Checklists for the CORINE Biotopes Programme and its application in the PHARE countries of Central and East Europe;

including comparisons with relevant conventions and agreements on the conservation of European species and habitats


Prepared by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre under contract to IUCN - The World Conservation Union IUCN Project 9815 - EEC Biotopes EU Technical Assistance Contract No. ZZ91110501-BO15

Version 2.0: July 1994

World Conservation Monitoring Centre The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) is a joint venture between the three partners who developed the World Conservation Strategy and its successor, Caring for the Earth: IUCN - The World Conservation Union, UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme, and WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund). Its mission is to support conservation and sustainable development through the provision of information on the world’s biological diversity.

WCMC has developed global overview databases that include threatened plant and animal species, habitats of conservation concer, critical sites, protected areas of the world, and the utilisation and trade in wildlife species and products. Drawing on these databases, WCMC provides an information service to the conservation and development communities, governments and United Nations agencies, scientific institutions, the business and commercial sector, and the media. WCMC produces a wide variety of specialist outputs and reports based on analyses of its data. It is also actively involved in building the capabilities of other institutions, particularly in developing countries, for promoting and planning their own biological resources.

World Conservation Monitoring Centre 219 Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 ODL, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 223 277314; FAX: +44 223 277136 A contribution to GEMS - The Global Environment Monitoring System

IUCN - The World Conservation Union Founded in 1948, IUCN - The World Conservation Union brings together states, government agencies and a diverse range of non- governmental organisations in a unique world partnership: over 800 members in all, spread across 125 countries. As a union, IUCN exists to enable its members to represent their views on the world stage and to provide them with the concepts, strategies and technical support they need to achieve their goals. Through its six Commissions, IUCN draws together over 5000 expert volunteers in project teams and action groups. A central secretariat coordinates the IUCN Programme and leads initiatives on the conservation and sustainable use of the world’s biological diversity and the management of habitats and natural resources, as well as providing a range of services. IUCN has helped many countries to prepare National Conservation Strategies, and demonstrates the application of its knowledge through the field projects it supervises. Operations are increasingly decentralised and are conducted by an expanding network of regional and country offices located principally in developing countries. IUCN seeks above all to work with its members to achieve development that is sustainable and that provides a lasting improvement in the quality of life for people all over the world. ;

IUCN European Programme 219 Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 ODL, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 223 277802; FAX: +44 223 277175

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Background and project history hell Project aim .2._ Background and Terms of Reference 3. Sources of Information .4_ Data confidentiality 5 Acknowledgements

ethodology - Explanatory notes/Guidelines for the checklists

] Background

2 Methodology - identification of CORINE Biotopes checklist species in the EU member states

2.3 Methodology - identification of CORINE Biotopes checklist species in the

PHARE countries

2.3.1 Checklist of threatened animals

2.3.2 Checklist of threatened plants

2.3.3 General comments

N oe

Critical Review of the CORINE Biotopes species checklists

Sal Comments on CORINE Biotopes checklists for the PHARE countries 3.2 Comments referring to lower plants

3.3. Independent comments on overall CORINE Biotopes checklists species 3.4 Species lists provided to WCMC for the PHARE countries

Comparison of the CORINE Biotopes checklists with relevant lists in European and global treaties and agreements 4.1 Types of species and habitats lists present in relevant lists in European and global treaties and agreements 4.1.1 IUCN Global Red Lists 4.1.2 Bern Convention 4.1.3 Habitats Directive 4.1.4 Other European and regional classifications Baltic Sea Region Mediterranean Commonwealth of Independent States - former Soviet Union

4.1.5 Regional Processes for comparisons beyond Europe Australia

ASM SoZ Canada China United States of America

4.1.6 Species-based approach to conservation

Comparisons with CORINE Biotopes checklist species

5.1 Comparison of threatened mammal species lists 5.1.1 Comparison with the Bern Convention 5.1.2 Comparison with the 1994 IUCN Red list 5.1.3 Comparison with the Bonn Convention





5.1.4 Comparison with the CITES Convention

Comparison of threatened amphibian and reptile species lists

5.2.1 Comparison with the 1994 IUCN Red List

5.2.2 Comparison with the Bern Convention

5.2.3. Comparison with Annex II and Annex IV of EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

5.2.4 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

Comparison of threatened fish species lists

5.3.1 Comparison with 1994 IUCN Red List

5.3.2 Comparison with Annex II of the Bern Convention

5.3.3 Comparison with EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

5.3.4 Comparison with Council of Europe "Conservation of threatened freshwater fish in Europe", Nature and Environment Series, no 46, 1991

5.3.5 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

Comparison of threatened invertebrate species lists

5.4.1 Comparison with 1994 IUCN Red List

5.4.2 Comparison with Appendix II of the Bern Convention

5.4.3. Comparison with Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/eec

5.4.4 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

Comparisons with the threatened bird species lists

5.5.1 Comparison with the IUCN Red List

5.5.2 Comparison with the CITES Convention

5.5.3 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

5.5.4 Comparison with the former USSR

Comparisons with the CORINE threatened plant lists

5.6.1 Comparison with IUCN threatened plants lists

5.6.2 Comparison with Bern Convention

5.6.3 Comparison with the Habitats Directive

5.6.4 Comparison with the CITES Convention

5.6.5 Comparison with the former USSR listings

Comparison of CORINE Biotopes habitats lassification with other European classifications

6.1 6.2


CORINE Biotopes habitat classification

Differences with other European classifications

6.2.1 Habitats Directive

6.2.2 Council of Europe Map of the Natural Vegetation of the member countries of the European Community and the Council of Europe

6.2.3 European Vegetation Survey

6.2.4 Nordic classification

6.2.5 Ramsar Convention

6.2.6 IUCN Marine Biogeographic classification

Other regional classifications relevant to Europe, the Palaearctic Realm and


6.3.1 Russian Federation and the former Soviet Union

6.3.2 People’s Republic of China

6.3.3 Australia

6.3.4 Canada

6.4 Proposed CORINE Biotopes Palaearctic and Global Habitats Classification

Conclusions eal CORINE Biotopes: Threatened species lists 7.2. CORINE Biotopes: Habitat classification



8.1 Combined ecosystem and species-based biodiversity 8.2 Global Status of Threatened Species

8.3 National Status

8.4 Status in CORINE area

8.5 Range in CORINE Area

8.6 Conventions and agreements

8.7 Taxonomy of existing lists

8.8 Standard habitat classification

8.9 Marine and coastal

8.10 Encourage the extension of the CORINE Biotopes methodology to a wider

Europe 8.11 Other issues 8.11.1 CORINE Red Data Book 8.11.2 Responsibility 8.11.3 Data management and maintenance

8.12 Training workshops Annexes

l List of European experts whose views were sought as part of the project

The proposed new criteria for listing species on the IUCN Red List (Mace et


3 Criteria for listing species and habitats in wildlife treaties and agreements relevant to Europe

4 EU CORINE Biotope checklists and proposed extension for the PHARE countries

5) List of habitat classes in key European classifications

6 Countries covered by each of the Conventions




Checklist of species for the CITES Convention Checklist of species for the Bonn Convention 9 Checklist of species for the Bern Convention 10 Checklist of species for the Habitats Directive 1] Checklist of habitats for the Habitats Directive 12 Inventory and Cartography of the Flora and Fauna of Europe (Harding, 1992)


The overall objective of the project was to support the extension of the CORINE Biotopes programme into the PHARE countries of East and Central Europe through the provisions and review of specific checklists and review of appropriate parts of the methodology. Candidate checklists of animals and plants for the six PHARE countries of East and Central Europe were to be prepared and recommendations made for extension of the process into a wider Pan-Europe.

1.2. Background and Terms of Reference The aim of the project was proposed in the Council of Europe/European Environment Agency Task Force CORINE Biotopes meeting in December 1991, and specifications drawn

up in the following year.

In accordance with the contract, five tasks were identified in agreement with IUCN European Programme:

l Preparation of a CORINE Biotope checklist of threatened species for six PHARE countries;


Preparation of explanatory notes/guidelines for the checklists;

3 Comparison of CORINE Biotope checklists with other species and habitats convention/treaty lists;

4 Independent review/comment of the CORINE Biotopes species and habitat selection process;

5 Recommendations for the guideline checklist methodology to extend the CORINE Biotopes programme to non EU countries.

The first draft checklists were submitted to IUCN in October 1992 as the Indicative checklists for the PHARE countries of central and east Europe (1992) for plants and the Preliminary draft list of species of conservation concern in the CORINE PHARE countries to be considered for inclusion in the CORINE PHARE list of threatened species 1. Vertebrates, excluding birds (1992). Avifauna were not included as Birdlife International were separately preparing the bird checklist.

Subsequently the WCMC activities in 1993/94 included: An assessment of existing draft WCMC checklists of threatened animals and

plants in the PHARE countries of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovak Republic;

Review and incorporation of new information on Red Lists of animals and plants in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic;

Where time available to review existing preliminary list from the Habitats of the European Community, Central Europe and Northern Europe (1990), using information readily available to WCMC and its collaborators;

Review and incorporation of information from national authorities and key experts, including CORINE PHARE focal points;

Incorporation of relevant information into WCMC databases.

Analysis of material received in order to assess the extent to which the species lists were compatible with the CORINE Biotopes checklists of the 12 EU Member States (see methodology in CORINE Technical Handbook),

Completion of the animal and plant checklists in style and format requested by the CORINE Biotope coordinators.

In February 1994 the final drafts were completed as CORINE Checklist of threatened plants and animals for the European Union and the extension to the PHARE countries (1994) Version 1. The lists included species in the existing checklists of threatened species (Appendices F-K inclusive) published in the CORINE Biotopes Manual, Data Specifications - Part 1 (EUR 12587/2 EN)(1991) plus additional species from the PHARE region.

These checklists were submitted to IUCN and the CORINE Coordinator at the EEA-TF and presented at the February 1994 Expert Working Meeting of CORINE PHARE national coordinators at DGXI, Brussels. The lists were then forwarded to PHARE national experts for CORINE Biotopes for review, correction and update.

The methodology and checklists of species and habitats were subsequently sent out for independent review to EU Member States CORINE coordinators, IUCN Commissions and Programmes and other expert groups with requests for comment by 30 March 1994 (see Annex 1 for lists of contacts).

The correspondence included the following:

Documentation on the methodology for CORINE Biotopes site selection at the European Union level (CORINE Biotopes manual Methodology, (EUR 12587/1 EN);

Contents page illustrating habitat structure, introduction and a sample page of habitat classes as the classification listed in the CORINE Biotopes manual, Habitats of the European Community, Data Specifications - Part 2, (EUR 12587/3 EN)

Requests for comment were made on: Criteria used to select sites.

Requested comments on the suitability of this methodology and whether it could be applied to extend the classification to habitats also (or solely) found in eastern and central Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Alternative classifications that are currently in use or which are being proposed to cover the pan European region (whether a global vegetation classification which is applicable to Europe or one designed specifically for Europe itself).

Requests were made for comments about the relative merits of the various systems.

Acknowledgements were received from all six countries of the PHARE region. Variable amendments were received including long additional lists of species of national importance from Hungary and Poland.

The final candidate Version | checklists of animal and plant species for the EU and PHARE countries were incorporated into the listings and marked within the WCMC global databases of threatened species. The habitats classification was reviewed for potential incorporation into the WCMC site protection database.

In April 1994 additional comments were received from Marc Roekaerts, Ulla Pinborg and Pierre Devilliers on CORINE designated areas, habitats and species, during an IWRB/WCMC wetland information management workshop on 26 April and a WRI/WCMC workshop on Biodiversity Indicators for Policy-Makers on 29 April 1994. Finally in June 1994 lists were encoded into the CORINE Biotopes database by ITE. 1.3 Sources of Information

In order to capture the fullest possible response within the given time frame under the IUCN Terms of Reference a variety of institutions were contacted and data collection methods employed. These included:

CORINE PHARE Biotopes teams

CORINE Biotopes teams in the European Union

Government departments and agencies (eg natural resources, wildlife, fisheries, environment, parks)

. International intergovernmental organisations

Non-governmental organisations (NGO) and private voluntary organisations

Universities Institutions Botanic Gardens

Private individuals

Data on the species checklists and habitats was gathered using various methods such as: Direct questioning through correspondence and interviews Review of conventions, agreements and directives

Review of published documents and other material

Currently EC DGXI, European Environment Agency and the Council of Europe have responsibility for CORINE development and assessments. WCMC worked closely with these bodies and the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology of the UK and Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, in developing its assessment of the threatened species and habitats and methodologies identified in their lists. WCMC also worked closely with relevant regional organizations, principle collaborators included IUCN and its commissions and programmes, and also WWF International. At the national level, WCMC collaborated directly with the appropriate authorities, CORINE Biotopes natural coordinators focal and independent species and habitats experts. See Annex 1 for lists of contacts.

1.4 Data confidentiality

Some organisations and individuals, particularly those outside government, were sensitive about releasing information. Their confidentiality was maintained.

1.5 Acknowledgements

The successful completion of this project has only been possible through a committed team effort by individuals and organisations from the European region and beyond.

Within Europe, the contribution of the IUCN European Programme is particularly acknowledged, with a special thanks to Dr Zbigniew Karpowicz and Tiina Rajamets. Of equal importance is the fundamental contribution of Michel Cornaert (European Commission), Marc Roekaerts (Council of Europe), Dirk Wascher (European Environmental Agency Task Force), Eric Evrard (PHARE/European Environmental Agency Task Force), Pierre Devillers (CORINE/Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique), Dorian Moss (CORINE/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology of the UK) and Ulla Pinborg (CORINE/National Forest and Nature Agency of Denmark). Also to national CORINE/PHARE project coordinators G. Spiridonov/M. Mileeva, Department, Protected Areas and Forests, Ministry of Environment (Bulgaria), Z. Podhajska/B. Kucera, Cesky Ustat Ochrany Prirody (Czech Republic), T. Patkai, National Authority for Nature

Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Regional Policy (Hungary), M. Oltean, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biology (Romania), A. Dyduch-Falniowska, Nature Protection Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland), and P. Gajdos, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia) are acknowledged for their work in coordinating national assistance on checklists and in leading the administration of the study within each of the countries, respectively.

Thanks are also expressed to the following individuals and organisations, without whose efforts the study would not have been possible: G. Sdderman, National Board of Waters and the Environment (Finland), D. Richard, Secrétariat de la Faune et de la Flore, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France), H. Koeppel, Bundesforschungsanstalt fiir Naturshultz und Landschaftsdkologie, Institut fiir Landschaftspflege und Landschaftsékologie, (Germany), C. O. Criddain, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Office of Public Works (Ireland), M. Gobbi, Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment, Servizio Conservazione Natura (Italy), J. Thissen, National Reference Centre for Nature, Forests and Landscape (IKC-NBLF), section Biogeographical Information Centre (Netherlands), M. Pancorbo Lopez, Coordinadora Proyecto Hispanat, Institut Nacional Para La Conservacion de la Naturaleza, Subdireccion General de Espaces Naturelles, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion (Spain), J. C. Simon Zerzoso, Botanico Protecto Biotopes/CORINE, Institut Nacional Para La Conservacion de la Naturaleza (Spain), A. Cuadrado Martin, Zoologigo Grupo Biotopes/CORINE, Institut Nacional Para La Conservacion de la Naturaleza (Spain), C. Gdransson, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Sweden), J. Hopkins, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (UK).

Coordinating the study at the international level, as well as preparation of final outputs, was brought about by the dedicated efforts of staff at WCMC. A special thanks is extended to Johanna Sidey for her outstanding contribution towards project administration, data entry, and report production. Particular mention goes to the following individuals: Graham Drucker (Project Coordinator), Andrea Cole, Brian Groombridge, Harriet Gillett and Chris Magin along with support from Richard Luxmoore and Jeremy Harrison. A special thanks is also reserved for Kerry Walter, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, for his efforts in designing the conventions database, for his contribution to the development of the project and advise on comparable programmes overseas.

Finally gratitude is extended to all those who participated in the project. Without the time and interest of those who contributed by filling out questionnaires and/or by providing supporting materials and comments, there simply would be no study. It is only hoped that the efforts of these individuals is matched by a product that is of interest and real value.


Based on the recommendations in the Conference of the European Ministers of the Environment (Lucerne, 1993) attempts have been increasingly been devised to identify important sites for nature conservation at the pan European level. This is being seen as a practical method for linking or networking areas of Europe’s natural heritage and ensure longterm sustainability of the region.

Towards furthering this goal the European Union and Council of Europe initiated the CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Programme. The first stages were undertaken entirely within the European Community (European Union) countries alone as of from 1985. In 1991 the Programme was expanded to incorporate the six East European Countries of the PHARE region (Strasbourg, 1991).

Data in CORINE are collected on a number of major themes: the geographic base (coastline, regional boundaries, water pattern, slopes, settlements); nature ("biotopes" or sites of significance for nature conservation, areas designated by statute); land (soils, climate, erosion risk, land cover); air (emission, air quality); water (stream discharge, water quality) and socio-economic data. Collection of data for each theme forms a separate project, and these activities are closely coordinated by an advisory group which meets regularly in Brussels. Following compilation and validation, the data are added to a Geographical Information System (GIS) at the Brussels office of EC DG XI CORINE.

Overall the CORINE Biotopes Programme has the following objectives:

Systematically identify and list key national threatened species and biotope types of European importance to ensure their future conservation;

Improve the country-level and regional availability of environmental conservation data; promote improved data quality by use of standard field techniques, habitat classifications and protocols for data capture; and promote the ready flow of data for in-country applications;

Develop regional communications and thematic databases on sites with regionally important biotopes so as to assist the development of an integrated conservation strategy for the region;

Provide the basis for a coordinated framework for species and ecosystem conservation, development of regional databases, and promotion of cooperation between the international community, EU Member States and the rest of Europe.

The overall objective of the current CORINE Biotopes programme after EU is to catalogue as many as possible of the sites of nature conservation importance (Biotopes) in the PHARE counties and European Union, whether or not they currently enjoy national or international protection Status. For the purpose of site identification, objective criteria have been set up, based on the presence of vulnerable or endangered species of plants or animals or of threatened habitats. A

Technical Handbook lists methodology and checklists of species which are recorded using the standard Linnaean scientific nomenclature.

With the context of the PHARE extension work the actual task of site data collection using the checklists, was initiated after training sessions held in ITE and Brussels. The last was in February 1994 with the PHARE Biotope team coordinators, each of whom was responsible for collation of data for his or her country.

Most of the team members are representatives of national nature conservation bodies but in some cases they are recruited from research institutes or universities. It is their duty to coordinate information from their own data and from other sources such as regional authorities and ornithological site registers and forward it to the CORINE coordinator in Brussels.

Dee Methodology - identification of CORINE Biotopes checklist species in the EU member states

The existing methodology for the European Union to derive the CORINE Biotope species checklists is found in CORINE Biotopes Manual, Data Specifications - Part 1] (EUR 12587/2 EN) (1991).

The site selection criteria states that any vulnerable European species listed in Appendices F to K of the CORINE Biotopes manual which are present on the site are listed in the site record. If any of these species have been used as criteria for the inclusion of the site in the biotopes inventory, this should be indicated for each such species using one of the following criterion:

= The site contains more than 1% of the Community population of the species, or is one of only 100 sites or fewer in the EU where the species occurs;

* The site is one of only five sites or fewer in the region where the species occurs; $$ One of the most important sites in the EU for the species;

$ One of the five most important sites in the region for the species;

a The species has been observed in the site but not recently.

In addition, where the information is available, species abundance is included as an estimate of the number of individuals.

2.3 Methodology - identification of CORINE Biotopes checklist species in the PHARE countries

Explanatory notes/guidelines for the species checklists extension to the PHARE countries.

2.3.1 Checklist of threatened animals

The revised draft list of species for the PHARE extension comprises the original listing for

western Europe plus a selection of candidate species for East and Central Europe. The methodology for determining the animal checklists is based on criteria as follows:

Globally-threatened species from the 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals, which occur in any of the PHARE countries and which are not in the original CORINE Biotopes checklist.

Regional threatened species from the UNECE European Red List, which occur in the region and are not in the original CORINE Biotopes checklist.

Species listed in any of the national Red Books of the PHARE countries which are not in the original CORINE Biotopes checklist, and which in independent judgement may be regarded as rare or threatened in Europe.

Subspecies listed in national Red Books have not been included, and species have not been included if ranked as threatened in one country but which are widely distributed elsewhere in Europe and not significantly threatened at the regional level. Some of the species included are threatened in Europe but widespread and possibly not threatened outside Europe.

A few species endemic to the PHARE countries, or nearly so, have been added.

2.3.2 Checklist of threatened plants

The plant list consists of the original CORINE Biotopes checklists for the EU and approximately 100 additional threatened species from the PHARE region. The PHARE region plants checklist was compiled using a combination of the following criteria:

Species listed as endangered (E) or vulnerable (V) at the national level in one or more of the six countries.

Species listed as threatened at the global level. This includes IUCN "Threatened" categories: "Endangered" (E), "Vulnerable" (V), "Rare" (R) and "Indeterminate"


Species that are threatened at a national level but whose global distribution is incompletely known, have not been assigned a global threat category. The botanical taxonomic work for pan European countries, the Flora Europaea (1962-1980, 1993) was used as basis to validate species distribution within a European context.

2.3.3 General comments


See Annex 2 for information concerning the existing IUCN categories (also the proposed new system, Mace et al, 1993).

No changes have been made to the existing CORINE biotopes checklist for the

EU member states species lists (Appendices F-K in the CORINE biotopes manual, 1(1)).


However it was recognised that revision of the taxonomy and content of these lists was desirable.

Vertebrates have been reviewed more comprehensively than invertebrates because more information is available. Invertebrates in the IUCN and the UNECE Red Lists have been added. WCMC have recent and comprehensive national invertebrate Red Lists only for Poland, Czech and Slovak Republics among the PHARE countries; WCMC has suggested for inclusion (without attempting to validate the taxonomy) those species which appear in both Red Lists. No invertebrates have been added under criterion four (animal taxa), above.

No candidate species have been added from the latest Appendices to the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (T- PVS (93) 16), as this would also entail changes to the original CORINE Biotope listings.

PHARE country animal species suggested for listing have been added after species in the same family already listed; where families have been added these appear after families already listed.

A second list of plant species for the PHARE countries was also produced from the WCMC plants database; this list includes 700 species listed with IUCN category "E" or "V" ("Endangered" or "Vulnerable") at a national level in one or more of the six PHARE countries but for which we do not have a record of the full global distribution.

In this Red list if the global distribution was not known to be complete, the global threat category could not logically be assigned. This list was distributed to experts in Europe to establish if any, or none, of these species in addition to the candidate list should be included. Comments from these experts were incorporated in the CORINE Biotope checklists where necessary.


Requests for comment on the animal and plant lists and their methodology were sent Out to 86 individual experts and expert groups within the CORINE PHARE and EU framework and through IUCN Commission and Programmes and wildlife/protected area agencies and thematic

working groups.

Selected responses include the following:

3.1 Comments on CORINE Biotopes checklists for the PHARE countries

Czech Republic





The draft selection of plants has been accepted without any special comments under the criteria that it was produced. Only recommendation is the re-evaluation of including Plantago atrata Hoppe subsp. sudetica (Pilger) Holub. This is an endemic taxon with distribution confined to the territory of the Czech Republic.

The inclusion of the PHARE countries on the CORINE biotopes database demands the revision of the entire system so that threatened species and sites from those countries are not simply "tacked on" in a cumulative fashion. Are there, for instance, any species on the existing lists which cannot properly be regarded as threatened over the entire extended territory and which should, therefore, be proposed for deletion? e.g. the inclusion of Dryopteris aemula.

The proposed additional species, which occur also in the Netherlands are no problem from the national point of view.

Dr. Dihoru believes that the candidate plant checklist is too poor for Romania and gives some suggestions, both taxonomic and giving more species.

Taxonomy of species is a problem. Many species regarded as most important in countries are endemics. The endemic sub- species become more of a problem because some species are extremely variable, for example a sub-species of Thalapi alpestre (caerulescens ssp. tatrense) is proposed on the list but in the UK there are 5-6 very distinctive populations which could be classified as endemic sub-species. The same may apply to many other species such a Limonium spp.

The draft Plant "list 1" includes several taxa, which, though being Carpathian or West-Carpathian endemics, are tied up with upland and Alpine regions where they are not considered endangered, some of them occur in a relatively large territory in Slovakia: Cerastium arvense ssp. glandulosum, Dianthus praecox, Sepervivum montanum ssp. carpaticum, Thlaspi caerulescens ssp.


tatrense, Larix decidua var. polonica, Euphrasia slovaca, Laserpitium archangelica, Viola biflora, respectively are relatively copious in the territory of their occurrence. Due to little data about its localities, the inclusion of the taxa Larix decidua Mill. car. polonica Racib. Oastenf. into the list causes problems.

3.2 Comments referring to lower plants


The bryophytes, lichens and fungi on the CORINE biotopes checklists are inadequate. The bryophytes have been given a European RDB recently and there is a great deal known about the European distribution of at least the macro-lichens and macro- fungi. These should be represented.

3.3 Independent comments on overall CORINE biotopes checklist species

The following section comprises the feed back that this project has produced concerning the original EU CORINE Biotopes species listing and proposed extensions elsewhere.






We propose that the checklists will be extended to cover the Baltic States, Karelia and the Nordic Countries.

The need for taxonomic rigour is crucial so the list should cite a taxonomic authority such as Flora Europaea and then adhere to it tigidly or at least state explicitly where it has departed from and why.

It is not very useful to have on the species lists species which are widespread and common in agricultural and urban biotopes. The CORINE Biotopes and the Habitats Directive for which CORINE is a good instrument are site oriented, so inclusion of dispersed species is not adequate in this framework.

As ‘concerns the checklists of species we believe that the analysis of species distribution in their whole European range and that of threats to them should be the main criteria taken into account. The existing lists such as list of Bern Convention, EEC - CITES etc, are based on different criteria and they should not be a base for CORINE checklists. The CORINE Project has its own purposes so it needs its own criteria, which will allow the identification and conservation of pan-European species diversity.

Using threatened or endangered status in a single country can create serious misunderstandings about the status of species, as in an extreme case it could be the species is common in all other countries. For example, the CORINE threatened plants lists includes Silene vulgaris which I assume is rare in one or more


WWE International

Council of Europe

countries of the EU. However it is very abundant in several other, including the UK.

We are concerned that many species on the UK Red Data Books do not appear on the list and even species on Annex II of the Habitat and Species Directive such as Gentianella anglica are not on the list. It seems that the whole list needs some sort of revision and a common set of standards applied across Europe. The problem is that what is rare and qualifies for Red Data Book status in one country may be quite common in another.. Perhaps what is needed is a tabulation for Europe of RDB species with endemics highlighted in some way. Users of the list would then know whether the rarity extended throughout Europe or was confined to particular areas or countries.

Selection of the taxa depends on the criteria used, perseverant application of the criteria issuing from the all-European view can result in the exclusion of several proposed taxa. Methodological group of the project has got a difficult task to keep the list of proposed species consistent.

The status "Rare" should not automatically be considered as "Threatened". Need to identify true endemics to Europe because many of the species already listed have a range that extends far beyond Europe. It is possible and recommendable to make a link between listed species and biotopes, especially feasible for plants and invertebrates. He also makes the recommendation to include both species and biotopes for all the EFTA countries, not just for 12 EU and 6 PHARE countries. A new list would therefore correspond more directly with the appendices of the Bern Convention and is more progressive in terms of the ongoing EU- enlargement process.

The CORINE list is not a good point of departure for this exercise or else the term "Threatened" should be dropped as there is a risk of confusion with IUCN nomenclature. The CORINE list has never been a threatened species list (in the [UCN sense) but rather a list of species receiving particular conservation attention in the EU (for whatever reason). To write a pan-European list the threat category will have to be dropped with many species which receive attention in the EU states but are not at all threatened on a European scale (an example is given of the wolf). The Bern list is a political list which contains many species which are not threatened but that, nevertheless, it was thought that they should be protected in the whole of Europe. Our exercise should be much more defined. Which is your geographical framework of reference EU and PHARE and/or other European states? Will Cyprus and Turkey be included? The ex Soviet-Union, up to the Urals?


3.4 Species lists provided to WCMC for the PHARE countries

Bulgaria Latest information in January 1994, Bulgarian Ministry of Environment

List of plant species which should be added to the CORINE Biotopes Programme - 23 species.

Czech Republic 1979 Red List of flora in Czech Socialist Republic

Draft list of threatened species submitted to the CORINE Biotopes programme, 1992. No new updates had been prepared up to April 1994

Hungary List of Threatened Plants (1984)

Draft list of threatened species submitted to the CORINE Biotopes programme, 1992. New updates had been prepared in March/April 1994

Poland List of Threatened Plants (1986) List of Threatened Plants in Poland (2nd edition, 1992) Polish Red Data Book of threatened Plants (1994) Romania List of rare, endemic and threatened plants in Romania (1984)

Draft list of threatened species submitted to the CORINE Biotopes programme, 1992"

Draft list of threatened species on diskette (January 1994) Slovakia List of extinct, endemic and threatened taxa of vascular plants ...of Slovakia

Draft Red list of ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia (January 1994, 2nd draft)


The CORINE Biotopes species checklists have been developed as a mechanism for identifying sites of importance for nature conservation at a European level. The lists are intended to represent "indicator" species, to act as a tool or guide for site selection, rather than to be exhaustive listings of all threatened species within the European context.

The stages within the WCMC project included the following:



Identification and acquisition of lists appended to global and regional treaties and agreements relevant to Europe.

Includes comparison with the EU Habitats and Birds Directives, Bern Convention, Bonn Convention, UNECE Red list, CITES, IUCN Global Red list, and where relevant the Baltic Convention and UNEP Regional Seas Programmes and related agreements.

Incorporation of relevant information within WCMC databases in standard format.

Analysis of material received in order to evaluate differences between CORINE Biotopes checklists with other European Treaties and Agreements.

Sending out lists and analysis for independent review. Preparation of comments and recommendations.

Types of species and habitat lists present in relevant European and global Treaties and agreements

Within European lists of threatened or protected species are found, in addition to the CORINE Biotopes Checklists, in the following:

IUCN Global Red Lists of Animals and Plants as held in the WCMC species databases;

Habitats Directive; Birds Directive;

Bern Convention; Bonn Convention;

UNECE European Red List of globally threatened species;

Barcelona Convention and the Mediterranean Action Plan, Baltic Sea Convention;

Red Data Book of the Baltic Region;

USSR Red Data Book;

National Red Data books for European countries;

CITES Convention Appendices;

Various legal instruments and agreements have used differing approaches to protect the listed rare and endangered species of animal and plant. Aims and objectives range from protection from wildlife trade, to protection only of migratory species, to identification of species under threat at the regional level such as in the Mediterranean or Baltic Seas.

4.1.1 TUCN Global Red lists

The /UCN Red Lists of animals and threatened plants of the world are comprehensive global compenda of species known to be threatened. The term threatened refers to taxa assigned a relevant status category by IUCN. The Red List is based on information provided through the IUCN Species Survival Commission Specialist Groups. Each species covered in the Red List is assigned a threat category determined by review of the factors affecting it and the extent of the effects these are having throughout its range. Key factors examined include changes in distribution or numbers, degree and type of threat, and population biology. A new IUCN classification has been prepared by Mace et al (1993)(see Annex 2).

4.1.2 Bern Convention

The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (the Bern Convention) places its heaviest emphasis on the protection of habitats, especially habitats of species listed in the Appendices and endangered habitats.

There are four Appendices. Appendix I is reserved exclusively for "Strictly Protected Flora Species", Appendix II for "Strictly Protected Animal Species", and Appendix III for "Protected Fauna Species".

A revision in 1991 added to the convention species which are at the greatest risk of extinction ie. endangered plants and animals. Additional plant and animals species were added to the Appendices which if the conservation measures were applied would also conserve habitats of conservation importance and sites where other endemic and threatened plants are found. Other additions were species which were not quite in the categories "Endangered" or "Vulnerable" but were rapidly declining due to over-collection.

In the case of Appendix I Flora Europaea has been used throughout as the major taxonomic reference point.

For a list of selection criteria for the Appendices see Annex 9.


4.1.3 Habitats Directive The Council Directive on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1992) concerns the conservation of wild animals and plants and their habitats. Three Appendices list

threatened species of animal and plant of Community Concern.

Appendix II Animal and plant species of Community Interest whose conservation requires the designation of Special Areas of Conservation

Appendix IV Animal and plant species of Community Interest in need of strict protection

Appendix V Animal and plant species of Community Interest whose taking in the wild and exploitation may be subject to management measures

Criteria for species selection are listed in Article 1 as follows:

Species of Community interest means species which, within the territory referred to in Article 2, are:

1) endangered, except those species whose natural range is marginal in that territory and which are not endangered or vulnerable in the western palaearctic region: or

il) vulnerable, i.e. believed likely to move into the endangered category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating; or

ill) rare, i.e. with small populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable, but are at risk. The species are located within restricted geographical areas or are thinly scattered over a more extensive range; or

iv) endemic and requiring particular attention by reason of the specific nature of their habitat and/or the potential impact of their exploitation on their conservation Status.

Such status are listed or may be listed in Annex II and/or Annex IV or V; Priority species means species referred to in (g)(i) for the conservation of which the Community has particular responsibility in view of the proportion of their natural range which falls within the territory referred to in Article 2; these priority species are indicated by an asterisk (*) in Annex II. For details of the Bonn and CITES Conventions see Annexes 7 and 8.

4.1.4 Other European and regional classifications Baltic Sea Region

The Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki


Convention)(1983) has provisions for species conservation. Priority species for conservation in the Baltic Sea region are based on threatened species identified in national red lists for each country of the circum-Baltic region.

In this case there are 16 geographical units:

Aland region, Finland

Finland excluding Aland Leningrad region, Russia Estonia



Kaliningrad region, Russia Poland

Germany (former East Germany) Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) Denmark


The HELCOM Environment Committee started to develop a programme in nature conservation as a first step in the implementation of Article 15 on nature conservation and biodiversity in the new 1992 Helsinki Convention. The environment committee adopted a list of issues that it felt should be included in the future work programme in nature conservation and biodiversity in the baltic region. This includes a strategy and guidelines for the conservation of species, such as the preparation of a comprehensive Red Data book on flora and fauna for the entire Baltic area. It was published by the Swedish Threatened Species Unit, Uppsala (Sweden) in 1993. Taxa have not been assigned threat categories for the Baltic region as a whole, but instead for each country. Anthropogenic species are not included in the red list, listing only “truly native" taxa. For birds, only regularly breeding species are generally considered for national/regional red list.

The Baltic States are currently involved in a range of national, regional and international initiatives which aim to improve the conservation of biodiversity within their countries. One of the key needs for each of these countries, is to collaborate in the collection of data and the production of periodic reports on progress towards achieving the protection and sustainable management of the Baltic. Mediterranean

The Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona convention) adopted in 1985 covers 14 Countries of the Mediterranean Basin.

There are 10 priority targets including the protection of endangered marine species and in particular monk seal and marine turtles. This was preceded by the Intergovernmental Meeting on Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas in 1980 with the preparation by IUCN of List of rare and threatened plants of the states of the Mediterranean basin, Mediterranean marine species in possible need of protection, Threatened mammals of the Mediterranean, Preliminary list of Mediterranean birds in need of special protection and the Preliminary list of amphibians and reptiles of the Mediterranean Region, known or considered to be threatened.


These tend to be taxa considered to be threatened throughout their range, or taxa considered threatened within their Mediterranean range. Commonwealth of Independent States - Former Soviet Union

The former Soviet Union consisted of 16 republics which now all constitute separate and independent countries under the CIS, including the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (not members of the CIS), along with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kirghizia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Given the vast territory of the Union, it was found expedient to find a regional approach to species conservation. The identification of objects requiring conservation both on a nationwide scale and in individual areas and regions remained a high priority. Thus alongside the Red Data Book of USSR (1978) republic level Red Data books have been compiled in many of the union republics. In every region priority protection was given to species included in the Red Data Book of USSR. About 10% of the USSR flora were identified and listed as rare and endangered.

For incorporation in the lists species had to meet one or more of several criteria:

: Protecting a species whose populations were threatened within the Soviet Union, regardless of its presence in other countries;

Priority given to rare species threatened with immediate danger of extinction;

Species of real or potential economic value, particularly those with wild populations which were rapidly declining.

So that conservation objectives would be distributed uniformly in the various regions of the former Soviet Union, the committee strove to include species from all regions. It was recognized nevertheless that such areas as the Caucasus and Central Asia had many more endemic species than others.

These species tend to be narrow endemics, species on the edge of their range and species whose populations are small in number. Range size, number, existing conditions, and vitality are taken into account while identifying the species which need protection. Endemics with a narrow range can also be listed as rare species. Plants with narrow ranges in the former USSR whose main range was Outside the former Soviet Union were also ranked as rare. Species whose numbers and distributions have decreased due to exploitation are also ranked as rare (Beloussova and Denissova, 1981).

It was in this way that the overall federal strategy of flora was instigated throughout the region (Tikhomirov, 1981).

The CIS republics have prepared their own national lists of threatened and endangered plant species and embarked on official Red Data Books.


4.1.5 Regional processes for comparisons beyond Europe

A number of comparable activities are being undertaken to identify threatened species at a regional or multi-state level either for Red List purposes or as indicators of important habitats or sites of biodiversity importance. Australia

Australia is a federation of six states and two self-governing territories. To document the species research produced the volumes of Flora of Australia and Fauna of Australia (Dyne and Walton, 1987). The distribution and conservation status of species at a federal and state level has been identified (Briggs and Leigh, 1988).

This process has a number of distinctive features specifically tailored to the Australian situation and the basic threat categories accord with the IUCN Red Data book categories. The distribution category of each species (indicated by numbers 1-3) is given in conjunction with the conservation status (E, V, R, X or K). Thus:

] Species known only from the type collection;

2 Species with a very restricted distribution in Australia and with a maximum geographic range of less than 100km;

3 Species with a range over 100km in Australia but occurring only in small populations which are mainly restricted to highly specific and localised habitats.

In addition, there are the following categories: X Presumed Extinct, E Endangered, V Vulnerable, R Rare (not threatened), K Poorly known, C population reserved, a adequately reserved, t total population reserved, and + species with natural distributions outside Australia.

Regional distribution is based on one or more of 80 Australian regions. The criteria in which the regions are based vary from one state to another. In most states the regions are largely based on phytogeographical areas, although there are some obvious discrepancies between the states as these regional boundaries rarely coincide across state borders. Regions in two Queensland and northern territory are based on traditional pastoral districts, effectively natural floristic regions. Canada

There are about 3,269 native species of vascular plants and about 884 introduced species. A rare plants project, conducted by Argus er al. (1990) from the National Museum of Nature in Ottawa, has provided lists and information on some 1,010 vascular plant taxa that are considered to be nationally rare in Canada. The project, which is nearing completion, provides provincial lists of rare plants and is available to the provincial Conservation Data Centres (Argus and Prior, 1990; G. Francis, pers. comm., 1992). China

In 1982 the China Plant Red Data Book was initiated under the auspices of the China National


Environmental Protection Agency and the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, and identifies species throughout all provinces and autonomous regions. The work has been done on the basis of extensive plant surveys. The conservation status endangered, rare and vulnerable are related to, but not identical to, the IUCN Red List Categories. Each of the species are those under threat of extinction throughout all or significant portions of their biological range, regardless of political boundaries. In the Plant Red Data book 388 taxa are designated as threatened out of a country total of 3,000 vascular plants species in danger of extinction.

A globally threatened species and linked habitats and protected areas database has been developed by J. McKinnon. United States of America

The Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers of the Nature Conservancy have identified conservation priority ranking for American species at the global, national and state/subnational levels. The methodology is described in the Natural Heritage Element Conservation Priority ranking guidelines Excerpts from Biological and Conservation Data System On-line Help screens (1994). The methodology involves a series of ranking of each species in an established matrix (see below and TNC, 1994).

Species are identified on three sets of levels, globally, nationally, state level:

1 Critically imperiled globally/national/state;

2 imperiled globally/nation/state;

3 Rare or uncommon;

4 Widespread, abundant, and apparently secure, but with cause for long-term concern;

5 Demonstrably widespread, abundant, and secure.

In all cases the process includes a numeric range rank, taxonomic subdivision, and taxonomic qualifiers.

The following table defines the various legitimate combinations of characters which can be used as National and State Ranks.

ist Qualifier Breeding Success Breeding Qualifier

avon ne [ert Jiechi rma ell Sa Ee ae Meee Re SP |r ee vie er bie ie oe ae eS extirpated

(ee cee aT || aaa a ED


Ranking is as follows:

N#/S# Numenc Rank: A numeric rank 1-5 of relative endangerment based primarily on the number of occurrences of the element within the nation/state.

NI/SI Cntically imperiled in the nation/state because of extreme rarity or because of some factors making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the nation/state (typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals or acres)

N2/S2 Imperiled in the nation/state because of rarity or because of some factors making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the nation (6-20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres)

N3/S3 Rare and uncommon in the nation/state (21-100 occurrences)

N4/S4 Widespread, abundant, and apparently secure in nation/state, with many occurrences, but the Element is of long-term concern usually 100 or more occurrences)

NS/S5 Demonstrably widespread, abundant, and secure in the nation/state, and essentially ineradicable under present conditions

Other factors included in the ranking are “unranked, exotic, accidental, zero occurrences, potential, reported, reported falsely, historical, extirpated, hybrid, synonym, breeding status, qualifiers".

4.1.6 Species-based Approach to Conservation

The species-based approach to identification of biodiversity, developed by the Australian Nature Conservation Agency (ANCA), and utilised in the technical appendix "Towards a Systematic Approach for Identifying Gaps in the Australian System of Protected Areas" involved deriving appropriate data sets to represent continental-level species biodiversity.

Three species groups were selected: eucalypts, land birds and butterflies. These groups were selected because they were available in a form suitable for analysis. Two measures of diversity were derived for each species group: species richness and endemism.

Species richness was defined as the number of species within each 1 degree grid cell. The number of species of eucalypts, land birds and butterflies were summed for each 1 degree grid cell, and mapped into five classes. A species was defined as endemic when it occurred in 10 or less 1 degree grid cells, i.e. a restricted range species. The number of endemic species of eucalypts, land birds and butterflies were summed for each | degree grid cell, and mapped into five classes. Species richness and endemism for eucalypts, land birds and butterflies were combined to produce a single map of species richness and endemism.

Data on the index of threat to species biodiversity was derived by comparing the data set on

averaged index of richness and endemism for species biodiversity with change in vegetation type.



Data were incorporated into the WCMC species database and comparisons made between the various listings. The ultimate aim of this comparison was to provide new methodological guidelines to be followed in extending the CORINE Biotope list to Eastern Europe and in a wider European context.

The following species lists were compared against the CORINE Biotopes checklist of threatened animals: :

1994 IUCN Red List for animals Appendix II (strictly protected fauna species), Bern Convention Annex II, Annex IV, of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

Annex I of the EC Birds Directive 79/409/EEC modified by Directive 85/411/EEC of the Council of 25 July 1985

UNECE European Red List of globally threatened species

Red Data book for the Baltic Sea Region

USSR Red Data book

National Red Data Books for European countries

Red Data Book for the Baltic Sea Region Of the above, the UNECE European Red List of Globally Threatened Animals and Plants comprised mainly of IUCN Red Lists of threatened species which are threatened with extinction on a global scale. It is extracted from the IUCN threatened species data held at WCMC and so in the comparisons below is equivalent to the IUCN Red lists. At the time of adoption by UNECE in 1991 it comprised 60 mammals, 28 birds, 37 reptiles, 19 amphibians, 38 freshwater fishes, 238 invertebrates and about 4,500 vascular plants. The lists were adopted by the UNECE at its 46th session (1991) by decision D (46). Summarised details of the other lists are present in the table and text below.

5.1 Comparison of threatened mammal species lists

This document compares the mammal species included on the CORINE checklist of threatened species and those listed on Annex II of the Bern Convention with those species from the 12 European Union countries considered globally threatened by IUCN.

The stated selection criteria for the inclusion of mammals on the CORINE checklist are:

a) species considered "Endangered", "Vulnerable" or "Rare" in the following published sources:


Threatened mammals in Europe, C.J. Smit and A. van Wijngaarden (1976), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, 10

Conservation of species of wild flora and vertebrate fauna threatened in the Community, J. Thornback, Nature Conservancy Council (1982).

b) species listed in Annex II of the Bern Convention.

5.1.1 Comparison with the Bern Convention

Examination of the lists shows that many species listed on Annex II of the Bern Convention are not listed in the CORINE Biotopes checklists. There are several apparent reasons:

Some Annex II species do not occur in the 12 countries of the European Union (e.g. Preromys volans, Sicista subtilis).

Some Annex II species occur in regions of the 12 countries which are not part of the European Union (e.g. Plecotus teneriffae from the Canary Islands; and Ursus maritimus from Greenland).

Taxonomic differences. E.g. Crocidura ariadne is listed on Annex II of the Bern Convention, but not on CORINE. In a recent mammalian taxonomy (Wilson and Reeder, 1993) it is considered part of C. suaveolens, which is widespread and non-threatened.

CORINE Biotope checklists may not list introduced species. For example, Erinaceus algirus = Atelerix algirus is on Annex II but not on the CORINE Biotopes checklist: it is an introduced species in the Balearic Islands and Mediterranean France and Spain.

Other Annex II species simply appear to have been omitted from CORINE, notably 12 Cetacean species (e.g. Orcinus orca, Lagenorhynchus acutus); Pipistrellus maderensis from Madeira; Nyctalus lasiopterus from the Azores (both Madeira and the Azores are autonomous regions of Portugal, but belong politically and economically to the European Union).

5.1.2 Comparison with the 1994 IUCN Red list

MAMMALS Total no. of species No. on CORINE checklist 1994 IUCN Red List

Bern Convention 35 34 Appendix II

EC Habitats Directive 50* 22 Annex II

* not including Ursidae and Microchiroptera


Many CORINE Biotopes listed taxa are also considered globally threatened by IUCN. However, some globally threatened taxa present in the 12 European Union countries are not included on CORINE, i.e.:

Ovis orientalis musimon (Listed as Rare by IUCN) Ovis orientalis ophion (Listed as Vulnerable by IUCN)

These are sometimes considered to be part of Ovis ammon, which is listed on CORINE.

Balaenoptera physalus (Listed as Vulnerable by IUCN) Twelve small Cetacean species (Listed as Insufficiently Known by IUCN) - all of these are also on Annex II of the Bern Convention.

5.1.3 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) is not a solely European Convention. Fourteen of the 19 species mentioned in Appendix I are not native to Europe, for example Gorilla gorilla beringei, four species of gazelle and Podocnemis expansa found in the Americas. Appendix II includes all species of Rhinolophida and Vespertilionida bat, 5 and 24 are respectively indicated in the CORINE Biotopes list.

The marine mammals are incompletely listed in the CORINE Biotopes checklists, only seven species being described. By comparison at least 15 species of Delphinidae have been listed in the Bonn Convention including important populations of:

Lagenorhynchus albirostris Lagenorhynchus acutus Grampus griseus

Tursiops truncatus Stenella coeruleoalba Delphinus delphis

Orcinus orca Globicephala melas

5.1.4 Comparison with the CITES Convention The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is a global convention. The majority of the species are not found naturally in Europe, exceptions include:

Appendix I:

Megaptera novaeengliae

Balaena mysticetus Eubalaena species including E. mysticetus


Ursus arctos Monachus monachus Rupicapra rupricapra ornata

Important exceptions of species which are found in Appendix II but not on the CORINE Biotopes list include the primate Macaca sylvanus from Gibraltar (UK).

5.2. Comparison of threatened amphibian and reptile species lists The CORINE Biotopes guidelines indicate that its list of threatened species includes:

a) species considered "endangered", "vulnerable" or "rare" in the following published sources:

Threatened amphibians and reptiles in Europe by R.E. Honegger (1978), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, 15.

Conservation of species of wild flora and vertebrate fauna threatened in the Community, B. Groombridge, Nature Conservancy Council (1982);

b) species listed in Annex II of the Bern Convention;

Cc) endemic species or species with a very distinct Community distribution and classed as vulnerable by Honegger (1978) and Nature Conservancy Council (1982);

d) species considered endangered by regional Red Lists covering their only or their main area of distribution in the Community.

The following species lists were compared against the CORINE Biotope checklist of threatened Amphibians and Reptiles.

1994 IUCN Red List Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species), Bern Convention

Annex II, Annex IV, of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

REPTILES Total no. of species No. on CORINE checklist 1994 IUCN Red List

Bern Convention 75 36 Appendix II

EC Habitats Directive 19 13 Annex II


AMPHIBIANS Total no. of species No. on CORINE checklist i ee ae

Bern Convention 42 23,

Appendix I]

EC Habitats Directive 12 Annex II

5.2.1 Comparison with 1994 IUCN Red List

Species listed in the 1994 IUCN Red List are considered globally threatened.

Results show that a total of 5 amphibian species and 3 reptile species mentioned upon the 1994 Red List have been omitted from the CORINE species checklist.

Five of the species are categorised by IUCN as "Rare"-

Discoglossus jeanneae Discoglossus montalentii Euproctus platycephalus Salamandra lanzai Podarcis pityuensis

and one "Vulnerable"-

Salamandra aurorae

5.2.2 Comparison with the Bern Convention

On initial examination, Annex II of the Bern Convention has many species which are not mentioned in the CORINE Biotopes checklist. However, taxonomic changes have caused much of the apparent dilemma.

Hydromantes genei is mentioned on the CORINE checklist. This form is now usually regarded as three biological species:- Hydromantes flavus, Hydromantes supramontes, Hydromantes imperialis. The generic name Speleomantes is often applied. The biological species are mentioned in Annex II, but not in the CORINE checklist.

Both Hyla meridionalis and Hyla sarda belong to the Hyla arborea group (D. Frost, 1983), with Hyla sarda only recently being elevated from its status as a subspecies of Hyla arborea. Hyla arborea is listed in the CORINE checklist.



The omission of Rana italica from the CORINE checklist could be attributed to its elevation from the subspecies Rana graeca italica to species status by Picariello, Scillitani and Cretella in 1985.

Triturus dobrogicus and Triturus karelinii are included in the Triturus cristatus group by Frost, 1983.

Comparison with Annex II and Annex IV of EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

Species mentioned in Annex II of the Directive are "Animal and Plant species of Community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation".

Milos Viper, Vipera schweizeri is a rare snake that is endemic to Greece, yet it is not mentioned by CORINE. It has recently been elevated from subspecies rank.

Podarcis pityusensis Ybiza wall Lizard has also been omitted from the CORINE Biotopes checklists, yet is mentioned in Annex II of the EC Directive.

In Annex II of the Directive the genus Speleomantes is used instead of Hydromantes as in the Bern Convention.

Discoglossus jeanneae and Discoglossus montalentii have both been omitted from the CORINE Biotope checklists.

Species mentioned in Annex IV of the EC directive are ‘Animal and Plant species of Community interest in need of strict protection.


Comparison with the Bonn Convention

Sea turtles are the only migratory species listed.


Comparison of threatened fish species lists

The CORINE Biotopes manual indicates the list of threatened species includes:

a) species considered "Endangered" in the following published sources:

Threatened freshwater fish of Europe, A. Lelek (1980), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, 18;


Conservation of threatened freshwater fish in Europe, P.S. Maitland (1986), Council of Europe, European Committee for the conservation of Nature and Natural Resources;

Conservation of species of wild flora and vertebrate fauna threatened in the Community; K.E. Banister, Nature Conservancy Council (1982);

b) species considered "Vulnerable" in the following published source:

Conservation of species of wild flora and vertebrate fauna threatened in the Community, K.E. Banister, Nature Conservancy Council (1982);

c) species proposed for listing in Annex II of the Bern Convention (Maitland, loc. cit.);

d) species considered endangered by regional Red Lists covering their only or their main area of distribution in the Community.

The following species lists were compared against the CORINE Biotopes checklist of threatened fish.

1994 IUCN Red List Appendix II (Strictly protected Fauna species), Bern Convention Annex II, Annex IV, of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

Council of Europe, "Conservation of threatened freshwater fish in Europe", Nature and Environment Series, no.46, 1991.

FISH Total no. of species No. on CORINE checklist 7

tie... Sa Bern Convention 4 3 Appendix I] EC Habitats Directive Annex II

5.3.1 Comparison with 1994 IUCN Red List Species listed in the 1994 IUCN Red List are considered globally threatened.

A total of 28 fish species mentioned on the 1994 IUCN Red list have been omitted on the CORINE checklist. Nine of which are "Rare", and five "Endangered". Many of the omitted fish are from Greece and are included in the 1994 IUCN Red List of threatened species on the basis of the Greek Red Data Book.


5.3.2 Comparison with Annex II of the Bern Convention

The European mudminnow Umbra krameri is the only species that has not been incorporated into the CORINE checklist.

It occurs in some waters of Central Europe and can be found along the River Danube. Therefore its distribution falls within the PHARE area. Because of its restricted distribution and population decline it is considered "Vulnerable" in Europe.

5.3.3 Comparison with EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

Thirty nine species of fish with varying distribution throughout Europe are listed in the Red List but not on the CORINE checklist. Two of them have a wide European distribution:

Lampetra planeri Cottus gobio

However there are several fish with a limited distribution that should be considered for inclusion in CORINE checklists. For example:

Cobitis conspersa Cobitis larvata

Rutilus lemmingii Rutilus macrolepidotus Scardinius graecus

5.3.4 Comparison with Council of Europe, "Conservation of threatened freshwater fish in Europe", Nature and Environment Series, no.46, 1991

Eudontomyzon danfordii is not mentioned in the CORINE checklist yet it can be found within the Danube system and especially in the catchment of the River Tisza. It is regarded as "Vulnerable" due to its restricted distribution.

It must be noted that Eudontomyzon gracilis considered by some to be conspecific with Eudontomyzon danfordii, and Eudontomyzon mariae con-specific with Eudontomyzon vladykovi (which is mentioned in the CORINE Biotopes checklist).

Both Acipenser guldenstaedti and Acipenser nudiventris occur in the River Danube (PHARE region) and are considered "Vulnerable" and "Endangered" respectively. The CORINE checklist fails to mention these two species and therefore should be considered for a revised CORINE Biotopes checklist.

5.3.5 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

The Bonn Convention only list two species of fish, neither of which are listed in CORINE:

Pangasianodon gigas Acipenser fulvescens


5.4 Comparison of threatened invertebrate species lists CORINE Biotopes guidelines indicate that the checklist of threatened species includes: a) species proposed for listing in Annex II of the Bern Convention in:

"Invertebrates in need of special protection in Europe", N.M Collins and S.M. Wells (1987), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series

b) species of 24 Rhopalocera appearing as "Endangered" or "Vulnerable" in the Community according to information in:

J. Heath (1981), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, 23; c) species of Odonata considered "Endangered" or "Vulnerable" in:

The protection of dragonflies (Odonata) and their biotopes, J.van Tol and M.J.Verdonk (1988), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, 38;

d) species of Odonata identified as "Vulnerable" in the Community by a preliminary analysis of the group (CORINE Biotopes manual, 86-2.2)

The following species lists were compared against the CORINE Biotopes checklist of Invertebrates:

1994 IUCN Red List Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species), Bern Convention

Annex II, Annex IV, of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

INVERTEBRATES Total no. of species No. on CORINE list 1994 IUCN Red List 63

Bern Convention 71 67 Appendix II

5.4.1 Comparison with 1994 IUCN Red List

Many of the invertebrate species listed by IUCN are from the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores. CORINE Biotopes list did not include any of the species from these islands. Both Madeira and the Azores are autonomous regions of Portugal, but belong politically and economically to the European Union, therefore invertebrate species ought be included in the


CORINE Biotopes checklists. Species such as Pseudanodonata complanata, Unio crassus, and Austropotamobius torrentium are widespread throughout Europe and therefore are not in the CORINE Biotopes checklist.

5.4.2 Comparison with Appendix II of the Bern Convention Four species of Insecta have not been included in the CORINE Biotopes checklist.

Calopteryx syriaca

Coenagrion freyi

Cordulegaster trinacriae

Brachythemis fuscopalliata Both Calopteryx syriaca and Brachythemis fuscopalliata have been recorded from the Mediterranean coast of Southern Turkey and therefore only just border Europe. Coenagrion freyi is confined to the small lakes of the Austrian and Swiss Alps, it is now extinct in Germany. Coenagrion freyi is also found in Siberia and Manchuria, but is considered by some to be a sub species of C. hylas.

5.4.3 Comparison with Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC Three species of Insecta have been omitted from the CORINE checklist:

Limoniscus violaceus

Lucanus cervus

Osmoderma eremita The Hermit Beetle (Osmoderma eremita) has a sporadic distribution throughout Europe and is considered "Endangered" in Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Norway and Sweden. (Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, no.35, 1987). It has suffered greatly from habitat destruction or intensive management of ancient woodlands for economic purposes and appearances to be in serious decline throughout much of Europe.

5.4.4 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

The Convention lists no invertebrates in Appendix I and only one in Appendix II:

Danaus plexippus which is an American species.

5.5 Comparisons with the threatened bird species lists The CORINE Biotopes checklist of threatened species includes:

Species listed in Annex I of Directive 79/409/EEC modified by Directive


85/411/EEC of the Council of 25 July 1985;

Species restricted to the Iberian peninsula and the Atlantic Islands, of equivalent vulnerability to Annex I species

Birdlife International proposed the following species to be added to CORINE Biotopes lists for the PHARE region:

Aquila nipalensis

Falco vespertinus Anthropoides virgo Glareola nordmanni Limicola falcinellus Tringa stagnatilis

Xenus cinereus

Strix uralensis Melanocorypha leucoptera

5.5.1 Comparison with IUCN Red List

Birdlife International has drafted lists of globally threatened bird species in European the forthcoming publication Birds in Europe: their conservation status in August 1994.

Of the species not found in CORINE checklists, two species of bird in Europe qualify as globally threatened, according to the new IUCN Red List criteria (Mace et al, 1993), are listed which are not found in the CORINE Biotopes checklist:

Chettusia gregaria Loxia scotica

The latter is restricted to parts of Scotland in the UK.

5.5.2 Comparison with the CITES Convention The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is a global convention. The majority of the species are not found naturally in Europe, exceptions include one Appendix I species:

Falco peregrinus peregrinus In addition there are a number of Appendix II species:

Pelecanus crispus

Branta ruficollis

Aquila chrysaetos

Chlamydotis undulata all Falco species of which five have been listed in CORINE Biotopes checklists.


5.5.3 Comparison with the Bonn Convention

Only five of 24 species listed in Appendix I are also found in the CORINE checklist including:

Pelecanus crispus Haliaeetus albicilla

In Appendix II, 12 species and 9 families (with 57 species listed in CORINE) are identified. The majority of species fall in the Accipitidae and Anatidae. Not uncommon European migratory species have been listed in the Bonn Appendix II, including Meriops apiaster.

5.6 | Comparisons with the CORINE Biotopes threatened plant lists

This section compares the plant species included on the CORINE checklist of threatened species with those listed on a number of Conventions and International Agreements.

The discussion is largely confined to vascular plants, since insufficient information was readily available to compare listings of lower plant taxa.

The CORINE Biotopes manual indicates its list of threatened species includes:

a) species listed as "endangered" or "vulnerable" at the European level or in a Member State of the European Community in the reports:

List of rare, threatened and endemic plants in Europe, Threatened Plants Committee (1982), Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series 27;

Conservation of species of wild flora and vertebrate fauna threatened in the Community, C. Leon, Nature Conservancy Council (1982);

b) species of orchids identified as particularly threatened in a preliminary analysis of the group (CORINE Biotopes manual, 86-2.2).

Conservation of species of wild flora and vertebrate fauna threatened in the Community, K.E. Banister, Nature Conservancy Council (1982);

The following species lists were compared against the CORINE checklist of threatened plants.

WCMC database of threatened plants of the world Appendix II (Strictly protected plant species), Bern Convention Annex II, Annex IV, of the EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC

UNECE European Red List of Globally threatened species


Red Data book for the Baltic Sea Region

USSR Red Data book

National Red Data books for European countries

CITES Convention species Comparisons of the species on the CORINE Biotopes checklist and other Conventions and Treaties identifies a number of species to be found on the IUCN Red lists, Bern Convention, Habitats Directive and CITES but which are absent from the CORINE checklists, for


Ceropegia chrysantha which is globally "endangered" and endemic to the Canary Islands. Silene mariana which is endemic to Spain and globally "threatened".

A summary of the total number of species in each Treaty or Convention and the proportion of those threatened is illustrated in the following table:

PLANTS Total no. of listed species Total no. of threatened species

Habitats Directive 513 (492+)


349 Bern Convention 420 Appendix II ins a | 506 288

UNECE red lists 4500 4500 CORINE Biotopes

checklists (EU)

IUCN Red List in PHARE 3813


IUCN Red List in EU 5240 2015 region

IUCN Red List for pan 9492 2648

Europe (excluding the <P Total number of species excluding lower plants

558 EEC CITES Appendix 535 724



* Species found in the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Bosnia and


Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, European Russia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the Ukraine.

5.6.1 Comparison with IUCN threatened plants lists

At least 70% of the CORINE Biotopes listed taxa are also considered globally threatened by IUCN. 218 species are regarded as not threatened in the 12 European Union. These include:

Some CORINE Biotopes species are listed as extinct including Diplotaxis siettiana once found in Spain.

Other CORINE Biotopes species have limited distribution and have become extinct over much of their range. For example:

Marsilea strigosa is severely threatened, being "Endangered" in the EU and "Extinct" in Russia.

Caldesia parnassifolia is "Extinct" in five countries and "Endangered" in most of its range.

Bromus grossus with a total range of three countries, it is "Endangered" in Switzerland but "Extinct" in Belgium and Luxembourg

Coleanthus subtilis is "Extinct" in Italy, Austria and Norway but "Endangered" in Russia and "Rare" or "Vulnerable" in five other countries

Lythrum thesioides is "Extinct" in France, Hungary and Italy and "Vulnerable" in Russia.

Luronium natans is not threatened in much of Europe but endangered in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

A number of species are "Extinct" in one country and "Vulnerable" or "Indeterminate" in the rest of Europe. For example:

Narcissus viridiflorus, Boletus satanas and Elatine alsinastrum (the latter of which was doubtfully introduced in Denmark. However it is also found in China and Japan)

In other cases the species are "Extinct" in three countries and otherwise have a wide distribution:

Marsilea quadrifolia which is threatened in 21 countries, it is "Indeterminate" or

"Vulnerable" in the eastern Palaearctic and known to be "Extinct" in Germany, Poland and Switzerland;


Botrichium simplex which is "Extinct" in six countries and "Endangered" in 10 other European countries. Hoewever it is also found in the USA where state categories range from "Vulnerable" to "Unknown".

Of the 177 globally "endangered" CORINE Biotopes taxa 169 are country endemic. All except two of these taxa are restricted to the Mediterranean and Macaronesia. The exceptions include:

Stipa bavarica from Germany Limonium recurvum from UK

A summary of the overlap between globally threatened plant species found in Europe (IUCN

criteria) with species listed in CORINE Biotopes checklists, international treaties and agreements is illustrated below:

ELANTS 5 1 |.Eru Ese BLA) R) ie) Habitats 2 1 146 105 | 88 3 Directive Appendices

Bern Convention | 5 175 122 73 2

Appendix II CORINE 177 | 242 10 3 Biotopes checklists (EU)

IUCN Red List 14 53 199 | 102 | 1 2 in PHARE region

IUCN Red List 273 | 427 124 27

in EU region IUCN Red List for pan Europe (including

European Russia)

5.6.2 Comparison with Bern Convention

Appendix I is reserved exclusively for plants. The original Bern Convention listed only 119 threatened species of higher plants, which at the time were the most acutely threatened with extinction. The revision in 1991 was to add to the convention plants which are at the greatest risk of extinction i.e. endangered plants.


PLANTS Total no. of species No. on CORINE checklist Bern Convention 558 240 (Appendix I)

Examination of the lists shows that many species listed in the Appendix to the Bern Convention are not listed in the CORINE Biotopes checklists.

A. Selected examples of Annex I species which are not listed in the CORINE Biotopes list include the following range:

Asplenium hemionitis Marsilea azorica Ophioglossum polyphyllum Alyssum pyrenaicum

Tris marsica

Crocus etruscus

Aquilegia pyrenaica Cyclamen mirabile

Important species on the CORINE Biotopes list but not present on the Bern Convention include:

Abies pinsapo Apollonias ceballosi Ocotea foetens Persea indica Drosera corsica

5.6.3 Comparison with the Habitats Directive

5.6 There are two Habitats Directive species listed as extinct and a further 146 as endangered (138 of which are endemic).

Species listed in Appendix II but not included in the CORINE checklists include:

Silene cintrana which is globally threatened as "Rare" in Portugal and Silene mariana which is "Vulnerable" in Spain


Species listed in Appendix IV but not found in the CORINE checklists include:

Iris luitanica Euphorbia nevadensis

Species listed in Appendix V but not represented in the CORINE checklists include:

Artemisia eriantha with global and west European status unknown but threatened as "Rare" in a number of countries of eastern Europe.

5.7 Over 80% of the Habitats Directive species are endemic to single countries (or to europe in some cases).

PLANTS Total no. of species No. on CORINE list

Habitats Directive 513 251 (Appendix II, IV, V)

5.6.4 Comparison with the CITES Convention

There are 49 CITES Appendix II species listed in CORINE Biotopes of which only five endemic taxa are globally "Endangered".

Country endemic taxa listed in Appendix II are restricted to the southern member states, barring Epipactis leptochila which is found in the UK.

A number of species found widespread in the Palaearctic are listed in CITES Appendix II:

Eg. Cypripedium calceolus which is listed for the scarcity of subspecies in 27 countries. Globally it is not threatened, but has national status ranging from SBD to "ES, MIN Aa Pt and "nt".

Liparis loeselii with unknown global status is listed in 60 countries in the Palaearctic and Nearctic realms, 24 countries of Europe and 36 states and provinces of the USA and Canada.

Proposed legislation from the EU lists around 585 individual species, eight families and twelve genera, most of which are additional to the original CITES Appendices

species. This EU legislation proposes to go further than the CITES tealy in the protection of species in trade. Two of the families found listed n te proposed legislation that are very important for Europe are Orchidaceae and Primulaceae. Genera such as Galanthus and Cyclamen are also proposed ble included on the EEC CITES Annexes, the listing of which will ensure that


all the species of those genera are protected by the legislation.

5.6.5 Comparison with the former USSR listings

Species listed include those species endemic to specific regions such as the Caucasus, but also those species whose primary ranges are further south or west, in Western/Central Europe, China, Korea and Japan. The shrub Myrica gale is proposed for protection as is Platanus orientalis although common in Northwest Europe and North America and in Southwest Asia respectively.



During the last 200 years or more, attempts have been made to make a classification of the natural environment. Attempts to classify ecological units are based on identification of the species which occur in them along with a description of the physical characteristics of the area. Most terrestrial ecosystems are generally identified on the basis of plant communities with similar plant species composition and structure, phytosociological mechanism processes.

The main criteria used in the classification of vegetation are the floristic composition, the dominance and relationship of species to each other, the structure of the community, the general appearance or physiognomy and the periodicity of development and maturity of the community.

There is no effective global habitat classification system. The present systems simplify and combine community ecology and broad categories such as forest and wetland, independent of species composition. Generally these use a combination of a general definition of habitat type with a climatic description such as temperate grassland, or cold desert. Some systems also incorporate global biogeography to take into account the floristic and faunistic differences between regions of the world which may have very similar climate and physical characteristics.

The global classifications include: The classification of Biogeographical Provinces of the World (Udvardy, 1975) The Ecoregions of the Continents (Bailey, 1989) Major World Ecosystems (Olson, 1983) For details see Global Biodiversity, Status of the Earth’s living Resources (WCMC, 1992).

The global classifications are too broad at the European scale. In Europe the CORINE Biotopes habitat classification is one of the most widespread, covering the whole of the EU. Proposals have been put forward in 1993 to extend the habitat classification process of CORINE into the Palaearctic realm. In 1994 a draft outline was prepared for extension of the process onto a global basis, by the Institut Royai des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique.

Other regional classifications in use in Europe include the Council of Europe Vegetation map (1987), Habitats Directive (1992), Nordic Countries physical geographical regions (1983), and former Soviet Union bioregions. The Bern Convention does not list habitats but obliges all the parties to protect the habitats of wild flora and fauna species. The Convention also insists that all endangered natural habitats must be protected, regardless of the species they house.

Other proposals include the European Vegetation Survey (1992) and the parallel initiative, the Vegetation Map of Europe, of which regional initiatives underway include those in Central Europe based in Austria.


6.1 CORINE Biotopes Habitat Classification

The present typological list, as the Habitats of the European Community (1991) was developed from the categories defined in Bioropes of significance for nature conservation (1982) and adopted by the Adoption Committee of Directive 79/409/EEC.

The primary objective of the list is to act as a tool for the description of sites of importance for nature conservation in Europe. All major communities are described, with the attempt to emphasise the "extremely interesting but rare" natural or near-natural communities and the widespread semi-natural communities, which result from a long history of extensive use by man and domestic animals.

Three considerations guided the construction of the list:

Structure and the arrangement of units were chosen so as to keep a permanent a flexible possibility to adapt the classification to needs for finer division of the classes proposed;

The units were defined to be easily identified by those collecting data, conservation decision-making and monitoring;

Attempt to ensure compatibility with other existing schemes.

The habitat classification is complemented by brief descriptions of the units of habitat and of plants that they incorporate. These are intended primarily as a means of facilitating identification by users: a secondary use is in drawing attention to sensitive taxa which the units may host.

In the CORINE Biotopes classification, only natural, near-natural and sub-natural habitats have been treated in detail. All of these have been regarded as being threatened, either because they are rare and extremely localised or because they are dependent on extensive agro-pastoral activities that no longer have a place in the economic fabric. The more "artificial" habitats, which together probably cover the larger part of the territory of the Community, have for the most part been described summarily.

The best-known phytosociological names and synonyms have been listed, regardless of syntaxonomic or nomenclatural implications. Extensive use has been made of the recent syntheses of Ellenberg (1988) and Oberdorfer (1990).

The phytosociological terms used in these definitions are indicative only and are meant to facilitate identification of the unit: “allowance must be made for situations where the definitions include implicit restrictions (for example ‘in particular’, ‘among others’) on their use in formally distinguishing between the habitat unit and a phytosociological syntaxon".

Criteria for selection of habitat communities, have been designed to meet a number of objectives, to ensure inclusion of habitats that are:


Capable of covering large enough surfaces to be important habitats for animal species with high space requirements;

Physiognomically significant in the landscape;

Essential to the survival of distinctive populations of rare or sensitive species of plants or animals;

Necessary constitute elements of larger ecosystems;

Remarkable because of the ecological processes they demonstrate or because of their aesthetic value.

The level of definition reflects the differential conservation significance and needs of various types of habitats.

The list is intended to be sufficiently flexible to allow the classification to be adjusted to meet specific needs - for example, for sub-division of the agreed classes to record particular localized features.

The list attempts to define ecological units that are easily identified by persons in charge of data collecting, monitoring or conservation decision-making. It aims for compatibility with other existing schemes, in particular with those that concern the whole European Community.

6.2 Differences with other European Classifications

In the CORINE Biotopes process a very wide range of types of vegetation are recorded, the floristic composition of each plant community takes precedence over other criteria, such as dominance and relationship to other species.

Compatibility was attempted in preparing the European Union classification. Primarily this was based on the Council of Europe Classification of European Ecosystems designed by J.M Géhu (1984) and the Map of the Natural Vegetation of the member countries of the European Community and the Council of Europe (1987).

Specific comments follow, but the following general points apply:

The CORINE Biotopes hierarchical classification generally is regarded inadequate for the coverage of the marine and tidal ecosystems.

This leads to very broad habitat types where effective identification and listing of sites could prove difficult to implement.

CORINE Biotopes methodology does not cover river communities adequately. In general wild rivers and their characteristic vegetation are threatened throughout Europe.

Mosaics of different habitat units are difficult to classify in the CORINE


Biotopes classification and Agricultural land and Artificial Landscapes poorly dealt with. However in the proposals for the extension to a Palaearctic classification the cultural landscapes have been dealt with in greater detail (see Appendices)

Difficulties in relating vegetation classifications have been identified. This is primarily due to the differences in methodology, cf the European Vegetation Survey (see below).

Table illustrating a comparison of European habitat classifications and divisions


Sle fo is is) | a fo fs fo pa fe fr fo fs


CORINE' CORINE Biotopes Palaearctic habitat units Habitat? Habitats Directive listing of habitat units

CoE? Council of Europe Vegetation Classification and its vegetation units A Coastal

B Non-Marine

Cc Scrub and Grassland

D Forest

E Bogs and Marshes

F Inland Rocks, Screes and Sands

G Deserts

H Agricultural Lands and Artificial Landscapes I

Wooded Grasslands and Scrub

6.2.1. Habitats Directive The Council Directive on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1992) defines a natural habitat as a terrestrial or aquatic area distinguished by geographic, abiotic and biotic features, being entirely natural or semi-natural. Criteria for selection for listing of habitats include those which:

are in danger of disappearance in their natural range;

have a small natural range following their regression or by reason of their intrinsically restricted area;


present outstanding examples of typical characteristics of one or more of the five following biogeographical regions/: Alpine, Atlantic, Continental, Macaronesian and Mediterranean.

Differences with CORINE Biotopes The hierarchical classification of habitats produced through the CORINE Biotopes programme is the basis for the listing under the Habitats Directive. However only 5% of the total number of units has been listed. Candidate habitats have been removed from the list following selection by scientific and political experts. Analysis of listed habitats in the Directive place the greater proportion (as with CORINE Biotopes) within northwest Europe as opposed to the Mediterranean.

The weakest areas are the Marine and Freshwater Habitats. The freshwater habitats pose problems of classification and the identity of some of the habitats listed on the Annex in unclear.

In particular, the CORINE Biotopes habitat classification does not cover river communities adequately, many of which are now threatened, including Riverine Forests.

The heathland units included omit some of the highly threatened and important lowland heaths of Britain and Northern France.

6.2.2 Council of Europe Map of the Natural Vegetation of the member countries of the European Community and the Council of Europe (1987)

The map of potential natural vegetation of the member states of the Council of Europe was first prepared in 1979 and updated in 1987 in association with the Commission of the European Communities. It depicts the composition and natural distribution of natural edaphic and climax vegetation, actual or potential; the aim being to illustrate the ecological identity, structure and diversity of Europe, its natural ecosystems and its phytocoenotic potential, as one starting point from which to develop a rational policy for the conservation and management of the environment, natural resources and wildlife.

The units represent ecological territories characterised by the predominance of natural or subnatural primary vegetation, of which samples are still present. The vegetation types are described with reference to the phytosociological system in widespread use in Europe, the criterion being phytocoenotic composition in relation with the edapho-climatic environment. However the primary vegetation has been replaced by forms of secondary, semi-natural or artificial vegetation which are now dominant over the areas marked with the original potential natural vegetation in areas which may now be totally used for agriculture, grazing and forestry.

Differences with CORINE Biotopes The vegetation map is primarily concerned with vegetation, and mostly with natural vegetation, rather than the broader habitat concept. In essence the map illustrates potential vegetation cover as opposed to actual descriptions as in CORINE. The CORINE Biotopes classification was constructed to be compatible with the vegetation map.



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6.2.3 European Vegetation Survey

In March 1992 a European Vegetation Survey approach was launched, as a basis for scientific research, a working scheme for other branches of environmental science and decision making in the protection of the environment. The extent of the area is a geographic concept and includes besides Europe proper also Iceland, Svalbard, European Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey, Aegean Cyprus and the Canary Isles. The proposal is a parallel initiative to the Vegetation Map of Europe, coordinated by U. Bohn of Germany (Rodwell, in litt., 1994).

The methodology vis based on phytosociology, with well-documented descriptions of all plant communities. The intention is to include nation-wide plant association-mapping activities within a larger framework of a phytogeographical mapping scheme. Key national vegetation surveys underway include Austria, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Germany. The local approach varies from country to country. The Dutch and German methodology attempts to evaluate both old as well as new data to produce their surveys.

In the UK the need for a classification of plant communities was recognised for a proper understanding of vegetation ecology. Classes, as the National Vegetation Classification, were derived from sampling stands of vegetation and a systematic analysis of the results. Over 13,000 sample quadrats were collected ranging from 2m x 2m up to 50m x 50m according to the scale of the vegetation. All vascular plants, bryophytes and macrolichens were recorded using the Domin scale. Soil and anthropogenic influences were also noted.

Criteria include:

Name of syntaxon


Lists of constant species and characteristic national rarities

Details of floristics and structure for the community and any subcommunities Habitat relationships

Zonations and successions

Affinities with vegetation types elsewhere in Europe

For every community and its sub-communities there is also a floristic table with constancy values and domin ranges, the core of the entire classification

Differences with CORINE Biotopes The European Vegetation Survey attempts to undertake detailed scientific descriptions of all plant communities, in much finer detail and at more systematic levels than the CORINE approach. It has the advantage over the CORINE process of considering the localised environmental factors such as edaphic and climatic aspects.

Conversion programmes for the UK NVC approach to CORINE process has been undertaken.

6.2.4 Nordic classification The aim of the Nordic classification has been :


to provide a survey of the natural conditions in the Nordic countries by means of a physio-geographical division of regions

to use the present level of knowledge in structuring vegetation types and land forms in the Nordic countries in order to evaluate the countryside in connection with planning

to test systems for making inventories and processing and accounting for data on natural conditions in connection with the material obtained.

The division of the Nordic countries into physical-geographical regions is based upon parameters and variables that have been used in the evaluation of nature for planning. the fundamental criterion for the limits have been the large vegetation zones. the limits are then adjusted in relation to the geology and dominating land forms, the climatic conditions have only been utilized to a limited extent as they normally coincide with the limits determined by the vegetation. Thus the nordic countries are divided into 76 physical-geographical regions. In most cases there are also sub-regions which have particular characteristics with regard to individual vegetation types, land forms or climatic conditions. Up to 600 vegetation types have been described, corresponding to the 5-10 types described in the phytosociological literature, and grouped according to the following units:

Alpine vegetation



Seashore vegetation

Open grassland and heath vegetation Marine vegetation

Differences with CORINE Biotopes Countries such as Denmark currently apply the Nordic and the CORINE approaches, being a member of the Nordic Council and the EU. However the legislative framework only relates to CORINE Biotopes. Conversions between the approaches are poossible, however on a day to day basis comparison is regarded as not appropriate. The Nordic approach includes area, physiognomy, soil conditions, climate, characteristic species, number of species, landuse, and stability/successions.

6.2.5 Ramsar Convention The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (1971) which covers coastal sites within its definition of wetlands, has a wetland typology agreed by a meeting of the Contracting Parties (Regina, Canada, 1990). For example, those

elements included in the marine and coastal zone:

Salt marsh, rocky shores, sand/shingle, tidal mudflats, open sea, shallow marine, marine (seagrass/kelp) beds and coastal saline/brackish lagoons.

Differences with CORINE Biotopes Currently underway is the Medwet programme of IWRB which following the Tunisia scientific meeting of April 1994 intends to integrate a


wetland classification incorporating habitat elements from CORINE Biotopes and Ramsar Conventions.

6.2.6 IUCN Marine Biogeographic Classification

Following the lead of the IUCN Regional Reviews for the [Vth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (Caracas, Venezuela, 1992), it was intended to develop a global representative system of marine protected areas based on representing biogeographic variation and biodiversity at all levels (ecosystem, habitat and species).

The basis of the IUCN marine classification system was applied from the "Classification of coastal and marine environments" in Environmental Conservation (Hayden, Ray and Dolan, 1984). This system developed a zoophysiographic 2-dimensional classification of the world’s ocean realms and marginal seas and archipelagos. This classification scheme involves relating a classification of the physical environment to marine faunal provinces.

6.3 Other regional classifications relevant to Europe, the Palaearctic Realm and beyond

6.3.1 Russian Federation and the former Soviet Union

Biodiversity conservation in Russia both at the federal and regional levels is within the context of 14 distinct biogeographical regions or bioregions (Zabelin, 1994), and within the wider former Soviet Union the system of physical and geographical regions totals 88 (Gvozdetsky et al, nd). The bioregions are distinguished by the geographical distribution of species assemblages, climate, and certain physical features such as soils, geological and geomorphological characteristics of the land, latitudinal zonality, altitudinal zonality, and regionality.

The following bioregions have been identified for Russia:


Kola-Karelian and Eastern European Forest European Forest-Steppe, Steppe, and Caspian Semidesert Ural Mountains

Greater Caucasus

Western Siberia Forest

Western Siberian Forest-Steppe and Steppe Central Siberian






Kamchatka-Okhotsk Sea


The bioregion approach permits assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the level of protection in light of each bioregion’s unique set of landscape features, ecological dynamics, threats, and patterns of biodiversity. Moreover, the biogeographical approach enables tailoring of conservation strategies to the particular needs of each ecosystem. The introduction of new criteria, such as the effect of anthropogenic factors upon individual natural complexes have also been included.

6.3.2 People’s Republic of China

Biogeographically, China is situated in both the Palaearctic and Oriental Realms. China contains an extensive range of natural ecosystems. With the single exception of equatorial rain forest, every type of natural ecosystem found in the northern hemisphere is represented in China. Divisions are based on the major vegetation and floristic regions of the republic (McKinnon, in litt., 1993). The main ecosystems in China can be divided into several types, such as forest, steppe, desert, farmland, wetland and marine ecosystems. For example the Forestry ecosystems are divided into coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest:

Cold-temperate coniferous forests

Temperate mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest

Warm temperate deciduous broad leaved and coniferous forest Subtropical evergreen and broadleaved and coniferous forest Tropical rainforests and seasonal rainforests

Several biogeographic classification systems have been proposed for China but none have been found acceptable to the participants during the development of the biodiversity conservation action plan (GEF, 1993). Because such a classification provides an important foundation for assessing and conserving a nation’s biodiversity, a biogeographic classification system should be established for this purpose.

The system in China parallels that of the CORINE Biotopes Habitat classification as defined in the CORINE Biotopes Palaearctic Habitats classification draft (1994).

6.3.3 Commonwealth of Australia

At the national level, the ANPWS (now ANCA) initiated the national index of ecosystems programme in 1984 in order to assist the states and territories to adopt a systematic approach to their protected areas network. The programme is reviewing the application of major ecosystem Classifications covering Australia and developing methods and providing assistance to state and territory agencies to identify and conserve major ecosystems within their jurisdiction.

The national index of ecosystems project is being managed by the ERIN unit of ANPWS. Currently different processes are underway although consensus on agreed national classifications for vegetation will no doubt emerge in time through the application of technology and standard data sets. At the state level different processes occur, from broad level habitat priorities and legislation in Victoria to a tentative classification and assessment


of the threat conservation status of communities in New South Wales, to floristic data bases at the regional, sub-regional and local phytogeographic scale to determine patterns and assess conservation status.

6.3.4 Provinces of Canada

The natural regions concept was first adopted in 1971 as a basis for the systematic planning of national parks, and was known as the National Parks System Plan. The principle of this plan, now superseded by the Environment Canada 1990 systems plan, was to protect Outstanding representative samples of each of Canada’s natural landscapes (Finkelstein, 1992). Of 48 "natural regions", the Canadian Parks Service (Parks Canada) defined 39 terrestrial and 29 marine regions, and, following the Endangered Spaces campaign of 1989, the goal is to represent at least one national park in each region by the year 2000 (Government of Canada, 1991; Kun, 1981).

The 39 natural regions (terrestrial) defined by the Canadian Parks Service are broadly divided into: Western mountains; interior plains; Canadian shield; Hudson Bay lowlands; St Lawrence lowlands; Appalachians; Arctic lowlands; and High Arctic islands. Vegetation ranges from: Arctic tundra, north of the tree line; Alpine tundra on western mountains above the tree line; coniferous forest, covering about three-quarters of Canada, dominated by white spruce and black spruce extending from Newfoundland to Alaska; a complex assemblage of sub-Alpine, montane and coastal coniferous forest in British Columbia; grassland prairie of various types in a narrow band across central and western Canada; between the prairie and coniferous forest in the centre, a transition zone characterised by trembling aspen; between the coniferous forest and the tundra, transitional Taiga, characterised by open spruce woodlands with lichen ground cover; and in eastern Canada, around the Great Lakes region, mainly deciduous forest predominated by maple, oaks and conifers (Davis et al., 1986: Skoggan, 1978/ 1979).

The most recent ecological classification, the Ecological Land Classification System, is based on identifying ecoregions and other levels of generalisation in a natural hierarchy: areas of the earth’s surface characterised by distinctive ecological responses to climate, physiography and hydrology as expressed by the development of vegetation, soils and fauna. Nationally, about 177 ecoregions have been identified, and are divided into 15 less detailed "ecozones", 45 “ecoprovinces" and 5,400 more detailed "ecodistricts" (Rubec et al.., 1992; Wiken, 1986).

6.4 Proposed CORINE Biotopes Palaearctic and Global Habitat Classification

With the expansion of the CORINE process beyond the EU boundaries, it became inevitable to restructure the classification to take into account the geo-political pan Europe and the wider Palaearctic Realm, beyond the original area of interest.

In 1993 The Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique extended to central and northern Europe the classification of habitats under the CORINE Biotopes project. Needs of future consistency had encouraged the CORINE Biotopes team to develop the standard to a wider palaearctic context and to insure its compatibility with a workable global system in collaboration with Council of Europe and European Commission.


Originally it was deemed necessary both to verify any further possible extensions on the Eurasian continent by immediate expanding the basic framework so as to encompass the entire Palaearctic realm and to ensure that it could fit within a global system of habitat classification that will in any case be necessary within the framework of the Biodiversity Convention.

The extension of the habitats classification to cover the Palaearctic realm is ordered according to the same methodology as that used for the CORINE Biotopes Habitats of the European Community typology, the habitats of the Palaearctic realm include descriptions of the units provided , these descriptions intended at facilitating identification by data collectors, and also drawing attention to sensitive taxa present, comprise a phytosociological characterisation of an indicative nature, brief ecological allocation, and lists of characteristic, differential or conspicuous species.

The integrated system proposed rests on the matrix-use of two existing sets of upper category describers, the Udvardy biogeographical realms and a list of upper units of habitats derived from the 2-digit Corine categories on the other hand:

Palaearctic Nearctic Afrotropical Indomalayan Oceania Australian Antarctic Neotropical

See Annex 5 for a complete lists of the proposed CORINE habitat units for the Palaearctic.

Higher habitat units within any realm are then designated by combination of a realm with that of the Biotope class. Lower divisions are specified to each realm and not necessarily homologous between units. The higher units were derived directly from the CORINE Biotopes project and their extension to global applicability has largely drawn upon the ecological analyses of Walter (1979) and Water and Breckle (1986, 1991) upon the characterisation of major plant formations of the world by Rieley and Page (1990 and for major marine habitats, upon the synthesis of Barnes and Hughes (1988).

The system works within Biogeographic realm but at the lower level the classification of units would diverge preventing direct comparison of subunits across realms. Thus one could compare juniper and cypress woods in Greece with the corresponding North American equivalent, pinon-juniper woodlands, of central Arizona. However the lower unit hierarchy would not permit direct comparison. Cosmopolitan homologies would be possible such as the coral reef communities in the Afrotropical realm and Palaearctic realm.

In the current version of the preliminary draft Palaearctic Habitats classification, the habitat

units and subdivisions are usually still insufficiently detailed and have yet to be developed further.



The CORINE Biotopes Project was designed as a form of gap analysis for identification of sites of nature conservation importance at a regional level to “identify and describe biotopes of major importance for nature conservation in the Community" (CORINE Biotopes manual, methodology. EUR 12587/1). Of the four principal selection criteria, two are concerned with habitat type and richness, two are concerned with species. These last refer to:

The presence of threatened species of plants or animals, The richness of a site for a taxonomic group.

The lists of threatened species to be recorded for site assessment purposes (Appendices A-K in the biotopes manual) were based on the Annexes to the Bern Convention, the IUCN world status categories and a variety of expert opinion.

These lists of threatened species may have been adequate for their original purpose and within their original context, but some limitations are evident:

Because the threatened species lists are compiled from several sources, there is no objective overall set of criteria for inclusion and some precision will therefore be lost from the site assessment process,

A number of standard data sources used in developing checklists, such as the Flora Europaea, may be out of date. For example, some of the information on taxonomy and distribution has been superseded, or excludes important geopolitical areas such as the Canary isles. However these are certainly adequate to remain, at the present time at least, as the standards for expanding the checklists to encompass the whole of Europe.

If the CORINE methodology is extended progressively beyond the original EU area, the original threatened species appendices will provide a progressively less satisfactory basis for site assessment,

Because no firm criteria were drafted originally, modifying the threatened species lists to take account of larger areas with more countries can be inconsistent and excessively subjective.

General procedure 1 It is suggested that reasonably objective and consistent criteria be developed that will allow the original lists to be revised as appropriate,

whether for the EU area or for any larger area to which attention may be given in future.


2 Many of the species originally listed have a small part of their world range in the EU area, and were considered threatened within the EU mainly or entirely for this reason. As the area of concern enlarges, a progressively larger part of the range of such species will be included, to the point where they are no longer of special concern on the basis of restricted range. The lists will therefore need to be revised by adding or removing species.

3 A revised system for listing threatened species will need to take account of differing levels of taxonomic expertise in different countries, and the different availability of field survey data. Some taxonomic groups are in themselves difficult to survey, record and monitor.

4 Comparison of the CORINE Biotopes methodology for species illustrates the wide diversity of techniques and criteria for selection within a European and global context. Alternative rigorous approaches such as those in Australia and the USA ought be reviewed in depth for comparison of methodologies.

5 The development of the checklists ought take into account the proposed IUCN global threatened species criteria (Mace et al, 1993) as illustrated by their use for globally threatened European birds by Birdlife International.

7.2 CORINE Biotopes: Habitat classification

The CORINE Biotopes habitat classification is based on floristic composition. Since the more detailed and advanced quantitative descriptive approach, involving the precise measurement of vegetational features such as density of population, cover, frequency, height, biomass, age, structure, human impact, as well as soil type and climate, is not regarded as appropriate for such large vegetational units as in a pan European context. Nor in many cases is the knowledge available, as has been realised in the development of national campaigns under the European Vegetation Classification, which is proving to be extremely time consuming and costly.

CORINE Biotopes, with its increasing hierarchical composition, the more rigidly the detailed community is defined the more site-specific it becomes hence:

The more limited its use in analysis and planning at a pan European or global scale.

By contrast, very general habitat classifications based on forest, grassland, wetland are based on the physical characteristics and appearances of an area, independent of species


Difficult to define and delimit in a universally applicable way as they cover such a wide range of possible conditions.


For any extension of the CORINE Biotopes habitats classification process into the rest of Europe the following is recommended:

Use of the latest draft of the CORINE Biotopes Habitats classification (1994) to cover the Palaearctic realm.

It covers the vegetation communities of the Nordic region, based on compatibility with the Nordic classification, and extends into the whole of the former Soviet Union.

With an absence of an effective alternative this draft list would be an adequate starting point towards extending the CORINE process into the rest of Europe. However particular issues that ought be looked at in further depth include:

Linking the floristic composition to edaphic, climatic and anthropogenic factors

Linking or subdividing into European bioregions cf Russian Federation system

Review increased linkage with the Bern Convention and its proposed

use as a framework to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity within Europe.



Amongst the tasks which will be tackled by the newly established European Environment Agency in Copenhagen (Denmark) will be the continuing development of CORINE (Article 2 of the Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Environment Agency).


This report effectively recommends that the CORINE Biotopes methodology is a suitable tool for identification of sites of conservation importance on a regional scale.

Stages towards development of a pan European CORINE Biotopes system ought involve the application of the existing CORINE Biotopes methodology with due concern for wider biogeographical interests and needs. Key activities ought include:


Harmonisation of information on species and habitats information and site identification, on a national or regional scale.

That extended methodologies incorporate lists of habitats and species of relevant EU Directives, regional/global treaties and programmes.

The preparation of CORINE Biotope user manuals for the application of the methodology to non EU States. Annexes will include amended lists of habitats and species based on a standard methodology (see below for recommended process).

The promotion of workshops for the transfer of the expertise and standard methodologies to:

European Russia Far East/Siberia Central Asia North Africa Middle East Arctic region

That a review of the existing checklists in the EU Member States is undertaken and amendments incorporated into a more rational pan European list.

The recommended activities towards developing and strengthening these goals include the



8.1. Combined ecosystem and species-based biodiversity

The two component ecosystem and species- based CORINE Biotopes


methodology is a form of gap analysis to define major areas of interest for biodiversity conservation at a regional level. As such it is one of the global pioneers in developing supra-national site conservation techniques.

Unlike many national initiatives the CORINE Biotopes process is further supported by international legislation (Habitats Directive) to protect those species and habitats through a protected area network of Special Areas of Conservation (Natura 2000).



Undertake a _ detailed comparison of CORINE Biotopes methodology with alternate activities worldwide.

Comparable ecosystem projects in Australia and Canada ought be looked at in further detail, as well as those being devised for the Circum Arctic region. This will be particularly necessary in the event of the wider application of the CORINE Biotopes methodology in a global context.

Review existing pan Holarctic systems.

Based on the above review for Canada and the Arctic, identify mechanisms towards the development of a pan Holarctic and wider Palaearctic (former USSR and Central Asia) CORINE Biotopes gap analysis. Initial activities could involve participation in the Arctic Environmental Database of WCMC, Scott Polar Research Institute and Moscow State University, a programme which will eventually work with UNEP towards a pan Arctic programme in Eurasia and the Americas.

Global Status of Threatened Species


Use IUCN Global Red List species in the standard methodology.

Whatever the geopolitical coverage of the CORINE Biotopes project, all species present that are listed in the current IUCN Global Red Lists of threatened animals and plants should be included (with the exception of "Insufficiently Known" species, which are only suspected to be threatened). These species are by definition globally threatened, and systematic recording of their presence would contribute to site assessment.

Use standard taxonomic works. Extension of the checklists ought to use standard works as mentioned




in the methodology section, such as the Flora Europaea in the case of plants. In the latter case it is a matter of high priority to incorporate all the species data from this work into the WCMC database for the forthcoming IUCN threatened plants of the world publication.

- Incorporate new IUCN threatened species criteria. The new IUCN threatened species criteria of Mace et al (1993) ought

be incorporated into any selection of global red lists within Europe wherever possible.

National status Recommendations:

- Incorporate nation red list and country endemic species in standard methodology.

Use of all animal species endemic to a single country, plant species at the "endangered" and "vulnerable" level, and considered by appropriate authorities to be threatened in that country should be included. In principle, these species would appear in the IUCN global Red List if considered threatened using IUCN status criteria, but in practice, there is often some degree of mismatch.

- Promote preparation of national red lists in all European countries. It would be preferable for all countries to generate national Red Data Books or Red Lists, with a status category system modelled on the IUCN system.

- Incorporate new IUCN threatened species criteria. The new IUCN threatened species criteria of Mace et al (1993) ought be incorporated into any selection of national red lists wherever possible.

Status in CORINE area


- Compile lists of "species in decline" in the major part of their range.

Species and habitats which on sound evidence are demonstrably in

decline in the major part (>50%) of their range in the CORINE area (irrespective of their global distribution area) should be recorded.


- Use revised IUCN threatened species category system.

The new IUCN category system of Mace et al (1993) in preparation offers a suitable system for categorising species in relation to some given area of the earth.

- Undertake prelimiaary compilation surveys of the status and distribution of major habitat classes.

Further work is needed for habitats, however in the interim the Council of Europe Vegetation map will go some way towards supporting this goal. Collaboration with the Council of Europe ought be sought.

- Identification of European threatened landscapes.

It is recommended to incorporate in the CORINE Biotopes methodology the criteria for identification of threatened landscapes as being developed by IUCN CESP. Subsequently lists of key threatened landscapes ought be undertaken.

8.5 Range in CORINE area


- Identify minimal range criteria for checklist species/habitats. Species and habitats that have an extremely small range, and are therefore at risk from chance factors, and are restricted to the CORINE Biotopes area, should be recorded. What should be defined as "an extremely small range" needs further discussion, and might

vary between taxonomic groups (it might, for example, be a mountain peak of 5 ha for an insect, or a stream of 20 km for a fish).




Conventions and agreements Recommendations:

- Strengthen the CORINE methodology through linking with International/Regional Treaties and Agreements.

To the extent that the intention of the CORINE Biotopes project remains to record for site assessment purposes those species considered threatened, the CORINE lists should be modified at intervals to reflect other current listings of threatened species and habitats associated with major conventions and agreements in effect over all or a significant portion of the CORINE area.

These ought include:

EU Habitats Directive

EU Birds Directive

Bern Convention (Appendix II)

Bonn Convention on Migratory Species (Appendix I).

For habitats these should include the Habitats Directive and Ramsar Convention. The IUCN CNPPA has proposed the development of legislation on the protection of European landscapes (1993), based on the Cultural landscape criteria of the World Heritage Convention.

- Ensure compatibility of criteria.

The species taxonomy will in many instances require standardisation, and it is also desirable to examine closely the criteria used in such conventions in order to ensure the compatibility of lists.

Taxonomy of existing lists

Within the remit of this study no changes have been made by WCMC to the existing CORINE Biotopes species lists for the EU (Appendices F-K in the CORINE Biotopes manual, 1(1)).

Revision of the taxonomy and content of these lists is desirable. Some species originally regarded as threatened would not now be regarded as threatened in a wider Europe. Similarly, some species on Red Lists in eastern Europe would not be regarded as threatened in a wider Europe. Recent taxonomic changes to species in the EU area would result in new species being added to the original CORINE Biotopes list.





Undertake full review of existing species taxonomy. Ensure further extension of activities adopt standard taxonomy.

The entire task of recording, evaluating status and assessing sites would be much aided by adoption of standard taxonomic checklists. Several possible sources exist. With specific regard for animal taxa, it is strongly suggested that, because of continuing ambiguity and other uncertainty over the limits and significance of many named subspecies, only species-level populations be listed.

Standard habitat classification


Continue to use and develop the revised CORINE Biotopes habitat classification.

With the absence of any other recognised standard pan-European habitat checklist, it is recommended to use the Provisional draft Palaearctic habitats checklist and database (1993/1994) developed by the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique.

Develop listings for cultural land/seascape habitat classes.

Particular needs of the existing CORINE Biotopes habitat classification include the need to strengthen the cultural land/seascape classes.

Collaborate in other regional global/regional classifications relevant to Europe.

Due regard ought be taken for any new developments under global habitat classifications such as under UNEP/FAO, global Habitat Indicators for Policy Makers as being developed by WRI, WCMC and CORINE and regional initiatives such as the European Vegetation Survey and the Circum Polar Vegetation mapping project. Close association ought also be maintained with biodiversity initiatives in the Russian Federation and China with WWF International, UNEP and the World Bank.

Marine and coastal

Priority needs include the strengthening of all habitat and species information relating to the marine and coastal ecosystems.



- Devise a more detailed CORINE Biotopes marine and coastal habitat classification.

As a first practical step towards strengthening the existing CORINE Biotopes marine habitats it is recommended to review the paper entitled "Classification of coastal and marine environments" (Hayden, Ray and Dolan, 1984), which was used as the basis for the IUCN classification system to be allied at a regional level.

- Review IUCN Biogeographic classifications for the marine environment.

Review the biogeographic classification being developed for IUCN CNPPA working groups including by members from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Australia), and the new wetland classification by IWRB in association with Birdlife International, Ramsar Secretariat and WCMC.

PHASE 2 - Extension of the methodology

8.10 Encourage the extension of the CORINE Biotopes methodology to a wider Europe

Priority recommendations include:

Nt Prepare users manual (including revised habitat and species checklists) for application in the expanded CORINE Biotopes region.

Z Promote workshops for transfer of the expertise to a wider Europe.

3 Encourage the building of databases of species and habitats across Europe using standard methodology based on, or interchangeable with, the CORINE Biotopes classification.

Based on Recommendation 6 of the CORINE Biotopes Manual (1991) prepare project proposals for the extension of the CORINE Biotopes methodology into:

- European CIS, with priorities for the Russian Federation and the Ukraine. To be undertaken in parallel with the country initiatives of the IUCN East European Programme and biodiversity/protected area programmes of the World Bank and WWF International in association with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Academy of Science, UNESCO MAB and Moscow State University.

- Eastern Mediterranean, with priorities for Turkey, former




Yugoslavia and Albania. Secondary targets ought be for Cyprus, Malta, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. To be undertaken in parallel with the country initiatives of the IUCN East European Programme and biodiversity/Specially Protected Area Mediterranean programmes of the World Bank, UNEP Regional Seas Programme under the Barcelona Convention, and national initiatives such as the important birds and plants programmes of DHKD/FFPS/Birdlife International.

Southern Mediterranean, with priorities for Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. To be undertaken in parallel with the country initiatives of the CORINE Landcover programmes in Morocco and Tunisia along with activities of the IUCN North Africa Programme and biodiversity/Specially Protected Area Mediterranean programmes of the World Bank, WCMC, and UNEP Regional Seas Programme under the Barcelona Convention, and the Medwet programme of IWRB.

Other issues

CORINE Red Data Book


Promote the publication of a Red Data Book of threatened species and habitats.

If an explicit and repeatable methodology could be developed, publication of a CORINE Red Data Book of threatened species and habitats, would serve as a useful source of information and raise public and academic awareness of threatened species issues in the region.

This could be linked to the IUCN SSC Red Lists and the IUCN CESP proposed Red Data book of globally threatened landscapes.

Promote the preparation of Red Data Books for the CIS and Central Asia.

Priority needs for regional Red Data books include the northern Palaearctic realm of the former Soviet Union (CIS) and Central Asia.

The regional checklist of threatened species, published as the USSR Red Data book, is no longer in use following independence of the various republics. However the need for regional-wide threatened species lists are perhaps of greater urgency than previously.






Develop species and habitats lists linked to country/regional responsibilities"

It might be useful to record all species and habitats which have more than 50% of their range within the CORINE Biotopes area; the countries covered would by definition bear major responsibility for the survival of such species and habitats. This is likely, however, to result in excessively long lists, particularly if invertebrates, plants and vegetation associations are covered comprehensively.

Data management and maintenance


Ensure the continued maintenance of a central databank and increase user access.

The master taxonomic checklists, lists of species of concern and habitats should continue to be maintained centrally with the development of continual on-line access (by Internet or similar means) for all CORINE recorders and organisations.

Protocols for revising these lists at regular intervals must be developed, to reflect changes in status or systematic position.

Much wider dissemination of the CORINE Biotopes information is imperative, recommendations towards this could include:

Setting up a CORINE Biotopes Internet node providing access to general information of the CORINE Programme, maps and data.

New methods of multi-media information technology ought be explored including CD-I.

Promote the development of education awareness documentation relating to CORINE Biotopes.

8.12 Training workshops Recommendations:

= Promote workshops to standardise methodology. Key workshop themes ought review:

Development of the checklist methodologies Habitat classifications in the wider Europe Data transfer and wider dissemination

- Promote workshops to transfer expertise and assist with in-country capacity building. Recommended priorities include:

Russian Federation Central Asian Republics

Middle East/North Africa Arctic Region




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Checklists for the CORINE Biotopes Programme and its application in the PHARE countries of Central and East Europe;

including comparisons with relevant conventions and agreements on the conservation of European species and habitats


Prepared by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre under contract to The World Conservation Union (IUCN) IUCN Project 9815 - EEC Biotopes EU Technical Assistance Contract No. ZZ91110501-BO15

Version 2.0: July 1994

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ANNEX 1: List of European experts whose views were sought as part of the project


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ANNEX 1: List of European experts whose views were sought as part of the project



* T. Patkai, National Authority for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Regional Policy

ROMANIA * M. Oltean, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biology


* A. Dyduch-Falniowska, Nature Protection Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences

SLOVAKIA * P. Gajdos, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences

BULGARIA * G. Spiridonov, Ministry of Environment


* Z. Podhajska/B. Kucera, Cesky Ustat Ochrany Prirody




* P. Devillers, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


* U. Pinborg, National Forest and Nature Agency, Ministry of Environment


* Guy Séderman, National Board of Waters and the Environment


* D. Richard, Secrétariat de la Faune et de la Flore, Museum Netional d’Histoire Naturelle j


= H. Koeppel, Bundesforschungsanstalt fir Naturshultz und Landschafts6kologie, Institut fiir Landschaftspflege und


GREECE B. Hallmann, Panagia IRELAND * C. O Criédain, National Parks and

Wildlife Service, Office of Public Works

ITALY M. Gobbi, Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment, Servizio Conservazione Natura

LUXEMBOURG G. Bechet, Section Ecologie, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle


* J. Thissen, National Reference Centre for Nature, Forests and Landscape (IKC- NBLF), section Biogeographical Information Centre

PORTUGAL C. Bernardes, Instituto de Conservagao de Natureza, DSCN

SPAIN te M. Pancorbo Lopez, Coordinadora Proyecto Hispanat, Institut Nacional Para La Conservacion de la Naturaleza, Subdireccion General de Espaces Naturelles, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion

* J. C. Simon Zerzoso, Botanico Protecto Biotopes/CORINE Institut Nacional Para La Conservacion de la Naturaleza

= A. Cuadrado Martin, Zoologigo Grupoo Biotopes/CORINE, Institut Nacional Para La Conservacion de la Naturaleza

SWEDEN * C. Géransson, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

* J. Hopkins, Joint Nature Conservation Committee


D. Moss, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood

M. Roekaerts, Council of Europe/European Environment Agency Task Force



IUCN themes and programmes

J. McNeely - IUCN

A. Phillips, Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas

S. Stuart, Species Survival Commission, TUCN Secretariat

W. Strahm, Plants Officer, IUCN Species Survival Commission

D. Elder, Coordinator of IUCN Marine and Coastal Conservation Programme J-Y. Pirot, Coordinator of IUCN Wetlands Programme

D. Gilmour, Coordinator of IUCN Forests Programme

H. Luneberg, Coordinator of IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management D. Sheppard, Protected Areas Unit, IUCN Secretariat

General species, ecosystems and habitats

J. Massey-Stewart, London Initiative for Russia

M. Sylven, Europe/Middle East Regional Programme, WWF International

G. Tucker, Dispersed Species Project Coordinator, BirdLife International

P. Nowicki, European Centre for Nature Conservation, European Habitats Forum R. Paivinen, European Forestry Institute J. Rodwell, Director, Unit of Vegetation Sciences, Lancaster University

C. Waterton, Centre for Study of Environmental Change, University of Lancaster

J. Ribaud, Council of Europe

E. Fernandez-Galliano, Bern Convention Secretariat, Council of Europe

D. Wascher, European Environment Agency Task Force, EU

G. Whyles, European Policy Oficer, - WWE International


F. de Beaufort, Co-author of UNECE report (1989): Mammiferes D’Europe. Repartition, Populations et Niveau de Responsabilities Nationales.

Paul Harding: European Invertebrate Survey

Species Survival Commissions for animals

J. Gaisler, Member: Chiroptera Specialist Group

S. Leatherwood, Chairman: Cetacean Specialist Group

B. Nagy, Member: Orthopteroid Specialist Group

P. Bouchet, Co-Chairman: Mollusc Specialist Group

B. Pokryszko, Member: Mollusc Specialist Group

R. I. Vane-Wright, Member: Lepidoptera Specialist Group

K.F. Corbett, Chairman: European Reptile and Amphibian Specialist Group Z. Korsos, Member: European Reptile and Amphibian Specialist Group

V. Lanka, Member: European Reptile and Amphibian Specialist Group

C. Andrews, Chairman: Freshwater Fish Specialist Group

S. Lovari, Chairman: Caprinae Specialist Group

P.A. Racey, Co-Chairman: Chiroptera Specialist Group


Species Survival Commissions for plants

A.E. Salvo Tierra, Universidad de Malaga, Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Spain, (Pteridophyte Specialist Group)

R. Viane, Assistent, Lab. voor morfologie, Systematiek der Planten - Rijksuniversitiet, Belgium (Pteridophyte Specialist Group)

W.C. Evertse, Lowland-Biotech, Netherlands (Orchid Specialist Group) Y. Veyret, Botaniste, Museum national d’Histoire Naturelle, Loboratoire de Phanerogamie, France (Orchid Specialist Group)

B. Lojnant, Director, Consulting Biologist, Lojnant-Consult, Denmark (Orchid Specialist Group)

B. Du Puy, Botanic Gardens Conservation International


Z. Meszaros, Research Institute for Plant Protection

L. Nemes, Botanical Garden University Dr. Terpo, Department of Botany

A. Borhidi, Egyetemi Botanikus Kert Hortus, Botanicus Universitatis

Z. Debreczy, Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany

C. Moskat, Museum of Natural History, Department of Zoology


G. Dihoru, Laboratorul de Geobotanica si Ecologie, Institutul de Biologie al Acad.


B. Kuzmanov, Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


D. Dykyova, Institute of Botany, Department of Hydrology

J. Hofman, Poradni Sbor pro Botanicke Zahrady, Ministerstva Kultury

J. Holub, Czech Academy of Sciences, Botanical Institute

J. Jenik, Institute of botany, Czech Academy of Sciences

J. Vyskocil, Prazska Botanicka Zahrada


S. Maglocky, Sav, Sienkiewiczova


J. Fabiszewski, Dept. of Botany and Plant Physiology, Agricultural Academy K. Kukulczanka, Ogorod Sienkiewicza 23

A. Medwecka-Kornas, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University

B.A. Molski, Botanical Garden, Polish Academy of Sciences

D.L. Szlachetko, Gdansk University, Department of Plant Ecology and Nature Protection

B. Zemanek, Botanic Garden of Jagiellonian University

H. Werblan-Jakubiec, Director, Hortus Botanicus Universitatis Varsoviensis


J Kornas, Institue of Botany, Jagiellonian University

R. Olaczek, Institute of Environmental Biology, University of Lodz

K. Zarzycki, Instytut Botaniki, Komitet Ochrony Przyrody, Polska Akademia Nauk

J. T. Sicinski, Lodz University, Institute of Environmental Biology, Dept of Botany

C. Leon, former WCMC European Threatened Plant Coordinator now at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

P. Atkinson, Royal Botanical Gardens, Conservation Unit Kew

J. Akeroyd, Flora Europaea Consultant V. Haywood, Flora Europaea

K.S. Walter, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

Responded to information requests

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ANNEX 2: The proposed new criteria for Listing Species on the IUCN Red List (Mace et al)

The Development of New Criteria for Listing Species on the IUCN Red List

G. Mace, N. Collar, J. Cooke, K. Gaston, J. Ginsberg, N. Leader-Williams, M. Maunder and E.J. Milner-Gulland

IUCN has long felt the need to revise its Categories of Threat. A previous attempt to improve definitions for the categories was based on a workshop held at the IUCN General Assembly in Madrid in November 1984, and resulted in the publication, The Road to Extinction. However, new developments in the field of conservation biology, especially the recognition of factors that contribute towards extinction risks to species, now present the opportunity for the development of more objective and scientifically-based methods. In 1988, the SSC started a new process by inviting Dr. Georgina Mace to propose a new population-based system for the IUCN categories. This resulted in a paper by Mace & Lande (Mace, G. M. & ®. Lande. 1991, Assessing extinction threats: toward a reevaluation of IUCN Threatened Species Categories, Conservation Biology 5, 148-157). The Mace-Lande criteria, as they are known within SSC, have been applied on an experimental basis to a range of taxa through assessment programs by various SSC Specialist Groups. The Mace-Lande criteria have been recognized as needing further development if they are to be applied more widely; at present they are most appropriate for higher vertebrates. In addition, other authors have proposed criteria based on patterns of distribution, or patterns of use rather than on population characteristics alone, and some reconciliation of these approaches was needed. Consequently during 1992, several activities were undertaken to propose new definitions for the categories of threat, and new criteria for the inclusion of species in these categories.

The technical workshop

A technical workshop was held in London on November 9-11, 1992, aimed at addressing scientific aspects of the listing process. The meeting was chaired by Simon Stuart, organized by Georgina Mace and Simon Stuart and funded by CITES and the IUCN Inter-Commission Fund. Prior to the meeting, several different experts were invited to prepare papers describing different options for listing species. These included: options for distribution-based criteria (David Given), an overview of the utility of various population and distribution variables in assessing extinction risk in different major taxonomic groupings (John Lawton and staff of the Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, London), options for management-based criteria (Justin Cooke), a review of the application of Mace-Lande criteria (Georgina Mace) and an overview of the MASS system (which combines population and distribution-based approaches) (Jahn MacKinnon).

The papers were circulated to all workshop participants in advance. There were 33 participants at the workshop, representing a wide diversity of interests in SSC. Over the three days, a variety of topics was covered, starting with a general discussion of the nature of the definitions and criteria and the basis for a workable system. The use of the categories of Critical, Endangered, Vulnerable and Susceptible, with decreasing levels of threat, were agreed upon, as well as some qualitative definitions for each of them. Most of the time was spent in working groups representing major taxonomic groupings (piants, invertebrates, lower vertebrates, higher vertebrates). These used the background information and their own perspectives to develop criteria for each of the categories. At the end of this process it became clear that the work of the invertebrate and lower vertebrate working groups had converged substantially, and these were combined into one set of criteria. At the conclusion of the workshop, therefore, there were three different sets of criteria, for higher vertebrates, plants, and lower vertebrates and invertebrates. - As a result of their independent origins, these sets of criteria contained some anomalies and inconsistencies, and a drafting group was formed to develop the workshop output into a single coherent document that could be forwarded to SSC. The drafting group members were chosen with at least one representative from each of the working groups, to maintain continuity, and all were working in southeast England.

The Drafting Group

The drafting group met three times during December and January, following the technical workshop, and developed draft criteria that were circulated back to all workshop participants in January 1993. Comments received on this draft were considered at a final meeting held in February. The following issues predominated discussions of the drafting group.

Consolidation of taxonomically based criteria into a single list. Following the London workshop, the criteria were distinct for the major groups considered (higher vertebrates, lower vertebrates and invertebrates, plants). There were felt to be two major problems with this. First that the different groups did not always reflect stmilar life-forms, and therefore some taxa would be judged by inappropriate criteria. Second, there were inconsistencies in the criteria applied across the major taxonomic groups, which it would always be hard to minimize. It was felt that the system would be simpler, with fewer potential contradictions, if the criteria could be consolidated into a single list, even if this did make the list longer and more complex. There were many similarities between the criteria developed for different groups, and a single list was compiled which is expected to function similarly to any taxon-specific one for almost all cases.

Inconsistencies among criteria within and between categories. Once the consolidation process was complete it became clear that there were still many potential inconsistencies between criteria within each of the categories. One of the major problems was to match area/habitat based criteria to population-based criteria. A slightly different approach was taken here, which involves the use of range area and geographical extent, instead of measures of habitat specificity, because of the insuperable difficulties in quantifying habitat type. This should present a workable system, although extensive validation (see below) will be required in setting appropriate values.

A second concern here was the criterion based solely on population decline rates. Clearly this can result in the listing of some very large, apparently secure populations, since there is no link to a minimum population size. However, it was felt that the rates of decline included here were significant enough that they should cause concern for almost all populations, and that linking this to population size would exclude the listing of many populations with limited census data.

The nature of the ‘Susceptible’ category. As at the workshop, the inclusion of the ‘Susceptible’ category was the subject of much debate. Because it represents a low extinction risk it was hard to develop good quantitative criteria for it, and the value of including it at all was discussed. It’s main value is for highlighting taxa that are at risk simply because of their small range and susceptibility to human activities. Thus, these taxa are not immediately threatened, but they need identifying and listing in some way in order to highlight their potential extreme vulnerability. As a result, Susceptible was included as a non-quantitative category, which does not fall on a continuum with the other quantitative criteria and is only to be applied to taxa that do not qualify for the other, quantitative criteria.

Dealing with poor data. The criteria have been developed in the full awareness that the quantity of high quality population or distribution data is negligible for most species. It is hoped though that even small amounts of data can be used to evaluate taxa against the criteria. However, there comes a point at which the data quality/quantity is so poor that evaluation is not possible. In these cases the ‘Insufficiently known’ category may be applied, but this does not now indicate threatened status. If there were really so little information then it is probably unreasonable to expect a listing as ‘threatened’.

Validation. All of the quantitative criteria in the draft criteria require validation, and as mentioned above, there is particular concern about the area-based criteria. The drafting group made a strong recommendation that before any general acceptance or application of new quantitative criteria they should be validated by at least the following methods: (a) testing against independently derived subjective criteria to see if some previously applied classes of endangerment are consistently under- or over- represented; (b) testing for objectivity, i.e. do different classifiers (experts, non-experts or whatever is appropriate) come up with the same categories for the same data?; (c) testing

against data on species’ extinctions and, where validated, against population models; (d) testing to see if all groups of species can be successfully categorized using these draft criteria, and if not, what modifications might need to be made.

Please note that these are craft criteria. We realize that they need more work. In particular, they need constructive suggestions and positive input from you, the reader of this article. Our intention is to end up with a new system of IUCN categories that commands as wide a level of support as possible. This depends on your participation in this process at this stage. Your comments along the following lines would be most helpful:

e Please indicate how. some of the species with which you are familiar would be categorized under this draft system, and which criteria you used to categorize them. To give some examples, you could say that the Imperial amazon is Critical (CR) under Criterion A, or the black rhinoceros is Endangered (EN) under Criteria B2a and D1.

e How do these new ciassifications differ from existing more subjective classifications (such as the current IUCN Categories of Threat)? Are the differences good or bad?

e Can you name any species that you feel is clearly threatened but which cannot be classified under this system? Please state why it is that these species cannot be classified, and what changes would be needed in the criteria so that they can be successfully classified.

Please send your comments on the draft new categories by June 30, 1993 to: Dr. Georgina Mace, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY, U.K. Fax: 71-586-2870.

Draft IUCN Categories of Threat for Species


This document presents the consolidated definitions and criteria prepared by the drafting group from the taxonomically-based criteria that were developed by working groups for higher vertebrates, lower vertebrates, invertebrates and plants at the London meeting in November 1992. Please note that these are draft criteria and validation is required before they are applied. The following points present important information on the use and interpretation of the criteria and categories:

1. Taxonomic level. The criteria can be applied to any taxonomic unit at or belew the species level, within any specified geographical or political area. The term ‘taxa’ as used below applies to any level. In presenting the results of applying the criteria, the unit and area under consideration should be made explicit. The categorization process should only be applied to wild populations of species inside their natural range.

2: Implications of listing. Extinction is seen as a probabilistic or chance process. Thus a listing in a higher.category implies a higher expectation of extinction, and over the time frames under consideration more taxa listed here are expected to go extinct (without effective conservation action) than taxa listed in the lower risk categories. However, the fact that some taxa listed at high risk persist does not necessarily mean their initial assessment was inaccurate.

3. Nature of the categories. The categories of Critical, Endangered, and Vulnerable are nested. Thus all taxa listed as Critical qualify for Vulnerable and Endangered, and all listed as Endangered qualify for Vuinerable. The ‘Susceptible’ category is distinct from these in its emphasis, but implies a lower level of threat currently acting on the taxon. The categories of Critical, Endangered, Vulnerable, and Susceptible together are



described as ‘threatened’.

Data quantity and quality. The criteria are clearly quantitative in nature. However, the absence of high quality data should not deter attempts at applying the criteria, as methods involving estimation, inference and projection are emphasized to be sufficient throughout. One benefit of this process should be to increase the quantity and quality of population and distribution data available for many taxa, which are an essential component of conservation planning.

Uncertainty. The criteria shall be evaluated on the basis of the available evidence on taxon numbers, trend and distribution, making due allowance for statistical and other uncertainties. Therefore, where data are insufficient to determine with a high degree of confidence, whether or not the criteria for a category of threat are met, the category of higher threat shall be chosen. Where data are insufficient to assign a category, the category of ‘Insufficiently known’ may be used. This does not however indicate threatened status.

Conservation actions in the listing process. These criteria are to be applied to the present situation for the taxon in question, whether or not conservation actions are currently in place. Therefore, if past conservation action has been successful, a taxon may not be listed, even though it would be if that action were to cease. An important implication here is that a taxon may be deserving of conservation action even if it is not listed as threatened.

Documentation. All taxon lists including categorization resulting from these criteria should state the criteria that were operative in triggering the category. If more than one criterion, or sub-criterion were met, then each should be listed. However, failure to mention a criterion should not necessarily imply that the criterion was not met. Therefore, should a re-evaluation indicate that the documented criterion is no longer met, then down-listing should not automatically follow. Instead, the taxon should be re-evaluated with respect to all criteria to indicate its status.

Threats and priorities. The category of threat does not necessarily represent the priority for conservation action. The category of threat provides an assessment of the likelihood of extinction under current circumstances. In contrast, a system for assessing priorities for action will include numerous other factors, such as the likelihood that restorative action will be successful, political, economic and _ logistical considerations, and perhaps the taxonomic distinctiveness of the taxon in question.

Re-evaluation. Evaluation of taxa against these criteria should not be seen as a single event. As circumstances change, re-evaluation will be necessary, and listing of taxa and their categories should stress the taxa for which re-evaluation should occur within a short time frame, or under some specified circumstance. This is especially important for taxa listed under Safe/Low Risk, but which are close to qualifying as Vulnerable or Susceptible.

Transition rules. There are also some transition rules to govern the movement of taxa between categories. These are as follows: (a) Aspecies may be moved from category of higher threat to a category of lower threat if none of the criteria of the higher category has applied for 5 years or more; (b) If subsequent investigation shows that the original classification is no longer appropriate as a result of new information or revision of information used in the initial listing, the species may be transferred to the appropriate category, or be removed from the categories altogether, without delay.

Definitions. Many terms in the criteria are defined in a specific way for the purposes of classification. These are presented below and must be consulted before applying the criteria.


Continuing decline: A continuing decline is defined as a clear downward trend over a period appropriate to the taxon or its habitat. In the case of population estimates and changes in habitat a continuing decline will transcend normal fluctuations. Normal fluctuations are found in those species populations and habitats that are characterized by regular or irregular cycles in abundance or extent. Where evidence for a continued decline is presented an observed decline should be shown not to be part of a normal fluctuation.

Extreme fluctuations: Extreme fluctuations occur in a number of species where population size varies widely, rapidly and frequently. Extreme fluctuations are defined here as a variation of greater than an order of magnitude around the mean population size.

Geographic extent: Geographic extent is defined as the area encompassing the known, inferred or projected sites of occurrence of a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy. This can often be measured by a minimum convex polygon.

Generation length: Generation length is defined as the average age of parents in the population. Location: Location defines a geographically distinct group of individuals.

Mature individuals: The number of mature individuals is defined as the number of individuals known, estimated or inferred to be physiologically capable of reproduction. Where the population is characterized by normal or extreme fluctuations, the minimum number should be used. ; (Note: This measure is intended to count individuals physiologically capable of reproduction and should therefore include, for example, plants which have lost their pollinators or animals which are behaviorally or otherwise reproductively suppressed. Reproducing units within a clone should be counted as individuals.)

Population: Population is defined as the total number of individuals of the taxon. For functional reasons, primarily due to differences between life-forms, population numbers are expressed as numbers of mature individuals only.

Quantitative analysis: A quantitative analysis is defined here as the technique of population viability analysis (PVA), or any other quantitative form of analysis, which estimates the extinction probability of a species or population based on the known life history and specified management or non-management options. In presenting the results of quantitative analyses the structural equations and the data should be explicit.

Range area: Range area is defined as the total area occupied by a taxon within its geographic extent excluding cases of vagrancy. The criteria state specific cutoff points in km2, but clearly this presents problems in scale of measurement. To avoid errors in classification, the range area should be measured on grid squares of an appropriate scale. For example, for a classification of Critical, the minimum grid size must be 10 km x 10 km or less.

Severely fragmented: Severely fragmented is defined as the case where tncreased extinction risks to the taxon result from the fact that most individuals within a taxon are found in small and relatively isolated sub-populations. This results in an increased probability that these small populations will go extinct, with a reduced probability of recolonization.

Sub-populations: Sub-populations are defined as groups of individuals in the population between which there is little exchange (typically 1 successful migrant individual or gamete per year).

The Categories

Extinct (EX)

A taxon is Extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died.

Extinct in the Wild (EW)

A taxon is Extinct in the wild when it is known only to survive in Cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalized population (or populations) outside the historic range. A taxon is presumed extinct in the wild when exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal, seasonal, annual), throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame appropriate to the taxon’s life cycle and life form.

Critical (CR)

A taxon is Critical when it is facing an extremely high probability of extinction in the wild in the immediate future. A taxon is defined as Critical by any of the following criteria (A to E):

A. Population estimated to number less than 50 mature individuals.

B. Population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals and to have both of the following characteristics:

Ue Population structure in the form of ether of the following: (a) severely fragmented i.e. no sub-population is known or estimated to contain more than 50 mature individuals; (b) found only at a single location.

Ze Continuing decline, observed, inferred or projected, in e/ther of the following: (a) number of mature individuals; (b) area, extent, and/or quality of habitat.

C. Geographic extent estimated to be less than 100 km? or range area estimated to be less than 10 km?, and estimates indicating any two of the following:

ie Severely fragmented or found only at a single location. 2. Continuing decline, observed, inferred or projected, in any of the following: (a) geographic extent; (b) range area; (c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat; (d)

number of locations; (e) number of mature individuals.

3. Extreme fluctuations in any of the following: (a) geographic extent; (b) range area; (c) number of locations.

D. Decline in population in the form of e/ther of the following:

1. An observed precipitous and continuing decline in the number of mature individuals (typically more than 25% per year over 5 years).

2. A continuing decline as specified in D1 inferred or projected from any of the following: (a) a decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat; (b) levels of exploitation; (c) the effects of introduced species, pathogens, competitors, or parasites.

ES Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 50% within 5 years or 2 generations, whichever is the longer.

Endangered (EN)

A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critical but is facing a very high probability of extinction in the wild in the near future. A taxon is defined as Endangered by any of the following criteria (A

to E):

Population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals.

Population estimated to number less than 2,500 mature individuals and to have both of the following characteristics.

te Population structure in the form of e/ther of the following: (a) severely fragmented i.e. no sub-population is known or estimated to contain more than 250 mature individuals; (b) found only at a single location.

2. Continuing decline, observed, inferred or projected, in e/ther of the following: (a) number of mature individuals; (b) area, extent, and/or quality of habitat.

Geographic extent estimated to be less than 5,000 km? or range area estimated to be less than 500 km?, and estimates indicating any two of the following:

Ve Severely fragmented or found only at no more than two locations.

2. Continuing decline, inferred, observed or projected, in any of the following: (a) geographic extent; (b) range area; (c) area, extent, and/or quality of habitat; (d) number of locations; (e) number of mature individuals.

3. Extreme fluctuations in any of the following: (a) geographic extent; (b) range area; (c) number of locations.

Decline in population in the form of e/ther of the following:

te An observed marked and continuing decline in the number of mature individuals (typically more than 50% in total within 5 years or 2 generations, whichever is the longer).

2. A continuing decline as specified in D1 inferred or projected from any of the following: (a) a decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat; (b) levels of exploitation; (c) the effects of introduced species, pathogens, competitors, or parasites.

Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 20% within 20 years or 5 generations, whichever is the longer.

Vulnerable (VU)

A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critical or Endangered but is facing a high probability of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. The taxon is defined as Vulnerable by any of the following criteria (A to E):



Population estimated to number less than 1,000 mature individuals.

Population estimated to number less than 10,000 mature individuals and to have both of the following characteristics.

1. Population structure in the form of either of the following: (a) severely fragmented i.e. no sub-population is known or estimated to contain more than 1,000 mature individuals; (b) found only at a single location.

2. Continuing decline, observed, inferred or projected, in either of the following: (a) number of mature individuals; (b) area, extent, and/or quality of habitat.

Ge Geographic extent estimated to be less than 20,000 km? or range area estimated to be less than 2,000 km?, and estimates indicating any two of the following:

1 Severely fragmented or found at no more than five locations. 2. Continuing decline, inferred, observed or projected, in any of the following: (a) geographic extent; (b) range area; (c) area, extent, and/or quality of habitat; (d)

number of locations; {e) number of mature individuals.

3. Extreme fluctuations in any of the following: (a) geographic extent; (b) range area; (c) number of locations.

D. Decline in population in the form of either of the following:

Ve An observed continuing decline in the number of mature individuals (typically more than a 50% in total within 10 years or 3 generations, whichever is the longer).

2. A continuing decline as specified in D1 inferred or projected from any of the

following: (a) a decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat; (b) levels of exploitation; (c) the effects of introduced species, pathogens, competitors, or parasites.

E. Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 10% within 50 years or 10 generations, whichever is the longer.

Susceptible (SU) A taxon is Susceptible when it does not qualify for any of the quantitative categories above, but

is of concern because its range area is restricted (typically less than 100 km?), and/or it is found at few locations, which render it prone to the effects of human activities.

Safe/Low Risk (S/LR)

A taxon is Safe/Low Risk when it has been evaluated, and found not to qualify for any of the threatened categories listed above. It may still be subject to levels of extinction risk well above historical levels. When listing a taxon in this category, consideration should be given to stating a time, or a set of circumstances, under which re-evaluation is recommended. This should help to identify the taxa listed here that are most at risk.

Insufficienty Known (IK)

A taxon is Insufficiently Known when an evaluation of its Red List category has been attempted, but available data are inadequate to assign a category.

Not Evaluated (NE)

A taxon is Not Evaluated when it is not yet evaluated with respect to its Red List category.

ANNEX 3: Criteria for listing species and habitats in wildlife treaties and agreements relevant to Europe

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ANNEX 3: Criteria for listing species and habitats in wildlife treaties and agreements

relevant to Europe

Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention)

The Bern Convention places its heaviest emphasis on the protection of habitats, especially habitats of species in the Appendices and endangered habitats.

The original Bern Convention listed only 119 threatened species of higher plants, which at the time were the most acutely threatened with extinction.

The revision in 1991 added plants which are at the greatest risk of extinction i.e. endangered plants. Also plant species were added to the appendix which if conservation measures were applied would also conserve habitats of conservation importance and sites where other endemic and threatened plants are found. Other additions were species which were not quite in the categories "Endangered" or "Vulnerable" but were rapidly declining due to over-collection were added to the appendix. They needed to be protected to check their progression towards the "E" and "V" status.

Flora Europaea has been used throughout as the major taxonomic reference point for plants.

The following is an extract from The Berne Convention Revision of Appendix I flora prepared in August 1990 by the Threatened Plants Unit of WCMC.


1. All higher plant taxa "Endangered" (sensu IUCN Red Data Book categories) within Europe, excluding those that are widespread outside and which only marginally extend into Europe.

Justification: These continue to be the taxa closest to extinction in Europe and they therefore remain top priorities for conservation in the region. (Macaronesia is

treated separately under criterion 4.)

2. A selection of higher plant taxa which are "Vulnerable" within Europe, excluding those that are widespread outside and which only marginally extend into Europe.

Justification: To include all “Vulnerable” taxa would make the Appendix unworkable because of its length. A selection, therefore, of ’Vulnerable’ taxa will be made on the basis of one or more of the following sub- criteria:

i) Endemic to Europe or significant proportion of world population present in Europe; ii) Occurrence in a threatened habitat type(s); iii) Genetic resource value, e.g. wild crop relatives and taxa of medicinal, scientific or other useful value/potential; iv) High conservation profile, to raise profile of the Appendix as a whole (e.g. insectivorous taxa, orchids); v) Occurrence in a site(s) of plant endemism and/or diversity (e.g. plants from the Sierra Nevada in Spain).

3.A small number of additional higher plant taxa which require complete prohibition of exploitation.

Justification: To conserve those plants suffering from exploitation, commercial or otherwise, e.g. taxa of Turkish Cyclamen or Portuguese Narcissus. Although the taxa concerned may still be quite widespread in the wild, steps to conserve them need to be taken now, to prevent them becoming "Vulnerable" or "Endangered". This criterion therefore allows the inclusion of certain horticulturally popular plant groups, especially alpines and orchids.

4. A selection of Plants of Macaronesia

Justification: Because of the very high numbers of taxa (over 200) that would qualify for the Appendix if these criteria were adopted en bloc for the threatened plants of Macaronesia, it is proposed that Macaronesia is treated separately- This will be done by applying more rigorously the

present criteria. Essentially, all Macaronesian threatened taxa (i.e. not only those "Vulnerable") will be selected using the sub- criteria i-v of Criteria 2, in addition to criteria 3, 5, 6 and 7.

5. "Extinct" higher plant taxa.

Justification: If these taxa re-appear in the wild then some provision should be available to protect them because it is highly probable that their populations will be extremely small and very vulnerable. Since the number of known Extinct taxa across Europe is very small, less then 20, the Appendix should include them as far as possible.

6. Selected higher plant groups demonstrating reproductive anomalies will, in general, be excluded.

Justification: Certain groups which are notoriously difficult to work with taxonomically (e.g. Rubus, Taraxacum, Hieracium), are just as difficult for the conservationist. It is therefore proposed that such groups are excluded, in general, from the revised Appendix because of the difficulties with their identification.

7.A small selection of threatened lower plants.

Justification: Lower plants (mosses, lichens, algae, fungi) have tended to be badly neglected by conservationists, probably due to limited knowledge about their conservation status. Documentation, however, is increasing both about their wild populations and their conservation requirements.

A small selection of them, therefore, is proposed for inclusion in the Appendix to represent their conservation

needs at an international level.

The IUCN Red Data Book Categories

The Red Data Book categories are used by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of IUCN - the World Conservation Union to indicate the degree of

threat to individual taxa in their wild habitats. They are used for both plants and animals. Currently, over 30,000 taxa of plants have been coded with other than "?" at the world level.

Below are the formal definitions of the categories. Note: There is a degree of subjectivity to the application of these categories, a subjectivity that will be diminished by a thorough understanding of and a strict adherence to these definitions.

Extinct (Ex)

Taxa that are no longer known to exist in the wild after repeated searches of the type localities and other known or likely places.

Endangered (E)

Taxa in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue operating. Included are taxa whose numbers have been reduced to a critical level or whose habitats have been so drastically reduced that they are deemed to be in immediate danger of extinction.

Vulnerable (V)

Taxa believed likely to move into the Endangered category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating. Included are taxa of which most or all the populations are decreasing because of over-exploitation, extensive destruction of habitat or other environmental disturbance; taxa with populations that have been seriously depleted and whose ultimate security is not yet assured; and taxa with populations that are still abundant but are under threat from serious adverse factors throughout their range.

Rare (R)

Taxa with small world populations that are not at present Endangered or Vulnerable but are at risk. These taxa are usually localised within restricted geographic areas or habitats or are thinly scattered over a more extensive range.

Indeterminate (1) Taxa known to be Extinct, Endangered, Vulnerable, or Rare but where there is not

enough information to say which of the four categories is appropriate.

Insufficiently Known (K)

Taxa that are suspected but not definitely known to belong to any of the above categories because of the lack of information.

Out of Danger (O)

Taxa formerly included in one of the above categories. but are now considered relatively secure because effective conservation measures have been taken. or because the previous threat to their survival has been removed.

Not threatened (nt) Taxa that are not in any of the above categories.

No information (?) Taxa for which there is no information.

In addition to the categories listed above, occasionally "hybrid" categories such as E/Ex are used.

Economic Commission for Europe, ‘European Red List or Globally Threatened Animals and Plants’ United Nations, 1991 ‘Recommendations to ECE Governments on the application of the European Red List

Conscious of the need to achieve the aim of conserving the common European heritage of wildlife, particularly globally threatened animal and plant species, and promoting therefore the implementation of the ECE Declaration on conservation of Flora , Fauna and their Habitats, the Economic Commission for Europe recommends that ECE Governments:

1. Take account of the European Red List when formulating, adopting, and implementing priorities in conservation policies and strategies, both at national and international levels;

2. Implement appropriate protective measures for species included in the European Red List which are threatened within their territory. For those species

which may not currently be threatened in a particular country, populations should at least be monitored so that conservation measures may ne introduced as soon as necessary;

3. Update or undertake the preparation of comprehensive national Red Data Books using the internationally accepted IUCN status categories. Entries for species appearing in the European Red list, for which a country has a particular international responsibility, should be annotated appropriately. Particular attention should be paid to the increasing volume of information relevant to the conservation of lower orders of invertebrates (e.g. reptiles, amphibians and fish), invertebrate animals and plants;

4. Strengthen national programmes for surveying and monitoring flora, fauna and their habitats with particular emphasis on species included in the European Red List, and maintain national data bases of species status and other environmental parameters, as impacts on wildlife may provide early warning of deleterious environmental changes;

5. Identify, protect and provide for the effective management of important habitats for threatened species;

6. Collaborate to reintroduce threatened species, where appropriate, from member countries in which the species population is stable and closely related genetically to countries where the species has become extinct, provided that the causal factors for the species’ extinction are known and no longer operate and that sufficient suitable habitat is available to ensure the long-term survival of a viable population.

7. Consider the possibilities offered by direct manipulative methods, such as artificial propagation, captive breeding, restocking and translocation, so as to enhance populations of threatened flora and fauna bearing in mind the consequences from ecological and genetic viewpoints, and that such measures may bring about;

8. Strengthen cooperation so as to secure the conservation of globally threatened species in Europe. For this purpose, ECE Governments should, inter alia:

a) Broaden participation in existing international wildlife conservation conventions bearing in mind that many species on the European Red List are included in annexes or appendices to such conventions;

b) Promote the development of joint research programmes concerning threatened plants and animals, including migratory species, and sharing nature conservation experience particularly with regard to approaches to the monitoring programmes and exchange of information on population trends, especially those of threatened species;

c) Ensure that relevant up-to-date species status and trend data are sent to international databases, such as those of the UNEP/IUCN/WWE World Conservation Monitoring Centre, ICBP and the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB), as well as to relevant international scientific societies and associations involved in nature conservation.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

This is taken from W. Wijnstekers (1992), The Evolution of CITES - A reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Third Edition.

1. Appendix I shall include:

all species threatened with extinction which are or may be affected by trade. Trade in specimens of these species must be subject to particularly strict regulation in order not to endanger further their survival and must only be authorized in exceptional circumstances.

2. Appendix II shall include:

(a) all species which although not necessarily

now threatened with extinction may become so unless trade in specimens of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival; and (b) other species which must be subject to regulation in order that trade in specimens of certain species.

The criteria are known as the Bern criteria.

It was decided that in determining the appropriate Appendix into which a species or other taxon should be placed, the biological and trade status of the taxon should be evaluated together.

Appendix I criteria with regard to the biological status:

To qualify for Appendix I, a species must be currently threatened with extinction. Infor- mation of any of the following types should be required, in order of preference:

a) scientific reports on the population size or geographic range of the species over a number of years,

b) scientific reports on the population size or geographic range of the species based on single surveys,

c) reports by reliable observers other than scientists on the population size or geographic range of the species over a number of years,

d) reports from various sources on habitat destruction, heavy trade or other potential causes of extinction.

Genera should be listed if most of their species are threatened with extinction and if identification of individual species within the genus is difficult. The same should apply to the listing of any smaller taxa within larger ones. If most of the smaller taxa are not threatened, but identification of individual species is difficult, the entire larger taxon should be placed on Appendix II.

Taxa listed in Appendix I because of difficulty in separating them from endangered forms within the same taxa, should be annotated as such in the Appendix.

Appendix I criteria with regard to the trade status: Species meeting the biological criteria should be listed in Appendix I if they are or may be affected by international trade. This should include any species that might be expected to be traded for any purpose, scientific or otherwise. Particular attention should be given to any species for which such trade might, over a period of time, involve numbers of specimens constituting a significant portion of the total population size necessary for the continued survival of the species.

The biological status and the trade status of a species are obviously related. When biological data show a species to be declining seriously, there need be only a probability of trade. When trade is known to occur, information on the biological status need not be as complete. This principle especially applies to groups of related species, where trade can readily shift from one species that is well-known to another for which there is little biological information.

Appendix II criteria with regard to the biological status:

To qualify for Appendix II, species need not currently be threatened with extinction, but there should be some indication that they might become so. Such an indication might be a decreasing or very limited population size or geographic range of distribution. Information on the biological status should be one of the types required for Appendix I species. Genera should be listed if some of their species are threatened and identification of individual species within the genus is difficult. The same should apply to listing any smaller taxa within larger ones. Appendix II criteria with regard to the trade status: Species meeting the biological criteria should be listed if they presently are subject to trade or are likely to become subject to trade. The latter situation can arise where heavy trade in one species is extended to include similar species if demand grows or if supplies of the one species are depleted.

The amount of trade that a species can sustain without threat of extinction generally

will be greater for species in Appendix II than for those in Appendix I, so there should be evidence of actual or expected trade in such a volume as to constitute a potential threat to the survival of the species. Appendix II serves in part as a monitoring tool to gather such trade data.

a) that the criteria be interpreted as applying where the population of a species in the wild is known to be so low that, if it were to be exploited in any way, it may be exterminated before effective steps could be taken to save it; and

b) that, however, if the addition of a species to Appendix I would draw public attention to its rarity, this be also taken into consideration.

Also known as the ’Berne criteria’ are the criteria laid down for the deletion of species and other taxa from Appendices I and II.

Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive).


“g) species of Community interest means species which, within the territory referred to in Article 2, are:

i) endangered, except those species whose natural range is marginal in that territory and which are not endangered or vulnerable in the western palaearctic region; or

ii) vulnerable, i.e. believed likely to move into the endangered category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating; or

iii) rare, i.e. with small populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable, but are at risk. The species are located within restricted geographical areas or are thinly scattered over a more extensive range; or

iv) endemic and requiring particular attention by reason of the specific nature of their

habitat and/or the potential impact of their exploitation on their conservation status.

Such status are listed or may be listed in Annex II and/or Annex IV or V;

h) priority species means species referred to in (g)(i) for the conservation of which the Community has particular responsibility in view of the proportion of their natural range which falls within the territory referred to in Article 2; these priority species are indicated by an asterisk (*) in Annex II;’

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)(as amended by the Conference of the Parties in 1985, 1988 and 1991) (Bonn Convention).

‘Article IV Migratory Species to be the Subject of Agreements: Appendix II

1.Appendix II shall list migratory species which have an un-favourable conservation status and which require international agreements for their conservation and management, as well as those which have a conservation status which would significantly benefit from the international co-operation that could be achieved by an international agreement.

2. If the circumstances so warrant, a migratory species may be listed both in Appendix I and Appendix II.

3. Parties that are Range States of migratory species listed in Appendix II shall endeavour to conclude AGREEMENTS where these would benefit the species and should give priority to those species in an unfavourable conservation status.

4. Parties are encouraged to take action with a view to concluding agreements for any population ir any geographically separate part of the population of any species or lower taxon of wild animals, members of which periodically cross one or more national jurisdiction boundaries.

5. The Secretariat shall be provided with a

copy of each AGREEMENT concluded pursuant to the provisions of this Article.’

ANNEX 4: EU CORINE Biotope checklists and proposed extension for the PHARE Countries (Version 1 of February 1994)


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ANNEX 4: EU CORINE Biotope checklists and proposed extension for the PHARE Countries (Version 1 of February 1994)

Note + denotes those additional proposed species for the PHARE extension countries only

F CHECK-LIST OF THREATENED MAMMALS Nyctalus leisleri ORDER Vespertilio murinus + FAMILY Genus species MOLOSSIDAE Tadarida teniotis INSECTIVORA TALPIDAE Galemys pyrenaicus


Sorex caecutiens + Neromys anomalus + Neomys fodiens +

CHIROPTERA RHINOLOPHIDAE Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Rhinolophus hipposideros Rhinolophus euryale Rhinolophus blasii Rhinolophus mehelyi

VESPERTILIONIDAE Myotis daubentonii Myotis nathalinae Myotis capaccinii Myotis dasycneme Myotis mystacinus Myotis brandtii Myotis emarginatus Myotis nattereri Myotis bechsteinii Myotis myotis

Myotis blythi Plecotus auritus Plecotus austriacus Miniopterus schreibersii Barbastella barbastellus Pipistrellus nathusii Pipistrellus kuhli Pipistrellus savii Eptesicus serotinus Eptesicus nilssoni Eptesicus murinus Nyctalus noctula Nyctalus lasiopterus


Sciurus anomalus Castor fiber Spermophilus suslicus +

CASTORIDAE Castor fiber

CRICETIDAE Cricetus cricetus Microtus oeconomus Microtus tatricus +

ZAPODIDAE Sicista betulina

HYSTRICIDAE Hystrix cristata


Cricetulus migratorius +

Mesocricetus newtoni +

Spalax graecus +

Spalax microphthalmus +

Nannospalax leucodon + (= Spalax leucodon)

Pitymys tatricus +


Muscardinus avellanarius + Dryomys nitedula + Myomimus roachi +

CETACEA BALAENOPTERIDAE Sibbaldus musculus Megaptera novaeengliae

BALAENIDAE Eubalaena glacialis Balaena mysticetus

DELPHINIDAE Delphinus delphis Tursiops truncatus

PHOCAENIDAE Phocaena phocaena

CARNIVORA CANIDAE Canis lupus Canis aureus +

URSIDAE Ursus arctos

MUSTELIDAE Mustela lutreola Lutra lutra

Vormela peregusna*

VIVERRIDAE Genetta genetta

FELIDAE Lynx lynx Lynx pardina Felis sylvestris

PINNIPEDIA PHOCIDAE Monachus monachus Phoca vitulina Halichoerus grypus

ARTIODACTYLA CERVIDAE Cervus elaphus corsicanus

BOVIDAE Capra pyrenaica Capra aegragus Rupicapra rupicapra (ssp. ornata, cartusiana, balcanica) Ovis ammon

* addition to list proposed by Mr Hallmann


ORDER FAMILY Genus species

GAVIIFORMES GAVIIDAE Gavia stellata Gavia arctica Gavia immer


PROCELLARIIFORMES PROCELLARIIDAE Pterodroma (mollis) madeira Pterodroma (mollis) feae Bulweria bulwerii

Calonectris diomedea

Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus Puffinus assimilis

HYDROBATIDAE Pelagodroma marina Hydrobates pelagicus Oceanodroma leucorhoa Oceanodroma castro

PELECANIFORMES PELECANIDAE Pelecanus onocrotalus Pelecanus crispus

PHALACROCORACIDAE Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis

Phalacrocorax (aristotelis) desmarestii

Phalacrocorax pygmeus


Botaurus stellaris Ixobrychus minutus Nycticorax nycticorax Ardeola ralloides Egretta garzetta Egretta alba

Ardea purpurea

CICONIIDAE Ciconia nigra Ciconia ciconia

THRESKIORNITHIDAE Plegadis falcinellus Platalea leucorodia

PHOENICOPTERIDAE Phoenicopterus ruber


Cygnus (columbianus) bewickii Cygnus cygnus

Anser (albifrons) flavirostris Anser erythropus

Branta leucopsis

Branta ruficollis

Tadorna ferruginea Marmaronetta angustirostris Aythya nyroca

Oxyura leucocephala


ACCIPITRIDAE Pernis apivorus

Elanus caeruleus Milvus migrans

Milvus milvus Haliaeetus albicilla Gypaetus barbatus Neophron percnopterus Gyps fulvus

Aegypius monachus Circaetus gallicus Circus aeruginosus Circus cyaneus

Circus macrourus Circus pygargus Accipiter gentilis arrigonii Accipiter nisus granti Accipiter brevipes Buteo buteo insularum Buteo buteo rothschildii Buteo rufinus

Aquila pomarina Aquila clanga

Aquila heliaca Aquila chrysaetos Hieraaetus pennatus Hieraaetus fasciatus


Falco tinnunculus dacotiae Falco naumanni

Falco columbarius

Falco eleonorae

Falco biarmicus

Falco peregrinus

Falco pelegrinoides

Falco cherrug*


Bonasa bonasia

Lagopus mutus pyrenaicus Lagopus mutus helveticus Tetrao tetrix tetrix

Tetrao urogallus


Alectoris graeca saxatilis Alectoris graeca whitakeri Alectoris barbara

Perdix perdix italica Coturnix coturnix confusa Coturnix coturnix conturbans


GRUIDAE Grus grus

RALLIDAE Porzana porzana Porzana parva Porzana pusilla Crex crex

Fulica cristata

Porphyrio porphyrio


Tetrax tetrax Chlamydotis undulata Otis tarda


Haematopus moquini meadewaldoi

RECURVIROSTRIDAE Himantopus himantopus Recurvirostra avosetta

BURHINIDAE Burhinus oedicnemus

GLAREOLIDAE Cursorius cursor Glareola pratincola

CHARADRIIDAE Charadrius morinellus Pluvialis apricaria Hoplopterus spinosus

SCOLOPACIDAE Philomachus pugnax Gallinago media Numenius tenuirostris Tringa glareola Phalaropus lobatus


Larus melanocephalus Larus genei

Larus audouinii Gelochelidon nilotica Sterna caspia

Sterna sandvicensis Sterna dougallii Sterna hirundo

Sterna paradisaea Sterna albifrons Chlidonias hybridus Chlidonias niger Chlidonias leucopterus*

ALCIDAE Uria aalge ibericus

COLUMBIFORMES PTEROCLIDAE Pterocles orientalis Pterocles alchata


Columba palumbus azorica Columba trocaz

Columba bollii

Columba junoniae



Bubo bubo

Nyctea scandiaca Glaucidium passerinum Asio flammeus Aegolius funereus



CORACIIDAE Coracias garrulus



Picus canus

Dryocopus martius Dendrocopos major canariensis Dendrocopos major thanneri Dendrocopos medius Dendrocopos leucotos Dendrocopos syriacus

Picoides tridactylus

PASSERIFORMES ALAUDIDAE Chersophilus duponti Melanocorypha calandra Calandrella brachydactyla Calandrella rufescens Galerida theklae

Lullula arborea

MOTACILLIDAE Anthus campestris

LANIIDAE Lanius collurio Lanius minor Lanius nubicus*


Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis

TURDIDAE Cercotrichas galactotes Luscinia svecica Saxicola dacotiae Oenanthe leucura


Acrocephalus melanopogon Acrocephalus paludicola Hippolais olivetorum Sylvia sarda

Sylvia undata

Sylvia rueppelli

Sylvia nisoria

Sylvia conspicillata bella Phylloscopus collybita exsul Regulus teneriffae

MUSCICAPIDAE Ficedula parva Ficedula semitorquata Ficedula albicollis

SITTIDAE Sitta krueperi Sitta whiteheadi

EMBERIZIDAE Emberiza cineracea Emberiza hortulana Emberiza caesia


Fringilla coelebs ombriosa Fringilla teydea

Loxia scotica

Bucanetes githagineus Pyrrhula murina Carduelis cannabina nana

CORVIDAE Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax

* addition proposed by Mr Hallmann


ORDER FAMILY Genus species


Mertensiella (Salamandra) luschani Salamandrina terdigitata Chioglossa lusitanica

Triturus cristatus

Triturus italicus

Triturus montandoni +

PLETHODONTIDAE Hydromantes genei Hydromantes italicus

PROTEIDAE Proteus anguinus

SALIENTIA DISCOGLOSSIDAE Bombina variegata Bombina bombina Discoglossus pictus Discoglossus sardus Alytes obstetricans Alytes cisternasii Alytes muletensis

PELOBATIDAE Pelobates cultripes Pelobates fuscus Pelobates syriacus Pelodytes punctatus

BUFONIDAE Bufo calamita Bufo viridis

HYLIDAE Hyla arborea

RANIDAE Rana arvalis Rana dalmatina Rana latastei


TESTUDINES TESTUDINIDAE Testudo hermanni Testudo graeca Testudo marginata

EMYDIDAE Emys orbicularis Mauremys caspica

DERMOCHELYIDAE Dermochelys coriacea

CHELONIIDAE Caretta caretta Lepidochelys kempii Chelonia mydas*

Eretmochelys imbricata*


Phyllodactylus europaeus

Cyrtodactylus kotschyi

AGAMIDAE Agama Stellio

CHAMAELEONTIDAE Chamaeleo chamaeleon

LACERTIDAE Algyroides marchi Algyroides fitzingeri Lacerta lepida Lacerta viridis Lacerta agilis Lacerta monticola Lacerta horvathi Gallotia simonyi Gallotia atlantica Podarcis sicula Podarcis melisellensis Podarcis lilfordi Podarcis muralis Eremias arguta +

SCINCIDAE Ablepharus kitaibelii

AMPHISBAENIDAE Blanus cinereus


Coluber hippocrepis Coluber rubriceps + Elaphe situla

Elaphe quatuorlineata Elaphe longissima

Natrix tessellata

Natrix natrix cetti Coronella austriaca Macroprotodon cucullatus

VIPERIDAE Vipera ursinii (including rakosiensis +) Vipera berus Vipera aspis Vipera xanthina Vipera lebetina Vipera ammodytes* Vipera latastei*

BOIDAE Eryx jaculus +

* addition proposed by the Council of Europe


ORDER FAMILY Genus species


HYPEROARTIA PETROMYZONIDAE Eudontomyzon (mariae) vladykovi Eudontomyzon mariae + Eudontomyzon danfordi + Eudontomyzon gracilis + Lampetra fluviatilis

Petromyzon marinus


CHONDROSTEI ACIPENSERIDAE Acipenser sturio Acipenser naccarii Acipenser gilldenstaedti + Acipenser nudiventris + Acipenser ruthenus + Acipenser stellatus +




Alosa alosa

Alosa fallax

Clupeonella cultriventris + (= C. delicatula)


Salmo salar

Salmo trutta (native populations) Hucho hucho

Salvelinus alpinus

COREGONIDAE Coregonus albula Coregonus autumnalis Coregonus lavaretus Coregonus nasus Coregonus oxyrhynchus Coregonus peled Coregonus pidschian

THYMALLIDAE Thymallus thymallus

UMBRIDAE Umbra krameri +

OSTARIOPHYSI CYPRINIDAE Abramis ballerus Abramis sapa Alburnoides bipunctatus Aspius aspius Chalcalburnus chalcoides Cyprinus carpio (native populations) Gobio uranoscopus Rutilus frisii Barbus peloponensis Leuciscus idus Leuciscus souffia Pararhodeus ghigii Rhodeus sericeus Rutilus pigus Rutilus frisii Leucaspius delineatus + Phoxinus percnurus + (=Moroco percnurus) Pelecus cultratus + Gobio albipinnatus + Gobio kessleri +

COBITIDAE Misgurnus fossilis

Cobitis aurata + Cobitis elongata + Cobitis romanica + Nemacheilus angorae +

SILURIDAE Siluris glanis

MICROCYPRINI CYPRINODONTIDAE Aphanius iberus Valencia hispanica



BLENNIIDAE Blennius fluviatilis


Gymnocephalus schraetzer Zingel zingel

Zingel asper

Zingel streber

Percarina demidoffi + Gymnocephalus baloni + Romanichthys valsanicola + Stizostedion marinum + Stizostedion volgense +

GOBIIDAE Benthophiloides brauneri + Benthophilus stellatus + Pomatoshistus caucasicus + (= Knipowitschia caucasicus) Pomatoshistus longecaudatus + (= Knipowitschia longicaudata) Gobius kessleri + (= Neogobius kessleri) Gobius syrman + (= Neogobius syrman) Proterorhinus marmoratus +




ACTINARIA EDWARDSIIDAE Nematostella vectensis




HYDROBIIDAE Belgrandiella komenskyi + Paladilhia hngarica + Sadleriana pannonica +

MELANOPSIDAE Fagotia esperi +


PLANORBIDAE Segmentina nitida


SUCCINEIDAE Catinella arenaria Oxyloma sarsii

VERTIGINIDAE Vertigo angustior Vertigo geyeri Vertigo genesii Vertigo moulinsiana

PUPILLIDAE Leiostyla abbreviata Leiostyla cassida Leiostyla corneocostata Leiostyla gibba Leiostyla lamellosa

ENDODONTIDAE Discus guerinianus Discus defloratus

ARIONIDAE Geomalacus maculosus Arion vejdorskyi +

CLAUSILIIDAE Balea perversa


Helix pomatia

Helix subplicata

Elona quimperiana Caseolus calculus Caseolus commixta Caseolus sphaerula Discula leacockiana Discula tabellata

Discula testudinalis Discula turricula Geomitra moniziana Chilostoma cingulellum + Chilostoma rossmaessleri +

COCHLICOPIDAE Cochlicopa nitens +

VALLONIIDAE Spelaeodiscus tatricus + Vallonia declivis + Vallonia enniensis +

LIMACIDAE Deroceras fatrense +


EULAMELLIBRANCHIA MARGARITIFERIDAE Margaritifera margaritifera Margaritifera auricularia


Pseudanodonta complanata +

Unio crassus +




ODONATA COENAGRIIDAE Coenagrion armatum Coenagrion caerulescens Coenagrion hastulatum Coenagrion hylas Coenagrion lunulatum Coenagrion mercuriale Coenagrion ornatum Coenagrion scitulum Nehalennia speciosa Ischnura genei Cenagrion tenellum

LESTIDAE Sympecma fusca Sympecma braueri Lestes dryas

CORDULEGASTERIDAE Cordulegaster bidentatus Cordulegaster boltonii Cordulegaster heros

GOMPHIDAE Gomphus flavipes Gomphus graslini Gomphus simillimus Gomphus vulgatissimus Ophiogomphus cecilia Onychogomphus costae

Onychogomphus forcipatus

Onychogomphus uncatus Lindenia tetraphylla

AESHNIDAE Boyeria irene Aeshna caerulea

Aeshna subarctica Aeshna viridis Anaciaeschna isosceles Brachytron pratense +


Oxygastra curtisii Somatochlora arctica Somatochlora flavomaculata Epitheca bimaculata Macromia splendens

LIBELLULIDAE Sympetrum depressiusculum Sympetrum nigrifemur Leucorrhinia albifrons Leucorrhinia caudalis Leucorrhinia dubia Leucorrhinia pectoralis Leucorrhinia rubicunda


Baetica ustulata Gampsocleis glabra +

ACRIDIDAE Odontopodisma rubripes +


MANTIDAE Mantis religiosa +


LEPTOCERIDAE Oecetis tripunctata +



Syrichtus tessellum Heteropterus morpheus Carterocephalus palaemon Borbo borbonica Syrichtus cribellum +

PAPILIONIDAE Papilio hospiton Papilio alexanor Zerynthia polyxena Zerynthia rumina Archon apollinus Parnassius apollo Parnasslus phoebus Parnassius mnemosyne


Pieris ergane

Pontia chloridice Elphinstonia charlonia Colias palaeno

Colias libanotica Colias myrmidone Colias balcanica Leptidea morsei +

LYCAENIDAE Callophrys avis Lycaena helle Lycaena dispar Cupido lorquinii Turanana panagea Maculinea alcon Maculinea rebeli Maculinea arion Maculinea teleius Maculinea nausithous Pseudophilotes bavius Scolitantides orion Plebejus pylaon Vacciniina optilete Agriades pyrenaicus Plebicula golgus Polyommatus eroides +

NYMPHALIDAE Apatura iris Apatura ilia Apatura metis Limenitis populi Neptis sappho Vanessa indica Fabriciana elisa Brenthis hecate Boloria aquilonaris Proclossiana eunomia Melitaea trivia Melitaea deione Mellicta britomartis

Euphydryas maturna Euphydryas aurinia Argyronome laodice + Neptis rivularis + Nymphalis vau-album + Nymphalis xanthomelas +

SATYRIDAE Melanargia arge Oeneis glacialis Erebia eriphyle Erebia christi Erebia sudetica Erebia calcaria Coenonympha tullia Coenonympha hero Coenonympha oedippus Lopinga achine

DANAIDAE Danaus plexippus

NOCTUIDAE Syngrapha microgamma +

SATURNIIDAE Saturnia pyri +

GEOMETRIDAE Eupithecia gelidata + Gnophus obscurata +

HEPIALIDAE Hepialus carna +


Eriogaster catax

Phyllodesma ilicifolia

SATURNIIDAE Graellsia isabelae Saturnia pyri +

SPHINGIDAE Hyles hippophaes Proserpinus proserpina

COLEOPTERA CARABIDAE Calosoma sycophanta Carabus intricatus Carabus olympiae

Osmoderma eremita

DYSTICIDAE CHLOROPERLIDAE Dytiscus latissimus Xanthoperla apicalis + Graphoderus bilineatus Agabus clypealis + NEUROPTERA MANTISPIDAE BUPRESTIDAE Mantispa styriaca + Buprestis splendens ASCALAPHIDAE CUCULIDAE Libelloides macaronius + Cucujus cinnaberinus MYRMELEONTIDAE CERAMBYCIDAE Acanthaclisis occitanica + Cerambyx cerdo Dendroleon pantherinus + Morimus funereus Distoleon tetragrammicus + Rosalia alpina Myrmeleon formicarius + HYMENOPTERA CRUSTACEA FORMICIDAE DECAPODA Formica rufa ASTACIDAE

Formica aquilonia Formica lugubris Formica polyctena Formica pratensis Formica uralensis +

MEGACHILIDAE Anthidium montanum +


HEPTAGENIIDAE Arthroplea congener +

LEPTOPHLEBIIDAE Choroterpes picteti +

PALINGENIIDAE Palingenia longicauda +

PLECOPTERA CAPNIIDAE Capnopsis schilleri +

TAENIOPTERYGIDAE Brachyptera braueri +

PERLODIDAE Tsogenus nubecula +

Isoperla obsucura +

Astacus astacus Austropotamobius pallipes

Austropotamobius torrentium +


AMPHIPODA GAMMARIDAE Echinogammarus ischnus +


ARANAEA PISAURIDAE Dolomedes plantarius

HEXATHELIDAE Macrothele calpeiana

ATYPIDAE Atypus muralis +


ALISMATACEAE Caldesia parnassifolia Damasonium minimum Echinodorus repens Luronium natans


Galanthus reginae-olgae

Leucojum nicaeense

Leucojum vernum ssp. carpaticum + Narcissus scaberulus

Narcissus viridiflorus

APOCYNACEAE Rhazya orientalis

AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex perado ssp. platyphylla

ARACEAE Dracunculus canariensis

ASCLEPIADACEAE Caralluma burchardii Caralluma europaea Ceropegia ceratophora Ceropegia krainzii

ASPIDIACEAE Diplazium caudatum

ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium jahandiezii

BALANOPHORACEAE Cynomorium coccineum

BERBERIDACEAE Berberis maderensis Gymnospermium altaicum ssp. odessanum

BETULACEAE Betula humilis

BOLETACEAE Boletus satanas +

BORAGINACEAE Anchusa aggregata Anchusa crispa

Buglossoides gastonii

Cerinthe glabra ssp. tatrica + Echium acanthocarpum

Echium auberianum

Echium callithyrsum

Echium cantabricum

Echium gentianoides

Echium giganteum

Echium handiense

Echium pininana

Echium simplex

Echium wildpretii ssp. wildpretii Elizaldia calycina

Lithodora oleifolia

Macrotomia densiflora

Myosotis rehsteineri Omphalodes littoralis ssp. gallaecica Omphalodes littoralis ssp. littoralis Omphalodes luciliae

Onosma elegantissima

Onosma psammophila

Onosma pseudarenaria + Onosma tornensis + Solenanthus albanicus Solenanthus stamineus Symphytum cycladense

CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche pulchra

CAMPANULACEAE Asyneuma giganteum Azorina vidalii

Campanula aizoon ssp. aizoon Campanula canariensis Campanula forsythii Campanula gelida + Campanula moravica + Campanula morettiana Campanula petraea Campanula sabatia Campanula xylocarpa + Musschia wollastonii Physoplexis comosa Symphyandra samothracica Trachelium asperuloides

CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera hellenica

CARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria controversa Arenaria hispida

Arenaria peloponnesiaca Arenaria provincialis Bufonia teneriffae Cerastium alsinifolium + Cerastium arvense ssp. glandulosum + Cerastium sventenii Dianthus gallicus Dianthus gratianopolitanus Dianthus langeanus Dianthus praecox + Dianthus praecox ssp. lumnitzeri + Dianthus pulviniformis Dianthus pungens Dianthus rupicola Dianthus serotinus + Gypsophila papillosa Loeflingia tavaresiana Minuartia glaucina + Minuartia pichleri Minuartia stojanovii Moehringia grisebachii + Moehringia jankae + Moehringia papulosa Moehringia tommasinii Petrorhagia grandiflora Polycarpaea smithii Saponaria chlorifolia Silene diclinis

Silene haussknechtii Silene hifacensis

Silene holzmannii

Silene lagunensis

Silene linicola

Silene orphanidis

Silene rothmaleri

Silene velutina

Silene vulgaris Spergularia azorica

CHENOPODIACEAE Bassia hirsuta Corispermum canescens + Corispermum marschallii Halimione pedunculata Halopeplis amplexicaulis Kochia saxicola Microcnemum coralloides Salicornia veneta


Cistus heterophyllus Cistus osbeckiafolius Helianthemum alypoides

Helianthemum bystropogophyllum Helianthemum stipulatum Helianthemum teneriffae Helianthemum tholiforme Tuberaria major

COLLEMATACEAE Collema dichotomum +


Achillea barbeyana

Achillea horanszkyi + Achillea ochroleuca + Achillea umbellata

Anacyclus alboranensis Andryala crithmifolia Andryala levitomentosa + Anthemis gerardiana Anthemis glaberrima Argyranthemum callichrysum Argyranthemum coronopifolium Argyranthemum haematomma Argyranthemum hierrense Argyranthemum lidii Argyranthemum maderense Argyranthemum pinnatifidum ssp. succulentum

Argyranthemum sventenii Argyranthemum winterii Artemisia argentata Artemisia granatensis

Aster pyrenaeus

Asteriscus schultzii

Atractylis arbuscula Atractylis preauxiana Buphthalmum inuloides Calendula maderensis Calendula suffruticosa ssp. maritima Carduus baeocephalus Carduus bourgeaui

Carduus myriacanthus Carduus squarrosus

Carlina diae

Centaurea aegialophila Centaurea alba ssp. princeps Centaurea baldaccii Centaurea balearica Centaurea corymbosa Centaurea heldreichii Centaurea horrida

Centaurea jankae + Centaurea kalambakensis Centaurea kartschiana

Centaurea lactiflora Centaurea leucophaea ssp. pseudocoerulescens Centaurea linaresii Centaurea megarensis Centaurea niederi Centaurea parlatoris Centaurea peucedanifolia Centaurea poculatoris Centaurea pontica + Centaurea procumbens Centaurea pumilio Cheirolophus arboreus Cheirolophus arbutifolius Cheirolophus duranii Cheirolophus ghomerythus Cheirolophus junonianus Cheirolophus massonianus

Cheirolophus satarataensis ssp. satarataensis

Cheirolophus sventenii ssp. sventenii

Cheirolophus webbianus Cirsium latifolium Crepis canariensis Crepis crocifolia Erigeron nanus + Evacidium discolor Evax rotundata Gonospermum gomerae Helichrysum gossypinum Helichrysum monogynum Helichrysum sibthorpii

Hieracium chaunotrichum +

Hypochoeris oligocephala Inula helvetica

Jurinea cyanoides Jurinea taygetea

Lactuca palmensis Lamyropsis microcephala Leontodon boryi Leontodon microcephalus Leontodon siculus Leuzea cynaroides Ligularia sibirica

Logfia neglecta

Lugoa revoluta Nananthea perpusilla Nolletia chrysocomoides Onopordum nogalesii Pulicaria burchardii Pulicaria canariensis Reichardia famarae Santolina elegans

Santolina oblongifolia Senecio alboranicus Senecio appendiculatus Senecio auricula

Senecio bollei

Senecio congestus

Senecio hadrosomus Senecio hermosae

Senecio lopezii

Senecio multiflorus Serratula lycopifolia Sonchus bornmuelleri Sonchus bourgeaui Sonchus canariensis Sonchus gandogeri Sonchus gummifer Sonchus imbricatus Sonchus radicatus ssp. gummifer Sonchus ustulatus ssp. maderensis Sventenia bupleuroides Taeckholmia microcarpa Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum Tolpis crassiuscula Wagenitzia lancifolia

CONVOLVULACEAE Convolvulus argyrothamnos Convolvulus canariensis Convolvulus diversifolius Convolvulus lopez-socasi Convolvulus massonii Convolvulus perraudieri Ipomoea stolonifera

CRASSULACEAE Aeonium balsamiferum Aeonium cuneatum Aeonium gomeraense Aeonium nobile Aeonium saundersii Aeonium sedifolium Aeonium smithii Aichryson brevipetalum Aichryson dumosum Crassula aquatica Greenovia aizoon Greenovia dodrentalis Monanthes adenoscepes Monanthes anagensis Monanthes niphophila Sedum aetnense

Sedum hierapetrae Sempervivum montanum ssp.

carpaticum +

CRUCIFERAE Aethionema cordatum Alyssum borzaeanum + Alyssum fastigiatum Alyssum leucadeum

Alyssum montanum ssp. brymii +

Alyssum robertianum Barbarea sicula Biscutella divionensis Biscutella neustriaca Biscutella rotgesii Biscutella vincentina Boleum asperum

Brassica bourgeaui Brassica glabrescens Brassica insularis var. ayliesii Brassica macrocarpa Brassica souliei

Capsella thracica + Coronopus navasii Crambe arborea

Crambe gigantea

Crambe scoparia

Crambe sventenii Descurainia gonzalezii Diplotaxis ibicensis Diplotaxis siettia Diplotaxis vicentina Erucastrum palustre Erysimum arbuscula Erysimum pieninicum + Guiraoa arvensis Hesperis inodora Hesperis oblongifolia + Hesperis vrabelyiana + Hormathophylla pyrenaica Hutera leptocarpa

Hutera rupestris Hymenolobus procumbens Iberis arbuscula

Iberis sampaiana Tonopsidium acaule Tonopsidium albiflorum Tonopsidium savianum Tsatis lusitanica

Isatis platyloba

Lepidium cardamines Parolinia intermedia Rhynchosinapis johnstonii Schivereckia podolica + Sinapidendron angustifolium

Sinapidendron rupestre

Sisymbrium matritense

Sisymbrium supinum

Thlaspi caerulescens ssp. tatrense + Thlaspi schudichii +

Vella pseudocytisus

CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus cedrus Juniperus drupacea Tetraclinis articulata


Carex baldensis Carex calderae Carex camposii Carex canariensis Carex durieui

Carex grioletii

Carex malato-belizii Carex perraudieriana Carex pirinensis + Carex trinervis Eleocharis carniolica Eriophorum gracile

DATISCACEAE Datisca cannabina


Knautia velutina Pterocephalus brevis Pterocephalus porphyranthus Pterocephalus virens

DROSERACEAE Drosera rotundifolia var. corsica

DRYOPTERIDACEAE Dryopteris aemula

ELASTRACEAE Maytenus dryandri

ELATINACEAE Elatine alsinastrum Elatine hexandra + Elatine hungarica +

ERICACEAE Arbutus canariensis Erica scoparia ssp. azorica

EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia azorica Euphorbia bourgeauana Euphorbia bravoana Euphorbia corsica Euphorbia handiensis Euphorbia hierosolymitana Euphorbia lambii Euphorbia mellifera Euphorbia ruscinonensis

FRANKENIACEAE Frankenia pulverulenta +


Centaurium rigualii

Centaurium scilloides

Gentiana ligustica

Gentianella austriaca ssp. fatrae + Gentianella lutescens ssp. carpatica + Gentianella uliginosa

Ixanthus viscosus

Lomatogonium carinthiacum

GERANIACEAE Erodium chrysanthum Geranium humbertii Geranium maderense

GESNERIACEAE Jankaea heldreichii Ramonda nathaliae Ramonda serbica


Aira provincialis Antinoria insularis Bromus grossus

Bromus moesiacus + Calamagrostis scotica Coleanthus subtilis Cornucopiae cucullatum Deschampsia argentea Deschampsia maderensis Deschampsia setacea Festuca domax

Festuca jubata

Lolium lowei

Phalaris maderensis

Poa riphaea + Saccharum spontaneum Sesleria heuflerana ssp. hungarica +

Stipa austroitalica Stipa bavarica

Stipa danubialis + Stipa dasyphylla +



Hypericum aciferum

Hypericum hircinum ssp. cambessedesii Hypericum jovis

HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Trichomanes speciosum

ILLECEBRACEAE Herniaria algarvica Herniaria canariensis Herniaria maritima

IRIDACEAE Crocus robertianus

ISOETACEAE Isoetes boryana Isoetes brochonii Isoetes malinverniana Isoetes tenuissima

JUNCACEAE Ebingeria elegans Luzula canariensis


Ballota frutescens Bystropogon canariensis Bystropogon origanifolius Dracocephalum austriacum Lavandula rotundifolia Micromeria pineolens Micromeria rivas-martinezii Micromeria taygetea Moluccella spinosa

Nepeta dirphya

Nepeta sphaciotica Origanum dictamnus Origanum scabrum Pycnanthemum incanum var.incanum +

Salvia broussonetii Sideritis cabrerae

Sideritis cystosiphon

Sideritis discolor Ononis maweana

Sideritis infernalis Oxytropis campestris ssp. tatrae + Sideritis kuegleriana Teline benehoavensis Sideritis macrostachya Teline linifolia

Sideritis marmorea Trifolium saxatile Sideritis nervosa Vicia capreolata Sideritis nutans Vicia portosanctana Sideritis penzigii Vicia scandens Sideritis pumila Vicia sicula

Stachys brachyclada Vicia sparsiflora Stachys spreitzenhoferi

Teucrium abutiloides LENTIBULARIACEAE Teucrium francisci-werneri Pinguicula bohemica +

Teucrium heterophyllum Thymus camphoratus

Thymus carnosus LILIACEAE

Thymus cephalotos Allium grosii

Thymus plasonii Allium longanum

Thymus richardii ssp. ebusitanus Allium obtusiflorum Allium suaveolens

LAURACEAE Androcymbium psammophilum

Apollonias ceballosi Androcymbium rechingeri

Ocotea foetens Asparagus fallax

Persea indica Asparagus nesiotes Asphodelus bento-rainhae

LEGUMINOSAE Bellevalia hackelii

Anagyris latifolia Colchicum arenarium +

Anthyllis lemanniana Colchicum borisii +

Astragalus algarbiensis Colchicum cousturieri

Astragalus aquilanus Colchicum davidovii +

Astragalus arenarius Colchicum fominii +

Astragalus centralpinus Dracaena draco

Astragalus dasyanthus + Fritillaria involucrata

Astragalus maritimus Lilium pomponium

Astragalus physocalyx + Muscari gussonei

Astragalus verrucosus Narthecium scardicum

Chamaecytisus nejceffii + Ornithogalum orthophyllum ssp.

Cytisus aeolicus psammophilum +

Dorycnium spectabile Ruscus streptophyllus

Genista holopetala Scilla dasyantha

Lathyrus pancicii + Scilla haemorrhoidalis

Lotus berthelotii Scilla maderensis

Lotus callis-viridis Semele androgyna

Lotus kunkelii Semele gayae

Lotus leptophyllus Tulipa goulimyi

Lotus maculatus Tulipa rhodopea +

Lotus mascaensis Tulipa undulatifolia

Lygos raetum

Medicago heyniana

Medicago Strasseri LINACEAE

Ononis christii Linum leonii

Ononis cossoniana Ononis masquillierii LORANTHACEAE

Viscum cruciatum


Diphasiastrum complanatum ssp. issleri

LYTHRACEAE Lythrum flexuosum Lythrum thesioides

MALVACEAE Hibiscus palustris Lavatera mauritanica Lavatera phoenicea

MARSILEACEAE Marsilea quadrifolia Marsilea strigosa Pilularia globulifera

MYRSINACEAE Heberdenia excelsa Pleiomeris canariensis

NAJADACEAE Najas flexilis Najas marina +

OLEACEAE Jasminum azoricum Picconia excelsa

OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium lanceolatum

Botrychium matricariifolium

Botrychium multifidum Botrychium simplex Botrychium virginianum

ORCHIDACEAE Barlia metlesicsiana Cephalanthera cucullata

Cephalanthera epipactoides

Coeloglossum viride Comperia comperiana

Cypripedium calceolus var. calceolus Cypripedium planipetalum Dactylorhiza baumanniana

Dactylorhiza cambrensis Dactylorhiza coccinea Dactylorhiza foliosa

Dactylorhiza fuchsii ssp. so6ana +

Dactylorhiza graeca Dactylorhiza kalopissii

Dactylorhiza sphagnicola Dactylorhiza traunsteineri Dactylorhiza traunsteineri ssp. lapponica Epipactis albensis + Epipactis condensata Epipactis cretica

Epipactis greuteri

Epipactis leptochila var. dunensis Epipactis phyllanthes Goodyera macrophylla Hammarbya paludosa Herminium monorchis Himantoglossum adriaticum Liparis loeselii

Malaxis monophyllos

Ophrys biancae

Ophrys biscutella

Ophrys carbonifera

Ophrys catalaunica

Ophrys fuciflora ssp. candica Ophrys fuciflora ssp. oxyrrhynchos Ophrys lunata

Ophrys pallida

Ophrys splendida

Orchis boryi

Orchis laxiflora ssp. palustris Orchis punctulata

Orchis sancta

Orchis scopulorum

Orchis spitzelii ssp. nitidifolia Pseudorchis frivaldii

Serapias nurrica

Serapias olbia

Spiranthes aestivalis


Paeonia cambessedesii Paeonia clusii ssp. rhodia Paeonia parnassica

PALMAE Phoenix theophrasti


Fumaria occidentalis

Fumaria reuteri

Papaver rupifragum ssp. rupifragum Papaver tatricum +

Rupicapnos africana


Abies cephalonica +

Abies nebrodensis

Abies pinsapo vat. pinsapo Larix decidua var. polonica +

PITTOSPORACEAE Pittosporum coriaceum


Plantago atrata ssp. carpatica + Plantago famarae

Plantago leiopetala

Plantago maderensis

Plantago malato-belizii

PLUMBAGINACEAE Armeria pseudarmeria Armeria rouyana Armeria soleirolii Armeria welwitschii Limonium albidum Limonium aragonense Limonium arborescens Limonium asterotrichum + Limonium bourgeaui Limonium brassicifolium Limonium calcarae Limonium companyonis Limonium cordatum Limonium dendroides Limonium fruticans Limonium imbricatum Limonium inarimense ssp. inarimense Limonium japygicum Limonium johannis Limonium laetum Limonium macrophyllum Limonium macropterum Limonium panormitanum Limonium papillatum Limonium paradoxum Limonium parvifolium Limonium perezii Limonium preauxii Limonium puberulum Limonium recurvum Limonium redivivum Limonium remotispiculum Limonium sibthorpianum Limonium spectabile Limonium tenoreanum

POLYGALACEAE Polygala helenae

POLYGONACEAE Polygonum praelongum Rumex rupestris

POLYPORACEAE Fomitopsis rosea +

POTAMOGETONACEAE Potamogeton rutilus


Androsace mathildae

Androsace obtusifolia +

Coris hispanica

Cyclamen fatrense +

Primula allionii

Primula apennina

Primula vulgaris ssp. balearica

Primula wulfeniana ssp. baumgarteniana+ Soldanella villosa

PSILOTACEAE Psilotum nudum

PTERIDACEAE Pteris cretica Pteris dentata Pteris serrulata

PYROLACEAE Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. maritima


Aconitum firmum ssp. firmum + Aconitum firmum ssp. moravicum + Aconitum lasiocarpum + Aconitum napellus ssp. corsicum Adonis cyllenea

Adonis distorta

Aquilegia alpina

Aquilegia bernardii

Aquilegia bertolonii

Aquilegia cazorlensis

Aquilegia kitaibelii

Aquilegia ottonis

Callianthemum kerneranum Clematis elisabethae-carolae

Consolida samia Delphinium oxysepalum + Garidella nigellastrum Garidella unguicularis Helleborus lividus ssp. lividus Pulsatilla hungarica + Pulsatilla patens Pulsatilla subslavica + Ranunculus cacuminis Ranunculus fontanus Ranunculus revelieri Ranunculus weyleri

RESEDACEAE Reseda decursiva Reseda scoparia

RHAMNACEAE Rhamnus glandulosa


Bencomia brachystachya Bencomia caudata Bencomia exstipulata Bencomia sphaerocarpa Chamaemeles coriacea Cotoneaster nummularia Geum heterocarpum Marcetella maderensis Potentilla arcadiensis Potentilla delphinensis Potentilla goulandrii Rosa mandonii

Sorbus hazslinszkyana + Sorbus maderensis Sorbus sudetica + Spiraea crenata

RUBIACEAE Asperula saxicola Galium litorale Galium stojanovii + Galium sudeticum + Galium viridiflorum

RUTACEAE Ruta microcarpa Ruta oreojasme Ruta pinnata

SAMBUCACEAE Sambucus palmensis

SANTALACEAE Kunkeliella canariensis Kunkeliella psilotoclada Kunkeliella subsucculenta Thesium ebracteatum

SAPOTACEAE Sideroxylon marmulano


Saxifraga berica

Saxifraga florulenta

Saxigraga moschata ssp. dominii + Saxifraga moschata ssp. kotulae + Saxifraga tombeanensis

Saxifraga valdensis

Saxifraga wahlenbergii +

SCROPHULARIACEAE Euphrasia marchesettii Euphrasia slovaca + Isoplexis chalcantha Tsoplexis isabelliana Kickxia urbanii

Linaria algarviana

Linaria ficalhoana

Linaria flava

Linaria hellenica

Linaria lamarckii

Linaria ricardoi

Linaria thymifolia

Linaria tonzigii Melampyrum bohemicum + Melampyrum ciliatum Odontites holliana Pedicularis sudetica ssp. sudetica + Scrophularia anagae Scrophularia calliantha Scrophularia smithii ssp. smithii Sibthorpia peregrina Verbascum anisophyllum + Verbascum cylleneum Verbascum davidoffii + Verbascum jankaeanum + Verbascum litigiosum Verbascum purpureum + Verbascum reiseri Verbascum syriacum Veronica oetaea

Veronica stamatiadae

SELAGINACEAE Globularia ascanii

Globularia sarcophylla Globularia stygia


Atropa baetica Mandragora officinarum Solanum lidii

Solanum trisectum Solanum vespertilio

TAMARICACEAE Tamarix boveana

THEACEAE Visnea mocanera

THYMELAEACEAE Daphne petraea

Daphne rodriguezii Thymelaea thomasii

TRAPACEAE Trapa natans

TYPHACEAE Typha minima Typha shuttleworthii

ULMACEAE Zelkova cretica

UMBELLIFERAE Ammi procerum Angelica heterocarpa Apium repens Athamanta cortiana Berula erecta + Bunium brevifolium Bupleurum bourgaei Bupleurum capillare Bupleurum dianthifolium Bupleurum elatum

Bupleurum falcanum ssp. dilatatum +

Bupleurum handiense Bupleurum kakiskalae Eryngium alpinum Eryngium barrelieri Eryngium spinalba Eryngium viviparum Ferulago asparagifolia Heracleum minimum Imperatoria lowei Laserpitium archangelica +

Laserpitium longiradium Monizia edulis

Naufraga balearica Oenanthe conioides Oenanthe divaricata Oenanthe pteridifolia Petagnia saniculifolia Petroselinum segetum Peucedanum coriaceum Pimpinella anagodendron Pimpinella bicknellii Rouya polygama

Seseli leucospermum Thorella verticillatinundata

URTICACEAE Gesnouinia arborea

VALERIANACEAE Centranthus trinervis


Viola athois

Viola biflora ssp. biflora + Viola cheiranthifolia

Viola delphinantha

Viola hispida

Viola jaubertiana

Viola palmensis

Viola paradoxa

Viola sfikasiana

WOODSIACEAE Cystopteris sudetica

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ANNEX 5: Lists of habitat classes in key European classifications



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ANNEX 5: Lists of habitat classes in key European classifications

a) Habitat units identified in the CORINE Biotopes habitat check-list for the EU and the proposed CORINE Biotopes Habitats of the Palearctic (Devilliers, 1994)

Coastal and Halophytic Communities

Oceans and Seas

Sea Inlets

Tidal Rivers and Estuaries

Mud Flats and Sand Flats

Salt marshes, Salt Steppes and Gypsum Scrubs

Coastal Sand Dunes and Sand Beaches Shingle Beaches

Cliffs and rocky Shores

Islets and Rocky Stacks


Non-Marine Waters

Coastal Lagoons

Standing Fresh Water

Standing Brackish and Salt Water Running Water

Scrub and Grassland

Heath and Scrub

Sclerophyllous Scrub


Dry Calcareous Grasslands and Steppes Dry Siliceous Grasslands

Alpine and Subalpine Grasslands Humid Grasslands and Tall Herb Communities

Mesophile Grasslands


Broad-leaved Deciduous Forests Coniferous Woodland

Mixed Woodland

Alluvial and very wet Forests and Brush Broad-leaved Evergreen Woodlands

Bogs and Marshes

Raised Bogs

Blanket Bogs

Water-fringed Vegetation

Fens, Transition Mires and Springs

Inland Rocks, Screes and Sands


Inland Cliffs and Exposed Rocks Eternal Snow and Ice

Inland Sand Dunes


Volcanic Features


Polar Deserts

Continental Deserts and Semi-Deserts Subtropical Deserts and Semi-Deserts Cool Coastal Deserts

Agricultural Land and Artificial Landscapes

Improved Grasslands


Orchards, Groves and Tree Plantations Tree Lines, Hedges, Rural Mosaics Urban Parks and Large Gardens

Towns, Villages, Industrial Sites

Fallow Land, Waste Places

Mines and Underground Passages Industrial Lagoons and Reservoirs, Canals

Wooded Grasslands and Scrub



Wooded Steppe

Wooded Tundra

Treeline Ecotones


Wooded Deserts and Semi-Deserts

b) Habitat Classes in the Habitats Directive

Coastal and Halophytic habitats

Open sea and tidal areas

Sea cliffs and shingle or stony beaches Atlantic and continental salt marshes and salt meadows

Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic salt marshes and salt meadows

Salt and gypsum continental steppes

Coastal sand dunes and continental dunes

Sea dunes of the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic coasts

Sea dunes of the Mediterranean coast Continental dunes, old and decalcified

Freshwater habitats

Standing water Running water

Temperate Heath and Scrub

Sclerophyllous scrub (Matorral) Sub-Mediterranean and temperate Mediterranean arborescent matorral Thermo-Mediterranean and pre-steppe brush Phrygana

Natural and semi-natural grassland formations

Natural grasslands

Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies

Sclerophyllous grazed forests (dehesas) Semi-natural tall-herb humid meadows Mesophile grasslands

Raised Bogs and Mires and Fens

Sphagnum acid bogs Calcareous fens

Rocky Habitats and Caves Scree

Chasmophytic vegetation on rocky slopes Other rocky habitats


Forests of Temperate Europe Mediterranean deciduous forests Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests Alpine and subalpine coniferous forests Mediterranean mountainous coniferous forests

c) Habitat Classes in the Council of Europe/CEC Map of the Natural Vegetation of the member countries of the European Community and the Council of Europe (1987)

Geobotanical divisions

Boreal domain Atlantic domain Alpine domain Mediterranean region Anatolian domain

Vegetation Edaphic Azonal vegetation

Coastal halophytic vegetation Coastal dunes

Maritime polders

Fresh-water marshes

Fluvial plains

Minerotrophic fens

Raised bogs with sphagnum moss Blanket bogs

Boreal peatlands

Zonal Vegetation: Boreal Europe

Arctic heathlands and Oro-Caledonian zone Subarctic heathlands and forests

Boreal spruce forests

Boreal mixed forests

Montane Boreo-Atlantic heathlands

Temperate Europe vegetation

Acidophilous oakwoods and oligotrophic heathlands _

Mesotrophic mixed oakwoods Thermophilous mixed oakwoods

Hill and submontane beechwoods Montane beech and beech-fir forests

Montane and subalpine conifer forests Alpine zone

Pontic domain vegetation

Pontic vegetation Subpontic vegetation Pontic alpine zone

Mediterranean vegetation

Thermo-Mediterranean zone Meso-Mediterranean zone Supra-Mediterranean zone Oro-Mediterranean conifer zone Alti-Mediterranean zone

Pre-steppe and steppe vegetation of Anatolia

Steppe woodland Treeless steppes

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ANNEX 6: Countries covered by each of the Conventions

mile nei otto foes vamos ime S42:

ANNEX 6: Countries covered by each of the Conventions

CORINE = Coordination of Information on the Environment

covers the 12 European Union Countries -

Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom

PHARE = initially Poland and Hungary Assistance for Restructuring Economy, now encompasses -

Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic

BERN CONVENTION = so far there are 29 contracting parties -

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom -, and three non-member states - Burkino Faso, Romania and Senegal

BONN CONVENTION = the 12 EU countries plus: Argentina, Australia, Benin, Burkino Faso, Cameroon, Chile, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Guinea, Hungary, India, Israel, Mali, Monaco, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tunisia, Uruguay and Zaire.

There are also nine Signatories to the Convention:

Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Greece, Jamaica, Madagascar, Paraguay, Togo and Uganda.

24 member states of the Council of Europe:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and three non-member states - Burkino Faso, Romania and Senegal.

3. CITES parties relevent to this project

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Commonwealth of Independent States, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom


The European Red List of Globally Threatened Animals and Plants includes species occurring in the European member countries of the EU, including the whole territory of Turkey and the European part of "Russia". The eastern boundary runs along the eastern Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea and the Kuma and Manych rivers.

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ANNEX 7: Checklist of species for the CITES Convention


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Ipapusag snriyjayiz ossvpu—

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ANNEX 8: Checklist of species for the Bonn Convention

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(as amended by the Conference of the Parties in 1985, 1988 and 1991)

APPENDIX I Interpretation 1. Migratory species included in this Appendix are referred to:

a) by the name of the species or subspecies; or b) as being all of the migratory species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.

2. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only. 3. The abbreviation "(s.1.)" is used to denote that the scientific name is used in its extended meaning.

4. An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species indicates that the species, or a separate population of that species, or a higher taxon which includes that species is included in Appendix II.

MAMMALIA CHIROPTERA Molossidae Tadarida brasiliensis PRIMATES Pongidae Gorilla gorilla beringei CETACEA Balaencpteridae Balaenoptera musculus Megaptera novaeangliae Balaenidae Balaena mysticetus Eubalaena glacialis \ 1/ Eubalaena australis / CARNIVORA Felidae Panthera uncia PINNIPEDIA Phocidae Monachus monachus * PERISSODACTYLA Equidae Equus grevyi ARTIODACTYLA Camelidae Vicugna vicugna * (except Peruvian populations) 2/ Cervidae Cervus elaphus barbarus Bovidae ‘Bos sauveli

Bos grunniens

Addax nasomaculatus

Gazella cuviert

Gazella dama

Gazella dorcas (only Northwest African populations) Gazella leptoceros

1/ Formerly listed as Eubalaena glacialis (s.1.) 2/ Formerly listed as Larna vicugna * (except Peruvian populations)


PROCELLARIIFORMES Diomedeidae Diomedea albatrus Procellariidae Pterodroma cahow Pterodroma phaeopygia PELECANIFORMES Pelecanidae Pelecanus crispus * : Pelecanus onocrotalus (only Palearctic populations) CICONIIFORMES Ardeidae Egretta eulophotes Ciconiidae Ciconia boyciana Threskiornithidae Geronticus eremita ANSERIFORMES Anatidae Chloephaga rubidiceps * FALCONIFORMES Accipitridae Haliaeetus albicilla * Haliaeetus pelagicus * GRUIFORMES Gruidae Grus japonensis * Grus leucogeranus * Grus nigricollis * Otididae Chlamydotis undulata * (only Northwest African populations) CHARADRIIFORMES Scolopacidae Numenius borealis * Numenius tenuirostis * Laridae Larus audouinii Larus leucophthalmus Larus relictus Larus saundersi Alcidae Synthliboramphus wumizusume PASSERIFORMES Parulidae Dendroica kirtlandii Fringillidae Serinus syriacus REPTILIA TESTUDINATA Cheloniidae Chelonia mydas * Caretta caretta * Eretmochelys imbricata * Lepidochelys kempii *

: Lepidochelys olivacea * Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea * Pelomedusidae Podocnemis expansa * (only Upper Amazon populations)

CROCODYLIA Gavialidae Gavialis gangeticus PISCES SILURIFORMES

Schilbeidae Pangasianodon gigas


Interpretation 1. Migratory species included in this Appendix are referred to:

a) by the mame of the species or subspecies; or ; b) as being all of the migratory species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.

Unless otherwise indicated, where reference is made to a taxon higher than species, it is understood that all the migratory species within that taxon could significantly benefit from the conclusion of AGREEMENTS.

2. The abbreviation “spp.” following the name of a Family or Genus is used to denote all migratory species within that Family or Genus.

3. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only. 4. The abbreviation “(s.1.)" is used to indicate that the scientific name is used in its extended meaning. 5. An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicates that the species, or a

separate population of that species, or one or more species included in that higher taxon is included in Appendix I.

MAMMALIA CHIROPTERA Rhinolophidae R. spp. (only European populations) Vespertilionidae V. spp. (only European populations) CETACEA Platanistidae Platanista gangetica Pontoporiidae Pontoporia blainvillei Iniidae Inia geoffrensis Monodontidae Delphinapterus leucas Monodon monoceros Phocoenidae Phocoena phocoena (North and Baltic Sea, western North Atlantic, and Black Sea populations) Neophocaena phocaenoides Phocoenoides dalli Delphinidae Sousa chinensis Sousa teuszii Sotalia fluviatilis

Lagenorhynchus albirostris (only North and Baltic Sea populations)

Lagenorhynchus acutus (only North and Baltic Sea populations)

Lagenorhynchus australis

Grampus griseus (only North and Baltic Sea populations)

Tursiops truncatus (North and Baltic Sea, western Mediterranean, and Black Sea populations)

Stenella attenuata (eastern tropical Pacific population)

Stenella longirostris (eastern tropical Pacific populations)

Stenella coeruleoalba (eastern tropical Pacific and western Mediterranean populations)

Delphinus delphis (North and Baltic Sea, western Mediterranean, Black Sea and eastern tropical Pacific populations)

Orcaella brevirostris

Cephalorhynchus commersonii (South American population)

Cephalorhynchus heavisidii




PROBOSCIDEA Elephantidae

SIRENIA Dugongidae

ARTIODACTYLA Camelidae Bovidae



Threskiornithidae Phoenicopteridae


FALCONIFORMES Cathartidae Pandionidae Accipitridae Falconidae




Orcinus orca (eastern North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific populations) : : Globicephala melas (only North and Baltic Sea populations) 3/

Berardius bairdii

Hyperoodon ampullatus

Phoca vitulina (only Baltic and Wadden Sea populations) Halichoerus grypus (only Baltic Sea populations) Monachus monachus *

Laxodonta africana Dugong dugon

Vicugna vicugna* 4/ Oryx dammah Gazella gazella (only Asian populations)

AVES Pelecanus crispus *

Ciconia ciconia Ciconia nigra Platalea leucorodia Plegadis falcinellus Ph. spp.

A. spp. *

C. spp.

Pandion haliaetus A. spp. *

F. spp.

Coturnix coturnix cotumix

Grus spp. *

' Anthropoides virgo

Chlamydotis undulata * (only Asian populations) Otis tarda

3/ Formerly listed as Globicephala melaena (only North and Baltic Sea populati 4/ Formerly listed as Lama vicugna * oy i ee ae


Recurvirostridae Phalaropodidae Burhinidae Glareolidae




Meropidae Coraciidae


TESTUDINATA Cheloniidae Dermochelyidae Pelomedusidae

CROCODYLIA Crocodylidae




R. spp.

P. spp.

Burhinus oedicnemus

Glareola pratincola

Glareola nordmanni

C. spp.

S. spp. *

Sterna dougallii (Atlantic population)

Merops apiaster Coracias garrulus

M. (s.l.) spp.

C. spp. * D. spp. * Podocnemis expansa *

Crocodylus porosus PISCES Acipenser fulvescens INSECTA

Danaus pledppus



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ANNEX 9: Checklist of species for the Bern Convention


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Council of Europe Conseil de l'Europe ,*xy

Strasbourg, 2 July 1993 T-PVS (93) 16 [S:\TPVS93\TPVS16A.93]





Secretariat Memorandum , Note du Secrétariat Général prepared by the établie par la Directorate of Environment Direction de 1l/Environnement and Local Authorities et des Pouvoirs Locaux

This document will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy. Ce document ne sera plus distnbué en reumon. Priere de vous munir ce cet exemplaire.

AIN Ce a





ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium hemionitis L. Asplenium jahandiezii (Litard.)Rouy

BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia radicans (L.) Sm.

DICKSONIACEAE Culcita macrocarpa C.Pres]

DRYOPTERIDACEAE Dryopteris corleyi Fraser-Jenk. Polystichum drepanum (Swartz) C.Presl

HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Hymenophyllum maderensis Trichomanes speciosum Willd.


Isoetes azorica Durieu ex Milde Isoetes boryana Durieu

Isoetes malinverniana Ces. & De Not.


Marsilea azorica Launert Marsilea batardae Launert Marsilea quadrifolia L.

Marsilea strigosa Willd.

Pilulana minuta Durieu ex.Braun

OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium simplex Hitche. Ophioglossum polyphyllum A.Braun

SALVINIACEAE Salvinia natans (L.) All.

GYMNOSPINACEAE Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei


AGAVACEAE Dracaena draco (L.) L.


Alisma wahlenbergii (O.R.Holmb.) Juz. Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl. Luronium natans (L.) Raf.

AMARYLLIDACEAE Leucojum nicaeense Ard. : Narcissus longispathus Pugsley

Narcissus nevadensis Pugsley

Narcissus scaberulus Henriq.

Narcissus triandrus L.

Narcissus viridiflorus Schousboe Sternbergia candida B.Mathew & Baytop

APOCYNACEAE i Rhazya orientalis (Decaisne) A.DC. ARACEAE

Arum purpureospathum Boyce

ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia samsunensis Davis

ASCLEPIADACEAE Caralluma burchardii N.E.Brown

Ceropegia chrysantha Svent.

BERBERIDACEAE Berberis maderensis Lowe


Anchusa crispa Viv. (inclu. A. litoreae)

Echium gentianoides Webb ex Coincy

Lithodora nitida (H.Ern) R Fernandes

Myosotis azorica H.C.Watson

Myosotis rehsteineri Wartm.

Omphalodes kuzinskyana Willk.

Omphalodes littoralis Lehm.

Onosma halophihim Boiss. & Heldr.

Onosma proponticum Aznav.

Onosma troodi Kotschy

Solenanthus albanicus (Degen et al.) Degen & Baldacci

Symphytum cycladense Pawl.


Asyneuma giganteum (Boiss.) Bornm. Azorina vidalii (H.C.Watson) Feer Campanula damboldtiana Davis Campanula lycica Sorger & Kit Tan Campanula morettiana Reichenb. Campanula sabatia De Not.

Jasione lusitanica A.DC.

Musschia aurea (L-f.) DC.

Musschia wollastonii Lowe Physoplexis comosa (L.) Schur Trachelium asperuloides Boiss. & Orph.


Sambucus palmensis Link

CARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter Arenaria provincialis Chater & Halliday

Dianthus rupicola Biv. Gypsophila papillosa P-Porta Herniaria algarvica Chaudri Herniaria maritima Link Moehringia fontqueri Pau Moehringia tommasinii Marches. Petrocoptis grandiflora Rothm. is montsicciana O.Bolos Rivas Mart. Petrocoptis pseudoviscosa Fernandez Casas Saponaria halophila Hedge & Hub.-Mor. Silene furcata Raf. subsp. angustiflora (Rupr.) Walters Silene haussknechtii Heldr. ex Hausskn. Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk. Silene holzmannii Heldr. ex Boiss. Silene mariana Pau Silene orphanidis Boiss. Silene pompeiopolitana Gay ex Boiss. Silene rothmaleri Pinto da Silva Silene salsuginea Hub.-Mor. Silene sangaria Coode & Cullen Silene velutina Pourret ex Loisel.


Beta adanensis Pamuk. apud Aellen

Beta trojana Pamuk. apud Aellen

Kalidiopsis wagenitzii Aellen

Kochia saxicola Guss.

Microcnemum coralloides (Loscos & Pardo) subsp. anatolicum Wagenitz

Salicornia veneta Pignatti & Lausi

salsola anatolica Aellen

Suaeda cucullata Aellen


Helianthemum alypoides Losa & Rivas Goday Helianthemum bystropogophyllum Svent. Helianthemum caput-felis Boiss.

Tuberaria major (Willk.) Pinto da Silva & Roseira


Anacyclus latealatus Hub.-Mor.

Anthemis glaberrima (Rech.f.) Greuter

Anthemis halophila Boiss. & Bal.

Argyranthemum lidii Humphries

Argyranthemum pinnatifidum (L.F.) Lowe subsp.

succulentum (Lowe) Humphries

Argyranthemum winterii (Svent.) Humphries

Artemisia granatensis Boiss.

Artemisia insipida Vill.

Artemisia laciniata Willd.

Artemisia pancicii (Janka) Ronn.

Aster pyrenaeus Desf. ex DC.France,

Aster sibiricus L.

Atractylis arbuscula Svent. & Michaelis

Atractylis preauxiana Schultz Bip.

Carduus myriacanthus Salzm. ex DC.

Carlina diae (Rech.f.) Meusel & Kastener

Centaurea alba L. subsp. heldreichii (Halacsy) Dostal (Centaurea heldreichii Halacsy)

Centaurea alba L. subsp. princeps (Boiss. & Heldr.) Gugler (Centaurea princeps Boiss. & Heldr.)

Centaurea attica Nyman subsp. megarensis (Halacsy & Hayek) Dostal (Centaurea megarensis Halacsy & Hayek)

Centaurea balearica J.D.Rodriguez Centaurea borjae Valdes-Berm. & Rivas Goday Centaurea citricolor Font Quer

Centaurea corymbosa Pourret

Centaurea hermannii F Hermann Centaurea horrida Badaro

Centaurea kalambakensis Freyn & Sint. Centaurea kartschiana Scop.

Centaurea lactiflora Halacsy

Centaurea niederi Heldr.

Centaurea peucedanifolia Boiss. & Orph. Centaurea pinnata Pau

Centaurea pulvinata (G.Blanca) G.Blanca Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fich. & Mey. Crepis crocifolia Boiss. & Heldr. Crepis granatensis (Willk.) G.Blanca & M.Cueto Crepis purpurea Willd. Bieb.

Erigeron frigidus Boiss. ex DC.

Helichrysum gossypinum Webb

Helichrysum sibthorpii Rouy

Hymenostemma pseudanthemis (Kunze) Willd. Hypochoeris oligocephala (Svent. & D.Bramwell) Lack Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Reichenb.

Jurinea fontqueri Cuatrec.

Lactuca watsoniana Trelease

Lamyropsis microcephala (Moris) Dittrich & Greuter Leontodon boryi Boiss. ex DC.

Leontodon microcephalus (Boiss. ex DC.) Boiss. Leontodon siculus (Guss.) Finch & Sell

Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass.

Onopordum carduelinum Bolle

Onopordum nogalesii Svent.

Pericallis hadrosomus Svent.

Picris willkommii (Schultz Bip.) Nyman Santolina elegans Boiss. ex DC.

Senecio elodes Boiss. ex DC.

Senecio nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter

Sonchus erzincanicus Matthews

Stemmacantha cynaroides

Sventenia bupleuroides Font Quer

Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum (Webb) Schultz Bip. Wagenitzia lancifolia (Sieber ex Sprengel) Dostal



Convolvulus argyrothamnos Greuter Convolvulus caput-medusae Lowe Convolvulus lopez-socasi Svent. Convolvulus massonii A.Dietr. Convolvulus pulvinatus Sa‘ad Pharbitis preawdi Webb

CRASSULACEAE Aeonium gomeraense Praeger Aeonium saundersii Bolle


Alyssum akamasicum B.L.Burtt

Alyssum pyrenaicum Lapeyr. (Ptilotrichum pyrenaicum (Lapeyr.) Boiss.)

Arabis kennedyae Meikle

- Biscutella neustriaca Bonnet

Boleum asperum (Pers.) Desvaux Brassica glabrescens Poldini Brassica hilarionis Post

Brassica insularis Moris

Brassica macrocarpa Guss. ;

Braya purpurasceus (R.Br.) Bunge

Coincya rapestris Rouy (Hutera rupestris P. Rarta)

Coronopus navasii Pau

Crambe arborea Webb ex Christ

Crambe igata DC. ex Christ

Carpe even Pestora ex Bearaw:deiGanding

Diplotaxis ibicensis (Pau) Gomez-Campo

Diplotaxis siettiana Maire

Erucastrum palustre (Pirona) Vis.

Iberis arbuscula Runemark

lonopsidium acaule (Desf.) Reichemb.

lonopsidium savianum (Caruel) Ball ex Arcang.

Murbeckiella sousae Rothm.

Parolinia schi cides Svent.

Uae wisn eeucanae Valdes & Castroviejo (S. matritense P.W.Ball & Heywood)!

Sisymbrium confertum Stev.

Sisymbrium supinum L.

Thiaspi cariense A.Carlstrom

CYPERACEAE Eleocharis carniolica Koch

DIOSCOREACEAE Borderea chouardii (Gaussen) Heslot

DIPSACACEAE Dipsacus cephalarioides Mathews & Kupicha

DROSERACEAE Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.

ERICACEAE Erica scoparia L. subsp. azorica (Hochst.) D.A.Webb


Euphorbia handiensis Burchard

Euphorbia lambii Svent.

Euphorbia margalidiana Kuhbier & Lewejohann Euphorbia nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter Euphorbia stygiana H.C.Watson


Centaurium rigualii Esteve Chueca Centaurium somedanum Lainz

Gentiana ligustica R. de Vilm. Chopinet Gentianella anglica (Pugsley) EF.Warburg


Erodium astragaloides Boiss. & Reuter

Erodium chrysanthum L’Herit. ex DC.

Erodium paularense Fernandez-Gonzalez & Izco Erodium mupicola Boiss. 5 Geranium maderense Yeo

GESNERIACEAE Jankaea heldreichii (Boiss.) Boiss. Ramonda serbica Pancic

GRAMINEAE Avenula hackelii (Henriq.) Holub Bromus bromoideus (Lej.) Crepin

Bromus grossus Desf. ex DC. Bromus interruptus (Hackel) Druce Bromus psammophilus P.M.Smith Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidl Eremopoa mardinensis R.Mill Gaudinia hispanica Stace & Tutin

i is tuberosa Romero-Zarco Cabezudo Puccinellia pungens (Pau) Paunero Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky Stipa bavarica Martinovsky & HScholz Tee subalpestre (Hartm.) Neuman

GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes sardoum Martelli es

HYPERICACEAE i Hypericum aciferum (Greuter) N.K.B.Robson Hypericum salsugineum Robson & Hub.-Mor.

IRIDACEAE Crocus abantensis T.Baytop & Mathew

Iris marsica Ricci & Colasante


Dracocephalum austriacum L.

Micromeria taygetea P.H.Davis

Nepeta dirphya (Boiss.) Heldr. ex Halacsy

Nepeta sphaciotica P.H.Davis

Origanum cordifolium (Auch. & Montbr.) Vogel (Amaracus cordifolium Montr. & Auch.)

Origanum dictamnus L.

Origanum scabrum Boiss. & Heldr

Phlomis brevibracteata Turrill

Phlomis cypria Post

Rosmarinus tomentosus Huber-Morath & Maire

Salvia crassifolia Sibth. & Smith

Sideritis cypria Post

Sideritis cystosiphon Svent.

Sideritis discolor (Webb ex de Noe) Bolle

Sideritis incana L. ssp. glauca (Cav.) Malagarriga

Sideritis infernalis Bolle

Sideritis javalambrensis Pau

Sideritis marmorea Bolle.

Sideritis szrrata Cav. ex Lag.

Teucrium charidemi Sandwith

Teucrium lepicephalum Pau

Teucrium turredanum Losa & Rivas Goday

Thymus aznavourii Velen.

Thymus camphoratus Hoffmanns. & Link

Thymus carnosus Boiss.

Thymus cephalotos L.


Anagyris latifolia Brouss. ex Willd.

Anthyllis hystrix Cardona, Contandr. & E Sierra Astragalus algarbiensis Coss. ex Bunge Astragalus aquilanus Anzalone

Astragalus centralpinus Braun-Blanquet


Astragalus macrocarpus DC. subsp. lefkarensis Agerer-Kirchoff & Meikle

Astragalus maritimus Moris

Astragalus tremolsianus Pau

Astragalus verrucosus Moris

Cytisus aeolicus Guss. ex Lindl.

Dorycnium spectabile Webb & Berthel.

Genista dorycnifolia Font Quer

Genista holopetala (Fleischm. ex Koch) Baldacci

Glycyrrhiza iconica Hub.-Mor.

Lotus azoricus P.W.Ball

Lotus callis-viridis D.Bramwell & D.H.Davis

Lotus kunkelii (E.Chueca) D.Bramwell et al.

Ononis maweana Ball

Oxytropis deflexa (Pallas) DC. ssp. norvegica Nordh.

Sphaerophysa kotschyana Boiss.

Teline rosmarinifolia Webb & Berthel.

Teline salsoloides Arco & Acebes.

Thermopsis turcica Kit Tan, Vural & Kiciikodu

Trifolium pachycalyx Zoh.

Trifolium saxatile All.

Trigonella arenicola Hub.-Mor.

Trigonella halophila Boiss.

Tzigonella polycarpa Boiss. & Heldr.

Vicia bifoliolata J.D.Rodriguez

Vicia dennesiana H.C.Watson

LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula crystallina Sibth. & Sm. Pinguicula nevadensis (Lindb.) Casper


Allium grosii Font Quer

Allium vuralii Kit Tan

Androcymbium europaeum (Lange) K.Richter Androcymbium psammophilum Svent. Androcymbium rechingeri Greuter Asparagus lycaonicus Davis

Asphodelus bento-rainhae Pinto da Silva Chionodoxa lochiae Meikle

Chionodoxa luciliae Boiss.

Colchicum arenarium Waldst. & Kit. Colchicum corsicum Baker

Colchicum cousturieri Greuter Colchicum micranthum Boiss.

Fritillaria conica Boiss.

Fritillaria drenovskii Degen & Stoy. Fritillaria epirotica Turrill ex Rix Fritillaria euboeica (Rix Doerfler) Rix Fritillaria gussichiae (Degen & Doerfler) Rix Fritillaria obliqua Ker-Gawl.

Fritillaria rhodocanakis Orph. ex Baker Fritillaria tuntasia Heldr. ex Halacsy Muscari gussonei (Parl.) Tod. Ornithogalum reverchonii Lange

Scilla morrisii Meikle

Scilla odorata Link

Tulipa cypria Stapf

Tulipa goulimya Sealy & Turrill

Tulipa praecox Ten.

Tulipa sprengeri Baker

LYTHRACEAE Lythrum flexuosum Lag.

Lythrum thesioides M.Bieb.

MALVACEAE Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (L.) Ledeb.

MYRICACEAE Myrica rivas-martinezii Santos.

NAJADACEAE Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk & W.L.Schmidt Najas tenuissima (A.Braun) Magnus


Cephalanthera cucullata Boiss. & Heldr.

Comperia comperiana (Steven) Aschers. & Graebner

Cypripedium calceolus L.

Dactylorhiza chuhensis Renz & Taub.

Goodyera macrophylla Lowe

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.

Ophrys isaura Renz & Taub.

Ophrys kotschyi Fleischm. & Soo

Ophrys lunulata Pari.

Ophrys lycia Renz & Taub.

Orchis scopulorum Summerh.

Platanthera obtusata (Pursh) Lindl. subsp. oligantha (Turcz.) Hulten

Spiranthes aestivalis (Poiret) L.C.M. Richard


Paeonia cambessedesii (Willk.) Willk.

Paeonia clusii F.C.Stern subsp. rhodia (Stearn) Tzanoudakis

Paeonia parnassica Tzanoudakis

PALMAE Phoenix theophrasti Greuter

PAPAVERACEAE Papaver lapponicum (Tolm.) Nordh. Rupicapnos africana (Lam.) Pomel

PITTOSPORACEAE Pittosporum coriaceum Dryander ex Aiton


Armeria pseudarmeria (Murray) Mansfeld Armeria rouyana Daveau

Armeria soleirolii (Duby) Godron

Armeria velutina Welv. ex Boiss. & Reuter Limonium anatolicum Hedge

Limonium arborescens (Brouss.) Kuntze Limonium dendroides Svent.

Limonium spectabile (Svent.) Kunkel & Sunding Limonium sventenii Santos & Fernandez Galvan Limonium tamaricoides Bokhari POLEMONIACEAE

Polemonium bcreale Adams

POLYGONACEAE Polygonum praelongum Coode & Cullen Rumex rupestris Le Gall


Androsace cylindrica DC.

Androsace mathildae Levier Androsace pyrenaica Lam.

Cyclamen mirabile Hildebr. Lysimachia minoricensis J.D.Rodriguez Primula apennina Widmer : Primula egaliksensis Wormsk.

Primula glaucescens. Moretti

Primula palinuri Petagna

Primula spectabilis Tratt.

Soldanella villosa Darracq


Aconitum corsicum Gayer

Adonis cyllenea Boiss., Heldr. & Orph. Adonis distorta Ten.

Aquilegia bertolonit Schott

Aquilegia kitaibelii Schott

Aquilegia ottonis subsp. taygetea (Orph.) Strid: Aquilegia pyrenaica DC. subsp. cazorlensis (Heywood) Galiano & Rivas Martinez

(Aquilegia cazorlensis Heywood) Consolida samia P.H.Davis Delphinium caseyi B.L.Burtt Pulsatilla patens (L.) Miller Ranunculus fontanus C. Pres] Ranunculus kykkoensis Meikle Ranunculus weyleri Mares

RESEDACEAE Reseda decursiva Forssk.Gibraltar


Bencomia brachystachya Svent. Bencomia sphaerocarpa Svent. Chamaemeles coriacea Lindl. Crataegus dikmensis Pojark Dendriopoterium pulidoi Svent. Potentilla delphinensis Gren. & Godron Pyrus anatolica Browicz


Galium globuliferam Hub.-Mor. & Reese Galium litorale Guss.

Galium viridiflorum Boiss. & Reuter

RUTACEAE Ruta microcarpa Svent.

SANTALACEAE Kunkeliella subsucculenta Kammer Thesium ebracteatum Hayne

SAPOTACEAE Sideroxylon marmulano Banks ex Lowe


Saxifraga berica (Beguinot) D.A.Webb Saxifraga cintrana Kuzinsky ex Willk. Saxifraga florulenta Moretti

Saxifraga hirculus L.

Saxifraga portosanctana Boiss. Saxifraga presolanensis Engl.

Saxifraga tombeanensis Boiss. ex Engl. Saxifraga valdensis DC. Saxifraga Vayredana Luizet


Antirrhinum charidemi Lange

Euphrasia azorica H.C.Watson

Euphrasia grandiflora Hochst.

Euphrasia marchesettii Wettst. ex Marches. Isoplexis chalcantha Svent. & O’Shanahan

Linaria tursica B.Valdes & Cabezudo Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox Odontites granatensis Boiss.

Verbascum afyonense Hub.-Mor.

Verbascum basivelatum Hub.-Mor.

Verbascum cylleneum (Boiss. & Heldr.) Kuntze Verbascum degenii Hal.

Verbascum stepporum Hub.-Mor.

Veronica oetaea L.-A.Gustavsson


Globularia ascanii D.Bramwell & Kunkel Globularia sarcophylla Svent.

Globularia stygia Orph. ex Boiss.


Atropa baetica Willk Mandragora officinarum L. Solanum lidii Sunding


Daphne petraea Leybold Daphne rodriguezii Texidor Thymelea broterana Coutinho

TRAPACEAE Trapa natans L.

TYPHACEAE Typha minima Funk Typha shuttleworthii Koch & Sonder

ULMACEAE Zelkova abelicea (Lam.) Boiss.


Angelica heterocarpa Lloyd Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffman Apium bermejoi Llorens

Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. Athamanta cortiana Ferrarini Bunium brevifolium Lowe Bupleurum capillare Boiss. & Heldr. Bupleurum dianthifolium Guss. Bupleurum handiense (Bolle) Kunkel Bupleurum kakiskalae Greuter Eryngium alpinum L.

Eryngium viviparum Gay

Ferula halophila H.Pesmen

Ferula latipinna Santos

Laserpitium longiradium Boiss. Naufraga balearica Constance & Cannon Oenanthe conioides Lange

Petagnia saniculifolia Guss.

Rouya polygama (Desf.) Coincy

Seseli intricatum Boiss.

Thorella verticillatinundata (Thore) Briq.

VALERIANACEAE Centranthus trinervis (Viv.) Beguinot


Viola athois W.Becker

Viola cazorlensis Gandoger

Viola cryana Gillot

Viola delphinantha Boiss.

Viola hispida Lam.

Viola jaubertiana Mares & Vigineix



ANTHOCEROTACEAE Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull.


AYTONIACEAE Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle

CEPHALOZIACEAE Cephalozia macounii (Aust.) Aust.

CODONIACEAE Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees et Gott. ex Lehm.

FRULLANIACEAE Frullania parvistipula Steph.

GYMNOMITRIACEAE Marsupella profunda Lindb.

JUNGERMANNIACEAE Jungermannia handelii (Schiffn.) Amak.

RICCIACEAE Riccia breidleri Jur. ex Steph.

RIELLACEAE Riella helicophylla (Mont.) Hook.

SCAPANIACEAE Scapania massalongi (K.Muell.) K-Muell.


AMBLYSTEGIACEAE Drepanocladus vernicosus (Mitt.) Warnst.

BRUCHIACEAE Bruchia vogesiaca Schwaegr. BUXBAUMIACEAE

Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl.


Atractylocarpus alpinus (Schimp. ex Milde) Lindb. Cynodontium suecicum (H.Arn. & C_Jens.) I-Hag. Dicranum viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb.


Echinodium spinosum (Mitt.) Jur. FONTINALACEAE

Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myr.

FUNARIACEAE Pyramidula tetragona (Brid.) Brid.


Distichophyilum carinatum Dix. & Nich. MEESIACEAE

Meesia longiseta Hedw.


Orthotrichum rogeri Brid.


Bryoerythrophyllum machadoanum (Sergio) M.Hill

SPHAGNACEAE Sphagnum pylaisii Brid.

SPLACHNACEAE Tayloria rudolphiana (Garov.) B.S.G.

THAMNIACEAE Thamnobryum fernandesii Sergio




VERTEBRA TES/VERTEBRES Mammals/Mammiféres Bovidae INSECTIVORA Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Erinaceidae Rupicapra rupicapra ornata Erinaceus (Aethechinus) algirus Ovibos moschatus Soricidae Crocidura ariadne CET, ACEA Crocidura cypria Delphinidae Crocidura canariensis Orcinus orca Talpidae Pseudoroa crassidens Desmana pyrenaica (Galemys pyrenaicus) Grampus griseus Globicephala melaena MICROCHIROPTERA Delphinus delphis all species except Tursiops truncatus (tursio) Pipistrellus pipistrellus Lagenorhynchus acutus toutes les espéces a I’exception de Lagenorhynchus albirostris Pipistrellus pipistrellus Steno bredanensis Stenella coeruleoalba RODENTIA Phocaenidae Sciuridae Phocaena phocaena Sciurus anomalus Ziphiidae Citellus citellus Hyperoodon rostratus Pteromys volans (Sciuropterus russicus) Mesoplodon mirus Cricet idae Mesoplodon bidens Cricetus cricetus Ziphius cavirostris Microtidae Balaenopteridae Pitymys bavaricus (Microtus bavaricus) Sibbaldus (Balaenoptera) musculus Zapodidae Megaptera novaengliae (longimana, nodosa) Sicista betulina Balaenidae Sicista subtilis Eubalaena glacialis Hystricidae Balaena mysticetus Hystrix cristata Birds/Oiseaux CARNIVORA Canidae GAVIIFORMES Canis lupus Gaviidae 5 Alopex lagopus all species/toutes les espéces Ursidae all species/toutes les espéces PODICIPEDIFORMES Mustelidae Podicipedidae Lutreola (Mustela) lutreola Podiceps griseigena Lutra lutra Podiceps auritus Gulo gulo Podiceps nigricollis (caspicus) Felidae Podiceps ruficollis Felis silvestris (catus) Lynx pardina (pardellus) PROCELLARIIFORMES Pantera pardus Hydrobatidae Pantera tigri all j SL gris species /toutes les espéces Odobenus. rosmarus Procellariidae Phocidae Bulweria bulwerii Monachus monachus Procellaria diomedea Puffinus puffinus ARTIODACTYLA aaa ; arditie Puffinus assimilis baroli

Cervus elaphus corsicanus

Pterodroma madeira Pterodroma feae

PELECANIFORMES Phalacrocoracidae

Phalocrocorax pygmaeus Pelecanidae

all species/toutes les espéces

Ardea purpurea Casmerodius albus (Egretta alba) Egretta garzetta Ardeola ralloides - Bulbucus (Ardeola) ibis Nycticorax nycticorax Ixobrychus minutus Botaurus stellaris Ciconiidae all species/toutes les espéces Threskornit hidae all species/toutes les espéces Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopterus ruber

ANSERIFORMES Anatidae Cygnus cygnus Cygnus bewickii (columbianus) Anser erythropus Branta leucopsis Branta muficollis Tadorna tadoma Tadorna ferruginea

Marmaronetta (Anas) angustirostris

Somateria spectabilis Polysticta stelleri Histrionicus histrionicus Bucephala islandica Mergus albellus

Oxyura leucocephala

FALCONIFORMES all species/toutes les espéces

.GALLIFORMES Tetraonidae Tetrao urogallus cantabricus

GRUIFORMES Turnicidae Turnix sylvatica Gruidae all species/toutes les espéces Rallidae Porzana porzana Porzana pusilla Porzana parva Crex crex Porphyrio porphyrio Fulica cristata Otitidae all species /toutes les espaces

Sterna paradisaea (macrura) Sterna dougallii

Sterna albifrons

Sterna sandvicensis


all species/toutes les espéces Columbidae

Columba bollii

Columba junoniae

CUCULIFORMES Cuculidae Clamator glandarius

STRIGIFORMES all species /toutes les espéces

CAPRIMULGIFORMES imulgidae sane species /toutes les espéces

Apus unicolor

CORACIIFORMES Alcedinidae Alcedo atthis Ceryle rudis Halcyon smyrnensis Meropidae Merops apiaster Coraciidae

Upopa epops

PICIFORMES all species /toutes les espéces

PASSERIFORMES Alaudidae Calandrella brachydactyla Calendrella rufescens Melanocorypha bimaculata Melanocorypha calandra Melanocorypha leucoptera Melanocorypha yeltoniensis Galerida theklae Chersophilus duponti Eremophila alpestris Hirundmidae all species /toutes les espéces Motacillidae all species/toutes les espaces Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus barbatus Laniidae all species/toutes les espéces Bombycillidae Bombycilla garrulus Cinclidae Cinclus cinclus Troglodytidae Troglodytes troglodytes Prunellidae all species/toutes les espaces

Saxicola torquata

Saxicola dacotiae

Oenanthe oenanthe

Oenanthe pleschanka (leucomela) Oenanthe hispanica

Oenanthe isabellina

Oenanthe leucura

Oenanthe finischii


Cercotrichas galactotes Monticola saxatilis Monticola solitarius

Sylvtinae all species /toutes les espéces Regulinae

all species/toutes les espéces Vie

all species/toutes les espéces Sittidae

all species /toutes les espéces Certhtidae

all species/toutes les espéces Emberizidae

Plectrophenax nivalis Calcarius lapponicus Fringillidae Carduelis chloris Carduelis carduelis Carduelis spinus Carduelis flavirostris Carduelis cannabina Carduelis flammea Carduelis hornemanni Serinus citrinella Serinus serinus Serinus pusillus Loxia curvirostra Loxia pityopsittacus Loxia leucoptera Loxia scotica Pinicola enucleator Carpodacus erythrinus Rhodopechys githaginea Coccothraustes coccothraustes Fringilla teydea Ploceidae Petronia petronia Montrifringilla nivalis

Sturnidae Sturmus unicolor Sturnus roseus Oriolidae Oriolus oriolus Corvidae Perisoreus infaustus Cyanopica cyanus Nucifraga caryocatactes Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax graculus


TESTUDINES Testudinidae Testudo hermanni Testudo graeca Testudo marginata Emydidae Emys orbicularis Mauremys caspica Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea Chelontidae Caretta caretta Lepidochelys kempii Chelonia mydas Eretmochelys imbricata

SAURIA Gekkonidae Tarentola delalandii Tarentola boettgeri Tarentola angustimentalis Tarentola gomerensis Phyllodactylus europaeus Cyrtodactylus kotschyi Agamidae Agama stellio Chamaeleontidae Chamaeleo chamaeleon Lacertidae Algyroides nigropunctatus Algyroides moreoticus Algyroides fitzingeri Algyroides marchi Ophisops elegans Lacerta lepida Lacerta parva Lacerta princeps Lacerta viridis Lacerta schreiberi Lacerta trilineata Lacerta agilis Lacerta monticola Lacerta bedriagae Lacerta horvathi Lacerta graeca Lacerta dugesi Gallotia (Lacerta) simonyi Gallotia galloti Gallotia stehlini Podarcis muralis




Salamandridae Salamandra atra Salamandra (Mertensiella) luschani Salamandrina terdigitata Chioglossa lusitanica Euproctus asper Euproctus montanus Euproctus platycephalus Triturus cristatus Triturus montandoni Triturus italicus

Plethodontidae : Hydromantes genei Hydromantes flavus Hydromantes supramontes Hydromantes imperialis Hydromantes italicus

Proteidae ;

Proteus anguinus

ANURA Discoglossidae Bombina variegata Bombina bombina Discoglossus pictus Discoglossus galganoi Discoglossus sardus Discoglossus jeanneae Alytes obstetricans Alytes cisternasii Alytes muletensis Pelobatidae Pelobates cultripes Pelobates fuscus Pelobates syriacus Pelodytes caucasicus Bufonidae Bufo calamita Bufo viridis



Mantodea Apteromantis aptera

Odonata Calopteryx syriaca Sympecma braueri Coenagrion freyi Coenagrion mercuriale Aeshna viridis Stylurus (= Gomphus) flavipes Gomphus graslinii Ophiogomphus cecilia Lindenia tetraphylla Cordulegaster trinacriae Oxygastra curtisii Macromia splendens Brachythemis fuscopalliata Leucorthinia albifrons Leucorrhinia caudalis Leucorthinia pectoralis

Carabus olympiae Dytiscus latissimus Graphoderus bilineatus Osmoderma eremita Buprestis splendens Cucujus cinnaberinus




Cerambyx cerdo Rosalia alpina

Papilio hospiton

Papilio alexanor Zerynthia polyxena Parnassius apollo Parnassius mnemosyne Apatura metis Fabriciana elisa Euphydryas (Eurodryas) aurinia Melanargia arge

Erebia christi

Erebia sudetica

Erebia calcaria Coenonympha hero Coenonympha oedippus Lopinga achine

Lycaena dispar Maculinea arion Maculinea teleius Maculinea nausithous Plebicula golgus Hypodryas maturna Eriogaster catax

Hyles hippophaes Proserpinus prosperpina


Macrothele calpeiana

Caseolus calculus Caseolus commixta Caseolus sphaerula




PROTECTED FAUNA SPECIES ESPECES DE FAUNE PROTEGEES ‘VERTEBRATES/VERTEBRES mals/Mammiferes ARTIODACTYLA rg Suidae Sus scrofa meridionalis Cervidae Basra all species /toutes les espéces Erinaceus europaeus Bovidae Soricidae Ovis aries (musimon, ammon) all species /toutes les espéces Capra ibex Capra pyrenaica MICROCHIROPTERA Rupicapra rupicapra Vespertilionidae Pipistrellus pipistrellus Birds/Oiseaux DUPLICIDENTATA All species not included in Appendix II with the 7 exception of : Lepus timidus Toutes les espdces non incluses dans I’annexe II a Lepus capensis (europaeus) V'exception de : Larus marinus RODENTIA Larus fuscus Scaurdae Larus argentatus Sciurus vulgaris Columba palumbus Marmota marmota Passer domesticus Castoridai Sturnus vulgaris Castor fiber Garrulus glandarius Gliridae Pica pica all species/toutes les espéces Corvus monedula Microtidae Corvus frugilegus Microtus ratticeps (oeconomus) Corvus corone (corone and/et cornix) Microtus nivalis (librunii) Microtus cabrerae Reptiles

CETACEA . All species not mentioned in Appendix II/ Toutes les espéces non mentionnées a l’annexe I

CARNIVORA Mustelidae Meles meles Mustela erminea Mustela nivalis Putorius (Mustela) putorius Martes martes Martes foina Vormela peregusna Viverridae all species/toutes les espéces Felidae Lynx lynx Phocidae Phoca vitulina Pusa (Phoca) hispida Pagophilus groenlandicus (Phoca groenlandica) Erignathus barbatus Halichoerus grypus Cystophora cristata

All species non included in Appendix II Toutes les espéces non incluses dans |’annexe II

Amphibians/Amphibiens All species not included in Appendix II Toutes les espéces non incluses dans I’annexe I



Petromyzonidae Eudontomyzon hellenicum Eudontomyzon mariae Eudontomyzon viadykovi Lampetra fluviatilis Lampetra planeri Lampetra zanandreai Petromyzon marinus

ACIPENSERIFORMES Acipenser ruthenus Acipenser stellatus Acipenser sturio Huso huso

CLUPEIFORMES. Clupeidae Alosa alosa Alosa fallox Alosa pontica

SALMONIFORMES Coregonidae Coregonus

all species /toutes les espéces


Hucho hucho Salmo salar (*)


Cyprinidae Abramis ballerus Abramis sapa Abramis vimba Alburnoides bipunctatus Alburnus albidus Aspius aspius Barbus bocagei Barbus comiza Barbus meridionalis Barbus microcephalus Barbus peloponesis Barbus plebejus Barbus sclateri Barbus steindachneri Chalcalburnus chalcoides Chondrostoma genei Chondrostoma kneri Chondrostoma lemingi

Chondrostoma lusitanicum

Chondrostoma nasus Chondrostoma phoxinus Chondrostoma polylepis Chondrostoma soetta Chondrostoma toxostoma Chondrostoma willkommi Gobio albipinnatus Gobio kessleri

Gobio uranoscopus Leucaspius delineatus Leucaspius stymphalicus Leuciscus illyricus Leuciscus lucumotis Leuciscus microlepis Leuciscus polylepis Leuciscus pyrenaicus Leuciscus soufia Leuciscus svallize Leuciscus turskyi Leuciscus ukliva Pachychilon pictum Pelecus cultratus


Phoxinellus adspersus Phoxinellus hispanicus

Pseudophoxinus marathonicus Pseudophoxinus stymphalicus

Rhodeus sericeus

Syngnathidae Syngnathus abaster Syngnathus nigrolineatus

Pungitius hellenicus Tuntitius platygaster

Cottus poecilopus Myoxocephalus quadricornis


Percidae Gymnocephalus baloni Gymnocephalus schraetzer Stizostedion volgense Zingel zingel Zingel streber

Blenniidae Blennius fluviatilis

() The provisions for this appendix shall not apply to salmon in sea waters.

Les dispositions pour cette annexe ne s‘appliquent pas aux saumons dans les eaux marines.


Gobiidae Padogobius panizzai Gobius fluviatilis Padogobius martensi Gobius kessleri Pomatoschistus canestrini Gobius nigricans Pomatoschistus microps Gobius ophiocephalus Pomatoschistus minutus Gobius syrman Proterorhinus marmoratus Gobius thressalus




INSECTA Stylommatophora

Coleoptera Helix pomatia © Lucanus cervus

Lepidoptera BIVALVIA Graellsia isabellae Unionida

Margaritifera margaritifera

Decapoda Microcondymaea compressa Astacus astacus Austropotamobius pallipes ANNELIDS/ ANNELIDES Austropotamobius torrentium

HIRUDINEA Arhynchobdellae

Hirudo medicinalis

ANNEX 10: Checklist of species for the Habitats Directive

* u 1

No L 206/22

- Official Journal of the European Communities









Annex Il follows on from Annex | for the establishment of a consistent network of special areas of conservation.

(b) The species listed in chis Annex are indicated:


by the name of the species or subspecies. or

by the body of spenes belonging to a higher taxon or to a designated part of that taxon.

The abbreviation ‘spp.’ after the name of a family or genus designates all the species belonging to that family or genus. ,

Symbols An astensk (*) before the name of a species indicates that the species is a prionty species. Most species listed in this Annex are also listed in Annex IV.

Where a species appears i this Annex but does not appear in either Annex IV or Annex V, the species name is followed by the symbol (o); where a species which appears in this Annex also appears in Annex V but does not appear in Annex IV, its name 1s followed by the symbol (V).





Galemys pvrenaicus


Rhinok »phidac

Rhinolophus blasi

Rhinwwophus eur ale

Rhinoiophus terrumequinum

Rhinolophus hipposideros . Rhinolopnus mchely:


Barbastella barbastellus Mimopterus schreibersi

Mvous bechstern

Myons blythi : Mvous capaccinn

Mion dasvcneme

Mvons emarginatus

Mvous mons



Spermophuus citellus Castondue

Castor fiber Mucrotidae

Miucrocus cabrerae *Microtus oecunomus arenicola

Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/23

2257292: Dee eee eS ee

CARNIVORA Siam Canidae *Canis lupus (Spanish populations: only those south of the Duero; Greek populations: only those south of the 39th parallel) Ursidae *Ursus arctos Mustelidae

Lurra lutra Mustela lutreola


Lynx lynx *Lynx pardina

Phocidae Halichoerus grypus (V) *Monachus monachus Phoca vitulina (V) ARTIODACTYLA Cervidae *Cervus elaphus corsicanus Bovidae

Capra aegagrus (natural populations) *Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Ovis ammon musimon ‘natural populations Corsica and Sardinia) ~

Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica *Rupicapra ornata CETACEA Tursiops truncatus Phocoena phocoena


TESTUDINATA Testudinidae

Testudo hermann Testudo graeca Testudo marginata

Chelonudae “Caretta caretta | Emydidae

Emvys orbicularis Mauremvys caspica Mauremys leprosa

+ SAURIA Sree SN ecg


Lacerta monnicola

Lacerta schreiberi

Gallotia galloti insulanagae *Gallona simonyi

Podareis lilford:

Podarcis pitvusensis

Semeidae Chalcides occidental Gekkomdae Phyllodactvlus europacus OPHIDIA Colubridac

Elaphe quatuorlinecata Elaphe situla

Pb leafs Ps Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/25


*Coregonus oxyrhynchus (anadromous populations in certain sectors of the North Sea)


Alburnus vulturius (0)

Alburnus albidus (0)

Anaecypns hispanica

Aspuus aspius (0)

Barbus plebejus (V)

Barbus meridionalis (V)

Barbus capito (V)

Barbus comiza (V)

Chalcalburnus chalcoides (0)

Chondrostoma soezta (0) <

Chondrostoma polylepis (0)

Chondrostoma genei (o)

Chondrostoma lusitanicum (0)

Chondrostoma toxostoma (0)

Gobio albipinnatus (0)

Gobio uranoscopus (0)

Iberocypris palaciosi (0) *Ladigesocypns ghigii (o)

Leuciscus lucomonis (0)

Leuciscus souffia (0)

Phoxinellus spp. (o)

Rutilus pigus (0)

Rutilus rubilio (0)

Rutilus arcasii (0) s

Rutilus macrolepidotus (0)

Rutilus lemmingi: (o)

Rutilus fmesn meidingen (0)

Rutilus alburnoides /o}

Rhodeus sericeus amarus (0)

Scardinmius praecus («)


Cobitis conspersa (01 Cobinis larvata (o) Cobits tnchanica /o) Cobits taenia (0) Misgurnis fossilis (o) Sabaneyewis aurata (0)


Gymnocephalus schraetzer (V) Zingel spp. [(o; except Zingel asper and Zingel zinge! (V)}


Pomatoschistus canestrini (a: Padogobius panizz.1 ‘o) Padogobius nigricans io)

CLUPEIFORMES Clupeidae Alusa spp. (V) SCORPAENIFORMES Cortidae

Cortus ferruginosus \o} Cortus petin (o) Cortus gobo (0)


Silurus arisrorehs (V)

22.7. 92

Official Journal of the European Communities

Leiostyta abbreviata -Leiostvla cassida Leiosryla corneocostata Leiostyla gibba Leiostyla lamellosa Vertigo angusnior (0) Vertigo genesii (0) Verngo geyeri (0) Vertigo moulinsiana (0)


Margaritifera margaritifera (V) Unio crassus


PTERIDOPHYTA ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium jahandiezii (Litard.) Rouy BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia radicans (L.) Sm. DICKSONIACEAE Culcita macrocarpa C. Pres! DRYOPTERIDACEAE ‘*Dryopteris corleyi Fraser-jenk. HYMENOPHYLLACE AE Trichomanes speciosum Willd. ISOETACEAE™

Isoetes borvana Durieu Isoetes malinvermana Ces. & De Nor.


Marsilea batardae Launert Marsilea quadrifolia L. Marsilea strizosa Willd.

OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium simplex Hitche.

Ophioglossum polyphyllum A. Braun


* Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Matter


Caldesia parnassifolia {L..) Parl. Luromum natans (L.) Rat.


Leucojum nicaeense Ard. : Narcissus asturiensis (Jordan) Pugsles Narcissus calcicola Mendonya Narcissus cyclamineus DC.

Narcassus fernandesi G. Pedro Narcissus humilis (Cav.) Traub


No L 206/27

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/29

*Centaurea alba L. =~ subsp. heldreichii (Halacsy) Dostal - *Centaurea albal. - subsp. princeps (Boiss. & Heldr.) Gugler *Centaurea attica Nyman subsp. megarensis (Halacsy & Hayek) Dostal *Centaurea baleanca J. D. Rodriguez "Centaurea borjae Valdes-Berm. & Rivas Goday *Centaurea citncolor Font Quer Centaurea corymbosa Pourret Centaurea gadorensis G. Bianca *Centaurea horrida Badaro *Centaurea kalambakensis Freyn & Sint.- Centaurea kartschiana Scop. *Centaurea lactiflora Halacsy Centaurea micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link Noes subsp. herminii (Rouy) Dosral *Centaurea niederi Heldr. *Centaurea peucedanifolia Boiss. & Orph. *Centaurea pinnata Pau Centaurea pulvinata (G. Bianca) G. Bianca Centaurea rorhmalerana (Arenes) Dostal Centaurea vicentina Mariz *Crepis crocifolia Boiss. & Heldr. Crepis granatensis (Wiillk.) B. Bianca & M. Cueto Engeron fngidus Boiss. ex DC. Hymenostemma pseudanthemis (Kunze) Willd. *Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Reichenb. *Jurinea fontqueri Cuarrec. :

*Lamyropsis microcephala (Moris) Dirtrich & Greuter > Leontodon microcephalus (Boiss. ex DC.) Bors. Leontodon boryi Boiss. =

*Leontodon siculus (Guss.) Finch & Sell Leuzea longifolia Hoftmanns. & Link Ligulana sibirica (L.) Cass.

Santolina impressa Hoffmanns. & Link Santolina semidentata Hoffmanns. & Link

*Senecio elodes Boiss. ex DC.

Senecio nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter


*Convolvulus argyrothamnus Greuter *Convolvulus Fernandes Pinto da Silva & Teles


Alyssum pyrenaicum L.apevr.

Arabis sadina (Samp.) P. Cout.

*Biscutella neustriaca Bonnet Biscutella vincentina (Samp.) Rothm.

Boleum asperum (Pers.) Desvaux

Brassica glabrescens Poldini

Brassica insularis Moris *Brassica macrocarpa Guss.

Coincya cintrana (P. Cour.) Pimto da Silva *Coincya rupestris Rouy *Coronopus navasii Pau

Diplotaxis ibicensis (Pau) Gomez-Campo *Diplotaxis siettiana Maire

Diploraxis vicentina (P. Cour.) Rothm. Erucastrum palustre (Pirona) Vis. *Ibens arbuscula Runemark

Iberis procumbens Lange

subsp. microcarpa Franco & Pinto da Silva

*lonopsidium acaule (Desf.) Reichenb. lonopsidium savianum (Carvel) Ball ex Arcang. Sisymbnum cavanillesianum Valdes & Castroviejo Sisymbnum supinum L.


*Carex panormitana Guss.

Eleocharis carniolica Koch

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/31 i UEEEIE EI EIIEEInEEEEEEIEEEEESEESEEEEEEEIE SenEEEEEEEE * Astragalus maritimus Moris Astragalus tremolsianus Pau * Astragalus verrucosus Mors *Cytisus aeolicus Guss. ex Lindl. Genista dorycnifolia Font Quer Genista holopetala (Fleischm. ex Koch) Baldacci Melilotus segetalis (Brot.) Ser. subsp. fallax Franco *Ononis hackeli Lange Trifolium saxatile All. *Vicia bifoliolata J. D. Rodriguez

LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula nevadensis (Lindb.) Casper

LILIACEAE Alhum grosii Font Quer *Androcymbium rechinger Greuter *Asphodelus bento-rainhae P. Silva Hyacinthoides vicentina (Hoffmanns. & Link) Rothm, *Muscan gussonei (Parl.) Tod.


*Linum muelleri Moris


*Lythrum flexuosum Lag.

MALVACEAE Kosteletzkya pentacsrpos (L.) Ledeb.

NAJADACEAE Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & W’. L. Schmidt


*Cephalanthera cucullata Boiss. & Heldr. Cypmpedium calceulus L.

Lipanis loeselit (L.) Rich.

*Ophrys lunulara Parl.


Paeonia cambessedesii (Willk.) Willk. Paeonia parnassica Tzanoudakis Paeonia clusi: F.C. Stern subsp. rhodia (Stearn) Tzanoudakis ~


Phoenix theophrasti Greuter


Plantago algarbiensis Samp. Plantago almogravensiy Franco


Armenia berlengensis Daveau “Armenia helodes Martin: & Pold

Armenia negieta Girard

Armenia pseudarmera Murray) Mansteld “Armenia rouyana Daveau

Armenia soleiroln (Duby } Godron

Armenia velutna Wely. ex Boiss. & Reuter Limomum dodartn (Girard) O. Kunve

subsp. lusiamicum (Daveau) France

“Limonium insulare (Beg. & Landi) Arn. & Diana Limonum lanceolatum (Hoffmanns. & Link; France Limonium mulutlorum Erben

*Limonium pseudolactum Arrig. & Diana *Limomum stricussimum (Salzmann; Arrig.


Polygonum praclongum Coode & Cullen Rumex rupestris Le Gall

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/33 a a a ee ee SS SS

ULMACEAE Zelkova abelicea (Lam.) Boiss.


* Angelica heterocarpa Lloyd _ Angelica palusms (Besser) Hoffm.

* Apium bermejoi Liorens

Apium repens (jacq.) Lag. Athamanta coruana Ferrarini *Bupleurum capillare Boiss. & Heldr. *Bupleurum kakiskalae Greuter Eryngium alpinum L. * Eryngium viviparum Gay *Laserpitium longiradium Boiss.

* Naufraga balearica Constans & Cannon Sa *Ocenanthe comoides Lange

Petagnia saniculifolia Guss.

Rouya polygama (Desf.) Coincy

*Seseli intricarum Boiss.

Thorella verticillannundata (Thore) Brig.


Centranthus trinervis (Viv.) Beguinor


*Viola hispida Lam. Viola jaubertiana Mares & Vigineix

Lower plants


Bruchia vogesiaca Schwaegr. (0)

*Bryoerythrophyllum machadoanum (Sergio) M. Hill (0) Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl. (0) Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myr. (o}

Dicranum vinde (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb. (o) Distichophyllum carinatum Dix. & Nich. (o) Drepanocladus vernicosus (Miurt.) Warnsr. (0) Jungermannia handel (Schiffn.) Amak. (0) Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle (o) *Marsupella protunda Lindb. (o)

Meesia longiseta Hedw. (o)

Northothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. (o) Orthotnchum rogeri Brid. (0) - Petalophyllum ralfsi Nees & Goor. ex Lehr. fy). Riccia breidier: Jur. ex Steph. (0)

Riella helicophvlla (Mont.) Hook. (0) - Scapania massolong: (K. Muell.) K. Muell. (0) Sphagnum pvlaisu Brid. (0)

Taviona rudoiphiana (Gasrov) B. & G. (ot



*Polystichum drepanum (Sw.) C. Presl.


Isoetes azonca Durieu & Paiva

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/35 SS eh ee SS SS SS CRUCIFERAE

*Crambe arborea Webb ex Chnst

Crambe laevigata DC. ex Christ *Crambe sventenii R. Perters ex Bramwell & Sund. *Parolimia schizogynoides Svent.

Sinapidendron rupestre (Ait.) Lowe


Carex malato-belizi: Raymond DIPSACACEAE

Scabiosa nitens Roemer & J. A. Schultes


Erica scoparia L. subsp. azonca (Hochst.) D. A. Webb


*Euphorbia handiensis Burchard

Euphorbia Jambi Svent. if Euphorbia stygiana H. C. Watson GERANIACEAE *Geranium maderense P. F. Yeo GRAMINEAE Deschampsia maderensis (Haeck. & Born.) fs

Phalaris maderensis (Menezes) Menezes

LABIATAE *Sideritis cystosiphon Svent. "Siderits discolor (Webb ex de Noe! Bolle Sideritus infernalis Bolle Siderits marmorea Bolle Teucrium abutiloides L"Her Teucrium betonicum L’Her -


* Anagyris latifolia Brouss. ex Willd. S Anthylls Jemanniana lowe *Dorycmum spectabile Webb & Berthel *Lotus azoricus P. \’. Ball Lotus callis-viridis D. Bramwell & 1). H. Davis “Lotus kunkelu (E. Chueca) D. Bramwell & al. *Teline rosmarinifolia Webb & Berthel °Tehine salsolondes Arco & Acebes. Vicia dennesiana H. C. ‘Watson


*Androcvmbium psammophilum Svent. Scilla maderensis Menezes Semele maderensis Costa


Arceuthobium azoricum Wiens & bees MYRICACEAE

“Myrica nvas-martine7it Santos. OLEACEAE

Jasminum azoricum L. Piccoma azorica ( Tunn) Knobl.


Goodyera macrophylla Lowe


“Pittosporum coriaceum Dryand. ex Ait.

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communines No L 206/37



STAGE 1: Assessment at national level of the relative importance of sites for each natural habitat type in Annex | and each species in Annex II (including priority natural habitat types and pnonty species)

A. Site assessment critena for a given natural habuat type in Annex |

(a) Degree-ef tepresentariviry of the natural habizar tpve on the site.

~ (b) Area of the site covered by the natural habitat type in relation to the total area covered by that natural habitat type within nanonal territory.

(c) Degree of conservation of the structure and functions of the -natural habitat type concerned and restoranon possibilities.

(d) Global assessment of the value of the site for conservation of the natural habitat type concerned.

B. Site assessment critena for a given species in Annex I]

(a) Size and densirv of the population of the species present on the site in relanon to the populations present within nauonal territory. :

(b) Degree of conservation of the features of the habitat which are important for the species concerned and restorauion possibiliues.

(c) Degree of solanon of the populanon present on the site in relation to the natural range of the species.

(d) Global assessment of the value of the site for conservation of the species concerned.

C. On the basis of these criteria, Member States will classity the sites which they propose on the national list as sites eligible for identification as sites of Community importance according to their relative value for the conservauon of each natural habitat type in Annex | or each species in Annex II.

D. That hist will show the sites contaimmny the prority natural habitat types and pnonty species selected by the Member States on the basis of the criteria in A and B above. STAGE 2: Assessment of the Community importance of the sites included on the national lists

1. All the sites identified by the Member States in Stare 1 which contain priority natural habitat types and/or species will be considered as sites of Community importance.


The assessment of the Community importance of other sites on Member States’ lists, 1.¢. their contribution to maintaming or re-establishing, at a favourable conservanion status, a natural habirat in Annex | or a species in Annex II and/or to the Coherence of Natura 2000 will take account of the following criteria:

(a) relative valoc of the sue at national level,

(b) geographical sruanon of the site in relanen te migration routes of species in Annex Il and wherher it belongs to a conunuous ecosystem situated on born sides of one or more internal Community fronuers;

(c) total area of the site: (d) number of natural habitat types in Annex | and species in Annex Jl present on the site;

fe) global ecological value of the site for the bopcographical regions concerned and/or for the whole of the territory reterred ton Arucle 2, as regards both the characteristic of unique aspect of its features and the way they are combined.

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities

No L 206/39

I Se


Felis silvestris Lynx lynx Lynx pardina

Phocidae Monachus monachus

ARTIODACTYLA Ceridae Cervus elaphus corsicanus Bouidae

Capra aegagrus (natural populations)

Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica

Ovis ammon musimon (natural populations Corsica and Sardinia) Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica

Rupicapra ornata

CETACEA All species


TESTUDINATA Testudimidae

Testudo hermanni Testudo graeca Testudo marginata


Caretta caretta Chelonia mydas Lepidochelys kempu Eretmochelys imbncata

Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea =< Emvdidae

Emys orbicularis Mauremvys caspica Mauremys leprosa

SAURIA ‘Lucerndae

Algyroides fitzingeri Algvroides march Algvroides moreoncus Algvroides mpropunctatus Lacerta agilis

Lacerta bednazac Lacerta danford:

Lacerta dugesi

Lacerta graeca

Lacerta horvathi

Lacerta monticola Lacerta schreiber: Lacerta trilineata Lacerta viridis

Galloua atlanuca Gallons gallou

Galloua gallon imsulanapae Galloua simony: Gallona stehlini Ophisops elegans Podarcss erhardii Podarcis filfolensis Podarcis hispanica atrata

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/41 I eee eS

Euproctus platycephalus Salamandra atra Salamandra aurorae Salamandra lanzai Salamandra luschani Salamandrina terdigitata Triturus carnifex Triturus cnstatus Triturus italicus Tricurus kareliniui Tnturus marmoratus “.

Proteidae Proteus anguinus Plethodonudae

Speleomantes ambrosu Speleomantes flavus Speleomantes gene: Speleomantes imperialis Speleomantes italicus Speleomantes supramonres

ANURA Discogloussidae

Bombina bombina Bombina vanegata Discoglossus gaigano: Discoglossus jeanneae Discoglossus montalentii Discoglossus pictus Discogiossus sardus Alytes cisternasn

Alytes muletensis

Alytes obstetricans


Rana arvalis Rana daimanna Rana graeca Rana sberica Rana italica Rana lataste: Rana lessonae : R


Pelobates cultripes Pelobates tuscus Pelobates syriacus


Bufo calamita Buto viridis ae

viviidae =

Hyla arborea Hyla mendionalis Hyla sarda


Acipenser naccari Acipenser stunio


Valencia hispanica

Official Journal of the European Communities

2292 I ra

Orthoptera Baetica ustulata Saga pedo ARACHNIDA Araneae

Macrothele calpeiana


Prosobranchia Patella feruginea Stvlommatophora

Caseolus calculus Caseolus commixta Caseolus sphaerula Discula leacockiana Discula tabellata Discula testudinalis Discula rurricula Discus defloratus Discus guerinianus Elona quimperana Geomalacus maculosus Geomiutra moniziana Helix subplicata Leiosryla abbreviata Lesostyla cassida Leiostyla comeocostata Leiostyla gibba Leiostvla lametiosa

BIVALVIA Antsomyana

Lithophaga lithophaga Pinna nobilis


Margarinfera auricularia Umi crassus


Centrostephanus Jongiypinus


Annes LV (b) contains all the plant species listed in Annes Tb) () plus those mentioned below


Dracaena draco (L..) L


Narcissus longispathus Pugsiecy Narcissus trrandrus L

(') Except bryophytes in Annex II {b).

No L 206/43

22. 7.92

Official Journal of the European Communities

No L 206/45


Sideroxylon marmulano Banks ex Lowe


Saxifraga cintrana Kuzinsky ex Willk. Saxifraga portosanctana Boiss. Saxifraga presolanensis Engl. Saxifraga vaidensis DC.

Saxifraga vayredana Luizet


Antirrhinum Jopesianum Rothm. Lindermia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox


Mandragora officinarum L.

THY MELAEACEAE Thymelaea broterana P. Cout.

UMBELLIFERAE Bunium brevifolium Lowe VIOLACEAE

Viola athois W. Becker Viola cazoriensis Gandoger Viola delphinantha Boiss.

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/47

ACIPENSERIFORMES Acipenseridae All species not mentioned in Annex IV SALMONIFORMES Salmonidae

Thymallus thymallus . aks : Coregonus spp. (except Coregonus oxyrhynchus anadromous populations in certain sectors of the North

Sea) Hucho hucho Salmo salar (only in fresh water) Cyprinidae Barbus spp. PERCIFORMES Percidae

Gymnocephalus schraetzer Zingel zingel CLUPEIFORMES Clupeidae Alosa spp. SILURIFORMES Siluridae

Silurus aristotelis



Corallrum rubrum

MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA STYLOMMATOPHORA Helicidae ; Helix pomatia ; | BIVALVIA UNIONOIDA | Margarttifendae Margannufera margaritifera Umonidae

Microcondylaea compressa Unio elongatulus


Hirudo medicinalis |


Astacus astacus Austropotamobius pallipes Austropotamobuus torrenuum

Scvllandae Scyllarides latus INSECTA LEPIDOPTERA Saturnudae

Graellsia isabellae

22d Tose Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/49


Rubus genevieri Boreau subsp. herminii (Samp.) P. Cour.


Anarrhinum longipedicelatcum R. Fernandes Euphrasia mendoncae Samp. Scrophulana grandiflora DC.

subsp. grandiflora DC. Scrophularia berminn Hoffmanns & Link Scrophularia sublyrata Brot.


Leuzea rhaponticoides Graells


No L 206/22

Official Journal of the European Communities







interpretation Annex Il follows on from rior 1 for the establishment of a consistent network of special areas of conservation. The species listed in this Annex are indicared: by the name of the species or subspecies. or i by the body of species belonging to a higher taxon oF to a designated part of that taxon.

The abbreviation ‘spp.” after the name of a family or genus designates all the species belonging to that family or genus.


Symbols An asterisk (*°) before the name of a species indicates that the species is 2 prionty species. Most species listed in this Annex are also listed in Annex IV.

Where a species appears i this Annex but does not appear in either Annex IV or Annex V, the species name is followed by the symbol (o); where a species which appears in this Annex also appears in Annex V but does not appear in Annex IV, its name 1s followed by the symbol (V).




Galemys pvrenaicus


R binolophidae

Rhinolophus blasu Rhinvophus eurvale Rhinulophus terrumequinum Rhinolophus hipposideros Rhinolopnus mchels:


Barbastella barbastellus Mimoprerus schreibers:

Mvyous bechstein

Mvons blythi . Mvous capacunn

Myors dasvcneme

Mvous emarginatus

Mivous mons



Spermophuus citellus Castondae

Castor fiber Microtidae

Microtus cabrerae *Microtus oeconomus 2remicola

No L 206/23

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities


An Canidae “Canis lupus (Spanish populations: only those south of the Duero; Greek populations: only those south of

the 39th parallel) Ursidae “Ursus arctos Mustelidae

Lurra lutra Mustela lutreola


Lynx lynx *Lynx pardina

Phocidae Halichoerus grvpus (V) *Monachus monachus Phoca vitulina (V) ARTIODACTYLA Cervidae “Cervus elaphus corsicanus Bovidae

Capra aegagrus (natural populations)

*Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Ovis ammon musimon ‘natural populations Corsica and Sardinia) ~

Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica *Rupicapra ornata CETACEA Tursiops truncatus Phocoena phocoena REPTILES TESTUDINATA Testudinidae

Testudo hermanni Testudo graeca Testudo marginata

Chelonudae “Caretta caretta '

Emydidae Emys orbicularis Mauremvys caspica Mauremys leprosa

« SAURIA Lucertidae

Lacerta monucola

Lacerta schreiberi

Gallona gallot: insulanagae *Gallona simonyi

Podareis lilfordi

Podareis pitvusensis

Seimeudae Chaleides occideatals Gekkonidae

Phyllodactvlus europacus OPHIDIA Colubridac

Elaphe quatuorlineata Elaphe sirula

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/25


Coregonidae *Coregonus oxyrhynchus (anadromous populations in certain sectors of the North Sea)


Alburnus vultunius (0)

Alburnus albidus (0)

Anaecypns hispanica

Aspuus aspius (0)

Barbus plebejus (V)

Barbus meridionalis (V)

Barbus capito (V)

Barbus comiza (V)

Chalcalburnus chalcoides (0)

Chondrostoma soetta (0) ow Chondrostoma polviepis (0) Chondrostoma genei (0) Chondrostoma lusitanicum (0) Chondrostoma toxostoma (0) Gobio albipinnatus (0)

Gobio uranoscopus (0) Iberocypris palaciosi (0) *Ladigesocypns ghign (0) Leuciscus lucomonis (o) Leuciscus souffia (0) Phoxinellus spp. (0)

Rutilus pigus (0)

Rutilus rubilio (0) _ Rutilus arcasii (o)

Rutilus macrolepidotus (0) Rutilus lemmingi: (0) ci Rutilus fresii meidinger: (0)

Rutilus alburnoides ‘o}

Rhodeus sericeus amarus (0)

Scardimuus graecus (0)


Cobitis conspersa (01

Cobinis larvata (o)

Cobits tnchonica (9) 2 Cobiris taenia (0)

Misgurnis fossilis (0)

Sabaneyewia aurata (0)


Gvymnocephalus schractzer {V) Zingel spp. [(o} except Zingel asper and Zingel zingel (V)]


Pomatoschistus canestrini (0: Padogobius panizz.a io) Padogobius mignicans 10)


Cortus ferruginosus (0! Cottus petits (a) Cortus gobio (0)


Silurus aristorelis (V)

Pe Tle ces Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/27 a a I a ee

Leiostylta abbreviata -Leiostyla cassida Leiostyla corneocostata Leiostyla gibba Leiostyla lamellosa Vertigo angusnor (0) Vertigo genesii (0) Verugo geyeri (o) Vertigo moulinsiana (o)


Marganitifera margaritifera (V) Unio crassus




Asplemum jahandiezii (Litard.) Rouv BLECHNACEAE

Woodwardia radicans (L.) Sm. DICKSONIACEAE

Guleirs macrocarpa C. Pres! DRYOPTERIDACE AE

’*Dryopteris corley: Fraser-jenk.


Trichomanes speciosum Willd. ISOETACEAE

Isoetes borvana Durieu Isoetes malinvermana Ces. & De Not.


Marsilea batardae Launert Marsilea quadrifoha L. Marsilea stryzusa Willd.

OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium simplex Hitche.

Ophioglossum polyphyllum A. Braun


"Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei


Caldesia parnassifolia {L.) Parl. Luromum natans (L.i Rat.


Leucojum nicaeense Ard. : Narcissus asturiensts (Jordan) Pugsles Narcissus calcicola Mendonya Narcissus cyclamineus DC.

Narcissus fernandesu G. Pedro Narcissus humilis (Cav.) Traub

22.7. 92

Official Journal of the European Communities

See nee eee ee eee ean ee SS SS SS SSS

*Centaurea alba L. subsp. heldreichii (Halacsy) Dostal "Centaurea albal. ~ subsp. princeps (Boiss. & Heldr.) Gugler *Centaurea arica Nyman subsp. megarensis (Halacsy & Hayek) Dostal *Centaurea balearica J. D. Rodriguez "Centaurea borjae Valdes-Berm. & Rivas Goday *Centraurea airncolor Font Quer Centaurea corymbosa Pourret Centaurea gadorensis G. Bianca *Cenraurea horrida Badaro *Centaurea kalambakensis Freyn & Sint. Centaurea kartschiana Scop. *Centaurea lactiflora Halacsy Centaurea micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link subsp. hermini: (Rouy) Dostal *Centaurea mederi Heldr. *Centaurea peucedanifolia Boiss. & Orph. *Centaurea pinnata Pau Centaurea pulvinata (G. Bianca) G. Bianca Centaurea rothmalerana (Arenes) Dostal Centaurea vicentina Mariz *Crepis crocifolia Boiss. Heldr. Crepis granatensis (Wiillk.) B. Bianca & M. Cueto Engeron fngidus Boiss. ex DC. Hymenostemma pseudanthemis (Kunze) Willd. *Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Reichenb. *Junnea fontqueri Cuatrec. : *Lamyropsis microcephala (Moris) Dirtrich & Greurer Leontodon microcephalus (Boiss. ex DC.) Boiss. Leontodon boryi Boiss. = *Leontodon siculus (Guss.) Finch & Sell Leuzea longifolia Hoftmanns. & Link Ligulania sibirica (L.) Cass. Santolina impressa Hoffmanns. & Link Santolina semidentata Hoffmanns. & Link *Senecio elodes Boiss. ex DC. Senecio nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter


*Convolvulus argyrothamnus Greuter *Convolvulus Fernandes Pinto da Silva & Teles


Alyssum pyrenaicum L.apeyr.

Arabis sadina (Samp.) P. Cout. Biscutella neustriaca Bonnet ; Biscutella vincentuna (Samp.) Rothm.

Boleum asperum (Pers.) Desvaux

Brassica glabrescens Poldin

Brassica insularis Moris *Brassica macrocarpa Guss.

Coincya cintrana (P. Cout.) Pimto da Silva *Coincya rupestris Rouy *Coronopus navasii Pau

Diplotaxis ibicensis (Pau) Gomez-Campo *Diplotaxis siettiana Maire

Diploraxis vicentina (P. Court.) Rothm. Erucastrum palustre (Pirona) Vis. *Ibens arbuscula Runemark

Iberis procumbens Lange

subsp. microcarpa Franco & Pinto da Silva

*lonopsidium acaule (Desf.) Reichenb. lonopsidium savianum (Carvel) Ball ex Arcang. Sisymbnum cavanillesianum Valdes & Castroviejo Sisymbnum supinum L.


*Carex panormitana Guss. Eleochans carniolica Koch

No L 206/29



22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/31

“Astragalus maritimus Moris Astragalus tremolsianus Pau

* Astragalus verrucosus Moris

*Cytisus aeolicus Guss. ex Lindl. Genista dorycnifolia Font Quer Genista holopetala (Fleischm. ex Koch) Baldacci Melilotus segetalis (Brot.) Ser.

subsp. fallax Franco

*Ononis hackelii Lange Trifohum saxatile All.

*Vicia bifonolata J. D. Rodriguez

LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula nevadensis (Lindb.) Casper


Allium grosii Font Quer *Androcvmbium rechingeri Greuter *Asphodelus bento-rainhae P. Silva

Hyacinthoides vicentina (Hoffmanns. & Link) Rothm. *Muscan gussonei (Parl.) Tod.


*Linum muelleri Moris


*Lythrum flexuosum Lag.

MALVACEAE Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (L.) Ledeb.

NAJADACEAE Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & W’. L. Schmidt


*Cephalanthera cucullata Boiss. & Heldr. Cypmpedium caiceulus L.

Lipanis loeselii (L.) Rich. *Ophrys lunulara Parl.


Paeonia cambessedesii (Willk.) Willk. Paeonia parmassica Tzanoudakis Paeomia clusii F. C. Stern subsp. rhodia (Stearn) Tzanoudakis Pe


Phoenix theophrasti Greuter PLANTAGINACEAE

Plantago algarbiensis Samp. Plantago almogravensiy Franco


Armerta berlengensis Daveau *Armenia helodes Martinis & Pold \ Armenia negieta Girard

Armenia pseudarmenia Murray) Mansteld

“Armenia rouyana Daveau

Armenia soleiroln (Duby } Godron

Armenia velutina Wel. ex Boiss. & Reurer

Limomum dodartn (Girard) O. Kunvve

subsp. lusittun:cum (Daveau) France

“Limonmum insulare (Bey. & Landi) Arnp. & Diana Limonium lanceolatum (Hoffmanns. & Link; Franco Limonmum muluflorum Erben *Limonium pseudolactum Arng. & Diana *Limonium stricussimum (Salzmann; Arrig.


Polygonum praclongum Coode & Cullen Rumex rupestris Le Gall

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/33 Ge I a ER ig ES

ULMACEAE Zelkova abelicea (Lam.) Boiss.


* Angelica heterocarpa Lloyd _ Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm.

*Apium bermejoi Llorens

Apium repens (jacq.) Lag.

Athamanta cortiana Ferrarini

*Bupleurum capillare Boiss. & Heldr.

*Bupleurum kakiskalae Greuter

Eryngium alpinum L.

* Eryngium viviparum Gay

*Laserpitium longiradium Boiss. q

* Naufraga balearica Constans & Cannon Af *Oenanthe comoides Lange :

Petagnia saniculifolia Guss.

Rouya polygama (Desf.) Coincy

*Seseli intricatum Boiss.

Thorella verticillannundata (Thore) Brig.


Centranthus trinervis (Viv.) Beguinot


*Viola hispida Lam. Viola jaubertiana Mares & Vigineix

Lower plants


Bruchia vogesiaca Schwaegr. (0)

*Bryoerythrophyllum machadoanum (Sergio) M. Hill (0) Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl. (0) Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myr. (0)

Dicranum vinde (Sull. & Lesg.) Lindb. (0) Distichophyilum carinatum Dix. & Nich. (o) Drepanocladus vernicosus (Mirt.) Warnst. (©) Jungermanmia handelu (Schiffn.) Amak. (o) Mannia trandra (Scop.) Grolle (o) *Marsupella protunda Lindb. (0)

Meesia longiseta Hedw. (0)

Norhorhylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. (o) Orthotnichum rogeri Brid. (0) ee Petaiophyllum ralfsi Nees & Goot. ex Lehm. ta)- Riccia breidier: Jur. ex Steph. (0)

Riella helicophylla (Mont.) Hook. (0) Scapama massolong: (K. Muell.) K. Muell. (vo) Sphagnum pvlaisn Brid. (0)

Taylora rudoiphiana (Gasrov) B. & G. (o!



HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Hymenophyllum maderensis Gibby & Lovis

DRYOPTERIDACEAE *Polystichum drepanum (Sw.) C. Presl.


Isoetes azorica Durieu & Paiva

D292: Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/35


*Crambe arborea Webb ex Chnst

Crambe laevigata DC. ex Chnsr *Crambe sventenii R. Petters ex Bramwell & Sund. *Parolinia schizogynoides Svent.

Sinapidendron rupestre (Ait.) Lowe


Carex malato-belizi: Raymond

DIPSACACEAE Scabiosa nitens Roemer & J. A. Schultes


Erica scoparia L. subsp. azonca (Hochst.) D. A.. Webb


*Euphorbia handrensis Burchard Euphorbia lambii Svent. Euphorbia stygiana H. C. Watson


*Geranium maderense P. F. Yeo


Deschampsia maderensis (Haeck. & Born.) i Phalaris maderensis (Menezes) Menezes


*Sideritis cystosiphon Svent. *Sidenus discolor (Webb ex de Noe) Bolle Sideritis infernalis Bolle Sideritis marmorea Bolle Teucnium abutiloides L‘Her Teucrium betonicum L’Her -


* Anagyris latifolia Brouss. ex Willd.

Anthyllis lemanmana l.owe *Dorycnium spectabile Webb & Berthel *Lotus azoricus P. W’. Ball ;

Lotus callis-viridis D. Bramwell & 1). H. Davis “Lotus kunkelu (E. Chueca) D. Bramwell & al. *Teline rosmarinifolia Webb & Berthel *Teline salsoloides Arco & Acebes.

Vicia dennesiana H. C. ‘Watson


*Androcvmbium psammuphilum Svent. Scilla maderensis Menezes Semele maderensiy Costa



Arceuthobium szoncum Wiens & Hawksw MYRICACE AE © Myrica rivas-martinezn Santos.


Jasminum azoricum L. Piccoma azorica ( Turn) Knobl.

ORCHIDACEAE Goodyera macrophylla Lowe


*Pittosporum coriaceum Dryand. ex Ait.

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/37



STAGE 1: Assessment at national level of the relative importance of sites for cach natural habitat type in Annex | and each species in Annex II (including priority natural habitat types and pnority species)

A. Stte assessment critena for a given natural habuat type in Annex I

(a) Degree-of sepresentariviry of the natural habitat tpve on the site.

~ (b) Area of the site covered by the natural habitat type in relation to the total area covered by that natural habitat type within national territory.

(c) Degree of conservation of the structure and functions of the natural habitat type concerned and restoranon possibilities.

(d) Global assessment of the value of the site for conservation of the natural habitat type concerned.

B. Site assessment critena for a given species in Annex vO] (a) Size and density of the population of the species present on the site in relanon to the populations present within national territory. :

(b) Degree of conservation of the features of the habitat which are important for the species concerned and restorauon possibiliues.

(c) Degree of ssolanon of the populanon present on the site in relation to the natural range of the species.

(d) Global assessment of the value of the site for conservation of the species concerned. C. Om the basis of these criteria, Member States will classity the sites which they propose on the national list as

sites ehgible for identificanon as sites of Community importance according to their relative value for the conservanuon of each natural habitat type in Annex | or each species in Annex II.

D. That hst will show the sites containing the priority natural habitat types and pnonty species selected by the Member States on the basis of the critersa in A and B above.

STAGE 2: Assessment. of the Community importance of the sites included on the national lists

1. All the sites identified by the Member States in Stage 1 which contain priority natural habitat types and/or species will be considered as sites of Community importance.

The assessment of the Community portance of other sites on Member States’ lists, 1.¢. their contribution to maintaining or re-establishing, ata favourable conservanon status, a natural habitatin Annex | or 3 species in Annex I and/or to the coherence of Natura 2000 wall take account of the following criteria:


6a) relative valuc of the sie at nauonal level,

(b) geographical stuanon of the site in relanoen te migranen routes of species in Annex Il and whether it belongs to a conunuous ecosystem situated on born sides of one or more internal Community fronuers;

(c) total area of the site: (d) number of natural habitat types in Annex | and species in Annex Il present on the site;

(e) global ecological value of the site for the bopeographical regvons concerned and/or for the whole of the territory reterred ton Article 2, as regards both the characteristic of unique aspect of its features and the way they are combined.

227592 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/39


Felis silvestris

Lynx lynx

Lynx pardina Phocidae

Monachus monachus

ARTIODACTYLA Cenidae Cervus elaphus corsicanus Bovidae

Capra aegagrus (natural populations)

Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica

Ovis ammon musimon (natural populations Corsica and Sardinia) Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica

Rupicapra ornata

CETACEA All species


TESTUDINATA Testud:midae

Testudo hermanni Testudo graeca Testudo marginata


Caretta caretta Chelona mydas Lepidochelys kempii Eretmochelys imbncara

Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea as Emvdidae

Emys orbicularis Mauremvs caspica Mauremys leprosa

SAURIA ‘Lacertidae

Algyroides fitzingers Algyroides march Algvroides moreoticus Algvroides mpropunctatus Lacerta agilis

Lacerta bednazac

Lacerta danford:

Lacerta duges:

Lacerta graeca Lacerta horvathi

Lacerta montcola

Lacerta schreibers

Lacerta trilineata

Lacerta viridis

Galloua atlanuca

Gallons gallon

Galloua gallon insulanapae Galloua simony:

Gallotia stehlini

Ophisops elegans

Podarcis erhardii

Podarcis filfolensis Podarcis hispanica atrata

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/41 ee

Euproctus platycephalus

Salamandra atra

Salamandra aurorae

Salamandra janzai

Salamandra luschani

Salamandrina terdigitata

Triturus carnifex

Tricurus cnistatus

Triturus italicus

Triturus karelinu ie Triturus marmoratus se

Proteidae Proteus anguinus Plethodonudae

Speleomantes ambrosu Speleomantes flavus Speleomantes genei Speleomantes smperialis Speleomantes italicus Speleomantes supramontes

ANURA Discoglossidae

Bombina bombina 7 z Bombina vanegata

Discoglossus galgano:

Discoglossus jeanneae

Discoglossus muntalenui

Discoglossus pictus

Discogiossus sardus

Alytes cisternasn

Alytes mulecensis

Alytes obstetricans


Rana arvalis Rana dalmatina Rana graeca Rana iberica Rana aralica Rana lataste: Rana lessonae


Pelobates cultripes Pelobates tuscus Pelobates syriacus


Bufo calamita Buto viridis =

ivhdae rf

Hyla arborea Hyla mendionalis Hyla sarda



Acipenser naccari Acipenser stun


Valencia hispanica

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/43 Ce ee SS Orthoptera Baetica ustulata Saga pedo ARACHNIDA Araneae

Macrothele calpeiana


Prosobranchia Parella feruginea Stylommatophora

Caseolus calculus

: Caseolus commixta Caseolus sphaerula Discula leacockiana Discula tabellata Discula testudinalis Discula rurnicula Discus defloratus Discus guerimianus Elona quimperiana Geomalacus maculosus Geomitra moniziana Helix subplicata Leiostvla abbreviata Lesostyla cassida Leiostyla comeocostata Leiostyla gibba Lesostvla Jamellosa

BIVALVIA Anisomyana

Lithophaga lhthophaga Pinna nobilis


Margaritifera auricularia Unio crassus


Centrostephanus longispinus


Annes IV (b) contains all the plant species listed in Annes TE /b) (') plus those mentuioned below


Dracaena draco (L.) lL.


Narcissus longispathus Pugsley Narcissus triandrus L.

(*) Except bryophytes in Annex II {b).

Official Journal of the European Communities

SAPOTACEAE Sideroxylon marmulano Banks ex Lowe SAXIFRAGACEAE Saxifraga cintrana Kuzinsky ex Willk. Saxifraga portosanctana Boiss. Saxifraga presolanensis Engl.

Saxifraga valdensis DC. Saxifraga vayredana Luizet


Antirrhinum lopesianum Rothm. - Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox


Mandragora officinarum L. THY MELAEACEAE

Thymelaea broterana P. Cout. UMBELLIFERAE

Bunium brevifolium Lowe VIOLACEAE

Viola athois W. Becker Viola cazorlensis Gandoger Viola delphinantha Boiss.

No L 206/45

No L 206/47

22072592" " Official Journal of the European Communities " Ss _ LLL. ::: ACIPENSERIFORMES Acipenseridae All species not mentioned in Annex IV SALMONIFORMES Salmonidae

Thymallus thymallus . Coregonus spp. (except Coregonus oerhynchie anadromous populations in certain sectors of the North

Sea) Hucho hucho , Salmo salar (only in fresh water)

Cyprinidae Barbus spp. PERCIFORMES Percidae = Be een Gymnocephalus schraetzer or Zingel zingel 4 CLUPEIFORMES Clupeidae Alosa spp. : ; SILURIFORMES , wee aban eel Siluridae ; Seen =

Silurus anstotelis INVERTEBRATES


Corallium rubrum

MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA STYLOMMATOPHORA Helicidae : Helix pomatia BIVALVIA UNIONOIDA Margantifendae Margaritufera margaritifera Umonidae

Microcondylaea compressa Unio elongatulus


ey Hirudo medicinalis


Astacus astacus 4 Austropotamobius pallipes : : Austropotamobuus torrentum

Scvllandae Scyllarides larus INSECTA LEPIDOPTERA

Saturnudae -

Graellsia isabellae

“Ws Tos ee Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/49 Te ——— oe


Rubus genevieri Boreau subsp. herminii (Samp.) P. Cout.


Anarrhinum longipedicelarum R. Fernandes Euphrasia mendoncae Samp. Scrophulana grandiflora DC.

subsp. grandiflora DC. Scrophularia berminn Hoffmanns & Link Scrophularia sublyrata Brot.


Leuzea rhaponucoides Graells

ANNEX II: Checklist of habitats for the Habitats Directive

No L 206/16 Official Journal of the European Communities ae ee eee eee ss




Code: The hierarchical classification of habitats produced through the Corine programme (') (Corine biotopes project) is the reference work for this Annex. Most types of natural habitat quoted are accompanied by the corresponding Corine code listed in the Technical Handbook, Volumel, pp. 73—109. Conne/ Biotope/89/2.2, 19 May 1988, partially updated 14 February 1989.

The sign ‘x’ combining codes indicates associated habitat types. e.g. 35.2 x 64.1 Open grassland with Corynephorus and Agrostrs-(35.2), in combination with conunental dunes (64.1).

The sign **" indicates prionty habitat types.


Open sea and tidal areas

125; Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all: the ime

11.34 *Posidoma. beds

13.2 Esruaries

14 Mudflats and sandflats nor covered by seawater at low ade 2! "Lagoons

=— Large shallow inlets and bays = Reefs

=- Manne ‘columns’ in shallow water made by leaking gases

Sea cliffs and shingle or stony beaches

Wek Annual vegetanon of dritt hnes

17.3 ve Perennial vegetanon of stony banks

18.21 Vegetated sea cliffs of the Aclanuc and Baltc coasts

18.22 Vegetated sea cliffs of the Mediterranean coasts (with endenuc Lirmonium spp., 18.23 Vegetated sea clitts of the Macaronesian coasts (flora endemic to these coasts)

Adlanuc and conunental salt marshes and salt meadows

15.11 Salworn:a and other annuals colonizing mud and sand 5.02 Spartina swards (Spurtimon)

15.13 Atlanne salt meadows (Glawco-Puccmelhetalis)

15.14 *Conunental salt meadows /Puccimellietalis distantis)

Mediterranean and thermo-Atlanuc salt marshes and salt meadows

15.18 Mediterranean sale meadows (Jumcetalig maritomnt

15.16 Mediterranean and thermeo-Achinue halophilous scrubs bal (Arthrocnemetalia tructeosae)

15.17 [berna halo-mitrophilous scrubs (Pegano-Sulsoletea)

Salt and gypsum continental steppes

“15.18 *Salt steppes (Limometahia) 15.19 “Gypsum steppes (Gypsophiletalia)

(") Cormne: Council Decision 45/3 4K7 EEC of 27 June 1985 (Of No L176, 6. 7. 1985S, p. 14)

22.7. 92

Official Journal of the European Communites

No L 206/17



Sea dunes of the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic coasts

16.211 16.212

16.221 to 16.227

16.23 16.24 16.25 16.26 16.29

16.31 to 16.35


Embryonic shifting dunes

Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenana (white dunes) *Fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes):

16.221 Galio-Koelenon albescenus

16.222 Exuphorbio-Helichrysion

16.223 Crucianellion martrmae

16.224 Euphortia terracina

16.225 Mesobromon

16.226 Trifolto-Gerantietea sanguinei, Galio maritrmi-Geranion sangumei

16.227 Thero-A:non, Butrvchio-Polygaletum, Tuberanon guttatae *Decalcified fixed dunes with Empetrum mgrum <

+ Ev-aclanric decalcified fixed dunes (Calluno-Ulicetea)

Dunes with Hyppophae rhamnoides

Dunes with Salix arenana

Wooded dunes of the Atlantic coast

Humid dune slacks ;

Machairs (* in machairs in Ireland)

Sea dunes of the Mediterranean coast

16.223 16.224 16.228 © 16.229


7 7

16.28 16.29 x 42.8

Crucianellion mantimue fixed beach dunes

Dunes with Euphorbia terracina

Malcobmetalia dune grasslands

Brachypodtetals dune grasslands with annuals *Dune jumper thickets (Jumperus spp.!

Dune scleorophvllows scrubs (Cisto-Lavenduletalia) *Wooded dunes with Pinus prnea and/or Pinus pinaster

Continental dunes, old and decalcified


64.1 x 31.227


Szranding water


Saloaxiieees |


Running water

1 x 31.223

1 x 38.2

11 x 22.31

11 x 22.34


Drv sandy heaths with Calluna and Gemsta Dry sandy heathy with Culluna and Empetrum migrum Open grassland with Connephoris and Agrosus of contunental dunes


Ohgorrophic waters Contmag xery tew minerals of Atlanuc sandy plains with amphibious vegetanon. Lobelia, 1 ittorelis and Isoetes

Ohgotrophic waters contaming very tew minerals of West Mediterranean sandy plains with Isoctes

Ohgotrophic waters in medio-European and penalpine area with amphibious vegetanon: Littorella or Isectes or annual vegetation on exposed banks ‘Nanocyperctalta:

Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetanon of chara fromations Natural euthrophic lakes with Magnepotamion or Hydrochantion-type vegetation Dvstrophic lakes °Mediterranean temporary ponds

*Turloughs (Ireland:

Sections of water courses with natural or semi-natural dynamics (minor, average and mayor beds) where the water quality shows no significant detenoranon

24.221 and 24.222

24.223 24.224

Alpine mvers and the herbaccous vegetation along ther banks - Alpine nvers and their hyneous vegetation with Myncana germanica

Alpine nvers and their igneous vegetation with Salx elaegnas

No L 206/18 : Official Journal of the European Communities 22.7. 92 [OR eee ee

24.225 Constantly flowing Metiterranean rivers with Glaucuen flarum

24.4 Floating vegetation of ranunculus of plane, submountainous rivers

24.52 Chenopodietum rubri of submountainous rivers : ed

24.53 Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers: Paspalo-Agrostidion and hanging curtains

of Salix and Populus alba - Incermitrently flowing Mediterranean rivers _


31.11 Northern Achantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix

31.12 *Southern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica ciliaris and Enea tetrulix

31.2 Dry heaths (all subtypes) <

31.234 *Drv coastal heaths with Encu vagans and Ulex muritrmus

31.3 *Endemic macaronesian dry heaths

31.4 Alpine and subalpine hearths

31.5 *Scrub with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum (Mugo-Rhododenretum hirsuts'

31.622 Sub-Arctic willow scrub

31.7 Endemic oro- Mediterranean heaths with gorse


Sub-Mediterrancan and temperate

31.82 Stable Buxus sempenirens formations on calcareous rock slopes (Berben- dion p.* 31.842 Mountain Gemsta purpans formauons 31.88 Jumperus communs formatrons on calcareous heaths or grasslinds 31.89 ©Cistus palhinhae formauons on manume wet heaths § (Junpero-Cistetun s palbrnbae

Mediterranean arborescent matorral

32513 iro 32.139 Jumper tormanons 2a 5 *Matorral with Zyczphus 32.18 *Marorral with Lanrus nobilis

Thermo-Mediterrancan and pre-steppe brush =

~ 32.216 Laurel thickets

SUS Low tormanons of cuphorbua close co chffs 32.22 bis 32.26 All tvpes


33.1 Astrayale Plertiginetion sutuiatic pheveana 33.3 Surcopoternon spimosium phrygans

33.4 Cretan tormacnons buphorbreto- Verbascron:


Natural grasslands

34.11 *Karstie calearcous grasslands (Alvsse-Sedion albrl 34.12 * Xeric sand calcareous grasslands «Koelerron glaucae) 34.2 : Calaminanan grasslands

36.314 Siliceous Pyrenean grasslinds with Festuca es kia ee Siliceous alpine and boreal grass

36.36 - Stliceous Festuca digesta Iberian: grasslands

36.41 bis 36.45 Alpine calcareous grasslands

36.5 Macaronesian mountain grasslands

22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/19 EE a en ee on Ra aan ra

Semi-nstural dry grasslands and scrubland facies

i 34.31 to 34.34 On calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia) (* important orchid sites) 34.5 *Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals (Thero-Brachypodietea) 35.1 *Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and

submounrain areas, in continental Europe)

Sclerophyllous grazed forests (dehesas)


With Quercus suber and/or Quercus ilex

Semi-nacural tall-herb humid meadows

37.31 Molinia meadows on chalk and clay (Ew-Molimon) 37.4 Mediterranean tall-herb and rush meadows (Mol:no-Holoschoenion) 3 37.7 and 37.8 Eutrophic tall herbs

Mesophile grasslands

38.2 38.3

Sphagnum acid bogs 51.1 $1.2

52.1 and 52.2 54.5 4.6

Calcareous fens

Cnidion venosue meadows liable to flooding

Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sangussorba officinalis)

Mounrain hay meadows (British tvpes with Geranium sylvaticum)


* Active raised bogs Degraded raised bops ee

(still capable of natural regeneranon) a Blanket bog (* active only) Transition mires and quaking bogs

Depressions on peat substrates (Rbynchosponon!

53.3 *Calcareous fens with Cladnen manscus and Carex davalliana

54.12 *Petrifving springs with tuta formauon (Cratoncunon)

$4.2 Alkaline fens

54.3 “Alpine pioneer tormanons of Caricron bicolons-atrofuscae ROCKY HABITATS AND CAVES


61.1 Stheeous

61.2 Turrig

61.3 Western Mediterranean and alpine thermophilous

61.4 Ty Balkan

61.5 Medio-European ssheeaus

61.6 *Medio-European calcareous

Chasmophytic vegetation on rocky slopes

2.1 and 62.1A Calcareous sub-tvpes paae Sthercolous sub-ry pes 62.3 Pioneer vegetauon of rock surfaces 62.4 *Limestone pavements

Other rocky habitats 65

Caves not open to the public

*Fields of lava and natural excavations

No L 206/20

Official Journal of the European Communities —=:

en en eee eee

Submerged or partly submerged sea caves Permanent glaciers



(Sub)natural woodland vegetation comprising native species forming forests of tall trees, with typical undergrowth, and meenng the following criteria: rare or residual, and/or hosting species of Community


Forests of temperate Europe

41.11 41.12 41.13 41.15 41.16 41.24 41.26 41.4 41.51 41.53 41.86 42.51 44.Al1 to 44.A4 44.3 44.4

Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests ; Beech forests with Ilex and Taxus, rich in epiphytes (Ilici-Fagron) Asperuio-Fagetum beech forests Ei Subalpine beech woods with Acer and Rurmex anifolius Calcareous beech forest (Cephalanthero-Fagion) Stellano-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests Galio-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests \ * Tilio-Acerion ravine forests Old acidophilous oak woods with Quercus robur on sandy piains Old oak woods with Ilex and Blechnum in the Briash Isles Fraxinus angustifolia woods *Caledomian furest *Bog woodland “Residual alluvial forests (Almion glutinoso-incanue) Mixed oak-elm-ash forests of great rivers

Mediterranean deciduous forests

41.181 41.184 41.6 41.77 41.85 41.9 FLA x 42.17 41.1B 42.Al HAT 44.52

44.7 44.8

*Apennine beech torests with Taxus and Ilex *Apennine beech forests with Abres alba and beech forests with Abies nebrodensis Galicio-Portuguese oak woods with Quercus robur and Quercus pyrenaica Quercus fagine.: wouds (Ibenan Peninsula) Quercus trojans woods (Italy. and Greece) Chestnut woods Helleme beech forests with Abies bonsi-regis Quercus frainetto woods Cypress forests (Aceru-Cupression) Suhx alba and Populus alba galleries

Riparian formations on intermittent Mediterranean water courses with Rhododendron ponticum, Saltx and others

Ontental plane woods (Platamon ortentalss)

Thermo. Mediterranean mparian galleries (Neno-Tamancetcsc! and south-west [benan Peninsula crparian gallenes (Securmeyion tinctornae!

Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests






45.61 to 45.63 45.7


Cretan Quenus bruchyphyils torests

Oles and Censtonta forests

Quercus suber tarests Quercus lex torests

Quercus macrolepts torests

* Macaronesian laurel forests (Laurus, Ocotea) “Palm groves of Phoemsx

Forests of Ilex sgutfolssunr

Alpine and subalpine coniferous forests

42.21 ro 42.23

42.31 and 42.32


Aadophilous forests (Vuccimo-Piceetea) Alpine forests with larch and Pinus cembra

Pinus uncinats torests (* on im or limestone) Y


22.7. 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 206/21 rN ee SS ee ee

Mediterranean mountainous coniferous forests

42.14 *Appenine Abies alba and Picea excelsa forests

42.19 Abies pinsapo forests

42.61 ro 42.66 * Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines

42.8 Medirerranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines, including Pinus mugo and Pinus leucoderms

42.9 Macaronesian pine forests (endemic)

42.A2 to 42.A5 *Endemic Mediterranean forests with Juniperus spp.

and 42.A8

42.A6 *Tetrachinis articulata forests (Andalusia)

42.A71 to 42.A73 * Taxus baccata woods

ANNEX 12: Inventory and Cartography of the Flora and Fauna of Europe (Harding, 1992)

ae ? ~~ oom ee ;


Paul T Harding, Biological Records Centre, Environmental Information Centre, NERC Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, PE17 2LS, U K.


The natural biodiversity of Europe is part of our cultural heritage and provides the ecological framework of our human habitat. Basic knowledge of the occurrence of species (such as: what are the species and where do they occur?) is essential if that heritage and framework is to be protected for, and used by, future generations. Much relevant knowledge already exists at a regional or national level throughout Europe, but there is no effective mechanism to collate, synthesise and interpret the information at a pan-European level.

This paper examines the need for, and sources of, information on the occurrence of species, and recommends collaborative action throughout Europe to collate and use the information.


Most of the species of wild flora and fauna which occur in Europe occur in more than one country, but there are also numbers of endemic taxa which are confined to small areas, often in only one country. Therefore, each country has a responsibility to help protect its part of the European heritage of natural biodiversity, and Europe, as a whole, has a responsibility to each country to help with that protection.

International collaboration is already taking place, throughout Europe and beyond, to study and protect the biodiversity and the wildlife heritage of Europe. The need for collated information, at a pan-European scale, is becoming increasingly apparent as international legislation and conventions are formulated to protect individual species, assemblages of species, and the habitats and sites at which they occur. At present, there is no collated resource of information on the occurrence of the flora and flora of Europe other than some species mapping projects (see 3.1 and Annex 1).

Assessments of, and research on, biological responses to environmental changes (for example of climate or land use) must be, and are being, developed beyond the boundaries of individual countries with a consequent need for authoritative data on species and habitats at the European level.


at) Present and potential user-groups for, information collated at the pan-European level, which cannot easily be provided by the existing sources,. must be identified.

Technical specifications for a collated information system on wild species of flora and fauna in Europe should be prepared, based on the

needs of these user-groups.



3.1 International species mapping projects

Several projects have been set up to map the European distributions of species (Annex 1). These projects have been initiated by experts in the respective taxonomic groups, for purely scientific purposes related to their specialisms. These projects aim to collate data from experts or databanks in individual nations and regions. The data collated are normally summarised, usually only to the level of the cartographic unit used for mapping (e.g. 50-km square/cell), and are therefore inadequate for detailed site and species protection. [For further information see the papers by H. Maurin and R.D.Kime at this seminar. ]

None of these projects have received sufficient national or international funding to develop a comprehensive pan-European database. In most cases the projects are funded as academic research projects or by voluntary subscriptions by interested specialists.

In addition, a few projects to collate data on selected taxonomic groups or species, from a small group of countries (e.g. Nordic states, francophone countries), have been set up or are proposed.


i) The progress and operation of these international projects should be reviewed before any further consideration is given to the collation of pan-European data on species.

ii) The feasibility of building on existing projects and operational data centres, to develop pan-European systems covering all major taxonomic groups, should be investigated.

iii) Any future work to collate information on the occurrence of species at a pan-European level should be appropriately funded by the user community. ;

3.2 National and regional databanks

National biological databanks have been set up in many countries, usually in association with museums, universities, wildlife conservation agencies or research institutions. A preliminary list of databanks, many of which hold data of relevance, was published by the Council of Europe (1985). A subsequent survey by the Council of Europe in 1988 was never completed. A comparable, but more detailed survey has recently been initated to cover the United Kingdom (Harding & Ely in press). In April 1987, the Ministerial Committee of the Council of Europe approved a Recommendation that ‘member States should take appropriate steps to promote and support the development and of local regional and national [biological] databanks’.


i) A comprehensive register of national and regional biological databanks should be compiled as an essential stage in assessing the resource of data already available in Europe.

ii) National and regional biological databanks should be encouraged to develop compatible standards and methods, especially for the exchange of validated data.

3.3 Dispersed sources

Inevitably, a detailed survey of the above sources (3.1 & 3.2) will detect gaps in knowledge and geographical coverage. National and international experts and specialist groups already exist which maybe able to add to the resources of knowledge described above.


Consultation with relevant experts will be necessary to establish whether and how gaps in knowledge and geographical coverage can be filled from existing sources.

4 INTEGRATED DATA MANAGEMENT 4.1 Centralised database

The advantages of a single, centralised, computer database, to collate relevant summarised data from regionally- or nationally-based sources, have already been demonstrated by the CORINE Project. More detailed information is normally held in an accessible form in the relevant regional or national


In some. cases the main sources of data on the occurrence of species in individual countries will be the same as those which are collaborating in the CORINE Biotopes project. However, relying on potential sources already known through CORINE would certainly overlook many additional, important and possibly unique sources of data.


The types of information to be collated on the occurrence of species must be considered in the context of:

a) What will be required at the pan-European level (as opposed to what is needed at the national level),

b) What can be reliably acquired from the majority of regions and countries,

c) What will be meaningful for each major taxonomic group.

Consequently, an assessment of the data available at existing sources will be necessary before the collated database is designed.

4.2 Taxonomy and nomenclature

The problems of differing views on the taxonomy and nomenclature used in different countries have already been encountered in the CORINE Biotopes project (Moss in press). The Council of Europe has proposed the concept of lists of ‘Standard Names' of species. Criteria for the selection of such lists have been discussed by a select committee and components of a European biological nomenclature database have been proposed (Harding 1990).


Protocols for dealing with taxonomic opinions and nomenclatural standardisation should be developed before data collation is attempted.

5 Interpretation and application of collated information

The main objective of collating information will be for applications in relation to identified needs, for example in planning and legislation. However, opportunities will exist to develop the research applications of the data collated in a centralised database (for example in relation to climate and land use changes, or on the ecology of individual species). Such uses would extending the value and importance of the data beyond their immediate international or national uses.


Protocols should be developed to ensure that use of data in planning, legislation and research will be positively encouraged and that future access to data will not be unnecessarily influenced by political or financial constraints.


International collaboration has led to the documentation of important wildlife sites through the CORINE Biotopes project. International agreements, such as the Bern Convention, have assisted in the protection of some threatened species. Both such initiatives are unlikely to achieve their full potential because data on species are incomplete and unco-ordinated at a pan-European level.

There are now opportunities, using modern computer technologies, to make greater international use of existing data on species which are held regionally and nationally. These data need to be collated and made available centrally for wider use throughout Europe in planning, legislation and research.

This seminar provides a unique forum at which to consider the opportunities which currently exist for the collation and use of information on the occurrence of the wild flora and fauna of Europe.


Council of Europe 1985. Catalogue of data banks in the field of nature conservation. CDSN-INF(85)2. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Harding, P T 1990. Biological checklists, a European perspective. In: Terminlogy for museums, edited by D A Roberts, 441-446. Cambridge: Museum Documentation Association.

Harding, P T & Ely WA in press. A co-ordinated approach to biological recording in the United Kingdom. In: European miseum documentation strategies and standards, edited by D.A.Roberts. Cambridge: Museum Documentation Association.

Moss, D in press. Practical applications of biological terminology in a

European context. In: European museum documentation strategies and standards, edited by D.A. Roberts. Cambridge: Museum Documentation Association.


Atlas Florae Europaeae Atlas des mammifers de 1'Europe Atlas des reptiles et amphibiens de 1'Europe European Atlas of Plant Nematodes European Invertebrate Survey Faunistica Lepidopterorum Europaeorum European Myriapod Survey European Ornithological Atlas

Proposed or pilot projects:

European Bryophyte Atlas European Butterfly Atlas

European Invertebrate Survey Newsletter 7, 7-10. (1992)

reso ae


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