THE BANCROFT LIBRARY University of California Berkeley MICROFILMED 1994 University of California Library Photographic Service Berkeley, California 94720 REPRODUCED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE MANUSCRIPTS COLLECTION OF THE BANCROFT LIBRARY. FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY. COPIES MAY NOT BE DEPOSITED IN OTHER LIBRARIES OR INSTITUTIONS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE BANCROFT LIBRARY. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE OR PUBLISH IN WHOLE OR IN PART MUST BE OBTAINED IN WRITING FROM: THE DIRECTOR THE BANCROFT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720. LAW TITLE 17 U.S. CODE THE PROCESSING AND FILMING OF THE 0. HART MERRIAM PAPERS HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, TITLE ll-C, STRENGTHENING RESEARCH LIBRARY RESOURCES PROGRAM. COLLECTION NAME: C. HART MERRIAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: BANC MSS 83/129 c NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1555 : 3^ REEL: 3^ CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE Incoming letters Bt.ll, Uoi* Bn»dv. Jo^M '/f/ /L/yxyc y ^(LX^<^ ^i.>*-«--Cy 7 ^X-ocxiX:^ iX^ V>w X 4. t' '■ "■^"^^^-^'^'^l-^ /^/-^X>t4>/^ / / t;«A. w-CiXA i /L^t-^cA^. Zx^-X.- ZX/ /5;r -^v cx^j ^ A J^6\^ (O^p-tX^i-A ■ ^ /-^ X. y /^ T^V-'I-^^. / 'i^'^^ ^'^<^;^^jC ^^ V ^^"^^t^fX^t^ CL/> /Zl-n -f^ ^"0 l-i^ '< ^ c:^ / 1 tx^ -^ rS r ^ %^ -^ t » coi^ /JL-CC/i (JtO — / ^ J-^uutxy^ fS >Lc^^ ^V\JLl2L tfiAJLAuO Lxa^a^Xj^ D-X>LA^ 76JI > /[^f-^-^JL^^U"*^ V. L^t^tLA^JCy /f^Z^'Ct^ /s /Xcc^ Oy S (^c^ctxj It ^^ou. J^X^ Z*-*^" /tCJLUci ^^ A ,-*^L<^ ^ /w.t<,-«,^^^//^ >o/ "V^.^ r6*-t^^ r^Cf ot^ <: /J-cfij^ I ^ a- / ( u^%y X^:^/- .«. / /Z ^^a. ^OCO^IA^ A-^-x-'C*^ ^i'C-C^^^-*' /^ 'J ' J^ ,.-c- Z 2. /"Tf^-X.eyi^-^'Zy/ Oi-£> & ^\ y > ^. 0^ /^ Ui/yjiii g>^e^. 3, l^lU /dZs^^, I ^ ^ K > x>. ^ ^ /I u ^ y ^^.x-OC^^^ \Jly\ri/i^ 2/Q, /?t7. (/ U IA~C ih p^ l/^ ^'^. w CyC'*--w^-^ t^r^-^^uu U^ciA 2/1 X / J U4n/%M.^^^ ^ /^^x -/^/O.^'^ /L/uoaA^ J {^-rUuL. h M. J u-^^mH ^ A^ \ \^ 0 C ^j^ -<^ V- "Rxu^, c^, 7,(1{V. % \^-\ ( 1*^4, ^ 'Ei^lfy M^b^l Q^rJ^'nar ^ul>L^o( Mrs ■ AiaaoJ^y Qr^ h^t^^ ^jt-Pj 'J^/UJud^ G*- hr^ ao. ^ y^A-c.^^^— .^ 3 o / X ov sN 7 ^ 1331 Connecticut Avenue U /ia^%^ /^ C^iy^ — A i/>^ l^A>^ ^J- A'&l^yLA.^''-^ h^Ot^ /^v/^ti^ -^^^^^^^ l/^.;^^ ^ n^ a^ - C\yu<^^^'^— /rt. jhyi^ ^UiyuA, a A ^/lytyi^^-^^ (_r/ i/^ / yiyiy(y^^ (UU , lU K-^. "ci<- 111! ^3^1^^ u /^^'/e% iir.wniinnjM^iiiu'— J 1.J11 .iTirp 1 9 PARK AVENUE 4 OTTAWA. *>r^<* *i : ^ » > -Jk, '■t • » \ -^ 1 ^ *-• -►•T*^ .— -.jc T-^ V^xU'S' 4 \* » /^ Robert Bell, MR LLD. f Assistant Director. * t' i GeoLOGiciL Survey of Cmuomi. ^^c^ ^ty^ ^f^^pT-^ f ■■i * ■ ^*: ^^.^^ " i^' \^ 8c^^ . VmJUa\\^\^1T^, L^^. ^tyv^Vv^ ^5^^ •^^^iA- ^-^7^ '^j^**^ a£4H ^•c hu/- ii/)L/4crxy ^ /i^~0/^^/^ ^v ^2>7^. /ihA ^^^^?v^ ^/^ <-^/7Y d9^4^ ^^/y. i^a^c^ Vorin Xo. 1. THX: mTESTERIff UlVIOIff TEIaEGRAPH COBIPAIirY. after sending tbe messiuro. Tills is an UNKEPEATED MESSAGE, and Is deUvered by request of the sender, anda' tbe couHtkoM named aboTe. THOS. T. ECKERT, General Manager. NUMBEfi SENT PY nEC'D EY Lcceived ,. Afc^M ^ij^ ^:y^^^ Waiec/^ ^;^'-^^4^ NORVIN GREEN, President. CHECK (l^fi cj^ ^^^^ ^^ Ar^ C ' ^^^^/^^.^^^^^^ X^^^^/ t^ ^^ -^<^ •uss BROADWAY, Tvaiity-Eigkth and Twenty-ninth Sts. HORACE S. 4 LEWIS LELAND_Eropjjfetors. r^ ^Zl(f<^v/! q/<^^ 'a^<:p^ "^'(H. /y/^<». ^«/e«^ '/^ y^^-e<^ ^^^/^ /^^:y^ ^ Uc ^^// ^^ /^^ ^-^ V^^^^^^ ^y^ ^c^y* ^^ ■^•^ Aw f/n^ ^ /^/,^ <^a /^^i vA'/^yiA ^Oyti/y/ ^4 AOl // OY'ilf^ac^caC u iy ^/ A,'-/;^^^*/^ l^^ a>nV w't ^3^^^^ '/^ o/i^cy/ '^ ^-Oi^ ^>^ «s^^«^ ^Ay/l^ Q?f^ (r97^t4> a ''iU.yf^ ^v/S ^ ft j/^ ^>^^^>^>4^^ ^ ^l^tA^ \/A<^j^^f^^^f^^i<^^t9ty ^f w, /A^ J, <^. ^^t;^^ Witt.. O. C. WltUUlO, PftOP. '/^ S'^/SU C2^ //^^ UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON ai 'ea^ ^Tt^ A^^ ^^//i ^c ^i %/4(^^'^^t6^ ^a^:^ . 't^jf^/c/^A ^^PJOM/ ^^i^nrt. ^/yi-C iU^//// Y) AC / y>7^ ^A'tv^-^ vyy^L/}f /C<__ "U^. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM imoa DMKCTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON >/' ^f^/SS^- ^ ^^^^ ^?^ i^y^/^^^^:^''^'^^ y y / ^^/l y. A^ / r^ x^CY A. y '-^ ^ ^//>>2^ / '^J>y^rf//^*'y^ •^^^'>>--- dZ^ ;%lA ^^ A' ^J(^ /&yv v^ i7rr'.:y}^, '.y ^ # < ^^^4^ // ;rW^t^'p5 ^^^ ^ yi-^;f<^ / / /<\ ■J^ ^ / X / ^ /-yr/ r r^^-^- 'f y <^<^r^vb^ / /S /< V ^^/9 ^. /^ y^yii^'/<^^_^ X (1 , '^zy /^y~^ -. V '07'P' ^^i^ /iK A oJbOJB Aaa>-() Q>r(^^ry\/D c^a^ V^ cx-rri.'t 4^ f J' « ■ « rT~^~i~ ^OHNTWEST-I^roprietor. &W Shepherd - -ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF- ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 1200 GUESTS •OPEN JULY 1884- l^m2a\io\isMm.--9^^ ^^UAt; ^^y^/^/7^^ >V^ /^, a^^ /^^^o^ AyS^ ^-^•/cr '>^^. /^^J^c^. ^y^ T-? — _ -V ^*%^ «^»^ a^0L^\ j:^^^t,<^ ;^-^ ^/^tsAf/ /^ ^^^u^ ^My /^. / «-**^ S3*ik-^ 5*t/ ^ ^(f(!t^. a^4p/ ax (^^JS ^. m^ Vdt4eA '^z^^-c^ / '^^>^ >^y^. ^f/ ^a4>/^ ^' -^^<^ ^/$^/^^^ ^^f^ ^'^W'^^Ul^f^ ^^tv C/ _. ^ V_/^^5S5V4V ^^^4^^^u^ ^/^ ^ /y>^>??f /'^^ "^pe^^^^lP^T^^^C^i^L^ v.^ A i^^a^ry^ c^^^m^c/ '^.^^•^^ l! ^/;^ r^i^^^< /^^ v/n^^>-^ ^< ^^^^ ^'4>^ 0-4^ //>u GUs-Jv . (su:\ i: i ( ^4 fUlth:' A**if j; . ^^ ^^ -^ WFglETO^SX. ^^,Ht. NEW LONDON, 6T. OPeN FROM JUNE TO SEPTEMBeil 80TH. ^^^ di^(^d.(2/.m^^^^ C^o^^/./a (2/ r//^/i^ /^^^4ryAc )6 a ^W/^ ^^^^A^^^^ A A / ^a^/i //U^rc ,<^.<»V y ^/^. J^. ./ip2/ /y ^^-^ ^^ "^ '^^^T^^y^ ^/^■/^^^n^ .^ . M^c <^:^<^ '^r ^^^A ^ 2s#^l ^{/ O^i^^ ^2y^C/OY, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SPENCER F. BAIRD, Secretary S. p. LANGLKY, AssisUnt Secretary, in charge of Rxchangea, Publications aD< (>r r^Hii ^-^ , l&Oo - mo lV7t H-^ ^ tm Iffim 4 jEcnediri, M & | cnedid, JVb. 6'^ Wall Street, Erastus C. Benedict. Robert D. Benedict. Enos N, Taft. William D.Jones. Samuel H.Valentine. Louis C. Lewis. G^^-tu ^/Mttccd^..'!l..JL.. ^^£-<:. -^i*— > /^^ ^ ^7<^ z:.^ A^ ;^ /^^^^^^ A A.> j 0^Q/vi6 ) r« C. Hart 1919 Street* n« D* C* My dear Dr« Msrriams It is Tery good of you to write me, especially \mder the adTerse circTBMtanees that you have to write Just prior to your going to California, extremely obliged for your interesting letter. There is one point that I should like, if possible, to secure evidence on, that is, have you a^y conception of the weights of the mothers of the two cuhs bom in the Cincinnati Zoological Grarden, referred to in your letter, and the one born on January 15, 1913 at the Zoological Park in Washington? In other words, I ^ interested in getting some evidence as to the relationship between the weigjit of the mother and the weight of the cub. The particular bear cub that I saw in New York, born there in January about a year ago, was apparently bom with much more hair on the body than you indicate was on those you saw, although the eyes were closed. frostily you will have a very pleasant summer in California, and with best regards, I 7ery truly yours. j^tu.^^<^-^^ Director. t Cametfte f nsttttttfoii ot xnaBblngton NUTRITION LAB(»AT(»Y VflJ^ STREET. BOSTON. MASS. Dr. 0. Hart Merriamt 1919 Sixteenth Street, Waahin^oxit D« C* June 7, 1913. ;iy dear Dr« Lerriam: Yon again haTe pat wb under obligation to you by your kindness in writing your letter of ^^one 5tb, vbicb really is very helpful and Tory suggestive. It beara out m^ own personal impressions in the roattert but I am very glad to have it verified by an authority. Uy impression is that the relationship between the wei^t of the she-grixzly and that of the new-bom oub, that is, about 500 tiaest is entirely unparalleled among any of the warm-blooded vertebrates. Trusting you will have a very pleasant sucosr and with warmest personal regards t I am 7ery truly yoors Director. I I i CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON NUTRITION LABORATORY VILA STREET. BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS Hot«l Roichahof Hamburg Miiy 5 1929. Dr. C. Hart M^rriaa National Acadttiq^ of Sciences 1la.s]ih\^oa D»C# U.S.A. hty d«ar Dr. M^rriaa Juat abaut naw ycu ara all anjoying thasa dalightful daya af tha National Acadamy aaaatinga in Washingtan. Mra. Banadict and I ara aftan thinking af tha fina pragraas and atiiaulating cantact^ in Waahingtan. Wa hava baan aja^cing ane of our lou^ tours of Europaan Labor at or iea clinica and Univarsitias and ara naw appraaching EnglAnd froaa which wa sail far Naw York Juna 22. Tiriis foranoon wa had tha whally unuaual and reosarkabla axparianca af a visit ^0 taa Haganback Tiarpark and aapacially ta ba canductad thr<^gh it by Dr. Ludwig Zukowsky who ia the •ciantific diractar af tha Haganback intaraata hara in Hambur^. Ai wa wara gai.i^hrough tha various sactions yaur nasia was wantianad in ccx^iaction with aana af your aanographs and Dr Zukowsky axprassad tha wish far soma af your papers. I tald him I had tha plaaaura af yaur parsamal acquaintanca and I would ba glad to write aaking if yau cauld kindly sand him sOais af your papers. Ha expressed the graataat admiration for your monograph describing as I recall it 18 new types af bear. I know that frequently theae zaological mar.agraphs ara expensive and are net available far distrihhtion but if you can send him anything I am sura you will hava a most i berested reader and an appreciative admirer. His mail address is Dr Ludvrig Zukawsky Haganbeck Tiarpark STELLIN(£N^ HAUBURQ Grermany. I suppoae by the time lis reachaa America yau will have started motoring waat ward. Nat having ether addresses here with me I am sanding this to tha Nations: Asadaiiiy build lag wit*. "*-€ raquast ta forward.. Hoping to see you at leaat att the next a Acadaniy aaoti.ij and ^xtli the beat regards of Jrs. Btoediot and 0^73 alf to you arid iirs, -^grriaaj aad y^jx daughter I aa '1001*3 very sincerely. (jfyzk^i^uj:^ fP ^ (Q-g>u-^-^l2^ fte raaca Bostan July 1st 7 CAANCOie INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON NUTRITION LABORATORY Vila STRCCT. boston. MASSACHUSETTS Dr. C* Hurt NatioBal Aead< B Bad 2l3X lej d«ar nr< of Sciences, 9 i^ashiagtoa, D. C« liachlasporty Maine, July 15, 1929. Aead< of Sell Yoa see I still hare to use the address of the National , bat I suppose you are still out ^est. 1 find in my notes tion with m^' European tour a comaent that I feel I should like taken in Terx nach Indeed to pass on to you* 1 spent a ooaple of hours one morning at the British S^&xseum of Natural History 9 ^ temperature summer and winter, even if they are asleep in winter. Since you are the one man who knows more about bears than anybody else I know of , I am coming to you to ask if you can help me out on this problem. Do you know of anyone who has taken the tenqperatures of any so-called "hibernating bears"? What would be your opinion with regard to this statement that the temperature is the same, or essentially the same, winter and summer? I am expecting to be down at the National Academy meetings in Washington and hope to have the pleasure of seeing you there again, but knowing you are frequently off on tours I am writing to you early, so as to try to catch you before you have left Washington, so you can give me some sort of a note on this i)oint. Also, in case you may be in the field someindiere, I am enclosing a self -addressed, stamped envelope for reply. Still hoping to see you in Washington, and with wannest personal regards, I am Very truly yours. Director. Carnkoie institution of WASHINOTCN NUTRITION LABORATORY 29 VILA STREET. BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS March 29, 1937 Jit. C. Hart Merriaa 1919 Sixteenth St. Washington, D. C. Hy dear Dr. Merri£m, •ftank 70U very much for your kindness in answering my letter of recent date. I am indeed disappointed that you have not any data on this point. People inrariably speak about the bears hibernating, and of course if it should transpire that the bear has not a te^)erature definitely lower than noiraal, this could not I think, be called true hibernation. ' t The idiole thing hinges upon this one Russian'record of a good many years ago, to be sure, and in looking it over there is no hint as to the length of time it took to get the temperature. We lMt.S^S>MJJljto_36^, and I can imagine that digging a bear 5ut of so-called -hibernation", with the excitement and activity incidental thereto, might easily result in the animal's returning to a practically normal state at or about the time the temperature is taken. However, this is all speculative and I hoped that you might have some comments on it. Hare you any opinion on the subject irtilch you would care to have me incorporate in a monograph I am preparing on the woodchuck, in irtiich, of course, I must mention the bear as a potentially possible true hibernating animal? I sincerely hope you will not have started for your Sumner caB5>aign before the Acadany meetings, when I shall hope to have the pleasure of speaking with you personally. VI th vaisiest regards, I am Very tnily yours. fU, Jl_:.(^ ^^...cMsztr- Director. 1 '"Ia-^^I ij' I ^ ,m ' i'^' ) S3 (T ^ L ms tntl)p(!rrtpofi^ftogork DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY January 15,1925. X^x^y Dr. C. Hart Merriara, 1919 - 16th St., Washington, D.C. My dear Dr. Merriam: I have "been waiting for the separates of my Serrano article to reach me before writing you how glad I am to send you as many as you can use. I bhall "be very glad if you will send me any parallel facts that you i.iay happen to have from California, if you are able to take the time for it. I shall have also a collection of Serrano myths which will appear in the Folklore Journal when I can take the time to finish up the parallels I have been accumulating. Of course I am greatly indebted to your Mi wok volume. I must apologize for no acknowledging the references to your California aBticles which you sent me some time ago. I had it in mind at the time to write an article on certain styl- istic characteristics of the folklore of that region, and since I'd made large use of your Miwok myths, I waited hoping to com- plete it. Just at present I have had to lay it aside for work on Southwest material. Sincerely yours. (LutL du^ddiAr t ( k i■^1 wu ^ / n '2^ ;?3$' UNIVERSITY MU8KUMS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY April 12, 1935 Dr« C. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D« C« Dear Dr« Merriam: To date I have received four packages of your poblicatione vhich you mentioned in your letter of April 5* I am deeply grateful for your generosity in giving them to me. I well appreciate the honor you confer on me by so doing* Rest assured that they vill be used* Also I want to thank you for yotir letter eonoeming my p^per on concealing coloration* I am much gratified that you should approve of it* Uy paper, of course, is not a survey of the whole great pro- blem of concealing coloration, but only a study of a particular por- tion of the problem* For this reason I did not include all the data available* Such reference as was made to San Francisco Mountain was necessary because Sumner and Swarth (Joum. Mamm., vol* 5, pp* 81-113 1 1924) denied that there was a correlation between color of enrlromient and colors of animals in that region* Their paper cited yours and cttiers, and for the sake of space I did not cite yours since referen- ces to it can be found in Sumner's paper. The San Francieeo Mountain area is a fascinating one and I hope someday to follow your trail through the region. Nothing of consequence with regard to mammal study has been done there since your work* I will find useful your list of references on concealing color- ation. There is a revived interest and much difference of opinion concerning the subject now, largely stimulated by McAtee«a papers against natural selection. I think the evidence is becoming more and more conclusive that yoxir point of riew is the correot one* Thank you again for your kindness. Such interest that you have displayed is most heartening to a beginner in the science to idiich you have contributed so much. Yours sincerely, Seth B. Benson Assistant Curator of Is ^^^> 4rhuA^ COc^tU^^, l^('0 'H^l ) I / 7 A. C. BENT TAUNTON, MASS. / fhyc ys fy / /o ^-^ B^ C^. /—; %i^' ALL CORRCSPONOCNCE SHOULD BE AOORCSSCD TO THK SCCRKTARY SMrrHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL EXCHANOBS BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOttY NATIONAL ZOOLOaiCAL PARK A8TRORHYSICAL OBSERVATORY INTERNATIONAL CATALOOUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Taunton, Mass.. February 28, 1917 Dr, C* Hart Merriam United States Hational Museum Washington, D C Dear Dr* Merriam: In studying up the distribution of the Black-throated Loon, I find a number of records which I should like to have con- firmed. One of these is a record of a bird reported by Mr. H. J, Giddings, Sabula, Iowa, of an immature male taken in the Miss- issippi River at that point on November 15, 1896, and identified by you. Unless you made a record of it at the time, I suppose it would be difficult for you to remember at this late date just what steps were taken to identify it, but if you can give me any information on the subject, I should be glad to have it. So far, every record that I have investigated has turned out to be either an immature Common Loon or a Pacific Loon, and I am strongly convinced that the European Black- throated Loon has no status as an American bird. Thanking you for any information you can give me, I am Sincerely yours, ACB-MVN dernict Thod'i 3<'iW ^^^^'"^ niio rnioe: r. bishop museum HOfMOL.UL.U, MAWAII OF'F'IOK OF* XME OIREOTOI Iftiy 26^ 1926» Dr« C* E# Itorriaiii, Carnegie Institute, Ifkshington, D« C» Uf dear Mr* Marriam: Since the retiirn of Dr* Coolos from Samoa, I bare discussed idth him the relation of Bishop i^seum to the manasoript on Hanaiian llBirine Molliisca* In examining the letter files, I find this to be the gist of oorrespondenoe and agreements: When the manusoript came, it nas referred to three oonohologists, all of vhom reported that it ought not to be published without substantially scientific revision *« ^^eys, adequate descriptions of new species, and other in^ortanb material Hm^acking* Cor* respondenoe and personal interviews with Dall then followed, with a view of making the manuscript acceptable to students of Pacific ehell8« But it was uphill pushing ~ Dall natxirally wanted the work published as he wrote it ~ and communication ended with a cable from Bartsch, dated July 21, 1924, reading: ''Dall requests immediate shipment e^qpress insinred National Museum of manusoript and illustrations #" No letter of explanation of this remarkable action preceded or followed the cable and bqt letter asking for an explanation remains unanswered • After m&iting a few months, the Trustees reallotted the funds set aside for the publication of Dallas manuscript and the aon^ already expended on it was written off # There seemsd nothing to do but to consider the negotiatinns closed* Naturally, ay personal relation to the manuscript amounts to nothing; my job was to write or at least to sign letters on ths advice of men flamiliar with Pacific mollusca and with DallU method of dealing with them* Sincerely yoxirs. V^^.^JL^.^^X^^^'^^^^'^ Director* P ''c^ (xo i/jtAji/^j\^^^JtAJT Lt'*-^ 1^-- ^it/M^ ^. ^-^ri^H Q I9Z1 ■I PNKSIDBNT Ellery C. STDWELL VICC-PRBaiDBNTS Robert Catherwooo Harvey W. Wiley George A. Ricker •KCRBTAIIY MRS. Henry Grattan Doyle EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Kate Trenholm Abrams Bartlett B. James Rev. Dr. John O'Grady Walter J. Shepard Fred Telford BETTER GOVERNMENT LEAGUE A non-partisan organization op citizens NOT IN THE employ OF THE GOVERNMENT cooperating for the better administra- tion OF THE FEDERAL SERVICE 801 MILLS BUILDING WASHINGTON. D. C. TELEPHONE MAIN OSES ADVISORY COUNCIL RKV. PlIANK W. COLLMII FRKOSiiic K. PAnniNaTOM RT. RBV. JAM>« C. PUSMAM ISAAC OANS MISS Harlban jambs LANaOON R. MARVIN MRS. RAYMOND •. MORRAN F. A. MOSS CHARLBS F. NBSSIT MISS JANBT RICHARDS MRS. OBORRB A. RICKBR MISS BBLLB SHBRWtM JAMBS T. SHOTWBLl. HON. CHARLBS WARRBN FRBDBRIC WiUJAM WlLB !;Iarch 1, 1927 Dear FeilQw-.GjLtijz;en: We in V/ashington know that the government service is very far from being a merit service^ and that the function of the Civil Service Commission, by its own admission, is limited to advising the President. The Commissioners, for reasons best Imov/n to themselves, have failed to include in their reports any reference to the violations of the Personnel Classification Act. They gloss over the weakness of personnel conditions in Washington and elsewhere. The Better Government League has decided to urge the adoption of legislation that will put a real merit principle in the government civil service and re:>lace the methods and system of the present Commission by a direction and control such as will secure the efficiency of the service and a fair treatment for all employees. If you are interested and will notify us at the above address, we shall be glad to send you our program and keep you informed in regard to our progress. Faithfully yours , ^l/U C. Oyyfrvirt£€ President OFFICERS PIIBSIDKNT Ellery C. Stowell VICK>PRKSIDKNTS Robert Catherwood Harvey W. Wiley George A. Ricker •■ckbtahy Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Kate Trenholm Abrams Bartlett B. James Rev. Dr. John 0*Grady Walter J. Shepard Fred Telford BETTER GOVERNMENT LEAGUE A NON-PARTISAN ORGANIZATfON NOT IN THE EMPLOY OF THE COOPERATING FOR THE BCTTBI TION OF THE FEDERAL 8CRVICS cmzDis 801 MILLS BUILDING n WASHINGTON. D. C ADVISORY COUNCIL MV. FMANK W. COLUBN FRKIMItIC K. PARRINaTON Rt. Rkv. Jambs C. Frkkman Isaac oans Miss Harlban Jambs lanooon p. Marvin Mrs. RAYMOND ■. MORaAN F. A. MOSS cnarl8s f. nesbit Miss Janbt Richards Mrs. oborob A. rickbr Miss rblub shbrwin Jambs T. snotwbu. Hon. Charles warrbn Frbobric William Wilb Karch 15, 1927. Br* C. Hart Mrriamt 1919 Sixte#nth Stnet. WaBhixigton, D. C« Dear Or* Mtrriami glad to learn tliat joa are one of tlse very few snff ieiently interested in Urn imarofement of tlie federal e^ploynent systea to send urn your address • Under separate oorer ve are Hailing yon our program and tlie last issoe of Pablic Business* le shall be glad to anseer any in^cdries yoa aay make* Ton will inoor ab- solutely no obligations, noral or financial^ beoanse of any trouble we aay ttte in tUs otion« Ve do of oonrse always welooas any Tolxmtary offers of sopport* Faithfully yours. cJjCjLV^ C, vfWtA/^C<^ Ptwsident ^"i 1 9- 1927 C. Hart h'-'tlnm C. A. BEVANS General Merchandise *^>«, • 7^ Hoonah, Alaska, p ^ ^^ A /^ Hoonah, A (TT^.jt CuA v,.-ij ly ( •t -/ J^^LiAiJr r K^. y. r cH /• c^ /^ "^ > V <^ -; / iUSl- y(~~ 1 ^iX-M v^^M*^ ^ A c^ Y-t.,!^ \^yf^^ f Iz. / -^ --^-< V-^ •V — r.i 1^1 ., -V- •* s -^ y /-,-= -^ ^-C- i _.^^ ^^^ .-^J / / '-^ <^ / — 7t- W'i. /- /r / C. A. BEVANS GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hoonah, Alaska 192^3:^ ( /¥a^- (^^ S] jPa^ /^i-*— » ( U r / ■f . ^' Cl-i^^'Z. c^ /7^«<=/ CV^^^E ^ ^ 1 LyiJ^>-^ / r 7 ^^7 -.«^ Cut>-^ t^~W'i-^^ T: ^r'-M. o-uj ^. (^T-tSe^^ .^^ A>^ftZr A y •r f7 ^^^^ 7 t-^-*- Ou^i^-t^/^ /~/-^ crc/^ f Y- f?^ '7\ ^ OMU c^^ /i^/^ X4/ _^ - y^O J^ ^4>1/ X^^ ^-^'<^*-*' ^ i^^ ^- /-.;?x- :iO. ^ ^ /^a^ryy/ c^ ^ y^ u^-^ -^^y. ^ r a^ } t^c^^^ ^ ^M^ ff f ^ 1^ i I f n 'f U^ Jx:::^cr /"^ ^^cuc^ % y \ I ] ^ A. B£V HOONAH, ALASKA ANS am. fl / 1 ~ s }r j (tC s^ru^ t^. rjl/Y-Sl J I fC/- )'\\5 ThB Tulstije ^nteiersitg nf Louisiana ^tpnvtmtnt of ^iologg Nno ©rkmta Geo. E. Beyer , /jra^y-l^ ,^^y^^a^i^><'' ^ ty%Ce^t^ y 9i6^^ -^Zt^ ^A^ '^^^^J^ .^^^^if^^ ^itl^»^^c^^ -<.Cc^ <^.i^-^-^^ y^^ic^^^^ ■f I ^^Z^^c ^^UJ^ ' /r /U^ /F7^_ 4'^7 iinii»i!iT>'i.i' tr_f JS' ^o^Jf ^ Oi^J: roLy JUyi/& U^O-U^ AtX/tf /^"MAJb ot^^ OU^ y l^jJ^^^ /y fMjJ UAyi/tJL U^Cu^ (A^ CfP^ //tjU(r aj/uu&Jl/jtli ^ ^Uf Qjx/0 .3o " ^.AAr Ob OoJiuiJ^eu 04yuiAcAJA^i^j UiJ ^r^clrL. IjjyiAj Cluyi/u £z/bJUJ U^pMjtJ /^axjLj / ^^^Ur Co i^MO^tJe/; LudjJ^ OU MaJiIa/I^ U-oCu uJ O'i/ J^^MAJL fiJ^vJlf- liAXAx/v l^M^ I^U/I^A. UiJL M^wi t^yU HMU . ^H^Art^ /u^ ^J fU^ OiUiAJ-t/Aj o^ bfu ^n^ I JUJaj^ op/jL ^ (JiaaJt. ^VW^ Oh (/vL A^jeJ- 3 Hi^^U/uyytyt^ CoUL A^yiAAju out Ou uyyiAyoO) I/IaJ aJ4^ a^ 144a/>o ClJ^V^ a07. ^^ 7yuj 4/U/jL K ij' hu. fMJ ^VaJ- iX> '7 fjrty dr a,. vU uJbb (JJlU/iZuJ cj- cu ^ ^UJr a/lAj (Ol/uBleiuJ Cb^ilui ' O^^ A?^ kl/py^ tftm tl/f/UJt . ^ trt/uJ Ltod lo/u^ UaI duA. o^(r^^ kiXy ///^^ 'tayiAimAf/J U ^X/iaA^ 7 44A^ f fAlyUl) ^ LrfK . ^-itiaAo I/uJ~, %^/fu4^^^ . > JYm (^oiJj^ CO J: 1 f/-j / y%/ ^ Ua /(r UrL/i/uojiJ ^UuA^iJr (^ZabiAjuc " uJbuil (/«, (liAyJA/Q C/U UlAa lM. % OfA d JJajJ oJ- out m / (Ml V U/^JL ^ / ^^A^LuIDqmI ^jJ- 'c/Iaj. /'Lf-y^f U Qj-oM Aju/^ ucxaJU dr'1^'^ 4i ' U0<4JU OTA, Uijt 7J ' , ^hzU (r^ oAj tr ajj^ ll^ O&jJ- UM/^ Co fcrii clu>J i^MJt lUA^yU^ UrUcJt IMj l/UO OAv ^MjU J V oUjM Q ■ CT iJu /t.^ J JVdr. 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A^tit ^•jf i 'Aril/ A t^ AiA^ (L^^ /tUj^y /2^/j^x^ , i^/^ ^ f(^ ^ Ac ^ccJC^ fJ^ l-i/y ^ jvt't-ia ^' / 'y cJ^*^ 4 ^t-'Tt ^ t 9^ / / f 7^t/i/ ^it^l^C-^ z ^^..-tr^ A i M^ t/-, ^'**C-<, ^^v ^^* Z'^^C^ /2^.^ h / A.4< rrt f Uirf^ ^t 4^ l^t/^ 5^^^^ cy^ /'/^ C-t^ .^l^j/L>€A e. 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M)t.tJ-iutj /*!' 4- "^^odtyf^ Zini.f^~2j /Uyiud^ '^^^■t'f^ d-c/Ju/Uy*^ 'i^C^^yf^'^^^/^t^ ^e/io^^ /t^cyi^U^ Cy(Ly^i<^ ^^C<^^f^ y ^cr^HxA ^^^<^^^^ £yp^ e^ / J a^^ ^A^ A. ^ ♦ 9u> /Lf^ ^■^!c<>, ^^A^ A-a^ ^i4^ cy^ >%i^ ^^^^ ->v-^ yt^'Z^^^^^ ^^ Ay^^.^''^ c^ A^^vlJ j^^T^U-^ '^^-'T^ ^^ /^XyA^^KyLJ^ 4\jC.c^ ^^ / i- Ck^^ 4.^.<'/^4?i^^^C^i^»-^^^ ^Kyci/u^ ^. /^^^iy //h^ U'^/ioU G^c.^W^ ^ _ f//A^^ i^!^.^/c» ^i^'t^o^ rx^ ^ o.,^.jy^ ^ yv^/^ Ct/x^ U/C^^^^^^'^^ /E^hiA. -^W^^. C issT-i ^!ycy ^^>^^^CA_^ A^ J~ U^ "v^- A /W^- /— ^ ^ ^r^dc^ ^/H^i^ ^^-yv^2^cZc^ d^^ ^ ^(^r ^LO^.^cr<- U^^iO^ i) lyt^LA^ -^, u. / /^ A /^c^ /^r^ Joc^y ^ J M^^ M % f ^n^f J'7- <^^ t^'^ f.j aA^ -d / 7 1/ /Pi>r^ / /<.-#l ^^^-fi^-t^t^ ^- ??L 4^A^ AJc) y/^^"5^ A^^^t^"^^ /^^ /^v ^~^^^ ^^^^^ r u^ #- ^-^^ Cr^-it-'Cirt- ty-^-z^^^ a-^ ^ y^ir //^^c^>^^ ^^-^^uV d..^<>C-^<.^..J~^ > ^^c^A, ^>^^-*^^ ■^ SENTER HOUSE, LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE J. L. HUNTRESS & SON. / Centre Harbor, N. H.,„ t:.^ .188 ^ (UA^ /^^lA^ /Lj^^-u ^'♦^ *j^-^>^ ^ /T • /' / r/r-/f" /C^-C^^t^.4^^ r ^AaJi^ / e* ^^ / /y r y^<^.^Ljc ^Ay HOUSE, LAK'E WIIT^TPE^^UITE J. L. HLU^TRESS^SON f^ / -t*^^*-*-^-*? t < r IZ ^{^•^-£r H^TRESS^S ^.A ^'^'-^ ^io^A-^ ^1^ //£ jJLf) i/*\ r^XL/ «^ ^^t^^Lcyi^ 4^^^ -^ ^1 t-cjt:^ SENTB« HOUSE, LAKE Wf^Nlfe^CU^E J. L. 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Utji Ju/j fJu o^^dy (Jaj/ (aj&u^^. flJ/iAa^y/Aj- lJiI' l(rf: /Stu- Ci^^xJ^, (H^ c(j^ Ur-pJ Oy Li/4/yolj^/ [^^^"^^^^ CMo /^l,1Ayr cu fiiy:L pJt(/)Aj of Jcj/^ Gm.4j nnyl- huA- (.li^JAM , I'^riyfAMl / /aa^-^^aL cA L^ (JdJL Ji^O UnXiJ^ aJ J UUAL Il4'.J- ^U.u. cl ^<^JJ^ h^ Ou V JmsA- [a 'ajijv^ h fl/'A 9f C/aM c^ ti/jyi/AAj (J^ cJ o^nc or Uai LjA/iAilr tkJ 'I . Io(tII C/i^ ^^cy. ^ajPa y uJ CTajuJ oA-L a J i-^AAxj. y ^>c nAAytAA.^1-., rxA 0'1ax. LAjiJlhi/iK ^/ Li'Jji 1/7 LfAi /^Uf(AAl^> (/I. a^ (^iaa4\. IxLMJlcl-^ Ou JlAAtJyfAA/,^ (AjilAL A^AJ^ OMaJ jLa iJAA^ f i^JjA/jboC' 3{_ I^jjUa^JaA, y^l^^ (Ail^,AAK ^^ AJaaaA Ai A t4^t4UAA£i^ U r^^ I (A JfVy. ycJ h'l (/^ t liA^ /C(juJtA u lAA Ca^ lt<.^AA~- lrAAAJ<.l JLAixJ^ ^A.A( C^ Uu CAUW UHaML (Ja( L^ Ua 0^4 U^ UaaAJ' (iJ uAa^U^S, i^OUAr 01AJ LAtUh LUa^^^^ , C^^Afkr /3/ kit J- L/ly/Ji iJ, J\(L/ld oOuJ dlAjJ ^ /* Ob ylAuAUoMA/J QaA4//uJ, Souur- Cb (JJIT^ -d '' Ua-LV fj(J. (^r (Juaa^ of Uai. ol h JAijycjL. ofAJUij Lo-dbo c^Jav (yiu,y JrfAU 'Jjl^aj^/Sc. o iA l^c^-caAj arr^^J ^y^. f^t^.mlr O/ytAj. (Tc/j urkjAjb I^a. i CjjilLufA^ hyjf jin^iyc, (J IjL^^x. /ljy?yM4^Jw (^Ad/Q./^^^v^ /kAX U U0-(.iAj Ja^Ajla/Jj 1 h^AMid. . .JAjaJ 3c ^ 5". CI M uJ/(Ayvd/> , ^ d^litAJvdf. a. oIjlj ^ JulmaJ' a. ( hI'I^ dlwiArJ Ho/if ^ G^/d- ll^ ' I^jixJL ucHM^j /j//d J (m 'lo''^ , y^^/d' Z^/ L4-^ ///r/''?.-? '"^{/JrlAf rl^lAi. HAAAA^Uv M/)/''A!J^y J Ijrcjj. (joio aJ J UA/iA^ OAMTiAy /h'liu l/uii/u, ll\ luu/i I y Uj^aJ f^ lit c< JiuA/ud^ aJ^ U/Udld'ud^( 1; oiaj \ cV^-^ -^ q Jll^ ^^ ' of oo f/AA el y uj ^aaJt aJa ^ J ii^A/a . ^nh (O/UUyPuJxJ (d^dlJJAAl ^ y. I JAAdjdl/d dAJd^A^Ji A ./( / .V /?/ Ip / j(I, (/'Ajy jt uJ- urzJ ■ y ((}\.vJ4a. L qo J^'idM (A id A Ckt AjM\ tuJr u/ul odiy fixMhr uuluuvu J Mur- li^^ / riAAjiiALlLurA^, dfAt l-UHA^ (J LAfdiAdxi (yojdji ^ y ^^ f^Jilai A/^/ LMA^ ('' '■ '/ Of ( flA J y f f f (J UajL y fcAji^- ) ( CtvJ CJ1A.U ( 6w'J/l/y of /luAyU'Ui . 'I J f-oi/D/ot Le a/:A^/u^L.vlM^t tMji fUtyxAjJ"^ c T' J ^~ y^/tAM {:folJ/f^ 0(J^'io/j3 1 QA, U0Vl/ CL Kijvn/^ 7 Qe Ajl y (o i' ^rtA^ // 'f V of ciurjki (d J^ JO lA'IU^ . h/i/ttf C/uaj if— OliydyiAJf uo-cu JVqjjj QofJl Jhif. ia/yX a'/UiytyuGL ^/bh JuUj^ uo-uAj lU^tZl . ^l^WyJyJi Ui (D/Iaj OoXuJiclLo^ uStyJju y UTiJ ervJ^^ hlAds QjjJjul ti A/- May ^ y ^ ^aJaj^JL oh UrzU UCHAJ , CiAiAj OtlJ U^IAaJ , ^J (JO-CO Q^^^nJ^ CMj^ujU. J^ajrO^t/f onAj uo Urv^^y h^J^ ^ 3 llAlliJb U^OiM OOi// ^yUjA. O^/ffUA^ tJ L^<.0 (MJ>, y G^-A tf~ /U/uJ ^ f K^/JUu>^ (MibujA y Cu oU/J Hy^AJU J3uMj ^Uopu/oJ^ (yu/r- /lAJ^UjuJ- G-AuAxj y^o^jbeMj thcJ Kjuc QAj^A/yUAJAAj cAj^ ol C^/W^ r -t^ ou CAT i^u)aMa ^c/?v(ii hiM aju • (d uA/^jnJL /lAj/^i4r, (ftuAJ (jL/f/i/dj /PlAJb O^IaJj T '(TUj or uoHjJb Ja/a^ 4^ yi^/Ji2 1 Cua^J- j k^n/iA, Co /iMJb (J T\ f Om/IaJ- jJitJ^ Q^yi/iAj^ 7' y kj/<£uAJ oij/j /lAydy?/iAjb \JiJ oJ4 ayw^ y h/UM unAJT JjL/i [iAaIJ CUfjL /7/H/: , (ffAJU/ (Jajl fbutCoMhAvC '-uJjb o4> ini^jct, ySuJ^Ajjf. c/'iu^-ut) Ho^i . Aiu yn ijf, 0 hi. J^wA /y...^. Mfjrju mL ^iOa/^. Jvdlu/UiuJ- MuiA^ 1 OlA^lAAfjiLv t^y ^ LAOA/IAi/cl /VIA^ ^^ k^a^ IJ- dv^M. hitAj 0/tAAl ctiUAJj^ d/j. OVu CUz 'cv IxJb IvDUoL Olyh iA/^ tVUL LcjJ- hAA/ltA^/iA£^, Urr/lAll- C^yUb. ^ . /Ua/i/uaa/J ^t^ d^Jp^fjAAA^tJ^ (til Aauaa.^ puaJ-- ou) (Alou. olue/'yuLU oi, c///ub hui Un^ CaL Uaat dAfAd ci^yo a. (ajlaauIiaaaj Al. cd J^AJicJUJL Uu / ^ /Uu^j/ LcU4^^ ClijJ- J ol/ydAiyui- ktjAj UrvJ oJ-Ua I^aA dAAA-JXfi^A , (Mix a/ ^ ^^vy^^. V,^ ^^yvf&^^ ^^ (f^j cuu.. Ia^'aJu l^i cb QJZ y ^j^ UrUL^ ^y^ MA.i( tuu^ i ,14^^2^ LM (Aidr d^ hlM, S^ urvAJh cf a. f,^ a^u^ a ic ^T^^M^. ^^^ hMjju Lc-imjL 4 ruAj fi/D /Ul/y OK a. (ML fiUl t ^ (d cl/p I f t Imax^ (lo CJicJ (l^^Jh (4HAJL k^^f O Lii/IAJ) ^ Ur (J LA^AAjJUAycJ U UmX. (Jt/^yu oj^ (ItAyy iCjUAs^ I './Y,' ' 'lA^^'l/t /lA4 lJ it liiAAAl /?/Vvi ^yU AJAAJb LAHAAA^ U (rvo U^Ar^^ 0/IaaJ Cc^ (X^aAAL , 'Al/Jaj LjCAA. ex. Ua JaJa^ JVuAr^^JU/Ay ^AA4^ Qa . /^oj^^lyujj^ UM-JoU/f^ A/w. 7 Jiuyel uotUb luCta of da //-, it fc^ ^iyi/uAPuJj , If o(^ (jou^ injboJi (jJuji/uBcuM i-UxJMJ kiM/^ (Ju / J HJuj uouAj jdju oj CtuoJ-- UuJaJ^ Ui^.i~ uJ/uuuj(JjAyJjLaJV i -lA/D^ /}A/Cf L^/u uajl ^ju/U aA u^aa^/ ,07aj 7 lAAJb y I/IAAJ LA/H JfJo U / PUU^ (JaJL iA.^JA^ ) ^ ui^^jty;/v(xJ^ Uy7yU/l/vU>9 JaJLu£v / Ou 'UA/ 'iIauu/uJUJ , \UoJjjjd/UJ , m '/UyV. ^^Id s f I L / IPiaMAa/uaJ^ f VJua/LouiJ^ f Ci/A>0Uy?A/AAAAj . / ^uUaaaJ / IUju) (^M^ (mJJ^ c/^ Lui- ^^U/J cJ- jCiAi/ltiiM- , iouiA^OO ^^it/lA^My^ ^ ^M/ljAi^i^tnd^^^ ^yu^ lA^ l/'l^.^Jji otCwf obuJ C/U LOMAxJ^ iiJb ^Jyt) Uc^ IaMju '"^uiyMAy^Jyui. ^luAJ ItMA/^ otOw; i^/i 4^ l44/i iJjeJ^ /aiAj , aJ- (Mjb~ l4ju^h 'HniAjb c^^ oAJ. ojJ u^ Co UtpM I] I iM M (TlA^S J /rsT ^^ \vh L / Morris Bien 60 ELM AVENUE TAKOMA PARK, D. C. May 26, 1925 Dear Dr. Merriam: Your letter on the occasion of my recent birthday and in honor of my accession to the office of President of the American Association of Engineers was presented to me together with more than 150 others in a beautifully inscribed binder at a surprise party of local friends successfully engineered by Dr. Newell and Mrs* Bien on April 17th. I was indeed overwhelmed. This volume is and always ». ill be one of my treasured possessions prized also by the family. The letters serve to recall vividly manv of the happiest occasions of my life. The accompanying silver service preserves your kindly thoughts in a beautiful reality. I cannot do adequate justice to the feelings which these letters have brought me. Most sincerely I thank you for the kindly and gracious part which was yours. With most cordial appreciation and best wishes, I am yoxrrs sincerely. O^^l^^fi^^^-L^i^^^ ■gi////,c/t>, Jtf^n 6I^^, 1653-1113 i ) //'\-^- \^i%^ Ca^ 0 /, i^vu? ., lr<-VJ^^J^ / All official communications to this Office should be addressed "To the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C." ♦ ♦ WAR DEPARTMENT, Surgeon GrENERAi.*s Office, ^^. Q. <^.,...2:2ta^i^... .^^..1. mA .Jj:^-^ L w 4yA V AA^ M J if they are tnere to be hau. With kind regarasi and tiianks for your letter) believe me to remain Faithfully yours i Director. Dr. C. Hart Merriam j 1919 16th Street) Washington) D. C The Peruvian Expedition of ioi^-is UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Yale University and the National Geographic Society MiRAM BiNOHAM, DIRECTOR Drawer A.Yale Station. New Haven. Connecticut January Sth, 1915 Vy Dear Dr« Merrlam: I am delighted to hear that Hiller wires he will go. I hope you will let me Imow how much we are to pay him, and how soon he can come to New Hayen. I note that he will be in Washington January 15th. I have a oonmittee meeting in Andover on January 16th, and an engagement in New York on Jlsmuary 17th, but ahould be g^ad to see him here on the 18th. With regard to Bassett, I hardly Imow nhat to say although I have been thinking the thing over. I do not like to take an assistant whom I heye not seen and talked with several times. I understood you to say that Hiller would be willing to work with native assistants and would not need a white man in his i>arty. Utader the circumstances, I am afraid we better let Mr. Bassett stay in Nevada. Of course, if he is coming East, I would like to see him, as it would be a great advantage to have a stenographer in the field. Faithfully yours. Dr« C* Hart lierriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D* C* Hiram Binoham, OIRCCTOR The Peruvian Expedition of 191-4-15 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Yale University and the National Geographic Society Drawer A.Yale Station. New Haven, Connecticut January 11th, 1915 My Dear Dr. Merriam: I am very glad to hear thfit Heller will go and that Groavenor is willing'to stand for his large salary. I hope that it will not make trouble with the others of the Expedition, not one of whom gets such a large salary. However, we are exceeds ingly glAd to gotten such a good man, and I shall be very glad to see him in New Haven as soon as possible. Any time between the 18th and 28th of January will probably find me in New Haven. I shall recommend his appointment by the Corporation at once as Naturalist of the Expedition. Thanking you for your interest in the matter, and assuring you of my appreciation of all you have done to help to make the Expedition a success, believe me to remain. Faithfully yours. Dr. C, Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D.C, Hiram Binoham. DiRKCTOn The Peruvian Expedition of 1914-15 UNOCR THE AUSPICES OF Yale University and the National Geooraphic Society Drawer A.Yale Station. New Haven. Connecticut January 20th, 1915 Dear Dr. Merrlam: Has Mr. Heller arrived yet? I am very anxious to get in touoh with him as soon as possible. Will you please ask him to oorne to New Haven just as soon as he oan. Faithfully yours. Dr. C. Bart Merrlam National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. Hiram Binoham, OIMECTOR The Peruvian Expedition or iqm-io UNOCfl THE AUSPICES OF Yaue University and the National Oeooraphic Society DfVAWEM A.Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut April 13, 1916. My dear Dr. ilerriam: I am very sorry, indeed, to learn from your letter of April l£th that the Biological Survey is obliged to decline the Peruvian collections made for us by Ur. Heller. After receiving your letter I telegraphed Dr. Walcott requesting that the mam- mals be sent to Hew Haven. I am sure we can find a place for Mr. Heller to spread them out here, and possibly he will be near enough to New York so that he can work satisfactorily from this point. It seems to rae that the Museum authorities are acting in an extraordinarily short-sighted manner. With kind regards and many thanks for your interest in the matter, believe me to remain Faithfully yours. Dr. G. Hart Merriam, U. S. Biological Survey, V/ashington, P.O. Hiram Binoham. DIRKCTOR The Peruvian Expedition of 1914-19 UNOCR THE AUSPICES Or Yale University and the National Oeooraphic Society Drawer A.Yale Station. New Haven. Conn April 10, 1916. Ify dear iDr. Merriam: Dr. Y/alcott writes me that the Smithsonian Institution has no objection to our donating omt zoological collections, made in Peru by Heller, to the Biological Survey, provided the Chief of the Survey will agree to deposit the collections in the National Museum as soon as Heller completes his re- port, and provided that the Survey will furnish Heller with laboratory space and facilities, and the necessary assistance in oatalogir^. Oan this be arranged? V/ith kind re^rds, believe ne to remain Faithfully yours. Dr. 0. Hart Merriam, Washington, J)»Q. HIRAM BINGHAM CONNECTICUT ^Cnit^h ^iai9!$i -Senate WASHINGTON, D.C. December IS^lSSe. Dear Doctor Merrlam: Th€Uik you very much for your courtesy In sending me your brochures, entitled '•Source of the Name Shasta" and "The Buffalo in North- eastern California." I was very glad to receive these reprints and appreciate your thought fulness in sending them. Sincerely yours, Dr. 0. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth St. n. w. Washington, D. 0. HIRAM BINOHAM CONNECTICUT liiCniiijh ^taio'$L S^cxiaie WASHINGTON, D.C. March 1, 1928 Dear Dr« Merriam: In reply to your letter of February 23rd objecting to the passage of S.700, I have talked with Senator Curtis, who himself is of Indian descent, and he is going to offer an amendment which I believe will make the bill satisfactory. erely yours. ^iA'^Ut^ Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Oisio^iuJ- Sau'Ji^ ol kyi^o^'^Ay\ /^aS'/VZ THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 3x6 6 Sh, n.yr. : 2.r /(fcf ^^ .u.oM Q^ ^^titlU^L^ to.) JUL tts.^. (lt-gt,e^o-. c3^/- *'vt-e^»'j^ctL.e-^x WashlngtoUt &• C* April 15, 1922. Dr* C* Hart Iterriam, 1919 - 16th St., N. ¥•, Washington, D* C* Uy dear Dootor Uerriaa: At the meeting of the Biological Society to be held April 29th, Dr. W. E* Ritter will address the Society under the title of "The Usefulness and the Peril of the Laboratory Method in Biology". I am enclosing herewith a copy of Doctor Hitter's outline of his talk and trust you will be willing to take an active part in the discus- sion which is to follow. In case you are not able to attend this meeting I shall be glad if you will let me know as I am counting considerably on an interesting discussion to take place after the regular program and feel sure you will be able to add many items of interest and value* Cordially, S. A* Rohwer, Chairman Committee on Communications, Biological Society of Washington* Bnclosure : Dr. Hitter's outline* sar-ccs \ % THE OBIfUUiESS AMD THE TtBXL OF THB UBQMJORT METmD PI BIOLO(IT< By Wm. I. Rltt^r. 4» Wiim^prmd diSMtisfmetim with prvralllBg ralatim b#tw#«n M«d«Bl« or pmre solonoo, and pnnotioal «r applied MienM (•• s»» addrwe* toy L. 0* HoiHurd and lis. BatMon at Torwia BMiingt A. A* A* SO OaafulttMa tf lAbaratory aa to: (a) PhancMna awaaniliig whlah no paaltira loiawladga whmUwr oaa ba galJiad without latoorat«ry atidioa* (to) PhonoiWMt ooMoniag wtoioh ▼ory llttlo poaitlTo knowlodgo oaa too gainod wlthovt QoAixmtlm of "fiold** and latooimt^r atadloa« (o) PhonMona oOTeorniag wtoloh ao poaitiro kaowlodfo whatoror oaa too gaittod In Latooratory. (KofatlTO utility of UtooratoryO Porila of Lfttooratory aothod: (a) Laboratory aoooaaarUy lisitad to fapffl^ff of nataro* (to) Latooratory prooodaro aooaMHurily rootriotod aoatly to apa^yaift and dadttotivo roaa«iii4[» (•) H«eMMrily t«rf« to bn»* Lftb^mtwri^ ffdo^n— , «»« ^Mit*! and aooiAl is«l*ti«i. (d) SliBUarity b«t«Mn "T"**''if"t ^ B«ligi«B and U!^ymtor^>R 1b 8al«Be«« (a) PraliidsMUT iBstntetlmi of «U woald-bo •eiontioto with throo fold «ad la Tiow: ^ . ^ j.. X. To holp thwi MO ttet all aeioneo la adapt^Ta. n. To aoouro aad atrangthoa that la ^bitMQJLraladodBoaa . m. To balp ttaoa aeqalra tlw aontal taohalaaa eawwa to all aataral kaowlodgo* '^Ib. I. lUttw) (b) Ceordinattt in r«a««r«h and teMhlng aa«lrtio wad n>th>tio and jtuductlra pre- oadure of Xifili* (o) I» Carrying Xaboratory wthod into tisld 00 fwr as por* sibla; and II. Applying foroally •tatlrtioal mat hod « Praaerre in inraatigator oonaoiouanaas of intardepandanca and huMBun naanlng of all apaoial aoianoas* (For moating of Biologioal Sociaty of «u»hington, April 29^ 1922.) oar«*oaa COI BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. D. C. OrricB OF •ONDINO SKCRKTAIIY Februaiy 17, 1952 Dr* C. Hart Herrlam, 1919 - 16th St., !!• W., Washingtoa, D. 0. Dear Doctor Uerriam:- I am pleased to advise you that at the meeting of the Biological Society of Washington held on Januaiy 9 you were elected an eneritus member. lours very truly. ]^ i >. :. WHITE, Corresponding Secretary. / WHW:M. BirJ^ y^kn r, /f/^-/9/^ / n — 6^^1290 JOHN P. BIRD. President La Crosse O. W. COPPIN. ViCE-PRES. Whitewater ALEXANDER DEAN. SECY-TreaS. Eau Claire ideovdtn ari rl S. ame ^mteeiive and zrroiiaaafioii LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE R. B. GRAVES. SPARTA C. F. HENSEL, WHITCHALL MILO MUCKELSTONE. WAUKB8HA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE K. P. TROUTMAN, MKNOMONIC J. ■. GALBRAITH. STANLBY E. S. KELLEY. Hanitowoc DR. A. T. RASMUSSEN, LA CROSSK T. L. MCGLACHLIN. 8TCVCNS POINT S?, eaaiie y PRESS COMMITTEE A. M. BRAYTON. LA CROSSE HARRY KATZ. MiLWAUKCC EDWARD B. BARR. MARSHFiCLO JC^. (l,A^^-irJ^z^^ U^Z^f'-*^ ■ ^S'^-**-^ <^ //'f'^ U- ^ i^ /^<- V JOHtl P. BIRO. Pmcsiocnt kA cRoasc mcD CARUS. Viec-Pnca. MANITOWOC avV^/ t. P, TRAUTMANN. ScC'V-Tnca*. STCVCNS POINT LCQI8LATIVC COMMITTCC R. •. ONAVCS, Spar-i*. CHM. Wiscoosin Fish and Game Protective and Propagation League EXECUTIVE COMMITEE A. T. RASMUSSCN, La orossk A. O. SCHMIDT, aniSHAM r. A. NUNKCL, PORTAOC K. L. KCLLCV, Manitowoc w. K* corriN, cau clairc PRESS COMMITTEE R. B QRAVCS. CMM. 19141^ ><^. ^. ^ ^ Pi^-i'-T^'^f^t^^-*^^ ■-'••- t-»-'<-.c- /-| PRESS COMMITTEE GRAVES. SPANTA 191iiZ f/f d^zr^^,^ i^^ /^J^^^'-'^^-^^^^^'^'*^''^^^^^^ ' /-' /2S^-^p-!>-/'-7-z--«>-^ ^^ c^ 2^, /f/^. ^ / /J /f/d. JL^ 4^ ^z. '■^t^ t. *■ <^ BicJs^llj &.C Prpcre BANC Kisa i 6a'129o /?^6 - mc \ 1\ A)lJ^ayu y^^TMyt^^ G. C. BIRDSALL. M. D. 1832 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. , //^^ 'V^-t.^CAy^ < 1 A- JL ^t^u-c^ G. C. BIRDSALL, M. q 1832 KALORAMA ROA WASHINGTON. D. C. % yf^r, t ^-^MoLe^X G. C. BIRDSALL. M. D. 1832 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. /f ^/^^M^.-..^^y^^^^ ^^^ c><^,^ tsuyj_, -iAj-eXl ^„a-m^irChJM ^<'-^^^*^ G. C. BIRDSALL. M. D. 1832 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. N yy ^ ^ $ ol/j(^ -^^ou^(K \ G. C. BIRDSALU M. D 1832 KALORAMA ROAD WASHINGTON. D. C. . ,^.^///f^^ Jk /\ \ WASHING! Q-4/ ^ (^ --tA>t^ (J UI5rtp^ louf<> vcvren' ZU-O' '> ^3, /yf-7 ^ ^ / r /. 2^^^/ ^^3^ J^ (fjt^^in,^. ^^^^/. a^ i f^r^ d^ ^ ff ^/Ue^u^^ ^ ^a^ z&r lc*e^ y ^2^ /^ uj^nfX^OL Iru A-Z^ ■i \ ^ ^ ^ \ i \ /A^ JO^ /«^ /fL^jruM. ^ /?. i L'UL. 0 A / f ^^-^^ L^*^C4. A^Zi^ f^JT. '^, 6-c«^ iX^cfi- 7 /. t^iT^ 2< ^^ ^^ ^«-^ Z^^Cc^^^ <^^ ^^^^ K ~K ? S> 1^ ^ «=-\^ '^ f'^. ^ J s Ul ^f ^Uou^i^ ^ tr S c^*^»*^;t^ (f^ Ihuj^^ U,^4^ '^Z^ ol / r u.^ ^r^^^ tJz:;^ ■-*^rp^ y d /^cil^ ^ T^ /. ff"**^ nbrr^ (aj /"/OM^ 1^ I '2 n \>j f37 UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. U. 8. A. MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY January 7, 1937 Dr. C. Hart Merrlam 1919 SlJtteenth Street, N. iflf. Washington, D* C« Dear Doctor Merrlam: I am sending you some reprints under separate cover. I am trying to build up a library of ma^alpg^ical literature, and would like very much to get copies of any of your publications that are available* I am attempting to complete a set of North American Faunas and would greatly appreciate any of the following numbers, if you should by any chance have duplicates of them. I lack numbers 4, 5, 7, 14-22, 24, 28, 35, 41 and 46. ^^^ Sincerely yours, W. Prank Blair, Assistant Division of Mammals UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. MUSEUM OF ZOOLOOY February 11, 1937 Dr. C. Hart Merrlaxn 1919 Sixteenth Street i^. W. Washington, D, C. Dear Dr. Merrlam: I wish to thank you for the copies of North American Faunas that you most generously sent to me* They make a very welcome addition to my set, which I hope some day to complete. Sincerely yours, W. Frank Blair, Assistant Division of Mammals A/ /: /90/'/V3 ^ A^ tt^^iAy? h /i^^ '^-' flC/ 3^^ v/ 2cii (fkylPv^-^ CHtnUtntm Popen BAMCM3S J^ / / ^tw*. U^ /O^jfH /IfU^ .^d >t^ - /^^ 2a_/t (?l^>± c/nt dCcTeZA^ isdc*-/ Lu. t*yfn^ -jtr^.^ ^oU- 7L /^^^^^->^*^ ^^2^-/- /^ ^ajc^ cX^^ ^tcu*^ ^^ AfCT'Je£^ 'V jir LjfO'^'^ t^^^^ ^'^f /^^ (ha auri f*»JL luUU- /r9^ ?}UuJu,f—' id/a ^ / ^ a^ C/^^ /^/ %>■ a<^ /2«/V // 25 "s. >>/«« ^c£c^ // t» u a/= TUuCt r Zuit'UifauJi l^chJi, fuUi, ft' rrTUj\ J ^uJdii "7 / XT uA-ry^ IajcL/ aya4t/ 1- TUZ' U)i m^ Gu^eL^ /A^ a L^ ,0 ^rw^ I l^ ^Lccw- /y^ /^ Cju^^ y /r< OWB VOBT Bxxj< A04S M Bosvoiv Rauuu Bbtatb Kzchanos ROBBRT PaRKMAN^ BLAKB RKALi S38TAT1D. MORTOAOB8. IP^SURAJ^CB 60 OoNORBiss St.. Boston Room 919 March ?, iyi3. "^^^S^ ^e/j Dr. '^. Hart T^errlara, Smithsonian Institute, washln^Tton, D.C. My dear Dr. Her r lam: I am proposing the name of our common friend, Dr, nharles Ct. Hixter, ISO TTarlborough Street, Boston, Mass. for raemtiershlp to the Boone and OrocKett Olub, who you may remember has shot Trrlg game In various places In the East l)esldes In South Eastern AlasKa and on the Aleutian Peninsula In Alaska proper, in asKlng Dr. Hlxter whom he xvould lllce to have v\rrlte letters for him he suggested that you might be filling to do so, and I therefore write to aslc If you feel so Inclined, going to second his name. Dr. William Lord Smith Is It Is a number of years since I, in the company of James H. Kidder, had the pleasure of aeelng you after our return from the Kadlac Islands in 1902, and I trust that this letter will find you in good health. ^ ours very truly, R .P.B,/^- Tvbaraoira Wout Bxuu 4040 Bo»«ON RSAb BSVATB BZOHAir*! ROBKKT PaRKMAK BLAKB RSAL E3STATB. MORTOAOBS. INSURANCE BO OoNORBss St.. Boston Room OlO March 8, 1913* Dr* c% Hart Merrlam, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.c* My dear Dr. Merrlam: I thanx you very much for your letter of March 5th* I am glad to hear hoth that you are willing to haclc young Mlxter*8 name and also that you hare settled the question of the range of the Bro^vn Bear on the Alaska Peninsula* As a matter of ract, I am proposing for the Boone and orocicett Cluh the name of Qeorge Mlxter as well as Charles »• his brother, and I am sure that a letter of recom- mendation for (Jaorge would toe very much appreciated If you care to write lt% Dr# William Lord Smith proposed the oldest brother , William Jason, a year or so ago for the Oluto and I am sure that he would like a letter too* As you protoably know, there Is to be a dinner of the Boone and Crockett Olub here In Boston on March 22nd and I trust that I shall have the pleasure of seeing you here then* very->truly yours, ^jy->truiy yours. R*p.B./n. TsbBTHOMB FOHS BlLI. 4045 Mbmb ■VATS SjCOBAMOa ROBBRT PaRKMAI^ BI^AKES REAL E38TATS2. MORTOAQICS. I1^7SUKAI9CS: 50 OoNORSss St., Bostoit Room 919 September 22, 1913» Dr. 0* Hart "^'errlam, 1919 16th street, Washington, D.O* My dea2^ Dr. Tjferrlam: I hare been meaning for a long time to ^vrlte and asK you what Is the condition of the wild animals In the Kadlaic islands. I: have seen newspaper reports, photographs, etc., but I hare not been able to get any definite Information on this subject and would be very much obliged for suiy that yvou could give me Trusting that this letter will find you In good health, believe me Sincerely yours. A^I^J^IVcJa R.P.B./O. BioMt, 6> ^ ( W/1^^ Quu,) 1^1^ ' /?<"/ ) ^ y^ /92^-HZy UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WA8HINQTON EOONOMIO AND SYSTCMATIO BOTANY Dr. C, Hart Merriara, 1919 Sixteenth Street, H.W., Washincton, D. C. March 14, 1925 ^ar Sir: I return the specimen of Carex from Boar Valley, California. It has been sent to Mr* ll« K. Maclcenzia, the leading American student of the genua, who reports that it is impossible to identify it. If you can arrange to have a fruiting si)ecimen of the plant collected about the month of May it will be possible to name the plant for you. Very truly yours. Acting Botanist. f-^^ SFB/i;BH ^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WASHINGTON ■OONOMIO AND aVSTEMATIO BOTANY march 19, 1926. Dr. C. Hart ITerriam, 1919 - 16th otreet, r.W., \7ashin^:tOD, D. 0. Dear Dr. Merriam: In working up the Gompo sitae for Abrams' new flora of the Pacific Coast, I have felt the need of a map of California showing the mountain ranges clearly. Mr. Coville tells me there is such a map, but he cannot find his copy of it, and thinks that you may he able to identify it and let me know where I can obtain it. ITe remembers it as a map issaed some years ago in connection with earthquakes. I should be much obliged if you could help me out in this matter. Tery truly yours. ^j^.^j^ Associate Botanist. t:PB:M UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WASHINGTON ■OONOMIO AND •YSTEMATIO BOTANY Dr. 3, Hart !:erriain, 1919 - 16th ^^treet, r,W.» ' ashington, D« C» April 16, 1926. "Dear Dr. Terriam: The specimen sent for identification is not TIeliotror>ium, but is Gr.VDtarthe species. This genus consists of very closely re- lated species, and it is not possible to identify your fragment specifically. I return the specimen. I have not yet found an opportunity to call at your house to see the earthquake map of California, but I hope to do so during the coming week. Very truly yours. c^. M^/k-, Associate Botanist. SP3:M .4 ; ) / (^(kM. 'F'^mm /hlu^ 2yKtitJ(u. J \<^00 ' i^O^ \ .^ >^^^ .^ '7 J III EAST SIXTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK. ^ ,J^ c ^<-J^ .^ ^■^. ^^?^>^ ^ III EAl '^, J(^ ^ /. y y ;;^^ ^^^^^^^ ^>^ ^>^^ '>'>«rv- / ^ ^>^>:^^a Ss;:^ X /- ^ / >^ / / '^i*f^ ^ ^. .x^. :^ c. # .Z^- ^- ■'^\ >; ^^t-^-y ^ i ^^^^■^^ ^^^< ^:*t ii^^ \^ y ./ ^ ,^ (L. ^^^ ^^^^^.^vi^ /^" X ;^^ ^ / r^-. ■^,.-^!^~m^'' . ^ul:*< V ^Jcj.J-'4, ^ 13 A / sf v/^^^ * 0 SOCIETE ZOOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE 7, rue des Grands-Augustins Srcr^Tairr G1^:n^:rai. : Dr R. BLANCHARD 3?, rn*» iln Lnxpmb< Paris, le oLM ^/ixLf^/iarrryriAr^^ ^p A t^^ If o d ro 0\yy^\/l f 4f U^ y^ iL '^. Jl^ i^ v/. *vA'^^.^ ^-J-A-y^X^VX^I^ V i>t>«XV^ *^^ ^>— w^ ^^-^^ ^^-^ -^^ ^^^^U..A-iL%^^i<^ KJL^>ryJ^^-^ C0NGR6S INTERNATIONAL DE ZOOLOGIE Count Permanent Si6geant a Paris 7, Rue des Grands-Augustins, 7 >o« SECRETAIRE GENERAL : D" R. BLANCHARD 32, Rue du Luxembourg Paris, le. II.. «y?v..- 1.^.1.1 ($J-e^^ cA^ ^l^''V''V/txVVi ji^ ^xA*-/- U r z' ^-71^ 06 ^ 9-'/^(^ -K ^e,^ 3cuvw 'f/--*- -4 ^*--^ r; T oC^ crrix^ ^^ ./-/-- r / ^i^-K» a-^?-^ c^ Jiji^{Z\Z-^ ojiwjh— J ^ ( ^^l^rrJi^Jr^ — cJL h(r^ I ^^^ lpHX-7 K«i T ^xJi^^^^^^ T^ L j^ 1 n 1^-^-l^/^-^J^-1>«--^ r / / i/\/\fi-no^ (^yy. ipl^ iv%a-^ o/Cl^u .AZy^r^S>-nrJ^ A^ ^jJ^ 4 002^^ CARTE PO Ce cote est exclusivement resi (- . fla^^Tt ^ 5^ Rfl^B 3^B \ \ ^EtIhI^^Rl. \x:\ li^^^^H7^fj| ^^^ AV KILS^^eI 1 1 ■ ^M)\/ [rMn>JII' pMCT n9Is3| ou^k>V-^ <=A!a^^^i^evx b r ^ in uuu/^- Al^CL/SAi-^^VULA.*^ e^ ^«^ cM ^ •^ oc^v/t. %/W.e>YA>< oi.xvv\ ^ ^« ramabiliti de lui envoy er. II le rejnercie de son hon souvenir et lui adresse ses compliments ^J»:^ /\ . \ Ql OK>^AXy^tLAy<^ -,4y^. '4'-. • b/a^h^cfj k/i ((,AW'^ 77imn<^6^ /^32- 190^^ ^/ J -Tiiyirp^ni ■iimwp^i^^eegaMtwiiigu.^j?!' 'i •tm.-'^%^ trnm^mmmmmi^^m Tif.Bfbtorb Garb / etXB Cftmpbfu Hill W ^. 2.1.^^/5^^ J i'Cctt.yJ / ^M-*«-^ .^^:^^^; >-• ^2cZ«^ <, f ) iU u u^ i^^^-i'ioy \ IKTKnNATIONAL ORITITIIOLOGISTS ' UlTION. (Pornanent Conruttoe) Most liononred Sir I You \/ill kindly undorstand from the inclosed register of the sessions of the first International Ornithological Congress that the latter have appointed you member of the created International Permanent Committee, vrfiose tasks are expressed in the annexed regis- ter. We beg your honour kindly to accept of this office in refer- ence to the high importance of the task put to this Conraittee; the latter v/ould be much afflicted by missing your famous name and tried abilities at tlieir v/orks, and v/ould be rnich honoured and encouraged if you v^ould kindly accept of tliis office. We beg you to adress your kind ansvrer to the secretary of the Committee^ and in case of your acceptance add your name and titles in full for the bolioof of establishing the personalities, and be pleased to proceed in accordance to the registers of the Congress III Section, IV. Paragraph article a to g. The instructions for the Austrian-Hungarian Observation Stations, and the specification of the birds of German^Austria- Hungary by Homeyer and Tschusi will bo for^varded to you at once. Awaiting your immediate kind ansvmr we remain, dear Sir, Yours most rospectfullv The President Dr.R. Blasius. The Secretarv Gustavus von llavek, Ph.D. Vienna, the 30th September l«fi4. To Dr. C.Hart Merriam, Esq, Locust Grove, Lev/is County, Nov/-York. t« *«* ^^,tt*ki»su nmmr 0,^,,^^ ^. %| '% % er- Protecteur Protector : President : Prdsident : Secretaire : Secretair : Son Altesse Imp^riale et Royale Mon- seigneur TArchiduc RoDOLPHE Prince h^ritier d'Antriche-Honffrie. Seine kaiserlicho und konigliche Hoheit der durchlaucbtigste Herr Erzberzog Rudolf Krouprinz von Oesterreich-Ungarn. M. le Doctear Rodolphe Blasius k Brunswick, Petri thor- Promenade, 25. Dr. Rudolf Blasius in Braunschweig, Petrithor-Promenade 25. M. le conseiller du gonvemement D. GusTAVE de Hayek, h, Vienna, Marokkanergasse 3. Regierungsrath Dr. GUSTAV von HAYEK in Wien, Marrokkanergasse 3. \ ^. ^^^^#4.^^ ^V^U ^^<44t^ ;>4! "^^ ^iA%A^^ ^^^^i^A. ^Vf ^^^^ .:V^ r ^^C4y^ / ^<^*^ ^2^ ^ii Am^^ . •--^^^^^l/^^^r^ /^^/ UC^^^c^^ r^a^^^ 4,C' A44.g^ zf. "■^^^^A "^•«M. '.^^V .Wi' ♦* A». ^^xir>C/^C^^ ♦-^ ^. x^ ^^k^^ '^•-^ ^''•^^^ Dr. Rudolf Blasins. Petrithor - Fromtnade 2ti den ^ p/t^.^^ 188^' ^t\^ ^'^Ui « Dr, Rudolf Blasins. Braunschweig Fttrithor - Promenade 2h den ^^A XZ, 1S8^' w^"^ /7^ /3<^^\ y j^'^ / yv^: <*-< . <4> • ,...|.l.|.,,|.|.|.|.-T-Tp7riTpp7^^ WELTPOSTVEREIN. (UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE.) POSTKARTE aus DEUTSCHLAND (ALLEMAGNE.) eJ^ 2'*>*«.. .<^ / ^t?:^^t'..^y/c.^.'r7. #^ 7l.i.'.'.'.'.M.M.i.T;i.i.i.i.i.i.!/ifJ,i.i.i.t.ffrtf;T;V7t7T: Vm^^^^^^^^^^/w V ^' / y^^-^-r^ ^^ ^^.^^ / / .L. / / '^;%i-^w^^ :^ >>^ /Ui/t>^^^i^^ 'P4.^9«r^/4^ 7' i.4^ j^*^.^:?^^ ^1.^^/4^ ^>- ^ ^- /^^ / ^ ^x^-*//^ ^Xk. h^^*^^ Vt>4*'-^i'^^ r / /i ^c* /: :^^^ >^^^ /i^i^-**v^*i»<-V-' ^' O^^V ^i-vw //^>-C4^ ^tyt4A^Lt^ '^i^ / ^. / U P*^^*'^ *T. >4.' i *^ ^/a H^u^ U-r / f' ~^^i. ^^^^tt^^^ i^'ft^t^*K?^^i>-^ / -^ l^^^^U^ 7 C^ '^ >^1 ^T^^^u^^^ lA^a^ ^^^^-^tA, Dr. Rudolf Blasius. Braunschweig Petrithor - Promenade 2B den 2^ -^4ii**^ IHH^^^ ^^-y^aJc^^ /^ \y^ 14^**- ^pC, %/y^^^%^u.^ . / ^^^-.tst^'-A. yi**-^ ii/i. ^-c~ /l>4,— // ^ /^(^^ r. / J^-M.^::?!^ ^ ^ / 4.*C^^cAyurvt' / C^Zs./i^ / ^-^^TZTL*^ ^5y<>*^^-//<^^^// L /^ L J / / ^ yscz^^ "f^^cA^f / 4^/^^ • #^^2-4-^ A'^U'i^^i^Ct^*^ ^ /^ >i^/2U2.*w *.«^^/^^ ^ yu.a^ c ^^u^i^L%, A/^-^a.*^. -X / ^^'^^^/S/T^ ^^^ ^^^-^ ^ 7 1,^ ^d^^i^irjf^y^u^ / r<^Ar^ ^ru^^^^^'^ ^ ^ C M^i^v-^ l^i^¥^ 2.^.4^ ^^/^^ 'Z* :^ X t*^ A j^e /At'^^ / /- <^/-^€-f/^ ^ r\^V ^A- irl>i. /t XC^/<^ ^' ^^ 4A^\U,^A^^SLs/tjiyi^ Vt%^Ci\^ r ./cA i i^ /, v^^ ^* 6-^^ /A-t^-L^t^t ^S^TH^^ -t^^ / '^7. ^V^i ^^-7 ^ > c , /^4^/ f ^i^^^C^^C^ ^ A*" - k/a. V>7^-*H^, ^_ t/t'I^AC» Dr. Rudolf B f^^^^^^^^ J7 ^^' ^ /^«^J ^ ^t:^' 9^, ^ ^ „„„*. «-.« .^^ %* Protecteur : Son Altesse Imp<^riale et Royale Mon- seignear TArchiduc Rodolphe Prince h^ritier d'Autriche-Hongrie. Protector : Seine kaiserlicho und konigliche Hoheit der durchlauehtigste Herr Erzherzog Rudolf Kronprinz von Oesterreich-Ungarn. Pr^gidmt : M. le Docteur RoDOLPHE Blasius k Brunswiclc, Petrithor-Proraenade, 25. Prdtident : Dr. RuDOLF Blasius in Braunschweig, Petrithor-Promenade 25. Secretaire : M. le conseilleY du gouvemement D. GusTAVE de Hayek, i Vienne, Marokkanergasse 3. Secretair : Regierungsratk Dr. GUSTAV von HAYEK in Wien, Marrukkanergasse 3. 4^ ^.Z^.v^ ^^t--: / 7^ z C 1 /- 'A U^i >^ r V ^r •^ if ^• 7 /^ •/. x^ / ^ J^yx* X-- tflk A ^>^^4V^ /^^ > /t i^^i^. .€ H^ -^'A^ ^ v^ a^^io^A. -2^- -4^' / 7 >4 f. '^ •»^^ *.»^ J*.«/-«k^.^ >^' •^ /^6u^ / ^ ^^•♦^/i^ 7^ M» i/-I.« ^Ac.^ ^ a^A^^*^*^Ai'es C / ^:^^irnt^''/^ ^ At.**^iL Aio^A- A 4^V^H ^<^c^^e^4^ ^TT^^' ^ c'Z^.^,^^ %yif^/^f^a. // 'CC'4^L^^^7^/^^ A^ ^ C^LA^^^^^ < /- j«^^^^^ ^^ .^' l^ ^€ H^ CCJi^ xf /♦^ ^«^«^V yjo/w^ A^ X^ ^7^^ M4r£Wi.^Vf // Ai/^^i/9 sn^ ^^'^^ ^ '^^t.^^'j ^^ £^X' ^JCo^. ^K^t^^m^ ^(^ VMi. C-^pi^ ^Vze/*^ tf«-6tv*^^ ^; «<«. '4s* <^^'«^^ ''^: ^^♦^^ X /^ 3^ / ^i:.* ^<^^t^ ^^J^L-^y^o*^ /-^^^^. •/i^i^^^^ii.^/-->t^v4. ^^il^/^. ^^ A / / •->£ /^. ^. -*/ ^ J eumfuna €i?Ueie9( 7 Qyecd/e?^ Qy^'. zJ iuu^i4€mcf€iaf^€n^e'? yAe^/ntei- i€iae?i€^- cu/enan/ ue^ €a€iljf€ %en ,=^zye^nan€/mac/H€^ unt ':^ymu Qyc€aime^i6 Q/n. /" QyU4-i/n o/Ceimann 't^e/iien ^ii/H n^j €iu€a€7id/ ^i/ixuxet^imt. emi Qyiip^d^M^/^ .=^i, (^Iti^m^Qy^^ unu QJ^iuti €l^€€fd ^ a€^. T/ u^^'mtmn. QAji€iund€nm€m^ um /. Q/iyCdix /S&&. fl^Hld uudmann €10a €i'nxuxeia€n. eiat €im€l9Ml Q/ceiX{}^U€n Q/c/iaundcdmemfJcde^ JJJ^mdnen/iacn/e^ T tint CCeAHnaen Aei oCAzuAf^Aen ^ €i9n /. 'ax /S9e. Professor Dr. Rudolf Blasius. Braunschweig, Inselwall /j Fernruf Nr. 240 den ^ • •A*^ * , JQolZ ^//£ -/-* ^v '■'^*^. "^^v^ -^ / rr^ ^^£% 7c^ '*^^^-r/,\ X ^^^ ^^^ vf: C^%^A^ ^. / X ^--^ ^ro /«« ^ •• ^ ■pT/^, ^-c^ 3i.:,^iiV i>c i:-r^ ^ /r 7^.'/ ^/-v ^' ■^•^^ ^SA ^f^^ ^^ ^ tfV^ a/*^^ 1 -»^ '/^* 'ytH^ V? ^ / ^..i^ii^ ^ yi^ / ^^/^ c:^^ f.4y.^ /,H^^ ^r;^.^/^ -fc^^o^ /«-^*^ / t/^^^^^<»^ ^y^^^ ^-^^i^^-Z^'^^ '■'^ , ^'*^f u^^^ vX / y / *<. *%. ^^. ^- >i^>V* is-^^ ^. ^ V>^»J-<< ^ rV/^ <3r^^:-r^ /t^V^-^ /^r/^^*c^^c^ ^-r* / ^ ^^ ,,,^^-*<- /^ / ..-^ ^2r->4 *-»*-»-'. t^e. ;^>{-»*^ ^^ 1'C^'Z-^ t/*^ i^/. /^^^ C^ n. c t^e Xry^ W^^Xr^ /^ ^\'<.-C.-:^^lr^'f^ "^^'jL. ^:zCr- ;7^. / ^ ^ ^ .;^ t'C'''Z^ t/^' A^Y^ *^c r" / fH^ %/y^<4. ^"J^C. ^^i-ot^^^y^^. ^ 'n ^ ^-^-^ ^ ■*<»iV*" <='*^ *,4i^' / Professor A- fi^i.t.l^ l* '^^^- <■ ^t^**. ■«»■■« ^ • / >- /f'tSLy*- // ^L£.%^r^^ ^ — >; f^ ;-•- /* ^^r^ j^'^^'^'^ i^^'^^^t.yx '.^^^^^ -^/cc/t, ^^^ i2^>^ .'V^ -L ^r^ /y^ipi^^*^^ t-r-r -w ,-.. ^- Bl ^S, 6^.0 kji/Mfy^ / n >i 4L^ 'y i9oi ojLpifflawpMJUji jmgiifc jiL — ^i^* \ -U ^i^rfv ^^,y^.<4LC. ^ Ur^yKO^^"* <^K V\V< (L^ \jU^ Om.^*^ o^. -v^ . <^<^1^ / '^ i^th^^A ^ t/^ C7~> l.'M. C^t-t-/^o-<-/* ^^tJ^pCi^ ^»c*'f dt^'^x.^^^ttL^ I > A^ Deutsche Reichspost. Post KARTE. j/n c ir>4 Deu TSCHE Reichspost. />X Post TKARTE. \ y^ tSOt-Jiu^^ wv^ ^. ^fi^ nruM^ i^^i f*» r»* .^ /^ chUh /7*^^^ ^, ^///yUam^ / U ^t^ , ^ ^//aJ^ut^ / 4^ift (f ^if ^/f / / / / o mJ 8:. \ /^ §/ // ^// ^ClAP W. 5r. ^ / //7^^ip/e^' ^'^/r/^'^^'cy^n^/^/y / (f ^ ^A^>e^ __ / ^ ^'. ^^/// -9^ ^ ^?f^ //• // ^ ^^^ /r^/ 4-4- "a.<.tyt^yc^4i^^^^c^\ O* ^^Y^^ /S^f" . <7^ f^JzjC hL.v^^.r-^^^\^ I ^^ i\^^-Yrs,Jc4^ -^ /iy^^^t^jL, d^f f*.><4*-^ir' rfiC-^^s/ ^ dA,' c ^ cry<^^^ a^fs, yi^^ U>A. ^^^idn^'ti-^ ^ — ^/z^ ^^.i^ y^L^-i^ ab(^rC^^y<^ ^^A^ ^-c4^^ru4-U^^ .£.,^,^yL^,^.r-^ 0^ jyjMt^ ^W^J^A ^SWV Aa^ S^^L^lil.'tt^C^lCtt X K H^^ ;?rv* '^ cJ'fuf^'^-^ ^i^ A^ ^^^4^ ^i x_^ oc^ _ ^^ t-yc^ A^' tr ^yftL ui -nx/yL*-**-**-^*^ J A '-r^ ^7i-«' •/•-*v^. c ^c4^ jccyy- '7} f^ ojt/K^y^'f-j^ d^yi^A^^ A^c yiut^ 9-^ V/^ ^-^ . — lAw A-*.^-^ K^ir^56 ^ /^.^ (y^^^ ^>v.V ^^-^ ^.A-lH/tv-t^X^-.**^ L^LC-i^t-^ i^Xr-^-^ A^ .y^^L^ .rv^^^yt- U^^^rt^^-ry-^ J/L t^\4^if ^a^^yis^^ijt JiH- Aw^-^^v^ y^ n'^"*^ I i.i.i.i. I.I. 1.1 1 1 i.t i.i.r T.I.I. r .i.r i,i,l,l.l.l.i.l.l.i.l I l.l.l.l.i.l.i.i I J|'|l 1 !■ W'ELTPOSTVEREIN. (UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE.) POSTKARTE AUS DEUTSCHLAN (ALLEMAGNE.) J^. O^.. L. d^^ ^ ,^yr^* . *fCn^^ '»V4A^.i.i.i.i.i.M.» I.I.I I-, i-1'i'iTi'.lXmx M'l'i'i'i'i'i'iVi'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i '■'■' '^^^^^^^^^'.'.'.'.M.l.l.l.l■l■^l. 1,,1.1, I.I.I.I. 1. 1, i.i.i.i.i.i.M.T.i.r.f.i.i.i. I. I.I. i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.t.i.i.i, I, i.i.i.i.i.i.i.TT WELTPOSTVEREIN. (UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE.) ffiCM^ffl^yiTE AUS DEUTSCHLA (ALLEMAGNE.) \ Y^^^ (:a!c^ \ yh /i /\ .f^vuK^i. 'i 1^-l'i'i'i-i-i'iM'lTi'l-i'i'i'i'l'i'l'l'l'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'l'l'l'l'i'l'i'i'i'i'i'i '.'.'.i.'.'.'.'.'i'.M.l.'.'.'.'.M.'.'.'.M.'.i.M.M.M.M.l.M.l.M.M.l.l.l.l. I.M.l.l.l.i.M.M.i.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.i.l.R an / ^^d d* 1^ %Jx^ C>ll-^ /^ 9tr<^ UU>L i^cJ vw^ ^^. JUw' / ya^ d^Kf^l e T ^ JL «-w/il ^*A/ ^'^'^ ^V^Xz-T. , i/v»*. ».^A**-»^ « ,« (ftt<^ (/Jr^.xcX.->^ / r 7 ^ ^ a/Vi/i^ ^ 4^^t^cuir{^^h^x^^ ^ / 0 ^^-^''^'^'^.yi/^^^ ^^^-^^'^^^/pL4Ay^^ ^ <^ / /r^ ¥ vTD vT^ Xi^^^ , ^ s- ^>^ <%*t^fe<^ ^^ ^f^jU^ /^u...ajuu^ Q-'trt'^^^cJCA-^ (D vT/ ^■^^-rv^-t^'l^yo (L^.^«^ J^ ^aj- ^ H- j/hJL^^.^..^?y^^fff^ fi^ciM^^^^^Aju.^ err s-cr 7^. ^ ^ <^ QCCcUt C^yM^ MlJtx^L^ yyuU^ A**-^^^^ ^A,r^ £/ttV^;^^<-^ 4<^4h- ^'t^k J -6^T< /^ iVyt-" e/^-A^ ni. /CA i/>t/i^M.>i .^^^ *C*/ v^ , -3^ry^ aCHf 0t^*^^t>fs. ^7*"* .•vJk •*^N^^ C}u;t. Y'^^y^ '*4^^>s^ ^ cCu* A-CpCrs^ M^i Of. ^^X-At.^--^ x^ i^c ^•'^^ l^^c£c4 /xjtyC*4^ a-^-^ 4^'^iu.CJt UyM.*^tM4^ it^L^ iu€^^ JcntiL^fCt- n^ ^L,.tarCU^<^ /fs^X'^ Qj^xn^i^"^ ^c ;f***^^ **'^5*t»i . ♦.W^^C/^ >o X .t^SU^rUk .vA ^ ^^A^ /^VA. r'V il^' / ^4ir f^Wff*-^ f. JiKrt^ A^tt^^fUC^^^l /. ^L^U^ c^^c^u^M / J{Lu. jL^^^^^^t^,^ / i (^yt^fi^nMt «j(. ^y^UUt4^*^ ^ 'iA y^4lt<. ^ft^ry ^L«««>«« T" \^C^^^ **.PK^ ^^ y^r^-^^ ^4CCH^'H/)^^CM.^^yc^ . _ ^j%j<^ 4;^ ^^sj.-^*^ n^V* f^^^„^-*^^i^ . f-*^*<^ C^ y^Y A «>A% n^ V '0<,^*^n^*^<'4i^7^ ^V^ c^/W^^^^W*^ ^H^ r^-x44 J, iv*»«,-»v ^«^**-«^ / ^^ i^ A*'T*^*^ ^C^»**-^fc*^ /^» »U-*r<- >»«-*V 4:s<^l^ •^^'K/ '^ ^<^ ^ KM'^V^ '<^i>^ jsU^bh^ WTM ^yfUi^v i/tf lr^<-.rti >rCf76c 'ffc^. .•t^C /■.5:^ «.J^^%«i!« y £v*>n^ ^^<-r^i^ 4^ X^ CMV.-^ yU^-^*^»^*^ ^^p^ f'^ .;^*^*-^:l^>^ x*4^ i/fl^*^*<^ nf' ^^-^-r^ / 'yvCf'^ Alt -r-rr^ -> ^^Jlx^ Sn^^^ ^r/, 6nM. *i^«^/>,/^<-Jl^^v^ i/JUv^A^ 'KA^t/n^ ^Arrs, t/t^u*^-^ A^**^ i^*- ^*-.rT^ 1^' yr ^^. A.^M^t.4 .^J-^-l-C^^ . II. 6. CUcpartment oi ^gricalture, DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. ECONOMIC ORNITHOLOGY. DR. C. HART MERRIAM, KJuo^'^iJoi/n^t'O.^vi^, Ju. ^.f 18 8 ^^)iXj<^ AGENT. \ \\ u sKxUkx^^ \ \ \ X. w ^^AJ>2X\JUNiMi-Vvv\, . \ \ Pr ' '''■''' ''''''' '''' '''■'■'■'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ..M.....,.,.i.,.,.M.,.,.,.,..., ^^ux,.MxM,^^x^^^^^u^.^,.M.^^■.v,^ WELTPOSTVEREIN. (UNION POSTALE LNIVERSEL POSTKARTE auS DEUTSCHLAI (ALLEMAGNE.) ^/^^^-^^, J^^ ''^•' ■'■''■'■'■'■'■'■'■ ' — .......i........ .,.,,,,1 i I WELTPOSTVEREIN. (UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE.) POSTKARTE AUS DEUTSCHLAND (ALLEMAGNE.) iPL^TH^ "^ ''''''''''''■'■'■'''■'''■' ■'.M.l.l.l.u.,.u.,.,.,.,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,..,.,,,,, .,.,.i.,.,.,...... .,,,,, l^'i^i'rnTi'i'i-'.'.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.K >iV^ ^^*^ U-uXl/L^^ oAyf^d^r^ -rfi-c^V*-*^ ^^.<-»' * ^'^'V-V^^ / \tow4A/*i^c^ JysAs^t^^^^ , 4*^ I M( tf^V /!t*«-^ ^♦^-i^ >oA-7^ ^^tjrC^jt- i!L€K4^Jb^ ,^#iA'^ * ^- ^^^V^ .k^c-^^^a/ >c^,^^»^^ «v< y^irt.^ Z>%^f^ ^uX^-^ri^^^pf^ U cc6t-^^ /J^A^itu, 4jui ^/uVfe^^^ ^i^^ A#« k; ^*^f;i/ '>»AvK ««,*^ti>s. %Ok X^»*j^ ti^9%^(»«-v ^Ti »»»»»-&-»». M""*?*-***- ^Mr . r. ^. -^>t Aw Xv ^^ ^ ^ MxA^ &%^tyt/^ ^.£..«.*«-c-/ ^^ ^^^^^.4^ / i4 ■/* ««^V^<-y«^ J' ^^A^ ^fUtr^ ;^ ffuAjC' -^^V^***^^[^ '»/»-C ^ f^Hk./< ^w lrt^>^ %^ ^V6c^ /M<^t-*^ (SLri-^_ v^c^ (S.?!^ / vKv ^'^<^ yCj^^ ^i-*f^ Jl/fLyfUyC ^i^yh^ « -I-. ^/Jm^€A % y»-»*< '^ ftt«73<«^ ^AfiC^ ^A't^f^ , WC-fc«.^/*.r%w i(v *n-*^^fkt€^ aC^\ ^' t^r^ « ^2U^ ^* ^ je^yt' ^hC^ v^*t>C >^^t^..^ 4^Ai^-c^ . ^^^ oiia^..^^ ^/r^ ^A^ ^rXr<. A, ^yt4^ / otUi- (a^ ftr*"-^^ >>*iACn /TUAn^ <«^9«* Jla^ i*^**^ -^Ur^ >*.»^ ^ 4^*»* ^t^sr*-*-^*"^^ ^■^*'''^'*^ i^j>K J^-r***. %f\ iCn^ *^ *<«<«^ <^<^ ^^ tA^^C <>ft^ ji^fiiA^t 4,* j\. A.V *9L^1^ ^t PCt^l^tvtty*^^ MyO /^?f iXf^-IL^^ (l^^Uc >»w .-^^ ^1. ^55^U^.-.l,^ -^w ^^* itA »* <«-^^ ^ ^Hfihh^'lrtf J •V**^ 'i^JUl (Ki^u^^^^tyk, K ^ ^^^^Oc^ 4^ jfX^ ,vx -^ i^ ^n*'^^^ QlC0Ur^Ui 'K^^^ yvL^c^^t 4yjU^<^ .^^ >».^V»^ -^^ ^*c^V _^^ Iri ^\ ^^iV*^^**- ^*^V»***^^ A* (Jk. ^^1^-%^^^^ 'iUt,.„^i^^ X'< -^yv**/ A^ v^^ 4^ **^ ^W^Cf^ ^-«w /I^K '*^t>^ -^^ --^ r^^ 9^-^^^ ^ iA^yfi ^»TK/* ^ t^^-»*^ .^^^u^. ^ ^. f ^ **-t/^ 'A*^^ «>^ ^ -.6< ^c a^k^^^lA^L^ , ^< 5^ '^ l^ ^rt^ U^ JL KJ^<^c 2V-v-»-«^ ft-*-v^W^ 6-. <:>?vvr Ju(^y(^ A^ 0^^^ VA TC-iTX^ ''it'^- V-w'^/^ A-wH^ yr^^ ^*^«*»--»«n ^«-**^'*'**^<-K ixrHCtt ^^^ A,t- A^. >!fC^ ^5 / **-:^ ^-^^ ^l^ ^^;WWt^* >a^6*-^^ X-- ^ O^^^jtCyt i^'M. '■^ ."^c rfC-*.«<^ *^^, fVl ♦wVU-- A<^U1, a-cCf^^ -yh J /F*^^ ,v^ jCx^^A r^C ^-»-«-*^ ^, %^VK. <^ O^r^^rxTl // \9Z /v><^ /^< //] ^ .-^ // u^ y^. <.^.<«^<^ /|,><-t'><-m. ^ KX-tA, ^^ oi/y)^ .•vl^i^/t" // l^ye^ ♦^ ^^O-t-^'-v^^ *r Kl. ^, X»^ ^'vv/ryt^^^f^ /^^uO<^ (A^-^ i/c^ / y^-lt^t4^c^^ ^4 ^%.%>0^'Z^Y^ 'r-t^..j£, :&tn Ov /M-^ *f^ ^!0^yfL€^ ^nif^ ^V^^ 3^^ ♦ru/ ^ '^'^ JC^r^^'^^^ /J Jfil ^,<^M^^u1^ ^ O^fviUr^ r- ^* C^flu^ ^^ <*a^cX1^ ^/l^rfKA^a^rJic jj>v4^ #-*6^yt U^Lc /^ i*f; >< ^ >>-«-». vt- /*2*^ 'T^-^'^C/^ ^n ^.U^L^ - — ;?&-.^ ^-*H^ ^Vc ^/^ ^yCTy^tu-thft" ux^ c^ /-*" 9^ac. ^=^3^-i-U«^ J (o /r/myryy/y/f/^. ./,f (t //V////a/^//^ ^' y-/ y^y/r/'i^z/e /"^i^/A/a/z/u//^ ///ii/.^^^^^ Y/// c /r// ////r// /^/A (^ ^a^yy/iy ////a^, ^//Y^^ycK/y Z'/'^/i f^ ./^/a////jr/u/w// ^' r^ /^ /:y'/yy/y///y///aj. ^J^/zzy^ya/'r a^///j. ;^// .^ f/^f////jr* 4*f'f/^, f/.xo. «>^w Vv^/r'**/ c/ Jo^atrn l^einric^ ^Iafm0. i^ioc^rap^ifc^e ^ftisse t)Olt ^t. Il^djelm %lflfiu^ 2)ivector beg ^er^oglic^eu natur^iftortfc^en SWufeumiJ ju ^rauiifrfjioeig. kparatabbritcf aii^ 9taout Slitter Don 5)ombrom§fi§ ^Maemetner (Suc^flo^dbie ber gefammteu Sorft= unb Sagbmiffenfc^aften". 1886. So^ann §etnri(§ 99Iaftu§ murbc om 7. October 1809 ^u Mmbad) (eiuer aSereini-- guiig tDeniger grd^erer SSauerguter) bt^t bei bent ©tobtien ^Riimbrec^t im ^'retfe ©urnmerg- barf) (9fieg.=93ea. 5l'dln am 9i^ein, 9t^ein»)reu§en) aU ditefter 6o^n beg bort anfdffigen 5lc!ergutg* befi^erg ^ol^ann ^einrtd^ 93Iafiug unb t)on beffen ©attin 2ni\c, geb. ©rfenbac^, geboren. ^r ftarb am 26. ajlai 1870 gu S3raunjc^tt)etg alg ^ro« feffor ber 9^aturge|c^ic^te an bem ^^oltjted^nicum (©ollegium earolinum) unb 2)trector be^ ^erjog* lichen ajinfeumg, be§ ^eraoglirfien ^otamfc^en ©arteng u. f. n?. — 2)ie erfte ttnb^eit Derlebte er (nac^ feinen eigenen 3Borten) unter ben Slugen ber eUern ot)ne gletc^oltrige ©efpielen in be* ftiinbtgem SSerfefire mtt ber freien 9^atur unb ]6)tvti\te faft Xag unb md}t in 93erg unb St^ol, auf SSiefe unb gelb, in "^Qalb unb §Iur um^er, iagte unb fifd^te unb ^alf fden unb pflonjen, iiberaH mo hk^ nur irgenb auf bem ^iemlic^ grogen erterlid^en SSefi^t^um angieng. ©^dter be\iid}tc er bie 93urgerfc^ule ^u i^mmbred^t, wo bie Se^rer ®5ffer unb 9fiot()ftein hk bebeutenben 3lnlagen be^jetben frii^ erfannten unb forberten. — Snt Sommer 1828 fam 93(a[iug, t)om Se^rer 9tot^ftein empfo^ren, auf ba§ unter ^iefter* luegg Seitung ftel)enbe Ijreufeifd^e Sc^uUefirer* jeminar in aR5r§. 2)ie t)kv ben |)au^tunterric^t bilbenben f^drfier bel^errfd^te er f^on bei feinem eintritt berart, baf§ er anfangg ben SSerbacfit ber ?5aulenaeret auf fi(^ lenfte, big eg burd^ einen 3ufaII befannt ftjurbe, bafg er md^renb ber f^einbaren 3Sernac]^Idffigung feiner 2lug= bilbung einge^enbe $rit)atftubien auf ben ©e» bieten ber Sllgebra unb ©eometrie, ber ^^^fif, eijemie unb bejc^reibenben a^aturroiffcnf^aften gemorfit, ja fogar iiber t>k meiften biefer SBiffen- jc^aften augfii{)rlici^e $efte au^caxbdkt ^atte. ^nfolge biefeg aSemeifeg felbftdnbigen SSeiter- ftrebeug murbe S)ieftern)eg aug einem Xabler Don nun an ber etfrigfte J^iirf^rec^er unb 55r- berer, uiib nur burc^ 2)ieftern)egg em^feftlungen erfldrt fic^ ba^ ^ntereffe, ba^ fpdter ba^ preumfd^e ©taatgminifterium, befonberg ber geiftrei(i)e unb jc^arfblirfenDe eultugmiuifter (Vreitjerr bon 5IItenftein fiir bie nieitere '$lu§" bilbung 93Iafiug' in ben 9?aturtuiffenf(^aften an btn Stag legte. ^tad^bem er am •>4. SO^dr^ 1830 bag ©d)une^rerejomen mit beiu Beugniffe 9^r. 1 „t)or5uglic^" beftanben unb barauf ettoag Idnger alg ein ^ai)x fjinburc^ ben mat^ematifrf;-natur== toiffen)d)aftIic^en Unterric^t an ber ^rit)atle^r== anftalt bt§ ©u^erintenbenten giEeffcn in m^U ratfjgberg Derfetjen f)atk, tourbe er 5undrf)ft Jjromforifc^ an ber ^o^eren ©tabtfc^ule ^u Circfelb angeftettt. ^n^tvi\d)en t)atk er fic^ burc^ Selbftftubien, otjne tine Uniderfitdt befuc^t §u t)ahtn, bi^ gu bem ©rabe loeiter an^ebilbet, ba]^ er auf SSeranlaffung ber fiJnigIi|en 9ie- gierung gu Xiiffelborf mit ©cne^migung bt^ ©taatsmintfteriumg ^um (i]camcn toor ber fdntghd^en wiffenfc^aftlid^en $riifunggcommiffion (^tefternjeg u. a.) ju «onn augelaffen tourbe unb bet ber ^^rufung am 22. October 1831 mit Seic^ttgfeit bie 93ered)tigung ^ur Slnftettung an etner ^d^eren ^urgerfrfjule er^ielt. barauf tourbe er bann befinitit) jum orbentlid^en iJet)rer (fpdter Dbcrle^rcr) unb Orbinariug ber 5. ©loffc an ber ^5f|eren ©tabtfd^ute au ^rcfelb mit bem Unterric^te in aJiat^ematif, 9?aturgefd^id)te unb beutfrf)er ©^rac^e ernannt. ^ie ^riifung t)attc auf Sateinifrf) unb ^ran^ofifc^ ni^t auggcbetjnt toerben fdnnen. 5)oc^ murbe 93Iafiug burc^ ©elbft= ftubien binnen furjem mit beiben ©prarf)en, forote aud^ f^dter mit bem ©ried)ifc^en, (Snglifrfien unb anberen ©^rac^en ©uropag gut bertraut. mxt einigen, gum 2;()eit tuenig jiingeren ©rf)iilern (©c^ramm, t). a3erferat^ 2c.) fc^lofg er in drefelb tnmge ^reunbfc^aft; norfi im fpdten 5lUer toaren biefe begeiftert t)on feiner (3abe, gu nnknidjkn unb ben ©c^uler 5u feffeln. ^n biefer 8eit furf)te er, tt)ie er f^jdter felbft fc^reibt, bie ^iiOe ber an§ ber ^inb^eit mitgebrac^ten 33ilber ber 9Jatur begriffgmdgig gu orbnen unb in feinem ^nnern ftjftematifcf) gu berarbeiten. (Sine in 3)iiffeIborf abge^altene furgc SD^ilitdrbienftgeit bxak im soologifc^en 3Jlu= feum in 93erlin begonnenen 3lrbeiten gu einem gciuijfen 5(bfci^Iuffe. ^m Slnfange be§ ^a\)xt^ 1840 ttjurbe SSIafiu^ unb j^jdter auc^ fein 9Jiit* orbeiter ft'e^ferltng t)on ber ruffi(c^en 9tegierung au[geforbert, aU Sf^aturforfdier fid) an einer 3{eife burc^ 9fiuf^Ianb ju bet^eiligen, bie 33aron ^illejanber toon 2Jie^enborff im 3luftrage be§ ^inangminifterg ®rafen Sancrin ge^jlant ^atte, uui ©infidjt in bie ^ilf^mittet ju gett)innen, lucld^e bie i)Mtur bem QJewerbefleile 9fluf§lanb§ bargubieten tiermod^te. 3" biefem gmede bon ber braunfdjweigifc^en Slegierung beurlaubt, rei^te er, nad^bem er fi^ mit feiner f^dteren (iJema^lin Suife 2:^iele tjerlobt ^atte, (^nht 9)lai uac^ 9^uf§Ianb ah, um erft faft ein 3^^^ f:pdter, im i^rii^joljr 1841, toieber nad^ 93raunf(^tt)eig guriirf5ufef)ren. ^n ^eter^burg fniipfte fi^ ein engeg f^reuubfc^aft^ber^dltni^ mit 3. f^. SBranbt, ferner mit feinem diteren Conner ^arl @rnft t). 93aer unb t)ielen onberen QJele^rten an. SSd^* renb jener 3ieife (1840) ujurbe 93Iafiug el^ren- f)alber Oom S^iaturmiffenfcl^aftUc^cn SSerein be^ ^argeg unb t)on ber ^aiferlidien S^aturforfd^er* gefettfc^aft ju Tlo^tau gum orbentlid^en 3[Rit* gliebe ernannt, metd^en erften ©^renbemeifen tjon uaturnjiffenfcl^aftlid)en 3Sereinen f^dter eine groge ^atji anberer d^nlidjer (Srnennung gum corre* fponbierenben ober fel^renmitgliebe), fottjie auc^ fiirftlid^e Drben^berleil^ungen folgten. Sim 7.Dc« tober 1841 fd^Iofg 93Iafiug bie @^e, in tt)eld)er il)m gmei ©5^ne geboren wurben. 3m grii^Iing 1842 befuc^te er, feit bem !i8erlaffen ©refeiuv gum erftenmale, ttjieber feiue rt}eini)d)e 4><^i"i«^ unb feine bamalg noc^ lebeuben (SItern, benen er ftet^ mit finblid^er 2iebe unb 2)anfbarfeit ergeben mar. ^m felben ^atjxe Wat nad) feinen ^^Idnen bie 93egriinbung be^5 neuen botanifc^en ©arten^^ in 93raunjd)tt)eig, beffeu Seiter er ttjurbe, abgejd)Ioffcn. ^ie ^rnennung gum orbenttic^en ^rofeffor folgte am 29. December 1842. m^ im 3ai)re 1844 bie ^(rbeiten fiir bie SBefdjrcibung ber ruffifc^en 9?eife beenbigt maren, mac^te ^lafiug tion (&nt>t 3«li bii SInfang October be^felben ^at)xe^ cim grdfeere ©tubien* nub @rl)Olung^reife tnxd} bie Stipen, tJon 3ftrien (2:rieft) bi^ huxd) bie ©c^ircig unb burc^ Ober* italien. gur meiteren ©tdrfuug ber in 9iuf^Ianb ^eftig angegriffenen ©efunb^eit unterna!)m er ferner gujammen mit bem itjxn befreunbeten ^i^ter ®rafen §an^ t). SSelttjeim Don 5(pril hi^ September 1847 eine grofee 9?eife burd^ gang Qta* lien, burc^ einen 2^^eil j^ranfreic^^ unb burc^ bie 5Upen. ^^nbere Sllpeureifen fotgten im ©ommer 1850, 1852 unb 1855. Stm Ul October 1853 mar er gum orbentIid)en Witgliebe ber faifer* iic^ £eopotbinifc^'^'aroIinifcf)en Slfabemie ber S^Jaturforfc^er ermd^U, mit bem fiir bie 9tic^tung unb ben (SJeift feiner 5(rbeiten c^arafteriftifdjen Seinamen „^anag". 2)ie5(nrebe: „Eruditio Tua et in perscrutandis Naturae operibus admi- randis studium, non nobis solum, sed toti orbi litterario cognita perspectaque jam exi- stunt" bentet auf ba^ Slnfe^en, ba§ ex f^on bamal^ in bem ^reife ber ^f^aturforfcfier befafe. 3m ©ommer 1856 oeroollftdnbigte er feine ©tubien iiber europdifd)e SSirbeltljiere burc^ eine ©tubienreife, meld)e 9Jiaing, f^rnnffurt, bie belgifd)en unb bie :^oIIdnbifc^en 9Rufeen u. f. m. berii^rte, unb bei meld^er in Se^ben bie f^rcunb* fc!^aft mit ©c^Iegel befcftigt murbe. ©c^on tjortjer fc^Iofg er fief) unter reger 93et!^eitigung an ben ' 93eftrebungen ber beutf^en Ornitf)ologen*®efett* fc^aft ben beriit)mteften Ornitl)otogen 2)eutfc^* ianb§: 3- ?^- 9^aumann, S. S. 93re^m u. a., eng an. 93i§ baf)in f)otte er in SSraunfc^meig nur bie t)on i^m felber begriinbeten goologifc^en Sel)r* fammlungen beg ©ottegium ©arolinum unter ^anben ge^abt; bie ©d)d^e unb |)il|§mittel beg bortigen |)ergogIic^en 9^atur()iftorifc^en 9Jiufeumg bagegen ionnte er nur in befd^rdntter 28eife unb nur immer geitmeilig benu^en. ^m 22. 3tt«uar 1857 murben jeboc^ beibe ©ammtuugen tier* einigt unb il^m bie 2)irection beg 9^aturI)iftori* f^en SJlufeumg iibertragen. 3lm 30. 3uni 1857 ernannte i{)n, „qui indefessus peregrin ator acu- tissimusque scrutator in terrarum orbe aeque ac scientiae regnis immortalis Pallasii vestigia strenue et feliciter premens de Zoologia optime meruit", bie p^ilofopl^ifd)e ?5acuUdt ber Unitjcrfitdt 9toftoc! e^ren^alber gum Doctor philosophiae. 1858 folgte im |)erbfte mieber eine ©tubienreife nac^ f^ranffurt, SiJlaing, 2Bieg* baben, S^eumieb u. f. m. foroie nad) §elgoIanb, 1859 eine neue 9leife nad^ Se^ben unb an ben 9t^ein. 3ngmifd)en mar 1860 bie S^euaufftetlung beg S^atur^iftorifc^en SO^ufeumg in 93raunfd^meig beenbigt. ®ie 33ercitmi(Iig!eit, mit meld^er man il^m bon ©eite ber 9legierung l}iebei unb bei frii^eren ©elegen^eiten entgegengefommen war, 5 unb ba^ angene^me SSer^dltnig gu feinen t)ieten bortigen ^reunben tieranlafgte i^n, mieberljolt ^ilnfragen megen 33erufung in augmdrtige ^-^ro- feffuren (g. 93. Hamburg, 93erlin) banfenb gu ber* neinen. 3"^ felben ^ai^xe (1860) reigte er mieber in feine 4)eimat unb befuc^te babei auc^ einige ^ufeen ber 9tf)eintanbe; im ^erbfte 1861 mit feinem dlteften ©o^ne bnxd) bie 5(lpen unb Oberitalien, im 3wni 1862 mit beiben ©5^nen nac^ ©Qlt. 5tm 28. 3uli 1862 murbe $3lafiug in bag Xirectorium beg Collegium ©arolinum berufen. ^iefe ©teUung, in meld)er er mefent* lic^ bei ber ^f^euorganifierung begfelben alg ^43oll)ted)nicum mitgumtrfen l)atte, gab er 1866 auf, alg er unter 93eibel)altung feiner natur» gefd^icf)tUd)en ^rofeffur am 20. 9JJai begfelben Sa^reg mit ber i)irection be^ 4)ergogIicf)en (^unft*) SJlufeumg gu 93raunfd^meig, alfo mit ber (Sefammttoermaltung ber i)ergogtic^en SJlufeen be* traut murbe. '5)iefe t)erfc^iebcnen feit 1862 Don it)m beffeibeten, gmar fel^r e^renboUen, aber auc^ fe^r arbeitgreic^en unb uerantmortlic^en ©tetlun* gen naf)men bie ^orperfrdfte leiber aUgu fe^r in Slnfprud^. ^ie big gur ^Jiitte ber fec^giger ^a^xe regelmd^ig auggefii^rten, oft fel^r meiten (Bpa- giergdnge gum 93eobad^ten unb ©ammctn ber ^flangen* unb Xf)iermelt in ber Umgegenb toon 58raunfc^meig, bie befonberg friit)er oft mit grofeeren 3 oft nod^ big fpdt in bie ^adjt ^inein fiir bie i^m ant)ertrauten ©amm* lungen. @in ©c^taganfatt fii^rte am 26. Wax 1870 gu einem pld^lid^en Xobe. — '^ie^ Sebeng* bilb beutet fc^on barauf l^in, bafg 93lafiug faft alleg, tDa§ ex gemorben ift unb geleiftet l^at, feinem eigenen raftlofen (Sifer, feiner eigenen 9lrbeitg!raft gu banfen l^at. %ie @ltern !onnten liebeooll bie erfte ^inb^eit bepten unb leiten; fd^on friif) aber gieng er, burd^ einen unerfd^dpf* lid^en 9Siffengbrang getrieben, feine eigenen 3Bege, auf benen if)m bie ©Item nid^t folgen fonnten. ^ag groBe SSerbienft berfelben ift aber, bafg fie bem ©treben beg ©oI)neg fein $)inbernig ent« gegenfe^ten. ©pdter ^at ex biete einflufgreic^e ©onner gel)abt, ol^ne bie er fein S^et nid\i er* reic^t :^aben miirbe. 2)iefe aber, mie 2)ieftermeg, D. 5iltenftein, Sic^tenftein unb mand^e anbere, f)at ex fid^ burd^ eigene mii^eoolle Slrbeit felbft ermorben. S)ieHterarifc^en9Ser5ffenttid^ungen nnb miffenfd^aftlid^en Slrbeiten liegen auf fel^r t)erfc^iebenen ©ebieten. SiJlerfmiirbigermeife gef)5ren bie erften unb bie leiten bem ©ebiete ber ^unft on. 3" ber SJJitte ber breigiger 3ai)re unb fpdter erfdE)iencn mieberf)olt Don il)m in 5ffentlic^en 93Idttern fad^funbige 93efpred)ungen Don neuen ®emdlben, befonberg ber ^iiffelborfer ©d)ule, e. 5. Seffingg u. f. m. Sllg SfJlufeumg* birector gab er 1867 ein lxiti\d) burd^gearbei* teteg 58ergeid)nig ber ®emdlbefammlung be-o .*pergoglicf)en 9)iufeumg in 93raunfc^meig l)eraug, bag fpdter in neuen Sluflagen erfd^ien. 33ei feinem Xobe ^interliefe er auggebepte 3Sor= arbeiten fiir bie ^ufftellung eineg il'atalogeg ber SJliingfammtung beg 5!)lufeumg. Sllle biefc mie and) bie naturroiffenfc^aftlic^en ©tubien murben il)m fe^r erleic^tert baburdj, bafg er felbft eine grofee ©emanbt^eit im g^ic^nen befaft, mooon liberaug gal)lreid^e, auf ben 9iei)en aufgenom= mene lanbfd^aftlicf)e unb anbere ©figgen Qcuq- nig ablegen. Xurc^ facf)DerftdnDigen diati) \)at ex ftetg an ber ^orberung ber ^unftbeftrebungen 93raunfd^n)eigi regen Slnt^eit genommen. SUnd) ben politifct)en unb religi5)en "^ex- pltniffen feineg neuen |)eimatlanbeg t)atie ex ein regeg 3utereffe gugemanbt unb auf biefen ©ebieten ftetg eine liberate @efinnung bnxd) ^ort unb ©thrift betl)dtigt. ^iir ben beutfd)en 3otlDerein unb bie ©in^eit ^eutfd)lanbg fomic bei QJetegen^eit ber 93efprec^ung Don ftaatlic^en ^ragen beg $ergogtf)umg unb Don ©emcinbe* angelegen^eiten t)at ex miebert)olt in ben poli* tifd^en 3eitungen bie %ebex ergriffen. 3n religiofer ^Begiepng auf einem frei* finnigen eDangetifd^*reformierten ©tanbpunfte fte^enb, tolerant gegen aUe, metd^e bulbfam, aufrid^tig unb oljne §eud)eiei einem anberen (JJlauben anl^iengen, fdmpfte er mieber^olt gegeu bie 3"tolerang unb bie Ortf)obojie, befonberg menu biefelben bie mii^fam errungenen @rgcb= niffe ber 9^aturforfd^uug in j^xa^e gu ftellen fuc^ten. 3wt Stnfange beg ^a^xe^ 1858 entftanb fo g. 93. ein !^umoriftifc^*fat^rifc^er 5(rtifel in ber ^eutfc^en dieid)^^eitunQ {^x. 29): ,,Ubcr Slugbriic^e einiger ©eiftlid^en gegen bie 9Jatur* forfd^er" unb bie f^arfe ^Brof^iire: „Uber bie brennenbe ^rage ber 3^^^. i)er ©tanbpunft ber Qion^n)ad}tex im 5?ampfe gegen bie 9fJatur* forfc^ung" (93raunfc^meig, i^x. SSiemeg & ©o^n). 5luf bem (^ehieie ber Sdnber*, begm. 9leifebefd^reibuug mirb Dielfad^ 93lafiug' gmeibdnbigeg SBerf : „9leife im europdifc^en sRufgtanb i.b.3. 1840/1" (93raunfc^meig 1844) alg ein SJiufter ^ingeftettt. @g bel)onbelt in florer, oft mit .t)umor gemiirgter ©prac^e eben* fomof)t bie 93emoper mie ba^ 2anb, ebenfo bie ^unft* mie bie S^aturprobucte be^ Don it)m bercigtcn gro^ten %t)eile§ Don 9^ufglanb. Slrc^i* teften unb ^uuft^iftorifer l^aben aug bem 98erfe guerft bie ^irc^enbaufunft ber 9tuffen fenueu gelemt; ber 9^aturforfc^er finbet auf faft ieber ©eite ciaffifd^e ©c^ilberungeu ber geognofti[d)en 9Ser^dltniffe fomie be§ ^flangen* unb %i}iex^ lebeng. 9^oc^ je^t erfldren bie ruffifc^en (SJeologen ba^ anfdnglici megen feiner freimiitt)igen ©prad)e iiber ruffifc^e SSer^dltniffe in 9flufglanb felbft Der* botene 9Berf fiir unentbel^rlic^ bei ben neuen gcognoftifd}en Slufnol^men be^ Sanbeg. (Jinen furgen 93eric^t iiber bie mic^tigften geognofti* fc^en ©raebniffe feiner 9fleife f)atte 93tafiug fd)on 1841 auf ber XIX. 9Jaturforfd)erDer|ammlung in 93raunfcftmeig gegeben (93ericf)t, p. 236). 3u bebauern ift eg, bafg nid)t and) bie 1835 aug* gefiil)rte ^'arpat^cnreife unb einige ber fpdteren 9^eifen eine gufammenpngenbe 93earbeitung erfa^ren l^aben. ^ie miffenfd^aftlid^en 9tefultote ber aileife in ben ^arpatt)en, befonberg bie.t)5l)en* 6 i)er Jljierwelt liar ^ *""3 ^" *f "«.!"'- w>e I." 3 unto tem'^ «;« 'b'T""" ""'«""■«• u on ber ©onberuna ber STrfpn f!.fl 1 ^ "0 0. .Daren t.orau/flZS„'rfM "•'*',"'"!' V- -93 ff). S„ emer „U6erficr;t ber ©atamgl' „eimi6eruna'' ibid cvfVT , *'« ""^ """^ ^orlaufer be§ 1840 erfdneneneit r^fLr- . . rJ^ ^t'^„Seibl^;"|,a?a"C."^'eLa^,"*-- «nu -ijugei , nebft einem em e tenben hf*» tiiiA Sren.l»^r."e;tiSKSwl I a^jLfe^ ^rrb?i6a'r^r"''-^^- »e|onber« bemerfensTert ifftLTi^"*"^- bemie 1841 beTSbe^\nH ^''l^^m^^ STfa^ (SSerid^t, p. 86). ^ur^ tuerben ^term bte ftjic^- tigeu (Srgebniffe ber neuereu 8tubien uber bie ©attungen Vespertilio, Sorex, Spermophilus, Tamias, Pteromys, Dipus, Sminthus, Arvicola, Myodes, Spalax (Ommatostergus tuirb einge* gogen), Lepus, Capra unb Ovis ertod^iit unb bo- bei Ovis cyprius aU eine ueiie SHxi unb ferner einc ruffifdje ^^orm besg gerooijulid^en ^afcu aU Lepus aquilonius befd^riebeu. :3ebe0 Sort bicjer gebrdngteu ^arftellung ift 'oa^ ergcbuig laug- wieriger, muIjetJoKer \Jlrbeiten. ^2tuf berfelbeii SSerfammlung (^erid)t, p. 62) j^rad) er „Uber ben 8»l»iwtmtnl)Qug ber ?^Iug= unb iJeben^meije ber f^Iebermduje mtt il)rer iftorperformation" unb gab babei geroiffermagen etn SDiufter n)iffenfd)a|t= Iid)=biologijd)er 53etrac^tuug^n)eije ber europQi= fc^en ©Qugettjiere, tuie )otd)e fiir ha^ grofee SSerf geplant roax. Sugleic^ ttjurbe an bem ^J3ei|piele tjon VesperiigoNilssoni bag^it^^C" u"b SSaurerii ber t^lebermdufe eridutert unb bie geogrQpt)i]c^e SSerbreituug ber europdifd^en ^-lattert^iere geje^* mdBtg bargefteflt. ^on menigen (^elegenl)eity« toeroffentUc^ungen (g. S3, iiber einen bei ^rauu» fd)n)eig gefuubenen Bos primigenius im ^raun* jdjroeig. SJiagaain, t9. mai 1841, 9ir. ti) abgefe^en, mnrcn hi^ jur Wittt ber fiinfjiger ;5a^re faft alle ©tubien ^lafiug' auf bie beffere ©rforfc^ung ber 9Jaturge)c^ici^te ber central* europdijc^en ©duget{)iere geric^tet, ttjobei eu ganj befouber^ in ben ^bt^etluugen ber t^Ieber* ntdufe, ©pi^mdufe unb fleiuen 9Jaget^iere uiel Slrbeit p ben)dUigen t)orfanb. 51I§ ein ^ercei^ ber 6Jriinblid)feit ift e§ anjuje^en, bajg er er[t 1853 mit ber 93efcl^reibung einiger bon iijui entbecfter neuer beutfc^er ©dugettjierarten bie 9tei^e ber bie^begiiglic^en 33eroffentiid|ungen be= gann. ^m SJldrj b.^. iibergab er SSiegm.'g ^rd). f. 9^aturg. ©g. XIX, p. 35) bie „S3e|d)reibung gnjeier neuer beutfc^er ^lebermau^arten: Vespe- rugo Maurus unb Eliinolophus Euiyale", benen er im December be^felben ^a\)xc^ nod^ eine txitit neuc5lrt,Vespertilio ciliatus(ibid.,p.288), ]^in5ufiigte. 2)ie ^ejc^reibung ber beiben erfteren l^atte er im ^uli be^jelben^atire^ in benSc^iiftcn ber ba^rijdjen 5lfobemie ber aBiffenjdjajten ttjieber^olt unb babei njic^tige „^ettrdge jur ^enntnig ber GJattung Arvicola" mit ber Se* fc^reibung einer neuen SIrt, A. campestris, gegeben '(©ele^rte ^15., 9^r. 13, p. 105). 5(uf ber im folgenben ^al)xe abgelialtenen ©ottinger SfJaturforfc^erberfammlung beljanbelte er eben* faflg biejelbe ©attung unb fonnte fd^on bie erftcn 2)rudbogen feiner„9?aturgei"d^i4te ber ©duget^iere 2)eut|c^Ianb§ unb ber angren* genben Sdnber bon SOflitteleuropa" oorlegcn, hit nac^ einer SSeroffentlic^ung bon fritijdjen „93t* merfungen iiber neue europdifd)e ©duget^iere" (SSiegm.'g Wrc^. f. S^aturg., 1856, Sg- XXII, p. 258—280) im Tlai 1857 in SBraunfc^roeig aU ein jelbftdnbigeg, im Saufe ber ndc^fteu i^Ql^rge^nte uniibertroffen gebliebene^, fiir Die §brberung unb meitere 5lugbreiung.beritenntni§ bon unjerer ein^eimifd)cn ©duget^ierroelt aug* fc^loggebenbeg SBerf er|d)ien. 5ille 2lbtf)eiiungen finb gnjar gleid) griinblid) betjanbelt; al§ be* fonber^ njertDott ift aber bie 2)arfteIIung ber ?^Ieber= unb ©pi^mdufe, ber fleinen S^agetljiere, ber Spfiarber unb ^ai^cn \o\vit ber ^orn* unb getuei^tragenben ^uft^iere gu begcidjnen. ^ie ©efe^mdgigfeiten in ber ^2(u^bilbung ber^brner unb ®eiDeil)e finb I)ier gum erftenmale an3* fiit)rlid) bargelegt. SSenn and) eingelne lHnfid)ten unb ^nrftellungen fic^ ingmijd^en al^ unrid)tig ^erau^geftellt Ijaben, fo ift haS SBerf bod) noc^ immer aB bie befte ®runblage atler ©tubien iiber mitteleuropdijc^e ©dugett)iere gu betrad^ten. 2)ie 9te|nltate ber mammaliulogifd)en . 243—251) unb „«ermifd)te 93emer!uiigen iiber ameifet^afte ^2(rten ber euro^dijctien SSogel- ]am\a: Hiiundo cahirica, Muscicapa-, Calarno- lierpe, Hypolais^^rten unb Alauda Duporti (ibid., p. 254). %it im ©ommer 1858 au^ge* fiU)rte 9teife nadj $)eIgoIanb unb ha^ ©tubium ber mtk'\d)tn Sammlung fut)rte jur 5lbfQJ= fung ber auffet)enerreflenben „^:8rie|lid)en iSlxU t^ei'lungen iiber 4)elgolanb" (ibid., p. 303 big 316), in benen u. a. fiir bic bort aufgefunbene unb t)on it)m neu befc^riebene Strt Phyllopneuste borealis bie neue Untergattung Acanthopneuste nufgeftetit njurbe. ^l^ ein 8eirf)en, mit n)eld)er ©riinblid^feit SSIafiug bie claj[ifc^en Serfe iiinn^^, (iJmeling, '^^aUa^', Sat^am^, 33rifiong u. a. ftubierte, mag „ein SBort iiber bie mbmen ber Zoographia Kosso-asiatica toon $allag" (ibid., p. 316—320) erttjd^nt werben. — 5)ie ndc^fte wiffenjc^aftlidje Slufgabe U^tanh fiir SSlafiu^barin, bie„9^QC^trdgeau9laumanng ««aturgefcl)id)te ber SSdgel 2)eutfc^=' lanbg" im SSerein mit S3albamu§ unb ©turm 5um ^tbfc^tujje ju bringen. ^r jelbft ^atte bie e^non^mie, Mti! unb natur^iftorifd)e S3ef^rei* bung ju bearbeiten. SBenngleic^ ^iebei notl^' wenDigerttjeife auf bie i)armonijd)e 2)urd^fii^rung beg gonjen SSerfeg unb an\ bie bejonberg in ben le^ten 33dnben oft fetir abnjeid^enben artf^tittern* ben 9Zaumann'id)en 5tnfc^auungen 9tiid[ic^t ge» nommen roerben mufgte, fo fonnte er boc^ fc^on bei biefer ©elegen^eit oiete ©rgebniffe feincr biS* l^erigen f^orjdiungen auf bem ©ebiete ber Dmi* t()ologie aur 2)arfteaung bringen. ©g ift, ttseil bie beabfidjtigte §erau§gabe ber Drnit^ologie »on europa leiber burc^ ben Xob toer^inbert ift, bieg eine ber gufammenpngenbften unb mic^tigften ornitl^ologifc^en ^erbffentUc^ungen 93lafiu0' ge* tuorben, in ber befonberg bie 5(bfd|nitte iiber bie ^agbfalfen, 2Beit)en, Saubbdget, 2Bafferpie;)er, gelbe SSadjfteljen, ®oIb- unb meigftirnige 3l^egen«' ^jfeifer grofee 93eaditung berbienen. 2)ie SSeroffent* lic^ung gefdiat) 1860. ^m gteic^en 3al)i^e fprac^ er auf Der Xill.^^erfammlung ber beutf^en Drni* t^oIogen=®efeIIf^aft iiber europdifc^e 5lbler unb 2:annt)e^er (93eric^t, p. 52—54), „ttber bag SSer* Mttnig ber Dologie gur ©t)ftemati! ber Drnit^o* logie" (ibid., p. 46—51) unb „tlber bie SSerf(^ie- benheit im 93eftanb ber euro^jdifdien Drnig unb beren ©riinbe" (ibid., p. 77—84). 2tuf berfelben S^erfammlung n>urbe \l)m 05elegen^eit gegeben, feine bamaligen juriid^altcnben unb jweifelnben 2lnfid^ten iiber ben 2)arrt)inigmug gum 5lugbrucl gu bringen (ibid., p. 41 ff.). ©pdter tjertjielt er fic^ nid)t me^r tJoHftdubig toerneinenb gegen geroiffe Sel)ren 2)arn}ing. 1862 brad^te er „Uber bie norDifc^en ^agbfalfen" feine burc^ neue Unter* fud)ungen etmag tierdnberten Slnf^auuugen gur SSiebergabe (3onrn. f. Drnitf). 1862, p. 43—59). 3m felben 3a^re lie& er fiir ^f" e^genen ^e= braud) im ^raunfdjiueiger 9?atur^tftorifd)en 3)iu= feum alg ^JJianufcript ein fritifc^eg ^^erjeidjuig ber S3oget (£uro^ag" brudeu unb an einige feuter ^reunbe toert^eilen, ta^ furje ©rgebnig long- idhriger ©tubien. ®er t)ot)e n)iffenfd)aftlid)e "Btxt begfelben wurbe in ©nglanb balb erfannt. ^uf 5Seranlaffung ber engtifc^en Drnitljotogen erfdiien eg bort unter bem Xitel „AList ot the Birds of Europa (reprinted from the ^erman with the author's corrections), «Rorn)id^='Sonbon 1862" im 93ud)^nnbet. ©pdter, 1864, rourbe in ben „^ritifd)en Slattern" (XLVII. 93b., 1 §eft, p 218-237) ein 93rief 93Iafiur »om lo. Suit 1864 „Uber bag f5auftl)ut)n ber afiatifdien ©te^e, Tetrao (Syrrhaptes) paradoxa Pall." bei ®e* leaenbeit beg bamaligen merftoiirbigen maffen= baften SSorbringeng biefeg 3Sogelg nac^ ©uropa t)eroffentIid)t. ^n bemfetben ^aiju gab er m einem 5luffa^e: „8ur Unterfc^eibung l>ff^®"2f«* fleibegber 9taubt)ogel" (Soutn. f. Drmt^., t8b4, p 276—289) ben auf ®runb langjdtjriger 93e« obad)tung unb ©ammelt^dtigfeit genjonnenen 93emeig, bafg bie 35ogel fid) in ber 3ftegel fc^on in ibrem erften 2)unen!teibe teic^t erfemieu laffen. ^ad)bem er auf ber 9Zaturforfd)ert)er== fammlung in §annot)er 1865 in weiterer 5lug= fiihrung eineg feit Idngerer ^eit njieberI)oIt be- banbetten X()emag „einige 93emer!ungen uber ben 93au beg SSogelfliigetg unb beffen SSe^ie^ung xur Sebengttjeife unb ©^ftemati! ber SSogel" (93eri^t, p. 213) gum SSortrage gebrad)t ^atte, fotgten atg eine le^te grbfeere ornit^ologifc^e 9Ser* 5ffentlid)ung „!^ritifc^e 93emer!ungen iiber San- ben", (Sourn. f. Drnitf)., 1865, p. 369-384, unb 1866, p. 73—88), in beren jttjeitem Xfieile jujei mm ©eefdin^albenarten. Sterna macrodactyla unb macroptera, befd)rieben tt)urben. 5luf (Jirunb ber ©^Iegerfd)en 3!Jlonograpt)ie unb eigener ©tubien in ben 9Jlufeen ^eutfd^Ianbg, ^talieug. ^^etergburgg unb SeJjbeng UJerben in biefer Slrbeit einerfeitg biet)oIIftdnbigaufge!Idrten unbanberer- feitg bie nodi sttjeifel^aften ^unfte iiber SJtomeu unb ©eefc^malben bargelecjt unb fo bie SSorar- beiten ju einer befinititjen uberfic^t iiber fdmmt= lid)e 3K6tt)en unb ©eefdinjalben gegeben, h^ melc^er bag 9!Jlateria! faft toollftdnbig gefammelt max. Seiber ^at bie in ben le^ten Sebengja'^ren bienftUdi not^wenbig geworbene 93efd|dftigung mit ber ^unft unb ber toorjeitige pto^Uc^e Xon Ut 5lbfaffung einer folc^en ^Ulonogrop^ie fowie bie S^oUenbung ber Drnit^ologie bon (guropa, ju metier bereitg fe^r biel ©toff an ^JJtanufcripten, ^efc^reibungen, ^uggiigen unb SDflafetabellen an- gefammelt ttjar, toer^inbert. — 3um ©d)Iufg mag noc^ erwd^nt werben, bafg 931afiug' 9^ame in alien brei®ebieten berS^aturgefd^idite bon anberen ^ele^rten tjerewigt tt)orben ift. (Sin t)on il)m juerft geognoftifd) erforfc^ter SSerg hti ^t)xiUoW in kufglanb, ferner ^^Jflangen unb aug ber 3:t)ier- welt: ©dugeti)iere, SSoget, 5lmt)^ibien unb 3n- fecten, finb i^m ju (g^ren benannt raorben. *m — Srucf toon ^o^onn ^Oi. 'Hicrmt) in 23icn. /C<»>t>-^4 M^'-rK^ r) / :fS, (/^^ JSS^. Lf \J^rt^L4.rsJ^ , / IAVj'V {f/t'r-i-''^'K, >-»t-^V/-< «y/'^»-^^v>''C>X^< V^ ^ *^ t'f^^Xr<^a ^*-*t^C J^^LhKA^yti^ r^ A^X/^jt' J t-t^ -/ tV< 4^^M<^ ynyyf^ ^^^jyyC ^Jit^^^Ax^ cUsx^txt ^^ ,U^ / '-< >A^ $■■ I 'J'^U*. yyyctcyh--*^ l-H^ff^--^ a^^ CU^ jtf6<^i-L^ ^ V^/v^^*-'>v^5^'r*'»»*■^-»^ Lty, tfL<.c>t ■^■C^ fAri^i^ . ^^// ^^V^ Jhr rK-^-** / '^ A^st/^^/<-^^<^iA- ttitxiuC^yi4^4^ yidry^ ^1*-^^^ ^<^ i^*Jj^ -t--/-^-7^ K/t/t-o hjw^-^^Li. -^ 4^^s^t*«^ V^ ^U^^ <«^<^<^ <^ -jtt^*^ OUc^ .,.„,o*c c^^^^6^^/iiu4' JlUJ^ ,Cc^ ^vKr-c^ •JV* if'. ^^^^ "m- j\aJy<^*y< * -^ J^'k /\AXltt. XMfy^i^cdjL^i^c. Jla / < //^"T-*-"*^ l-SA* ^Ynx!u<^i^ ^^k'^&^Cc^ ^^^'t/k^-T^ OnriMx / ^^C^tiUi^ A^yf^l4^l*^^ O^ril^i cLC't- CZ4^ a-^^^^J^Jt^^^frrLrtx ^«^t-^/M|_/ ^J^>L<^ aotX^ ,/t'^/-<. «*^^ V^l^t^t*<^ Jlaa^ ^V czi^JU, %^ / 7r»-t-w» ■**-'*^ C/yt^r*^ fA^v i7 oic^rii Ar? / ■ /«-<- ^ £>5i^^^ . ^ /^ ^«,^ ^ Cc^^ >'y^-^ ^ / J J -d rV^-*^ r^ a^ r t «^t-»*-^ ^ c*rr-»f*-t/ ^ ^A^:^ /VX ^^^t ^^ /<^-»\ r {^i^,xA-<4^4,^^<~ «/*-r» /. ^' A^vJtt.t< ^-^t-fs.^rt^m.X^ (C.^ *yyWw - uLtrviXAa a V^lAu/ yj\jU^ A-C-TV. ^-»-»^^f^-*^*«-o^t^ yt<-/>t; Ltyc-x^^ yfisKSv v»». i ^,.yf\~>t-^ Cl4 'LU'^J^^^ /(rWU^^^i^ f^^ "^^ / t>^0^ y«-«.V '^^r^^o^cuL^M-t^ KJ ^/«^*>^ »t^ VX. b^iKAJt/i^^^t^Lc-l -H^ArU. ^ji^ T / t--»i rr*~^i^ r\Mj /^%AC^ l^X<;c*^ . ^^ ^^Cy^c^-^f^ (ft/ J-i^^^>LO-<^ lA'Vv iA^4jij^^f^drr/rc^\ _ «--^^* /^^^^ .^^^^ ^^^ **^ ^.^^ ^^^ /J jLc- ^^ ^^Aryv^^^i*^ ^»^\. ^iK*"^ Aw ^U^^-rr^-rV/t-i^ fc^^rv. ^^v*^ k^KUfhr . £^ ,^^ i^«^^ i't-*** JtttLf l^^-T*^ >^tJI-*-^t^ ^rt^V '^ ^A.,M^%^ Xs ^ ^Jr^.L^ ^e- ?r^V //tUd *^,^*^ ^t.-*^ ^^Ar<-^ A^^^'T-* ^ A..^ ^ C*' ^ l^'Vc » X*»v r^UrC^ »^ A^*^ €/LUAl^ Jl/l^ U6^^ ^'c- UtniU. . c^V^ ^ ^^^V^<^^^yv.^ i/Wv ^/f^-"*^^ ft<^^ ^^rt-Uf^c^^^*-^ /yHiiy ,u,^€i^j^ .5^ / r»*i Professor Dr. Wilh. Blasius (Am Fallersleberthore 4) Dinectop des Herzogl. Botanischen Gartens (Am Fallersleberthore 6) unci dfs Hepzogl. Naturhistop. Museums (Neue Promenade 5, im Gebaude der Technischen Hochschule). rBitt«, alle kleineren Postsachen, Briefe, Druck- sachen etc., private und dienstlichc, zur VeriueidiinK von Verwechselungen ausdrilcklich nach der FrivatwohnuncT *« adrcMiren ; griissere Sen- dungrn dagegen , auch solche von privatrr Natur, nach den entspreclicnden Instituten.) d^Diaffme/iiifm, t/et^ J/. t>^^^^-^ ^^ ^ J i/fUL^ X^jAh^ or I lAA^^- ^. iL^- M.. 0 . 'k^^ r-.-^ *^>C/ ^^^^J"*^ llUfiri. ^/t^ i/t/trc-f'-^t-*^ >wV ^^Ar<^(^<-n^ * la 4r'^vSf i>< »>^ / /?^ /^>»^ iufc^ . JvX^*^^ ^^ ^^.**^ , ^'^'^ ,^%r ()(a.<^ ^"f^ / ^^ '^ ^'^ -^ h^^lrt^-yy. z c/^""--*^ / ^^-'•^Vvn*, Wyv ruv>( /«'»KA^ ^A.-w^Vf/'^'vv Cc^rs^ ^ /I^^Jx^ A'i^ %'t- r*i^ <^0 A*<^ jcrh^ ^^^ JH^^ l^ J-^ ^ 4^^Ur^^^ lA ^^Ajt-yn^^ %^. \f<^y«- 4>^fJH, If^'Ju .-X M^^^U^^^^y<^ tO^^^JL^ X*^ 1 . ^. {fO-rif^^^hfy^ jtrCtL^ixyJ 0/ ^Y^ji^ m^^^^Mi^^ Jt^^^ y^^'U,^ l^<^^^ ^ / JU^ ^LA^^^tln^ dM. CvT. T'VA^ / 0!>4AJU*^ 4y<^^'v(^ ^-^^ . ^ iW^ T ^%a da^ iAti^n<'^ ^^ \v. C/^U«A i^<^-«>*>>V% ^ ^. ^ X-c<- >< ^V-^ v^ /^/ ^i i^^-w^ *^*l^ ^V ^'-^ ^' < ^-«^C•^^. -<^Aj-»rf ^^vwL y^V etA^t'^ ^i-*^«-^^.«^'^-^6e-»« -'^ue^r /? ;^ ^' c;^ ;t^.r^5^ . f**^ A^*^ ^T^ -^*^L/ -*-.-rW^ 1^^ / J ■J" — ^-»"K- .^^t^ ^/U-T^^^tiJ^ '^^^ inU w'- "ht^ / .^-•^V-lj ^ IKO^ 'C\ yAv ^i/L^U,*-**./^ PsTLT^X C't4K • >T->'"«-<-.i^ f-^^Xc^ r yyy..*^ yyOfK / .^j^c^-Z i>^ v^wr^-^/^-t/r / /6«-^ ^yV< ^ ^v^ 1A>»*- fPO^V v^^rW*- ^"^^t!^ '**-^ r ^'i ^ /I /^ ^ / ^*^^ ^-^ '"^ V^rvi^^ <5^«»-** ^' / ^eK^<.,,*JtJy\-ti «»K. ^^ >^ /t^'*^ '^<^p*^-»'^^-<:-^ '%^aL^O<^ %fM^ cV< <»^*.^<^ /yxA^r^Hyfy. ^' ^-c^kAi^ ^^^4^*^ f 1->\ cCtx^^X^ XjU>-^^ f x^n^^^trtMll ;^ ^^r^h-^x^ w> ^?/-o»«-«^'<>A ij-^^^yi ^^atu A^^ ^^^*^ c-Zfe^-^-^^fe ^^ JU^'r^ J^ ^*^w. ^ ^ ^-tVK fiu//(Aj-fCt 7" £:<^*v*^ , »--^ -''^ '^^^ -^^^"^ ^ / a^ y-t<4< j>-^ i4j^ i^u^ct- r^ "A^^^ut^ ; A^6v >«^ *^yv ^^ -^->. / / ^(^^^-t/f^^ yJfi^ ^^i-^u^ yrs.^*^'yf>^ r^»H i*f>n -"^^^i-^ ^^ -^ c^ *^V >rw.^,^c^ .f^Jit^r^ I {y^JC^NJi^^^ A^,^Cc^fi^/(^ X4s. rrK^ "f" >>^-<-»#w<. JA/>V ^ /%^ %a^ ^^ ^ (f ft* ^ (^Ca^ T^ r^ cCt^yn^ CSn^L/^-^i''^ ^Ccd i^i'y<-f^ <^4k. >yr% ^<>/^-Tv kM^^^^ «'^;^*-<.yf%^ 9-^ (jlrr^ut,^-'^6^>l^^^ Ji^t^y^W^ . oJ[v A^^^ t^u^^^^rrti _ ^^-Tcy^^^ /T^/^ ^Cit^r^^^^ ^ ^^«6t,.,^^*^ M^rc^ l"*^ ^ V^fUjUf^x^ -"K^ -p2c-*>^<,««^\^x'^'**- / ^- ^'--^ V^a^Cr-c,^*^ Uuyyt^^ / yr^rtrxr^UC:e^Lf>h^ O^^^^ / pi^e/k. T^ \^vfv^^^-n^.^*-y>^ a-^ ^ m^ t d^^u-r/fs^ •Arc >-»A^ /L„^*'^twn-^*'-^^ ^- ayyy<.^ ^-W <^*<^ ^*^K l%»»v. ^^cM)^ '■'X' ^;^. ^^vv»- .Xtc- -e-X^.'T^-Tw^ ^^^^^ .-z^ '^^ci •<^ >9W» ^T^ yt^r^ rV^->»*-cr >^^ i^^^fTrC'ft^ i//L'i~ y^tM-yy. A^^A^ ^T^^^lw >- f^' >^<^ -^ Professor Di (Am I'allei Dipe( Herzogl. Bot< (Am rallej Herzogl. Natuj (Neue iin Gehaude dcr Tel fBitte, alle kleinere^ sachen etc., private und von Verwechselungen PrivatwohnuniT ''■v dungrn dagegen , auch nach den entsprechended .H/t' J -lAV^v ^Lu^tu. ^^^^ Xc ^ ^ '-'^ •*^ rf^ ^ tv^.^^'^i^^^SCy^hfsrc^ olS. •^^H^rt I //. V ^ "^-4,- ^. X-«^^^ r-^f-^ ^r^ ><.■*%■»■. C2>» ^^c^-- J^thU^ ^ /^ Or ,^i^ {Jk^^J. / ^ ^i^i^itf ^i^ t^wn. X ^. .^^ /w4^ ^^.^ ^^cUr<^ ^yt .*w~ V. i*^. --^^^ ulJ-ty. S'^- •irt-^«^^ *n^*-e^ ^i^ S^ ^^^-t^^stl^ «'*»* '/^ Xi / ^ r^fCU^4^ ^M.*C*.^^ ^/iyO<^ nJt^f^U . _ /^^Oe-^jl^jt ^fM» W* /V< •^ ?rv* *A y<-*^<-r% -X<^**VX*^ ^«^ :i ^ >t ^-c^>^ /WT^ 7*^-*- u>A.yyc^ ^u- J. kA^ iV^ a^^ a^ //»-^ Arn/l^tx-viy. AT- ^ ^./um. y '/^ ?r*-c-i v*_^-/* -^ t/V'^*-*'^ VT*'^^^'*'*-^ 7\n4'^C<. *.^ T-^:i:i^U^ ^Vv*'*^ H/li<- ^t<^ /»c4-^r ^^« (M. /«^a r^ ^^^Lt-cV*-t^^ ^^^CfJ^^l/C^ *lLc^ cLa^ i/^ V^^!fc-*VAxf"^ C-M< / A^«^ '>r ^-«-»* <«^^ (/tii^yytL c4a^*-'»'^ v-c/i}<^^ ^^r^ . ^3^r^^^ fiuff^f^^^f*^ ivX. /K^ ^agu^^'tVc ^ ^ ^<4^Kr<^ 0. /fC^i^^<^ Ji ^r^ i-i-^tKA-rt^ J Jl.X/C X<*^ frs-^f d^\ / /**- / '^^ ?r«-c-* w.^^ ^V^ ;k ^ I / t^ i-* ■■ >» ^5 / »»n *X 'F^-*-^-**-*' i\^4.^ ^^-*^ /oA^--^ ^"^"^ .^-/^*^ VU^ , ^>^ Tf^^^^'Pt- y^'cl Arirc^'ir- S-'^.^* V yrs^ iV^ /•^ */% V;?-<-»*-**=X ^r^: iA^rty-^' ^^ ^Wf«-**«-*-^ ^,^:.:^ /!^i1k«K^ F*-»\. A^ ^VX. ^^^ ffu4\t^ ^ uLr d<\ ^^ 4-*^aC ^r^-r- jCj^Uu- ^^^^'nT*^ 06t^^ ^«-**% (^jy^f^ .4^ iL^tlK //, J6Ua/ /^^ ^^. C^^c*^*- /^/p^ ^ >^ c>w^<. C^ ^n-/^'.4t^ J^AV /^^•, y ^'t'VK /u>^ ^U^h^ ^^r^^Ah r eCt-^i-*.^ t*-^Ct. /C-CkjCc/' j«^-j£/ -.^-^ t/i'^r^ 1^ U^ \7f<^ i~t-^*- TfXi y<-«^^^ i<^ 4*.^ct^ tf*^^ ft^i/^ y/'V^^"'^"^^ t.^«^«^ ^^ >^ Xr*^ , ^^^^ <»-t-<^ /^-t<^ i-^ Vx^ *-*.^^ ^^*< >%»«-*-»w irvV-C (_^ (^WC v-*vi 7" J. ^Cccrt^i, vX fr-^ VC ^*^ '1U^^^M/f^€^ ^//yc^ J OA^X >*^y<^'.^^ ^>»*^ ^ i^t^Ujti^ f^<-x ^^yt^ 4^ (Jn^*i^*^¥^*^ K/t ^c^t- X*#z ?^*--i 1^ jL»«. )mV«*-X*-»^. ^ij>^ ^*t ^*< jtx i»t^T^ /t^a-M. ^-^^^r^ *^**^- trtT't-y^'h,^^ jUitl^ ^^-^^>r*^^^tk^ / y •i^ /7«^ ^'A- fv*^^^^^ »r«-«^ ^fw-^/- l^^/K- du^i^^^f^Ur^^ \ru^iAfyt/^t.^U^ >t«-*^ »'-*-' /(a^rtt >e// %/u^ ^t^j^^'iUft^^^^ ^Ca M '-^^ f*-* W /i-^ *''^*^^^^-^ * V¥" I i/. t/t^t*-^ /^^ /«-WC - <^! ^^ Wiy- ^. V;VK.«^ L^i 2) 1^-^^^ -%, -^^*rv ^Ut^^X^ Jl*i6^^ XWV*^ ^•/^/^ *A '-6 ^ 'TA^^-r-v /^ .e^t*^ M-^ •*/- r- /fA*.fc>yifc, *^ -^^^-,V dCL^AalL^ 4^H. ^^^-9*. •***^ ^'n^-»*^*^^i^X,'^-w^a^^ # Your dear letters of the 1st aiid 2d instants relating to your highly interesting observations in the Bering Sea on Callorhinus ur sinus gave me great pleasure. I shall answer your last letter more exhaustively, as soon as I have studied thoroughly the observations made by you.— Above all I want to express the great pleasure I felt in your behalf when hearing of the scientific expeditions to which you have been called, and how astonished I am at the great energy with which you elaborate the immense material which presents itself to you. Your numerous literary publications which I have received and which unfortunately I have not yet been able to study all thoroughly, have indeed astonished me. I con- gratulate you with all my heart to your great success in the department of science. You ask. If I can not come to North America some time and visit you. As you know, it has been my desire for years. But up to the present I have not had an opportunity to consider the plan seriously. Since my re-marriage I am also naturally tied more to my house and the narrower home circle.— I hope secretly tlrnt perhaps the World's Fair in Chicago may present an outer occasion for the voyage, if, for instance, our tech- nichal high-school is represented at the exhi})ition, which is not impos- sible. I can, however, form no certain plans in this direction. A year ago I was shown the honor of being elected Principal of our technical high-school for three years. This gives me much work to do and leaves me but little time for scientific work. My oldest son Otto is now tralferred to 'Ober-Secunda' of the colle^ and recently confirmed. He is now 15 and y^2 years old. In my second marriage which proves very happy and which also gave back to Otto a share of the motherly love, three children have been bom to me: Luise on the 25th of August, 1887, Sophie on the 11th of February, 1889, and Heinrich, another son, on the 4th of June, 1890. With the exception of slight sicknesses and colds all the children thrive very well and give us much joy. I was very much pleased to learn that to you also a daughter is bom, who is now 2 years old and gives you much joy. Would that the child may continue to thrive to the pleasure of its parents! Last year I had the pleasure to receive by letter a greetirig from you throu,p;h an American ornithologist. Unfortunately I did notjreceivo your letter until one of the last days of the Congress, so that I had very little time to speak about you with that gentleman. Going on one of the beautiful excursions which our hosts at Budapest had arranged, namely to the Plattensee. I could not even take leave of him personally, and could only leave my card for him, as I did not find him. The Bomeao and New-Guinea traveller. Fritz at the museum as an assitant. During the last years we have been and are still very busy with the vinearthing of diluvual animal remains and hviman traces in the caves near Rubeland in the Harz, And now farewell I Please, give my regards though a stranger to your wife and your little daughter. Yours faithfully, is at present, here {/l{a^.^^^c>fyf^j^ /^. X^' /f^/. ^jxM jix^^^<^ <^ ««^/, ttUn^ ijit^i^i^,^ ijr^ I ^;^L--aa /fLt^€^^ tU44 ^Y ^^ l^ify%'4^fit- ^*^C*w ^*^ h i^tfiW^- /^*>* JUO*^ >%AV-a/^ ^*^ f^ ^ ^%>^ At" V^W^'#^ fM.V^^ irW- J^ f<^s^.4L ATi^'^tv^ . -- ^^riM.^ j,^,(^ ,.-V»t^ ~— /t*.yvw»-.^ i:. »iAi ^ l:. 7 VV5«, ^- A^-^*- 'V^-,.-^ /V^^^- '^ (A***^^ dU^.U'^, ^'^, oXOrti^- -*< Jl^**^^^ ^^^^^^^ . A-^ .^ ^U.^ AJ- -•'^'♦*^^ L^kX'c^^—^f^ #**<^ «'^^Wi««»^«« ;^. ,3^,,,,^^ ♦^ Uivi^i^ ^'-^^^rtff^ . -^ ^'-4f-^ (^V*^ft-; ^^.iX-^ ^ ^p^nrUtf-^ ^*^ ^i ^. ^. /l[c^yt^^xJ^ \^^^ OS^^jj^^to /fltrr^u^tl^ ^: JC^^^^r*^*^ sC di^ ^ y>'PmfC\ .♦^u. /^, ^^cjM^in^ Aa*-w yj-a^ x^rtu'u^ /Utyt/v<^-t^yt /f^^^A, ^9 5*^^ /^*-^ A^ ^'^•^^'l^^^ Msi. f^^ OUooK /^75-/^<^^ /^^ iM u /f23 mmmmammmt ■kW <^^ <^ Ay :^' 1785 Massachusetts ri'^ / /. / //^/ / ( f t A r ^ ") //. ^ ' / f ^ . //.. f-y / A / / / r,' \r / 7 ' / '^/< /^ / // //. '^ ■// /. / r' A ^ / /^ / /; / / /* r ^ //:, n / / - /, y c /, /' ru / ^/ / / / r //'^er r r / a- / /^^ ^ ; r / V x^> / / / / //> /^v y y ^ r / / / ^ ? /T^y ^ ^ ^ /^ /9 / r < /. r/ r ^ // /^- / / y / >^, ^^ / /. / A /^ ^ . ^ . A- fy// '/•,<* ^/f /. / > /^ y /^, /^ // / r J / f y^ o ^ r ^ <" .^' y /^ V '^ ^ /^^ /^ ^u^-_ /^ / ^ / ^C < ( f /^/^ /^ .^ :f ^ >■/, / y / / y y riy/ X y^ y /7r y / /^ y \y^^y^^^' -^^ t>/ /^ «^/ / / ■ 4'il f / ^ /y y^/-// V y y // y ^ yy / /, / z' ''/, ■/ y y. ^y^^^y- ^? f < ; / r /?/? y / ^ / y ('^^ X y // / ^ I //^.. /^ / ^ f / / >^ y? ) / / / X / / rA //^ / y / / /' / f /: / / '/^ /^^ /^'/ / / J yj /■ 1^ / r / / y ^,y y^. ^>- ^''Z '^ //; / / / -" / /< Vy /ylAf/ / J^' '/^ /■ / / ^^■^y fn^^ayy 4 ^ 7 /k IZ^^y^S^ .J"* // . / / I / /r /-/. /,. ^ / /•d,<:^ f' // (T- / //< //^,<:y. r ^ n /r. // V / / / ^ ^v l-^z<> ^ ^. ^/ J y -^ /t I ( f/ ^ f L iC r. > ■' < ^JJ-i^d--: r •/' /r / y > / , r y/i / ^^:, /}. // / / c^- ^^ f^ / C^'c >:'/ f^ ) y > /^y^(^ '/' ./^ ^--. >^ i / * . /^ /-^ / v^ • y / / -<:^ c< r /"■ ^iiii'lA— i ^^ / -^- / / ^ / ' / / ^J' '7 - 1 -/f^ y? y '^Y / /^^^^ /^/^ >^ ^ Z^' /" ^. ;', / r f/ / 'h / 056^ fcc^f)!^ 1256- n ^2 n29''/13l ^^mmmmmmmmmmm \ C. Hart Mtnfim Papem BANOMSS $3^290 ^% Coluntbm Bmbemtp intht€\tpotMmfotk DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY October 17, 1^)29. Dr. C. H. Merrlam 1919 16th wStreet Washlncton, D. 0. My dear Dr. yierrlam: If von have written a checv It did not reach -ne . Probably It wo'ild be best for yoa to cancel It and send me a new one, Yoiirs very sincerely, PB:B Fran^ 3oas National Academy of Sciences SECTION OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY CHAIRMAN. Franz Boas. Columbia University NEW YORK CITY July 2, 1Q30. Dr. C. Hart Merrlam 1919 Sixteenth St. Washington, D. ^. Dear Dr. Merrlam; The preliminary vote for candidates for an anthropologist In the Section of Anthropology Is as follows: Lowle 4 Cole 2 Dixon 2 Kidder 1 Morley 1 I should like to suggest that we confine our next vote to the three candidates who received the greatest number of votes and I should also like to suggest that In case one of them receives a majority of the anthropological section wemake his candidacy unanimous. There are eight who vote I should be much obliged for an early answer to this note. One member voted for three candidates PB;B Yours very sincerely, Franz Boas Cha Irman National Academy of Sciences SECTION OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY Chairman, Franz Boas, Columbia University nkw york city May 4, 1931 Dr. C. Hart Merrlam 1919 Sixteenth St. Washington, D. C, Dear Dr. Merrlanr. On June 4, 1950 T sent yoa the list of proposed candidates for the Anthropological division of the Section of Anthropology and Psychology^as follows: Previous candidates Roland B. Dixon Walter Hoiasrh A. V. Kidder Edward Saplr New ProTDOsals Fay-Cooper Cole George A. Dorsey E, A. Hooton Robert H. Lowle Sylvanas G. Morley A. M. Tozzer Among these Dr. Lowle has been elected, and Dr. Dorsey has died On July 2 T reported the vote Lowle 4 Cole 2 Dixon 2 Kidder 1 Morley 1 Saplr was not voted on because he became a citizen again only daring the present year. Dr. Merrlam -2- May 4, 1P31 On accoint of the coTiplex organization of our Section It Is necessary that we agree apon a candidate as soon as possible. I, therefore, beg to ask for f^irther nominations and T would suggest an arrangernent of the proposed candidates In preference order. I wish to add the name of John R. Swanton to the list of proposed candidates. T beg to ask you most urgently to reply to this letter not later than May 15th so that the preliminary steps can be completed before the close of this academic year. Yours very sincerely. Frmz Boas PB*.B Chairman V 3otHjcf]er, Frec/a/ck 'John louis^ ^BSl y Papers BANCMS3 •a/129o /?/r ^, t <}u^^. -PAJ). ^^/. / ^JC^A^ ^.^t^ (M3cJ 2,?.^ /f/S 6U^^ ^ H^h'U'^ tu^ipM^i \^^0- /*^<5 J .»-|lH|p» Ijik 1 (u A / l\ - h Vic rOAMTMKNT OF HiaTORV ■ KRKKL.KY. CAI.IFORNIA June 18,1923 My dear Dr. Merriam: I have been very much interested in your study of the route of Jedediah Smith. It so happens that lir. J. J. Hill, one of my assistant's in the Bancroft Library, is an expert on that very subject, so I turned the paper over to him and am enclosing his comment. He is convinced that you are correct in your conclusion as to the route, but raises a question in regard to the different versions of the Smith letter, as you will see. I recommend that you submit the article for publication to the Southwestern Historical Quarterly, of which the Managing Editor is Dr. B. C. Barker, University of Texas, Austin. I am one of the Editors, and my recommendation may help in the case. With very best wishes, I am. Yours most sincerely. HEB:C P.S. I am returning the manuscript to you, under separate cover, and Mr. Hill's letter is sent with the manuscript. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, lagunitas, California. OFriCKRS s WILLIAM J. HAYES. TKMPORARY Chairman LOUIS J. PAETOW. Chairman op Committee on Oroanization OPFICC OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Doe Library, Berkeley rrAFrj HERBERT E. BOLTON. SUPERINTENDENT OWEN C. COY. DIRECTOR JESSIE H. DAVIS. STAFF SECRETARY November 22, 1923 Dr. 0. Hart Merriam, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. Q. My dear Dr. Merrlam: The enclosed leaflet will inform yoa of the project for a California State Historioal Assooiation to oontinae and enlarge upon the work hitherto done by the Historioal Survey Commission* The Regents of the University of California, to whom the duties of the Commission were transferred, have given their official approval to this plan, so the Association is now legally constituted as a state organization* We desire to make the Association wide -reaching in its appeal and in service rendered , hence we have greatly enlarged upon the program of the Historical Survey Commission* Already many of the largest historical and patriotic organizations of the state have become affiliated with the movement* We are writing to you and other leaders of thought in the state, asking that if you are in sympathy with our object, you write us a brief letter of endorsement, giving us your permission to use it in obtaining support* Thanking you heartily for any as- sistance which you may render, I am Yours very truly. \ tMj , hn^/yj-; (^"^U - mo /f/^^ /9^ J f L>c /Mi M ^^ )^'\ (y-!i. kw^i ^^ ^t*^; i'^ / )^ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ADDRESS ONLY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE GENERAL LAND OFFICE WA8HINQTON f«teuazr U»18U* s ttat« Mip» fMvwrdsd 9f* 0* iMFt • WTtUmt I «i in I A of OoloMdo* vobll Ifd «f l«tt«r of FOtanuor imk oai to FMif undor ooporoto oovov* fiioMnctoat orofOAt Utlho tv itaio Tory joofooifttll IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO m^ ..f.g9. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL LAND OFFICE WASHINGTON. D. C. ADDRESS ONLY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE Uaxdh 2« 1916 Dr. 0. Hart Uorrlan, The Northumberland, Washington 9 D. c. Dear Dr. Merrlam: In oompllanoe with your request of March lett I have directed that one copy each of the following maps pub- llahed by this Bureau be forwarded to you: Alaska « Arkansas , Arl2ona» Oallfomlat OoloradOi Plorldai Idaho, lowat Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Very truly GOB Q€4J. UNITED STATES QEOGRAPKIC BOARD WASHINGTON DeceralDer ^,1925 Dr. C. Hart Llerriam, 1919 16th Street, N.W. , Washin^on, D. C, Dear Dr. Iferrianu I am in receipt of your letter of December 24th, inclosing correspondence and recomaendations of the Sierra Clu^, and have turned them over to LIr. LfcCormick with a copy of my letter to President Haher, acknowledging receipt, etc. In glancing through the recommendations I do not seem to see a large number of pencil checks hy you, coinparatively few in ^^^^* ^^^ 1 a^ Sad to have them. They will no douht have their influence with the Board. I notified President HuDer that these papers wooLd l)e considered hy the Board at the earliest possihle date tut that I could not at this time state when that would te. but he would he duly advised of the action taken hy the Board when final conclusions were reached. Very truly yo Chairman. UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD WASHINGTON January 9, I926. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, igig Sixteenth Street, N.W. , Washin^on, D.C Dear Dr« Merriam: I haye your note of January ?» inclosing a comnnmication from tke^Chief of Engineers of the U.S.Armr. with which were included recommenda^ lions looking to the naming of an arm of Hillshoro Bay for a former mayor of Tanpa, Florida, now living. The matter, of course, will he taken up hy the Executive Committee of the Board in the regular way, of ^ich I have advised the Chief of Engineers. Wishing you a happy New Tear, I am. Very truly yours. J^a^^^^^^^y^^i e^rU<44'/zi^^?(;z^-t^i^^ 4 ^ y /tf-^ty ^^cM^ ^ru^^^ .^^rtu^ ^^p6^<^t^ c 4e4^^^ /^^^^Z^J 7^U^ .^aA4\jC{ (.^^ou (- '^Ju r ^Z4d^^c(APt£i^^aL^ ^rccc 4f-iU^^Vr*/»^^/C UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD WASHINGTON a^ ^ HA/t^C^ oU<^j l^^u^ )^^Cyru«u^y^ ^^^UiC^ uoc <:4^I^ ^ /^"^ ^ ^ ^su-u/tji^ 0^^4t^ (U^^^u^ >C4A^CCC^ y^i \CUlAA^ 7^ CCl-oC leU^Aut'C^yf'^ /t€€UAyf d^^tl'Ot4/CC^ULC.l^ ^aAL4^^^ t^cu ^ at^y^yg^^ r ^^^e£4x^ ^*9€^r' S^:^ ^^ f^rwL Mi^,^ ^ '?<^ A*/- > (I have pre- pared, also, 20 or 30 miscellaneous cards additional.) Mccormick appears to be much dissatisfied with his present situation and will resign the secretaryship of the Board if the Director of the Survey will permit him to do so. I am concerned over vftiat the outcome will be. Among the Lassen Park cards are at least two names of living persons Diller, retired geologist of the Geological Survey; and an earliest settler and road builder in the park named Loomis. Both get a mountain, Diller the higher one. Both are octogenarians, I understand. There are also several other local usage names on both lakes and mountains whose owners probably f1 have long since passed on but of this I can get no definite information^ Local usage, only, is reported by the topographic surveyor of the Geological Survey Twho has Just answered some of my inquiries by mail. This brings me to the matter referred to above. I have confi- dentially discussed with two Board members a proper recognition of another living scientist whose work in life I consider second to none living and to few who have gone, and I find that in all probability there will be unanimous approval if we can arrive at a satisfactory agreement on details. The name of this scientist is C. Hart Merriam and if the Board shall- support me in my effort to recognise his important contributions to science and to general knowledge, I shall wish to be in a position to recommend not only the kind of feature to be named but the State, or possibly the section of a State, preferred. I shall not, of course, submit a card until I have ascertained in advance that the Board will approve. I am now asking that you give me your kindly assistance in this matter regardless of any personal inclinations or feeling of diffidence you may have. If you will do this for me and desire that your suggestions be held confidential I shall of course comply with your wishes. The alternative is a selection which might be undesirable or in some mesisure inappropriate both as to kind and location and this to me would be very regrettable. I may say that personally I have neYer held the extreme view that no living person should be recognixed by the Board and rather felt that the principle relating thereto was not intended to discourage recognition under the safeguard stated. But nothing 1^ more certain to me than that the president's action in the »TCatmai affair" has, in a measure, modified the views of some Board members who, prior thereto, were adamant against recognizing the availability of any living person. Of course this attitude made it easier to refuse all applicants, but I am recommending Diller and Loomis in the Lassen Park list ai^d I feel certain they will be approved. Mr. McCormlck just came over and said that he was going to refuse a reelection as Secretary at the regular annual meeting on October 5th. He will under the by-laws of course hold over until a successor has been found smd elected, but he wants relief as soon as possible. He advises that his superior officers have agreed to this relief with the understand- ing that his retention for two years more means that all his time will be given to a revision of the Alaska dictionary. The selection of a new Secretary with neither candidates nor eligible persons subject to draft in sight looks almost appalling to me. I trust this will find you and yours in good health and that as usual you have had a pleasant and profitable summer in the field. Sincerely yours. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunitaa, Marin Co., California. -2- GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHMENTS REPRESENTED BY MEMBERSHIP ON THE BOARD EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AGRICULTURE FOREST SmVICK COMMERCE CENSUS coast and gkodctic survey Foreign and Domestic Commerce Lighthouses INTERIOR General Land Office Geological Survey NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE POST OFFICE POSTMASTERS APPOINTMENTS TOPOGRAPHY STATE GEOGRAPHY IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD WASHINGTON EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS— CON. TREASURY Coast Guard WAR General Staff LEGISLATIVE ESTABLISHMENTS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Division of maps GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHMENTS SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ETHNOLOGY OFFICES CHAIRMAN. ROOM 5329 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT BUILDING SECRETARY, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ ^fe^ Zi^Ccy^/^>^^ // ^2yl^t^C^ 4r-' ^Z>tyH^ ^ t^ ^<^t^ ~M^ /^^tfltyt^ -^r'^^^^yCc^iTPC X^'CY^ ^/St.^/C/^ n^^^f'yx^ /kCA "(y^uut^it ^a^: \j^e/u^ot (LtTJi/^^-oiA^i^irz^ -^.c^^^^^ tzJi^v^ ^^ ''a^ry^i (Z^!^74^0C4XK// 4^at/f<^ i^iS^^V ^^ ^^^ y^^'U.'^*^ ^l^^^^i^^ZJt yfcot/aksK^ > ^^^/i^LA^^i ■^ i^^z^c^/ryLt^cj^^t^^!^^?^ ^^^ d^ruy^c^li'^^ 4u7k^^^ ^ -t>c^^^rz^j^ TZihi -^^^^- ^^a^4^ o^^a^ ^ ^- 4>^ ^Uc4r^^ ^Z€>OA l(/aMu^ (fVtC ^UA. y^^^4yr^ ^. ^/u^^ v^n''i ^Aii^f/'A^ ( '^ l^'l y (^ XvCt ^V^M r Boone and Crockett Club, SECRETARY'S OFFICE, 1 1 WALL STREET. New York, Julf ieth|l907» Dr* 0* Hart mrrUm AgrlouLtural D»i>t«f Itoar 8irt* In oonneotion with tlii NationalOollMtlon of HMda and Horns nov bolng aadi in bohalf of tlii itaoriotti QportMM, by tte Vow York ZMlogioal 8ooi«t7f tl» Bocno and taking panqphomalii •zhibitod in tbo AAiniatration Building of tho Now York loologioal Socio ty • iloauoli otf.looticn oxiata m/wboro in tho worldt ao fte aa knovn, and it aoMa high ti»a tlatt auah a aorioa of arma ahould bo got togothor» fbilo firoaxma would naturally tako tbo firat plaoo in audh a oollooticni tho bowio laiit&f tbo h\ait- ing hatohot, tho powdar bom^ and a aultitudo of othor artioloa ahould find a natural plaoo horo* It ia tho poflpoao of tbi Olvb to oati^iah thia oollootion aa a pazmanont ozhibiticn of tbo hwting ama uaod by tbo inorioan pionoera firoa oarly dflfa don to tho prooont tiaof and »oaa>ora who «m1 inolinod to dcnato artioloa to tho oollooticn aro roquaatad to forward th« to Ooo. Bird Qrimoll, H» Broadway t low York City, who will dxily aoknowlodgi th«« Soaoral sMbora hara oxpvoaaod a wiah to tiibuto in during tho firat half of tho laat oantury« and it ia boliofrod that trm tho iMHborahip of tho Oltib a niad>or of intoraating waagana oan bo aaourod* l^rtMon at largo ahould bo intoroatod in thia oollootion and will| it ia hopodf oontributo to it frooly« Youra vary truly, yy^ Prodidont • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ti^ President, Sborstary AND Treasurer, ex-oCBcio Lewis Kuthbrfurd Morris Edward Hubert Litchfield Charles Sheldon William K. Draper George L. Harrison, Jr. WiNTHROP CHANLER EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Gborob Bird Grinnbll Theodore Roosevelt ^Boone anti Qrocfettt Olub OFFICERS President W. Austin Wadsworth of New York Vice-Presidents Arnold Hague of Washington, D. C. George Bird Grinnbll of New York Archibald Rogers of New York Walter B. Devkrbux of Colorado Madison Grant of New York Secretary Henry G. Gray 49 Wall Strkkt, New York Treasurer W. Redmond Cross 3S PlNIC Strbkt, Nkw Yobk OFFICE OF SECRETARY 49 WALL STREET, NEW YORK GAME PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Charles Sheldon, chairman J. Walter Wood W. Redmond Cross Edward Hubert Litchfield Charles H. Townsend E. W. Nelson Alexander Lambert Advisory Members George Bird Grinnell Lewis Rutherkurd Morris Ootob^r 20, 191S. .191 Sr» C* Hart Herri 8«v 1919 leth Street. laehlngton. p« Dear Sir: I Itieg to a^Tlee you that MaJ. W« Auatln WadsiRnrtb. Prtfl- dent of the Boone and Orookett Cluh, has appointed you one of fiver delegates to represent the Boone and Orookett Oluh at the Jlfth Bat*- ional Coneerratlon Congress to be held In Washington, D-C^, Hovem- her 18th, 19th and 20th* Ihe other delegates appointed are UaJ« W* Austin Wadsworth, Hon. George Shiras, Srd, Messrs^ George Bird Grin- nell and Charles Sheldon. I enolose herewith for your information a oopy of the let- ter received by the President from the Seeretary of the Congress. Kindly advise me at your earliest oonvAaienoe ad to iBhether you will aooept the appointment* The President hopes that you will accept even if you are not able to attend the Congress* Very truly y^ura, v Secretary. g/H. P* EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Prbbiobnt, Sbcrbtary AND Trbaburkr, ez-offlcio Charlbs Shbldon William K. Drapkr Qboroe L. Harrison, Jr. WiNTHROP ChANLKR Dr. Albxander Lambbrt Morgan Davis EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Oborob Bird Orinnell Thbodokk Roosevelt Maam unh (UtatkttX OIlub OFFICERS President W. Austin Wadsworth of New Tors Vice-Presidents Arnold Hague op Washington, D. C. Qborgb Bird Qrtnnbll of New York Archibald Roobrs of New York Walter B. Dbvbrbux of Colorado Madison Qrant of New York Secretary Henry Q. Gray 49 Wall Street, New York Treasurer W. Redmond Cross 88 Pine Street, New York OPPICe OF SECRETARY 49 WALL STREET, NEW YORK GAME PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Charles Sheldon. Chairman J. Walter Wood W. Redmond Cross Edward Hubert Litchfield Charles H. Townsbnd E. W. Nelson Alexander Lambert Advisory Members George Bird Grinnell Lewis Ruthbrfurd Morris ^tirpo8e I hate made a thoroxi^ •earoh of all tho reoords of the Seoretary'a offioe, including the old Year Booka* I find that your nsxm appeared in the Year Book of IStS; but inasimioh as ijho next Tear Book before that one which I can find Is the 1889 Yoar Book^ I mxst aak you to be ^ood enon^ to furnish ise. If posslWlo, with the e^aot Year of your Joining the Olub. I woot alao auk you to b# good enough to give ao this informa- tion by return isall, as the Book Is already in the hands of the print* art and I cannot hold it vq? loaear than the end of this week. If you happon to hare a Year Book for any yoar prior to 1902 I fidixould appreciate it irery much If yon would isall the s^^e to me so that it may afielst ^e in fixing the dates of the joining of other members^ and I will be "^^ty oarelWL to hare theia returned to you prompt ly, unless » of course » you would bo willlxig to donate the same to the Slub« Very truly yours. /^^^ ^^ioy^ Secret ary< ^^ m BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB W. REDMOND CROSS TRBASURKR 3Q PINE STREET New YORK. N. Y. January 12th, 1917. Dear Slr:- At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Boone and Crockett Club held January 10th, 1917, Mr. Charles Sheldon, Chairman of the Game Preservation Committee, recommended the introduction of mountain goats upon Admiralty Island. There are no goats there at present and the conditions are exceedingly favorable for the increase of any nucleus herd which the Club may place there, particularly as there are no wolves upon the Island. It would be necessary to capture the goats upon the adjoining mainland, where they are to be found on the mountains which rise sharply from the sea, and to transport them across the intervening twelve miles of water. In Mr. Shedon's opinion, this operation presents no great difficulties and he estimates that a suf- ficient number to lay a sound foundation for the stocking of the Island could be caught and ferried across for about $1,500. A special fund to make possible the carrying out of Mr, Sheldon's suggestion is suggested by the members of the Executive Committee and they have headed the list with generous subscriptions. It is reason- able to expect that mountain goats on Admiralty Island will exist indefinitely as an enduring monument to the Club and you are urged to do your share towards en- suring the success of the undertaking. If, by chance, the subscriptions should exceed the amount of money necessary for the purpose, the balance will be turned Into the Game Preservation Fund of the Club. Cheques should be sent to the undersigned. Yours very truly, W. REDMOND CROSS, Treasurer. loan? anh (Urork^tt (Elub EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tbb Prksidkmt. Sccrbtart AMD TRKAaURBB, eX-OfBciO Charubs Shbldon WiLUAM K. Draper Gborob L. Harribom, Jr. WiNTHROP ChAMLBR Dr. Albxamdbr Lambbrt Morgan Davis EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Qborob Bird Qrikmbll Thbodorb Roosbvblt OFFICERS President W. Austin Wadbworth of Nbw York Vice-Prest dents Arnold Haoub of Wabhinqton. D. C. Qborob Bird Ortnnbll or Nbw York Archibald Roobrs or Nbw York Waltbr B. Dbvbrbdx or Colorado Madibon Qrant or Nbw York Secretary Hbnrt Q. Gray 49 Wall Strbbt, Nbw York Treasurer W. Rbdmono Cross 88 PiNB Strbbt, Nbw York OFFICe OP SECRETARY 49 WALL STREET, NEW YORK GAME PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Charlbs Shbldon, Chairman J. Waltbr Wood W. Rbdmond Cross Edward Hubbrt LrrcHriBLD Charlbb H. Townbbmd E. W. Nblbon Albxandbb Lambbrt Advisory Members Gborob Bird Grinnbll Lbwib Ruthbrfurd Morris 191 Dear Sir: About three years ago the Executive Committee of the Boone and Crockett Club Suggested that the Secretary insert in the yearly Club Book opposite the name of each member the year in which the member was elected. At the time I made a thorough investigation of the club files in order to obtain the necessary data and had considerable correspondence with members. As a result of my investigation I was only able to find six Year Books before 1905, namely 1888, 1889, 1896, 1899. 1901, and 1 903, although there were Club publications in the years 1893, 1895 and 1897 giving lists of members at the time. From 1905 on there is a club book each year. 1 addressed letters to all members who joined the Club before 1 905 asking them for the exact date of their election. Very few were able to state even the year, and so the project was abandoned for the time; but the Secretary has been urged again to pre- pare a list, even though it is impossible often to obtain exact dates prior to 1 905. Accordingly, I have prepared the enclosed list of members with dates of election and will submit to the Club at the annual meeting the question of incorporating these dates in the next Year Book, subject to whatever changes or corrections may be suggested by members. Each member of the Club is requested to examine this list and to furnish the Secretary at once with any information that will be of assistance to him in revising it. Very truly yours, ' HENRY G. GRAY, Secretary. BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB W. REDMOND CROSS TRBASUIIBII 98 PINK STREET NSW YORK. N. Y. January 26th, 1917. Dear Dr. Mcrriam: — I am in receipt cf your cheque for flC-00, which has been applied to the fund for introducing m ountain goats on Adn-iralty Island and for which please accept my thanks. Yours very truly, Treasurer: Dr. C. Hart Merriam, No. 1913 - 16th St., Washin9:ton, D. C laonr mh Crork^tt (Ulub EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thk Prbbiobnt, Sbcrbtart AND TRXA8URBR, ez-OflBciO Charlks Sheldon William K. Draper Qkorob L. Harrison, Jr. WiNTHROP ChANLKR Dr. Alsxandbr Lambert Morgan Davis EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Oborqb Bird Orinnell Theodore Roosevelt OFFICERS President W. Austin Wadsworth of New Tore Vice-Presidents Arnold Haode of Washington, D. C. George Bird Grtnnell of New York Walter B. Devereux of Colorado Secretary Henrt Q. Gray 49 Wall Street, New York Archibald Rogers of New York Madison Grant of New York Treasurer W. Redmond Cross 88 Pine Street, New York OFFICE OF SECRETARY 49 WALL STREET, NEW YORK GAME PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Charles Sheldon, Chairman J. Walter Wood W. Redmond Cross Edward Hubbrt Litohfield Charles H. Townsend E. W. Nelson Albzandeb Lambert Advisory Members George Bird Grinnell Lewis Rutherfurd Morris lAraary 9^ i9i7* Dr. Ce Hart Merriam, 1919 - 16th 8 treat, H. W. ^ Washington » T). 0. I I \ Dear Dr. Merrlam: Thank ydu very nraah for yotuf letter of February 7th 39«ne It Is the only copy that I have seen and I shall keep it In our files. Very truly yours. g/eh/p Boone and Crockett Club 2^5Jj^EAVER Street New York Office of the Secretary April 18, 1927 Br. C, Hart LliBrriara, 1919 - 16th Street, Waahin^on, D. C, Dear Sir;- The Executive Committee of the Boone and Crockett Clul) recently passed a resolution requesting members of the club to advise the secretary as to the trips they may have made during the past year, and also as to the hunting trips contemplated diiring the year to come. ^ It is felt that the Club ought to keep in touch with the activities of its member, and we trust that you will find time to let us know of your plans. Faithfully yours, otk^. C. DAKIBL L. BORDKN, M. L>. SIS COMMKOXICUX A.VBMUK •WA«ni»»o«o»t, r>. C. f~-^ o^£Z^ Z^tC\Ay<. Cl^O€^ ^^p^< 4^^::^!u>^ T CC^ /t^^^ '^. « •^-^c/ OL^^ cr^^^ erz^ ^c^e^ ,^^9^0^ iju-cut /^ i^-^c^^ l^c.^ t^O-t>-€^ 1": O'-t^^ e^h-c^-c^ /^ cc?-t^'^€^ ^/ •--^^ Cl^^^^cc^i^ / ^:^^^^^^^t-c.<-' c? ^^C^ Tbb Sl» OoMNJBorieuT A.v»mu« •WTawhimotom. r>. C. ^-i^^^^^t^M^e^^^^^ ^^U^ ^-ry/^A^ ^^/^ A A^^>i ^ y^tf 2^ 'T'r C/-«^ ^^ M' tn^ oaJ ^V^a 7 . L^cOf^ \ ?3M L- BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATlIRAIi H18TOKY. BOSTON. U. 8. A. No. C^ Boston, Mass., / . iSjEfJ- /^f^M.,^ ^i^L^ A-Uy 4.^^<^(^y- ^ / /lU4^ Auy ^^^^.y.^^>L^ Cl ^/ Ay^^^lr-OL ^A^ 4 ^-*^^ /i2>i^ /^y^ ^:';/ -V '^: 7— «i^i^ i/^^i^i. ^/^^-^'^^ ^'^ . ■-^ ^y^,p w ^""^ — ' X t Boston Society of natural History. No. Boston^ Massachusetts^ U, S. A., ^U, X6^' ip 2_ 7. ^i^uufj-i cyiy^-^^iA^ crj, o. /v€^ /r , /C . C (^ >l ^^l. ^ ; J -iTC^L-js^ Ci^-^^ iJ^-T^^v^ C>L^>-t? ^-^c2^-z.<^^e^ P^ o^ ZL ^^ ^a..<7 7-1-2 <>vT/\^ <^>x A-^ ^x^ i^ 7X^ '^cZci^ a^ t^ ^,.,^^ ^ e4jU^-T>>~Oi.yir^ lU. o^ / d-rz^'^y^ cyCa^-T^^x^ ^ (j. h/a^^ /7^Ua.^\ s^ Harvard Medical School, EoBton, MaBB., Ye\). 26, 1912. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, V/aBhington, D. C. My dear Sir:- AB ProfesBor Minot haa informed you, the Council of the Boflton Society of Natural History l-ias endorsed the prin- ciples of H, Bill 36, a copy of which is enclosed. Since Rep. John W. Weeks has requested that the Society he represented at the hearing on March 6th, the Council voted to appoint you^its delegate, and we hope that you can attend the hearing. The hill at present is limited to game hirds, and these are not defined in such a way that sandpipers, herons, and all the so-called marsh, beach, and shore hirds are included. It seems to us that the hill should cover not only these, hut all migratory hirds, and we have written to Rep. Weeks, asking why it was not so drawn. He replies as follows, (letter of Peh. 22):- «I do not think it is necessary, and prohahly not expedient, to limit the hill to migratory game hirds. As the hill was ^ originally introduced, however, it applied only to game hirds. Mr. Shiras of Pennsylvania, when a Member of the House, was interested in this matter and limited his hill to gajne hirds, and there have heen some others who have thought it possible to make that limitation. I shall urge, however, that it appj.y to all m igratory hirds when the matter comes before the Committee, w N Our Society approves of this change. Sec. %3, "beginning with line 15, provide©, "That nothing herein contained shall deem4^to interfere with the local laws of the States and Territories for the protection of game localized within their borders. •• If this provision means that a ptate can provide a long, open-season on game localized within its borders, which cannot be interfered with by this aat, the act will be of no effect. Rep. Weeks writes - "Our great difficulty is to find a Constitutional warrant for this legislation, 1 think otherwise it meets with very general approval. •• In an editorial in the Transcript (Peb. 16) it is said, "Perhaps this latter clause (the one under discussion) will be relied on to save the bill from any serious challenge of its constitutionali V ." We would suggest that this clause be amended to read • "Provided, however. That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to lessen or •■ — "" ■ diminish* the protection afforded by the local laws of the States and Territories €rf game found within their borders." We do not ask to have this amendment offered, since conditions which led to inserting the clause are not understood; but it seems clear that the clause in question requires revision for reasons which we have pointed out. I shall be ^'^ery glad to receive any suggestions from you in regard to modifications in the bill. These will be considered by our legislative coromittee of which Dr. C. W. Townsend is the ornithologist. In matters of legislation we keep in close touch with Mr. William Brewster, Mr. Charles P. Batchelder, and Dr. G. M. Allen ^, Respectfully yours, ^ /%JL/K6j\jUf^ U ^^ ^; M.D. '/z- Chairman. BoaiIpa P^cO. C j^Mc i/tJ Oyf' J.i, V/'- 4. hk4-ll c^ T2, (/^ '/-Z>v^- a^i-* a i (^^Aj% n ^ /•>l /^U /<7bC iTrv ir\e easoT\s TTWiC k a d reetinqs + mess u ^ DU )..y ^r^/^ / UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Carson Indian Agency Stewart, Nevada May 28, 1935 Dr. C* Hart Merriam Lagunltas, California My dear Dr. Merriam: When I came home Saturday afternoon and discovered you had dropped in but had been unable to nait, I v?aB very much dis- appointed. I should like to have seen you and talked iiith you about a great many things. I hope you will be able to keep your promise to come back again sometime this summer. If you can let me knoif? ahead of time I if ill certainly be right here. Mjr terri- tory is the entire northern half of the State and, of course, T am ai?ay from headquarters a great deal of the time. I am finding the work intensely interesting and having a grand time doing it. Sincerely yours, QljLtL-o. /2^.^r^li^ Alida Z% Bowler Superintendent AD3/gcp / .074 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Carson Indian Agenoy Stewart , Nevada Jime 3, 1935 / Br* C. Hart Merriam Lagimitas, California Dear Dr. Merriam: It was pleasant to have your letter and to know that you may get back up in this region this summer. I assure you we will do everything we can to find the right people among the Washoes and the Paiutes so that you can obtain information which you want. The Washoes are, as you know, located quite close to the school here and we wo\ild be very glad to have you stay with us while you make your contacts with them. I think you might find your best Paiute informants on the Pyramid Lake Reservation which is about 80 miles away from here. There are one or two old Paiutes at the Indian Colony at Reno who might serve your purposes, but I do think it would be well worth your time to spend a couple of days at Pyramid Lake Reservation. If you could let us know about when you would like to see these old folks, we would be glad to talk to them and make arremgements for you. Sincerely yourf , (XjuJl^ <^- /2w^.^ ^B/gcp Alida C. Bowler Superintendent UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Carton Indiaii Igendy, Stewart 9 Nevada* Jxme 11 9 1935 « Br* C« Hart HBrrlam, lAganltaa, California* Dear Br* Herriams I m leaying today for a field trip whloh will tab me away from the agency for the rest of this week* Before starting, I wish to let you know that we shall be delighted to hare you oome and stay here at the agency* We have a comfortable guest room in our Officers* Olub which you may occupy and there ia also a room in our Home Economics Building for Kiss Car* (The two men in your party can obtain rooms at Carson City, which is about three miles distant* You and Hiss Car may also board at our Officers* Club* The rate there is about 35^ per meal, unless you wish to take all of your meals there in which case the rate will be about ;||^17*00 per month* I shall be back here agaip either the night of June 14th or 15thand e^qpect to be here following that time, but if you should arrive in my absence, Mrs* Ault, the reception clerk in the main office will look after you and see that you are comfortably located* If you should arrive outside of office hours , she can be found at her apartment on the west side of the grounds. I am certainly looking forward to your stay here with ua* ACB:A Sin^a^ely yours, [ida C* Bowler, Superintendent* V UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Carson Indian Agency Steimrt, Nevada July 51, 1956 Dr. C. Hart Merriam Lagunitas, California Dear Dr. Merriam: It was very thoughtful indeed of you to send me yo\ir book of Mewan myths. I shall enjoy it nnyself very nnich and I know that many others here at the school will get pleasure out of it. I €un particularly glad that you autograj^ied it for me. I hope that you have been having a pleasant summer and that you will come this way again. It is always nice to have you drop in. Please revi^mber me to your very able and attractive sec- retary. Sincerely yours. QjJ^t.^^J^ ACB/gcp Alida C. Bowler Superintendent Pi ) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Carson Indian Agency Stewart, Nevada March 2, 1956 Dr. C. i^art Merriam Smithsonian Institute Washington, D. C, Dear Dr. Merriam: I am sending you herewith a copy of some correspondence which I think you may find of interest. We are very enthusiastic about the pos- sibilities in the research described in the attached papers. If you find it interesting and can do anything to help us obtain funds to carry on this work from any source whatever, we would be delighted to have your assistance. Sincerely yours. Alida C. Bowler Superintendent Carson Indian Agency Stewart, Neradn •i'ebruary 11, 1936 Honorable Henry A. Wallace Secre tary of Agri cult ure 'Tashi^-^gton, D.C. Subject: Request for Funds for Rosoaroli Dear Lir . Wol la c e : On behalf of the Indian Bcbtanical Institute Cormttee of Nevada I am sending you herewith an application icr funds ..or research v/ork to be carried on in Nevaaa as soon as supper r, can be found for it. It is our understanding that you noy have available for griints for research work certain approp- riated moneys. !7e are most hopeful that you will see merit in this project, which we believe to be eminently sound and riromising of beneficial results, 0 Should you wish fiu^ther data of some particular kind, please .^^ive us the opportunity to supply it. D±*. Carl A. Alsberg and Professor Paul J. Hanzlik of Stcnford University have both been consulted and have expressed genuine intere.,-': . You might v/ish to consult them with reference to our applic-- ation. The Committee will eagerly await some v/ord from you as lo whether or not there is any hope of favorable consideration of the application. Respectfully yours, Alida C. Bov/ler, Secretary, Indiem Botanical Institute Committct; ACB/gcp enc : APPLICATION POR FUNDS FOR RESEARCH WORK By - THE INDIAN INSTITUTE ^^^9n Ifl^Vl^ A.qrnnP.y Stewart, Nevada February 11, 1936. The Indicn Botanical Institute is an organization whose present activities are sponcored and directed bythe Indian Botanical Institute Committee, ^Aose members are,- Charles L. Tranter, M.D., Arcade Building, Rono, Nuvada. (Chairman) Alida C. Bowler, M.A. , Superintendent ^ Carson Indian ' Agency, Stev/art, 'Nevada. (Secretary)- Philip A. Lehcnbaucr, Ph.D., Prefessor, Biology Department, ' University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. Ross B* V/iley, Ph.D., Principal, Carson Indian School,, Nevada. Meredith R. Miller, M.S., Associate Research-Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, University •of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. , Associate }'rof essor - of Chemistry, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. The Institute has been in operation since June, 1935. A brief history of its organization and its activities' to date, pre- pared by Professor Lehenbauer and Mr. Honrichs, the Botanist- m-charge, is attached. So far the Institute has been entirely dependent for its operation on F.E.R.A. and W.P.'i. These emergency Administrations have supplied from their unemiDloyed non-manual workers the Institute personnel. It has been, and is considered one of the most successful and the most valuable of their projects. It is believed that the Institute should now be placed on a sound basis for research work as a continu- ing project. The Institute Committee therefore respectfully submits herewith a budget for a twelve-month Deriod, and asks that it be given careful and favorable consideration. S. Allan Lough, Ph.D. BUlJGrET I. For botanical To L activities ^ 0e collecting, classifying, proper r To , . _—_ — ,, ^,000.00- continue collecting, classifying, proper records and submitting for - laboratory examination plants native' to the Great B.sin, knov/n to have been used medicinallv or for food, by the Indians. lay out, and pl^nt the botanical -gardens at the Carson Indian School at Stewart, Nevada ,- where forty acres are available for the Institute's use, so as to have in readiness for laboratory research work plant specimens in sufficient quantity, under observed soil and climatic conditions, and at different stages of development. -2-. To get in touch with wcll-inrormod oldor Indians in order to pick up data, much of it as yet unrecorded, about Indian uses of plants native to the Great B. ..sin, work- ing in close cooperation with I-.dian Service personnel at the Carson Indian- School and ..gency, and throughout the Great B.-sin area, in order to locate all possible sources of authentic information. Budget detail - A. Personnel •- ^4, 000.00 Botanist-in-charge $2 , 000. 00 Part-time clerk ' '600.00 Laborers 1,400.00 B. Equipment, supplies, etc. 400.00 C. Utility shop and fencing 600.00 D. Miscellaneous expense in connection with making Indian contacts, coll- ecting plants and seeds, etc. 1,000.00 II. For chemical research work -^ '"*>2,500.00 To make chemical analyses of, and seek to isolate com- pounds from the plant materials mad^ c?vailable through the botany unit. Laboratory space avciilable in the Department of Chemistry, University of N..vada. Brdget detail - • A. Personnel; 1 re search assistant ''''2,000.00 B. Equipment, supplies and materials 500.00 III. For pharmacological experiments A3, 500.00 To seeK to de'termine througj' laboratory tests the medicinal value, if any, in plants, or in chemical compounds from plants said to liave been used medicinally by Indians, in the Great B.\sin area. ■ Budget detail - A. Personnel, 1 research assistant — $2; 000.00 B. Equipment, supplies and materials 1,500.00 (Conferences m th representatives of Stanford University indicate that if funds for this pharmacological v;ork can bo obtained it may be possible to obtain space in the Stanford Laboratories, with all the advantages that means in the way of technical direction and resources. However, if they are as crowded as at present it would probably be necessary to find a supplementary allotment of y8, 000.00 to make certain building alterations that v/ould enlarge their laboratory acc- ommodations. This is Professor Hanzlik's estimcate of cost.) -3- IV. Suiranary - total budget requirements ^ "13,000.00 In botaniccl activities 1>6;000.C0 In chemical activities 2;500.00 \ In pharrii£:icolo^iccl experiments 3,500.00 AUaNlSTRATION If funds uro mado available so that the Institute's work lUiV bo continued after V/.P.A. personnel is withdrawn administrative responsibility should l>j centered in a Board of Directors, v*iich would include the prc^sont Institute Comraittee members together with representatives fjrom any other cooperating institution in which research assisba.its wore given laboratory space and tech- nical supervision* Tho Committee is more than \7illing to accept any suggestions or to conform to ony requirements in the mi:ittcr of administrative ocntrol that those alloting funds for such research projects :my deem desirable. RESmVlE 0? ;.NSTIWT.E .iCCOMPLISI-gTT'lTTS TO DATE I. Research in pri'ited ir.atericl.' Hources, - books, pamphlets. technical journals, scientific publications, etc. Some ^5,000 cards have teen prepared and filed. These contain the botanicoa name of the plant, tho coiiirion name, the Indian name, the Indian tribe reported to have used it, and the use to which it v;cp put. There are approalmr. tely 5,000 different plants represented on those 25, 000 cards 'all recorded a$ having; been used Liedicinally by some .'^roup of Indians. 'L'hey represent approximtely 8,000 diffe-rent curative uses. 'ire II. Preparation of a llijt of these medicinal -use iDlants that to be found in Nova da. * III* Collectia^ seeds ctf such Nevada plants, cloanin.c; and stor- ing these seeds in a-dram, metal screw-c/.r vials* About 250 plajits with seed collected, and of this number about 100 vials of different seed cleaned and ready for use hiive been prcpareri. Gardens. Th US e arc destined for planting in the Botanical IV, Separate cataloging by the of tho disease for the reliof of which the plants were said to have been used. ■JUSTIFICATION 7CR CQNTIITUATION OF INSTITUTE^ SJJGRK I. No planned scientific} study has ever toward a thorough ex-Dloratory rcvi Values in plants ir ..ported to have 'od by the American Indian in treat remedies nov; in common use v;ere di men as - result of some contact wi seems not unlikely that a careful field 7/ould discover still others ficial value. been conducted looking ew of possible medicinal been successfully employ- in.',- disease. M.^-ny scoverod by white medical th I'dian practices, it scientific survey of the of considerable bene- -4- II, The older American I;:idians, ^jvtio still body of knowledge of plant uses, dis by scores of r^xnerations of their rn rapidly passing out of the picture, groat extent, in the Groat B ;sin at knov/le dge • on to the younger genera ti dignified, and respectful attempt is them to share this knowledge it will possess a considerable covered painstakingly cestors, are rather They 'are not to any least, passing this on. Unless a sincDro, soon made to i^crsuadc be lost to mankind. III. The Great Basin offers rich and relatively unexplored oppor- tunities for scientific studies of this description. Native wild plants are relatively abundant and undisturbed in many places and are still being used medicinally by I;idians native to the re.gion, sometimes with results surprising to white observers. IV. Local representatives of the U.S. Ir.dian Service, and the University of N.;vada are actively interested in the project, and are ready to cooperate and to contribute space and other facilities. Laboratory men of outstanding importance in the pharmacological field, working in San Francisco and vicinity, are interested and vail cooperate, probably to the extent of finding space and suTplyir.p some technical supervision to a research assistant in uhat field. V. VI VII Initial research has clready boen done. The next step should be the laying out and planting of the Indian Botanical Gardens at the Carson Indian School, where land and some labor to be contributed by the very much interested Indian students arc available. But the work cannot go on unless funds are forthcoming ' to employ, on a more certain basis than a V/.P.A. payroll, a botanist to plan and supervise the work. Chemical studies, for which plant material is already collect- ed, should be instituted. Pharmacological experiments should be started within a relatively short time after the chemical work gets under way. Or even sooner, since much m-terial is already available for use in such laboratory work. In addition to the probability that scientific research of this character would discover and make available new chemical coiq^ounds v/ith true therapeutic values, other benefits should accrue ♦ Plant collecting would offer a means of supplementing the utterly inadequate incomes of a certain number of Indian families in the area. Expcrimr.nts might demonstrate that certain indigenous plants vi th commercial value could be cultivated as an additional croa by I-i:Ii .:i cr white ranchers in favorable localities. -5- Spocics of considerable commorclcil v; luc, nor; imported from other countrivjs where thoy grow under soil r.nd clim. tic con- ditions similar to those of the Great B.isin, might be success- fully introduced and cultivated, INDIAN BOT'NICAL INGTITUTE C0::MITTEE (Sgd. (sea. (Sgd. (Sgd. (Sgd. (Sgd. CH.'.RLES L. TRilNTER, M.D. iLIDA C. BO';JLER P. A. LEHM BAUER »» I II »ii ~- ■ I « t I ■^— *^— i«o» ROSS B. vflLEY ifc I i« M.R. MILLER III m ntid s. m.lan lough A BRIZF HISTORICAL SKETCH 0? THE INDI/OT BOTANICAL INSTIIUTE By Professor P. A. Lehenbauer, Biology Dept* , U.of Nevada. Early in the siunmer of 1935 there came to my office a Dr. Tranter to discuss with me the sub.^ect of medicinal plants. Dr. Tranter is interested in medicinal plants from the pharmacological and medical view points. As a botanist, I was much interested in this group of pL'^nts largely due to the fact that for a number of years, from time to time, specimens of plants o.f purported medic- inal value either have been brought to me in person or sent to me for identific .tion and for information in regard to their use. The statement usually made in regard to such plants is that tliey were or are being used by the medicine men of the native tribes of Indians for the cure of certain ailments or diseases. Dr. Tranter and the writer agreed that our present knowledge pertaining to plants used by the Indians of the Great Basin was perhaps not only fragmentary but also incomplete and that an effort should be made to study carefully and systematically all the pub- lished data in regard to the medicinal plants of the Great Basin and assemble this data in useable form. This discussion occured at the time v/hen efforts were being made to find work for so-called white-collar unemployed. It cccured therefor to us that a study of the scientific literature dealing with plants used by the Western American Indians, and particularly with those plants indigenous to the Great B^.sin, would be a worth while project in that it would not only employ a number of people in need of work but also give us much desired and useful information. With this in mind it was decided to interview Miss Bowler, the Superintendent of the Stev;art Office of Indian affairs at Stewart, Nevada. Not only did Miss Bowler manifest much interest in the project, but she whole-heartedly offered her help and cooperation in the project. The project was then presented to the local office of the F.E.R.A- which organization £igreed to provide funds for labor and to provide such trained unemployed as v/ere available. the services We were most fortunate to obtain at this time, of Mr. James Henrichs, v/ho was unemployed at this time, to under- take the supervision of the work. He is a graduate of the Univ- ersity of Nevaaa, with a major in botany and has had a year of graauate work in botany in the University of Illinois. Mr. Henrichs was provided with space in the botanical laboratory and initially with the services of two typists. Later, at the opening of school work in August, the University thru its president Dr. Clark, pro- vided him with quarters in the vacated chemistry building. There the project has grown until several rooms are being occupied and as many as 14 people have been given steady employment. •2- Mr. Honrichs has been working conscientiously with his group of men and women, looking up references in the literatuiv- , making card indexes for permanent file and in many cases abstracting scientific articles in journals borrowed from libraries outside the state. He has prep.ared also a list of plants now growing wild in Nevada which plants have been reported m the literature as having been used medicinally by certain Indian tribes. Under his direction and supervision a number of University students, receiving Federal aide, have been collecting seeds of many native Nevada plants in suiYicient quantities for planting. It is planned to grow plants fj^om these seeds in a plant garden in sufficient quantity so that intensive research can be carried out from the standpoint of culture, chemical enmpounds and pharmacological effects^ -3- A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE INDI BOTANICAL INSTITUTE t-xl ' PLAInTS for THE FUTURE MEDICINAL PLANT G/^RDEIT The conunittee, consisting of Dr. Tranter, Miss Bov/lor^ Dr. V/iley, the Principal of ttie Indian School at Stewart and the writer have decided that in connection with the study of the literature dealing with pLants used by the Indians a garden in which native plants could be grown for stcdy was most desirable. For such a garden Miss Bowler and Dr, Wiluv have offered for use a tract of uncleared sagebrush land, approximately 40 acres in size, lying immediately to the west of the Carson Indian School. It is hoped thrt this land may be cleared and prepared for p]r nt- ing by means of W.P.A. unemployed labor, early in the year. This garden v/o^jld provide plant material for chemical analysis and the isolation of compounds for research in pharmacology. In addition much important inx'ormation could be acquired on culture methods of native plants and on the relations of environment factors to chemical composition. 3CI£FTIFIC RESEARCH Investigations in regard to the composition of plants and •studies, directed towards the use of plants in medicine offer opportunities for fruitful results. This is particularly true of many plants growing wild in the Great Basin^ ITiat many of these plants contain useful compounds which have curative properties can hardly be doubted. The Indiaji medicine men have used plpjits for the treatment of diseases for many years and even now they depend upon them almost entirely for the relieving of pain and for the elimination of infection. Kr:ny plants are used by the medicine men which are not reported as of medicinal use in the literature. Little is knovm scientifically about the compounds contained in these plants and perhaps still less of the pharma- cological effects of them. Many plants too are listed in the literature as having been used by medicine men for the tro^ tment of certain diseas^^s of v;hich not much is knovm scientifically. Biochemical and pharmacological studies in many instances have not been made. Such studies, if made, would no doubt result in the discovery of many useful compounds in medicine. A number of analytical studies of plants indigenous to the Great Basin have been made in recent vears in the University of Fevada. Dr. Maxwell Adams, in charge*' of the laboratories of organ- ic chemistry has been interested in the essential oils of desert T^lants. His investigations^- though not carried out primarily from the viewpoint of medicinal compounds have, nevertheless, macie vailable oils and other compounds of these plants in sufficient quantity which may be used for further studies. These oils and ether substances are now in storage and are available to us when- ever the services of a biochemist are placed at our disposal. -4- The Gr^at B'^sin also offers opportunities for fruitful rosearch because there -^r^ many areas where the flora of native v;ild plants is still relatively abundont rind undisturbed. too 9 the medicine man is still candying on. The medicine man is rapidly going oit of existence and with his passing much information no doubt will be lost. The medicine man, by nr ture and perhaps from experience, is secretive towards the white man, yet he will give information if tactfully and judiciously approached. Efforts should be directed to make sympathetic con- tact with the medicine men in order to obtain some of their loiow- ledge in regard, to the medicinal use of native plants. This information may be of use and bear fruit if carried through care- ful and systematic channels of scientific research. LASTLY The Great Basin offers also many opportunities in botanical research. This is particularly true in regard to the ecological aspects of medicinal plants. The Indian medicine man apparently not only knows which plant to use, but also where to .collect it rjid at what period of its development. It is known to botanists that certain chemical compounds develop in the plant only during Certain stcges of its development. The relations of soils and of other factors in climate operating above the soil in relation to the development of plant compounds is one which needs further investigation. The Gre t B asin is characterized by many soil t^/pes and varied climates. An important ecolo^-ical factor in the development of medicinal compounds in plants may be found to be caused" by the rbunaance of actinic rays prevailing in the climate of the Great Basin. A m^^dicinal plant garden, for growing in- digenous plants under natur'^.l conditions would, therefore be most d-^sirable. In this connection it is of interest to note that iDphedra, the Chinese Ma-Kuang furnishes rai important medicinal compouadi, ephedrine , much used by -.ur medical profession. This Ma -Huang pl.:.nt Ephedra intermedia is a native of certain parts of China from which country it is imported into this country. Yet, we have growing in the Great Basin 4 to 6 speci^^s of Ephedra. In- vestigations carried out by commercial drug companies have not found ephedrine in our native speciesi and v/ill be found if re- investigated from the viev/point of soils^ altitude, and stige of development of the plant. An analytical study of several plants in one of our university laboratories has revealed one single specimen to have an alkaloid ephedrine. IN CONCLUSION series of investigations of our native Indian medicinal plraits should be instituted. These investig tions should consist m studies pertaining to the cultural requireme.ats from the stand- point of soils and climate. Also biochemical studies should be made of the compounds produced by these plants. For these studies plants should be grov/n in sufficient quantity in a pl-ant garden. Lastly the chemical compounds should be investig'.ted from the pharmacological viewpoint to determine their value in medicine. •5- RESHARCH IN TIffi LITERATURE TERTAINING TO PLANTS USED IN MEDICINE BY NORTH AMERIC>rN INDIANS The Institute has bv.on in operation since Jun.. 5, 1935. From June 5, 1935 to October 28, 1935 this work was carried on under an F.E.R.A. \mite Coll-^r project. From October 28th to the present time the project has bv^en under V^f.P.A. direction. The staff is now complete with 14 members supplemented by 15 students lander the N-tional Youth Mov<:;ment. The research material is gathered from books, publications, prjnphluts, journals 9 these and other sources where this m-^.terial may bv^ found. The material is then typed on paper ready for trans- x^errinp: to 3»' x 5" plain cards. Each card represents one plant mployv tic clr.ssification of plants. Those plants whose 3" X 5" card ing to the systems names are longer and more detailed than can go on a are typed on 32 C grade 8-^-" x 11" paper and filed according to the system of classification as are the smaller cards. Each card and each paper ar^ typed in triplicates. There are now on hand app- roximately 25,000 cards r^^pres^^nting some 8000 different remedies and cures. There are approximately 5,000 different plants rep- resented v/hich ar^ purported to have medicinal properties. The Institute has made a list of medicinal plants to be found in Nev- ada and -re collecting seeds of these plants and placing the clean- ed seed in 8 dram, metal screw cap vials in preparation for the -clouting program this spring. The Institute has on hand some 250 T)lants with seed and of this number approximately 100 vials of different seeds are cleaned and ready for use. One member of the staff is ^^ _iving a series of talks to the children of the Carson Indian School in -rn endeavor to con- TTxts with our local groups of Indians and learn of tlie plants used by them for medicinal purposes. The children of the Indian School have already given som^j material on this subject and are most willing to cooperate and to collv::Ct seeds, plants and such information as is desired. The same member v/ill also contact medicine men of the local tribes on the various reservations in an attempt to collect the plants used by them for medicinal purposes. Material is also being collected on the growing of medicinal plants and on the various properties purported to be found in the plants which are used in medicine. This material is also filed and ready for reference work at any time. A list of plants used in various diseases is also k^pt. Fil- ing not only under the Botanical najne , but also under the diseases for v\^hich thev are used. This is more or less of a list for '■y particular diseases (By) James R, Ilenrichs Botanist-in-Charge (' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Carson Indian Agency- Stewart, Nevada April 22, 1936 Dr, C. Hart Merriam 1919 Sixteenth St. Washington, D. C. Dear Dr. Merriam: Subject: Indian Botanical Institute I was very happy to have your letter of April 10. I really do feel that the Indian Botanical Institute work can be of genuine significance if we can only obtain the necessary support. I read your letter at the Committee meeting Friday. Professor Lehenbauer, Head of the Botany Depart- ment at the University of Nevada, was very much in sympathy with your comments about the necessity for painstaking identification of the desert plants. He is constantly confronted with unscientific and hasty botan- ical work throughout the Great Basin. I am enclosing a copy of a letter going forward today to Pearl Chase which is self-explanatory. If you have any suggestions at all as to sources from which financial help for the coming year might be sought in order to keep the project going and to start the gardens themselves, we will be most appreciative. Sincerely yours. Oj^o^ ^ .5&,iuuAa^ ACB/gcp Alida C. Bowler Suj^erintendent enc: Cktmh IndlAc Agency AprlX IZ, 19M UiBB Pmmrl Qi%B% 209 Eact Carion Ferdldo St. Subjects tnftitimrf' fines ycu »&w Mr* Collier in U>« Ang^Ut /ou m&y know aore i^buut tho po#«lMiity of o'oUinin« fundt for our Indian fioUnioal Institute? than wo do. All we toow ie thut the Departaent of Agriculture ttct^r tb*t they e^imot ellew any monmj for VMrnxristi in tlutt field tiii« year, elihougli they •re ger.ulnely Inter^at^tU tnd hop* th&t eojae wey uy be found to do it another ■e4f.rrirtaie we hist© very .ac i to e^.^ th« work lapee« le particultirly •ftraed to be able to c^-irry on the bot&nlcal activitlee aad to get the (pftrciens cUrted thia yf^^ here «it tbe Ci^reoa Indiim School. If v^ itlU hfive the ttwor^odni #;ich w« son! you ecorll^r you hiive « brief WK^^ry of wn&t W9i CQtitemAetf^ *:.nd the asiouat we felt would be ret;tuir€id. *t e Meeting of the Cojaaittee laet Frldey we decided to try to see i^.et^^er it ight not be :>ossibie to obtein con tri but! one tr^m private individuslP or ;^s«ibl/ from »oac ftand&tlon to ine^aro the^ contiimanee of the work *^ter !!.?•*• witharew* W*P.A* is m une«rtaln that we «tiU do not knew *eti^ier they will be able to continue tbe Indian Bot&nlc-^a Insti- tute ci,aff (at preeent coneletiag of &bout twelve peo le) after July 1. If not we would give n gre+it deal to he ^^hU to have & ftulficient mm to retAiln the botenifit-ln-<^&rg6 and give hta eeM Uborer help &nd e part^ time clerk, if nothing ©ore. I thou^t you Rjight po^nlbly bti in e poeitlon to t bo tani 04.-1 gardws started and we do h^ve an inteneely intereeted and efficient personnel whoiR we eliould h&te to lose. filacerely yotiree ^CB/gcp ilida C. Bowler Sttperint endent 1 I 3 Of Ct J J^gck X P3 /b7B')H7i ^ <<' y/^^^ a J^^^e^gyC- ^(i'O^^ -^ ■:>ce^zy ^^ ^:i2-^^^ >23^^^^Sr^ i^U ^y c^^ /^'^/^-^-^i^^^Z^ C^' Ouc^ ^hll^c /^ ■^ Aj ^ ?^^ 1/ /^€^ a. ^^ a^. /■ nm^ za^ /W^^^^ / ^2^(U^H^/U-i^^^^'0-^-^ ^^ /4^<::^>^>1L .j**-^z>;?— ^:^:'-'t^'t^C-^ ^^2^ - ay "^^ /^ ■y^r /:^^^0' ^^-r^o U^ ^^t^t^^^^f^. -.--^^^t^ Y.y^^^ / ^ ^^. 0C^^<2^<_^ '^l/i^^C^ -U-^UJ €/ e^A^ /^H^/24-nJ -"^/-^r^ Ic ^ /T'n^ — ' ^ /!U-C^ yO-^^i^ C'C^<2^^ ^^^^Ul^l.-^^ ^ CA^ --^^^t^yu '^^C^\ f / ca^ /^-f ^ <^ yU(Jiu^L^ yPUy2M:> /u^ /U/^tf-^-i4yO t^ ^PuV -cD^M^ W^^U^ u W^^-t^^^ oa^ c^tn^^^^ A^i /iauJu 41^" C^)-^^^^ ^yur^ ^^-^^cAy /H^tyo-^ ^^^^^"^^ Xo^^^ ^a^c^ ^-u^ /^<^^. a^^rju^ / L ^/^ v^Cd/ m€^o a^n€f ^^<^ t-^\j 'i^ c^ A iX-t^ J^A. A / / T-n u / -^ c^- rA ^'t. 6/:^. A-^^-t^^yPM^Z-l^ ^^^"■"S^ J f .. V/ f ^ / /- ^-^-cl^^ ■<^^ y /* ^ ^t^ / ^ / :?' C- ^- '-^^^€yL ■1 C^ U^t^t^^t^-i^-co Bdfsf ^ rn^Mf 1S5 C3ENESUE (ST. N to 16 CIIAUI.OTTE 8T. I FoHter, 1 FoHter, > >. Foster. ) Thoiuas FoHter, j%bbott F( David H. iJtica, K. Y. n^/ ^>ai<^^ :y- />-H^-Kr^ J^ 'U-yL^-^' ^^-^n^^^^L^ '/ ^<^ f ^^. ^ -d r2^ ,.^ ',^ L^ ^ V^t^ \^^-0 d:^^^iC<^C^i^ -^ C^ ^v z ~ t U i-U- l^ ^ ^% V-'^^ o ^-tS- <^z^ '■/> ^x A^ -LA ^w^C^- ^-z-^. / ^=1^. '4 -^ic/- •^ ^:i^(ru f-^^ ^ (AJ ^f'K/ c. H^ ^.r 1 1 ^L\ v>/> r /•7 .-•; 1 » 1^ r C. Hart Marriam Papers BANCIiAS9 83/1290 QENCRAL offices: ROOMS 805 81 506 RAILROAD BUILDING DENVER. COLO. W. C. BRADBURY 51 CO., RAILROAD CONTRACTORS (IgrliM DENVER. COLO.. Hay 29, 1914, Kr« C. Hart Kerrianii 1919-16th. Street, Wasiiington, D, C* Ky Dear Sir:- Ycurs of the 22nd. Inst, regarding tne Grizzly skull, to hand on my return to the City, yesterday. I do not wish to part with it, for I consider it really the "best specimen I have of a collection of skulls, personally taken, of wild animals, at odd times during the last 40 years; and, moreover, I had promised Mr. Figgins that in case of my demise I had instructed my wife to turn over to him or the Museiam represented by him, everything in my collection of skulls, Indian relics, etc, that the musetan would care for and take care of, A brief history of this particular head is as follows^ In the year eighteen hundred and eighty-something( I for- get the exact date, which was inscribed on the skull, and which I hope, if you have removed by cleaning, you have preserved for ma) I had a contract for the construction of irrigation canals for the Wyoming Development Company^ from the Sabelle and Laramie Rivers, covering agricultural lands in the vicinity of what is now the town of Wheatland, Wyo, , some 75 miles or such a matter north of Cheyenne, Wyoming* The cattle men owning the cattle on this range combined to hold me up for twelve cents per pound for beef for my numer- ous construction camps, the result being that I put a hunter into the fidld, by the name of Harry Yountz, an old Indian scout, and I was told formerly game keeper in the Yellowstone Park under Carl Schurtz, in earlier days, to supply my camps with elk, deer and antelope meat at four cents per pound. Having gone into camp near Sabelle Hole, unhitched his team and tied them and his dog to the wagon wheels, he proceeded afoot to investigate the noise of grunting, or whatever you call it, of bear, out of eight on the flat top near by. On ar- riving at the edge of the flat top and pearing over he discover- ed within 30 or 40 yards of him^ one bear lying down and the other one walking about It emitting the noises he had heard. With hito single-barrel Sharps rifle he aimed to break the neck of the bear standing, and upon its discharge this bear fell apparently d^ad, but the one lying down immediately charged him, and he in his customary fool-hardy manner had omitted to to first pull an extra shell from his cartridge belt^ and before he could do so and inject it the bear was Upon him and raised to strike , and he with yell and flourish of rifle Jumped aside, and having succeeded in injecting a fresh shell, at close quarters, fortunately shot the bear through the heart, and in its death struggles he told me it tore up the C.M.U. 5/29/14 roots of small trees, brush and everything within its reach. In the mean time the first bear that he supposed he had killed, recovered and ran away, apparently being only creased* After skinning the bear, he brought up one of his pack horses accustomed to such work, but the hide was so largs and heavy that after numerous efforts with the aid of his lariat and otherwise, he was unable to load it on to the horse on account of its weight, and was compelled to tack it out on ttas ground to let it dry out for a day or so first, but the -hide on the wethers and back was so thick that this process resulted in the sloughing off of much of the hair from the shoulders and ruined the hide. Upon his report of this and showing me the head upon his return to camp, I insisted upon his iimnediately returning with me to assist me in personally taking the other bear or* similar one, promising him a bonus of |50. 00 if we succeeded and in any event assisting him in loading up with elk at his contract price. After several days hunting we failed to find the object of our search, although we did find where it liad killed a cow and a calf, and had made its lair apparently for three successive nights close by, during which time it had devoured this cow and calf, and the skins, including that striffTHown from the leg bone^being fresh and no hair sloughed, notwith- standing that a portion of it was in water and the balance on the ground adjoining and exposed to the air, a sure indication that it had just finished the job. Trusting the foregoing may prove satisfactory, al- though more or less than you cared for, I beg to remain^ Very truly yours, wcb/jbb 1 .IM. / -A^^ji '^eurt /S-l^- IBI^ (f \> 1 C mz-ziis JKa>u'A V^M^^ v!*\^>^ h^JLjZjf^- II ? 0^ Ao-VW |A^"vl^-J»^ V^^r«-J2-A^ ^ -^ m^ i_^)j ^^^ j^.^-^^v^xaiw^, L^ ^a ^aUu itiJ,,^, ,,^^^^^^1^ ^ ^Lat^tM^ (►V-C'V- ^^ ibbbu 1a4>^^>I I '*-*-*A', UAv^XcA^vr- ';3*N^ wy-J3L (v^^AA-sjlAr W^ '^■-•'^^-*-' Vw«rv\AJL/ O-^^ArvXJO tvw iVj W-'Wv-t- OjLAAi^^^ vV vft "mJv*^ Wy-wJ^Ai-r'^ X C0>/»^wAw<>4>S>-flrvo ^ iU~+^U4^V ftAMx^rvj p.nrvJL /*Ji-oJuL i^iJUj — CV^..4-^ |aa^-<^^o 6^ ^Wrd tM-«V\,- iV (^ VT (Vv^s.|uV^ V^XA/Vvi'v^-W tAl^^V/^ tw ftAslXXt^ "•V^? S WjC«A^ kJ» ^. ^•^^^ VcL.t^]/^. hJU>vA/x- VAJTJU^ ITC^ 'HolCij Kj^Na.^ rfL- 4v^*^AjL-.-ojr AA^AJIvo XVoLx t/av^'Aw-4iv.'-'^-Ju^ (Vo^.«.U:fcL«rvs^ CJi/Ctil^JLi C^-^^^* JL^p-4- V iUrvs.*..*^ fldr "TX^^-x^^j© ^L/yut., »-»J^ 4-.A>»..4^ JUb m ek<^-^>-# JL iu Oov*^ (L« c^^ j^/c^ ft^j^^yyj^^St^^ UrU<> o^^^-<- ''''^_~r^7 '^^ kcOLLv-e^ "DCLo W^X^w^: vaaJU^ iyvv. wuXj Jt- (v-e)LvJyr-v^ ^ V W^Xjb \ivv/v-wO iAk AK^^ c^ Ltv^ Jk^ ^%^^-^ ^^-^^ Ia4- W-J^ [2.S^ \jJr lU^ - WccL-r^Jr^ (lAJt^sy^^ \\-X>A ^ •...iO 0>- flL<|-WV.Y^^< A^^.<_y4^ /3-0 ia^4r T^ f'^-t. -J- Jt'V.^^Aj- ^A^-H^^-»->L^<-^ c^ iU3t*^"M-i — ty c/y. L.a»^^j.^ \jr-«.rfWw«^ SbdbLv^ MA.vr^Vvr-«.4^)^ UrCtitv) "tJuA^-v- ^AA^^nL^I _c.>v' - - G-«rv-t^»-*-*-*->vO (X>^OL>u»./-e- W v^iJ^Cxw ^^ (^rvj_>C ev^-W^ f^; V I VtiJLCU.. ^Vt)2 IW^vOtU (xV -»:V-oJr'^iAy.A^ . 1^. Xt^ frc.<»vo ^^jc4:t*>^^ ^/>-«-ilA5U4^ orc^V- Vv-«-L^.-v-v-«-/^ . 3«.yo^ VKjfty*./^ Uy "vt.^^ V«.X^..ATy^ WJL,C>0X^-8jt^. JJu^^ -tV'«--*-^ L>c^ -^3U-»^ '•X.^-^o^c^ UnrOlJL (iXeLwA-^ VArC^jLo'^iJUoi, \A>-«-l/^^Je^ eJt- CK Cjz-^pt^JU.^ ^U-5 c3L.^A<^---j 1^ oJjL-t3tL»> eai^.j-it^ VrAwxijt^c^ TjlLr^ft-w.v>..4.o,^ e..^ -^ffrV^^rv &^ ' \. VvO %~^ >w£^^ (\v^ dfe:fax>.^X^Jr-Ajr-H^ Wa>JL WJlloL JC| i>^^^ CVv^ ^-IjLo %A-«jt^W^. (\x\ht . > H "vv-cj ir k 1 V >r^ (W^JB-v^j" Kaj-a^ ttkA^A-" \/«-o e^r trfv \^T3-/4-~tiV.ft^ "iot-o R-^WoL-^-v-^uecy «tI M^-wO ycA~«->»^^*-o-oH^ »4-e*-^v^ «t^">jfc->«-<^ <^ar\/«->v^^e eX«^-«v^ vAr rVv^^^^L^ \^j^ OuC_jCm..<.>,^Cfc U>,^-U^^ W-.~t.-o^^.^o-i^«^ A^14L^».-^ ^Mkoruj /LsJ^st^ crvX^'^A wL*^ Ou-v'*--«-v-.-t>^ d f ^,T 9 6.*^ A-r^_, lAjV>^c5Li J Vj^^^v-r-e— Vs«»J^ (>r^_fl.>^-4rv^~t WX1-aa^^ Vl-^-,.^ vaj-^XX., UIXjL.^ , Ww.fJJlSLo,!^^.,'^^ . li^ \^7 <-• \l^jyiGo-^*!^^ cJA*>Ov-#J^ t<-A.U"*^ «-V>^Ai_4. Ov/^. Prcfassor Frank H. Bradlav deolof^rist of tli3 Hayd an Survej in 1872, v/as kiilaci diTiri|::;: trio suiiniar of 1879 in a cut at th^ diitrauca of a {:jolcl uiina at Ilacoochis Talley, Whita Co*, Geor'-ia, by ^ rock which fell upon him. He was eating his lunch of cornbraad and bacon at tlie time, and was accoTipaniad by E* Da Oanp, who bairifr: a short distance in advaiica Professor Frank H. Bradlay, Geolo-:ist of iha Ht^dari Surrey in 1872, vms killed diLrin^: the eamiiiar of 1679 in a cut at Viio antra^'Be of r;, -clc' nine at nacoochis Falleyt Ihiti^ Co., Cjaor^iat by / rode w^iich. fall upon him^ Ho was ©atii¥: hi., lunch of cornbrac^ and bacon at cho time, aiii was acccH}'PDaniad by H. Ba ^liAi'ax, wh.o beinr a short distance in advaiica 03Cc^_ jd. Brd^^/7/ ^ria H. C.HartMerriam Papers BANCMSS , 83/1290 )9o^-n/o m^iammain^^ I / f, JL t^^L>»^a^ Mi ^0-4. 1° '"1 b jLAAjv^o*^^^vaa — ' JUOI-/V ^jL-n_^l XjJCaj->»^ \\ CMjL Crvo<-Jl^ Crv^^>^_G_^C«_-^ ■^ I Crv/^- V^Ci^ /Ijl>V. ^ Wa/v^cVj Vvc/-^ yoL c^ X h) ol l^^-^*^ to -IkjJ-i .(X-A-_ 1/ Oa--*-^ \ ^ \A/~T^--<\ t^l^fi^^ M 'V«-CM_, J - ^ A V . I Qy^ cK^^T' CKa/^^*^ W-Ov^ C^^-»JL CAy»^A^X-A^ i'^ ^ Vju JLc^>ciJv~ Wvrz) V^^ — (rvOL^ <^ ~M/02^ 1 D f\vvv^ Oai 0^ w^^x_ o^ A^c^cju^ cL|^„^,^^ vi^A^ Ji^^^^ Q^LtULi V- .cjl ^cx ... ^^:r_J :xs^o ruL c Q_JU\r-t_d(^ l/v~ U (X>^ 0 K--CX/V<-' dl/V'-CX.>U>''VU^ 10 cxa^Jl^ AajU.^ - 4 C> ^ ^Vv^ UL VCX/V<_ '^^ Cjla-o -AyV^^-e_43l(^ CKjCv^< k, U CTV/^- to -WjiL- CL l^yvx V--Uv^/L ^V^Myy^ \ ^Vju AjL^Xje^ WcA-~M^ Q_^vytA. Vv-JUyv-^ \rr\ \ cy\A^< a. X CrvxC- CaaV^^^A^^ ^VVA- V\r-<--^ cX>\^ A.^ <;^ (lrvv^\ a t V^r-C- G^A-^2— V^>o--^^ C Crvv^ (A Vaaa/v^ ^Lxt^^ ^xA/v:^ Vv^AiV- cWflj OA/vXJI ^ u (L(x^ Sa^v^ mctt^ ,o^ V A^o^^ ^ V. W- . If V^u-t^-f ^ — ^ t tu iLO-^^O^ ^.C4a-(o' \Y r\ I V^L.o-u_\9v.V\^t.-.- ji^ C/V^/^ ^ KKJS/\/^ X (X^ Gja_. na^o^c^V^v^^ (c^oh CX>^-CA^ T CA.^ k>VvOA/^A^c)^-<- ^-A^ ' ^'^VX 'IJajU JL_Ol>J(^ X cm^ Aa.-- Jl o-<^ '"{—• -QJl^ *V\A^ Ol jv/<.LJh^ lUv'^ (No--^^'^ (XAh^x^ JL^ jUv>c>t.-oiLx>*^ ^-M «L.c.i.^v.^2i\^ — •l. V^<^.''^ 1) rvA Ol^vA 'I uaJ\^ oJll 0-yy\-r ^-^W C^ clA< »^ ^v\_cr\A) I ^ ( 1^ (UCi'^A^ V K ^0 VV"-jt Sh f CO'V-^^C>-^ •WlOV- W- I c, 0 "5^ to ?1 Xr\^ ^ 1 ^ O^^^JL T/VA^ Jt^ ^ T- lA- MiroJ-tv U v^ ^^A>^-<_^ I \a- c.j«^lJ^^ U-^ TlXv>^-^ vLiJCSL*^^ cc^ ^ 1. (\^^^^. i\^''^xy\ \|JU^ X^>— CA^ ^ V Ow^ c^ — 'Vv.o^^^ oX 5 V A>*-/V-<. u Y: A-^ X>0 Uv^ oxx^^'- ^^ ^^^. Wvj \j Vvcxa/0(o jL^>^: 1 f ^yv,jl_y>^ pV>^ ^ ^^s Jy/ cvil:^ vv\^ W^AJxCr^ U. iCr\JL-CL^ .a^^ ic^o^- ^- ex-^ OlXt-ltaaA (5V ^ Vcyvij2__^ n ^o^-L 313 eV-Ko W7^J^^-C^ %k. (LC^v\ cu_ \^i- \iu tV:: Ct/ 0^ 0 5LA^QXcy-^_v (X c_ci_i2^pJ\ ryw^ \ qJ)J^ V*^ cko-^^ Lcr-0 \r-0-G>>. Oa^cO\ "iclvji^ r\yvvAA^<-Ajlju^ n' er-V4.AlX <^^^-^ ^^M. Qy\/ir V^ C/Vu^vO— W-lAA-A~ 0^>t^cA tV-fi-^»-^»-^ C2/^ -i^^'.ltaLiLx^ (L V V ^^-^ rwA.j2^>« Q>^~x^K^ LJv^ l^vr-cnrKP (Xyvt^ cyv^ ,^ VJW^ \ ell Y 5^^^^i-^ Quk/v^-^J<- c^ (N^ yL^^^e^^ V\j cuxX^ (L ^C^^iz^JL^ !t/V-o-<^*^ Vw^A^rWAJ2..A. C/A.^e^ W CrvvxJi— -4 1 \ \ t. is.iu V'^^o'^'^' ^ 0 rV V 4 U -^ t jLcry^^^ %. [^^x^-et ^ x O^-A^^s^^ l^ ^ Jv {-^ L_^ 1 Lt^ dlt \ *— A^A-^ ^Mr-.rt- 1^, JL C^Y^CJU Ml- ted- lb" 1^0^ \Dv. VVL CKA^*^CXA/W^ Ifl 5L-CJL^- 1 LTU Ivv ^ VuC^v>A<:. n irv^ +t Crv (U cm.-<-^v^ O-vwAOA-^Vue-o^ l/vx 'Xfiyv^ cL () ^VX/v-^- /VA^C)0\_ XJu, odJL CrvNT-OL VA^ €^^^_ u ) \o 0^^ <, rvr^C-'i/vr UcL. V r cV- QLA/a_.C>J'^-i2-- UVsJ2_> ux^ ^Aa/u ej^'x^^dj^ lijuDL-clio^^- 4 0 -M-n t ^anrLCf^ li)..V 3 Jk OcA^^ DV crwv ii 1 Cn\>C^ (nr OLiLA<5 (/1/L. QjAAci uiicy^ Vu>^ c/^ a/OA Oe/Ct M^Iy (kiXo-w) Olaa CX j-l*^^ Ma^oXt^l tA/'-io^i ybLe_ 1 O vv^(i)L(j-L. SOAVvfl. Y ^'^^ 1uL^^. V). i -V- c^^ A;^ cJw Cs. «Ov/J>V VAA 1 (b^ 9,yV~ cA^ ov>vj«_.a_-^ JL_ LJ.^ b 1^ ^n^^-^y — ci>v^ ■^ ^:^L>v-»^ 0-- tiuA fVvv>v nI-Aa-J' — ' >L^c>->\Ja~ /U»- Ci^>'^- — ^ <^ u /L/VA^ /VC^-^^ VyV'^^ rdL_A.x\/-s- n v^ Ojl-'V-A CA.' ^ oJUL V V dosr- Vyw. (LjJLA^ \ xr-Cx.^Vx.c_i«L_ - o-vvT' Cv_ fxX. cIXIaaJLAv^ V-ov- TIAv.ji^ )Lciu.^>J\^ 'C»^J\J\y^ 6A/«^ Ov-^v-C^ X 1/l^.a V Q^A/s^,A^ 1 A O V\ t. A W -X\-~ , f SL ^J'\^^^ CA^ \M. K,cf- I c,oy )L-N/V>^ CX_A,^^_ _>^ A-A^i- i Oil' ^Vvv^e_ trn^A^ rX^ o^ O <2_ 1 Cjv.. 0*-^>-^«— ^ 9^ 3 H ^>r"N^.j*-^' -A^.^t>'> — -15 X S "^ cU <5l c^ 1 f^ ^^-'^ oJUL 0-W l/\ — • JU^.c<^v-<-^ o^^^Jr-c^c-flX^ Cvv^^c^ v^ JLtJia^ 0^>v,^u>s \ v*^ \ qa.^>3^ XV, ^ ^K^^ I C/Xa-jvn. - Yii 1 VA--1 '"VaXX^ V VVvui-vaJ^ \V5Ofi j^jf-fy Cr-^ vt ft-ii.60. Vo. 13 ^UmT ^ V^A^tJ^u ^M . A t;.VVe.oJr "V (^X,7V^ GL^VJLA. ^ \o Q^CX 1 <^A_- - Cr-v>^ *^i-j(2jL I a3v.>oA jLiJaJUljv^ xIV o^'^5 C>«._Ar-t_ ^ O^VvA- WVt/^^A^ I ^cXvJ^_. LMT-A cx^vyJVx o 1:6 d^ (PckLP.;^ h.^v^ VVVv^ c A^vjo\_j(2_^ Ar<^^^^v-^c (LCrwvJL - ^ ^ o 5 CX-A/v^ Vv-^^ '\'VA-^C30 U/v\c<3L^ yjyoXjiP^ V)JV crv^c/0^ rn rvviLAJ o-^ 1 ft v^ e--J2--7 ,A. A^ f '^/\JL^- ^->kv_ GA'-'Y^^*—-- ry- cx>a^ c^ V %<- -G)k_ vJU-je-__i \ jxju^^jlAjuu^ O^o^^ /M Cr oJC/L^ cx-^t.<3f ^ t/)rny'v-tyLa^^ _ %yC 6t , / 7 -^ <>-^ l/n-'V-. AjL/Q-€_.J/- S-OOan^JL_ (TV/*.-- Ou^ \o ;UL. ag" 4-. 0c>i I5 ^Q Iva TJCii^ M «- v>axju^ cn^ \v~\^^(J\\^ A^ 'Yw^ A. O /bCd-X.cXiLAveQje^ l/^^A. &e> O-^vx^-^*^ 0 y^JL { I A.)CCk-iLX. b i C-^u^ • CV-C^ >wAA^ >VL>S^ cJtw ^ lAAJU XA/LO/Uo ^K^ [>Uxcxiie4 Ui n VVw ^ A.VA0>^ VV \Pvv^ )Ul>l^> (kAA k^ ^V^_XkJ^ cr'Va-d^ I^^Ci ^^Ca^vJL-» V^Q ^ Crv^^yvAlA^ ^/^ C^xvX tr\x^ Cjl.>v/i_ 'Vv^'^ \- S2> \ Wv-^vvoiJr?" ^ ^^^ V o Vv — o^>L oJtv^ ^ t~. <^ U-^i^ CA^^i^ UJt \) V % % Ul '/>J- Va^^JUL^ (Vv^v V_>Vs<>-' t>>A— C/'V>.^-<^'--C^ kIAa--*-^'" "t3y^ <;i\^ ^-v1j«^^ S-o-\e-o- <^V^-._y^^ c^ A: ^ 'V< {1 vuL_. - — ». I- QLLCt ^^^\^ V. ¥ -r V/^- ri^ ^ 1 t- t Q_ *^^— ^Ju^^v>Jri 4-jJL;^'. "ti^oj^ ^^.^1--^- Kj-z^-X^ Xj-e-^^-v^ 'gi^ jrn..(KMj(^ 6.V ^^-^ O^ Vvr ^L^i^«i_ Q>c^v^ ^o«Jvc Jl V 'vx>'VAjc^^ ^XJw^ fCV-*--^ aj^-c-AJ/^ 'W'x/OUoo^ t^-o"V* ^ :^ -M- V v^. <>_Xr-o'^v>»_-A x^r-*4r ^ crv- % -i 0-1 l/Uiu^ {/'sl.^JlL Sf- lo /A iq (O % P^. &• ^CM> \{yt^^. r- H- 77 o-o-i« ^ ■s. -^L^t^ /C^t--' % t/l/nJ^Jl^^ A^,AyO ^L/L^lA 1/ ^l^yt^ CH-xt— x^ 7 Co^t^^ <>-^ ^JLt--C^^ Ou-l^ /O^yCcyt^ P^A^cyT^^ Q^^^j^ 7 Q_.^cL-^«-' dL Ci^ /^yC^ QcyL^cM^ / ^ / ^ /^ Gkui-^ A/l/tyy> A^ C*-^!-'*- c^ Ghc:oJkIf:.^ .Ctii^_^ -h n. cr^^- h/ o^ In^^u i:-j^ 7 cUl fl^^k-<^ ^^L-e^-^cJ^ Cr->x^ CX^^t^t^jCJg^ ^ jtEzfc c^c>uc O/^ ^' CjlA Cm^ c/c jy^yi^Q^Jr^ cj-M — C^^iyf^cn^ tU. 4/3 cJrz cic-e*-^ (xX^tl^ 0.1^ X ^- / ''^T,-^ CL^ 7 1/ ^ ^^^"^--i^tJL Cl^ ^Cx-cn.-i^ *-^^U Xyu-iyduL^ (Ar-JUL^ CX^u^^jJL^ iuLjt — Olx^oo^ Mxo />i-.e^^ <^ Q-^e-A-o <>^n_. Xxtxl, /ut^ CHExC/t^ ' /^ <5~>^ Ct>C'C^L /2/L*V 14.0. i/S li/cAjt oL^yvXto lO^. & l^c^ 'j^OA. jtMUCOLAyiA Ayi Oi^ z-^ OUA^ Clyo jrVULAA. 'Ct- ^ cA y^ CrtA^ Cc4A, (^cn^yt^Ly ^oLAA^y^nn 7j /»^-.-0?. ZAay 1/ hnJ->^ CiAA^ cc Hr^ n^/i U o/ lAyt/VL cS/ — - I ^ / 0 0 /3 t lO^,J^./fUI^. lAA^<-£L4y<^ qJJ^ /'^ ^^bc^L^cL. 9M 0 e/>J O^-^-t^ {J ju^C^< ^.6r>^CXyi(J^ 'd^.x^ Xou<2-/" ^ CAt.^^ 'T-T^ <7-J^Ml5C' d L^ c^ /l> Zr^ /? l^%^in^LMA^ /yL/c^ /"J-ut^^c^ C4^ /o a yZ^/^^z-^ <^>^^>^ h^ jUL^ tP-yt' "TlyL^ S-<^C^^L^(^ /t^c^^^^-^^ Jc Sracllfy^ Maria hi O.HartMorrfam Papers BANCMS3 83/129 c ni/ - n/3 yy^ 4. /3 ICrt^Cju m. Ouvi. I 0^ '? (' /djLA^^ ^ ^^LMt<^A^ /c e^ - ih Ctl^J) Cy^LyC^^L. JicXyQ^ oM 01.t>rCLyM-C^ M t vy T^-^^t^tx^ O^-t^^ U^ /QJ^yl^ Cy~L^ CdJ-. ta^u^cc^ ^j (y^r^cyt^ A^^^^W^ ^i/ytX^*C^c^i^ ^- ^ dL^l^'UC.^^ ^ y2j^/>p€^CL^ca^<'^i''^t^ 7 l/iyi /j^ Cr-i^ 6^ C^^/-7.c^ /->7 /2/"A<^ a o^^e^ Cr>t^ 'P^i^^-- CL^O Ol/t^ jeyLeyi^cutyo Ck^n^^^ t' c^ InrC^u^yi^^- JUL^ U^Jf'^OL.y}^^ 7 Cr^f^C^'U^ ^ Z^ Cr-Zyt^/l^ ojd^ P^ ^? ( f ~ y t^j/uuY> hjLdJlid ; J QyuJi m I'/'icyaJL 3 t/ % ^oaJ^ TWz* ^v-^-^^^-^^ ^ (x/^a^ ^yi^L /^ £^ dr-Z.<_ 9-7^ Uajcjl^ /pir^^t^ cJt cj— 7^ Ctyl-tyC^ (^ &-^UQ^ ^ Cr^Z-C lyUZCr^Lc Cl^ Ol^LUQ^ l/jiyLyLY -^yiAAJLLf y./h c<^ 4 4 0 Ml^ -^'^ \ \ Ba.A. Ma^ % jLhJhUkAM crny^^A/ ti PL{y<} L( (riA/C ,(^ UxAJ- Aidexyytr cL } t/ka^ujL (ri^ cn.t,yUl^ yrxJ^ 47(r -na/irc oc Cca-c Oc'vo i^oui-cc/ti ejC C-yu^ yh^ocAA d/u cL oL>l/ cuui h /yiyi-ccn^AjL ^ -Ciu^ (y^i/iJ 'ata^ ^ ^'^ytyMOC AA Coo. t. M Cri^dytyUlJ^ ^^^^I'lAXyi a Q^tyL I (} t^n/n^^-^^ i/v^ - > PcyO Ji i^ccX) Oyi^ OiX) ^u.,^^ ji^ A^ ^>^-^^'-^^ yOd x7- ^)Lyyt^ ^^bi^ "I/! .i/i i <^^y^^^-c^ / yC^C^-^ ^ /4/(yOU^ "^^lyUrt^ Inyf yf /^ cU^- (/ Oyt^t^t H4 clytAAyU ir. 5 ^oM )i,/^AS.oL /I m 0u r^. AM ^ SiH-~ '7 // A " /i/fj>ty( /( (X^<.^^^^. 6u^ l^^^^l^X^ >^^-<^ Ci^ ^ c^n^ y2^ /'T^i^ J t>*~ f 7. -^^^tZeL* v^L^e^yQ CtZ^JL^ u 7 ^^>»^ ^^'^^ ^^tt-t^t^t-^x o^oLoCloo^ i^y^^-i^-T^ cJL a>tclLf jL<, -/ C^^i^ X ^^"^^ ^ J A^ c^cj^ -C^ul^k.^ / ^ Cc^'^JZc^ Ol^uu^ Cx^^v^e^ -^L-€^a^ /Sl^la^^i^v^ /y^^x^tyx^ 7 C/ -^7/tx>e^ % Cr-L^ ^ /^ir-C^c/^ //^W JyiiyJLy y Cr-v^yi^ rOyT^i^ x^£^ /cJtJLM^ ^ Cl/^e,x-^t_. k). U^ J CU^^^-^O^lJ- J ^T^-T'-J^.S^ ^*^-zi.-tic^ <^uC/ <;>>v^ f^-y^-ir-iyu^C^ ---^-trL. C-^C-^-1. C^L^^U^^ 4y^OL^ o^ <*-^ 4^ ^ iS^^^Z ^ ^ cC^- ^ g^^u^t.-^ /7*^ ~ "^ y *-^ / ^»>-u —

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