Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chemicalstudiesoOOIeclrich il Issued April 24, 1909. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY— BULLETIN No. 124. H. W. WILEY. Chief of Bureau, (ilEMICAL STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AjND MALTS. I'.V J. A. LE CLERC, l-HYSIuHKiltAl. niEMi.sr, ROBERT WAUL, HPKI'IAL AUENT. WASHINGTON : GOTERNMEXT PRINTING OFFIC^K 1909. Bul. 124, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. of Agrici^tuie. C C .,€.€.,,,... , , c * € cc « c - '*%''** t «.e Frontispiece. « « « «• * ,* Typical Barleys. 1. Two-row barley. 2. Ordinary six-row barley (Manchurian type). 3. True six-row barley. (Photograph obtained from H. B. Derr, Office of Grain Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry. Issued April 24, 1000. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY BULLETIN No. 124. H. \V. WILEY, Chief of Hureau. CHEMICAL STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. BT J. A. LE CLERC, PHY810LOGICAL CHBMIttT, AND ROBERT WAUL, 8PBCIAL AGENT. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1909. 4 / ^^, MakKUb. •A J LKTTHR OF TRAXSMIHAL. U. S. Departmkxt ok Agriculture, Bureau or Chemistry, WatfhiiKjton^ P. C, January If!, 1909. Sir: I have the honor to submit for your inspection and approval a manuscript containing the preliminary results of investigations specifically authorize*Mts 33 Discussion of results 'M Protein content of barley - 35 Relation of protein to starch anil extract 36 Relation of protein content to weight per 1,000 grains 37 Relation of the protein content to the character of the endosperm 38 Relation of protein and hull content 40 Coni|)arative composition of large and small grains 41 Other constituents of l)arley • 42 Relation of total to Moluble protein 44 I.«c:ithin in its relation to protein and phosphoric acid 46 Coefficient of mealiness 47 Summary of results 47 Ordinary 6-row barleys 47 Two-row barleys 50 Six-row western Ijarleys 50 Comparison of malts 61 Changes in comix)Hition during malting 54 Conclusions 60 ILLUSTRATION. Typical barleys _ Frontispiece STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. INTRODUCTION. During the past decade many investigations have been undertaken regarding the improvement of the quality of barley for both brew- ing and feeding purposes. The publication of many of these inves- tigations took the form of discussions as to the relative value of a high-protein and low-protein barley for malting, and thereby addi- tional valuable information has been added to our knowledge of the subject. Moreover, the still more recent legislation regarding denatured alcohol has givon additional impetus to the study of barley and malts. It is well known that for the production of alcohol a certain amount of malt is generally used. This malt is added to convert the starch into sugar, which then can 1h» further converted into alcohol l)y nieans of yeast through the ordinary process of fermentation. Ilie amount of malt thus used varies from 5 to 15 per cent of the total amotmt of raw material employed. The efficiency of the malt depends upon the power of converting starch which it |X)ssesses; in other words, a nuilt is more or le&s valuable for the production of industrial alcohol according to its diastatic power. AMicn it is rememlKM-ed that for the pnxluction of even 100,000,000 gallons of alcohol (that is, 1 gallon |)er capita) alx>ut 10,000,000 bushels of malt will lx» ivquired, and, further, that malts vary greatly in diastatic power or the power of converting starch into fermentable sugar, then one easily realizes the full importance of a thorough study of American barleys and malts. It is generally recognized that the chemist and botanist must work together in order to solve the various agricultural problems, and much work has been done regarding the influence of soil, fertilizers, selection of seed, etc., on the quality of the barley produced; the variety, species, or race of barley to be selected for seed ; and the effect of climatic conditions on the properties of the crop. As far as pos- sible these data are presented in such a way as to aid the barley grower and at the same time acquaint the consumer with the properties of barleys grown under different conditions. The results of this work are compared with those of other investigators in order to solve some of the questions which relate to the physical and chemical character- 7 8 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. istics of barley. The iriTestigations herein recorded are purely pre- ]imina;ry; It was thought, however, that the results thus far obtained Avould be of sufficient interest to warrant their publication without waiting for the completion of the work. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. The view point from which the various investigations on this sub- ject have been conducted and the conclusions drawn will appear from the following survey of the literature. Protein and its cleavage products are attracting more and more the attention of those who are investigating barley and malt and their products. On the one hand, preference is given to low-protein bar- ley, rejecting as unsuitable for brewing all barleys containing over 11 per cent of protein. Such barley would be best suited for the produc- tion of distillers' malt. Other investigators believe that such a line of demarcation is purely arbitrary and is apt during certain seasons to cause the rejection of barle^^s which may produce good malts and good beer. As a matter of fact, Prior" has shown that many Aus- trian barleys with a protein content of 11 or 12 per cent have fur- nished superior malts, even for brewing purposes, yielding a high percentage of extract. The fact that the same variety of barley will vary widely in pro- tein content from year to year, even when gi*own in the same locality, due to the jDreponderating influence of environment, would indicate the impracticability of insisting on any such arbitrary standard as the consideration of the protein content alone in accepting or reject- ing barley for brewing j^urposes. Haase, who in 1902 proposed that a good brewing barley should not contain more than 10 per cent of protein, based his conclusions on the fact that Silesian barleys during several years did not average much above 10 per cent. However, in 1905 more than 75 per cent of the barleys examined by Haase con- tained over 11 per cent of protein. This caused him to adopt 1 1 per cent as the basis of his system of valuation. This standard refers to the 2-row barley, Hanna and Chevalier, etc., grown in Europe; it does not apply to the ordinary 6-row barleys — the Manchurian or Oder- brucker — grown generally in the Middle Western States, for example, Wisconsin, Miimesota, Iowa, etc., as Wahl has shown.^ The average protein content of the 6-row barleys grown in this country is nearer 12 than 11 per cent, and only rarely is a sample with less than 11.5 per cent of protein produced. Such a standard may easily be ac- cepted in so far as concerns the 2-row barleys or the thick-skin 6-row barleys — that is, the Bay Brewing barleys, grown principally in Cali- "Wochenschr. Brau., 1905, 22: 52. * Address at the ^'ieuua lutemational Agricultural Congress. 1907. REVIEW OF THE LTTERATURE. 9 fornia — and the thin-skin 6-row Utah Winter barley, for all of these varieties contain on an average about 10.5 per cent of protein. The literature on barley and malt investigations teems with sug- gestions relating to the kind of barley best adapted for brewing pur- poses, the influence of various fertilizers on the composition of bar- ley, the changes it undergoes in the process of malting, the role which the extract, or the nitrogen, etc., plays in brewing, and the influence of the various constituents on the quality of the finished protluct. Comparatively little, however, has been written from the standpoint of the production of industrial alcohol. Attention should be called to the recent fundamental work of H. T. Brown « and his coworkers on the chemistry of barley and malt in tlieir attempt to establish definite relations l>etween the outward char- acteristics of barley and the chemictil and physiok)gical differences as sliown by analysis. They likewise studied the metluxls of esti- mating tlie various nitrogenous constituents of both barley and malt, and the migration of these constituents from the endosi>enn to the embryo during the prcx^ess of malting. Their results show that after nine days malting 35 per cent of the nitrogenous constituents of the endospenn become sohible and diffusible and are transported to the embryo. These soluble pnUeins are presc»nt in malt and aix? found in wort in small amounts. They are supposed by some investigators to exert a relatively large influence on the character of the finished product. Brown has divided those soluble and noncoagulable nitrog- enous compounds into six classes: Albumoses, i)eptones, amidamin, ammonia, organic bases, and I'esidual or undetermined protein. On the other hand, Osborne* divides the proteins of the whole barley grain, amounting to 10.75 per cent, as follows, with the respective I>eix'entage comi>osition given: I^ucosin (albumin), 0.3 per cent, equals iJ.79 jKjr cent of the total protein: proteose and edestin (globu- lin), 1.95 per cent, equals 18.14 per cent; hordein, 4 per cent, equals 37.21 per cent ; and insoluble protein, 4.5 per cent, equals 41.86 per cent of total protein. According to Jalowetz " the basal end of the barley contains more protein than the distal end, the least amount being found in the mid- dle of the beriy. In the ear of the plant the right and left longi- tudinal halves have the same percentage of protein, whereas the grains on the upper half of the heads are richer in nitrogen than those on the lower half, but the amount of nitrogen per individual beriy is constant in all sections of the head; the small berries grown on the less perfectly matured heads of the secondary stalks are richer 0 Trans. Guinness Res. Lab., 1903, 1 (1) : 96-127. *Amer. Chem. J., 1895, 17: 539. •^Zts. gesam. Brauw., 1906, 29: 172; througli Biedermauu's Centrbl., 1906, 86: 229. 10 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. in nitrogen^ than are the well-matured grains found on the main stalks, thus showing that a sample of barley even though coming from a single field and representing one variety may vary much in percentage of protein in individual kernels. Schjerning ° has studied the growing barley plant with special ref- erence to the nitrogenous compounds, analyzing the plants at three different stages of their development, namely, at green, yellow, and full ripeness. Beginning with the formation of the grain, at green ripeness, he analyzed the berries up to the full-ripe stage and con- cluded that " barley has acquired its full maturity when the con- version of the soluble into insoluble carbohydrates and soluble into insoluble proteins has reached its maximum," and that the ripening of barley is a process tending toward a state of equilibrium in respect to its nitrogenous constituents ; when properly ripened barley is har- vested very little loss due to respiration takes place during storage. Over ripeness is characterized as a loss of substance. He found that on ripening the percentage of soluble nitrogen in the total nitrogen decreased from 45 to 18 and that the amidamin nitrogen decreased from 28 to 5 per cent. Only traces of proteoses and small amounts of peptones were found. He showed that early harvested barley is poorer in protein than the fully matured grain, and that the chemical composition is not influenced by species, variety, or type of barley, but is affected by the character of the soil and climatic conditions. The length of the growing period, cultivation, and climatic conditions influence the nitrogen content also, and therefore the quality of barley can not be determined from the amount of this constituent alone. This agrees with the researches of Kukla,^ Jalowetz,*' Prior j^' Wahl,^ and others. These investigators have shown that high protein bar- lej^s often give a better malt, which produces a better beer than a malt made from a barley of lower nitrogen content. Kukla also concludes that it is not so much the total protein of barley which in- fluences the quality of the beer as it is the character of the nitrogenous compounds. In his important contribution on the chemistry of barley and malt. Prior f has shown that the consideration of the amount of hordein (alcohol-soluble protein) and of the insoluble protein constituents of the endosperm is more important than that of the total protein, which should only be considered when above 13 per cent. The hordein he finds located principally near the embryo, «Compt. rend, travaux lab., Carlsberg, 1906, 6: 229. »Zts. gesam. Brauw., 1900, 23: 418. <^Ibid., 1906, 29: 172. <* Wochenschr. Brau., 1905, 22: 52. «Amer. Brew. Rev., 1907, 21: 274. ^Allgem. Zts. Bierbrau. Malzfabr., 1905, 33: .^1, 412; through J. Inst. Brew., 1906, 12: 159. BEVTEW OF THE LITERATURE. 11 extending to about the middle of the kernel; whereas the insohible protein is found near the periphery of the endosperm. The best barleys for brewing purposes are those containing a medium amount of protein, namely, from 10.5 to 12 per cent. He finds that the hordein and the insoluble proteins rise in general with the total protein. The increase of protein is always followed by a decrease of one or more of the other constituents of barley. The opposite is also true. The protein substances, from the standpoint of the brewer and maltster, are now being considered as of the utmost importance, and a relation between them and the starch was one of the first to be noted. Haase showed that an increase of protein was followed by a corresi)onding decrease of starch. This law was baseil on results obtained, during several years, from Silesian barleys, and appeared to hold good for this variety. As the relation was not found to be true in regard to other barleys, it has been the subject of much controversy. It is well known that barleys present differences in physical ap- pearance. Some grains show a mealy or floury endos|)erm, while the endosperm of others is flinty and translucent. The reasons for these differences and the influence which they exert on malting and brew- ing and the relation lK»tween the character of the grain and the protein content have likewise been the subjects of much study. Brown has observed that steely grains can often \ye converted into the mealy kind; that is, made mellow, through artificial maturation by st€H*ping or even by weathering after harvest. Johannsen" long ago showed that the difference between a mealy and a steely or glassy barley was due to the gi*eater nmnber of air spaces in the endasperm of the former, and that in the original condition barleys show no relation l^tween the degree of glassiness and the percentage of nitrogen. In 18<)H Jacobsen wrote, in correspondence, that in England it was the general opinion that glassiness and the protein content of barley were related. In 1879 Groenlund wrote an essay in which he showed that early harvested barley can be just as mellow as later harvested barley, and that glassy barley may become mealy by steeping and subsequent drying. He examined 47 different barleys,^ and con- cluded that glassy barleys did not always contain more protein than mealy ones, but that very often the opposite is true. Schultze <^ like- wise found no relation between glassy kernels and the nitrogen con- tent, but noted that mealy kernels may contain more nitrogen than steely ones. In 1870 Nowacki <* showed that the difference between a "Compt. rend, travaiix lab., Carlsberg, 1884, 2: 60. ftZts. gesam. Brauw., 1886, 9: 288. '•Ibid., 1881, 4: 62. ' Untersuchungen (iber das Reifen des Getreides, Halle, 1S70. 12 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. mealy and ja glassy wheat was due to the Hmall air spaces imprisoned between the starch granules of the mealy grains and that the specific gravity of the mealy grains was less than that of the flinty. Munro and Beaven « likewise showed that the specific gravity of mealy ker- nels is less, due to the larger amount of interstitial air, and that the nitrogen content of such grains is lower, in consequence of which they modify better than do the steely grains. Groenlund ^ called attention to the fact that when glassy kernels are steeped and then dried some of the grains become mellow while others remain un- changed. This procedure distinguishes between apparent and real glassiness, and upon this fact Prior ^ bases his method for the determi- nation of the degree of dissolution of barley, which consists of the sum of the mealy grains originally present and the percentage of steely gi'ains which become mealy on steeping. This factor shows that the higher the protein content the lower, as a rule, is the degree of dissolution. A later contribution by Prior <^ called attention for the first time to the role played by the variety of barley on this determination; that what was true of one variety was not neces- sarily so of another; that is, in some varieties the steely grains are more easily modified than in others. H. T. Brown ^ likewise devel- oped a method for the estimation of the coefficient of mealiness, results of which give indication to a certain extent of the value of a barley for brewing or feeding purposes, as he finds that a high coefficient of mealiness is generally accompanied by a low protein content, or vice versa. Jalowetz ^ investigated the relation between the protein content and the character of the endosperm and agreed with other authors that mealy grains are lower in protein than flinty ones. Instead of soaking or steeping the grains for several days at 45° C. and subse- quently drying slowly (Brow^n's method), he suggests that the grain be treated with 40 per cent formalin at the temperature of a boiling water bath for from twenty to thirty minutes. After washing the grains free from formalin and drying them between filters, the charac- ter of the endosperm may be immediately examined. This method is claimed by its author to give a good indication of the value of barley. Beaven '^ shows that the amount of nitrogen and the quality are closely related, and that high nitrogen barley, accompanied by a steely character of the endosperm, has a higher specific gravity, and that twice as much alcohol-soluble protein is found in such barley as in mealy grains. He also intimates that the nitrogen determination is only useful as an index of quality, other things being equal, and « Brown, Trans. Guinness Res. Lab., 1903, 1 (1) : 96-127. *Loc. cit. c Wochenschr. Bran., 1905, 22: 412. «*J. Fed. Inst. Brew., 1902, 8: 542. REVIEW or THE LTTERATUBE. 13 that the size of the prain affects the quantity of extract, the large grains giving more extract than small grains of the same protein content. Beaven considers that the specific giavity of barley may afford a fair index as to quality, and that generally the specific gravity decreases as maturation increases. Somewhat later Harz '* declared that glassiness of barley is not due to the larger pmtein content, but to certain kinds of protein sub- tances and to the mechanical combination with the rest of the sub- stances forming the cell. Prior'' separated the different kinds of proteins and determined their relation to one another and their in- fluence on the mellowness of the barley. He found that the causes f)f the apparent glassiness are the water-soluble nitrogen-free and nitrogen-containing constituents of the endosperm, constituents which are colloidal in character and which cement the starch-containing cells firndy together. When these apparently steely barleys are steei)ed the cementing constituents dissolve. The real glassiness is due to the ce- menting of the starch-containing cells by means of the hordein and the insoluble protein. In collalK)ration with Hernumn, Prior'' found that when a 100 |)er cent steely barley was steei)eili,'' Atterberg and Tedin,*' and in this country by Nilson.'' TIh' hist iiH'ntioned has shown that the coininon Oderbrucker or Manchurian barleys are made up of two distinct types, one with short and the other with long haired basal bristles, the former pre- dominating to the extent of al)out 80 per cent. Besides this difference, it has been noted that the first pair of veins on the husk on the dorsal side of certain barleys are dentated like a saw, while in other grains the veins are smooth. Thest* and other similar morphological dif- ferences are used in distinguishing the varieties of barley, but Broili has shown that there are many other varietal differences, for example, the hairiness of the lodicules, all of which must be considered in de- termining whether a race is pure. An important study has been made by Wilfarth, Romer, and Winuner ' (»n the amount of plant focnl assimilated l)y barley °t«nt. valuation. Protein I'^^^S"" content. ^.^^.^n. Points. 2 4 6 8 Points. 16 26 37 48 Points. 10 12 14 16 Points. 59 70 81 92 The value of having uniform grains is that the barley takes up moisture more evenly on steeping and grows at the same rate on the floor, the dissolution of the endosperm being thus more uniformly effected. The purity of the grain is obtained by shaking 100 grams of barley in a set of sieves, graded at 2.2, 2.5, and 2.8 mm, at the rate of from 210 to 220 revolutions per minute for three minutes. In this way the uniformity factor is also obtained. The greater the proportion of the barley found on any two adjacent sieves the higher is the uniformity factor, or inversely; when less than 50 per cent of the barley is found in sieves Nos. I and II, or Xos. II and III, the «Loc. cit. BARLEY VALUATION. 21 rating is 1X2, or 2 points. The more evenly the sample is divided among the three sieves the less uniform it is. Rating af hnrJry &// pruportUm found on adjacent sieves, i MuditU'd lierlin system. ) Barlev found. Points M rat«d. gss Points as rsted. Percent. 50-«0 «0-70 70-75 75-80 2X2 or 4 3x2 or 6 4x2 or 8 5X2 or 10 Percait. 80-86 86-60 90-66 Ov«r96 6X2 or 12 7X2 or 14 8X2 or 16 9X2 or 18 The weight per 1,000 grains is also doubly valued. The valuation as based on the dry weight of 1,000 grains is shown in the following tahli Valuation of barley ax ealeulated from tceight of a thousand grains. (ModlflMl Berlin ajstem.) Wright of 1.000 KnUns. iMlnU as nit«d. Welicht of I.OOD|n«iiui- I'olnts as vfSSM. Und(«rao. VKS4.0... 85^.9... a8-4a9... 41-42.9... lX3or 2 2X2 or 4 3X2 or 6 4X2 or 8 5X3 or 10 43-44.9... 4S^9... 47-48.9... Over 49.. 6X3 or 13 7X2 or 14 8X2or Ifi 9X2 or 18 The principal change as compared with the former Berlin system is that of giving double value to the protein, uniformity, weight of grain, fineness of husks, and sometimes to purity and mealine.ss, and making the whole iuiml)er of |>oints obtainable dejjend on the pro- tein content. The first Herlin .system was restricted to the follow- ing tests: Color, weight, uniformity, fineness of husks, mealiness, and purity of samples, togi'ther with the negative points, namely, odor, damaged grains, and started grains. In 1897 the protein and weight per hectoliter were added to these subjective tests. Since 1003, under the influence of Haa.se, the nitrogen factor has become predominant in the Berlin system, this and the size of the grain, or weight |)er 1,000, constituting the two chief factors of this system. The j)re.sent modified and improved Vienna system is based on the following objective factors:" (1) Weight per hectoliter; (2) weight per 1,000; (3) screenings (assortment); (4) impurity; (5) real steeliness; (6) protein: and on the following subjective factors: (1) Color; (2) uniformity; (3) shape of grain; (4) fineness of husks: (5) general impression, deducting for odor and injured grains. •Vorschrlft fflr die Vorbereltung u. Durchftihrung der Bonitierung der Ger- stenprobe, WIen, 1907. 22 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. OBJECTIVE FACTORS. The weight per hectoliter is obtained by actual weighing of the sample. The points given for this factor are as follows : Valuation of barley according to weight. Weight of barley. Rating. Per hectoliter. Per bushel. Per thousand. Kilograms. Over 70 67-70 66-67 Under 66 Pounds. 54 52-54 51.3-52 51.3 Grams. Over 38. 5 36.5-38.4 35-36.4 Under 35 Points. 3 2 1 0 The ASSORTMENT FACTOR is obtained from the percentage of the sample which passes through a 2.2 mm sieve, and the sample is rated on this point as follows: Per cent, 0-1 _. 1.1-2 __ 2.1-3 __ Points. - 4 -_ 3 __ 2 Per cent. 3.1^ __ 4.1-5 __ Points. __ 1 -_ 0 Impurity means the amount of weeds, chaff, dirt, etc., which a sample may contain, and is rated as follows : Points. 1 0 Per cent. Points. Per cent. 0-0.2 4 1.1-1.5 0.3-0.5 3 Over 1.5 0.6-1 . 2 Real steeliness or permanent steely grains are given the follow- ing points: Per cent. 0-10 __ 10-20 __ 20^0 __ 30-40 __ Points. -, 6 -_ 5 __ 4 __ 3 Per cent, 40-50 — 50-60 __. Over 60. Points. _, 2 1 0 Protein (on dry basis) is rated as follows, all barleys containing more than 14 per cent being rejected : Per cent. Points, Under 10 6 10-10.4 5 10.5^10.9 4 11-11.4 3 Per cent. 11.5-11.9_— 12-12.9 13 and over deduct Points. subjective: factors. Color is graded as follows : Very good, 3 ; good, 2 ; medium, 1 ; bad, 0. The uniformity and shape of the kernels is graded : Excellent, 4 ; very good, 3 ; good, 2 ; medium, 1 ; bad, 0. BARLEY VALUATION. 23 The shape for brewing purposes is preferably plump and well closed. Too thin kernels, or even too plump kernels, are of less value. The fineness of the husks indicated by the wrinkles and folds is given the following values: Especially fine, 6; very fine, 5; fine, 4; less fine, 3 ; rather coarse, 2 ; coarse, 1 ; thick skin, 0. The factors odor and injured grains are negative; that is, 1 point is deducted for bad odor and 2 points for injured grains. General impression is graded as follows: Excellent, 3; very good, 2; good, 1; bad, 0. It is seen that the Vienna system relies more on the laboratory and scientific method than does the Berlin system, and is an improvement not only in this respect, but also in that it values the different factors according to their importance and attaches less weight to the protein content of the barley. According to the Berlin system the principal factors « in barley valuation are protein content, mealiness, the percentage of husks, and the fineness of husks. Next in importance come the siftings and uniformity of grain, and of least importance are weight per bushel, weight per 1,000, and color. Cluss considers the protein content as the most significant factor, and that the weight per bushel, weight per 1,000 grains, and amount of husks indicate the amount of val- uable constituents in barley. He also finds objections to taking the j)ercentage of husks into consideration on the grounds that a properly thrashed barley would contain more husks, and therefore be preju- diced in comparison to short and possibly injured grains. Haase^ claims that the husks and the shape of the grain afford a certain indication as to quality, but are of secondary importance, stating that, as a rule, the finer the husks the greater the number of damaged kernels. According to Prior,*' the subjective tests should be considered only in connection with the chemical and physical tests. He believes that the color may indicate the presence of unripe grains or those slightly damaged and browned by bad weather conditions, and the shape may give indication as to variety and fitness for brewing, the plump grains being ordinarily better than the long, thin grains because they contain more starch as well as more nitrogen. The weight per bushel, in connection with the weight j>er 1,000 grains, is important in showing whether or not a sample consists of light barley and therefore con- tains less starch and produces less extract. Very heavy grains, how- ever, malt rather stubbornly, and on that account medium-size barley is prefeiTed. Prior would not consider the protein content as of much importance except when above 13 per cent. When below 13 "Cluss, AUgem. Zts. Bierbr. Malzfabr.. 1906, vol. 34, No. 8. *Wochensohr. Bran., 1906, 29: ^Tk ^'Allgem. Zts. Bierbr. Malzfabr., 1907, vol. 35, January. 24 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. per cent the nature of the protein constituents should be considered. Both Regensburger " and Kukla ^ agree witl^ Prior that the quality of the nitrogenous constituents rather than the total nitrogen must be considered in valuing the barley. Prinz ^ suggests that the points in the valuation of barley should be, first, maturity of the grain, which he considers of greatest im- portance; second, the protein content: then the uniformity, odor, husks, shape, and damaged, grain, in the order named. Uniformity, mellowness, and soundness are more important than color. Further- more, in all commercial transactions both barley and malt should be bought and sold on the basis of hundredweight rather than per bushel. Hoffmann ^ advocates buying barley and malt on the dry basis, as only dry grain is stable, it being less liable to damage and to attack by mold, besides costing less for transportation. This is cer- tainly a most reasonable proposition, just equally to buyer and seller. It is no unusual occurrence for a grain to lose several per cent of moisture in being transported from one locality to another as, for example, from a humid to a dry climate. Regarding other criticisms of these European systems, Eckhardt ^ considers the assortment factor obtained by means of the 2.2, 2.5, and 2.8 mm sieves as of the greatest importance, after the degree of meali- ness and the amount of protein, as it shows how uniform the grain is. Bleisch f suggests that the only criterion in the valuation of barley is a malting experiment on a small scale. Biffen ^ regards a barley of good quality if it is mature, mealy, free from broken and discol- ored grains, germinates freely and uniformly, and has a good color and a finely wrinkled surface. Heron * and Salamon * consider the diastatic power of malt as an exceedingly useful determination. Besides this. Heron generally estimates the percentage of extract, the specific rotatory power, tintometer value, and moisture, all of which give valuable information concerning malt. Hunicke ^ looks on the physical character of the endosperm as the most important factor, giving greatest weight to the extract content, while Wallerstein considers the loss during malting as the most important determina- tion. As regards the proteins, Wallerstein considers those formed in malting and found in mashing as of greater significance than the total protein. Kreichgauer^ suggests that the weight per bushel in connection with the biting test will give a good starting point con- «Zts. gesaui. Brauw., 1905, voL 28, f Zts. gesam. Brauw., 1899, 22: 327. •Nos. 35 and 36. ^ J. Inst. Brew., 1906, 12: 345. ft Ibid., 1900, 23: 418. "J. Fred Inst. Brew., 1902, 8: 666. *- Amer. Brew. Rev., 1907, 21 : 589. ' Ibid., p. 2. d Woohenschr. Brau., 1906, 23: 534. J .1. Amer. Chem. Soc, 1901, 26: 1211. ''Zts. gesam. Brauw., 1906, 29; 523. ^ Wocliensc-hr. Bran., 190.5, 24: 171. BARLEY VALUATION. 25 cerning the value of the barley. In a later communication Jalowetz " recoiiunends that the protein content of the individual gi*ains be taken into consideration instead of the piTcentage of protein. A good barley should be sound, have a high germinating power, be rich in starch, iind, according to the European systeui of valua- tion, low in protein. Tliat the first requisite for gtM)d barley is life, liigh germinating power, and uniform germination needs no dis- cussion, and these may l)est be obtained by the production of pure races. To l>otli systems there are more or U»ss valid objections made, even by European investigators; though, on the whole, they apply very well to Euro|H»an barleys and ctuiditions. Neither system could, however, be applied in valuing American O-row l)arleys, since the con- tlitions both in respect to the type of barley and to the requirements of the brewers are so different in the United States from thosi* pre- vailing in Europe that the valuation must be made on another basis. Besides all these factors, a knowledge of the locality of produc- tion, the weather conditions prevailing during the growing period and at harvest, the fertilizers useil, and (he rotation of crops prac- ticed, etc., may aid in estinniting the value of barley. For example, it is well known that a late rain discolors the grain antl makes it less valuable, and a heavy application of nitrogenous fertilizers tends to increase the protein content, while, on the other hand, much sun- shine prevailing during the growing season tends to a.ssure a better grade of barley. Although all the factors enumerated in l)oth systems are im- p)ortant to a givater or less extent, from a brewer's view jx)int, yet, for the proiluction of alcohol in the agi'icidtural and industrial dis- tillery, some of them may well be given a secondar\' position. Such factors as fineness of husks, mealiness of endosperm, shape of grain, impurity, and color are of less importance in alcohol pnKluction than in the brewing industry, though even these factors are of help in valuing a distiller's barley. Recently harvested barleys have a low germinating power, therefore they should not 1h» malted until at least three months old. Tlie diastatic power of malt is the chief factor when used for alcohol prmluction. This factor is more or less influenced by the characteristics of the grain; namely, unifonnity as regards race and age of barley, weight per 1,000 grains, and pro- tein content, A good distillers l>arley should have the following chanicteristics: High germinating power, high i)rotein, uniformity, good color and odor, and cleanness. The malt produced therefrom should jH)ssess a high diastatic power, have a pleasant odor, a sweet and agreeable taste, and l>e free from dirt. As a barley rich in nitro- gen is generally one which will yield a malt of high enzymic power — a Amer. Brew. Rev., 1907, 21 : 590. 26 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. in other words, be rich in diastase and.^peptase — a high nitrogen content of barley is more essential for distillery purposes than for brewing. ACTION OF THE BERLIN CONGRESS, 1908. In 1907 the question of barley valuation was considered by the International Agricultural Congress at Vienna, and it was deter- mined to submit it to a special international commission to meet in Berlin in October, 1908. This commission agreed on a general system of barley valuation which, however, was not to be applied to 4 or 6 rew barleys. The principles underlying the new international valua- tion system are: 1. To establish a general system of valuation not considering varieties. 2. To create three grades of value — a highest, a medium, and a lowest. 3. To adopt eleven points for valuation, classified as follows : Highest class : 1. Protein content (penalties for excessive protein being omitted). 2. Bad odor. Second class: 3. I'niformity (as to size). 4. Weight (1.0(X) kernels). 5. Fineness of husk. 6. Damaged grains. Lowest class : 7. Color. 8. Purity of sample (foreign seed). 9. Sprouters. 10. Purity as to variety. 11. Shape of berry. The following points were omitted from the systems previously described herein: 1. The mellowness of com, either of the original barley or after steeping. 2. Hectoliter weight. 3. Impression as a whole. 4. Water content of the barley. Tlie germinating energ}^ was recognized as a valuable point for judging barley, and it was recommended for use at competitive ex- hibits, but it was considered impracticable for ordinary expositions. This system of barley valuation, as well as the Berlin and Vienna systems which are modified by it, were established for the purpose of serving as guides to jurors of award in judging exhibit barleys, and consequently under circumstances necessitating the judging of large numbers of specimens or samples with dispatch. AAliile in the main the same test points should naturalh^ form the basic features for valuing barley for commercial purposes also, such important points as germinating capacity, the examination for which requires much time, can not well be undertaken for exhibit barleys ; besides, exhibits have BARLEY VALUATION. 27 usually taken place soon after harvesting, when germinating capacity does not compare favorably with results after proper storage of bar- ley, the higher moisture content alone detrimentally influencing the property of germinating capacity to a decided degree. For this reason and l)ecause at the usual exhibit periods moisture content is considerably higher than after storage, it was not included in the.se systems of valuation. In a commercial system of valuation, however, germinating capacity and moisture content become the main points in the consideration of value, and in the tentative system for American barleys which follows germination capacity forms the basic factor of valuation, to which the importance of all other points or proi)erties is made relative. TENTATIVK SYSTEM FOR. V.VLl IN«i AMKKICAN BARLEY. The American barleys are to be classified in at least four gi'oups — one comprising the ea.stem 6-rowed Manchuria barley, cultivated particularly east of the Rocky Mountains; a second, the western ()-rowed barley, the Bay Brewing and Blue barley ; a third, the O-rowed Utah Winter barley; and a fourth, the 2-rowed barleys, the Chevalier, Ilanna, Goldthorjie, etc. The western barleys, 2 anetluct 1 to « iwlnts. 4. Thickness of husk : Deduct 1 to « fioints. 5. General Impression; uniformity of form and size of berries (plump or elongattHl); thrashing (te, mustard, etc. By water: Skimmings, excluding sprouters. By blowers: Stniw, barley, oats, etc. By cockle nuichine: Broken kernels, cockle, etc. (In each case deduct 1 point for every per cent.) 7. Sprouters: Deduct 0 iiolnts for every |H»r cent. 8. Kemalnlng foreign matter (wheat, ontM, etc.): Deduct 3 polDtH for every I)er cent. I). l,l)(K>-lH»rry weight: Deduct 2 {lolntM for every gram a!)ove or below optimum. 10. rniformlty as to sixe (the sum of adJactMit si-ntMis li.s nnn4-2.r» mm, or 2.5 mm4-2.2 mm, or 2.2 mm +2.0 mm, giving the highest tigure) : 100 to 80 |)er cent deduct o point. 80 to 74 per cent detluct 1 i»olnt. 74 to «1) i>er cent dinluct 2 |N)ints. (30 to lnts. t»2 to fiO per cent delnts. It. (terminating ca|taclty: Deduct 1 point for every i)er cent below 100. 12. Moisture: Deduct 2 iwlnts for every per cent above 11 iier cent. 13. Protein (NX(i.25): Deduct 2 points for every iier cent alnne or below optimum. 14. I'nlformlty as to variety (by botanical examination) : Deduct 2 i^olnts for every per cent of foreign barley or different groups (mixtures of 2, 4, or t» rowetl Imrleys). 15. Husk (not determined unless considered below standard in subjective examination: Deduct 3 i>oints for every i)er cent above optimum. Bushel weight and mealiness are not considered. If barley is Infested by weevils or other insects or stained or discolored by fungous growths, such as smut, mold, etc., it is absolutely condemned. FLAN OF THE INVESTIGATION. SAMPLES AND DETERMINATIONS MADE THEREON. The investigation undertaken by this Bureau, of which this is the first report, was authorized by act of Congress, the object being to study barleys grown in different parts of the United States in regard to their use for brewing purposes. 30 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. The barleys analyzed comprise 84 saroples of the 6-row varieties of Oderbrucker and Manchuria, 18 samples of 2-row varieties, 18 samples of thick-skin, so-called " Bay Brewing " barleys, and 9 sam- ples of the thin-skin Utah Winter. From many of these samples malts, which were likewise subjected to critical analyses, were pre- pared in malting plants on a commercial scale. Realizing that chem- ical and physical methods must both be used in the attempt to solve such questions as are involved in the improvement of American bar- le^^s, it has been found advisable to make the following determinations on all the barley samples: Water, total nitrogen, soluble nitrogen, coagulable nitrogen, extract, fat, fiber, pentosans, starch, sugars, ash, phosphoric acid, sulphur, lecithins, weight per 1,000 grains, weight per bushel, character of the endosperm before and after steeping, degree of solubility, germinating energj^ and capacity, amount of husks, bran, endosperm, and embryo. The chemical work, however, is given special prominence in this study, for purely physical analyses alone are not enough to determine the value of barley. The malt samples were subjected to the following analyses : Water, total nitrogen, soluble nitrogen, coagulable nitrogen, extract (fine and coarse grist), fat, fiber, pentosans, starch, sugars, ash, phosphoric acid, sulphur, lecithins, weight per 1,000 grains, weight per bushel, character of the endosperm, the growth and overgrowth of acrospire, the amount of husk, bran, embryo, and endosperm. It was hoped, from all these determinations, that a better insight as to the changes going on during the process of malting would be gained, and that a guide for future work might be obtained. CHEMICAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. The chemical methods of analysis employed in the Bureau of Chemistry were, unless otherwise described, the official methods adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. The exceptions were as follows : Total sulphur was determined according to the sodium peroxid method." The lecithin determination was made by extracting 10 grams of ground barley or malt with ether, and then extracting the residue re- peatedly with absolute alcohol. The ether and alcohol extracts were united, all volatile substances evaporated, and the residue burned with caustic soda to an ash. The ash was then treated in the usual way for phosphoric acid. The amount of phosphoric acid multiplied by 11.37 gives the lecithin content. It is well known that alcohol will extract other phosphorous bodies besides lecithin proper — for example, kephalin; these figures, therefore, include all the lecithin-like bodies soluble in alcohol and ether. « Le Clerc and Dubois, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1906, 28 : 1108. PLAN OF THE INVESTIGATION. 31 The soluble proteins were determiiUHl l)y the following method, (lescri!)e(l by J. S. Chamberlain : Au amount of jiir-tlrltMl barley or malt equivalent to 20 grams of dry material was extracted with water of such a volume that the total resulting mixture amounted to exactly 100 cc. In order to know the volume of liquid in such an extraction it was neceswirj* to determine the volume m-cupled by the residue from 20 grams of the dry barley Jifter extraction, which was found to be 10.77 cc. In calculating this volume, the figure obtained by II. T. Hrown " tor the specific gravity of the dry resUlue of extracteil barley was usetl, namely. l.r>7. Subtrat'ting the volume occuplwl by the dry residue of extracttnl barley from the 100 cc gives the volume of liquid actually presf moisture In the sample, and tills weight of air-dry material was adde«l and extractiHl under the c«»ndltlons Just dessslble through folded filter |Mi|M>rs, the first |M>rtlon of filtrate, when chnidy. b«»lng iM>ured back uinm the filter |Mii»er until a clwir flltnite was ubtaint^d. In an albpiot of this clwir nitrate the amount of nitrogen was determlntHl. which, multiplicil by G.2r>, gave the protein, representing the solul)le protein. The soluble nonc(mgulad)le protein was detennliml by boiling 20 cc of the .ibove flltnite over a small flame until the volume was reducfnl to about 10 cc. After diluting to the original volume, the liquid was filtertMl, washiMl. and the noncoagulal)le nitrogen detennlnt»d liy using the whole of 4he filtrate. The stiluble coagulable proteins were determined b.v subtracting the soluble noneoagulabie protein from the total protein. The determinations made by Wahh which require special mention, were as follows: For the soluble protein determination .V) grams of finely ground barley were txtracttHl with '2'A) grams of water for six hours at IS" C\ ±1°, stirring well every flfte<»n minutes. The loss on evaporation (approximately 0.1 gram) was made up by adding water until the total weight equaled 300 grams. The extract was filtered clear, maintaining approximately the same temperature. The total soluble nitrogen was determined In an aliquot of the filtrate according to Kjel- dahl's method. The coagulable nitrogen was determined by boiling KX) cc of the above fil- trate for thirty minutes. keei>ing the volume constant, filtering, and estimating the nitrogen In the precipitate. The factor 0.2r> was used In all determinations in changing the i)ercentage of nitrogen Into iii-otein. •Lpc. cit 72246— Bull 124—09 3 .' 32 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. For the determination of the extract in barley the following method was used by Wahl: Twenty-five grains of finely ground barley were luaceratetl with 200 cc of distilled water at 65° C. and 25 cc of diastase solution added. The whole was immediately placed in a boiling water bath and kept at that temperature for one hour. The mash was then removed from the bath, boiled briskly for five minutes over a direct flame, stirring continuously, cooled to 60° C, and 75 cc of the diastase solution added, the temperature being kept at 60° to 75° C. for thirty minutes, then raised to 70° C, and held there for another thirty min- utes. After inversion, the mash was cooled to from 10° to 15° C. the weight made up to 3.50 grams with water, and then filtered. The specific gravity of the filtrate was determined by means of the pycnometer. One hundred cubic centimeters of diastase solution were then treated in the same way as was the barley mash, and after cooling were made up to 100 cc, and the si)ecific gravity determined as before. The i^ercentage of extract is calculated as follows : (^^^'^-0 (e-ed) 100 =E, 100-B ~"' N in which — W= weight of water used in the mash. M=i»ercentage of water in the barley. N= weight of barley used. wd= weight of water in the diastase solution used. B=i)ercentage of extract in mash filtrate according to Balling. e = extract in 25 grams of barley and 100 cc of diastase solution. E=i>ercentage of extract in barley. ed=extract in diastase solution used. The diastase solution was made by digesting 500 grams of finely ground malt with 2 liters of water for one hour at 15° C. WahFs method for the determination of the extract yield " of the malt was as follows: Fifty gi-ams of the malt plus 3 kernels are finely ground into the mashing beaker and are macerated with 250 cc of water at 45° C, immediately raised to 45° C, and kept at this temi)erature for thirty minutes. The temperature is then raised 5° each five minutes until the thermometer shows 70° C. The mash is held at this temperature for thirty minutes. The iodin test is made when the mash reaches 70° C, and is repeated every five minutes until inversion has taken place. The mash is then cooled to about 15° C, and its net weight is made up to 450 grams by the addition of water. The mash is thoroughly mixetl, and a quan- tity of clear wort, sutficient for the saccharometer determination, is filtered through a coarse filter. The liquid is brought to a temperature of 15° C. Its saccharometrical indication is determined by a si^ecial Balling instrument standardized at 15° C. and divided into 0.05 per cent. The yield is calculated by the following formula, in which " S " is the saccharometer indication, " H " the i)ercentage of water in the malt (both expressed in i)ercentage of the malt), and " E " the yield of extract : SX(800+H) E= 100— S o Report of the Analysis Committee, U. S. Brewers' Association, 1902. PLAN OF THE INVESTIGATION. 33 The yield of extract on the dry basis E' is computed from *• K " by the fol- lowing formula : ,_EX 100 E' 100 — H Wludisch's extract tables should be employetl. The saccharify Inj; or dla- static iH>wer of the malt is repirdtnl as very phhI. if the i(Hlln test shows the absence of starch in the mash, when the temiH»rature has reachetl TO" C. : as good. If inversion takes place within tlve minutes, and as fair, if inversion takes place after ten mhiutes. To cleterniine the protein hin«x, -•> cc of mash Hhnite weri' evajKH-attHl ahnost to dryness and nitrogen determined according to KjeklahPs method, the coagidable protein being deter- mined in the same maimer as in barley. The growth is the ratio of the length of the acrospire tt> that of the kernel. The deterniinution was made in duplicate by sorting 50 kernels. t The color of the wort was tested by Lovibond's tintometer and the run of the wort by ix;i*sonal judgment. The other determina- tions were conducted in the same manner as for barley. MECHANICAL AND BIOUM21CAL METIICHM OF ANALYSIS. The weight per 1,000 grains was determined in the Bureau of I liemistry by means of Kickelluiyn's apparatus. The hulls, bran, embryo, and endos|>erm were all determined in the Microchemical I^Utratory by mechanical dissection of the grain. The method of procedure is describtnl by W. J. Voimg as follows: From (• to s good, averagi' grains were selected, and after weighing they were soaked until the hulls could be removetl readily, lieing then subjected to further soaking until the cnd<»s|»erm was completely softened. The grains were Hnally split lengthwi.»M», and the eiidos|K?rm remove*] under water. The hulls, bran, and embryos were plactnl by themselves in watch glasst»s, and (Iriwl at 100° C until loss of weight cease*!. The water containing the endo- siH'rni was allowed to stand in a beaker until the starch settled, when the water was decanted and the setllment drie*! with gentle heat until moisture was no longer apparent, when the drjing was itaupleted at 100** C. More or less loss was observed as a result of this method of drying the endosi>erm, and this loss was so great in the case of the malts that in these the endosi)erm was determintHl by difference. In the later work on barleys the endosperm was determined by dif- ference in order to obtain results comparable with those obtained from the analysis of the malts. The physical tests as made by Wahl are as follows: The character of the endosperm was determined by using the Kickelhayn grain cut- ter. This apparatus cuts 50 beiTies in two lengthwise at one time. The halves are then easily divided into three groups, namely, those 34 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. with a steely endosperm, those that are mealy, and those that are partly steely and partly mealy, or intermediate. The character of the endosperm after steeping was determined as follows : Fifty grams of barley were steeped in water at from 15° to 20° C. for twenty- four hours. The water was then poured off and the excess removed from the grains by means of blotting pai)er. The barley was dried in a drying oven at 30° C. with low draft until the weight approximated slightly less than the orig- inal amount taken, about 49 grams. The cutting was done in the same manner as described above. The germinating energy is represented by the i^ercentage of grains germinated within three days at ordinary temperatures. The germinating capacity is expressed as the percentage of grains which germinated in five days. These tests were made by the ordinary methods for testing germination. The weight per bushel was found by weigfiing a miniature bushel. The degree of dissolution was determined by Prior's method : Steep the barley in distilled water for twenty-four hours at 15° C, drain off the water, removing the excess of moisture by means of filter paper, and dry at 40° C. in an air bath for about two days; then determine the mellowness by means of Kickelhayn's apparatus. Prior considers the mealy grains which are originally present better than the modified steely grains, and therefore he adds them to the percentage of steely grains modified. (Ma — M) 100 -^~ 100 — M '^^' in which A = degree of dissolution. M = per cent of mealy kernels in original barley. Ml = per cent of mealy kernels in barley after steeping and drying. The coefficient of mealiness in steeped and unsteeped barley was calculated according to H. T. Brown's « formula: Mealy grains are given a value of 100, half mealy 50, and steely 1. The number of grains of each type multiplied by its special value and the sum divided by 100 will give the coefficient of mealiness. The 1,000 kernel weight is found by counting 500 kernels at ran- dom and weighing them on a technical balance. The average of four w^eighings was taken, unless the difference between the highest and lowest Aveight of 500 kernels exceeded 0.5 gram, when five or six weighings were taken. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. In discussing the results obtained attention will first be called to the composition of the ordinary 6-row barleys (Table I), the Man- churian and Oderbrucker, calculated to a water-free basis, and then to the change in composition which barleys undergo on being con- verted into malts. Of the S-t samples of 6-row barleys, the avera.Qfe « Loc. cit. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 35 percentage of protein was ll.SO, with a variation of from 10.13 to 14.04 per cent: i>2 of theses samples contained over 11.5 per cent, while only V2 had less than 11 per cent of protein. The sample containing tlie lowest percentage (10.13) was from Wisconsin, whereas the sample with the highest percentage (14.94) was grown in Montana. The following is a comparative average of the nitrogen results obtained 1)V the Bureau of Chemistry and bv Wahl: Arcnifjr prrrrntaffC rcHulta on thv nitrogen nrntent uf three kinds of hnrlvn it ml malt. AtuUyst. HARLCY. BnnMiu of Chemistry MALT*. Bureau of Chemistry R. Wahl Ordinary 640W. W-tjm ,rw<.row. I.M i.n 1.90 l.« 1.70 1.60 1.80 l.flB l.flS 1.80 i.es •RcrrKIN rONTKNT OK B.\RI.KV. The following tal)le shows tlie average amount of protein found in the barleys from s»»v«mji1 Stnti'N. I>«>(riniiing with tin* lowest pcrront- age of pmtein : l*vrwntngv protein eontent of barleyn arranged by States. 1 state. Protato oootant. Btiitn. Piotflin ooBtnt Btot«. ProteUi content. Illinois Michigan 11.44 11.51 11. SO 11.04 11.00 Canada. 1L83 ILOO 1L04 MootM« South DakoU Kaniwn 12.63 13.80 13.44 14.19 Iowa sSiSr^ Wisconsin Cdondo 10. m New York Ohio 1 1 It is thus seen that the North Central States or States of the upper Mi.ssissippi Valley produce barleys whose protein content is on an average less than 12 per cent. If it be a.ssumed, as is done in Kurope, that a low-nitrogen barley is best for brewing, then these States produce a better quality of barley for this purpose than those grown in Kansas, New York, or South Dakota. On the other hand, the latter States should produce a more nutritious and therefore a l)etter feeding barley and one better suited for the production of denatured alcohol. Clifford Richard.son," in 1886, found that the Dakota barley was the richest in protein. The average of his results t»n (>0 samples of this cereal is 12.1 per cent, very little higher than the average of 11.86 per cent here reported. • U. S. Dein. Agr., Division of l'heuii»try, Bill. 9. 36 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. ^ RELATION OF PROTEIN TO STARCJl A XI) EXTRACT. It is generally assumed that a high protein grain means a low starch grain, and vice versa. This is true, as a rule, and especialW SO in the case of wheat. When barleys are considered, however, there are many exceptions, notably the barleys from Ohio. Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois, which have a comparatively low protein content, and also a rather low starch figure, while those few samples from Kansas and Montana, which contain more than the average amount of protein, likewise show more than the average content of starch. The samples of Indiana, Canada, Michigan, and Wisconsin barleys have a somewhat low protein content, while those from New York, Colorado, and South Dakota have a high protein content. Both of these two groups follow the general expectation, for while the former is high in starch, the latter is low. Thus 33 out of 84 samples of barleys are exceptions to the rule that high protein means low starch, and vice versa. As has been noted, in the case of wheat, protein and starch are generally complementary. With barlej^s, however, the presence of hulls, varying in amount from 10.2 to 15.4 per cent, makes this point less decisive, though an average of barleys grown under similar conditions shows with a high protein content a lower starch figure. The results indicate that on the whole low-protein 6-row barleys do contain more starch. Fifty-three samples, with an average of 12.2 per cent protein, contained on an average 70.6 per cent of extract, while 31 samples, with 11.1 per cent protein, contained 71.8 per cent of extract. The averages from each individual State do not always show this fact, namely, that there is more extract in low- protein barleys, but if instead of averaging all the samples they be separated into high-protein and low-protein barleys, not taking into account those samples whose protein content is close to the average, then the figures will show that high-protein barleys are low in extract, and vice versa. Twenty-four barleys, with an average protein con- tent of 13 per cent (that is, all barleys over 12.25 per cent), compared with 23 barleys whose average protein content is 10.8 (all samples imder 11.25), show G9.94 per cent extract in the former and 72 per cent in the latter. In order, therefore, to bring out the different relations it is often best to take the extreme cases and not regard those which are so near the average that they might be included in one class or the other, according to variations within the limits of error. If, however, only the samples from Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and South Dakota (the States where this type of barley has been found especially well suited to the conditions and where it is therefore extensively grown) be arranged in groups ac- DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 37 cording to their protein coixtent," a very pronounced tendency in the direction of the theoretical reaction between protein and extract is seen. Hiiiii'tftt from Statvx of the northern MiMxisHiitpi Valley showing the relation between protein, extraet eontent, and ireight per 1.000 grains. Ntnnber Weight ofsftin- I'rotfiii. Kxtract. per 1,000 ples. gnihs. I'er eeni. PnetfU. anm». U). 0-10. 5 72.08 28.01 y 10.6-11.0 72.12 27.20 19 11.0^11.6 71.63 26.97 1.1 11 .^ 12.0 71.15 26.39 e give low extract yields, a fact which has been ol)served by many othcis. r-iH' grams) contain 71 |>er cent. There is also a relation In^tween the size of the grain and the amount of hulls, the larger grains containing somewhat less hulls. This has also Ijeen found to \h* true by Wallerstein *■ and Heaven.'- Large grains contain more extnict, starch, and endosperm than do the snudl ones. In 20 samples of (»-row barley, with a l,0(K)-grain weight above 28.5 grams, the percentage of bran is 11.8; hulls, 12.2; embryo, 2.5; endosjx'rm, 72.5; extract, 71.7; starch, 58.0; and the weight |)er bushel is 49.5 i)ounds; while 31 samples of smaller grains of the same variety — that is, those weighing less than 27 grams per 1,000 grains — contain about 11.0 per cent of bran, 13 per cent of hulls, 2.53 |>er cent of embryo, 71 per cent of endosperm, 70.7 per cent of extract, 58.9 per cent of starch, and have a bushel weight of 46.0 i)ounds. The larger gi-ains contain also less fiber, pentosans, and ash, but have a higher c(H»fficient of mealiness. There is no appreciable diiference in the fat, sulphur, or lecithin content in large and snuill grains. The weight per 1.000 gi-ains varied from 19.9 to 33.5 grams. The weight per bushel varied from 42.5 to 51.5 pounds. The light grains are less plump, contain more nitrogen, and produce less extract. On the other hand, extra heavy grains are . "J. Fed. Inst. Brew.. 1002, 8: .'V42. ^Compt, rend, travaux Carlsberg, ISO!), 4: 122. ** Couinuin lea t ions from I^iboratory and Scientific Station for Brewing, S*?c. Ann. Uep.. 10O4. •'Loc. cit 42 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. richer in extract material, but, according, to Prior, they malt less easily. The weight per bushel is not so important as is this weight taken in connection with the weight per 1,000 grains. As has already been stated, the weight per bushel varies from 42.5 to 51.5 pounds, with an average of 46.7, the sample of lowest weight per bushel being from Montana and having also the lowest weight per 1,000 grains and a high percentage of nitrogen. This relation of high protein content to low bushel weight has been observed by many investigators, and almost invariably occurs when the sample has, for some reason, failed to develop normally and fully. It is a well-known physiological fact that the protein of cereals develops to a very large extent comparatively early in the life of the plant, whereas assimilation and the formation of carbohydrates may pro- ceed as long as the leaves or stem contain any green coloring matter. If for any cause the plant fails to develop a plump grain it will nat- urally show not a larger amount of nitrogen but a relatively higher percentage. The barleys from Ohio and Illinois, which contain the lowest percentage of nitrogen, are characterized by being the heaviest. The weight per 1,000 grains likewise shows a very wide variation, 19.9 grams to 33.5 grams, with an average of 26.9 grams, the smaller grain showing a somewhat higher i^ercentage of nitrogen. OTHER CONSTITUENTS OF BARLEY. The percentage of pentosans shows a variation from 8.31 per cent in Ohio-grown barley to 11.51 in the sample from South Dakota. These results indicate that a high content of hulls is accompanied by a high percentage of fiber and of pentosans, as would be expected, since grains with a high content of fiber generally yield the most pentosans, because of a rather close connection, not necessarily ge- netic, between fiber and pentosans." High-j^rotein barleys contain the most pentosans, on an average. The percentage of fiber varies from 4.34 to 6.68, with an average of 5.76 for all samples. The average found by Clifford Richardson was only 4.08. These variations from one 3^ear to another are probably due to weather conditions. It may be interesting also to note that the sample grown in New York contained the least amount of hulls (only 10.17 per cent), while the one from Montana contained the largest amount (15.36 per cent). The high-protein barleys are somewhat richer in fiber than are the low-protein barleys, thus cor- roborating the researches of Bleisch and Regensburger.'* The percentage of fat in the barlevs grown in the different States varied from 1.67 to 2.46, with an average of 2.02 per cent for all " Calabresi, Staz. sperim. agrar. ital., 1906, 39:C9. »Zt8. gesam. Brauw., 1905, 28: 628. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 43 -auiples. Richardson" states that the average of 10 samples was 2.87 per cent, considerably higher than that found in any of the present samples. Konig* showed that the fat content of barley varied from 1.35 per cent, obtained in barleys grown in Wurtteml)erg, to '2.07, the latter representing the average of KJ Russian-grown barleys. There is no appreciable difference in fat content between high and low protein barleys. This corrolxirates Neumann's *' i-esults on 2-row barley. The sugar results obtained in this investigation, though interesting, :iic unsatisfactory, owing to the fact that it was impossible to de- termine the sugar in the barleys until the samples were considerably over a year old. The barleys were harvested in the fall of IIHU, and sent to the Bureau of Chemistry in the sunmier of 190r>, soon after which most of the other determinations were made. In the fall and winter of 100.*) the sugar determinations were begun. The results obtained were normal: that is, the invert .sugar content varied fw)m 0.8 |>er cent to 2.03 ix?r cent, while the cane .sugar varied from 1.0*2 per cent to ."i.Ol) per cent. In February, IJKWJ, while these results were being obtained, work had to he suspended tem|>orarily and was not resumed until the following May, during which interim it was found that all of the invert sugar and most of the cane sugar had disappeared. This was true of both the ground and the unground barley. The cause of this phenomenon remains unknown, though it may l)e closely coimected with the loss of dia.stase which takes place when seed has lost its giM'ininating jwwer.* The percent agi> of ash in these 84 samples of barlfv averages 2.08 and varies from 2.5 to 3.5 per cent, a rather large variation, the Ten- nes.see, Ohio, Illinois, and New York barleys containing less than those from the other States. On the other hand, Montana and Kansas bar- leys are vei-y high in ash. No relation exists between the ash content and the j^ercentage of protein. Delbriick * found that high and low j)rotein barleys gave practically the same percentage of ash, fat, and hulls. The average ash content found in 70 samples of American barley, as quoted by Kiinig, is 3.10 j^er cent, a figure quite close to tliat obtained on the samples reported here. The percentage of phosphoric acid varies from 0.8 to 1.25, increas- ing and decreasing as a rule with the amount 6f ash, in which the per- centage of phosphoric acid varies from 27.4 to 42.1, the largest amount l)eing found in Ohio. AYhen extreme cases are taken into considera- tion there seems to be also a rather close relation between the amounts of phosphoric acid, protein, and starch present ; the higher the per- " V. S. Dopt. Aipr., Division of Clieiiiistry, Bui. 0. ^ T'ntersuehunp landwirtschnftlicli uiul j;ewerblich wiclitiger StofFe. \). 486. '•J. Iiist. Brew., 1007, 18: 87. •^Vllm, throuKb .1. Inst. Bivw.. 11K)S, 14: 405. •"Through Trans. Amer. Brew. Inst., 1905. 8: 10, 44 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. ceiitage of phosphoric acid the less protein and the more starch. This was true in over two-thirds of the samples examined. In this con- nection Kichardson ° found that phosphoric acid fertilizers increased the number of mealy grains, the effect being just the opposite to that of nitrogen fertilizers, which increase the flinty characteristics. It may thus be quite possible to decrease the protein content of barley by the liberal use of phosphate fertilizers; in other words, since it is fairly definitely known that nitrate fertilizers increase the protein content of grains, phosphates may be used to increase the starch con- tent, thus producing a low protein barley. Kunz,^ however, could find no relation between the amount of phosphoric acid and the ex- tract 3^ield. The amount of sulphur varies in the 84 samples of barley from 0.15 per cent to 0.256 per cent, with an average for all of the samples of 0.182 per cent, following the protein content closely. As sulphur is a natural constituent of protein, it might be expected that a high- protein barley would contain more sulphur than one with low pro- tein, and that this is the case was shown in over 80 per cent of the samples. RELATION OF TOTAL TO SOLUBLE PROTEIN. Regarding the soluble protein, the results indicate that the greater the total content of protein the smaller the percentage which is solu- ble; in other words, a larger proportion of the total protein is soluble in low-protein barleys than in high-protein barleys. The following table will show how general this relation is when the barleys are divided into groups according to their j^rotein content : Relatwn between the total ami the .soluble imttcin eontent of barley. State. Number of sam- ples. Protein content (below 11.49). Number of sam- ples. Protein content (11.50-11.99). i Total. Proportion soluble. Canada 1 Per cent, i Per cent. 3 1 1 Per cent. \ Per cent. 11 8 i Ifi fi South Dakota 11 9 ' 19 0 4 1 11.1 19.2 11. 4 18. 4 11. 6 1 19. 6 Illmois Indiana 1 2 4 1 1 5 11.9 1 18.0 11 8 1 17 3 3 5 1 11.1 18.0 10.9 17.6 11.4 19.2 Minnesota 11 9 18 5 Montana 11.6 17 0 Ohio 11 7 : 19 4 Wisconsin is 11.0 17.6 11 6 17 7 32 11.0 17.9 9 11 8 17 ** « U. S. Dept Agr., Division of Chemistry, Bill. 9. &Wochenschr. Brau., 1906, 23: 530. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. 45 Relation between the total and the xoluble itrotrht vimtrnt of harUy — Coiifd. State. Number of sam- ples. Protein content (12-12.49). 1 1 Number ofsam- pteB. 1 Protein content (over 12.a)). Toui. ^^stssr Total. Proportion soluble. \v York Pn cent. Per cent. Percent. 14.2 Prr emt. 17 1 (. uloredo 1 12.5 1 i5 7 South Dakota •> I 1 12.3 17.8 13.7 1 i«.:i Iowa MkhiRan 12. 1 la 7 12. 2 17. S I 11 1 la 0 Kansus • 13. 4 ! 13. 1 MinnnM)ia Montana *♦ 12.3 l&O 12.9 1&5 14.9 Ifi.8 Wisconsin 5 ti'a ! NL7 1S.8 , 17. S Averagi*. 17 U.2 , 17.0 ; 16 13.4 I 17.1 In general, the 2-row barleys and the western barleys al.si) show that i\ somewhat lar^r proportion of the protein is soluble in low than in high protein barleys (m'c p. \i)). Tlu' same ivlsition is iruv with re-sfwct to the malts also. In the following table the .sainpit's of lia' Manchurian-OderbnuUer type are arrangi*d in groups aecording to protein content and the averages of soluble and of soluble-c^oagulable protein given for each group. There is a small but distinct decrea.sc of the percentage of soluble protein with incnnising total protein, but there are many individual e.xceptions to this rule, especially in the case of the maxi- mum and minimum figures obtained. Relation beticeen the soluttlv, tlir MolittjIe-rtHit/iilattlr, and the total protein of Homv Manrhurian-iiilritu tirhrr Imrh ns. i .Soluble protein (in teni «, . . 1 protein). Total prv ' ' tain In barter. Peread. 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 Per^ Maximum. 1«.8 1H.7 ins 16.0 15.4 Ptrttmi. 17.8 19.1 19.6 lae 15l7 IIS of •. Minimum. 1 - .lul.U'- L.'iilal.le iri.fpin (in terms of soluble protein i . Percent. 15.4 14 6 14.0 14.8 15.1 Percent. 27.9 29.7 28.7 29.1 31.7 As ha.s already l)een noted, the amount of solubl(^ nitrogen de- crea.ses with the increa.se of the total nitrogen; Wallerstein showed, however, that high protein and high soluble protein go together. This is not nece.s.sarily a contradiction, for in this study the per- centage of soluble nitrogen was compared with the total nitrogen, while Wallerstein has only compared the percentage of total .soluble niti-ogen of high and low protein barleys. Of the proteins in barley, therefore, from 81 to 85 per cent are in- soluble. Of the soluble proteih, alx)ut 30 per cent are coagulable. On 46 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. the other hand. Evans" finds that with 2-row barleys about 50 per cent of the soluble protein is coagulable, which is a much larger amount than that obtained in the work here reported on ordinary 6-row barleys. LECrrHIN IN ITS RELATION TO PROTEIN AND PHOSPHORIC ACID. The amount of lecithin, or rather of alcohol-and-ether soluble bodies, varies from 0.39 to 0.69 per cent, with an average of 0.53 per cent, in accordance with the protein content. Stoklasa ^ found that seed containing the most protein likewise held a higher percentage of lecithin. This is substantiated by these data w^ith but few excep- tions; the amounts are, however, too small to make it possible to draw* many conclusions. There is no apparent connection between the amount of phosphoric acid in barley and the lecithin content, probably due to the fact that barley, like wheat, contains a larger proportion of a water-soluble organic phosphorus compound, similar to, if not, phytin, and that the amount of phosphorus found in barley is more nearly related to this more abundantly occurring body than to lecithin, the latter phosphorus compound being present in only relativeh^ small quan- tities. From the results given in Tables I and II it is seen that fully 35 per cent of the ash is composed of phosphoric acid compounds of Avhich less than 5 per cent is in the form of lecithin phosphoric acid. The bulk of the phosphorus is present in the barley as a calcium-magnesium-potassium salt of oxymethylene diphosphoric acid, as was shown by Hart and Andrews,^ who also shoAved that practically no inorganic phosphorus compounds existed in grains. The latter statement was afterwards corroborated by Schulze and Castoro,*^ and more recently Windisch and Vogelsang^ established the same fact in regard to barlej^ There are several organic com- pounds of phosphorus existing in plants, chief among which, besides the previouslv mentioned compound, phytin, are the lecithin-like bodies, which have a glycerin radicle, and the nucleins, which are pro- tein compounds containing phosphorus. Phytin occurs in quite large amounts, while the two latter compounds are present in smaller quantities. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium, the more important ash con- stituents besides phosphorus, form on an average about 2.7 per cent, 7.3 per cent, and 23 per cent, respectively, of the total ash. There appears to be no appreciable difference in the amount of these con- stituents in the ash of low-protein barleys and high-protein barleys. "J. lust. Brew., 1906. 12: 209. '"New York Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 238. 6Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 1896, <* Zts. physiol. Chem., 1904, 41: 477. 29: 2761. ^Wochenschr. Brau., 1906, 23: 516. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 47 COEFFICIENT OF MEALINESS. There is also a very noticeable differeiu-e in the degree of disso- lution and in the coefficient of mealiness in these samples of barley. The former varies from 37 to over 117, while the latter shows a varia- tion of from 55 to 98. Prior's method of determining the dejn'ee of dissolution very often gives values over 100. The coefficient of meali- ness as determined by Brown gives somewhat lower results on low- protein barU'Vs and higher results on high-protein barleys than Prior's degree of dissolution. The two methods are fairly indicative of the (|uality of barley. If tlie samples l)e arranged according to the percentage of mealy grains found after sU»eping, si»paratiiig them into two classes, those with more than 75 per cent of mealy grains and thos<» with less, it is seen (p. 39) that the lower protein con- tent and tlie higher mimber of mealy grains go together. There is no ditference in the fat content, but there is somewhat more starch in thosi» samples cercentage of starch, extract, and soluble protein. The |K?rcentage of soluble protein that is coagulable is somewhat gi*eater in high-protein than in low- protein barleys, but in the case of 2-row and Hay Brewing barleys there is no appi*eciable ditference in this respect. The high-protein barleys weigh less per 1,000 grains and iH?r bushel, besides having a lower degree of dissolution and coefficient of mealiness. This applies to all varieties of barley analyzed. Xo appreciable difference can be noted l)etween high and low protein barleys in their content of fat, ash, sulphur, and lecithin, as is shown in the following tables, which also show no difference in the percentage of steely gi-ains before steeping between barleys of more than and less than 11.5 per cent protein, when these are averaged. However, if the extreme cases — that is, those sjimples containing more than 12.25 per cent protein — are compared with barleys of less than 11 per cent protein, we find that the former contain 10 per cent steely and 63 per cent mealy grains after steeping, while the latter have only 4 per cent steely and 77 per cent mealy, thus clearly showing that the barleys with over 12 per cent protein are not so easily altered by the process of steep- ing as are low-protein barleys. 72240— Bull. 124—09 1 48 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. ts C n it •ma^ojd eiqnios •Aea^S •iClB9K ^•c5^coeoc5eo-od«Ot^'vSt^?DcD**OC ■inn •^OTJipca 000 •srrrejS I sad %i ^^a\^JA. •uuadsopua j^®i— TtteoMi^oooeocoooooo ^eO»0«oS50>OoSi050cO®50 •g«COOOi01«OC^«0»Os>^t^' • « t^t-t^ t^ g00OC^C»S(M0C»C.r-t>.t-t>-tot^t~t^t— . >fl to to ■^ t^ ■* t^ io CO r^ CO i(N(N(N(NCsi(Nc4 a% •uBja .»cO5Oseo5O00t^o»eo'V*»O'" f <-T-^ : lO >C lO lO »0 iC ' CO t^ CO »C iC t^ O l^ 05 (M O CO CO 05 05 O 05 00 •laqiJE IM •said JO jaqnmjfii . UJ CON 00 lOCO"*! ; CO .-I 5o CO d -^ M • lO CO «c «d CO CO irj 05 * coco CcS It; iC lO 'C iC »C '• a i^4'^ c^t>^o6cO 05 co' ?§s^s?§ •^ 5H^«00t>; U3 91.4 83.2 77.7 77.1 85.4 00 100.9 74.3 80.8 66.7 87.0 •* s 60.3 60.2 61.4 62.3 61.6 O (N CO CO CO 00 NCO ■*■«»< 05 o t^oscoooco c4 -H (N -^ 4 lo ic i« to 1.89 2.02 2.10 2.00 8 eo«o<©i-icD S >- ill 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 49 The following table likewise shows the difference in coefficient of mealiness, degree of dis.solntion, percentage of extract, etc., between high and low protein barleys: Cmnparison of high and low protein barleys. TWO-ROW. Bt«t«. ■ berof sam- plM. disso- lution. CoeA- dentof meali- ness. Pro. t«in. Weight sand. Weight per bushel. K.X- tract. Solu- ble Coagu- lable pro- tein in water- soluble ovn \\A m cxNT or PROTEIN. California . . I ft 1 1 1 82.0 48.7 77.8 50.0 77.1 n.6 64.3 83.5 68.1 79.1 Ptr Mm. 12.9 13.2 12.6 11.6 17.4 OrvRM. 32.6 41.6 31.3 28.3 34.7 Pmntd». 52.7 51.0 50.2 48.5 47.2 Per cent. 74.0 71.4 72.7 69.4 69.4 Per etiU. 14.3 15.8 16.5 17.7 15.4 Per cent. 32.4 32.8 New York 31.8 South Dakota 1... 21.8 Kansas 34.9 Average 9 06.7 64.4 13.4 37.3 50.4 n.4 16.0 31.6 UNDER 11.5 PER CEMT Of PROTr.rN. CaUfomia Oennany Canada. 1 } 1 ft 116.0 ioa8 77.2 8ft.O 116.4 97.5 ».o 87.0 91.0 97.6 9.3 9.5 ia8 11.0 10.0 36.0 47.6 38.1 37. ft 38.9 49.5 ft5.7 50.5 52.5 55.0 73.9 79.1 74.2 73.7 76.4 15.8 15.2 18.4 15.4 19.0 28.8 30.3 31.3 Idaho 31.8 Montana 32.3 AT«n«i • 96.7 96.7 lai 39.5 53. 7 "•• 17.6 31.5 BAY BRBWINO BARLBY ( 6.R0M; ). OVER 11.5 PER CKirr or PROTBOr. ''ftWhml* . ............... 3 1 1 3 39.4 54.3 79.6 56.4 61.0 69.6 81.1 66.3 13.2; 15.8 1 13.6 12.2 32.0 38.0 29.7 28.5 40.3 39.2 40.0 45.7 68.3 62.9 68.4 71.4 13.5 20.3 14.9 15.5 25.4 f^M«h. 517. ^Wochenschr. Brau., 1907, 24: 491, '^ Loc. cit. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 51 us the weight per 1,000 -row barleys, 8 from the we.stern barleys (Bay Brewing; and Utah Winter), and 5 from *2-row barleys. In comparing the composition of malts made from these three different varieties of barley. TabU' III shows that O-row malts con- tain a larger {percentage of the following ccmstituents: Sulphur, lecithin, total protein, soluble protein, soluble noncoagulable protein, and embryo; a smaller percentage of starch, of extract in fine and coai-s<» grist, and of bran; a smaller weight per bushel and per 1,000 grains, and a smaller coefficient of mealiness. Two-row malts, on (he other hand, are higher in endas|H»rm, weight j^er bushel, ex- tract in fine and coai-se gri.st, and coefficient of mealiness, and lower in filler, pentosans, hulls, and embryo. The large western malts — the Hay Brewing and Utah Winter — are higher in hulls and lower in vtdphur, protein, .soluble protein, and .soluble noncoagulable and oagulable protein. There is very little difference lH'twt»en the varieties in the iM»rcentage of a.sh, phosphoric acid, and fat. The western malts res(*mble those of the ortlinary (5-row barleys in the amoimt of fiber, pentosans, hulls, bran, embryo, endosperm, and starch which they contain. They are somewhat like the 2-row malts in weight per bushel, weight pt»r 1,0er 1,000 grain.s, j)erc*ent of extract in fine grist, weight per hectoliter, per cent .soluble protein and per cent coagulable protein, tiie per cent mealines.s, and coefficient of mealiness. On an average, the high-protein malts are much less mealy in the case of all three classes of malt. The coefficient of mealiness is also less, as are also the weight per 1,000 grains, the per cent of extract, and the per cent of soluble profein. CompariMtm of high and low protein malts. SUt0. Num. berof sam- ples. Pro- tein. M«aly. ^JSSl Weight I Ex- Weight *^* per tract per ^„ 1,000 of One hecto- *j;^'" grains, grist. Uter. Soluble pro- tein in total protein. pro- tein. OVER 11.5 Rft CENT OF mo- TEIK(6.ROW). South Dakota Peret. las 12.1 lao 12.6 12.3 11.5 12.6 1L6 Peret. 71 95 76 76 76 60 Oranu. Peret. 8a 0 21. 0 71. 7 46.7 Peret. 38.0 36.8 37.6 33.4 3a7 41.3 36.3 29.4 Peret. a 7 Illinois 1 97.0 249, 72.6; 45.4 79.7 22.7 1 72.1 45.8 85.1 21.4 71.5 48.0 844 245 7a 5! 48.2 846 2a3 72.9 9a 4 24 7 73. 4 1 44 3 76. 1 2& 3 7a 2 I 51. 3 48 Iowa Michijtan... Minnesota.. Ohio Wisconsin. . Colorftdo .\verai.'e a 2 a 5 40 a 4 a 4 5.9 18 12.5 1 80 86.6 240 7a 1' 47.0 3a4! as 52 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. Comparison of high and low protein malts — Continued. '% state. Num- ber of sam- ples. Pro- tein. Mealy. Ckwffi- cient of meali- ness. Weight .grains. Ex- tract of fine grist. Weight per hecto-' liter. Soluble pro- tein in total protein. Coagu- lable pro- tein. UNDER 11.5 PER CENT OF PRO- TEIN (6-ROW). Michigan 2 4 7 Perct. 11.2 11.1 11.3 Per ct. 91 78 94 95.0 86.0 96.4 Grams. 25.9 23.7 * 25. 0 Perct. 75.7 72.0 73.9 Kilos. 48.7 47.0 46.7 Perct. 37.0 37.6 37.8 Per ct. 40 Minnesota 5 2 Wisconsin 46 Average 13 11.2 89 93.0 24 7 73.6 47.1 37.6 47 OVER 11.5 PER CENT OF PRO- TEIN (2-ROW). New York 1 13.8 60 73.6 22.7 72.9 48.7 35.6 45 UNDER 11. 5 PER CENT OF PRO- TEIN (2-ROW). Montana 4 9.6 96 97.7 33.5 7&7 53.1 38.0 43 OVER 11.5 PER CENT OF PRO- TEIN (BAY BREWING AND UTAH WINTER) . Washington 1 12.3 68 81.6 35.1 71.8 50.0 32.2 3.6 UNDER 11.5 PER CENT OF PRO- TEIN (BAY BREWING AND UTAH WINTER). California 2 2 1 1 1 8.2 10.1 10.9 &3 9.5 90 91 65 93 86 93.0 95.0 77.6 97.5 91.5 34.0 32.9 32.8 34.5 32.3 72.0 72.6 7a 9 77.2 75.3 45.4 46.3 48.7 48.7 45.4 38.3 32.3 32.3 35.6 36.3 3.6 Idaho . . 3.3 Utah. 40 Washington 3.5 Montana 3.9 Average 7 9.3 87 91.8 33.4 73.6 46.6 35.1 3.5 The hulls of 6-row malt form a much larger percentage of the grain than do the hulls of 2-row malts, and yet the protein content of the 6-row barley is 1.5 per cent higher than that of the 2-row variety. These two factors only emphasize how much smaller the percentage of carbohydrates must be in G-row than in 2-row barley malts. Malts are sometimes rejected by brewers because of a high bushel weight. The following table will show that this factor is absolutely useless when considered alone, for very often those malts having a high bushel weight will give a larger yield of extract in the coarse grist than malts of lower w^eight per bushel. Comparison of weight per bushel and yield of extract. Kind of malt. ^pi«s- bSi. Extract. Niunber of samples. Low weight per bushel. Extract. 1 1 Pounds. 4 41.25 4 38.25 15 37. 7 Percent. 7a 7 70.1 70.5 2 4 12 Pounds. 36.5 35.6 35.6 Per cent. 70.6 6-row Bav Brewing malt 69.9 6-row Manchurian malt 69.9 As Wallerstein « has shown, a high bushel weight of malt is no more an indication of inferiority than is the low weight per bushel a « Communications from Laboratory and "Scientific Station for Brewing, Sec. Ann. Rep., 1904. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 53 proof of it.s superiority. This clearly shows tlmt one factor alone, and especially the bushel weight, is not enough to (.leterniine the value of a malt. Again, many times, even when this factor is considered iu connection with the weight per 1,000 grains, there are not sufficient data at hand to warrant a rejection of the malt, for the following table will illu.strate how it is possible to have malts whose bushel weights are high, but whose weights j)er 1,000 grains are low, and yet the extract yield is higher than the average. On the other hand, >ome malts with a high weight |K?r 1,000 grains and a high bushel weight give a yield of extract lower than the average. The average weight ix?r 1,000 grains of malts of high bushel weight and of high yiehl of extract is very little higher than in the ca.se of low bushel weight. Compariaon of S-rotc maltif having a high and a lotc weight pvr bunhel. High wdcht per biaheL Low wd|{ht p«r bushel. "'S&r Wdghtpw 1,000 gnlm. Extnot *iS£r 1,000 gnK. Kxtract. Omwu, PnamL r,„„j, GrraM. Per em. 38.75 26.9 74.1 36.95 31.0 68.8 3S.75 26.0 7a8 35.25 34.9 71.5 37.35 21.4 6&5 35.50 22.7 67.5 36.50 217 63.6 34.25 22.1 69.8 38.50 24.8 71.6 36.00 95.3 06.2 40.50 34.6 Tao 35.75 916 70.7 37.50 23.0 69.3 16.00 913 71.8 37.50 23.3 71.0 36.75 25.1 73.0 38.00 25.0 7a8 36.00 25.0 09.1 37.00 25.1 71.9 35.95 25.5 70.6 37.00 35.0 72.5 M.95 310 66.0 37.75 34.8 70.0 S4.75 23.7 71.9 36.50 25.4 68.3 38.00 27.3 70.9 37.50 23.4 7a8 37.7 24.6 70.5 35.6 23.9 09.9 As a general rule, however, a malt with a high weight per bushel will give more extract and will weigh more \wv 1,000 grains than a malt \vith low weight j^er bushel. The following figures selected from the preceding table plainly .show this: .4 comiKirison of the Cittremea of weight per bunhel with yield of extraet. Over 37.7 pounds per Leas than 35.6 pounds per bushel. Weight per 1,000 grains. Extract. Weight per 1,000 gralJas. Extract. Onmt. 25.9 24.8 24.6 25.0 218 27.3 Percent. 711 n.6 T0.O 70.8 T0.O Granu. 24.9 22.7 22.1 25.5 22.7 Percent. 71.5 67.5 69.8 70.6 71.9 25.4 71.2 23.6 70.2 64 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. But it is not always enough to know the weight per bushel and the weight per 1,000 grains in order to properly select malt. One should also determine other factors, such as mellowness, percentage of ger- mination, water, protein, and extract, the color, odor, impurity, and the diastatic power, etc., basing the decision on all of these results. From the entire study it is very evident that the variation in cli- matic conditions throughout the country, the difference in soil, the different methods of cultivation and rotation practiced — all have their bearing on the characteristics of barley, and from the great variation in composition it is safe to assume that the United States can produce barley of the first rank, whether 6-row or 2-row varieties be grown. As the climate varies greatly from one locality to another, and such conditions exert the greatest influence on the quality of the crop, care should be taken to select the seed and locality according to the tj^pe of barley desired. For example, moist climates and localities where plants have long periods of growth, especially between the stage of flowering and maturity, generally produce a low-protein barley. In such localities it would generally be impossible to grow^ barleys rich in protein. CHANGES IN COMPOSITION DURING MALTING. One of the most interesting and instructive series of results ob- tained in this work relates to the changes which each constituent of the barleys underwent during malting. This is shown in Table IV. These figures were obtained b}^ analyzing the malts, and then calcu- lating the malt analyses to the basis of the corresponding barleys b}^ multiplying the results of the malt analyses by the factor obtained by dividing the weight of 1,000 grains of malt by that of 1,000 grains of barley. This factor averages about 89, but as a rule the fac- tor found by actually weighing the barley and the amount of malt obtained therefrom on a laboratory scale was used. In several cases, however, the factor 89 Avas used in the conversion of the malt figures to the basis of the barley. This Avas the case Avherever the results showed that an apparent error had been made, or where a sample of either the malt or barley had been lost before the Aveight per 1,000 grains was obtained. The loss in malting a barley is due to the loss of soluble constituents and respiration of carbonic acid and to the formation of the radicles. On the other hand, there is a slight gain in Aveight due to the fixation of Avater during the conversion of starch to sugar, and possibly also to the hydrolysis of the proteins." The losses on malting Avere then calculated by diA^iding the difference be- tween the percentage of each constituent in the barley and in the malt (calculated to the barley basis) by the percentage of that con- stituent in the barle\^ itself. «Long, J. Amer. riiem. Soc. 1907, 29: 20n. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 55 111 this way the following changes due to malting were estimated, the figures given IxMiig the average of the results obtained from the analyses of 43 samples of barley and of their corresponding malts: l.oxs ami gain in the various constituenia of barley due to tnnlting. ron«tUuent. «gi»' 1 1 Constituent. Gain or loss. Per cent. Fat - 7.7 Filler 8.4 Pentosans. . . 1. G Starch 2K0 ReducinK sugars as Invert sugar . «- 4na 0 Cane sugar ^ 71.0 Ash .ni7 Sulphur. . Lei>lthias 1 Hulls... Bran Embrj-o Kner cent being present in the sample which on the first day's drying contained 11.47 i)er cent. This work is iH'ing repeat eerceptibly, according to these re- sults. This simply means, however, that sonje malts had been bleached by the use of sulphur^ or else had absorbed some sulpluii' omi)ounds from the products of combustion during the kilning process. In any case there has not l)een and there could not have l)een any real increase in the amount of sulphur unless the malts had absorbed it in some such manner. It is quite different, however, with the increase of lecithin, or rather alcohol and ether-soluble phosphorus compounds. Here we are deal- ing with a body, or several phosphorus-containing bodies, which are soluble in both alcohol and ether or in one of these reagents. The active physiological changes going on in the barley during malting have ali-eady been noted in so far as the losses in ash, phosphoric acid, and bran are concerned, and it is quite probable that some of the phosphorus compounds of barley, which are insoluble in alcohol and ether, go through some of these changes and become soluble in "J. I^udw., 1897, 45: 106, through Principles and Practice of Brewing, Sykes aud Ling. 58 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. these reagents. That such is the case the^resuhs here reported would seem to indicate. AVindisch" has ah-eady' shown that the phosphoric acid compounds of barley undergo a very great change in malting, the organic phosphorus being to a large extent hydrolyzed and con- verted to the inorganic condition. It is quite probable that some of this same organic phosphorus of barley, which is soluble in w^ater, also changes into another form of organic phosphorus which is soluble in alcohol and ether. The great increase in sugar is easily explained from the effect of the diastatic action on starch. The growth of the embryo during germination is a natural one. At the full malt period it has increased nearly 100 per cent, the va- riation being from 38 to 209 per cent. This variation is because of the fact that some grains begin to germinate and then stop, the length of the acrospire being less than one-fourth of that of the grain itself, whereas in a good malt its growth should be from three-fourths to one. That a most active proteolytic action took place in the barley dur- ing malting is clearly indicated by the increased amount of soluble protein. Whereas the total protein suffered a loss averaging 12 per cent, the amount of soluble protein increased over 70 per cent, thus showing that even as a very active diastatic action was noted by the conversion of the starch into sugar, so an almost equally active physiological change due to the proteolytic enzym was being brought about in regard to the protein of barley. Similar results have been obtained by Brown'' and Evans.^ The results given in the following table show the relative amounts of water-soluble proteins in high and low protein malts, and likewise the amount of protein rendered soluble on mashing and found in the wort : Comparison of soluble protein and proteins dissolved by mashing. HIGH-PROTEIN MALTS (6-ROW). Protein dissolved on Soluble protein based Labora- Protein in malt on mashing. on total protein. tory No. barley basis. Based on Based on : In malt total total In barlev. on barlev substance. protein. basis. Per cent. Per cerU. Percent. Percent. Percent. \ 102 n.o 5.08 46.2 16.1 35.3 91 11.4 4.89 42.8 18.0 36.0 58 11.3 4.21 37.2 17.3 31.0 111 11.3 4.41 39.0 18.4 36.0 , 50 10.7 4.67 43.6 18.4 40.0 51 10.3 4.44 43.1 17.4 36.7 71 11.1 5.30 47.7 17.9 35.1 73 10.5 4.91 46.7 17.4 41.3 i 84 10.7 4.35 40.6 18.2 37.4 12 Average 11.3 5.65 50.0 17.1 30.2 j 11.0 4.79 43.7 17.6 1 35.9 j J 1 JjOC. cit. J. Inst. Brew., tliroiigh tlie Wahl-Heniiis " Hanclybook," pp. 426-43.3. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 59 (Comparison of soluble protein and proteins dissolved by nuishiny — Continued, L0W-PR0TP:IN malts (6-ROW). Protein dUsoIved on Soluble pr otein iMsed Labora- I'rutcin in inalt on mMhlng. on total protein. tory No. barle>' Uuris. BMedon Based on In malt totel total In barley. 1 on barl«>y sotetanoe.; protein. basis. Peretnt. PtruiU. P€rttnl. Peretnt. Percent. IS 10.2 9.40 33.3 15.7 30.0 « 9.5 4. 15 43.7 17.6 35.9 53 9.6 4.12 42.9 18.0 39.0 104 9.8 3.96 40.5 19.1 35.5 115 9.5 3.89 40.9 18.0 ' 35.8 37 9.6 3.52 36.8 18.1 42.1 3 8.0 4.19 ' 52.2 17.9 35.0 35 9.8 4.«S 45.4 17.5 37.9 32 Armngt 9.8 9.5 4.30 Tor 43.6 16.9 35.5 *. 17.7 36.8 Tho fi^ires show a somewliat higher j^ercentage of protein dis- olved on mashing in high-protein niahs, as Wallerstein* has already shown, also that somewhat mon» protein ( 10 to 15 jx»r cent) is rendered soluble on mashing than by simple ti*eatment with cold water. Kunz ^ showed that from 25 to 41 per cent of the protein was found in the extract, a s-row Bay Brewing, and idinary ft-row Mancluirian are taken together. By separating the malts which were made from high-protein barley from those obtained from the low-protein barley it is shown that the first -named barleys suf- fer a greater loss of protein on malting than do the latter; for example, 10 samples of barley with high-protein content underwent an average loss of total protein in malting of Ki per cent, whereas the correspond- ing loss from 19 samples of low-protein barleys was 12 per cent. The work done on the comparative composition of barley and malt -hows that about one-fifth of the ash constituents of the bran is lost. 1 leinzelmann is quoted as saying that 20 per cent of the phosphoric acid originally prestMit is dissolved -row barley is about 12; of 2-row barley, 11.5; of Bay Brewing barley, less than 11, and of Utah Winter barley, less than 10 per cent. The most interesting changes occurring during the process of malt- ing are the increase in sugars, lecithin, soluble protein, and embryo, and the decrease in starch, ash, phosphoric acid, potash, magnesia, lime, bran, hulls, endosperm, fiber, fat, and total protein. The pento- sans undergo very little, if any, change. 62 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. 1 1«- •BtsenSBK ^ §&28g8SS&SSfeS s «""! 1 s •qsKjoj ^ •su!Bj3ooo'I Jad ^qSwAV 1 |t5^?^^^?5^^?:i5^^S^8^ g ^ 8 a 1 1 C t-i -uuadsopua •o^iquia 5 c4 •oBja ?i?58^ssg§{55;^?ss § HCO-Hrt—lCO^^'-H-^^rt^ •snnn 8 111 -OJd iB^^o>o6o6r-^cccoi^05t-^ w ,^^^ "^ pq •X3|iBq UI •(52-9XN)nWOJ||> JO aajia(i S S 3 3 5 T- r^ 3 X * n-' * ^3 j eo •5 « 35 -^ Q -^ 3iJ -- X 55 s; ^" -" ^ A. _ ■ 74 r« >« '-0 o 'jo u^tc s r« X a o ^ -^ >n tii ^ t^ -^ t-^ ■■£ >Q -^ '-6 ti fi ^si^^a! 'XlwitilvH ft. — 55-.-. --S" ft; :^L^ jfl^gge^e.ogTracffOg' I *•*■*•• IS 2 2 2' i|»l»JI»H ^8««s5S!5rssr5«T 3^3;Sftr!gS&$99}s' al -m«M OOO'I Id- 000' •(sr9Xx)ai»wwd «oc?s — Oi^eor^t^^Oocwj T2*J4I'»— Hull. 124— no 64 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BAKLEYS AND MALTS. In water-free substance. f •e}S3u3BW ■gciSMes S8 -< §s ss S I ^^ 00 ^ SS;^ •aran P.d. 0.07 .09 .07 .10 .07 .08 gS2g gl SSS8=^S8 •qsB;oj g SS!oS S Sl2j;^^f3S •SUIBJ3 000' I Jad ^qSpAi 35.82 28.04 41.20 30.56 40.76 29.90 J i c>i ci 5 (N 2.00 1.98 1.84 1.82 ^ ei oi c4 es oi e>i N •uBja P.ct. 11.37 10.73 10.75 10.79 10.86 11.09 s 10.89 10.60 11.78 11.31 So o 12.71 10.56 11.56 12.22 10.20 13.39 14.49 •snuH P.ct. 14.46 1.5.87 14.48 15.00 13.91 13.56 ?8 13.16 12.88 12.10 13.24 2 .-H c5 o oJ OS N c3 III o« ft ^558:^85^8 2 4.73 4.84 1.03 4.67 1? 4.12 6.03 4.16 4.89 5.05 .1. 89 4.77 •iaijcq UI ^ ^^^l^ 'T ^SiSSS.-:= 3i| III •maj -ojdm-o o CO o ei o 9.53 10.56 7.76 10.06 8^22888 •uni4pai SB sucq^paq ^? S?S^? s? ^aSIoS?!:?^? •JTiqdins p.ct. 0.143 .206 .152 .188 .146 .168 S S|g§ s ssggsss •pia n ouoqdsoqj P.ct. 1.00 .81 8 1 ^^^^ ^ .90 .99 1.03 1.13 1.10 .86 1.02 •qsv j^coe^oJcoccN — 2.90 2.90 2.72 2.73 So N c* c4 e>i ci c>i CO •qare^s P.ct. 58.23 58.14 57.82 59.66 58.33 68.82 s S 59.97 69.95 68.68 60.37 g g 60.38 62.54 64.72 58. 59 60.22 60.03 61.21 •snBS:cd«o to '5.88 6.66 6.26 7.40 «3 SgSS?§2g «0 ■* «0 "C •<«< o ■<»< •?BJ ^828gSS Ij- (N e C 1 > & 1 0 ; X 0 II -saidmt 88 JO jaqumx " -^ CO «e^ 2 1 NU5 ^^ » w - m -.-, CONCLUSIONS. 65 S?! 11 2 3S ^ ^ sr K — IT' Sf: s- 9 ^fi 2? 8 S2 28 8' PR R R §5 S $ e4c« ci 9« Ss" 7i a =£} a ^ WS- X =^ s I 1 SW -6 ~n . «tO ^ 1 f^ s ' =5'i '^ ! fr "3" 9 •2 a :i ^«r 3 i je" -.-. "• 9S^ 22 8 ?S id' oi-: ci ig^ S a I^ai = ^^ 'W §T J ^ ^ 2S sg 5 «ei e4 Sir 1" 3 58 5 ft «Qd «> ssTa -j-* «j •o ^|3" !:: w-^ [ s4 ci 8« S n OW 00 oi :i 1 sas. . tana Avi ^1 1 c c * "" c 08 O 3 ^S 1^ — •O Is \ - 66 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. f^ 5 -2^ o ^ 02 -5 2^ 2^ 8^ o -|aui u{ 3seai3 -tn JO ajnajagiQ; t^ -^ e<3 00 '^ "J -^ it^ aoc^ CO , • fl Ol -<»• C<3 ^ ASjaua tnjao -aoi^niossip jo aaiSaQ •IIB9K I ! I ^ ,«cooot^o< •^l«9W £ L •^laefjsjtBH iN^lSecS^ •j£iaa?S ;8J§i •jajBAY . c; •v '-^ CO "5 i2 •g •^ TT o: O 00 CO ^- cj^oooicJc^ •uiajojd aiqnfos -ja^jBJtt aiqBin3B03 . T-. OC C5 '^1 S < •majojd a I q n I o s-j ajB\\ ~§^ ^^^B 000' I J3d ?q3|aAV »: -^ o '-< »c ■* o O •SUIBJ3 000' I Jad ^qSpAV ;ot>-*S •^oex^xg .1-': roc - • .-: ci ( •(SZ'9Xn)^«K"cI OCO OJ (N •pqsnq jaj S'S'ro L~ O ul ic •jajjio^^^^ -i^J 5^^?SCO!COO [2 o S o S S «o —Jr-JcOt-: Cb 9 o ^ cs ooood ooooo oiooio u5>Q^l iMcoc 55!52§ ^^•<^1^oco t^C0CO<-l go :=:^-2 c 52 c •^.-1 00 s: »OCO t^ Ci C5 O Ci Tl- 1>: C5 ic 00 1^ •^ uo >o r^ ■^ -H O ^^ -^ ^ CO iC o o cc >o -^ o ©Ot-iSJOOOC^ OO O --: 00 Ci C "^ (N CI ^ C-» ^ T-H O CO CO 00 00 00 00 cj -J o c-i ^ »-; 1-j CO CO CO CO CO C^ CO L-i 00 irf t.o o t-^ to Ci c» "5 c^ o r^ ■» •^ Ol^00(N»0 to Oi a 03 o) oi 0^ d t-O (N OO l^ 00 O O 00 1- o -"T t~ ia 00 C5 O O t^ i-l o ic t^t^Oi -V t^iO 00 i-HM eOMco^^ '-'CO'C-^OOO ) CO >-i O t^ O •-' ) CO .-< CO C-J M a>T-iTj 00 «c cr. -vj o i "-H i-l ci c-i c-j -J ' oc r- to r; O •^ —I CI CO eoe i§S5§{i5^^ ■^ 00 ^H OCCO'V t>. O — I •-' -^ r- -v s> CO* •'t o »-< '"i c: CO t^ |-» l>- t^ t-- CO t- cr^tt5.-H CO to o 1-5 o ci CO ci -J ^ >o O to O iCl > t~i O (N to (N ) lO to »o to ■* to OS «-> 0> 1-1 00 CO i^ cocot^tooSo c c SB cS e3 •saidures jo jaquniN CONCLUSIONS. 67 33 1 il S ! •oS 4^ s 55 •o 5; 2S -* ^ . t i "do Si •J d r n — o ! ■\W r.jrrs'j S a ?:s d T u ^ 5S .4 3 ^ Si 2 ?; ?3 15^ R i 5 3S 1 ' 5 i; 2^ k 68 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. . OO •<»• QO CO O 00 O < > lo -^ i3 o oi t^ t^ c • « 00 1>^ t^ t^ -^ r>i ■" •JlBta UI -ai9:}Ojd mo% UI •I^BUI UI -n]9}0jd wo; UI •;1BUI UI •(52-9X ^•QOOQoo^g'or^oo b>ooo-^ -•X.(NjOCC30— o»o -•coe<5e<5rocccoecc4 oe>««occo0rtcoo5 .•«oc5-o»cooo6o5 BirO'j'roroeococoffq •T-4cou:i~otsco^co ^jr^oooit^oosOM" •UTO 1 ■«owio;£oo-*oot^ ft^O •jnqdins ib^ox -ppco nm!S9uSBj^ t)COU5>-(-^i-it>.C<>00 . C>« (N M (N (N "H (N -H ftio ^*2 •ppco xnnioiBO ft; =5 •ppco uinjssTKjoj; e;d ^ CQ CO ^ ^ opoqdsoqd le+oj, 050000^0-^00» •qsy I -*i IC ■>»< 30 1^ --I O 00 'C^(NMC>iMrO(No4 ^S •»j5 »d -.j! -^jS lO §Sg3S! •CO* ■<*< CCCO n--6 S8 S2§ 58 • jeSns 9UB0 - jcSns ipaAUi 2Sg SSS! •qaiKis • •o»oc6i--^o6t^od c4« co>o gg •suBSo^uej q*0-hOOO^OO •joqij tO^OOiO'O^'OuS •*8i •jajBAV « r-l r^ «coco odcJoooJ §It?Sg2?5 iO^usSS 5^5 5SSS? ■«»< I-- r^ i-H •oeocoirf 000003 SoSoow 1— I .— 1 1— O <-i (MOOON-H TflOOO r- ;.2feS Sg ss 35 a 2 si ^ 11 -^ saiduiBS JO jactumN i ^_<^coao-H- es c^ — M— < CU.NCXLfclO^b. 69 $3 ffS ts a« -5 35 d 3S ^S 5 SS n^ s g^S sis s ss :c3 s e4^ ci-r CO 2Sg 2a 9 ¥?? S7 ^ s?t? 8!? S <4>c H>o oj i;a ssa SI a^ 0*^ ^ 91^ ^R R ^S ^ s ^^h^ a gs ^^ & 9$ • • S9 ^ {^sjlss 8 - ^. :^^i3 1 •r'^* c4 S3 S8 r <«le4U«4wj ^ ss *j||53 s =5$!i2^9 ^ - '^^1 ^ .- r Ti at II 9 ^ 88 S2 S: -« -« ^ sslki? S ..||.. •fl ' T. H ■< s, a j^ .'-UOW tana. York mum mum = s = X o %; .= cs 1 y, sa 1 - •o 1 70 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. ■p G .s a •+3 ^ o i >^ 1 K if H ^ OQ ^ (4 2»> W rO 0 '^ P^ &» 0 CJ hJ 1^ ^ > » 0 H Sr. ;z: Q -< ?: ^ « i 0 y—t OQ t—t 5- 1— » 1-3 < OQ fr < 000' I -lacl iq3i9M aqi jo 01 jb^ •SUIBJ3 000' I iad ?q2raAV ' : iM c^ c^ c^ i em s •SUIBJ^ 000' I -lad iqSPAV 2oi05l^^^-ox•>*'^5 :C>»lMC>)) — OJ C^lCS . a,.S| o o— . OQ ». S3 -iSuo 0} pajT?! -hoiBO ;iBui UI j . -^ -e«»ooaco-<:5oo w»Oi-ioG-^a5XOo •uBia i*a5 ttCO.-lO!N(NO t^ 00 00 00 t^ Xi 00 •STIUH ?2g ■^OJ omi IN 00 -^loo coon C> CO ^ s^ §§8 00 CO 000 r-5(N ooo 00-^ ^ ^ iO (^ -t t^ 000-1 -"J" 00 0& 00 000c N-«« ■* O 00-^ t^ -^ 00 !N Q eO(NO»(NO CO CO CO CO CO O ^ ^T" OS 00 05 o t^ '^ ■* ^' cc oi h^ OJ lO-^IN" I "5 -*■»!< ■ ICO-*" e«c> 00 o iM e>» CO IcOt^OO CO oi cce^ o odoocioioo .-HWOr-^O c5oJc5oJc5 C -H -^ Cv| CO t- 1^ t- 1^ t> O "3 t^Ol 00 00 00 00 00 oi no*-'; I coc4 »OU5 .— c CQCS II C K >•§ o S;^ ^ 2 '7'° s's I " 2 «-= = o = - b o c o 02 sdiduiBS JO iaciumx ^ "O f^ > tei (N (N -H I'J — be 03 C C •3 53 . H — CONCLUSIONS. 71 ■^ R 23 32 s 5 s Hn ^g SS - r-J » gf2 ss 5 ■,:; 1 s^?^ ?3g £^ >: 53 ss S3 «* ^ ^ stsi '^t i :',Z S 9S fSSi s - >«» «4^ «i :^ -1 S3 s¥ 8 --5 H xitfi xie •4 3 ai R8 K3 s~ :S J5^ s^^ s;;^ s$ : ro s S» S3$3 s -;^ «4 *iti e4*4 •« •4M «ti* •4 J si 2>.||^ i~ ^1^1 '4^ 1 ^5 9$ ..t 3 8» »9 2 3i r^ ilz 'S^ ot •i« < 3 T 35fS 5R Q sa 9 a 1 » SS 9~ H e>i e4«4 r4f4 c4 ' !-^ CO M» J8 •-^ 3 .JU - c:5J? 9^ is" S oie< c4 C4-< d "* 1 — 1 - p» « ; H ; -3 ; M i a : i I 1 -=1 ii I ~ cs o e ^ fl 53a S!e: ss X II '- hi 72 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. t— ( PQ /• ' , ;(itAvoja) ssau' , 80.11 97.01 79.67 91.53 85.07 84.59 94.02 76.08 5? 93.04 95.50 77.60 89.03 91.53 g s g " •poiii. JO una cs to t^ eo OS .-H -hX oc •pajBmSB -oo uiajojd aiqniog *^ CO -qS CO CO -^ CO >* iC ox woo cs tDC*OU5.0: CIO to c6 -sip SBur iiq paAios uia^ojd pioj, X XX 53 ?§ to t laqsnq jaj 5 cTo" 5S o to •jajlliyiyaq jaj 0^ t^ 'T 00 O U3 t>-co ^5 cow -xa ut aanaiagiQ c ^CCt>^r-lCS ci 9sa ■HSIJ3 BOO '^OBJlXa II 8^Sg§S 1 g§Sfi?2 g{^ Sf2 g t •uAai3jaAo .OCOO^-HCO-- n°2 cs oooo^- Oj-; lajsro ss g feS5S? 5)g s SiO 01 so ft.* -^g u- 1 ^u^n°^ rs s m o •50o;sS0 .oo(Ntf»Meo(Ne «s es CCC>J X "T- ox "eo" •9Z0 oj 0 ot- CO w« r-icr ot^ (4 PQ •^ITOW a,' 2^ 5 SSSoSS ss s •Xl99»SJlBH '^r? cs tOOSOtO^ «§:; S2 -«1 . m o CO AaaJS .^,_t^eot^C5C^oo ot>- If -«su3 euij 'joeajxa S2 55 •uaSoj^iN s I ^^z2_f? gSj ^ •(SZ-9 X N) uiajoij ^•?;2SSl2SgS 3S o^ s t2gS5S5S oooodo- 00 cj M 0 S fl ° li 0 5 c i x: C 1 c 1 o C & g 1 '1 .P i o 1 t2 "So ll 1 s 1 •SBTrf „ re o- ■* r. c^ CS — CS.-I X CO>;CLLblUi;S. 73 SSI SS? s s e4 to« II fe5 9 m 99 SSIj 9 -4 1 OO 1 So8 s 8_ 8J. SP: 3 fife 8 Sts -4 4.92 4.69 4.10 5.51 .153 .219 .117 .219 ss||S;s 1.18 .90 lo 1.19 2 33.48 25.69 25.69 33.84 8 « 78.68 72.93 79.74 3 P J8 1 s r it a gs ii > 74 STUDIES OF AMERICAN BARLEYS AND MALTS. 8iq«in3tB00 aiqnios ' I I • I I I I I I I I '^ I I I •aia^ojd eiqtBpiSBOouou e^qniog esioi-i»ocooooooooooccot>.or^t^oc<5'^»t^ooesioc<5oa!0-.ct^ooooo -ina!^Qid aiqnios i U5 O ITS - !OOOi-'5r-.-*'rfc<50t^'^oc^ie5e>»'*<«rt'»i'CMOCs»-Hi-Hoco( -aia^ojd iKjOiL i777 I ,J< ^ O ■>»' ® l-H ^. < i o lo o5 "* 00 CO 'i' ' iNeooa>o»ot^oocooccit^ONoe<5»oo ico»Oi-5c4oc»o6csoJ'^'^«0'«j'ccr-4o6o6o6 I I I I I I I I I m7T7 777 1 77T i7 coc>i -^ T77 •uuadsopua CO 00® 7 I 7 1 777 iCCOt^'^»OwOOOO>00»-l05i/5C<>05000t-»l^Ol^a5l^OMt^ ««oo'oMcoc^r^;ct>^t;^j-j^'.-^ I I i7 I I I I i777 i77 m7 i77 i7 I ii a a e a a a e_ t^ooeo "oco •oXiquia: CO coo oco-^» S382c ltcoocoI-loccow^cooo^-;cooc<^^-leooot>•OI-l■>!J^T^^ !^2{ •uBja a>-*ooxoo>t^cs«io«3 t^cdt~^"3C500»ct--^co eOT»-CO>OOt->0 oc>i-i36ioce4«5 •^coiflw^^cooi M M M M •snnH t~eooo^HC05C»coo>o !777 I 77 M ot^c^»ffl>or^oc<»OJes>oococsior>-t^O'^ iOii5U3to^c>i-Hcoo(5-^t>^'-'5roc^o6oct^« I 1 I i7777 I i777+ 1 77 + '*Q«0 7+ m77 I «ocooeocooeot^oo *iinD!39I SB sireqtHoaq: •^oooo'ocicooooo eo"5-* COI^ 00 00-HQO<©"5 t^OOOCM—l OCO "3 -HCO^ ^~ I •jnqdins ib^o j, •ppco nmisaiiScn OOOJt^. 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