THE BANCROFT LIBRARY University of California Berkeley MICROFILMED 1994 University of California Library Photographic Service Berkeley, California 94720 REPRODUCED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE MANUSCRIPTS COLLECTION OF THE BANCROFT LIBRARY. FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY. COPIES MAY NOT BE DEPOSITED IN OTHER LIBRARIES OR INSTITUTIONS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE BANCROFT LIBRARY. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE OR PUBLISH IN WHOLE OR IN PART MUST BE OBTAINED IN WRITING FROM: * THE DIRECTOR THE BANCROFT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720. LAW TITLE 17 U.S. CODE THE PROCESSING AND FILMING OF THE C. HART MERRIAM PAPERS HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, TITLE ll-C, STRENGTHENING RESEARCH LIBRARY RESOURCES PROGRAM. COLLECTION NAME: C. HART MERRIAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: BANC MSS 83/129 c NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1555 :21r REEL: Zl- CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE Incoming letters M^f.\hft^ (^utiawi) ' M^^^ (rta trick na> • \^^% VawaVvAM FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB NO. DATE .pi I n I " ^ REDUCTION RATIO DOCUMENT SOURCE c Association for Information and Image Management 1100 Wayne Avenue. Suite 1100 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 301/587-8202 Centimeter 1 2 3 iin|tifi|tt|[t[[i|[|||| iMil 1111 nr m 4 A. ri I rr 1 Inches a. 8 i'h''i''iVi1'Ai'i'i*n'i'i*'ri''ri*'i' 11 1.0 ISO ■= ■ to Sir U£ 1" 29 I.I 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.25 1.4 12 13 14 15 mm ^^^JJk^[mJhlllllllllllnl MRNUFfiCTURED TO RUM STfiNDRRDS BY fiPPLIED IMPGE, INC. / . . o^. 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'~t^UL '^' i^l^ 2^ i ^ i^-^-^c^ '(M- ^ (I'M^ 'Jt^-a^ w /t^ ^r^l^i^^Z"^ ^-"C^ y4^^^ /^^-tV O-^x^ T1Uj>. *->!, 2^ ^ £/<-^ y / (^ -i ^K.^A>Hx.''^--fc.'-*^ ktzL /t--^^-<>...<-^ I'^^^^^^i^JZ-^n^ Box NONQUITT MASSACHUSETTS iT-r n 9 //». ^^5 .*«a^ p^>L<*^-i^^i.^«-^ -^-'^ yCo ^t.«-i--w-w^7^ /H "1- r L4,0^ 1^ 'i^JL K/u-*^ Box 7 NONQUITT SACHUSETT i sK^^CC/ w ^^ ^fc^^^^^^-_^_ (^(f't P. -^^yyycJ J >^>U««* '7^..c*— 'i^'''^-'-*. . it r .^Cyrx^^^^ gC^K^ V - /— . "^-7 ^ Box NONQU MASSACHUSETTS ISETTS ^ J / ' / ' <^P\aJ^ f '^pCx ^?^>*t-<^k_J /Zyui^Kyr^ C^^'tA4. )C-^ y ^-^^^^Ct ^CA*u**£^ Txxtv 1\^JLy(^t-^ yyfy^^ — ?e*c^ ^'Af."2^ Box 7 NONQUITT MASSACHUSETTS • t /"MijitiiC J / ^ ¥ '-C SUCH, io coimder- atiou wbereol it is agreed between t^ asmder ot the luiiMagD u>d this CompanY as foUows: 1. The CoimMiay aball not be liable for miatakea or dekysln tbe IransmtKioa or (Mhrery. or for non-delivery, of any UNREPEA lED messa^, bsyond tb« sum of FTVH HUIST>RED DOLLARS : nor for mistakea or delays IB the traomiasioa or dsUvery. or for non-delivery, of aciy REPEATED message, beyond the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS^ ur^tg gpeciatty valued; nor in aay case for delays arising frcMtn unavoidable interruption in the working oi its lines ; nor for errors in cipher or obseurg 2. In an^ event the Cery , of this cansed by the negligence of its Mrvanta or otbenrise, beyood tbe amn of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR!:!^, at which amount this messaj^e is hereby valued, tmlfflB a _ is stated in writing herc»n at the time the measageia offered to tbe Company for transmiasion and unlew tbe repeated message rate is paid or agreed to be paid and an additiaa^ aian paid or agreed to be paid baaed on aacb vabae eqoal to oae-taatb of one per cent of the amount by which such valuation shall exceed FIVE THOUSAND I>OLULRS. 3. The Company ia bereby made tbe agent of tbe sender, witbout liabflity, to forward this message over the lines of any other Company when neceaaary to reach its dea- tination. 4. Meaaasea w31 be delivered free witbia the qrtdMwhed free deU very limits of the terminal ofTice. Beyond these limits the Company does not undertake to make deli vary, but will, without liability, at tbe sender's raqaeat, as bn agent and at lus expense, endeavor to contract fur him for such delivery at a reatioiiablc price. 5. No responsibility attaches to this Company concerning mesasiges until the same are accepted at one of its transmitting offices; and if a massage is sent to such mUtm by < of the Company 's messengera, he acts for that purpose as tbe agoit of the aender 6. The Company will mot be liable for daiaajra or atatalory penalties in any case where the claim is not presented in writing within shcty days after tba filed with the Company for transBissioa. 7. Special terms and eonditions gameming the transmiaion oj messages under the classes of messages eniuneraUd belote shall apply to messages in each qf such respeette* classes in addition to all the foregoing terms amd cnndttMaa. CLASSES OF SERVICE TELEGRAMS A full-rate expedited service. NIGHT MESSAGES A'ccept-ed up to 2.00 A.M. at reduced rates to be sent during the nij^ht and delivered not earlier than the morning of the ensuing; business day. May l>e mailed at destination. See (under **ISi^ht Letters") **^ecial Terms Applying to ISight Letters and Night Messages." DAY LETTERS A deferred day service at rates lower than the standard telegram rati?s as follows: One and one-half times the standard Nipht Letter rate for the transmission of 50 words or less and one-fifth of the initial rate for each additional 10 words or less. SPECIAL TERMS APPLYING TO DAY LETTERS : In furtl\er consideration of the reduced rate for this special "Day Letter" service, the following special temiB in addition to those enu- merated above are hereby agreed to: (A) Day Letters may be forwarded by the Telegraph Company as a deferred service and the transmission and delivery of such Day Letters is, in all respects, subordinate to the priority of transmission and delivery of regular telegrams. (B) Day Letters may be deliTered by tbe Telegraph Company by telephoning the same to the addressee, and such delivery shall be a complete disciiarge of the obKgatian of tbe Teiegraj^ Company to defiver. (C) Day Letters are received subject to the express understanfl- ing and agreement that tiie Company does not undertake that a Day Letter shall be delivered on the day of its date absolutely and at aH events; but that tiie Company's obligation in this respect is subject to the condition tliat there shall remain sufficient time for the trans- mission and delivery of such Day Letter on the day of its date darinc regidar ofBce hours, subject to tlie priority of the traDsmissiMi of rey- ular telegrams under the conditions namea above. NIGHT LETTERS Accepted up to 2.00 A. M. for ddivery on the morning of the «»^ianmg business day, at rates still lower than standard night message ral^, as follows: The standard telegram rate for 10 words shall be charged {or the transmission of 50 words or less, and one-fifth of such stetndard day rate for 10 words shall be diar^ed for each additional 10 ^^ocds orb SPECIAL TERMS APPLYING TO NIGHT LETTERS AND NIGHT MESSAGES In further consideration of the reduced rates for the special **Night Letter" and "Night Message" services, the following special terms in addition to those enumerated above are hereby agreed to : (A) Night Letters and Night Messages may, at the option of the Telegraph Company, be mailed at destination to the addressees, and the Company shall be deemed to have discharged its obligation in such cases with respect to delivery by mtiiling sach Night Letters QS Night Messages at destination, postage prepaid. NO EMPLOYEE OP THE COMPANY IS AUTHORIZED TO VARY ANY OF THE POREQOINQ TERMS AND COflDITIONS UNDER WHICH MCS ARC ACCEPTED AND DELIVERED BY THIS COMPANY. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, H. D. PILLSBURY, PRESIDENT ^ •^•"^-C—^C-^ iT^ ^xC (r-r^ 'IZc^ /^ -^-^ /^">-u^ i ^^V-z^ VVf>-»0 ^ 0 - /><^^L--^i^ / /trv» /f / Z^^/* A^c^-A.x-vZ'-z-^ ^^3-f^-^ ^^c^^^«-<^ .r- J^l^-C-*^ /-^ i-T,-*>-ir -<^-^ ^ — u— ^ "*uc — > U-^ *— ■»- ^^ h>'\^'%^^ -^'^O KA.yLA\,^'\^ -^lyf^ II ^^ c T^^ZFT^ '^/<>c<. /*n. / ^^^nSf C'C^-ay ^ io fiu %^ r Jt k ^'2^-*=^^-''r-^ ^ 1^ r y // ^A ^^w*:^ / ^ -^i^ '^ K^^:^ > M ^>-t^^-^ ^ ^^J^e^Z^^IZc -I if a-* ^^^-^-^--^^-^ ^--»X--Oa^-r-a--v_ pxyy^r^ -z>e^ /v -^ty^ ^/^ i^ .^.^i^^^C? 4/ ^jL,^^ ^¥Sl!>d /jC-t,^v,.^-<^ -K--^^^ ^u»->^ — ^j:5L-cJ ^ ^-^^ / / fc^^\.^^ w X,-^.-c.^2^ < izzr {h^ P^c^z^ ^ PU) ^^ ^^"t^ 3>^^^3t— L i^^ t^ C^ t^ t^'^""'^^^^ r fr^ ^ <^^^ >i^ •^-/'. -A / /-^~^A_e^^ ^ c _ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ t'W^ /^ 1^ / ^-C^y /I ^r>'5'-*'V7v'i f n-c^ -i> ^u^ ^^ ^ / ^ y^^ "3 /XATi^'^yu:!^ -^ ~C->-i-^ / -<^y^y^UL ^'l-w A/ ^'''T'X--^\-.----V.x€--<---''^ ^^"V-t ^:^ V Tlx^ C^ 4r-n.^\^nr ^*^^^T Z'^ ^'^''-O w,. **-r^iA-v^ '^ ^ /L^ DM U Af >l^--C-'^Z^x--i---i— -"^-f -/ / /'nxv ^7-YtA<^L^ Lv-^ /^--6> i^:^ n; .^^A-^ P V '^ 1^ /^ -y> DM V/ / l^xr< 'T^^-f^-t-c-i ^^U^L^C^xZc-o^ Aa-^ .^-til^ 7 /"L-w:^ C^ nw u .«-/-< P V '^. l^ Ci' /€.-ti^ Uy*^ ' ,--1^ (^^v^ A) yhl^i.--^ 4/^A^^,Jt ^ ^t^-^^ C^Cx^^-y^ X/ tf^'yyui- ic /X-^^^^^JT ^^^n-xC "ft^^^ 'PkA. .yC-%^ /3. i^n^ /7 ^ /2^ t^^^ji^ -c^^ K "f-HL^^t^n^-^-.^tcJi 'O- u^^^^ t^ 7^ l/U^ t.^ Oy^ ■d" u^ t/1^ TL-c^-^^V^^Jc. /^^-c-t^ t^ ^jOT^^u-^t^-'-'^^ft ^^>^ --^^^^-^^Iz-^-^x-^ T^^^^'^-^^^^ ^^T^^t.'^i^^-S^-^^ ^-2-^ lo-CH^ tJ >tX^Jc.-t.x-^ -^L^^^^CLc / J c/^ ^Z' 6 i/ut-^t^-tx^ Lcc^ ^\. / o-ny\jZ. ^ ^J^/ / l^^-^^^^^^^^^Cl^ ^H^x^-tL^-^ -^-^c-c v^ ICx /" 'if" s- ^<^ // U-^ 7'^ l6c.c-..f^ J.: ^ "A-r-f *^ '2 czu / 1 "^-"^-^It^ U/. '<^^^U^ / Cc^c,/L^c/Cl^-<^ /^A^ / ^^^vx^' 3^ » ^ r? A^Vf^'^C^L^ / s i^ ^^^--^ ^=i:^c;or- c^xl^ vu I Ula. / czu. ^^-H.^^^-Ui ^ y ; ^^f^ /he rtyU-c-^ tr.<^.^-v^ ny^ y^^^^^ , i-L-,^ ^~ ^-^^^ ^L^\^ A- / / J -^^^^^ -^^ "^^t^A / AVa I A-?n /^ 7> // / V w J )C i^-iZ^ y^-d/ V y>^ -^^^ /U>^c^<.....j?^ y Av^c.^^/ >C-^<^-v7^ ^ / aC^^L^f^..^^ — ^ C-. A^ce^ ^^v^ fy^ t-uJ^ >t^->-u^/i5^ ^.j;::?^ /Vu^-f >t>2. A^ /3/ />K A^t-'^-VC r r^ y ^ ^ M. ^ i^ /. ^ i*^\^^^^i^A-^ r^v-v. ( 'L-^x.J^n^ ^'^^v^t-"^ (y^^^l^^ •Ht 1 lyu-tji %^_i2^J^ -^t^ ^CT' aj2^ p. f: ^^.yt\A, 'OxU-t^'^w^^^^ 0^<^€^9..J^ rx^^-UA ^ i yj- ^ ^^\y ^C^^^.Jt.'^ 9 ^^^^^"■•^^pnyi^Zt -^^-^^-^ /a-^-^ *^^ ^ ^uy^ 4f^^^^pZi^^ ^Yt^-^-^ / ^->\ 7^ 'f'^^ ^^ >^'''7X<^-ti^ ^'^-t^-'iU.yi^^ ^ ^ ^^t.^ i^v^\ |V ^^ (■"(-^-Oe^ I lk> ^ / -t-o-t-^S^ -i^-c, ^.■(.,^^^^t:zzt , ^2*.^,.„.<_;^ / "'^-^i-^i--^ /tLc-o^ M^ Vis, (L ^ A^-^'^^ c J KU5c Tom iC<7 /L-W^ t O T" -^ "H -hf- i^f- Sux. \ vC 11 1 4— f~ v>i^ /'^^-Z,^.; /" c:^ --7 / //Ut-'^V-Txd^^Z-'^^^ / £aX^^-^ c^O-i^^--i^ ^^^ /1/n/^ I lu^2:tr ^^^^t-^ jC? i^^ . /{UX .^ "T^Xe^ ^ (TTTi) >^-2^^ /. 2^ /^vt^z^ rv\ L-^ lYl>xJi — ^L^-'-lA KAyU) 0 /7. v^ -^z ^ M ^V-wA^ / /^^'t^t^-v-i^--^ /C-^vox^ /y-C^-ny\y /i^"K. "~T2^ ^ iHAu^ yyj_.i,,y/C^yC-Ty\^ y^^.A^^^^Z^cM /l-^U-i^ A. ■%,,l^,MA-XAJr~ ^ iKAr->Si'-i^ ^ jL.Ai/>--t-''^-<-'C<^^ -/7 9 -:6 -t^vx iO^L, A-^^^^iO' (UoJi i 'uJ.xJ u,.^ ,u£^ 7^ -^~>nJl^ ' S^^^-tX^t^ -^ ^"^-vvc^ -■n-^i^x^ ^OiOx^ jIo - -Y "^^ '^ A-^ ^ Atii ^•N^^i '^ /v-^e^^e-^,^^ "^{y^jt^.^je^ yt^e^v— A ^Z c4^ C^-^\^y^ (X JClH\ 1) 4xO Vt^ -^-^^^-^-^^^^i^^ -^n^n^ ^/ *^>^^^:/ l-^Vv \..,Sx/ J' fc^-^^^^<^^^-^ -^.c^ 6oc^ JU^cJL ^^"M/^^ C^ — O-'-V. ^ yCv-^ 4^ C^ tPf^ h C^-'Vt^^ ^Z^^O ; t^v ^o-^Mf /n-^l^^ ^>^-^^ yV yLv^^^ s^z.^ ). ^ ^ /^ /^z^ ''^-vKt/i -K-t,.*^ ' Xv-V ^H:^ /^ (^^/yp(^ ^ ^5^^ MJZ-^^ ^yC4y,^ y^^^^r^ .^±Zc^^,s^^^^ ^t^^c^y /^A^^'-c:^ />^-c />-t:^^u-\^ ^ tC,^^ L hC fL^tyiy^y^ ( / /tc * t ^Ot^ije ':id ^^£.^ 3 /^^-^-'W-v-i t'-y^r-vt^Q^ v7 -^ ^ ^^-^<^ ^O'Ll'I^, ^ /. Prv-nJ!^ tM^.-A^^.'^JL, Ct.'n^ l/c*«-<.^ 9 Vct^ IX^ 2, c/ ^>^ Ofe ^ ^"^^ ^2^ 7^ / /^Oo^ ^ // >^cLA. ^^*-^ . U-Mh:>^^J^^^^ ^^^ V\AZ^ ^-L^ "2. M,'-L^\^^L.^.,-'i^'t^ <^ A_ ^ U-6 ly\.^^jL^ -^ ^ /h^-^2..^jfe ; 9 yt^L^J!^ — K^ -i /y^ y ^ iz A^ -^ -^ ^ 6 ^JL^%yn>A>Luu/ ^^ ■2-J, ( ft-^t>-i^t^ASc^t^ ^^{yC^Z^ /Z/^Ce^ fif^€^-t^^n^^u (/ Ol/\ 2 f tf '/^.. KrxZf -tJ^i^c^t^^r^ -^txl/-^ ^..^ /^ /^^ IX^ ^5^ U^-C^-c-^ 0^ lyU-t^^LA^ w,^-^ UvA- n f ^1 - C-A^^T^-^ yOL^, V^> <=^ -^ ( >tx^ • :^ 1:^ /'i-t^ /^^- -2^- UyL^%yty\JL "Aj^ ^^^"t*-^-^'-v^ /, /i^^c^^l^ 4^r— ^.-.-;;^:^ fe 'Ck-./- &r JLe_A->t-. c..*^ '*^, U (T^^ A ^ Uu "D - '^^^^^^^^ t^ -7^; / /-u<^^A-^t^ wo^ ^t^ ^ ;^ .U/^JM- <>/ ^^A^ ^>2^«-X.-i-^l.-^^ >U r :^ /^ /-(i. -^ 6"^^ tx-Z^ ^'^A.-'^t-^ /.v^ A"^ -p^^t^ PATRONS ARE REQUESTED TO FAVOR THE COMPANY BY CRITiaSM AND SUGGESTION CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201 S Class of Service This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- gram unless its de- ferred character is in- dicated by a suitable sign above or preced- ing the address. WE S TE RN UNION NEWCOMB CARLTON. PncsiOENT J. C. WIL.LEVER, FIRST VICE-PWCSIOKNT The filins time as shown in the date line on full-rate telegnuns and day lett^s, ami the time of receipt at destination as shown on all m j{ .» J «a r ui N.f'l Ronlr RWa 1 4rti it C Su.. N. W. Washington, D. C. ^'open* K2I NDU85 10=M0RRIST0WN NJ 28 72 6P 1 SIGNS DL = Day Letter NM - Night U Night Letter Deferred Cable Cable Letter ,WLT = Week-End Letter S\ i , is 8TANDARQT1ME. 28 m / 41 DR AND MRS C HART MERRIAM= 1919 16 ST WASHINGTON DC= =280 MILES EVERYBODY HAPPY BE HOME TOMORROW LOVE= DOROTHY AND HENRY. THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE A^ y^ f£.^ / a.>hje^ -^Ix^ nZ^c^c.^ ^ y- r l/\y\^ -t /l^t^ j/^^V-i^-x--^/tSL< JU 'L X* --T "T^-*^^ ^^ e^-e^ ^ i2 // / f^; ULL<. >U' to^ C-- --i' '^^ ?->*^ «-€^ .y..^ /I i -A-< — 2-^^ ^.^''^!-£-^x- -^ ^^t,^^ z^c^.^ V <:5l ^^ .-^^^ -^ --^i^j-vue^^^ Al^^Ox-v-c-^..^^ /x.^-^1 — »,--t,^.-^UA>^ .^ f yv-^efi-e^^ C^^^Al^ C^^L^'^JL. 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^0->^ / ^ / Z^ :| . .^56 ^ ^■--L..^-.*^ "^- ny Mrs. Henry Dehon abbot 6 BERKELEY PLACE # ^ ^ 0^ t CAMBRIDGE: yu^c^-^^-'-L^ /t^T-e-*^ / L iry-^t^ p. 6. Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 berkeley place cambridge massachusetts ^{jjU^ Zl^ ^u^-c^Z^.:^ ^c;fc:u^ Iv^ ( Ji -Z^-i^^-C ^ UL-t^ 6^ ^^"f^^^^^u^ ^^tZ^^^un^ ^a.'cr^ 0 ^ ^u ;t^,^Z^ ^-;^. T^ >T.-'2^^'^ / A^C^ ''-^-'^^^...^i.y^ lA^^^^t^ r^ -/. ^-F" ^'''^^-t,X^/'V'^^ - . r (^ ^ ct^O^^^ -lyc^ ^yd^ t/^ ^1 < r^y^ ^J I y\' r^ /t^^M^-t;^C'6-^-X^ C^^y^^^U^^CA^C^'y^ f^^^ '\j(rror^ W\ CM'itViti'mJ ^.lo M. K«~ «.^,~ * W J - <^*,l.A^ C. Hart Merrfam Papers BA^JC MSS 83/129- Mrs. henry demon abbot e BERKEl-EY PI_ACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS J^^-U.. f- / 1 )^Jl-^c.■^ /U. X^L^ T M.^ UV^ "A^^ ' ^ /Z^,£.^^JT^ bf k>^i>a-^-'Z^^^^wi^-i^x.^^^ I iJ-v^ V ^^-7 aJt J 2^ /5 5 ^ ^ /^ r^ '.I J / -^ 6-iX >n/< o^^-^ 2^ 4 A^'t-^T- .c.-^^ // »l ny\UX^Kl^u4^ "A^ JU^ - Ct0^t.^'«-T/e^ 1 Mrs. Henry dghon abbot e BERKEUEY PLACE /^^ p CAMBRIDGE '2 / ^^L^ /^ ^L ^-O ^^-^X^^ "W^l^ C^ 7 C^^^^^^t^ /X^x^'-rytJ^ c\^ C^ V M-^ x^. nyL..^^i^y\^^ ^^-^-^-^ P^-^JtL^^xA^ f 1) A-^ s r ^^ "t^^-K.-^^^ (P^-c^-tA^ / U 7«-^ «Hlv-^ r^ w i^\y(Ji,X^ iA^<^ ^ S >2^^Cc^^^^^ ^U^^^y^iz^ X^'t^L <^ r /^^t^n Z^'^ € / ^C-i 7^ u,.^t^^ (J^ n, c^ 'j >--^c^^ '=^- (>-U- '^i—ff-ryu^ _3 Mrs. Henry Dehon abbot 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS ajL-^^^ l-rt^ ^-^:wV ^<. i^U J* a. lU^ /2^ A.<. cp€^-t^ /-vv ^-^ ^z^^^. IHr Mrs. Henry Dehon abbot KELEY PLACE BRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS 'hUu£...,sXt ^ c<^ UUA^ r u^--ytlJ^ j^:y y^L-CA, ^- ^o iH^^ Av-^^^/^ ^.^^UJ ^ .^L^ c^Ae^ /y< ^n^-d^ ,f^xy ^/— v-^-o.^o^ ^ X-kA ^i_ 5^ -<::iU-, «' ^ l^-? J l^U^'^Q^ C-''^A.---C'< *<_--^^ ^ ^^^^C^^j^ /V ' /t,*^ -^'^t^ /''-f-^ />n/i ^ h/^-^^ 9 <^U^ ^ Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS J 75l^5u.^ 7/ (^ 2J, i^ -^Ct^X^^^ -t:^^^^ • ^o-'<'Cx^-t^_ ^pfji U^i^ ^ "^^ ^t^.,/-^£o.-..t^lSI.»->t^ k^ (yi^ ^<- Ittr-^ O' — 2^«-^Z^ / « 2^ /y^ u^'C.^-u^ZXJ Dv C<.^^i^^^<^'<^^^^ ^j ^-j'^-^^T-a^-v^ •Ujl ^ it^ (yt^^ ^ v3 ^ t7l<^'\^ AyO ^^BERKOJEY PLACE // CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS I • • /'Z''U/0'-<-^C<---?^ 4 ^'<-< ^^ic-t ^^^ 3oo ^^-^ ^2^^^^^. /L--^^ V --^ -"tZ^^^^-t^t^C.--^ ^•U.^-^ / ^ 6^1.--^ C-^4— - (/ -^ -^.^j- f- ^^uIaI^ -^^--^Ca^. M^ -r^. c/ ^-T^ ^-c-^^ td U^ ^ ^-^^^^it^ o Xe^A^ >--ti.^-^<^ oiL^i^c^Jl.-x.^''-i^ j-^j£^-^^T^ Cc^-c^ ^ ^^^--^^--^^^^L-*-*.^-**'-"^' ^^'U-^t^-^X-^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot JcT • 6 berkeley place cambridge lASSACHUSETTS Jy^' d ^^i^ 2 -^^^K^.'C^^L^-'lIy ^>v--*£-c---i1vc---»,'£-^ 61 t,-^xl-e. »£:i^ z. ; i^<^ J ^A/ — ^_-. i.^^ Zij ^.A-C-^^ , /. «^ / ; ^ - ^ - M - ^ -^2^<. / DEHON ABBOT KEUEY PUkCE BRIDGE ASSACHU SETTS Mm^ Zj-^c ^ / A--<-'-t3»-2C 6c>«-C-^/< .^t^o<-(>^ i^-T^,y^ ^ ^^e.^ .^M^^ / ^Ic^ T F y / u-< t^C^ ^'^tji 1 t. "^^^-^C^-gL.-^ K^-^-^-v <=/ y 7<¥ _L1L «/ ^c^/Lc C-^'-vX^ "i^^^cA /i V\ -■i *4 2 Jr A^t---^^^ ^^T--t^<*t^^^^ i^^yT -ti^ n/'T^.f^.^ d ^"TyLr-r^V^ / ^i^ ^ - .^~VT_J^ f -^'VU^ ^^5^2t>2^^ ^ -c^ ^ >e ^ /? x^ /^^ ^ '^^^ Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 berkeley puvce cambridge massachusetts t ^e. t'-iL- ?/ OC-n^ (U^. I T 7 ^^>^<__ /v'U^OVxX'd-^ n o Mrs. Henry Demon abbot 6 berkeuey p1j\ce cambridge massachusetts A-*-^ -^ ;6 ^ i lypLt^^ Mrs. Henry Demon abbot 6 berkeley place cambridge MASSACHUSETTS lA^ J\JUty^ ) C^^C U^^-^ T^ /nrii c7 >6^ / ^^-u^ C^^ /n^-vt^ e^^ ^^- />! V ^ u^ ^ "^ej h^~i/^- W^ .XL /-^z^-^,/^. X Z^^^^C^ ^^\.^' c h^-xje^ -^-X^ ^'XL^ J V ^ PATRONS ARE REQUESTED TO FAVOR THE COMPANY BY CRITICTSM AND SUGGESTION CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201 S Class of Service This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- gram unless its de- ferred character is in- dicated by a suitable sign above or preced- ing the address. WE UNIO NEWCOMB CARUTON, PMCSlOCttT IONS Day Letter = Night Message NL = Night Letter LCO = Deferred Cable NLT =» Cable Letter WLT -= Weck-End Letter J. C. WILLEVER. ^msT V»CB ^ The filins time as shown in the date line on fulWate telefcrams and day letten,aiid the time of receipt at destina Rec^d at Commercial NatT Bank BIdg., 14th & G Sis., N. W. Washinfifton^ D. shown cn all mees^g^ is STANDARD TIME. •*o!)6K) MAR 27 PM 5 12 D B5U 16 = TDB CA,v;BRIDGE f.'ASS 27 505P DR ANDJvmS C MART MERRIAM= '-1^19 16 ST WASHINGTON DC= MEASLES ARRIVED iV.AY GET NURSE HERE AND COME SATURDAY MYSELF FOR TWO DAYS WILL 'w I RE AGA1N = DOROTHY. THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE O) ^n or / Mrs. Henry dehon abbot 6 BERKE3-EY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS A^TU M-^L^ 7/^ /jJJ, t^^_ 7^ /^/^ ^-z^lX- 3^20 ^rn f 7 ^j^w-2^^>L.^rv>/ <^ ^^yn^^ ^t^ ^ ^ f- ^ /K. "^ k^^t^-z;^-^ / ^ ^ r \ Cn /n^ c'< c A-r ' .^ ^ (> r^-^l^ M V ^^^^-Vv^u-^lS-"^^ M^ ">-C^ ■ ( K^- /^ ^ u ^^ ■r < ^<-^. IS {■ J --lJ^ Ce^ c^ ^"M^^ ■^ — -< A--U ^^ /I ^ \ ^<^^-7^ rz-t^^ ^ "> ■ . /• ^^V'T^y^T^^ ^^^^ /L <^-C^-u- - /P ^H'-n^ 5 '/? 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IT yiyC'\,^^<^^ i-\..^^^-^ n^ bACc s c^ To /d-c^i^ ^C^v_ yi C<, C^-x^K.^^ ^7 j^^(y^^^txyL^ "? /x^^.^ ^ -1^ ^?t,---^>^C-\- L^c^x. s p^ y'2,^€J /l..^ ^_.tL--t^ <:J-^^ 7^ l^ JP Mrs. Henry Demon abbot 6 berkeley place cambridge massachusetts ^^^^^-^ O LcA-^ 0'-<^ ^^ ^/V-U-7 / S'a^ ^ ^--€^ U^l ^ ^ /^ r2^ ^ y<2^ ^ y ^^^ ^ -^ ~^ ~z^^ A^ >/vv-x^07 ^u-'-y^ -/ '^^- ^ .^-i_^ ^^ Vv -<-/ ^ /e-<^ ^'^-<:-<: -^--^ ^c>^ ^ / 'Tt^^Z^-T^ 9^ Mrs. Henry omftON abbot ^ • BERKELEY-PLACE CAMBRIDGE SSACHUSETTS /jZ^ ^ -A^ 'U-'icny >^ A. r 4 c-z^:^ '^'^■^'■'■'^^-J^^ , "i-C^ '^^^J'-ZU' - ^^^^^— -.^-^^C^ (^ t^ -'Z^ V' A An.'-tr, /<^ "^ ^^-^ -7^-1.6^ ^h^X-T. ^ ^ie-c^ ^ /v^xO^ ^ V (^ / n-C-t^n.^ ^ ^ /v' V :) 7^ ^•2,^ ^n^^L-vT.^ ^ ^c^J/' ^ 5 Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot 6 berkeley place cambridge / MASSACHUSETTS ^^ ^^d:r / ^^^ U^. ; 6^c--c- V -{ /^ Oy<^^ UCjl^.y-'x^^ ^y6^C-^ ^ - yo rL^ r^^ 9 \ /; W> f)> l^ M [^~ Mrs. henry demon abbot hy^lSiXc^ Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 berkeley pi_ace cambridge massachusetts ^-^L.^ C-^-^ \ «/ ^/^-^'^ ^^ ^ ^-u-^^^f'-C^^ (pCt^-i.^ 7 ^^U--^ n '^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot e BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS ■-^ /^VC-T_ f 0 2^ " S ^ a / :> ^^^-^t^^-K-^ CY M^-A^-^ ^7^ ^.tX^ V /a_-^ A-^'-V^ ^<^^i\ ^J^o-^ AaV C-i!i..^^-'iJL -t^^ K-- ^^X^ ^C ^ TyV\..^Un d. 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A^' / \Q^k Mrs. henry Dehon Abbot 8 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS ■2^ / z^:^^ c ^^^ -tc^CZ. ---"^ A_ c yL^s..-^?^— ^^^^-^^-21^^ -l^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS . / (M J / /^L.-^^ -€^. 3 C/^ ^--^ -/y y^^-rx-^iL. 'Z ^^^=^ J,.y\,.^i^-^i^^-<.^ ( Lm^ — ^^^«-<_ ^/^ 7^^ -AJ^ ^^T' ^ ^-if^^ /2 y^^z^-2r-Kvn. 7- c^ -^. /A_^tJ>--2^ '^iL^ri.^c^..^ yC^^lCi^. ^-U(^J A^^V-^ / f ( n J (::^i^lS-v- / Z^X^ 2^-7 ^ -x^ / /V^.f^'C /^u-^ i^-^z-^ / ^-z-- ^ r>^ ^3 .£. Henry pehon abbot 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE ^ ~~p MASSACHUSETTS (^^^^-^(^-^C^'^^--^(^^^ ^' <^ ^k.^^^,^ "^7^ ^ 9 Yo ^ r ^ ^ rz (i-<^ £:<^.^€^ r C-p.-^ t^ -^-n ^ v^^^-^...^.-^ -^^E^, / / ^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot ' 6 BERKELEY Pl_ACE CAMBRrOGE MASSACHUSETTS >^ ^yy-i^ )A^'^^^i.,.-<-.^cJC .^x^yC — --^:^-^ / o~-*^^^^ ^' ^^ "^^^"-/^ C^c^—, ,^ ^ '-^s^yX^ ^U, V ^t o-'-Cc /Ju-^U\_ ^ / f i^ S-L /Wv<7 Jj b '. 2-^ *-^ V ■^ •ABBOT Cottage" — i NONQUITT /^l.^^-yy^ MASSACHUSETTS .O^ s ?o ^^-7-^ ^^^^ n/ ^r- ~i<^ 1 -^--^^-2^ 7 /^ /^ / » c.-^^ ^ ^ 'J^ tyi^ O ^ s -^. J // -K..^ -pt^ Y 'Abbot Cottage' nonquitt massachusettts *'^--^<— -^ iH.J^^< "^^^^-^-J V- ^^^^-^ x^.^ (f^^^ ^-^^^Jf^ ^-^-^ ^^^^ ^^^ •^ Zao f^'-^ ^ ^^-^ rQ.^LJ^ s^ ~Z>^ A_J2^X- ^ T^i^-cV" rL^ sj- -Tf. ^>X--'tA— -7 ^ ^ O^u^^ 3 ^'^^-^^ ^cXr — -^ ^n--C <^'^^-l-1^--^-'^c-*•-^ ^'X^ / ^/^^^-t^-vt-.-^^ V-^-t^ Xl-C--*<— -x-'^ '^— •-o-txt^ ^i-^-^yx^ £l^ ^hi/\^^.,^f^^jCOc^^^ K^ r\\je. ^ ^^Ce-i^ /z^-d ^^•>t^ ¥ ^ /^V-^ TX-c^ ^ i^x^^jp o^\ A-^r^vv^ ^ OjT (T <^ /^ Z^^ ^/-C^^L^^.^ ^ JV^ nAx^ A^-Xlxc^ -.^ ^cXc 3 V A-e.c ^^-"^-^ C'A-C^--LJ? ^. //. ?w /..jr. ^1^^^ rK^ "A^"^^ (yku}- * — />ho».^^-;Un^ ^ Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 berkeley place cambridge massachusetts / . ^ ^ i(^U>. 1 lu^ UUJ / -^-^^x'O -Z^n <^2x&i,^hJcr f^V-i-^---T^<,^'^^-<^ C-t^v^ /^^ -t^X>^2>^ ^*-'"^--c^'<^ ^n^--^^^ y - / c^ .^ ^<_je^ --^^^u Z^,^ ■JC^-V. ^ :^ ^-^ > ^i-^J^ ( "^^ i Kajl^ /l^t.-tJt-'zX /a_<:J^-t^ / 1^ MRfe. Henry Demon Abbot e BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE /y1^ n MASSACHUSETTS ^^^^-fe^^-^-^ ^-''^^^^^^^ A^ ^'-^-^-a^^ ^i-ty^-^-'^i^ /^-c^^^O-^ .<7 ^:z^ / ^ 4r '^^. ^ ^Z^A^^^Mc-inJ:) L^t-^f^ / ^>V^^nJl_ /i^<^C^ (yf^^-^iyo lyU^^^-^ Aiii^^^4...^C.-^^^^t-.^^^7^ /AtJ4>^-<-o-^CT^ t'U^ A^ a^^^Ju^ 6A.j^ ^^-\^ 1 /. '^ y <=^t-^*^->^a--^ ^.^^^^ O^h^^^c^^ £>N^-^^^^^-cx-u^ ^Vv '^i' / y ^ /J z .06/ ^^/^F U/^e-^^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot ^ I ^ / ^*^^' "E:nry Demon Abbot jf ^ MASSACHUSETTS ^^LhM^ -Cx^/^ ^-^ lo ^^^-c^C ^^ ^^^ V ^io / ^ .J^ i> / y ^ ^^ ^. ^^ ;X^ ^^^--t^:d/ .^Len^ /9 O^ \/L^ut,^^-€.je^ -4- C-e^-C.^^-L.^^ huje^ ^^^^^ -i>>-U? ^^'^'"^^^ '-Mno. llcrmT PbHUN 6 BERKELEY PL>CE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS (fiX^ ^. ^jj IJL-x^^h^^^^^ AyC-Ti^^jl^ ( / -^xyl^ ^yO tJ^L^-^^^^-^-iA- ^^— t — " -^^:>L^ .^.'-'{/--'a-^ <^ — '' i-T,.*'*-''*-''^— * Af ' iz ^-^ ^C^^-.-.^^ '^^^i.^tf-^^'l^ ..--A-V^Y / -^ ^^2,^i^--k^ ^:- ^^ .^ .nJ^-^^-^-Ct /^--C^ '^5:^ ^ -/ L^ ^Z ^ Li n ^ f ^^^ ^^, 6/ ^-^ >\^r-z^ ^ r-Z^^- tu yxc^i^ -^^^ 2-'V-C -^^V-^'-^V-Ti^^ ^ Z 3 yL^ c / ^ C/->XJZ^ /2--^«^ ^-2, ^:=^i^ t^^^?t^--L^ ' ^^-^t^^ / -/. ^ /-t/-<: _,/C^,^'\~^ UL L^ t: l^L^ ^t--*=*t^ ^Z-: O^^CjZ k. -<^--t-^ A "T^-ej? c-r^^ rz^ ^.-^'<^-t>^Vt-T,W^ • // ^^-^^-v<^^^^ ^'^^^-^ -^^ -"^C-T^ / /-■w^ 4^^:^ O ^ J^ ^ ■^ ^^ // ly■'^^ ^^>r^.j:^ ^^/^ Mrs. Henry dehon Abbot « berkeley place cambridge massachusetts /? /j/ Z^ 7^ V 2^ /^T^ X-^ / t^ 3 ^ Y ^^C-^^-^-^-i ^{^^t^^^'^i^L^ cT. ^ r^ ^ ^ x.^^^^/^^ 2-y A ^ t''vn..^t'^-<' /^ /Z-'. /l^-r-t^^^ ^.JZTf r ^--^^ /rzT 3^ y^^ /-Vu^/ -^. ^:^^ '/• ~RZZ::T ^L^^< -^ '^^ ,^tcr ^/ 7 X -Ij^ ^f^-^Sy(7 P / X ^t,-\ /-- A j^ -Ll // u- tu ^ ^^ ^z^ 7^ L^ -UZ. ^ZO / 5^ ^t^ >V2- '^ ^^V /^2-^''^C8- / vT ^^""^^ / / // r •a* f^J'^tt Ui/L C>'i^l\i-^^nj^) mm r 7 / 1^5/ '1^5 ^ ^//^ uc€e w^. 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U^ ^HV /V, l/y-i.'^^.'-'^^^i-^ CAj^ Mrs. Henry Demon abbot 6 berkbjey place cambridge \ massachusetts >/ // O CK^ r '^-^^--r-'Xyi^ lUf ^-y c-z^S^ Y •l(-'?(—'-3^ 9 Lp^-jl 'J ^ ^^ /W^ p ^:*-v-^ /cd^ -v ^^^ 2^ <^ ^ Z- y^- ^ r '^•^ /.-i.-,^^ % h^^L^^ /x^y^.^:;^ ^ ^ A /C"-^ L'l.^kS^^L'-^ ^ U^^-c-^ Lx^ JT' ^^"Vt-^C^ -,:>^ O^'hjp -^ -w-^W^ /ii^Z^ '^ (^ ^^^^^U^i^ 3 Mrs. Henry Demon abbot e BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE ^2^ MASSACHUSETTS ^ ^UL ^^^--^ ^^ ^jy^^::^ f ^6^ 9^ -^^-^ ^^fT :s^^^ U ^ -^^S-^^^L^^^^^-^ ^^iLo ^ . ^^^^^-^-'-^-^-c.aj^ ^ ^^^^^^^^%^l ^ 1/ Mrs>4:|enry Demon abbot yZ^,^ 6 Bfem«lJEY PLACE ' — 7-7" ^iJASSACHUSETT? A'W^L'-tf^, -t-5 ^' .'-'^-^L^ ^^a/-^X^.o--C^ ..^-^^--^^--^^L^r 'i'^ ^2^- s^^^ c^^-C^ y^f^^A.--^-'''^-''^^ j\^. ^ ^^---i^A^,,-^ n-<^ ^ ^^^-^^ . -4i£cJ, Z^ ^ ^ -c-^ -^ / W^ /j2/> -£-^(2^ (TkA. "U^-^^ y ^ '^Zzyu ^ur- At-^^1- c ^h^ US-. ^' ^ X-, /y /K^ ^'^\^ C t. /^\^ V "L J / / < c f J^x r ^1 }^ -— CL ^f\^. ^-^ — ^ / ^ y Tiu ; ^^ CL a -Z-- / ^ r (^ ^^^^i^^—C A^^^'-41~ f c/^^ / /«- X ' ] n :?^ ^ ^^^ (/^-i^ Ji TPZ^^ >^ /^ <^^ ^^^ ' ^^^ ^^-.^^ 'Z^, X n 'h^'^^ -^ o ^7 - -tt-C- - -fi--^ C^.^-t.,-T_,'C,^^C-^ M^* -C^, /L,^x,-dcf / z_ -^e. '5 7-r-/. <^ z ^ ^^ ^"C— -C-^' O- 7 / X- / w^' ^-\x^'^^'n^4^^^^ /2_-£^^ -C^T ^\AJL. rC u ^L. < _ ^ ^ '^ ^^' iCi-- / f ^-1 ^-t>^^ ^A. tSt^-tM^' C /-L ^ ^ t SCu^7 /bi'-M-'-^ t-t ^ 1 / ^ /a. t ( 4* V-1-- ^ TTCZ^ rju. 1 i /^t_-J__^ Jv.^^- L v—t^^ V ^ ^^ Tu a z TZ p^^ 4, -^z-^- ^v-?^-^ ABBOT COTTAGE NONQUITT MASSACHUSETliS Oil ^^€Ji4-^ t^t / V / l'9-i,urjyj2j^,.^ / *iio-2^^T^^^>L^ -e 't.^ -UlTu. s ^^^-^L^ * ^ ^<-<- u yu^-zyx^ - ::^ (^Lc^^y^u I Ciy^ ■ ^ / / 9 ? ^. 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W' 'W^ IMa fV\ /bb4) - UhvY^ JAMES A LEVIE MANAGER U )4-. -M. 7^-1^ e—i^S C'UZ^ ^ VJ7 ^/4 f — P -> S J>' 7" 0 L 'Ic) ^ -^-^. ,A— — — » / /■JO / ^./l /v^ .^e ^ /< y-^- ^ ^^ CtTKl^nS^ ^- ^ _^^^ / NEWARKw'S LARGEST <400 ROOMS -400 BATHS TCLtPHONE MITCHELL 2- 5IOO Hotel Douglas niLL STREET. OPPOSITE CITV MALL NEWAR.K., Ntw Jersey ( o-- t^^ 5~ A^^^^L^^ U-^J^ / >«-C (^^ •^ i-z^ /Ps^-^ / r -lJ- • 2^^f f^y 3. Ui^^^^,^^^ il^^UUfAJ ^ 1 "^ /LLA^^C^ U- *7>t'-l,.-'2^-a'--'A-''^^'--C^ — ^f^O-^-t^-'^'l-^ ~1A^ /^c-^ZXcZZ^t^ r. "^If^ ^^ A ^ Y-^ -^S^c^^W^/^ ,!5^ 7^ X-^^^Jcje, I ^A"^^ ^^'^'T-^.^^^-T/^e-l ~^0L^ }l^l.yl>--^\^ (y^^-OsZ^c.'^^ C^JU r y^^ V V 9 x^i Y. ^^^ ^^^C-^ --^ J ^^^U^^V^ ^ ^i.^^ '? )'k s x^>^^ "'"'^^ ^^^~>t- oh^yJty^, [^ i^Lyty ^ ^ / f ^^/ ^y hrC ^/-V<>^ /^-:^ ^ j^:.Lc^:i luj^ / > v^ / J (^\^u>^ "'aI^^,.--^^ -^---Ct^ c^ ^ '^-.^ R^ ^ / /«=^ (^^-^^^-UZ hjLc/^ ^^-x ^ ^ C^aJ^ V -^v-^OC '^<^^-^^'00.,.--vn^'n^l,''"\,--t^ ^^Vt->^ 9 -A-^OC ? /L -^^ ^- ^TyLe^ ,^-e-£-^^-f^-7C-i_>^^ l^^v^ K-^^^^ uC .:^.^^ A^-^^-e. r^le ^i^je ^^(^ ) , ~yX^n,'t,-^U^iZt] d6v^. cjt ^^ Sf-3Z /^ / v / K=P ■C-'O^J^ ^ /\.<^' ^ t '^ rt^^ ~?C^tJ^ Y V c ~IyL^ 9 c^X-^^J^^^-^X- ^ ^'<-^^ A r ^ 9 -^ "TT^^^x^ /*■/ J" lv<<^^ -ZL^, / ^-^^-€? ^ ~^^ ^1- L ^ -^ X -V^O-i Iv^^^ VVu-^ -Tv^ -c^ ^^ Cyi^ z^^z ^c/ '^V^ ^^^-■-^yu^ -/- -7 X. T'n y ■2-.. ' r J A-t-t / A^- 6<-< / / '/^ ^ / ^-^Uu^^ cth<. / /Oof-y^ (A^ 4- 'b^X^.^C -U^^A^tUL :h 7.^^ i^c;a 1 9 /^Cmt h / 00 V -. xt::j 4- -^ . / / 5 < 7 ^T-^-U-C-^ '^^ '^''-^^^'-^^^-^^^-c^J^ r / "^ /^^<^ 'f^i^-^^-i^ ^/L^ ^^Z /Vj^-c^ 0—^-■^Jl il>^ 7 ^_ '1.^ ^^ '^^-^<^'<^\2^^ <^ ^L^ ^ ^^'y-<. c^-^ A_< tr" ^ ^^^C zIn ^^.^^ ^ X i^^-^U? (7' ^-^ ^^^>-u- ^z: "i-t^-je^ r.-. ..e^-r c/- ^-^C^-^t^^ >^ -i^-^^C-Xy^ yi}-^L.^i.^^-n...'<^ J\l ^-u\^A ^i^^X^ y\yL<^ ^J^--^^-\L-i y^ ^^c^ / ^' . K--yu^Lc^^<^ -^C-^x-^^^lJ^ y}n^^.^x^ Tl^ a-^z^L^^ X ^ 2-<-0^ ^^ -'■ w.-'i^ ^ ^^ C^^/^f , Ux^ a *^_-A_^-i- /^ ^7 /^^--t,-^^X<^ ^>^^-. /) <5<^ / / — - ^ /; -H -^1^ i<^^<^ £ ^^^..-^4^1 /Q^tyL^ r y^l V ^ / /A_-#^v_, u ^^A^— -t-lS^2^-7^ ^ J/\/^^'C-<'*'^ / A '^^-^■<. --^ z^^ ^^u^^-^ u^^^L^ L/ / -^2klti^ /"-^ y- •^-■T-^i>-T_^ n-*^ ^ > x.l£^£^ C^^J^CJ, U^ ^ W^. -U-^-^^^ >-t.'^ / o'\^ J ^^M^^^L^ / ^ /] -s^fce-"?^ UyL-^^^^ ^^---lU^ xj -£^y ^^ 'Z,^ /o-« ijn^ ^ ^:^ y^^- — 1-1 — Y /^, / — fT-" /l^ ^<.-'\JL -'^^>— > i Nt. Ia.-^-^^ H /l-^^^ 't^-'C <^^f-Ly\. 7^ C\..^-L^ /^-"-''-^ -i) / Ixr' THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE CX\.ss OF Service I201-S This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- gram unless its de- ferred character is in- dicated by a suitable sign above or preced- ing the address. WESTERN UNION'" n. m. WHiTK t^ncaiDKNT NEWCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN OF THK aOAItO J. C. WILLCVER FIRST VICC-FRCSIDKNT SIGNS DL- - Day Letter NM' ■ Night Message NL- " Night Letter LC- - Deferred Cable NLT- ■ Cable Night Letter Ship Radiogram The filing time aa shown in the date line on full-rate tclegramo and day letUrs. and the time of recapt at destination as shown on all meessses. is STANDARD TIME. Received at 708 14th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. ,«„ ^. • ^ ■"■ 1935 DIG 5 m 3 WE223 10=TDB CAMBRIDGE MASS 5 545P DR C HART MERRI AM= 1919 16 ST= MINUTES IN TRANSIT PULU-flATK DAY LCTTCN 51 ••FAMILY SENDS LOVE AND HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO DADDY GRANDPAS DOROTHY. THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND . .EST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE. Mrs. Henry dehon Abbot / 6 BERKO_EY PLJKCE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS Si)^ . U^ ■ f^ (f73. ( oCC'tL^s.^^-^-^y 7w c<. Ujt.:ll_ >>^^ 9 J^ - .4.^ 7 t 6^^^0> 2^6c-'>-^.xf*«^ ^ .^'^C^:--!^ ^ ^^.t,<^ ^ pc^c xCrf^t-^^ Xj^ /»o-i^ 'U / /*-^CJ^ i^'>-^'C^ / c/ ^-c^.- -^.^.c^::^ Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot e^BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS Ve V M f :><-. u^-c^J' ^^ 5^ v^ A ^^t^.-^:^ Z,^ ^>T^^ -t^^-^ ^ // \ \ i r a Hn X_^ c^ /- -/ C^'-'Z^- vo i y ^ Mrs. Henry Demon abbot 6 berkeuey pukce cambridge massachusetts M^^ ■ //v yy^. Xczz^--^ X^i^ - ^^ /^ /^ ^ "Tn^-^-^-^^-^T^ '^^C^^-^^^ t>^yK ^y~^- "L^ ^:^c^^ ^z^ <^ c-'/lj? C-'f\^-^ ^1^ ^/-v^^t:!^ ^-lA..-^ ^><^-€-< A' L -i-^ ---7' '/f— r^^^ij;^ / '2f- >^^-^- ^^" /i^i?^- --^t.. r ^ -^ ^^^.^ /O a ' ^<-{ U^'^ r. ^l^ lyi^ /'"-<^-^>^ / lA^ t '1^ (?— V ^>i^' ^ < Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 berkeley plj^ce cambridge massachusetts odf' -To^.^^^-^^^ Ul^ V 'Z^Z^ ~^c^t^-^ ^ ^^1^=1...^^^ ^^L^ ^ -<^ c ^e THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201 -S^ Class of Service This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- gram unless its de- ferred character is in- dicated by a suitable sign above or preced- ing the address. WESTERN R, B. WHITE PRBSIOKNT NEWCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN or THE BOARD J. C. WILLEVER FIRST VICE-PRCSIDKNT SIGNS DL = Day Letter NM = Night Message NL = Night Letter LC = Deferred Cable NLT =• Cable Night Letter Ship Radiogram The fiUng time as shown in the date line on full-rate telegrams and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as shown on all messages, is STANDARD TIME. Received at 708 14th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 1953 DEC 21 PM !2 5' iwEl64 10=B0ST0N MASS 21 1248P DR C HART MERRIAM= 1919 16 ST= MINUTES IN TRANSIT FULL-RATK DAY LETTER FAMILY AND WEATHER CONDITIONS NOW SATISFACTORY TO START DRIVE FRIDAY= DOROTHY. -€XTR^ V^LU-C in Holidai| Teleqrams always read... remembered because they are different , COST /?/ LITTLE ^S 20^ UJITHin TH€ CITY HOLID^IY C4IBL^^^ WESTERN UNION GIFT ORDERS SOLVE THE PERPLEXING QUESTION OF WHAT TO GIVE Al^U, Dorc'^ V ^i iA O m^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot 6 berkeley placs CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS r^ - ^"^ - lyf. U IlcUJU /J -7- / yC^L ^ / x2-'^<^ ^■^-^A^-,^ 6. -^^l1-^--^^12_^^_ '/- a:^ .1^ 6^2^^ 2) a^ Mrs. Henry Dehon Abbot 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS / %. -^ -t^lji / 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS iAxt-^t-^-e^ ^^^/ f'^J ^ ^\^^1^ /J. vie ^'\^CC^l^ ^r^ y ^-^^ C^lS,^^^ /6 ' .c^ /^ ^^^^t^ ^ ^ /^-^ >/ ^^ Cy^-^. Li^^ ^ /^6 6 Berkeley Place cambridge SSACHUSETTTS IJI UP\ /^-v*-^ /7 t^v-yy^-d^^ '^l.-C -i^^i^wr ^-^ -u-jL^ / c --cA^ / -t^u <^ 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS /W-^U^y^ ^^ / / ^ 7 ^ — '2^^^->— ^ i^<^^ l^-*<-^^^ ^*-^c^^^ O-x^x -L '^^^ ^/^,.-^< <^>>'t^n_ /.^^ y^ ^'Z^ U^t--<^-7^ / Berkeley Place cambridge /y yt- U/^-^ c^lAL X — ^V-'-V-^V.^ L.<^ >V S> <^^^L,r^ Ca.^ J2n ^i^-v-zH^ ( /w^ ^ ^2--<2/ ^•■^^ /A Berkeley place cambridge massachusetts :t £a h^ V y^ V\.^^i^ Cd .^ ^<-^v^ ^ ^x^ U-<» (^ . /7n J^ .ptc c^ ^ >^^^^ "T^L^ ^ V/u-u^ -^ t<7 ^7 "Z^ ^^^^ ^^-€_^^ -^ — ZXc Ai i) A ^-4> Oo^ ' ^ ^^— ^^^ V jj^ J^^ -^^^ Jt^ 7 ~t4^ t^^t^^ 6 Berkeley Place ^'l-C CAMBRIDGE ^O-i MASSACHUSETTS (T / ^<^ C^i ^ kVM^Tx^6-i^iU*^^«t U /i 3 /^- /^ . . ^i^i^WL yA^^^ ^lyO A- ^w^ v.t^^ /^:^:xr Z^ i^^^x/c, K 4 ■^ V {L^CA^ J'T^ /f"^"^ ^-^-^ /-^-j^^ A PUUZe^ ^Z^ ^io^vt_^ .<^ / iyy-z^Zyi^ <>^-r-t>;^.^ c^ C^i^^^ 'IX *^>^:^ A-/— 6'^--t>t.--x--z£___^ f ;^ / «< to ^y\.,^ ^p-»<^^'^ i^-i^iyt^ ^ H.^-c-^^K^ 7h' / y/ >M ^ ^ ,J7 ^ ^ ^ Uy^C ^"-y^ ^^-i^^^ 1^ .^UiJ 'HuL, 6>->^-•«-d^ ^~W-^ i^yC^.y^\_y^ II A<-0^ C'*'''V-\X-— ^ Lt^ Ll-^UI-^!^ -^.^^ ^^<^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^r^-^-.^-^^ ci^^^i^J ^ /^o/ ^^^^^^ ^ivu^ t^nr^d^-yt^^dl '^'-''^-"^--^^/'vt^^^ ^z/t^' Z^Ja^ <^ >^--^ >-^^<.,.^.X^ / /^.^^C^ A-^jg. ^ A^^^^JU "■-^ l^&^U^ l>-\/-^^i^ ic ^--^^-^c.^ ^^^nCuK. KO^ y I C^xy^^ Aru^.^)t TiU^ ^^^-^ ^ ^ ^^^ ' — -€^Jti^ r / u. u^ 6 BERKELEY PLACi CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSI IL. fUA:l^ ^ ZU..^-^ I M 1/ ^ •¥^ Ji ^ "^ ''^-tce^ J T- 7^ ^^^^ U^U..^ ^^.,-^1^, J'^^^ vd^ Ux^^ CyCn^ ^ -^^X^^^TJ-TL-.l^ 9^ ""^.^l^-^I*^ / v' o-t^-l.^ ^:^^j>cr 2d / /s^ -/ ^:^-^<,i^ A P ^:C_-i_^ t^ .^t^ Ch^'^-^ ^ ^^'^-^A-d.^a.ix- < ^Mx^ ^ A.yU^.^^^.y-iAJ>tM 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS 7-A^ ^- ^ '^ /^-^ -^XZ/ ^^e^ ( 9 L /.^^^X^ U.-yv,CJ^ /i^ ^ ^^^-^ .^V^ f^^^ 0^^ C^ ( ^ ^ Jf . 9 ^^c\..^ ^ 6£^ y^"^--^^^-^""^- ^J^s.^^^s^AT ^ A-c -^ ^ '.r M^'lx^^— u^t-^^ ^3yc-^^ ^ OOOOOOPO /[ A^, ^ j^a ' i/j-^ :> J/J'' <- • ^ A-^K^^ I ^ cL^2jt ( ^--nJL /^..^ X. /^ (■^^ '^-M ■^l-.^^X ■::3&Ls < ' II r^L-^/t^ '7"M>.'^u^t:>^ CAMBRIEK3E MASSACHUSETTS ^^. t'-t-t-^Sh^-Ti. -A^O /v-ZL^^ V- A-^A^ -t^-< (^L^^ Ci^ijf- t^-K.^-^ -^-^ ^^^

C^>^^^J^^ / •<<^-i A/ "m c^ \ o- — V ^^-<.^ J^^-n. ^ c^ — ^ -.s~~ ^^yc^ -^^^^€^-— cJ ^^:^ H Y h^'L^^^CA C^- r (f ^U^ ^ p ,2.^ C-l^-M^ UtA^__ '^t^^ ^-^^^ "^^^^"^ t2^^ c^^'-e^ ^^ 2^ ^ •/ c^/ -^^^C^^je ( i-^ /^^- y-^^ Z^tA-^ r. c ^ ^ ^1^- KyO--{ 'Xr-r-'^x^ a^ ^^L-^^sT'^C^ /a---^v_. . /-<^-^i^^ J-Cc. -\x^ C/C^^'t^ --^2--T 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS ■s^^ C^^^^-C.^ ' JL^ouLJ^ If „ 7 ^-'^---^ "'^i^ ri^^^c^^-- ^ e. Z (^ ^ a^.y(^^ C^ Zle^ ^ — J yL<,yC^i^-n f t -u- J^ -^^^^ cK^ ^^^A-^^Xjf J L-i^—ts. ^-2.^ .^:^ / ft--^^_^ > ^^ / r:z: /d/\„><^^ ^:r-^ i-vt^ L^t>-<^..-.^aJC~ "TVux'L^ • lyU^-C^^-l^jf- -d / -""^---^-e^ ^ CL-j^^ lyi^JL I / > ^ ^^^^^^ ^Ch1€ . - -fi ^--^^ ~Z^ -^^-<^ K.-L^ — t/^ ^ ^ ? 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M^--^^ l^r-C '■^^ C^UU >i'>-uc_ -d-^ . ^(^^-^ U t ^=^^-1.^ ir\^Jt ^ ^-^ /^ r/- \/ ^^ ,^^ --?> ^^- t__ <<-^ / "— z^ i) /o^ / ^^"^ .^ ^^^t^^.^2:-^ ^ X^^ LyK^J^-^ ">i-^::' -S-^^-Z^^^!^ --2^ (Z-A^^^-t^ —-^ s^ '2^i.«_ ^ ^^ / ly\^y^-t^ u^ A^ AX^ <^ ^z;^^^^:^.-^ /- V 6^ / ^^tXT^ ''^^^--^. ^^ J^>^r.^--^lyJl\ h^ -c-'Cr ^6^ '^^-^^^—^-^jC O^-^^-yx- £j(0M^ ^ A^- f^^^i y^- ^^-^ /L^. /'-s L^x^ L.y_^^ "Tif/v^ y^ '^^^ >v-<.^-^^ -i.^.^*-^^ ^j-^ ■^~t ^ ,^ ,f >e^t-^:^ -^yi/^-rA^^ d^y^^^t^'^C'^K^ ''^/-v^T'-o^t^,-^ /y ^H^ 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE lASSACHUSETTS 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS /u^, jz ^^ /^y^ ^ / 6i>-<^-'t^ UcA-'-'l.'^C^^ ^^c^ <-n 6ht^€^^ 7h ^i-z-^ '^^-~ Lv~-»y\. C^ ^=>-^^ Ux^^^C^ f /-L .^^.--^^^--t^ <^ Z-^->u^ ^ V -N -I 6 Berkeley Place cambridge massachusetts JJU ¥/ /f 3 "/. (x^ ~~^C.^=^,J^^^ ^..-e^ c^-^^y.^ t/AjtU^ ' 2X ^-t^ ^^^^A^c.,...<,^je. ^0 toLn^yJl i- t-'-i'-t- ^- X/ ■ / U^^^jJ^^^ / ^^^^ ./:»^^ . -^^ ^£-C^<^ "/L-r-^ ^■'■^ "^ ^*6r-. -^ i^'f-.U / /"-^f^-c-t-f— .,J^S~ Tla^ ^ >'v<^_^ ;>T.^-y^ v/ / ^^^z-^-^ ^>-«-^ ^ "^ "~z:?U ^ -tuc^ Y ^'lxM^->--t-'<>K- n^^Cc / 0^ ^ U N ^^-i--^^ ^ ^^-^ ^^-c^ , ^^.C^ C^V-C^-n.^^ -.^ /^ ^""^ A-^'-'^-ZJC. l/x<^ ^ ^-e-.^du. hyh.^^i>---iy^-^A. ^5^ ^ UyC^.^^..^-^^ ^Z^c^z^ l-^L-^ ^ ,a.lX. <2>^ ^::\...-^^ 4. ^SPC^^'L^ ^o- J iA.^^%4^^zJca.^^ 6 BERKELEY PLACE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS -2^ V :2L . ucx-^f ^ ^ yO-<^^^^ P o-iM^ z ^ 5" ^ k/- /^ ^ 7 ^^ >V>U^ ^ U/n^-^H..<.--u^ /U-th-^J^ i^^ ^^^ ^— ^^^^4^^^ ^::^ ^. M/^ >^-^^^^ /^ 't^,.uX<^ / 6^ <^ ^^-ccT^ ^'^l^VX- ^;^ "7 ^^;rr /^ /, ^ U.^^-t^--\Jl, % ^^ ^l-'i^ CA^^^i^ o.-^^-C A-^^ ->-<:e-2A -Ltcj^ ^ ^ / ^\o 9 ^^C< M:iOd\'\ Ibrott^u (M*fYn(^tv\) ) i93^ ' m-^ C.HartMerrtitfn Papers 8a/129c 7 o & -d-i^^O l^\.^-1^ C r/j'-^ .a_.^i^-V-i,-cJ-^ .0. yu? V ^ i^-i_^ j^^£^ / ^=^ k-c^^ ^ / 7 6v-t. 6^1-0.1^ J7 ^^--M ^^^ ( U^ ' J^ 7.5V 2/w^ iL^^-tJi-c^Jl. ^'to 6- 7^ ^^t-v.^ I ^ 1 3 j /Vi L i/^ O^'^.'^^JLl^^ ^ • ) / /u^vZZ-ue-C7 /^ /^ 7 J> ) y/ .""y-^ ^v^ ^^■^■/; K--i>7 7^ A. ^ ^ 6o v^.-^L^5^2L j^ ?^ U-T. Vf -F ni A-i...^ '^^< ^-.^ fi ^rr -v LXL^ c^^^^U^ ^ P^- -? V CVV.. ^t-'-^-^!!^ Ir^h^'CcyK r y i3 y^-^<^\ 7* ou.^ "^^^-ti^^v '^ 1^'A 6^-< CKjL.-'i^^ uCZ. 7 L z:f. (^^ -^ ^>--2^ (-^<-^i^ ^2^ /JLc^^L.^^^ /tn-C >1^ z^^ J^u^ '^ ' JU, A ^i-^L^^ «-,i-^ /^ J J .^^c. U!l^U2JU rf / \c:^> ^^ ~h^ t^t C^K v^^W^^ C-f ^v.^^^'^^^^-d^Sl^o b tL^^ ^ /^^f L V ^-ioaJ^x. el t< ^>-t. '^ ^ < ^^Y,, -^ /^^ V c -*^ Cf^Lc. it_„Xe-^t ^ - / ^^ (-^^^^-T,^'^j_, ^■^-c^triX ^' On^ )^c V i^-'-^^v-^^lc-- ^-C^-t-- ^Z ">' A^-C^^K- -if-^^Mj- jX-i^/ ^ -?- 2^'VL ^^ O-'C^^L^^ -/ie- -K, t. K-^-tZ— ^-1-^ U..X^v>^ -e^^ -"2-^ ^ ^L^-i^ ^ / >xj2^ ^- -^t^ ^ -^. '''"^. 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A><-^u^v- "^ cl^-^ e^ ^-^1.-^ /? ^^>^--^^^ -^^^A ^ue<_ XAvdMJi 't'ho (a^ -r >^^-^^647 a. /'l-^vxC.<,..^^i^x^.C^ C'f^vil^pCt 3 4-^x1 7^ ^ C^t^^ZZK^ J^nAJtiAS^ lA^ cyL^-jtJLxjL^u-^ ^J^yLy^^-^Li^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ypjA.^^ ^ cM^Jl^ • I ^ tA^^^4 » V^y^ ^/^A^^o-Slt^ tX^ 4^6.^^^^ V- 7 r >^ (( /-^v^ ^ 2^^^ c^'-A.^K^^-o^!^^ "^^ A/.^ ^ ^^^ ^ li^oc^ i It // I An-v^x^ .^t:^ -h 1,.^^ JU-,^:id^ u^^ -^v.2fci. / /^-A-^ /-^/ ^ ^ y- lykyc^ \st AuyX^-X^ L^ ?-iX/ ^ , 7 / / ^T^ t^—l/~l^ ^ Ki'-^'iJL, / ^V^t/t-,.-,^ / '^ ' U^-^r^ ^t^ ^£^ a.^^ "A^^.cy^Ct: A^^l -r^- ^^'^ -"^-^Lc^ y^-'^^-'*^ ^i-<-wi^ ; \ 6 BERKELEY PtACE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS /£^^.--l--#Lw JLc^A^At. M. /^^ ^6c^^u^ ^^ ^^x-A-W 'jL^P-rx /v4,^-t/lCK -;>^«»-^-<-'^ /> t^ 75^ (f-Ji^ ^^^ ti^ ^tUjL " -/v^r z>u^ / -«>^ / • Jiej, J Cy^^^^C^^^ c„c^ ot^<~ /Z-^-^ *^ /-l^-'^o. ^■v-<^>. ^Vv— ^ Ox, f^ l^q aM V ^Xc /d/-t-^-»/^ --C^-tr-^Q-^^ UXJt n V ^/vt Jiec-H^ 7^ ^n^k^^eJl^ 4^^-c/2^^«<^ AV% Ci^y%^ ^^^^ /A.^u^-<: 9^ ^^^^ /X.-^^ — r— >v ^L^ A^'-X-^^i^^^ ^"T^^-^^U^ lyvy'^<>Cy^ S'M^^'^^^t^'-^. ^2C^ Ir^KyiLz^ / P 1/%^^ Z^^^cJ-^ -r^ n..c<.^4^ ij^^ -'^-^t<_ ;' M/w Z^^X'^'^-VA^ -S*-'^^*'-*^ ^/t-,!,^ — /2-^:^ ^ J^ ^^v-^-v A. A-C-C^ ^^^''''"V-I-'-C--^t^^*..-'<,.--^ /t''^--£,-'»*.^^2. // '^^--x-^ ^...^cC^r^n^ ;^ ^i^-C '^-^ ''^--^<^<>'^Vt^^^^ ■^^^^^ f. )r <^^^ ^«| '^^^^"■^-e.^z. /'kv^^ C-i^-z^-^'X-a. •hr^, ( x(> "^ 2S V -Ih-^tA-rii^ )^^ {A'-ic^ V ^c-A^ ^ /2*<.^U^..l,,<,-x. ^^^<'^^-^ ^^ A^-^ >< -^ >H^ 1 ^ -•^-^ 7wMpiu€ /^ c/->n.c^ X^L-c-L-t: /.£^f_^j^ ^ip-Ji^ lft<^ u.Mt^ ^ 2ifc ^ /^/i^ V^ a4^' >t.^ u^^ ^c^^ ri^z^^ ^ -> l^<-- > ^_ "?-l ^ 4^d^ ^ / X u J^tC^UL CLAyyhj^ \cJ ^^^^Z^ ^ / / /v^l^^7 J ^ '^-^lyt^ V ^ V" V <^ X ^-^l^ "-^^^^-vt^ 3 /' • I />-t/L. 2^^ti2 ^>^^L ZH^:^-^, ~Z^ ()-€. /2^ jZc^e- ^^^ 7^ / /L'<-A.-<^'d-/^^^-^ li^M^c^ //i-o^C-^ i ^Sc^"-^ '-uLc^'r.^ >^ ZZ\l ^u^L^^ — ^:w^ d^C^^^ 6m / ^ <^>:? 4 A^^^^-1^ J--y^ / ^-"X^yt^C^t^ "^^^^t^ X-^-^z^' ^A.£^ tl^^'^ ^-Ut;^ LHiyu^\^ ?^ ^71^ ~ /^^T^^-^J^ ^^^^t^2<^^^ (S^^vt:^- ^ 4^ ^ y\jM^ /V-^^--^ 6?-->a (-^^L^^^CL.^ ^ La1^^-€ca. Cyvt^-^i^Z^C^ ^ ^^t::^ U^-^^ / y^^yL^A^jL ^ ^'fCx /Z^l^-^-^^^it^^^^'^-^^ i ^ 1^^ ^ /e^ -.^^.iZ^ 5^ louy^^ut^ (3 "f ) /1-Vi^ ^^•Z-^Ci-^t-V L^ci,^<-^^--i'<^-u'L^Au.^ -^^ 'i-jO^^ (^,^Jl'n^'Xi2^n^—-'Tr )liy-^ (1/9 * '^ ^::'>:^. /-^ jytA-^T/^^ i/l tuZT^^'i^f^ t^i^ ^ Zi'-^'U^ ./^.^'.--'i-^- c^-C-^ "^C^L'-'^^'fJL. C^<. ^L\. c /L^ f- cLihxA^-^ Ty ^ ■ L L(r>:^-^ Mrs. Henry Demon Abbot 2319 TRACY PLACE WASHINGTON D. C. L L^ - 3^ -t^^i><-^^^^C^ .S-i^th^^^^.^duP ^^^-^^ ./ t-'^T^T^-'^^^ i^ ^n^. ^ r" /• ' ^ / z^ ^ A-'t^^-^ ^ ^-^^^ 9^ Tfcr -^/^:^ ^'Ui.^-iL /^^^ ^. f^ C^-f^^ <^^ ^^-y^d2^x ^^^^^Om^-^ ^<2.-Ce^^ T. V (T^^^ Ol^ c^ xjZ^-x^- C^Z^^ T^^e^^l ( ^ D. C. Mrs. Henry Dehon abbot 2319 TRACY PLACE WASHINGTON c::>r^ ^ /1/t '7>-t>v<: /i^ y cy^^-c.^ )v^ A ^^...yCjZ. I- '^T 7? ^-^>c ^/^ii_^,^ -»-X— ^::^^>" 7^ A^A^-t^-t,--!..^ / "^^ l^^^^i^ c^^ct^ A X-^ ^ nyC^c^^ O^-'-X. ^-i^^^ni^^^^^ y"^— -^ / ^^^L -t^-iy^S^ ^ -o^-uv ^ ^^L^^z. •/ . LJ^-^ / A,-^<^ ?T~ /c < X- i-^--L>o c^^^. a >^ <^^^ ^. 1 MRS. Henry Demon abbot ^ * . 2319 TRACY PLACE ^ ^ 2^^ ^.L^ WASH INGTON -^C^ i. D. C. -i^^<>v.^C^ ''^^. IZ^ /4^-V-li-' ^ y-yI /(2<^ ^^r-;^'^^ eA-1 » /2^ ^^^t^^-^y- (^\yL.^'<^ /^--&-A^ /-^^^ /v^ (- yui^ /J L^ 3i-£^' f^^^c^^-^ 7^. (XyU ^U) J^ I l^XyOC /^-i-^lt^t^ ^,^^-^e^ r /\ /; La-^^^i cr .^-/Ix^. ^^ ^->' /y^-^5^X K.^^yi^C'ty^ i~ / L^ lyTiyuuZ^i U7 k^l'-'^J^^^iylX l^L^^^-^X /C^2-.-^ 2^ - MRS. HEN ( DEMON NONQUITT ABBOT MASSACHUSETTS /(J^\y^i'i/^'£^V^ >J "-J^ ' (VkJJ^ (U^^ \ f / ¥^-n4 ■ -yy^y^ {!xMJ^t'**i*i\. Xz-c^u:^ c^-^^cc.^^^ ^jC-^-^^^ 1 tL. [^,^'\yv^'vA^^^\w, mC^^-^ - • r ^ T4\.^&^ -^C^w,.^ /^^^r^ a^^y^^-^^^-*^^ /^^ ^ 1/ / ^dY 6^C^^^i^ >«f^H^ >M^ ^u-^ A'-v^-C-^-i^ / ^e. ^ ^^^^^ /lA-C ^x^i-^^-t^^ ^TAy^/-tyd Au-t^xC^ '^^"^ C^^t^\^^\y\.^ i~ ^ tn^ Z7 >v.-6£t-'<--^5cxo---C<^ o^ ^u-^-^^tX* cJU^^-u-<, A-x^i-ifi:-"«-^ A-jC- ^^^-)-T>L. hi A.^ Ui^^*^ V z^^^tz. 77 / ^ ^ ^ U^^ /c ^ ^ -^^^ •ijKT'-i^ 7^U^<>t^V A>M^-A-X<*Ha i-&^tyuW\y^V( ^r^^,fi^ W-^I^-^^'^^'C^ ^^^ 2^:^^ V L^L^ DiLc >^^<^^i^ U^-^ -^-y^--^^^ 6^^CC. %f ^X^ n^ ^it-t^'U- --iC^ . LA.<^^ kX'^'^J^. A'^^-T't^d-^ 6^iHe^^ A-^^ ?■ Ti I^- A£,.^ -^ yLou^iy\ cA^ "^^ttLyhJ^ ' ^^i-i<— /(U^v^^^-^ ^ ' ^ iiJ[_^^^n/^Jl £^lX^ U^ ^^^-^ U y^ / Oc^^^^ /v^J.,-^-^ ^/^^ Az^Y^^v^ ^ Cuuo^ -^^T^*^ >^/ /^^^ M^->t>^-^-M: ^^ /a.^>c^^i^ /l^ ^/ ;? -^yU^M^ /(U^^^ /\/Uyhy^-i^c^^wty^ D-IAT-rl. AyX-c^iy^ cc^ '^J=^<^ RS. HENRY DEMON ABBOT NONQUITT MASSACHUSETTS ^.2lfpl i)J^ J< lA^ - '^ ',yy^yu£d^\ Y'/uvu/ yU^ ^^-^^ /^^4^ /riH / a/ y^AAU r '. f>-—^ f[ yv^^^-n^uJ- O^t^"-^ ^^^^ ^Cy*.yL^ > i/K^s^-i,^ 1) / tK>^n.yw^ ^ Jx^'^^^^^^ny^f^^^t^n^^^ -r ^^-v-tl-t }^^,^h-\.iyK L^^^^^i^M^ Ch-i,^ (^L-i-'-^^^^K^^X ^:>v^-*^ ^^=^^ yk y ^x4j^yC^i^X. y>^tf--i> V^ ^^^X^ ^^^--\ (yCt. Cf—i^ -^U^ l^^.^^^u^f/^^^Uy^.C^^ J^^-^^KX^-^ ^ ^ Uv^ -"U^ (X:^^ 1 / / U>(-^Lcy<^ I cU^ Q^,^^C^^-<^>-<^yi.Z^^'L^ -'tl^C-^L^iA-t A/ T^ lb l^ -K.^--X^ U-^C^-^L^ if -O^ >2^ yf^ 1 tTLc^ >U„^ .^vw^j^-T^o^ a- hf-<^^i\..y\^ I ^ '^^■— ^ n^-cJ^o^-t^ c^^^iM^ >t.-^^ -pu LMJ-^ty^ --t-Z^-zZ-T^-. l^ ^y^-^-cJ-- Ou^-un„j[l£^K^ X^oUA. II V » I^ / / UxJ^ 1^ /^>n O-^yxJZA /s I I Tw.f-VT^^t-X-B^ ->L<^ Ji/y-t^-^^ /lyf^-0-CC^ }<^L^ u^^-uCl \A^^ ^ f 17^ T^-<^ — d r^'h j)ci/i'n^ ( fi ^'v'wcu^^ * /"'SS* fc c Hiat^^jjMiii«Kl».^»AJaill^faAs>liiJ>iiJaM3 A-'^»-'-*'-«-v^ /? ^r*^^ X--^'^-^.x;A-t^ /2X-c-0^ J^4.c.e.A^^/^^^ *7yj'->'i-xv^ n<^.-ru^'\.^2^ 'ja-c-A.-A.^ ( 2319 TRACY PLACE. N. W. WASHINGTON D. C. 2^ -3<^ ^x^^uC^C^ (TCajZ-o^^^^^^-^^'-t.^^ H-n-X- ^ -^^-e^ ^""' ; c^-^-<^ -i^X^ ic^ ^ 2319 TRACY PLACE, N. W. WASHINGTON D. C. ^K^^yt^ )C (tJLaL.^4<^n..'t~f. iff Itll IBMi (^ r i^-^-^ . Ci£<^1IZJZ. 2319 Tracy Place. N. W. DN /v. ^ tl >o WASHmCTON /<2-^) ^VN_ -^ 3 T^ l/v^-^^u>c^ ^V^— ^ ^^l^L^^C^ --u<. c::^ ^-^>Cu^^ ^^Xo^ ^wy^^^^JZ^J^ 7^-0— >'^ui^ /v^ ^r-yijz. j/'^L.-izc^ C yy^A^cJ^z^ K>»L^->^2J^ M^^c (X-^^J^ ^p, — ua^ :*^, ^L.jL^ TELEPHONE MITCHELL a 5IOO The Hotel DOUG bHS HILL STREET OPPOSITE CITY HALL iifc.- Newark, NewJersex NEWARKS LARGEST AOO ROOMS 4^00 BATHS A ' fJJ^- L^_ TELEPHONE IITCMELL 2 SIOO The Hotel. DOUG bHS HILL STREET OPPOSITE CITY HALL N EWARK NewJ ERSEy NEW/VRKS LARGEST ■*00 ROOMS ^OO BATHS A--'-^ AFFILIATED WITH -MOLLY RITCHER H0TE:1_.RE:D BANK. NEW JERSEY X /LCW^-X^ 6^7 12a_XXw 0— (r\^ '^)^ ;fe^ y^-^ l^ ^^^ cUUL X^^--^ V / ''Y^Ji.^^\JL ^^— z^-i-^ 6-A -/^ 1 t^^L *.v ^Pr^ 16" ^^ i^A Lutpu^ tei c^~<^ r O-t^ cLif^^S i>V !=^-^1..-^l.Xfel_ / 1^ tv-c cU cU^^ mfW^J^^-^^ i ^2-A^-t-^-7~ A^ ^ ^ (On (A^-^wy^ ^ -vUa^c<£l' »^C£^ ot<)i^ L \Kjt\ C^-l^l^ /-^^^ O-N^T-^ "Ctc^ CtZL f JUL j4 ^h^y, 'h'^-Ayiu^. / tUuU0^>L, CL-J^^^ -'^^^i.-o^ 4^ "z:vCc;r ■^ aSl..^ '>v«w^t.-''L£^ ?u.-^-ec v^ (K-^^Jf ^^-A-.-^d-c.-'txi^ ^xt^^JU^^dC: ou-cSi nJ^^t--^^ /sJl.^ — \.y(.^ — ■»^«>— ' ^ -^u^ ^^ ' <^ £^ -2^ ^.cZ^ L.^6e^-«.-c^ A./^^ j^^^U^^ W ^ ixj^ /^ -/-^^^-t^w^ ^^•--tZ-e-. ^ IjA^iA^^h^ 1^ A^Ot^^ y^ ^l/\^yLy<-J >\yyJL a^cJL JL^ /- ^ Z^^^^^^ ^ ^^ -^c^ J^::^t.^ JU>-yUJt ftJJL^^^^K^ J- y\.^-v^^^ ?^ T' /2JtJL -^ ^1^^ ot. \>r % oLcM.^ tl-f<^ a..J^ tyiuL. OCLA.-^ ^JvU-T^^^^^t^-'^^^xl^ 0-U^ <-.Ji ■<^a- ^7 7 -^vo-*-^ C^ aX^x^-^c^ ft^ y z>^ /^02^ ^v-^-'A^*^ t-j?. d-'iK^s y^c^^^-Jlc^ y^ ^^ci^^u^-^.^ ^^Iaaa^ { M^^L^t^ytL^-^ ~t0~ .<^xjt /^-<^ .^^.-d^ A^ X^ U..UUJI ^l U^ :^cyk^ iU^iU^^d^ ^iyUs^ /-•'W-2>-7fe><- cA-.'iCJ-OA ^^-^ £i:>i^u-^^ ''vd-e^-^-^ I c^,^ A ^ s . Ia^I'u^-l^ /5t^-i_je >^ "^"^ /Za..^.,^.^ W^ ("a-i^-vt-^ C^\...A.y^..^S^,^x^ y-' ^ ^^^U^ ~U,-nx-iJ2-.--a.nxa.€^-i.-c^ ^7y^Cnj2A^^^^c^-^ '^ 6 21 ^^-i^^cJ- b Vun^ytA^ V^ 6^..t^ - — /'A/^>VM-^ ^^l6e A-x<^ I A--vA- VA>-C/C '^^^^^--Xy^-'^yi^CK.y^^ V L.-\» 6 V M CjoJiZiJi o-^ iTk o.xx.'tJ^>Y^ -"C^fl-t^ - a^ ajMj2^ Vw^X. iu^-o ■ — / \ ~^ oJLx^ ^ 'jt MRS. HENRY DEHON ABBOT NONQUITT MASSACHUSETTS r . /D - 3t^ "^-K2 ^ tpU^ /fpl4-'<^-(^ n yO--Ty\ h ^ - e<- a.c. K^fe V^ ( ^ Y" «X<^ ; S ^ • V- ^s^x^ ^ U--*^ C^ (^ -(f (7"-vx t ^ ^>-D J" O^ Vv/y^-t-^ C-^J^ -^.^jul,JIjlS) ^^jiSZSl 0 1/V.A. ioUXs f^. /Xc.^'A-A ""^^7^ ^ / xt^-t/\ cT, ^M5^/. vlf/ t- ^ tul ^-yC^^^Aj/ i tr L^yt^t^, -^ V C^'T,'-t.'^^— ^ aX-C^ 6-^,^^ ''2-^ /t^-l/^-CJv.-aX^Co / J-Xy'-\X,y^ ^ ^ ^r -^..x ( Xo O O £--v-l ^" -ly-^^..,^^ A-'O- ^ ^6 •t'^ ce-i.-z_ T^L^^ ^^-U-'n-w^ C^i'^'AA^ V oZ'fC(^ q -^ ¥ -^ i~ - H-^ u^ UZf ^ c^c'-^^'Xe^ ^£^,__,,^ JIa.,^ ou^-c^ - J2*dc W^^vv ^ A/.W- J-lXU^o £t-y^,..C-..,£ji Uc /p \ 0 V vf > c> '^ V CsX^-c^^ / ^v.'t^ -^^^^^^^-^-^-t^ /t^^C^^ t^ Ju^^t^UL^i^ }UJZ^^^ "^^""^^^t^ ^>v--A....cA^ C-t- f^T^rJiJ: V^->a^ /Tt^^^ /. , c^ c^.e^ 17^^ ^/^ ^"'^V-'CnxL-''^^ \ ^ iCi^c£jL '>^-<>-^-t/ /^A-z^-f :tk C4/'-\^d2.^'^ ^ r>t/-^c^ — c<^-<-''C^ ~pLjLy-UL. ^i<^-^ ^tLAu^L\.^,^.n^^^J^ JU^^-^,A,^^-lX. V ^l^,£i?L..v-L^ vt^ /^ /^. 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(>-M//^ y^ 0^^ / aM e-Cd ^^e-^LjL ^ ^''^^.j^^^C^^ /'v-^^-^^-^^aI % -tcuX J" ^=-vv --C^(^ Jt m "t^Ct^tyi^ ayt(>\/Ct^ ty^ ( tri 'ijO 1^^ K£^/^^ y J\ UysJi^i/\ T^v^^-C^-i^ 7 ^T?ij2, t^^JL-x. -r I 1 TyCcu'^^ l^^^y^ iy\y\ JU\>L^ / cv/- ^PCfi-i^ -^ JL^<.^-^^ ^t>Ltl-i -iMx-^JuJz. -{ju^ju >. -j^^^^^lMi. i?Li c- ^^-^ ^-v^^-ce /vi ^^U-^UJ- to' ^i^ tU iJlL^-c^ WL^U4r /lAUK'^^'V-t^^ Ih-fii-A.^ K-^ -ticyh • ^^^ kji(^^'^^-aX -^ -"^....''^'--a^ ; ^j^Z^/''^-'^M nrA^y^ -x!x^— K>--<- 6^^ lyuK 6 A ^^Mx^e^^i^u^^^^ ^ '? hJZ^ / -^ C^c>---aJ^?^ in^^vcP ^ ^ AJLc^^-.^ij6 C'V-T.-'L^U^-^/C^^ I A.^ 2^ /^ ^^.-^xJL. ^ -W-£-<^ OtC-^xfri^ >U^ ^ /G '^dxjo'^ ~tu jf y)/IA4^'ZL^ yv^lx-C^^ £h^^/^JL 1 Ax-i^-/-^^^^ M tjcc^^^c^jL. ^^w.^^-e-^^^-d -.A^ u^ ^^ CPLyt^ C.0\.y^^-^ 1 ^ V ^i>-f ^ y(j^\^ut^ t^CtX ^-tX ^^r-^ C>?je. /"e-ee L^yCZ^A^ At^^ A/UL^ y\^oJLt bV^ /^'M C^c^^'vy^JZyL, ^ 'yvCyUL /^*l^ y(/^C^ — ^ y^tyCt c\X^ h tCl M (ft^. '>i^ 'XV'K ;r t''^ ^ ^l^^^-^ "^^^^ A^ " Lyi<^^s^ a^^i-^-i^^^^ tX-^l>^ ^.-CA-C^^ .^CX..^ ^ ^^..X^ ^ Um 'JJ -^ ^y\Ayl^''*x^ oA^ y^yh^^ Ztyjt lA^^ih^^:^^ V cL<^ ^/jri^^w^-^t^ // v ^-^hUyy^ ^^aST Lu^z^ ^''C^^-«- <>^-t--t-L^^ 2319 Tracy Place, n. W. f) -f I /^ > V ♦ WASHIIM6TOM CV'^lxC- / / I f ^ 0 WASHINGTON ^£.cyv-A. D. C. ^^,,^ (^//.X «/, 7^ -Ud^j^^^-^ ^y\jLv~'''^~JL^ [^V^JL 7^ (Pr' >/--^ /?^ /W^l A^yCZ^ "^n^^^L^hyyyi Jyuu^s y,c:lL y\y\SLn^ / 1 / * ^/ V /' i—'-T./'-'l-^ L-^ *— — '<2---K^.^>«--t^ ^\^x.X^ -ruLu^.^ L^^^ ^ ^'^ ^'^^^-^ ^ t/M Oh.V^^ol^ j/V\ MaA^ ^^-i^-l^ ^ ^~~7^\ (Q-^o-^- t^/Le^n^ / )(-—>^\S2-^^.^^^ V / ' ^--^C-n^n^Ji^JCA^ ^'^ t^^-i^ /i^^c^c^ X "-^-Ta ^ V 1^ 2319 Tracy Place. N. w. washington /^At^-^e^ Z^^ 'I. ,:^^ >>^.v^ u C-A.yV\ '^Li;- ro . ~Uji 2. &tt^ ySJ^ ^-t^-yL. ^^.A-^ui..^^ V^ /Vvyt-^-^-c-^ OCTOBER 18, 19 3 8, ' WASHINGTON PQSTgQg^Q The Wealher Today— Fair and slightly * cooler. Tomorrow— C 1 o u d y. Yester- day—High, 8e; low, 53. Details on Page 23.**== irn^n Zephyrs , k 1 M^ -^T ^ y , . b tH« EasUrn Gateway to Raini«r National Park lt$)-Year-Qld ; f - Ifea0lecord Here •1 I' Warm breezes drlftiij^ up from the deep South yesterday brought a "heat wave" to Washington which broke a 30-year record for high tem- perature readings on October 17, The merciuprf climbed to ^^6 de- grees at 3:30p|"tn., the firstTime it has put on sp^ a performance since 1908, the wj^iierman said. The high for Octob^ il last year was 58 de- grees. Wag^bfeezes have been "hang- ing alKki for some time/* a Weath- er Bvf^M official statedfcoiijtcj lack of disturbances in this ^rea iatiftly; war^air from the South iiius*pushe^ jij^''#d' probably will linger for ths file: j^k^i^ iuJi ] LodJ^ d- ~^^^^^ next two days, it was said. >l Ian^a-^^^^^ ^rdA 1^* -^ td £rvJL ^ n tyt^-i^—X-^^LJt v; O.M,.y~v\- ~~P^ : / / uM- 0 O<--0'-^^ Ju y / A^ uL-L, "^^^1/^ A_^l/C if'-yU: 4) <\^0-~\^vaX I/IA^ ( I (-^-^ ^ le.^ OCTOBER 18, 193 8< ' WASHING TO X POSTg ggj () The Weather Today— Fair and slightly ' cooler. Tomorrow— C 1 o u d y. Yester- day—High, 86; low, 53. Details on Page 23.*=- utfwrn ZepJi^rs if^ltp'Y eat'Qld HeaiHecord Here Warm breezes drifting up from the deep South yesterday brought a "heat wave" to Washington which broke a 30-year record for high tem- perature readings on October 17, The mercuiy' climbed to 86 de- grees at 3:30 p, m., the first time it has put on si^h a performance since 1908. the wwitlierman said. The high for Octobgif 1? last year was 58 de- grees. ^ WajMareezes have been "hang- ing aMDKi for some time." a Weath- er Buj|ilu official stated0t>up tp lack of disturbances in this /^rea lately,"^ wanjj air from the South has*pushecl i^' 9»d probably will linger for ths -1 next two days, it was said. i the Eastern Gateway to Rainier National Park ima, Washin 9v^' iiXi^ iuJi ) r LodK d- ~^^^M^ \a}.^ca^oIju. AX-^xx/- // (y /]^/^-y-.'^^^ -\XU^-^^ /- 7 '■(yf^ V\y' (kJA. ^ /'^--^U^ a^^J ^i-'tA^ o^>-vixi-y_^ IX vCf IA^<- C^A- T^AJ^ ^ /6>^^vn^X>^ o J(j <\^^5--y-UKX ^ c^- (^^-yiJ^ --/.. / Ua/ ( I tU^ ^-- yc. / i^ uAJcAji^ >uXoM A£ ^[],^^^Z-*-t^ uC^^-<^-vi_-£^ /2-'^£^9<-^^>^ Z*^ ^ /lyC^^I^ KykA^ {jy^CZZ\-^v-^iy /VOcCx4 JU>^,yi^—J\ /^/A-^^^^ (T'^ Z.,JJ^^^i^ [7^ /V^^ /^S^«x-*t.*^ tfcyhJ^ l)^^i\_y(y^ 'Ta^ y^\JA^^^jL^c,..^^X^^^ l/h-^-^^i^-^i^ 014'^'Xj^ // S^ LAAy IHl(o)i)(iO C®lmD(Ai5J(SI?(gOili Fomou« for Good Food ... at th« Cattorn Gateway to Rainier National Park Yakima, Washington R. W. Clark Resident Manager '^f^yL^^^^ty^^'-tU. IW, AjU^ f-^^^ ^ /-^H.M-a ^ C^^^y\A.yO ^X--'Ax-t^-\A.,.-a/t.-^ rv^ c^ ^^''^ '9v-'i>-tx(/-' -bUl ir\/ c^ ^ -y- ^ w h/^>\. c^ I / a< ^ 7ic It a I V IV vt vt i^ ^c m 3tv^^u. A-^^ 'y^^^X / /.^-^^u ^ U-JLt^ Abha^ fr^d^/ic VoM^h^i^^ '^'^^ /)^h>1 L- /^/^ - 1^/^ )H[HI8frW!K^MWWt*»M mmmmmm miiiiii ^- LooMis Bros. PROPRIETORS K /H^ /f/f ^^ax^ u^' :M^^^^»^ : - /Uf Pt^'l^'^^.^, ^^-vx- <5^nvv ^^ S'%: Crd^^^Lut P^'^ ^/UL^cJ^ ^ iS'-t^ ^4j tiA'K-i'i^o C* t^ iL itji/h"^ S CiSyxr^'^^ ^ /^U^r^ ef ryKn/L Au^u^ii M a^ iyiyiJL, t tT^Ut/^^ Ci^ip^^^a^ c^ /^ }yi^iLil^ft^^ /yf^-^ rur^ ^^.^♦^t..*^-**^ i)-^ /"^ "^ ./"^ 2^*^ t^ /^--rvt'i/- Ci^-f^kU^ h^ ^ iJ^4xjuljl ^ lAui^ 9 CC^Cy^^^ \jtC>1/%yU^ L L.^1^^ /^l^W X ^ ^ p^ •^SiO ^ ^J^U^trz^^'^-ty^^ , C^u\ ^^i^^^ t' t^ c. A^ "z^ ^<<^^*^ ^'^^ rfCOc^i^L^ fkz /v^ C'^A\t.xsy^.<^ J ^uZi "UM^^ Pf^ 9 l^u>^-^^^ Cu.^ At ^wT its'^ '^-U^n^ ^ Li ly^^^ ^' ^^^^^ / 2 Address reply to The District Engineer Officer. Second District. Room 811. Anny Building New York. N. Y. WAR DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE SECOND DISTRICT. NEW YORK CITY ROOM 811. ARMY BUILDING. 39 WHITEHALL ST. NEW YORK. N. Y. fva/sb . October 9, 1917 REFER TO FILE NO. Dear Doctor: Your telegraphic congratulations on my promotion was the very first received and it is very pleasant that it should be so. I certainly appreciate your noticing the pro- motion tod congratulating me so quickly. Henry, as you Imow, has applied for a conmission in the Cxiartermaster Corps, but has not received any answer, I wish that they would act as quickly in his case as they did in mine, because mine was signed yesterday. I have delayed answering until I knew it was an absolute fact. Most sincerely yours. Colonel, Corps of Engineers. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Marin County, Lagunitas, Cal.