y.PJ^. B C. LIBRARY 3 9424 00409 1390 STORAGE HEM FiiOClESSING-OxNE Lpl-JDllF U.B.C. LIBRARY fy)rl Arrcr.i'uttt JCrr 1^ r >v^>' Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Britisii Columbia Library http://www.arGhive.org/details/GhemistryofplanOOsnyd THE CHEMISTRY OF PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE ■j^'^yi^ THE CHEMISTRY OF PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE BY HARRY SNYDER, B.S. PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, AND CHEMIST OF THE MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. 1905 All rights reserved CorVRIGHT, 1903, By harry SNYDER. Copyright, 1903, By the MACMILLAN COMPANY. First published elsewhere. New Edition set up, electrotyped, and published December, 1903 ; December, 1905. ICortoooli ^rcss J. S. Gushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE THIS book is the outgrowth of instruction in chem- istry given in the School of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota. At first the classes were small and individual work with blackboard exercises and references to the literature in the school Hbrary was possible. With increased number of students, mimeo- graphed notes were supplied until finally the size of the classes and the volume of the notes have necessitated their pubHcation in book form. The work was first given, in 1891, to a class of seven students, while in 1903 they numbered 1 50. The class of students to whom this instruction has been given have been mostly earnest workers who attended school largely from personal choice and who desired to make as much progress as possible. Numer- ous questions have been asked by them relating to the application of chemistry to farm and everyday life, and for a number of years the author kept a question box in which were placed the more important questions asked in class, and the difficulties experienced in the laboratory work, and in developing the work from year to year these questions and difficulties have been considered. This work was originally outlined as Agricultural Chemistry, but as special features have been developed and published, as the " Chemistry of Soils and Fertil- izers," and "The Chemistry of Dairying," this part of the subject has gradually developed into " The Chemistry of Plant and Animal Life," and includes the composition PREFACE of plant and animal bodies, the chemistry of the plant and of its food and growth, the chemistry of human foods and animal nutrition, the digestibility and value of foods and the laws governing their economic use. A few topics of an industrial nature but closely related to plant and animal life are also included. Before taking up the special parts relating to the chem- istry of plant and animal bodies, the elements and simpler compounds present in plants and animals, together with the laws governing their combinations, are considered so as to prepare the way for a more intelligent study of the subject, and to show the relation which exists between chemistry and plant and animal life. Laboratory prac- tice forms an important feature, and questions are asked in connection with each experiment. Many of the ex- periments and problems are given to illustrate some special feature of the composition of plant and animal bodies. The illustrations, with the exception of a few as noted, are original. With mature earnest students, six months with a class- room or laboratory exercise each day are required to complete this work, although a longer time could ad- vantageously be given to the subject. It has been the aim throughout to present the topics in such a way that they would be easily understood and to develop the rea- soning powers of the student so that he would be able to make the best use of his chemistry in everyday life ^^^^^^- Harry Snyder. St. Anthony Park, Minn. First edition, March i, 1903. Second edition, Nov. 11, 1903. INTRODUCTION LANT life and animal life are dependent upon the changes which are continually taking place in nature. The laws of nature, as far as they are known, are set forth in the various sciences among which chemistry oc- cupies a prominent place. In every-day life affairs, chemistry takes an important part because it is the science which treats of the composition and uses of substances found in nature. Plant and animal foods which are essential for life are simply mechanical mix- tures of various forms of matter which are constantly undergoing changes and exemplifying the laws of chem- istry. In agriculture, chemistry takes an important part, the term Agricultural Chemistry being applied to that branch of the science which concerns itself with the practical application of the laws of chemistry to the science of agriculture. In the cultivation of the soil, production of crops, feed- ing of animals manufacture of farm products, prepara- tion and use of human foods, and in all life processes numerous chemical changes take place, and it is in part the province of chemistry to investigate these changes so as to assist nature in rendering the plant food of the soil more available, and to produce crops of the highest nutritive value, as well as to indicate ways in which the best possible use can be made of farm products in the VI INTRODUCTION feeding of animals and men. Before these subjects can be considered in an intelligent way, a fundamental knowl- edge must be obtained of some of the basic principles and laws of chemistry, since they are as essential to future work along special lines, as is a good foundation to a building, or a scaffold during its construction. In the household, arts, industries, and professions, constant use is made of products formed from the soil, air and water. In order to understand more perfectly the nature of the substances dealt with so as to make the most intel- ligent use of them, it is necessary to have a practical knowledge of some of the laws of chemistry and of the properties of the elements and compounds which enter into the composition of plant and animal bodies. To the student who begins the study of chemistry, it is imperative that the first part of the subject be thor- oughly mastered. Chemistry is different in its nature from many subjects. It cannot be studied in discon- nected parts but must be undertaken systematically. It cannot be absorbed by listening to lectures, but must be studied. If the first part of the work is neglected, a failure is almost inevitable. If particular attention is given to the elements and their combinations, to the com- position of matter, to laboratory manipulations, and to the classification of the elements, and if the experi- ments are performed regularly, the student experiences a keen enjoyment in the subject, the work ceases to be drudgery and becomes a pleasure. The student should make an effort to learn how to study ; the memorizing of chemical formulas and equa- INTRODUCTION VU tious is not studying chemistry ; he should master the principles governing the combination of elements and then the memorizing of chemical formulas becomes un- necessary. In the preparation of the lessons, there are a number of reference books which should be consulted occasionally. For example, if difficulty is experienced with the subject of valence and radicals, the interesting chapter upon these topics in Ellen H. Richards' ' * Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning ' ' should be read. Remsen's "Chemistry," Hart's "Chemistry for Begin- ners," Storer and Lindsay's "Elementary Manual of Chemistry, ' ' as well as many others, will be found valuable. In studying the parts relating to foods, crops, and ani- mal feeding, Henry's "Feeds and Feeding," Jordan's "Feeding of Farm Animals," Armsby's "The Principles of Animal Nutrition," " Johnson's How Crops Grow," and " How Crops Feed,'' and the bulletins of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and of the several stations should be available. The student should early acquire the habit of consulting other works, as many topics are pre- sented more clearly in one work than in another. He who studies chemistry from a professional point of view, as medical chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, or agricultural chemistry, should remember that because of the limited time for the subject in professional schools, he is receiving at the best only a very abridged course in the science. Hence the necessity of supplementing the work by collateral reading and study ; otherwise he comes into contact with only one phase of the subject, and while he receives a technical education, he may obtain Vlll INTRODUCTION only a limited and narrow view of the science of chem- istry. In the study of the " Chemistry of Plant and Animal Life," it is the aim to bring the student into close contact with nature which is one of the requisites for perfect agri- culture. Although not all of the laws relating to the chem- istry of plant and animal life have been discovered, many of those relating to soils and foods, particularly human foods, are known and can be applied to every-day life affairs. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chemistry in its relation to plant and animal life ; Relation to other sciences ; How to study chemistry ; Reference books and how to use them ; Importance of chemistry. Pages v-viii. CHAPTER I Composition of Matter. — Physical and chemical changes ; Inde- structibility of matter ; Molecules ; Atoms ; Elements ; Com- pounds ; Chemical affinity ; Mechanical mixtures ; Chemical anal- ysis and synthesis ; Summary. Pages 1-7. CHAPTER II Properties of Elements and Compounds. — Physical properties ; Chemical properties ; Symbols of the elements ; Formulas of com- pounds ; Atomic weights ; Molecular weights ; Law of definite proportion ; Valence ; Combination of elements ; Problems on combination of elements; Experiments and questions. Pages 8-18. CHAPTER III Laboratory Manipulation. — Importance of laboratory practice ; Names and uses of apparatus ; Cutting glass tubing ; Bending glass tubing ; Perforating corks ; Weighing ; Measuring liquids ; Obtain- ing reagents from bottles ; Filtering ; Laboratory note-book ; Breakage of apparatus ; Care of sinks and plumbing ; How to ac- complish the best results in the laboratory. Pages 19-30. CHAPTER IV Oxygen. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Importance ; Problems, experiments, and questions ; Part taken in plant and animal life. Pages 31-36. CHAPTER V Hydrogen. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Importance ; X CONTENTS Problems, experiments, and questions ; Part taken in plant and animal life. Pages 37-41. CHAPTER VI Nitrogen. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Importance ; Problems, experiments, and questions ; Part taken in plant and animal life. Pages 42-45. CHAPTER VII Carbon. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Coal ; Allotro- pism ; A reducing agent ; Combustion ; Spontaneous Combustion ; A decolorizer and deodorizer ; Products of combustion ; Com- pounds of carbon ; Importance ; Experiments and questions ; Part taken in plant and animal life. Pages 46-55. CHAPTER VIII Water. — Chemical composition ; Physical properties ; Wqter of crystallization ; Natural waters ; Impurities and relation to dis- eases ; Location of wells ; Mineral impurities ; Contamination of drinking water ; Methods of improving drinking waters ; Water filters ; Experiments and questions. Pages 56-65. CHAPTER IX Air. — A mechanical mixture ; Carbon dioxid ; Ammonium com- pounds ; Moisture ; Ozone and hydrogen peroxid ; Argon and helium ; Organic impurities and ventilation of rooms ; Air, a source of plant food ; Sources of contamination of air; Experiments and questions; Importance of air in plant and animal life. Pages 66-71. CHAPTER X Acids, Bases, Salts and Neutralization. — Classification of ele- ments; Acids; Bases; Salts; Radicals; Naming of acids; Naming of bases ; Naming of Salts ; Double salts ; Acid salts ; Basicity of acids ; Two series of salts. Pages 72-79. CHAPTER XI Hydrochloric Acid, Chlorin and Chlorids. — Occurrence ; Prepara- tion ; Properties ; Preparation of chlorin ; Properties ; The chlorin CONTENTS XI group of elements ; Chlorids ; Problems ; Experiments and ques- tions. Pages 80-85. CHAPTER XII Nitric Acid and Nitrogen Compounds. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Importance ; Ammonia ; Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Uses ; Oxids of nitrogen ; Anhydrids ; Law of nmltiple proportion ; Importance of the nitrogen compounds ; Problems ; Experiments and questions. Pages 86-92. CHAPTER XIII Phosphorus and Its Compounds. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Properties ; Oxids ; Phosphoric acid c»nd phosphates ; Compounds of phosphorus; Importance of phosphorus and its compounds; Problems ; Experiments and questions. Pages 93-96. CHAPTER XIV Sulfur and Its Compounds. — Occurrence ; Preparation ; Proper- ties ; Uses; Sulfur dioxid ; Sulfuric acid; Properties of H2SO4 ; Sulfates ; Sulfids ; Problems ; Experiments and questions. Pages 97-102. CHAPTER XV Silicon and Its Compounds. — Occurrence ; Preparation and proper- ties ; Silicic acid ; Dialysis ; Silicates ; Importance of compounds of silicon ; Problems ; Experiments and questions. Pages 103-106. CHAPTER XVI Oxids of Carbon, Carbonates, and Carbon Compounds. — Carbon dioxid ; Carbon monoxid ; Marsh gas ; Hydrocarbons ; Petroleum ; Use of gasoline ; Illuminating gas ; Mineral oils ; Oil of turpentine ; Creosote ; Benzene or benzol ; Aliphatic and aromatic series of com- pounds ; Carbon disulfid ; Cyanids ; Carbids ; Fuels ; Caloric value of fuels ; Foods ; Production of organic compounds in plants , De- cay of organic compounds ; Experiments. Pages 107-119. CHAPTER XVII Writing Equations. — Importance ; Common errors in writing Xll CONTENTS equations ; Impossible reactions ; A knowledge of reacting com- pounds and products necessary ; Equations for class room work. Pages 120-126. CHAPTER XVIII Potassium, Sodium, and Their Compounds. — Occurrence of potas- sium ; Potassium hydroxid ; Potassium nitrate ; Potassium car- bonate ; Potassium chlorate : Potassium sulfate ; Miscellaneous potassium salts ; Occurrence of sodium ; Sodium chlorid ; Sodium nitrate ; Sodium carbonate ; Sodium hydroxid ; Sodium phosphate; Miscellaneous sodium salts ; Experiments. Pages 127-133. CHAPTER XIX Calcium, Magnesium, and Their Compounds. — Occurrence of cal- cium ; Calcium carbonate ; Calcium oxid ; Calcium hydroxid ; Cal- cium sulfate ; Calcium chlorid ; Bleaching-powder ; Calcium phos- phate ; Mortar ; Glass ; Occurrence of magnesia ; Magnesium salts ; Experiments. Pages 134-139. CHAPTER XX Iron, Aluminum, and Their Compounds.— Occurrence of iron ; Reduction of iron ores ; Wrought iron ; Steel ; Rusting of iron ; Iron compounds ; Occurrence of aluminum ; Alums ; Pottery ; Ex- periments. Pages 140-147. CHAPTER XXI Copper, Zinc, Lead, Tin, Arsenic, Mercury, Their Compounds and Alloys. — Commercial importance ; Occurrence of copper and its metallurgy ; Copper sulfate ; Bordeaux mixture ; Occurrence of zinc ; Compounds of zinc ; Galvanized iron ; Occurrence of tin ; Tin salts ; Occurrence of lead ; Oxids of lead ; Lead carbonates ; Lead salts ; Uses of lead ; Occurrence of arsenic ; Paris green ; Occur- rence of mercury ; Compounds of mercury ; Experiments. Pages 148-154. CHAPTER XXII The Water-Content and Ash of Plants. — Water; Dry matter; Plant ash ; Form of the ash elements ; Amount of ash in plants ; Importance of ash elements ; Water culture ; Sand culture ; Occur- rence and function of ash elements ; Potassium : Sodium ; Calcium ; CONTENTS Xlll Magnesium ; Aluminum ; Iron ; Phosphorus; Sulfur; Silicon; Chlo- rin ; Kxperiments ; Problems. Pages 155-174. CHAPTER XXIII The Non-Nitrogenous Organic Compounds of Plants. — Organic matter ; Non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous organic compounds ; Classification of non-nitrogenous compounds ; Carbohydrates ; General characteristics ; Cellulose ; Occurrence ; Physical proper- ties ; Chemical properties ; Function and value ; Food value ; Amount of cellulose in plants ; Crude fiber ; Starch ; Occurrence ; Physical properties ; Chemical properties ; Function and value ; Foo value of starch ; Amount of starch in plants ; Dextrin ; Struc- tural formulas ; Sugar ; Classification of sugars ; Occurrence of sucrose ; Physical and chemical properties of sucrose ; Milk-sugar ; Maltose ; Inversion of sucrose ; Refining of sugar ; Occurrence of dextrose ; Chemical and physical properties ; Levulose ; Miscel- laneous sugars ; Optical properties of sugar ; Sugar-beets ; Food value of sugar; Gums; Pentosans; Pectin bodies; Nitrogen-free extract ; Fats ; Presence in plants ; Physical properties ; Chemical composition ; Stearin ; Palmitin ; Olein ; Miscellaneous fats ; Saponi- fication ; Fatty acids ; Waxes ; Food value of fat ; Amount of fat in plants and foods ; Ether extract ; Organic acids ; Occurrence in plants ; Tartaric acid ; Malic acid ; Succinic acid ; Oxalic acid ; Citric acid ; Tannic acid ; Function and food value of the organic acids ; Essential oils ; General properties ; Occurrence ; Chemical composition and properties ; Essential oils of agricultural crops ; Synthetic production of essential oils ; Amount of essential oils in plants ; Food value ; Miscellaneous compounds in plants ; Relation- ship of non-nitrogenous compounds of plants ; Food value of the non -nitrogenous compounds ; Experiments and questions. Pages 175-213- CHAPTER XXIV The Nitrogenous Organic Compounds of Plants.— Amount of nitrogenous matter in plants ; Different terms applied to nitroge- nous compounds ; Complexity of composition ; Classification of nitrogenous compounds ; Proteids ; General composition ; Oc- currence ; Physical properties ; Chemical properties ; Classification XIV CONTENTS of proteids ; Albumins ; Globulins ; Albuminates ; Peptones and proteoses ; Insoluble proteids ; Food value of proteids ; Amount in plants ; Crude protein ; Albuminoids ; Composition ; Nuclein ; Gelatin ; Mucin ; Elastin ; Food value of albuminoids ; Amides and amines ; Composition and properties ; Formation and Occurrence in plants ; Formation and occurrence of amides in animals ; Food value ; Amount in foods ; Protein production and disintegration ; Alkaloids ; General composition ; Plant alkaloids ; Animal alka- loids ; Food value and production ; Mixed nitrogenous com- pounds ; Lecithin ; Nitrogenous glucosides ; General relationship of the nitrogenous organic compounds of foods ; Problems and ex- periments. Pages 214-234. CHAPTER XXV Chemistry of Plant Growth. — Seeds ; Ash ; Non-nitrogenous com- pounds; Nitrogenous compounds; Chemical changes during germi- nation ; Change of starch to soluble forms ; Change of fats to starch ; Change of insoluble proteids to soluble forms ; Germina- tion of seeds and digestion of food compared ; Necessary condi- tions for germination ; Heavy- and light-weight seeds ; Movement of plant juices ; Joint action of chemical and physical agents; Poro- sity of tissues ; Osmosis ; Chlorophyl and protoplasm ; Chemical action in leaves of plants ; Production of chlorophyl ; Function ; Production of organic matter ; Experiments. Pages 235-246. CHAPTER XXVI Composition of Plants at Different Stages of Growth. — Composi- tion and stage of growth ; Assimilation of mineral food by the wheat plant ; Assimilation of nitrogen by the wheat plant ; Clover ; Rapidity of growth; Flax; Rapidity of growth; Maize (corn); Importance ; Roots ; Stalks ; Leaves ; Tassel ; Husks ; Ripening period. Pages 247-256. CHAPTER XXVII Factors which Influence the Composition and Feeding Value of Crops. — Seed ; Soil ; Climate ; Stage of maturity ; Method of preparation as food ; Improving the feeding value of forage crops. Pages 257-262. CONTENTS XV CHAPTER XXVIII Composition of Coarse Fodders. — Coarse fodders; Straw; Tim- othy hay , Hay, similar to timothy ; Oat hay ; Hay, similar to oat hay ; Bromus inermis ; Clover hay ; Alfalfa and fodders similar to clover ; Rape ; Pasture grass ; Corn fodder and stover ; Silage. Pages 263-272. CHAPTER XXIX Wheat. — Structure of kernel ; Proteids of vpheat ; Relation of nitrogen in wheat to nitrogen content of flour ; Influence of ferti- lizers upon composition of wheat ; Variations in composition of wheat ; Storage in elevators ; Grading ; Composition of Unsound wheat ; Composition of different varieties ; American and foreign wheats ; Wheat as animal food ; As human food ; Experiments and questions. Pages 273-288. CHAPTER XXX Maize (Indian Corn). — Structure of the kernel; Composition; Proteids ; Nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous corn ; Varieties ; Grading ; Corn products ; Corn as a food ; Experiments. Pages 289-295. CHAPTER XXXI Oats, Barley, Rye, Buckwheat, Rice, and Miscellaneous Seeds. — Structure of the oat kernel ; Composition of oats ; Oats as human and animal foods ; Barley ; Rye ; Rice ; Buckwheat ; Millet seed ; Peas and beans ; Grading of grains ; Experiments. Pages 296-302. CHAPTER XXXII Mill and By-Products.— Sources ; Wheat by-products ; Wheat bran ; Wheat shorts ; Wheat germ ; Wheat screenings ; Linseed meal ; Cottonseed cake and meal ; Oat feed ; Gluten meal ; Malt sprouts ; Miscellaneous by-products ; Inspection of feeding stuffs ; Problems and experiments. Pages 303-311. CHAPTER XXXIII Roots, Tube^rs and Fruits. — General composition ; Potatoes; Car- rots ; Parsnips ; Mangel wurzels ; Apples ; Oranges ; Lemons ; Straw- berries ; Grapes ; Olives ; Dried fruits ; Miscellaneous fruits ; Food value. Pages 312-317. XVI CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXIV Fermentation. — Insoluble ferments ; Soluble ferments or enzymes ; Aerobic and anaerobic ferments ; Conditions necessary for fermen- tation ; Soil ferments ; Ferments in seeds ; Ferments in bread- making ; Ferment action and food digestion ; Ferments and food preservation ; Ferments in butter- and cheese-making ; Disease- producing organisms ; Beneficial organisms ; Experiments. Pages 318-324- CHAPTER XXXV Chemistry of Digestion and Nutrition. — Digestion, a bio-chemicai process ; Digestion experiments ; Caloric value of foods ; Available energy of foods ; Net energy of foods ; Digestion of proteids ; Di- gestion of the carbohydrates ; Digestion of fats ; Oxygen necessary for digestion ; Factors influencing digestion ; Mechanical con- dition ; Combination of foods ; Amount of food consumed ; Pala- tability ; Individuality ; Miscellaneous factors influencing digesti- bility ; Application of digestion coefficients ; Digestible nutrients of foods ; Problems. Pages 325-342. CHAPTER XXXVI Rational Feeding of Animals. — Balanced rations ; A maintenance ration ; Standard rations ; Food requirements of animals ; Food supply at different stages of growth ; Food requirements of horses ; Selection of food for horses ; Foods required for beef production ; Selection of foods for beef production ; Food requirements of dairy cows ; Selection of foods for dairy cows ; Food requirements of swine ; Food requirements of sheep ; Calculation of balanced rations ; Nutritive ratio ; Comparative cost and value ; Caloric value of rations ; Sanitary conditions ; Problems. Pages 344-365. CHAPTER XXXVII Composition of Animal Bodies. — Water and dry matter ; Mineral matter ; Fat ; Nitrogenous matter ; Proteids of meat ; Albumin ; Myosin ; Syntonin ; Hemoglobin ; Insoluble Proteids ; Peptones ; Keratin ; Albuminoids ; Gelatin ; Influence of food upon the com- position of animal bodies ; Composition of human body. Pages 366-373- CONTENTS XVU CHAPTER XXXVIII Rational Feeding of Men. — Similarity of the principles of human and animal feeding ; Dietary standards ; Amount of food con- sumed per day ; Calculating a balanced ration ; Comparative cost and value of foods ; Factors influencing digestibility; Requisites of a ration ; Dietary studies ; Chemical changes in the cooking of foods ; Refuse and waste matters ; Loss of nutrients in the preparation of foods ; Mineral matter in a ration ; Digestibility of foods ; Digestibility of animal foods ; Digestibility of vegetable foods; Relation of food to health; Tables of composition of human foods. Pages 374-398. CHAPTER I Composition of Matter I. Physical and Chemical Changes. — All substances in nature are subject to change in form and composition. At a low temperature, water is converted into ice, and by the application of heat into steam. The three forms which water may assume --solid, liquid, and vapor — are simply different conditions in which it is capable of ex- isting. When water is changed into steam or ice, noth- ing is either added to or taken from the particles of water, simply a change of form or a physical change takes place. When, however, an electric current is passed through water, the water is decomposed and two gases are pro- duced. When such a change takes place, the water par- ticles are subjected to a change in composition called a chemical change. Limestone may be pulverized until it is as fine as wheat flour, and when examined with a microscope, each frag- ment is in all respects like the original piece, except in size. The crushing has resulted in simply dividing the limestone into a large number of particles. If, however, a piece of limestone is burned in a lime kiln, the product is entirely different in its properties from the original lime rock. When water is added to burned lime, it slakes, heat is generated, and steam is given off, while, when water is added to lime rock, no appreciable change takes place. Changes which affect the form but not the composition of matter are known as physical changes. The produc- tion of steam from water, the freezing of water, the pul- 2 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY verizing of limestone, and similar changes which do not affect the composition of the material, are physical changes. When milk sours, fruits decay, or wood is burned, a different kind of change takes place. The smallest particles of which each of the materials is com- posed undergo a change in composition. The products formed are entirely different in character from the origi- nal substances. Such changes, which affect the identity or individuality of a material, are chemical changes. 2. Physics is the science which concerns itself with the changes which matter undergoes when the ultimate par- . tides of a material retain their identity or individuality. Animal and plant life are to a great extent dependent upon the physical changes which take place in the soil. Rain is the result of the action of physical agencies, as is also the pulverization of rocks and soils. In all manu- facturing operations, and as the result of all kinds of manual labor, particularly upon the farm and in the workshop, physical changes are continually taking place. 3. Chemistry is the science which deals with the changes which matter undergoes when the ultimate par- ticles lose their identity or individuality, and the prod- ucts formed are entirely different from the original mate- Chemical changes are continually taking place. Plant growth and animal life are dependent largely upon the chemical as well as the physical changes which take place in the soil and in the air. Life processes are inti- mately associated with chemical changes. Chemical and physical changes are closely related ; a chemical change COMPOSITION OF MATTER 3 is often dependent upon a physical change, and a physi- cal change is, in turn, often dependent upon a chemical change. A chemical change necessarily brings about a physical change. While the sciences of chemistry and physics are, to a certain extent, closely related, each nevertheless deals with a different phase of change which matter undergoes. 4. Indestructibility of Matter. — When either a chem- ical or physical change takes place, no matter is destroyed or produced. It is not possible either to create or destroy matter. This is known as'tHe law of indestructibility of ^ matter.^ Whenever a chemical change takes place, the parts which make up the substance are rearranged in a new and different way, or they are combined with other materials. When wood is burned, it is changed into gaseous prod- ucts and ashes ; the materials which composed the wood are not lost to nature, they simply assume a different form. The law of indestructibility of matter is one of the foundation principles of chemistry. It was believed, at one time, that metals, as copper, could be changed into gold, and other substances into different forms of matter. After many centuries of experimenting, it was found that this could not be done, and as the result, the law of indestructibility of matter was established. 5. riolecules. — It is possible, by mechanical means, as pulverizing, to reduce substances to a very fine state of division, and it is believed that if this division could be carried on by more refined methods, particles of mat- ter could finally be obtained that would not be suscepti- r 7 4 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ble to farther division by purely physical methods. ^The smallest particle of a material that can exist and have all of the properties of the original material is called a mole- 'cule. Molecules, however, have never been separa.ted as_ individuals. All forms of matter are composed of mole- cules. The proof that matter is composed of molecules is founded upon the laws of physics. The reasons for the acceptance of the molecular structure of matter can- not be profitably undertaken by the student of elemen- tary chemistry, but properly form a very important part of advanced chemistry. The molecular structure of matter has been sufficiently well established to warrant the use of the term molecule by the student of elemen- tary chemistry. 6. Atoms. — Whenever a chemical change takes place, the molecule is changed in composition. When an elec- tric current is passed through water, the molecules of water are split up into simpler forms of matter. It is evident that the molecule is not the simplest form of mat- ter, and that while the molecule is the smallest part of a substance, it is, in turn, made up of still smaller parts. These parts of matter which make up a molecule are called atoms, (An atom is the smallest part of an elementary substance that can enter into combination to form a molecule. Atoms never exist in nature in a free or un- "combined state, but unite to form molecules, and mole-_ cules in turn unite to form masses. ^' Jy^ . 7. Elements.-f-Tjie simplest forms of matter, as iron, y^ copper and sulfur, from which it is impossible to extract ^^^ por obtain simpler bodies, are called elements. ) The ele- COMPOSITION OF MATTER 5 ment is the simplest form in which matter can exist. All substances found in nature, as plant and animal bod- ies, rocks and soils, are composed of compounds which, in turn, are composed of elements. There are about 74 of these elementary forms of matter, although only about j^take any important part directly or indirectly, as far as is known, in either plant or animal life processes. There are a few substances found in nature in elementary form, as iron, copper, gold, and sultufTbut most of the elements are in combination with others, formin-g;-CiQia- pounds. _ 8. Compounds. — The substances found most abun- dantly in nature are compounds. A compound is formed by the chemical union of two or more elements_. ) All compounds are made up of a definite amount, by weight, of separate elements which unite according to the laws of chemical combination. Water, for example, is a com- pound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Sugar is a compound made up of three elements, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. When elements unite to form a compound, the elements lose their identity and the com- pound that is produced has entirely different and distinct chemical and physical properties from those of the ele- ments of which it is composed. 9. Chemical Affinity. — The force or power which causes elements to combine to form compounds is called cEemical affinity, and about this comparatively little is known. Whenever a compound is separated into its ele- ments, chemical affinity or the force which holds the ele- ments together is overcome. When elements com- 6 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY bine to form compounds, it is because of the chemical afl&nity which the elements have for one another. Some elements have a stronger affinit}- for certain elements than for others. ID. Mechanical flixtures. — When two or more sub- stances mix, but fail to unite chemically, a mechanical mixture is obtained. When iron and sulfur are mixe3^ a mechanical mixture is the result, and the iron and the sulfur can, by purely physical methods, be separated. If, however, a mixture of iron and sulfur is heated, a chemical change takes place and it is impossible by physi- cal methods, as by the use of a magnet or by solvents, to separate the iron from the sulfur. Compounds as well as elements may form mechanical mixtures. 11. Chemical Analysis and Synthesis. — Whenever a substance or a compound is separated into simpler com- pounds or elements, the process is called chemical analy- sis. When only the kinds of elements or simpler com- pounds are determined, the process is called qualitative analysis. If the percentage amounts are determined, it is called quantitative analysis. When elements or simpler compounds are united, the process is called synthesis. Synthesis and analj^sis are directly opposite processes. When substances are produced in the laboratory from simpler elements or compounds, it is called a synthetical process. Many useful compounds are produced syntheti- cally. 12. Summary. — Substances may undergo either phys- ical or chemical changes. A physical change does not COMPOSITION OF MATTER 7 destroy the identity or change the composition of the molecule. When a chemical change occurs, the atoms are combined in a different way and a new molecule is produced. The molecule is the smallest particle of mat- ter that can exist and retain its identity or individuality. Physics and chemistry are closely related sciences, but each deals with a different kind of change. Compounds are composed of molecules, and molecules of atoms. Atoms never exist free, but unite to form molecules. If a substance contains in its molecule only atoms of one kind, it is an element. If there are present atoms of more than one kind, it is a compound. Life processes are dependent largely upon the physical and chemical changes continually taking place in nature. CHAPTER II Properties of Elements and Compounds 13, Physical Properties. — In order to determine the value of any element or compound, a knowledge of its chemical and physical properties is necessary, and it is important that a clear idea be obtained as to what is meant by the terms chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds. Each element and compound has its own characteristic properties, which are different in a number of ways from those of other elements and compounds. The physical properties of a substance in- clude : 1. Form or state of the material, as solid, liquid, or gas, which depends upon the temperature to which the substance is subjected. Many substances which are solid under ordinary conditions are, at higher temperatures, converted into liquids or vapors ; and substances which are gases are in turn converted into liquids and solids at low temperature and under high pressure. 2. Weight or specific gravity. The weight or specific gravity of a material depends upon its molecular struc- ture and upon the character of its individual molecules. Some of the elements and compounds have molecules of greater weight than have others. Liquids and gases are characterized as light or heavy according to their weight, compared with some material taken as the standard. 3. Co^or. The color of a compound is a physical prop- erty which is due to its chemical composition. Many of ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS 9 the elements, as copper, silver, and gold, have character- istic colors. Some compounds owe their value entirely to their color, and are used for paints and dyes. 4. Odor and taste. The odor and taste of an element or compound are physical properties which are character- istic of the element or compound. 5. Electrical characteristics. Elements and compounds have definite electrical properties. They are either good or poor conductors of electricitj^ and offer a large or small amount of resistance to the passing of an electric current. The way in which a substance responds to pressure, water, heat, and cold, depends upon its physical proper- ties, and the physical properties in turn are modified by these agencies. In the study of the elements and their compounds, the physical properties are also included because our knowl- edge of chemistry would be incomplete without consider- ing the physical as well as the chemical properties of substances. 14. Chemical Properties.— In addition to the physical properties, each element and compound has definite chem- ical properties. This is because the molecules of the different elements are unhke in character and some of the elements and compounds are more readily affected by chemical agencies than are others. The molecules of compounds are made up of atoms of different kinds which impart different properties to the molecule. Copper, for example, has different chemical properties from gold. It will dissolve more readily in acids, tarnish in the air, and be acted upon more rapidly by other bodies than will lO AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY gold. When iron is exposed to moisture and air it rusts, while aluminum is not readily affected by these agents. This is because iron and aluminum have different chem- ical properties. The chemical properties of a substance include the wa}^ in which it combines or produces chem- ical change when brought into contact with other ele- ments or compounds. Some elements are characterized as chemically active or inactive. An active element is one that readily unites or combines with other elements, while an inactivc-or passive element is one that does not readily unite or combine. Some elements are active under certain conditions and wath some of the elements, and inactive under other conditions and with other ele- ments. The various elements require different conditions for producing chemical changes. In studying an element, the way in which it deports itself in producing chemical changes, the ability with which it combines with other elements, and the products which are formed as the re- sult of the chemical changes, are some of the more impor- tant chemical properties considered. The study of the chemical and physical properties of elements and their compounds is important in many ways, as the value of a substance depends entirely upon its properties. In the growing and cultivation of crops, the production, preparation, and the economic use of foods, the treatment of diseases, and in all manufacturing opera- tions, as the smelting and refining of metals, the chemical and physical properties of the elements and their com- pounds are constantly made use of. 15. Symbols of the Elements. — In the study of chem- ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS II istry, a characteristic system of notation is used. The name of an element, as oxygen, is not written in full, but a symbol or sign, denoting the element is employed. In the case of oxygen, the symbol is O. The symbol of an element is either the first letter of the name of the ele- ment, or the first with some characteristic letter, as CI for chlorin. In some cases, the symbols are derived from the Latin names of the elements, as Fe {Ferrujii) for iron. By use, the student soon becomes familiar with those symbols most commonly used. Name. Symbol. Aluminum Al Antimony Sb Arsenic As Barium Ba Bismuth Bi Boron B Bromin Br Calcium Ca Carbon C Chlorin CI Chromium .... Cr Cobalt Co Copper Cu Fluorin F Gold Au Hydrogen H lodin I Iron P"e Lead Pb Lithium Li Magnesium Mg Manganese Mn Mercury Hg iproximate Va- Kind of nic weight. lence. element. 27 3 Base-forming 120,5 3, 5 75 3, 5 137.5 2 Base-forming 208 3,5 II 3 Acid-forming So I Acid-forming 40 2 Base-forming 12 2, 4 Acid-forming 35-5 I Acid-forming 52 4,6 59 2, 4 Base-forming 64 I, 2 Base-forming 19 I Acid-forming 197 3 Base-forming 127 I Acid-forming 56 2, 3, 4 Base-forming 207 2, 4 Base-forming 7 I Base-forming 24 2 Base-forming 55 2, 4, 6 200 If 2 Base-forming 12 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Approximate Va- Kind of Name. Symbol, atomic weight, leuce. element. Nickel Ni 59 2,4 Base forming Nitrogen N 14 3,5 Acid-forming Oxygen O 16 2 Acid-forming Phosphorus P 31 3,5 Acid-forming Platinum Pt 195 4 Base-forming Potassium K 39 i Base-forming Silicon Si 28 4 Acid-forming Silver Ag 108 i Base-forming Sodium Na 23 i Base-forming Sulfur S 32 2, 4 Acid-forming Tin Sn 119 2,4 Base-forming Zinc Zn 65.5 2 Base-forming 16. Formulas of Compounds. — Since compounds are composed of elements, it is possible, by means of combi- nation of symbols, to express the formula of a compound. The formula of a compound denotes the number and kinds of elements contained ; as, for water, the formula H^O designates that the compound is composed of the two elements hydrogen and oxygen ; and for sugar, the formula C^^H^.fi^^ denotes that the compound is made up of three elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The formula always expresses the composition. In the for- mulas of compounds, figures are made use of, as 2 in H^O, at the right of the H and partially below the line. In this formula, the 2 indicates that there are two atoms of H in the molecule. In the case of sugar, the figures used mean that in one molecule of sugar there are 1 2 atoms of C, 22 atoms of H, and 11 of O. The formula of a com- pound alwaj's represents one molecule of the compound unless .some figure is placed to the left of the formula, as 211^0. When placed in this position, the 2 designates ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS 13 that there are two molecules of water. Figures placed to the left of a formula and on the same line indicate the number of molecules, while figures to the right of the in- dividual element represent the number of atoms of ele- ments in each molecule. Hence the formula of a com- pound always designates the composition of the molecule, and the number and kind of atoms contained. Farther study of the formulas of compounds will show that addi- tional facts, as composition by weight and volume, are also represented. Exercise. — Name the elements, the number of molecules, and the number of atoms in each molecule in the following formulas : NaCl, CaCl^, 2KCI, 2K,Sa, Al^Oa, sN^Oj, H,SO„ NaOH, HPO3. y^^^^ 17. Atomic Weights. — An atom is the smallest part of an element present in a molecule. Atoms have definite properties, as weight. Hydrogen is the lightest material _known. . An atom of hydrogen, or the smallest part of hydrogen which can enter into chemical combination, is considered as having a weight of i. The weight of the_ atom of any element is the number of times heavier that atom is than hydrogen, which is the standard. Oxygen, for example, has an atomic weight of 16, that is, an atom of oxygen weighs 16 times as much as an atom of hydro- gen. Carbon has an atomic weight of 12, that is, an atom of carbon is 12 times as heavy as an atom of hydro- gen. The way in which the atomic weights are obtained cannot, at this stage of the work, be profitably considered. Atomic weights are, however, obtained with a high de- gree of accuracy, and while the individual atoms and molecules are not susceptible, at the present time, to sep- 14 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY aration and weighing, the comparative weight, or the number of times heavier or Hghter a definite number of molecules is than a similar number of molecules, in other form: of matter, can be accurately determined. While the absolute weight of a molecule or atom cannot be_ determined, its comparative weight can be. When chlo- rin, for example, combines with hydrogen, it is known that 35.45 times as much, by weight, of chlorin as of hydrogen has entered into combination. Hence the smallest part by weight of chlorin which can combine, must weigh at least 35.45 times as much as the weight of the smallest particle of hydrogen which enters into com- bination. The atomic weights of the more common ele- ments are given in the table on page 1 1 . 18. Molecular Weights.— Since the molecules of com- pounds are composed of a definite number of atoms of elements, and each atom has a definite weight, it neces- sarily follows that a molecule has a definite weight. In the case of water, the formula H^O represents one mole- cule of water, composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. As the atoms have definite weights, the weight of the molecule H^O is the sum of the weights of the atoms in the molecule. Since hydrogen is taken as the standard and weighs i , and there are two atoms of hydrogen, and one atom of oxygen weighing 16, the weight of the molecule will be 2 + 16 or 18 ; that is, the molecule of water, H^O, is 18 times heavier than one atom of hydrogen. Exercise. — Compute the molecular weights of the compounds given in the exercise following the formulas of the compounds, Section 16. ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS 1 5 19. Law of Definite Proportion. — A study of the com- biuation of elements has shown that always when elements unite to form compounds, a definite weight ot" each ele^ jiient enters into the composition. This is known as the law of definite proportion . Chemical combination always takes place between definite weights of the elements, and a chemical compound always contains the same elements in exactly the same proportion by weight. The law of definite proportion is one of the foundation principles of modern chemistry, and has enabled the chemist to deter- mine the composition of bodies. This law is founded upon facts independent of any hypothesis, and the accu- racy of the law has been demonstrated by many investi- gators. The theories relating to the composition of matter, par- ticularly to atoms and molecules, are in harmony with this law of definite proportion. It is believed, since chemical combination takes place between definite masses of elements, it must also take place between the smallest particles of the substances. Since the smallest particles which enter into chemical composition are the atoms, chemical combination must take place between the atoms. The atoms all possess definite weights. Hence it can readily be understood why chemical combination takes place between definite weights of the elements. The next step in the study of the composition of matter is the way in which the elements combine, or the power of com- bination ; this is known as valence. 20. Valence. — The valence._of , elements is the power which an atom of one. element has of holding in chem- 1 6 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ical combination a definite number of atoms of other ele- ments. Carbon, for example, has the power of uniting" with or holding in chemical combination four hydrogen atoms ; carbon is said, therefore, to have a valence of 4. Elements which have power to hold only one atom of hy- drogen in combination are called monovalent. Hydro gen is a monovalent element. Bivalent, trivalent, tetra- valent, and pentavalent elements are those whose atoms have the power of uniting with 2, 3, 4, and 5 atoms of hydrogen or other monovalent elements. The valence of an element is spoken of as its combining power. Some of the elements have more than one valence. The va- lences of some of the more common elements are given on page 1 1 . 21. Combination of Elements. — The combination of two elements to form compounds is always governed by the valence of the elements. When calcium and chlorin combine, the combination takes place in a definite way ; calcium has a valence of 2 ; chlorin has a valence of i ; hence, in order to make a chemical combination, it will take one atom of Ca, having a valence of 2, to combine with two atoms of CI, each CI atom having a valence of I. CaClj is the formula. Calcium could not combine with three atoms of chlorin, because compounds com- posed of two elements are always formed according to the^ valence of the elements. The valence of calcium, 2, lim- its the number of atoms of chlorin with which it can com- bine. If one of the elements, as oxygen, has a valence of 2, and the other element, as carbon, has a valence of 4, 2 atoms of oxygen, each atom having a valence of 2, ELEMKNTS AND COMPOUNDS l7 will be required to combine with i atom of carbon, hav- ing a valence of 4. The formula is COj. In the for- mulas of compounds, the valences of the atoms uniting are always balanced or satisfied. When two elements combine, and one of them has an odd valence, as phosphorus, which has a valence of 3, two atoms of the element with the odd valence are always required for combination. For example, two phosphorus atoms, each having a valence of 3, making a total valence of 6, require, in order to combine with O, whose valence is 2, three atoms of O, which make the valence of 6. The two atoms of phosphorus combine with the three atoms of oxygen, making a balanced compound, and the va- lences of the phosphorus and oxygen are satisfied. The compound is P2O3. Combine according to the lowest valence, the following elements, and give the formulas of the compounds pro- duced. Zinc and oxygen ■C' V\ 0 Sulfur and oxygen S ^ k Calcium and oxygen^^*^ Sodium and chlorin ^vJ^^t^n" Tin and oxygen ^ViO Potassium and chlorin Y^^^ Iron and oxygen -f a, ^ Carbon and oxygen (/yO Potassium and oxygen^ ^0 Phosphorus and oxygen ^ Silicon and oxygen <5 Vj 0 v Iron and sulfur , »,'^^ Potassium and sulfur \V iJ~~> Manganese and sulfur \i .-■' ~^ Phosphorus and hydrogen^ \Sb Calcium and chlorin ^io-^l^ Aluminum and oxygen uX'*'^ Phosphorus and oxygen \«vO PrObletn i. — How much hydrogen is required to combine with 20 grams of O to form H^O ? When hydrogen and oxygen unite to form water, the combination takes place according to valence, as 1 8 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY follows : 2 atoms of H + i atom of O equal i molecule of water, or 2H + O =: HjO. An atom of O weighs i6 times as much as an atom of H. Two atoms of H and i atom of O weigh i8 times as much as an atom of H. The molecular weight of water is i8. Sixteen of these i8 parts, by weight, are O, or 16/18 are oxygen, which is 88.88 per cent.; 2/18, or 11. 12 per cent, being H. In the production of water, H and O always unite in this proportion. If, for example, 20 grams of O and 2 grams of H were brought to- gether, only 16 grams of O would enter into chemical combination with the 2 grams of H, and 4 grams of O would be left uncombined. The amount of H required to combine with 20 grams of O would be obtained from the following proportion, — 2 : 16 : : .ar : 20, or x^ 2.5 grams of H. Problem 2. — (i) Calculate the per cent, by weight of C and O in CO3. (2) Calculate the per cent, of Fe and O in Fe-Ps. (3) Calculate the per cent, of O in KClOj. >t"^'J^/V -v Z >,^ V CHAPTER III Laboratory Manipulation 22. Importance of Laboratory Practice. — Laboratory practice is au essential part of the study of chemistry. Many of the important facts and laws of chemistry are capable of being demonstrated by the student, and the laboratory practice assists in developing more perfect ideas in regard to the composition of substances. The hand, the eye, the nose, and, to a less extent, the ear, are all called into use in the laboratory, and this results in a balanced education of the senses. Neatness is abso- lutely necessary for success in laboratory work. An ex- periment performed in a slovenly way, with dirty and poorly connected apparatus, and poor mechanical manip- ulation, fails to give the right impression or results. When laboratory work is in progress it should receive the student's entire attention. The directions for the experiments should be carefully followed. The appara- tus should always be put together as directed, and be- cause of the danger of accident, the student should never take the risk of connecting apparatus in an original way, or of using for the experiment, materials other than those directed. The student should never attempt to experi- ment for himself in combining chemicals. 23. Names and Uses of Apparatus. — The various pieces of apparatus used in the experiments are shown in Plates I and II. Number 23 shows the common Bunsen burner, and at the right, the wing-top attachment, used 20 AGRICUIvTURAL CHEMISTRY in bending glass tubes. Number 24, Plate II, is an iron ring-stand with three rings, and No. 25 is a single clamp. The iron stand with rings is used for supporting appara- tus, particularly the sand-bath (19) in which is a thin layer of sand. The evaporating dish (5), beaker (12), and flask (26) are all supported in the various experi- ments upon the sand-bath and iron ring-stand. In the cutting of glass tubes and the perforation of corks, the two files (i and 2) are employed. Test-tube (13) is used extensively in the laboratory, and when heated it is sup- ported in the test-tube clamp (18). This test-tube clamp is held in the hand. The test tube is cleaned with the test-tube brush (17) and when not in use is placed in the test tube rack (14). When solutions are filtered, the funnel (15) is used, and is supported in the wooden stand (21). Substances are pulverized or mixed in the mortar (16) which is supplied with a pestle. The vari- ous gases, as oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, are col- lected in the small cylinder (10), and in some of the ex- periments, the large cylinder (11) is used. The iron spoon (8) is used for the ignition of substances. The crucible tongs (3) are for handling pieces of apparatus when hot. The other pieces of apparatus, Woulff bottle (7), water-bath (4), tripod (22), Hessian crucible (20), wide-mouthed bottle, (9), and the ground glass plate with a hole, are used in various ways in the different ex- periments. Glass rods, a thi.stle-tube, a pneumatic trough, and small squares of plain glass complete the set of appa- ratus. A few pieces, used only occasionally, are obtained from the instructor at the time the experiments are per- formed. LABORATORY MANIPULATION 21 The student should take an inventory of his apparatus as soon as assigned a place in the laboratory. In case any of the pieces are broken or missing, the attention of the instructor should be called to them. Always, at the close of each day's work, the apparatus should be cleaned, placed in the desk, and the desk locked. The apparatus and desk should always be kept in a neat and orderly condition. Untidiness is a frequent cause of failure in laboratory work ; neatness and careful atten- tion to details are necessary to success. 24. Cutting Glass Tubing.— Lay the glass tube on the top of the desk or any flat surface. Draw a sharp three- cornered file across it two or three times, always on the same place at which it is to be broken, until a scratch .s made through the annealed surface of the tubing. Take Fig. I. — Breaking glass tubing. the tube in the hands with fingers and a thumb on each side of the scratch (see Fig. i). The scratch should be nearly between and on the side opposite the thumbs. Pull the hands tow^ard the body as if bending the tube, 22 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY and at the same time press outward with the thumbs. This causes a square break of the tube. The cut ends of the tubing should then be held in the outer portion of the flame until the rough edges are annealed. 25. Bending Glass Tubing.— Place the wing-top at- tachment on the burner. Hold the tube in the upper part of the flame as shown in the illustration (Fig. 2), Fig. 2.— Bending glass tubing. and rotate so that all parts are heated alike. When the tubing becomes red and readily yields, it can be bent in almost any form desired, but if overheated it becomes too soft and collapses. It is always best to bend without removing from the flame. A little prac- tice with pieces of old tubing will soon give the necessary experi- ence. Avoid twisting or rapid bending of the tube. Make all bends on the same plane and aim to make well rounded joints as shown in Fig. 3. 26. Perforating Works. — Select a cork of suitable size for the test-tube or flask used. New corks should always Fig. 3.— Bent tube. LABORATORY MANIPULATION 23 be rolled in the cork press. With the small pointed end of the round file make a hole through the center of the cork, or a little to one side if directed to do so. This hole should be perpendicular to the surface of the cork. In making a hole, the cork should be held in the left hand, and the larger end should be placed against the edge of the desk. The file should be held in the right hand, and only enough pressure exerted to perforate the cork. By means of the round end of the file, the opening thus made is enlarged until the desired size is obtained. The hole should be a suggestion smaller than the tube it is to receive, which can be inserted easily if well annealed and wet. When inserting a tube in a cork, never push the tubing toward the palm of the hand, or use too much pressure ; otherwise severe cuts may be received from breaking of the glass. Fig. 4.— Inserting glass Hold the cork in the left hand as tube into cork, shown in Fig. 4, and then with the right hand carefully insert the tube. 27. Weighing. — In this work, the metric system of weights and measures is employed, and it is taken for granted that the student is familiar with the system ; if he is not, he should review the subject as given in any ordinary arithmetic. Note. — I kilo =2.2046 lbs. (avoirdupois). I oz. = 28.35 gms. I lb. = 453.59 gms. I liter = 1.05708 U. S. quart. I inch = 2.54 centimeters. I meter = 39.3808 inches. 24 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY The small balance used for weighing materials in these experiments is shown in Fig. 5. In case 5 grams of a material are to be weighed, prepare counterpoised papers, about 3 by 4 inches in size ; that is, tvA'o pieces of paper of exactly the same size to be placed on op- posite sides of the balance. If they do not weigh alike, remove small pieces of paper from the heavier pan, until the needle moves nearly as many divisions on one side of the scale as on the other. Then place, with the for- ceps, the 5 gram weight on the Fig. 5— Balance. right-hand pan of the balance. Do not handle the weights with the fingers. By means of the scoop or spoon provided for the purpose, add to the paper in the left-hand pan of the balance, enough of the material that is to be weighed to counterpoise the 5-gram weight. If any of the substance has been spilled it should be cleaned up at once. The weight should be replaced in the tveight box and the forceps returned to their proper place. If the weights are lost, a charge is made to cover the ex- pense of their replacement. No substance except a piece of metal, as copper or lead, should ever be placed in direct contact with the balance pan. Liquids are never weighed, but always measured. Too much care and neatness can- not be exercised in weighing. 28. rieasuring Liquids. — For purposes of measuring, cylinders or graduates are employed (Fig. 6). A large LABORATORY MANIPULATION 25 n i'- test-tube, when filled with water, holds from 60 to 65 cc. Take a measuring cylinder or graduate (Fig. 6), measure out 5 cc. of water, and transfer to a large test- tube. Note the quantity, and then pour it out. Now draw water directly into the test- tube until you have approximately the same amount, then measure it. Repeat this opera- tion until you can judge with a fair degree of accuracy the part of a test-tube filled by 5 cc. Then repeat the operation, using 10, 15, 20, and 25 cc. portions, until the eye has become reasonably familiar with these approximate and relative amounts ; so that, if at any time a graduate is not at hand, the amounts can be estimated with the eye accurately enough for practical purposes. 29. Obtaining Reagents from Bottles. — Take the bot- tle from the shelf, remove the stopper, holding it be- tween the first and second fingers of the right or left hand (Fig. 7). Hold the test-tube or vessel that is to receive the reagent in the other hand. Pour out the liquid slowly until the desired amount is obtained. Because of danger of con- Fig. 7. -Pouring liquid from bottle, taminating the reagents, it is always better to pour the liquid slowly and secure the 26 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY right amount at first rather than to pour back from the receiving vessel. Replace the test-tube in the stand or receiver on the desk ; then, before inserting the stopper, touch it to the neck of the bottle to catch the few drops on the edge, to prevent them from streaking down the sides of the bottle, and on to the shelf. Be sure to 7-eplace the bottle on the shelf in its proper place. Much an- noyance and delay is caused by not returning the bottles to their proper places. 30. Filtering.— Place the funnel on the arm of the wooden stand. Fold a filter-paper so as to make a semi- Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Folding filter-paper. Fig. 10. circle (see Figs. 8 and 9). Fold the paper again, forming a quadrant (Fig. 10). Then open it as shown in Fig. 11. Place the filter-paper in the funnel, using a little water to make it ad- here to the sides. Place a beaker or cylinder under the funnel so as to collect the filtrate, or liquid which passes through the filter-paper (Fig. 12). Pour the material to be filtered into the filter- Fig. II. — Folded filter- paper. LABORATORY MANIPULATION 27 paper in the funnel. Do not fill the filter too full. An eighth of an inch or so should always be left between the surface of the liquid and the edge of the paper. The stem of the funnel should always be left against the side of the beaker or cylinder so as to avoid spattering. The ma- terial left on the filter-paper is called the precipitate or residue. 31. Laboratory Note=book. — Each student should keep a careful record of his laboratory work. The note-book should be complete and should represent the student's in- dividual work. With each experi- ment a number of questions are asked, and the record of the experi- ment should embody the answers to these questions. Do not make short answers, as "yes" and "no," but make a complete statement, giving an intelligent answ^er to the question. Do not copy the laboratory directions into your note-book, but state briefly and concisely, (i) what the experiment is about, (2) the materials used, (3) the apparatus employed, (4) what you have observed in ma- king the experiment, (5) the chemical and other changes that have taken place, and finally what the experiment proves. In writing up the note-book, it is not necessary to separate the topics, but all the questions should be Fig. 12. — Filtering. 28 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY numbered and answered in the order asked. Write out each experiment at the time it is performed ; and while the work is in progress, watch it and think about it. Do not leave or neglect an experiment. When the experi- ments are performed as called for from day to day, the labor of preparing the daily recitation is considerably lessened, and less effort is required to obtain a clear idea of the subject. The note-book should be kept in a neat and orderly way. Careful attention should be given to spelling, English, and punctuation. Always have the note-book in condition for examination if the books are called for without notice. The instructor will mark all errors, and the student should correct these errors. A note-book with errors that have been corrected, represent- ing the student's individual work, is much to be preferred to a note-book, copied from some other student, and hav- ing but few^ errors. Each student has an individuality which al\\ays marks his w'ork, and whenever copying of experiments is resorted to, it is detected by the in- structor. The student who copies from some one else only cheats himself, and usually fails to pass his exam- inations. 32. Breaking of Apparatus. — If due care is taken in performing the experiments, there will be but little break- age of apparatus. In case an accident occurs, clean up the broken pieces at once and place them in the waste jar. If a liquid is spilled, wipe it up with a sponge, using plenty of water. If a strong acid is spilled, a little dilute ammonia should be used in the final washing. No com- bustible materials should be placed in the desk, and the LABORATORY MANIPULATION 29 student should throw burned matches and splinters into the receptacles provided for the purpose. 33. Care of Sinks and Plumbing.— Do not throw waste matter of any description, as paper, glass, matches, etc., into the sinks. L,arge waste jars, for such materials, are provided under every sink and elsewhere. Everything liable to clog the drains must be thrown into these jars. Liquids containing acids may be safely thrown into the sinks, provided a stream of water is kept running at the same time to dilute and wash out the acids. When acids are poured into the sinks, care should be taken to prevent spattering of the liquid, as severe burns are sometimes received when the liquid is not properly poured from the vessel. If directions are followed no accidents can occur. Do not fill the sinks too full. The water should never be allowed to come to within 2 inches of the top of the sinks. If the sinks overflow they cause much damage to the rooms below. Students who disregard the regula- tions in regard to plumbing and the use of sinks, will be held responsible and must pay for any damage caused by carelessness or negligence. 34. How to Accomplishi the Best Results in tlie Lab- oratory.— In order to accomplish the best results, the student, while in the laboratory, should endeavor to use his time profitably and economically. He should obtain a clear idea of what he is to do, and then do it to the best of his ability. If the experiment is not a success, repeat the work. Never pass over an experiment ^that offers difficulties in performing. Much valuable time can be saved by a brief study of the day's work before going 30 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY into the laboratory. While the work is in progress, the student should give it undivided attention, and make an effort to learn as much as possible from the experiments performed. CHAPTER IV Oxygen 35. Occurrence. —Oxygen is the most abundant element in nature. About one-fourth of the air, by weight, is free or uncombined oxygen. It enters into the composi- tion of water, rocks, and minerals, and plant and animal bodies. Seven-eighths of water and one-half of the solid crust of the earth are oxygen in combination with other elements. Oxygen is also present in all animal and plant tis- sue, making up a large portion of the weight of these bodies. 36. Preparation. — Oxygen can be prepared from a number of ma- terials, as oxid of mercury, oxid of iron, and potassium chlorate. When made in small amounts in the lab- oratory, it is usually prepared by heating potassium chlorate, a com- pound composed of the elements potassium, chlorin, and oxygen. The oxygen is separated by means of heat, the process being as follows: Experiment i. — Anneal the end of a piece of glass tubing, 2 1/2 or 3 feet long. Make a bend nearly at right angles to the Fig- 13- tube, about 3 inches from one end. Then make a of 2 1/2 or 3 inches on the opposite end of the tube nearly at right Delivery tube, second bend 32 AGRICULTURAI. CHEMISTRY angles, and in an opposite direction from the first bend (Fig. 13). Fit to the test-tube a cork, perforated as directed in Section 26, and insert the delivery tube. Fill the pneumatic trough nearly full of water, and place in it the free end of the delivery tube (Fig. 14). Weigh out 5 grams each of potassium chlorate (KCIO3) and man- Fig. 14.— Preparation of oxygen. Pneumatic trough. ganesedioxid (MnOj). Mix on a sheet of paper, and place the mixture in a test-tube. See that the test-tube is perfectly dry, both inside and out. Fill the cylinders with water, cover with glass plates and place them inverted on the shelf of the pneumatic trough. With a medium-sized flame, apply heat cautiously to the test-tube. The flame should be moved from time to time, and not allowed to strike just one part of the test-tube, otherwise the glass will melt, and the test-tube collapse. As soon as bubbles of gas are given oflE freely from the water, place the end of the delivery tube so that the gas is collected in one of the cylinders. When a cylinder is filled, cover it with one of the glass plates, while the mouth of the cylinder is still under water. It can then be placed upright upon the desk, and another cylinder filled with O. After collect- ing three or four cylinders of gas, remove the end of the delivery tube from the water, and then remove the flame. Do not remove the flame while the end of the delivery tube is under water, or a vacuum will be formed, and the water will rush back into the test- tube. Tests should be made with the O as follows : (i) Light a splinter and place it for a moment in one of the cyl- inders of oxygen (see Fig. 15) ; remove it ; extinguish the flame, OXYGEN 33 and while the splinter is still glowing, thrust it into the cylinder again. Observe the result in each case. (2) Put a small piece of sulfur, a little larger than a grain of wheat, into the iron or defla- gration spoon ; ignite in the flame, and then thrust into another cylinder of O. Observe the result. (3) Take a piece of bright fine iron wire or watch-spring, and make it into a spiral with a loop at one end. Warm the wire by holding it near the flame, then hold the loop for an in- stant in the flame and dip it into some sulfur which has been placed on a piece of paper. Hold again in the flame for a moment and then place at once in the third cylinder of O. In order to insure the success of this experiment, the wire should be very fine, free from rust, and held in the flame only long enough to start ignition, and then placed in the cylinder. Questions, (i) Where does the O in the cylinder come from ? (2) What caused it to separate from the compound ? (3) What is the appearance of O ? (4) Compared with air, is it a light or heavy gas ? (5) What caused the splinter to burn and to rekindle ? (6) What product was formed when the splinter was burned? (7) What caused the sulfur to burn ? (8) What product was formed when the S was burned ? (9) Why do these materials burn differ- ently in O than in air? (10) What caused the iron to burn, and what was formed ? ( 1 1 ) Is O combustible ? ( 12 ) Is O a supporter of combustion ? (13) What compounds are always formed by the union of O with an element? (14) Give the properties and char- acteristics of O as observed from this experiment. The oxygen in potassium chlorate is not held in firm chemical combination, and when the substance is heated, first a portion, and finally all of the oxygen is given off. The manganese dioxid is used because of its physical action upon the potassium chlorate, Fig. 15. — Testing oxygen with burning splinter. 34 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY enabling the oxygen to be given off more easily. The change which takes place is exj^ressed by the equation : KCIO3 = KCl + 3O. The products of the reaction are potassium chlorid and oxygen. Fig. 16. — Preparation of oxygen, using sink in place of pneumatic trough. The oxygen is collected in the cylinders, while the potassium chlo- rid remains with the manganese dioxid in the test-tube. 37. Properties of Oxygen. — Physically considered, oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, about 16 times as heavy as hydrogen. It is slightly soluble in water, and, when subjected to a low temperature and a high pressure, it is liquefied. Chemically, oxygen unites with all common elements to form oxids. It is not com- bustible, but is a supporter of combustion. When the burning splinter was thrust into the cylinder of oxygen, the carbon and hydrogen of the wood united with the oxygen in the cylinder, forming carbon dioxid and water. When substances unite with oxygen they are oxidized, that is, oxygen is added to the material. An oxid is a compound of oxygen and any other element. When sul- fur is burned, it unites with oxygen, forming sulfur di- OXYGEN 35 oxid, SOj. Other elements, as phosphorus and iron also unite with oxygen, forming oxids. Different elements unite with oxygen at different temperatures. Phosphorus and sulfur combine with oxygen at a comparatively low temperature, while carbon and iron require a higher tem- perature. The sulfur and the splinter of w^ood burned more brilliantly in the oxygen than in the air because air is diluted with other gases and elements and is not pure oxygen. Oxygen is more active at a high than at a low temperature. The oxidation of some of the elements and compounds results in the production of light and heat ; this is com- monly called combustion. Oxygen forms stable com- pounds with many of the elements. It has such affinity for some elements, as aluminum and carbon, that it is separated from them with difficulty. With other ele- ments it forms less stable compounds. When a substance contains oxygen, it does not necessarily follow that it is combustible, because it may be the product of combus- tion as carbon dioxid or sulfur dioxid. When an ele- ment, as oxygen, enters into chemical combination, it loses its identity or individuality as an element. The oxygen that is present in the minerals forming the crust of the earth, and in plant and animal tissues, is not free but combined with other elements. 38. Importance. — Oxygen takes an important part in life affairs, and is necessary to the existence of plant and animal bodies. The combustion of wood, coal, and other fuel is due to the oxygen of the air. The production of heat in the body is due to the oxidation of food, and many 36 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY of the chemical changes which take place in the soil are dependent upon this element. Because of its wide distri- bution in nature, it is not given such economic considera- tion as are other elements, but it is one of the most im- portant, and is as necessary for life as other food. Problem i. — How many pounds of oxygen are required to com- bine with 25 pounds of pure carbon ? When carbon is burned, i part of C (called an atom) unites with 2 parts of O (2 atoms of O) to form the compound CO,. This is expressed by the equation C + 2O = CO2. The atomic or least combining weight of carbon is 12 and of O is 16; one part by weight of C weighing 12 unites with 2 parts by weight of O, each part weighing 16 ; or 12 parts by weight of C unite with 32 parts by weight of O. If the parts are designated pounds then 25 pounds of C will require proportionally as much O asdo 12 pounds of C. This amount can be determined by a simple proportion. C : O : : C :0 12 : 32 : : 25 : .r. By solving this proportion, x, or the required amount of O to com- bine with 25 pounds of C, is found to be 66 23. In the solving of chemical problems some of the most common errors are : ( i ) Failure to write properly the formulas of the compounds used, or the equation repre- senting the chemical reaction that takes place. This error causes the wrong number of parts of elements or compounds to be taken in the proportion. (2) Failure to make proper use of the combining weights of the ele- ments. (3) Failure to combine properly the weights so as to form a true proportion. It should be remembered that after the writing of the equation and weights, the problem becomes simply one of arithmetic. Problem 2. — How many pounds of CO^ are produced when 25 pounds of carbon are burned ? Problem j. — How many pounds of carbon are necessary to com- bine with 25 pounds of O in forming COj ? CHAPTER V Hydrogen 39. Occurrence. — Hydrogen is found in nature in com- bination with other elements, entering into the composi- tion of water, animal and plant tissues, and some min- erals. It is never found in a free state, except as given off in traces with volcanic gases. Hydrogen is also found in all acids and many other compounds. 40. Preparation. — In the laboratory, hydrogen is usu- ally prepared by treating a metal with an acid, which contains hydrogen ; the metal replaces the hydrogen of the acid and the hydrogen is then liberated as a free gas. "When zinc and hydrochloric acid are employed, the re- action which takes place is as follows : Zn + 2HCI = ZnClj + 2H. Two molecules of hydrochloric acid are required in the reaction because zinc has a valence of 2, and whenever zinc enters into chemical combination, it must take the place of two monovalent atoms. The compound, ZnClj, zinc chlorid, contains one atom of zinc and two atoms of chloriu. Experiment 2. — Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig. 17. Use the small two-necked Woulff bottle, and in one of the necks insert a tight-fitting cork with a thistle tube. In the other neck insert a cork carrying a delivery tube. Place about 20 grams of zinc, Zn, and 25 cc. of water in the Woulff bottle. The thistle tube should pass below the surface of the water to prevent the escape of gas. Fill two or three cylinders with water for collecting the gas. The corks carrying the delivery tube and the thistle tube should fit tightly, otherwise the H is 38 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY easily lost. When all is ready, add, through the thistle tube, about 15 CO. concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl), and then sufficient water to carry the acid out of the trap of the thistle tube. Do not apply any heat whatever. Do not collect any gas until the generator has been going for about two minutes, and do Fig. 17. — Apparatus for preparation of hj-drogen. not attempt to light the gas as it issues from the generator. Col- lect one or two cylinders of gas, adding more acid if necessary, always keeping the cylinders covered, mouth downward, because H is a light gas, and will readily escape if the cylinders are placed right side up. When working with hydrogen in the laboratory, the student should always exercise care, because mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen are very explosive. Only a spark or a near-by flame is necessary to bring about an explo- sion. Make the following test with hydrogen: Thrust a burn- ing splinter into the mouth of the cylinder of hydrogen, as shown in Fig. 18. Questions, (i) What is the color ofH? (2) Odor? (3) Is it a light or heavy gas? (4) Does it support combustion ? (5) HYDROGEN 39 Is it combustible? (6) What is formed when H is burned? (7) How do you know that this product is formed ? (8) From what compound was the H obtained ? (9) What caused the H to be liberated from this compound ? (10) Why are mixtures of Fig. 18. — Thrusting burning splinter into hydrogen. H and O very explosive? (11) What other acids could be used in the preparation of H ? (12) What other metals could be used in the preparation of H ? (13) Give the equation for the reac- tion of the Zn and HCl. (14) What do these tests prove in re- gard to the character and properties of the element H ? 41. Properties. — Physically, hydrogen is characterized as a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It is the lightest in weight of any of the elements, and for that reason is taken as the standard for the atomic weights. At a low temperature, and under pressure, hydrogen can 40 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY be liquefied; with greater difficulty, however, than any other element. Hydrogen is 14.43 times lighter than air. A liter of hydrogen, under standard conditions of tempera- ture and pressure, weighs 0.08961 gram. Chemically, hydrogen is characterized as combustible, but not a sup- porter of combustion. It readily combines with many other elements, particularly oxy- gen, with which it forms water. When hydrogen and oxygen unite to form water, a reaction takes place which causes a contraction in volume. Two volumes of hy- drogen and one vol- ume of oxygen unite to produce tw\o vol- umes of water-vapor or steam. When hydro- gen and oxygen unite, there is always an ex- plosion, due to coutrac- Fig. 19.— Preparation of hydrogen, using a tioU in VOlumC. That wide-mouthed bottle and sink in place of a Woulff bottle and pneumatic trough, water IS produCCd whcU hydrogen is burned, can be demonstrated by placing a dry test-tube over a flame of hydrogen. The interior of the test-tube will become covered with moisture. Hj^drogen does not unite with all elements as readily as does ox5'gen. When hydrogen is burned, the flame is nearly colorless be- cause the combustion is complete, and there are in the flame no solid particles heated to incandescence. Hydro- gen produces an exceedingly hot flame, and, when mixed HYDROGEN 4I with oxygen in the right proportion, as in the oxyhydro- gen blowpipe, a high temperature is secured. 42. Importance. — Hydrogen is one of the essential ele- ments for the formation of compounds present in plant and animal tissues, but because of its extreme lightness it never makes up a large portion by weight of a mate- rial. As a free element, it takes no part in life processes, but when combined with water, and in other forms, as in food materials where it is united with carbon and oxy- gen, it forms an essential part of compounds which are of much importance for animal and plant life. Problem i. — How many pounds of H will 100 pounds of Zn liberate when it is acted upon by HjSO^? Problem 2. — How much ZnClj is formed when 100 pounds of Zu are acted upon by HCl ? CHAPTER VI Nitrogen 43. Occurrence. — Nitrogen occurs abundantly in a free state in the air, nearly four- fifths by weight being uncom- bined nitrogen. It also forms a part of some of the com- pounds which make up animal and plant tissues, where it is in chemical combination with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Nitrogen is present also in the soil, forming a part of the decaying organic matter ; it is one of the ele- ments of ammonia gas and ammonium compounds, and is present in combination with other elements, as in nitrates. 44. Preparation. — Nitrogen is usually prepared from air by removing the oxygen with which it forms a me- chanical mixture. Since air is composed of both oxygen and nitrogen, if the oxygen in a given volume of air, as in a cylinder, is chemically united with phosphorus or carbon, forming soluble products, there is a residue of nitrogen left in the cylinder. Nitrogen produced in this way is not pure, but contains traces of other elements and compounds. For experimental purposes, it may, how- ever, be considered as nitrogen. Nitrogen can also be produced from its compounds, as by the removal of the hydrogen from ammonia gas. The method of prepara- tion in the laboratory is as follows : Experiment j. — Insert a long pin through the center of a large flat cork. Fasten a short piece of caudle to the cork by means of the pin. Nearly fill the pneumatic trough with water. Light the candle and float it upon the surface of the water. In- vert the large cylinder over the candle, having the mouth of the NITROGEN 43 cylinder just below tlie surface of the water as shown in Fig. 20. After the candle is extinguished , remove it by thrusting the hand through the water into the cylinder without admittingany Fig. 20, — Preparation of nitrogen. air. While still under water, cover the cylinder with a glass plate and remove from the trough. Then make the following tests : (i) Insert a burning splinter into the cylinder of N. Observe the result. (2) Place a little sulfur in the deflagration spoon, ignite, and insert in the cylinder of N. Observe the result. (3) With a ruler, measure the height of the cylinder and the amount of water left in the cylinder. Questions, (i) What is the color of N? (2)Odor? (3) Com- pared with air is it a heavy or light gas? (4) Is it combustible? (5) Does N support combustion ? (6) Is N an active element ? (7) What portion of the cylinder is filled with water in the preparation of N ? (8) What portion of the cylinder is filled with N ? (9) What portion of the cylinder did the O occupy ? (10) What becomes of the products of the combustion of the candle? (11) What do these experiments prove in regard to the element N ? (12) Complete the following table : Name of Combin- Com bus- Supporter of Where element. Symbol, ing wt. Color. Taste. Odor, tible. combustion, found. Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen When the candle is burned, the oxygen of the air in the cyl- 44 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY inder unites with the carbon and hydrogen from the candle and forms carbon dioxid and water. The COj is soluble in water, and the gas that is left is mainly nitrogen. The com- bination of the oxygen with the carbon causes a partial vacuum to form, and this results in the water rising in the cylinder. If great care is taken in performing the experiment, it will be found that the water will fill about one-fifth of the volume of the cylin- der, occupying the space of the oxygen which has been com- bined with carbon. When all of the oxygen in the cylinder is combined with the carbon, the candle is extinguished because of lack of oxygen for combustion. 45. Properties of Nitrogen. — In general, the physical properties of nitrogen, except weight, are somewhat like those of hydrogen and oxygen, inasmuch as when pure, it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. It is about 14 times as heavy as hydrogen, and only slightly soluble in water. At a low temperature and under pressure, it is liquefied, and at a still lower temperature and under higher pressure, it is solidified. Chemically, nitrogen is unlike either hydrogen or oxy- gen. It is an inactive gas; it is neither combustible nor a supporter of combustion. When in the free state, it is one of the most inactive of all the elements, and will com- bine directly with only a few. When nitrogen enters into combination with other elements, particularly with car- bon and hydrogen, forming the organic compounds, it has a tendency to make a weak link in the combination, and will readily split off and form simpler products. In the air, it .serves the purpose of diluting the oxygen. No other element could perform this function as well as ni- trogen. If the air were composed of pure oxygen, all combustion would be carried on in a rapid and wasteful NITROGEN 45 way. Nitrogen is not a poisonous gas, but if an animal were compelled to breathe pure nitrogen, it would die because of the lack of oxygen. Some of the compounds of nitrogen decompose with violence, causing explosions. Nearly all of the explosives, as gunpowder, nitroglycerin, and guncotton, are compounds of nitrogen. 46. Importance. — The compounds of nitrogen take an important part in animal and plant life. In combination with carbon, hydrogen, and other elements, it forms the nitrogenous compounds present in plant and animal bod- ies. These compounds are called the organic nitrogenous compounds because they are capable of undergoing com- bustion, and produce volatile and gaseous products when burned. In the study of the chemistry of foods, and of soils and fertilizers, the element nitrogen is given a prominent place. This is because it is one of the most expensive elements in commercial fertilizers, and foods which contain the nitrogenous compounds are the most ex- pensive. Although nitrogen is found abundantly in the air, it is made use of as a plant food in an indirect way by only a limited number of plants. Nitrogen forms a large number of important compounds, as ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, amids, and the complex organic compounds, pro- teids. Some of these compounds will be studied more in detail in future chapters. To the agricultural student, nitrogen is one of the most important elements because of the role which it plays in plant and animal economy. problem i. — Calculate the per cent, of N in NaNO-. Problem. 2. — Calculate the per cent, of N in NH;,. Problem j. — Calculate the per cent, of N in (NH4),^S04. CHAPTER VII Carbon 47. Occurrence. — Carbon is found in the free state only in limited amounts, but is present in nature mainly in combination with other elements. With the mineral elements and oxygen, it forms carbonates, such as calcium carbonate or limestone. With hydrogen and oxygen, and a few other elements, it forms a large number of compounds of which plant and animal tissues are composed. All sub- stances which char or blacken when burned contain this element in combination. Diamonds, coal, and graphite are forms of carbon in various degrees of purity. With oxygen, it is present in the air in small amounts as carbon dioxid. About half of the dry substance of wood and animal tissue is carbon. It occurs in nature in a great variety of forms. 48. Preparation. — In the form of charcoal, it can be prepared from wood, by the application of heat in the ab- sence of air or oxygen, when a change known as destruc- tive distillation takes place. The hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are expelled, while the black mass of impure car- bon and mineral matter is left. In the preparation of charcoal, the wood is piled and burned in suitable pits, which, after the combustion is well started, are covered with turf to protect the burning mass from the air. Char- coal can be produced on a small scale in the laboratory in the following manner : Experiment 4. — Place two or three small pieces of wood in a CARBON 47 Hessian crucible, and cover with sand. Heat the crucible until smoking ceases (see Fig. 21). Remove and examine the charcoal. Qtiestiotis. ( I ) What are the principal elements present in wood? (2) What becomes of these various elements when the material is heated? (3) Why was the sand used in this ex- periment ? (4) What becomes of the ash or mineral matter in the process of charcoal-making? (5) What is charcoal, and of what element is it prin- cipally composed? (6) Does charcoal have a crys- talline structure ? (7) What would be the result if sand were not used in the experiment ? (8) Give the equation for the combustion of carbon. (9) How can charcoal be made on a large scale ? Particles of carbon can also be obtained from a gas, candle, or lamp flame, by holding a piece of cold porcelain a little above the flame. Carbon, in the form of soot, is deposited in chimneys when fuel is burned with a poor draft. When combus- tion is complete, the carbon is oxidized, forming carbon dioxid. If a fire gives off a large amount Fig. 21.— Prepara- <• ^ -u! 1 1 ii t^ • , tion of charcoal. 01 dense black smoke, the carbon is not com- pletely oxidized, and consequently a loss of fuel value occurs. 49. Properties. — Carbon is foitnd in three forms in na- ture : as diamond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. The diamond is a pure form of crystalHzed carbon. It is capable of being burned the same as any other form of the element, and produces carbon dioxid. Diamonds of small size can be produced artificially by the cooling of graphite from molten iron. Graphite is also a crystalline form of carbon, but the crystals are of different shape and color from diamonds. It is soft, and is used quite exten- sively as a lubricant. As it does not burn as readily as other forms of carbon, it is used frequently for making cruci- 48 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY bles and for the linings of furnaces. It is a natural prod' uct and is also produced artificially b}- dissolving carbon in iron. There are a great many uncrystallized or amor- phous forms of carbon, as lignite and soft coal, lampblack, and charcoal. 50. Coal. — All of the conditions under which coal has been produced are not known. It is supposed to be the result of the joint action of heat and pressure upon pre- historic forms of vegetation. Hard or anthracite coal is the purest form known, and yields the smallest amount of ash and unoxidized volatile products. Bituminous or soft coal is less pure as a larger amount of the carbon is present in chemical combination with the other elements, and when burned, the carbon is not as completely oxi- dized under ordinary conditions as is that of hard coal. Coal may contain a number of impurities, as sulfur and mineral matter. Cannel coal is a variety which contains a large amount of mineral oils. Lignite is vegetable matter which has only partially undergone the coal-forming process. It is less pure than soft coal, and is supposed to be an intermediate stage in the formation. Peat is vegetable matter which has undergone chemical changes under water. It is less pure than lignite. 51. Allotropism. — An element which has the power to take on so many different physical forms as has carbon is called an allotropic element. Only a few elements have the properties of allotropism, 52. Carbon as a Reducing Agent. — Carbon is used extensively for the reduction of minerals. The action of CARBON 49 carbon as a reducing agent may be observed from the fol- lowing experiment ; Experiment j. — Mix thoroughly 2 or 3 grams of copper oxid (CuO) and an equal bulk of charcoal (animal charcoal). Place the mixture in a small test-tube and apply heat. Observe the result. Questiojis. ( I ) What is the bright red material produced in the test-tube? (2) What was the source of this material? (3) What caused the O to be separated from this compound ? (4) What did it unite with? (5) W^hat was formed as the product ? (6) Write the reaction. (7) Why is carbon called a reducing agent? (8) What kind of an agent would CuO be called? (9) Why is carbon useful in separating minerals from their ores ? When carbon acts as a reducing agent, it unites with or abstracts the oxygen from the material reduced, forming COj. The process is called reduction because the oxygen is abstracted. When oxy- gen is added to a material, the process is just reversed, and is called oxidation. When reduction takes place, oxygen is abstracted from a material. When oxidation takes place, oxygen is added. 53. Combustion. — From the facts given in regard to oxygen and carbon, it is evident that combustion, in the ordinary sense, is simply the union of carbon with oxy- gen, and, as a result, light and heat are given off. If the process is a slow one, and heat without light is evolved, slow oxidation takes place. An example of slow oxida- tion is the rusting of metals. In slow oxidation, the total amount of heat evolved is the same as if the material un- derwent direct combustion. The regulation of drafts in stoves to influence the combustion of fuel so as to ob- tain the largest amount of heat, is based upon the simple laws of the combustion of carbon. A candle or gas flame well illustrates the laws of com- 50 AGRICULTURAI. CHEMISTRY ^:^^SaHc.^§Ssi-< bustion. The outer portion of the flame is a non-lumi- nous envelope of gases undergoing perfect combustion; within this is a layer of gases undergoing partial combus- tion, and constituting the light-giving part of the flame ; while in the center is a zone which is more perfectly cut off from the supply of air, and little or no combustion is taking place. The combustion of a gas or candle flame can be studied from the following experiment : Experiment 6. — Structure of the flame. Unscrew the top of a Bunsen burner and make a drawing showing how the burner works, and the workings of the orifices at the bot- tom of the burner. Re- place the parts of the burner, open the air-holes at the base, and light the gas. Hold a sheet of paper back of the flame and try to distinguish the three parts : { I ) the outer non - luminous envelope of per- fect combustion ; (2) the inner luminous zone of partial combustion ; (3) the central blue cone of unburned gas. Make a drawing of the flame. Press a piece of card- board or paper down upon the flame for an instant and remove it before it takes fire. Observe the result. Hold a piece of wire close to the burner and observe that at first the wire does not become red at the center of the flame. Thrust the head of a match into the center of the flame for an instant and then remove it. If this is done quickly, the match can be removed before combustion takes place. Place a piece of wire gauze above the flame as shown in Fig. 23.' Observe the result. Extinguish the gas. Hold the wire gauze Fig. 22. — Combustion. CARBON 51 Fig. 23.— Combus- tion. about an inch above the burner, then light the gas above the gauze (Fig. 22). Questions. ( i ) Why was a charred circle formed when the piece of paper was pressed down upon the flame ? (2) Why did the wire . first redden near the outer ,4^^^^^3^^-~ '^ ' portions of the flame and not \l'] at the center? (3) Why did the flame refuse to burn above the wire gauze, when the gauze was pressed down upon the flame? (4) When the gas was lighted above the gauze, why did it refuse to burn below ? (5) What is kindling temperature ? (6) What are the three conditions necessary for combustion? (7) What condition was lacking when the gauze was placed in the flame ? (8) Why does a flame give light when the air is excluded from the burner, and give but little light when the air vent is open ? (9) Does the amount of light which a flame produces indicate the amount of heat produced? Why ? (10) What causes a flame to give light ? (11) Why do some materials, when burned, produce more flame than others? (12) What is spontaneous combustion? (13 ) Explain how it is possible for clover or fodder to undergo spontaneous combus- tion in a barn. (14) Wliat can be done to prevent spontaneous combustion? (15) Carbon, when burned, produces heat; limestone, CaCOg, contains carbon ; why is it not possible to use limestone for fuel? 54. Spontaneous Combustion. — In order for a sub- stance to undergo combustion, it is not necessary for a match or flame to be applied to the material. As soon as a substance is heated to its kindling temperature, that is, the temperature at which it unites with oxygen, if in the presence of air, combustion takes place, called spontaneous combustion. Clover, when stored in the mow in a damp 52 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY condition, may undergo spontaneous combustion. The fermentation which takes place produces combustible gases which, at suitable temperature, ignite; the burning gases, in turn, ignite the carbon of the material. Substances containing a great deal of oil and materials of low kindling temperature, as carbon bisulfid, phosphorus and sulfur, under suitable conditions of tem- perature and air, readily undergo spontaneous Fi?. 24— Candle COmbuStioU. flame. 3. Non- luminous cone. In case of fire, the laws governmg combus- 4. lyUminous line. 5,6. Outer tiou should bc taken advantage of. If the non-luinin ou s rr 1 1 r • envelope. fire is a Small one, cut off the supply of air, and the fire is extinguished. This can be accomplished by the use of sand, wet blankets, or any material that will cut off the supply of air. In order for spontaneous combustion to take place, there must be (i) a combusti- ble substance, which (2) is heated to a suitable tempera- ture, and (3) in the presence of air. 55. Carbon a Decolorizer and Deodorizer. — Wood and animal charcoal have the power of absorbing gases and some coloring materials from solutions. In the manu- facture of sugar, some of the impurities are removed by bone-black or animal charcoal filters, and in purifying water, charcoal filters are often used. The power of car- bon to abstract gases and coloring-matter is largely a physical property. In the soil, the carbon compounds de- cay and produce humus, which has some of the physical properties of charcoal to absorb gases and soluble bod- ies. CARBON 53 Experiment j. — Place iu a cylinder two grams of auimal charcoal, and about i cc. cochineal solution diluted with lo cc. water. Cover the cylinder with a glass plate and shake ; then pour the contents of the cylinder into a filter. If the first por- tion which filters, the filtrate, is not clear, pass it through the filter a second time. Repeat the experiment, using 2 cc. potassium sulfid solution, 2 cc. hydrochloric acid, and 10 cc. water in place of the dilute cochineal solution. Questions. ( i) What effect did the animal charcoal have upon the color of the solution? (2) What property does this show auimal charcoal to possess ? (3) What was the result of filter- ing the potassium sulfid solution ? (4) What property does this show animal charcoal to possess ? 56, Products of Combustion.— The carbon dioxid gas given off from either a caudle or a gas flame can be col- lected bj' arranging an apparatus like that shown in Fig. 25. A metal funnel is connected with a delivery tube which passes into a solution of lime water, Ca(0H)2, in a test-tube. The carbon dioxid given off from the flame passes into the lime water and by forming calcium carbonate causes it to become cloudy. Ca(OH), + CO^ = CaCOj -|- H^O. The carbon comes from the gas which undergoes combustion, and is combined with hydrogen as hydrocar- bons. That a candle produces its own combustible gases can be proved by col- lecting some of the gas with a glass ttibe Fig- 25.— collecting . carbon dioxid from and rubber bulb as shown in Fig. 26. caudie. This gas can then be burned as indicated in Fig. 27. The 54 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Fig. 26. — Obtaining unburned gas from candle. The car- present iu tissues are hydrogen of a gas or candle forms H^O during combus- tion, and can be collected by passing the products of combustion through suitable absorbents. If a dry test-tube is held above the flame, a little moisture will collect on the sides of the test-tube. 57. Compounds of Carbon. — Chemicall}', carbon forms a very large number of com- pounds, more, in fact, than any other element bon compounds plant and animal studied in a separate division of chemistry known as organic chemistry, while those compounds of carbon which are in com- binatiS0, = >SOi- 82. Acid Salts. — An acid salt is one in which only a part of the H of the acid has been replaced. An acid 76 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ' ■ salt always contains H, a metal, and a radical. HNaSO^ is acid sodium sulfate, as only one H atom has been replaced with Na. A normal salt contains no replace- able H. 83. Basicity of Acids. — Acids with one replaceable H atom are called monobasic acids, as HCl and HNO3. Acids with two H atoms are dibasic, as HjSO^, H^SiOg, and H2CO3. When an acid contains three replaceable H atoms, it is tribasic, as H3PO4. 84. Two Series of Salts. — When a base element has more than one valence, it forms two series of salts. For example, Fe has a valence of 2 and 3. The first series of salts is known by the ending ous. The second series has an ic ending. The one ending means that the com- pound is formed from the lower valence of the element, as FeClj, ferrous chlorid, while FeCl3 is called ferric chlorid. There are two series of copper salts ; CuCl is called cuprous chlorid, and CuCl^, cupric chlorid. Name the following salts : FeClj, FeClj, FeSO^, Fe,(S0,)3, Fe(N03)„ Fe(N03)3, Fe(OH)„ Fe(0H)3, HgCl, HgCl,, SnCl^, SnCl,, MnCl,, MnCl,. Experiment 10. — Neutralization and preparation of salts. Obtain two burettes from the instructor for these experiments. Measure out 5 cc. of concentrated HCl and 95 cc. of water ; after mixing, fill one of the burettes with this diluted HCl (Fig. 38). Use your funnel for filling the burette, and then carefully wash the funnel. Prepare a dilute solution of NH4OH, using 90 cc. of water and 10 cc. of the shelf NH4OH. After mixing, fill the second burette with this preparation of diluted NH^OH. Before using the solution in the burette, it should be lowered to the zero- point by carefully opening the pinch-cock. Always allow the tip ACIDS, BASEJS, SAINTS, AND NEUTRAI^IZATION 77 from the burette exactly 20 of the burette to be filled with the solution before beginning the experiment. Into a small beaker, measure cc. NH4OH, with 10 or 12 drops of cochineal solution, which is changed to a deep purplish color by the alkali ; then slowly add HCl from the other burette, constantly stirring the solution in the beaker until a decided change in color is observed. When all of the NH^OH has been neutralized, the solution has a yellowish red color. Note the number of cubic centimeters of HCl used for neutralizing the 20 cc. of NH^OH solution. Add a drop or two from the NH^OH burette and note if there is a change of color. When the solution is neu- tralized, one or two drops of HCl or NH^OH should give a decided change of color. If too much acid has been used, add a measured amount from the NH4OH burette until the solution is neutralized. Finally note the total quantity of HCl and NH^OH used. Repeat this experiment, using 20 cc. of the HCl solution . Questions. ( i ) What was formed when the HCl neutralized the NH^OH solution? (2) Write the reaction. (3) What would be the result if the neutralized solutions ^'^^ 38.-Burette. were evaporated to dryness ? (4) Calculate the amount of HCl re- quired to neutralize i cc. of NH4OH. 78 AGRICULTURAI. CHEMISTRY Experiment ii. — Neutralization. Repeat Experiment lo, using dilute HjSO^ and NaOH solutions that have been prepared for this experiment. After completing the experiment, clean the burettes thoroughly and return them to the instructor. Questions, (i) What was formed when HjSO^ neutralized NaOH? (2) Write the chemical reaction. (3) What was formed as the products of this reaction? (4) How can the salt product be obtained? (5) In writing the reaction, why do we vise 2NaOH in- stead of NaOH? (6) How does the product of Experiment 10 differ from the product of Experiment it? (7) What other acids could be used for neutralizing NaOH and NH4OH ? (8) What other bases could be used for neutralizing HCl and HjSO^? (9) What is an acid? (10) What is a base ? (11) What Is a salt? (12) Which do we find most abundantly in nature, acids, bases, or salts ? Why ? Experiment 12. — Preparation of a salt. Put 10 cc. dilute HCl and 10 cc. water into the evaporator. Measure out 10 cc. of NaOH into a beaker and add 50 cc. water. Add this diluted NaOH to the evaporator a little at a time until the solution is neutral to litmus paper. Do not dip the paper into the solution, but transfer a drop by means of a glass rod from the evap- orator to the paper. In case too much NaOH has been used, add a drop or two of the acid. Bases or alkalies turn red litmus paper blue, while acids turn blue litmus paper red. When Fig. 39.-Sodium chlorid the solution is neutral, it has no perceptible crystals (common salt), action upon litmus paper. Place the evap- orating dish upon the sand-bath, and apply heat until the solution is evaporated to dryness. Carefully regulate the flame so as to avoid excessive heating. This will prevent spattering when the solution becomes concentrated. Questions. ( i ) What is left in the evaporator ? (2) From what was it produced? (3) Write the chemical reaction. (4) Taste some of the material in the evaporating dish. How is it possible for this material to be formed from two such unlike compounds as HCl ACIDS, BASES, SAINTS, AND NEUTRALIZATION 79 andNaOH? (5) What is neutralization ? (6j Are definite amounts by weight of HCl and NaOH required for neutralization? (7) How many molecules of HCl are required to neutralize one of NaOH? (8) How much does a molecule of HCl weigh? (9) Of NaOH? (10) How many parts by weight of each must be taken for neu- tralization ? (11) How does this illustrate the law of definite pro- portion ? CHAPTER XI Hydrochloric Acid, Chlorin, and Chlorids 85. Occurrence. — The element chlorin is never found in a free state in nature, but is always in combination with other elements, as with sodium, forming sodium chlorid. With hydrogen, chlorin forms hydrochloric acid. 86. Preparation. — Hydrochloric acid is produced by the action of HjSO^ on NaCl, the reaction being 2 NaCl + H,SO, = Na^SO, + 2HCI. Heat is applied and the hydrochloric acid gas is expelled and col- lected in water. In the preparation of hydrochloric acid, the CI part of the compound is supplied by the NaCl, while the sulfuric acid furnishes the hydrogen. Hydrochloric acid can also be made by direct union of the elements hydrogen and chlorin. It is prepared in the laboratory in the following way : Experiment 13. — Preparation of hydrochloric acid. Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig. 40. A sand-bath, containing sand, is placed upon either the tripod or the large ring of the iron ring-stand. Tube B connects flask A with WoulfF bottle C, which contains 100 cc. of water. The tube is made from a piece of glass tubing 22 to 24 inches long, with one right-angled bend about 3 inches from the end, and another, parallel and about 6 inches from the first bend. This tube is connected with both flask A and the Woulff bottle by means of tight-fitting corks. Tube B passes into the bottle but 7iot below the surface of the liquid. Through a tight- fitting cork in the middle neck of Woulff bottle C passes a safety tube so adjusted that it dips just below the surface of the water in C. This safety-tube is a straight piece of glass tubing, 9 or 10 HYDROCHLORIC ACID, CHLORIN, AND CHLORIDS 8 1 inches long. Woulff bottle C is connected with a second Woulff bottle by means of a bent tube which passes below the water in the second bottle but is above the water in the first bot- tle. The apparatus, as constructed, allows the gas which is generated in flask A to pass through into C and saturate the water. Some of the acid passes over into the sec- ond Woulif bottle. Since the delivery tubes in C do not pass below the surface of the liquid, and the pressure is equalized, no liquid can be drawn back into flask A. Place 15 grams sodium chlorid (NaCl, common salt) and 30 cc. of concen- trated H2SO4 in flask A. Apply heat to the flask, and after ten minutes re- move the burner and test Fig- 40— Preparation of hydrochloric acid, the liquid in both Woulff bottles with litmus paper. Then make the following tests : ( I ) Disconnect the delivery tube and test the escaping gas with wet litmus paper. (2) Collect a little of the gas in a test-tube, and test it with a burning splinter. (3) Put 2 or 3 cc. of silver nitrate (AgNOa) into a test-tube and then a like amount of HCl from the first Woulff bottle. Observe the result. (4) Leave the test-tube and contents exposed to strong sunlight for a few minutes. (5) Put a small piece of zinc into a test-tube and cover it with some of the acid from the first Woulff bottle. Observe the result. Questions. ( r ) What chemical reaction took place when HjSO^ 82 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY and NaCl were brought together? (2) Is HCl a solid, liquid, or gas? Why? (3) Color? (4) Is it soluble in water ? Why? (5) What was formed when the HCl was added to the test-tube con- taining AgNOj ? Give the reaction. (6) Is HCl combustible or a supporter of combustion? (7) What is a chlorid ? (8) What effect would HCl gas have upon plants ? 87. Properties. — Hydrochloric acid is a colorless gas, soluble in water. When exposed to the air, it combines with the moisture of the air. The concentrated acid used in the laboratory is a solution of about 40 per cent. HCl. Chemically, HCl is an active acid, and is neither combustible nor a supporter of combustion. When it neutralizes bases, chlorids are always formed. Hydro- chloric acid is distinguished from other acids by its reac- tion with silver nitrate, a white precipitate of silver chlorid being produced which is soluble in ammonia and is blackened in sunlight. Hydrochloric acid is used extensively in the laboratory in the preparation of vari- ous compounds, and for the production of chlorin. 88. Preparation of Clilorin. — Chlorin is prepared by the action of an oxidizing agent, as manganese dioxid, upon hydrochloric acid, manganese chlorid, water, and chlorin gas being formed as products. The reaction is MnO^ + 4HCI = MnCl^ + 2H,0 + 2CI. In this reaction the valence of manganese is changed from 4 to 2, and as a result free chlorin gas is liberated. The method of preparation in the laboratory is as follows : Experiment 14. — Preparation of chlorin. It is preferable to set up the apparatus for generating chlorin under one of the hoods. Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig. 41. Place 10 grams of MnOj and 15 or 20 cc. of HCl in flask A. By means of HYDROCHLORIC ACID, CHLORIN, AND CHLORIDS 83 the delivery tube B, and a tight-fitting cork, the CI gas, when generated, passes into the large cylinder, in which has been placed a green leaf, a piece of colored cloth, and paper upon which is some writing. The delivery tube passes through the hole in the ground-glass plate, without any cork. To generate the chlorin apply gentle heat to the flask, and as soon as the cylinder is nearly filled with the CI gas, which can be observed by its color, remove the flame so as to prevent any of the gas from escaping into the room. Do not inhale any of the fumes, as they are irritating to the throat and lungs. Make the following tests : ( I ) Observe the effect which the chlorin gas has upon the cloth, paper, and leaf. (2) To the cylin- der, add 5 cc. water containing two or three drops of indigo solution. Observe the result. Questions. ( i ) Give the physical properties of CI gas, odor, weight, and color. (2) What caused the liberation of the CI gas from the HCl? (3) Write the reaction. (4) What are some of the chemical properties of chlorin as observed F»&- 4i-— Preparation of chlorin. from the changes which have taken place in the materials in the cylinder? (5) What is a chlorid ? (6) Name five compounds con- taining chlorin. (7) Why is CI gas employed as a disinfectant? Explain its action as a disinfectant. (8) What is bleaching-powder, and how is it used as a disinfectant? (9) NaCl is necessary for animal life ; CI is one of the elements of the compound ; CI is de- structive to animal life ; why can you not conclude that NaCl con taining CI is destructive to animal life ? 84 AGRICUIvTURAI, CHEMISTRY 89. Properties. — Physically considered, chlorin is a heavy, greenish yellow gas, with a penetrating, suffo- cating odor. Chlorin gas is poisonous. Chemically, it is an active element and has strong affinity for nearly all other elements. It readily combines with metals, form- ing chlorids, and light and heat are evolved during the reaction. Chlorin is an active bleaching reagent, as it changes the composition of vegetable dyes, thus destroy- ing their color. Bleaching-powder is a mixture of cal- cium hypochlorite and calcium chlorid, and when used chlorin is liberated, Chlorin is also used as a disinfectant and as a germicide, for it is destructive to life, particu- larly to the lower forms. It is used extensively for both bleaching and disinfecting purposes. Chlorin takes no part directly in life processes, although its compounds, particularly sodium chlorid, are necessary as mineral food for animals. 90. The Chlorin Group of Elements. — Fluorin, chlo- rin, bromin, and iodin form a natural group of elements, known as the chlorin family. These elements are all closely related. They form similar acids with H, and similar salts with the metals. Some of the most im- portant relationships and points of difference between members of the chlorin family will be observed from the following table : Physical Element. At. wt. conditions. H compound. Na compound. Fluorin 19 Light gas HFl NaFl Chlorin 35.45 Heavy gas HCl NaCl Bromin 79-95 Liquid HBr NaBr Iodin 126.85 Solid HI Nal HYDROCHLORIC ACID, CHLORIN, AND CHLORIDS 85 91. Chlorids. — Combined with the metals, chlorin forms chlorids. As a class, the chlorids are quite stable com- pounds, inasmuch as chlorin has strong affinity for nearly- all of the metals. The properties of the different chlorids vary with the metal with which the chlorin is combined. The chlorids do not take such a direct part in plant as in animal nutrition. When present in either soil or water in any appreciable amount, the soil is sterile and the water is not suitable for either drinking or irrigation purposes. Sodium chlorid is found in nature most abundantly of any of the chlorids. Problein i. — How much H.,S04 is required to combine with 2000 pounds NaCl in making HCl ? Problem 2. — How much HCl can be made from 2000 pounds of NaCl? Problems. — How much Na^SO^ is produced when 2000 pounds NaCl are used for making HCl ? CHAPTER XII Nitric Acid and Nitrogen Compounds 92. Occurrence. — Nitric acid does not occur in nature in a free state, but nitrates or salts of nitric acid are found as natural products. Since all normal nitrates are soluble in water, the}' are never found in great abundance in soils. In regions of scant rainfall, where climatic con- ditions have been favorable for the formation of nitrates, deposits of nitrate of soda are occasionally found. The nitrifying organisms of the soil, when supplied with food, moisture, suitable temperature, and other requisite conditions, produce nitrates which are utilized as food by plants. The process of nitrification which takes place in the soil, results in changing the inert and unavailable nitrogen to a soluble and available condition, 93. Preparation. — The same principle is applied in the preparation of nitric acid as in the preparation of hydro- chloric acid. It is produced by the action of H^SO^ upon a salt ; when a chlorid is used, hydrochloric acid is the product, and when a nitrate is used nitric acid is the product. The reaction when sodium nitrate is used is : 2NaN03 + H,SO, = Na,SO, + 2HNO3. Experiment 15. — Preparation of nitric acid. Special care shonld be exercised by the student in the preparation of nitric acid, because if any is spilled on the hands it causes painful burns and wounds that are difficult to heal. Provided the student is careful and follows the directions given, there is no danger whatever in the preparation of this material. Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig. 42. The delivery tube used in the preparation of NHj may NITRIC ACID AND NITROGEN COMPOUNDS 87 be used for this experiment. If necessary, a brick or block may be placed under the cylinder. The delivery tube should pass into and nearly to the bottom of a test-tube which is immersed in cold water in the cylinder. Put 15 cc. concen- trated sulfuric acid (H^SO^) and 10 grams of either sodium nitrate (NaNOj) or potassium nitrate (KNO3) into the flask and apply heat until about 4 or 5 cc. of HNO3 is distilled and collected in the test-tube. Do not remove the flame un- less the end of the delivery tube is above the liquid in the test-tube, otherwise the liquid will be drawn back into the flask. Make the following tests with HNO3. (i) Remove a drop of the acid by means of a glass tube, and apply it to either a piece of woolen cloth or silk. Observe the result. ( 2 ) Place a few" drops of indigo solution in a test-tube containing 5 cc. of water, then add about 2 cc. of HNO3. Ob- serve the result. (3) Place a small piece of copper in the test-tube containing the remainder of the acid. Observe the result. If no reaction takes place, add a little water. Do not pour the contents of the flask into the sink or waste jars until cool, otherwise the hot acid coming in contact with cold water may cause spattering of the acid. Questions. ( i ) Why was H2SO4 used in the preparation of this compound? (2) What material supplied the NO3 radical? (3) Write the reaction which took place in the flask after heat was ap- plied. (4) Is HNO3 a solid, liquid, or gas? Why ? (5) What caused the red fumes to be given ofE when the copper was added to the test-tube? (6) Does HNO3 give off H when a metal is added to it? Why? (7) Why did the HNO3 bleach the indigo solution? (8) Why is ordinary HNO3 colored yellow? (9) Is HNO3 ^^ active or inert chemical ? (10) What is a nitrate? Fig. 42. — Preparation of nitric acid. 88 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 94. Properties. — When pure, nitric acid is a colorless liquid; the commercial acid has a yellow color because of the presence of oxids of nitrogen. Nitric acid is an active oxidizing reagent, and when metals, as copper and iron, are dissolved in it, brown fumes of NO2 are given off because the hydrogen, as soon as liberated, is oxidized by the excess of acid and NO2 is formed. H + HNO3 = HjO + NOj. Nitric acid imparts a permanent yellow color to wool, silk, and all albuminous matter. 95. Importance. — In the laboratory, nitric acid is used as an oxidizing agent. It is used commercially in the dyeing of cloth, although it has a tendency to weaken the wool fibers. Salts of nitric acid are important because they are of so much value as plant food, and particularly in the manufacture of commercial fertilizer, where it sup- plies nitrogen. Potassium nitrate is used in the manu- facture of gunpowder. Nitrates are of great importance in agriculture. Ammonia 96. Occurrence. — Ammonium compounds are present in small amounts in the air, rain water, and in the soil, and are produced from decaying nitrogenous organic matter. The chief source of the ammonia which serves as the basis for the preparation of ammonium salts is the ammonia water obtained in the process of purifying illuminating gas made from soft coal. The nitrogen compounds of the coal form ammonia gas, NH3, during the destructive distillation process. 97. Preparation. — In the laboratory, ammonia is usu AMMONIA 89 ally prepared from ammonium chlorid by treatment with a strong base, as Ca(0H)2. The reaction is : 2NH,C1 + Ca(OH), = CaCl, + 2NH,0H. Experiment 16. — Preparation of ammonia. Arrange appa- ratus as directed for the preparation of HCl (see Fig. 40). Into flask A, place 10 grams each of dry ammonium chlorid, NH4CI, and powdered calcium hydroxid, Ca(0H)2, and 25 cc. water. Barium hydroxid, Ba(0H)2, may be used in place of the Ca(OH).2. When properly connected, apply heat to the sand-bath from eight to twelve minutes. Tests for Ammonia, (i) Test the gas with wet litmus paper. Note the result. (2) Test the water in both Woulff bottles with litmus paper, and note the result. (3) In an evaporator place 5 cc. HCl and 10 cc. water. Disconnect the delivery tube from Woulff bottle C, and pass some of the fumes of the escaping gas over the acid in the evaporator. Avoid inhaling any of the gas. (4) Col- lect some of the gas in a test-tube and then place the test-tube in- verted in a cylinder about one-third full of water. (5) Adds cc. of the NHj solution from either of the Woulff bottles to 5 cc. of a solution of alum. Note the result. Questions, (i) What material supplied the NH^ part of the NH^OH ? (2) What caused the gas to be liberated from these ma- terials? (3) What chemical reaction took place in flask A after the heat was applied ? (4) Why was water used in the Woulff bottle? (5) What did the water and the NH3 gas form? (6) What reaction did the NH3 gas and the NH^OH give with the lit- mus paper ? (7) Why was not this gas given off into the room? (8) Why was not NH3 collected over water, like H, N, and O? (9) What caused the water to rise in the test-tube? (10) Why have you reason to believe that the NH^OH caused a chemical re- action when added to the solution of alum ? 98. Properties. — Ammonia is a colorless non-combus- tible pungent gas, which unites with water to form am- monium hydroxid, NH^OH, a basic compound. It is 90 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY completely soluble in water, from which it is easily liber- ated b)' heat. The gas can be reduced to liquid form by cold and pressure. Liquefied ammonia passes back to the gaseous condition wdth removal of the pressure, and in so doing, heat is absorbed from surrounding bodies. If this heat is absorbed from water, the temperature of the water is lowered sufficiently to produce ice. This property of liquefied ammonia is taken advantage of for the artificial production of ice, and for refrigerating purposes. The transportation of perishable food materials has been ren- dered possible by this method of refrigeration, 99. Uses. — In the laboratory, ammonium hydroxid is used extensively as a reagent for neutralizing acid solu- tions and precipitating insoluble hydroxids. Ammo- nium salts, w^hen present in any appreciable amounts, are destructive to plants, (NHJ^SO^ being less injurious than either NH.Cl or (NHJ^COg. Hence (NHJ.SO, can be used in limited amounts as a fertilizer. Because of its being a volatile alkali, ammonia is valuable as a reagent for softening water. In small amounts, so as to form very dilute solutions, the ammonium compounds serve as food for plants, sup- plying them with nitrogen which is used for producing, within the plant cells, complex nitrogenous compounds, as proteids. Ammonium compounds supply only one form of nitrogenous plant food. 100. Oxids of Nitrogen. — Nitrogen forms five com- pounds with oxygen : NjO nitrogen monoxid or nitrous oxid. NjO^ nitrogen dioxid or nitric oxid. AMMONIA 91 N2O3 nitrogen trioxid or nitrous anhydrid. N20^ nitrogen tetroxid. N2O5 nitrogen pentoxid or nitric anhydrid. While the oxids of nitrogen do not serve as either plant or animal food, they are nevertheless important, and a study of these compounds is necessary in order to under- stand the subject of nitrogen. loi. Anhydrids. — An anhydrid is an oxid of an acid element, or the product which is left after the elements which form water are abstracted from an acid. SO3 is sulfuric anhydrid, and is the product formed by ab- stracting H.,0 from H,SO,. H,SO, = H^O + SO3. 'N,0, is nitric anhydrid, derived from two molecules of-HNOj. 2HNO3 == H^O + N2O5. Derive and name the anhydrids of the following acids: 2H3PO,, H2CO3, H^SiOj, 2HNO2, H2SO3. 102. Law of riultiple Proportion. — When nitrogen and oxygen combine, the number of parts of nitrogen in the various compounds is constant, namely : 2, or 28 parts by weight in each compound. The number of parts of O is always a multiple of the first combination, N2O ; that is, it is either 2, 3, 4, or 5 times as much in the other compounds as in the first one. This is an ex- ample of the law of multiple proportion. When two elements combine in more than one way, the amount by weight of one of the elements remains constant in all the combinations, while the amount of the other element is always a multiple of the first combination. The law of definite proportion holds true for each in- dividual compound, while the law of multiple proportion 92 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY applies to the entire series, and is a broader application of the law of definite proportion. 103. Importance of the Nitrogen Compounds. — The compounds of nitrogen, particularly nitrates and ammo- nium compounds, are of importance in agriculture as they serve as food for plants. They are difficult to retain in soils because of their solubility and the volatility of ammonia. In human and animal foods, the nitrogenous compounds are of importance in many ways ; hence, in economic agriculture the compounds of nitrogen receive special consideration. Problefn i. — How many pounds of HNO3 can be produced from 100 pounds NaNOs? Problem 2. — How much HjSOi is required when 100 pounds HNO3 are made ? Problem J.— Ho-w much NH^OH can be produced from 10 pounds of NH.Cl? .- Problem ^.— What per cent, of NH^OH is NH3? CHAPTER XIII Phosphorus and Its Compounds 104. Occurrence. — Phosphorus is found in nature in combination with oxygen and other elements, forming phosphates, as CagCPOJa. It is never found in a free or un- combined condition. In soils, it is found in small amounts, and in many rocks and minerals, as apatite or phosphate rock, it is present in large amounts ; it is also found in the ash of plants, and in animal bodies, particularly as a con- stituent of bones. 105. Preparation. — It is prepared from bones, which are first freed from organic matter by burning. The bone ash is treated with sulfuric acid, producing acid phosphates, which, when roasted with charcoal, liberate free phosphorus. 106. Properties. — There are two forms of phosphorus: the yellow and the red. Yellow phosphorus is a solid which ignites at a low temperature. Red phosphorus is an allotropic form of the element produced by heating the yellow variety in a sealed tube. Yellow phosphorus more readily combines with oxygen than does the red, and is kept under water to prevent contact with air, 107. Oxids of Phosphorus. — When phosphorus is burned in a current of oxygen or dry air, phosphorus pentoxid, PjOg, is obtained. This material is a white flocculent mass -which readily dissolves in water, forming metaphosphoric acid. When phosphorus is burned in a 94 AGRICULTURAIv CHEMISTRY limited amount of air, it forms phosphorus trioxid, P2O3, which after long standing dissolves in water, forming phosphorous acid. In fertilizer, soil, and food analysis, the amount of phosphorus is expressed in terms of P2O5. 108. Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates. — Ordinary phosphoric acid is produced by the action of H^SO^ upon bone ash. 3H2SO, + Ca,iFO,), = 2H3PO, + 3CaS0,. Salts of ortho or ordinary phosphoric acid are the most common forms of the acid derivatives. Since this acid contains three replaceable H atoms, three salts are formed, as : NajPO^, normal sodium phosphate ; Na^HPO^, di- sodium phosphate ; and NaH^PO^, monosodium phos- phate. The three calcium salts of phosphoric acid are : CaH^(P0j2, monocalcium phosphate. Ca^HjCPOJa, dicalcium phosphate. CagCPOJa, tricalcium phosphate. In addition to the ordinary phosphoric acid, there are other derivatives, as : H3PO, = H20 + HP03 (metaphosphoric acid). 2H3PO, = H,,0 + H,P,0, (pyrophosphoric acid). 109. Phosphate Fertilizers. — In deposits of phosphate rock, the phosphoric acid is mainly in combination with calcium as Ca3(PO^)2, and is of little value as plant food until it is treated with H^SO^ and converted into monocalcium phosphate, which is soluble and available as plant food. Ca3(PO,)2 + 2H2SO, = CaH,(PO,), + 2CaSO^. Large amounts of phosphates undergo this treatment in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers. PHOSPHORUS AND ITS COMPOUNDS 95 Experiment ij. — In a beaker on a sand-bath, dissolve V2 gram of bone-ash in 10 cc. dil. HNO3 + 20 cc. H._,0 ; filter, and to the fil- trate, while still warm, add 5 cc. ammonium molybdate, and then stir. Observe the precipitate, which is a compound of phosphoric acid, ammonium, and molybdenum. Questions, (i) What was the solvent of the phosphoric acid? (2) Why was the solution boiled and filtered ? (3) Describe the color and properties of the precipitate. Experiment 18. — Dissolve V2 gram of sodium phosphate in 10 cc. distilled water, then add 10 cc. of a solution containing V2 gram CaClj. Observe the result. Write the reaction. Repeat this experiment, using AICI3 or alum in place of CaClj. iio. Compounds of Phosphorus. — Phosphorus forms a large number of compounds, as phosphates, metaphos- phates, and pyrophosphates. It also combines with H, CI, and I. With H it forms PH3, phosphine, an analo- gous compound of NH3. Phosphorus also enters into combination with C, H, N, O, and S, forming complex organic compounds, as nucleated proteids and lecithin. It is an element which has a wide range of combinations. HI. Importance of Phosphorus and Its Compounds. — The compounds of phosphorus, particularly the phos- phates, are important in plant development, being essen- tial forms of mineral food required for crop growth. Agriculturally considered, phosphorus is one of the most important of the elements. It is stored up in the seeds of grains, and in combination with the elements which form the organic compounds of plants, it takes an important part in animal nutrition. Compounds of phosphorus are used in the manufacture of matches, and as poison for in- sects. Phosphorus forms a large number of compounds 96 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY both with the metals and with the elements which enter into the organic compounds of plant and animal bodies. Problem i. — How much P2O5 in a ton of bones, 80 per cent. Ca3(PO,),? Problem 2. — How much would the P2O5 in a ton of Ca2H2(P04)3 be worth at 5 cents per pound for the PjOj ? Ca2H2(POj2 = PA + 2CaO f H^O. CHAPTER XIV Sulfur and Its Compounds 112. Occurrence. — Sulfur is found free, and in combina- tion with other elements ; sulfids and sulfates are the compounds which occur the mo?t abundantly. Sulfur is also found in small amounts, in combination with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, forming the organic compounds of plant and animal bodies. 113. Preparation.— When taken from the mines, sulfur is mixed with impurities, as sand and clay, which are partially removed by heating the sulfur, out of contact with the air, much in the same way that charcoal is pro- duced. The crude sulfur ^'^- 43-Crystals of sulfur. is refined by vaporizing and condensing the volatile sulfur upon the surfaces of brick chambers, the product being known as flowers of sulfur. By drawing off the molten sulfur into wooden molds, roll sulfur, or brimstone, is formed. 114. Properties. — I^ike carbon and a few other ele- ments, sulfur has a number of allotropic forms. It may assume either an amorphous or several crystalline forms. It melts at a low temperature, and when molten sulfur is poured into water, a rubber-like, amorphous mass is obtained. Sulfur combines with oxygen ; and with the metals it forms sulfids. 98 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 115. Uses. — Sulfur is used in the preparation of sulfuric acid, in the production of vulcanized rubber, in the manufacture of matches and gunpowder, and for bleach- ing and disinfecting purposes. A small amount in the form of sulfates is necessary as plant food. Experiment ig. — Properties of sulfur. Place 15 grams of sulfur in a test-tube and heat slowly until it is a thin, amber-colored liquid. As the heat increases, notice that it becomes darker until black, and so thick and viscid that it cannot be poured from the test-tube. Continue to apply heat until slightly lighter in color and again a liquid. Then pour the sulfur into an evaporating dish containing water, and, when cold, examine it and describe its proper- ties. Examine the sulfur product or crystals left in the test-tube, and compare with the original sulfur, using a lens for the purpose. Questions, (i) Are the crystals of sulfur formed by fusion like those of the original powdered form ? (2) How is it possible for sulfur to assume different ph3-sical forms ? (3) Is sulfur soluble iu water? (4) What is a sulfate ? Give the formula for one. (5) What is a sulfite ? Give the formula for one. (6) What is a sulfid ? 116. Sulfur Dioxid. — When sulfur is burned either in air or oxygen, SO,, a colorless, suffocating, non-combusti- ble gas is produced. SO^ combines with water, forming H2SO3, sulfurous acid. Sulfur dioxid is used in bleach- ing and for disinfecting purposes, as it is alike destruc- tive to organic coloring- matter and to germ life. Experiment 20. — Sulfur dioxid. Fill the deflagration spoon half full of sulfur ; ignite, and then lower into a small cylinder con- taining a piece of wet colored cloth and a piece of wet blue litmus paper. As soon as the sulfur ceases to burn, remove the spoon and cover the cylinder with a glass plate. Questions. ( i ) What reaction does the SO2 give with the litmus paper? (2) What effect does it have upon the cloth? (3) What does the SO2 form with H^O ? (4) Is SO^ a heavy or light gas ? (5) SULFUR AND ITS COMPOUNDS 99 Is it a chemically active substance? (6) Why does it act as a bleaching agent ? (7) Why is it valuable as a disinfectant ? 117. Sulfuric Acid.— Sulfuric acid can not be produced from sulfates as H CI and HNO3 were produced from their salts, because there is no acid or other material that can be used economically for the purpose. H^SO^ is made from its elements by the use of an oxidizing agent. The different steps in its production are : (i) Burning of sulfur, or roasting of some ore, as pyrites, which contains sulfur. The S forms with O, SOg. (2) Union of SOj and HjO, forming sulfurous acid, H,S03. (3) Oxidation of H^SOj to form H.^SO^. This is accom- plished by the use of NO^ reduced to NO, which in turn is capable of uniting with the oxygen of the air, re- forming NOj. NO is used as a carrier of O ; hence the oxygen of the air is used indirectly for the oxidation of H2SO3. The different reactions take place simulta- neously in lead-lined chambers : SO2 + H,0 + NO, = U,SO, + NO. NO + O = N Other and more complicated reactions also take place. The crude acid is then concentrated and purified. Sul- furic acid is extensively used in industrial operations. There is scarcely a chemical product in the preparation of which HjSO^ has not been used either directly or in- directly. H2SO4 takes an important part in the manufac- ture of soda, which, in turn, is used for making glass; in the preparation of commercial fertilizers, and of many food products. The amount of sulfuric acid which a lOO AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY country consumes is a fair index of the extent of its manufacturing industries. ii8. Properties of H^SO^.— When pure it is a colorless, heavy, oily liquid. It has a strong afl&nity for water, with which it combines with evolution of heat. It will decompose organic materials containing C, H, and O, liberating the H.fi as water, with which it combines, while the carbon, which is partially oxidized, separates and blackens the acid. When sugar is acted upon by concentrated sulfuric acid, this change takes place. HjSO^ is used in the laboratory for drying gases, for drying the air in desiccators, and for oxidizing purposes, as in the determination of organic nitrogen in food mate- rials. It is one of the most useful and extensivel used of any of the reagents in the laboratory. Experiment 21. — Make the followiug tests with some of the sulfuric acid from the reagent bottles : (i) Put 2 or 3 cc. H^SO^ into a test-tube ; thrust a splinter of wood into it and leave it there for a few minutes. Then remove the splinter from the test-tube. Wash off the acid and examine the splinter. (2) Place in an evaporating dish 5 cc. water and 15 cc. H2SO4. Stir it with a small test-tube containing i or 2 cc. NH^OH. Observe that the heat generated by the action of the H2SO4 and water, volatilizes some of the NH3. (3) Put 10 cc. of water and i cc. of H.,S04 into a test- tube. Then add 2 or 3 cc. of barium chlorid, BaClj. Observe the result. Questions, (i) Why is not H^SO^ made from sulfates? (2) Why is heat produced when water and H2SO4 are mixed? (3) What use was made of this heat in test No. 2? (4) What caused the precipitate when BaCl.^ was added? (5) Write the reaction. (6) What is the name of the product formed ? (7) What are some of the uses of H2SO4 ? (8) How many kinds of salts does H2SO4 SULFUR AND ITS COMPOUNDS lOI form ? (9) Why is nitric oxid used in the manufacture of H2SO4 ? (10) What are the physical properties of H.^SO^? (11) Of what agricultural value is H.^SO^ ? (12) Does HjSOj dissolve lead ? (13) Why does commercial HjSO^ often appear dark-colored or deposit a fine white sediment ? 119. Sulfates. — Sulfuric acid is a dibasic acid, and hence may form two series of salts, as NaHSO^, primary sodium sulfate (acid sodium sulfate), and NajSO^, second- ary sodium sulfate (normal sodium sulfate). The sul- fates of the metals form a large class of compounds which vary in chemical and physical properties according to the metal that is present. The sulfates as a class are fairly stable compounds ; some, as sodium and potassium sul- fates, are soluble ; others, as calcium sulfate, are sparingly so while barium sulfate is one of the most insoluble sub- stances in nature. Many of the sulfates contain water of crystallization. Some, as calcium and potassium sulfates, are valuable as fertilizers, while others, as copper sulfate, are used as fungicides. 120/ Sulfids. — Sulfids are compounds of. the metals with sulfur, as K^S, FeS, and CuS. When a sulfid, as FeS, is treated with a dilute acid, H2S, hydrogen sulfid, is liberated. FeS -f 2HCI = FeCl, + H,S. The differences in solubility and other properties of the sulfids are taken advantage of in the separation and identification of the metals. H^S is formed when albu- minous matter, as the white of an egg, decays. It is also present as one of the gases given off from sewers. It is a poisonous, suffocating gas. Experiment 22. — Hydrogen sulfid. (This experiment should I02 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY be performed under the hood). Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig 44. The delivery tube and cork should fit tightly, and the deliveiy tube should pass into a test-tube containing 10 cc. of Pb(N03)2 solution. Test-tubes containing 10 cc. respectively of NaCl, and CUSO4 solutions should be conveniently at hand. Place 5 grams of pul- verized FeS in the generating test-tube, add 10 cc. dilute HCl, and immediately connect with the de- livery tube. After the gas has passed through the lead nitrate solution, for a couple of minutes, pass it through the sodium chlorid and copper sulfate solutions ; then allow a little of the gas to escape into a cylinder containing water. Do not allow the free gas to escape in the room. With NaCl no insoluble sulfid is formed. Questions. ( i) What is the odor of the gas ? (2) Write the equation for its production. (3) What was formed when the gas was passed into PbCNOj).^? Write the reaction. (4) What was formed when the gas was passed through Cu(N03)2? Write the Is HjS soluble in water? (6) When albumin decays, (7) Why was no precipitate Fig. 44. — Hydro gen sulfid gen erator. reaction. (5) from what is the H2S produced ? formed when the gas was passed through NaCl ? Problem /.—How much HjSO^ can be made from one ton of sul- fur? Problem 2. — What per cent, of H^SO^ is SO3 ? Problem j.— How much H2SO4 is required to neutralize 500 pounds NaOH ? CHAPTER XV Silicon and Its Compounds 121 Occurrence. — Silicon is found in nature in com- bination with oxygen as silica, Si02; and with oxygen and the metals as silicates. It is never found free but al- ways in combination with other elements. Next to oxygen it is the most abundant element found in nature. In the form of silicates it is the basis of the composition of nearly all rocks, and in the soil SiO.^ is found to the extent of from 60 to 90 per cent. It is present in the ash of plants and, to a slight extent, in animal bodies. 122. Preparation and Properties. — Silicon is separated from its compounds with difficulty. By treatment in an electric furnace, quartz or SiOj is reduced. Like carbon, silicon has crystalline and amorphous forms. Pure quartz, SiO^, and other forms of silicon, are insoluble in nitric, hydrochloric, and sulfuric acids. When acted upon by hydrofluoric acid, silicon tetrafluorid, a gas is formed. Fig- 45- SiO^ + 4HF = SiF, + 2H,0. HF is Quartz crystal. used extensively for the decomposition of silicates. 123. Silicic Acid. — When SiO^ is fused with the hy- droxids or carbonates of potassium or sodium, potassium or sodium silicate is obtained : SiO, -H K,C03 r= K,Si03 + CO,. SiO, + 4KOH = K.SiO, + 2H,0. The silicates of potassium and sodium are soluble in I04 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY water, and are commonly called water-glass. Some of the silicates are soluble in acids, but most of them are insoluble complex compounds which are difi&cult to de- compose. When K^SiO^ is treated with HCl, a gelatinous mass containing silicic acid is obtained : K^SiO^ + 4HCI = H.SiO, + 4KCI. H^SiO^ is normal silicic acid. Upon exposure to the air it loses a molecule of water and forms ordinary silicic acid, H2Si03, which is decomposed by heat and in the presence of acids forms H^O and SiO^. In addition to the two silicic acids, H^SiOg and H^SiO^, there are other forms known as polysilicic acids as : HjSi^O^, H^SigOg, and H^SiaOg, obtained by removing water from the normal and ordinary silicic acid. 2H,Si03 = H.Si.Oj + H,0. 3H,SiO, = H.SigOs + 4H,0. 124. Dialysis. — In the preparation of silicic acid, the process known as dialysis is employed for dissolving and removing the impurities. Some sub- stances, as NaCl and HCl, dissolve and readily pass through animal mem- brane ; such substances are called crystalloids, while bodies like silicic acid, which do not penetrate animal membrane, or do so very slowly, are called colloids. The removal of the HCl from the solution containing the gelatinous silicic acid is accomplished by means of the dialyzer. Fig. 46. This property of materials, readily or Fig. 46.— Dialyzer. SILICON AND ITS COMPOUNDS I05 slowly to diffuse through animal membrane, is a physical characteristic, and is occasionally made use of for wash- ing and separating compounds. 125. Silicates. — Since silicon forms such a variety of acids, the number of silicates found in nature is very large. The hydrogen atoms of silicic acid can be re- placed with different metals, forming double salts, as AlKSigOg, which is feldspar, or the double salt of trisilicic acid, H^SijOg. This renders the composition of the sili- cates exceedingly complex. Many of the silicates con- tain also water of hydration as part of the molecule ; as aluminum silicate or pure clay, Al^(SiO^)3.H20. Since rocks are composed mainly of silicates, and soils are formed from the decay of rocks, it follows that soils are practically a mechanical mixture of silicates with small amounts of other compounds. Hence, the importance of the subject of silicic acid and the silicates. Unfortunately the structure and composition of the silicates have not been determined as completely as of other salts and acids. Pure clay is aluminum silicate, formed from the disintegration of feldspar rock, a double silicate of potas- sium and aluminum. Mica, hornblende, and zeolites are all complex forms of silicates. 126. Importance of Compounds of Silicon. — The com- pounds of silicon, as silicon dioxid, SiO^, and of the sili- cates, are used in the manufacture of glass, porcelain and brick. The element itself takes no direct part in animal or plant life, but indirectly is important, for it is in combination with many elements which serve as plant food. Some of the simpler and more soluble silicates are Io6 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY capable of being acted upon by decaying animal and vegetable matter and undergoing chemical changes which prepare them for plant food. Since silicon forms the principal acid element which enters into the composition of rocks, soils, building stones, glass, brick, and porcelain, and is associated with the elements in the soil which serve as plant food, it follows that it is an important element in industrial operations and in agriculture. Experiment 2j. — To about 5 cc. of sodium silicate in a test-tube add a few drops of HCl and observe the result. Then add NaOH and observe the result. Add more HCl, and evaporate the ma- terial to dryness in the evaporating dish. When cool, test the solubility of the residue in water. Questions, (i) What was formed when HCl was added to sodium silicate ? Write the reaction. (2) What was the appearance of the above product ? (3) What effect did the NaOH have, and what was formed ? (4) What was formed when the material was evaporated to dryness? (5) What can you say as to the solubility of the product ? Problem /.—What per cent, of SiO, in clay, Al4(SiOj3.H20? Problem 2. — How nmch silicic acid is formed when 10 grams of HCl act upon K^SiO^ ? CHAPTER XVI Oxids of Carbon, Carbonates, and Carbon Com- pounds 127. Carbon Dioxid. — Carbon dioxid is obtained from the combustion of carbon and also from the treatment of a carbonate v/ith an acid. A carbonate is a salt of car- bonic acid, M2CO3, in which M represents any mono- valent metal, as K or Na. Calcium carbonate, CaCOs, is the most abundant carbonate found in nature. When a carbonate is treated with an acid COj is liberated, and a salt is formed, as CaCOs + 2HCI = CaCl^ + CO, + H,0. Experiment 2^. — Preparation of carbon dioxid. Arrange the apparatus as for the preparation of hydrogen. Put 10 grams of marble, CaCOg, into the Woulff bottle, and sufficient water to cover the end of the thistle tube. Fill 2 or 3 cylinders with water for collecting the gas, which is only slightly soluble in water, then add slowly, through the thistle tube, about 20 cc. concentrated HCl. Allow a little of the first gas generated to escape into the room and then collect 2 or 3 cylinders of CO,. Remove the cylinders from the pneumatic trough and place them on the desk, right side up. Now remove the delivery tube from the pneumatic trough and allow the gas to pass into a test-tube containing about 10 cc. of clear lime water, Ca(0H)2. If necessary, add through the thistle tube a little more acid to the generator. Observe the white precipi- tate formed in the test-tube. Let the gas pass through the lime water for several minutes, until the solution becomes clear. Now boil the solution and observe the reappearance of the white precipi- tate. Test some of the escaping gas with a burning splinter. Pour a receiver of the gas over a candle or a low gas flame, and observe the result. Thrust a burning splinter into a cylinder of I08 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COj. Observe the result. Add 5 cc. water to the cylinder in which the splinter was placed, and then a little lime water ; shake, and observe the result. Questions, (i) Write the reaction for the preparation of CO2. (2) What is a carbonate? (3) Is CaCOg soluble in pure water? (4) Is it soluble in water containing CO.,? (5) What caused the precipitate to form when the CO2 gas was passed through the lime water? (6) What is this precipitate? Write the reaction. (7) What caused this precipitate to disappear when more gas was passed through the solution? (8) What caused it to reappear when the solution was boiled? (9) What caused the candle to be extinguished when a receiver of COj was poured over the flame? (10) O is a supporter of combustion ; CO2 contains O ; why does CO2 not support combustion ? (11) Is COj a heavy or a light gas, and what tests indicate that it is heavy or light? (12) What other carbonate could be used for making CO2? (13) What other acid could be used for making COj ? 128. Carbon Monoxid.— Carbon monoxid is formed when carbon is only partially oxidized because of an in- sufficient supply of air. In a coal stove, for example, there is not a perfect supply of air in the interior of the burning mass ; carbon monoxid is formed there and passes to the surface where it burns as a blue flame. If the draft is imperfect, a large amount of carbon monoxid is formed. When a coal stove gives off gas, the carbon monoxid is not oxidized, but is thrown off into the room. Carbon monoxid is a light, colorless, combustible, poison- ous gas, and can be produced by subjecting highly heated carbon to the action of steam. The reaction is C + H2O = CO + 2H. Both CO and H are combustible, and when they are enriched by some of the hydrocarbons, so as to introduce materials for producing light, when burned, they may be used for illuminating purposes, and OXIDS OF CARBON, CARBONATES, ETC. I09 the product is called water-gas. Carbon monoxid is pro- duced in furnaces from the coke, which is mixed with ore, and in the smelting and refining of ores, carbon monoxid is an important reducing agent ; in fact, it is the main reducing agent of the blast-furnace. 129. Marsh Gas (Methane, CHJ. — When vegetable matter decays under water, where the supply of air is incomplete, methane, CH^, is one of the products formed. It is given off in bubbles from the surface of stagnant pools. It often collects in coal mines, and is there called fire-damp. CH^ can be prepared in the laboratory in a number of ways, and is a colorless, combustible gas, which with air forms an explosive mixture. 130. Hydrocarbons. — A compound, as methane, com- posed of hydrogen and carbon, is called a hydrocarbon. There are a large number of such compounds, forming series in which the members differ from one another in composition by a definite number of C and H atoms, as methane, CH^, and ethane, QHg. The next mem- ber is propane, CjHg; CHg being the common difference between the members of this series. By oxidation, re- duction, and substitution, in which a part of the H is re- placed with equivalent radicals, a large number of de- rivatives, as alcohols, aldehydes, ethers and organic acids, are formed. 131. Petroleum. — Petroleum is an oily liquid obtained in some parts of the world by boring wells into the rock strata in which it is found as a natural product. It is a mechanical mixture of various liquid and solid hydro- no AGRICUI.TURAL CHEMISTRY carbons, often accompanied with gaseous hj'drocarbons. The hydrocarbons distilled off at a low temperature, rang- ing from 8° to 68° C, form the gasoline and benzine prod- ucts, while those which distil between 175° and 215° C. form the various grades of kerosene. In the preparation of gasoline, benzine, and kerosene, the sep- aration of the various grades of hydrocarbons is not com- plete ; kerosene, for example, maj' contain traces of either gasoline or paraffin products. Kerosene should have a flash- ing-point not below 44° C. (111° F.), in order to render *©it safe for illuminating pur- poses. The flashing-point of kerosene may be approxi- mately determined in the fol- lowing way : Experiment 25. — Testing kero- sene. Pour into a small porcelain crucible some kerosene ; place the crucible upon a water -bath, and sus- pend a thermometer in the kerosene. Do not allow the water in the bath to come in contact with the cruci- Fig. 47.— Testing kerosene. ^^-^^ qj. ^jjg thermometer to touch the bottom. Cautiously heat the water until the thermometer registers 40° C, then remove the lamp and draw a lighted match across the OXIDS OF CARBON, CARBONATES, ETC, III surface of the kerosene. If it flashes, note its temperature ; do not let it burn ; should this occur, remove the thermometer and cover the crucible. If the kerosene does not flash, repeat the test and if necessary apply more heat until the flashing-point is reached. Cal- culate the corresponding temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. 132. Use of Gasoline. — Gasoline is perfectly safe for use as a fuel, provided a few simple precautions are ob- served : (i) Never u.se a gasoline stove when there is but little gasoline in the tank, because the last gas gen- erated is mixed with air, and is liable to form an explo- sive mixture. (2) All joints and connections about the stove should be tight to prevent escape of gasoline into the air. I^ack of care in this respect is the most frequent cause of fires. (3) The gasoline can should be well corked and stored in a cool place. (4) The stove should be kept clean, and no deposit of carbon should be allowed to collect upon the burners. 133. Illuminating Gas. — Illuminating gas is made from soft coal and petroleum by destructive distillation. The gases formed are washed and separated from ammonia and coal-tar, and consist of various hydrocarbons which are used for illuminating purposes. The coal, after being deprived of its gaseous products, is converted into coke, which bears the same relation to coal which charcoal bears to wood. The ammonia and coal-tar are recovered as by- products. Various coloring-matters are made from coal- tar. If air is forced through gasoline in a confined chamber, or if gasoline is vaporized, it will burn like ordinary coal gas. Gasoline can be vaporized on a small scale, and 112 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY machines suitable for the purpose are made for illuminat- ing dwellings. Five gallons of gasoline will produce about looo feet of gas or vapor. The illuminating power of gas, and of flames in general, is expressed in terms of candle-power. A sixteen candle-power light is one that gives sixteen times as much light as a standard candle, Fig. 48. — Illuminating gas plant for producing gas from gasoline. A, weight to air-pump B. D, carburetter or generating tank into which air is forced. composed of spermaceti, and burned at the rate of 120 grains per hour, the comparison being made by means of a photometer. In some localities, hydrocarbons, due to decomposition of organic matter, are given off from the earth as natural gas in amounts sufficient to be used for illuminating and fuel purposes. 134. Mineral Oils. — The heavier products obtained in OXIDS OF CARBON, CARBONATES, ETC. II3 the distillation of petroleum, after the removal of the gasoline, benzine, and kerosene, are used for lubricating purposes, and are called mineral oils. They have a boil- ing-point from 250° to 350° C. 135. Oil of Turpentine (CioHjg). — Oil of turpentine is obtained by distilling the resinous material which exudes from incisions in certain species of pines. Resin is ob- tained in the retorts. Oil of turpentine is inflammable, and dissolves readily in ether, alcohol, and naphtha. It is a valuable solvent, extensively used in the preparation of varnishes and paints, and as a solvent for caoutchouc. Turpentine belongs to the class of compounds known as essential oils. 136. Creosote. — When wood tar is distilled, various products are obtained which, after treatment with chemi- cals for purification, are called wood-tar creosote. This is a yellowish liquid with a smoky odor. It is a power- ful antiseptic, and is the preservative employed in the preparation of " smoked meats," as haras and fish. It has no marked action on albuminous matter and in small amounts is not poisonous. Because of its antiseptic powers, wood creosote is used extensively for the preservation of wood, as it prevents decay. When some kinds of wood, as beech wood, are burned, the wood-tar condenses in the chimney. 137. Benzine or Benzol (CgHJ. — When coal tar, ob- tained in the manufacture of illuminating gas, is sub- jected to fractional distillation, commercial products are obtained known as coal tar, naphtha, middle oil, heavy 114 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY oil, anthracene oil, and pitch or artificial asphaltum. The naphtha or light oil consists of a mixture of hydrocar- bons, benzine being among the number. Benzine is ex- tensively used as a solvent for fatty bodies. It is a very inflammable liquid. i38. Aliphatic and Aromatic Series of Compounds. — In organic chemistry benzine occupies an important posi- tion, as the direct treatment of benzine and its deriva- tives, produces the aromatic series of compounds, which form one of the two main divisions of the subject. The other is obtained from methane and its derivatives, and constitutes the aliphatic series. The alcohols, ethers, glycerides, fatty acids, organic acids, carbohydrates, and amids, are members of the aliphatic series, while essen- tial oils, coloring- matters, and mixed nitrogenous com- pounds, are members of the aromatic series. In or- ganic chemistry, a study is made of the formation, relationship, structure, and properties of all these com- pounds. Hence the importance of this branch of chem- istry. 139. Carbon Disulfid. — With sulfur, carbon forms car- bon disulfid, CS2, a clear liquid with a characteristic odor. It readily burns and is easily vaporized. It is a solvent for fats, resins, sulfur, and iodin, and is used for the de- struction of insects, particularly those infesting grains, and for killing small burrowing animals, as gophers. 140. Cyanids. — In the presence of metals carbon unites indirectly with nitrogen, forming cyanids as KCN. When mercuric cyanid is heated, cyanogen gas and metallic mercury are formed : HgCCN)^ = Hg -f- 2CN. Cyano- OXIDS OF CARBON, CARBONATES, ETC. II5 gen and the cyanids are very poisonous. With H, cyano- gen forms hydrocyanic acid, which is used for the destruc- tion of scale insects and in the preparation of pigments. 141. Carbids. — With some of the metals, notably cal- cium, carbon forms carbids, as CaC,, which is produced by the fusion of coke and limestone in electric furnaces. In the presence of water CaC^ is decomposed, forming acetylene gas, C^Hj, and calcium hydroxid. CaC, + 2H.X) =- C,H, -\- Ca(OH),. Acetylene generators are prepared for illuminating dwellings. Acetylene, like all gaseous hydrocarbons, as methane and benzine, forms explosive mixtures with oxy- gen. All illuminating gases should be dealt with as highly combustible and explosive materials. 142. Fuels. — There are three forms of fuel : ( i ) gas, (2) liquid, and (3) solid. Natural gas, coal gas, and gas generated from gasoline and naphtha, are the principal forms of gas fuel ; kerosene, gasoline, and crude petro- leum are liquid fuels, while coal, coke, lignite, peat, and wood are the chief forms of solid fuel. The composition of coal, coke, lignite, and peat, is discussed in Chapter V. Wood is composed largely of cellulose, and contains, when dry, about 50 per cent, carbon, 6 per cent, hydrogen, and 43 to 44 per cent, oxygen. Air-dried wood contains from 10 to 15 per cent, moisture. Different kinds of wood vary in density between quite wide limits ; for example, a cord of dry pine weighs about 3000 pounds, while a cord of dry maple or other hard wood weighs from 4500 to 5000 pounds, or more. Hence the same volume (as a cord) of soft wood yields less total heat than a cord of Il6 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY hard wood, but a pound of the different kinds of wood gives nearly the same amount of heat. The amount of heat which a material produces when burned is measured in the calorimeter, and is given in terms of calories or heat units. The presence of water in fuels lowers their caloric value, because it requires a definite amount of heat to evaporate and expel as steam the moisture before combustion can take place. 143. Caloric Value of Fuels (Comparison made on basis of equivalent weights). Calories. Calories. Perfectly With Per cent, of dry. water. water. Hard coal 9160 8690 2.63 Soft coal 7664 7128 5.02 Pine (red) 5997 5155 13.83 Cedar 5974 5031 14.09 Maple 5978 5117 12.49 Birch 5978 4758 21.70 144. Foods. — The materials used as human and animal foods are mechanical mixtures of various organic com- pounds, as starch, sugar, fat, albumin, etc., together with various mineral salts. The composition of the or- ganic compounds of foods forms a part of the study of organic chemistry , while their economic value and the uses made of them by the body, are studied in physiological chemistry. Knowledge in regard to the composition and uses of foods, particularly of human foods, is somewhat limited, although along this line, many facts and laws of economic and sanitary importance have been discovered. The subject of foods is treated more fully in the chap- ters relating to the chemistry of foods. OXIDS OF CARBON, CARBONATES, ETC. 117 Vegetable foods and fuels are alike in chemcal com- position, and serve somewhat the same functions, but in different ways. Food is used as fuel by the body, and also for the renewal of old and the production of new tissues. The heat produced from food is transformed into muscular and other forms of energy ; the heat from the combustion of fuel is converted into chemical energy, which is utilized for mechanical purposes. 145. Production of Organic Compounds in Plants. — The carbon dioxid of the air is the source of the carbon used by plants for the produc- tion of the various organic compounds found in vegeta- ble substances, and since about 50 per cent, of the ash-free tis- sue of plants is carbon, it fol- lows that the carbon dioxid of the air is an important fac- tor in plant growth. Hydrogen and oxygen are obtained from the water of the soil which is received from the air. The production of the various organic corn- Fig. 49. — Production of organic compounds in plants, showing sources of plant food. Il8 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY pounds of plants takes place in the cells of the leaves, and is the result of chemical changes induced by life processes. In order to promote cell activity, sun- light and a suitable temperature are necessary. The sun's rays take an important part in promoting chemical changes in the leaves of plants. In addition to carbon dioxid, water, heat, and sunlight, various mineral ele- ments in the form of compounds of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, magnesia, sulfur, and pos- sibly of a iew others are required as plant food. Without these essential elements and requisite conditions, the growth of crops cannot take place. It often happens that soils are unproductive because of the absence, in available form, of some of the elements essential for plant life. The production in the leaves of plants of the various or- ganic compounds, as cellulose, starch, sugar, fat, albu- min, etc., and a few of the complex chemical changes which take place, have been studied. 146. Decay of Organic Compounds. — All organic com- pounds, particularly those found in the tissues of plants and used as food, are subject to chemical change com- monly called decay. Such change is nearly always pro- duced as the result either of the action of organized fer- ments, or of the chemical products known as chemical or soluble ferments. Fermentation changes and decay take place whenever cell activity becomes feeble or ceases ; then the material becomes food for micro-organ- isms. Many chemical changes take place as the result of fermentation ; some of these are necessary in plant and animal nutrition. If the chemical changes, coordinate OXIDS OF CARBON, CARBONATES, ETC. 119 ^ ■^ I ^ " ■! ' -. , ; ;t - t r ft j :; ( •• :0, • ft • c ', : - >T."«y:'- \/ with fermentation, are uninterrupted, the organic mate- rials are decomposed until carbon dioxid, water, ammonia gas, and hydrogen sulfid are ob- tained as the final products. When such changes take place, the mineral matter combined and associated with the organic mat- ter is left as non-volatile products. In economic agriculture, it is the aim to conserve and return to the soil these essential elements, as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, which are fre- quently unavailable or present in scant amounts in soils, so that • t. vl.. -.\ •.•-■... •»..'•■ the fertility will not be impaired. ^^s- so-oecay of wood. The elements present in plant and animal bodies pass through a cycle of chemical changes ; they are never lost to nature, but appear in different chemical compounds, as exemplified by the law of indestructibility of matter. A. Elements of plant growth in soil and air. B. Elements from soil and air elab- orated into plant tissue. C. Elements in plant tissue elab- orated into animal tissue. The elements in either plant or ani- mal bodies may pass back to A, and then pass again through the same cycle of chemical changes. CHAPTER XVII Writing Equations 147. Importance. — A chemical equation expresses con- cisely the changes which take place when two or more compounds are brought together so as to react, or when a material is acted upon by any agent which causes a chemical change. When chemical equations are under- stood by the student, they are of great assistance, as they necessitate a knowledge of the laws of valence, of the power of replacement, and of the properties of the ele- ments and their compounds. 148. Common Errors in Writing Equations. — Some of the more common errors in writing equations are : (i). Failure to use correct formulas. (2). Failure to use the correct number of parts of com- pounds, radicals, or elements. {3). Failure properly to balance the equation. (4) . Failure to form reasonable compounds or products. If the correct formula, or the right number of mole- cules is not used, the equation is incorrect, it cannot be balanced, and the principle represented by the sign of equality is violated. There should be as many atoms of an element on one side of an equation as on the other. In order properly to balance an equation, as many mole- cules of the compounds on the left of the equation should be taken as are needed to satisfy the valences of the re- acting elements and radicals. In the equation AgNOs + HCl = AgCl + HNO3, WRITING EQUATIONS 121 only one molecule each of AgNOg and HCl is necessary, because all of these elements and radicals are monova- lent. A simple exchange takes place in which the H of the acid is replaced by the metal Ag. If the elements H and Ag were to exchange places, they would occupy, after the exchange, the positions shown on the right-hand side of the equation. This exchange is represented graphically in Fig. 52 ; A represents the order before, and B after the reac- tion. Blocks of ,. ^ H' CI' ^<^~^ / A£' no: A^' CI' V H' no; wood marked to rep- ■* resent the elements and radicals can be used, the block marked B ^ i^ •' Pig. 52. — Graphic illustration of a chemical the equivalent block reaction. marked Ag. When diflSculty is experienced in writing chemical equations, this method of illustration will be found helpful. In an equation as 2NaCl + H,SO, = Na,SO, + 2HCI, where both monovalent and bivalent elements and rad- icals are present, it is necessary to take two molecules of NaCl because there are two H atoms to be replaced. H and Na have the same valence, viz. , i , and SO^ has a valence of 2. In order to obtain two atoms of Na, it is necessary to take 2NaCl ; then two atoms of Na replace two of H. The products are Na.SO, and 2HCI. SO, is a radical with a valence of 2 and requires 2Na atoms in order to form a compound. A similar reaction is repre- 122 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY sented graphically by the use of blocks in Fig. 53. A represents the arrangement before, and B the arrange- ment after the reac- ___-= K' K' no: no! B K' so: K' -f' H' no; H' no; tion. Observe that in 1 p — this equation there is H' the same number of A I 1 SO!' atoms of each element H on each side of the v. equation. After writ- y~ ing an equation the student should always observe whether or not it is properly bal- anced, and that rea- Fig. 53. sonable products are formed. The valences of the elements and radicals are given in Sections 15 and 77. There are always as many parts by weight of the ele- ments on one side of an equation as on the other. That is, the sum of the weights of the atoms and molecules on one side is equal to the sum of those on the other, as : -Graphic illustration of a chemical reaction. 2NaCl + 2Na ^ 46 2CI =71 117 117 + H3SO, 2H= 2 S =32 4O =64 : 2HCI 2H -= 2 2CI =71 73 + Na.,SO,. 2Na = 46 S = 32 4O = 64 215- 142 73 + 142 = 215. In the case of trivalent and bivalent elements ind radi- cals, as in the reaction between HgPO^ and Ca(^0H)2, it WRITING EQUATIONS 1 23 is necessary to take 2H3PO4 and 3Ca(OH)2, in order to make the equation balance. The Ca and H atoms ex- change places ; there are three H atoms to be replaced. Ca has a valence of 2 ; i Ca cannot replace 3H, but 6H(2H3) can be replaced by 3Ca, because 2H3 has a total valence of 6 and so has 3Ca. 2H3PO, + 3Ca(0H), = Ca3(P0J, + 6H,0. 3Ca atoms replace the 2H3 and form Ca3(PO^)2, a bal- anced compound, because PO^ is a radical having a valence of 3, and if taken twice its total valence is 6, with which 3 Ca atoms can combine. The remaining H and O atoms form 6H2O. 149. Impossible Reactions. — Not all chemical com- pounds when brought together give a chemical reaction. Whether or not a reaction takes place can be determined only after a careful study of the elements and their prop- erties ; this often involves a more exhaustive knowledge of chemistry than can be obtained from an elementary study of the subject. In the case of BaSO^ + 2HCI, no reaction can take place, although an apparently correct reaction can be written : BaSO, + 2HCI = BaCl^ + H^SO,. This is because BaSO^ and HCl are the products of the reaction BaCl^ + H^SO, = BaSO, + 2HCI. In the equations given at the end of this chapter a reac- tion takes place in each case. 124 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY 150. A Knowledge of Reacting Compounds and Prod- ucts Necessary. — In order that the writing of chemical equations may become more than a mere mechanical op- eration, the student should study the character and prop- erties of the compounds used and of the products formed. If one of the compounds is an acid and the other a base, the subject of neutralization is illustrated. If one of the compounds is an acid and the other a metal, the re- placement of the H of the acid occurs. Should one of the compounds be an acid and the other a salt, an equiva- lent amount of the H is replaced by the metal or basic element of the salt. Other principles and laws should be observed by the student in writing equations. The character of the compounds, as acid, base, or salt, with their names, forms a part of equation work, which is an essential feature of elementary chemistry. 151. Equations for Class Room Work. — The student should write the following equations : 1. CaCl, + Na.COa = 2. CaCl^ + Na.SO, = 3. Ca(OH), + H,SO,= 4. CaC03-f HC1 = 5. MgC03 + HCl = 6. KN03 + H,S0,= 7. CaCl, + Na3(P0,) = 8. PbCNOj)^ + 2HCI = 9. AICI3 + NH.OH = 10. Ba(OH), + H,SO,= 11. BaCl, + H,SO,= 12. Pb(N03), + H,S0,-- WRITING EQUATIONS 1 25 13. Na,C03 + H,S0,= 14. NajPO, + H^SO, = 15. Ca(OH\ + Na,SO,= 16. Fe(0H)3+H,S0,= 17. (NHJ,SO,+ Ca(OH),= 18. NH,N03 + H,SO, = 19. (NH,),C03 + HC1 = 20. NH.Cl + H,SO, = 21. NH,Cl + Ca(OH),=^ 22. NH.Cl + NaOH = 23. NH,Cl + Ba(OH),= 24. NH,N03 + Ca(0H),= 25. NH,0H+HC1 = 26. NH,N03 + K0H = 27. FeCl, + NaOH = 28. FeCl, + NH,OH = 29. AgCl + NaOH = 30. NaX03 + Ba(0H),=: 31. Na,C03 + HCl = 32. NaOH + FeCl,= 33. AgN03 + NaCl = 34. AgN03+HCl = 35. Ca3(PO,), + 3H,SO,=- 36. CaCOg + heat = 37. CaO + CO,= 38. Ca(OH), + CO,= 39. K + H,0 = 40. A1K(S0,), + 3KOH = 41. A1NH,(S0,), + NH.OH 42. CaCl,+ (NHJ,C03- 126 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 43. CaCl, + H,SO,= 44. Na,Si03 + HCl = 45. CaSi03 + Na,C03 = 46. C + CuO = 47. 3Cu + 8HN03 = 48. C,H,A+i20 = 49. AlCl3 + H3PO,= 50. AICI3 + NH.OH = CHAPTER XVIII Potassium, Sodium, and Their Compounds 153. Occurrence of Potassium. — Potassium is found in nature largely in combination with silicon and other ele- ments, forming silicates, which undergo slow disintegra- tion with liberation of potassium salts which become food for plants. Potassium is present in the ash of all plants and food materials and is one of the elements required by- crops. In some " alkali" soils, small amounts are found in the form of potassium salts. Deposits of various double salts of potassium, supposed to have been formed by crystallization from sea-water, are found at Stassfurt in Prussia, and are commonly known as Stassfurt salts. These are the chief source of the potassium compounds, some of which are extensively used in the preparation of fertilizer. The element potassium is most typical of all the base elements as a class. It is never found in nature in a free state, but always in combination with other ele- ments from which it is separated with difficulty. It is a light substance with a metallic luster, and in the labora- tory is kept out of contact with air and water, with which it readily reacts. 153- Potassium Hydroxid. — This is a strong basic compound extensively used in the laboratory and in manufacturing operations. It is prepared by treating K.COj with Ca(OH)„ the reaction being K^COj + Ca(OH), = CaC03+ 2KOH. CaCOj is insoluble and can be separated by filtering from KOH which is soluble. 128 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY KOH, commonly called caustic potash, is a white, brittle substance which readily absorbs moisture and carbon dioxid from the air. Experiment 26. — Preparation of KOH. Dissolve 5 grams potas- sium carbonate, K2CO3, in an evaporating dish containing 15 cc. of water. Add a mixture of 3 grams Ba(0H)2 and 10 cc. of water. Heat on the sand-bath for five minutes. Filter off the solution. Ob- serve the precipitate. Evaporate some of the solution to dryness in the evaporator. Questions. ( i ) Write the reaction which takes place between K2CO3 and Ba(0H)2. (2) What is the insoluble white material left on the filter- paper? (3) Is the KOH soluble or insoluble? (•4) What other material could be used in place C of Ba(0H)2? (5) If NajCOs were used instead Fig. 54. —Preparation of KjCOj, what product would be formed ? Write of KOH. ^j^g reaction. (6) What reaction does K2CO3 give with litmus paper? (7) What reaction does NaOH give? (8) What are some of the uses made of KOH? (9) What would result if the KOH in the evaporator were left exposed to the air for a day or so ? 154. Potassium Nitrate. — This salt is found in small amounts in fertile soils where conditions have been favor- able for nitrification processes (see Section 92). It is extensively used in the arts, and is prepared from sodium nitrate deposits which occur as natural products known as Chile saltpeter. It is an oxidizing agent and is one of the ingredients of gunpowder which is a mix- ture of sulfur, carbon and potassium nitrate. Potas- sium nitrate, in small amounts, is occasionally used for the preservation of meats. POTASSIUM, SODIUM, ETC. I29 155- Potassium Carbonate. — When wood ashes are leached, potassium carbonate is the chief alkaline salt extracted, and this product is called potash which, by the removal of impurities, furnishes pure K.CO^. Potas- sium carbonate is prepared from the chlorid in the same way that sodium carbonate is prepared from its chlorid as explained in Section 162. 156. Potassium Chlorate is prepared by the action of chlorin gas upon potassium hydrate. It is used in the laboratory as an oxidizing agent, and for the preparation of oxygen. It is one of the ingredients of safety matches. 157. Potassium Sulfate is found in nature in the form of double salts, in the Stassfurt deposits and elsewhere. It is employed in the preparation of alum and other com- pounds. There are two sulfates of potassium : primary on acid potassium sulfate, KHSO^, and secondary or normal potassium sulfate, K^SO^. 158. Miscellaneous Potassium Salts. — Potassium forms a large number of salts, as KCl, KBr, KF, KI, KCN, Kfi, KjS, KNOa, many of which are very valuable in medicine, in the arts as photography, and in the labora- tory for the preparation of other compounds. The salts of potassium vary in chemical and physical properties according to the acid elements or radicals with which the potassium is combined. All of the common salts of potassium, except the double silicates, are soluble in water. 159. Occurrence of Sodium. — Sodium and potassium are very much alike in general properties, and form analo- I3O AGRICULTURAL CHEJMISTRY gous salts and compounds. Sodium is not as strong a type of basic element as is potassium and can be sepa- rated from its compounds more readily, although it is not easily replaced by other elements or by simple chemical forces. Sodium and its compounds are less expensive than potassium and its compounds. In industrial opera- tions, sodium salts are more extensively used, but to the agricultural student, potassium is of greater importance because sodium takes little or no part in plant nutrition. In animal life, however, sodium chlorid plays an import- ant r61e. Sodium is never found in nature in a free state, sodium chlorid being one of the most abundant of its salts. Sodium is also found as silicates and in small amounts in other forms. 160. Sodium Chlorid. — Extensive deposits of this salt are found in nature ; in some places it is mined, the prod- uct being known as rock salt. It is present in sea-water in large amounts from which it is occasionally obtained in an impure form along with a large number of other salts. When pure, sodium chlorid forms colorless, trans- parent cubes. A large amount of commercial salt is ob- tained by the evaporation of water from salt springs. In some localities, water is forced into and through deposits of salt which it dissolves and is then pumped out and evaporated to dryness. Sodium chlorid is extensively used for the preparation of sodium and other compounds as hydrochloric acid. It is not found to any appreciable extent in ordinary agricultural plants, but in some alkali plants there are quite large amounts. When sodium chlorid contains impurities, as calcilim chlorid and lime POTASSIUM, SODIUM, ETC. I3I salts, the material readily absorbs moisture from the air while other compounds cause it to form lumps and hard cakes. Hence a salt which readily absorbs moisture or forms hard lumps is not a pure one. Sodium chlorid takes but little or no part in plant life but is necessary for animal life. 161. Sodium Nitrate. — Extensive deposits of sodium nitrate are found in Peru, Chile, and other South Ameri- can countries. It is commonly called Chile saltpeter. As stated in Section 154, it is extensively used for the preparation of potassium nitrate and in the manufacture of nitric acid and commercial fertilizers. Sodium nitrate is commercially and agriculturally an important product. The value of nitrogen in fertilizers is usually based upon its selling price. Small amounts of this salt formed by the process of nitrification are found in soils of high fer- tility. Because of its solubility, however, sodium nitrate never accumulates in soils. 162. Sodium Carbonate. — Commercially, this salt is known as soda and is one of the most useful chemicals manufactured. It is extensively used in the making O'f soap and glass, and in other commercial operations. It is prepared by two processes, one known as the L,e Blanc process, and the other as the ammonia or Solvay process. By the I^e Blanc process, it is prepared from sodium chlorid treated with sulfuric acid which produces Na^SO^. 2NaCl + H,SO, = Na,SO, + 2HCI. The sodium sulfate is heated with charcoal which pro- duces sodium sulfid. Na^SO, + 2C = Na^S + 2CO,. 132 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY When heated with calcium carbonate, sodium sulfid forms sodium carbonate and calcium sulfid, the latter product being insoluble in water while sodium carbonate is solu- ble in water, and hence is readily separated by filtration. The process of manufacture usually consists in mixing coal and calcium carbonate with sodium sulfate, the prod- uct being known as crude soda which is refined and from which calcined and crystallized soda are obtained. In the Solvay process, (NHj^COj is employed, which forms, with sodium chlorid, HNaCOj which when heated yields Na^COs, CO^ and H,0. 163. Sodium Hydroxid. — This base is prepared in the same way as KOH ; Na^COj being used in place of K2CO3. NaOH is extensively used in the manufacture of soaps. 164. Sodium Phosphates. — Sodium forms three phos- phates : primary sodium phosphate, secondary sodium phosphate, NagHPO^, and tertiary or normal sodium phos- phate, Na3P04. Phosphates of soda are not found to any appreciable extent in soils because phosphoric acid forms, with iron, alumina and calcium which are always present, insoluble compounds. 165. niscellaneous Sodium Salts. — Like potassium, sodium forms a large number of salts as Na^SO^, NaHSO^, NaBr, NaCN, Na^S and Na^O. Sodium compounds are all soluble except the silicates and a few of the more com- plex salts. As previously stated, salts of sodium are similar to the corresponding salts of potassium. The sodium com- POTASSIUM, SODIUM, ETC. 133 pounds are amoug the most useful aud important com- pounds found in nature. Experiment 2j. — Fill a cylinder about two-thirds full of water, and place upon the surface of the water a piece of Na about half as large as a pea, using forceps for the purpose. If there is no small piece of Na in the bottle, one may be cut by means of a knife without re- moving the Na from the naphtha which surrounds it. Observe the result when the Na is placed upon the water. The apparatus can be arranged and the escaping hydro- gen collected as shown in Fig. 55. (The test-tube should be filled with water and the Na wrapped in a piece of filter- paper. ) Questions, (i) Give the reaction which takes place between the Na and the H2O. ( 2 ) "What gas is lib- erated? (3) What becomes of the Na in the experiment? (4) Is this product soluble or insoluble? (5) Test the liquid in the cylinder with litmus paper and observe the result. (6) Is Na a light or heavy metal ?1^^ Why? (7) Is it active or inert? (8) Why is Na always kept in a bottle containing naphtha or kerosene ? (9) Since Na is found in nature and its compounds are present largely in sea-water, why does not this element, Na, decompose sea-water as it did the water in this experiment. Fig- 55- — Decomposition of water by the use of sodium. CHAPTER XIX Calcium, Magnesium, and Their Compounds i66. Occurrence of Calcium. — This element is found widely distributed in nature in the form of calcium car- bonate, CaCOg, calcium phosphate, Ca^i^FOJ.^, and calcium sulfate, CaSO^, and is a 5^ellowish metal which readily oxidizes and decomposes water. It enters into the com- position of both plant and animal bodies and takes an important part in life processes. Its compounds are use- ful in the industries, lime, cement, and mortar being some of the forms in which it is employed. Calcium is not easily separated from its compounds. 167. Calcium Carbonate. — This compound, in the form of limestone and marble, is found quite extensively. It is soluble to a slight ex- tent in water charged with carbon dioxid, and hence many waters, as stated in Fig. 56. Section of lime kiln. ScctlOU 65, owe their hardness to its presence. Calcium carbonate is used principally for the preparation of quicklime, in the CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, ETC. 135 manufacture of glass and in the refining of some of the metals where it is employed as a flux. 168. Calcium Oxid. — When calcium carbonate is sub- jected to heat, as in lime kilns or specially constructed furnaces, the carbon dioxid is separated and the oxid ob- tained. Layers of limestone and wood are placed alter- nately in the lime kiln, as shown in Fig. 56; the combus- tion of the wood furnishes the necessary heat for the de- composition of the carbonate. Calcium oxid or quick- lime readily combines with both the carbon dioxid and moisture of the air, forming air-slaked lime. During this process of slaking, there is a material increase in volume often resulting in the bursting of the barrels in which the lime is stored. Calcium oxid is used for the preparation of calcium hydroxid and mortar. 169. Calcium Hydroxid. — When water is added to cal- cium oxid or quicklime, the material undergoes the slaking process and cal- cium hydroxid, CaCOH)^, is produced. CaO + H,0 = Ca(OH),. Calcium hydroxid or slaked lime readily absorbs carbon dioxid from / -.i-j^^-Q the air and forms calcium carbonate. ^1 Ca(0H)2 is somewhat soluble in \\^ water, forming what is commonly / called lime water. When carbon dioxid is passed into lime water, the solution becomes turbid, due to the Fig. 57. formation of CaCO,. This reaction furnishes a means 136 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY of testing for carbon dioxid. If a small amount of any material supposed to contain carbonates is placed in a test-tube along with a little water, and then a small glass tube or loop-tube containing a few drops of lime water is inserted in the test-tube, after the gas is liberated by hydrochloric acid, the drop of lime water becomes turbid, due to the formation of CaC03 (see Fig. 57). 170. Calcium Sulfate. — Deposits of this salt known as gypsum, CaS04.2H20, are found abundantly in some lo- calities. Gypsum or land plaster is used as a fertilizer and also for the preparation of plaster of Paris. The "setting" of plaster of Paris is due to the fact that when the water of crystallization is expelled, the substance is again capable of taking up water, expanding, and form- ing a hard mass. 171. Calcium Chlorid. — This salt is not found in nature to any appreciable extent. It is employed in the labora- tory in desiccators and for the drying of gases. 172. Bleaching=Powder. — This mate- rial is made by passing chlorin into a solution of lime water. The chlorin is held in chemical combination, forming calcium hypochlorite, Ca(C10)2, which readily gives up its chlorin and is exten- sively used for bleaching and disinfect- ing purposes as explained in Section 89. 173. Calcium Phosphate. — Deposits Fig. 58. Apatite rock, of this material are found in nature in various physical forms as soft phosphate, and in crystalline CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, ETC. 137 form, as apatite rock, see Fig. 58. Calcium phosphate is extensively used for the preparation of commercial fer- tilizers as explained in Section 109. 174. Mortar. — When quicklime is slaked and mixed with sand, it forms at first a mechanical mixture. When it is placed upon the walls of buildings, a chemical change, known as the hardening or setting process, takes place. When this change occurs, the moisture is expelled and the carbon dioxid of the air changes the calcium hydroxid to calcium carbonate. In the slaking of lime and setting of mortar, the following reactions take place : (i) CaO +H,0 = Ca(OH),. (2) Ca(0H), + C0,:=CaC03. When magnesium carbonate and aluminum silicate are present, forming a part of the composition of the original lime rock, hydraulic cement is produced which has the property of setting under water. Experiment 28. — Testing quality of lime. Place about 40 grams of lime, CaO, in an evaporating dish and moisten with water warmed to about 35° C. Note the reaction. Good lime readily undergoes the slaking process. Place some of the slaked lime in a bottle, add about 100 cc. of distilled water, shake vigorously and leave the lime in contact with the water for four hours or longer, then filter some of the solution of lime water, and test it by forcing respired air through it as explained in Experiment 24. Place about one-half gram of the slaked lime in a test-tube, add 10 cc. of water and then a few drops of HCl. When action ceases, add more HCl, a little at a time, and heat. The material which fails to dissolve usually consists of insoluble silica and clay. Lime of a high degree of purity contains less than 10 per cent, of acid-in- soluble impurities. Questions, (i) Was any heat evolved when the lime was 138 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY slaked? Why? (2) Did any noticeable change take place in vol- ume during slaking ? (3) What is lime water? (4) What is the object of forcing respired air through the lime water of the test- tube? (5) Write the reaction which took place. (6) Write the reaction when HCl was added to Ca(0H)2. 175. Glass. — Glass is a double silicate of calcium and sodium, produced by fusing pure sand, sodium carbonate and lime. When potassium carbonate is substituted for the sodium salt, Bohemian or hard glass is prepared. Other kinds and varieties of glass are made by intro- ducing other substances and giving different mechanical treatment to the material during its preparation. i76. Occurrence of Magnesia. — This element does not occur as extensively in nature as calcium which it resem- bles in many respects. It is found associated mainly with calcium in the mineral dolomite, a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium. Magnesium is separated from its compounds more readily than calcium. It is found in both plant and animal substances as is calcium. In some plants and in some parts of the plant, as in the seeds of grains, it is found more abundantly than calcium. It is generally considered one of the essential elements of plant food. The compounds of magnesium resemble those of calcium in many respects, but differ materially from the calcium salts in both chemical and physical properties. 177. riagnesium Salts. — Magnesium carbonate and magnesium sulfate (Epsom's salt) are among the most common of the magnesium compounds. Magnesium chlorid, MgCl^, and MgSO^ are found as double salts in CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, ETC. I39 the Stassfurt deposits. Magnesium oxid is obtained by the combustion of magnesium. Magnesium also forms other compounds as nitrates, phosphates, silicates, etc. Experiment 2g. — Hold a piece of magnesium ribbon about an inch long in the forceps and apply a lighted match to the ribbon. Examine the product. Questions, (i) What are some of the chemical properties of the element as observed from this experiment ? (2) What product was formed? Write the reaction. (3) Which would weigh more, the original magnesium ribbon or the white powder obtained from its combustion ? Why? (4) Why does magnesium produce such an intense light ? CHAPTER XX Iron, Aluminum, and Their Compounds 178. Occurrence of Iron. — Iron is found in nature mainly in the form of its oxids, hematite, FejOg, and magnetite, FegO^. It also occurs in the form of carbonate, FeCOg, pyrite, FeS^, and brown iron ore or basic hydroxid. It is found in the soil in combination with silicon and other elements, forming double silicates. It enters into the composition of all plant and animal bodies and takes an essential part in plant growth and animal life. Some waters contain carbonate of iron which, like calcium carbonate, is soluble in the presence of carbon dioxid ; upon exposure to the air, the iron is precipitated as hy- droxid, forming a brown deposit. Iron takes an im- portant part in industrial operations and its chemistry has been more extensively studied than that of any other element. 179. Reduction of Iron Ores. — Only iron ores of a high degree of purity are ready, as mined, for the blast-furnace. Magnetic iron ore is concentrated and separated from its impurities by magnetic concentrators. The blast-fur- nace used for the production of cast iron is constructed of brick and is shown in Fig. 59. Ore, coke, and flux, usually limestone, are mixed in the right proportion and introduced into the top of the furnace. The flux is used to separate the impurities, forming a fusible slag which is largely calcium silicate. Hot air is forced into the furnace by means of blowing engines, through tuyeres. IRON, ALUMINUM, ETC. 141 Fig. 59. Blast-furnace (after Hart). 142 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY The carbon dioxid produced first is reduced to carbon monoxid which passes over the heated ore in the upper part of the furnace, and is the main reducing agent of the blast-furnace. The carbon monoxid given off at the top of the furnace is collected and used for heating the blast. The furnace is constructed so as to utilize the heat to the best advantage and so that the blast can act efficiently. The slag which carries a large portion of the impurities of the ore, being lighter than the molten iron, collects on the surface and is removed from time to time. The molten iron is run off from the bottom of the furnace into molds ; iron that is produced in this way is known as pig iron. It contains a number of impurities as phos- phorus, carbon, silicon and sulfur. i8o. Wrought Iron, — Wrought iron is produced from cast iron by two ' processes : ( i ) the puddling process which consists of oxidizing the impurities by means of a blast of hot air which is passed over or blown through the iron, this is known as the Bessemer process ; and (2) the cementation process by which the cast iron is mixed with iron ores reasonably pure and heated to a high temperature so that the oxygen of the ores may oxidize the carbon, phosphorus and sulfur of the cast iron. Wrought iron is the purest commercial form of iron. It usually contains about 0.5 per cent, of carbon, and melts at about 2000° C. The nature of the impurities determines the character of both wrought iron and steel, as any increase in the amount of carbon de- creases its malleability and other desirable properties. 181. Steel. — This form of iron contains less carbon IRON, ALUMINUM, ETC. 143 144 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY than cast iron, but more than wrought iron. It is pre- pared by oxidizing the impurities of iron by means of a blast of hot air. This is accomplished by heating the cast iron in converters and then forcing through it a blast of hot air which oxidizes the larger portion of the im- purities. By adding cast iron, steel containing almost any desired amount of carbon can be obtained. Iron and steel wire are made by drawing rods through hardened steel plates, the material being properly tempered during the operation. The thin coat of oxid formed on the sur- face is removed by dipping the wire into a bath of dilute sulfuric acid. 182. Rusting of Iron. — Iron in all" of its forms readily undergoes oxidation and rusting, due to the joint action of oxygen and water which results in the production of a basic oxid of iron. When the surface of iron is pro- tected, as by painting, oxidation and rusting are pre- vented. When iron is heated to its kindling temperature, it readily oxidizes as in Experiment i. In the wielding of iron, oxidation is prevented as far as possible by ma- nipulation and occasionally by the use of materials, as borax, to remove the thin coating of oxid. Iron is read- ily acted upon by all acids, forming a large number of salts. 183. Iron Compounds. — Iron forms two series of salts : ferrous and ferric. Ferrous sulfate, FeSO^, commonly called copperas, is used most extensively of any of the iron salts especially for the dyeing of cloth, and to some extent as a disinfectant. Experiment ^o. — Dissolve 0.5 gram of ferrous sulfate in 20 cc. of IRON, ALUMINUM, ETC. I45 water. Filter if the solution is not clear, and divide the filtrate into two portions. To the first portion, add a few drops of ammo- nium hydroxid until a precipitate is obtained. To the second portion, add about 5 drops of strong nitric acid. Heat to boiling ; when cool, add ammonia to neutralize the acid and precipitate the iron. The nitric acid oxidizes the iron and changes it from the ferrous to the ferric condition. Compare the two precipitates. Questions, (i) What was formed when NH^OH was added to FeSO^? Write the reaction. (2) Give the color and other physical properties. (3) What change did the HNO3 produce ? (4) What change did you observe in the color of the solution during the boiling? (5) What was produced when NH4OH was added to Fe(0H)3? Write the reaction. (6) Give the color and some of the physical properties. (7) How does this last precipitate differ from the first one obtained? Experiment ji. — Dissolve i gram tannic acid in 25 cc. of hot water. Dip a piece of cotton cloth into this solution. Dry the cloth and then dip it into a solution of ferrous sulfate (i gram per 25 cc. of water). After the cloth has dried, see if the color can be removed by washing. Add 5 cc. of ferrous sulfate solution to 5 cc. of tannic acid solution. Observe the result. The FeSO^ forms, with the tannic acid, iron tannate. Questions, (i) Would the FeSO^ alone give the same color to the cloth? Why? (2) Was the color produced a permanent one? (3) Tea contains tannic acid ; why does tea prepared in an iron kettle give a black infusion ? (4) What was produced when the solution of FeSO^ was added to the tannic acid ? 184. Occurrence of Aluminum. — Aluminum is a gray- ish white metal much lighter than iron and of greater tensile strength and is found mainly as one of the constitu- ents of clay that is formed from the disintegration of feldspar, a double silicate of potassium and aluminum. It is also found in other combinations, as in mica and cryolite, and is present in nearly all soils and in small 146 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY amounts is found in plant substances although it takes no part as plant food. Aluminum is not easily isolated from its compounds. It can be produced bj' treatment of its chlorid with sodium but is now quite extensively pre- pared by electrolysis. When pure, it is not as readily oxidized or acted upon by acids as is iron. Aluminum forms a large number of compounds and also alloys with many of the metals. 185. Alums. — In industrial operations, alum is used the most extensively of any of the compounds of alumi- num. An alum is a double sulfate of aluminum. It has the general composition of MAl(SOj2i2H20 in which M represents any bivalent metal as potassium. The Al can also be replaced by a trivalent element. Alum is exten- sively used in the tanning of leather, manufacture of paper, and in the coloring of cloth as the basis of the mordant or material for making the dye permanent. Alum is also used occasionally in the preparation of baking-powders. Experiment 32. — Add a few drops of alum solution to a test-tube containing 5 cc. of water, and then add a few drops of tincture of logwood and 2 cc. (NH4)2C03. Observe the result. Mix about 2 grams of flour in a dish with water containing a few drops of alum. Add a few drops of logwood and the same amount of am- monium carbonate solution ; mix well, and observe the result. Re- peat the test, using a bakipg-powder, and test for the presence or absence of alum. In the presence of alum, a blue color is always obtained with tincture of logwood and ammonium carbonate solu- tion. Experiment 3^. — To a solution of ^^^ albumin, add a few drops of alum solution and observe the result. IRON, ALUMINUM, ETC. I47 Questions, (i) Does the alum cause a precipitate ? (2) Of what is the precipitate composed ? (3) How would alum act in the di- gestive tract in the presence of soluble albuminous compounds? (4) Why is alum an undesirable ingredient in baking-powders and foods. 186. Pottery. — Pure clay or kaolin is used for the manufacture of the best grades of porcelain and pottery. The plastic clay is modeled into the desired form and then dipped into a bath containing feldspar and other materials which, when fused, form the glaze. Ordinary earthenware is made from impure clay which contains compounds of iron and other elements. Brick and tile are also made from clay, the physical properties, as color, hardness, weathering properties, etc., depending upon the amounts of iron, lime, magnesia, and alkalies present. As ordinarily found in the soil, clay is mechanically asso- ciated with a large number of other substances, many of which contain the elements essential to plant life as po- tassium and calcium. Pure clay itself contains no plant food, but clay soils are usually among the most fertile because, along with the disintegration of feldspar and other rocks, various minerals that impart fertility are made available and are associated with the clay. CHAPTER XXI Copper, Zinc, Lead, Tin, Arsenic, Mercury, and Their Compounds and Alloys. 187. Commercial Importance. — The compounds of copper, ziuc, lead, tin, and arsenic, while they do not enter into the composition of either plant or animal bodies, are of value in agriculture because of their pres- ence in many useful materials. 188. Occurrence of Copper and Its fletallurgy. — This element is found in the free state and also in combination with oxygen as CuO and CU2O, with sulfur as CUjS, and with iron and sulfur as copper pyrite, CUjS.FcjSj. The ores of copper are first roasted, and if iron is present in large amounts, it is removed as a silicate. The "matte," as it is called, thus produced is subjected to further re- fining. Copper is also produced by electrolysis. 189. Copper Sulfate. — This salt is used the most ex tensively of any of the copper compounds and is produced by the action of sulfuric acid upon either metallic copper or its sulfid. It crystallizes with 5 molecules of water of crystallization. It is commonly called blue vitriol, and is extensively used in the preparation of pigments, for the preservation of wood, for copper-plating and for the treatment of fungus diseases in plants as in the Bordeaux mixture where it is the principal ingredient. Experiment j4. — Dissolve 6.2 grams of copper sulfate and 3.50 grams of sodium potassium tartrate in 100 cc. of water. Dissolve a small amount of glucose (o. i gram ) in 5 cc. of water, add 5 cc. COPPER, ZINC, LEAD, ETC. 149 of alkaline copper sulfate solution and heat to boiling. Observe the brown precipitate of Cu.,0. The amount of Cu.^O produced is proportional to the amount of glucose present and when the work is carefully done and the copper weighed or determined by other means, the percentage amount of glucose in a material can be de- termined. A hot alkaline solution of copper sulfate is reduced to CU2O in the presence of glucose, and a few other organic com- pounds. 190. Bordeaux Mixture. — In this preparation, the copper is present as an insoluble hydroxid. To prepare the Bordeaux mixture 12.5 pounds of copper sulfate are dissolved in about 2 gallons of ho-t water ; 3.5 pounds of lime are slaked in about 2 gallons of water, and strained into a barrel through a coarse cloth to remove any large pieces. The solution of copper sulfate is then poured into the barrel and well stirred. The reaction which takes place is Ca(OH), + CuSO, = Cu(0H)3 + CaSO,. In the preparation of Bordeaux mixture, it is the aim to use just a sufficient amount of lime to combine with all of the copper. 191. Occurrence of Zinc. — This metal is found in nature mainly as zinc carbonate, ZnCOg, and to a less extent as the sulfid. Small amounts are found in other forms. Zinc is separated from its ores by roasting with char- coal which, volatilizes and it is then collected as zinc dust. It is then purified and prepared for various pur- poses. 192. Compounds of Zinc. — Zinc forms a large number of compounds as ZnCl^, Zn(OH),, ZnS, and ZnSO,. 150 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Some of the zinc salts are used in the preparation of paints, while the metal itself is used in many ways as in the preparation of alloys, solder, and galvanized iron. 193. Galvanized Iron. — Iron is galvanized by being cov- ered with a layer of zinc. Galvanized iron is extensively used for water pipes because it does not rust so readily as ordinary iron. When heated, however, the zinc coating of the galvanized iron is removed. 194. .Occurrence of Tin.— Tin is found in nature largely in the form of the oxid. SnO,, and, to a less extent, in combination with other metals. The oxid is heated in a furnace with charcoal, and the molten tin cast into bars. 195. Tin Salts. — Tin forms two series of salts, stan- nous and stannic. In the former, the element is bivalent, and in the latter, it is tetravalent. Stannous and stannic chlorid, the sulfid, oxid and hydroxid are among the more common tin salts. They are used in the arts in various ways as pigments and as mordants in the coloring of cloth. Tin forms a number of alloys and is extensively used for roofing and other purposes. Ordinary tinware is simply iron-coated with a layer of tin. 196. Occurrence of Lead. — Lead is found principally in the form of sulfid (galena). It is also found in combi- nation with silver and other metals, and, in the process of refining of silver, is separated as a by-product. 197. Oxids of Lead — There are four oxids of lead, namely : lead monoxid, PbO, lead peroxid, Pb02, lead suboxid, Pb^O, and lead sesquioxid, Pb^O,. The sub- COPPER, ZINC, LEAD, ETC. 15I oxid, PbjO, is produced when lead is exposed to the air; in a pure condition, it is a black powder. Lead oxid, PbO, is a yellow powder which, if heated, produces litharge, a yellowish red material. This substance is ob- tained largely in the separation of lead from silver. Lead peroxid, PbOj, is an oxidizing agent, and in some respects resembles manganese dioxid. Red led or minium, Pb^O^, is produced by heating lead oxid, and is used as a pig- ment. 198. Lead Carbonates. — The normal carbonate, PbCOj, is occasionally found in nature. The basic carbonate, Pb(OH)3.3PbC03, is common white lead, which is exten- sively used as a pigment. It is produced by different methods from litharge and other compounds of lead, as well as by treatment of the metal itself. 199. Lead Salts. — Lead nitrate, Pb(N03)2, is produced by the action of nitric acid on lead ; and lead sulfate, by the action of a sulfate upon a soluble lead salt. Lead chlorid, PbCl^, is precipitated whenever a chlorid or hy- drochloric acid is added to a solution containing a lead salt. The salts of lead are more insoluble than those of many other metals. 200. Uses of Lead. — Lead is used for making water pipes, for lining tanks, particularly those in which sul- furic acid is stored, in the preparation of solder, and in many alloys. Lead is insoluble in most waters although the salts and organic matter in some waters may cause a sufficient amount to dissolve to render the use of lead pipes objectionable from a sanitary point of view. 152 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 201. Occurrence of Arsenic. — This element occurs in the free state to a limited extent, but usually in combina- tion with other elements, as oxygen, iron, and sulfur. In some of its properties, arsenic resembles phosphorus, and forms similar compounds, although arsenic has weaker acid properties than phosphorus. It forms a large number of compounds, among which are the arsenates, and arsenites which are salts of arsenic and arsenious acids. In the presence of a strong base element, arsenic deports itself as an acid while, in the presence of a strong acid element, it exhibits basic properties. Other ele- ments, particularly antimony and bismuth, and to a less extent aluminum, have this same property of acting both as an acid- and base-forming element. Some of the com- pounds of arsenic are extensively used as pigments and insecticides. 202. Paris Green. — Pare Paris green is an aceto-arse- nite of copper and has the following composition : Cop- per oxid, 31.29 per cent., arsenious oxid, 58.65 per cent., acetic acid, 10.06 per cent. Some of the commercial grades of Paris green contain soluble forms of arsenic, while others are adulterated with lime and insoluble sili- cates. The arsenic should be insoluble and have no injurious effect upon vegetation. In case soluble arsenic is present, the foliage is destroyed. Pure Paris green should completely dissolve in hydrochloric acid. In case silica is present, an insoluble residue appears when the material is treated with hydrochloric acid, lyondon purple and various arsenates and arsenites are occasionally used for insecticides. lyOndon purple con- COPPER, ZINC, LEAD, ETC. 153 tains soluble arsenic. In case of accidental poisoning with Paris green, hydroxid of iron is usually employed as an antidote. 203. Occurrence of flercury. — Mercury is found in nature mainly in the form of the sulfid, HgS, commonly called vermilion which, when roasted, yields SOj and Hg. Mercury is extensively used in the preparation of alloys and amalgams. 204. Compounds of Hercury. — I^ike copper, tin and many other elements, mercury forms two series of salts, the mercurous and mercuric compounds. Mercurous and mercuric oxids, Hg^O and HgO, mercurous and mercuric chlorids, HgCl and HgCl.^, and the nitrates and sulfids are among the more important compounds of mercury. Mercuric chlorid is employed as an insecticide and also as a germicide. It is very poisonous and is very destruc- tive to all forms of animal and plant life ; it is frequently used for the treatment of fungus diseases of plants. Experiment 55. — Replacement of metals. Place, in separate test-tubes, ( i) 5 cc. of silver nitrate, (2) a piece of copper, and (3) 5 cc. of lead nitrate. To the first test-tube, add a piece of copper foil, to the second a small piece of lead, and to the third, a piece of zinc. After a few minutes, examine the contents of the vari- ous test-tubes and observe the results. Copper has the power of replacing silver in solution, lead has the power of re- placing copper, and zinc has the power of replacing lead. Mt t PKOtUG* <»0.J 8 PRODUCT u Fig. 61. U 154 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY The more electro-positive elements replace those which are less electro-positive. Observe in these experiments that the copper is coated with silver, the lead with copper, and the zinc with lead. Write the following reactions which have taken place : (i) AgN03-fCu = (2) Cu(N03)2 + Pb = (3) PbCNOs)^ + Zn = Questions, (i) Which element is the most positive? (2) What elements can zinc replace ? (3) Why does copper replace silver? (4) Why does lead replace copper? (5) What does this experi- ment show as to the relative properties of the three elements, cop- per, silver and lead ? CHAPTER XXII Water Content and Ash of Plants 205. Water. — Water is present in all food materials, and in many cases makes up a very large portion of the weight of a substance. In vegetables, in milk, and in the juices of meat, water is present to such an extent as to be perceptible to the senses. Substances like flour, meal and starch, which appear perfectly dry, are not free Fig. 62. — Water-oven. from water, but contain from 9 to 12 per cent. This hydroscopic water, as it is called, is held mechanically by the particles of which the material is composed, and the 156 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY amount thus held depends upon the extent of the pre- vious drying of the material and the hj-droscopic condi- tion of the air. Inasmuch as air always contains some Fig. 63. Analytical balance. water, it necessaril}' follows that all substances exposed to the air must likewise contain some water. In order to remove the last traces of water from a sub- stance, it is dried in either a water- or a hot-air oven at a WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PLANTS 1 57 temperature of 100° C, — the boiling-point of water. This converts all of the water in the material into steam, which is then expelled. A water-oven, shown in Fig. 62, has double walls, the space between the walls being partially filled with water, which is kept boiling by means of a gas burner placed below the oven. The substance is weighed in a suitable dish and then dried in the water- oven until the weight is reasonably constant, the loss of weight being considered water. The determination of water in foods, although appar- ently simple, is a difiicult and troublesome chemical pro- cess because many foods, when heated to 100° C, suffer changes, and give off volatile organic compounds along with the water ; or the organic matter may undergo a change in composition, as oxidation. For determining the absolute moisture content of foods, the chemist em- ploys a drying bath of different pattern from that shown, and the material is dried in a current of some neutral gas, as hydrogen, to prevent oxidation of the substance. All of the dishes in which the substances are placed, during anal- ysis, are dried and cooled in desiccators out of contact with air, so as to remove all traces of hydroscopic moisture. The weighings are made on analytical bal- Fig. 64. Desiccator, ances which are scales of extreme accuracy (see Fig. 63). The determination of water is one of the most difficult parts of the analysis of plant or animal substances. 206. Dry flatter. — The dry matter of a material is the portion which is left after all the water has been re- 158 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY moved. Dry matter, as the term implies, is the dr>^ ma- terial free from all traces of h3'droscopic moisture, and the amount is determined by subtracting the per cent, of water from loo. For example, if flour contains 1 2 per cent, water there will be 88 per cent, of dry matter. The amount of dry matter in substances ranges between wide limits as 7 per cent, and less in some fruits to 99 per cent, in sugar. Experiment 36. — Determination of water in potato. Carefully weigh an aluminum dish (Fig. 65). Cut thin slices from different parts of a potato and reduce them to i/8-inch cubes. Weigh in the dish, some of these pieces, forming a layer not more than two deep. Record the weight, place in the dish a small piece of paper with your initials, then set the dish in the water-oven (Fig. 62), and allow it to remain twenty-four hours, or until the next exercise. After drying, weigh again, and from the loss of weight calculate the per cent, of water in the potato. (Weight of potato and dish before drj'- ing, minus weight of potato and dish after dr)'ing, equals weight of water lost. Weight of water divided by weight of potato taken, multiplied by 100, equals the per cent, of water in the potato. ) Experiment j/. — Water in flour. In the same manner, determine the per cent, of water in flour, using about Fig- 66. 2 grams of flour, and noting the ex- act weight before and after drying. Experiment jS. — Water in milk. Weigh a watch-glass and place it on the water-bath (see Fig. 66). Measure with a pipette 3 cc. of milk into the watch-glass. Evaporate to dr3-ness on the water-bath, WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PLANTS 1 59 completing the process in the water-oven. When dry, weigh, and from the loss of weight, calculate the per cent, of solids. Sp. gr. of milk, 1.032. I cc. H^O = i gram, i cc. milk = 1.032 grams. If skim milk is used, the sp. gr. is 1.035. Experiment J-). — Water in clover. "Weigh an aluminum dish. Take three or four large clover plants and cut fine with shears or knife. Weigh a portion in the dish ; dry, and weigh again as in Experiment 36. Determine the per cent, of water in clover. Questions, (i) How did the potato, after drying, compare in appearance and volume with the material before drying? (2) How does the percentage amount of water which you have obtained, compare with the figures given in the tables of analysis. (3) In the determination of water in milk, what was the appearance of the milk solids? (4) What classes of compounds are present in milk solids. (5) How does the amount of water obtained in Experi- ment 37 compare with the amount given in the tables of analysis? (6) What would be the shrinkage in weight of a barrel of flour if 2 per cent, of moisture were removed, and what w^ould be the in- crease in weight if 2 per cent, of moisture were absorbed from the air ? ( 7 ) How does the amount of water obtained in Experiment 39 compare with that obtained from the other materials? (8) How much water is present in a ton of green clover? 207. Plant Ash. — The ash of a plant, or of any ma- terial, is that portion which remains after the substance is burned at the lowest temperature necessary for com- plete, combustion. It is sometimes spoken of as the min- eral or inorganic part, also as the non-volatile part, and includes all of the materials, with the exception of water and nitrogen, which the plant takes from the soil during growth. The term ash as used in chemistry differs from the term as ordinarily used in that the chemical a.sli is pure ash, free from unburned particles of carbon, and also contains elements, as sodium, chlorin, sulfur and phos- phorus, traces of which are volatile at a high tempera- i6o AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ture. Crude ash is obtained by burning a substance until all of the carbon is oxidized. Experiment 40. — Determina- tion of ash. Weigh to the second decimal place in grams, a dish given out for this experi- ment. Then weigh into the dish about 2 grams of dry clover or other hay, place in the muffle furnace, and let it remain until there is no charred material left. Cool on an asbestos mat. Weigh again and determine the per cent, of ash from the material taken and the weight of the ash obtained. Calculate the per cent, of organic matter. Save the ash for future experiments. [The 500, 200, and 100 mg. weights are to be recorded as 0.5, 0.2, and 0.1 gram; the 50, Fig. 67. — MufHe furnace used for determination of ash. 20, and 10 mg. weights as 0.05, 0.02, and o.oi gram. If one used a lo-gram weight, a 500-mg. weight, and a 20-mg. weight, it would be written 10.52 grams.] 208. Form of the Ash Elements. — None of the elements present in the ash of plants ever exist there Fig. 68.— Weights for balance. WATER CONTEN'T AND ASH OE PLANTS l6l in the elementary or free state, as free sodium or free silicon, but they are always in chemical combination, forming salts, or are combined with the elements which constitute the organic part of the plant. The ash elements are never present in the form of free acids or free bases, although, in chemical analyses, they are ex- pressed as acid or basic oxides. Phosphorus, for exam- ple, never exists in the plant as free phosphorus or as phosphoric acid, but either as a phosphate or combined with some of the elements which constitute the organic part. 209. Amount of Ash in Plants. — While the amount of ash in plants is fairly constant, it will be found to vary with the stage of growth, climatic conditions, and na- ture of the soil. In mature agricultural plants, the amount rarely exceeds 10 per cent, of the dry weight of the ma- terial. Clover grown in different localities is found to contain from 6 to 8.5 per cent, ash; other crops also show limited variations. The ash is not evenly dis- tributed throughout all parts of a plant ; the leaves, for example, contain a larger amount than the seed. In the case of corn, the amount of ash in different parts is as follows : Per cent. Mature plant 5.8 Roots 3.5 Leaves 8.1 Stems entire 6.6 Grain 1.4 As previously stated, the ash elements of a plant, to- gether with the nitrogen and water, represent all of the 1 62 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY material which is taken from the soil. In loo parts of the dry material of any crop, from 5 to lo parts are derived from the soil while 90 to 95 parts are supplied either directly or indirectly from atmospheric sources, 210. Importance of Ash Elements. — Plant ash is com- posed of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, and chlorin compounds. These elements, with a few others present in small amounts, as aluminum and occasionally manganese, boron, etc. , are the elements which make up the mineral matter of plants. Some of the ash elements, as potassium and phosphorus, are absolutely necessary for the life of the plant, while others, as aluminum and silicon, are, so far as known, unnecessary. The essential ash elements are potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sulfur. The non-essential elements are sodium, silicon, chlorin, and aluminum. But in some alkali and sea plants, sodium, chlorin, and other elements are essential for growth. Chemically considered, the elements found in the ash of plants are divided into two classes : (i) Metals or base-forming (2) Non-metals or acid-forming elements. elements. Potassium K Phosphorus P Sodium Na Sulfur S Calcium Ca Silicon Si Magnesium Mg Chlorin CI Iron Fe Aluminum Al To the above list must be added small amounts of other elements occasionally found in the ash of plants, WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PI.ANTS 163 and also oxygen, which is in chemical combination with all of the above elements. The essential ash elements are absolutely necessary for the normal growth and development of plants. They take a direct part in the production of plant tissue. The part which each ash element takes in plant growth has been known only for a comparatively short time. At one time, it was believed that the ash elements were largely accidental that the plants in taking up water from the soil could not well keep out the soluble earthy mat- ters, but the methods of sand and water culture have demonstrated the necessity and the functions of the various ash elements. 211. Water Culture. — In water-culture experiments, the seed is germinated and then the roots are suspended in water containing small amounts of the different ash elements. The roots are protected from the light, and the solution is frequently changed. In case it is desired to learn what effect the absence of an element has upon the growth and de- velopment of the plant, all of the elements are supplied in known amounts except the one in question which is withheld alto- gether. The development of the plant is observed, and if it reaches maturity and produces fertile seeds, it is concluded that 1 1 • 1 1 -r 1 • 1 P'g- 69 —Water the element withheld is not necessary to plant culture. growth, while on the other hand, if the plant does not de- velop naturally, the element withheld is considered a nee- 164 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY essary one. By eliminating the ash elements in order, a conclusion may be drawn as to the part which each separate element takes in plant nutrition. After repeated experi- ments with various modifications, aided by chemical and microscopic examinations of the plant, the functions of an element are determined. When a plant develops under normal conditions, there is a definite part which every es- sential element performs during growth. In fact, a plant may be fed, and the effects of the food be observed as accurately as in the case of the feeding of men or animals. 212. Sand Culture is essentially the same in principle as water culture. Pure sand (SiOj) is treated with strong acids, washed with distilled water, and ignited. When properly prepared, this leaves a perfectly sterile medium to which is added, as desired, known amounts of the various ash elements. Occurrence and Function of Ash Elements 213. Potassium. — Potassium is one of the most im- portant and least variable of all the elements found in the ash of plants. It is quite evenly distributed through- out the growing plant and generally occurs in the entire plant in the largest proportion of any of the essential ash elements. It is taken up in the early stages of plant growth and is always present to the greatest extent in the active and growing parts, as in the leaves where the pro- duction of plant tissue occurs. Potassium is one of the elements most essential for the plant's development. The function of potassium is apparently to aid in the WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PI^ANTS 165 production and transportation of the carbohydrate com- pounds, as starch and sugar, and thus indirectly in the formation of all organic matter. In sugar- and starch-producing crops, as sugar-beets and potatoes, it takes an important part in the growth and development. Potassium doubtless has much to do in the way of regulating the acidity of the sap by forming organic salts such as potassium bitartrate in grapes. At the time of seed formation there is a slight retrograde movement of the potash, in some cases a small part being returned to the soil. The supply of available potash in the soil has great influence upon the vigor of plant growth. Weak and sickly plants are always deficient in potash. Some crops require more for growth than do others and some experience difficulty in obtaining it. Some plants contain such large amounts of potash that they are called ' ' potash plants. ' ' Experiment 41. — Alkalinity of ashes. Weigh 2 grams hard wood ashes into a beaker containing 100 cc. HjO over a sand-bath until it boils ; filter. To one-half of filtrate, add 10 drops of cochineal solution ; from the burette (see Fig. 38), add dilute (i cc. acid, 40 cc. HjO) HCl until the solution is neutral. The alkali in wood ashes is mainly KjCOg which is neutralized with HCl. Write the reaction. Test both leached and unleached ashes. Note number of cubic centimeters HCl used in each case. What do the results indicate ? Fig. 70.— Plants grown with and without potash. Heat 314. Sodium. — This element, which resembles potas- 1 66 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY sium in its chemical deportment, is not absolutely neces- sary for agricultural plants and does not occur in the ash in such large amounts as potassium. Nearly all agricul- tural plants are brought to maturity without its aid except for the small amount in the seed. The amount, if any, which plants require is very small, not sufficient to take into consideration. It is supposed to be present as an accidental ingredient, because sodium chlorid is universally present in the soil, in water, and occasionally traces of it are in the air ; hence plants could not very well exclude it. Some alkali plants require and store up large amounts of sodium compounds. Unlike potassium, sodium is not so evenly distributed through the plant. It has no special mov^ement, but is found mostly in the lower parts of the plant. Seeds contain but little of it, more being present in the straw and stems. 215. Calcium. — This element is always present in the ash of plants. None of the higher plants can reach maturity without a normal supply. Some, like clover, beans, peas, and lucern, require so much for their develop- ment that they are called " lime plants." Accumula- tions of lime are found in many leafy plants, particularly clover, where crystals of calcium oxalate may be observed. In leaves, it appears to have the special func- tion of aiding in the construction of the cell walls. No new plant cells can be produced without the aid of calcium. From the culture experiments of various investigators, the element calcium appears to take a prominent part in the production of new tissues. Whenever it is withheld. WATKR CONTENT AND ASH OF PLANTS 1 67 the growth of the plaut is restricted. Some plants, after their growth has been checked by withholding calcium, will show increased vigor within a few hours after it is supplied. Calcium is assimilated in the early stages of plant development. In wheat, for example, 80 per cent, is assimilated before the plant heads out. Calcium assists in imparting hardiness to crops. It does not accumulate in the seeds to such a great extent as do other elements. Only about a tenth of the total amount removed in grain crops is in the seeds, the re- maining nine-tenths being present in the straw. Crops grown on lime soils are usually well nourished, and are more capable of withstanding unfavorable climatic condi- tions as drought and early frosts than are crops not so liberally supplied with lime. Experiment 42. — Lime, CaO, in plant ash. Transfer the ash from Experiment 40 to a beaker containing 5 cc. HCl and 50 cc. H2O ; heat ten minutes, filter, and divide into two portions. Save portion for Experiment 44. Make one portion neutral with am- monia, NH4OH. Add 5 cc. NH4CI solution. To the solution, add 5 cc. ammonium oxalate, (NH4)2C204 ; note the precipitate which is calcium oxalate, CaCjO^. Into a separate test-tube put o.i gram CaClj, add 5 cc. HjO and a little HCl until acid ; then nearly neutralize with NH^OH and add NH^Cl and (NH4)2C204. Compare this precipitate with that from the clover ash. Observe, in this second test, that you have taken a pure calcium salt, and that the same precipitate was given as by the plant ash. Write the following reactions which have taken place : CaCaO^ + Heat =? CaCOs + HCl =? CaClj -\- (NHJ.C^O, =? 216. Magnesium is also an essential element. It occurs in all plants and farm crops in somewhat smaller amounts 1 68 AGRICUI.TURAL CHEMISTRY than calcium but in the seeds of grains it is stored up three times more Hberally. Magnesium is assimilated more slowly than calcium ; in fact it is assimilated, as a rule, more slowly than any other ash element. The plant does not require magnesium until the approach of seed formation, although a small amount is necessary for perfect leaf action as it enters into the chemical compo- sition of the chlorophyl. When plants are grown with an incomplete supply of magnesium, the seeds are frequently sterile. In culture experiments, the absence of magne- sium is not observed so much in the first stages of growth as when the time of seed formation approaches when its absence is followed by restricted development. 217. Aluminum is found in the ash of many plants, as wheat, peas, beans, and rice, although it occurs in very small amounts and, so far as known, is not essential for plant growth. Most soils contain traces of soluble sili- cates of aluminum, and hence plants cannot well be free from it. 218. Iron in small amounts is necessary for plant growth. It occurs in about the smallest amount of any of the ash elements, but is always present in plants. When plants are unable to obtain their requisite supply of iron, the production of chlorophyl does not take place and they fail to develop a normal green color. The function of the iron is to assist in the formation of chloroph5'l, the coloring-matter of plants. It is not known whether iron enters into the chemical composition of the chlorophyl, or is simply organically associated with it. WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PLANTS 169 219. Phosphorus, in the form of phosphates, is found in all parts of plants. It is one of the essential elements for plant growth. Its function is to aid in the produc- tion and transportation of the proteid bodies. The phos- phorus and nitrogen compounds are closely associated in the work of producing proteids which can take place only in the plant cells. The proteid compounds produced in the leaves of plants are finally transported to the seed. Many proteids which are insoluble in water are soluble in the presence of phosphate compounds. The phos- phates are essential in the early stages of the plant's development. In the case of wheat, 80 per cent, is assimilated in the first fifty days, and in other crops, the assimilation is equally rapid. The phosphates accumulate to a greater extent in the seeds of grains than in the leaves and stems. From 60 to 75 per cent, of the total phosphates is removed in the seeds. The loss of phosphates from the farm is one of the reasons why soils de- cline in fertility. Experiment 43. — Phosphoric acid in seeds. Crush 25 kernels of wheat in a mortar. Place the crushed wheat in a small Hessian crucible and ignite; when cool, transfer the charred mass to a small beaker. Add 10 cc. HNO3 and 50 cc. H.,0, and boil ten minutes. Break up the , J " . • 1 -^i ^. . . , . Fig. 71.— Plants grown charred particles with a stirring rod during with and without the boiling. If the beaker shows signs of be- Phosphoric acid, coming dry, add a little hot water. Filter. To half the filtrate, lyo AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY add 3 cc. ammonium molybdate. The yellow precipitate is am- monium phosphomolybdate. See Experiments 17 and 18. 220. Sulfur also is an essential element of plant and animal bodies, but occurs in plant tissue in comparatively small amounts. It enters into the composition of albu- min and other proteids. Sulfur is used by plants only in the form of sulfates. The part which it takes in plant life is to supply the sulfur for the proteid compounds which always contain this element in chemical combi- nation. Culture experiments have shown that in its absence no growth results. Experiment 44. — Sulfur as sulfates in plant ash. To the second portion of the filtrate from Experiment 40 add 2 cc. barium chlorid (BaClj), observe the result, and write the reaction, assuming SO3 to be in the form of KaSO^. In a second test-tube, add a few crystals of NajSOi or KjSO^ to 10 cc. H2O containing a few drops HCl. When dissolved add BaClj and compare with precipitate obtained in first part of experiment (see Experiment 21). 221. Chlorin is not an essential ash element. It accu- mulates mainly in the lower part of the plant, and its pres- ence appears to be accidental, it having no decided func- tions to perform. The statements made about sodium, its occurrence, distribution, and importance apply also to chlorin with which it is combined forming sodium chlorid. 222. Silicon occurs in all plants. It is found in largest amounts in the dense and older parts, as in the stalk and straw, where there is less activity. In some of the lower plants, as diatoms, there is so much silica that when the organic matter is removed by burning, a skeleton of silica WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PI^ANTS 171 is left. It was formerly supposed that silica gave the stems of grains and grasses their stiffness. Perfect wheat, however, with normal strength of straw has been grown in the absence of silica, except for the small amount originally present in the seed. Lawes and Gilbert have shown that the lack of silica is not the cause of grain lodging. Some authorities claim that silica takes a part in plant economy and is necessary in seed formation. Whatever its function, it is not an important element as plant food, and there is always an abundance in the soil for crop purposes. In the living plant, the mineral elements are not pres- ent in the same form or combination as in the plant ash. During growth, many of the ash elements are combined with the organic compounds, for example phosphorus, which forms phosphorized proteids and fats. The ash forms a part of the plant tissue. When the plant is burned, the organic compounds are volatilized, while the ash elements, which are non-volatile, are left. The essential ash ele- ments are absolutely necessary, as food, for the growth and development of all crops, and plant growth is fre- quently arrested because of the lack of a sufficient supply for purposes of nutrition. The food requirements of in- dividual farm crops are discussed in the "Chemistry of Soils and Fertilizers.'- 172 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Metals. Summary TabIvE. Plant ash elements. + 1 Occurrence. Function. Potassium K2O + Sodium Na^O — Calcium CaO + Magnesium MgO + Iron Fe.Oa 1 Aluminum Al,03 — Manganese MUjOg — Non-metals. Phosphorus P205 + Sulfur S03 + Silicon Chlorin SiOj — Mainly in the ac- tive growing parts of plant leaves and stems. Stems and roots. Leaves and stems. Seeds and leaves. Leaves and stems. Lower parts plants. Lower parts plants. Seeds. of of Assists in formation of starch, carbohy- drates and in plant growth in general, and makes plants vigorous. No function. Assists in formation of plant cells, and makes plants hardy. Aids in seed forma- tion. Aids in chlorophyl formation. No function. No function. Leaf action and for- mation and move- ment of proteids. Production of pro- teids. No apparent function No apparent function Stems and leaves. Lower parts. Problem i. — How many pounds of potash are removed from an acre of soil yielding 150 bushels of potatoes? The potatoes weigh 60 pounds per bushel. 150 X 60 ^ 9,000 pounds, total yield of potatoes. The potatoes contain 24 per cent, dry matter (see Table). This dry matter contains 3.8 per cent. ash. Hence 2,160 pounds dry matter contain (216 X 0.038 ;= 81.9) 81.9 pounds ash. 60 per cent, of this ash is potash ; or (81.9 X 0.60) 49.1 pounds are potash. Therefore, 150 bushels of potatoes WATER CONTENT AND ASH OF PLANTS 173 air dry, approximately 87 per cent. approximately 90 per cent. OOoj ^ 01 ^1 Cn 0\.P>. OS K5 CO as 0^^ OJW-t^OowNJKJOJK) b bo op 0 0 0 oj U oj M bo w CO C/« ^J ~J 0 0 C/i 0^ •--I 61 bo b M C/1 10 (0 as-j K) .p^ W Oj OsOj m m as4^ to M Ck) 10 ^4 ^j 4^ -^ .p>..t^Ch> 10 loOJ to wC/j h-H Oj Cn OssD to 0 ^) 0 ?l1 000 10 4^ a\-~-t -P- 0^ 0 OS to Cfl 0 0 0 ^4 i-i OS OS to COCn \0 (j\ 4». "Oj to COi-ivDvD to OOOC/i^ Ot0O4^ p \o 00 fJ C/J Oi i-i COC/1 W 4^ 0 0 " 0 wOOtOMPHtOWO P Cn W 0>J ^J ^J M Ck» -p' sc 00 0 0 0 ^ 00 00 CO OD Cn sC OJ 0 >- \D ^ to h-i.ti.C^ ChOs 0 COCn to 0 *-J ^ OsCn 0 OS W 10 Oj i-i w ^J OsC/1 Cn 00 00-P<. Cn ^ OOsD -K ■t' OsvO to to to OJ OJ n ^ OOJ^ OS M vD OS O^Cn [a OJ-~J-t^ tOOoto^I^JC/JCn M.PiOJ00 •. ^ OOCn -^ toC/i^JCnCn^J ,!" oovb sb -t- os^j w bsii P OsOOJO0i-i4i'O-f^to- 4iOS OjC»j ••to* OoOJto^OMMM >-i M to i-H Os^J CnCnCnOS O-t»t0OS Cn 4^ Cn> Oj 4^ 0 ^ 0 f-+. O" n P C p (X 0 V! 0 cn M l-t P B 0 u> a^ -1 0 rt> 3 'Tl cr Hf 0 0 B ^ ? 0 35 > H c U) W t3* * 0 0 0 > % s n Ti cr > ^ , fn l« R u g •d > 0 hrt 2; w 174 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY remove from the soil 49.1 pounds of potash. In the same way, the amount of each separate element removed from the soil can be calculated. Problem 2. — Calculate the pounds of total ash, KgO, CaO, MgO, and P2O5 removed in 25 bushels of wheat. Problem j. — Calculate the same ingredients removed in 1,500 pounds of wheat straw. Compare these amounts with the corre- sponding elements removed in the grain (Problem 2). Problem 7.— Calculate the CaO, MgO, KoO, and P2O5 removed in 50 bushels of oats weighing 32 pounds per bushel. Problem 5. — Calculate the same for 40 bushels of barley weigh- ing 48 pounds per bushel. In what respects does the mineral food of barley differ from the mineral food of wheat? Problem 6. — How much PO5 is removed in 15 bushels of flax? CHAPTER XXIII The Non-Nitrogenous Organic Compounds of Plants 223. Organic flatter.— The organic matter of a plant or material of any kind is that portion which can be converted into volatile or gaseous products ; it is the combustible part, and is simply a mechanical mix- ture of the various organic compounds, as starch, sugar, and fat, of which the material is composed. The term organic compounds was originally applied to those bodies which it was believed could be produced only as the re- sult of life processes, but it is no longer used in that sense because many of the organic compounds are now produced in the laboratory by synthetic methods independent of life processes. The organic matter of a substance is ob- tained by subtracting the ash from the dry matter. The dry matter of wheat, for example, contains 2. 10 per cent, ash and 97.90 per cent, organic matter. The organic matter of plant and animal bodies includes a number of classes and types of compounds. 224. Non-Nitrogenous and Nitrogenous Organic Com- pounds.— For purposes of study, the organic compounds of animal and plant bodies are divided into two large classes : (i) nitrogenous, and (2) non-nitrogenous. This division is made on the presence or absence of the element nitrogen. The nitrogenous or nitrogen-containing com- pounds are those in which the element nitrogen is in combination with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and small amounts of other elements, while the non-nitrogenous 176 AGRICUIvTURAL CHEMISTRY compounds are those which contain no nitrogen but are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Starch, sugar, and fat are tj'pes of non-nitrogenous compounds, while albumin, casein, and fibrin are types of the nitroge- nous. 225. Classification of Non=Nitrogenous Compounds. — There are six large divisions of the non-nitrogenous com- pounds : (i) carbohydrates, (2) pectose substances, (3) fats, (4) organic acids, (5) volatile or essential oils, and (6) mixed compounds. Each division is, in turn, di- vided into various subdivisions and groups : f I . Carbohydrates, Cellulose, Starch, Sugar, Pentosans, Gums. Pectose substances (jellies). {I. Olein, 2. Stearin, 3. Palmitin, etc. !i. Tartaric, 2. Oxalic, 3. Malic, etc. Volatile or essential oils. Mixed compounds. Carbohydrates 226. General Characteristics. — The carbohydrates are the first subdivision of the non-nitrogenous compounds,- and include the starches, sugars, gums, and cellulose and pentosan bodies. They form the largest group of or- ganic compounds in plants, and in many plants and food Organic non-nitrogenous compounds. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 1 77 materials, are present largely as starch. The carbohy- drates occur in plants in three physical forms : ( i ) As the framework of the plant cells, as cellulose, (2) in solution in the plant sap, as sugar, and (3) deposited as solid substances within the plant cells like starch. In coarse fodders, as hay, they are largely in the form of cellulose and pentosan bodies. While the various carbo- hydrates differ chemically and physically, they all possess a few common characteristics : ( i ) they are all neutral bodies, and (2) they all contain twice as many hydrogen as oxygen atoms in their molecules. The H and O are present in the same proportion as found in water, viz., 2 atoms of H and i of O. In starch, CgHj^O^, the H and O would form 5H2O. Cellulose 227. Occurrence.— Cellulose is found most abundantly in the stems, roots and leaves of plants, particularly at ma- turity . Cellulose is the structural basis of the vegetable world, and forms the framework of every plant cell. In some plants it is the most abundant material pres- ent ; in hay and coarse fodders it makes up from 30 to 40 per , r -v J , , o Fig- 72.— CeU structure of cent, of the dry matter. Crops piaut tissue. like cotton, flax and hemp contain large amounts, and are cultivated mainly for the cellulo.se which they yield. 228. Physical Properties. — Pure cellulose is a colorless, in.soluble material, differing in texture according to its 178 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY Fiff- 73.— Flax fiber. -ource. In hemp, it is flexible and tenacious, while in wood, it is hard and compact, in the pith of the elder, it is elastic, in the potato, porous, and in ger- minating seeds, loose and spongy. Cotton and filter-paper are ex- amples of nearly pure cellulose. The proportion and properties of cellulose in a food influence its digestibility. Some foods are less valuable because of the tenacious character of the cellu- lose, which prevents the cells from undergoing disintegration and digestion. 229. Chemical Properties. — Cellulose is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Its formula is CgHjuOs. Cellulose from one source may contain a different multiple of CgHioOj than that from another source. In young and growing plants, the cellulose is in a hydrated condition ; that is, water is chemically united with the cellulose molecule, as (C5Hi„05.H20)n. Hydrated cellulose is more readily acted upon by chemicals than are other forms. As the plant develops, the cellulose is gradually dehy- drated and this is one reason why cellulose, at different stages of growth, has a different food value. Ligno- cellulose is found in wood and many mature plants. It contains a larger per cent, of carbon than cellulose. 230. Function and Value. — In the plant, the function of cellulose is to form the structural part of the cell walls. It constitutes the main part of the walls of every plant cell. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 1 79 In seeds, it is a reserve material, finally used as food by the young plant. Commercially, cellulose is used for making paper, cloth, guncotton and other explosives, and is extensively used in the arts. 231. Food Value. — The food value of cellulose depends upon its degree of hydration. Hydrated cellulose, when digested, has practically the same food value as starch, lyignocellulose is indigestible, and has no food value. Indirectly, a minimum amount of cellulose imparts a mechanical value to a food by acting as an absorbent for concentrated waste products. When crops are cut and cured while some of the cellulose is in a hydrated condi- tion and but little has passed into the ligno form, the cellulose is valuable as food. 232. Amount of Cellulose in Plants. — Cellulose is found more abundantly in the stems and leaves of plants than in the seeds. In the straw of wheat, oats, rye, and barley, it makes up from 35 to 45 per cent, of the dry material. It also constitutes a large portion of the roots of plants. In seeds, the amount of cellulose is small, and usually ranges from 2 to 5 per cent., while in wood, the amount is large, and ranges from 50 to 80 per cent. In tables of analyses, the cellulose is usually included with other bodies under the head of crude fiber. 233. Crude Fiber. — Crude fiber includes the cellulose, lignin and other bodies which make up the framework of vegetable substances. In vegetable foods, as flour and the cereal products, the amount of crude fiber is small compared with that in many other plant bodies. Crude l8o AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY fiber and cellulose are not identical terms. In the chem- ical analysis of plants, the crude fiber is determined b)^ first digesting the material in dilute sulfuric acid to dissolve all soluble bodies as sugar, hydrolyzed starch, some of the proteids and related bodies. The substance is then digested with dilute sodium hydroxid to remove all compounds which have failed to dissolve in the acid. Crude fiber and insoluble mineral matter are about the only substances which are insoluble in the dilute acid and alkali, hence the fiber is obtained by dissolving all other compounds and deducting the insoluble mineral matter left. For the determination of cellulose more exact methods have been devised. The crude fiber determina- tion, however, is valuable because it shows the amount of fibrous material contained in plants. Experiment 45. — Preparation of cellulose. Place in a beaker about I gram of ground straw or hay ; add 200 cc. of water, and 20 drops of H2SO4. Boil on the sand-bath twenty minutes, and after the material settles, pour off the liquid, then add 100 cc. water, and wash thoroughly by decantation. Add 200 cc. water and 4 cc. NaOH solution, boil twenty minutes, and wash the fibrous material as before. Place some of the crude fiber in a test-tube, add 5 cc. HCl, 10 cc. HjO, and a crystal of KCIO3 ; heat, and then wash the cellulose product. Questions, (i) What element was liberated by the action of HCl upon the KCIO3 ? (2) What effect did this element have in the bleaching and purification of the crude fiber? (3) In what other experiment has this element been used as a bleaching reagent? (4) When examined with a lens, how did the cellulose appear ? (5) Is cellulose soluble in dilute acids? (6) Why were the dilute acid and alkali solutions used in this experiment? (7) What be- comes of the ash or mineral matter in the material used in this ex- ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS l8l periment? (8) What does this experiment show in regard to the properties of cellulose ? Starch 234. Occurrence. — Starch is found most abundantly in the seeds, roots, and tubers of plants, being stored up in those parts which are concerned with new growth. During growth, starch is produced in the leaves of all green plants ; at maturity, it is stored in the seed or tuber. It is present in the plant cells as granules which have regular organized forms. 235- Physical Properties. — The starch granules from a given cereal are always constant in form and physical properties. Each grain is composed of overlapping layers which can be observed under the microscope. The walls of the layers are composed of a material called ' ' starch cellulose ' ' ; between the walls is the pure starch known as granulose. All starch grains have a somewhat similar general structure. Starch is insoluble in cold water, be- cause the walls of starch cellulose prevent the water from dissolving the pure starch. In hot water some of the granulose is dissolved and a paste is formed. Pure dry starch is tasteless and odorless. Starch is exceedingly hydroscopic, and commercial starch always contains from 10 to 12 per cent., or more, of water. A food which contains a large amount of starch will vary in moisture content and weight according to the hydroscopicity of the air. The starch grains obtained from different cereals and food products vary in form according to the source from which they are obtained. Wheat starch is circular l82 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY in outline, and has a slightly concave center. There are but few markings or rings (see Fig. 74). The granules vary in size from 0.05 to o.oi millimeter in diameter. Corn- starch is somewhat smaller (0.02 to 0.03 millimeter), more angular than wheat starch, and has a Fig. 74.— Wheat starch. star-sliapcd Center or helium (see Fig. 75). Oat starch is composed of a number of small segments forming a compound grain, or mass, each segment in itself a complete structure. Barley and rye starch grains are somewhat similar to wheat. In some vegetables, as the parsnip, the starch grains are minute. Fig- 75-— Cornstarch. 236. Chemical Properties. — Starch is composed of car- bon, 44.44 per cent. ; hydrogen, 6.17 per cent. ; and oxygen, 49.39 per cent. Its formula is (C5Hio05)n. The ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OP PI.ANTS 1 83 value of n has been variously estimated from 2 to 200. The different starch grains, as of wheat, corn and oats, are all composed of the same elements, C, H, and O, and differ in form because these elements are put together in a different way in each. When acted upon by heat, as in the popping of corn, the starch grains are ruptured. At a temperature above 120° C, starch is changed to dextrin. In the presence of water and dilute acids, starch gradually undergoes hydration ; that is, water is chemically added to the molecule. By the joint action of heat, ferments, and various chemicals, starch is converted into a number of products, as soluble starch and dextrose. In the presence of iodin, starch is colored blue, different kinds of starch giving different shades and tints. The nature and mechanical form of the starch granules in a food, determine, to a slight extent, its rapidity and ease of di- gestion. Some starches are more easily digested than others, and all undergo important chemical and physical changes in the cooking and preparation of food. Since starch makes up such a large portion of many human and animal foods, its composition, properties, and food value are of prime importance. 237. Function and Value. — In the seed, starch is a reserve form of food for the use of the young plant before it is able to obtain its own food ; in roots and tubers also, it is' stored up for that purpose. Many crops, as pota- toes, corn, and sago, contain so much starch that they are often cultivated for starch-making purposes. Starch is obtained mechanically from potatoes by first pulping to break the cells, and then washing the pulped mass 1 84 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY with water from which the starch slowly settles. In the arts, starch is used in many ways. As a food, it is used mainl}^ in its original form associated with the other or- ganic compounds with which it is found in plants. 238. Food Value of Starch. — Starch is a valuable nu- trient, and when digested produces heat and energy. When burned in the bomb calorimeter i pound of digestible starch produces i860 calories. A calorie is the unit employed for measuring heat, and is the amount of heat required to raise i kilo of water 1° C, or approximately i pound of water 4° F. One gram of starch yields 4.2 calories. Pure starch alone is inca- pable of sustaining life because it contains eo combined nitrogen, and does not supply any material for repairing the tissues of the body or for the construction of new nitrogenous tissue. When associated with nitrogenous compounds, starch can be used by the body for the pro- duction of fat as well as for the production of heat and energy. 239. Amount of Starch in Plants. — In grains, the amount of pure starch ranges from 50 to 75 per cent, of the dry weight of the material ; in hay and forage crops, it is small, usually less than 2 per cent. The amount of pure starch in some of the cereals and farm crops is ap- proximately as follows : Pure starch. Per cent. Wheat 68 Wheat flour 72 Oats 55 Corn 75 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 1 85 Pure starch. Per cent. Rice 78 Potatoes 80 Wheat bran 8 Straw less than i Hay I to 3 Experiment 46. — Preparation of potato starch. Reduce one or two clean potatoes to pulp on the grater. Tie the pulp in a clean cloth and squeeze into a large cylinder filled with water, occa- sionally dipping the bag into the water. Allow the cylinder to Fig. 76. — Obtaining starch from potato. stand for twenty minutes, or until the starch has all settled ; pour off" the water. If the starch is not clean, wash by adding more water, and allow it to settle again ; then pour off the water. Leave the cylinder in the desk until the starch is dry. Save this starch for the following tests: Tests for starch. Place 0.5 gram of starch in a test-tube, about one-half full of water. Shake the test-tube, boil, and filter ; then to this filtrate add a few drops of iodin. Treat a second portion of starch with cold water and then add iodin. Questions, (i) What was the difference in the action of hot and l86 AGRICULTURAI^ CHEMISTRY cold water upon starch ? (2) How did this difference show itself in the tests? (3) Why in the one test-tube were there a blue mass and a clear liquid, and in the other opposite results ? 240. Dextrin is a carbohydrate which has the same general formula as starch from which it differs in struc- tural composition. Dextrin is produced from starch by the action of heat. At a temperature of 163° C. moist starch is changed to dextrin. When this change takes place, nothing is added to or taken from the starch mole- cule. The three elements, C, H and O, are simply rear- ranged in a different way in the new molecule. Dextrin is not found naturally in food products to any apprecia- ble extent, but is present in starch-containing foods which have been subjected to the action of heat. The brown crust of bread is composed mainly of dextrin. Dextrin is soluble in water, and is more readily digested than starch, but has the same general fuel and energy-produ- cing value. Experiment 47. — Preparation of dextrin. Place about 2 grams of flour in a porcelain dish ; heat cautiously on a sand-bath for five minutes constantly stirring, so that it will not burn. When cool, add three times its bulk of water and heat nearly to boiling ; ob- serve the appearance of the solution ; then filter. The filtrate con- tains dextrin. To a portion, add twice its bulk of alcohol; the dextrin is precipitated. To another portion, add a few drops of iodin solution ; blue color indicates soluble but unaltered starch. Questions. ( i ) What agent was employed to change the starch to dextrin ? (2) How does dextrin differ from starch in solubility? (3) Is dextrin soluble in alcohol ? (4) In what ways does dextrin differ from starch? 241. Structural Formulas. -Cellulose, starch, dextrin and iuulin have the same general formula (CgH^oO^jn, but ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OP PLANTS 1 87 all differ in both physical and chemical properties. This is because the elements, C, H and O, are put together in different ways in the three compounds. For example, a pile of bricks may be put together to form one structure, and then again in different ways to form other structures; in each structure there are the same number and kinds of bricks. So in the molecules of starch, dextrin, inulin and cellulose, there are the same number and kinds of atoms, but in each they are combined in a different way. In the study of the composition of plants, organic com- pounds are frequently met with which have the same general composition, but different chemical and physical properties. Whenever two compounds have the same general formula and percentage composition, but differ- ent chemical and physical properties, the difference is said to be one of structural composition. Sugar 242. Classification of Sugars — As commonly used, the term sugar is applied to the product obtained from sugar-cane or sugar-beets. As used in chemistry, it in- cludes a large class of compounds of which maple-, cane-, and beet- sugar are examples of only one division. The two main classes of sugars present in plant bodies are sucrose and dextrose; occasionally, other sugars are found. The sucrose group includes cane-, beet-, maple-, milk-, and malt-sugar. These sugars have the general formula C12H22O11, and are characterized by the molecule contain- ing 12 atoms of carbon. The dextrose group includes glucose, levulose, galactose, and all sugars having the general formula CgHjjOg. This group is characterized by 1 88 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY the molecule containing 6 atoms of carbon. The term monosaccharide is applied to the dextrose group, and disaccharide to the sucrose group. 243. Occurrence of Sucrose. — Sucrose is found in plants in largest amounts of any of the sugars. Juices from the sugar-cane and sugar-beet contain from 12 to 18 per cent. It is also present in small amounts in seeds and cereal products. From 1.5 to 2 per cent, is found in sweet corn and about 0.50 per cent, in wheat flour. In some fruits, as apples, sucrose is present to the extent of 5 per cent, or more. 244. Physical and Chemical Properties of Sucrose. — The chemical and physical properties of sucrose obtained from the sugar-cane or sugar-beet are alike in all respects. When the two sugars have been subjected to the same degree of refining, they are identical. When examined under the microscope, sucrose is in the form of regular crystals, as shown in the illustration (see Fig. 77). At 160° C. sucrose crystals melt, and when cool form a colorless, glassy mass. A _,. „ concentrated solution boils at a little above Fig. 77.— Su- crosecrystai. joo° C. At i6o° C. a browu product known as barley sugar is formed. At 200° C. sucrose is decom- posed, and gases, as carbon monoxid, carbon dioxid and methane, are given off. In concentrated solutions, a tem- perature of 100° C. causes an inversion ; that is, the su- crose molecule is split up and two new sugars are formed, namely : dextrose and levulose. Hence, in the refining of sugar, the concentration must be carried on in vacuum ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PI.ANTS 1 89 pans. In the presence of all acids, even dilute organic acids, hydrolysis or inversion of sucrose takes place. 245. Milk-Sugar (lactose) is found in cow's milk to the extent of 4.5 to 5 per cent., and is present in the milk of all mammals. It has the same general but a dif- ferent structural composition from sucrose. 246. rialtose is a sugar produced in the malting of barley and other grains by the action of ferments upon starch, the reaction being 2 CfiHioOs + HoO =- CioHoaOn. Maltose is not found to any extent in plant bodies, but is present in prepared foods which have undergone the malt- ing process. 247. Inversion of Sucrose. — When sucrose is acted upon by heat and dilute acids, as well as other chemicals, inversion takes place. One molecule of water is chemi- cally united to one molecule of sucrose which splits up and forms the two sugars, levulose and dextrose. Sucrose. l,evulose. Dextrose. C,H,,0,, + H,0 = C,H,,Oe + C,-R,fi,. This process takes place in the ripening of fruits and in the curing of many fodders, as well as in the cooking and preparation of human foods. Experiment 48. — Inversion of cane-sugar. Place 2 grams sugar, 30 cc. HjO, and 2 cc. HjSO^ in an evaporator. Heat fifteen minutes on a sand-bath, replacing the water lost by evaporation. Neutralize with CaCOj and filter, adding more water if necessary for filtration. Test 5 cc. of the filtrate with an alkaline solution of copper sulfate (Fehling's solution) as directed in Experiment 34. Take o.i gram of sugar, dis- 190 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY solve in 10 cc. cold water, add 2 cc. alkaline copper sulfate solution, and heat cautiously for about a minute. Cane-sugar, unless in- verted, gives no reaction with copper sulfate solution. Compare this result with the first test. Observe that in the first test the same precipitate is obtained as in Experiment 34. Questions, (i) What is meant by inversion of cane-sugar? (2) Why was hot sulfuric acid used? Write the reaction. (3) Why was CaCOj used? (4) What becomes of the calcium salt when the solution is filtered ? (5) What was the result when the filtrate was heated with alkaline copper sulfate solution (Fehlings' solution)? (6) Did the sucrose, when tested, give any reaction with this reagent? (7) Under what condition in nature does this process of inversion take place ? (8) What are invert sugars? 248. Refining of Sugar. — At the present time, the larger portion of commercial sugar is obtained from sugar- beets. In the diffusion process of manufacture, the beets, after cleaning and slicing, are passed into large tanks, where they are subjected to water under pressure which removes the sugar by liquid diffusion. The impurities associated with the sucrose are precipitated with lime water, Ca(0H)2, the excess of lime being removed by carbon dioxid gas which converts the calcium hydroxid into insoluble calcium carbonate. For the purpose of pro- ducing the pure lime and the carbon dioxid gas, lime- stone is burned in specially constructed kilns at the sugar factory. After the removal of the impurities and lime, the solution containing the sugar is concentrated in a large vacuum pan and allowed to crystallize ; the crys- tals are then washed in centrifugal washing machines and granulated. Commercial sugar is ordinarily about 99 per cent, pure sucrose. 249. Occurrence of Dextrose. — Dextrose occurs widely ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS I9I distributed in nature. It is found in small amounts in the sap of saccharine plants, in seeds, ripe fruit, honey, animal tissues, and all food products in which the sucrose has undergone inversion. 250. Chemical and Physical Properties. — Dextrose is a solid, white substance which gives off water from its mole- cule when heated to 170° C. At 200° C, volatile gases and acid products are formed. Acids and alkalies act .upon dextrose and produce a large number of compounds. Dextrose is capable of undergoing a number of different kinds of fermentation, alcohol, succinic acid, lactic acid, and glycerol being some of the products formed. When- ever foods which contain dextrose are exposed to favor- able conditions, fermentation takes place. Dextrose is produced commercially by the action of dilute acids upon starch. The acid causes a molecule of water to unite chemically with a molecule of starch. CgHioOs + H^ = CgHigOg. The thick syrup that is formed after the acid is neu- tralized is called glucose syrup. If a solid mass is pro- duced, it is called grape-sugar. Experiment 49. — Preparation of glucose. Add 20 drops HjSO^ to about 70 cc. water in an evaporator. Heat on the sand-bath until the boiling-point is reached. Then add 2 grams of pulver- ized starch. Observe the appearance of the starch immediately after adding. Heat twenty-five minutes, stirring occasionally, and replacing the water should too much evaporate. Add CaCOs to neutralize the H2S0.j ; when neutral to test paper, filter, washing the contents of the filter with 25 cc. of water. Take a few drops of the filtrate and test with iodin for starch. Then evaporate the rest of the filtrate to about 20 cc. and observe its appearance. 192 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY Tests for glucose. Place about 3 cc. of glucose solution in a test- tube, add 3 cc. alkaline solution of copper sulfate, called Fehling's solution ( see Experiment 34 ) , and heat. Then take about o. i gram of glucose from the shelf bottle, dissolve it in 5 cc. water, add 3 cc. Fehling's solution. Heat, and compare with the first test. Questions, (i) Why was sulfuric acid used in this experiment? (2) What chemical change did the starch undergo? Write the reaction. (3) Why was CaCOg used? Write the reaction. (4) Was any reaction obtained with iodin for starch? (5) What was the result when the glucose solution was added to the hot alkaline solution of copper sulfate ? (6) How did this precipitate compare with that obtained when glucose from the shelf bottle was used ? 251. Levulose, commonly called fruit-sugar, is formed along with dextrose whenever sucrose undergoes inver- sion. It has the same formula as dextrose, CgH^jOg, but different chemical and physical properties, due to a differ- ent structural composition. Levulose is very sweet, and is found in many ripe fruits and vegetables. Its proper- ties are somewhat similar to those of dextrose, but it is more susceptible to the action of heat, acids, and alkalies, and less to the action of ferments. Experiment 50. — Levulose and reducing sugars from carrots. Reduce a small clean carrot to a pulp. Place the pulp in a beaker and add 200 cc. water. After half an hour, filter, heat the filtrate for fifteen minutes and then filter a second time. Evaporate 50 cc. of the filtrate nearly to dryness. Test a portion with Fehling's solution as in Experiment 49. Questions, (i) How was sugar separated from the carrots? (2) What was the result when the filtrate was heated, and what compounds were precipitated ? (3) Describe the appearance of the concentrated filtrate. (4) What reaction was obtained with Fehling's solution? (5) How does levulose differ in composition and properties from dextrose ? ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PI^ANTS 193 252. fliscellaneous Sugars. — A number of sugars that do not belong to either the dextrose or sucrose group are found in plants. Raffinose, for example, is a sugar found in small amounts in beets and other vegetables. It is capable of being converted into dextrose sugars by treatment with dilute acids. 253- Optical Properties of Sugar. — Sugars are charac- terized as optically active or inactive. Those which have the power of turning a ray of polarized light to the right are called dextrorotatory while those which turn the ray to the left are called levorotatory. Polarized light has no action upon the inactive sugars. This principle is taken advantage of in the commercial testing of sugar by means of the polariscope which is a piece of apparatus so constructed that the number of degrees which a ray of Fig. 78. — Polariscope. polarized light is diverted in passing through a solution of sugar can be accurately measured, and the purity of 194 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY the sugar determined. A given weight of pure sucrose dissolved in a definite amount of water alwaj-s turns a ray of polarized light a definite number of degrees which are accurately measured by the polariscope. Any decrease in purity influences proportionally the angle of diver- gence of the polarized light. Hence, if the angle of divergence of a commercial sugar is determined, its purity is likewise determined. 254. Sug-ar-Beets are usually paid for on the basis of their content of sugar and the purity of the juice. For sugar-making purposes, the higher the content of sugar and the purer the juice, the more valuable the beets. Ordinaril}^ sugar-beets contain from 12 to 16 per cent, sugar ; occasionally as low as 8 and as high as 20 per cent. In addition to sugar, the beet juice contains other solids, as small amounts of organic acids, albumin and pectin . When the content of solid matter is 20 per cent, and 16 of the 20 parts are sugar, the juice has a purity coefficient of 80 ('"/ao X 100). 255. Food Value of 5ugar. — When properly combined and used with other foods, sugar is a valuable nutrient for the production of heat and energy. L,ike starch, it is incapable of sustaining life unless associated with nitroge- nous compounds. * One pound of sugar, when burned, yields 1.5 pounds of carbon dioxid and 0.58 pound of water. Ci,H,,Ai + 24O = 12CO, + H,0. In a ration, sugar is considered as having the same caloric value as starch, viz., i pound yields i860 calories. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS I95 256. Gums. — Closelj' related to the sugars are the gums, like gum arabic, and those which exude from peach and cherry trees. In the seeds of many grains, there are also gum-like bodies. When treated with di- lute acids, the gums are converted into dextrose sugars and acid products. Bassorin, or mucilage, as flaxseed mucilage, is found in a few seeds and fruits. The for- mula for some of the gums is the same as for sucrose sugars and dextrose. 357. Pentosans. — The pentosans are a class of carbo- hydrates present in liberal amounts in many plants. They are insoluble, and aid the cellulose in giving form and structure to plant tissues. When acted upon by dilute acids, the pentosans are rendered soluble, while true cel- lulose is insoluble. They are called pentosans because they yield a sugar which contains five atoms of carbon in the molecule. When acted upon by the digestive fluids they are rendered soluble and available as nutrients. In some fodders they form a large part of the nitrogen- free extract. The digestible pentosans are considered as having the same food value as other digestible carbohy- drates. The amount of pentosans in some common foods is approximately as follows : Per cent. Hay, timothy 20 Linseed meal 12 to 15 Wheat bran 1 7 to 22 Wheat 4 to 6 Oats 12 Corn 5 Barley 5 to 7 Flour trace 258. Pectin Bodies are present in many ripe fruits and 196 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY vegetables. They are jelly-like substances, which are soluble in hot water, and are commonly known as fruit jellies. When treated with dilute acids, digestive fluids, and other reagents, the pectin bodies are converted into dextrose sugars and other products. Potatoes, turnips, beets, and all fruits contain pectin. In unripe fruits, and in some uncooked vegetables, the pectin is in the form of acid bodies which are insoluble and indigestible. In the last stages of ripening, the pectin of fruits and vegetables undergoes a change to soluble forms. Soluble pectin is considered to have the same food value as the soluble carbohydrates. EA'periment 5/. — Pectose from potatoes. Reduce a small clean potato to a pulp. Squeeze the pulp through a clean cloth into a beaker, add 10 cc. H2O, and heat on a sand-bath to coagulate the albumin. Filter, add a little hot water if necessary. To the filtrate add a little alcohol. The precipitate is the pectose material. Questions, (i) Is the pectose from the potato soluble? (2) Is pectose coagulated by heat? (3) Is it soluble in alcohol? (4) In what ways does pectose differ from sugar? (5) In what ways does it resemble sugar ? 259. Nitrogen=Free Extract. — In the processes of chem- ical analysis of plants and foods, the chemist determines the water, ash, crude protein, ether extract, and crude fiber, and classes the remainder in one group or division called nitrogen-free extract. Wheat, for example, contains : Per cent. Water 9.25 Ash 2.95 Crude protein 13-25 Ether extract 2.20 Crude fiber 2. 25 Total 29.90 100 — 29.90 ^= 70.10 per cent, nitrogen-free extract. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS I97 The term nitrogen-free extract means that the bodies contain no nitrogen ; they are nitrogen-free or non-nitroge- nous, and are soluble in dilute acids and alkalies. The nitrogen-free extract of wheat is composed mainly of starch ; in some foods, as carrots, it is largely sugar. In human foods, the nitrogen-free extract is composed mainly of carbohydrates as starch and sugar, while in animal foods, it consists of pentoses and a large number of compounds dissimilar in character and food value. In plant bodies, the nitrogen-free extract usually constitutes the largest of any of the groups of compounds. Meats and animal products, except milk, contain only very small amounts. Fats 260. Presence in Plants — Fats and oils form one of the subdivisions of the non-nitrogenous compounds of plants. Fat is present in nearly all plants, but in smaller amounts than the carbohydrates. The fat in plants is produced from starch. For example, in flax, there is more starch than fat when the plant is growing, but in the mature plant, there is more fat than starch, due to the .starch being converted into fat. This change of starch to fat can take place only in the plant cells ; fat, as yet, cannot be made synthetically. During the process of germination, the fat of seeds is changed back to starch. While fat is present in nearly all parts of plants, it is found most abundantly in the seeds, as of flax, rape and cotton, which are often called oil seeds. Fat occurs in the form of minute oil globules within the plant cell, and is removed mechanically by the aid of heat and pressure, 198 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY as in the manufacture of linseed, rape, cottonseed and other oils. It is also extracted by means of solvents as benzine and carbon disulfid. In roots and stems, fat is found only in traces. In leaves, it is often present in the form of a waxy coating, while in nuts it is frequently stored up in large amounts in the kernel. 261. Physical Properties. — Fats are all characterized physically by being insoluble and of a lower specific gravity than water. There are a great many separate fats, and each has its own specific gravity and melting- point. As commonly found, they are not simple bodies, but mechanical mixtures of various separate fats, as stearin, palmitin, and olein. The fats are all soluble in ether, chloroform and turpentine, and differ in physical properties according to the proportion and kind of fats present. When examined under the microscope, some have optical properties and definite crystalline forms. 262. Chemical Composition. — Fats are all characterized by having a high per cent, of carbon and a low per cent, of oxygen. For example, in stearin Cj^HugOg, there are in the molecule 57 atoms of carbon, and 6 atoms of oxygen. In starch and carbohydrates in general, the per cent, of oxygen is greater, and of carbon, less than in fats. Ui^TiMATE Composition of Fats. stearin. Palmitin. Olein. Starch. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Carbon 77.6 75.9 77.4 44.44 Hydrogen 12.4 12.2 11. 8 6.17 Oxygen lo.o 11. 9 10.8 49-39 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS IQ^ Fats are organic salts, the basic part consisting of the glycerol radical C3H5 which is combined with a fatty acid. Glycerin is the basic constituent common to all fats. One fat, as stearin, differs from another, as olein, by containing a different fatty acid in combination with the glycerol radical. When the simple fats are separated into their component parts, the acids formed are : stearic, palmitic, oleic and butyric. Some of the fatty acids, as stearic and palmitic, are solids, while others, as butyric, are volatile. Those fatty acids which distil with boiling water are called volatile fatty acids. Butter, for example, contains nearly 5 per cent, of volatile fatty acids, present mainly in the form of butyric acid. Some of the fats undergo fermentation and become rancid, as butterin in butter, while others slowly take up oxygen from the air and undergo oxidation. The chemical and physical properties of the fats in plants and foods are determined by the kinds and amounts of the separate fats present. Olein, stearin and palmitin are always present in larger amounts than are other fats. 263. Stearin (Cj^HugOg) is a solid fat with a high melt- ing-point, 69.4° C. Beef and mutton tallow and animal fats in general are composed mainly of stearin. When pure, it is a white and tasteless body, and has a defi- nite crystalline structure. Stearin predominates in all hard fats. 264. Palmitin (CgiHggOg) is a white, solid fat obtained from butter, palm oil and human fat. When chemically pure, it is tasteless, and crystallizes in the form of tufts and needles. It has a melting-point of 63° C. Its 200 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY general properties are somewhat similar to those of stearin. 265. Olein (CjjHio^Og) at moderate temperatures is a liquid. It solidifies at 4° C. Olein predominates in the oil of fish, as sperm oil and cod-liver oil. It is also present to a great extent in many vegetable oils, as olive oil. Whenever olein predominates, the fat is a liquid. 266. Miscellaneous Fats.— In addition to the three fats mentioned, there are others, as butj^rin, the charac- teristic fat of butter, and linolein, the characteristic fat of flaxseed. 267. Saponification is a chemical change brought about by the action of an alkali, as potash or soda, upon a fat. An exchange takes place between the glycerol of the fat and the metal of the alkali. Glycerine is a base, but potash is a stronger base ; hence the potash replaces the glycerol and forms salts, as potassium stearate or palmitate, according to the fat used. Experiment ^2. — Saponification. Weigh about 20 grams of lard into an evaporator. Melt the lard, but do not heat above 50° C. Dissolve 10 grams NaOH in about 40 cc. tpater in a beaker. (Do not let the NaOH come in contact with the scale pan.) Add this solution to the evaporator, stirring constantly, and leave the evapo- rator on the vrarm sand-bath, with a low flame underneath, for 40 to 50 minutes. Then place on the sand-bath in the desk until the following day when a good soap should have formed. Dissolve a little of the soap thus produced in a test-tube with 20 cc. water. Divide the solution into two parts ; to one add a little salt, and to the other a few drops of HCl. Questions, (i) Why was NaOH used in this experiment, and what portion of the fat did it replace ? ( 2 ) What other materials ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 20I could be used in place of NaOH? (3) What influence did the salt have upon the soap solution? (4) What was the result when HCl was added to the soap solution? (5) Why is it neces- sary to weigh both the lard and the NaOH ? (6) What would be the result if the fat and alkali were taken in different proportions from those used in this experiment? (7) Why does soap form an insoluble mass with hard waters ? 268. Fatty Acids. — Formic acid, found in pine needles and in red ants, has the formula H2CO2 which is also written HCOgH. Acetic acid has the formula H.CH^. CO2H, and differs from formic acid simply in containing CH2 more than found in formic acid. If CH^ were added to acetic acid, H.CjH^.CO — H, propionic acid would be produced. This is present in some plants. In like manner, butyric acid can be produced from propionic acid. By the addition of CH^, about twenty acids can be formed in the way described. This list includes palmitic, stearic and other acids found in fatty bodies and named fatty acids ; various of these are present in nearly all foods. When a series of compounds, like the fatty acids, show^s a uniform difference between two adjacent members the term homologous series is employed. 269. Waxes. — Wax is similar in composition to fat, but contains an ethyl radical in place of the glycerol radical. Beeswax, for example, is composed of palmitic acid and ethyl radicals. Waxes, like fats, undergo saponi- fication and are considered as having the same food value. 270. Food Value of Fat.— Fat is the most concentrated non-nitrogenous nutrient of foods. On account of con- 202 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY taining such a large amount of carbon and small amount of oxj^gen, fat, when either burned or oxidized as food, produces 2.25 times more heat than the same weight of starch or sugar. One gram of fat j'ields 9.2 calories, and I pound, 4225 calories. The fact that so much more heat is produced from the oxidation of fat is apparent when the "products of oxidation of starch and fat are compared. stearin. C57H„oOe + 163 O - 57CO, + 55H2O 890 2508 990 I pound of fat produces 2.8 pounds CO2 + I.I pounds of water. starch. CfiHioOs + 120 = 6CO2 + 5H2O 162 264 90 I pound of starch produces 1.6 pounds CO2 + 0.56 pound HjO. 890 parts, by weight, of fat produce, when burned, 2508 parts, by weight, of carbon dioxid and 990 parts of water. 162 parts, by weight, of starch produce 264 parts, by weight, of carbon dioxid and 90 parts of water. One pound of fat yields 2.8 pounds of carbon dioxid and 1. 1 pounds of water, while one of starch yields 1.6 of carbon dioxid and 0.56 of water. Fat produces approximately 2.25 times more heat than starch. 271. Amount of Fat in Plants and Foods.- -The amount of fat in various plant substances ranges from a few hundredths of a per cent, in tubers to 35 per cent, and more in flaxseed. Of ordinary grains, oats and corn are the richest in fat and contain from 3.5 to 5 per cent. , while wheat and rye have about 2 per cent. each. In hay, the amount of pure fat is less than 2 per cent., and ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 203 in straw it is less than i per cent. In nearly all food products, the per cent, of pure fat is included with the ether extract. Experime7it 53. — Fat from wheat germ. Place 2 grams wheat germ in a test-tube, and add gasoline until the test-tube is about one-third full. Cork and shake at intervals of three or four min- utes. Do not let the gasoline come near the gas flame. Filter into a clean porcelain dish, and place the dish in an open window until the gasoline is evaporated. Observe the residue of fat. Experhnent §4. — Fat from yolk of egg. Repeat the preceding experiment, using one-fourth of the yolk of a hard boiled egg, and 5 cc. ether instead of gasoline. Questions. ( t ) What was the solvent used for separating the fat from the wheat germ ? ( 2 ) From the yolk of the egg ? ( 3 ) Describe the fat obtained from the wheat germ. (4) From the yolk of the &^%. (5) How were the solvents removed in these experiments? (6) Are fats volatile bodies ? (7) Why do fats ob- tained from different sources vary in appearance and properties ? 272. Ether Extract. — The term ether extract is applied to that class of compounds which is soluble in ether. In the case of human foods, the ether extract consists largely of fats and oils with variable amounts of waxes, resins, chlorophyl, vegetable coloring-matters and nitrogenous and phosphorized bodies as lecithin. The value of the ether extract depends entirely upon its source ; in milk, meats, and cereals and their products, the ether extract is nearly pure fat, while in many vegetables it is less than half fat. Methods of chemical analysis have not, as 5'et, been sufficiently perfected to allow the separation and determination of the pure fat of all materials. The ether extract is obtained by placing a small weighed amount of the dry material in a tube, 3, (Fig. 79) which 204 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY is then placed in a glass extractor connected with a small weighed flask containing ether. The flask is immersed in a water-bath heated by a gas burner, the ether is volatilized, and the vapor passes through openings 2 and 4 into the con- denser where it is cooled and falls back in drops from point 4 on the substance at 5. The ether percolates through the sub- stance and returns to the flask. The fats and ether-soluble mat- ters are not volatilized but remain in the flask while the ether is vaporized and condensed again and again. After the extraction is completed, the ether is distilled from the flask, the ether extract dried and weighed, and the per- centage amount calculated. While the process appears to be simple, it is a difficult operation to con- trol, because even after many- days' extraction, some materials will continue to give up ether extract, and unless unusual care Fig. 79.— Ether extractor. is taken somc of the fats are oxidized. Then, too, the ether extract is liable to be contaminated with impurities if ether of a high degree of purity is not used. When the determinations are made ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OP PLANTS 205 under uniform conditions, the results are comparable and are of value when properly interpreted. Organic Acids 273. Occurrence in Plants.— In all plants and vege- table foods, there are present bodies known as organic acids. An organic acid, like all acids, contains hydrogen which can be replaced by a metal (see Section 75). The negative radical of the acid contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. For example, in tartaric acid, H^C^H^Og, the H2 can be replaced by a metal ; C^HjOg is the tartaric acid radical. Organic acids, like mineral acids, are neutralized by bases. Tartaric Potassium 3,010 trirtr3.t& 2KOH + H^QH^Og = K,C,H A -f 2H,0. As a rule, the organic acids are not present in a free state, but are combined with base-forming elements, as potassium and calcium, forming organic and acid salts. In plants, the organic acids are found mainly in solution, as in the sap. When the plant matures, they are used either for the construction of other organic compounds, or are neutralized by bases to form insoluble salts, as calcium oxalate, and deposited as crystals in the leaves. A small amount of acid is found in all mature seeds, and during germination, some of the carbohydrates are con- verted into acids. In green vegetables and small fruits, the organic acids are found more liberally than in the seeds of grains ; in the leaves and stems of matured plants, but little acid is found. Some of the organic acids from fruits are of commercial value, as crude tar- 2o6 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY taric acid or argol found in grapes, and from which cream of tartar is prepared. There are a large number of or- ganic acids found in plants and food materials, and in the study of organic chemistry; these acids constitute an im- portant part. In this work, only a few of the more common organic acids are considered. 274. Tartaric Acid is the characteristic acid of grapes. It is also found in small amounts in pineapples, cucum- bers and potatoes. It can be produced in the laboratory by the oxidation of milk-sugar and other carbohydrates. Crude tartar or argol, from which commercial cream of tartar is made, is deposited when grape juice ferments. When tartaric acid is neutralized with bases, tartrates are formed. Sodium potassium tartrate (Rochelle salt) is one of the most important salts of tartaric acid. 275. Malic Acid occurs in many vegetables and small fruits, as tomatoes, currants and strawberries. It is the organic acid which occurs most abundantly in small fruits. Malic acid can be produced from tartaric acid by the action of hydrochloric acid. 276. Succinic Acid is found in many plants, and also in animal tissues. Small amounts of this acid are formed when dextrose undergoes alcoholic fermentation. Suc- cinic acid occurs also in soils, particularly those of a peaty character. It can be produced from malic acid by the action of hydrochloric acid. Chemically, the three acids, tartaric, malic and succinic, are closely related. 277. Oxalic Acid is found in small amounts in nearly all plants, particularly those of the oxalis variety. In ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OP PI^ANTS 207 some plants, it is present in sufiicient amounts to be poisonous. Oxalic acid can be produced, in the labo- rator}^ by the action of nitric acid upon sugar and other carbohj'drates. 278. Citric Acid is present in lemons and many small fruits. It is found in small amounts in peas, beans, vetches, and lupines, and with malic acid in cherries, strawberries and currants. Experiment §5. — Citric acid from lemons. Measure out with the pipette 10 cc. of the prepared lemon juice solution. Dilute with about 25 cc. distilled water, and add 5 to 7 drops phenolphthal- ein indicator. Then add standard KOH from the burette until a faint pink tinge remains permanent. One cc. KOH will neutralize 0.004 gram citric acid. How much citric acid is present ? The lemon juice solution is prepared by diluting the clear lemon juice with ten times its bulk of distilled water and filtering. Questions (i) Why was KOH used in this experiment? (2) What chemical change took place when KOH was added to the diluted lemon juice? (3) What change in color was observed? (4) What was the final product formed in this experiment ? (5) How does this experiment compare in principle with Experiment 10? 279. Tannic Acid. — In many seeds and leaves of plants, bitter astringent compounds, as tannin and tannic acid, are found. They may lessen the value of a food because they retard the natural process of digestion. Tannic acid is not present in food plants in any appre- ciable amounts. Commercially, the tannins are valuable for the tanning of leather and for other purposes. Tannin- yielding plants are occasionally grown as marketable crops. 280. Function and Food Value of the Organic Acids. 208 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY —The organic acids of plants are valuable mainly because they impart palatability to foods and exert a favorable influence upon digestion by stimulating the secretion and flow of the digestive fluids. Many of the organic acids have medicinal properties, and some, as oxalic acid, are poisonous. The organic acids cannot be considered as heat- or flesh- producing nutrients, but simply as food adjuncts. In plants, they take an important part in the assimilation of the mineral elements of plant food, and the production of new tissue. The acid sap comes in contact with the soil particles, dissolving the plant food which is then absorbed by osmosis. Essential Oils 281. General Properties.— The essential or volatile oils are the compounds which impart characteristic taste and odor to plants. They differ from the fixed oils or fats by completely volatilizing when heated, and leaving no permanent residue on cloth or paper. They also have an entirely different chemical composition from the fats. 282. Occurrence. — Volatile or essential soils are found, in some form, in nearly all plants, particularly during growth. In some fruits, and seeds, they impart the characteristic flavor and give individuality to the mate- rial. Oil of lemon, oil of cedar, and oil of nutmeg are ex- amples of essential oils. In nearly every plant, one or more of the essential oils is present at some period of growth. 283. Chemical Composition and Properties. — The essential oils are mixed bodies, many of tliem belonging ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 209 to the aromatic series of compounds (see Section 138). According to chemical composition, they may be divided into four groups, and each group in turn into a number of subdivisions. Groups. Examples. 1. Terpenes, CioHjg Oil of lemon, oil of turpentine. 2. Cedrenes, CijH^^ Oil of cedar, oil of cubeb. 3. Aromatic aldehydes. . • Oil of cinnamon, oil of almond. 4. Etherical salts Pineapple and fruit flavors. The essential oils are separated frortf plants by distil- lation. At ordinary temperatures, most of them are liquids, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. When the terpenes and cedrenes oxidize, they produce resinous deposits from which turpentine is obtained (see Section 135). The aromatic aldehydes form a homologous .series beginning with benzoic aldehyde, CgHj.CHO, and are present in many plants and fruits, imparting flavor. Ethyl formate, C2H5.HCO2, peach flavor, ethyl butyrate, CaHj.C^H^O^, pineapple flavor, and amyl valerate found in apples, are some of the common etherical salts. 284. Essential Oils of Agricultural Crops. — When hay is cut, the odor produced is due to a volatile oil. This material is lost when the hay is overcured or ex- posed to leaching rains. The characteristic odor of clover, particularly pronounced in sweet clover, is due to an aromatic body. The odors of all fodder crops are imparted by characteristic essential oils. In the prepa- ration of hay and fodder crops, it should be the aim to prevent, as far as possible, any loss of essential oils. This can be accomplished by cutting the fodder before it 2IO AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY is overripe, and then avoiding bleaching and leaching. Rape, turnips, cabbage, parsley and onions contain essen- tial oils. 285. Synthetic Production of Essential Oils. — Nearly all of the essential oils found in fruits, as pine- apple flavor, peach flavor, and vanilla, are capable of being produced synthetically in the laboratory. They are definite chemical compounds, and it is only necessary to bring together, under the right conditions, the radicals or component parts for them to unite and form these compounds. Pineapple flavor is ethyl butyrate. The acid constituent of this salt, butyric acid, is found in stale butter, while the basic part of the radical is present in ether and alcohol. The chemical union of butyric acid and the ethyl radical gives ethyl butyrate or pineapple flavor. In fact, nearly all of the commercial fruit flavors are laboratory products. When properly made, they are identical with the same flavors as found in fruits, but frequently they contain traces of acid or alkaline products used in their preparation. 286. Amount of Essential Oils in Plants. — The amount of essential oils in plants and foods is small, less than I per cent, and usually only a fraction of a percent. This small amount is, however, sufficient to give a char- acteristic taste. 287. Food Value. — Some of the essential oils of fod- ders, like the organic acids, exert a favorable influence upon digestion by i^mparting palatability and stimulating the secretion and flow of the digestive fluids. They are ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OP PLANTS 211 not heat- or muscle-forming nutrients, but simply food adjuncts. Some of the essential oils have medicinal properties, while others, as oil of bitter almonds, are poisonous. • Experiment 56. — Essential oil from tea. Place 0.5 gram tea into Fig. 80. — Preparation of essential oils, a small flask, and add 50 cc. water. Connect the flask with a delivery tube, one end of which leads into a test-tube containing 212 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY water. Arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. So. Apply heat and distil 3 to 5 cc. Observe odor of distillate which is the volatile oil of tea. Repeat this experiment, using sweet or red clover. 288. Miscellaneous Compounds of Plants. — Not all of the non-nitrogenous compounds present in plants are included in the subdivisions : carbohydrates, fats, organic acids and essential oils. The most important and more common ones are, however, included in the above list. There are a great many others which, for convenience of classification, are called miscellaneous or mixed com- pounds. 289. Relationship of Non-Nitrogenous Compounds of Plants. — A marked general relationship exists between many of the non-nitrogenous compounds. For example, the various carbohydrates are capable of undergoing chemical changes in which one form is changed to another. Starch can be converted into cellulose, sucrose, maltose or any other carbohydrate, and conversely cellu- lose can be converted into starch or other similar com- pounds. These changes take place during plant growth, particularly in the germination of the seed, and are brought about by the action of ferment bodies which cause either the addition or elimination of water from the molecule, as 2C,H,A+H,0 = C,,H,Ai- Not all of these reactions can take place in the laboratory. Starch may be changed to glucose or maltose, and sucrose may undergo inversion and form invert sugars, but sucrose cannot be made in the laboratory ; neither can starch or cellulose be made from glucose. During ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 213 germination, some of the carbohydrates are converted into organic acids. The fatty acids are the characteristic constituents of fats. In germinating seeds, fat is formed from starch by the addition of oxygen. The pectose substances are capable of being separated in the laboratory into glucose and acid products. Likewise the glucosides may be split up into glucose and acid bodies. In fact, the various non- nitrogenous compounds of plants, considered as a whole, are more or less related in chemical composition. 290. Food Value of the Non-Nitrogenous Com= pounds. — As a class, the non-nitrogenous compounds are valuable as heat- and energy-producing nutrients. They do not all have the same caloric or fuel value ; for example, a gram of starch yields 4.2 calories while a gram of fat yields 9.2. As a rule, the more concentrated the compound is in carbon, the greater is its fuel value. When properly associated and combined with the nitrogenous compounds, the non-nitrogenous nutrients of plants may produce fat in the animal body. A few of the non- nitrogenous compounds, as the essential oils, have but little direct value as nutrients. Others, as some bitter principles and tannic compounds, may lessen the value of foods or impart a negative value. The carbohydrates, fats, and related non-nitrogenous compounds take an im- portant part in the nutrition of man and animals, and many foods owe their value entirely to the fats and car- bohydrates which they contain. CHAPTER XXIV Nitrogenous Organic Compounds of Plants 291. Amount of Nitrogenous Matter in Plants As a rule, less than 15 per cent, of the dry matter of plants is nitrogenous material. In the seeds of legumes, as beans and peas, this amounts to about 22 per cent. In nearly all plants, the non-nitrogenous compounds are from six to ten times more abundant than the nitrogenous. 292. Different Terms Applied to Nitrogenous Com- pounds.— Unfortunately, the various terms used to desig- nate the nitrogenous compounds have not been uniformly applied. The terms nitrogenous compounds, proteids, crude protein, and albuminoids have been used synony- mously, but each applies to a different class of bodies. The terms organic nitrogenous compounds and crude protein are the most satisfactory when applied to the entire group ; proteids and albuminoids are subdivisions of the nitrogenous compounds. 293. Complexity of Composition. — The nitrogenous compounds are more complex in composition than the non-nitrogenous. The percentage composition and for- mulas of nearly all of the non-nitrogenous compounds of plants have been determined, and while the percentage composition and the physical and chemical properties of the more important nitrogenous compounds are known no definite formulas have, as j'et, been applied because of the complexity of their molecular structure. The nitroge- NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 215 nous compounds are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and many contain in addition to these, phosphorus, sulphur and other elements. . 294. Classification of Nitrogenous Compounds. — For food purposes, the nitrogenous compounds of plant and animal bodies may be divided into four groups : ( i ) Proteids, (2) albuminoids, (3) amides, and (4) alka- loids. There are a few nitrogenous compounds in plants that do not find a place in any of the above subdivisions. Proteids 295. General Composition.— Proteids are complex nitrogenous compounds that contain about 16 per cent, of nitrogen and less than 2 per cent, of sulfur. The per cent, of the different elements in protein compounds from various sources ranges as follows : Per cent. Carbon 51.2-54.7 Hydrogen 6. 7-7.6 Nitrogen 15. 2-18.0 Oxygen 20. 2-23.5 Sulfur 0.3-2.0 It was believed, at one time, that all of the various compounds called proteids had, in common, a nitrogenous radical in their molecule to which the name protein was given, but this hypothesis has not been found correct. The term protein has been retained but without reference to the supposed protein radical. 296. Occurrence. — Proteids are found more abun- dantly in the seeds of plants than in the leaves or other parts, and are always present in the active living cells of 2l6 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY both plants and animals. The proteids take an important part in life processes, protoplasm being largely of a proteid nature. In the growing plant, the proteids are found most abundantly in the leaves ; at maturity, they are stored up in the seed for the future use of the embryo. The proteids occur either in a soluble form in the liquids of plant and animal tissues or in a semisolid, insoluble condition as a part of the tissues. The proteids from animal and plant sources are closely related, but are not in every respect identical. For food purposes, however, they may be jointly considered. 297. Physical Properties. — While the members of the proteid group differ materially, they all have certain physical properties in common. All are optically active and turn polarized light to the left. The soluble proteids, with the exception of peptones and proteoses, are coagu- lated by heat. The proteids show a wide range in solu- bility, but all are soluble in either acid or alkaline solu- tions. As a class, they do not crystallize, and are diffusible with the exception of the peptones and pro- teoses. 298. Chemical Properties. — In structure the proteid molecule is an exceedingly complex and unstable bod3\ It is readily acted upon by ferments and chemicals. Nitro- gen seems to form a weak link in the chain of elements. Proteids unite with acids and alkalies to form acid and alkali proteids. In plants, the proteids are generally united with small amounts of organic acids and mineral com- pounds, particularly phosphorus and potassium. They all respond to certain reactions : ( i ) Nitric acid gives a NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 217 permanent yellow color ; (2) a solution of mercury and nitric acid, known as Millon's reagent, gives a brick-red color with the acid if heated ; (3) a solution of copper sulfate and potassium hydrate gives a violet-colored solu- tion. The proteids, found in living cells, have different properties from those in dead tissue. Proteids readily undergo oxidation, and are chemically altered in the preparation of many foods. When the protein molecule is acted upon by heat, a large number of products are formed, as fatty acids, amides, aromatic bodies, ammonia, and carbohydrate-like bodies. The most common change which the proteids undergo is the rearrangement of the atoms and radicals in the molecule. The coagulation of albumin by heat is a chemical reaction in which the atoms and radicals in the albumin molecule are sim- ply rearranged structurally. The fact that it is possi- ble for such a large class of compounds as the proteids to be composed of only a few common elements, and for the various members to have different properties, is accounted for by differences instructural composi- tion. Experiment ^y . — Testing for nitrogenous organic compounds. Mix 0.5 gram dry clover with enough soda lime to half fill a test- tube. Connect the test-tube with a delivery tube, one end of which leads into another test-tube containing water. Apply heat for from five to seven minutes. Test the distillate with test paper. (Soda lime has the power to decompose proteid material and liberate the N as NH3. The C and O of the proteid unite and form COjandH^O.) Questions. ( i ) What reaction was obtained when the distillate was tested with litmus ? (2) What compound was produced which 2l8 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY gave this reaction? (3) What does this indicate that clover con- tains? (4) Why was this compound liberated? 299. Classification of Proteids. — For purposes of study, the proteids may be divided into five classes : (i) Albumins, (2) globulins, (3) albuminates (casein), (4) peptones and proteoses, and (5) insoluble proteids. There are some proteids that do not belong to any of the above divisions. The albumin, albuminate (casein), and the insoluble proteids are those found most abun- dantly in plant and animal bodies. 300. Albumins. — The albumins are proteids soluble in water and easily coagulated by heat. Egg albumin, serum albumin and lactalbumin, are examples of animal albumins. Wheat, oats, rye and nearly all vegetables, when extracted with water, yield some albumin which can be coagulated by heat or precipitation with chemicals. In many vegetables, the albumin is lost when the mate- rial is soaked in water for any length of time. Potatoes, for example, lose a large amount of their albumin if soaked in cold water before boiling. Experiment 58. — Tests for albumin . In each of four separate test- tubes, place a 3 cc. portion of a solution of egg albumin. To No. i add 3 cc. strong alcohol. To No. 2, add 2 cc. HNO3 and heat ; when cool, add NH^OH. To No. 3, apply heat. To No. 4, add a few drops of lead acetate. Questions, (i) What change occurred when the solution was heated? (2) When alcohol was added? (3) When HNO3 was used and heat applied ? (4) What did the Pb(C2H302)2 do? (5) What do these tests show in regard to the properties of albumin. Experiment sg. — Albumin and allied proteids from oats. Place in a flask 10 grams of ground oats and 50 cc. of water. Cork and NITROGKNOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PI.ANTS 219 shake vigorously ; let stand for half an hour or until the next day. Filter (if not clear refilter) and make the following tests with separate portions of the filtrate. ( i ) To 5 cc. add a few drops of tannic acid. (2) To 5 cc. add a few drops of lead acetate. Questions. ( i ) What were the results when tannic acid and lead acetate were added ? ( 2 ) Do the tests indicate any large amount of albumin ? (3) How do these tests compare with those of the preceding experiment ? 301. Globulins form a group of proteids insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute salt solution. When animal or vegetable substances, as meat, eggs, wheat, rye or oats, are treated with dilute salt solutions (NaCl), after re- moval of the albumins, soluble proteid substances called globulins are obtained which are coagulated by heat. There are a large number of vegetable globulins. The chief globulin of meat is myosin. When meat is soaked in a dilute salt solution, and then cooked as food, the myosin is extracted and lost. In strong salt solution, myosin and other globulins are insoluble ; hence the use of strong brine in the curing of meats. In the blood, there are globulins present, and in the yolk of an egg, a globulin-like body, vitellin is found. As a rule, globulins do not make up a very large proportion of the proteids of foods. Experiment 60. — Obtaining globulin from oats. To the residue left in the flask from Experiment 59, add 2 grams of salt and 50 cc. water. Shake vigorously and, after one hour, filter and make the same tests as in Experiment 59. Save the residue in the flask for Experiment 65. Questions. ( i ) What results were obtained when the solution was tested with lead acetate and tannic acid,? (2) What do these results indicate ? (3) What are globulins ? 2 20 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Experiment 6i . — Separation of meat globulin or myosin. Test as follows four 3 cc. portionsof myosin solution, prepared by soaking fresh meat in a 5 per cent, salt solution. To the first, add a few drops of alum solution. To the second, add a few drops of lead acetate. To the third, add salt until the solution is saturated. To the fourth, apply heat. Questions. ( i ) What result was obtained with the alum solution and what does this indicate ? (2) What did the lead acetate and the salt solutions do? (3) What was used as the solvent for the myosin? (4) What is myosin? (5) What are the properties of myosin ? 302. Albuminates. — The albuminates are a group of proteids widely distributed in both animals and plants. They may be produced by the action of either dilute acids or alkalies upon albumins or globulins. The albuminates are insoluble in water, and when an acid albumin is netitralized with an alkali, the albuminate is precipitated. In like manner, an acid precipitates an alkali albumin. Casein is an albuminate present in milk, and is in a semi- soluble form combined with some of the mineral matter. Casein is soluble in dilute alkalies, but is precipitated by acids. In plants the albuminates are sometimes called vegetable casein. From peas, a casein-like body can be extracted. E'^periment 62. — Separation of meat albuminate or syntonin. To 3 cc. portionsof prepared syntonin soh;ti on, add: To the first, Na^COj until neutral, avoiding excess as it dissolves the precipitate ; to the second, add NaOH a drop at a time until neutral ; to the third, add a few drops of lead acetate. Syntonin solution is prepared by cutting fresh meat into small pieces, and extracting it for four hours, in water containing a few drops of HCl. Questions, (i) What result was obtained when each reagent NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PI ANTS 221 was added to the syntonin solution? (2) What was used in the preparation and what as the solvent for syntonin. (3) What is syntonin ? (4) What are the properties of syntonin? Experiment dj. — Preparation of vegetable casein from peas. Place in an evaporator, i gram of pea meal, 100 cc. H2O, and 3 cc. NaOH. Heat on the sand-bath, occasionally stirring. Filter. If the filtration is slow, pour off and use some of the clear solution. Neutralize with HCl and observe. Questions. — ( i ) To what class of proteids does vegetable casein be- long? (2) What was used as the solvent for extracting the vegetable casein? (3) What effect had HCl? (4) How does vegetable casein resemble that from milk in solubility and other properties ? 303. Peptones and Proteoses are closely related groups of proteids present in animal and vegetable bodies. When any proteid material is acted upon by the peptic and tryptic ferments, peptones are formed. These are soluble in water, and are not coagulated by heat or precipitated by acids or alkalies. They are derived from other proteids by ferment action, and are the first prod- ucts formed when the proteids of the food undergo diges- tion. In prepared or peptonized foods, the peptonizing process is carried on artificially. When meat undergoes the curing or ripening process, a small amount of peptones is produced. Peptones are naturally present in milk and also in traces in nearly all cereal products. When seeds germinate, proteoses are formed. These compounds are never present in ordinary foods in any appreciable amount. Experiment 6^. — Tests with peptones. Measure into separate test-tubes, three 5 cc. portions of peptone solution. To the first, apply heat and, when cool, add a few drops of tannic acid. To the second, add a few drops of alum solution. To the third, add 5 cc. alcohol. The peptone solution is prepared by treating coagulated 22 2 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY egg albumin with pepsin. 5 grams of commercial pepsin are dis- solved in I liter of water containing 5 drops HCl. This artificial pepsin solution represents the solvent power of gastric juice upon proteid substances. The white of a hard boiled egg is put into a flask, and 250 cc. pepsin solution added ; the flask is then placed in a water-bath which is kept at a temperature of 38° C. for four or five hours. Questions, (i) What action did the pepsin have on the egg albumin and what was produced ? (2) What was the result, when heat was applied in test No. i, and how does this compare with the result when egg albumin was similarly treated ? (3) What effect did tannic acid and alum have upon the pepsin solution and what did they produce? (4) What was the result when alcohol was added? (5) What are peptones? (6) What does this experiment show in regard to some of the properties of peptones ? 304. Insoluble Proteids. — The in.soluble proteids are present in plant and animal bodies in larger amounts than are any of the other proteids, and include a large number of similar though chemically distinct bodies. Muscular tissue is composed largely of insoluble proteids. In seeds, the term gluten is frequently applied to this class of compounds which is a mixture of two or more insoluble proteids. Wheat gluten for example is com- posed of gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin is a glue-like body which binds together the flour particles, and in bread- making, enables the gas to be retained in the dough. Glutenin is a fine, gray material which unites mechanically with the gliadin to form gluten. An excess of gliadin produces a soft gluten. As a class, the insoluble proteids are not soluble in water or dilute salt solutions, but are soluble in dilute acids and alkalies. They all undergo the peptonizing NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 223 process and yield proteoses and peptones. The insoluble proteids are the most common form of proteids in foods. Experiment 6j. — Obtaining insoluble proteids from oats. To the residue left in the flask from Experiment 60, add 2 cc. NaOH and 50 cc. water. After shaking and allowing half an hour (or until the next day) for the extraction of the proteids, filter off the solution and make the following tests: (i) Neutralize 5 cc. with HCl, and if no precipitate appears, add a few drops of lead acetate; (2) neutralize 5 cc. with HCl and evaporate to dryness on the water-bath. Questions, (i) Why was NaOH used? (2) What effect did the HCl and lead acetate have when added to the solution, and what was formed? (3) How did this precipitate of insoluble proteids from oats compare in amount with the globulin and albumin precipitation in Experiments 59 and 60 ? (4) What is an insoluble proteid ? 305. Food Value of Proteids.— The proteid com- pounds of plant and animal bodies serve three purposes as nutrients : ( i ) To produce new muscular tissue and vital fluids in the body, and supply material for repairing broken-down tissue ; (2) to produce heat and energy; (3) to assist in the production of fat. The main function of the proteids is to produce new proteid tissue in the body, and to furnish a material for the repair of old or worn-out proteid matter. The vital fluids of the body, as blood, chjane, milk, and the diges- tive fluids, all contain proteids, and the animal body is incapable of producing any from either non-nitrogenous or amide compounds. When the food fails to supply a sufficient amount of protein, the body uses its reserve supply as long as it lasts, and then starvation results. When there is an excess of proteids in the food, it is 224 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY used for producing heat or is stored up in the body as fat. Either an excessive or a scant amount of proteidsin a human or animal ration is not desirable or economical. As stated under chemical properties of proteids, Section 298, the proteid molecule, when broken up, forms a large number of simpler bodies, as fatty acids and carbohydrate radicals ; hence, it is poor economy to feed proteids in excess and have part perform the functions of fats and carbohydrates. Protein is present in many foods in defi- cient amounts, and when such foods are used, they should be combined with those rich in proteids. There are a few proteids which are poisonous bodies. Some of the toxins produced during disease are proteids. 306. The Amount of Proteids in Plants varies accord- ing to the kind, stage of growth, and part of the plant considered. Seeds always contain the largest amount, while roots and stalks contain the least. In wheat, oats, barley and rye, the amount ranges from 10 to 15 per cent. , while in corn, it ranges from 9 to 12 percent. Beans and peas contain about 25 per cent. Clover hay contains from II to 14 per cent. ; timothy hay and corn fodder, 6 to 9 per cent. ; while in straw there is usually less than 4 per cent. During the early stages of growth, the dry matter in all plants is relatively richer in proteids than at maturity. This is because the proteids are formed mainty in the early stages, while the carbohydrates are produced more abundantly in the later stages of growth. 307. Crude Protein.— This term is applied to the nitroge- nous compounds of foods, taken collectively, as a group. The word crude is used to distinguish this group because NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 225 it contains various nitrogenous bodies, not proteids. Pure protein is a simple chemical compound, while crude protein consists of a group of compounds of which pure protein is one. The albumin of eggs and milk and the gluten of grains are types of pure proteids. In many foods, as potatoes, roots, and fruits, less than half of the crude pro- tein is pure protein. Crude pro- tein, from different sources, is unlike in character, composition, and, to a certain extent, in food value. Less is known of its composition and food value than of any other class of nutrients in foods. In the analysis of plant and animal substances, the chemist first determines the per cent, of total organic nitrogen and then multiplies this by 6.25 to obtain the equivalent amount of crude protein. This is because the proteids contain, on the average, nitrogen. about 16 per cent, nitrogen, or there is about one part of nitrogen to every 6.25 of protein (100 h- 16 ^ 6.25). The nitrogen can be determined with accuracy ; in fact, the method for its determination is one of the most accu- rate in chemistry. In brief, the method consists in first digesting a small weighed amount of material in a flask 15 Fig. 81. — Digestion apparatus used in the determination of 226 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY with sulfuric acid to oxidize the organic matter and con- vert the nitrogen into ammonium sulfate (see Fig. 8i). Fig. 82. — Distillation apparatus used in the determination of nitrogen. The nitrogen, in the form of ammonium sulfate, is then liberated as free ammonia, distilled and its amount deter- mined (see Fig. 82). Albuminoids 308. Composition of Albuminoids. — This term is applied to a class of bodies resembling proteids, but differing from them in composition and food value. Albuminoids are found in both animal and plant bodies, but more abundantly in animal tissues. Some albumi- noids are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, while others contain, in addition, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements. 309. Nuclein is an albuminoid found in both plant and animal bodies ; it is the material of which the nuclei of cells are composed, and has been separated from milk, the yolk of egg, and white blood corpuscles, as well as NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 227 from plant substances. This albuminoid contains phos- phorus, and has been assigned the formula CjoH^gNgPjO^a. Nuclein takes an important part in the growth and life processes of both plant and animal cells. From different sources it has slightly different chemical properties. It is probably a mixture of several bodies, and not a dis- tinct chemical compound. 310. Gelatin is an albuminoid obtai-ned from connec- tive tissue and bones by the action of either boiling water or dilute acids upon an albuminoid called collagen. Commercial gelatin or glue is the crude product obtained from animal refuse. The formula CioaHi^jN^^Ogg has been assigned to gelatin. Gelatin contains no sulfur, and has a different proportion of nitrogen from that found in proteid bodies. 311. Mucin is an albuminoid present in connective tissue. It is the chief constituent of mucus, and imparts sliminess to the secretions of the mucous membrane. Mucin is present in the saliva from the submaxillary glands, and in the bile and other fluids of the body, par- ticularly those of an alkaline nature. 312. Elastin is an insoluble albumoid found in connec- tive tissue. Keratin is the hard, horny material found in nails, hoofs and horns, while chondrin is obtained from cartilage. A number of other albuminoids also are pres- ent in both animal and plant bodies. 313. Food Value of Albuminoids. — Gelatin and most of the animal albuminoids undergo digestion, but cannot take the place of protein in a ration. An animal 228 AGRICULTURAIv CHEMISTRY would soon die if its nitrogenous food were entirely in the form of gelatin. Gelatin, when combined with other nutrients, may, however, prevent the rapid conversion of the tissue proteids into circulatory proteids, and thus aids in establishing a proteid equilibrium in the body. Nuclein and some of the nucleated albuminoids have a higher food value than gelatin, and are considered as having the same value as the true proteids. As a nutrient, the gelatin albuminoids conserve the proteids of the body, but do not take the place of proteids in the repair of worn-out tissues. Amides and Amines 314. Composition and Properties. — The amides and amines are heterogeneous compounds found in both animal and plant bodies. They are less complex in com- position than either the proteids or albuminoids; and are produced by replacing one or more of the hydrogen atoms of ammonia with an organic radical. If the radical is acid in character, an amide is formed ; if alcoholic or basic, an amine is produced. Amides and amines are re- lated to ammonia as will be observed from the following formulas : yH yCjH^Oj /CH3 N— H X— H N— H Ammonia. Amide. Amine. (Amidoacetic acid. ) (Methylamine. ) When the methyl group or radical replaces one of the h3^drogen atoms of NH3, the product is methylamine. When the acetic acid radical replaces one of the hydrogen NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 229 atoms of NH3, the product is amidoacetic acid. The amides and amines are sometimes called compound am- monias, and are produced in plants from ammonia during growth, and in animals during the digestion of proteids. 315. Formation and Occurrence in Plants. — The amide and amine compounds in plants are present mainly in the early stages of growth. The young plant takes up from the soil simple nitrogenous compounds, as am- monia, then a chemical change occurs in the tissues of the plant, and as a result, a part or all of the hydrogen of the ammonia is replaced, and an amide is formed. In the study of the composition of proteids (see Section 295) it was stated that the proteid molecule when decomposed yields amide and amine products; consequently it would appear that these compounds are intermediate products in the production of proteids. In the early stages of plant growth, amides are present in greatest abun- dance, but as the plant approaches maturity, they are used for the production of proteids. In clover, for example, 35 per cent, of .the total nitrogen is in the form of amides before bloom, while only 12 per cent, is in the same form after bloom. 316. Formation and Occurrence of Amides in Ani= mats. — In the animal body, amides and amines are not formed from ammonium compounds, as in plants, but from proteids. When the proteid molecule is broken up, as in digestion, amides and amines are produced. Urea, an amide, is one of the final products in the digestion of protein, and is excreted from the body in the liquid ex- crements, while amidoacetic acid is excreted with the 230 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY solid excrements. The animal body cannot produce proteids from amides, or amides from ammonia. This elaboration or construction process can take place onlj^ in the plant. The animal body can simply make over into other forms, the proteids supplied in the food, or decom- pose them and form amides and other products. In animal tissues, many amides are produced during fermentation and decay, as methylamine, the base which gives the characteristic odor of fish. Methylamine is also found in rye fodder when the plant is at the heading-out stage, and imparts a fishy taste to the milk of cows fed upon such fodder. In meats, these compounds are associated with other bodies, as ptomaines, w^hich are of a poisonous nature. Amides are also produced during the digestion of food, and if the intermediate products between proteids and amides are not completely oxidized, poisonous substances are formed. 317. Food Value of Amides. — The amides do not have a high food value compared with the proteids, and cannot replace proteids in a ration. The amides possess only a secondary food value, and, like the gelatin albu- minoids, may to a limited extent prevent a rapid waste of body tissue. Some give taste and character to foods, as asparagin in asparagus, and in meats they are the bodies which give flavor. Some of the amides have medicinal properties, while others are poisonous. 318. Amount of Amides in Foods. — In matured grains, less than 5 per cent, of the total nitrogenous matter is in the form of amides, and in meats there is less than i per cent. In some foods, notably roots and NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS 23 1 tubers, the amides constitute a third or more of the nitroge- nous matter. In fodders, the amount depends upon the stage of growth at which the crop is cut. "When mature, from 10 to 15 per cent, of the nitrogenous matter is in the form of amides, while in the early stages of growth, there are two or three times as much. The amides and amines form a part of crude protein (see Section 307). In comparing the crude protein content of food, the amount of amide nitrogen should be con- sidered, because the amides are of less food value than the proteids. 319. Protein Production and Disintegration. — The following cycle of changes takes place in the production of proteids in plants : (i) Ammonia is taken from the soil. (2) An amide is produced from ammonia. (3) A proteid is finally formed from the amide. When plants are used as food, the reverse order of changes takes place in the animal body : (i) The proteid of the food undergoes digestion, and is made over into proteid tissue in the body. This pro- teid tissue is finally broken up into amides. (2) The amide is expelled from the body as waste matter. (3) In the soil, the amides are changed to ammonia, and are then ready to begin anew this cycle of changes. Alkaloids 320. General Composition. — The alkaloids are nitroge- nous organic compounds present in many animal and 232 AGRICUI^TURAI^ CHEMISTRY plant bodies, but not found in any appreciable amount in food plants. They are basic in character and unite with acids to form salts, just as ammonia unites with acids to form salts. Quinin, for example, in an alkaloid, and with sulfuric acid yields quinin sulfate. Animal alka- loids are sometimes called ptomaines and leucomaines. The vegetable alkaloids are generally named from the species of plant or source from which they are obtained, as Peruvian bark alkaloids, lupine alkaloids, and opium alkaloids. 321. Plant Alkaloids. — No alkaloids are found in cereals or ordinary food plants, though at one time it was supposed that oats contained such a stimulating body to which the name avenin was given; later investi- gations have shown that there is no avenin or alkaloidal body in oats. The alkaloids chemically are closel}^ related to the amines, and are produced by the action of amido compounds upon other bodies. They are also produced by the action of fungus bodies, as eargotin, the alkaloid from eargot or grain smut. While found most abundantly in the leaves and seeds, they are found in all parts of plants. Some are cultivated for these bodies which possess medicinal properties. Many poisonous weeds contain alkaloids as the water hemlock and monk's hood. Large numbers of alkaloids are known, and since they possess medicinal rather than food value, they are of more importance to the medical and pharma- ceutical than,- to the agricultural student. A few of the more common alkaloids and their sources are : Piperine, from seeds of black pepper. NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PIvANTS 233 Sinapore, from seeds of mustard. Vicine, from seeds of vetch. Nicotin, from leaves of tobacco. Quinin, from peruvian bark. Strychnin, from strychnos bean. Brucine, from strychnos bean. Morphin, from opium (seeds of poppy). Lupinin, from lupin seeds. 323. Animal Alkaloids. — In the animal body alka- loids are produced by ferment action. During disease, and when the proteids of the food fail too undergo the natural chemical changes of digestion, alkaloids, or ptomaines, are produced which are active poisons or toxic bodies. When animal tissue undergoes decay, ptomaines are produced as the result of ferment action. In stale meat, fish, and cheese, there are a number of such bodies. 323. Food Value and Production. — The alkaloids cannot be regarded as nutrients as they possess no direct food value. Medicinally, many are valuable because of their action upon certain nerve centers. Some alkaloids lessen the value of foods because they prevent the nor- mal process of digestion. A few alkaloids have been produced in the laboratory by synthetic methods, and it is believed that in a short time all of the more important ones will be produced in this way. 324. Mixed Nitrogenous Compounds. — There are a few nitrogenous organic compounds present in foods which do not belong to any of the four divisions : Proteids, albuminoids, amides, and alkaloids. Such bodies are called 234 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY mixed nitrogenous compounds, and are closely related to both the nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous groups. 325. Lecithin is a nitrogenous fat. It is soluble in ether, and has many of the characteristics of fats. It contains fatt)^ acids in combination with nitrogenous bases and other bodies. It is present in milk, egg-yolk, and in small amounts in all of the cereals. 326. Nitrogenous Qlucosides. — There are a number of glucosides which contain nitrogenous radicals. These glucosides, when treated with acids, yield glucose and nitrogenous acid products. The nitrogenous glucosides and lecithin may be regarded as compounds which are intermediate in the classification of the organic com- pounds into nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous groups. 327. General Relationship of the Nitrogenous Or- ganic Compounds. — A general relationship exists among the nitrogenous compounds similar to that among the non-nitrogenous (see Section 289). The amides and amines are the simplest in chemical structure of the nitrogenous compounds, while the proteids are the most complex. In plants, the amides are intermediate com- pounds formed in the production of proteids. The proteid molecule contains, with other bodies, amide and fatty acid radicals. Amide products are also obtained from the albuminoids. Thus it appears that the amides and amines form the basal structure of the nitrogenous part of the molecules of proteids, albuminoids, and alkaloids, and these compounds differ from each other chemically, according to the nature and kind of radicals in combi- nation with the different amide and amine compounds. CHAPTER XXV Chemistry of Plant Growth 328. Seeds. — A seed is an embryo plant surrounded by reserve food materials in the form of mineral matter and nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds. 329. Ash of Seeds. — The proportion of ash in seeds is small compared with that in other parts of plants. For example, the wheat kernel contains 2 per cent, and the straw 7 per cent.; corn contains 1.75 per cent, and the stalks 7 per cent. While seeds contain comparatively little ash, this ash is more concentrated in the essential elements than that of the other parts of plants. In the seeds are stored large amounts of phosphorus pentoxid, magnesia and potash ( ash elements which are of most im- portance for the nutrition of the young plant), while in the straw are found the largest amounts of the non- essential mineral elements, as silicon, sodium and chlorin. The per cent, of the various ash elements in cereals and other seeds is given in Section 209. The amount of ash in seeds is quite constant, more so than in the stems, leaves or other parts of plants. In mature wheat, there is rarely more than 2. 10 per cent, or less than 1.80 per cent. , while in the straw, the amount may range from 5 to 9 per cent. Constancy of composition is a characteristic of the ash of seeds. 330. Non-Nitrogenous Compounds of Seeds. — Starch, cellulose, and fat are usually the most abundant non- nitrogenous compounds in seeds. Small amounts of 236 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY other non-nitrogenous bodies, as sugar, gums, pentosans and organic acids, are also present. There is no regular law as to the way in which the reser\^e food is stored up in seeds. Even in the same family of plants, the nature of this reserve food may vary between wide limits. Starch forms the largest proportion of the reserve food of the cereals. In oil seeds, as flax, rape and mustard, fat is the main form of non- nitrogenous food. Since fat is about 2.25 times more concentrated in fuel value than starch, it follows that in oil seeds, a large amount of re- serve material is stored up in a small space. Oil seeds are, as a rule, small in size, but concentrated in both non- nitrogenous and nitrogenous food. The cellular tissue of seeds is composed of cellulose and pentosan materials. The amount of pure cellulose is generally small. 331. Nitrogenous Compounds of Seeds. — The nitroge- nous compounds of seeds are present mainly in the form of insoluble proteids, as the glutens of the cereals. Small amounts of other proteids, as albumin, globulin and proteose, are also present, as well as some of the albumi- noids, as nuclein, and a small amount of amide com- pounds. In studying the carbohydrates, it was found that starch was present in regular organized forms called starch granules. In many seeds, particularly cereals, the proteids also are present in organized forms called aleurone grains. Under the microscope, the aleurone grains look like crystals. They are not true crystals because they are not built on a definite plan. An aleurone grain consists mostl}^ of proteid matter enclosed in a nitrogenous envelope. The nitrogenous compounds CHKMISTRY OF PLANT GROWTH 237 of seeds are stored up mainly in the germ or portion adja- cent to the embryo. The amount of nitrogenous mate- rial in seeds is, like the ash, quite constant in form and amount. 332. Chemical Changes during Germination. — All of the food materials in seeds undergo chemical changes during the process of germination. The chief agents in bringing about these changes are the various kinds of soluble ferments hich are always present win seeds. The more important changes can be summarized as follows : Cellulose is changed to soluble carbohydrates; starch is changed to soluble forms and then into dextrose bodies ; fat is changed to starch ; insoluble proteids are changed to proteoses and a small amount to amides. Organic acids are produced from both nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds during germination. 333. Change of Starch to Soluble Forms. — When seeds germinate, the starch is changed to soluble forms before it is utilized by the plantlet. During conversion of starch into soluble forms, the diastase ferment be- comes active, rendering the granulose soluble, and finally leaving nothing but a pitted cellulose skeleton which is also rendered soluble. The change of starch into soluble forms and dextrose bodies is brought about by the action of ferments, particularly diastase which is found in all seeds. During the process of germination, some of the starch is oxidized, and heat is produced. Not only starch, but other carbohydrates, as pentose and cellulose, likewise undergo similar change during germination. Experiment 66. — Reaction of germinating seeds. Fill a cylin- 238 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Fig. 83. der with moist sawdust; then place upon the sawdust between two blue litmus papers a few wheat seeds. Cover with a little of the moist sawdust. After germination, ex- amine the litmus paper. Questions. ( i ) What was the reaction of the rootlets upon the litmus paper? (2) How was the material which caused the re- action produced? (3) What does this sug- gest as to the solvent action of plant roots? (4) How would the dry matter of the ger- minated seeds compare with that of the origi- nal seeds ? 334. Change of Fats to Starch. — In germination, the fats are first broken up into fatty acids and then con- verted into starch, soluble carbohydrates as dextrin and invert sugars. It is estimated that 887 parts of fat will produce 1700 parts of starch by the simple addition of oxygen from the air. Ferment action causes this change to take place. In the oil seeds, about twice the amount of reserve food is stored in the same space in the form of fat as in other seeds in the form of starch. 335. Change of Insoluble Proteids to Soluble Forms. — The proteid compounds of seeds, present mainly in insoluble forms, are converted by ferment action into soluble forms as proteoses. Some of the soluble pro- teids are broken down into amides which are then in con- dition to be transported through the plant tissues and used as building material. After passing through the cell walls, these compounds are reconstructed into proteids. CHKMISTRY OP PI^ANT GROWTH 239 There is always a slight loss of nitrogen in the germina- tion of seeds. 336. Germination of Seeds and Digestion of Food Compared. — The chemical changes which take place in the germination of seeds are similar to those which take place in the digestion of food. In the germination pro- cess, starch, fat, . and proteids are changed by ferment action to soluble forms. The diastase and peptonizing ferments are among the most active in producing the chemical changes in both the germination and diges- tion processes. Seed germination is, in part, a digestion process. 337. The Necessary Conditions for Germination are: (i) Moisture, (2) heat, and (3) oxygen. The same conditions which produce decay are necessary for germination. The temperature required for germination ranges between comparatively narrow limits : Wheat 35° F. to 104° F. Barley 38° F. to 104° F. Peas 44.5° F. to 102° F. Corn 48° F. toii5°F. The necessity of oxygen for germination is shown by the following experiment : When seeds are put into water those that float are generally the only ones that germinate. A few of those that sink may germinate, getting their oxygen from that dissolved in water. If a current of air is passed through the water all of the seeds will germinate. Oxygen is necessary during germination in order to oxidize some of the reserve material and pro- duce heat. Seeds, in germinating, always lose weight. 240 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Malted or germinated seeds weigh less than the original seeds. 338. Heavy= and Light=Weight Seeds.— While seeds are quite constant in chemical composition, there is, however, a slightly greater amount of total plant food in heavy- than in light-weight seeds. In the case of wheat, experiments have shown that the additonal reser\'e food in heavy-weight seeds favorably influences the growth of the crop, particularly when the soil is slightly deficient in available plant food. The additional reserve food in heavy-weight seeds enables the young plant to reach a higher stage of growth before being compelled to collect and assimilate food from the soil. When the soil is in a high state of fertility the difference in results between light- and heavy-weight seeds is less noticeable. Experiment 6j. — Calculation of plant food in seeds. Weigh 100 phimp, well-formed wheat kernels. Then from this weight and the following data compute the grams of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash per 1,000 wheat kernels. Wheat contains about 2 per cent, nitrogen, and 90 per cent, dry matter. The dry matter contains about 2 per cent, ash, approximately 50 per cent, of the ash being P.2O5, and 33 per cent. KjO. Repeat the experiment, using 100 shrunken wheat kernels. Tabulate and compare the results. Questions. — (i) How much more reserve plant food is there as N, P2O5 and KjO in heavy- than in light-weight seeds? Movement of Plant Juices 339. Joint Action of Cliemical and Piiysical Agents. — The compounds produced in the leaves of plants are transported and stored in other parts, as the seeds or roots ; this is brought about by the joint action of CHEMISTRY OF PLANT GROWTH 24I physical and chemical agents. This action can best be understood by first considering a few of the properties of plant tissues, as porosity, capillarity, and osmosis. 340. Porosity of Tissues is a property common to all forms'of matter, and one possessed particularly by vege- table substances. The living plant not only admits the passage of water through its tissues, but absorbs it until the pores are filled. Animal and vegetable tissues always possess the power to take up and tenaciously hold water within their fibers. This is, in part, due to capil- lary action (see Section 20, Chemistry of Soils and Fer- tilizers). Capillarity, assisted by evaporation, explains onl}^ in part the movement of the plant juices. Com- pounds formed within the leaf must be transported in an opposite direction to that taken by the sap in moving from the roots to the leaves. This movement is effected by osmosis, and chemical reaction within the cells. 341. Osmosis. — When a bottle filled with a solution of salt, colored with litmus, is placed in a large vessel of water, the bottle will discharge its contents into the water and the movement of the solutions can be followed with the eye. If sugar and salt solutions are separated by a membrane, there is a gradual interchange between the two solutions. Some of the sugar finds its way into the salt solution, and some of the salt finds its way into the sugar solution. This action or interchange is still further increased when the solutions are of different densities and when chemical action is taking place on both sides of the membrane. Such an action takes place in plant tissues, which are composed of a large number 242 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY of small cells, the walls of which serve in part, as mem- branes, and offer but little resistance to diffusion. The cells are filled with sap, which is acid in nature and con- tains numerous solid substances in solution. Between the cells are intercellular spaces filled with sap of differ- ent density from that within the cells and charged with numerous alkaline matters taken from the soil. Here, then, are nearly the same conditions as when the salt and sugar were separated, and the result, osmosis, is the same in each case. Within the cell walls active chem- ical changes are taking place which aid in this inter- change. It cannot be said that there is a constant flow of sap in any one direction, as blood flows in the animal body. It was formerly believed that there were two courses of sap in the plant, upward and downward. The movement of the plant juices is now considered as due to (i) capillary action, aided by evaporation which disturbs the equilib- rium of the plant juices, together with (2) osmosis aided by chemical action within the cells. These factors are, to a certain extent, mutually dependent upon each other. By their joint action, aided by the chemical changes within the plant, the water from the soil is taken into the plant through the roots with the mineral matter in solution, which serves as food, and finds its waj^ all through the plant, finally returning to the roots charged with the material that can be made only in the leaf and by the aid of light and sunshine. Chlorophyl and Protoplasm 342. Chemical Action in Leaves of Plants. — All of the organic compounds of plants are produced within the CHEMISTRY OF PLANT GROWTH 243 cells of the leaves. The mineral food and nitrogen taken from the soil and the carbon dioxid from the air are chemically united in the cells of the leaves to form the various non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous compounds of plants. Chlorophyl and protoplasm are the two substances which take the most active part in the production of the organic matter. 343. Chlorophyl is the name applied to the material which imparts the green color to plants. It is not a simple compound, but is composed of a number of closely related organic compounds. The chlorophyl body con- tains both organic and mineral matter. Chlorophyllan is one of the compounds obtained from chlorophyl. Iron, phosphorus and magnesium are among the more im- portant mineral elements necessary for the functional activity of the chlorophyl body. This mineral matter is combined with the organic compounds which form a part of the chlorophyl grain. Chlorophyl is contained in the active livmg cells of plants, but makes up only a small part of the contents of the cell. 344. Protoplasm.— The chlorophyl body is suspended in a gelatinous, colorless liquid called protoplasm which is composed mostly of proteid and albuminoid materials. It is the living substance of the plant organism, and is the part which gives life and activity. In chemical com- position, it is exceedingly complex, and is composed of a number of proteids, albuminoids and other organic com- pounds. The protoplasm, aided by the chlorophyl, has the power of combining the food elements and producing 244 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY all of the organic compounds of the plant. Protoplasm is the living part of both plant and animal cells. 345. Production of Chloropbyl. — When the plant cell is first formed, the protoplasm contains no green grains. Small, colorless grains first appear, and then the green- ing of these grains takes place. The chlorophyl body may make its appearance in the absence of light, but the last stage of its development can take place only under the influence of light and at a higher temperature than is required for the first stage of the process. With a cool temperature, there is plant growth, but the vegetation looks yellow because there is not sufficient heat for the completion of the second part of the process of chlorophyl development. Chlorophyl is destroyed by intense light as well as by the absence of light. It is soluble in ether and alcohol and is one of the constituents of ether extract. The green color is easily destroyed, but the chlorophyl body is quite stable and resists the action of dilute acids and alkalies. Chlorophyl loses its activity, and undergoes a decided change in composition as the plant matures. Some of the elements which com- pose the chlorophyl, as nitrogen and phosphorus, are used for seed formation. At the time of the greatest amount of color in plants, there is the greatest cell activity and the largest amount of plant tissue is being produced. When a plant ripens, the decline of activity of the cells can be observed by the change in the color of the plant. When corn, for example, ripens, the lower joints of the stalk turn yellow first, indicating that growth and activity have ceased in those parts. Then CHEMISTRY OP PLANT GROWTH 245 the upper leaves become yellow, and finally the husk be- comes yellow and inactive. Chlorophyl is one of the principal agents which takes an active part in plant growth, and whenever chlorophyl is destroyed, plant growth is checked. Experiment 68. — Extracting chlorophyl from leaves. Place in a test-tube, 0.5 gram of dry, green leaves. Add 10 cc. alcohol, shake vigorously and, after the alcohol is colored green, filter off the solution, and evaporate to dryness at a low temperature on the water-bath. Questions. — (i) Describe the appearance of the chlorophyl residue. (2) What is chlorophyl ? (3) Of what is it composed? (4) What other solvents could be used in place of alcohol. 346.. Function of Chlorophyl. — The chief function of chlorophyl, aided by protoplasm, is the production of starch and other organic compounds in the cells of plant leaves. Chlorophyl alone cannot perform this function, but must be associated with, and aided by, protoplasm, Minute starch grains are sometimes found within the chlorophyl grains. The actual growth of starch within the chlorophyl body can be observed with the microscope. No other compounds have been found so organically con- nected with the chlorophyl grains as starch. If a plant is placed in darkness, both the starch and the coloring- matter in the plant cells disappear. The plant cell is the chemical laboratory in which the various organic com- pounds, as starch, sugar and proteids, are elaborated. From the cells in the leaves, they are transported to other parts of the plant as the seeds, roots or tubers, where they are stored up and serve as reserve food. 347. Production of Organic Hatter. — By the joint 246 AGRICULTURAIv CHEMISTRY action of the protoplasm and chlorophyl within the plant cells, starch and all other organic compounds are pro- duced from the carbon dioxid of the air and from the water, mineral matter, and nitrogen of the soil. All of the carbohydrates can be produced from starch as was stated in Section 289, which discusses the general rela- tionship existing between the various non-nitrogenous compounds. Fat, as well as other non-nitrogenous com- pounds, is produced from starch. Proteids are produced from amides. By a succession of chemical changes, the amide molecule takes on fatty acid and carbohydrate radicals, and as a result, complex proteids are produced. All of these chemical changes take place within the plant cell ; and, for the production of the various compounds which constitute the dry matter of plants, the essential mineral elements, nitrogen in combination, carbon dioxid and water, are required. CHAPTER XXVI Composition of Plants at Different Stages of Growth 348. Composition and Stage of Growth. — Plants do not have the same chemical composition at different stages of growth. The chlorophyl and protoplasm are most active in the early stages and produce the nitrogenous compounds more rapidly than the non-nitrogenous ones. The later stages of growth are utilized mainly for the production of carbohydrates and for the various chemical and physical changes incident to ripening and the transfer of the organic compounds from the leaves to the seeds. Plants have a different food value at their different stages of growth as well as a different chemical composi- tion, 349. Assimilation of flineral Food by the Wheat Plant. — The various elements of plant food utilized by spring wheat are assimilated quite rapidly in the early stages of growth. The mineral matter being essential for the production of the organic compounds is taken from the soil in advance of their formation. Before the crop has completed the first half of its growth, over 75 per cent, of the total mineral matter has been taken from the soil. Of the mineral elements, phosphoric acid, potash and lime are assimilated most rapidly. 350. Assimilation of Nitrogen by the Wheat Plant. — The nitrogen utilized by the spring wheat crop is taken from the soil in advance of the mineral matter. 248 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Nitrogen is assimilated by the plant more rapidly than any of the elements which form a part of the organic compounds. When the plant has completed half its growth, under normal conditions about 85 per cent, of the total nitrogen required by the crop has been taken from the soil. This is one reason why nitrogen and the essential ash elements should be present in the soil in available and liberal amounts for a wheat crop. When the largest amount of any element or compound is taken as 100, the corresponding amounts present during the different stages of growth of the wheat plant are as follows : Wheat, 50 Wheat, 65 Wheat, 80 Wheat, days, before days, headed days, milk harvest heading out. out. state. time. Total dry matter 46 59 95 100 Organic matter 44 57 90 100 Total nitrogen 86 89 96 100 Potassium oxid 45 88 100 94 Calcium oxid 67 91 100 96 Magnesium oxid 57 68 99 100 Phosplioric anhydrid 80 83 98 100 351. Clover; Rapidity of Growth. — In clover, the same general order of changes occurs at the different stages of growth as in wheat, but as the two plants are so unlike, clover being a biennial and a legume, and wheat an annual and a grain, the rapidity of growth and formation of organic compounds in the two plants are naturally dissimilar. The largest amount of the dry matter in clover is produced between early and full bloom. During this period about 60 per cent, of the organic compounds are formed. As in the case of wheat, the nitrogenous PLANT GROWTH AT DIFFERENT STAGES 249 compounds are formed more rapidly and in advance of the non-nitrogenous ones. At the time of early bloom, about 37 per cent, of the total nitrogenous compounds have been formed, but the crop at this stage of develop- ment has only 31 per cent, of the total organic com- pounds produced during growth. When clover is very young, before the flower head is visible, only about 10 per cent, of the organic compounds have been produced, but this organic matter is rich in nitrogenous compounds as it contains about 15 per cent, of the total amount assimilated by the crop; a large share of this nitrogen, however, is in the form of amide compounds. The com- position of the leaves and stems, at the different stages of growth, show that, at first, the leaves contain about 2.5 times as much nitrogenous matter as the stems, while at maturity, there is less than twice as much. At the time of full bloom, the largest amount of nitroge- nous matter is present, and it is then in the form of pro- teids to the extent of about 88 per cent. In the last stages of growth, there is also a notable increase in the content of crude fiber. The differences in composition and feeding value between clover, cut and cured in full bloom, and at maturity are as follows: Clover at full bloom. 1. The crop contains less fiber 4. The nutrients in the crop are than when mature. more evenly distributed. 2. The crop contains its maxi- 5. The crop contains its maxi- mum amount of proteids. mum amount of essential 3. A smaller yield per acre is oils, which impart palata- secured than at maturity, bility. but the crop is more con- 6. The nutrients in the clover centrated in protein. are more digestible. 250 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Clover when ripe. 1. The crop contains a larger 4. Some of the nutrients in the amount of fiber. crop are transferred to the 2. The crop contains a smaller ^^^<^^' ^^^^'^^S less in the per cent, of protein than stems, when in full bloom. 5- At maturity, there are less of the essential oils than at 3. A larger yield per acre is any other period. secured, and the crop is 5. At maturity, the crop is less more concentrated in car- digestible than at full bohydrates. bloom. Composition of Clover at Different Stages of Growth. Flower head Early Full End of invisible. bloom. bloom. flowering. Ripe. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent Water 86.00 85.59 74.96 71.65 33.47 Dry matter 14.00 i4-4i 25.04 28.35 66.53 Composition of the Dry Matter. Ash 10.57 10.22 6.85 7.02 6.21 Ether extract.... 5.35 4.70 5.73 4.26 3.92 Crude protein .. . 23.61 17.19 14.81 14.40 14.06 " fiber 13-37 20.08 24.62 25.28 26.60 Nitrogen-free ex- tract 47.10 47.81 47-99 49-04 49-21 Composition of the Dry Matter of the Leaves and Stems Flower head invisible. Early bloom. Third period. Leaves. Steins. Leaves. Stems. Leaves. Stems. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Ash 10.02 11.02 10.07 11.30 9.19 4.87 Crude protein . 30.68 1344 27.38 11.25 19-37 11-26 " fiber... 10.48 18.46 10.51 26.32 15-36 35-27 When the largest amount of anj^ compound in the crop is taken as 100, the percentage amounts at the different periods of growth are as follows : PLANT GROWTH AT DIFFERENT STAGES 25 1 Flower head Early Full End of invisible. bloom. bloom. flowering. Ripe. Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. Dry matter 9 31 97 100 97 Total ash 14 46 98 100 95 Total nitrogen 15 37 100 96 94 Proteid nitrogen 67 70 88 85 83 Fiber 5 24 92 96 loo Potassium oxid 15 50 100 94 86 Calcium oxid 15 37 97 100 97 Magnesium oxid 8 35 100 92 91 Phosphoric anhydrid. 14 34 98 100 98 (These tables are from Minn. Expt. Sta. Bull. 34.) 352. Flax; Rapidity of Growth. — The flax plant has a short growing period, about seventy days, and the plant food is assimilated at a rapid rate. Before the time of bloom, the nitrogenous material and mineral matters hav^e been absorbed in quite large amounts. When 40 per cent, of the nitrogenous matter has been produced, the flax plant contains 55 and 60 per cent., respectively, of its total nitrogen and mineral matter. At the time the flax is in full bloom, 75 per cent, of the organic compounds have been formed. After seed formation begins, there is no nitrogen or mineral matter taken from the soil. Flax is very rich in nitrogen, containing even more than clover. This is one of the few crops in which the ash in the seed exceeds that in the straw; the seed contains about 3.75 per cent, ash, while the straw contains less than 3 per cent. The oil in the seed is produced mainly from starch in the later stages of growth. Between full bloom and maturity, less than 25 per cent, organic matter is pro- duced. The rate of formation of the organic matter and 252 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY assimilation of the elements from the soil are given in the following table : Before In full Seeds well bloom. bloom. formed. Ripe. Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. Total organic matter 40 75 95 ico Ash 60 88 100 98 Total nitrogen 55 80 100 98 Calcium oxid 32 64 98 100 Potassium oxid 55 90 100 95 Phosphoric anhydrid 35 70 98 100 Minn. Expt. vSta. Bull. 47. Maize (Corn) 353. Importance. — Since Indian corn or maize is grown over such a wide range of territory, and is used alike as animal and human food, and as animal food may serve as either grain or forage, a knowledge of the chemical changes which take place during its growth, and the composition of the plant at maturity, will enable the student to utilize this crop more economically in the feeding of farm animals. Some of the facts relating to the composition of corn at different stages of growth and the analyses given in this chapter are taken largely from Bulletin No. 9, Mo. Agr, Expt. Station. 353- Roots. — The function of the roots is to collect and assimilate and transport to other parts the nitrogen and mineral food from the soil. In mature corn, but a small amount of the essential elements of plant food are present in the roots, only sufficient for the structure of the root tissues. During growth, there is always some being transported to the parts above ground. At maturity, the dry matter in the roots constitutes about 5 per cent, of PLANT GROWTH AT DIFFERENT STAGES 253 the dry matter of the plant. The roots contain the largest amount of fiber and the smallest amount of fat of any part of the plant. Of the ash elements, soda is present in greater amounts than in parts above the ground. In the early stages of growth, the roots are very rich in iron, which decreases as the plant matures, because of its being given over to other parts. The nitrogen in the roots never, at any stage of growth, exceeds 1.25 per cent, of the dry matter. It is transported to the parts above ground more rapidly than any other element. During the last fifteen days of growth, there is but little mineral food, except magnesia, taken up, and there is a loss of about 12 per cent, of potash from the roots which indicates that the retrograde movement of potash at maturity may extend from the roots back to the soil. In the later stages of growth, there is a great influx of mag- nesia. Silica and the non-essential ash elements make up the larger portion of the ash elements in the mature plant. 355. Stalk. — The stalk, during growth, undergoes a decided change in composition ; there is a gradual in- crease in the content of fiber and a decrease in proteids. The outside of the stalk has a different chemical com- position from the pith. The largest per cent, of dry matter is found in the stalks from two to three weeks before maturity. As the plant matures, the proteid and circulatory carbohydrates are transferred to the seed. When mature, both the pith and stalk have a low protein, fat and digestible carbohydrate content, and hence a low feeding value. The pith is somewhat richer in nitroge- 254 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY nous matter than the stalk. The ash of the stalk is characteristically rich in silica. 356. Leaves. — Since all of the chemical compounds of the plant are first produced in the leaves, and then trans- ported to other parts, it follows that the leaves at different stages of growth have a variable composition. Since the cells .of the young leaves contain more protoplasm than mature leaves, the largest amount of nitrogenous matter is present there in the earl}^ stages of growth. As the plant matures, this nitrogenous matter is given up for the formation of other parts, and then there is a decline in the percentage amount of nitrogen in the leaves. The largest amount of dry matter in the leaves is found about six weeks before maturity. The plant as a whole, however, increases even more rapidly in dry matter after this time, but no additional organic matter accumulates in the leaves but is used for seed formation. As the plant matures, the total ash in the leaves steadily increases, due to silica, which is deposited there as inert material, while that in the stems declines. As the plant matures, the phosphorus content of the leaves declines, the phosphorus, like the nitrogen, being stored up in the seeds. The largest amount of potash in the leaves is at the time of the largest amount of dry matter, about six weeks before maturity. Next to the seed, the leaves contain the largest amounts of protein, fat, and digestible carbohy- drates of any part of the plant. When green, the leaves have a higher nitrogen content than when yellow. The feeding value of corn fodder depends to a great extent upon the condition of the leaves. PLANT GROWTH AT DIFFERENT STAGES 255 357. Tassel. — The tassel has some of the chemical characteristics of the seed ; it is concentrated in nitrogen, has less fiber, and an ash rich in phosphates. The flower stalks and anthers yield an ash in composition like that of the stems, while the ash of the pollen is nearly identical with that of the matured grain. The pollen is par- ticularly rich in nitrogen. One of the claims made for detasseling corn, is to prevent loss of nitrogen and phos- phoric acid through the pollen. It is estimated that the nitrogen removed in the pollen amounts to from 5 to 10 pounds per acre. The fresh and dried silk (stigmas) shows a decline in both nitrogen and phosphoric acid after fertilization. 358. Husk. — The husk when first formed has all of the materials for the development of the seed, and its compo- sition at different stages of growth shows a gradual trans, fer of its constituents to the ripening grain. When fully mature, the husks are much poorer in ash and nitrogen than the leaves or stems, but are not so poor as the cob. The cob remains functionally active longer than any other part of the plant, and is composed largely of cellulose and pentose compounds, and contains but little protein or fat. 359. Ripening Period.— The corn plant, at first, absorbs its mineral food and nitrogen at a very rapid rate. In fact, there is but little mineral matter or nitrogen assimilated during the last few weeks of growth. The last stage of development is a period of rearrangement and transporta- tion of the compounds from the leaves to the seed. The composition of the different parts of the corn plant when mature and of the ash is given in the following table : 256 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY M ^' ro 10 ON 10 On d ^," •4 _■ d " •pua3;H CN l-H CO •qoo ^ "? *-< CO 1— i t-H CO d •-' 10 * « CO q M NO « Cm (D 0 fi •"" d •^ t^ NO w I- s ON 10 ON ■^ cs 'T 0 Ph U m' d J, NO co' 0 0 ■* '^ •a p. s «j -- A .A s^ O < W ^1 o, t>^ CO CO On On d r^ <^' no' d O "0 NO CO lO CTN d f^ f^ t^ CO CO '-' M CO CO ^ O nJn ►m' CO NO 00 ^ O n CO w NO fN* co' "o d rO CO O i-i OD «' 06 >-<' ►M T ►-; i-i •-; 10 q r^ CO d w CO d ^ M t^ ■^ NO q c< '=*■ m' t^ '^ 10 •* d ■* ro CO *^ n , -^ '-^ i-* m .^ O O "- tS C/3 P-( C/2 h-I ^ C3 -t; ^ Ij CHAPTER XXVII Factors Which Influence the Composition and Feeding Value of Crops The main factors which influence the composition and feeding vakie of crops are: (i) Seed, (2) soil, (3) cli- mate, (4) stage of maturity, (5) method of preparation as food, and (6) combination with other foods. 360. Seed. — The composition and individuality of the seed influence the composition and feeding value of the forage crop produced. Heavy-weight seeds are usually more mature and contain a larger amount of reserve plant food than those of light weight (see Section 338). Ex- periments by Heilreigel show that the heavier the seed, the more vigorous the young plant. Where there was not an overabundance of plant food in the soil, the differ- ence in vigor of plants was discernible even up to the time of harvest. Experiments at the Illinois Station (Bull. Nos. 53 and 55) show that by careful selection of seed corn, the percentage amount of nitrogenous matter in the grain may be increased from 0.5 to 1.25 per cent. Not all of the cereals respond as does corn to the influence of seed selection to produce variations in chemical compo- sition. The care and storage which the seed receives prior to planting also influences its vitality. When seed corn is stored in a damp or poorly ventilated place, the excessive amount of moisture results in injuring the vigor of the germ. Seed wheat is often injured by being stored in 258 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY elevators where bin-burning caused by fermentation takes place. Sound heavy seeds of full maturity always give the best crop returns. Forage crops are more susceptible to seed influences than are grain crops, because the leaves and stems of plants are less constant in composition than is the seed. 361. Soil. — The condition of the soil as to available plant food has a material influence upon composition, and in promoting a balanced crop growth. Experiments conducted at the Connecticut Experiment Station (Storr's Annual Reports, 1 898, 1 899) show that fodder crops grown with a liberal supply of nitrogen have a tendency to con- tain more of the nitrogenous compounds than similar crops grown wdth a scant supply. The nitrogen and available mineral matter increase the activity of the pro- toplasm and chlorophyl in the production of all of the organic compounds. With a larger amount of available plant food, particularly nitrogen, a larger amount of foilage is produced. All foliage crops, grown upon rich soils, have larger leaves and a higher nitrogen content than those grown on poor soils. The condition of the soil influences the composition of leaves and stems to a greater extent than it does the com- position and character of the seeds because they are more constant in composition. The selection of seed corn has a greater influence upon the composition and feeding value of corn fodder than it has upon the grain. Fodder crops, produced upon fertile soils and under favorable climatic conditions have the highest feeding value. The FEEDING VAIvUE OF CROPS 259 condition of the soil, as to acidity or alkalinity, also in- fluences the character and composition of crops. Crops produced upon acid soils hav^e a different appearance from those grown upon mildly alkaline soils. An unbalanced condition of plant food in the soil produces an unbalanced crop growth. It is not possible, however, by the use of manures or the selection of seeds, to entirely change the composition of crops. In the extensive experiments by Lawes and Gilbert (Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. Ill), the continued use of nitrogen and mineral manures for a period of twenty years showed no material increase in the amount of nitrogenous matter in the wheat. In similar experiments with potatoes, in which nitrogenous ma- nures alone were used, there was an increase of 0.05 per cent, of nitrogenous matter. The sugar-beet has been extensively changed in composition by cultivation. The content of sugar has been increased from 8 to 16 per cent. Wheat and other grains show material differences in weight and composition when grown upon different types of soil. Experiments have been made where wheat grown from one lot of seed under different climatic and soil conditions showed a difference of 18 bushels per acre in yield, and 8 pounds per bushel in weight (Minn. Expt. Sta. Bull. No. 23). Forage crops produced upon soils of high fertility have a higher feeding value than crops grown upon poor soils. At the Minnesota Experi- ment Station, timothy and corn fodder grown on land that had been manured and rotated, and similar crops grown on unmanured land showed the following amounts of protein : 26o AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Timothy hay grown on Corn fodder grown on manured unmanured manured unmanured land. land. land. land. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Crude protein (dry matter basis) ... 8.75 6.45 8.85 6.32 362. Climate. — In the early stages of plant growth, the nitrogenous compounds are produced more abundantly than are the non-nitrogenous (Section 351). If the growing season is in any way cut short, the crop has a slightly larger amount of nitrogenous matter than if normal conditions prevail. Any shortening of the grow- ing period or forcing of the crop to maturity lessens the per cent, of dry matter, increases the nitrogenous com- pounds, and decreases the carbohydrates. The composi- tion of grains is influenced by climatic conditions, particu- larly at the time of seed formation when growth is often checked before all of the compounds have been transferred from the leaves to the seeds ; shrunken or immature grain is the result. Such grain contains less starch and more nitrogenous compounds than that which has fully matured. Experiments with potatoes by Lawes and Gilbert show that they too are, to a slight extent, influenced in composition and starch content by climatic conditions ; the longer the growing period, the larger the amount of starch. A short and forcing growing season, together with a fertile soil, has a tendency to produce crops of high nitrogen content. 363. Stage of riaturity. — Since all crops at first pro- duce nitrogenous compounds in larger amounts than" at later stages, it follows that early cut crops contain pro- portionally more nitrogen than those cut later. This in- FEEDING VALUE OF CROPS 261 crease in nitrogenous matter is, however, at the expense of the total dry matter in the crop. If crops are cut too early, that is, before early bloom, too much of the nitro- gen is in the form of amides, some of which are changed to proteids at a later stage. Early cutting results in securing a smaller yield per acre of dry matter more con- centrated in nitrogenous compounds. When fodder crops are cut at early or full bloom, the nutrients are more evenly distributed than at maturity when some of the proteids and carbohydrates have been transferred from the leaves to the seeds, leaving stems and leaves with a larger amount of fiber and less protein. The composi- tion and comparative feeding value of clover cut at different stages of growth are given in Section 351. 364. Hethod of Preparation as Food. — The method of curing and preparing a fodder affects its food value. Overdrying causes a mechanical loss of leaves which gives the fodder a different composition and feeding value from that when the leaves are all secured. Bleach- ing results in partial destruction of the chlorophyl and a loss of the essential oils that impart palatability. Other chemical changes which have a tendency to make the fodder less digestible also take place. A mechanical loss of leaves and exposure to leaching rains result in a loss of nutritive value. The materials extracted are the most soluble and digestible. A heavy, leaching rain may extract 10 per cent, or more of the nutrients, making the leached fodder less available and less palatable. The method of storing and the mechanical condition of a fodder also influence, to a limited extent, the avail- 262 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ability of the nutrients. The influence which the com- bination of fodders has upon digestibility and food value is discussed in Chapter XXXV. 365. Improving the Feeding Value of ForageCrops. — The main factors, as seed, fertility of soil, stage of maturity, and care which the fodder receives, are all under the control of the farmer, climate being the only factor that is not directly controllable. Lack of moisture in dry seasons can, however, in part, be overcome by shallow cultivation. By careful selection of seed, con- serving the fertility of the soil, and suitable methods of cultivation and storage, it is possible not only to increase the yield but also to change the chemical composition and feeding value of forage crops. As yet, experiments have not demonstrated the extent to which all crops are sus- ceptible to these influences. CHAPTER XXVIII Composition of Coarse Fodders 366. The Term Coarse Fodders is applied to animal foods which usually contain large amounts of crude fiber, and, while bulky in nature, are essential foods, many of them having a high nutritive value. A coarse fodder may be either green or field-cured ; pasture grass, timothy hay, and corn fodder are all examples of coarse fodders. The proteid content of coarse fodders ranges from 4 per cent, and less, in straw, to 12 per cent, and more, in clover and legumes. 367. Straw. — The straw from wheat, oats, barley, and rye contains from 36 to 38 per cent, of crude fiber, and less than 4 per cent, of crude protein, oat straw being the richest. The amount of fat in straw is small, rarely exceed- ing 1.5 per cent. Straw contains from 6 to 9 per cent. of water. The pentose compounds make up a large por- tion of the nitrogen- ^ free extract. Straw is a food poor in pro- tein, fat and digestible carbohydrates, and contains a high per cent, of ligno-cellu- lose, pentose, and ash materials. Straw may NITROGEN FREE EXT WHEAT STRAW Fig. 84. — Composition of a bale of wheat straw. produce some heat in a ration, but for the production of muscle or the repair of proteid matter, it occupies about 264 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY the lowest place in the list of animal foods. The various factors which influence the composition of plants (see Chapter XXVII) affect the composition of the straw. That from grain immaturely ripened has higher feeding value than from grain fully ripened, because in the unripe state less of the nutrients have been removed for seed formation. The greener the straw, the higher its food value. 368. Timothy Hay. — Timothy hay has more protein, but in many respects the same general characteristics as straw. The per cent, of fiber usually ranges from 28 to 32 per cent, or more, which is from 6 to 10 per cent, less than in straw. The amount of crude pro- tein ranges from 5.5 to 9 per cent, according to the conditions under which the crop was grown. Average tim- othy hay contains 7.5 per cent, which is about twice as much as found in straw . The amount of ether extract is about 2.25 per cent. , of which a large portion is non-fatty mate- rial. As in the case of straw, the nitrogen-free extract of timothy consists largely of pentose bodies ; there is also a small amount of soluble carbohydrates. While timothy hay is not rich in protein, it is a valuable fodder, particu- larly when one of fair energy-producing power is desired, as for feeding work horses. TIMOTHY HAT Fig. 85.- -Cotnposition of a bale of timothy hay. COMPOSITION OF COARSE FODDERS 265 369. Hay, Similar to Timotliy. — Millet, blue grass hay, and the numerous varieties of native prairie hay, have about the same general composition and feeding value as timothy hay. Each, however, differs from timothy to a slight extent both in chemical composition and structure of parts, some being preferable to others for feeding certain kinds of animals. These hays, particularly native prairie hays, vary in protein content from 6 to 11 per cent, according to the conditions under which they are grown and other factors which affect their composition. Tim- othy, blue grass and the numerous varieties of prairie hay, are classed as coarse fodders containing a low to a medium amount of crude protein. 370. Oat Hay.— When oats are cut at the heading-out stage and cured as hay, they make a valuable fodder which compares favorably with the best grades of timothy hay, and usually contains slightly more protein than timothy or hays of similar character. Oat hay should be cured for fodder while the nutrients are evenly dis- tributed, and before they are transported and stored up in the grain. 371. Hay, Similar to Oat Hay — Wheat and other cereals, cut at the right stage, have a similar composi- tion and feeding value to oat hay. In localities where the climatic conditions do not admit of the growth of perennial grasses, these forage crops are grown in their stead. 372. Bromus Inermis varies in composition and feed- ing value according to the stage when cut. When over- 266 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ripe, its protein content is between that of straw and timothy hay. If cut or pastured while young, it has a high feeding value. In this crop, the non-nitrogenous compounds, particularly fiber, are formed at a rapid rate in the last stages of growth. 373. Clover Hay is characteristically rich in crude pro- tein, containing nearly twice as much as poor grades of timoth5^ It also contains less crude fiber and more ether extract. The large amount of crude protein and other nutrients makes it one of the most valuable fodders that can be produced for growing, fattening, or milk-giving ani- mals. There is no coarse fodder except alfalfa that has so high a protein content as clover when grown and cured un- der the best conditions. Clover ash is of differ- ent composition from that of timothy. It contains a small amount of silica and a CLOVER HAY large amount of lime, Fig. 86.— Composition of a bale of clover haj'. while timothy asll contains a large amount of silica and a relatively small amount of lime. The nitrogen-free extract of clover is largely pentose materials. The composition and com- parative feeding value of early- and late-cut clover are given in Section 351. In curing clover hay, it should be the aim to prevent mechanical losses of leaves during the handling of the crop. When clover hay is fed to stock, less grain and milled products are required than when hays of lower crude protein content are used. There are a COMPOSITION OF COARSE FODDERS 267 number of varieties of clover ; alsike, crimson, scarlet and white clovers, all having about the same general composition. Each, however, has characteristic habits of growth which makes it peculiarly adapted to certain soil and climatic conditions. 374. Alfalfa and Fodders Similar to Clover. — Alfalfa has somewhat the same general composition and feeding value as clover, but its physical composition, as density of tissue and proportion of leaves to stems is different. It can be grown under different and more adverse climatic conditions. All members of the leguminous or pulse family, to which clover, alfalfa, peas, cow peas and vetch belong, are characteristically rich in protein, and are among the most valuable forage crops that can be pro- duced. The discovery, by Heilreigel, of the unique value of clover and other legumes in assimilating the free nitrogen of the air by means of the action of micro-organ- isms associated with the roots of these plants, and of the use of leguminous crops in increasing the supply of nitro- gen in the soil, is one of the greatest achievements of agricultural chemistry. In Plate III, the arrow indicates one of the nodules which contain the nitrogen-assimi- lating organisms. 375. Rape. — The rape plant contains nearly as much crude protein as clover hay. Because of the presence of certain volatile oils, it cannot be fed to milk-cows with- out imparting an unpleasant taste to the milk. Rape, however, is valuable for the feeding of all growing and fattening animals. 268 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 376. Pasture Grass.— In the study of the composition of plants at different stages of growth, it was stated that the nitrogenous compounds are produced more rapidly than the non-nitrogenous (Section 351). The dry matter of pasture grass is more nitrogenous in character than that of the matured crop. The dry matter of all kinds of pasture grass is rich in crude protein ; the various nutrients, however, range between wide limits, accord- ing to the species of grass, and the conditions affecting its growth. When a piece of land is grazed, a smaller amount of total nutrients is secured than if a forage crop were harvested and fed. In pasturing, the results are similar to a series of early cuttings, before bloom, rather than one later cutting as in harvesting a crop. 377. Corn Fodder and Stover. — By corn fodder is meant the entire corn plant with or without ears, accord- ing to the conditions under which it has been grown, while corn stover is the plant after the grain has been re- moved. Corn fodder is one of the most valuable, pala- table, and largest yielding crops that can be procured. When sown so that no ears, or very small ones, are de- veloped, the leaves and stalks contain all of the nutrients which would otherwise be stored up in the seed. When grown under favorable conditions, corn fodder contains about the same per cent, of crude protein and is equal in value to the best quality of timothy hay. When field- cured, it contains from 15 to 30 per cent, of water, from 12 to 25 per cent, of crude fiber, and from 2.5 to 4 per cent, of ash. In the study of the composition of the corn plant (Chapter XXVI), the content of crude protein and COMPOSITION OF COARSK FODDERS 269 other nutrients in the various parts of the plant was con- sidered. In the production of corn fodder, it should be the aim to produce a large number of me- diumly small plants with large leaves, small or no ears and small stalks. By so doing, the largest amounts of nutri- ents most evenly distributed, palata- ble, and digestible are secured. Corn stover has more of the characteristics of a straw crop, and is not as valuable as corn fodder. When ears are pro- duced, the protein is stored up in the grain, and hence less is found in stalks and leaves. The physical con- dition and chemical form of the cellu- lose, as hydrated or lignose, also in- fluence the feeding value of corn stover. Corn fodder can be fed to CORN FODDER Fig. 87.— Composition of a shock of corn fodder. fodder and corn all kinds of farm animals, and is one of the cheapest forage crops that can be grown. It is valuable alike for horses, sheep, and dairy and beef cattle. 378. Silage, — When silage is prepared, the green ma- terial is placed in a nearly air-tight compartment. Corn, clover, or any green crop may be cured as silage. Corn, however, is the crop most generally given this treatment and unless otherwise designated, silage usually has refer- ence to corn fodder prepared in this way. The chemical changes that take place in the silo are caused mainly by ferments. Carbon dioxid, hydrocar- bons, and ammonia in small amounts are among the vola- 270 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY tile products formed. There is always a loss of dry matter in curing silage. This is greatest in the top layer and least in the bottom. The losses in the different sections of a large silo may range from 5 to 25 per cent. In a large silo the losses are less than in a small one, and they need not exceed 5 per cent, of the dry matter. The average of a number of trials shows that when corn fodder is prepared as silage, there is a loss of from 5 to 25 per cent, of dry matter, of which a proportional amount is protein. Including mechanical losses, there is nearly the same loss in the field curing of corn fodder as in its preparation as silage. The temperature of the silage, when undergoing fer- mentation, ranges from 35° to 75° C. The lower tem- peratures generally produce poor silage, while the higher produce a better quality. In order to produce sweet silage, the conditions should be such that the temperature during fermentation is kept above 43° C, so as to render the acid spore that produces the sour silage less active and to allow other ferments to act. No appreciable amount of alcoholic fermentation takes place in the silo. In the production of silage, the corn should be cut in a green condition rather than when overripe, and evenly packed in the silo so that all parts will ferment alike. Compara- tively short fermentation at a high temperature is prefer- able to slow fermentation at a low temperature. COMPOSITION OF COARSE FODDERS 271 Average Composition of American Fodders. (Jenkins and Winton.) Field-Cured Fodders. Corn fodder, average " " minimum " " maximum " leaves, average " " minimum *' " maximum " stalks, average " " minimum '* " maximum " stover, average " " minimum " " maximum Redtop Timothy: All analyses Cut in full bloom Cut soon after bloom Cut when nearly ripe Red clover Alsike clover White clover Alfalfa Cow pea Wheat straw Oat straw Green Fodders. Corn fodder (Flint) average . •• " " " minimum • *' " " maximum. Pet. 42.2 22.^ 60.2 30.0 14.8 44.0 68.4 51-3 78.5 40.1 15-4 57-4 8.9 13.2 15.0 14.2 14.1 15-3 9-7 9-7 8.4 10.7 9.6 9.2 < Pet. 2. I 5 Pet. 4-5 2.7 6.8 6.0 4-5 8.3 1-9 1.2 30 3-8 1.8 8.3 7-9 5-9 6.0 5-7 5.0 12.3 12.8 15-7 14-3 16.6 3-4 4.0 Pet. 14-3 7-5 24.7 21.4 17.4 27.4 II.O 6.9 16.8 19.7 14.1 32.2 28.6 29.0 29.6 28.1 3I-I 24.8 25.6 24.1 25.0 20.1 38.1 37-0 r; 1) .1: v Pet. 34-7 20.6 47.8 35-7 27-3 44.1 17.0 II. 2 26.0 31-9 23-3 53-3 47-4 45-0 41.9 44.6 43-7 38.1 40.7 39-3 42.7 42.2 43-4 42.4 W D Pet. 1.6 0.6 2.5 1.4 0.8 2.2 0.5 0.3 I.O I.I 0.7 2.2 1-9 25 30 3-0 2.2 3-3 2.9 2.9 2.2 2.9 1-3 2.3 79-8 I.I 51.5 0.7 90.8 1.8 2.0 4.3 12. 1 0.7 0.6 2.1 4.3 0.3 4.0 II. 4 36.3 1.3 272 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Green Fodders {continued^. Pct. Corn fodder (Dent) average . .. 79.0 " " " minimum . 59.5 " " " maximum. 93.6 " " ( Sweet varieties ). .. 79.1 " " (All varieties) 79.3 Redtop in bloom 64.8 Timothy 61.6 Kentucky blue grass 65. i Legumes : Red clover 70.8 Alfalfa 71.8 Cowpea 83.6 Soja bean 74.8 Silage : Corn 79.1 1.4 1.7 6.0 II. I 0.8 < V . -a 1- Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 1.2 17 5-6 12.0 0.5 0.6 0.5 2.0 3.0 o.i 2-5 3.8 II. 0 27.0 1.6 1-3 1-9 12.8 0.5 1.2 1.8 50 12.2 0-5 2.3 3-3 9-4 19. 1 1.2 2.1 3-1 II. 8 20.2 1.2 2.8 4.1 9-1 17.6 1-3 2.1 4.4 8.1 135 I.I 2.7 4.8 7-4 12.3 I.O 1-7 2.4 4.8 7.1 0.4 2.4 3-0 7-3 11-5 1.0 CHAPTER XXIX Wheat 379. Structure of Kernel. — The wheat kernel has three distinct coverings (see Fig. 88): (i) The outer cuticle or pericarp which is a hard tough coat, composed largely of ligno cellulose; this is the seed pod in which the seed is enclosed, and constitutes the main part of the bran. (2) An inner double cuticle of cellular tissue which is called the episperm and consists of two hard coats called respec- tively the inner and outer integument ; this double skin or layer may be considered one coat and forms a part of Fig. 88. — Structure of wheat kernel : i, Floury portion; 2, aleurone layer; 3, the bran composed of three laj'ers; 4, germ (adapted from Bull. 32, Neb. Station). the bran. (3) A third, hard, thin skin or layer called the perisperm. The three bran coats constitute about 5 per cent, of the weight of the grain. Within these three bran laj^ers is a single layer of large cells called the aleurone layer. This is sometimes erroneously called the 274 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY gluten layer. The germ or embryo plant is present in the lower part of the kernel and opposite the rounded end. The germ constitutes about 6 per cent, of the weight of the kernel. The main part of the seed is the endosperm which is the floury portion, sometimes incor- rectly spoken of as the starch cells, in reality composed of starch, gluten, mineral matter, and other compounds in small amounts. Additional information in regard to the structure of the wheat kernel is given in Bulletin No. 32 of the Nebraska Experiment Station. 380. Proteids of Wheat. — Wheat contains the largest amount of proteids of any of the cereals, and also proteids of an entirely different character. There are five sepa- rate proteids in wheat : (i) An albumin (leucosin), (2) a globulin (edestin), (3) a proteose, and two insoluble proteids called (4) gliadin, and (5) glutenin, which to- gether constitute the gluten. Wheat gluten can be ob- tained by washing a sample of dough from wheat meal or flour with water to remove the starch and other non -glu- ten compounds. The gluten mass from hard wheat is usually elastic and tenacious, varying in quality according to the nature of the wheat from which it was obtained. The milling qualities of wheat, and the baking qualities of flour are determined largely by the composition of the gluten. Wheat gluten is composed of two proteids, gliadin and glutenin ; these form about 85 per cent, of the proteids of wheat. The gliadin may be extracted from either gluten or flour with a 70 per cent, solution of alcohol, and is obtained, after evaporating the alcohol, in the form WHEAT 275 of thin, transparent flakes which resemble gelatin. In fact, gliadin was called by the earlier investigators, plant gelatin. When moistened, the gliadin expands and forms a mucilagenous mass. When more water is added, a small amount is dissolved. Gliadin is soluble in dilute acid and alkali solutions ; in many wheats, particularly those which have undergone slight fermentation, there is sufficient acid developed to combine with and render solu- ble appreciable amounts. Gliadin, like all of the wheat proteids, is characterized by a high per cent, of nitrogen. Gliadin takes a very important part in bread-making, and is the material which binds together the flour to form dough and enables the mass to expand, retaining the gas generated by the yeast. Wheat gluten contains from 60 to 70 per cent, of gliadin and from 30 to 40 per cent, of glutenin. Glutenin is the proteid which remains after extracting the gliadin from the gluten. When dry and pure, it forms a light gray mass which may be reduced to a fine powder. Glutenin is insoluble in dilute alcohol and salt solutions and is only sparingly soluble in water, but is readily soluble in dilute acid and alkali solutions. This proteid also takes an important part in bread- making. It combines mechanically with the gliadin and, "serving as a nucleus to which the gliadin adheres," prevents the dough from becoming too soft and sticky. When these two proteids are present in the proportion of about 65 per cent, of gliadin to 35 per cent, of glutenin, a much better quality of bread can be produced than from flour contain- ing the same amount of total proteids but of which 75 per 276 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY cent, is gliadin and 25 per cent, glutenin. Two samples of wheat may contain the same amount of gluten, and the flour from one produce good bread, while that from the other is of very poor qualit3^ The most valuable wheats for bread-making purposes are those in which 80 to 85 per cent, of the protein is gluten, and the gluten is composed of from 60 to 65 per cent, gliadin and 35 to 40 per cent, glutenin. A wheat may produce a good quality of bread and at the same time contain a low per cent, of protein, while, on the other hand, poor bread-making qualities can be associated with a high per cent, of pro- tein. Glutens w^hich are usually considered the most valuable for bread-making purposes are hard, elastic, and of a light yellowish tinge. Poor gluten is dark in color, has an uneven surface, possesses but little power to re- coil, and is very sticky. Experiment 6g. — Gluten from wheat flour. To about 30 grams of flour made from hard spring wheat, add sufficient water to form a stiff dough and allow it to stand for half an hour, in order that the physical properties of the gluten may develop. Place the dough in a cloth and work it gently with the fingers, while a stream of water is allowed to flow over it. Continue the washing until the water that runs away is clear, which indicates that all starch y as been washed out of the dough. The washing may be completed with the mass in the hand. Leave this gluten in water until the gluten from flour made from soft winter wheat has been pre- pared. Compare the two samples of gluten. Questions. (i) What is wheat gluten? (2) Describe hard wheat gluten. (3) How does it differ from soft wheat glut'^n ? (4) How do the two moist glutens compare as to weight? (5) Which gluten contains the larger amount of gliadin ? (6) Which is the better quality of gluten fur bread-making purposes? •WHKAl* 277 Experiment 70. — Gliadin from flour. Place in a flask 10 grams of flour, 30 cc. of alcohol, and 20 cc. of water. Cork the flask and shake, and after a few minutes shake again. Allow the alcohol to act on the flour for an hour or until the next day. Then filter off the alcohol solution and evaporate the filtrate to dryness over the water-bath. Examine the residue. To a portion add a little water. Burn a little. Treat a little in a test-tube with water containing a few drops of HCl. Questions, (i) Describe the appearance of the gliadin. (2) What was the result when water was added? (3) When burned, what was the odor of the gliadin, and what does this indicate ? (4) What effect did the dilute HCl have upon the gliadin? (5) What is gliadin ? Composition of Wheat Gluten 1. Scotch fife 14-76 2. Wellman's fife 12.60 3. Red winter wheat 10.73 4. Early Genesee winter 7.98 5. Ladoga 9.54 6. Blue stem 14.20 7. Crimean 11.08 8. Frosted spring wheat . • • • 12.88 9. Calcutta (India) 8.13 10. No. I Chili 7.01 11. La Plata (Argentine Rep. ) 13.38 12. Nicolaeff Azima (Russia). 10.28 13. Oregon white winter 9.23 14. No. 2 red winter wheat. . . 7.01 15. No. 2 hard winter wheat. 8.83 Cm 12.46 10.18 8.68 6.31 8.25 11-75 9-49 6-39 6.70 5.62 11.84 8-74 7-65 556 7-31 Per cent, of gluten in form of O 7.26 6.14 5.60 3-71 5-64 7.84 5-77 4-25 4.90 2.92 4-99 5 70 5-42 3-77 3-99 o 5.20 4.04 3.08 2.60 2.61 3-91 3-72 2. 14 1.80 2.70 6.85 3-04 2-23 1-79 3-32 Glia- din. 58.3 60.3 64-5 58.8 68.5 66.7 60.8 66.5 73-1 52.0 42.1 65.2 70.8 67.8 54-6 Glute- uiii. 381. Relation of Nitrogen in Wheat to Nitrogen Con- tent of Flour. — Medium-sized, well-formed wheat kernels 278 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY usually contain more nitrogen and gluten than large, rotund kernels. The size of the germ, the proportion of aleurone to endosperm, and the nitrogen content of the endosperm or floury portion are the three factors which determine the relation of the nitrogen in the wheat to the nitrogen in the flour. Ordinarily, the germ makes up about 7 per cent, of the weight of the kernel, and the endosperm from 82 to 86 per cent. When the amount of endosperm is increased, there is proportionally less germ, and aleurone, and a larger amount of flour is secured. The size of the wheat kernel together with the size of the indentation marking the germ area indicate approxi- mately the amount of germ in the kernel. The larger the amount of germ and aleurone, the smaller the amount of flour recovered when the wheat is milled. As a general rule, wheats which contain the largest amount of nitro- gen produce the most nitrogenous flours, but the total nitrogen in the wheat cannot always be taken as an index of that in the flour. Two wheats frequently contain about the same total nitrogen but the nitrogen is distrib- uted differently in each ; in one a larger portion is present in the germ and aleurone, and in the other a larger amount is in the endosperm and hence recovered as flour. In the following table, the per cent, of protein in the grain and that in the patent flour recovered by the modern roller process of milling are given. These tests were made under the supervision of the author in two of the large flour mills of Minneapolis, Minn. The percentage amounts of wheat recovered as patent flour were about the same in all of the tests. WHEAT 2/9 Per Cent, of Protein. Mill B Wheat. Flour. 1519 14.60 15 44 14.13 15 75 Mill C 14.00 i5 15 14 50 33 13.90 14.65 13.88 15 51 14.44 15 15 00 15 13-94 14.06 15 33 12.50 15 00 12.56 15 19 14.19 382. Influence of Fertilizers upon Composition of Wheat. — Experiments by Lawes and Gilbert (Rotham- sted Memoirs, Vol. Ill) show that the different kinds of manure, as nitrogenous, mixed and mineral, influence the yield but not materially the composition of the grain. During the time of the experiment, covering a period of twenty years, the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the dry matter of the grain were fairly constant, and when different manures were used, there w^ere no greater variations in the composition of the grain than were observed between crops upon the same plots similarly manured during different seasons. Climatic conditions influenced the composition of the kernel to a greater extent than did fertilizers. 383. Variations in Composition of Wheat. — In Jen- kins'and Winton's "Average Composition of American Feeding Stuffs," spring wheat is given as containing 12.5 28o AGRICUIvTURAL CHEMISTRY per cent, protein and winter wheat 1 1.8 per cent. In both spring and winter wheat, variations in protein from 8 to 16 percent, are noticeable. While average wheat contains 12.5 per cent., some samples contain as low as 8 and others as high as 18 per cent. The greatest differences in composition are noticeable when wheat grown at different seasons is compared. Five samples of the 1891 crop of wheat analyzed by the Minnesota Experiment Station contained 12.01 percent, of protein. The wheat was of unusually high milling and baking value. In 1892, six samples from the same localities showed 13.22 per cent, of protein, and in 1901, 14 samples contained 15.21 per cent. Some of the effects of climate and soil upon the phys- ical and chemical properties of wheat are noted in Bulletin No. 18, Part 9, Division of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, from which the following paragraphs are taken : ' ' The inherent tendency to change which is found in all grains is most prominent in wheat ; it may be fostered by selection and by modifying such of the conditions of environment as it is in the power of man to effect. The most powerful element to contend with is the character of the season or unfavorable climatic conditions. The injury done in this way is well illustrated in Colorado, and it would seem advisable in such cases to seek seed from a source where everything has been favorable, and begin selection again. It must be borne in mind that selection must be kept up continuously, and that rever- sion takes place more easily than improvement. It took WHEAT 281 but one season to seriously injure Professor Blount's wheats, but it will be two or more years before they have recovered from that injury. Hallett, in England, was able to make his celebrated pedigree wheat by selection, carried on through many years, but the same wheat grown by the ordinary farmer under unfavorable con- ditions for a few years without care has reverted to an ordinary sort of grain. ' ' The effect of climate is well illustrated by four speci- mens of wheat which are to be seen in the collection of the Chemical Division. Two of these were from Oregon and Dakota some years ago, and present the most ex- treme contrast which can be found in this variable grain. One is light yellow, plump and starchy, and shows on analysis a very small per cent, of albuminoids ; the other is one of the small, hard, and dark- colored spring wheats of Dakota, which are rich in albuminoids. Between these stand two specimens from Colorado, which have been raised from seed similar to the Oregon and Dakota wheat. They are scarcely distinguishable except by a slight dif- ference in color. The Colorado climate is such as to have modified these two seed wheats, until after a few years growth they are hardly distinguishable in the kernel. All localities having widely different climates, soils, or other conditions produce their peculiar varieties and modify those brought to them. The result of these ten- dencies to change and reversion from lack of care in seed selection or other cause has led to the practice of change of seed among farmers. A source is sought where either through greater care or more favorable conditions the 282 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY desired variety has been able to hold its own. Some- times this change is rendered necessary by conditions which are beyond the power of man to modify. As an example, No. lo of Professor Blount's wheats, known as " Oregon Club," a white variety from Oregon, has been deteriorating every 3'ear since it has been grown in Colo- rado, w^hereas if the seed had been supplied every season directly from Oregon, the quality would probably have remained the same. In extension of this illustration the fact may be mentioned that the annual renewal of the seed from a desirable and favorable source often makes it possible to raise cereals where otherwise climatic con- ditions would render their cultivation impossible through rapid reversion. This is particular!}" the case with extremes in latitude, the effect of which is not founded so much upon the composition of the crop as on the yield and size of the grain." 384. Storage of Wheat in Elevators. — When new wheat is stored in elevators, a fermentation change takes place known as "sweating." This affects, to a slight extent, the chemical composition and milling qualities of the grain. When wheat is not fully matured oris damp, the fermentation which takes place causes the tempera- ture to rise to 140° or more and occasionally high enough to cause spontaneous combustion. Thoroughly sound wheat undergoes but little change in temperature even when stored in large elevators where 120,000 bushels are placed in one compartment. The changes which take place during storage are brought about b)^ the enzymes or soluble ferments in the grain, and the organized fer- WHEAT 283 ments and moulds that are present on the surface of the grain. When wheat has been thoroughly cleaned, it does not readily undergo fermentation, while uncleaned, damp and unsound wheats deteriorate. 385. Grading of Wheat. — Wheat is graded entirely upon the basis of its physical properties, as : Weight per bushel, size and appearance of the kernels, freedom from foreign seeds, soundness of the kernel and absence of blemishes caused by frost, bleaching, sun scalding or sprouting. The spring and winter wheat grades estab- lished for the 1902 crop by the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission, are as follows : No. I hard spring wheat must be sound, bright and well cleaned, and must be composed mostly of hard Scotch fife, and weigh not less than 58 pounds to the measured bushel. No. I northern spring wheat must be sound and well cleaned, and must be composed equally of the hard and soft varieties of spring wheat, and weigh not less than 57 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 2 northern spring wheat must be sound and reasonably clean, this grade to include all wheat not suitable for the higher grades on account of smut, barley, or too much king heads, cockle and oats, or any other defects, and to weigh not less than 56 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 3 spring wheat shall comprise all inferior shrunken spring wheat weighing not less than 54 pounds to the measured bushel. Note. Hard, flinty wheat, of good color, containing no appreci- able admixture of soft wheat, may be admitted into the grade of No. 2 northern spring and No. 3 spring wheat, provided the test weight of the same is not more than one pound less than the mini- mum test weight required by the existing rules for said grades, and provided further that such wheat is in all other respects qualified for admission into such grades. 284 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Rejected spring wheat shall include all spring wheat grown badly bleached, or for any other cause unfit for No. 3 wheat. Note. Wheat containing admixture of "rice" or "goose" wheat will in no case grade better than rejected. " No grade" wheat. All spring wheat that is in a heating condi- tion, too musty or too damp to be safe for warehousing, or that is badly bin-burnt, badly damaged, exceedinglj' dirt)-, or otherwise unfit for storage shall be classed as "no grade' ' with inspector's nota- tion as to quality and condition. Note. The amount of dirt in all wheat shall be determined by the inspectors. No. I white winter shall be sound, well cleaned, reasonably plump, and composed of the white varieties. No. I winter to be sound, well cleaned, reasonably plump, and composed of the mixed white and red winter. No. 2 winter to be sound, reasonably clean, and composed of the mixed white and red winter. No. 3 winter shall comprise all winter wheat fit for warehousing, weighing not less than 54 pounds to the measured bushel, not sound enough or otherwise unfit for No. 2 of the other grades. Rejected winter, fit for warehousing but otherwise unfit for No. 3. 386. Composition of Unsound Wheat. — When wheat fails to fully mature or is affected by frost, fungus dis- ease, as rust or smut, or excessive heat causing bleach- ing, the composition of the kernel is affected. Such wheats usually contain a larger percentage of soluble car- bohydrates, organic acids, and soluble proteids than fully matured wheat. Generally, the percentage amount of protein is higher although sometimes it is lower than in normal wheat. Wheat which has been damaged by bleaching, frost or fungus disease gives a lower yield of flour with poorer keeping mnd bread-making qualities. WHEAT 285 Sound wheat of high- milling qualities usually contains not more than 0.25 per cent, of acid bodies, less than 2 per cent, of soluble carbohydrates, and i per cent, sol- uble proteids. 387. Composition of Different Varieties of Wheat. — The different varieties of wheat, as spelt and durum, are similar in composition to ordinary wheat with minor vari- ations in protein and fiber content. Spelt has a chaffy covering which gives it somewhat the same proximate composition as barley, but when the chaff is removed the seed has about the same general composition as wheat. In durum, the percentage of protein varies with the conditions under which the grain is grown. In the table given at the close of this chapter, it will be seen that durum has about the same content of proteid matter and other nutrients as hard spring wheat grown under similar conditions. Experiment 71. — Grading wheat. Make the following tests with three samples of wheat, (i) Obtain the weight per quart (dry measure), and then calculate the weight per bushel of each. (2) Weigh 100 kernels of each sample. (3) Place ten representative kernels (of each) end to end and measure the length in millimeters and inches. (4) Note the color and appearance of each sample. (5) Observe if the kernels are " well filled ;" (6) free from weed seeds and if there are any indications of smut, frosting, or bleach- ing. (7) Assign a grade to each sample (see Section 3S5). 388. American and Foreign Wheats. — A compilation of analyses of wheats and other cereals grown in different countries has been made by Konig. Absolute compari- sons as to composition cannot be made because of numer- ous local factors which affect the wheat, as climate and 286 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY soil. As great a difference is found in the composition of wheats raised in various parts of the United States, as between wheats of different countries where there exist "imilar varieties of climate and soil. In the case of American wheats, the tables given were compiled before any large number of Northwestern wheats were analj-zed, hence the protein content is low because so small a number of wheats of highest protein content are included in the averages. In general, the tables of analyses show that wheat grown in tropical climates is less nitrogenous than that grown in more northern latitudes on equally fertile soils. In making use of the figures given in the follow- ing tables, it should be remembered that the comparisons are only relative as some of the samples contain a much larger amount of moisture than others, and an equal num- ber, or samples proportional to the wheat-growing regions, are not included in the averages. 389. Wheat as Animal Food. — Wheat is not generally used for fattening farm animals because of its high value as human food. Occasionally, however, it is more economical to use it in preference to other grains for the feeding of stock. Experiments have shown that it has a high feeding value. As a food for growing pigs, it is somewhat preferable to corn ; for fattening pigs, there is but little difference between wheat and corn. The best results, however, are obtained when wheat is ground and fed with other grains. A mixture of equal parts of ground wheat and corn gives better results than when either wheat or corn is fed alone. When the price of wheat is low and it can be purchased for the same WHEAT 287 or less per pound than corn, it will pay to use wheat for feeding farm animals. As a food for dairy animals, ground wheat is fully equal to either corn or a mixture of corn and barley, and when fed to fattening steers, ground wheat produces about the same results as ground corn. 390. Wheat as Human Food. — Wheat is used as human food more extensively than any other cereal. This is due largely to its being produced over wider ranges of latitude and its containing proteids specially adapted to bread-making. With the exception of rye, wheat is the only grain which contains gliadin, the proteid which forms the dough and with the gas causes expan- sion of the mass during the process of bread-making. Composition of Wheat (Mainly from Jenkins & Winton, Bull. II, U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Expt. Sta. ) I 22 5 1^ g^ ^ p- Oft w ^i a« ^ -■u-mOn ^4^^lOO^lOvO^^LO\OTtOvO^D•0^\0 v. i^gt^ 0^lOOO M t^vOvO lOvO tr)CO t-^-* • t^CO <1 '^ o i-i" 1-,' cj m' fi (-«■ M ►-■ _■ W M M M M 'mm 'rti^i.-S'^D ovDm -Cn-O •00^• i-i 1-^ w hOi,-i-!0 iOfO>-'vOONOOvOrO'-iT)-MroOOt^lO ttt^'^^" wN'-iw'-iwi-lMMMMl-.cil-'clcJ i,.-u,^'i-i rorOa\to>OlOONCOT)-\DlOcOO'OOM O^JJgU-j ONCSCNCT^M3vOaN'OVDrO'^i-iO'-;^Cr> fLi 'S '^ o m" d '-' pj "^ f^' i~~- d d t^' a^ r^ >-<' I-' o I-.' cN .SiU5"5rO o t^ — CO l^vO -D-rOOl O^ ^ CO io<~90nc<1 gsPH^jrO ri-'^rOr0^tNrO>->ioro<~^J>-. en S o o (^ u 03 tfi en tn ^ 'T^.'o. fl "o. "o. "o. 7^ "rl rt rt cj n S3 SBSHS^ o cs ?. rt C .2 •2 p tf ►- o rtl J* 1^ f- > 1 W KJ K) OJ -fi -t^ Ck) ii.ai*-J4i^ mO-" 0\ Cn 'j^ -i-^ ^ O i-t in \D 0\ \D ■>" f^ o ^' CO as S o On M M^OJ CO^O OOONOsr* (J\ ^ CTs On Cn 11 ^ -^ O O ^ -^l O ' -P>- Cn Cn N) n -f^ Os OJ PJ n-< BO 00 o> ^J +>. -P. o -^ po Cn C7\ b^ M K> M w OJ OJ K3 00 -P^ 00 > ON 01 0\ ^ 00 M ^ ON -t- 10 S^ 00 0 a 0 t. 0 Oj 0 w ■f^ -P- (0 -t^ 0\ Cn 3 ^D ^ ^ w 0 00 oj Cn ON M 0 *> 10 to Cn 00 Cn Oj a\ cn M CO 00 Cn P M M 00 Cn Cn 1-1 Cn lo 4^ Cn P Is} Cn 4^ 00 Cn Cn Cn OS b to ►1 0 » 3 3 C/i ON Cn ^ p p ON -^I ON Oj 4^ 00 Cn P 00 00 B n 0 24 370 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 489. Proteids of Meat.— I,ean meat, fat-free, is a con- centrated nitrogenous material composed mainly of pro- teids but containing also small amounts of amides, albu- minoids and in some cases, alkaloidal bodies. The pro- teids are present mainly, in insoluble forms ; a small amount, however, is soluble. The principal soluble meat proteids are albumin and syntonin. 490. Albumin. — The formula C^HugNigSO^j has been tentatively assigned to albumin. The amount of albu- min in meats ranges from 0.6 to 5 per cent. Liebig gives as a mean 2.96 per cent. The lean meat of the pig as well as that of poultry contains a relatively large amount. Albumin is soluble in cold water, and is coagulated at a temperature of 157° to 163° F. and of 69° to 75° C. Dilute acids convert albumins into acid albuminates while alkalies produce alkali .albuminates. The albuminates are proteids derived from albumins and other proteids by the action of acids or alkalies. 491. riyosin. — Myosin is obtained from meat by extrac- tion with a weak solution of common salt. The myosin dissolves in the salt solution and is precipitated by heat and chemicals (see Experiments 60 and 61). Myosin is a globulin and in the living animal is present largely in soluble forms. 492. Syntonin has the same general relationship to myosin as dextrin has to starch. Dextrin is derived from starch and syntonin is derived from myosin. Syn- tonin is an acid albuminate formed by the action of dilute acids*. The amount of syntonin and myosin in meats is COMPOSITION OF ANIMAI. BODIES 37 1 small, never exceeding, according to Hoffman, 2 or 3 per cent. 493. Hemoglobin. — When fresh meat is soaked in cold water, the solution becomes red in color on account of the hemoglobin which is extracted. Hemoglobin is a pro- teid which imparts the red color to the blood and is coag- ulated by heat at a temperature of 128° to 132° F. There is a sufficient amount of various salts in the blood to dissolve some of the fibrin proteids which are precipitated at a temperature of about 140° F. or 60° C. 494. Insoluble Proteids — The larger portion of the nitrogenous material of the muscles is in the form of in- soluble muscular fiber. From 90 to 95 per cent, of the total nitrogenous matter of fat-free lean meat is present in soluble forms. In the grains, various insoluble pro- teids are found and in the different meats different kinds of insoluble proteids are present. Meats differ both as to the kinds and proportional amounts of the several proteids which they contain. 495. Peptones. — When muscular fiber is acted upon by some ferments, peptones are produced. Only a small amount of peptones is present in meat. When meat is in cold storage to undergo the curing process before it is placed upon the market, the peptonizing process takes place to a slight extent. If the process is too long con- tinued, ptomains, which are poisonous compounds, may develop. When meat of the best quality is produced, long curing is unnecessary, 496. Keratin is an amide compound present in meat 372 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY juices in small amounts; loo pounds of meat contain from 0.07 to 0.32 of a pound. Like other amides, it pos- sesses less food value than protein. Keratin, sarkin and allied bodies are not coagulated by heat, but are gradually decomposed and give off characteristic odors when meat is being cooked. Keratin and sarkin are present in large amounts in beef extracts and although they possess no direct food value, they impart palatabil- ity and are mainly valuable on this account. 497. Albuminoids, Gelatin. — When bone or muscular tissue is subjected to the action of boiling water, gelatin separates upon cooling and standing. Gelatin is quite different in chemical composition from albumin, muscular fiber and other proteids. Hoff meister gives the formula as Cio^Hj.jOjg. It contains no sulfur, while pro- teids contain from i to 2 per cent. Gelatin may prevent the rapid depletion of the protein of the body but cannot take its place as a nutrient. The approximate amounts of the nitrogenous compounds in lean meat are given in the following table from which it will be observed that only a small part is present in the meat juices. The Nitrogenous Compounds oe Meat. Per cent. f Muscular fiber 12 to 18 1 Albumin 0.5 to 2.0 ^- P'-^teids iMyosin 0.4 to 0.6 { Syntonin 2. Albuminoids Gelatin, etc 2.0 to 5.0 f Keratin 0.07 to 0.34 3. Amides I Sarkin o.oi to 0.03 lurea 4. Alkaloids (ptomaines) Occasionally traces. COMPOSITION OF ANIMAL BODIES 373 498. Influence of Food upon the Composition of Ani- mal Bodies. — The nature of the food consumed has a noticeable effect upon the composition of the animal body. The food affects both the amount of meat produced and its composition. As a general rule, an unbalanced ration, particularly one with a large amount of non-nitrogenous compounds, produces flesh that is poor in circulatory pro- teids. But few systematic experiments have been made to study the influence of food upon the composition of animal bodies. 499. Composition of the Human Body. — Halliburton States that the human body contains 58.5 per cent, water. The amount at different stages of life varies; in later life, the body contains less than during youth. Water is present in all parts of the body ; enamel contains 2 per cent., the gray matter of the brain 85 to 86 per cent., bone about 50 per cent., and muscle 75 per cent. The amount of fat varies between quite wide limits; normally, Moleschott states that it makes up from 4 to 5 per cent, of the weight of the body. Adipose tissue contains about 85, marrow 96, and nerves 22 per cent. fat. Twenty- five percent, of the muscle is solid matter, of which 21 per cent, is proteid and albuminoid material, and 4 per cent, is fat and nitrogenous extractive bodies. Mineral matter is present in small amounts combined with the muscular and other tissues and in solution in the various fluids and secretions. CHAPTER XXXVIII Rational Feeding of Men 500. Similarity in the Principles of Human and Ani- mal Feeding. —The rational feeding of men is founded upon the same principles as the rational feeding of ani- mals. It is the object in each case to supply the body with the right kinds and amounts of nutrients to meet all of its demands. It is not possible in either human or animal feeding to establish inflexible standards. 501. Dietary Standards. — The standard rations which have been proposed by Atwater, Voit and others call for about one- fourth of a pound each of fat and protein and a pound of carbohydrates in the ration of a man at aver- age muscular labor. Such a ration should yield about 3,200 calories. The actual amount of nutrients consumed by laborers does not always conform to this standard. For example, studies have shown that the negro laborer in the South often, by choice, consumes less than o.i pound per day of protein, while a well-fed mechanic fre- quently consumes over 0.5 pound per day. While only tentative standards are proposed, experiments and dietary studies have shown that the best results are ob- tained in the feeding of men, as in the feeding of ani- mals, when the ration conforms within reasonable limits to the standard. By a dietary standard is meant the approximate amount of nutrients which the dail}^ ration should contain. Such a standard as proposed by Atwater is as follows : RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 375 Carbohy- Fuel Nutri- Protein. Fat. diates. value. live lb. lb. lbs. calories, ratio. Man with little physical exercise. 0.20 0.20 0.66 2450 5.5 Man with light muscular work •• 0.22 0.22 0.77 2800 5.7 Man with moderate muscular work 0.28 0.28 0.99 3520 5.8 Man with active muscular work. . 0.33 0.33 i.io 4060 5.6 Man with hard muscular work .. 0.39 0.55 1.43 5700 6.9 502. Amount of Foods Consumed per Day. — In com- bining foods to form human rations, there should be, as in animal rations, a variety of foods and no food article should be used in excessive amounts. The approximate amounts of food consumed per day by a man at average labor, are as follows : Range. Average. Ounces. Pound. Bread 6 to 14 0.50 Butter 2 to 5 0.12 Potatoes 8 to 16 0.75 Cheese i to 4 0.12 Beans i to 4 0.12 Milk 8 to 32 Sugar 2 to 5 0.20 Meat 4 to 12 0.25 Oatmeal ito 4 0.12 In a balanced ration, it is the aim to obtain from all of the foods approximately 0.25 pound each of fat and pro- tein and a pound of carbohydrates. In case of severe work, larger amounts of nutrients, as indicated in the table, are necessary. The composition of human foods is given in the tables at the close of the chapter. In calculating the amounts of nutrients in fractions of a pound, the percentage composition of the food is mul- tiplied by the weight used, as in calculating animal ra- tions (see Section 480). 376 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 503. Calculating a Balanced Ration. — The various articles of food should be selected according to cost, nutritive value, purposes for which they are desired, amount and kind of work to be performed, and individual preferences. When bread, butter, milk, potatoes, sugar, oatmeal, cornmeal, beef, ham and eggs, are to be com- bined to form a ration, such amounts are taken as will yield approximately 0.25 pound each of protein and fat, and a pound of carbohydrates. Such a combination would be as follows : Nutrients. Amount Carbohy- per day. Protein. Fat. drates. Foods. Ounces. Pound. Pound. Pound. Calories. Ham 4 0.04 0.09 480 Eggs (2) 0.03 0.02 136 Bread • . • '. 8 0.05 o.oi o. 28 650 Butter 2 o.ir 450 Potatoes 12 0.02 0.14 285 Milk 16 0.04 0.04 0.05 325 Sugar 2 0.12 200 Oatmeal 2 0.02 o.oi 0.09 230 Beef (stew) 4 0.04 0.05 250 Cornmeal 4 0.02 o.oi 0.18 420 0.26 0.34 0.86 3426 This ration contains 0.26 pound protein, 0.34 pound fat, 0.86 pound carbohydrates and yields 3,426 calories. While it contains somewhat more fat and slightly less carbohj'drates than the standard, it is suflSciently near the standard for all practical purposes. Some vegetables and fruits should be added to the ration not so much with the object of increasing the nutrients as for the pur- pose of greater variety and palatabUity. In this ration, RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 377 the nutrients are secured from a variety of sources, the largest amount of protein coming from the bread. About one-third of the protein is supplied in the form of meat, one- fourth by the eggs and milk, while the balance is secured from the vegetable foods. Bread, potatoes, cornmeal and sugar supply most of the carbohydrates, the two ounces of sugar supplying nearly 14 per cent. In combining foods to form balanced rations, meats, beans, cheese, milk, bread and oatmeal supply protein, while pork, ham, bacon and other fat meats, butter, cheese and milk supply the f£.ts. Carbohydrates are supplied more liberally from bread, rice, cornmeal, cereals, potatoes, sugar and vegetables. 504. Comparative Cost and Value of Foods. — With human as with animal foods, the market price does not, as a rule, correspond with their nutritive value. When foods differ widely in cost, their relative values can be f\T.13 MILK t^*T CHEESE Fig. 100. — Comparative composition of milk, cheese, and butter. approximateb' determined by comparing the amounts of 378 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY nutrients which a given sum of money will procure in each case. The principle is the same as in the compari- son of cost and value of animal foods, Section 483. In making comparisons, preference cannot be given to any single nutrient. In general, however, foods which supply the largest amount of protein for a given sum of money are cheapest and most economical provided there is no great difference in the amounts of fat and carbohy- drates. When there is but little difference in protein content, preference should be given to foods yielding the largest number of calories. In order to calculate the nutrients which can be pro- cured for a given sum of money, first determine the pounds of food, then multiply the weight by the percent- age composition, using the figures in the tables. When round steak is 15 cents per pound and milk 5 cents per quart, the amounts of nutrients which can be purchased for 1 5 cents are as follows : 15 cents will buy Carbo- Protein. Fat. hydrates, lbs. lb. lb. lb. Calories. Round steak i 0.18 0.12 870 Milk 6 0.21 0.24 0.30 1950 Three quarts of milk or six pounds contain 0.03 pound more protein and 0.12 pound more fat and yield over 1,000 calories more than a pound of round steak costing the same. Milk at 5 cents per quart should be used lib- erally in the ration when steak is 15 cents or more per pound. It does not follow that meat should be entirely excluded from the ration in favor of milk but the RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 379 nutrients indicate that milk should be used in liberal amounts. Problem i. — Calculate a balanced ration for a man at hard mus- cular labor and give the cost of the food articles required. Problem 2. — Calculate a ration for a man with little physical ex- ercise, giving cost of ration. Problem j. — Calculate the amounts of food and the nutrients re- quired for a family of seven for ten days, three of the family to be considered as consuming each 0.8 as much as an adult. Calculate the cost of the food. Then calculate, on the same basis, the prob- able amounts of food for one year with cost, adding 20 per cent, additional for fluctuations in market prices and foods not included in the ten-day list. Problem 4. — How do beef and mutton compare as to nutrients when they are the same price per pound ? Problem 5. — Calculate the comparative amounts of nutrients that can be procured when cheese is 16 cents and loin steak 20 cents per pound, and also when cheese is 20 cents and loin steak is 16 cents. Problerii 6. — How do the nutrients in chicken at 12 cents per pound compare with those in round steak at 14 cents per pound? Problem 7. — How does flour at 2 cents per pound compare in nutritive value with a cereal breakfast food at 10 cents per pound, and having the same composition as whole wheat? 505. Factors Influencing Digestibility. — The factors, discussed in Chapter XXXV, which influence the digesti- bility of animal foods also influence the digestibility of hu- man foods. The mechanical condition of the food and the method of preparation have a more pronounced effect in a human than in an animal ration. The term digesti- bility has, by some physiologists, been used to designate ease of digestion rather than completeness of the process, foods which are easily digested and require but little 380 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY work of the digestive tract being termed digestible, while those which require a larger amount of work are said to be indigestible. Some confusion has arisen from this use of the term digestible. For example, rice is frequently called a digestible food and cheese an indigestible food. Digestion experiments have shown that cheese is more completely digested than rice. A food which is easily digested is not necessarily completely digested. Individuality influences the digestibility of foods to a marked extent. For example, digestion experiments have shown a difference of over 14 per cent, in diges- tibility of the protein in a mixed ration composed of bread, milk and beans. There is a greater difference between individuals as to the ease of digestion than as to the completeness. Since digestion is largely a biochemical process, its completeness is necessarily influenced by the activity of the cells in the digestive tract. The com- bining of foods influences digestibility. For example, milk in a ration exerts a favorable influence upon the di- gestibility of the other foods with which it is combined. This is because of the presence in milk of' enzymes or soluble ferments. Experiments have shown that 12.5 per cent, of the protein in a sterile food, as toast, is capa- ble of being digested by the soluble ferments of milk. ■ The method of cooking and preparing foods also exerts an influence upon their digestibilitj'. Cooking changes both the physical and chemical composition of foods. The cell walls of vegetables and cereals are broken and the starch granules ruptured, thus exposing them to more thorough action of the digestive fluids. Cooking RATlONAIy FEEDING OF MEN 38 1 influences the ease or rapidity of digestion to a greater extent than it does the completeness of the process. The carbohydrates are favorably influenced by the action of heat while, in some cases, prolonged heat may make the proteids less digestible. In pasteurized milk, for example, the proteids are slightly less digestible than in pure fresh milk, while in sterilized milk, the digestibility is notice- ably lessened. As in the case of animals, the mechanical condition of a food influences both the ease and the completeness of the process. With persons of sedentary habits, the best results are secured when a small amount of some coarsely granulated food is present. A large amount of such foods, however, is not suitable in the ration of a hard working man because of lack of avail- ability of the nutrients. 506. Requisites of a Ration.— Reasonable combina- tions should be made in forming balanced rations. A number of foods which are slow of digestion or require much intestinal work should not be combined. Neither should a number of foods which are easily digested and leave but little indigestible residue. Two foods which are either laxative or costive should not be combined. After formulating a ration, it should be critically ex- amined to see if it satisfies the following conditions : (i) Foods economical and suitable to the work to be per- formed, (2) foods combined so as to secure balanced work of the digestive tract, (3) foods not too laxative or too cos- tive in effect, (4) requisite bulk, (5) sufficient amount of indigestible residue to dilute the waste products in the intestinal tract. 3^2 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 507. Dietary Studies. —A dietary study considers the cost and amount of nutrients consumed by individuals and families. It is an investigation in which men are used and human foods are studied instead of farm ani- mals and animal foods. Dietary studies have shown that frequently money is injudiciously spent in the purchase of high-priced foods which contains but a small amount of nutrients. In a dietary study, the amounts of nutri- ents in the foods exclusive of the refuse parts are deter- mined. From the weight of the foods, the nutrients contained are calculated using the tables, or thej' are determined by chemical analysis. The purchasing of food is frequently done without re- gard to nutritive value. Erroneous ideas as to the value of foods are often the cause of extravagance in their purchase and use. As for example, it has been claimed that the banana is as valuable as beef, and mush- rooms have been erroneously called vegetable beefsteak. Many other foods are assigned fictitious values. Too frequently, choice is made on the basis of palatability, but cost of nutrients and kind of work to be performed should be considered as well as palatability. Dietary studies of •the United States Department of Agriculture have shown that lack of knowledge in regard to the value of foods has frequently resulted in whole families being underfed, not from necessity but from lack of judgment in the se- lection of foods. While it is not practicable or desirable to confine the ration to an absolute standard, dietary studies have shown that for long periods the best results are obtained when foods are combined so as to secure nu- RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 383 trients in approximately the amounts given. By means of a careful study of the dietary, it is possible to reduce the cost of food without impairing its nutritive value, and in many cases, as the cost is decreased, the nutritive value is increased. 508. Chemical Changes in the Cooking of Foods. — The chemical changes which take place in cooking are brought about by the joint action of heat, water and ferments and occasionally by the use of chemicals. The various com- pounds of which foods are composed, namely, carbohy- drates, proteids and fats, are all susceptible to the action of these agencies and the chemical changes which they un- dergo are briefly discussed in Chapters XXIII and XXIV, treating of the composition of the nitrogenous and non- nitrogenous compounds. Some of the changes are phys- ical rather than chemical in character. All of the differ- ent nutrients of foods are influenced by the action of heat. Fig. loi. — Comparative composition of raw and baked beans. Starch, in the presence of water and heat,, undergoes partial hydration, so that the material is in a condition 384 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY both chemically and mechanically to undergo readily in- version changes. In the cooking and preparation of foods, starch rarely undergoes more than the hydration change. In bread-making, for example, only a small portion of the original starch is converted into soluble forms. The action of heat upon cellulose and cellular tissue is mechanical rather than chemical. The mass is partially disintegrated and in the case of some of the cellulose, hydration takes place to a limited extent. Human foods, however, contain comparatively little of the cellulose group of compounds. The sugars are partially caromel- ized by heat, provided it is sufficiently intense, but in ordinary cooking operations, they undergo little or no chemical change unless associated with acids, alkalies or ferment bodies, in which case they may be converted into a number of chemical products. In the cooking of fruits, as the baking of apples, a por- tion of the levulose of the fruit-sugar is partially carbon- ized. In case the fruit is not fully matured, the pectose substances or jellies are converted into a more soluble condition by the action of heat. When heat is sufficiently intense, the essential or volatile oils are expelled. Fats, as a class, undergo slight oxidation changes by the action of heat. In the process of bread-making, for example, the fat extracted from the bread is different in character from that in the original flour. It is darker in color, and chemical tests show that it is slightly oxidized. Heat causes the proteids to undergo more complex changes than any other class of nutrients. The soluble RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 385 albumins are coagulated, the globulins also are coagulated, and if the heat is sufficiently intense, molecular changes take place, in which the elements composing the proteid molecule are rearranged in a different way forming, prac- tically, a new molecule with different chemical and phys- ical properties. Since the proteid compounds contain fatty acid radicals, carbohydrate-like bodies, amides and radicals of other compounds, a number of chemical changes may take place, varying with the degree of heat employed. The chemical changes which take place in the process of cooking influence, to a limited extent, the digestibility of the foods. As a rule, the total digestibility of the carbohydrate nutrients is changed but little by the action of heat. For example, experiments have shown that the carbohydrates in toast are no more completely digested than the carbohydrates in bread, but the action of heat in the preparation of toast produces chemical and phys- ical changes which render the nutrients more susceptible to the action of the digestive fluids, and while toast is no more completely digested than bread, it is more readily acted upon by the digestive fluids. Experiments show that prolonged heat has a tendency to decrease the di- gestibility of the proteid compounds as a class. In toast, the proteid nutrients are slightly less digestible than in bread. In general, it can be said that cooking effects ease of digestion rather than completeness of the process, that the carbohydrates are practically as digestible before the action of heat as after and that the proteids are slightly 386 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY less digestible after the action of prolonged heat. Ex- periments in the feeding of animals have shown that when foods are cooked, the total digestibility of the nutrients is not increased, and in some cases, a smaller amount of nutrients was absorbed after cooking than before. This does not mean that the cooking of foods is undesirable because ease of digestion is equally as important as com- pleteness of digestion. Also cooking sterilizes the food, which is desirable. Many foods, if consumed uncooked, would be unwholesome because of the presence of ferment bodies or poisonous compounds as ptomains. When acted upon by heat, the ferment bodies are destroyed and the ptomain compounds decomposed. When salt, soda and other chemicals are used, chem- ical changes, to a limited extent, take place. Soda, for example, combines with the proteid compounds, forming alkali proteids and the acids form acid proteids. In cooking and preparing foods, many of the physical changes which take place precede and are necessary to the chemical changes. In the boiling of potatoes, for exam- ple, heat changes the physical character of the cells but does not alter the solubility of the starch. The albumin is coagulated and small amounts of the mineral com- pounds and other bodies are extracted. In the cooking of some of the cereals, as oatmeal, if the process is con- tinued for only a few minutes, the starch is not acted upon to any appreciable extent because of the relatively large amount of gelatinous proteids which protect the starch particles. If the cooking is continued for three or four hours, the material is disintegrated, the starch RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 387 cells are ruptured, and instead of masses of starch, small particles of disintegrated starch may be observed. This starch is partially hydrated. Oatmeal cooked in the two ways, for a few minutes, and for four hours, contains practically the same percentage amount of total starch. In the one case, however, the starch is in large masses, unruptured and unaltered, while in the other, the starch masses have been ruptured, the particles are in a finer state of division and are partially hydrated. Oatmeal which has been cooked for only a few minutes does not readily undergo digestion, but the four hours' cooking produces physical and intermediate chemical changes that cause the starch to yield readily to the action of the diastase ferment. In the cooking of meats, the heat liquefies a portion of the fat and oxidizes a portion of that which is exposed to the air, while the proteids undergo complex molec- ular changes. In the cooking and preparation of foods, it should be the object to bring about physical rather than Fig. 102— composition of bread. chemical changes. Cooking influences the ease rather than the completeness of digestion. 509. Refuse and Waste Matters.— Nearly all foods 388 AGRICULTURAL CHKMISTRY contain some refuse material which cannot be consumed as food. In average meat, as purchased in the market, from 7 to 56 per cent, is bone and trimmings. Round steak has least waste while shank has most. Tables showing the average amounts of refuse in meats are given at the close of the chapter. The amount of refuse and waste which a food contains is frequently large enough to make the nutrients of the edible portion quite expen- sive even in apparently cheap foods. In vegetables, the refuse ranges from 15 to 50 per cent. About 15 per cent, of the weight of potatoes is lost as parings ; of fresh peas, one-half of the weight is pods, and of squash, one- half the weight is rind and seeds. In calculating the nutrients of foods, the refuse and waste parts are to be considered, as there is nearly always a smaller percentage amount of nutrients in the food as purchased than in the edible portion. 510. Loss of Nutrients in the Preparation of Foods. — In the cooking of vegetables, as potatoes, carrots and cabbage, some of the soluble nutrients, as albumin, sugar and mineral matter are extracted and lost in the water. In the case of potatoes, experiments have shown that over 57 per cent, of the total nitrogenous matter is ex- tracted and lost when the potatoes are cut in small pieces and soaked in cold water. When the cleaned, unpeeled potatoes were placed directly into hot water, the losses amounted to only i per cent. In the case of carrots and cabbage, the losses are large if the pieces are small and much water is used. The losses from meats incident to cooking need not necessarily be large provided mechani- RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 389 cal losses are avoided. In the boiling of meat, there is a decrease in weight of about 30 per cent, due largely to loss of water. About 5 per cent, of proteid matter is extracted, also 13 to 15 per cent, of fat and 51 per cent. of mineral matter. With small pieces of meat, the total loss of weight may be over 50 per cent. The amount of nutrients dissolved varies with the size of the pieces. From experiments made at the University of Illinois, there does not appear to be any great difference in the amount of nutrients extracted from meats by hot or cold water. If the broth is utilized for soup, the nu- trients extracted during cooking are not lost. 511. Mineral Matter in a Ration. — In the calculation of human as well as animal rations, the mineral content of the food is not considered along with the other nutri- ents. This is not because the mineral nutrients are of insignificant value but because nearly all combinations of food contain sufficient, both in amount and variety, for food purposes. Phosphates, compounds of iron, potas- sium and magnesium are required only in comparatively small amounts. It is estimated that with a man at hard labor from 2 to 3.5 grams per day of phosphoric acid are eliminated through the kidneys. Since this includes all of the soluble mineral phosphates of the food, and not all of those are used for functional purposes, it is not neces- sary that the food should contain even 2 to 3.5 grams of available phosphates per day. A ration consisting en- tirely of white bread contains enough phosphates to sup- ply the body and establish a phosphate equilibrium. An average daily ration of mixed foods contains from 5 to 8 390 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY grams or more. Meats and nearly all animal foods con- tain about one per cent, of mineral matter of which about half is phosphoric acid. Milk and eggs contain phos- phates and mineral matter in liberal amounts. In a mixed ration of three or more food articles, there is al- ways enough phosphates and mineral matter for purposes of nutrition. A part of the excess of phosphates in a ration is eliminated through the kidneys. The feces also contain phosphoric acid. Inability of the organs to as- similate phosphates, due to malnutrition and lack of available forms of other nutrients, is more frequently a source of trouble than lack of phosphates in the food. It is estimated that in the ration of an adult, about 20 grams per day of sodium chlorid are necessary. This compound takes an important part in nutrition and is a normal constituent of all the fluids of the body. 512. Digestibility of Foods.— The digestibility of foods is a subject which belongs for investigation alike to the chemist, the physiologist, and the bacteriologist. The physiologist considers the structure of the digestive tract and the functions of the various organs ; the chem- ist studies the chemical changes which occur while the food is undergoing digestion, the completeness of the digestion process, and the extent to which the nutrients of the food are made available to the body ; the bacteri- ologist deals with the ferment bodies which assist in the process of digestion. 513. Digestibility of fleats.-^The nutrients of meats, particularly the fats and proteids, are more completely RATIONAI. FEEDING OF MEN 39I digested than the same classes of natrients in vege- tables. From 93 to 95 per cent, or more of the pro- teids and fats from foods of animal origin are completely digested, while of vegetables not more than 85 per cent. of the proteids are completely digested except in the case of finely ground flour. Meats are concentrated foods as they furnish large amounts of nutrients in digestible forms. There is less difference in the completeness with which the various meats are digested than in the ease of diges- tion. Some meats, as pork, veal and mutton, which are called indigestible, are slow of digestion but are quite com- pletely digested. The nutrients of meats can, for all practical purposes, be considered entirely digestible. 514. Digestibility of Vegetable Foods Vegetable foods are less completely digestible than animal foods. The larger the amount of cellulose or fiber, the less com- pletely digested is the food. Only a very small amount of the cellulose, even hydrated cellulose, of human foods is available to the body. In many vegetables the nutrients are enclosed in cellular tissue and thus, to a certain extent, are protected from the solvent action of the digestive fluids. The starches and carbo- hydrates of vegetables are more completely digested than the proteids. Frequently, 95 per cent, of the starch, while only 80 per cent, or less of the proteids, is digested. There is quite a wide range in the digestibility of the nutrients of vegetable foods. The nutrients of fruits are, as a rule, more completely digested than those from other vegetable sources, but fruits contain only comparatively small amounts of nutrients. 392 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 515. Relation of Food to Health. — Since the function of food is to supply the body with nourishment, the sub- jects of food and health are necessarily closely related. If too long continued, either an abnormal or too scant an amount of food affects the health. Not only is the amount important to health but also the quality of the food as nature of nutrients and sanitary condition. Many diseases result from malnutrition, while many others are caused by the use of foods in an unsanitary condition. Food may cause disease either on account of its unsani- tary condition or because of an excessive or deficient amount of nutrients, or because of an unbalanced con- dition of the nutrients. RATIONAL FEJEDING OF MEN 393 Composition of Human Foods. (From Bulletins Nos. 28 and 34, Office of Experiment Stations.) Kind of food. Beef — Chuck ribs : Edible portion As purchased Loin : Edible portion As purchased Neck : Edible portion • As purchased Ribs: Edible portion . . As purchased Round : Edible portion As purchased Rump : Edible portion As purchased Shank, fore : Edible portion As purchased Shank, hind : Edible portion As purchased Fore quarter : Edible portion As purchased Hind quarter : Edible portion As purchased Cooked, corn'd & can'd: As purchased Dried and smoked : As purchased va 13-8 13.0 27.6 20.8 7-7 21.4 36.9 53-9 19.4 I's-s 57-3 49-3 60.5 52.6 63.4 45-9 55-4 43-8 65.8 60.7 56.7 44-5 67.9 42.9 67.8 31-3 61.4 49-5 61.0 51-3 53-1 50.8 01 a Jr, 42.7 36.9 39-5 34-4 36.6 26.5 44.6 35-4 34-2 31.6 43-3 34-1 32.1 20.2 32.2 14.8 38.6 3I-I 39-0 32.9 46.9 49.2 da Fat. Per cent. 17.4 24.4 I5-0 21.1 18.3 20.2 15-9 17.6 19.2 16.5 139 II.9 16.9 26.8 13-4 21.3 19.7 18.1 13-5 12.6 16.8 25.6 13.2 20.2 19.6 II. 6 12.3 7-3 19.8 II-5 91 5-3 17-5 20.2 14. 1 16.3 18.0 20.1 15-2 17.0 28.5 14.0 31.8 6.8 fc.il V a fa 0 0.9 0.8 i.o 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.7 I.O 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.7 4.4 1355 II70 II90 1040 1055 760 1445 1 150 935 870 1395 1095 855 535 855 395 1 180 950 1 185 1000 1 120 84s 394 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Composition of Human Foods — {Cofitinued). Kind of food. Veal — Leg, whole : Edible portion As purchased Rump : Edible portion As purchased Fore quarter : Edible portion As purchased Hind quarter : Edible portion As purchased Lamb — Leg, hind : Edible portion As purchased Loin : Edible portion •• . As purchased Neck ; Edible portion As purchased Shoulder : Edible portion i^ :^ purchased MuTTON^Leg, hind : Edible portion As purchased Lo'n : Edible portion As purchased Neck : Edible portion . . ^ As purchased -..>-.... Shoulder : Edible portion = . As purchased 15-6 30.2 24-5 20.7 17.4 14.8 17.7 20.3 15-3 28.4 21.7 "J 2 I. 70.4 59-4 62.6 43-7 71.7 54-2 70.9 56.2 63-9 52.9 53-1 45-3 56. 'y 46.7 51.8 41-3 62.8 51-4 50.1 42.2 58.2 41.6 61.9 485 29.6 25.0 37-4 26.1 28.3 21.3 29.1 23.1 36.1 29.7 46.9 39-9 43-2 35.6 38.4 37-2 50 5 49-9 42.5 41.8 30.0 38.1 29.8 5 c 20.1 6.9 20.1 4.0 9-4 4.6 9.8 5.7 8.5 5-2 7.6 7-5 4.4 7-5 4.0 8,2 4-9 5-9 3-2 6.3 1-7 7-3 3-5 . n en u ft. u 8.4 7.2 16.2 II-3 8.0 6.0 8.3 6.6 16.5 13-6 28.3 24.1 24.8 20.4 29.7 23.6 18,0 14.9 33-2 28.6 24-5 17.6 19.9 15-6 < ^ I.I 0.9 I.I 0.8 0.9 0.7 I.O 0.8 I.I 0.9 0.8 i-o L375 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.7 I 960 0.9 j 1160 0.7 I 910 RATIONAL FEEDING OF MEN 395 Composition of Human Foods — {Continued) . Kind of food. Mutton — (Contin'd). Fore quarter : Edible portion As purchased Hind quarter : Edible portion As purchased Side, without tallow : Edible portion As purchased Pork — Flank : Edible portion As purchased Ham, smoked : Edible portion As purchased Shoulder, fresh : Edible portion As purchased Salt, clear fat : As purchased Salt, lean ends : Edible portion As purchased Bacon, smoked : Edible portion As purchased Side: Edible portion As purchased Poultry — Chicken : Edible portion As purchased Turkey : Edible portion As purchased 16.7 19.2 71.2 14.4 46.6 8.0 34.8 t ,22.7 51-7 40.6 54-8 45-6 53-1 42.9 59-0 17.0 40.7 34-9 57-5 30-4 7-3 19.9 17.6 18.2 16.8 29.4 26.1 74.2 48.5 55-5 42.4 u * o 48.3 38-3 45-2 37-7 46.9 37-9 41.0 II. 8 59-3 50.7 42.5 23.0 92.7 80.1 71.2 81.8 75-2 70.6 62.7 25.8 16.7 44.5 34-9 15.0 II. 9 16.2 13-5 15-4 12.5 17.8 5-1 15-5 13-3 15-6 8.3 7-3 6.5 lo.o 9.2 8.5 7-5 22.8 14.8 20.6 15-7 (I, u 32.4 25-7 28.2 23-5 30-7 24.7 22.2 6.4 39-1 33-4 26.1 14-3 87.2 67.1 59-6 67.2 61.8 61.7 54.8 1.8 i.i 22.9 18.4 ^ V P4 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 I.O 0.3 4-7 4.0 0.8 0.4 3-7 5-7 5-1 4.6 4.2 0.4 0.4 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.8 1645 1305 1490 1245 1580 1275 1265 365 1940 1655 1390 760 3715 2965 2635 3020 2780 2760 2455 500 325 1350 1070 396 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Composition of Human Foods — {Continued). Kind of food. 56.3 Fish , fresh — Cod .dried Edible portion As purchased : 29.9 Mackerel, entrails rem'd: I Edible portion ] As purchased 140.7 Salmon, Cal., sections: Edible portion * * " " As purchased 10.3 Salmon trout, whole: Edible portion As purchased Trout, brook, whole: Edible portion As purchased 48. i Fish, pres'd, cod, salt: Edible portion As purchased Mackerel, salt: Edible portion As purchased Salmon, canned, as purc'd Sardines, can'd, as purc'd Shellfish, clams, round: Edible portion ! As purchased 67.5 Oysters, "solids," as pur' d Dairy Products : Cheese — Cheddar Butter *Milk *Cream Eggs : In shell Edible portion 24.9 22.9 13-7 ^g- 82.6 58.5 73-4 43-7 63.6 57-9 69.1 30.0 77.8 40.4 53-6 40-3 42.2 32-5 64-5 56.4 86.2 28.0 88.3 33- 00 13.00 87.00 63.1 73-8 17.4 11.6 26.6 15-6 36.4 31-8 30.9 13-7 22.2 46.4 34-8 .57-8 44.6 35-5 43-6 13-8 4-5 11.7 67.00 87.00 13.00 23.2 26.2 15-8 10.6 18.2 11.4 175 16. 1 18.2 7-7 18.9 9.8 21.4 16.0 22.0 17.0 20.1 25-3 6.5 2.1 6.1 28.00 0.50 3-5 2.5 12. 1 14.9 0.4 0.2 7-1 3-5 17.9 14.8 11.4 5-4 2.1 I.I 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 1.4 1.2 0.8 1-3 0.7 I.O 0.9 1-3 0.6 T.2 0.6 I 24.6 18.4 22.6 '13.2 17.4 ilO.2 11. 6 ! 2.4 12.7 I 5.6 2.7 0.9 0.9 35. OO; 4.0 85.00! 1.5 4.OOJ 0.7 20.0 0.5 10.2 10.5 0.9 0.8 * Milk also contains 4.8 per cent, carbohydrates, ranges from 10 to 30 per cent. The fat content of cream RATIONAL FEEDIKG OF MJ5N 397 Composition oi^ Human Foods — {Continued^. Kind of food. Wheat flours, meals, etc. *Roller process flour Spring wheat flour Winter wheat flour Buckwheat flour Cornmeal, bolted Oatmeal Rice Rice, boiled * White bread *Graham bread Crackers Sugar, granulated Sugar, maple Vegetables — Asparagus As purchased Beans, dried. As purchased Beets : Edible portion As purchased Cabbage : Edible portion As purchased ■ Carrots : Edible portion As purchased . Parsnips : Edible portion As purchased . — - • . . . • Peas, dried : As purchased Peas, green : Edible portion As purchased ir.9 II. 6 12.5 14-3 12.9 7-2 12.4 52-7 31.0 32.2 8.2 ■5-q 50.0 94.0 13.2 87.6 70.0 90-3 76.8 88.2 70-5 79-9 63-9 10.8 78.1 39-0 s ^ And, 12.6 II.8 10.4 6.1 8.9 15-6 7.8 5-0 9-9 9-5 10.7 1.8 22.3 1.6 1-3 2.1 1.8 I.I 0.9 1-7 1-3 24.1 4.4 2.2 0.8 I.I i.o i.o 2.2 7-3 0.4 o.i 1.4 2.5 9-9 0.2 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.4 0-3 0.4 0-3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 74-3 75-0 75-6 77.2 75-1 68.0 79.0 41.9 57-1 54-7 68.8 98.0 82.8 3-3 59-1 9.6 7-7 58 4.9 9.2 7-4 16.1 12.9 61.5 16.1 8.0 0.4 0.5 0-5 1.4 0.9 1-9 0.4 0.3 0.6 I.I 2.4 '* 9 1650 1660 1640 1590 1655 i860 1630 875 1306 1895 1600 1540 0.7 I 105 3-6 j 1590 I.I 0.9 1.4 1.2 I.I 0.9 1-7 1.4 2-5 0.9 0.5 210 170 165 140 210 170 355 285 1640 400 200 * From Minnesota analyses. 398 AGRICULTURAI, CHEMISTRY Composition of Human Foods — {Co7itinued). Kind of food. Potatoes, raw : Edible portion . • . As purchased . • . . Potatoes, sweet Edible portion . . . As purchased • • . • Squash : Edible portion . . . As purchased • . . • Turnips : Edible portion . . . As purchased . • . Tomatoes : Edible portion . . • Green corn Cucumber Spinach Sauer kraut I5-0 50.0 30.0 at .0 <^ V 2 ^ ^ u Ph t^fu Oc 78.9 2.1 O.I 67.1 1.8 O.I 6q.3 1.8 0.7 58.9 1-5 0.6 86.5 1.6 0.6 433 0.8 0.3 88. q 1.4 0.2 62.2 I.O O.I 96.0 0.8 0.4 81. s 2.8 I.I 96.0 0.8 0.2 92.4 2.1 0.5 86.3 1-5 0.8 O 76 Neutralization 72, 76 Nitrates 86 Nitric acid 86-88 importance 88 preparation 86 properties 88 Nitrogen 42-46 assimil a t i o n of, by plants 247 compounds, impor- tance of 45, 92 determination of 225 Nitrogen-free extract 196 Nitrogen, occurrence 42 404 INDEX Nitrogen, oxids of 90 preparation 42-43 properties 44 role in plant and ani- mal life 45 Nitrogenous compounds- . .214-235 matter, animal bod- ies 368 Non-nitrogenous compo u n d s, food value 213 Non-nitrogenous compo u n d s, general relationship 212 Note-book, laboratory 27 Nuclein 226 Nutrients, digestible, of foods.. 341 Nutrition 325-366 Nutritive ratio 357 Oat feed 308 hay 265 Oats, composition of 296 as food 297 grading of 300 structure of kernel 296 Olein 200 Olives 316 Oranges 314 Organic compounds in plants . . 117 matter 175 decay of 118 production of • • 245 Osmosis 241 Oxidation 35 Oxids 34 Oxygen 31-37 importance 35 occurrence 31 preparation 31 properties 34 Ozone 70 Palmitin 199 Paris green 153 Parsnips 313 Pectin bodies 196 Pentosans 195 Peptic ferments 322, 333 Peptones 221 Petroleum 109 Phosphates 94 fertilizers 94 in human foods . • .389 Phosphoric acid 94 Phosphorus 93 compounds 95 importance 95 oxids 93 in plants 169 properties 93 Physical change 2 properties defined • . .8-18 Physics 2 Pigs (see swine). Plant ash 155-174 growth 235-246 juices, movement of 240 life, chemical change 2 physical change 2 Plaster of Paris 136 Plumbing 29 Polariscope 194 Porcelain 147 Potassium 127 carbonate 129 chlorate 129 compounds ....127-130 hydroxid 127 nitrate 128 in plants 164 sulfate 1 29 Potatoes 312 Pottery 147 Prairie hay 265 Properties, chemical 9-10 of elements and com- pounds 8-18 physical 8-9 Proportion, law of definite 16 Protein, crude 224 Proteids 215 INDEX 405 Proteids, amount in plants . . . • 224 chemical properties ..217 classification 218 digestibility of ^,3^, food value 223 insoluble 222 of meat 370 physical properties. . .216 of wheat 274 Proteoses 221 Protoplasm 243 Quartz 103 Radicals 73 naming of 74 Rape 267 Rational feeding of animals . 344-366 men. -..374-398 Rations, balanced 344 caloric value of 358 maintenance 344 standard 345 Reactions 120-126 illustrated 121, 122 impossible 123 Reagent bottles, handling of . ... 25 Reduction 48 Rice 298 Roots 312, 313 Rye 298, 302 grading of 300 Salts 75 acid 75 double 75 naming of 75, 76 Sand culture 164 Sanitary conditions and feed- ing .•••• •. 361 Saponification 200 Seeds 235-239 ash of 235 and crop growth 257 nitrogenous compounds of 236 Sheep, food requirements of . . .354 Silage 269 SiHca 103 Silicates 105 Silicic acid 103 Silicon 103 compounds, importance of 105 Silo, losses in 270 Sodium 1 29 carbonate 131 chlorid 130 hydroxid 132 nitrate 131 phosphate 132 in plants 1 68 salts 130-133 Soils 105 Spontaneous combustion 51 Starch 181-186 chemical properties i8r food value 184 function 1 83 physical properties 182 in seeds 237 Stearin 199 Steel 142 Steer-feeding 348-351 Stover 268 Straw 263 Strawberries 315 Sucrose 1 88 chemical properties • • . 188 physical properties. ... 188 Sugar ..., 1S7-195 beets 194 Sulfates loi Sulfids loi Sulfur 97 dioxid 98 preparation 97 properties 97 uses 98 in plants 170 Sulfuric acid 99 4o6 INDEX Sulfuric acid properties loo Swine, food requirements of . . .353 Symbols 10 Syntonin 370 Timothy hay 264, 274 Tin 150 salts 150 Tubing, glass, bending 22 cutting 21 Turpentine 113 Typhoid bacillus 59 Trypsin 333 Valence 15 table of II Vegetable foods 397-398 digestibility of 391 Ventilation of rooms 67-69 Water 56-65 borne diseases 59 contamination of 61, 62 culture 163 of crystallization 58 distillation of 57 electrolysis 56 filters 63, 64 mineral matter of 61 natural 59 organic matter in 60 oven. 155 physical properties 57 in plants 155, 157 purification of 64, 65 Waxes 201 Weighing 23, 160 Weights, atomic i, 13 molecular 14 Wheat 273-288 American and foreign . 288 as animal food 286 as human food 287 bran 304 bread-making properties of 277 by-products 303 composition of varieties. 285 flour, grades of 303 germ 306 gluten of 277 grading of 283 influence of climate npon28i f e r t i 1 izers upon 279 middlings 305 nitrogen content of, and flour 278 proteids of 274 rapidity of growth 247 screenings 307 shorts 306 storage of 282 structure of kernel 273 unsound 284 variations in composition279 White lead 151 Zeolites 105 Zinc compounds 149 occurrence 149 CORRECTIONS Page 23, in last line, read " SO^," not " SOj." Page 94, line 21, read " H^PjO;,'' not " HjPjOy.' Page 125, Equation 40, read " 3KOH." Page 132, line 18, read " Na^HPO^." OUTLINES OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY A TEXT-^OOK FOR STUDENTS By FRANK HALL THORP, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology New Edition, Fully Revised. Cloth. 8vo. $3.50 "I have examined it carefully and think it a most excellent book, meeting a want I have long felt in my higher classes. I have introduced it in this year's classes." — Professor Charles E. Coaxes, Louisiana State University. " I feel no hesitation in saying that it is the best book for the purpose intended that it has been my good fortune to examine. It fills a very great need for a compact text-book in Technological Chemistry, and I am sure its use will be extensive. It reaches the standard of Dr. Thorp's usual excellent work in chemistry." — Professor Charles Baskerville, Univ, of North Carolina. 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The Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation and Some of Its Applications Cloth 8vo xii + 289pp. %\.(iQ net " Aims only to treat of a single, though the most important, theory of physical chemistry of to-day — brief, clear, and readable." — Science. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 Fifth Avenue, New York •^University of British Columbia Library •x DUE DATE FORM 310 AbKICULIUKb FORESTRY ■ LIBRARY^ L... 1 <■■'.■ TURE iiiiiiiiiltiiiii itiiiiiiiiitlillitil iiilMliilHiililf iiiltilll illlllllllllliHIIIIIi