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HART MERRIAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: BANC MSS 83/129 c NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1555 : ^^ REEL: 10 CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE Incoming letters AU»t. , 0«i^Uv^4 FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 J t : NO. DATE REDUCTION RATIO \ DOCUMENT SOURCE fit 1100 1100 20910 Centimeter 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lflfhllljllll|il|ljlljllll|I^M|llM^ 14 15 mm imliiiHiiii Inches 1 1.0 ^ m 1.1 «• IZO 1.25 lu I MRNUFPCTURED TO PIIM STPNDPRDS BY PPPLIED IMPGE. INC. ' ^ IK^ / r ^(^/(^ lei^^ /f/6. mmmmmmmmtmmi / / ^1 o mtmmmmmmi-' ^ 7t<^ It/ fd^ A^ (Py ^/i£u^^ ^^-^ %,im(^-^ ^r^^ y H^ /- h "^^^"^^^ C4^ /<^ t~y y^:f /y /\Uoi lA cifof'^Jfkiohhr •3rt29o /9p<- /?^a ---AND THERE SAT THAT '^BROWNIE" ON THE EDGE OF THE ASH TRAY. LOOKING AS COMFORTABLE AND CHEERY AS YOU PLEASE. Daii^w 5, m, "Ve/xy droJrsdp e u^ have ti wi.01 dLlnctI ii XV6' y-<^<"^H ''ii^ f/'ebVfe* \ NAMt oux To W>»o>c a/v^ roj^L a; io\/^\ju m.^ "^ t^tk o^lliadJ^^ anLl\^ a, om\t &r k rcfljjMujb cauii VjL iuAjSM' -bW^et pjtbibe^ -o we Wt aitc, <^ \ ... >MX5 iw^tn or (A/ W 0 ^^Xi>xj cotLNaVtj ^SLme^oLfY^ u. L <^r Lov^ > T)e{jN A\.b (?t D e^o-r- Ove^TsJL. \"5^•s.^ S^ r\ X ^ a^^^ '^JK ''^^ 6*-V^. c^ ^ v^ ::/ I Ok>r e* o^r/. \j C^ NA/ ¥->cA^o^^ ^yvA^ ^ O V.^ r«. -e^v-f^y Vv/\- i W w y CA-^^ VN/ \.V\. irv. y ^^A L U 0 1^^ t ko^.tr ut N^t^<) C,^o\^ f a "0 c? ^VvX W ^^e^vvNboJl ^iS<^ X, s.e.1^ cUu v^ ^V V.VS o-vjw ci h L -e^y- ■J kt :r Ca/'O- y> »L: — 'B«-tu A.V)b«'t 3), D e.OM- Cr-cLMX fCK, 0<\ «^oH.>- s ^cx*^t^ Kc^pfM|Vc^:j^ Cf> It ^f •^•^S t bCrtlidt SM«v^ ^2-C It K ^e K^d^^f^ t c^'v^^v-c-^e^ir-, • • • ^ tk «^ Ls AO" t. i-i vvtot^nv^ •^J ,C vx/iA^^ »^ j^Di how E..U, » ^'ck^ ^JU ci KV, ..^ t^^4 i^i^ o^J^ ^ VvcKVe o^V^o^^^j^^ W^ oJA. Se^H loV-e. ^^K #fei>t>t M ■> JD &jXJ<'~(i-''r-0-'^ cL^^CK.j M K ej^i ^ffU^ «-VC^T" K«- c^ K^L^ w rK pv-a:t4^ vud/'^.L^ 5c)!r^ ^C ^ettuyyd^ I ai*r\ l:^ 1 KtfVi Vtn^Kci^cc 6c^S^^v5 '^oVtX OA^^r^ I LlK^ 1/ vv\ V( ca^ /.p^s 0 t^ tf Lets Of^^y^ oJKcijx. 'MA iw 7 f^ ^^ P ^>T5cyv>( P i •K^^n M^^ Vervj vnw. cA, f <"^ b k«. i, op K f boTJs o»r\ ^^WKieu. J «^s t L "^cLl 1^ ove cr^ ^ (^ C^ MUc s ry- oty a I u c ce.>K\ K fo»-h ^Ot*rVta/V>\ On bU -h, ^ Uy^, V V/a- Via> K 12, X best m t l-^t-^ *£. (2 /V^ ^ K t^^jr r u ^ C*" F ^V^CM%6io^ |vaW W^ y. C^i<^ u J £>(^. «UjfeK M '• ';r 7: yTioMs. Jh^r-S- *^,2f}^. ro^)n. Ve. L 6r€> l^t: 0\nr\ £, Vk W\\ \\/u^^(^^^ c^^ OJ^ cL M l^h(xAk [A€r-0^-f- <^P t\ (i_ 71^ f^rvJ^ k^ cJ^ WcL,s, ^ ^rifka^ 9 ve. K "^ ^^OfO ^ye^ )\c^b "t^ ^n^ ^<^^h ctryi^u .^^ e b ^CL.U^^ C3 School ^t Ca^S ^^u t <3a LS rcLLM. ^ W\ oL OCMXTVob o \ b trowvorvDiv I C^yOfK wr-utc ,x^ ck u v/VlX^^ 1T^ cv-t-co^ U V I ^K o o L OM^ YSolMer- un bov•v^ <3V\ th cLs, V ^ oLswts ^b-cuCts ov.>VV\ <- Co r\ ^ \y 1 V\Ci^ & CA— ou/^ [ots^ VE^SO CAMBRIDGE (38) MASSACHUSETTTS CXMcL^ Ldts T^^r^ Ls5 Ldb OhdJ H/ I '\ Op >N O L I mfmmt^ 0(C^ \ \ I ^ Ca it cyr\cL Cb- V/ »>•> C t ^ppc.>,b^e^h vv/Vxe ^^ MoC^ei a U^ s\\a WxMg V U^ <^^-c^K a^cA^ f V> y V C/ wS-» Oe>M6 f b W 1/ ll I €. ^r vc-c :j •^ OPA 1 k (y-v^ \= hr\ tT^ 1 ^M\ oL K cA. ^ (£^VN X CA ^ V L\n — P h oil- t^N V e^ (iL_ v"v 0 wv o c^ \> ^f ^ t- d ur^c A t t'V^^l- \ ^.t, M.b^ cr o^n ^Am 21 X u\ Y\ cV, C ^M% to It yr^ y T^ T l^-eh o(>r> (::j' i^ b I iA\ OA jC .^A Ic^ a 0 (TuM ^ t^ I vttLd^ y\c^rhor' If (U)X \ us V^*Y"M J cc>#- e- c^>v^ M^ bVer-c C3b^! r- % -^ w /• ^C 5 i 5 0 ^0 u 3 c^e. 1 \t/0^ ;tbl P 0 v-i-r 0 T\ bV ^ o^c^C o \^n L O^rrs t\c/M \s^ ae^lXJjsa t Vor ^ /^Y-c:?^i/r) ^yX- \ cocr\ cx-aJ^ (^. i^ •^ «A^n "^^^^"^ Of^ ^)tsju tt^m o. 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W O vs/ txVs y \v\ jVoXU b ?r L. <3 V ^ X <5>r f \ >a/ o v^V- JL \y o «r^ ""tV V>o-b\x Vx ^ n C-V t f V'^-s uwx^>-^ b ^ ^30^ ^c_e>v>^ ^ynt^cA^ tA\\Xj / ^QAstLAo V cru^ 6 'Ce/ / Tl LoV +Vx^1- «x ^^tv its.. ^1 '-"^fj- \ly^ ^ X v° >^V -f^ tv y^ij^ ^ t^w Vs-o-e. V ^ov-tXy L^rtv r er. X >r<.wT Y>>^, Tlv X^XitTi 7 y[b I V^ K ^ T '^i^rx \ rV\ cSl LY Vi » v/ ^r ^ V x^^ \> i V «^^.^ ^»<^^-X i~^\ c ^ V -^ — / >? 6 rijLAj«4j5^ 1^ kJuQuUuJ ^xs^f^^j lA^^LAlJ^ 1 OXA^ # 0>^ -acaJJJ^^ fir i>Ha <3L/VJt_ ^uz^J yoHj tt- HvLcJcJ-f< qJooxaJ HxMjkJo J\X1 Uuu. -^-^rtJ< U>4tj4 ;t- 1- v>a r*%0 J- CAjlj u >|^-«rs&| <»-jT«a JJ lA CWf-CAJbdi^ c«^*J«-^^Jy cjccaA^ -CAT lAXfiU O^ i>V^- J -cj*vJ*V^?c-iJ .41 H^ ^ -^ kxfc«b/\-^ M/loL/vtAj WjajU-j .aJ'J'VH^ ,>^ oXJ Cyvya TiTv^-ijO J tkf- L^ Hrv>ilJC-fl^ oU xL^J o JojL^ 9SlJlJcuu^^%>^ L-^ ClOAj't-. ©uvxOJ vu^ ^QLXy. J f M) f^JlAjx^ ♦^^#^12^ I/hX^--^^^ vJ il^ oJhi^ CC o^ ^i-4S^ tf>\ y €iAJi*»- 2.. ^ Joe ^\;lv^2J-4-U t>^ CAA^vA^ (XxJhr^*'^^^ iaA/'^^jiA^ wcv^ c^^;-^^.^ vexiy f^^^*^' ""^^ fi^ VlXIX^ ' lo\: .^ yew*/*-! W .4Jo8iiV -CAJO»AS^ A ia.»t»\ 4J, Hdc ^^u^ r2zHi r IJULOA S>A0L>^-«Lp ^-V^5-vv. Lo..-a_Jl Wt<^ ^3L>WH i<>^V^ a -ei^-^ ^^L^ 'W -4..c^v^ tfct" (^XjSola^s^^ , ^^ vvflL-O yj^^^jT A^rveM-j I'VOJ-^ rvj«-vA) J ^ Jt/VJLiluL-l ylAttJU^ U ^'-^ O^OiZTX^^ U V^^-*-* ; W4Ut.-^ ,4cvJL-^ I^;l>c^ W^C^vfci^^ra^ \KKA^diAS^ .^A\^ V^'^^^ A^^..^^9^p-^..^r^ks\ tiit^yivr ^ Ux.-JJ ;v.^^vO tU /V£H (^^ .^.u4^ -Ct^ U^ ^^ ,^^ Y^.au^^ ^^^j \c^^ Vt^ (T^ JL^^lU tteLi" "'^'^^ ^^ -^ z*^ ^ -7 r- ^itSisi^' . >irf^V..>oV>^ Aim. \ -< AM\yjr» ~TV«_ IV o^-»*.«^ O-^ l/M>^ -Tta-ct I" -r CKJ .l,£^ 'Ct^ « -1-4 ' l^ JLha^^^ ^r^l |4tJ U/ <3L>WtV J u^^ cJm.— It y^ma^l ^flv^-uJ^^ ly-^i^ a\JU^Mf- O^yi^ UA< •^♦^-^ r 1^^^ hH ~A '^ .>OaA-icX- ^W*— A-AaJ A» 6 f [ <^.tv>W^^->^ , Ka^ J ^l jQ^I^ 1/^ rtlx i^ M:^ C- tw^ Jjcrv-<_ 1x^ ^-Aj«^*-4>J!J j^ (MAtfl .'^M^ i <*^- -L f -^ C U) ^^^ Am^I^ ^, ^ l/wJUT^t^ '^'^'^ ^^^^^ ^^^"^ ^ A v>u«^»^ wc-M y -^ UJ Kiik,4^ ^K ,^.^^ ^ \^V^ ^i^^oAJ^ CUJi^-\ I ^ v> J^ l^ /3«rv 7 H ^ r//^JJ ^-XA-^tiJ^ /Jfi^ yu. ^ r-9^<^£^ ^fM^zM^ f^^ tr iv '.^ n^ l^-CAJsf t#-^^ y***' _<*»«-'C-/<^-»*^ §^ \y o^ ^^ osMiiA^^ u» U^ )J^-'J-4y£^ /.«»«_ Ji^..^ '-^ Aigtx>*^, ^5L>^ ^^tJtAn^ ^A-<.C^<^ ii^ r r iC/>*-uC2. \yu^Xc^ h^ ■^^ M^ tt^ifl/ ^TL<. tr y«*^ O-Mri/ »i*ii^ tt^- Y^ •"y- '^ JL^ j^ /^.«>y <;^ ^Cxit^ a-A.^ ^ iA^Ajt J ^^{(^ > cryt-^e^^^^^'^ j> 6^ ix.*^ OLA^ kj{A€^ ^^rJ^Ue^^ ^ r^ ^'^f^^ ^^C?^ f^ -pad. ru^ f^ .^^^-'^^-^ UA^ '-t C^Jcl ^J ^^ ^u^c:^ ^^ ha^-^ ^ .iX^^<-^^ ^-^^ c/A ^ ; ^ i/CxA o^ ^L^^t^ Z^ kjUA Jl^^ /t ,i9ZV'. % "P^QOA ^ AJB^^f'^^'^^ ^^I^jBumJ^ vA/ I Siu/f A^ y<.^0^ ^ ifu/fi^ /W^ ^, f^ f^^--^ ^■Ji f^^^-^^r^ J^ ^ ^.J^-^^ J 4UJ- s /^Xff^^t^ r" r ^£*^ y{er^^^ /ytA/U^ at^XS'*^ ^auJ(MA /kjg ^iA^^i'*^*^\ 7 -%iMl2t /i^^^L^^ -3c> -^t^ 'YiL^t't^€^4SL<^ 4il/l^€^ /^//-fJ^ \JkAA. i/; r t/u^y^ -0 t^ ^L^^^yf & O £^-*c^6«u^<^-r «/ ft>-*>i^ /ur\ J .^^JlO^f ^x-f r o iU^^/kxrU- -^i^^^ , ^u^uf^ H^ .^JU^t^ t^t^^r^ u%^ ay\ t^^j^£cLjt d.C^ -Hcit. tMrtx^iA Sr t*'-«>^ iW-** -iod^e^ A>L-^ ' yUUyyi^pst^ ^J"^. Y^ .■aJi^-uU^CtlfX /)uu/^ .l^^ ^*tH^ A.^ S^ \J^*^ijcljZ.t/ >#^*t-^-tx/( yt^^^ , auj/^ A^L^^-^ -Xfi^^^ -^-HA^^ CI "7- ytcJ^A^*r£.^^\ 'iJLc? A#t^K^^ ^ ^?£^-<-^ ^t^<,^«^ o'z/ dLA*M -^ -^ iaA£^ kjL>\ jlA/CA ^<^ ^iLoad^^ 7- O^^^l^t^^^ iL^eL^c.%^ n.eyn\' {^/^(rWf > ^ ""U^t^/ije^c^ u/c*t 0 '72ua--^tx4 u/o/h ^£ p SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Wa9h%n9%am, sx 2}^ !/fit/l/i^^ ^ x^^^^^ ^w '7 /^ ^sA;^ /^ >^ jt ^^*^«^^ .^i^.^ ^ <9- /^ /^' J^ y- c2: n / /^ J ^, '.£^c^ ^4 2^^, "/Ti^^^z^^^^^^ (/ p*e^ / y / -^ y NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Orricc or the homc secpetawy • MITHSOMIAN IM»TITUTlON WASHINOTON.O.C. Febrimry 18, 1919 Dr* C. Hart Merriam, 1919 enth Street, Washington, D* C. Dear Dr. Merriam: The Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences will he held at the Smithsonian Institution on April 28, 29, and 30, 1919. The ident has appointed the following local commit- tee to serve with the program committee as a committee of arrange- ments for ttiis meeting: Chairman Frederick Leslie Ransoine , Mars ton Taylor Bogert Armin 0. Leuschner C. Hart Merriam Ernest F. Nichols Edward B. Rosa Rpile III (5) under iriiich the Committee will act is as follows: The local committee shall meet not less than two months previous to each meeting. It shall prepare the detailed program of each day, and in general shall have charge of all husiness and scientific arrangements for the meeting for which it is appointed except those specifically as- signed to the program committee in the case of the annual meeting. Very truly yours, Acting Home Secretary. f4ATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES omceorTMC momc StcneTAwr SMITHSONIAN INSTITOTIOK WASMiNOTOM,O.C. To the Memters of the National Academy of Sciences: The annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences will he held at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, April 26, 27, 28, 1920. In order that a well arranged, well balanced program for the puhlic meetings may he prepared, all members who propose to take part are urgently requested to send soon the titles, ab- stracts, time of presentation, and intention as to the illustra- tion of their papers. Such information should reach the Home Sec- retary not later than March 31, but far preferably before March 1. The Academy now contains nearly 200 members. They have little acquaintance with fields outside their own, and are as bored as the public by prolixity. Ten minute papers which pri- marily are generally intelligible, and which give results in broad outlines, leaving the details for publication, establish a high reputation for mastery to their authors. January 12, 1920. C. a. ABBOT, Home Secretary. NATIONAL Academy of sciences Petruary 4, 1920. HOME sccMCTAny OrFICC OP TMK • MITMftONIA WASHtNOTON,O.C. iH INSTITUTION To every mem'ber of the National Academy: So far the notice sent out ty the Home Secretary on Jan- uary 12, requesting memters of the Academy to submit titlea, time, and lantern requirements, and abstracts of papers for the April _ meeting, has received exceedingly little response. One paper in- deed has been proposed, but neither the time required, information whether it was to be illustrated, nor any abstract of it accompa- nied the title, and a personal letter to the author several weeks ago failed to bring them. I much appreciate that three members of the Academy have taken the trouble to inform me that tney will be unable to give papers. The remaining 97 per cent probably threw the notices into the wastebasket without reading and have by this time completely forgotten that the Local Committee has to be- gin to arrange now in order to provide a well balanced interesting program that will not be sharply criticised when it is presented. I hope that you will impress on such of your friends of the Academy as you may happen to meet the earnest hope of the Local Committee that they will let us know what they desire to do in the way of papers at the earliest possible moment. Very respectfully, C. G. ABBOT, Home Secretary. ou^^ 'Yyip.-.cci^ u. ns-^ NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Orncc or THC home SKcnETAnv IITHSOMIAM INSTITUTION WA«MIM9TON,O.C. liarch 10, 1920. De-iir Dr. I.!erriam: I aa glad that you regard the memorandun of February 4 as entertaining for I would not for the -jvorldhave had it offend you. I shall put you down for 15 minutes for the paper on the Shasta Indians, with lantern slides, notwithstanding what you say about the abstract • Perhaps I had better explain that the abstract was for ay use and not that of the rapacious societies of which you speak, for I have the load upon ne of helping It. Butrian to prepare a notice of the meetinp,s for the press. However, we will zaake an exception of you, and indeed most people make themselves exceptions without saying amrthing abdut it« Verj'' truly yours, Dr. C. Hart I.!erriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Yfashington, D. C» I National academy of sciences TMC MOMC SCCWCTAMV immrrtrurtom »• 1 l>r. K^rrlam: I M Borry «iat your request was ovarlooksd. I hara Brockstt to make tha change, to infona tha ehalrwn of tba SaeUons of Zoology and Anthropology, and to drop you a note when ho has €i ▼ery truly yours, 5r# C« Hart Merrlam, 1919 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. National academy of sciences OrriCK May 3, 1922 Dear Dr. Iferri n of ttie logy foTHer hare your letter of May 2, 1922 and am notifying the chair two sections - Zoology and Animal Morphology, and Anthro Psychology - that it is your desire to withdraw from the to become a member of the latter. Very sincerely yovirs. ome Secretary Br • C . Bart Merr lam 1919 16th Street laahiiigton, D. C. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Hdshiny/on, USiA. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE TO TMC SC February 13, 1924 • D«ar Dr • M«rrlflB: Ihj not Xtm star irtilds you spoak of bo Canopuo? This is tho soeond brisht«rt star 1b i^% wfaolo hosroM, and is so far south that it is only just visibla la tlM souihcm half of tho Unitod Statos* Vary truly yours i 'AsBlrtant Secretary* Br. C. Hart -».«_, 1919 SlxtMsith Street, iim;toa, D. C. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOOV ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARR ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMTIHSO^TAX IKSITTUTION NATIOHAL OALLERY OF ART FREER oittERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE May 1, 1926 • Dear Dr. Merrlan, In connection with the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1926, will you be good enough to send me before June 1 the titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, as you know, authoritative accoimts of recent progress in science, written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters. They should be from 4,000 to 12,000 words in length and preferably accompsmied by a few good illustrations. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is highly desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a note from you to that effect. Very truly yours. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Associate in Zoology, U. S. National Museiim. Acting Secretary. UNITED •TATCS NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOOY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTimiaN N MATIOMAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE ^.' July Dear Dr. Merriam, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your paper on "The Classification ani Distribution of the Pit River Indians of Calif ornia"^, and also of yoxir letter accepting the sriggestion that the cost of printing be paid from the Harriman Fund so that this Fund may appear on the title page. I note that a letter should be sent to the Director of the Geological Surrey requesting the Survey to engrave and print 2,000 copies of the colored map. This will be done at once. Regarding the matter added in the intro- duction since we first saw the manuscript (marked with pencil in the margin of the enclosed pages), I wish to say that it seems to us that you have adeq^uately given on pages 4 and 5 the reasons for the system of writing Indian words which you have adopted. The further discussion is of a controversial character which we hesitate to introduce especially since we also print the works of the authors criticised. You will recollect the parable of the house divided against itself. It seems to us that this matter is better suited for publication in some such journal as "Science" than in one of the Smithsonian aeries. Believing that you will see the justice of this view, may I ask if you would object to omitting the part marked on pages 5, 6, 7, and 8? Sincerely^ours, ^C/t2l/^ Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagilnites, Marin County, California. Acting Secretary J i UMITCO STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Jfds/ii/i^/o/i, r.SJL CATALX>OUE OF AngBflt U, IflSC* D*ar Dostor MarrlaKS it Tour aanuseript and l«tt«r of Angust S r*e«iT«A* I iai«liat«l7 to tho Uitor, and it hM goM to proas* Tott Qortainly mado graat tlaa o«t to Gallf ondm* Z Uliarad it vould bo poooiblo to go ao qiiekly by avto* Wa haro had Tory hot voathor aiaea yfl« aa«k avaf , tat far tto last fav daya thara haa baaa aona raliaf • Saeratary mieott ia juat laarlag for tha MaiM ■y African axpadition a day or tvo ago* off With ULndaat ragarda to all. Tory aiaearaly Dr* C* Hart MariM, Lagvxdtaa, Oalif* ^.^^ STATES MATIOMAL MUSEUM or AMEMICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTItO^MTSlCAL OBSCWVATORV ZOOLOetCAL PAftK LSPOMDENCE •MOULD BC AOORCSSKO TO TMC SECftETAKT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Hds/ii/i^/o/i, llSiA. NATIONAI. SAIO-ERY OF ART rREEM OALLCirr or art INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE Or SCIENTirtC LTTCRATURC December 17, 1926. Dear Dr. Merriam: ffe have been using every effort to rush your paper on the Pit River Tribes so as to get it out this month as you desired, and in order to do this the Editor tells me it has been necessary to return each proof immediately to the printer after you had made your corrections thereon. Of course each proof has been carefully read through for typographical errors, but the editorial office has never had an opportunity to compare the proofs with the manuscript, as you rec^uested that the latter be sent to you. I have no doubt that you have had the proof oar e fully read with the manuscript and that it will be all right, but as the work contains so many Indian names, I thought it might be well to explain these circumstances to you before the paper is finally printed. Very truly yoiirs, Acting Secretary. Dr. C. Hart Merriam. 1919 Sixteenth Street, N.W. , Washington, D. C UNITED STATES NATIOMAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOOT ASTROPHYSiCAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOOICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NATIONAL OALLERY OF ANT FREER OALLERY OF ART (NTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC UTCRATURE Hay 2, 1987. Dear Dr. Merriam: In connection with the preparat Oeneral Appendix to the Smithsonian Report will you be good enough to send me before June 1 t titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, as you know, authoritative accounts of recent progress in science, written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters, and may be either original or taken from scientific journals. They should be from 4,000 to 12,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is highly desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a note from you to that effect. Very truly yours. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Associate in Zoology, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D.C, ctlijig Secretary SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTiaN naV«pnal •Au.drr or ant mecN •Au^irr or ant INTCNMATIOMAL eXCHAM«CS I NT C NN AT I ON AL CAT A COO UC Or SCICNTiriC UTCNATUNC November ,1927. I>ear Dr. Merrlam, It is desired, with yoiir permission and that of the publishers, from whom permission has been asked, to include in the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1927 your appreciatiwe biographical sketch of the late Dr* William Healey lall which appeared in Science of April 8, 1927* * If this reprinting meets with your approval, will you be good enough to furnish the Institution with a copy of the paper? Very truly yours. Vr. C Hart Herr iara, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Acting UNITCD STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM aUNEAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOST ASTROPHraiCAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOaiCAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY s^fiTHsoxiAN iNsmrrnON Ho V ember NATIONAL OALLERY OF ART FREER OALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC UTERATURE ,19£7. Dear Dr. Iforr . ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ letter of November 21 KiTing the Inatitixtion permission to reprint your appreciation of Dr. Dall in the 1987 Smithsonian Report.and for the copy of the paper that you sent. Proof of the paper will he submitted for your examination in a few weeks. Very truly yours. Dr. 0. Hart Merriam. 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Acting Secretary. UNITCD STATCS NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OP AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY A8TROPHY8ICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSllItTION Hashing/on, ITSiA, NAT10MAL GALLERY OW ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCJENTIFIC LITERATURC January 13, 1928g Dear Doctor Horr ians Thank you for your kind latter of January 11 • Tou hare had so long and so diatiaguished serrice in association with the SaithaoaiaB Biatitation that your feeling in the aatter gires especial gratification to ■J. i Tery sincerely yours t Dr« C« Hart Merriaay 1919 Sixteenth St«, Washingtony D.C. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM ■UNEAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY llATIONAL ZOOLOOICAL RARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY or ART SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION CXCNAMBES CATALOBUE or UTERATURK Dear Sir: In connection Vith the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1928, will you be good enough to send me before June 1 the titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, as you know, authoritative accounts of recent progress in science written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters, and may be either original or taken from journals that have not too wide a circulation. They should be from 4,000 to 12,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations. The Smithsonian Reports constitute perhaps the Institution's best method of the "diffusion of knowledge", and they are highly esteemed by a wide circle of intelligent readers. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a word from you to that effect, so that we may know that all of our associates have given thought to this important matter. Very truly yours. i^d-M^ Dr. C* Hart Merrlam^ Associate In Zoology^ U« S* National Museum* { I i \ o^^^'d it.d. IUa^ £ui^ ^-r ThAjMA^a^)^ l^ lMji>^ 3- ISlukyru^ ^pytX^ ii-^U^-^ iJk l/lrn^ U.^ J^ ^yyp'. vu-'SA^ Q'V^C' - JA^^yu/i J^ff-t/^^^ (' tO^ r)nAJyU'%/l/huXy vyrx^ "VU^ ^^-^^^ui^^ JlL ^^^ y^t/^ fi^^nA.4ry^>^i £L ^2xt'tvt>L^l^ ^^^-4>^ 'iiryyU^ aJilhA.c.i^ 1/ y%.,^-^^-7-tL_ CIS^^, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPMYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY ST^DTHSONIAN INSTTrunON HasAuiy/o/t, l.'SA. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE October 1928 Dear Dr* Merriam: I have pleasure in sending to you, under separate cover, thirty (30) copies of your paper, "William Healey Dall", reprinted from the Smithsonian Report for 1927* As soon as it is received from the printer, a copy of the Report volume itself will he forwarded to you* Very truly yours. Dr. C. Hart Ilerriam, 1919 - 16th Street, Washington, D*C. Secretary. EP UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMTTHSONIAX INSTTTUTION Wa3httyfrm.rSA, NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE May 1, 19S9. Dear Dr« Uerrlam, In connection with the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1929^ will you be good enough to send me before June 1 the titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose* These papers should be, as you know^ authoritative accounts of recent progress in science written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters I and may be either original 6r taken from Journals that have not too wide a circulation. They should be from 4|000 to 18|000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations. The Smithsonian Reports constitute perhaps the Institution's best method of the ■diffusion of knowledge*, and they are highly esteemed by a wide circle of intelligent readers. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, It is desirable that all thoae connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a word from you to that effect, 80 that we may know that all of our associates have given thought to this important matter. Very truly yours, Secretary, Dr. C. Hart Merrlam, Associate in Zoology, U. S. National Museum. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPMYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTTTtTIHN NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE June 14, 1929 « Dear Doctor llerrlam: I hope that you and Mrs. Merriaa will haTe a pleasant and profitable suiBraer expedition, and that Urs. MerriaM will qiiickly re- cover from the unfortunate fracture of the kneecap. With kindest regards. Terj eincerelj yours. Dr« C* Hart Herrlam, 1919 Sixteenth St., Washington, D.C. UNtTCD STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHY8ICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAX INSnTUTIOX IVashinyton, C^SiA. •ALLCRY OF ART •A1A.CRY or ART IMtATlOMAL eXCHANOES JMIATIOMAL CATALOGUE OF Sdcamric uterature Dear Doctor Herriam, 1, 1950. In connection with the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1930, will you be good enough to send me before June 1 the titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, as you know, authorltatlTe accounts of recent progress in science written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters, and may be either original or taken fro« journals that have not too wide a circulation. They should be from 4,000 to 12,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations. The Smithsonian Reports constitute i>erhaps the Institution's best method of the "diffusion of knowledge", and they are highly esteemed by a wide circle of readers. As an evidence of the value of this publication, I recently overheard two intelligent men on a train in Vebraska discuss- ing the Smithsonian Report, and, not knowing of mj presence, both expressed in highest terms their appreciation of the In- stitution's work in publishing readable articles on timely scientific topics. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a word from you to that effect, so we may know that all of our associates have given thought to this important matter. Very truly yours. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Associate in Zoology, U. S. national Museum. Secretary UMITCO STATES MATIONAL MUSEUM Iff mi or AMCftlCAN CTHNOLOOY AST1K>MirSlCAL OBSCRVATORY zcx>ijOsical park AIX CORRCSPOMDCNCE SHOULD BC AODRCSSEO TO THE SECRETART SMITHSONIAN INSTllUUON NATIONAL SALLERY OF ANT PREER SALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHAMSCS INTERNATIOMAL CATALAOUE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE June ^' ,1930, Dear ])octor Merriam, I thank you for your letter of June 2 suggesting Mr. Judd's article on "Present Status of Archeology In the United States" as suitable for reprinting In the 1930 Smithsonian Report. This will be given careful consideration. Very truly yours. ecretary Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. UMITCD STATES MATlOMAL MUSEUM BUREAU or AMEltlCAM ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHTSICAL OI^E»»VATOirr NATIONAL ZOOLOeiCAL PARR ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIUN Washinjffo/i, r.S.A. NATIONAL OALLERY OF ART FREER OALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE July ^ , 1931 Dear Doctor Merriam: May I add my contratulations to those of your other friends on your being awarded the Roosevelt Service Medal. With kind regards, I am. Sincerely yours. Secretary Dr* C. Hart Merriam Lagunitas Karian County, California hh i . [ J / UNITCO STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIOX U as/ii/tyto/i . rS.A NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Uaroh 3, 1932 Dear Doctor Merriam, In connection with the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1932. will you be good eno\xgh to send me before April 1 the titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, as you knoW| authoritative accounts of recent progress in science written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters, and may be either original or taken from journals that have not too wide a circulation* They should be from 4,000 to 12,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations. The Smithsonian Reports constitute perhaps the Institution's best method of the •diffusion of knowledge", and they are highly esteemed by a wide circle of readers. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a word from you to that effect, so we may know that all of our associates have given thought to this important matter^ Very truly yours, Secretary. Dr. C. Hart Uerriam^ Associate in Zoology^ U. S. national liuseum. i \ . [ i / i { UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY A8TROPHY8ICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN rNSTITlTlOX NATtONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Mar 22, 1933 Dear Dr. Merriamt In connection with the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1933, will you be good enough to send me before Julyllthe titles of one or more articles which seem to you suitable for this purpose* These papers should be, as you know, authoritative accoiints of recent progress in science written in a style to attract and Instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters, and may be either original or taken from journals that have not too wide a circulation. They should be from 4,000 to 12,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations. The Smithsonian Reports constitute perhaps the Institution's best method of the "diffusion of knowledge* and they are highly esteemed by a wide circle of readers. In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a word from you to that effect, so we may know that all our associates have given thought to this important matter. Very truly yours, Secretary. Dr. C* Hart Merrlam, Associate in Zoology, U* S. National Museum • / \ - J / i { I I .^iM^ 1 -i:!in UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY i SMITHSONIAN INSTmTIOX 1] dshuiqtoft , nSA. NATIONAL aALLERY O^ ART FREER OALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE J^ril 9, 1934. Dear Dp. Merriam: I enclose herewith a copy of cay letter to Mr. Green, thaziMng him for his gift of Buffon's Natural Histoiy, as suggested in your letter of i^ril 7. Very truly yooirs. Dr. C. Hart Uerriazn, 1919 Sixteenth St. , Washington, D.C. Secretary^ JgpvU t. It94. Mr. dnmkt IMiml attoir* v*iiMA •ttUoA 1«r Xl«pi>«Bl«a t»UA ttTS-lTTS, f ttr ttda ip^tttMl* teuHoa «hi«b lAU W T«ir aiiievrtlr ywa. \ Mr. Vftnrit M. Otmo* .. i f J. f i ( UMITCO STATUS BURCAU Oi fiATt nuscuw nrwwoLOGY rATO«y SMITHSONIAN INSTITITTIOX \\ as/liny fon, rSA. NATIONAL OALLERY OIW FREER OALLERY or Airr INTERNATIONAL EXCMANOCS INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Hay 8, 1936 Dear Or. Iterriam: in connection with the preparation of the General App«»dix to the Smithsonian ««P<'r\^^,': ,^l\l»iJ^V/one or •oodenough to send me before June 1 t,*^^ titles o^ ^« °^ S«i ^tlSes which seem to you suitable for this purpose. \^ a tmm sood illustrations. The Smithsonian Reports constitute Pe^^^Pf J^f, T—mtutio™ best method of the -diffusion of knowledge- ^li?M« Irtr^les I would appreciate a word from you to that SJ'ot' .0 w/ily k^o^that III our associates have given thou^t to this important matter. Very truly yours, Secretary Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Assoolata in Zoology » 1I,3« Hational Museum, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION TTas/iOtyton, f^SA. NATIONAL OALLCirr OT AST rncER OALLCRrr INTERNATIONAL INTCRNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC LfTCKATURE CATALOOUC or May 1;> 1935 Dear Or* ■errlam: In response to yoxir request of 5fay 8, I ha-ve pleasure in sending to you, under separate eoTer, two copies of the paper by Mr. Harrington by you. With kind regards, I am. Very truly yours. Secretary C. Eart Merriam, s, California ep i. \ i t J. I UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERtCAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAi. PARK ALL CORRESPONDEPtCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN IXSTITITIOX JJas/ti/tyfo/i, f'SA. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER OALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE '"^■'^T^^TI; April 1, 1956 Dear Dr« Merrlaa: In oonneotlon with the preparation of the General Appendix to the Smithsonian Report for 1936, will you be good enough to send me ^f ore May 1 the titles of one or more articles which seem io 'you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, as you know, authoritative accounts of recent progress in science written in a style to attract and instruct the general reader interested in scientific matters, and may be either original or taken from Journals that have not too wide a circulation. They should be from 5,000 to 10,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations* The Smithsonian Reports constitute perhaps the Institution's best method of the diffusion of knowledge", and they are highly esteemed by a wide circle of readers* In order that the Report may cover as nearly as possible the entire field of science, it is desirable that all those connected with the Institution cooperate by submitting titles for consideration. If you are unable to suggest any possible articles, I would appreciate a word from you to that effect, so we may know that all our associates have given thoui^x to this important matter* Very truly yours. Dr. C. Hart lierriam. Associate in Zoology^ TJ» S* National Museum* Secretary « UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHY8ICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTlTrTlOX U os/iiJiytDit, r^SA. June 3 f"^^^ ^0, ?5C NATIONAL OALLERY OF ART FREER OALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE 1936 Dear Doctor Merrian: Enclosed please find a copy of letter of May 22, received from the City Bank Farmers Trust Company stating that on account of default in payment of interest on Rio Grande Western Railway Company 4jC bonds due July 1, 1939, the Income of the Harriman Trust Fund will be reduced |1,000 per annum until there is some change in the income situationB I hope that some change will come about and the usual remittance received* Very truly yours. Secretary* Dr. C# Hart Merrlam, Lagunitas, Marin County, California* COPY CITY BANK FARMERS TRUST COMPANY 22 William Street New York May 22, 1936 In reply please quote ADMRtJGG Smithsonian Institute Washington District of Columbia Re: Ttee# Mary W> Harriman u/d>t# S/lS/lO Gentlemen: We regret to advise you that due to the default in the payment of interest on the |26,000 Rio Grande Western Railway Company First Tr« mortgage A% bonds due July 1, 1939, the annual net income earned by the securities held in this trust fund now amounts to about #11,000. As you know, we have up to the present time continued to remit $6,000 semi-annually and as a result the income account of the trust has a debit balance of |976»36* In order to cover this debit balance and bring the remittances within the amount of income which is available to cover them, we are arranging to remit only $5,000 on July 1, 1936 and a like amount on January 1, 1937 and $5,500 each six months thereafter, at least until there is some change in the income situation. « Very truly yours, /a/ S. R# Walker S.R.Walker Trust Officer / 1 \ i. ( UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTmTION JWrs/ti/iyto/i, ^^SA NATIONAL GAkLEWr FREER OALLERV OF INTERNATtOMAi. EXI INTERNATIONAL CATAUOOllC OF SCIENTir^ UTC««TU»C April 1, 1937. Dear Dr. MBrrlman: In connection with the preparation of the General to the Smithsonian Report for 1937. will y°",5%f°°^. ^"^"f^^^'!^. me before May 1 the titles of one or more articles which seM ^ you suitable for this purpose. These papers should be, ^sjo" f^'' aXritative accounts of recent progress in science ^^^ ^ * stTle to attract and instruct the general reader interested ^ ^^:it"no matters, and may be either original or taken fro. 4a«r«^ that have not too wide a circulation. They ^^^^^^^^ ^^'^^ ^*^ ^ 10,000 words in length and preferably accompanied by a few good illustrations . It is the Institution's purpose in its Annual R«POf^*» Dresent to the general reader as many as possible of the outstandiBg current discoveries and developments in all branches of «ci«°««-^ 'yoSrown field of investigation, for example ^^^^^^^ P^J^^^jJ^JT to you some important piece of research that would be o%^=^^«^«^^ the public if properly presented. Will you Pl«"«'**»«''«'°'^!* "^r,^ a serious effort ?o locate readable articles covering such discoworl.. €ind give me references to them. The Smithsonian Reports are very widely used in ^^"^^^ and schools, and I hope that all of our ^^/^In^tUu^^^^^^^^ adequate thought to this important phase of the Institution . worm « the diffusion of knowledge. Very truly yours, Secretary C. Hart Merriman, Associate in Zoology, U, S. National Museum^ / V ^, ;<«- ^>^ (>,"^ V^ UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM !^ BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY A8TROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY NATIONAL GALLERY OF AST FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHAMOCS SMITHSONIAN INSTITmON JTds/ii/i^tojt, ITS A. Ifay 6, 1937 Dear Dr» Usrriani: There is a oorrectlon that I wish to have made in the little pamphlet ••Ten Years of Smithsonian Affairs*', mailed to you April 15. Would you he good enough, therefore, to return your copy in the accompanying franked envelope. Very truly yours. Dr# C* Hart Merrlam^^ 1919 - 16th Street/ Washington, D» C» i' SMITHSONIAN INSTITmOX Was/liny ton, HSiA. ^. 7) /I duiZ^, <^^ ^^ 7^ .<;?-u^ ^^i^pt^i /<%^^<^ //S ^:.^^uc^yi^o^^^(^-^^ ■l^~i;i^*i< ^ ..^-^:^^a^ SMITHSONIAN INSnTTTIOX djMt, re purpose. The 1. 11-111011 by a rsaognised authority in the subject treated. Z. ■rillan In nontechnical and interesting style. Z. rrai Journals nol loo widely circulated. (For exajnple, it is imdesiFafale to reprint articles from the Scientific Monlhlyv wWoh is widely known by, and readily acces- slbla lOf Josl the class of readers who would use the ■sfort.) 4. Trvm 5,000 te 10,000 words in length and preferably illus- of gelling for the 1938 Report the best articles in each , the Institution needs from every member of the staff ens or recently published articles suitable for the for acceptable articles are that they shall bet If ycm will sand ae by May 1 a list of articles in your field, either original or reprinled, that you think may be suitable, you will aid me in the alleapl te cower as oanj as possible of the major discoveries and out- standing dewelopaenls in all branches of science. Very truly yours ^ ^ ^ Secretary. Dr. C. Hart iAuarlaB, Associate in U. S. ]iatl c/.^ U -— PS!««iBfflffli iJi'Oy.^X^ ^i3K»^o^ / yU^> ' S'^f 1 jlaaaA^ Su.^^*/^^ ^Ju^uvd?^ "T ie y-^ J ^M^yy^y > '/■ f^tX4y&XA^ y^ J^jL^^L^ oL^uJLcJyu >vcX 77. :-^ rtA^^ -^ Oi^yU^L Vlr-^-t^x^ ^^2^ -A^^UC-^ ^txre. Vrr^^v^ ^>C^^iXA^ >^ ^H^ AX^/^ .^ "^ J^^A^^r^ ^ T/lr-xi/^ li) yU^K>6^ i d>-VvvL£^' 0)^tx0 -^xi^ ^ yl yyUJi^ J^^-Z^^V1/u^^^^n/0 uH'^-K>| " CL--^.-Xv>g. ^V' y^AAy^ <7L>a^ "^ ^^J^^-*^-^ .o:^ u 1<.C4^^ V A^^Uj^ X.JO^ Tm^ju^ Ay^Qy 1 J. ^^AA^-OU/.^TL >^>VOO'l/L^H^ JUylX^ /SiyCu^ H, ■v; u-^tif s^ L TFX«Xr (^li) /l-A-^ "Vi t:; y. v^ *^<^n/VtA^M> -^ r^. -^ d^^U^ yC^^Ayv^ -dA^C *y?Cr (TIAJ^ -u / 0-/<. ^^""^^z^ ' •''He. ^C^VC^><1' -^ / -VH/^CxM^ // ^SL>LyzAj>^ ' Q (VVrC^ -^ \Lju^^.y<^ I f UA^A/^yfh^yL^ i ^- M/vt?U "Wnl/^ 'K/t^V^ T' tJn<-^ y ^UA^/^ /^./(^Aj^y V^i^A^ (yi^<^1^uiL iZuOioiylyAJi. / r i^^2^ -^ >^' '"^'''^ 1 (^'k^X/AXa^aX'^^'^ I ^-<^ ,!^^«^ ~/^U-<^ )ojc ;^ j^^'iyj^ O'^UcV Jr^uU^.C^■^ .i<'-^--^^ . y^ryU/^. yy'^^y. 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ARTHUR F. KCMP. PROf. C (^' ^. y^^^'ff^^-^L^^^^ /iiy^xX. ^^^--T--^-tJ^^^ ^ /^.^^ ^/"E^ cZ-^^U-^^ ^^''^^ ^y^.^^, /^ C^f^'-f^^^oC ^^Tyl'^^ey'OL (ZyOC^t^^c^^ y^i^-i^^r^yUey^T-^^ f 'J i ^^ '^'-^ -«--»^->tX--^ ^^K^-u^ /^^^^-•-^ I i^''^''l<^ ii[^<--uiL^^. ^^2t;^. 3.?-i>^ iSUJUy /tf'UTXt-^C'^U.^^ C^ /? '7y(r^ M£. — /VU^-^-'K'V^ .'C.-l^ AAyi^ !? ^Vio^ ijOf -"^W^^O^l^ ^i^T^C^^K. ay' ^-TXt-^C-t^ "•^ff-mJ^jLt^-*.^^ C^/^!^^!,^ ^T.-t^-'t^ ^wu^t^^ ''LCv-t^'<^ f^^ ( -r:^*^*^ :::6 ^*^ <>x-o^ /i./v^-r^^.^ue. j„«vx/^-^..„^e^ ^vL^T^ Ot^-*-*^ -O^v-t-c^ >^t^-^/^ J^>^\^ jtf^U'O^t.-'-T-CjSi^ %y^Ujt. X''V-t^-4'-i^c^ ir->^ J-tn^ ^U-^iX^^u .^>y.„x.^t^ '^^^iU-^c.'^ ^^^U.^Lx<-^h.l^^ ^ ^.^.Jc:?^ ^7-^<^^t^^^^"^i^^-tU.y r /^>^u-^,^ ^ y" -x-^^^ 7•* ''V^lyi.^^ C^^.^ -Vt^ / / 2- ^^w^^ x^fezz^. "^^^^^^/^^^^y^pOS^H^t^ '^-i^-^ixE^ ^. / /^^^^u*^ -^''f^ . ^ ^^^^n^Zi I ^ Vv^^'X.^^Of ^^<^y^CuL /? 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"X-^U^ p^' ^^t< , «vc»' 5 >^JL.yy^ju«>c:t -^^GCT". 9 foL.^i_^cji t^-u^^^-^fe 4- Jj^t*^ u ^*^ J-^ ^.^ v- A^^X>^ ^ '^e^ ?. p: /^ ;v: -'%-c-€--£^i-»X^ ^ y^^ V cF • • Z, .<,^»«-*.*, U^ ^ Z^ ^ t4^ ^^^<2^ P. J 6 c£^i*.e„x^ '■/. ./u-^^jt SU^ k^ /t-t-^l/^t^-^^ 'T'^^-w^ X ^ ^ -V r' yc^^^s.^^ "jfJuC ^ i^ TZ XSCCT' ;2-S«-7 ^. Jp-^. FIRE PLACE IN GROVE PARK INN. ■■»/■■■■• *« l*»e worid. It is I.^ »«« c«a oooafartably rnienain 1 k«..ii!!.^** "**^' *** '"®'* unique collection of native *Sif^^ii^* .ad rrnci*. «nd At nighi is illuminated bv «»*a«*^t»which are r(^K:ted &««inst the ceiling «nd A. ^^n .ji^ x: r c-o-^ ut^ J yC*^ ) /^c-^-^ £c^- y TZ /s^o i ^^-<^-c? 5. ^ ^ ^^u^^--^ y ^? ^yU A^^,...JL^ / ^^^.4^-£ _ ^^^ '^^^ i^'V— -'^*-^ -w /^ / /U^l-T^ "^V^^yCf^ ^^^ ^a^ c^ n O^yC^-LjL, J^-^ <^^-''«— t-t/v^ *W^ ^<^«— S^ / /. > ^^T^-C ^r ^^^sju^c^Li^ 12 ^SU^^^-^^^'O ^^''^Cc ^ '? Q- *;?^' /• w^.-^ ^ ? r', ^a^60^^-^ ^x^7 ^ 6c? /^ / ^ ^^ -V 1 ycyC-^^ f^^"^ ^ /■ s xji^-^Y C'^U .^iL^^C^ -*i< / X ^^ .-^-^tie A.7 y^ TXZ^ / /Z^ '^ J^ -y /v^o <¥ 5^ / -^c- t^ . C-<^ Vl^/t_. ^•v-t;';? ;^ -/ ^ /O ^ ^it 4^ /^ / / .^ ^ / >t2.«* ^^J ^ ^iAjl^<-^^ (P' (P ry\ V ^•^/ / ^ ^J*-M . ^ >^ /;t^ u-«^-v^ ^L^'^-X-.<^ /^^ d Z' ^'-^^ 5^ ^, ^ (T, /^U*^-<^ (^ io /'U v<^<^ /^ 7^ -/v--^^ Cy€^<...^^^^^^^^^e^-C^^^^^ ^ ya ^ -^ '<'*v-7 «^^U<.^t-cY •} 7^ (J-^O^^^ xJ^ -1^ /^ ^ y/^. /^ ^^>c_ / ^-. s^ c£^f<^^^ X -h L^V>— « ^^ ^"^ /.F^ / ,£je /^ {A\..^^^*^lJ^ ^>^ IjU^ tf-Cu^ J" fKu^^ Mje>^ <7^^L^ tyC^ 2l-C/ /^^ >i^^^.>-u.HxJc^ !^ ^d--^li^ Vv.^<..C€^-Jv^ /^ j2t>.-c-^ J^ aj2Jc V^ l^ ? y^ •«.>«• -t>« Z**-^ >- •^ Wi^^-C'^-'ilSu*' ^^'^ '<'AI ^ ^ -^-^ 3^ 2,3 /2t-,^»-*-c<-w / vu^ ^ XuL^ lyUjt. 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"aU^ -^ / / ( / Ifi^ ^ iAv«,--,UA>HXt*-te-'^/ • ^^^\.*-t^ A^u*-c-<- «-«'^^-^ V-w^lC-J? ^£^ Uj.^.^ K^ IXZZJ^ J ) 1?U ^Ca/^-^^i^ y^ ^ 'V<^^^-tJL\ .^ ^ld o^ "^^^tUh-tt.^ ^ ^^^^^^>J^^^<*.J'^ Ol.O LA . t/t^C<-.^^ ^ -^ UUL. r ZU, ^JL^ Jia^ / — ^ uA-c*, jUuy^ -^ "^VC^ t«^ «-t/< /^ ^C-M^ ^^>V1->i-^ / /t^ • hyC<<.i^ .^ <^-*^lZ^---*-^-^^^^ ^^ y...-uAl/-t>\-e£€. ^lx<-*^ V\>Ol^ tLi^^i^^y^ ^ <\.^<-oJ ^■W* -^-CwtJ^ /-^— ^ ^>-iA- xc^ -vwj^ ^ CXI^ J*^ 6s*<-xv.*^ ^^ c^ IA-^V1>o ^u^-tt-<^ 7^ >e^. ^. ^ J ^C-t*-*,^ . L,/^ '^U.Cc^ ^ \ JCJ I ^ I H • ^JaU^.^^ - •'A--^\-*'>^^v^<--'VA--C^ K ■7;-v>v^ >o-^ ; [p^^ /-"^-c^ t^^^ JL'^U^A^ ^4.A> ^^UsJC U/ o£-uj;t>^ (^^fU-A.^t^^l ->6<^ ■^ -^ ^"(^-tS^-^S o<>^^^,^ -<^^T. '^^^-OC| -*^l*^-<*«*«--'^ --^ x^ UL^ ir^ -^ /^-<-^«-<-'V,^<..^'^ -^^--C^-^IL-*. ^''ir^^^^^yL/Ljuut. JCo ^./4^UL. / SMjc t^ oL.-^^^ . 5^^L<^ o^,..C^ oC^L^ ^Cli-^'^-tC f..-^^ -^CUjk. "A.-V^X..''^^ -^lA-^-X- UA^ A^ /^ -6-tX-<--^ _ I ^K- ^-t^ It -^ U*4. -^O^UX^^t. 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Mx^. 6 y, U^UUQ f- tr 4 ^ ^ O^iyiyUtyt^ / X<:t r^ T^ k^^^^itiuSt i^ ^7^ '^h.*'--«x- T- ^^^^^^^^ yt^^'^.K^ ^L^-c^-^-^C^ >vn-V-U<,.-'^^ ^ C 1^ WC e^ £>^ I % .^m '^jJ^ .z^ >u ^ r/' Ka< i/^f>^ yUt '"^L.^JUXL. ^f--^^ i§ ll il^^^Lt^'t^ J^X::^ -br .-AtT^ J^Jt^^*uiy^ ^!}<.<^^-^^-i>-^v^ jLxA^^ / (Ix'^^A^CxC-vC^X^ /' ^flA^^tJ^ Ct^-CjLfA- ^ A-'CA— IXC^-^^ ^i?1^.^I^Lx<''^1^""^ ( ^- ^. -IZo^ ^^^^^ • «o^ 4/^ V ^ ^ /W-C.'OtV-u^ Ci^^s^'^y'i-n^^'^^C^'^^^ C^d^cJi. ^^^^^ I J ir^ 4--u^ /7 U^ . — /c^^r" >fhx-^ tu ^z^- ^=- x^^e^d ,«JI^ f f- 3 ^ jt^^^i-^ *^ i^cX^f ^.a^XZjl. Ar^ C-iK^rf^M^ ^H^ J ^^^ 4-^ — ^ u A42^ A^^L-tJ^^.^ / ^ ^d'C-'^L-^-v-. fc^'WC— -•'t— -^0<-^ U..^^ Cy-. ikX^ y\ V / "yv' 7 A^^^^->-»--fO y^'^^hu^L^^ "ytc. 7^ d U'z-' ^L-'Jc'' / A ^ 'dC O^ > -^" L/, ^Vc^ IcUi f. 3 Cl. Cl f^^ ^^ //^ "A-*— c.^-^ l^yt-^^-V"^^ < tc s^ 3 Chauncy Terrace cambridge 38 massachusetts ^l/UC^^»-^-l- t?^ y6-^6^^^-----«-^ ^ J? ', ^ ^^.w^ x<^ /" ^^-1^:^ 1 '^ •i^<. ^^t>-t> ,^^1^..^?^ Z^ A— c-^^^ ^z^<-^ /^^^^^^J^ ;> c^ oCL--0 / {/ V t^K. A-«-€^ -^. U^e^tivULT / t^'lA, / "Vit-i^^.,^ r. lt-u^ J C^Lytf^'C^ CCZ7 -r ^ ^:e^t^-tS^ 7^ T ^:>C^-i^ L^i.y\ / o..^^ c-c-t-c^ n 3 / u X^ (y^ ( 7 'J^'jd-w- Cc ^-tM^ JLCX^ i^ J4C4 r <^ ^ PVf-^-"-TI^y~'r ' "^TTr^ ^}i.*J- 1, , I, J . XtxL, jJ^ v-^:-^ A^-C-^ — /.? 'c^ 3 CHAUNCY Terrace CAMBRIDGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS / wL- IcuJt /^i^ i -t • «► ^-^ ^/ /x^ U^^<.z£^ /2.C<^ ^Aju^ ^-^ i^^yv^C y\..<,^C^ -c^^ Vc^-c^ ' C*^ J>€^ D^J-C^Ccc^ J-*^, / T'U /^ I PL TZsL. "^■'^^^-^'ij. ^^luiJ^ T -f. Uju / ^Ay^^ 09 2^. 77 T- ^ft''>^ ^^■<-e-if >t.o / h^o^^ LhA'tA ^\an\ ) f2|-' l'?2-2- / /^W<^. \^W^ OtM^rys Mi^^ ) ' (^OMjiJAh^ O.HartMenfam Papers 83/1 2d c "^ ^ f 3 ^Jt 'j^ U.-UC. ' I ^ . f ^ ^^ I 1 r pJjLii^ Jt'iy^'^^ S iu> LA^^^i^ lU.^^^^^uc^^ Ca..'^^^ ^13,1 1 I r^^^-^^ f/O-d^^t^ r ( ^.y.yL^ ? > p^^JiMz. >tr\^ -^ttJ^^-^.W^ jZ'A.^^-'^ s C^^A>^>-4J^^A^ T^-^ <^-A— ^./l^xL-'t-^ ^t'-fi..J\JL^ iiJ-t^iJi -^-e-'c^t y--^-^-^-^^-^ * t-c^^^.^ ;?'!::r:- r. ^>U^ T^ ju^ rz^. u (uryv£^ y ^c^--i.x. C- V" ^ ^L-^-x^ '^^n^>^£^ /J yljLyLA^^4^.y ,:^Z^ . / ix-^Cx^ Vr>u£^ ^^ 5<.je^ r^ ^ "M.^t-^ 6<,^7 ■/ -/ -=w^ ^ ;/c^ ^^^•-Mlc^ A U^^/c yuT x^ t4--<---t-C-^W-^ 1^-^C ^^-■^^^■'fp'-t^ J 1} ■&, /^^. ^tX£) 9 r^-^^ 3 /LX--^d.^^.,XL— / li/t^ UJ-^Cu^ tC yLiMy<^ /^Cc.,<^.^^\l^^JL^^ H^Ax^^x^x^ ; c U<^..A^ / lv-<- ^i^ JU) 't^^^^ 'h. ^ ';p y K-s *Tr >Z-t>A ^t<-.€^ r il>< /O fi^ 1 3 l<'*'it-'T2— iLc ^ .-c T^ H^ // 'e-c ^ i-L -^Pi^Ca, /• jic^ c^t^^-e-e-^^ JCo-i:^ / U^u 4 ^-'»— 1^ -.Vr ^ ^ *^2<-^ IT. \ U v^-^n^ v/ v.^ // 3 Chauncy Terrace cambridge 38 massachusetts a^,"j^ \^m ?\ ^ ' *v 1W./ < ) Abbot Cottage nonquitt massachusetts /Cc-*«^^ ^t. I^AJ. 1 y 'A-^^.-K.^^— c 'Zxt^ ^^i^<^ OO'-t^-^'^L^ z: c 2 //'VS >". J Abbot cottage nonquitt m assach usetts fi^ J u^ y ^ i^L^- ^^ ^ :3^ A^-^^L ^K..-iC<^-^^ d- J2^/. Abbot Cottage nonquitt massachusetts ^ ■r>^ l-^u^^^^-^ <^ ^C" l^^\.^^f_„^^JIJ^ .ir ^^ JL L^t>— ^-Xt' '■j^^^ ^yl'v-,^.^ t C^t«-T^V€,-^:::^ vi. V-. ^ H ^A^^^^A^^ /J ABBOT COTTAGE ^ ^ NONQUITT MASSACHUSETTS ^^^t^tV- r COilA^ 2-/(z-^^ u^^^ 'S^-^Lfc ',-£^ ^^~v^;i. , V y Q_ /2^-^ a^^c^-C^ ■^ I ^ ¥-C..^^Ji L<^.^€^ £c< ^^ ivi' /i;jx^:nt ^^%A>^^\y€^ cLcs^ r ^^/ /f-ZA Zo^.'^'^JL a.j^^^k'i^ Xj^ x^^t^-e^ ' da 4-^^^^!-^ ^C^-^U-tf^ S^ -t4^ 'l^L^HJL -^'VK^C^lA fyfu. /(UX^ -iyU IxAxX^'^t^^ /£^ 'Ti^-aJZ co-t-iS-^ *>-^.-c^ y- .t-e^ . J> ^-^t-^-^-v C^-^ut^ ^ 'pt^(QJ ! r /i-t-<--c>C ^ 2r -^^^..-•-^ ^,£#c— ^ .^i^-^l-^ J^^^^n^ gL<^ ^ ' ^J^^ ^^t*-^ ^TyU.>'^^ ;^;^' ^ ,^tuy^j^..A^Ah^ >C<^.'^^t.-^--r:^i^'Z.-^^^^ nn^i^x^t^^x^ / ^ ^7U^V<.€xH^ 'T^K.-^o-u-w i^^x I, yx^cjzJLcJl "ty^^-CJUi, ^ZyAjL. ^^ ^..c^-^JU^ ^K/t > y(yC\..<^ o^ H^^^^s^y^-i^ .--^— <-^/ A<..^ .^2.-^^^ /^ -o»J^ -^^-<^ ^ 9 A_<4..^(..<.<-^ -Z>^c .*^- J.^^^^tyC-.C^'i^-n^yjuU' -tH^-c-<:-c<--v^--;5 ,j^.„^^^:;^ ^ -^C^ Z^-^A^-^ ^ ^^Ch^ .^«^ U/-<,^ ^l:^ ::2Cc ^ct^^ ^^^u;^ ^--^ 21 Berkeley Street cambridge (38) massachusetts lu.^ iJ^^^ Ti'i'-sw. ^i, '1^^ 7 CX- ^wx^^-^^-^**^ Je^ p-^^^i ^Ar<. 21 Berkeley Street <>^..^*-'t-'<--^ ^^-^ -^ K.<^<^.4^yL^ iJUJUt^ Abbot Cottage NONQUITT •*AssACMuscrrrs /^. u.^^^^ . ^y^jA // /U^ ^^C^CCtZx. yfuc/^^^^ ^ /y / Ujt.-\y<^yC' A f r^ -i. *«--<--;i Ca^ ^<^, -f U/--C. /C* OCA-iS-^ e*-*^^ -CX^ ^^ ■^^'"^wC Abbot Cottage nonquitt massachusetts ^^i- u^v-c ^ n (K^ :zxz:r~-< t^'-^ ' y 7^ u_^ cyT .^^ c^'^-^ // J> 'V'*'*'^^ABBOT COTTAGE 7= NONQUITT M ASSACH USETTS ^^J. i X.-^^ -^^ / v^ T A-*o^ ^^^-^ X* C.^je M-^"-^^^^ v^ J> X' ^-^x ^ Ot^'C> c J V -C^'t r> i/^^<^^--C y, '-/ /-^^^--^ ^dl. •-r / 1^ / / fiXH^T.^ Jt^ ^ ■c^^ "^ JiS-i^-^. e^ / --^- ^--c-<-' "Tt^UL^ / ^n^^ -t.«^o^ ^f^.^* J- t^ yx^e^^^ . C-A^i-^ y\yL Cc^C- i^Z^ i %-^C-e i/L'^^y^a. >uv CL^^ u>^ >^ 'Jl C^-m^"^ "^^^Ot^ A'^^^-'A-* ^^"^^^ O^ 'C-^^i.-Ki .^:3cJ2 r / a^^^^ /' ^ a6«-<-*^ -f. > . ' - € (T- A^ ^J^^^-r ''^ ^.^{jL,^.cJL^ f- /H^ryx^ L^oL-€ ^ D « ^^-<- i^cX-.^^'-t.*-^ >3-- l-^^-^ov OL^ :^T .-.c^ X-c^-i "Zc> --» ^*^T<- -PC-^^^ P ,i2-^ P-^ -f % K'«^ ^ r X 3 6iex\.A<^.-d^ i4r 7, n ^'^ 1 Uj^^ -*-d^ 1^ /^ A'^c^ Ir^r-' ) \\ -/:' msmseS' lf7H - /?^< r > L-X-'UC i^-^i^^ / /^^ 7 f. ^^]..i^-UVc€-^ ^<-<_ 4''\y<,-<'UJt~ X 4- i/-v.t..*^,JLo u-<>-t>^ 'ff^^^ z^-^;XcJ --r? LaJ^ i h 1/ ''Uf-^ /•e-e^- C^v-L^yr^ ^^-^ ^'^-'^ 'v/ /€ ^ aJcZi. -To / r / / C^'W. "X^ • t( ' V^^t-oiSi-- / <^<£>^ * I J U-CA< - / r. h" •^..^.-^- / >-t<2--<^ r >ie K^L^^ ) ._ A^c^ .^ ^ c.£-^ Co-^,^ d.^..^V-1-i-.^^-^* . <>u-^ -v- ^ c.c<2_ £c.^<^ 7^ aJ^ y / (k^.^ ■J • ^T/u^^ 2^y^^^<,-<— / -f- cfX U^<^ •^•Lt^^K^ ^^-^^-^ -4" ^^L^i^^^ «. f" /6l*.-C-^ ^ t^u / / ? •I U^^ — t^-^^ f ^ u><. -y. 7^ c^ r / ^^ ♦x--^^^ Ua-<---6-^ ^^"^ r^^ z x^ -^ tx^ wu^ >-»^ c^ V ^'«-£--c^ >0 u vz^JUl IAA-C^6-^ X 75U ^ -r^yUjL^.^ — K^ if -t^-z. -r-7^ A-.^.^^ a 1^ V Z^ ^ <^ / / 3 / • J yt ABBOT COTTAGE NONQUITT MASSACHUSCTTS ^'-^ li>^ r' c£ V \ 3 Chauncy Terrace cambridge 38 massachusetts 2c---^ ^-^^ ^ / '7U- ^', 'f ' Y- / CO i4^^^ C^,^^t^ ^tj^_c^ ^L^^t^Ux L<>-^ i- 0"^^ ^ ^ /- ^ 3 CHAUNCY TERRACE CAMBRIDGE 38 M ASS ACH USETTS ^-^^U-^C-^t^-^ IT ^"V. a^t^ ^t^i^I^ii^^Cy^ 3 Chauncy Terrace cambridge 38 CAMBRIDGE 38 Iff ^^ MASSACHUSETTS AM^ . O, / 9 t U- P ^O) ^..^C^ -C^^-c --^--<-<^^^^'^^ CAMBRIDGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS v/ ^^-^^^"c— ^ ^^ ^:^2^ Z5^ ^;i_^ L^-^ ^-. ^^:^| Vv-i_< ^^' :?^ V Z^.^ A Vl/C*^ A«,xi^ X 3^-r: Cl^^a^ /r, K^' r /Xc-IL^ ^ C<^»-JL. it: •2^ JLJ-'^f<^<^ u^...ix^£jj^ ^ ^ ^ 6<^^ z^ /0> Z-^^-*-^ '^ ^ x^^ ^ /^ <¥ /m.-^^^'C^ v/" 9 .j^ V ^^L--^ ^ ^r^ tp>- ^ o-^"^^^ /Pipt^ r^ 1: UU^.'C^ -'^^tu^'.^t.-i^-d- ixzt ^ -^^--e -^tc-^^l^ _ .^ nJ/'^^ls'A^^ S' % P^-^i^c^ J^l*— U'^"!.^'^. /qLi^^ TiU- -^Cc.-cyl <5L-*-w^ Z^Zj^ ^- C. >v ^ / /yi^uJjt^^ /^ cLjeJ^ t l^yC-x^ -^ JL-^ 'Q y ^ u^ 6 Berkeley Place cambridge 39 massachusetts /5> ^ UUc--.^— it>c^- ^ , K..v^ eu^ JL<^i--.t^-*A-A-t-^;A^ Cxr-y^u^^yL-yL Xir-i/-^ "T^W*i-'6-*- A' ^ 6 Berkeley Place cambridge 38 massachusetts J/^ >u^./-TuJcr — fu nyCu-\A. I J-^t^ / <— *^-*l..-^ ^X.^l-*-'"^-^ n> U\^^^4^S^ ^ h^ 4 • 1/^ "^^^ — ^ /C^t^ ^ ta / /uu^^ / i5W-i,,t/-ix^ V '^ T^.x- ■^^-^i^"^^ ^^n-c^ ^Sf^^uJ^ )\JUa^ a - (yy-e &d^L>*»^.<-, » /J^ -;A---t-<-<-c — ^^C-x^-t***!..^^ cc-c^ je:^..c ^/.uV^.,-^ .^J y ^ 7 ^ ' cM,.^! SuJ -£ -^^^y-Cy^ (~^ 0^.,^ U, Ln^ ^ -M. /W 'in'Sf C^f>-<^^ /)\tJL Y 6 BERKEUEY Place CAMBRIDGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS 4--^^^ •fyta. I>LU;:: >u^ "i-^ /^^K-ix6^ •-^X "XLv . — ^tf-'^lc^ ^^S^t-^ (^CJ^t^t., ^^_ • Berkeuey Pljkce cambridge 38 massachusetts ♦-l^-'WiW-^-' -6^ 'i;c^::zJ' y- ^<^ i%^ if-^ /" t CXJL /^^^^-^ t-i-. VC^ II J iM^ ^ 6 BERKEUEY Place CAMBRIDGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS >c-u^«-''*2.^^ -''^ll<>-t-^ /rr Co^C^ ^^<^ f€ j^L..^O--0 /ci^ iv^ -^T ^ /^d' ,,_^ .::^ >^ ^ •xx< 7 (f^-^-tu ^ ^fUt^ 'A-^-vO ^V>v«^ 6 Berkeljey Place cambridge 38 massachusetts _ A/^ :^^ y z-^ i r ^. '2-<-c^-<*-' :U/ 9 t.x^^^^^ £c^ i^J-^uJ^^Xc^ ^^^Xo^X^ » V/ ^ ^ -A-t^c^^«^^ nit"*' <.^u-<. -^1^<^.<.^uX •-^- / /" f^iJi^iZZ^J^ i- //. ^. "Q^.CX. t^ f^ -O. I 0 /^ jL^ /Z-^ A / v^ u^ l^' 2^ LciC IaM, ' 0^ '^^^ ^t-U.^ ^-^ -^^|U1>CZ/ ^M^^^'Wl.t^l^ CAMBRIDGE 38 -./vC-#vX^<-^tx^^ ^ ^ "^^^"''^ ,?7 ,7 MASSACHUSETTS ^ ^^ -IHyzJt V^ -AJc^^Z^i^^C^ 9^ ^ ^^- ^..-o^ / Z-^L-x-w^^^ ^-^^fc-C ^2^ •ptzZtM. u^,-JlM^ Q i^Le.c^ / 7 Ju^' e^ -^L^sw-^ ^ ^ *^ j~' /y^ ^^ '-z-t^ ^ h c^^ /■ % A-t.^u^ ci^ 9^ A^ 'cx.,--<'v-.^Jk-^v-v 'Z ■■2^-3 ^ /^ ^yi^, . / / £.-^1^ Z^v-t-^W^ V- /-^^A-. Awcl^^ y* ;^ >^ * :^ce/ i/'^ / u-^ a^ zt r- e-^ T^ U . Ua<_ -IC^ pv^ ^"'^-"^ n/^ i^v_^ A-c.^^ J:^ -vd-^C^A.^ ys~ttue^ JUcJP aJT ^ ^^JCu H^^ iP alZtz,^...,^^^ j^^f^^^^^yjClj A-x^ ^ Iry^i^U- oLu'.yJc^^ \y^^ /V Cj ^ Ci>iL1,.,_<^ / ^si. fA>^\^t^A^ / ^^i^-C-C / "i.^ / ^ -C'C:^ ^ <^uf~ Uw^. M. ff^Vn^ Ir-i^t^ ui^c ^ ^^L-iX. /^w^ / 1 ^—z^ [^^^A^ \/ 6 Berkeley Place cambridge ^ . /j^^-e^Z^i^-vwce /^ 4ac ^>^ 2^ ^ ^ V l^^A-^ /^^-< Pic-.^^ c^^ ^■<-/ ^e^^Ul y 7 /^<^*-.<^ V 6 Berkeley Place g ^ CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS ^ *V<— ^«^-'**''^ 6^--^^ 1a-^ -1^ s^y^^ V ^ tH *>.,^ -/U_-<..^ -7 n 1/ rL<^ '-<-«!Sa . t<^ / ut^.^.:^ "^^^z^ jC^ t^ .A/' Vo-i-^. ^, i'^^^T-e^ ULc^^^i^C^^, -^-e^ ^ £->.^ -^^L<. ■CZ^ >t^'Wtv tU-L t-^ ^^'^-^«-y^«^ '^-^-^^ /-^U—C^ cf- i/Vv l/U>UL-0<^ . — ^ ^^ ^ Ov^ i^ Ir-^,^ ^A -^-^--C^ n /2xu^.^i^-^-^.^xOl^ n^vL-^t^ CA j>v^^L^^^ XLut ^ 'U-*^ zr 7^ z:^ v^ !.«-<» 2^ Kyi\JUux fvCtC^ i f-oi^^Tu. ^ -Ce>^ --iX-^jt- :zj^ u^-c -i^-^-^w-v ^^^■et^^ 4 /Ct:::^:^ 6^*-*-^ ^ ^-'tXV Sir'' :^_-**— < T^ t.^ L> ucJ^ r>y -VL U »^'l<^,^ ^ ,-^ l^-^^ l^ JU,,.,^^ c-Ctj, ^vr C^^-^w-v^^-^ 2^ ^:^CZ7 U^l^ ^^1 ■X>c^t.C-ci^ A^t^ 1U^ i^~^ /t/*t-^ A-^ ^J^ 6" H 'f -Hx^ f ^ •<._^ cvu^^tf- ^^-7^ U^ /VtJ^ K'^^ *-VT^-^ ^^^-^/^^^ -^ y ()<^,M> ^^ '^U^'^ n-'b-^,^ '^'f<'^LJui^ _ ^-a:c^ ^7 --^^ -^i-c^,^ iC-Vi^. — AJtAJl KV^ •7 ^^'^i-e- (U€Lc-^ / .2/ y/U^^r^Z^y^ t UL^ cu ol ^^ i( 0 >0^ ^£ ^ rw '^yj.^.w^*^ nZJ-^ 6 BER ^>/-r>e^^ f- -i^-'1^*'-i^ .X^ i^^-x^ ■^ '^'^^^ ^-^c^^ ^ C^t^A. c-iA-€_ / /^ ^-J^ ^ •In^-r^^ -c^^L^- ) f ^-c^ J^ i^^ ^ «LXe«^vv>^<^ ^ {r^^^JLj tXe. ^ r^ -nJ2-x.uc*/u^, U^<^.?X^ /i-e-wt^V:? X f ^ uH^x^ . — •L^^ 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIOGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS ^- ^A,-<1^ -x^Z^^L^ T^ ^ ^ JT^ ccf- P-^^x CL^ U^ -iUAyU^ A^xa^-^>- -\J^^ ^ t ^-t^4^ t^ H i--»-o<^-< /v— -t>— t->t^ /6cX^ ^^_,^4_-» Ar?-,^ • ^^Vl^l ^ ^A^ / ^ - ^ ^ >^ (X, «-_ A»-/ BERKEUEY CAMBRIDGE M MASSACHUSETTS ^ tw^— *.^ ^^^fe^ -^ /^ -t<^jr 2^ n^e^^ ^ ZIZOF J iX ' ct tu^tA Ui.^ t't^-) — u^^ - c^ ' J ^ ^/<^ r V t> y-^.-CxC ^AX-r ' 0«-^ "Z.) ^cx^ ^^n-^v^ c^ISl. cT C i "> /-^-^j > xje V V^djL u V r.L -t- J fr\^^A^^%^ ►^^^e^A-^-c^'ixa-'^^ ^"^--^^^.^O C-^c.w-u^2^ y\yC *7 -^ ^\^*JXc^LJi ; jl^UyKy'<'^<3* A^ ^€x-^v-^ Y V^^^-c^ ^ ML /// Place CAMBRIDGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS JJUc . ^, /^*i IXc,^ tUUJJL ^ / T ^-^/^^«-d^^2i--xx^ .^^JU^Uyy^ ^rx^c^ -ic (^^ "L-<>-^|..t^ l/vU £JL a^.^'^L^Jz^ y^-xA^Z^ i^'^-<- ""ZCt^^^j^Cx- /:>iLc,J^^ --c^-^<_--o*^ ^""^x^^-Jt^-K-^ , pUyC A^-v-^ l^T,^^ J2 iv-t. >t-t.c«,.tf^ / 6 BERKE3.EY PU^CE CAMBRIDGE 38 MASSACHUSETTS Uc^ z>,rc* ^j UUJjUf, 1 1r 9^ "> afti^ -t~ clJ<-JlX< YVe.Jtt6- / I ^ / 7 ('{ Ir'/r- ) 0. W-^ r-^'^'-Tiam S3 I ^1^x4.^ a n ^(^ \ ^ / 9 xi^Lc^ i/iUjUU ^L / / t^^^m ' A^ Mi^^^Uiu^ ^*-t4-^ UjU. ) /"* U^CZ^ J ^ Xt-C^^^f'^^ tti^ I -t<^-i/» ( ^ /#2cxc-^-e^-^C^ ^^^"'^yZ^^-t^^ M A^A^^C/u-L^f A-'CX^^ *^ /7 h^y^yX^ -^ ;^w --t^^K^ ■HyC U/^ Stc AU^'^'^.^^Xyi^ C^^<^^ 'i c. /^"^"^ ^ f^ A--i^-6m^#u<^ . i^'7i^j^^^ r- 0 l^-p^^^ ^ . ^/-^ ^t.^.ui^^ ■^P-xi^X^ /^iL*- <--»- <-*-€ ^ (f^ ^ Tt-^ --^O? LmJUC^ ^^^.e^ "Z^^*-^ •^ l^V^ V r «,-£-. ^^^^^jr ^ ,i-^ ^ A V ,i^ --C^^tx. ^o •iu^ ^iAj^ i^-uA^-a.-^ 2. J J^, ,2 ;' ; ^ -LxJ 4 (> ^V / / SU-u^ ^y^y^ ^ A4^- JOHN F.VAUOHAN ASSOCIATES K.A.EKERN HENRY D.ABBOT NS rVAUGHAN ENGINE B RS ^4^^^-^^^-l. 185 DKVOXSHIRE STREET ^ >vA-*7" fitt^ ^.^ •-^xvc BOSTON POWERAND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION DESIGN SUPERVISION NDUSTRIALS WATER POWER PUBLIC UTILITIES ORGANIZATION OPERATING ADVICE -•-«-^C^uX^ IZ^Lk^ ^ 1^7 Hi-»l£^ /?vt^. / C#-v ^ -^^^ 'i^-^/^L^ /jUX--v--U'-'t^-c-v f4-,^-iZ^Ji y' t; '-'^ ^ ^v z;:,^ ^ c •J* L-wa ' K- ryv^^ 0^^^ zfii/LcJ!z ^ /t^^^-j^Ot t (Qu^ -^X ^ / a >- ^^^^ CAMBRIDGE 3S MASSACHUSETTS iA^^ r^ A -^ ipi.-^ u >c^^^^.^^-^ ^-^-Xj /z^^e-i^^ ^Z^i-^^-x-^ it^ uzr 6 Berkei_ey Place cambridge 38 massachusetts dXu.n^wt^-''^^-^-^ "^XyUs^ C-'wx-^ --'i.^K--^ 3^ A^Ll-- /C.^i^-«--t^-^^^c^ >V.iA-uC/ / 7- — • <26L-^ .^^c^ 6 Berkei-ey Place cambridge 38 massachuse: }JLk.^-^.^JL\^ 7u^u^u<-^ 3^/^f*6. Ji^UCUL^ 1 ^ -e:^!^ ^<--c^ "2^-^-<--t-^--^-^inx^^ . y^i^n^^JLii^ ^>^5lU 1 i eJk' .^s;; X. ^u ^^^•''W' l-v-^*^— ^ / h lU/ ^23 — z:x< ^ a -^S«-t> t/ V-»Cv — ^^-^ A^ ^LU-t>=^ *^^ /vvu-'t-^^ • BERKB-EY Ltc^A^i^ U^<^cJLl Tw.A^tfir.ij'i^. iHJ^ ZL ,t^^ /**** t«^Ji^ / '->Cryi\ — ^yt^^^'ixjt yv r^-"-^ Cu^Oif d^ CA^^^^JL^JL^^.^y'X^ T/L€^ '^^4%^ ^ 4X^ />-^i^^--^l-<--l,M.-ii-^ '^Zj '-C^ U^^U4.cJi /c^u^-n^-c^ u< /a-^L<-^ J^0>- ^^^-l.^.^L.Cc^ 6 Berkeley Place cambridge 38 massachusetts yt4^J Aj^.^^^^.'^tM^'^ ^^'^-|U^^1-''^1a--^x'1^^W^ ^XyU^ I0\ -Ty^ y C^u^^,-^^ ^^Z£j, Abbot Cottage nonquitt massachusetts ^.x^^*— fc^V-^ CA/'-Ly^Z^^^y^ PxaJL V /v^^^-H-^ Abbot Cottage nonquitt massachusetts A*-^>Uc J^^^ /-^ /UJZ ^ -ff ¥^ I/\A^ ^\ — a^^«-^x,--^je ^-*-€-<^^ uu^^lxej^ / ^n4>xj£..<.^ r\ J^ ABBOT Cottage fj NONQUITT MASSACHUSETTS '. M^^,^ffi^^ ^J'Vt. ^=^«^-'<^ )i^cu^ '_r a^e^ .Cf A ? ^. « /h>c^^^cy. 3- V/ /f ^ 7 aZ^<--#ch^ ^^^TVu-^t^tf, ^UX-.^'Ji^ ( CO /^ ^. v/ ff ^^ X/c-#c^ '^H'^ ^^^r>u-#c^tf. r^ JL^LJL k^XXA, . J^ /v<^-#^v3^ ^-^.-i^.^t^ Sl^'^^-^^^-^-^.-^J^^u^ A />V.-»_-<^^'lC-c- yiiU^t..^ . ^<— *c_-i,-wt-<,-v) . ^v-«-t-^ Z^^^iCe. ^e-^^- 7 0 ^'VV^ ^ ^^^^^-^ T^ U^f •V a^ -v.vl^ -w^-^^^ hA<- fJ^^r^ h^^^y^ Ci ^^^^ yt^A^^-i^ t Xc-c i^^^^-^C^X^ b^ /- f TXm^ r -^^^C^'^V^ r -^"^-^txt^ /- "V^L^ ^ <^ A^^-^ ^"^"^^ '^^ ■^ 6 Berkeley Place cambridge 38 massachusetts i k.^ t JL^-^Uiy^ — T l^urvJ^ -i U^JL LUl'^ .^c^ 1 6 Berkeley Place CAMBRIDGE 38 M ASS ACH USETTS tt^J^ r OL.^'XyO /"V^ ^A.-MM. /• V ^ ^vy^^A^^ n^ tUZJL>^ CUL^ y^ C^X4>,^w^^<^ oLJiJUju^ yyZ^ h. '^■<'^\.JU. rf^ ^^^--U^^-rJdCCilY ^i'-lA-A^-X^ C-u*^ ^^Ju,-ww^ / tL...Ui/Ju^ V 6 Berkeley Pi_ace cambridge 38 massachusetts ^v^^^<^v^ K^wu^^^ USA^ / Z-^-*-**^ -^ ^'^-t-vu.*^.^ ^^'^^-'^ .^CZ.J..^* ^ 0^ -i**/?^^^ (>^C ■'AI^uo^ -"^KZ,^^^ ff / -6^^2l£ ^«— u^-^t-0 uv^ yV ■t-L^ )WKX>N. IM^t-/^ 'bi^ ^ \yO C^^ ^^{r\y\^ ^^ >^C<,-*/C^ o^ ^/(^ tA-K.x6/ 9 - M..^.--^^^ ^ -i^Cj^v-JUJl!_ 6 Berkei-ey Place cambridge 38 massachusetts sir ^ Lr-^ -^ UM 'cfl £o^ r jt^ -^ '-< f-^^'-^ ti-^uf ZJ^ i> ^^^S/l^ --t.^^^ -/- ^ -<^r *^ — wl* ^l-.€X / r ^ -^£« 6 Berkeley Place cambridge 38 massachusetts /u^x^^stJ '*-^^ /^ t—t T^^y^Zt.JxsL^ )C-e<. XZi^T ; 6 Berkeley Place CAMBRIDGE 38 / '/ ' f) MASSACHUSETTS / 7 hULcuyCy^ ^\-C JU%,^(>^UL ^ n yJf^ ^ ^