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HART MERRIAM PAPERS COLLECTION NUMBER: BANC MSS 83/129 c NEGATIVE NUMBER: BNEG Box 1555 : HZ REEL: H CONTENTS: SERIES 1: CORRESPONDENCE Incoming letters 1kt CoMvfOU Mfk«MM(«l OMnmihAS^ Ctorn Boiet^ FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB NO. DATE REDUCTION RATIO DOCUMENT SOURCE J_d AIIM ation for Information and Imago Managomont 1100 Wayne Avenue. Suite 1100 Stfver Spring. Maryland 20910 301/587-8202 €^:4 :^ •?, A Centimeter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 'i1'H'Tl'TlTh'h''iT*ii''rr*j'itiVi1'iVi'rfri' Inches 1 MT 1.0 1.25 9 10 11 150 ^ -3.2 |6J 14.0 m 1.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 12 13 14 15 mm llllh"!!!!!''t!!!!!n'''" MPNUFfiCTURED TO fillM STRNDRRDS BY RPPLIED IMRGEt INC. Freaident : Hon. Adelard Tu«ow>n, C.V.O., C.M.G., Fretident of the Council of the Province of Quebec , Prendent of the HtMtaricat M CommtMion, Q%tebec, P. Q. D». S. GAr JHrectoin af tk* COM>KEL OSCAK PeIXKTIE Mb. Edwin Pttrm Hon'y Secretary: Capt. Jos. Matte, Viee-Prendent of the Prornincher SoHetg •/ History of Canada, 8 Maimmneu9e A9e., Qttebee, P. Q. ViM-Prendemt: Hon. Fkank Carrel, Member of the legislative Council of the Province of Quebec. Ar. !>«. A, Dest, Dh. J. E. BEKmEs, ©/ Nmtmrml Hi^wry of Canada Cou>]fKL Wiluam Wood, M.R.S.C. Ms. E. N. Chivic Hon'y Treasurer: Mr. Geo. M. Mitchell, 79 Maple Avenue, Quebec, P. Q. QUEBEC, July 28th, 1925* Dr. C. Hnrt Merrlair, Reaeerch Associate Sinlthsorlen Institutlor], Laetunitaa , CALIFORNIA. - Dear Sir:- I have to ackr.o?/ledge , on behalf of the COlffiAU MEMORIAL COMMITTEE, your cheque It] the sum of $10.00. Please accept the thanks of our Coimnittee* I have the honor to be. IlmJ^C^Mjuu^ ' Hon'y Treppuper. u 'AAJU J k .4 ^^ / S'vi - A I ^ ^ -p -> fi^^^ ;e91 / V-^h-LJ c^ -? 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P^^ ( rTu/iM^CiM^,^-^ c^ p- V {^(iZ't^'k^ OCccu. <*-/.< ft-<« (Uc!u/-^^*.^j^^^ c/ ^^Ut^^j^Vt^^ At/^<3t<._ / A. h U^^ e Zi / ^/ ^>t-^ l^tuzjte. 7 ucr'yyu (9 4 ■ V ^ ^^^ / ^€^ /^^<.<<^ y/^i«-«-* / 7' ^ ^^^ M^uzac^ A ^-i i^^lce^t^ r^CiP y^ ^ / A^ ^^x<^ ^4a>i^ ^^^L^J,-.,^ ^^V,_ C2u^i^^^^>^ /j^'L/^t^l ^^ ^^ ^, ^tt^^ >*^tJUUjl /<. ^i^V^^n^ J J ^j :z: ^ ^''^^-%-i ^^ ^ ^^t:/-. ^'•^■X^ /f ^^ V ^«:^w ^ ^/^«x-*. ^l^^^ytr^^^'-i^J^ ^6 / I '/o A x^ay\. i>^i^ OtUKa^ /t-' A ^ /it I ^ ^L. en. 4^ Q'V /^X 6 .y-^Lz^ Y '-^ ^y€^clM.^ 0^ >^V^,^. • "V *v ^2^^ drx-CiO^ZlTD ^iX. >^ a.^2U v^*** ?*-< <<: 0^ «- yh-t-U^^^ yA^H^ ^ ^<-^ /^ ^t:*_ .:4^6C > v/^^J^ .^X^ .v....^^ 7^ 7 'A^^:k^ ^ ^^ ^^^^. '"Z^A J. 4. a. c ^l^L^ i A. I «- «-«-< > ^ _ — — J w»..w ino^ C. Dabvsau, Printer Sll = ' |>1,'t^ ^ IISI ^^i^€a£/ order n^ eondilion, by A. ^ F R ^ K E R. & . ^ of QUEBEC, and '^£4/i^.A2.^2>^ c^.<^,^ . in and upon tho^^^l^ whereof I- M&sterfiM- this* pr(>«?iit Voya^t^, afnl now lyiu^ in the PORT OF QQEUEC, viz. : C^i^>^^ -^c^^ , yf^jV/^-TZ^ TiU^^^^y^^^^^ -» ^ _ _ _ • m ^% {tht^Aek ^ 04ii tht QtdeeA's Eti/mi 6, Fire, and all and every ^le Dangers and Accident ^of the Seas, Rivers a QMi^trti^mtf Wfi^Uoecer lUfture and kind excejited,) he or they payini^ Freight for said Goojs, at !■ Witef»$S wherpof, »bc Master or Purser of said V^e.s^l hath^llirmed to Bills of Ladii^y all id lhi> Tenor asid Date; one of which being accomplished, the rest to stand void. Dated at Qinsac, thi3> /^ day of 188 cu, Tr- t <-^^ «' ^y^ ca<~J> ^ ^> '^^ r C* Ia^>^4^ ^^^-c^ P^^€^<>«^ ,/ <-«-«^^ // .^ » .r\ ^ ^ 4 ■Pt\ «>„- <: YK. YU a. y^o6^~^^<^ ^^te^^ {k^ t /i>^S^ /i^cAa^ ^ c/^c^-#*»^ IS^^M-^ ~ti^^ llU^A^ S^' -J ^?L-c-«.^) ttZ^ ^2^.A>x.>e>6c^ .J ^^. i^^--^ /. yx*^ ^^ /-t,*^ Kt^' ^ "75" O'L-t^^oM^ rc^eM^ ^fco /, 7^' '€t>^ ^ .^^^ I.^t tUyr'Ct^ Cc fi^i^ ixt-.^'C^^^cy ^2^ j^ -^ >^ /ti, 4) c. /u d-0 (A r « •_ "A ^ *e-- / ^/^C ^^ ^ ^ /^ A -^ ^^^t i^/2.^-^-^y // «^ /X c^^C^-^ / €.4. €-- /^-i^^ /^ -7^. -<- y c r V ^5 f?4. i i^t. V V7i «V«k_ ^^ r A A- o V^-A. -«. Z'' ^^Ce: y^ 1 1^ /K- /: ^ /f 7; ^C< <£-€-^,^e^^^ A ^ 7Z ^ t^^c^-^ -C^.^O^^€^^t^ r /i^ i^i,- /l^ c A L^^ ^^-^,^^^^ ^L2^ijc^ £^li/^<^ ~CX^::i^^C Y t^a..^. '^^ i Cr c^^C ^^ t4^ ys /t t*-*^ <^- d/: 14^. -A ^i..-^ ^^^^f^ € .^TZ^^^Z^ /^ ^^ic<_ V ^^^, "u^ t / r^^ w ^^-^ Y' {^y^ 7i V ^J€ *. ^ i a^ /71. 7 ^ /^ /^ ■^^-•ki C^ t^ ^ /r ^^ iy. €l^^^^ ^ i^^a^^vc: tS / ^^^ /'^ 2^/^, ,^ -^ 1^, /" ^^w ^ /Uv^ ^ "TT ^^<^<^ f ^^ ^/J^ t/^ ^^3^^ At.--^ OL^^ O^^Uc^ ^TiZi ke^ C^O-L/^^ u^ ,^>^<^ ^^ ^ ^^^e-^^^Cc^ ^U^,L^ ^ )^ ^H^^iiiA^eyL. Ae^ LV^-fx^O ^^ C-^L- i*^ ^^ ^h4^ ^►'-^i^^U. i^t-C s^ /J-^L^^t^-*,^^ /5 7u^^ f^ ^^ /A ^^^^^-c (rhuytyif*^ ^. -^ ^U /#/ — / s J 4 U^ A c/^^i^C i^ Lot /2 -*w ^ €,^<:^l''*^--C CSC >' ^ lA'x^ /^ jUx^(^ /Iv ec^ .^^^ t-i ^>i-£ ^-t^^,^ ^ -^^3^^::^ H^-^auC ^-t^^tJZ^~CeH^ -^^«^^tIZr C^G^ L/Viyc^i^t^^^ '^ i^i^^A^ e-iU '/^J.A ± JiapJZ^^ ^f^tz '-^>1t'^t^^^^^ \ /i^^UU^^ h - 7^ -^^3S; ^^X aolOu^ U 7 f>?«^e^ac '^^^yi^y^0-t^^ ^^ ^ ^»-f-. »-f^ -f/ y <^ <^. %/ ai^^Ua>U^O^^ l>(r~ '^' ^ <^ ff e i^xyo- y- ','^ A ^ -^CAC / VT^ t /^ j^ ^rz 7 /^ ^2^*-*. <<^ ^•. tf »- « <^ Joc^a-X. ^ 7 Ar^ ■/ ^ ^■^^•r Ca.^a^' ^<^ A. /. .^i^.'V-' ^ / t^^^t^t. cX^ V iam /' -^^ t t- €. if' C ^ x-^^sT ^»-*A_ ^Ji^0 J •-h. ^$<^ ^ //2^ /^ ^/a ^// -e. ^^ ^*.**,>4L 5i^^-^ /- i^ -^'i^ ta-t /^ £-{^^^ ^^ o//^. ^ Arc t i. «^^^ ^ '/ il-^ /^/*t-i^'^^ z'- /^ ^ ^:1 / C't^ yO^*' ^s-^tv^ i^3^ •» ^ ^S*'*-^ -c-^ ^ r^^c. /z^ >^J^^^ /^. f^nTty f^ ->f^<- t/ 4^, .^. ^^^L*^ t^-^^Z €^ 1> ^^ ^*X, ^1-t^, ^-t L. < y ^. [*12 ^a.{^ Yi *- X. / . / /* l^ 7 A /?<-<.- .^!/^ ^ tch^-i^^ €^ en^ ^ / ^. / 7 7X1 :5^ ^^-L /2Vi7 a th V^ / ^Vz^ >^^ ^^ ^^t-v^ (/ (I IM ^^E^ / y ^ /-i^^ y^i^t^t-oi^ Ac-^^t^^^H^A. ...yL — =1^^ la /; ^i^l y -«- C-, 7^ / z / /-^ / 1^ z. /i^A^L^ T-<^ /^^/" ^ /^ .<^ /i £/ i *- ^ in^u^ //i t-t>^ 7$ '^ a//^fi^, y/x^ P^.:^ /^^r< z::^ (/-Itr^X^^t ir i ri C^i/ a hx^^ V ^l tAz^ X'l. / l^*. ^ /l^ f- U<^ / :fZ^ ^Ja.^^ v" / y-^^e.'L y H/Cl / I o ^^^<^ ity" /x^t,^ Cr4^ ^ ^ ^ l^ ^LT-C ^ -^^ Ar c^ i- ^ ^^^ /L. ^t^ ^ <^^ {X^^t^^ Jl^Ca7i S-r e ^^ ^X'^t«./5-l«^ * Itr At {'<. ^t^ ^^ ^A. ^ />A^ ^ <. ig^^ 7 J. ^1 *l 7t '^ ^f A 7 />2 / fl^ u^ /^/ -^'tLX. /Cc^^^ d^ Ai*..,^^^^ ^ y ^ ^<^ c'^?.^^ LI ^/ o^^^ciycT" i-C C^^^e lA^^ c^. /<^/^ y l^ -Ly^ ^X> M r^ntvJZ' ^^ ^ ^jx^^^< yy(> V ^v^vC o^jCiajC liri, C4^ t/ /ti^^Lt^ ^ A^ I «., A. ^ c^^ ^ %. /^ ^3^ ■4 4 0- TG Y O^ r (^^ -ue^ i.. H Cv<^ t»-»3-» c Z' c_ y /u3.\^ <^ ^^t^^^^.^^^/ a^ 4 ^^i-^ ^^-C^ ioAt6^ 7 -^^/^-^.^^ <2< 7^ U V c^>T-/»-^C V ^ /vt^g^tA^A^ w^fK^ ~^7k^^ 'Tfe. c/^u^j:^ J t'i^. f>'*j^^ i/ ^>c ^/r / *^ rhje^t.-^^^ 0 X, <:5T- t: ■t, X- M^ C^, dy-*^ 4^ it^^ <^ ^ /^ ■/^ €x>^^*^^^ ^/ ii^t^^Cc a ^?^v c ^^^ C ^X_ /^t ^^Z4^__ 'iLc-iX^ V t£>^ L- t^ t^ ^ ^^zz. ^«-2_^:^ /' <^'«— »y ^£.^> <>. 7n/.. >c ^i^ // ^'^l*i.i^ $2^«^^e #^/ 1^0-i^t t t--, T^ / / "fTZ- ^* ^ ^7U^^ ur/t.^0^ ■ti ^ c-i. 1^ / /, / t - ^ ^ TT- ^/, f / ? .^^^_ A * '-c C^ '^-^ A/^ ^ tc /C^ ». /^ / /^ -^ I %^' «, Xr ? -^. / / >^ i^*^ ,/ i«; ./ <— c-< //i-^ A^a^ / r^oA^ l^C^i^ 49^ /^ ^^r / ^ y i^i*-"^ r / 1^ ^i-^^L^-^ ^^ / /^ l^t^--<^ ^f^/^ ^t^tX^ / ^. ^2 ? r /. /7 /.I TT y^' -t -^ /^ i i^ • /. >^-^^<^ / / ^^ v^^ ^ /* ^2^ vy /S.^ / /irt'^-C^ » X ^-^ i * /^ ^ / -w. A. > ^^ t L «^ i "S ^^ -^-^ ^''^ C#'/ ./ / A.^. / / I #■ '/r. fC^<^OC ^ t * *J /^ //>> / -^y , / > .^ /U^^^ 'TT V ^. l.-# < A ( / y ^~ ^ * i <^ e/ -<^W-^ / f^^ -U ^ ^<-X^ ^^i' -o^-CJ /, < V «. ^ 4r\. <^ t^^t4U^ /^~-U^ c / O^ 7 a^lt^*^ e I^^^OC .A <^^, ^ Un^^ /w^ •7. A^^T*ii^ A L^^t^^^ ^ tf-c ^^ot a £^^{K ^ u (U^^ 4t^ al^ /^ A gyt^^n^v C'*^ q/Zt^stZ^ZZZ ^-t^ //^t^ /: -^ ^ ^i^";^.^-'^^,-^ ^:i-^-t- ^^^i: ^ ^^/: ^^ ^ t7 <^^25^ 7 ^—^ /^:**^.i^<^. 7 ^C<-e^^i^^^ ^ >. \ ^ ) X ^. -^ ?s >s >:x r -s V \ \^' ^ ?> N >N- 4- t » 5S f X f ^ ^ The Country North of Lako St. j-oHn. It Ijaa already been noticed in ourcolumne tnat through the exertions of the Geogra- phical Society of Quebec, a surrey ia aU)ut to be undertaken of the remarkable country laying between Lake St. John and Hudson'i liay A large proportion of the coat of this expedition will very properly he borne by the Governments of the Dominion and of Quebec Ihe surveying party will leave Quebec early m July and will be absent about a year. Ihe leader is to be Mr. John Bignell, PL S. of this city, a gentleman who ia admirably adapted for the responsible position being conversant with all the Indian dialects of the district, and one of the few white men who hawever visited it. The second olKcer will be Mr. E.Coste, M.E-.of L'^cole des Mine, raria. Mr. A. Comeau of Godbout.will also ac- company the party as naturalist. The rest of the party will be Indians. The directions for the guidance of the party have been prepared we believe, by Professor Selwyn. Those principally interesting the publip are as fol- lows : — *^ Ist. A thorough survey by diographical and topographical of the Lake Mastissini especially of the northern and eastern portions not previously surveyed. .u^"'^' ^.^'f^^o^ogi^^al examination of the Lake ^^hore and of as much of the.adjacent country as may be practicable. ^ 3rd. The collection of specimens, vegetable animal and mineral, illustrative of the re- sources of the region. It is also important that a survey should be m^i^ of the Rupert River, through which the waters of Lake Mist^ssinj discharge into James Bay. * / \^ -z^ a ^' 77^ V ic^G ^yC?^ r A / ^ ^4^ i/r^t^ ■^ ^ ^^-f<-^s y x< /*-c ^- 4,' «._ .^^^- o^^^ n 7^^ J /' <^ <*- / /'.- V- A r-'-^^ 7^1 7 ^nTl, ^/>*-<^ ^ ^-t.-X^' IA^-CjL. i L- >c7 ixO-C / // ^J (X u U lit ^^ J^^ ^i -i^.i^^t^'t-'*^-^-? ^^K^ a^ A*L, . ^^^^ 7 ^^fh^ :^ t. Jcir ^2<^ ^ ^^ r 7 ^:!^^^-.zu^ ./ if^Z^ ^^<«^ ^^. } l\,€^€^t.^ /T^T^t^ ^ r ^^^ jC^^^^U^^^ / y^^ .i^ / y^ ^?€^^^ AUaDi^ ^yfyz. C^<^ -t^^\^ -/-/ /. ^ .^2-<- iL- /j^^^l^^l-'ZC-r^ / ^^^ z::?^ ^^-v^ ^-C^/l-^o 1^. ^^■c^-^ / J^i^t^t^ipt^ /i^ - .n^ ^ / h jC^^^^iL ^^ ^i ;^. yU, .J? C^/l^" / /f^CsL^r / 1^^^ ^ iJi^ ^^ 'J7tf^ ^^^\ "*i* "^^^^^ --dT x ■ ■ «« / ^•? /^^o ^5^7^-x,^/-^-- J^O'-^^Z.C^ ^"0^^ ^"^^t^iz. ,0^ >- /^ tPt^Ui^X^ 4^^Z^.*^.-^ ^[Z C^a^ .^2^ 'i^-^'2^ <: di,^ ^^^ U. w ^ tk^ M^ / > L^,Jl.C^ -a^. / V M^i/ / J^ ^ ^ ^M'4^^ f ^^^*- a^t^u^ ;^ ^ ff^ '.3-^ y^- y^*^ .^x^_> C) /^i^^^yCj z^**.^ / jCc^ Y -i^»4-j ^^a< t9^ a.^^^ a6.<^ / i^^L*:^-*.^*. /7 ^3C. <*>^^ >c^ A.'t^u^ #^-^^d-*_-» ^ ''^^^ ((€^-^-^J0C Ol y^ ''%.«__» ^^^-^ C^A^ *2-/> if ^^^^9-t<,^iC^ V ^Ctjc^ ^-w ^f.^-i«L^>^ ^^ ^>Ca<^ 4^4SA.^^L«* ^A^ ^. <:3^ia. ^ p^^ C^^t^^ /--c / '7 V ^***-<:^ -^.:^~ -^^ ^L^^ZZ^ , ^ ^l^u/-^ /:t^^-z^t^ J ^i^-i^'Z^ >^^^^t-c ^A.'^^C^ .^^<;^ €'^.:'^^^CLC4L> ^ O-OL '^^J't-^' /1^%^ h^ ^^ / i>3 ^ ' 'H,^€^€^^^^^//^t^.^^ X^^f^^e-^-c- -ca^— — . ^^C_ "^ t^i^Hyfu ^^^-K-^ -^ oJWJo t i3- /^i-5' -dt^^ 7; \/T/oA^ c^c^^^ r s^C^^ Xi- ^ > > / ^^tr-, il^L^ ^ 4:1^ ^■^''Z-'U^ /'. ^ ^ r ■/> ifr^ ^^'^ ^^^^^Z^^^ A^^^i^t^^^ 4 /t-^^^^ , ^^^^ ^^*^>-£* *^ Irlxcn^^ if. ^A / /i^^i f. M J. ^" 'V^ K ff ) A-t--'! (^ \.J(^^\ 1 L^ f- ^ ^^f^^^Clc lif^^Ai^ }V1-^^^ ioo^ I ty^^ ••; 7 7 *v 1^1/i't.^yt^ cT/ //fc^^ <^21-^ jll^ <^-<^ ( ^ /^tr ^'<-c\-^ ^^^^^ i/t^^y/^^/riyu -L cvL^ uj<~e>L.>(^ f nyL^ icJX^Z-^^, J a^^^^ ^-^^ l/<^ao^-e^L^ O*-^ YV<^-^ /24/ut^v.^ a^c^^CLy ^'''^^ /^:^T J^f^^ (^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ /I. iXU^ /t.w^ /^^^W/i/ f^^t.u^^^t.-i^/' . iO^X^ 0^/^^ €^-^t^-L^S^ Vy^t. U, ^^17 ^i^f.1^ ^e^s' l/Lcy^^ I ^^X^^^ ^1^^. ^^lyO ^^.t^e^ ^ / /1 6^^/^ C^^L^^'y^^ 'i^t^twJ C^ ^ /. (X^ i^MAJf^ l^ n^^^ yivx.<^eJ^ ^ x^Jth^. a^^ L f ^/^ a^ L ^Z^je^AO^ -ea^ I jft^M^ (jO-^L-y.-*U2^ C \oZyvL:> «^^^-^^ C/O (Tt^ ^i^oL J ^^-1^^ /^ t^Z^^^-2>tP A tf--f/L> ( Vi y r / ^ /4/i^-<*-^ 7 ^ ^^^^4lx5' ^^to~ ^'^^z ^/ ^^f^^^^^ MCxJLX^ ^L ttC^ J a \i £ei^ rvA^x^cC :ou^ y ^X-*-^ ^ qjLC a>ux^ r 7^ U t^ £?Ct7 e^CA^i^^ ^^^I^/^.^ c^y^^.^ '^ A-^ ^^ <>^>^^. % f aJbuc CUj L -^^ ^.zv ^^^ ^7?r ^ ^i^ ^2^ >tx^x«'*>^ ,./^o ^^^ ^ d.^l^£c^l £- ^^ %^ 4<^ // 4rv^~ty*>^ I y ^w^^ ^ c/ aa^ST^ ft^ou^^c^A^ ^ .T /h:z> ^^ -^^ - fVyUt^^^p-ty^ .^a^OCj ^>b^ t'^-A^ CLih-d-tZ^ <-^J ^ ^ /t^--- /, ^^t^i/*— C A./a.^9C f ^^ ~^ axoL^ 'tk^ [/^yx^ lo-lcM:^ LtA. s.^1^ i^^C^CZ, ^Z^^.:^ f -/ JL^ U C 7^ h^L<^/?L ^JSJ*^ /u>il^<^ ^le^c-*^ ^/C./^ f^lu^ (rh^u^^^ a^ y^^**^^, /o^^^i /^7I/^!^_.^^C>> /. 'iXh^a^:> Ux^ y^y ^^' (jr^/i ff-p-Zt >^ lyjl, rn^^^ ^Cj$^ a^ A #-^ /^KtPCT srv J tf-i^iJZZ^ y^ d ^ .y. 'J^c^ kJ- >^^ e^^i^ i^^^ ^<^t- ^\^) 'rui^ <^x^-^ {/^-<.^e^t^^^ £:Z 0^^*-^ i*^ 9-^i^tyt^^^ dC^ /a^-k^ ff--L^ ^ rl^i^x>t^/u.X.y^ &T s j-vUj ^ (J f\ Vi^'0>-<_ Ih^^^X^ O ^Vw lC4^, (XA^ XclA^/l^ - J I /^ %-^v\r l^vx. vc^^ U ^^A-^JX'O ^«^w>^^ M4x<^ / ir^e^y* ^\jLCA~> CC'x^o/l^^ A^ I Oa /^ vv^><^ a^v-t'^ _ X^^ vv.t>^^ 4A0ri\^i 7^ /^_ a <^<3<^ _ /^ ^fkZt ^ A.-^ A.#-«^ <-> ifc ^;i^ /^ '^^ eXx^ Q^Xy%^.AA^ Uj^<,X^ '1/ Caj^^/x XA>a iPJL h^ tVA^ ^5<--) ^t^ /t A^ i^^ r /laA>>w-^ /y ^a./a tyxxA^^^ 7^ ^1^-^ ^x^t^^ -^^t^i^-^j / ► ^HE y Ltuj <,* Ac^ '^-^^i.^e^^c-^J^ / ^2.^ -c; ^::^?::ViML-tr -/ Y ^-^-u^ ,^ .=j^, ^ ^^^\ r f e^^t36i^i^ / n. V a V ^^^^jU^ "fc tc-e^ 7 l^i/V'%^^%^'^t.€>t-<^ <£3e^ ^ //2^iz^C>l^ e (^--c^^^ %^ ^ . Ti ^^ J-^^ (^y 7vu_) >uJ^^ Ai/*-0 i'. -^^LZ. 7 /Y^c/>^ Jviv^M^ / VX^ tjU^^ ^ '^ /; 'C^y/i^^/J'' '-fc^ i^f>->~^^ ~P\jL ri -if^ c^^ /f ^ ->1, ^ 'L^ V^ ^ V ^ i>i_x; 4^ (//i^^ ^^ (L<^^d^ ) Z^- ^xa/lJ^ J-ui^c (^/('-tfi'vtyC XZ71 ->';( a^LA-c^ a (^ ll^i- P. x^k/^ ^-t- // 'M^UU^ k. <^i ■uyL '^ ^U^uiC^ ij^ / ^^ ^%..^^:^ ^^^ Au/^-c_ C /lA/L^^xv ^^^v ^:;i:^ #Xulo 06i.ALL ; i-*-^ 77 7^ /i-t^ ten A-v-^?^ t^t^-o A^t^ ^z^ '^ c//^h^^ ^ c^ a. ^ ^r^ i-t-Cx'^^I.^C^^ "^^hT^ ^/- ^e>^l- t^^t-^Cj n y. ^^ ^^^^1^. ■^^^^^^ /'^-^-f-^ -^ pA ^ ^%^ ) <^-^.0.j^ ^a-*-^^^i_^ r^. > /^ I ^ ^<^i^ r^ .?^ O 7 X »^a*^^. ^«C^^e^<-^*-^ > ^^^ ^^i^^^^a^.^ v: ^ ^-t^^^^'J^^ l^c^ ,^ /^—ts^^^t/ ^ /' / l^ lyi/k\^-i^ €^ /^^i^^c^t^ U/^i y (I v k^^M..^ "^L^ ^aCJ A^^^(:3c ^ /^ ^ .^^€-v^ ^?^^».ww -itJ?/iA:> ^1^^3 /j -/ ^t,-^^ — c/ ^"Kt^A^fU^ L^^ ^^^2^^<^ ^^>-^ oiAUity^ i^ ^a^ /i^L,yC'^~^<^.z:9tJi U^uCi. s/^x^ ^^ It^-^-t^^K^ -/-t^ -^i>>L z^ 0 4^tf*r^*^ ^ ^'^^l.w^ r^ OF/^/-/^^ >^V5^^ -^ //.^ ^ /r\^^ ^"u^ 9v^^^ .JU/. 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Ho. tSL GOVEENMENT TELEGBAPH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ^^.A/^.^A^M'^ ^■^^^-^^^^"^^^^^^^i^ Ck^;f v-- ^t-C-^ ^ -/ v-u^ij>Lo GOVEBNMENT TELBGBAPH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DOMINION OF CANADA Ttr ^ GK)¥EBNME]SrT TELEGRAPH SBBVICE, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 6-«o >vW k k^ DOMINION OF CANADA. /Ufll.1..,^ P^^.O-^ "^ ^ r C'4^.^ :^j^v^>^ lb 1\ !c6 /2- /2- 6 /- i - -? /- « ^ ^ 2- ^f <^ 1 2^ ^ 1 ^//f ^ / iy<. -, ,/^ 5 %.L 3/ \S 1 3/!^ AL f~ ^ / o r ^ft 3 ^^tu ^ i 1 ;*' ^ '/' 3 . ^ - 5 3t (^ i_ 6 7^ 6- J4 J- 1 ^ 7* ^^ c y / -4, 2. A. ^ ^, ■ ^1 ^,^;^ ^ , s cT- ^i ^ ^i r- 7 .5-- ?t ^. /^ (T- ^-t r. / r- r ^, ,^ ;-- / - 3 - / - r / - 2- /- / 2 3 2. 3 - / Z r // 3, f^' , / i /A 1 5 - /t 3- f~± 3- A- 3- 9 s. i- 3 4: V^ 5- ^ S - i^ il 3:? /^c 3 /y^d ^j/v /3^ 3-^^ /0Y- At <^ x.-^ 5^5^ 2 y 4^ 3 - 3- ? ^1 :?^ ry A / ^ ' ^^ /^ ^- / l^-^l /^ y ^ I'-ily M v^ 7"^/ ^' r » *'Vw' A^#^ ^~^ ^frT^^T?; A^ ^ / -^ x^ ^^-o 3 - A^ ^^ ^ ^ .<~ , .J— t / y- 4 /S^ ^: ^ ^ ■t-n^^ *^ ^^^r^ /Try/ cheA /^^.a ■^ >^. 7 / '*' ^ ^ tC^^t^^*exO ^-•-^e^' >Cc ^^^^ n^^^L^^a.^.^ t,_,^:sc^u^<^ A KM.'^l^ ^:Zi^^^ y ^^*^ V ^^ Received at Commercial Nat'l Bank Blig., 14th & G Sts., N. W. Washington. D« C. ALWAYS OPEN mum 1US3 64 HL 4 EX7RiL 3AHFRANCI3C0 CALI? 9 DR C HARf MBRRIAM 331 1919 SIXTJfiKOTH ST IASHI1ICT0B DC CQUMQHWEAUFH CIUB HOLDS DINHER XEETISS OH CAUTORHIA IBDIAHS XfEHISS OP MARCH ElGHnSBITH STOP DESIRABLE WE HATE TWO OR THREE REPRESEHTATIVE IHDIUIS WHO CAH PRESEST THEIR CASE STOP ARE TRTIBG TO SEOntB ROBBRF SCOTT STOP CAV TOT SaGGBST HAUE AHD ADDRESSES Of OTHER INDIANS WHO COULD HAKE A GOOD PRESEMTATIOH STOP I£T US HATE A TEW WORDS fROIf T0UR3EL7 AI30 STOP CHARLES DE7 ELKUS CHAIRHAH COMmRWEATR CIUB SAHFRAKCISCO, Tadini Bacigalupi Charles de Y. Elkus Herbert H. Salinger LAW OFFICES BACIGALUPI S ELKUS »»0 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO Dr. C. Halt Merriam, 1919 16th Street, Washington, D* C. Dear Dr. Merriams-- Mar* 22nd 1926 tephen Knight together with Mr. Benson came to the meeting and made a very good impression. All in all I think the meetinp was successful and may help by getting UB a little additional support and some funds. Sincerely, ^J,''C'^~ ■C^^-<^ CE/P Commonwealth Club of California WncaiDCNT • • EUGENE T. THURSTON Vice f*RK«lDINT • WILLIAM FITCH CHENEY TREAaURCN • • - PRENTI8 C. HALE CHAIRMAN EXIC. COM.. • JAMES A. JOHNSTON execuTlVC SCCRCTARY • EARLE A. WALCOTT Asrr. Exec, sccrktary • stuart r. ward CLUB CHAIRMEN administration op jumce william m. simmons aqriculturc frank t. swctt arts. lcttcrs and music cdgar waltcr City Plannino carl J. RHODIN OeUNQUKNCY ■ DW. W. TWITCHCLL oirect lcoislation education chas. albert adams Euection Laws J. O. DAVIS EuaeNics NORMAN ■. UVERMORE FORESTRY AND WILD LIFE ISOMER T. MILLER OOVERT4 Mental, financk - FREO O BULLOr and against the venomovis nature of tlie bite of Latrodaetia was bxoae^t tcgetlier by Riley and Howard in IKS^.OT LIPS, Vciane I, page 204. You will find this volume in t'le iepcirtjient library. Ih a later part of the same jo irnal, ipage 280, Dr. E* R« Ooreon gives an accoint of several case*? In hin pra^*^n^. In each of whidi the patient wlio suffered greatly was Biuoaed to liave been bitten "^ a spider, but In none o^ tne ca^ie^. wa*=? the <5i«lder seen except in one, and in that case the siecliaen was loat and consequently was not deterniined. Tlie evidence taXen, as a wliole, and I have gone over foreign literature as well as our own very carefully, is certainly very confusing. I tMnk the best tliat we can do now is to retain the Scotch verdict of ••not proven*** Very sincerely yours. 'sJ-^/C noQ u^^ y^ ^^^ oiT ^l>tyi^^-Ai^ y .-^^jlM^^la^ yt--vys^ e^ ^WV-'X^^^^^^ ^(P'cFZ^ ^^^^^l^tAZt) Ck^.^C^.'^Ayy^ >-^^t.^ /"^ (^^^^^^\i/%/l^^ ^^^^^J^-^'-^t^'^^ Ct t-^c--" h^(L^^«=c6wc.. ^ i?xA) ^2-^ ^ rr ^^7%^ /;u 3 ^ -v-c-^. /^-ii-^:^ -^i/- fc KLE< TKH IJCillTS HKATl l> in STKAM ^ KVKK% THING NKW EVERYTHING CXEAN lhadquarttrs for Biil (ianu' lluiiterK Tin U k*AN(.!:iJ. 110! KI. .1. <;. <;kAM. IVoprieUM- SanipU' Rooium for Travelinji Mt»n Wkan<;eli^ Alaska.. 191 c^ n^^n^ n^Ulud ^^^"-^ cu^ / ^ ti*'''^!*--^^-'""';^^ Ste!«i*''%^ pK^-JS- ^!St/v--tX^^-^-.XA^uB^ 'CcA.odL' LAM. ^ . ^< AJu^ d^ i~i--\'^ <^ *^i^dL. iU<'-*^|^ Con ov£\~\ V S I^VNGEIJ. IIOTKL J. (i. GRANT. FroprieU»r Sample Kooiiih for 'rraveliiiM Men WRAN%-v^ ^4^1 ^^^^^ ""^^-ruM ^ £r~-l^.,-trv «^1 /• V ^ //^. '3 A/W^vi^-K- ^w V >v 0^r>vV /vutfi/ 6^tT 4~~>-^-M- CKy^'.^J H^-'-vjL -4"" ^ ^^ ^66/ *su^ A-^rr^'^^^y^ in *t^ /-vt7- 7 ^/^ ^-^jL^y^ Ay\y\ju.^ Wi/ 7 /^ ''^^^^-'Vtfvv^ ^-i^l^ ^t£<^ ''^^^ d^^-f-viACi^t^ A^ "^"VT-k/^ VVxUC QJ^-'-V ^c/' ^ 1 > 0 \.yf\^^-^^U^ "^ 'p<\ 'U ?w SkJj^ j^-^/sX (X^^A^ /^^ ^ c*'0--^rv--t-r^ — — • IIKATKI) HV STKAM VERYTHINt, NKW inTHINT. ( LKAN ■? v\» •v Til H('it(i(|uarter8 for BijJ (ianie lluntehL H^ J. ti. <;N \\l\ I'ruprietor Sample R(M»iiiM for rrii\olinji M<*n ^ui( C^^^'^^ (XMA4cl\/iA4Sj Cc^ ^^^M^TTX ^^^""^^"M. OLJ\jL^^''^^aC 7 ^^^y-»n&^ '^X-«\f W / / KI.ECTRK LIGHTS IIEATKI) BY STKAM [ERYTHING NEW THING CLEAN IleadquarU'rH for Hi^ Game Hunters THE WR V.M I J. G. GRANT. Proprietor Sample Rooms for Traveling Men I j^ I I " * Wrangell, Alaska, ui^0^ .„V„ y 191 \^xrC, //' )^^^' X -I Xs^ Cj^^^^-A/ s 't.-''^^' n^^j^ {^i^4^ Q^jt^^^j C4u.t ^T^-ioo^^ uy fi • n> Aa^ ^^ \j^^ C/L4,^- ■J- A^ cia^ /- "^ ? ""t-v'~I -v / ^Uu/lc/l V i^-JL ^' 'tT^-t^^'-iC: U^ x-C cs/ c»~-<^^ .VVWOf^ A '<-^ ^-*-'^^7 t^*'^^ '^^ '^'^•^ '\ulL^ ^ tL U UJ-A k ^e<.-«^^ -^ 1^ ■^ ^^-^^:fetfK::?/». ;2-/_ i?< .^ w?C>*x^ \ k V. /c y. 9 ^^A-^ 'L, lO M. ^^ /<^ ^a^/'^^ ^ ^^, ^wm^ EI.ECTRK LIGHTS UEAfteD BY STKAM EVERYTHING NEW EVERYTHING CLEAN Headquarters for Ri^ Game Hunters THi: \VI.* WC.ELL HOTEL J. G. GRANT, Proprietor Sample Rooms for Traveling Men Wrangell. Alaska*..™ 191 I i/i" £n->r^ Vi-t^T^ ^cA( ^ ^*-^ 1c V fh-e-. T-i^i-A/yK ^ 4yU^ '^■^5.^0^-^ tt^. ^ Auk 0>t4 ■>--<- v> I (^ .^ JAj ^ V <^^ 1 ^^^i,_Jl^ -yLzlLs' ;«|^ , ,^-0| |<.^ I <-| ELECTRIC LIGHTS HEATED BY STEAM EVERYTHING NEW EVERYTHING CLEAN Headquartere for Bi^ Game Hunters TIIK WRANT.ETJ. HOTEL J. G. GRANT. PraprictM Sample Rooms tor Traveling Men Wrangelu Alaska "^S^z/ hui/i. L^d. 19 1^. /{^ i^. /^>< 0-X-^^/^ Ur^ •«w 'Vw UAAAJtAUjt ^ A^.^ ^T-t^ O ^AZu. ^^^^"V^^ Vw^ 4/riU '\j^ 5rU C. /^fuyU- 9'^'U^MA-tM/ v^^v^ ^^^J-.^.^ef^^ 6t>m; iy~K ^Ol/U i\J ^Kc( 4- A^T-c ^M>J 2^0^ 46^ .a/^-o,., ^^A-^ ^ u^ dtuoiX/ ^7 Wr>t/«{ A/5^e»V <- dU^'Uc c^y Telegraph Creek; Aug. 19, I9I9 Dr C Hart Llarrian; Dear Sir; I am sending yo"u by ihis mail directed to bio4gical ei:rvey Waeh- ing;ton t. e little bear skin about which we are in cc. -cvtrey. The Indians tell me that theaee little bear ar^ but rarely eeen and never cxceit at high altitude, an^ they call themby a Indian word awtaningVery email grizly"". I believe tLem to be a species by themselves ae we find ther^ in places not frequented b/ tne black bear proper, ar.;. : ?ave never heard of one being seen along the river. Ae t. . ekul.. of this be^ -• no check has -ver been received, and jiou can include it with the skin in my donation to the nru^ _ .;., we will let the tail go vit X. hide. I received check from the uepartm:nt for three ekulls '' .t ycu saw but have heard nothing from t.. three; shir lat I Ccm get a very large Grizly he^.u kill-.^ on the Iskoct, ^Xic skull i8 all right except that the teeth are very badly broken and wcrrijwild that .-ffect its value? Yours truly. U/lc'^ n^ if /-C\^ o JH.^- a ■\- fi o *^ T -^ 0 . kJ ^*^ ^^ i W' > uA /S'.O vM ^^ 7*- ^ -^ / (■^...y/r Ui ^i 7'i {. /- % / /' / 2^ ; "y*-^^ iCL-s^K. I -/ / f-J- / /— /O-c^ / WMI »' t^ /. V ^2jl\J -ni.^Jtjr*ijLaarix..|> vj ' 1 /■<-.c ^r /r? ^ J ^ oZ m: C^sx^iJ-c tS^i^n^Ji/a CkuJin d"^"^^ i^^Ly=<^ dU\<^ ^^v 'j^j-rtC ^*i*i.4c45 64/ ^ ^Xc ^^"^-<.^*A. 9 '^'^-^t-Cc :2L.-5*-^ 'r^. ^ /M ^ /a. ^^-nm^^x^ lIoadfiiiarterH For Hi^ Giiiiie llynlirs nii: \MiAN(;Kij. 11011:1. J. G. (iflANT. IVi>prit'tor Sit ill file k^oomft For roriiiiioreiii! Men HKANGEfj.. Alaska. ^^2ru G J^^ huAAA .£^.^*-^^ rt J Tyiy ■v^.. (t-r 4?^^^^] Co(]^hl>k. How.y^ / n hs L^ /9/7'/929 O^^^^^Jr, -lY, I'j/I THE ARMY AND NAVY CLUB. WASHINGTON. yCfTy. y^-y^43^if^< THE ARMY AND NAVY CLUB WASHINGTON. ^ 42 PRINCETON AVENUE PRINCETON. NEW JERSEY TEL- t017-J Feb. 4th. 1925 Dear Hart. A friend of mine has a house up on a hill in Westchester Co.N.Y.and wants to improve the Heat- ing I have forgotten some of the details you told me about your plant. ill you he so kind as to fi fill in the enclosed. it was a pleasure to gee you. Give my very kind regards to Mrs.Merriam and to that delightful daughter of your I am glad . my wise doctor told me dancing was goog for suppleness, digestion and good spirits, in "eddication" and like it. All Yirell here and deep Sincerely y^^j3. 42 Princeton avenue princeton, new jersey 1017-J i«'eb,8tli.l925 Dear Hart^ ^ *^ i am Tery much obliged for the in- formstion about the heater. my friend will be pleased to have accurate information about this new system. We heard about you the other day from your friend ^ rs. Conner s. Panny took her two Children to curch to day so it looked as if my family had grown to four lively youngsters. With very kind regards to you all; u^ kdk sIaa^ ^^ i>^ ^ /V-^7- M^V C^J /- >>. N^ 1^ W'l c U) I ■>r '^r^ 'L ct^^e/i. /^^Z^-r^ (f/t^ 7 tz/. t^A 5'V7/r- ^:^ /, /yr <>. .-^/A./^ ^^^/v>>c ^; /<' -r^ y yi A ^t^t ./I Z^//^// <.2V-r^ c C ^^^/>^ y/~ / ^^^^j^/>U^ VtT/j /J^i / ifr *r^ ^i^ ^//^ ^ ^ ^ t m ^^ ^^^/ ^^ ^ ^/Tc ^ /^^ ^ 77 //^ 4^/14. J ^ /V' «<^/^ a ^ ^ N 5 A ^ f A ^ ^ ^<^-f ^(^. C^:?^ ^^/^ ^^ ^^ ^ :^, <: / // /5 / 7/ >^ ^T^rt^A-Cirtrz^^^C^^^i^t^ <^. ^ ^t. /^ t i^t ■ee^/i V/- *^tjt^ V / •^ l4>^^t^^ ^i.^-C^^ti^C4j, J / 1^1^%^^ /9i^t^X~ A^^-^^lJ y^ ^a^^<^ y^^4^^^^^ ^^4:^ /^Tx^^ ^j_^A Clcc^ Viy^^^^-c^ ^rt^ — vr ^^t^ It^. ^A^cZZT^ ^u^^ ^^i^^^^^xj ^-/^ Z- ^ir-^i / /- ''C / C- ^% / O' ^^ ^■ // f' c ''U / r .%>^. ri^m. i^ <^/-^a^ ^ /O^^ rtyP'/zP^t^/ /^T'^'^t^ii^X^ ^*^ i>»^— ~7 '//^ 4^^^^^ Y7<^^^^ ^^^^ /55ri< ^^C^ :^:^ ^:v^^^^<^ ^^^^>ZZ^^ /^^^^^-t'T^/ic^^-^ ^ ^^^^LmJ ^ ^^/^^ 1^±/u^ J^iTT^/^^i^C^ -4c^ ^n4^ / i^n^^H. X y /U^^ ^ /it<^^ >/z y^ Ct^ ^ a^. 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A y/^ * Al/ryx ^ ,/fh ^ ^y2 .,j?7-t- t^-i^I-fiTY / / r ^^ e ^/?ji. /<^?^i^u{ ^^/zy^TT /^<^%^ /t^ 7^1 A. >> c^ ^/t^ C> :> ii-j //I 44. t '^^7?Z^ /L^ ////L \r«^A y/Cr^ ^/^ / ?f ~y/^? / /^/^^^. ^4r? /y ^. ^er^ ? yt-<:^ ^ L^/-C ^£c<'A^ ///f O / C/^C ^ J. ^ ^ ^/'/?i i>7t ^ .7 ^t^ /t t/{L /^? /.^ A wr ^:^^2-< ^i ^7 / / 0 ^^<-r ^ -t^/7/^ 6 J i^x;v ^>«^ ^^' 1^ A ^. ^^ €^/xL <^^^^ /r£ / J ^^ yier;^ /^' ^/v/ii ^^r// T^r^ ^.^^ ^/ /f ^9r^Jl<3^ ^> ^^i ^l^i A^^^^ yM^ <^yC ^^ y^t. ^ '^A ^y. y /^i^y^L — xT^^c^ / ^^ y/ / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ / <^ i^r-v (\ ^ >i\^ 4:z^<^ c. y ^^ / Jt. 1 A 0 7 Xc- '<^, :^, '*>, i^^ z ^ y. C--«-/V, s ^; r/v^/ , /^»w: ^9Jt ^/^, ^ULiL/C ^dC ^C. 2^ 'X^ l4U. X^liarrr-^ cXa3. / ^// ?.;.^ ^^^ 7/^ A^/^.~/i^^<''-^<^^ ^^'^ ^^^~ '/v.' //>l l/?^7/'?.Cf ^rt cy^^/f 1) ^/^y^ ^ /4.t^ 4:r^c4rC^ ry ^^ ^- //?^ i^>^^^ V^// V"-? ty J ^; t^./c^4/tjt. //< ^^ ^ ^y^/^C-^c^,Jj.^,^ ^/.../ ^^/ /^/ ^ // ^i l/c /7^/if,^ri^ ^c *^// <^ C^^: ^ nr/iT^, /^ 2 /l /<;V//<^:^ x7^/l4^ i?ve_ X /r.^ y ^f/i /y/2/ij<^^^^^j^ ^^^yr/ %/^/ //?^?^i^^ c / /A / <^/t^<^ ^< ^^i^? 7^nt.^ /£. Ztrt/^ /?t^ / / ^ '^^^■zcAi icX. Xu- ^irc^i •- 4av tlldx^ ip£ ^i.J tc ^^^ ^/^'>?7^ / c iZ^_ /^^^%^ ^7:^^^^/p '< e^L / ^ /^/r^<_ V^ /^<. ^. r*^ c^JJ/^rrrx, ^^€fc/'C ""-c /^>t<_ ^n >r: '^^ L- , y^Tv^ ^7/ fic^/ yi,^i,f^ J /^-yi^t. iP. 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A -< Ci_ *^ ^'e<^^, ^ ^t^. ^ e^<.^ ^, Crz^On^ dyirzrc^ ^, ercx^u^e^ (?. /2 r /^:^?.a2 ^y^-e^^?^ «^ '^ :^<^ > ^^^<^ <^^-^^#t>^ "77 f ^^7^1^^/^ ^^^^ ^<^^^\ ^>t-c_ 2l-C-«>^^ ^^_ fr "77'^^ d- A^ ^ ^ ^< /y^ 7 7^ We^/ ^^^ • ^<^ yn>^i^s^r//^ />" // ^ A le^t..^ t^O-ler c ^/^/^v ^ ,^;^' ^ ,^j iZ-yf-J^^ /^y^ '^. ^. /^y^ ?^xvy^^^^>' ''^ ^y^Vr^J^p ^^^ L. /t^^/^Avr ^/ //.. i '^^ C <^/ (^..y ^ / C^ y^ / / ? f^ c y />/r i t C^^ ^: A r A t/orr^C O-rj y ^■/( ^-^^^yC^- i /^ '^^^?i / /^c / '/"Ji I Y/^cx "f^o <^ rr /c< /"> K / r^/^C xV^-^/>^ -^ -^'^^^r A^//^. /' ^ L tr/'cYd'^^ ^ / // /V/H /<. / /> /' V />> A J ^/^ - y ' / .'. , c ^\ y c r ,> J ^/( />x^/ ^/^ ^-x a X A l>^> V yf ^> *^c^^^y /a A i^^f I y .ry/u >x jr r-( /.j/rf // yj^ 4 ^/i-^^i^ y ^-y ^ // r u //^/ /i ////^-yC^/ /S\iY, ^j . 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W^H H /^le^. /^^^^^^y cX '^:^^C4y «-^ ^^^i^^x^ ^ /^^^^^t V /:^^id^?^^ '^^ ^:^^^^ <^ /^l/^^^^ v^ >^ > j^^^^i^>z^:^ /^!^^z/i^^^^ !y ^. -d-c ^^sr^-^t. ^ ^n^^^^ ^^V^<^5^ ^^W'. -»^t^ *>>Z-c^ >^ ^'tyt.t>^^ rr.^, ^ Tp^nt^ /^^^ryl^ ^^^C^^H. y^f^ ^^^ /?^ L«y y^.r^/< c<^ -<^<^. v^ . ^/7 . //^ t^tjt / ^- '- v^./ r ^ //. ^ < ^j / / <^> /^ri » v//. # /• 4 ^z- /^ / / -^ yl. ^ ^^^ > ,-/, ^>t<. ^, ^* A^t ^^ '^r^~ /y'/TUi^ (<-< / ^ .^te^^ ^ >^' i^X-V ^^ ^^ x^: y' /3. ^ ^ ^^ ^ V^7/ / (J 01^ ^U:, UJoodi/^y^d^^ w ^3 /M c^ i8e3-/9/v \ o/^ /tn' V / G. /^Srd/, VlL. jLAThy^ --'VUA^ /Vw--^ C / d ^>/^0/ ^ / / /lA^y^Lk^jL^x^Aj^^ t^t^ ^'v^ <^ r^t^H^ '.w^ <^Vi .^i t^^'^^l^t ( CKy^AuJi I/O i ^ /v (yC\ 6-^44^. S^^7^i:^.->^L^ 6" /60 ♦ ^* J CAy\.y^,^ ^i/^^cr per bZ^t/ tyX)' 'O. j^ Cc^l. ~);7HjxZ^ '^^Ci^l LA/~Cl.a/^X^6^ rVi^p^ (XJ^ C^^^-^tL^ , l<^CL^-n /Cl^\^ t^ L-LTTy^ 'JUL ^A\juAxmAJ^ '^lcc ^5-^ ^ ^^^jlaDlj ^ C^ VO /J^^4j^i /(2^^ ^^tA. ^6C<. r '^vV^ /-/U_ ♦^--VA^ ^/ Li^ JLt ..-i^ / I / /^ ^^"'^'"'^^-^^--^WVX^uX' ( \y\^\^ KyAf^ ^Q.-^ZrvtVt' 1 U>VVL *^^^--^^^L ^i-L^X c^ Kn^ Oy^^ CW£. ty <^<-^ iC^i^cAJ^ ^^-^^^^~Ty ^^^^ J 9 L<^ i/^ \ ■ UViv^ 7, ^^t^^^-^^^iJo^ yv^^M^6<^ ^^t^Zn^yC^^^ ^i ^^^i^^u-y^ tt^r^S^^i. ^^^USx^/^aI L'^riJj^ Ct M.^^ve^ (j.i^y-y^T^X^(JL^CAj[j£ .4HX-l^l>-<^^^u^/et ^vUf^-^'^ H^^ ^'^^u^^ ^r^c^^ifi^ (^L.t^^^^u(p ^A O-^zji-^KT/x^y-^ /l.t-'d^ ^ 6f. TK^^c^^ o^i/l/^^l^ ,^n^rc^^n^i/ Ou^ ^iA^ti^(LctJc(jiJ i.-y-si^>iAZ^ cix^ ay ^-'l/XA^ / "tr- C. / t^X M-C 3 .yt/ -i^A^ALljdjcyr oM^ c^ 7^t^n/%^ QJ^ >-^ /iV .i-in^-^^J^ M^AAjl oZi^-rr^trr '^{rruioL f^7l^(L CL^nr-^ TvxF^^ iX-y 5/0^4^ C^^i dOCyi/ ^X^-O^O'C^rv Ei-M^ O/i i '7^ -^ 3^ ^^V\ l/x^y^^i/^^ C ^^C-o^ U\^4:^l M ^^^\/^y r-v^ 7^ t-irv^LyCCtr-y Virt-^J 'Z~2A^ (yC^S^^^^ ^^ * O4 /A-t^^L^ IcdSi ^U(r^>^-^^\JL^ I ^ ^lAns-y^JlJC ('J-^^^ f-e^ /Aj^ /-^xC^ i^iAM^-n^inyy^Z. VV\ (l^^^^ ^fiXr^ C^cjC^ <4^ o: '// ln/U£<^' LHy^UyJli . (M/tn^fiti^ixp tri^,^ Q^x^ £- }\kuJ^ . ]Jalh^ t/i^-t// /iK.£Z^ CLytir^Z^ O-zAj^ Ci^ly^r7^j7^tJe7^-<^^ ^<^ ^iTV i L.^ ^ .<^>5:X;?^ i5l/V-'«'V. at^ / XsLyy.^ /^Z^^^^ yUAT ( ">t^«-£^ A::^^-tyCytrux/ yt^ I ^X^^^nXJijA^^^-'^.yCiZA^ //UCZa) ^uv. < I On the first day^of February 1883, ajid on the first day of ea^h month after that to the first day oTjune, or asiTcar as possible tS^^the first" of the nrt^th, it is desired that eats^i observer take a \alk or ride, a walk is preferable, of which a corSolete record will l\ kept showing the follo\^H^^ particulars: TrH^ of day, tempera- ture, direction and force ot^lsi'^f^ weather, the\umber of each species otHird observed, tliKpumb^ of birds seen but not certainly recognizS^, the distance trcNH^Ued, and the character of the country passed ove^ /^The work of the spring and summer will be ofs4jie (R) to note mating M, w^hhIIh^ N, t4**;.< ET^iid young *^ with the dates of each. Oi' the (S R) the date of the first arrival from the south F, date when the greater part or bulk arrived B, when they were the most numerous or height of the season H, and the M,^*^and Of the ( W R) note date of departure of the first for the north F D, departure of bulk B D, with the M,S^,"S^nd^^ Of the (W V) note the F D, B D, and of the last one seen L. Of the (S S) note F, B, H, B D, M, "^^f^^nd "^^ Of the (T V) note F, B, H, B D, and L. These are the abbreviations I use, observers can adopt them them or not as they please^ Always give the number of individuals and the sex if possible, of the F's. Where the sexes arrive at diflefent times give an F for each. An estimation -^ "^ ' ^ *— ^* viduals or flocks of each species when at the height of the season, is especially desi 'i jkM tion of the number of indi- , rable. ^^he comrnone^t^ U<^ s: iui7' viduals or tlocks 01 each species wnen ai me neignt 01 uie seasun, i& cs^^c^^ian^ Liccjnauic. i 1 nc ^.v^uhaumic^ /-« birds, such as the Robin, Cat Bird, Brown Thrasher, Bluebird, &c., are ones to be most closely watched) ^ record of wind, weather and temperature is desired. A general record n]ay be kept during the latter par: of y ^ ^ / the winter, but from the beginning of spring, the fuller the record the bette£?) ^ ^ , ' ' )lo o ^he best way of keeping the notes is to have a small book, to be carried all the time, witljii page for each species that is likely to be seen, and in which the record can be made at the time of observation^ ^f possi_^ ble the observer should have access to a copy of the latest Smithsonian Catalogue of Birds and use those names) Latin names are usually better than English, since they are less likely to be misunderstood, espec- ially 1s this true of water birds, for many species among them, bear the same English name. Nevertheless as English names are for most people easier to use, they can be employed, and if any doubt arises as to what bird is meant, special inquiry will be made. If the Smithsonian numbers are used they will save time and space and will be perfectly understood. /observers will please make reports January 20, FebruaiT S, February 20 and as often thereafter as materinl for a letter or a postal accumulates, at least once a week) T^c iccjidj fui tliu fiisi da) uf the iiiuntii. will [jIlcIal be i>unt aa aoon ao poaoiblo nftor they arc taken. - Of course it is not expected that each observer will hz able to carry out these instructions to the letter. Few will be able to spare the necessary time, but it is hoped that by using these suggestions as the plan and outline of the work, much better results will be obtained than if each took the observations according to his own method however good that method might be. Hoping and expecting success to crown our eflTorts in this our joint undertaking, I remam, Yours Respectfully, 'jlu"^. 'fyn — ^-VM ^fr>n.^j.^y^ -»^— TT^^ '5^ e?/. (?^^^ 1^-i.^ijt^ C'UCMi. / ^^^C.c<^ J2 l\cuiAjL^ T^T ^^Aly a^ ^ C\Jc^ \$u^L^ KdAJL CJ v^d^t^ j^-^^ ^^ic_ Li^-'^^'^^C t ^^uit^-^^yL v^xjc. >i.^ ?7^ / ^c V y^ /f lyL i^ t c<^ V t ^ y ^ 6^ cCt^iOn^^J^ I 7^ i^yl 7LC. y J^C^"? /^ictA^ ^Vu-JUX <^ ^ ( tury ^^XjiA cL Z^ ^yi (fv ^ Oc_ Ct^ i^l' Ctu tt-m^ Cu vi^<2.i^t^X^>^ /-^Vlj^ 1^ '^ /v^ -> ^::V n^5- rt^ ./, iC ^-^ cl:^ //^^ >ia.*2.^^-m^ jj^v'T'Xl L^c^^at (3c^^^-<^<^ ..t^ /^c ^ r^ - 7 -y C-4-^ ^>\^ -y\J^4^^^iL '^'Mx Lf-rr-r^ KCUjd. OL^v^r-^^,^ ^ce zi.^ jsU^£>Y c^^^ y- ^c L r nfhf^^-^^ I ^ A / Tf^/iice tu £_ J^ ^:2^ j&i^A^-^^ O^ / 'T^a^^M^ i^ 'Myl^tiyU^f U^C^XA^ .L<^XJLJi h ^^\x. r-yK^C^^i^cL ^-mc Lt-trY< (o^ CL XSL d. L^TiX-^T-t^ M. ^^z>c 6^ ^^4:. T^y x^cAj£ ccCi^^i,^^ J / ^::^a; a^ AaJ^ 'Vi>u:U -k ^^ o^ , i/^7rr7-z.^..^M:^ 6^ (r^ ^Mi>2--^Z^ l^nr-^ -r^ , .^^ y y ^ 1 -y^ -^^ ^ir\^^ ^Vt ^^-^^tyy^ ^ y^M 77 ^z^_ i /n^XJ^^ '^^ry-^-^icP r^ K ^■^ / A»7 ^ // '.^CLJ> 'f (. ^r ^ -->-^ ir^-^^'V^y^ Q '^"d e3j/ '/^^ '^'W yt 77^ »T^7y>^ ^ o^^iTyr^cr^. >vC^ — Ut>. /<^^^ 7 <. • JU^^^^ ^ f^t lJ)T/L <^^ci.yr .^/^ 6^ Vi^^^^Z.>^^ ciu-t^-^H^^ ^^ r ^V_ ^^O ^ >Zj^J^^ ^xl^c<^^ v>^^*--^ c^u^vi / V t^^-^ 7 ^^.^^C-O^ '^C-' \ t^ .•^^-^ j^^XIaM-^ >2ivv..-^ , /^ ''(ii^ '^cHl 7^?tL '<^^-<^pJCj r C . <^4 */ "Hc^ v^X Vtcv ,sJLjO^^'^'<^^~J^ .i ^'LkL^ ir\,^<^ '"T»-L-^^ ^ -.r Li r^i ^^t-

*^^v^ y">i/c#y*£-"\ v> i\Mi^^t/%Ju^ f v^^ ^\^Ki^^M^^ y^^trO^iAV CU-v^C4i^t t ^ ^ f^ lA^L I i^ / c^ u-O^ / >/ LC4^^ X 4i^L^ Z^ ^ t- c^ n.^ Ov<-(r> ^V^-^t ^:i--v<^ / / 1^ t^^ ^^^^^ tt, /■ ^ -i^ u cuUjk^ c^c^ R^t^ /^ >^ C^'U ^/ ^ ^L^ 7 1 S M. . . ^ CZ>^ t I 6^6 ^^ .^ n -yj-vt^ ,0.^. ? C '''<- tt^o-'/A^ * .^-•^A^C'i-.c, /^> Ji^c-i^^^v*- f i^-^ J^^ \C-ix^(^Uj r^c ^ ^i^ Ltu^tj^ iCc,~x c / / '^ \j^ >i.ui ll <^ j^^^j 1 1 rT^^i (t i IrK^-y^^ Lkj^^^vL /^^t.-^ ^ - t 1^ "^ cixc>%^y ^ LtdiT Cp ^<-^ k>^-/ CAw^^ i^L4^X I'W yCA^AL ^V ' > ^- — , 2>^ it(.ccAii rv c^a.(^J^&^ ^^ V\_A' ^ MX^ -vu -rvr-^. . K-TT nZiL^ .-f^ L IL^ V.^ ^ V -7 ' C LtfS^y 7 / idu^'L. o-iy^ \\j\^ ^yVUL-^ , J-r ^ c' 4U Ct %Jc^^^ L t K. Ci^^^1^AC^( Ci^ J ^ iJ ii^_^v^ '^A^iP^ I I c-^i-^ C5-<. ^ A V XL -T??^ ■> 7 y ^ ^^ •^ / ^ t 7^7 ^ 7 7 - ^ r 'f ^vn 1 ^^ \^ ^ ^^^ Y^ ^^ -^9^ ^ 7 -V^V /(' :-^^ ■f v-\ '-KjZ^.O^ ^^ j^yyn-%^\y ^-^ ^' < ^ T .^ '^^TO .& ^ ^-x-) avr»^"7>^ C Ue^ U / rf t>^ /: ;t^ i^ ^ J22- ^ / C^ ^^Oa -r^yLu. yyuLi^ ^^u .<^ ^ OC-ut^/' oU > • fiMni^ y Xc /f ^d / 7 / c^^ (/ 6C >^ t ^-t<^ CC, / / / - -' ^ (^2^ '^^-<>^^^^tL^ Ci^^^'ly^ c^5-ax^'?l.^xl< J' ^i^-r /? CL£iL ^L^^ cQ '.^ ci£^ -r^Vt^ X U^t-t/!^ ♦ / . Mississippi Valley and Manitaba. Prof. UI, UI. COOKx,. upi. i'"!fe&w||, m. Committee on Migration. [% Dr. C.HART MERRIAM, Chairman. . ^V^ 7 ,^, i/ '/S<^ yiAMyUL VC L/Cnyvu^ ^ \J>C^"\^ k -iudtviLa jcZ^ lU-o^' /fi^'-'-*-'^ c-^CoA^ / XAAJ^ / / ,4-'{t'^>^XiX2^ (x^JU r^^ c^-d: ^ojJ^ ./ lAT-rrlC U< / 0/ t.<:.c.n.-ti/ A/^^7^ ^^^?^ro>^^ u/-^^^ ^i<:^ n^—^-^^O O^ ^ "^ ^^^ - CL^<^ u^.0^ ^^\JL^(U>^tC-u^ LV-fYTC^ \^ V ^^ ^ T^fc^ t-"W^^ -^-^^-K. 74^^z^ ,4^,-4*^_^ 7^ JttKXj JUJvhA ^y^^ ^ ;zt..^ 7%-^^-^ .J-^^.^ V^i^^^^i:^:^ cO"^ '^^ •yy^ — - :t^ ,^{^^^-Pi^ ^ ■ U^ i ^0 i (^^t^ UJ\/^^s^ a^ l/i^4,yeri^ Zi6 .u^^^<^-^^ JZ^^/j^ x^ ^^-vX^ "^^^rr^ ^^^ "^^ /^ 27^^ A^ t^ L^ir-tn<^ Cijif-^l-^^^ e^:-^ , «^ ^yC-^2^^^»nrk..^t^ lL,^C^-Lr-i^ -njT^^ / 3 ^^^'"^'^ ^l^^lA-^r^ LU-^CPru^fr^ G-cr-z-^^-^-^^ /lAKUyrtU^"^ ^ l^^J^^ -^OU.^ lAT-l^ M^^rt<^ ^^.- u^^^ ^^— ^7 r^ ^/&~^ / / ,^ iy^r^u^^yijL , /dj^ujiL^ ^^^^, -■ }' J L txJU / y^ _.^^^L>^^ / r T-ft. I.-C «-^ 'T-t^ 4^ ^ iTTrfCTcti^ /y'^'^'^ ^^^ J^^ff-^ -;^^ ^lu.'Ti^ IX^^ "Z^ -^ri. ^ "^i^UU^ 2ru^ /I J * — 7/- /} i 7. Tf^a. "Z-^^-it^ '■p-trtr-zL M^pjL^ J «,.voJ^ ^a^vw^ i.t,,.>»-t-*-' . ,7,<,r'&i'. inat..ce^<; a^c-i^ctc.^ ^^eL^ '^ '^ '^'d^ H / \ hTi,^. "l^ /. ... L J¥^r?^J /iuX^- ^'*t^ '^^*^'\ V / * %aX^ y Ow /^ 0 ^IJ. Jl^utcr^. yU^^^^^^ /i ^^ 0 -J n ULyX. ^ 7 ^ — 7/ V " ;z-^ 2^ 7^^^--^^-^/ ^^ '^^ L^<^^, dLuK y^ ra,^--nrUi^ ytLpJtty .71^^:^ ^/7^>^^^ -7:^ //tc^y I'-t-cW*/ /X^t/ o^-i. , "«1.^>^>«^. :5iiitf>^' c^ S^^t'^winBij,^ Committee on Migration. Dr. C.HART MERRIAM, Chairman. /'^^SM-n^^^.-'S^ -^S -f i-y ^tz-t-O**' Ut^J oi< pic:tiv^ ..r^^/c— --'^/^;^^ (x, Lju^ M!X^-Ax-y>i-^ ^'.n^ iy^ir^<2x^<^^>^ "^^^^^^^^ ^t^i!^ ^^^--<2-^^^y^ '^^^^ -5^^ (^ -o^ 4 2??^^ »y ^^ —TUO ^ ^ t ^^tc^ /^ ^«:-- ^; t/ Co ' • '■ i^->0 '^^ .^ "^ ^^ V. I/.: LaTC^ <^ / J^^^Z^'>^Ci«X^^ .7 cruM^A^ .^.i^W' a\j-^ ^W CA^ 1/ -Trfc r ,/\^ ^vu. ^ (Si ^ (s ^ ^ y-T.^^-u^^-^_ /s^f y^ ^ (jj; I — Cc-iA^v^ "u i>*^ J V f''^''^ ,^<^^i. (X-«- r / .^►-^ 9- ji^ inA.^ tH/^a,Vl/4^ , 'tc iWCuJ^-^ cT'^T-' ■U^ Ir^yy^ -77t^ 6L ;<9-<^.^^c«^'>-^t.^ CUsJL^ ^^^ :.'^ ^UaI^ c^w. oi^ M.^^^3 y ^^^^^^^ / Mississippi Valley and ManitD|ja. Prof, LL^, ii/. COOKE. ipt. ^ Committee on Migration. "" .^ Dr. C.HART MERRIAM, Chairman. UHJlli, K^-HU / / "^T. / -/M O I ■y^i^ H! lyCre^y^^J^-JLy^ I ^ ^' 7. Xyr{^jCt~ VJr^U 'V'X^^ '^' ^ fr/itc AiyL^^L^^^ --t^ t\H-V^^<2^ 7^ /o(^i, n^lJurC ^/^^^yxAjLu\/^^<-^tc-^ ^^ ^.X-.-'Vt^ y^ tiu^ ^^u i-^ -^ ^ ,^ a- J^^^^Co^ aJbn^ uu^w^ ^ -- .>v..w^^- -^ K^_^ /_ y^, ^^ ^-^ 7^, //. ^^^^^ * Mississippi Valley and Manitoba. Praf. W. IXl, LOQKE, ijupi. "7^ - ^ Committee on Migration. Dr. C.HART MERRIAM, Chairman. ^ /c^cf ^ Al^r, ^. /t- / ^ 'iOrmd 1/ V. W ^(X^Crv^Ajey IXTD-Ujli/j Uj^^^^ >zrvv^ JLtx-f^ M^(A^o-i^y^ Urn-T^, 7^ / ■uU /' 'nJUj do^^iyvvtyt- bri^ cM^ tvirzA/J^ 4/ lt^7/6 />U>l'V«^ -^ (yc-ul/y Vtf-U^ Jtc^ urtr^/t^-<^ // y 'hcZ-'iA^ / W'£i ,^/juuQji^ ^ >K^> .^ei^^^^^^ ^ /> 4^u£a^^r^ un/^ ^ 1/ /LL^iaaT It ^i^\a^ l/yi^-^t^CL^ "w -?^X<-^ ^^-^ LAT-tL^ yo ^^^.^^..^^^^-^4^ ^^^^^^K^y" i^L^^^^iJ^ J^, ^^^-p-cX, ifi-^t^^r-L^J ^^'I'^U^^ *C:>c..wv>^ -^Q-ynL^^i^nA^ A^a,.^^ ^LJ<^^i^ p-^-i.^^ y'Xj:^i^^irC.^/,^ /f "^ JtJt^ i^^^^CzX X//^ ^^^i^ ^^t^^i^<^£uc^iii^^ u^-dt ^^T^t^ue^ ccy ^'^Z^j / -y^ ^ "^Z '^iJl^rru^ jA-ri^^^ ^n^iA^ ^C^^-L<^tAJb ^ oi4t\^ut^ cc^'^-^-'.^CX^ ^^ trttit i. fr'^-^>x^!L^u^ C^i^^^c^ ^iUy^ Z^ ye^rt .4lyOLZX^ /J a.(P>a, cZf J- UrrtiAz y^T-^ , ^H^^<2X^ ^-T^^vri^ ^^^^^^ ^^<^C-^-i-'*-'-^ 77^ .-v^^-. A^iC^^ h/ .ij^ "^/j^iy^/^ ^a^tH.^ /"^ ^HM^' Cijzy tr^^T^ ^,>ty6cCi ^ry 7r\.^y ./ y (i^;^^^^^-^^-^ ;^?«> ^lyyCjU,^^.y<- >^<:^ T^l^^'U^ / n ' ^4^1./^.^^ "7%/C^ ^ / l/J^^!^i^.3A^ ^ yt^C^iiyt/^ "^ / ^ f^Xf^ A^^-«C^--K7/l.--r-5^ /<2jLxy^^' e^^-^^^^UL^^4^<'^ 1 l^^^-iO^^Zv ^n.y\j2j^^ yv^tS^^ ^ U> iv-V^^ U/2^^ ^Li^/t^o^^-Ae.^\_ >^^t^ j£^i/^^^C^.^iJ(^^Atrr^ ^^t^-^ 'T^CZ-n^ ^C^i^^^l^^-t-^ ^-Lu^K.^^yTly A^2^-».t:^L^y pL^J^T ^^C^^-A^^ ^-1^^ .^-z.^'T^o.tlZ^^ , h^CJL ^ c^ Cl^Pv^ } fi^A^^t^^^ i.yiyX^ OLy^^^-^ 1 1, '^Vti^^^ 5^ x-iX Twiu^ Tm-AH^ d^rvvA^^C^ U^ yt^ 4j^^^^--^ LAnA^^Ui^ U/^^-^^ 0^c'\^\^ CC^nn^iynjit^^^ l/to^^-^erv^ 1% iA^lX^ f fLi^V--iA,.L S^9 fiyJlL^C^ ci^^^ ^:^^,^^^Cjtc^ 7^^^ I' / X ^1 7/£t^. l/a£liu, ,?zrt^-z^ yiLcn.nnrL'n^ '^-^ ryi^ivl^c t^ >' UsPu-Vs^ ^^^ixv4/ in^c^-^SAf cui^y^ LusL-^^/i/ c<^^u4jLK/ ^l^U^-cy^ /^^G^k^^t^ flmErican nrnithitlnaisls' Uninn, * MIGRATION IN THE * ffllSSISSIPPI UALLEY and fflANIirOBA. W. W. COOKE, Sup't. f}M, ^r<|/?^>^'W- "2^^ v4?^r^ C-7:i^t^ ^^CH^C^iJ£-^r<=^ /. , / Z^:^ ^ ^i^n^ flmEriEan nrnithnlngists' Uninn, * MIGRATION IN THE * CQississippi Ualley and (Qanitoba. W. W. COOKE, Sup't. {ieidfr/r/, + /i'^^. , ^cfd" '^ TfL^^i^xJUd^x. •<'^^^ ut/l^'-^V M^-C f^-f^-^u^ ^nr-L^ c^^y\^A^f^ ^-^^jijc^^ ofcTic^ / y^rt/wk^ tux^o/V ^^vv©^ 6^<*>t^ ^^''t^-T^^^vtA^.^_^ Urt^Jv^nAXr •Cc^t^ ^ t^' ^^e^«--»^". Z^, <^, ^U^t^Oi. , AmErlcan Ilrnithnlngists' llninn. MIGRATION IN THE * ffllSSISSIPPI UALLEY and CQANIirOBA. W. W. COOKE. Sup't. ^^^^ "iLiAear/, ^nn. , f ^/cPcTJ L y 1 Z^fe u/v^-^^^-^-^^^ (KML''CLy\y\.j^^ nJt^i^ Iru JuiAy^^ ^7^ ^^^^ T^l^^^yy^^ ^t^^^^^rUJ^^ lA/ZlAj 7d ny^lAjiZyC^^.,^^ 7^^ yC0L^Ly^^A^ (hu^^iAjL. cr\^^ 7T ^:^^ iAT-t/^ ZSC^L^i^ ^Lr-i^^Af^ n^vftf^ U^^tl^ ^2>^>^^.^ ^IAjz.^ .y\yi^ /^ uc^ i^.y'UX^ ^jj^JiJi mJL^^yK^ ar\^ <5'^ ^ ^ ^^ cpC^>^Cc^ flraEriEan Ilrnithnlnflists' llninn. * MIGRATION IN THE H& Mississippi Ualley and CQanitoba. W. W. COOKE, Sup't. fl€iiAfi^r/, €nn , /(/(f Cyhj^Ly'O^ s-Ax'X^ ^TV . tv.(ZyC^i d^^r-^^Qj^y O/^pO ^2--*-vu_£^ Sd^^-^JU ^^^l^v^J^ ,nyvLX3Lycc^ ur^^n^ u/L->v^ ^''yv\^\^\.A^,^ C\yy^y<£K.^ ^^X^ ^X^nry^ ^^^-t4.t^uxuc /LcLi^J^^^JUo U^T^^ k..-^.W /^U? /r>v%w (X^-^^W6 C<^\^^_^\^ CL.'^i/h^ ^^U^n-'Cr^S-^ ayf-irx^CtU /UL ,7 '/ ilJaJ-A^ i Uv/^ ^^ ^^UU^ \,yS~i^ Ar~ ^ \y\. /J'UaMaa/h^ /^ii2u ^i^cU'LcxM.^,,^ TTL^^i^ L^ ^.^i^ v^u^^-n^ 7^^^^^-^. li/ UAyLM^7^-€^^M / UJ.u). \U iV/x fidl^. la ^ Jz. ^J(o //, /

t \ dyuj^ Jet ^ ^ / ) ,yud ^i,:;fOOL^(r-iy\r'Z'^^ h:::^^/^6^ ^ -itu^. yLA^^Pl ^yUiA^ /Ol<>-(H^^ (fipj CMT^ru^-^^ C^ijcZy^^ 'AJ2.-ACj:^^ ^n\jt/ tyiriyi-^ M/"7"yc^yO ^ C-/ j£-v^t.^2^iHC^ t^ e^-^.C-'Oy <:^t^ UJ. (M, S^-o^^^c ^ J^ /^(fj 4 (mLj.,^ \ OUcL^ .A^ t >\!^/l^^u-^rvV c/V<^ CXx^ ,^SX^ ^i^-rl^C^^-wC CUnA..A>CCi..^irx^ LA/^c/^ C-WA.£^^0^ ct-'V'lr^^X^ "ziZi^ 6~vUU /^Coc-^uoi^^lV^ \A^ /l£4-«C-T-^^ -ir^ \Xy iaTu. ^..c^cJ- urv^^^^^-^ KVUw^ ;IS^ .^^U^ 7^ I ( // 7 X. jj' ^ trVs^t/ --V4j»-' KvXjC' iV^i^-^o^ ZJjd^ ^-ClA^-V^.^^^ f-^^ O^^C^JZ- ^.C^C/l^.^ 1^ -^^^ Ily dear Dootort I will aoknowledge your very generous contribution to the Wells W.Cooke memorial fund and I thank you very much* It appears now that the fund will reach the required amount if the contributions continue at the present rate^ It has been estimated that about three hundred dollars will be needed. I shall turn over your check to Miss Mary R.Brickenstein, Treas- urer,1B03 Nineteenth Street. Most cordially yours. Saturday* to UUo C^iASL. , ik II ^ / 0-r\nAjkK .A,^ ^ „^-tS.' \ ^^*-^\jtyS vjyJt CXyt- -> V>- V>^. JV v>.^J^ V^^ W^O^ 0, ^ ;_;:^ v^jo^ vj^^wn ^»<>-V. '^■^- V3-i'^J^^ cu.^0^ ft^o^i ij. )}Jvi-^sxjiX^ ^>»>Jk^ JX-Ki-v VVA^rv-r ^ Ov^K^ Xj^ib-S.^-^^a^-v (jOoOi^ I /^fX J^// ^^y^ SIGNET 4.^^ ^-«^ yiM t^ty" ^"^"^^'^^^^'^ J yUu y^'^^^^ y jlxM ^'^^^fu^ y^-^^ ^/t^tv-«TI^ ^/^ ■itx^ y'-^^ f J Ay/ y\^ y^^^^ en /3 ./VviC^/u^ ^^tvH /\w^L^^^h ^ / A /^ ^ /^ /^ Xtv-X^ ^La^ -^u^ xu ..-6>«-V -l/tv*"^ >-^ ^ ^^t.^^^^'^^ '.^ 1^«*. ki>4.l \NCE^^^ [N. S. Vol. XVI. No. 398. DR. J. G. COOPER. News has been received of the death at Hay ward, Alameda County, California, of Dr. James G. Cooper, at the age of seventy- two years, July 19, 1902. Dr. Cooper's services to science have been such (coupled with the singular omission of his name and his father's from the chief records of American biography) as to render some statement of them desirable for a genera- tion to whom he was little known. James Cooper, an English merchant, set- tled in New York shortly after the Revolu- tion, accumulated a competency and died in 1801, leaving a son, William Cooper, born in 1798. At an early age the latter, who had inherited thj* love of nature from his mother, Frances Graham, determined to devote himself to the study of Natural History. At the age of eighteen young Cooper became one of the founders of the Lyceum of Natural History, now the New York Academy of Sciences, under the lead of Dr. S. L. Mitchill, John Torrey, Daniel Barnes and others, and soon became a gen- erous contributor to its library and one of its officers. In 1821 William* Cooper sailed for Europe to continue his studies in zool- ogy and was elected the first American member of the Zoological Society of Lon- don. He attended the lectures of Cuvier at Paris, and on his return devoted himself to ornithology and paleontology. He was a friend of Schoolcr'^t) a correspondent and colaborer of Lucien Bonaparte, who dedicated to him the well-known Falco Cooperi. His son, James G. Cooper, was born June 19, 1830, and in 1851 graduated from the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, following it by a two years' course in the city hospitals. In 1853 he was appointed surgeon to the northern division of the Pacific Railroad Survey, at the suggestion of Professor S. F. Baird, and spent some time at the Smithsonian In- stitution, preparing himself for the duties s. UQUgT 15, 1902.] SCIENCE. 269 of naturalist as w^ell as medical adviser to the party. He was one of the original group of young naturalists w^hich gathered around Professor Baird in the early days of the institution, w^ho made up the Potomac- side Naturalists Club, and whose names are classic in the annals of zoology in this coun- try. Although never robust, and for much of his life in delicate health, he survived all the others. Dr. Cooper was assigned to the w^estern division of the survey, terminating at Puget Sound, under the superintendence of Geo. B. McClellan, of the Engineer Corps of the army. Jefferson Davis was Secretary of War; the regimental quarter- master who supplied the needs of the party on the Pacific coast was U. S. Grant. Co- laborers with Cooper in working up the collections were Baird, Torrey, Asa Gray, Hayden, George Gibbs, Meek, Le Conte, and Dr. Suckley, in cooperation with whom Cooper prepared a report on the birds of Washington Territory. As usual in those days, he collected in all branches, and made a particular study of the meteorology of the region. The following year he returned to Washington to prepare his report, but was soon obliged by lung trouble to return to the more favorable climate of the Pacific coast. For several years he devoted him- self to making collections on the Pacific coast, much of the time at his private cost. During the latter part of the Civil War he was surgeon in the 2d Cavalry, California Volunteers, and served until the regiment was mustered out. In 1865 and 1866 he was naturalist to the Geological Survey of California, under Whitney, and his report on the birds of the state, after the close of the Survey, edited by Professor Baird, was published by Professor Whitney at the per- sonal cost of the latter, though in form as one of the * Reports of the State Geological Survey.' In 1866, Cooper married Miss Rosa M. Wells, and continued in the prac- tice of his profession until the failure of his health in 1871, after which his work, though often interrupted, was still pursued as his strength permitted. He was long as- sociated with the California Academy of Sciences, and also wdth the State Mining Bureau. Much of Dr. Cooper's early work was of great help and importance in devel- oping knowledge of the fauna, flora and geol- ogy of the Pacific coast. Ornithology knows him as a valuable contributor, and his most extensive works were on that branch of science. Later he published many papers on the mollusks of the coast, and the number of titles in this line of research mounts up to forty-three. Many of the younger stu- dents of zoology on the Pacific coast have testified to their appreciation of his help in guiding and promoting their studies. The Cooper Ornithological Club of California was named in his honor, and the first num- ber of its Bulletin contains a sketch of his life, up to 1899, and a portrait. To this summary we are indebted for many of the above facts. Dr. Cooper was tall and slen- der, rather reserved in manner, and his physical activity was held in check by ill health during much of his life, while for years he was dependent iipon his medical practice for support. But in spite of these handicaps his w^ork on the Pacific coast has been of primary importance, and by his death passes away the last member of a group of men to whom American zoology is permanently indebted. Wm. H. Dall. m^^JUU^NTIFIO BOOKS. The Principles of Inorganic Chemistri HELM OsTWALD. Translated wil thor's Sanction by Alexaj London, Macmillan & Co^ xxvii+785. Professor Ostwal( nent part in the^ ical chemisi fully pre ojuk^ Orx^n^'htoU^^^ JiJ^ (Liujr^ (Ajn k\^ l^a^M^J ^^kA c^ H|»<>*»»WiBi |H1J»"I " w^tmmmmmfmm mmmmmmmtmrn BULLETIN OF THE Co(»j)cr Oriiilh(»lf»^ica! Club ^ ()l- CA!,!1''()KNTA. SS * A Bi-mont!ily Echo From "|* ^ "^ Jk Californiaii Fields. ^ Edited • . J -.1, f Henry Reed Taylor, Associated with | Howard Robertson. &:&:&e«;&&&:&eN&-6sC^QMi« Editor* s Sanctum, .^.™— .. :-^ Box 135. (^ y (^?^ €X.\C>CC /, Dee, i/*^^. Dr C, Hart Merriam, Washing ton J !)• My d#ar Dr. ?ferriam:- O.t Your renewal to the ** ^u I l^* t in" tor Vol. II has bean recGivad and eniiraa, ana I f ouia thank you for your kind opin- ion of the ma^^aziae aa «xpr«S3«a in your letter. Referring to your suggestion to make use of the scisn- tifie names of bird species, as well ^'^ ttie vernacular^ in print- in?- articles, I cordially a^rea ^iih you and you will find the fault corx*ect3d in Volume II. As for the Cooper Clulii itself, thu sentiment is about •▼•nly divided as to which should lie ,;iv3n the preference, but jre appeal to a -r^.uoh larger field than that represented meraiy by our menrtiers, and the use of tooth nam«8 sooms the most satisfactory aolution of the matter. T am slad you called attention to it. W« are open to improvement and T think you ^Till notice several sabsii'iiiai changes m our next noraber. An index for Volume I jvill ke mailed with the January issue. Th e "FuUetin" has teeen warmly endorsed liy our Kaatern friends and there is nothing whatever to prevent its permanent publication, which is. in fact, assiired. ^he January issue will interest you, I am sure. Cordially yours (Uiiitprr 4> ^ %^ C% 4' \fc*^ '% "% I •% ' (6r^mi$!^h luiu 32. 1893 Publishers of THE CONDOR A Magazine of Ornithology PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA A Serial Devoted to Ornithological Papers of Unusual Length i^rt OFFICE OF W. LEE CHAMBERS. BUSINESS MANAGER EAGLE ROCK Los Angeles, California For the observation and co-operative study of Birds, because the resulting pleasure: For the spread of interest in Bird Study, so that this pleas may be shared by others; For the conservation of Birds and Wild-life in general, U • the sake of the future; For the Publication of Ornithological Knowledge, as bein contribution to Science. Dear Cooper Club Members: THE CONDOR must go or. Through the recent years of high prices we have endeavored by every means to avoid raising the dues of the club. By private contributions, Endowment Fund, and sale of back volumes, income has been sought to cover the added cost of printing for which dues and subscriptions are inadequate. We have surrenden^ed to the inevitable. Printing and engraving costs have doubled since 1914. For nearly five years we have been publishing THE CONDOR at a loss, in spite of some annual increase in membership and subscribers, and 1923 has been the hardest year of all. For these reasons, the Board of Governors has approved a raise in dues to $3.00 per year, beginning with 1924, and we believe that the members will accept this raise with unanimous support. This raise will barely cover the cost of production. Remember that editors and business managers, in fact all officers, give their time without remuneration. Your continued support will help to make this expenditure of time and energy worth while. THE BUSINESS MANAGERS. WE START ALL OUR BUSINESS WITH THE CALENDER YEAR ALL DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NOW PAYABLE. Please remit promptly Dues in the United States $3.00 per year Dues in foreign countries $3.25 ** c * Subscription in the United States it>3.00 per year Subscriptions in all other countries $3.25 per year W# LEE CHAMBERS, Business Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., California Drawer 123 (Haaptx 05r5ttJ|nlogtral OIlub (Ncrrthern Division) The March meeting of the Club will be held on the evening of the 26th inst. in the lecture room of the Musetm of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, The main paper of the evening will be by Mr, H, C. Tracy on the ''directive markings of birds,'' J. Grinnell, pres. H. W. Carriger, SecVy I m > o m ID rn 9r' .^C '^ ^^ <9^ ^MAR 2 ' ol N-' ki- AM,^'* .c/ .'^ ■ s > < m c tn n o 3 S o 0 s m 0) s z D rn z o rn ■PlfHH'iiliiilEMiii THE SPACE BEUOW IS FOR THE ADDRESS ONLY. 1 X • .' • ■ ^ J u. 1 J. CiL.^ U.C. 3iolo-ioal curvfty. 'or. Oo^liv)^ h. /^^"t i^2t> S3/i^^ u MiiitirrBitu ni Hiitttruiita Ciillprir of ^tltmt, Hitrratiirf. an& tin* Arte fitiiiinipoilji DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY x Dr. C. Hart Merriam, laguritas, California. Sear Dr. llerriam: July 28, 1926. At the suggestion of Dr. Lawrence Martin I am writing you for advice with regard to a project for a comhined glacial and plant and animal ecological study in the region of Glacier Bay, Alaska. The enclosed document will give all the necessary details and I arn also sending you a copy of a paper by myself which will he useful in further explaining our plans. It has occurred to us that Mrs. E. H* Harriman might possihly share the deep interest in Alaska which her husband had and might, therefore, be willing to aid us financially. Dr. Martin has felt that you could advise us as to the feasibility . of making a request to Mrs. Harriman and^if you consider it feasible V as to the best method of approach. We have obtained the cordial endorsement of the American Geographical Society and the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the project is now before the national Research Council with the aoproval of the above institutions* The recent setting apart of^Glaoier Bay region as a Hational Monument was due in part to the efforts of the three prospective leaders of this expedition. I was Chairman of the Committee of the Ecological Society which conducted the campaign. Dr. Adams was a member of this Committee and Dr. Martin was of very great assistance to us. One point that I would like to emphasize is the desira- bility of periodic visits to the region extending over a long period of years, probably at intervals of five years. In 1915, as you will see from my paper, I established some permanent areas for observation on a small scale. I revisited them in 1921 with results that were decidedly worth while in spite of the small scale on which I had to work. It has seemed to me that the region presents such unique opportunities for such a study that an inves- tigation upon a much more adequate scale would be decidedly worth while. I have financed my work at Glacier Bay personally so far but I find it impossible to carry on the work on a scale that is ade quate • -a- Any adTica and asslstanot that you can give us will be vary greatly appreoiatad. Sincerely yoiirs^ W, S. Cooper, Assoc, Professor, Department of Botany, WSC/kl-7 liiiiirrBitg lit ilimi^ii.iita (MUq^ of l^rtriirp, Uttrruturr, au^ Uu Avtn Mmnempoiia DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY August 26. 1926* Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagmiitas , California* Dear Dr. Merriam: Thank you most heartily for your letter of August 10. I regret that you feel that our plan would probably not appeal to Ivlrs. Harriman hut I do appreciate your own approval of the study. In the last few days we have received the endorsement of the National Research Council so that so far as backing by scientific organizations is concerned we are in a strong position. Will you kindly keep us in mind and if any further suggestions come to you they will be very greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours. ^. W. S. Cooper, Assoc. Professor, Department of Botany. r/SC/MI-46 ^^^ t. p. CedM a 4r i%<^7-/m ? > ( y'\ ^ /^ /fu^^^ a^. — >^i»^' 'XZZT'u^ a^ NOTHING 8UTTHE /\uu.^u^^ TO 8EONTHI8 BIOL /V^. / /<^ <^ f ^5>^_ sr %. Cu^tUoij Man+oo /^/^ Papers I SEARLES BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY BONA/DOIN COUL-EGE MANTON COPELAND PH. D., PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY Brunswick, Maine, V-^c^ . ^S' \ ? ^2^ ~^^--^^ ^ t::X.__ -O^ .XXwT^ o^ C*-'^^ L«.-^-.*.^ O'^x^ V^' . in-.'^/CATV'N- OvV. u^-L. tAJU /L^CC^tr^ \ orv^-^v*^ ..yvjC< A -3 s 7 :; cr'VJe-^pcr <:>vX-''v-<- u \^»-^ I'^r:?^' ^ U''^-A U- i- o o-'^^^-iX'A. \J5 y\^ ij-sj—^ 5 U (3 5 U.<5^ C/A^>- ;_ tTfc^ z:-^ )^^-- 5 C^J^ Xr^cJK tpU^ t7fe-<- ^^aJtXAlft^ J— < ex ^^ ^ 13 u.^. ■77 ^p^.^ 5 'Us-u <^-x^ ^ t;c;;^o^ L^ i::^^ ^^^.--^ Y^, ^ V. Z jl^x^ . cjz,--\.je,Xu»^ :? '<^ ''^. K' r^o ujckc^'^cA v> ) Gt^t ^vt^ "Byu c^ /Boz - I'f'-^o IIOZ MHHHMMM -/^2/ (J ^ /^8V-/9/Z ?3 '^ ^ 3 ^cdmgXmt Bictet, i^o. C? 'djjO^A- ^Jhu^^"'^^ '^(AA^^ fhtL,YV^ 1 cX. ^ / O-TL.^ i ^i-^^^c^ ^3^*-ww ^Z-».«xt-f ^ %_/ ^?^ x/^ ^•r> /^t^^^i^V**' /2,^.^^ -ti^^ ^^"^^ ^>^<^t>^^c^ C/^^^^-^^--^ , A O-^yi^-^-^C-r, ^•-^c^ct--^^ f ^ l^U^p^^ZZ..^ fop f^ / 7 / 1 ,i^^^ . y /^ /O-^'^-^^^^ • • /» Z^- (/y^ ryyL/a^yU^ ^^ vi/u^:^yL ^ r>^ Cui/tA^ys^ i &yV Florida Museum or Natural History. %^ T nr AdRica %' AN' , tfr-'if— T~% ' • %• '■m PALM BEACH, WluTT^*^^ X' J^^TiXr I 4 -^ 189?" ^ cO^ C4..^ 9Vt-Oi>%^ ^fc ^c.^ J^^^^^^^^^<^ , ^^^^ ^^^^-*'^-' ) - ^j^^ -/ ^^^r^^5^ ^=v%^ <>-/C?-Ocn^'^ -5^'; V : ■-"r^ Vu«-*-^t- J^4^ T: -W ^-»^ "yy-ty^t^ o*^ ">^ ^. •'"^>^-^ -^^^ ^5^^^^^-- A4sU:^L4^ T-t^6^<^ C^y^^^ ^y^ /t-<-»^ ^<-cc/( G--e-^ ^^ T^^^t^U Zd »n^ ^ ^^ C^^^^t-^^ Ax^ - >^>»c^ 7 ^<^ ^^^JL^cA. «t f<^4^yr ^c^^yo ^^-r-^^C ^ ^W^^ ^ ,,,,^ • x£c./yO^:z:Zyp.^ - y^t^-^^ ^ "^W^^ Az^ *C.^_ A/^~ <2Lc^ A CPC^ ^. ^4^\ Palin Beach, Pla., April 6th, 1901. Lr. C. Hart Merriam, U. S. Department of A rlculture, Washincton, D. C. My dear Dr. Merriam:- I have for^/arded to you a rather interesting specimen of Tulare basket. I am leaving Monday for Jacksonville to attend a Directors' lileeting of the Company in which I am largely interested, and. as I wrote you previously, it may be absolutely necessary for me to go to New Orleans. I regret that that this meetings interferes with my beint, in Wash- ington, as I v/rote you previously the date as you already know was chnaged unfortunately for me. If possible, I shall show up in Washington. If not, write me v/hat I can do. Address 160 Boylston St., Boston, and your letter will be forvmrded. Very sincerely yours, (Dictated . ) / A ^ 160 BoYLSTON Street, ROOM 4. Boston, Mass.. Sept*,.. 19.0.1. Dr, C. Hart Ferriam, U. P). Department of Agriculture , Washinfiton, D. C. ¥y dear Dr. Kerriai;:- I require an assistant at the Ghicafro J^Iuseum. Pdclcv/ay*s brother went there after the death of his son: but I do not think he is quite fitted for the position, although he did his v/ork very well indeed as far as taxidermy went. Of course, this is entirely between you and me about Eidgway; but if you know of someone v/ho could take the place of young Ridgway who diedj^^fesiid v/ould be loyal to me, and would like to grow up with the Museum, Iwish you would send me his name and address. He need not be a bird expert as long as he understands something of the study, and can identify ordinary, corinnon birds at sight. ♦ I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you one of these days. Cordially yours. (Dictated. ) \ I \/uau /^(7JU^ ^:^^ /Ly^ 7 A- iC-^ -"J^t^i ^^^^<-^ n^n^(/^ y ^ ^1^ i^-^ ^.^t^-r^ «^ 1^ C'-'^ ^^^-^^lx^v>l. V^ g'^^-O , du^^j. ./ff-i/iaJ^_/A^ ,yOk^AJt~ cC/ (^JXny^^ cX?Uh^ ^ r^/^^L^y/^^^ J roRM «•. POSTAL TELECRAPH-CABLE COMPANY. 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Correctness in the transmission of messages to any point on the lines of the Company can ^;« 'NSuaKD by contract in writing, stating agreed amount of risk, and payment of P^e^i";" thereon at the f^. ■»wmg rate^ in addition to the usual charge for repeated messages, viz: one per cent, for any distance not c -ing i.uuu miles, and two per cent, for any greator distance. No rosponsibilitv regardin.^ messages attaches to this Company .intil the san^ are X^l'^^f,^^^^^^ at one of its transmitting offices ; and if a message is sent to such office by one of tins ( ompan) s messengers, he acts for that purpose as the agent of the sender. Messa<^os will be delivered free within the established free delivery limits of t^e terminal office. For deHvery'at a greater distance a special charge will be made to cover the cost of such dehvery. This Company will not be liable for damages or ^^^tutory penalties in any c^^^^^^^ is not presented in writing within sixty days aft.r the message is filed with the Compan> for transmission. This is an unrepeated message and is ^lelivered by request of the sender ii^^^^^ above. Errorscan be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the ,ending station for comparison. No employee of this Company is authorized to vary the foregoing. WILLIAM H. BAKER, V, P. and Gen'l Manager. JOHN O. STEVENS, Secretaryi CLARENCE H. MACKAr President. "TttM CtlCL^^.^ /yt OnAJiyuL^^uoL^^ -222' IM /■^ /f^^ ^^>€^.x^ CjU--, "Z.- *^^f]r~y "^ ^ '^., ./;•* -.--f ^ Xe-. --^5^^^^"^;^ -^C^tA. On/^9i^LJL^ ^^^^' ^ fi/V^ ■X^-^ ">'%/' c^ ^ <: '>KC vt^ ^':X Vlyir^ ^ ^L^y^n..^ />-i.-i^_,^-'>-'-L^^'<, ^--y^ 4 2/<-V t^/^^ ^:i^yl/tyy-->nrr><~-^ ^) ^%-ha/^ t^ C^4>^i-^>^ ^-z^ ^ ^ ^^^x/ UtA^i ^^A^ l/i^€^U'\y^ ^U.'t^ ^ ^^^^tyz." / ^yj^- -"y-^ ^7 /7r <^^yl-C<^ -^ '^^ "^^C^^/^yuL, '/ <^Z^5-tf^ rf>^ '2/'-\/--w(— C\ ^/C-^ ^-1— V 'TS?Vi <:5'-s--<-.. £>< tl—-^-'^-'^^'* r »*-.i ■■■jt 1 V. % b u »^ uu ^ ■tl Aa-" — "^ 'VV^^^OVw/ ■^^.Hvltt^ i::^^)^ Mv, ^ AiJ:^ x^.o»-^r^^ -^^^^ -^^K^ ''^-'^A-XjL-^^AZiiL^^. J(jJ!^r-* H^-rtx -H- Ia^v^usj -WiL.V>V>^ ^^ , ^ '^A^ I 7 '^-V'Sisk ^ t-o.^-j/7 iA>-A^^» Vjc -Ox kdl ^^^-*'<*jt^ \>^^ Field IVIuseum of Natural History Chicaoo 3' JL^ /ff /^ Q"^^ C^X/t-xx-y^^ AnORRHM A1.I. rORIlKMPONDKNCK, PI'IIIJCATIOJUW ANI» PACKAOBfl T<1 THK PIKUt MVtNKVM OK NATtTHAi^ IIIMTOUV, CHICAOO, V. M. A. !^ IWYOR.. . NTRAL INES THE LAKE SHORE LIMITED EN ROUTE VIA NEW YORK CENTRAL- LAKE SHORE ROUTE Jy^M^yd % ^ /:a^-l /^ /tl O^y^JtA^^Ai 7 /-P<< Li^/VA^A ^ U {/t^^^ft^t^^^-y^^ ^ ^iLa / ^^m^ c/^:^ ^"l^n<^ ^TT,*-^-^ ^3^ ^l^ytyp'iA^^ cpnr>!^^t^ Q-M^ 6-<.^J^ n^^^ 1 ii:i,i) Ml SKT .M NI>KNC'K, PIBI.ICATIONH ANH PACKAOK* TO niCl.n MI'WKf'M OF NATt'HAI, IIIMTOUV. eillCAOO, W. •. A. !l LJ ■ ' '.'U .fc.' itL).;-c:. ■*ki Fiicij-> Mf;HKi':\i of Natuiiai. IIistouv CllICAOO May 17. 1912. I)r. C. Hart llerriam. 1919 16th Street, ". , , V/a£>hincton, D. n. i?y dear Doctor !:erriamt I am sending you a copy of ray paper on the "Hfeimjale of IllinoiE and Wiscon- sin'^ thinking that you might care to look it over as you will find your name used a creat many times as authority for statements included therein. HenshAw wrote about the bear skulls and I am having them looked up. Yo^-rr trulv. Curator of 2o<5locy. ADTtHRMn AIX COURKWPONnKNCK, PVB1.ICATIONR AWD PACKAOKa TO F1Kt.D MI'SKVM OF NATUHAI^ IIIHTORV, OHICAOO, tJ. ■. A. / f [J)^%U)b ^ UAr- mm r \^ mi-m^ mtmtmtmmmmetmmtmmmmimmmmft^'i \ \ Mv. A fyi^L /fl/AAA^ izaa^. a/iyCi^^./yiy(A7' y^ ^^A^ocx^otyCc^yLc /-^?^!^.^2>V"XL^^, /■ yt-^t^ ac^P't^L.e^ yC^ ^'d^C^ ^ (7 u^. y^€t^ ^ . Y W ^^4} ^€i. JL^ /•^^"^ /jj'^^t >^J*-^-t-.*-eArx' i^Z^^e. -c-<- ^=^-2trf yKRRKI»ym«ROM THB Bit I.I8T OK MRMKKRS, BFFlCCTrV K yf^i^^,..^i_^ , /* / f ^ '^ / VbhT HEdPHJ^St^FUliLT, YOU« if AMR WAS TRANTH- •Resiukni to thf. a Residkmt • KCHKTANT. COSMOS CLUB WASHINGTON, D.C. February 17, 19 21. Dr. C, H. Merriam, 1919 - 16th b^treet, Washington, D. 3. Dear £ir:- Your communicstion of the 5th Instant was presented to the Board of Management at th# meeting held February 14, 1921. There is no "Retired Class'' provided for in the by-laws. The Board considered from your comnunication that your residence in Washington during the year is sufficiently limited to warrant transferring your name to the non- resident list and it is hoped that this action will be satisfactory to you. Very truly yours. ^<^^'!!^^^^^ Secretary. COSMOS C.„U8 WASHINGTON, D.. C. January 10, 1934 Dr. C, H^.rt Merriam 1919 Sixteenth Street Waeliington, D* C. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 4th instant tendering your resignation as a member of the Cosmos Club was preBented to the Board of Management at it's meeting on Janriary 15. In consideration of your long period of memberehip, the Board decided not to accept your resignation out instead voted to relieve you of further payment of dues. Very t^ruly yours, Secretary* DLH : mpd 6> ^^> Vv^ (^(^„ / ^ / 3 / / 7 / / \ y^ ^ M.^«m -^€^^^-t^- .^^/j y J/ <^S A ■gfy^-f -^f c / ^■^"^^ y ^^ ^^-^ €€"t-f-€ **# r *^. '««* ,2^ ^ ./d ""^ '^^>, / 7 c^^ €€^^0^^ ^^ /^4L^e^*^9^^ ^*^ ^ ^u/. /? €^€^-'^^^^.-^^- t^--^ d vO ^^ '^"l^t^ ce,'*-^^ ^ ^T -^^'-^ y ■^- ^ /f< r-r'a^J^'t ^ ^^-^^ y ^ y / •«'<*^ ^ A ><: 9^ -^'J^T-l ^ '^^'^t;^^^^^^^^ tfs^ t^ €- / \ ^^ ^€^y-t^^:<*-^^i /^ ^^ /k44 '^/^/^^^ y f^^^^^ • /^^:fiIl!L^ • 'Xlr-**--*^, /le^^:>^^' y/7j. (^//3_/yycp^J C.J^. Z. — 7" 7^ — ^'^ - ^ ^x // ly -/ ^4^T4j^ -ys6^{^. /3^^^^^^^ S^.^^i7i(^f^fJ // 3, M^n^{uiti('i // /• /^TfMr^^ V. J^^C<^^^^ /7 ^ f ,,; :/l'^j — / f ■^ » % /^.^J., ^^3^ ^ i^4€^ ^'" W ^ ^ 5^ >^' ^X lu/y /^^y/72-(/^yxsJ ^■^■^'^' y0-i^ ^"Z^gr^CA^ /. //'< f A-ir' , -^-^^^ r /^/X^ Please address: — Care SmithBonian InatUution^ Washington ^ D. C. Office of Surgeon and Naturalist of the Survey^ x^*yy^/ ^^^^. ^ /rf7v^ (?U€^ €t^ .--C-^^ Z3^^ -XIj^ ^ - .j/^ J^?^^^^^ M^^reMU/x. t, /t\ €t^ H>bcr^ ^-f' ^- /<'---w y''^M:^£<^ C y ft "i ^^Ci' -^ C'^C^^ Office of t!6. cX ^cc/c^/cae ana YjecaiaAf/fcaf %^ y^tU/i,^^l^ *^ «^V, Office of "M. 6^ ^eo/mem/a'n^ U£6yia/f/fca/ ^iiiJe^ c/ me J'eik'/cUe^. 2/^L^^/v ^/^ y /c^/Y- > Office of \ c5f '^eo/cpm/anJ U^mfi/^^'ca/ C^fiit'e^ c/ ^Ai' J^eikhke^. . /ct / / ux> ^dnM. n^^i-^^^i^'^^ — /4i22i^ ^ ^^"^^ ^^^^^^ ^ <:7^;^^ .-^^ X^ ^^5^ OFFICE OF •\ ' fA \ ^' ^eo^ica/ rrjJ ^m^k^^^ ^^><^ c/w//^^^/^^. ^^^y^ 9i^^^.^ . /^/f. OFFICE OF V • M, cX y.w/cmea/ ana ^em^^^^^^^ ^vf/ ^ /uUfru ^ /^Ik/r^imi, . /^/ ^^/<^^ • / a^ ,^15i1UMc ^IjfeAxiiiL^ ^jjj>.\l.;,,,3__,^ ^^oWAjDvxjUK^^ ^\y>.vXt\iJbVj^^MX/ . • • k k 0/fnt af Hit m. af a^^f- / . f f 1/ f '/ '/ /Vge.d-'/iuY^ "^l^ecy/ ^ ^.w^/Zz ^r?' T^ ~?y^€!tyi. aJU.<~^/^ S /-^>t-ji^r ,::pCc^C^-^L^<^ <^^^< r^^<;»-^ /^H-L.fi4 .^/^^^^^^^^-^^-^^^ <:^^ ^^ .^— ^^ ^ G!!:^kj ^ ^^^ ^'^^^ >2^ ''^JL ^1^^ /■-t^^-t^- <»^' ^2u^r7-ci^!c^ •y^iT ^^t-,^ / r ^ /7 A^ ^i:S*xw /IC^JL, Yt J^^ ^ 'y^^ ££iu*^ -y^ ^ C^ C^^ '^^.VT^.-**^. - n.^c^ / Ot^t^^-tX^ Cc^^^ ""^-^•^I — -^L*' ^^•^— ■< '•C-4^ A^ ^ l^'iU'cAc^ z.<-^L-^'n<\/ >^ ^^^^-^O iyCC€r>^ GTMAJb i,^^ lyt/zy^au^i-^ \/r-tUf-^ c/l^ /l^Ae^^^^ M... C-^i<^rO(*^ ^TS-^^auy ^ ^JOc ^0 ^-1^ 7:?i: ^d^^^, ^/v- ff^mA. /jJLlc^,^ Ac/ ^?u^t,.,..^..^Cfc^^!f-e '^^C<««.C£^ 4^^Ca. __ ^ 0-r^j^ &C.JL, ,,£Ui:^ ..uiz*<. . (ZCj^ 7^ •^^-^zi>k^ ^S^YzL ^iyruM /^ ^2-<5C-«^ OuZiJLLj >c-/ ^^^t^ ^1^ LCajL ^ •^'C<.*^^j Pa-#v ^:^^ i^^2^^45^1 / ^^. 4^2(^»v^ ^J fi'^'i^dL^ £j^ l/i^. jnT-^KA^^^ \jf jLl.^^»-nru^ 2Zub J yfyi^UA^'^ (^ OT^.aZoi'^ ^-<>A. fJd/y ^/l^ ^f>W ^i--^<-<-^^ ^ ^:^t/-Ly4Xh<^ y Aa i^ f^-r-^^ y^-r '^ ' N ^^u^^r^, (^ cyyi>:A d^c\^ a«-\uLV< O^Ty2rzzyu%/ ^^^y ^ -^^t^-c:^ ^e^-^-*x4 y* ^. 2^ . «/^ nruLcAj ^ Uajl 1> 2iZ^ "^^^yT/rli^ ^4 ^ X^2^*'^v-. -^^X^gX-t^-x^ ^/^ *^ l.*^j C4nr€f4^^ n - /<: ^^ y^>y^^^ii< -c^ ,^yU.y^Ag4...^/^^C^^^ J / ~y^<.I^A^ A ^fi.'-'t^ Q^y-^^^'t^ tk^Olt--' /i^ / (LV-^V*^ u' / rf. t * / •<::/ ^-«.>^-<-^ ^-^^ i/^^^^0^^tytJL^ ,<^1-C^ A.OV~fA..^^^ \L-^x.^'i^'y2^j^ 1^-^ ay^^'-'Hh^^tA^^^Co ^ * / >,^-*.^-%>^^ / X <i |J. ^ pcological anil Geographical ^iirvc>' ot the Tonitoras, J^aMngion. 7). t., ' /6 m ^ ^"f^-^-^^. /^ ^ i?^>^^r^ ^ic^ccA.^ , / ^ X f,>^i-6-C> <^^^L-^^. i^ 442::>^-<— o ^^<^ \ /f-f^Cl ^*ue--<^-^ '^^ y^'i^''p~ X^c^ y- i^ :f^ -z' A-T-<^ ^ P ^^^^ ■/ / —Mt0^~- ^ C* ^-^ ^-1^^ c-^' c\ \\ m \^ ' jf' A ^ ^ A.^ -«!lili-V /- ^ -<3t.-^ O /^^^^ &-^*-/^ o/ '''^^. /*^ Gru^< ., £^^<::^ex^ Ajgll!^ --if -^^ if_ ■ ^F; "^^ ■ S^"^' ,^'' J w- - IP' 4"* U. S. pcolopical and pcographical Survey of thr Territories, 7y' ^''^-'■v.^-w^ / /^ ^ 1, ^^.^£^, ^s U. S. Gcolopjical and Gcop^raphical Survey <^f the Territories, ^oMm^n, 0. B., / ii^. >i7-fe ^ « i^n^ i^K--0^ i^^^-** ^^J3 ih^C\ r^* / {^ ^^t^ / >a^ X ^/^^^ ^ .^.^ (y^^--*^^^ r /(^ rol^^^^^^^^- u ^i^ A^.^ A o ^ -^ /'. /<: ^,^ /^. Z^-*—- *!:a_ /"^yi^AyHy^^jtvr-^^^ OVL-^y^r-Li CI. o^^ 1 C^t^t^ t^ I <^>>^ /Z/ix^fVt^^ Z&v-J, I t$^^I€B OW THJE JJ. ^. pEOLOGICAL AND pEOGRAFHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES, ,/^ f^ / l^ r^^^-c ^j *" >^«2. 4 / <^y^z^ Y *^CjC /^ Ce:<^^^Z^J ^nc^^^^ ^^^/Jy /JA/r'. ^ ^i^ f2^2^_ ,>/-/Z, ^s»^y^ r^^u^y ^^^/r li^ ^ **^ V^ ^r'V ^ -C-t-^J y^/^. :) >T>^1 X / ^<^^~ >i^^-^ ^£2 2^ 1^-^ ^^ ?-^^5t-a 5 -:^^^^<^^^^' ^^/:^ /.^i^P^^-xoS) ^^^ i^^ ^V^-t^ y^^^^i^ €>i/-z:^!^~^ ^^ ^'^^^^ f^ ^x ^^^ fiL^TZTZ^ / ^ /^^ ^ .^ Va-> ^^ ^«^t_^ <<^ -*<. ^T^'^-^ X^ ^^2^^^ . .^^'^y^t^^^it^ ^^-^) A^t^^ ^C- r ^ -^, ^~l-K^ Z^, /^ ^^ .^^ ^ifG.^^t^^.^O^ / /yE- y^T^^^/ ^ i^L^ ^-^^ .^O <^ A^-^ ^-§^ /2^^ -<-) , -> t<>tJt - / t-^^c -^-z jt^^Oi^V^ ^^ <-^^ ^A/u/u^i^^ /^^^/^ ^^^^Ct . Q>^^/C^vU^^^-^^r /.^^Ch ^ 1^ , yf^^^^ ^ ifL A^^^--t^ccJ ^-jtj£j([^^ p ^ ^>^L^*^ ^1^^^ /" ^ ^\^-t^ /r./ ^ /^^^^^ ^Z^^<^ r^^-^^-^-^-^ ^^^Co ^^i^HA^-^t^^ , ^ / ^^^c^^^^f'^ f ^ l^ /^J l^^ y ^ ^<.XA.^^ -e 'ly'^'^H't. < -v/^ // i^t^ t <-t,^w >^ S> K^:»^ X ^ '*^ ^K"< A^^f d. I (U^ C?X^-u^^ CM yt^/^£_^£^ /J^^a^ Z^^' i^i^X;2<^Z7 ^" 5^ ^2^^• ^^/^^ ^:^ ^ /r/^^A ^ ^ ^)C^ x-^ ^^-€^ ^^^ ^^^ 'ii^2-€.*nJU^%4.J^^^ ^ y ^ ^^4^ ^^^^. /' X^e-^^ >C-^^*-^ ^ ^ '^^w^^^T! .^^^ ^^ Au..^ ^. A ^^^-c ^ i^t^^^A^ /t^ ^ *?^- ^ / i^^^^ /y?^^d^t^ -ly ^^^-z* ^//^ <^:>/ /4=Ci^^yg //^a::^ u^^l-^^ C^'T^i-^^^^^ — ^^^ d^^/^^^ ^Ce /HZ^^t^ c:ii^ jy^t^^^ ^ ^/ /^-t-^V ^ X ^t -t^ .T? H^k^. ^J^ ^a^ i:) V^ / /- ^^ C^/<^' xi^y^'^'-^^r^^i^. ^-^-^^^ /^i^^o^ ^^^~i^'^'^^i/ ^^?o Z^^U- y #^ — <^^-<^ r y V J) /^^^ ^ /v^ (^i J'T^f^ ^-t ^ O c^'^ ^^r^ ly^ <> >»»fti^».*i^*IM« IIM llilWH Ifficc of e. IKat* SlU'j^ia w, f)ll. "3)., i?ocn»t ^roue £cwii Co., ?>l.^. '^Ia^Xs.^^^ .^^J^A^sk-^ ^VW. 8s, 1882? \ "Na^^^/Cj "'VUjSi '*^«'^«-^^' >^^%«'' \ . . ...v^\ \ '^VOMJ^Xl %^)..A^ •■^«».^- i/yyy.'^ fl, Jt^ Spencer F. Baird, SECRETARY. y7^/ry. ^ 1 ^Tl/t^^^v^^AA^^^ S^^Zt^^ u Jj^uSlZ:r^ 1 rzc^^ ,^3^^< ^'^ ^^^^9---iZZZ n^UAAj / ^ ^(y^ oc^^x^ix^ J^^C^xu^^^^sr.^^ A--<^^^, /yt^^k^UAA^cr^^ , ^Jyi^^^ j^^^^UAA^ ^-^^yf^^^u^ rH^h^ "^^k-l2^^^^ /^^ ^ ^ '^ C. i^'-^-i^Jik.^.^riJ'~~r' (2^!»-r^ Mtru^ , -^ru^. /Z/--M^ ^d^i4^C4A^^ -CL^f-U __ ^^^^ ^ p^^^—. 'dJ^^'y^ .^s>tA..40 / ^ ^^ ^ ai^ <^^2--o<_-^^ y a^-il^ / 4 \ <^-- ^^^,^eyu! ^^^--/Ci.L.^rhh ^^^^>^^^^^/ i/i ^S-^^tL, ^^W^ c^t^ ^i/-t^^^ % Spencer F. Baird, SICRETAItV. ftJ^^^ ^ '^df> /\ /^* X/^ 77"/^^*^^ Spencer F. Baird, , SECRETARY. J.v-OJ ^^t^/f (J^-'-d^^^^rl^O^ ^^y-l^vU^J^ "^Tl^UtJ^yU^^^L^ ^l-f6^(f^^^-'>'T_' . A^ "232-^,-x„^^-^ oi/x^6^ /:pC^ iUf-ry^^. CZ^(L-^^ ^^- ^::C'Cyi^<^^ ^-^^o c7^ /^^-^-^-^^^^-^ t ^^xj^.^tA'i^ / O- ^>^^ S^ a^^2jZ^ ^z^/^T:^ .'C^- %..» \ . « Spetxcer F. Baird, SECRETARY. ^(f(f^ A^. W^r^ J 0.i^ t^ V' €^\^ '- A -^-ztV ''//' I'-^.^t^.-tMj G». % tZ^^uu ^. -r £r-\u^^-r ^ .yL^ T jZ2 ^^~uxD «\i <^c C^^^^^u.^^-^ <^ / /4J /^ I^^^". 7^ c/^ ^^i^^ Jr, / , ^ %• \ ' '^m. Spencer F. Baird, SECRETARY. '4^^ ^. ^2^^J«^^ c.--^^^^^ ^i^j///a/i6^/^^ Spencer F. Baird, SCORCTARV. ^^^%Ay 7;z^ A%,rt^, /^'/Oc^ ^^-r^r^ ^i^ ^A^i^.^ ^(^ jC^^^^ /- ^^=^ A — xU^ n, ^^/wV- //^' ^ f/jvt.<^ ^^ -^£..&V^ ^^ JC ^^3l-t-c. / ':>^ r /— ^^^^-^^^ ^^^^cD- /:,yU^ ^ l^C^^ ^ ^A^yuU^i^^ ^ /^^^-^^^^ / y.o ^fc Q.x^ A^C^c2^--/>i j^A./U' ^^Z^ ^^ij^-^(^^:x,^(^yi^x.t^^ ^ — >c«^ A-^vy^^<-H.-xwfe /^ ^<>/-9^>'r-^^^ ^^--r^yQ ^y^ ^^^^^ a. •^ o -J ^n^ / ^^^^ ^^^j^—tr^ Cl^^' J^^^-^^^^-^-^^c^^^ O-t^ ^3^u-<^^d«-^<-^ ~ ^1-^ ^caiZ/\^ (^.^fhi^-^ C^^^Liy^"^ / €^ ^>^ ALM^^^ y /^t>^ iO^^^ /Ui^Q^ru^^J^ ,^Ey^^^-^^ . e/3 T €^ *!^L-^ ^^ZZ2. -r --»- — ^rG^h^^/^ Z'V^ Tv^^^^-^t^ /"^(^Q^^iL^^:^ y^"^ *"^ ^ ^%~^-v_^/^ .^ *-<7 ii^^ -.-^ y C ^^C^^^S-^A{.C^^^ /"O^ i //L ^>7 r , i/%CAA^ i^^iW^ ^^^*y2^ ^^V^ ^^C.-^ /^z^-^r;? ^^ ^^tyU-CA^ Cc 2ii-- /Uh.. y^-r--\ /^^^^^^A^ ^^^ K^iT^ ^z^ x^. '^^^^ 6^^ /v^ Cri^K..^ Ci/-tyCC A. '"^^' /^-4f: .^e ^ > oc^ ^>i!yw/-CA — r (i^t^<_ -LV^-'^^Ih, <^I^-^^ H^^:>?5^ /iTty^ ^J^^i^t C^/XiA.^ /l^^cy^t^ i^^^W/ 4^-^^ ^ -~ ^ ^^£3 ^.^/j QMy^>^-(i^cru^ / Z' n<^c^ G^ Oi^t^tyU^ ^^> / 1^ "'^2S^c^ y^i^y^ ^5>MJr^X^-t/^t<^^ 6? ^^'^fea^ ^fer-^tl^^fr /^ :3> — »- /- p-K-^^yf^i^ ^"""^ ^ L^t^L < ^€A^ /Y^^tn^yr^^ /\^>€^ I £Ay^n.j-.^^ty^ j2e4X^(^\/' AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL. HISTORY, CENTRAL PARK (77th St. A. 8th Ave.) NEW YORK, '^<^^&-^, //^ 188^ ^Crt^^-ii. ^ r- / ft^ Cijhy (^^--i^^^ ft*^ C^ ^^^xJi^^ 6^ ^ / 'i_-€,H^ c *- V ^^ -c^e / c c < ^ ^^"r;^T~ (^^* / 1 j^ .4^ A^A^ /'c « ^ Qx-yX-^^- / .* #' /^ . /^^ ^^^«-/ ^^ ^z^^C *1 i^rf^i^^T ^^'^ ^ <^ <- t^XJ><^ ^/^ /. k n ( i^ -s^t_^-f^ «^ X CH t^^ ^ i C ^ ^ 1 <^< < / t ^^ ^T. 7 /^ ^^ ^^^- r- e r^ C c^ 'v.-^-tftsw*^^!^ ^- •*• .^Ofc^ 4^ '^ i^ ^ ^^ zl e-zL^ ^^ ^^-^^.X- 'V^jw UJ Y5 > / 2j^?/ '/"/^/I'eT?^ Spencer F. Baird, SECRETARY. ^i^^my S^ ^_.^/_^ ^-^'^w-^r.. / / c^ >^— c^t_^y^K—^ ^ '-. "■- / % - • A '^2yC^C^ ^^ (^2^ /^/^^^ XTSi^ ^^-J^c.^^ . It OiuH^^^^ \,>,:j^ U^.c^c.^^t'^^ ^ CABLE ADORCSS: Coucs, Washington HOME address: 1726 N Strcct. Washington, D. C. OFFICE ADDRESS : Smithsonian institution, Washington, D. C. •^^^S^. 0 189^ A. O ^x$ti^ ^-r.^^-'tuJ^^ jU^ ^h^&p^, 6^M.<^-«^^<^2a. /^^^L^ /^ /ffY / iZuj t-e> l^ COUES,yWA»MINGTON ME. A DIGRESS : 1Tj^> N Strect. Washinqton, O. C. / -'OFFic/' address: SMITMSONIAIi INSTITUTION. WASHINGTON, O. C. a/rr^ Y 109^ J^-2W^-^^ ' ^i r/^t4^i^^ . v>0 ^ CABLE ADDRESS : COUE$. WASHtNGTOM HOME address: 1726 N StiRECT. WaSHINOTON, D. C. OFFICE ADDRESS : SMITHSONIAN IMSTITUTIOM. WASHINGTON. O C. (OJc^ir . Ji V . 189 / rZ^. C> /■ r ^:ty-^ ^J .. y?'/-t-^d^ Z-l^-^ /T/ £^J ^tL . 4. (9. ^. .^^//^ ^ ^^^ -^ ^^- trZyt^-^Vt^ .^o^ '6- ^-^ ^^ yy^^^.,.^^^^7Z.ML-> t *^^ £A«S'*T-«'<-^ 0->x^ ^ --Ji^i^. /^ c^ // •^^ • ^*^ ..^^. / U-f^ 2-'t-'7 — ;^ /^^ CABLE ADDRESS C OU C S ^ W A S M I M G T O N HOiwiE address: 1T26 N STHttr Washington, D. C. OrFJCC ADDRESS : SftSlTMBONIAN INSTITUTION. WA«Mlll«TON O C. ;/'.^ U, 18« /'O'l^ /^T^^^^-'VT,^ (yti^iyC^^^f^-c^ // ^ ^.£^^ Cyff'yon..^^yi^'i^<^^ .^..■/A i^ >on^.£^e.^ ^k-^ t^Ci^^ V:>^r>.t.^xfi^ //f ^e^ ^2- » ^-^--T-^ rf^' .^^^y-uj^y ariiji f>— rfciw ■ l^lWlMVft-'«***^>*"'^^'^'**"*'Wlrf"ll<^ri r-"-t»'''*-r'**t''tt,-jrt' t) ■% imr iir — ..i^.w ;iji:.?i?i;^jf^^ ■■^■eyi^r^- •< ^^«5S^kii$iif^^^ •os. I' »y.-. m^> .nrpiii" THE ILl.USTRATTONS-IN THE BTAKDAKJ V . URAL HISTORY !To the Editor of Science — Sir : tRel ring to the statement in Science ;pf '4pniJ e O'tv.'^^o u^VSm v'^^HW l^x". do ei> •i 1895, page 387, tbj> of BeconScl column, that iVCJ?. [certain illustratioiis of Br^hm^s Thuxkbm^ ^ were pirajed by ihQ Standard KaturaL His- tory ^^ I beg to say that it is incorrect and libelous. The matter concerns me, as one of the authors of the iStondarc? Natural History, and also as the author of the Key to North American Birds, in sevei-al later editions of which many of the same illustrations were used by my publishers, Messrs. Estes & Lauriat, of Boston. As ^ piracy,' like pla- giarism, implies dishonesty, the allegation thus made by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, who signs the article, is too serious to be over- looked. Nevertheless, being ready to believe that Dr. Merriam erred through inadvertence, I am prepared to accept an apology, in so far as I am personally concerned; but I am not authorized to state that this will be con- sidered satisfactory by the other parties who have been thus libeled. Very truly yours, Elliott Coues. Washington, D. C, June 5, 1895. [The word piracy may be used in two senses — moral and commercial. When I wrote the article in which it was stated in- cidentally that the Brehm plates in the Standard Natural History were pirated, I be- lieved that they were in^both senses. Among the reasons for this belief may be mentioned the following : 1. The book itself contains no statement of the fact that the illustrations are taken from Brehm. 2. The anatomist Fiirbringer states that he searched in vain for a copy of the Stand- ard Natural History in Germany (Journal fiir Ornithologie, Apr., 1892, 138). 3. It is stated in the Natune Novitates, Berlin (Vol XV., No. 1, Jan., 1893, p. 18 ^* ^ I nr. 326), that the work ^may not be im- I ported into Europe on account of the re- i production of the Brehm woodcuts.' [^ Darf • in Europa wegen Nachdruck der Brehmschen Holzschnitte nicht eingefiihrt werden.'] 4. The name of the artist, Miitzel, was erased from many of the copied plates. When the attention of the editor was called to this injustice, he replied : '' The cutting u out of Miitzel's name was a business ne- ^' cessity."! If, in spite of the above facts, the cuts in question were sold to the publishers of the Standard Natural History by the publishers of Brehm's Thierleben, I withdraw so much of my original charge as may be inferred to imply commercial piracy ; but I by no meams retract the charge of moral piracy — the greater offense of the two, because it has no legal redress. Is the deliberate reproduction of another's , pictures without credit less censurable than the reproduction of another's words or ideas? And what shall one say when the sin of plagiarism is darkened by the erasure of the artist's name, so that neither artist nor author may be known? Just why Dr. Coues mentioned his Key to North American Birds, and his publisher, Estes & Lauriat, who by the way were not the publishers of the Standard Natural His- tory, is hard to understand, inasmuch as neither were mentioned in the review to which he takes exception. Since the above note was sent to Science I have received a letter from the publishers of Brehm's Thierleben in Leipsic. They state that they sold to Estes & Lauriat cer- tain electrotypes from Brehm, to be used by Estes & Lauriat only^ ' under an agreement according to which it was, forbidden to Messrs. Estes & Lauriat to resell these elec- trotypes.' They state further: " As we had been informed that notwithstanding this settlement our electrotypes had been resold, we called Messrs. Estes & Lauriat to ac- count, and they were forced to confess that they had resold the electrotypes " to three different firms! In reply to my question: "Were the electrotypes sold by you to S. E. Cassino & Co., and published in the Standard Natural \i :*f«: i i ■x^^: ^ K -I ,i 'fjJ<::*Uvi^r'>*fN>'v?<^i{>*"flsi^^^ 684 SCIENCE. [N. S. Vol, L No. 25. History with your knowledge and consent/' they state: " AVe answer No ! These electro- types had not been sold by us to Messrs. S. E. Cassino & Co., and were used without our permission in the said works. Besides, we are still at issue with Messrs. Estes & Laur- iat, Boston, on account of this affair." C. Hart Meeriam.1 SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. ] Report on Water Supply ; Geological jSurvey of New Jd^sey. By Cornelius Clarkson VERMEuiE, Consulting Engineer. Vol. III. of the Final Report of ^ the State Geologist. \^ 1894. / The Geological Survey of NeW Jersey has just issued a report bearing thye above title, the interest and value of whicjfi are not lim- ited by State lines. Its autlioi*, under whose direction the topographic map of the State was made, has had the best of opportuni- ties for studying the questions involved, and has not failed to avail himself of them. The results of his study have been put in as simple and available form as possible, con- sidering the complex nature of the problems. The range of interests touched by the re- port is great. It will be of inestimable value to cities and communities which draw or may draw their supply of water from the streams of the State, and to manufacturers who use or may use the power afforded by them. Less directly, but not less certainly, the report will be of great value in the same lines outside the State, since many of the principles developed are of general and some of them of universal application. The report also contains discussions and suggestions which have a bearing on agriculture and for- estry, the latter of which is just now attract- ing wide attention in this and othei- States. The educational value of the report is great, not only to those whose financial and sani- tary interest are touched by it, but also to students of hydrogmphy and geology, and to intelligent citizens in general. From this standpoint, its value lies not only in what it proves and affirms, but also in what it disproves and denies. It is scarcely too much to say that there is not a community or a class in the State which may not be benefited by the intelligent study of the volume before us. The study of the water resources of the State was begun by Professor Cook long ago. As early as 1868 the subject was dis- cussed by him, and the annual reports of the State Geologist have since made fre- quent reference to the subject, and have reported the progress of the work, the re- sults of which are now embodied in this volume. Interest in the qujcstions of which it treats has been stimulated by the rapid gi^owth in population, especially in the vicinity of New York aiid Philadelphia. In 1882, 587,760 people in New Jersey were dependent for water upo4 systems of public supply. In 1894 this number had nearly doubled, while the anaount of daily con- sumption had increased from about 49,000,- 000 gallons to about 108,000,000. Of this amount, 100,000,000/ gallons were dra\vn from streams. If the population of the State continues to increase at the present rate for another half century, and if the demand for water keeps pace with the in- crease in population, as is sure to be the case, it is evident that another half century will make heavy demands upon the available supply of water which the State affords. On the basis of the recent rate bf increase in population, it is estimated that by 1950 that part of !New Jersey adjacent to Newj York City will need 547,000,000 gallons of water daily; and the author remarks thai " since fifty years cannot be considered 6 long time in the future for which to mak( provision, it is evident that the time ha; come for us to know what our resources ar^ and to provide for their preservation an^ wise development" (p. 6). The investigation of the water resource f i I i ,1 18 Munic the Co to the sides, t ShangI the sa. which ^x imij perhaps sum of equatori instance little es] observat- I hav< myself t< distribut< ^ of scienc' advance t them to V them to b ing to th. pose of, to Observato thusofthi a private i to be able to the bene solicited m for the pro Observaton Its titles to and its wor] above; title far from beij Shanghai. / I presumej asked-for mo Hy claim, be erations, I da be received ki factors will be in this useful Si Zi-KA-WEi, na AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. ^rmt. jA- 7 a. / *^ •^'" c^ -rCk ^/^ ^/iii 'v1a^ax/>^ fpl N. ^, if^/^ ^ 4^.SJl r'^^f^/hc^^rrvsua^ A^utlA. A<^» ^fruji^^fi^ C^€1L^ ^ \/t^lZii^^ a~yit ci^ u^tA /H-tV^c/^ ci^^4...^-UtJ^^z:-;^Ary^ ,/«.*«- A^ ^ >4^ ^n^^UU^ ^^<.f^jLM^ C)ri^t^^^€d^ y^riM y>. ^/- «*y. y^a^JL. _ X^n »£>^-*c^^ -*»'*^ ^'e^ ^tu£i^ .t,Hi^2G^u4hr<-^^^S^. ^r y^-^^. /ysi tta^^ /M V. ^ (J'^ /if. /^7 /<'3VA->{V. PhiUrrfcOM. r- Qcoam^^lJa U-^f^fu fri^ ^cmmJoUc AdAA^aut^^Nfwr ITvtL S MAt $ktLU e. « A^*? ^, iU4>C*^ C^VlrT *^ 7^ ^^ i^ di:*^ .- f^"^ e^JZu^^ ^f-i^- -,^^ ^««^uA ^ Q/u^tri^ . .^ ^/^<:^ ''°y tlfi. *u ^t/iu^ i^^iAiX^ *^^^ ^^^-nz... c^y-f^ ^^^-^ /fe.k^c^ iS^t^-AU 7?^*..»^i^ -^ ^/^ ^eU^A^t^*^ ^ /*-4.-4^ »V^ •-^ ^;^4^,a^ ^^— tW -«=^ ^^-^ ^SU. S. i^ cu^^u^e.4u^y ^ A^ t y7 Ad ffc^ /^^ /b — tt**«-«^ ^ UZ^ ^^%A^€ti^ ^ /Zo^Uo^ ^Plru.lJ~^ tf^ *^/^ «-/ Ci/ti^ <3^!CLe.<^c^^ U,A^ Hr^ dt €<^.*'^ j^A^i^ i!^ m^^AuA/in^ y ,^A. ccmM/l, ^^iy^ /f^tn^, &Jr^ -€n t<: 777 ^^M^dT^^. A. J.^t€. -CCUd4 V*X«-**^ Ttt^f^ ^€lSrf9sJ^ .^i^. -M <^i^^^-Cc e tt-^Ciis^-u -i^l— -'tL^^N.C -rt-'^^^j^/^/ (^^v^JXito ^Ua*i -'^^^^Aii-W ^^*^*^*^ ^^^~^^^/^ ^'^€a;y'ta/z^A^^ iU.o^^ c<-C ^o*<^^ *'^/^iy€t:^ r^f^sJoHf^ '— C^ ^i^.^^iT^^^'^^^Q-^ it ^uJte' 7- ■x(, r^fyj.. >>w/r /M^-^ ^rf 7 / /'^"^^/"'^ \A>C'*0 l^firu.^^ cz>^ /^«--y^ mjL4^ i^y^nZZS A^?l>-«^<^ /^»-rV>**^ ^-^^"^^ *crt^r-">*t<^ /^^ ^ ^/i -^4^ ^J"2^II> /^ if-t^A.*^ y*^ ^v2^^_ /^^^€n^< y^rt^uZi^u^ ^P-/^S&-^TU>^- /*<- />>«* ./Z^ ytlitX^ -^^ r-^ f^/Lt." cyQ'^*-* ^^ ^^L^^yi^-P^ yye / ^^^4H^ ^?nrvcS> ^^"K** ^ A^ ^^ /^^..^xy /9^zni.^ ^2>'l<. y^^^^^/'t^'^/^Ttl ^g^A^'^^-D ^ZclWcc/>^//« *w /A: 5*. ^ «.^^ 64X. At^ > Znr>#» UAj miMts Sffrt^, t-c^ "Tivy ^»>^ <«,^^Z^V^« c/ ;V'a^-<^ ^44<-C ^^CL £L4^^*^^ i^ ^^etl^M^^^ /ui^4ris^^ .^ j£Si^^i,u^ 4 4^-t ^ -« ?^^L4/y^^^, "^ ^. /„£6c^^ 2Sle^ <^ /r^/ TfU.^ M^^/r Ho, Oh.^. (<^ /' f f ^, cJ /H .iJZi:::.^^ ^>i4^ju^L^ mJ^ '^l/'r^^^ 4^lZu f^c<^tV^ 9~t^^ J.^'C^^ "^x-*c-*^ 'yttt^^^C >v--t^ "^W\ *'^L£-u^ Xfcv^ ^ /^^W^ ;^ «.^ A,7^Jiy '^/j-CL^{^ A ^ ^^X^ 'H4tSSffr*1 //- ^ ^ /nr^...^C^ GJ^ oL^L,.^ cocJTi^ ^cnJ, ^'iyC, ^cei^u^^..^*:^ ^jyiih Xu^e^;^ /ju^iZi^ ^ vtir^st "Zix, 4'i«A^e ^ ^cJ^-^-cji^^ JD A^^^o' C^t^c ^ia^ /ff fp^J>^^ -16:. /i^CCi/- nic^ g^.c.c.,..^^Z^ ^ ,^^/^ A ':? C ,s^4l_ 1^^^ <: c*-f /■^t-O 7 ,<^ 7^ *** ^- ^ c^,is^^ /S^-t-/^— '^ 7"^-*- /-^€^*^^ //n^^^"^^^^ /^/^ /^^-^, /^w >>^ /9 M-*-*'- 1^ "**^ .-^ /» ,^,.,^oJ<^ '^'f^^ ^ y tAt^^^^^S^ /t^f **^Cv «^, //.^^. -^^ ^^^ '-=^^ .^?;^ yAi^^-v't/ /^ir'^. y. '^^•'^'^^'^^^ ^ ^Tio^c-e^-^^^^^ <^/ ^/ ^^ -^^-»<^ jyt-M d^ ^rc»^^ (CiT .^2.*..^**^-^^^ ^<^w^ ^ ^ t^L^^^^C^Jn^ ^-yih^Ct^X^^ l^ ^rUtA 7h /LyV^^^ff-^^c^-M \t,^^^ 'jc^H^/^^^^-^ / a.j&. vJ^Z^oAj ^^ ^ndU.^:ti^tt^-fM^ -d^^if -/Z itZ a2 ^Ix-V^ 4^^-?^ //^ '^-^^^TV^^^^Wrr. ?»/ //-« iJrOl /^<^/' ^«; V< ;^ *.;^^ /V y/T^ -^ ./ V P, 7a^^9/^c^ 1 /i ^' i^ciy t cuu^^^^^ ^Lv' €»>Vw^ 6V7^ ^;^ JttO^ eo w-?^ /^^^ /^l/u^f^^'f^ ?^^ /t^ €J^»^ 1 yt/uHij w7^^ '^tf^*< M^cry9 £1^. ^^^p4^#- /^CZZ3L ^Aa^ ^^,^^t^^ ^ ^12^ ^^ stjM' / Try^ry^ c^^-ce-.^ A.^jL'^^^ /^^^•Hr>f-^^ hAo^j~^ [CLJCJL. ^/t^TTeM-^^^^^^^^^/^fK- ot^cyTt f/^ • ^f-t^-^^ ^yU ^.oTT^-^^- ^^ ^ ^ ^? 1 tUy ^-tU.,V-^©n^. c^ ^tXUvA itxr-ui^ '^ ^iJ^'^ ? >v*-iL»-V^ 3 -c-*.,^ ^-^te «>«-w^-4^^ <^ ^7^*-»o ^/^V>^-<^^'T^^>^^^--o />>^t^L^^ -A^AXx-i.^ ,;^^ .(^rir' /^^»t^ ^^^^-^ ^^UUU (G*^: tf'-'inr xy AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. •/ A%>/'~^^7^e^2^. iU^/s-^^ .^r*-^^ ^61^-^-^^* ^^ i^i^vCC, /^ ^. j^£^^IZr ^^Cl^ ^^ ^,^^^,c^ ^■^iJ'^^^^'^: ,2,,^^^. 4/^^, /-^f */^' V fMi/rV ^^^-t^ ^c^^-rtrt^, /r^^<^ /.^^^( T^'P ''^^ ^/7T^ '^^-T*'^ ^^^^*-^ ^^ ff^'^^ '^ /i^ ^tt^, /^■>-i^/^.//.*-r*^''^ -^.^ ^ .^S^ .^ ^t^ a^ ^^'^ A^', 4^**- rUtu)S^^\, ^ '^' ,QjL^4^u.az3^ (U^mu^^tcM ^^^, *^-^ .w?U^ ^ ^^-^ /^o^ <^ c^^tS^ a^'^'^ /yit4 rr^.. ?yc^i* ^X, ^c CiA>*^ :t^t'' nf ? /^^'^^V'T^^'^-sZ^ J-X^-C^C^ylH^c-^-*^ /^^HCX^ Q^tA^ c<^ l^:i:uc — /^ Aa..,*^^ /c-c^d.'ino ^^^---^^^ CL^/UcLf^ ^CA>t^t) ^t-A-M^ ^iA4.AJL* /y CL^TiTkL >7^<^ ^;;2^ 'Ti^^^e^ ^ / /^/^-«r ^^^■U^^^ £x.u/^ (^i^iy^M, t'-V jH^ ^ ^ ^. '^y^. AN ILLUSTRATED MAC^^INF. DEVOTED TO THE I TEKESTS OF ORNITHOLOG e Osprey Company Publishers ot The Osprey 61 NORTH Prairie Street Edited by Walter Adams Johnson Associated with Dr. Elliott Coues, WASHINGTON. D. C. '>^<^ ^-^t^ c/f. '^tjL4\ /duyir '-H^ O^^^u.^^ yU-c-^^'^^^. ^ '^'^y L^nu^ z;?^ ^^^r ^a ^ s.^i^ l^i^'eJl/, Cd ^'o^^^ /^^ ^-^^^"^^"^^ CL^sr^^^^/^/ j^i:, -x^^ -^ a:^ Ai^'^iK^u^ ^^^ ^ yr^ fiu/tu. Ur C^^v*^^>^ /iiJ^^<<2^o <^^J^St^^*y^ ^^^ "^^^ ^ / CfiJl y^ ri / # ^ 4^ across /o l,^o^. ^f- / ' £? 4* 4 A<*^ ^<* ;; ^*^flLiiLc y^dr <*^ ^ ruJr^^UjCa^ y^/^ /J^/-;^^ l/^^./^' w<^ -tu/v / H-*'// ^-^ '■yM'C f7o7.r^ T /^j-t-Q^-./Y -^ ^'^r/ U^J-^^-^ ,^^^^^ C4- n6-^ ^ ojif/ A ^/^>#V ^'5'^^ ^^ ^ Jci^O' '^ ♦•^z '/f T»*-< ^C^ 4l4o yhJ=sZLtA «y/ -^^, ^:^^ E^'-^^-y ^^ TTtus^u^ ^A-^-^^-W^/^^^ fit^c^ ^tr ^::^^ re ^ifTH ^^ rf <^./?. /:.. iJ^ j^^^^ ^/^,^/s.- ^^/-' oe^v^. <^ S" Ce^^O, / i2^^4P^'^^^<=^, ^^.-•w. A 'J^*-^ 4 /lj^. cUm^ /O p,H4, <;Z^^i^^-c ■*-^ Cf «4X4, CU-yy-, '~^ 4A.C fti/t>i ' y/ iu4A>c a It ^ f^ /^ ^/ -Ck*^ /^-^ro^-^ /s ^,^ ,^,^ ^ ^ ^^i«^;;. -MT^ jU^L^^ /. r'- *7-C^ cry\?. 6»^ ^ >7^-^ <^ /. /*2<^<>^ f^^ Cas^ y^r>^^ .,^u2et^ "'£j/H0, • -* J ^ Z,A.^^( /^r^U^^tn^ J -Oyrr/iZ a .-^Ld^tA -^r^Aci^ ^^/*^ /^. r*-oi^C- ^-4^eMJu ^^ i^-*f <*_<^ •/ >^.#k-^ /'^fZ/- ^ /»^ «^^/ <^C^^s ^/ ^ ^ ^»^V ti'^^Mf^ ^ y^^^^^t^^JZtt ^ /i^PiTTfe ^«/>i .^^^:^u>- ^ ^^^•^^^**^< -^ ^o h^'<^c^ euffr^C^f ///-.// /" ,'>>l. 7o->yi ^dc ^/fx^^ 1726 N Street Washington, DC Z^t4JtAf^ Ju^ x^^. ^-H'i e<» V/ z^^'**^ / rve/^ -^^U^ ^^ •K Jc±£^ ^ftdM^Ci 1. C^UK. C^ S. ^u^^cM^ ^ U^U^y^ y/D e^^->^ zrVc o /- cc^rC^ ^/UAA4.r^ /o /T7 ^ Cl^CAy l^^^s^» " ^ A^ J^ ^A^ ^^V*-^-/'^*^ /^r»-.-€^ ^^^-^ ^^^•^ tu\ /44 c^:/^cM ^ — t:>Tuu^' y>^^i/^ /)^# ^ ^^^^^, ^t^^ h) /^tc^r- i?/<^ ^cc4l0/ J-^f^t^y^ /uZ L4rUl^'H V ■Y x'**^ ^ Cou?t4 ^a 7u^r*'r ■^^•o^^u^^y^^ 1^ »«**♦*«< ^-^)y:cc^4£^ OL >v»i; -^ ^^<^ «4r»f /^ ^/TtJ^ 4tr-l S^i^^i^ «C»-6cC 'inri^'^JLi ^&€M^ /i:|^^^— iCL-e.^rj<. .^.iUm, ^^a:^S'rt^ ^ &t^c;?^ ^^^LA.^ /V^/^-X. So U /t ^^f^^i^iH^G^ 7^nS airwr ea>/«2^ ^ij4U4 <3Lr^^ 1726 N Street j Washington, D.C. J')'*JV. -^3 / *v '^hJ*U^4j~*ly ^ ^* ^ , /. J«» /» >y». 7>f^ Ptft .♦^-^S^ Z^£u«> /5^5f itAjcJ ^ ^M. A€.^ <>t*€^ ^<^ ^'^""^Zu^^j^tAJU ^tlT"^ / 5<^».^-fe— -^ L^%c^ .*<^ EKESTS Ol'Y I^HOLpbv Wl HK LEADINGf MONTHLY FOK ^,^^" in[1-SX-"eVl^*^ ^Cr-;^-^^ V. -zr-fo^^^f^. So J tal^ y^<^. a>c4D ^n^ <:^ « CrntiJi^.,,^ ^^ — t/oA^^^ iZI^ '^f^ T^^y^/^^ 4^-*^ (l-*--^.-^ i£l u^,<^. AN ILLUSTKATi DEVOTE TB ORNITmjLOGY THE I-i^*iCNG/MONTHLY FOR S^^BfcKlV^T^DBNTS IN ^^-- AJffKKICA The Osprey Company Publishers ot The Osprey 61 N0R**+*4'*'w*f«*'H--«^TREET V Edited by Walter Adams Johnson Associated with Dr. Elliott Coues, WASHINGTON, D. C. GAn y tN ILLUSTKAT^^MAC.AZINE DEVOTED ^WTHK IN- dl^HOLOGY THt;;3S;^AI>INCi MONTHLY FOR IKD-STIIDKNTS IN AMEKICA The Osprey Company Publishers ot The Osprey Edited by Walter Adams Johnson Associated with Dr. Elliott Coues, WASHINGTON. D. C. Galcoduku, fa.. 1 ^ ^j^ 9 -^•r/^ AN ILLUSTKATKD4 TEK ORNii GY THE G MONTHLY FO« STUOENTS IN MEKICA The Osprey Company Publishers ot The Osprey Edited by Walter Adams Johnson Associated with Dr. Elliott Coues, WASHINGTON. D. C. vtwc.Xf. /^? Galcgdurg, 111., tr%rz^ O^ Ju. ^j^tA^ Imjl^ ">^ ..^-/^ ;t^ ,/^ Aju*^ ^AA'Ct'*^ 'L .£^ ^% .,_.<^/w^ ??i ^ (A >mit^*^ ^ ecA^^ £:^-<--'^--*-^ /''^ '^l f*-"lCc.oA^ ^/M-*' ^.^.^^t^p^^-x^l^r^ -«» V/cA^i.! Jt ^^ ^.^^. JH^iWJbu^ «A-^-t]tAA_«( ^ '^.e >— ^-K- H iiiO«— »- ^ THIS SIDE IS FOR THE ADDRESS ONLY, ^o 2?^ C. HaJ: nie4^'^rH, AN ILLUSTKA-li^l^WS^ DEVOTED TO 1^ ^ The Osprey Company Publishers ot The Osprey 61 Noiuii [^RAifiiB- Street Edited by Walter Adams Johnson Associateti with Dr. Elliott Coues, WASHINGTON, D. C. Galcgdurg, III, a^wf^ AN IL4-V^TRATED MAOAZINK OE VOTED TO THE IN- TERESTS OF ORNITHOLOGY THE LEADING MONTHLY FOR BIRD-STUDKNTS IN AMERICA The Osprey Company Publishers ot The Osprey 61 North Prairie Street Edited by Walter Adams Johnson Associated with Dr. Elliott Coues, WASHINGTON. D. C. LESBURi .^^Vl/>l/^^^^^Tt.<-^^ [}^ 7 i ji^ c4-*-M**^^^'^ ^0 0^^ ^T a*.ri^;:^^^r^^-<^^//t^^ ^ T^' / ^^iCrT^#*--*-f*^ ^rr t^ /^A*^ tt ^.^.^^.^^--fc- -^r-^t^ Cjrt-h^^^^Y^ ,4 .€-^ / 'A j£/ ^x . 'vU..*^^ «:% (i.O.'U. 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W.. ■ ■ /v€9- ru^.l^J^ ( 47 i4^^4/%^ iW<..^^^i^'iS^ ^^l«M 44^4^ i^ryMe*' d^4^^ AJ^ Lj^^^^^ ^c'^^U-* ^^7 AcU^it^ ^ r^^^ /*<4^ UtUi^ hX 1 ^ ^ ^ 9r vefx. >r 7 ^ ""^ ^mJUX!U /'^i^ ^^'iUcry^J^^ot^ ZQ^9ru^U^^ ksA^tr-Jiu. d.aa4Hru^^c4^^44A^U- ^/^u^^ s^tHHe0m4^ f/r%^ 4^im4t jUiA (^e^ (hA^^r- f //jLA^-t^-r^P^ (TUJ" (A /l*-^^— fd^i^ JLr^ ^ruT _ ;M^<^^ ^'^^^ a(jz^i(^^ (^2^4^-V-r^t^ T"^ rjfi_jejL^Ly<^^^ ^ /o^ i^tA. irtL-i^^ h^ /i^iyi-iX;^^;^^ */ Ly^ _22ti:/ ^M^^^^^i^ tA 44^ Thc^L^^L^rtTT /^-^ y fU-/^ TiJO eUrcCJUJL. yy^a^^y^P-^^ ^ Ct^d/^i. -7. tV ir*^ &-i.rxouJL OL.^->r^ J-^ unJ^ ^ '^^.X^M.-^ f »t trrn/i^-«.-y-vC ut Sax^-o ^. Z_ J^f^v^-x^, ^5^ ^^/-eJt^«t.-^nAOv '^ ^/C/u^-tnT <:n^ ^5^^ :0^ ^ 7stJ?£;.^-<>^-- ^. '^^^^ ^^—^ ^ y ^tth-^^MA^ e/_vCjt. --v e/vvy <^ ^>6^ O^AA-^^^-^*^ ^joA. cuUj^M ir^ it:2j ^tJ-J^r^ Y-y^c^-^^^ ^ M^^ '4 OnrxviJ^^ Owf^^^^-^-^'--- /"Vv-/- 6f—^pM^^ ^ A,.^^*'^^*-^ — u^ lA/^^^ VU^ I n J^JxJ^^O- —^-t'-t^. \. V /^. ^ . /^- ^^W-.^r>^tL>»^ ^=^ \J— C-*.c^*^ <^; J / py ^ t^ a A / c A*^v- 4^ y / 0 17 r t yi a 'T / L V. (^ ""^ \/ ^//? i / U f / :> V. Cs %fVJL. CuL^t^C.^ -^/^^ //J2^ :/r, /t^^. / A^ XJ-»^ >^ ^c^Uou^ ^— fcw ^cw-^ * ^ y«^^ ci^ '^.^ "^^ •• /56 V-Uj^L^^ry^^^ ^41^ /^y- / <^-f^-^^^U ^ /*^ * V^*^' ^^^"^ •^ f^'^-/ /i" -;; /fo/c. /^X^ ^V/t--c--^ ^ f//^^-^^<^ O^JW J,/U. (Mm llA^lt) l^^l'l^^^ B c^ /.s v^ X V-s- X --J'^^ ■ >^^' OnUi^^ -d^nnjLtji-^ c£x„ ^^y ^''f a, cLl^^*-^>^ .4-^ /e^-..-*^-'^*'-*'^ /^C*^ ^>-»-^-<- r -^ ^J^Tz:^ ^A*^ / -^^ *^ /- ^3^-«-»- *-v c?>s— F*— — -y .,^>-^ ^^^^ ;^f:^ ^^ e^s^ '»-* — ^ ^--C^ ^ A.^^i'^ /^^ ;;^w-y ^, .»-»-*•*- .^;^^ a^/i-/~~*- '^, 4/*-*--^ z^^:^ c:- yfi-r^j^^, 'P^t^• 1 am : - T notice that volume TI of the Proceedin.^s of the WaJ^hlngton Academy of f^cie^.ces is completed. I find that I have a bound copy of volum.e I , also a paper covered copy of the same volume, and also all of the separate brochures of volume II excer^ing those which T sent to you last Tviovember. What I wish to seci^*"e is a bound copy of volume II, and if you will let me know what ^t takes in ^he way of exchan^^e or m.oney, I shall arrange for it at once. Yours truly, Mr. n. Hart Merriam, Washington, D.C. JtrUx^ JX ■ WvJejjuT ^l|e lliiiiieriniii of Cli{Ciin0 Department of Botany The Botankal Gazette January 15, 1902. Ky dtn^ Dr. Marrlamj- In looking over my hr<^chures of ^he Proctedln^s of ^he Washington Academy of Sciences for ItOlt In order to take advantage of your offer in reference to a bound voltiiw, I discover that a batch of them has never been ree#ive(l. These extend frorc page 371 to 508, as indic^.ted by your t^^ble of contents lor the volunt, and include^ nine pafers as listed. T think that this whole bunch nm-t have been done up together and that it v;ent astiTay* If you can credit me with these brochures, I will ^end the renjainint; ones for the year anr) secure the bound volu»t# liereafter I think I should prefer to receive tr.e bound volume at the end of the year, »^ather than the f^eparate brochures. T take it for granted th-t authors of botanical paper's will send me thetr separates for propter notice in the BOTAi^IOAL (lAZETTE. Yours sincerely, Dr. G. Hart Merrlarn, ^X^ 01, CL^«xtL^ Washington, D.C. dC 1 « Urvc4.cA/ C'a/w x.^nX'^^^ <3^ ^V cLmuj UjxA^ H^'^^^^ * ^ ^l<^v»„ ^ A:^ CntJU/r-JL, jh-«>^H^6 oJx^^-CC' lO^UI ^ a UUh^v*^ C3 CS/V^iiJ nn-nzh W.D.Roberts PROA-amT^P.. ^M^/f,/f// /U^^^4- . T W.D.Roberts Ja^S^ ^tte i^ t>«^i--'«^ " t^ w t^ I/' IV. D.Roberts |>H(>VOUT^feIi. <^/i^^/^ ^^^U^ ®r!hmhf A90iuialioiT ^^oA^ /^/ /^c^/ O). jtoA^ / /?A. '^ 'lA^ca-'tH^ : \C^.^-€^ ^^^^-U^t^C^ yC^ti^ a/i£^ ^ ^ ^nyt^^4l4Z^ ^ ^ Al^ r ^ AU^^t^^U^ ^Z^J J^<^ y^e^ty ^^/L'.^t^ / ■^C/^tttj^ fC i^ a^p^ ay\^ -^-^X^ -^ 4^^ ^ .£a^ ^ u Uj^yi'-tiA^tiy ^ CL^ ^iUi^ /Ck^/^^^^*^^^^ a^ Mj^t^ /[^^-(L^y ^^*^J^.- AM'ktty yl^l^tOy A^^ ay > ^ M-^^^Cy ^2^^ r luuA j/^ ^'''^ "^ M &ttuuj, <5fety ^ UjJL, ^U^6t/^ nUjULCLa ^ ^ C^ilk. frtd^ici l^ ( f"Ki<^v»^/cL i/'^^^o^)^ '^'^'^ /'^37 //'^^_ /4:^3, UM^ !\'i 1 1 u ^1 ^( ' ^^ (^ / ^ . ...■-^T.r„_. .:.-^v,. J . ■^-•^"fL.; ' ,^^l|^u; ^i-t^te (;?y%.aAr^Ji^ j^ <-t>^(^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF BOTANY WASHINGTON. D. C 4^ V m, /iLt^ l^iA. J /VW44-''1*^*(W ^\.'^^nH. t ^ v^ ^ J /G[> ^ i -i T ir^^ \^iJU t^O^^^-y^^^^ -0^.^>^ \, ^^.^^/^^VN^ N / Ut'O'v'' \i^r~r^ l\A''w-^ fJU— Uj J}X. liU/U/ u ' I "i^Tf^ \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF BOTANY, WASHINGTON, O. C. -7^ -1^ t£- UO-i^ 9 ct>^ A ^^^^ J ^^--'C^-«*-€ -f?l-^- /. -■€ / / iia way, I wondar whathar you ara so aituatad that wa could taka a briaf tri|» to5athar in tha pina barrana aoma tinia dur- ing tha cowiin;^ spring or early summer. In conversation with Dr, C. Hart Uarrian, about tha p^'^'^ barrana, ha ax;.rari3ad alao a daaira to 3ae that country and ha thou;;;ht it poaiible that ha mi^Jit ba able to do ao, if you could apara tha tiina to accon^^any U8. The bludbarry plantation at fhitai*bog now covars about t«n acros and I think that 70U would find a vi^^it to it interastin^ in varioua ways, I hope to ba abla t© go up thara In May whan tha buahas ara in flower. About Julv 10 I aiain go to fhitaabo^ and j^jrhapa ijtay for a waak or laora, whan tha bluabarriea ara in fruit. Many thouaand buahaa will coma into baarin^^ this yaar and it ia nacesaary to MUr« ••lactions of tha bot plants for propagation by cuttingi, I ahall ba ^laa to know whether it will ba practi- calile for ua to aaka a trip tc tha pint barrens tof^athar. Vary truly your-f, (I re- irick ?, Covillt Botanist. February 17^ 1917. M/ dear S»r. Covllle^ I hava lon^ bean |)lyLnninvr to ;^iit Dr. Merriait over to th© plains, one cf the most intertJtting ajotii in the i^inea^ and it would be delightful to arrnn^a a tri^i with you both. Thrire is only one hitch and that is thnt I am thinking of goin^ down to South Carolina about May l^t for aevoral weaka which would be just the time that you would ta coming up. Should you and Dr. ii^rriifi* la able to corca uj in April I •ight ^o alon^; with you. Tha plant life would not be in bloo» but it would be pleasant traveling anJ Jchi^aa^A cculd la ^&on in fruit. A3 to later in tiia early sufrm^fr or any time after June let I axL at your aervica and anall ba delighted to go anywhere you may prefer. Atoion is a good place ^ nlio Chat.^worth, and if I have a cottage at Cape May as I had last year we could 30 fron^ there to the bog at Bennett. We shall have moaquitoa after June 1^ but I guess we can stand the/u. If my South Carolina trip falls through I shall let you know, otherwise I fear I cannot arrange a spring trip except in April. Sincerely yours. Witaar Stone. February 1*7 ^ 1^17. %j dear Mr. Covllle, I havci lon^ been ^l^nniri;^ to ;^«t Dr. Mtrriaa over to the jlains, end cf the laioat intaraiting a^^ots in the i^inea, and it would be delightful to arrnnoje a tri]. witli you both. There is only one hitch and that is thnt I am thinking of ^oin^ donn to South Carolina about May lat for eevoral weaka which would be juat the time that you would ta coming up. Shoulvi you and Br. .ierriani be able to corLe up in April 1 aight ^0 alon^ with you. Tha plant Ufa would not be in bloom but it would be |,laadant traveling and Schizaaa could be seen in fruit. A3 to later in tlia early surrrner or any time aftar June 1st I an. at your aervice and ahall ba dall^htad to ^o anywhara you may prefer. Atsion ia a -^ood placa^ alao Ohat^worth, and if I have a cottage at Capa ^Jay aa I had laat year we could 30 frofc there to the bo^ at Bennett. We shall have moaquitos after June 1^ but I ^ueaa we can stand them. If my South Carolina trip falla throu^ I ahall let you know, otherwise I fear I cannot arrange a aprin^ trip axcapt in April, Sincerely youra. otone. Mr. Witmer Jtone, Academy of .aturai Sciences, rhiiadeiphia. Pa. Dear Mr. Stone: I am greatly obii -el. Cor yout letter of February 17. I hope you will let -ae know later what yo'ir engage- iiients are for tne sori^'ig. I fear that April ?/ould not b€ a satisfactory time for a trip so far as Or. irerriara is con- cernea for al/noat all the vegetation ^-vili ue still dormant. I shall doubti-M33 ce situated so t'.at I myself can make a trip with you in July but Or, Kerriam, I think, '^ill be out of Lne city mt that time, tf you do not go south in May that would undoubtedly hp the best season for the .taw Jer- sey expedition. Very tru iy yoars. ^voA^C^^-Grn/^ Botanist. FVC/K UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. ECONOMIC AND SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Washington, D. C.,8«ptemb«r 21, 1918 Dr. C. Hart Mtrriam, B«ar Dr, Mtrrlam: I know of no eensiti^enesd of the growing tips of plants due to thair propin4uity aloEe to otker objects, witkout contaot. There are claims, by English writers, of growth stimulation and retardation "by electric currents, but our oareful investigators are unable to confirm these all#g#d electrical effects. Is it not posaible that the phenoaena you cite are the result of the reduction of ligat as the growing tips approach the overhanging branches. Many planta, especially conifers, are extremely sensitive to seemingly small differences in the amount of light they receive* I suggest that you test the differenoea in light in the growing and non-growing situations by means of the actinometer that you uss in de- termining the proper exposure of a photographic plate. Tlis 'best way to keep a soil acid is to start with it aoid, making up a mixture of one part of clean sand or «Murt8 gararel to about two parts of your aoid upland peat formation (the half rotted leaf layer that you find in your Tlrgla forest), and then keep it aoid by sifting ower it once a year an inch or so of the aame upland peat or about six inches of tli« freshly fallen !««▼•• fton which the peat is formed. It ii •*%tn»lj difficult to keep Juet the right bal&noe of aeldlty by adding ar. actual acid eolution tc an alValine soil, bwt when you uae a eoil cf urlar.d peat the rainwater extract* froB- it a aoil eolutioi; of just atout the ri^ht degree cf acidity, and the plants are continually fed exactly what they T^etiit . Cabot 'B address ie Deep Springs Ranch, Big Pine, Cal. It Beens that they call the valley Deep Spring Galley, tout the ranch Deep Springs Ranch. I wish that I might 8pend a year in California, )m% I don»t 886 how it can be done. Living with the live plants !• certainly the way to find out about then.. Very sincerely ycurs, Botanist. \a^ ^<-^CJ ^.^""VXyO /J^-'M^^.-^ ^:Au.y;^^^2^ U'ul^ o^^ua^yL^^y^^L^ / :y JO *• Mr* Carl , .Marshall, the discovarer of Ribes Marshall ii and otter species of plants In northwestern Oal. ifornia, tells me today t .at iu May, 1886, he saw ffhat he "belieTes to "be an imdescribed species of C'^pp^ ri^-odiuitt in Jul Norte County, California, The plant was seen on tiiH leit^ey trail from Crescent City to Cot- tc^ge rrove^ Blykiyou Couffity, along the south -^ork of Br 5 th ^"iver* '^he plaint grew about ti»o fe«g higli and bore BeYeral flo*.ve/r. ou. u steru Tlio color of the flofi- tij-n >;us u ' laar vV.l>e viUi aulphiir r..ctrlvin|:K. FrofoHsor Gre(^ne. to vrtioL: iir. Iiar8hi>ut t>ie prospects of gettinr it ha¥e changed la an unfavorable direction. He has written to me inquiring whether we would ha willing to undertaice publishinr the flo- ra in the Contributions from the T]. z. ITation&l Herbariiai* My own feelinp i» that even if we were able to do it, it would be an undesirable manner of publication for so dietinct- iTely a western project as an illustrated flora of the Pacific coast region* The manuscript of the flora coataine descriptions of families, genera, and epeciea, keys to aj.l these groups, »y- 4 nonyay, date of flowerini^ of each species, citation of its type Iseality, and, I believe, citation of the type species of each genus. In addition, and perhaps aiore important tnan the de- scription itself, is an illustratlsa of saab species in the ftni'#f a text flgurs In black and white from a xine drawing. The importance of the work in the stimulation of botanical ac- tivity on the Pacific scaat aan karCiy b# #t%t^sstimated. QHM-3- Last mvammw ytu tel4 a« of an acquaintano* of your*, tf W»alth, ^ho IS interrsted In natural history and in the progress of science on the Pacific coa«t. H«re is a pro- ject the financing of which would be a -worthy otject for th« practical interest and asBiatance of aueh a MW. Can you not interest him in It? I do not know to just what extent Abrtune is e«op«r* ating with the California botaniats in the preparation of thia flora. He ia, I know, eooperatinp: with botanical autnorltioa in the east in various difficult fainiiies. 7or example. Pro- fessor Hitchcock has prepared the graaBOo for the flora and I am helping Abram. with the Juncaceae. It seems to me that It would be desirable to incorporate in this flora the cosMnaA wisdom of the Pacific coast botaniota. so far as it in practi- cable. I have in mind especially tne assistance that «aul« be rendered by Miss Alice Eastwood. Although I have not on- •Ulted with Abraa* on this point it seems to me t:mt it would he an excellent plan for Miss Eastwood to read the nmnu.cript and give Abrams the benefit of her Jcnowledre and advice, if •tt«h an arrangement has not already been mado, I ahall bo glad to know what you think of thia »ug-' flaatian and I wiU gladly do anything I posElbly can to halp tawai'A it* consuBunation. Vary truly yaura, ry^Tj>^-if^jQji^ i/ . C^^' FVC/k UNITED STAINS DEPAIITMENT OW AQmeULTUfie, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. ECONOMIC AND SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Washington, D. C, jjoT. 16. 1920. Dr. C, Hart Merrlaa, Lagun i tae , Cal i f o rn i a . Dear Dr. Merrian: The Research Committee of the National Geographic Society has taken action lately on a subject in which you will undoubtedly be interested. At a meeting laat Wednes- day I presented a memorandum, a copy of which I enclose here- with. The members present were: Sheldon, Hugh M. Smith, Gros- ▼enor, Morlay, Scofield, Philip s. Smith. Coville. After dii- cussion the coiramittee adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED: 1. 2. 3. A. 5. That the Society undertake the publication of a series of research papers to be known as •^Memoirs of the National Geographic Society.** That the net cost of this series shall be paid out of the research fund of the Society. That copies of the Memoirs shall be offered for sale at approximately publication cost through advertisement oy the national Geographic Society. That publication in this series be limited to papers resulting from expeJitions financed by the National Geographic Society. That the chairman of the Research Committee appoint a coiTimittee oa publication, of which he shall be a member, to proceed with the publication of the Mem- oirs* The action of the committee was unanimous, every one being con%-incecl that the establishment of a series of techni- \ CHIf-2- cal papers would be a good thing for ©cience and a good thing for the Society. Unless you are coming back to Washins-ton soon so tjiat I can talk -.ith you about it, I ohould like to hare com- ■tntB from you on the proposed series of Memoir© and I shottld like especially your opinion on the following points: !• Shall tha Memoirs he numbered consecutively, each h&* ginning with page 1, or shall they be arranged in volumae? 2m What Bhall be the size of the page?. 3* Shall the "text be printed on the page in single a«^: umn or in double column? 4. What Bize type shall be used and shall it be leaded or not leaded? 5. Shall half-tone text figures be used and, if so, shall full page plates be run on the presses with the text, or shall all half-tones be printed on special plate paper separately from the text? I hare asked Dr. F. L, Ransome of the Geolor-ical Sur- rey and Mr. C. S* Scofield of the Bureau of Plant Industry, to serre with me as members of the publication coimnittee. Both hmre had axperience in scientific publication, having been edi- tors of the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Dr* Ransome In particular was one of those who determined the type, paper, methods of citation, c^nd various other features of the Journal at the time it was begun. The oomaittee also authorized the publication of Grigg^s narrative of the Katmai expeditions as the first of the Memoirs. Very truly yours. yvc/M i \ \ RtBearcli Publiaatioiis gflft'l GeoRraphlc So c j aty «.iw . *»1^^^^*"* eoiitrifcutions to g«ograpli,lc science ara contln- ^i'^t^!^^ ^d€ through expedition, financed with funds set aaiite C^nl t ^ ^^^;^*y'f incoi^. Some of these oontritutioni are laad" toown through publication In the Mational Geographic Magazine. But much of the information secured by theea expedition© Is of a technical character and not wtll suited for publication in th€ Magazine* Heretofore these mora technical papers^ covering a wide range of subjects relating to geography, have been published In other journals or in special reports. Such publication has fre- quently been financed in whole or in part by ^^ational Gaa£raphic Society funds# It is believed that the time has now arrived when the Soc- iety may advantageously inaugurate a new series of publications to include the contributions to science resulting from the expeditions financed by the Society through its research fund* With this end in view, the following suggestions are submitted for the consid« eration of the Research Comnittee of the Society, It That the Society undertake the publication of a aeries "of research papers to be known as •Memoire of the lational Geograiih- ic Society", 2. That the net coet of this series shall be paid out of the research fund of the Society, 8, That copies of the Memoirs shall be offered for sale at ap-* proximately publication cost through advertisement by the Hation- al Geographic Society, 4, That the Society shall establish a limited list to which the Memoirs shall be sent free of charge, &, That the Kemoirs shall have a page with the ssjse type hody as the Bational Geographic Magazine, 5^^ by 8 inches^ but with out«» side dimeasions of 7i by lOi inches ^ so as to proTlde for 7-8 inch rgins when trimsied and bounds 6, That the series of Hemoirs be ntambered consecutively but paged separately, 7, That publication In this etrl«s be limited to papei^a result ing from expeditions or researches financed by the Vational dto^ graphic Society, ^atluuul dpu^iajjliir ^ucn^tg WASHINGTON, D. C Frederick V. CoviLue. Chairman Research Committee ■aroh 17^ I92I« Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth St., City. Dear Dr. Merriam: Mr. Otttert GM t ta • I«tt«r A Mpgr •f HUiH Af^]MMI«#8 fioimt (Mi •# awwy on hand from ih« Jaa« M« Skolth Lift lb#rtliip 9Uii4 to provide f^r t!i# lAt^tloa of tire life acnboro of tho national Ooographio Uooioty. nil jou l»o kind «aott|3^ to oonoidor t.^ •uggootod by Mr. Cm^rr^noT, and bo proparad to aako addition- al nomiMitiono if you dooiro* aattor will a o up at a mooting of tti« 9090aY«h Coanlttoo to bo callod iu titto to ^nake yowmwiondationa to tho Board of Truotoo« Air oanaidoration at thoir Board mooting on Harch 25« Tory truly youro. ^^^Z^Ma.^^ Chainaa^ HOooartii ComitHoOt national Coogrophio Sooioty* UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WASHINGTON 7ob • 9, 1922« ECONOMIC AND SYSTEMATIC BOTANY Dr. C. Hart Htrrl 1919 16th St., N, W. , Washington, I). C, Dear Br. Merrlam: I enclosing herewith a memorandum from Dr. 8. P. Blaka of this of f ic# regarding the epeciman of Bu- OnSTlBUS from Gaiiforaia which you handed me. With best wishes, I am, Yery truly yours, FYCy^ Botanist. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WASHINGTON ECONOMIC AND SYSTEMATIC BOTANY January 5, 1923. Memorandum for Mr. Co villa. Mr. Standley nas unable to examine the Haon^yMait sent by Br. Merriam^ before his departure for Central ABwrlca, and I wae asked to examine it and report to you. The epeoliMae are Tery fragmentary^ con- sisting only of poorly dried branches witn leaves and fruit* 80 far as they go^ the epeoiaene appear to agree perfectly with material of fttonygae oosi.- dentalis Nutt. in the National Herbarium, and I should refer them to this species without question. It is possible that the flowers might show differences, but there are none in the material sent by Dr. Merriam. Very truly yours. SFB/HT .2^ i^Uu Assistant Botanist. PCh 23, 1922, Wht. Gii^MPt H. 9mwwmmw9 National ^ei^. aiMc 30Ql«ty, !fr. Oroavenar: A V / Li Mr. Judd, who hskM bten hurrie'dly call#i cisiilimton by th# deatn of hi a fathtr at Halt Lttk« and who emi^ects to be back in about t #0 to /,o for- ward with hia preparations I'or the archaeolOfdoal work at i?ueblo .5onito, has sent -e an estiv-.tte, whioh I ennlos©, of his expenditures for ^tjason of 1922. 1 airi se^: ling a oony of this l^^tler and estimate of the -'.esearch Coa«lttee, with the r to tlie that V^ey co-isl'ler the e^^iti-r^-ite auid be preuarad to ¥ote on V"'^ ^Mi»gtlon '>f aiit'noriEing ^or f^ii? cor'ing yaar an ariproorl- ation of .515, GOO pluo the iineK'iend..-d b^aance fr3'':: last yeaf^i 11,544,67, a tvlal of ..^6, 544.67. ▼try truly youjss, yv-vt^u^/A/^-" -y-^'" ^^or — u^juo^ \ \ MATTQMAL OSOQIUPHIC 3QCI*TY'S .0 BOMIIO IXF^DITIOMt 1922« FUNDS AVAILAHLI AMD fOiqUJISTSD Un«xpttnd#d balanot from l^U # 1544.57 Appropriation r«qu«9tod, 1922 15000^00 SSTIWATBD SXPSSDITUR^O |16544«67 LABOR: SuporTision: Director, 4^ mo, at |820* J. A. Joancon^ oor annua Karl r^uppert, 4^ no. at ylOO^ Lal>or: Cook, A^ mo» at $100. Truck drlfer, 4i mo. at $85. Vaaon, loc d- . at ^^5, Suryeyor. 1 iia. at 200. 990.00 1800.00 450.00 450.00 a8?*50 500. OC 200,00 EO Tn>5cn8, 100 de. at ^2.25 ea. 4500.00 SUBBI^TENCI: 7 rren, 135 da, ftt (1^«iO oa, ) ''10.50 ia00» T^ortablc track, ?572. , OTfltch ^1^. 415.50 3 V 0.00 225.00 37.00 10.00 •\'-id ou'^iren "15,50 4 eteel ;kcr dumt> care 1 B.^ ial "A** framo derrick 1 double irun hand pow€»r winch 300* weathtrproof 3/4" rope l,uifibcr, etc. for aned and platfor' n 200. 00 a tonts at ^'40.oa«vB0* 1 at ^60. 8 metal Army cots (2nd hand) 12 Biinons Bhoveia 6 arift jicko 12 pointing trjf::fcl,. 140.00 11.12 24.00 9.00 8.00 AUIO uaiEEPi gas, «tora|?e and repairs m N « • TiiA-iSPORTATIOHj Judd» Wash. ,D.C. •Gallup, H.M. and ret225.00 Jeancon, Denver, Colo. -GallupiN.y.. and return, Rupoert, Tucson, Ariz. ,Oallup,N«K«and return, 0t>^er Aasletaiita*-— " return, T)ouf^la8e,Tuo eon, Arts. , * return, R.T?. freiirht en dtimp oar» ^173.21- track "^451.96, R.R. fr41jff:ht o t derrick and winch Auto fcrt. .Thoreau-f^.Bonito on abore 279.00 ¥iec. ff^t. and etprese 100 > 00 HONORARIUM FOR DIRECTOR SVEHTUALITIS3 at 10 i of estimates 75.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 630.17 75.00 $£940. 00 6032. 60 8972.50 1417.50 1617.62 5CC.00 ^ ^^.^f^'i). ¥mrk ¥ N ^' 1584.17 1000.00 1499.18 WASHINGTON. D C, Fp»cdcrickV.Covili-E. Chairman Research Committcc ARy October 26, 1922 Dr. C. H?^rt Merriam, 1919 16th Street, Washington, D.C. 1^ dear Dr. Merriam: There will be an informal meeting of the Research Comiidttee of the National Geographic Society on Saturday morning, October 28th, 11 o» clock, at the New National Museum, Room 362, in the office of Mr. Neil M. Judd, Director of the Society's expeditions to the Chaco Canyon, for the purpose of viewing the specimens obtained by these expeditions. It is hoped that you will find it convenient to be present. Yours sincerely, ^ Chairmaii (r Research Committee WASHINGTON, D. C. HENRY WHITE. Vice PRESIDENT JOHN JOY E.DSON, Treasurer GILBERT GROSVENOR, Presiocnt JOHN OLIVER LA GORGE, associate Editor O.R AUSTIN, Secretart GEORGE W.HUTCHISON. ASSOCIATE SecRtTARy iMovember 4, 19£E. Dr, ^^. hart ik'.eri-iam, 1919 16tb Street, N.A\ Washington, D.C. • My dear Dr. -ierriam:- Thera /rill be a meeting of the Research Committee of the National GeogrB.phic Society on Mond&y, Iiovember 6th at 5:00 p.m., in the Board Room of tha Cosmos Club. 1 hope that you will find it convenient to be present. Very truly yours, Chairman. WASHINGTON, D. C. Frederick V. CoviLLC, Chairman Research Committee January 16, 19S3 Dr, C. Hart Merriam, 1S19 Sixteanth St. N.W. Washington, D.C. My dear Dr. Merriam: There will be a meeting of the i'^search Committee of the National Geographic Society in the Board Hoom of the Cosmos Club, Aednesday afternoon, January 17, at 5 o'clock, to consider a grant for a botanical exploration of the northern part of the Province of Yunnan, China, and neighboring portions of Tibet, proposed by Dr. David Fairchild, to be carried out by Mr. Joseph F. Rock. Hoping you will find it possible to be present, I am Very sincerely yours. ( K^ i Chairman WASHINGTON. D. C. Frederick V. CoviLLC, Chairman Research Committee January 15, 19^4 Dr. C. Hart ^errian*, 1919 i«+h St., Washington, D.C. My dear Dr. Merrian*: There will be a meeting of the Research Comr ittse of the National Geographic Society at 6:0C p.m., Thursday, January 17th, at the Cosmos Club. It is hoped that you will find it convenient to be present. Yours very sincerely. 'A V C^rMn Chairman WASHINGTON. D C. FneoERiCK V. CoviLUC, Chairman Research Committee January 25, 1924 Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, fi'ashington, D.C. My dear Dr. Merriam: There will be a meeting of the Research CoTiiT'ittee on Tuesday^ Januaxy 29th, at 5:00 p.m., at the Cosmos Club. I hope tb«.t you will find it convenient to be present. Years very truly. 4. V. C^^jui_ Chairman C-DC UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUF^EAU OF PLANT INDUSTf-3 lose 'm shall always believe tlmt it was becatise Zenaida was not here to help iis. Oahot sailed for Fraaoe ^eptanber ZS nd Predericlc lias g»»e baok to college, so there are only Beth and I to send our best regards to all the ■irriMie* Very truly yours. Botanist. FVOiCBP. H /9S^ /VyvA^rM^^pT'''^^'"''^ L AT HOME FROM HOME Nearest to Everything Cartwright Hotel 524 Sutter Street. Above Powell n ^ SanFrandsco, ^6*-.<<^-^ ^^h^y ^^ta^^P'^'T^v^x^'^'^i^ : MANACKMCNT OF F. P. LEISEN a^^j^Icr ^ /9/ O-vcC \ '5 7 -"^.^ •^ 25 W THIS SIDE OFCARD IS FOR ADDRESS -/^ ^ ^ iQud^ / •s. ^^n/?t4 14A Juno 30, I925« Dr. W, Barclay Stai^asa^ 1250 Bay St. , AlMieda, Gal. D«ar Dr, Stephens: T am delighted, tnio momlnft to get from Dr. C. Hart Mar« riaw three 8pecim«i« of gooeebarry collact^d by you in Monteray County on June 14, No. 3 io the fuchia c^ose berry, GrQasulariii apecloaa. a •isecies of frenuent occui-x^eftce In tue coast^U. re.rion of southern Calif orniataod rerivjlilnr; very oparaely as far north mm the Santa Crua Mountains, Your niuabera l and 2 belong to Grogeularia aerloe^, a apeclee kno^^ only in the Santa Lucia Mountain are It was dis- covered by Miss .,\llce Eastwood and piibllshad by her in 1902. I am ^^r^j glad Indeed to get these excellent fruiting specimens* I founr3 this plant still epari .rily in flower on April 9 at Mr, Laxabert'e place at Jamesburg and again with mature fruit in the saeie vicinity on Hay 2. I had previously collected it on April 6 at Palo Colorado Canyon on the wast side of the Santa LuciaSt I greatly appreciate your courtesy in remexabering me with these specimens* Hars. Covin e and I greatly regretted that we failed to see you and Mrs* Stephens in California* If we go again next yea^ we shall make another attempt to find you at home. WBS-2- Cabot, 1*10 has recently returned from a year in France, is here just now and probably will spend the next year in Ing a special study of economics and politics in Washington. Very truly yours. FVC/1 /^ /I/I ^/-\^ . . ^■ } / Botanist. ./^^^ 7f^' "^"" "^^t^ . -/ -T^ 5^^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT iNDUSTF^Y WASHINGTON BtSpt* 10, 1985. lOONOMIO AND SYSTEMATIC BOTANY Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunita^p California. Dear Dr, Merriaia: The specii.'ien of uurrant'bUBh collected oy yuu August 28, 192b, at Hat 'C'reeVs near Cassel, eastern Shasta County, California, aLlir^ost certainly belongo to Hi be 8 cereum Dougl. The epeuimen han no flowers or fruit and it does not, there- fore, contain the critical character's to distinguish it from iiibfcs inebricui^^ Lindi. The latter, however, Ib a xiocky Moun- tain species which reaches across Nevada into the central Si- ' er^a Ilevada of California. The ordinary specie^ of this group which occurs in California , and to which T think your species belongs, is Hi be a cereiu/i. I asBiAjue that this specimen is a plant you wish to keep cell ect ion for your owiy/and I aia therefore returning it to you by mail to- day. Very sincerely yours, PVC/M Botanist. P. S, The coiTimon name of Hibes cereuni is wax currauit. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF- AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY wASHiNQTON Juiie 3, 1926. ECONOMIC AND tYSTEMATIO BOTANY Dr. C, Hart Merrl^^m, 1919 - 16th St. , N. W. ^ Washin/'^ton , I). C. Dear Dr, Merriam: I have your letter of May 27, regarding Contri- "buttons from the U» S. National Herbarian, Volaii^e 7, Ifo* 3, Plants Used by the Ini.-ins of Mendocino County, Cali- fornia, I regret to say that thio is out of print. The only firm that is likely to have a copy is "^. H. Lowder- milk & Go,. 141^ F Street, N. W. , Wa8hin-^:^ton , D. C. Very truly yours, Botanist. ^liitiiiiicil CHnnvrci|Jtiir ¥aai>t|j WAS tllNGTON, D. C. Frederick V.CoviLLE, Chairman Research Committee December 7, 1926 Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 1919 16th Street, N. ^., Aashington, D. C. My dear Dr. Merriam: There will be a meeting of the Research Committee of the National Geographic Society at 5:00 p. m., on Thursday, December 9, 19£6, in the Board Room of the Cosmos Club. It is hoped that you wiil find it convenient to be present Yours very sincerely. CGC ^AJL^rtdoMz Chairman UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGniCULTUFIE EJUREAU or- PLANT INOUSTRY wASHiNaTON September 1, 1927. ECONOMIC AND 8Y8TEMATI0 BOTANY Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Lagunitas, California* Pear Jhr. Merriamt Bo you happen to laiow v/hether Chico, California, derives its name from Sorcobatus vermiculatus vi^ich is sometimes called Ohico by Spanish -speaking people? Mr. Dayton of the Forest Service is looking up the matter and it occurred to me that possibly it was one of the names you had already looked up ^ith best wishes to all of you, I am. Yery sincerely yours, ^;^4l6-M. Botanist. FVC:CBP. Arboro fsm April 20, 1^28 Dr. liiloart ClrotroBor, ProBldem . HaHonBl Goocraphlc .'ocl»ty, .'ashing ton, r. 0. Pear Dr. Oronwnort Thb Hationi] Gaograpblc Society 1»8 « nnlqa» opportunity to a«Jw • grant of Toty .looptlonal public lnter8«t, and of poraaiwnt aid to »clan- tiflc roaaaroh. »• aaorat*l7 of Agricultura hi.^ boen anthorlzad to •atabllah a latlonal ArboratMi along tha upper AnaooatU Rirar In tHa I^latrict of Columbia, mi an ipproprlatlon la aTallabl ? fbr tl« pnrchaaa of land i*loh, tCgathor with latti already ownad by th . t-ovarnment, v.-jal<3 prOT|4« m araa of marly 700 acres. There is a tr.ct of 7L acr»» additional, M Wlckey nill. whl-^h tte focretary of Agriculture cannot purchase, bacanaa of Utiltatlons In tha Arboratwi aot. "aiia Mil is esaentlal to the Arboratu* because It ocouplaa a oo-jwrflfl^ poeltlon, topographically, batwaea the land now owned by t>» go vDrBasnt »d thB UnS that the oecrotanr can boy. iacra- tary : . 1 ne feols that ha cannot eatablish tha vrboratas If It le to ba aaparatod Into two prxrts with Blcltay Hill staiialng botwoan as orWata prop- erty. oor*'rod, is it ultl-nately woulo be, with stroats aiai buildings. I reoonwend that Hlckay Kill b« parchaead by the Hatlonal Caographle Goplety, and presented to the govemaaiit for ptrposas of acl»«%iflc raaaarch. ?he coat would ba about ClOOfOOO* Unde- vitJvorlty of th» Board of Trustees of the Gaographlo aoclaty tha Research "-owilttaa has placed the unexpended balances of the rasoaroh fund year by joar In a special resarTe fund, Inrosted in interoet-boarlng aecuri- ti 3e. Tfiese anwiJl balances together with the acouinulatad interest now OG-2 Th# proposed rra-t Is of sooh m Bnusual Momt that I fB%l It omgM Mt %• it i^tlMQ t tho mppv^^^ Of th# Mi^Pi if nmHNiM It It m at lit ar graiit than aay tht Iki^MMfc Ooiaitt ti e has md« up to tht If th""' Hi^ional C'.jugr'i-hic ^cK^iaty will Hw*- cuntribute this tract. I^^i^ plant ll^ collected only tiixee times, in Furnace Creak Wash, near iti^ mouth, once by myself, when I found two specimens, onc« tjr Jepson, who found one specimen, and once by Parish,, who found only a few specimens. Yery sincerely yours, FYC-M UNITED STATES DEPARTfVlE£NT OF AGRICULTUR BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY Septerabe WASHINQTON BOTANY / Dr. C. Hart yerrlam, Lagimitas, California. Dear Dr. Merriam: I exoect to leave VJashington on September 9 to spend two or three week? in tS higher elevations of the ^---^If'^^lTson with the head of Wild Rose Canyon as a base, and with Tom Wilson \v OJU. .>^ V^K-'^-C^--' C->v-v.i..^.,AJbs. v-:>> <2 ^.. ^1 vU^OLy'V^ 'l^ -^ /'\A-AX5-k>v>.43--OoH -0-?>LXi-<^/.^>C' -/ ^-^c^ ^^^ />c-^.--/ fw*-'^^'''^- yk/ C s ^^-t^ .*^/j2/ ^£-vJ^-**^ i 4 . 6v^ H. c^ ...■ei..- ..^-^« ^.1 ■,!,..,.,. 4..-.^A^^^..^%..^K.-.^^^^{^.„ •1-/ IC. (0 ^ 4 *> Is* ^/^ fl a- V.,^ < ... . •€4„„. J K^ "% V : A^d y v.v<3 XT'" "' / \ / V.:' ■ ,(#• / / .1 i / h '-) /'YJ'O /. A ky UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WASHINGTON January 27, 1933, DIVISION OF BOTANY Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 1919 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Dear Dr. Merriam: I am delighted to receive your letter of January 13, and the acccxnpanying photographs from the Mohave region. I am returning to you the smaller photographs as you re- quested. The others I am keeping. These are remarkably beauti- ful examples of the Joshua- tree. The one shown in your photo- graphs 31 and 80 is a beautiful specimen. I hope you can give me a close estimate of the height of this tree. You will be interested to know that this species was actually found within Death Valley in the upper part of Grapevine Canyon. I had supposed that the Joshua-tree did not grow in Death Valley until I saw it in that canyon two years ago. Another tree species of Yucca, Yucca mohavensis, also grows in Death Valley in the upper part of Cave Springs Wash. We are therefore able to include both these Yuccas in the Death Valley flora. Very truly yours, Frederick V. Coville, Botanist. FVC.-CBP. dL-, ^ ^ CAyJL^'{^^^-<'^^'>^^ PriU,AjJkyyy^» Ci^oclc^/ ii),ll I i"U f/ / I y Hb " Hl^ Wm.H Crocker, prcsidcnt C.EGreen. Vice presioemt Jas.J.Fagan. Vice Phesident W.Gregg. Jr , cashier J.B M*^ CaRGAR, As*'^ Casmieb G W Ebner.ass' Cashier W.R Berry, ass' cashier B D. Dean , Ass' Cashier J.M Masten . AbS'^ Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARV John Clausen MaNACCK FOUeiftN DCPAHTMtUT THE CROCKER NATIONAL BANK or SAN FRANCISCO CABLE address; CROCKWOOL A\apu8t 11 th, 1913. Dr. n. Hart Merriam, Lagunltas, liarln Ck)«, Cal. My dear Dr# Merriam: We hare just learned of your presence in California, and in view of the fact that we are undertaking the constrtaction of a lluseum for the California Acaderiy of Sciences, we take the liberty of asking you i f it will be convenient for jrou to attend the meeting of our Building Cormittee to be held on Wednesday at this office, at Ay o'clock, for the purpose of giving us the benefit of your advice about some important matters which might arise. Trust ii^^ that we shall be favored with 3?our presence, I beg to remain, Very sincerely ironrBt GALlFOraiA ACADMv OF SCIPIICES, President, Board of ^frustees W^ H CROCKER THE CROCKER NATIONAL BANK San Fi*,-. NCtsco Cau. CABtr ADDRESS WIL SAN FRANCISCO March 3, 19P5. Dr. C. Hart Merrlam, 1919 Sixteenth Street^ Washinp-ton, D. C» My dear Dr. Merriam: It was a very great pleasure to receive your letter of February ?6th. I am pleased to learn from you of the great value attached to the publication of the California Acadeiny, namely Van Den burgh's two large volumes on the Reptiles. T shall take pleasure in sending your letter to Mr* Van Denburgh* I suppose you know about the large collection of Reptiles that the Academy has acquired from the Philippines quite recently. I am told that it places our institution amongst those of the first rank in this department of scientlfi work. The Steinhart Acquarium is Hearing completion and they expect the opening to occur during the first part of July, Yours very, sincerely. troot /,,?. (Mja/lobi^^^), h. ISOH I C' ••— » i—""-x-rrv *^' I tut f • Q> Stat*: of, Illinois, ^ ^ Board of Trustees EDWARD F. DUNNE, Governor. HARRY WOODS, Secretary OF State. FRANCIS G.BLAIR, SuPT. Pub. Instruction. A.R.CROOK, Curator. MISS FANNIE FISHER, Asst.Curator. Bepteiaber 7, 1914 Dr. C. liart Merria^'n^ Biological Survey, Washington, D. C Dear Dr. MerriaiD;* Have you any data as to the extreme length obtained by the grizzly oear or the Polar bear? Wright in hi b book on^Grizzly Bear^'mentione a grizzly which was said to measure nine feet fron Lhe end of hiB nose to the tip of his tail. Anv information which you may give will oe ^^reatly apprt* elated by y n ^ -^r"^ -A r« / r- L. /74i M f^^A. fc J Ca7 A^ ^- 'M. r', ^^ r 7 9 /( -^ f^fO- (^/:f 1 1 ly it 'wi'i*— aptiHiipw! ■OYDEN. PALFREY. BRADLEE & TWOMBLY. Counsellors at Law. AL8CRT BOYDCN. JOHN G. PALFREY. COWARD C. ■RAOLCC . HOWLANO TVtfOMBLV. CHARLCS n. CROSS, Jn. FRANK 8 >. WHITE. GEORGE BLANEV. Wt* C. »1 CABLE address: boyblv 84 State Street, boston. mass. Hart Iferrlaai, Btareau of Blologital Surety, United Stmttt 'Depmrtmmmt of ^^gricwlture^ f>emr Br. M@rrlaHi ; Oa my r#tii.rn from I#w York this morning I found letter and am rtrply-li^ laH^diat#ly. th@ reason that you hi,.¥# iMt heard from me lately is not on acoount of any forget ftiln#is on part The skin of the bear I killed last Fall In the Kanai arrlTed here some ten days ago as there was delay in 41aska abowt getting it dried out ^id shippeA to me. You see the weather so cold at the tine I got the hear in quest ion that it was i hie to dry him in cainp uid 1 felt it was safer to leaT® him t# be dried out in Seward before helng packed up to send across thm continent. IBlen finally the skin did reach me, the grease not yet all out of it so I had it looked out for by Brown of latural History Museum here who tells ae that it is now ready f^ shipaent. HoweTerp this delay is not my only trouble for fa senaing ay sheep imd hear back to me they soiiehow left out fk# skull of the hear and I mm now trying to locate It* Tl^iis l^et seems unnecessary and certainly is a surprise to i^ %s I !■■• •■• «ost trustworthy people In Seward looking out for the matt#r t^r Th^ skull of the mother of Little Willie also wa« pleted a few days ago owing to the serious sickness of the had the skulls in charge, HoweTsr it Is now ready and X viU start this skull mm the skin of the Kanai bear along t# •con as the skin In qijestioE is returned to mm which will •atter of a few days only. T^e skull of the Kanai bear t fPiU 1^ BOYDEN. PALFREY, BRADLEE & TWOMBLY. Dr. C.H.M*"! to you if I ever get it apiiii just as soon It e §• • and I cartainly shall spam no pains to gat It, fmo furthar matters: {1) There Is a ctrtaia with whom I becam© w#ll aequainted last year In S@wara« Tery exceptional man and Is a good ital of a studtmt In bm His prospect 11®® OJi thi adgt of a good b@ar cotiiitry and almo ewBTy spring hm F,Btn on© or two of these Kanal b#ar« Show.ld care to have me I caa make arrangements with him to try to klU couple of good specimens this next springs I think that ha cliarge from |50 to 17 5 a skin to do this btst there wotjld he no tion when the skin was obtained as to where it came from or •f condition in which you would j^et it. (2) 4s regaras tha grlsslj that we got near the head of the Stlline River on our trip ^ 4" Vt J* Cassiar, we had «ulls mounted in the skins which was a gre^t mistake as for various reasons T nm now wondering much whether this animal is the same as the ordinary gris^^;!^' cf tli^ 5c If you shoula feel interested in the matter any time in tha futwrm I will have the skull of my bear taken out ana send the skin 9ttk ekoll on to you* T^e bear in my possession is apparently an ^adlAt though of no great age» urs very truly ^ CRG. J. BOYDEN, PALFREY. BRADLEE & TWOMBL.Y. Counsellors at Law. ALBERT BOYOCN. JOMW G. PAtFRCV. MOIWLANO T¥i;0»(IBLy. CHA»teS R. CRO&&, JH. r«ANR S WHITt. GCOBGr BLANCY. CABtt ADORtfib.: SOYBLV 84 State Street, boston, mass. Bo&tu«,^laF^fe^ 17, 1910. Dr. C. Hart Merricim, Bureau of Bioloo-icnl Survey, "Derartment of Agriculture, WASHENGTON, T). C. Dear Sir: On Tu^i-day laet , I stHrted dcnvn to you the skull of the mother of Little Willie Knd. a few other skulls from the Port Mc%ller repion of the Aleutian Peninsula, v'hich I thought you might be inter- ested to se^i again at the present time. Thei?e are two skulls of female hears, ti/i'o ^ulls of yec^rlinr cuhs, (the cuhs of one of the<",e fe^.ales) and the skull of an adult bull of medium size. The female hear seem to be the avarap^e size of full pvo^fin cow hears of this ripion and all three are ^^ry nearly the same sizej i^e. some six feet long at most between stakes rhjn laid out in a natur^.l position. This seemed to he a good der^l smaller than the average size of full- grcv.Tj females in the Kenai as far as I was able to find cut or observe for myself this year and makes a stranre difference in size between the bulls and cov;s. A couple of these skulls are from bear killed by the man whom we took up with us, on days when he was out hunting with, me and I was afte^' lar.^^er specimens, and werejbrought out by him. In case you should think it .sic^^n be of interest to have the skull of the mother of Little Willie in Washington, as the cub is now r there, I hope you will keep this one' pe rmanently. I have also started to you for your inspection the skin of the bear I killed last fall in the Kenai. As I said in m^ previous letter this was one of two cubs stil.. with their mother- (whom I lost BOYDEN. PALFREY. BRADLEE .Jc TWOMBLY. Dr. C. H. M.-~2 in the heavy "bru^h) so I presume it to have "been some eirhtean months old. The skin has shrunk a crood de^.l in drying as when ^^Q^n it me asured over six feet, i. e. some six and a half feet or more, v/ith- out stretching uaaaturally as well as I could tell* I am trying hard to recover the skull of this bear and will let you know how E succeed and I shall send the skull on to if I an >uccessful. Of course I feel very sore about this last for I would rather even have lost the hide, and there was no excuse for such a beinr made as not sending it on to me with the hide. The only reason I spoke in ny last note of the Cassiar Grizzly beyond the fact that I have always been interested in them wa s that Dr. Jason Mixter told me on his return from Washington recently that you had said you v/ould like to se 3 the skulls from these bears again and sugp-ested that we dismount the bear. So I thought I would let you know, as I told Dr. Mixter, that if you really cared to examine these skulls, I should be glad to have the one in ray possession fixed to cro down to you. Also as regards my suggestion about obtain- ing an adult specimen of the Kenai bear,- I realized of course that you had all the facilities to -mnage such if you v/c.nted to do so and merely thought this man Swesey, the prospector v/hom I spoke of find- ing last fall, was especially trustv/orthy and dependable and v/a^ right on the srot. The measurements of the white sheep I killed lact fall are as follows: Horn at base IS** Horn 22 inches from bai?e 11 l/?." Sprerxd 26" Length of Horn 44 1/2" BOYDEN. F^ALFREY. BF^ADLEE a TWOMBLY T^r. C. H. M. — 3 Hei,cfht of shear at shoulder 36" Lenp-th between stakes in natural position 54'' On thoroucrh dryin;^ the base of the horn has of course now shrunk a little. J^^:^^ Very sincerely, . 9. ^^^ d ^^ '%. f BOYDEN, PALFREY, BRADLEE a TWOMBLY, Counsellors at Law, ALSCIIT BOVDCN. JOHN G. PALFRCV. COWARD C BRADLCC. HOWLANO TWOMBLY. CHARLES R. CROSS, Jr. FRANK 8. WHITE. GEORGE BLANCY. NATHANIEL C. NASH. Jr. •OYBLV 84 State Street, boston. mass. Junm Br* f. Hart Mtrriam, 1919 Sl3ct#infll Str®#t^ r©ar l)r« M#rria»: 1 r®celTed jour note of th@ 21st today anil w%s »or# tham gl%il to h%^r from you, I havfag llJciwie# b##n intsntiLing to writ jou for a long tlii» but hav@ not b@«ii abl® to g©t arouna to it* gla4 that tha 6 of the bear from ths StiJcl region have reach^ci you in dut courum. Kb to whether Dr, Mixter*« b@ar was a mal® or not T do not know» Mln« wa® and was a somewliM larger bear than Dr» Mlxter*©. By the Indiana it was consider ea a year or two oloer* Both of Dr, Richardeon's bear were bulls and were considered older than either Br. Mixter^s or mine, one of tlMMf the skmJPL of which I believe you saw just a^ter our return^ beJan considered by the Indians a very old bear. You of course know aor^ aJs^ut this than anybody else* I do not know whether Dr. Mixter spoke to you as to the coloring of these antmals. The younger ones B%mm%a to be a gray and in life the skin looked quite light al now that the skins are dea^ and have been tanned they seem pretty dark. The skin of the older bear In life Bmmm$^ to loose this tinge and b^^oi^ a brownish blmek and these facts the Indians were characteristic of the bear as they h%d seen the®. 1 got no reports in that country of these grizzly growing to the sise the gristly further south often seen to eltain and Dr. RichardF^*-** grisizlles were coasiaered there more th%n average large bear^. f BOYDEN. PALFREY. BRADLEE & TWOMBLY. Slac© writing to yon I limve "been vigorouslj predfihng p^mj^km in the Kanal Peninsula ana finally got track of th# sktill of Wf^ ^%mr that I killtd up there. T find, it ^%b carri#a off during winter by the sltdgt dogs a» to thm discoaflturt of the men I out with !f». fhsy hav« however mmnt wb a skull of what thay a bull brown b@ar of the country In which I hunted, *Ihl8 skull^ If you cart to have lae-I will &mn4. to you for yoyr examination, for #Ter It »%y b© worth. Ths mma who sent th® skull to a# is person- ally intar®8t#a in bear and I consider Ms worA irnqt^tstioiiablf I h%r% no doubt that what I would b@ ©ending yoti would b# the BkuXk of a aadiuffi sized brown bear of the Kanal P^lneula, T confess t9r ft bear of full growth as I saw IS® as "being very simll* in this region^ the skull ITaen I wrote you as regards to my bear skulls from tli# Alaska Peninsula I think that I said that I shoulo be glm# have the Biologic^ Survey keep the skull of the she-bear tagged being the lather of the cub Pauline which has since died^and of I which I believe you have the skeleton* I hope that you may ear* for this skull as I €ai0ulci think that in connection with the skull of Pauline it might be of some interest ♦ In view of th® fm^- these skulls would regain In Wa^iington I should think that yen wmt cM^ wm^k about permanently keeping the other set of a she two yearling cubs which I sent you. However if these shoiaM 'bm •f great interest to your collection there and would not merely iHMHi lost I should like to know it as I might feel like giving thmim to the SurTsy also. I certainly should not care to give these iMit three however unlWMi they were considered of priise importunes 9m t# BOYDEN. PALFREY. BRADLEE & TWOMBLY. , C.H.M.— a these species of tear. Dr. Bichiraaoii'B aaaress is Dr. Mw»r4 P. Ri t24 ,con Street, Boston, It w ia a matter of great regret to me that on trip to Alaaka on which I took permlta kindly obtained by you S not haT© better luck with bear but fate seemed to be against ■• eTery ttirn. I do not know whether you are interested, or not, the fact that ae fer a» I have been able to find by careful a tion the white sheep which I obtained on that trip is the recort far as length of horn and average size goes. The measurements base 1ft Inches, when greeni length of one horn 44-3/4; and the 44-1/2 with the weight carried very far into the horn. This 1^1 I am planning e short trip in Newfounaland, haYlng time to do anything else. If I succeed In carrying out wishes T shall go into the Horth Peninsula which I believe has been much hunted. If there is anything there which you would 1 have we look out for I should be much obliged if you would let know and I will try to g#t soffie results in the matter, to which things of Bine that %re to be sent when you get threiigh with them is Upland Road, Brookline, Mass. Keep my thinRB as you want to^or any of themjand as T said, I desire to give ftt present time^lf It is cared for, the skull of the mother of Pauline. If by any chance anything else Is desired I sho^i b» «t iJM to The a glad to know It. Teurs very truly, CRC/ -t^£^^ (i^,^ jxzyy^ Y^f BOYDEN. PALFREY. BRADLEE & TWOMBLY. Counsellors at Law, Al.Bi:«T BOVOCM. JOHN G. P*Lr«t.Y. KO«WtAN0 TWOMBLt. CMAWtKS «^. CROSS, JH. rRANK 8. WMITt. GtORGt BLAWCt. NATHAHlCt C. NAftH, 4m. CABt. s AOD«t»»: soYaLV 84 State Street. BOSTON. MASS. yky^^^tyt^ X%- . U /cyi/^-<^ -A * £ ■/^v:/ 94.^ ^W t. -^ z^ 44'<-Vl„.£-- A ^^2^-^^X-^C /l>^$^^^"«L^ iCl^ Jt^^ 9-. -^i-t_ ^e^cc^t^Sr^ ftr^ 4..>t^^&>*^^^ U^i^^^T^ jC^ ^^t>u-^ tv^rx.,^ \L>i^-c^^-^ Ti^^txj:^ ^--^-C/ 4-^ / ^C^7 < <\^^aJ^\^^l^^ n ^ "^tu^i &-i dV^^ dl J L^ — ''3'/^ C2^ ^0=tLli^ t<^ ^tici3^^L'/eZi ?t-<-K/V4^ /^^^t.^^. />■ ^v^ BOYDEN. F>ALFREY, BRADLEE & TWOMBLY, Counsellors at Law, CABLE At>DRr«3.S* SOVSLV ALBERT BOYDCN. JOHN a. P*tF«tV. MOWLAND TWOMBLY. CHARLES «. CROSS. Jn FRANK S. WHITE. GCORaC BLANCY. NATHAHtCL C. NASM, in. 84 State Street, boston^ mass. ^/2-^^ ^^i^ 1^9^ xAP^ €/t-^ Q^t^^l<-^ ^t^&. if f. Arrowhead Camp grand lake stream MAINE ^e^^ ^^. (fy.^ C>2^^y^ ''^>*, n a4^ 0 UJL/yC /--^ /3[ni'i;] w" a 9 ' T^ 1 <»i •»! ^ A^ 9U4^ ^ /nrui^ f4 ^^-o ^""t^i^t-o ^^.^i^w .^^^ ^v^ /?!L«_ ^ yX^ ^y"^W-v-^ ^ «<^^>1^ ^^^ Aa^ /rX! , ^^^^^^C^Vi..^&L^^ "^^ / V • /kA ^ ^ A-^t-t/ r Vt-syj^ '/ %- ^ ,? on-^tcl,^ ? J/t^.-C'V? ^ ^/i u^U'-e\yo Ou^^-^-oL ^ p. &^ /^ C^-c^f^ ^<^ i^/k-/- 9<<^ s(«-^c-e!-^^-^,-v-C— ^^t-^x-vt-t-. A^i /i 7 ^yx^^u^ ry O-^CLoiJ:: «w/ 7^^ t^'-^A^^^t U^ <^ rX^s-'y^ ^i ^, d-*^ Ah) ^ t-^ U ^i^M-Cl V f> 1^ 100 Olpiati '^xeakiine '^e^>^^ ^^, dX- e-r^'^^ K < — -t^coO*— U-.^l-X3 JL.^k. UO '— ^94J. ^*^ /^^^^^ tC^l^u^^ (b^i^^ruj- oLs^ <^iyt,.\-a{^ <^

t.-#7 <>2^vn^^v^ /i^e^t^Vi^ fV^-OA^CO i.^i^\^ Q^^^'A^ r t> rn.- WC '?'^''^^— ^x^^ru^tM^ hi 7 >'( -^ -rT-^v.. /'^^ >>f Wd f^ K &\^ ^^-n.x'u;'^^ (/w>^ ^^-t^A^au-^^C^ /-u_^ ^3<-*a-c/— / '^-/^c,-^ / "^"^^^ Hy^<^U^ <^W^ ^ /"" /^v ^:^' /^ t'- A^t.t,-C<7 '^ ^/i^^ ^P P', ^J^-l-w^ Cc^^U^y^ •-? iy-t^^.^^a^ y^ . ^ ii^ j h ^fe. !^ !> .^ n- ;P ^; i:^ ^N .?K r C^l^i^fi- Iff. ^'ivx£^ n*ti^^^c^ 4tU^ ^W ^' ^ sh^^ aIp^ h-. 7/uyit' ff<^^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ " > ^ \? ^\\ X s M 1 ? K \^ f^ i 1 -J } \ 4 t ^ St. BxrUtlpb (Elnb c^ ■3 A^t.1^^ ftLi^ ac ^V\t:7<^. ^ rt i^c^ciiM^ /a C4>c-t^^o%^Z r/ d /2/- / '^ s \jZajotu (^^ Oa.4^Z^^ c^ov ^Q r t-<^^, ^ /^^^-|-7 Np ^ // v^ \ A ^ ®e^ i^. oYc ^^'"l^'V^ i^-t^i^x. Q^, ^'^^^'^ ti^-a^ V ^i\^ oy^^ Z' / C-C^ ;. *V<-^ Tli-<^a^^iJ^ rLtA.^ /Z^^vtK-Ai^ A^^aJL /g^tc# uLl^ <^-'i'v>^ G'Z.'tU^ e^ %c^ "^■- >^ /kLzo^ ^-t^ At^^H^O-,^!^^^ <> ^ c?-e-^ ^-Aa^ul "^ ^ '*^-^^<^et^ t^C^yx-^-t-e^ynf "^ eu^U^^ . /^^ ^^/t^^-d'T^ r:;^. i 4 /'/^ '^ iitx^ ^O ? '^ ^ «i5t_ ^ i^-^:\^ 9 'K-Cl.^.AO Uyy^ a cn^L- U-^/^ ^ (/. c^^ Yy ' At^- /^;/ ^ 2138 BANCROFT PLACE WASHINGTCN. D-C. ^k^-^C^*w SL^. (Hid- ^ ^-L.a>~'^- LUJr Cr^ .^ ^_^.^_,_(r>H<^ -^^v^^ j^ c^ v^-*i "Y^A.^-^-^ t>-£^ OJl;u^.^>^ 1^^-^^ '^aX^ rT~t\ . >kuJ(^--^ ..^..^UU^ ■i>U--i:^^^ »-^ Q c f \\p<>(^,J^^[\,,yi^^^%^^^ 2138 BANCROFT PLACE WASHINGTON, D.C Tuu.H^ w^^u-'oJ^ V ^AJt^i y .) 3 . -^--w^ c^-la^^-M.- -'M^^ Ax ^^^ic' 1.^^ -O-z ^ v-<^ ^ ^ r- A ^ ^O z' '/' ^ < diy^ ^} /^ / //^n^^--^ l/^- ^^ J '^.o^-'^^ ^^ w ^, Lz^-D ^^^M^ ^^3 / / ^ Ci.J^ ^* I /-^. J t ^ t%^' €^^^%.-'\.^^'ilyi~- <^ A.V ^^ y— ^-Y / A /- //^ ^^^-•_J^2^^^ ^^/^ .^y O-^^^y^ Cn^ ^ •MITH90NIAN INSTITUTION BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY WASHINGTON, D. C. lloveiiibcr 1, 1905 Dear Doctor Ilerriain: Hy paper on t'-^e American Indian Games is in press and I am anxious to get the name of the tribes and the other data on your cards about the baskets, of v^hich I enclose proofs of cuts. I would be very grateful if you could mall this to me at Brooklyn , if you can do so without particular inconvenience. Very truly yours, Doctor C. Hart Uerriam, C/o Ilr H. ¥. Hen Shaw, Department of Agriculture. P. S. I will be glad if you v;ill return tlie proofs with the information. /7t > i-(^A^^ />>^<^'^.^'Cv<^ <^ v/A ^ /i< ^/' ^<>^ ^ ^^ ^ ' yci-^ Z^- J ex cV > ^-L^-iA-^ y ^ u^^^^c^ M-^ t: \ %: -^ s /* /?. fCX / / v-<*^ — F""^-? t-WvV^ /^C*. ol. ^- >^H-, /j: Rates: $2. to $3. per day OWNED AND OPERATED BY IFraiik Cmutlirau RATBS: tX.SO TO $S.90 PCM DAY Frank Louohran. Pmor*. W. C Hawk. Mor >< 1 AiUmiUlr. N. (H.. -^^c 3/-^ 190^ -^ xi«~e. ^i^U^ Xo^t>iV> Ti'Xjc^t^A^ J i^ti,j v^<. c-/ ^l-w M)" o^' CvTLco^ *y rates: $2. TO $3. PER DAY OWNED AND OPERATED BY Ifrauk Cmuthrau HATBS: »2.»0 TO »».»0 F«« DAY FRANK UOUOHKAN, PROP. W. C Hawk, Mow. AiiliMtUlr. N. (H.. lan "7^-i-» C-C ^ ^>vT^ x:^ C^,,--^ Xr(^ c-^-^ /^t^.-.^^'w. y /-^ J ^. A O^-xC-v^ u-i^^y^ y 0-1 c^U^^^^cxM^ <>-<^ CX^--*^ c.^^^Ot,---*-'^*-'''^ J ^^ci: /e:?'^, *^ v/ c o« — %--« ^/^ c:3^ c:0^c^-^ e^ J ^ ■^ t^^^xy^ ^ 6L>r^ / On.^^u^'<>^ ^ Lat O^^ ^^u^yv^---^ h^^^^ rp-^-^ tu^ ^^^ ^ a-cO. ts /-A.'*— 7 /yL-CL C^ Oy^'^-^-C/^ A/U -T< L.^1^ '^ ^>^>6-^^-^K'-W^ ; i/^'lyx^'X^ A/Co^-^ /^-^^ ^:V--^-, cU£ OOl. i^ut..^ ^^-IL^^^t^ _ 6-1/'''^*-^ t,.y^-U-^ C^^r^ e^ /^U. Q^^^ ^-^—l Brooklyn Ififstltute Uum Wikntnrn Park ny^ ^|Ni' '^: \ // dtt«lMr 8,1907. /^ >. \ Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Star nir :- fho fr.^ncisowi Vatlitrs at Bt.Mi .;haelfi^ Arlsonai propose to publ-*r.h the iiictl oriAry of the Wa¥>ijo L^mgtiaga upon whJ ah th^y ham ^••n ©Hc^aged for thg past ten ysars , Th"? dictionary will ocmtalil a «erl*-Mi of articlafi on M^i-vfijo ri-ligloni o^r^^'^ionliw, mrtn^ ininntrinB^ #ac>i to "He folio ftd by a llj^t of fh^ MaTaj© t -rni tFtployei th«r#iii| with more or I0SB dtitailod ©xplanatioa* Thin d#s.;rlptiv® text will prlsa artlol^^s on th*^ indu^ tri«i^ wiiaTlng, dyeing, ntlv^.?r working, iMMket rmking, etc« In aAditlon| It will cent dn list® of SwfiJ* namee of ^'^r~>rnonn and plaoew, fftar nameF, n%mas of plants and animULs* Tha work nay 'be l^est d«8or1l5©d (M an ©thnologio dlotlonary. It le pro- po^^ed to print it at f!t#lfloha6lfi| Arizona, and to fj^^mia it with the iwt' print of tha St/*1 :*ta«lf j)r^9n* Th^ ftdill^n will be limited to not Qorrj tiiMi aoo numb-'irad awyiMli wf which only IM will b# wa3UI* Tha prioa will ba $6 per oopv, payahlt on dellT^ry. Tha undaraigaadii daaply int^^rest id in tha pttblioatlon tf thia iaportttat aantributlon to Salaaaa haw imfi«rtaJc«ii to taring tt to tha a^twtion of fiohalarwt Should ymi wiah to mib^oriba^ will you kindly infant hia at your aarlidst aonTonianoa* Youra truly t h y ■'■ J X t / ; '/ 0 2- I > > n i I «- < ^:^ Fifty-sixth Congress. CHAmLU A. BotrriLLi, George Edmund Foa, Alston G. Dayton, Henry C. Loudenalager, R. B. Hawley, ThonoM S. Butler, Melville Bull, Sydney E. Madd, Jf»mea £. WatMn, Cbairman. Vktor IL Metcalf, Amoe J. Cummings, Adolph Meyer, FarUh Carter Tate, John F. Rlxey, WlllJam W. Kitchin, WlUard D. Vandlrer, Cliarlei K. Wheeler. J. E. Hall, Clei*. ((-oiniiiittpf on llarril ^prs, ftimse nf llt^vtsmtntims 11, S., ViuMHiv^tntf -, i9oa February 25th, 1901 ^ C. Hart Merrieirn, . Chief, Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, My dear siir ; - I very much appreciate your efforts en my behalf aad especially No. 7, of the American Fauna. If it is within A my power to reciprocate, please let me kno\7 and I shall gladly do 80. Yours truly. «« « 1 y 'J //. £c/-' ) (^^:^-i9ol> ^ c^ ffc /t S "^Vellesley (^ollege . "^yELLESLEvTlVlASS, r^^ -Jlj' /fo ^ ka^. ^ . )tTx,-^ Oa rjj^/i^ LA^L^ <-ICc^>ux.w /^n Xj2- (p U^ /fv^t'^Vw 6-^ / .:,f /<^^ t j^^aJI 0 ^^V^-c^^ <^-^ -cyL^ o^^^ir^-^'u2^ L<:QJC - >t.^^^ ^^-^ ^- ''Va/ ^ i^^-i-^^ '^^.^^-t^-'lX'X-. *■ ^ i^ ^ ^ s ^Wellesley ^ollege , ^Wellesley^IV^s s . %^^ ^.>e<^^ . / /9Tl, /j2<.. £^ ^ \:X^.^^uX>€^ ^ <,^a-^--K^^ C4i>2Wt^ \-A^ rV-tA-c^C^^xx^ c^ «^ M-^5<-V djgJi^A^ "V^-yOLAm X (A\A- ^ Ou-'/Cor <. T'Xm.^*^ S^cc -TJ^u^^Cytdu^ unr't'^-'A^.A-.,^..-^* .-^, /^c^ ^•^^fv o<_ d2 l^^^cw^ CXji— S— ''^cTV o-'^'WVw '^ t^1^^.A^.<.A^ IvuO'^'^Vv^^ J */ t/^ -C ■^^ S;^ Ct^^> •5 J^-^^X.^ >T^^5<-<^ -cj 9l r 4^-«-2>L '^ /Ly&x^ O^v \^^ ^c . 6^u-^ <^^-<^ ^^^^ ^T^ti^ /<^ "^ELLESLEY (^OLLEGE . 'W'^LLESLEVriVl^SS. w'-^^^L/W CU XXx^j'^im. OiA-^^<^ ..^Wl.^ ^Xn ^ C^^^-c-Y^^.^^ cstJC^ /^yi'^'^-e/-^ ^^<^^A. (pyCL.<v^^ f^K^vn^^^i^^/^s -Uj^^ yi^LA^^ CA' "W^LLESLEY (^OLLEGE , ^Welles LETv^r^jJAS s . 7l<^^<^^ l yVi^LA^o^ 0''LJ'- 'C^^,^y^ ^ l-v.^.^ L-^<-<^ . ^ >i^<--"zl^^-«^ ^ VdA^ OUyUiQ^ Cl^i.yLA/^^_AJAjL iJt^ s: ^ U-<^ icX^ cSi^c.^t.^u^..^^Jri (h^^'Ou^ S Vs^JjuOlXT^ ^'^^C^'t^xJ- f-^-vv^ h^A^i^ ^^^U^^w^-n,^ 2j^ ^yx^4-'£i^>^ oct...,j^ «^UC 'yi. '^..^Jtr irwv->->w- * ^ x^o!^^-C Cl^lJL^ (-^^ H.>M^w.<^u-s^-^ ^\x..^cx£^c. ^ i;/-'C^ Xl^- ^v-^ 'H-'^-w «i; %t7 (5^. *^\ >^ 4 '(s2U^>C>(yi.y■^...'y.^>^...,..-^ « ^inSU>J -SOtvw -Knvcueofi- ic^ .^Cx_-ec^ •. a iQjiju^ 9ua.0ta^^^ WeltesUy, Mass., C^Lu. 9! Z"^^^, Ce4yu%^' h^ts- c^^^^ t/ G^C^/^ O'V.C^ /^'^Uj^ /Ci^-i^^Tq *'^^<^ '^ '}^^*2^ C^^-L^ <:^^ 'X n...^ ^ /^,^^c^ /d...,.,^^^?.^^ /. ^<^ yCX^y^Jr^-^^ ^^-^<^ llu^jju^tL - ^-iCtM-c^^ >-^ ^^ >--^ r^.^^^^ '^ Vx u >6>C T^.,;^^^ A.^t-r<^ k^ c^t-- r 'hyi^^ >^c -it3twC( -^l^e w:x>^^ %^iyl/^L^^^ty» 7) >0't"T^'V^ O 'TytM^^^ Y s^yU.^f^^A.^y.^^t'^fyiy^--^ c^-L. Q^^^^-^'^ ^ ,£c^^t^^x^<^^-^^ -T^-^t^^ .^ 6r\x^w^cx^ jl^zh^ ^ o^-^^-^^ «" ..-^^(^^^^ 5 ^ --j:^.^,^ /^^L^t^ /^i ~ jt."^^!^^ C-c-u<^^^~i^^ ^' -O c- ^5"""^^^ ^ ^<^^=t^ ^'^ 4-c^ ''Vi,-'"'-— 1 ^^3Cxt_x>^ M^^t^'^i^ Ol^u^ \^^sJL v^ ^^^-^ %ay^ • ycUn^^Pf^ /(-^* ii^t^^,-^ /^^^^^n^ 'X^^^'t.^tt^ 3 y u C^c^i/u X^>tx^ 6^1 :7t.^Jt<'^ 7.,,,^ ca^^wWS^ .:.^VW2. d^L^ ^-20^.^C<^ ^ ^^^.^ ^^^>-^^-^ ^^-<^t.>c: ....^c-^ ^^^^«>^^ — c^ .^.^ ';^C^u^^ T^X^-ri^ ^f l^^^^"^-^^ ^^CL ^-^^C^^t-^L ^^<^ 7? ^t^«^W cx^ laadleslES College, Bqjartment of Botanu. Wellesley, Mass., (X^uxj:^^.^ ou^^ H,,^.<,>w C^c^^A^ (^ ifr^i>x^-ut^ ^K>X Oi^^^x,^ d<^^^<-^[ti-^^X^>^ ^Ss^c-^^ ^^ot i2J^ c£A.^i^n)-^ Ck.^yCX. rin^-^ ^^^(x><2- yCZ^^ /^^ 'C^ijZsSU K \S> SUoLA^^^y^ < V^-<.-/>U^VVv-A— ^ , \ I.-^ ^c^oX gU ul-^ ^ ^ / XjL- .K^L^i^^a^ i# / ^\v^lMj(^^ 4* t5J^ ^ C)«-N-^v.-'^ (2«^^i^ .^ O-.'v.^^JL vc., /1^c^^^^'^ ^/'foc-e nU2u/i (nC xHjtX^ t r out^^ l/x^ ^iA...eiA,^^^(>^<-^^ Ovmk^ Crx^ y^^-^ G-^i-T^-^ l^5--^^^JL>Ow /..J^v^^ex-^ ^^^^l^^ sit ^ - Cr^^^ ^ ^/^^ <^^>u2-^^m--Z^JC Oc C^^^vx^-^ \-^^^ C<-ot(!X .iVyr^^T^^^r « yUL^aM^t-JUb y^ (Ikjl.a^i^ , ,^*ySj2--6t^'Vt.---c--»_.<*_-.Y5/^ iSLiL^euj r \ )v^fc-t-f -aX^ ^ ^-^ ^<1 >t vv .i^ >02^ e^ <^\.ys C'^^ /^.<5 ^-zrL> Cw^ o G-^Ut^-v^ F^pstalCard - One Cent. ■ ii?iyil3iiM>>AJ3f.-lil3y.VM3l;H>fJI THIS 5105 l§ PQP THg^ ADPf^SSS ONCV. /f^ • ^ 'hut 2 1 <: Zk^. ^ ^^ C^Ca^ JJLJ^^^>^ 7lt>c. ^ix^v. <^ <^t<^j ^VUj . hiX.yiy lU' >Vu vv (yAojuL^ 2^tf^t>vc .pl^-l^JL 'T^l Ol^ ,^- 6v^ .^i.-^-^- Ca£eu,^....dx^ v> 0-v.tA^ (Usr-^^U^ lA^^^^^J^T^^ <:^^-'^c2..^- ^r^/^A..s^^^ ^^^ ^.e^ (k.^^ 0-^^..AJb /lA^ft^^ ^ ^ 5^ >v-0 (Q^ / i^-c^.^^-^ "yx/LaL-^i^h^ *-«»^ #-'?^ slWIJpp^il k ^--^Lt < -^ t^ Cy^^^K^ ^^fc^uc^c^^JiLa ^'^Z^JU- i^J^ X^U.5>< ^l^c^u-J^ C^(^^ly\^ 1^^ ^ /yiC. c^^ 1 7^ {ay^L.^i^ (Za^ ^ i^^>dr ff^'^^^/f'^-^^ ^-L^OC L<^^ -t-^ OO-^ -^ lyyCU<^ . ^^Cc^ i? ^::$lli>-^^LA-^W i^UuuiA^m^ ipiO^f^ ^W^tJ^ jU^.'^^tSL y^^^^.y^.^ (X-^^-'OL^^c-^^Zt^ <''V'l>u-^L^o^a^^t^ X^' ^^H_ C-^t^^«-H-^ (/^-^X-^c^-f^^ -^""^^^^.^ 'k^^'Ci>>-t^ J cf-^L.^<.y\m ^ :^>^ ^, t <^ ^ "^tj ^^^^-^--^ >j. ^ '-^ Cc-i-'vu On-T^.^ Lxv/v- i5 C't-t^i^-1^^T^ >i ^.^ _ .^ ^1 Oi \^a<^^x c*. '\VELLESLEY(rJbLLEUE. '\VELKESLEY.]VfASS. -"^Ji- On.x^t^-Q^ -yvA^.z^ "^(^^-^^^^^^^^--^^J^ ^ ^ ^.^^^eJl ^^ t r ffiy^ 7^^^'^^^ ^ l^^,^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ J i^r-M^...JL <:<:i^ ^-VtrryT Ao-v^X ^ Oai a^ ^ (u.^-^ ^^-Lst-eJl x-j^'-^oLc^, hJy^i^ <9 JA-'S^^^ tL^ \^t-t^ Q't(_C-^ Ccrz^^_j~~, \h\A^ (>lh. (hi 7^ ^^^-^-^^^--^^ ^-^-U-L^s-- ^O^ J-^ ic^ ^5^-^L>0^_^ /TVt/X "^ y^^ lwA7^«?^X' ^:<-^ ^ c!L\^<. ^u^JL■ ^ ^ t^UL k r\v i^^-inA-a-^-^ c^ /jiyC^~&^^ l^'-t^-^<.^ ^^^ ^£:i^^:^ ^-^ J- 1. 1./- \^> >^-tr2-t^ .^ -e n. C-1^^I^L^ 'VV'-15C-W_0£-/' 9tm ^-^-^^ 'Vv-u— -(f %cUL. • ^yflU^^^^^ V>W iZA^7. ^ ^-t— l^.C-<_^ 4.. 7/ ..v^^*- J f*-^"^ --^/^i/^i^^^*^^ i^wiy. ^ <-^^V-*f ^ ^^ >vr-uX c.*^-^>tj?^ ^o«A>Jl 'X'U^L. wVc-«. / ^^^^ '=<^ '^^^^^'-K^-c^-c^ >,>^ ^2<— ^ ^^i2r^^ ^ V^. -r^. -u-tj2, '^ /p^^^-^^''\/«^ * t-Ji^ \-^vc,^^ Vx^eja^ ^. .^^^^^^-^-^"^-^^^^-^-fc ^-^^^^^AJUO^. "^-t^c^^ W^.^^>erv>^. ^ 1?^ V"^ ^ /^<^1^ J ^ ^^(2^ d^ «^ ^0/ r ou*.-^j^ W . OL-CA- ^. .^VX/SJ .>-WA,-<«— Jb^ "^V^LLESLEY (College . "W^LLESLEY.jyJASS. ^liUu^j ^lu.,f}i KX/Ln>t-t>vt^-^;Lx^.,,L.,_^ ^ ^C^^tiCm^C- ^'Ci.^A^^ Oa^i-.5c-n>H^^ c-o<: ■r « ^U^-irt^^ ^ ^ y^'-ZC^L^^-iC ^ e^^^aS^^ () ^t^>t <,A.^J^A^ &iJL c<. (2ji.^e£^^ iL<^^u^^ ^.^^.^^^ JfL AjL-^^j^ t^ "^rf -<^ ^^.f^ ^ P 9 ^^ ^'>v^2^ ^ X^2X^ t V4. ^^ ^ l>Lk.^c^^^4^ ^ K- •^ 1 ^:i^>^c C^^--^^ X-^<^^ ^ ^ rK>>^ S^^^J^^y^^'^-^ c^^ ^ ^ c^ ai-A-«^ e ^^-^u«^ V^ \JluJk. Or-'<^-'5,-t^ ^ ^'^ ,^ vf^ .^, ^.Aji- o.^^^.'^Co^ t \ vh ELLESLEY CoOLLEGE "Wi (90 ELLESLEY. MASS djisiei^ hyUj . /7L^L/t-' c^^>^'^i. ^. Oy%/^, /^^^^t^ (X-x.^'i^ A.-^< /^ ^>f.^ ^'^^^^firt Cy^tyi.^^cc^ -i ^1-^^z/^ ^J"^ C:^ /^ t^^t .*>(^ ti^yci^ S^CL^u^J U^A^ '.CJL. ^ .^Ct^ Xt-'^-'^^w/>'^^-^ *?( ^^^^^^ ^ ^ '^--^-€^(/~C^'^OiyjX/C^iAj f ^>^a^ i^^Ow-^^T^^^^^^-O^L-^^t^ 1 c <^^ c^^ija* ()/L<.<^L.'0'-.yQ*L^ c^zz. ^i::^*^ ^ n^uLt^ 9--A/L/i^ \^\m. C^-C .^ ^^^-^^"^ Cyc^^^<^ r- IT" A n f/^- aH-' J(^ HjOtA^ei^^ Z 4 K^^SUu^xSV^t,.^ >^ eacllcsleg College, Hepartmrnt of Botanu. WelUshy, Mass., J^^*^ • /f^ /9if3. JJjUU^ 9U^' 7/<>t/Z^i^'-^=^«^^^ *^ ^^^^ ^ Z^/^>i^-^<^-;^ J^ZC^ XX-^S^t-^^^^ '^"^^ ^/-v^^ C..rvU3t..v^^.evTi^.«^-^u^^rv -^ yOl5--t-t-— **• «-<_ /(jUuX^ ^ o^>^.<..^X. 'K^*^ n^te..^ «^^i^ / 5^ -6trv-^. ^^,,,^^^ -t ^^u^ -/ '>-ci. jy— ^ «, / <3e_^^ ? 1 ^t^-e^~ ^.^ V^^«.-^-- f^^;— ^ "^'^ ^-^^^^ ^^^ "-^^ §-v"v\aX»- 2>v>:; l>. (Lcc-*-^ L ^ XaA.tA.vw/vv..^--if^0%.-'€^^^2sc H %u^j:^^-t/ri...-e<.<.^^ i\jz> r-x.'^/i.-it^c^^^^ <^-< I .eosT:; '^MfcP^^ THE SPACE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR POS POSTAL CA THE SPACE BELOW iS FOR THE ADDRESS ONLY. a. J. ci^^uS^ '7m>^'i^(^/. W' fz/ YO^-^'^ - M^- ^- ^'^'^ Jjisu^ji^ %-Ca^. /lOLyr fCC^ ^ ^UCy*^y%^ (£j>l^^\^ ^^ ^^c^^ ^ y^ C^ f^^A..^^Vt^^ 07t a^^i-^C'^^-~iZ. ^^ O^C-«t^ (Z^i^c^^^^^ ^Ic ■ (^c^lJZc^^^ - C^^ y^:<^if^ yC^pt-c^ /O^^ijmti^ /t>l-|^ i^ / b l-^'i^ ^ /2>t< a^e^c^ jir<^.r.j2^-6^ ju^<*^ J 'H^-.^Ji^ y^t^^^ :y^ 5 j(&c:c32 y^Jl/C^uC r^lf-^^^^ U-^t^,^ '^yvt^ (Tl^^Ca^^ S. ^^ x.^i^vt-.^^i-'tN^i CJ8_ \a/w^-^' J O-LX^-^ >V'l.>v..^-C^*^^^ "Wellesley (College . *^Vellesley.]]V^ss. ^-^^.^^f. /^oS. ^Jburv^ %i^ - ^ yVJx^yc^^^ O^ /v^.^-. Vi^r^ C^Jr^^ O^.JfJl L/^ c^ w rk-^^^-^ >^1 /^uc>i^ -^ 1^ / ^ ^i2^ ^(rt^^>i^ ^K'^^j?jiJL .^^ "l^-xj^j^t c<^ ^ <-^ / ) /. ^, $^^C ^ 6/(^1. ^^ ^:j(f'^'^ o~-<^^^ J^ >^^^ t^ r>r c^^^i^-^c,^ r^?^^-^^ ^..^ c>^' ^r^^tX. u v^ d. c .J a^ LA-. C<_-^ (9-J/' IaLoc^^o^..--^--^-^-^^ "^^ (5Lje-e w^-i^j frvN^c ^-^ Aa^T^^-^j^^ Ov^ n Vl/ \j^^<^^^ UV\^ ^ ^ ^ cu Vtx^^v - o2^c^.c^r£>^ t^^ ^n^^u^i^^ P-D 3ova.^ ^^^^Yr^^^^ Cc.u^£^^^2>2^\ / "^'ix^y: S Cl^xy^y^ ^^^^z^->^ 0 ^ ^ c^ <^^- Wv^ C p^ /?. "C^jz^t^^^ n w tn/x^ua- c t j/.^VT^V M<^ d^x^ ^ ^ ^ (Ua?^ tA^ fe> (}ru^<^3^. 4 ^"^^ HHcllealfg College, ©qjartntent of Botanu. WeUesley, Mass., Tt^tx^^^/f, /f^^ LQJLsk^ %U. InAAyuU. C^^LAA, '. ^ ^t^^t^s :>K-^^'C 0 /ut.^c.^:zrT^^t^ JZ^^^^^ 1^^-^ Ou'<^^J2!i^ IV ^^' Vo 1^- 0-v^rX -C^^trc. "-^^ ^^-^-w^ ^J^-t^^ V-t-^ ^^^^^--t ^ d2^ K.oJL (^U2 ^ ^ ^. t f-^^ .^ ^^.^.^ ..^^.<^.^^, ,:^ 7^--/ ^ v^* -^< c "k^^ ;m-^~ -i.*^ ^-t^^ ru c-e. /(^iex.. /c^ -t^^/ ^, ""^LLESLEY ^OLLEGE . *\^^LLESLE:Yr^^SS . /^ . /^3. /v'tu^tn/u^--*^^ . A^^' oIj2jla^ TioL. yi ^ •u »V u^-/ /t U-^i€^ "t^ ycJiMZ-i^-^^ *^ J ^ V«^ .H.x^^'-C^^ t / r(/^A- on^cn^'^ ,t£^ .-^/c^^ ^.-:;^^^^ V J^<^<{\jJ^% /VcAf^--^ <■ ^ 'T^frooo- O'^ /•9 \J2<--C-v-W 9. cS' . ^ ^ aAt O-^w :n^Lx^Q^ ^ia\. y^^^ Vi^ ^ .^.^^ 6r-^-?t^ /JLAy^---.^-^ kHju^^A^ Qtt^' 'Mutyiy^C-^c-^^^yt^^ xj /M-x^Zu^^ piyi^t^ /(t^^^U^ ^^-^yFT^ OJLti^l^a,^ (/U-^^^^J«t..t.^^ty. Clo fi rut^..J5^ h,^^^^y^ ^^T-^:^^^ ^ Q,;i,^^^nx^o ^kt?'*^ >r ^ K^^t^ ^^ 4"-^^^6^ H/^^ 2^ y^ ^.^(^'-^^^Iax^ /tA^ L4>tytyi U '^^^CA^-eA.^ t^^^xytyU^ - /\QjC/OCy<^^ty^t t 'U2^^<>2.-f^>^<-^.^.-.v^3^ • "^/ellesley (^ollege . ^^W^llesley^Mass. Q^ . X i. /"i:^^. ih^fu^^ I'Ux. '7l.OL/i/vua^t-v', J ^ CUWy^^-GJi^^j^ U r>M>.'^;t< ^ c/\.jl. ^Lt-a-C^-f^^^i,^ Ky)/^.Aj^ ^A^j^ {JyO^y^^^ f^yv^jsfu^^^ occ^ /p^''^^ (yiCA-je^^u--l^ A^^A^ A^uw. /(yi't'O^ V ' ^/C-r3-<--c ■"^^if^ ^-t-^-iC _ / "t^-t V. ^n^^UL. Vf 7^ "^ /^^UJL (TC'^^CH.*^ C_<>-^ ^ ^ T.^ =^ i p <:.€-<--^=^^i5c. ^^ Ctj%>i_ ,^1^ ^>l^ ^<^(Louc€,^. ia^u^^t^^ >l^*-*.— ^^^ cu.,jt^ iki.uJ^ri'^.^e^*^ V \ ■^^,^^^,^ C^t^t--^ - C^^ - ^r. / ^^3, 9^' t.U-C yCc rj/Hx*- ^^.^^^^^^ /«^V^ ^^2^.-^-- . S /^^^^ ■ j^ cc-^^ynJ^ 72^" .^...v^ '^^ ^U- o.w>^^^iw^ ^^^ ^"'^'^^ OOA^i-*-^^ t^ Cp^^^JL$y . -Xc-^2^--<-.^ — f/to'f^^-^ c/>L^^- C-'tC^t. -^ ^ A / .^ ^2d^ A ^?::<^ / ^CX-^ Pv c9 /U^t^ C^^^Aa^Xj^ /t-^-^^-v^ c^^<^t^<^'* 6 oLf* 6^^ ...»£, . v'Vi-^'Vfc- ,<,^<'- >o^>C'^t^ yviui^>'^Ko^ >^ ^SdU li^U^^ 'lyUcJ: /'t^->M, t^*^ /t-t'-t- ..^^^^ >/-^?^-. ^ _,^,^ 'V^^X ^ >t/^^" Z^Z.-^-"^>^ fj'ijey^::^^ /^ 2i^^<>-t^ . c? ^:^ix-^>t^t^ f'ynA^i/^'-^^^ cl2<.^< 7:^^^^^'^'''^^ ?^ ^2^ 7^^=^^--:I CcA^ ^ ^.^. i.^ e,.^i^- ^.z^aX^/CZ- ^ A, ^^ ^t^iz-^^Xy^^^ C^cSr-c'-^^--^ - /^; .,^,.o.J:>o^L /^^i^^^ c^t.jK. "l^ /^-t/^^^^^ /aA^^^-^^ a^<^ i^- ^s^ Q-^t-^My*^ ot^^J^ ^^'t^o^^ ^uxjoJ^ r^'x^c^i^i^ ^^. cV'^ U^ ^' yC<: r7^>^^^ /^^^^Lfc.^r'^t-^ XyiA^ :^y^ Om^-^u^ 4X^ x>w -^^ u^-- O^ S^v^X yMlx>6uAJ7 ^ V,K<>W f iA^SdM^