' ^i •^o^v many olatcs v' - will h-ivn .: r Uo liow v^rnv of i^our plate*^ arf^ in iino^ ana how rcjv; in iv«L5."'ic Very trr..lv voiuvs \r J ^ X-c\ tVv\. V sor 103 I ' r! 'i Washington, D. C, Dacenber ?L )-'00 Chas« Bo Mud son 10 9t?. Street S. E.. Wttshinj^ton, D. C. Dear Mr. Hiidson: Nelson wishes me to call your at Kent ion to the fnct tubX Yq is to leave the city for the winter the last of this miek, and th?,: before going he is obliged to return the .saal spear to t}i;: Ifetional Musevjn, Henco, if you wish to use it, you had bettor oull ftt Oi:':5o. Some days ago I sent you check in pa:,^ent of your last bill for drawings for the Harriman Alaska book, but i^^^^^ not rocoivi^a ' your receipt. If you will kindly ?^end this at once, I shall be obUgea, as I wisn to send it with others to Mrc Karrlmaa. Very Irxxly yours \ "^^Vv :\ Avvnx^.^, •1. » a Washington, De C, December 31, 1900. Dear Coe in accordance witl: our C(5hv9rsation^ I send you iierewith Hitter's scheme for grouping the Harriman invertebrate papers into Yoliuneso It is as follows: Hydro i OS ^ Actinians Nemerteans Bryozoa Ghaotopoda Aanoii(ia Geuhyrea Crustacea V^ ) He suggests that the Mcllusca ooula go into whichever of those volumes was least full. The insects will probably make a 7'?hmo i ;; tliOmselvos. Curiously enoughtp "he neglects to mention tho Echinodermnta. Perhaps ho thout^;*this would make a full vol- ume by itself, but probably ho omitted to thirJc anything about it. In glancing over this arrangement, you will see, ox course, obvious difficulties, which I tnist v70 shall be able to overcome. I hope, therefore, you will talk tho natter over with Prof. Verrill and make such suggestions as you hava to offer. I regret that I was not Jible to see more of you during your recent v^sit, but appreciate your giving is the main part of an evening. Please romember mo kindly to ^'r. Kvans. With best wishes. Profs Wesley R. Coe, New Haven, Conn. Your? ve)^' t^'uiy, \ w^ ^ot 10a I I f»5^^5h i. - i :. V-v , iA . 'J'e ^.< ^any tJt. '- £or* your letiu;- of the 23d : /.K^^xit^ ^i^ivin^: ra^ list of localities as ^^'ocoraoa In yo<\* noVfthookro T;»U,. so xn-r* ^£ it goeSv is just what I \Yant;. out It ^:.oB not -ive a^i the snail loeaMtleB I have i^e^m nenticraio ! '^ i ;4aa to know U:rt Bvii^a Gove rs on Vancouv'^''* Island, '^nu I wouiu like to knoxc v/]i9ro ?'-;r*^^, Bav is - ncv, ! hava 1u8t found it on R;;|.v.rs :>>ar) of Ol'.cier Ba^% Your 3i;g^;j'»rr?tionB as to j^>,roupi^>^ tl::- papers ji.do 'Ct.^i*'^^ are also most tharikiully recoivr>d, thOvu:)i I am ^iot sure thi^L thH ar- Wiii Tcrre^^ a:/: Wii>*a i-^ r»nn,r5ni»^t'3? 1 uo no- ' >■: ' -^ '. ^\'.:n;ht a,^ i did .Hct y{>ar ^^v'th respect to rry riold woHc; in oti;or ^vords, "^ uo not waiit to ^e^,- 'J '" print a volumn tii'it i»/i:ite^ tnat j^ii'^not I? Lroii^^ht out "hoforr^ I ^y? iC^^^'^^y for ij,^ suiwefc Ht'MCO, to t;r .roat I'^Urtli o? ti'ms it vvU • • — ■ iv ' take to p^Mni/ 5i *'oiii.n3 x:)d :^;ctuai;'* ;^"et it out,, wo havo no t?.n.i to lo^f^ in t^^ttJtU^ r iOOi* wnvo By the way^ ?'or»/'o* to ^iv? fiei To^-roy's initi'-.ia» Ajt: I co*-^ ;! : .limptiMi tliav rUas Bobr^>n.^ion's ptiper on Bryosioa is tc 'a'-o ti;« r.oor; ^xuctly as T^rir.toc; in tho Acacio* >"♦ f tvDO piati^jB; ana is '^•his tfu; cano t^lso with vour naT.tiir iii eon'iuno.. tion wi "^- Miss Ov^Ccker'a paptjr o:; Pyoaopodia? I preh.;jviiv •}.;.,, ^laKUr :• {^'^^■c ric Rlttor «•-- 2) r -* / 1 t ■. 1 R^:jhir" ^ ■ *;^1 ?♦•,• ^^■^ -j witn VA-^rUl*?^ ^^*?T)ort Ver^' trv ' -■ ^'-ours V^ kX^s-nZt^ \V\iJ\^ >KJ Calif • i 301: I&4 I' '^;n Stroat, lki6i\yn, Mabt, O^a-' Sin '^^ton > « « J icnr. ^'o^ith ! m. sen.h.. .ou(j . Uni^e. St-,, E;,p.,,. ,,,,.^.,-^ nC ^LSLU if UOU wilt 'rfl^^w roA ,: •■ ^,^^. - .i .n^x^ r.o H. once ^n:T.r;or y^n. ,;a., y^^vronn^.. these* plfi^aa by pho^o-iitiiopr^, u^, ^,, .. ^ ^ »^.i IV .. ^-^ tuition .1-- a co> -'-r o*-*' ifc-rii . .1 ',. ,. ' ^j -^^ ,■ -t '.....1 .10 vftvj, .•;; easo "WshlSN^ %. N. 4 i^^ I! II 1 ^ ^1 i '5 aot * >» fi.« V&uhu'^on. D. 0., r::c3ml7r 31 . 1900. i IW H;gh Strojt, Boston, l'-!a«t. D^a- Sir; to.-e^'Uh I « .e„,i,,g ,.„„Q., o„i.,,i siaf,, ft« fh^ «'^-j4,- • -iiv.. the cition rr a couple of weok*. alor,. ,.ith th, ^olorod plates you ara no^ r-,.nting. If ,;om -o, ., .;,-. -, * ^ ii ^-Tij '...,.1 (lo i-nvr, c easo x6t me know the prwe at which you tvill furn>sv. , ^.r « , of. vho Dovon platen on gooc uwoateu pap.jr. Respactfuli-', ■w. --^ v.-^ \ V - *^ X -^ I l•^^^ 4 i i i*ll lii Iff* ik Retake of Preceding Frame roi / 108 >i I WaahT;;.;ton, i;. C, ,h\ry 2, 1901. Dear .Vb*. Laf-ier: ?' -^ riew tiioloftravurs of wat:;r anu -.oud «fr.*ets tn -vho PuiMi-..3 or i4> Boring S^a aTivo. a da; o" two a.;;c.-, an., was. '■'Ot.urne'.' to von this Ko^aic,^ ly axfro:.:! in a pr.ckage .;. .trvin-s ^ th- loi m -;^ erav;- 5ngs for reproduot^cn: .: u^it;,..: letUi^; 1 a. w-^, ot i--^tioalR; 14 f5.natnr:-!.oal .H.t] ir." r? fo- C->;'s pater '.n IIenertoa>>y, sr.d " F^kino Vvoniii.-.. Til'.) idvi.-?'* ■• In L.-? -■ .-iue ov.;r on accc ■.:,n1/ of a b'.Rro'jh on iiiO fftcs,- wh.lch you :'/iii ol.-Kfr-y:.^ ir; tii-3 atts.chact prool , Thic bUr-.- is:j is unifcr-';!;,' p>*esoi.t .■..-. ai i oi' :.;■§ proofs. AiJ. of thQiiC u.-a*ia^i a^a mr^^l-c^d Tor re&ction. The photoprav^^o soerv.. t) be ir.ir. with i.h^ u\ci;pt.?on of c. iTrBt^B of v-..' icfti ;cratchdii? on the vt^por pioUa-o, pr -ntirr, yh-T f ^ourso, will ., obviat^^vi .in the ,. .l.;?-^ Supt:-or i.r,n ^>-: your L:^i:d in -iovrxir^- a titio fcr Mi.tto pic- t\rv'^-, tuu ♦^^•^e^ I^.^ality ' ;'ng oi nc ^JcriKGviu*?roe, aru ,T;y in;.a4i:ina- t!o:i b-ii:^^ ■./i»^'^?wl. Youri.. V.7r^' -r;;iv .) f ^ :v> V ' ^ \ V V Waahir^ton, D. r., January ?, 1901 • III i is; Dea:- Kir; Dr. Kowfcvru iias roc^jnt^ly hJa M' Alaska, uccc-r.aiirsd b;,' : n'o ••ail ;jW pistes. Ir. going o^rer this rsDort: to -.ark ^or ti- ■-it-'^r. I hf^ve co/no across y:>iv:- c^orrT^^hat (JU-im^K 8ul«^titiv.3 f^- :.yuon|p-.. Of r-x;rs9 tnis £tort, of thin^ is all ri£i)t for pu^^ole yno hava ri^'" key fenc kn'w ho*, to -.sc it, b.it- it. ia Pv*cn £i >-adiaal dovc-rtuv-a frcr; ordinary syr.or^w, a^.G H, 3^ .n+.^-n'v .^^ife'*9nt. ^ron a.yt-i'i^ wo i.-e Ti.Lii.^r.ir.£ in Ui9 Hai-.'inf.n s.'jrich . that. 1 t.iKa thi iir-rty to ask if you -.jcnot son.x ,:v .;3 c. %v^iz^.":r- :i little synnn^'iy v^rapH^od ii: ^o orriirary way. 7or;fo-m to t-ha ot-hsr papers. In the .'»o:-i3s. Very v^uly y-''-'*^^x it I 4^1 nt h i . <} '^\ ^^i.^^''r n - 9m V' •^iO'.it* u« He L-yi,\r wCwtuar- J 1901 J • X Ti*^ e. .... o. U. :.#!.> .^,, this.. ;or, art i-o^.h^i ^.>. a:^^ -.1.... T.,...t . . ,vil. ,03,,(, ^Q ,,.;_„^ ^...._^^ ^ '■■■■ i>' OLu. vjr-j sncin.-Ly. This paper ^in appear as one of '}.« ■.y.r-r:. ■ , yoiu- vrcufltri.' houso. T ton wcuu Ail 3 13 ...,1 xivr^-tr :-junbor or text ;->-r.-^T voy.y fce.^ yet rvc,d,:.ed m i.h.3 oom.u-v o " --^.^aphs, ana hope that jf. rniv oi. ii ^- *' "^ " r> bar! !■ - ..J,*:: 'ifv '^i^- ^U^'-tc?r., ;. , "-^^N* vTsJ^. il [ifff V « I ll « t 01 1 am;'^.'*y '=±, o ;)01 . Boston, Ma?^*^. Doar Sir: Your iottor of th^^ 2d inj^ta'V^ is al hand, &!Vi ^^our orfvi?^ io supply 5»n edition of i,,iOO copib^^ aacb of aovon phovo-ir-hugraylucj plat33 for Prof. Coo^g rsri-icic on Nemen^o:.^;s is -.ecept^xi^ said anouHo ^/O iiiciuae pfcptT and i'>L,orin^,e Tiie sar^i/ias of p».tp !<: ::,}'id priiitin^-^ for v.s to ^'iJi uijon u paper whioh is satisfactory, i.hc pricf; of '.he wc^/ u: bo incrj?:;P3(i or (iocroased accord! -i^ as th^ rnper in. rnore o^ less o>;p'.^r.i>ivj ^uui tho ^Fj^rlft you have Qstin:ivf:;ct i;pon. * Wo want a ^oo'd rag stock papor, ctlhului/oly urjot/uuu.. border is d'^slred pjf'Amd the plates. Respect fu lb/ » \v V^ iX A>.^V \ V \ .> nt «&slun,^:!,-:a, D. r,, Januarv i, iOOJ . Prof. 0, 0. Nut,tu>^, lowR City,, lowH. Yox:r ,;nper ;,na pl«ts» en hydrovis ra.ohja me so b.:^x: aiiar nv I >i3h to asau-e you of ay appreciation o^' -our prc^ptn&Ks in ^ho n)Htter of your report. T,. u v. ,-o«f, corf-t t.. .av^v :i ,.i Uij. tim. e.na u ig aviocntiy « -ost .alua:U • c .utriLi,tion t„ .;..nc^, M.S. Dt;,.roy,'. b.a for th- ,,^^i^ ,, .antirei. su^5s|-...o;n- , T 3heai andeavo- io ?ik-6 it oaic C8 sari; ai pcsc,,i« .... p^eb^K- w.t.J-n r^.3 noxt t,wo r^eekn, .*; ^heso cil.s aro ..mnd m L^ »a ' )a mnthly batchos. ii :s imimrible fc- Pia to oxp.cnt.n h f^^ruc^ ular one mor^j Lha^x t-, call EUention U tho mati?/. A/-ni- t.r.ariicin^: y.u re. your coiu-ta^y in Uis -at,^^r <:i tni« rf.;.o-t Pr,;; for the .arvro ar,oun-< .r t-ovUu a:;a ti;-,^ --.u havo ..vox. to tl;-. -Aork, f rurain,, .,vith by^ i. wishe-n ^.V V 112 Warhiiigton, I). C, January 6p V^Ol. Th.* lleiiotypo Gin, Bos ion, Hasct • Dob.** Sir*^ ^ ' . ' Ir: oorij:9et :on wrth the p: ■j-cac.on, hy t^a Wat^h^r^-ton Acjauoiny cf solenoeH an;:^ tho K«>-'-man / u^nka uxpcuitiot^. of a i^t^ nunbor .)f Diates., vsrv many of v-'hioh a -a photographs and wash drawiru^s. of •.^-•lnHrat-Y9 estimate of o^^ of >.oyroa...ot..ion by ui't'ersn'- proccssas. in orri-r to s.J'-rJt r.ha iH'ic ^n.h '•c.o«'-^cnda..cn ro th« n-oper authorities. I shall ho -iciC, UWi-oto-... if -on wlii leo ne ktw« at your oaviy convaaicnce «t n Au u--^ ryu *ia ro;:roduc. hy heliotypc proooss such phoi.c- ..«.v- o^^a ^a8h dra«in-s :n an udi.ion of 1.3C0 copies onch, you to rurniah v^^n- and letter i»ig. tho ■^io.or T.u U ^^o.-d ra,; stock, -oaie^. th. pn^-a 7 by iO xnch... thotype boi 4 1-4 by 7 incho.. ?H^.o mako your es...Hiato :^n =.he bas.s ^.h:.t :/ou .'lU f:.k. ■ ... .; . ,.. rf t-^ Vi«is 'Ah-h at l3--;".t i.OOO orinta c-iieh .'^i •.hvsi^ yUi.3 w0.i U n^eao^i. wiw. a differon^. ru>m1ni;, headline. .. l.'.U:'ia>.o.- '.hai:. e^nd m aadit.un t';. .h^ ri>'8'. ^aaion of i.30O , «» Hui;r,a3t.fwil;v , '^ .\- > V^'^' ^>- \ fi sir 114 W«hirjf!tori, D. 0., January 7, l:Oi. Dear Mi'. Burrotigr.s: In the final adJusM-ant ol ^h© proof of your s:r!..;.oJ.s, vvhleli, fts yoa urobabiy know, ran ptx^a \nA ©l&«i,yoLypad i^omU^^e r.go, it has haen neeassary to rmovo certain taxi cuta. whiOA .-aro not satisfactory to VrB. narriaan. Soea ox' thjsa I hsM. r^pUiced ly new drawitigs. In otUr <4te&s 'iiis was not f^jasi^ia-, and Li two instances I hare, tak^u Ui* iib',-ty to vvrita enough »urti:.jMiRl toxu to fill -U^ spaods oc(r4t>i«d l;y the cuts, On(. vf r,ha::« r oldies ta Wiite Pa^s; t,h* •■^th^ to t,i.« v-.iuafto of ShianajLciin. The, r.VoU.r widch J hsve prypar^d for %i^HB two piiices I ^n scr.ci.u>^ h5r«v,r... . ' Make any clm^^i you s^e fit,, without mUr-all.v aitorir,^ tho nt»-:-^ bcr of wovds; or, if ./ou don't iiko what I liavo .vritt-eri. nl-c^af.o substitute matter vhat will fill about the tj>«de. As it is nocosamry to close nv this mat.ter very p.-omptl:;, I eimi be greatly oblieed if you will kindly return L.:.e slip ..; r-; at your eurliost eanvanier.oe. With best wishes, I nenmin. Very truly yotiAs, JloJm Burroughs, VoBt Park, Naw Yorkt Jaraiary 7, 1901. Lieiit* G, 1^. Doty 2S4 Washl'jigton St,. BoBtor', I'faBBe My uciu* 'Jir: Voui" letter ol* tJie 4th irst. reachea me IScJ-toirday, aind the Tiefrowor New havan, Gorxr; vvx In ascendliv; th« Pass w not a s^^^ail party ?.t naVviral isis frcim the U. Sc Biological Survey on 'ohoir ^ay I" tie Yukon, tho eniire lc»ru:th ol ^riich they intenilou tr-nvars^n^ in i ^i^iali ooal. vva c-tc^ped l.^nt^^ Vncugh to ^isit; Uheir tont and laka a ImsLy look iix* the :nlc-ei^ui!Y' coiioetion of biras «na n^iraials they had alroaay seeureu L^^.-tjo Tiit) lom {••^^acefui cur^^GS, eo at.urac..i¥e to the oye, rapaat on Uiis iB^r off iBlan<; the profilo of ?^aji-Yana, the sacreci pt)aK -.•■•* oi t.»5pan ThosD of our party ^rf^o h2i.ci fsoon .Shis};iaidzn in previous Wh^^ Y« vears cosoribad it. as sr:ow v?hito ^\i:?i tra3C ^suiwlt; s>?;w-}.1; Iho upiJOr |>art, fo'.' several thousand i'^jijly, WiiS (ifo-A --- oinubtlesa the rasuit oi' hea^, for it is smokin^^ this yenr. (I * Ttt 118 i WaHhlr^Tton, i). C. Jan^ar;' ?. i90i. A. H. Jlarsliev^ Naw Bra PriraI^^ Co., Lancaster, Pa* ' Boar Sir: Horewit.h I ax. rot-urrar^ v. you a late.': of tho Burr')...h3 proof, with corrections .^nci m: «u,s. m makxi^- the oovTection... I }mve u..d ink for .ho«o which .r.8t. b^ na« an:., way. and pencil lor r.hor.e which I would > -ktt i r- V'^'ra i>-Q .-u < <> 4 u j-iu ...Ke» x,o La/9 !rA..o, if tho expense is not to,) p;re&t, c.;1, -A'hich are not absoiutoly esasntiai. Tho last .op. of tha fir.t pa^e you eont m, ami .hic!^ r in- elo«o herewith, :« the .o.t .at:lHracto.^ ,o aate. tut U.. rp.Cir^ bat.oon tho pictura .... uiU. ana bet.ue. the tu.l. ana the bari^^ r-ng of the article. .. .tai oonside..).),, too ^reat. aocor..n/to srxolhor proof o I ==« ycv ho^ith n,™ >.„t.B for F«,,„, 6, U. ?i. „„i loj, t, -Pi.ca <•„..» :„ ..;.„ ,,„,, ,,„,.,,, ^„.,,_^^^_ j^ ^^,^^^^ ^_ ^^^^^ you ,«., pro!,„bl...„o.iv,„ r™, D„.able.^y. P.g. j Co. «„.„tl„ „„, ' =.the,. .„axi Hv* of U,..,. to .opl^. ^, „. ,,,„„. ,;, ,, ^ t.y 1..0 *a;^ is t.n bo bovc5 ovor to p«g« 43). ft-.i n. Th„. biocKS differ +>on iv^r, ^i s .v,^-, • ^ • ron ...0 Ola ouos rr^mly in hcVM^e t::s sky i iv«r, 1 ^,:^. u er ana ir;to-ruptod or i-oulett-ad. ^4 M Ao H.-WItii^Hhey • V* •, P?or..5'3 rot.iirn to me tAl of the old cu^^ii «rhich you lake out of tiu t.*iXt, ^iid also tho8^ ^:i* v/hieh proofs a^^o inoiosecl herewith, so 'i.M^jLi yQa will not horeafter bo boUiDrcd by t\ lot of snporf iuous CU-' U > o ' ;.nstruGtion3 for the t^e^ri>^poKition of wron^rly placed cut^ pre plalalj^ rrarkod on the proof* Sriouii there be anytiiing which j-ou (ioruit fully underatana. you A'iiJ, of coursj. let me knaw at onoa. Vhe preliminary b'^cAure lie.s just a-^^nved, for which I w:i obUvjd, out 1 rcgrot that you ciid not fi^nd m proof of tho pric This is maroiy a line to ae.kn:iwiecUvo the rac-sjpt of your srti- ole onLxLiati 'Asclc.i>;n^. f-or; t'^e :5outiitfn arid nor.ti .-Baa torn ■„'cs«t. cf AlRSlift/ aeo'-mpruuec by f.yar iiiimir&l;iu plates, whirr T ir:.aVi havo roproauvT&d by photo- lithography Innsujatoly. I h?iV9 nai, yot r^ad Um to look ovfi?* your pnp«*r. hvt. it sscms to bd in fpcO xnt>p;>. I air ^iad to aos also i^-j^. tho rof'erG,,..5t. t,iey ;v-. • prov-> to %-reo ^1th th-i .■.:l---encos thOTfto in- V'ie text. i want, zc coni-rat-uiKte y;.i; or. hnv- ./' &!'r:fvsd t.he^:; thai, J tf.?i«. rionti thon Vu •'.hu i-Ui- :>,>rnph8>' -vastly a? thAy nr*. Tliis 1=5 ar; onor-.^v.- lU'^niv^ t,o ,r.?». Vory taiiy yours. »-. TVv ^\ I Ho/•Ke^.»j^^ Caiir. Washing' ton, D, C, January 9, 1901. Chaso 0. Tai'Otihoff A 20 B^oa*vHy, Nt)^ Yo •1 «\o Dear Sir: IncLot^U you will find rocol;.tad bills for tho ??ov9mbor ac- counts, -j^^fjpt Iri the cii&e of Chas, ?. Hi.uisou. I delayed ret.i^n- in-? th-of '!:iil6 to you iint:ii Hucis .-w; " * shcuW cp r^ieoivoa, o.iL &s it il...<. rd com. I uroU nm for it v-na he r-:?!.)lien that ht)^ror/..rned it to :/«.i tUr3Ct. . Henoy, ^yil-h these, you will Juive the coropiet-a f set for ^hc nont^hc ^^^ 'M-ia inaii I 5im sa.-;dir^': J. Siarlc'y-Krown nil outsLanair)^^ blllB •;•' 1-h':* cicse of the yor^ro Fespeei. fully, ^ Qtt 1/ 120 * r fashin^ton, D. C, Jfini;ary 3,* i''Ol. Dear RitLer: This is Pibrc-iy a Ur.e ^o ackrowi0%o the racajpt, of your srti- «.-Le oni^iLiad. •Ascic.L.f.n'. fi-'or. t'le South'.-r'n arid r>vi;t.i_-^ga3vorri ■Jc-s.=.t cf Alaska,' aco'-apanifto by four a-imiral^i.,* elates, whifh T i?:.aVl have roproaucsii by pho bo- lithography '.nneuiatoly. T hnve no; yot ;iad tirao T,o look ovfi)* yaur p=^p«*r, ix t. it sac^.s to td in ^ocf xni>v9. I am ^lad to sos alfio tiu^t. t.i;o rofero^-cois oa triLr platen ^^p- oar to be lc»t:,i:lr. I trr.st iney \v:.l\ provi- tc cw-reo ^fvUh tho /.ir v:^fcncos ^ tiiorotn in the toxt. I wan:;, lc con^vrwxtjiat.e v::a; on hr^v ^ .,/ a?^:uv6Ci t.>i«^s;) d>-..v.v:iti,^a o*i tno olatas 3o thav, 1 «-:«^ nan:; thon to +.>.ij Mtli- >>rnph8»' i>yaotly ar- th/jy ar^. This U ar; onor-.cv..-' '.:iis.-ii :■•> to .iv?. Very t'-uly your-.. .V ^\ V' V vv, . ^NvA. Cha^o Cj. Togolhoff A>0 Br-oacbvay, Nu^ Yoi'k Dear Sir: Wash m^i^ ton, D. C,, Jmnury 9, 1901 •' InC'Ooad you will find rocoirted bills for tho ^[ovembdr aci- oount.i^, i-^f^jpt in the ol^^ of ChaHo ?« Hudsouo T delayed return- iuv th^^of riilR tc you lintii Huds:)rr':^ f?bouid be reeeivod, bat as xt U,.;.- r-.,p coma.. [ i^rota hwn for it. anci he r-3ylieci that Ji;)^rotv.rnec: i It to yc; dir-ict^ Henoa, :v:th these, you will hfive the corapiaiQ :i?et for i-iic nont»ne B^^ tl^ia :na:i I ar^ se.'^dir.^^ J. Sl.ail^^y-Br'Oivn nil outstanairv; blilB -. •' tho cia8<[? of the yof^r Fespeetniily, \ ^X^ ^^ ^"^J \,V^.^vr- I' * v^*. ft .;' 1.4. I ikit^- .C; e ^i \ i^ v'^r, l)>:iv^r^'»nty, fiorK.ei./jy, Caiir. i2r i i U % Washington, I). C, ^ruiHTi' 9. 1901, J» Stiinl ay-Brown, 120 Broadway, Now York. Dear Stanloy-Brown: Horawith I inoioso all of tho bills that I kiwi of thc.u are likely to coma throiigti wo for tho work uon© in conweUion with tho Harriman Alaska book, up to tha end of tha year 190), i«s follows: ...^•^^''^ M&rriaa {for oxponses of Editor*R Office fo?* month of Decombor) — — - , , . .. « 7,og Harry B. Hanger (for stonographic work) —- 1. ... 31,50 J. W. Polaora (for di'a-ArJngs for fiva platas) ..- 59.00 Chas. Ho Vorrill (for editorial work and proof re&din*?. °^' ^^°^y , -- ^94.10 „ , ^K^: Blizaboth B. narrow (for 60 pan drawin^is of Kydroicls) --.» „._:, .?._;„._ 55,00 A. iS. Vflrrill (ny^^ativaa and drawings of Kchinodorms ana .^mnolids) -_....-.„ _^ , 107.00 T}-ie New E-a P-inting Co. (for ooraiiosition and Hit, eleotrotifjing IS chapters for tedinical volumeB) - 4fV.fci Very imxiy yaars. 22 r li'dhhuy^^lQU, 1). '-^^ Jmill^r*y il^ |90i. Doa' ^Daae>»: He^3^iU-, I KPi iendbig you hy ^xpy^e^^u ohoto^^raphs Jor fivo draw. liV:s for m Bo^:-slof articla. Tno photOeP^aphf^ f..r so-e of rhe^o 1 have juBt -otaiinea rro^ an off^cc^r oii a vessel wi-c^n visUoa ^ho volcano ten months at't-j> ::ts uphta^al. ^■> sxo. Lnerei<;i\ ./lOU'St^ r« ■vnr..e p];otOt-Rph3 whioi. I 'ook ;- 1891 -vf the nofthwest cr;ri:&r or th^ 'foicano. I sen'l i,i;e thror:, 50 thai, you may- have all the ti^Lor- liU ^va;ia?,lu for y^ju- use in roakirvj :hu ftrwyiiig. I wixni t,o -^hc.' a lithU cf thri s.ja on U.s; ia-ft.. us w-jII .is U19 !Ui.n' *ytn i.(.:i,Hrft inn- ing out of the rocKS. Tl.:, r . ;.r a.'v <.?-r'"rvvors cow--:, 0 it-h r'i*. et '■;-l I 3uEpec;v lh3y prv '„ .., ,.^^1 to siiofr in ^ns picture. conjunclion wjt>: ona you havH Rlrea.iy drawn, t'h© iattet\ so that you rony Lroat tnan m trio sanr^ .renerai rannur I.- Uia cHse r T^.>r,o;?raph ii^ ;5hcv/in^ ))-th i;5iaruls xn tha lUst.uice. r.ioui^e do nor. faij i . ahow rha conniici.:r,<- fca- or Hj.it. .:rnrh i^^ so .n-k i,hHt, it sho.vs no ;:.-f.ails; for wh i^^h raaso;i i ;,;.- fiios^ u lighter p}^ot,^>rraph (No. 60). nhowin^ very noa>'ly -,>. .i^,> V ->:>/. In Mie «asc ru- th-i phot-o^rnph ahovviv^ a pari n lii.:- snip ^^'-ail boat. t:io spetuai ubjoct -■£ t,ho iaowrt; is* to nhm -hu ._. :^^:t ur}::ch dusU^s ot;t. ». - j,„ ^;^,j.^ j.,.-^ ^^^ Kogoaiof, ami is s^m: in pn-. -.vsr :.... ...ut-h .i^it .;■ :qoy, Eo^oslof, In tha i.hol.o- grapn, -^.. "^>,;: r.ppoar ' . ho una:-.;.' „ . . Th:« xs diic ti ine 123 . R» Spaauf* 2 warp;M., or tho origi^ial na,:atlve. wriioh is a fUmo It siioula b^ perfectly s'..--uight ar:.- on the ri^.t ia 5;^t;i. anu not ^iiosioy, Tfi. iauU is ontirai^ .,y own. as I .abaocl tho othar copy w.xr^. Thu cap-ou should be, -Bryn Ma^v-r ar.. Sn^ith C-iaoiera. CoHoge Fiora. Port ika^.' Last nii.,ht I r-icaivoa iVo« you pruufa of ine xasi. Iua.ch of lln. urawin^^s, Ti.o initial ict.ora came out .cU, the othe>-s I un a.suppoxr^toa in. ks Lhoy are bv no moans first class veprca;;ot-ors. Some ox- tJ-.c .oms xn particular are so rooi- that I a.: .«turnine Ihem hev.,vith, to h. n^oo over. .^-<^^ -.. , .V, UC:^,.„ir^ |^,,.. .^^^ In tho sai.« paoka^^a I ^'r, sanding photographs for throa or fo.r f.hotc,ravu.o piata«„ cno of which is a d.ucio ,i.te. I «ay thro. - .cur. bocause I u.. not faei c.Ha^n as to whoth.r H .-a wc-th ^ whilo to roprcauc. my phato^j-aph of tho new voieano tak.. A.^^ast U. 1.3.)i. iru^uimuch as wo hav. alroaay vep..'>.lucaa oa a cou.Hiafn.ablv .rrailor scale a s:n:lar. vho:,^t not 1.3ntio.a. v.ev,. Use >.o.r ^wu jua^,ont ^n lh:» mt.or. ? I^u ..r^e ph.tc..Hpl^wHS taken by our party m i/:,;;j, ^ifr. ' h.-. t?-*^]. fVr^^« ror.,;,.,u„r^^ !>% d«uc r '^ i ^^* <4*iySo In reading ovt;r t^^3 -...Cipt,, I noMood sov,,..i ,,;„^.. o„» ,>f v,,i„i-, .,, ,,,, ,„;„,,„ ^ «ii.oa ..s n.^^ .nct^.u^u ..n your T;aL)^>*. 7>^ c o ■« ^ i^i.d, .n v..^ .,t th- oomprohon^ivo nature of very maiiy tho Pacific coast ro^ion„ Do "Ol- ri^-t ir-r,,. , • , b UQ ^oii not m.&na to incluae this nH^ar- i«i m your rinal papar in irio liar-irnan r>ook? In your synonym you very ^...ly ..nt.on tho p^o at which ti:a art.oular rerorenoe is to bo found. Can y.. not ea.Uy suppl. this in tho gailoy proof? _ In .est cases I have fiU.d in the plate reforonces. wh.ch;iU '-i--. ltol3. asw.havepiacodyourarticlonrst in Vol of tho Acaaaray's Proeoeciim--s, Von h«,i >,„♦ + ^u.ij^s,, vou naa better caraiuily vorif- &u vt those plate rof"va>inf>o a^ „„ * -^ - j ^ I .i.-...ces, so as to correct any error I nau havo comnuttea. " yea Tlio scheme of .•:ifts«?ii'-inB» i^v- ^r ^ fia-tr.ai i.ibo /oiumos, which -'c •ent Pie a few aa^'s a,>o ic f^isii.. x>; t • *' . J^o. )s r.aii. lino. In you>- noxi. 8chorie iU-.se mciufte the Pvcnoa^ N-m>„'« . ^goe**^.. N_t.r^, s paper en the Hyd-oida ir, no* in my nanus, and seer.s .0 be an a<...^rabio ..cntrxhr.t :on. New Haven, Conn Vary truly yours. N-V January 11, 1901. IvV« Leon J. Cole Dejiartraent of 2oolory liniversity of -Tichigaii, Ann Arbor, f'^ich. Dear Cole: Repl:di>- to your let-rer of the 8th irst. , I would state that I thkc pleasure in sendir,^ you a coi.y of Osi-cod's report cr his trip do^m the Vufcon, the sane beinc; 'Hcrth American Fauna' Fo. 19. I liHve also pii:ced your narae on tfc mailing list of the BiolOiiic inrortant that this should go to press as early as practica- ble, I should bo filad to receive your paper on Pycnoi-onide as early as vou .-.re able to turr. it in. I assume thatyour illustrations 8sr 129 Jjo J« Cm 2« will Le mainly, if rot entirely, in the form of line dramrcs which max he used as text fif^iires or combined on plates to l^e reproduced by p'lctolithofp'aphy,. Please let me k-cv/ how maroy fitjiires arid how iJiany jilateB you will have. Very truly youra, \ \Ov \i\.Mk- Ciiief, 3iolo,«j;ioal Survey 08 1 131 January ii, 1901 Lieutenant Gc IL Dciy, 254 Washirigton Stro-^t Boston, MciSSo My uaar Sr-i Again you hav. ;Ucad me uiiuar ouiigau.on by ssna.ngrn,> -.no adaitionai photogmphs of Bogoslof. which cane this mcrning. Iwo of thase I havo just sorn u*ay t.vr ranrouv.CMono 0ns of til-, ot,her:i No. 4^^„ ..uzzl^u mi ,;reatiy at fi-So, bu: in studyirig it criticaliy I huv. aon^a tc .he conclusion that ix ,h the result, of a aoubie exposur.>„ I)c you not Uunk so yovrsoifV £v holdxn^ it in a .ertaln ii^t. I ani a.ie t,o maks ouv hoDh sau ...d. of Iho uppor picture, ami can folio, tho shore line .cro.s =i^. -op of tho lotvr;. uictura. A.- ga:n Lhankim. you for your great cxs.sis-.aac« ;ma cnurti»'omi.cs to hav. his p^p^vs roar^- in a vory .nort t..n.H ana .),. Ba.e is t:^uo of "V. iVrr^. anu P.at. 0„ F. CooR, .ho has Lho i:.rLaopcas. As scon as pos.lhio .fto:- -h3^r receipt by no. I sb.U trv to publish- ther., so ".haty:.. oein have ^h. compx.te sot of in.cct •upirs >!Cic5-f= yju, bcioro you i:.^.^./ c^ti-—. • , .•< & A. T ..na.^«t.nu il , ucu are go.n,, .. turn m a ,,on.ral report on . ,h. ^nsccs. to torn tho first part of the msoct v.ivx.o of t.ne Ha-Tima-. S3-;os, yoT ruporL to oo loiiy^cu by .h« U.i.l, ^ i^ . K,- d ff,v.'r.il aMi-ho'-s. Shall vo\» have :;ny plat'^s. charts. ' ■• .« ^^ Ulrst^-a-.-ions of any kina -n you*- ^ran.jral -upo-t? If so, lot nis knr/^ about U:en hs aari; f^^^ , ^tv>, mat.t.er .s so nearly faniun^a ^Dai. I '.no.^^u- ^o m.^,.o .-BB- i. . rnor. Can ^a do Uii^i? V -r^^ truiv vours. \/v.- set • Wathinfi,ton„ D. Co. Jan-oary H, i9oi. Borthoid Uaisui. 164 H%h SLraet. Boston. Mass. Dear Sir: I have not rocoived from "ou if-fl «n^-i« , ■ fVv .V. " sajTipias askoa for of parer the same at vour «fir«)'*..^ ^ " "^ places, Dut assume, of cour^sQ iiui i^ .• '-ag stock paper. ^ ^^ncodtai, ^^^^^on will you let mo soo m-oofs of ^ho rrot. 'i -.u X <<^ia oi vnc- pnoto- lithographs? RespecifuiiTr^ t r,; i' 'I <4 ?M 'VashinAlo!!, D, <;., JuMiaj-/ 12, i90i. £)3ar Coe: ;:;© You" lottur of the Ii.3i has Just raau/iod me. iind I hafcien to. {.hjirJ; you fot' ti.o siMtigosLou ar>«E;^',f)p'.Qnt el" ".^la invrtr>L«bj'at9 pRpsrr,, This 4ehen6 is ^uoa 1,0 L>iink of, but harriiy aisposog 01 tJ.ti r.roblerr. For instftfioa, Ritior t^hiixs -lo •.yar.ts a -.v^.-jie vol!i'.e for his mte>'iai. and tboi'o aneras ;.o bo m harid crou,;^h for a spaoiai volunf or- -n- sdcts. Funiiarnore, in vie?,' .f the siso of Ei«fen'a p&p^r. 1,0 aorr:- bine It. in one voluafr with ^our^ on Kene^ieans and %};o other papers ' :,'Ou TCnt,ion, wuuiii mke 21 hook u'cout V.-.q size of Wefcctor's 'Juabfidsvod. In tiiO Hf.rrimn book. iAnx -aiso lu Vol. 3 of the Wa&J-.irv'.xcn Aoa:iomy's ?:• jceertin^-a. it seoris probable tlmt wu ehfiU adopt uho Cu8tt..rr., vyherev^i" t;u.ho;-8 So closira, of giving tha auUic-.-'x -lia or official uos .Ijctv in cor.nHctioa ?, ; -.h h.s nti?ie. For instance » Kincai.d wif;!ieii l-o hisve his ai'tiales i.tiadau hy 'iVovor Kineaid, Pro- fussor of Zoology, Uravsrsity of Was.-.ingLon. ' Oth-ji-s profar not to hare a titla jjivon. I ^h.jv^id bo .-lad if you will hit rr^s kr.ow .-^t an earJv data your preierencs in vhe t^atter, v^taI if -ox. dssiro your official j;ositi<:>n reeordod, ploaso entor tJie ca-ws in fuli et the /lead oi" j,he t^allcy proof u" j'ou;-' nrticls, wli^:c;i I f'-usi A-iii rv:!?.c?h "01: very shoi»tiv. w ^ »f I:vil;:s;jd hprowith is a h-Hnk tt,rr., which I Hhali be obli.'ad if yov. '^•ili f Ul Out with tha neoossar/ ^int© r^spaci .i;^ your !^r.^:©rtGttn pajCi- for Mio Academy's Proctiouings. 134 V/eelev Bo Coe •-- 2 Inclosed yoa iviU find a proof cf the text figures for your icio. So=ne of ilva linos have laiiou to -aproduce properly, o*- in.; to tha fact th.,t i-ho Ixm^ ^n thu oriesinai corawing wore t.>o r,rio« DrawiT^s for i.xt figurOB shouin U very claar and distinct, and the linos should h suff i.norttty i^eavy to rep-oa^.oe mcoly. a r b . >low liavsri. Conn. Yor- iniiy yours V ?? I c38t A. H<^(2n & Co,, Baltijspre, Md Dear Sirs: Washiiigton, D. C, Januan/ 12, 1901. An unfortunate delay ooctu-rac in getixr^ off the paok^^e of 17 plates^concerning which I wrota you on the 9th instant. The package containing thoso plates .cos to you today by U. K, gxp.esa prepaid. Of the 17 platas sent herewith, 4 illustrate .n a..ticio on Aecidians. by W. E. Ritter; 13 an arUda on Hyoroads. by G. C, Nutting. ' - . In givin, you the lettori.^ for ^,. glao.er picture .n Port rect. I ^^ve you tho title as 'Bryn Mawr ..d Weilesley O-uWors. ^ . ^0 one on the righ. is not WeU.sley, but S„ith. and the title should^read, 'Br^n K.r and S.uth aiac.rs. College P.ord, Port In the package .dth the piates I have included the i m. shading th. dist.- Ibution of forest, in Alaska. '•'ory truly yours. OTg delayed 38 r t*« :ii aU^ '■^f im J- rdr\f ili, 1^01. Dear Spader Th;:mks tor ^-our ie tuat* of t[.c> 141:1 inatan •< • Ygs ■■♦• ''•^ .■«% ■ k< plorit;/ of st^an 4 i v**^. i5r! iOao acveri: ::. anu uonc^^alirv: U-t? loo c > '- fi of» lof YOioano at ta^ t\r>?e .-le* r;hoio»iraph was t-tj an, ';ui thj ♦)hoi>Ot)r£i,?;)Jl ^Ij^ *aph l;> ^^^^3 choso^:. •-5:^G.v.. of 60 '. cr ^Busa ii. hliO^^ 4* points on tii^ '""k^ii^ ^^ '^^'^'^ */>'^lca:'!o thx^. 'i& oOi in oth:fr words, t? cloud ot sttium mu 1 .k»-*^4 4« i? iilol^^ at ^fi ,/ -'^ rmv >iiu i;;r.T. Hv ii i'-^ momor ■'.1. «* V tlio plate was o:\?j'^cr:va Thf> whcifi sxjTOil is hid nOT r»i3'« o.^eso ! itihail br vn •♦•F I'ld to rf^vV7 i'e:; C '4; «^A. •W t: *>h> >% ,:%. ■ IV V. f^JiiriioHt co> • ■»* •» 5 t * # b'' for r;^r r^ula^r Vciry trdy yor;r.; \ v\ % \ *^'V\: vN^. f^ 0 I'j 0 19 ♦^.■■^ *• cr o-*- \,< I »' ,>•.•■: -»'^ .*V'.*L.'/v ■n. M I • ret 138 i m •1 N i i ; \i \i 0 l» ,"^>i*Auary 16, 1901. • Neyy /o:'k Deav !^i>'f Yo\.r ii?Ster of the ijth inutant is received, v ... '» .. I •-• \J K- i- In accoraano« with your rr/quoist^I ^in araw:ng i-ny {;'3r- 30fiai checks f'^^r the various anoiuil/S, aii^; ^vlli send the j*a?^?a off totiay, end wlii ^'ctuni the rev-.^ipted r::.'is^ tc yci;« whcni ali 'i:-t.ve cone baek to m^n At ;.ha sa-^j time I "ec* oopioel^'^'i l^ v^eitiirato tiint it is not olaa^" t? ^iG ^^b*- I shouU; "be askati to d':> U.^ e^ (i(l:,t io:r aX :;i^ri(:-al work i^.^nciii^tr'' to ":-^^3 Da^/r^:^nt of loo^e uccoimts, ?cspGct,IuIiyt ^-v X\v ^. Profo Ao Ko Ve'Vill, New Httvjn^ Conn. My daar ProfOi^Kor Vorrill; ■ I 'n/.Ya totUiy racelved f^o Harrmar.'i-. chock cove-iM^; tliS D-cacboT- bnis„ and at his recru^st an sanding you hero*iUi nsy chock for $107 c 00, the amount uue ycu for ph otoj^r aph.<5 and clra^i;.r.s Jn aono^-d^nco ^iU. the acoorioanyiv.^ bill. Ki,»Uy return tht. receipt- sci 1:11 to no. and ohli^d. Can you f^Ue nc anv .dsa an To wi.an your ronort on tha Hohira.- derms i. iiKsly to be ra..ay for printuig' I ^houU lo very ,^iaa xf it '.uM reach ir^>k:>- I 1 H \ tH 142 iV. Jc W. Koisorn, 617 West Hill Rtraot Washington, Do 0., Jai^ufj'Y IG, 1901 Champa i/yi, III. Dear Sir; At. Kro Harrinan's request I Band j'ou herewith ny er.aek in pa:^ont of your bill of $59o00 fo^- the ^Irawings Ulustfi;lir;g you paper on Aiaska Aptory^.otao PI oaso r(;!.urn Iho reflaiDT.o.a bill 1.0 •• * mo Very truly yours. C \ Washin^^torip Do Co, Janiuiry lo, 1301 0 Ao Ho Korshc^% New Fra Printing Co op Lanca5Jte>% Pa. Doar Sir: Herewith I arn handing ycu at Kr,. Harrii^ian'a requeJ^t ro^'' check for $47*7093 in payme:A of the accompanying bilic Kindly roturn the r-ecaipt to f^ie Re«poatxuiiy, ^ \MoOw >! r \ « I ?M 144 ^3 1 I . .1 \ : i \ k r \\ Wcishuviton. 1), C, January :.;•.„ 1901 i>"ar !vh«. Lanier: Your l«cl,oj- ox' tA3 i4th instant is at lumd, and also the roi-urnec Bojiosiof ^holograph, a^id tho package of fir.is}.«a photogra^ vures fro.-ri Ei->n, for which I .':U', excocdinf;,!;; obiij.^ou. Tho p-intors hav8 rot yet eeat 1.0 rev is,* of tha Burr.m=hs article, },-,.,l. it Hill prolabiy oom« :Hiortly- Tho chaiV:.os :-.n th-5 *^ay i-ranv3osit;:ona ano subntltutiona of iiLustrations. 0^.,^, ,^ui noccssltat • tha res.jttlrv^ of a number c^ pv,ea, jr the caiss of Uo IHout-utions r, ,^^.^^ ^,^^ .^, ^.,^ *:^e appro.oa V-y Bi:rroiv3>>& in ariv^n.a. no as ic roui«e t... a -ininum tho niunbor of oases in which It K-uld l)e r.«coo8ary i,c mn ov^)- ami reset t::G mU',inp^ pa^^eso It h^,.jns tc look a.V 5;: it would bo m^ •fvstiibie '.c ^vt th: Icr.k out bofor- the Kiaciia of March. Hitve you y^i. round a capnr wtucl; :s .iuitulie for Ih^ t^xt? Vo'-y truly yours „ v^ . \Vv V, i:. 'A'. Lunier, Doi.bl&uay. ?«>;/.? & Coo, Nev; Vor'ko M . ™i sh ui^vton. T). Go. January io, i lyoi Wa .n . iztV- =rv.ar'. mcioair^^ throe aaart.onni ,n, „.v. ...OS. r.,>,-o.v.o. .. onoc, ...c .U'. ..-Y'^'^ ^ ;„, ,. ci.a,,..B. you r.c,..l..o.:e.-. m«» c-. :.. ^ - ■ t , „ith .hcs. =. .,V,n K^htnas. or tho .acv.ov Une=. n;*tVt 'tiMvio'* in the hor.inr.iri^,. l-,£ive bcun raaae a liaL'* t.eavj... -^ ,v .4 ,-v will aCLci tha new r,p.-cic6 a..- l^oHlities and all othov ^-at^. obtuxned ...ur.. . . - .^.or the c<.ni,letioTi of your rrport. It me..^ *hicVi reached ,0,. ^-.tor tuu .-I ■ 1 V,- ,.. io ir--"t on rouoipt Ox ^aiiJj rroof. it will >-^ v.ry :uca. aru ..... •--- .. . • ..Hm^ .<• --.^oV^p.^ V.:aU=3, :.nu >.:!! r^-vc- year f.-- «^. -^r as V'MW- t- datu. Do not io«i t... fi-Jfo' so . ar as /-. .(>" ..oUv>o tea on th? ■ . --..r ««<.^.'■•a1 '-r drr.ft-irifiS J ^ore jvitto- -a. re. . T4 i^ irL*^-daii tc iMhkd vhes'* ];ui>ji ^ Expuvtit-'-... ^ g^ ^,,.5(>>. - ^ V,. t'r-^ inclusion of t-Ye'ythint, irc^i t.x ■ o^ will ^vt-i ^''^ ^^^^^ '''^^"^° Vf?r>' truly yours. s. f-C ^ New havon, :;or iii« I .i : > ,v ?M Washir^!;ton, I). C, January in, igoi Dear Profor.scr Brawer: Many thanks for your ^xceUlt-nt artic^a on '.he A^ai^ka almo^- phore, which car.^':^ yesDerclP^y eveni;:g, ana ^v'iich X liave rt^ai. with rtiuch interest and prolit. ^sing bo othor delays, /our c.ol&v h^^s not seriously inconveniftncfsd. me, and I d- orceeairi^.vy gi^^a to liavo your paper in time to ^t it Into the i'}rtit voluna, -/here it \.t> longs. I am suro jt Vviii intrj^^ost and instruct a ^jrc-at rcaxr/ peoplo. Proor will bt sent you as scon u^ tne arLioie is in typa* Trustii^ that you ^lU whip that aola of your^, ami i^vin oon- tinuea best wis^hc^, I r-emam. /ours T :rv -.rubr, ^ V.V.- ' \ '\nXV >J\4s^/Vr, Prof. Wiiiiarn H. Brevier, Now Havon, Ccnn. 1! 'tt- m- '< / f^ IM dn V^udhing%on, lu k.: ^tu^ijry lo» 1901. I-^tCuor^,e Bira Grir.no 11, i;-..- Forest ana St.rcAm OiTictj, •f.\n ♦! My a-jt^antion YieM boon r;3ceutly calJ.s^i to a wp/isrt of a Specitil Agont of thd Troasu»-y Dspartmenl. ori tlxo salBon n.siior.itji. This re?o>^t is fc^ 1900, and is paid to oonoain iiioiilJon cf a neiv and pa>'ticuiariy (iiaVoli'?al kh;d rl' salmon lAdustvv, ,^mcU. «rf estaPlisiiTiOni ?.n which onljr Uie b'3lli«s of nriRB salmon r.*** -r?^ aurvau. sRlt-ad, and pack.>d ^n n? srcs fo^ shrsnar-t. the Ah.-l'. rish axoort tna bolly '>9inr t;iro*n a*ay. hofisr t^ola t,o, if I am roL ai ♦,.:-,o riaji-i ;'f Cook Inlet: nrn that he a>fiw .rf st'Vfi.'fti oth«x'«. Will not look jntt. trns {isttt,.:.- «:, oiiO'?^ aad wvitf> •./■ ?• id -if, ions). i:'ar&v.raph cr V:::. i-^r y^ywr t3.hi3f: nrtvv.?, whlah will ;:o to .,^o nrinte>* •ih-'>rtiy? You H'-y i;,aitisv ir.i^o ^ b^c habii, cf ccwio^^ to \^i-ii ij^ton for so 3hcnical ],3r 100 ;.i.^,yit.t e::ch hv-f beer --^flc uj. fror tho k]^2 c;OiLoci.:.., V- r,rv: tXl>ea^T.i.>^, vve ure '.rr^r^d for «inl6 at $IC ench. I-.. :.r. ':a;vUv n^:ce«8;^ry to cy:^:i.,c: . on the ;,r ral ;;o:rt ol view ^hich * v;unld o>.abLo a.r.i-.Ut of . .- exin -iti.K .,. .luu- C.r .u.l« ••.n.ar.a ccllecbea whiio :u .f, ^v. Harri-..-., ,.,,.^t. And onUr^vh. au<..t uii*.ib U^a 4yiJ.e(;u;.'.av: in t-hr Various a:; ur-"u\rit- s v/ere to he drr,utu h^i^:: - ^he o,u.,our . .: .ht; KatJr^al Vui.e,^v t^. t-t ^ '•' '■ '"' ' ; ,.: ..... --e :..ues Vurr. bee-:: a.pobiU.^ ir^ ^^ ^^ --^' • • .^-. - Krr ft^f* anC^ Wlli ' *- cw%:Ci;.btolc/xA. .. ^ill tii'^e "0 -f£^.kS^ \ Original DefectiveB Q^t 150 I 11 '■ rhhnKS for- your i:a-t.e>* ar.'U^B'W.,o8iof d'-.-vvirv^s, .-•/hic^h ■:(.■"■> just arrived, and nr- very sf.t,i^rajlo-y. It r;'iOT!S to -^^ v'iat tni:) l:ato>i is shO!-. --..nf* .iv.avv : 1 1^.-, Voa. on-, of tl- ?H^e;;o p;.->ta4^rarvhR. Cov.ic^ you have r-MciJiic thi3? Trust. ).r4^ t>hat. y-u u'-j iuii7 r-ocovored, I roma.Vi.p wit.h be5*o 1' » ^ V"-'^'^ ^c f?. Spaaor. 190 ]2t.|. f:t^^Ft . Brooklyn, ^^ Y r ^i^ W;ishi!i ^ \Vvvn ^s^.^AAw- Hew Yorko t^t . Prof. W. R, Oo'?, WashiiT^ton, D, 0,„ January 23, 1901 New Haven, Ooruio Dear Coe; Herewith r am senaiji^r you by express photo- iiihograpf^ uroofs and original, of the 7 biaok and .■h:te platos acco^r-aiiyln,. .our Nomortean a-ticie. Those plat^js shoiiid bo m.mbe-ad Vn to Xlli inelusi^re, as thoy imQcJipj.oly foUow y(X-.r 6 colored plates. I shall le ohli^;od i? you win kinuly ^o over those with cara, makiiTfi any mees«ary corrootion., verifying the r.fc-renca,s.. oi,.., and send then direct to Rorthoid Moisel, ISl Ki.^. Stroat. Bosvon. ^lass,, in order to save t,i;'io. It seoms to me thai, these plates are corcxr^ o'at Vur^. f^atis- factorily. although a few pcint. failed to roproduoo ana Leu a iittlo retouching, which you will, of oourse, inaicato. Very triiiy ycu'-s. ' n I u 'l k §2t Washington, R. C, January 23, J'.-?Oi. Chas. C. Tenethoff, • • New York. Dear Sir: herewith I rr^iurn tc yov. the Ooceritber account relatir^g to U^c Harrirein Alaska JtApQditTQn ooak^ v/ith ail the bili?? receiptc;:. .ft3 spectral iy. \ ^-^V :X \\vx ^^^o)k/» Mi WNA'.^ #*w *• rfn ! I I \: 1 * V ?M %shJn^vton, i). .;,, j^^:^.ry zo;mn. at '^ : fcf-' ^"^ *«■ t- C "?■ *^> v» l.> , ' ^ > I? 0 ■">''"• •' c.-<-i..,,.r.- 'cr t,hfl Burnx^^is aD.jcls i^auurrn^^ ;'*.» ". •/'-.< X I I <• : on Lij^;e i a a r-:nrior^lmL t.;-,i« ...-jr ..;,|,--j ....... .-.,.;. y (^avo a ^^•'^^i-, ca^^n . b. rp-. ' 'tut^ui i '-^r* ^ho hnako ;?iv^r ''??non ^^i. C« ^.0^' ..nu ...ioMKa .:ae.K l.>*^.h.. .loii,^, .s in. ^cat-.a ^r T,n. proof. .r*E "1 ivh:«il t»l*GV A>% T> « •> .1. ^^ C'J^r-:H:l r.r -* <^ .:.. . ^ V -*i^<'^M".#iVia.ii:% . * V ^y »U . i ' • t • l^o-iu; in thi ialer arii<;ic.a wo O'vp t|,a troui im-' n will u::*^ ]j ^^i^ to sit-crtr-:.-- or.- ^.o^e ':.:,,■ ,,:,. »,=. . 9 ..•'. K... s^,-Hi,^htcr.e.l ..>i. A^ pre.:.ri. they nr-a alt haU.-a *«,. anu !..i¥^ o:^^y ruk?:^ -aa>.' >^na]. '.r-ovh^c a-u r 1 ' ' ' " ' ■ ■ . -^ * A % now iiom , - tiers iinlil v^o pi^l . : u,- s& 'JT -k!K ^VvV.K.>vs4c ,,^, 154 Wr.;;;3i:u:;,or, Tu C,, Jan.hv- 25, 1'301p My ^e^. YB^to'»'(ta'^ I ■^A^^o^'^v^ and r^;Uiruea to ^ou :'-ui^-:h proofs for ^•'^•0 rou ■'". ■.V^ri:t;U Ix •vti^ r.^. aujtu wO iiiUiCf^i^. un^ eorv^oc^inris bad ^-'m tfj^^cn.. una the -.ic^.ure^ in thfi aou :e via^> r^^x'^^'^' .-•I ^ '>..j ^-.-o";.!'^ 0^: uj^tid. ^^?t inaicn^cd; t^^^: iV*:r^ I naaa that iho ::^en- ^ .. Cr V i '. ,-,* -^ iiu tx- .)' »■ ^' «:o U.au *• r i V.- ait -•■^^-- • ii-pr-, •'^K.:j:t «:ii, I fea}% :n,^xe> Iho V-cok uu.s%t.\dly and uUiicuit to 0T.0.. :.iot]yo t Ihou^ht w-^ Lai sci-nt^.d n rnioh tianor r; o r>iiOAn^^^^. am. invii^vv aiso .-^r tha scarcity of • i.iiht'-i ^ :>i.fe )a r>: •A.I ■'.»•» .:•••:;:. :^ a inti^ ^.^ ■ ^' ' • ^^^ -^ •* r^H)*) -:.l .:«vv. >:- .:• i V '-■ i-^o R t * m. St 156 I <*(1 * I h { ^' it, Jo l-liEu?^A IP, <:' 0 Pleaf:e sand mo i?.s f^oor. as DosBiuie i*"ool ,4. » .no VJiV. > : V >">■» cci)ll-' sent vou for r^r^-^oa^^o^ l^-^n. nnd ait^ new ^jrooi f )OtiC ^oubioalav. Pft>-.6 h Co V. ..» ** «T ew 'c^^A Wa Hj,: : v/v>l/ ^ D /■» unit: .'-A< rv 25. WO I .tV8 y* it^.S' « »■ 0 ,Ui!^Or iO 91:h S-^.reot ^ ». i- wj n T y. * L--. W > .'. -4 * 4» tj jiit i^C ? • V.V cef''^ ?'i5% hues on ^. »-» • nr l<^' ./ ' w»»> .1 w « o: ■'. yiK I an Ai4- v^Af dv*!*win^iS? W3 3rn y^aj J w v-iJL. Aooro}^.cninA i--- ^^"^^ ^'^ *-^^'* ^ s th^ i:iuiii-'*at ion» lo or Vol. 1 ro. f he k v,«* dJi n'S^ar- future. O'' J < ifV .i. li b t e ImDOSslf-ie to •>^^- oriom into t.ho boo: I 'i':'*V)0 L* '-0U ivor:;^ Roirv^ to ie^. * Vll ( »*.- Verv' miiy "-ours Nv K V-VXv .-■"^y,^ li I i^ i rar ^M:XHhin^iOr)^ Do Co, Ju:\ua**y '^o, iS ^a '■ .. *« ..J A A - ■• < . ■ - . : V. "5 f . > ' ,■ l^y bii ''Or*i.! :..31''.V.ilJi ^i* ^..l^.i^^ •» ! h' ir::.< coio .,r ii.A:i t^nrcri now -./.^•^iruis, ..1 ,v'.i-h ? hd.y0 not 'V 1 •:.aav :>r [ : . : , xi :u^ a'. !>h'i6 n^coi' ! 00 f '^ . '" t ) i..j '* - • »>».V.«( .» ^^v., ;\ it u iiuht'hu*: .^ Cf • ; '-.4 ■*' . 1 U ^^i' •'^ours,;, c ruOt. I I m V it ft v'l l< 158 4 7': !•• Cutt » b an 'ft * r 4^an' cuiSTj^fcii ?tn(i un:iio^n]*y« Sc-^o of ;j'Our atai^t.CH-^s wer^ w'^-tM^fU it* conri£:^t:, ai'!i|..r^r:?t ics ^\'j\t, others in » ruU^ar luo§^ cowersab'or^u*. f 4 I 'H- rue -•Uwij.aviorjf HTLit lrarif^paiiioltm Oi ru:; lvak^. ^''e.ii^u^;, i" t.ion;f ^:''i ;:^^^*aii;^^iph^ ^r.j^ai> wore ':><' .r.a pu»n.-o;n!C 1.^1 ?^'fcu;'i.^ n;c>r> '^"• obs »*; V :, • • ^? T" ^e ■^ \ "\ Wo /Vs-' -,, \j I* h I' 'I r 1 ^ 'I ii ear 160 0 ^ashiij/iton j^'^* M D - ♦)f*iiUf<>* o t /-O * ••.ri i.;Oi Dear ^^•'' ■ruioU fr» :inanAS xor vq: .OT.t,$^* vf tho 26t,h t-HtCifl V,r t^ •ans!?. U t hvi. a rovisoa ctj'i.ii;i0 on i\iu£:ka Sairi .1' •.i-*! * 0 I -VC DUt this iViUi lOiiB on. iasL c-oi, *»n-» » rt r^ r inc. im/'ine I haa l^etter comlino \ii r] 1.0 t*. * » ■ »• w Yov ^ili, of cour3(*p soo prooi U5i t .. , » - * ' u -% » -.1 k •Ul. p^ A8 evor •■n-.r*^ uoor^e :ru Crv*lnm^ii t'oro^t rtn*. ^^rea:-' Ox'i No'V Vor i\ • I WuHiiiiVS-^^^ aii;-ary Xb, 1901 Dcii=' ?-oi^e*3yi' T-5ia ■.J ^^ s« " '^ HS • • I** 11 l". f ^V i.1'. M .<» i/Ji V. ».J tSt •1X4, i'»- i-* tari .». »- i^ wui.^h I f^^ 6 'ti atly ornl^.^«ci h.-f»rt*vH,h '^**t.i*rroc» to ynu ^i*0 n^s ^i.V ^ . j.'> ana i T /^:rn vorv >ua p ^ t:i' w '-^ see Ih?-- y^J^^ -'^ * * fti^ «< er > -i s- L««.-- ti <^ if^T^i-^ea ^ ^ct .•JO :*^ T ar as i ^^:i> .aor « rui rcjas >" *Tl tS Bi.OUia u^> ./ f o t^o tbe incnviaaaifc ^ or iani>xi»uuion^ i^-^^^t *- i hi ^^' ;.'^;/»f4 ViOt? SOi Uo An vC Ti ( r» .'. .-^v* fV* ttefs merit. iorieu x V- X '■ J LJIU' leu-J^or ui r *v.^^ 21 ST <.* U J..» k- !,>• * ■ : 1 . 5 f*' of cou't: -lad to havo K^-^i injN;^nai:ton y^ya a^vo. ^^u •-« ir A \ ■• «.» \' ri.^ep.Oe Oi '^-'tO ■-ir \\c niunos of x-lir- au^nors i of SGverai of v-^e Potaiii'^J^.^ p^:\por8 V. air:jCiio:nc i^eciato ^;mt ::ov' ca^d^ot at tl'is t,}mi? p:1vo r;0 "* » • n^'inilo u3.^a u «. V * ifc ♦* • '■» ^'^5 to iont».i>n 01 pi;pc>*3 -i^i^-i ii^.TTii>ej^ of KialoBp bul I t.novu -eiii ;i'^<*vir ^r .«%* ^\Ki':'' :OSB bl ,1 '» -J 1 I » j;o !i br^e s of (S-ut/i : o r 5 ^$ 1.--1C T ,V ^ U report or , j^o Uu ••♦i' r} nj ai (^J' lOf'J^. « . »: N^ « vi i r* "* VAV ?s^ re.c-:?^ i-\ • * i.:. <• Du nave bro "! i ^ f> A^iT^tiO r»H' r aroiaivi S'O >?; ,t:st'cL'*t o-ily w Uiout blocasiUKl,, I re- 'O tna Vours "Vf \»Tf r\ii c * \ ^>fv>«-CX;^ ,Vvv,N.^ -v>0< Pr WiUia-^ i^iaaj^o Director i'lii^sour t> otanr.cal O&rdans ^n Sto Louis, "10 • \ I w rat W: ^ni ruction anuai-v' ^l b * 1-0 i^ftar *^r-.advS"» m ank a < rsv* y at, 70U 4- ■o:-r hill, lust r« >'»;l ^1/«^ u « t. ^< • •af':r'^i 4^ Ur. ♦ - i it ' J i..^'.: t i i/Vv ►* » - . I * v« n «^>#*^ ui)TT^^:h vith tha last 'lot *■«> cacimts A */ 4 Of ', ~». 4 i %r n A I* C •r. * i-;* a v9w ^lays I !^^ iika.b^ 1^0 a^R you IrO '3 a i'frV/ '/"i ^0 initial let.t^*^ s ;, or ,as at th^ projjoit moi m^ay i aarmot V. ^ rt *> ' '"^ '*?'^4'» t vnat tiiasG loits r* 1 ' r»%« - v> >■.■,_. f ] -'C 0"U 0 ..' >«!i 1 V^Av ^->v^ Vv. o *•' c O. cXU s '■•fiAr'* /••,»■» <*• t \> - « * *. .^!.,'"!;f> hv-yi\:\ T-T| ■« a V $-'4 162 if r/feS.:ilViLOn. i^e i » v% < " •;•> u 1901 Dh?. t.^"?r ^nt,ov-i^?*owr: I our nc:n.or iu; tra:,2ii!iittir!i' aa a.ce<>!int fron: Doi-liedav. Pa..^« & Co ia" -d aru >i4uh, :i»'>*iYea this x^j^rah^ Tha Aiv*r(iW liii 10^ n}- iObOr'.n;v;.re^ ^a ^^'v»*r^»r>t ♦ bno '^ Vi *«.'">"» t biii iS T:rrl>aVi.Y oorroot, bi^i owiri V 1 '* i^av in v^h^ch it is i'.aa3 out ana uie ion^; a^'o aato Xi* ^ 1/U u \3 ait'f leuit to d'leck it with ny cut-S I r c»MOfr:t« « J »■ ■ ,* \, ^^'^ i:. wc..ia >)»i fnr betto>" ^.o liaVG biil.s r:;n ilifJ */^ -!_. ttof'eu promptly i^t oao v« f.r *^ r?sioaa o: lottiii;:' t.:;c:n jn^r: oy^r na.a*^} iw ><:> ')l »' xJt\ '*:^ ^o :>ri o A t C. *^ . i t :» V II -K « ^ >• ■> l-.o "•fivurar-; i ar.v.. V* -* W ... \4> Hta -^ « f\ «v a ft. S3 « J i ij i'or ri6 to i>as3 nr: a < . ;. i. (« o\ U},iK kinc u a- k t t '▼ v""--*'*? ti-j ffi«U"' ]?.„'1 tos V im^ch :^5ieh, wi t:\Oi 4. V •-> t/C^ <• •; •? **^ .•»■ •^i-n fj ^'io A p'^:5V :ouS Iv.ili irorn ii!i:aOn^ (^^-^"^^VS -'i a i/lLinJ^ (.'i ■» ^ -u f 'y «■ k\ . v 49 0 a, .VcuN 01 i.'-.: :^.< A.C3 Sd ll. m:?:"i vy i: o '. 4.v,'v- e HI. #■* •% -% »C t' jvl :OUt Kiaie 1 1: vv fciLc^iii.\ »:ont^)'3iii.: \/*f\- • • V* • V • ll^J ^ove hi Tha Ml? "ou i/iiUOf.o i'rr:n K*.r;on "i^ »*••.••• < ♦ iX vhe piato of Dutcih iiartor •^,l v<' 15 u. L«» Wt,Ue.? ^ fv •'•A.t.' Oil li'irbor pau f^^r on a rfevio.iti bill? Hf* - ^ \f '^n^'^rji^B lor rer'ir.^'irL'; ••r-o Piat^ I t iU*-i n: h:-if. ai^'?ao/ 1. v.i^' V.J >3 t » I ./*. ViCi :oi r.a ■» •»• ■f r-N'^ ii'vli' L l« \* .rf ^^ V* ) • K .A Plato r- «» ♦ -■ + > • ji, '/ utod tV»r» Ti- "ivaLi^ be ix nc'vol j>^atur(i to Pf)eel7^ te avul l:i3?T aupi" oeite ti.e Tail Tor ii!0 nc'^ rr?KjO tea onv« * ^ Mr ,^ r A FM J« Si/aniey-Br^3vYn ••" 2. Inasmuch as tho pr^iJ^fc)^t. bill faiis lo nax-fi t?ie olateH, i*j is inposall^ld to say whether or not mvj of U.^ ilc^m* ^^re ciupl Icat'^'^o ^^V-Os \Vv.. ^N^ J* Staniey«B^own, 120 Broadway, New York I. I' I t- 'I /-^ 4 ^ t^dt h ir, t l| 111 A V Jan* ?C:,1'jOX En-'lon^6 is Dali'- peer: or; the Innuii Pswii-. Is you :<-.tgin^ at/icr, suff loiently aoL^^e to c-naOls ;/ou to i Liu r-'. rate it? Hy t;i-. sa!'.o ml :, I tuM s.f^nc;Ko; ...r,, ., he,w, of Kfikwo pho ..viV 8 whio;- ir^riy sjTo^-d iv.^.f?5U.o:;« aua r^tf^^riRl. Irjo only cirje^in.^ «- .u^n- i,hiis fa- js 0-^5 of i,;.,3 int-c-io- of . topok j^iU. i. irro.^o of Es .U,;- Piaase r^ad Iricj ooo- ^•u;v?i^t,rui^./, locv; over the phoLojirj: -ho, »«d sui}. in. I., Ts i.'...r;; :nto m t,|;o day, l kn-*. ly. 'hoov., uvlo # • * fti im 4 lajt / 'A'anhingt.on, P. r:., J.uniui^-.' 31, i'.iOi Of^ar* ^h", Lunxor: four i-r^^^i^ors of Jan. '"''5th '^f\ih 9q-^^ , ^ ^v.^t ttJ^:i>t:ior with s«;noIe- of mper, ii^r v-)f s of ■^^.0 i:9.ve J. ii^MO-rHui:^ by Ui^ T-iber^F-'an,; -.oopie. u^d ('•ecu.vf>d thj.,5 norniri..) proofs, o^ iho Jlnf, iv-av/ir-s, and nrints ,-,f ti.o P^-is-oniun ar^.i c;^.;ronhorr-: rus~ ti^rn. j-v- I.tl^riiVi. I r,y'KiHhi'U this l,oUorir.£ a lor,; t'uno c^-o. >^^^^. ^^1 uupLioHt,-- . h:.;rowilh. In tJi5i^ Po'eronlurr r):ir>ta's i», is. <■; c^ip-e. a!.£3i.-.oiy i^^rjM>f^y that vsf^^onno rjupvv?i'^ in. in59r^.o(^ clar.t '■■icl-.ir.'S t^o i;-.- "'u^no!.^. ft r^V* y«.'*'j *■» f rri- - soopically ana .u. n..- rav:n,- t}:;:-> ana:;.... i, our .:..:>:i.ai. iabora^^ 7 .>r»»' ^ m» Jr »'' *» iv* •-*.»'.% I. .^■ !>ut t.h5 o;:o -•-' au '.K^JO^BC i<; a *:c..;o k". o r'on^ .y, :.hes.; .--. ^v.i 2-^^.* aj; you -now, ^v."..» .jr.3V7»v-^ ana ^.lU n^n^-.i a vorr T-- Kup^r , ui;;;.. e^>lonuKred pa^er I .i-, not- MVp o- :.-.. mJ -• = ^., *-^aKo':':^ lo::.c '' \] <* ' '-'• c%-' • " I i 1 166 H c W„ Lanier I quite .-ij-r-^e with you" irfcrmant, v/ho at-aies l.hat, l-ait-cr ."h- r-ults f/is.1 be c":;tdin>io with a 75 percant I'a^ stock U*^. w'th ii S'-oak which j.s all rtif^ in the -.'ab-j of yoi.ton t'ii*. papi^rs-. ; ii.'-.an papor?; s.'-*':- anot.hp>- fitcryo A "• lall quan.ti\.ar \v^i0>'5 the nate-^ia] ir. ail cottt'i:. T*ag. J^uir'hi.lo i.uip shoLua no^ be used Vor two v-oH^ors: It ^eooTOi yailo^ wit]-. !5^o, :^.n^ also ^ucoA.o.:i 'b^.ttle. ?'r.?^t .••hp'/-*s a^^j bi.?aah«a ^;;ith (V'to»*i..o, whxji., it* ^i ui not ■x:-.plotol:; ^^.\^•wui out, v:ra^iuaUy do- !rt,^^^/V- ^'•'' ♦''t.?=tlity of t;.3 papey% harf>vat}:o Ver:" :.*^; Ir v*-ir**s, ^• ^-^ •A^. H i« ": w liftili'^r ,. • T ) oulioa-y, ^*tup ?• '^^^ , ♦ivrV York \ r I ?(A to the o^'»^:^v. .'xHt of ihu nu-'i?. 01 i -A '.J, J. .-^jovj > t #' ^# v's of n^^ ne/;>i Lives ror; whioh BJ.iae: 4\.* v^ i reo ■> 1 ». A. *t iLx -avo .^/ien ^laae and ii-flivorea t i^l\f^n ^o^tor for :?cl ij rm M-'-M vc ixocovaaiv*^ -ylt., 1 ..-i •n your iiill»Jr» •* \T "jiA tK:s noon. lh«^ first Da>^t of .vhi-^h I >ja^f^j ?;lreau rt for-i*.^rce''5 to Ih^ pmi: or* I a^i ■>'')-»'*ri(H al}ovJ; the text fiimre^, inasru^d: ;-? I do not f inu all of vher; iri thtv paport ii. v/lil be j^-^pos in th^ pry';B proof v^ithoat/ ninruig ths '.vhoi isir. acia i i^;i:ror c* tM /-* •ne ^avttir ov^r t'-'om tri-a y-.rit 3i' r«9 • V h^^rft the fv^.-'^^es w^ut"; h^^v^*? to he inBort-frd -—a r^iv-^t ?inot}3^^r fT^ntte:' thnt trout le^ nf? 1^ uhe piate Mirioifr!! for t s t r lou V'^ix T^aesG niifiuf^ruc .tn a oon- \ c. iVieis0'i ^'p'^J'n 'i ■.'^ 1'..'^^ ■**»"* *■> t. i ^' V' '"^ /;j "^ i^.i:u4xi x.> ^ach Diato ^;.>J; o «-^ ^J Ci-J, f.»i « I observe K "^ v« f ' • * ' C JL o i.iU5», 01 course ^ouid >>e hU riAv'it it thti :iur^er^ or tho ria L^ vor, ^ 'A^ere corracLen a' i Ot )r;lir:/.!;lv. 1 ^ly,, l>ut you iia'^^e sala not^;in?;. to '^le acout r?ial-.ia^-'^ a^iy Pi:ch Cr'ia.'lfcU' H in f^.'? rr trt;0'*s o>i T.ne olatas. m! . W* i (•-.«* C* ' •» "^./^ 'i • T • tiie enti'^e ft' t j^n v^iiil-.;''* '•'^oforHi i ser^ ^"oi^ t.i-.o^ 'iro Jl 0 o s r 1 •*■ i VOU C?r) f>X;'i..in if^ »,v> .v»i-ot' io {^:*?j»'-> wav V ♦ ■ m ear 170 * ^ A . / C JU I'.tio i^oe lent' < o^ our v/dfie, m v>ow ot irn room lianrn ,-,^' - i- '. -« V. I! V the* aoi.llo titii^ ana the Ha^vii^xji pauarao nerK5e I have chort- eno I'^HVinM out one or two un:mpornK.\t nvi . v» •; jl». .>«C! V .> ^.K cx: \: \ K V -•^JLX^ roi. •^!islj y> oe \ f'» '.%■' >' f% *.*•*■.% * ^ t .t'^n. v>o?n' I «i wasni ^. ^ v^ . •« vi ^ J > o i/ e «i; iUUi »*%»* .'» 10 i ■ Hertho 1 ^ / i «i^^r •-, -. r^t^ »i "^"-os t..r U^ar ;>i 4 • \ be obiuioa \l you ^?li kinciv irf ♦ > i .' V • J Vi> I? ou lf-.V I '. -» .•> r* i-^ ei •^♦jd if) ^ho New Err J-r:r r c inn>^rii:.e/ * I Ci 0 a : SJT ^vci rr^c^ontlj' prir:te': for F^'-o i © i f*^.,.. » .06 ? a>"tiolr Ot: two y* < ■■% v-» «« pf v;5:!K3 a^o 0 e ycu p^^OTii'-o-J to d'-live r -." :iB-^ ,.J,ay*:>»S al'Out nt5 ^, O-,, r>j J. » « > \v Jl i ^ % I j ^ ,1 :h w t7t Pelrusii'v 1, 1901. •S ■ «•. iiUj..« .1^:. I .De&r Mr. Lisnier; ?^. O-csaiwe of tl-,0 Hallotype Canpaii^ was hare a fev,' dnye ii^;o und i') .-irrcirviirv^ v.ith him for a lot of heiiotype aid phovclbrf^ ^; work, I an-wijied also for the holiotype plates of iiivertebrate fi.:ii-.ros for the technical series of the Harriman reports, thereb^' securing tho deoir^cl edition at a very considerable reuuctioni^v^ viv,S^ The terms a^.^e-d upon for heiiotype platej; are $15.00 par 1,000 prir:ts. lettering and pa>ier included. Tlie p<.per is strcn^-- rag stock, of which I hav? simiplts. In order to iacure theso very viasir^^ble ten.os, it v-be agreed ■chut ir nnae of prints >'Pi.oarir^- in both the Procee-iinf^ of the Wnshii^^.yn Aciiuemy of Sciences and the Harriman Expedition books, the editions for both sliould be printed in one atrai.^ht run. Ln- asauch ae the letteriiicj for the top line ;vilL diffor in tae t,vo i-aees. Mv. Ccckayne sui^,e8teu that he hole the edition for the oook urtii m are ready for tho Bame, and then letter .-ind ^?..p ' tiiom in accordance wit;', our iniitructions. ■^ith robpect to thelithoc^ruph plates, ivhlch he vcreoz to make for as at about $9.00 a plate, I did not ..laKe ar^j arrungieroent for thft Expedition edition. Doubtlesa you v/ili do thia. ' Very truly yourt?, ii ! ', srt 173 J • ^oe : ^'^Ai^ idLtor of yef^turuu-' aou niy r/^-^ i,t ra^t ? ''no t^vt poi^.t u€ r>4^a r,uji"un:}vs wnxah ^ reared nii^^it cj:a..Hc^ a dis--tpan-!y >!(^f.w3(-n and ih© platen, I h•'^^ •'c-*P'of ^^n oii ;...,.. -• on tho aolc»-au .h.:,.s., a... I ... s.r« I ,.^v. ne.cr'seon .rods .v,i, ** *■"***"-'' ^^»i^ »ij!i:' r'>ynf.,' r:6 by ;■•..! ri iTir t>ht3 ^pocuM. purpose (h« t .,,.ota hi.:} to ...aiilo n.e to rnr.K. f.ha t,,xi riU'eroricoK oi;r,fov,i; to tho n;.;-nb.-rs on ii:o !.,.!'-■ ee . t .,..., .(,.. .„,.., t ,.^;,^s t..-..-!S.&xV,V3. 'i'JiHel, V-iVi vjU r-i rViT "i-'^fi:^ iVcr:'\/ rov;^;h • . ► • . ..■ / .. . 4 ti^yf f '*■ #■ Pr->of of t}=e .':a,kover cn.... has jus., con. :,. a..: i..,|r;cio.eci '^v^- :..t/u-hud cuiplJCRO:^ oro^^it. ||^ - i.:. 30^.1 ^t> th^^ proper Mlhoen i^-i |.:;o ^-^al^vr + >-M^.\, P>'C'\ We a ley R. Cno, x4 ^stf^hirigtou. D. U», I^eir^-ary 2 901 r>r> •, r* ^ f it.' » ' 'Sit T'- " Y'v-y ''■f'i,f:}y of '^'•■^.S'niay caunoc.. ;is hr,ih jcy ana pam. i nm r^^c : , 4r-(w Lha^, yr)u a"? will:*;- to tankic the ii^vt^ura^ive Innuit p'Ov.>>vfs, cut t pHias n2 bdyona 8;;prf;d»ion to ruivc vou aay ihat yft cf.a'iot. uo 'i.>H Kt or^co. This -i-tK-lo ougr.'. '.0 go t'. ino priivlGr aifios*. i-'n^iuiat-'iy, and I do hcpr. you ^iU bo a>.U io make the r:3C- ossa- ^rnwii^a u. ti.-e, I wi.h you ^»ulu tsU r.e juat what you >h -■ ■ :..^Uiy ^ci i.t .ne know U I '^sm'! help -'hi in '.ny wuy by Very iT-aly yob:'?;. .V A: \ iVvvjnX)^ Vv^-x^ J 90 i.":th ?^lr39t. brcoklyn., 1^. Y» i i' I I f • 1 ■ ■ i^rt 175 »« Washin^';ton, Do Co, Fe-;rupry 2, IDOii. A. K, Hersheyp New E>*a Printing Co., Lancaster, Pa. Dq^v Sir: Yesterday I sent you by express copy for two additionSf'^PS? tho Washington Academy -— on^^ by Miller on Mammals ^ the other by Dail on Shellso I also returnee to you ^f^alleys 1 to i of Coe's paper on MemerLoans ana am sondii^, you ine romainir*^ gaileys (|tu 14) today. Vt'hat is the difficuity with this paper? It> roema to t^^ko forevor to get it into type oil I suppose the size of (^vr in%i- volume may bo taken as an index to the capacity of your establishnsni so far as the wo>"k you can do in a year in this line is 3onco '"nea^ as we kept you pretty conbir.uousiy supplier ^ith copy, -aid c^culu hsc/o furnished several h^u-iured pu^';es r.ore if you coula have haxidled it. I earnestly hopo that you u*i 11 bo able to s^^t up at once tho matter now in your pos^iossior;, 3^s we aro in a hui^ry to get a niunbor of b>'ochuro8 out, anu there is a ^p'eat ac5'?um^;iation o? copy in o^jtr hands which the authors vvant to gee in ty}>6, and whicli we wish to unloaa. Very triilv VOIat?, i I Washington, D. C, Febnai-y 2, 1901. Perthcid ^-oii^el. f)i Hi.rh Street, Boston, r&.ss. I have not M-ard from you yot as to the oate of shipment of the licnertean plates to tho New Bra Krintii^ Co., Lancaster, Pa.; nor for that jratter have I heard goaitively that you havo shippoa th«^rr». I shHll be obliged if you will kindly s«nd p0 at once two corr.r.ioto. sola of the plates as printed, so that I ciay actuhily see tne icXXzy\-% and piato reterences. The sol of colored plates you SMit rre a short tiir^e ago at rr»y roquas^ for the purpose of vcri- fyi% tn^ text ^^eferenoas had the figures ajr^ibared ccn&GoutiVGly Iron ,.U- ^ I to plate YI; ^vMle, as ii matior of fact, the numberg en thcfrb piatcs •;/a--*o cnangt^a last sii^ii^f*"' so a.s to begin each plate with ^0. I, -*- ^ [^ ^^^ ' .^:^-^T/i>j- ^ ^■'. k .. ^ Kespoctrvliy, k i; ,#w. I - 0 j» lit a^'v :... ^ :r + '. «,' ■-' * . )• I), c j-^ C :/( ' k • i.« « ?i', !■ Ho .*'-v 'vr ^. • f^ -^f ^ i.. A- »■ -•I IJt 1?- '*' Al'-^.s Ka i ■* • 1 • ^ 1 ni fieTj L.V^,^ V ► 'i-^j ►»vv-«... 4|| 'k^kif. Ml ,,^..1 ^ . , »-• »T r+ rur 1 ■» V. . i\. .r f. »>■? p t-*»r T\ 1 r '■ t !•* / o -c- y w 'S !• ^ <' air^'i-Vf «r. • «- Jo I ^-^ BT.r 179 lllgtOil Uf^nr iSR r? C* V* i'lm^e ymr Ui "a • »♦"* QA f) ^K ^-a ^ C 4 T « ^^ 4ti; in ^-l i K " ^ :0 I ir *5i. ; >-»«'j^ti r».t •». ^mi (■: oi Uh^ strati r» iiiu» i.^-atl ;.ppc CH4 ^ #^ ^i «^0») '.♦» U0et on^ but ^' '^t fani ' larit witti t.ta , --N •H.'^ o I ■ ' iStir. ».*- %m ^.% is p^^-w^ tha wat< 1 ■T»^\ u 'ri'V; A :■ *<:^ n KElr uril C*"LU'-^J-*^n)l LU > - ?v^r h-^ -^s i r-» JV V V at ►» I ♦ Wo E. Sw.uO /* *■ ' ^ ■■^ft'' #*ar rn# fia-^^ ^loths^^t ins id^ t ii^ aul * Ki-C; J, i**i p>** ^;^ a t nnir 4- ,31 r^V 0+ •^r f ,•■ •5 V >' 4. -»?». u ii. fn** "both i'^xes t ro go inRiaa, 0 3 II ' l!^"*- 5iro t.o • <* ^t^ ■* e •» ^ ^•i> *• & i aambsir oi fa St a i> :« ^ V i ^ r '. 5 ' * m' aali bod its f r<^ the h t. ■ *. i"^ W <*i>?^ aun 1 4 **«♦ t?* t» V]:3 pr '/^ ^•'' VW kn^ ih a. i'" 4- ^ Vnt*?*^ I n -. w THpi.n n: ir^ w ^ h -i 1 >.f^ s with r ^r%(i I ^, ',*i * * ! * i V "I t-l l-V* U' .V • 0 • «>• » . •■'' I > i(X '- 1 1 r' >a} w. i; The, uo; )>"»\-»«a -^ -» •_ f -.f>i U "^^^ «•>«/ .^•.'• "... n ^^'•"■l <2» ^-^e '-: J H 'hu ^lil '-^I^V) -'If'.^ ?iU>V- r*' a?'^ :x < {•.?"'■»■*: V, e nf^i- e> •■< ' ■i ♦; ■• < •x-j^' ^ > .« " • •. --I i »t -■■ «• r "1 1 C V-: * <» •j^ *^ W- '.^rj . 5- ■} t ^ ^> :dv: V ^X V nI wvt. n. ,\ J -u^ t-t' \r:A • ii ■■ t k ^ 4 >-« r"*" V i ,r f .••» : • •> T. 1 T r^i t: or ♦ " ' n (\y% o *• ; ; r* w: »« •■ L^C V'>^ I .-^/t/.ji "• T^n V : ♦ M . • <»t r^v ♦. .' I ■Y'i ^ oi;» r^ I.' I « - 1^ V' C* . v le ;5 7 V 1 ' »• I .'i. ' u \ » - ".' €* I -Mrr i H f' ->.s ■ « i 08 r «>jr ■s p. ■" \ • ^ • ft 4- ' I '>= 0 Ik inhn,arw " Vi smr m*^ c ^ ucUij.or: Ke:,l-i,,. a,^Hitt t.o your iotto'- of th. ^a cnsUnt. I .,•■ .,,,., f,„ c.sr« .. u,,.,,c, vhe rib5>^ in both h., b.:>n cn^urt- .r.u, en- l'i!^-55a, ani; vL- :-,:..:-ai -t^H-;. :,^-?r r-"-3ent ^^as in su^!^^r^ «*♦ • . ■■ •w *0 XOVZ. on^ ca;^c c ', .• . T r* 4 y- . ■> . ^-Ui* ^- c- - ;.'. '--utin-. »«%1 L:"T •^C^'/S- I. «. } ■ i--i ;.: '* ^rihi;/- ^^nu^^^v uV 'T^;"^r?^^j^^ ;^Ht-^ • '- uanau^fi l^'Ktj^(, '^ r. >•*• "! » ctr i 4. _. ^ 1 ;u; - %/4^ biit t', 1 i-h^r !•' -• -^ iJ*.**'*" 1 'n > • : •■•. oa lt(& 0. y 4"' . » ' 1.* ;-. '• ,-• * * ( I :^^.u'~. u v;i-aciv Oi l:i:o • t^f^ i:^t'a ' ^T'lr-!. 1 *^ ?. J rur r , i ^ ."^ ,' 4^ ^ •' r*''^' * ' •■ j •.•H'.. "Siiij •; i i n*^ u • ■.,, » ' - --Oi, .'^r-'s ■A' Ci , I • '« «t5on ji ', 0 I *■ ii p^':i:abj. t !» • • • Mt4*? n i. '^ !*| ,^ 181 H o ' fc ■ani^** -' S Th#^ p;.-'.fvi'^a'?aii*0 oroofr \"» ; iin'Aor. \i\ yruir ;.a-.:.^.' ^f IhQ 6th ii.Htani, .iavfr net y=:^i « or-i^ to .::a, but will ho attoK:..;d to pr-ostpt- I*^ on .thn*;^ ^^>*^va!.a 'J ..^ ^cndd be ':% ijpoa. iaea ior you hj st,ir up t:i»i P&'v hr'a paopU r<.Kij4'^ artieie^ as lr;oy ^re iE^oi:v^ ?o s,bwiy t^"f.t ^ ; oar ii/ wiii bo JDpcrj-^^bi- '*' ' •:!. t'-:o Looa out e^^ur- I- v:^-^* :.nlofh i'^(^^; O » ' ?» ' • ^i<4 "•-..':: t -J *■ -* I ^1 ••> i^.?;i.'".l7 VI. tV "Jr \VV>^ ' la^iUVt • i---, •,■• t^ ^0;"^ ■ orj ;\ fi * I ^ H 28 r 183 r ^ D^!» ^» ? '!.. Lanie^' days f^^^o a/'iu ar*9 0. K* n t:ic ORZC of t/ho 6n.4M3riK>eB I i.ot: r^roat c^r-j will ba m t^e printiri^. soei <#!? moair;% =• . /« oC' ?5-e '^^■'•'^'=^1. ^na-^^^: !); thd "Oi^ocvr 11:u other "i^'ura - • - '•nf' o^%r} ^^* .'.* V» .' '*'• j^oikru •- '..t\'.' • V , t ? r i;ia^C'^ 0/ WO'' • 0 » ovor to />c Cov'ill A^ eoon nf? th<^v >^'''>*:"' ^ . i-ct^^ a >«i'-. irA>-»-/ e * i^^ V^ 10 'OU •^^ir-; ri- - <■ va \'»- ,1- ■!• rc* X - ;-* •"til ■» ■■ T <, X,K* ».r-'"^q Ol' K^, ior M^/ lot ain ^^? in (i 'B rh:> c t .♦ .^v*- A< •»% -\« -I *> :"» .C '-J 15 f'Y*^r ! f ^" tr V .1 t *^ ~'^^^ ^1^ oi, i. *''y ^Tit knoi^^c '1 IC'I. ... » S .• I hci' : -v-tC'-nvo'^ a*','. ;roof or at e \ ';Ar •.♦.•^.•>'^ -t .'-..r- - ''* r-->r' |V"r. **-,v '' ^J^^^T^ vV ^ Mtu: 4 riv.w ':\.v?r« F!t^?u>e riit\T"n as earlv ^^^ ]: rac i.. n?nll s . The -Utrio- ■ • uests- t'^ai llr- ori7;!.inal?* "^ '^ot-jrn:^^ oitl. on^ set of do ^'■vn.ain v-- •uio''. '-r* v\t:cr. he ■;_ V .1 • ^ ri»*/5^. '^'-•% ana - -^ ^ I'- »• * f! 1 r ;^.ri ' .-};'i^ Vi \ 'V s, O^^ \\Ws>^'-vi3L Profc -Viiiie^^ H Riti.or,_ ! "> lI^iiYt?ri:.Lty ^>f \»aliin ^•.' I >] i f 11 / Original Detective i^gr s 185 I i ' C Profo Jo Co Nut»>in^, lowfe City, Iowa* Proof, of yourji^-i^ii heye just hoo^; r,..uoiveu a: i are .ra..- mitted to y.u horo^ith, Ki. return on, ... .,^th y.T..r .or..-io.E a« early as ««y la; jlo^.o n:.o ^ctura Uk ori,:..i. a. t,, lUho- ., ^..^ ,-!.. ._.!..& ." ..jouebta u.ut no nay n(M-> t, ., hs,,;!- in oi'dcr to do a I5ttlo more i'oc.oue'-i'-v ;- •) +)•-- •.-- t-^ .t. • TT ^•"r^ "*riu ; '^ Oll>•^ ^ ^V-sV- \vv^ J jf - V'v '/ i^!r* H. W. Laiiier Februurj .12, 19C1. v>:l Union Square, ^ CovUie h,^ rc'ti^ned thf no^vor pJetes rith corrsotions, ai^ I i^r. bf,n.lir.g V.'. cy c^x^.r^ss bo-.n ori'-lnels iirei ccrrect,sd proofs. '- hK rHri:;ncNlu8 ])3ctur9„ he ..uints out that the petals in the u^V),:i ara wri.cticaliy of cne color tiiroughout , while in the ori,;:;i- n:a,j. tho lovrcr unaa am so-ie of those on the ri-i-t are 'fery wuch br w;J,t«r yellow, .mkirv; the orij.;3rial !nucii tne haridBomer picture. ' ia 4try obvicufl row -hat it i;i pointed out. In tho case of :-^'vthor jacture. he. oails atteritioTi to thfl general lack of ' '-^y rn ths ncnara of the ^..001', arui also ;,o the; wrorvj co- -i -;,]\e e«v..«ifi in ..he la^v flonora. I.; the ori^inaiij tho ss- V'V- th-. lor Wla u-i bri/-ht pkik. Iti ;.art proof ch«y «,v. t; \bry dark brc^vrish, or rocdibh orcv/ri, 'Doubtloss these points uro easy of corroctitn. Very tnjly yours, \ ^ '-^-s>v VjlVnvV^ (>x,V O^ 1- ^N.vA^ ^ ALAS ..:« i< .: .!L-5 teliAligra (-'vll.) DO. '03S IfeT'irtQfUus (.:o':'le'"ae '''^iiiey and Eose « ff mt «^>i*?hir!£^:ton, D. C.^ Foorui^ry i'i. i"i;(^l* Lear -"r^fosjrio^ V^rriUi 3inn?^ uAr-}. racolpt y/ ^^out" recent iettcirup ! ^.avo ^V'}n Hsthbun. ana he lu^s a^trtjeu to riave ^timpiiOA\> typt*?4 -if ^chinoa^i^rrr*^ P^ ' ' ^-^ (^ohini \'>frt& -iii^xi^s io AlcX A^^Gjisi.-; B:rV<^rai venrs age ^na has .K^ryc-^ at thi^^ t»i*^eo maio^i^l you -'entrion. As [rri tO-x? pj-..po^ you /r/^rv.i-.n iroiii ^i\ii;er i. l« Jlr.rk: /f. -^^^ o? - «'■•-•■<.- 1 "■'-;;! it'3 .'or ■Dubii.oui ; - , fare;.- Ly -^vr.- r'!;iv.«c-:i* .iTjoe«'s. l:>x^^p•^ t^r 8>^e:i>.til voj.3 oi U.o :^oa?*d 1* f:j.3C':^ •>;.' i:;*^u::r'^I r':*;Vi o^iy 6X\^crti •;:!? UTi!i i'ur ri£.oe ^:ive be'^n in r.r'-^ -ast* o/' /^e:''Lf-? ^jf i'*y !/ai>t-^, A -^ ^i:» v^o h- >.,, J 1. »i'.^•.v^, ;,;,^;:i •> ft- ':rr;y ^v :*.-.;'.. bt. vc^ry uiaj vO i^ub:i^h it ;•:• ^cr . A<. > . 187 ''-' Ae 3o Vc^rrlii - 2o fntii-^ft. t^.) Acat^^^; rn-i.^it rvnlish it/ -^ti .La the c:ase of many othors fror!} th<> i.-.-^' .^^ieetrolypo platea for rhfi te^^ ^i^ ^oon ai? If ♦ f" \' ^.w.,0^ ^^^ ^sN.^: - 4 ii l^ »i %■: .. I \ fit f \ ' J»?: ^. I •I 88r 5;» I }Ar^ M'^t^rm^*. ;'v- nCl P^-ofc ¥>•->*•: n ^^ * •' ^li'ii-^ tlia ran<*H ■it- /- 1, H'i ' I W ir.l'; C < ''. V,' :l ^ .K J^'^ \ »w I 1 1 1 I 189 Wr^hitMior. 1^ '•^l^-TV i^i. i?Oi t- B^r Gus^'A Fi:: •>r^^rv ^tre:' 4.- .' C' . fir n 'f*.: y. * : i> :(^0u *^€Lt It o catv vour iry/cfvuvit i^&,;x»r, Ti;9 duficulty is. tb-i. it ^jo-ss i-; tne ..p... v,vi.^,«. .^v'j^ -.-.3 ::.v t....-!*« ^ ,,.,.^.w.^ ^. )ro^:> t.hi^r f-tC^,'? diffarGrt ■, .. -f ^.■yr-',\, a-' ■•■'> fW'i on thi3 7100-10'. tii&t '■v.' : • .- ri^-.. .-."^d to hcl*:. it h--' I'^ni^o .^/ i •.. tlL 'n V-V^tf l-vJy vOu"":: ^.VV v-^ il lit Ifl I i Wftshington, I>. 0.. f'ehrjar^ 13. 1901. Dear Goe: Aro yon net just, a ir'iflc elow 1^. ij.atti.r.^ your ry^ooi' '..ai-k tc tv? The p'jnters aro in a hurry to irake r.ho fmrJ. corr^ci-icn^i on th3 pR^,e proof, so that they cj,in caat ana use the csr;« type p^nin, / shall le obliged. Lhe5-(jfor0, ir ycii will kinciy v^fjT.un what vov have with your cor>»oYct^:.i.n 'ji ».> • ^4 i u t«f :! *^-r uar^ 1>0, CODY corntrs V«^ '*^.'' i>o>n Lhiji will [,;> inT:ossilL:}o We i* iia Ka^'Va^d Uruvarsit •i ' ^'3;:)"^^rin/^re. ?1c:.sft 7 deur P^l xiryslU^w is now at .vt)rk on the .r^i^aU pifl^ts broi;.:hl baoK i:^/ '^t- •i-;.»- :i^'*v!rmn e^pouitum. ii^ tells me tho zoli^ohion ooniains p^n^r J aow ST:fHnf?s unu :is o ,1 pocinnn^ !X;:lv at*e 1 y- v« WA W 9U, int^roiilo He f ina? ihat pa^^i of Lho IV. k' roGollaotion ??$, that you eoilycto tt r. "i 1 W*'-' v* -.^» t*.^ J, ■rr tho wholo lot, and that your principal ooll-^otion m\% ao one ^nada in Stepovak Bay, whilo the raf5t oi uc ^ve^^a in B{>/*;iiv ^^08 0 an you toil cr^e at what oi::or \«5 iOi^aix^.ies ar:i;c3riens v*;?ro coi- lectija, and by whom, i ■IL. k» 1. *j iv *-^or s it; > xi ne past T >ave f\t, x'i --1 a^:*S9lf intone in^ to writo you to in- inquiro as to tite progress o: ' V * ■» 1* OW :v:or i'» 1 s rt not i.0A KOar- > f '< ^•, , ' ij;ui «.' • fr t ii r» r- i^ I ^f rtV»? irt u w. an;;..:^ii> td ^j;et rev oral of volivnes out if O'vB^ihio CGfo?*? tr-. fturn nnr vaoatjoHp lut' vnlr-'iifj tli£^ Prof «• ». c oo f\o Ei!ie?*?5or: »:r/;er3 • * • 1, p>*, •lOS t;^ ^.''M* H'-mY^Qz-iri arso3 liov-. ar:^ you cotriia^'; on witiv your ron^H oil th^ Gooioffy ol \ fc.-'\-"^;'vi4 o « »CA« If *».''»1 fir.; i, -( send m your copy for tu)it ►_■> 1' n V'. c T "*•♦ r- * "i •■^ r* "C Jl t lie irT';=id:.atf:? futu^'O, it may bo riofisibl^ to nrint th^ Geolo/ ,~i - />■ vi volimio ai.d have it -^vt boforo the surnnor vacatioiu whl v^4 1 IB seme T V i ;••• t^ Y% u U'-i^.vfii», U r'fia:;;Ly uo be i.^a--iroa. ir/'A* •lave in ha^v\ paj)iirs enau^;h to fill sovorai volumes, b o. •> u!:iort.unaoely th^ nequ-vncij Ls not,, suoh afi to onable mo to ^^roup and publiii^h tho>n at once, so I imv^t iiya:t until tho vraps h:^o filla t^u Tnirtit>^ that'' ou ^ill bo abI-> t<> 3end u^r^ your manuscript vorv snori/ly, T .-"emain will: bust ^ishei ^ery tru ly ^-oxirn GnoL^h n:ate?*iai ;n hand new for ii^t loast l> oil j:;*:^ ^ -.J \X iS Whwio ut Ol' 8ec*:ir:itci caDorJi ivludi ul not. come in •^>''':>far flicuiuoncfi! Tor ^roup^^ 'n?,c- voiiiTiGS, and eonsecr.ient \'' »?■•, )Sl' ./ «»t iva 1 1 4 - l iill^jLi. ti i J rjliaa ^T.* w' n + ^. 1 ^iiiOL ro>i^..'*ds to vouracj.: and «• ■-■ i..: • Faiaejio, ^'/Tion; [ *;rea-i' i\-rt^t I j^ras u2i?iblo to oail --por u.. r:] % 1: 1^* .1 0 : vih: I ia Curiirjcvo ItisL Nov^»ml"Jr » •* • 1 , w "-r c:Ti£ij.r G ^.\ 8er 194 Via:jhirjx;uonp Do Co, Febr;xarv i^ 1301 Dear Mrc Lan:jer Your lett.or of t,ho i.sih instant is at harA, lo^ex^wv wii-h vu^ two proofs of the Jc^st Bogoslof photogravure witli lettarui^^^ diic:; i\^ tha loiterirvi on tho l:t3t Um'oo I)0>?:oslof r^hctO' grav\7rus ib correct, l;v?ro 369ms to be no need for }'o turning ihe pr;:}0f5., of which I liavB only two copies o As In trie L'ooK rjroor fro'n tiio Now Era f.oonle! The norroo- 4 tionB fcr tlio additional pago*;; nf tho oarl^'^ pnrt of this articJa ha^u ooma to hand, I tur huppy tc say, f;Ht and sarost ..oholi .'^ub.^iOquor;l rjattBr ui^il they hau >;orr3(Jtea that :>. nana; part^r^culariy ao ohanres In pagx- nation a^f3 ifivolyorio Tho BtaUmont -s e^^r'-'^ot, that I ar: ;:Dldi:ig a lot of pe^;G proof ^hlol' thoy wish to el3ctrotypG. The reason for thia IS, that tho ca>*t r^^ator of the I/^ttnr part of the Burroughs article and t'^o whole of thtt ^-'.ir artielo w^ill havo to r.n re pa^ .e d , and no nan knowfs, nr can hncjrw,. untii w^.ijso tA^o articios are stral£!;ht- O'ui out^on vyiiat na/'^a thcf no>tt t'ollowirif: article v«^iil bo;rfu« In- aj.r:uc^h as the hasty pa^jijig and castirj^>; aurin^-r ny brief ahsonce in California la^^t siunnor i^as already >'oni1r»^d five nir:oth9 to undo, and is .^iot yet by any moans finished, ir hardly fiOGiteri tho part of \*n^don to push ahead wit' i^ny ruore ai3ctro;.ypijig untii we know fi ho »Vo bariior n Tho orintef'S fiava plenty of copy /^liioh they will not be ahic>- J r t-^ sot u«) until thin back matter i-^ ciu:;t so as I can oaj^iiy keep ahiiact of then at thi'^ and o^ t^o lins^, hut iud>unr from tho rato of J^need at whioh thoy liave onoratod in the past^ I have no roascn to sii^^noso that tho v"5c:rruntions will be nado and f h oho rernK mlTV^ a^ticlos set up within a nonth or si;c W3eks Vjvrv trulv yourn. *.\ Ho Wo hanior. Douhlehpiy, Page i Co i?o'w Vork. 'i( . if I . I 1 i .aH !'« I \ ^er 196 Washin.'ton, Do Co, FoLruary 16, 1901 Doer iSpa-ie»^s Thanks for vour latter of the 13th i.n::^tant iind the ar?cor^ranvirvr ara?^in^i^c Thay are I'^ood so far as thev ^lO. ard we will havo to give up the imaginative picturos, for which 1 iiad hopCKi, hut whiuh wov'i'l reqvire T>oo maeli Lmtorial and too much timo at this late day« The only on^^ in '.vhic>i it will he nocessary to niaka any change i? t.}:o drawing of the Ebkimo hoy and g^irlo Dro Dail wouJd.lik? to have a lahret insert'^d in tho hoy's iip noar the cr/rner of thv? rnouth, an inii(!rttod on the dra^^ingo You are pro):a])ly wa^^o tiiat a large number oT the Ameriojin E^skimo wet'r stcno di^os, call^jd lah!*ets, i/:: their lipso They hen;in *yvth sn:all ones and incroase th9 si/^ ag they j(i,rw oidor ana tha oponiiig hucomes rore stri^tehe^U Vjrv tn^Av yofiru. ^ We.nhitigton, D. C. February 16. 1901. Prof. ?. h. K!-.cn\'ltor>, U. 3. Geol'>gicai Survoy. Kt" df>ar Kn<3V'-'lton*. Pa-.on r.y c.elav m repbnrc to your loiter ubou. .he Ai.^ka ..ooditio. fossiU. Pulacho .olloetod most of .t.s. at an :...n. tation i. S^.pova. Bay on th« «o.th ..oro or the A.a.K. Pen..ula; .M Dv. 0,11 tolls .0 tr^t aU not othenvlB. lahaled ..re iro. t-v.. locality. As soon as I hear from Palaoi.o ar to th3 ov-ers I w.- let you kr..jfw. ' 1 .un glad to l.mrr. thai th3 eolloctioi, contain, so ..ueh ol int^ro^t. ^)i- course th. now .,ocio. .>:ouia bo felly .Uo^.tratea - i r.rVr-'ii+vnfl or nhoto-lithOfT^aphy. Very t!^uy yours. i\ : ! W« E- Sp.'.dor.. 190 m,'. Soroot, Brook Iv^K 'I. y ..^, '4, '0 ..'. Q 4 0t' « # -t -•- •- *- fe ^*». =* t A, A 4 ^1^ • »- "W^MI^j n ^ W "W '9- 197 ^A \^jici I i V ^»0>v.^ IVvV V^, iu^ ■OsJSs. v^ x^ ■^V. '^K. ^1 C ) \\ xAiXt y i|C\ ^^^ CtXvvjv "t^ ^- -^.. • t:>. -*'^^\.->4' A ^v ^" 1 t ^ v^ ^ ^^v.V OCV^ (■ ^-.-fcL... V \ \ Vs^-V.' W ^^^loc^v J^ ^v*^ >wWh^^> v^vcV^ V \-v>v^ 4 v^^.> ^^ Ck^V * O^Xj}^ ^ tr. 1^^ V\k,va.. ^ .. . -> V. IK_< J 11 Vv.v_^Jv\x c^ v^ -m \t ^ -•^>. w'^ Vn.^^, ^V v.\ v>^vn. \ V V-' ' \.^ '^v V -^-V -V>vj^. V X V>-'~> v-* «i.,\*.5?ir W^Vx> w>jK.x-^>^^ ^ N 861 ^i< ^!f \i ,r*i ;.-> ^•-^ KU ■«x '-'^-ui^ M^v--J4v 4is V. -«w-- -.^ %vx,jgk >, ~^~^ ^^^NjJx. vV^-nJc VCv iL A V>->^^VwvV AA^- "^ Vo, :>r ^ V sLi^- 'c i (^.^. 3tXv ^^V iu h :X. '\ > ^ ^-r V-os^ V •N*^ — X V A^^jf -) Vvv AV X, ^^^ ^ Xi^^ wtiXoc, :f :h ■^--^ '^d.l^.v:v.J;.x^. ^::, \. 1^.- ^ V H -^>^' V •AVv V^Si„»jLi ..i^ f\^* IjUcv ^ — - (\ ^ ) V A f^*sjs^ f % I Ww- !l ) '/< if . II i I ^•» eef Doar 8(;adey: nil ixianks ror your leU^r of Uie 15ih inat^^nt, v/hioh arrvtl tnia aft:?rnoon aloivc wlU; LliO c.:>rr';Ctoa drawing. I an saai-'mt -hie catcli cf Urawifus off to I^anior icr rupiVCic^oLion toaay. ^vriu hop. t}:ey Alii GO":e out nicelv. Tho urd;,7ii>^ inclosoa in o.nt^ aario package for Mr. aijcort i. have hundod tu him. As ever vours, W ^. K. Spujor, r» 200 Wasztin^'ton, ]■;. C, F^brua^;y 20. 1901. Tliors Bear ^t ar^-^yBr^mn: ^ic '-ills irom Doubleda; , Pa^^e ft; Co,, daLr^d Feb. i4. 1901, vh-.oIi "ou fo'-*A'ardod ma for approval, are horewith returneao arc f i/u tills in thin oatch, \Mr^i; of i^hich are correct as thoy slira, nanolv. Wrl^MV for $ii«00g /^narew's for $71.00, and "^ >aa^;>-'?^ for $303o75o Wright's bill of Jan. B, &;no;a:ting to ^S"50 I -'nw nothia^ about. Androw's biU of F^b. 5 for $2,550.00 contains a-: item of $750 cOO for pap:M» vyhich, unless I m g^^oavly t^i?tE.k:m. is H proDcstercun change £:.nd should bo rttrioKon ovf tho N * oiil* And^n^'s cont^'^aot., as I undo'*Htood iv, wao to make tho .phoi^ogravure^ at f<*or^ $!■: ,00 to ^?-).uO oach, ace^-rdii)^, to tn 0 •iGvi-it cf work, ivivx vofUr.ilsh th'i prints .i- $ir;.(>0 ti thnus&i.d. Ver";/ lru.Vy ,V01^"3 A. ,N« \v t ^ I' I I ' 1 ^ J. Stanla -Brown, « li!C Brcaaway, Now York. i inA t02 202 m ii WhSiiirglon, D. C, February ^-0, 1901. * BsHhold Meisel, 164 Hi/^:/i Street.,. Best oil, I'i&s^o Dear Sir: Your ball for thij 13 C09 piataB, ariouyitit:^ to $i^6?p90, is ^•'o- ceived and is horewith returned for revicicn. Tho b:lil shculc. bo riiaae out in ^ho namu oi Mr. Eo lie Harrirmn, not in my >iani3o If yc wiii send me a nev/ bill rnado out in aocordanoo with :,.re ^orrci-Uons inaicf.ted on the ^.cioaiju bill, I will Icrr^ara it to H>% Harrir:an for -a:i!iorit. hi (.he end u^ i.hu present mcntn. u F;{j8pr?n^i'ull^', V ^ ^'^•^ \ WashiJTgtr.r. , ]). r... FeVjnuu-y 20, 1001. t;8Y> Era Printing Co., Larcaste>r, Pa. Your letter of tho iSth can.e ycstorday along ^ith Iho sanplos ci '.rintinr on special papar f..^nt you by Doul.ieday, Pago ?: Go. Thoy cviuintiy nc-looted to say what was wantea. which was carofully -.. P».p.r .d.l armtr for the book. They will probably se..o you vXAlor^l Kai'.|.lc« for ti;:. purpc.o. ^^^^ ^c waiJ. to knc. .3, how th^ v,^nt fiijv^raa will come o-^t prlnt-aa v^iii. 5^o^^ ^^^^ .^'^-^ ^'^^ '*'^ b.fc( x.a:. "^F^ct proofH «:ii bo -i no vnlu-) ^hatevsr. Wg a-, .. '-.•-".. a test 01 tho r^per to sec .hothar .. not .t .iil answer for iho aa book. Vor;; truly ycurs>, \VA V IW ■I I / 1 in I I i# k 802 Washington, D. C, Pabrum^y 20, 1901. Dear Mr. Lanier: Your latter of the loth instant respecting the present statue of thG Alaska hook crossed raine to you on the sane subject. 3o that further reply is unnecessary. I ivrote you yesterday in reply to your letter of the lAth except with respect to tno three last photogravures. Inasmuch as you have felt it necessary to return yours to Andrew. I m sending you herewith ny duplicate sot, in order that you nay nave at itaat one copy of evorytliir^ in the series. "Mth respect to the paper. I suppose you will send an addi- tional durany to the New Era people, in order to have the text figures printed as originally planned. Wo waiii them priateu -.u both .sides of the paper, s.s Ih^ra is a slight difference in the finish of the two sides, and wc want ca-oful work, wot fiat proofs. I received a day or two age a smashed pasteboard roil on whic] wore wound three sheets of Grigr^d's 1 ithogrraphs . One of these sheets contained six pictures of Mount Iliama; another six heads of Connorants. and the tliird two prints each of four of the flower Pictures. If I give one print of each flower picture to CoviUe airf Walpolo. T will have none left for nryseif . In sendirig m addit,icr- al plates please see that they txr-o cut and sent flat, so that t?o:' Will not be ruinod in transit. » ^" " . . » In the package with the photogravures I am sending you hov-.vrith five orxgirai drawings {four by Sr-ader and one ty Hudscn) to ill;;.,. ■irate Dall's poem on the Innul< people. !h •^ JV ^ a^S>- 4\ I . I i ( % :4 i i . ':. l' ;i 264 t -^J^ , K.'f X VO >v ' t>- -_„ u 'K ' ^ "-'^ iW^.- -^ -V V +1 aiV >w/ \ ^KX' VN».>- ^"" \ !■■ vl V v\>-> V\ V \v.. V \./v X i ^ ' X_^|v>. I X "^ - ^. •-\ V JOs. \ ^ \ \A ^■>^v,V \.-s. ■t.^ •t A) --; N V ••> » L\ vA> A'VA^f v»^ -«», \ / - \. . X ( ^ N^^ t. 'wlV •^ vv \ TXvC> tVNwV;.^. \ •''^ V >V •.^'5' JV^ c-^^- <. ■:^ ?l \v. • ^ N^- ■^-^ . .-J*. \ Original Defective » ■**'*'"■ »«i**l'***<^y^ ft '. »."*, s »!#*.': «■* ' i- Mm V 1 • • ' ',' i ■ ,' V W' J-''- A- '>'. ■' s #:^ \ .*! ,^ ., •ni- rf; ■-'!.» >l ^ •■s 1 I* I f ^* 205 ■-^V 'V V*. I V S- \A. K^f ^ > V J^ -V k' --^slvV- ■:a.-. R_ "^ ->.,. ^-t ^ * : Vv . \ \. N J^ 'Va»^._.,^ \ 4 \ ^AVw VJL '^-/"►..^f -',« V / -A^- .. ^ \ *^. -<., V I ^~ V ^ -r- — r J uXU ! - h-^ -\ \ K ^ V V ■\ 4 — — ♦i.A. V ^l V .■"I \AJSw'> Original Defective "l^"""W"«>l*f BOS 207 WaPlil/'^^t'Oi jt' c »y • ?'i u ^% ••> ' •O- " *# •*'• s • » * rt'J ^t^FIf » 4 f^^ttf » - V - **-fV^ '•t!* va '*a;i^'-k t wu iT. 9t}. V, tlB J?l- *»,! tv>» - *•! ^ ■» «^f*ir^ n:,in as t^ t W. AW tivvj^ A«^fe W J. ^ t u^ ni. c: ^ /-n -i "J %..- -J n+h .^ i-' If,'. •^ V v?!y •»ro « t« .» •1 i A >1 ^ y .'-. A>1 u wc t%'f*r t - ^ tu*: '^f^ » .. .^^ SO «• » >. V * I l^'^n. r - - ■» ,f A»* 1.-^' v»* •^ xwc. % -^ *) not •,-»t > KV? 4S' r '^ -i>r. 5 ? ■ Pro r% It J. o F "* ♦ *^^'i rx »f »T .iatyonajL Musouin. M' D K? Phlaoho iiasv juHt written ini3 in --cspoct to ■e foss savi i^aat. V I am ^n' rroi'." rais ■-,• -V .^ --^ n r< \ ' f 1 1 I :t e io< 1^ 1 cr f?.j ^.i i (1 aa-'^a triisi. pla for as lie r^renTer^ !_'..•». ]oct?d xiB^'-^x KUKaK ^:l^ r t/ho Alaska Pbniasuia no i'tii of fot^aie^ I^* \\i T}iev worr^ oo^ TI<« ;cU^etA'^>t nati*;^ ny -t.» AlUi Paia .&^ ' 1 1.* * jk i ViJT bvJ- riirina t'ossii * .-J 1y 1 > ! r 01 ^ViiVCiA V»^ ii iort ^hinke havQ 1^ ^ i\ m Prof A.>\hi -tI ua ' • ^A- ^ \ < ^i h3r.u'^. r? •)• Pi>^'V.v>» T f • » « . » V-v ,ur»o su^^/ uCJ^ts the I pos>»:bly :^'oi) =-riy have r3CG3v::Uj: .H(ld7.- ^ ♦a rt}.f^ » * I -5 ftO'^i dbiyou^t piarA and t^aiir-al --^nain^ fK>ii.cr eltKl D -/.^: ' 1 ?s •<-> olue s lilts ij ''^i't i,* I* -i.*-i ,1. V' - •Z'.i ^ « .t>«HO *e cnti^'*.^i7 •ct J "! "• V' »i ■♦\- Otf'J i * * :z ir voa a'*^ ixi he si if "test act: bt. al;out 1,1 u. a, eilijer J^ii ,>r GlTje^ w O «r a^^rfcti, « ^ r:t-3*: the n^F-l.ter out. Vlth bcKt witiiit^^ \ vv,w>gN*A^^. *f » 4 80S 209 I h I ' ^ h.^niiu.hoa, D. .,' 0 -' ' » t*j k^ » V- , . • In aerr^^d^t^ee w»*h ^i^^ c<^-vwer^ ition •; II::) oLhor u.:.^', : ..i ^an::ir;g Tovi by mil :io>*owith five '-.a'*l£ of B;^;^*. ,,.af ^^I.».:i:iJi a;.: -: •>, '^•^'^fUe fur ii::^ yx:^^!^o(la^lit^n us t /xt fic-uro^. Threo cf lid clart^ :julL t-^ ha:;aic in ^hi^ iya^"^ I Lave .mrksc, t-) ba r'^(aH-ed hc i aiit the Th" profile i8 lo be ^'^iuv^^i^:^ 1-4 inc^ht^s xu l-^n^^th, X i^xu.,;^ ::)e £r':'f:^A:; ->• j'.5')c ;r y^v, -^-ii hc'V- Una :r>rk i::n6 ^-.s i,:>o.\ -. r- ::« ^iul^, a;^ I ■:> ry itijci'^'US '. .u,o c-'i^i cutSo >'.'Hc^v^o f^'i'icl ivi ;'n;*- ♦:vo->f3 .'? i . -^'|ui'^^« r;-- l^llQ-ririr. A ^ V > \ \ • Prof. 0. C. •-..i.t)...c.. i-.JTP. tr : '. '• ' X \/ o dj V' . IT 4. 1 — - 't • mul ^n^^-avirir^s Ot -''Our iUaska Ilyaroid^. I am ^M-d you a-*a pioaead '.vith iltr^ renr:>di- ^..>:-a5. They rflr-ike me as Ye?*y fiabitif^clcry. 1 rriU i:a'/^? 1.1 -e nsi^^ of iho^a^*ti^:o printed ':9lo*f u^ yv>u rvV|u^;r5l., thrr- ?^':h ?.^'> oa^^ for ut- tho Iw ^'ai..»il nrran^^a lOr .vitl; -i^r printers. v^..^, ; :;hu i/.ii0^3^ jnjfit. bo --lnl:>ii in jmat^V^^?^ of c>i,y:t, le^ oruer to o.;i;ain -i » ■: 'Ih^ rr- ■\'.'0^-nlIe ^.e^-r-J* / - ;.a t: v 1 iM'iw'-^p-iOr^. iu uoi::^., ».'-.^ih n:i linci i^Bc Ibnl »t'.LLor^ o:^uc.r .: rz-^hero .'roL: 00 tr» 200 ..i:,-.-aUi^i -.--h. £0 t}^t ir: .)rlcr ic -i^t. 200 o;il.r*a T,':^n v:-, Aior- thi^n ;00, a^.i in c-^-i rn au^ho:• >'3h3S '9i^8 1/ f^n 100 V\rv truly r'Oui.*s« \ OlS 211 I w as bU '-^ I »* t ) i^ • 1 V'i I. r » r-' .Of>;-> i^L-^f <-^ I K. \t ' < I. < Cv ^'. -^ • r.\/,. «-, r»,-.v, i " i » tm in proi:ahiy Y^-^^v -M' Id of ni:, but I rcali 1 1 ttlo A pJv" / A* ^. J ) Mr ^rn-ii'f l.tr KftY* T - i»^i] XU: M^ r* *i. ♦ ':•:,- I A 4.' ^ 9 lOU u^ %i iJ 1 J> n t^^. f t -a th I '• • ■ ., .' ^ * 1/ v' ♦;■> i i- r» l;OC 0 t » . u I "I de )r»T' I- trC'X\<--K\' w] ..«} si.au i.n^, v^Mia A,ni.3 it is t .V* » » I f-J « <(. ovx^vor t^aM vou menn au * * v.- V i. .< Tit w' ~» I - • .' ,•>/;% «iT' V4 ♦•-A w w** K- 4- • L I ■ ^« •• I a<^ :?c mo. a'.*'.3iauia <• i*».fs ■. t:-, O » r«L\ •« W4*U'> J TJ. r. inp^ I '-\ i <1 iV. •■> f z" » a It Vxl'^i uo- > [»n c t/al:; Ihi r'a-i.(r* cive^ ^!^^#r^J;^ I t 1 >«./ » 1 «> * • ■» > ' * » < •« -< »-' it C5 ro.SiVi .. ti i 0} >• rr r ■^ •.•w-*»«.^< t .k. \i \V V£, ■l.r^ /'."VA < '•■.iv> • T > J X ^ riri r^;i;-. ci r'-rucij. ». v.* vf ,<: ' "k f A 0\ W A '^ i,4 . 1 ^'^^i vo U •. 'A A Xr.--" K"^ « ,1 ^V:n5 ■^ '»■?! ^ vV N. V\\KV> I e k < J-] } ;>\; ,£^**it ewa, j..iv I'rfK^u^'Vii J' iO'.v ;c»j*K, I lf.t ^asnx^ t,on D u F^brmrv 27, IVO ion *u p^ •f? '.••«■>,•} iV "^ 0 'JAi-;^'** letta- of U*^ 23d juBt recoivoa I v/ouia stato ^hat I .qUi.U ..^^^'-^ ^"'^'' ^^^^ '' e >-»fif»« t»> -.. ^J ^ssii^r oi iUi.5^braii>:g .fi-ill'; t..:;^ nOA iOi^■^ Aiafika PoMiriBuia •ij 1- ;a^ri":ari AlasKa K;^'}':Hii vioM il4. JldV" — •* Vvi* v'i *.'~* * »-* IJ t. the sooci- U^ ici L* L'i ■••1^ ;;^-Q *«/o»*.-^ ann^;tuU -•''.^ i'-"-^ Harr-.m' ;ii ie ou 1 ^^ - { V 'lr> icat::^ > » ■-.I- "f.^V* I. -^ *••-< V ■•'i ^ s ••. i^i to p? »*or ti=<- a^'cv^itv.Bc i •' iJ00l!i» 0 0 <> I'-i.-i O?^** A 4 1 t. . (, I :0'>r .;/i\ «0 •> O ' .*■ ^ ' ' If A J C. < :i''-' ^i r)c> >*'':jroiXiC3u Iv .''i^ovCi-noryt il a <. .•> //e rrtil » f 'aw^iiKJ^i ^'^21 'i-r-u -^^^vi-.o io U iriC hat (loui'l. bi aor I •.*^* )^ ^)^ ir.«:; wa ^r < ;4 \»" «.. .sVx fjw ... •> ^ » « « «^ 06 ,•* ' rV u vYi. 1 r^Ci.ri ty ^jhOfrrZiVA^VZ ♦% •fM-^i'CtlO 54; T %.*.•- L on 4>i> /' >.■♦ >r« I'.CV.' iO^*K but si- VI bo bHC K J.: .r.o :C\ WO^ V rv r- V? K^ Jt >r VT/ .4''S V *•' ^ i»v. V V ^^^-JS^^SfV- ?y*ci t 0 ' .1 i*.^ I» •*. •/ ''J il u I » if-i '^-i'^nr;-! Mubeu^' M ■i SIS mi Wp kV, -i ni:t.cr, D. C. Fabruftry 27. 190i. Dear ?^ofo'iso>' Vov.'-iil: Thanks for yovu" l-allet^ oi: the :r->-.h inRiar.t. T'.^: ph fc^raphs of Sl.ivipson's 1-:/!^? hwo not --el hovA f.nisheti, but I "^opo tc r^cu^uro tb3"i in a fow days, arc! '.v-il send t-hon to yx; at oric-. Can yon not son't r^-^ with.n & ai^.y or t-^o tho photo^iraphs wi.i^-h vou wisl; 1-5 uso in you- articlo iv; .,h0 W.shir^-ton A::a.:.3.:y' ^^ Procsod- V inr/,? I havG a batoh of pianos in han-i .vhish I am on the pcu:'. of sonding to Bosto]'. i'or v-oproauction by •jeliotype prooses, aad sl-.ould like to aad yours 'to tlie nurber. ?^o piaaso .l-3t n-,o havQ th> pnot(^rar.hs with U.e T^iiV-os urrar^^ed at you ^ish Lhern ^n tho plato., ;id i-uhrked Tor nocassary roductio:; to tiic typolod of our plate. .,,.,,,!•, if / ^..'i b'.f 7 ;-4 inc.tos, subject to slight v^rlatlan •n oithor di^oetion. Suouid you" 3or 'v.";uro rno-; nhotogr.cU Grirnr;r:i's price a^'a^^:^ nim. :::}^nf^ mere ihiui uouble the us;;ai nyiOii for t^-ls ki,'*:- r:' ^-^k I'wancss f'^>« printin--^ t^v.-n singly, do • " , '>-.m s'.il.i inina ^.i.c orioo v«f «• V, I • O C '. < w . ^■-. o ''8>S rf J V ^u -A vro : I ^. I r -r.n T n. iA ^-l 0 p>*.. ■.i>:g3 of thG f:.>"st ijl^v^-^--^- ^- Bu'-r-ouK^t^' ^vrt-'-!, ^ -r t-l^e ;;nT:^»' you se.ul thciri for that- purfjoso, but U.is paper is qurie '.i. difforant '.-ins;' oh.i'i 'jie ilOx^iO^riO, >v'hic]i ycu -ont, nc ut- J' iv^t, un^. „r ■.¥/iich r^j -3r.or+, was hnsad. Ti.o fin-sh of .h.- fia,;e/- .,;:;... ^f .;j ^ aifferont. Is it -.: ^i^tMtyi uu:. .vhe hau, H^ I s^pi-ovsn, ,ijriant tasoa en T.ns ^oncral ;orm of ine qne ^•i>^n.tod by iJeiienbau^.h, but r;fiV-ro^-r. Tno lfit;,;irirui also ra:s% be r^ush snuuLor, aau ^t ^eoma vO rro that the stf-b should ha omittm.. T}.o 5<^v:iu mcvS^ed 'a; ^iih vh« n,Adir>ca» L'-- .:a^6 t.nv bluu on U;i; •., it io f;^,;0 . in vic^ vl the roa at to^) aaa o.vtom 1 ^ouivl, ^v.c,.y!-ore, :5u,;.^nst that -h: ponnant lo *';-k.:a^ iri T'eu. nol solid, anu mat ^h.^ri ^a hi.-c^ vho ar-v^vv, u ec.py ^e s^ul .. 'Vc Ha 'rinan, to bo laid ov^r 'h»> pannant now on tJu^ vitlia L.H -M..-0 e^cop-.-inn or th^ one on oajp ". It- *ili ^i^^ ^^ ^' ^^-..>^ The\ con- it is nrrl: loo bltick. Protah.y this can b- '^emouied. T;lu:r: tha,. tney ha:, not u;iywno-e mm- papc- rm-i,.h t :^ work up a ^.'T^OO 'Ob 0"U V^J- -Sv)-VA^ No^ ■■ •• ^^^. .-^►.^..•fc-iiito • ♦•••.•--»•■' t.ii it*i ■ ?,is 216 ^ix^iia^lon^K). C: Jfe^eh 90. A. hoon ^ Oo Baltirno^'o H/f.^ Dee ; y» -« a • Inas'-uich j\^ ^.^ou aro n^iVjng a few I in: [^■^.••^•v: jr rr.^ T n U-iTi r^r-.ir r X • I ar ,i.i >o , - ^iaa ii vou wiii nav / 'i 6 raomontf » V^ l.i»» 4 Llockfi a 6 lit. ne a UUi A ii3j?i h! lOil;^ ^"^tn ^.}iOSf^ for ihO Oilfi/'t^ I -Oil' Ou Sji::e ^ii^S H* •^J> t>» aau " 1 .■»} o f'.A ire va^. /^uhu' * ^ % ■felS! 1 v- ■ i- tJ:> » 1 ^^^: .pr ! t l| i Washln^^on, P. C.». Ka A. «. 0 4 • Dcrar Sf >•-« • m iiid-r'^wfi A ^ ■^ -♦ T» 'ki Uf'X'H ps. ;V ■o i"* u"y- ': <■ 1 " H ?•■ *■ >1 J i^H'^.if^ i.» - ^ 'A I ?" H n V>if- ■+' vt w' ■ t Aw •^ V ■ * • 4 •* ?t i w" If^ Tr ii.ii ?.;..-► L >*0l> iC W-^ .. M:.; iOBl .i>'-dv^? i.n^. ui iOU * V. ^"» as raqunstpa 1' n»5 -. hat veur io^^ iO'^Kfc so V V — ' mucn i^iie i ^r^j •.<: 1 M V* Vr .1 O «^ •', I ■* •£>»". <.J) n r (^ ;> 1 1 i" ^o^i^roh wi il ::(; /^ivon (.iitiL : uirne:^ CJ t.^ ^^ » r- .0 ',Ai-yh i f'l' V: '»"".».'.■' "CVt-*S -Vv <>;^ V\>^\)n^.^ •s/V- w^ a e i:; o <:?-, »4 . K ) l-;trt S'..-- u •- , . » ■■» 'OGK- \ I II J' ■ }*9 J TfS Wa8hijv..;tGn. D. ('.. .%rch 5, 1901. Herewi^n I an; hfxndlrj- yon sucl bilU as hava cone lo ite for tho montli of Febn^ar:;, s,s reliefs: ii.ust«atii)g ;^oe & artioic/ _ . „ ,, 7/0.1-^^!?"'^ ■ • ''^"fc^'' '^'^^ sfto-tn ird and fcypow)-iti«g ■» •■• -• j!.6»00 18 4 30 4.86 •r ■■ «» f ', $609.06 J. Stanley.-Brovvn, 120 Br ;HL\Vj^y, i'lC'.V iO'V.t J?, n, •j/.RK.''l'J'A.''" Warliing?. ,a. ji. -.^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^^ Tc to C. HAfi? fyJ?P.J< T/.,M^ 1;,.,^ Bxp:' •'30 ■•* ■» ■^ « ^ '•-I w ■. UK < $4.86 Ke 00 i V e u pa ^^rment/ "^^ * A,%^. 218 Uarah 7, 1901. Prof. A. E. Varrlll Denr p.-cfesiJcr' Verrili; Yo',->- ,.liit^'8 havp ^'ot yet ar-^-iyf^d,- but I trutit will cJome at oi-cQ cb ve h?.;ve been ^'oldirv: ctu.--: other platoti for some time v/ait-- in.^ Icr "M^-^e. In aur^, uo thcd they may be used in makl]^ \xp seti^ ir. im.raplo3 ol oir^v;. Tor helictypingo •l-^*. i^^tii^bun Lt.t picket* r:it all of the SU]i':pi4on typen for ^'ictc/^'uplil.rj^:, um ii^rees t*^ Jet me have the jvrir-os very soon. Th3 t'v.illn^ 1^ -^.^iit the J^sy.iiG'i pliOuCi3rui)h3r lib 3Vtaii]^eu with '^ri::'\ for the S^crntary, lind these 'Vili ha¥e to f;ill jntc tt:e back^sfoiird * > Ver ; triij.-'^ vourt^ . \ ^ - VV^v.^ M III ei2 ^ 5 hi n^H on, Oo v vo, lAn^'-^i] 9„ Ij'Yi Dear Mro Laruor This is onlv s r '^^'^y lino t,o ^ickrowisair .ddit ^Ofo u.e (■■nai no^iintiv:^? ana poFi:.ivf=5 fror ^h- meiuai)!^ Gilbert's photogravure pO':>Diu ic CI *-«i ira t.-i .-, of Hub^.^tr "i inHOiO'i\ aiK r.nd my v^otralives ot ^ha RsKimo 1 on^? j« Vo 3rv '. r*uiv wo;;r! *^» Wo UuliO^V -p /■ - « H y w ■.«. ♦.•.;J « C.I : \ >^. \Vv^ -Nj^^' I 220 Wa ..i fiHinrtc '•/', D n Ij 0 ^^arch 9, 1901 O J .■- c A-e • ;?,i.'/ »«<:i u.'-^-9 ■ ■'-, I I M t ■f '• ■>n ¥ jfincasu^r Ae nt c-'^av •eceived j "^'on you Ha'^rir'^iv.ri book d>*oox wo %o v — »■;»» ■{V _ \. i i < ■ I U i. ■ > ^ J » * O « ; :i m il ? \- '-> t. *• £.1 i i iiH V4ir0v T.l In corripliaaoo Ia return the \^\ii^± i.roof of the '^ast ■^ '^ *"^ t T^ :? riC paf:os o^ this ?rr" mi&slr^<,« ^e*"- Cid not con 0 ba 'ku' i\ i» V» 11 1^? * i..*?;? >! V tr -4 W -^ ~*^ '« A •« •% W4r < TiV-vdn Probably those T • t on wnio 1 v' ;*v n W V 41 * » - iNr.oj V« M' i c« ar^ eiill crooked 0 VI r :r Fgi' insianc'C, '-he w&ler U 1 -->f - .•> •f;» r»vi » •!>' ^U tiiis5 or\ f* ^n ^'LPud?' dcwr^ 'V^r-o n»J L>"^ V • .; u r 'if> 1* LU ey tb ^' r'>*90i Ti >-j Jv w ' » to « t v>..v ^Ifl ti.-;Ui 4 1 i • *» \J». • 0+ effort, i. L look .?x this kin-.i to »*:> , » . t ' ■r*-' Z^-* '-i n^vPn >it 4. i v/ Of. iKrr^iont or out oi: rUTib, aru Iht^y r^^n St be ,•-» ' u>-^ all i^irwar T'ne^'fi iir-e sov',;rtvi ou he?* mir;Or '0 -V •--, V W jiiob T y-i t> w l>'^':; to as':', h v.- O 5 roDUO ... r .) n » . « « t > r\ ^T.b '.nto on w ani < f '' > 1 r* ; Til 1 *">• <«lw * > Monuav; t'ut 1 atouI '^xr:oc !•: .ot t. ''v^-nK^nOit* ^ent > -•:"»' 9 < ' /•. --^ i' •^▼*i ».-< J-VU t^ixC, i''iU).r Cii oor^ (t t Url or ^Sb" ,i:? fiT"'.: I JV T'i w t % ,hG rea£ c»v. 4 l«..» t ] •4,- ?» h \ 1S2 .i 222 to utilise all tho ^^litclor cuts and at tho i*3j?i^» time do not v{}^h to repeat in ^!uir aiiy alroady^isri ;n •B:.rroi;^;}:S^ eau in tne ahsarco :>.: a compieto set oi proofs I could not aiwa;-3 r^noin-j^ir whcti.vr' or not a particular out has beer i^sija ".^^iVv-e. 5, months/ and I have ir- nv hauus thr ijopv i:or tiw rtr'^^'xliid^r oi* T,ha book^ which a rough osti^abc indi»:ates Vfill r;ake a volnnie ol' say 350 pa^oSo Tlie publ.\she>*f) and Mr* Ha-^^r^iman wantod ana c^:j^pe^:5tt=>d to get the hook out 'tor ^.]io Chr*:5lrnas t^'-r^doo Failir^ i^ thi^ ^^'^^7 have courted and are couiit-r^i o.: /;3tt^:i£^ It ouu ia linie f6»' U\^ sprirg trade, ^hich i^iOiinSp of oourse,. ^Iiat the loo^ shall bo p^'ntcd, bouiid, and out on tho ma^kol :i\A iator Lhai: nometii^-? «ji Av.riio T sliouid like to knovf , *.hercrcr(}, at :vriat. uat^: vou can i^eat.onatlv anref? to have the rr}rrjEiir^xiov of ^he v^lu^na ir typ^p on the ais^nir)! ...on ti:at I k9(fp you siippliai with ^--opy and that bher^c he no um^suai uc- lajt aL irty end of tho linso Inasniin^i; as it will le necos^^a^^y for no to ^-eaa t/i'^^u? p-oof^ ox f^vorything, it i« ol^viouft aiat n.. tjn^ is to bo los^, ani I tmst you will } .j able ^o push i....b .^a.ter v/ii:. vLg-r^ Dv.rnT^!; the past t^j- d^ys I >:a^:: :u:u tur:/o letT^ers froi:; {.lia publijshors :aqv, Irijii-; if tho hji^roue^is corr:ioticn^ Arre aH (U^arod up and ir you hari '.akon i-p uho ^uYan^:^d wtr^crn . T.:- ther(: i£/ti,Oi'S I h^ve not :,ot roplie^o M% Karrira*^ a!.^r ^aw mo 1?^^:. yfeok ^-.r-u inquired par-tic:.. ia^^Iy a3 to the sour.- < i;-h^7 and how Icn^ boforo :r3 couid covint on seeirv- the* v.^lurrvO * '^ 4V w V* W !> 1 k.-. .4. A " A Vv-" r r / Washin^Tton, D, 0,, Marcl: 9, 1901. Profo .1o K, VorrUU Tho sjip»*essnar? lielivored to ne today your first hatch of 15 platos, ror t^}ii*,rh I ^in ^^r^i-atly ohlh^odo As the mutbors on those plates are not consoc:uti^e<, prohably I had hotter wait until tho noxt, Olios coro in before oonding these off for roprodiiCtionp though I W'A vary anxioiis ho >rot Tjiom into tho iianri.s of the Hoiiotypo people :x^ 30011 ■xs possible , Tho photo/^^-apr^s you havo sont aro certainly of i-.ruEunl QKoail'inci:. ann I an sure thay wiii roake a T-orarkably hardstrn^ sot. oi" olati'S -.'lier^ raBufl!?! by heliotypo prcoess. Ralnlun -j-otiisoa the t iates of Stmrpsons for J'iCnday, -^na I vviil ?C'ni ther. to you as soor? as roccivo*!. One- point is not claar t,o mo, tho'c^^ possibly you may havo ax- oitvinO'-i it, in ono of your sarlior letters. It i.9 this: Arc all tho Plates vou f-v-o now sending intondci for your articlo in the Proceed^ icvts r'' ',hc; Washin/;ton AeaJO'^y, cr ara sor-ie of then to be hole, until tha yublicHtion o€ th.;) Harrinan vola-ne, in wliich all are tc appear? It in neti^Kiiiary fo»* r-: t-o kn.w thi's bsrore liav if^: the pl&^ft> repro- iucs'l, i\? t.'-.<7- or-o -rcupeii by tho ^l^zo^ pf..tfhe ,pa.it.ion, ana the tiatns -A'hic-:' s-o pull'-^hou ■' i-st in the \Vashin2tc-n Acaaeny are rr >-+'^-i in a;^ ..tLitic^ iror- '.hitn douhle tae f-i^o of that for the- Kat^r hnnri hook. ?^ ^ o/'ii* • Vory trul;' yoi..rs,r \ ^\\:i^ ^' \VN.>sKN^k >.% CSS 1 224 »"' Washitvrtor. D. G.. Maroh 9. 1901. t % dear Palacho: Many thanks for your latter about th. fossil iocaiitiaa. whicn came promptly, and was just, what -e needed. I am (>lac to know that you have hoen pushing work on your -epori of late and tn^.t you will be able to send me the manuscript in a vory -.hort timoo '^ery truly yours. vi ^>^^ v:^^ \\vvc ^^^^4^- Charlos Palache, Minoralo.i?;ieal La>>ovatorrr . Harvard Unlvursit'r »f * Caribri-lgA, Mass I Washbvrton. D. C, Varch 0. 1901. Prci. Wi ilium ?ra lease, Missouvi Botani-^a). (inrden, St. Louis, Mo. Daar i)r. Trslcn:?^: l^y tbsnks for you- letter of tho 5th instunt. transwiiUng <^a"VK.--s"' first oapsr on tt.o Har-^i-an Exp«QlLion Al^ae. w>-.ich has arrived saf.iy. with a. fine lot of pl^en. which i shall aond off at or.oe to bo reprochced Vy photo-i3t>iograi.hy. I will i-ook out ^... Ih- reo^rraphic nan^os nr.d othsr details you nontion. The amy thxr^^ I seen to l-o in^oubt about at tl.o outsat is the relation o1: tMs\>apor to the o.^' whio.o is to fellow. Is not the other one suf-:.v>ntlv neur comr.loticn to or^able us to run the t^o to^cether, so a. to rorr. o... continuous report on the Algae? This, according tc, ^ts title, i. oonnlcto ox.epting for oha Rhodophycuae . If this ..tt.r .roup is I.kowxsa be.ng wurKed by Saunders, xt would seen .. if the o.intiv^ of the titles xn this fum would be unfortunato. If -.ovld seea alno as if th. general discussion of distribution r/.'.ould rre^eao th« t.ochnica; pa-, of tho report. How does tras .trine you. ana have you a:>y definite xdea a. to «hon the ramining T3art of tho reT>on is likolv to cone in? GfUey j;roof w:H r,, -ntTa'rn r^Eti-^r of course. Vc-cy truly VOur!>, ass 226 > N \i i^>^ M f ': -^ r .• * \y ^i^^' £'"h Pf'- •■ 'i- ..•-^ .! If^r • « two: rr.relM ^^, ■» • , sr )V ^" aiij^njaf^it >-'i • ; c C: ; • c i Q /• r'l ' DOik lb? tor ar^^ t><. ^ru^n i ^, -t I 1 L« ^'" 1 '• •>i*^ tho C ' A. K -^ Urn m' fiV Lr .pr ■ • v.- Ll ,: I . »v}n * ♦ T' •'.n,! f'. • •» ^ ^rl'i * *■• ■4- t . » A ,' ' "^ ■•••• W >• ■•■* t.' A i.^ 'A.i >j<:y '•;/ ■vO'-i . r^':^:>r Aj*r; ' /rai ■r.::u nr;'^ -oiiri. ^^f;s %t- >•' '^»' *■ iVi'"' . , ♦ •■-•X ■-' you .^r^^\}rd r^^r^^ ■■•-^-^ ; t • . t V-; rs » '*(»v*»> w i.a>it"5r O.-l,; i^'ilv yCXlr'.; ^v\U \ xX X.- W-'j-hiJit.f^"*'- '^' C., Marc.! 11. IGOl, . t^*' -r^^Lcroc r.r : Lave Or. :5aJiie to ^''?-- •Jj'tjvv It :: .. a^ :"'^--,pOB 4 -' .■■•■:v ana !ir: re-urnirvi tno - i the 3;iicKJide-^, I assur-te t;.,t tb .rents wero final only i- va- £>s • ' ...» A:, I.- .V... :'•!'' ' ex p.: i f.-. t.'V- • V • ■ ■ ^ ft, sb;::.^^ tc '^- I,, ^ib^r Ihnt vour r-on- inirou f fr. Original Defective Is f • r*s I? T22 Ho vTe Ijanier — 2 contracts and know nothing about thorn, but. it sooins to rr^ that tho end of a job.'whon the ^soods are fi^-llverocj, is a poor tim to bo obliged to quibble over prioius. Is not this be.>:n>.im at the w-.w end? Very tnz.y yoi?-i^, ' 4 > ^ vX. \is^^ H, Wo Lanier,. Doubieday, Pa^^ 6 Coo, • New Yorko ill • 1 • '. » t A a -- 4 .» 4 i) i 82S I, 229 r» oar ;V* I r« ban- or: •^i anks f '^*- "••■ -i- ■-.• rr ■:>fv '<• l-^ «>A I'T* T i... iT ■* y.-y 0 1 Or ^'i •:. 1JI '0>'; il 4 (X W2 *. ^ # V-i T m: nou'-*so ^'>n f f. "^ V»i"i O i.io C »iT flA HYt -• '^ Sil-^Ulf C^!:H^ aaj^ ^oocJ ^^i3/i-n. 1 *^ ••> . » r 1 rr.V'^y ;■■•>• -i C-1, ;ii/ i or '^''^C coniai; of onn la ■«-- ■O f. colors. \v «t:^rr ho \L-) •> V- W;;v ^^ t i a > I .• oi/'/jr « ^ f -* - L> no. ■■^♦li>>,-. fj ;is; or GGi Mi^L ^ l» >'.i '^v/i t;?U/o :o>* tne S'^ne edit. ^^iiarj-A oo I V ■^ ryy •, • /• ■^A»rrt } r .•, ii 0 ^.fol.ni'-'ft? Y^ f*. Ur-i ". « ' / 1 O 'ri :v.o r.n.a,r2 >*r; UT.)-, r»v.ot< • \f . \ 1 ». 1 ♦• 1- ^J i « s f ... i 0 a^- rMceiv^d eor^r«cf'- ■j* ^ * ^ t .rtY r^^ if T, ^^r-* T i'«*'j •• •> >- -^, 'A ii b.;v<'(>K J r. i-c X i + 1 . - '4 'r-r*:M 1 11/ V f" la ^- •*. 1 .J * u->. V* - •' r fcJfl r.i < i">- n >- ».. i"ir ^*- '««i« 4»A. ■«k CI i.-i *iiij. -^ arl - K. • ! f^ > ■ci > .«. '^- ». .^ 0 tiO G-v ^nnoil a: Wi * V ■>. ■>»^' n lav • •^ SO V/ A .J 1. ^h5 yv.' ■.•, > «' . .' ^1 irnTiOuia^a y«^' '• C91VC u a r i -^t" ac^a!;v;o <>*»T^ ' K*;- JCf ''>i r"*»*f»'» I.J^U yi m: ^4r m ,■» f^ \J> u* i. in i'>A ;^ .cu i roauAJ; ;ow York Dea Mr4 shirv^tot u o ■i- ;.- »".! arch 14 i?Oi E^:- mistake. Hoii^oi lias f^ant n.e una m^-^o^sx.^^. racoiptad T'ill insLeau oi s(-n di 'CU ai \ yr^ V vourn ^ Tt^C^^^ -\v < i U i e ;•? « ucii > r'j ■' .•• i'\ •mhl erti \ 1 *^ \.\i •^v !i 1 t i ■ *■ --. '■«*/ • 1* f » •♦' -•V» \ ^*v <> •C I S^ V- AiJ r*Ui tr -r .»(. \ i ^'U^*^ K ^v-. \ - 7 -^^j^v-v- >^ \ Origina I Defective j-)ii.ii -o^&IKSgM ](' H i ^ * I f> Tlianks for '.rourp -^r tH- lOf - Washlrvcton, D. C.. Kjtroii 14, J 901 o . ■ 4 01 cou-so, h9 mid. T, H-.w. .,.,., ■ , ,, . ; ■•■^•'- '^'^'' ^30ou nianor.. how9,.or. -A'hv i^o . 6 e... .0. ,,..,.>f. copies of one bird plate ir our. co.ors, who;-: other iltho,-n..rho.3 f.^ eq,.^.,,. .,. .^.^„, , ^ nave tiriMia'j^*-' ^>n in ...v.^ .,.,,. v-'-i! wa sent then i^^-ii^•s\'^\•.r .... -,.._.,,. ,,. . navu not rfcaivcu ar.y auvar.co -...-ocf . \ ^Vvvv ■■^.../Si-i^ H« We Lanier, \ -1 \. V sA. -^ v^ t . 1 -k h X l»4 ». i i I i . I I ,1 . I Si I -iii iMHIiiii 4^. •» (fix *J 'IJ -*ft >. **'' ^ "'/< V ■ 'A ,!" ' .' « • ■'- ■ i . >• <■ ,-'^1 *■; ' -i • &*? ? ■! -1 ^'■, 'I; 'i}> If .>/ ft^t,"*-'". '' »* /-4«i • 31* ' ' i ^*" 1 "B' , ' -' i » ' \ ' t -1 W', K' t K '. •1 >«'!. ', ' > s* ••1 ^J--'' . .-. u '1 1^^^* * ^, , ..'..',-• V :^\ -^ ' ^' * ff' : I , *>. ^ti: - v> . > # 1' . > \ :• i-^i * »»■' »f IH 229 WastlU^^^ton, Do Co. March 14. 1901- 120 B>-Daa^ay„ _ Bear f^ "r: "* , r- • 4 %. T.;^; -r-^ "husL fi v* wn f h A ^nUiOiiGO. receipted bill, iuslead oi soi^di.!i^ it t:: you d^reut \ " m f M Retake of Preceding Frame '*■■ 1 ■>♦-- 08S ^n 231 ^1!^ 1,1-. .T vasrurv'ton Was hiru^ton, D. C, Ma>'ch 14. 1901 ^oar Professo>- V orriii A. noon ?: '*o I thou tho tr ^1 ot yet jnit ill an a DP T y al- I . avo been hoLiir •%'"»**^/ u tno others as r;atiori •J .*. ■J Ai w*t **» « josaibiti until :0W >if. } i/yiT. DO >*ecen'f>a, so tha' 001 I. J. mn for hQliotM; .1 r >••>! r batcjh r^-c t;0 IJM I V- ^'^^ thr: p u,ic-:' V:5jS .-4 in lots or el/:;M v- 0 r-p'.f i'. SO that I zl:o.ih Lk-i i < < ♦ -^v '■< Y'i va DWier dIji » *. : t -sv jnu 1 -^•m;v4. wi*y f irO ^'' ?"* "f. ♦vo \»* 1 ',*»r I f*i'^ (It t.^liY*f ai7 ■-, »• it ^ \ ■V '3 V>1 Hi^ thiHy.4wo in all o i >• ' i^u- -'Hn "'ovi net f^rA <•' 1^ » 1* < ^,- Oj OJY;^.. "» >- n •i: t i I XXc< ^ • a'^ <)'in at orico EathLun has not Trr; ii.'i • » iMiJiKi it. 4 V .1^ no p o "^rf^v^nn n .' .. _V J iiJ'il !{ St. ■•rt>'- v» I, .'H; I la" I- nr< or ,Q r*^ • "^ Hiiv ';oi,.rs Vt.^ji. ^\ V^ vSw- Prcfo Ac E. Vorriil T» ii"??,' I;ni' !, Co^ \ Balt-icnoro. ^la *:> O ii;r :Mr3: 'r^.n ti V I-* '^/i-'^'f^ of M'lJ Alaska niaps «vL Id- ^^ou loft with "^e a r>\i/ I v-etin-nad to -ou yo^iioriay.. ri; ark?d lor sc>*roct.3on &s of I Ltr u .'^.''^ r^*ectionri.. d-^i^i'^cd^ as you wii 1 observe, raiato to an ox- tens icn of the i^huain^ ^u; in tho o-ir nais, in order to sho •jv th :»r> (Vi \ f-^ MO t n?tt -topped. In putting r^ *V o> T r'T 4 » pi^.^^vliV iu one :-aso vou»- -lau now-^d an orLdnai l^t^er toiiow C' fhicb hacl been ^trie^on out. t^ thtit iffashin.^ton is printed ,t \/Hx 4VA :q..i- on liV ^i !i. I •lacier w '«♦■>*»■»■• ^ «.e.i$0t:Ol' IJr I a^ oxc:.odini;^}.y oVdiged fr,r tn..< rogoiaof pr:uit3 ou sont r:0 a i2 -•5 v».' '•• ;»' ki u i^o, acid -m hoping •f ^ v»r>f''t"j "• ♦ i "_? V .: v/ tv inai nrooi's of tuo blocks 'fj t". .n r. m-x.x iS5 becor.o of K^^rnow's loros •wr ii .'.u. I r.-l I VOv^ I c a io! 1.; H>^ &6 0$ I 'js;;c iioo -•f' ?> SCO": orooi oi i 'i • Vorv t>^ay you *»o >^ 'S:^ \Vn>^ V \ I ^ I 282 233 it! li ! » 1 Wa ' /'\ "i >0i P\ r. i^'^'^Koy *' f *? ^w E^ii P?utit.inp Co I j^n':a3'er r .-i 0 Dea T i/^anKS ^or •'^o rx »' Ot\' 0 ^•> r.i 1 W A ft •;••»<.; 5tv(>^nod •« /x ■^ro,i -■i*. I. f V. e copy with df^^o^^i ^aiidi: r= » •/■\ f» "/■*■ >"o^aa-^' GOv^pla or uayb a^^ > . af:-x:, you LiU; whole ol" tho ?^;ir a-t cia Wilii cor>*eei>:.Gna ih ono ba:-ch, nr i' am hopifsr^ to ^eu ,yG '^•*oviac 01 '.V ^ 0 tiarne w:»"n li ,>. . <^ U-J it- ii'Ki >r^ w Ci v«. inu VAii CO dont you .it!i;r:eu:i; •-\ -•» 111 i.vnii-3 T'O ifo on ( 1 i -. • 1 * »» f^i^e I • • I IjV^ ^yr:niiijLi \ the pa^\i nation cf iv!u:r «o settle: d, as '\ho p-^GiiGnl La^ i" . r • ■■*♦■ IB ci rii^i I u it :i t UrinriOll ^-tubi Ic? ^-ron fn« <: o I 1 } anytiiliv^ in the Grl-iniai rx-^t 1- i/ ■*. .*f o i ^• ..■ 4 it.. 'fOU *~* ir;«-^ ■he 1= TuTHf; •riU^DSif- he'-^ewiih ti.vjUi^r -•»j 1.1 A . - Vi^ iUA n I *i V' -& 1 ii.i..;^, '3orr.4vi.>;Gi;ii5 r?-^ J > iiul ^fii ti: WW X ' . 1 ■■> |-)r:^ Wd^: « * - * •• > •. t ~. Ci ** nst:»a'i. or ^vjl'^wo f'o r< <7 (Y'^ * m «A I « :yuEni:S ar, p( - f). .t t- /'^ « .. y. Oiaranco s aMf^rj;; do not rr i^rov^ in this ca^'i of th i»» t /\ 10 pa> r« ►» f f av^e it to will. ws.. us? ii'dicated 0 'Vorli It 1 i, Wi :. -• 7 fX e'^.r 8*5^*4 toi: J . ti 0 'A'T I ain b^^^anni !-;;•; to ^/ot iriin\tonQd lD?^t ■>u wjil n^:t ^3 ^}i OCR m t>y^e r ti-i: for ir,5, niaui tion noxl -nonth Vn.' (♦• f *. .i^^ at. :r,:^.^ -><" ^X .kJ. iVv, t'f msnia^aon < D If. aro} i I. 'x 19( >!• ♦;♦. jioar iir. iroioaba lOU letter c. u]i;^ ilth ^n^tant eviaonuly c>*osBod r-dno of tin o^ nt f*V r-, ij. > ./ '*:> ^y>f>' pui r:,;o;> at the one. of Coe*s Kerierteat V^ -Li or. lin^^ i I ae no res.:ion w^ ^^ I- •*» *^ iC 'Uia not print oao i'or Sfoinders ii\ jnivh o> hullo, » • • «j . > ju mi« -.0 TTo a ^ooa ^cea,, w}ierG t a inc. ex Ai^ nc n J i ar. i.Gp'iii^ "".o v-^ 3V0 F^Ji an5?^.vor .>'am ■;:-v. tjn o»*tiy wHh rospect ■'..-• »>r »■ .S.t.t.3>-S .T/? -.4. 'TiO wc i. ii r'i , rll • ' ^. «1 / 0 Ve r»^ *v tr I'H «,,\u.^^ \v kx' ?ro?o Wiiliari ».-» .•.I ; r- ^i9 ■^4 is*:»our: V« ( fS f >•', I- . < > ./ w.« >CA ^ kj: v^ 3n \. • t .• 01 ■! r> , !-?0 I hSS ^- 235 W&'^hitv>on, T). C,, ^r<^^ v-,, ivoi. Deft" : ■' • oi' o f E '; "■ V « «• r> ; 1 I • i'ariy UiM-iks re-- -:.i; hatch, of j'?' ;;Hotr.^-avh-;, .*hi<-!' .■^.^' ■.;■ < v? iav for ♦},n ,,t.ar fishns. but, I vhi^ik *e oan }.-nai. vhcr: rithciit iKK^h 1 n:;^, CI& he sriy« he can ^-et. vjbis'.i^- tetl. :r. r:: is .vilh the T;h-:^"Or^^a-i..r .ie^a.^ • .V, I.- wa »«.» 4^ ■cB- .Ml '. Ukjri-r.t i 1 ;. ^ s.: '^: ' I • ■ '-^ •* *• ^ ^* - . 4I-I *- . / M'* ..... . , , ■ , ile wi:.! • ^j i;. Ici-^i^^i t.hem to you as sonr: ?;5. '^^eivrt... Trero wUl bo m trouble ..h.^t th^ t... ..lutii ^..•.^.. ov-Mar ^::o VjV^OnJ> "X^ VvfV^ONJSKK/v^, New Haver?, \^onn. E* Go Coi^yM'/na, <:.Ll T^^u:"ionl. ''oreet>, Boston, Masji« 0 terewilh I H"i seru:,ing you by exp'^ass 32 iihoto,:raT>hi.c piaves, ^0 bo vs^^-oauc-^a by hGi^olype p'-oeoaif, a-a 23 -i&iOK ho bo ro^ro- o.C3a'by T,hor,o^i.th.tp io .-ost no?. 1.0 (.xoeau $S»00 pv^f i.OOO. the paper an^i leU.crii^^ innluooa; tho }:.V;oi.yue pi&^en. $xo.00 po- 1,000 prints, papor anu Lotlor^n^ mcitidoc, proofs to bfl sv^nittea an i^^riy a;^ practicable .ui(^ tho cdilion dcJi:voi*edv;^thAn six wcck;^ o: riai.D cf receipt of originals cy youc. I andarato-a that pl:itus wurc to l;o sent in mltiplas cf ei^^ht. Tnis I havo- aor.o ir. t.n« .laso of i.ho hr,iiciypo plates, but inthe c^^e cf trie pr;o:.c-aiUioS''aphs I iKck one plate ot 24. If Uiic will rr^o tx diff.ror.eo in U.« ur-ico you m;- hoia up 7 of r,hose p!ato8 until r an Libic ' ;• r^or.d you tho auditiorial *„ Fao •Doar r>ir: Roviso proof of Miair caine tJiis morning, which I am mi,^'hty giad to sea. 'I S':i:it y^u iiHnadiatoly on its racb-ipt pa^a proo^ of Gfinn*3li*s TnoKtiig^ a^u will i'ollo:^ th:b S-^y li^b Sski^i^; ihis eveniri*^. Tomorrow I shall und(Aiht,ealy send you proof of Daii* I shaii bo giaci to see proofs of Iho out'Si^anciir^ plates of h^iir as s?oon as possible, ana tivi hopirig lo receivti proof of Kernow^s articie at unce What IS tho yiitoh v/ith CoeVs Neraor^uariS? Wo have, homx look- ing for it daily fo>* s 0^*10 time- Ve^y VTvly yours. \VVx^ i % '} i 237 Washington, D. C-., !4irch 16, 1901.. Boar :;+anl3"-BrcwiK The bate), of bill, from Poubiodsy. Pa^^e ^ Co.. dat.d Varch 9th. and .e..ived yesue^-uay. have .con appvovea and are rotu'-noc; .ero.itl.. ,.,;^.H.d«. .ricos P.>-. hi^h. l«.t. Unier Boni. ..e the contract and i fine il ^rees .nth tho bill, so thero la nothi% fux'thsr to suy. Vorr truly yours. J. Stanley B>-own, 1?,0 Broadv;ay, Hew Yo^K 1-i J. I m t • *» * : ' 'iiiiW^aapiraMW . I 1 imSM^ 238 w:>j I't ^ t 1 .v*< 1,4-- n..; * ^ * [^ .1r 1. i 'N ^ ■1 .^ . '? 'i ^ A. (• .-y^ ■mT VmJ^A/v f^.-'^f 5^x^'-AAyH- WvjLw f- \\ V_.^ V . V u ^n X ^^^J^ r ^. ■X ^-s^ i I, N J ■j > I: ft' ■■ ^1 I »f I 239 ]VsJL^^cX^^ 1^1 H&j. dv vVv >. ., -A.. Al \ A ' ^ .-^^N. <. H % jK>.J>< ^"^^ ^ ^^"'^A^ i^^^-- .j^,'>i ^Jk. -K l<'\j^J>*.k^NwK "tr^/^^ K^ 'v \ t \ Vv. ^ Tv . a. ^^ ^>v v^ \ . > V. ^"--^ ^ "^ V.V. ■•^ V-***^^- ^>' a .>w> vJV->^ li "-^--* V v^X. JL ^V vJ>j^.^X^ V* ^\: .^ --.V. -V V '->_ ^ V >^ \ Vs. A ^v^ \ Vvv. O^^.Vw. V f' ' •il I % - ar i N? u^ vr- r '4 I ; I I* .1*. lic' t<« 240 rarcn 19, 1901. J^^ dour I)til:-*nb^^''^i^: Your lot^^er ol th^ Btn iiisL. reached ms jroniptly anxi in ac- oordarae 'rfitn yc:.u- rociuest I u^U Do.-.or Fisher to ,^t oat tbu frorr; -//hich ycu wiKheu slides. Ke did this and has I'Uid the slide, uiude, a.; tVoy are sent to vou by expre.B today . alor^ ^vith the bill for the Seme. Unlortiinately tv/o of thou, ycu v/unted are hroken. With bebt '//iches. Vary tri'ly your.?. 4.,NV>:^r \VOv.^:JvKv. :ili*. F. S. ueilenbauc^h 16 V/ett oist St. •Kfev.' Ycrk City. * h II t fi^S i I A' H Horshoy, Ih^ Era Pr intm:: Co . ' . Lar;Casto5\ Pa. Daar Sir: Yasterdaj? I rouirac^ to you ail of the proof rocGivpci; iiaia'^iv pago proofs uf Grinm!!, DaU, and Kaaiar. ThiK mornirig I rocoivod and ^'oturned to you ecr-recl ion lor pa^-a ^g, c^^vorai days ago I sent, y 01^ chapter on geo-Taphy To..' the /.ias.ka. book. i-ul. have not ra- ce ivod any R'sknowUmgarr.ent o- i.rooi of tiic same. r,or have X re- ceived prool of f«rnow This tor-rlbi, u.^ay in ^otiirv^ nov. mt- tor in!.o tyvo is ^joir^ to piay rnb wif.n us baioro we get thvouglx wit!, tho look, as :t is oven now the oiovetirJi i^our miu soma of the proof riust l;o sent to authors &!- a rti^canos to It roaci, tnal, has beoone of Cr^.'s p^per on !'iQniert„;ans. and *j;y uo you not sona it out? * R'j&j.gctful.U', 242 Washington, Do C«, March 21, 1901e Dear Mr, Lanier: Yestsrdav I sent you >jv axDress a lar^^e batch of arawin^s for Gilbsrt's ar^iclo on i^iaciors, for reproduction. Bosides the ex- press packSf'^e one outline map was sont. by mail in a roll. There aro 78 drawings in ail. of which 13 ara for full pai^e cuts; the others for smalisr blocks. All aro marked for roduction, I-lr. Gilbart tells me, and rUi aro for reproduction by photo-ongraving, and should, I suppose, be done by Wright. Please return with ijroof s as usual o During the paso few days I have rcccivyd from you four sets of proofs of tiio AuurtjW ]ni--A,off'syur(i& and of the Si-i^nard ana Tabor- Prang lithographs c The photo^-ravures *»cre wretchedly packed atid were conside^'abiv ciainaf-oii in consequence. T^icy iiau a 3inj];ie piece of pastehoard at one end of tho packa^vo,, nothirif^ at all at tho otiior end, or on any of Ine sii.;>3, cxoopt a 3in^i,l-3 thickness of Manila papor ana a pidco ji stri.^^ Tiio result was that they wore aoiivered to me torn opon wi*^h iho 3on:ors sticking out in ever- dire cl ion, as natural unuor tho circi.mstancos* Tho status • f one hook text la as v'oiiows: I havo recoivad eorroctoa plat-i proofs of every Ihing xu uype; namely. Burroughs, ^iuir, GrlraioU, Dall,, ana Ke^iu^. brir^ing tlic mttordown to pa^e 232, but I hAVo not roco vol a sirv-io line oi advano^i proof, uhou^h udvan03 has beon pron.iaed i ^r :ioi:S:lmQo Tho prim>ers havt, the forusLry ^.d ^;eography arti:^los -n hand ana I will £ona tho rffnainc^er aR soon .ts th.s :s put m type. f n «.' 1 i f 1 1 84^2 (H, Wo Lanier — 2) I was iiraaily disappoinled to iind that. Andrew has printed vh'ticl3. With these hints sunplemntiru? the fertiiitv of your imagination I }^avu no doi:1:t trmt you wiU be able to Varn orrt the proper Lrung in stiorl. oraor. ^iUi best wisries, * ^"o»'y t.ruiy yoLPs, v2i- .VkjJk; '^•^Jk.V^ » * ? >rf* % fl 246 Washington, Do C. J^irch 21, 1301 e Dear ?-rofessor Treleaae: You'.-s of the 19th instant is at htu-ia. I an aelij^tod to know +hat- Saunders .vUi })avo his entire report reaoy in April ana that he wUi write his ftenerai discussion to ^,o at tlie hegirjiine of the article, wliore it belongs^ This is exactly wha>. ao wanl . and I will hold the part I now have until tho rcsx, is recoivid. •Meanwhile I air. h.avin^s ^^ V^^""-' "^'^^'^'^''''^ ' I was very much pleased to learn from your i.etter oi the 13tn instant that the fun^^us papers a.'o in you- hands and that we can ■ axeoct them shorti.> along with tu. paper, and plates on ..osbus. Wo are certainly ^;ett.n. tc,;ethor a ilno lot of mator.al. but it is obviuus that rl will not be possible tn ,,et out any voIuk.0 oxoept the first before I go west for th_e su'-.or hope to issua about mo ond of Ap.-*ii»- The first, voiune we ^T ery ^ruly yours «, 5i.^>V-:X- Prof c Wiiiitin Troioase, Missouri Botanical Ga^-ajn, Sto Lou IB. ?'^o. V r I t Hi -*k .Jr •-itt^i ns Waai"iiivJ»on, D« C, , Viarch 2i, 1901. D»jar Professor Ve'"?*iH: This no^-ni]-^ Ballibun sent m^ 33 mount.ed photo^rhpiis of Sl.iinp- son's types of EchinoaormSc Thirtvr^Wo of ^hose are star xishos; one is a soa urchin* I am sondiij^i therr* to you herewith by t3xpr33S. Some of tho spooiOB undoubtedly should bo iilus^t^ratod, but thoso mounted orlnts, of coitrso, should be kort by you as a stua^^ ■i^erldt.. ' Tf you will indicato tho onen you would nko to us^ in plateB I will Lry to v^et Mr^ Rathram to sup^^lv hjQ with uiinoimtod points , Wiiich I ;/ill sena -ouc If you havG line (/r8wu;g8 ouough on hanu to mako up 0110 plato, I shall be obliged if you will s-nd it :.o m at unco, as I ara just one plate :>'t:.'t h\ riakiiv; up a buLch for reproducuion by photon- lithography 0 M Prof a Ac S. Verr ill, How Havon, Conn 'C il J 248 5riinc>,tonp i)- '^-"-t --arLu /:.-./ Was Deli^r Mro PaUitjun: - ^ Ve-^^- r^n-r thanks To. tho phonograph, ci" Six.pso.Vs typo. o. north Palific Ec-hinodorns. wh.oh arrlvoa .his .oru..^ ..vl whxcnj have just ^er^t to Froioboor Y.,rrj.--^» ^^ ' , p 4'hr^m Vin ft hnftH ^ caH sco^. quite an I sr.pposaa. ana.iaboiing of thorn has boen„ .. cct .n».hi. u:^ectlon. hut .nasrnuch ae t.eao p..nts arc .ounioa .t .U . .■ -r^ in-'o T.-at-^^. 'ina I stror^,!'/ suspect that Prol'ossoi- •/errUl fnii wan. a r.. «s. • ».-^« Ti' "ou con id loan niO t/he ..gat-ves, I oouid >,avo t.o prints ^d. w.thou. putt.^ you to fvrtlurr truulla in irio matter. ►> « v-u.-i.-t. th^H work done far us. i &J''. Vor; iruiy ?aurs, »T "■v *A.v^^«,^ Mr. Ricj.ard Raihbun, ■ Assistant Saorotary, Sniinhsonian las-aitution. ( f • If il [I M- i •f ■:f i: .•'«*^ ^?B. Gt2 %sliiiv . f yi. ■.*r A. i( (_ k , , i t'lm^t * S5S 253 ») I '' 1 Wasiur:^;,Lcn, .. ^i^i^ch 2:-, 190 i. T)tu?^ P^^oiasuor Varrill Tnia morning i rocoivoo from Rathbun a batch of UiXaDuntiCCi prints ul' liie '^tinonon typas ana sent the aaise to vou irrineaiatoi-, and ti*ust they wlil enabU you to n:ak<3 up ^nta piatos s^uph aif you dfiom Importfjnb Lo oubxish in this ocnnoct:.vn« Your l^lhiiT of tno 20tn in^i.ant has just a^'riveu, anu I am glao to know -h^^t you have rtac:.? up a place of line a/iu jitippia rirawlivjs vvbieh yau v/ill ^.^t^fl mo to aompiote a batch uCa iii v^-altii:^'^. ! aii ^^.iix'i your* r,3.: is havvi^-i^ auch s^iccess: in BerrmKii?., bia ncn* fess to a iittio i^^aiiii;^ '^^ rep^et whon 'ou atatj that vju i.ro iikHiy to go there to join hi?': in Ap^'ile I fear thia n^^ans that you v/iii bocomo so absor't> Alaska rlc;^\^'*oden':•/l Tor a v^rv iorui: Lino. Howovor. I t;*u:?t nothi^i; ^.^1. p^v'^^ent •^'':^ i*7\:!m j^enaliv*; us tho f^t.yr ' isa pnpor bcloro yea /'C- You <;i;^ ?it U) hava prooisj of ^hi&, but 1 dovi't ao£5 Gi^a-'tly \ -^' ^^s chA wail lor thom to ivo ,/0 Uvinaiua a>ri bewk. IVvrsLt'ibiy you u? o :)ot r/yi^'^i, l'* ^i-ay triare vury long» in which c5ai>e wo rr^i^ht hoid ti^o f.apt>^ untU you riili\«^n, iiow is U-ia? Vory truly yours. Pro:\ Prof. A. K. Vnn-ill, %■* V'^x i\e?f havon, i>on.n. I4»;«« y W&shir-ijton, d-. C, >larch 23, 1901. Dear Pt; tl»*nba;.*';h: Gilbert Ifr^s just called ;'^y bXh^xXi^ion to a para^^^Hoh in your r"CO:it letter to Um, in r/hich you niention photo.-ra];hB !iat we ::;an boii hi^^-j. ^nore thoy aro. It rias been lori^ known Lhat tiriber came ^.o-:!n nt^ar tho coast at Kotssbue S')und. Ajty "inrorrnaJ>ii>n Ijoari/^ on the Ci55tanc6 directly east f^'orn Fort Claronoe at v/hiob tii^ber apnaarb wjidd be iinj}0'"t.ant > Fa"--'ti7:;\>. lastly, it it oould bo ob- tained within th-3 Tiex: fow d^^ys, ^yhiie l^eynow's papor ^r^ uno uis* tr;.butiori of forests \n Aias-a i^^ pr^i^siivi; throisTh tbe press. ^ .V* -?\:; \ VV ^ lA^GO S« Do^Llenbaugh, 16 ^ti^t (.i5>t fttreat ^t ■Jew York. ^x vs. • \ V 1^ I v\k . ■*», „.. ,^ V %K^* V N. ■- "V^"^*^ 7 % Vr >UW^ \ ^ V} 4 I ^ •v vt MMiMHtteMbMMli kaiM n M ■ I ■ — i mt> Original Detective I'y •1 tl S2S Wasiiir:^*;',Lon, D« C, /4-.fch 21', 1901. T)ear Professor Vorriil TnU morning I rocoivoo. from Rathbun a batc:h ol" ;niaoi;ntod prints of the >t:!":pson typDs and sent the name to you irrrtectiateiy, arwcl ti'ust they \yiii enaLle you to n:aka up into platos J^uph as you deom Important to ruib.iish ?Ln this connoction* Your lettor of the 20th instant has just a)*riveu, anii I arn glad to know th:-*t you have r:iac:e up a plate of line a/iu fitippis drawi'i-^s A:yiin;^^ '^•^' rep-^Gt whon -'ou atatu Ll-at yru are likaiy to go there to join him in Aprilo I fear this means that you will bacomo so abso^^bc-o in Bfjrinuda 'lattiriai that you will not* be abiit tc i'in;is:: tho Alaska x^cri^-^oderr^^ for a v^rv iori^ Lino.. Howover. I tj^ur^^t* nothi^|- ^.j1. p^e^^ent yr:;.; i'rori nenaliv. us tho i^ar iish papor bGloro ycu ;'C- You (U; ht lu havo pruoib ci this, but I dovi't SOB uxa'-tly 1 ■■^^' ^s chn wail Tor them to go .,o IJonriuda ana back. rG.io:,bly you uro K^t ^oiri^ i>i stay thure vory long, m which cixbe -HO :r-i(i)ii hoii ino i,ape^ unLil you rtitu^^n. How is this? Vary truly yours. >• Prof. Prof. A- E. Vnr^^ill, y* ivew Havon, Honn. 1^. i; I. I 1^- i i jfi >SnH f 1 4/ w » / :■ m m tf f 253 Washrngton, D. C,, March 23, *i901. Dear Detbinbau^h: Gilbert I as ji^st called i-^y attention to a para^-raph in your rocont letter to him, in T/hich you iriention photo^p^aphs ef forosts in tho country b'3tw*^)sn Port Clarenctj and Kot?.obue Sound. 7i\o pinos refe^*red tc ara doubt losf. spmce. It woifio h-?. important if you coulo locate Uho locaiitie-^ dtifinitely, so hhhi w^ :rdn tail JM«i^ wnere thoy are. It aas been iorv:, known that tiriber came doi^m near the coast at Kotssbue S<)ui)d. Any inrorrnai.ion boarirvj on the cistanoe directly east f>'om Port ularonoe at which tir^ber appears would be irapcrtant . Pa-^tieula^'ly. it it could bo ob- tainod wiuhm tha next few days, 'Yhiie I^ernow's paper on uw dis- tribution of forests in Aias-a is pmsing throisrh the prGSJ?. 0"^' ,» J ¥^eo S. !)-}llenbaugh, 16 W»ist lAhl fltreot New York. ^ X V d V -V N. ^ JkV ^ V .*^ 1 V ^ %%, ,i"*-.«*^ .--ftm'm^ »^ t^ b im^im,, m- '•#•'-■••!♦. • ■■•«bw-" •t »j- pia pages ('arofuiiy printed on it = Oovilie has h$Qn stiring ne up lately about the origiKul painting of the orchid pic^uro whic}; was rotiinied with tha first proof for corr8ctior;a, but wliioh never caro back- Can "ou look this uc? Yours vory truly. \ V v.K^, H, W. L£iniej% Doubloday, Page & Co., Now York. ^ i t * \ '< 1 1 1 1 I r«- .# I »> 255 ^^.DOs^. <5'ujvyv>^'!^Aiv^ ! J ^ u^ -%/V. *^ ^ (3 tK^<. x 7 >^' 1 J~'\%^t.^ «^-V , ^ - V . 3- \ iVvANKr, \ t*^, Cc<^ ?J\.A^A- i::ArV KN, il :^ii . r *, -vn :< i- 1 J J H / 1 ) ^ « • t w^ 256 K\^-i ^. 1 t' ^^ H,Hi:\. n- ' r*, ^ H^ \A V . 1^^ ^, .■ -^^ ^" *^«« •3?^ Vv. \ { % V ,1- JL'" r^ -• -4-- - ''"'^ *. <»j»..«. 1 ^ .«f. U, 1 •+ ..■^. ■J -<€ • V *'4'^' v;'\ ^N.. I t NX, ^ ^.V ^; w*^**^.^ K>. "•->— V ■ V ■ l*^ ¥ )A... -V "% .^a^Xj .-^ l~-\ .?:,- K- ? \> ■' / k \ *" s K -I ^"^^^^^^ ■v'hvU, r/ ^^\A Vf-v/ A,! V •V eVv. ■II II— III* — ^1.4^ V -t- \. '■',.0/*0^ V^ ■V^-*,'"" "t P*- y' /^ kj W ^4iL-^*.^\N^*^ v%^'*--^^.i^ .) 'I ;\ •■', V »% "*» "s*.^ ^^*A *^ V^.yu. '> 11 v^ , III! • «■ ^■K '■•^^ % ^\'^^ K^^ % t t m. * Original Defective I .4.1 1'^ it. 1.1 r"'' b"l i^^^i \ r I i i r I il 4,^ i i!i f t J| HM 257 \ V\A>-t \ \ ?,i'ia 'I L > >^N^. ^^ \^ • »». V V V V V ^ V V V ^v Va ^A ^vt k' i*" .H- f^o, t \ t V 1 V ^JVC .-X 1 \^ \ V .X V V ^v. f K. 3:^ U ^U^ \^ ^Xj^^ V V K^^^ M X -v-^K .^AwV--V^- y ^V Aa.^.'V;^;:^ k/-Vv. Ml ^^^ \ i ' \ ) *) V«^v xXjt- \wv > Wv Jx^v^v^ V^ N %.m * ik k « 1 vii x - ■ "f.rf^ ■ » »(I**W 1 1 i 1 • ••Wit'- ■•«»'• '»%» »f^.1lli*». ■ *» ■, i tm-'mm-- 'mf" "" '■■-•*• -e-l S 'M ■j^k. ..- •> ,' >'. •'^ ■^^■/ > . g^ ,1 , ft ^Ik r*'^' - .->': ^P^\'' H ^m'pf ',4 '^'t* ■•' ,'■ ! ^^ik*^ •* «%^ * Skx ^ Mu '<"kf ^BK^^?-p "', i^'' ,' -^ 'l ^^E» ^ i • '."^-l ^^^'^^' . ■■!<,' i '? '-■■'1 |f^^' - j h^ •• ■ i ,'J!; N^./' '^c' ■ ■ i ,1 ( J '• B4^ l.» ■ . m. " '■'^ „ ■'- •iT ',»*■, if- ■ - f*' 1 ■ » *« i~- I t '^' ■'•^, ::^t.-. JU, \ ^>. ^' \ • >w' ■ I ft^'^ Jl>'' NVjV^ J^VNw ^JX7^ i „>.-. jji ' i i i .A-,. ^ W^-'-. #j I V \^^ 'i^ w '■ ^. 'J I ^1 ) ) tt ft •^ ' t f II 'I'M 258 V #1 ^H *; '.'.;* J*''- '•-^-J, ^*f_, T-^ wt 4 ■ii* ['.I ^'^f'. Ik •:-Fy, 'i*" -*•* v\ i ^ It )"il ^ ^Ir i J" '.'is* I* -^ J I I { V ; 1 T*; '^- 0 / wr 1 f l! W f I ^"H^-^^fh^^ vWojo^^Av^ ^^ v,^^..>"^^ ^"v^ f \ ^W^. f. 0 \ 'A'tAw/.v.vu^^ V /" iA/v.>^A/v# vO!.^-* V^^>^^ V ^ >^ ■V..-. V \M / J ,^ f: ^^1 r i I «i i » Jji 1 i 'ill' ■ 1^ b \i hj ) vn\.^ ^AA/ly^-'y^ ^< ^\jJ^ A-^ , >j_AAAAAa^ v<^V ,,^.^-^^-0 ooi- >-«A •;? Aj^^ \ K..^*^ X X^-^J ] \ Mi-"? ^ J ■vXi A- ^-'"^ -*' f •>!* ^^^^ r\ "-^ \ > > .^ s^-V^. . -M/ 1 , • I' \ 092 ■»" >" Wsshi:-,5t,ori, D. C, »!a'-.;h :-iV, 1901. '"^•^■^' the ' in* loiir letter of the 2hV' \ni^tmc , irc-^t. ■ ^oM:; - n^liotyp^ Company, a>n-lveu ^ is Pior-nig, :ho .. of • - .^ ^^4.40* type Gommny mIb. a^ istate^.in -.hir lotLOr i«aL -ire In accoraimcc) vriti^ 'ihe proofs vM «!ravyi%i for Gilbert haVc^ just arrive^ :.. < are you -omorro'Ao JKci'o'-e you ro^eivo this l^tior Sr-^-^er -v-li Ui-obahjv y.a^/o -xwur/ vou an Mdditicral init.a] 1-n.tav, /ihh± I lo-.nd we ta^^^de^^ tor .ae ?orno^ ciHicjio* it should ho '^^duool tc 3-4 inch io^i(j^>i,ht. wi.^h Your it:[jlt*c of tHfj? :?u-.i* i::i:^anl> jivrivou Uui/o K is dJl :"l^hi> to koep the o'o;.iu •< ^i aio p*";ntiiv- •& ^iriisheu. I s u-- poS3d it haa bean vlor!'?. r?y point v/ith ro, a>'r: ^-^ -r f^ bbi^^K r^r.-^- on which t>f, choto- ,{raYuroj5 a-:> printci ^vf-; not th&t t)>-^ look, -3 a whoio, wouio •)& 1/00 bulky, l^t that '.hn tri-kre^^s of ^he V^^ton in connociaou v.i^^ the vorv lu}v;o t::>n»jftr oi* Urtvc t^onia ^'uUc« tho hno\. eb.inr,y in hrn'Ui-^^ Your letter frori t^o Hew E^a pO)r,U;, wh:iGh I v'^tarn borCTit}-. eorvoys an erronoous inpro?a}'*.n af^ t- '0^^ ^Hr:ni.in.> oT pr^/of nt th ' e ^ end of the line. I^uf :l^. a.- proof set up ?o icrv', ago^ I hr/ ^ c promptly, and Uiiri I -^n Bn^^c in sh- reotifi/^jlhe pa^^c ♦■'t-'. .iiTOU all prrycf Br,r*. T- .n.1 in n© ca3o hava I 261 U 0 iarier -- ?.• retdi*^^ > propr .o^-o rVan l^'^ hours* In nine ^mses out of ten Ihov rmv9 ^oua "^ ' -1-' ?^am^ ''v ■ ^n cttior vrordB, there has b3»n no c ' -^t this nnd of the l:^^^*io ^^'hnv are now ^lovini^ aliead rapid- !•• tPO. liils noon I .-'ycnvod tne b?a:-irioe of iiaiir.cij-'a ?rr.',o.i, on .alii.-; vrcyf. .'•'hgae prooi's must be hold ion^or, as t-hey l^'i to •■•.0 roau Iv auUiore, *nd P^-^rnow. as you ma.; know, is al Tth^j-a. ' '11 .wov'5 i-t:lclo ov At.noFi)her& is in tr.ft prinlor's hana» a-ct wi.l foU'>^vo^i ;iroctly by ny Bogcslof sriiclo, Aftpr wliich ^om :..-^„,,,;r-, ,alrton Hitd WashV:urn'« fox faming. Tlio book onds •.vit-b DftlTs .^.riuit n:M>plc, a;;: ;rdine to Mrfi, Harrhnnn's roquosi. rir Ho Wo I.an)or. DfAAb'.eoay, Pti^^e u • -o . • Ne^"? Yorko t I [I., ^ 282 WashlMirton., I), c P . J-'i' '"i08>' j^'ornosv: '^''•:'h 27. 1901. It. and «. .-oo^ J^ava maiie. Ae to tho natter of v^vnp>.^7^o t ^ , , ^•o.■ as this rrrosr, »-es^, w.-^,h fv, aivie to >;ai^ 1 <* or •"> puolishov...;^ arawirv- which soom^- suit-nMo r.- ,.,,. , , . . - ""■ ® •of 17. on...,..;. I-. • . . J-»/t-fj;',J ■pJy H-io haii - Y. F-.-U.-, .,. that ;■?, Yiiil I,^, Rr,;r)J„ With kind ro,:ari:fl i,o vou d Von- t,n,| 0:.>"P .♦;-;( 3W 'Olia/Tfi ,-)f Fore .si". 1 I I f /' i. 263 Ma'*3h 2h 1901 1 ■•' :.HtLu t -r ' » f ' \^n you par.'v oy e.vprcj.'ja so-or&i alon/T ftiVn your i-itor of tho Z?A. I a.'n Hendir^: thvi nfiioT-t^e Cr:-'.rqritWit:: the dr^vvin^lthe two p'-^oto^rap'ii'^ pl^ti>st you ^lave jusl, iiic-obo;., t,o -snl^-.'-'e pialea 25 ann 2? /fr^- tliose aent prev.lov.Ely,, fuv.i i..r..u... U'tsy 'nay -ea^!' Mr. Ooakayn-i bafora he has taken Uierr. in han vx. o The 'lumber of tVae ^ta** -sh platos la ^jettuyr t,o ho so Ur^fi -.hr^t it almost fr^j-hWns ::K}. At tliO aar.e tw.i I qui^e a^roo with y,., t,,,t v,3 irr.ori.?.-.^o .-f rorr oxi^xc tng iUusiral.ions of ^i,ii^.i> -'^tCid at 'v;:.at you L-jii w -itiO.../ rroxe..b^r v......... ^r vet turn '^ut ^.aaa serious tha:^ teai'od, ci-f. -)r: ^a--^ I r>"ABt it ^a^ ye - hat kept :iis -osn on tho g-lnc^ton- too nteadiiy fo»- too na-^y .^'IBTBo Vf-r^' trvly yox-s - . ^voj^X. N'V ^%4UVW Pro'\ A= fi- Vur^'U. poor imprint l\\\i I I li u ^92 Washington, T). Co. Va-«h ?.'^, looi. The H'Aioiyps Coiip&ny. 211 TroKont .'Uroot-, 6o8tcn, 5tas«. Vor.r i,Uer of the 2bt.h instant Is at hand. I am son.ir=^ jou hero-,v..th tno additional line a>.awing noaosaary to nui..e ,:p i.ho ouf..sta..KUn^. batch oi oi^rfit photo- lithographic piat.:^3. anu sn^^U bo ohliged if you will take tho mtter in hand at onotj. Your rate of $15.00 per 1,000 prir.f.s .\or heUotypr. work. :.i- cludir^ lettering, is correct, but I fail to unuorstana tho rear- ing or application of the l•oilo^ving sentonoo in your iettar; Mf tha8o subjects are also to ha used in Harrinuui Sxpoaitior- v/e shall bo ploased to ^,ive you any adv^i^t^o tlxut my "oo gained, previa;,!. of ooa-sa. that oditicn iS priatoa as ...a ccntinuau ran.' I eho-.xa u.:> jiiad to soa sa-^iUos of a good ra^; stock pap^ir. on mici, ycu propose to print botn tho h.iio-p.s mu ti^ephoto- iithograp}(3. In t.ho pacJ.^0 With tno dra.virig I an seuJir^-; yo,-.. you wiii find two nore photoe,raphJc star^'ish plates fron Profcaaor VerriU, No8. 22 and 35. Theso ara to replace platoa 25 and 27. sent -cu before, a^id whioh I e>:all bo cbli,,od if you will kinJIy retnrrf. 265 ^^WU.^ '^"^-"J^^Jt^ V" h^^ l^iu^^ Mp3>- v^ s>f^^ V-— K*— \ AO^ ..^ , ^fifcl. Y^^ \ -If- ^ Jf r -*-V.*-VA\ Oi.v, V u t ii^^ <^ f \ \ \ ^1 M 98S M)(;0s!.0F^ out:; ->^'K^r v.ji^-;^ .' '-,"^'( ■ •■'/ n V»V» T .<•■ -^ rribiiof or Fur=.Soal ^ ^ i 1 ' Aleuti-. 'nor-o violeat voi-jf-' ' ^'^ 1 "^ tf -.i i.na .-> . .-, 'O^n ^'^n ■if- ■! f^^ thai ^;iv ot.her n^rt of Nc ?H- ^^ha '^n&ti.. t/h A'"'^)^? ^ 1 »■; ;i. N >•< •s — . J h^t^ '•■ »■ island •' ;p fro»;tho riopths -■ t-o .^^ . ,. - ■"'"''"^- ■ > ''^"Hm and foj?. i:^ rolcnno wue h - . fOV i^; obSjT''^ '0 lihVi} h outlook 3enwa^ :. thctt ^■iiO ^.uio 'liiarirc : o bo on ;.hr ;.ia i •' > I the 8U. "han thn woat'v-'^ ^rv.■•.c^ V* " ' ',v.;> <- \ v VK^ -'»on a r 0^^ r' .•-■ I C\ •*r-»''\ir» O ^0 a^'Urida^it nii\ ^i . 1 } - " "i ■"-.•' k>': ..I •y. ■ ^ At sur'>"iri ■ "" "' ; "^ V *? > A »;^ o ra rl . * W I. . ; n .1 in^ai; •^ ) d ul- :.<.U:ll> Ul|-,liV f*- 267 od ^-rd u^l.or oighi (1804) soa^lion huntor. who visit.a tl.e i^^f^ ^ Pound the- «al.^ warm .nu tha g^'our.d so hoi thai, no cm could we.ik o.. . The island was calind by ths Alo-ats^Agash^Vink. ana hy tho Rus- 5ian8 Joanna Bogosiova, tor ot-von.. t.x i.i.yi^, ■ Lar,^s.'o>'f who vi.ated Berir^ r..a in 1806, .a. tola bv too naoiv.s n. UnMa.;.a that In .he place now occupied hy Bcgosioi' ha. lo.,, st.ooa ^ i.ola.ed ^oek,. which in th^> tir^c. of .he^^ forofaihors haA uiw.ys hnar. one of Iho ,-reat. -so-ts of soa-lions. ., . .o.v r^^S tbo islanders remark... c. ,irt.. ap, '" •■■'■ ''^ , ..,,.■-, .ob disperse, ali'-ou,: •V.' . '^ r»''** > • 'v; 1 : i • „ -'.* I'll n >' /--^r.of^H to tuc p:-ovU. ■'. .. _^ v,l . ■J •• • ■ ^ .: :^.:. phenor^ennn, ana air- -1, , 1-.,. •>>'■- tin rost, rtftolvu. ^o ■'-^- . n -inH »=nrt that the sxmposc-. xo£, *'a> .,... V ^'oV>od' woula in r...nr.orMC).ct /on...o ., that roso ^ror. It .0 ,..,iv.ns and D.-.K-uors. roar tho plsca; -onclv-. .. -- - ,,...-, .r ^'or a con- ji, -fcS bO'.'^TaO r jC^<- rv\- : ■ iriis 0 ^Ttu- B 'i ' n t.imr, t: ..V lout^ • . .-a.aad of thoir rook sa* u;i i^- <% ^'i H ' '' V.' ■ • • n t)mK, i:^ ^<' " v,i .if^or* 'f ^ ^^^^^^ .^/ u y-'^^- . _J- _^.JhLn.- ^"^V ■^^. - ^^■^-■^^^M'^"^*^ ^^ !• i im- 8as ~-"j\j ■^h^nsng Iron, it ao ,-p ,•+ . i t, i I 1 • i t '■-■' 1 « .' ;•; ■ s5 4 1 r>r:^ ' Aii!?« boforo d^ I ♦ ■ ''-' arrival.. had visitaa ^Mi ic;]^>^H '*^"^« TT^Ifr- A iniposaibl? J ' '\ i ^ t. *.> :' '. .; ' -3. -o ao.oKu .,.ho peak, nut founa tho a.cr.t axt.-^.meb- uirt -: - ^•ult on account of.tn. stoopnoss a.d -he ...unb..^ or clens,.and .r. as t!..i >'onvn.r,i9r or tlu^ 'va- ft-aa muc)-. rr,r.r^ >.,;.-,«.. .,.. , , ,,, .. --^■1 to -ow ^-.r-j U.U as ^h.y doso.naod. th.r- obs.;. . . '......t ^ a3 if it had i-ae" J'>-. r.v ^ . -■ \^-^x^^ Veni.ninv:- si^.tos that t.c i. iand coAf^-d t.. irH--ms. ui siso aoout i8'>3, and ^..r,,v,,V hoUovos ii ato^i.. . Hr M^'-st aiovation in IfcM. -o ?»(- / A rout 40 voH"". *J l^'i-.2) is^ j-i-^r- 0. ■ f^fiib. .. : ^^^., p^i^,, ^^1- ^j^^ g^ ^,, i^erko^'s ■-1 . ■* --■vs 1,' '.^'c.'^n^.es ..Mt. took i'-."" " "^ a/ id . .\ Th.o ' 269 h%h '^cnt'-a.l p-ak had. disinto£^raded until it ',vas littlo hi.^r.hor than tho northwest end. and th£s end had bssn e>!i>roac];ei:, upon hv the soft ur:^i.l th- part whie>; in Tobenkof's sketelj is capped by tho first and sGcond pinnacle?^ h^u been coriploteiy torn i>waY, l.!ia^ehv shori.on- iryr th-j ii^land by about one nwa-i^r its length. Str^w^Si^ W!ion tbo r;a»^ri?rt?=i>i oxpodition vin.ited Jlo^o\^loi\ on t'^^:? .» i\yr . jv-) -I I,.- re si i i ck »..' •»> 1 1 0 ot' July 8,1.S99. the fo;- resLod ko h-aa^fjl:' or\ tno su.'^nit Lh fortris of M.') two hi,- host teaks coula not he ccmrilotoly r-iauo out, but tfio lo^nios^s of the rirlre hs a whole, the fipi^il bizo of the norLhwont T)Oak, and tho doot.- o:' tlio notol. Bjparati>ig it from tlio rest of Lho mss told 1,00 plainly ,t»;o rapic \YaJ^li!v, nov ^;oi% -on ana rorashaaow. l'b^3 '"^voutrial dostruct ■ on of tho vobx?,. m^:^ BOGOSLOF 0?^ CrRK^VirGK '^he to?/6)>*in^ ciiftH of old ilo^oslor no lon^^or bal-lle aiona wiU: ti-.; an^>'y fii,o>ns of I'c-^ing Raa. lor closo aL i^aiiu a nevv iiUanci has arisen. Its "bi-''th ^Yas net. w:i bnoe:i^?aa bv hurn-m cv^J no earth'- quake shock narkc^d it?; advert , a^ *.!v* aa'''- ^f it:; .u>i:eavui f»ia^' •♦.' nevQ^- Ic krown. j^t tho Lir.u of .' ^s uiscovery, Sop^^nber 27,1683, by Capt&in An^'crsoM of Uu^ ^.^hoontr '?'att}icv^ Tumor • , it- ,vas :^n ac- tive eruption* thrrvirv^ out ian-o ^nas^'os of hcateu rock a^id ^reat vol:i;nof; of smoko, stoar, ana ashes, A'hich cane f^^on [.ne apox ana fron n;;na"'0U5 ^i^s ^ s :!- f • o siu.os nna base, scrio oi v^iiicii v^^ryre un- . '>" tho -vator line. La^.'.e boxilcbr^'^s wo^-.j r^hot hi^;n in hi.o air, vhich CcOS.;Ou.iiiV': ano s!.riK:»n^^ •! v -^/ator, se^ifc forlh si^oam and a his«iirvc smmn. Afi.3r nigl^tf '.^ H--. ^-'a^ ob^e^-^Mni, on t.ho i^Umu. A month iator Cap.aln hagu :io ^ilioo;-- ^P':»^a* npp^oachnd ii »vit,bin a milee he is quoto ' rs liayi^^'t thtt tiack BmoKe, likt that from 1 : i 1 «a>— ■■fc.ili MMi» -■— i^fcOalMBa»«<>e- whid" had boo'^ ^calx^e^t so that the linir ^:a(i ?ono off o He thinks «iany we^*-' killAd- ?rom th0 dQHcriptioniFivon bin by i:apt.i>i ArderBor and Capt-iii n!-/ • FroftGeo^-'^^o Davic'r^on of Sar Frani'^inro r^aa* -^ arawinf:' ^'fuY'^'^^'^Qyl. : the nw/ volcano in t.he fall or IS-^'J. Its hoin)>t was osi-imaled a^ froni nOO lo 1?>00 fool. On Oe!,ol>or' ."O of Lho B'f-io year ,]io mhnVi(,Pf:ts o:.' Unaiasl'Xi ive"0'55tf:>.rti'jd by an ominous ianltiM. black cioiid w.'-.ich anpoaroti va the nortl! and ;-row rapMly i.ftil it o^-orsD-naa the onti>-o hoavcn8'£:nr! out off U;a light of tho 5n:r, It thun sol. tied dowfi vor^" Icnv ana tho air )>ecaTro liark liko ni^/t. It finally uroKO nru .aciapuoarefl in a ahower oi ashes^^ So --lyrh aaiiO^^ed f.o tho ;vinoo*vs tr.au 21, 'A^as ir.- roi;siblo to seo th*»nu^h the'n. The ffr^t landir:^ on liew Hogoslof was ^'lacie hy t/io oifitto^^r of tho ^ovoru^a Stcaraer *C(irvnn' ("aptai'. ..A.hnafy) on Tiay ?1,I884, nine ir^ntJiif; afto^ ItB ciiziify^o--. Its aAti:.v,ao >/?^- about. TOO foot. ::o ^i-auo>* was .u-.ov:3re(l, hut i."^ero w:^h ^^'f^roat fis^ur^^' Mic in- terio>* Oi" w^ io*-. '^ou'rl i-iot bo ^-i^/^^h^-x A.vi>^'- to th»^ ?to8ri. fur-^Ofi of si'lpher, !ir-:d ^^oat , vvliieh ''onuc^^'-^d ont:-anco ii :>c it oytr^^rolv daiv^e>*cus if not inpos<^lble. It wks Piiso^ir>oose ibie to eimb the mp.in peak c. VwV-L. l^ , -U)^ V ^^ ^. - ' •^^^' J^ ^ l*ha v")ioiiiiij^'.vatf, joYoroa .vith a thin lh;'}r of ts}08, Lhe r-urfann '^"^ whicti, l*'or. ^- action of i-ho r^in, had " ^en coiwerted into a Gm3t, not f^tron^ omur): to Bustni -0 . ,' • of ii man. 7he pari/ fonnd it vo-y dirfioult l-o cli'>ib th^ Bl-«pe, cunking anklo ^ioop to knoo'doep tl rou^h this ^rust im i-to uu «iLf^ojy irapaJpabl© dust, ft 271 v/hich a^'osf? in r;loi;d? f^ru^ no^^rly «^u''"^*o'^f*ted U.omc >Mmn t]ie first i,ur^unit v»ras reached, tI:o heat of the ashes boeamo almost unl;oarabie, and Lieutenant Cantwell ivas forced to pick his A^a.v over rocks whose* Gxoosod «urfacos we^^e coclor and a^^or^^''-?^ h ^oro ^ecuro foothcldo The tor?pe>*atu^'i^ of tha sar^d at t^'^ ^'oot of tho eono ^-a^ ^y±^ P*; of material half wav t^ Ur^ tor- l9J^h rr ^i In a (;r^^^'-i-v^ ^eer uh:*? sur^- iu milwas bo /^reat tiiat tbo the:^nonet.o^ (;?hi@ii t^^a;«(niade to rot^isl/or 260*^ rahrc) exploded, ar-a the soldor fastening tho ring to the in- str.^nient as fusodc Tho olc? and n^^iv voloano'^rS woro connected by a broac bar or i^pit GalU:d 'the isthrus\ which at its na>^rowo5ft part nioaf^urea 326 foot wid^^N. Xi'-n? Is shown on Gant^velTa (hiart (fig«16) and in Lieut, woty's nhctorrar^hs (iU^.yj anri photoijravuro plate)). Fron this pit/, and :itar Uio baso of the now volcano arose a toworlike >^ock BV Tho now anu old volcfinoe? ware o-oifr.letely connooioci by a bread bar or spit called the "iEthmiis', frcii; A'nich.. noar t-ho haso of Ko^' C'-o, arose^a tcvor-liko ro-'ik S7 'cot 3n uov^ht. v.^o ^r^^R^^*^^^-^-^ .0^ „nV.nf.o,.-f.rbs '.^kcn :.•; Lcii;t .ti.h.Ihr.v o'^ ^' ^ ^:^-4^n* ?>^e ''ollowin/^ voa>' tho •Cor-vin' raclo a'iot.hor vieit and riiinc' rei^ained tiU dii-k, vy:-on tho volcano pror>:^ntod a i^iost lixtraoraincry gcecta^;10c, Cho summit was cwoiopod ir: a h>-i;'ound in a ",ann:r toth bcauiiJ\(l ar.o improssivp. In 1!>91.. t: c roU;>"-iB;-^ yaar. it was i-ry good fortrmo to viniT, Bor^K slof. Prof /i'.CVnndor 'T an ■■ I 'vorrt on our way ):omo i'ron tho Fribilof islands, whiih'*'' vo i r^u been so-;* ns ■!;or-.r1«;i^innor?. t-o r'^pros-nt ^bs i:\te-as-s of t,h9 iJri'o' -^ ^ ' -^ in i>e c-o>/ -voniy .yi.>i Groat Fir it.8 in ov?'- t,/., -'uv-SHiAir. '' laft. tho Prilalo'v c». the \i 11 srs i> 1)' ^ ovoning of Augunt 10, on hoard tho 'Alhatross*. conmandod hy Gap. ' t!xin^ ?annor, v^ho-ri W(5 porsi'adoc; to return to Unalaska U v^a- of the voi^.ano. Tho ni^^ht was densely fo^^gy. as usual in Bcrirvf Sea in sumor, and tho oarly nornir^g brou^-ht no charigo. The ship was feci- ■-iilg he- way ftiaM* cautious I y with no land ir sv;ht. v/hon sudd(»nly, about 7 o'clock, tho fog lifted and wo saw, directly ah.ead and hardly a mile away, the hold front of the now volcanoo- We felt a thrill of exeitercont as the precipitous f-liffs of the northerr end broke through the fog, follo\ved by a ton-ent of escapiji^j steam, whose roar, when the or^-ines stopped, drowned all other noises, not excepting tl:o cry of tho ny>-iads of sea birds which sj^ai-mod about the rocks like a hive of heos. Rofore anoho>'lng. Captain Tanner took the p^^ecaution to send an office^ in a sinall boat to >\u\ a lino of sounainf,?^ I'etwoon the ship and shoiV3. Good an^h.ory.f-G mis repor-t.*jd., w?th nothing less than 20 fathon^!. Tho ship was started 6ht?ad slowly, but imrnoaiatolv grounded on a roef or ^ock with only nine foot of water under '--owr- th.9 sniall boat }.ad cros^:ed or'' gone to one side of the rook hoforo >f? -^ ginning to sound. 'Vo backed off without damage 1^0 tho ship and ancho>"od ir. tiio bay on tl^o east siae of tho island, whono^> a mjnb »r of uB v/ent ashore in a snail V.oato Tho sJiape of the island did jiot in any way sug^^oist a volcano, there boin^, no cone a.>id no true crater c ^he hi.?:ho8t part was on tho north, whe^^o tliO rrtountair. rose in a precipitous wall frop] the sea. ■ •The r:::;/ "olr^r 'o vvas onv?lopaci ^'; stearic which issuorl from thou- sands of si-nall cracks and r:rannies and poured in vaf^t volumes fron a row nreat fisBuroB aid era lor- 3 ike orer.i*^v3s. tie principal of I- 273 8 •A'h.Jch was near the northeast corner, only a tow foot above high wat)v mark. Prom this opening, tho r^hape of which we could not soe.it. rushed out '.vith a loud roaring noise. The quantity of stoan v/as so great as to .KS»i22.'.'}>-ihx to completely conceal tt.e upper part of the island e.xc0pt when wafted to and fro by violent ^ists of wind. frofoF.sor Mendonhall and I walkodfrorr. the roarin.^ hble where this steam escaped, all tho way arouna tho east, south, aad v/ost side"^ of the volcano, but it -.vas innossible to pass around tho towering wall at the north end. Tho steam was usually i^rt^.rogr.r ted with .fumes of sulphur; and deposits of sulphur, sone in vory 'Mr.e neoaies. were obser^-ed along tho tia^gins of tho cracks. Most ofthe "O'.^k w . hot and pools of hot water wore found on tho beach. Caithin 'i^inn'-r expressed surprise at the altered appearance of the volcano unu tol'i --J '^-^ since his visit the previous yoar;thQ "onnoctir^ spit had aisa-'^eared. tho island had decreased in hou-ht at least 100 feet, and tl e pinnacle had fallen and was strewn in huge mass'^s dwvr. tho st'jep incline. In 1395 Bogoslof was visited by Becker and Datl of the U.S. Gooi- ogical Su-vey. Photograpb-s taken by an assistant. C.W.Purin^ton. - show that since 1891 the activity of the suoan vents had greatly ai- minishe^i and tho top of the volcano had been s-oothau off and flat- toned drv,yn. This is shown still bettor in photog'-aphs taken in 189? by Dr. Loonhard Stejnogor, who. whan returning- fron the Conmanaer Isl- ands, passol close to tho north end of New Bogoslof. His pictures show tho boldness, ana pr.cipitousness of this part of the islird and also its flat top s-vd plateau-liko forr. which, in view of its recent mountainous characte- is remarkablo ana haru to unaorstand. I I n ( |i f ^ts 275 N 10 w ,1 i SHIP OR SAIL BOCK The first land recorded fro. tr. ^^rtbor.V™. of the present .ite „f , „,j„f ,,, , ,^, „^^ ^^^_^ ^^ ^^^^^^^,^ ^ _^ ^^^^^ 7^ or l„,.-„earl. 30 ,eare .efore the uphe...l of the old voloa- no-and shown on their map of 1780 Th« »,A^f >. ^ . p , - P 01 i,bu, ihe.next record is by Cjiptain cook «„ on Ootoker ,,. r/76, -discovered an elevated rock like . tower in th, sa™ place. It was na^ad Ship or Sail H„cl.r4 was seen repeated,, .fter the upheaval or th. old volcano, in 1V96 ^..4*^ Cm 1890 tt .ad fallen .M its site was ^rked ov dehrls hence us kno,^, history .overs a period of abo„t 120 j-earl. Trix smmm spirs ok bars. A Slance at the accomoanj-l^ sketch naps ^ a «fc startling instabllitj. in th,e i^oi the iala,„.s. as shown i:- C.-mtwell's eiiart.1^ T- looi »v "-., ., '•■'^'•tt I" i8Sl they were .idely .separated, --^ a ,sp,t a „xle Ic^ pushed out fro. ti. west side of the old volca.0. as shown in „^ ro,.h s.et.h ^f^'r.,. 1395 the wee spH .ad d sappeared and_a new spi, ap,.rentl, of e„.l le..«,. .had' for™d on the ea.t side of the no, volcano, as shown hv Ball's -toh .p ,fi,. 3X In l-,, .he oc^itionawere ahout'the sa™ 0 Pt tnat Lha ion, east spit of .ew B^oslof curved to Vn, south «o iiave ^;rown larger. shows a - i ■-* • r LIFE OK BOGOSLOF Plant life is so exceed irvUy scarce that it i:^ overlcoked by the ordi'iarj^ observer. Animal life, on the other hand, though restricted to a few species, is aT^umdant and ohtraslva. Old Bop;osloi ha? T)een froin early timea the resort of count- less multitudes of sea-birds, mainly mnrres or arrie?, and the new volcano hcxd not yet cooled when the vast hordes began to take pos- session. At the tine of niy first visit (1891) th^y stood by thous- ands on the projectin^\ points and leQ/;8s , wherever the rocks wex^e not too hot, and hundreds of their e^,gs and young; in various sta^;es of deveiop^ne t v/ere observed. Wliether or not they relied on the warmth of the rocks to assist in incubation was not determined. ivknj^ of them souf:ht even the steam enshrouded crae;8, and when the steam clouds were momentarily blovm aside >>y V/io w4ttd-we saw thousards standir^, serenoly side by side as if enveloped in ordi- nary rnp. It seemed inorediijle that hirds should voluntarily take Tip quarters in places v/here liot stearn and fumes of sulphur v.ere almost r.uffocatin^-;. Some, indeed, appeared to have met th'^ir de?"th from thir, cause , for we picked up on the rof^ks below a nian- her of dead birds tJiat bore no sifcns of external injui^. Bsate the multitudes ipf marres oni>;9w Bo^-oslof ^^ere ir.significani compar- ed withjj^^^e* on the cold cliffs of the old volcano, where every inch of available stand in?- room was occupied, 'lach bird stood over its ainf.le q^S" ^-^ '''^^ -niddonly frightened, as b.v the discharge of a ftun. started off. carrying its bif; e^^ between its legs, and whe- a short distance cvmy let it drop, so that the report of the gun and the launchir^ ir^o the air of the birds were followed by a shower of many colored ep^s. H f ■' V. fc When the Harrimn Expedition visited Boroslof in JiUy 1899 flocks of niurres on their waj- to the islands began to pass the ship at frequent intervals when m were still S.JJsO miles away. TJ^.ey V-ecarne more and more frequent until in a short tin» they formed a continuous stream. Tne fog was thick all the way a,.l never once lifted, so we could see only such birds as actually passed over or very close to the ship, and yet the comj-ass showed that their course was laid direct for the volcanoes. Hov; they f o nd their . way is a n^rstery not yet satisfactorily explained. A. we neared the islands their numbers increased until the axr was full of them coming from different directions and all movin,. in strai^^t co,«.se.' to the cliffs. When finally the ship hove to. and we set cut in a small boat for shore, the v.ater was dotted with then, and some al- lowed us to approach so near that we almost cau^-ht them in our hards. On laming, the sea-lions becaie at once the objects of absorbing interest, but still we could not help noticing tha ,reat swarms of murres which continued coming, to the cliffs. When one of our collectors fired his go^n the multit^^es that shot out into the air and circled round the island formed a dense cloud which cut off the ii^ht and made a roarir^ noise so loud that it drowned even the bellowir,, oV the sea-lions.' And yet. .fter their depar- ture, the cliffs seemed as corj.lotely peopled as before-so incon- ceivably great were their numbers. In the case of roost foiTns of animal life the increase of the species is checked by enemes and by the limitations of the food supply, but in the case of the murres in Berinf^. Sea. enemies are scarce, and the ocean seoms to provide an inexriaastiole store of food, so that the only apparent check to extr.v«,,ant nrultipli cation IS ^he limit of availanie nestin., places, km .-.nee the bird's re- quirements in this direction are ea.ily satx.fied-a shelf or point of rock three or foi^ inches .q.are answerir., every need-the num- ber« H\T'^riA-j -ttaired are n^vr^r^.f W-j-.-.p .i-^p 277 i \ \TI7hen the whaleboat carrying the members of the Harriman Expe- dition who were luckj' enow;h to visit Boposlof on the evening of July 8, 1899, approached the shore, we were much impressed by the x numbers and monstrous size of the sea-lions on the beach. As we drew near they becaoe restless and began to show sif:ns of alarm, ivA most of the cowk"? took to water, while the bulla— as the old males are called— billowed and roared and moved down a little near- er. Owing to the surf we were 00115)6 lied to land at a particular spot where a number of huge yellow bulls, as big as large oxen and longer, were confT'»!':atGot dispute the ground nth them but \vaited till they moved slowly off. Most of the yourg, accompanied by more than a hundred cows and ;iany bulls, took refuge in th-i pond near shore. They were now thorowihly frightened and rushed through the shallow pool in wild confusion, making f.c- vater surge and boil and throwing the spray high in thf' air. FinalJy, as if by co-x-erted action, all of the old sea-lions mda i -reik for the far side of the pond, and stara- f ' i Ml J- II I I srs /3 peded for the sea, where another absorbing; scene was bein^v enacted. Dozens of adults, apparently cows and middle aged males, were sport ing like porpoises in the breakers , moving side by side in schools or six or eight ajid shooting completely out of the water. These small squads behaved like well drilled soldiers, keepirg abreast, breakings- water simultaneously, making their flying leaps in the air side by side, and takir^ the next wave together. This they repeated again and again, evidently fijiding it great sport. It waa a marvelous sight and one to be loflg remembered. For the privilego oi using scm,6 of the il3.us brat ions accomcar.vl v this article the author is indobtod to the UoS. Geological Survey. tr\i UcSc Kisli. Coirpiission, t/ne U.S. Revenue Marine. Lieut GoH-Doty. Dro Lr^u- hard Stejnojor, anu Mr,BoKe:^nrrimano I' J i *.. 279 a.'A ,v Ak. ^x^w^ - 4f .\ V V \.i v>. ^. .. \ * ' '^ - ^ ^ ; .^^ >-' \f \ A '^ i*. *^ ■1^ 1 I ii U \ ! f. II I I "W ■* f % * *= Jp' 1 1 1 I K 1 1 m': r^i K7^ m 8rs /3 peded for the sea, where another absorbing scene was being enacted. Dozens of adults, apparently cows aiid middle aged nales, were sport- ing like porpoises in the breakers, moving side by side in schools of six or eight and shootir^ coi^pletely out of the water. These small squads behaved like well drilled soldiers, keepir^ abreast, breaking- water simultaneously, raakir^ their flying leaps in the air side by side, and taking the next wave together. This they repeated again and again, evidently fijidirv; it great sport. It waa a marvelous sight and one to be long remembered. f»^ » r> For the privilego of using some of the illustrations accoinpanyin^ this article the author is indebted to the UoS, Geological Survey, tre UcSc Kish Comniission, the U.S. Revenue Marine, Lieut GoH.Doty, dr. Lecri- hard Stejnojor, and Mr-R.K.-arriman« If; tu v:^v\rt^ <^. '% V .^ /\ Vv -i^/ \. ^-^ ^-lXJ y>s f ^^ ; ^K^ ■ ^ \ 'St. < =:rk::. 1 'tv v-Wju^.,^ 279 f f fi i/ % »( tii Retake of Preceding Frame H 08S 281 III III 'oai- iV. 'Sn ( *, M. ' fn-. >ur ii?l!,or*4 'f 'ho 28t.ii a?ui ''*9; ar «i ^ s ^ >.' e J > 0 ai^i ^s returriea > t;u aorfeiv'it ? Ji: • t2 neiirtyot* Civ- ... » / ^ ?\:>l:rO ^vtth ro, eaiLion for th^ jia>* ^J***! fV ».'lf, l) O" ^k nxiJ ^iareh 30, lO'^l ha ri **• • Spader's d:.l1 r-r. 1 r^ G. .>r M to s,n c*^i*or .- A A r. -3 ioeiatia ho it^rim^o^ ^ t fiU{j;^o^ee v\ya hac nc^ eaiuion ira.n l Ouo t^ ci/ii^ I'f.*^ . i yi^: o with tlio i^Rshir^^tnn A^ OK^Ki c:>pi«s ^hJ 'a':/?/::'" •I ',' * 1 ,.> Wi. .♦ »^ 1 :.•? r-v- vj-K - ^, J 4. \j 2 or, t/nicii ! Q; f*? 5p'?^s tirui IS a * *." sr:a; *?2l » ^ aix'fur T>1 - ieaso ]'h » . : i v^ I; Rii iv u > l^V ^i, A Vf t>' W *v I'.i.- .t^> ► .t ^i ara;i/^-,VTc to r iO.» * it* A ct: 1* V ."? --^ r :i ex i 1 1/ i ^ 1 on >•• ut's 'jr**iiw.>ei? 3^ \,r >> P '^r^ } r. ai. T>- . >• y L ^(ifTirrrins f r «-, « « i».i '^-. ''••k - r 4 * rii 1 iir- t cj all '« ^'' ia^l 1 '•» o K uvr t. 1i- '• '^•t.i,"i''«t H «. o .Lani^ i* - !0W have ir":^i the ivew Ei'n people kuvaree prf.of of F^rnow vrdrino + 4 ariu B wjr cornploteo xi^r txro ViOri ar.- v )Y*V nr T^T .;j0*:-08l0i arUACi.'! bx)' ua^ a ir han^^ ui»o GrimielV? Bei-ron pap 6 f* an saia- i:3g t-rir^m todajT tho r ;x tarnj pa{.er tit:u i>ai.X's ujctm ^.n th^ Inoxit ra^ .n;Ie. which ciosn^ the volv ^i iO o Tlie %>nl^ rf;ra:Mii.rra ma>"-er ^ id 1/ ho T^roface^ inti*ou^>ic^ion,. ur^o Imt '}Z I i. ..wiD V • Ca • <- rO ♦ ..e »>^.i; ;'0 vr* i ^- 'v. <^ HoriOv:-a^ nirii)tirrH.>Bvju i' ulCJ ctUu With Vi^vao niuo :t has as« £?i^i:fCo [I has 5'3ei?:a'i to tion Ih-j siibjeot, r^ou •*,"» 00 C'X ..?. C* vSr^>i:- id £trt:r:,l C'.*^ • r 1 ^ XXV ar* .. i.ius..ra-' . i.- V :b.i>'J a:^ f V. 1 .- sno/firiii t? lacier :urrn..ri£ii& a^5 -a-\te alsv bii->UM t:5 i V "J-C*© iOS Jh : ?. M f i k c-VLVod. f f*i" •♦^ *■ ^ ^•A.r pac;;rv'es o i i-ho . drawiry;s un t.i. ■J.aei^r i? iusU-atir '• V"^ 'M / ^ l>a.''f'»ii^>o o »' J V ^o^i.^a '-Hi'Jbd V - » 0 V 'Ui^iS » 'A.*'- ■. • 1-. ^ -«J . ". * *-> M n- 1^ aD, i.Q 'V4 C.^r-"notijt]s in lyt # >^Ot:ji- iro:? •Orin/r » .: A v.or or ..nn r^:»r'i'or;uc •iir ions oii/'n cut »^; L, ■'^ >»r. / ? Tork on ^h.e d^^^j^v >"^ an' *.f: r.r i uf't.her r^iiuced iOt a .o fc. nt-! <^'\ a/c rf-:?o • (3. ^;. '»•.•» * » r"*-, V»s» XJ rpir. 0 T / O'J t • I iO^XS 01 f- i-f • ,'it^ ^tA \ 't.^i Vo? wt*il.\ •'•iirt •«ri ^r^» ♦• i^'ti » ONj./y « T .r Ai^ nu?'ji-er^ f?r*o 0, ];<,: 70' ^7 or; r>r.^ ~L r> / •Jr' :d » / 'x« « - . • ■ / r rr^i^'s 7, >^. '^^'i, 7o9. 76(i. '?'^.i ii s;* uuia bo cut in tro vtjri tin xyr^i '/I 30 ..... U-iesc on .rc;.jitu Pa^;^ S.7 0 1 covor K rAL?-i>^r of p?-»^es liCtJI'K s .1 * i 1 V • ▼•■>: c r"*"-. < ni^iii '.< 0 i;broro riavi^r^: & si.: •!;..•■ pii^^ ire: v)v«. 0 With ^f . V*- f> **> -•' cuiyU on tAO -sar^^pie ju t;t) Da ,41 rc?c. OUT. auii. in cjnpar-.sou n^ iho 'J* u,-"- with tho orl^Tir^?* pror?!r> c w i?.ri uio sar-r T ., .:; I' "rj t A <^ i w :i(j per rec^>.vcu 8 .« ». V '.V '.Vri'J.^S h/.' •n- »W( i.apcfr u^^a nc. iil/tiv^^h ^Sw' au t 'V. ai b uo c«„rtairi ^:'^u foxo: >.> s^ A ,JUip ra^^; {aj: vWiat liK i -s «.? ihuL -.hr ;i Ov no PK;ans an ali •^* sf-nd u8 the L?Hi:}t7 u^ :^r UiCGc ir:s n-, '&A 'jV Jl J t • •i'».r»'"il "i*'i '.^ f 0> 3-J".i)i,fc( --'.Mwa'-.i .-l: ci) » I- >•% rip'CcDla qcAT.e k u:.i.ioreiit UiiniC auu ha^ a duTcront ^^xii^i w^i.aii I' -3 ►;.!. e *^c" #^»» 11 16 anci ^/ Anmincc. ar/vi nud ai ui/7A'0 iae a&i. Mtoh eortainly Will r 1 1 * ij. ♦ .!' ^ n » • , n f !^ \J "^yi-n. Vvv *^v N» Nh^VS,--^^ ^^ Il 282 4^f k-T ^ '- ^- •^^^^"':' '-est !j. wore ^sn/ truly yo!.r«_. 4BH1 •'ftvy York, ^ w KjL V - Vw^ ^ ivV \A 1 — V •t \ t V^v ^ A -p ^ n ^ ' V -., r— -V-s V ik 7 t ■ t « - * f I- I f T 283 ■H Marol. 3(^ 1901 o Hv^rewith I am i?^ndinr you vonv Tor t\e reinainir.;^ T'?nnel}/ -• acslr^cn- f ishery^ anu the day ^efc^^s r?,^ pap^jr on Bo^o^lof* H-vre;^i".^ I RT^ reU'-^nirig cvalley proof of ronlcvr^ forc^str^^ articio -li^d will r(>u^rn oi^hi-r tins evening or toT;ir-rrciW /-Hlley proof oT (ku]n6^t•i: The new sa'npls '■■::' r^por -•;t v;!'-i::r you haro priatsd ti'.o "i-^!! aipna^-uro of t.n<- Aiafi^-:^ book, ii-rivod y(:S-.efn',ay„ for wa\c!' T &;n 8^3 duil and l.lur>'v, s/'- if ?-inled ot- bioiiit:g-pnpor. Or o.-.m^n3t.' ^rv^ t,i.o ciit.£ en Dn.;3S U arid iD wi^h thoao o?; ».h(, 8iu'.t 'images as ovinia 9d hy voii ov. ! th'? sa:np}f/ of tr.-lr. oarer iirst.. sulT?-.lti..?o. i-ho cont-ast is araaari^. ^lut, i^; ti.J tro^ibla: is i^ the u^:iJ^^ or iha ir:k, or a littlfi 0^" bo+,h? Thfl cut on p^t:.n '3 n.af:d? i'-a-nitlr;*'.. ri, print a ';.oc bliJck ar:^ is loo rmrnh frilod« Vorv trui'- vo'ir'r: \ ■J ','• ' S8S ^e?ir :.!r„ 1^6ilunbau^-^?i: ^tefch 30, 190U *iany thanks .for ^rrvw i»> . „>. .. , . the head of PoH C-a., '^^'^ '' '^' ^^'^*'^^-^'^' ^^^^^'^^'^n ^or. l,.aron^ ^... ueolo.x.,i su,.,ey last s .nnor. i'«?^/ truly T<-onrH, ^^U.<:V ■ \v,v»o \ ^' ^^^^^,^/. ." >'.] r'_ ■• % A* W.?st 6ts> Svroot Vv-U-,, Vv -s, V V - V-^v ) a 1 kv ^ A t \ VV r-: *' '-v^^ N v^'VH. V 4 I ,^-»< ^ V...... > <-\ "^ vx^ #i t 111 «' * - aM^ M Jk i'J ^fc;i S ' li* ^j K^f •!-« m 283 Marcl. 30. 1901 A* Ho Kor'^hey, . 15ew Era. ?>^lntin.^ Co., Herewith I an: s^^nding you copy for the rar'iainin;^ piipers for f.ho Alaska book; nFxely, Washburn en fox farrrAn^ rnriu ar?d"Dali's poen ont.itled, •The Immit People c" YoHteraay 1 sent you ()rinnell's-r salncn- f ishery^ ami th^ day Vefc^^a my papt^r on Bo^o^iofe Here-f^ith I am ru'.u^ning ^\aliey proof of rc^ncw'^ torostrj article a^d will roturn oith^r this evening or to^:iorraw galley proof of (r^xanslt't goorraphy o . fne now aanpls of V'^spor om wliich you have pvintsd U\^ I'i^^it s-i,enaturej of th»/ Alask?. book tr-rivod yes'..eraay, for waic!- t &r: oolit-ed. T>is CMts of tnif? s i,«^,ria1/xi'p coi-o oi?t wrptcheiliy. Tf;ey ar3 dull and bhirvy, a? if printed or. blotiirs-pr;.pGr. Or com^ast- ing ti.0 cuts or: pa,^es U and iD with thoso oi; the* atu-.t r^agec as print- ed hv voii on tiie sarnplf/of thin paper xirst sulrr.Ittoc]. -iho cont-ast i£ arazin^. ^lut is tha tnvibla; is it the po^er or the inK, or i. littlfl Q-'" both? Tha ;'ut on paf.o !3 ri-Jfrdf ir;ar>ntiri(p,. Tt prints oc blBck and is too mvm filled Very truly yoir^;,% I 1^ • I i \ Retake of Preceding Frame I^8S 285 Mar; »V Vrf O /. e 1 -. » >-r.->f cf t.-^ J^ernow ;^or$ .t.^^y nf,p •j^ R^ i-''-'c8,tei, j^n-'l Hud the ;-.,lei.nat.o>- ]-.;e.:-:.: ia}.^-Y. Tho .;oarit sf..-ir s^hould bo «>...own in ''^"'''^ '" '■"" ^''^'^^^ '^^- --^^"^ rihUT.y cr! tho '-^-.o. "I c^o »^ot l^k'i {'-^ idea c: [(i^vi:-^ oTT the 00] 0^ ' ^^ <5olc^ ' .; 'Odd ^■': t^:} ■f «,- tvater, ou'. ^oiMa rr^'t'or ^ - ^ < ■■; ^r.- I -• ••.>«•,•% ^ .V».^ VvVv^- NKvs^^ ^ MarA^fi 30, i^Oj J.0 ^Ou/' latt-rfi' Gi tiiu ^?i;ii "f»KC^r'^i ;!i:'; u v^aV' or i.;»\: c-:, mux I iiiFi var-y glaa io know that yov art- so ws'.l nioaaed with rh»? apj.earojioo CJ* ::ry:.s- Hemerbuan paj.e. : I lianK m;;f^lf n. la m very satisra«tor^' rihapee '' ^ll;! rovurn to you slicri^i.^ ui^j oaus and qti^^- . -^ llic way ';f proof tt l':it £.re tiliil jii rrr, pos5:;esf5:ono T.;vs ^. v' Tsr Toi\ f^usiev K. J -e. New H~i '^»^ CcriT\. »s ^^^^ \VvVvv^ VVK^V 11 f>l I t' > A B8S 287 I b I 1 March 3i.;,. i;^Oi„ Boston, Ma>3??o Dear Sire:; *^ i>yix -:-b^^rypdia^I a-i sanding you 8 mo-e pl^te*? of s^a . -s ipiatas 3v to '^ ^nc :u^iYo) to b^ addoa to Pr-faasor V* ♦■ • •r » . ' » 1¥r i?f. ..:i;; book n.u: ^ ;o Pr3C(i0.i";:^^^ of tUc f ^ . 0 V • «^ 1/« :Ai7 7nr;^rs ^x\^: \ -<=^ ^VWv^^^, ^•:avc.h. 30., l^fOl i\ i^ear >"naoer Thanks ivr^ y.j^.^- p^ompt'^os^ in m^^vw., t/io last iniliaj ultf^r ar.i ■■^iuaring F,ar-o to x..ani:-. Youi« hill is 0. \., and J :^o in- _«>^ »*■ *rt Vr,v» vV^5^ ^-w '^VVvXKa.Vw xL Kc SphC->r, ^ •• J i.»,. wi. *'U.'. Jt' b 9 * ' V-' !^. '• M i fl' u. >' '; ; .' fiff. - i i i| 88S March 30, 1901. Dear Pi^of esKor Vorrili Tho last Latcn of 8 star fish plates conprrlsiiig Stinpson' typos reached mo 0 K., and I am sending ther. to tho Heliotype Company for reproduction with the of^hiers. Very truly yours. ^^^ -\ XvvN^^t ?^-> Prof. A. B. Voryill, New Havon, Conn \ « M> ,» ., * 1 ^i^i -^j; ess Wa^/iirigtm, D. :.. U&i-il 30, 1901. DoRr Stanloy-Bro'yr; herewith I a"' ham-n^^ yoi. such bill as havs «or& ^^o m :or 9 iho iziontn of fe^ch, as follows: OatcLell & Mar^iru (Lot* ^tKV outs) — -^* . -..^ $ 2*)) Tho Maurice^ Joyco Sii^ravin^: Co. (for uiroe iuts) -^---^ 2.50 Ao hoen '^^ Co, (for nine drwvin^^ and 2 ink etchir^s) -- 26.53 Charles ?L Verriil (for Gd:tor:nl wo>-k gnd rroof raadarig ror iHree nionths, Jan; : to ^arcl 30) .«:....---,,.• 7^.53 TarLjtori U. Bean (for proof roadiing; ^^ .- --^^.- ,^«,. . I'^.^io Harry B. Har;^.er (for lijioHhand and vypev^ritirv< wor»«jB^^^ •:« «.^ft)ak 9.93 JLO'J 9 4^^^ [iU Jr om cano, that of vmp)U-> H. Vf^rrill ror euitii;^ ah proof ri^auing, t^o ^orv'cj^j oove-- :hr60 lonlhs, ^ro^r. Jan. I to March 30. All or tae otho:% ..ra fc- the rr:^ni. month. '^ery truly your??. \V.V ^-'^^IKv I on :' », Na V *crr:. "^' 290 WasM>. ..n. , . C, %rch I*-', >.'.J01 H. tr. A -'.. ■ r To ox^i^n'rC -^ If^.^tor's "ff^rc^ Tor montu of Po:-i.t^;f: Stiid -■ '^cial 'aailvorv ...- ;rc/: i^i^i. ,i.^ :rr€a!'-??i^^'f» ff * .0 2. B • IT - PlatC:S Plater to |:'"^\ *i^-ltimore - to fk-MotY?:e '""'O, -^^ . .. ^ to Professor "d^'-rill -- to Ht^iic-/yi e Co o - - ?r; fr':;!n l^nc^tO'ira^'ure Co - Plftes fron Pro:^essc^ ^irrni ^l->es ^>''ori 'Vor'esLor Vijrrill O'^'S ft .;m Gd^^ihnll h Iksrvnirm - TT ■.■* S- *■■ .65 -:^ Iki.. « 1 - t "l.- Tvi?ewri:.in.- r.ixr'Cr I one rf^?^'Tj^ - r It --J or, 1 m 3.3 - « c»f «^ ««• «»« '.*» '■=' **- mn- «^' nj. -r »- *i*Ol»ri.!. jr s,t .1. t.v V VL- < •50 - w i-« M ^ i.'* V ;> :^ i I ' I 1. I mF^w 291 ] If , , '.}■ '^f^^sk^ ^^^A^^ +. 1 ^- i ^ .Jsi,^ I sIl.^^. l/V } Ti-r- ?<.,, Af- V. 1 >v>^- -l^ •^ ^^ [j^jCIT^ i / 1^ ti ^ t I- i I lii If 'I* > ( -^ > / i ^ ( 1 ) 1 y ^ ' i ■j I I ? ) I f y^' / > i / i \ J I ^ .Jf-^ / h 1 4 n. / ■) i i- i- -f ^ I ^^ ii -^' ^ Is IJ -f &: I I ^ f / 1 ^ / •v I -( ^ / ' /^ 4 292 r r iT 1 -r- ^ V i ^ .b- > '•5 V * ^ i \ » I .^ A A !»-* f-, i I '4^ ^ ^ s. S i- ^! ■^ ]n >. ? , /i 1 / ./ \ 4 r~ V J f t? ^\ _J t Jl < I y? 4 I f^r I \ 11 t s Ill M \ I t 8es Washington, D. C, April 3, 1901 Dnar kr. Lanvir: r*. 0 Youi«s of yosterday is at hand, to^etLor with tho *'oturmcl drawings from Fuarte.s , as stalod in your lett-jr, oxo^pt, thr.t. thn Jae;gor first mentioned is o^:ly the re^rf.uo, the .^-m^^v itself (the head in a frame) not boing; amon^^ theiv.o The pa:jk3i2;e --Iso contained the Orchid painting, of which neither Coville nor i ever saw a revised proof. Proofs of the 0. Kc 'd line d.its ^r-^^ived today sta the in- closed proof of Giiberf s map showji.^ tlie islandf^ aiid iMordSo r .a corrections on tiiis nar.: were not r^dec You v^ill obsei^re that Frederick Sound is 3tiU spoiled ^2£^ied£rick The accompanying rrcoft . 9?1 3i:d 999, h^ve just oO;i:e uu Trie initial letter is all ri.xt and snoxiid go to thfi printer h2 5oon ar^ possible, ^irce tn^ forestry a^ticsle i^ now in pa^^ proofs The pennant does not strike me as partieularl.r^ att.rastive. bit u It ii^ satisiaotorj' at iieiidqu.^.rters I have nothiiv^ to sar% ' _* ** Tho Fvertos paintings cane juat at the ri^dit tiino to go In witli tho others in a.i exhibit of Fuertos" ricUrsts at tl:e Co8p.os Club which i<^ now bei/^, h^jloo Those tliaf- co!ne back to you later you had better send to Puortds at £t^rieac He eyneet*' to leave c;i or about the I2th instar:t to joir o^e o^ ^y partier i^: Texas o /«■ ."> I Je 294 Ho '.?o Lanior ~ 2 The text is now practically ail in tjrpe except the* introduc- tory matter and most of it is in pa^T^e revise o ] aia glad you agree with ^e as to the ne^eft«ity for th? list of illustrations. By puttin^^ it in smll tj^pe ^^ oan .^et a considerable number of en- t'^ieF oa a pa^.ec Ab to the eolore^i photographs: I remember them very distinctly, and regret that they cannot be substituted for some of the paint i nigs in the book, but at this late day it is, of -'ourse, out of the nue?:tio- to think of introducing additional nl^teft, so that you had better hold t^e'^, >» von •^4«!ire to do., until the matter of the Edition de Uaa is deoidedc You say that Andrew did reproduce one of tliose as an oxperlmonto I do not r«n:ernber to have seen proof of tijis and should be ;!;^,lad to ^eo it. The only stumluing-block I seo alioad at present is tho paper. It is a ^^^•eat pity 'ris was not attended to long a^o. It looks now as if tliera was daviger tiuit the printing miglit have to be hel I np for the paper c , Ver^/ triilv yoiirs, Ho Wo Lanic-r Douhleda-% Page h Co«, - Mew York « •I ft! I » (562 April 3, 1903 0 Tjo^t Profoseor Ver>*j * ^ : Yo\3r letter of tho iat instant is at h-ftrd. and I an ^^;i.^d to know that you have sent the necossciry negatives to tho Heliotyp'^ people and that you are attendin^'^ to th*i mi^nbors for th.? p lutes, so that the^e ^.yill be no hitch in that directiono Cockajrie writes me that he expects to send proofs very socno In this case* shal;, I send then] to voii at Bennuda? • If so,, what will be your itudress there? It is unfortunate that we oainiot hav.e the rriauuscript before yoc tro, as otliorwise it will La impossible to print ihe rlates until after -^ou ^'eturn, for the reason that the plate niiin- oers cannot be dotern^iined in advance of tho taking ic hand of the te;?tp We are overwhelmed ^rith ilVxst^'ated articles, the se- quenoe of which witli t^ eir propor pla^^e nurbers is a very diificuH matter to ad.iiut i^t a«;va»-iooo I ani ^iad to know tliat your manu- script is 80 well along and trust your trip will do you a /^roat doal of ^,oodc With kindest roj^arcis. Very t^nily yours. Profc Ao E. Verrill, New Haven, Conn. ' Vi i i I 296 April 3. 1901 Dear r> tanlej* -Browr : Th^ acco?sj^»anying biJl fc* 70,000 additional photo/^ravure prints from Andrew, .nisi recoil' od frorj you, is cor>*ect and is re- You will be ^,lad to Know that tho book is now practi^^ally all in tyce ai^d that nearly all of it is in page proof. All of ttie illustralions have b3»tn made, and J believe the last of the lith- Oi^raphs a>*o r.ow bei'^i printed, j^o that very little ren.^5ns sxoept thi* ^iOtuj?;:. prir;ting and binding, of the bookc !?ery Inrly ymirn^ v ^vV.^:^ \W ^•vNi^. To Ftei-lin'-Brmwn, 120 Broai.my, New Vo'^K i* 'I res t| A. H. Ho^sho;^, Sew !>a P'^iitiihK Co., v-> Lancasi'^r, Pa. Doar ?ir: Wa-'iirv;^'^n, H. 0., A-rii 4, 1901. * _ t> Her'owi<;h I ar^ re^i-rniJ^;^ tho roi-aincior of tho ^^i .ey proo). oi ?!n' Boc:oslor aHiole. In retu^niiv^ tho first batch tni<5 •'^orniiig I ;i"iad ^c-no ri.^di^ tionai r^atter under the :^?a'ilr\i^, F'-sical Hisio-'y, but for;v)t th'« footnote.. FroH! tho heading. PhyB-cai -iistory, ^)Ioftt>v :.rcp a foot- nolo as rollowbS T;ils r:ot{j.on 'ho o>.ysic'-l hi^rto^^y ox" bcgoclcf ??n^ propa^od at my rs(;^'Oft l;y 0, K. Cilhert. N Very \ ^\WxXL V- -^^^>-N>^ ? ' If. »' < 862 WashiivtoJu iU 0. Aorii ^, 190". deti'T Mr* lanier: iours ol t.^>o f^t,h inst,:^ni i<^ vx rvuid: also iii:! l-atch o<^ f-iew proofs (smaller scal?^) of sor^ie of ailh^r^'s ^lzci>r line cui5. '^.lo:^ proof of Arl^ov^'s color phc>iof>"avi;*'f>« The Li^tter I an var;- ;^lau to s^o. W^.ii^ t]i3 colore iiTt} tv nc r^f^rts I'^v* to mture. tho^' *' « are rievar' jiolees ^ffeof i^''/>;, and the hi^f/'xrc -.-^ a v^h'^lo ye -alti^a^tivt: , Tho d£?op ^iuo of ijt\o ^?^T>Gr louio. doubt toss ^^ ^"'orr^'vLod^ i an horri^'ied ^.t yoMr 5Uir.:o1 a 299 WaBhin(!;ton, in Co- Aprn 6, i" A c Hoon S Co . Ballirr-o^'o, f^'d , nft.'a-?^ lii'*'' V J Dii?^ norniiM ^ St!-.t you by -ail '^0T)y for a topographic nap vc \ of Al^aVa to b^ i:f^>e.i on ^^ :^ 3a^^-a h^aiMb. -^.^^the A:^HS-;ti map you nave alroadv rri-tsd, shcwi^V", tbo routi of tb*^ harrimn Kxpenition. Fioafc':? r)ut ^dii.:? n- ^^t^^r^e at your i>arliest oon^^anionce and lot me ■Hev?.HC--' r-^'Ois of tho liydroid and Asci.tl'in plates lasne yes- t.o-Jav. f-,^ '.'Hvich i am obhgod. In thp '.^asD of plato HJIV a vi-tic5il line ^-e^-^ain?^ or tho ri^^-ithain.dn^ia r^ear tho mddlo of .•»^' the Plata, 'vh-iah should be ronn^/od, In plate XXVll psrt of • • tvrv v,;,n{|-i^^ r?*^-?^ t^ ^how a-' vou wlU joo '"rors tho in<5Losod. Tho otheri^ .ipporvr to ba 0^ K.. but yo\^ did not rc-t,3rn tl^o previous h^ttc^h of nroofir and i do not. ^-omerf^or 's\.r\t oiorreetionn, if ai^y, v^or^ ra^'ir? th^>ro3n« Clan ^^ou not aond ne Tir^ vrU-^tt oP tbo fox and, ^r\ fact, of « all the litiio^^^'aoh^? 1 sunooso the printiTig ir? ri>nshed by this t::^-:^* Tho ^^-aps also should bo printori at once, as tho text is no- r:mrh- mII in \ype . ano I thlrb t?:o whola of it will bo in r-rro b^' the end oT aoxt woeK, so that wo can prooood to print and no time shoula lio lost, in putting Lhe book on tho narkot, or it will be too iat-.> fo" th-3 sprlry-; t»arle» •\ V 0 r ^y ^ ' nu 1 ^'^ V our s , \ %^ JW ^%*-^K.Jl' ■ /i \ \nx. N. v>OK N,^ JW^ ^"""^tr^. -"^ '^ 4^LtvA v Hi ir* i\ I// iJ > 'I 008 Dear Professor troleaso , Wap''u-i.-ton, 1). C. April 6. 1901. The first volume of the Alaslf« horV io nrs?*,ios]ly all in type except the in^,roductJon. and Uiis ! liope to havo ii;>,T.Tjo • within a week, I ai- tryiru; to state about how .'.-iai-- ney rvp(,.i.^, and subspecies have been found thus fe^r i Trelaaso. Missouri Botanical Gar^den, St,. Louis, Moo i n; i « I f08 Wn'r^Lirv^ton, D. C, Apv^il o. 1901. > ♦ • • • 1 New }?'"'?? P^inMr^ LanoastG***. ?a. 4, Herowith I inclc^o tae ri>'Rl. port ci t;-^ list -3' te>l "-^^^-ros or tho Alai^ka wook, ur^^wn iip In twc for::^ h.t. ^-.t^plef;, auri %;^ftlJ be oljiiiTeri if vou ^ill print a na^re' ench wav, ^<' t-iav wo can S;>e how it lok? ^3 early ub rracticablo. IJo advance p>'^->of i.as be*'-', ^loeivou lor romo um'^, •^hioi. v/cr- ries T.e proatly. ] had I^cDeci t'lat tr,p fox-r«T^n r-rlicle and Dall'f. roeri woulC bo in my hanac leforj tlJr,. I Vnist tiat it will '♦ome not later than I'^ordrir^ ::na r^.at pt^je proof gI tiiC i'o^oslof article r?ll c:o:no ^ith it. Fl'^-^o ..oar i '^ rd that ^iot^day i^i^i bo the 8t}^ of April -nu t^iut if tfio Ir-^/is .o ju priritod this month, as pla^d, ?;o have nor. s ;omei '.^ to loso. Vory tnil;v yci/"'; .^. vj^ \ - ^w *»--iw\jV> l. > Kf i 302 Wnsfiin^ton. i;. C, April 6, .1901 r«>* C-eo':'>j;3 l^irci Grinnell, i^orest ana '^trean Office, » •. I*? rt 1 1 My aoar ir>*irin3ii •pt anK?K for your prx/f ^]:icb ^oaet'Od mo today. I was bo. innin^: ^> 4- . OurlouHly oiiou^h i roaoivod today also tho rcpo^^ j,or 1900 on t]ib <^?: ••-\ |ioh:r:<>s by Ho^iirA M. ilutchin, spociai agont. Whilo I havt^ not hn^^ li^e to r\iye :nore than -x j^^ianco at tbio ranort, it j"^ ^^vioui:> tii^it ".^ •-j::;:*aiifc> -^ ".ot v^j ■■ : ■''■:r:!i^vtion, and I \,^o?A ^ou will look at it ai. ' yj-a It \-^> sti^tovi that tiiO n^rkt^t v;^lu« of t;.> j^alr^o^i -:?ft'in for the soason lO^X^ 's 06,219.387; that the co-^ ^♦e^oondii]^ ^?..luo ^br .^-a-^u'- •'^ar ^m^ $3,8^0,345. TI:o statir^ti^ i caiuiO'*ios, -n^ '-'^^r of n.x: on:pios"od, rv^»d>'\r ^G t-.at. j'ou •'ifrht rish ' >? ac;u .. parf^:^raT)h oi^iijo^iyir^ ;:;ono or vi}>s r^ovvly ':.Viilatlo iv}fo»*1^^^ -ion* -^nd I hav^ taken tho libartv to K\:bs''' 1tul.i» rf>«^ tho fiiniro?^ /-"^^'on '}y you.t^'^ total va-u^itlor; of t>^e catch >:: 1899 and 1900 :.c. ^^ivon in thla r ^ "rt. If yoii ao ziot like th-!^, you ^.vill, of coiirao, BtriRj] it out w k\ you 5oe ps^je jrooib m which I I'iD^ -.vb^.^ h«^ v'>ru soon. Very t'^uly yourn. 80S I \ i Wash ii^ ton, n. C., Ar-'^ii. S. 1901. A. H. Ho>'shev. Now Era Printiii^, Co., Lancaster, Pa. Boar Sir: Revise pa.-6 r-i' Gern-iM ^^*, ,-. ^ .^ . .., ^ received froni von in ti.vfj - / , - . ^-^i. Your loiter' of the 6.. ^ ^:>nt ^^ »f v,^-.. v . ^ >' ? as Uis be.;-; of the Look. t- .' n \n:o ih ip^ ^n/> ' 4 %-. .^•♦^^e .' »■ i . ■ { v„ . take ^,>*;)at caw ,. :>;i,k^ ^ i-:..r^ ^,,^^ ^,,^ be. done. Wg oou- -^^t. tnt-k (.■ ^uc. u ihf<:,^, ;is ^ in at^ :u ^or'io cf li-o -^•.^o1'^ truRl. tbftt the iil^ot'^r/,val:5^ oi ';ann->H'^ :. - ^ - ^ .^ ^•:; 0O-:lpi:.^0 1^0 "V^-^k at OHf^-, I tr-8t. ol,. . ,., '. ;' piOi^^O .1* • r.^i -nartjj^ la^^ti to "') ly ». tt» I : >• -- . .', ! ... 0 aOlO WOOk-^ -oo«. , jr ivo yii I \ ttoc 1 •>< ^ ;• V J>osok'N,, '^ i tos A • : ) o^n Bb ] ♦ 1 4kify,%»i '» .» * 0 t 4 «.; •>< ■>. W!:4n 4 A t. oan ;\?ou $^fcm»'t r)'^^ i. ;/)j. 1 '"t /s» «J Gj^ o e ir <^. ■^r:'^; dt na V' i* ; J ,.T ••« '•'\-"Ue3t XjO K \ ♦•» iw. «t v*^..- -^ -.y - u % V V'^^i- h! y L hr^ f ' s 1- I- •*! ^ > ** r» ' >», •:< i ^'•^i'^t^^l iJc^. \' * rT( «,. * ' • • Ai 1^, ^xViuat V AVX. ^ * 4 » --♦«. .*, 4lh 1 1™ (308 M Wa3hii\;^to':, D. ':o^ Api-^i l-(^ I-esr Stanloy-Brsjwn: hurHtVith I in(jioso a oopy of ht^- rroi'ace ^>"ir.t>6ri Inst ve^^r^at sure that il is 3a''at'?"aotor\^ • !t has alwHys soomod to r-o irf)tx% h-ir. Hnr*^ift^&ri hi^-^seii* is the a brief Hiiabemo/it. over bis .'v/:' Bv^nat^uro .:.hould pr ^por^,^^ noi/in tb^ voluvna. IF, howoYor, ho p:-*ef:::ri l.ila^ uas ^'.otild bo ooiic by J^r. Neison he wilL -t' 'course, s^^r bnai wh^'- ij^ j^-^i-.I. "jei^i.;^ ii^s ^n nr:.,'V:i.L, Mr, Har^^inhn r;ay bo muerasi-oci lo 'm^>\y l\.^\ i^ort Uiai: 30'> now sr.oc'io^ have neon Hlroativ cosviribec £^o"\ U;C oullect/ions brou^^ht back b/ Iho SxpiidiLioa. ^ .NuJ5dx \Vk; V J. St^nlciy-Pr.j.yn, 120 Broauw^iV, s-r .iOW 'l^.v^'K.. J f ^ f t-, •*wn^ ao8 307 Wai;iiirj^r',on, ];, C, April b, 1901, Dear J,ir. I^anic-r: Inclosad hflrowith arc OK'd ,,rocf« or tha reaueoa line outs. Nos. 'm, 7?0. -^o^. 7i>9. 733. 735, 7,?^>. T-IS, 7t;0, ?f6. 7^-. 756. 768, 778. Please 3onl ;-.a fcur j roof .«< nacl. of il.oso >xn^. also four of the larger cuts fz-o:^' ii.3 sar^e dr;,A'irv;.H. Very Li'iilv 'Ours. ■ach H. W, Laninr, Doulloday, ?ti^ & Do., i^ow ioric. .'JJ ^^u.. V^>^^^.^ */ ^^xV^ >nc[l jl^..kt O'^^-t-.^ V^Jvj^w^ Vv/Vk t>t Vv^A-Ar*. tf M^\y^ r / r .JL-^.^ I p^f ^^..^ LiK* e,.J.'jii. i :;r v^hior I ^ jA r. m * i fi*^ 'unothei* eanmlo :j^.^-» - v !♦< ^^irr i r. J >« u 1 '• ^' C.T ,v 1 tua.>. •• i.. • 4 --^i* 11* Ui •11 •. f 1 ,' « ( t? Mrr, '*'^^^' ■■ 0 .v.hoj- cut,. ^>!-'^ •_••'-: ?.h^. h \c ^7 V ^ V xj^:^ V\ ^^ V Sis' .^■. Jj t<|.l\lejf?^. ^1 •c< poor imprint -'s-Os^ % w ^v ^^ ^ y^ 7 X v^ A^ aC .-4 jl: -j X 1 vaw- «iw.!LA. >JLV\.)l^ ^- \^X d .vt x^jA^Xoii. >, V.VOx/ vAwQu*. ^>^ %^i .jy . ^^^>4v -^^-^->sjk„ c^'^Vjl .y ^^:5tjsj,4L .^ ki' .^iC 309 ! I 46^ :| ■M- % m w 310 / U^ -/ 4^ ? < 1. Jj J, I ^ — S' — ^ ^ ^ > e^' (i /..- < i r ^ i ^ ^ W i / S -^ J i f: y /r ^ 1 ;! i:; ■J ^ k / > 1^ -.4 ¥. ^i > t^. 1 J /' ij '/ -MR ?•' / 7 ^'• M ^ -r/ / I i i «< / y J 1 -J '^ % I * 1* H ^- f. t ) ^. i I ^ '■\ J *^5% I k 1 4 ttF, Wa^lnngton^ D. C, April i^, L901 Dear Mr. Lanior: The last sample of paper receiivv>d iron you provos^ ai^ 1 fiup- pcsad, to bo & wretched prdp papor ivhciTy ivnrit for such a book r.iv ourse I am /dad you ha^^9 ^aked up to the inrortance of tlris * ■ » papor question, even thov^h r;-st,her late in tho day. I havo ofter* wondered why your firm dla not saad ma a t-cod rango Oi sa;»iiii^^ of real ra^-stoek papers^ iuf^toad oi hOTo^^irK i-^ a riarrow ci^^cle around tlas one nt^ek, .vinvjh ;^t best i^ a v^rv coor iiiibstiUit-ir /or a rirsi clans papar, Why net ^lat f^:tmpl.'>i? f-^cm H^^/h^rul reputahlo r^rriS and sf^nd the san?^ f,o m at once .^/ith prl?os? It takss sevor-- al dnys, ^.s yov, dointl^«s k.t:r'^, to co^^^^ldte an oxapiiimlion nicro- sccpiually aiid ehenicaliy of ru^y paper-, ^md it i^ just as e^^Ji^^ t.o nui throi:;^!^) a i^o^ien Hamr^ies ^^-.^ nna. Thi3 is not exa^n.ly cor- rect, but '«^hr-t I inoant to ^ay iij, I .;;an .;et a. report on r. aczen s^ar-pioii a^ quickly a?^ on one, D.ad ^e ou^it to h^ivo ^oro ranro anid net be eor'tpeiieu to a*?copt or >-«jocf a single saripla. Thera i;t ac u^e in S':5ndi/\5 a lot of uiiisd and sup^^rmlanderad aanploi. ^*d pulp papers^ as has boon dona here toforae iVhat n'O want 'U a firet c'fxr^n 'tvlato ra^^ Btocl^ woyo or iaid (proi^^^ably wcV'3) and vyith just. surface onou*^-i\. to ta-v^^ to;it, cuts ni^^aiv. I wired -^ou tnis no^jv^ on the s.uir'o-3t.-. The Ja(»^cr's hr^ad and tho or%u.al3 .uiu proois of tti^;* NitrcT^.8i 6 buttercup aiio jie?:ith'>rs^arid tour sot:ji of printa of Iho deiiot^rr.^^ Cofnpany'5 piutos havo all -m^o to k^ado [a hhe ciu^e or idie ClT'.;kraeta9 yen. will ohae-vo that the- vuc not ;nakD tho correei^jLT^ I wrote ^--ou alcat aonotiniCf ujo anti t..at, a?? a consovjuoncf). in th(i ft .»^ 312 plates rocoivod half o? tho spruce needlof^ are blue^ insteau of greoHo With respect to your r'eq.^est for originals of platas raaae by Coekav^no to bo oxaibitod at Phiiadsipiua about the 22u instant, I can send you tha Fuerto-^ plat'^a which irovi havo rocontly Hont me • and will a»k Govillsr if he ib wilU^ig to let the plant originals go witii the?r?o v^.f tntto^- nt the I3th iriJ)t.a;ii •-Cfauhod nio today, aloti^j with tha r«tu-nod sa'rr-les of ^ ivst.ion at onea. and t>'ust iliai v;o can 1lr .mme to go over for ■ ravision bofo-s I aona to ti^o printsr. Vou already have pa,<2 proof . I suf.po.e. of evQ-ythiiig up to tlie ?ox farr. ^UeU, ^^IVay proof 01 -^hic.) ha.s ru:l yet boon rotu-ned to m by r.baiiiey-Brorn. This, howe-j-, v/iil bo in pa,';6 p-oof ion^i boloro tho incie^ \nu: b(. ^oauy^ Yerj^ truly yours X \\w:n:^ xOv \/v He W. Lanier,. Jiouhlouay, Paao k v.Jo», Mew Yo^'ko 1 1 f 818 Wagh.ir^;l.on. J), C. April IG, 1901. New E-a Printing: Co.. « Inc.f.oso.i is nno of ^.h?. i<^;^ni.^8 .-.f ^r.- ^^^r ^'.> ^ , •• •narKau fo*- a now av-.ar^jorn.n^, ^hicn is a. roUov.fi : That th- enption of ♦.he pta- naall bo .01. as it uov. is; that tho .Hist and soura. ho ..1 i„ the Hn« !,o,o.y in r.^nUa>. ^.„o ana ^n Uail.-. Pleaso let me hmcf a mvMo ^-^t h, t^is ^<^- «-\r^^> *'- ^"'^-^-^ "^'^i f'--'^ soon as poH3iole.^ T »r.i ^. .--^^ ai.v ^..>:-ve^^u p^;e r.-oof of part oi' r^v article has ^iot ye-j. h(ii>- ^^..nr^ro- 4^ .^^ 1 * ,' truly yourn, V»V^: -^ -4^ ^ \ V. -^ A^v ■^:^> V \ VvA^.^-^ ^ '-- ^^-^^ , ; v^ \. ^v\V V X 'K i % w «.- "^^-^^y \ ^ ' Mv .S.X % n V V4_ -\.^ »^. % 314 . WaHJiinston, D. (>.. April 15. 1901. He'^owitn I ar^. iiaii.rlr.;- yen the n^-ool' of the oxpaaition rr.\.lc! roup a-J^-oss tli?^ Unitoii. <>,tai..7S, ana a^j«r; a proof of the Alaska ri&p with topojsrttphy auaad a? recently suppliaa by (raruiftit • This. . it s-je.ns to m, makes a vast irr^pHvc.siit in ths gan-ral appearanac of th5 nap.. HS -^..11 a*, in its atilitv. Pi^^i^" "t^^- ^-^ ^"^'^ '^^ rsti\-ii ''t&.a if t^bo rout 3 nap is sati?.i"act.o»'yc Til-? ^iliy proof oi; the f'x^ farr a-tiole, which I seat yox; last F-iu«y, -.a?; not yet cofie La^h. to rao, bjt I am \ookir.ft for ii 1': ^v.^.". mil . I shall te filaa to sos p»'ooiS of iaio new title pa,;? a?-: suon as it is -"aaay. I hau hopod to SGO you Suruiay with respect to the uitrodu..;^ ♦ ^v.,: mlt.,r, 8« ii. is not quite slaar to ma how iju- thing ahculd Le aivi^edo I have w^iiton an int^omif^t.ion to >^o ov-r ^ si^- nature a^ mlvtoro Part of thi^ night bo usod hy Mr. Harr;,-n ir ur.is r-eol^ : i^ wishes o Vf.r»tr t-Utlv ^'oari: .■X- v»'v'\ i } I ' 8t8 Washington. J), C. April 15. 1901. A= H. He'^shov. ' New Bra Printing Co., Lancaster, Ph. Dear Si**: Inclosoa is one of t.h. .a,npl.s of f,,.e list of toxt fi^.rea mark«d for a naw ^ra^m,rrt, -^nch is ar. iollows: That Ihe caption or ♦,}.« p.iat« Haull bo sal. a. it now i.,; that, the aH ist and scare, bo .at in the lin« boio. in ...n«r iy,o ^a in H^... Pleaso lot ne have a «a..pi. sat in thia .*a.y a. soon aa poH.il-le.. --^K ... wai t.,en .0 u.capt.d and W3 oar. ,.0 right aiioa,1 ^yith the list of iilustratiorjso r an ,omir^ yot. aUo corrocteu n^:e proof of part of r.,. Bogoslof ar;,iela nna of DniVn p.-on. '^'h. ...r,.,- .- u ^ " ^ . ' - ° -"^ iy^!''5\- o<. ti.t* fox farm art.oie i.as not yet bo.n re.urno. to :«.. but. J trust it wUi ^>w i^ Ihe morning. Very truly yours. .\V.v^ > i A\V V v>^ -* \, I -K '^ ■'"tN^ -V S xJ^^> \ "^ ^^..i^ V ^^ -\- \v V •V ^ ^ ^^^,^'. X. ^ -^ \ \ Vl^-' # ** J» ( fl ,'i 314 . Wawhington. D. C. April 15, 1901. I>ear Stanley-Brown: He-owJtn I an }iaxiam^ you ths proof of the oxpadition route map at;»-oss the DnitGil ^tatos, and ai«o a nroof of the Alaska map with topography aucled as recently supplied by rrwinett . This, . it seer-.s to m. makes a vast iKpr4voiuetit in the ganoral appearance of the rap,, as ^^U afe in its utility. Pieaso let r^e taow by retr.rii r-ail if tb-3 routa nap is satisfactory o 7)1? t;ail«:' P^^c-'- "'^ ^^'^ '^'-^ ^®"'^ a-tiole. which I sent yox; last F^idivy, has not yai cooe hauk to rae, but I m lookir^ lor it in ^verv rnail . , I shall be 6^i^d to see p-oois of the new title pB.*p as soon as it is raaay. I ha<. hoped to see you Sunday with respact to the introdiw- torv matter, »n it is not quito clear to m how the thing ahoula be aiviiied. I have writton au introcmction to ^o over Dy sx^ nature as '^aitor. Part of thi« might b9 used hy Mr. Harru^^an if this r^aelft hU wishes p Very tn^ly yours wVt^^ \Vv . J \>vX/\' Jo Stanley -Brown, 120 B^OH'Away, ?iew York. Retake of Preceding Frame li-. f )\ I' ' ?.ts Washington, lo Cc^ April lo^ 1901 • A« Hoen fe Co., Baltimo'*e, Md. Dear Sirs: Your letters of the 8th, 13th, and 15th are at Imna, to^evher with a batch of proofs of riaps, for which I astx groatly ohli^^ecU I havo hoen so ovorwrholrn^d with other work ainco th^ir arrival that I havo not yet had time to go over the batch, but expect to do so tonight. Just now I an returning the forestrj^ map alone, to havo the graen color of tho oohst .strip extonifja over the whola of the Qi^-een Charlotte Is lands ^ You \'!fiil ohf»a^V6 that it is now restrict- ed to a strip on the wo^t 3:ido» Vsry truly yon.rs. J-^nNX^N. S. V V V \ V V>w^^v«v A ~ V ,^' • i| it ^^I^llt^^ (its Washington, h. G., April 15^ 1901. K. Hotn & Go.t Baltimore, Md. Dear Sirs: Your letters of the 8th, 13th, and 15th are at Imnd, togetiier with a batch of proofs of inaps, for vrhich I am greatly obliged. I have been so ovenrhelined with other w6rk since their arrival that r I have not yet had tiine to go over the batch, but expect to do so tonight. Just now I am retu^^nirig the foresti^ map alone, to have the ^Mn color of the coast »trip extcmded over the whole of the Queen Charlotte Islands* You will observe that it is now restrict- ed to a strip on the west side. Vary truly yoj^rs. ^•"—v. o^JK^vJSyJ ^Vx\^vx/%;k^x>v V ti^ 1 - { 4- Vv V. ^ \ ^ V --A. --A ~n-vV -- ■^ "I vM V C> ' J ji, Retake of Preceding Frame n i' ^i m N I, i i I vi- '* \ aM ■ I I \ MF. i^^shington, D. C, A^e-ii 16, 1301. IVof. (-. 0. IhUzr,^,, T . C'/ra t '.fp '.• " • 'Jour Prcfossor Kutt^i;-: AceJe=ny's Fvc>-?(Uiv:3, tell? :-w thai hs ;;tv^ 3'?m. .r^,, /^niAoy ivvo^' of your H7U»'-. id h- T,ne hcirriiunn f'^ip^di^ ?)us {;8or-s to m y miot^ilro, si-v^o in .iaa! i-^ w:<.h a-H^ ri?;n Men onier U:at h-s n'^nuiv-^ion^ sue. pArs-ula^^efc t'^iiv ;:e a3 ne-j^rX- cor- reel as possible. I thou,>,t, p^^saibi:/ you k,:.M he ah.c uo oi^mr^ t W4 * !■ 317 Wanni^v^on, !)• C. April 15, WOl. Pet^^r Aufiina Papa^ Company, ■*:4 150 I^j^ssau v>lretA. Saw Yo-^A T/ear -Vs-*:^: I shell ho obilge<^ '^r -o\:^ii^ ^^^^^^ ne.a few s:^-r)l^f^ of rhg stock -m;f>r ^. prices ar«a a .^ta^^-^on^. aa to composition in ^aen r'H3(n ( woul'i UV- ftamiiiss of 'all vfMiie ra/j and of ^ood. rag s^ocK tnth not ^!or$ ^,h^ri thirty perciint ^oo^i pulp^ but do not ^a^vt ?iny -Arit;^ •^n^v-h.'.o. i:\,{->^ 1 do ':*ot v.-anv any coai^od, sixea, or Buper- catot.dorsd ■•Apo-fi, oat '/,-ox;lc lih'e laid .v.d «?ovf) finish, thy latter v,It,li !:r>0'-.£h 5urTa?t> to t-ik.! I5nfi text c-xU [noi half Lonos) properly \)XJSJK.' .'V/'^' Vvvju-Jk V w 1 ^;: s 8t8 WashiR(^ton. D. tJ., April 16, 1901. A. H, Ke'-shey, Mew Sra Printing Co., Lancaster, Pa. Dear Sir: Last rtight I rutu^neu tr yon the galley v.^,,of q^ t>,y f(,jj faming article .which cait^s in aff,er my iattor was »«'itt3u; I re- turned also compieta pa,-e proof of rry Bo^^oslof ar^icla a);:J7, 10th line froRi top of pa^.e. Lewjs ''^ivor should be spaiied Lewi*; Kicldlo of same (D&ge. %ichaina shoulvl ho spelled Mgichatm; on Pft^^e 247. oth ILne from top, and on pa^^s 206. 6th ii.-,o f^-om top. Ik Port Wrani^.oU, tha Ft. should bj strjr-ken out. In t);o fox rBTKir^f, article the titio is sc sho-t that it ioAu ^a'ily. I think you had bettor add tho v/ords ^ Alaska, .o that t>e titie will read: Pox Parrsing i. Alaska. Very Iruly yourf«. i •''4^'— HWll^' ■'"-"'^MTiiTj,^ ,ft0fmKi00 i|i»*%iM tf^ , *V* *",' * '» / > 1^ 'r« •"ft*;, ^1: '■v^:'T.-< .* ', .;" ?ir/3ni,'"5iy '*.•' '^'^ m ■ -Jr. u :ai i s^^J^ ^•^ .>*•' ^1 !<<'.-,' 'rt .?t^'-;ff f, Hi i.t 319 * w •' I 1 fif ^ ^ ^ .. H>^>^ V\j-^ (^xW^vHH v.^ h> ^. -+ «^^. ^•^w' \ V" \. .•--Mk>*A [<)jo;. --^ X-KJt ■V yoe-*— ^ - 7 lwA^^^l/^\R^ />.^..vV* ^-.' yAv'^ 4f ■v -•/. f. vl... JC^ TVJ^-'WA V»»^ -III I X VJ^""^ t.^jL Lc- f va ^J|vOv-->J k ^ L t<.> V :zJ •1 kX T A^ h< ^^-^ ■f V ^ ^\\ i <,» tr:- *-Li ■»>-. i^ V- ^' V ^ ,— • -t: < Vhm^J^J^^'^^ ^4jkiK.KjL -*— ' '-V-A*- •s li^^C Defective OSR \ ^ h^ -^ -1 ^ ^--l- v-^ - V Xx... ^-Jkt -A *^-^^M vJt f X. i. )-- 4 \ V V^'^ I t< ^~^ V4 U.. A. Va-s>w. A '-"t-, ^-^ 1 v„ ^^^^^ ^"^^^ 1 / ^ V V >_ . V r h J^Vot,, V y / } ^'4 ^ '^ A 'V. s.» -- i v*^ --V-<. <-- ^ O- V \ 'V, '--'<. ^^-.~X V t: V Am. V 'M^ \>'s* w \^. vv-'-W 1 I V U.-s--«^ *»* r ^ y v ^ I \ -A^ ^ '-t jC*^ t- 'f n \ \ V ivw 1^ ' i > t M ^ .t'-r ♦a If [ 1 ISS Washiivjfon, 1). C, April 18, lOOi. B» 0, Gookajme. Boston, Mass. % doai* Sir: You seem to labor undor a son-jw^jat rwarkebi,? haliuciijjtif);. ae to the deotinatioa cf proofs or places sent you by -c for reprc- auction. Thus far I i:,uvo reo^ived no proors ira-i you of any uf these, but Mr. Marous Baker Jas .3„t .,o prooiB m-.: or.4lnai«' .f . batch of se«,eea plates which y.. for ... .„,,o^,, ,,,,,, ,^,,, ,^ him. Ko star f ith proofs l-^^ys yst «v»no t^:, f^ni. In ooBpiiance with you ,.^,^:o8t f:>; orLi^ai* o^^ f->. „., ♦- «• P«.ntirij, to b. exhibited at H^a^aelfh*. r,.,t ,«.k. ( ,„ ,,,,. of WalpoIa-« painti.Tj,, „- .ri^sr,, „„ ,>na,r- i--,,.,,- flake, harlequin ^ck; Ruj'ous chickadee; m^ ot g>- -r i rv-.- M . . "onw vi 0j.^.--r.| fVvfit»"">r8. aHfj NarcifcsuG buttercup. >a. Crvn^. i '^^s. anu you the urjginaig of these fiovors but wirn tv. the name of the artdst will ha eotuipi^iouftlv ^y^-^ , you will do this an/ wa- ^-ivir,c «.i . »" an/ wa^, t^vii^ Walpoie (jr<»d.it, for tho ?: -w^r pictures am /uertes for the bird painting.. ffxth respect to the roproductio- '>f ■ i 'ill I I I 'I 111 ' •■' if ' '• ^1- - 2S8 323 'I' Washington, D. C, April 19, 1901. W. ?• Btherir^gton k Co., 156 6th Avonue, Cor. 20th St-eet, New York* Dear Sirs: Your letter of the 18th instant reaoherl me today, toeiother with five sawples of paper, m;nl,eroa, hit not £;iving any other ii^oma- tion. I shall bo obli^^ad if you will kindly Bond m at once a Btatoment as to the woi^i^t, price, and aiiegod compositicn of each of those papers^ and also of ar^ nibsequ^nt ?-riplei> you r-ay car- to tran,sfnit. Kospovitfuliy, I I 1 ; 4 i'f'l Wa^Vnington, D. Co, April 19, 1901 A. Koen & Co EaltlT^^nre, Md Dear Sirs; Herowilh 1 an re.u^ning a l)atch of maps marked for correction In the case of the Forn(.. f c •: t '^p you will observe th^t in p.intir,g the topo^trapliy the color .-f the light strip near the coast has been so darkened tlu^t it Is not clearly distinguished fror. the dark., central part. i)a-ticularly b; night light. You cen of courso. easily rorredy ihiSo " The new United States mp .'it-h the railroad route iz not re- *v„+ i< i« q+.i'*i ursatisfact.ory to tr.-ned to vou for the reason that it la s,a..- u-^a Mr. Ha-ir^an. and ^ -^V Have to mke a larger nap. I think I nan Ipt you kncr hIjouI tliic Monciay. after I see Stanley-Brown? Von; truly yours. I II >\ i^SS ',inshir■« oblifiea if you ^iH .ona auorier proof nontaimr^ at lu..i two ...uticml .ntrien to the pa... One ioaa - I a., not H^.r. but t.o -- .Kould b. t..e. out Le^oen the title anu the line b.io., an. the ..ne nurn;.,r can ne easily, snared between the entWo.. Tl.e page x. too o.en to .ook ,„U »vd tho nu..b,r of ti,j.r<,» and liaU. i= "<■ B-^'-^t th,., .,-.^... ii, this .ay Ito .li».- of iU..t™U0>;s wul t.ke .r, a».c,eU:.r Wo much rooms I wrote yr^ yesiorday abovt tho ..allien wooacu.o ^' ■■.- i ''^ < t I » i • • r' t- > % i i ■ I 325 WR^5hin£,ton, D. 0., April 19. lOBl . Dear Grinneil i ' ' Mot '!H^*n^^ received l>ack vour pa^o proof I feared that you had kcA. reoe.ivod tYvii sairaon report from tho Trea^5ury Department ♦ bo toc^ay I sent up anu ^^ot a ctopy and r.ont it to you \rj the noon mail = I i:^vst it will roach you -^afely^ f^nd that you will be able to nake v^'hatever additions you see fit and rotum the proof shortiyo I am ov6rv*fhel?i:6d just now. l>ut will write you about the other matters a little later*. \ \ VV^ X> Oe oiV'-5 B i r (! C-i' i nn^ 1 1 , For^^t and Stream Off ice 1 ^'1 M i 928 i 327 1 1 Wiishin^ton, D. C. April 19, 1901 Dear Mr. Lanier: your letters of the iSth. 17th, and IStli tnstwits are at hand, but no samples of raper car-e imtil todny,. whC'n five a.wples ar- rived with a note fron Btherir^ton & Co. These papers bear serial numbers, but are not rrferked in any other way, and I am writirjj^ Ether ington & Go. hermvith to supply a statomont as to wei^dit, cost, and allegod compos it. ion. You, of oourse, uiioorstand t)mt it takes several days to pwike a conplote mioroscoT)i3 and chomiaal ey. agination of samples of papo?*: I sha.a let you know the ro ? ult at the earliest posrrlbit? no^'jonto Two of the seunples reueivad today look well, and if th??y prove to contain enou^i^ r^fi f .litres to give them durahiiity a quantity 3hm.ild be sonL iho printe^rs as 8oon as possible, in order to tef^t tho way in v;hich they take the text outSo The next question, after we .'iciscept a satii-f'aatory sample, will be as to whether or not wo can get the ^^anufaeturors to deliver exactly the same kinOc This is the prin:5ipU reason ;vhy. I asked fo** the name of the nanufaoturer in aach ins t'«i rice, as the?*o is no use in footing with a mn who will lie to us rer^e^terirv^ hb has the i>ianufacturer of the provio\xs sar^ploSo . Thors ir> iittb^ satisfaction in analyzing and solecting a i^ood sar^ple unier^r: m can be sure to get the thin^, ordered. I havr, knov/?-. dor.ler?; in several instances to fill ordc^ra with paper quite uxire>*f'nt fro^ the sanpld or. w-iich the order »vas baf^od. It js imporumt. th.6x-a« I'ora. to deal oiiiy with honest fin6 thoroivhly r^iliable naruifacti.rcrs* Vl. ^. Lanier — 2. In the introauction I have mentioned the wain points aocom- piiahed by the expedition as I understand them. I regret to iearn from a letter received from Stanley-Brown this morninp that Deilenbaugh is giving us additional trouble about the title page. Reicrrinf^ to ^^wr remarks about the color plates from the Heliot»'po CoKwny in vour letter of the l^th instant, I would refer you to rr,' letter of March 11, in which I x*on t:i03e accepted sonetine ago. Notice for instance the blue leaves of the pine sprig and the under tail coverts of the r7i;hthand chickadee.* Very truly yours, ^v^\^^:5^-^ V vx<^^v:>-N3^' Ho Wc Lanio*' Dnuhlcuav. }'a<-"S h Ooo, *? Ne^ '«!'ork \\ I * 82S I 't \ \^ 329 P^» A. !', Ho '-she W«£].ir!£::to... i). ,;., Aor^l 20. icoj,. f*arRn;i'j->!~ "^ rt -i. - . ,. . ^ - ^. a. ...1. .,nu xn^.nt .con, a,, rovi., ,,,,^,, ,. .v^^ ^ . -'■•■* •■■-^•!'>.vo-..».^ ^Ai-e: lo^ -■,»,.> '■ ^i; -^ ' ••ur.i.-.. f,. von iri^T. ::r.-i j>v-r i t ■ - -• • iroiofi'Xu no V v.. 'V S.\j, •*) i % ■| i^8*hlr,=1.on. i'. C. Y*:;<^i '^^' Vo^..-. c.r ;0M<^t=:^. ;:. c-of srje rviiae on the ri^V ^ .■ ^. .-..•^rpV- T^Vviu laii -->ar toia m iluii .>i.e V ^^.. M .t ou- Or.^'-ernjNent '^^;':or.lu set Kf>xua an nr^^a v.^^ ,-: roiibr^atksn. Sir.r.ouri.*.© tri.V ail ..... ^-6 hast 11;; r^ r-. . -..►^. Georif'3 »irv 'Irinrallp for (> vf i^ ?T?^ciC^' v'fti^^. ♦ *! ■ K^- 1 k,'JU ■>:■■ • PaKO w^ Paint 9^1 h'^^ Re S;.-/a:n nrffo^-a-,^., ^.- Inaiun sBi4i nuniers hut, v^Kiaat. ^a'% •< '^ ^» - roiiuji^piaca I ♦^ 4 ~> 'Mv ,~« <-»« t^m ^m IQ r ^ » V<;ieanD uf Uifx^^ua, Cook Ini*^;,. « « •«■ .' ^; .arc*:. . .'•». p -•-«'«•, J J. ' « V ■ At ',/ I "*• - ^'^ h:u *.a • • r* * I '- I . ?*•. '■• />0 i V *■** r^l r^:^ > :": ' /i »A j;^,, .-if * *■•**» y 333 (;:) Bi'^'is. v.» All :)aint.ed by Louis A. Kaor i.ti<» PiU^U CheSunu^-oackBU chiCKuciae (Parus rufu^aons) --- Karieqam durtk (HiSlr: onions hisivrionicus) ........... ^. Pcrniariiis jae^jor (8.-ercorarius poma^imis) - — -- Ataska lo?v;spur .(Oaica-uus i^tpponicuB alascons^s) ^- -^ King eider (Somauerm f^naoiabj Us) «.-.•«- ■.^-'---—---- — - Lorg-ttiilsa jaeger (Stercorarius lon^ricaiidus) .-....^-.^-.«« Hyporboreun ^^nowi'lake (^nssorina hyporborua) -----' — -- KaoiaK ^ini^ K^osUak (Pihicoia onucloHlor flartmuia) -— — RafoiiS hu!a;:un^:bira (So ia«:phoras rufas) ^^.■-- -— fro)a9n-:^^ort7i8d sparrov/ (^ono^J^i>• -^ • M:.P"!T?ialj^>« Paintod bv Ci;.iriaH h. Jvni^to KeUidk fox - .,i9 •-& «•> « -4- *•*■ ■-■• ■■♦ *• <- - ^ 1* It *^ fi "Original Defective M t M ^i ( •^^ . 1^88 All painted by Fredorick A. Walpole* Calypso orchid -•- — - — ^--- — -^ Salffionbarrj' --.^,-,*,-.-^ ^^^ ^ *..-«*^^^ Polemoniunjs from fvadiak, Alaska — ^-.:^-. -..._. -«^ ;-«L .J* .4* *^ .u^ vf9 . ^m -v^-m^'v^ Page 15 ^Q X vUnD XIJ^W ^» ^-« ^» «" -^ *-« -^ -*»-»■• .^ .-.« •A*'* ««v -^t #i» -w «• «w 7« »«»-««««■ r^ «««.« «i» *•« .••••« ^<» •Jt r *.<» — » **• -*> * .— -. 46 ^.«.- U6 -•-- 224 Narcissus buttercup ..^«,— ^-.. Alaska heathers in bed of reindeer moss - > Vs i I .■f .*» J*. 1 1 335 (4) PliOfTOaRAVUBE PLATES Facing page Shoahone Falls, Idaho. i ^ »„/. k h F,«rriwan ----- Fron photographs by A.K..FisUer ana K.h.harriraan HaiKin*?. valleys, Inaiae Passage. Britiah Columbia. ^Pf on. photographs hy C. Hart Merraam — At Lowe Inlet, British GoUin^bia. ^ Fron piiotograph by B. S. Curtis — --- Port Wrangell and Sitka Wbor. Prom photograpJis by B. S. Ourtis — r* •-- «^ *^ (^/\, • m-- »-• «• ts^ Pfor. T^iOtograp^i fey ''. Hart Mama.-, --r — SkaflWkV Alaska in June 1899. ,. „„• ^ ^^Prora plxotograph hy C. Kart Merriaro — Tftahftres in Glacier Bay« EPoBi photograph by 0, Hart Merriam Bast end of Muir Glacier.- Prom photla^^raph by K, S. iia»*tis Bdgo and W.t of Muir (rlacier. Prom photographs by 1%. S, uurtis Sunset on Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay. From i^otograph by &. a. ^^ur^ is B0r,»s stranded at low tiuo. ne^r ^v" Glacier. - *" Prom piiotograph by R. S. Curtis 24 26 28 30 34 36 38 42 Footf»th along Indian Kivar ^it,ka. ^rora photograph by r. , S. ..urt,i8 --- Interior of Greek c>iuj-ch"-t Sitka. ^ ^ FroR photograph by Ec S. •.u*'1.ip --- Indian T^ivor, near Sitka. „ . , • > Pron photograph by K. b. >.urvi8 --- Drift ice. Yakutat Bav, ^',,r'r^^i - — — - Pron pliototiraph by t. hari. woman Part of Colmbia Glacier P^inco WiUiaw Soimd. Prom phot.ograph by l- S. i.vrtis — - 44 4B 50 56 68 1, ' f 0 f II, 4: ^^i as8 337 !! (5) Amliorst nrid Present Glnciera, CoUefie Fiorci, ■ rorn photoj^^raph by C. Hart Mo"ri.H?.. „.._ 70 Harvard Olaeiftr. Pron photo^^raph by ii\ S. CurtAs --.. .,...__ 72 Tho Kar»-iman Ciacier. .-Vom phot,o,j>-at>h by a, f^ Curtis .• - ._... 74 Park" like shoras near Kadiak. l-ron photo£>-aph by C, Hart Korrian --,-„.,... Village of Kadiak., Alaska. hrorn pno:,ograrjh by C, Hart Merrian -»— ----- 78 ». •■■^ ak4 w «r- >-> V- ir 80 «"*•*- cr- S4 "''^° '*rr^i:f!:\^ ^^'^ ^^^^ ly'^on the MUsido whoro it wds hiioto Hrfim piiotOiiraph oy K. H. Harriman f>it. Shisliaiaino From photograDhs by U, S. Fish Commission - 90 Soa-lions. Pribilof Islands. I^srin- Soa. . i-rop, paintzr^ by Chariea B. Hud8cn^•^tai^i^^.L.h;i.l!J^.i:. 94 ^""'""p^L^T'f^^^'^'i^^^^^f Islands. !er|n^ Soa. 1-on plioto^raph by 0. hart Murriaii,'^.:j^.A''«tr-- ■ *■* ■<••■ -M «» «^ «r- 96 Plover Bay, Sjbor'a. i'Vom phot.og,>^aphs by ije Ha-t. >^orrinin Sskimo topek, Plove*- Rav, Siberia, Julv i/^9^k t*ror?i p?ioto^ra?)h b/f5, :;. Curtis ^^.Z * ' ?7 ^ «>v. ->« « ^^ S0!> 100 Jskii-.c boy and l-i^l, Po-t Claron.-M. Al-s}-;.. H"^or*i photo^^rn^i by <:, Haft. Vcrria.-, --.-_.„ ^04 McKbors of i}:9 0)^p3..iition or. ?t. ?.iatt;,o'v Tsinnu. From p^.oto^rapn.s by R. S. C^-tis ^:. -„, 1^2 Totom poies at r)eserton Viilj>j.a. froTn photo^i.'-aph by E. S. Curtis -- _ x^j: CcluTibia Gii-iPr, fror. b'efithor Is.lanc. Fron photog'-arii by E, r-:, (.urtis, •A.^~,..»m. Front of Par-y GiacioT^. ~- 119 01 itar^y (riacioT*. r'-on pholograph by C, ha>-t i'err.jif.,W^..^M .._... 12O ■?." I (6) Tho •Oeo^K.e ^W. i?ld(5r* near We ilea ley Glacier^C^i^ From^ photograph by 0» tiftrb MerriJ^ri — ^^•-*^- Serp^entrino Glacier, Harr2Piaii Fiordc From photograph by E- S. Curtis — -■- Kubbard Glacier, Diai^nchaiilirent Bay«> From photograph by G. Ko Gilbbrt -^ Yale Glacier, Colleif.o Fiord, From plioto^^raph by C, hart Merriam «^. "«--..--- Threes upset by La Perouse Glacier o From photbgrapli by Go K, Gilbert « West front of Columbia Glacier c From pilot ograph by E» S* Curtis -- iHarrit'ian Glacier* Fron photog^aohs by B. S<, Curtis -. Columbia Glacier, from Hoather Island. r^om pliotOrTaph bv B. So Curtis - <-^^-.««^"- Dosertoa Inuian v i 1 lei^e , Cape Fox, Alaska o From photo^ra«>h b'^ K. S* J.^urtis ^.. ....--- Beaver totomyDost^rtod ViUa^eo Fro^a pbiOtO(':rar.h by Ko S". ourtls <•*-»«- ■^•^wr**; I ^'j^TT ■» A- ''•' •i^ m^ -aa. ■W- ♦^ •«■. *« «•■ » •- •*- ^ fc-^ ♦•- »- •»- •* - 12G 128 KiO 132 - LH — -•••'•'••• Xoo .. 137 -«» .T. , - ^ ipT- «W ■»- •»- ««^ Chief 'J?i house, l^osortc-a Ville?.^^ee Capo ^ok. From photogranii by K. S, ^uHis - — - Mantling his canoe, ana Sitka Inaian hutSo From photo^^^apha by E. ^c Curtis ^-^•^.^^^'^ ..^^-. Indian sealers' camp, Yukutat Bayc Fror.: photog>'aph '.)y i')* -^ <4*om photog'^apl:; r)y h). S. Uu>*ti& ^ ^ ^ ,.».«.*-'.•.•» S» a.. •■-•.-.•••►•••—•" -^ ' Eskimo aloiv.siue snip. Plover Baj;; Froi^i r»nov.o*-:raphs by w chart m Eskimo winter hut, Plove^* Bay, Siberia. From photoFr«.5^'h hy ^-^ ^- (.urtis , Siberia. err iam ami WcB.Davar9\ix f».» ^ T^ -6 160 166. 170 «.,.», ^ ■».•••»'•■—«-"-•-•-"■•*"'■ • X / /^ I ( ri 'I ' I 888 339 (7) (8) II ! i( «^ '*• •«■ a' iM Bfc ^1^ «k *-' 4w Tv •» c> «»« tf;^ «• tr- Eskimo sottlenant, Plovor Bay, Siber^ia, From plioto^raph by Eo S. Uurtl.s --• Kskimo baskets. Port V/ieronoB) ^l^nktr, Aleutian baskets, Atka Island, A].a»fcao i'Vom photo^i^raph bv Ro So Curtis - J^tc BdgecuRjbe £rom;^back of Sitka o >. From photograph by G« K, Gilbert --« --.-^ Dutch Harbor, Una iaska. ' ^^^ -- ^ - • ^ From plioto^raph by Er S. Curtis Heather Island, Columbiri Kavc 1?4 ♦»■ w« •» ^r vmt er isiana, i^oiumtari iiavc From plioto^-^^^'arjh by E, >,. Curt i fe -.^-^^ 180 - 1^ - 198 Lily pone nea" Kaaihk, Aisska. from photo^^raph hy E, S,, Cu-tis -.- .--.- Una h> ska hills ids s . From photograph hy U. H, Fish Oonrnir.Hion --- --- Gulls on H> George TsiRmi: •JW-644«i&-^rpeiHn Mur'^es or ^airiis Isiar.a, Pribiioi group. Fror:;" chotoiiraphs by he j-% Ohiehestor -1 _"..._ . Kntranco to Wrar^gail Narrow?. Fror. photoMraoh hy E« So Curtis — Lupines^ on Wood Island; near Kadiak: ^ From photograT;hs by C, K 226 230 »--.-.«.-= ^ -.« ^ ^ ^ -^ », . ^ ^ .. „ ,_ ,-^^5£/ — 23E ho Forest,' Unalaska; Trees on Xaaiak Island rrom [jhotographs by Eo So Curtis -^ "t r^ tm t.- ~> '»»»-r«f-»»*^»-»-».««^,»«^^. O 4 .< 246 Indian Kivor^ ^:jbu.:^ From photog>*aph by Kc ?.. CuHi^. --^^ Resurrected forest near Muir GiJicle^% From photo^<,raph by Ko S. Curtis -"•. Forest oYe>'tu*-ned hv Coiumbia Uiacier* Fron photo^rarh by K. S. Curtis - .^ «.. Wv ^ ^r^ ^m nz — *v-- rf* 248 250 Scrub pine in bo^v near Wrajvroil. From p}ioto^/*aph by K, Ti. Gu »»t is ^•■- — -'•-"'--•• 2o2 9ia ^> t 4 •vtt. r ^ ^han^vitv, valley,^ Fraj'i/er Heaoh. ?rom^ photo^jl^aph by E« So Curti g »•,««»•»-"--•"■•••"'«•— "^**"'*" 258 Mtr, FairwGat>iO>* and Mt= Lituya^ F^otn t;botOi^raT)h by C. Hart kerriam -- F**am photograph by t- Mpast mrrHpi^K- From pliotograp): by Ro h«254 Hamii*K.- fc^t. Pavlor, A ItiSkF, Peninsula. f^Vom photo^^^anh by C ha'^t Ka^r lam urbi Lavidacn Glacier, .Lynn Canal. s ^ii 2&a^ ««.-..^^-- -.----- X-bO ^ i. .^ «• .- -^ •• • ^ ^ ••. — «- — — — «-» *" ^vj/l» 26-4 , •> -»r «.. •!.•«. ""^ ^•riam — --- — •>«>««arar>M*«« '4^" 9'?0 Islets in Sitka Hnrbcr. „ ^ „ . F'-'om pJiotOf^^apM ty S' >>• i>urLiS — Moyntair.8 on Alaaka Pcnins-la. Krom photOf-rar..h by h, n. hcTryreJi —-- Kntram'-e to Salcovia. Konai Porlnnuia. ^ From photogT«aph Isy JU •-. v-urtxa^--- Columbia Glacier at cprAactwithUsi^^^^ __ from photog>»aph hy E= S. (/.iHas^-—- ^A- -r^- Fur- teals. St. Paul Island. Be^in,^ Sea. ^-^ ^ Fror. photci-raph by Co riart >,or^iRr. *^- --■*-^"— ' Sun ana clouds; hast view of the PacifiCo From r,hol-^ri2i;r at Cha^-nofsk J viU£tf;e. Alfiutian Islwius. ^ ■ PfoT^r p!iotogr»ph by U^..S. H'isTi.Oonr'UsSion --— -> f^i M f 1 *i i «i oi^e. r: f (9) Bogoalof Voloano, Bering Sea. Prom photograph by G. Hart Merrlart -i-^.. - --- ?9i Old and New Bogoalof Volcanooa- From pliotographs by Lt« G. H» Doty — .,..-^^- J08 West side Bogo«lof Volcano. oif% From photograph by U. S* Pish Corcnission 312 New Bogoslof from center of conneoting spit. Ship Rook in foreground • Prow photograph by Lt. G, H* Doty odd Murre3, or 'Arries/ on Walrus Island, Pribilof group. _ From photograph by H. !)• Chichester — -- sso Stampede of sea- lions, Bog^oalof Voloanoo Prom paintiiTg by Charles D# Hudson — — -— •- -^^^d Salmon drying at Chernofski village, Aleutian Islands. Prom photograph by U. S= Fish Commission — a V m t if- I I ' !1 A ns ll9r OF TEXT iMGURES. Green Fiver Hutt6, Wyoniru:-. .Vawn b" A. h Balowm ■'^''''■''%-r/w"^''T"''^" "r;^'' ^hoBhon-o''' photon-rap;', 'ny C. Hart Merrian - ni.os'r.ono Falls Idaho. Drawn hy W. fi. Soa.-ior fron photogrnph by r,. K. Gilbert '- 1 An Irrigating Wheel. Drn'vn by W. E. Spader from photograph by U. S. Gooiopical Siin'ov - '- Latoii^-elle Falls, Oregon. I>awn hv A. H. Hnldwin fron pnoto«rraph. — ^- - • . . •* ^ "• • ' •> •., Vo •>■«■* • s -'^:Unc?nsuh Falls. Oro^-nn. Cra?;- V- A. F. PciiHwfr from piiOLo^rapn, ... . .^T .. . ^ Vifltf or Ir-siao fassat^e. Draw) by W. k. .Snaner fron photo/^raph by G. hart Mi-.rriam' -... _..;-..,..„„ I r-.-! do Passage. Drawn by Louise M. Ken lor from pr.o.O(-raph by G. Hart Jiar^'iar. - An Alaska Fiord. Drawn by A. li. Baldwin from photo.--arh ;.y u. ^■. woaat oui^'oy - - :.^..r*. .^.' ii^ctlaVfhl.lR. ■ Drawn by W. R. ^o^-er from nhotop.raph h" A. .K. Fi?>;or , — .._.,.. !.,..._, _'.._. i ^. Interior of Churoh naco by Inui&rs at fietlftkaht'f-. Drawn uy -V. *:. Spacior f*'or phoT.of''fiph by W. P. DovorDiix "un:-et. in ins ice Passa^io. Drawn by ■». P.. Sr.i>.de>* from r)hotoi'>'Rr>. by " " Totem Polos Jxt^Vranaeil. Drav^^n bv IcyuAno H. Koolev r^o»: Passage noar Wraiv.'^ H ''ar>^'^vs. ]>ra\vri ^^' ''^f. E. Spaoor irom dL ot o^-raph Old v^-Iiurch at Juneau. Dra?/n f/^; *,o.;l3o ? . K(?0'or from Pa-o. o 8 13 15 V » 19 2') 21 24 2P 27 op 28 oo ■ i fi' 1 1 i' I K 1 1 '' . 1 r J ■■ ■.^ ^1 2) Davidson CP.acier. Lyrji Canal. Drawn by Louise M. Keoler from photograph by 0. liart Merriar. Head of Lynn Canal. Drawn by Louise M. Koolor from photograph by U. S. Coast Survey — Looking A«*»mt Head of Lynn Canal from White Pass Railro Rail-oad Terminus. Sumrr.it of White Pass. „ ^rawn by A. H. Baldwin fron photograph by E. S. Uurtis Ou=1.oi Houso ana na^» of,^oth Nations on Provisional^ ^,_ boundary, Summit ot «[>ii'G rasb. 1^.^" - __^ Keeler trom photograph by E. S. Curtis Sled-Load of frain White ^^^^,^^:^:^^:^:J^^i'^.^- from photograph by E. S. Uurtis — - Ivhiir Glacier. Draw- by Louise M. Koelcr fron photograph '.» lk^ir Cabin, CHaoier M". Drawn by 6. ii. "icnois xrom __ photot^ranh by C. Har*. Merrj&m - --'---- Mvir G lac ierl"^- Drawn by A. li. Baltiwin from photograph by G. K. Gilbert • • - — -.-- Camp of Harvimn Party on Kuir Glacier. '; ijrawn by A. il. ^ BAidirin from photograph by C. hart Morriam Cam:) on Point Gustavus^f Drawn V,y W. Z. Spader from " photof^rar'h by Leon J. Cole — • Crevasses on Nlidr Glacier. , Drawn by W. E. Spader from photof.raph by William H. Avorcll - Larfo' Hock' Supported on Column of Ice. NKiir Glacier. Drawn ^^ by Louise K. Keeler f-om photograph by Leoii ci. .vois^^ ^ Resx.rrlcted Forest near ^Vir /'i'^^f'aJ^ ir!l-"-^:.^' Spado?' from photograph by H. .-5. lAir.is Old Russian Barracks, Sitka. Drawn by A. li. Ealdwin_from^_^ photograph by E. S. Curtis • '" 342 Pago. 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 39 39 41 43 44 4-8 I I ,i i ?M 344 \m ■4* (3) n\ T noar View of Greek Church . S i t.ka . " Drfmi ty Louis:^ U. JCe-'Uor fror: o!;OLo,<,raph by fi. S. Curi,ir. -^-.-. ^^dslots noar Sitka. Drawn h- Louis e> J], K^o^^^* f>-or^- ^ pb^>tograph by K. ?. Curlip. ^-... _.,.,., t- *». * J - r IX ^ Islaniis 'leHr Sitka. Drawn by Lov.ise i;. Koeler fror photo^^;raph by E. S. Curtis •* »■ «" w Russiar. Plookhouse R.t Sitka. Drawn by Loi.iPo ?4. K'V-»lGr f^-or photOf^raph by K. S. CuT-tir, -■^. -• *- \r^ ••■ ■■• »- ^ Gr^ek Ohi'rc>i, Sitka* Drawn 1)7 A. H. Baldvnn ^^on pliotr^graph bj:- Ec 5-. CuHis ^-.--^^ — ...^^ ....^. Ru'^^ian Cemetery at ??itkac D^^a^n by Lnu]*^*^ Mc Kooier iroiri photo^^raph by E. S, Cur-tis' -^ » < ' JC • ' V/ort End of La Poroi.so Crla-jiero Drawn by W, E* Smaf>r from photograph by C, Hart iierrian^V^^^--^- -^1*^- - ^ -^ -^ Low Por^^sted ShoreE on Houth ^^nn of y>kutHt fay. Drawn by Loiiiec ''•" KiaAJoY* f>*ni/, iibot/0<',rar)b y&lcutnt Ville^ro. Drawn b^ S« he Nichols from photorraT?h hy (jc hH'^t ^icrri'ini —- — ...... -:-. ^ ^. t^ * «• «r 9^ . «LI '» *- Mar of lakutat Bay, Al-if?K5i., i -^ hf::i}^y Gannett -- -- - »-.»..,«. IW*'. Gp.s(^fvrp'rjp^flaoior, :V^:??e.U Fiord. "^Drmvn. by John L. Ridi^ay f>*nr^ pr^oto.ira^^ b^- Go Ke Gilbert - — ^ ,..^- Ship at fici^je of D^^ift leo, Yakiitat Bay. 'Drawn by W. B. Srr.Hor f^'o^ r''C".0{"'rFiir^-: b-*^ C c Harb r;e>'riar- --1--.^ ■ en V I.Vav^n an ^ — — • Ca?rp of rlunt^rvt Party on North ?J ore of Yakutat bay.~ by W. Si. ?pador frorri phot.Of;**aph b;; G. Ha^t i^erri Ca^oo in Icq, Yakutat Bay. ^ Tjr*:<*fr: b'^- W. E* Spador frori photof,^apbi })y Co Ha>*t rifTi^i^ir!!^ -",..-. — ^..l,.. . ,.e.^. — .. Soa! Ihintf)rB' Oanp, i'akutat Ray. r>*?r,vn b-'^ Loiii?e i-l. K'joler fror pbotor'T'fj.r'h by R, S. wiiHin - ^^^-- ... — Yakntat I>i(i*.anR Padrllirr OMnoc?. ^drv^rr. by '^. K. -^naaer frorn photo*'.ra^>h by" '»» •* <•» » 49 49 60 '5'' 51 53 53 54 V't..' 57 5R 50 60 50 r 9' \ 1 « «, V '■/.. 1 (4) Jaoror oA Wi^i. ' nrawn»-by !- A. Fuertsa frrnn nat^.^ro Uur Ship, tbo Geor.^6 W. BUor.^ Or froTT. p- o-to<;raph by fi^ H* Cu^'ti Draw'i by W. E- Spaae: CJ ^ ^ - - -— - "• ---•--•' " ' Suneot. Yakutat Bay. J^^-m^ Jiillams fron pbGtoKraph hy R . S . Curt is ' Al>;;llt4U on Wiru.. Drawn I7 I- A. Fuortos fro^^ n.tu>". - \.l^or ^nnory at Orca. Prl.co WilU.;^ ^-J^;! ".J^l^r .--"- -^- W. E. ?pH.'lnr l>ori photog^'apn by ^. Har^ .,o^r\^^ oiur^--a ■"■H^c^r.v. fvor, o. Disten.o. "^ Dra.vn by Louiso M. Koclc-r fror^ T^botorraoh ?a.:0. 61 61 62 64 65 66 4>. i. Dr^-.wr. by Looker,. dh U ' Louise v.. Koeier rrom rvhotorra™. -y & ^^- ■•-- rnilA-P Fiord s*'^'>".'^V >''?-'r. Mp-.vr and Fsrr'ard Glai'iors. Drawn by Loinsc M. Koelor .. ror^pJ-^vo^v '^P- "-■ ^'• i-iM-ant Mow of }>i^^ GlaSer^ "'^Dravjrn by a. m. Baldwin ' t>-om i?lioto»lOe-apb by E * He Gu^'tis - - . Barr r-rv Gla':icr. >^^ar View. Bhowin- Icp £«^^f ;^. ^T\^eler - ' '^Louiso K: Kaelor f-or phcto..rapn by ^liarlos V ^eeur D^avvn by Charles P» ovorcijc • ' * Homer. Kaebo-.k I^ay, ' IW^n by.bouiso v. Kn.ler fron plioto,H>-a^b by >\ bp.rt Nser^ian =;horo of Uyak ^-y. Kadiak Isl-dnd. Pr Huflfton from pho<-o.-raT;b by «• ' • -' Bold i-oa5r .^aa^.^k^s...^ ^ / 68 5 70 •70 rt-: 73 76 78 80 9f> O4- < ' I; t ill >1 l' ■t cM (5) Oono JJoum,uin near Bear Uar^p. Kaciiak Island. ^ Drawn bv Pnro i -V 9 W, A. Sp?.clfir l*-o>r photOf^rarK by C, Hftrt 'on, photographs -..- Two-Hatch Bioarkao ]>fj'vn >„f w k* o ^ r , . by i:. ». cSohostDr ;.:". ';.';. Spf«y__f™phol,o,;n,ph Group of EskinO, plotrnv, p.,.,, ''/f n^^^,^ y.,, * M r , , . ,, photog>-aph'by"g:i/&;t,c™^^:L^:.'::,:^:^'t".^:?^.,, Eskino Alor|siaa Ship in •Oonri^k./ Port Claroti.e. ^ Drawn •V •''. t., Spacor t>-om photc^-aph ],v C. Hart Morriaiii Krki:.:o J^ar ^'orpn, and Child. Po-t. Olaronoo. ^ D„^«,n ^ A^ !i. Hairhvin i-orr photog-aph by -. Hart Merriam Tundra^South Sido or Port C]a->nc3. '^D-av.n b.rw R Svar.,. trom -I.otograph by G. Hart Mcrrif-.r, -' :-V'. . . .^: ./rj:^'.. i^sk^mo (.:iiMren. Fort ..la'-onco. Dr-..^ ]„, i m s.i,:^,;^ trom photograph V S. S. ui.r^.is - :.-- ' •^'^^"■*-" r •■• -^ •»» ■ a m li i o 91 91 95 96 98 99 101 102 103 104 101 105 108 109 110 i \ I \ ! 1 346 (6) i^ ^\ i^<-^ l^ni^mr St *Ti+.V>ew I'.ia-.d, ^ Drawn by W. E. '^r,a'i.ftr tYor. ^ S?oti;|rajls b^E S.C^'-tia and O". HaH Merrim. ------ Cape Upri^i, St, Matthew Island^ ^ Dra^n ^y W. R, 2pad:>r^^_ ' fro:?! photof-aph l.y ' • Ha-t )io>"-3.a''; • Steara Schooror ' Dora . ' 1 1)ra^r= ^;y W. R. Sra.o>" from _^ ^ Dosortod Indian village noar Cage ^ox. iD^awn by W. _S. Spaasr i'ron fhotOf-rt-Ui by r.. -^ . .Airtis. Pago . il2 113 114 1 . c 1.^ n.o^-^-1 v^n^reo "^ Drawn l)y Louise K- Kooler from pilot o^raTj)^ ivy i^- ^' ^^'' --' Chiefs Hcvso. n^^rtod Village. \^:'l}Z,,,^ ^.. !/)Wg11 irorn photo^ra'> ^ oy ^. -i^- • M.v,>n., Gia^io" P^-ineo WilUa^i Sound. ?! Drawn by W, E. Stiador from pnotograpn.%by 0. liar*, mrri^.. 117 \\7 Colu-nb -- 119 • ni.w,-;,'^ Sn^^fv Si-SAii-Unr Ca^ml. ^D^'awi by 'V, E. Spaasr rrair. puotograpii 'by t. ..c.rt ,...r.-; ^y^^. ■ Sr.a.'ior f -on ■ohotO;:rar'^i .^y^ '•:«'■' ''•• -^ Ht. St. wi^afi^Malasri'ia GlH-:l9r. ^I^awnbyA. H. Baldwin fron t)hctOK-aT'h" by I. G. Ru?;Tf?\'.. •; La Porouso Gln(^ior"J^-^D-3<.m >-'•'. S. Spader .fro"! . nhotc^raph by C-'Kart ..o^'ri'^i- ..,^.u..-V" l^X) 1?1 i?l 109 Turner Glacier. Disonchantpnt Bay. "^.^'rawn by W. E. _ Spador i>on nboto^iraph by u, K. Inl-ert Giant Iccb.rg. Gla.^er Pay.,, i Prawn j.; A. il. Paiu-vin^ ^^ «'ovn< -i •-i«^ n-i b"n^l i-anf.l. '^^ D-awr b" Cba'-l??'^ B. Hudson f"ora photo^^atci >^v 0. .-tart .ierr^ar, Ice i'-ort or ?4.ir Gla-^ier. '^' Drawn ]>y '". H. ^^pador '^"o". f'-'oto^-raph by <^.K,^^Cy^'^1^ o.,_^4^. G'n';'-^'', ila--in'in Fioru. ^Draro by fl . S. Spaci-r '■ r^o^. photOi:^! by :^. Kart M-^-riar. - - ---• 123 IZl ■JOA 126 111 I' ' i»! r^8 . !!' =i.| i"7) iirjm Mawr and fiarvit-cl Glaciers, CoVIsito ?iord. ^f' Drawi h^^ LouisG M. Koolor from photo. 'rRph"h.v E. S. Curtifi - ' >'>a>- Ship, the'G^o>-,,? W, Kld.o-: in Miiir Trdai, Glactior Ray. L-awi; ...y A. H'/ Baldwin fron photoi^raph by R. S. Curtis - Lar^3«^Rock Ca-^'lad Iv f&ir Glaftior. ''Drawn }:y Louise M. Ksolor frar phoior'-Tftph h" Weslov Ro 'Jon ---• .,,,.... Niinatak Gianio-, RiissoU Pio-'de'^ D^awn bi^ Wo Ro Snador from Dhoto^t-ra ph by^ Ku (iiT^»-;^ «'«''*^ — ^^----^^ Ho.tIock Cliff, Ha>'ri?nan Fiord, I^awn w W. Ko Spador from pbotorraph -by f:. 3. Curtis .,^.':...^^, ^ n>*, ■ r -«• .« 30 Columbia Gla^. Soon throiv^h Troos. "^ Drawn b- Louis M. Keolor fror^ obotograph by G. K. Giibort' ---«-- Tco '^hJ.1 0? i;'>bii';oia Glacio'-. ' D^awn by Louise M. Koolor fron photograi)h by G. K. Gilbort ---.-.. -^ , — , asxiro, Alaska Haiilr.t Hook of.nir.kit Inaians. 1/ Drawn ry W. E. Spador Nat^.- Woifon ana Ghilciron. Alort Ba-. British Colunlna. frav/n !,y A, H. rfaidft-ir; fvoni nho+.o.p:raT)h by G. Kart • Morriam, 1891 .-, -: i Tlinkit Dancirg Wand. "^^Drawr: -:y Louir,a M. Keoier - Tlinkit Danco TaUle. '^D^-av/n oy 1?. i^ 3mder ■ -■ ~-- Tiinkit nalihut Hook, (j Drawr. ly W. fi. Sr;aoGr •:'1 ,• i.inKit Cano;?. ■ Draivn by 'V. £. .St)aicr f»'or, photo^'rap'' bv Hunya SoaWiuntars Glacio- Bay. - J;v.,,,vn uy l-.i2o M. fcelor • fror. tphotog-aph by E. S. ^i-Hw< S-.^i;-, Can'iiT^r of Tlinkit Caiioo. *l)ra-;/u by Louisa i>'. Ke.olor - - Tlinkit Ca'-^'od Box. Drav/n by Lou:?o M. ^■)o}3r —...- Tlinkit Baskots. Drawn by Louise hi, V.^rdar , 127 12« 129 131 132 133 134 \?§ 137 137 138 139 139 140 141 144. 143 143 *.■■ ^/ 'A. I" i: ;^ -^A -•>• »* 348 Tlinkit CarVirg of Beaver., ' Drawn by W. S. ?!padp,r - • Part of Hou^a FVano, Alert Bay, Bi'it.ipb Colijr.bia. f Drawn b" Louis^G M. Keeler from phbtograp-yi by C. Hart !4erriain, 1891 Deserted NVillftr^e, Cepe Fox. Drawn by Loui^^ M. Keelor f ron: pliota^raph'by Gha^los A. Keolor - — - ■ Toter. Polos,ACppp Kox/ ^ Drawn by W» Be Spader from Dhotot-raph* by F, . H . Curtis "--- -— - -^ - - ,.. -^,. -^^ - Pa»^,o . 144 .144 % t • ^ « \ Boar Totsm Pole, CaT)C ?03^. Drawn by Louise Mo Keeler from photO(^raph by E. S» Curtis --■ — ..^^....^-^ .^ Toten Pole, Alort Bay. I •^"'' Drawn by Louise M« Keolor fron photOi^rat)h bv C. Hart Merrian, 1891 -— •■*»<»■• •rrr . • • • » ^^-t^w- tj t ■^■»»*e- «»«: ■ Totem Poles, Wram^e lie ^ Drawn by A. H, Baldwin from photograph by E. S, Curtis l—--- •r- »T Wh. •» ^^ *-« •^ «» «■« #« pfT •-■ -v- ■- «M. ^ •■' JM- *^ C-* •• •»- ,u Carved Eagle Roof -Post. Deserted Vill» Oca* — Ay.^-^-* >X Tlinkit ,?4ai^ Mask. Drawn by W. B. Spader .,,-....^^ Indian Grave at Wraii^reiK ' Drawn by A. K. Baldwin from B« S. Cu**tis --■"---- •- » m^ . tr3^ MU •*>' #■'«>•• tfSM.*' «M «*»! V* ar V3 »v • • «- Graves of S'ianar,s„ Desortod Viila^^o, Gapo Fox. Prawn by W. K. Spa'ie** from photograph by R. S. Curtis Indian Doad iioiscs., Takx. Harbor. Prawn by Louise H. Keoier fro-n photOj^raph by C. iiart i'-lorriarr. — Tovm Hall and Our?^ N'»w Vir-tl'^^-^'^ti^ . ' l)r«.'vn by W. E. Spador from p}ioto^>*aph by ?..?.. Curtis 145 147 147 147 148 148 148 149 149 149 ■i 150 151 152 153 ' « i ,11 \ ii 'if I 9M 350 I' I I (9) New MetlakaJitla. Drawn by W, F. Spader from photo^rraph ^ by g-e S". Gtirtrtp ti^j^^^^^HUf^^ Carved Dish Roiirosonting Beavor. ViDrawn b^' Louise M. Koolor -w.^^-^^-^^ . — ) car .mn mm- ^m •«> .** mn »- V- V Wr ^ •*. •W*^ •'i ♦»■ "^ •-« ^^ •'^ •'*^ Carved Moat Tray, fproporty of Jo Stanloy--Browrii ^" Drawn by W. B. Spador -— — ^'^-- — --.--. ^...^.^ Carved Meat Bowl, Purchaspd from Chief Annahoots, Sitka. Prawn by Charles K. Hudson — ^— — -^-. . Tlinkit Bone Carving of Koad of ?ird, Sitka. ^ Drawn by W. B. Spador • .^^^~... Tlinkit Carvin^t;, Sitka. ^Drawn by W. E. Spador -~^^>^^- Indian Canang. M)rawn by Louise M. Kceier Paint iriK on Front of Hoi.s9 of Chief Annahoots, Sitka. ^^ Drawn ty from photograph by K. S. Curtis — ^^of Tlinkit Sharnan's Headdress, I Property of J. Stanley-Brown.' Drawn by W. E. Spader — — ^ - _... . .^.. Tlinkit Shaman's Rattle and Stat f,, Property of J. Stanley- Brown .^ ^ Drawn by W. B. Spader 155 166 156 156 157 157 157 4k mm m- vw Tlinkit Shaman's Hat. Sitka, Property of C. Kart Merriam.^ Drawn by W. S. Spader -•• --— Prinif/ive bark luit, head of Yakutat Bay. '^ Drawn by Louise M. Keolar fror photograph by E. S. Curtis - Tlinkit oil box. ^i Drawn cy W. H= Spador ^-- ■■" Woman fl?r.3ln^ aoal hide, "akut:-it Ba". Drawii by Yakutat sealing car.oe. 'hrtviu oy W. R. Spador from p)ioto<_crapH l Hunya seal hunters' huts of driftwoou. near head of Glacier Bay. • D^'awn hy Louise M. Keolet^ from photograph by E.^^s. Curtis -. — r.-.-t'-.r,.,-: 158 158 158 i59 159 161 162 Sealor's )iut showiii.^ seal skins on stretohers, Yakutat Bay. Drawn by Louise M. Koolor l^om p:iotf.v3rap:i by K.S.CurtiP 163 153 I I '» J n ' , r* « « s,m t no) Hunya seal Iranter's camp. Giaclor Bay. Drawn by W. E. __ Spader f^oro pnotCiiraph oy K. *^' ua i^is -- - Tiii-uvit death's head carvings, SitKa. Drawn by '.V. Eo Spader 165 Eskimo mask. Drawn by Louiso M. Koelor ~^--- — —- Eskimo'-irSk^ Drawn by Louise M. Keoler .-.--.<- 157 Bidara or Aleut skin boat. St. Paul Island/ Boring ^^i,^. D^-awn bv W. B. Spador from photograph by H. D. Gnicester iw ■' ~ • . Barabara or r^tive Aleut house at Unaiaska. Drawn by A. h.^ Baldwin Troni photograph jy B. S. Curtis Throo-hatch bidarka. Drawn by W. E. Spader from photography ^^^ h-r H. D. Chichester "~" Eskimo siunmor house and fireplace., f^over Bay Siberia. Drawn by W. K. Spaaer from pnotojsrapti oy E.S.Ourtis i.i Eskimo women and children. Plover ^'^y. Drawn ^y A. K.^^____ Blydwin fron photograph by B. >>. 0urt,i8 — Part of Eskimo settlement. Plov or Bay . Pr^^jk ^^jj^ ' ' .^tf 172 Nichols from photograph by h-r-trr-ttnrtT* »»-ftr*t«- - Unfinished wintev house, showing' rraiaawork of wjmlebo^ Drawn by A.K.Baldwin from pliotograph by crrAt6il^H»i-b*« Winter house compiotely soudod 'f^^, looking ro£jPlover Bay. Drawn by A.H.Baidwin froifi phoi^og^aph by ^^J^;^7ig'«« ^"^ Eskimo man and woman. Plov erBay^^^l^y^ 174 fron photograph by ii^-S^-bui-tia ■'iJ^'iMA* -^ Eskimo n.an and woman. Plo^rerBaj-J^r.^n^/JJ^ ^^^ from photograph by -W-itv tJrtborb ■pr^-Wf^-r-^—'^T- Eskimo women. Plover Ba". ;'Dra.y • b- W. E. Spader from photographs' by B . S, Curvis and Eskimo belle. Port Clarence. V^fwn by __}f!!'j'}}. m from photograph by E. S. i.urt.is EskmC^lovar Bay. ' Drawn by W. B. Spader from photograph Eskimo d-sh carved f-or. vsrtebra of whttle:- Drawn by :; Oharles B. Hudson I * IM f "\ ■i. tS8 (a) Bskimo umiak. jDrawn by W. B. Spador from whotograph by 6. S. Curtis 1 t^__i ;! ]«g Bskino kayalc. Port, Claronce. ^ Drawn by A. H. Baldwin from photograph by C. 1-iart zMerriam — t - > 179 Eskimo woraan man. and child. Port Clarence. ^ Drawn bv A. H. Baldwin from photograph by C. Hart Merriam - 160 Eskimo stone nipe. Port Clarence. (Piirchasod by C. Hart Jiemam) 'Drawn by Jofin L. Ridg^way - I8I Eskimo woman, showing frorfand roar views of parka. Port Claronce. ^ Drawn by W. E. Spader from photographs bv c. Hart werriara — - . --.r,-..! 100 EskiMO finger mask. '' Drawn by Louise M. Keoler _ 1^4 Baranoff first mler of Russian America. ^ Drawn by Ah. BAidwin from photograph 1.. 193 Veniaminoff. Uie apostle to the Aleuts. ^ Drawn by A H Baidivin tror. rhotogr&ph ■ ■■• .i . -. . .. — .. 197 Wr&r^eil, Russian governor of Alaska ^ Drawn }w A " Baldwin from photograpJi , 200 Roberv Kennicott, first American explorer of the Vukon. Dravn by A H Baldwin frons photograph 202 Cormorants. Drawn hy A. H. Bnldwin from photop-rar.h b" n. D. Chichester li--.r__:...l 034 Foi'ost. near Sitka. Drawn by^Spaaor fron photograph by G. K. Gilbert ,..., J. _,,"_ 1 .'Ut Tebenkof's sketch of Bogoslof in 1832 — 1 _.^ 296 Dall's skeuch of Bogosiof in 18?J — ,.' , 296 Bogoslof ana Ship Rock from the southwest in i8'^3. After '"^^ ~ - -— 297 Old Bogoslof in 1884. Drawn by W. R. Spader from pnotograuh by Lt. G. H. Doty ~ 297 ■•'5 1'' ' 1* 1 ,1 352 (12) Outline of Old Bogoslof in 1887. From rough sketch by W. C. Groenfioid - -^^ Old Bogoslof from west spit in 1891. ^ Drawn by W. E. Spador from photograph by U. S. Fish commission — ZVb Old Bsgoslof from east spit in 1895. Drawn by W. E. Spader from photographs by C. W. Purington — — — - 29y End view of Bogoslof from southeast in 1873. Drawn by Dall- 300 Bogoslof from various bearings in 1873. Drawn by Dall 300 Old and Now Bogoslof from the southeast in 1890. Drawn by W. E. Spader from photograph by U. S. hish commission — 301 Old Bogoslof from pond on east spit, Jul", 1899. Drawn by WT E. Spader from photograph by E. S. Citri^is .>yi The new and old volcanoes in 1890. Drawn by IV. E. Spader from ptiotogJ-aph by U. S. Fish Gommissuon - -^^^ New Boposlof soon after its iiT»heavai in tali of lbb3. Drawn by Prof, ireorge Daviasun •— •^^''^ fiautof Bogoslof in 1884. ' ftr^n by ht. J. C. Oantwell ---- 305 The new and old volcanoes and Ship Rock in 1884. Drawn by W. B. Spaaer from ph^^oograph by Lt. u. H. Doty JWo New Bogoslof f'-om the northwest. Drawn by W. E. Spader ftlSE:^" f1%!N^Lt. J. C. CantwollS ckotoh •**» - - -lUo Lt. G. M. Stoney's chart of Bogoslof in May. 1884 310 Old and New Bogoslof in 1884. From sketch by Lt. G. iL. Sketch of Bogoslof islands'^n'lW. ly Wm. G. Groenfioid 312 The new volcano from the long west spit of Old Bogoslof ^- I \ Auffv>rt 11, IBM. Drawn by W. E. Spader from photograph by U. S. Fish Commission - oil Timutk Iketch map of Bogoslof islands in 1891, by C. Hart ~" Morriari — — *" lIo>'thwost corner of New i3(|fosiof , August U,, 1891. Drawn by W. B. Spader from T^otograph by C. riart kerriam Jio ^ I ij iJ li i I i ^pfc ^st^-- »*-" ■• ^^ ♦ I 8S8 . fish Oonnission — 3io Suiranit riclge of New iloitoslof Aiunist U, 1891. Prawn by W. B. Spador from photograph by U. S. Fi«h Conmission -- 317 Old Bojf'oslof from New BoA^oslof in 1895. Drawn by Wt B. Spader f>*on photograph by G. W. Purington -uS Kew BoKosiof in 1895, showing flattened top. Drawn by WT E. Spader from photograph by C. W. Purington 318 Part of west sido of New Bogoslof in 1895. Drawn by W. K. Snader from photograph by C. W. Piirington 3iv New and Old Bogoslof from tho northwest in 1897. Drawn by W. B:. Spader from photograph by Dr. Leonhard Stejneger - 319 The islenus from the northeast in 189''. D-awn.by W. S. Spauer froni photograph by Dr, Looniiard Stejnegor ^-U The islands July e. 1699, 1 rem tho oast. Drawn by W. E. Spader from nhotograph by W. ii. i^ovoreux — - 3-u Krusenstern's chart, published in 1826 ^^i Old Bogoslof slicwing lor^ west spit, in 1891. Drawn by \?^ E. Spaaer from photograph by .:. Hart Merrian 324 Dali's skotcn map showings bars in Id'Jb ~ • - 325 Liurres. Drawn by Char ies B. Hudson. — - 329 Mtirres' e*?K8. Drawn by A. h. Baicwin from pliotOf.raph by H. D. Chichester - - - '" •*•" Soa-ilons Woodcut by WUi'i.t:s from a photograpn b' H. D. iJhichostor •-- *^^'^ Salmon wiieel. Cou*mbia River. Drawn by W. B. Spader from nhotograph by Wosloy P.. Ooe - •^'^^ Salmon dn'-'rv' by Alouts,^ Drawn by (Ihavies B. Hiidson from photog/lph D^^ U. S. Fisn Co.^issiou 338 AinuiH.dr-'im' nalmon ,at'\lnaiariKu. i>rawn by Oha^-les B. Ld^on^4m photograph by IL S. Fi.h Gomission ^- 344 Salmon barricade. Drawn by, Charles B. liudson from " photograph by J. ^. Fisn Commission - "J^ $ ' < 354 (M) Casta of Aleut «almon f ishewwn, Kadiak Island ---—-—- Drawn by Charle* B. Hudson froo {diotograP" by U. b ?i8h CooRlssion. Page 349 Salaon drying ^ natites on Aleutian laianos 'r'Z."7f'V" Dnwn W Char lea B, Hudaon from photograph by U. S. Pish Conniaaion* lekJaOB'reoofuntliw the^anoient legends" — — Dmrn by Owrlas B« Hudson. •There i» one site bv In alienee, with terror in her eyes' Draim by W. iJ. Spader. •The well-filled bowl oheei^ every soul* Drawn by W. 8. Spader. 353 — 366 — 366 — 367 • in the buoyant Umiak* Drami by W. B. Spader. r 367 •As she runs on the sand of the Arctic strand' '— Drawn b^f W. B. Spador. Mermaid and seal-- tailpoioo * Drawn by F. W» Ramadoll. MAPS. Prepared imder the direction of Henry Gannett. Route map of Alaska — - -— ' -" Route nap of United States Hap of Port Wells. Prlnoe William Sound Map of YakuUt Bajr * Map showine forested areas 368 358 66 55 By B ?S\ Ferncur. I' H " I I \\\f J t II '*' m aas ..^N| COM?, jKTS . iiist, i)i cc/iorad. plat""? -. List or p,!jcto»5ravi;»»-> ;ilt-.tea LiBt, of t.axt fiif, ■.)'<>.'; -- ^ ".^^ • —-»»..« "* «•<&*.«■««« ^ ^ « a> ^ •« *^ .-• .M l«k • » -: — 5 » - f.- . - , * ■? t^». Ode %•> AlH'ikti. Cha:ri.::S ''•:aicr — ^ "*■*♦ *"^ -^ -* ♦*!: ■ -^ 'W »» -^ jy .>!. *-^ it _-rf **. »^- ■*."»* _ff. ■• ; -^ - r ■ f r * * — » •* -rm .^ a« i» «»• --i Ka^rativ^ of -.bb Bxmu infone Jo!>n Burroti/^^<^ .^- ^ ,^., i.^!.; Th.-! Paclfia Coti;si i'Jn^l^3'-u John Kuir* .^,.-... ^ _._.., .119^^3- Natlvo^ ci' Aia*'ka Jos^t '^<:j/n.on» fkiirv'^ ^^im tfrinnen -=...-^-., la'/cl;;: The ?U'ior:'r>y -^rx' v.v^'.^r^i^r,^ of AlaRiui, Wilii>?m iv»ni,v' j>;,ii ■'■..■:■ •)a3'S a:;iorii; Alaska Bird^. Cliarlfi^ Ki^f^l^r .-..^.-.- • ._,.-._ C'-»^^;r;4 The At.w...sphDro of AlaaU, ^Vili.H'^ li. >o?/sr .- - Tha J^nifflon Ir.ci-astr;,'. uc'on;o Bir, ,r.-iv,;;<}i.\ , Fox rV-ning. p. y^ '.»n?-.h"-.urn -.,,.-. Tho I-n-j'^, Poopi--< (cc'?-,:, Wni^i-i HeRir; •ail -- , ~ » ■» ^ . « . T , a •' ' # « t - — i» «• -« ^ -7 '•y'e ^Ji ■' »*• » ' 4 «> v;p i ■^■ i ' 356 FiOi'-iP c ALA Si .A fhf- *'rtst RiO-a. Fuorti :-:.Kf. siUl^rx Av. <;lr>ud-WHru -.hr...!, raeach toica of .u.sr.cnir^ /..jovv. ,4.S,^, j> n; .^v^r^ir.-' ••i-nr. .'TOW iiSiiCi*»:> ;i ^ . . « - *.«.' Tl.oi^ luf^^y vr..u * !''*r' t i-*i*3 i-4iwA w>us^- •- i-ij^'.: •■ Jki' * ' l'T^ ^^4 {'< < i A? i n-l,-} 'd^i I)a.^V u.-:vifti^ ov^^-U:;.< *.o f»nci;nntrov;t ^s land. in ,■ • 1 t f- 7 r- V*" • .• «* -' ■• ■Sp r-•.^/;^•'- , June *.o, x>>Jv. Qnginal Defective t P H M: IP 5 1 i *? i ¥^ V ♦ » ras 358 r V : ' to\ of Bor lYijg i^i? Vjv.* 11 a tt ioi-o^lof voicaTi .^' i:>ea ^ur.^iG . ana ri t-ni-i n'lS oi /:a 1 ..t. V ^•' <* ' 1 1 .' -A .«. b L-; lufi » aiu- t.' u • l-ciVV- ashu.-t L^ - k-t »i .;■ •• ■1. 4 4-. ' i r-p ^ s < i,r;c ii c : . . ore n i s tro or^^aiii; nt * .■ <><: ^H C-S rr I !» >■ w' * [f't i^ • ji »,■ ..-. i^ ^CfV r*(' )>■-' t riT '^ ' >^ :^ ■ t ^^ •• ■> ' /i #■» :i7 u ■'-• i. I, 1 r»v xi. sevi;rai b^p ."»? ■* /» tJ y:nr*k rn ^Uiiii i- y 4-; W ''t")>-'!-t I : u;-t (>••> • . * • r I j-» -» n I I •> ij I : »*^« 01 C ■'iT'C-i .jf;a vv{?.;>k i^or .'< -tf" uo ^/j.oSi.ion*'^ f' • f ior ajui '*'^T''''^B r'n-/ t*'.>J ta)A' ^t.-; '.»(« ' t ;« X- *-itif ii\, • I -I . . » fv ■_ r -• w i *.' Ai 7* ,<.-;.>■> • .-*. •.•a i: v; r .4 f . l^warc; r«y< .i\ IC'l ,'>'j">^ 1 V'j ,..i(l ►•r » 1. :alo^^a^ to » * \. 'x i . *,.' noi*!^-*'a*^o. »*ovarOc J. 1 Uri ^■^■,0 norLnwaru yo7«^: 3--' •r. -> /^- T •-. *» .^ 1 > » .^y IwH arri')UYt/r isianc. w<-'^ v^siian^^a a f ,» V* v«- . • >« '""IV ' t..* iv-» ai 1 v*.> f?-^a'» ' r-«ri -aVr-*^ .'^'^n^* '[^•c^* ^^kfu^^^^ s^ '^ 1 .■: 1 1,1. ».; n6tn:.C"^ ^ii '■.hiie VfNv,-: OJ r -v^ 0 A a |y ;.C*, x.'N P r.f^/*1; rr ' * :> 5Va "> t. LtVor:>: • ^•», M,rn' .^i?rtt> > r* ■: «• " , ' » jtif w • U. >«4 -.it-^l.t ♦ ••»'•. 1 c •^ , vk .. it. r..c.. X \t ' '>;,! ■ 4A' M -'iu.r 1 Sf-; •« n \t ."S ^^•e ^h'^ t ' ■ Ci Vy* »- Y*'-'.Tr' s. -, .^ vt* • r r'» (•*• y*iy / • . .rT • - / »,. / r% • r ■, ■• , j-^ '•»■',> V .erru/i^ loBCttL il.-^i-;:v.< ^\» .;h i > i .".w ."X i.ii^t •^.in • a ' S ) >UA 1 ll >• •4^ ^ -- U' ^ < .r:j lOVvi'iOni.: «- ■ ' »r^ 1 ■ • *i : ■< Vj i.ji V J v^ , «i r^- a^ v 1 M, tJ iiai->^,:tS 1 C' ♦ C ■orl r>:> C'f 1- /yi ...» vA. ^a s. v» •*» .'• > »■• <1 •> ■ O"! - -. (., Oo- « V. oe-^ ano lii*/ i^ '* 1.'^ f" ■ . f . ^ I ./!-, » JV • • -^ f 'Xi i^Xi. C-. « '... * i : • A. • f . 4 ..n-^ «.• . I ji -lire oar n V ' \. «C*.< < •1 ,- . ».. >» J i t »f #*:♦* f" Ji' i , u V . t >1 .0 tie - i i. ;.• ■M * •»» ** ^ ^iti .^^ i'.J ««y •> V ' _ v\l'v* * ' I Cl :■« *'\ V .- ■• • ' i • -..H. n<:. norv,.wa/*vi a*-:<- w^<> s:io? tn f^T • ♦ ;« ^ '■ 0>.^ TjnUia.CfJu S:^rir iris':^- V r. i -f :ii *> I i V j.icrous a:-ticlor .-^^ji ]).x.-^rost. ^vo^-^a ijecu'tiUr c::!:u a )«>. ^iiX ' M ^ I V I . ■> r c i .'• i A/^r,^VC:••^^ a w ^^ X ' -v. 1^: u I . . A . t »•! «- •.-* 13 v»» ■V-i-i.' i ». * • > »,y • • f "*• ft'" t'A^ •- v-*^ 1 r Ji A '.J *'ai,:iS ot r.f-rp.afier;^ vali.e -vn?: '"iti i'" •»+ lea i'J'Kx I -.11 I', thv5o hh.MVi.ri^\ tJia cHrif:;- kA rndJan soai.~:,uM.orsi iii '..Tj.acior at »» U t V' .1 V-* . u-v ..ay^i, a.na ^;nosf> oi Utxn c.skino soi/>ior^ion* Kr Piovor i'ix u »' .i^ hr^. ' I » jn V^l >so^*t>hv ul' ^:pj;;ial rr.o: ii>Lcn. if^it^^u lK^J;■lcn. oi 'il.*^. <■ ' i\b ihoso i'iSKirr.o v.M - V. Ut I . 11 V irv^ 3 :>: u a\vei,;.:v; -^n SK;in riu:s or hi I / * * » # f iti e58 ? I < i\ ^i ! ^* ' ) ; f (3) — ^ Th?-oU;;'/-.-'..t tr.o ^'o-r^ro froqi.ant ianriirv-s wore r>iadc» . arr.l. no r-iat- Lor -ow brief, vo'-a ulUiaed by the aroists, Photn^'rai-hers. .>;3oio- '^"^'^vl'f',' •S':^'^'"'''''^' '■^'0"^''.^^""-s. e-^i studants of glaciers. ^Lomor- . -Lops, «4we c«ar>:pi:v; pn^-Maa wora put ashore "fwi'moro thorrx^^^i «mm. '- ^■- --'■• ■"-^- '' ''«*« ^"'^i^-C' wag^ mqiTra^ umcior Bay. Yaklitai. ]^;av P-:n-.'o ''/Hin>iv.. souna. Kacipj-, islfma. the Air.r.ka Peninsula. .,nd tho Sr.vrsi^in Islar,ds. La.^-^e era ...mportant -JoUeotions vvt^^^e -nade. in- cluain,: series of tho srall -iamals and birds of i.he coast region enorrrjous nmnbers of raarina animals and soawoods, mia by far tho- la>^3est eollectibn of land plants over bv-.^.ht fror. Alaska. Yhov ineiucio also s-aii coi.l«r;l.,ions of fossii Rholis ..iiu fossil niants. f "9iur.s c: flora in voi-kini;, ur ;^:;^^LIoIuj'.r,i,9«^ uny^Sni-r :COS Oi .uOra uha.. I'lft,, ^, I sr.ecialists havo been se cured. ^tt^Cu^wams of iiv^^tJrnro^ ^i^*'' ' T.v>ir:^^ to sclenc.; have bc-n already discovered and .ioscrlbflc, fm:x -,- ■'•■■ ChrinQ to trio f-;v^it dlslar^cos oQvorjd and the nooeseariiy jshor • - -rs a^a tine allowed for stops, iitii. hunting was dono. HevertLai^ss tw.. - u^t., .u ;!untir^ pai-t.es ivo'-e landoo at, Kacaak Lslane. v^horo Jr. iarr.p&n ■'• o**!' f^fi had the ..ood fortune to kill a Xauiak loar. the only one sacred b- the exfcodltibn am* tho i irst o/or neasuroci ar.d ^.ovo^r^xiihod in th- flesh. \m-' t ^. V ■ 1 » i i 360 In a voyage of this cha>*actor, where many and diverse intorests are at stake, where numerous stops at widely separated localities must be made, and where great distances must be covered in the short- est prautible time, success or failure depends on the capicity of the leader, the efficiency of the organisationc the perfection of the equipment, and the enthusiasm, training, and cooperative spirit of the individual:.moHibers<» That so much was accomplished is sufficient evi<«on<^e as to how these conditions were fulfilled^ Tlie day after leaving Hew York Mr Harriman called together the members of the Bxpedition and announced that it was not his desire to dictate the route to be followed, or to control the details of the w(*f.. In accordance with his riahes a business organisation^ was affected, comprising an executive coifnniittee, a cofroitteo on route and plans, and special cojnmittees on the various, sciontific activities. These committees, throujbihout tho voyage, hela froquent .'neetings and doter- ^hm^ f^om day to day tho operatins of- the Bxpedition. Another factor which contributed materially to the results wa^ the i3r;gth of the days and lightness of the nights in nort,hom lati- tudes, permitting work on shore during the greater part of the night. Some of the stops where important collecting was done,, were ariade in th9 night p the vessel leavir^g before daylight. Ai!'Or^^, the unusual foavaros which coni.ributed to tho success of :; 9 Gxpouition throo an) worUiy of special nontion: ^1) iho shjp had no husiru^ss '^th:^r Lhan to convey the part i^hitriO^'.scyvo^ it a'?sirea to ^^c .ic-r rou"^.o was ontrustod lo a co/^^.itteo corap^uuii^ the roads of Ihe ^'arious uopartr>ient8 of ;i! Ill . ( Va V 198 362 WK •i- rosearch; so that fron day to day and };ovir to hoiir her mo-Gr-onts w^ro radc! to subse^^e tho intorosts of the sciontific work. (2) Tho scientific s^aff ropresontod diverse into>*osts e.nd was made up of non trained in special linos of research. (3) Tie oquipmonl was surprisin^^iy conpiote. mciu^iiivi naptha iaunc}:9S, small boats aiid canoes, oa^ipir^; oiitfvtc, ^t.eriO^'jraTjhjr-^- , photOrraDliOrs, aiia o:(^ra nen fo^ oa>*srnen ana helper's, ''^i^ ^^rg* time neciissary to accompiish results, jw^ r9(iuc!!!|, to a minipiurir The naptha launciios were of tlio utmost ser\^ice, landin^^^ larf^e rari.ios quickly and safely, and con\^3yin^ r:on and supplies t^ ronoto roints ovt of rcacJ) of tho shir- "t is j^afe to i^av that thro;v:h luolr o^^ncy Uio work acco^:piisr:eu ^yas uoubloiu A iilrary eon'^risiiig upwa'^d;^ of five hunurod vol;.<;-ies, provided by l\r. ana Mrs. Harrinan ana suppionientod hy t.he various members o^ tho expeaition, w?^s C"n\'c»dGntly a»*ran^od in th;} I'lain viai.In jf:!.thi:i ^oa.*.h of all. It inoiuaed a iar^e share of tho more ir^portant and useful vv^oir^ks raicxhir^^ to Alaska ana proved of ^/rrat ror^'-^r*. A conpleto series of v;ha^L.s of Alaska, proviaod bv hr. nevrv S. Pr itchett^ Suporintoiiuent of tJio U, .S. "oast and GoodeLic ^irrve" ?/rs constantly in use In the chaH rooru Keariy every •:?v9ning during ti.e entire voya^^e an inforr.ul iocturo or t^ak on sor:o sub- ject connoctaa \Yith the \Hork of the exr-3(ar.Jon, anr^ iilustr'atoa bv blackboard sketchos, was cuvon in the r.am cabin. 'i i I (6) ' The oxpoaiiion was I'avorod with abnorrinlly fine woathor, so that, on 9iUier tho outward or return voyage p-actically the whole coast fror. ?u&t Sound to Unalaska, ii,cluding tho splondid poaks of t-he St. Riias and yair^aather rarujos and tho .-reai mountainB of tho Alaska Peninsula, -wwe- 'Jlaa-ly seon from the eteai-ier. The lar.G rra-ibo- of plioto^raphB takon hy tho urofossicrai photogv-a^^ors .. hoard was n..«^mUy inc.-oa.3. >>y o^ora. bolo:^- i-.^^ to various nemborB of tho oxp.ditxon, so ti.at in ail not ioss than five thousand photographs were sectored. Those cover nost p.vts of t})0 coast ro,:,ion from British Goliunbia to B.rinj; Sirait, and constitute incor>parably the h.st series of pictures of tho ra^ g^on Va,B far obtained. Kev.rtheUss, oertaui objects of ir.>or- .a..e escaped. anrseiecUnt^ the iLlustraUons for tho reports of the expec^ition an attenpt has boon r^ to f Ul the ..aps .s t^ as ....s^blo b- borrowia, fror, otrers. The use of p^iotogrnP^ic r..ter. ;.I 1 ,r reproduotior. has been .ranted by .he U. S. Coas. ana ;^ood.t.c Sur^^o^r the U. f5. Gcolo^acal -.rvoy. the U, S. Fish Cor^ission, .■>.9 if S. Revenue :^rino Servioe. Lioitonant G. n. Doty, and i.r. Har- I). G):ichestor. lo all of whom the thanK.s of the expecdtion • arc lue. ^om of th. best piot.ures of fur-seals. soa-Uons. ana „<.urres are f-oni Mr. Chichester's ne,raphy in he^ir^. Sea. arc of ■ unusual nerit- . ! II 'ij '. ii . \^ :■ til i * . ' jft :,! 898 (1) The toxi figures aro i:ro^ iim drawiiigs riaao aiUier Xron pho- to^;raph3, or, in the c^se oi* Inuian and nskimo arlicitji?, dii'oct fron i>he o>>jee^>£o Of the artists who maao UxOSti dravvii^s, tiie gr^oalor nunoer navo boen riaue by Mr, W. E; Zyador ox i:iivf York, and rs. Louise M» Ke:5ior ol: Caliionii.a. It Tho ooiored iilus^i^ations have boen derivba irom i'our souroos: ianascapo and /dacler lai.ntings by R. Swain uiir./*d ana Frea. S, i>eliG:;bau^=h; p-:.r:t:-r;- '-- "^^-'-^ - -- llviiig or flesh «ip?^-^r:3ns by Louis AgissiE Fuerlasi paint n-igs of flowers by Fraa^ri^k Ac Wf:d^ DclG, under ^he airection oi b\ v„ Covilie, and ramtu^^a of uhe Kadiak bear hnd fox .by OJiarioB Ro Kiaght. Mr. Girforu, i^ir. Doi- ionbaugh, and i^4r. Fi.eri.aa ^/oro nei^bers of tho ^Kpoaaion, cirid nado their sketches, and in nany cps^js thoir iinihJ.ou {;ai:.lijc-gs, in Uiq fieia. V\T^ Waii/cle,throi.^'h the oooporu'Jon of i^!re Har-lrriar mA tho Division of Botany of Uie U. So DeDart.nont of /Ui-caiUire. v>sn propareu under t,'i'=' diroat.iun oi Mr, he^iry Gannett, Chief Geo^;;rapher, U, S. Ouologiuai^urvoy* Tho prc?scnt ^oluriO contains tJ:e na^-rhtiva of bjie tixt^^oition and a fow i^aperE on subieclB bolievecl to bo of ^enor^ii i/r.orost* Tho tcoiuucui ratter, in tho fi3las of t.solo^';y, f)R.iGontoio;i^^^ i^oo'X. ygy, ana uotanj% will toilow in a sories rf iiiustrated voiiuncs, Twonty anecial papers, basou on ^oU(iCtion8 rado by trie expeuirJon, have been alroady pubiished in tho Pro.ieodir^ia of ;>y.u Wiri^hingtoi: Acaaomy gf Sciences and oLhars will fo:^!^^. All of z^u.-^, i.htur^al ^111 bo ^^alhc^rod \\\ v \iTXiK.'i^ 'J: i>je.:imcai. yu^urr^ys. fe-noBt ^ 5^. I 364 LiBis of «.. ™.l.rs,0J *. expoaition a-nu of <,ha oftio,.-» -d /--ew of the vessel arc app8rv:led. f „.ivMr.r and ^^oain^- throi#i the press tho m&torxai The iahor of ocivtiu^ ana ..ua.i.^ t.- , -i conUinoa in the present. Yoluwe. ana f^ b ^4r.. ih«^> ')rot)a'- reproduction, has ocoupiea lu«t-ation ana seourw, tlie.r propfl. X^*^*^--,;^,,,.^,^ ^is offi- practicjally all ^ the time the editor, .^^^ uu'l'- since the --+-^-^ ^' ^''^ ^xr^. V^ v^ V^vv V ^->^<4K f ^\ i 'M ? 1 366 Wf:st Virginia ?uli' }:i:io^ Paper Co., 309 Bra?'d*vavr, New Yorko Dear Sij^B- I ap) arvic.ouB to so^^ure a s^^iail sftmplc, :^a/ ?^ pound;, Oi an 0,11 Qotlo^S^^^tl^v. and sha-3 be obliged if vox. mil veil me to whom £ ?^"^)Oulc.^ wrv^:..R ^o^ Uie f^amnc 0.^vV^ ^X vW^v ^x N^ ^. • I I Vi s * * If rag 368 ?'ashin- ton, I), 0., April 22, 190i. tho relief puu on a ''ihT:, of tho llnitod St-atei^, so that it nay he' sriif^'aveci at oneoc Ke e.«:uocls to let no liaYo it this evonh^isu ana if it e^^^nes I shall sono it to Keen iwicdiately. so as to obtain proof o at the earliest pos5^ibio moT'^ent. So lorv^ an wa know Mr* Ha^r i^nnn* 5 vvishe^^ i> the raaltc'* there would seom to he nothiiig ^^aineu ia wast Iri^ th^ tvo or tr^ri^o day^ nocosftary to traasf^irc a crudf; an : i>nf inishsti map t.o No'^^ York !.'or pre.liminBry inspecjtion. Tliaiis fn^^ rotu^nirig th^ Introduction, ^vhish came last nl^ht, anu of wfhicih I i-ope to bOiiC^ you .galley proo/ in a oov^f-lo of ^iays. Vory L2*uiy your^, I Jw Staniey-B^m'n. ,".ii> -I 4-^: j Har*?"«^ C « J on?* s , ^ 2^ q • , Fva)lishdr$' ano Printers* Engravifv^ Ho., Ml 5th AvoiTue, *^e^ '^-ork City<. ^o Uy uear Si A wotiK or so ai^o you r^^i^r: <.%. •>oap-.t^ ,. ^tiw . promptly, for ffkicsh I <«'■ ol.ligad. but thus rat"I have noWo- very p ceiv^ed a till for ^>no sar-ie. tho nar.0 of E. H, Ha-rimn, ana I .til «oo that it ia pu- end of tht?! mot\th« V-'-T'-^ tnatv yours. VI at i^i*'^ VtkOv' \v V V J>sX.> .. ' w m 1;' 1 l.'l ' eas 370 April ?:?., 1901, F)'of. II. W, WiUv, Chief Divisian of Clii^rnstrvo My dii?ar Sir: Vour report daiai tho 20th in^^^tant on mw^^ of i>c.|>ers A a>id B £ub?^itf-e«i to yoii fcr ei(&j-iination someii^iS sirce ha^> ju^l. arriyou and I am ^^roaLly obliged for the irxformat:ion eoiitKinyd thcroiro riu^se j^a^'ipios seer: to be rat:.or neavily wo-ff^hted. The t^c!.5:'pi.es of «^priiceworrd pulp, to which I referred in a *"e- cent letter, ha>^e no;^ a>-^l^ad, ?5.rid I wii). t^aiisnat the sf^^o to ^-ou ':nr^:ctlyo !??uv;pU>3 of nntto-':)Wood nulp Thopn to obtain /fithi;. a v/»^ek, and will ^;etia then '^:- '^oor: a^ thcv coine-. ni f»<-.K-i.- t. s,»K-.N 4rK. Hit* /o\;. i cr your ^^ourtes;/ ii^ this matLer. I retina in V^kAJATsj^ i\ Mow Rra Print ir^i '-o.. )oar Si^: ^ashiT\i^»>^^" ^ 0«r April 2?., 1^X)1 Herowiih I ^^ retuinine^ n ..•i/^f '\rti<)lB -^^^"^'^ ^ fav cor>-ee.Vions, „,,.eivfld *.his morning ?^ >>«vn hac ari.i mv servo as o ,.u..uor.. , .« Hst, of iliustraUons,, Wi .ch 1 .^onw , . "^ ppapft3t,C'Ai.iy. '^ ^V \ \\,vx.,^-; -ovji. v.--. H i ^ I ^ < - ' 'I rrs Washington, D. C, April 22. 1901 Ao H. Horshav. New Rra Printing Co., Lancaster, Pao Dear Sir: : Herewit}! I an inclosiii,; copy for the int-r-oduction of iho Har riman book. It s)iould be s.t in 12-polnt ti^pe like, tho rest of the book., hut the lists of menbors, conmitteoR. etc. at the end o'an go in 10-point typo. '*•• Rospectfully, \ >wX*~ \V\wV >W>s5v xx 1^ H i ^' 372 Washi.-ifiton. H. C, April 22, 1901 A. H. He^-fhey, New B'*R Printing Co., Lancaster , Pa. Dear Sir: .(y,^.,^^ Several of tho articles in the harrimn ^nd in such ^ manner as to l«ave a blank page or ablai-.k part of a penge which may bo used for tailpiaoos. Copy for these is inclosaa herewith. Respectfully. .V "^•v ■.■■ :*li I . m l\. i 1 1 I ■ I V* \ I { » >! PSF, Washirigton. J), o., Arril ?? 190^ A. Hoon & Go,. ' ' "^ ' Baltimore, lAd, Doar Si<*8: Th„ rout, Bap „, tho United States, of which you t^„..,i,,,.„, proof a few daya ago. i. unsatisfactory to «r. Harri™„. He .lehes the vo-tlcal .i™„,i„„, „, ,,,, „, ,„ ^^^^ ^^_^^.,_ ^^^^ ■t >oso of the *Ja»ka „p „„, „uhes the t»o printed on the .^ siiOGt clone to*ethar tm iht.4 4.-^ . of,,)- ,> . * ^ '^ ^ounirQii on a common ^^ lac.^, one anothe. M.. OannoU. the^efo.. ^.. .a, ..oth.. cop. p.epa>.od, whi«h r .on. ,o. .o.with. ^. ^.... ,, ,,^ cities shoula be in 8ii,,ht.lv, ia»,>«n tvno -rv.. ' * g, *- . -'^■b'^ typoo These on tho Unito.i Sta as route r^,. of .hioh you «.nt ^ ,.,., , ,,, .^,,, ^^^^ much too s^n in view of the ano-nt o" ,. " ih. f * ^u ^^■'"^*' *'°'^''^ '^« the map and tlio fact that our eyes are rar-nu. .^^ ■ •' "^'^® rap^uiy growing oici. Very tnay yours. fl» t^tF. Washin^^ton, I). G., April 24, 1901 Dear fclTo Lanio^: I fear it i? tfOo lar>e to change the aottrd lin3» now» for the roason that tho wholi^ ii«t of iliustrations it^ probably now in type Personally I should dislike to have the dotted lines left out ai- togothor^ but would like to 8er» the rots not au close together* vTuat a word noro ab -ut the papers Yor ^'111 seo if you re- fer to my p-^^vious It^tters on tliis subject that I ha^o no72r in- sisted on B2\ all^ra^ papar. boieiving 70 to 80 porcent of ^ood rag fibra e3iou>-J:« What wa want is a good pei^.anent p . 3r, one whi.h has onow»h ^l.^Hc^-Ui t.o ondure ana ih not so heav^iy weightea w'th clav or bir-;Ui that- it ?;i,Ll 'Jt^oonia l;-;;i,i3 er.d cjo to pieces. I.C you 'tfoiill 'jxaTiine ejrt'd.i objactf; iOO'J+/h of an inci: in ioagth with one ')t: tho x^ioao^n :; 1 h rower -'liGroscopes, you wouid swiie at tb.e i-.tat9('u'?nt Hc^^sors hix^ r«ade so you tha.t the fii^res iitjod i ^ ' rnsnufacturo of p«p^r nro too imach brok^^n to bo identi- f ;..d« We h V. prepared and noi.>:t^n. sections fron the re^'actod 3fc?nnld si '>*^^;f:';^ t:iO (gotten fibro5 aau also the en? -acteriatic cell rftr;;'Ct-,;re ci *hf^ woo oiCvi and r?o ori. Kip-*' • • li vou had givt--. ui-u'ipl.3ii ' t if sar-ie psipfi** lc three different, r- scopij^ta, 3S * haV'3 ♦I'^ne, and rocii^'^^d ^^-^oi:? ' *icn t?i>>enl.ia4.1y .iS report, ait':CUi!:h tno r.iin vY'>:^kod in *^ ' ?ffvjr>3 ant' i^.lnor knew that the cth^r ^ i^X', ')ing; tho 6a;'.K3 you wculci, i thirji, place* mor^ Thie tillopa/-;e nA^^3r ^iec?T.s tho 01)9 iVi Una Bat up a j^oar ^r a>iytning "^vif'go«i-od HnlC?^?". *^ \-e!^r imf oruzrjiLO .. as I re^^ara igo as vo^-^^ p^uoh '*;otter than Very tr»ul7 yo^.rF. ^ K.V V h U t *i 375 I'fashin^don, Do Go, April 24, 1901, Dear Ire. Baker Many thanks for your kindness and promptness in sondirtg roe a copy of tho Karri fian rDSolution* I regret very mu?h that you are under the weather and hope you will be .yourself again shortly* Very truly yours. Dr. ?Varik Baker, Ss;3r«tary, Wasfiin^ton Acedeny of SclanoeR I Itf f I \ .'! ) ll H are Washington, D. C, April 24, 1901. Pear Stanley- Brown: Yours of the 22d instant is at hand, along with the laclosod letter from Lanier which I herewith return, I quits a^^ee wi-'-h hla in regretting the change in the titlepage, but in his remarks about paper I do not see anything requiring reply. If he had found out ftii tiontiis ago whiat he has loarned during the past few days we should not liave suffered this delay. Koen is now at work on the new map, whioh fits the Alaska one exactly. '^ery truly yours, »^ J. Stanlay^ Brown, 120 Broa(iway, New. Yorko ? I k i- k if i - I It : I I f t M f (V.K.WA aUV HM>1 <^-K ^Ww VxA^^t^ •^^'^Vv^^ t^oo^>^ > ^» I9t wwW> i ^N^l^*^^. ^^ l^ r>v 377 i» i ^!i (I ii. w > f ! if i^ 8rs ^I'Hlr, JJ. Me i^^r^m ^ Ci Apr i 1 100 \-5 Pi l^er iI;i^:ujaotui' i a ?h. it-* i v. » » ■> , , » .i Ceeu' M oirs n \ '- y^ nr c;nc^l r v^^ •* I-. I -e cf 'Olfl ST.-af-.4 «•* i/ y. ora '):; * •' V, W ii Cii •f ..y-o * » '<*i tc 7 f n One ^ -i- x il >, thn these ^^:>]^?-ox-?72:tto pen.- it ;ed If ^ *■ ^ I. 7 : > ♦ . /f ' ur -ioai i.Ti:f, / 1, ^'^ ^vcva ^' ^ U ' ¥ ^j^^ict in.naJ "■ f . , J C^'5 of rcX/r fifo.-l c;027ta ^iJ s^i^ci, vr :^o'i > u r^^l -''^I'cJint^ iiTj' O *i. T-. I ^^na iTiir-erji »-»j l^Uif JL •- I r,v he •T. i^ u JL 1 X i AT Tire 01 00 vh? ii" c > '-. t ♦. v> ./ ~" - ^ - < X «.'..£.» <« y '. .'^i -^ -«' » %/ i, i ill ^ t ^^ A \ V\>^j Ca-^e i^v^>^jm/Si xJiolii, 'lo ij- ? *- oarvev 4f ■ h *•' .ro^* '^''/i^r lav or cf b'H' ^tth a n.a 'or the ^cx: ' V. J ^' paper sx% i-rtT ^\ . o i'T o t;- iT ' > IC4«.'JI I 'Koci 'Aiinique wov W rr/e' sTifiKes e :t^ ^:i (;: vU Dock i^dp ;e.L V a; ;e n s.t V ari- 05 ao' ■M \ .' v» \jt yJ rf. -v. . • / V I i-i, V /Olid >\:TdTy .rox5mtely ^.nut vor^entar^es it containr^ of rug stocj' /:^roi2lid buli^, ^-i?«t^. < o 1' * f iWOJ I' •»ta. or G^hi:r niinerui matters ) ui.5i':: IT n. cor.c4ii.r:ii : ,rr^ ciulpnite puli'. Rc«[t^ .-^4. y^ v; t '1 i \. \ ^/N.»^J*W" Chit)]' Biolo^'icai 5i::rve.v h \i m \ v\ l{ ( i 1 088 p n K F A C S. Ir the iJTly spriw; of 1899 I det^rniineu to visit th: coast rBfdo:-. of kU3kd. ilie firrt plan was to take only r^f faiiily, but in lookim: al>OT;t for a vesr..8l it soo- hecane evida .t that a ^"ip 8U-.table for sue'- a cruise muPt he ruch lander than reqvirnd for sc smll a party. I ther, decided to i'vite a maaber of t'-.e : eaineiit in science, in the belief that persons trained ir; ^na :y d€<].artysma of knowiedfce '-vlKht find tiuc]; of interest in siich a vo; cv^e. "^.'ith thi3 ftrd in vW.: I vic.it..»d WashiiV"ton or: 'iarcjh :^5 and s<^ciir6d the hearty cooporaticn oi several acie-tific men in different Depart- m-nts of the .'-overr.m:mt -arrice. The interest thur awakened caine to b» shared hy tho ^asbirif,ton Aoader?/ of Scio'ioss. a-td i^tor the Academy pi«';r>ified itn apj^-oval hy an ofrer of cooperation, which T .-ordiallv acc;!uti&d. As tfie pl^.n developed a:rvi t.l'.e prapar.ticns advanced, It hec-ane evident that the m-n 'who -.vare tc acco-rt.'a;iy i;i'^ *are not l.ookiii.; for-- ivard to a seRfion of rest a-a recreation but to serioTis labor Tor the onlar^ener.t of the hcia-ids of kiiC'Al6d^;e; ard I rsaliEed that the oc'.:&sio>! afforded an imvortiiat opportunity for the adi'ancement of 3cier.ce. I detemir^ed, therefore, to make soi^i-^tific e.xplora- tion tliB primry ohjf.ct, and to let ihat oo.isr t deterTJno the vv.ro iniportant features of the equip: :«-nt urd routa. T3ie tine at tiy disoosal for t>;e Yay.%^^e was so linitod f^\at 1 wa.-5 apprehe-:vlv9 lest the opportunities for reiiefiron would nnv jus- tify the hopaa of the soif-r.tif ic party, hut we were favored wi^h ^ood ./eather. and tha --th-.-.iar-n of the party overcarae all triflir.^ obstaiilo.s and resulv-d i.-i the rt!tcu--niation of a quantity of matci-uil r i 4 « ; 381 M tne r:ai7nitiK!e C7* wil^^h was to ne aM Biirprisi:"^ as it was ^^ratif^^- irir:. The stiidv o: this r^iirtobrial has ^"ieldod a ver^^ oo^'isideraolo ;•^^l[n or of 'lev/ species of aiiirn^jM i'^J'i»(siar^?n, 'e.no. training of the various rner*ers nf In viev/ of th/ii unus^ial character i: d purpo3es o"^ the entr.r- priBe., iViie:^ Secretary of the Troasixry kindh^ fva-tm a pernit e- ablina tne expedition to land at the Fur-3eal Tj;lc.i'^d3 in Ber1)>': Sea, a priviief^e whic^h ^a^ ^rreatly .ppreciaied. In perfecti?iip arrarv;:8^ ^ents for t'-e yoyap:e I 'mh^j. aidod hy Dr, Li^wis Ho *.t')rrin, Dr. (;» Hart '.'erriaiQ, arxl l-Ir. A, L. f.'ohler. Dr. ll^rris a:\d Mr» Mohler assisted 1: outfittiiv: and provisioniij^i: ihe >:':d]), Tjv. •.Ie]Ti.a]n in f:-=^iecti:>'-- ^-'^^ orfraniziri^:-: the scientific party, CoTirtesies wore received from a iiuraber of on^anizations to which I viah to express iiy apfreciatlvo thaiikso AiViCn^ t/iGce were the U io:i Pacific iJai road, the Ore*-on. Jhort l.ir.o, tlio Oj'a,f,on Bail- vm^-; cxrid havipration Co,, the ."or%hern Pacific PuAilwav, the White Pas5 uud Yiuon Railway, t^\^ Pacific Cteatn Mhali^^^ COo , thn Pacific Coast 3toa:-nship (^o., a!id the Pullrria}! Palace Car Cc» On our roturn to Pcrtlarid, Or'-^H'orv, v/e wer-^ ■ Ivc^- a reception hy the 'Mazanias', the rriountair. club cf the rorthwest. n \ i '' vti 1 M II J 382 MV ^ W> . Jti ^: ^ it ^ Vw.CW. "x^TK ^ A w ^ 1i^>v.v --VJ. IJ^VW V'^'V^ ^'V I ^^ 1 i ^» - ^ *^*- - I 1 t li poor imprint ^ #1 I! ;:i fl it If if: " • "7 '■ ■ f X / • \ ; 1 • ,j * ■^-^ « C^ «. 'U — \ ^ -^ >.L^ _, ^ t Xi R 1^ I W*oK'S^X-V--^.^ li V' -^6 ^ i^vij^ i 5 poor imprint •'Vs -' J*^'''•-l- tt;. e v-( M '\ ] ■ 'i 1 f 384 Vlasluii^lon, Ti «.f o . -1 »■»•"* ■ ^ -C* ^ ^woral of th^ ?3rtviales in Ua Hari-\mn cna ir: nu± a manvun- as t^' Iriave a blank pa^e or a Llank pari of u pngn wr.^jh nny^ o^; I w to 111 1 'V»v. "feu^ >^«.SjMJL Tfe^^ -^i^^-vC -^»*- Pf 'I'T n r^ ^ s I y« Toua^j' I Hi. %V^ pa^;;^:^ o; f?:>i ^ 'i 'i' ' J ' f » ■rumeiri' ^^^u-^jon I ^»r ^ \ (\\rk ^ ^ "• 0) . •»*- I '^v •* « ^.' A V.' -■A »"» ■• \. I i,*.■ * * • « :-.» )ilt' 3ptr ^fvr- 302 xo:^ la-r-iin so v.f^:c;0 c )^£;c Hi .»,r: ♦^^in •J -.• ^ u, a^id I ^(:U:.y*ne ^ J u ' ••»* ».' 'r*v >U ii i.^ t r» vi M 'r^r- '* '^ iveu .also toaay 'lUpli^M cy » f'li H t>j^ piirt r>' •T*:? t.i-^iipar^' na )r: -.-^-MA »r J- Si : .9 %f ■i V* ^Jld vy/ui-^ii a>*^ OUT 4 r *!-• ri'.' lit '?r>Tl w*. -^ ■* ?» ^.r-Ht IT/ i >*eoifUV6 h t*^.': Till? v^-'^rr; I <"i ?• '- r ^ or i. K^t £ .i**p I r ;■■■■-'■"_ 5) r*y»v*: jri ^v »l f . » '. » <■«' l« i^V- P^onfv^ of iii,u;it>*atji.->r'«: • ' •« 1 :ui IJ.reo biooks f V5 11 U 'i «•.»'•!► ^-f ^ orj 'vii '^^% H5 inuir:at.;3 7 ^ ^. - i i.t t-ov W'-Af k l* u n . > •» ^OM itai Uit> f'Dumi**^ pre 01 -- 1 n: to you vos^ or'imv o?» eui', '^n }'rti-». ilv St t t . l" y\*i :♦•» i im« .1.'^ r Z"*' iv ae- to 't-^j ro-'l G t * * -rf ^* /• * a^-oa I » • i. t^liKb i ha^^ff t u-^ t{jr V'.V>^ an o^'-.-e r 1.;r?v-^ i^ * 4 i HL yeu r?i;^h-t -it-vti or?^ .-^r (.vvo irjportant / 'v' f / r-^e ^•» ^nd - .nijr.ilv^t* ,j[ broken t IV e lionu r!«aue ^rr.jji "•*itAl ^.il- ^'?;ir\oed^ la ^n ■Ht.fcU?V A'--|0rV5 'MoJ^V., ;;.'-3PC T^'>r9 r-.^»or,. t,r t,o a r,i ir- i':Oaos > • v.. r>v r^4.!.v ^'i*'' •.^■i3 <^ V. ^- C^v \V VVn^^ m -M "1 t y ■ * # 1 f *t » I i 386 }-> ti.»- If: ■'■'I* ^ f Off Do ,V '■!"* ! ■•' o .-»U» J.t ^r u ar^ s^o^^ a iVi ^H' «.^ ^iS^*,^ .>-e not/ \ ■^t. f'c; Tu I.. TV ,- Su/nDli:> iO ^irr^ 2i4;'ir*i0 P^'^ ^ .ror Ltr: .»>»■• "^ ^ ? • ^;5^ c\. » An ■ ^ r* -^ ^^iV:j -» V»i «JI \- M'r 1-4! IV - 4 ^, t rt ! « pint.Q Ail of the booV a;(*'^0pt T}r;^li,v;iT;6^ n«;t;to^ anU thi; a>*f.bjle^ on 5ia]."'nri f:i.phinj^ ana lox i^ivvfi- in^: ta n hpA' ca^ ni l> w*^-^ • rei^ainae ■r» 'iir " < t IIKO:. HP I v>- Xf \r AY* Mo >'f>r o 'U:. B b : 1. f I i. .iV '• rn- a few eorroctlonr (;ili:eflv broker tv^) lv>)t^) ^a-:/'; r |" t I • I ■J • ■ jr i »1M d'a ■^^■alfx':^ oi^t. +.' - o liili'ieees to ihe variou. <-'.. ' s-Xi ■,• .,4...! 1 . ! ; ^^ p^; e r.r» •)^a * '/ t.f one nr M. A J *^ < ore: uf;iA; , < i > r >")C no r^art} f '1 fv.H.i Ir. 8«Si»,'tf' i.est u^r.o ill. plat'jt^ oi' '•a-rl. 4 \' e >.rv* ro';u«' .:' I* r>**t» i itte I r ,^i:iu ?;e :l 1'^'^ ;?ooii .lllii't'^ T.C t. T'.l ^ (.. •w.i. . i . « .1 " = ^ V:f • •* » •> \v^\. NJ>S>» \ 'A y\ 1 '■>?' • u' <• u.'.*3(ia" IV : & t-T filV V • t if • t F r I .' I p- 1 _^^-i » 1 1 ^■' ' \ 1 ■» I r88 'i; I ■* 't % Hit iMf ■•». -^r • .^- v' ^ Jr ijli ..Ti; Luis a. Bb p.. jic-t^a ,-.t. W->,^=^ Vi .■» 'r 4i tna *^^:>9r ^'j v oai^wav. /i6v- ^>.»i ' f i» Jea> '>} >3k • t *,» ■*• ri -;. -J n,* 1 ^ .1 ni8 "i. r^ it f*^ 3 - ho, >4 ^ a V4.av c "• >* m^\ o ano ai'V e:fr^^i->dini''iv .-ue •<*'■> > Ck^ .-^. ta knov/ VvceA you iiavn f*«^o?U:::^«v»i ''i iO?/'*cn.>B'/'v l<^ sona f V!.***. .S 4- •r r^ ) Iv ■•> '-'■*■ -i-f i- cott '^^Oi >r OP ■ *"• lir- tr *» » » •;r v. A .VJ,' ^U\ >\y^.' iVx l^fZ '<»!'>:'; f-r-lH* a* n •; « !a \\^ irv:^Mt / » / r--' ; y- irh.rt- •*? »!>' :i ^n]^ I'lli .-^ r.f *? S*"*"!*". r >;•> \t ir V4>*Mr •.•^>-" 5-y T- ■\ I •■ ^A "K ^^- \:m ^-VJ. X^. K I # ^ ^ r^l 388 \ « >« i-' O ' • • i\pri .• •* O' *» n fK * n U.. ^\ • riV?5 ft^'i t r: v« ^ * -t 1l <••/..'»>«. Kc .4. • JG::V AjV.V* ' -.1 I .?i l-v-r "th VI i- * H sa: > » ..p • j'^e M1 !?.■•• liU i 1 ''^ nn> >-» ?« ». !/>V l*:^'' *" -1 ^ ' ^:hl^ *t.-^ •>in • a r- i> '". ^ ^< ^, ^ ^ -* •: r ^ . ■ *■ U.> hA ... V i;es' ao f- .^-ne; Dhot .■■>■ ',' n< .fil o ^•1 rlat ;>i (rr*\-n t.u lii • •>:'» i«< OV^ ()1 r^rie tl-J '>'-5 ir. v/:i.i<"t) ^■/apti* * f «in-. 1 '> ■<♦* l.Jk-J fV..-* .•>i' f or-n e r ♦ r- ? r.v.Q' ,ti^! ^oixii^p oy 1^ V.i \V f ro V'» V. LilC^iiV Vf;?^v ^.nav ^'O^ y ^»-; r* ■? ^ V V: X V,\.V -^v. ^vi^xsiy w if ret \ VV\>K>s^ \yvx^^ — •^ ^ 'J-, i V ? I (' W A ]\m \ t 'T •»'^» •■•-«•. "« ~ I <» -• ^ 688 / V W-3hinfetv)n, D. C. Apri ; 29, 1901. E. 0. Coekavra, Holiotype Print in^^ Co., 2il Tr^^jiioni Struot Boston, MiiSfi, Dear Sir: I havo just reeeivou fr^on you two p^icXa-tfis of pa..\''0«1 itho^5'i.":'h platos with originals, oomprir>ing'p?vates 9 io 20 ir.jluslve of t>m sea-v/ceds; 3, 4, aiid 5 of Folsorr/s Aptorygota; a^d ont:^ c? Verrlll*^ star iishes. The star t'ish plates tlms iar received, iiifiluding this photo- lith. piate, are Hon. 1 to 18 inclusive; 20, 29, >0, 32, 33, ami '^4• Accordirig to your letter of April 3 you have ori.-nnals of this sorles niir^lereu continuously from 1 to 41. Kcuce a raunber aro lacking in those thus far roceiv^d, Thcie rocioivod I liavo just sent to Prof&Sbor VerrJll for oxar*:inaticn. The photo-iith. plates are disappointing and by no neiin;? equal, in r.y juf%rie!it,to those previousiy naae t'o^ us by Meisoi ano Hoon. They lack oloHrnos?5 ana sharpner;i- of aofinition and the bracks are y»3ry rriuch ovordcna. so that the contrast b^twoen the dark and li^ht parts compared witi" t?ie originals ia very marked. In some cases , > the straetiu^a is so blarred that it alm^^st lost* I have distribut ed tne lot to the aiithcrs of tho papers in whici; thsy belong and will return to you when received back froTi them. I sl:r;ll be vo^j glad to sea a 5^ampio ot l]io nu^ p- hi ■ M J 390, (Fi. Oo (loo cay ne -2) Wi f.h reBpecl to le'^tering and nunbo^'^ing the plates to be used both ir. the Harr*iman v >i.v:rien and the Washington Acaderty of Sciences, t:€ arr?*rLiornar5f< wo Fiai^v vorbally when you were hfire is as follows:, (l) Tixe whoia sorlefi to be printed in one straight run; (2) the W?;,^hi%ton Aoaa^-.y plates to be lettered, niuriberea, and aeiiverea to th' New Bra Printing Co. at once; (3) the eaition f or .the har^ riri'^n volunie^ to b^ retained unlettered until called for^ when t.hey were to be loitered s.nd delivered to Doubleday, Page & Co« It in ob»/ious'iy i^^pos^ible to nizriber the eaition for th3 Har- rirnan vobar.ies in advance, hut the lettering, except the volume and folate nvjriler, could be put on now if this would be a convenience to you* Very truly yours '\^^ \ \.v^ ^v 1 1 . \ res Washington, Do Co, April 29, 1901 o Dear Prof'ossor Varrill Proofs of your ntar fish plates have* ao^v a^ri^ed frow ihd Heliotype Companjr as follows^ Moftc 1 to 18 iTicluslve: 20, 29, 30^ 32, 33, ajtid 3^io One of those. Noo 6, is a pho':*o-lithot the otiioru are heliotypese I ?dm fiendiiig you the ?>atoh by express pr'ipaid addressed to you at Hamiltcn, Berrrpwiaa, whe>*r? you will doubtlo.ss find them at tho express off ice o The orit^iiials nre in the package with the proofs for direct oompa^'isorio Soma of the I'-^tteriri^;, I notice, haanbeon reproduced, anci some riacei^ nro blurry o Pleaso make all neeessar^/ corrections and return to '^leo fiopivig that you are rruch improved in health and thiat you uro • f inuir^ many thijigs of iatore^st, I "^ormin Vory triib* vours. Profo Ae K. Vo>*rill, Ham ii tor, BorriKuiao } u ^3 it n 392 Wanliineton, D. C. April 29, 1901 Prof. Jxistus W, Fols.jr, h'.f We^t, Hill Struot Ghar:pa igr 111. Y/iur Sir: " , ^ Proofs of your thrf.e phot.o-litTiograpJus plates ( 3, 4, aiid 5) h^.f^• just arrived and are sent to you by exoress herewith, along with the origimi?. Please mrk for corrections arid return to me. Yo.>r wavh .vawir^s to bo -oproauced by hsliotype process are not yet a one ^ -^^^ • Ir. the packa^,e^a. olatos I have returned your origir^: .,aru..«r^rt ana shall be ,roatly obii,,ed if you will kinaly .rite out your .yr.oi.yTr.y in tho v..ual mnnor, .o tr.at it my conform to ' .' ^1. ^^a ^? '•hA of>.irs as in Ooo*s Koriiorteans and tnat in other papers oi ^ne sc i^.^* «-^ Nutt^ng*B Hydro ids. .: Very tniiy yours, . ^ ^^^^- \ v; iat the dark parts are almost universally too dark. In some of therji the structure is obscured by the amount of blacko Tliey should be corrected freely^ as we must insist on having the best reproduc- tions possible of the drawijpgs. Sery truly yours, \ ^^t» - ^-^ Prof. Prof. William Tre lease, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis V Mo. m ^1 \ i If n I I f 1^68 W 1^ A n^tli 'On D o >, c JV-'^f. Tr: .0- K ^ 30 Qi' f -•-•»»•••♦ » >\n J li >y ^>i wa f rt'-l's'V. -! -V :L^ -» •-. Ssatt, lo, \ ViH [)ri:^ ^■r .h.I^; f'*% .y :! D riJ V4. fM jriT/- « 3^' bv \n -^'O" .wo ^-^OKS Aifo ofchs X?i 'iil j.f U-5 t^v- * c:-* i? 2 nee V .'.■*! ."» J 7 i» t OO '"ViT lot t - ^.; '■» *. U ■ Lit < '^» i V -^ A< :^ > /;> I ,• T, l-.C^r;' » 'N «, •• :t. -^ ite >n. inn n«3 ,.: i?en ':f^ Of "* ■;/ "^ I. ■» r> . "• Ci <''t-:A'f\ I K 6V0?; ^ ,. ^ ^ V ^ uraw /--I LhG£»:'^ 'jy*--^ i s-J '.»■ •j' i '•"*r ^^ J-iN > .1 1 >\.* i. I 6 i i« 3' 4 v.. . <■> t-ti >n 'iv the- a'-t- N-»'* j<^ : •», •*• 0 /: ii-. U4i<;'^ ^. 1 _ I y ♦ fr)^ j\ • •- 1^1 at i»: » •:*■ 9 .>* . t • •'4 ;♦ .' « •', J ; i^u . e-f rV' '•.! i • 1 *;t >■••. VJf '* i^ I I '."V: 56 ct voh;r: ■* i«^' ' / - » » ?". f"»:'^\-*i • \i \,1 *-* *. ( K;'n /?*,"; l.-vH i- «• i 'A-'^ >, o 'li« ..:>' no' , i- ^ r- ^ .-. •■» If a Ua 1 «• '-/ u ♦ '^'; ^^, ■I'i AUCi 7«^ .•V4 /I 'lo nor'jj- .*.i .J.. .T»< *•»' t. *f.>)?.ff J i.** "J ^ » « ^ ' pao] <> ,n '"tift ^■oiay/: nromationlmn-'jot V > « , ^ i ■o ;4;KV > /-■ '':^^■■ ^ •^^;J^: "^T» «. * • J V »/, .O'^'J' ■■*•- I • >, -• >• -^l C. '^J Jf^,]< hr:a- ■M o>» a *^ flCU »»r\v • »»-v ♦.< B- 1 »,•:/ I, >\- /-.-' ^ incor'»>?v wiah i ,- ^^•'^T s*i':rvi?ii< » ¥< 10 .i i r* i, 1 .ll-^v:. *"* « • 1 1 4 • ;>► Atcj-ia rii'L a » ' '.ifi. 1*0"^ r ^' i. 1--./4.'* .5 ^.' <• t Yg y. - •- • X ■; . ■*. 1 1 '^i i 1 1/ .■•• -I ,»■» VWi r » ooa \ -<^ji eJ oi' «^'V •/ ?^ i r ■ti'^d ,i 1 ' T ■ % ^* *. i-1^ * '.: '^fAVji^y '\Y.\y Tho ^ ■ '.* . ^r ^/^-i .-* ^ 1^ •» •^ t>::v/ ;,a^ rs uia 0 ^n,.-^r; 1 '1 i> 1-' vV .', v! v:;! :»on of tr..; »r» * Y.*; i« pur»i.r»r V* "> - .-11*^ 'SiiJ'ina ^.t T •, • • 1 n? \ .t ."..•> t i*» -» «• l> ^■".o ar^ 1 1. lliU t. i':.'^ A r r ^.uu n,H:.;:ic^:»'i i-' I -. ! *>« f ncr n:^i*ri ^mCi' *i.^ *^ f * -• . •: i< j/.. 1 i A,. I * •"» » -11 • 1>^ ..l-f, ti !■.«♦( ■ •> \ X 'n{'\ I ii'i f*i."» »\.r*^* ♦ ,1 «'••■' (f •nv .«, .^ V.« i » t i 395 Trevor KvrKmi4 Qa' .« t ♦" * K' r « blo3kaa*.t la uf 'nt^lrig 4.'-. Waf:>/i V 1 '..- —-<■'• .-' rj 4. J >0« e^'li^wS, I f^ar thie ^-^ti i -f^ ^f'^i? :)o Tf '-.l.Iv k<^ \ a -' ^ •> 'ti wH .^^- to w-^^rk v"r the ■WV« X .1' .!">. :i t'i:' l- 1- «■ 1^ tt -C:. .«!; vorv TVinrti* C.V. c<« r'lU nor* Ai u Z A 0 Huv^ i: i^'A •n Af. ■V-"i f 4 rf';- >>•« f '^ •» w. ■ .".> V>-A t»- r-'l . ^3 *^ f»r<;. • "SI i lir-: vf^^v ni^vU ta know tnfit tna Wasrnivc^on ^.o/v;-^^fi S, » ^ k • -♦ »"»,-" *1» "A S. l^ -v**.. ;o ii^'iirai '^ V 4 f ui:-iv'.v'-'n ^ '/ an i ^-hat *•. "I /• /■» '^osrc ,''> t».rc :; )U V I - ^ ■* w Tif "S ♦^ -. t- 1 . ' • o ••••^ ^'•nnr<< .V:Oo;^ \\ .\v^\^\.v;>c •\-v -sX XK/^w-V^-^^^ ' ^-'<^- .^ t. V V v^. \ \y > 1-4. )-^~ *■ I f \ V. N .--\ r'v'*--*.. ^^^t V-C<>^-ft^^ _ JU N ^ m 1 / t ■i» ) l< h 368 Washirv^tan, i), C. April 30. 1901. Dear Stanl€*y-B!r*oim Incloaeci herewith are the liiis for April which hsYs come to ino for expenses in connection with the Havimn Alaska bock. Charles H, Verrill (for editorial work and proof readir^)-..$ ^=9.20 Publishers and Printers Engraving Coo —^ . ,:. 2. 00 Maarice-^ Joyce Srv:,^ving Go. ^^>...-.....^. .-..„. . .,..._ 4,50 New Era Printing Coo .,„..,..._. .„_^ ^^^^,^ 3.4c n Tarleton H. Bean (for proof reading) -.- llart ^Jerriaro (for expenses of Bditor*;? office) --- ^ 10.95 Karrjr B. Kangor (for shorthand, typewritirjg, and ciericai work) --~-„. — -.— „»,.,., -_ _„ .. »,.„„.»,.. .^„, ,. .,„, — . _„ ,....._„ 'r ^{\q I. L. Howonstoin (for 6 tlrar-irj^;* of Insoats) -— 22.00 m 1 ar: inelosin^- tdho thro^j receiptocl March bill? which hcive racc-nily been sent t,o nun instGa^i of lo Mr, Te,ietherf. • Vory vruiy yours ^ \ J. Stsnl^y-B'^own. 129 Br o«/.iff ay. Now York. ^m ,^ _ 1 : i 1 ( • f i J 1 ■ . > M '^^' ' 1 V ^^V\i(t(. XO-Jkls^ t-\jk Kjl 'V- -^^ ~^- W V t "f V " -J >^ •< ^ !a Jr^-vV "^^X^-l-V .-V^^. S J^*^ \ \ wj. v\.V^^ -UVui n ,? k .>w ^ -. ^ -h ) "A ^ , A, ; VOv '*-A>w^. 1 , ; 397 I 1 \\\\ i 'I i I R ( I/I 368 Wa3hJrv3t.r>n, D. C, April 30, 1901. Dear Stnnley-Broim Inclosaci herewith are the bills for April which h©Y» come to mo for expenses in connection with the Har^-iman Ala&ka book. Charles He Vorrill (for editorial work and proof readiiqg)^.-$ 29*25 Publishers and Printers Engraving Coc .-^^ ^ . .. 2,0C « Maurice -Joyce Ervrraving Co. — - .- -.- „.,,„ 4^50 New Bra Printir^ Co -...-. ..„ „. __ j^^^^-.g Tarletoii H. Beaa (for proof reading) ...,__„ 3,45 n . Ilart ^5erriam (for expenses of Bditor^s office) --- 10.95 Harrjr R. fiangsr (for 8hoH,hand, typewril-ing, and L. L. Howonstein (for o r^erlr^gs of Insoots) ---"- ^^ 22*00 Tot'l r / / I ^ 397 V ^^m^ifci. •XLV^Qk^w^ ^^X }l> ^ ••-.V Ajk •-•^ V nyx^-^ i.v \ r ) V V »^ VN. Jk, -N^v^ . ^ V-X^. \^ ? \.:jH, \>^ -UVvxlb ^■ t k -t^ jj -. ' Vv - ''^^^x.^. '^ •*_' -^-r*: -xj VOi \\ Retake of Preceding Frame III ^ \ f TlTTl?' T 398 % 'f Si iw' K s I i IV'^: '^-JvjkX V VV^-o^ aU^^I ^^( rt V. h -^' ^JX9^>jL^. ^v*- ^ i^ x.^ H^ 1^ N^. »Mc-1^. ::^^ V ■^Jf --v^O^ ^l ^-V V v-.^^^NJ^^ ^- iv \ 1 VO^^ »Am vnJ^. t V >>JL ^.^Jk^< K X^ >- V-O^^ ? ^ -+, r. ^ ilC^w -NJ^. I 1 \ ,-3^-*:., V J V -•» /:.vv V V. -._ Jv-'^^Ok- .f-^>^ \ r- "-^ui^- \ -^, UU. 'W v jv K^^ .^ V'A»r V h- 4 -JU- SJ.j*^ VUsi ^4_ I ^^'^wV'>U^>.> W^ V vw , V ■^ poor imprint i > eeg 400 I i< 1 M Washington, D. G. ».-„ .. ,„ . ^% 7. 1901. .wr, n. w, Lamar, Neiv York Oitv. .Lu ..I .,r,^, ohemist on the various »-.-.,. s«t«.t.,.. The o.t„„„e Of .,.,s. ,x=n,<„,tio„. =. iMt fvo -p.-. -... .,.„^,™e„ .. or p„„. exposition io- iuraHlity. .. tho^m.,,:.. Mills. Uolyoko, Mass.. ...Red Whxti,^- Anti,ue'wov. No^^ «n.,a paper suppliou by George W, MUlar a.u. Co.. 52 Duano :>.... t ' wow .0... ^.K,. , 2. .11 ., th.se paper, are .expose. ai.o3^ .hll^ ^y 0. cotton Hbc. Th« M^^ine^e i« ail .i^,t ^cept t.at t..o " nbers a^o so short that the .apar has liUia stren^.th. It i. able, but will net resist laav. T,-s, ^,^l^ v. .. ■ ,.. , " ' .u...infe h,. ,, seers i,n me a boautifui pa- per, out a little t-.-. v., iPk ... '.« 4 • , vaUng to aooept, w.hichove^- of ^^ , ...,^,,. ..,,. ,.. .^, . taKo tno .U4no^.e I «upoo3e .o, 3 .« .1 h.vo t. bo use. for the cuts, although tno Antiqu. ..vo -a^a vastly richer ri.ieh ana vir^uld giv3 t})e book a most elo,^ant aor^.;,-. ■- 4 . '-•^^■' '-•■- "♦■^' otr&Lfora papers ™i™.ai ™uers i„ tl» th.,o ™p,es ™„tior.e.. ..a. ho',. 3 J , In t.» .,nd„« Mill, papor, ,,. va^^^a f.„. -'. .„ „ , ' ""'■ A« I, t.. ,i„ of the s..,ei, i. ,,; „,„„;,, ,„ ,^^,^ ^^^^^^ y^> H. W. L. *> t marcrin fo^* irinrninp; it %he book is to bo trimmou on top, as I sup- posQ, SO that the pa^^OB of tuo rinished book ^iS'ill i^easure 7x10 inches? full. I suppose tho :<.heots should run about 29x41 or 30x42 to auiriii of trimrriiri^f,* Wiiat- has become of the index? It surely shovda be in V/pe. You must have had, oast proof ^ except the Sriunell Salmon article, whiij):i I liave been writing for without success until Ui::s morriir^^,, \inon I reoGiveii word from ths printers that the pai^e >*evi«io had not beon rotunied to them, I retti^nod it on April 2f: ai-iu so noti- fi.90 them. As it }\a8 misoarriad I wired them to cast at once, but the inriex >?an be complete from tho pa^^o revise as woll as from trie i^^-^'l proofs To avoid further d^^^iay I onciosa herewith a copy of thO> pa^js proof -f the article, althougJi I suppose you have had xo J' or a long time. Thu ■fT'OV^ I look at tna new title- Tjaj-;es tho more I airi ccnvincoci of tiiel** ul-Wr unf itr.e.si .fo** this boolu It soetns t,o mo that if you would hftve ^h'? old titie-p^:,9 y-eviBo'-^accordanca with our plai, omitt-ane Vol. 1. tu^^o on -ta.- eAdvA^ Hrew<}r and Washburn to t.ba lis!, of authors wo could subr,-.i it to tho Ha'-rimiis' with a a stror^ trobabilit,-; of itd ao'3f • '.a ic^c . You a^e 9r>ti-ely right about the proof of the last baton of line crawinga r::l^-i^^n^ t-o GilDort's paper on Glaciers, As they are for Vol. VI. a:ii a» ! have bad my hands pretty full of Vol. I .lat.c>™ lY I f-inply siu^-trackod thorn. However, as they are in your way I will try to senu th'^ru uack tomorrow. Vori'- truly yours KJk. Vory truly -/ours. ir I * .«. Jb ^i...- ? V- 1 -V- \ *-^^ V^-^V • x-^A o ^*^>i* -. v.. xXw. "tii*,-. \.v .*^. V-.^, ^\.x V- V Js^..-^ f Vv \ ^\1^0 V. i ^v '\ vv^ \A^^^». \ T \ X i~ J^-Ok V >v ,>; V '«■ Ilia, . \K (-• I \ t" V J >v^<. ^ >«, .-■ 1 '¥- /v->.^< '^w*^. V — -r? ■f> O' X \x \ V -^ ■^*>v V "• 4_ > \ ^^ V ■\- *** l-it Ml /^'t I! CAS poor imprint i 8M m * ^ t r t ff Washi^Y-a-on, Do C* Br. Jc W, Folson, 404 W3;5t Cla-k f^i. ipai-^n, I.l. % dear Sir: Your letter of the 5th instant reached ne a da^^ nr twc slo and yo'jr rr.a!iuscript and proof?: of inusi-raticns liavs just arrlvod. In lookiiig ovor the mnuscript I stili frnd ;j p£u.^ss cf synonar^y which are too coTr.pl icat^n: and too hauly nix^jc r,o l.o sont to &.:v printer, I am reluming these pa^^es herowith, ^n(\ s}:oul(i '.e oblit>id of you will kirxly revise thorvi am huvo the: lyp.i -itt-r or st Ur-'t rearranged aju#vit,ten ciseri-so l.hat Liuiy nay he i.ntoUiA<>auiy to.u lowe^ by the compositor. It eosm !.o "le that you ii&ve overuone the synonv-rty; at least it ^ppo»irs to ■»>} ovoriosdeo, an(v a ^.ioA deal oi' it is not sytior.oniy at, all. "■ T>.e rtGtoct.iV8 piFit^^s ' ^-ill h'^vo i-xado over. at orj-ij. \^e*y trui}' yMur??, (■i >v iS •I 404 Wai^hin^ton, Do Co . Ma^' }.l, 1901 c ^Jr^ Wosiey R«> Coe, New Havivn^ Coano The yarioiis o^i^^ina' a^-jr^s^in^^s of your Nen^erteans.anu also the rapati^e fro^n Doctor Evans, I h^-^e lust T(iV^xvTS:iQ. to you alon^ with a ioi. cf lej*t-over {?roofs v^hicli you rmy "bo abls to mako use of. 1 s: xii ':e obliged if you will turr? ovo^ uo I;oeW.)r Evaiis his ?harG. Wilt. A 'no rft^ard>^ V^.^^'y t^uly yours, <■» V \ I [I f fi' ». J ./ il J J I PM Washiri^^rton, lu ! 1 :v:ay 11, 1901. Prof, r., c. Nutting, Iowa .ity, Iowa.« Dear Proi'essor NutLing: i have .just, sent you by axpress a packjig;e cont-ainiru. your original dj-croic: drawir^-., ana a nunb&r o-: o-oofs ^hici; nay bn cf use to yov hereafter. I a.-, glao .o see .J at your pap.r is out. today, ana that it makes so gooe an srnearanos. Ve^y tnily yours, \v\ 406 Washirig:ton, D« C lay 11. 1901 J Bins s Iv'cGae, Rsqo 0eor«;8 W, Millar and Co., 62 liuaiie H-t.. New Yo'-k City r\ • viy dear ;nr Pardon my delay in acknovrleugipg your several letiors ana the poplar TAilp, for which T ar'i obli.;?:.edc I had your secona sample of oiiper (»a>*erally exa^/infxi ana testea aiin sent it to Loubleday, Page txrC Cco, as one of throe sariplos il-'on which the paper for the book is to le ^eiecteao Thaiii<. ir^- you for ''/our oourtesv in this matter, I remain. Very truly yours. 'i 1 V i ii'' i !'• 'I ro* Washfe I *• r-v %- T . Prof, W-r.„ K, H^tt'^r ^■a.Y .IK i?0 i d. 0 ? }i:» X ; V* i>e?i fitter nX^ I • r--^;- rt-^tr*- ^ortyu out Ajju^u.iini. ;.a3 ram Your "^Hriou? dirawiTif^*^ apors have come in ie^laiy fn.ch fnnt^r t>a^, ,o aa^ 50"] «t^ i^^ "o NutUi-,,' ■ croM/ paper is aut tosa' -f p ^rr^u o H ,. ^ f. "1 1 "* "^ ou wikd bfc inlon^^to-' i>o :ri;Oi davB. . * \\ V / ' ■» 0 I 408 1 c. '''hiiimc Papor i^o. , iioiyoki?^ 'a:ssQ -.+ -i m H^cooa sample oi oapor f?nnt me m conneot^jon wji;.-; your ietlor 0; t4i6? ]f!.L instant, afvivou auly ar>.^ has hfMm OtJ'r.iiuily amineu and te^taa* II. i? e. rtrong a)i>v boantifui cottcn t>toek raporj, with an luiusuallv srmil am\int of ninoral i-^iattero I h%ve rcr^Wc^ra^yCi part 01' UiG 8a»^iple tc •outelooay, ^'s^rio ^ ■■o or' New York, a.?^ one O;' Aree prdc^h i>o!r: whi(jn f, cr\r^icd is to ^o r^iauf t3 0 '*V. \ JL * s \ \-^- >^ \: i li 1 ^ '] ♦I J J ro* ■t ' •» * . \ WasKtwtoi:, D. C, Profo W.^.. R Hitter, ■■■orkeley, '-Riif May il, i;'.;- i)0i!-.r Rittert Your "^^Hriou^ <''^wiT)e:8 tn ^mti ;.i i.».o pauKj^-s by mail. Proof: o. ^m proofs f i;aY. ^ >rte.. out anc se>l^ b.muo.c you y. M,.,. , Baker. NuiM^'s h,^aroi.-paper is out toa^r , ana yu «rin aoubtless receivo it by the U.>e thi^ ie.ter reaches youo K., ;. g, papors have eome in iaiaiy im.ch fastor than .vo oa. pubiiEh ti.era. -ou wili be inie-081,0.: lo know l-i^at. Lho tiv^i. ^oke.a '■^- rhe Harriman book is now electrot^mod an should bo pub] islxen »'ii.hin t.gn N. ^^ IIIIH' « *■ ■» 408 T I ^iiv 11. 1901 ilolyoko, ':5:sSo Tha Bscond sapipie of papor sont me in connection wi t.h your letter of tne IeI instant, arrivea auly ai*:i has bfjen Oeiroxuiiy - - amiried and tf?stac« It is a strong ai^. beautiful cottcn stock paper^ with an unusiAaliv srnail eitPint of ninorai r^tattero I have forwc'rac?d part of tns sa»^iple to r-oukleaay, Pa^^o tr ^o or Now York, as one of three panc^*^ frorr whicri Tv choieo is to be maaoo 'i^hanki!!^, ^^^ou ro** y^ur ooj.»*tesv in trie ratter., I aFs, Ve?'ry trixiy 3''ours, V 'V V -V \^ H.~^' ^,~ \ ^ v---^, Retake of Preceding Frame » T 9M %shington^ Do C .Miiy 11, 1901 Keliotype Printing Coo. 2U Tremont Sto, Boston^ !l •nsB The f>^eri origirial «na proofs of paintings of biroB a»o flow- ors loaned yr-u by ..e a short tme a^o, have been re|.urn.d in ^ood «onc.i.,on. for whi.h I an obli,-ea. Tr.e flower ^roup I 3^^ve turned over to Ooviao; tho bir<.s I an. hciuir^ for FuortoB to be shippaa with a nur»,ber of other pictures boior^ir^ to hir-^.c Rasoectfuiiv* > w I : I > I Ot*' f/iay 11, 190 U Lenr ^tanlay'-B>-own: I'hG batch of bills from I^aiibloaay, Pa^ Sr Co«, coated fey 8, and forva)'ciod for- my approval, aro hoj-owith roturned. 'pAey t^ro correct rlth two exceptions. It iB for you to dec idea whether I-r, ilarrirnan should pay insuraiue on t.he jLithoe.:raph plates storea penc: irv', pubiicaticn, ani ra.^o ^^hather he shoulo pay for the clprical as:^iistax.e3 miesstxry in lookin^v oyer the lithog^Jiphs in ordor to rjject defec^^ive o^ipios* The chargos ars raaBonable emni^h, the only question hokixfr as to who should Day the lili^i. V3ry trnly yours. Jc Stanloy-^'rown, 120 h^o*idway, 'eri York >Nv^ ^3k \ •r ! . 'J. 4. t4*«^ .».,-* Jt- ft-w«,4NMN»« ^ ■'< -^ J 411 / , hington, r:, G* May 11, 1901 Dear Mr. Lanier: Agp.in T a?n aisappointea in not receiving the maex. I c<:-rtain- ly hope It will not ha uelayad longer tha?. Monday. All the pa-:es of the book p^-oper {1-370) are east and the pi^^tes can bo Bent you at any t^ir^, if not already sent* I note v/iiat you say about the left-over paper, but have no^ yet done auythii^ looking to photo^^arares for the teclinical volx^juos, The illust^tiont: thus far maua or in eonteninlation for tnese voiunes have been either heliotypas or r.hotolitliographs ^>ry tndy y^'urs, H. W. Lanif^r, Joul;leday, Page ?r vo. Kew York Cityo ^.x- 11^ k ¥i f- m ■I s i / i i 1 to •i r V ^ '^ 1^/-^ i iff r). f i I i J 1 r 1 1 *^ Jl' i I ■J ) ^ \fir €i -C--f y^ y j I -1^ V y J, P ^ J^ /. ^ I -i I 1 y. A i J i / / :i ^ « 1 ^ i» lil f ^\iM^ 412 r^ H' «• 1 !> ( li poor imprinf m MM IM 8t* -f- ? C '4 ^ T r ^ f / r y**- ^' / ' ^- 4 r^ 7 r ^ r c: ^ (i ^ :. --t- / C ^. ^ J fj 4 ^^'''^.\\ y- ( y f ^ t / / r / '.-f- \ ; u' >Vv \ J ^■^, \>w- -"^L s^ "• \ ^V >: ^ ^ V.- vw\ O >> •«^i»w vU -ApS. ^ .>vcJ:>y \ iVvCsi 414 r Original Defective en m^"-^^ ^^ Wushi%t&ii, JJ. Cn I- 1.-. my lo. 1901. Prof. Wm* Release, Vii«^.sou^i Botanical Garaons, I>t« Louis, yio» Pea^ P^ofssso:*' Trelaase: You^ letters of the 9th anu 10th instant a>*e at hand and V.^o manuscript on Mosses by Caraofe anc; Thoriot has also arrived, ail of w!jich I am very ^lad to seo. I shall hurry aion^j the Ho3S paper as fast as I can afte^* we hav^o {.lie platos, but iv-^s. o not-hii\ ^i*^^* it of course liiitii after tl/O plates a>-rivo- iier?ov/ith I api ^onuirig yon the ^enainaor of Sauriaers* on^inal drawrin.-s ^^^ two coi^rpMt^f 8ei.s -£oi2^ of proofs, so that each of yuu can rotain one :?et* VsT'y truly yours, ^ Ik 416 Washington, D. C. KSay 16. 1901 A. Hoen & Co You- first >-ou£h p^oof of Uie Unitou State* raap came Monuay iiornirv^: Lut th3 copy in colo-s. which you promised to send on Tuos- da- has not yot ar-ivodo Can you not hurny this up ? T havo (flayed reU.r-tnrii, the fi-st proof as 1 hav) expectaa the other by evory mail, but as yet it rias not arriveo, I ar. seming Gaanetfs oorr-ections horewita. Very truly yours. \ Vv^ — * -. I ( I ^i\ I I' (. * ' . (u Ml n* Wasliingtonp IK C Dear Mr<, Lanier? ^ 16, 1901. V The Vour lette-s of the Kth an. i5th have arrivod,a«h.vo also tho dumy volumes for sompies for Lhic)^nesSo Th^ laitor I ar^ .-.tu-n it)g by express. With -.espect to yhe^hi^ii: iK^o"^,.^ f,,i ^ 3,^,,^. preforonoa either way. The volume of the 'Wo^-id's Work" is probaU '"''pJinte?'''*''" ^' ^'''' Harrimr. book *ill ho, for the reason that it is^on half-tone paper heavily wefi^jhtod with clay ana plftstar, Mfcttineague, which you say you havo ceoiaed upon, contains oniv a trace of minorai rmUor aii^. is oxcedainesiy light, I soe only Wo advantages in dividing the book int.o two volumes': one of ti.oRe is that tho averaf^e buyer wouiu thiniw }i3 was trotting ^lore for hia mono ten .iollars. You know I have always, thoi]ig;ht ten aoll8rs($iO.) too high a p>-i«e for this volu]ne---a p-ice wivich will bo absolutely pro^ hibitivo in the case of a vast number of rJ'^od reopie virho woulr. like to own the bookc Tho uthor roason in Tavor of two volumes is that they woula naturally bo mmibei^y 1 ar.fi 2^ so that tho first of r>hG technical series would beMoL3c This woula be a deciaed advantage over having no volume rumbe*' on tha rAr^ative part* I have written tanley-Krown with ^ospect t'^ this ns^.tor and you will aoubtless hear from him as to IAto Iiar>'i::ian*s vie\YS. I a/^i wiilifLK to abiuo by the docisinn of tho Fia:iorit:,''iip[.rov idee the prioe shall on no account excjeu ten dollars. What you say fi out ^;;etting rid of tho e^jtra pliotj^ravure vt^>^v looks to me as if you hau ^one haok on your early assu'-ai-ce that -'ou coulu easily sell n.OOO copi-s of tho r ,oKo ^rolably t? e hi^^;, price & '#' f: •'I I* 1 \ , 3 \\ f \l ^\ 418 s ban i or. --2 vou have nut on it has already killed its sale. However, I am still far from discouraf-ou as to the sale of a large edition, anu feel O'^nfiuent Umt with ^-oasonalle effort 5, WO copies may be sold. Think of the large na-iber- of libraries which must havo a book of this kinf.o Spattor's las. biil(^22..ft0) which you ftnciosed is ail right. and i« reiurnec; l^erewith^ loisoi's letter also is -oturneo, ne is in too bi£- a huriy. It., .'ili not be possible to let him print the.platos for the teclmi - eal volume on worms p-obabiy for six rnonths, as it is not likely to be possible bero>-e that time fo^- us 1.0 know what numbers the plate^ will lea^^ i^^f> .1.^,.+ o«* mpr. Ha a ■^eo*' to sonci. me proof in Hoen is (>ii about ona?> mapo . .,^ a-. ^^ colors on Tu.B.ay. b..t it has not yet ar^-ived. I refer to a map of of Unite.. States -vhich f-^r. .a-^imn insists must be printea on tho ea^ sheet witi'. tho Alaska mp. The incex has just a'-riveu this afternoon, an. I have bot^-un worn on i^. I hm'y oaiteci ana ennstructod inuexes for 20 years, and have .ervoa on several comnlicatoa inuex corr.ittees. but have . never yet seen an-.hin,i in tho index line quite so supremely loxotxc p o'^r>^ U has obviously been made by a parson ut- at this mass of supse il ^xab .7..v.,u->xj » f. .\ih iVR sub«ect.ov the needs of an index^anu its te'^ly un?.cquaintea -vitn i/re 3ui\,t,..^; "^ ^ .1^ i\t', »»o<^i it of a blind attempt laborious construcrti ^n aj,^T^:*n s v. t. follow rvle. «hich .ieht have boon franeu for xnuexin^ a his- .,orv or the nniver.e in a thousano volu.es. The trivial detail "' V . - r 'V^ -iir.- ' iu not arranf^o then alphabetically !,'^&t. the caster -a '.'-'ic mjP" ■ ^'^ '•'" «-' 1- «^„^«^ fix.>«'.t at this end of the line, wi'Or© it .f no consoqu??rce.oi course, ex'.f;,jT, a^ —.10 // /*,! i 1.^ In**,,**. »* • ^-w* en the thing will havfi fo b? whitri^^ earliest no.«f), ' "'*" ""' -eco..tn.cted at the '^^cii -k^St;, possible mrmnrf u. - • over I OS^^; ^lew York Cit,y, I i: i 1 '^»Htei yL^xv^i?^ Lvs' vaLl! •K<« V^aaXk? U'. ""XT Aa/*^ y^ \ 4i jlsIka^^ Vl uTt *? Vv^,>K\V.Wvv>3Js. ) ^ ^V^K^ \VVV vkJ^- 420 i* !l I ; * 'I ■' i: rs*. #1.^11 llxt^^ntih street. Wd^hin^ton^ ]>.Co, U^ 21, 1901 ^n r'^ec-ipt of yctir t'... -^g;--i . j.ufit ^^^^^^-^n^^ T went to worK on tA*9 quai^tlon oi* r-Qant of piat^i^ an^ «i\t^<^ *=j ^Urx^- ^iH of s«*voral houra^ fo\v\€u that it wniO'^^ ba p-v««^ibl!^ tc- t:^'???- : ^*.' ton 07^ \ U4*3Ci .31 ; i^ i^iia3?vHi ;*^ tiift ^6^*' r-i v^-^-iine. i Trt-;*?- 1 • a. I -J ♦ .-* no tai:^ effact '^ntly '.:iiji miming. iria>: i tli<» ^-^'^t r^ontxspl'^oa for the ^leoo ^a volu^ie-^ I wppouf^ vAn r^>•^f*•'vo4 t:ia pa^f'j proof of nh»^ pr**i^i ojj^^l^v Kuittf^^r Hhich T pvt in -uh^ r»unJi<^ ^lt2i t^* ret ixrr?. volume :^ ^ frr L^t- ^ro. The r^^^dju-^tti^ •: '^-^ jylntfi^ will n^-^jerHltate a i^.rciiA. position 5f rattr^r ail along thrcu*!-' U ^ liPt of illpj^tnr.iona. Yrr have not written ma as to whet/^i ot nnx j--, tMnK t!i^> nxiMt&at^ Had ii.^t of ■». II ;ii?t ratine '^hor.ld N' c*.1vj^:er?. i ^u^ht to ^-^^-^ trd^j a^ onco. I ^ft^'vl *.eH -^crx^?! mo:?-* c..j«ri :;vrt> liouxi.^ in j'^vit^.x:\^ aM editing t:a^t infarnaX l/idrx r;.n't ' :*i >i> hxve a oi^un '^'>03^ realy f--. the printer by tc^orrc^t, it r«:i},ly v^^^ ^i r^-arr.f' j:rT ycv/ to fire auch a irft>:e-Br.ift o* nn in-le>; at :t^ wit ioir. a**/ '^ilt^r:' a"* r^v-i'^io^ or RCTO,tlny ot ^my Kinri, it, d i'?ru -it '^ I ntd oeen afflicted airoady with anoagn imTieo^-hiuv^ ';.T^nc«l w.vrK In ccnna.^Mon ivitl thifl book w-'.tht^r.t thin addltioriftl ?itra^. By tli^ way, I ^uppo:^*? aH^^/a v-'l^rxfn h%ni>H : >t^ t'T" Vfr; title pagefl X g/iv« hlra 3\miai^, Hofw do they etrlKe you? Very t:ca4y yours He ^. Lanier, '^«q..^ Or. I'oubleday, Pr^^e ^ 0*' •• #54 Tlnlca Square^ A^f^ Yori«. yours. \ I ^ l: I .1 422 I #ivlfe Sixt^^enth street. Washington, D.a,, May PA, 3 901. I i» ?.#^r;--.:ng you by ^xpre^se '.er'^i^with, 24 addJ/oionAl ' ;m' ur«w«!> :I'^.7T''r.an ^ooX iooo oopl v?^ ae u«vial. Bitx 1 Uli i::.rxt*^ft? I ni.'.6 Ji«^*t r^araelvH'? fiom bin. the corrected proofs of the f 1^*^*. rttttol) arm wcuJd llXe to hoi-l gh'^ra antil the othr*^ 8 cT.e f?o *het I oan arrange V\^ final nisfl'o.ixA -ind ijervl vham -^-il ^acK. f r let^ev:.n«j. \rv.ir new vroofH cl tl:^ i\. viou-i batah of phc t c-3 it hog x&ihfc cure .vly end rare forrarded to V e bii^hoTP hrA bave not yet b-^en r'>-.urn-d to :ae. kioat oi tliem iTerr* an lTi>iMv«-rrent nv*?r the f:Lret pioora,b'.it ^or-n^ -rere a l.^^tle uvt;:'dcri«» in the direotlcn of l-.l^ht^n- Vj5^x.\^* 1 P.SI ! I INi;RX.' r lasiocafpa '^.■^V> , 246 ,Ai"te>vIo?/ 280, 2.- 6 Ag'-icuiiure 271 Air, elernont.a>'y facts t Akutan 159, 305 Alaska, s^ea 257-258 ciirifiles 25*^-272 o«-^n popuUtion rjT]-2^4 resonrocs 2'^'-2'*'G sceiio-'- 2VC-2'^7 Alaska v:oriri'jrciai Co. 81 ,185,303. 305 Alaska Ponimula f;6-87,89,12i,133-l34,257,T>j4 miiivop 168 Iroos 236, SS'^, ?//f 245 Yolcianoos 88, ?SA Alaska 0^* yollow r:r,r^isBicn "t/^'i^or 312, 1^34,332 ! • •f *. 424 Alder, Or8gon(Alnus ore^or^) 24*^, 249 Alder, 8hrubb;^(Alnus sinuaba) 249, 251 Aleutian Islands ^^9, £3, 133,'15^, 196, 2-0, natives IS'^-ITO ' Aleutian senapiper liO Aleutian %ov% sparrow SO, 225 Aleuts 165, 167- IW, isy Alex^n^or Archipola^o 12'^ ^li;xtorski Isianas 188 tMler., Lieuto Honr-y T. 2-tO, 241 Altitude of timber line 241,242. 2--, ^A". Alpine Glow' 287, 288 Mpine hemlock(Ti>ci^;s. ^^Hr^nsiana) 24*^, 252 Alpine nen ow 223^ 221 ' 4 lijo, :^44 Arj >r''» 'iv;)»- is% A'liorson, Capt., oisoovery of New Rngosiof 303-305 'jiomone, yellow 106 Knnet-te Islano HI, 152-155 Ar. tabetic glaciers 124, 2i^9 A&vik 199 AT»l)ovi+,a? or red cedR'*( Thuja plicala) 247 Arctic explorations 198, 199 Arctic Ocean 103, 107, 108, 19G, 236, 242, J>43, 266 Arctic twilight 281 A^-ctid te'-ns vl. 217, 2ie. 220 Arctic tund^'tts 205, 225, 2^1, 232 Artoaf,a, early explorer 190 Aruriciib 250 \ i ( i t 4 n f3Si^ Asia 99, 100, L02, IB'^ Aspen 239 Atlantic cables 20i/X).3 Atmospliero of Alaska 2'79..369 Attu Island blue fox 360 Auk, little 98 Auk Glacie>* IZl Avalanches 23, 256, 302 Aiikiots L09, 227 Auklot, least 2^7, 22^, 231 Aukbjt,pa»— oquot 233 (^/^r"* Baini Glacier 121 Bar i' in- Ha^.- fo^ 2m Falii F;«i^.la 20, 21. 225 Baim of (Jiioaa 251 lialsam i'ir 240 Blasan poplar 239, 250 Bara1.a-a 1d9, I'^'O Ba-anofr 180-, 192. 194-195, I9i, 292 Earbou*' 19r) Barnard, ■Li&iat..'kiUoa 200 'r'arv.r aincior v , 74, lor. Boar, Kaaiak ^^g, 85, 87 Pocket, CjQoy^^o K. 312. 317, 320, 335 Eocii'ord f-i*%9 200 Beofe, 106 ./ f- I !? ►5 I 1. 426 Bering Sea 94, 196, 26^1-265 absence of ^d.acie"s 134 alisenoe of treas 243. 272 birds 22'^. 231 • dim to 270 .foi'.s 270. 271 • islands ^9. 264. 265. 291- tanura 236 Berimi Strait 102, 187, 200 Boring. Vv* expeuitions 1^5, cioat,!. iS7, 1£S Birch caroos '2?7 i^i^'on, paper- 'mrknu 23'j-23'^ • , fT <■> ••< ■~ 'f. 1'-. \l'l^-' --'t ''-'■■'• *" ' 18''% 188 ^ ^ O •" «^^ '''^ ^■''-■, ^ •" - -.1 :i 'P-, -3. 07, 93.. 102. xu.-x.-.-,.^.-.-*— * V/ X. 1* v» w •**• I # ' <3S aii Bogosiol Voic.nno 329-33:. killeti by stea^n an-. r,r-.o::c 330 Blusboll.'^ 83 Bluo >ox8S 1V4, 357-300 Bo: oslol' Islar.is 94-95, 2Qi ba**8 or spx'>s 3^j-^-o birds 94-'3r) 329-332 Grewingk 303-320 nato^'ials 320 'IflVt Bcosiof 303-320 Ol" Bo^oalof ^I'^f ,,- physical hisl/ory .>/e'TJ^. principal «aper« 335-335 sea lions 95, 3327 3;Vi Si.ip o- Sail ^ock 321-323 'alflj rsj^ Bomb Point 75-76 a ., »%«c, provisional 3ft, 241 Braay, Governor 50 Brady Glacier 130 Brake (Pteris aquilarift) 250 Brewer. Profos.or. oration 86 Bristol Bay 195 British vessels seizea -fay Spanish i91 Bi^yia A^Iawr Sl^cier 59 Bufnble boas 61, Burnouts, John 213, 224, 226, 213 narrative of exDeciition i-U8 Buttervrort 221 California l^i iqp; iq/- rs.-, ^,^ ^^^ ci -^-, i.o, 196, 21.;, 213, 22?, 281, 283 Gamelfo^d, Lord 192 Campion, moss 47 Canada ^^rouse 221 Canneries 4 SalmoAs 341.3-^7,354^355 Canoe -bi "Oh 219 Canoes, -iifferftnt tj^pei 140, I4I-I43, 162-ir>4 eant.ell. Lieutt. ...k on Bogo.lof :»6.310.322. 3^3.332-333 ^ape H^oJi Ihdian village 115-117 Cape Nortd 105, 276 Gape ^panc-'ir '^-i^ Cape U^anuk 244 Captain Roys 199 Captain's Bay 189 \ ■\ 428 V Caribou 174 Carices 252 •Cftrrol Glacier 128 Cascade RangQ glaciers 119-120 Cass lope B3 .'111 Ced&r 2^2 Cedar, Alaska yellow (Cha Chernofski i69 Chickadee, lon^-tailed 224,225 rufous-backed 28. 51, US. 219 Chilkat 260 Chilkat blanket" ^^^ ChirikotT 187, 360 Church l;ells 222 Church, Greek at Kadiak 82 Metlakahlta 152. 155 Chukchi peninsula 186 natives 174. 186-187 Clarence St^^aits 26 Clark ia 14 -Claytonia l05, 11'- • Clearwater P'iver 14 Climate of Alaska 267-272 Pkcitio CdSist 257-^69 Bering Sea 270-271 Infeeric of Alaska ?>l-272 Clouds 279, 280. 285. 28S rUiT iz r.cotk&t5uai») 247 I! f ,' GSii • Coal 27B 1 'J ' Coast timber /JjZr'V^ College .Pio>'G, biras of 2, 9, 220 Columbia Fio>*a 262 ' Columbia Glacier 67, 76, 126,' i-i? • Columbia River % 14, 15, 1^2 Columbine 31 • Colville Kivar 242, 243 Conifers, luxu^'iance 246 • Convention betwwn Great Britain and Russia 198 • Convention bet^wn Russia ana the United States 196 • Cook Inlet 75/ 77, 115, 133, 237, 244, 248, 256 • Cook, Gapt, James 190, 321, 335 Copper 275 Copper Mountain 246 • Copper River 55, 122, ifr^, 187, 195. 2^",, 266, 275 Comorants, 109 red-f aonad 233 • violet-gY^^bn 212 •Corwin* !^WB^:uo Steamer 306, 307,310,311,312, • Gotteaa glaciers 259 • bead Horse trail 33 • Dead hot|«»es 152 • neor 21, 23, 5i, 140 • Devil's club 23, 225 ' Devil's Thumb 28 • DiawedoB islanus 103, 186, 187, 188 • Dio'*ite 320 • Directo'-y at Irkutsk, c.??ct:ls tc th*- 193;' 194 Discovery afto exploration 185-204 Disendumtment Bay 123, 126, 131. ^61 Distribution of t^ees 236, 253 Diving birds 212, 227 Dixon Bnt'-ance 190 • Doaecatho*n 69, 221. ?r.3 Doran, Captain 62, '"1. 72 •Dora' schooner 303 Doty. Lieut., photog>^phs ot Bo^^oslor 298. 307,30^.322 Douftlas City 255. 273 I ;H TTv^ ^ 11 m * tst M\ Drittwoou OK iiail ^m U, Matthew Iclnnos 1.13 Dryas, whit,9-euppea 231 Duok, Karlaquiii 212.229,233, 333 Euck, Ola Squaw 234 ■i I c5: I>uncan, William i?4-26, 152, 153^155 Dust, oause of * 90, 9i, 114 Dvrarf v/illows 131 Eaglo Galcier 1*^1 Eaglos, i>,,.. 0- 29 (ceo ai^o b:;lu r^a^io^ t Earthquake 89, 291, 292, 310 Bast Cfcpo 186 ^ Etjhinopanax hor^-iivtin 249, 250 Sdgo combo 50, 190 Bggs* shower of 330 figg-huiite-s 300-301 Eider 23-^, *' . ' Eiaer, Speotacloa 930 •E Icier, ,Ge6rgo W "steainof , 17 Elk Mountains 3 Bnciicolt Moimtaihs 242 •Epilobium 216, 220, 131, 250 8quis3tum 250, 252 *v Eskimo 99-104. 108. l?l-;83 aniclfj by Oinnell l6'7-.l^-:3 * Wbios 104, l79 - burial -ti^mi^f: 176.177 *e / 'J I I I 432 BBkimo( cenlinued) , camp. Port Clarence 102-1^^.178-1,83 . chila-en 101-102, 176. 182 Clothing I'^G, 182 aisnal outlook 1B3 dogs 101. 177, r/9, 180 i'i^'st seen 68, 167 houses 101, l-^l. 1''5 1 . Kadi/ik 189 Kayak l'^'^, 180 King Island 17^-178 labT«et8 177. 178 ' Plover Bay viilat^,e 99-102 Prince Wiiliarc Sound 6f, 167 St. LavT'enc'i Is lana( Starvation) iOB skin boats or Uniaks 100..103. 178-179 tattooin^j \^^-\'i^ Eskimoan stock 167, 195 gtolin Island 27 BxDOuition, Bcrir^'s 187, 188 har»*iman, tnerXa^-s Rxplo'^atioli, histo"'/ 185-204 Farming douVj^.iul ''.'''1, 2P'h , • iox .article b:; Wasliburn 3o7-3S5 I'airw^mlhe" M'-oun'^; 190 . '.'airweatlior Ran^e 48, 115, 1?1, i35. 235. :^44 altitude 48. f)''^, 260 > ^.laciers ff2,.53. 129-130 'ernow, E. E.. article Alaska Forosts 23i''-2J^o H P.E^ • Ferns ai, 218 Find). Al.>utihn--osY iu ooa 097 J iA^, .-A.O, <:/?7, JL>«» house 12 ^ Lincoln ^?^ 209 #•-1^ v^c.^ut.iuu against :^§4. • ir, rea or I-ouglas ?45, ;?72 Firs, 945 • ish as a "osou'^co 274 ■^i-o ('; n^ing 114 Fishe*-i9s, Salmon 337.355 • Fish hooks, primitiva 139 Fieu»'-ae-iis 222 • Flora. metinQ of Atlantic anci Pacific 237 ■ Flycatcher, Arkansas 12 Fog 269-270-271.289 • in Bering Sea 98. 107. ;i08. 112. 270-271 ♦ Fo>'getrienots R3, 102,222 Forests. aHicl© by Pomow 233-256 Gannett 2'^2-273 ^burieu 41, 45, 130, 251 •< coast 23, 244-253 , composition ^246-247 •economic value 243.253-256 ue«troyAd by glaciers 52-53,130, inteV'ior 239-243 ■ ^naotinj^ of Atlantic a'aa I^cif ib 236-237 ^orost h'>'08 118, 2?4, ^^^ % f- (>•• I*.' ■f 434 • Fort fjolmakoff esiablishea 198 . Kort Macpli0**son 199 , Fort Wrangell 27 . 2^ , 24-^ , 255 Fort Selkirk 202 Fort Yukon 199, 202 • Fox, Arctic 232 farmirui 68, 114,357-365 ' b' '\)Xos, blue 274 . » ^ jt* • !!.» • a^ . food 114, 115, 359, .362, 364 'b>-eoding 359-361 tilling ooj, ^^v/, » Seals 96. 274 Fur-t-^ae 189, 190, l'9l Gannett, Geography of Alaska climjite 267-272 population 273-274 ros6u*'Cos 2'''1'»277 '-08-^ 227 25?-277 ^8* •G^ikie GUicier 12" ■Googr^phy of Alaska, article by Gannett 257.97-/ * Geranium, wiia S3 , Ceum calt/hifloruin 253 • Gilbert, G. X,. physical history of xWoslof 327-328 Glaciation 15:8-219, i;i^i- 135,258-259 Glacior, Amiiorst 69-70 • Auk, i?l \ Baii-u J.21 » Barry 71-73,74, 126 •Rraciy 130 .^ Bryn fflawr 69 . 127 Carrol 128 > • Columbia 67,'. 125. 134 * Davidson 30, 121 Baglg 121 • Oeikie 128 • G'^ami Pacific 128 • Grand Plateau 122 •Harvard 69, 126 ' • Ha>'-iraa'n 73, 126^ . • Hubba'ra 55-56, 126. 131, ti^; « Huj-t' Miller l''7-128 • lia P:^.v. 52' "122. 129-130 • -LeContQ V 124 ■< Lucia 252 • I4al splRA 63,121,fe2,131,i3{3, ^i % Mi ids 122 ^ '"torse 45-46 'f 1 V M I • 436 01acier( continued) . iiu.i^ 35-47. 126,128,259 . Nunatak 59, 131 * Patte>*son 28. 121 ' RaaciiffQ 69. 1^7 •Rend"' 128 • Serpontine 7^, 126 • Smith 6o. 1^7 • Surprise 126 • Taku 125 • Tu'Ti^r 55-56, 123, 131 • Vassa'- 69, 12^ • Wellaslay 69, 127 • Yakutat 122 •Yale 69, 126 Glaciers, article by i-luir 119-130 -vj /"> AA <", 46. ^■>3, "BS. ^3, 121 ' r-iacior moraines 37, 4.--, 44, ->.->, to, >>, 'Glacier Bay 35-18, 155,-129 Island 247 • Gl&cier milk 63 ,♦ lou I'Xi 153 134-i35, 258-259 •Glaciers ancient i28-i.^^.iJ-5,io^^i-^<^. • ri^-^^of Glacier Bay :i5-4B,i23, 125-129 \\ i .!l of Kolkan o>- Sun "^tiin Bay 123, 124^125 of Lyrjn Canal 121 . of Pacific coast 119^ 135.25^262 .of PoH Wells 69-70,n' 74.125-127. 132- 133.263 . of P>-in«e >illi^ ^^^ S'^' -.9-7'..123.i26-i27,u • of Taku Inlet 125, 125, 131 • of Yakutat Bay '>6-58 . • '•o^ressJ'iVi of I?"- 128 rei^ 438 So Golaan Plover 106 "^eoldfiiich JS^ Gold fovuid 275, 276 Gold soakers 34, 114 stoi'y of 65, 66 ' Golofnin Bay 242 ♦ Graham Keach, in 22, SB ♦ Grand Pacif io glacier 126 ' Grand Plateau glacier 122 •^ Orantly Harbor 200 Great Britain and Russia, convention 198 ' Grenvill Channel 118 • Greenfield, W. C. 298,322,324 - Greek Catholic faith 193 Green I bland 3S0- ^ Green River, Wyoming 5 *Grewingk, Gonijtantine 292., 295, 332, 335 "^ Gre*iringk Volcano 303-320 Grosbeak, Kadiak pine 218, 224 Grouse, Canaaa 221 Grinnell, Geo. B., the Co:atlcoso Inaians 137-165 The Eskimo we saw 167-183 The Salmon Industry 33'^-.3o5 ^ Gull, glauous«winge( 212 ^ i ittiwake 227 ^ Point Barrow 233 Sabine 234 " ShoH-t.illou 220 • n » n i' « i ■I I Vi ■i» I; *r • Gulls 71, 109, 131 • Gustavus Peninsula ^40-41 • Haonke Isliatnd 60 • Hjague, Capt- 303, 305 • Haicia canoes 141 •Hair-soal fishrng 60, 158, 159, 16%-UP '•Hall, Lieut, mt, 306, 30f •Hanging v&llays* ''58-259 If.' • 'Harems' of fu^-soals 96 ^ • HaTiman Pio»*o 71-73,'76, 132ti33. 263 • Harrirmn Glacier 73, 126. 263 Harvard Glacier 69, 126 • hawkizis Island 24i • Hafe 2*^9 , 203, 234 • Healy, Capt. M. A. 306,r:i0f, 311, 322. ",336 • Heather 65, 221 ' .,^.^ •Hemlock, Aloine (T«uga m^Hons iana) 132^133, 221,, 252^253 •Coast (Tsuga heto-ophylla) 2i8, 2477 24«, 250 . ' Highhole, western 19 History of Alaska 185-204 • Holkara Bay 123jfi:^H-'-^ Komor 76 Hornblende-andesite 320 Horses 18, 33, ^1 • Hot springs, Sitka 50, 252 Howlir^ valley 38-40 • Howison, Liout. J. W. 309 Hoxhoq 152 c i- m 98^ • Kubbar. Glacier 55^ 56. f)^, m. 1^6. 131, 251 'Kutli 124 liuts, Eskimo 99, 171-174 ' Saai -hunters Glaotar Bay 133-154 ■ S9al-hunle>-f, Yakuiat 60, 158-1% •Hyperbo-oan S-novvbi^d idAiii,U3 * Huason Bay Go., 192, 1$8, 199 ♦Hugh .Milled Glacier 137 • ipf^ •'Jlunraingbird, Rufous 118, 207^206 •Ico (se.o Glho jor) • rcobor£.s^l24,U^,l^l, •Ic9 palisade 35r3c!, aa, 6*' • Ice plateau, var,t 121-122 * Iciest region 120 • Icy Capo 122. 133 •»Iiiai'iiia Volcano 75^ ^55 ♦ Ilianna Lake 237 * Inoians, aHicl^.i by Griniieil 137- iiy: ^ liask^ts 143 * canofjs 140-14" \^ ^\C •OR>nrii)^s 142, 143t144, i4?-«y, i56>l^7r-15S,-4#$ ^ uosft-teKi village 116-117, 1-15.148 * fishir^ 139, ^tm *fooa 133-139 •^;ravo8 lf30-152 ■* huntir^, 137-138, 14() ' huts 60, 15>i-if.9,163-l.y; •himyfe^l53. 164 * iin^',uist:c iVoli'^s l^' 440 Indiaris (conti»iued) • masks 149-150 •Meliakalitla ''4-26, 152-156 • oil boxes 1.59-160 • DOtlRt.ch 144-145 'Seal huntat;^; 60. 156-165 • S^ itka "lO*^, 156-15? r:iC> • totem T>ol9«\i46-14P. lot • Yakutat 155-165 .vllla.^;e8 m^mSA. 116-117. 145-146, 152. 158-165 In&ian ^oint 102. 177 ■ • Inn ian River , Sit^-a 00, 51, ilii^liuk 9t ' Insects 106 •Inriui;. People (poar. 36'^-3'^0 • Inie'^national Boundary 33, 271 • Iris 83. 253 ^ r^ri^-fit.ion 1?., 13 • Isanot^sVi 90 • Jacobs lauuer 83 •Jae^ar, Pa>*asi^ic 218 M&'fevi'^^s 61, 218, 219 •Jaeger Pomarine 218 ^^av, UelL-^- 28, U8, 208, 219 • Jutico, Oregon 2^"-, 40 •Juneau 29. 115, 156. '.lO-r , S£^ > tu I •Kadiak Boa- 79. ja>. a5, 87 •i'orosts 8*0. Ari 11/ o>" r,;. * * '■ -^. 11-, 2o'. o^i-i, 2;35;25f„ o?72 ' 'history 189, 193, 196 • Islana 77.*87, H/unss o~-i 1 ^ ' o-^inal xrJiabitants 167, igs, I89 • pins grosbeak 218, 224 • sij?^nion 79^ 3^ • VQT^^ii 79, 53^ 11^^^ ^33 • ?^^-.i:ih.vilWQ 79. no 1 '\atkan tratations 188 * Kingfisher, 'Bolted 209 *«^1% Island 103, 177,^ ♦King [stand i^skimo 177* ivr ' Kiiyist, C'oluen-c»-owneci 51, lia, 905 Ruby-o»*ownad 217 • K i 1. 1 iwakes ,^i»^, 0^9 ^-1530 , 33^ ' Kion(iy><9 33, 3-1, 18:-. 210 •^.-.7 ' Kolusclian stbok. Im-ians 138, 143 * Kondakoff, Stopan R5 .1 .-^': i ir •i 7 / I i 442 196, 291, 292^ -'^t. •Koizsbue Sounf. 200, 266 • Koizobue, Otto, *KptTjVtfl7i •Kowak Piv!?" -^"42, 266 • Ko'^ukun Tixdians 200 - Koyakuk Rivar 266. 273, 275 •KTvik Piver 237 .KukaK Bay ?B. 86^0^, 244 •Knfkokwlw I'ay 236 • Kuskok-¥ir. Rive»* WP. 266, 278" • Lav^^'s slipped ?3, 222 A' "" \ •*La;^e Lin^enan 2-^3 • Lan^^^uo-f, '^g^*-^?^., 332, 33^ • Laplana Lorv'spu^ 91 /^ii^, "^-30, ^32 Laplanc'lon^spur, T;oori 91-93 La Po^-ou^ 9 190-191 • La Po^-ouse ^laciv.- B2«53, 12^1^30, ^4^ 2S2 • l.tiramie pl<^.ins, WyorriitiiS 4 ^ La^'k-buntlng, 3 • Larkf^, Sho-o '^ *LKtoa»-olio Palls, OT-ognn 11 .' Law to cotoct- sair^on 3't5-:i'r. 351- 353 • Lebs.rf^o, Micbiaoi 201 » boConto GlS'ue" 122, 124 ■ Ltcturo' on sliip 62-63 l^ ,1 •Vi, ?M i: i> i ' M^tlakahtla Indians 24* 26/152-156 • Mickileton Island 64 • Milbank Sound 22 Mineral rosourcos 243, 275, 276 ' Miners 55 Mines 243 •Troadwell 29, 30 ►5 n • Mirage 87, 28C • Moraines (see glaciers) • Morse Glacier 45-it • Mosquitoes 69, 87, 106 " Moss Campion 47 f-ossos 23, 218. 2*^1 9V. "^^^^ • Mount F'airweather 48 --^ > • McKinley 266 * Palmerston 21 * Rainier, glaciers 120 'St. glias 64, lis, 235, 263 • San Jacinto 190 ' Shasta, glaciers 119 * H'hipple 27 • Wriglif 46-47, «66 'Muir Glacior 35-47, 126, 128. 259 cabin 35 Muir, John, articio on Glaciers 119-135 Muller. Ge^'hard F'^iedrick 186 Multnoma}! Falls, Oregon 15-17 • .\iurre. Galifo'^nia 212, 228 ' Pallas 228 r 229. 232, 3':>9, 332 444 * Leuoostiote, hapbum's 210, ?."\, 215 Lincoln Glacier 69 Lincoln \ Pinch 209 Linguistic families, three 138 Linnet, Red-poll 219 Listera 250 Lituya lay 123, 190 Lon> Island, fox fann 114, 115,^357-360, 364 spnwe g"ov6 244»-245 to«e Inlet 23-''4, 246 Loon, Black-throated 212 • LwiciE. Glacier 2v52 Lupines 13, 51, 8i> 227 Lumber, ^ — ar. fir rr.-r 254, 255 Lutko, ^. 198. 296, 336 Lycopo'.iiurc 250 ' Lynn Canal 30, -21, RiO, 2Il7 244, 260 • MqKenzie River 198, 199,t«ila. • Magpie* J3, 114, 225 Malaspina, Spanish navigator 261-262 . Malaspina Glacier ■54, 63. I2ll'.l^5, ZS(h 261 ' Massace at Sitka 195 • Vieadow La^'ks 3, 9 • Menyanthes t^-ifolia^a anu c>•is^agHlli 253 • Menziesia ''49 Merr ian. G. Hart 122. 210. 219, 221 article on Bogoslof Volcano 291-3:^ • Vlerr ill. Go -go P. 32\ 336 UrtaU. doposita 15-4 — ?M • Wurres at Bo^pslof Volcano 3.?9-332 • tehavior in fog 331 , 330 *myHau8 94r%. 109-110. 031, 329.330 NarrHtive of fixp-Ution 1-118 ^ SM rnui«h£''s,,l?^iiii;f -183-. >,oo also AUr.U.mim -n'i In Bfijjasiof ov. Grew .1.0^3^ •3<)3-32v') . Noati,4; Rivo>' 243. 266. 275 Noofka tedten 19 1 * '^o**t')i American Con^e»'r>iaj 'l98 219 Pallas M^^'i 230. 232 'J Parkas l-^'G, 182 Passage Ganwi 262 » Patterson Glsoier 121 • Pavlof volcanoes P-B Pdoicuia^ia 106. 231 .PooplG with tuskF> i82.>.183 % ^hala''op9s 20 . Phvllo oce ;<,iaiicuiifiora-253 ^^icea canaensi* 239 sitcJionsisf^seo Sitka spruoa ) Pigeon Guilienots '^2. ?:^0, 231 pine, "^ray 240 * Tsirxi^ convorla(o^" m]:rva^mm) 23^^, 2 0,246. 249, 250 Pipi!. 4?, 59, 93, 2.10, 21i, 214 • Pl^'.ins, ^lie 3, 4 |6I % Piovor Bay, Siberia '^9, i>^, T'U-i?^, Plove>% ;^oiv>en 230 %P,oinl T)arrow, nr.riori 198, 199 Gustavus 249r 2n0 % Polar hoa^s 108- 113 * Poley^jonicuns 222, 22 ^ 231 • Popoi-t*, Pete** Iliuns-rin IP^ !•% • Popoi.C Islana R'^, 225 . 244. 248. 253 .glaci^n's 67, ^,9,74, 103. I9r,_i'>7 Princess Royal Islana 246 Promishleniki 1«7. 188 'ropallor menuou 74 • Ptarmigan 47, 7i ' colo*'aticn 215, 2ig ' ^it'>-talie., 215- V f, nif. ms 109, ?:>?, 931 •Horned 227. 228. 2'j.i. 332 •Tufted 212, 2r:i7, 228 • Puiset ^ounc, t-eos 246. 248. 2&i. ---..^ 970 o^. • Pullen. Robort. boat, journey 199 ' Purirv^ton. C. W. nhoto^^aphs 317. 31B. m^, 324 ' Pyrola 2.5O It t\ \ I 448 Ml' • Pfnis ''ivularis 249 Quartz, j':olci-beM'*iJ'!g 29 • 'nines 275 ^-^o^ '•>'usl in. 28, 29 • Oueon ''.ha»'lott3 Tiouna 22 • ■Radcliffs Glacier 69. 127 • Fainfall '^42, : • P.amc-art, Mouso 241 7. / • P^ Havens ^Xc^^^^J^^lrr-f^^r^^J^^^ ^i^ .52&^-^ • Fed Kir o^* l^ou^ las Spruce(Psoaaotsuga txifolia) 246 • ''eapoli 223, 22o • Renuu Glacier 12.^- Rib-?? MO, 230 hin^ oi . ana Rougo^^s exDioring expoditicn 200 • Rivo^s, unuor^^rounu J 2 • RoDin, ')r'j^-v'm ^^ Va>*iod 4n, ^3, 22 i ^Vesl.em 40, 219 • Roses in Lloora 114 ^Pr^ssiaji anu Ijnito.i Sta'-as.e .nvention 196 • . / Itt Cession '"'^'^ • TU^^^.^W^^^vH^^--^- -^ .or iSr «^ tSii. • •Pvi'^siaiv A -'tricar. Corrpany 1^^?;;^ I.il^, «»:• «=»^ bounda^nes G3t.ablis}:9d 198 >jxpeo.i^>ions 192 mips '^Ol • nissionf.ries 192 198, 203, 291 *!l ' I, wrm^rmr- ««. m » 9M It 1M I •Russian settlements. 196 ■ O *-!»(. Vlt, '>>^, I •,;■ • U ^ •Sagebrush 4, 7-9, 13 • Salmon . aHicle by Grinneil 337-355 • ''■■■ Al'ognak Island 349-350 • barr-i cades 347-348 'bellies, salt ir^g 350-351 - berries 115, 116, ^18 •canneries 23',, 74-75, 79!*^340:355 *aeorease from over-fishing 339, 343'-344 •inrmstry 337-356 ' ''" • hatcheries 349, 354 •laws 346, 351-352 • method of cannii^ ^340-343 • output and value 355 • salteries 350-351 seining 340, 344 • source of worla's supply 337 • spwaning ground 338 > ^ ^ ..aimon st-can ascsndod b^ Tish 139, 338, 330.:= • Sambucus pubens 249, 250 • Sandpiper. Pribilof 234 • Sand Point 87, 225 • Savanna Sparrow 106 • Sawmills 255 • opias J^tellori) 94-9^), 332, 334 Seal Ijsiarirsf c- Prihilofn 95^98, IB/:, ^(^ Seattle iLS O-v hoiriit.e.s 8f ^^'Vr St 5ha..ow, eaHL'n ?r.ir?>^2 Sboloon .-aakson MiiFoun: ic-6 Sholl-.cfl- Strait ?63 ^}ie*; i.eaps 169 Ship on rooks 9B ?hiO v-.r S&ii R'icl-. 207, 'i?:!-;','-;?! ' Shoef^aker, '-iLtt. rid'" b.i:;-(»"ia, cu V* •,.■ -' C !» * * ! . Siberian Eskimo 99-iOl, 171^178 •reinaee** 1^4 . yellow wagtail 230 Sillriaks 188, 189 SiSf'ra ana Coast ranges 246, ''52 Sierra Nevada j5,la«iors 119 Silene, little spc'-iss of 112 Siskin, Pine liB • Rjtka 48- D2 population 273 tempa^tu'^e aria rainfall 267-209 Slika Bea^ 140 ^^Hitka Indian!^ 156-158 ' ^\^^^<, .. Mcielarid sp>-^cefPic.aa Biu,hen«is) at Glacier Bay 249-251 -. . r.^ c,^ o:i '>;',. .'Mr, . 248, 255-256 tst P'-ince Wiiliari .^oimc. 133. 22 i, 24S. 255 .at Sitka 51-02. 248, 255 ,at Unalf.ska( ir.tror.ucec ) :':4c-245 . at VakU'jat ray 218 . growing!, «iose to ^lacics 252 •rate ol" growth 250', 25r,-''56 •Ska^^way 30 „ 31. 210. 21.1 population 2'^3 ' ' Skin "hoats 103 , Sky, aspecis 2^9 ^ oolo>^ 286 • Sni^.^h (Uac.ic»r 121 • Snako Riv«»' ^-i^, i^-,. .. !^ ^ i h 25* »|i %Snow Bunting 93, 230 . Snowflake, Hyperborean 113, ?30-.?32 • Sorbus sambucifoiia 249 'Song of the I.rnuit 367-. 369 • -Spanish claim 191 vosts'ls 190 ♦ Sparrow, Alout/ian Son 22d ' ^ Oolaen-crownea 33. 47. 83. 2IO72U. 214. 222. 223. 225 • Sags 9 ' Savanna 40, 221. 2I2 • Song 26. 40.. 80, 209. 217. 222, 226 •Towns9nu'i 209, ?At, ?A-7 , 219, 226 # White- orownea 19 • Spring beauty 105 », Spruce. Sitka or tiuoianu(PiceH sitcheiisi*) see SHka spruce • Wiit9(Pi«ea oanaaensls) 239, ?40. 2^^! 24*? ''41 '^toiler's Jay 219 • S teller's fenatee W?, • Stjneger, LeonJian. 319, 320 H. Biias Alps 0- Ra:,i^;o 54, 63, 115, 121. 126. 132. 24-^. 260. Mount ,>i, 116 ^ St. George Islahd 264 -T ' • blue foxfjs 361-362 • St. Lawrence Islan< ^, i08, 186 .St. %tthevf I? land 9^^ 108-113, 264»**» ' birds 113, 234 » . new fox 113 • St. Micha*^! SOU'^yO g ^ 261 "^ % % % I m f ■■:^ i « * ^ 4 ^ 453 . Stikine Fiver 260 • discov^jred 195 •StQney. Lieut, ac.-r M, on Bogoslof Volcano 310-311.323. 330.333.336 •St. Paul Island 96-98, 264 • birds 97-98, 227 • f oxos 358 • fu**- seals 9o-97 ■ Streptopu* 250 • Surprise? Glaoif5r 126 . Swallow, Ba>*n 59, "^.25 • curt* 15 .Vic1/^t-.bac5kod 10 . W}:ot9-broaBtea ^^.09 • 3wans^»17- • Swift, ^^lite-trj'^oa'i.dd 10 • TrtV'i M«^bo^ ^10 ••Ta1;tl-»r, ISana^^^iTig "^ Tattooin^^: l'^5^1'^f> ' Tchukchis io2 Talankaff 19B. 296, 29^ , . .Tempe^at.>-6 :r interior 242, 271^2^2 • of Beriiie^ Sea ^^^0 * . i^ - > ' I o 1 p '>*>0 •Te^n, Arctic .1, /-^ * -- • Th'*\i»b ?'^^'>r ?'--i ,v- - ' vrn^ :^'' ''B. cV^, B3. 224 m \ i > T' |i<3* #Thnish( continued) • Dwarf Homit . at Kadiak 2?3 •at Shuna^in Islands 2?5-?26 • C-ray-cheokpd 10?, 223, 2S4 • at Kadiak 2?!3, 234 » • • Olivo-backod 19, 26 • Russet- backed 28, /J), ^i, 210 • Variad(p» o.i'e/fon Robin) 40 «*'l p-^ pr, oo-> ' Sonf 4ft oj-<^), 22,3 • Thuja plioa^^a 247, 272 • Thundar Bay 124 T4.;eiftnd Scnice-r^e.) Sitka Spnice Timb.3rline 235, 240, 24-7, 252. 253, 2?L' altituua Ci 241, 242, 253, variation of 248 imbe.rlir.8 t^oo 246 Titlark 47, 59, 210, 211, 224 Tlinkit oamps 152 ""*• -*v.x zi hitka 190 Tlinkit 19f3 Toaa 115 Tooa, a. C. Gate 310 BBS Narvo^s 116 • Tote^! nole^ il6-.117, 14^-143. tp» Towns oriu bunting t«par»*ow "^Ogf 217, 219 not 33 214, 224 /■; "m 455 ' Trading privileges 192 Dosts fortified 195 • Treadwell mine ;?9-30, 275 • Tree leas country 87, 23^)* 244 » ■ • Tre-es in proximity to glacier-s •diariet&r 240. 241. 252 •Trelease 18 . Trout stroajft 23, 82 ♦ Timdras,|i^69. 105-107. 234, 2617 25 «43, 265, 257 * Tuolunno Rivor 119 V - •Turner Glacior 55; GO. 131 9 • Turtle ' ovos *^ • T^oneck saltarv 350 ' Uyak Bay 7P.-79 • - Island fox farm 360 #UT^iaks i'^S-iei .•Uranak IslnnQ '>9i. 292. 312 •Unalaska 90-94. 158, 196 • spruces introduced '"^45 • tenporuture ana rainfall 268 #Unu?]ak Island 90 'Upper Yukon 3»i . Utaii, Bad lianas ^3. 6 iVacciniun 249, 250 • Variod Tlinish— sea Cro^on.Robin ■ .Vancouver. Goorga l30. 190. 191-192. ?.C^2 • ilstana IP. 20, 22 • Va69a>' (tlacisr 127 I* k i 1 f . *; * » *;^ 4 A . *d8 33, 210, 211 . 6u8tom House 33 , excursion to 31-34 rail^'oad teiTfninus 33, :M • Wingham Island 187 . Willows 61, 225, 239 ' Salix sitchonsis and alaxensis) 249 • Wind flowers 222 • Winter f ren 24 . Woou island 224, 245 • Woodpecker, Harris 206 ^ed-throated 28 .Wrangell 148, 208, 209, 210, 260 population \ji' 27:^ 4. ■ • - . Wrangell I.-and 199 ^ Narrows 28 • Wron.Winter R5. 218, 224 Wyoming plains 4 , Yakutat Bay f>lk61, 260-2f>l, 247 ♦ bicds 61, 1216^2190 . , glaciers 59, 131 . sealing village SO. 158-165 strawber'-ies lir\ 218 • Yalo Glacier 59, ■•■::2, 126 • Yailow Poppy, fi."sv .-.ecri 9P.»Mv # \\ n 7' i 1^ I i^Sh ••Yemans, i)r. H, W. 307, 322, 336 •Yosopiite Valley 125 •yukon anci Whita Pass Railroftu 31, « 'Yukon River 201, 236, 258, 266-2(^7 h' 459 1919 SlXt^i*3rntL street « ■A A* *H* }ei9hs}^9 i5fi«iaj ll^w ifjra Printing COo<» Lancasit^^r-. Pa, My dear Sir t Tba Alaska blooXs 3«nt by expiojoa arrivad wc lri>% for wnai nia ou oapy^ for thrj grea%ar part of the ^^ » vt >"< ■ I ■ • » •■••» P^ea'H;*? set '^hif? in dorr^le ooi\inn ItRc x»)\e ladf^x for th« Waahlngton Anaaefia/ of S'^.-^-^rcep. The pwMlBh^rn I'-ave dacided to divl'^a the vciurr:e into two nna h«^^^e !iJ^Kt^.t .*i*t v> trHn*i5nT a 'i-^j^n ^i^t^^-i f^cm th^ flrBt to the cacond voluraeo Thl^ rraKen ri nad iT,>^8« of our li>H of illiist rations alr^'^dv In !»ar<^ proof ^ j^Hovav^rr th^ra ««eia^4 to >?a no help for it a-a T v?*M. Hend yon^^:- ^•'^-^ "-^ ■ -' -- — .l^cci r>^*r>'=*d ^or tiia ne-^es-- \ 4\ ■ \ I ;:f u > '^ •St I \ V ou 1»19 Sixteenth street. WasMngtOT, D.O., Kay as, i901 Dear Professor Verrlii:- ters. I m glad to kno«*^?°L"^ "^'i*^ \" replying to your let- to the Ber::.fe^?rc*;ef :: ZZZ^a' "'^rsr^^^T. ^^ '''' returned have arrived and I wiii ^1T^»^h *! "tamah plates you type people for the neo^^'ry^^^S^^^L'^J nVpt:*:: '^^f '" these rroofB oover all or .he originals tr^SLlUeJ bJl;u. '' I have approved your bill snrt i* win 1 *^ the last of the nonth ana .iTi hI v,^^ ^* ^^^^ go to Mr. Harriman lowing week/ I ^*not at iiL^tv''^''/^'*''*^'''''' *^*^^"« *^« ^<'l- end Of each monthr ^^^^'^^^^ *° -transinit M]ls except at the Of imere.st'^noTtSelnnSifr 'Ti^S:: JT* '" '^^"« »° ™««>^ 3ho has oon^ietM work onpnf ;rou« a^ f, m? f ^^ "'**'*^ ''^•'*'' results to me for publication it an ^iv^at' ' ^ *^«^-* ^^e be as soon as possible a« i »ant to ^ L !. C ^- ^"^^ *^'^« "^1^ as I can before leav^ni^for ^txlZlJ^ / ^''^- ''"^^^'^i*! unA«r way I am not onite Te^ln'tJl.^J"f ^^ etma.r-H field wcit. tratlons you mentioned aS^Jxf-".? rTJ^^V''' ^2<^*io"«l miia- I ahoiad like to have the i] uVt^atin;:"^ '^ *" ""b^^iuent one. partioiaariv « r^ of thoc« tl kI I *" '"'"^ ""* P-^ssibie; tsv., m order to'o:Jr:te"raXi : Tr "^^'t^ ZJ'f.lU'T f''*^^' now waiting in my harrte. " • *^* "*"• "^^ other plates tio. Of inru^trltroL'^b^tl^nnf sJaSTJ^'*''"" '^' ^'^ --«^— tratlons .ave already 'co^J Z^^^ ^Z^Tls thIsT ;^-'"^- other author and I feel a littia tinun" Jk * *^^^* ^'^^ ^^ th, amount „M«,„ry. i .^ „„ .)i.t oan b» do™. -"^ "^ """ Very Truly yoitrtt ^^. 1 .f'i 461 JlSlS Sixtaenth St. W»*^hirjaton, D.Oon May 84, IfiOl. lo Hoen ft OP«f (kintlerasns- Mr* Ha^TiiaaR hM no furtnar 8ueg««tions to offer r#«pacttng the U. S. map bo t^-t I trust you will be able to put the rerriaining correct ionR on at once If you have not al- rea<3y done «o« I note what you say in your letter of the 88nd respeoting the position of this map on the page. You are entirely right in Placing the Alaaka map on ^he ^eft, the u. S. map on the right , but I «« not quite mxre aa to how the two will looK if separated by only a single blaoK line. However, your judanient m this mtter should be better than mine. Very trtiiy youi*a. >l A W: l^ H ^ 9(^h w ^ r • 463 > (I 1919 Sixteenth Street Vashington, D.c, May PS, 1901. Dear Mr. Lanl«r Have yor. ;rr:.sa'',v«d th^ plat^^s f:.?om ti^e }<„„ « ]v6oM.3p and has D# vi'-e ooi^ipiet^Jd Vah riave read'/? ir ^o f should like a «et of the prints* flheet« as Boon ks ^oaelhie L I have no abaolutely oornpiete Het of plate v>roofa. fhat^ ^ert o^dSn^T '*'' '"' Corrections that it hae enoroacheHn T 8o<,ietl«« a)id think I «hall be able to send votj -^nat vot, "ant proofs. I am glad you agree with rm as to the u^e of the nel^In- i, will .,en I t..« x...«t of iliiwtrations to the n-^w Kra T>eoT)i p ^or ttXrlT: T":. ''' ^'"'^ '*•'•"" '^'"' - "^-^ i^-^^« ^ "«*' ^-'^T title T,^S«8 tor the two volxm-iH and am anxlnn« to ne^ 'j^o'^ ti-.^v will look xn typrt^ • I have ^^e«n "^orklnK on ynnr index ev^-vr Klnr-.a x w^oto -Ti r-sf-r-th;.- f Ht.a:Ld :-io?i.? rToin o.iYic« ann r.iit in foirt('>«"" " i.v.,..., .n. ^v .xu.d. ,^,,,«. ^ ,,,,.,.. .,.),;. .J I ....,^:., ,,,,,4.., on -r an" aaall ;set the groat-r part of it vf to t.ue nrinter t.,rti--^ht -" ^ .! ?; ! '"."^'^^^"^ ^^^ ^'y ^^--^n aft<,r tMe atra-n I ha-.e .iu«t' >r,d *.cth T,h<* maex, otherw-.i.e t rnlKht. u>-i(lBr.st.and it. Vou%:hv t>,..,+ Ho^n r«t:ff-/i^ all t.ho oricinal^ exoej^ th-? -K.ax; ia-v^.v,,/. 'j,.:..;. rlaoiar and Bryn Wa«r e laoi^r. none of xM^F ^re "in*%lH "^o^.^^rrton, in vj.fc next nentwc^ you ^.hk r-., v;..nt yA,i mi b^tt«>r do «-ii-. 1 h^ oTlainal 0^ th^ o.^ax^ rn r:^r ryrei^^nt ;c«ntn;i. nondLtinn.. it i.^^d.f.. fiouxt fTC r^. t,o oonoeivo how yoM ;,ot. tlw oear 'ont 1-.- --ou did i'oT It, you/r,ust h^ve 2'>t it out ..f jl-. ;ia.:rl-u.'in ■ « hnu3« ^nd r ah.-i',^ advise you to return 1t 8^: soon ae ..oB^ih-.^, i"A. Vi ♦ \ %. v^ ^ < \. ^ :i ♦ -d^ I \ %. s * - - ^ ^ . - I i V ^KX V V^ -c 4^ Aj^ ^ Vk>. -,". *S. A Jt^^ ^\ * V- *^ * t V *-J^^ \^Jf^\*- "^^A »tl May 25, 1901 U. S. iisn Co!v-mepiori Laboratory Bea^ifor-'-, , n. C. Profetswr Rittsr writes n^e^ trau -cnr report on the anemonee .' .i,,,.t -t- c-r --r the presb. I aP very £.;iad to learn tliit and ^hul! >e oi. lifted it' ycu ^iU he^fi ^ tis fccon ua possible the il- ]-;trutiorb you >»-»• prcp^r^u f.c t;m^ I my arrt:i--3 fcr their re. r.-ouac^ior beicre Uavirv: for i-y siirar'tr Vif^^a vrork i-. tne v;est. Vtry tr.l:; yours, ^ NJ \ \ \ A > i ') ,1 k sa* / 1919 Sixteenth Street. Washington, l),o.. May sa, 1901, Dear «r. Lanl«r:" Should like a set of the prlnte« sheets as Boon» possible L I have no absolutely ooisDlete set of plate r>roo4! I have tlr± o'en'^l^T ''*'" "^ o ■*. vJ",!! N Vftry tT-Cy yourn. \.., \ V "v V. K *^^ V ^^vO^ Uttv^Tvvvv/ v^ ^H jvxi,^^ . ^'^v V^ V V < ( ^. ^ .. I '■\ rv ^^^^ ^ M V V^x. <.A. V ^ V V si-vV -^ ' »r»»% »#tl/!i # 4 < If i I f I f T ^rr 463 I5ay 25, 1901 Jlr. H. B. Tor^-ey u. S. iisn Conmiesion Laboratory Beaufort. II. C. ' \ IJaur 3i;*: Professor Ritter writes me th»t ycur report on the areraones : a>out reiO-Y ^or the pres s. I an very glad to learn this and eY&U. le oblif^fed if ycu wiU banri n» as Boon as i»t:-8ible the 11- 3ustrutior8 you have prepared sc thU I may arrtii-ii^-e for their re- rrGaucr,ion before Uavirvr for my sit-r field work in the west. Vory tr:ly^ yours. \ \^J»-SJ mm Retake of Preceding Frame I. '■I ' t i ■til ^dh I 465 ? » I '.• A ■<. / 1 /' f^(*^ . { '? t ^ V. Iv Vl V V ■ XX v* IK. K\. Th: ■V \'^ t,, (hVjl t J ^-i^-V. ^ ^^ « > t ^Jt w V ■f..^ X^~tv ^ xK vU l^^rV^ ? k A \ Kv M r ^ '-'V-sJL. If • % W(vm : 1, vi(\. \ \ -\ . ::^ U V •^ ^)> U < •v.. 3" -t. X -4- . s 1 \ i •v.. > v^. \ \ X -V w x.^.::^^ vu ij^AU-V :^-!V VkV. ^m ^>JUL.<^ L "^JL,^ ^ ^~^ Xv-lVU^ V '^^ ^* ^ V -V^ 1- \ ..J >( 'V ^ Ax. -^ 4 - V V^ I vr V^^-^ r I V ^ \ '^^^^ i.A -^^-v?^ • [ V v^ 'IF \ I *. * I » • I Original Defective -V. n ^ i 1 1' Ml 1,1 ill ■t ^Pu " 38* IH I Pi "m » «^ f I ^ I 46t tm ■ \ -. x Vw » ^ ^'^i^ ) ■ n ~X-^V u^ A V "^ A. ^V >**■ CvsAx, \ { •^ K ►*-9 ^ ^K,^>.Ai^ ^X^V-XirU. > Ssr\ > ; \' v^lw\ V c Avjc. -^ ^^Y *^-'' V ■}^~t^\ ^ 1 lu ■VXc, '^' ( , I* .M A J, '^'^.-.' VvVl \ %^*JU*^s ^1 w V. ^ \ V >^k. I * ;■■ * ( \ ; 1 ' 1^ \ *r. ti^l M -|.i I ft »^& Original Defective i?ii Aj dd» Ml N '^^ V.A^. ^-^ - -^-Ia^L "^^o^ ^-v ^H h ,^t •V I , f ► ^il m-: . I -'.IS 9 ...n- --i '/« p # Vi^ -^^ *<.. '^ I V \ "T^ K. f fA %.. 1 "^ " { V y\ ^. -v t c IH-;, ^7 ^ ^^ -'-''r^H VvVl ^ \ VV < iwr Mf if4lt« Original Defective w \ [ II '^-f' * \ ^\ ~^ -^~^v 7 ; / \ \ \ K 'm..!. HHb ■^B ^'' ^ ■i'4" i*> J'LV ^ju^ ^ijft,^ T^J^-X.^ \ ■ \ I ,vAjC^.X*..3y^ ; . ^^JL ^fc_^ K. .- f-1 - »^, i V \ '•• ,.\X , > 1 1 m m i -J* « 1 « 1 :■ <• 1 ' r J £ 4^ f ^ -/ ( J i " A k m £4 1 ft.*. ». .. I. Retake of Preceding Frame ( I M k If i >^^yM.|/^f -'^M.^*^! . • 1 /-^-Cls^V •V \ ^- -K *\ ^'« "Vv^rv ^ V >^ ^ lv«Kv 4.^-7 ■'1:; V \ V.kO -C r i Vv ^A- ^ Ul - ^iVv »^<^ ^ 'C. A 468 III H M M A PM t: rrW^ v.^ -) .J^^ — \^ — f^ 1 V X. «^ V V \ ^^Wvv^^. V -\ f . V o~ ^ V vVi uA. { vC ^ V4 'W k ■-'i»-'^'> ^_X/v."« V. -^. |H *V 1 smmi « I 4 f \Original Defective OT* I Iv !l ^M .v - \vv^\ ] K UH d.^x.^1 _^>1,^\ ( ^ / u •i. ^ 4 u " W 1 1 ' ? i /-... -^-^^-- V v».v.^v T- • ft 4 / i ■> ^ \ VNJk^;-^.. 1 r t 1 ) 1 '.A I r 'f I V I ' Original Defective \' V.t \r V -\ K w\. 1^ \j -A r«r Lv, -Vi \^ I*-- -K -V ' V .^v »- ^•^v vC^ l\ V. XV ^ -V |UMto»-v. •\ \ \ ^ ... J„ r C K et »^ \-v-^ ^v^r ( \ \'<. s^»\^>^ 471 I i It # .f on 44 % \M (L -- c '* r K ^^, 4. J ,» ^ t ) ^ U V^'V^- 4, ^ V-^V*^ ;VV^- I A '.^ . fcJh.'V T ^. M ■■i I 1 4' ii|i«iM V^ ^S.^ V \ 1 •\ .1 r y\ , V ^'X \. ' l*^ -•v^ K^ ^ V \ K ^ T ■c^- , 4 \ > -V \ \,. \^V ^■^. K \^ ^K V ,'i.,«JS^.i%^ >.\, f ^^ . VoT^-J-l \vV-'.^ iK •1 r '■■vjir^- ^ I. V v^ ;^w % =-»-»At^ ""H--' -t '^■f V , \ "t. 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V J ^ V v ^"V^A iv^vV -\>^ -t V t] ^, f M *^w -^V *^^ m 0( m f V (. ^ £• K. harririjui . fey 3A, 1901 ., „ To C. fSarl Jlie^*^Iam ]>, sXDene^es ;^i: B.;ito-*s cuf 'oe in- monun or May 1901: AlasKa book:- ^«»*«o*« Po?^ tage. "^y 6, Hew ?^^a Go. 7 8 « It *«0 •••««» • • • $5 • 30 E>cy^^o«8 cl'a^tes • 26 .80 < >.T» . .' ?fey 10 to Prof. C. *\ Nu1tirj^,Ic>wa City 2^> from P>'oi \ V0?'^ili Jlaw Haven 20 to Prof. T^GloBJje.SL. Louis 2i to Hei iotyoB Co»,Po^t.on 2R -*>T)f. V(j^r-xli, V\m: Haven 2R fror^j 'ieiio^/yoe ^o., Boston 31 fron Pr'of c V'<»r-'iil, New rTav^n 31 tio Jeiiotypo Coo J>onton .61 .35 .46 i '^'^ .40 ReOHTVo'i . Da'-'rioni. 4.55 $11.65 M > % r r m\ k n 476 3 1 'j\ •<. ^; ' ^ I £; !'(<( ) \^.L. ^•^W t*. (<. •V^-' ^^" V%-i. - K ^ /^^ } '"^-JN\( ^Xlv i^^ ^ \ '\ Klxw ^^iv^. J -^- \ V. -1 [-■ (f^^v .i-->.ili9>4 ^ v. A W -Vs V ^ 1 ^v :tT V ^. (L i ^ \ < ■'^^ - x^iriu I 1^^.^ i...V ^ ^ ^ vsw k.: \Vv'~-Xj)k^ ^-U.iji^ '^-^ ^Vvv^vV A.^ |.i,^^v ,. V,. 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